f*"*' *f y H .**: o~?;;:, 1 i : 1 Sr .- E3B5 THE LIFE OF MAJOR-GENERAL IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES COMPRISING A HISTORY OF THE IK THE FROM THE COMMEWCXSMEOT? OF THIS CREEK CAMP AXCHNT, TO THE TERMINATION OF HOSTILITIES BEFORE BY JOHN HENRY EATON, SENATOR OF THE UNITED STATED PHILADELPHIA? PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL F. BRADFORB. Jesper Harding, Printer. 1824 COPY-RIGHT SECURED ACCORDING TO LAW. 'iLm-% PREFACE TO the decision of the candid, who will duly appreciate the difficulties of an undertaking like the present, is this work sub- mitted. He who ventures on a detail of events, recent in the recollection of the world, hazards much, and can scarcely ex- pect to escape censure. The numerous actors in, and spec- tators of, the scenes portrayed, entertaining different opinions of the facts as they transpired, and ascribing them to entirely dif- ferent causes, becomes each a critic in his turn, accordingly as the narrative corresponds with, or is variant from his own opi- nion. The historian who traces events, at a period remote from their occurrence, stands on more favourable ground, and has fewer difficulties to encounter: he then proceeds in his under- taking without being acted upon by prejudice, or influenced by partiality. His readers, too, are similarly situated. But he who draws them at a moment when recollection treasures them, is oftentimes placed under the influence of both may be divert- ed insensibly from the course pointed out by truth ; ascribe events to motives that never induced thefti ;- bestow censure where it is not due, and commendation where it is not merited. To avoid errors so common, and to present things truly as they occurred, has been the wish of the author, and he believes he has succeeded. He believes so, because he had no induce- ment to do otherwise, and because, having all the original papers in his possession, and the opportunity of constant and re- peated intercourse with the subject of this history, there was no avenue to error, unless from intention, and this he disclaims. V PREFACE. He can therefore venture upon this assurance, that what is de- tailed may be taken as correct. As regards the execution of the work, he has not much to offer to the consideration of the reader. He is willing to trust it to the world, without preface or apology ; without supplica- ting its charity or indulgence in his favour : from no belief that ample room is not afforded for both to be exercised in his be- half, but from a conviction that they are seldom or never extended, and that none has a right to ask for them, unless under peculiar circumstances. Whether he be competent to the task, is the duty of every man to inquire, before he undertakes to become an author ; no sooner does he appear before the public in that character, than they have a right to infer, that he has entire confidence in his own qualifications, and therefore may, with propriety, judge him " according to his works." It was not a belief of this kind, that claimed an influence on the present occasion : peculiar circumstances, and not choice, were the inducement. It is more, therefore, with a view of cor- rectly stating the reasons why he is placed before the public as an author, than to supplicate any indulgence for the defects which the work may be found to contain, that any thing is ven- tured to be said. His greatest regret, if he have any on the sub- ject, is, that the events had not been portrayed by some masterly hand, that they might have been exhibited in a manner worthy of him who gave them their existence. It is some time since major Reid submitted proposals for pub- lishing to the world, " The Life of General Jackson." By those who knew him, it was a circumstance hailed with pleasure, be- cause they entertained a confidence that the narrative would be faithful, and that he was well qualified to bestow every em- bellishment necessary to render it interesting. His mind had been generously endowed by nature, and richly stored with polite and elegant literature. The means of education had been libe- rally spread before him, nor had they been neglected. But PREFACE. V before he could effect his object, he died. This event, deeply deplored, produced the necessity either of abandoning what had been already begun, or of prevailing on some person to com- plete it. Through the entreaty of his relations and friends, the present author was led to the undertaking ; not from a convic- tion that he would be able to present it in a garb calculated to satisfy public expectation, but from a desire, that the infant children of one who had rendered important services to the country, might not be so far injured by his death, as to lose the benefit of what their father had commenced, and what might afford a fund for the purpose of their education. This consideration, sufficiently weighty in itself, was the more cheerfully subscribed to, from a belief, that, perhaps, the greater part of the work was already digested, and only needed to be transcribed, and properly prepared for the press ; for as yet the papers were in Virginia. Unforeseen difficulties, however, arose, when, on their arrival at Nashville, it was found that scarcely one third of it had been prepared ; while the residue remained to be sought for through an immense quantity of pa- pers, without any arrangement or order. Many as were the difficulties presented, and troublesome as the research promised to be, yet the arrangement being already announced, it was too late to retract.* The brilliant achievements which had marked the course of general Jackson, and given to himself and his country a distin- guished standing, had been already brought to public view ; but garbled facts, and contradictory statements, had been so exten- sively circulated, that none knew things truly as they should be; and all, with impatience, looked for the appearance of a work, which should dispel doubt, and bring forth facts, substan- tially as they were. * The four first chapters of this work were written by major Reid, who was an eye witness to the events recorded by him. For those the present author is not responsible j for the residue he is. VI PREFACE. He who shall read what is written with a determination to be displeased, because it is not so perfect as he himself could have made it, is desired to remember, that there is every ima- ginable difference between him who has been accustomed to such pursuits, and, from habit, is enabled to give a happy ar- rangement to thought, and correctness to expression, and one who carries with him no such aid. But those who desire a cor- rect view of those masterly exertions which constantly hurried their actor to the most brilliant and uninterrupted successes who can be pleased with benevolence and generosity, and strength, and nerve, and decision of character, concentered in the same breast with a career, which, at. every step, evinced an unshaken determination to move forward for the benefit and exaltation of his country, at all hazards, and at every risk, will find much to admire. They will see the man. of whom they have already heard much, fearlessly encountering danger, and erecting himself in opposition to every design that came in col- lision with the duty he owed to the station he occupied ; and who, in moments of extreme difficulty, did not shrink from re- sponsibility ; but, bringing to his aid the slender resources within his reach, protected and saved an all-important and valuable portion of his country, at a time when her warmest votaries re- garded the cause, in that quarter, as hopeless. Whether the work will be flatteringly received, or shall " drop still-born from the press," although of some concern to the author, is an event on which his peace and tranquillity of mind does not depend. A recollection, that the good opinion of the world is dependent on a thousand accidental circumstances is often " obtained without merit, and lost without crime," affords considerations that neither hope nor fear can disturb. But that it shall be so far charitably received and patronised, as to afford advantages to the children of a friend, is desired. Their father is no more ! but, as his representatives, they have claims of no common kind on the liberality of the public. A character un- stained by dishonour, and without reproach; a firmness un- shaken, and devotion to his country, are the inheritance he has PREFACE. VII left them. He was no inactive spectator of the trying scenes that are past. When danger threatened, he was foremost to meet it. Throughout the prosecution of the southern war, in the capacity of aid to the commanding general, he was active and valiant. Nor can any stronger evidence be furnished of his capacity, unquestioned merit, and distinguished services render- ed, than that during the whole period, he carried with him the entire confidence and friendship of his general. It was desirable to avoid in the narrative, all those circum- stances in which general Jackson was not directly concerned ; but as the design of the original author was to give a complete history of the southern war, that plan has been pursued, and some events briefly adverted to, in which the general had no immediate agency. The work, however, such as it is, is submitted to the public ; and nothing either of charity or favour, supplicated in its be- half. The matter is important, and the manner of presenting it, if defective, may at least prove serviceable to some future his- torian. JOHN H. EATON. THE LIFE OF CHAPTER I. His birth, parentage, family, and education. Engages in the American re-volution, and is shortly after, 'with his brother, made a prisoner. Their treatment and sufferings. Commences the study of law. His removal to the western country. Anecdote. Becomes a member of the Tennessee convention, and afterwards a senator in the United States' congress. Retires, and is appointed a judge of the state courts. De- claration of war. Tenders the services of 2500 volunteers to the pre- sident. Ordered to the lower country. His descent and return, and discharge of the troops. ANDREW JACKSON was born on the 15th day of March, 1767. His father, (Andrew) the youngest son of his family, emigrated to America from Ireland during the year 1765, bringing with him two sons, Hugh and Ro- bert, both very young. Landing at Charleston, in South Carolina, he shortly afterwards purchased a tract of land, in what was then called the Waxsaw settlement, about forty-five miles above Camden; at which place the subject of this history was born. Short- ly after his birth, his father died, leaving three sons to 10 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. be provided for by their mother. She appears to have been an exemplary woman, and to have executed the arduous duties which had devolved on her, with great faithfulness and with much success. To the lessons she inculcated on the youthful minds of her sons, was, no doubt, owing, in a great measure, that fixed oppo- sition to British tyranny and oppression, which after- wards so much distinguished them. Often would she spend the winter's evenings, in recounting to them the sufferings of their grandfather, at the siege of Car- rickfergus, and the oppression exercised by the no- bility of Ireland, over the labouring poor ; impressing it upon them, as a first duty, to expend their lives, if it should become necessary, in defending and support- ing the natural rights of man. Inheriting but a small patrimony from their father, it was impossible that all the sons could receive an ex- pensive education. The two eldest were therefore only taught the rudiments of their mother tongue, at a common country school. But Andrew, being intend- ed by his mother for the ministry, was sent to a flou- rishing academy at the Waxsaw meeting house, super- intended by Mr. Humphries. Here he was placed on the study of the dead languages, and continued until the revolutionary war extending its ravages into that section of South Carolina, where he then was, render- ed it necessary that every one should betake himself to the American standard, seek protection with the enemy, or flee his country. It was not an alternative that admitted of tedious deliberation. The natural ar- dor of his temper, deriving encouragement from the recommendations of his mother, whose feelings were LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 1 1 cited by those sentiments in favor of liberty, with which, by her conversation, his mind had been early endued, quickly determined him in the course to be pursued ; and at the tender age of fourteen, accompa- nied by his brother Robert, he hastened to the Ameri- can camp, and engaged actively, in the service of his country. His oldest brother, who had previously joined the army, had lost his life at the battle of Stono, from the excessive heat of the weather, and the fatigues of the day. Both Andrew and Robert, were, at this period, pretty well acquainted with the manual exercise, and had some idea of the different evolutions of the field, having been indulged by their mother in attending the drill and general musters of the neighbourhood. The Americans being unequal, as well from the in- feriority of their numbers, as their discipline, to en- gage the British army in battle, had retired before it, into the interior of North Carolina; but when they learned, that lord Cornwallis had crossed the Yadkin, they returned in small detachments to their native state. On their arrival, they found lord Rawdon in possession of Camden, and the whole country around in a state of desolation. The British commander being- advised of the return of the settlers of Waxsaw, ma- jor Coffin was immediately despatched thither, with a corps of light dragoons, a company of infantry, and a considerable number of tories, for their capture and destruction. Hearing of their approach, the settlers, without delay, appointed the Waxsaw meeting house as a place of rendezvous, that they might the better 12 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. collect their scattered strength, and concert some sys- tem of operations. About forty of them had according- ly assembled at this point, when the enemy approach- ed, keeping the tories, who were dressed in the com- mon garb of the country, in front, whereby this little band of patriots was completely deceived, having taken them for captain Nisbet's company, in expectation of which they had been waiting. Eleven of them were taken prisoners ; the rest with difficulty fled, scatter- ing and betaking themselves to the woods for conceal- ment. Of those who thus escaped, though closely pursued, were Andrew Jackson and his brother, who, entering a secret bend in a creek, that was close at hand, obtained a momentary respite from danger, and avoided, for the night, the pursuit of the enemy. The next day, however, having gone to a neighbouring house, for the purpose of procuring something to eat, they were broken in upon, and made prisoners, by Coffin's dragoons, and a party of tories who accompa- nied them. Those young men, with a view to secu- rity, had placed their horses in the wood, on the mar- gin of a small creek, and posted, on the road which led by the house, a sentinel, that they might have in- formation of any approach, and in time to be able to elude it. But the tories, who were well acquainted with the country and the passes through the forest, had, unfortunately, passed the creek at the very point where the horses and baggage of our young soldiers were deposited, and taken possession of them. Having done this, they approached cautiously, the house, and were almost at the door before they were discovered. To escape was impossible, and both were made prison- ers. Being placed under guard, Andrew was ordered, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 13 in a very imperious tone, by a British officer, to clean his boots, which had become muddied in crossing the creek. This order he positively and peremptorily refused to obey; alleging that he looked for such treatment as a prisoner of war had a right to expect. Incensed at his refusal, the officer aimed a blow at his head with a drawn sword, which would, very probably, have terminated his existence, had he not parried its effects by throwing up his left hand, on which he re- ceived a severe wound, the mark of which he bears to this hour. His brother, at the same time, for a similar offence, received a deep cut on the head, which subsequently occasioned his death. They were both now taken to jail, where, separated and confined, they were treated with marked severity, until a few days after the battle before Camden, when, in conse- quence of a partial exchange, effected by the inter- cessions and exertions of their mother, and captain Walker, of the militia, they were both released from confinement. Captain Walker had, in a charge on the rear of the British army, succeeded in making thirteen prisoners, whom he gave in exchange for seven Ameri- cans, of which number were these two young men. Robert, during his confinement in prison, had suffered greatly ; the wound on his head, all this time, having never been dressed, was followed by an inflammation of the brain, which, in a few days after his liberation, brought him to the grave. To add to the afflictions of Andrew, his mother, worn down by grief, and her incessant exertions to provide clothing and other com- forts for the suffering prisoners, who had been taken from her neighbourhood, expired in a few weeks after her son, near the lines of the enemv^ in. the vicinity 14 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. of Charleston. Andrew, the last and only surviving child, confined to a bed of sickness, occasioned by the sufferings he had been compelled to undergo, whilst a prisoner, and by getting wet, on his return from captivity, was thus left in the wide world, without a human being with whom he could claim a near re- lationship. The small pox, about the same time, having made its appearance upon him, had well nigh termi- nated his sorrows and his existence. Having at length recovered from his complicated afflictions, he entered upon the enjoyment of his estate, which, although small, would have been sufficient, under prudent management, to have completed his education, on the liberal scale which his mother had designed. Unfortunately, however, he, like too many young men, sacrificing future prospects to present gratification, expended it with rather too profuse a hand. Coming, at length, to foresee that he should be finally obliged to rely on his own exertions, for support and success in life, he again betook himself to his studies with increased industry. He re-commenced under Mr. M'Culloch, in that part of Carolina which was then called the New Acquisition, near Hill's iron works. Here he revised the languages, devoting a portion of his time to a desultory course of studies. His education being now completed, so far as his wasted patrimony, and the limited opportunities then afforded in that section of the country, would permit, at the age of eighteen, he turned his attention to ac- quiring a profession, and in preparing himself to enter on the busy scenes of life. The. pulpit, for which he LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 15 had been designed by his mother, was now abandoned for the bar; and, in the winter of 1784, he repaired to Salisbury, in North Carolina, and commenced the study of law, under Spruce M'Cay, Esq. (afterwards one of the judges of that state,) and subsequently continued it under colonel John Stokes. Having re- mained at Salisbury until the winter of 1786, he ob- tained a license from the judges to practice law, and continued in the state until the spring of 1788. i The observations he was enabled, during this time, to make, satisfied him that this state presented few inducements to a young attorney; and recollecting that he stood a solitary individual in life, without relations to aid him in the onset, when innumerable difficulties arise and retard success, he determined to seek a new country. But for this, he might have again returned to his native state ; the death, however, of every re- lation he had, had wiped away all those endearing re- collections and circumstances which warp the mind to the place of its nativity. The western parts of the state of Tennessee were, about this time, often spoken of, as presenting flattering prospects to adventurers. He immediately determined to accompany judge M'Nairy thither, who had been appointed, and was going out to hold the first supreme court that had ever sat in the state. Having reached the Holston, they ascertained it would be impossible to arrive at the time appointed for the session of the court; and there- fore determined to remain in that section of country until fall. They re-commenced their journey in Oc- tober, and passing through an extensive uninhabited country, reached Nashville in the same month. It had 16 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOX. not been Jackson's intention, certainly, to make Ten- nessee the place of his future residence; his visit was merely experimental, and his stay remained to be de- termined by the advantages that might be disclosed ; but finding, soon after his arrival, that a considerable opening was offered for the success of a young attor- ney, he determined to remain. To one of refined feelings, the prospect before him was, certainly, not of an encouraging cast As in all newly settled coun- tries must be the case, society was loosely formed, and united by but few of those ties which have a tendency to enforce the performance of moral duty, and the right execution of justice. The young men of the place, adventurers from different sections of the country, had become indebted to the merchants ; there was but one lawyer in the country, and they had so contrived, as to retain him in their business ; the consequence was, that the merchants were entirely deprived of the means of enforcing against those gentlemen the execution of their contracts. In this state of things Jackson made his appearance at Nashville, and while the creditor class looked to it with great satisfaction, the debtors were sorely displeased. Applications were immediately made to him for his professional services, and on the morning after his arrival he issued seventy writs. To those prodigal gentlemen, it was an alarm- ing circumstance ; their former security was impaired; but that it might not wholly depart, they determined to force him, in some way or other, to leave the coun- try ; and to effect this, broils and quarrels with him were to be resorted to. This, however, was soon abandoned, satisfied, by the first controversy in which they had involved him, that his decision and firmness LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 17 was such as to leave no hope of effecting any thing through this channel. Disregarding the opposition raised to him, he continued, with care and industry, to press forward in his professional course, and his at- tention soon brought him forward, and introduced him to a profitable practice. Shortly afterwards, he was appointed attorney general for the district, in which capacity he continued to act for several years. Indian depredations being then frequent on the Cumberland, every man, of necessity, became a soldier. Unassisted by the government, the settlers were forced to rely for security on their own bravery and exertions. Although young, no person was more distinguished than Andrew Jackson, in defending the country against these predatory incursions of the savages, who con- tinually harassed the frontiers, and not unfrequently approached the heart of the settlements, which were thin, but not widely extended. He aided alike in garri- soning the forts, and in pursuing and chastising the enemy. In the year 1796, having, by his patriotism, firmness, and talents, secured to himself a distinguished standing with all classes, he was chosen one of the members of the convention, for establishing a constitution for the state. His good conduct and zeal for the public interest, and the republican feelings and sentiments which were conspicuously disclosed in the formation and arrangement of this instrument, brought him more prominently to view; and, without proposing or so- liciting, he was, in the same year, elected a member of the house of representatives, in congress, for the 18 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. state of Tennessee. The following year, his reputa- tion continuing to increase, and every bosom feeling a wish to raise him to still higher honours, he was chosen a senator of the United States congress, and took his seat on the 22d day of November, 1797. About the middle of April, business of an important and private nature, imposed on him the necessity of asking leave of absence, and returning home. Leave was granted, and before the next session he resigned his seat. He was but a little more than thirty years of age, and hence, scarcely eligible, by the constitution, at the time he was elected. The sedition law, about which *o much concern and feeling has been manifested through the country, was introduced into the senate, by Mr. Lloyd, of Maryland, in June, and passed that body On the 4th of July following ; hence the name of Jackson, owing to the leave of absence which had been granted him in April, does not appear on the journals. On the alien law, however, and the effort to repeal the stamp act, he was present, resting in the minority, and on the side of the Republican principles of the coun- try.* The state of Tennessee, on its admission into the Union, comprising but one military division, and gene- ral Conway y who commanded it, as major-general, * The names of those senators who voted for a repeal of the alien and stamp acts, so obnoxious to the republicans of this country, at the session of 1798, were Anderson, Bloodworth, Brown, Foster, Green, Jackson, Langdon, Livermore, Martin, Mason, Tazewell. Against the repeal, Chapman, Clayton, Goodhue, Hillhouse, Howard, Latimer, Lawrence, Lloyd, North, Paine, Read, Rutherford, Sedgwick, Stock. ton, Tracy. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, 19 dying about this time, Jackson, without being consult- ed on the subject, and without the least intimation of what was in agitation, was, as the constitution of the state directs, chosen by the field officers, to succeed him; which appointment he continued to hold until May, 1814, when he was constituted a major-general in the United States' service. Becoming tired of political life, for the intrigues of which he declared fiimself unqualified, and having for two years voted'in the minority in congress, he resign- ed, after the first session, his seat in the senate. To this measure lie was strongly induced, from a desire to make way for general Smith, who, he conjectured, would, in that capacity, be able to render more im- portant services to the government than himself. His country, unwilling that his talents should remain in- active and unemployed, again demanded his services. Immediately after his resignation, he was appointed one of the judges of the supreme court of the state. Sensibly alive to the difficult duties of this station, distrusting his legal acquirements, and impressed with the great injury he might produce to suitors, by erro- neous decisions, he advanced to the office with re- luctance, and in a short time resigned, leaving it open for those, who, he believed, were better qualified than himself, to discharge its intricate and important duties. Unambitious of those distinctions and honors which young men are usually proud to possess; finding too, that his circumstances and condition in life, were not such as to permit his time and attention to be devoted to public matters, he determined to yield them into others' hands, and to devote himself to agricultural 20 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. pursuits ; and accordingly settled himself on an excel- lent farm, ten miles from Nashville, on the Cumber- land river ; where, for several years, he enjoyed all the comforts of domestic and social intercourse. Abstract- ed from the busy scenes of public life, pleased with retirement, surrounded by friends whom he loved, and who entertained for him the highest veneration and respect, and blessed with an amiable and affectionate consort, nothing seemed wanting to the completion of that happiness which he so anxiously desired whilst in office. But a period approached, when all these endear- ments were again to be abandoned, for the duties of more active life. Great Britain, by multiplied out- rages on our rights, as an independent and neutral nation, had provoked from our government a declara- tion of war against her. This measure, though founded in abundant cause, had been long forborne, and every attempt at conciliation made, without effect : when, at length, it was resorted to, as the only alternative that could preserve the honour and dignity of the nation, General Jackson, ever devoted to the interest of his country, from the moment of the declaration, knew no wish so strong as that of entering into her service, against a power, which, independent of public con- siderations, he had many private reasons for disliking. In her, he could trace sufferings and injuries received, and the efficient cause, why, in early life, he had been left forlorn and wretched, without a single relation in the world. His proud and inflexible mind, however, could not venture to solicit an appointment in the army, which was about to be raised. He accordingly remained LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 21 wholly unknown, until, at the head of the militia, em- ployed against the Creek Indians, his constant vigi- lance, and the splendour of his victories, apprised the general government of those great military talents which he so eminently possessed, and conspicuously displayed, when opportunities for exerting them were afforded. The acts of congress, Of the 6th of February, and July, 1812, afforded the means of bringing into view a display of those powers, which, being unknown, un- der other circumstances, unfortunately, might have slumbered in inaction. Under the authority of these acts, authorizing the president to accept the services of fifty thousand volunteers, he addressed the citizens of his division, and twenty-five hundred flocked to his standard. A tender of them having been made, and the offer accepted, in November he received orders to place himself at their head and to descend the Mis- sissippi, for the defence of the lower country, which was then supposed to be in danger. Accordingly, on the 10th of December, those troops rendezvoused at Nashville, prepared to advance to the place of their destination ; and, although the weather was then exces- sively severe, and the ground covered with snow, no troops could have displayed greater firmness. The general was every where with them, inspiring them with the ardour that animated his own bosom. The cheerful spirit with which they submitted to hard- ships, and bore privations, on the very onset of their military career, as well as the order and subordination they so readily observed, were happy presages of 22 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. what was to be expected, when they should be direct- ed to face an enemy. Having procured supplies, and made the necessary arrangements for an active campaign, they proceeded, the 7th of January, on their journey ; and, descending the Ohio and Mississippi, through cold and ice, arrived, and halted at Natchez. Here Jackson had been in- structed to remain, until he should receive further orders. Having chosen a healthy site for the encamp- ment of his troops, about two miles from Washington, he devoted his time, with the utmost industry, to train- ing and preparing them for active service. The clouds of war, however, in. that quarter, having blown over, an order was received from the secretary of war, dated the 5th of January, directing him, on the re- ceipt thereof, to dismiss those under his command, from service, and to take measures for delivering over every article of public property, in his possession, to brigadier general Wilkinson. When this order reach- ed his camp, there were one hundred and fifty on the sick report, fifty-six of whom were unable to raise their heads, and almost the whole of them destitute of the means of defraying the expenses of their return. The consequence of a strict compliance with the se- cretary's order, inevitably w r ould have been, that many of the sick must have perished, whilst most of the others, from their destitute condition would, of neces- sity, have been compelled to enlist in the regular army, under general Wilkinson. Such alternatives were neither congenial with their general's wished, nor such as they had expected, on adventuring with him in the service of their country ; he had carried LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 23 them from home, and, the fate of war and disease apart, it was his duty, he believed, to bring them back. Whe- ther an expectation that, by this plan, many of them would be compelled into the regular ranks, had form- ed any part of the motive that occasioned the order for their discharge, at so great a distance from home, cannot be known; and it would be uncharitable to in- sinuate against the government so serious and foul an accusation, without the strongest evidence to support it. Be this as it may, general Jackson could not think of sacrificing or injuring an army that had shown such devotedness to their country ; and he determined to disregard the order, and march them again to their homes, where they had been embodied, rather than discharge them where they would be exposed to the greatest hardships and dangers. To this measure he was prompted, not only by the reasons already men- tioned, but by the consideration, that many of the troops under his command were young men, the chil- dren of his neighbours and acquaintances, who had delivered them into his hands, as to a guardian, who, with parental solicitude, would watch over and protect their welfare. To have abandoned them, therefore, at such a time, and under such circumstances, would have drawn on him the merited censure of the most deserving part of his fellow-citizens, and sensibly wounded his own generous feelings. Add to this, those young men who were confined by sickness, learning the nature of the order he had received, implored him, with tears in their eyes, not to abandon them in so great an extremity, reminding him, at the same time, of his assurances, that he would be to them as a father; and of the implicit confidence they had placed in his 24 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. word. This was an appeal, which it would have been difficult for the feelings of Jackson to have resisted, had it been without the support of other weighty con- siderations ; but, influenced by them all, he had no hesitation in coming to a determination. Having made known his resolution to the field offi- cers of his division, it met, apparently, their approba- tion ; but, after retiring from his presence, they assem- bled late at night, in secret caucus, arid proceeded to recommend to him an abandonment of his purpose, and an immediate discharge of his troops. Great as was the astonishment, which this measure excited in the general, it produced a still higher sentiment of in- dignation. In reply, he urged the duplicity of their conduct, and reminded them, that although to those who possessed funds and health, such a course could produce no inconvenience, yet to the unfortunate sol- dier, who was alike destitute of both, no measure could be more calamitous. He concluded by telling them, that his resolution not having been hastily concluded on, nor bottomed on light considerations, was unalter- ably fixed ; and that immediate preparations must be made for carrying into execution the determination he had formed. He lost no time in making known to the secretary of war the resolution he had adopted; to disregard the order he had given, and to return his army to the place where he haxl received it. He painted in strong terms the evils which the course pursued by the go- vernment was calculated to produce, and expressed the astonishment he felt, that it should have originated LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 25 with the famous author of the " Newburg Letters," the once redoubted advocate of soldiers' rights. General Wilkinson, to whom the public property was directed to be delivered, learning the determina- tion which had been taken by Jackson, to march his troops back, and to take with them so much of that property as should be necessary to their return, in a letter of solemn and mysterious import, admonished him of the consequences which were before him, and of the awful and dangerous responsibility he w r as taking on himself, by so bold a measure. General Jackson replied, that his conduct, and the consequences to which it might lead, had been deliberately weighed, and well considered, and that he was prepared to abide the result, whatever it might be. Wilkinson had previously given orders to his officers, to recruit from Jackson's army ; they were advised, however, on their first appearance, that those troops were already in the service of the United States, and that thus situated, they should not be enlisted ; and that he would arrest and confine the first officer who dared to enter his encampment with any such object in view. The quarter-master, having been ordered to furnish the necessary transportation, for the conveyance of the sick and the baggage to Tennessee, immediately set about the performance of the task; but, as the event proved, with not the least intention of executing it. Still, he continued to keep up the semblance of exertion ; and the better to deceive, the very day be- fore that which had been appointed for breaking up the encampment, and commencing the return march, 20 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOft, eleven wagons arrived there by his order. The next morning, however, when every thing was about to be packed up, acting doubtless from orders, and intending to produce embarrassment, the quarter-master entered the encampment, and discharged the whole. He was grossly mistaken in the man he had to deal with, and had now played his tricks too far to be able to ac- complish the object which he had, no doubt, been in- structed to effect. Disregarding their dismissal, so evidently designed to prevent his marching back his men, general Jackson seized upon these wagons, yet within his lines, and compelled them to proceed to the transportation of his sick. It deserves to be recollected, that this quarter-master, so soon as he received direc- tions for furnishing transportation, had despatched an express to general Wilkinson : and there can be but little doubt, that the course of duplicity he afterwards pursued, was a concerted plan between him and that general, to defeat the design of Jackson ; compel him to abandon the course he had adopted ; and, in this way, draw to the regular army many of the soldiers, who, from necessity, would be driven to enlist. In this attempt, they were fortunately disappointed. Ad* hering to his original purpose, he successfully resisted every stratagem of Wilkinson, and marched the whole of his division to the section of country whence they had been drawn, and dismissed them from service, as he had been instructed. To present an example that might buoy up the sinking spirits of his troops, in the long and arduous march before them, he yielded up his horses to the sick, and trudging on foot, encountered all the hard- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 27 ships that were met by the soldiers* It was at a time of year when the roads were extremely bad> and the swamps, lying in their passage, deep and full; yet, under these circumstances, he placed before his troops an example of patience and hardship that lulled to silence all complaints, and won to him, still stronger than before, the esteem and respect of every one- On arriving at Nashville, he communicated to the presi- dent of the United States the course he had pursued, and the reasons that had induced it. If it had become necessary, he had sufficient grounds on which he could have justified his conduct. Had he suffered general Wilkinson to have accomplished what was clearly his intention, although it was an event which might, at the moment, have benefitted the service, by adding an in- creased strength to the army, yet the example would have been of so serious and exceptionable a charac- ter, that injury would have been the final and unavoid- able result. Whether the intention of thus forcing these men to enlist into the regular ranks, had its ex- istence under the direction of the government, or not, such would have been the universal belief; and all would have felt a deep abhorrence, at beholding the patriots of the country drawn off from their homes, under pretence of danger, whilst the concealed design was, by increasing their necessities, at a distance from their residence, to compel them to an act which they would have abstained from under different circum- stances. His conduct, terrible as it first appeared, was in the end approved, and the expenses incurred di- rected to be paid by the government CHAPTER II. Indian preparation for hostilities. Tecumseh arrives amongst the southern tribes ; his intrigues. Civil wars of the Creeks. Destruction of, and butchery at Fort Mimms. Expedition against the Indians.- Jack- son unites with the army, and enters the enemy's country. Scarcity oj supplies in his camp. Learns the savages are embodied. His address to his troops. Seeks to form a junction with the East Tennessee di- vision. Detaches general Coffee across the Coosa. Battle of Tallus- hatchee. THE volunteers, who had descended the river, hav- ing been discharged, early in May, there was little ex- pectation that they w^ould again be called for. Ten- nessee \vas too remotely situated in the interior of the country, to expect their services would be required for her defence, and hitherto the British had discover- ed no serious intention of waging operations against any part of Louisiana. Thjeir repose, however, was not of long duration. The (keek Indians, inhabiting the country lying between the Chatahochee and Tom- bigbee, and extending from the Tennessee river to the Florida line, had lately manifested strong symptoms of hostility towards the United States, from which they had received yearly pensions, and every assistance which the most liberal policy could bestow. This disposition was greatly strengthened, through means used by the northern Indians, who were then making preparations for a war against the United States, and who wished to engage the southern tribes in the same enterprise. This they believed to be of great im- portance ; as, by assailing the whole line of our fron- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 29 tiers at the same time, they would be able, at once, to gratify their vengeance, and to enrich themselves with plunder. An artful impostor had, about this* time, sprung up amongst the Shawnees, who, by passing for a prophet, commissioned by the " great spirit)" to communicate his mandates and assurances to his red children, had acquired, among his own and the neighbouring tribes, a most astonishing influence. Clothed, as they believed him to be, with such high powers, they listened to his extravagant doctrines, and in them fully confided. In a little time, he succeeded in kindling a phrenzy and rage against the Anglo-Americans, which soon after burst forth in acts of destructive violence. His brother, Tecumseh, who became so famous during the war, and who was killed subsequently, at the battle of the Thames, was despatched to the southern tribes, to ex- cite in them the same temper. To the Creeks, as by far the most numerous and powerful, as well as the most liable, from their situation and habits, to be in- fluenced by his suggestions, he directed his principal attention. Having entered their nation, some time in the spring of 1812, he repaired to Tookaubatcha, where he had repeated conferences with the chiefs ; but not meeting with the encouragement he expected, he returned to the Alabama, which he had previously visited, and there commenced his operations. Finding here several leaders of great influence, who readily entered into his views, he was enabled to carry on his schemes with greater success. Deriving his powers from his brother, the Prophet, whose extra- 30 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON* ordinary commission and endowments were, previous to this, well understood by all the neighbouring tribes in the south, his authority was regarded with the highest veneration. He strongly interdicted all inter- course with the whites, and prevailed on the greater part of the Alabama Indians to throw aside the imple- ments and clothing which that intercourse had furnish- ed, and return again to their savage state, from which he represented them as highly culpable for having suf- fered themselves to be estranged. In a word, no means were left untried to excite them to the most deadly animosity and cruel war. To afford additional weight to his councils, this designing missionary gave assu- rances of aid and support from Great Britain ; whose power and riches he represented as almost without limits, and quite sufficient for the subjugation of the United States. So considerable an influence did his intrigues and discourses obtain over the minds of many, that it was with difficulty the most turbulent of them could be restrained from running immediately to arms, and committing depredations on the exposed frontiers. This hasty measure, however, he represented as calcu- lated to defeat the great plan of operations which he was labouring to concert ; and enjoined the utmost se- crecy and quietness, until the moment should arrive, when, all their preparations being ready, they might be able to strike a general and decisive blow ; in the mean time, they were to be industriously employed in col- lecting arms and ammunition, and other necessary im- plements of war. Having ordained a chief prophet, whose word was to be regarded as infallible, and whose directions were LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 31 to be implicitly followed, and established a regular gradation of inferior dependents, to disseminate his doctrines through the different parts of the nation, Tecumseh set out to his own tribe, accompanied by several of the natives, From this time, a regular communication was kept up between the Creeks and the northern tribes, in relation to the great enterprise which they were concerting together; whilst the parties, carrying it on, committed frequent depredations on the frontier settlers. By one of these, in the summer of 1812, several families had been murdered in a shocking manner, near the mouth of the Ohio ; and shortly afterwards, another party, entering the limits of Tennessee, under circumstances of still greater barbarity, butchered two families of women and children. Similar outrages were com- mitted on the frontiers of Georgia, and were con- tinued, at intervals, on the inhabitants of Tennessee, along her southern boundary. These multiplied outrages at length attracted the attention of the general government, and application was made, through their agent, (colonel Hawkins,) to the principal chiefs of the nation, who, desirous of preserving their friendly relations with the United States, resolved to punish the murderers with death ; and immediately appointed a party of warriors to carry their determination into execution. No sooner was this done, than the spirit of the greater part of the nation, which, from policy, had been kept in a con- siderable degree, dormant, suddenly burst to a flame, and kindled into civil war. 32 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. It was not difficult for the friends of those murderers, who had been put to death, to prevail on others, who secretly applauded the acts for which they suffered, to enter warmly into their resentments against those who had been concerned in bringing them to pun- ishment. An occasion, as they believed, was now pre- sented which fully authorized them to throw aside all those injunctions of secrecy, with regard to their hos- tile intentions, which had been imposed on them by Tecumseh and their prophets. This restraint, which, hitherto, they had regarded with much difficulty, they now resolved to lay aside, and to execute at once their insatiate and long-projected vengeance, not only on the white people, but on those of their own nation, who y by this last act of retaliatory justice, had unequi- vocally shown a disposition to preserve their friend- ship with the former. The cloak of concealment being now thrown aside, the war clubs* were immedi- ately seen in every section of the nation; but more particularly among the numerous hordes residing near the Alabama. Brandishing these in their hands, they rushed, in the first instance, on those of their own countrymen who had shown a disposition to preserve their relations with the United States, and obliged them to retire towards the white settlements, and place themselves in forts, to escape the first ebulli- tion of their rage. Encouraged by this success, and * Instruments used by the Indian tribes on commencing hostilities ; and which, when painted red, they consider a declaration of war. They are formed of a stick, about eighteen inches in length, with a strong piece of sharp iron affixed at the end, and resemble a hatchet. They use them principally in pursuit, and after they have been able to introduce confusion into the ranks of an enemy. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 33 their numbers, which hourly increased, and infatuated to the highest degree by the predictions of their pro- phets, who assured them that " the Great Spirit" was on their side, and would enable them to triumph over all their enemies, they began to make immediate pre- parations for extending their ravages to the white set- tlements. Fort Mimms, situated in the Tensaw set- tlement, in the Mississippi territory, was the first point destined to satiate their cruelty and vengeance. It contained, at that time, about one hundred and fifty men, under the command of major Beasley, besides a considerable number of women and children, who had betaken themselves to it for security. Having col- lected a supply of ammunition, from the Spaniards at Pensacola, and assembled their warriors, to the num- of six or seven hundred, the war party, commanded by Weatherford, a distinguished chief of the nation, on the 30th of August commenced their assault on the fort; and having succeeded in carrying it, put to death nearly three hundred persons, including women and children, with the most savage barbarity. The slaugh- ter was indiscriminate ; mercy was extended to none ; and the tomahawk, at the same stroke, often cleft the mother and the child. But seventeen of the whole number, in the fort, escaped, to bring intelligence of the dreadful catastrophe. This monstrous and unpro- voked outrage no sooner reached Tennessee, than the whole state was thrown into a ferment, and nothing was thought or spoken of but retaliatory vengeance. Considerable excitement had already been produced by brutalities of earlier date, and measures had been adopted by the governor, in conformity with instruc- tions from the secretary of war, for commencing a 34 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. campaign against them; but the massacre at Fort Mimms, which threatened to be followed by the entire destruction of the Mobile and Tombigbee settlements, inspired a deep and universal sentiment of solicitude, and an earnest wish for speedy and effectual opera- tions. The anxiety felt on the occasion, was greatly increased from an apprehension that general Jackson would not be able to command. He was the only man, known in the state, who was believed qualified to dis- charge the arduous duties of the station, and who could carry with him the complete confidence of his soldiers. He was at this time seriously indisposed, and confined to his room, with a fractured arm ; but al- though this apprehension was seriously indulged, ar- rangements were in progress, and measures indus- triously taken, to prepare and press the expedition with every possible despatch, A numerous collection of respectable citizens, who convened at Nashville on the 18th of September, for the purpose of devising the most effectual ways and means of affording protection to their brethren in dis- tress, after conferring with the governor and general Jackson, who was still confined to his room, strongly advised the propriety of marching a sufficient army into the heart of the Creek nation; and accordingly recommended this measure, with great earnestness, to the legislature, which, in a few days afterwards, com- menced its session. That body, penetrated with the same sentiments which animated the whole country, immediately enacted a law, authorizing the executive to call into the field thirty-five hundred of the militia, to be marched against the Indians; and, to guard LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 35 against all difficulties, in the event the general govern- ment should omit to adopt them into their service, three hundred thousand dollars were voted for their support. Additional reasons were at hand why active opera- tions should be commenced with the least possible delay. The settlers were fleeing to the interior, and every day brought intelligence, that the Creeks, col- lected in considerable force, were bending their course towards the frontiers of Tennessee. The governor now issued an order to General Jackson, who, notwith- standing the state of his health, had determined to as- sume the command, requiring him to call out, and rendezvous at Fayetteville, in the shortest possible time, two thousand of the militia and volunteers of his division, to repel any invasion that might be contem- plated. Colonel Coffee, in addition to five hundred cavalry, already raised, and under his command, was authorized and instructed to organize and receive into his regiment, any mounted riflemen that might make a tender of their services. Having received these orders, Jackson hastened to give them effect ; and with this object, and with a view to greater expedition, appealed to those volun- teers, who, with him, had heretofore descended the Mississippi to Natchez. He urged them to appear at the place designated for the rendezvous, on the 4th of October, equipped and armed for active service. He pointed out the imperious necessity which demanded their services, and urged them to be punctual ; for that their frontiers were threatened with invasion by a sa- 36 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. rage foe. " Already are large bodies of the hostile Creeks inarching to your borders, with their scalping knives unsheathed, to butcher your women and chil- dren : time is not to be lost. We must hasten to the fron- tier, or we shall find it drenched in the blood of our citi- zens. The health of your general is restored he will command in person." In the mean time, until this force could be collected and organized, colonel Coffee, with the force then under his command, and such additional mounted riflemen as could be attached at a short no- tice, was directed to hasten forward to the neighbour- hood of Huntsville, and occupy some eligible position for the defence of the frontier, until the infantry should arrive; when it was contemplated, by the nearest possible route to press on to Fort St. Stephen, with a view to the protection and defence of Mississippi. Every exertion was now made to hasten the prepa- rations for a vigorous campaign. Orders were given to the quarter-master, to furnish the necessary muni- tions, with the proper transportation ; and to the con- tractors, to provide ample supplies of provisions. The day of their rendezvous being arrived, and the general not being sufficiently recovered to attend in person, he forwarded by his aid-de-camp, major Reid, an ad- dress, to be read to the troops, accompanied by an order for the establishment of the police of the camp. In this address, he pointed to the unprovoked injuries that had been so long inflicted by this horde of merci- less and cruel savages ; and intreated his soldiers to evince that zeal in the defence of their country, which the importance of the moment so much required. " We are about to furnish these savages a lesson of admo- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 37 nition ; we are about to teach them, that our long forbearance has not proceeded from an insensibility to wrongs, or an inability to redress them. They stand in need of such warning. In proportion as we have borne with their insults, and submitted to their out- rages, they have multiplied in number, and increased in atrocity. But the measure of their offences is at length filled. The blood of our women and children, recently spilled at Fort Minims, calls for our ven- geance; it must not call in vain. Our borders must no longer be disturbed by the war whoop of these savages, or the cries of their suffering victims. The torch that has been lighted up must be made to blaze in the heart of their own country. It is time they should be made to feel the weight of a power which, because it was merciful, they believed to be impotent. But how shall a war, so long forborne, and so loudly called for by retributive justice, be waged ? Shall we imitate the example of our enemies, in the disorder of their movements and the savageness of their dis- positions ? Is it worthy the character of American soldiers, who take up arms to redress the wrongs of an injured country, to assume no better model than that furnished them by barbarians ? No, fellow soldiers ; great as are the grievances that have called us from our homes, we must not permit disorderly passions ta tarnish the reputation we shall carry along with us ; we must and will be victorious ; but we must conquer as men who owe nothing to chance, and who, in the midst of victory, can still be mindful of what is due to humanity ! " We will commence the campaign by an inviolable 38 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. attention to discipline and subordination. Without a strict observance of these, victory must ever be un- certain, and ought hardly to be exulted in even when gained. To what but the entire disregard of order and subordination, are we to ascribe the disasters which have attended our arms in the north, during the present war? How glorious will it be to remove the blots which have tarnished the fair character bequeathed us by the fathers of our revolution ! The bosom of your general is full of hope. He knows the ardour which animates you, and already exults in the triumph which your strict observance of discipline and good order will render certain." For the police of his camp, he announced the fol- lowing order. "The chain of sentinels will be marked, and the sentries posted, precisely at ten o'clock to-day. "No sutler will be suffered to sell spirituous liquors to any soldier, without permission, in writing, from a commissioned officer, under the penalties prescribed by the rules and articles of war. " No citizen will be permitted to pass the chain of sentinels, after retreat beat in the evening, until reveille in the morning. Drunkenness, the bane of all orderly encampments, is positively forbidden, both in officers and privates : officers, under the penalty of immediate arrest; and privates, of being placed under guard, there to remain until liberated by a court martial, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 39 " At reveille beat, all officers and soldiers are to ap- pear on parade, with their arms and accoutrements in proper order. " On parade, silence, the duty of a soldier, is posi- tively commanded. " No officer or soldier is to sleep out of camp, but by permission obtained." These rules, to those who had scarcely yet passed the line that separates the citizen from the soldier, and who had not yet laid aside the notions of self sove- reignty, had the appearance of too much rigour ; but the general well knew, that the expedition in which they were embarked involved much hazard ; and that, although such lively feelings were manifested now, yet when hardships pressed, these might cease. He considered it much safer, therefore, to lay before them, at once, the rules of conduct to which they must con- form; believing that it would be more difficult to drive licentiousness from his camp, than to prevent its en- trance. Impatient to join his division, although his health was far from being restored, his arm only beginning to heal, the general, in a few days afterwards, set out for the encampment, and reached it on the 7th. Finding, on his arrival, that the requisition was not complete, either in the number of men, or the necessary equip- ments, measures were instantly taken to remedy the deficiency. Orders were directed to the several briga- 40 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. diers in his division, to hasten immediately their re- spective quotas, fully equipped for active operations, Circumstances did not permit him to remain at this place long enough to have the delinquencies complain- ed of remedied, and the ranks of his army filled. Co- lonel Coffee had proceeded with his mounted volun- teers to cover Huntsville, and give security to the frontiers, where alarm greatly prevailed. On the night of the 8th, a letter was received from him, dated two days before, advising, that two Indians, belonging to the peace party, had just arrived at the Tennessee river, from Chinnaby's fort, on the Coosa, with infor- mation that the war party had despatched eight hun- dred or a thousand of their warriors to attack the frontiers of Georgia ; and, with the remainder of their forces, were marching against Huntsville, or Fort Hamp- ton. In consequence of this intelligence, exertions were made to hasten a movement. Late on the follow- ing night, another express arrived, confirming the former statement, and representing the enemy, in great force, to be rapidly approaching the Tennessee. Or- ders were now given for preparing the line of march, and by nine o'clock the next day the whole division was in motion. They had not proceeded many miles, when they were met with intelligence that colonel Gibson, who had been sent out by Coffee to recon- noitre the movements of the enemy, had been killed by their advance. A strong desire had been mani- fested to be led forward ; that desire was now strength- ened by the information just received; and it was with difficulty their emotions could be restrained. They accelerated their pace, and before eight o'clock at night, arrived at Huntsville, a distance of thirty-two miles. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 4 1 Learning here, that the information .was erroneous which had occasioned so hasty a movement, the gene- ral encamped his troops ; having intended to march them that night to the Tennessee river had it been confirmed. The next day the line of march was re- sumed. The influence of the late excitement was now visible in the lassitude which followed its removal* Proceeding slowly, they crossed the Tennessee, at Ditto's landing, and united in the evening with colonel Coffee's regiment, which had previously occupied a commanding bluff, on the south bank of the river. From this place, in a few days afterwards, Jackson de- tached colonel Coffee, with seven hundred men, to scour the Black Warrior, a stream running from the north- east, and emptying into the Tombigbee; on which were supposed to be settled several populous villages of the enemy. ^ He himself remained at this encamp- ment a week, using the utmost pains in training his troops for service, and labouring incessantly to procure the necesfeary supplies for a campaign, which he had determined to carry directly into the heart of the ene- my's country. Towards the latter object, his industry had been employed, and his attention invariably direct- ed, from the time the expedition was projected. With general Cocke, who commanded the division of East Tennessee militia, an arrangment had been made, the preceding month, in which he had engaged to furnish large quantities of bread stuff, at Ditto's landing. The facility of procuring it in that quarter, and the convenient transportation afforded by the river, left no doubt on the mind of Jackson but that the engagement would be punctually complied with. To 42 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, provide, however, against the bare possibility of a failure, and to be guarded against all contingencies that might happen, he had addressed his applications to various other sources. He had, on the same subject, written in the most pressing manner to the Governor of Georgia, with whose forces it was proposed to act in concert ; to colonel Meigs, agent to the Cherokee nation of Indians ; and to general White, wiio com- manded the advance of the East Tennessee troops. Previously to his arrival at Huntsville, he had receiv- ed assurances from the two latter, that a considerable supply of flour, for the use of his army, had been pro- cured, and was then at Hiwassee, where boats were ready to transport it. From general Cocke himself, about the same time, a letter was received ; stating that a hundred and fifty barrels of flour were then on the way to his encampment; and expressing a belief, that he should be able to procure, and forward on imme- diately, a thousand Barrels more. With pressing im- portunity, he had addressed himself to the contractors, and they had given him assurances, that on his crossing the Tennessee, they would be prepared with twenty days' rations for his whole command ; but finding, on his arrival at Ditto's, that their preparations were not in such forwardness as he had been led to expect, he was compelled, for a time, to suspend any active and general operations. Calculating, however, with great confidence, on exertions, which, he had been promised, should be unremitting, and on the speedy arrival of those supplies, descending the river, which had been already unaccountably delayed, he hoped, in a few days, to be placed in a situation to act efficiently. Whilst he was encouraged by these expectations, and LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 43 only waiting their fulfilment, that he might advance, Shelocta, the son of Chinnaby, a principal chief among the friendly Creeks, arrived at his camp, to solicit his speedy movement for the relief of his father's fort, which was then threatened by a considerable body of the war party, who had advanced to the neighbour- hood of the Ten Islands, on the Coosa. Influenced by his representations, and anxious to extend relief, Jackson, on the 18th, gave orders for taking up the line of march on the following day, and notified the contractors of this arrangement, that they might be prepared to issue, immediately, such supplies as they had on hand : but, to his great astonishment, he then, for the first time, wts apprised of their entire inability to supply him whilst on his march. Having drawn what they had in their power to furnish, amounting to only a few days' rations, they were deposed from office, and others appointed, on whose industry and perform- ance, he believed, he might more safely rely. The scarcity of his provisions, however, at a moment like the present, when there was every appearance that the enemy might be met, and a blow stricken to ad- vantage, was not sufficient to wave his determination, already taken. The route he would have to make, to gain the fort, lay, for a considerable distance, up the river : might not the boats, long expected from Hiwas- see, and which he felt strongly assured must be near at hand, be met with on the way ? He determined to proceed; and having passed his army and baggage wagons over several mountains of stupendous size, and such as were thought almost impassable by foot passengers, he arrived, on the 22d of October, at Thompson's creek, which empties into the Tennessee, 44 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. twenty-four miles above Ditto's, At this place he proposed the establishment of a permanent depot, for the reception of supplies, to be sent either up or down the river. Disappointed in the hopes with which he had adventured on his march, he remained here several days, in expectation of the boats that were coming to his relief. Thus harassed at the first onset, by diffi- culties wholly unexpected, and which, from the nu^ merous and strong assurances received, he could by no means have calculated on ; fearing, too, that the same disregard of duty might induce a continuance, he lost no time in opening every avenue to expedient, that the chances of future failure might be diminished. To general Flournoy, who commanded at Mobile, he applied, urging him to procure bread stuff, and have it forwarded up the Alabama by the time he should arrive on that river. The agent of the Choctaws, colo- nel M'Kee, who was then on the Tombigbee, was ad- dressed in the same style of entreaty. Expresses were despatched to general White, who, with the advance of the East Tennessee division, had arrived at the Look Out mountain, in the Cherokee nation, urging him, by all means, to hasten on the supplies. The assistance of the governor of Tennessee, was also earnestly besought. To facilitate exertion, and to in- sure success, every thing within his reach was attempt- ed : several persons of wealth and patriotism, in Madi- son county, were solicited to afford the contractors all the aid in their power; and, to induce them more readily to extend it, their deep interest, immediately at stake, was pointed to, and their deplorable and dangerous situation, should necessity compel him to LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 45 withdraw his army, and leave them exposed to the mercy of the savages. Whilst these measures were taking, two runners, from Turkey town, an Indian village, despatched by Path-killer, a chief of the Cherokees, arrived at the camp. They brought information, that the enemy, from nine of the hostile towns, were assembling in great force near the Ten Islands ; and solicited, that immediate assistance should be afforded the friendly Creeks and Cherokees, in their neighbourhood, who were exposed to such imminent danger. His want of provisions was not yet remedied ; but, distributing the partial supply that was on hand, he resolved to pro^ ceed, in expectation that the relief he had so earnestly looked for, would, in a little while, arrive, and be for* warded to him. To prepare his troops for an engage* ment, which he foresaw was soon to take place, he thus addressed them ; " You have, fellow soldiers, at length penetrated the country of your enemies, It is not to be believed, that they will abandon the soil that embosoms the bones of their forefathers, without furnishing you an opportunity of signalizing your valour. Wise men do not expect ; brave men will not desire it. It was not to travel unmolested, through a barren wilderness, that you quitted your families and homes, and submitted to so many privations : it was to avenge the cruelties committed upon our defenceless frontiers, by the in- human Creeks, instigated by their no less inhuman allies ; you shall not be disappointed. If the enemy flee before us, we will overtake and chastise him; we 46 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. will teach him how dreadful, when once aroused, is the resentment of freemen. But it is not by boasting that punishment is to be inflicted, or victory obtained. The same resolution that prompted us to take up arms, must inspire us in battle. Men thus animated, and thus resolved, barbarians can never conquer; and it is an enemy, barbarous in the extreme, that we have now to face. Their reliance will be on the damage they can do you whilst you are asleep and unprepared for action : their hopes shall fail them in the hour of experiment. Soldiers, who know their duty, and are ambitious to perform it, are not to be taken by sur- prise. Our sentinels will never sleep, nor our soldiers be unprepared for action : yet, whilst it is enjoined upon the sentinels vigilantly to watch the approach of the foe, they are, at the same time, commanded not to fire at shadows. Imaginary danger must not deprive them of entire self-possession. Our soldiers will lie with their arms in their hands: and the moment an alarm is given, they will move to their respective posi- tions, without noise, and without confusion ; they will be thus enabled to hear the orders of their officers, and to obey them with promptitude, " Great reliance will be placed, by the enemy, on the consternation they may be able to spread through our ranks by the hideous yells with which they com- mence their battles ; but brave men will laugh at such efforts to alarm them. It is not by bellowings and screams that the wounds of death are inflicted. You will teach these noisy assailants how weak are their weapons of warfare, by opposing them with the bayo- LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 47 net; what Indian ever withstood its charge? what army, of any nation, ever withstood it long ? " Yes, soldiers, the order for a charge will be the signal for victory. In that moment, your enemy will be seen fleeing in every direction before you. But in the moment of action, coolness and deliberation must be regarded ; your fires made with precision and aim ; and when ordered to charge with the bayonet, you must proceed to the assault with a quick and firm step ; without trepidation or alarm. Then shall you behold the completion of your hopes in the discom- fiture of your enemy. Your general, whose duty, as \vell as inclination, is to watch over your safety, will not, to gratify any wishes of his own, rush you un- necessarily into danger. He knows, however, that it is not in assailing an enemy that men are destroyed ; it is when retreating, and in confusion. Aware of this, he will be prompted as much by a regard for your lives as your honour. He laments that he has been compelled, even incidentally, to hint at a retreat when speaking to freemen, and to soldiers. Never, until you forget all that is due to yourselves and your country, will you have any practical understanding of that word. Shall an enemy, wholly unacquainted with mili- tary evolution, and who rely more for victory on their grim visages and hideous yells, than upon their bravery or their weapons shall such an enemy ever, drive before them the well-trained youths of our country, whose bosoms pant for glory, and a desire to avenge the wrongs they have received ? Your general will not live to behold such a spectacle ; rather would he rush into the thickest of the enemy, and submit \ 48 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOX. himself to their scalping knives : but he has no fears of such a result. He knows the valour of the men he commands, and how certainly that valour, regulated as it will be, will lead to victory. With his soldiers he will face all dangers, and with them participate in the glory of conquest." Having thus prepared the minds of his men, and brought to their view the kind of foe with whom they were shortly to contend; and having also, by his ex- presses, instructed general White to form a junction with him, and to hasten on all the supplies in his power to command, with about six days' rations of meat, and less than two of meal, he again put his army in motion to meet the enemy. Although there was some hazard in advancing into a country where relief was not to be expected, with such limited pre- paration, yet, believing that his contractors, lately in- stalled, would exert themselves to the utmost to forward supplies, and that amidst the variety of arrangements made, all could not fail, and well aware that his delaying longer might be productive of many disadvantages, his determination was taken to set out immediately in quest of the enemy. He replied to the Path-killer, by his runners, that he should proceed directly for the Coosa, and solicited him to be diligent in making discoveries of the situation and collected forces of the savages, and to give him, as early as pos- sible, the result of his inquiries. " The hostile Creeks," he remarked to him, " will not attack you until they have had a brush with me ; LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 49 and that, I think, will put them out of the notion of fighting for some time." He requested, if he had, or could any how procure, provisions for his army, that he would send them, or advise where they might be had : " You shall be well paid, and have my thanks into the bargain. I shall stand most in need of corn meal, but shall be thank- ful for any kind of provisions ; and indeed for what* ever will support life." The army had advanced but a short distance when unexpected embarrassments were again presented. In- formation was received, by which it was clearly ascer^ tained, that the present contractors, who had been so much and so certainly, relied on, could not, with all their exertions, procure the necessary supplies. Major Rose, in the quarter-master's department, who had been sent into Madison county, to aid them in their endeavours, having satisfied himself, as well from their own admissions, as from evidence derived from other sources, that their want of funds, and conse- quent want of credit, rendered them a very unsafe de- pendence, had returned, and disclosed the facts to the general. He stated, that there were there persons of fortune and industry, who might be confided in, and who would be willing to contract for the army jf it were necessary. Jackson lost no time in embracing this plan, and gave the contract to Mr, Pope, upon whose means and exertions, he hoped, every reliance might be safely reposed. To the other contractors he wrote, informing them of the change that had been made, and the reasons which had induced it G 50 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. " I am advised," said he, " that you have candidly acknowledged you have it not in your power to exe- cute the contract in which you have engaged. Do not think I mean to cast any reflection very far from it. I am exceedingly pleased with the exertions you have made, and feel myself under many obligations of grati- tude for them. The critical situation of affairs, when you entered into the contract, being considered, you have done all that individuals, in your circumstances, could have performed. But you must be well con- vinced, that any approbation which may be felt by the commander of an army, for past services, ought not to become, through kindness to you, the occasion of that Army's destruction. From the admissions you have been candid enough to make, the scarcity which al- ready begins to appear in camp, and the difficulties you are likely to encounter, in effecting your engage- ments, I am apprehensive I should be doing injustice to the army I command were I to rely for support on your exertions great as I know them to be. What- ever concerns myself, I may manage with any gene- rosity or indulgence I please ; but in acting for rny country, I have no such discretion. I have, therefore, felt myself compelled to give the contract in which you are concerned, to another, who is abundantly ablving. The advance, consisting of a company of ar- tillerists, with muskets, two companies of riflemen, and XIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. one of spies, marched about four hundred yards in front, under the command of colonel Carroll, in- spector-general, with orders, after commencing the action, to fall back on the centre, so as to draw the enemy after them. At seven o'clock, having arrived within a mile of the position they occupied, the columns were displayed in order of battle. Two hun- dred and fifty of the cavalry, under lieutenant-colonel Dyer, were placed in the rear of the centre, as a corps de reserve. The remainder of the mounted troops were directed to advance on the right and left, and, after encircling the enemy, by uniting the fronts of their columns, and keeping their rear rested on the infantry, to face and press towards the centre, so as to leave them no possibility of escape. The remaining part of the army was ordered to move up by heads of companies ; general Hall's brigade occupying the right, and general Roberts' the left. About eight o'clock, the advance having arrived within eighty yards of the enemy, who were concealed in a thick shrubbery, that covered the margin of a small rivulet, received a heavy fire, which they instant- ly returned with much spirit. Falling in with the enemy, agreeably to their instructions, they retired to- wards the centre, but not before they had dislodged them from their position. The Indians, now scream- ing and yelling hideously, rushed forward in the di- rection of general Roberts' brigade, a few companies of which, alarmed by their numbers and yells, gave way at the first fire. Jackson, to fill the chasm w r hich was thu created, directed the regiment commanded by colonel Bradley, to be moved up, which, from spmq LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 61 unaccountable cause, had failed to advance in a line with the others, and now occupied a position in rear of the centre : Bradley, however, to whom this order was given by one of the staff, omitted to exe- cute it in time, alleging, he was determined to remain on the eminence which he then possessed, until he should be approached and attacked by the enemy. Owing to this failure in the volunteer regiment, it be- came necessary to dismount the reserve, which, with great firmness, met the approach of the enemy, who were rapidly moving in this direction. The retreating militia, somewhat mortified at seeing their places so promptly supplied, rallied, and, recovering their for- mer position in the line, aided in checking the advance of the savages. The action now became general along the line, and in fifteen minutes the Indians were seen fleeing in every direction. On the left, they were met and repulsed by the mounted riflemen ; but on the right, owing to the halt of Bradley's regiment, which was intended to occupy the extreme right, and to the circumstance of colonel Allcorn, who commanded one of the wings of the cavalry, having taken too large a circuit, a considerable space was left between the in- fantry and the cavalry, through which numbers escaped. The fight was maintained with great spirit and effect on both sides, as well before as after the retreat com* menced ; nor did the pursuit and slaughter terminate until the mountains were reached, at the distance of three miles. Jackson, in his report of this action, bestows high commendation on the officers and soldiers. "Too much praise," he observes, in the close of it, " cannot 62 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. be bestowed on the advance, led by colonel Carroll, for the spirited manner in which they commenced and sustained the attack ; nor upon the reserve, command- ed by lieutenant-colonel Dyer, for the gallantry with which they met and repulsed the enemy. In a word, officers of every grade, as well as privates, realized the high expectations I had formed of them, and merit the gratitude of their country." In this battle, the force of the enemy was one thou- sand and eighty, of whom two hundred and ninety-nine were left dead on the ground ; and it is believed that many were killed in the flight, who were not found when the estimate was made. Probably few escaped unhurt. Their loss on this occasion, as stated since by themselves, was not less than six hundred : that of the Americans was fifteen killed, and eighty wounded, several of whom afterwards died. Jackson, after col- lecting his dead and wounded, advanced his army be- yond the fort, and encamped for the night. The Indians, who had been for several days shut up by the besiegers, thus fortunately liberated from the most dreadful apprehensions, and severest privations, having for some time been entirely without water, received the army with all the demonstrations of gratitude that savages could give. Their manifestations of joy for their deliverance, presented an interesting and affect- ing spectacle. Their fears had been already greatly excited, for it was the very day when they were to have been assaulted, and when every soul within the fort must have perished. All the provisions they could spare, from their scanty stock, they sold to the general, LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 63 \vho, purchasing with his own money, distributed them .amongst the soldiers, who were almost destitute. It was with great regret, that Jackson now found he was without the means of availing himself fully of the advantages of his victory; but the condition of his posts in the rear, and the want of provisions, (having left his encampment at Fort Strother with little more than one day's rations,) compelled him to return; thus giving the enemy time to recover from the conster- nation of their first defeat, and to re-assemble their forces. The cause which prevented general White from act- ing in obedience to his order, and arriving at the Ten Islands at a moment when it was so important, and when it was so confidently expected, was as yet un- known ; the only certainty upon the subject was, that for the present it wholly thwarted his views, and laid him under the necessity of returning. This mystery, hitherto inexplicable, was sometime after explained, by a view of the order of general Cocke, under which White, being a brigadier in his division, chose to act, rather than under Jackson's. General Cocke stated to him, he had understood Jackson had crossed the Coosa, and had an engagement with the Indians. " I have formed a council of officers here, and proposed these questions: shall we follow him, or cross the river, and proceed to the Creek settlements on the Tallapoosa? Both were decided unanimously, that he should not be followed, but that we should proceed in the way proposed." He remarked, that the de- cision had met his entire approbation ; and directed 64 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. White forthwith to unite with him at his encampment, where he should wait, fortifying it strongly for a depot, until he should arrive. "If," said he, "we follow general Jackson and his army, we must suffer for sup- plies ; nor can we expect to gain a victory. Let us then take a direction in which we can share some of the dangers and glories of the field. You will employ pilots, and advise me which side of the river you will move up." In this, as in every other measure, it seemed to be the studied aim of Cocke, to thwart the views and arrest the successes of Jackson ; and perhaps jealousy, in no inconsiderable degree, was the moving spring to his conduct. Both were major-generals, from the state of Tennessee, sent on the same import- ant errand to check an insolent foe, who had practised the most cruel and unprovoked outrages. Which of them should share the "dangers and glories of the field," or obtain its laurels, was not so important to the country as by acting in concert and harmony, endeavour to ac- complish the grand object of terminating the war, and restoring tranquillity to the frontiers. National, and not individual advancement, was the object in carrying an army into the field : and the best and most effectual mean of securing this, every officer, acting on liberal principles, should have constantly held in view : the interest and repose of the country, not their individual advancement, was the end to be attained. Having buried his dead with all due honour, and provided litters for the wounded, he reluctantly com- menced his return march on the morning succeeding the battle. He confidently hoped, from the previous assurances of the contractors, that by the time of his LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 65 return to Fort Strother, sufficient supplies would have arrived there ; but, to his inexpressible uneasiness, he found that not a particle had been forwarded since his departure, and that what had been left was already consumed. Even his private stores, brought on at his own expense, and upon which he and his staff had hitherto wholly subsisted, had been, in his absence, distributed amongst the sick by the hospital surgeon, who had been previously instructed to do so, in the event their wants should require it. A few dozen biscuit which remained on his return, were given to hungry applicants, without being tasted by himself or family, who were probably not less hungry than those who were thus relieved. A scanty supply of indiffer- ent beef taken from the enemy, or purchased of the Cherokees, was now the only support afforded. Thus left destitute, Jackson, with the utmost cheerfulness of temper, repaired to the bullock pen, and of the offal there thrown away, provided for himself and staff, what he was pleased to call, and seemed really to think, a very comfortable repast. Tripes, however, hastily provided in a camp, without bread or seasoning, can only be palatable to an appetite very high whetted ; yet this constituted for several days, the only diet at head- quarters, during which time the general seemed entirely satisfied with his fare. Neither this, nor the liberal donations by which he disfurnished himself, to relieve the suffering soldier, deserves to be ascribed to ostentation or design: the one flowed from benevo- lence, the other from necessity, and a desire to place before his men an example of patience and suffering, which he felt might be necessary, and hoped might be serviceable. Of these two imputations, no Jiumaij 66 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOfr. being, invested with rank and power, was ever more deservedly free. Charity in him is a warm and active propensity of the heart, urging him by an instantane- ous impulse, to relieve the wants of the distressed, without regarding, or even thinking of the conse- quences. Many of those to whom it was extended, had no conception of the source that supplied them, and believed the comforts they received were, indeed, drawn from stores provided for the hospital depart- ment On this campaign, a soldier one morning, with woe-begone countenance, approached the general, stat- ing that he was nearly starved, that he had nothing to eat, and could not imagine what he should do. He was the more encouraged to complain, from perceiving that the general, who had seated himself at the root of a tree, waiting the coming up of the rear of the army, was busily engaged in eating something. The poor fellow was impressed with the belief, from what he saw, that want only attached to the soldiers, and that the officers, particularly the general, were liberally and well supplied. He accordingly approached him with great confidence of being relieved ; Jackson told him, that it had always been a rule with him never to turn away a hungry man when it was in his power to relieve him. I will most cheerfully, said he, divide with you what I have, and putting his hand to his pocket, drew forth a few acorns, from which he had been feasting, adding it was the best and only fare he had. The soldier seemed much surprised, and forthwith circu- lated amongst his comrades, that their general was actually subsisting upon acorns, and that they ought. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 67 hence, no more to complain. From this circumstance was derived the story heretofore published to the world, that Jackson, about the period of his greatest suffering, and with a view to inspirit them, had invited his officers to dine with him, and presented for their repast, water and a tray of acorns. But while general Jackson remained wholly un- moved by his own privations, he was filled with soli- citude and concern for his army. His utmost exer- tions, unceasingly applied, were insufficient to remove the sufferings to which he saw them exposed ; and al- though they were by no means so great as was repre- sented, yet were they undoubtedly such as to be sensi- bly and severely felt. Discontents, and a desire to return home, arose, and presently spread through the camp; and these were still further embittered and augmented, by the arts of a few designing officers, who, believing that the campaign would now break up, hoped to make themselves popular on the return, by encouraging and taking part in the complaints of the soldiery. It is a singular fact, that those officers who pretended, on this occasion, to feel most sensibly for the wants of the army, and who contrived most effectu- ally to instigate it to revolt, had never themselves been without provisions ; and were, at that very moment, enjoying in abundance what would have relieved the distresses of many, had it been as generously and freely distributed as were their words of advice and condolence. During this period of scarcity and discontent, small quantities of supplies were occasionally forwarded by 68 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. the contractors, but not a sufficiency for present want, and still less to remove the apprehensions that were entertained for the future. At length, revolt began to show itself openly. The officers and soldiers of the militia, collecting in their tents and talking over their grievances, determined to yield up their patriotism, and to abandon the camp. To this measure, there were good evidences for believing that several of tne officers of the old volunteer corps exerted themselves clandestinely, and with great industry, to instigate them ; looking upon themselves somewhat in the light of veterans, from the discipline they had acquired in the expedition to the lower country, they were unwil- ling to be seen foremost in setting an example of mutiny, and wished to make the defection of others a pretext for their own, Jackson, apprised of their determination to abandon him, resolved to oppose it, and at all hazard, to pre- vent a departure. In the morning, when they were to carry their intentions into execution, he drew up the volunteers in front of them, with positive commands to prevent their progress, and compel them to return to their former position in the camp. The militia seeing this, and fearing the consequences of persisting in their purpose, at once abandoned it, and returned to their quarters without further murmuring, extolling in the highest terms, the unalterable firmness of the general. The next day, however, presented a singular scene. The volunteers, who, the day before, had been the in- struments for compelling the militia to return to their LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 69 duty, seeing the destruction of those hopes on which they had lately built, in turn began, themselves, to nrntiny. Their opposition to the departure of the militia was but a mere pretence to escape suspicion, for they silently wished them success. They now de- termined to move off in a body, believing, from the known disaffection in the camp, that the general could find no means to prevent it. What was their surprise, however, when, on attempting to effectuate their re- solves, they found the same men whom they had so lately opposed, occupying the very position which they had done the day previous, for a similar purpose, and manifesting a fixed determination to obey the orders of their general! All they ventured to do, was to take the example through, and like them, move back in peace and quietness to their quarters. This was a curi- ous change of circumstances, when we consider in how short a time it happened ; but the conduct of the militia, on this occasion, must be ascribed to the ingenuity and management of the general, and to the gratification they felt, in being able to defeat the views of those who had so lately thwarted their own. To this may be also added, the consciousness all must have enter- tained, that the privations of which they complained, were far less grievous than they had represented them; by no means sufficient to justify revolt, and not greater than patriots might be expected to bear without a murmur, when objects of such high consideration were before them. But anxious to return to their families and kindred, wearied of their difficulties and suffer- ings, and desirous to recount the brilliant exploits of their first battle, they seized with eagerness every pretext for exoneration, and listened with tpo much 70 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. docility to the representations of those, who were in- fluenced by less honourable feelings. Having many domestic considerations to attend to the first ebulli- tion of resentment being cooled, and the first impulse of curiosity gratified, there were no motives to retain them in the field, but a remaining sense of honour, and a fear of disgrace and punishment, should they aban- don their post without a cause. But although these motives were sufficient for the present, those who were governed by them did not cease to wish, that a more plausible apology might offer for dispensing with their operation. The militia continued to show a much more obedient and patriotic disposition than the vo- lunteers; who, having adopted a course which they dis- covered must finally involve them in dishonour, if it should fail, were exceedingly anxious for its success, and that it might have the appearance of being found- ed on justice. On this subject, the pretensions of the cavalry were certainly much better established ; as they were entirely without forage, and without the prospect of speedily obtaining any. They petitioned therefore to be permitted to return into the settled parts of the country, pledging themselves, by their platoon and field officers, that if sufficient time were allowed to recruit the exhausted state of their horses, and to procure their winter clothing, they would re- turn to the performance of their duty whenever called on. The general, unable, from many causes, to prose- cute the campaign, and confiding in the assurance given, granted the prayer of their petition, and they immediately set out on their return. About this time general Jackson's prospect of being LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 71 able to maintain the conquests he had made, began to be cheered by letters just received from the contrac- tors and principal wagon-master, stating, that sufficient supplies for the army were then on the road, and would shortly arrive : but discontents to an alarming degree still prevailed in his canip. To allay them, if possible, he hastened to lay before the division the in- formation and letters he had received, and, at the same time, invited the field and platoon officers to his quar- ters, to consult on the measures proper to be pursued. Having assembled them, and well knowing that the flame of discontent, which had so lately shown itself was only for the present smothered, and might yet burst forth in serious injury, he addressed them in an animated speech, in which he extolled their patriotism and achievements; lamented the privations to which they had been exposed, and endeavoured to reanimate them by the prospect of speedy relief, which he ex- pected with confidence on the following day. He spoke of the immense importance of the conquests they had already made, and of the dreadful conse- quences that must result, should they be now aban- doned. " What," continued he, " is the present situa- tion of our camp ? a number of our fellow soldiers are wounded, and unable to help themselves. Shall it be said that we are so lost to humanity as to leave them in this condition ? Can any one, under these circum- stances, and under these prospects, consent to an abandonment of the camp ; of all that we have acquired in the midst of so many difficulties, privations, and dangers ; of what it will cost us so much to regain ; of what we never can regain,: our brave wounded companions, who will be murdered by our unthinking, 72 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. unfeeling inhumanity ? Surely there can be none such ! No, we will take with us, when we go, our wounded and sick. They must not shall not perish by our cold blooded indifference. But why should you de- spond ? I do not, and yet your wants are not greater than mine. To be sure we do not live sumptuously: but no one has died of hunger, or is likely to die ; and then how animating are our prospects ! Large supplies are at Deposit, and already are officers despatched to hasten them on. Wagons are on the way : a large riumber of beeves are in the neighbourhood ; and de- tachments are out to bring them in. All these re- sources surely cannot fail. I have no wish to starve you none to deceive you. Stay contentedly ; and if supplies do not arrive in two days, we will all march back together, and throw the blame of our failure where it should properly lie ; until then we certainly have the means of subsisting; and if we are compelled to bear privations, let us remember that they are borne for our country, and are not greater than many per- haps most armies have been compelled to endure. I have called you together to tell you my feelings and my wishes ; this evening think on them seriously ; and let me know yours in the morning." Having retired to their tents, and deliberated on the measures most proper to be adopted in this emer- gency, the officers of the volunteer brigade came to the conclusion, that " nothing short of marching the army immediately back to the settlements could pre- vent those difficulties and that disgrace which must attend a forcible desertion of the camp by his soldiers." The officers of the militia determined differently, and LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 73 reported a willingness to maintain the post a few days longer, that it might be ascertained whether or not a sufficiency of provisions could really be had. " If it can, let us proceed with the campaign if not, let us be marched back to where it can be procured." The general, who greatly preferred the latter opinion, nevertheless, to allay excitement, was disposed to gratify those who appeared unwilling to submit to fur- ther hardships ; and with this view ordered general Hall to march his brigade to Fort Deposit, and after satisfying their wants, to return and act as an escort to the provisions. The second regiment, however, unwilling to be outdone by the militia, consented to remain ; and the first proceeded alone. On this oc- casion he could not forbear to remark, that men for whom he had ever cherished so warm an affection, and for whom he would at all times have made any sacri- fice, desiring to abandon him at a moment when their presence was so particularly necessary, filled him with emotions which the strongest language was too feeble to express. " I was prepared," he continued, " to en- dure every evil but disgrace ; and this, as I never can submit to myself, I can give no encouragement to in others." Two days had elapsed since the departure of the volunteers, and supplies had not arrived. The militia, with great earnestness, now demanded a performance of the pledge that had been given that they should be marched back to the settlements. Jackson, on giv- ing them an assurance that they should return, if relief did not reach them in two days, had indulged a con- fidence that it would certainly arrive by that time; K 74 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. and now, from the information he had received, felt more than ever certain that it could not be far distant, Having, however, pledged himself, he could use no arguments or entreaties to detain them any longer, and immediately took measures for complying with their wishes, and the promise he had made them. This was, to him, a moment of the deepest dejection. He foresaw how difficult it would be, ever to accomplish the object upon which his heart was so devoutly fixed, should he lose the men who were now with him ; or even to regain the conquests he had made, if his pre- sent posts should fall into the hands of the enemy. While thus poridering on the gloomy prospect, he lift- ed up his hands and e&cl aimed, with a look and man- ner which showed how much he felt " If only two men will remain with me, I will never abandon this post." Captain Gordon, of the spies, facetiously re- plied, " you have one, general, let us look if we can't find another*" and immediately, with a zeal suited to the occasioii, undertook, with some of the general staff, to raise volunteers; and in a little while succeed- ed in procuring one hundred and nine* who declared a determination to remain and protect the post. The general greatly rejoiced that he would not be compell- ed to an entire abandonment of his position, now set out towards Deposit, with the remainder of the army, who were given distinctly to understand, that on meet- ing supplies they were td return and prosecute the campaign. This was an event, whichj as it had been expected and foretold, soon took place : they had not proceeded more than ten or twelve miles, when they met a hundred and fifty beeves; but a sight which gave to Jackson so much satisfaction, was to them the most LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, disagreeable and unwelcome. Their faces being now turned towards home, no spectacle could be more hate- ful than one which was to change their destination* They were halted, and having satisfied their hungry appetites, the troops, with the exception of such as were necessary to proceed with the sick and wounded, were ordered to return to the encampment he him- self intending to see the contractors, and establish more effectual arrangements for the future. So great was their aversion to returning, that they preferred a violation of their duty and their pledged honour. Low murmurings ran along the lines, and presently broke out into open mutiny. In spite of the order they had received, they began to revolt, and one company was already moving off, in a direction towards home. They had proceeded some distance, before information of their departure was had by Jackson. Irritated at their conduct, in attempting to violate the promise they had given, and knowing that the success of future opera- tions depended on the result, the general pursued, un- til he came near a part of his staff, and a few soldiers, who, with General Coffee, had halted about a quarter of a mile ahead. He ordered them to form immediate- ly across the road, and to fire on the mutineers if they attempted to proceed. Snatching up their arms, these faithful adherents presented a front which threw the deserters into affright, and caused them to retreat pre- cipitately to the main body. Here, it was hoped, the matter would end, and that no further opposition would be made to returning. This expectation was not real- ized ; a mutinous temper began presently to display itself throughout the whole brigade. Jackson having left his aid-de-camp, major Reid, engaged in making 76 UFE OF GENERAL JACKSOX. up some despatches, had gone out alone amongst his troops, who were at some distance ; on his arrival, he found a much more extensive mutiny than that which had just been quelled. Almost the whole brigade had put itself into an attitude for moving forcibly off. A crisis had arrived; and feeling its importance, he determined to take no middle ground, but to triumph or perish. E(e was still without the use of his left arm ; but, seizing a musket, and resting it on the neck of his horse, he threw himself in front of the column, and threat- ened to shoot the first man who should attempt to ad- vance. In this situation he was found by major Reid and general Coffee, who, fearing from the length of his absence, that some disturbance had arisen, hastened where he was, and placing themselves by his side, awaited the result in anxious expectation. For many minutes the column preserved a sullen, yet hesitating attitude, fearing to proceed in their purpose, and dis- liking to abandon it. In the mean time, those who remained faithful to their duty, amounting to about two companies, were collected and formed at a short distance in advance of the troops, and in rear of the general, with positive directions to imitate his exanir pie in firing, if they attempted to proceed, At length, finding no one bold enough to advance, and overtaken by those fears which in the hour of peril always beset persons engaged in what they know to be a bad cause, they abandoned their purpose, and turning quietly round, agreed to return to their posts. It is very cer- tain, that, but for the firmness of the general, at this critical moment, the campaign would have been bro- ken up, and most probably not qommenqe^l again. LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. ' 77 Shortly after the battle of Talladega, the Hillabee tribes, who had been the principal sufferers on that occasion, applied to general Jackson for peace ; declar- ing their willingness to receive it on such terms as he might be pleased to dictate. His decision had been already returned, stating to them that his government had taken up arms, to bring to a proper sense of duty, a people to whom she had ever shown the utmost kindness, and who, nevertheless, had committed against her citizens the most unprovoked depredations ; and that she would lay them down only when certain that this object was attained.* " Upon those," continued he, " who are disposed to become friendly, I neither wish nor intend to make war; but they must afford evidences of the sincerity of their professions ; the pri- soners and property they have taken from us, and the friendly Creeks, must be restored ; the instigators of the war, and the murderers of our citizens, must be surrendered ; the latter must and will be made to feel * This communication did not arrive in time : general White, who had been detached for that purpose, having, the morning on which it was written, attacked and destroyed their town, killed sixty, and made two hundred and fifty-six prisoners. The event was un- fortunate ; and in it may perhaps be found the reason why these savages, in their after battles, fought with the desperation they did, obstinately refusing to ask for quarter. They believed themselves attacked by Jackson's army ; they knew they had asked peace upon his own terms. When, therefore, under these circumstances, they saw themselves thus assailed, they no longer considered that any pacific disposition they might manifest would afford them protection from danger; and looked upon it as a war of extermination. In their battles, afterwards, there is no instance of their asking for quarter, or even manifesting a disposition to receire it 78 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOJN. the foree of our resentment. Long shall they remem- ber Fort Minims in bitterness and tears." Having stated to general Cocke, whose division was acting in this section of the nation, the propositions that had been made by the Hillabee clans, with the answer he had returned, and urged him to detach to Fort Strother six hundred of his men, to aid in the defence of that place, during his absence, and in the operations he intended to resume on his return, he proceeded to Deposit and Ditto's landing, where the most effectual means in his power were taken with the contractors, for obtaining regular supplies in future. They were required to furnish, immediately, thirty days' rations at Fort Sirother, forty at Talladega, and as many at the junction of the Coosa and Tallapoosa 5 two hundred pack horses and forty wagons were put in requisition to facilitate their transportation. Un- derstanding, now, that the whole detachment from Tennessee, had, by the president, been received into the service of the United States, he persuaded him- self that the difficulties he had heretofore encounter- ed, would not recur, and that the want of supplies would not again be a cause of impeding his operations. He now looked forward with sanguine expectations, to the speedy accomplishment of the objects of the expedition. The volunteers, who were at Deposit, began to manifest the same unwillingness to return to their duty that the militia had done, and were about to break out into the same spirit of mutiny and revolt ; but were LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 79 restrained by an animated address of the general, who* having assembled them together, painted, in the most glowing colours, all the consequences that were to be apprehended, if, from any defalcation of theirs, the campaign should be abandoned, or ineffectually prose- cuted. By this mean, he succeeded once more in re- storing quietness to his troops. He now set out on his return to Fort Strother, and was delighted to find, by the progress of the works, the industry that had been used in his absence. But the satisfaction he felt, and the hopes he began to cherish, were of short continuance. Although he had succeed- ed in stilling the tumult of the volunteers, and in pre- vailing on them to return to their posts, it was soon discovered he had not eradicated their deep-rooted aversion to a further prosecution of the war. Nothing is more difficult than to re-animate men who have once lost their spirits, or inspire with new ardour those in whom it has lately become extinct. Even where the evils, which produced the change, are removed, apolo- gies will be sought, and pretexts seized, for justifying and preserving the present tone of mind. The volun- teers who had so lately clamoured about bread, now^ when they were no longer hungry, began to clamour, with equal earnestness, about their term of service. Having lately made an effort to forsake the drudgery of the field, and failed, they were disposed to avail themselves of any pretexts, seemingly plausible, to obtain success. They insisted that the period, for which they had undertaken to act, would end on the 10th of December, that being the termination of a year from the day they had first entered into service ; 80 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSO.N. and although they had been a greater part of the time disengaged, and unemployed, that recess was never- theless to be taken into the computation. Jackson re- plied, that the law of congress, under which they had been tendered and accepted, requiring one year's ser- vice out of two, could contemplate nothing less than an actual service of three hundred and sixty-five days ; and, until that were performed, he could not, unless specially authorized, undertake to discharge them. But as this was a question not likely to be settled by argument, and as the consequences were easily to be foreseen, if they should persist in their demands, the general began to think of providing other means for a continuance of the campaign, that, even in the worst extreme, he might not be unprepared to act. Ordering general Roberts to return, and fill up the deficiencies in his brigade, he now despatched colonel Carroll and ma- jor Searcy, one of his aids-de-camp, into Tennessee, to raise volunteers, for six months, or during the cam- paign ; writing, at the same time, to many respectable characters, he exhorted them to contribute all their assistance to the accomplishment of this object To a letter, just received from the reverend Gideon Black- burn, assuring him that volunteers from Tennessee would eagerly hasten to his relief, if they knew their services were wanted, he replied, " Reverend Sir, Your letter has been just received : I thank you for it; I thank you most sincerely. It arrived at a moment when my spirits needed such a support. " I left Tennessee with an army, brave, I believe, as any general ever commanded. I have seen them in battle and ray opinion of their bravery is not changed. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 81 But their fortitude on this too I relied has been too severely tested. Perhaps I was wrong, in believing that nothing but death could conquer the spirits of brave men. I am sure I was ; for my men, I know, are brave ; yet privations have rendered them discon- tented : that is enough. The expedition must never- theless be prosecuted to a successful termination. New volunteers must be raised, to conclude what has been so auspiciously begun by the old ones. Gladly would I save these men from themselves, and insure them a harvest which they have sown ; but if they will abandon it to others, it must be so. " You are good enough to say, if I need your assist- ance, it will be cheerfully afforded : I do need it great- ly. The influence you possess over the minds of men is great and well-founded, and can never be better ap- plied than in summoning volunteers to the defence of their country, their liberty, and their religion. While we fight the savage, who makes war only because he delights in blood, and who has gotten his booty, when he has scalped his victim, we are, through him, con- tending against an enemy of more inveterate character, and deeper design who would demolish a fabric ce- mented by the blood of our fathers, and endeared to us by all the happiness we enjoy. So far as my exertions can contribute, the purposes, both of the savage and his instigator, shall be defeated ; and so far as yours can, I hope I know, they will be employed. I have said enough. I want men, and want them immediate- ly." Anxious to prosecute the campaign as soon as pos-. 82 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. sible, that by employing his troops actively, he might dispel from their minds those discontents so frequent- ly manifested, he wrote to general Cocke, desiring and urging him to unite with him, immediately, at the Ten Islands, with fifteen hundred men. He assured him that the mounted men, who had returned to the settle- ments for subsistence, and to recruit their horses, would arrive by the 12th of the month. He wished to commence his operations directly, " knowing they would be prepared for it, and well knowing they would require it." " I am astonished," he continued, " to hear that your supplies continue deficient. In the name of God, what are the contractors doing and about what are they engaged ? Every letter I receive from governor Blount, assures me I am to receive plentiful supplies from them, and seems to take for granted, notwithstanding all I have said to the contrary, that they have been hitherto regularly furnished. Con- sidering the generous loan the State has made for this purpose, and the facility of procuring bread stuffs in East Tennessee, and of transporting them by water to Fort Deposit, it is to me wholly unaccountable that not a pound has ever arrived at that place. This evil must continue no longer it must be remedied. I ex- pect, therefore, and through you must require, that in twenty days they furnish at Deposit every necessa- ry supplv."* * Independent of an advantageous contract made with the govern- ment, the state of Tennessee had extended to this contractor a liberal loan, that immediate supplies might be forwarded. Unfortunately, however, and it is a misfortune that will always continue so long as the present mode of supplying our armies is persisted in, the con- tract was disregarded} nor did complaints on the subject cease, even LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOX. 83 Whilst these measures were taking, the volunteers, through several of their officers, were pressing on the consideration of the general, the expiration of their term of service, and claiming to be discharged on the 10th of the month. From the colonel who command- ed the second regiment, he received a letter, dated the 4th, in which was attempted to be detailed their whole ground of complaint. He began by stating, that pain- ful as it was, he, nevertheless, felt himself bound to disclose an important and unpleasant truth ; that, on the 10th, the service would be deprived of the regi- to the close of the war. Great as was the evil, no adequate remedy was at hand : nor was it confined to any particular section ; but in all Directions, where our armies moved, were complaints heard, and their operations frustrated through the misconduct of contractors. An advancing army, already having within its reach decided advan- tages, is made to halt, and to retrograde, or starve. The remedy is to sue the contractor; and, after twelve or eighteen months of law, a jury decides how far he has or has not broken his covenant. In the mean time, the government has lost the most decided advan- tages advantages which, had they been secured, might have saved millions of treasure, and hundreds of lives. Contractors are a class of men never to be influenced by any thing of patriotic motive. An accurate attention to their interest, and a minute calculation of dollars and cents are the amount of their good feelings ; and whether an army shall suffer or press forward success- fully are unimportant considerations : with them profit and the ac- cumulation of wealth is the only concern ; and whether the army they have contracted to feed, fares sumptuously or starves whether the service be aided or injured, are but secondary considerations with those who seek after wealth, and who are first for themselves. If the government will have contractors, they should be appended to the army, and made subject to martial rule, and martial larv ; for, until then, they will be wholly inefficacious. They might be ruled through their fears certainly not through any feelings of patriotism 'the attempt has been too often imsuccessfally gssayed* 84 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON* ment he commanded. He seemed to deplore, with great sensibility, the scene that would be exhibited on that day, should opposition be made to their departure ; and still more sensibly, the consequences that would result from a disorderly abandonment of the camp. He stated they had all considered themselves finally dis- charged on the 20th of April, and never knew to the contrary* until they saw his order of the 24th of Sep- tember, requiring them to rendezvous at Fayetteville, on the 4th of October ; for the first time, they then learned that they owed further services, their dis- charge to the contrary notwithstanding. " Thus situ- ated, there was considerable opposition to the order; on which the officers generally, as I am advised, and I know myself in particular, gave it as an unequivocal opinion, that their term of service would terminate on the 10th of December. " They therefore look to their general, who holds their confidence, for an honourable discharge on that day ; and that, in every respect, he will see that jus- tice be done them. They regret that their peculiar situations and circumstances require them to leave their general at a time when their services are impor- tant to the common cause. " It would be desirable," he continued, " that those men who have served with honour, should be honour- ably discharged, and that they should return to their families and friends without even the semblance of disgrace; with their general they leave it to place them in that situation. They have received him as an affectionate father, whilst they have honoured, revered. LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. $5 and obeyed him ; but, having devoted a considerable portion of their time to the service of their country, by which their domestic concerns are greatly deranged, they wish to return and attend to their own affairs." Although this communication announced the deter- mination of only a part of the volunteer brigade, he had already abundant evidence that the defection was but too general. The difficulties which the general had heretofore been compelled to encounter, from the discontents of his troops, might well induce him to re- gret that a spirit of insubordination should again threat- en to appear in his camp. That he might, if possible, prevent it, he hastened to lay before them the error and impropriety of their views, and the consequences involved, should they persist in their purpose. " I know not," he observed, " what scenes will be exhibited on the 10th instant, nor what consequences are to flow from them here or elsewhere ; but as I shall have the consciousness that they are not imputable to any misconduct of mine, I trust I shall have the firm- ness not to shrink from a discharge of my duty. " It will be well, however, for those who intend to become actors in those scenes, and who are about to hazard so much on the correctness of their opinions, to examine beforehand, with great caution and delibe- ration, the grounds on which their pretensions rest Are they founded on any false assurances of mine, or upon any deception that has been practised towards them ? Was not the act of congress, under which they are engaged, directed, by my general order, to be read 86 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. and expounded to them before they enrolled them- selves ? That order will testify, and so will the recol- lection of every general officer of my division. It is not pretended, that those who now claim to be dis- charged, were not legally and fairly enrolled under the act of congress of the 6th of February, 1812. Have they performed the service required of them by that act, and which they then solemnly undertook to per- form ? That required one year's service out of two, to be computed from the day of rendezvous, unless they should be sooner discharged. Has one year's service been performed? This cannot be seriously pretended. Have they then been discharged ? It is said they have, and by me. To account for so extra- ordinary a belief! it may be necessary to take a review of past circumstances. " More than twelve months have elapsed since we were called upon to avenge the injured rights of our country. We obeyed the call ! In the midst of hard- ships, which none but those to whom liberty is dear could have borne without a murmur, we descended the Mississippi. It was believed our services were wanted in the prosecution of the just war in which our country was engaged, and we were prepared to render them. But, though we were disappointed in our expectations, we established for Tennessee a name which will long do her honour. At length, we receiv- ed a letter from the secretary of war directing our dis- mission. You well recollect the circumstances of wretchedness in which this order was calculated to place us. By it, we were deprived of every article of public property ; no provision was made for the pay- LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 87 inent of our troops, or their subsistence on their return march ; whilst many of our sick, unable to help them- selves, must have perished. Against the opinion of many, I marched them back to their homes before I dismissed them. Your regiment, at its own request, was dismissed at Columbia. This was accompanied with a certificate to each man, expressing the acts un- der which he had been enrolled, and the length of the tour he had performed. This it is which is now at- tempted to be construed " a final discharge ;" but surely it cannot be forgotten by any officer or soldier, how sacredly they pledged themselves, before they were dismissed, or received that certificate, cheerfully to obey the voice of their country, if it should re-sum- mon them into service ; neither can it be forgotten, I dare hope, for what purpose that certificate was given ; it was to secure, if possible, to those brave men, who had shown such readiness to serve their country, cer- tain extra emoluments, specified in the seventh section of the act under which they had engaged, in the event they were not recalled into service for the residue of their term. * Is it true, then, that my solicitude for the interest of the volunteers, is to be made by them a pretext for disgracing a name which they have rendered illustri- ous ? Is a certificate, designed solely for their benefit, to become the rallying word for mutiny ? strange per- version of feeling and of reasoning ! Have I really any power to discharge men whose term of service has not expired ? If I were w^eak or wicked enough to at- tempt the exercise of such a power, does any one be- lieve, the soldier would be thereby exonerated from the 88 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. obligation he has voluntarily taken upon himself to his government ? I should become a traitor to the impor- tant concern which has been entrusted to my manage- ment, while the soldier, who had been deceived by a false hope of liberation, would be still liable to redeem his pledge ; I should disgrace myself, without bene- fitting you. " I can only deplore the situation of those officers who have undertaken to persuade their men that their term of service will expire on the 10th. In giving their opinions to this effect, they have acted indiscreetly, and without sufficient authority. It would be the most pleasing act of my life, to restore them with honour to their families. Nothing would pain me more than that any other sentiments should be felt towards them, than those of gratitude and esteem. On all occasions, it has been my highest happiness to promote their interest, and even to gratify their wishes, where, with propriety, it could be done. When in the lower country, believ- ing that, in the order for their dismissal, they had been improperly treated, I even solicited the government to discharge them, finally, from the obligations into which they had entered. You know the answer of the secre- tary of war ; that neither he nor the president, as he believed, had the power to discharge them. How, tfyen, can it be required of me to do so ? * " The moment it is signified to me by any competent authority, even by the governor of Tennessee, to whom I have written on the subject, or by general Pinckney, who is now appointed to the command, that the volun- teers may be exonerated from further service, that LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 89 moment I will pronounce it, with the greatest satisfac- tion. I have only the power of pronouncing a dis- charge, not of giving it, in any case ; a distinction which I would wish should be borne in mind. Al- ready have I sent to raise volunteers, on my own re* sponsibility, to complete a campaign which has been so happily begun, and thus far, so fortunately prose- cuted. The moment they arrive, and I am assured, that, fired by our exploits, they will hasten in crowds, on the first intimation that we need their services, they will be substituted in the place of those who are dis- contented here ; the latter will then be permitted to re- turn to their homes, with all the honour which, under such circumstances, they can carry along with them, But I still cherish the hope, that their dissatisfaction and complaints have been greatly exaggerated. I can- not, must not believe, that the " Volunteers of Ten* nessee," a name ever dear to fame, will disgrace them- selves, and a country which they have honoured, by abandoning her standard, as mutineers and deserters ; but should I be disappointed, and compelled to resign this pleasing hope, one thing I will not resign- my duty. Mutiny and sedition, so long as I possess the power of quelling them, shall be put down ; and even when left destitute of this, I will still be found, in the last extremity, endeavouring to discharge the duty I owe my country and myself." To the platoon officers, who addressed him on the same subject, he replied with nearly the same spirited feeling ; but discontent was too deeply fastened, and by designing men had been too artfully fomented, to be removed by any thing like argument or entreaty. Ji 90 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. At length, on the evening of the 9th, general Hall has- tened to the tent of Jackson with information that his whole brigade was in a state of mutiny, and making preparations to move forcibly off. This was a measure which every consideration of policy, duty, and honour, required Jackson to oppose ; and to this purpose he instantly applied all the means he possessed. He im- mediately issued the following general order : " The commanding general being informed that an actual mutiny exists in his camp, all officers and sol- diers are commanded to put it down* " The officers and soldiers of the first brigade will, without delay, parade on the west side of the fort, and await further orders." The artillery company, with two small field pieces, being posted in the front and rear, and the militia, under the command of colonel Wynne, on the eminences, in advance, were ordered to prevent any forcible departure of the volunteers. The general rode along the line, which had been previously formed agreeably to his orders, and address- ed them, by companies, in a strain of impassioned elo- quence. He feelingly expatiated on their former good conduct, and the esteem and applause it had secured them; and pointed to the disgrace which they must heap upon themselves, their families, and country, by persisting, even if they could succeed, in their present mutiny. He told them however, they should not suc- ceed but by passing over his body ; that even in oppos- ing their mutinous spirit, he should perish honourably by perishing at his post, and in the discharge of his LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 9 1 duty. " Reinforcements" he continued, " are prepar- ing to hasten to my assistance : it cannot be long before they will arrive. I am, too, in daily expectation of re- ceiving information whether you may be discharged or not until then, you must not, and shall not retire, I have done with entreaty, it has been used long enough. I will attempt it no more. You must now de- termine whether you will go or peaceably remain: if you still persist in your determination to move forcibly off, the point between us shall soon be decided." At first they hesitated ; he demanded an explicit and positive answer. They still hesitated, and he com- manded the artillerist to prepare the match ; he him- self remaining in front of the volunteers, and within the line of fire, which he intended soon to order. Alarmed at his apparent determination, and dreading the consequences involved in such a contest ; " Let us return," was presently lisped along the line, and soon after determined upon. The officers now came for- ward and pledged themselves for their men, who either nodded assent, or openly expressed a willingness to retire to their quarters, and remain without further tumult, until information were had, or the expected aid should arrive. Thus passed away a moment of the greatest peril, and pregnant with important conse* quences. Calculating philosophers may maintain the opinion, that conduct like that pursued on this occasion, de- serves no other name than rashness : it certainly was determined, and proved in the end decisive. At such a moment, hesitation must have been succeeded by a defeat of purpose, and an entire abandonment by his 92 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, troops, To have been forsaken in such a manner, and under such circumstances, no expectation could have been entertained of drawing to the service, in any short time, additional troops. The consequence must have been, that the enemy, not subdued, but only ex- asperated, might, unmolested, have assailed our unpro- tected frontiers, and drenched them in the blood of our defenceless citizens. These anticipations were alarming, and only to be prevented by some effort^ bold and daring, as the one attempted. It was hazard- ous, yet it succeeded. Although the immediate execution of their purpose was thus for the present prevented, it was presently ascertained not to be w r holly abandoned, and that no- thing could be expected from their future fidelity and services. Jackson, therefore, determined to rid him- self, as soon as possible, of men whose presence an- swered no other end than to keep alive discontents in his camp. He accordingly prepared an order to gene- ral Hall, to march his brigade to Nashville, and to dis- pose of them as he should be directed by the governor of Tennessee. Previous to promulgating this, he re- solved to make one further effort to retain them, and to make a last appeal to their honour and patriotism. For this purpose, having assembled them before the ort, on the 13th, he directed his aid-de-camp to read the following address : " On the 10th of December, 1812, you assembled at the call of your country. Your professions of pa- triotism, and ability to endure fatigue, were at once tested by the inclemency of the weather. Breaking LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 93 your way through sheets of ice, you descended the Mississippi, and reached the point at which you were ordered to be halted and dismissed. All this you bore without murmuring. Finding that your services were not needed, the means for marching you back were procured; every difficulty was surmounted, and, as soon as the point from which you embarked was re- gained, the order for your dismissal was carried into effect The promptness with which you assembled, the regularity of your conduct, your attention to your duties, the determination manifested, on every occa- sion, to carry into effect the wishes and will of your government, placed you on elevated ground. You not only distinguished yourselves, but gave to your state a distinguished rank with her sisters ; and led your go- vernment to believe, that the honour of the nation would never be tarnished when entrusted to the holy keeping of the a Volunteers of Tennessee." " In the progress of a war, which the implacable and eternal enemy of our independence induced to be waged, we found that, without cause on our part, a portion of the Creek nation was added to the number of our foes. To put it down, the first glance of the administration fell on you ; and you were again summoned to the field of honour. In full possession of your former feelings, that summons was cheerfully obeyed. Before your enemy thought you in motion, you were at Tallushat- chee and Talladega. The thunder of your arms was a signal to them that the slaughter of your country- men was about to be avenged. You fought, you con- quered ! barely enough of the foe escaped to recount to their savage associates your deeds of valour. You 94 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. returned to this place loaded with laurels and the ap- pjauses of your country. " Can it be, that these brave men are about to be- come the tarnishers of their own reputation ! the de- stroyers of a name which does them so much honour ? Yes, it is a truth too well disclosed, that cheerfulness has been exchanged for complaints : murmurings and discontents alone prevail. Men who a little while since were offering up prayers for permission to chastise the merciless savage who burned with impatience to teach them how much they had hitherto been indebt- ed to our forbearance, are now, when they could so easily attain their wishes, seeking to be discharged. The heart of your general has been pierced. The first object of his military affections, and the first glory of his life, were the volunteers of Tennessee ! The very name recalls to him a thousand endearing recollections. But these men these volunteers, have become mu- tineers. The feelings he would have indulged, your general has been compelled to suppress he has been compelled by a regard to that subordination, so neces- sary to the support of every army, and which he is bound to have observed, to check the disorder which would have destroyed you. He has interposed his authority for your safety to prevent you from dis* gracing yourselves and your country. Tranquillity has been restored in our camp contentment shall also be restored ; this can be done only by permitting those to retire whose dissatisfaction proceeds from causes that cannot be controlled. This permission will now be given. Your country will dispense with your ser- vices, if you have no longer a regard for tha.t fame LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON- 95 Which you have so nobly earned for yourselves and jher. Yes, soldiers, you who were once so brave, and to whom honour was so dear, shall be permitted to return to your homes, if you still desire it. But in what language, when you arrive, will you address your families and friends? Will you tell them that you aban- doned your general and your late associates in arms within fifty miles of a savage enemy ; who equally de- lights in shedding the blood of the innocent female and her sleeping babe, as that of the warrior contending in battle ? Lamentable, disgraceful tale"! If your disposi- tions are really changed ; if you fear an enemy you so lately conquered; this day will prove it. I now put it to yourselves; determine upon the part you will act, influenced only by the suggestions of your own hearts, and your own understandings. All who prefer an in- glorious retirement, shall be ordered to Nashville, to be discharged, as the president or the governor may direct Those who choose to remain, and unite with their general in the further prosecution of the campaign, can do so, and will thereby furnish a proof that they have been greatly traduced; and that although dis* affection and cowardice has reached the hearts of some, it has not reached theirs. To such my assurance is given, that former irregularities will not be attribu- ted to them. They shall be immediately organized into a separate corps, under officers of their own choice ; and, in a little while, it is confidently believed an opportunity will be afforded of adding to the laurels you have already won." Warm and feeling as was the appeal, it failed of the desired effect. Captain Williamson alone agreed to 96 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOS. remain. Finding that their determination to abandon the service could not be changed, and that every prin- ciple of patriotism was forgotten, the general commu- nicated his order to general Hall, and directed him to march his brigade to Nashville, and await such instruc- tions as he might receive from the president, or the governor of Tennessee. General Cocke, on the 12th, had arrived at Fort Strother with fifteen hundred men ; but it was found from his report, that no part of his troops had been brought into the field under the requisition of the pre- sident of the United States ; and that the term of ser- vice of the greater portion of them would expire in a few days ; and of the whole in a few weeks. In conse- quence of this, he was ordered into his district, to com- ply with that requisition, and to carry back with him and to discharge near their homes, those of his troops, the period of whose service was within a short time of being ended. The reason of this was explained in an address to the brigade, in which they were entreated, when they should have obtained the necessaries which a winters campaign should render necessary, to re- turn into the field, and aid in completing what had been so successfully begun. Colonel Lilliard's regi- ment, which consisted of about eight hundred, and whose term of service would not expire in less than four weeks, was retained to assist in defending the present post, and in keeping open the communication with Deposit, until the expected reinforcements should arrive from Tennessee. Meantime the cavalry and mounted riflemen, who, LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 97 under an express stipulation to return and complete the campaign, had been permitted to retire into the settlements, to recruit their horses and procure winter clothing, had, at the time appointed, re-assembled in the neighbourhood of Huntsville. But, catching the infection of discontent from the infantry, on their re- turn march, they began now to clamour with equal earnestness for a discharge. The cavalry insisted that they were as well entitled to it as the infantry ; and the riflemen, that they could not be held in service after the 24th, that being three months from the time they had been mustered : and that as that day was so near at hand, it was wholly useless to advance any farther. General Coffee, who was confined at Huntsville by severe indisposition, employed all the means which his debilitated strength would allow, to remove the dangerous impressions they had so readily imbibed, and to reclaim them to a sense of honour and of duty; but all his efforts proved unavailing. He immediately ordered his brigade to head-quarters : they had pro- ceeded as far as Ditto's ferry, when the greater part of them refusing to cross the river, returned in a tumul- tuous manner, committing on the route innumerable irregularities, which there was no force sufficient to re- strain. Not more than seven hundred of the brigade could be gotten over; who, having marched to Deposit, were directed to be halted, until further orders could be obtained from general Jackson. At this place they committed the wildest extravagancies ; profusely wast- ing the public grain, which, with much difficulty and labour, had been collected for the purpose of the cam] 98 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. paign ; and indulging in every species of excess. Whilst thus rioting, they continued to clamour vocif- erously for their discharge. General Coffee finding his utmost efforts ineffectual, to restrain or to quiet them, wrote to Jackson, acquainting him with their conduct and demands, and enclosing a petition that had been addressed to him by the rifle regiment. In his letter he says, " I am of opinion, th sooner they can be gotten clear of the better ; they are consuming the forage that will be necessary for others, and I am satisfied they will do no more good. I have told them, their petition would be submitted to you, who would decide upon it in the shortest possible time." This was truly disagreeable news to the general. Already sufficiently harassed by the discontents and opposition of his troops, now that they had retired, he looked anxiously forward, in hopes that the tranquillity of his camp would be no more assailed. On the brigade of Coffee, he had placed great reliance, and, from the pledges it had given him, entertained no fears but that it would return and act with him, as soon as he should be ready to proceed. He replied to general Coffee, and taking a view of the grounds and causes of their complaints, endeavoured to reconcile their objections, and persuade them to a discharge of the duties which they had undertaken, and covenanted to perform. The signers of that address, observes the general, commence by saying, " that jealousy is prevailing in our camp, with respect to the understanding between themselves and the government, relative to the service required of them ; and, believing it to be its policy to act fairly, are of opinion that a full explanation of their LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 99 case will have a good effect in promoting the cause in which they are engaged." " What can have given rise to this jealousy, I am at a loss to conjecture ; for surely no unfair practices were ever used by their government to get them into the service, nor to keep them in it longer than they had engaged to remain. How long that was, can be easily determined by the law under which they were accepted. This was open to all, and must be presum- ed to have been understood by all. But for a com- plete answer, I send you and refer you to the written pledges, of both the field and platoon officers, before they returned to recruit their horses, and obtain their winter clothing. As they seem completely to have forgotten, remind them of all they contain,' of their assurances given, that, if what they asked were grant- ed, they would return, at the shortest possible notice, prepared and willing to go through the winter ser- vice, or to the end of the campaign. Sensible of their necessities, and confiding fully in the promises they made, and signed with their own names, I permitted them, on the 22d ultimo, to return into the settlements, for the purpose of procuring fresh horses and addition- al clothing ; and required them, to which they readily agreed, to rendezvous in Madison on the 8th instant. They have returned, and now, when every calculation is made upon their services, agreeably to the pledges that have been given, they send, (instead of coming,) this address. Under these circumstances, what " ex- planation of their case" do they want ? What expla- nation do they expect their general to give them ? Barely to remind them of their written pledges, with- 100 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOtf. out attempting any exposition of the law, under which they have engaged, is surely a sufficient answer. An exposition of it will not be attempted by me ; not only because it is considered unnecessary, but because my opinion on it has been already frequently given. They remark further, that " they are returning like deserters, souring the minds of the people against the government and the officers, which will prevent others from entering into the service of their country, and paralyze the spirit of every citizen of Tennessee." That they are returning home, not only "like de- serters," but in the real genuine character of such, is indeed a lamentable truth. That they are also endea- vouring to sour the minds of the people against the government and the officers, and that this attempt v ill most probably be successful, and prevent many from entering the service, is, I am fearful, too true. But, in the name of God, to whom is this to be ascribed to the government, or to their general ? or rather is it not more justly chargeable to themselves, who, having entered the camp from patriotic motives, as they say having engaged with their government, and pledged themselves to their general, to prosecute the cam- paign and avenge the injured rights of their country, forget both the engagement and the pledge, and all their boasted patriotism, at a moment when their ser- vices are the most confidently expected, and the most eminently needed. " I cannot conceive how the idea has arisen, that they are attempted to be detained without their con- sent. To say nothing of the length of service really LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 101 required by the law under which they were accepted, have not the field officers given their written consent to remain during the winter, or until the campaign be completed? Have they not also given a pledge for their men, and the officers commanding companies and platoons ; and have not those company and platoon officers, too, given a similar assurance for themselves and their men ? Let them look to these pledges, and blush at their conduct " They also remark, " If any tender of services, for a longer time than a tour of duty, (three months) has been made to the general government, we beg leave to say, it was without our consent or knowledge ; and we are convinced that, in all contracts that are bind- ing, both parties must fully understand and consent thereto. We wish to be permitted to return home, and to return under such circumstances as will entitle us to be praised, instead of blamed, by those who so gal- lantly led us to battle." tt To this I answer, that no tender for any specified term of service was ever made to the general govern- ment by me, or by any other within my knowledge. As regards their law remark, that men, to be bound by a contract, must understand and consent to it, it will be a sufficient answer, that those who volunteer their services, under a public law, are presumed to understand fully all its provisions ; or, at any rate, that those who sign an instrument drawn up by them- selves, cannot reasonably be supposed ignorant of its contents, or unwilling to abide by its terms. But they must be lukewarm patriots indeed, who, in the mo- 102 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON* ment of danger and necessity, can halt in the dis- charge of their duty to argue and quibble on the con- struction of laws and statutes. " As to their wish " to be praised instead of censur- ed," I am at a loss to conceive how such a sentiment should hold a place in the breasts of men who are about to abandon the cause of their country at such a moment as this, and under such engagements. Even if it be possible for such men to desire praise, from their pre- sent conduct they cannot expect it, nor believe them- selves entitled to receive it. Before they can have determined to enter upon such a course, they must undoubtedly have prepared their minds to meet all the contumely and contempt that an indignant country can heap upon such wind-blown patriots ; who, when at home, clamoured so vociferously about her injured rights, and having taken up arms to defend them, abandon them at a moment \vhen they are most in danger. A grosser aliment than praise must be the proper nutriment for such minds. If it were possible that any doubt could exist, under the law by which their services were engaged, has not the utmost cer- tainty been produced, by their own written undertak- ings, subsequently made? But on the question, whe- ther their country, at this time, needs their services in the field, there can be no doubt. And is patriotism to be measured by months, and weeks, and days ? Is it by such a computation, that the volunteer, embarked in his country's defence, hopes to entitle himself to the thanks of that country, when her rights are assailed, and his efforts can protect them ? Be it so ; let it be even granted, that these men's engagements have ex- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 103 pired under the law ; has their sacred pledge, in writ- ing, and has their love of country expired ? If these cannot bind them to a faithful performance of their duty, I know of nothing by which I can hope to hold them." Few men had ever imposed on them the necessity of contending with greater difficulties. The volun- teers, proud of the name, and conceiving themselves superior to the militia, had just fought their fii;st bat- tle ; and if suffering had not destroyed their early ex- citement, the same fervour with which they sat out might have still continued ; but the negligence, or in- terested views of contractors, had introduced such dis- contents, as that to repress them, boldness and energy were required. But to effect this, as events proved, was impracticable, inasmuch as the termination of one dif- ficulty seemed but the commencement of another. It is not wonderous then, that the patience of the gene- ral should have been exhausted ; or in the address pre- sented he should have indulged those feelings which the occasion and the circumstances were so well cal- culated to inspire. To have addressed them in a strain less pointed and independent, or to have endeavoured to sooth their discontents by entreaty, might at some other time, and under different circumstances, have been better re- sorted to for success ; but the ineffectual attempts that had been made with his infantry, who had forsaken the camp, in spite of every thing that persuasion, threats, or honour could suggest, left but a narrow basis on which to erect a hope of his being able to de- 104 JLIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOX. tain them. There was but a single course left ; to point them to the pledge they had given, and appeal directly to their honour, believing that if this were un- successful, there was " nothing by which he could hope to hold them." Jackson had just received a letter from the governor of Tennessee, in answer to his frequent and pressing inquiries, as to the disposition which should be made of the volunteers. It recommended what had already, from necessity, been done ; to dismiss not discharge them, because the latter was not in the power of either of them : nor was their dismission to be given, be- cause founded in right; but because, under existing cir- cumstances, their presence could not prove beneficial, but highly injurious. To induce them contentedly to remain, the governor had suggested but one argument, which had not already been unsuccessfully attempted; " that it was very doubtful if the government would pay them for the services they had already rendered, if abandoned without her authority." It is true, that avarice sometimes alters a determination, when other considerations have failed of success ; whether this ap- peal might not result beneficially with the cavalry, whose presence was greatly desired, was at least worthy the trial. It was important, however, to bring it be- fore them in some delicate way to awaken inquiry, and guard against offence. The letter was therefore en- closed for their inspection, accompanied with these re- marks : " I have just received a letter from governor Blount, which I hasten to transmit, that you may avail yourselves of whatever benefits and privileges it holds out You will perceive, that he does not consider he LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSQN, 105 has any power to discharge you,- neither have I : but you have my permission to retire from the service, if you are still desirous of doing so, and are prepared to risk the consequences." These letters, so far from answering the desired end, had a directly contrary effect. The governor's was no sooner read, than they eagerly laid hold of it to sup- port the resolution they had already formed ; and without further ceremony or delay, abandoned the campaign, with their colonel at their head, who, so far from having endeavoured to reconcile them, is be- lieved, by secret artifices, to have fomented their dis- contents. So general was the dissatisfaction of this brigade, and with such longing anxiety did they indulge the hope of a speedy return to their homes, that their im- patience did not permit them to wait the return of the messenger from head-quarters. Before an answer could reach general Coffee, they had broken up their encampment at Deposit, re-crossed the river, and pro- ceeded four miles beyond Huntsville. On receiving it, Coffee had the brigade drawn up in solid column, and the letters, together with the pledge they had giv- en, read to them ; after which the reverend Mr. Blackr burn endeavoured in an eloquent speech, in which he pointed out the ruinous consequences that were to be apprehended, if they persisted in their present purpose, to recall them to a sense of duty, and of honour ; but they had formed their resolution too steadfastly, and had gone too extravagant lengths, to be influenced by the letter, the pledge, or the speech. As to the pledge, 106 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. a few said they had not authorized it to be made ; others, that as the general had not returned an imme- diate acceptance, they did not consider themselves bound by it ; but the greater part candidly acknow- ledged, that they stood committed, and were without any justification for their present conduct. Neverthe- less, except a few officers, and three or four privates, the whole persisted in the determination to abandon the service. Thus, in a tumultuous manner, they abandoned their post and their duty, and, committing innumerable extravagances, regardless alike of law and decency, continued their route to their respective homes. CHAPTER IV. Discontents of the militia. Governor Blount recommends an abandon* ment of the service. Jackson's reply to his letter. The governor takes measures for bringing out a sufficient force. Conduct of general Roberts. -~- His brigade retires from service. Lieutenant Kearley. General Jackson endeavours to detain the East Tennessee troops. His address to them. Arrival of additional forces. Arrest of officers* Expedition against the Indians. His motives. Battle of Emuck- faia. General Coffee proceeds to destroy the enemy's fortifications.*- Second battle of Emuckfaw. Troops commence their return marcft. J^mbus cade formed by the Indians. Battle of Enotichopco. THE events just portrayed, satisfactorily prove, that militia are not only the most expensive troops in war, but such as cannot be relied on beyond that period where excitement and buoyancy of spirit is preserved; and even then, none but the most determined officers can controul them. Despondency overtaking them, their efficiency is destroyed ; but, when mutinous, they are worse than useless. But whilst these unfortunate events were transpir- ing in the rear, matters were far from wearing an en- couraging aspect at head-quarters. The brigade of West Tennessee militia, at no time full, and at pre- sent consisting, in consequence of numerous deser- tions, of only about six hundred, imitating the evil examples lately set before it, began, as the day on which they imagined themselves entitled to a dis- charge was approaching, to turn their attention to- wards home. Believing that three months constituted 108 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. the tour of duty contemplated in the act under which their services had been engaged, they insisted that it would terminate on the 4th of the ensuing month, This, however, was a construction that Jackson was by no means disposed to admit. It is true, the act had not defined the term of their engagement; but it had specified the object of calling them out, viz. to subdue the Indians ; and as that object had not yet been at- tained, it was believed, that at present, they were not entitled to a discharge^ In addition to this, these troops, although raised by the state authorities, had been, by the particular recommendation of the legis- lature, received into the service of the general govern- ment, under the act of congress authorizing the pre- sident to call out a hundred thousand militia, to serve for six months, unless by his own order they should be previously dismissed. So that, whether the act of congress, or the legislature of Tennessee, were taken as the governing rule in this case, it was believed there was no authority competent to extend to them a discharge, at the time it was threatened to be de- manded. The militia of East Tennessee, having been specially mustered into service for three months, would, of course, be entitled to claim their dismissal at the expiration of that period ; hence colonel Lil- liard's regiment, which constituted more than one half the present force at head-quarters, would be lost to the service on the 14th of the next month. With the failure of general Cocke, to bring into the field the number and description of troops which he had been ordered to raise under the requisition of the president, as well as with the temper and demands of LXFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 309 those who were in service, Jackson kept the governor of Tennessee correctly advised; and omitted no op- portunity of entreating him, in the most pressing man- ner, to take the earliest measures for supplying by draft, or voluntary enlistment, the present deficiency, as well as that which, from every appearance, was soon to be expected To these solicitations, he had now received the governor's answer, who stated, that, having given an order to bring into the field fifteen hundred of the detached militia, as was required by the secretary of war, and a thousand volunteers, under the act of the legislature of Tennessee of the 24th September, he did not feel himself authorized to grant any new mandate, although satisfied that the first had not been complied with ; that he viewed the further prosecution of the campaign, attended as it was with so many embarrassments, as a fruitless endeavour ; and concluded by recommending, as advisable, to withdraw the troops into the settlements, and suspend all active operations until the general government should pro- vide more effectual means for conducting it to a fa- vourable result Jackson, far from having any intention to yield to this advice, determined to oppose it Still, however, he was greatly concerned at the view the chief magistrate of his state seemed to take of a ques- tion of such vital importance ; and immediately pro-* ceeded to unfold himself fully, and to suggest the course, which, he believed, on the present occasion, it behoved them both to pursue: pointing out the ruinous consequences that might be expected to result from the adoption of the measure he had undertaken to recommend; he continues: 1 10 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. " Had your wish, that I should discharge a part of my force, and retire, with the residue, into the settle- ments, assumed the form of a positive order, it might have furnished me some apology for pursuing such a course; but by no means a full justification. As you would have no power to give such an order, I could not be inculpable in obeying, with my eyes open to the fatal consequences that would attend it. But a bare recommendation, founded, as I am satisfied it must be, on the artful suggestions of those fire-side patriots, who seek, in a failure of the expedition, an excuse for their own supineness ; and upon the misre- presentations of the discontented from the army, who wish it to be believed, that the difficulties which over- came their patriotism are wholly insurmountable, would afford me but a feeble shield against the reproaches of my country or my conscience. Believe me, my re- spected friend, the remarks I make proceed from the purest personal regard. If you would preserve your reputation, or that of the state over which you preside, you must take a straight-forward, determined course; regardless of the applause or censure of the populace, and of the forebodings of that dastardly and designing crew, who, at a time like this, may be expected to clamour continually in your ears. The very wretches who now beset you with evil counsel, will be the first, should the measures which they recommend eventuate in disaster, to call down imprecations on your head, and load you with reproaches. Your country is in danger : apply its resources to its defence ! Can any course be more plain ? Do you, my friend, at such a moment as the present, sit with your arms folded, and your heart at ease, waiting a solution of your doubts, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. Ill and a definition of your powers ? Do you wait for spe- cial instructions from the secretary at war, which it is impossible for you to receive in time for the danger that threatens ? How did the venerable Shelby act, under similar circumstances ; or rather, under circum- stances by no means so critical ? Did he wait for or- ders to do what every man of sense knew what eve- ry patriot felt to be right ? He did not ; and yet how highly and justly did the government extol his manly and energetic conduct ! and how dear has his name be- come to every friend of his country ! " You say, that an order to bring the necessary quota of men into the field has been given, and that of course your power ceases ; and, although you are made sensible that the order has been wholly neglected, you can take no measure to remedy the omission. Widely different, indeed, is my opinion. I consider it your imperious duty, when the men, called for by your au- thority, founded upon that of the government, are known not to be in the field, to see that they be brought there ; and to take immediate measures with the officer, who, charged with the execution of your order, omits or neglects to do it. As the executive of the state, it is your duty to see that the full quota of troops be con- stantly kept in the field, for the time they have been required. You are responsible to the government; your officer to you. Of what avail is it, to give an order, if it be never executed, and may be disobeyed with impunity ? Is it by empty mandates that we can hope to conquer our enemies, and save our defenceless frontiers from butchery and devastation ? Believe me, my valued friend, there are times when it is highly 112 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. criminal to shrink from responsibility, or scruple about the exercise of our powers. There are times when we must disregard punctilious etiquette, and think only of serving our country. What is really our pre- sent situation ? The enemy we have been sent to subdue, may be said, if we stop at this, to be only ex- asperated. The commander in chief, general Pinck- ney, who supposes me by this time, prepared for re- newed operations, has ordered me to advance and form a junction with the Georgia army ; and, upon the ex- pectation that I will do so, are all his arrangements formed for the prosecution of the campaign. Will it do to defeat his plans, and jeopardize the safety of the Georgia army ? The general government, too, believe, and have a right to believe, that we have now not less than five thousand men in the heart of the enemy's country ; and on this opinion are all their calculations bottomed ; and must they all be frustrated, and I be- come the instrument by which it is done ? God for- bid! " You advise me to discharge or dismiss from ser- vice, until the will of the president can be known, such portion of the militia as have rendered three months' service. This advice astonishes me, even more than the former. I have no such discretionary power ; and if I had, it would be impolitic and ruinous to exer- cise it. I believed, the militia who were not specially received for a shorter period, were engaged for six months, unless the objects of the expedition should be sooner attained^ and in this opinion I was greatly strengthened by your letter of the 15th, in which you say, when answering my inquiry upon this subject, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 113 "the militia are detached for six months* service;" nor did I know, or suppose, you had a different opinion, until the arrival of your last letter. This opinion must, I suppose, agreeably to your request, be made known to general Roberts' brigade, and then the consequences are not difficult to be foreseen. Every man belonging to it will abandon me on the 4th of next month ; nor shall I have the means of pre- venting it, but by the application of force, which, un- der such circumstances, I shall not be at liberty to use. I have laboured hard to reconcile these men to a continuance in service until they could be honour- ably discharged, and had hoped I had, in a great mea- sure, succeeded ; but your opinion, operating with their own prejudices, will give a sanction to their con- duct, and render useless any further attempts. They will go ; but I can neither discharge nor dismiss them. Shall I be told, that as they will go, it may as well be peaceably permitted ; can that be any good reason why I should do an unauthorized act ? Is it a good reason why I should violate the order of my superior officer, and evince a willingness to defeat the purposes of my government ? And wherein does the " sound policy" of the measures that have been recommended consist ? or in what way are they " likely to promote the public good ?" Is it sound policy to abandon a conquest thus far made, and deliver up to havoc, or add to the num- ber of our enemies, those friendly Creeks and Chero- kees, who, relying on our protection, have espoused our cause, and aided us with their arms ? Is it good policy to turn loose upon our defenceless frontiers five thousand exasperated savages, to reek their hands once more in the blood of our citizens ? What ! retro- 114 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. grade under such circumstances! I will perish first No, I will do my duty : I will hold the posts I have established, until ordered to abandon them by the commanding general, or die in the struggle ; long since have I determined not to seek the preservation of life at the sacrifice of reputation. " But our frontiers, it seems, are to be defended, and by whom ? By the very force that is now recom- mended to be dismissed : for I am first told to retire into the settlements and protect the frontiers ; next, to discharge my troops ; and then, that no measures can be taken for raising others. No, my friend, if troops be given me, it is not by loitering on the fron- tiers that I will seek to give protection ; they are to be defended, if defended at all, in a very different man- ner ; by carrying the war into the heart of the ene- my's country, All other hopes of defence are more visionary than dreams. What then is to be done ? I'll tell you what. You have only to act with the ener- gy and decision the crisis demands, and all will be well. Send me a force engaged for six months, and I will answer for the result, but withhold it, and all is lost, the reputation of the state, and your's, and mine along with it." This letter had considerable effect with the gover- nor. On receiving it, he immediately determined on a course of greater efficienc} r , and ordered from the second division twenty-five hundred of the militia, for a tour of three months, to rendezvous at Fayetteville on the 28th of Januarj 7 . The command was given to brigadier-general Johnston, with orders to proceed UFE OF GENERAL JACK3OX. 115 without delay, by detachments, or otherwise, to Fort Strother. He instructed general Cocke to execute the order he had received from Jackson, for raising from his division his required quota of troops, and to bring them to the field as early as possible. These measures were taken by the governor in op- position to his first views of their impropriety with- out any special directions from the government. If any doubts, however, remained of the correctness of the course adopted, they were soon after dispelled by a letter from the secretary of war, stating that he was " authorized to supply, by militia drafts or volunteers, any deficiency that might arise, and without referring on that head to the department of war." General Roberts, who had been ordered back to supply the deficiencies in his brigade, returned on the 27th with one hundred and ninety-one men, mustered for three months. Having halted them a few miles in rear of the camp, he proceeded thither himself, to learn of the commanding general, whether the troops he had brought on would be received for the term they had stipulated, inasmuch as they were unwilling to advance further until this point was settled. Jackson answer- ed, that although he greatly preferred they should be engaged for six months, or during the campaign, yet he had no wish to alter any engagement made with general Roberts, and would gladly receive them for the period they had been mustered ; at the expiration of which time he would discharge them. Notwith- standing this assurance, with which he was instructed to make them fully acquainted, for some unknown 116 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. cause, they suddenly formed the determination to aban- don their engagements and return home, without gain- ing even a sight of the camp. To the misconduct of their general, was it justly to be attributed. By halt- ing them in the neighbourhood, until he could go to head-quarters and " make terms" for their acceptance, he had impressed them with the belief that their ob- ligations as yet extended only to himself; from which he promised to absolve them, if the terms he should be able to make, should be less favourable than they expected. And even after general Jackson had assent- ed to all that was or could be asked in their behalf, and that assent had been reduced to writing, Roberts, either from not understanding what was done, or from a desire to injure the service, hastened back to his men, informed them that he had been unable to effect an accomplishment of their object seriously lamented having induced them from their homes, and concluded by gravely remarking, that he freely exonerated them from all the obligations they were under to him. They, just as gravely concluded they would go no further ; and, turning about, commenced their return home. The affair, however, was soon presented very differ- ently to his mind. The careless indifference with which he had first treated it had subsided ; and his fears took the alarm on receiving from general Jackson, an order to parade immediately before the fort the men he had reported to have brought into the field. He came forward, now, to excuse what had happened, and to solicit permission to go in pursuit of the refugees, whom he thought he should be able to bring back. Overtaking them, at the distance of twenty miles, he endeavoured, in a very gentle manner, to sooth their LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 117 discontents, and prevail on them to return ; but having been discharged, and absolved fully from the engage- ments they had at first entered into, they laughed at the folly of his errand. Unable to effect his object, he remained with them during the night ; and in the morning set out for camp, and his new recruits for home. On arriving at head-quarters, he ascribed his failure to the practice^4if certain officers, whom he named, and who, he said, had stirred up a spirit of mu- tiny and desertion among the men to such a degree, that all his efforts to retain them had proved unavail- ing. Jackson, who could not view this incident with the same carelessness and indifference that Roberts did, immediately issued an order, directing him to proceed, forthwith, in pursuit of the deserters, and have them apprehended and brought back. In the execution of this order, he was commanded to call to his aid any troops in the United States' service within the county of Madison, or in the state of Tennessee, and to exert all his power and authority, as a military officer, within his own brigade ; and in the event he should not be able to collect a sufficient force to march them safely to head-quarters, to confine them in jails, and make a report thereof, without delay. This order was accompanied with an assurance, that all who should return willingly to their duty, except those officers who had been reported as the instigators, would be pardoned. Many of the men and several of the offi- cers, who had been charged as encouraging the revolt, learning the nature of the proceedings which were about to be enforced against them, returned of their own accord to camp ; and concurred in ascribing their late misconduct entirely to their general. He was af- 118 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. terwards arrested, and upon this and other charges exhibited against him, sentenced by a court-martial to be cashiered. The day had arrived, when that portion of the mili- tia, which had continued in service, claimed to be dis- charged ; and insisted, that whether this were given to them or not, they would abandon the campaign and return home. Jackson believed them not entitled to / it, and hence, that he had no right to give it ; but since governor Blount had said differently, and his opinion, as was requested, had been promulgated, he felt it to be improper that he should attempt the exercise of authority to detain them. Nevertheless, believing it to be his duty to keep them, he issued a general or- der, commanding all persons in the service of the Uni- ted States, under his command, not to leave the en- campment without his written permission, under the penalties annexed, by the rules and articles of war, to the crime of desertion. This was accompanied by an address, in which they were exhorted, by all those motives which he supposed would be most likely to have any influence, to remain at their posts until they could be legally discharged. Neither the order nor the address availed any thing. On the morning of the 4th of January, the officer of the day reported, that on visiting his guard, half after ten o'clock, he found neither the officer, (lieutenant Kearley,) nor any of the sentinels at their posts. Upon this information, gene- ral Jackson ordered the arrest of Kearley, who refused to surrender his sword, alleging it should protect him to Tennessee ; that he was a freeman, and not subject to the orders of general Jackson, or any body else. LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 1 19 This being made known to the general, he issued, im- mediately, this order to the adjutant-general : " You will forthwith cause the guards to parade, with cap- tain Gordon's company of spies, and arrest lieutenant Kearley ; and, in case you shall be resisted in the exe- cution of this order, you are commanded to oppose force to force, and arrest him at all hazards. Spare the effusion of blood, if possible ; but mutiny must, and shall be put down." Colonel Sitler, with the guards and Gordon's company, immediately proceeded in search, and found him at the head of his company, on the lines, which were formed, and about to be march- ed off. He was ordered to halt, but refused. The adjutant-general, finding it necessary, directed the guards to stop him ; and again demanded his sword, which he again refused to deliver. The guards were commanded to fire on him if he did not immediately deliver it, and had already cocked their guns. At this order, the lieutenant cocked his, and his men followed the example. General Jackson, informed of what was passing, had hastened to the scene, and arriving at this moment, personally demanded of Kearley his sword, which he still obstinately refused to deliver. Incensed at his conduct, and viewing the example as too dan- gerous to be passed in silence, he snatched a pistol from his holster, and was already levelling it at the breast of Kearley, when the adjutant-general interpos- ing between them, urged him to surrender his sword. At this moment, a friend of the lieutenant, who was present, drew it from the scabbard, and presented it to colonel Sitler, who refused to receive it. It was then returned to Kearley, wiio now delivered it, and was placed under guard. During this crisis, both 120 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. parties remained with their arms ready, and prepared for firing; and a scene of bloodshed was narrowly escaped. Kearley being confined, and placed under guard, be- came exceedingly penitent, and earnestly supplicated the/general for a pardon. He stated that the absence of the guards and sentinels from their post had been owing to the recommendation and advice of the bri- gade-major ; that his not delivering his sword, when it was first demanded, was attributable to the influence and arguments of others, who had persuaded him it was not his duty to do so ; that he had afterwards come to the determination to surrender himself, but was dissuaded by those who assured him it would be a sacrifice of character, and that they would share in his disobedience and protect him in the hour of dan- ger; why he still resisted, in the presence of the ge- neral, was, that being at the head of his company, and having undertaken to carry them home, he was re- strained, at the moment, by a false idea of honour. This application was aided by certificates of several of the most respectable officers then in camp, attesting his previously uniform good behaviour, and express- ing a belief that his late misconduct was wholly to be attributed to the interference of others. Influenced by these reasons, but particularly by an apprehension of the seductions which he believed had been practised upon him, by older and more experienced officers in his regiment, the general thought proper to order his liberation from arrest, and his sword to be restored to him. Never was a man more sensible of the favour LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 121 he had received, or more devoted to his benefactor, than he afterwards became. While these proceedings were taking place, the rest of the brigade, with the exception of captain Willis's company, and twenty-nine of his men, con- tinued their march towards home, leaving behind, for the further prosecution of the campaign, and the de- fence of Fort Strother, a single regiment of militia, whose term of service was within a few weeks of ex- piring ; two small companies of spies, and one of ar- tillery. As this regiment had often professed a desire to be led against the enemy, and to contend in battle, before they quitted the service, Jackson flattered him- self with the hope, that they would, for this purpose, willingly remain in the field a few days beyond the period of their engagements. On the next day, there- fore, with a view to test their patriotism and to detain them if possible, he caused to be read to that regi- ment the following address. " Your general having reported that your term of service will expire on the 14th, I assume no claim on you beyond that period. But, although I cannot de- mand as a right, the continuance of your services, I do not despair of being able to obtain them through your patriotism. For what purpose was it that you quitted your homes, and penetrated the heart of the enemy's country ? Was it to avenge the blood of your fellow- citizens, inhumanly slain by that enemy; to give se- curity in future to our extended and unprotected frontier, and to signalize the valour by which you were animated? Will any of these objects be attained if you 122 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. abandon the campaign at the time you contemplate ? Not one ! Yet an opportunity shall be afforded you, if you desire it. If you have been really actuated by the feelings, and governed by the motives, which, your commanding general supposes influenced you to take up arms, and enter the field in defence of your rights, none of you will resist the appeal he now makes, or hesitate to embrace with eagerness, the opportunity he is about to afford you. " The enemy, more than half conquered, yet deriv- ing encouragement and hope from the tardiness of our operations, and the distractions which have unhappily prevailed in our camp, are again assembling below us. Another lesson of admonition must be furnished them. They must again be made to feel the weight of that power which they have, without cause, provoked to war ; and to know, that although we have been slow to take up arms, we will never lay them from our hands until we have secured the objects that impelled us to the resort. In less than eight days I shall leave this encampment to meet and fight them. Will any of you accompany me ? Are there any amongst you, who, at a moment like this, will not think it an* outrage upon honour, for her feelings to be tested by a computation of time? What if the period for which you tendered your services to your country has ex- pired is'that a consideration with the valiant, the pa- triotic, and the brave, who have appeared to redress the injured rights of that country, and to acquire for themselves the name of glory ? Is it a consideration with them, when those objects are still uriattained, and an opportunity of acquiring them is so near at LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 123 hand ? Did such men enter the field like hirelings to serve for pay ? Does all regard for their country, their families, and themselves, expire with the time for which their services were engageol? Will it be a suffi- cient gratification to their feelings, that they served out three months, without seeing the enemy, and then aban- doned the campaign, when the enemy was in the neigh- bourhood, and could be seen and conquered in ten days ? Any retrospect they can make, of the sacrifices they have encountered, and the privations they have endured, will afford but little satisfaction under such circumstan- ces ; the very mention of the Creek war, must cover them with the blushes of shame, and self-abasement. Having engaged for only three months, and that pe- riod having expired, you are not bound to serve any longer : but are you bound by nothing else ? Sure- ly, as honourable and high-minded men, you must, at such a moment as the present, feel other obligations than the law imposes. A fear of the punishment of the law, did not bring you into camp; that its de- mands are satisfied, will not take you from it. You had higher objects in view, some greater good to at- tain. This, your general believes, nor can he believe otherwise, without doing you great injustice. " Your services are not asked for longer than twen- ty days ; and who will hesitate making such a sacri- fice, when the good of his country and his own fame are at stake ? Who, under the present aspect of affairs, will even reckon it a sacrifice ? When we set out to meet the enemy, this post must be retained and de- fended ; if any of you will remain, and render this ser- vice, it will be no less important than if you had march- 124 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOX. ed to the battle ; nor will your general less thankfully acknowledge it. Tuesday next, the line of march will be taken up : and in a few days thereafter, the objects of the excursion will be effected. As patriotic men, then, I ask you for your services ; and, thus long, I have no doubt you will cheerfully render them. I am well aware, that you are all anxious to return to your families and homes, and that you are entitled to do so ; yet stay a little longer, go with me, and meet the enemy, and you can then return, not only with the consciousness of having performed your duty, but with the glorious exultation of having done even more than duty required." What was hoped for, from this address, did not re- sult. Difficulties were constantly pressing ; and whilst one moment gave birth to expectation, the next served but to destroy it. Jackson had been advised, and was buoyed by the hope, that adequate numbers would shortly come to his relief; and until this could be ac- complished, it was desirable to retain those who then were with him, to give to his posts increased protec- tion. Whilst measures were adopting in Tennessee, to effect this fully, about a thousand volunteers were moving out, to preserve an appearance of opposition, and keep secure what had been already gained. With this force, added to what he already had, if in his power to keep them, he believed he would be able to advance on the enemy, make a diversion in favour of the Georgia army, and obtain other important advan- tages. With this view, he had addressed this regi- ment, and brought before them such considerations as might be supposed calculated to excite a soldier's LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 125 ardour. But, in answer to his address, the command- ing officer replied, that having called upon the several captains in his regiment, to make a statement of those in their respective companies who were willing to re- main beyond the period of their engagement, it ap- peared that with the exception of captain Hamilton and three of his men, none would consent to do so. As nothing but an unnecessary consumption of sup- plies was now to be expected from detaining the few days that yet remained of their term, troops so spiritless, orders were given, and proper arrangements made, for taking up the line of march to Fort Armstrong, on the 10th ; whence they were directed to proceed to Knox- ville, and receive orders for their discharge. Particular instructions were given to have the strictest police observed, and the utmost order preserved on the march, that no depredations might be committed on the persons or property of the Indians, through whose country they were to pass; or on the citizens of Ten- nessee. Meantime, the volunteers, lately raised, had arrived at Huntsville, where they had been directed to remain until sufficient supplies could be had at head-quarters. Could they have proceeded directly on, they would have reached the general sufficiently early to have enabled him to proceed against the enemy before the period at which the remnant of his troops would have been entitled to a discharge. His exertions to have in readiness the arrangements necessary to the ac- complishment of this end, had been indefatigable. Ge- neral Cocke had been directed to give instructions to 126 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. his quarter-master, to forward to Fort S troth er such provisions as should arrive at Fort Armstrong; to proceed thence to Ross', and make proper arrange- ments for the speedy transportation, from that place to Deposit, of all the bread stuff which the contractor had been required to collect at that depot ; and to have procured and sent from East Tennessee, a competent supply of that article, as well for the troops then in the field, as for those which had been ordered to be raised. The more certainly to effect this object, he had, on the 20th of December, despatched his own quarter-master and adjutant-general to Deposit and Huntsville, to push on what should be collected and on hand at those places ; and had, at the same time, despatched one of the sub-contractors from camp, with directions to examine the situation of the different depots ; and, if found insufficient to meet the requisi- tion he had made, to proceed immediately to the set- tlements in Tennessee, and procure the necessary supplies. To the contractors themselves, he had ad- dressed orders and exhortations almost without num- ber; and, indeed, from every source, and through every channel that the hope of relief could be discern- ed, had he directed his exertions to obtain it. Having thus strained every nerve, and unceasingly directed all his efforts towards the accomplishment of this object, he had, for a while, flattered himself with the hope that his multiplied endeavours would enable him to bring on his new troops in time for that com- bined movement with the East Tennessee militia which he so much desired. So important did he con- sider this measure, that he was willing to subject him- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 127 self to considerable hazard, rather than not effect it To colonel Carroll he wrote, on learning that he was on his way with the newly raised troops " I am happy to hear of your success in procuring volunteers. I shall receive, with open arms, those who, in this hour of need, so gallantly come forth to uphold the sinking reputation of their state. I am exceedingly anxious to re-commence operations, and indeed they have become more necessary than ever; yet I cannot move without supplies. As this will meet you near where the contractors are, you will be better able to ascertain than I can inform you, when that happy moment will arrive : and I pray you, use your best exertions to have it brought about with the least possible delay. Until supplies, and the means of transportation can be furnished, to justify another movement from this place, it will be better that you remain where your horses can be fed. I say this, upon the supposi- tion and hope, that it may shortly be effected ; but were it certain that the same causes of delay which have so long retarded our operations, were still to continue, I would, at every risk, and under every re- sponsibility, take up the march so soon as the troops now with you could arrive. For such a measure, I should seek my justification in the imperiousness of the circumstances by which I am surrounded; and rely for success upon heaven, and the enterprise of my followers. " Partial supplies have arrived, for my use, at Fort Armstrong, which will be ordered on to-morrow. This, with the scanty stock on hand, will at least keep us from starving a few weeks, until we can quarter upon 128 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. the enemy, or gain assistance from the country below. General Claiborne, who is encamped eight}^fi ve miles above Fort Stoddart, writes me, that arrangements are made to send supplies up the Alabama, to the junction of the Coosa and Tallapoosa. Upon such resources will I depend, sooner than wait until my army wastes away, or through inaction becomes mutinous and unfit for service. The hopes, however, which had been cherished, of combined operations, with all the forces at that time under his controul, he was compelled, by the late events in his camp, to relinquish ; but although these were highly discouraging, they were far from inducing him to despond. He was strongly persuaded of the necessity of proceeding; and determined, that as soon as it were possible, he would prosecute the campaign with the feeble force he had at his command, deferring the period for more active operations, until the ex- pected reinforcements, collecting in Tennessee, could be brought into the field.