D. PIERRETTE BY MISS BOUVET. A LITTLE HOUSE IN PIML1CO. Small 4 to. Illus trated. $1.25. PIERRETTE. Small 4 to. Illustrated. $1.00. A CHILD OF TUSCANY. Small 410. Illustrated. $1.25. MY LADY: A Story of Long Ago. i6mo. Illustrated. $1.25. LITTLE MARJORIE S LOVE STORY. Small 4 to. Illustrated. $1.00. PRINCE TIP TOP. A Fairy Tale. Small 4 to. Illus trated. $1.00. SWEET WILLIAM. Small 4 to. Illustrated. $1.25. A. C. McCLURG AND CO., CHICAGO. " There is something I have wanted to ask you about for a long time." PIERRETTE BY MARGUERITE BOUVET AUTHOR OF "A CHILD OF TUSCANY," "MY LADY," "SWEET WILLIAM, "LITTLE MARJORIE S LOVE STORY," "PRINCE TIP TOP," ETC. ILLUSTRATED BY WILL PHILLIP HOOPER CHICAGO A. C. McCLURG AND COMPANY 1899 COPYRIGHT BY A. C. MCCLURG AND CO. A. D. 1896. All rights reserved. V *?,- "^>t^ 1 "** 4^ .^ |I V tV^t QltiSftft * **". ^ v *>*- sl "-> <- .V* -^" oV Illustrated \f\\\ Philliis Hooper STACK ANNEX P P sure ive have done, if only half done, The good / was ours to do ? Hate have we conquered, and by love have we won, Aye, won our enemy, toof" VICTOR HUGO. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE " One evening Pierrette and her mother sat together beside the window " 19 " Here is a piece of work that once belonged to the Countess of B. " 37 " Ah, le monstre ! " 47 "She was just emerging from the big stone portal, with her precious bundle in her arms " ... 55 " Even grumbling old Jeanneton said, when she came in, that it was as if a sunbeam had entered her room " 71 " Elize and Pierrette had been obliged to stand a little aloof on account of the crowd " . . . . 83 " There is something I have wanted to ask you about for a long time "" 97 " I know, I know, Monsieur, and I thank you in my heart" 115 " As if all the airy sprites she had heard of in the old fairy-book were dancing by her in gay procession" 123 " They walked down the shady avenue " .... 131 xii PIERRETTE. PAGE " He was obliged to have a serious tussle with Joy- of-My-heart" 149 " But, Madame, he said in a feeble voice of apol ogy, I do not understand ! " 161 " Look, look, petite mere, it is a Christmas basket " 1 73 " Ah, Madame, she said, tremulously, you make me very happy ! " 185 " Pierrette did as she was bidden, and laid the cool, wet cloth on the old man s head " 193 PIERRETTE. CHAPTER I. How was it that she had found her way into that gloomy, narrow, crowded, noisy quarter of the Luxembourg, that busy section of Paris where the people are for the most part poor, and must live all huddled up together in great dismal houses, and have to labor very hard to earn their meagre living! In that vast human bee-hive where every one, child as well as man or woman, has some art or trade at which he toils for the glory and fame of his dear city ! One would scarcely have expected to find such a bright, pretty little creature as Pierrette hidden away there under a high attic set in 1 4- PIERRETTE. the irregular roofs of one of the oldest houses in old Paris. Yet I am not sure that these humble surroundings did not serve the better to set forth her fresh young beauty, her gentle little graces, and the sunny nature that made the dingy garret seem a home instead of a prison, for a little light often shines brightest in dark places. Pierrette had no recollection of any other home. She could remember no other days than those which she had spent with " Petite Mere " in the little room under the peaked roof of the old house. She was very young when she was brought to it, and she had grown up there contented, like a young pigeon in a very small cote, never dreaming of the wonders and splendors of the great city in which she lived. But the " Little Mother," who was all alone in the world now save for Pierrette, could remember a happier time, when she had had her own little home in pretty Meudon, in the beautiful open country, with a broad expanse of sunshine and sky overhead, and an abun dance of sweet air and flowers, and a kind husband to love and care for her; and it was PIERRETTE. 15 very hard now to live in this wretched way after having once known happiness and peace, to sit beside her high window in the daytime, and beside her lamp at night, working with weary fingers and straining eyes at some bit of fine lace for which she received scarcely enough to keep herself and Pierrette from starving. She was young, and knew very little of the ways of the great world when she had been left a widow, and she had thought, like many others, that her only chance of earning a decent liveli hood was in coming to Paris. To Paris, alas ! that great refuge of struggling human beings. She did not know what life was to the poor in a great city; she could not foresee the loneliness, the disappointments, the trials and hardships she would have to endure. She had only seen Paris from without, as it seems to all those who first look upon its beauty, gay, brilliant, smil ing and beckoning, promising many things. And she had sold what little she possessed, and come to this fair haven alone with her little daughter, but full of hope and courage. She was very deft with her fingers, as are most of the women of France, and she had 1 6 PIERRETTE. learned the art of making beautiful laces from rare old patterns, and she knew that in Paris there were many people who paid large sums of money for the lovely work, and that many workers were employed by the big merchants who supplied the luxurious wants and caprices of the rich world. But the city was very crowded when she came to live in it, for there were nearly two millions of people there already, who were trying to do just what she wanted to do, to earn a few sous by their handiwork; and she felt almost lost in that struggling, toiling multi tude. They had to live very poorly, for their resources were small and were soon exhausted ; and many days and weeks went by before any one came to offer them any work. Ah, what despairing days those were for the poor little mother, as she sat in the miserable little room, her arms clasped about Pierrette, weeping and asking God what was to become of them ! Pierrette was too young to understand or realize what they were suffering, and that was indeed a blessing; but, young as she was, she was a comfort to the little mother. For her the young widow prayed and lived; without PIERRETTE. I/ her life would hardly have been worth the effort she was making to keep it going. The child s very ignorance was a blessing, and her innocent smiles and unconscious childish prattle cheered many long and weary days of waiting. They had been living in Paris now nearly five years, living a life that would have seemed miserable to many, for there was but little food and scanty clothing, and scarcely any fire in the wintry season, and no fresh, cool air in the hot summer. Yet the little garret room under the eaves had during that time grown to be their home, and they had learned to care for it in spite of its poverty; because it held all that was most precious to them in the world, and that was each other. It was a bare little room enough, and dismal enough, when the sun happened to be shining on the other side of the house, or not at all, for it had but one small square window; but there were a few pale flowers doing their best to bloom in bits of broken china that stood on its ledge, and an old vine had crept up between the stones from ever so far down below in the street, as if purposely to keep them company, 1 8 PIERRETTE. and a golden canary hung in a cage above this bit of verdure and sang merrily, all the day: all of which showed that there was a gentle spirit reigning there. The walls were dingy and dis colored with age, and the floor was made of chill gray stone, and what few necessities they had were of the plainest kind; but everything was well kept and exquisitely neat, for though the little mother was poor, and a daughter of the people, she was of the people of France, who by some inborn, unconscious grace are able to soften the cruel edges of necessity, and to make poverty seem less hideous with them than it is anywhere else in the world. One evening Pierrette and her mother sat together beside the window. It was too early to light the lamp, and yet too dark to see the fallen stitches in the lace that she was mending, and the young woman lay back in her chair with her eyes closed and her work in her lap, enjoying one of those rare idle moments that are so precious to weary workers. Pierrette nestled closer and looked questioningly at the pale young face. " You are very tired, petite mere, let me One evening; Pierrette and her mother sat together beside the window." PIERRETTE. 2 1 stroke your pretty head, and perhaps you will fall asleep." " Ah, that must not be until night comes, my Pierrette ; the work must be finished first, and if Pere Michel is pleased, and pays us our money, we shall be sure of a dinner to-morrow, and shall sleep all the better for it to-night," said the little mother, with a smile. " It is very bad of people to tear their laces and take them to Pere Michel for you to mend. I wish they would not do so any more," said the child. " Not so, my little Pierrette ; we must be very grateful to them for taking the lace to Pere Michel, otherwise there would be nothing for us to do. It would be a sad time for us if the rich people gave us no work." " But the mending is tedious and hurts your eyes, petite mere." " Yes, it is hard to darn up the holes, and to make them look like the rest ; and I could take more pleasure in setting up a beautiful new piece from one of the lovely patterns that I have. But we must not complain as long as we can earn a few sous. We are not so poorly off 22 PIERRETTE. as we might be, not so poorly off as old Jean- neton, who is sick and who has no little girl to comfort her, are we, Pierrette? " " Oh, no, maman, we are not unhappy like poor Jeanneton ; but then she is old and cross and ugly, and you will never be old and ugly like her. You are a sweet, pretty mother, and of course you are never cross," and she stroked the delicate hand that lay in hers. " Is it not always the cross, bad people who are unhappy? " " Not always, dear; it is more often because of their misfortunes that people grow cross and ill-tempered ; but we all have a great deal to do with our own happiness. It is safest to be good, and to do the duty that God sends us to do, and happiness will surely follow at some time," said the little mother, who had a gentle, pious nature, and whose faith alone had upheld her through all her tribulations. " That is what you always say, petite mere. I should think that sometime would come very soon for you ; for you are so good, so good that even old Jeanneton calls you a saint." The young mother bent down and kissed PIERRETTE. 23 Pierrette. To that tender little creature, it was reward enough for all her goodness and self- sacrifice that her dear Pierrette should love and trust her so much. The thought that a little child, innocent of all this world s wrongs, looks to us for every good, and takes us for its model of every virtue, has served to ennoble and strengthen many of us when we might otherwise have been cowardly and weak. "Now, little mother dear, you must soon teach me to do the mending; and then perhaps I can do all of Pere Michel s work, and you need only stitch at the beautiful new pieces." "Not yet, my Pierrette; you are still too young to do such work. You would not do it well, perhaps, and Pere Michel would scold us. You know how vexed he is if there is a thread loose anywhere. You must be content to at tend to your little duties at home ; and that is as much help as you can give me for the present." Secretly, the little mother had a dread of Pierrette s beginning at her tender age to work for wages as if she were obliged to earn her own living. She had seen so many children in the neighborhood, scarcely older than Pierrette, 24 PIERRETTE. with tired, careworn faces, bending at some trade or other, perhaps till late in the night ; and it seemed a terrible thing to her that a child should know no childhood because of poverty and want. She had striven hard that Pierrette should never know such hardships ; she cherished a hidden thought that somehow, at some time, she did not exactly explain to herself in what way, something would happen that would bring about a change in Pierrette s life, a change for something brighter and hap pier than they had ever known. She felt, like the fond little mother that she was, that Pier rette was unlike other children whom she knew. She was gentler, more thoughtful and more loving. Her quiet, simple life had rendered her not old and unchildlike, but sweetly serious and reasonable, so that she and the young mother were like companions, having no thoughts apart from one another. Pierrette rose at once and lighted the little oil-lamp, for it had grown quite dark while they sat talking. She drew the small round table into the middle of the room, and set the light upon it, and her mother s working chair close PIERRETTE. 25 beside it, ready for the evening s work. Then she went about the room, like a little housewife, closing the curtains, and covering the canary, and stirring up the embers of the scanty fire in the hollow of the old chimney. The evenings were long, for it was just in the fall of the year, when Paris looks very gray and bleak after the sun has gone down, and when a raw chill wind howls fiercely down the gables of the old houses in the quarter of the Luxem bourg, and when every man feels that his own fireside, however plain and humble it may be, is assuredly the best place to be in at that hour. Pierrette and her maman made a very comfortable and pleasing picture as they sat together under the rosy glow of the lamp, the young mother bending over her work, and the little girl prepar ing her needles, or holding her frame and watch ing intently the progress of every stitch. For Pierrette s maman was in truth all that the child had said of her, a sweet, tender, lovely little wo man. She had no riches to set ofif her still girlish beauty ; but her slender figure was graceful in her neat black gown, and her pretty head and throat rose like a flower from the folds of her 26 PIERRETTE. white kerchief. She had large gray eyes that were both mild and fearless, and an abundance of soft brown hair that waved of its own fancy about her white temples, a sensitive mouth, and the sweetest smile in the world, at least, so Pierrette thought. And the little girl was remarkably like her. What wonder, then, that these two young creatures were at peace and even happy, happy in a little garret, with so few of the things which the world counts necessary to happiness ! What wonder, indeed ! For one can be happy almost anywhere, almost anyhow, when one is young. r CHAPTER II. VERY early the next morning, Pierrette and her mother were making their way through the little narrow dingy street called the " rue des Anges," where Pere Michel had his shop. Pier rette had often wondered why this small busy street, hardly more than a generous alley, should have been given the comely name of " the street of the Angels."" Truly the people who inhab ited it could not be said to resemble angels in any particular whatsoever. They were very substantial, earthly-looking people, especially the children, of whom the population seemed chiefly to consist. Yet I am not sure that the rue des Anges was not a paradise in its way, a very dark, dingy, dirty sort of paradise, but well enough, I dare say, for those who had no notion 28 PIERRETTE. of one better; for its people were about as easy going and care-free a community as one could wish to meet anywhere in Paris. The street was hardly more than two hundred yards long, and yet there were people enough living in it to populate an ordinary sized village. It was stocked with curious little shops of vari ous small traffic, with all their wares displayed at one window or case, and that was done with such skill and grace that the eye of the passer by could not but be arrested by their contents. There was a number of distracting toy-shops, with gay-colored polichinellcs dangling from the ceiling, and capable of the most fascinating con tortions ; and it was here that the gamins of the neighborhood loved to congregate, and stare and exclaim their admiration, and long in vain for the airy nothings that the children of the rich have without the asking and cast aside the next moment. It was here that little Pierrette glanced wistfully whenever she travelled back and forth to Pere Michel s. There was so much in these windows, although they were so small, to attract the eye of a child, such brilliant coloring, such quaint devices, such airy fabrications, as only the artisan of Paris knows how to fashion. PIERRETTE. 29 At the very end of the street, underneath the projecting arcades of an old square building, was a large iron gate-way leading into a circular court upon which Pere Michel s dwelling opened. For Pere Michel s traffic was of that conserva tive sort that he felt perfectly certain of his patronage no matter how obscure or remote his place of habitation might be. There was no thing at the entrance of the old stone building o o to suggest the presence of so important a per sonage as Pere Michel. The ignorant might have gone on looking for him up and down the rue des Anges, and never found him. But those who patronized him, or, to speak more exactly, whom he patronized, knew that they must walk the entire length of the damp court and, turning up a short flight of mouldy steps on the left, knock, with due precaution, at a long glass door on which was inscribed, in the smallest possible letters : - A. MICHEL NEGOCIANT DE LUXE. It was not every one, however, who knew by this inscription just the nature of Pere Michel s 30 PIERRETTE. traffic. One had really to enter the little shop in order to understand the true importance of his business. But that was not an easy matter to accomplish, for it was one of old Michel s oddities never to admit anyone inside his dwell ing until he knew precisely what their business was, and had agreed with them about it before hand. In this way he had grown to be a sort of autocrat in the court; and his neighbors were much puzzled concerning him, and looked upon him as a mysterious, and therefore a dangerous, character. But A. Michel gave them no satis faction, and left them to their own conjectures. All that they gleaned of his doings was from watching the people who came and knocked at his door. They were for the most part women, ladies and working girls. The ladies came in their carriages to the entrance of the court, and were usually covered with long mantles and closely veiled when they walked out, which did not in the least disguise the fact that they were ladies, as every observer at the windows could tell, by their gait and demeanor. The others were girls, shop-girls, working girls of all classes, who made no attempt to dis- PIERRETTE. 3 1 guise their identity, being rather proud than otherwise of their exploits at Fere Michel s, and who always came away with delighted faces and one or more mysterious bundles in their arms. Then there were yet a few others, like Pier rette s mother, who came and went so quietly that they were scarcely noticed by the dwellers of the court ; for they came neither to sell nor to buy, but to bring and take away the work / with which the old man supplied them. The little mother gave a gentle tap at the glass door which was no longer transparent, because of the great quantity of dust that had gathered and settled on its surface. In a few moments a fat finger appeared on the inside of the pane, and cleared a small round opening of its dust, and a round red eye bleared at them through it. Having satisfied himself that Pier rette and her mother were no intruders, Pere Michel immediately loosened the bolt and stood before them in a red night-cap and long loose dressing-gown. o o " Aie, aie, aie, it is you, Ma am Elize and M amzelle Pierrette, very early and yet too 32 PIERRETTE. late," said the old man, with a threatening wrin kle in his brow, and yet making a very polite salutation. " What do you mean, Monsieur Michel ? " said the little mother, in anxious alarm. " You told me to bring the lace back on Friday, and it is only Wednesday." " That is just like you women, Wednesday, Friday, Thursday !" cried Pere Michel, in his nasal tenor, and shrugging his shoulders so that his neck almost disappeared between them. " What is that to me, hein ! You think I can wait till Wednesday or Friday to make a good bargain ! I tell you if I had had that strip of lace yesterday I might have sold it for thirty francs. Do you comprehend that? thirty good francs! a fortune that does not drop in one s beak every day ; and yet you talk to me of Friday! Aie, aie, aie ! " and Pere Michel scratched his ear and frowned as he beckoned them in and closed the door. " Oh, I am . so very sorry ! " said the little mother, timidly. " If I had known you wanted it, I could have worked at night and finished it; and Pierrette might have brought it yesterday. PIERRETTE. 