THE STUDENT'S DICTIONARY OF ANGLO-SAXON SWEET £oni»on HENRY FROWDE Oxford University Pr-ess Warehouse Amen Corner, E.C, (Hew "PorR THE MACMILLAN CO., 66 FIFTH AVENUE THE STUDENT'S DICTIONARY OF ANGLO-SAXON BY HENRY SWEET, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D. CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE MUNICH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Ovfor5 AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1897 C,rfor& PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART PRIKTER TO THE UNIVERSITY 74 ^/^ PREFACE This dictionary was undertaken at the request of the Delegates of the Clarendon Press, who, feeling the want of an abridgement of the large Anglo- Saxon dictionary (BT) still in progress, applied to me. From a variety of reasons I felt myself obliged to undertake the work. As the book was wanted as soon as possible, with a view to forestalling unauthorized abridgements, I could only under- take to do my best within a limited spaCe and a limited period. Every dictionary is necessarily a compromise. If done ideally well and on an adequate scale, it is never finished — and an unfinished dictionary is worse than useless — or, if finished, is never uniform as regards materials and treatment. A dictionary which is good from a practical point of view — that is, which is finished within a reasonable time, and is kept within reasonable limits of space — must necessarily fall far short of ideal requirements. In short, we may almost venture on the paradox that a good dictionary is necessarily a bad one. Sources. — When I first began this work all the existing Anglo-Saxon dictionaries were completely antiquated. The old Bosworth is an uncritical compilation, which falls far short of the scientific requirements even of the period of its first publication. Ettmliller's Lexicon Anglosaxouicum is far superior as regards accuracy and fullness, but its unhappy arrangement of the words under hypothetical roots makes it practically useless to the beginner. Leo's Aiigcl- sdchsisches Glossar combines the faults of both its predecessors with a recklessness in inventing new forms and meanings which is without a parallel even in Anglo- vi PREFACE Saxon lexicography. I had hardly begun to work steadily at this dictionary when a Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary was brought out by Dr. Clark Hall (CH), an American scholar. CH is a work of great industry, and contains a good deal of new and valuable matter ; but it is terribly uncritical, and embodies an enormous number of spurious words and meanings. I have already said that this dictionary was undertaken as an abridgement of BT. But BT consists really of two fragments of dictionaries. The first part (a-fir), for which Bosworth alone is responsible, is far inferior to the succeeding portions of the work, which have been edited by Prof Toller : these show a great and progressive improvement in fullness, accuracy and method. I have, of course, throughout checked and supplemented BT by the other dictionaries and glossaries — including my own glossaries to the Anglo-Saxon Reader and Oldest English Texts — and by a MS. dictionary of my own, begun many years ago, when I had scarcely emerged from boyhood, CH has also been of considerable service, as he gives references for many of the rarer words. But the labour of testing these, and separating the grains of wheat from the mass of chaff, has been great, and has materially retarded my progress. I have also found time to gather a good deal of fresh material from the texts themselves. Difaculties. — The great difficulty of Anglo-Saxon lexicography is that we have to rely for our material solely on a limited number of carelessly written and often badly edited manuscripts — there is no long series of native critics, grammarians and lexicographers to help us. The greatest difficulties are with the glossaries of detached words. In many of these English (that is. Anglo-Saxon) explanations of the Latin words are only occasionally interspersed among Latin renderings ; and it is often a difficult task to determine whether a word is English or a miswritten word in Latin or some other language. One editor even prints restianas as an English gloss to ineptias, not seeing that it stands simply for res vanas ! And even when we are certain that a word is English we cannot be sure that it has not been displaced, so that it really has nothing to do with the Latin word it follows. Hence the imaginary word blere, ' onyx,' which still encumbers all the dictionaries except the present one. The connexion between the English gloss and its original is often very vague, as when napta [ — napJitJia) is glossed tynder, 'tinder,' on account of its inflammability! Again, the Latin words are often misspelt beyond recognition, and even when correctly spelt often cannot be found in any Latin dictionary, either classical or mediaeval. To deal fully and PREFACE VI 1 successfully with these glossaries would require a combination of qualities that has never yet been achieved, together with several lifetimes. The investigator of Old- English as a whole — to whom these glossaries are only subordinate sources of information — is therefore often obliged to work by guesswork, until some one else guesses better, and to be thankful for an occasional ray of li^ht. We have similar difficulties with the place-names in the Charters. Even in connected texts there are often great difficulties : such poems as Beowulf and the Exodus teem with obscurities, many of which will probably never be cleared up Doubtful matter. — Although I have tried, as a general rule, to keep doubtful matter out of the dictionary, I have been careful to leave a margin, especially in dealing with a well-known text such as Beowulf. But I have often put the reader on his guard by adding (?), or by referring (by Cp) to some other word of which the doubtful word may be a variant, or by indicating the source of an obscure word ; thus R. tells him that the word or meaning occurs only in the Rhyming Poem, which is the most obscure of all the poems. The doubtfulness of a word is greatly increased when it occurs only once ; accordingly in such cases I often add the warning (?//a'. Doubtful endings are printed in thin letters; thus gambe/. means that the word occurs only in the inflected form gainbau, which may point either to a feminine gambc or a masculine ganiba. So also pyffan means that the word occurs only in forms which leave it in doubt whether the infinitive is pyjfan or pyfan. Late words. — All Anglo-Saxon dictionaries contain words which are not Old-English, but belong to Transition-English (iioo-i2co), or even to Middle- English. Thus all dictionaries except the present one give a form abbot for abbod with a reference to the year 675 of the Chronicle, which certainly seems early enough. But unfortunately the whole of that entry is an interpolation in Transi- tion- or Early Middle-English, so that the form abbot has no claim whatever to be regarded as Old-English. Another source of these forms are collections of texts such as Kluge's LescbiicJi and Assmann's Hoinilicn, which contain late Transition texts mixed up with Old-English ones, so that late forms get into the glossaries to these books, whence they are copied by uncritical compilers. But I have thcfught it right to keep many of the words which occur in the later portions of the Chronicle, partly on the chance of their being really older than their first occur- rence, partly because of the continuity and great importance of the Chronicle. viii PREFACE Words that first occur towards the end of the eleventh century are marked vL. — ' very late.' Unnatural words. — As the Old-English literature consists largely of transla- tions, we may expect to find in it a certain number of words which are contrary to the genius of the language, some of them being positive monstrosities, the result of over-literal rendering of Latin words. I often warn the reader against them by adding (!). These unnatural words are not confined to interlinear translations. The translator of Bede's History is a great offender, and I have had constantly to add the warning Bd. Among the poetical texts the Psalms are especially remarkable for the number of unmeaning compounds they contain, evidently manufactured for the sake of the alliteration ; this text also contains many other unnatural words and word- meanings ; hence the frequent addition of Ps. Brevity. — In a concise dictionary so much must be omitted that it is necessary to follow strict principles of selection, so as to omit what is least essential and to give most space to what is most important. Otherwise we might easily fall into the error of giving more space to a demonstration of the spuriousness or unnaturalness of a word than to a statement of the meanings and constructions of some really important word. The test of a dictionary is not the number of words it contains, but the fullness of treatment of the commonest words. Brevity and conciseness have not only the negative advantage of saving space, but also the positive one of facilitating reference by enabling the eye to take in at a glance what would otherwise be scattered over a wide space. It will be seen that the three-column arrangement of the present dictionary, together with the use of systematic contractions and typographical devices, has made it possible to carry compactness and brevity further than has yet been done, and without any loss of clearness. Thus, instead of the lengthy w. dat. of pets, and gen. of thing., I write simply zvdg. Much, too, may be done by omitting what is superfluous. Thus, by adding its class-number to each strong verb, I dispense with the addition of sir. vb. Again, as nearly all verbs are recognizable by their ending -an., the absence of the class-numbers serves all the purposes of adding wk. vb., the classes of the weak verbs being easily discriminated by the presence or absence of a mutated vowel in the root. The ignoring of ge- in the alphabetic arrangement (p. xii) has also been a great saving of space : under the old arrangement the reader was often obliged to look up a verb twice, perhaps only to find that the ^^-forms PREFACE ix were confined to the preterite participle ; as if a student of German were expected to look up iiaJun under uchme7i zxidigenommcn wndcx genekmeii ! Meanings. — The first business of a dictionary such as the present one is to give the meanings of the words in plain Modern English, discriminating clearly the different meanings of each word, but doing this briefly and without the attempt to give all the English words that may be used to translate the Old-English word. Etymological translation should be avoided ; thus gepofta does 7iot mean 'one who sits on the same rowing-bench.' Less mischievous, but equally silly, is the practice of translating an Old-English word by some obsolete or dialectal word, which is assumed — sometimes falsely — to be connected with the Old-English one. Thus, when we have once translated bcmni. by ' child ' there is no more reason for addino- ' bairn ' than there is for adding ' kid ' or any other synonym. It is curious that this kind of thing is done only in the Germanic languages : no one thinks of translating ;/// vean. ccst le petit d'tme vache by 'a veal, it is the little of a cow,' or of telling us that ' a veal is less grand than a beef.' One practical advantage of avoiding this kind of translation is that when the reader finds in a dictionary such as the present one l(rce explained as meaning ' leech ' as well as ' physician,' he feels quite certain that the former word is not a mere repetition of the meaning of the latter. But in some cases where there is no example of the primitive meaning of a word, and yet there is reason to believe that it actually existed in Old-English, I give it in ( ) ; thus under wacau I give (awake). The distinct meanings are separated by (;), groups of meanings being further marked off by | and ||, the latter being especially used to separate the transitive and intransitive meanings of verbs. The ambiguity of many English words makes it difficult to define meanings with certainty without full quotations. The best method is to add part of the context in ( ) : thus I explain ddragan by ' draw (sword),' seomian by ' hang heavy [of clouds),' where the italic of stands for ' said of.' Quotations are next in importance to definitions, though an extensive use of them is quite incompatible with the nature of a concise dictionary. But idioms ought to be given whenever they offer difficulty. Sometimes, too, a quotation is shorter than a detailed explanation. Whenever space has allowed it, I have also given quotations even when they are not absolutely necessary. X PREFACE References I omit entirely, as being inconsistent with the plan of this dic- tionary. But I indicate the sources of words in many cases ; and f — ' poetical ' is practically a reference to Grein's Glossar, where full references may be found. Constructions are given with considerable fullness. Irregular forms which can be better studied in an ordinary grammar are dealt with very briefly. Thus I characterize bcc as • pi. of hoc ' without going into further details, while under the rarer dc I give fuller details. Cognate words are given only in Old- English itself It would, indeed, have argued a strange want of the sense of proportion if I had sacrificed my quotations in order to tell the reader that maun is cognate with Danish mand, or to refer him from the perfectly transparent compound lic-Jiama to the misleading German IcicJinavi. But I give the sources of borrowed words — or, at least, indicate the language from which they are taken — as this information is definitely limited, and throws direct light on the meaning of the word. Spellings. — In this dictionary the head-words are given in their Early West- Saxon spellings, with, of course, such restrictions and exceptions as are suggested by practical considerations. Feminine nouns in -iing, -ing are given under the former spelling, unless they occur only in the latter. The ending -nis, -ncs is alwa}'s written -ncs ; -o interchanging with -?