* * The troops thus collecting were calculated but for a single ad- venture, and no more. Colonel Carroll had not been able to pro- cure volunteers for six months, or during the campaign, as was required by the order under which he acted. He had considered it under all the circumstances, so essential to have troops of some de- scription engaged, that, rather than encounter disappointment, he had accepted them for sixty days, and taken them as mounted men, instead of infantry, which were not to be procured. This latter cir- cumstance, requiring a large quantity of supplies, occasioned them to be kept back longer than would have been necessary, had they been troops of a different description. As there was no law, either of the state or general government, for a period so limited, and which seemed too short to promise any very beneficial effects, the general LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 129 On the second of January, colonel Carroll and Mr. Blackburn, having proceeded from Huntsville, arrived at head-quarters, to receive instructions as to the manner in which the volunteers should be organized; and to learn the time when they would be required to be brought up. Having reported their strength to be eight hundred and fifty, they were directed to have them formed, as had been desired, into two regiments, under officers of their own choice ; and an order was put into their hands, requiring general Coffee, who was then at Huntsville, to march them to Fort Strother, by the 10th instant. That officer, whose feelings had been sufficiently harrowed by the late conduct and defection of his brigade, learning that those troops were unwilling for him to have command of them, had expressed a wish to general Jackson that it might not be assigned him ; in consequence of which, and their own request, the latter had determined, after their ar- rival at his camp, that there should be no intermedi- ate commander over them, between their colonels and himself. With this proposed arrangement, and the nature and extent of the order borne to general Coffee, those gentlemen had been instructed to make the troops acquainted ; and were particularly requested to was in doubt whether or not to receive them; but, believing he might make a partial excursion, and thereby produce a diversion favourable to the Georgia troops, who, relying on his co-operation, might be perhaps greatly endangered without h ; and considering that their rejection might tend to the injury of the campaign, he finally concluded to accept them. Previously to doing so, he stated his objections, and the difficulties he felt ; and endeavoured to pre- vail on them to enlarge their term of service : to this they would not agree ; when, rather than lose them entirely, he consented to re- eaive them. 130 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. use their best endeavours to remove any erroneous impressions that might have been made upon their minds by those who had so lately abandoned their duty, and who had laboured to instil in others their own prejudices and passions. They were charged, too, with the communication of a flattering address from the general, who, warned by past transactions, considered it of the utmost importance to prevent any mutinous feeling, and to guard, by all the means in his pow r er, against the contamination of a corps upon which his only hopes at present rested. General Coffee, having received the instructions which general Jackson had sent him, immediately gave orders to colonels Perkins and Higgins, who had been chosen to the command of the two regiments, to march them directly for head-quarters ; explaining, in his or- der, the reasons that had induced him to issue it. To his entire astonishment, both these officers refused to obey it ; alleging, in a written statement they made, that general Coffee had no right to exercise command over them, and that they would disregard any he might attempt to claim. One of them not only refused obedience to the order, but even went so far as to re- fuse to return it, or permit the brigade-inspector to take a copy ; thereby placing it out of his power to make it known to the rest of the brigade. Unwilling as Coffee was, to create any additional perplexities to the commanding general, or occasion new disturbances, at so important a crisis, neverthe- less, influenced by a regard for his own reputation, which he believed to be wantonly and wickedly a$- LITE OF GENERAL JACKSOX, 131 sailed, by this contumacious refusal to obey an order which the occasion and his instructions required him to execute, he felt himself constrained to demand the arrest of those officers. This application, with charges and specifications of so serious a nature, against his officers highest in com- mand, placed Jackson in a very delicate situation. To commence the exercise of authority over troops wholly unacquainted with service, by the arrest of those in whom they had reposed such distinguished confidence, it was probable might be attended with consequences fatal to his views, and to the success of the contempla- ted expedition. On the other hand, he was fully sen- sible of the injury that had been done the feelings of an officer, acting under the authority of his instruc- tions, and how much, justice required them to be re- paired : nor was he less sensible of the feeble reliance that could be reposed on men who seemed to make a merit of disobedience and insubordination, especially if, from indulgence, they should be permitted to de- rive encouragement. But however his mind might oscillate between the evil consequences of either al- ternative, he knew that the course pointed out by duty was a plain one, should general Coffee persist in his demand. Notwithstanding the strong injunctions and weighty considerations that had been urged, to produce an ex- peditious movement, it was not until the 13th that those officers with their regiments reached head-quar- ters. Finding, on their arrival, that they were likely to, be noticed, on charges which their better-informed 132 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. friends advised would not only deprive them of com- mand, but involve them in disgrace, they immediately came forward, and made an honourable and satisfacto- ry concession, in which they pleaded ignorance of mi- litary duty, as an excuse for their misconduct. That the service, at a crisis so important, might not be in- jured by any private feuds, the charges were with- drawn. Every preparation was now made to hasten an ac- complishment of the objects in view. The whole ef- fective force consisted, at this time, by the reports, of little more than nine hundred men, and was, in reality, below that number. Being addressed by the general, on the occasion, on the 15th, the mounted troops commenced their march, and moved to Wehogee creek, three miles from the fort. Jackson, with his staff, and the artillery com- pany, joined them next morning, at that place, and continued the line of march to Talladega, where about two hundred friendly Indians, Cherokees and Creeks, badly armed, and much discouraged at the weakness of his force, were added to his numbers, without in- creasing much his strength. Seldom, perhaps, has there been an expedition undertaken, fraught with greater peril than this. Nine hundred new recruits, entirely unacquainted with the duties of the field, were to be marched into the heart of an enemy's coun- try, without a single hope of escape, but from victory, and that victory not to be expected, but from the wisest precaution, and most determined bravery. Al- though so obviously pregnant with danger, to marcji LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 133 was the only alternative that could be prudently adopt- ed. No other could afford a diversion favourable to general Floyd, who was advancing with the army from Georgia, or give favourable results to the cam- paign, without which it must soon have been abandon- ed, for want of men to prosecute it Another reason rendered such a movement proper, and indispensable. The officer commanding at Fort Armstrong had re- ceived intelligence, on which was placed the utmost reliance, that the warriors from fourteen or fifteen towns on the Tallapoosa, were about to unite their forces, and attack that place ; which, for the want of a sufficient garrison, was in a weak and defenceless situ- ation. Of this, general Jackson had been advised. The present movement then, hazardous as it was, under all circumstances, was indispensable, and could alone pre- vent the execution of such a purpose, if it were in truth intended. On reaching Talladega, he received a letter from the commandant at Fort Armstrong, confirmatory of the first information that had been obtained, and which left it no longer a matter of doubt but an attack would be speedily waged against that depot. One also from general Pinckney, by express, arrived, advising him that Floyd, on the 10th instant, would move from Coweta, and in ten days thereafter, establish a position atTuckabatchee; and recommended, if his force would allow him to do no more, that he should advance against such of the enemy's towns as might be within convenient distance ; that, by having his troops em- ployed, he might keep disaffection from his ranks, and be, at the same time, serviceably engaged in harass- ing the enemy. If, therefore, he could have hesitated before, there was now no longer any room to do so. 134 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. By an expeditious movement, he might save Fort Armstrong, and render an essential service to genera) Floyd, by detaching a part of the clans destined to proceed against him. The force which might act against either, was understood to be then collected in a bend of the Tallapoosa, near the mouth of a creek called Emuckfaw, and thither he determined, by the nearest route, to direct his course. As he progressed on the march, a want of the ne- cessary knowledge in his pilots, of subordination in his troops, and skill in the officers who commanded them, became more and more apparent ; but still their ardour to meet the enemy was not abated. Troops unacquainted with service are oftentimes more san- guine than veterans. The imagination too frequently portraying battles in the light of a frolic, keeps danger at a distance, until, suddenly springing into view, it becomes a monster too hideous to be withstood. On the evening of the 21st, sensible, from the trails he had fallen in upon, fresh, and converging to a point, that he must be in the neighbourhood of the enemy, Jackson encamped his little army in a hollow square, on an eligible site, upon the eminences of Emuckfaw, sent out his spies, posted his piquets, doubled his sen- tinels, and made the necessary arrangements to guard against attack. About midnight the spies came in and reported they had discovered a large encampment of Indians, at about three miles distance, who, from their whooping and dancing, their usual precursors to battle, were no doubt apprised of his arrival. Every thing- was ready for their reception, if they meditated an at- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 135 tack, or to pursue in the morning, if they did not At the dawn of day, the alarm guns of our sentinels, suc- ceeded by shrieks and savage yells, announced their presence. They commenced a furious assault on the left flank, commanded by colonel Higgins, which was met and opposed with great firmness. General Coffee, and colonels Carroll and Sitler, instantly repaired to the point of attack, and, by example and exhortation, encouraged the men to a performance of their duty. The action raged for half an hour ; the brunt of which being against the left wing, it had become consider- ably weakened. It being now sufficiently light to as- certain, correctly, the position of the enemy, and cap- tain Ferril's company having come up and reinforced the left wing, the whole charged, under general Coffee, and a rout immediately ensued. The friendly Indians joining in the pursuit, they were chased about two miles, with considerable loss. We had five killed, and twenty wounded. Until it became light enough to dis- cern objects, our troops derived considerable advant- age from their camp fires ; these having been placed at some distance without the line of the encampment, afforded a decided superiority in a night attack, by enabling those within to fire with great accuracy on an approaching enemy, whilst they themselves re- mained invisible in the dark. The pursuit being over, Jackson detached general Coffee, with the Indians, and four hundred men, to destroy the enemy's encampment, unless he should find it too strongly fortified ; in which event, he was to give information immediately, and wait the arrival of the artillery. Coffee, having reconnoitred this posi- 136 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOK. tion, and found it too strong to be assailed with the force he commanded, returned to camp. The propriety of this determination was soon perceived. He had not returned more than half an hour, when a severe fire was made upon the piquets, posted on the right, accompa- nied with prodigious yelling. General Coffee, having obtained permission, proceeded to turn the left flank of the assailants. This detachment being taken from dif- ferent corps, he placed himself at their head, and moved briskly forward. Those in the rear, availing themselves of this circumstance, continued to drop off, one by one, without his knowledge, until the whole number left with him did not exceed fifty. It was fortunate that the force of the enemy he had first to attack was not greater. He found them occupying a ridge of open pine timber, covered with low under- wood, which afforded them many opportunities for con- cealment. To deprive them of this advantage, which they are very dexterous in taking, Coffee ordered his men to dismount and charge them. This order was promptly obeyed, and some loss sustained in its exe- cution ; the general himself was wounded through the body, and his aid, major Donelson, killed by a ball through the head ; three of his men also fell. The enemy, driven back by the charge, took refuge on the margin of a creek, covered with reeds, where they lay concealed, The savages having intended the attack on the right as a feint, now, with their main force, which had been concealed, made a violent onset on our left line, which they hoped to find weakened, and in disorder. Gene- ral Jackson, however, who had apprehended their LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 137 design, was prepared to meet it : this line had been, ordered to remain firm in its position ; and when the first gun was heard in that quarter, he repaired thither in person, and strengthened it by additional forces. The first advance of the enemy, though sudden and violent, was sustained with firmness, and opposed with great gallantry. The battle was now maintained on the part of the assailants, by quick and irregular firing, from behind logs, trees, shrubbery, and whatever could afford concealment: behind these, prostrating them- selves after firing, and, reloading, they would rise and again discharge their guns. After sustaining their fire in this way for some time, a charge, to dislodge them from their position, was ordered : and the whole line under colonel Carroll, by a most brilliant and steady movement, broke upon, and threw them into confusion, and they fled precipitately away. The pursuit com- menced, and they were overtaken and destroyed in considerable numbers : their loss was great, but never certainly ascertained. In the mean time, general Coffee had been endea- vouring, as far as prudence would permit him to make the attempt, to drive the savages on the right from the fastnesses into which they had retired ; but finding that this could not be done, without much hazard, and considerable loss, he began to retire towards the place where he had first dismounted. This expedient, de- signed for stratagem, produced the desired effect The enemy, inspirited by the movement, presuming it a retreat, and to have been adopted in consequence of the severe firing they had heard on the left wing, now forsook their 'hiding places, and rapidly advanced 138 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSO1V. upon him. That officer immediately availed himself of the opportunity thus afforded, of contending with them again on equal terms ; and a severe conflict com- menced, and continued about an hour, in which the loss on both sides was nearly equal. At this critical juncture, when several of the detachment had been killed, many wounded, and the whole greatly exhaust- ed with fatigue ; the dispersion of the enemy being effected on the left, a reinforcement was despatched by general Jackson, which, making its appearance on the enemy's left flank, put an end to the contest. Ge- neral Coffee, although severely wounded, still con- tinued the fight, and availing himself of the arrival of this additional strength, instantly ordered a charge ; when the enemy, foreseeing their doom, fled in con- sternation, and were pursued with dreadful slaughter. It is believed that at this place non^ escaped. Thus drew to a close a day of almost continual fighting.* Having brought in and buried the dead, and dressed the wounded, preparations were made to guard against an attack by night, should one be attempted, by or- dering a breast-work of timber around the encamp- ment ; a measure the more necessary, as the spirits of * The Indians had designed their plan of operations well, though the execution did not succeed. It was intended to hring on the at- tack at three different points, at the same time ; but a party of the Chealegrans, one of the tribes which compose the Creek confede- racy, who had been ordered to assail the right extremity of our front line, instead of doing so, thought it more prudent to proceed to their villages, happy to have passed, undiscovered, the point they had been ordered to attack. But for this, the contest might have terminated less advantageously, perhaps disasterously. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. our troops, most of whom had never before been in collision with an enemy, were observed visibly to flag, towards the evening. Indeed, during the night, it was with the utmost difficulty the sentinels could be main- tained at their posts, who, expecting every minute the appearance of the enemy, would, at the least noise, fire and run in. The enemy, however, whose spies were around our encampment all night, did not think proper to attack us in this position, and the morning broke without disturbance. The next day, general Jackson, having effected, as he believed, so far as he could, the main objects of the expedition, a diversion in favour of general Floyd, who was, at this juncture, supposed to be carrying on his operations lower down on the Tallapoosa, and the relief of Fort Armstrong, began to think of returning to the Ten Islands. Many reasons concurred to render such a measure proper, and indeed indispensable. He had not set out prepared to make any permanent establish- ment in advance of this present post; his provisions were growing extremely scarce, and the country itself afforded no means of subsistence, either for his men or their horses. His wounded, many of whom were exceedingly dangerous, required to be speedily taken care of; whilst the present temper of his soldiery pre- cluded all hope that he should be able to effect any thing of material consequence beyond what had been already effected. Besides, if the object were still fur- ther to cripple the enemy, this might be more certain- ly attained by commencing a return, which, having the appearance of retreat, would probably induce a pursuit, than by attacking them in their strong holds ; in which event, too, the diversion contemplated would 140 LIFE OP GENERA!, JACKSON, be the more complete, by drawing them in a different direction. Determined by these considerations, Jack- son ordered litters to be formed for the transportation of the sick and wounded, and other necessary pre- parations to be made for a return march. Every thing being ready, it was commenced at ten o'clock the next morning, and continued without interruption until nearly night; when the army was encamped a quarter of a mile on the south side of Enotichopco creek, in the direction to the ford, at which it had been passed in proceeding out, As it was pretty evident that the enemy had been in pursuit during the day, a breast-work was thrown up, with the utmost expedition, and every arrange- ment made to repel their attempts, should they medi- tate an attack, during the course of the night, or on ithe succeeding morning. The night, however, was permitted to pass away without disturbance, and with- out any appearance of an enemy. From a knowledge that they had been hanging on his rear, during the march of the preceding day, and having suffered the night to wear through without attempting any assault upon his camp, the general was led to conjecture that an ambuscade had been prepared, and that an attack would be made on him whilst crossing the creek in his front ; which, being deep, and the banks rugged, and thickly covered with reeds, afforded many advan- tages for such a design. Near the crossing place, was a deep ravine, formed by the protection of two hills, overgrown with thick shrubbery and brown sedge, which afforded every convenience for concealment, whilst it entirely prevented pursuit. Along this route, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 141 the army, in going out, had passed; through it, as might have been expected, it would again return ; and at this defile, it was believed, an ambuscade would be formed, if any were intended. Acting under these im- pressions, and with a view to guard against them, Jackson determined to take a different route. He se- cretly despatched, early next morning, a few pioneers, to ascertain and designate another crossing place be- low. A suitable one was presently discovered, at about six hundred yards distance from the old one; and thither the general now led his army ; having, pre- viously to commencing the march, formed his columns, and the front and rear guards, that he might be in an attitude for defence. A beautiful slope of open woodland led down to the newly discovered ford, where, except immediately on the margin of the creek, which was covered with a few reeds, there was nothing to obstruct the view. The front guards, and part of the columns, had pass- ed ; the wounded were also over, and the artillery just entering the creek, when an alarm gun was heard in the rear. The Indians, unexpectedly finding the route was changed, quitted the defile where they had expected to commence the assault, and advanced upon a company, under the command of captain Russell, which marched in the rear. Though assailed by great- ly superior numbers, it returned the fire, and gradually retired, until it reached the rear guard, who, accord- ing to express instructions given, were, in the event of an attack, to face about, and act as the advance, whilst the right and left columns should be turned ori their pivots, so as completely to loop the enemy, and 142 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. render his destruction sure. The right column of the rear guard was commanded by colonel Perkins, the left by lieutenant-colonel Stump, and the centre co- lumn by colonel Carroll. Jackson was just passing the stream when the firing and yelling commenced. Hav- ing instructed his aid-de-camp to form a line for the protection of the wounded, who were but a short dis- tance in advance, and afterwards to turn the left co- lumn, he himself proceeded to the right, for a similar purpose. What was his astonishment, when, resting in the hope of certain victory, he beheld the right and left columns of the rear guard, after a feeble resist- ance, precipitately give way, bringing with them con- fusion and dismay, and entirely obstructing the pas- sage, over which the principal strength of the army was to be re-crossed ! This shameful flight was well nigh being attended with the most fatal consequences; which were alone averted by the determined bravery of a few. Nearly the whole of the centre column had followed the example of the other two, and precipita- ted themselves into the creek ; not more than twenty remained to oppose the violence of the first assault. The artillery company, commanded by lieutenant Armstrong, and composed of young men of the first families, who had volunteered their services at the commencement of the campaign, formed with their muskets before the piece of ordnance they had, and hastily dragged it from the creek to an eminence, from which they could play to advantage. Here an obsti- nate conflict ensued; the enemy endeavouring to charge and take it, whilst this company formed with their muskets, and resolutely defended it. These young men, the few who remained with colonel Car- LIFE OF GENERAL JAjCKSON. 143 roll, and the gallant captain Quarles, who fell at their head, with Russell's spies, not exceeding in the whole one hundred, maintained with the utmost firmness, a contest, for many minutes, against a force five times greater than their own, and checked the advance of a foe already greatly inspirited from the consternation which his first shock had produced. Every man who there fought, manifested a determination to prefer death to flight. The brave lieutenant Armstrong fell at the side of his piece, by a wound in the groin, and exclaimed, as he lay, " Some of you must perish ; but don't lose the gun." By his side, fell, mortally wound- ed, his associate and friend, Bird Evans, and the gal- lant captain Hamilton ; who, having been abandoned by his men, at Fort Strother, with his two brothers and his aged father, had attached himself to the ar- tillery company, as a private, and, in that capacity, showed how deservedly he was to command by the fidelity with which he obeyed. Perilous as the hour was, this little heroic band evinced themselves cool and collected, as they were brave in battle. In the hurry and confusion of the moment the rammer and pricker of the cannon could not be disengaged from the carriage ; in this situation and at such a time, the invention of most young soldiers might have failed; but nothing fearing, Craven Jackson and Constantine Perkins drove home the cartridges with a musket, and with the ramrod prepared them for the match. In the mean time,, while the conflict was thus unequally sustained, general Jackson and his staff had been en- abled, by great exertions, to restore something like order, from confusion. The columns were again form- ed, and put in motion; and small detachments had been 144 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. sent across the creek to support the little band that there maintained their ground. The enemy, perceiv- ing a strong force advancing, and being warmly as- sailed on their left flank, by captain Gordon, at the head of his company of spies, who had advanced from the front, and re-crossed the creek in turn, were stricken with alarm, and fled away, leaving behind their blankets, and whatever was likely to retard their flight. Detachments were ordered on the pursuit, who, in a chase of two miles, destroyed many, and wholly dispersed them. * In despite of the active exertions made by general Jackson, to restore order, they were, for some time, unavailing, and the confusion continued. In addition to the assistance received from his staff, who were every where encouraging, and seeking to arrest the disordered flight of the columns, he derived much from the aid of general Coffee. That officer, in con- sequence of the wound which he had very lately re- ceived at Emuckfaw, had, the day before, been carried in a litter. From the apprehensions indulged, that an attack would probably be made upon them that morn- ing, he had proceeded from the encampment on horse- back, and aided, during the action, with his usual calm and deliberate firmness. Indeed, all the officers of his brigade, who, having been abandoned by their men, had formed themselves into a corps, and followed the army without a command, rendered manifest, now, the value of experience. This was not a moment for rules of fancied etiquette. The very men who, a little time before, would have disdained advice, and spurned an order from any but their own commanders, did not LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 145 scruple amidst the peril that surrounded them, to be regulated by those who seemed to be so much better qualified for extricating them from their present dan- ger. The hospital surgeon, Dr. Shelby, appeared in the fight, and rendered important military services. The adjutant-general, Sitler, than whom none display- ed greater firmness, hastened across the creek in the early part of the action, to the artillery company, for which he felt all the esprit de corps, having been once attached to it ; and there remained, supporting them in their duties, and participating in their dangers. Captain Gordon, too, contributed greatly to dispel the peril of the moment, by his active sally on the left flank of the savages. Of the general himself, it is scarcely necessary to remark, that but for him every thing must have gone to ruin. On him, all hopes were rested. In that moment of confusion, he was the rallying point, even for the spirits of the brave. Firm and energetic, and at the same time perfectly self- possessed, his example and his authority alike con- tributed to arrest the flying and give confidence to those who maintained their ground. Cowards forgot their panic, and fronted danger, when they heard his voice and beheld his manner ; and the brave would have formed round his body a rampart with their own. In the midst of showers of balls, of which he seemed unmindful, he was seen performing the duties of the subordinate officers, rallying the alarmed, halting them in their flight, forming his columns, and inspiriting them by his example. An army suddenly dismayed, and thrown into confusion, was thus happily rescued from a destruction which lately appeared inevitable. Our total loss, in the several engagements, on the 22d, 146 LIKE OF GENERAL JACKSUJN. and to-day, was only twenty killed, and seventy-five wounded, some of whom, however, afterwards died. That of the enemy cannot be accurately stated. The bodies of one hundred and eighty-nine of their warri- ors were found ; this, however, may be considered as greatly below the real number ; nor can their wound- ed be even conjectured. As had been generally the case, the greatest slaughter was in the pursuit. Scat- tered through the heights and hollows, many of the wounded escaped, and many of the killed were not ascertained. It is certain, however, as was afterwards disclosed by prisoners, that considerably more than two hundred of those who, on this occasion, went out to battle, never returned ; but those who did return, unwilling it should be known they were killed, and feeling it might dispirit the nation, endeavoured to have it believed, and so represented it, that they had proceeded on some distant expedition, and would be for some time absent. After this battle, in which had been anticipated cer- tain success, the enemy, tired of conflicts so disas- terous to them, no more thought of harassing our march. Having continued it, without interruption, over high, broken, and, for the most part, barren land, we encamped, on the night of the 26th, within three miles of Fort Strother. Thus terminated an expedition re- plete with peril, but attended with effects highly be- neficial. Fort Armstrong was relieved ; general Floyd enabled to gain a victory at Autossee, where, but for this movement, which had diverted much of the ene- my's strength, he would most probably have met de- feat; a considerable portion of the enemy's best forces LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 147 had been destroyed ; and an end put to the hopes they had founded on our previous delays. Discontent had been kept from our ranks ; the troops had been bene- ficially employed ; and inactivity, the bane of every army, had been avoided. But perhaps the greatest good that resulted from the expedition was the effect produced on the minds of the people at home, from whom was to be collected a force sufficient to termi- nate the war. Experience has often proved the facility with which numbers are brought to a victorious stand- ard ; whilst the ranks of a defeated army are ever with difficulty filled. Any result, therefore, that was calcu- lated to bring an efficient force into the field, was highly important and beneficial. CHAPTER V. Ttie volunteers are discharged. Execution of a soldier, and the effect produced. New troops arrive. Want of supplies. Mutiny with the East Tennessee brigade. General Jackson marches against the In- dians. Battle of Tohopaka. Returns to Fort Williams. Expedition to Hoithlewalee ; its failure, and the causes. Forms a junction with the Georgia troops, and proceeds to the Hickory ground. Indians sue for peace. Weatherford surrenders himself. Arrival of general Pinckney at head-quarters. Tennessee troops are ordered to be march- ed home, and discharged from service. THE troops having reached, in safety, the post whence they had set out, and their term of service be- ing within a short time of expiring, the general de- termined to discharge them. The information from Tennessee, was, that there would soon be in the field a considerable force, and enlisted for a period suffi- cient to effect a termination of the Indian war. He was desirous of having every thing in readiness by the time of their arrival, that they might be carried with- out delay into active service. Detaining his late volun- teers, therefore, a short time, to complete boats for the transportation of his camp equipage and provisions down the Coosa, he directed them to be marched home, and there to be honourably dismissed. The fur- ther service of h'is artillery company was also dis- pensed with. His parting interview with them was interesting and affecting; they had rendered impor- tant services, and adhered to him, with great devoted- ness, in every vicissitude, and through every difficulty he had encountered, from the commencement of the LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 149 campaign. Although, from the high sense entertained of their bravery and fidelity, he would gladly have re- tained them, yet he was too well convinced of the many sacrifices these young men had made, of the bravery they had displayed, and the patience with which they had submitted to those moments of scar- city that had raised up discontents and mutiny in his camp, not to feel a desire to gratify their wishes, and permit them, honourably, to retire from a service which they had already so materially benefitted. A letter from Jackson to governor Blount, hereto- fore noticed, added to his own sense of the importance of the crisis, had induced him to issue an order on the 3d, directing twenty-five hundred of the militia of the second division, to be detached, organized, and equip- ped, in conformity to an act of congress of the 6th of April, 1812. These were to perform a tour of three months, to be computed from the time of rendezvous, which was appointed to be on the 28th instant. He had also required general Cocke to bring into the field, under the requisition of the secretary of war, the quota he had been instructed to raise at the open- ing of the campaign. This officer, who had hitherto created so many obstacles, still appeared to desire nothing more ardently than a failure of the campaign. Although many difficulties had been feigned in the execution of the order directed to him, he was enabled to muster into service, from his division, about two thousand men. These, however, as well as those called out from West Tennessee, were but indifferent- ly armed. 150 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. The thirty-ninth regiment, under colonel Williams, had also received orders to proceed to Jackson's head- quarters, and act under his command in the prosecu- tion of the war. It arrived on the 5th or 6th of the month, about six hundred strong. Most of the men were badly armed; this evil however, was shortly af- terwards remedied. The quarter-masters and contractors were already actively engaged, and endeavouring to procure provi- sions and the necessary transportations for the army. The failures, in regard to former enterprises, are to be ascribed to these two departments ; to the constant en- deavour of the contractors to procure provisions at a reduced price, in order to enhance their profits, and to fears entertained, lest, if they should lay in any large supply it might spoil or waste on their hands. Evils of this kind, growing out of the very nature of the establishment, ought, long since, to have convinced the government of the propriety of resorting to some other and better mode for supplying its armies in times of war. The inconveniences in the quarter-mas- ters' department, were, indeed, less chargeable to the incumbents than to the causes which they could not control ; for, to the extreme ruggedness of the way over which wagons had to pass, was to be added the real difficulty of obtaining a sufficient number on the frontiers. That evils so severely felt, might, for the future, be avoided, every facility was afforded these two departments, that the requisition now made upon them might be promptly complied with. To give, however, sufficient time, and to prevent LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 151 any unnecessary press, the troops advancing from East and West Tennessee, were directed to be halted in the rear of the depots, until ample stores, in ad- vance, to justify immediate operations, should be pro- vided, and the requisite transportations procured. About the middle of the month, in expectation from the numerous and strong assurances he had received, that all things were in a state of readiness, Jackson or- dered the troops to advance, and form a union at head-quarters, then at Fort Strother. Greatly to his surprise and mortification, he soon after learned that the contractor from East Tennessee had again failed to comply with his engagement, notwithstanding the ample means which he possessed, and the full time that had been allowed him for that purpose. The troops, however, agreeably to the order received, pro- ceeded on their march. Those from the second divi- sion, under brigadier-general Johnston, arrived on the 14th ; which, added to the force under general Doher- ty, from East Tennessee, constituted about five thou- sand effectives. Composed, as this army was, of troops entirely raw, it was not to be expected that any thing short of the greatest firmness in its officers could restrain that course of conduct and disorder which had hitherto so unhappily prevailed. The execution of a private, (John Woods,) who had been sentenced by a court-martial, on a charge of mu- tiny, produced, at this time, great excitement, and the most salutary effects. That mutinous spirit, which had so frequently broken into the camp, and for awhile suspended all active operations, remained to be check 152 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. ed. A fit occasion was now at hand to evince, that although militia when at their fire-sides at home, might boast an exemption from control, yet in the field, those high notions were to be abandoned, and subordination observed. Painful as it was to the feel- ings of the general, he viewed it as a sacrifice essen- tial to the preservation of good order, and left the sen- tence of the court to be inflicted. The execution was productive of the happiest effects; order was produced, and that opinion, which had so long prevailed, that a militia-man was privileged and for no offence liable to suffer death, was, from that moment, abandoned, and a stricter obedience than had been practiced, after- wards characterized the army. Nothing was wanting now to put the troops in mo- tion, and actively to prosecute the war, but the want of necessary supplies. Remonstrance, entreaty and threats, had long since been used and exhausted. Every mean had been resorted to to impress on the minds of the contractors the necessity of urging for- ward in faithful discharge of their duty ; but the same indifference and neglect were still persisted in. To ward off the effects of such great evils evils which he foresaw must again eventuate in discontent and re- volt, Jackson resolved to pursue a different course, and no longer depend on persons who had so fre- quently disappointed him, and whose only object was the acquirement of wealth. He accordingly despatch- ed messengers to the nearest settlements, with direc- tions to purchase provisions, at whatever price they could be procured. This course, to these incumbents on the nation, afforded an argument Infinitely stronger LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 153 than any to which he had before resorted. Unexpect- edly assailed in a way they had not previously thought of, by being held and made liable for the amount of the purchases, which by their neglect was rendered necessary, they exerted themselves in discharge of a duty they had hitherto too shamefully neglected. Every expedient had been practised to urge them to a compliance of the obligations they were under to their government ; until the present, none had proved effectual. In one of his letters, about this time, the general remarks : " I have no doubt but a combination has been formed to defeat the objects of the cam- paign ; but the contractor ought to have recollected that he had disappointed and starved my army once ; and now, in return, it shall be amply provided for at his expense. At this point he was to have delivered the rations and whatever they may cost, at this place, he will be required to pay : any price that will ensure their delivery, I have directed to be given." The supplying an army by contractors, he had often objected to as highly exceptionable and dangerous. His monitor, on this subject, was his own experience. Disappointment, mutiny, and abandonment by his troops, when in the full career of success, and an un- necessarily protracted campaign, were among the evils already experienced, and which he desired, if possible, might be in future avoided. The difficulties the per- plexities he had met ; and the constant dissatisfaction which had rendered his troops inefficient, were wholly to be attributed to those, who, in disregard of the public good, had looked alone to their own imme- diate benefit. It was high time that the feelings and interest of such men should be disregarded, and a 154 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. sense of duty enforced, by that sort of appeal which sordid minds best can understand an appeal to pro- fit and the purse. Under these and other circumstances, which seemed to involve the most serious consequences, the general had but little time for either repose or quietness. Every thing was moving in opposition to his wishes. The East Tennessee brigade, under the command of Doherty, having been instructed to halt, until adequate supplies should be received at head-quarters, had al- ready manifested many symptoms of revolt, and was with difficulty restrained from abandoning the field and returning immediately home. Added to their own discontents, and unwillingness to remain in service, much pains had been taken by a personage high in authority, to scatter dissention, and to persuade them that they had been improperly called out, and without sufficient authority ; that the draft was illegal, and that they were under no necessity to remain. Argu- ments like these, when urged by a man of standing and in office, were well calculated to answer the end desired; what the governing motive was that gave rise to a course of conduct so much at war with the public interest, and the duty of a soldier, is difficult to be imagined; none was ever avowed, and certainly none can be offered that will account for it satisfac- torily. On the morning that general Doherty was about to proceed to head-quarters, he was astonished to hear the drums beating up for volunteers, to aban- don his camp and return home. Notwithstanding all his efforts to prevent this injurious measure, one hun- dred and eighty deserted, .His surprise was still tIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 155 greater, on receiving information in which he confided, that instructions by major-general Cocke, had been given, that in the event any number of the troops should be marched back, he would take upon himself to discharge them from all responsibility on their re- turn to Knoxville. The general had previously ap- peared at the camp of Doherty, and, by different means, attempted to excite mutiny and disaffection among the troops. As a reason for being unwilling to assume the command and go with them to the field, he stated, that they would be placed in a situation which he disliked to think of, and one which his feel- ings would not enable him to witness : that they were about to be placed under the command of general Jack* son, who would impose on them the severest trials, and where they would have to encounter every imaginable privation and suffering. He represented, that at head-quarters there was not a sufficiency of provisions on hand to last five days ; nor was there a probability that there would happen any change of circumstances for the better; that should they once be placed in the power of Jackson, such was his nature and disposition that, with the regular force under his command, he would compel them to serve whatever length of time he pleased. Expressions like these, to men who had never before been in the field, and pro- ceeding from one who had already been employed iij a respectable command, were well calculated to pro*- duce serious and alarming impressions. Doherty, who was a brigadier in the first division, was at a loss to know how he should proceed with his ow T n major-ge- neral, who having thus obtruded himself into his camp, was endeavouring to excite mutiny and revolt ; he 15l> LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON- cordingly despatched an express to head-quarters to give information to general Jackson of what was pass- ing in his camp. The messenger arrived, and, in re- turn, received an order to Doherty, commanding him, peremptorily, to seize, and send under guard to Fort Strother, every officer^ without regard to his rank, who should be found, in any manner, attempting to in- cite his army to mutiny. General Cocke, apprehend- ing what was going on, or perhaps obtaining intelli- gence, had retired before the order arrived, and thus escaped the punishment due to so aggravated an of- fence, and which, from the known patriotism and de- cision of the commanding general, would doubtless have been extended. About this time, Colonel Dyer was despatched with six hundred men, with orders to proceed to the head of the Black Warrior, and ascertain if any force of the Indians was embodied in that quarter, and disperse them, that they might not, through this route, be en- abled to gain the rear of the army, and cut off the sup- plies. This detachment having proceeded eight days through the heights along the Cohawba, had fallen in with a trail the enemy had passed, stretching east- wardly* and followed it for some distance. Appre- hending that the army might be on the eve of departing from Fort Strother, and being unable to obtain anjr certain information of the savages, he desisted from the pursuit, and returned to camp. That there might be no troops in the field in a situation not to be serviceable, a"nd as supplies were an important consideration, orders were given the briga- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 157 diers to dismiss from the ranks every invalid, and all who were not well armed. General Jackson having at length, by constant and unremitted exertions, obtained such supplies as he be- lieved would be necessary to enable him to proceed, determined to set out and pursue his course still fur- ther into the enemy's country. A fear of the conse- quences to an army from inaction; a wish that time might not be loitered away uselessly ; and a conscious- ness that a sufficiency of provisions was on the way, and could be forwarded to him from the post main- tained in his rear, prompted him to do so. On the 14th he commenced his march, and crossing the river, arrived on the 21st at the mouth of Cedar creek, which had been previously selected for the establish- ment of a fort* At this place it became necessary to delay a day or two, with a view to detail a suffi- cient force for the protection and safety of the post, and to await the coming of the provision boats which were descending the Coosa, and which, as yet, had not arrived. On the 22d of January, the day of the battle of Emuckfaw, general Coffee, as has been already stated, had been detached to destroy the Indian encampment on the Tallapoosa ; having reconnoitred their position, and believing them too strongly posted to be advan- tageously assailed by the force which he then com- manded, he had retired without making the attempt. The position they had chosen was at a bend of the * Fort Williams. 158 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. Tallapoosa, called by the Indians Tohopeka, which interpreted into our language means Horse Shoe, not far from New Youcka, and near the Oakfusky villa- ges. Fortified as it was by nature, and the skill and exertions of the savages, no other conjecture was en- tertained, than at this place was intended a defence of the most desperate and determined kind. Learn- ing that the Indians were still embodied here, Jackson resolved, so soon as the necessary arrangements could be made to keep open a communication, and preserve in safety his rear, to make a descent on it, and destroy the confederacy ; thence, returning to Fort Williams for provisions, to urge forward to the Hickory ground, where he hoped he would be able finally to terminate the war. On the 24th, leaving a sufficient force under brigk- dier-general Johnston for the protection of the post, with eight days' provisions he left Fort Williams and set out for the Tallapoosa, by the way of Emuckfaw. The whole force now with him amounted to less than three thousand effective men ; being considerably re- duced by the necessity of leaving behind him detach- ments for garrisons at the different forts. At ten o'clock on the morning of the 27th, after a march of fifty-two miles, he reached the village Tohopeka. The enemy, having gained intelligence of his approach, had collected in considerable numbers, with a view to give him battle. The warriors from the adjacent towns, Oakfusky, Hillabee, Eufalee, and New Youcka, amounting to a thousand or twelve hundred, were here collected ready, and waiting his approach. They could have selected 110 place better calculated for defence ; LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 159 for, independent of the advantages bestowed on it by nature, their own exertions had greatly contributed to its strength. Surrounded almost entirely by the river, it was accessible only by a narrow neck of land, of three hundred and fifty yards width, which they had taken much pains to secure and defend, by placing large timbers and trunks of trees horizontally on each other, leaving but a single place of entrance. From a double row of port holes formed in it, they were ena- bled to give complete direction to their fire, whilst they lay in perfect security behind. General Coffee, at the head of the mounted infan- try and friendly Indians, had been despatched early in the morning from camp, with orders to gain the southern bank of the river, encircle the bend, and make some feint, or manoeuvring, by which to divert the enemy from the point where the attack was in- tended principally to be waged. He was particularly instructed so to arrange and dispose the force under his command, that the savages might not escape by passing to the opposite side in their canoes, with which, it was represented, the whole shore was lined. Jackson, with the rest of the army, proceeded to take a position in front of the breast-work. Having planted his cannon on an eminence, about two hundred yards from the front of the enemy's line, with a view to break down his defence, a brisk fire commenced. The musketry and rifles, which occupied a nearer position, were used as the Indians occasionally showed them- selves from behind their works. The artillery was well served by major Bradford, and the fire kept up for some minutes without making any impression ; time. 160 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. however, was gained for complete readiness. The signals having now announced that general Coffee had reached in safety his point of destination, on the op- posite side of the river, had formed his line, and was ready to act, the order was given to charge. " Never were troops more eager to be led on than were both regulars and militia. They had been waiting with im- patience for the order, and hailed it with acclamations. The spirit that animated them was a sure augury of the success that was to follow." Between them there was no difference ; both advanced with the intrepidity and firmness of veteran soldiers. The thirty-ninth regiment, led on by their commander, colonel Wil- liams, and the brave but ill-fated major Montgomery, and the militia under the command of colonel Bunch, moved forward amidst a destructive fire that continu- ally poured upon them, and were presently at the rampart. Here an obstinate and destructive conflict ensued, each contending for the port holes, on differ- ent sides. Many of the enemy's balls were welded between the muskets and bayonets of our soldiers. At this moment, major Montgomery leaping on the wall, called to his men to mount and follow him ; he had scarcely spoken, when, shot through the head, he fell lifeless to the ground. Our troops eagerly followed the example he had set and scaled their ramparts. Finding it no longer tenable, the savages abandoned their position, and retiring from their works conceal- ed themselves amidst the brush and timber that lay thickly scattered over the peninsula; whence they continued resistance, and kept up a galling and con- stant fire, until they were again charged, and forced back. Driven to despair, not knowing whither to flee, IJFE OP GENERAL JACKSON* 161 and resolving not to surrender, they saw no other al- ternative, than an effort to effect their escape, by pass- ing in their canoes to the opposite bank of the river ; from this they were, however, prevented, by perceiv- ing that a part of the army already lined the opposite shore. Under these circumstances, the remaining warriors, who yet survived the severity of the conflict, betaking themselves to flight, leaped down the banks, and concealed themselves along the cliffs and steeps, which were covered by the trees that had been felled from their margin. Many had betaken themselves to the west angle of their line of defence, where, under cover and protection of heaps of brush, a spirited fire was kept up upon those of our troops who had gained their line, and those who were advancing on the outer side. From these secreted places they would fire and disappear. General Jackson perceiving that further resistance must involve them in utter destruction ; and entertaining a desire that they should yield a contest which now evidently was^Bi hopeless one, ordered the Interpreter to advance with a flag, under cover of some trees which stood in front, until he should reach a position sufficiently near to be heard. He did so* and having arrived within forty yards of the spot where the Indians were concealed, in an audible voice, and in their own language, addressed them ; told them of the folly of further resistance, and that he was com- manded by general Jackson to say, that if disposed to surrender, they should be received and treated as prisoners. They waited patiently until he had finish- ed, and heard what he had to say ; a pause ensued ! and at the moment when he was expecting to receive an answer, and to learn that a surrender would be at x 162 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. once made, a fire was opened upon the flag, and the Interpreter severely wounded in the breast. Finding they would not yield, nor abandon the course of des- peration on which they had resolutely fixed their minds, orders were given to dislodge them. To ac- complish this the artillery was first turned against them ; but being from its size incapable of producing any effect, a charge was made, in which several valu* able lives were lost; it however succeeded, and the enemy were dislodged from their covert place on the right angle of their line of defence. Lighted torches were now thrown down the steeps, which, communi- cating with the brush and trees, and setting them on fire, drove them from their hiding places, and brought them to view. Still did they refuse to surrender, and still maintained the conflict. Thus the carnage con- tinued until night separated the combatants, when the few misguided savages who had avoided the havoc and slaughter of the day, were enabled, through the darkness of the night, ll make their escape. Whilst the attack was thus waged in front of the line, the friendly Indians in general Coffee's detach- ment, under the command of colonel Morgan, with captain Russell's company of spies, were effecting much ; and no doubt, to the course pursued by them, on the opposite side, was greatly owing the facility with which the breast-work was scaled, and its pos- session obtained. The village stood on the margin of the river, and on that part of the peninsula most re- mote from the fortification. At the line were all their warriors collected. Several of the Cherokees and Russell's spies having swain across, unobserved, and LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 163 procured their canoes, a considerable number passed over, entered the town, and fired it. No sooner was this discovered, than their attention and opposition was necessarily divided, and drawn to the protection of a point which they had hitherto believed secure, and where they had not apprehended an attack. Thus assailed from an unexpected quarter a force in their rear, and another still stronger, advancing on their front, the invading army was afforded a much easier and less hazardous opportunity of succeeding in the assault and securing the victory. This battle gave a death blow to their hopes ; nor did they venture, afterwards, to make a stand. From their fastnesses in the woods they had tried their strength, agreeably to their accustomed mode of war- fare ; in ambuscade, had brought on the attack ; and, in all, failure and disaster had been met. None of the advantages incident on surprise, and for which the red men of our forests have been always so charac- terized, had they been able to obtain. The continual defeats they had received, were, doubtless, the reason of their having so strongly fortified this place, where they had determined to perish or to be victorious. That such a resolution had been taken, is conclusive, from the circumstance of their having permitted their women and children to remain : these they are always careful to remove far from danger, and their scenes of action. The assurance of success which they indulged, arising from the security their position and defence presented, had prevented their adhering to this pre- cautionary measure, which, hitherto, they had never- overlooked. In this action, the best and bravest of 164 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. their warriors were destroyed ; and a greater loss was sustained than had been met with in any of their pre- vious contests. Few escaped the carnage. Of the killed, many by their friends were thrown into the river, whilst the battle raged ; many, in endeavouring to pass it, were sunk by the steady fire of Coffee's brigade; and five hundred and fifty-seven were left dead on the ground. Among the number of the slain, were three of their prophets. Decorated in a most fantastic manner the plumage of various birds about their heads and shoulders ; with savage grimaces, and horrid contortions of the body, they danced and howl- ed their cantations to the sun. Their dependents al- ready believed a communion with heaven sure, which, moved by entreaty, and their offered homage, would aid them in the conflict, and give a triumph to their arms. Fear had no influence ; and when they beheld our army approaching, and already scaling their line of defence, even then, far from being dispirited, hope survived, and victory was still anticipated. Monohoe, one of the most considerable of their inspired ones, and who had cheered and kept alive the broken spirit of the nation by his pretended divinations, fell,;, mortally wounded, by a cannon shot in the mouth, while earn- estly engaged in his incantations, and in urging and encouraging his troops resolutely to contend. Three hundred prisoners were taken, most of whom were women and children. That so few warriors- should have sought and obtained safety, by appealing to the clemency of the victors, to persons acquainted with the mode of Indian warfare will not appear a matter of surprise. It seldom happens that they ex- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 165 tend or solicit quarter: faithless themselves, they place no reliance on the faith of others ; and, when overcome in battle, seek no other protection than dex- terity and haste in retreat afford. Another cause for it may be found in a reason already given; the attack by a detachment of general Cocke's division, on the Hillabee clans, who were assailed and put to the sword, at a moment when, having asked peace at dis- cretion, they were expecting it to be given. This misfortune had alone been occasioned by a want of concert in the divisions of our army ; but it was past, and with it was gone, on the part of the savages, all confidence in our integrity and humanity ; and they looked and trusted for safety now to nothing but their own bravery. In this contest they maintained resist- ance, fighting and firing from their covert places, long after the hope either of success or escape was, or should have been at an end, and after the proposal had been submitted to spare the further useless waste of blood. A few, who had lain quiet, and concealed under the cliffs, survived the severity of the conflict, and effected their retreat under cover of the night. Our loss, although considerable, was small, when compared with that of the enemy ; the whole estimate, including the friendly and Cherokee Indians, was but fifty-five killed, and one hundred and forty-six wound- ed. Of the fSrmer was major Montgomery, a brave and enterprising young officer, of the thirty-ninth re- giment, and lieutenants Moulton and Somerville, who fell early in the action. The object of the present visit being answered, the 166 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. general, in pursuance of the plan with which he had set out, concluded to return to Fort Williams. Having sunk his dead in the river, to prevent their being scalped by the savages, and made the necessary arrangements for carrying off his wounded, he commenced his return march for the fort, and in a few days reached it in safety.* His first object, on his arrival, was to excite, in the breasts of his soldiers, a sense of pride commensurate with the achievements they had performed, and the valour they had displayed. He was impelled to it from a consciousness that feeling, once subsided, could with difficulty be again aroused ; and from a desire to ward off that despondency from his ranks which had once proved so fatal to his hopes. With a view to these objects, the next day on parade, before the fort, he published to them this address : * Sinking them in the river, in preference to burying them, was adopted, from the consideration, that those of our troops who had previously fallen, had been raised, stripped, and scalped. Many of the Indians at Tohopeka were found in the clothes of those who had been killed and buried at Emuckfaw. It is true that this could ope- rate no injury to the dead ; yet was it important, that for the future this should be prevented. It was a fact well ascertained, that the Creek nation, generally, were ignorant of the extent and number of their defeats ; and so long as they could be induced to believe, by those who undertook to account for it in that way, that their missing warriors were still alive, and had gone on some distant enterprise ; or could obtain the scalps of the killed, which they always consider as Certain evidences of victory, the war would continue. It was thought, therefore, better to sink them in the river than to bury them, as the enemy would be thereby deprived of those badges of national and individual distinction, the effect of which would be to shorten the period of the war. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. , 167 " You have entitled yourselves to the gratitude of your country and your general. The expedition, from which you have just returned, has, by your good con- duct, been rendered prosperous, beyond any example in the history of our warfare : it has redeemed the character of your state, and of that description of troops of which the greater part of you are. " You have, within a few days, opened your way to the Tallapoosa, and destroyed a confederacy of the enemy, ferocious by nature, and who had grown in- solent from impunity. Relying on their numbers, the security of their situation, and the assurances of their prophets, they derided our approach, and already ex- ulted in anticipation of the victory they expected to obtain. But they were ignorant of the influence and effect of government on the human powers, nor knew what brave men, and civilized, could effect. By their yells, they hoped to frighten us, and with their wooden fortifications to oppose us. Stupid mortals ! their yells but designated their situation the more certainly; whilst their walls became a snare for their own de- struction. So will it ever be, when presumption and ignorance contend against bravery and prudence. " The fiends of the Tallapoosa will no longer mur- der our women and children, or disturb the quiet of our borders. Their midnight flambeaux will no more illumine their council-house, or shine upon the victim of their infernal orgies. In their places, a new gene- ration will arise, who will know their duty better. The weapons of warfare will be exchanged for the utensils of husbandry ; and the wilderness, which now withers LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. in sterility, and mourns the desolation which over- spreads her, will blossom as the rose, and become the nursery of the arts. But before this happy day can arrive, other chastisements remain to be inflicted. It is indeed lamentable, that the path to peace should lead through blood, and over the bodies of the slain : but it is a dispensation of Providence, and perhaps a wise one to inflict partial evils, that ultimate good may be produced. " Our enemies are not sufficiently humbled, they do not sue for peace. A collection of them await our approach, and remain to be dispersed. Buried in ignorance, and seduced by the false pretences of their prophets, they have the weakness to believe they will still be able to make a decided stand against us. They must be undeceived, and made to atone their obstina- cy and their crimes, by still further suffering. Those hopes which have so long deluded them, must be driven from their last refuge. They must be made to know, that their prophets are impostors, and that our strength is mighty, and will prevail. Then, and not till then, may we expect to make with them a peace that shall be permanent. Understanding that the enemy was embodied, in considerable numbers, at Hoithlewalee, a town situa- ted not far from the Hickory ground, he w r as anxious to re-commence his operations as early as possible, that the advantages he had gained, and the impression he had made, might not be lost. The forces under his command, from sickness, the loss which had been sus- tained in the late battle, and numerous discharges LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 169 given, had been too much reduced in strength, to per- mit him to act as efficiently as the importance of the crisis required. It was desirable, therefore, to effect a junction with the southern army as speedily as pos- sible, that, from an increase and concentration of his numbers, greater efficiency might be had. The North Carolina troops, under the command of general Gra- ham, an experienced officer of the revolutionary war, and those of Georgia, under colonel Milton, were as- certained to be somewhere south of the Tallapoosa, and could be at no great distance. To unite with them was an event greatly desired, as well with a view to push his operations more actively, as to be able to procure for the army those supplies which he feared the resources within his owji camp might not sufficiently afford ; for hitherto, he had received from general Pinckney strong assurances that all com- plaints on this subject would be at an end so soon as his and the southern division could unite. No time was to be lost in effecting a purpose so essential. General Jackson accordingly determined to leave his sick and wounded, and the fort, to the care and com- mand of brigadier Johnston, and to set out again for the Tallapoosa. On the 7th, with all his disposable force, he commenced his march, with the double view of effecting a union with the army below, and of at- tacking on his route the enemy's force which were collected at Hoithlewalee. His greatest difficulty was in conveying to colonel Milton intelligence of his in- tended operations. The friendly Indians, who, from their knowledge of the country, had been always se- lected as expresses, were with difficulty to be pre- vailed on now for any such undertaking. Believing 170 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. their nation to be embodied in larger numbers than any which had been yet encountered, and that, con- fiding in their strength, they would be better enabled to go forth, searching and spying through the sur- rounding country, they at once concluded that any enterprise of this kind would be attended with too great peril and danger, and the difficulty of eluding observation too much increased, for them to adven- ture. This circumstance had as yet prevented the ar- rangement of such measures as were best calculated to bring the different divisions to act in general con- cert. The necessity, however, of such co-operation, was too important, at this moment, not to be effected, if it were possible. Should it be possible, at the point they now occupied, to bring the enemy to battle, and a decisive advantage be obtained over them, dispirited and broken, they might be induced to submit to any terms, and the conflict be ended ; but if suffered to escape, they might again collect, give battle at some fortunate and unexpected moment, and thereby pro- trfict the war a considerable time. To prevent this was desirable ; and in no other way could it so cer- tainly be effected, than that while the Tennessee troops under the command of Jackson advanced from the north, the Carolinians and Georgians might make such a disposition as would prevent any escape of the enemy, by their crossing the river, and passing off in the direction of Pensacola and the Escambia. Having at length succeeded in procuring confiden- tial messengers, previously to setting out on this ex- pedition, Jackson addressed colonel Milton, and ad- yised him of his intended movement To guard against LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 171 any accident or failure that might happen, different expresses were despatched, by different routes. He informed him, that with eight days' provisions, and a force of about two thousand men, he should, on the 7th, take up the line of march, and proceed directly for Hoithlewalee ; which he expected certainly to reach and attack on the llth. He urged the necessi- ty of a proper concert being established in their move- ment* ; and either that he should proceed against the same place, about the same time, or, by making some favourable diversion in the neighbourhood, contribute to the successful accomplishment of the objects of the expedition. The point of destination, owing to the torrents of rain which had fallen, and raised the streams to con- siderable heights, he was not able to reach until the 13th. This delay, unavoidable, and not to be pre- vented, gave the Indians an opportunity of fleeing from the threatened danger. On arriving at an usu- ally inconsiderable stream which skirted the town, it was so swollen as to be rendered impassable. The savages, gaining intelligence of an approach that was thus unavoidably retarded, were enabled to effect an escape by passing the river in their canoes, and gain- ing the opposite shore. Had colonel Milton fortu- nately made a different disposition of the troops under his command, and by guarding the southern bank of the river, co-operated with the Tennessee division, their escape would have been prevented, and the whole force, collected, would either have been de- stroyed or made prisoners. Although Jackson, in his letter of the 5th, had given intelligence that he would 172 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, x reach the enemy on the llth ; and when prevented fey high waters and rotten roads, had again notified him that he would certainly arrive and commence the at- tack by the morning of the 13th, and urged him to guard the south bank of the Tallapoosa, still was the request disregarded, and the savages permitted ta escape. Learning they were abandoning their posi- tion, and seeking safety in flight, Jackson filed to the right, and overtaking the refcr of the fugitives, suc- ceeded in making twenty-five prisoners. At this time, nothing was heard of colonel Milton ; but on the same day, having marched about five miles from his en- campment at Fort Decatur, and approached within four of Hoithlewalee, he, the next morning, gave no- tice of an intention to attack the village that day ; at this moment the inhabitants and warriors had fled, and the town was occupied and partly destroyed by a de- tachment from Jackson's army that had succeeded in passing the creek. The Georgia army being so near at hand, was a source of some satisfaction, although the escape of the enemy had rendered their presence of less importance than it otherwise would have been. The stock of pro- visions, with which the march had been commenced from Fort Williams, was now nearly exhausted. As- surances, however, having been so repeatedly given, that abundant supplies would be had on uniting with the southern army, and that event being now so near at hand, all uneasiness upon the subject was at once dispelled. Colonel Milton was immediately applied to, the situation of the army disclosed, and such aid as he could extend, solicited. He returned an answer LIFE >F GENERAL JACKSON. 173 to the general's demand, observing, he had sent pro- visions for the friendly Indians, and would, the next day, lend some for the remainder of the troops ; but felt himself under no obligation to furnish any. Jack* son, fully satisfied of its being in his power to relieve him, and that this apparent unwillingness did not, and could not proceed from any scarcity in his camp, as- sumed a higher ground, and instead of asking assist- ance, now demanded it. He stated, that his men were destitute of supplies, and that he had been duly ap- prised of it; and concluded by ordering, not request* ing him to send five thousand rations immediately, for present relief; and for himself and the forces under his command to join him at Hoithlewalee by ten o'clock the next day. "This order," he remarked, " must be obeyed without hesitation." It was obey- ed. The next day, a junction having been effected, the necessary steps were taken to bring down the provisions deposited at Fort Decatur, and for the first time, since the commencement of the Creek war, in- conveniences for the want of supplies, and an appre- hension of suffering, were removed. Appearances seemed now to warrant the belief, that the war would not be of much longer continuance ; the principal chiefs of the Hickory ground tribes were coming in, making professions of friendship, and giv- ing assurances of their being no longer disposed to continue hostilities. The general had been met, on his late march, by a flag from these clans, giving in- formation of their disposition to be at peace. In re- turn they received this answer; that those of the war party who were desirous of putting an end to the con- 174 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. test in which they were engaged, and of becoming friendly, should evince their intention of doing so by retiring in the rear of the army, and settling them- selves to the north of Fort Williams ; that no other proof than this, of their pacific dispositions, would be received. Fourteen chiefs of these tribes had arrived, to furnish still further evidence of their desire for peace. They assured the general that their old king, Fous-hatchee, was anxious to be permitted to visit him in person, and was then on his way, with his followers, to settle above Fort Williams, agreeably to the infor- mation he had received by the flag which had lately returned to him. Detachments were out scouring the country to the south, with orders to break up any collection of the enemy that might be heard of in convenient distance. The main body was prepared to advance to the junc- tion of the two rivers, where, until now, it had been expected the Indians would make a last and desperate stand.* Every thing was in readiness to proceed on the march, when it was announced to the general, that colonel Milton's brigade, which had lately united with him, was not in a situation to move. During the pre* vious night some of his wagon horses having strayed off, persons had been sent in pursuit, and were expect- * The Hickory ground, or that part of the Creek nation lying in the forks, near where the Coosa and Tallapoosa unite, was called by the Indians Holy Ground, from a tradition and belief prevailing among them, that it never had been pressed by the foot of a white man. Acting under the influence of their prophets, and a religious fanaticism, it was supposed they would make greater exertions to defend this than any other portion of their country. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 175 ed shortly to return with them ; when, it was reported, he would be ready to take up the line of march. To Jackson, this was a reason for delaying the operations of an army which as yet he had never learned, and by which he had never been influenced. He had, in- deed, been frequently made to halt, though from very different causes ; from murmurs, discontents and star- vation in his camp. He replied to the colonel's want of preparation, by telling him, that in the progress of his own difficulties he had discovered a very excellent mode of expediting wagons, even without horses ; and that if he would detail him twenty men from his bri- gade, for every wagon deficient in horses, he would guarantee their safe arrival at their place of destina- tion. Rather than subject his men to such drudgery, he preferred to dismount some of his dragoons, and thus avoided the necessity of halting the army until his lost teams should arrive. The army continued its march without gaining in- telligence of any embodied forces of the enemy ; and without the happening of any thing of importance, reached old Toulossee Fort, on the Coosa river, not far from the confluence, at which another was deter- mined to be erected, to be called Fort Jackson, after the commanding general. Here the rivers approach within one hundred poles of each other, and, again diverging, unite six miles below. At this place, the chiefs of the different tribes were daily arriving, and offering to submit on any terms. They all concurred in their statements, that those of the hostile party who were still opposed to asking for peace, had fled from the nation, and sought refuge along the coast of 176 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. Florida, and in Pensacola. General Jackson renewed the declaration which he had previously made to them; that they could find safety in no other way, than by repairing to the section of the country already pointed out to them ; where they might be quiet and free of any sort of molestation. To put their friendly professions, which he distrust- ed, at once to the test, he directed them to bring Weatherford to his camp, confined, that he might be dealt with as he deserved. He was one of the first chiefs of the nation, and had been a principal actor in the butchery at Fort Minims. Justice well demanded retaliation against him. Learning from the chiefs, on their return, what had been required of them by Jackson, he was prevailed upon, as perhaps the safer course, to proceed to his camp and make a voluntary surrender of himself. Having reached it, without be- ing known, and obtained admission to the general's quarters, he fearlessly stood in his presence and told him he was Weatherford, the chief who had command- ed at Fort Minims, and, that desiring peace for him- self and for his people, had come to ask it. Somewhat surprised that one who so richly merited punishment should so sternly demand the protection which had been extended to others, Jackson replied to him, that he was astonished he should venture to appear in his presence ; that he was not ignorant of his having been at Fort Mimms, nor of his inhuman conduct there, for which he well deserved to die. " I had directed," con- tinued he, " that you should be brought to me con- fined ; and had you appeared in this way, I should have known how to have treated you." Weatherford LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, J77 replied, " I am in your power do with me as you please. I am a soldier. I have done the white peo- ple all the harm I could ; I have fought them, and fought them bravely : if I had an army, I would yet fight, and contend to the last : but I have none ; my people are all gone. I can now do no more than weep over the misfortunes of my nation." Pleased at the firm and high-toned manner of this child of the forest, Jackson informed him, that he did not solicit him to lay down his arms, or to become peaceable : " The terms on which your nation can be saved, and peace restored, has already been disclosed : in this way, and none other, can you obtain safety." If, however, he desired still to continue the war, and felt himself pre- pared to meet the consequences, although he was then completely in his power, no advantage should be taken of that circumstance ; that he was at perfect liberty to retire, and unite himself with the war party, if he pleased ; but when taken, he should know how to treat him, for then, his life should pay the forfeit of his crimes; if this were not desired, he might remain where he was, and should be protected. Nothing dismayed ! Weatherford answered, that he desired peace, that his nation might, in some measure, be relieved from their sufferings ; that, independent of other misfortunes, growing out of a state of war, their cattle and grain were all wasted and destroyed, and their women and children left destitute of provisions. " But," continued he, " I may be well addressed in such language now. There was a time when I had a choice, and could have answered you: I have none mow even hope has ended. Once I could animate my z 178 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON*. warriors to battle; but I cannot animate the dead. My warriors can no longer hear my voice : their bones are at Talladega, Tallushatchee, Emuckfaw, and To- hopeka. I have not surrendered myself thoughtlessly. Whilst there were chances of success, I never left my post, nor supplicated peace. But my people are gone, and I now ask it for my nation, and for myself. On the miseries and misfortunes brought upon my country, I look back with deepest sorrow, arid wish to avert still greater calamities. If I had been left to contend with the Georgia army, I would have raised my corn on one bank of the river, and fought them on the other ; but your people have destroyed my nation. You are a brave man : Lrely upon your generosity. You will exact no terms of a conquered people but such as they should accede to: whatever they may be, it would now be madness and folly to oppose. If they are opposed, you shall find me amongst the sternest enforcers of obedience. Those who would still hold out, can be influenced only by a mean spirit of revenge; and to this they must not, and shall not sacrifice the last remnant of their country. You have told our na- tion where we might go, and be safe. This is good talk, and they ought to listen to it. They shall listen to it." The earnestness and bold independence of his con- duct left no doubt of the sincerity of his professions, and full confidence was reposed in his declarations. The peace party became reconciled to him, and con- sented to bury all previous animosities. In a few days afterwards, having obtained permission, he set out from camp, accompanied by a small party, to search through LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSOX. 179 the forest for his followers and friends, and persuade them to give up a contest, in which hope seemed to be at an end, that by timely submission, they might their nation from further disasters. The present was a favourable moment for prevent- ing all further opposition. The enemy, alarmed and panic struck, were dispersed, and fleeing in different directions. To keep alive their apprehensions, and prevent their recovering from the fears with which they were now agitated, was of the utmost importance. If time were given them to rally, and form further re- solutions, some plan of operation might be concerted ; and although it might not be productive of any serious or alarming consequences, yet it might have a tendency to lengthen out the war, and involve those deluded people in still greater wretchedness. Detachments, sufficiently strong, were accordingly ordered out, to range through the country, prevent their collecting at any point, and to scatter and destroy any who might be found concerting offensive operations. Wherever they directed their course, submission, and an anxious desire for peace, were manifested by the natives. Those who were still resolved upon a continuance of the war, and trusted for relief to the aid which by their British allies was promised, and which they had been for some time expecting, had retired out of the country towards the sea coast, not doubting but the assistance looked for would shortly arrive, enable them to re-commence hostilities with better hopes of suc- cess, and regain their country, which they now con- sidered as lost. Many of the chiefs and warriors, looking to the defeats they had continually met with 180 tlFE OF GENERAL JACKSON- in all their battles, viewing it as impracticable with any expectation of better fortune, to resist the nume- rous forces that were collecting, and threatening them at different points, and anxious to have spared to them yet a portion of their country, determined to discard all ideas of further resistance, and to throw themselves for safety on the mercy of their conquerors. To this end, the chief men, from the different tribes, were daily arriving, and asking for peace, on condition only., that their lives might be spared. General Jackson was not ignorant of the faithless- ness of these people, and how little confidence was to be reposed in the professions of an enemy, who, prompted by fear, could be controlled by its influence only whilst those fears were continued. He well knew they had been too severely chastised for their friendship or promises to be implicitly relied on, and too much injured not to feel a disposition to renew the conflict with the first flattering hope that dawn- ed. Too many difficulties had been encountered, and too many dangers past, in bringing those savages to a sense of duty, to leave them now with no better se- curity than mere professions. Some arrangement was necessary to be made that should prove lasting, and ensure certainty. None seemed better calculated for these ends, than what had been already announced ; that those disposed to throw away the war club, and renew their friendly relations with the United States, should retire in the rear of the advance of the army,, and occupy the country about the fort he had esta- blished, and to the east of the Coosa. The effect of such an arrangement he calculated would be this ; that LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON* 181 by the line of posts already established, he would be able to cut them off from any communication with Florida ; while, by being placed in that part of the na- tion inhabited by the friendly Indians, whose fidelity was not doubted, the earliest intelligence would be had of their hostile intentions, should any be manifest- ed. The conditions proposed were most cheerfully accepted : and the different tribes forthwith sat out to occupy a portion of their country, which alone seemed to promise them protection and safety. Proctor, the chief of the Owewoha war towns, to whom this pro- mised security from danger had first been made, was reported to be still at home, and to have abandoned all intention of removing, in consequence of permis- sion extended by the United States' agent to the Creeks, for him and his warriors to remain where they then were residing. On receiving this information, the general despatched a messenger, with information to him, that whether he or the agent were to be obeyed, was for him to decide ; but that he should treat as ene- mies all who did not immediately retire to the section of country which he had pointed out. The chief of Owewoha found no difficulty in deciding the question, and without delay prepared to retire where he had been previously ordered. Lieutenant-colonel Gibson, who had been sent out with a detachment of seven hundred and fifty men, returned, and reported, that he had proceeded a con- siderable distance down the Alabama river, and had destroyed several towns of the war party, but could gain no intelligence of a force being any where col* lected. 182 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. By the establishment of Fort Jackson, a line of posts was now formed from Tennessee and from Georgia to the Alabama river. The conduct and subdued spirit of the Indians clearly manifesting that they were sin- cere in their desire for peace, nothing remained to be done but to arrange and organize the different garri- sons in such a manner, that should any hostile inten- tion be hereafter discovered, it might be suppressed before it could assume any very threatening aspect. What final steps should be taken, and what plans adopted, for permanent security, were to be deferred for the arrival of major-general Pinckney, who, being in the neighbourhood, would, it was expected, on the next day reach Fort Jackson. On the 20th general Pinckney arrived, and assumed, in person, the command of the army. The course pur- sued by Jackson, towards satisfying the Indians, that to be peaceable was all that was required of them, meeting his approbation, and understanding that the chiefs and warriors of the nation were retiring, with their families, whither they had been directed to go, he was satisfied hostilities must now cease. Indepen- dent of their professions, heretofore given, much of the property plundered at Fort Minims, and along the frontiers, having been brought in and delivered, no doubt was entertained but that all further national op- position would be withdrawn. There being no neces- sity, therefore, for maintaining an army longer in the field, orders were issued, on the 21st, for the troops from Tennessee to be marched home and discharged; taking care, on the route, to leave a sufficient force for LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 183 the garrisoning and protection of the posts already established. To troops who had been engaged in such hasty and fatiguing marches, who had been so much and so often exposed to hardships and dangers, and who had now, by their zealous exertions in the cause of their coun- try, brought the war to a successful termination, and severely chastised the savages for their unprovoked outrages upon their defenceless frontiers, it was a plea- sure to retire to their homes from the scenes of wretch- edness they had witnessed, and from a contest, where every thing being performed, nothing remained to be done. It was a cheering reflection to these brave men, that, their trials being over, they were retiring to their families and homes, and carrying with them that sweet- est and happiest of all consolations to a war-worn sol- dier's mind, that, in the trying and difficult situations in which they had been placed, they had acted with honour to themselves, and with usefulness and fidelity to their country. Whilst these arrangements were progressing, the friendly Creeks were engaged in pursuing and destroy- ing their fugitive countrymen with the most unrelent- ing rigour. To have been at the destruction of Fort Mimms, was a ground of accusation against a warrior, which at once placed him without the pale of mercy. They viewed, or affected to view, this unwarranted and unprovoked offence with sentiments of deeper invete- racy than did even our own troops. Meeting a small party who were on their way to camp, to submit them- selves on the terms that had been previously offered, 184 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. and understanding they had accompanied Weatherford in his attack on this fort, they arrested their progress, and immediately put them to death. To permit a course of conduct like this, was well calculated to keep alive the timid apprehensions of the Indians, and in- duce them to consider the proffered terms of peace which Jackson had presented, as a stratagem to lure them into danger, and effect their destruction : sensible of this, prompt and immediate steps were taken by the commanding general to prevent its again recurring. That people of the same nation should be found marshalled in opposition to each other, is not a matter of surprise, on the principles and practice of modern warfare, which affects to prove it right to seize on any circumstance that may operate prejudicially to an ene- my ; but the patriot, whose bosom swells with a love of country, must ever view it with abhorrence : and although, from necessity or policy, he may be compel- led to avail himself of the advantages afforded by such a circumstance, he can never be induced either to ap- prove or justify it. Although the war had been com- menced in opposition to the views and wishes of the friendly party, yet it was their duty to have united. Their entering the ranks of an invading army, and fighting for the extermination of their people, and the destruction of their nation, was a circumstance which presented them in the character of traitors to their country, and justly meriting the severest punishment. In two hours after receiving general Pinckney's or- der, the western troops commenced their return march, and reached Fort Williams on the evening of the LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 185 ,24th. Immediate measures were adopted for carry- ing into effect what had been ordered ; to send out de- tachments to assail and disperse any collections of the war party that might be found on the route, and within striking distance. The East Tennessee troops having a longer period to serve, were, on that account, selected to garrison the different posts. General Doherty was accordingly di- rected to detail from his brigade seven hundred and twenty-five men, for the defence of those points, with a view to an open communication being preserved with Fort Jackson, and to secure more effectually, a peace, which, being supposed for the present to be founded in the fears and distresses of the war party, was per- haps not so securely and firmly established as that any precautionary measure should be omitted. General Jackson being now about to separate from his army, did not omit to disclose to them the high sense he entertained of their conduct, and how well they had deserved of their country. " Within a few days," said he, " you have annihilated the power of a nation that for twenty years has been the disturber of your peace. Your vengeance has been satisfied. Wherever these infuriated allies of our arch enemy as- sembled for battle, you pursued and dispersed them. The rapidity of your movements, and the brilliancy of your achievements, have corresponded with the valour by which you have been animated. The bravery you have displayed in the field of battle, and the uniform good conduct you have manifested in your encamp- ment, a#d on your line of march, will long be cherished 2A |86 I4FE OF GENERAL JACKS0N. in the memory of your general, and will not be for- gotten by the country which you have so materially benefited," The constant and rapid movements of these troops for the time they had been in service, had greatly ex- posed them ; and although many hardships had been encountered, yet their duty had been performed with- out murmuring. A retrospect of the last month will show, that more could scarcely have been done. Fort Williams was reached just four weeks from the time they had left it, on the expedition to Tohopeka, where they had met and conquered the enemy ; whence, re-r turning, not with a view to obtain rest, but to recruit the exhausted state of their provisions, in one week was this same army on its way to Hoithlewalee, where, sup- ported and encouraged by their prophets, was col- lected the strength of the nation ; and where, but for the absence of the Georgia army, they must have been captured or destroyed, the war ended, and all apprehension of future resistance quieted. To this point did they urge forward, over mountains, and through torrents of continual rain, that rendered the route almost impassable ; and reached and destroyed, on the 14th, a town which the inspired men of the nation had declared was consecrated, and on which no white man was ever to be permitted to tread with impuni^ ty. On the 17th, they are found at the confluence of the Coosa and Tallapoosa, treading still this conse- crated soil, and driving the panic-struck savages be- fore them ; and again, on the 24th, are at Fort Wil- liams, retiring to their homes, from the labours they had encountered, and from the conquests they ha<| OF GENERA^ JACKSON. gained. In such celerity of movement, is to be found the cause which secured to Jackson and his army the uniform successes they obtained. So rapid were his marches, that not unfrequently was he in the neigh- bourhood of the enemy before they had received any intelligence of his approach ; in addition to this, was attached to him the quality, that few generals ever possessed in a higher degree, of inspiring firmness in his ranks, and making even the timid brave. An en- tire confidence of success, a full assurance of victory, and a fearlessness and disregard of danger, were the feelings displayed by himself in all difficult situations, and those feelings he possessed the happy faculty of inspiring into others, and of diffusing through his army. Whether any of the hostile party were yet on the Cohawba, or had fled for safety to the British and Spa- niards at Pensacola, was uncertain. To ascertain this fact, to disperse them, and destroy their villages, gene- ral Johnston was despatched, at the head of five hun- dred men, with orders to proceed along this river to its head branches, effect the object so far as it was practicable, and re-unite with the main army at Depo- sit. Jackson reported to general Pinckney, that his orders had been complied with; that four hundred troops had been detailed for the protection of Fort Williams, and that he would leave at the other points a force correspondent to their exposed situations. " The remainder of my troops," he continues, " I shall march to Tennessee, where I shall discharge them : after which, I shall no longer consider myself account- able for the manner in which the posts may be defend- ed, or the line of communication kept open; happy 188 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. that the time for which I offered my services to my government, and the duties which they assigned me to perform, will have terminated together." The army proceeded on its march, and crossing Tennessee river, in safety reached Camp Blount, near Fayetteville, where they were discharged from further service. Johnston, who had previously fallen in, had destroyed some of the enemy's towns ; but had learn- ed nothing of a force being any where embodied along the route he had taken. On parting from his troops, the general again brought before them the recollection he retained of their faith- ful and gallant conduct, and the patience with which they had borne the privations and hardships of war* On his return, wherever he passed, the plaudits of the people were liberally bestowed. The ardent and ex- traordinary zeal he had manifested in the service of his country, the difficulties he had surmounted, with the favourable termination, which, by his exertions, had been given to a contest that had kept alive the anxieties and fears of the frontier settlers, excited a general feeling of gratitude and admiration ; all were ready to evince the high sense they entertained of the success with which every effort had been crowned, and with one accord united in manifesting their confi- dence and respect for him, who, by his zealous exer- tions, able management, and fidelity to the cause in which he had embarked, had so greatly contributed to the safety, the happiness, and quiet of the country* CHAPTER VI. Jackson is appointed a major-general in the service of the United States, Is directed to oj>en a negotiation with the Indians. Speech of the Big Warrior i a chief of the nation. Concludes a treaty with tht Creek Indians. His views against Pensacola and Florida. General Armstrong's letter. The Spanish governor is called on for an explana- tion, of his conduct. 