33 But I thought this was an order, not a piece for sale." " No, it was not an order this time, and I have missed a rare chance of making a precious thirty francs, that is all. It is of no use weeping over it now," he added with sudden philosophy, ob serving the look of confusion on the young woman s face, "no use regretting what is past; we have no time for that. Come, let us look at the lace, a pestilence on it ! I shall always be a poor beggar simply because I can never catch a glimpse of my luck until it is just turning the corner." Elize untied her little paper parcel with ner vous fingers, and displayed about three yards of soft rich lace, of beautiful texture, and so exquis itely wrought that no eye save that of sharp old Fere Michel could ever have detected that once its firm edge had been torn and that its roses lost some of their petals. The old man took it up in his fingers, and examined it closely, inch by inch, and spread it out upon his knees, and held it up to the light, and then he laid it aside, saying, with rare con descension, " It is not so bad, not so bad; " for 3 34 PIERRETTE. which the little mother felt exceedingly grateful, for the old man never paid one sou for any thing until he had thoroughly ascertained that it was in every way satisfactory. " Is there some thing else for me to take away this morning, Monsieur Michel?" asked the little woman, with hesitation. But Pere Michel did not answer immediately. He was busy dropping some eggs into a pot of boiling water for his breakfast. He did not know, or perhaps he only appeared not to know, how anxiously his answer was awaited by the two young creatures who depended so largely upon him for their bread. Pere Michel was such a surprising old person one could never quite tell what he would do next. 1 1 is moods were uncertain, and Elize was never sure whether she had pleased him or not. He was now deeply absorbed in a tussle with " Joy-of-My-Heart," who was taking too active an interest in the hard-boiled eggs. Joy-of-My-Heart was a fat, ugly, snarling poodle with a \voolly tangled coat and a most idiotic expression of countenance as he lay on his back, all fours in the air, wriggling and mak- PIERRETTE. 35 ing the most unseemly noises, which amused Pierrette immensely, although she dared not laugh, as she knew Fere Michel to be extremely sensitive on the subject of his beast. It was another of the old man s oddities that he had more regard and affection for this uninteresting brute than for any human being on earth. While they sat waiting for him to speak, Pierrette was looking about the little room to see what changes had taken place since her last visit; for the quaint old shop was always a source of interest and wonder to her. It con tained what Pere Michel called his " luxe," which was a motley assortment of discarded fin ery from the ladies of the faubourg. There were faded silk gowns of several seasons past, and fascinating ball-dresses whose first freshness was more or less gone, but which were never theless carefully displayed in long glass cases that lined the walls of the room, and where they hung with the most tempting effect. There were old velvet mantles, and high-heeled gilt slippers, and ostrich feathers of all colors, and indeed an endless confusion of useless things which the daughters of Paris love and labor to get, and 36 PIERRETTE. turn to account, no matter to what station in life they belong. In another part of the room, there was an old wooden coffer with a glass top, in which Pore Michel kept his articles of the most value. These were odd bits of jewelry, brooches, bracelets, fancy combs, rings, a few lockets, and one or t\vo time-pieces. It was also where he kept the valuable laces that were brought to him to be repaired, or to be disposed of when they had served their time. It was to this coffer that Pere Michel now turned, having at length decided to answer the little mother s question about more work. " Here is something," he said, opening the chest and taking from it a small mantilla of "point d Alenc_on" that was almost in shreds. " Here is a piece of work that once belonged to the Countess of B. and is now the possession of Madame de L." Pere Michel never gave full names. " This enchanting piece of an tiquity is itself past all remedy. I told Madame so. The cat has put her claws through it. But it is a choice- relic as it is; I would not have it mended for the world ; Madame is very Here is a piece of work that once belonged to the Countess of B." PIERRETTE. 39 proud of it. Now, she wishes us to make a new one from this model. It is a beautiful one, and I have the design and all the neces sary materials. How would you like to take this with you, providing you can promise to bring it to me finished in two weeks, hark you, two weeks, and not a minute later?" " Oh, I should like it above all things ! " cried Elize, in happy surprise. This was a mark of trust which she had hardly dared to expect from Pere Michel. But the old man was very shrewd. He knew very well that of all the people who worked for him, there was not one who was so honest, so conscien tious, and withal so skillful, or who would be so grateful for this rare piece of handiwork, as was Elize. And while he appeared to be confer ring a great favor upon her by placing it into her hands, he was in reality serving his best interests. " I promise you it will be finished, Monsieur Michel. I shall work at it all the time; it is so beautiful, it will really be a pleasure," said the young woman, her pretty face all flushed at this unexpected good fortune. 4O PIERRETTE. " That is well," said the old man, beginning O O to take the shells from his boiled eg<is, and o o spreading himself comfortably in his one large chair. " Take your pay, it is on the corner of the chimney; and you know where I keep the needles and the thread. Choose what you need, and do your best; for Madame de L. is a good patron, as you know." Elize did as she was bidden, and promised to do her best; and then she made a careful bundle of the work, and, giving her hand to Pierrette, rose to go. As she laid her hand on the latch, the door opened from without and some one entered at whom Joy-of-My-Heart gave a sudden leap and a surly growl, leaving his attractive place beside the egg-pot to bite and snarl at the stranger s shoes. The stranger was unmistakably a gen tleman, an exquisitely dressed French gentle man, who raised his hat with much elegance, and stepped aside to let Elize and the little girl pass out of Fere Michel s shop. CHAPTER III. PIERRETTE and her mother could hardly help looking a second time at the surprising mon sieur, whose magnificent appearance in the rue des Anges had indeed brought out the whole population to comment thereupon from their doorsteps and windows. Pierrette had never seen any one quite like him before. Such a very tall shining silk hat as he wore, and such an immensely long mustache standing out on each side of his face like the horns of a big black beetle ! and such piercing eyes as he looked at them with as they had passed him. It would not have been in the least surprising if he had turned out to be the president him- 42 PIERRETTE. self, or an exiled prince of the house of Bourbon. They made their way hurriedly across the court into the street, so that they did not hear Pere Michel s greeting of the fine strange gen tleman, nor yet Joy-of-My-Heart s persistent growls of discontent as the new-comer walked into the little shop and seated himself in a graceful attitude on one of Pere Michel s wooden benches. "You see me, Monsieur Michel," said the exquisite person, taking a dainty pinch from a little gold snuff-box which he drew from his waistcoat pocket. " You see me again with a request upon your indulgence." " I see you, Monsieur Le Page," returned Pere Michel, with a polite grimace, " with in finite regret, if your request is of the same nature as when you honored me with your last visit." " I must confess that it is," returned Monsieur Le Page. " I would have you reconsider your refusal. You know my reputation in Paris. I have the largest traffic, in our line of busi ness, in the city, and the richest and most PIERRETTE. 43 notable patronage. I must satisfy the caprice of a wealthy enthusiast ; I resort to a little harmless stratagem ; you assist me. Who is harmed thereby? No one. I am well paid, and you receive a munificent reward for your share in the bargain. Come, Michel, be reasonable ; do not lose sight of your own interests ; you have nothing to lose by my proposition," and he twirled the ends of his long black mustache, and looked hard at the old man. " Nothing to lose, in effect, Monsieur, if I belonged to your aristocracy, because I should then have no scruples about doing a dishonest thing," and Pere Michel straightened himself with much dignity. " It may be difficult for you to comprehend, but we poor, beggarly, toiling creatures whom you despise, do some times have a grain of conscience, and that prevents us from seeing matters with your vision." " Chut, chut," rejoined the gentleman, with a * suave wave of his gloved hand, " that is talk, talk, Monsieur Michel. You and I cannot afford to talk ; we must act. Once for all, will 44 PIERRETTE. you take my order for the work and bind yourself to secrecy?" " Assuredly not," responded Pere Michel, with grim persistence. "Ah, then you are immovable? My good man, it is foolish, it is stupid. You will regret your obstinacy some day, some clay when it is too late," and he shrugged his shoulders impatiently, and trod absently upon a crawling spider near his foot, and killed it with that same suave expression upon his face. " I shall regret nothing but the time I am wasting in listening to you," said Pere Michel, dividing his fourth egg with Joy-of-My-Heart. "Perhaps, then, you will be obliging enough to address me to some one of your workers who may not share your scruples, and who would be grateful for the remuneration ? " But Pere Michel remained silent, having turned his attention entirely upon the snarling poodle, which every now and then jumped up and uttered a sharp yelp at the intruder, and then lay wriggling on his back in a confusion of egg-shells. "The young person who was just leaving PIERRETTE. 45 your shop as I entered, it is possible she may be one of your needle-women, and would be glad of the work. Come, Monsieur Michel, give me a little of your assistance. I have a promise to fulfill, and a promise is a weight upon a gentleman s honor. I will make the offer a thousand francs ! " and the gentleman moved a little closer to the old man, and leaned forward so that the waxed ends of his mustache barely escaped the ear of Pere Michel, and uttered the last words in a most persuasive whisper. " Great thunders and blue lightnings ! " ex claimed Pere Michel, bouncing out of his chair, by this time exasperated to the point of quite losing control of his French temper. " Will you let me alone? Will you go?" and he pointed to the door with his finger in a melo dramatic manner. " You have always found my abode clean ; pray leave it as you find it." There was really nothing for the elegant gentleman to do but to take himself away, which he did with exquisite grace and a smile that contrasted oddly with the red, indignant face of old Michel, who stood with his arm 40 PIERRETTE. still uplifted, like an avenging spirit, until the door had closed behind his visitor. Monsieur Le Page stepped lightly over the mud in the court, toying with his cane the while, wearing that same mild expression of countenance which never forsook him, even under much, more trying encounters than the one he had just had with Pere Michel. He did not turn around to see the old tradesman shak ing his fat fist at him and muttering between his teeth, " Ah, le monstre ! " Monsieur Le Page was a man of large inter ests, the proprietor of one of the richest and most noted antiquary shops of Paris. His busi ness often took him into the very poor and obscure quarters of the city, where he, in some mysterious way, unearthed many of his choicest treasures which the true lovers of antiquity came from all parts of Europe to admire and purchase, providing their wealth was great enough. He often had to encounter much that was disagreeable and repugnant to him, when he came in contact with that low, igno rant portion of Paris. But he nevertheless maintained a polite and gentlemanly demeanor. "Ah, le monstre! " PIERRETTE. 49 It was all a necessary means to his prosperity ; his traffic could not dispense with it, and he was willing to sacrifice everything, even his own personal feelings, to the success of his business. Therefore as he passed the great iron gateway of Pere Michel s court, and turned into the rue des Anges, he only dusted the bottom of his trousers a little more than usual, and scraped the soles of his shoes a little longer, as if by so doing he were ridding himself of some o o obnoxious contact. As luck would have it, just as he was about to hail a passing cab, he caught sight of Elize s slender black figure, with the child s hand in hers, just disappearing at the other end of the street. They had loitered a little on their way, for Pierrette s eyes could not help looking at the fascinating shop-windows. They had stopped at the bakery, too, to buy a couple of " petits pains" and a sweet bun or two, and they had entered one of those delectable little charcutcries, or French meat-shops, where the most savory of cooked meats are temptingly displayed on immaculate paper with festooned edges, and garnished all around with bits of green parsley 4 5O PIERRETTE. and red peppers and crisp \vatcr-cress. Here they had bought something for their dinner, for on the days when Pere Michel paid them they must always make a little feast and take home something out of the common, some little dainty which they shared with their old neighbor Jeanneton. They were very young at heart, Pierrette and her little mother, these two chil dren of Paris! young enough to enjoy the simple pleasures that came in their way. Too young perhaps to be launched alone in a great brilliant city full of dangers and temptations. But they had no thought of that to-day ; they were happy because Pere Michel had not found fault, and had given more work ; and they were safe and provided for, at least for two weeks to come. The strange gentleman hastened his steps and caught up with them just in time to sec them leaving the broad avenue that fronts the palace and gardens of the Luxembourg, and turn into a narrow street where, after a few minutes walk, they reached their own door. They crossed the dark passage-way and climbed the long flights of dingy stairs, not aware that any one PIERRETTE. 5 1 was watching them. Monsieur Le Page had kept himself at a judicious distance ; but now he knew where the young ouvrttre lived, in spite of old Michel, and he was satisfied. He rode back across the city, to his grand establish ment in the rue cle Rivoli, well pleased with his morning s errand. CHAPTER IV. IT was nearly two weeks since Pierrette and her mother had come away from Pore Michel s shop with the old lace mantilla ; and, true to her promise, Elize had worked day and night, and scarcely rested until the beautiful piece \vas fin ished. She was very weary. Her pretty eyes were red with straining them, and her head ached, ached and burned as if it were on fire. The exquisite work was a masterpiece, and would have brought her a small fortune if she had not been such a timid little woman, known to very few people, and so very distrustful of her own skill that she felt quite repaid if those who employed her did not scold, never dream ing of any praise from any one but little Pierrette. PIERRETTE. 53 Hidden away there in her high garret, she never suspected that the delicate, exquisite work of her fingers had found its way into many of the great and rich homes of Paris, and had been admired and marvelled at. How many of those lovely creations which we look upon with pleasure are fashioned in some dark, dingy room in some remote quarter of a great city, by some obscure craftsman whose lot it may never be even to enter the places where the fruit of his toil is welcomed and cherished ! Elize was too \veary that morning to walk to Pere Michel s, and Pierrette had begged to be allowed to carry the finished work to him. It was still very early, and the little girl, all wrapped in her hood and cloak, for it was beginning to be very wintry, was just emerg ing from the big stone portal, with her precious bundle in her arms, when she was met by a gentleman, strangely enough, the same gentle man whom she had seen going into Pere Michel s some two weeks ago. Yes, it was un mistakably he, the same elegant clothes, the same glistening black eyes and long mustache, 54 PIERRETTE. the same air of graciousness as he bent down and addressed Pierrette. " My amiable child," he said, laying his fine gloved hand upon the little red hood, " upon what errand are you bound so early this wintry morning? It is a raw, chill time for little peo ple like you to be abroad." Pierrette felt a thrill of delight as the hand some gentleman who so much resembled a prince touched her cheek and looked kindly into her eyes. " I am on my way to Pere Michel s to return the lace for maman. Maman is not well ; she has stitched so much her head is .very tired," said the child, innocently. " Ah, maman does the lace work for Monsieur Michel? Indeed ! Now, that is a great pity, for Michel is a hard-hearted old brute. Perhaps you would let me look at maman s work. If it pleased me I would furnish her plenty of em ployment, and pay her five times as much as Monsieur Michel." " Oh, certainly, Monsieur," said Pierrette, eagerly untying her bundle. " Maman would be very happy, I am sure." ; She was just emerging from the big stone portal, with her precious bundle in her arms." PIERRETTE. 57 They stepped into the court a few paces, and the gentleman took up the piece of work in his hands and examined it very carefully, saying now and then, " Marvellous ! extremely ancient, exquisite ! " and then he wrapped it up with great care, and gave it back to Pierrette, saying, " It is well ; I shall go up and see your maman immediately, if you will tell me where I may find her." Pierrette led him to the first turn in the spiral stairway, at the top of which there was a miserable little sky-light whose feeble rays of light were quite lost by the time they had descended to the middle floors, and she pointed up to it. " On the eighth floor, Monsieur, the fifth door to the left," she said. " I must caution you," added Monsieur Le Page, as Pierrette was taking leave of him, " not to mention to Pere Michel what I have said to you this morning, or that I have been here at all." " Indeed, I will not, if Monsieur so wishes it," said Pierrette, who was naturally an obedient child, and who had always been taught that 58 PIERRETTE. when she was forbidden anything it \vas because of some very good reason. Monsieur Le Page then waved his hand to her and smiled, and began his steep ascent up the eight flights of steps, while the little girl sped on her way to the rue des Anges, her little head full of pleasant fancies about the astonish ing gentleman who had appeared to her in the light of a fairy prince indeed. She did not stop to look into the shop-windows this morning ; her mind was too busy trying to imagine what good fortune would come to them if this rich and handsome monsieur became their patron instead of Pere Michel, who was exacting and not always easy to please, and who paid very little money for a great deal of work. Then maman would not have to work so hard to earn the money for what they needed, and she might have all the little comforts she wanted. For although Pierrette was only a little girl, the problem of life was already a serious thing to her, as it is to most children who are brought up in an atmosphere of necessity. The little mother had taken Pierrette into her confidence in everything. Whom else had she to help her PIERRETTE. 59 to bear the burden of responsibility of their two young lives! And the little girl had always proved herself a reasonable and helpful little companion. When Monsieur Le Page had reached the top of the house, he was obliged to pause a few minutes to catch his breath, before rapping gently with his gloved knuckles at the fifth door on the left, the door of the little attic. Elize appeared at once, looking as neat and dainty as any little lady, in her well-fitting black serge and white apron. She was busy preparing the cafc- an-lait for Pierrette s breakfast, on a little spirit lamp, and steeping some tisane for her head ache. Her pretty face was pale ; but it flushed up suddenly when, on opening the door in answer to the rapping, she saw the strange gentleman. "A thousand pardons, Madame," said the polite visitor, taking notice of Elize s confusion. " Pray do not let me disturb you from your breakfast. You do not know me, it is evident. My name is Joseph Le Page. I am come to ask a favor, a little business favor. You will honor me by giving me your attention for a verv few minutes." 