/, as in hearo, menigo^ is always written -0, to distinguish it from the -?/ of sinuL, cam. The silent e in c{c)arii, sc[e)ort is always omitted in the head-words. It is evident that it would have been idle to attempt to do justice to such minute variations in a work like the present one. So also I ignore the diphthong u\ always writing it co, in spite of its etymological value in certain texts. As the regular variations of spelling are given in the List (p. xiv) in alpha- betical order, they are not repeated under each word. To save space I have made some use of etymological diacritics. Thus the West-Saxon ce which corresponds to Anglian and Kentish c is written & (as in deed). So also ie, ie, zV all represent the same Ear]\- \\'est-Saxon sound, but each corresponds to a different vowel in the other dialects namely /, ^, ^ respectively, as in bicj'hto, scield, f47(? = Anglian and Kentish birhto, sccld, c§le. Variations of spelling which require to be specially noted are given — as in my History of English Soitnds — in an abridged form ; thus tvita., io implies zviota, the diphthong being given to show that the / of iviUi is PREFACE XI short. So also ben, oe implies boen ; fconn, a implies _/«;-;// the diphthongs ea, co, ia io. ic, oc being treated as simple vowels. Where necessary, the place of the vowel is indicated thus : a- (first syllable), -a (last syllable), -a- (middle syllable). Forms that do not occur are marked *. Hence brlesan^.y means that the word occurs only in the spelling brysan, but that this is probably only a late spelling, and that if the word occurred in an Early West-Saxon text it would probably be written with ie. As the reader cannot possibly know beforehand whether the spelling he believes or knows to be the normal one actually occurs or not, it is surely better to put the word in the place where he expects to find it than to give way to a too great distrust of ]i\'pothetical forms. Cross- refei'ences are given sparingly, and only when really useful to those for whom the dictionary is intended. The reader who wants a cross-reference from biuidon to bindaii~2ind perhaps expects to have it repeated \\\i\\ forbindaji and all the other derivatives — had better devote a few hours to my Anglo-Saxon Primer. There is no system of cross-references which will enable people ignorant of the elements of Old-English to read charters and other original texts in Old-English ; and cross-references for forms which occur only in interlinear glosses are of no use to beginners, for no beginner would think of reading such texts with a dictionary — or, indeed, of reading them at all. No one who has an elementary knowledge of West-Saxon will have the slightest difficulty in recognizing such a word as woruld by its context, even in the disguise of iviarald. If he has, he need only turn to the list of various spellings, where he will find ia = eo, and in the dictionary itself he will find weornld with a reference to ivornld. In conclusion, I venture to say that, whatever may be the faults and defects of this wurk. I believe it to be the most trustworthy Anglo-Saxon dictionary that has yet appeared. Oxford, October i, 1896, ARRANGEMENT AND CONTRACTIONS The order is alphabetic, cc following ad, andy?* (which also stands for ^) following /. But o-f- is disregarded [gebed under b), and is generally omitted before verbs, except where accompanied by distinctions of meanings, as in gegdn. Compounds and derivatives generally come immediately after the simple word, whose repetition is denoted by ~, as in bi-spell, -boe = bispellboc. If only part of the word is repeated, that part is marked off by an upright stroke, as in bannlan, ~en6. = ba)mcnd. So also in the first quotation given under msenlan, the ~e stands for in^tie ; but if nothing is added to the ~ when used in this way, it necessarily implies repetition of the complete head-word, whether the head-word contains a I or not : thus in all the quotations given under gemsen e the ~ stands for gemrciic. * denotes hypothetical or non-existent forms (p. xi). I signifies that the word or idiom or meaning occurs only in poetry, (t) that it is mainly poetical, but occurs also in prose. When all the compounds of a word marked t occur only in poetry, the t is omitted after them ; otherwise the t is repeated after them when necessary, or the exceptions are marked Pr. = ' prose.' t after an isolated vowel means that the shortness or length of the vowel is proved by the metre ; thus /t under wiga means that the metre shows that the i is short, while d\ xxridtr prowian means that although the o does not seem to be accented — in which case would have been added — the metre shows it to be long — at least in some dialects. (?) denotes doubtful words, forms, or meanings (p. vii). (!) denotes words formed in slavish imitation of Latin (p. viii). The () in (?n.) means that the gender of the noun is doubtful, but probably masculine; (/) means that it is probably feminine, and so on. \\'hen the second of two final repeated consonants is put in ( ), it implies that the uninflected word ends in a single consonant, which is doubled before an inflectional vowel ; thus f8esten(n) means nominative fcesten, dative fcesteime, &c. For the meaning of the thin e in gambe, &c., see p. vii. For the diacritics in a, ie, /^, see p. x. In words divided by a hyphen, the stress is generally on the first syllable, if no stress-mark is used ; if the stress is on any other than the first syllable, it is marked by * before the letter with A\hich the stress begins, as in be'cuman, which has the same stress as become, while in such a word ARRANGEMENT AND CONTRACTIONS Xlll as bi-spell the stress is on the first syllable. In such compounds as ongean-cyine the first element is assumed to have the stress in the same place as in on'gean, that is, on the second syllable. The parts of speech are not generally marked in the case of adjectives, numerals, pronouns, and weak \erbs, strong verbs being indicated by the number of their class. Anomalous verbs are marked 7'1>., especially the preterite-present verbs, such as canfi, which are given under this form, not under their infinitives. A. Anglian. a. accusative, gular. abs. absolute. al'st. abstract. act. active. aj. adjective. an. analogy. av. adverb. Bd. Bede's History. cj. conjunction. coll. collective. comp. composition. corrcl. correlative. cp. compare. cpv. comparative. Ct. Charter. d. dative. def. definite. deni. demonstrative. dir. direct. e. E. early. esp. especially. f. feminine (noun). fern, feminine. Jig. figurative(ly). Fr. French. g. genitive. gen. generally. ger. gerund. Gk. Greek. Gl. glossary. accusative sm- i. instrumental. iiNpers. impersonal. iinpv. imperative. indc. indicative — iv. indc. with the conj./a"/ followed by vb. in indc. indecl. indeclinable. indef. indefinite. indir. indirect. inf. infinitive. iiifl. influence. intens. intensitive. interj. interjection. interr. interrogative. iiitr. intransitive. K. Kentish. /, L. late. lit. literally. LL. Laws. Lt. Latin. M. Mercian. VI. masculine (noun). 7nasc. masculine. met. metaphorical(ly). N^. Northumbrian. w. neuter (noun). neut. neuter. no. noun. nom. nominative. nW. non- West-Saxon. occ. occasional(ly). ^said of (p. ix). pass, passive. pers. person (al). pi. plural, nominative and ac- cusative plural, noun in plural. pleon. pleonastic(ally). poss. possessive. Pr. Prose. pro. pronoun. prp. preposition. prs. present. prt. preterite. Ps. Psalms (metrical). ptc. participle, preterite parti- ciple. R. Rhyming Poem. 7-el. relative. rjl. reflexive in form, that is, taking a rfl. pronoun. sbj. subjunctive — w. sbj. with the conj. pat followed by vb. in sbj. Scand. Scandinavian (Scand. words are given in their Ice- landic forms). sg. singular. spl. superlative. St. strong. tr. transitive. V. very. vb. verb (generally implying anomalous vb.). IV. West-Saxon. w. with — waa. with double ac- cusative, %vdg. with dative of person and genitive of thing, and so on. ivk. weak. Note that these contractions are often combined : mf. noun which is both 7n. and/, eW. early West-Saxon, hi. dative in the later language, vL. very late (p. viii). XIV VARIATIONS OF SPELLING [The spellings which follow the = are those under which the word must be sought in the •dictionary, if it cannot be found under the original spelling. Unaccented vowels are disregarded.] a = as, ea. se = a, seg, e, ea. sei, seig = seg. seo = ea. b = f. c-g, h. ce = c. ch = c, h. ci = c. cs = sc, X. ct = ht. d = ]). dd = J)d. ds = ts. e = se, ea, eg, eo, ie, y. ea = X, a, eo, gea, i. ei = e, eg. eo^e, ea, geo, i, ie, oe i, = e). eu = eo, eow. ew = eow. f=w. fn = mn. g = h, w, X. ge = g. gg = cg. gi = g- gu = geo. h = c, g. hs = sc, X. i = eo, g, ie, ig, ige, y. ia = eo. ig = i. io = eo. iu = eo, geo. iw = eow, k=.c. m = mn, n. uc = c(e)n, ng. ng = g(e)n. o = a, og. oe = e, x. ps = sp. pt = ft. qu = cw. sc = s. see - sc. sci = sc. sj) = St. t = J,. th = J). U = f, Ug, V, w. uu = u, w. v = f. weo = wo, wu. wi = wu. wo = weo. wu = \v, weo, wo, wy. vvy = weo, wi. x = cs, hs, sc. y = e, i, ie, yg. INFLECTIONS (EARLY WEST-SAX 01 ^•) NOUNS: Regular. Strong Feminine. 1 a. lb. Strong : Mnsouline. Neuter. PI. Nom. giefa dicda .Singulai Nominative ' sidn stip. hits Dat. giefum diedum Dative stdiie safe Gen. giefena, synna dilda Genitive stanes scipes Plural Nom. stdims scipu, kils Dat. stilnnm scipuin Weak : Masc Neut, Ytxi\. Gen. stdna scipa Sg. Nom. nahia eage sunne Strong Feminine. Ace. nanian eage sunnan la. lb. Dat. naman eagan stinnan %• Nom. giefu, synn dad Gen. naman eagan sunnan Ace. giefe, synne dad PI. Nom, naman lagdn sunnan Dat. giefe du-de Dat. Jiamuni eagtini siinnii/ii Gen. giefe dilde Gen. naiiiena eagcna sunnena When the Accusative (Ace.) is not given separately, it is the same as the Nom, INFLECTIONS XV Irregular. U-Nouns : Masc. Sg. Nom. Dat. Gen. PI. Nom. Dat. Gen. stmn suna sii7ia suna stinian suna Mutation-Plurals : Masc. Sg. Nom. fot Dat. fit Gen . fotes PI. Nom. fet Dat. fotiim Gen. fota Fern. durn, hand dura, handa dicra dura durum dura Fern. boc bee boee, bee bee boeuju boca R-Nouns : ?'cm Sg. Nom. brofior iweostor Dat. brewer siueostor Gen. brdpor siveosior PI. Nom. brdpor, brdj>ru sweostor Dat. bropruvi s-cveostruin Gen. brdpra sweoslra Masc. ND-Nouns. Sg. Nom. frcond, bfiend Dat. friend, bilend Gen. freondes PI. Num. friend, bfiend Dat. freondum Gen. freonda, buendra Masc. E-Plurals. PI. Nom. ^ngle Dat. Gen. Englum Engla Indeclinable Fern. : bieldo, bieldu ADJECTIVES. Sg. Nom. Ace. Dat. Gen. PI. Nom. Dat. Gen. PI. Nom. Dat. Gen. PI. Nom. Dat. Gen. Strong. Masc. Neut. Fern. Sg- Nom. sum, god sum sumti, g od Ace. sunine sum sume Dat. sumum sumum sunn-e Sg Nom. Gen. Slimes sumcs sinnre Ace. Instr ' sume sume {sumre) Dat. PI Nom. suine sumti, god sume Gen. Instr. Dat. sumum Gen. ' Instru snmra mental. PI. Nom. Dat. Gen. Masc. goda S'odan Weak. Neut. Fern. gode godan ian godan godan goditni godena, godra NUMERALS. /7vep-en tivd tue hine hit hie Dat. m? p-e him him hire Gen. min Tt'J Pin g? his his hire PI. Nom. hte Ace. lis eow hie Dat. fis eow him Gen. lire eower hira, hear a Masc. and F em. Neut. Sg. Nom hwd hwat Ace. Dat. hwone hwiet hwie.m Gen. htiXTS Masc. Neut. Fem. Mnsc. Neut. Fem. se pcet seo Pes pis Peas Pone pat pa pisne pis pds picm piem Piere pissnm pissum pisse pas pets Pare pisses pisses pisse Py Py {piire Pys pys {pisse') Pa pam. Para pds pissum Pissa XVI INFLECTIONS VERBS. Strons: Weak. Indie. ' Hear.' ' Wean.' ' Love.' Prcs. Sg. I binde hicre zu^nige lufigc 2 hintst hi erst lopiesi hifast 3 bint liTerp wpu-J) lufa} PI. bindap hierap wpiiap hifiap Pret. Sg. I band hierde ivinede lufode 2 biinde hlcrdest iv^nedest liifodest 3 band lilcrde lapiede lufode PI. bundon hlerdon w^nedon lufodon Subj. Pres. Sg. binde hlere 'iV^nige hifige PI. binden hJeren w^nigen hifigen Pret. Sg. btmde hierde lu^nede lufode PI. bunden hierden 7u^neden lufoden Infinitive bindan hieran icpiiony liifiaji_^ Gerund {id) bindenne hierenne %<.. in ptc. ~ed. a'blys I ian blush, be ashamed, -ling