'His answer, and general Jackson's reply.* The adjutant-general is despatched to Tennessee to raise volunteers. Jackson sets out for Mobile. Orders the Tennessee troops to advance to his assistance. A WAR, from which greater and more serious inju- ries had been apprehended, was thus advantageously terminated. Although many valuable lives were lost in the contest, yet was the number far less than might have been expected, in contending with an enemy whose wrath was without bounds, and whose cruelty was insatiate. To the rapidity with which an army had been collected and pressed into the heart of their coun- try, was owing th$ circumstance that the frontiers were not stained with the blood of the settlers. Though humanity may weep over the misfortunes of this mis- guided people, and regret that they were sunk in such irretrievable woes, yet there is a consolation for the country left ; that if it be a crime, it is in no wise charge- able on the American government. Towards them had been exercised every possible forbearance. For more than twenty years had the western people been the victims of their unrelenting cruelties ; and many a pa* rent lives at this day, whose recollection treasures a child that bled beneath their murderous hands. Cold 190 tlFE OF GENERAL Water, on the Tennessee, was long a den for these savages, whence they made inroads, and, by their inhu- man butcheries, kept the frontier inhabitants in per- petual alarm. An expedition from Tennessee, acting without the consent of the government, but with a view to the security their own situation so imperiously de- manded, as early as the year 1787, made a descent on this settlement and destroyed it. This active and re- solute measure had insured to the inhabitants a tran- quillity to which they had long been strangers. Those who escaped, retired to the Black Warrior, carrying with them an additional spirit of revenge, which occa- sionally, when a favourable opportunity occurred, dis- played itself in the murder of our citizens, until the winter of 1813, when their towns were again assailed and destroyed. The war in which the United States were engaged with Great Britain, afforded, as they believed, a safe opportunity again to satiate their angry passions. In addition to former animosities retained, British emis- saries had been among them, engaged to excite and encourage them to opposition. Arms and ammu- nition from Pensacola, having been liberally furnished, and a belief strongly inspired, that the Americans could be driven off, and the lands possessed by them re-gain- ed by the Indians, they at once resolved upon the Bourse they would pursue. The dreadful and cruel as- sault made on the settlement of Tensaw, was the first intelligence afforded of the lengths to which they had determined to proceed. The insecurity of the fron- tiers, requiring that efficient measures should be taken to defend them, it was high time for the government LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 191 to abandon the course of moderation and forbearance they had hitherto practised towards those tribes. The legislature of Tennessee, at the period of this brutal and murderous assault, being in session, with a promp- titude highly honourable, called out the forces of the state, without giving to the general government, and waiting the result, information of the threatened dan- ger. To protect an extensive country, by erecting garrisons, and relying on them for defence, did not ap- pear to Jackson a course at all likely to assure its ob- ject. Placed in command, and called on to act, he de- termined with the troops he could collect on so sudden an emergency, to carry the war to their very doors ; and, by giving them employment at home, to divert them from their plans, and force them at once into measures of defence. Urging the contractors, there- fore, to be diligent in the discharge of their duties, and to forward supplies with all possible haste, he took his position at Fort Strother, directly in the enemy's coun- try. The battle of Talladega, which shortly after- wards followed, gave a severe check to those sanguine hopes they had indulged, induced them to believe they were contending with a different kind of people from what they had expected, and should have convinced them, too, that the promised safety, offered by their prophets, through their spells and incantations, was mere mockery and nonsense; yet so deluded were they, and so confidently confiding in the supernatural powers of their inspired men, that they were ready to attribute a want of success to circumstances over which their prophets could, in future, claim controul : at length however, when it was discovered that the prophets themselves did not escape that fatality which LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. attended their warriors in battle, they began to think, either that they had never been commissioned, or that the Great Spirit, for some unknown cause, had be- come offended, and withdrawn his confidence. The death of Monohoe, at the battle of Tohopeka, is strongly illustrative of the infatuations under which these deluded and ignorant people laboured. They did not at all doubt, but, as their prophets had told them, that having been spoiled of their hunting grounds, they were again to re-occupy them through the aid of a new people, who from beyond the great waters were coming to assist in their recovery. A con- fidence in what those soothsayers disclosed, would also, they believed, produce the effect of protecting and guarding them from wounds and injury when en- gaged in battle. All those idle and marvellous stories were confided in ; but when, at this battle, one of their principal prophets fell, and by a cannon shot received in the mouth, they adopted the opinion, that the cha- racter of the wound was a judgment on his false pre- tensions, and forthwith were departed from those visions of faith which previously they had entertained. Had Jackson been enabled, after his first battle with the enemy, to have prosecuted the campaign, it might have had a much earlier conclusion ; but although he had, at the onset, obtained advantages from which much benefit might have arisen, yet, from the want of proper exertions on the part of the contractors, he was halted, and compelled to retrace his steps back to his first position. From the delays unavoidably met with here, flowed those grievances which gave a check to LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 193 further operations. The winter, against which his troops were ill provided, was fast approaching ; hard- ships, and hunger, which were alrfeady pressing, with a long fatiguing campaign in prospect, presented a thousand imaginary difficulties, and excited discon- tents, which presently broke out into open mutiny ; and although the intention of the volunteers, to desert the service, and retire home, had been prevented by the stern and resolute conduct of their general, yet were they thereby unfitted for the duties of the fiield, because entire confidence was no longer to be reposed. To venture with such troops, who, whilst the tomahawk and scalping knife were uplifted, to wreak vengeance on their devoted frontiers, were coolly con- struing the effect and meaning of laws, was too unsafe a reliance for a commander whose first object was to impress on the minds of the savages the determina- tion and strength of the government he represented. It was adventuring too largely ; for, should defeat re- sult, the difficulty of drawing a new army to the field, would be increased; whilst that self-confidence in troops, so necessary to complete success, would es- sentially be lost It was believed to be the safer course, to permit his discontented volunteers to de- part, arid await the arrival of another force. These cir- cumstances had a tendency to encourage the Indians, and protract the war. Had the volunteers proceeded with the animation and bravery which characterized them in the battle they had just fought, they would have gradually acquired a confidence which would have rendered them an overmatch for Indian valour and cunning ; whilst by one further successful effort, they might have dispirited the enemy, and ended the 2B 194 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. campaign. But the arrival of a different description of troops, and the confusion into which they were thrown at the battle of Enotichopco, had encouraged the savages, and induced them to think the contest by no means a hazardous one. The despondency which had resulted from their previous defeats, was from that moment forgotten ; and, again inspirited, they looked to the accomplishment of their object with hopes of certainty even greater than before. Perhaps, however, it was fortunate for ourselves that events transpired in the way they did. Had peace been re- stored in consequence of any early fears excited, it might have lasted only until a favourable opportunity occurred of again breaking it; but the war having continued, until the hopes, the strength, and spirit of the nation were exhausted, nothing serious is now to be apprehended from any hostile disposition that may hereafter be manifested. Other advantages will also result. The uniform and uninterrupted successes ob- tained over them, in all our battles, may impress the minds, not only of these, but of the Indians generally within our limits, with a higher reverence for the character of our nation than they have hitherto been disposed to entertain; give protection to our citizens, and ensure that security to the government which the mildness it has practised, and the tribute it has con- stantly given them for their peace, has, heretofore, never been able to effect ; they will tend to destroy the influence held over them by other nations, and bring them to a conviction, that the United States is the only power whose hostility they should fear, or whose friendship they should prize. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. It was now eight months since general Jackson had left home, to arrest the progress of the Indian war ; during most of which time he had been in a situation of bodily infirmity that would have directed a prudent man to his bed, instead of advancing to the field. During this period, he had never seen his family, or been absent from the army, except to visit the posts in his rear, and arrange with his contractors some cer- tain plan to guard against a future failure of supplies. His health was still delicate, and rendered retirement essential to its restoration ; but his uniformly success- ful and good conduct, and the essential advantages he had produced, had brought him too conspicuously be- fore the public for any other sentiment to be indulged than that he should be placed, with an important com- mand, in the service of the United States* The resignation of general Hampton enabled the government, in a short time, to afford him an evidence of the respect it entertained for his services and cha- racter. A notice of IMS appointment as brigadier and brevet major-general, was forwarded on the 22d of May, from the war department General Harrison having, about this time, for some cause, become dis- satisfied with the conduct of the government towards him, refused to be longer considered one of her mili- tary actors ; to supply which vacancy, a commission of major-general was forwarded to Jackson, which reached him the day after the notification of his first appointment, and before he had been enabled to re- turn an answer whether or not it would be accepted. The important services which he had rendered, added to the rank which, under the authority of hi? state, 196 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. he had held, might well induce a doubt whether the appointment first conferred was at all complimentary, or one which, in justice to his own character, he could have accepted. Whatever of objection there might or could have arisen, on this subject, was removed by the subsequent appointment of major-general, made on the resignation of Harrison, and which was ac- cepted. The contest with the Indians being ended, the first and principal object of the government was, to enter into some definitive arrangement which should de- prive of success any effort that might hereafter be made, by other powers, to enlist those savages in their wars. None was so well calculated to answer this end, as that of restricting their limits, so as to cut off their communication with British and Spanish agents in East and West Florida. No treaty of friendship or of boundary had yet been entered into by the government with the Indians : they remained a conquered people, and within the li- mits, and subject to the regulations and restrictions which had been prescribed in March, by general Jack- son, when he retired from their country. He was now, by the government, called upon to act in a new and different character, and to negotiate the terms upon which an amicable understanding should be restored between the United States and these conquered In- dians. But for the government to proceed on the prin- ciples of equal and reciprocal treaty stipulations, was, in reference to the expensive war imposed on them, and the unprovoked manner in which it had been LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 197 begun, not to be expected. Those Indians had broken without cause the treaty they had made, outraged hu- manity, and murdered our imoflfending-citizens. Un- der such circumstances, by the peace now to be con- cluded, to negotiate with, and as heretofore recognize them as an independent and sovereign people, com- ported not with propriety, nor was demanded by any of the ties of moral duty. General Jackson, therefore, was directed to treat with them as a conquered people, and to prescribe, not negotiate, the terms and conditions of a peace. Colonel Hawkins, who for a considerable time past, had been the agent to this nation, was also associated in the mission. With the western people the appointment was not acceptable, and much solici- tude was felt from an apprehension of his influence and weight of character amongst the Indians ; and a fear that his partialities and sympathies might incline him too much to their interest. Colonel Hawkins may have been deceived, and may have founded his opin- ions upon data presumed to be correct ; but when it occurred to them that previously to the commence- ment of hostilities, his repeated declarations had been, that the Indians would maintain a rigid adherence to their treaties, and remain at peace, they were far from being satisfied that he should be connected in the ne- gotiation contemplated to be entered into. On the 10th of July, the general, with a small reti- nue, reached the Alabama ; and on the 10th of August, after some difficulty, succeeded in procuring the exe- cution of a treaty, in which the Indians pledged them- selves no more to listen to foreign emissaries, to hold no communication with British or Spanish garrisons ; 198 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. guaranteed to the United States the right of erecting military posts in their country, and a free navigation of all their waters. They stipulated also, that they would suffer no agent or trader to pass among them, or hold any kind of commerce or intercourse with their nation, unless specially deriving his authority from the presi- dent of the United States. The stipulations and exactions of this treaty were in conformity with, instructions issued from the de- partment of war, and differs in expression from what has been usually contained in instruments of a similar kind. It breathes the language of demand, not of con- tract and agreement ; and hence has general Jackson been censured for the manner after which the negoti- ation was concluded. The course however, which was pursued, is readily justified by the terms and expres- sions of the order under which he acted, and which prevented the exercise of discretion. General Arm- strong, who at that time was in the cabinet, and spoke the sentiments of the president, in a letter addressed to Jackson on the 24th of March, uses the following remarks. " It has occurred to me, that the proposed treaty with the Creeks, should take a form altogether military, and be in the nature of a capitulation; in which case, the wiiole authority of making and con- cluding the terms, will be in you exclusively as com- manding general." Accompanying which were in- structions formally drawn up, and which were to con- stitute the basis on which the negotiation was to rest* * In the instructions which issued from the department of war, as the basis on which this treaty was to be concluded, it is enjoined by the secretary to exact, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 199 To settle the boundary, defining the extent of terri- tory to be secured to the Creeks, and that which they would be required to surrender, was attended with difficulty, from the intrigues of the Cherokee nation, who sought to obtain such an acknowledgment of their lines as would give them a considerable portion of country never attached to their claim. The Creeks had heretofore permitted this tribe to extend its set- tlements as low down the Coosa as the mouth of Wills' creek. It was insisted now in private council, that as they were about to surrender their country lying on the Tennessee river, they should, previously to signing the treaty, acknowledge the extension of the Cherokee bpundary, which would secure their claim against that of the United States. The only reply ob- 1st. An indemnification for expenses incurred by the United States in prosecuting the war, by such cession of land as may be deemed an equivalent for said expenses. 2d. A stipulation on their part that they will cease all intercourse with any Spanish port, garrison or town ; and that they will not admit amongst them any agent or trader who does not derive his authority or license from the United States. 3d. An acknowledgment of the right of the United States to open roads through their territory ; and also to establish such military posts and trading houses as may be deemed necessary and proper ; and 4th. A surrender of the prophets and other instigators of the war, to be held subject to the order of the president. You are authorized, in conjunction with colonel Hawkins, to. open and conclude a treaty of peace with the hostile Creeks, as soon, as they shall express a desire to put an end to the war. J. ARMSTRONG. 200 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. tained from the Creeks was in truly Indian spirit, that they could not lie, by admitting what did not in reality exist. The United States might, without violence to those feelings benevolence excites, have demanded entirely their country, and either have treated the Indians as vassals, and subjected them to legislative control, or admitted them into their national compact, with such rights of citizenship, as, from their peculiar habits of life, they were calculated safely to enjoy ; but the hu- mane and generous policy which had been sedulously maintained in all transactions with the savages within their limits, induced the government to require, in the cession, only such portion of their country as might prove a tendency to bar every avenue to foreign in* trigue, and give additional strength to those sections of the union, which, from their limited extent of territory and consequent limited population, were unable to af- ford sufficient supplies for the subsistence of an army, or give a partial check to the inroads of an invading enemy. The lines defined by the treaty were so ar- ranged as fully to meet these objects. Sufficient ter- ritory was acquired on the south to give security to the Mobile settlements, and to the western borders of Georgia, which had often felt the stroke of Indian ven- geance and cruelty ; while at the same time was effect- ed the important purpose of separating them from the Seminole tribes and our unfriendly neighbours in Flo- | rida. To the frontiers of Tennessee an assurance of safety was given by the settlements which would be afforded on the lands stretching along the Tennessee river; whilst the extent of the cession, west of the LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 201 Coosa, would effectually cut off all communication with the Chickasaws and Choctaws, and prevent, in future, the passage of those emissaries from the north-western tribes, who, during the present war, had so industrious- ly fomented the discontents of the Creeks, and excited them to hostility. It is a happy consideration, that whilst these advantages w r ere obtained, no material in- jury was done to those vanquished people. Their country, extensive as it was, presented none of those Inducements to the hunter, which could, as heretofore, be relied on with certainty ; while, for all the purposes of agriculture, the part reserved to them was more than sufficient for fifty times the population which their nation contained. It may appear plausible in theo- ry, but practice will always disprove the idea, that the civilization of Indians can be effected, whilst, scattered through an immense wilderness, they are left to pur- sue their vagrant wandering habits of life. Inured to peculiar manners, from the earliest period of their lives, it certainly would not answer to innovate at once upon their ancient customs ; but, were their extensive wilds gradually reduced, so, in proportion, would the benefits resulting from hunting, and wandering through the forest, subside, until prompted at last by necessi- ty, they w r ould resort to industry and agriculture, as? the only certain and lasting means of support, and thus imperceptibly be forced into a different and more ad- vantageous course of life. Unwilling to resort to any other mode of living than that to which they had been always accustomed; and satisfied that the means of subsistence would be lost in the surrender of their country, they remained 2c 202 UFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. obstinately opposed to every arrangement. Before being finally acted upon, the treaty had been fully debated in council, and the voice of the nation pro* nounced against it. Jackson had already submitted the views of his government, and npw met them in council, to learn their determination. He was answer- ed by the Big Warrior, a friendly chief, and one of the first orators of the nation, who declared the reluctance that was felt, in yielding to the demand, from a con? viction of the consequences involved, and the dis- tresses it must inevitably bring upon them. The firm and dignified eloquence of this untutored orator, evinced a nerve and force of expression, that might not have passed unnoticed, had it been exhibited be- fore a more highly polished assembly : the conclusion of his speech is given, for the satisfaction of such as can mark the bold display of savage genius, and ad- mire it when discovered. Having unfolded the causes that produced the war, told of their sufferings, and admitted that they had been preserved alone by the army which had hastened to their assistance, he urged, that although in justice, it might be required of them to defray, by a transfer of a portion of their country, the expenses incurred, yet was the demand premature, because the war was not ended, nor the war party conquered ; they had only fled away, and might yet return. He portrayed the habits of the In- dians, and how seriously they would be affected by the surrender required of them, and thus concluded : v The president, our father, advises us to honesty and fairness, and promises that justice shall be done : I hope and trust it will be ! I made this war, which tiFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 203 has proved so fatal to my country, that the treaty en- tered into a long time ago, with father Washington, might not be broken. To his friendly arm I hold fast- I will never break that bright chain of friendship we made together, and which bound us to stand to the United States. He was a father to the Muscoga peo- ple ; and not only to them, but to all the people be- neath the sun. His talk I now hold in my hand. There sits the agent he sent among us. Never has he broken the treaty. He has lived with us a long time. He has seen our children born, who now have children. By his direction, cloth was wove, and clothes were made, and spread through our country; but the Red Sticks came, and destroyed all, we have none now. Hard is our situation, and you ought to consider it. I state what all the nation knows : nothing will I keep secret " There stands the Little Warrior. While we were seeking to give satisfaction for the murders that had been committed, he proved a mischief-maker ; he went to the British on the lakes ; he came back, and brought a package to the frontiers, which increased the mur- ders here. This conduct has already made the war party to suffer greatly : but, although almost destroy- ed, they will not yet open their eyes, but are still led away by the British at Pensacola. Not so with us : we were rational, and had our senses we yet are so. In the war of the revolution, our father beyond the waters encouraged us to join him, and we did so. We had no sense then. The promises he made were never kept We were young and foolish, and fought with him. The British can no more persuade us to do 204 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. wrong : they have deceived us once, and can deceive us no more. You are two great people. If you go t war, we will have no concern in it ; for we are not able to fight. We wish to be at peace with every nation. If they offer me arms, I will say to them, You put me in danger, to war against a people born in our own land They shall never force us into danger. You shall never see that our chiefs are boys in coun- cil, who will be forced to do any thing. I talk thus, knowing that father Washington advised us never to interfere in wars. He told us that those in peace were the happiest people. He told us, that if an enemy at- tacked him, he had warriors enough, and did not wish his red children to help him. If the British advise us to any thing, I will tell you not hide it from you. If they say we must fight, I will tell them, No !" The war party being not entirely subdued, was but a pretext to avoid the demands which were made ; presuming that if the council could break up, without any thing being definitely done, they might, in part, or perhaps altogether, avoid what was now required of them to do ; but the inflexibility of the person with whom they were treating, evinced to them, that how- ever just and well founded might be their objections, the policy under which he acted was too clearly de- fined, for any abandonment of his demands to be at all calculated upon. Shelocta, one of their chiefs, who had united with our troops at the commencement of the war ; who had marched and fought with them in all their battles ; and had attached to himself strongly the confidence of the commanding general, now ad- dressed him. He told him of the regard he had ever LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 205' felt for his white brothers, and with what zeal he had exerted himself to preserve peace, and keep in friend- ship with them ; when his efforts had failed, he had taken up arms against his own country, and fought against his own people ; that he was not opposed to yielding the lands lying on the Alabama, which would answer the purpose of cutting off any intercourse with the Spaniards ; but the country west of the Coosa he wished to be preserved to the nation.* To effect this, he appealed to the feelings of Jackson ; told him of the dangers they had passed together; and of his faithfulness to him in the trying scenes through which they had gone. There were, indeed, none whose voice ought sooner to have been heard than Shelocta's. None had ren- dered greater services, and none had been more faith- ful. He had claims, growing out of his fidelity, that few others had : but his wishes were so much at vari- ance with what Jackson considered the interest of his country required, that he was answered without hesi- tation. " You know," said he, " that the portion of country which you desire to retain, is that through which the intruders and mischief-makers from the lakes reached you, and urged your nation to those acts of violence that have involved your people in wretchedness, and your country in ruin. Through it leads the path Tecumseh trod, when he came to visit you : that path must be stopped. Until this be done, your nation cannot expect happiness, nor mine secu- rity. I have already told you the reasons for de- * This country west of the Coosa now forms the respectable state of Alabama, admitted into the Union in the year 1819. 206 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON* manding it : they are such as ought not cannot be departed from. This evening must determine whe- ther or not you are disposed to become friendly. By rejecting the treaty you will show that you are the enemies of the United States enemies even to your- selves." He admitted it to be true, that the war was not ended, yet that this was an additional reason why the cession should be made ; that then a line would be drawn, by which his soldiers would be enabled to distinguish and know their friends. "When our ar- mies," continued he, " came here, the hostile party had even stripped you of your country : we retook it, and now offer to restore it ; theirs we propose to re- tain. Those who are disposed to give effect to the treaty, will sign it. They will be within our territory ; will be protected and fed ; and no enemy of theirs, or ours, shall molest them. Those who are opposed to it shall have permission to retire to Pensacola. Here is the paper: take it, and show the president who are his friends. Consult, and this evening let me know who will assent to it, and who will not. I do not wish, nor will I attempt to force any of you act as you think proper." They proceeded to deliberate and re-examine the course they should pursue, which terminated in their assent to the treaty, and the extension of those advan- tages that had been insisted on.* * It was agreed that the line should begin where the Cherokee southern boundary crossed the Coosa, to run down that river to Woe- tum-.ka, or the Big Falls, and thence eastwardly to Georgia. East and north of this line, containing upwards of one hundred and fifty thousand square miles, remained to the Indians. West and south was LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. , 207 In the progress of this business another difficulty arose : the council insisted that there should be insert- ed in the treaty a reservation of certain tracts of land ; secured to the United States. There are few nations in the world, that would have acted with such justice and lenity towards a van- quished people. The country had been conquered and won, at con- siderable expense and loss. Few governments, under such circum- stances, would have done less than to have taken what best suited their convenience, without attempting to bargain at all upon the subject; more especially when the territory in question occupied a space of more than two hundred miles, through which the western people, seeking a market on the ocean, were, on their return home, under the necessity of passing ; and where, for the want of accommodation, numerous exposures and hardships were encountered. Scarcely, however, had the treaty been entered into, when every tribe in the neighbourhood, the Choctaws, Chickasaws and Cherokees, asserted their claims, each, to a part of the cession. The latter set up a title to the whole extent lying along the Tennessee river, and in the end suc- ceeded in having it recognized by the government. The other two tribes, gathering confidence from their success, came forward, and were no less fortunate. The United States, to remove every ground of complaint, opened a negotiation with these Indians, and purchased their interest at the price that was demanded. When it is considered that these claims were set up by inconsiderable clans, which might at a word, have been hushed to silence, it affords the highest eulogy on the justice and magnanimity of our government, that, instead of attemping any exercise of its power, for the furtherance of its views, their complaints were heard, and peaceably quieted, by paying them the equivalent they required. The liberality of the act is more apparent, when it is taken into consideration, that the claim of the Creek Indians was unquestion- ably the best. The coming of the other tribes to this section of coun- try is capable of being traced by Indian traditional history. " Some came from the west, beyond the great river Mississippi ; others from the north;" but the same record knows nothing of the Creeks. So far back as it extends, they are traced as the most numerous and war- like of the southern tribes; and are spoken of "as coming out of the 208 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. one for colonel Hawkins, in consideration of his fideli- ty to them as an agent ; and another to Jackson, be- cause of the gratitude felt towards him for his exer- tions in their favour against the hostile Creeks. To this the general objected. It was personal as it re- garded himself, and he was unwilling to appear in any point of view, where suspicion could attach, that he had availed himself of his official situation to obtain personal benefits ; fully aware, that however the facts might be, selfish considerations would be imputed as an inducement to what was done. He refused, there- fore, to have it inserted ; and for the further reason, that the instructions under which he was acting, re-* quired it to be a capitulation, not a treaty. The next morning, however, when they met in council to sjgn the instrument, the chiefs delivered to the general a paper, expressing a wish, and disclosing their reasons, that a ground." Possession, with Indians, is the only evidence of title. Their country and individual possessions, always defined by natural objects, belongs to the next, when once the first occupant has aban- doned it. The tradition of their origin, reaching to a period long anterior to the time when other tribes settled on their borders, proves them to have been the first proprietors of the soil : the coun- try was never abandoned by them : being the most warlike and pow- erful, it could never have been wrested from them by conquest : the conclusion follows, that they were evidently the rightful owners, and that other tribes, as they allege, acquired a residence only through their permission and indulgence. If, however, power, the legitimate rule and national law in modern times, had been made the appeal be- tween a government strong as the United States, and such inconsider- able Indian hordes, there can be no question as to the manner the difference might have been settled : yet the administration, rather than leave themselves open even to suspicion, preferred and obtained the title of these people at an expense of at least three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. ~Let other nations, if they can, produce an act, which, for justice and liberality, can be compared with this. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 209 reservation to himself colonel Hawkins, and May- field, who being made a prisoner in his youth, had al- ways resided in the nation, might be assented to ; antj requested it to be forwarded on and made known to the government. Jackson consented to do so, and to recom- mend its adoption ; but that the reservation they had thought proper to request, if assented to, he would accept of on no other terms than that their father the president should dispose of it, and apply the proceeds to those of the nation on whom distress and poverty had been brought by the war. Mr. Madison subse- quently brought this matter to the consideration of the Senate of the United States, and in recommending its adoption, highly complimented the delicacy with which the proposition had been met by general Jackson : it was, however, never acted on and assented to by the Senate. Every attention had been given, during the tiation, to impress on the minds of the savages -the necessity of remaining at peace and in friendship with the United States ; for, although all apprehensions of their acting in concert as a nation had subsided, yet it was important to leave their minds favourably impress- ed, lest the wandering fugitives, scattered in consider- able numbers towards the Escambia and Pensacola, might, by continuing hostile, associate with them others of their countrymen, attach themselves to the British, should they appear in the south, aid them by their numbers, and pilot them through the country. This retreat of the savages in East Florida, had been always looked upon as a place whence the United 210 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. States might apprehend serious difficulties to arise, There was no doubt but that the British, through this channel, with the aid of the governor, had protected the Indians, and supplied them with arms and ammu* nition ; nor was it less certain, but that through the art and address practised on them, they had been ex- cited to the outrages which had been heretofore con> mitted. It was an idea entertained by Jackson, at the commencement of the Creek war, that the proper and best mode of procedure would be to push his army through the nation ; gain this den, where vegetated so many evils ; arid, by holding it, effectually cut off their intercourse, and means of encouraging the war : but the unexpected difficulties which we have before no- ticed, had repressed the execution of his well-digested plans, and left him to pursue his course as circumstan- ces, and the obstacles met with, would permit. The assistance which, during the war, had been continually afforded these people from Pensaeola^ induced him once more to turn his attention there ; and he now strongly urged on government the propriety of attack- ing and breaking down this strong hold, whence so many evils had flowed, and whence greater ones were yet to be expected. His busy mind, actively engaged, while employed in settling all differences at Fort Jack- son, had sought through every channel that could afford it, information as to the designs of the British against the southern parts of the Union. The idea had been prevalent, and generally indulged, that, so soon as the severity of approaching winter should put a stop to active operations on the Canada frontier, with all their disposable force, they would turn their attention against the southern states, and the.re attempt to gain LIFE OF GENERAL JAGKSO]\% 211 some decisive advantage. New Orleans, with one con- sent, was fixed upon as the point that most probably would be assailed. The circumstance of there being so many persons there who have never been supposed to entertain any well-founded regard for the country in which they lived, together with a large black population, which it was feared might be excited to insurrection and massacre, through the persuasions of an enemy who seemed to disregard all the laws of humanity, were reasons which strongly led to this conclusion. General Jackson having understood, that that com* fort and aid which heretofore had been so liberally ex- tended, was still afforded by the Spanish governor to the hostile Indians, who had fled from the ravages of the Creek war, cherished the belief that his conduct was such as deservedly to exclude him from that pro- tection to which, under other circumstances, he would be entitled, from the professed neutrality of Spain. At all events, if the improper acts of the Spanish agents would not authorize the American government openly to redress herself for the unprovoked injuries she had received, they were such, he believed, as would justify any course which had for its object to arrest their con- tinuance and give safety to the country. In this point of view he had already considered it, when on his way to the treaty at Fort Jackson, he received certain in- formation, that about three hundred English troops had landed; were fortifying themselves at the mouth of the Apalachicola ; and were endeavouring to excite the In- dians to war. No time was lost in giving the government notice of what was passing, and of the course, by him, deemed most advisable to be pursued The advauta- 212 LIFE Or GENERAL JACKSON. ges to be secured from the possession of PenSacola he had frequently urged. Whether it was that the govern- ment beheld things in a point of view different from himself, or that being at peace with Spain, was dis- posed to encounter partial inconveniences, rather than add her to the number of our enemies, no order to that effect was yet given. In detailing to the secretary of war the information that had been communicated to him, he remarks : "If the hostile Creeks have taken refuge in Florida, and are there fed, clothed, and pro- tected ; if the British have landed a large force, muni- tions of war, and are fortifying and stirring up the savages ; will you only say to me, raise a few hundred militia, which can be quickly done, and with such re- gular force as can be conveniently collected, make a descent upon Pensacola, and reduce it ? If so, I pro- mise you the war in the south shall have a speedy termination, and English influence be forever destroy- ed with the savages in this quarter." Notwithstanding this and other information commu- nicated to the government, yet, to his repeated and pressing applications, he was unable to obtain any an- swer : nothing was returned that could be construed into- either a permission of, or command to abstain from the execution of his project. At length, on the 17th of January, 1815, after the British army had been repulsed at New Orleans, and the descent on Florida almost forgotten, through the post office department, dated at Washington City, the 18th of July, 1814, he received the following letter from general Armstrong, then secretary at war : LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON.- * The case you put is a very strong one : and if all the circumstances stated by you unite, the conclusion is irresistible. It becomes our duty to carry our arms where we find our enemies. It is believed, and I am so directed by the president to say, that there is a dis- position on the part of the Spanish government, not to break with the United States, nor to encourage any conduct on the part of her subordinate agents having a tendency to such rupture. We must, therefore, in this case, be careful to ascertain facts, and even to distinguish what, on the part of the Spanish authori- ties, may be the effect of menace and compulsion, or of their choice and policy : the result of this inquiry must govern. If they admit, feed, arm, and co-operate with the British and hostile Indians, we must strike on the broad principle of self-preservation : under other and different circumstances, we must forbear." That the state of things, here suggested by the secretary, did actually exist; that the British were favourably received, and every assistance necessary to a continuance of hostilities extended to the Indians, the government had been already apprised, by the frequent communications made to them on the subject. The facts were too well ascertained for any reason* able doubt to attach. To determine then upon a pro- per eourse, no postulata were necessary, or should have been required by the government. Had this letter reached him in time, it would at once have $e* termined general Jackson in the course to be purstied, and on the execution of his design ; how it was so long delayed, we know not, nor shall we pretend to conjecture ; for on such a subject, conjecture alone 214 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. could be indulged. We would, however, recommend in all cases, where a measure is to be proceeded in^ either from necessity, or a well-founded apprehension of jts propriety, that the government should adopt it without fear or trembling, and from no regard to the consequences involved; nor leave to be determined by the success or failure of the design, whether an officer acting upon his own responsibility, and for the good of his country, shall become the subject of com- mendation or reproof. " If," remarked the general, speaking of this trans* action, "this letter, or any hint that such a course would have been even winked at by the government, had been received, it would have been in my power to have captured the British shipping in the bay. I would have marched at once against Barrancas, and carried it, and thus prevented any escape ; but, act- ing on my own responsibility against a neutral power, it became essential for me to proceed with more caution than my judgment or wishes approved, and consequently important advantages were lost, which might have been secured." The delay of the letter is inexplicable and strange. Did general Arm- strong detain it ? He could not, because his efficiency of character and decision stand in opposition to the idea ; and, besides, after the burning of Washington, in August 1814, he ceased to have any agency in the affairs of the government. It is a circumstance which, during this time, could not have remained under the control of accident : it must have been the effect of management somewhere, and of a design intended for some important purpose ; if any mishaps occurred, and LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 215 a question arose where responsibility should rest, the absence of authority would readily affix it on Jackson. If our cause had proven disastrous at New Orleans, it would have been an easy and plausible matter to have ascribed it to the time lost in waging operations against a neutral and friendly power, without tlie sanc- tion of the government. On arriving at Fort Jackson, his first attention had been directed to a subject which he believed to be of greater importance than making Indian treaties to establish a plan by which to be constantly advised, during his stay, of those schemes that were in agita- tion in the south : believing that every passing event might be readily obtained through the Indians, who could go among the British without in the least ex- citing suspicion, he had required colonel Hawkins to procure some who were confidential, and might be certainly relied on, to proceed to the Apalachicola, and towards the coast, and to return as early as they could obtain correct information of the strength, views, and situation of the enemy. In about fifteen days they came back, confirming the statement previously re- ceived, that a considerable English force had arrived, and was then in the bay of St. Rose; that muskets and ammunition had been given to the Indians, and run- ' ners despatched to the different tribes to invite them to the coast. Satisfied that such permissions, by a neutral power, were too grievous to be borne, he immediately ad- dressed a letter to the governor of Pensacola, appris- ing him of the information received; and enquiring 216 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. why and wherefore it happened that every protection and assistance was furnished the enemies of the United States, within his territory ; requested him to state whether or not the facts were as they had been represented; and demanded to have surrendered to him such of the chiefs of the hostile Indians as were with him. " I rely," continued he, " on the existing friendship of Spain, her treaties and that neutrality ivhich she should observe, as authority for the de- mand I make." The governor's answer, which shortly afterwards was received, evinced nothing of a con- ciliatory temper, and left no hope of procuring any other redress than that which might be obtained through some different channel. It was a subject, how- ever, which required to be managed with considerable caution. Spain and the United States were in amity and at peace; to reduce any portion of her territory, and take possession of it, in exclusion of her authority, might be construed such an aggression, as to induce her into the war. On the other hand, for her, with open arms, to receive our enemies, and permit them to make every preparation within her ports, for in- vading and attacking our country, were outrages too monstrous to be borne, and, in the opinion of Jackson, required to be remedied, let the consequences in pro- spective be what they might. Although these things had been earnestly pressed upon the consideration of the war department, no answer to his repeated solici- tations on the subject had been received. On his pwn responsibility, to advance to the execution of a mea- sure, which involved so much, when his government was, and had for some time been, in possession of all the circumstances, was risking too much. Yet, were LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 217 it delayed longer, every day might give to Pensacola additional strength, and increase the danger attendant on its reduction. Undetermined, under considerations like these, he resolved upon another expedient to despatch a messenger, to lay open to the governor the ground of his complaint obtain from him a declara- tion of his intention, as regarded the course he meant to adopt, and pursue and ascertain whether he de- signed to make subsisting treaties between the two nations the basis of his conduct, or to pursue a strange and concealed course, which, under the garb of pre- tended friendship, cloaked all the realities of war. The propriety of delivering up the hostile Indians, who were with him, to atone for the violation of existing treaties, and the rights of humanity, and the murders they had committed, was again pressed and solicited. A reply was not concluded on by the governor for some time, owing to a very considerable doubt that harassed his mind, whether it would not be more pro- per to return it without an answer, "in imitation of the conduct of general Flournoy, who, acting in con- formity to the orders of Mr. Madison, heretofore had omitted to answer a despatch of his." But having con* sidered the matter quite maturely and deliberately, he at length came to the conclusion, to wave the exam- ple set him by the president, and in replying to, act in obedience to those " high and generous feelings pecu- liar to the Spanish character." In answer to the demand made upon him, that the hostile Indians should be delivered up, he denied that they were with him, " at that time," or that he could, 2 E 218 LIFE OF GENEItAL JACKSON; on the ground of hospitality, refuse them assistance^ at a moment when their distresses were so great ; nor could he surrender them, as he believed, without act- ing in open violation of the laws of nations, laws, to which his sovereign had ever strictly adhered, and of which he had already afforded the United States abun- dant evidence, in omitting to demand of them " the traitors, insurgents, incendiaries, and assassins of his chiefs^ namely, Guiterres, Toledo, and many others, whom the American government protected and main- tained in committing hostilities, in fomenting the revo- lution, and in lighting up the flames of discord in the internal provinces of the kingdom of Mexico." To the inquiry, why the English had been suffered to land in his province arms and ammunition, with a view to encouraging the Indians in their acts of hos- tility* he proceeded with his same " national charac- teristic," and demanded to be informed if the United States were ignorant, that at the conquest of Florida, there was a treaty between Great Britain and the Creek Indians, and whether they did not know, that it still*existed between Spain and those tribes ? " But," continued he, " turn your eyes to the island of Barra- taria, and you will there perceive, that within the very territory of the United States, pirates are sheltered and protected, with the manifest design of committing hostilities by sea, upon the merchant vessels of Spain ; and with such scandalous notoriety, that the cargoes of our vessels, taken by them, have been publicly sold in Louisiana." It is difficult to discover how, or by what system of LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 219 logic it was, that governor Manrequez was enabled to trace any kind of analogy between the United States affording to a few of the patriots of South America an asylum from the oppressions and persecutions that were threatened to be imposed on them by Spanish ty- ranny, and his permitting within the limits of Florida, comfort, aid, and assistance to be given the savages, that they might the better be enabled to indulge in cruelty towards us. Nor can it be perceived how it was, that the piracies of Lafite and his party at Barrataria, and the successful smuggling which brought their plunder- ed wealth into port, in open defiance of our laws, could operate as a sufficient pretext for giving protection and indulgence to an enemy entering the territory of Spain, and continuing there, with the avowed inten- tion of waging war against a power with which she not only professed to be in friendship, but was bound by treaty to be so, and at the very time too, when she claimed to be neutral. Nor can we see the force of the argument, because England had a treaty with the>; Creek Indians, which afterwards devolved on Spain-, that the agents of his Catholic majesty were in conse- quence, justified in protecting the savages in their murders, or assisting covertly, as they did, in the war against us : how the conclusions were arrived at, the governor can decide at some moment, when reliev*- ed from those high and honourable feelings, " pecu- liar to the Spanish character," reason may re-assert her empiry over him, and point the manner he was en* abled to produce his strange results. The governor, however, had evidenced rather too high a state of feeling, and taken his ground without 220 ttFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. suffering his reflections to go to their full extent. He had placed arms in the hands of the savages, " for the purposes of self-defence ;" many of them were hasten- ing to him, more were yet expected. The British had already landed a partial force, and a greater one was shortly looked for. Against this certain and ex- pected strength, added to what his own resources could supply, he believed an American general would not venture to advance. These considerations had led him to assume a proud and lofty tone, to arraign the conduct of the United States, in extinguishing the In- dian title on the Alabama, to accuse them of disre- garding and violating their treaties, and to point out the danger to which the restoration of peace in Europe might shortly expose them. As yet he was ignorant of the energy of the man already near his borders, and who, to march against and break down his fancied se- curity, did not desire to be ordered, but only to be ap- prised by his country that it might be done. Jackson, in no wise pleased with the boldness of his remarks, proceeded again to address him, and exhibited fully the grounds of accusation and complaint in behalf of his country, and in a style at least as courtly as his own. " Where I clothed," he remarks, " with diplomatic powers, for the purpose of discussing the topics em- braced in the wide range of injuries of which you com- plain, and which have long since been adjusted, I could easily demonstrate that the United States have been always faithful to their treaties, steadfast in their friend- ships, nor have ever claimed any thing that was not warranted by justice. They have endured many in- sults from the governors and other officers of Spain ? LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 221 which, if sanctioned by their sovereign, would have amounted to acts of hostility, without any previous declaration on the subject. They have excited the savages to war, and afforded them the means of waging it : the property of our citizens has been captured at sea, and if compensation has not been refused, it has at least been withheld. But as no such powers have been delegated to me, I shall not assume them, but leave them to the representatives of our respective governments. " I have the honour of being entrusted with the com- mand of this district. Charged with its protection, and the safety of its citizens, I feel my ability to dis- charge the task, and trust your excellency will always find me ready and willing to go forward, in the perform- ance of that duty, whenever circumstances shall ren- der it necessary. I agree with you, perfectly, that candour and polite language should, at all times, cha- racterize the communications between the officers of friendly sovereignties ; and I assert, without the fear of contradiction, that my former letters were couched in terms the most respectful and unexceptionable. I only requested, and did not demand, as you have as- serted, that the ringleaders of the Creek confederacy might be delivered to me, who had taken refuge in your town, and who had violated all laws, moral, civil, and divine. This I had a right to do, from the treaty whjch I sent you, and which I now again enclose, with a request that you will change your translation ; be- lieving, as I do, that your former one was wrong, and has deceived you. What kind of an answer you re- turned, a reference to your letter will explain. The 222 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. whole of it breathed nothing but hostility, grounded upon assumed facts, and false charges, and entirely evading the inquiries that had been made. " I can but express my astonishment at your pro- test against the cession on the Alabama, lying within the acknowledged limits and jurisdiction of the United States, and which has been ratified in due form, by the principal chiefs and warriors of the nation. But my astonishment subsides, when, on comparison, I find it upon a par with the rest of your letter and conduct ; taken together, they afford a sufficient justification for any course on my part or consequences that may en- sue to yourself. My government will protect every inch of her territory, her citizens and their property, from insult and depredation, regardless of the politi- cal revolutions of Europe ; and although she has been at all times sedulous to preserve a good understanding with all the world, yet she has sacred rights, that can- not be trampled upon with impunity. Spain had bet- ter look to her own intestine commotions, before she walks forth in that majesty of strength and power, which you threaten to draw down upon the United States. " Your excellency has been candid enough to admit your having supplied the Indians with arms. In ad- dition Jto this, I have learned that a British flag has been seen flying on one of your forts. All this is done whilst you are pretending to be neutral. You cannot be surprised, then, but on the contrary will provide a fort in your town for my soldiers and Indians, should I take it in my head to pay you a visit. LTFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 223 " In future, I beg you to withhold your insulting charges against my government for one more inclined to listen to slander than I am ; nor consider me any more as a diplomatic character, unless so proclaimed to you from the mouths of my cannon." Captain Gordon, who had been despatched to Pen- sacola, had been enabled, during the time he remained there, to obtain much more full and satisfactory infor- mation than it had pleased the governor to communi- cate. Appearances completely developed the schemes which were in agitation, and convinced him that active operations were intended shortly to be commenced somewhere in the lower country. On his return, he reported to the general that he had seen from one hun- , dred and fifty to two hundred officers and soldiers, a ^ park of artillery, and about five hundred Indians, under the drill of British officers, armed with new muskets, and dressed in the English uniform. Jackson directly brought to the view of the govern- ment the information he had received, and again urged his favourite scheme, the reduction of Pensacola. "How long," he observed, "will the United States pocket the reproach and open insults of Spain ? It is alone by a manly and dignified course, that we can secure respect from other nations, and peace to our own. Temporizing policy is not only a disgrace, but a curse to any nation. It is a fact that a British cap- tain of marines is and has for some time past been en- gaged in drilling and organizing the fugitive Creeks, under the eye of the governor ; endeavouring, by his influence and presents, to draw to his standard as well 224 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSOJT, the peaceable as the hostile Indians. If permission had been given me to march against this place twenty days ago, I would, ere this, have planted there the American Eagle; now, we must trust alone to our valour, and to the justice of our cause. But my pre- sent resources are so limited a sickly climate as well 35 an enemy to contend with, and without the means of transportation to change the position of my army, that, resting on the bravery of my little phalanx, I can only hope for success." Many difficulties -were presented; and, although anxious to carry into execution a purpose which seemed so strongly warranted by necessity, he saw that he was wholly without the power of moving, even should he be directed to do so. Acting in a remote corner of the union, which was detached and thinly in- habited, the credit of his government was inadequate to procure those things necessary and essential to his operations ; while the poverty of his quarter-master's department presented but a dreary prospect for re- liance. But to have all things in a state of readiness for action, when the time should arrive to authorize it, he was directing his attention in the way most likely to effect it. The warriors of the different tribes of Indians were ordered to be marshalled, and taken into the pay of the government. He addressed himself to the governors of Tennessee, Louisiana, and the Mis- sissippi territory, and pressed them to be vigilant in the "discharge of their duties. Information, he said, had reached him, which rendered it necessary that all the forces allotted for the defence of the seventh mili- tary district, should be held in a state of perfect rea- LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 225 diriess, to march at any notice, and to any point they might be required. " Dark and heavy clouds hover around us. The energy and patriotism of the citizens of your states must dispel them. Our rights, our liber- ties, and free constitution, are threatened. This noble patrimony of our fathers must be defended with th best blood of our country : to do this, you must hasten to carry into effect the requisition of the secretary of war, and call forth your troops, without delay." On the day after completing his business at Fort Jackson, he had departed for Mobile, to place the country in a proper state of defence. The third regi- ment, a part of the forty-fourth and thirty-ninth, con- stituted entirely the regular forces he could at this time command. Many reasons concurred to render it necessary that a sufficient force should be brought into the field as early as possible. His appeals to the peo- ple of Tennessee had been generally crowned with success ; and he had no doubt but that he might yet obtain from them such assistance as would enable him, should any unexpected emergency arise, to act at least defensively, until the states already applied to should have their quotas ready for the field. On the citizens of Louisiana and Mississippi he believed he might se- curely rely, and that their ardour would readily excite them to contend with an enemy at their very doors. Well knowing the delay incident to bringing militia requisitions expeditiously forth, and fearing that some circumstance might arise to jeopardize the safety of the country, before the constituted authorities could act, he had already despatched his adjutant-general, colonel Butler, to Tennessee, with orders to raise vo- 2F 226 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. lunteers, and have them in readiness to advance to his relief, whenever it should be required. Every day's intelligence tended to confirm the Be- lief that a descent would be made, most probably on New Orleans. Anonymous letters, secretly forwarded from Pensacola, and which found their way into the American camp, suggested this as the point of assault; and many of the settlers were apprised by their friends, of the fears entertained for their safety, and entreated to retire from the gathering storm, which, it was feared, WQuld soon burst and entirely involve the lower coun-? try in wo and ruin. Where certainly to expect attack, was as yet unknown. The part of the country bor- dering on Mobile might be assailed ; yet, taking in- to consideration that no very immediate or decided advantages could be obtained there, it was an event not much to be apprehended. The necessity, howev-? r, of being prepared at all points, so far as the means of defence could be procured, was at once obvious ; for, as the general, in one of his letters remarked, " there was no telling where or when the spoiler might come." There were now too many reasons to expect an early visit, and too many causes to apprehend danger, not to desire that an efficient force might be within convenient distance. Colonel Butler was accordingly written to, and ordered to hasten forward with the volunteers he could procure, and to join him with-* out delay. The order reached him at Nashville, on the 9th of September, and he forthwith engaged ac-, tively in its execution. He directly applied to genet LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 227 ral Coffee, to advance with the mounted troops he could collect. A general order was at the same time issued, bringing to view the dangers that threatened, and so- liciting those who were disposed to aid in protecting their country from invasion, to unite with him at Fay- etteville, by the 28th instant. The appeal was not in- effectual : although the scene of operation was at least four hundred miles from the point of rendezvous, the call was promptly obeyed ; and two thousand able-bo- died men, well supplied with rifles andmtiskets, appear- ed at the appointed time and place, to march with the brave general Coffee, who had so often led his troops to victory and honour. Colonel Butler, with his usual activity and industry, hastened to meet and press for- ward the militia under the command of colonel Lowe- ry, which had been heretofore required for garrison- ing the posts in the Indian country ; whilst captains Baker and Butler, with the regular forces lately enlist- ed, advanced from Nashville to Mobile, where they arrived in fourteen days. By proper exertions every thing was presently in complete readiness ; and the troops collected for the campaign, in high spirits, set out for the point to which danger, duty, and their coun- try called them. CHAPTER VII. Colonel Nicholls arrives at Pensacola and issues a proclamation to the southern inhabitants. Attack on Fort Bowyer^ and loss of the Her- mes. Jackson determines to reduce Pensacola. Demands of the gov- ernor an explanation of his conduct ; his answer. Enters and takes possession of Pensacola. -Conduct and perfidy of the governor. De- struction by the British of Barrancas Fort. Our troops return to Mo- bile. Expedition against the Indians. General Winchester arrives, and Jackson proceeds to take command of New Orleans. WHETHER a force were thus concentrating to act de- fensively against an invading enemy, or were intended to attack and reduce the rallying point of the Indians and British in the Spanish territory, whence they had it in their power to make sudden inroads on any part of our coast, as yet all was conjecture. It was a trait in Jackson's character, to lock closely in his bosom all his determinations : it was only to a few, on whom he reposed with unlimited confidence, that the least inti- mation was at any time given of his intentions. The idea could scarcely be entertained, that at this time any hostility was meditated against Pensacola. The frequent applications he had made to the war depart- ment, to be indulged in the execution of this purpose, without having obtained any directions or permission to do so, had placed a veto on the project, unless he should venture to assume and risk it on his own respon- sibility. It was impossible he should remain long in doubt r as to the course best calculated to assure defence, or LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 229 to the ulterior objects of the enemy. Colonel Nicholls, with a small squadron of his Britannic majesty's ships, had arrived the latter part of August, and taken up his head-quarters with governor Manrequez. He was an Irishman, sent in advance by his royal master to sow dissentions among our people, and to draw around his standard the malcontents and traitors of the coun- try. His proclamation, issued to the western and southern inhabitants, full of well-turned periods, false statements, and high sounding promises, it was hoped would lead them to a belief, that the government un- der which they lived was forging for them chains ; that, not to redress any injuries of its own, but through the mere dictum of the French emperor, it had de- clared war against a power, the freest, the happiest, the most moral and religious on earth. He stated, that he was at the head of a force amply sufficient to reinstate them in those liberties and enjoyments of which they had been bereaved, by the designs of " a contemptible few." That such as were disposed to imbrue their hands in the blood of their countrymen, might not quietly rest, doubting of the assurances proffered them, he concluded by tendering, as security for all he had said and promised, " the sacred honour of a British officer."* Perhaps he could have vouch- safed nothing that the American people would not have sooner relied on : it was a pledge in which past experience told them they could not in safety confide. To them it was a matter of surprise, that a country * See note A, at the end of the volume, where will be found this most extraordinary production of a British officer who acted, no wider instructions received from his government 230 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. from which they had learned all they had ever known or felt of oppression, should come to make them freer than they were ; or that, groaning themselves under a load of taxes, from which there was scarcely a hope of being ever relieved, they should come, with such apparent compassion, and great benevolence, to take away the burdens of those whom they despised, and on whom, for forty years, they had heaped nothing but contumely and reproach. Where it was this agent of Britain learned, that the citizens of the United States complained of burdens, heavily and unjustly imposed, we know not ; satisfied, however, are we, that it was a murmur never breathed by the people at large. They had encountered privations, and borne the " brunt of war ;" yet felt no solicitude that it should cease, until the assailed honour and independence of their country should be secured on a basis firmer than be- fore. He had waited about two weeks, that his proclama- tion might take effectual hold, and prepare the inhabi- tants to open their bosoms to receive him, when this delivering hero, aided by his Indian and Spanish allies, set out, to ascertain the effect it had wrought. His first visit was to Fort Bowyer, situated on the extreme end of a narrow neck of land, about eighteen miles below the head of Mobile bay, and which commanded the entrance. With the loss of one of his ships, and an eye, he had the mortification to learn, that he had been addressing an incorrigible race, who could be neither duped, flattered, nor forced into submission. Fort Bowver had been heretofore abandoned ; and, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 231 until the arrival of general Jackson in this section of the country, was indeed ill calculated for serious re- sistance. On perceiving its importance, he immedi- ately caused it to be placed in the best possible state of defence. So effectual was its situation in a military point of view, as commanding the passes of those riv- ers which discharged themselves into the bay, and which opened directly to the Indian country, that it was with him a matter of surprise it had not been more regarded by the United States, and even better attend- ed to by our enemies* Major Lawrence had the honour to command this spot, the gallant defence of which has given it cele- brity, and raised him to an elevated stand in the esti- mation of his country. That at Pensacola, plans of operation were digesting, which had for their object an invasion of our coast somewhere, was a fact to which Lawrence was not a stranger. A disposition to have his little fortress in such a state of readiness, as would place it in his power, should that be their object, to make a successful and brave defence, had prompted him to the most vigorous exertions. His whole strength was but one hundred and thirty men. By this Spar- tan band was evinced a confidence in each other, and an unshaken resolution, which left their brave comman- der no room to apprehend dishonour to his flag, even should defeat result. The 12th of September determined all doubt of the object which the British had in view. The sentinels brought intelligence that a considerable force, consist- ing of Indians, marines, and Spaniards, had landed ; 232 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. and the same day two brigs and sloops hove in sight of the fort, and anchored not far distant. The next day a demonstration was made by those who had been landed, to bring on the attack ; but a fire from the fort forced them from their position, and compelled them to retire about two miles ; whence, at- tempting to throw up fortifications, they were again made to retreat. * For a few days nothing definitive took place. Early on the morning of the 15th, the signals passing from the ships to the shore, led Lawrence to believe an as- sault was intended, and would shortly be made. At half after four o'clock in the evening, every thing be- ing arranged, the Hermes, in the van, commanded by sir W. H. Percy, and the other vessels close in the rear, anchored within musket shot fire of the fort. From her near position, supported by the Caron, and brigs Sophia and Anaconda, mounting in all ninety guns, she opened a broadside. Colonel Nich oils and captain Woodbine at the head of their detachment, commenced a simultaneous attack by land, with a twelve pound howitzer, at point blank distance ; but, from their sand bank fortifications they were so quick- ly driven as to be unable to produce the slightest in- jury. The action raged with considerable violence. From the fort and ships was pouring a continual fire. The Hermes having at length received a shot through her cable, was driven from her anchorage and floated with the stream. In this situation she was thrown into a LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, 233 position, where, for twenty minutes, she received a se* verely raking fire, which did her considerable damage. In her disabled condition it was no longer possible to controul her, whence, drifting with the current, she ran upon a sand bank about seven hundred yards dis- tant, where, until late at night, she remained exposed to the guns of the fort. Her commander, finding it impracticable to be relieved, set her on fire, and aban- doned her. She continued burning until eleven o'clock, when she blew up. The Caron, next in advance to the Hermes, was considerably injured, and with diffi* culty went out to sea. It is worthy of remark, to show the difference in battle, between the two combatants, to mark the con* duct of British and American officers, under circum- stances precisely similar. Whilst the battle raged, the flag of the van ship was carried away, and at this moment she had ceased to fire. What had caused its disappearance, none could tell : no other opinion was, or could with propriety be entertained, than that it had been hauled down, with a view to yield the con- test, and surrender. Influenced by this belief, Law- rence, with a generosity characteristic of our officers, immediately desisted from further firing. The appear- ance of a new flag, and a broadside from the ship next the Hermes, was the first intelligence received that such was not the fact; and the contest again raged with renewed violence. It was but a few minutes, however, before the flag staff of the fort was also car- ried away : but so far from pursuing the same gene- rous course that had just been witnessed, the zeal of the enemy was increased, and the assault more fu- 234 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. riously urged. At this moment, Nicholls and Woodbine, at the head of their embattled train, perceiving what had happened, that our " starrspangled banner" had sunk, at once presuming all danger to have subsided, made a most courageous sally from their strong hold ; and, pushing towards their vanquished foes, were al- ready calculating on a rich harvest of blood and plun- der : but a well-directed fire checked their progress, dissipated their expectations, and drove them back, with a rapidity even surpassing the celerity of their advance. Taking into consideration, the inequality of force; employed on opposite sides of this contest, it will ap- pear a matter of surprise, that the attack should have terminated in the way it did ; that it was not attend- ed with success to our enemy. This circumstance would be a sufficient evidence of the bravery and cor- rect conduct of its gallant defenders, where there a total absence of all other facts ; but their belief, that the best way to avoid disaster was to be in a state of readiness to meet it, and a constant assiduity, which urged them forward, day and night, that they might be in a situation calculated for successful defence, are facts remembered, and entitle them to the highest com- mendation. From the bay, the attack was waged with )a force of six hundred men, and ninety guns, of larger caliber than any opposed to them ; whilst upwards of four hundred Indians and other troops were on the ) shore, in rear of the fort Lawrence's strength was Scarcely a tenth of the enemy's. His fort, hastily pre- ared for defence, with not more than twenty guns, ill calculated for stubborn resistance; most of LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 235 these were of small caliber, whilst many, from being badly mounted, were capable of rendering no essential service in the action : yet, with this great inequality, he well maintained the honour of his flag, and com- pelled the enemy, resting in full confidence of success, to retire, with the loss of their best ship, and two hun- dred and thirty men killed and wounded; whilst the loss sustained by the Americans did not exceed ten. Very different were the feelings of the leaders of this expedition, from what had been entertained on setting out from Pensacola, where every thing had been prepared for giving success to their plans, and where scarcely a doubt was entertained of the. result Numerous benefits were expected to arise from a victory, not in expectancy, but already looked to as certain as an event that could not fail. From it, greater facility would be given to their operations ; while Mobile, it was expected, would fall, of course. This being effected, independent of the strong hold already possessed in Florida, an additional advantage would be acquired, calculated to prevent all inter- course with New Orleans, from this section of the country, enable them more easily to procure supplies, and, having obtained their expected reinforcements, piloted and aided by the Indians, to proceed across to the Mississippi, and cut off all communication with the western states. To render the blow effectual, was im- portant ; that, by impressing at once the inhabitants with an idea of their strength, and prowess, the pro- clamations already disseminated might claim a stronger influence on doubting minds. The force employed, and its disposition, was calculated to attain these 236 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON, wished for results. While the attack should be fu- riously waged by the ships from the bay, and the forces on the shore* the yells of three or four hundred sa- yages in the rear^ it was calculated would strike the defenders of this fort with such panic, as to make them, at the first onset, throw down their arms, and clamour for mercy, This belief was so sanguinely indulged, that obstinate resistance had never been thought of. Different was the reality instead of tri- umph, they had met defeat The only badges of vic- tory they could present their friends, with whom, but a few days before, with flattering promises they had parted, were shattered hulks, that could scarcely keep above the water, and decks covered with the dead and wounded. The three vessels that retired from the contest were considerably injured, and with difficulty pro- ceeded to sea, leaving Nicholls and Woodbine, with their friends and allies, on the shore, to make good their retreat, as danger and discretion should permit. On the morning of the 14th, Jackson, fearing, from every thing he had learned, that an attack would be made, had set out in a boat from Mobile, to visit Fort Bowyer, examine its situation, and have such arrange- ments made as would add to its strength, and obtain that security which its re-establishment had been de- signed to effect He had proceeded down the bay, and arrived within a few miles of the place, when he met an express from Lawrence, bringing intelligence of the enemy's arrival, and requesting that assistance might be immediately sent to his relief. The general LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSO& 23? hastened back, and reaching Mobile late at night, spatched a brig, with eighty men, under the command of captain Laval. Not being able to reach his point of destination, until the next day, and finding every place of entrance blocked up by the besiegers, he ran his brig to the land, determined to remain there until night, when, under cover of its darkness, he hoped to succeed in throwing into the fort himself and the re- inforcement under his command. The battle, how- ever, having in the mean time commenced, presented new difficulties, and restrained the execution of his purpose, unless he should venture to encounter greater hazard than prudence seemed to sanction. The Her- mes, on being driven from her anchorage, had, at the time of her explosion, floated and grounded in a direo tion, which, from the position she occupied, placed her immediately in rear of the Fort. This circum- stance well accounted for the mistake with which he was impressed, and led captain Laval to suppose that tyis brave countrymen had all perished. Believing they would now attempt to carry his vessel, he set sail for Mobile, and reported to the commanding ge- neral the destruction and loss that had happened. Jackson declared it was impossible; that he had heard the explosion, and was convinced it was on the water, and not on the shore. Perhaps his great anxiety, more than any reality, had constituted this refined and essential difference in sound. If, however, the disas- ter communicated were as it was reported, his own situation being thereby rendered precarious, some- thing was necessary to be done to repair the loss, and regain a place, for many reasons too important to be yielded, His principal fears were, lest the strength 238 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. of the enemy should be greatly increased, before his expected reinforcements could arrive, who would be thereby enabled to extend his inroads, and paralyze the zeal of the country. It was not a time for much deliberation as to the course most advisable to be pur- sued. He determined at all hazard to retake the fort ; and to that end a general order was issued for the departure of the troops. Every thing was nearly in readiness, when a despatch arrived from Lawrence, proclaiming the pleasing intelligence, that all was safe, and that the enemy, beaten and vanquished, had retired. The conduct displayed by the officers and soldiers of this garrison, is worthy to be remembered. With troops wholly undisciplined, and against an enemy ten times more numerous than themselves, so coolly and fearlessly contending, is a circumstance so flattering that we cannot wish our country better, than that the future defenders of her honour, and violated rights, may be as sensibly alive to their duty r and act with a like determined bravery. The British had now retired to Pensacola, to dis- pose of their wounded, refit their vessels, and be ready, as soon as circumstances would permit, to make, per- haps, another descent, on some less guarded point. So long as this, their only place of refuge and retreat on the southern coast, was left in their possession, it was impossible to calculate on the consequences that might arise. The commanding general entertained a suspi- cion that this was merely a feint, and that the object of their wishes and designs, so soon as a sufficient force UFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 239 should arrive, would be New Orleans. At this place, he believed his presence most material, to ascertain and guard the important passes to the city, and to con- cert some system and plan of general defence. His feelings, however, would not permit him to depart, and leave the settlements on the Mobile open to an attack, from forces immediately in the neighbourhood, which might reduce them, and thereby gain a position whence they might obtain supplies, and be placed nearer the ultimate point, against which, most proba- bly, their views were intended to be directed. His regret was indeed great, that time after time, without the least success, he had urged and entreated his go- vernment for permission to take possession of a place where so many dangers threatened, and where every assistance and encouragement was afforded the Bri- tish ; and that regret was increased, now, when he saw the very evils engendering and springing into exist- ence, to which he had so often endeavoured to draw their attention, and which were jeopardizing the safe* ty of the whole lower country. To him the defence of this district had been entrusted : it was incumbent on him to render a just account of his stewardship, and zealously to support his well-earned reputation. Unless Pensacola were reduced, it was vain to think of defending the country: it would be involved in ruin, himself in disgrace. Anxiously concerned for the general good, he could discern no channel through which safety was to be effected, than by hazarding, on his own responsibility, the reduction of this place, a rendezvous for the enemy. Jackson and his government had ever viewed this 240 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. subject iii very different lights : they were not willing to risk any act which might involve the possibility of a contest with Spain, for the sake of removing what they considered an unimportant grievance : he thought it of more serious import, and did not believe it could afford even a pretext for rupture between the two na- tions. If Spain, through her agents, gave assistance and aid to our enemy, or permitted and encouraged a power with whom she was at peace to be thus harass- ed and annoyed, she deserved to be placed herself, on the list of enemies, and treated accordingly. If, how- ever, Great Britain, taking advantage of the defence- less state of her province, claimed to have free egress, in exclusion of her authority, she could have no well- founded cause of complaint against the injured power, which should claim to hold it, until such time as, by bringing a sufficient force, she might be in a situation to support her neutrality, and enforce obedience to her laws. Upon either ground, he believed it might be sufficiently justified. There was one, however, on which it could be placed, where he well knew nothing could result, beyond his own injury ; and on this issue he was willing to trust it. If any complaint should be made, his government, having never extended to him any authority, might, with propriety, disavow the act ; and, by exposing him to censure and punishment, would offer an atonement for the outrage, and Spain, in justice, could demand no more. The attack on Mor bile point was a confirmation of his previous conjec- tures, as to the views of the enemy ; and, from that moment he determined to advance against and rer duce Pensacola, throw a sufficient force in the Bar- rapcas, hold them until the principles of right LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 241 neutrality were better respected, and rest the measure on his own responsibility. Believing this the only course calculated to assure ultimate security, he de- cided with firmness, and resolved to execute his in- tentions so soon as general Coffee should arrive, with the volunteers, from Tennessee. It was now rumoured, and generally accredited, that a very considerable force would shortly sail from En- gland, destined to act against some part of the United States ; where, none knew, or could tell ; rumour, and public opinion, fixed its destination for New Orleans. The importance of this place was well known to our enemy ; it was the key to the entire commerce of the western country. Had a descent been made on it a few months before, it might have been taken with all imaginable ease ; but the British had confidently in- dulged the belief, that they could possess it at any time, without much difficulty. England and France having ended their long-pending controversy, it was presumed that the French people of Louisiana, sensi- bly alive to the great benefits the English had con- ferred upon their native country, benefits that pros- trated her liberty, and which have sunk her, perhaps, in eternal slavery, would, on their first appearance, hail their deliverers, and at once become their vas- sals. Independent of this, they imagined the black population would afford them the means of exciting insurrection and massacre, and deluging the country in blood. Whether a resort to this kind of warfare, which involves the deepest wretchedness, and equally exposes to ruin the innocent as the guilty, the fe- male as the soldier, should be sanctioned by a nation 242 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. professing a high sense of moral feeling ; or whether a nation that adopts such a system, merits countenance from the civilized world, are questions on which we should not fear the decision even of an Englishman, could he but divest himself of that animosity and ha- tred, which, from infancy, he learns to entertain for the Americans. To this, and many other acts equally in violation of the rules that should govern honour- able warfare, may be traced the cause of those deep- rooted inveteracies in the breasts of our citizens, to- wards those of England, which time, and a different course of conduct, can alone remove. Why such hos- tility has been practised towards us, it is difficult to determine; unless the crime of the revolution, if it were one, to rise in opposition to the oppression and despotism under which we then groaned, has disposed them to visit the sins of the father upon the child, with a determination they shall never be forgiven or forgotten. Certain it is, that the United States have received a greater number of insults and injuries from this power, than from all the nations of the earth to- gether; the hoary locks of a father, torn on by the merciless Indian, the innocent, helpless female, bleed- ing by savage torture, and the unoffending babe, dragged from the beating bosom of its mother, and butchered in her sight, are cruelties that can be traced to British influence : yet these people and ourselves are descended from the same fathers speak the same language are governed by the same laws and are similar in manners and customs. But to inquire into the causes of national feeling, belongs not to the his- torian ; it is his duty only to detail facts. The w?r is over ; peace is restored ; and the two nations, and their LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 243 citizens, by a mutual respect, and forbearance towards each other, should endeavour to promote that friend- ship and intercourse, which it is evidently the interest of both to preserve, and which, we hope, may be last- ing. The expected reinforcements were now announced. General Coffee, with his brigade, had arrived and halt- ed at the cut off, not far from Fort St. Stephens, on the Mobile river. In addition to the force with which he commenced his march, he had been strengthened by the arrival of others, who had followed and overtaken him at this place ; so that his whole number was now about twenty-eight hundred. To make the necessary arrangements for an immediate march, general Jack- son, on the 26th day of October, repaired to Coffee's camp. A dependence on himself to further the ob- jects of the government and the cause of the country, had been his constant lot from the commencement of his military career ; and a similar resort or failure to the enterprise, was now to be assayed. Money was wanted the quarter-masters were destitute of funds, and the government credit was insufficient to procure the necessary means to change the position of an ar- my: thus situated, with his own limited funds, and loans effected on his credit and responsibility, he suc- ceeded in carrying his plans into effect, and in hasten- ing his army to the place of its destination. The difficulty of subsisting cavalry on the route, rendered it necessary that part of the brigade should proceed on foot. Although they had volunteered in the service as mounted men, and expected that no 244 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. ferent disposition would be made of them, yet they cheerfully acquiesced in the order : and one thousand abandoning their horses to subsist as they could on the reeds that grew along the river bottoms, prepared to commence the march. Being supplied with rations for the trip, on the 2d day of November the line of march was taken up, and Pensacola was reached on the 6th. The British and Spaniards had obtained intelligence of their approach and intended attack; and every thing was in readiness to dispute their passage to the town. The forts were garrisoned, and prepared for resistance ; batteries formed in the principal streets ; and the British vessels moored within the bay, and so disposed as to command the main entrances which led into Pensacola. The American army, consisting of the greater part of Coffee's brigade, the regulars, and a few Indians, in all about three