60 PIERRETTE. "Monsieur Le Page!" repeated Elize, in as tonishment. She did not know him personally, she only remembered having met him that once coming out of Pere Michel s door. But she knew the name well. Who in Paris did not ! - the rich dealer in old treasures and works of art, whose fine establishment occupied an envi able portion of the brilliant rue de Rivoli, under those old arcades immediately facing the Tuil- eries gardens. Every one knew his name, knew his wealth, had seen or heard of the little palace that was his home on the broad road to the Bois de Boulogne. And this was he standing before her, in her little garret-room, to ask a favor of her ! " Monsieur is exceedingly good," said Elize, in pretty confusion, and drawing a chair for him. " I do not understand in what way I may do Monsieur a favor, but I am entirely at his service." Monsieur Le Page sat down, and again drew forth his little gold snuff-box. He could hardly ever get on in any delicate matter of business without this small talisman. He was in reality wondering how he should broach the subject of PIERRETTE. 6 1 his visit to a simple, womanly little person like Elize. He saw, with his naturally fine percep tion, that although Elize was poor and belonged to a lower condition of society than himself, there was an atmosphere of delicacy and refine ment about her and all that belonged to her. He knew, by the look in her candid gray eyes, that she was incapable of lending herself to any fraudulent proceeding, that those calm eyes might light up in anger at any suggestion of wrong-dealing. He must be very circumspect and approach her very cautiously. Just now, she was all modesty and gratitude towards him for his condescension in coming to find her, a simple, obscure, unknown little ouvrierc like her! " Madame is an artiste at her trade," said the handsome gentleman, " I have seen her work manship ; it is exquisite ; such perfection in every detail, such delicacy ! " Elize blushed for pleasure. "You have lately come to Paris? " inquired Monsieur Le Page, with a show of interest. " We have been here five years, Pierrette and I, Monsieur." 62 PIERRETTE. " Five years ! it is incredible that I should not have found you out before, such a skill ful worker. There are plenty of people who work in lace, Madame, indeed the city is full of them, but there are not many who work like you. Where did you learn the art, Madame?" " I had it of my mother when very young," said Elize, simply, " she had acquired her knowledge at the convent." Monsieur Le Page mused a moment, and then resumed, "With the proper patronage it is pos sible for you to make a very good income, I might truly say a little fortune, in a city where the best of everything is sought and appre ciated as it is in Paris." At these words Elize s heart began to beat very fast. A fair, vague vision rose before her. Had it not been her one great hope that some time, in this vast city of Paris, she would be found out, and her work recognized and appre ciated, that some time, through the labor of her loving hands, she and Pierrette would be made comfortable and happy, and perhaps be able to buy again the little home at Meudon, and go PIERRETTE. 63 back to the dear country to live among the birds and flowers ! Monsieur Le Page was watching her closely to see what effect his words produced. He wanted, first of all, to win her confidence, and make her believe thoroughly in his power to help her. " And you have been spending these five years toiling for that old miser, Michel ! Ah, if I had but known it!" " It is only three years that I have worked for Monsieur Michel. For a long time we knew no one, and it was hard to get anything to do. I was very grateful for the little money that he let me earn," said Elizc. She felt that she could almost smile now, at all her past hardships, so bright and promising did he make the future seem for them. " And he has kept you hidden, and not allowed anyone to know you, the old rascal! It is like him. He will be mightily vexed when he hears that I have discovered you and your lovely work, in spite of him, and that I have made you a fine offer. Nevertheless," pursued Monsieur Le Page, resting his temple on his 64 PIERRETTE. forefinger, in a meditative attitude, " we must not unduly aggravate the old man. An eccen tric old personage like Pere Michel, is some times dangerous, and his ill-will is not to be disposed of at any price. It would not be pleasant for you to offend him, perhaps." " I would not offend Monsieur Michel for the world," said Elize, with genuine sincerity. " He has been very kind to us in his way; and although he pays but little, I hardly know what we should have done without that little." " That is quite reasonable," complied Mon sieur Le Page ; " the simplest way is not to men tion the matter to him at all ; " to which Klize agreed, for she knew no reason why she should not keep her affairs to herself. She was natu rally a quiet, reserved, little person. They had but few friends in the neighborhood; Pere Michel was really the only person whom they saw often, and he was not inclined to be over interested in anything besides the sale and pur chase of his own wares and his ugly poodle. " And now," said the merchant, feeling that he had quite won the little woman s sympathy, " I want you to do for me a real piece of antique. PIERRETTE. 65 We deal only in antiquities. The ladies are crazy after them ; they will have nothing but the oldest patterns in laces, and they come to me for them, because they know that we have the means of securing the genuine article, the most delicate and rarest handiwork that can be had in the city. You have models of ancient pieces, did I understand you to say?" " Oh, yes," said Elize, " I have some very old models, and I have studied them all." " You will be good enough to show me some of them, and we shall then make a selection." Elize drew a little key from her pocket and opened a small wooden chest where she kept her few treasures. She took from it a roll of very yellow pieces of parchment upon which were traced innumerable little holes, so close and so intricate that only the most carefully trained eye could have discerned the graceful pattern that it was made to represent. Monsieur Le Page put on his gold-rimmed eye-glasses, and began to unfold and inspect them one by one. " Ah, this is chaste ! " he exclaimed, with genuine enthusiasm, as his eye fell upon a very 5 66 PIERRETTE. ancient-looking piece, yellower and more worn than the rest, " this is superb ! A device, I should judge, of no later than the seventeenth century. Quite such a piece as I have been looking for; very ancient indeed ! " "Yes, this is the oldest of all the designs. I think it is a very rare pattern. It was left me by my grandmother, who herself had it of a woman who was lace-maker to one of our queens many years ago, I cannot tell you how many." The antiquarian could hardly suppress his agitation. He was not given ordinarily to vio lent betrayal of any emotion. But it may have been because of his great love and vener ation for all that was old his fingers certainly did tremble as he separated the parchment from the other sheets, and said in a tone that had a little more animation in it than usual, " This must be the one ; we shall choose no other for the present. I will trouble you for not more than two such pieces a year, possibly not more than one. But I will pay you liberally. For this one, I will offer you the sum of one thousand francs." PIERRETTE. 67 " Oh, Monsieur ! " cried Elize, clasping her hands, and almost ready to fall at his feet, " you are too good ! " " One thousand francs," repeated Monsieur Le Page, with crisp utterance, and not appearing to notice the little mother s surprise. " I will also furnish the materials, for the pearls must be of the very choicest, and pay you two hundred francs in advance each month until the work is done." Innocent, trustful little Elize, she thought she had never seen any one so beautiful or so benevolent, so magnanimous, as this slight gen tleman with his pale face and thin features and searching black eyes. She could only account for the generosity of his heart by the prompt ings of her own, if she had been rich and had seen some fellow-creature in need. " You are munificent, Monsieur," was all that she could say, when suddenly the door opened and Pierrette came in-with rosy cheeks and fly ing curls, and eyes dancing with the freshness of the morning She ran into her mother s arms, and Elize laid her head on the little girl s neck and wept for joy. 68 PIERRETTE. " Maman, maman, what is it?" cried the child. " Oh, Monsieur is so good, so kind to us, Pierrette; thank him for me, I cannot." Monsieur Le Page, perhaps made a little uncomfortable by the pathos of the scene, promptly took his leave, and promised to return on the following day. For the first time in his life, as he descended the dark stairway, he had an ugly feeling somewhere in the remote locality of his conscience. He could not account for it to himself; but he felt as if he had just crushed some innocent creature with his foot, and gone off and left it dying ; and he almost wished that he had not met Pierrette and her mother coming out of Pere Michel s that morning. CHAPTER V. WHAT a happy prosperous time was now dawning for the little mother and Pierrette ! It seemed as if they had been suddenly led by some kind fortune into a ne\v world where every thing was bright and peaceful. They would never again need to be anxious ; there would be no more want and suffering; they would always have enough to be comfortable, enough for themselves and enough for others, perhaps. Two hundred francs a month seemed such a fortune for two little souls who had been ac customed to do with a few sous a day. And it had all come to them in a moment, as in fairy-land, through this kind gentleman who 7O PIERRETTE. had sought them out and brought such a wealth of happiness into their little home. Pierrette and her little mother laughed and cried and kissed each other many times after Monsieur Le Page had gone, and prayed in their simple hearts that Heaven would bless the saintly gentleman, and keep and prosper him always because of his goodness. The season was advancing very fast, and Paris grew cold and gray ; but Pierrette and the little mother had never thought the city looked so beautiful, for they minded not the snow and sleet without, when there was a cheerful fire within, and their hearts were warm with hope and gratitude. Klize began to look younger and prettier than ever, if that were possible, with the sweet pink color returned to her cheeks and a deeper warmth in her gray eyes. And Pierrette was so full of joyous spirits, and her little tongue was so active, that even grumbling old Jeanneton said, when she came in to see her, that it was as if a sunbeam had entered the room. " It is very easy to be good when one is happy, is it not, petite mere?" said Pierrette, Even grumbling old Jeanneton said, when she came in, that it was as if a sunbeam had entered the room." PIERRETTE. 73 when she had been especially lavish in her at tentions to the sick old woman, and had taken a portion of their warm supper to the chiffonnier who lived on the floor below, and who was laid up with rheumatism in his bones from having been out so much in the damp and cold. " Yes, my Pierrette, if one s heart is made for goodness, then prosperity makes it grow richer and better, as the warm spring sunshine makes the young flowers sweeter and more beautiful. You will always think of others, will you not, Pierrette, no matter how happy you are yourself ? " " Yes, petite mere, I will try to be always as good as you, as good as Monsieur Le Page," said the child, who regarded the handsome gen tleman as the author of all their good fortune. As for Monsieur Le Page himself, his thoughts, if he took the trouble to give them shape at all, were not such simple and artless ones as the little girl s and her mamma s. For many days and weeks he could not forget the sight of the pretty child and the sweet young mother weep ing in each other s arms, weeping because of his goodness to them. For a second, perhaps 74 PIERRETTE. the first time in his life, he had hesitated. The thought had flashed across his mind that per haps it would be better, better for them, if he did not return to them on the following day to fulfill his promise; but then it had been only for one second. What had he to do with senti mental scruples? He was a business man, full of busy interests; he could not, for the sake of an ignorant little woman and a pretty child, sacrifice a great gain. It was absurd even to think of it; besides it could mean no harm to them as long as they remained ignorant ; and he would see that they remained in ignorance of his schemes. He would not be as frank with them as he had been with Pere Michel; he would not, if he could, dispel their little illusion about him, and they should never have cause to think him otherwise than good. Strange it was that this man who had spent most of his life in thinking of himself, and caring nothing for what the rest of the world thought of him, except that it should know him to be wealthy and therefore powerful, who had known no other love in all his life but the love of gain, should of a sudden care to retain the admiration PIERRETTE. 75 and confidence of these simple young creatures. It amazed and puzzled him, and as often as these thoughts came to him, he would dismiss them ; but they came back to him again and again, like gentle spirits that will not be repelled. Through the busy hours of the day, in the soli tary grandeur of his home at night, the picture of those two young faces rose before him, with their innocence and trust appealing to him, and at length he almost wished that he had not to deceive them, that he might be and that he had been all his life as good and noble as they believed him. It is a great thing to wish to become good ; to have even a desire for justice and honesty is the better part of the battle ; and to have strength and determination enough to obtain these virtues, after having lived a life of error, is to become indeed a great conqueror. Monsieur Le Page was thirty-eight years old. Half of his life, or very nearly half of it, had been spent in the pursuit of his own happiness. To become good all at once, to give up his selfish habits and little intrigues for gain, of which he had never before been ashamed, meant 76 PIERRETTE. a great deal that was disagreeable, and a mighty struggle for his better self. Monsieur Le Page did not like struggles. He preferred that every thing which came to him should come easily, as his fortune had done. He had really never thought before that his conduct needed reform ing. What he did was only what thousands of others were doing, or would do if they were in his place. Still he felt that the little woman whose candid eyes had met his so trustfully would hardly approve his dealings, and still less give her aid to further them ; and he wished that nothing to his discredit should ever reach her ears. Every time he visited the small dark garret, which was perhaps oftener than once a month, for he was quite anxious about the pro gress of the work, the feeling in him grew stronger that these two, in all their ignorance and youth, were powerful, while he, with his wealth and knowledge, was w r eak. He would always place the money which he brought in pay ment for the work upon the mantel. Somehow he could not find the heart to put it in that honest little woman s hand. And whenever Pierrette looked up at him with her round childish eyes, PIERRETTE. 77 and said, " Oh, Monsieur, you are so good ! You have made maman so happy ! " there was an uncomfortable consciousness that he was hardly deserving that childish trust. How beautiful a thing is the trustfulness of youth ; how powerful a thing it is when it can change the current of a life, and by its sweet unconscious influence turn a human heart from its sordid and selfish ends to a just conscious ness of right and truth ! CHAPTER VI. ONE bright morning in December, it was very near the Christmas time, Pierrette and her mother were on their way to church. It was a saint s day, and they were going to attend the later mass at the beautiful old church of Saint- Germain des Pres, which was only a short walk from where they lived. It was a clear, brisk, sunny morning, and Paris is always gay when the sun shines. The bright-colored omnibuses, with their crowds of lively people a-top of them ; the cabmen dashing by, cracking their whips in the air; the busy tradespeople doing their best to entice those whom the pleasant weather had brought out of doors ; artists looking from their high windows and whistling lustily over their work ; young students hanging, with books PIERRETTE. 79 in hand, at the window of some old curiosity- shop on their way to the Sorbonnc, all of which made a very active scene in that most active portion of Paris known as the Latin Quarter. Pierrette and her mother walked with light steps and joyous hearts, for they felt that they had their full share of the morning s blessings. The day before Monsieur Le Page had been to see them, and had left a large gold coin which he said was for Pierrette, as it was nearing Christmas time, and the little girl would wish, no doubt, for some of the pretty things which the shops offered at that season, and might perhaps want to make her young maman some little gift to celebrate the feast, and he wanted to gratify her wishes. He had no one at his home whom he could please with a gift, no little girl, no relatives of any kind, no one but himself, and he was getting tired of pleasing himself he said. Pierrette s first thought had been, not of what she should get for herself, for she was accus tomed to giving up the simple pleasures that most children enjoy, but of how, with her treas ure, she should first of all buy something that SO PIERRETTE. the little mother wanted very much, and with the rest she should get a few things that would please and surprise her friends in the neighbor hood. There was the old chiffonnier, who really needed some flannel for his rheumatism; and poor little Francois, the hunchback, who painted all day long at those wretched, cheap little bon bon boxes, he must have a new box of colors, which he could ill-afford to buy with the few sous he earned. And for old Jeanneton, she would buy some good tea to make her better- natured; and the canary should have a brand- new cage with gilded wires, and a leaf of fresh lettuce every day, so that he, too, might have a share in her good fortune. Pierrette was telling all this to her mamma, as they made their way through the narrow streets leading to the church of Saint-Germain ; and Elize was smiling with pleasure at the child s unselfish delight in what she would do for others. " But you must get something for yourself, my Pierrette," said the young mother; " and what shall it be? " " Oh, petite mere," cried Pierrette, laughing, PIERRETTE. 8 1 " I shall not want to buy anything for myself; I am getting too old for toys and dolls," and she smiled a demure little smile that amused her mother greatly. " I would so much rather buy something for you, something that you have wanted very much, and wished you had many times ; you can never guess what it is, and you will be so surprised when you see it! " and she clapped her hands merrily in her en joyment of the thought. " But will not Monsieur Le Page take it unkindly that you should spend all his money on gifts for others, when he meant you should enjoy it yourself? " said Elize, in gentle remonstrance. " Oh, I shall enjoy seeing you open the little box on Christmas morning more than anything else. You cannot guess what it is I have chosen for you, petite mere ! " and Pierrette s eyes were so bright, and her cheeks so rosy with the ex citement of keeping her secret, that several persons were obliged to turn back to look at her as she passed them on the street. They were now turning into the open square in front of the old church, when a carriage drove 6 82 PIERRETTE. up from the boulevard, a large open carriage from which a very beautifully dressed lady alighted, followed by her rnaid. She was about to enter the church when she recognized a gentleman picking his way through the crowd. " Ah, Monsieur Le Page ! " cried the lady, arresting him, " it is so fortunate that I have met you. I have been twice to see you and not found you in. You know how anxious I am about my antique lace; I shall be in despair if you cannot procure it. My friends tell me it will be quite impossible ; but you will not dis appoint me, my dear Monsieur Le Page ; you will obtain it if such a piece is really in existence ! " The lady spoke with much animation. She was evidently one of those worldly deities who are accustomed to having all their wishes and whims gratified, however impossible these may be. And Monsieur Le Page was certainly the one to whom she could appeal with confidence ; she knew that he had a miraculous way of pro ducing even the impossible, when it became a necessity. He was truly a remarkable man, this Monsieur Le Paee. Elize and Pierrette had been obliged to stand a little aloof on account of the crowd." PIERRETTE. 