f. blushing, shame. a-bolgennes / irritation [abel- gau]. aborian = abarian disclose. a'borgian be security for iva. ; borrow 10. ast. a'brac I ian od engraved in relief. a'braedan dilate, stretch out. a'braslian intr. (re) sound. a'brecan 4 break through or down ABREDWIAN ACALAN ACUNNIAN (wall); take (fortress); break (command) |1 intr. force one's way (into), break away (from). a'bredwian destroy, kill. a'bregan terrify. a'bregdan, -edan 3 tr. move quickly, snatch, draw sword', up- raise ; ~ of, fram. remove, take awny || /;//;'. start up, awake. abremende, loidcr a. a'breotlan 7, also ivk., prt. -eat, -eot, -eotte destroy. ~nes f. extermination. a'breojjan 7, prt. pi. -upon dete- riorate ; prove untrustworthy, fail ; hit abreaj), he abreaj) set psere pearfe ; perish, come to an end. ptc. -open degenerate, worthless II tr., prt. -eodde, destroy AI. abrerdan = onbryrdan. a'brietan*, y, A. eo destroy. Cp. abreotan. a*bropen//ir. ^abreopan. ~nes f. degeneracy, cowardice. a'bufan av. above vL. [ = onbu- fan]. a'bugan 7 intr. bend, be bent ; bow down ; incline | turn (to or from), withdraw | wd. submit (to), do homage. abutan = onbtitan. a'bycgan buy ; requite ; redeem | perform (oath). a-byfTan. mutter. abylg-, see sbbylg-. a'bysg ian, i occupy, trouble, en- gross (the mindj : ~od on, mid |1 intr. ~ on engage in, undertake. ~ung y. occupation. ac, d,, J. ah I. cj. but ; and. II. av. interr. A. numquid — ah-ne nonne. ac f., d., nom. pi. «c, g. ace, /(/. ac oak; t ship of oak || in. the Runic letter a. -beam m. oak-tree. ~cynn n. kind of oak. ~dr§ne vi. drink made from acorns (?). -leaf M. oak-leaf. ~inelo ;/. acorn-meal* -mistel in. oak mistletoe. -rind/, oak-bark. -treow n. oak-tree. ac-lsec = ag-lac. acan 2 ache. a'caegljian od serrated (back). a'calan 2 become cold. accent m. accent \Lt. accentus]. a'cealdian become cold. a'celan /;-. cool ; quiet. acelma, see ffic-. acen = secen. a'Cgnn'an bear (child) : he wses ~ed of hire ; produce (result). ~ed born, (his) own (child). -edlie native Gl. -ednes, E. ac§nnesy. birth. a*ceoc|ian, -coc- tr. choke (to death) || intr. burn itself out {of fire). -ung/ ' choking up,' ruminating. a'ceorfan 3 cut (off head, down tree). a'ceosan 7 choose, pick out — acoren Gode chosen in the sight of (by) God. a'ciegan call forth, summon. a-cif rr|an tr. turn ; turn aside || intr. turn, go ; return. -ednes/ turning away, apostasy, revolt. aclian terrify [acol]. aclSnsian purify to. fram. a'cleofan 7 tr. split. aclingan 3 — ptc. aclungen con- tracted. a'clipian, eo call forth, sum- mon. a'cofrian /;//;-. recover (from ill- ness). acol, af, -mod terrified, excited. gc-modian terrify, dispirit. a'colian become cool or cold. acolitus 111. light-bearer (in church) \JLt. acolythus]. a'coren ptc. of aceosan, chosen. -lie eligible, estimable. a'costnian try, test. acraeftan devise 'plan). a'crammian cram. a*creop|ian creep, crawl — wyr- mum ~ed swarming with worms. a* 3 cram, stuff. acsian = ascian. a'cumjan 4 come ; descend (from ancestor) : eal mancyn pe him of-ac6m || /;-. endure, withstand (temptation). -endlic endurable. -endlicnes/. possibility Gl. a-cumba w. , -e /, &-, acuma oakum, tow ; ashes of the same | clippings, prunings [cgmban]. [2] a-cunnian test, try, find out; ex- perience : - on me selfum. acustan accuse IM. a-cwacian tremble. a'cwgccan shake tr. ami intr. a'cwelan 4 die, perish. a-cw§llan kill, destroy. a-cwgncan extinguish (fire, light). acweorna, L. acwern >n. squirrel, acweorran 3 — acworren sur- feited, crapulatus. Cp. mgte- cweorra. a-cwepan 5 say : - hine fram reject. a-cwician, ac(w)ucian revive tr. and intr., come to life again (of the dead). a-cwiflman kill. a'cvpinan 6 dwindle, become ex- tinct (^fire). a'cvpincan 3 be extinguished of fire, light) ; be eclipsed (^moon) ; vanish. a'cypan make known, show, reveal; proclaim, announce ; prove, con- firm. ad ;«. heap ; funeral pile | fire, flame. -faru-f-y. funeral procession. -fyrf n., -liegf ?)i. pile-fire. -lamaf >n. one crippled by fire, demon. a-dselan separate, part. a-deadian become dead or torpid, decay. a'deaf ian become deaf. -ungy! becoming deaf. adel a ;;/. putrid mud, filth. -iht muddy, filthy. -seap in. cesspool, sewer. a-delfan 3 dig (pit, grave). a'deman decree : - hine fram d. deprive of || try, afflict. a'deorc|ian, -od wesan become dim or tarnished ; be eclipsed {of moon). ades a ni., ~ef., ads- adze. a'diedan put to death, destroy — ptc. adiedd dead. a'diefan deafen, surpass in sound [deaf]. a-dihtan compose, write. a-dihtian anange, decree. a-dil(e igian, L. y destroy, do away with, annihilate, || erase. adimm ian, -od wesan become dim ; lose clearness of sight 'of eyes). ADIi ^BR^CE ^ CERSPR AlSrC A adl, A. aldy. disease. ~ig diseased, ill. ~pracuty. virulence of disease, ~'werigf weary with illness. acll|ian be sick, be ill, become infirm or weak. ptc. geadlod sick (person). ~iing/. illness. a'don vb. take away, send away || destroy || put : panon ~ remove, ~ of expel, deliver. adraedan = ondrffidan. a'draefan drive away, expel. a-dragan 2 draw (sword). adrerainte/. feverfew. a'drgncan drown, immerse. a'dreog|an 7 perform, practise ; pass (life, the night) | endure, suffer I tolerate, put up with. ~endlic endurable. a-dreopan 7 drip, drop. adreosan 7 fall || be diminished, fail. a-driegan endure [dreogan]. a'drifan 6 drive away or out, drive, pursue spor follow track ; ~ ford mid pilum stake ford with piles. J)tc. adrifen engraved, embossed. a-drincan 3 be drowned ; be quenched by water (iyfire^ a'drugian, -iiwian dry up inir. a'drygan cause to dry up (well, sea) ; wipe dry. a-dumbian become silent, dumb. adun- = of dun-. r.dustrigan = andustrigan. a-dwffiscan extinguish (fire, light) ; destroy I'enemies). a-dw^gllan, -§lian, prt. -ealde lead into error, seduce (from God). a-dwinan 6 dwindle, waste away, disappear. a-dysg ian, ~od wesan become foolish. £6, ffiwy],^. i?/(\ 8e(we divine law; scripture, book of the Bible ; reli- gion ; rite, religious ceremony | human law — buton S outlaw ; custom I marriage | wife | lifef once. In IIV. there is a tendency to restrict the form sew to the meaning ' marriage.' ~bebod n. commandment. ~hoQf. book of the law. -boda m. preacher. aBbraece law-breaking ; adulterous. -breca, -y- >ii. adulterer. ~brucol sacrilegious. ~bryce m. adultery. -craeft m. skill in law. -eraeftig skilled in law. -faest pious I married. ~faBstlice av. piously. -ftesten n. legal or public fast. -faestnes/; piety ; religious creed, religion. -frfinmende pious. -fyllende pious. -gleaw learned in the law. -Igedend w. lawgiver (!). -laerend /n. teacher of the law. -lagol law-giving. -lie of the law, lawful. -lice av. lawfully. ~rih.t n. code of law. -sgUend m. lawgiver. ~swice in. violation of God's law ; adultery (?). ~we-weard m. priest. ~wita m. lawyer, councillor. -writere m. law-giver. a'eargian become cowardly. sfe-bafere, a-, -ere notorious, openly known [aberan]. a"§bbian ebb away, recede from. ae-bljee e pale. ~nes, a,-f. pallor. aebs, 8eps [confusion lo. seps = sespe aspen] ' f.) fir-tree [Lt. abies]. ae-byl'(i g|an, a-, -11- make angry or indignant ; offend. -nesy; anger. ~lj(ll , ffibylf), abyl(i)gj) f anger ; offence, injury : Cristas ~ offence against C., past him to ~e gedon W8BS that which had offended him. £ec see ac oak. aec-laeca see ag-. s-cambey^ oakum. Cp. acumba, camb. ae-celra|a, ac-, M. ecilma chil- blain [acalan]. ~eht with chilblains. aecen, a- of oak [ac]. aecer m. (cultivated; field | acre. -ceorl »i. farmer. -hgge m. field-hedge. -mann ni. farmer. -sad n. seed for an acre (?). -splott m. small field (?). [3] aecer spranea see aecern. -teopung/ tithe of the produce of the soil. -tyning/. fencing. aecern, -irn, secren n. acotn. -spranea*, aecer- m. ilex, oak sapling ^?; Gl. £e-cn6sl|e degenerate, not noble Gl. ge~iende degenerating Gl. teeumba ■- acumba. cj-cyrf clippings, what is cut off [aceorfan]. £ed d re /., //. eedran, sedra, A. hejjir, epre vein — sedrum hrinan, eedran hrgpian feel the pulse ; nerve, sinew ; in pi. kid- neys ' spring of water). -seax, Sdderseax n. lancet. -weg in. artery, vein. cbdre av. at once, forthwith | (know) fully, clearlyf. ffifen(n), LV. efern m. evening. -gebed n. evening prayer or ser- vice. -dream in. even-song. -giefl n. supper. ~gl6m(a) in. twilight. -gramf fierce in the evening. -lacf n. evening sacrifice. -laecan become evening. -leohtf n. evening light. -leopt n. evening song. -lie of the evening. ~\of n. lauds. -mete in. supper. -rfedingy! evening reading. -gereord «., -xn pi. supper. -gcreordian sup. -repsung/. nightfall. -rgstty! evening rest. -sang III. evening song. -scima m. evening light. -scopf III. evening bard. -sprs^cf f. speech of the evening before. -steorra m. evening star. -tidy., -tima in. evening time. -pegnung, -pen-y (^divine) even- ing service ; supper. -peowdom III. i^divine) evening service. ge^f e)nian become evening. aefnungy evening. aefesn, L. ~e f. special pasturage (of swine) ; charge for pasturage j luxury, wantonness (?). B 2 ^FEST ^FTERSONA ^-HIWE 8Bfi^e)st, set, vifii. envy, malice ; zeal, rivalry [est]. -full envious. -ian be envious. ~ig en\'ious, jealous. a3f-gielf), -selp ;/. superstition Gl. aef-grynde ;;. abvss. ee-fielle*, sef jlle peeled [fell]. ffi-fiermj)a*, yf. sweepings, rubbish. sef-lastf VI. swerving (?) once. aefnan, f, perform, do, make (^ready), carry out (commands) ! cause, excite (anger) | endure, suffer. ffifre av. always : ne . . ~ never | at any time || Z. indf. ever : eall Jjset ~ betst wses whatever was best; ~Slc each. 8Bftan av.. ~weard aj. from be- hind, behind. eeftemest spl. hindmost, last i)i time and order. aefter, y- I. /;-/. w. d. (a.) behind, after //ar^, order, /I'me \ extension in space aiid iinic along, through, during ! ftirstitt, aim, object of vh. (dig a. gold, ask a.) [ accordiuL;- to I in consequence of || ~ peem, ~ pon afterwards. ~ peem pe cj. after. II. av. after(wards). III. ~ra, L. 8eft(e^ra cpv. aj. following, ne.xt, second. ~boreii posthumous. ~e'wepan 5 speak afterwards ; re- peat (what is said or dictated). -cwependf ;////. posterity. -ealo ;/. small beer. ~folgere »i. successor. ~folgian, ~fyl(i)gan succeed; pursue. ~fylgend m. successor. -fylgiing/ pursuit. -gang ;//. succession. -genga vi. successor; posthumous child. -gen gel m. successor. -gengnes f. succession, extremity. -gield n. additional payment. -liiepe /. after-heat. -hyri gan imitate. -ield.o f. old agef ; future period. -lean n. reward ; retribtUion. -lie second CI. -rap, -r^pe in. crupper. -ryne ;;;. encountering (I:. -sang VI. matins. -singend vi. succentor. aefter sona av. IN', again ; after- wards. -spi'ffic /. after-claim. -spreean 5 claim. -spyrian follow ; inquire. -weard following. -weardnes/ posterity. aef-pane a /;/. grudge, displeasure ; insult. £ef-weard absent. -nesy. absence. aef-wierdelsa, £6 wy-w. injury, loss. sef-wigrdla vi. injury, loss; fine for injury or loss. eeg, sef n., pi. -ru, egg. -er-felma m. film of an ^^z. ~er-geolu ;;. yolk of egg. -lira m. white of egg. ~ ge raang n. egg-mixture. -sciell/. egg-shell. -wyrty; dandelion. a3g-flota = ieg-. aeg-laeca &c., sec ag-. ffigen = agen. seg-hwa no. each one, every one ; any one 1| n. -hwset everytliing ; something or other, anything. -hwses av. in every way, entirely. aBg-hwaer, -ar, segwern av. every- where, in every direction; any- where i in every respect, in every way. £eg- hwae;per no., aj. each (of two or more), both : heora ffig^hwse per ; on segpere healfe on both sides, segper . . and, Kgper . . ge . . (ge cj. both . . and . . (^and . £eg-hwanon e) av. from all sides ; on all sides, everywhere. aeg-hwele, i, y no., aj. each (one\ every (one' ; ■who-, what-soever. - anra no. ivg. each. ~es av. in every way. fflg-hwider av. in every direction ; everywhere. ffi-gift n. repa}'ment. ^-gilde, y without compensation, unatoned for ofvassi killed '. aBgnan//. chafi". asgper = jeghwaeper. eegveern = £eghW£er. ffi-gylt ;;/. trespass, offence. £e-gype worthless, nugatory. aehher = ear ear of corn. se-hiw ;;., -nes f. want of colour, paleness. ffi-hiwe pallid. sfe-hliep w. violence, breach of peace LL. Cp. sethliep. aehtf hostility, strife. aehte/; pursuit, persecution. aeht -"- eaht. ffiht f. gen. pi. power, possession ; property. -boren born in serfdom. -eland w. territorj'. -emann vi. serf, farmer. -eswan /;/. unfrce herdsman. -spedig wealthy. -gesteald n. possession. -gestreon ;;. possessions, riches, -geweald w. power, possession, -wela VI. wealth. -welig wealthy. gesehtan*, prt. -ehte once subdue. geaehtlet/". esteem (^?^ [eahtian], eel ni. eel. -fisc ;«. eel. -hyde eel-receptacle (?). -nftt n. eel-net. -eputa VI. eel-pout, burbot. ael = aTvel awl. 331- ' all-' interchanges with eall-. ael- = §l-. aBl|an, sef, bum, bum up; kindle, light (lamp). -ingyi burning ; ardoiu. E^-lfflte I. f. divorced woman. II. n. desert place [alsetan]. sel-beorhtf, eall- all-bright, very _ bright. ffllc no., aj. each, every, all ; any, esp. aj'ter biiton : on auum. bate biiton ffileum gereprum. ~ . . oper the one . . the other. sel-cealdf very cold. ael-craaftigt all-powerful. £elc wjuht w. ever}thing [sllc wiht]. aeledf, g. seldes, m. fire, firebrand. -leoma m. gleam of fire, firebrand. ffi-leng'e tedious, tiresome [lang]. -nes/". tediousness. aelf VI., pi. iflfe fairy, elf, incubus. -adiy. nightmare. -cynn n. race of elves, -scienef elf-sheen, beautiful as a fairy. -siden(n>_/". nightmare. -sogopa ;;/. hiccup. -pone [o = a or 6 ?] f. nightshade (plant). ael-faelet, eal-felo dire (poison). ^L-FARU ^-MOD ^ROR asl-faruf/. host. £elfen = iflfen fairy. 