thousand men, had arrived within a mile and a half of this rallying point for our enemies, and formed their encampment. Before any final step was taken, the general concluded to make a further appli- cation to the governor, and to learn of him what course at the present moment he would make it necessary for him to pursue. To take possession of Pensacola, and dislodge the British, was indispensable : to do it Under such circumstances, however, as should impress the minds of the Spaniards with a conviction, that the invasion of their territory was a measure resorted to from necessity, not choice, and from no disposition to infringe or violate their neutral rights, was believed to be essential. It was rendered the more so, on the part of Jackson, because a measure of his own and not (- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 245 sanctioned or directed by his government. Previous- ly, therefore, to having recourse to any act of open war, he determined once more to try the effect of ne- gotiation, that he might ascertain certainly and cor- rectly how far the governor felt disposed to preserve a good understanding between the two governments, j Major Piere, of the forty-fourth regiment, was ac- cordingly despatched with a flag, to disclose the ob- jects intended to be attained by the visit, and to re- quire that the different forts, Barrancas, St. Rose, and St. Michael, should be immediately surrendered, to be garrisoned and held by the United States, until Spain, by furnishing a sufficient force, might be able to protect the province and preserve unimpaired her neu- tral character. He was charged by the general with a candid and explicit statement of his views, and in- structed to require of the governor a decisive and po- sitive declaration of the course he intended to pursue. This mission experienced no very favourable result Major Piere, on approaching St. Michael's, was fired on and compelled to return. Whether this were done by the Spaniards themselves, or by their allies and friends who were sojourning with them, was not a ma- terial inquiry. The Spanish flag was displayed on the fort, and under it the outrage was committed : though it was a fact well ascertained, that until the day before the British flag had been also associated : this, on the arrival of Jackson, had been removed, and the colours of Spain left, which were designed to afford protec- tion to our enemies, and a pretext for every injury. This conduct, so unexpected and unprovoked, and 246 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. withal so directly in opposition to the principles and practice of civilized warfare, might have well determin- ed the general to abstain from further forbearance, and to proceed immediately in the accomplishment of his views : but a consciousness, that although the reduc- tion of this place was required by circumstances of the highest necessity, yet fearing it might be blazoned around to his prejudice, and particularly that it might become a cause of national difficulty, he was prompt- ed to act with every possible deliberation and caution. A sense of humanity, too, towards these people, who, he was satisfied, were acting not from any choice or discretion of their own, but by the authority of the British, induced a wish that the objects of his visit might be effected without any material injury to them. Determining, therefore, to understand the governor fully, previously to proceeding to extremities, he again despatched a letter to him, not by any of his officers, for after such perfidy he was unwilling, and felt it un- safe to risk them, but by a Spanish corporal, who had been taken on the route the day before. By him, it was required to be known, why the former application which had been made, instead of being met with a be- coming spirit of conciliation, had been insulted. In answer, he received from the governor a confirmation of the opinion he had previously entertained, that what had been done was not properly chargeable on him. but the English ; that he had no agency in the trans- action of which he complained, and assured him of his perfect willingness to receive any overtures he might be pleased to make. This was joyful tidings ; and no time was to be lost in meeting the offer. If negotia- tion should place in his hands the different fortresses, LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 247 before information of it could be had by the British shipping lying in the bay, the outward channel would be effectually stopped, and the means of their escape entirely cut off. Major Piere was accordingly sent off, at a late hour of the night, to detail to the governor the reasons which had rendered the present descent pro- per ; and to insist on the conditions already noticed, as alone calculated to assure safety to the United States, and give protection to the provinces of Florida. He was particularly instructed to impress on his consi- deration the most friendly sentiments, and to assure him that a re-surrender would be made so soon as Spain, by the arrival of a sufficient force, could protect her territory from the inroads of a power at war with the United States ; and which, through an opening thus afforded to a violation of the neutrality of Spain, was enabled, and had already done her considerable injury. In his communication to the governor, he remarks, " I come not as the enemy of Spain ; not to make war, but to ask for peace ; to demand security for my coun- try, and that respect to which she is entitled and must receive. My force is sufficient, and my determi- nation taken, to prevent a future repetition of the injuries she has received. I demand, therefore, the possession of the Barrancas, and other fortifications, with all your munitions of war. If delivered peace- ably, the whole will be receipted for and become the subject of future arrangement by our respective go- vernments ; while the property, laws, and religion of your citizens shall be respected. But if taken by an appeal to arms, let the blood of your subjects be upon your own head. I will not hold myself responsible for the conduct of my enraged soldiers. One hour is 248 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. given you for deliberation, when your determination must be had." f The council was called, and the propositions made, considered, when the conclusion was taken that they could not be acceded to. As soon as the answer w^as received, showing that nothing peaceably could be ef- fected, Jackson resolved to urge his army forward; and, immediately commencing his march, proceeded to the accomplishment of his object, -determined to effect it, in despite of danger, and of consequences. Early on the morning of the 7th, the army was in motion. To foster the idea, that he would march and reach the town along the road, on which he was en- camped, a detachment of five hundred men was sent forward, with orders to show themselves in this direc- tion, that they might amuse and deceive the enemy ; while, urging rapidly on, with the strength of his army, Tie was gaining Pensacola at a different and unexpect- ed point. This stratagem succeeded : the British, looking for his appearance where the detachment was seen, had formed their vessels across the bay, and were waiting his approach, with their guns properly bearing : nor had they an intimation to the contrary, until our troops were descried upon the beach, on the east side, where they were at too great a distance to be annoyed from the flotilla; and whence, pushing for- ward, they were presently in the streets, and under cover of the houses. One company, from the third regiment of infantry, with two field pieces, formed the advance, led by cap- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 249 tain Laval, who fell, severely wounded, while, at the head of his command, he was charging a Spanish bat- tery, formed in the street The left column, com- posed of the regular troops, the third, thirty-ninth, and forty-fourth regiments, headed by majors Woodruff and Piere, formed the left, next the bay. The dis- mounted volunteers proceeded down the street, next the regulars: Coffee's brigade next, on their right: the Mississippi dragoons, commanded by colonel Hinds, and the Choctavv Indians by major Blue, of the thirty-ninth, advanced on the extreme right of all. Captain Laval's party, although deprived of their leader, moved forward, and, at the point of the bayo- net, took possession of the battery in their front. So quickly was this effected, that the Spaniards had it in their power to make but three fires, before they were forced to abandon it. From behind the houses and gar- den fences, were constant vollies of musketry discharg- ed, until the regulars arriving, met the Spaniards, and drove them from their positions. The governor, panic struck, trembling for the safety of his city, and remem- bering the declaration of the general, that, if driven to extremes, he should not attempt to restrain, or hold himself responsible for his enraged soldiers, hastened, bearing a flag in his hand, to find the commander, and seek to stay the carnage. He was met by colonels Williamson and Smith, at the head of the dismounted troops, when, with faltering speech, he entreated that mercy might be extended, and promised to consent to whatever terms might be demanded of him. General Jackson had stopped for a moment at the place where Laval had fallen, and was at this time in 2i LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON the rear. Receiving information that an offer had been made by the governor, to comply with every demand heretofore made on him, he hastened to the intendant house, and obtained a confirmation of what had previously been communicated to him, that the town, arsenals, and munitions of war, and in fact what- ever was required, should immediately and without delay be surrendered. The British vessels remained in the bay ; with the aid of their boats, by which a nearer and more conir manding situation was obtained, they continued to fire upon our troops, as, passing along the principal streets and avenues, they could get them in the range of their guns. Lieutenant Call, perceiving some of their boats attempting to occupy a more advantageous position, advanced to the beach with a single piece of artillery, where, suddenly unmasking himself from a hill, ex- posed, and uncovered, he commenced a brisk and well-aimed fire, which drove them back to a respect- ful distance. No time was lost by general Jackson in procuring what was considered by him, of vital importance the surrender of the forts. Although greater benefits would have been derived, had the success of negotia- tion placed them privately in his hands, without its being previously known to his enemies, yet even now their possession was not to be neglected. Their oc- cupancy was necessary still to his own security to check any design that might be in agitation. What was the force opposed to him ; at what moment rein- forcements might appear off Pensacola, and thereby LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, 251 give an entire change to things, as they at present existed, were matters of which no certain idea could be formed. To possess the Barrancas, which lay four- teen miles to the west, was a consideration of the first importance; still, until the town and its fortresses were secured, it was improper to withdraw the army to so great a distance. Notwithstanding the assurances given by the go- vernor, that all differences would be accommodated, and every thing insisted on agreed to, Fort St Michael was still withheld. Captain Dinkins was ordered to take post on Mount St. Bernard, form his batteries, and reduce it. He was in a situation to act, when the commandant, colonel Sotto, ordered his flag taken down, and the fort to be surrendered. It is curious to observe the treachery of the Spa- niards, and the unpardonable method they took to in- dulge their rancour and spleen. Previously to strik- ing his colours, the commandant at St. Michael had asked permission to discharge his guns ; to this there could be no objection, and the indulgence was readily extended ; but, faithless and cowardly, he levelled and fired his pieces, charged with grape, at a party of dragoons and Choctaw Indians, who were at a small distance, which killed three horses and wounded two men. Such unpardonable conduct, independent of other wrongs and injuries already noticed, might have justified any treatment; the destruction of the gar- rison would not have been an unmerited chastisement. The general was on his way to Mount St. Bernard, where his artillery was planted, when he received in- 252 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. telligence of what had been done. He determined no longer to confide in persons so faithless, and whose only object seemed to deceive, but at once to make the sword the arbiter between them. His cannon were already turned towards the fort, the resolution taken to batter it down, and carry it by storm, when it was announced by the officer he had left in command at Pensacola, that the capitulation had been agreed on, and a sur- render would be made in half an hour. Sensible of the delicate situation in which he was placed, and desirous to spare the effusion of blood, he forbore to obey that impulse their unwarrantable conduct had so justly excited, and forthwith despatched captain Din- kins to insist on an immediate delivery ; at the same time giving him directions to carry it by storm if the demand was not instantly complied with. Difficulties promised thus peaceably to terminate. The day was far spent, and the general greatly indis- posed ; until the next morning therefore, no step could be taken to obtain possession of the Barrancas. On the credit of the governor's promises, made first on their entrance into the town, the principal part of the army had been ordered a short distance out. Under- standing, at St. Bernard, that what had been required would be done, and that no further delay would be met, the general had set out to the encampment, leav- ing major Piere behind, with a sufficient force to pre- serve every thing in safety and quietness. He was -astonished, early in the morning, to learn that the offi- cer despatched to St. Michael, the preceding evening, Jhad, on his arrival, been threatened to be fired on by -colonel Sotto : possession, however, was yielded, on LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 253 being made to understand, that if the fort were not delivered instantly, and without further parley, it would be carried forcibly, and the garrison put to the sword. A capitulation was now agreed on : Pensacola, and the different fortresses, were to be retained, until Spain could better maintain her authority ; while the rights and privileges of her citizens were to be re- garded and respected. Every thing was in readiness, on the following day, to march and take possession of Barrancas fort. The faithless conduct of yesterday had determined Jackson on the execution of his plans ; nor longer to confide in Spaniards' promises ; but on reaching the place to carry it by force, if it were not immediately surrender- ed. Major Piere was ordered to give the command of the city to colonel Hayne, and report himself at camp, to accompany him on the march ; previously, however, to retiring, to require of the governor to exe- cute an authority to the commandant of the fort, to deliver it; and, in the event he would not comply im- mediately, to arrest him, and every public officer, and hold them as prisoners. The order for its deliyery had been signed, and the line of march ready to be taken up, to advance and receive it,- peaceably, if the order would effect it forcibly, if not when a tremendous explosion in that direction, followed by two others, in quick succession, excited the apprehen- sion that all was destroyed. To ascertain, certainly, whence the noise had proceeded, major Gales, a volun- teer aid, was despatched, with two hundred men, to reconnoitre and obtain intelligence. He presently returned, and confirmed what had been previously 254 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. apprehended, that the fort was blown up, and that the British shipping had retired from the bay. Although the repairing this place might be produc- tive of numerous advantages, as keeping the enemy, during the expected descent on the lower country, from having in their possession a point where they might prepare their expeditions, and where, in de- spite of every vigilance that could be used, they might obtain ample supplies ; yet, inasmuch as the act was unauthorized by his government, Jackson felt himself restrained from incurring any expense for the re- establishment of what had been thus treacherously de- stroyed. Though disappointed in the object he had principally in view, he nevertheless believed that some of the benefits intended and expected would result. This strong hold, which had so long given protection to the southern hostile savages, and where they had been excited to acts of war and cruelty, was assailed, and the Indians taught that even here, safety was not to be found. The valour and good conduct of his troops had impressed on the minds of the Spaniards a respect for the character of his country, which, hith- erto, they had not entertained ; and the British, by be- ing dislodged, were prevented from maturing and set- tling those plans which were to give efficacy to their future operations against the southern section of the Union : but, as the means of maintaining and defending it were destroyed, it was unnecessary to think of garri- soning and attempting to hold it. It was accordingly concluded to re-deliver all that had been surrendered, and retire to Fort Montgomery. Jackson w r as the more disposed to adopt this course from a belief that LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 255 the British, who had sailed out of the bay, would pro- bably make their way to Fort Bowyer, and, with a knowledge of the principal strength of the army being away, seek to aim a blow somewhere on the Mobile. An express was immediately hastened to colonel Sparks, who had been left in command at this place, announcing what had transpired, suggesting appre- hensions for his safety, and notifying him, in the event of an attack, to endeavour to parry the danger until the regular troops, who would be urged forward with every industry, should arrive to support him. Two days after entering the town, he abandoned it Previously to retiring, he wrote to governor Manre- quez ; and, after stating to him the causes which had in- duced him, justifiably, as he believed, to enter his ter- ritory, he thus concluded : " As the Barrancas and the adjacent fortresses have been surrendered to and blown up by the British, contrary to the good faith I had reposed in your promises, it is out of my power to protect and guard your neutrality, as otherwise I should have done. The enemy has retreated; the hostile Creeks have fled for safety to the forest; and I now retire from your town, leaving you to re-occupy your forts, and protect the rights of your citizens." Much is due not only to the calmness and intrepidi- ty of conduct displayed by the troops in their advance on the town, against the batteries that were formed in the streets, the fort, and the fleet lying in the bay, but much more for their orderly, open, and generous con- duct towards a people who had wholly outraged every principle of correct conduct; and who, even at the 256 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. moment when the sword was made the appeal, and the blow they merited only stayed by humanity, were still pursuing a course of faithlessness and treachery, and clearly evincing a disposition to aid and assist our ene- mies : yet, under such circumstances, which certainly would have warranted a less lenient course towards them, not a single irregularity was committed, or the rights of individuals at all molested. So exemplary was the deportment of our officers, and the conduct of our soldiers, as to extort high compliments from the Spaniards, and to induce the declaration that our In- dians had behaved with more decency and propriety than their friends, with whom they had just parted. When we remember, what is undeniably the fact, that the British had be^n always well received by the inha- bitants of Florida, who had rendered them every as- sistance and protection in their power; and who, from their disposition to aid them, had even brought diffi- culties upon themselves, ingratitude and injustice may be well charged upon them, when it is recollected that these friends, who had been so well regarded, on re- treating from Pensacola, carried off three or four hun- dred slaves, not their own, in despite of the remon- strances and repeated demands of the owners to have them restored. Our loss in this expedition was quite inconsider- able. The left column alone met resistance, and had fifteen or twenty wounded none killed. It appears, indeed, strange, that three heavy pieces of artillery, charged with grape and canister, and three times fired against a column advancing through a narrow street, should not have effected greater injury. Of the num.- LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 257 ber wounded, was lieutenant Flournoy, a promising young man, who, having gone out as a volunteer, was, on account of his merit, promoted to a lieutenancy in the forty-fourth United States' regiment. By a cannon shot he lost his leg. Captain Laval being too danger- ously injured to be removed, was confided by the ge- neral to the clemency of the governor of Pensacola, who humanely gave him that attention his situation required. The Indian warriors, who had taken refuge in Pen- sacola, finding themselves abandoned by the British, fled across the country, and sought safety on the Ap- palachicola : many were afforded shelter on board the shipping, from which they were shortly afterwards landed, to prosecute the war after their own manner, and in their own way. Jackson determined they should have no rest, or respite from danger, so long as a warlike attitude was preserved. Recent events had shown them, that neither the valour of their al- lies, nor their own exertions, could afford them pro- tection. He believed it an auspicious moment to pur- sue them in their retreat ; increase still further their fears and apprehensions; and effectually cut up that misplaced confidence, which had already well nigh proved their ruin. Understanding that those who had been carried off from Pensacola had been landed on the Appalachicola, and a depot of all necessary supplies there established, major Blue, of the thirty- ninth regiment, was sent off, on the 16th, at the head of a thousand mounted men, with orders tofollow and attack them, and destroy any of their villages he might find on his route. General JVMntosh, of the Georgia 258 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. militia, then in the Creek country, was apprized of the destination, and directed to co-operate, that the savages might be assailed and dispersed, before they should have it in their power to attempt hostilities against the frontiers. Having effected this object, they were or- dered to repair to Mobile, to aid in its defence. Shortly after the American army had retired, the Spaniards commenced rebuilding Forts Barrancas and St. Rose, which they had lost through the improper interference of their friends. Anxious to regain that confidence they had justly forfeited, the British offer- ed their services to assist in the re-establishment. This offer was refused, and an answer returned by the governor, that when assistance was in fact need- ed, he would make application to his friend general Jackson. There was nothing now so much desired by the general, as to be able to depart for New Orleans, where he apprehended the greatest danger, and where he believed his presence was most material. He had al- ready effected a partial security for Mobile, and the inhabitants on its borders ; and such as he believed might be preserved, by proper vigilance and activity in those who were left in command. He determined to set out on the 22d for the Mississippi ; and, by his exertions, seek to place the country in such a situation for defence as the means within his reach would per- mit. His health was still delicate, which almost wholly unfitted him for the duties he had to encounter : but his constant expectation of a large force appearing soon on the coast, impelled him to action. Added to LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 259 the fatigues incident to his station, he as yet had no brigadier-general in his district to relieve him of many of those duties which he had neither time nor bodily strength to meet. General Winchester had been or- dered to join him. He had not yet arrived, but was daily looked for. In expectation of his speedy ap- proach, Jackson was making every necessary arrange- ment for investing him with the command of Mobile, and for his own departure. Colonel Hayne, the in- spector-general, was despatched to the mouth of the Mississippi to examine whether in that direction there were any eligibl^site, where, by erecting batteries, the river might be commanded, and an ascent prevented, if through this route attempted. General Coffee and colonel Hinds, with the dragoons from the territory, were ordered to march with their commands, and take a position as convenient to New Orleans as they could obtain a sufficiency of forage to recruit their horses ; having regard to some central point, whence they might, without loss of time, proceed wherever danger should be most imminent Every thing being arranged, and intelligence received that general Winchester had reached the Alabama river, Jackson, on the 22d da} r of November, left Mobile for the city of New Orleans, where he arrived on the 1st of December; and where his head-quarters were, for the present, established. CHAPTER VIII. Jackson's correspondence with the governor of Louisiana. Hi* address to the citizens. -^-Militia from Tennessee and Kentucky advance ; and general plans adopted for defence. -Plan for filling delinquencies in the army. British shipping arrive on the coast. Loss of the Sea fforse. Battle on the lake, and loss of the gun boats. Jackson re- views the militia. His address to them. Detention of his flag. Anecdote. Expresses sent to generals Coffee and Carroll. Declara- tion of martial law at JVetw Orleans. The British effect a landing, and Jackson prepares to meet them. GENERAL JACKSON was now on a new theatre, and soon to be brought in collision with an enemy dif- ferent from any he had yet encountered : the time had arrived to call forth all the energies he possessed. His military career, from its commencement, had been obstructed by innumerable difficulties, but far greater were now rising to his view. His body worn down by sickneSs and exhaustion, with a mind constantly alive to the apprehension, that, with the means given him, it would not be in his power to satisfy his own wishes, and the expectations of his country, \vere circumstances well calculated to depress him. He was as yet without sufficient strength or preparation, to attempt successful opposition against the numerous and well-trained troops which were expected shortly at some unprepared point, to enter and lay waste the lower country. What was to be hop^d from the cle- mency and generous conduct of such a foe, their march to the city of Washington already announced ; while LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 26 1 the imagination portrayed in lively colours the repeti- tion, here, of scenes of desolation even surpassing what had there been witnessed. Louisiana, he well knew, was ill supplied with arms, and contained a mixed population, of different tongues, who, perhaps, felt not a sufficient attachment for the soil or government, to be induced to defend them to the last extremity. No troops, arms, or ammunition had yet descended from the states of Kentucky and Ten- nessee. His only reliance for defence, if suddenly as- sailed, was on the few regulars he had, the volunteers of general Coffee, and such troops as the state itself could furnish. What might be the final result of things, under prospects gloomy as the present, should an enemy shortly appear, was not a matter difficult to conjecture. His principal fears at present were, that Mobile might fall, the left bank of the Mississippi be gained, all communication with the western states cut off, and New Orleans be thus unavoidably reduced. Although continually agitated by such forebodings, he breathed his fears to none. Closely locking all ap- prehensions in his own breast, he appeared constantly serene, and as constantly endeavoured to impress a general belief, that the country could and would be successfully defended. The manifestation of such tranquillity, and his avowed certainty of success, under circumstances so unpropitious, excited strong hopes, - dispelled every thing like fear, and impressed all with additional confidence. With the remnant of force he had at command, and the additional strength to be afforded him from Ken- 262 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. tucky and Tennessee, uncertain in its arrival, undisci- plined, and unarmed, to oppose an enemy who might be already on the coast, and of whose exceeding va- lour great and wondrous stories had been already told, might have sunk into inaction any mind not gifted with uncommon and extraordinary energy, and made it to retire from a contest, where seemingly insurmount- able difficulties but rendered delusive every hope of resistance : yet, firm and resolute, an increase of diffi- culties but occasioned an increase of exertion, and he entered on his forlorn undertaking with no other de- termination than to leave nothing unassayed that might enable him to ride out the threatening storm in safety. While engaged in his operations on the Mobile, and even while at Fort Jackson, he had kept up a corre- spondence with the governor of Louisiana, persuading and urging him to the adoption of such measures as might be calculated to give security to the state. From the information derived through this source, he felt assured that little reliance was to be placed on the great body of the citizens ; and that to gain any deci- sive advantages from their services, it would be ne- cessary to abandon every thing like temporizing po- licy, and pursue a course at once steady and unwaver- ing. Many of the inhabitants, indulging a belief that Florida would shortly be restored to Spain ; and a still greater number tremblingly alive to the opinion that the country could not be successfully defended, had led most well designing men astray ; while English- men, Spaniards, and innumerable other foreigners, feeling no attachment to the government under which LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 263 they lived, were, at any time, ready to surrender it to any power that might venture to invade it. The re- quisition made, had been badly filled ; many had ab- solutely refused, even after being drafted, to enter the ranks. At so eventful a crisis as that which was fast approaching, it was painful to discover so great a want of union and disregard of duty, in those very persons upon whom he would be compelled to rely, on any sud- den emergency. This reluctance to entering the field, there was a propriety in putting down, that the good might not be led astray from privileges usurped by the designing ; and to convince the disaffected that those who shared the care and protection of the go- vernment, were, and should be, under obligations to defend it, when required. Governor Claiborne had been addressed on this subject; and, while the necessity of discouraging every improper temper of mind among his citizens was in- sisted on, he was exhorted to use his exertions in guarding every pass from the city, that the enemy, hovering in the gulf, might not obtain supplies from the shore. " I regret," said he, " to hear of the dis- contents of your people : they must not exist. Who- ever is not for us, is against us. Those who are drafted must be compelled to the ranks, or punished : it is no time to balance : the country must be defended ; and he who refuses to aid, when called on, must be treated with seventy. To repel the danger with which we are assailed, requires all our energies, and all our ex- ertions. With union on our side, we shall be able to drive our invaders back to the ocean. Summon all your energy, and guard every avenue with confiden- 264 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. tial patroles, for spies and traitors are swarming around. Numbers will be flocking to your city, to gain infor- mation, and corrupt your citizens. Every aid in your power must be given to prevent vessels sailing with provisions. By us, the enemy must not be fed. Let none pass ; for on this will depend our safety, until we can get a competent force in the field, to oppose at- tack, or to become the assailants. We have more to dread from intestine, than open and avowed enemies : but, vigilance on our side, and all will be safe. Re- member, our watch word is victory or death. Our country must and shall be defended. We will enjoy our liberty, or perish in the last ditch." He forwarded, at the same time, an address to the people of Louisiana, and endeavoured to excite them to a defence of their rights and liberties, and to raise in their minds an abhorrence of an enemy, who, by proclamation, and dishonourable stratagem, had sought to promote disunion, and to draw the disaffected to their standard. He pointed out the course the present Crisis required them to adopt, and entreated them not to be lured from their fidelity to a country, of all others, the freest and happiest, by uniting with a foe, who sought a furtherance of his views, by the most disreputable pretences by courting the friend- ship and aid of even traitors, pirates, and robbers. " Your government, Louisianians, is engaged in a just and honourable contest, for the security of your individual, and her national rights. The only country on earth, where man enjoys freedom, where its bless- ings are alike extended to the poor and rich, calls on LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 265 you to protect her from the grasping usurpation of Britain : she will not call in vain. I know that eve- ry man, whose bosom beats high at the proud title of freeman, will promptly obey her voice, and rally round the eagles of his country, resolved to rescue her from impending danger, or nobly to die in her de- fence. He who refuses to defend his rights, when call- ed on by his government, deserves to be a slave deserves to be punished, as an enemy to his country a friend to her foes." The minds of the people of Louisiana were thus gradually turned to consider of the contest, in which it was certainly expected they were shortly to be en- gaged, that they might be ready and prepared to meet it, when the period should arrive to render it neces- sary. Preparations for collecting, in sufficient strength, to repel an invasion, when it should be attempted, had been carried actively forward. The fiat of the secre- tary of war had been issued to the governors of the adjoining states ; and Jackson had long since anxiously pressed them to hasten the execution of the order, and push their forces to the place of danger, without de- lay. The ardour felt by the governor of Tennessee, rendered any incentive unnecessary. He was well aware of the importance of activity and exertion, and had used all the authority of his office, to call the re- quisition forth, and have it in readiness, speedily as possible. Governor Shelby, of Kentucky, had been no less vigilant in discharge of the duty required of him. The necessity of despatch, in military matters, and the ad- 2L 266 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOX. vantages resulting from it, in his youth and more ad- vanced age, he had studied and learned in the field of battle. The troops from his state were immediately organized ; placed under the command of major- general Thomas, and directed to proceed down the Ohio, to resist the inroads of the enemy.* It may be esteemed a circumstance of great good fortune, that Shelby, at a time so perilous as that in wilich the tJnited States were placed, during the period of his services, should have been the chief magistrate of Kentucky; a state possessing ample resources, and which might have slumbered in inaction, but for the energy of him who filled her executive chair. He did not remain contented with a discharge merely of those duties which were imposed on him by his office ; but, feeling the ardour of his youth revived, excited his citizens by manly appeals, and inspirited them by his own example. The government had never called Upon the patriotism of this state that it had not been met with a becoming zeal by the governor, and as cheerfully and promptly acquiesced in by his people. The bravery and promptitude with which they crowd- ed to the American standard, at the first onset of dan- ger, where they firmly supported the honour of the nation, enduring cold, and hunger, and every privation, merit to be remembered, and entitle her citizens to the gratitude of the country. * When this requisition was ready to proceed, the state of the quarter-master's department was discovered to be wholly inadequate to those outfits and supplies necessary to its departure. Thus situated, individuals of the state came orward, pledged their funds, and en- abled it to advance. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 267 William Carroll, who, on the promotion of Jackson in the army of the United States, had been appointed a major-general of Tennessee militia, was to command the requisition intended to be marched from the state* He had issued his orders to his division, and, on the 19th of November, the day appointed for their rendez- vous, 'twenty-five hundred of the yeomanry of the state appeared at Nashville ; and, in eight days, em- barked on board their boats, and directed their way to New Orleans, the place of their destination. To the industry of general Carroll, in hastening those arrange- ments, which enabled his division so promptly to de- part, every respect is due ; for, to his fortunate arrival, as will be seen hereafter, is greatly to be attributed the reason that success did not result to the enemy, in his first assault, or that Louisiana escaped the im- pending danger. The militia, now organized, from these two states, were highly respectable for their numbers, and were commanded by officers who carried with them entire confidence. In braver} r , they were not surpassed by any troops ; yet were they without experience or dis- cipline, and indifferently armed. Many had procured muskets and bayonets; though the greater part of them had arms capable of rendering little or no ser- vice ; while some had none at all. To remedy their want of discipline was attended with some difficulty, on account of the slender means afforded for instruc- tion, while, in boats, they were descending the river, Carroll's anxiety, however, for the respectable ap- pearance of his troops, and a still stronger desire entertained, that they might be in a situation for im- 268 "MFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. mediate action, if necessity, on his arrival, should re- quire it, led him to seize even on the limited oppor- tunities for improvement that were within his reach. Whenever, from adverse winds, or any other cause preventing his progress, he was compelled to stop, his men were immediately brought to receive every infor- mation that could, under such circumstances, be com- municated ; and often, while floating with the stream, the decks of his boats formed a field for their rna- nceuvres. Although in this way, partial progress was made, and some advantages gained, yet were they in- considerable ; for still were they but militia-men, and as yet unqualified to meet the veteran troops with which they were going to contend. Although general Jackson had obtained his success- es heretofore with troops of this description, yet he was far from entertaining a belief that they could be relied on for manoeuvring in an open field, against troops who were skilled, and inured to war. None knew better the point of exertion to which militia could be strained; that while successful and resting with confidence in themselves, none could effect more ; but when once dispirited, they became a useless weight Taught by a recollection of the difficulties he had heretofore encountered, and a knowledge that forces of this description were ever capricious and re- fractory, he had brought to the notice of the secretary of war, a new and different course from what had been before pursued, as more efficient, less expensive, and better calculated for the purposes of defence. In a let- ter to him, of the 20th of November, 1814, he observes, " Permit me to suggest a plan, which, on a fair expe- LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 269 riment, will do away or lessen the expenses, under the existing mode of calling militia forces into the field. Whenever there happens to be a deficiency in the re- gular force, in any particular quarter, let the govern- ment determine on the necessary number : this should be apportioned among the different states, agreeably to their respective representations, and called into ser- vice for, and during the war. The quota wanted will, in my opinion, be soon raised from premiums offered by those who are subject to militia duty, rather than be harassed by repeated drafts. In the mean time, let the present bounty, given by the government, be also continued. If this be done, I will insure that an effective force shall soon appear in every quarter, am- ply sufficient for the reduction of Canada, and to drive all our enemies from our shores." . Such was the course of things, and such the plans which were in progress for the security and safety of the country, when the general reached New Orleans. The period was too momentous to afford a respite from business ; and he immediately adopted such measures as could be earliest effected, and which were best calculated for resistance and defence. The legislature of Louisiana had for some weeks been in session ; and, through the governor's commu- nication, informed of the situation, condition and strength of the country, and of the necessity of calling all its resources into active operation ; but, balancing in their decisions, and uncertain of the best course to be pursued to assure protection, they, as yet, had re- solved upon nothing promising certainty and safety, or 270 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. calculated to infuse tranquillity and confidence in the public mind. The arrival of Jackson, however, pro- duced a new aspect in affairs. His activity and zeal in preparation, and his reputation as a brave man and skilful commander, had turned all eyes towards him, and inspired even the desponding with a confidence they had not before felt. *H The volunteer corps of the city were reviewed, and a visit, in person, made to the different forts, to ascer- tain their situation and capacity for defence, and the reliance that might be had on them, to repel the ene- my's advance. Through the lakes large vessels could not pass : should an approach be attempted through this route, in their barges, it might be met and opposed by the gun boats which already guarded this passage ; but if, unequal to the contest, they should be captured, it would, at any rate, give timely information of a de- scent, which might be resisted at their landing, and be- fore any opportunity could be had of executing fully their designs. Up the Mississippi, however, was looked upon as the most probable pass through which might be made an attempt to reach the city ; and here were in progress suitable preparations for defence. We have already noticed that colonel Hayne had been despatched from Mobile with directions to view the Mississippi near its mouth, and report if any ad- vantageous position could be found for the erection of batteries ; and whether the re-establishment of the old fort at the Balize would command the river, in a way to prevent its being ascended. That it could not be relied on for this purpose, the opinions of military men LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 271 had already declared. General Jackson was always disposed to respect the decisions of those, who, from their character and standing, were entitled to confi- dence ; yet, in matters of great importance, it formed no part of his ceeed to attach his faith to the statements of any, where the object being within his reach, it was in his power to look to the fact and satisfy himself. Trusting implicitly in colonel Hayne as a military man, who, from proper observation, could infer correct con- clusions, he had despatched him thither to examine how far it was practicable to obstruct and secure this channel. His report was confirmatory of the previous information received, that it was incapable, from its situation, of effecting any such object. Fort St. Philip was now resorted to as the lowest point on the river where the erection of a fortification could be at all serviceable. The general had returned to New Orleans on the 9th, from a visit to this place, which he had ordered to be repaired and strengthened. The commanding officer was directed to remove every combustible material without the fort; to have two additional platforms immediately raised ; and the em- brasures so enlarged that the ordnance might have the greatest possible sweep upon their circles, and be brought to bear on any object within their range that might approach either up or down the river. At a small distance below, the Mississippi, changing its course, left a neck of land in the bend covered with timber, and which obstructed the view. From this point down to where old Fort Bourbon stood, on the west side, the growth along the bank was ordered to be cut away, that the shot from St. Philip, ranging across this 272 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. point of land, might reach an approaching vessel before she should be unmasked from behind it. On the site of Bourbon was to be thrown up a strong work, de- fended by five twenty-four pounders, which, with the fort above, would be calculated to expose an enemy to a cross fire, for half a mile. A mile above St. Philip was to be established a work, which, in conjunction with the others, would effectually command the river for two miles. At Terre au Boeuf, and at the English turn, twelve miles below the city, were also to be taken measures for defence ; where it was expected by Jack- son, with his flying artillery and fire ships, he would be able certainly to arrest the enemy's advance. This system of defence, properly established, he believed would ensure security from any attack in this direction. Fort St. Philip, with the auxiliary batteries above and below it, would so concentrate their fires, that an ene- my could never pass without suffering greatly, and perhaps being so shattered that they would fall an easy prey to those defences which w r ere still higher up the river. The essential difficulty was to have them commenced and speedily finished. On returning, he hastened to apprize the governor of his views, and of his arrangements, and entreated him to aid in their furtherance. It was proposed to submit it to the con- sideration of the legislature, and to prevail, if possible, with the planters, to furnish their slaves, by whom, alone, such work could, in so insalubrious a climate, be safely executed. " If what is proposed be performed," said he, "I will stand pledged that the invaders of your state shall never, through this route, reach your city." He desired to be informed, early, of the success of the application, and to know how far the legislature would LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 273 be disposed to extend their fostering care to the ob- jects suggested; that, in the event of failure, he might have recourse to such resources as were within his reach. " But," added he, " not a moment is to be lost. With energy and expedition, all is safe : delay, and all is lost." The plans of operation and defence were projecting on an extensive scale. The only objects of fear were the disaffected who infested the city ; and to these, af- ter the most incessant exertions and laborious efforts, he had well nigh fallen a victim. Aware of approaching danger, the views of the ge- neral had been met with becoming zeal, and the ne- cessary measures taken, to have the selected points for defence completed in the shortest possible time ; which might present, on the Mississippi, barriers, that it was not feared the enemy would be able to pass. On lakes Borgne and Pontchartrain, an equally strong confidence was had, that all would be safe from invasion. Commodore Patterson, who commanded the naval forces, had executed every order with prompt- ness and activity. Agreeably to instructions received from the commanding general, to extend to all the passes on the lakes every protection in his power, he had already sent out the gun boats, under lieutenant Jones. From their vigilance and capability to defend, great advantages were calculated to arise ; added to which, the Rigolets, the communication between the two lakes, was defended by Petit Coquille fort, a strong work, under the command of captain Newman, which, 2 M 274 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. when acting in conjunction with the gun boats, it was supposed would be competent to repel any assault that might there be waged. The prospects of defence had been improved by detachments sent with orders to fell timber across every small bayou and creek, that lead out of the lakes, and through which a passage for boats and barges could be afforded ; and to increase the ob- struction, by sinking large frames in their beds, and filling them with earth. Guards and videttes were al- so posted in different directions to give the earliest information of every thing that passed. In despite, however, of these precautionary measures, treachery opened a way, and pointed the entrance of the enemy to a narrow pass, through which they effected a land- ing, and reached previously to being discovered, the banks of the Mississippi. Such were the measures adopted for the protection of Louisiana against an attack, which, although hither- to resting on conjecture, was supported by too many strong circumstances to admit of doubt. Information of a considerable force having left England, filled with high hopes and expectations the attack on Fort Bow- yer, and the inflammatory proclamations already pub- lished, with anonymous letters received from persons in the West Indies and Pensacola, known and to be re- lied on, all tended strongly to unfold the views of the enemy, and to dissipate every thing of doubt as to their designs.* But the time was at hand when conjecture was giving place to certainty ; when the intentions of the invaders were fully developing themselves ; and * See note B. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 275 the fact fairly presented, that Louisiana must fall and her principal city be sacked, unless the brave men as- sociated to defend her, should stand firmly in her de- fence, resolved to justify the high expectations which had been formed of their valour. Certain information was at hand, of an English fleet being now off Cat and Ship island, and within a short distance of the Amri- can lines, where their strength and numbers were daily increasing. Lieutenant Jones, in command of the gun boats on Lake Borgne, was directed to reconnoitre, and ascer- tain their disposition and force ; and, in the event they should attempt, through this route, to effect a dis- embarkation, to retire to the Rigolets, and there, with his flotilla, make an obstinate resistance, and contend to the last. He remained off Ship island, until the 12th of December, when, understanding the enemy's forces were much increased, he thought it advisable to change his anchorage, and retire to a position near Malheureux island. The course was rendered the more necessary, because affording a safer position, and in the event of being attacked, a better opportunity of making good his retreat to the Rigolets, where alone he was instructed to attempt opposition. Whoever looks upon a map of the country, will at once discover the importance of this place if driven into action with a greatly 'superior force. This, and Chef Menteur, which unite at the entrance to the lake, and form a narrow channel, constitutes the only -pass itito Pont* chartrain. By reaching it, the gun boats would be en- abled to present as formidable an opposition as could be waged by all the force that could be brought against 276 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. them, and put at defiance any effort that could be mad*-, to gain the city through this route. On the 13th, Jones discovered the enemy moving off in his barges r and directing his way towards Pass Christian. He was not long in doubt, as to the object probably had in view ; for, although at first it was sup- posed to be " a disembarkation, intended to be landed there, yet, on their passing it, and pursuing their course still further westwardly, he at once concluded an attack on the gun boats was designed." His orders left him no discretion as to the place he should meet and fight them. Indeed, his flotilla, although quite inconsider- able in numbers, was of too much consequence to the nation, at this juncture, to be inadvertently risked, or in fact risked at all, unless under circumstances giving a decided superiority. In no other way was this to be obtained, than by reaching the point to which he had been ordered : this he endeavoured to effect, as soon as he became satisfied of what was intended by their present movement. Weighing, therefore, his anchors, with the design of reaching the position referred to in bis orders, he soon discovered it to.be ^vholly imprac- ticable. A strong wind having blown rjor some days to the east, from the lake to the gulf, had so reduced the depth of water, that the best and deepest channels were insufficient to float his little squadron. The oars were resorted to, but without rendering the least as- sistance : it was immoveable. Recourse was now had to throwing every thing overboard that could be spared, to lighten and bring them off; all, however, w r as ineffectual, nothing could afford relief. At this moment of extreme peril and danger, the tide coming, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 277 suddenly in, relieved from present embarrassment, and lifting them from the shoal, they bore away from the attack meditated; directed their course for the Rigolets, and came to anchor at one o'clock the next morning on the west passage of Malheureux isle; where, at day, they discovered the pursuit had been abandoned. At the bay of St. Louis was a small depot of public stores, which had, that morning, been directed, by lieutenant Jones, to be brought off. Mr. Johnston, on board the Sea Horse, had proceeded in the execution of this order. The enemy, on the retreat of Jones, despatched three of their barges to capture him ; but unable to effect it, they were driven back. An addi- tional force now proceeded against him ; when a smart action commenced, and the assailants were again com- pelled to retire with some loss. Johnston, satisfied that it was out of his power successfully to defend himself, and considering it hopeless to attempt unit- ing, in face of so large a force, with the gun boats off Malheureux Island, blew up his vessel, burnt the stores, and effected his retreat by land, in conformity with the instructions he had received. A prodigious explosion, and flames bursting on the view, assured Jones of the probable step that had been taken, and of the execution of the order. Early on the morning of the 14th, the enemy's barges, lying about nine miles to the east, suddenly weighed their anchors ; and, getting under way, pro- ceeded westwardly to the pass, where our gun boats still lay. The same difficulty experienced yesterday 278 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. was now encountered. Perceiving the approach of the enemy's flotilla, an attempt was made to retreat ; but in vain. The wind was entirely lulled, and a perfect calm prevailed ; while a strong current setting to the gulf, rendered every effort to retire unavailing. No alternative was at hand ; but a single course was left ; to meet and fight them. At once the resolution was adopted, to avail themselves of the best position they could obtain, wait their approach, and defend them- selves, whilst there was a hope of success. The line was formed, with springs on the cables, and all were waiting, composedly, the arrival of a foe, who imagin- ed himself advancing to an easy conquest. The con- test, in so open and unfavourable a situation, and against so superior a force, promised, indeed, to be a very unequal one : yet the firmness and bravery which had always characterized our fearless tars in battle, were, on this occasion, not to be tarnished. An un- fortunate .state of things, which they could not con- trol, had brought them into battle at a moment, and under circumstances, their discretion did not approve ; but, being inevitable, every mind was determined on a desperate stand ; and still, though beaten, to pre- serve unsullied their reputation, their flag from dis- honour. Forty-three boats, mounting as many cannon, with twelve hundred chosen men, well armed, constituted the strength of the assailants. Advancing in extended line, they were presently in reach : and, at half after eleven o'clock, commencing a fire the action soon be- came general. Owing to a strong current, setting out to the east, two of the boats, numbers 156 and 163, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 279 were unable to keep their anchorage, and floated about a hundred yards in advance of the line. This cir- cumstance was unfortunate ; for although it was by no means to be calculated, that victory could be attendant on a conflict, where strength and numbers were so disproportionate, yet, could the line have been pre- served, the chances for defence would have been in- creased the opportunity more favourable for inflict- ing injury, and crippling the foe, while the period of the contest would have been protracted. Every moment this could have been prolonged would have proved essentially advantageous ; for soon as the wind should spring up, which yet continued lulled, the boats would be rendered more manageable, and an opportunity af- forded of retiring from the battle whenever the result promised to become disastrous. The enemy relying on their numbers, and determin- ing to board, advanced in three divisions. Our gun boats formed in a line, were under command of lieu- tenant Jones, who, on board No. 156, occupied the centre. No. 162 and 163 rested on his left, under the direction of lieutenant Spedden and sailing-master Ulrich ; on his right was No. 5 and 23, commanded by sailing master Ferris and lieutenant M*Iver. The centre division of the enemy, led by the senior officer of the expedition, captain Lockyer, bore down on No. 158, the centre of our line, and twice attempting to board, was twice repulsed with an immense destruc- tion of both officers and crew, and loss of two of their boats which were sunk : one a seventy four's launch, crowded with men, went down immediately along-side of the gun-boat. Jones being too severely wounded 280 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, longer to maintain the deck, retired, leaving the com- mand with George Parker, who no less valiantly de- fended his flag, until badly wounded, he was also compelled to leave his post ; and soon after the boat was carried. No. 163, though ably defended, was also taken; and the guns of both turned on No. 162 and 5 which also surrendered ; and last of all No. 23, com- manded by lieutenant M'lver. Thus in detail was our little squadron, after a conflict of nearly an hour, lost ; a conflict in which every thing was done that gal- lantry could do, and nothing unperformed that duty required ; but it was a disaster which, under all the circumstances, could not be avoided. The calm which prevailed, and the unwieldly condition of the boats which prevented any management by the oars, took away all opportunity of their aiding and sustaining each other ; while the enemy's barges, with great fa- cility, were able to avail themselves of the advantages of position : besides this, from our centre gun-boat, much aid was obtained ; having carried her, the flag was kept flying, and under it her guns were used against the other boats, a circumstance which was not discovered for some time, nor until after repeated dis- charges of her camion had been made, and material injury produced. The commandant was ably supported by the officers associated with him. Lieutenant Spedden and MXlver were wounded ; the former in both arms, and in one so severely, as to be compelled to have it amputated : yet this valiant officer to the last continued his orders ; nor did the latter quit for a moment his post. Mid- shipmen Cauley and Reynolds, young men of spirit LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 28 1 and promise, fell victims to the wounds received in this contest. But it is unnecessary to take up the time of the reader in commendation of this Spartan band : their bravery and good conduct will be long remembered and admired, and excite emotions much stronger than language can paint. The great dis- parity of force between the combatants, added to the advantages the enemy derived from the peculiar con- struction of their boats, which gave them an oppor- tunity to take any position that circumstances and safety directed, while the others lay wholly unmanage- able, presents a curious and strange result ; that, while the American loss was but ten killed, and thirty-five wounded, that of their assailants was not less than three hundred. The British have never presented any report upon this subject : but, from every infor- mation, and from all the attendant circumstances of the battle, it was even believed to have exceeded this number ; of which a large proportion was officers.^ The British returned to their shipping, at Cat Island, with their prisoners, carrying with them a convincing argument, to do away the belief with which they had arrived, that, in this section of country, the inhabitants were waiting, with open arms, to receive them ; and that the forces embodied for its defence w T ould retire at the first appearance of danger. It was the same ar- ts oats. Men. Grins. * The British had 43 1200 43 The Americans 5 182 23 Difference 38 1018 20 So that the disparity in force of boats, men, and guns, was as eight tevea and nearly two to one. 2N 28.2 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. gument which a few weeks before had been made to colonel Nicholls, at Fort Bowyer, and which had pro- duced on his mind such conviction, as to render him altogether unwilling that the matter should be further discussed in his presence. This disaster was announced to general Jackson, while on a visit to the lakes, whither he had gone to examine the situation of the different works, there erected and in progress. He heard it with much con- cern; for on it important consequences depended. The means of watching the enemy, and ascertaining his projects, were now cut off, and the necessity imposed of resorting for defence and safety, in this direction, to entirely different remedies. Aided by ours, and the great number of their own boats, his fears for the safety of Mobile were much increased. The apprehensions which he had con- stantly entertained for this place were of the most, lively kind. Although he had every confidence in the gallant officer who commanded at Fort Bowyer, yet he well knew how inefficient were the exertions of a brave man, when assailed by superior strength and numbers. The importance of this place and its secu- rity, was to him a matter of the greatest concern. It seems to have been an object that never sufficiently fastened itself on the consideration of the enemy, or indeed our own government. His own apprehensions of an invasion here, as affecting much more seri- ously the interest of the lower country, was ta him a cause of constant uneasiness. He felt confident, that while this point remained safe, so might the country LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 283 adjacent ; but if it fell, conquered by a greatly supe- rior force, the Indians would again be excited, the settlements on the Mobile and Alabama rivers be- come tributary, and New Orleans be involved in the general ruin. Deeply impressed with the importance of properly defending this place, he had heretofore brought to the view of the secretary of war, the pro- priety and necessity of adopting such a course as should place it entirely out of the reach of danger. To effect this, he proposed that a large frigate, mounting forty-four guns, which, for some cause, to him un- known, had been left on the stocks, at Tchifonte, in an unfinished state, should be completed, and ap- plied to this purpose. " Let her," he remarked, " be placed in the Navy Cove, which will protect the rear of the fort ; and my life upon it, ten thousand troops, and all the British fleet, cannot take the place, nor enter the bay. This will be their point of attack ; if carried, they will penetrate the Indian nation, there make a stand, and incite the savages to war, and the slaves to insurrection and massacre ; penetrate, if they can, to the left bank of the Mississippi, and ar- rest all communication. If they succeed in this, the lower country falls of course." No notice, however, was ever taken of his admonition, and nothing done to effect the object proposed. His entire defence and safety rested on the means which he himself could reach. An express w r as immediately despatched to general Winchester, apprizing him of what had hap- pened ; that all communication being cut off, he must look to the procuring supplies for his army from Ten- nessee River, through the posts established in the Creek country. " The enemy," he continues, " will 284 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. attempt, through Pass Huron, to reach you : watch, nor suffer yourself to be surprised ; haste, and throw sufficient supplies into Fort Bowyer; and guard vigi- lantly the communication from Fort Jackson, lest it be destroyed. Mobile point must be supported and defended, at every hazard. The enemy has given us a large coast to guard ; but I trust, with the smiles of heaven, to be able to meet and defeat him at every point he may venture his foot upon the land." Increased vigilance and enlarged exertions were now required to guard the different routes through which they might seek to make good their progress, and reach the object of their visit. Major Lacoste, com- manding the battalion of coloured troops, was ordered, with two pieces of cannon and a sufficient force, to take post on and defend the Chef Menteur road, that led from the head of lake Borgne to New Orleans. In fact, wherever an inlet or creek, of the smallest size, putting in, justified the belief, that through it an en- trance might be effected, suitable arrangements were made to obstruct the passage, and prevent approach. Through the Rigolets was presumed the most proba- ble route the enemy would adventure, that, by gaining lake Pontchartrain, a landing might be made above or below the city, or at bayou St. John, directly opposite ; and, by a division of their forces, and assaulting differ- ent points, make such a diversion, as, with raw troops, could not be resisted under any circumstances of ad- vantage. This place had been confided to captain Newman, of the artillery. It was an important point, as well for LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. the purposes already named, as being a position whence any movement on the lakes could be discovered. On the 22d, it was reinforced by several heavy pieces of cannon, and an additional supply of men. He was ad- vised by the general of the consequence attached to it, and that it was not to be inconsiderately yielded ; but that, in the event of his being compelled to abandon it, every thing being properly secured, he was to make good his retreat to Chef Menteur, where he would be covered by an additional force : " But," added he, " you are not to retreat until your judgment is well convinced that it is absolutely necessary to the very salvation of your command." On the 16th the militia were reviewed by Jackson. He had perceived, on his arrival at New Orleans, such a state of despondency manifested by the people, that to remove it had called forth all his exertions. His active and incessant endeavours to have defended every accessible point, and a confidence, constantly evinced, that his resources were commensurate with all the pur- poses of successful resistance, had completely under- mined those fears, at first so generally indulged. Lest, from the loss which had lately happened on the lakes, a similar state of doubt and despondency might be again produced, was the principal cause of appearing before them to-day, on review ; to convince them, by his deportment, that the safety of the city was not to be despaired of. He directed an address, previously prepared for the purpose, to be read to them. It was drawn in language breathing the warmth of his own feelings, and well calculated to communicate, and in- spire the same glow to others. He told them they 286 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOA'. were contending for all that could render life desira- ble ; " For your property and lives ; for that which is dearer than all, your wives and children ; for liber- ty, without which, country, life, and property are not worth possessing. Even the embraces of wives and children are a reproach to the wretch who would de- prive them, by his cowardice, of those inestimable blessings. You are to contend with an enemy who seeks to deprive you of the least of these who avows a war of vengeance and desolation, carried on and marked by cruelties, lusts, and horrors, unknown to civilized nations. " Natives of the United States ! the enemy you are to contend with are the oppressors of your infant po- litical existence they are the men your fathers fought and conquered, whom you are now to oppose. De- scendants of Frenchmen ! natives of France ! they are English, the hereditary, the eternal enemies of your ancient country, the invaders of that you have adopt- ed, who are your foes. Spaniards ! remember the con- duct of your allies at St. Sebastian, and recently at Pensacola, and rejoice that you have an opportunity of avenging the brutal injuries inflicted by men who dis- honour the human race. Louisianians ! your general rejoices to witness the spirit that animates you, riot only for your honour, but your safety ; for whatever had been your conduct or wishes, his duty would have led, and yet will lead him to confound the citizen, un- mindful of his rights, with the enemy he ceases to op- pose. Commanding men who know their rights, and are determined to defend them, he salutes you as bre- thren in arms ; and has now a new motive to exert all LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 28? his faculties, which shall be strained to the utmost in your defence. Continue with the energy you have begun, and he promises you not only safety, but vic- tory over an insolent foe, who has insulted you by an affected doubt of your attachment to the constitution of your country. Your enemy is near ; his sails al- ready cover the lakes : but the brave are united ; and if he find us contending among ourselves, it will be for the prize of valour, and fame, its noblest reward." Resistance on the lakes being at an end, no doubt was entertained but that the moment for action would be as early as the enemy could make his preparations to proceed. At what point, at what time, and with a force how greatly superior to his own, were matters wholly resting in uncertainty, and could not be known until they should actually transpire. The means for opposing him, therefore, were to be seized on without delay, or resistance would be useless. That the hour of attack was not far distant, was con- firmed by a circumstance which reflects no consider- able honour on the officer in command of the fleet. The day subsequent to the contest on the lakes, Mr. Shields, purser in the navy, had been despatched with a flag, to Cat island, accompanied by Dr. Murrell, for the purpose of alleviating the situation of our wound- ed, and to effect a negotiation, by which they should be liberated on parole. We are not aware that such an application militated against the usages and customs of war : if not, the flag of truce should have been re- spected ; nor ought its bearer to have been detained as a prisoner. Admiral Cochrane's pretended fear that 2S8 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. it was a wile, designed to ascertain his strength and situation, are far from presenting any sufficient excuse for so wanton an outrage on propriety and the rules of war. If this were apprehended, could not the messen- gers have been met at a distance from the fleet, and ordered back without a near approach ? Had this been done, no information could have been gained, and the object designed to be secured by the detention would have been answered, without infringing that amicable intercourse between contending armies, which, when violated or disregarded, opens a door to brutal and Savage warfare. Finding they did not return, the cause of it was at once correctly divined. The British admiral was very solicitous, and resort- ed to various means to obtain from these gentlemen information of the strength and condition and dispo- sition of our army ; but so cautious a reserve was main- tained, that from them nothing could be elicited. Shields was perceived to be quite deaf, and calculating on some advantage to be derived from this circum- stance, he and the Doctor were placed at night in the ^reen room, where any conversation which occurred between them could readily be heard. Suspecting, perhaps, something of the kind, after having retired, and every thing was seemingly still, they began to speak of their situation the circumstance of their be- ing detained, arid of the prudent caution with which they had guarded themselves against communicating any information to the British admiral. But, continu- ed Shields, how greatly these gentlemen will be dis- appointed in their expectations, for Jackson with the twenty thousand troops he now has, and the reinforce- LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 289 inents from Kentucky, which must speedily reach him, will be able to destroy any force that can be landed from these ships. Every word was heard, and treasur- ed, and not supposing there was any design, or that he presumed himself overheard, they were beguiled by it, and at once concluded our force to be as great as it was represented ; and hence no doubt arose, the rea- son of that prudent care and caution with which the enemy afterwards proceeded ; for, as was remarked by a British officer, the actual strength of general Jack- son's army, though repeatedly sought after, could nev- er be procured ; it was a desideratum not to be ob- tained. Early on the 15th, the morning after the battle on the lake, expresses were sent off up the coast, in quest of general Coffee, to endeavour to procure in- formation of the Kentucky and Tennessee divisions, which it was hoped were not far distant, and to urge their speedy approach. In his communication to Cof- fee, the general observes, "You must not sleep, until you reach me, or arrive within striking distance. Your accustomed activity is looked for. Innumeral^e defiles present themselves, where your services and ri- flemen will be all important. An opportunity is at liand, to reap for yourself and brigade the approbation of your country." In obedience to the order he had received at Mo- bile, to occupy some central position, where his horses could be subsisted, and whence he might act as cir- cumstances should require, Coffee had proceeded as far as Sandy creek, a small distance above Baton 2 o 290 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. Rouge, where he had halted. His brigade, on its march, had been greatly exposed, and many and va- rious hardships encountered. The cold season had set in ; and, for twenty days it had rained incessantly. The waters were raised to uncommon heights, and every creek and bayou was to be bridged or swam. Added to this, their march was through an unculti- vated country, but thinly settled, where little subsist- ence was to be had, and that procured with much diffi- culty. He had been at this place eight or ten days, when, late on the evening of the 17th, the express de- spatched from head-quarters reached him. He lost no time in executing the order ; and, directing one of his regiments, which, for the greater convenience of for- aging, had encamped about six miles off, to unite with him, he was ready in the morning, and proceeded on his march the instant it arrived. In consequence of innumerable exposures, there were, at this time, three hundred on the sick list. These being left, he com- menced his advance with twelve hundred and fifty men. The weather yet continued extremely cold and rainy, which prevented their proceeding with the ce- lerity the exigency of the moment so much required. Coffee, perceiving that the movement of his whole force in a body, would perhaps occasion delays, ruin- ous to the main object in view, ordered all who were well mounted, and able to proceed, to advance with him ; while the rest of his brigade, under suitable offi- cers, were left to follow as fast as the weak and ex- hausted condition of their horses would permit. His force, by this arrangement, was reduced to eight hun- dred men, with whom he moved with the utmost in- dustry. Having marched seventy miles the last day, LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 291 he encamped on the night of the 19th, within fifteen miles of New Orleans, making in two days a distance of one hundred and twenty miles. Continuing his ad- vance, early next morning, he halted within four miles of the city, to examine the state and condition of his arms, and to learn, in the event the enemy had landed, the relative position of the two armies. . These brave men, without murmuring, had now traversed an extent of country nothing short of eight hundred miles, and under trials sufficiently severe to have appalled the most resolute and determined. They had enrolled themselves, not as volunteers sometimes do, to frolic, and by peaceable campaigns to gain a name in arms they had done it knowing that an ene- my, if not already at hand, was certainly expected, with whom they would have to contend, and contend severely. Great reliance was had on them by the commanding general ; and their good conduct, in the different situations in which they had acted with him, was a proof how much they deserved it. On inspect- ing their arms, which consisted principally of rifles, two hundred were discovered to be so materially in- jured by the weather, as to be unfit for service. The advance of colonel Hinds, from Woodville, with the Mississippi dragoons, was no less prompt and expeditious ; an active and brave officer, he was, on this, as on all other occasions, at his post, ready to act as circumstances should require. Having re- ceived his orders, he hastened forward, and effected in four days, a march of two hundred and thirty miles. 292 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. On the 1 6th, colonel Hynes, aid-de-camp to general Carroll, reached head-quarters, with information from the general, that he would be present as early as possible ; but that the state of the weather, and high and contrary winds, greatly retarded his progress. To remedy this, a steam boat was immediately put in re- quisition, and ordered to proceed up the river to aid him in reaching his destination, without loss of time. He was advised of the necessity of hastening rapidly forward ; that the lakes were in possession of the ene- my, and their arrival daily looked for : " But," con- tinued Jackson, " I am resolved, feeble as my force is, to assail him, on his first landing, and perish sooner than he shall reach the city." Independent of the large force which was descend- ing with general Carroll, his approach was looked to with additional pledfsure, from the circumstance of his having with him a boat laden with arms, destined for the defence of the country, and which he had over- taken on his passage down the Mississippi. His fall- ing in with them was fortunate ; for, had their arrival depended on those to whom they had been incautious- ly confided, they might have come too late, and after all danger had subsided ; as was indeed the case with others, forwarded from Pittsburg, which, through the unpardonable conduct of those who had been entrust- ed with their management and transportation, did not reach New Orleans until after all difficulties had ter- minated. Great inconvenience was sustained, during the siege, for want of arms to place in the hands of the militia. Great as it was, it w^ould have been in- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 293 creased, even to an alarming extent, but for the acci- dental circumstance of this boat having fallen into the hands of the Tennessee division, which impelled it on, and thereby produced incalculable advantage.* * On the first intimation that the British intended a descent on this section of the United States, general Jackson suggested to the secre- tary of war the scarcity of both arms and ordnance, and the neces- sity of having the deficiency remedied as soon as possible. Mr. Monroe, then secretary of war, had given the earliest attention to the subject, and ordered an ample supply to be embarked from Pittsburg, sufficiently early to have reached head-quarters previous- ly to the enemy's landing. Their transportation down the western waters had been confided to those who felt not sufficient concern for their speedy arrival to use the necessary diligence. Whether the government had given any such orders, or it were a piece of pen- ny-wise economy suggested by the quarter-master, we do not know- The fact, however, is, that a steam vessel, sailing with much expe- dition, proposed to carry and deliver them at New Orleans in eigh- teen days, which would have been in time for all the purposes after- wards needed. But the officer who had the management of this bu- siness, because it was in his power to save an inconsiderable sum in freight, preferred delivering them to the captain of a large flat bot- tomed boat, which moved slowly, and which, withal, it was under- stood, would occasionally stop on the way to traffic and trade off the different articles with which she was laden. On all occasions, we would commend the doctrine of economy, when founded on correct principles : but that minister or agent of the government, who, to save a partial expense, hazards the loss of thousands; or who t through parsimonious views of any kind whatever, risks the loss of a whole country, evidences so weak and narrow-sighted a policy, a* can on no ground be justified. This single circumstance, if argument were necessary to establish it, is sufficient to show the correctness of the position. The general, in a letter to the secretary of war, after the battle of the 8th, remarks, that if he had had a sufficiency of arms, he would have captured or destroyed the whole British army ; and this he might have had, if the agents of the government had exe- cuted the duties confided to them on a scale enlarged and liberal a* the crisis demanded. 294 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. This division, as we have before remarked, had left Nashville on the 19th of last month. Their exertions y without which they could not have arrived in time to afford that assistance and protection which the peril of the moment so much required, entitle them and their commander to every gratitude. But above all is our gratitude due to that benign Providence, who, having aided in the establishment of our glorious in- dependence, again manifested his goodness and power in guarding the rights of a country rendered sacred by the blood of the virtuous, heretofore shed in its defence. It rarely, if ever happens, that the Cumber- land river admits a passage for boats so early in the season ; but torrents of rain descending swelled the stream, and wafted our troops safely to the Mississippi, where all obstructions were at an end. An appre- hension entertained lest the blow might be stricken, and the injury done, before they could reach their destined point, had inspired our troops with an alacrity and exertion which brought them to the place of danger and usefulness, in a shorter period of time than even traders had usually employed, when hur- rying with their produce to market While these preparations were progressing, to con- centrate the forces within his reach, the general was turning his attention to ward off any blow that might be aimed before his expected reinforcements should arrive. Every point, capable of being successfully as- sailed, was receiving such additional strength and security as could be given. Patroles and videttes were ranged through the country, that the earliest intelli- gence might be had of any intended movement The LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 295 militia of the state were called out en masse ; and, through the interference of the legislature, an em- bargo on vessels at the port of New Orleans was de- clared, to afford an opportunity of procuring additional recruits for the navy. General Villery, because an inhabitant of the country, and best understanding the several points on the lakes susceptible of, and re- quiring defence, was ordered, with the Louisiana militia, to search out, and give protection to the dif- ferent passes, where a landing might" be effected. To hinder the enemy from obtaining supplies on the shore, a detachment was sent to Pearl river, to prevent any parties from landing until the stock could be driven from the neighbourhood. The precaution, for some time used, of restricting the departure of any vessel with provisions, under the operation of the embargo imposed by the legislature, had greatly dis- appointed the expectations of the British, and even introduced distress into Pensacola, whence the Spa- niards had been in the habit of procuring their sup- plies. The governor had solicited the opening a com- munication, for the relief of the suffering inhabitants of his province. Jackson was aware that this appeal to his humanity might be a stratagem, having for its object to aid the enemy. Although the governor, hitherto, had given no flattering evidence, either of his friendship, his candour, or sincerity, still the state- ment offered by him might be correct ; and if so, the neutrality of his country established a well-founded claim to the benevolence of the Americans. Balancing between a desire that these people should not be se- riously injured, and a fear that the application was in- 296 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. tended for a very different purpose than was avowed, he determined to err on the side of mercy, and, as far as possible, to relieve their wants. This he directed general Winchester, at Mobile, to effect, provided his stock of provisions would permit it. It was particu- larly enjoined on him that the quantity of provisions sent should be small, and be conveyed by water : " For if," said he, " the Spaniards are really in distress, and the supply sent shall be taken by the British, it will excite their just indignation towards them, and erase all friendship, while they will be afforded an additional proof of ours: the supply too being inconsiderable, even if captured, will prove of no great benefit to our enemy." Jackson's arrangements were well conceived, and rapidly progressing ; but they were still insufficient ; and his own forebodings assured him, that, to obtain security, something stronger than had been yet re- sorted to, required to be adopted. That there was an enemy in the midst of his camp, more to be feared than those who were menacing from abroad, was in- deed highly, nay more than probable ; while an appre- hension indulged, that there were many foreigners, who, feeling no attachment for the country, and having nothing to defend, would not scruple to avail them- selves of every opportunity to give intelligence of the strength, situation, and arrangement of his camp, excit- ed his fears, and induced a wish to apply the earliest possible corrective. A stranger himself, his own con- jectures might not have led to the conclusion ; but information received, before and soon after .his arrival, through different channels, and particularly from the LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 297 governor of the state, had awakened a belief, that the country was filled with disaffected persons, and who, if not closely guarded, might occasion the worst of consequences. Although he had been in possession of data, sufficiently strong to confirm him in the opinion, that the facts and circumstances disclosed were of a character truly as had been represented, until now, no urgent necessity had arisen, rendering a resort to rigid measures essential to the general safety. Abundant evidence of prevailing disaffection had been already obtained, through governor Clai- borne. In a letter to general Jackson, after his return from Pensacola, he observed, " Enemies to the coun- try may blame your prompt and energetic measures ; but in the person of every patriot, you will find a sup- porter. I am well aware of the lax police of this city, and indeed of the whole state, with respect to stran- gers. I think, with you, that our country is filled " with traitors and spies." On this subject, I have written pressingly to the city authorities and parish judges. Some regulations, I hope, will be adopted by . the first, and greater vigilance be exercised, in future, . by the latter." Never, perhaps, all the circumstances considered, did any general advance to the defence and protection of a people situated in his own country, where greater room was had to distrust the success of the event, and believe all efforts hopeless. That there should be found, at all times, and in all places, an inconsiderable few who would not withhold their assent to a change in the form of any government, under which they might live, is not a circumstance to excite surprise. 2p 298 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. Some might be induced to it, if for no other reason, to alter a condition in life, which if not improved, could not be rendered worse : and in our country particular- ly, where foreigners are freely and readily admitted to all our rights and privileges, many of whom have been allured, not by attachment, but from motives of cupid- ity, shall we ever have cause, perhaps, to regret a want of union and energy at those periods when they may be mostly needed. But, that disaffection should ever be found in our national councils, is a source of increased regret, and causes it to assume a character of deeper danger. When, therefore, general Jackson was informed by the governor, that the legislature, in- stead of discharging with alacrity, diligence, and good faith, the duties which had been confided to them by their constituents, had, under the garb of privilege, endeavoured to mar the execution of measures the most salutary, he might well conclude the country in danger, and suspect a want of fidelity in her citizens. Upon the yeomanry alone must every country depend for its liberty : they are its sinews and its strength. Let them continue virtuous, and they will cheerfully, nay, fearlessly, maintain themselves against aggression; but if they become corrupted, or through the intrigue or mjsconduct of their rulers loose confidence in their government, forthwith their importance and value will be impaired. While the people of Rome felt themselves freemen, and proud of the name of citizens, Rome was invincible; and to descend to times more modern, the strength of France was an overmatch for combined Europe, only while Frenchmen had confidence in; and regard for their government, and felt that they w^ere a, part of it * LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. Although we would gladly draw a veil over the con- duct of the legislative body of Louisiana, and forgive the error, yet it is difficult, nor is it necessary to forget that on a former occasion, at a moment of threatened and expected danger, they exerted themselves against the establishment of any system of defence. General Flournoy at that time commanded. Apprehending invasion, he applied to the governor for whatever aid the state could afford. Constitutional resources were attempted and an effort made to draw out the mili- tia ; they resisted the requisition : and that resistance so far from being discountenanced by the legislature then in session, was promoted and encouraged by their assuming to themselves the right of declaring the de- mand to be illegal, unnecessary, and oppressive. When popular resentment is once awakened, and opposition to measures, however proper, once begun, the slightest encouragement impels it forward ; but when the au- thorities of a state become abettors, and by their con- duct and expressions give it sanction, the delusion is increased, and forthwith it swells beyond the bounds where reason can control. Thus supported, the mili- tia, as might have been expected, stood their ground, and resolutely resisted the call to defend their coun- try. The example thus established had already in- duced the conviction that they were privileged per- sons, and had reserved to them, on all occasions, when called for, the right of determining if the call were re- gular, why and wherefore made, where they would prefer to act, and be governed accordingly. When, therefore, the first requisition made by Jackson was attempted to be filled, a number made a tender of their services as volunteers ; but OH this condition, that they 300 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. were not to be marched from the state. The reply made, showed they were to act with a general who knew nothing of temporizing policy, and who would go the entire length that safety and necessity required, and his powers permitted. They were assured his ob- ject was to defend the country, and that he should do it at every hazard ; that soldiers who entered the ranks with him to fight the battles of their country, must for- get the habits of social life, and be willing and prepar- ed to go wherever duty and danger called ; such were the kind of troops he wanted, and none others would he have. i Influenced by these and other weighty considera- tions, which were daily disclosed; sensible of the dan- ger that surrounded him ; and from a conviction which he felt was founded not upon light considerations, that the country without a most decisive course could not be saved, he brought to the view of the legislature the propriety and necessity of suspending the writ of habeas corpus. To attempt himself so new and bold a course, he was satisfied would draw to him the re- proofs and censures of the orthodox politicians of the day, and involve him in many and various reproaches^ The legislature had already interrupted the commerce by declaring and enforcing an embargo ; and the ex- ercise of this subsequent authority, equally necessary with the first, could involve, he supposed, no higher exercise of power than the enactment of an embargo law. He was solicitous, therefore, to relieve himself of the responsibility, by prevailing on the legislature to do that which necessity and the security of the country.