85 It was very strange, Elize and Pierrette had been obliged to stand a little aloof on account of the crowd at the doors, and Monsieur had met their eyes at only a few paces from where he and the lady stood ; but he had made no sign of recognition to them, apparently taking no more notice of them than if they had been strangers to him. But Elize observed that the natural pallor of his face deepened a little, and his handsome features wore a singularly an noyed expression, as he listened to the lady s appeal. She did not hear his reply; it was given in an undertone ; and by that time the crowd at the door had moved in, and Pierrette and her mother had disappeared within it. All through the service Elize s devotions were troubled. She could not tell why, but some thing seemed to have come suddenly between her and her new happiness. It was not exactly because Monsieur Le Page had taken no notice of them. She could hardly expect a gentleman of his position to recognize a plain little work ing-woman like her. Yet he had always been so kind to them, so courteous, so considerate in his dealings with her; she could not but 86 PIERRETTE. think it strange, and feel a little hurt that he should have looked at her and ignored her as if she had been a common beggar in the crowd. oo Her young nature was a sensitive one, per haps too much so for a little woman who had to battle for herself in a great heartless city like Paris. She guessed at once that the richly dressed lady was one of Monsieur s patrons. Fortunately, or unfortunately perhaps, she had not quite understood the drift of her words; but she had seen the strange look that came over the face of Monsieur Le Page, and she fancied it had something to do with his meeting her. She wondered sorrowfully whether there was anything about her and the little girl that could make any one feel ashamed to know them. Innocent little Elize, she was very far from the truth. A careful observer would never have mistaken her and the winsome Pierrette for persons belonging to the common populace, especially now, when, with the coming of their new prosperity, she had been able to afford many little comforts, and a few of the luxuries of dress that are so dear to the French woman s PIERRETTE. 8/ heart. In her trim black gown and cape as she appeared that morning, always carrying herself with modest dignity, few would have guessed what very humble people they really were, and how they passed their simple lives under the eaves of an old, old house in one of the poorest streets of the city. But Monsieur Le Page knew all this, knew how poor they had been ; and perhaps he did not care for them after all, as she had thought he did by his great kind ness, but only for her work, because it would bring a large sum. Was it not Pere Michel who had told her, in his blunt but good-natured way, that she and Pierrette reminded him of a portrait of a great lady and her little daughter which he had seen hanging in the galleries of the Louvre during one of his Sunday ramblings there ! He had stopped in front of it a long time, and called upon his friend Francois to notice the resem blance. That young mother with the pretty child s arms thrown about her neck had the same sweet Madonna-look he had seen on Elize when he had chanced to surprise them with a visit of an evening in their little garret. But 88 PIERRETTE. now she could not recall Pere Michel s words with any comfort, although she had laughed a pleased little laugh when he had said it a few months ago. For Pere Michel was only a sim ple, untaught old man who had very little knowl edge or appreciation of social distinctions, and whose opinion was only to be valued when it came to judging of old silks and laces, and cer tain trinkets of which his trade consisted. She could not expect any one else, any one who had moved in, and knew the great world, to look upon her otherwise than as a common little oui ricrc of Paris with no claim on the regard of those who were above her. For she belonged, alas ! to that army of patient souls who must labor for their bread. On their walk homeward, Elizc was silent and thoughtful. A shadow seemed to have come over the brightness of the morning, and later in the day, as she sat bending over her lace work, Pierrette noticed that there were tears falling from her pretty eyes. " Dearest maman," cried the child, running to her and clasping her about the neck, " what is it that makes you cry? Are you not happy any PIERRETTE. 89 more? What is it, tell me. Are you thinking of poor papa? " Elize drew the young head down on her shoulder and kissed it many times. " No, my Pierrette, I am thinking only of you, thinking how I wish it were in my power to make your life different." " How do you mean different ? " asked the little girl, wondering. " Perhaps I am a silly little mother, Pierrette, but I should wish to see you happy and rich, and admired by all the world." " Oh, petite mere," cried the child, with a bright smile, and a little coaxing caress of her mother s cheek, " if you love me, that is enough, I do not care for all the world ; and if you will only always be happy, and never cry, I shall surely be so." Pierrette s thoughts did not wander so far into the future as did her young mother s. Her little hopes and plans were all for the present ; and she had begun to think of late that the present was becoming very kind to them. How fortunate a thing it is that youth takes no thought for the future, that the hopes and 90 PIERRETTE. joys of to-day s sunshine are unclouded by any shadow that may come to-morrow ! What were the spring-time of youth worth, indeed, without that glad hopefulness which sheds its warm glow upon all the events and changes and even the vicissitudes of our after life ! CHAPTER VII. THE next day Pierrette could scarcely wait until their little morning meal was over to has ten to the old house in the rue des Anges. She had an errand at Pore Michel s, a very impor tant errand, in fact it was the purchasing of her mother s Christmas gift. She had eyed wistfully, during her frequent visits to the little shop, something in that wonderful chest in which Pere Michel kept his treasures that strongly appealed to her childish taste, but which she had never dared hope to possess. It was a tiny gold watch hardly larger than a locket, with one or two small jewels set in the case, and so much gold tracery on its small face that it was quite impossible to tell the time of day at a single glance. To 92 PIERRETTE. be sure, the minute-hand \vas slightly broken, but this was hardly a defect to one who was well acquainted with it; and Pierrette admired it above everything else in the old man s shop. When the surprisingly large gold coin was put into her hand by their benefactor, and she was told by him to do as she liked with it, that little watch, lying on its old blue- plush cushion ; with the fine linked chain wound all around it, was the first thing that came into her mind. How surprised and delighted the little mother would be when she opened her bundle on Christmas morning to find a beautiful watch with a tiny gold key hanging from its long chain, which she could always wear about her neck, as did the ladies whom she had seen sometimes riding in the Bois ! Pierrette had no conception of the value of such a trinket. She hoped to astonish Pere Michel with the enormity of her wealth by showing him the double-louis. She fancied that his eyes would blink at sight of it, and that he would place everything in his shop at her disposal ; for Pere Michel had a passion for gold, and PIERRETTE. 93 liked nothing so well as the feeling of it between his fingers. There was a bit of work to be returned ; Pere Michel had not provided much of late. He com plained of the dullness of trade ; and, secretly, Elize was rather glad of it, for the work of her new employer was so fine and exquisite, and had to be so carefully wrought, that it took the most of her time. And she had really lost interest in the old tiresome mending. Yet she could not have refused the old man s work with out some explanation, and so she was rather thankful on the whole that no explanation was necessary. She did not suspect that Pere Michel had formed his own conclusions about her, for he was sharp, was Pere Michel, and had a way of his own of finding everything out, and that he was now sending the work he had always given her to other ouvricrcs, much to his own vexation, be it said, since he learned the cause of her new prosperity. He did not care a fig, he said to himself; she was a silly little creature who knew nothing of the world, and would find herself well pinched some of these fine days. 94 PIERRETTE. He was disappointed in her, that was all ; he had always thought her a little woman of prin ciple, but she preferred working for that genteel rascal. Ah, well, women were all alike! and he made a wry face and prophesied that she would be glad enough to come back to him sometime, for they always did. But then, that was only Fere Michel s way of talking. That morning the little mother was not in clined to leave the house ; she had spent a sleepless night, and she did not wish to see or talk with any one. " You will hasten there and return quickly, my Pierrette," she said, as she placed the mended laces in the little girl s hand. " Yes, petite mere," said Pierrette, very glad of the opportunity of going alone to Pere Michel s in order to transact more freely her business with him. The little mother kissed her on both cheeks, and wondered as she did so at the child s eager look and the joyous excitement twinkling in her bright eyes. She wondered too if there was anywhere in all this great city of Paris a lovelier child than Pierrette. She watched her down PIERRETTE. 95 the long flight of stairs, and then she went back to her little window and looked out of it into the street below until the little red hood had disap peared around the corner. Dear, fond little mother ! what was it that made her tender heart overflow that morning, as she watched the little girl out of her sight? Was it a foreboding of something that was in store for her, of a parting that was near at hand? She sat with her head buried in her hands for a longtime, whispering to herself, without knowing why, " Heaven bless her ! " But presently a knock at the door roused her from her meditation ; and she rose to receive her visitor. Meanwhile little Pierrette was hastening to the rue des Anges. When she reached the old man s door she found Pere Michel in the act of preparing his noon-day meal, and Joy-of-My- Heart in his favorite attitude upon his back. "Ah, little Rcd-Riding-Hood," croaked the old fellow, as he opened the door with one hand, and with the other flourished a long- handled spoon with which he had been stirring some batter, so that everything in the vicinity 96 PIERRETTE. caught a mild spatter of yellow dough. " You must have scented my good crepes in the air, little witch, eh?" Pierrette looked around her for a minute, quite out of breath with having walked so fast and with the prospect of approaching Pere Michel on the delicate subject of the watch. "I did not know it was so late; maman and I have had breakfast but a short time ago," said the child, in some surprise. " I have brought back the work; maman could not come herself, she has the migraine" " Humph, the migraine, indeed ! quite like a fine lady," murmured old Michel, stirring his batter vigorously. " If I shall disturb you by staying, I can leave the work now and come again at some other time to speak to you about something ; but but I wanted to do it this morning, very much ; when maman was not here," she added, with some hesitation. " Now that you are here, you may stay," said Michel, good-humoredly. "It is not late, it is hardly ten o clock ; but Joy-of-My-Hcart and I are bound by no rules, are we my beauty? We " There is something I have wanted to ask you about for a long time." PIERRETTE. 99 cook our (Icjcuner-a-la-fonrchctte \V\\Q\\ we please, and we eat when we are hungry. Have we not the right? " Pierrette could not dispute that fact, especially as Joy-of-My-Heart was just then going through a scries of most foolish contortions to empha size his master s words. "Then I may wait till you have finished?" ventured she, much re lieved; "there is something I have wanted to ask you about; it is a surprise for maman, and it is a secret also ; she is not to know about it until Christmas day." " You need not wait until I have finished to ask me. We do not eat our crepes with our ears, My-Joy and I," said the old man, face tiously. " Sit down, sit down, and tell me your secret ; if it is a good one, I will keep it." Pierrette laughed, and drew a little three- legged stool near the big logs that were blazing between two huge fire-dogs over which Pere Michel s frying-pan was sizzling merrily. " Some one, a very kind gentleman who has been very good to maman and me I may not tell you his name, I have been forbidden to do that has made me a present of a great deal 100 PIERRETTE. of money!" and she opened her small palm and showed the round coin, at which Pore Michel s little round eyes made a pretence of staring quite wildly, although the little explana tion about the kind friend was unnecessary ; he knew him very well. " He said I should buy something for myself and maman with it ; and what do you suppose I have thought of for her? You cannot guess," she added, leaning forward to look at the old man, and speaking in a confidential undertone. Pere Michel was just then in the act of send ing a large batter-cake flying up in the air and landing it safely back, right side up, in the fry ing-pan, according to the most approved French fashion, and this he did with much grace and dexterity. " No, I can t guess," he said, when he had accomplished the feat. " What, for instance?" Pierrette screwed up her rosy mouth, and her round eyes shone with suppressed secrecy. " You will not laugh at me, Monsieur Michel, nor say that I am trying to play la grande dame, as you sometimes do when I admire your pretty things? " PIERRETTE. IOI " Sapcrlottc ! you are making conditions, Ma mzelle Pierrette ; do I ever laugh at my customers when I know they want to buy in good earnest? " said Pere Michel, with a feint of excusing himself. " If it s anything I have that you want to buy, then out with it, and we shall see how good a bargain we can make together. It is not the old red-velvet jacket trimmed with gilt braid that you are dreaming of giving your poor little mother? She is much too quiet and too sensible to want such rubbish as that." " No, it is not the red-velvet cloak," replied Pierrette, eying that fetching article of apparel with much reverence as it hung from its hook in the tall glass case against the wall, and won dering why Monsieur Michel spoke in such a contemptuous way of it. " Perhaps it is the amethyst ear-rings," sug gested the old man; "but they are much too long and too heavy for her pretty ears ; they would make her look like a Hottentot, besides they are all out of fashion." " It is not the ear-rings, either," said Pierrette. " Listen ! I will tell you," and she came closer still to the old man, who was now rolling up his IO2 PIERRETTE. batter-cake between his thumbs and forefingers, and preparing to convey it to his longing palate. " It is not any of those things ; it is something useful, something that maman needs and has wanted for a long time, only I never thought we should ever be rich enough to buy one. It is the little watch, the smallest one with the jewels, in the blue case," concluded the child, quite out of breath with her disclosure. Fere Michel stood with the cake uplifted in his fingers, his mouth wide open, his eyes pop ping out of his head, as dumb as if he had been struck by lightning. Pierrette was puz zled. She wanted to laugh ; he did look so droll with that look of astonishment on his face, and his red night-cap rakishly askew on the back of his bald head. At length he burst out into an exclamation of surprise. " Great thunder-r-r-r-rs," he roared, rolling his eyes so dreadfully that Joy-of-My- Heart gave a sudden leap and upset the frying- pan. " Great thunders and blue lightnings ! " was all he could say for several minutes. When at last he recovered from his tremen dous astonishment, Pierrette looked up at him PIERRETTE. IO3 archly, and ventured to ask, " Don t you care to sell it?" Old Michel threw back his head and laughed, much to Pierrette s relief. She thought he might be going to have a fit of apoplexy. " Perhaps you don t know, Ma mzelle Pierrette, what it is that you want, a gem, an antique, a precious piece of bric-a-brac, as well as a most remarkable time-keeper, having begun its tick ing way back in the last century; worth three or four times the gold-piece you have in your hand ! " and he brought down his long spoon with an emphatic thump. Pierrette s expression became quite doleful as she sat looking at her gold treasure which had seemed so enormous to her and capable of pur chasing almost anything in Paris. " So you don t think this is enough?" she asked, not willing to give up the idea altogether. " That is a great pity. I thought it would be. It seemed a great deal to me ; and I hoped there would be enough left after paying for the watch to get some things for little Francois and Jeanneton and the ckiffonnier" and she uttered a little sigh and let her hands fall in IO4 PIERRETTE. her lap in a way that was very expressive of her disappointment. Pere Michel was not so hard-hearted an old creature as he looked, or so much of a miser as most people thought him to be. He was quite touched with the little girl s desire to please her mother. But, of course, he did not show his emotion ; that \vas too unbusiness-like. He only stirred the remainder of his batter more energetically, and said, " Well, well, wait a few days , I will see what I can do. There are three weeks yet before Christmas. I will think about it. Come in again in a day or two, and I will tell you then whether I can let you have the watch for your money." " Oh, thank you many times, Monsieur Michel, you are very good," she said, casting a longing glance at the old chest containing the coveted treasure. Then she rose to go, and gathered the strings of her little hood together. " No, there is no other work this morning," said Pere Michel, as he saw her hesitating before unlatching the door. She hurried home, for she had stayed much PIERRETTE. 