8el-frenii^e)d.e, el- foreign ; free ' from\ sel-fylcef «. foreign (hostile) army; foreign land. ael-grenef, call- all-green. aBlly fta = endlyfta. £elnies|se, Z. -ysse f. alms [Z/. eleemosyna]. -baejj ;/. gratuitous bath. ~d.afed/. almsdeed. ~gedal n. distribution of alms. -feoh, n. alms. -full charitable. -georn charitable. -giefa ni. giver of alms. ~giefu/. almsgiving. -hlaf w. dole of bread. ~land 71. land granted in frank- almoigne. -leoht n. candle or light given to church by layman. ~lic, oiice -estlic charitable. ~liee av. charitably. -niann m. beggar. ~pening w. alms-penny. ~i'iht 11. right of receiving alms. ~selena, ~sylena7^/. almsgiving. ~weorc ;/. almsgiving. aBl-midde/. exact middle. ael-mierca*, yf m. Ethiopian. ffil-mihtig, sell-, ealfl)-, al(l)-, -e(a)htig, -ahtig, -sehtig al- mighty {only ^God). -nesy. omnipotence. selpig ^ an-liepig. selx'en of alder [alor]. ael-tae'we, -teowe, -towe, perfect ; in sotind health ; excellent, good ; true ; famous. £fe-mel|le insipid. ~nes/". tedium, weariness, sloth. ffi-nien(iie) depopulated, desert [mann] . aemerge, Smyrieyi embers, ashes. jemet te, ~e/. ant. -hyll in. ant-hill. £emet|te, eem e)te, vE. emote/!, £emta m. leisure, want of occupa- tion [mot, gemot]. ~h'wiiy. leisure .time). ~tig, 8em(e)tig at leisure, free from (occupation) 10. g. or fram; de- prived of, without ; empty. &mettigian, sem(e)t(is ian, -gan be at leisure abs., rjl. zv. g. or fram and to keep oneself free : hu hie hie ge~ scoldon operra weorca ; Smtigap eow to rSdinge ! £e-m6d out of heart, dismayed. aBnite = seraette. ffi-mynde*, -i- w. forgetfulness. aBn- = an-. eene, ane av. once in time ; repeti- tion one lime, once (in multiplica- tion) : ~ seofon beop seofon || ~sipa once. aenet = an-. aenetre = enitre, an- wintre. eenig, -ilit no., aj. any (one) e pinga av. somehow, anyhow. aeniht = awiht. £en|lic single, only (son^ ; unique, incomparable, excellent ; beauti- ful ; of high rank. -lice av. splendidly. senne, sec an. £e-note useless. aeppel, a-,//. -p(p^la(s), m. apple, fruit ; ball ; eye-ball. -b^re apple-bearing. -bearo w. orchard. -cyrnel n. pip; pomegranate (!). -faet n. apple-vessel Gl. -fealo reddish yellow. ~hus n. apple-storehouse. -leaf n. violet. -scalay/"/. core of apple. -sereaday^/. apple-parings. -treow ;/. apple-tree. ~tun ni, orchard. -porn in. crab-apple. -win n. cider. aeppledef hall-shaped, embossed. aeps = SBsp. asps = aebs fir-tree. ffir =-- ar brass. £er aj. only in cpv. and spl. Srra, crest, which see, and in '^on) eerne-morgen {jee under Sr- morgen). ffir av. formerly; previously, before; already — ser oppe sefter sooner or later ; Sr and sip always ; ne sir ne sippan never ; swa we ser (above) cwSdon; on eer before- hand, previously ; to make prt. into pluperfect : ier brohte had brought. II »r, LV. ar soon : to eer too soon ; swa Sr swa as soon as 7V. indc. ; sseles bidep hwonne ser heo . . cypau mote how soon, when. aerjoraw. cpv. formerly; previously, beforehand. -est, »st, /JV. arest av. spl. first (in time or order), for the first time, at first. aer cj. before ra. shj., occ. w. indc. : cwffidon pset Crist nsere ser he acenned wses of Marian ; correl. Sr, serest ' avs?) . . air (ty.) : hine hsefde ser Offa afliemed . . Sr he cyning w«re ; pii meaht selcne unpeaw on pacna menn ffirest be sumum tacnum ongi- etan . . «r he hit mid wordum _ cype. ser prp. 7vd. before (in time). - palm 'Or pam") , pon (^or pan) av. before that (time\ formerly; cj. w. sbj. before. ~p£em pe &c cj. w. sbj. before. -adlfy; early disease. -aet ni. feasting early. -borenf first-born. -cwidef in. prophecy. -dsfedy! former deed. ~daBg m. early part of day ; //. former days, ancient times. -deapt III. early death. -gedon done before. -faederf ;«. forefather. -godf good of old (?). -igldo/i former age. -lice av. early. -(ne morgen, -me-, -ma- early morning \_cp. ser aj\ -(ne)niorgerilic matutinal. -gengmned, -gesaed above-men- tioned. -seeaftty; piece of antiquity. -gestreonf n. ancient treasure. -■wacol early awake. -welaf ni. ancient wealth. -geweorcf n . ancient work , sword) . -gewinnf n. former war £?;- trouble. -woruldfy; primeval world. -gewyrhtf Ji- former deserts. aera vi. scraper, strigil [ar]. aeree, a-, §- w. archiepiscopal pallium [ZA archi-]. -biscop ni. archbisho]). -biscop-dom m. -rice n. arch- bishopric. -biscop-stol in. archiepiscopal see. -diacon, archi- in, archdeacon. -had III. episcopal dignity. -I'ice «., -stol ni. archbishopric ffiren of brass [ar]. ffirend. e n. errand, message, tidings. -boe/". written message, letter. -faest bound on errand. --gast w. angel. -[djVSica,, -wraca, -wre(o ea w. messenger, ambassador, (angel, apostle). -scip M. ship, boat Gl. -S§cg m. messenger. "Spreecy. message. ~-wreca, see -raca. -gewrit n. letter. fflrend| ian, ^c";/. ge~, carry message, go on errands : ~ him pset under- take that commission for him ; negotiate, enter into treaty for : ~ his hlaforde wifes ; intercede, use one's influence with: ~t6Gode ymb . . ; ~ him Jjset he forgeafe . . "XLng/. errand ; commission, man- date. serendra v/. messenger: represen- tative, proxy. serig-, see earh arrow. Sring/. dawn [ser]. serist, -est /., m. resurrection ; origin ; pedigree [arlsan]. aBrn ;;. house \_an older form rsen- appcars in composition : see m§te- and next ■ivord\ -pegn*, vE. rendegn ni. house- officer. cern an ride (fast), gallop; ride race {causative of iernan] . -eweg m. road fit to ride on ; race- course. ~ing /". riding, racing. geaernan intr. gallop, ride || ir. reach by riding, gallop up to. seror see £erra. aerra aj. cpv. former, earlier, old (times, wars\ seror av. before, formerly |1 spl. aerest first ^in time) : ast ~an in the first place (in enumerating). &S n. carrion, food. aesc m. a^h-trce; spearf; boat, Scandinavian war-ship ; the Hunic letter x. -berendf, ~borat w. spear-bearer, warrior. ~berende spear-bearing. -heref m. ship-band, 'Danish' army. ~h.oltt ''• spear. -mann w. (Danish) pirate. -plegaf 7n. spear-play, battle. aesc|rindy; ash-bark. ~roft warlike, illustrious. ~stf def m. battle-place. -tirf ;;/. glory in war. -pracuf/". spear-violence, battle. -prote, -u_/! vervain (?). ~wigaf m. warrior. -"wlanef warlike. -wyrty! vervain (?). aesc ^^ aex axe. aese e - asce ashes. ~fealu ashy-coloured. -gr^g ashy gray. aese e_/. inquiry, questioning; search, investigation [ascian]. -an demand (legally). ae-sceare, a-, -sere unsliorn, with untrimmed hair [scieran]. ffi-sceday^/. (?) refuse ;?J Gl. [as- cadan]. aescen I. f., (w.) wooden vessel, bucket, cup. II. aj. of ash. ffl-smogu ttpl. slough, cast-off skin (of snake) [asmugan]. aespje, L. aeps/Iaspen, white poplar. ~en of aspen. ~rind_/! bark of aspen. afe-sprynge, Z. -inge source (of running water) ; starting-point, origin; spring (of water), fountain [aspringan]. aest = eerest. aestel ;;/. book-mark [_/Lt. (h)as- tula]. ae-swic («.) scandalum, stumbling- block, offence ; sedition ; deceit, seduction ; crime. ffi-swic|ian scandalizare, become an oflence ; offend ; betray ; be- come an apostate. ~end in. offender ; hypocrite ; traitor. ~ung f. offence, stumbling-block ; deceit ; sedition. ae-S'Wica m. offender ; deceiver ; hypocrite ; traitor, deserter. ffi-swicce apostate, rebellious. ae-swind inert [aswindan]. aet, ra!-e A. oX, prp. -wd. at of time — Jia set nextan thereupon, then II of place — pleon. : in peere stowe pe is gengmned set Searobyr^, is called Salisbury | motion to || source, origin : gsleoruian set j deprivation, from : auiman set | specification : cnfeng hine 8st fulwihte I equivalence, price : agefe per-ast . , j instrztmetit : [6] ■wearp acweald set his witena handura. aet m. food ; eating [etan]. -giefa-f* VI. feeder. -welaf VI. abundance of food. a-etan 5 eat up, devour. aet'beran 4 carry, carry off; bring, show. aet-berstan 3 break away, escape, "M. d. or panon. aet-bregd|an, -edan 3 take away, deprive, release 7vda. : he setbrsed hine {rfi) lustum. -endlie ablative (case). aet-clifian adhere. aet'Clipan once adhere. aet-deman refuse. aet'don vb. take away, deprive wda. aet-ealdod too old (for) 7ug. aet-gglan molest. aet-faestan ^vda. inflict ; impart, endow with ; zi'ad. join (in mar- riage), commit, entrust. aet-feallan i fall out (of chariot) ; fall away, deteriorate ; be deducted (from sum paid). aet-fele (w.) a'^hesion. aet-fgng w. taking possession of, reclaiming (cattle). set'feohtant 3 : ~ folmum grope, aet'feolan,/;-/. -fealh 3 zud. adhere; apply oneself to, continue in. set'fgrian carry away wda. aet'fleon 7 escape. aet-flowan i be abundant )!). aet-foran 1.. prp. tvd. before, in the presence of II. av. beforehand ftime). 8et-gaBd(e)re av. together: at the same time [gadrianj. set-gaere, -are n., -gar »i. javelin. aet-giefan 5 give wda. aet-graepef seizing, aggressive. aet'habban v/>. retain, withhold. aet-hgbban 2 take away, withhold ■ — >f. separate oneself from, e.xalt oneself above lu. fram. aethindan prp. wd., av. behind, after. aet-hleapan i t^'^. run away, escape. aet-hliep vi. assault. aet-hrinan 6 touch 70. g., a. aet-hrine m. touch. a3t-hwa 710. every one, each. aet-hweg u\ -a av. somewhat, a little ; hovi^. aet-hweorfan 3 (return, go. -ffiT-HWON .(ETWEAXAN -ffl-WENE set-hwon av. almost. aet-iec an. A/, ot- add to, increase. ~nes/" increase. SBtiernan 3 run away, aet-iexvan; -eowan ocr. ir.;-eo- wiau /ir. often; -eawan A.\ oteawan eM. ; at- tr. show, display, reveal ; r/f. appear || intr. appear. ~(ed)nesy". appearance ; manifesta- tion, revelation. ~ung f. showing, manifestation, Epiphany. aet'lSdaii lead away, take away. aetlic eatable Gl. fie- or e- (?). aet'licgan 5 lie useless. set-limpan 3 ivd. disappear, escape (trom' ; become an apostate (from God\ aet'lutian lie hid ; wd. hide from. aetnes edibility (?) Gl. C/. aetlic. set'niman 4 take away, deprive tw/rt. setTgcean wda. declare forfeited. geaet(t red, -od poisoned, poison- ous. 8et(t;ren, 8et(t'>ern poisonous, poisoned. ~rc6df venomous in mind. ffittr an, ~ian poison. ffitrig poisonous. get-rihte, y, e I. aj. near (in place and time\ II. av. nearly, almost. aet'sacan 2 'u. g., a. deny. set-samne av. together. aet'scufan 7 push away. aetsittan 5 stay, wait. aBt-slidan 6 slip, glide. aet-spornjan, u 3 stumble, knock against /;'., iittr., 7-Jl. w. set j rebel. ~ung_/; stumbling, misfortune. aet-springan 3 spring out, flow out. aet-sprung(en)nes/ failing [aet- springan]. aBt-stand|an 2 stand (still) ; be present ; cease — -ptc. ~en stopped f^' urine, veins). aet-standende standing by. aet-steallf m. place (?) ; help (?). aet-stillan tr. still, calm. aet-swgrian 2 deny with oath. aet-swigan become silent ; keep silence about, not speak oiw. be. aet-swiinman 3 swim away, escape by swimming. aet-swingan 3 tuda. deprive. fflttren = ^tren. aet-pringan 3 forceout, deprive 7m ;;/. breathing, breath ; vapour ; blast (of fire). ~ian give out vapour, ae-priet*, -y troublesome, tedious [apreotan]. ~nes/ tedium. ^-prot n. disgust, weariness [apreotan]. ~sum*, a- irksome. aew = 86 law. Swan contemn, scorn. ffi-wafede without clothes. £6 wda, ~mann m. witness. ffiw.e) lawful (wife) ; (brother) of the same marriage [^]. aewen related by man iage, (brother) of the same marriage [ee]. [7] ffl-wene hopeless, uncertain, doubt- ful. £e-wiflm nt. source (of river\ spring, fountain : origin [aweal- lan]. aew^ierdelsa = aef-. cewis-firina, e(a) IM. notorious sinner, publicanus. Cp. sewisc-. Swisc, ~e I. n. disgrace, offence, scandalum. II. aj. disgraced, abashed ; indecent. -berende shameful. -firenend*, a- w. public sinner Gl. -lie shameful. -mod abashed. ~nes f. disgrace, sense of shame ; shamelessness — (?) on ~se in pro- patulo, publicly ; reverence. aewnjian marry [si], ~ung/I wedlock. eewum-boren legitimate (child) _ [se]. aewung— on ~e openly Gl. Cp. eawunga. ^-wyrp throwing-away, rejection ; what is rejected [aweorpan]. aex, aecus, acus, aeces, aesc, eax f. axe. a-faegan draw, depict [fag]. a-faegrian make beautiful ; em- broider, confusion w. afiegan (?;. a'ffflman foam out, breathe out. a-fffiran terrify. a-faestan fast, perform (fast). a-fsest-la interj. a'faest(e)nian make firm, confirm ; fix (eyes on) ; build ; write ; affix, add ( in writing). a"fand|ian test, try ; experience. -igendlic, ~odlic capable of being tested, probabilis. ~ung/. trial. a'faran 2 go out, depart. a-feallan i fall down ; fall (in battle) ; fall off, decline, decay. a'fedan nourish, feed ; maintain, support ; rear, bring up ; bring forth, produce. a-feohtan 3 attack,assail ; pluck out. a'feormjian clean(se), remove (pimples\ pnrge (stomach-; purify ^spiritually). -ung/". clean(s)ing, purging. afeorran = afierran. a-feorsian, -ie, y remove, expel ; de])ait. a'ferian carry away, remove. APERSCIAN AGEN" AGRISAN a-ferscian become fresh ( P^'^ away, separate. a-lutan 7 intr. bend, bow — ptc. aloten bowed down, humble. aluwe, al(e)wey. aloes (a spice) [ZA aloe]. am IN. = eom am. am, umaf reed (of loom). a-msellad [se = if 1] M. made empty or useless. Cp. semelle. a^meferan make famous, proclaim. a-maestan fatten (pig). aman - onman vb. a"m.anian demand, exact. amang, see gemang. a-mansum|ian excommunicate. -ung/ excommunication. a'm.arod confused, confounded. a-masod confused, confounded. a-ma'wran i mow down. amb = am. amber tnf jar, pitcher, bucket ; a measure (dry and liquid) [Z/. amphora]. ambiht, -eht, (o)e- I. ;;. oflice, service ; commission, command, message. II. m. officer, atten- dant, servant, messenger. -hieraf m. obedient servant. -hus n. office. -ian*, e- serve IN. -mann /;/. official, attendant. -mgegf , se m. servant. -scealcf m. official, servant. -sgcgt III. official, messenger. -smip m. official smith, carpenter, &c. AMBIHTSUMNES AN-BOREUr AN-R^DLICE ambiht'sumnes*, ^-f. service IN. ~J)egnt OT. attendant, servant. ambyre favourable (^vvind; [and-, byre]. a-meareian mark out, define (limits of) ; delineate, draw ; destine, appoint. amel m. vessel for holy water \JIJ. amula]. a-meldian betray, reveal. a-meltan 3 intr. melt — ptc. amol- ten melted (metal"). a'lngrian, y purify {csp. melted metals) ; test, examine. a"inet;an 5 measure; assign, be- stow ; plan, form, make. ~endliee av. compendiously (!) Gl. a'metan paint ; adorn. a'ingtsian provide with food, pro- vision. amidlod = unmidlod. a-migltan*, y tr. melt. a'mif rran hinder, ivag. hinder one in (^from'i . . ; disable, injure, cor- rupt, destroy. a^raolnsnian decay, become weak (^"eyes). amore, vE. emer, omer a bird Gl. ampella m. bottle \_Lt. ampulla]. ampre /! dock (plant), sorrel. a-mundian protect. a-myrgan cheer. a-myrpran murder. an, an- = on, on-. an I. a.m. aune, senne, Jio., aj. one {always strong : pset an) 7V. g. or of. an and an, an sefter anum one by one, one after the other. an . . oper the first . . the second I same : on anum geare forp- ferdou I only, alone : buton him anum | a certain (one', a ■ any : buton synne anre 1| pset an av. only : na pset an (pset 7v. hiJc.) . . ac not only . . but.' for an av. only, on an av. continually ; always, continuously; immedi- ately ; together ; (tell him) once for all. anes hwset a portion, only a part (of the whole) ; ge'wearp him anes they made an agreement. anum av. alone, solely; to anumgecierdon joined together, anra geh-welc each. II. av. only. ~bieme made of one trunk. an boren only (child). -buendf m. anchorite. ~cfnned only (child). ~cunimum av. one by one LV. ~cyningt m. unique king. ~da3ge lasting one day. -daga M. appointed day, term. ~dagian appoint day or term tv. d. and of; adjourn. ~eage(de) one-eyed. -fcge one- edged. ~feald(lie) simple, single ; singular (number) : unique, superior ; honest, modest. -fealdlice av. simply. -fealdnes/". concord ; simplicity. -fete one-footed. -flogaf w- solitary flyer. ~forlafetan i b relinquish, forsake, lose. -forlEetnes/. desertion. -gengaf >n. solitary; also aj. ~gield(e) n. single (fixed (?), cp. andaga^ compensation gielde av. with such a compensation ; fixed price. -haga III. recluse. -hgnde one-handed. -hoga VI. = -haga. -horn a ;«. unicom. -hygdig, -hydig steadfast, stub- born, self-willed. -hyrne one-horned : ;;/. unicorn. ~liyrned(e) one-homed. ~iege one-eyed. -Ifflcan unite. -IcBtan I b relinquish. ~legere with one husband. ~liepe, ~lape, ~liepig, selpig iso- lated, single ; unattached, without ties, private. -liepnesy^ loneliness. ~lic only, solitary, unique \cp. Snlie]. ~inede n. unanimity. ~ni6d unanimous ; resolute, brave, fierce : obstinate. ~niodliee av. unanimously ; reso- lutely. -modiiesy". unanimity ; constancy. ~nes f. oneness, unity ; agreement ; solitude. ~paep III. one-by-one path, narrow path. ~raed(e) unanimous ; resolute, of firm character. ~r£edlic unanimous ; resolute. [10] an raedlice av. unanimously ; reso- lutely. -rsednes f. unanimity, agreement ; constancy. ~seld n. hermitage. ~setl n. hermitage. ~setla m. hermit. ~spilde unique (medicine). -sprefece speaking together. -standende standing alone. ~stapa III. lonely wanderer. -stelede with one stalk. ~stig/ = ~paep. -streec pertinacious. ~streces av. continuously [str§c- can]. -sum whole. -sumnes/ virginity. ~sunu III. only, unique son. -swege harmonious. -tidf/. fixed time (?). ~getrum-f- n. unique, noble host. -wgdd n. security, pledge. ~wig n, single combat. ~"wiglice av. in single combat. ~wille I. obstinate. II. av. obsti- nately. ~willice av. obstinately. ~wil(l)nesy; obstinacy. ~wintre, senetre, enetere of one year, one year old. -■wite n. simple fine. ~AVuniende solitary. -wunung/ solitary abode. geaned united Bd. anung oncef. zeal IN. ana luk. mf. solitary, alone ; only : God ~wat. ana-vpyrni [a- ?] in. intestinal worm. anad-, -aed- n. desert. anan-beam m. spindle-tree. an-bid, if («.) expectation, sus- pense ; interval. ~St6wy". place of waiting. an(d)-bid ian, ge- liKg., a. expect, wait for || intr. ge- wait. ~ung/! expectation. an-bringelle/". instigation. anbroeef oncef. timber, wood. an-brucol rugged. aneleowy! ankle. ancor, -er, ancra in. anchor [Z/. ancora]. -bfnd, -rap, -string ;;/. cable. -mann m. anchor-man, proreta. ~setl n. prow. ANCRA AND-GEIiOMAN ANGE ancra, ancer, -or in. hermit \Lt. anachoreta]. ancer lie, ancor- of a hermit. ~lif 7;. hermit's life. ^setl ;/. hermitage. -stowy. hermitage. and, eA. §nd cj. and. gelice and 'lV. sbj. as if. and- ^tr. = on- (an-), rarely = a-. andja envy, malice; anger, grudge, vexation ; indignation, zeal ; in- jury, hostility. ^ian envy ; be zealons. ^ig envious, jealous. and-bita tasting oi- feast (? : once Gl. an(d)-byrd|an strive, iv. ongean, on resist. ^nesy. resistance. and-cwiss/. answer. and-eages*, -eegesf otice av. face to face. andefn, andclyfen f. proportion, amount [gedafanianj. andetla in. confession. andettjan, andhet(t)an confess, give praise rvda. [and, hatan]. ~a, ~end, ~ere ;«. confessor, praiser. ~ing, -nesy. confession. and-feax bald. and-fenga in. taker np, defender, susceptor [fon]. and-f§ngie acceptable, fit. -nesy". receiving ; receptacle. -estowy. receptacle. and-fengend m. defender. and-giet 11. intellect ; comprehen- sion ; sense (the five senses) ; meaning, purport. -full intelligent, knowing. ~fullic intelligible. ~fullice av. intelligibly, clearly. -leas foolish. -least, ie/. folly. -lie intelligible. -liee av. intelligibly. -ol intelligent. -tacenf ;/. intelligible sign, symbol. and-giete*, -getef manifest. and-heafod ;/. unplonghed head- land of a field, gen. pi. andlang, A. ollung I. aj. con- tinuous, whole (day). II. ~, ~es p)-p. 7vg. along(side). and-lean+ n- retribution. and-leofen, -lifen, yf. sustenance, food ; wages [libban]. and- gc loman, -uman, -aman w//. utensils. and-mitta = an-mitta. an-drysn |e, audd- awe-inspiring ; terrible, horrible. ~o\ fpl. awe, reverence ; etiquette. -lie, ondrys(t lie terrible. and-saeja in. denier, renouncer, apostate ; enemy. • •' -ian deny. "^ and-saee ;/. denial ; refusali resist- \ ance. . ,- . an,d)-S8ete hateful, repugnapt, 're- pulsive, hostile. ^^J" and-slifhtf, y, 7ie, inf. unnan, 'wdg. grant ; not grudge, wish (a person to have something) ; wish w. d. and sbj. — unnendre handa voluntarily. anopa »i. fear. an-sien; -eon. A. ; o-f. face, coun- tenance; aspect, appearance, form; view, contemplation ; spectacle. an-sien*, ons^nf/! lack, want. an-spilde salutary. an-stiellan*, y put in stall or stable [steall]. an-sund, o- whole, entire, sound, uninjured. -nesy. soundness, wholeness. Ante-crist in. Antichrist [Z/.]. antefn, antifen iiif. anthem [_Lt. antiphona]. ~ere w. book of anthems. an-timber it. material; reason, pretext. antre/. radish. an-pracian, andp-, onp-, a])- , fear 'wg., w. pset and sceolde. an-Jjrfflce dreadful, repulsive. anung after an. an-weald, and-, o- m{it). autho- rity, rule, prestige ; jurisdiction, territory. ~a, onwalda in. ruler, sovereign ; the Lord. = an- ? an-weald, an- aj. powerful, sole- ruling (?\ "ig [an- ?] powerful. an-wealg, onwealh unimpaired, uninjured, safe. ~lice av. wholly. ~nes f wholeness, soundness, chastity. anwig-gearof once [ = and-] ready for war. an-vvrille*, on-f once desired. an-wlohf once adorned (?). apa III. ape. a'psBcan seduce (, retainer from his allegiance). a-parian take in the act (hine pSrsetX ampins ian estimate ; consider, ponder \_Lt. pensare]. ~ung/ weighing Gl. a'plantian plant. a-platod plated (?) Gl. apostata in. apostate [Z^.]. apostol, IN. postol m. apostle [Z/.]. apostol|had m. apostolate. ~(l)ie apostolic. appel = aeppel. Aprelis in. April [Z?'.]. a-priccan prick, make (dot). aprotaneyi wormwood \_Lt. abro- tonum]. apulder, apuldre fn. apple-tree [8eppel]. ~rind /. bark of apple-tree. -tun III. orchard. apytan = aj?ytan. art in. messenger (angel, apostle), herald; servant, soldier [serende]. ar f honour, dignity ; reverence, respect ; property, revenue, estate, benefice; prosperity; benefit, help; kindness; mercy. ~eraeftig pious or distinguished (?). ~d£fede merciful, charitable. -dagas inpl. feast-days. -faest distinguished; virtuous; pious, dutiful ; merciful, kind, gracious. -faestlice av. piously ; kindly. ~faBstnesy! piety; virtue ; kindness. -full venerable ; merciful, kind. ~fulliee av. kindly, mercifully. -giefaf III. beneficent one. -hwaetf eager for glory. ~leas impious, wicked ; merciless, cruel. ~leaslice av. wickedly, impiously ; cruelly. ~leasnesy. wickedness, impiety. ~least /. wickedness, wicked deed ; cruelty. ~lic honourable, distinguished ; hon- est ; befitting ; pleasant ; merciful, kind. ~lice av. honourably; kindly, merci- fully. ~scaniuy. shame, modesty. ~stafast mpl. kindness, help. ~p>egn ni. servant. -wierpe, -eorp, -urp, -yrp vener- able, distinguished. -■weorpfuU honourable. -"weorpian, u, y honour, reverence, worship. ~weorf)lic, u, y venerable. -■weorjjlice, u, y av. honourably ; kindly. -weorpnes, u, y f honour, dig- nity. -weorpixng, \if. honour. -wesa once respected. ar/. oar. [12] arlblaed n. blade of oar. -geblandf n. sea. ~loc ;/. rowlock. ~welat w. sea. ~wip])ef. oar-withe, rowlock. -yptyi wave. ar, 8Br n. brass, copper, grene ~ orichalcum. -faet ;/. brass vessel. -geotere in. brass-founder. -glsed*, Sr-t brass-bright. -sape/! verdigris. -gescod, «r-t brass-shod. ~sinip ni. brass-smith. -gesweorf «. brass filings. ar = aer early. ar|ian -wa. honour, treat with re- spect ; endow j wd. care for i^the poor), be kind ; be merciful, spare (life), pardon. -igend m. benefactor. ~ing, -ung/ honour; pardon. a-rseean get at, attain : hand, a-raedf (?) wise ?) ; resolute, in- exorable (?) a-rsedjan i, but gen. wk. decree, settle, arrange, appoint, prepare ; prophesy; solve (riddle) ; expound, explain ; utter ; read (to oneself or aloud). ~nes, ared- f agreement, con- dition. a-raBfn|an, -ian carry out, accom- plish ; endure (patiently) ; suffer; ponder, consider. ~(i)endlic endurable. aTsefsan, araepsan, e intercept. a"r£eman elevate — rfl. elevate, improve oneself || rise. a-rjerjan lift up, raise ; raise (to life) : set up (cross), build ; es- tablish, create, disseminate ; up- bring up, educate. -nesy. raising, exaltation (in power). a-reesan rush. aTafian unravel, unwind (ball of thread). aTas ian, -acsian explore ; detect, take in the act of; reprove, cor- rect (faults . J)tc. ~od trained, skilled. arblast vL. in. crossbow \_Old Fr. arbalestel. arc = eare. ardlic = arodlic. a-reafianf separate (?). \ ARi^ICCAN aT^ccan stretch out, raise up — areahtum eagum with aston- ished eyes \ explain, expound ; translate ; relate, tell, speak. a-receleasian be negligent. aTedian prepare, provide ; carry out, perform ; contrive, manage | find (.right time for) ; find, find the way : ut ~ find the way out, oferdruncen mann ne mseg to his huse~, pone weg~, Jja ceastre ~ reach | find out, under- stand. arednes =^ araednes. a-reodian i/!tr. redden, blush. a-retan cheer. Arianisc Arian [L(.]. a-ridan 6 ride (out\ a-riepan*, y strip off. ariht = on riht rightly. aTiman count ; enumerate, relate. aTisan 6 stand up, get up (from bed), rise ; be forthcoming {0/ money) ; arise, happen (1. ?) greaves. ~gebree ;/., ~bryce m. bone-frac- ture. ~COfat w- body. ~faBtt ;/. body. ~fagt adorned with bone ? (hall). ~h.ringt i?i. vertebra. ~hust n. body. ~leas boneless. ban|loeat ni. body. -rift greaves. -Sglef /n. body. ~W8erc m. pain in the bones. -wyrt/. violet (?) ban-helmf m. helmet. banja >n. slayer, murderer. -gar I" in. deadly spear. -snaea ;//. venomous snake. gebann n. summons, proclamation, command ; the indiction ^cycle of fifteen years). -gear n. year of indiction. bann|an i a, b summon ut call out (militia) ; proclaim, command. ~end VI. summoner Gl. bannuc vi. cake of bread, scone. -camb VI. wool-comb Gl. bar VI. wild boar. ~spere n., ~spreot m. boar-spear, hunting-spear. barian make bare, uncover ; de- populate [beer]. barda vt. beaked ship. bar J) (w.) light ship. basing vi. cloak, mantle. basnjian expect, await [bidan]. -ungyi expectation. baso, ea, //. baswe, purple, crim- son, se baswa stan topaz. -haewen purple. -readian*, beso- make reddish- purple, colour purple. bastard vi. bastard Z. [Fr.