^eeinei imperiously to require. They pro- JLIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 301 ceeded slowly to the investigation, and were deli- berating, with great caution, upon their right, author- ity, and constitutional power to adopt such a mea- sure, when the general, sensible that procrastination was dangerous, and might defeat the objects intended to be answered, assumed all responsibility, and super- seded their deliberations by declaring the city and environs of New Orleans under martial law. All persons entering the city were required, imme- diately, to report themselves to the adjutant-general ; and on failing to do so, were to be arrested and de- tained for examination. None were to depart from it, or be suffered to pass beyond the chain of sentinels, but by permission from the commanding general, or one of the staff : nor was any vessel or craft to be per- mitted to sail on the river, or the lakes, but by the same authority, or a passport signed by the commander of the naval forces. The lamps were to be extinguished at nine o'clock at night ; after which time, all persons found in the streets, or from their respective homes, without per- mission in writing, signed as above, were to be arrest- ed as spies, and detained for examination. At a crisis so important, and from a persuasion that the country, in its menaced situation, could not be preserved by the exercise of any ordinary powers, he believed it best to adopt a course that should be effi- cient, even if it partially endangered the rights and privileges of the citizen. He proclaimed martial law, believing necessity and policy requited it : y Under 302 LIFE Or GENERAL JACKSON. a solemn conviction that the country, committed to his care, could by such a measure alone be saved from utter ruin; and from a religious belief, that he was performing the most important and sacred duty. By it, he intended to supersede such civil powers, as, in their operation, interfered with those he was obliged to exercise. He thought that, at such a moment, con- stitutional forms should be suspended, for the preser- vation of constitutional rights ; and that there could be no question, whether it were better to depart, for a moment, from the enjoyment of our dearest privileges, or to have them wrested from us forever." This rigid course, however, was by no means well received. Whether it had for its object good or evil ; whether springing from necessity, or from a spirit of oppression in its author, with many, was not a mate- rial question : it was sufficient for them to consider it an infraction of the law, to excite their warmest op- position ; whilst the long approved doctrine of neces- sitas rei afforded no substantial argument to induce a conviction of its propriety. Whether the civil should yield to military law, or which should have control, with those whose anxious wishes were the safety of the state, was not a matter of deep or serious concern; but to busy politicians, and lukewarm breasts, it open- ed a field for investigation : and many a fire-side pa- triot had arguments at command, to prove it an usur- pation of power, an outrage upon government, and a violation of the constitution. During the invasion, and while affairs of major importance impended, no occasion was presented of testing its correctness ; but soon as the enefny had retired, and before it was as- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 303 certained, whether, at some more fortunate and less guarded point, they might not return, to renew those efforts which had so lately failed, Dominick A. Hall, judge of the United States court for this district, de- termined to wage a war of authority, and to have decided, if, in any event, the civil power could be deprived of supremacy. Jackson presumed his time of too much importance, at so momentous a period, to be wasted in the discussion of civil matters. He gave to it, therefore, the only attention which he believed its officiousness merited, and instead of obeying the command, arrested and ordered the judge to leave the city. Peace being presently restored, and danger over, the judge renewed the contest ; and causing the gene- ral to appear before him, on a process of contempt, for detaining and refusing to obey a writ of habeas corpus, which had been directed to him, amerced him in a fine of a thousand dollars. How far he was ac- tuated by correct motives, in exclusion to those feel- ings which sometimes estrange the judgment, his own conscience can determine ; and how far his proceed- ings were fair and liberal, will appear hereafter, when, in proper order, we shall be brought to examine this prosecution. For the present, we are confident, that if ever there was a case that could justify or excuse a departure from the law, its features were not stronger than those which influenced general Jackson, on the present occasion, in suspending the rights of the citi- zens. If judge Hall were impelled to the course he took, in defence of the violated dignity of the con- stitution, and to protect the rights of a government, whose judicial powers he represented, whether right or wrong, he deserves not censure ; although it might 304 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. be well replied, that an infinitely fairer and more glo- rious opportunity of showing his devotedness to his country had just passed, when he might truly have aided in defence of her honour, nor left even room for his motives to have been unfairly appreciated. This strong and efficient measure had not been resorted to from the mere anticipation of danger; already sufficient causes existed; and intrigue and stratagem were busily winding their way into our camp : they were either to be put down, or every hope of opposition and successful resistance abandoned. England, never at a loss for varnished statements, to give plausibility to her views, not only held forth the idea that she had come to restore the inhabitants to higher privileges than they enjoyed, but, to render the delusion still more complete, through her emissaries, propagated the belief, that, as the friend of Spain, she had come to restore West Florida to its rightful owner, and the citizens to their lawful sovereign. Com- posed, as our army at this time was, of heterogeneous materials, Frenchmen, Spaniards, and natives, it re- quired constant efforts to keep alive excitement, and to ward off despondency. Learning the rumours that had been propagated, and fearing lest they might have an injurious tendency, Jackson immediately circulated an address to his troops, in which he sought to coun- teract the effect, and preserve their ardour and devo- tion to their country. " Believe not," he observed, " that the threatened invasion is with a view to restore the country to Spain. It is founded in design, and a supposition that you LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 305 would be willing to return to your ancient govern- ment. Listen not to such incredible tales : your go- vernment is at peace with Spain. It is your vital enemy, the common enemy of mankind, the highway robber of the world, that has sent his hirelings among you, to put you from your guard, that you may fall an easier prey. Then look to your liberty, your pro- perty, the chastity of your wives and daughters. Take a retrospect of the conduct of the British army at Hampton, and at other places where it has entered our country and every bosom, which glows with pa*- triotism and virtue, will be inspired with indignation, and pant for the arrival of the hour when we shall meet and revenge those outrages against the laws of civilization and humanity." With the exception of the Kentucky troops, which were yet absent, all the forces expected had arrived. General Carroll had reached Coffee's encampment, four miles above the city, on the 21st, and had imme- diately reported to the commanding general. The officers were busily engaged in drilling, manoeuvring, and organizing the troops, and in having every thing ready for action, the moment it should become neces- sary. No doubt was entertained, but the British would be able to effect a landing at some point : the principal thing to be guarded against was not to pre- vent it; for, since the loss of the gun-boats, any at- tempt of this kind could only be regarded as hopeless : but, by preserving a constant vigilance, and thereby having the earliest intelligence of their approach, they might be met at the very threshold, and opposed. Small guard boats were constantly plying on the lakes, 306 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. to watch, and give information of every movement Some of these had come in, late on the evening of the 22d, and reported that all was quiet, and that no un- favourable appearance portended in that direction. With such vigilance, constantly exercised, it is truly astonishing that the enemy should have effected an in- vasion, and succeeded in disembarking so large a force, without the slightest intimation being had, until they were accidentally discovered emerging from the swamp and woods, about seven miles below the city : why it so happened, traitors may conjecture, although the truth is yet unknown. The general impression v is, that it was through information given by a small party of Spanish fishermen, that so secret a disembarkation was effected. Several of them had settled at the mouth of this bayou, and supported themselves by fish which they caught, and vended in the market at New Orleans. Obstructions, as we have already stated, had been ordered to be made on every inlet, and the Louisiana militia been despatched for that pur- pose. This place had not received the attention its importance merited: nor was it until the 22d, that general Villery, charged with the execution of this order, had placed here a small detachment of men* Towards day, the enemy, silently proceeding up the bayou, landed, and succeeded in capturing the whole of this party, but two, who fleeing to the swamp, en- deavoured to reach the city ; but, owing to the thick undergrowth and briars, which rendered it almost im- pervious, they did not arrive until after the enemy had reached the banks of the Mississippi, and been discovered. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOK. 307 Bayou Bienvenu, through which the British effected a landing, is an arm of considerable width, stretching towards the Mississippi from lake Borgne, and about fifteen miles south-east of New Orleans. It had been reported to general Jackson on the 23d, that, on the day before, several strange sail had been descried off Terre au Boeuf. To ascertain correctly the truth of the statement, majors Tatum and Latour, topographi- cal engineers, had been sent off, with orders to pro- ceed in that direction, and learn if any thing were at- tempting there. It was towards noon of the 23d, when they started. Approaching general Villery's planta- tion, and perceiving at a distance, soldiers, and persons fleeing hastily away, they at once supposed the enemy had arrived. What, however, was but surmise, was presently, and on nearer observation, rendered cer- tain ; and it was now no longer a doubt, but that the British had landed, in considerable force, and had ac- tually gained, unobserved, the house of general Villery, on the bank of the Mississippi, where they had sur- prised and made prisoners, a company of militia, there posted. Major Tatum, hastening back, announced his dis- covery. Preparations to act were immediately made by general Jackson. Believing that to act speedily, was of the highest importance, the signal guns were fired, and expresses sent forward, to concentrate his forces ; resolving that night to meet the invaders and try his own and their firmness. CHAPTER IX. General Jackson concentrates his forces, and marches tofght the enemy. Alarms of the city. Anecdote. Mode of attack, and battle of the 23c? of December. British reinforcements arrive during the action. Ar- rival of general CarroWs division. Our army retires from the field. Effects of this battle. Jackson establishes a line of defence. General Morgan is ordered on the right bank of the Mississippi. Destruction and loss of the Caroline schooner. Battle of the 28th December. Conduct of the legislature of Louisiana; their deliberations suspended. Scarcity of arms in the American camp. Col. Hinds. THE hour to test the bravery of his troops had now arrived. The approach of the enemy, flushed with the hope of easy victory, was announced to Jackson a little after one o'clock in the afternoon. There were too many reasons, assuring him of the necessity of acting speedily, to hesitate a moment on the course proper to be pursued. Could he assail them, and obtain even a partial advantage, it might be beneficial it might ar- rest disaffection buoy up the despondent determine the wavering, and bring within his reach resources for to-morrow, which might wholly fail, should fear once take possession of the public mind. It was a moment, too, of all others, most propitious to success. He well knew the greater part of his troops were inured to marching and fatigue, while those opposed to him had just been landed from a long voyage, and were as yet without activity, and unfitted for bodily exertion. Moreover, a part only might have arrived from the shipping, while the remainder would be certainly dis- embarked as early as possible. These circumstances LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 309 seemed to augment, in his behalf, the chances of vic- tory, if now sought ; but if deferred, they might, in a little time, disappear. He resolved, at all events, to march, and that night give them battle. Generals Cof- fee and Carroll were ordered to proceed immediately from their encampment, and join him, with all haste. Although four miles above, they arrived in the city in less than two hours after the order had been issued, These forces, with the seventh and forty-fourth regi- ments, the Louisiana troops, and colonel Hinds' dra- goons, from Mississippi, constituted the strength of his army, which could be carried into action against an enemy whose numbers, at this time, could only be con- jectured. It was thought advisable that general Car- roll and his division should be disposed in the rear, for the reason that there was no correct information of the force landed through Villery's canal, and because Jack- son feared that this probably might be merely a feint intended to divert his attention, while a much stronger and more numerous division, having already gained some point higher on the lake, might, by advancing in his absence, gain his rear, and succeed in their designs. Uncertain of their movements, it was essential he should be prepared for the worst, and, by different dis- positions of his troops, be ready to resist, in whatever quarter he might be assailed. Carroll, therefore, at the head of his division, and governor Claiborne, with the state militia, were directed to take post on the Gentilly road, which leads from Chef Menteur to New Orleans, and to defend it to the last extremity. Alarm pervaded the city. The marching and counr- termarching of the troops the proximity of the ene- 310 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. my with the approaching contest, and uncertainty of the issue, had excited a general fear. Already might the British be on their way, and at hand, before the necessary arrangements could be made to oppose them. To prevent this, colonel Hayne, with two companies of riflemen, and the Mississippi dragoons, was sent for- ward to reconnoitre their camp, learn their position and their numbers ; and, in the event they should be found advancing, to harass and oppose them at every step, until the main body should arrive. Every thing being ready, general Jackson com- menced his march, to meet and fight the veteran troops of England. An inconsiderable circumstance, at this moment, evinced what unlimited confidence was reposed in his skill and bravery. As his troops were marching through the city, his ears were assailed with the screams and cries of innumerable females, who had collected on the way, and seemed to appre- hend the worst of consequenjces. Feeling for their distresses, and anxious to quiet them, he directed Mr. Livingston, one of his aids-de-camp, to address them in the French language. " Say to them," said he, "not to be alarmed : the enemy shall never reach the city." It operated like an electric shock. To know that he himself was not apprehensive of a fatal result, inspired them with altered feelings; sorrow was ended, and their grief converted into hope and confidence. The general arrived in view of the enemy a little before dark. Having previously ascertained from co- lonel Hayne, who had been sent in advance, their po- sition, and that their strength was about two thousand LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 311 men,* he immediately concerted the mode of attack, and hastened to execute it. Commodore Patterson, who commanded the naval forces on this station, with captain Henly, on board the Caroline, had been direct- ed to drop down, anchor in front of their line, and open upon them from the guns of the schooner ; this being the appointed signal, when given, the attack was to be waged simultaneously on all sides. The fires from their camp disclosed their position, and showed their en- campment, formed with the left resting on the river, and extending at right angles into the open field. General Coffee, with his brigade, colonel Hinds' dra- goons, and captain Beal's company of riflemen, was ordered to oblique to the left, and, by a circuitous route, avoid their piquets, and endeavour to turn their right wing ; having succeeded in this, to form his line, and press the enemy towards the river, where they would be exposed more completely to the fire of the Caroline. The rest of the troops, consisting of the regulars, Ploache's city volunteers, Daquin's coloured troops, the artillery under lieutenant Spotts, support- ed by a company of marines commanded by colonel M'Kee, advanced on the road along the bank of the Mississippi, and were commanded by Jackson in per- son. General Coffee with silence and caution had ad- vanced beyond their piquets, next the swamp, and nearly reached the point to which he was ordered, * This opinion, as it afterwards appeared, was incorrect. The number of the enemy, at the commencement of the action, was three thousand, and was shortly afterwards increased by additional forces : our strength did not exceed two thousand. 312 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. when a broadside from the Caroline announced the battle begun. Patterson had proceeded slowly, giving time, as he believed, for the execution of those ar- rangements contemplated on the shore. So sanguine had the British been in the belief that they would be kindly received, and little opposition attempted, that the Caroline floated by the sentinels, and anchored be- fore their camp, without any kind of molestation. On passing the front piquet, she was hailed in a low tone of voice, but not returning an answer, no further ques- tion was made. This, added to some other attendant circumstances, confirmed the opinion that they be- lieved her a vessel laden with provisions, which had been sent out from New Orleans, and was intended for them. Having reached what, from their fires, ap- peared to be the centre of their encampment, her an- chors were cast, and her character and business dis- closed from her guns. So unexpected an attack pro- duced a momentary confusion; but, recovering, she was answered by a discharge of musketry, and flight of congreve rockets, which passed without injury, while the grape and canister from her guns, were pouring destructively on them. To take away the certainty of aim afforded by the light from their fires, these were immediately extinguished, and they retired two or three hundred yards into the open field, if not out of the reach of the cannon, at least to a distance, where, by the darkness of the night, they would be protected. Coffee had dismounted his men, and turned his horses loose, at a large ditch, next the swamp, in the rear of Larond's plantation, and gained, as he believed* LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 313 the centre of the enemy's line, when the signal from the Caroline reached him. He directly wheeled his columns in, and extending his line parallel with the river, moved towards their camp. He had advanced scarcely more than a hundred yards, when he receiv- ed a heavy fire, from a line formed in his front ; this, to him, was an unexpected circumstance, as he sup- posed the enemy lying principally at a distance, and that the only opposition he should meet, until he ap- proached towards the levee,* would be from their ad- vanced pickets. The circumstance of his coming in contact with them so soon, was owing to the severe attack of the schooner, which had compelled the ene- my to abandon their camp, and form without the reach of her guns. The moon shone, but reflected her light too feebly to discover objects at a distance. The only mean, therefore, of producing certain effect, with the kind of force engaged, which consisted chiefly of rifle- men, was not to venture at random, but to discharge their pieces only when there should be a certainty of felling the object. This order being given, the line pressed on, and having gained a position near enough to distinguish, a general fire was given ; it was well directed, and too severe and destructive to be with- stood ; the enemy gave way, and retreated, rallied, formed, were charged, and again retreated. Our * Banks thrown up on the margin of the river to confine the stream to its bed ; and which are extended along the Mississippi on both sides, from the termination of the highlands, near Baton Rouge. Fre- quently the river in its vernal floods rises above the elevation of the plains, and then the security of the country depends on the strength of those levees ; they not unfrequently break, and incalculable injury is the consequence. 2R 314 UFE OF GEiNEKAL JACKSON. gallant yeomanry, led by their brave commander, urged fearlessly on, and drove their invaders from every position they attempted to maintain. Their general was under no necessity to encourage and allure them to deeds of valour : his own example was sufficient to excite them. Always in the midst, he displayed a coolness and disregard of danger, calling to his troops, that they had often said they could fight now was the time to prove it. The enemy, driven back by the resolute firmness and ardour of the assailants, had now reached a grove of orange trees, with a ditch running past it, protected by a fence on the margin. Here they were halted and formed for battle. It was a favourable position, pro- mising security, and was occupied with a confidence they could not be forced to yield it. Coffee's daunt- less yeomanry, strengthened in their hopes of success, moved on, nor discovered the advantages against them, until a fire from the entire British line showed their position and defence. A sudden check was given ; but it was only momentary, for gathering fresh ar- dour, they charged across the ditch, gave a deadly and destructive fire, and forced them to retire. The re- treat continued, until gaining a similar position, the enemy made another stand, and were again driven from it with considerable loss. Thus the battle raged on the left wing, until the British reached the bank of the river ; here a deter- mined stand was made, and further encroachments re- sisted : for half an hour the conflict was extremely vio- lent on both sides. The American troops could not JL1FE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 315 be driven from their purpose, nor the British made to yield their ground; but at length, having suffered greatly, the latter were under the necessity of taking refuge behind the levee, which afforded a breast-work, and protected them from the fatal fire of our riflemen. Coffee, unacquainted with their position, for the dark- ness had greatly increased, already contemplated again to charge them ; but one of his officers, who had dis- covered the advantage their situation gave them, as- sured him it was too hazardous ; that they could be driven no further, and would, from the point they occupied, resist with the bayonet, and repel, with con* siderable loss, any attempt that might be made to dis- lodge them. The place of their retirement was cov- ered in front by a strong bank, which had been ex- tended into the field, to keep out the river, in conse* quence of the first being encroached upon, and un- dermined in several places : the former, however, was still entire, in many parts, which, interposing between them and the Mississippi, afforded security from the broadsides of the schooner, which lay off at some dis- tance. A further apprehension, lest, by moving still nearer to the river, he might greatly expose himself to the fire of the Caroline, which was yet spiritedly maintaining the conflict, induced Coffee to retire until he could hear from the commanding general, ajad re- ceive his further orders. During this time, the right wing, under Jackson, had been no less prompt and active. A detachment of artillery, under lieutenant Spotts, supported by sixty marines, and constituting the advance, had moved down the road, next the levee. 0n their left was the 316 tlFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. seventh regiment of infantry, led by major Piere. The forty-fourth, commanded by major Baker, was formed on the extreme left; while Plauche's and Daquin's battalions of city guards, were directed to be posted in the centre, between the seventh and forty-fourth. The general had ordered colonel Ross, who, during the night, acted in the capacity of brigadier-general, for he was without a brigadier, on hearing the signal from the Caroline, to move off by heads of companies, and, on reaching the enemy's line, to deploy, and unite the left wing of his command with the right of general Coffee's. This order was omitted to be exe- cuted; and the consequence was an early introduc- tion of confusion in the ranks, whereby was prevented the important design of uniting the two divisions. Instead of moving in columns from the first position, the troops, with the exception of the seventh regiment, next the person of the genera), which advanced agree- ably to the instructions that had been given, were formed and marched in extended line. Having suffi- cient ground to form on at first, no inconvenience was at the moment sustained ; but this advantage presently failing, the centre became compressed, and was forced in the rear. The river, from where they were formed, gradually inclined to the left, and diminished the space originally possessed : farther in stood Larond's house, surrounded by a grove of clustered orange trees : this pressing the left, and the river the right wing to the centre, formed a curve, which presently threw the principal part of Plauche's and Daquin's battalions without the line. This inconvenience might have been remedied, but for the briskness of the advance, and for LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 317 the darkness of the night A heavy fire from behind a fence, immediately before them, had brought the enemy to view. Acting in obedience to their orders-, not to waste their ammunition at random, our troops had pressed forward against the opposition in their front, and thereby threw those battalions in the rear. A fog rising from the river, and which, added to the smoke from the guns, was covering the plain, gradu- ally diminished the little light shed by the moon, and greatly increased the darkness of the night : no clue was left to ascertain how 0r where the enemy were situated. There was no alternative but to move on, in the direction of their fire, which subjected the assail- ants to material disadvantages. The British, driven from their first position, had retired back, and occu- pied another, behind a deep ditch, that ran out of the Mississippi towards the swamp, on the margin of which was a wood railed fence. Here, strengthened by in- creased numbers, they again opposed the advance of our troops. Having waited until they had approached sufficiently near to be discovered, from their fastnesses they discharged a fire upon the advancing army. In- stantly our battery was formed, and poured destruc- tively upon them ; while the infantry, pressing forward, aided in the conflict, which at this point was for some time spiritedly maintained. At this moment, a brisk sally was made upon our advance, when the marines, unequal to the assault, were already giving way. The adjutant-general, and colonels Piatt and Chotard, with a part of the seventh, hastening to their support, drove the enemy, and saved the artillery from capture. Gene- ral Jackson, perceiving the decided advantages which. 318 MFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. "'.-". were derived from the position they occupied, ordered their line to be charged. It was obeyed with cheer- fulness, and executed with promptness. Pressing on, our troops gained the ditch, and, pouring across it a well aimed fire, compelled them to retreat, and to aban- don their entrenchment. The plain, on which they were contending, was cut to pieces, by races from the river, to convey the water to the swamp. The enemy were, therefore, very soon enabled to occupy another position, equally favourable with the one whence they had been just driven, where they formed for battle, and, for some time, gallantly maintained themselves ; but which, at length, and after stubborn resistance, they were forced to yield. The enemy, discovering the firm and obstinate ad- vance made by the right wing of the American army, and presuming perhaps that its principal strength was posted on the road, formed the intention of attacking violently the left. Obliquing, for this purpose, an at- tempt was made to turn it. At this moment, Daquin's and the battalion of city guards, being marched up, and formed on the left of the forty-fourth regiment, met and repulsed them. The particular moment of the contest prevented many of those benefits which might have been de- rived from the artillery. The darkness of the night was such, that the blaze of the enemy's musketry was the only light afforded by which to determine their position, or be capable of taking our own to advan- tage; yet, notwithstanding, it greatly annoyed them, whenever it could be brought to bear. Directed by LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOX. 319 lieutenant Spotts, a vigilant and skilful officer, with men to aid him who looked to nothing but a zealous discharge of their duty, the most essential and im- portant services were rendered. The enemy had been thrice assailed and beaten, and for nearly a mile compelled to yield their ground. They had now retired, and, if found, were to be sought for amidst the darkness of the night. The general de- termined to halt, and ascertain Coffee's position and success, previously to waging the battle further ; for as yet no communication had passed between them. He entertained no doubt, from the brisk firing in that direction, but that he had been warmly engaged ; but this had now nearly subsided ; the Caroline, too, had almost ceased her operations ; it being only occasion- ally, that the noise of her guns disclosed the little op- portunity she possessed of acting efficiently. The express despatched to general Jackson, from the left wing, having reached him, he determined to prosecute the successes he had gained, no further. The darkness of the night the confusion into which his own division had been thrown, and a similar dis- aster produced on the part of Coffee, all pointed to the necessity of retiring from the field, and abandon- ing the contest. The bravery and firmness already displayed by his troops, had induced with him a belief that by pressing forward he might capture the whole British army : at any rate, he considered it but a game of venture and hazard, which, if unsuccessful, could not occasion his own defeat. If incompetent to its execution, and superior numbers, or superior discip- 320 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOJT. line, should compel him to recede from the effort, he well knew the enemy would not have temerity enough to attempt pursuit. The extreme darkness their en- tire ignorance of the situation of the country, and an apprehension lest their forces might be greatly out- numbered, afforded sufficient reasons on which to ground a belief, that although beaten from his pur- pose, he would yet have it in his power to retire in safety: but on the arrival of the express from general Coffee, learning the strong position to which the enemy had retired, and that a part of the left wing had been detached, and were in all probability cap- tured, he determined to retire from the contest, nor attempt a further prosecution of his successes. Gene- ral Coffee was accordingly directed to withdraw, and take a position at Larond's plantation, where the line had been first formed : and thither the troops on the right were also ordered to be marched. The last charge made by the left wing, had separa- ted, from the main body, colonels Dyer and Gibson, with two hundred men, and captain Beal's company of riflemen. What might be their fate ; whether they were captured, or had effected their retreat, was, at this time, altogether uncertain ; be that as it might, Coffee's command was thereby considerably weakened. Colonel Dyer, who commanded the extreme left, on clearing the grove, after the enemy had retired, was marching in a direction where he expected to find general Coffee ; he very soon discovered a force in front, and halting his men, hastened towards it ; ar- riving within a short distance, he was hailed, ordered LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 321 to stop, and report to whom he belonged : Dyer, and Gibson, his lieutenant-colonel, who had accompanied him, advanced, and stated they were of Coffee's bri- gade ; by this time they had arrived within a short dis- tance of the line, and perceiving that the name of the brigade they had stated was not understood, their ap- prehensions were awakened, lest it might be a detach- ment of the enemy; in this opinion they were imme- diately confirmed, and wheeling to return, were fired on and pursued. Gibson had scarcely started when he fell ; before he could recover, a soldier, quicker than the rest, had reached him, and pinned him to the ground with his bayonet ; fortunately the stab had but slightly wounded him, and he was only held by his clothes : thus pinioned, and perceiving others to be briskly advancing, but a moment was left for de- liberation ; making a violent exertion, and springing to his feet, he threw his assailant to the ground, and made good his retreat. Colonel Dyer had retreated about fifty yards, when his horse dropped dead ; en- tangled in the fall, and slightly wounded in the thigfy there was little prospect of relief, for the enemy were briskly advancing : his men being near at hand, he or- dered them to advance and fire, which checked their approach, and enabled him to escape. Being now at the head of his command, perceiving an enemy in a direction he had not expected, and uncertain how or where he might find general Coffee, he determined to seek him to the right, and moving on with his little band, forced his way through the enemy's lines, with the loss of sixty-three of his men, who were killed and taken. Captain Beal, with equal bravery, charged through the enemy, carrying off some prisoners, and losing several of his own company. 2s 322 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, This reinforcement of the British had arrived from Bayou Bienvenu, after night. The boats that landed the first detachment, had proceeded back to the ship- ping, and having returned, were on their way up the bayou, when they heard the guns of the Caroline ; moving hastily on to the assistance of those who had debarked before them, they reached the shore, and knowing nothing of the situation of the two armies, during the engagement advanced in the rear of gene- ral Coffee's brigade. Coming in contact with colonel Dyer and captain Beal, they filed off to the left, and reached the British lines. This detached part of Coffee's brigade, unable to unite with, or find him, retired to the place where they had first formed, and joined colonel Hinds' dragoons, which had remained on the ground where the troops had first dismounted, that they might cover their re- treat, in the event it became necessary. Jackson had gone into this battle confident of suc- cess ; and his arrangements were such as would have ensured it, even to a much greater extent, but for the intervention of circumstances that were not, and could not be foreseen. The Caroline had given her signals, and commenced the battle, a little too early, before Coffee had reached and taken his position, and before every thing was fully in readiness, to attain the objects designed : but it was chiefly owing to the confusion in- troduced at first into the ranks, which checked the ra- pidity of his advance gave the enemy time for pre- paration, and prevented his division from uniting with the right wing of General Coffee's brigade. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 323 Colonel Hinds, with one hundred and eighty dra- goons, was not brought into action during the night. Interspersed as the plain was, with innumerable ditch- es, diverging in different directions, it was impossible that cavalry could act to any kind of advantage : they were now formed in advance, to watch, until morning, the movements of the enemy. From the experiment just made, Jackson believed it would be in his power, on renewing the attack, to capture the British army : he concluded, therefore, to order down to his assistance general Carroll with his division, and to assail them again at the dawn of day. Directing governor Claiborne to remain at his post, with the Louisiana militia, for the defence of an im- portant pass to the city, the Gentilly road, he despatch- ed an express to Carroll, stating to him, that, in the event there had been no appearance of a force during the night, in the direction of Chef Menteur, to hasten and join him with the troops under his command : this order was executed by one o'clock in the morning. Previously, however, to his arrival, a different deter- mination was made. From prisoners who had been brought in, and through deserters, it was ascertained that the strength of the enemy, during the battle, was four thousand, and, with the reinforcements which had reached them, after its commencement, and during the action, their force could not be less than six : at any rate> it would greatly exceed his own, even after the Tennessee division should be added. Although very decided advantages had been obtained, yet they had been procured under circumstances that might be wholly lost in a contest waged in open day, between forces so disproportionate, and by undisciplined troops, 324 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON against veteran soldiers. Jackson well knew it was incumbent upon him to act a part entirely defensive : should the attempt to gain and destroy the city suc- ceed, numerous difficulties would present themselves, which might be avoided, so long as he could hold the enemy in check, and halt him in his designs. Prompt- ed by these considerations that it was important to pursue a course calculated to assure safety; and be- lieving it attainable in no way so effectually, as in oc- cupying some point, and by the strength he might give it, compensate for the inferiority of his numbers, and their want of discipline, he determined to forbear all further offensive efforts until he could more certainly discover the views of the enemy, and until the Ken- tucky troops, which had not yet arrived, should reach him. Pursuing this idea, at four o'clock in the morn- ing, having ordered colonel Hinds to occupy the ground he was then abandoning, and to observe the enemy closely, he fell back, and formed his line behind a deep ditch that stretched to the swamp at right angles from the river. There were two circumstances strongly re- commending the importance of this place : the swamp, which, from the high lands at Baton Rouge, skirts the river at irregular distances, and in many places is al- most impervious, had here approached within four hundred yards of the Mississippi, and hence, from the narrowness of the pass, was more easily to be defend- ed ; added to which, there was a deep canal, whence the dirt being thrown on the upper side, already form- ed a tolerable work of defence. Behind this, his troops were formed, and proper measures adopted for increas- ing its strength, with a determination never to abandon it ; but there to resist to the last, and valiantly to defend LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 325 those rights which were sought to be outraged and de- stroyed. Promptitude in decision, and activity in execution, constituted the leading traits of Jackson's character. No sooner had he resolved on the course which he thought necessary to be pursued, than with every pos- sible despatch he hastened to its completion. Before him was an army proud of its name, and distinguished for its deeds of valour. Opposed to which was his own unbending spirit, and an inferior, undisciplined and unarmed force. He conceived, therefore, that his was a defensive policy ; that by prudence and caution he would be able to preserve, what offensive operation might have a tendency to endanger. Hence, with ac- tivity and industry, based on a hope of ultimate suc- cess, he commenced his plan of defence, determining to fortify himself effectually, as the peril and pressure of the moment would permit. When to expect attack he could not tell ; preparation and readiness to meet it, was for him to determine on, all else was for the enemy. Promptly, therefore, he proceeded with his system of defence ; and with such thoughtfulness and anxiety that until the night of the 27th, when his line was completed, he never slept, or for a moment closed his eyes. Resting his hope of safety here, lie was every where, through the night, present, encour- aging his troops, and hastening a completion of the work. The concern and excitement produced by the mighty object before him, were such as overcame the demand of nature, and for five days and four nights, he was without sleep and constantly employed. His line of defence being completed on the night of the 326 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 27th, he, for the first time since the arrival of the ene- my, retired to rest and repose. The soldier who has stood the shock of battle, and knows what slight circumstances oftentimes produce decided advantages, will be able, properly to appre- ciate the events of this night. Although the dreadful carnage of the 8th of January, hereafter to be told, was in fact the finishing blow, that struck down the towering hopes of those invaders, and put an end to the contest, yet in the battle of the 23d, is there to be found abundant cause why success resulted to our arms, and safety was given to the country. The Bri- tish had reached the Mississippi without the fire of a gun, and encamped upon its banks as composedly as if they had been seated on their own soil, and at a distance from all danger. These were circumstances which awakened a belief that they expected little opposition, were certain of success, and that the troops with whom they were to contend would scarce- ly venture to resist them : resting thus confidently in the expectation of success, they would the next day have moved forward, and succeeded in the ac- complishment of their designs. Jackson, convinced that an early impression was essential to ultimate suc- cess, had resolved to assail them at the moment of their landing, and "attack them in their first position:" we have, therefore, seen him, with a force inferior by one half, to that of the enemy, at an unexpected mo- ment, break into their camp, and with his undisciplin- ed yeomanry, drive before him the pride of England, and the conquerors of Europe. It was an event that could not fail to destroy all previous theories, and es- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 327 tablish a conclusion, which our enemy had not before formed, that they were contending against valour infe- rior to none they had seen ; before which their own bravery had not stood, nor their skill availed them : it had the effect of satisfying them, that the quantity and kind of troops it was in our power here to wield, must be different from any thing that had been repre- sented to them ; for much as they had heard of the courage of the man with whom they were contend- ing, they could not suppose, that a general having a country to defend, and a reputation to preserve, would venture to attack, on their own chosen ground, a great- ly superior army, and one, which, by the numerous victories it had achieved, had already acquired a fame in arms; they were convinced that his force must greatly surpass what they had expected, and be com- posed of materials different from what they had ima- gined. *.**>^"- ' i/y' .t * '**'>' The American troops, which were actually engaged, did not amount to two thousand men : they consisted of part of Coffee's brigade and captain Beal's company, 648 The 7th and 44th regiments, 763 Company of marines and artillery, * - 82 Plauche's and Daquin's battalions, *,*>' 488 And the Mississippi dragoons under colonel ) Hinds, not in the action, i 2167* * This statement may be relied on ; it was furnished to the author by colonel Robert Butler, adjutant-general of the southern division, who assured him it was correct. 32& LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. which, for more than an hour, maintained a severe con- flict with a force of four or five thousand, and retired in safety from the ground, with the loss of but twenty- four killed, one hundred and fifteen wounded, and seventy-four made prisoners ; while the killed, wound- ed t and prisoners, of the enemy, were not less than four hundred. Our officers and soldiers executed every order with promptitude, and nobly sustained their country's cha- racter. Lieutenant-colonel Lauderdale, of Coffee's brigade, an officer of great promise, and on whom every reliance was placed, fell at his post, and at his duty : he had entered the service, and descended the river with the volunteers under General Jackson, in the winter of 1812 passed through all the hardships and difficulties of the Creek war, and had ever mani- fested a readiness to act when his country needed his services. Young, brave, and skilful, he had already afforded evidences of a capacity, which might, in fu- ture, have become useful ; his exemplary conduct, both in civil and military life, had acquired for him a re- spect, that rendered his fall a subject of general regret Lieutenant M'Lelland, a valuable young officer of the 7th, was also among the number of the slain. Coffee's brigade, during the action, imitating the example of their commander, bravely contended, and ably supported the character they had previously es- tablished. The unequal contest in which they were engaged, never occurred to them ; nor, for a moment, checked the rapidity of their advance. Had the Bri- tish known they were merely riflemen, and without LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 329 bayonets, a firm stand would have arrested their pro- gress, and destruction or capture would have been the inevitable consequence ; but, this circumstance being unknown, every charge they made was crowned with success, producing discomfiture, and routing and driv- ing superior numbers before them. Officers, from the highest to inferior grades, discharged what had been expected of them. Ensign Leach, of the 7th regiment, being wounded through the body, still remained at his post, and in the performance of his duty. Colonel Reu- ben Kemper, enterprising and self-collected, amidst the confusion introduced on the left wing, found him- self at the head of a handful of men, detached from the main body, and in the midst of a party of the enemy : never did any man better exemplify the truth of the position, that discretion is sometimes the better part of valour : to attempt resistance was idle, and could only eventuate in destruction : with a mind unclouded by the peril that surrounded him, he sought and pro- cured his safety through stratagem. Calling to a group of soldiers who were near, in a positive tone, he de- manded of them where their regiment was : lost them- selves, they were unable to answer : but supposing him one of their own officers, they assented to his orders, and followed him to his own line, where they were made prisoners. The 7th regiment, commanded by major Piere, and the 44th, under major Baker, aided by major Butler, gallantly maintained the conflict forced the enemy from every secure position he attempted to occupy, and drove him a mile from the first point of attack. Confiding in themselves, and their general, who was 330 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOW. constantly with them, exposed to danger and in the midst of the fight, inspiring by his ardour, and encou- raging by his example, they advanced to the conflict, nor evinced a disposition to leave it until the prudence of their commander directed them to retire. From the violence of the assault already made, the fears of the British had been greatly excited; to keep their apprehensions alive was considered important, with a view partially to destroy the overweening con- fidence with which they had arrived on our shores, and to compel them to act, for a time, upon the de- fensive. To effect this, general Coffee, with his bri- gade, was ordered down on the morning of the 24th, to unite with colonel Hinds, and make a show in the rear of Lacoste's plantation. The enemy, not yet re- covered of the panic produced by the assault of the preceding evening, already believed it was in contem- plation to urge another attack, and immediately form- ed themselves to repel it ; but Coffee having succeeded in recovering some of his horses, which were wander^ ing along the margin of the swamp, and in regaining part of the clothing which his troops had lost the night before, returned to the line, leaving them to conjee* ture the objects of his movement * - ;,.' . i.- -i, . Vi "'".* . The scanty supply of clothes and blankets that re- mained to the soldiers, from their long and exposed marches, had been left where they dismounted to meet the enemy. Their numbers were too limited ? and the strength of their opponents too well ascertain- ed, for any part of their force to remain and take care df what was left behind : it was so essential to hasten tlFE OF GENERAL JACKSON* 331 on, reach their destination, and be ready to act when the signal from the Caroline should announce their co-operation necessary, that no time was afforded them to secure their horses ; they were turned loose, and their recovery trusted entirely to chance. Although many were regained, many were lost; while most of the men remained but with a single suit, to encounter^ in the open field, and in swamps covered with water, the hardships of camp, and the severity of winter. It is a circumstance which entitles them to much credit, that under privations so severely oppressive, com- plaints or murmurs were never heard. This state of things fortunately was not of long continuance. The story of their sufferings and misfortunes was no sooner known, than the legislature appropriated a sum of money for their relief, which was greatly increased by subscriptions in the city and neighbourhood. Ma- terials being purchased, the ladies, with that Christian charity and warmth of heart characteristic of their sex, at once exerted themselves in removing their dis- tresses : all their industry was called into action, and in a little time, the suffering soldier was relieved. Such generous conduct, in extending assistance at a moment when it was so much needed, while it conferred on those females the highest honour, could not fail to nerve the arm of the brave with new zeal for the de- fence of their benefactresses. This distinguished mark of their patriotism and benevolence, is still remember- ed; and often as these valiant men are heard to re- count the dangers they have passed, and with peculiar ' pride to dwell on the mingled honours and hardships of the campaign, they breathe a sentiment of gratitude to those who conferred upon them such distinguished 332 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOff. marks of their kindness, and who, by timely inter- ference, alleviated their misfortunes and their suffer- ings. To present a check, and keep up a show of resist- ance, detachments of light troops were occasionally kept in front of the line, assailing and harassing the enemy's advanced posts whenever an opportunity was offered of acting to advantage. Every moment that could be gained, and every delay that could be ex- tended to the enemy's attempts, to reach the city, was of the utmost importance. The works were rapidly progressing, and hourly increasing in strength. The militia of the state were every day arriving, and every day the prospect of successful opposition was bright- ening. The enemy still remained at his first encampment. To be in readiness to repel an assault when attempted, the most active exertions were made on the 24th and 25th. The canal, covering the front of our line, was deepened and widened, and a strong mud wall formed of the earth that had been originally thrown out. To prevent any approach until his system of defence should be in a state of greater forwardness, Jackson ordered the levee to be cut, about a hundred yards below the point he had occupied. The river being very high, a broad stream of water passed rapidly through the plain, of the depth of thirty or forty inches, which prevented any approach of troops on foot. Embrasures were formed, and two pieces of artillery, under the command of lieutenant Spotty LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 333 early on the morning of the 24th, were placed in a position to rake the road leading up the levee. He was under constant apprehensions, lest, in spite of his exertions below, the city might, through some other route, be reached and destroyed ; and those fears were increased to-day, by a report that a strong force had arrived debarked at the head of lake Borgne, and compelled an abandonment of the defence at Chef Menteur. This, however, proved to be unfounded: the enemy had not appeared in that direction, nor had the officer, to whom was entrusted the command of this fort, so much relied on, forgotten his duty, or for- saken his post. Acting upon the statement that ma- jor Lacoste had retired from the fort, and fallen back on bayou St. John, and incensed that orders, which, from their importance, should have been faithfully executed, had been thus lightly regarded, he hasten- ed to inform him what he had understood, and to for- bid his leaving his position. " The battery I have placed under your command, must be defended at all hazards. In you, and the valour of your troops, I re- pose every confidence; let me not be deceived. With us, every thing goes on well : the enemy has not yet advanced. Our troops have covered themselves with glory : it is a noble example, and worthy to be followed by all. Maintain your post, nor ever think of retreating." To give additional strength to a place deemed so important inspire confidence, and ensure safety, colonel Dyer, and two hundred men, were or- dered here to assist in its defence, and act as videttes, in advance of the occupied points. #34 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. General Morgan, who, at the English turn, com- manded the fort on the east bank of the river, was in- structed to proceed as near the enemy's camp as prudence and safety would permit, and, by destroying the levee, to let in the waters of the Mississippi be^ tween them. The execution of this order, and a similar one, previously made, below the line of defence, had entirely insulated the enemy, and prevented his march against either place. On the 26th, however, the commanding general fearing for the situation of Morgan, who, from the British occupying the inter- mediate ground, was entirely detached from his camp, directed him to abandon his encampment, carry off such of the cannon as might be wanted, and throw the remainder into the river, where they could be again recovered when the waters receded ; to retire to the other side of the river, and assume a position on the right bank, nearly opposite to his line, and have it fortified. This movement was imposed by the relative disposition of the two armies. Necessity, not choice, made it essential that St. Leon should be abandoned. From every intelligence, obtained through deserters and prisoners, it was evident that the British fleet would make an effort to ascend the river, and co- operate with the troops already landed. Lest this, or a diversion in a different quarter, might be attempt* ed, exertions were made to be able to resist at all points, and to interpose such defences on the Missis- sippi as might assure protection. The forts on the river, well supported with brave men, and heavy pieces of artillery, might, perhaps, have the effect to deter their shipping from venturing in that direction. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. and dispose them to seek some safer route, if any could be discovered. Pass Barrataria was best cal- culated for this purpose, and here, in all probability, it was expected the effort might be made. The dif- ficulty of ascending the Mississippi, from the rapidity of the current, its winding course, and the ample pro- tection already given at forts St. Philip and Bourbon, were circumstances to which, it was not to be inferred, the British were strangers : nor was it to be expected, that, with a knowledge of them, they would venture here the success of an enterprise on which so much depended. It was a more rational conjecture that they would seek a passage through Barrataria pro- ceed up on the right bank of the river, and gain a position whence, co-operating with the forces on the east side, they might drive our troops from the line they had formed, and, at less hazard, succeed in the accomplishment of their designs. Major Reynolds was accordingly ordered thither, with instructions to place the bayous, emptying through this pass, in the best possible state of defence to occupy and strengthen the island to mount sufficient ordnance, and draw a chain, within cannon-shot, across, the more effectually to guard the route, and protect it from approach. Lafite, who had been heretofore promised pardon for the outrages he had committed against the laws of the United States, and who had already shown a lively zeal in behalf of his adopted country, was also dis- patched with Reynolds. He was selected, because, from the proofs already given, no doubt was enter- tained of his fidelity, and because his knowledge of the topography and precise situation of this sqction of the state, was remarkably correct : it was the point 336 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. where he had constantly rendezvoused, during the time of cruising against the merchant vessels of Spain, under a commission obtained at Carthagena, and where he had become perfectly acquainted with every inlet and entrance to the gulf through which a pas- sage could be effected. With these arrangements treason apart all anx- iously alive to the interest of the country, and dispos- ed to protect it, there was little room to apprehend or fear disaster. To use the general's own expres- sion, on another occasion, " the surest defence, and one which seldom failed of success, was a rampart of high-minded and brave men." That there were some of this description with him^ on whom he could safe- ly rely, in moments of extreme peril, he well knew ; but that there were many strangers to him and dan- ger, and who had never been called to act in those situations where death, stalking in hideous round, ap- pals and unnerves even the most resolute, was equally certain ; whether they would contend with manly firm- ness support the cause in which they had embarked, and realize his anxious wishes on the subject, could be only known in the moment of conflict and trial ; when, if disappointed in his expectations, the means of retrieving the evil would be fled, and every thing lost in the result. As yet the enemy were uninformed of the position of Jackson. What was his situation what was in- tended whether offensive or defensive operations would be pursued, were circumstances on which they possessed no correct knowledge, nor could it be ob- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 337 tained ; still their exertions were unremitting to have all things prepared, and in readiness to urge their de- signs whenever the moment for action should arrive* They had been constantly engaged, since their land- ing, in procuring from their shipping every thing ne- cessary to ulterior operation. A complete command on the lakes, and possession of a point on the margin, presented an uninterrupted ingress and egress, and af- forded the opportunity of conveying whatever was wanted, in perfect safety to their camp. The height of the Mississippi, and the discharge of water through the openings made in the levee, had given an increas- ed depth to the canal, from which they had first de- barked enabled them to advance their boats much further, in the direction of their encampment, and, with greater convenience, to forward their artillery, bombs and munitions. Thus engaged, during the first three days after their arrival, early on the morn- ing of the 27th, a battery was discovered on the bank of the river, which had been erected during the pre- ceding night, and on which were mounted several pieces of heavy ordnance ; from this position a fire was opened on the Caroline schooner, lying under the op- posite shore. After the battle of the 23d, in which this vessel had iso effectually aided, she had passed to the opposite side of the river, where she had since lain. Her ser- vices were too highly appreciated not to be again de- sired, in the event the enemy should endeavour to ad- vance. Her present situation was considered truly an unsafe one, but it had been essayed in vain to advance her higher up the stream. No favourable breeze had 2u 338 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. yet arisen to aid her in stemming the current ; and towing, and other remedies, had been already resorted to, but without success. Her safety might have been ensured by floating her down the river and placing her under cover of the guns of the fort, though it was preferred as a matter of policy, to risk her where she was, still, hourly, calculating that a favourable wind might relieve her, rather than by dropping her with the current, lose those benefits which, against an ad- vance of the enemy, it might be in her power so com- pletely to extend. Commodore Patterson had left her on the 26th, by the orders of the commanding gene- ral, when captain Henly made a further, but ineffec- tual, effort to force her up the current, near to the line, for the double purpose of its defence and for her own safety. These attempts to remove her being discovered, at daylight, on the morning of the 27th, a battery, mounting five guns, opened upon her, discharging bombs and red hot shot ; it was spiritedly answered, but without affecting the battery ; there being but a long twelve pounder that could reach. The second fire had lodged a hot shot in the hold, directly under her cables, whence it could not be removed, and where it immediately communicated fire to the schooner. The shot from the battery were constantly taking effect, firing her in different places, and otherwise producing material injury; while the blaze already kindled under her cables, was rapidly extending its ravages. A well grounded apprehension of her com- mander, that she could be no longer defended the flames bursting forth in different parts, and fast in- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 339 creasing, induced a fear lest the magazine should be soon reached, and every thing destroyed. One of his crew being killed, and six wounded, and not a glim- mering of hope entertained that she could be pre- served, orders were given to abandon her. The crew in safety reached the shore, and in a short time after- wards she blew up. ' i ' * Although thus unexpectedly deprived of so material a dependence, for successful defence, an opportunity was soon presented of using her brave crew to ad- vantage. Gathering confidence from what had been just effected, the enemy left their encampment, and moved in the direction of our line. Their numbers had been increased, and major-general Sir Edward Packenham now commanded in person. Early on the 28th, his columns commenced their advance to storm our works. At the distance of half a mile, their heavy artillery opened, and quantities of bombs, balls and congreve rockets, were discharged. It was a scene of terror and alarm, which they had probably calcu- lated would excite a panic in the minds of the raw troops of our army, and compel them to surrender at discretion, or abandon their strong hold. But our soldiers had afforded abundant proof, that, whether disciplined or not, they well knew how to defend the honour and interests of their country ; and had suf- ficient valour not to be alarmed at the reality still less the semblance of danger. Far from exciting their apprehensions, and driving them from their ground, their firmness still remained unchanged; still was manifested a determination not to tarnish a reputation they had hardly earned ; and which had become too 340 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. dear, from the difficulties and dangers they had passed to acquire it, for it now tamely to be surrendered. Their congreve rockets, though a kind of instrument of destruction to which our troops unskilled in the science of desolating warfare, had been hitherto stran- gers, excited no other feeling than that which novelty inspires. At the moment, therefore, that the British, in different columns, were moving up, in all the pomp and parade of battle, preceded by these insignia of terror, more than danger, and were expecting to be- hold their " Yankee foes" tremblingly retire and flee before them, our batteries opened, and halted their advance. In addition to the two pieces of cannon mounted on our works, on the 24th, three others, of heavy caliber, obtained from the navy department, had been formed along the line ; these opening on the enemy, checked their progress, and disclosed to them the hazard of the project they were on. Lieutenants Crawley and Norris volunteered, and with the crew of the Caro- line rendered important services, and maintained, at the guns they commanded, that firmness and decision for which, on previous occasions, ttyey had been so liighly distinguished. They had been selected by the general, because of their superior knowledge in gun- nery ; and, on this occasion, gave a further evidence of their skill and judgment, and of a disposition to act in any situation w^here they could be serviceable. The line, which, from the labours bestowed on it, was dai- ly strengthening, was not yet in a situation effectually to resist ; this deficiency, however, was well remedied by the brave men who were formed in its rear. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 341 From the river the greatest injury was effected. Lieutenant Thompson, who commanded the Louisi- ana sloop, which lay nearly opposite the line of de- fence, no sooner discovered the columns approaching, than warping her around, he brought her starboard guns to bear, and produced such an effect as forced them to retreat : but, from their heavy artillery, the enemy maintained the conflict with great spirit, con- stantly discharging their bombs and rockets, for seven hours, when, unable to make a breach, or silence the fire from the sloop, they abandoned a contest where / few advantages seemed to be presented. The crew of this vessel was composed of new recruits, and of discordant materials, of soldiers, citizens and seamen; yet, by the activity of their commander, were they so well perfected in their duty, that they already man- aged their guns with the greatest precision and cer- tainty of effect ; and, by three o'clock in the evening, with the aid of the land batteries, had completely silenced and driven back the enemy. Emboldened by the effect produced the day before on the Care- line, the furnaces of the enemy were put in operation, and numbers of hot shot thrown from a heavy piece which was placed behind and protected by the levee. An attempt was now made to carry it off, when that protection, heretofore had, being taking away, those in the direction of it were fairly exposed to our fire t and suffered greatly. In their endeavours to remove it, " I saw," says commodore Patterson, " distinctly, with the aid of a glass, several balls strike in the midst of the men who were employed in dragging it away." In this engagement, commenced and waged for seven hours, we received little or no injury. The Louisiana 342 LIFE OF GE^NERAL JACKSOX. sloop, against which the most violent exertions were made, had but a single man wounded, by the frag- ments of a shell, which bursted over her deck. Our entire loss did not exceed nine killed, and eight or ten wounded. The enemy, being more exposed, acting in the open field, and in range of our guns, suffered, from information afterwards procured, considerable injury ; at least one hundred and twenty were killed and wounded. Among the killed, on our side, was colonel James Henderson, of the Tennessee militia. An advance party of the British had, during the action, taken post behind a fence that ran obliquely to, and not very re- mote from, our line. Henderson, with a detachment of two hundred men, was sent out by general Carroll to drive them from a position whence they were effecting some injury, and greatly annoying our troops. Had he advanced in the manner directed, he would have been less exposed, and enabled more effectually to have secured the object intended ; but, misunder- standing the order, he proceeded in a different route, and fell a victim to his error. Instead of marching in the direction of the wood, and turning the enemy, which might have cut off their retreat, he proceeded in front, towards the river, leaving them in rear of the fence, and himself and his detachment open and ex- posed. His mistake being perceived from the line, he was called by the adjutant-general, and directed to return; but the noise of the waters, through which they were wading, prevented any communication. Having reached a knoll of dry ground, he formed, and attempted the execution of his order ; but soon fell, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 343 by a wound in the head. Deprived of their command- er, and perceiving their situation hazardous and un- tenable, the detachment retreated to the line, with the loss of their colonel and five men. \X While this advance was made, a column of the ene- my was threatening an attack on our extreme left ; to frustrate the attempt, Coffee was ordered with his riflemen to hasten through the woods, and check their approach. The enemy, although greatly superior to him in numbers, no sooner discovered his movement than they retired, and abandoned the attack they had previously meditated. A supposed disaffection in New Orleans, and an enemy in front, were circumstances well calculated to excite unpleasant forebodings. General Jackson be- lieved it necessary and essential to his security, while contending with avowed foes, not to be wholly inat- tentive to dangers lurking at home ; but, by guarding vigilantly, to be able to suppress any treasonable pur- pose the moment it should be developed, and before it should have time to mature. Previously, therefore,* to departing from the city, on the evening of the 23d, he had ordered major Butler, his aid, to remain with the guards, and be vigilant that nothing transpired in his absence calculated to operate injuriously. His fears that there were many of the inhabitants who felt no attachment to the government, and would not scruple to surrender, whenever, prompted by their in- terest, it should become necessary, has been already noticed. . In this belief, subsequent circumstances evinced there was no mistake, and showed that to his 3 14 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. assiduity and energy is to be ascribed the cause the country was protected and saved. It is a fact, which was disclosed, on making an exchange of prisoners, that, in despite of all the efforts made to prevent it, the enemy were daily and constantly apprized of every thing that transpired in our camp. Every arrange- ment, and every change of position, was immediately communicated. " Nothing," remarked a British officer, at the close of the invasion, " was kept a secret from us, except your numbers: this, although diligently sought after, could never be procured." Between the 23d, and the attack on the 28th,. to carry our line, major Butler, who still remained at his post in the city, was applied to by Fulwar Skipwith, at that time speaker of the senate, .to ascertain the commanding general's views, provided he should be driven from his line of encampment, and compelled to retreat through the city ; would he, in that event, de- stroy it? It was, indeed, a curious inquiry from one who, having spent his life in serving his country in different capacities, might better have understood the dut} r of a subordinate officer ; and that even if, from his situation, major .Butler had so far* acquired the confi- dence of his general as to have become acquainted with his views and designs, he was not at liberty to divulge them, without destroying confidence and acting criminally. On asking the cause of the inquiry, Mr. Skipwitii replied, it was rumoured, and so understood, that if driven from his position, and made to retreat upon the city, general Jackson had it in contemplation to lay it in ruins ; the legislature, he said, desired in- formation on this subject, that if such were his inten- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 345 tions, they might, by offering terms of capitulation to the enemy, avert so serious a calamity. That a senti- ment having for its object a surrender of the city, should be entertained by this body, was scarcely credible ; yet a few days Brought the certainty of it more fully to view, and showed that they were already devising plans to ensure the safety of themselves and property, even at any sacrifice. While the general was hastening along the line, from ordering Coffee, as we have just observed, against a column of the British on the extreme left, he was hailed by Mr. Duncan, one of his volunteer aids, and informed, that already it was agitated, secretly, by the members of the legislature, to offer terms of capit- ulation to the enemy, and proffer a surrender ; and that governor Claiborne awaited his orders on the subject. Poised as was the result, the safety or fall of the city resting in uncertainty, although it was plainly to be perceived, that, with a strong army before them, no such resolution could be carried into effect, yet it might be productive of evil, and, in the end, bring about the most fatal consequences. Even the disclosure of such a wish on the part of the legislature, might create par- ties excite opposition in the army, and inspire the enemy with renewed confidence. The Tennessee forces, and Mississippi volunteers, it was not feared would be affected by the measure ; but it might detach the Louisiana militia, and even extend itself to the ranks of the regular troops. Jackson was greatly in- censed, that those whose safety he had so much at heart, should be seeking, under the authority of office, to mar his best exertions. He was, however, too warmly pressed, at the moment, for the battle was raging, to give it the attention its importance merited ; but, avail- 2x 346 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOff. ing himself of the first respite from the violence of the attack waged against him, he apprized governor Clai- borne of what he had heard ; ordered him closely to watch the conduct of the legislature, and the moment the project of offering a capitulation to the enemy should be fully disclosed, to place a guard at the door and confine them to their chamber. The governor in his zeal to execute the command, and from a fear of the consequences involved in such conduct, construed as imperative, an order which was merely contingent ; and, placing an armed force at the door of the capitol, prevented the members from convening, and their schemes from maturing. The purport of this order was essentially miscon- ceived by the governor ; or, perhaps, with a view to avoid subsequent inconveniences and complaints, was designedly mistaken. Jackson's object was not to re- strain the legislature in the discharge of their official duties ; for although he thought, that such a moment, when the sound of the cannon was constantly pealing in their ears, was inauspicious to wholesome legisla- tion, and that it would have better comported with the state of the times for them to abandon their civil duties and appear in the field, yet was it a matter in- delicate to be proposed ; and it was hence preferred, that they should adopt whatever course might be sug- gested by their own notions of propriety. This senti- ment would have been still adhered to ; but when through the communication of Mr. Duncan, they were represented as entertaining opinions and schemes ad- verse to the general interest and safety of the coun- try, the necessity of a new and different course of LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 347 conduct was at once obvious. But he did not order governor Claiborne to interfere with, or prevent them from proceeding with their duties ; on the contrary, he was instructed, so soon as any thing hostile to the general cause should be ascertained, to place a guard at the door, and keep the members to their post and to their duty. My object in this, remarked the gene- ral, was, that then they would be able to proceed with their business without producing the slightest injury : whatever schemes they might entertain would have remained with themselves, without the power of cir- culating them to the prejudice of any other interest than their own. I had intended to have had them well treated and kindly dealt by ; and thus abstracted from every thing passing without doors, a better oppor- tunity would have been afforded them to enact good and wholesome laws; but governor Claiborne mistook my order, and instead of shutting them in doors, con- trary to my wishes and expectation, turned them out. Before this he had been called on by a special com- mittee of the legislature to know what his course would be should necessity compel him from his posi- tion ? If, replied the general, I thought the hair of my head could divine what I should do, forthwith I would cut it off: go back with this answer; say to your ho- nourable body, that if disaster does overtake me, and the fate of war drives me from my line to the city, they may expect to have a very warm session. And what did you design to do, I enquired, provided you had been forced to retreat. I should, he replied, have retreated to the city, fired it, aiid fought the enemy 348 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. amidst the surrounding flames. There were with me men of wealth, owners of considerable property, who, in such an event, would have been amongst the fore- most to have applied the torch to their own buildings ; and what they had left undone, I should have com- pleted. Nothing for the comfortable maintenance of the enemy would have been left in the rear. I would have destroyed New Orleans occupied a position above on the river cut off all supplies, and in this way compelled them to depart from the country. We shall not pretend to ascribe this conduct of the legislature to disaffection, or to treasonable mo- tives. The impulse that produced it was, no doubt, interest a principle of the human mind which strongly sways, and often destroys its best conclusions. The disparity of the two armies, in numbers, preparation, and discipline, had excited apprehension, and destroy- ed hope. If Jackson were driven back, and little else was looked for, rumour fixed his determination of de- voting the city to destruction : but even if such were not his intention, the wrath and vengeance of the enemy might be fairly calculated to be in proportion to the opposition they should receive. Although these considerations may somewhat palliate, they do not justify. The government was represented in the per- son of the commanding general, on whom rested all responsibility, and whose voice on the subject of re- sistance or capitulation, should alone have been heard. In the field were persons who were enduring hard- ships, arid straining every nerve, for the general safety. A few of the members of their own body, too, were LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 349 there, who did not despond.* Might not patriotism, then, have admonished these men, honoured as they were with the confidence of the people, rather to have pursued a course, having for its object to keep alive excitement, than to have endeavoured to introduce fear, and paralyze exertion. Such conduct, if produc- tive of nothing worse, was well calculated to excite alarm. If the militia, who had been hastily drawn to the camp, and who were yet trembling for the safety of their families, had been told, that a few private men, of standing in society, had expressed their opin- ions, and declared resistance useless, it would, without doubt, have occasioned serious apprehensions ; but, in a much greater degree would they be calculated to arise, when told that the members of the legislature, chosen to preside over the safety and destinies of the state, after due deliberation, had pronounced all at- tempts at successful opposition, vain and ineffectual. Here was an additional reason why expedients should be devised, and every precaution adopted, to prevent any communication, by which the slightest in- telligence should be had of our situation, already, in- deed, sufficiently deplorable. Additional guards were posted along the swamp, on both sides of the Missis- sippi, to arrest all intercourse ; while on the river, the common highway, watch boats were constantly plying during the night, in different directions, so that a log * Only four members of the legislature appeared in the field, to defend their country. We regret not knowing the name of one of these persons: those we have ascertained are, general Garrigue Flojack, major Eziel, and Mr. Bufort, who, abandoning their civil duties*for the field, afforded examples worthy of imitation. 350 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. could scarcely float down the stream unperceived. Two flat-bottomed boats, on a dark night, were turned adrift above, to ascertain if vigilance were preserved, and whether there would be any possibility of escaping the guards and passing in safety to the British lines. The light boats discovered them on their passage, and on the alarm being given, they were opened upon by the Louisiana sloop, and the batteries on the shore, and in a few minutes were sunk. In spite, however, of every precaution, treason still discovered avenues through which to project and execute her nefarious plans, and through them w r as constantly afforded in- formation to the enemy ; carried to them, no doubt, by adventurous friends, who sought and effected their nightly passage through the deepest parts of the swamp, where it was impossible for sentinels to be stationed.* Great inconvenience was sustained for the want of arms, and much anxiety felt, lest the enemy, through their faithful adherents, might, on this subject also, obtain information ; to prevent it, as far as possible, general Jackson endeavoured to conceal the strength and situation of his army, by suffering his reports to be seen by none but himself and the adjutant-general. Many of the troops in the field were supplied with common guns, which were of little service. The Ken- tucky troops, daily expected, were also understood to be badly provided with arms. Uncertain but that the city might yet contain many articles that would be serviceable, orders were issued to the mayor of New r 'vi.'.^ * See note G. * LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 351. Orleans, directing him diligently to inquire through every store and house, and take possession of all the muskets, bayonets, spades, and axes he could find. Understanding too, there were many young men, who, from different pretexts, had not appeared in the field, he was instructed to obtain a register of every man in the city, under the age of fifty, that measures might be concerted for drawing forth those who had hitherto appeared backward in engaging in the pending contest. Frequent light skirmishes, by advanced parties, without material effect on either side, were the only incidents that took place for several days. Colonel Hinds, at the head of the Mississippi dragoons, on the 30th, was ordered to dislodge a party of the enemy, who, under cover of a ditch that ran across the plain, were annoying our fatigue parties. In his advance, he was unexpectedly thrown into an ambuscade, and be- came exposed to the fire of a line, which had hitherto lain concealed and unobserved. His collected con- duct, and gallant deportment, gained him and his corps the approbation of the commanding general, and ex- tricated him from the danger in which he was placed. The enemy, forced from their position, retired, and he returned to the line, with the loss of five of his men CHAPTER X. Attack of the 1st of January. General Jackson's line of defence. Ken- tucky troops arrive at head-quarters. British army reinforced ; their preparations for attack. Battle of the 8th of January , and repulse of the enemy. American redoubt carried, and retaken. Colonel Thorn- ton proceeds against general Morgans line, and takes possession of it. Letter of captain Wilkinson. British watch 'word. Generous conduct of the American soldiers. Morgan's line regained. General Lambert requests a suspension of hostilities. Armistice concluded. Execution of an American soldier by the British. THE British were encamped two miles below the American army, on a perfect plain, and in full view. Although foiled in their attempt to carry our works by the force of their batteries, on the 28th, they yet resolv- ed upon another attack, and one which they believed would be more successful. Presuming their failure to have arisen from not having sufficiently strong bat- teries, and heavy ordnance, a more enlarged arrange- ment was resorted to, with a confidence of silencing opposition, and effecting such breaches in our entrench- ment as would enable their columns to pass, without being exposed to any considerable hazard. The inte- rim between the 28th of December and 1st of January was accordingly spent in preparing to execute their designs. Their boats had been despatched to the ship- ping, and an additional supply of heavy cannon landed through Bayou Bienvenu, whence they had first de- barked. During the night of the 31st, they were busily en- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 353 gaged. An impenetrable fog, next morning, which was not dispelled until nine o'clock, by concealing their purpose, aided them in the plans they were projecting, and gave time for the completion of their works. This having disappeared, several heavy batteries^ at the dis- tance of six hundred yards, mounting eighteen and twenty-four pound carronades, were presented to view* No sooner was it sufficiently clear to distinguish ob- jects at a distance, than these were opened, and a tre- mendous burst of artillery commenced, accompanied with congreve rockets, that filled the air in all direc- tions. Our troops, protected by a defence, which, from their constant labours and exertions, they believ- ed to be impregnable, unmoved and undisturbed, main- tained their ground, and, by their skilful management, in the end, succeeded in dismounting and silencing the guns of the enemy. The British, through the friendly interference of some disaffected citizens, having been apprized of the situation of the general's quarters, that he dwelt in a house at a small distance in the rear of his line of defence, against it directed their first and principal efforts, with a view to destroy the commander. So great was the number of balls thrown, that, in a little while, its porticos were beaten down, and the building made a complete wreck. In this dishonourable design, they were, however, disappointed ; for, with Jackson it was a constant practice, on the first appearance of dan- ger, not to wait in his quarters, watching events, but instantly to proceed to the line, and be ready to form his arrangements as circumstances might require. Constantly in expectation of a charge, he was never absent from the post of danger; and thither he had this morning repaired, at the first sound of the cannon. SY 354 LIFE >F GENERAL JACKSON. to aid in defence, and inspire his troops with firmness. Our guns, along the line, now opened, to repel the assault, and a constant roar of cannon, on both sides, continued until nearly noon ; when, by the superior skill of our engineers, the two batteries formed on the right, next the woods^ were nearly beaten down, and many of the guns dismounted, broken, and rendered useless. That next the river still continued its fire, until three o'clock ; when, perceiving all attempts to force a breach ineffectual, the enemy gave up the con- test^ and retired. Every act of theirs discovers a strange delusion* and unfolds on what wild and fanciful grounds, all their expectations were founded. That the Ameri- can troops were well posted, and strongly defended by pieces of heavy ordnance mounted along their line, was a fact well known ; yet a belief was confidently in- dulged, that the undisciplined collection which consti- tuted the strength of our army, would be able to derive little benefit from such a circumstance ; and that artil- lery could produce but slight advantages in the hands of persons who were strangers to the manner of using it. That many who, from necessity, were called to the direction of the guns, were at first entirely unac- quainted with their management, is indeed true ; yet the accuracy and precision with which they threw their shot, afforded a convincing argument, either that they possessed the capacity of becoming, in a short time, well acquainted with the art of gunnery, or that it was a science, the acquiring of which was not attended with incalculable difficulties. That they would be able to effect an opening, and march through the strong defence in their front, was. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 355 an idea so fondly cherished by our assailants, that an apprehension of failure had scarcely ever occurred. So sanguine were they in this belief, that, early in the morning, their soldiers were arranged along the ditches, in rear of their batteries, prepared and ready to advance to the charge, the moment a breach could be made. Here, by their situation, protected from danger, they remained, waiting the result that should call them to act. But their efforts not having produced the slightest impression, nor their rockets the effect of driving our militia away, they abandoned the contest, and retired to their camp, leaving their batteries materially injured nay, well nigh destroyed. Perceiving their attempts must fail, and that such an effect could not be produced, as would warrant their advance, another expedient was resorted to> but with no better success. It occurred to the British commander, an attack might be made to advantage next the woods, and a force was accordingly ordered to penetrate in this direction, and turn the left of our line, which was supposed not to extend further than to the margin of the swamp. In this way, it was* ex- pected a diversion could be made, while the reserve columns, being in readiness, and waiting, were to press forward the moment this object could be effected. Here, too, disappointment resulted. Coffee's brigade, being already extended into the swamp, as far as it was possible for an advancing party to penetrate, brought unexpected dangers into view, and occasioned an abandonment of the project. That to turn the ex- treme left of the line was practicable, and might be attempted, was the subject of early consideration ; and LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSOA. necessary precaution had been taken to prevent it, Although cutting the levee had raised the waters in the swamp, and increased the difficulties of keeping troops there, yet a fear lest this pass might be sought by the enemy, and the rear of the line thereby gained, Jiad determined the general to extend his defence even here. This had been entrusted to general Coffee ; and surely a more arduous duty can scarcely be imagined. To form a breast-work, in such a place, was attended with many difficulties, and considerable exposure. A slight defence, however, had been thrown up, and the underwood, for thirty or forty yards in front, cut down, that the riflemen, stationed for its protection, might have a complete view of any force, which, through this route, might attempt a passage. When it is recollected, that this position was to be maintained night and day, uncertain of the moment of attack, and that the only opportunity afforded our troops for rest, was on logs and brush, thrown together, by which they were raised above the surrounding water, it may be truly said, that seldom has it fallen to the lot of any to encounter greater hardships : but, accustomed to privation, and alive to those feelings which a love of country inspires, they obeyed without complaining, and cheerfully kept their position until all danger had subsided. S.ensible of the importance of the point they defended, and that it was necessary to be maintained, be the sacrifice what it might, they looked to nothing but a zealous and faithful discharge of the trust confided to them. Our loss, in this affair, was eleven killed, and twen- ty 4hree wounded : that of the enemy was never cor- rectly known. The only certain information is con* LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 357 tained in a communication of the 28th instant from general Lambert to earl Bathurst, in which the casu- alties and losses, from the 1st to the 5th, are stated at seventy-eight Many allowances, however, are to be made for this report. It was written at a time, when* from the numerous disasters encountered, it was not to be presumed the general's mind was in a situation patiently to remember, or minutely to detail the facts. From the great precision of our fire, and the injury visibly sustained by their batteries, their loss was, no doubt, considerable. The enemy's heavy shot having penetrated our entrenchment, in many places, it was discovered not to be as strong as had at first been ima- gined. Fatigue parties were again employed, and its strength daily increased : an additional number of bales of cotton were taken to be applied to strengthening and defending the embrasures along the line. A Frenchman, whose property had been thus, without his consent, seized, fearful of the injury it might sus- tain, proceeded in person to general Jackson, to re- claim it, and to demand its delivery. The general having heard his complaint, and ascertained from him that he was unemployed in any military service, di- rected a musket to be brought to him, and placing it in his hand, ordered him on the line, remarking at the same time, that as he seemed to be a man possessed of property, he knew of none who had a better right to fight, and to defend it. The British had again retired to their encampment. It was well understood by Jackson, that they were in daily expectation of considerable reinforcements ; though he rested with confidence in the belief, that a 358 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. few more days would also bring to his assistance the troops from Kentucky. Each party, therefore, was busily and constantly engaged in preparation, the one to wage a vigorous attack, the other bravely to defend, and resolutely to oppose it. The position of the American army was in the rear of an entrenchment formed of earth, and which ex- tended in a straight line from the river to a consider- able distance in the swamp. In front was a deep ditch, which had been formerly used as a mill-race. The Mis- sissippi had receded and left this dry, next the river, though in many places the water still remained. Along the line, and at unequal distances, to the centre of ge- neral Carroll's command, were guns mounted, of dif- ferent caliber, from six to thirty-two pounders. Near the river, and in advance of the entrenchment, was erected a redoubt, with embrasures, commanding the road along the levee, and calculated to rake the ditch in front. We have heretofore stated, that general Morgan was ordered, on the 24th of December, to cross to the west bank of the Mississippi. From an apprehension entertained that an attempt might be made through Barrataria, and the city reached from the right bank of the river, the general had extended his defence there likewise : in fact, unacquainted with the enemy's views, not knowing the number of their troops, nor, but that they might have sufficient strength to wage an attack in various directions, and anxiously solicit- ous to be prepared at all points, he had carefully di- vided out his forces, that he might guard, and be able LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 353 to protect, in whatever direction an assault should be; waged. His greatest fears, and hence his strongest defence, next to the one occupied by himself, was on the Chef Menteur road, where governor Claiborne, at the head of the Louisiana militia, was posted. The position on the right was formed on the same plan with the line on the left, lower down than that on the left, and extending to the swamp at right angles to the river. Here general Morgan commanded. To be prepared against every possible contingency that might arise, Jackson had established another line- of defence, about two miles in the rear of the one at present occupied, which was intended as a rallying point, in the event he should be driven from his first position. With the aid of his cavalry, to give a mo- mentary check to the advance of the enemy, he ex- pected to be enabled, with inconsiderable injury, to reach it ; where he would again have advantages on his side be in a situation to dispute a further pas- sage ta^the city, and arrest their progress. To in- spirit hifJSown soldiers, and to exhibit to the enemy as great a show as possible of strength and intended re- sistance, his unarmed troops, which constituted no very inconsiderable number, were here stationed. All intercourse between the lines, but by confidential offi- cers, was prohibited, and every precaution and vigi- lance employed, not only to keep this want of prepa- ration concealed from the enemy, but even from being known on his own lines. Occasional firing at a distance, which produced no- 360 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. thing of consequence, was all that marked the interim from the 1st to the 8th. On the 4th of this month, the long-expected rein- J^N, forcement from Kentucky, amounting to twenty-two vhundred and fifty, under the command of major-gene- ral Thomas, arrived at head-quarters ; but so ill pro- vided with arms, as to be incapable of rendering any considerable service. The alacrity with which the citizens of this state had proceeded to the frontiers, and aided in the north-western campaigns, added to the disasters which ill-timed policy or misfortune had produced, had created such a drain, that arms were not to be procured. They had advanced, however, to their point of destination, with an expectation of be- ing supplied on their arrival. About five hundred of them had muskets ; the rest were provided with guns, from which little or no advantage could be expected. The mayor of New Orleans, at the request of general Jackson, had already examined and drawn from the city every weapon that could be found ; while the ar- rival of the Louisiana militia, in an equally unprepared situation, rendered it impossible for the evil to be ef- fectually remedied. A boat, laden with arms, was somewhere on the river, intended for the use and de- fence of the lower country ; but where it was, or when it might arrive, rested alone on hope and conjecture^ Expresses had been despatched up the river, for three hundred miles, to seek and hasten it on ; still there were no tidings of an approach. That so many brave men, at a moment of such anxious peril, should be compelled to stand with folded arms, unable, from their situation, to render the least possible service to LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 36 1 their country, was an event greatly to be deplored, and did not fail to excite the feelings and sensibility of the commanding general. His mind, active, and prepared for any thing but despondency, sought relief in vain; there was none. No alternative was pre- sented, but to place them at his entrenchment in the rear, conceal their actual condition, and by the show they might make, add to his appearance and numbers, without at all increasing his strength. Information was now received that major-general Lambert had joined the British commander-in-chief, with a considerable reinforcement. It had been here- tofore announced in the American camp, that additional forces were expected, and something decisive might be looked for, so soon as they should arrive. This cir- cumstance, in connexion with others, 110 less favouring the idea, had led to the conclusion that a few days more would, in all probability, bring on the struggle which would decide the fate of the city. It was more than ever necessary to keep concealed the situation of his army ; and, above all, to preserve as secret as pos- sible, its unarmed condition. To restrict all communi- cation, even with his own lines, was now, as danger increased, rendered more important. None were per- mitted to leave the line, and none from without to pass into his camp, but such as were to be implicitly confi- ded in. The line of sentinels was strengthened in front, that none might pass to the enemy, should desertion be attempted : yet, notwithstanding this pre- caution and care, his plans and situation were disclosed. On the night of the 6th, a soldier from the line, by some means, succeeded in eluding the vigilance of our 2 z 362 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, sentinels. Early next morning, his departure was discovered : it was at once correctly conjectured he had gone over to the enemy, and would, no doubt, afford them all the information in his power to com- municate. This opinion, as subsequent circumstances disclosed, was well-founded ; and dearly did he atone his crime. He unfolded to the British the situation of the American line; the late reinforcements we had re- ceived, and the unarmed condition of many of the troops ; and, pointing to the centre of general Carroll's division, as a place occupied by militia alone, recom- mended it as the point where an attack might be most prudently and safely made. Other intelligence received was confirmatory of the belief of an impending attack. From some prisoners, taken on the lake, it was ascertained the enemy were busily engaged in deepening Villery's canal, with a view of passing their boats and ordnance to the Mis- sissippi. During the 7th, a constant bustle was per- ceived in the British camp. Along the borders of the canal, their soldiers were continually in motion, march- ing and manoeuvring, for no other purpose than to con- ceal those who were busily engaged at work in the rear. To ascertain the cause of this uncommon stir, and learn their designs, as far as was practicable, commodore Patterson had proceeded down the river, on the opposite side, and, having gained a favourable position, in front of their encampment, discovered them to be actually engaged in deepening the passage to the river. It was no difficult matter to divine their pur- pose. No other conjecture could be entertained, than that an assault was intended to be made on the line LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 363 of defence commanded by general Morgan ; which, if gained, would expose our troops on the left bank to the fire of the redoubt erected on the right ; and in this way compel them to an abandonment of their position. To counteract this scheme was important ; and measures were immediately taken to prevent the execution of a plan, which, if successful, would be attended with incalculable dangers. An increased strength was given to this line. The second regiment of Louisiana militia, and four hundred Kentucky troops, were directed to be crossed over, to reinforce and protect it. Owing to some delay and difficulty in arming them, the latter, amounting, instead of four hundred, to but one hundred and eighty, did not ar- rive until the morning of the 8th. A little before day, they were despatched to aid an advanced party, who, under the command of major Arnaut, had been sent to watch the movements of the enemy, and oppose their landing. The hopes indulged from their opposition were not realized ; and the enemy, unmolested, reach- ed the shore. Morgan's position, besides being strengthened by several brass twelves, was defended by a strong battery, mounting twenty-four pounders, directed by commodore Patterson, which afforded additional strength and security. The line itself was not strong ; yet, if properly maintained by the troops selected to defend it, was believed fully adequate to the purposes of successful resistance. Late at night, Patterson as- certained that the enemy had succeeded in passing their boats through the canal, and immediately com- municated his information to the general. The com- 364 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. modore had already formed the idea of dropping the Louisiana schooner down, to attack and sink them. This thought, though well conceived, was abandoned, from the danger involved, and from an apprehension lest the batteries erected on the river, with which she would come in collision, might, by the aid of hot shot, succeed in blowing her up. It was preferred patiently to await their arrival, believing it would be practica- ble, with the bravery of more than fifteen hundred men, and the slender advantages possessed from their line of defence, to maintain their position, and repel the assailants. On the left bank, where the general in person com- manded, every thing was in readiness to meet the as- sault when it should be made. The redoubt on the levee was defended by a company of the seventh re- giment, under the command of Lieutenant Ross. The regular troops occupied that part of the entrenchment next the river. General Carroll's division was in the centre, supported by the Kentucky troops, under ge- neral John Adair ; while the extreme left, extending for a considerable distance into the swamp, was pro- tected by the brigade of general Coffee. How soon the attack should be waged, was uncertain ; at what moment, rested with the enemy, with us, to be in readiness for resistance. There were many circum- stances, however, favouring the belief, that the hour of contest was not far distant, and indeed fast approach- ing; the bustle of to-day, the efforts to carry their boats into the river, the fascines and scaling-ladders that were preparing, were circumstances pointing to attack, and indicating the hour to be near at hand. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 365 General Jackson, unmoved by appearances, anxiously desired a contest, which he believed would give a tri- umph to his arms, and terminate the hardships of his suffering soldiers. Unremitting in exertion, and con- stantly vigilant, his precaution kept pace with the zeal and preparation of the enemy. He seldom slept : he was always at his post, performing the duties of both general and soldier. His sentinels were doubled, and extended as far as possible in the direction of the British camp ; while a considerable portion of the troops were constantly at the line, with arms in their hands, ready to act, when the first alarm should be given. For eight days had the two armies lain upon the same field, and in view of each other, without any thing decisive being on either side effected. Twice, since their landing, had the British columns essayed to effect by storm the execution of their plans, and twice had failed been compelled to relinquish the attempt, and retire from the contest. It was not to be expected that things could long remain in this dubious state. Soldiers, the pride of England, the boasted conquerors of Europe, were there ; distinguished generals were their leaders, who earnestly desired to announce to their country, and the world, their signal achievements. The high expectations which had been indulged of the success of this expedition, were to be realized, at every peril, or disgrace would follow the failure. The 8th of January at length arrived. The day dawned ; and the signals, intended to produce concert in the enemy's movements, were descried. On the 366 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. left, near the swamp, a sky-rocket was perceived rising in the air ; and presently another ascended from the right, next the river. They were intended to announce that all was prepared and ready, to proceed and carry by storm a defence which had twice foiled their utmost efforts. Instantly the charge was made, and with such rapidity, that our soldiers, at the out posts, with diffi- culty fled in. The British batteries, which had been demolished on the 1st of the month, had been re-established during the preceding night, and heavy pieces of cannon mounted, to aid in their intended operations. These now opened, and showers of bombs and balls were poured upon our line ; while the air was lighted with their congreve rockets. The two divisions, commanded by Sir Edward Packenham in person, and supported by generals Keane and Gibbs, pressed forward ; the right against the centre of general Carroll's command, the left against our redoubt on the levee. A thlck^og, that obscured the'morning, enabled them to approach within a short distance of our entrenchment, before they were discovered. They were now perceived ad- vancing, with firm, quick, and steady pace, in column, with a front of sixty or seventy deep. Our troops, who had for some time been in readiness, and waiting their appearance, gave three cheers, and instantly the whole line was lighted with the blaze of their fire. A burst of artillery and small arms, pouring with de- structive aim upon them, mowed down their front, and arrested their advance. In our musketry there was not a moment's intermission ; as one party discharged their pieces, another succeeded; alternately loading LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 367 and appearing, no pause could be perceived, it was one continued volley. The columns already perceived their dangerous and exposed situation. Battery No. 7, on the left, was ably served by lieutenant Spotts, and galled them with an incessant and destructive fire. Batteries No. 6 and 8 were no less actively employed, and no less successful in felling them to the ground. Notwithstanding the severity of our fire, which few troops could for a moment have withstood, some of those brave men pressed on, and succeeded in gaining the ditch, in front of our works, where they remained during the action, and were afterwards made prisoners. The horror before them was too great to be withstood ; and already were the British troops seen wavering in their determination, and receding from the conflict. At this moment, Sir Edward Packenham, hastening to the front, endeavoured to encourage and inspire them with renewed zeal. His example was of short continu- ance : he soon fell, mortally wounded, in the arms of his aid-de-camp, not far from our line. Generals Gibbs and Keane also fell, and were borne from the field, dangerously wounded. At this moment, general Lam- bert, who was advancing at a small distance in the rear, with the reserve, met the columns precipitately retreating, and in great confusion. His efforts to stop them were unavailing, they continued retreating, un- til they reached a ditch, at the distance of four hun- dred yards, where a momentary safety being found, they were rallied, and halted. The field before them, over which they had ad- vanced, was strewed with the dead and dying. Dan- ger hovered still around ; yet, urged and encouraged 368 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. by their officers, who feared their own disgrace in- volved in the failure, they again moved to the charge. They were already near enough to deploy, and were endeavouring to do so ; but the same constant and un- remitted resistance that caused their first retreat, con- tinued yet unabated. Our batteries had never ceased their fire ; their constant discharges of grape and can- ister, and the fatal aim of our musketry, mowed down the front of the columns as fast as they could be formed. Satisfied nothing could be done, and that certain destruction awaited all further attempts, they forsook the contest and the field in disorder, leaving it almost entirely covered with the dead and wounded. It was in vain their officers endeavoured to animate them to further resistance, and equally vain to attempt coercion. The panic produced from the dreadful re- pulse they had experienced ; the plain, on which they had acted, being covered with innumerable bodies of their countrymen; while, with their most zealous ex- ertions, they had been unable to obtain the slight- est advantage, were circumstances well calculated to make even the most submissive soldier oppose the authority that would have controled him. The light companies of fusileers ; the forty-third and ninety-third regiments, and one hundred men from the West India regiment, led on by colonel Rennie, were ordered to proceed under cover of some chimneys, standing in the field, until having cleared them, to oblique to the river, and advance, protected by the levee, against our redoubt on the right. This work, having been but lately commenced, was in an unfinish- ed state. It was not until the 4th, that general Jack- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 369 son, much against his own opinion, had yielded to the suggestions of others, and permitted its projection ; and, considering the plan on which it had been sketch- ed, had not yet received that strength necessary to its safe defence. The detachment ordered against this place, formed the left of general Keane's command. Rennie executed his orders with great bravery ; and, urging forward, arrived at the ditch. His advance was greatly annoyed by commodore Patterson's battery on the left bank, and the cannon mounted on the redoubt; but reaching our works, and passing the ditch, Ren- nie, sword in hand, leaped on the wall, and calling to his troops, bade them follow ; he had scarcely spoken, when he fell by the fatal aim of our riflemen. Press- ed by the impetuosity of superior numbers, who were mounting the wall, and entering at the embrasures, our troops had retired to the line, in rear of the re- doubt. A momentary pause ensued, but only to be interrupted with increased horrors. Captain BeaL, with the city riflemen, cool and self-possessed, per- ceiving the enemy in his front, opened upon them, and at every discharge brought the object to the ground. To advance, or maintain- the point gained, was equally impracticable for the enemy : to retreat or surrender was the only alternative; for they already perceived the division on the right thrown into confusion, and hastily leaving the field. General Jackson being informed of the success of the enemy on the right, and of their being in posses- sion of the redoubt, pressed forward a reinforcement to regain it. Previously to its arrival they had aban- doned the attempt, and were retiring. They were se- ,3 A 370 LIFE OF QEiNEKAL JACJKSOft. verely galled by such of our guns as could be brought to bear. The levee afforded them considerable pro- tection ; yet by commodore Patterson's redoubt, on the right bank, they suffered greatly. Enfiladed by this, on their advance, they had been greatly annoyed, and now, in their retreat, were no less severely assail- ed. Numbers found a grave in the ditch, before our line ; and of those who gained the redoubt, not one, it is believed, escaped ; they were shot down as fast as they entered. The route, along which they had advanced and retired, was strewed with bodies. Af- frighted at the carnage, they moved from the scene hastily and in confusion. Our batteries were still con- tinuing the slaughter, and cutting them down at every step : safety seemed only to be attainable when they should have retired without the range of our shot ; which, to troops galled as severely as they were, was too remote a relief. Pressed by this consideration, they fled to the ditch, whither the right division had retreated, and there remained until night permitted them to retire. Here was a period, the most auspicious that had appeared during the war, to have gained a complete triumph to our arms. What important events, in a nation's history, are often the result of slight occur- rences ! and how often are they prevented by causes no less inconsiderable ! This truth is apparent in the fate* of this grand expedition, which had been fitted out to humble our national pride ; and which would have been captured or destroyed but for the ill-timed policy of the government, or its agents, who, as has been shown, prevented the arrival of the arms destined LIFE OF GfciNERAL JACKSON. 371 for this place, because an inconsiderable sum was thereby saved to the nation. A considerable portion of our troops were inactive and useless for the want of arms to place in their hands. If this had not been the case had they been in a situation to have acted efficiently, the whole British army must have submit- ted. But, situated as Jackson then was, pursuit would have been rashness ; though, with the additional force which a sufficiency of arms would have placed at his command, much might have been effected against an enemy whose ranks were thinned by the unparalleled slaughter of the day ; and who, panic-struck, and flee- ing from the danger before them, were incompetent to resistance, and already believed themselves con- quered : but prudence, under existing circumstances, strongly opposed the idea of pursuit, and suggested to the commanding general, that although he had thus signally achieved even more than he had expected, yet with the kind of troops it had been effected, inferior in number and discipline, to attempt, even under pre- sent advantages, a contest on the plain, was hazarding too greatly. Colonel Hinds was very solicitous, and in person applied to the commanding general for leave to pursue, at the head of his dragoons, the fleeing and broken columns of the enemy : Jackson, however, would not permit it. " My reason for refusing," he remarked, " was, that it might become necessary to sustain him, and thus a contest in the open field be brought on: the lives of my men were of value to their country, and much too dear to their families to be hazarded where necessity did not require it ; but above all, from 372 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. the numerous dead and wounded stretched out on the field before me, I felt a confidence that the safety of the city was most probably attained, and hence, that nothing calculated to reverse the good fortune we had met should be attempted." His reasoning on this subject was certainly correct, and such as feeling and policy sanctioned. If an at- tack had been urged, and the effort crowned with suc- cess, enough having been done, the splendour of the late transaction would be but partially increased, and little additional lustre reflected on the American cha- racter : if, however, unsuccessful, the object of the ex- pedition was then secured to the enemy ; and all that had, for so many days, and under such weighty pri- vations, been contended for, would, at the instant, have been sacrificed and lost. In addition to this, his sol- diers were most of them owners of the soil, who had families anxiously concerned for their safety, and whose happiness depended upon their return: such men would have proven a loss to the community, too great to warrant their being risked for the mere gra- tification of pride; in opposition, too, to those whose trade was war; and w^ho, wholly abstracted from every thing like principle, contended in battle with- out knowing why, or for what they fought. The lives of his soldiers were too valuable to their families and the community, to be risked upon a venture not war- ranted by necessity, nor required by the interest and honour of the country. He preferred, therefore, to adopt what seemed the safer course ; to continue his position, which assured protection to the city, and the LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 373 inhabitants, rather than by endeavouring to obtain more, to endanger the loss of every thing. The efforts of the enemy to carry our line of de- fence on the left, were seconded by an attack on the right bank, with eight hundred chosen troops, under the command of colonel Thornton. Owing to the diffi- culty of passing the boats from the canal to the river, and the strong current of the Mississippi, the troops destined for this service were not crossed, nor the op- posite shore reached for some hours after the expectr ed moment of attack. By the time he had effected a landing, the day had dawned, and the flashes of the guns announced the battle begun. Supported by three gun-boats, he hastened forward, with his command, in the direction of Morgan's entrenchment. Some time during the night of the 7th, two hun- dred Louisiana militia had been sent off; to watch the movements of the enemy, and oppose him in his land- ing: this detachment, under the command of major Arnaud, had advanced a mile down the river and halt- ed ; either supposing the general incorrect, in appre- hending an attack, or that his men, if refreshed, would be more competent to exertion, he directed them to lie down and sleep : one man only was ordered to be upon the watch, lest the enemy should approach them undiscovered. Just at day, he called upon his sleep- ing companions, and bade them rise and be ready, for he had heard a considerable bustle, a little below. No sooner risen, than confirmed in the truth of what had been stated, they moved off in the direction they had come, without even attempting an execution of their 374 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. orders. The Kentucky troops, having reached Mor- gan at five o'clock in the morning, were immediately sent to co-operate with the Louisianians. Major Da- vis, who commanded, had proceeded about three quar- ters of a mile, and met those troops hastily retreating up the road ; he ascertained from them that the ene- my had made the shore; had debarked, and were moving rapidly up the levee. He informed them for what purpose he had been despatched, to oppose an approach as long as practicable, and with their assist- ance, he would endeavour to execute his orders. The two detachments, now acting together, formed behind a saw-mill-race, skirted with a quantity of plank and scantling, which afforded a tolerable shel- ter. Davis, with his two hundred Kentuckians, formed on the road next the river, supported by the Loui- siana militia on the right. The enemy appearing, their approach was resisted, and a warm and spirited opposition for some time maintained: a momentary check was given. The British again advanced, and again received a heavy fire. At this moment, gene- ral Morgan's aid-de-camp, who was present, perceiv- ing the steady advance of the enemy, and fearing for the safety of the troops, ordered a retreat. Confusion was the consequence order could not be maintained, and the whole fled, in haste, to Morgan's line. Arriv- ing in safety, though much exhausted, they were im- mediately directed to form, and extend themselves to the swamp ; that the right of the entrenchment might not be turned. Colonel Thornton having reached an orange grove, LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 375 about seven hundred yards distant, halted ; and exa- mining Morgan's line, found it to " consist of a formi- dable redoubt on the river," with its weakest and most vulnerable point towards the swamp. He directly advanced to the attack, in two divisions, against the extreme right and centre of the line ; and, having de- ployed, charged the entrenchment, defended by about fifteen hundred men. A severe discharge, from the field pieces mounted along our works, caused the right division to oblique, which, uniting with the left, pressed forward to the point occupied by the Ken- tucky troops. Perceiving themselves thus exposed, and having not yet recovered from the emotions pro- duced by their first retreat, they began to give way, and very soon entirely abandoned their position. The Louisiana militia gave a few fires and followed the example. Through the exertions of the officers, a momentary halt was effected ; but a burst of congreve rockets falling thickly and setting fire to the sugar- cane, and other combustibles around, again excited their fears, and they moved hastily away ; nor could they be rallied, until at the distance of two miles, hav- ing reached a saw-mill-race, they were formed, and placed in an attitude of defence. Commodore Patterson, perceiving the right flank about to be turned, had ceased his destructive fire against the retreating columns on the opposite shore, and turned his guns to infilade the enemy next the swamp; but, at the moment when he expected to witness a firm resistance, and was in a situation to eo-operate, he beheld those without whose aid all his efforts were unavailing, suddenly thrown into con- 376 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. fusion, and forsaking their posts. Discovering he could no longer maintain his ground, he spiked his guns, destroyed his ammunition, and retired from a post where he had rendered the most important services. In the panic that produced this disorderly retreat, at a moment when manly resistance was expected, are to be found circumstances of justification, which might have occasioned similar conduct even in disciplined troops. The weakest part of the line, and which was protected but by a slight ditch, was assailed by the greatest strength of the enemy: this was defended by one hundred and eighty Kentuckians, who were stretch- ed out to an extent of three hundred yards, and unsup- ported by any pieces of artillery. Thus openly ex- posed to the attack of a greatly superior force, and weakened by the extent of ground they covered, it is not to be wondered at, or deserving of reproach, that they should have considered resistance ineffectual, and forsaken a post, which they had strong reasons for be- lieving* they could not maintain. General Morgan re- ported to general Jackson the misfortune and defeat he had met, and attributed it to the flight of those troops, who had also drawn along with them the rest of his forces. It is true, they were the first to flee ; and equally true, that their example may have had the effect of producing general alarm; but in point of ad- vantageous situation, the troops materially differed : the one, as we have shown, were exposed, and enfee- bled by the manner of their arrangement ; the other, the considerably superior numbers, covered no greater extent of ground, were defended by an excellent breast-work, and several pieces of cannon : with this LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 377 difference, the loss of confidence of the former was not without sufficient cause. Of these facts, commo- dore Patterson was not apprized general Morgan was: both, however, attributed the disaster to the flight of the Kentucky militia. Upon their informa- tion, general Jackson founded his report to the secre- tary of war, by which those troops were exposed to censures they did not merit. Had all the circum- stances, as they existed, been disclosed, reproach would have been prevented. At the mill-race, no troops could have behaved better: they were well posted, and bravely resisted the advance of the enemy, nor, until an order to that effect was given, had enter- tained a thought of retreating. The heart-felt joy at the glorious victory achieved on one side of the river, was clouded by the disaster witnessed on the other. A position was gained which secured to the enemy advantages the most important ; and whence our whole line, on the left bank, could be severely annoyed. But for the precaution of commo- dore Patterson, in spiking his guns, and destroying the ammunition, it would have been in the power of colo- nel Thornton to have completely enfiladed our line of defence, and rendered it untenable. Fearful lest the guns might be unspiked, and brought to operate against him, general Jackson hastened to throw detachments across, with orders to regain the position at every hazard. To the troops on the right bank, he forwarded an address, with a view to excite them to deeds of valour, and inspirit them to exertions that should wipe off the reproach they had drawn upon themselves.* *See note D. 3 B 378 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON* Previously, however, to their being in readiness to act* he succeeded by stratagem in re-obtaining his lost po- sition, and thus spared the effusion of blood which would have been necessary to its accomplishment. The loss of the British, in the main attack, on the left bank, has been, at different times, variously stated* The killed, wounded, and prisoners, ascertained, on the next day after the battle, by colonel Hayne, the inspector-general, places it at twenty-six hundred. General Lambert's report to lord Bathurst makes it but tw r o thousand and seventy. From prisoners, how- ever, and information and circumstances derived through other sources, it must have been even greater than is stated by either. Among them was the com- mander-in-chief, and major-general Gibbs, who died of his wounds the next day, besides many of their most valuable and distinguished officers ; while the loss of the Americans, in killed and wounded, was but thir- teen.* It appears to have been made a question by the British officers, if it would not be more advisable to carry general Morgan's line, and refrain from any at* * Our effective force, at the line, on the left bank, was three thousand seven hundred ; that of the enemy at least nine thousand. The force landed in Louisiana has been variously reported : the best information places it at about fourteen thousand. A part of this acted with colonel Thornton ; the climate had rendered many unfit for the duties of the field ; while a considerable number had been killed and wounded in the different contests since their arrival. Their strength, therefore, may be fairly estimated, on the 8th, at the number we have stated j at any rate, not less. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 379 tempt on this side the river. It was believed, that if successful in this attack, they would be able to force general Jackson from his entrenchment, and pass with the main body of the army, in safety, to the city. A letter found in the possession of captain Wilkinson, a British officer, who fell in the battle, to a friend at home, in the war department, speaking on this subject, shows that a difference of opinion prevailed, and confesses his own as being decidedly in favour of a vigorous at- tack on both sides. It bears date late on the night of the 7th, nor does it appear, although he was a captain and brigade-major, that he, at that time, knew whether an assault was seriously intended against Jackson's line, or was designed as a feint, to aid the operations of colonel Thornton. With the true spirit of a British officer, however, he indulged in entire confidence a hope of success, entertained no fears for the result, nor doubted but that the Americans would at once re- tire before their superior skill and bravery. A general order, which must have been communicated after he had written, disclosing the manner of attack, on the left, where he acted, was also found with the letter. In that the fusileers and light troops were instructed, after reaching our line, to act as a pursuing squadron, and keep up alarm, while the army on the right should press closely in the rear and support them. It breathes an assurance of success, and shows with what anxiety they looked to the approaching morning, as likely to bring with it a successful termination of their labours, and a triumph over a foe, whose advantages, more than bravery, they supposed, had so long baffled their utmost efforts. 380 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. That it was considered, however, an undertaking oi greater magnitude and hazard than they were dispos- ed openly to admit, is obvious, from one circumstance. The officer who leads his troops on a forlorn attempt, not unfrequently places before them allurements stronger than either authority or duty. On the pre- sent occasion, this resort was not omitted ; and induce- ments were held out, than which nothing more invit- ing could be offered to an infuriated soldiery.* Let it be remembered of that gallant but misguided general, who has been so much deplored by the British nation, that, to the cupidity of his soldiers, he promised the wealth of the city, as a recompense for their gallantry and desperation ; while, with brutal licentiousness, they were to revel in lawless indulgence, and triumph, uncontrolled, over female innocence. Scenes like these, our nation, dishonoured and insulted, had al- ready witnessed ; she had witnessed them at Hamp- ton and Havre-de- Grace : but it was reserved for her yet to learn that an officer of the character and stand- ing of Sir Edward Packenham, polished, generous, and brave, should, to induce his soldiers to acts of daring valour, permit them, as a reward, to insult, injure, and debase those whom all mankind, even savages, reve- rence and respect. The history of Europe, since civi- lized warfare began, is challenged to afford an instance of such gross depravity, such wanton outrage on the morals and dignity of society. English writers may deny the correctness of the charge ; it certainly inte- rests them to do so : but its authenticity is too well * " Booty and Beauty," was the watch-word of Sir Edward Packen- ham's army, in the battle of the 8th. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 381 established to admit of doubt, while its criminality is increased, from being the act of a people who hold themselves up to surrounding nations as examples of every thing that is correct and proper. The facts and circumstances which were presented at the time of this transaction left no doubt on the minds of our offi- cers, but that " Beauty and Booty" was the watch- word of the day. The information was obtained from prisoners, and confirmed by .the books of two of their orderly-sergeants taken in battle, which contained re- cord proof of the fact. The events of this day afford abundant evidence of the liberality of the American soldiers, and show a striking difference in the troops of the two nations. While one were allured to acts of bravery and duty, by the promised pillage and plunder of the inhabitants, and the commission of crimes abhorrent in the sight of earth and heaven, the other fought but for his country, and, having repelled her assailants, instantly forgot all enmity, viewed his fallen foe as a brother, and hastened to assist him, even at the hazard of his own life. The gallantry of the British soldiers, and no people could have displayed greater, had brought many of them even to our ramparts, where, shot down by our troops, they were lying badly wounded. When the firing had ceased, and the columns had retired, our troops, with generous benevolence, advanced over their lines, to assist and bring in the wounded, which lay under and near the walls ; when, strange to tell, the enemy, from the ditch they occupied, opened a fire upon them, and, though at a considerable distance, succeeded in wounding several. It was enough for 382 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. our generous soldiers, that they were doing an act which the benevolence of their hearts approved, and, with charitable perseverance, they continued to ad- minister to the wants of these suffering men, and to carry them within their lines, although, in their efforts, they were continually exposed to danger. Let the apologist for crime say, wherefore were acts thus un- pardonable committed against men, who were admi- nistering to the wants and relieving the sufferings of the dying countrymen of those who thus repaid the most laudable humanity with wanton and useless cruelty. A communication, shortly after, from major-general Lambert, on whom, in consequence of the fall of ge- nerals Packenham, Gibbs, and Keane, the command had devolved, acknowledges to have witnessed the kindness of our troops to his wounded. He solicited of general Jackson permission to send an unarmed party to bury the dead, lying before his lines, and to bring off such of the wounded as were dangerous. Though, in all probability, it was unknown to general Lambert what had been the conduct of his troops on this occasion, and unquestionably not authorized by him, yet Jackson, in answer to his despatch, did not omit to bring it to his view, and to express his utter abhorrence of the act. The request to bury the dead was granted. General Jackson, though, refused to per- mit a near approach to his line, but consented that the wounded who were at a greater distance than three hundred yards from the entrenchment should be re- lieved, and the dead buried: those nearer were, by his own men, to be delivered over, to be interred by LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 383 their countrymen. This precaution was taken, that the enemy might not have an opportunity to inspect, or know any thing of his situation. /* General Lambert, desirous of administering to the relief of the wounded, and that he might be relieved from his apprehensions of attack, proposed, about noon, that hostilities should cease until the same hour the next day. General Jackson, cherishing the hope of being able to secure an important advantage, by his apparent willingness to accede to the proposal, drew up an armistice, and forwarded it to general Lambert, with directions for it to be immediately returned, if approved. It contained a stipulation to this effect that hostilities, on the left bank of the river, should be discontinued from its ratification, but on the right bank they should not cease ; and, in the interim, that under no circumstances were reinforcements to be sent across, by either party. This \vas a bold stroke at stratagem ; and, although it succeeded, even to the extent desired, was yet attended with considerable hazard. Reinforcements had been ordered over to retake the position lost by Morgan in the morning, and the general presumed they had arrived at their point of destination, but, at this time, they had not passed the river, nor could it be expected to be re- taken with the same troops who had yielded it the day before, when possessed of advantages which gave 1 them a decided superiority : this the commanding ge- neral-well knew; yet, to spare the sacrifice of his men, which, in regaining it, he foresaw must be con- siderable, he was disposed to venture upon a course, which, he felt assured, could not fail to succeed. It 384 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSlXN. was impossible his object could be discovered; while he confidently believed the British commander would infer, from the prompt and ready manner in which his proposal had been met, that such additional troops were already thrown over, as would be fully adequate to the purposes of attack, and greatly to endanger, if not wholly to cut off, colonel Thornton's retreat. Ge- neral Lambert's construction was such as had been anticipated. Although the armistice contained a re- quest that it should be immediately signed and return- ed, it was neglected to be acted upon until the next day; and Thornton and his command were, in the interim, under cover of the night, re-crossed, and the ground they occupied left to be peaceably possessed by the original holders. The opportunity thus afford- ed of regaining a position on which, in a great degree, depended the safety of those on the opposite shore, was accepted with an avidity its importance merited, and immediate measures taken to increase its strength, and prepare it against any future attack that might be made. This delay of the British commander was evidently designed, that, pending the negotiation, and before it was concluded, an opportunity might be had, either of throwing over reinforcements, or re- moving colonel Thornton and his troops from a situa- tion so extremely perilous. Early next morning, general Lambert returned his acceptance of what had been proposed, with an apology for having failed to reply sooner : he excused the omission, by pleading a press of business, which had occasioned the communication to be overlooked and neglected. Jackson was at no loss to attribute the delay to the correct motive : the apology, however, was as perfectly satisfactory to him LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 385 as anything that could have been offered; beyond the object intended to be effected, he felt unconcerned, and, having secured this, rested perfectly satisfied. It cannot, however, appear otherwise than extraordinary, that this neglect should have been ascribed by the British general to accident, or a press of business, when it must have been, no doubt, of greater import- ance, at that moment, than any thing which he could possibly have had before him. The armistice was this morning, (9th of January) concluded, and agreed to continue until two o'clock in the evening. The dead and wounded were now re- moved from the field, which for three hundred yards in front of our line of defence, they almost literally co- vered. For the reason already suggested, our soldiers, within the line of demarkation between the two camps, delivered over to the British, who were not permitted to cross it, the dead for burial, and the wounded on parole, for which it was stipulated, an equal number of American prisoners should be restored. It has seldom happened that officers were more de- ceived in their expectations than they were in the re- sult of this battle, or atoned more severely their error: their reasoning had never led them to conclude that militia would maintain their ground when warmly as- sailed : no other belief was entertained, than alarmed at the appearance and orderly firm approach of vete- ran troops, they would at once forsake the contest, and in flight seek for safety. At what part of our line they were stationed, was ascertained by information derived through a deserter, on the 6th ; and influenced 3c 3#6 LIFE OF GENERAt JACKSON. by a belief of their want of nerve, and deficiency in bravery, at this point the main assault was urged. They were indeed militia ; but the enemy could have assailed no part of our entrenchment where they would have met a warmer reception, or where they would have found greater strength : it was indeed the best defended part of the line. The Kentucky and Tennessee troops, under generals Carroll, Thomas and Adair, were here, who had already, on former oc- casions, won a reputation that was too dear to be sa- crificed. These divisions, alternately charging their pieces, and mounting the platform, poured forth a con- stant fire, that was impossible to be withstood, repel- led the advancing columns, and drove them from the field, with prodigious slaughter. There is one fact told, to which general credit seems to be attached, and which clearly shows the opinion had by the British of our militia, and the little fear which was entertained of any determined opposi- tion from them. When repulsed from our line, the British officers were fully persuaded that the informa- tion given them by the deserter, on the night of the 6th, was false, and that instead of pointing out the ground defended by the militia, he had referred them to the place occupied by our best troops. Enraged at what they believed an intentional deception, they called their informant before them, to account for the mis- chief he had done. It was in vain he urged his inno- cence, and, with the most solemn protestations, declar- ed he had stated the fact truly as it was. They could not be convinced, it was impossible that they had contended against any but the best disciplined troops; LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON*. 387 * ' \ and, without further ceremony, the poor fellow, sus- pended in view of the camp, expiated, on a tree, not his crime, for what he had stated was true, but their error, in underrating an enemy who had already af- forded abundant evidences of valour. In all their fu- ture trials with our countrymen, may they be no less deceived, and discover in our yeomanry a determina- tion to sustain with firmness, a government which knows nothing of oppression ; but which, on an en- larged and liberal scale, aims to secure the indepen- dence and happiness of man. If the people of the United States, free almost as the air they breathe, shall at any time omit to maintain their privileges and their government, then indeed will it be idle longer to speak of the rights of men, or of their capacity to govern themselves: the dream of liberty must fade away and perish forever, no more? to be remembered or thought of. CHAPTER XI. Bombardment of Fort St. Philip. British army retire to their shipping. General Jackson, with his troops, returns to New Orleans. Day of thanksgiving. Reduction of Fort Bowyer. Legislature of Louisiana recommence their session. Discontents fomented among the American troops. Arrest of Louaillier, of Judge Hall. Peace announced. General Jackson is prosecuted for contempt of court his appearance in court. Speech at the Cojfee-House. His own opinion of martial law. Troops are discharged, and the general returns to Nashville. His person and character. Conclusion. THE conflict had ended, and each army occupied its former position. In appearance the enemy were visi- bly altered : menace was sunk into dejection, and offensive measures yielded for those which promised safety. Their bold attitude so long preserved, was now lain aside ; and they were perceived to be erect- ing partial defences, to guard against expected attack. It had been already announced, upon good authority, that a considerable force had succeeded in passing the Balize made prisoners of a detachment there, and was proceeding up the Mississippi, to co-operate with the land forces. It was intended to aid in the battle of the 8th, but failing to arrive, the attack had been made without it. Whether the enemy, chagrined and mortified at the failure of an effort, into which the idea of disappointment had never entered, might not again renew the attack, on the arrival of this force, was a probable event, and every preparation was in progress to be again in readiness to repel it LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 389 Of this formidable advance, no certain intelligence was received until the night of the 1 1th, when a heavy cannonading, supposed to be on Fort St. Philip, was distinctly heard. Jackson entertained no fears for the result. The advantages in defence, which his precau- tion and vigilance had early extended to this passage to the city, added to an entire confidence in the skill and bravery of the officer to whom it had been con- fided, led him to .believe there was nothing to be ap- prehended; and that every thing which duty and bravery could effect, would be done. The enemy's squadron, consisting of two bomb vessels, a brig, sloop, and schooner, were discovered by the videttes, from Fort Bourbon, on the morning of the 9th, directing their course up the river; signals were made, in- formation communicated, and every thing was in readi- ness to receive them. About ten o'clock, having ap- proached within striking distance, an assault was com- menced on the fort, and an immense quantity of bombs and balls were discharged against it. A severe and well-directed fire from our water battery soon com- pelled them to abandon the attack, and retire about two miles. At this distance, the enemy was possess- ed of decided advantages, having it in their power to reach the fort, with the shot from their large mor- tis, while they were entirely without th& range of- ouis. The assault continued, without much intermis- sion, from the 9th until the night of the 17th. They had hitherto lain beyond the effective range of our shot, ani although from their large mortars the fort had been^onstantly reached, and pierced in innume- rable piace$, still, such an effect had not been pro- duced, as to justify a belief, that they could now. more 390 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSO. than at the moment of their arrival, venture to pass. A heavy mortar having been prepared, and turned against them on the 17th, the security they had hith- erto enjoyed was taken away : their vessels could now be reached, and considerable effect was discovered to be produced. This circumstance, and an ineffectual bombardment, which though continued for eight days, had secured no decided advantage, induced them to suspend all further efforts ; and, on the morning of the 18th, they retired^ Major Overton, who commanded at this place, his officers, and soldiers, distinguished themselves by their activity and vigilance. To arrest the enemy's passage up the river, and prevent them from uniting with the forces below the city, was of great import- ance ; and to succeed in this was as much as could be expected. So long, therefore, as they kept at a distance, nor attempted a final accomplishment of their object, no other concern was felt than to watch their ma- noeuvres, and adopt such a course as should afford safety to the troops in the garrison ; for this purpose, pieces of timber and scantling were used, which formed a cover, and gave protection from their bombs. The store of ammunition was also divided, and buried in different places in the earth, that in the event of acci- dent the whole might not be lost. During the period of the bombardment, which lasted with little intermis- sion for nine days, sleep was almost a strange-' in the fort The night was the time when most of *H it was feared lest the enemy, aided by the darkness, and as- sisted by some fortunate breeze, would ha-e it in their power to ascend the river, in despite of ^very opposi- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 391 tion : the constant activity which was necessary, prevented all opportunities for repose. On a tempes- tuous night, the wind setting fair to aid them, an attempt was made to pass : to divert the attention of the fort, and favour the chances for ascent, their boats were sent forward to commence an attack. In this, however, they were disappointed, and compelled to abandon the undertaking. At length, after many fruitless efforts, and an immense waste of labour and ammunition, they retired without effecting their purpose, or producing, to us, a greater injury than the loss of nine of the garrison, who were killed and wounded. The failure of this squadron to ascend the river, perhaps, determined general Lambert in the course which he immediately adopted. His situation before our line was truly an unpleasant one. Our batteries,, after the 8th, were continually throwing balls and bombs into his camp; and wherever a party of troops appeared in the field, they were greatly annoyed. Thus harass- ed, perceiving that all assistance through this chan- nel had failed, and constantly in apprehension lest an attack should be made upon him, he resolved on avail- ing himself of the first favourable opportunity to depart, arid forsake a contest where every effort had met dis- appointment, and where an immense number of his troops had found their graves. The more certainly to effect a retreat in safety, detachments had been sent out to remove every obstruction that could retard their progress through the swamp; while, to give greater facility to his departure, strong redoubts were erected on the way, and bridges thrown across every creek and bayou that obstructed the passage. Every thing being LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. thus prepared, on the night of the 18th, general Lam- bert silently decamped, and, proceeding towards the lake, embarked for his shipping, leaving, and recom- mending to the clemency and hospitality of the Ameri- can general, eighty of his soldiers, who were too severe- ly wounded to be removed. With such silence and caution was this decampment managed, that riot the slightest intelligence was communicated, even to our sentinels occupying the out posts. Early on the next morning, the enemy's camp was perceived to be eva- cuated; but what had become of them, and whither they had gone, could only be conjectured : no information on the subject was possessed. To ascertain the cause of this new and sudden appearance of things, detach- ments were in readiness to proceed and reconnoitre their camp, when surgeon Wadsdale, of the staff, ar- rived at our line, with a letter to general Jackson, from the British commander, announcing his determination to suspend, " for the present, all further operations against New Orleans," and requesting his humanity towards the wounded he had left, and whom necessity had compelled him to abandon. Detachments were now sent out to ascertain the cause of this unexpected state of things ; with orders to harass their rear, if a retreat were really intended. But the precaution taken by the enemy, arid the ground over which they were retreating, prevented pursuit in sufficient numbers to secure any valuable result The system of operations which Jackson had prescribed for himself, he believed was such as policy sanctioned, nor to be abandoned but for advantages evidently certain, and which admitted not of question. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 393 To pursue on a route protected and defended by canals, redoubts, and entrenchments, would, at least, have been adventuring upon an uncertain issue, where success was extremely problematical, and where in- jury and loss might have resulted. Thus, at last, in total disappointment, terminated an invasion from which much had been expected. Twen- ty-six days ago, flushed with the hope of certain victory, had this army erected its standard on the banks of the Mississippi. At that moment, they would have treated with contempt an assertion, that in ten days they would not enter the city of New Orleans. How changed the portrait, from the expected reality ! But a few days since, and they were confident of a triumph, and a successful termination of their labours : now, vanquished, beaten, and cut to pieces, at midnight, un- der the cover of its darkness, they are found silently abandoning their camp, breaking to pieces their ar- tillery, fleeing from an enemy, who, but a little while before, they had held in utter contempt, and submit- ting their wounded to his clemency. A demonstration is given, which a Briton, short of absolute proof, would have been among the last to have admitted, that four- teen thousand troops, who, oftentimes, against the sternest opposition, had signalized themselves in bat- tle, arid marched to victory, could, under any circum- stances, be beaten, and one-third of them destroyed, by an inferior number of men, who scarcely knew how to form in column, or deploy into line : yet they knew that which was of infinitely more service in nerving with strength the soldier's arm, and dispelling every thing like fear, that they were contending for their rights, 3D 394 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON* against a power which was causelessly seeking their destruction, for privilege against usurpation, for liberty, in opposition to oppression : that they were fighting for a country they loved, and for enjoyments, which, once lost, could never be regained. Prompted by these considerations, they had entered the field, and under their influence had acted. For their toils and privations, they were amply remunerated : they had met their own and country's expectations had saved a city from destruction its inhabitants from cruelty and dishonour, and were carrying with them that consolation which the recollection of a faithful discharge of duty never fails to inspire. There was no certainty that the contest was finally ended. The enemy had indeed retired, and, " for the present, relinquished all further operations against New Orleans :" but of w r hat continuance their forbear- ance would be, whether they might not avail them- selves of the first flattering opportunity, to renew the struggle, and wipe off the stain of a defeat so wholly unexpected, could not be doubted. The hopes and expectations indulged, in England, of the success of this expedition, had inspirited the whole army ; and failure had never been anticipated. They had now retired ; yet, from their convenient situation, and hav- ing command of the surrounding waters, it was in their power, at a short notice, to re-appear, at the same, or some more favourable point cause a repeti- tion of l the hardships already encountered, and, per- haps, ^succeed in the accomplishment of their views. These considerations led general Jackson to conclude, that, although, for the present, there was an abandon- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 395 ment of the enterprise, still it behoved him not to relax in his system of defence ; but be in constant readiness to maintain the advantages he had gained ; and not to risk a loss of the country by a careless in- difference, growing out of the belief that danger had subsided. To prevent such a result, vigilance and caution were essentially necessary. The enemy being again at their shipping, with an entire control of the lakes and gulf, it could not be known at what point they might venture on a second attack. General Jackson determined now to withdraw his troops from the position they had so long occupied, and place them about the city, whence, to repel any further attempt that might be made, they could be advanced wherever it should become necessary. The seventh regiment of infantry remained to protect the point he was leaving; while, further in advance, on Villery's canal, where a landing had been first effect- ed, were posted a detachment of Kentucky and Loui- siana militia. To secure this point more effectually, orders were given, on the 22d, to throw up a strong- fortification, at the junction of Manzant and Bayou Bienvenu; which order was again attempted to be executed on the 25th. On both occasions, failure was the result, from the circumstance of the enemy having, on their retreat, left a strong guard at this place, which, from its situation, defied approach by a force compe- tent to its reduction. Their occupying this position was looked to as a circumstance which afforded strong evidence that further hostilities were not wholly aban- doned. To counteract, however, any advantages which plight thence be derived, different points, along the 396 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON*. swamp, and in the direction of Terre au Boeuf, were occupied, and strong works erected, to prevent their again reaching in this direction the banks of the Mis- sissippi. These arrangements being made, calculated, if not to prevent, at least to give intelligence of an approach in time to be resisted, on the 20th of January, general Jackson, with his remaining forces, commenced his march to New Orleans. The general glow excited, at beholding his entrance into the city, at the head of a long suffering and victorious army, was manifested by all those feelings which patriotism and sympathy inspire. The windows and streets were Crowded, to view the man, who, by vigilance, decision, and en- ergy, had preserved the country from the fate to which it had been devoted. It was a scene well calculated to excite the tenderest emotions. But a few weeks since, and every bosom throbbed for deliverance and safety. Fathers, sons, and husbands, urged by the ne- cessity of the times, were toiling in defence of their wives and children. A ferocious soldiery, numerous, and skilled in the art of war, and to whom every in dulgence had been promised, were straining exertion to effect their object. Every cannon that echoed from the line was, perhaps, the signal of approach, and the commencement of indescribable horrors. But those feelings had subsided : the painful anticipations which had lasted so long, were gone. The tender female, relieved from the anguish of danger and suspense, no longer trembled for her safety and her honour : a new order of things had arisen : joy sparkled in every coun- tenance ; while scarcely a widow or an orphan was LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 397 seen, to cloud the general transport The command- ing general, under whose banners every thing had been achieved, deliberate, cool, and sparing of the lives of the brave defenders of their country, had dis- pelled the storm which had so long threatened to in- volve the ruin of thousands ; and was now restoring, safe and unhurt, those who had with him maintained the contest. His approach was hailed with acclama- tions : it was not the kind of applause, which, result- ing from fear, is oftentimes extended by the subject, to some conqueror or tyrant returning in triumph, but that which was extended by citizens to a citizen, springing from affection, and founded in the honest sincerity of the heart. All greeted his return, and hailed him as their deliverer. But, amidst the warm expression of their thanks, and the honours and congratulations heaped upon him, he was not unmindful, that to an energy superior to his own, and a wisdom which controls the destiny of na- tions, he was indebted for the glorious triumph of our arms. Respited from the arduous duties of the field, his first concern was to draw the minds of all in thank- fulness and adoration to that sovereign mercy, without whose aid, and inspiring counsel, vain would be all earthly efforts. The 23d having been appointed a day of prayer and thanksgiving for the happy deliverance effected by our arms, Jackson repaired to the cathe- dral. The church and altar were splendidly decorated, and more than could obtain admission had crowded to witness the ceremony. A grateful recollection of his exertions to save the country, was cherished by all ; nor did the solemnity of the occasion, even here, re- 398 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. strain a manifestation of their regard, or induce them to withhold the honour he had so nobly earned. Chil- dren, robed in white, and representing the different states, were employed in strewing the way with flow- ers ; while, as he passed, a flattering ode produced for the occasion saluted his ears. Hail to the chief! who hied at war's alarms, To save our threaten'd land from hostile arms ; Preserv'd, protected by his gallant care, Be his the grateful tribute of each fair : With joyful triumph swell the choral lay Strew, strew with flow'rs the hero's welcome way. Jackson, all hail ! our country's pride and boast, Whose mind's a council, and his arm a host; Welcome, blest chief ! accept our grateful lays, Unbidden homage, and spontaneous praise ; Remembrance, long, shall keep alive thy fame, And future infants learn to lisp thy name. When the general reached the church, Dubourg, the reverend administrator of the diocese, met him at the door. Addressing him in a strain of pious eloquence, he intreated him to remember, that his splendid achievements, which were echoed from every tongue, were to be ascribed to Him to whom all praise was due. " Let the votary of blind chance," continued he, " de- ride our credulous simplicity. Let the cold-hearted atheist look for an explanation of important events, to the mere concatenation of human causes ; to us, the whole world is loud in proclaiming a Supreme Ruler, who, as he holds the destiny of man in his hands, holds also the thread of all contingent occurrences; from his lofty throne, he moves every scene below, infuses his wisdom into the rulers of nations, and executes his LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 399 uncontrollable judgments on the sons of men, accord- ing to the dictates of his own unerring justice." He concluded his impressive address, by presenting the general with a wreath of laurel, woven for the occasion, and which he desired him to accept as " a prize of victory." General Jackson accepted the pledge, presented as a mark of distinguished favour by the reverend pre- late, and returned him a reply no less impressive than the address he had received. He was now conducted in, and seated near the altar, when the organ, and church ceremonies were commenced, and inspired every mind with a solemn reverence for the occasion.* These being ended, he retired to his quarters, to renew a system of defence, which should ensure entire safety, and ward off any future danger that might arise. The right bank of the Mississippi was now strengthened by additional reinforcements, and a strong position taken on La Fourche, to prevent any passage in that direo- tion. Suitable arrangements for security having been already made below the city, generals Coffee and Car- roll were instructed to resume their former encamp- ment, four miles above, where they had been stationed previously to the landing of the enemy. The rest of the troops were arranged at different points, where necessity seemed most to require it, and where they might be convenient, and concentrated for action, on the first appearance of danger. Previously to general Lambert's departure, articles * See note E. 400s LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. of agreement had been entered into by the command- ers of the two armies, for an exchange of prisoners ; in pursuance of which, sixty-three Americans, taken on the night of the 23d, from the left wing of general Coffee's brigade, had been delivered up : the remain- der, principally those w r ho had been taken at the cap- ture of our gun boats, were shortly afterwards surren- dered by admiral Cochrane, and an equal number of British prisoners, in our possession, sent off to be de- livered at the Balize. The enemy had now withdrawn from the shore the troops which had been landed, and occupied their former position at Cat and Ship Island. Mortified at their unexpected disaster, they were projecting a plan, by which it was expected a partial advantage might, perhaps, be secured, and the stigma of defeat be somewhat obliterated. Fort Bowyer had been once assailed, with a con- siderable force, by land and water, and failure had re- sulted. This post, the key to Mobile, and considered of infinite consequence, had been retained under the command of him, who, heretofore, had defended it so valiantly. The British commander, turning from those scenes of disappointment and wretchedness so lately witnessed, and anxious to retrieve his fortunes, be- fore, with his shattered and diminished forces, he should retire, perceived no place against which he might proceed with better founded hopes of success. Its importance, in a military point of view, has been already shown : but, dispirited and reduced as the ene- my now were, even should they possess it, they would LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 401 be without the power to derive those important ad- vantages which were heretofore so greatly appre- hended and dreaded. On the 6th of February, the British shipping ap- peared off Dauphin Island, fronting the point on which stood the fort, garrisoned with three hundred and six- ty men. Having made the necessary arrangements, on the 8th an attack was commenced, both from the land and water. The fleet was formed in two divi- sions; and approached within one and two miles, bearing south and south-west from it. But the princi- pal attack, and that which compelled a surrender, was from the shore, where colonel Nicholls and Woodbine had carried on their operations in September. Five thousand troops, aided by pieces of heavy ordnance, and secured from the fire of our guns by large em- bankments, urged the assault. Under cover of the two succeeding nights, redoubts had been thrown up, and trenches cut through the sand, which enabled them to approach gradually, and without being exposed to the fire of our guns. Twice, on the 8th, were detach- ments sent out, to effect by storm the accomplish- ment of their purpose ; but the fire from the fort com- pelled an abandonment of their course, and drove them to the necessity of approaching by trenches, protected by strong redoubts. To demolish these from the fort was impracticable, from their strength ; and to attempt to prevent their erection, by any sortie, with so weak a force, would have been rash and imprudent. Thus situated, and every thing being ready to attack and car- ry the fort, if opposition were still intended, about ten o'clock on the llth the enemy hoisted a flag : major 3 E " 402 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOtf. Lawrence raised another. Hostilities ceased, and ge- neral Lambert required a surrender. The officers being convoked, with one consent agreed that further resistance would be ineffectual, and could only lead to the unnecessary loss of many valuable lives. A ca- pitulation was agreed on, and the fort forthwith yielded to the enemy. General Winchester, who commanded at Mobile, having received intelligence of what was passing at the point, ordered a detachment of a thousand men, under major Blue, to proceed down the bay, and aid in its defence. This auxiliary force was too late : hav- ing surprised and captured one of the enemy's out piquets, consisting of seventeen men, and ascertained that a surrender had already taken place, they return- ed. Had this detachment reached its destination, our loss would have been more severe. The enemy's forces were too numerous, and their means of attack too effectual, for any different result to have taken place, even had the detachment arrived in time. It had early been the wish of general Jackson, for the large frigate, lying at Tchifonte, to be completed, and placed in defence of Fort Bowyer. We have be- fore remarked the confidence entertained by him, that, with the aid of this vessel, no force brought against the place would be competent to its reduction. Near it is the only channel a vessel of any size can pass. This frigate, occupying the passage, would have pre- sented as strong a battery as could be brought against her, and, with the aid of the fort, defied any assault from the water; and, while her position would have enabled LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 403 her to have thrown her bombs and shot across the nar- row neck of land, in the rear of the point, and arrested the advance of any number of troops, which, in this direction, might have attempted an approach. Yet every necessary precaution, to defend this important pass, had been altogether overlooked or disregarded, and more money disbursed by the government in erecting shelters, to protect the frigate from the weather, than would have been sufficient for her completion. The legislature of Louisiana had re-commenced their session. The necessity which had induced a suspen- sion of their deliberations, having been removed, by the departure of the enemy, they were no longer restricted in the exercise of their constitutional pri- vileges. Some of the members, during the past strug* gle, had forsaken their official duties, and repaired to the field, where more important services were to be rendered, and where they had manifested a zeal and devotion to the country worthy of imitation. A much greater part, however, had pursued a very opposite course, and stood aloof from the impending danger. The disposition they had shown, on the 28th of De- cember, to propose a capitulation with the enemy, has been adverted to : how far it was calculated to es- trange the public sentiment from that conviction, which the commanding general, throughout, had en- deavoured to rivet and impress, "that the country could and would be successfully defended," can be easily imagined. But with them he had sinned beyond for- giveness. The course he had adopted his arresting their proceedings, and suspending their deliberations, by placing an armed force at the door of the capitol. 404 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. were viewed as intolerable infringements upon legis- lative prerogative denounced as an abuse of power, and hence the first opportunity was seized on to ex- hibit their resentment against the man who had stood forth in opposition to, and defeated their designs. Whether it were better to indulge them in a heedless course, which led to no other object than individual advancement, or, by interposing a remedy, arrest the foul purpose intended, preserve the nation from dis- honour, and avert the dangerous consequences involv- ed, was not a matter requiring much deliberation ; nor was it a circumstance to justify the legislature in treating as they did, with marked disrespect, him who Avas the efficient cause of all that had been achieved. No sooner had the members resumed the exercise of their legislative duties, than their first concern was to pass in review, the incidents of the last month. To those who had acted vigilantly in the defence of the state, and who, by their toils and exertions, had con- tributed to its safety, they officially tendered their thanks. In pursuance of their resolutions, the govern- or addressed the principal officers : but of Jackson, nothing was said. We are not disposed to censure or even call in question the conduct of this body, though the circumstances present no very favourable appear- ance. When danger threatened, they were disposed to make terms with the enemy, and obtain safety by a surrender of the city : from this they were prevent- ed by a decision of character that compelled legisla- tive to yield to military authority. Greatly incensed at being thus unexpectedly restrained in the execution of their designs, no sooner did they resume the du- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 405 ties of their station, than they became lavish in the praise of those who adopted and pursued a course directly contrary to their own ; while in that commen- dation and approval, they intentionally neglected the very man to whom their section of country was in- debted for its salvation. But to Jackson, this was an immaterial circumstance : he had a mind incapable of being inflated by applause, or depressed by unmerited censure. He knew, full well, that his countrymen would duly appreciate his conduct, trace his actions and errors to proper motives, and extend " honour to whom honour was due." Humamtm est errare, was a maxim from which he claimed no exemption ; but a conviction rested on his mind, that necessity had prompted him to the course he had taken, that if he had erred, it was for the general good : if legislative prerogative had been invaded, it was to save the actors from themselves : if constitutional forms and provi- sions had been violated, the country had been thereby protected from outrage, dishonour, and ruin. These afforded consolatory reflections, which the neglect or censures of none could disturb, or take away. Mind- ful of what he owed to his country, and what was ex- pected at his hands, he continued a course calculated to preserve the advantages he had secured, regardless of the cabal, the murmuring and intrigue of party. Appearances in the American camp were about this time assuming an unfavourable aspect : present danger and alarm being removed, confusion was arising, and disaffection spreading through the ranks. Pretexts were sought after to escape the drudgery of the field. Many naturalized citizens, who had been brought into 406 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. the service, and made to aid in the general defence, were seeking exemption from further control, and claiming to be subjects of the king of France. Some were indeed foreigners : but most of them had, by naturalization, become citizens of the United States. Notwithstanding this, as French subjects, they were seeking, and actually procuring, exonerations through Monsieur Toussard, the consul resident at New Or- leans. No applicant ever went away unsupplied, and hundreds, for the price of a consular certificate, ob- tained protections which were to relieve them from the drudgery of the field, and the ties due to their adopted country. A flag was displayed from the con- sul's residence, and rumour circulated, that under it every Frenchman would find protection. Five dollars, the price of the certificate, was all that was required of any applicant to assure, through the consul, the protec- tion of the French government. Harassed by such evils, that were every day increasing, and having strong and satisfactory reasons to believe that the enemy, then within a few hours sail of the shore, were constantly advised of his situation, Jackson determined to adopt such measures as would at once put down the mach- inations of the guilty and designing. Toussard, thus manifesting, what could be considered in no other light, a warmth of attachment to the English, and a desire to aid them, for the services perhaps which they had given in the restoration of his monarch, was ordered to leave the city retire to the interior of the country, nor venture to return, until peace was re- stored. His countrymen, also, who were disposed to claim his protection, and abandon the service, were ordered to follow him, and, at their peril, not to ap- LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 407 pear again about New Orleans. The general did this with a view to his own security, and from a conviction that those who could thus shamefully seek to avoid a contest, threatened against a country which they had adopted, and whose privileges and benefits they had enjoyed, would not scruple, if an occasion offered, to inflict any injury in their power: he believed his camp, or its vicinity, by no means a proper place where such characters should be permitted to loiter. Particular care and caution had been early taken that embarrassments on the score of citizenship might not arise. Danger threatening, it was no difficult mak ter to perceive, that on the ground of being subjects of a foreign power, and owing no allegiance to the Uni- ted States, many would assert a neutrality and exemp- tion from the fatigues and dangers of the field. If entitled to this character, then was it fair they should receive whatever of immunity could attach to their claim ; yet if in prosperous times they had asserted their right to be citizens, participated in our privi- leges, and drawn to themselves all the benefits apper- taining to that relation, then was there every justice in demanding of them the military services which were exacted of others : but as the language spoken was not vernacular, any inquiry on this subject, cal- culated to result in certainty, was attended with diffi- culty. Fortunately, however, a warmly contested election, the preceding summer, had taken place at New Orleans, and a register of the votes on the oc- casion had been preserved. To this document then, the general resorted, and with this unanswerable ar- gument, that those who had voted, and thereby par- 408 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. ticipated in the highest privileges of the country, should not now be permitted to deny, or throw off', a citizenship thus established. By this mean, he ren- dered in a great degree, inoperative, the French con- sul's certificates, and compelled to the field, spite of their consular protection, every man whose name could be traced on the election roster. Our own citizens, too, were giving rise to difficul- ties, and increasing the danger of the moment. Mr. Livingston had arrived on the 10th, from the British fleet, whither he had gone to effect a general cartel : through him, admiral Cochrane had announced the ar- rival of a vessel from Jamaica, with news, that a treaty of peace had been agreed on and signed by the two countries. This information was immediately caught at by the news-mongers, and either from intention, or want of correct intelligence, it suddenly appeared in the Louisiana gazette, in an entirely different shape : it stated the arrival of a flag at head-quarters, which announced the conclusion of a peace, and requested a suspension of hostilities. It was evident, the effect of such a declaration would be, to introduce lassitude, or perhaps disaffection among the troops, and induce a belief that their accustomed vigilance was no longer necessary. Sensible of this, general Jackson sent for the editor, and instructed him to alter what he had stated, and exhibit the facts, which he now communi- cated to him, truly as they were. He adopted this course, from fear of the consequences to be produced to himself. One thing he well knew,, that the enemy had retired, under circumstances of mortification and humbled feeling, at their complete discomfiture ; nor LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 409 was it an improbable conjecture, that they might yet seek an accomplishment of their views, through any channel a hope of success could be discerned. Might not this annunciation of peace, and request for the suspension of hostilities, introduced through the public journals, be a devise of the enemy to induce a relaxation in his system of operation and defence; to divert his officers and ? soldiers from that atten- tion and activity so essential to security, to excite discontents and murmurings, and a desire to be dis- charged from the further drudgery of a camp ? All these dangers he saw lurking beneath it, if false; and whether true or false, it was foreign to his duty to be influenced by any thing, until it should be officially communicated by his government. Fearful of the effect it might produce, he lost no time in addressing his army : " how disgraceful," he remarked, " as well as disastrous, would it be, if, by surrendering ourselves credulously to newspaper publications, often proceed- ing from ignorance, but more frequently from dishonest design, we should permit an enemy, whom we have so lately and so gloriously beaten, to regain the advan- tages he has lost, and triumph over us in turn." A general order, at the same time, announced that no publication relating to, or affecting the army, was to be published in any newspaper, without first obtaining permission. It has been objected, that this prohibi- tion, going to restrict the exercise of a constitutional right, was an outrage op the feelings and liberty of the country : but if the press be of so sacred and intacti- ble a character, that it may adopt and pursue a course, calculated to scatter dissentions, and excite mutiny in the ranks of an army, when in the very face of an 3r 410 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. enemy, without the power of control, it is a circum- stance much to be regretted. Reflecting minds will determine, if an interposition of power were not ne- cessary, to restrain so dangerous a freedom, and to avert injury from a country, whose protection the press, when it seeks to injure, ceases to deserve. Notwithstanding this prohibition, shortly afterwards an anonymous publication appeared in the Louisiana Courier, calculated by its inflammatory character to ex- cite mutiny among the troops, and afford the enemy intelligence of the situation and disposition of the army. It was now high time, the general believed, to act with decision, and prove by the rigid exercise of authority, that such conduct militated against the police and safety of his camp, and required not to be passed with impunity. The enemy had heretofore effected a landing, secretly, and without opposition 1 ; and although beaten, might again return. If spies were to be nestled in his camp, and permitted to go forth to the world with the gleanings of their industry, it was folly to believe the enemy would not profit by the information. Martial law still prevailed in New Orleans, and he resolved to put it in execution against those who manifested such an evident disregard of the public good. The editor was immediately sent for to the general's quarters ; he stated the author of the piece to be Louaillier, a member of the legisla- ture, and he was thereupon discharged. Louaillier was arrested, and detained for trial. This circumstance afforded civilians a fair opportunity of testing if it were in the power of a commanding LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 41 1 general to raise the military above the civil authority, and render it superior by any declaration of his. Ap- plication was made to judge Hall for a writ of habeas corpus, which was immediately issued. The general, to render the example as efficacious as possible, and from information that the judge had been much more officious than his duty required, and believing in fact, that it was a measure of combination and concert to test his power, determined to arrest him also, and thereby at once to settle the question of authority. On a matter involving such important consequences, he believed it best to have it determined in a way calcu- lated to silence opposition, and show that he was re- solved to put down every effort to thwart the mea- sures he had adopted for defence, or which was intend- ed to destroy the police which he had established for the tranquillity of his camp, and for the safety of the country. Instead of surrendering Mr. Louaillier, and acting in obedience to the writ, which had issued for his relief, he seized the person of the judge, and, on the 1 1th of the month, sent him from the city, with these instruc- tions " I have thought proper to send you b^ond the limits of my encampment, to prevent a repetition of the improper conduct with which you have been charged. You will remain without the line of my sen- tinels until the ratification of peace is regularly an- nounced, or until the British shall have left the south- ern coast" He did this, believing he was right in the declaration of martial law, and that the good sense of judge Hall, should, at so momentous a period, have taught him a different course. He did it, because dis- 412 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. posed to give complete effect to his measures to silence opposition, and satisfy the refractory and de- signing, that judicial interference should not mar the execution of his plans, or afford a screen, behind which treason might stalk unmolested. He did it, to make the example effectual, and to obtain, through fear, that security which could not be had through love of coun- try. The mind coolly calculating, in the closet, the prin- ciples of right and wrong, cannot fairly appreciate the merits of this question. Proper inferences can be only drawn, by bearing in recollection all those circum- stances which existed at the moment. That a zeal suited to the occasion, was not felt by all, the events already adverted to abundantly prove. The course pursued by the legislature had evidenced a feeling and conduct which had forfeited reliance ; while the enemy being, as we have heretofore shown, constantly advised of every thing transacted in the American camp, plainly evinced, that safety and success were to be attained in no other way than by pursuing a course at once firm and determined. % The militia had already grown tired of the field, and sighed to be discharged from their toils. To impress on their minds a conviction, that, peace being restored, they were unnecessarily detained in service, when it rested on rumour* alone, or to attempt, by any course of conduct, to render them more disaffected, carried with it such a degree of criminality and guilt, as could not be permitted, without endangering the safety of the country. This spirit of discontent had become ex- LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. tensively diffused. The different posts, which had been established, could with difficulty be maintained. The Kentucky troops, and two hundred of the Louisiana militia, stationed in defence of Villery's canal, had abandoned their post. Chef Menteur, too, a point no less important, had been forsaken by one hundred and fifty of the Louisianians, in despite of the remon- strances and exertions of their officers to detain them. Governor Claiborne had been heard to declare, in words of mysterious import, that serious difficulties would be shortly witnessed in New Orleans. For the commanding general, at a time like this, when disaf- fection was spreading like contagion through his camp, patiently to have stood and witnessed mutiny fomented and encouraged by persons who, from their standing in society, were calculated to possess a dangerous in- fluence, would have been a crime he never could have sufficiently atoned, had injury resulted. He thought it time enough to relax in his operations, and ground his arms, when the conclusion of peace should be an- nounced through the proper authorities. Until then, believing that imperious duty required it, he resolved to maintain his advantages, and check opposition, at every hazard. To have obeyed the writ would have been idle. He had declared the existence of military authority, and thereby intended to supersede all judi- cial power. If he had obeyed the mandate, it would have been an acknowledgment of civil supremacy, and a virtual abandonment of the course he had adopt- ed. It was not an improbable event, that the petitioner would be discharged, on a hearing, because guilty of no offence cognizable by the civil courts. He had not levied war against the country, nor directly aided the 414 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. enemy ; but had done that which was paralyzing exer- tion, scattering 'dissention, introducing mutiny, and thinning the ranks of the army. Either, then, judicial interference should have been disregarded, or the ar- rest was wholly unnecessary. But whether the course pursued were right or wrong, the effect was import- ant and salutary, for good order was restored, and dis- organizers forthwith were hushed to silence. On the 13th of the month, two days after the de- parture of judge Hall from the city, an express reach- ed head-quarters, with despatches from the war de- partment, at Washington City, announcing the con- clusion of a peace between Great Britain and the United States, and directing a cessation of hostilities. A similar communication from his government was received by general Lambert, shortly afterwards, and on the 19th, military operations, by the two armies, entirely ceased. The aspect of affairs was now chang- ing : the militia were discharged from service ; bustle was subsiding ; and joy and tranquillity every where appearing. A proclamation, by the direction of the president of the United States, was issued, extending pardon and forgiveness for past offences. Judge Hall, being restored to the exercise of those functions, of which he had been lately bereaved, by military arrest, proceeded, without loss of time, to an examination of what had passed, and to become the arbiter of his own wrongs and injuries. Accordingly, on the 21st, he granted a rule of court for general Jack- son to appear, and show cause why an attachment for contempt should not be awarded, on the ground that LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 415 he had refused to obey a writ issued to him, detained an original paper belonging to the court, and imprison- ed the judge.* In this case, there was certainly too much latitude for an improper indulgence of feeling, for the judge, the complaining party, to have claimed any kind of interference : it would have been more advisable to have appealed to a jury of his country, and thus brought before a dispassionate tribunal, the question of the illegality of his arrest and detention. But, by be- coming the prosecutor and arbiter of his own griev- ances, he placed himself in a situation, were reason could have but little agency, calculated to do injustice, and attach to his decision suspicion and censure. It would have been more satisfactory to Jackson, to have met the inquiry before a less partial tribunal ; yet, al- though he was well convinced of its being an extra- judicial proceeding, he did not hesitate to appear, and submit the grounds which he believed ought fully to acquit him of all alleged guilt. The trial by jury was secured, generally, in criminal prosecutions, and in all others, except where the law, from conceived necessi- ty, had directed a more summary course. But the authority of courts had already settled, that statutes which infringe the privilege of jury trial, were never to receive a liberal construction, and could be made to operate only in cases which came strictly within their * The writ had been detained, and a certified copy given, on ac- count of its having been altered by judge Hall, in a material part. The general's reasons for the detention will be found in his answer, at the end of the volume. 416 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSOX. letter: inasmuch, therefore, as the indignity complained of, and the right to punish for contempt, was not clearly within the provisions of any existing law, but merely a right incidental to judicial power, it was believed the court possessed no jurisdiction of the case, that it deserved to be classed with general injuries, and in- quired into by a jury. Claiming to himself this and other exceptions to the jurisdiction, he met the inves- tigation. He was the more disposed to do so, because the busy politicians of the city had condemned his acts, without seeking for the reasons which had in- duced them. An opportunity was now presented of developing them fully, and of bringing to the view of his country, the weighty considerations that had in- fluenced his mind, and to which, in a great measure, were to be ascribed the protection and safety the country had experienced. On the 24th, his appearance being entered, he stood represented at the bar by John Reid, his aid-de-camp, and Messrs. Livingston and Duncan. Major Reid ad- dressing himself to the court, remarked, that he appear- ed with the general's answer, supported by an affidavit, which w r ent to show, that the rule should be discharg- ed, and no further proceeding had against him. A cu- rious course of judicial proceeding was now witnessed. Cause, why the rule should not be made absolute, was to be shown, and yet the judge would determine whether the reasons were exceptionable or not, pre- viously to their being heard or seen. The counsel urged in vain, the propriety of his hearing first, before he decided, if the answer were consonant with pro- priety. This was over-ruled. He would first deter- LI.FE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 417 mine what it should be. If within any of the rules laid down, it should be heard, not else. " If," remarked the judge, " the party object to the jurisdiction, he shall be heard. " If it be a denial of facts; or that the facts charged do not amount to a contempt, he shall be heard. " If it be an apology to the court ; or an intention to show, that by the constitution and laws of the United States, or in virtue of his military commission, he had a right to act as charged, the court will hear him." Hear what it does contain, and you can then decide if it come under any of the general rules laid down, was replied and argued at length by his counsel, as the correct and proper course. After a debate of considerable length, Major Reid was permitted to proceed and to read the answer. He had gotten through the exceptions reserved as to the jurisdiction, and was proceeding with the respondent's reasons, showing the necessity, and hence the conse- quent propriety of declaring martial law, when he was again interrupted by the judge, because coming with- in none of the rules which he had laid down. The ears of the court were closed against every thing of argument or reason, and without hearing the defence, the rule against him wa rendered Absolute, and the attachment sued out. This process was made returnable the 31st: and 30 418 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. on that day the general appeared. Public feeling was excited, and the crowd, on the tiptoe of expectation, were anxiously waiting to know what punishment the judge would think due to acts which all agreed had mainly contributed to the success of our cause. Jack- son, previously apprized of the popular fervor towards him, and solicitous that nothing on his part should be done calculated to give it impulse, practised more than usual caution : and now when it had become neces- sary to appear in public, to ward himself from crimes imputed, he threw off his military costume, and as-* suming the garb of a citizen, the better to disguise him- self, entered alone the hall, where the court was sitting. Undiscovered amidst the concourse which was present, he had nearly reached the bar, when, being perceived, the room instantly rung with the shouts of a thousand voices. Raising himself on a bench and moving his hand, to procure silence, a pause ensued. He then addressed himself to the crowd ; told them of the duty due to the public authorities ; for that any impropriety of theirs would be imputed to him, and urged, if they had any regard for him, that they would, on the present occasion, forbear those feelings and expressions of opinion. Silence being re- stored, the judge rose from his seat, and remarking, that it was impossible, nor safe, to transact business at such a moment, and under such threatening circum- stances, directed the marshal to adjourn the court. The general immediately interfered, and requested that it might not be done. " There is no danger here ; there shall be none the same arm that protected from out- rage this city, against the invaders of the country, will shield and protect this court, or perish in the effort." 0$ GENERAL JACKSON. 