105 longer than she expected, and maman might be anxious and wonder at her delay. But the little mother had scarcely taken any account of the time since Pierrette had left. Something very strange had happened while she was gone, something that made the young woman feel quite bewildered. When Pierrette opened the door, she found a visitor in the room, and maman s face looked troubled, and her eyes looked as if she had been crying. Yet she was thanking him and trying to smile even through her tears. CHAPTER VIII. TlIE knock at the door which had roused Elize some moments before had come from Monsieur Le Page. The little mother was surprised to see him, for it was but two days since he had been to pay her for the month s work, and had given the gold coin to Pierrette. o o After what had taken place in front of the church yesterday, she hardly knew how to greet him. Perhaps something had happened to make him displeased with her; a confusion of doubts swarmed in her timid breast, and a fearful dread came over her that he was come, somehow, to rob her of some of her happiness. She met him tremblingly; her fear lasted but a moment, for Monsieur Le Page smiled at her kindly, and gave her his hand in such a friendly PIERRETTE. IO/ way, that she felt re-assured. He sat down and began talking upon various subjects which had nothing to do with his usual business. He did not even mention the lace or ask to see it. He inquired after Pierrette, and talked of her a great deal ; and the little mother glowed with pride at his praise of her, and began to reproach herself inwardly for having supposed that this kind gentleman who had so befriended them, and shown such a great interest in them, should have been ashamed to recognize them that morning in front of the church. She had been very foolish and wrong to think it of him. He was such a busy man, and his mind was so pre occupied with great interests which they could not even try to understand, that it was very possible he might have looked straight at them and yet not seen them. It was very comforting to the little mother to think that she had been mistaken, and that the handsome gentleman whom she and Pierrette had learned to honor because of his goodness, was no less kind and generous than they had thought him. To a sensitive young thing like Elize, a kind look from any fellow-creature was far more IO8 PIERRETTE. precious than a more liberal reward of money. She could not live without the latter, truly enough ; but she could have been happier without money than without kindness and gen tleness and love. Monsieur Le Page had treated them always with the utmost considera tion, more as if he were their guardian and friend than their task-master. How different he was from old Michel, thought little Elize ! Before Pere Michel she was always timid and humbled ; with Monsieur Le Page she felt like a real lady. For he had the faculty of raising her to his level, and never letting her know that he was their superior; but perhaps that was because he was such a true gentleman. While these simple thoughts were passing through Elize s mind, Monsieur Le Page was growing confidential and talking more about himself than she had ever known him to do before. It had often puzzled him, he said, to know what he should do with all his wealth. He was alone in the world, and he had worked for himself alone ; and after all that brought but little satisfaction. He had not thought that he should ever take any special interest in any PIERRETTE. 1 09 of his fellow-creatures, enough so to wish to help them and better their condition. Yet, since he had known her and Pierrette, that wish had seized upon him, and had grown stronger, until now he felt that he could not be happy unless she allowed him to show his interest for them in some substantial way. Elize was puzzled ; she could not quite under stand him. " Monsieur has been so kind to us," she said, with sweet gratitude glistening in her eyes ; " we have already too much to thank you for, Pierrette and I." " Not so," interposed Monsieur Le Page, " it is I who shall have cause to thank you if you will look favorably upon the proposition I wish to make in regard to the little girl." " Anything that you may propose, Monsieur, is sure to be wise and best ; you know that you have my favor in advance." " I have grown fond of Pierrette; one could hardly see the child and not become so. Her beauty is too rare to be hidden away in this obscure quarter of Paris. Her mind too bright not to be disciplined ; her nature too gentle to be allowed to battle with the hardships of 1 10 -PIERRETTE. poverty. It has grown to be a strong desire with me to give her the advantages that wealth can procure, and make her happy in all that the world deems happiness, and to see how far the power of riches can go to achieve this end. It is an interesting study to watch the growth and expansion of natural gifts by means of proper conditions and congenial atmosphere. I should like to see this child blossom into the perfection of womanhood, rise from her lowly surroundings here to the highest position in the social world, and to feel that I had been the means of ac complishing this transformation." Monsieur Le Page s generous offer was per haps not unmixed with a little selfish pride. He was proud indeed of his great wealth, proud of his having achieved it alone, proud of the power it gave him to obtain, as he firmly believed, all things in this world. The little mother had tried to follow him. What he had said was such a sudden and com plete realization of all the vague, unspoken hopes she had so long cherished for little Pierrette, that it seemed to her as if she must be dreaming. She did not quite comprehend PIERRETTE. 1 1 I all that he wished to do for the child. Her ideas of worldly advancement were very small. She was such a simple, artless little woman, and knew so little of the life of the so-called great people of a big city. She pressed her fingers against her white temple, and her breath came fast. It was very hard to grasp and understand this burst of fortune that came upon her and almost overwhelmed her by its suddenness. "But how may this be, Monsieur?" she asked; "must not one be born to such position as you speak of ? My little child and I are very humble. How is it possible that she could ever become a lady? " " With money, Madame, it is possible to accomplish everything. Money is a very potent thing; it can buy homage, rank, and the plaudits of the great world. With it a man is powerful for good or evil alike ; without it, one is help less in spite of great talents, ambition, and even genius," and Monsieur Le Page pressed the gold knob of his cane tightly against his lips, as if to emphasize the force of his conviction. Poor little Elize could, in a small measure, appreciate the value of these words. She had 112 PIERRETTE. never had the means of judging of the full power of money; but she knew too well the hardships and privations that come from the lack of it. She had looked upon this quiet gentleman as the embodiment of that very power of which he spoke. She was convinced that he could do anything, accomplish every thing, with his wealth. Moreover, she admired and respected him ; and it was easy to believe his words, even though she could not quite compass their meaning. Ho\v was all this that he wished for Pierrette to be accomplished? Monsieur Le Page ex plained it in a few brief words. He would make her the heir of his fortune ; and, in order to fit her for so exalted a sphere, she must first be taken from her lowly surroundings, and placed in the care of those who would teach her and train her in the ways that become a fine lady. She must have a governess, and masters in all the arts, and live at Monsieur Le Page s magnificent house, where she should early be brought under the refining influence of luxury, and that she might learn to care for him as a daughter. PIERRETTE. 113 The little mother s heart stood still. Would she have to be separated from Pierrette? Would Pierrette be taken from her, so that they would never see each other? Hardly that, Monsieur Le Page thought. Yet a separation was inevitable. If he made Pier rette his heir, she must become his charge, and be entirely under his control; she must look to him for everything. The young mother would be handsomely provided for. She had spoken of a home at Meudon, one should be bought for her there ; and the little girl should be allowed to see her from time to time, and they should not be unhappy. Everything would be done for the child s comfort and pleasure. But, of course, it would be impossible for Elizc to remain in the same house with her. Poor little mother ! how strangely had her hopes and longings for Pierrette shaped them selves for her own misery; how could she give up her little child into the hands of strangers, and stand aside and see the only joy of her life going from her, for the delight of others? Mon sieur Le Page had been kind to them ; his wish to take the little girl and do for her as for a 114 PIERRETTE. daughter was only another proof of his generos ity ; and yet, what a price was this to pay for her gratitude ! She could make no answer now ; her lips trembled and her voice was choked. She could not refuse him what he asked. There was but one choice between such a life as she and Pierrette were living, and the one he offered them ; but her mother-heart was wrung at the very thought of choosing. Monsieur Le Page saw the look of anguish that came into her eyes, and he could not under stand it. He had never known such a love as the one that filled the gentle mother s heart. That she should hesitate to accept such an offer as he had just made to her, on account of any personal regret, had not entered into his calcu lations. " Monsieur must not think me ungrateful," said the little woman, at length, "or believe that I do not fully appreciate the honor he does my little child. I wish to do all that is best for Pierrette, without considering myself; but I must ask Monsieur to let me think about it a while alone. I shall be prepared to give Mon sieur his answer in a few days." " I know, I know, Monsieur, and I thank you in my heart. 1 PIERRETTE. 1 1/ " Certainly; in a week, or even two. There need be no haste," assented the gentleman. "It is a serious matter for you, I understand. You may take your own time for decision. But rest assured that the little girl will receive the best of care, and that everything shall be done with a view to her happiness." " I know, I know, Monsieur, and I thank you in my heart," and she looked up at him with her soft gray eyes from which two large tears over flowed. It was then that little Pierrette entered, and immediately the young mother s arms were around her, and she was holding the pretty head on her bosom. No, they could not be going to part from each other ; it could not be ! She must have been dreaming. Every other thought fled from her, save that her little one was here again, nestling close to her, and the joy of their old life, simple and humble as it had been, presented itself to her with such force that parting seemed a thing impossible. CHAPTER IX. ALL the rest of that day Elize went about with a leaden weight in her heart. The sun light looked- cold ; the song of the yellow canary had a dismal note to it ; the new buds that had blossomed in the night in her window bore a sickening fragrance ; and all the little pleasures that had given their simple home a charm and grace seemed now, as she looked upon them, to cause her pain instead of delight. They were all associated with the child. What would they all mean if she were taken away ! Where was the use of living if the one thing that had made life sweet was denied her! Oh, it was cruel, cruel ! and yet she had wished it all, so blindly, so foolishly, never suspecting that she PIERRETTE. 119 would have to make a sacrifice of her love in payment for her ambition. She could not meet Pierrette s inquiring eyes ; she had not the heart to tell her yet. She must reason with herself, and gain courage to do what was best. Then she would break the news to the little girl cheerfully, that she might not look upon it as a hardship, but only as the ful fillment of their brightest dreams. It had never once occurred to the young mother that she could refuse her patron s generous offer. She knew that she must submit. Would it not be selfish of her to stand in the way of Pierrette s life-happiness and prosperity because of her own foolish feelings? Had she not been taught that to give up what we prize the most for the good of those we love, is the truest way of showing them our devotion ! Besides, she had been forced by circumstances to give up much that was dear to her. But making a sacrifice because we are compelled to it by circumstances, and making one of our own free-will, are two very different things ; and it is the last that is the true test of our nobler self. So the little mother gathered up her courage I2O PIERRETTE. through the whole of that long day, and gave herself a score of reasons why it \vas best that Pierrette should go ; how much happier the child would be for it, and that she herself, in time, might become accustomed to the separa tion, and would find some little comfort, per haps, in the birds and the flowers, her old friends at Meudon. And Pierrette would come to her now and then, for she should not be very far off, and they would spend a day together ; and the joy of those moments would keep her happy for many days after. And when the little girl grew up to womanhood, fair, beauti ful, and accomplished, and understood what she had given up for her sake, Pierrette would bless her for it and love her the more. Yes, she was sure that her little Pierrette would never forget her quite, that she would always remember and cherish her " petite mere," no matter how grand and splendid a lady they made of her. That night Elize told the little girl what had been the purport of Monsieur Le Page s visit. In simple terms, she made Pierrette understand what he wished to do for her : how he would give her a beautiful home, and everything that PIERRETTE. 121 could make her life happy ; how he would have her taught many wise things, and make a lady of her ; and how, when she was old enough, she would have the means to do great good. She dwelt on their patron s unspeakable kindness in placing such fair fortunes within her reach ; for she wished the child to love him, and look upon him as her greatest benefactor, without any jealous fears for herself. " Will you not like to go and live with the kind Monsieur in his beautiful house, Pierrette? and drive behind splendid horses, and become a very rich lady some day?" she asked, with a smile, as the child listened with wondering eyes to the strange revelations that were made to her. "Without you, petite mere? How can that be?" " Oh, I shall not be very far away, my Pier rette, and we shall see each other often. And there will be a kind lady who will take care of you and teach you many wise and useful things, which I cannot do. And Monsieur Le Page, you will care for him very much, because he will give you so much that will make you happy." 122 PIERRETTE. " And will it make you happy, petite mere?" asked the child, a little doubtfully, seeing that the young mother s eyes were moist even while her lips were smiling. " It would be very ungrateful of me to be otherwise," she answered. " And when I am grown, and may have every thing I want, can I not have you with me always ? " " Perhaps, perhaps, my Pierrette, but that time is many years hence. You are still a very little girl, and until then we must do as Mon sieur thinks best. You will not find it hard to do his wishes. He is so kind and cares much for you, and you love him too, do you not, Pierrette?" " Oh, yes, better than any one else, excepting you, petite mere." The little mother felt grateful that Pierrette had learned to care for and admire the good gentleman. It would have been so much harder if he had not first won the child s confidence and affection, and drawn her heart to him by the many little kindnesses and attentions which children love to receive from their elders. As if all the airy sprites she had heard of in the old fain- book were dancing by her in gay procession." PIERRETTE. 125 Pierrette was too young to understand fully the change this would make in her life, and how, in spite of the tender love they bore each other, she and her young mother must surely grow apart, by reason of the very difference in their lives ; how time and change and new interests are the most powerful agents to make the young forget their earlier and more humble blessings. O O Therefore she was not heart-sick, nor felt any forebodings in the midst of her strange good fortune, as did the young mother. That night she dreamed that she slept on beds of roses, and the world about her was bright, fresh, and green as the country is at Meudon in the spring-time, and the air filled with the loveliest bird-notes, and the sound of trickling waters. And it seemed as if all the airy sprites she had heard of in the old fairy-book were dancing by her in gay procession, and each one stooped to kiss her as she passed, and left a blessing on her lips. A strange dream it was for a little girl to have, sleeping on a narrow cot in an old garret, in that little room, all darkened save for the glow of the dying embers in the great chimney hollow, and the pale beams of a cold. 1 26 PIERRETTE. cold moon that came in through the small window. Elize sat beside the little bed, holding one baby-hand in hers, and placing those fairy kisses of her dreams on the lips of the sleeping child. There was no sleep for her that night. She could only look at her darling, and pray Heaven to give her the strength she so much needed. For she had now made up her mind to the part ing. She herself could do so little for the child, she must be willing and glad to let others do for her what she could not. She had hoped and even prayed that Pierrette s life might be different from that of the other poor children she knew. Was not this the fulfillment of her wish ! To grieve for her own loss, to cast a shadow on Pierrette s good fortune by any regrets of her own, would make the little girl unhappy, and she would be lacking herself in courage. That little mother, though young and sensitive, and frail of body, was very strong and brave in her love. She sat silent and alone through the long hours of the night, trying to prepare herself for the separation that was to come, and wondering PIERRETTE. I2/ how it would seem when Pierrette was no longer with her, and if all her days would be as lonely and cheerless as that still night. The old bell from the tower of St. Sulpice tolled out the midnight hour over the sleeping city. Its rich, mellow tones seemed to carry a nameless com fort to her stricken soul. It seemed like a voice from Heaven speaking to her, and bidding her be of good cheer. She rose and went to the window, and looked out upon the night. Here and there, in the neighboring houses, a light went out from one of the windows, some weary worker, perhaps, whose daily task was just done, and at length all around grew still, and she and the white moon were left to keep their vi^il alone. CHAPTER X. NOW that the little mother had quite made up her mind to give up her treasure, she became anxious that Monsieur Lc Page should come soon to get her answer; and now that the struggle was over, and she had won the battle over her foolish heart, she was eager that Pierrette should enter as early as might be upon her new dignities. She felt that every day spent in the little garret-room was one day robbed her of her good fortune. Pierrette had many things to learn, she said, before Monsieur came to take her away, and she wished to pre pare her as well as she could for becoming a lady. But Pierrette was already a little lady; she was that by nature, and her gentle mother s PIERRETTE. I2Q teaching. She had never heard or known a harsh word in her life; love and kindness had been their teacher and their guide; and there are no more refining influences anywhere than these two gentle virtues. In spite of the lowli ness of her surroundings, the little girl possessed that inborn grace and charm of manner which no amount of education can secure. It was this, together with her childish trust and fond ness for him, that had won the rich gentleman s interest, and had given him the desire to raise her to a position which he felt sure she would adorn. The little mother had not been able to teach Pierrette much of what the world calls wisdom; but she had imbued her childish nature with a love for truth and goodness, and that in itself is a talisman for winning all hearts. They spent many hours talking of the new life that was in store for her, and trying to im agine how it would be, and building airy castles for a distant future. One day they had gone so far as to ride out to the avenue of the Bois de Boulogne, a long distance for them to go from their home ; for they hardly ever crossed the bridges of the Seine, and had scarcely any 9 I3O PIERRETTE. knowledge of that other side of Paris, with its handsome buildings and broad avenues and brilliant parks. When they reached the great Arch of Triumph, they descended from the omnibus and walked down the shady avenue, past the splendid homes of the rich, and among them that of Monsieur Le Page. It was a veritable little chateau, built of gray stone with innumerable little turrets that now were mantled with a fresh fall of snow. The red glow of the setting sun fell full upon its windows, and it seemed to be enveloped in a blaze of glory. " Look, look, Pierrette, how beautiful it is ! " whispered the little mother, as, passing the great iron gate that led into its garden, the}" caught glimpses of its splendor through the half-cur tained windows. Rare and beautiful flowers rearing their graceful heads to the light, white marble statues and rich draperies, such sump- tuousness as Pierrette and her little mother had never dreamed of. " To think that this shall be your home, Pier rette, all yours some da)- ! and that some time I may come walking by as we are doing " They walked down the shady avenue." PIERRETTE. 