\ baswian stain purple or red (with blood) [baso]. bat in. boat. -swegen w. boatman Z. \_Scai!d.\ -weardt m. boat-guarder. bat|ian intr. be in good condition or health, grow fat : wses ge~ad healed (^ wound). batt club, stick. batwa, sec began. bapian bathe, ir., intr., rjl.; pro- vide tpoor men) with baths [bsef)]. be,bi ; bi s)th rough confusion w. the adverb bi. I. prp. zvd., place and motion by {nearness), along, in | time — be him lifgendum during his lifetime 1| defining, by : ge- hsefted be pam healse | manner, cause, instrument : be hreow- sunge deldbetende, be his haese, be hlafe libban | accord- ing to : seghwilc gilt be his gebyrdum \ forming adverbs: be [17] fullan fully | concerning : be manna crseftum {title of poem. &'c.) I to express object of vb. about : cwepan be, awritan boc be, axian hine be, him bebead be J)e. II. be norjjan, be su- Jjan, &c. prp. wd. north of, &c. III. be-]?8em-pe az'. in'proportion to, as much as. beac^e)n n. sign, token, beacon ; standard, banner. ~fyr n. beacon-fire, light-house. ~stan in. beacon-fire rock, farus. gebeacn ;/. sign. beaenian = bieen(i an. beadof, g. beadi^u)we, /. battle, war. ~caf prompt in battle, warlike. -craeft vi. skill in war. -craeftig skilful in war. -cwealm vi. violent death, -folm/ war-hand. -grima ;;/. helmet. -grimm fierce m war. -hraegl ;/. coat of mail. -lac n. battle. -leoma m. sword. -msegen n. battle-strength. -mece vi. battle-sword. -rsei VI. onset. -rinc m. warrior. -rof warlike. -run/! theme of quarrel. -scearp sharp in battle {of swoid). -serud ;;. coat of mail. -searo n. armour. -sifrce/. coat of mail. -preat m. army. -w^Apen n. war-weapon. -wang m. field of battle. -weorc ir war- work. -wig = baedeweg. beaeftan = baeftan. be-ffi-wnian join in marriage, beaftan lament IN. beag VI. ring (of gold), bracelet, torque, crown [bugan]. -giefaf VI. giver of rings, patron. -giefut/! ring-giving, liberality. -hordf ;/. treasure. -hrodenf adorned with rings, &c. [hreodan]. -saelf n., -selef ;;/. hall in which gold is distributed. -peguty. receiving of rings. -wripat in- bracelet, &c. beagian crown. BEALCAN BEARM BEC^PED bealcan; be(a)lcettan, i, y belch forth, utter. bealcett («.) belching. beald, vE. balp self-confident, bold. ~e, ~lice, IN. ballice av. boldly. ~ian be bold. ~wyrd.e bold of speech. bealdorf m. prince, king. beallucas m. testicles. bealof g. beal(o)wes I. n. evil, calamity, injury, wickedness. II. aj. evil, dire, pernicious, wicked. ~bfnd. (w.) severe bond, chain. -benn/. severe wound. ~blanden pernicious. ~clamm m. dire bond. -crSBft in. evil art, magic. ~qwealin m. violent death. ~defed/. crime. ~full evil, wicked. ~fus prone to evil. " -hycgende, -hygdig, -liydig meditating evil, hostile. ~inwit ;;. malice. ~leas innocent. ~nij) in. pernicious malice, vice, wickedness. ~rap m. dire rope, bond. ~searo n. dire machination, -sij) /;/. fatal journey, misfortune, -sorgy^ dire sorrow. -spell n. dire tidings. -pane m. evil thought. beam. ;;/. tree ; the Cross ; pillar (of fire) ; beam ; fship. ~seeaduy! shadow of a tree, -tflgt ni. 'wood-dye,' (carbon) ink. bean/ bean. ~bflg, -codd in. bean-pod. ~cynn it. species of bean. -scalu/ bean-pod. beanen of beans. bearce*, A. a?- f. barking [beor- can]. beard m. beard, insg. mean- ing. ~leas beardless. bearg m. pig. bearhtm, eo, y, e; A. ss; bre- aht(u)m, m. glance (of the eye) — eagena~ the evil eye [beorht]. -e av. instantly [/. !. rogation-days. ~feorin /., ~i§rj) /., -rip food, ploughing, harvest-work required from a tenant. ■~t\Af. prayer-time, rogation-days. ~tig))e, -if) ig'^-e successful in prayer, successful ; gracious. gebeny. prayer. bena in. petitioner — -wesan re- quest. be-nacodian*, -nacian lay bare. The sliortciiiiig into -nacian is to avoid the clumsy prt. -nacodode*. beTiEeman deprive w. a. and g. or i. [niman]. b§nc/ bench. ~sittend e t m. guest. ~swegt ;//. revelry. ~pelt n. bench-floor. b§ncian make benches. b§nd mfn. band, ribbon, chaplet, crown ; bond, chain [bindan]. bendan bind ; stretch, bend (bow). be-neah vb., pi. -nugon, prt. -nohte, wg. enjoy, have benefit of; require. be-nfinnan declare, certify. be-neotan 7 7vai. deprive. be-neopan, -nijjan, y av., prp. zud. beneath, below. be-niman 4 loag., luai. deprive. benipan =^ beneopan. bgnnfy] wound [bana]. -geat n. opening of a wound. -ian wound. henohte prt . ^beneah. be*notian use up, consume visions). bensian supplicate [ben]. benugon /rA //. ^'beneah. benypan ^ beneopan. pro- heo /., g. ~n bee. ■~(n. brgad //.beebread, honeycomb. ~nbrop //. drink made of honey. ~ceorl, ~cere ni. bee-keeper. ~gang m. swarm of bees. ~m6dory! queen-bee. ~peof in. stealer of bees. -wyrty. bee-wort, sweet flag. beo-hatat once ni. warrior, chief. beon, sec wesan. beod ;;/. table; bowl. ~aern, beod d)ern ;/. dining-room, refectory. ~bolla in. bowl. ~clap m. table-cloth. -fset ;/. table-vessel, cup Gl. ~fers n. grace sung at mealtimes. -gigst ni. guest at meals. -hrsegl n. table-cloth. ~lafay5^/. table-leavings. -land ;/. land for supplying the food of a monastery, glebe-land. -geneat /;/. meal-companion. -gereordfu" «(//). feast. -sceat nt. napkin. -wist/, meal, food. beod an, ge- 7 %oda. offer zc. sbj. : him gefeoht ~ challenge to fight ; inflict : him witu ~ ; behave to, treat (well or ill) : uton ~ oprum pset we willen pset man vis ~e ! ! announce, proclaim ; bode ; threaten | command, decree, en- join tit 7cid. call out (militia)', banish. be5dv^d)ian do joiner's work [beod]. beofor m. beaver. beogol, ge~, y forgiving [bvigan]. beolone = belene. beom = beo am. beorf, rarely Tr., n. beer [beow]. -byden/; beer-barrel. -hierdef ni. butler. ~scealct m. feaster. -sglef ;//. hall of festivity. -setl* H. t bench at banquet. -pegufy^ beer-drinking. gebeor ni. boon-companion, guest. ~scipe, b- /n. convivial meeting, feast. beorc /'. birch-tree ; the Runic letter b [bierce]. gebeorc {n.) barking. beorcan 3 bark ; bark at iva. beorg ni. hill, mountain ; heap of stones, mound. [21] beorg laelfen/. oread. -hlip n. hill-slope. ~iht*, beorhtt- mountainous. -sepel ;/. mountain dwelling. ~st§de ni. mound. gebeorgf once n. mountain. gebeorg, -rh n. defence, refuge, safety, precaution. -lie safe, advisable. ~nes/. refuge. -stow/! place of refuge. beorg \ an, ge- 3 zod. preserve, save ; abstain from injuring, spare ; w. a. and d. or wip guard, save — rjl. avoid : hie him yfel ~ap, ~ap eow wip yfel ! | avoid, beware of w. wip. beorht, y I. aj. bright ; clear- sighted ; clear (sounding), loud; magnificent, glorious, noble. II. n. brightness, light ; sight ; twinkling — eagan ~ moment. ~e av. brightly ; ', see) clearly. -liwiiy. moment. -ian be bright ; \,sound) clear or loud. ge~nian*, -brehtnian IN', become bright. -lie bright ; clear - sounding* ; glorious. -lice av. brightly ; distinctly. -nes_/. brightness, splendour. -rodorf m. heaven, tether. -word clear of speech. beorhtt- =beorgiht*. beormja ni. yeast. -teag*, bea-y'. yeast-box. beornf ni. brave man, warrior, man of rank, rich man, prince, king. -cyning m. king of warriors. -preat ///. band of warriors. -wiga in. warrior. beornan = biernan. Beornice inpl. Bernicians. beorpor, byr- n. childbirth ; fetus [beran]. -cw^ealm m. dead birth, abortion. -pignen*, byrp-pinenu f. mid- wife. gebeorpor*, y ;/. birth. beost : w.) biestings, first milk of cow after calving. beot ;/. promise ; vow ; boast ; threat; danger [ — *bi-hat]. -ian promise ; vow; boast, -lie boastful, arrogant ; threatening. -lice av. threateningly. BEOTUNG teotung /. threatening. -wordf 71. boast ; threat. gebeot 71. vow ; boast ; threatening — to ~es assiduously (!). beow ;/. barley. beowan = bie"wan polish. be-paec,an deceive. -end 7/1. deceiver. -estrey. deceiver, harlot. ~img /I deceiving, alluring Gl. beprenan, see bepriwan. beprepan, see bepriwan. be-priwan, -prewan*, -prenan [n_/w- u], -prepan wink eye . Cp. preowt-hwil. beran 4 carry, wear (hat^, bring, carry off; produce, bring forth, bear | endure, tolerate ; suffer || ~ up open ^a case'. bgrian make bare, clear ^benches) [bser]. bera /«. bear. beTefedan deprive w. a. a7id g. 07- i. 01- set ; deliberate on, prepare ; get the better of. be-rsesan rush. berbene/. verbena [Z/.]. b§re 711. barlej'. ~corn 71. barle}'-cb;n. ~fl6r_/'. barn-floor. -gafol 71. rent paid in barley. -graes ii. green barley. ~hlaf in. barley loaf. ~S£ed 11. barley seed. ~tun, bertun w. threshing-floor, barn. ~wic/. hamlet. be-reafian wag. despoil, deprive. be-recan make to smoke. beTecean relate ; justify, excuse gen. rfl. gebgred crushed ; afflicted, op- pressed. be-rggnian*, -reiii-f cause (strife;. beren = biren bear's. bf ren of barley. beren = bern barn. berenian = beregnian*. be-reofanf 7 deprive wi. be-reotan 7 bewail. berern = bgrn bam. be-ridan 6 surround on horseback, besiege ; overtake, take posses- sion of, seize. be-riefan deprise luag. be-riepan ivag. despoil, plimder of. Bi^RIGE berig e, bfrge/. berry. ~dr§ne w. drink made of mulberries. be'rihte*, biryhte pi-p. wd. close by, by. be'rindan take off bark. berinnan 3 wet. bgrn, beren, LV. bereru ;/. barn [b^re-sern]. ~hus ;/. bam. be-rowan i row round. geberst 11. intr. breaking, bursting. berstan /;■/. bserst 3 intr. burst, break ; dash, break {of waves) ; resound | escape ; fail — gif Mixl ap burste. bertun = bgre-tun. ber-winde/. navel-wort. be-saetian lie in wait for, beset. be-sarg ian be sorry for ; lament : condole with. -ungy. sorrowing. besawan i sow. bs'sceadanf cast in the shade, oversliadow. be-sceadan i b separate ; dis- criminate ; sprinkle tr. be-sceawjian look at, survey ; consider, pay regard to ; watch. -odnes/ vision, sight. -ungy! contemplation. be-SCf ncan give to drink 7vai. be-sceotan 7 intr. dart, rush || ir. send, instil thoughts;. bescerwan = beseigrian. bescielan*, y look at iv. on. be-scieran 4 shear, shave hine to preoste like a priest. be-scigr^ian, 07ice -scerwan de- prive -cvag., 7C'ai., fram, of. ~ednesy deprivation. be-scinan 6 shine upon. be-scitan 6 cover with filth, be- daub. bescrepan 5 scrape. be'scufan 7 thrust, throw, precipi- tate. be-secgan say : him on ~ accuse him ; annoimce ; plead cause, ;j/?. defend oneself (jn court of law). be"Sgllan surround wai. besema = besma. be-sencan tr. sink, plunge. be-sengan singe ; burn. be'seon intr., rjfl. look up, look about, see ; iv. on a., to look at, pay regard to || tr. go to see, visit. be"Sgttan set '^hope on) ; appoint ; [•2-2] BESIDIAN set about, adorn luai. ; beset : searopancum bes^ted; keep, guard ; institute, set going. be-sidian regulate, determine. be-sigrwan ensnare, take by sur- prise, overcome ; deprive by treachery 7vai. be-silfran silver. be-sincan 3 sink intr. be'singan 3 sing incantations over, bewitch ; sing of, bewail. be-sittan 5 besiege, beset, block- ade, gen. 7v. utan ; possess. be-siw i an, eo sew. be-slffipan i b sleep. be-slean 2 ivai. cut off (head) ; de- prive of. be-sliepan tr. slip, put, clothe. be-slitan 6 deprive of by tearing away zvai. bes^e^ma w. broom ; rod (for beating). besmjan — pte. ge-ed. curs-ed Gl. [bosm]. -ing/. curve Gl. be-smierwan besmear. be-smitan 6 defile. be-smitennes / defilement, im- purity [besmitan]. be-smittian defile. be-smipian work (metals), forge. be'smocian tr. smoke, envelop with incense. be-snsedan zoai. deprive by cutting, prune. be-sniwian snow on, cover with snow. be-snyppan+,/;'/. -ypede deprive 7i'ai. beso=baso. be-solcen torpid, inert. be^sorg subject of solicitude, dear to wd. be-sorgian be sorry for ; care for, be solicitous about ; scmple, fear. be-spanan 2, i entice, persuade. be-spearrian*, a shut, bar. be-sprecan 5 //-. speak about, complain of, charge. be-spr^ngan sprinkle. be-spyrian follow tracks of, trace. be*staeppan 2 go, proceed. be-stand an 2 stand round, sur- round ; aftlict — mid adle ~en. be-stealcian go stealthily. be-steean 5 close, bar (door). be-stgfn an • — ~d fringed Gl. BESTEIiAN bestelan 4 iiitr., rjl. move stealthily, steal || tr. him sura ping on ~ accuse of, charge with. bestieman wet [steam]. be-stingan 3 thrust, push fy r on a. set fire to. bestredan = *bestr§gdan. be-str§gdan*, -edan bestrew, cover (^wilh earth). be'Streoiivian bestrew, cover. be-stridan 6 mount (horse). be-striepan strip of, plunder ivag. hie set landum. be-strudan 7 despoil, deprive ivai. be-styrian heap up Bd. be-styrman assail, agitate (mind). be-sut ian od dirty. be-sweelan scorch, burn. be-swapan i cover, envelop 'cuai. or mid ; shelter against (wi})), protect ; ~ him on mod per- suade. be-swemman make to swim [swimman]. be-swgpian bind up, bandage. be-swic, bi- deceit, treachery ; snare. ~a*, bi- m. deceiver. -fealle/. trap. ~ol deceitful. be-swielan 6 deceive ; lead astray ; seduce (woman) ; offend, scandali- zare ; get the better of, conquer, disable. ~end VI. deceiver, seducer. ~ung/. deception. be'swieian /;-. escape from, evade ; ivd. be free from (disease). be-swincan 3 tr. labour at, make with labour ; till (land). be-swingan 3 beat, flog. be-sylian, -sw- soil, stain. bgt av. better, see god. ~liet excellent, magnificent. betlan, oe improve ; ~fyr make oy light fire ; reform, make amends for, atone [bot]. ~endt once m. builder (?). ~nesy! reparation, atonement. be-tfflcan