4l9 This declaration had the effect to tranquillize the feel- ings and apprehensions of the judge ; and the business of the court was proceeded with. It was now de* manded of him to answer nineteen interrogatories, drawn up with much labour, and in studied form, which were to determine as to his guilt or innocence, He informed the court he should not be interrogated j that, on a former occasion, he had presented the rea- sons which had influenced his conduct, without their producing an effect, or being even listened to. " You would not hear my defence, although you were ad- vised it contained nothing improper, and ample rea- sons why no attachment should be awarded. Under these circumstances, I appear before you, to receive the sentence of the court, having nothing further in my defence to offer* " Your honour will not understand me as intending any disrespect to the court; but as no opportunity has been afforded me of explaining the reasons and mo- tives by which I was influenced, so is it expected^ that censure or reproof will constitute no part of that sentence which you may imagine it your duty to pro- nounce." . The judge proceeded to a final discharge of what he conceived was due to the offended majesty of the laws, and fined the general a thousand dollars. The hall in which this business was transacted was greatly crowded, and excitement every where pre- vailed. No sooner was the judgment of the court pro- bounced, than again were sent forth shouts of the 429 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. pie. He was now seized and forcibly hurried from the hall to the streets, amidst reiterated cries of huzza for Jackson, from the immense concourse that sur- rounded him. They presently met a carriage in which a lady was riding, when, politely taking her from it, the general was made, spite of entreaty, to occupy her place : the horses being removed, the carriage was drawn on, and halted at the coffee-house, into which he was carried, and thither the crowd folloAved, huz- zaing for Jackson, and menacing violently the judge. Having prevailed on them to hear him, he addressed them with great feeling and earnestness; implored them to run into no excesses ; that if they had the least gratitude for his services, or regard for him per- sonally j they could evince it in no way so satisfactori- ly, as by assenting, as he most freely did, to the deci- sion which had just been pronounced against him. " That the civil was the paramount and supreme au- thority of the land. He had never pretended to any thing else, nor advocated a different doctrine. He had departed from its rules, because that they were too feeble for the state of the times. By a resort to mar- tial law, he had succeeded in defending and protecting a country, which,without it, must have been lost; yet under its provisions he had oppressed no one, nor ex- tended them to any other purpose than defence and safety; objects which its declaration was intended alone to effect." " I feel," continued he* " sensible for those marks of personal regard which you have evinc- ed towards me ; and with pleasure remember those high efforts of valour and patriotism which so essen- tially contributed to the defence of the country. If recent events have shown you what fearless valour OF GENERAL JACKSOX. 421 can effect, it is a no less important truth to learn, that submission to the civil authority is the first duty of a citizen. In the arduous necessity imposed on me, of defending this important and interesting city, imperi- ous circumstances compelled me, either to jeopardize those important interests which were confided to me, or to take upon myself the responsibility of those mea- sures which have been termed high handed, but which, I thought, absolutely essential for defence. Thus situated, I did not hesitate I could not. I risked all consequences ; and you have seen me meet the penal- ty of my aggression, and bow with submission to the sentence of the law. Had the penalty imposed reach- ed the utmost extent of my ability to meet it, I should not have murmured or complained ; nor now, when it is ended, would I forbear a similar course were the same necessity and circumstances again to recur. If the offence with which I am now charged had not been committed, the laws by which I have been punish- ed would not now exist: Sincerely do I rejoice in their maintenance and safety, although the first vindication of their violated supremacy has been evinced in the punishment of myself. The order and decorum manifested by you, amidst various circumstances of strong excitement, merits my warm- est acknowledgments. I pray you, permit that mode- ration to continue. If you have any regard for me, you will not do otherwise than yield respect to the justice of the country, and to the character of its min- isters ; that feeling and disposition will, I trust, always characterize you ; and evince on your part, as firm a disposition to maintain inviolate and unimpaired the laws of the country, as you have recently shown to 422 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. defend yourself against invasion and threatened out- rage." Mr. Davasac, who had acted in the capacity of volunteer aid, being requested by the general, rose, and in the French language, repeated the substance of the remarks previously delivered by Jackson. He urged zealously the maintenance of peace and good order, and thus produced tranquillity to excited feel- ing. Being at length relieved from this warm display of gratitude and regard manifested towards him for the exertions he had made in their defence, Jackson retired to his quarters, and giving a check to his aid-de-camp, sent him to discharge the fine imposed, and to termi- nate his contest with the civil authority. He was greatly consoled at learning, through various respect- able channels, that all was tranquil, and that against the judge nothing of indignity or unkindness was lon- ger meditated. So riveted was the impression, that the course pur- sued by the commanding general was correct, and the conduct of judge Hall more the result of spleen than any thing else, that the citizens of New Orleans deter- mined to ward off the effect of his intended injury, by discharging, themselves, the fine imposed. It was only necessary to be thought of, and it was done. So numerous were the persons, entertaining the same feelings on the subject, that in a short time the entire sum was raised by voluntary contribution. The gene- ral understanding what was in agitation, to spare his own and their feelings, had despatched "his aid-de- camp to seek the marshal, and thereby avoided the LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 423 necessity of refusing a favour, intended to be offered, and which he could not have accepted. Without, how- ever, any knowledge of his wishes, or consulting at all his feelings on the subject, they proceeded in the ar- rangement, and, by subscription, the entire amount was in a short time raised, and deposited to his use in bank, and notice thereof given. But it was not ac- cepted ; though refused in a manner the most delicate. In reply, he declared the obligations felt for this re- newed evidence of regard; and, although he could not accept of it, yet as it was the result of the most gene- rous feeling, he solicited that the amount might be applied to the assistance and relief of those whose re- latives, during the siege, had fallen in battle. The proposition made was acceded to, and the amount subscribed, and which had been designed expressly for his relief, was disposed of for the benefit of the widow and the fatherless. Those who are disposed to be informed further upon this subject, and to know, if in declaring martial law he acted correctly, or whether, short of the stern and determined course adopted, he could have effect- ed the important ends he accomplished, and preserved from dishonour, wretchedness and ruin, the country and its inhabitants, can refer to the able and eloquent answer, submitted to the court, and which was refused to be heard. Jt will be found replete with reasons calculated to satisfy the mind that the course he took was required by every principle of propriety and ne- cessity.* * See note F. 424 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSCKN. To suspend the writ of habeas corpus, belongs to congress, by the constitution. It restricts any interfe- rence, except in cases of invasion or insurrection. To say that it is a privilege which must be continued to the citizen until discharged by a law, embracing the circumstances of every case that may arise, is to sup- pose a something that never can happen. An invasion might be made, a thousand miles from the seat of gov- ernment, or in the recess of congress, when no author- ity, competent to its suspension, did exist. The Ro- man maxim, inter arma silent leges, had its origin in the necessities of the republic, and must occasionally apply to the condition and circumstances of every country. In all governments there are moments of danger and distress, when, no matter how cautiously protected be the rights of the citizens, those rights must be disregarded, not for the purpose of being de- stroyed, but that they may be more permanently se- cured. Certainly none but an officer, acting upon an enemy's line, privy to all his intrigues, stratagems, and wiles, can so correctly judge of the emergency, re- quiring the exercise of such power. He assumes a weighty responsibility ; but, with an intelligent world, hazards no more, than to be abie to show, that threat- ening danger, and unavoidable necessity, required him to act. Cases have occurred where the constitution has been violated without reproach. A previous appro- priation by Congress is required, or monies are forbid- den to be drawn from the Treasury ; and yet this rule has been disregarded when circumstances made it ne- cessary ; and sometimes too, violated when the neces- sities of the country did not demand it. Few generals have, in all situations, respected private property; LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 425 when the country afforded provisions, and their armies were in want, they have wrested them from the own- er. Here, it may be said, compensation and atone- ment can be offered, but none for the violation of personal liberty : this, however, is a distinction without a difference, because both rights are equally sacred, and the infringement of one is no less a constitutional violation than the other. We would have but little cause to applaud the prudence, energy, or good sense of a commanding general, who should suffer distress and want in his camp, mutiny in his army, and ruin to his country, when he possessed the means of preventing them, yet omitted their exercise, because the constitu- tion forbade him to act. Highly as we may appreciate the man, who, when clothed with authority, avoids infringing this sacred shield of our liberty, yet, to hesi- tate, when surrounded by peril and danger, would de- servedly attach to him the censures of the patriotic and the good. Whenever individual rights shall be trampled on, and personal liberty disregarded and violated, merited reproach will pursue him whose only justification may be, that he possessed the power : but, when founded on necessity, demanded by the exi- gency of the moment, and obviously resorted to for the protection and safety of the country, it will be ex- cused, approved, nay, even commended : nor will the act be punished, unless some victim to it should chance to sit in judgment Much as has been said of this declaration of mar- tial law, and greatly as it has been complained of, yet is it difficult to conceive what other course for safety could, with equal effect, have been resorted to. None 3 n 426 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON, will pretend, that it was not an infraction of con* stitutional right ; though none can seriously entertain a belief, under all the circumstances, that imperious necessity did not demand the introduction of some similar, if not presisely such a measure. Although so much has been said and written of this imputed ag- gression on the rights of the citizen ; and, although it has so often been denounced as a high handed act of tyranny, yet when the measure itself, and all its incidents, are fully examined, nothing of oppression or injustice can be traced. Jackson alone was the suf- ferer : he suffered by the fine imposed on him, and by torrents of abuse, which ever since have been lavish- ly poured upon him. A member of the legislature, who had not merely attempted, but in fact succeeded in exciting mutiny and insubordination in the army, when in the very face of an enemy, and the arrest of the judge, who, by a too officious interference, seemed to stand forth a participant in the offence, constitutes the whole of what took place under the declaration of martial law. Judge Hall was not imprisoned : it was simply an arrest. During the siege, he had absented himself from the city, and gone to Baton Rouge. He had afforded neither by example or advice, any assist- ance to our cause, while the enemy was present ; but had retired on the first appearance of danger, nor re- turned until it had disappeared. Whether they would reappear, and where, could not be told ; and hence, whatever necessity may have induced the declaration, that same necessity imperiously demanded its contin- uance. On his arrest, he was merely sent to a distance, and placed at liberty under an order containing no LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 427 other restriction, than that he should not approach the city nearer than twelve miles. Louaillier was detained under guard, and brought before a court-martial, of which general Gaines was president, charged under the second section of the rules and articles of war, as one " owing allegiance to the United States of America, and found lurking as a spy about the encampment :" for the reason, however, that the inflammatory and mutinous publication which had occasioned his arrest, could not be shown to have been conveyed to the enemy, he was acquitted the quo animo being from this circumstance in the proof not sufficiently apparent. That none might be uninform- ed of the law, the following official notice had been circulated through the public journals. Head Quarters, 7th Military District. SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, that in time of war, all persons not citizens of, or owing allegiance to the United States of America, who shall be found lurking as spies in or about the fortifications or encampments of the armies of the United States, or any of them, shall suffer death, according to the law and usage of nations, by sentence of a general court-martial. The city of New Orleans and its environs being under martial law, and the several encampments and fortifications within its limits, it is necessary to give publicity to the above section, for the information of all concerned. By command. ROBERT BUTLER, Adjutant- Generak 428 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. Conversing with general Jackson, once, concerning the declaration of martial law, he expressed himself after the following manner. " I very well knew the extent of my powers, and that it was far short of that which necessity and my situation required. I deter- mined, therefore, to venture boldly forth, and pursue a course correspondent to the difficulties that pressed upon me. I had an anxious solicitude to wipe off the stigma cast upon my country by the destruction of the capital. If New Orleans were taken, I well knew that new difficulties would arise, and every effort be made to retain it ; and that if regained, blood and trea- sure would be the sacrifice. My determination, there- fore, was formed, not to halt at trifles, but to lose the city only at the boldest sacrifice ; and to omit nothing that could assure success. I was well aware that calcu- lating politicians, ignorant of the difficulties that sur- rounded me, would condemn my course ; but this was not material. What became of me, was of no conse- quence. If disaster did come, I expected not to sur- vive it ; but if a successful defence could be made, 1 felt assured that my country, in the objects attained, would lose sight of, and forget the means that had been employed." The war being now ended, it was indispensable to hasten the necessary arrangements to relieve from the toils of the field those brave men who had so long been struggling in their country's defence. The ne- cessary measures to effect this were adopted. The Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi troops had taken their departure. General Gaiiies being invested with the command, in a few days general Jackson left L1FB OP GENERAL JACKSON. 429 New Orleans for Nashville. The good wishes and friendship of the people followed him : there were a few, however, who rejoiced at his departure ; but they were those, who, in moments of peril, had stood aloof from danger, or sought to increase it; and who, in the reproaches to be cast upon him, expected to palliate their own misdeeds. They had no unpleas- ant sensations at being relieved from the presence of one who, they believed, was fully acquainted with the abandoned course they had pursued: but the great body of the citizens, mindful of his vigilance, and of the weighty privations he had encountered for their safety and protection, fondly cherished a recol- lection of what he had done, and felt every gratitude towards him. Previously to breaking up his encamp- ment, he addressed his army, and declared the high sense he entertained of those valiant men, who, with him, had toiled in the field, and who, by perseverance and fidelity, had obtained safety for their country, and distinguished honour for themselves.* On his return, the respect of all was manifested* m his behalf: all evinced a partiality for the man whose, signal achievements had raised his country to a high and dignified standing, and whose unremitting exertion* had closed the war with a lustre that enlightened even the blots of its commencement. He carried with him a consciousness of having discharged his duty; and although, from necessity, he had been compelled to the exercise of a rigid severity, which he would gladly have avoided, yet now, when feeling was lulled, * See note G. 430 LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. danger past, he beheld nothing to excite regret, or convince him he was wrong. If, however, he could before have doubted, this general manifestation of public regard was sufficient to quiet his apprehensions. The citizens of the United States were yet too virtu- ous, merely because of his battle achievments, to be- stow such unqualified approbation, could they have be- lieved that, when invested with power, he had wanton- ly trampled on the rights of individuals, and outraged the sacred principles of the constitution : and yet this approval of his conduct was evinced not only by the citizens of the country where he passed, but by con- gress, and the legislatures of different states all bore testimony to the propriety of his measures, by the commendations they bestowed. The annunciation of the triumphant defence of New Orleans, was, in every section of the country, hailed with acclamation ; illuminations and fetes followed it into all our cities and principal towns ; and in all was it agreed, that none other than the decided course adopted by Jackson, could have attained so auspicious a result. The legislatures of many of the states voted to him their approbation and thanks for what he had done. The congress of the United States did the same, and directed a gold medal to be presented to him, commemorative of the event. Addresses from numerous societies and meetings of the people were forwarded, expressive of their great regard, and pro- claiming him the deliverer and second saviour of his country. A tedious journey of eight hundred miles brought LIFE OP GENERAL JACKSON. 431 him to Nashville, where he was gratified with a fur- ther evidence of a people's regard. An immense con- course was collected, to greet his return, and welcome his arrival. They had long known him as among the number of their best and most respectable citizens ; but curiosity had a new incentive : until now, they had not beheld him as one, who, to protect his coun- try, knew no difficulty too great to be encountered who, by his firmness and unconquerable perseverance, amidst surrounding dangers, had shielded and saved her from foreign and intestine foes. An address, pre- viously prepared, and delivered at the court-room, in behalf of the citizens, welcomed his return. Relieved from this further display of public confidence, the more grateful, because from those who were his acquain- tances, neighbours, and friends, he retired home, to repair a broken constitution, and to enjoy that repose, to which, for eighteen months, he had been a stranger. In the person of general Jackson is perceived no- thing of the robust or elegant. He is six feet and an inch high, remarkably straight and spare, and weighs not more than a hundred and forty-five pounds. His conformation appears to disqualify him for hardship; yet, accustomed to it from early life, few are capable of enduring fatigue to the same extent, or with less injury. His dark blue eyes, with brows arched and slightly projecting, possess a marked expression ; but when, from any cause, excited, they sparkle with pe- culiar lustre and penetration. In his manners he is pleasing in his address commanding ; while his coun- tenance, marked with firmness and decision, beams with a strength and intelligence that strikes at first 432 UFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. sight. In his deportment, there is nothing repulsive. Easy, affable, and familiar, he is open and accessible to all. Influenced by the belief, that merit should con- stitute the only difference in men, his attention is equally bestowed on honest poverty as on titled con- sequence. No man, however inconsiderable his stand- ing, ever approached him on business, that he did not patiently listen to his story, and afford him all the in- formation in his power. His moral character is with- out reproach, and by those who know him most intimately, he is most esteemed. Benevolence, in him, is a prominent virtue. He was never known to pass distress without seeking to assist and to relieve it. It is imputed to him, that he derives from his birth a temper irritable and hasty, which has had the effect to create enemies, and involve him in disputes. In a world like this, exemption from every fault is not to be expected; to a higher destiny is perfection reserv- ed! For purposes w r iser than man can conjecture, has it been ordained, that vice and virtue shall exist together in the human breast, tending like the happy blending of light and shade in a picture, to reflect each other in brighter contrast. Some of those foibles and imperfections therefore, which heaven usually mingles in the composition of man, are to be looked for, and must be found with every one. In Jackson, however,* those defects of character exist to an extent limited as with most men ; and the world is in error in pre- suming him under a too high control of feeling and passion. A fixed devotion to those principles which honour sanctions, peculiarly attaches to him, and ren- ders him scrupulously attentive to his promises and LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 433 engagements of every description. Preserving sys- tem in his monied transactions, his fiscal arrangements are made to correspond with his resources, and hence his every engagement in relation to such subjects, is met with marked punctuality, not for the reason that he is a man of extraordinary wealth, but rather, be- cause he has method, and with a view to his re- sources, regulates properly his balance of trade. No man has been more misconceived in character. Many on becoming acquainted with him have been heard to admit the previous opinions which they had enter- tained, and how great had been their mistake. Rough in appearance positive and overbearing in his manner, are what all upon a first introduction expect to find ; and yet none are possessed of milder manner*, or of more conciliating address. The public situations in which he has been placed, and the circumstances which surrounded him, are doubtless the cause that those opinions have become so prevalent ; but they are opinions which an acquaintance with him tends speedily to remove. The difficulties and embarrass- ments under which he laboured at New Orleans, were such as might well have perplexed, and thrown the mind aside from every thing of mildness. Arms and ammunition were wanted ; the country was in an un- prepared and defenceless situation : whatever could be done was to be decided on promptly, and executed speedily. Mutiny, through designing men was intro- duced, and disaffection stalked about. Night or day there was no respite from duties of the most important and re- sponsible kind ; and yet, under all these circumstances, embarrassing as they were, the evidence of temper 3i 434 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. and impropriety charged by his enemies, to use their own language, is, that he turned the legislature out of doors, and arrested and detained one of its members, with the judge who interposed for his re- lief.* If it be true, that his principles and sentiments on some subjects, be at variance with those practiced upon, and deemed correct by others, it is the effect of education, and of early impressions upon his mind, by which a particular bent has been given to it. Speak- ing one day of his mother, he observed, " one of the last injunctions given me by her, was never to insti- tute a suit for assault and battery, or for defamation ; never to wound the feelings of others, nor suffer my own to be outraged; these were her words of admo- nition to me ; I remember them well, and have never failed to respect them; my settled course through life has been, to bear them in mind, and never to insult or wantonly to assail the feelings of any one ; and yet many conceive me to be a most ferocious animal, insen- sible to moral duty, and regardless of the laws both of God and man." Controlled by a rule so golden, as always to respect the feelings of others, mankind would doubtless sel- dom err; and seldom would disputes and differences in society arise. It is a misfortune, however, incident to the very nature of man, occasionally to be under the influence of excitement ; and then error of conclu- * See the circumstances of this transaction and refutation of the charges at page 321. LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 435 sion may be the consequence. Wise is the man, pe- culiarly blest, and greatly to be envied, who, in every situation, before 'he acts, can deliberately think, and correctly -decide. It was this received impression re- specting general Jackson, which, on his entering the army, induced many to fear he would prove too rash for a safe commander; that occasions might arise, when he would suffer his judgment to be estranged, through an improper exercise of feeling. Events early proved the fallacy of the conjecture, and showed that there were none who reasoned more dispassion- ately on the fitness and propriety of measures, none more cautious were caution was necessary, or mpre adventurous, when daring efforts were required. Few generals had ever to seek for order, amidst a higher state of confusion, or obtained success through more pressing difficulties. The effects he produced, under circumstances gloomy and inauspicious now through his eloquence and persuasion, and again by his firm- ness, portrays a character for decision, and a mind in- timate and familiar with human nature. That the hireling soldier, the mere echo of his superiors^ prodigal of life, because his sovereign orders it, should entertain respect for his commander, is too commonly the case to excite surprise : of such materials, general Jackson's army was not composed ; they were free- men, citizens ; yet, with the exception of those who abandoned him in his first advance against the Indians, there was scarcely one that served with him, officer, or soldier, that was not particularly and warmly attach- to him ; ready to serve him under any circumstances. The best evidence of private worth, and private cha- racter, is to be derived from those who know us most 436 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. intimately, from our acquaintances and neigh bours^ who see and know us, stripped of that concealment which hangs on character when surveyed at a dis- tance. Tested by this rule, general Jackson stands well, for by those who know him most intimately he is most esteemed. Light and trifling pleasantries often mark character as distinctly as things of consequence. General Jack- son one day during the siege of New Orleans, was approached by an officer of the militia, who stated his desire to leave the service, and return home ; for that he was made game of, and called by the company Pewter Foot. He manifested great concern, and an anxious desire to be relieved from his unpleasant situ- ation. The general, with much apparent sympathy for him, replied, that he had ascertained there was a practice in the camp of giving nick-names; and had understood too, that very many had dared to call him Old Hickory : how, said he, if you prefer mine, I am willing to exchange; if not, remain contented, and perform your duty faithfully, and soon as we can get clear of those troublesome British, our wrongs shall be enquired into by a court-martial, and the authors punished ; for then, and not till then, shall we have an end of those insults. The effect was happy, and induced the complaining officer to retire, perfectly satisfied to learn, that his grievance would be united with the general's, and both ere long be effectually re- dressed. General Jackson possesses ambition, but it rests on virtue; an ambition, which, regulated by a high sense LIFE OF GEKERAL JACKSOX. 4,37 of honourable feeling, leads him to desire " that ap- plause which follows good actions not that which is run after." No man is more ready to hear and to re- spect the opinions of others, and none where much is at stake, and at conflict with his own, less disposed to be under their influence. He has never been known to call a council of war, whose decisions, when made, were to shield him from responsibility or censure, His council of war, if doubting himself, was a few officers, in whom he fully confided, whose advice was regarded, if their reasons were conclusive ; but these not being satisfactory, he at once adopted and pursued the course suggested by his own mind. Much as we may delight to range through the field of battle, in quest of acts, to fix a hero's character, yet inconsiderable circumstances oftentimes mark it more distinctly : it is then that the mind, retiring from every thing like motive, gives a loose to impulse, arid acts from feeling alone. The general, who meets and repels his country's foes, is not unfrequently impelled by ambition, and the recollection that a nation's gra*-- titude will succeed his efforts : but when, amidst the general carnage, he is seen acting as a Christian, and sympathizing in others' woes, his character is marked by virtue, and more truly ennobled. At the battle of Tohopeka, an infant was found, pressed to the bosom of its lifeless mother. This circumstance being made known to general Jackson, he became interested for the child, directed it to be brought to him, and sought to prevail on some of the Indian women to take care of and rear it. They signified their unwillingness to do so, stating that, inasmuch as all its relations had 438 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. fallen in battle, they thought it best, and would prefer, it should be killed. The general, after this disclosure, determined he would not entrust it with them, but be~ came himself the protector and guardian of the child. Bestowing on the infant the name of Lincoier, he adopted it into his family, and has ever since manifest- ed the liveliest zeal towards it, prompted by benev- olence, and because, perhaps, its fate bore a strong resemblance to his own, who, in early life, and from the ravages of war, was left in the world, forlorn and wretched, without friends to assist, or near relations to direct him on his course. Of the two great parties, which have distracted our country, general Jackson is attached to the republican. In his first political career, he rallied on the side of the people. During Mr. Adams' administration, when the party was few and inconsiderable, he appeared on the side of the rights of man, espousing and advocat- ing the principles of tolerance and free will ; until dis- gusted with the mode of administering the govern- ment, he retired from the legislative councils of the nation. He is not, however, one of those blind infatu- ated partizans, who holds the opinions of others in derision, and determines on the good or bad qualities of a man, according as he belongs to this or the other political sect; but, influenced by higher and nobler sentiments, acts on the liberal principle, that " Honour and shame from no condition rise, Act well your part, there all the honour lies Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow."* LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. 43$ Could such sentiments be generally diffused, of what importance would they not prove to our country! We are aware of the opinion entertained by many wise politicians, that parties, by acting as spies on, and correctors of, each other's conduct, more effectually ensure a nation's safety. Such an idea may answer in a country where individuals' rights are merged in the exaltation of a few, and where the contest is for the loaves and fishes, and not in relation to honest difference in opinion : but in ours, whose government is derived from the people, and where law is the paramount rule, so long as we shall continue virtuous anil intelligent, and duly appreciate our rights, no such auxiliary can be essential, either for happiness or tranquillity. Al- ready have we witnessed innumerable evils to spring from the acerbity and intemperance of party : but for the hopes and expectations of a designing power, which through our dissentions and domestic broils, be- lieved she would be able seriously to affect us, we might have remained at peace, and preserved the lives of many a valuable citizen. That there should be a contrariety of opinion among us, is certainly nothing remarkable : it is only in governments absolutely des- potic, that oppressed and trembling subjects imbibe the sentiments of the sovereign and his ministers, and appear to think with them, for the reason that they dare not assert their own opinions. Our constitution, on this subject, bars every check, arid leaves our con- duct, words, and actions, free ; yet, were our prudence consulted and regarded, it would long since have told us, that party rancour was carried much too far. both for our own and the honour of our country. We are far, however, from assenting to what is often urged. 440 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. that it is a circumstance whence foreign powers will be ever able to derive an advantage, by which mate- rially to endanger our rights. Although we may, and do differ, as to the best mode of administering the gov- ernment, a circumstance which happens to all countries in proportion as liberty is enjoyed ; and although, as has been the case, party spirit may be carried beyond the bounds where reason or prudence should give sanc- tion, yet against the invaders of our rights, our union will prove strong, and all parties be the same. Should the period ever arrive, when our nation shall be vitally assailed, it will be perceived that all advantages calcu- lated to arise from our jarrings are delusive; that then there will be but one party, all rallied in defence of a country believed by them to be the freest and happiest in the world, resolved to swim or sink together* It is very true, that the history of the late war presents some melancholy facts, at variance with this opinion ; but such has been the odium and just indignation of the country towards its actors, that any future recur- rence of such acts should not be anticipated. Involved in war, every citizen of the country is bound in some form or other, to yield assistance, and steadily to main- tain it ; and that man, or combination of men, who, in such a time of peril, shall stand opposed to the consti- tuted authorities, in any other manner than the con- stitution authorizes, should be considered, if not the enemy, at least, not the friend of the country. The proclamations disseminated by Great Britain during the war, to the people of the United States, were an insult to our understandings, and a reflection on her *>wn. The divisions she saw prevailing among LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON, 441 us, were, no doubt, the inducement. If ever there was a time, when she could have even partially effected the disorganization she so industriously endeavoured to foment, and reached us through our differences, it was before she had, by an unusual, unpractised system of warfare, destroyed all confidence, and excited our just indignation against her ; and before she had so effectu- ally aided to subvert the liberty of France, and plunge her in a state of absolute vassalage, when, throughout, the professed and openly avowed object was to rescue from oppression, and make her " free indeed. w When such an example, with all its wretched and fatal con- sequences, is held up to view, well should a warning voice teach nations to spurn every external interfere ence, however plausibly it may be offered* The principles of our government are at opposition with war those of her citizens no less so. If, amidst the general confusion of the world, we have been forced into a struggle, let it be remembered, it was for the preservation of our rights, and to resist ag- gressions which had become too numerous and griev- ous to be longer borne. With nations, as with indi- viduals, a submission to insult serves but to authorize a repetition; and forbearance under injuries is fre- quently construed into an inability to redress them, We boast not of any thing acquired by our contest. Conquest and power were not the inducements to its commencement : what was sought has been attained. We have evinced a determination not to submit to re- peated wrongs, and secured from other nations that respect which our peaceful habits had forfeited. We have brought more closely into view our own strength, 3K 442 LIFE OF GENERAL JACKSON. and our own resources ; and shown our enemies, that, however we may be solicitous for peace, and opposed to war, there is a point where even patience ceases to be a virtue, and where it may become exhausted. But, above all, our contest has had the effect of draw- ing closer the cords of our union, quieting party op- position, and allaying discontents. In future, there- fore, when we shall be told we have gained nothing by the war, laying aside all minor considerations, we will point to our union, which it has more strongly and indissolubly cemented, as a matter of greater im- portance than any thing that has happened, since the all-glorious hour when our Independence was de- clared. u Patriots have toiled, and in their country's cause, Bled nobly ; and their deeds as they deserve Receive proud recompense. We give in charge, Their names, to the sweet lyre. The historic muse, Proud of her treasure, marches with it down To latest times ; and sculpture in her turn Gives bond, in stone, and ever during brass, To guard them, and immortalize her trust." THE END. NOTES. (A) Proclamation of colonel Nicholls to the southern and western inhabitants. NATIVES of Louisiana ! on you the first call is made, to assist in liberating from a faithless, imbecile government, your paternal soil : Spaniards, Frenchmen, Italians, and British, whether settled, or resid- ing for a time in Louisiana, on you, also, I call, to aid me in this just cause : the American usurpation in this country must be abolished, and the lawful owners of the soil put in possession. I am at the head of a large body of Indians, well armed, disciplined, and commanded by British officers a good train of artillery, with every requisite, se- conded by the powerful aid of a numerous British and Spanish squad- ron of ships and vessels of war. Be not alarmed, inhabitants of the country, at our approach ; the same good faith and disinterestedness, which has distinguished the conduct of Britons in Europe, accompa- nies them here ; you will have no fear of litigious taxes imposed on you for the purpose of carrying on an unnatural and unjust war ; your property, your laws, the peace and tranquillity of your country, will be guaranteed to you by men who will suffer no infringement of theirs; rest assured that these brave red men only burn with an ar- dent desire of satisfaction for the wrongs they have suffered from the Americans ; to join you in liberating these southern provinces from their yoke, and drive them into those limits formerly prescribed by my sovereign. The Indians have pledged themselves, in the most solemn manner, not to injure, in the slightest degree, the persons or properties of any but enemies. A flag over any door, whether Span- ish, French, or British, will be a certain protection ; nor dare any In- dian put his foot on the threshold thereof, under penalty of death from his own countrymen ; not even an enemy will an Indian put to death, except resisting in arms; and as for injuring helpless women and chil- . tlren, the red men, by their good conduct, and treatment to them, 444 will (if it be possible,) make the Americans blush for their more inhuman conduct, lately on the Escambia, and within a neutral ter ritory. Inhabitants of Kentucky, you have too long borne with grievous impositions the whole brunt of the war has fallen on your brave sons; be imposed on no longer, but either range yourselves under the Standard of your forefathers, or observe a strict neutrality. If you comply with either of these offers, whatever provisions you send down, will be paid for in dollars, and the safety of the persons bring- ing it, as well as the free navigation of the Mississippi, guaranteed to you. Men of Kentucky, let me call to your view, (and I trust to youi* abhorrence) the conduct of those factions which hurried you int6 this civil, unjust, and unnatural war, at a time when Great Britain was straining every nerve, in defence of her own, and the liberties of the world when the bravest of her sons were fighting and bleeding in so sacred a cause when she was spending millions of her treasure in endeavouring to pull down one of the most formidable and danger- ous tyrants that ever disgraced the form of man when groaning Eu- rope was almost in her last gasp- when Britons alone showed an un- daunted front basely did those assassins endeavour to stab her from the rear ; she has turned on them, renovated from the bloody, but successful struggle Europe is happy and free, and she now hastens^ justly, to avenge the unprovoked insult. Show them that you are not collectively unjust: leave that contemptible few to shift for them- selves : let those slaves of the tyrant send an embassy to Elba, and implore his aid ; but let every honest, upright American spurn them with united contempt. After the experience of twenty-one years, can you longer support those brawlers for liberty, who call it freedom, when themselves are free ? Be no longer their dupes accept of my offers every thing 1 have promised in this paper, I guarantee to you, on the sacred honour of a British officer. Given under my hand, at my head-quarters, Pensacola, this 29th day of August, 1814, EDWARD NICHOLLS NOTES* 445 (B) Letter to commodore Daniel T. Patterson. PENSACOLA, 4th December, 1814. SIR 1 feel it a duty to apprize you of a very large force of the enemy off this port, and it is generally understood New Orleans is the object of attack. It amounts, at present, to about eighty vessels, and more than double that number are momentarily looked for, to form a junction ; when an immediate commencement of their opera- tions will take place. I am not able to learn, how, when, or where the attack will be made ; but I understand that they have vessels of all descriptions, and a large body of troops. Admiral Cochrane com- mands ; and his ship, the Tonnant, lies, at this moment, just outside the bar. They certainly appear to have swept the West Indies of troops, and probably no means will be left untried to obtain their ob- ject, The admiral arrived only yesterday noon. I am yours^ &c. Letter from Charles K. Blanchard to general Jac&sdn, NEW ORLEANS, March 20, 1814, StR I have the honour, agreeably to your request, to state to your excellency, in writing, the substance of a conversation that occurred between quarter-master Peddie, of the British army, and myself, on the 1 1th instant, on board his Britannic Majesty's ship Herald, Quar- ter-master Peddie observed, that the commanding officers of the Bri- tish forces were daily in the receipt of every information from the city of New Orleans, which they might require, in aid of their ope- rations, for the completion of the objects of the expedition ; that they were perfectly acquainted with the situation of every part of our 446 NOTES. forces, the manner in which the same was situated, the number of our fortifications, their strength, position, &c. As to the battery on the left bank of the Mississippi, he described its situation, its distance from the main post, and promptly offered me a plan of the works. He furthermore stated, that the above information was received from seven or eight persons, in the city of New Orleans, from whom he could, at any hour, procure every information necessary to promote his majesty's interest. Address of major-general Jackson, on the 8th of January, to the troops on the right bank of the river. While, by the blessing of heaven, one of the most brilliant victo- ries was obtained by the troops under my immediate command, no words can express the mortification I felt, at witnessing the scene ex- hibited on the opposite bank. I will spare your feelings and my own, nor enter into detail on the subject. To all who reflect, it must be a source of eternal regret, that a few moments' exertion of that courage you certainly possess, was alone wanting to have rendered your success more complete than that of your fellow-citizens in this camp. To what cause was the abandonment of your lines owing? To fear ? No ! You are the countrymen, the friends, the brothers of those who have secured to themselves, by their courage, the gratitude of their coun- try ; who have been prodigal of their blood in its defence, and who are strangers to any other fear than disgrace to disaffection to our glorious cause. No, my countrymen, your general does justice to the pure sentiments by which you are inspired. How then could brave men, firm in the cause in which they were enrolled, neglect their first duty, and abandon the post committed to their care ? The want of discipline, the want of order, a total disregard to obedience, and a spirit of insubordination, not less destructive than cowardice it- self, are the causes which led to this disaster, and they must be eradi- cated, or I must cease to command. I desire to be distinctly un- derstood, that every breach of orders, all want of discipline, every inattention of duty, will be seriously and promptly punished ; that the attentive officers, and good soldiers, may not be mentioned in the dte- NOTES. 447 grace and danger which the negligence of a few may produce. Sol- diers ! you want only the will, in order to emulate the glory of your fellow-citizens on this bank of the river you have the same motives for action ; the same interest, the same country to protect ; and you have an additional interest, from past events, to wipe off reproach, and show that you will not be inferior, in the day of trial, to any of your countrymen. But remember ! without obedience, without order, without disci- pline, all your efforts are vain. The brave man, inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his country than the coward who deserts her in the hour of danger. Private opinions, as to the competency of officers, must not be indulged, and still less expressed ; it is impos- sible that the measures of those who command should satisfy all who are bound to obey ; and one of the most dangerous faults in a soldier, is a disposition to criticise and blame the orders and characters of his superiors. Soldiers ! I know that many of you have done your duty ; and I trust, in future, I shall have no reason to make any exception. Officers ! I have the fullest confidence that you will enforce obe- dience to your commands ; but, above all, that by subordination in your different grades, you will set an example to your men ; and that, hereafter, the army of the right will yield to none in the essential qualities which characterize good soldiers; that they will earn their share of those honours and rewards which their country will prepare for its deliverers. ANDREW JACKSON, Major-General commanding. (E) Address delivered to major-general Andrew Jackson, by the reverend \V* Dubourg) administrator apostolic of the diocese of Louisiana. GENERAL, While the state of Louisiana, in the joyful transports of her gratitude, hails you as her deliverer, and the asserter of her menaced liberties while grateful America, so lately wrapped up jii NOTES. V \. anxious suspense, on the fate of this important city, is re-echoing from shore to shore your splendid achievements, and preparing to inscribe your name on her immortal rolls, among those of her Washing-tons while history, poetry, and the monumental arts, will vie in consigning to the admiration of the latest posterity, a triumph perhaps unparal- leled in their records while thus raised, by universal acclamation, to the very pinnacle of fame, how easy had it been for you, general, to forget the Prime Mover of your wonderful successes, and to as- sume to yourself a praise, which must essentially return to that ex-* alted source whence every merit is derived. But, better acquainted with the nature of true glory, and justly placing the summit of your ambition, in approving yourself the worthy instrument of Heaven^s merciful designs, the first impulse of your religious heart was to ac- knowledge the signal interposition of Providence your first step, a, solemn display of your humble sense of His favours* Still agitated at the remembrance of those dreadful agonies, from which we have been so miraculously rescued, it is our pride to ac- knowledge, that the Almighty has truly had the principal hand in our deliverance, and to follow you, general, in attributing to his infinite goodness, the homage of our unfeigned gratitude. Let the infatuated votary of a blind chance deride our credulous simplicity ; let the cold- hearted Atheist look for the explanation of important events to the mere concatenation of human causes : to us, the whole universe is loud in proclaiming a Supreme Ruler, who, as he holds the hearts of men in his hands, holds also the thread of all contingent occurrences. " Whatever be His intermediate agents," says an illustrious prelate, " still on the secret orders of His all-ruling providence, depend the rise and prosperity, as well as the decline and downfal of empires. From His lofty throne, he moves every scene below, now curbing, now letting loose, the passions of men ; now infusing His own wisdom into the leaders of nations ; now confounding their boasted prudence, and spreading upon their councils a spirit of intoxication ; and thus executing His uncontrollable judgments on the sons of men, according to the dictates of His own unerring justice." To Him, therefore, our most fervent thanks are due, for our late unexpected rescue. It is Him we intend to praise, when considering you, general, as the man of his right hand, whom he has taken pains to fit out for the important commission of our defence. We extol VOTES, 449 that fecundity of genius, by which, under the most discouraging dis- tress, you created unforeseen resources, raised, as it were, from the ground, hosts of intrepid warriors, and provided every vulnerable point with ample means of defence. To Him we trace that instinc- tive superiority of your mind, which at once rallied around you uni* versal confidence; impressed one irresistible movement to all the jarring elements of which this political machine is composed ; aroused their slumbering spirits, and diffused through every rank, the noble ardour which glowed in your own bosom. To Htm, in fine, we ad- dress our acknowledgments for that consummate prudence which defeated all the combinations of a sagacious enemy, entangled him in the very snares which he had spread for us, and succeeded in effect- ing his utter destruction, without exposing the lives of our citizens. Immortal thanks be to His Supreme Majesty, for sending us such an instrument of His bountiful designs !l A gift of that value is the best token of the continuance of His protection the most solid encourage- ment to sue for new favours. The first which it emboldens us humbly to supplicate, as nearest our throbbing hearts, is, that you may long enjoy the honour of your grateful country ; of which you will permit us to present you a pledge, in this wreath of laurel, the prize of vic- tory, the symbol of immortality. The next is a speedy and honourable termination of the bloody contest in which we are engaged. No one Jias so efficaciously laboured as you, general, for the acceleration of that blissful period ; may we soon reap that sweetest fruit of your splendid and uninterrupted victories. General Jackson's Reply. REVEREND SIR, I receive, with gratitude and pleasure, the sym- bolical crown which piety has prepared. I receive it in the name of the brave' men who have so effectually seconded my exertions ; they well deserve the laurels which their country will bestow. For myself, to have been instrumental in the deliverance of such a country, is the greatest blessing that heaven could confer. That it has been effected with so little loss that so few tears should cloud the smiles of our triumph, and not a cypress leaf be interwoven in SL 450 NOTES. the wreath which you present, is a source of the most exquisite pleasure. I thank you, reverend sir, most sincerely, for the prayers which you offer up for my happiness. May those your patriotism dictates, for our beloved country, be first heard : and may mine, for your in- dividual prosperity, as well as that of the congregation committed to your care, be favourably received the prosperity, wealth, and hap- piness of this city, will then be commensurate with the courage and other qualities of its inhabitants. Answer submitted by major-general Jackson, on a rule to show cause why an attachment for contempt should not issue against him. This respondent has received a paper, purporting to be the copy of a rule of the district court of the United States for Louisiana, in a suit entitled " The United States vs. A. Jackson ; commanding him to show cause why an attachment should not issue against him y for divert alleged contempts of the said court." Before he makes any answer whatever to the said charges, he deems it necessary to protest, and he does hereby protest against, and reserve to himself all manner of benefit of exception to, the illegal, unconstitutional, and informal na- ture of the proceedings instituted against him ; it appearing, by the said proceeding I. That witnesses have been summoned by process of subpoena, hi a suit or prosecution of the United States against him, when in fact, in truth there was not then any such suit or prosecution legally pend- ing in said court II. That the said rule was obtained at the instance of the attorney of the United States, for the district of Louisiana, who had no right officially to ask for or obtain it; the duties of the attorney being, by law, restricted to the prosecution of " all delinquents for crimes and offences, cognizable under the authority of the United States, and all civil actions in which they shall be concerned." As this proceeding NOTES. 45 1 is not pretended to be a civil action, to bring it within the purview of the duties of the attorney, it must be a prosecution for a crime or of- fence, cognizable under the authority of the United States. But the facts stated in the rule do not constitute any " crime or offence, cog- nizable under this authority." The courts of the United States have no common law jurisdiction of crimes or offences ; if, therefore, the facts stated in the rule are not made such by statute, they are not cognizable by the courts : but the statutes have been searched, and no such provision can be found ; therefore, the facts charged are not offences which are either cognizable by this court, or liable to be prosecuted by the attorney for the United States. III. That if this be a prosecution for a crime or offence under the authority of the United States, the mode of proceeding is both un- constitutional and illegal: the 7th and 8th amendment to the constitu- tion contain many provisions directly contrary to the mode of pro- ceeding by attachment, for contempt ; particularly the 7th amendment, that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; and of the 8th, that, in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right of a speedy trial, by an impartial jury ; and in the 32d section of the law for punishing certain crimes against the United States, is contained a conclusive implication, if not an express provision, that no offence can be prosecuted, except by information or indictment ; neither of which have been filed, in this instance. The respondent, therefore, concludes those heads of ex- ceptions, by the dilemma, that, if the proceeding be a prosecution for a crime or offence, cognizable by the authority of the United States, it is both unconstitutional and illegal in its present form ; and if it be not such a prosecution, then has the attorney of the United States no right to institute it ; his ministry by law extending only to them. IV. That this court has no right to issue an attachment for any con- tempt whatever; or to punish the same, in any other cases than those prescribed by the 17th section of the judiciary act, which confines such authority to the punishment, by fine and imprisonment, for con- tempt in any cause or hearing before the same whereas, by the rule, nor the affidavits, does it appear, that the alleged contempts were offered in any cause or hearing before the said District Court; on the contrary, all the acts complained of as contempts, are stated to have been done in relation to an ex-parte application made to the judge o 452 NOTES. the said court, at his chambers, at a time when his court was in vaca- tion, and not in a cause or hearing before the court. V. That no attachment ought to issue, for neglecting or refusing a "return to a habeas corpus, issued and returnable out of court: the statutes on that subject, both in England and in the United States, wherever they have been re-enacted, contain express penalties for this offence ; doubtless for the reason that such neglect or refusal, in relation to an act done, not in a cause or hearing pending in court, but in an ex-parte proceeding at a judge's chambers, could not be punish- ed, by attachment, as a contempt. VI. That no act in relation to the writ of habeas corpus, or the al- lowance of the same, in the case mentioned in the said rule, can be considered as a contempt ; because the judge of this honourable court, by the 14th section of the judiciary act of the United States, is ex- pressly inhibited from issuing any writ of habeas corpus, except in cases of prisoners u in custody, under, or by colour of the authority of the United States, or committed for trial before some court of the same ; or who are necessary to be brought into court to testify ; nei- ther of which circumstances appear either in the writ, the allowance of the same, or the affidavit on which it was founded. This court, then, having no jurisdiction of the case, according to a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, this respondent had a right to consider the service as a trespass. VII. That, by the said writ, no place was designated at which the same should be returned. VIH. That the writ was served on the respondent, long after the return thereof, by reason whereof he could not have complied with the tenor, had he been so disposed. IX. The said writ of habeas corpus was issued in an irregular man- ner, and the respondent was in no wise compelled by law to obey it; inasmuch as the name of the judge, allowing the same, was not signed on the writ with his proper hand writing : nor were the words, " ac- cording to the form of the statute," marked thereon both which are positively required, by the statutes regulating the issuing of such pro- cess ; and without which they need not be obeyed. Should it be ob- NOTE.&, 453 Jiccted, that the English statutes are not binding here, it is answered that the United States are without a statutory provision on the sub- ject ; and that the introduction of the writ of habeas corpus generally, must introduce it, as it stood at the time of making the constitution. X. That if the allowance on the back of the affidavit, contrary to the express words of the statute, be deemed sufficient, yet the re- spondent was not bound to pay any attention to the writ of habeas corpus, because the same was not issued in conformity with the al- lowance given on the fifth day of March ; this was for a writ returnable on the next day, and afterwards altered, so as to bear date on the sixth of the same month, returnable on the succeeding morning, which would have been the 7th ; whereas the writ actually issued, bore date the 6th, and was returnable the same day thus varying materially from the allowance. This circumstance is an excellent illustration of the wisdom of the statutory provision, which requires that the writ it- self be signed by the judge. Under all which protestations and exceptions ; without submitting to the jurisdiction of the said court, or acknowledging the regularity of the proceedings, but expressly denying the same This respon- dent, in order to give a fair and true exposition of his conduct, on every occasion in which it may be drawn into question Saith That previously to, and soon after, his arrival in this section of the seventh military district, he received several letters and communica- tions, putting him on his guard against a portion of the inhabitants of the state, the legislature, and foreign emissaries in the city. The population of the country was represented as divided by political parties and national prejudices ; a great portion of them attached to foreign powers and disaffected to the government of their own country, and some, as totally unworthy of confidence. The militia was de- scribed as resisting the authority of their commander-in-chief, and en- couraged in their disobedience by the legislature of the state. That legislature characterized as politically rotten, and the whole state in such a situation as to make it necessary to look for defence princi- pally from the regular troops, and the militia from other states. Among those representations, the most important, from the 454 NOTES. station of the writer, were those of the governor. On the 8th oi August, 1814, he says " On a late occasion I had the mortification to acknowledge my inability to meet a requisition from general Flournoy ; the corps of this city having, for the most part, resisted my orders, being encour- aged in their disobedience by the legislature of the state, then in ses- sion ; one branch of which, the senate, having declared the requisi- tion illegal and oppressive, and the house of representatives having rejected a proposition to approve the measure. How far I shall be supported in my late orders, remains yet to be proved. I have rea- son to calculate upon the patriotism of the interior and western counties. I know also that there are many faithful citizens in New Orleans ; but there are others, in whose attachment to the United States / ought not to confide. Upon the whole, sir, I cannot disguise the fact, that if Louisiana should be attacked, we must principally depend for security upon the prompt movements of the regular force undef your command, and the militia of the western states and territories. At this moment, we are in a very unprepared and defenceless condi- tion : several important points of defence remain unoccupied, and in case of a sudden attack, this capital would, I fear, fall any easy sa- crifice." On the 12th of the same month, the respondent was told tc On the native Americans, and a vast majority of the Creoles of the country, I place much confidence, nor do I doubt the fidelity of many Europeans, who have long resided in the country ; but there are others, much devoted to the interest of Spain, and whose partiali- ty to the English is not less observable than their dislike to the American government." In a letter of the 24th, the same ideas are repeated ce Be assured, sir, that no exertions shall be wanting, on my part ; but I cannot disguise from you, that 1 have a very difficult people to manage : to this moment, no opposition to the requisition has manifest- ed itself, but 1 am not seconded with that ardent zeal, which, in my opi- nion, the crisis demands. We look with great anxiety to your move- ments, and place our greatest reliance for safety, on the energy and NOTES. 455 patriotism of the western states. ID Louisiana, there are many faithful citizens ; these last persuade themselves, that Spain will soon re- possess herself of Louisiana, and they seem to believe, that a com- bined Spanish and English force will soon appear on our coast. If Louisiana is invaded, I shall put myself at the head of such of my militia as will follow me to the field, and, on receiving, shall obey your orders. I need not assure you of my entire confidence in you, as a commander, and of the pleasure I shall experience in supporting all your measures for the common defence ; but, sir, a cause of inde- scribable cfiagrin to me is, that 1 am not at the head of a willing and united people : native Americans, native Louisianians, Frenchmen, and Spaniards, with some Englishmen, compose the mass of the popu- lation among them, there exists much jealousy, and as great differ- ences in political sentiments as in their language and habits. But, nevertheless, sir, if we are supported by a respectable body of regu- lar troops, or of western militia, 1 trust I shall be able to bring to your aid, a valiant and faithful corps of Louisiana militia : but if we are left to rely principally on our own resources, I fear existing jeal- ousies will lead to a distrust so general, that we shall be able to make but a feeble resistance." On the 8th of September, the spirit of disaffection is said to be greater than was supposed the country is said to be filled with spies and traitors : " Inclosed you have copies of my late general orders. They may, and I trust will be obeyed ; but to this moment my fellow-citizens have not manifested all that union and zeal the crisis demands, and their own safety requires. There is in this city a much greater spirit of disaffection than I had anticipated ; and among the faithful Louisianians, there is a despondency which palsies all my preparations ; they see no strong regular force, around which they could rally with confidence, and they seem to think themselves not within the reach of seasonable assistance from the western states. 1 am assured, sir, you will make the most judicious disposition of the forces under your command ; but excuse me for suggesting, that the presence of the seventh regiment, at or near JNew Orleans, will have the most salutary effect. The garrison here at present is alarmingly weak, and is a cause of much regret : from the great mixture of persons, and characters, in this city, we have as much to apprehend from within as from without. In arresting the intercourse between New Orleans and Pensacola, you have done right. Pensa- 456 NOTES. cola, is, in fact, an enemy's post, and had our commercial intercourse with it continued, the supplies furnished to the enemy would have so much exhausted our own stock of provisions, as to have occasioned the most serious inconvenience to ourselves. I was on the point of taking on myself the prohibition of the trade with Pensacola : I had prepared a proclamation to that effect, and would have issued it the very day I heard of your interposition. Enemies to the country may blame you for your prompt and energetic measures ; but, in the per- son of every patriot, you will find a supporter. I am very confident of the very lax police of this city, and indeed throughout the state, with respect to the visits of strangers. I think, with you, that our country is filled with spies and traitors : I have written pressingly on the subject to the city authorities and parish judges. I hope some efficient regulations will speedily be adopted by the first, and more vigilance exerted for the future by the latter." On the 19th of September, speaking of the drafts of militia, he says " The only difficulty I have hitherto experienced in meeting the requisition, has been in this city, and exclusively from some European Frenchmen, who, after giving their adhesion to Louis XVIII, have, through the medium of the French consul, claimed exemption from the drafts, as French subjects. The question of exemption, however, is now under discussion, before a special court of inquiry, and I am not without hopes, that these ungrateful men may yet be brought to a discharge of their duties." On the necessity qf securing the country against the machinations of foreigners, he, on the 4th of November, informed the respon- dent " You have been informed of the contents of an intercepted letter, written by colonel Coliel, a Spanish officer, to captain Morales, of Pensacola. This letter was submitted for the opinion of the attorney- general of the state, as to measures to be pursued against the writer. The attorney-general was of opinion, that the courts could take no cognizance of the same: but that the governor might order the ^writer to leave the state, and in case of refusal, to send him off by force. I accordingly, sir, ordered colonel Coliel to take his departure, NOTES, 457 in forty-eight hours, for Pensaeola, and gave him the necessary pass- ports. I hope this measure may meet your approbation. It is a just retaliation for the conduct lately observed by the governor of Pensa- eola, and may induce the Spaniards residing among us, to be less communicative upon those subjects which relate to our military movements. With the impressions this correspondence was calculated to pro- duce, the respondent arrived in this city, where, in different conver- sations, the same ideas were enforced, and he was advised, hot only by the governor of the state, but very many influential persons, to proclaim MARTIAL LAW, as the only means of producing union, over- coming disaffection, detecting treason, and calling forth the energies of the country. This measure was discussed and recommended to the respondent, as he well recollects, in the presence of the judge of this honourable court, who not only made no objection, but seem- ed, by his gestures and silence, to approve of its being adopted. These Opinions, respectable in themselves, derived greater weight from that which the governor expressed, of the legislature then in session. He represented their fidelity as very doubtful ; ascribed de- sign to their prolonged session ; and appeared extremely desirous that they should adjourn. The respondent had also been informed, that in the house of re- presentatives, the idea, that a very considerable part of the state be- longed to the Spanish government, and ought not to be represented, had been openly advocated, and favourably heard. The co-operation of the Spaniards with the English, was, at that time, a prevalent idea. This information, therefore, appeared highly important. He determined to examine, with the utmost care, all the facts that had been communicated to him ; and not to act upon the advice he had received, until the clearest demonstration should have determined its propriety. He was then almost an entire stranger, in the place he was sent to defend, and unacquainted with the language of a majori- ty of its inhabitants. While these circumstances were unfavourable to his obtaining information, on the one hand, they precluded, on the other, a suspicion that his measures were dictated by personal friend- ship, private animosity, or party views. Uninfluenced by such mo- tives, he began his observations. He sought for information, and to obtain it ? communicated with men of every description. He believed 3M 458 NOTES. that even then he discovered those high qualities, which have since distinguished those brave defenders of their country : that the va- riety of language, the difference of habit, and even the national pre- judices, which seemed to divide the inhabitants, might be made, if properly directed, the source of the most honourable emulation. Delicate attentions were necessary to foster this disposition ; and the highest energy, to restrain the effects, that such an assemblage was calculated to produce ; he determined to avail himself of both, and with this view, called to his aid, the impulse of national feeling, the higher motives of patriotic sentiment, and the noble enthusiasm of valour. They operated in a manner which history will record ; all who could be influenced by those feelings, rallied without delay, round the standard of their country. Their efforts, however, would have been unavailing, if the disaffected had been permitted to coun- teract them by their treason, the timid to paralyze them by their example, and both to stand aloof in the hour of danger, and enjoy the fruit of victory, without participating in the danger of defeat. A disciplined and powerful army was on our coast, commanded by officers of tried valour and consummate skill ; their fleet had already destroyed the feeble defence, on which, alone, we could rely to pre- vent their landing on our shores. Their point of attack was uncer- tain a hundred inlets were to be guarded, by a force not suflicient in number for one ; we had no lines of defence ; treason lurked among us, and only waited the moment of expected defeat to show itself openly. Our men were few, and of those few, not all were armed ; our prospect of aid and supply was distant and uncertain ; our titter ruin, if we failed, at hand, and inevitable ; every thing depend- ed on the prompt and energetic use of the means we possessed on calling the whole force of the community into action ; it was a con- test for the very existence of the state, and every nerve was to be strained in its defence. The physical force of every individual, his moral faculties, his property, and the energy of his example, were to be called into action, and instant action. No delay no hesitation, no inquiry about rights, or all was lost ; and every thing dear to man, his property, life, the honour of his family, his country, its con- stitution and laws, were swept away by the avowed principles, the open practice of the enemy with whom we had to contend. Fortifi- cations were to be erected, supplies procured, arms sought for, re- quisitions made, the emissaries of the enemy watched, lurking trea- NOTES. 459 son overawed, insubordination punished, and the contagion of cow- ardly example to be stopped. In this crisis, and under a firm persuasion that none of those ob- jects could be effected by the exercise of the ordinary powers con- fided to him under a solemn conviction that the country committed to his care could he saved by that measure only from utter rum under a religious belief, that he was performing the most important and sacred duty, the respondent proclaimed martial law. He intend- ed, by that measure, to supersede such civil powers as, in their ope- ration, interfered with those he was obliged to exercise. He thought, in such a moment, constitutional forms must be suspended, for the permanent preservation of constitutional rights, and that there could be no question, whether it were best to depart for a moment, from the enjoyment of our dearest privileges, or have them wrested from s forever. He knew, that if the civil magistrates were permitted to exercise their usual functions, none of the measures necessary to avert the awful fate that threatened us, could be expected. Personal liberty cannot exist at a time when every man is required to become a soldier. Private property cannot be secured when its use is indis- pensable to the public safety. Unlimited liberty of speech is incom- patible with the discipline of a camp ; and that of the press more dangerous still, when made the vehicle of conveying intelligence to the enemy, or exciting mutiny among the troops. To have suffered the uncontrolled enjoyment of any of those rights, during the time of the late invasion, would have been to abandon the defence of the country : the civil magistrate is the guardian of those rights ; and the proclamation of martial law was therefore intended to supersede the exercise of his authority, so far as it interfered with the necessary restriction of those rights ; but no further, The respondent states these principles explicitly, because they are the basis of his defence, and because a mistaken notion has been circulated, that the declaration of martial law only subjected the militia in service to its operation. This would, indeed, have been a very useless ceremony, as such persons were already subject to it, without the addition of any other act. Besides, if the proclamation of, martial law were a measure of necessity, a measure, without the exercise of which the country must unquestionably have been con* , then does it form a complete justification for the act. If it do 460 NOTES. not, in what manner will the proceeding by attachment for contempt be justified ? It is undoubtedly and strictly a criminal prosecution ; and the constitution declares, that in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall have the benefit of a trial by jury ; yet a prosecution is even now going on in this court, where no such benefit is allowed. Why ? From the alleged necessity of the case, because courts could not, it is Said, subsist without a power to punish promptly by their own act, and without the intervention of a jury. Necessity then, may, in some cases, justify a departure from the constitution : and if, in the doubt- ful case of avoiding confusion in a court, shall it be denied in the se- rious one of preserving a country from conquest and ruin? The re- spondent begs leave to explain, that in using this argument, he does not mean to admit the existence of necessity in the case of attach- ment; but to show that the principle of a justification from necessity is admitted, even in the weaker case. If the legislature of the Unit- ed States have given to courts the power to punish contempts, it is no answer to this defence, for two reasons first, because the words of the law do not necessarily exclude the intervention of a jury; and secondly, if they do, the law itself is contrary to the words of the constitution, and can only be supported on the plea of necessity ; to which head it is referred by the English writers on the subject. The only responsibility which has been incurred in the present case, is that which arises from necessity. This, the respondent agrees, must not be doubtful ; it must be apparent, from the circum- stances of the case, or it forms no justification. He submits all hi? acts, therefore, to be tested by this rule. To the forcible reasons which he has detailed, as impelling him to this measure, he ought to add, that he has since, by the confession of the enemy himself, received a confirmation of the opinions, which he had then good reason to believe ; that there were men among us so depraved, as to give daily and exact information of our movements, and our forces ; that the number of those persons was considerable, and their activity unceasing. The names of those wretches will probably be discovered ; and the respondent persuades himself, that this tribunal will employ itself, with greater satisfaction, in inflicting the punishment due to their crimes, than it now does in investigating the measures that were taken to counteract them. NOTES. 461 Jf example can justify, or the practice of others serve as a proof of necessity, the respondent has ample materials for his defence; not from analogous construction, but from the conduct of all the differ- ent departments of the state government, in the very case now under discussion. The legislature of the state, having no constitutional power to regulate or restrain commerce, on the day of December last, passed an act laying an embargo the executive sanctioned it, and, from a conviction of its necessity, it was acquiesced in. The same legislature shut up the courts of justice for four months, to all civil suitors the same executive sanctioned that law, and the judiciary not only acquiesced, but solemnly approved it. The governor, as appears by one of the letters quoted, undertook to inflict the punishment of exile upon an inhabitant, without any form of law, merely because he thought that an individual's presence might be dangerous to the public safety. The judge of this very court, duly impressed with the emergency of the moment, and the necessity of employing every means of de- fence, consented to the discharge of men committed and indicted for capital crimes, without bail, and without recognizance : and probably under an impression that the exercise of his functions would be use- less, absented himself from the place where his court was to be hold- en, and postponed its session, during a regular term. Thus the conduct of the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches of the government of this state, have borne the fullest tes- timony of the existence of the necessity, on which the respondent relies. The unqualified approbation of the legislature of the United States, and such of the individual states as were in session, ought also to be admitted, as no slight means of defence ; inasmuch as all these re- spectable bodies were fully apprized of his proclamation of martial law, and some of them seem to refer to it, by thanking him for the energy of his measures. The respondent, therefore, believes he has established the oeces- 462 NOTES. sity of proclaiming- martial law. He has shown the effects of that declaration ; and it only remains to prove, in answer to the rule, that the power assumed from necessity, was not abused in its exercise, nor improperly protracted in its duration. All the acts mentioned in the rule, took place after the enemy had retired from the position they had at first assumed after they had met with a signal defeat, and after an unofficial account had been re- ceived of the signature of a treaty of peace. Each of these circum- stances might be, to one who did not see the whole ground, a suffi- cient reason for supposing that further acts of energy and vigour were unnecessary. On the mind of the respondent, they had a dif- ferent effect. The enemy had retired from their position, it is true ; but they were still on the coast, and within a few hours' sail of the city. They had been defeated, and with loss; but that loss was to be repaired by expected reinforcements. Their numbers still much more than quadrupled all the regular forces which the respondent could command ; and the term of service of his most efficient militia force was about to expire. Defeat, to a powerful and active enemy, was more likely to operate as an incentive to renewed and increased exertion, than to inspire them with despondency, or to paralyze their efforts. A treaty, it is true, had been probably signed ; yet it might not be ratified. Its contents had not transpired, and no reasonable con- jecture could be formed, that it would be acceptable. The influence which the account of its signature had on the army, was deleterious in the extreme, and showed a necessity for increased energy, instead of a relaxation of discipline. Men, who had shown themselves zeal- ous in the preceding part of the campaign, now became lukewarm in the service. Those whom no danger could appal, and no labour discourage, complained of the hardships of the camp. When the enemy were no longer immediately before them, they thought them- selves oppressed, by being detained in service. Wicked and weak men, who, from their situation in life, ought to have furnished a bet- ter example, secretly encouraged this spirit of insubordination. They affected to pity the hardships of those who were kept in the field > they fomented discontent by insinuating that the merits of those to whom they addressed themselves, had not been sufficiently noticed or applauded ; and to so high a degree had the disorder at length risen, that at one period, only fifteen men and one officer, out of a whole regiment, stationed to guard the very avenue through which NOTES. 463 tho cne my hnd penetrated into the country, were found at their post. At another point equally important, a whole corps, on which the greatest reliance had been placed, operated upon by the acts of a foreign agent, suddenly deserted their post. If, trusting to an uncertain peace, the respondent had revoked his proclamation, or ceased to act under it, the fatal security by which ive were lulled, might have destroyed all discipline, have dissolved all his force, and left him without any means of defending the country against an enemy, instructed, by the traitors within our own bosom, of the time and place at which he might safely make his attack. In such an event, his life might have been offered up ; yet it would have been but a feeble expiation, for the disgrace and misery, into which, by his criminal negligence, he had permitted the country to be plunged, He thought peace a probable, but by no means a certain event. If it had really taken place, a few days must bring the official advice of it ; and he believed it better to submit, during those few days, to the salutary restraints imposed, than to put every thing dear to ourselves and country at risk upon an uncertain contingency. Admit the chances to have been a hundred or a thousand to one in favour of the ratifi- cation, and against any renewed attempts of the enemy ; what should \ve say or think of the prudence of the man, who would stake his life, his fortune, his country, and his honour, even with such odds in his favour, against a few days' anticipated enjoyment of the blessings of peace ? The respondent could not bring himself to play so deep a hazard ; uninfluenced by the clamours of the ignorant and the desi^nin^ he continued the exercise of that law which necessity had compelled him to proclaim ; and he still thinks himself justified, by the situation of affairs, for the course which he adopted and pursued. Has he exercised this power wantonly or improperly ? If so, he is liable ; not, as he believes, to this honourable court for contempt, but to his .government for an abuse of power, and to those individuals whom he has injured, in damages proportioned to that injury. About the period last described, the consul of France, who ap- pears, by governor Claiborne's letter, to have embarrassed the first drafts, by his claims in favour of pretended subjects of his king, re- newed his interference ; his certificates were given to men in the 464 .NOTES. ranks of the army ; to some who Ind never applied, and to others who wished to use them as the means of obtaining- an inglorious e'x- emption from danger and fatigue. The immunit}' derived from these certificates not only thinned the ranks, by the withdrawal of those to whom they were given, but produced the desertion of others, who thought themselves equally entitled to the privilege ; and to this cause must be traced the abandonment of the important post of Chef Menteur, and the temporal'}' refusal of a relief ordered to occupy it. Under these circumstances, to remove the force of an example which had already occasioned such dangerous consequences, and to punish those who were so unwilling to defend what they were so ready to enjoy, the respondent issued a general order, directing those French subjects, who had availed themselves of the consul's certifi- cates, to remove out of the lines of defence, and far enough to avoid any temptation of intercourse with our enemy, whom they were so scrupulous of opposing. This measure was resorted to, as the mild- est mode of proceeding against a dangerous and increasing evil; and the respondent had the less scruple of his power, in this instance, as it was not quite so strong as that which governor Claiborne had ex- ercised, before the invasion, by the advice of his attorney-general, in the case of colonel Coliel. It created, however, some sensation ; discontents were again fo- mented, from the source that had first produced them. Aliens and strangers became the most violent advocates of constitutional right?, and native Americans were taught the value of their privileges, by those who formally disavowed any title to their enjoyment. The order was particularly opposed, in an anonymous publication. In this, the author deliberately and wickedly misrepresented the order, as subjecting to removal all Frenchmen whatever, even those who had gloriously fought in defence of the country ; and, after many dangerous and unwarrantable declarations, he closes, by calling upon all Frenchmen to flock to the standard of their consul thus advising and producing an act of mutiny arid insubordination, and publishing the evidence of our weakness and discord to the enemy, who were still in our vicinity, anxious, no doubt, before the cessation of hostili- ties, to wipe away the late stain upon their arms. To have silently looked on such an offence, without making any attempt to punish it, would have been a formal surrender of all dicipline, all order, all NOTES. 465 personal dignity and public safety^ This could not be done ; and the respondent immediately ordered the arrest of the offender. A writ of habeas corpus was directed to issue for his enlargement. The very case which had been foreseen, the very contingency on which mar- tial law was intended to operate, had now occurred. The civil magis- trate seemed to think it his duty to enforce the enjoyment of civil rights, although the consequences which have been described, would probably have resulted. An unbending sense of what he seemed to think his station required, induced him to order the liberation of the prisoner. This, under the respondent's sense of duty, produced a conflict which it was his wish to avoid. No other course remained, than to enforce the principles which he had laid down as his guide, and to suspend the exercise of this judicial power, wherever it interfered with the necessary means of defence. The only way effectually to do this, was to place the judge in a situa- tion in which his interference could not counteract the measures of defence, or give countenance to the mutinous disposition that had shown itself in so alarming a degree. Merely to have disregarded the writ, would but have increased the evil, and to have obeyed it, was wholly repugnant to the respondent's ideas of the public safety, and to his own sense of duty. The judge was therefore confined, and removed beyond the lines of defence. As to the paper mentioned in the rule, which the respondent is charged with taking and detaining, he answers, that when the writ was produced by the clerk of this honourable court, the date of its issuance appeared to have been altered from the 5th to the 6th. He was questioned respecting the apparent alteration, and acknowledged it had been done by judge Hall, and not in the presence of the party who made the affidavit. This material alteration, in a paper that concerned him, gave the respondent as he thought, a right to detain it for further investigation, which he accordingly did ; but gave a certified copy, and an acknowledgment that the original was in his possession. The respondent avows, that he considered this alteration in the date of the, affidavit, as it was then explained to him by the clerk, to be such evidence of a personal, not judicial interference, and activity, in behalf of a man charged with the most serious ofience,:as justified 3N 466 NOTES. the idea then formed, that the judge approved his conduct, and sup- ported his attempts to excite disaffection among the troops. This was the conduct of the respondent, and these the motives which prompted it. They have been fairly and openly exposed to this tribunal, and to the world, and would not have been accompanied by any exception or waver of jurisdiction, if it had been deemed ex- pedient to give him that species of trial, to which he thinks himself entitled, by the constitution of his country. The powers which the exigency of the times forced him to assume, have been exercised exclusively for the public good; and, by the blessing of God, they have been attended with unparalleled success. They have saved the country ; and whatever may be the opinion of that country, or the decrees of its courts, in relation to the means he has us*d, he can never regret that he employed them. ANDREW JACKSON. (<*) Address to the troops at Aew Orleans, after the annunciation of peace. The major-general is at length enabled to perform the pleasing task of restoring to Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, and the territory of the Mississippi, the brave troops who have acted such a distinguish- ed part in the war which has just terminated. In restoring these brave men to their homes, much exertion is expected of, and great responsibility imposed on, the commanding officers of the different corps. It is required of major-generals Carroll and Thomas, and brigadier-general Coffee, to march their commands, without unne- cessary delajr, to their respective states. The troops from the Mis- sissippi territory and state of Louisiana, both militia and volunteers, will be immediately mustered out of service, paid, and discharged. The major-general has the satisfaction of announcing the approba- tion of the president of the United States to the conduct of the troops under his command, expressed, in flattering terms, through the ho- nourable the secretary at NOTES. 467 In parting with those brave men, whose destinies have been so long united with his own, and in whose labours and glories it is his happiness and his boast to have participated, the commanding general can neither suppress his feelings, nor give utterance to them as he ought. In what terms can he bestow suitable praise on merit so ex- traordinary, so unparalleled ? Let him, in one burst of joy, gratitude, and exultation, exclaim " These are the saviours of their country these the patriot soldiers, who triumphed over the invincibles of Wellington, and conquered the conquerors of Europe I" With what patience did you submit to privations with what fortitude did you endure fatigue what valour did you display in the day of battle ! You have secured to America a proud name among the nations of the earth a glory which will never perish. Possessing those dispositions, which equally adorn the citizen and the soldier, the expectations of your country will be met in peace, as her wishes have been gratified in war. Go, then, my brave com- panions, to your homes ; to those tender connexions, and blissful scenes, which render life so dear full of honour, and crowned with laurels which will never fade. When participating in the bosoms of your families, the enjoyment of peaceful life, with what happiness will you not look back to the toils you have borne to the dangers you have encountered ? How will all your past exposures be converted into sources of inexpressible delight? Who, that never experienced your sufferings, will be able to appreciate your joys ? The man who slumbered ingloriously at home, during your painful marches, your nights of watchfulness, and your days of toil, will envy you the hap- piness which these recollections will afford still more will he envy the gratitude of that country, which you have so eminently contri- buted to save. Continue, fellow soldiers, on your passage to your several destina- tions, to preserve that subordination, that dignified and manly deport- ment, which have so ennobled your character. While the commanding general is thus giving indulgence to his feelings, towards those brave companions, who accompanied him through difficulties and danger, he cannot permit the names of Blount, and Shelby, and Holmes, to pass unnoticed. With what generous ardour and patriotism have these distinguished governors contributed 468 NOTES* all their exertions, to provide the means of victory ! The recoilec tion of their exertions, and of the success which has resulted, will he to them a reward more grateful than any which the pomp of title, or the splendour of wealth, can bestow. What happiness it is to the commanding general, that, while dan- ger was before him, he was, on no occasion, compelled to use to- wards his companions in arms, either severity or rebuke. If, after the enemy had retired, improper passions began their empire in a few unworthy bosoms, and rendered a resort to energetic measures necessary for their suppression, he has not confounded the innocent with the guilty the seduced with the seducers. Towards you, fellow- soldiers, the most cheering recollections exist ; blended, alas ! with re- gret, that disease and war should have ravished from us so many worthy companions. But the memory of the cause in which they perished, and of the virtues which animated them while living, must occupy the place where sorrow would claim to dwell. Farewell, fellow-soldiers. The expression of your general's thanks is feeble ; but the gratitude of a country of freemen is yours yours the applause of an admiring world. ANDREW JACKSON, Major-General commanding V 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. IV- v. *V * v 20]ua l 60^E ^ REC'D LD LIBftAKV U8C NOV W^ LD 21A-50m-8,'57 (C8481slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley > &} "