133 to-day, and shall see your face looking from one of those great windows and smiling down at me. Oh, does it not seem strange that such fortune should come to you and me ; I cannot make it seem true ! " Pierrette pressed her mother s hand. " Oh, petite mere, if you were only to be here too ! " she said, wistfully; " it will be very strange for me to be living in this great house, and you in the little cottage at Meudon. I wonder why it must be so ! " " Monsieur wishes it, my Pierrette ; and there are reasons why it is best." And Pierrette did not doubt this. They hastened on, hardly daring to look back at the beautiful home that was of so great in- o terest to them both lest any one should see them and wonder at their boldness. When they returned to their little garret that night, it seemed as if they had been off on a long journey. They were so full of what they had seen that they could talk of nothing else. In the evening, when Pierrette went to take old Jeanneton her dish of soup, she could not refrain from mentioning her adventures. " You 134 PIERRETTE. cannot think where petite mere and I have been to-day, Jeanneton. We have been to see a gentleman s palace, a long way beyond the Seine. Oh, it is such a beautiful place ! and you would never believe it, Jeanneton, but I am going there to live very soon, and I shall be very rich, maman says, and I shall send you your soup every day and a fowl on Sunday, and plenty of wood to keep you warm in winter." " What s all that rubbish ! " grumbled the old dame, holding out her hand for the dish; " who talks of being rich in this neighborhood, I should like to know ! I have lived in it sixty years, and have never seen anything but misery. Don t talk to me of palaces ! This is a rat- trap, I tell you, and we are all caught in it to starve." " Oh, but, Jeanneton, there is a dear, good Monsieur who has been giving maman some lovely lace work to do, and paying her a great deal of money for it, and who makes me beauti ful gifts. It is he who is rich, and is going to take me to live with him." " I don t know anything about your fine Monsieur," persisted the old woman, with much PIERRETTE. 135 ill-nature. " The only Monsieur I ever see is that miserly concierge who comes up every month to plague me for the rent, when I have n t a sou to give him. They are all alike, your Messieurs, a rascally lot, who like riothing better than to cheat the poor." Pierrette knew that Jeanneton would be in a more amiable mood when she had swallowed her hot broth ; but she could not help laughing at the thought of Jeanneton s comparing Mon sieur Le Page to the old concierge downstairs. If she could only see him once, with his hand some features and long curling mustache, and the kindly smile with which he always greeted her when he came, and the elegant gold-top cane he carried, and the curious eye-glass through which he looked at her, she felt sure that Jeanneton, even old, grumbling, ill-natured Jeanneton, could not but think him a most delightful gentleman. It was now nearly two weeks since Monsieur Le Page had been to see Elize, and the wonder ful piece of lace had been finished for some days, and she awaited his return with impatience. As the days followed one another and he did 136 PIERRETTE. not come, she grew restless and uneasy. She felt that she must talk to some one about the thing that weighed most on her heart. That evening, after Pierrette had gone to sleep, Elize put on her bonnet and cape, and made her way noiselessly down the dingy stairs out into the frosty night. She was going to Pere Michel s. He was not one whom she would ordinarily have sought for confidence ; he was not a very sympathetic listener. But she must tell somebody, and she really knew him better than any one of her neighbors, and something seemed to lead her to him that night. He was fond of Pierrette, in his way, and she needed advice about her. There would be no need of mentioning the name of Monsieur Le Page, or speaking of the work she had done for him. She would simply say that it was a rich gentleman who had been very kind to them, and who had offered to take Pierrette and bring her up like a lacly, and she had made up her mind to let him have the child. The little mother walked rapidly through the idle crowd in the rue des Anges, for, it being PIERRETTE. 137 the week before the Christmas feast, every one was out inspecting the brilliant little shops, and making what purchases their small means would allow. But Elize was not in touch with that merry, laughing multitude to-night. She scarcely heard the confused clatter of the women s voices and the boisterous shouting of the men and the shrill laughter of boys and girls. As she hurried past them, she was preparing her little speech to Pere Michel, feeling, perhaps, a little frightened at her own boldness. When she entered the shop, she found the old man seated in his armchair before the fire, roasting chestnuts for the enjoyment of himself and his dog. There was no light in the room but the fitful flame that rose and fell from the burning wood in the chimney. For, as Pere Michel said, with a true sense of French econ omy, " Joy-of-My-Heart and I can see each other very well by the light of the fire, and where is the use of burning tallow, when we know the way to our mouths ! " He did not appear in the least surprised to see Elize at that hour of the night; somehow 138 PIERRETTE. it seemed as if he had been expecting her, and knew beforehand the purpose of her visit. His manner was kinder than usual. He bade her take a seat; and, before she was aware of it, and without a single question from him, she had told him her story, and how her poor heart was breaking at the thought of being parted from her little girl, and yet that there was no other choice for her ; that it was Pierrette s own good and not hers that she must consider; and that she had come to him that he might help to convince her that she was doing right. For with each day that passed she felt herself grow ing weaker in her brave resolution, and needed the help of some friend. It might have seemed odd to a third person, if there had been one in Pere Michel s shop, to hear the timid little woman pouring out her feelings to that crusty old man, wholly forgetful of her old fears, indeed, of everything except that she was in great need of human sympathy. Pere Michel had not uttered a single word, or shown any signs of impatience during her short narrative; but he had watched the little mother very attentively, and had seemed to take more PIERRETTE. 139 than ordinary interest in what she told him. He had not once interrupted her to dispute with Joy-of-My-Heart, who lay at the old man s feet and followed his example by listening in respectful silence. CHAPTER XL " AH, ah, well, it is good you came to me for advice," said Pere Michel, leaning forward to stir up the burned sticks, when Elize had finished speaking. " I should have said nothing, if you had not come here of your own will. It is no business of mine, and I am not one to pry into other people s affairs ; but, since you want advice, I will tell you the truth. You would better know it now than later. Your fine gentleman, I know who he is, I have known him a long time, with all his kindness and fine offers, is a rascal, a polite, elegant rascal, but a rascal all the same, and the less you have to deal with him, the better." PIERRETTE. 141 Elize gave a start. Pere Michel spoke too seriously for her to mistake his words as only in jest. " Monsieur Michel, what do you mean? " she asked, in a frightened voice. " I cannot hear you speak so of Monsieur Le Page. What do you know of him that is not worthy?" " A great deal too much, my dear young woman, a great deal more than you would approve if you knew. If I am a good judge of people, and I flatter myself that I have not lived all the se years without becoming such, I take it that you are not a woman to profit by fraud and deceit. The rich can sometimes do it with safety ; but we poor wretches cannot afford to be anything but honest. Yet I am not sorry that it is so, for the bread of honesty is sweet, even if it is eaten in a miserable little second hand finery-shop, and with only a dog for com pany." Poor Elize was stupefied. " I cannot under stand you, Monsieur Michel. Pray, what is it? Oh, tell me what it is you know about Monsieur Le Page ! though I am sure I can never believe any wrong of him," she added, unwilling to be 142 PIERRETTE. convinced, and yet feeling that she must know what it was that Pere Michel accused him of, if only that she might defend him. The old tradesman moved impatiently in his chair and faced Elize suddenly. " Look at me ! " he said sharply. " Do I go about spinning tales about my neighbors? Does A. Michel take the trouble to invent lies for his amusement? I am a man of few words. I tell you that what I know of your Sieur Le Page is true. I had it from his own lips. He would have had me to help him in his fraud, and paid me well for it. But I knew him for an old rascal, old at the art of lying and deceiving, I mean, and he got no assistance from me. Then he finds you out, Heaven only knows how, and plays the benefac tor to you, poor little fool ! and pays you a thousand francs for making a piece of lace which he is going to sell for ten times that much to some silly woman who is crazy after old laces, and is ready to pay a fortune for them. With a little saffron clye, skillfully used, he will make it look for all the world like a genuine an tique piece, and pass it off as a century or so old, and as having belonged to some celebrated PIERRETTE. 143 queen or duchess. Those are his tricks. That is how he coins his money. He does not do it very often ; it would kill his trade if he did. But once in a while he makes a little fortune on a deal like this, and no one is the wiser; for he knows that I cannot hurt him, even though / know how he dupes them all, for he deals with the rich, and I with the poor. But I would take none of his money ; ill-gotten gain never brings any good with it, and one might better live in poverty all one s days than soil his conscience with it." Pere Michel drew a large red handkerchief from his pocket, and mopped his face, which had grown very warm during this long speech, the like of which he had not made for many days. Then he blew his nose very loud, several times, for he had taken a pinch of his favorite snuff after each sentence. "You have heard me," he concluded, holding out his hand before the fire, "and now you are free to do as you choose. I have done my duty," and he waved the subject away, feeling that he had acquitted himself rather creditably, on the whole, of some very errave and disagreeable business. 144 PIERRETTE. He had not seen the poor little mother s face while he made his grave disclosures to her. The flames had fallen very low ; but now they flick ered once or twice, enough to send a faint yel low light about the room, and he could see that she was very pale and that her lips trembled and her eyes had a look of dismay in them that smote him. It had all come upon her so like a revelation. She felt the terrible pang of seeing a fair idol fallen down and shivered at her feet. One whom she had looked to for every virtue, courtesy, gentleness, integrity, whom she had learned to admire and trust more than any one else she knew he was capable of a base decep tion ; he would stoop to a dishonest transaction for the sake of mere gain ; and he had come to her to help him ; and she had received his money and his benefits, and had been on the eve of giving up to him her dearest treasure, her little Pierrette ! Ah, it was a bitter moment for the little woman, bitter, because it is always a sor rowful thing to find we have been deceived in those we loved best, to learn that their seem ing kindness was, perhaps, but a cover to hide PIERRETTE. 145 their own selfish and unworthy ends. She was bewildered ; her thoughts could find no ex pression. Her little hands were clasped tightly, and she gazed vacantly from the fire to Pere Michel and from Pere Michel to the fire. " You are sure, Monsieur Michel, very sure that all this is true? " she said, for she somehow clung to the belief that there must be some fatal misunderstanding somewhere, or that she had not heard the old man aright. " I have said it once," returned he, tartly, " that is enough ; you may believe or not as you choose. Perhaps it would suit your wishes bet ter not to believe it. In that case, I have been mistaken in you, that is all, and I wash my hands of you," and there was a slight sneer in his tones. " Oh, how can you think that, Monsieur Michel! " cried Elize, resenting it; "how can you believe that I would let my little child go to those who are not honest or noble, however much might be gained by it ! " and she rose, and her gentle face flushed up, and a look as nearly re sembling indignation as ever came into her calm eyes was in them now. The old man s words 146 PIERRETTE. had touched the most sensitive fibre of her nature, and with them came a sudden turn of feeling, and a determination to show him that he had not been mistaken in her. " He shall not have my precious little one, - no, not if he had all the money in Paris ! And he shall not have the lace, although it is finished and has been waiting for him these eight days. We will starve first." " Ah, now you speak like a woman of sense and honor," said Michel, softening a little. " But, oh," cried poor Elize, suddenly remem bering, " he has paid me nearly half the price of it, and that is all spent. Where shall I find that much money to return to him? What shall we do?" " If you have really made up your mind to have no further dealings with that canaillerie, then you can count on me for help. First of all, the money must be refunded. I will find a purchaser for your lace, one who will buy it with his eyes open, for just what it is and nothing else, a beautiful piece of handiwork, made by one of the most skillful needlewomen in Paris to-day, and who will pay for what it is PIERRETTE. 147 really worth, not for the number of centuries that have passed over it, or the great hands that have touched it. Until the buyer can be found, I will, myself, advance the money. How much is it?" asked the old man, abruptly. " Nearly four hundred francs," said Elize, quite overwhelmed by this sudden mark of interest from him. And, indeed, it was a tre mendous proof of the old tradesman s regard for her that he should offer to advance any sum whatsoever; for he was fond of his gold, and he had the reputation of being a miser, and always crying poverty. He disappeared as if by magic into a little closet whose door was so neatly fitted into the wall that one would scarcely have suspected its existence, and re-appeared promptly with four crisp, new bank-notes between his fingers. " There," he said, giving them to Elize, " is enough to rid you of that monster. You can pay me back when we sell the lace, or work for me instead ; there is always plenty of work here for those who want it, and who do it well." Then he sat down again in his big chair, and rubbed his palms together, and shook his head 148 PIERRETTE. dubiously, saying now and then, " Aic, aic, aic, it is a hard world, this, a very hard world ! " Elize went to him and held out her hand. She could not thank him in words. Her voice was choked with the conflicting emotions that troubled her gentle breast. She looked up at him with tears in her large eyes, and the pres sure of her delicate fingers told him that her heart was grateful, grateful for his help, grateful for the generous impulse that had prompted him to stretch out a friendly hand to her, just as he saw her hovering on the brink of a great danger. " Have courage, my little woman," he said kindly, as he opened the door for her to pass out. " Heaven is bound to help those who do right." And when he returned to his fireside he was obliged to have a serious tussle with Joy-of-My- Heart, for no apparent reason, except perhaps that his feelings had got the better of him, and- he had no other way of giving vent to them. That night he remained a long time shut up in the little closet \vith the invisible door. He took his candle with him, and what he did there He was obliged to have a serious tussle with Joy-of-My heart." PIERRETTE. 151 remained a secret even to Joy-of-My-Heart, who was never admitted to that innermost place of confidence. When he emerged from its depths, several hours later, you might have guessed that he had been about some very important and perplexing business ; for his few locks of hair were in a state of sad disorder, and his face very red with suppressed emotion, and the fingers of his right hand were bedaubed with ink, and a tremendous blot adorned the end of his nose. Elize hurried out into the street. It had grown late, and the night was very cold. Hardly conscious of what she did, she made her way through the little, narrow streets, and was soon back to the old house, the old house that had begun to look bare and dismal and poor to her, since the prospect of leaving it for something better had been held out to her. How much more dingy and miserable it seemed that night, now that she must come back to it with her hopes and bright dreams of prosperity all fled ! They must give up all their little comforts, and she must work harder than ever now, in order to pay Monsieur Michel. She felt that they 15,2 PIERRETTE. could never again bfe even as contented as they had been before they knew Monsieur Le Page and his benefits; for that is the especial cruelty of broken hopes, they make the blindness of past contentment no longer possible. They open the eyes to such fair visions of happiness that we can never go back to our old life and be at peace with it. But when she entered the little garret-room, and felt its genial atmosphere of homeliness, and saw the little girl asleep on her cot, smiling in her dreams, the young mother fell upon her knees and thanked Heaven for the comfort that stole into her heart at the thought that she might now keep Pierrette. No, there would be no dreadful parting; they could still be together, and live for each other alone; and was not this better than all the treasures and riches in the world? CHAPTER XII. WHEN the morning came, the little mother s most painful task was to tell Pierrette of the change that had come in their plans and hopes. She could give the girl no reason for it ; she could not bear to think that her trustful child- nature should even hear of wrong-doing. Some thing had happened, she could not explain to Pierrette just what, for she was too young to understand, but she would not go and live with the rich gentleman ; and maman would not do any more work for him; and they would per haps never see him again. The child was greatly puzzled ; but there was no regret in her voice when she asked : " And are we to go on living together, petite mere, 154 PIERRETTE. you and I, in this little room, always? Oh, that is better than everything, better than living in a beautiful house where you would not be ! " " And, Pierrette," added the little mother, taking the child in her arms, and lavishing caresses upon her, as if to soothe what she fancied might be a greater disappointment to her, " I must ask you to give up the gold-piece which Monsieur Le Page gave you ; it will not be right for you to keep it now." " Is Monsieur Le Page in trouble, petite mere? Has he lost all his money? " asked the little girl, with an anxious look. " He has lost something that is worth more than money," was all that Elizc said. Pierrette thought, with a little pang, of how she would have to go that very morning and tell Pere Michel that she would not be able to buy the watch for her mother after all. That was, I think, her deepest regret. But she gave up her coin cheerfully, and felt very sorry for their kind friend, she said, and wondered secretly what it all meant, and why she should never again see the handsome monsieur who had wanted to make her his little girl. PIERRETTE. 