laad. hand over ; hand down (^tradition) ; entrust, commit, give in charge of; appoint; with- oiit d. send ; pursue, hunt. bete, oe/ beet-root [ZA beta]. be-teldan 3 loai. or mid cover, surround ; overwhelm (with grief) [geteld]. bet:|]LIiAN be-tfUan rjl. clear oneself (of cliarge) w. set. be-teon 6, 7 prt. -tah, -teah,//f. -tigen, -togen accuse ; bequeath. be-teon 7 cover ; enclose, contain. bfterja cpv. (T/'god good. ~ian, b^trian make better ; trim (lamp) II become better. ~ling, bf t(t')rung/ improvement. be-tierw^an tar. be-tihtlian accuse. be-tillan decoy. be-timbran build. be-togen(n)es / accusation [be- teon]. betonice/. betony (a plant) [ZA]. be-tredan 4 tread on. be-tr§ppan, se entrap, surprise (enemies' forces). be-trymman, -trymian besiege. betst, bftest spl. (7/'g6d good. -boren eldest. betuh, betxveoh = betweox. be-tweonan, -tweonum ; bi- twihn vE. ; -twin-, -twyn-, betweon /;-/. w. d., or a. {gen. of violioii) between, among — met. of social relations ; difference : hwset bip ~mannes and ny tenes andgyte, gif . . Often folloivs case, csp. when a pronoitn : cwiidon him ~. Tmesis : be saem tweo- num. be'tweox, ~n, -twoxn, -twix, -tweoh, -t',w)uh, -twih, -y-, -hs prp. 7a. d. ; rarely a., which gen. implies motion, between i^of space, distinction, &c.), among. time between (two dates) ; during pissum meanwhile. Often follows case, sometimes zu. zvord between : hi him healdap betwuh sibbe. -alegednes, -aworpennes / interjection. -gangan vl>. go between (!). -liegan 5 lie between (!). ~-sendan send between (!). ~geSgtt interposed. betw^inan = betwreonan. be-tynan enclose (with wall); shut (door), close (opening) — lite ~ pset folc shut out ; finish [tun]. ~ingy. conclusion. bgpian tr. bathe, foment [bsep]. ~ingyi hot bath ; fomentation. [23] BETYRNAN be-tyrnan rfl. prostrate oneself (!). be-J)earf v'b., pi. -purfon, prt, -porfte, zug. require, need. be-pgccan cover, conceal wai. or mid. be-pgncan consider, bear in mind — rfl. reflect ; form plan, think of; zu. to entrust, abs. trust, confide. bepgnnan, -p^nian cover. be-peodan join, associate. be-prawan i afflict. bepridian, y circumvent, over- come. be-pringan 3 wai. press on ; sur- round. be-pryecan ir. press on. bepuncant once ^he^encaxi. be"pwean 2 wash, wet- be-pweor|ian*, y — //cr. ~ad de- praved Gl. be-pyn prt. -yd(d)e thrust, push. beufan =- bufan. beutan =-. butan. be-wacian watch. be-wadanf once 2 deprive (?) be-wsefan wrap round, dress. be-waegan deceive, frustrate. be-waegnan [\)\ once offer zvda. be-weelan zvai. afdict. be-wafepnian deprive of weapons. bewaerlan pass by IN. be-warian tr. watch over, guard; ward off, avoid ; rfl. avoid, be- ware of zv. wip a. be-war(ejnian intr. w. wip be- ware of, guard against || tr. ward off (from oneself) zv. rfl. d. : him ~ hellewitu. be'warnian = bewarenian. be-wat z'l?'.,//. -witon, ///. -wiste watch over ; superintend, have charge of. be-waw|ant i — ptc. ~en blown upon (by winds) zvi. be-weallan i /;-. boil away. be-wealw^ian wallow. be-weardian guard, watch, pro- tect. be-weaxlan i — •//(". ~en overgrown zvi. be-w^dd ian betroth, marry. -endlic relating to marriage. ~ung/ betrothal. be-wefan 5 cover. be-weganf 5 cover zvai. or mid || kill. be-welan join. BEWigNDAN be-wgndan tr. turn; intr., rjl. turn (round). be-Wfnnan, -wfnian entertain (hospitably). be-weorpan 3 throw ; surround 7vai. be-wep|an i bewail, mourn for. ~endlie lamentable. be-wgr|ian defend ; prohibit. ~e(d)nes/. prohibition. ~igend w. protector. -ungy; defence. be-windan 3 twist round, bind, swaddle, wrap 7uai. or mid ; en- circle, surround — met. heafe ~ bewail ; brandish ; turn over (in mind). be'witian, eo watch, observe ; watch over ; perform (journey\ be-wlatian gaze at, contemplate. be-wlitan 6 look. bew6pen//) litigation. BISCEP BISMER-LEOp Bli^C biscep, -op m. bishop ; high-priest, heathen chief-priest \^Lt. episco- pus]. -dom /n. bishopric ; excommunica- tion. ~ealdor in. high-priest. ~gegi§relan //. episcopal robes. ~had III. bishopric, episcopate. ~hain III. bishop's estate. -heafodlin ;/. bishop's head-orna- ment. -hiered m. clergy Gl. ~lic episcopal. -rice n. bishopric. ~rocc III. bishop's rochet. -sciry] diocese ; episcopate. ~setl, ~seld, ~sepel «. episcopal see. ~sino}?, eo in. synod of bishops. -stol ;//. episcopal see, bishopric. -sunu lit. godson at confirmation. ~Jiegnung, -fienung f. bishop's office. -■wite n. bishop's fee for visiting, procuration fee. -'W^vtf. marsh-mallow. biscepjian, -opian confirm. ^Ting, biscpung/". confirmation. bisn, bisen, L. y f. example, pat- tern — astfUan, sfttan ~e, ast., St. (hit) to ~e set (as) e.\ample (to be imitated or avoided) ; similar case, parallel ; original (of copy) ; similitude, parable. ge~ere m. imitator. -ian wd. set or give an example (to) ; take example by, imitate : ~ on hiera unpeawum. (ge)~ungy. example; similar case, parallel. bisen-, y blind. bises, i \or -iss-]t /;/. day added in leap-year [ZA bissextus]. bisgo, bys i go /. occupation, labour ; trouble, care, affliction. bisg|ian, bys(i gian occupy tr. and rjl., engross (mind) ; trouble, worry, afflict. -ung/. occupation. bisig, L. y busy, occupred. bismer, by-, -or nni. insult, mockery — on ~ by way of insult ; joke ; blasphemy ; calumny ; ig- nominy, disgrace — to ~e gereni- an, getawian humiliate. ~-full abominable, disgraceful. -glivy*, eo n. shameful lust. ~leas irreproachable. bismer jleo J) n. scurrilous song, nenia (!). -lie disgraceful, ignominious. ~lice av. disgracefully ; contemptu- ously. -sprefecy! blasphemy. -word n. insult. bismerlan, bismran, by-, -ian insult, mock, deride ; blaspheme, revile ; disgrace, injure, ill-treat. -iend ni. mocker. ~nes/; mockery ; blasphemy. ~ung f. mockery ; blasphemy ; in- famy, being object of contempt. ge-ung/ illusion Gl. bi-spell n. parable, proverb, ex- ample ; story. -bocy". book of proverbs. bissexte leap-year \_Lt. bissextus]. bist (,thou) art. bita ni. morsel, bit [bitan]. bitlan 6 bite — biton heora te]j him togeanes gnashed their teeth at him ; cut, wound. ~a III. wild beast. bit e III. bite ; cutting, (sword) cut ; cancer. -mffilum av. piecemeal. bifcel 111. beetle. biter, tt bitter ; painful, severe (grief, &c.); fierce [bitan]. -6, bitre av. severely, very. -lice av. severely : ~ wepan. ~nes/ bittemess. • -wyrde severe in speech, bitter. -wyrt-dr^nc in. bitter drink. biterian be bitter ; make bitter. bitol bridle [bitan]. bitol*, bitela biting Gl. gebitt n. — topa ~ gnashing of teeth [bitan]. bi]> is. bivvaune, see bewawan. bi-wist/i sustenance, provisions. bi-word n. proverb, saying; ad- verb. bizant m. bezant, a gold coin [ZA Byzanteum]. blae bright, white ; pale. ~ern, se n. lantern. -hleorf white- or pale-cheeked, fair (woman). -ian become pale. ~ung/. pallor. blffl-haswen, bleewen, bliehwen light blue. bloec n. ink. [25] blaee black bf rige blackberry ; swarthy, dark-complexioned. -feaxede black-haired. -gimni m. jet. ~pytt m. naphtha-pit. ~te(o)ru n. naphtha. ~j3riist III. leprosy. blfflc n. leprosy. blffican make pale, bleach [blac]. blaecern = blacern lantern. blsBCO/. pallor [blac]. blaed n. leaf; blade (of oar). bl£bd I. ni. blowing, blast ; breath ; inspiration; life || prosperity, glory; plenty, riches. II. / shoot, flower, fruit ; harvest, crops. See bled [blawan]. ~agend(e)f ;//. prosperous, glori- ous. -bflig, y in. bellows. -daegt m. day of prosperity. ~faBstt, ge- glorious. -faestnes*, bleof-/. delight. ge-faestnes /. sustenance, provi- sions. -giefaf ;;/. giver of prosperity. -horn in. trumpet. -welaf m. riches, plenty. blafednessa 7^/. blossoms. blaeddre =- bleedre. blsfed(d)re /. blister; bladder [blawan]. blaegey! gudgeon. bl^S w. blowing, blast. C/. bl^st. -bflg in. bellows. blaes|e,-asey! torch, fire. C/.blyse. -ere m. incendiary. blefest in. blowing, blast, wind; flame, glare [blawan]. ~b§lg, blast- ni. bellows. bl^stan blow. bleetan bleat. blaewen = blge-heewen. blagettan weep. blanea ' f) m. steed, horse. bland o«(^ = gebland. geblandf n. what is mixed to- gether, commotion. blandjanf i b mix : ptc. ge~en mixed, disturbed ; infected, cor- rupted, injured w. i. {g. once). -en-feaxf having mixed-coloured cr grey hair, old. blase = blaese. blast -= bleest. blatf once sound, cry (?). blatf pale, livid. Cp. bleat. BIiATE BLICETTUNG BLOD-SPIWUNG blat|e av. : ~e forbsernan tr. burn with livid flame (?j. ~ian* be pale. ~ende pale. blaw|an i intr. blow ((P/ wind) ; blow (with mouth \ breathe; snort {of horse); be blown, sound: ~ende bieman || /;-. blow (trum- pet) ; inflate (bladder). ~ere in. one who blows (furnace). ~ung/ blowing (trumpet). bleatt bringing misery, once. Cp. blat. ~et av. miserably once. bleap timid, sluggish. blfce vi. blight [blaec]. bl§c]?a in. blight [blaec]. bled/.* thoot, branch ; fruit, flower [blowau]. -hwaetf once quick-growing (?). bled|an bleed — se ~enda fie a disease [blod]. bledsian = bletsian. bledu/; dish, bowl, cup. blegen.blegne/. boil, ulcer; blister. blegne = blegen. blenean deceive, cheat. blfndan blind ; deceive [blind]. bleo, bleoh \liy an. ^feoh, fees], g. bleos, dpi. bleo(wu)ni n. colour ; appearance, form. ~bordt n. chess-board. ~brygd-t _//. various colours, changing colours. ~cr8Bft ;;/. embroidery. ~fag parti-coloured. -read purple. -stfflning/ mosaic work. gebleo, -bleoh n. colour [bleo]. gebleod variegated [bleo]. bleoh = bleo. bleow^um, see bleo. blere ; blerig (?) bald. bleri-pittel, bleria pyttel (w.) mouse-hawk. blets ian, blcedsian bless, conse- crate [blod]. ~ing-boe / book of formulae for blessing. ~ing-sealm m. the Benedicite. -ung/. blessing. blician shine, appear [bliean]. blican 6 shine, glitter ; appear, be laid bare {ofhon:). blice ni. laying bare, exposure (of bone through wound) [blican]. blicettan glitter, vibrate. blieettung/ coruscation. blind blind ; unintelligent ; dark (prison) slite wound whose opening is not visible, seo ~e nf tele blind (non-stinging'i nettle. ge-fellian blindfold. -lice av. blindly ; thoughtlessly. -nesy. blindness. -pearm. m. caecum. Or blind pearm (?). blinn cessation — biiton ~e. blinnan 3 intr. cease ; be vacant {of bishopric) ; desist from, forfeit 10. g. or fram [ = belinnan]. blisgere = blysiere. bliss, blips /. joy, merriment, happiness; friendship, grace, be- nevolence [blipe]. ~ian, blipsian rejoice '>.v.g. or of er, on. ~ian, blitsian [inji. of bletsian] gladden ; make pros- perous, endow. -igendlic exulting. ge)blissung/ rejoicing, joy. blip[e joyful, merry; kind, gentle; calm, peaceful ; pleasant. ~e, -elice av. gladly, kindly. ~heort cheerful ; friendly. ~(e)ni5d cheerful ; friendly. -nesy] joy, happiness. blips = bliss. bliwum, see bleo. blod n. blood es flownes flux of blood; vein. ~ (for leetan bleed. -drynce vt. bloodshed. ~fgesat ;;/. sanguinary horror. ~fagt bloodstained. -forlEbtan 1 b bleed Bd. -geotende sanguinary. -gita in. shedder of blood [C/. agieta. Or formed from -gyte (?,)]. -gyte ni. bleeding ; bloodshed. -hrgecung/ spitting blood. ~(h reow sanguinary. -iernende having issue of blood Bd. ~lefes(wn), g. ~l8es(w)e blood- letting, bleeding. -Iffitere ;;/. blood-letter. ~leas bloodless. -gemgnged bloodstained. -ore m. sacrificial vessel. -read blood-red. -reow^ = -hreow. ~ryne in. flux of blood, issue. -seax «. lancet. [26] blod spiwung, blotspiung /. spitting blood. ~wite n. fine for bloodshed Gl. -wyrt/. bloody dock. blodig bleeding ; bloodstained, -topt with bloodstained teeth. blodgian be bloodthirsty Gl. ; cover with blood. bloma ni. moss of metal. bl6stni[a, blosma, bldstm ;;/. blossom, flower. -bsfere, -berende flowery. -freols ni. floral festival Gl. ~ian blossom. ge)blot n. heathen sacrifice of human beings — to blote gedon kill as a sacrifice. blot, an I sacrifice 7ada., %v.d. and mid. ~ere sacrificer Gl. ~monap ni. November. -ungy! sacrificing. blowjan i bloom, flower — ptc. ge-en blooming. ~endlic blooming. blycgan terrify.' blys|a, i m., ~(ig)e / torch, fire. Cp. blsese. -iere, blisgere in. incendiary. blysean blush. bon = bogan boast, boe,//. bee, oe,f. book ; dociament, charter [bece]. ~aeeer m. field granted by charter. -blaec*, e n. ink. -ciest/ book-chest. -craeft m. literature. -eraoftig learned. -fell n. vellum. -hord in., -hvis n. library. -laeden ;/. literary Latin. -land /. land held by charter. ~\diV f. learning, doctrine. -lie of books, literary, biblical. -rsfedere in. reader. -rafeding /". reading books. -read n. vermilion. -riht n. right of granting by char- ter. -gestreon ;/. library, -teeeing/. teaching by book ; Scrip- ture. -taluyi Scripture. bocian grant by charter -wda. ; furnish with books. bocere author ; Scribe, boe/. beech. I I boc-hoLt BONDELAND BOTM boc holt n. beech-copse. ~scield ;;/. shield of beech-wood. ~StaBf m. letter, character ; Runic letter. ~treow ;/. beecli. ~'WXld.u VI. beech-forest. (ge)bod n. command, precept. (ge)~scipe m. message, command. bodlac decree vL. bod[ian ivda. announce, proclaim, preach ; foretell, prophecy. -ere in. teacher liSf. ~igend m. preacher. ~igendlie to be proclaimed. ~ung_/! preaching. ~ung-daeg w. Annunciation-day. boda w. messenger, herald, angel, apostle ; prophet. bodan=botm. bode/;/. (?