155 While Elize and Pierrette were trying to reconcile themselves to their altered fortunes, Monsieur Le Page was at that very moment on his way to the attic of the old house. He was coming, not without some misgivings, to receive the little mother s answer about Pierrette, and to get his beautiful piece of old lace, which was to be delivered to its purchaser that very day. He had meant to come sooner, for he knew the work would be finished ; but, strangely enough for him, he had dreaded taking the final step. He almost wished that he had never entered into this transaction about the lace. It was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life to deceive that little woman, and that pretty child for whom he had conceived such an unusual fondness. It pleased him that they should admire him and trust him. He had never before known a little child s love; and already it was beginning to make a better man of him. He thought of all that he would do to keep that trust; in what ways he would make her happy, and how carefully he would guard her from knowing any wrong of him. That was perhaps not the best way of retain- 156 PIERRETTE. ing any fellow-creature s trust and confidence, to seem only to be worthy. He had not learned that we can never be quite true to others if we are not true to ourselves ; that time had not yet come for him. But he was beginning to be conscious of his deficiencies, and that was a great point gained in his favor. Several times during the weeks that passed, he had set out with the intention of coming to Klize. He wished first of all to settle that matter about the lace ; when it was sold and out of his hands, he would breathe more freely, and could talk to her about taking the little girl with much better grace. That transaction about the lace troubled him more than he liked to acknowledge, even to himself; and he made up his mind that he would not soon again enter upon another such. So the days had gone by, and he had not come; each time something had held him back. And Elize had waited for him and wondered, and finally, in her anxiety, had been led to go to Pere Michel, who had told her everything. And now the tide of her feelings was turned, and she could never greet him with that same friendly trust, or forget that he had sought her help in a dishonorable deed. PIERRETTE. 157 How strangely does fate sometimes interpose in the best laid plans of men ! If Monsieur Le Page had not waited, if he had come but three days before, he would have found the little mother with her feelings towards him un changed, and ready to serve him and believe him in everything. She would not have gone to Pere Michel with her confidence, and might never have known exactly what Monsieur Le Page purposed doing with the beautiful piece of lace. Ah, and she would still have intrusted to him her little girl, to the child s greater happiness? who shall say! But Monsieur Le Page suspected nothing of all this, as he ascended the stairs of the old house. He had no idea that those few days of procrastination could work such a change in his plans and life, as well as in those of the little mother and Pierrette ; that through them he was to learn a great lesson in righteousness. He knocked at the door of the little room, and it was some minutes before Elize appeared. But the moment he saw her face, he knew that something had happened ; and he felt an uncom fortable tremor in her presence. She had known 158 PIERRETTE. it was he ; she recognized his gentlemanly rap. So few persons ever came to see them, it was not strange ; and no one else ever visited them at that early hour of the morning. Pierrette had gone down to see how old Jeanneton had fared during the night, and Elize was thankful that the child was not near to hear what she said to Monsieur Le Page. Her heart was beat ing very fast, and her breath came quickly. She needed all her courage to meet him now, and to hold fast to her resolution. For this gentleman had a quiet, persuasive manner, a gentle firm ness, that made it almost impossible for people to resist him. He sat down, as was his wont, before beginning to speak, and then made a few vague excuses about his delayed return. " I have been detained," he said, " by a mul titude of circumstances. Business, Madame, is a most absorbing thing. Now, if you please, we will attend first to the matter of the lace. It is finished, is it not? Ah, I knew it; you never fail in your promises, and that is the secret of success in any line of business ; it has been the secret of mine. I have brought you the remain ing six hundred francs, That sum may help you PIERRETTE. 159 and Pierrette to pass the Christmas feast pleas antly to-morrow. Ah, Madame! what is it? You are very pale ; are you not well " Mon sieur Le Page broke off suddenly, when he saw the look that came into her face. Elize was standing in the middle of the room ; she had made no movement to greet him. Her tongue clung to the roof of her mouth; she could scarcely find her voice. Oh, how could she believe it of him ! of this kindly, courteous gentleman whose gentle manner had won their young hearts; how could she believe any ill of him as he stood there before her now, so kindly solicitous, and, to her innocent eyes, so noble- looking ! Poor little woman, she was so full of sensibility herself, that it caused her a greater pang to have to confront him with an accusa tion than she had ever felt in her simple life before. " Monsieur," she said at length, making a great effort to speak steadily, " it is a very difficult thing for me to speak to a gentleman of your position as I must speak to you this morning. It is doubly hard after all your past generosity. Believe me when I say that I do it only for my honor s sake. You found us poor, 160 PIERRETTE. Pierrette and me ; we shall be still poorer now, but we will remain honest. Our honor is all we have ; but it is very precious to us, more pre cious than your wealth." Elize had spoken rapidly, and with quickening breath, as if every word had cost her an effort. But she had gathered courage as she went on ; and the firm belief that she was doing right made her seem, as she stood before him with her young face flushed and her candid eyes looking straight into his, by far the stronger of the two. For the first time since she had known him,, she saw Monsieur Lc Page lose his rigid self- control. A deathly pallor overspread his fea tures, and a frightened look came into his eyes, and his fingers began to twitch nervously. He made an effort to appear calm, but it was use less ; and if poor, trusting little Elize had cher ished any lingering doubt as to the truth of Pere Michel s accusation, that sudden transfor mation in him was quite enough to dispel it. "But, Madame," he said, in a feeble voice of apology, " I do not understand your meaning explain yourself, pray! " " But, Madame, he said, in a feeble voice of apology, I do not understand. " PIERRETTE. 163 " There is little to explain, Monsieur, it is sim ply that I cannot consent to let you have the lace ; I was ignorant of your purpose when I promised to make it. I did not know that you intended to pass it for something that it is not. If you had told me, I should never have given my work to further a dishonorable dealing, any more than would Monsieur Michel. It is bet ter for me to work for him at thirty sous a day, than to earn a thousand francs deceitfully. I will keep the lace; it will never bring as much as you have offered me ; but some one will surely buy it, for it is beautiful, and I have taken pains in making it, and and now, Pierrette and I will not part, even though we remain poor always. Oh, Monsieur ! " and here the little mother s voice broke into sobs, " I would have given you my treasure ! I would have parted with my darling because I trusted you and believed in your goodness ! " Monsieur Le Page felt a cold stream about his heart, and a sickening sense of fear and dis appointment seemed to envelop him. For once he was himself. His ghastly pallor and the ex pression of intense anguish upon his features 164 PIERRETTE. showed that now, at least, he was not dissimu lating. There is always something about genu ine emotion that excites compassion. The little mother s heart ached for him at that moment more than it had ever done for her own misfor tunes. She wished that she might help him in some way, wished that she were strong enough and good enough to turn his heart into the ways of righteousness. She did not know how much her brave, upright spirit had already done for him : how in one short moment the power of her innocent young nature had had its gentle, benign influence upon his hard one. She could see that he was suffering some terrible mental anguish. Was it at the loss of his worldly gain? Ah, no, he had quite lost sight of that now ! It was the loss of that young woman s respect, the loss of that little child s love when they told her ill of him, the loss of those two dear simple creatures trust, which had grown sweet to him, that most appalled him. He could not meet her candid gaze now; he knew that he could not clear himself in her eyes by a denial of the charge brought against him, or any feeble explanations. And he realized how PIERRETTE. 165 precious a thing her trust had been, now that he had lost it. That little woman, hidden away there in that old attic, simple and untaught as she was, had been able to teach him the worth of honor. She was poor, and ignorant of many things, perhaps ; but she had opened the way of truth to him. He saw now the worthlessness of worldly pomp. She had preferred to remain poor rather than profit by gain that was ill-acquired. What were all his riches to her? She had her honor, and everything that was in conflict with it seemed miserable and contemptible to her. Monsieur Le Page could not account for the sudden turn of his long established feelings. Indeed, he did not try to account for it. He only yielded to the gentle influence of good, and found some comfort in doing so. He knew that this woman, with all her youth and timidity and her lowly condition, was his superior. What was it, indeed, that gave these simple people so strong a sense of right? Had not even old Michel shown himself strong in his adherence to it? But the old man s example alone had not been sufficient to move this fine 1 66 PIERRETTE. gentleman s sensibilities. It had taken little Elize, with her pure young soul shining in her lovely face, to touch the eyes of this cold un scrupulous man with a colly rium that made his blindness to justice and truth no longer possible. When he turned away from the little garret that morning, he was a changed man. lie had come o * o purposing to continue in his deceit, seeking only to hide it more skillfully from those whose good opinion he wished to retain ; but when he went away, he had made the brave resolve to undeceive himself, first of all, and then deceit to others would no longer be necessary. And a resolution with Monsieur Le Page was always a serious thing, and one that must be achieved at all costs. CHAPTER XIIL THE morrow was Christmas-day, a white, clear, joyous Christmas, when every thing and creature in the gay city should have been blessed with a glad heart. But poor little Elize s heart that morning was heavier than it had been for many a day. She had spent the night in tears. She had wept, not so much at the loss of what had seemed to be such a fair future for them, not at the thought of the old life of hardship and labor that she must return to, for she was a brave little woman, but at the loss of a friend. She had known so few friends in the course of her simple, quiet life, so few people who really understood her, and gave her the gentle consideration which she loved, until 168 PIERRETTE. she had known Monsieur Le Page. And now, alas, it must all come to an end. She must never see him again ; she must not even remem ber him, remember his benevolence, and the pleasure his brief friendship had brought. Ah, it was a pitiful thing ! and the little mother, with her strong, affectionate nature, her grateful knowledge of all his kindnesses to them, found it very difficult not to think of him often, and in her heart to forgive him. For it is the better part of good women to deal less harshly with others wrongs than with their own. She prayed for him, it was all that she could do ; but who shall say that those silent, fervent prayers were not heard and answered? They spent a very quiet day in the little attic, Pierrette and her mother. They had been to the early mass, and come home to their simple morning meal, which was even more frugal than usual. There were no Christmas gifts for them, no merry-making and feasting such as might have been found in almost any home that bright morning, for they were entirely alone in the big city, and the few persons they knew were even worse off than themselves. Elize was sad, and PIERRETTE. 1 69 her smile was cheerless all that day ; and little Pierrette could not be quite her happy self, when she thought of the little watch in Pere Michel s shop, that should have been maman s, if everything had not happened so strangely; and that poor little Francois and Jeanneton and the chiffonnier would none of them receive the little tokens she had planned for their surprise. In the evening they two sat beside the small round table, under the lamp, and the young mother repeated to Pierrette the story of the Nativity: how the Infant Jesus himself was born in lowliness; how He, the king of all men, had come to this earth as an innocent babe that we might all be saved, and to teach us to bear all our woes with courage. Elize, who had a sweet pious nature, found comfort in this thought; for she had great need of that example of courage now. Pierrette had heard the story many times, but she never grew tired of listening to it. It was all a beautiful mystery to her young im agination. She had gazed that morning at the brilliant lights and the flowers in the church, and heard the angelic music of the choristers, I/O PIERRETTE. and she felt that it was a time of great rejoicing, and that although they had had no gifts from one another, and maman had seemed sorrowful all day, she knew that she had cause to be glad because of the great love that had been given to all the world in the coming of that little Child. They had been talking together some little time, when they were interrupted by a strange sound out in the hall, as if some one were grop ing in the dark. There was a heavy bumping and scratching against their door, and then a mighty scrambling down the narrow stairway, as if a very stout man and a troublesome dog were fighting for the right of way. Elize and Pier rette started up at once and ran to the door. The corridor was perfectly black, and they could see nothing. The little mother brought the lamp, and held it over the banister; but by this time there was no one to be seen. They could only hear the retreating steps of the intruders away down on the lower flights, and now and then a suppressed sh ! and a little yelp that reverberated against the damp stone walls as if the sounds had come from some very deep well. PIERRETTE. I/I "Who can it be at this hour of the evening!" said the little mother, wondering, as they turned back to re-enter their room. " Oh, perhaps it is Pere Noel ! " l cried Pier rette, laughing as she caught sight of a large basket that stood almost in the doorway ; it was a wonder they had not upset it when they ran out into the hall. " Look, look, petite mere, it is a Christmas-basket ; there are flowers on top ! It must be Pere Noel who brought it to us ; and that is why he is running away so fast," and Pierrete laughed again, for she was such a wise and sensible little girl that she had long since outgrown that childish belief. " Come, let us open it and see what is in it ! " and she clapped her hands with delight. They brought the mysterious basket under the light of the lamp, and emptied its contents on the table. They found underneath the few homely flowers and green leaves a variety of objects that made little Pierrette s eyes round with astonishment. If you will believe me, it contained nearly all the things that Pierrette had wished for: a little box of colors, with 1 Santa Claus. 1 72 PIERRETTE. several different sizes of brushes, and all the shades of the rainbow, for Francois ; a pair of warm woollen wristlets of a beautiful red, for the old chiffonnier ; a little package of fragrant tea-leaves for Jeanneton ; and a large cornuco pia of Christmas bonbons for herself; and in the centre of it was just such another yellow coin as Monsieur Le Page had given her some weeks ago, quite as large and brilliant, wrapped in a piece of white paper, on which was written, in very singular chirography, " For a little girl with a golden heart." Pierrette was mystified. It really seemed as if some sly little fairy had peeped into her eyes that morning and seen all her wishes there ; but she was inclined to believe that it all came from the kind monsieur who had sometimes sent them little surprises ; but Elize shook her head and said, " Oh, no, that could not be ! " but when they carne to the very bottom of the basket, and brought out a little leather box with a tiny gilded padlock and key, and upon opening it found the little watch that Pierrette had coveted for her mother, the treasure of Pere Michel s shop, then Pierrette danced about the room for " Look, look, petite mere, it is a Christmas basket." PIERRETTE. 1/5 joy, like a little elf, and clapped her hands, and cried, " Oh, petite mere, now we cannot say that this has not been a merry Christmas, can we?" and she kissed her maman ecstatically. And the poor little mother was all but in tears when she heard Pierrette s account of her inter view with the old man about the watch. " We still have a friend, my Pierrette, it is Pere Michel; how kind and generous of him ! " And who indeed but Pere Michel had such a remarkable way of finding out people s thoughts and wishes, and such an eccentric way of grati fying them ! It must be confessed, however, that this was the first time in Pere Michel s life, perhaps, that he had played the part of a bene factor. He was usually regarded as an old miser who cared for no one but himself and his poodle ; but this had been an exceptional case with the old man, the case of Pierrette and the little mother, and these two simple souls had a way, all unconscious to themselves, of drawing even the hardest hearted people to them and making themselves beloved. Pere Michel had not been to church that Christmas day, or said many prayers. Indeed, I 1/6 PIERRETTE. doubt if he ever said any at all. But he went back to his little shop with the feeling that he had done a religious duty. He had seen the spirit of self-sacrifice and unselfishness in both the mother and the little girl, and he had wished to reward it ; because, as he afterwards explained to himself, with a wise nod, Providence does not always look to these things, and he did not mean to run any chances of their being disap pointed. Pierrette went down, as soon as her joy was a little under control, and distributed her presents to her friends. And these felt, no doubt, that her bright little face and merry laugh, and the kind words she brought them, were the best part of her gifts. She related to each one how mys teriously the basket was brought to their door, just as they were beginning to think that they should have no presents at all. And so it was that the day ended happily for Pierrette and her little mother, even though it had begun in sad ness; for the little girl s dearest wish had been realized, and Elize discovered that they had made another friend. CHAPTER XIV. THE rest of that winter was a busy time for them. Elize was obliged to work very hard ; for she must pay her debt to Pere Michel, and make enough for herself and Pierrette to live upon besides. The old man was more lenient than usual, and often told her not to be over-anxious, that some fine day he would find a purchaser for her beautiful piece of lace, and then he should pay himself, and all would be right. But the winter melted into spring, and no one came to buy, for most of Pere Michel s customers were of the poorer classes, and had no use for such a bit of luxury, nor would they have paid its price ; and the old man would not let it go for a paltry sum, because he knew its worth. 178 PIERRETTE. Once in a while the ladies who came to him to dispose of their old finery, being no doubt in need of money themselves, would stop and eye the exquisite piece of work, and would hold up their hands in despair at the price he had set upon it. So it lay there in the old chest, month after month, and Elize sighed every time she went into the old man s shop and saw it there ; for it recalled many bright hopes she had stitched into it, and the brief happiness she had known and could not forget. One day in the spring, when Paris is at its gayest, and the broad smooth avenues of the city are delicately shaded with the new growth of leaves, and the flower-vendors display their brilliant masses of blossoms at the foot of some old gray stone palace, and the air is filled with sunshine and the songs of young birds, Pere Michel, no doubt stirred into a spirit of adven ture by the joyous awakening of all nature around him, was strolling across one of the arched bridges of the Seine, the one leading to the Place de la Concorde, which is the centre and rendezvous of all the brilliant world on a pleas ant April day. It was not a holiday, except that PIERRETTE. 179 with the Parisians all days are holidays in the early spring-time, and every one looks upon it as a duty to enjoy to his utmost these first sweet pleasures of nature. To one who like old Michel spent so many of his days in a dingy little shop in that damp, gray court of the rue des Anges, a day on the other side of the Seine, where all seems bright and festive, and has the aspect of being entirely given up to enjoyment, is a veritable treat. He glanced approvingly down at the innumerable little boats shooting under the graceful bridges of the Seine, filled with the gay crowd bound on some pleasure trip be yond the city ; at the throng of carriages rolling up and down the avenue of the Champs Elysees ; at the waters of the fountains in the gardens of the Tuileries dancing in the sunlight, and the children playing around their basins; at the nursemaids listening to the confidences of some gay young soldier in uniform ; at old citizens sitting about on benches, quietly reading their newspapers : and Pere Michel s bosom swelled with pride, and he felt, as every Parisian of the poorer classes always feels in the midst of such a scene, that he was in a great measure responsible I SO PIERRETTE. for this splendor and display, and general atmos phere of life and prosperity. But while Pere Michel was enjoying his out ing conscientiously > he was not on this side of the Seine wholly without purpose. He seldom, if ever, failed to couple business with pleasure. He made his way after a little time to the rue de Rivoli, which fronts the palace gardens, sauntered leisurely under its wide arcades, looking in at the shop-windows, and humming a tuneless air to himself. He was meditating a bold venture. He knew of several rich dealers in the rue. The}- did not know him, but that was an accident. They made a specialty of laces, of beautiful fine hand-work, which they did not pass off for famed antiques, like that handsome rogue, Le Page. On the contrary, they dealt only in novelties. He had thought for some time of taking Elize s work to them, to see how much they would offer for it. On his way thither he had to pass the fine establishment belonging to Monsieur Le Page, and he was preparing to shake his fist at it, and to call down a thousand maledictions upon its proprietor, by the way, when, to his amazement, as he neared the well-known corner, PIERRETTE. l8l he found that the place was closed, that the lar-ge sign with its golden letters had been taken clown, and that every trace of Monsieur Le Page and his traffic had disappeared. Pere Michel scratched his head and winked very hard several times; he could not believe his eyes. What could it all mean ! The wealthy shop that had stood there for so many years, with its rare collection of treasures, where had it gone? It was not possible that Le Page could have failed, and he, Michel, not have heard a word of it. Xo, that could hardly be ; Le Page was too rich for that. He was moved to step into the neighboring shop and make a few indifferent inquiries. No, Monsieur Le Page had not met with bank ruptcy, the shopkeeper next door told him, and rather smiled at the idea. He had simply closed his business and retired. Xo one knew just why. Some thought he was in ill-health ; others that he was losing his mind, he had been doing such very queer things of late, for in stance, he had given up his magnificent home on the avenue des Bois de Boulogne, and gone to one of the smaller faubourgs to live in a cot- 1 82 PIERRETTE. tage with only one servant! Prosperity had turned his head, and made an eccentric of him. But all the other merchants in the rue were glad that he was gone, for it left them something of a chance now ; he had been altogether too suc cessful a rogue for them. Pere Michel s face was a picture as he listened to these mystifying revelations. He could hardly disguise his surprise. He drew his thumbs from his vest-pockets, and snapped his fingers in the air several times, saying, in a voice that was husky with emotion, "Aie, aie, aie, I did not expect this! Wonders will not cease!" and he was so overcome with his reflections that he quite forgot his errand, and hurriedly made his way back to his own dwell ing in the rue des Anges, where he might ponder at his ease, in the quiet companionship of his faithful dog. While Pere Michel was trying to account for Monsieur Le Page s .singular proceedings, and making up his mind that he would go to see the little mother no later than that evening, and acquaint her with these strange facts, Elize was making discoveries of her own. If the old PIERRETTE. 183 man had stepped into the little garret at that moment, and heard what was going on there, he would have been still more surprised. A lady was sitting in the room with Elize, a hand some lady, richly dressed, unlike any one who came to visit the old house, in fact it was the same lady whom Elize and Pierrette had seen at the door of the church, that morning nearly a year ago, talking with their benefactor. She was the patron for whom Elize had, without knowing it, worked the beautiful piece of old lace. She knew the whole story, and she was relating to Elize how Monsieur Le Page had come to her himself, and acknowledged his guilt. He told her how he had planned to deceive her, until this little woman, who was only a plain, humble, working-girl of Paris, had refused to lend herself to his unfair dealings; how she had taught him the price and worth of virtue, and made him feel that nothing in this world could take the place of it ; how she had spurned his money, his offers of advancement for herself and her little girl, and preferred to live in a miserable little garret, working hard to earn thirty sous a clay, rather than be enriched 1 84 PIERRETTE. by money that had been obtained through fraud ; how her upright and strong young nature had shamed him, and brought him to a sense of his own weakness. "He came to me with his story," the lady went on, as Elize listened to her every word with flushed cheeks and beating heart, " because it was I whom he had planned to deceive, and by this you may judge how sincere is his repentance. He might have given some excuse for not procuring the lace, and no one would have doubted him, I least of all. But he is a different man; and it is you and your little child who have made him so. He has given up all his wealth, and made reparation wherever he could, and has followed your example, in choosing rather to live in honest poverty than in luxury that is obtained through dishonor. I honor him for it. I honor you, my dear young woman, let me call you my friend. It is not often that the people of our world meet with such noble, honest hearts," and she held out her arms and took both Elize s hands in hers, and pressed them affectionately. The little mother s eyes were running over " Ah, Madame, she said, tremulously, you make me very happy ! " PIERRETTE. l8/ with glad tears. "Ah, Madame," she said, tremulously, "you make me very happy ! Mon sieur was so very kind to us, and taught my little girl and me to care for him very much ; I could not bear to know any ill of him. And now, now, I may think well of him again ; and my dear Pierrette may still love him, for she knows nothing." "Monsieur Le Page will be greatly com forted to learn this, and I shall tell him of it; for -I think he values your good opinion more than anything else in the world. And now," she said, trying not to notice the young woman s emotion, "you will be good enough to send me the lace. I will buy it, even though it is not a relic of some great personage. It will remind me of you and your good deed, and become as precious to me for that reason," and the stately lady rose, and kissed the little mother, and went away from the small garret room leaving a genial atmosphere of kindli ness and smiles behind her. From that day Elize and Pierrette s star of good fortune seemed to shine brightly once more; and the little mother realized then, more 1 88 PIERRETTE. than she had ever done before, how surely a righteous deed brings its own reward, aye, even tenfold, and sheds its silent influence on others, and brings contentment to ourselves. It is a blessed lesson ; and fortunate are we if we learn to know its worth while we are still young, and may use the power and charm of youth to bring others to a sense of its truth. CHAPTER XV. SOME months later, Pierrette came into Pere Michel s shop, one very warm morning, about noon, and was greatly surprised to find the old man stretched out in his arm-chair, his feet resting on the little wooden stool before him, his head bandaged with a dripping red hand kerchief whose dyed moisture trickled dismally down his face and ears, and gave him a most dejected aspect. He was groaning lamentably, and making the most alarming grimaces; and Joy-of-My-Heart was mingling his wails of distress with those of his master. The whole scene might have appeared ludicrous to little Pierrette if she had not feared that he had met with some dire calamity. IQO PIERRETTE. "Oh, pray, Monsieur Michel, what is the matter?" she cried; "has anything happened to you?" and she ran to him, and laid her little hand soothingly on his temple, as she was wont to do for old Jeanneton when she had her crises dc ncrfs. "Aie, oh, aie, oh!" bellowed the old fellow, " it is spasms, spasms in the back of my neck. I must have caught a sunstroke when I went out to fetch my eggs. Ah. ta, ta, there goes another one over my left eye ! " " Oh, is it so bad as that ? Do let me run for the apothecary; he will make you well at once, I know. He gives maman tisanes for her head ache very often." "No, no, do not call him ; I have a horror of the brutes. There, I shall be better soon ; perhaps it is not quite a sunstroke after all ; but there are hammers in my head, and they are all pounding in different ways, and there are little saws, a dozen of them, sawing my cranium in two. Oh, la, la ! " Pierrette shivered at these blood-curdling sensations. "What can I do for you," she asked. " Oh, let me go for maman ! " PIERRETTE. IQI "Yes, yes, you may do that," he said; "the sight of your little mother alone, and you too, for that matter, would cure a fit of apoplexy. But first, clip this into that cold water," and he handed her the red bandana. Pierrette did as she was bidden, and laid the cool, wet cloth on the old man s head; at which he gave a tremendous sigh of relief, and declared that he was better already. In a few moments the little girl returned with her mother, who was quite alarmed at the child s description of Pere Michel s dire con dition. She had brought her tisanes and her spirit-lamp, and began at once to administer the soothing remedies. Pere Michel was in no very great danger, a little headache, perhaps, from having sat up too late the night before to reckon up his profit and loss, for it was just at the close of his busy season; but he was usually so hale and robust that the slightest symptom of a pain alarmed him immeasurably ; and he always imagined himself the prey of some fatal malady, and knew that he was going to die immediately. He would not own up to a simple migraines, or 1 92 PIERRETTE. headache, for that was the complaint of the genteel world. Besides, he contended that he had very little in his head to ache. It must be sunstroke, or apoplexy, or something equally malignant. When Elize had pacified the old man, and reassured him about himself, he eyed her shrewdly as he handed her the empty cup of tea. "So you think I am not likely to die this time? " he inquired of her, as seriously as if she were the one to decide that matter. "Oh, dear, no," replied Elize, cheerfully. "You will be all well in a few hours, and quite like yourself again. You have a great many more years to live, I hope, Monsieur Michel." "Nevertheless, it is always well to be pre pared for the worst. Life is uncertain ; and I have made all my arrangements. I do not pro pose to be taken unawares." "Of course not," said E*lize, not quite com prehending the drift of his words, but not wish ing to fatigue him with explanations. " I had not meant to tell you so soon ; but after such an attack as this, there is no telling what hour may be my last ! " " Pierrette did as she was bidden, and laid the cool, wet cloth on the old man s head." PIERRETTE. 195 "Oh, pray don t, Monsieur Michel, it pains me to hear you talk so/ said Elize, in gentle remonstrance. " You shall not have cause to grieve when I go, neither you nor Pierrette." " Indeed we should, Monsieur. You have been a good friend to us." " Are you sure of that ? " asked the old man, remembering what they had lost of worldly prosperity through his revelations about Mon sieur Le Page a few months ago. " Yes, very sure ; are we not, Pierrette ? " The little girl answered by dancing around the back of the old man s chair, and deposit ing a butterfly kiss on the top of his bald head. And this seemed to revive the old fellow more than his three cups of tea. " Very well, " he said, "then you may come with me, and I will let you into a secret. Take this," and he gave her a lighted candle; "you must learn to find the way alone." He pressed a little spring in the wall, and immediately the little trap-door flew open. They went into the little dark room, he lead ing the way; and Elize saw, by the dim light of 196 PIERRETTE. the tallow, that it contained only one chair and a small, old-fashioned escritoire to which Pere Michel retired in secrecy whenever he wished to draw up any important document. On one side of the wall were three deep drawers; each one was numbered, and was closed with a padlock. "These," he said, pointing to the upper two, "contain my gold, the little I have been able to save from a whole life of hard work and economy. In the last, you will find my testament." He opened this drawer and brought out a very official-looking document bearing the seal of the republic, and allowed Elize to touch it. " If anything happens to me, you will remember this and take charge of it." "Oh, Monsieur!" cried timid little Elize, "you frighten me. I know nothing at all about such things. Really, yoli must not talk about things happening to you, and dying! It is dreadful," pleaded the little mother, who felt that the old man s mysterious proceedings were indeed grewsome. "When I make ready to decamp " pursued Pere Michel, jocosely, "we must all come to it PIERRETTE. some day, you as well as I, though the probabil ities are that I shall go first, am I not forty years in advance of you! -when I slip through the narrow gate, I cannot take this with me! " and he shrugged his shoulders and spread out his palms with a deprecatory air, and then added, in a confidential whisper, close to the little woman s ear, " She shall have it all, the little Pierrette, I mean that she shall have it. There is no one else to dispute it to her, no one but Joy-of- My- Heart, and he knows better than to go against my wishes. Do you under stand me? It shall all be hers; there- is not a great fortune, but it will make a neat little dot for her when she grows up." Elize was amazed. She wondered why peo ple were so thoughtful of them. Even this old man, who was generally believed to be selfish and unsympathetic, had shown to them the softer side of his nature, and done them many acts of kindness; and now he was think ing of providing for her little child, when he should be with them no more ! She was deeply touched. "You must not think of that for a Ions: time 198 PIERRETTE. to come," she said, gently. "See, you have forgotten all about your bad head; and when I have made you another cup of tea, you will be quite well again," and she led the way back into the little shop, where Pierrette and the poodle were amusing themselves with a lively game of catch. That afternoon, Pere Michel treated them to a half-holiday in the country, which was one of the little mother s rare delights. He said she was working too hard, and her eyes looked tired, and the sight of the green grass and trees, and a draught of the pure, fresh country air would do her good after the long hot months in the city. So he sent them off to Meudon, that gay little paradise of flowers and sunshine which Klize loved because she had once been happy there. They wandered about through its still woods and flowered paths, gathering the sweet wild strawberries and long coils of foliage to take home to their little garret. They sat down on the cool moss to rest, under some broad shady trees, listening to the varied notes of songful birds and all the sweet harmony of sound that soothe the ear on a quiet summer day; and to PIERRETTE. 199 these two children of the city whose young natures had had nothing to make them bloom but old gray walls and scanty rays of sunlight, this was like the fleeting glimpse of a lost heaven. Elize was pensive; her large soft eyes were dreamy. She seemed to see something in that bank of purple and golden clouds resting yonder on the summit of those green slopes; while Pierrette, with flushed cheeks and flying curls, was chasing the yellow butterflies, and her clear childish voice rang in merry laughter upon the quiet landscape. They did not know, as they were there together, what a pretty picture they made, or that some one had been standing at a little distance watching them, some one whose heart was beating very fast at the sight of those two innocent faces, and whose lips trem bled. He tried to turn away from them ; a twig snapped under his feet ; a flock of birds flew frightened from a neighboring tree, and Elize and Pierrette looked around and beheld Monsieur Le Page! The great lady had spoken truly. He was 2OO PIERRETTE. indeed a different man. His face was softened, and his eyes had lost their piercing, searching look. He stood and gazed at them; and his face broke into a happy smile as the little girl, uttering a cry of joy, ran to him with her arms outstretched. I think there were tears in his eyes as he stooped down and kissed her. "And so you are not afraid to come to me, my little Pierrette," he said. "And you, too, you have forgiven? " and he hekl out his hand to the little mother, who had risen and followed Pierrette. "I know, I know," she said tremblingly, "you arc noble and good; you have tried to do right, and sacrificed much for it." "I have done it all for you," he returned. " It is you that has taught me the beauty of truth ; it is you alone who can make me all that I would be." Elize understood him, for his look said more than his words. She gave him her hand. "I am very weak and ignorant; but I will help you if you so wish it," she said. " Always ? " PIERRETTE. 2OI "Yes, always," and they walked away to gether; and suddenly the little mother was in that truly golden world of her dreams, and the glory of the dying day seemed to shed its rays upon all things about her. They walked a short distance down a pretty winding road, and he showed them the little home where he now dwelt, and told them how much happier he had been there than he had ever been in his grand palace in the big city. And when he had shown them all the simple things that now gave him pleasure, and taken them through the Tittle house and garden, he turned to Pierrette and said: "Ask your mam an if she will come and be the mistress of this little home, and give me the right to call you my own little girl?" "Oh, petite mere," cried the child, throw ing her arms about her mother s neck, "will you ? " To this clay Pere Michel will tell you about it with as much relish and enjoyment as if it were a fairy-tale ; and the neighbors are never weary of listening to it. How the little mother 2O2 PIERRETTE. and Pierrette caused the rich gentleman to give up his wealth, and to become honest and good for their sake; and he is not wholly disinclined to admit that it was all brought about through his own fine management. And he speaks of "Ma mzelle Pierrette" as an heiress; but no one suspects him of being the author of her expectations, or has the least idea of the sur prisingly neat little fortune which this old miser has hoarded up and destined to be her portion. And now the pleasantest hours of the old man s life are the Sundays which he spends with Joy-of-My-Heart at the little cottage in Meudon. The pretty cottage is still there, and you may see it yourself if you happen to be passing through the lovely village, a little cottage whose quaint roofs are mantled with the white snow in the wintry season, and overgrown with vines and climbing roses, and shaded by the fragrant acacia-trees in the pleasant summer, with a little brooklet running through its gar den, and the happiest of faces looking from its windows; a little home where only peace and contentment are to be found, for the old days PIERRETTE. 203 in the garret of the dingy city house are for gotten, and its inmates believe themselves the three very happiest people in all the great city of Paris. For one of them, at least, has learned that true happiness is not to be found in riches, or power, or worldly renown, but only where Love dwells ! THE END. Miss Marguerite Bouvet s Books. Sweet William. Illustrated by Helen and Margaret Arm strong. Fourteenth thousand. Small 4to, $1.25. 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