/'b6gan. bodig 11. trunk, body ; stature. bog 111. shoulder, arm ; bough, branch , of tree) ; progeny. -incel u. small bough. -scield ;;/. shoulder-shield. bog an, bon, bogian, frt. bode boast, also ijl. ~ung, boungy". boasting, arrogance. bogian L. intr. dwell, take up one's abode w. rfl. d. 1| tr. inhabit [buan]. bogja III. bow (to shoot with) ; bend, fold [biigan]. ~efodder in. quiver. ~engtt, ~anf tt n. basket for catch- ing fish. bogetnng/. cun'e Gl. [boga]. bol, CO eel. bolca VI. gangway (of ship). bold ;;. dwelling, house, palace [botl]. -agendf vi. house-owner. ~gctaBl n. regular dwelling-place ; district, region. -getimberf n. house. -welaf 111. wealth, ^splendid) dwelling-place. bolgen-modt angry [belgan]. bolla III. bowl. bolster n. bolster, pillow. bolstrian support with pillows. bolt in. bolt, arrow. bony, ornament of a ship. -ian polish, burnish. bonda, u vi. householder; free man, plebeian ; husband. \_Scand. bondi]. bondeland n. leased land {}.) vL. bor gimlet. ~ian bore, perforate. borlice av. accurately, exactly, very. boreian bark [beorcan]. bord«. board, plank; table ;tshield; framework, side of ship — on ~e in a ship, on board. -haebbende warrior. ~haga III. testudo, phalanx. -hreopa, e vi. phalanx ; shield, -gelac ;/. weapon. ~rand in. shield. -rima in. rim. ~staBJ) 11. shore. ~f»aca in. testudo. ~weall ?;/. phalanx; shield; shore, landing-place. -wvidu VI. shield. borda vi. fringe. geboren born, own (kinsman, brother) [berau]. borettan brandish [beran]. borg VI. pledge, security, bail ; person who gives security, surety ; debtor. ~bryee in. breach of surety or bail. ~faest bound by pledge, dependent on. ~faBStan 7vda. bind by pledge — ~ pam cyninge. ~gielda in. debtor ; money-lender, usurer, creditor. -handy; pledger, surety. -leas without security, for which no pledge has been given. ~geliefde*, e pledge, security Gl. Or = two words (?). -wgdd 11. pledge. borg ian borrow w. set ; lend. -lend in. money-lender, usurer. bosig, -ih. cow-stall IN. bosni, bosum vi. bosom, breast ; womb. ~ig curved Gl. b5t f. mending ; remedy, cure ; compensation, satisfaction, atone- ment, repentance, -ettan keep in repair, -leas what cannot be compensated. -■wierpe what can be compensated. botl, ge- 11. dwelling, house, build- ing. ~gestreon n. household property. -weard in. steward. ~'wela ni. village. [27] botm, bodan m. bottom ; ship's _keel. bo}), see bogan. bopen rosemary ; thyme; darnel. box {in.) box-tree; box [Z/. buxus]. -treow n. box-tree. brae-hwil = bearhtm-hwil mo- ment. braceas once nipl. breeches. brad- roasting. -hlaf w. toast. ~panne/. frying-pan. brad, cpv. bradra, se broad, wide, spacious — ~ hand open hand, palm I copious. ~e av. far and wide. ~3d's.f. broad axe. ~brimf w. ocean. ~last-8exy. broad axe. ~eleac m. broad leek. ~nes f. surface ; extent ; liberality heortan. ~pistel m. sea-holly. bradian be broad ; extend w. fram . . op || tr. spread. brsec rheum [brecan]. ~eopuy. epilepsy. ~seoe, ge- lunatic, epileptic. gebr^c, ~eo phlegm, cough. brsedf oiue flesh (?). braed = braegd trick. brefed-isen n. chisel. breed an tr. broaden, extend (terri- tory) ; increase, extend (fame) ; expand ^wings), stretch out (hands' || intr. and rfl. extend; grow ((?/ trees) [brad]. -els 111. covering, carpet. -ingy; spreading (fame). brsedj an roast; fry. -epanne, -ing-panne /. frying- pan. brsede roast meat. brsedoyi breadth ; extent. braegd, e, breed in. trick, deceit [cp. gebregd]. -boga in. treacherous bow. ~en crafty. -wis crafty. (ge)braBgden, e cunning. ge-liee av. cunningly. brsedra, a cpv. (/brad. braegen, bra- n. brain. -locaf VI. head. -panne*, braegp-/ skull. -seoc brain-sick. braBm(b)el = bremel. BR^S braes n. brass. ~en of brass ; fbold, mighty. braep m. odour ; exhalation, vapoi;r. brefew^, breaw, breag, A. breg /n. eyelid. bran-. -■wyrt/ bilberry bush. brand >n. fire-brand ; fire ; sword, esp.\. -hat ardent (love, hate). -hordt in. R. ~isen u. fire-dog, grate. ~6ra rust produced by burning, hammer scales. ~rad/', ~rida, e w. fire-dog, grate. -stffnf -^ brant-. brantf lofty, high (ship) ; deep (water). ~St§fn*, brondstsefnf steep- prowed (ship). brasian, ae do brass- work [brses]. gebras(t'il >i. crackling (of flames). brastlian crackle, rattle (^thun- der, falling tree, fire). ~ung, barstlung f. crackling, crashing sound. bratt cloak IN. \_Celiic']. bread «., //. ~ru morsel, crumb ; bread. gebre(a)dadt regenerated. breag = brafew. breahtm, e, ^. se; bearhtm, eo, y noise, clamour [brecan]. ~ian*, brehtniau, bearhtmian resound. breahtm, breorht atom [bearhtm]. breahtm = bearhtm glance. breard = brerd. brea}? om-e brittle. breaw = brsew eyelid. breawern = breow- brew-house. brec breeches, //. of broc. ~hraBgl 11. breeches. gebrec ;/. noise, clamour. -drgnc w.emetic. Cr = gebrffic-(?). brec|an 4 /;-. break, burst, burst through, penetrate, break down, take by storm (town, fortress) | violate (oath, peace), break (com- mand), curtail, injure, annul ( urge, in hine firwet braec he felt curiosity or desire || rjl. retch — ongann hine ~ to spiwenne || intr. burst forth {of stream), be violent {of wind) ; make one's way with effort, burst. BRECUNG brecung/. breaking (bread) brecpaf m. grief. bred board ; surface ; tablet (of stone). ~en = briden of boards. bre(o)d'wiant prostrate. brefan epitomize, set down in writing \_Lt. brevis]. bregjan terrify, induce by intimi- dation 7U. sbj. [broga]. ~nesf. terror. brega = brego. bregd = braegd trick. gebregd n. change (of weather) || skill, cunning [bregdan; cp. brsegd]. ~stafast mpl. learning. bregdan, bredan, prt. braegd, brsid, //. brugdon, briidon, //<■. brogden, broden tr. often zo. i. of thing in E., always a. in IIV. move quickly , hands in swimming, oars), brandish, drag, pull, draw (sword\ put: ~ sweord(e), sweord of sceape, rap on his sweoran ; throw (in wrestling) ; draw (brealh) | weave j change (colour), transform {of wizard) : ~ bleom, he breed his hiw (form) j deceive || rf. pretend : he gebreed hine seocne || intr. be transformed w. on. (ge)bregden = braegden cunning. bregof >n. chief, prince, king. ~rice n. kingdom. ~r6f mighty. ~st61 in. throne; principality, king- dom. -weard ///. chief, king. brehtm = breahtm. brembjel, ~er = bremel. brem |e [ce ?], ef celebrated, illus- trious, famous, noble. ~e av. gloriously. ~an celebrate, commemorate. -endlic celebrated. bremel, brembel, brember, se ;;/. bramble. -aeppel m., ~b§rige n. blackberry. ~brer in. bramble. ~leaf n. bramble-leaf. -rind/ bramble-rind. -jjyrne/ bramble. brgmjman, *brfniian resound, roar. -vmgy. roaring. brengan = bringan. [28] brfntingt in. ship [brant]. breord = brerd. breosa m. gadfly. breost n. often pL, in. breast, chest ; mind, heart. -ban ;/. breast-bone. -byden, ef. breast, chest. -beorg/, -gebeorg ;/. bulwark. -byden/ chest, thorax Gl. -caruf/. anxiety. -cofaf ni. mind, heart. -hordf m. mind, heart. -gehygdf, -gehyd fn. thought, mind. -lin w. breast-cloth. -locaf in. mind, -nfttf n. corslet. -rocc III. chest-clothing, -sefaf in. mind, heart, -togaf m. chief, -gepancf in. thought, mind, -gewsedef n. corslet. -waere m. pain in the chest. -weall in. bulwark. -weorpungt /. ornament on breast. -wiglmf in. teat ; agitation of mind. breotanf 7 break, destroy, kill. Breoten = Breten. breotonf once spacious. breow^ an 7 brew. ~ern*, ea «. brew-house. -lac, bryw- n. brewing. brer, se m. briar. brerd, eo, ea in. brim, border; bank ; surface. -full brimful. Breten, eo, y, i, tt, -on/. Britain. -land n. Britain ; Wales. See also under Brettas. -wealda, Bretw- chief king of Britain. Brett i as, y, i, Britas mpl. Bri- tons. -land ;/. Britain. -wealas, -walas mpl. Britons. -wielise*, Brytwylsc British. brejjer d. ^bropor. bridd, IN. pi. birdas, in. young bird ; chicken. bridel in. bridle. -pwang m. bridle-thong. bridels m. bridle. -hring m. bridle-ring. briden, e (wall) of boards [bred]. bridlian bridle, restrain. BRIESAN BROD BRUN-WANN briesjan*, f bmise ; season (food). ge~ednes/". crushing. brig =^ briw. brigd. («.) once change [gebregd, bregdan]. -briht, see beorht. brihtan = bierhtan. brimf , y [jouftision w. brymme] 11. sea, ocean, water [pi sta) gen . pi . ~ceald sea-cold. -elif n. sea-cliff. -farop n. sea-shore. ~fl6d in. sea ; deluge. ~fugol in. sea-biid. -gigst 7n. sailor. ~h§ngest m. ship. -hlaest ///. fishes. -lady, sea-way. ~lijjend(e) m. mariner. -raann in. sailor, pirate. -nesen (?J safe sea-passage. ~rad/. sea. -staep 11. sea-shore. -stream in. sea's current, sea ; broad river. -pisa in. ship. -wiglm in. sea-surge, waves. ~'wisa m. sea-captain. ~wudu in. ship. -wylf y". sea-wolf, she-wolf of the lake. bring once m. offering, sacrifice. bring an, § lok., t3 ptc broht, f brungen bring ; bring forth, produce (fruits). -nes /. oblation. bring'e*/. chest (?). ~adl/. epilepsy (?). Briten = Breten. Brittas = Brettas. Brittisc, y, Brytisc British [Brettas]. briw, briig ;;/. pottage, porridge. briwan prepare (food). broc n. affliction ; labour ; disease [brecan]. -ian afflict ; injure, maim ; oppress. ~lic full of hardship. ~ung/. affliction ; illness. gebroc n. fragment ; affliction, trouble. broc in. brook, -minte/. brookmint. brdey. trousers | //. brec, se breech, hind quarters ; trousers. brocc m. badger. ~en (coat) of badger's skin. brody. brood, also of bees ; fetus. -ig broody (hen). broddian be luxuriant =bror- dian* {}). broden,/A-. (j/" bregdan. brodettan = brogdettan. brog.a in. terror, prodigy, danger. -Jjreaf, broh- m. dire calamity. brogden, broden/A.^ybregdan. -mffilf once n. inlaid sword. Or = br6den msiil (?). brogdettjan, brodettan bran- dish II intr. tremble. ~ung/. trembling; figment Gl. brogn-, ge~ branch, twig lA'. brord ;//. point ; first blade of grass, young plant. brom VI. bioom (the plant). -faesten n. thicket of broom (?) Gl. brosn|ian. crumble, decay ; perish, pass away. -iendlic, ge~odlic corruptible. (ge)~ungy". corruption, ruin. gebrot 11. fragment [_breotan]. bro)j n. broth [breowan]. bropor, J. breper, pi. ~, ge~, bi;6j)ru w. brother liL and ^g. ; monk. -banat m. fratricide (person). -ewealmf m. fratricide (action). -dohtor/ niece. ~gieldt«- vengeance for brothers (?). ~leas brotherless. -lie fraternal. -licnesy. brotherliness. -rs8den(n)/ brotherhood. -sibb /. relationship between brothers ; brotherly love. -slaga w. fratricide (person). -slgge ni. fratricide (action). -sunu in. nephew. -pinen = beorfor-jjignen. -■wif n. sister-in-law. ~wyrty. pennyroyal. gebr6}30r, -brojjru nipl. brothers. -scipe in. brotherhood. bru /, //. ~(w)a, gpl. ~na eye- brow ; eyelid, eyelash. briiean 7 ^ao:, rarely i. or a. make use of, enjoy — brocen worn (coat) ; eat ; spend (life) ; possess, keep. brun brown. -baso purple. ~gcgt brown-edged (,sword\ ~ej)a in. erysipelas. -fag brown-coloured. [29] brunjwann dark brown. ~wyrt/. water-betony. brycian ivd. benefit [bryce]. bryc|e I. in. breaking ; fragment. II. aj. brittle, worthless [bj-ecan]. -mefelum*, bre- av. piecemeal. gebryce once breaking. bryce in. making use of, use, enjoy- ment [brucan]. bryce, yf useful [brucan]. brycg/. bridge. ~\>btf. bridge-repair. ~ian make a bridge, also abs. {of ice) ; make plank path. ~'weard ;//. bridge-defender. -geweorc 11. bridge-construction. brycsian wd. benefit [bryce]. bryd/ bride; -fwife ; f woman. ~b§dd n. nuptial bed. -bletsung/ blessing the bride. ~boda in. bridesman. -bur, -cofa vi. bridal chamber. -ealo(p) n. marriage feast. -giefu/". dowry ; //. wedding, -gift/, betrothal. -guma in. bridegroom. -lac iipl. marriage ; married life. -leop 11. epithalamium. ~;e'lic bridal. -loea 111. bridal chamber. -lop n. wedding L. \^Scand.\ -lufety. love of a bride. -niht/; wedding-night. -reaf n. wedding-dress. -rgsty! nuptial bed. -sang in. marriage song. -Jjing npl. nuptials. bryd = brygd. brydjian — ptc. ge~od married (woman) [bryd]. brygd, bryd drawing (weapon) [bregdan]. -bryht, see beorht. bryhtan = bierhtan. brymme m. border, shore (of sea) ; sea. Cp. brim, bryne in. burning, flame(s), fire ; inflammation (of body) [biernan]. -adl/ fever. -brogaf ni. fire-terror. -gieldf n. burnt-offering. -hatf burning hot. -leomat ni. flame, -tearf in. hot tear, -wiglmf 111. conflagration. bryne (w.) brine. brynig fiery [bryne]. BRYRDAN BUIi BURG-SPR^C bryrdan stimulate [brord]. -nesy^ stimuhis. Bry ten = Breten. bryten-t. Cp. breoton. ~C5ming m. great king. ~grund ;;/. spacious earth. ~rice n. spacious kingdom. -wangas mpl. the world. brytn|ian deal out, distribute, ar- range [breotan]. ~ere m. steward. —ung/; distribution. brytofta//. wedding [bryd, poft]. (ge;brytsen_/ fragment. gebryttan, ptc. -bryted break to pieces ; destroy [breotan]. brytt af m. distributor (of wealth), perpetrator (_of crime). Lord (of heaven, glory, &c.). ~ian tear to pieces, di^^de ; distri- bute ; possess, enjoy ; share, exercise : maegen ~ wip metode (^ Satan). Bryttas = Brettas. Bryttisc = Brittise. brypen brewing — an ~ mealtes ; drink, beverage [brop]. bu//. by n. dwelling. bu an, bun, bugan, bu(g)ian, buwian, bogian prt. bude, ptc. gebu(e)n, gebud int. dwell tl tr. inhabit, occupy ; cultivate (land). ~end ni. inhabitant. bfie m, pitcher ; stomach. buec m. buck, male deer ; beaver (of helmet). bueea m. he-goat. bufan, be'ufan av., prp. w. d., or a. (expressing motion) above, higher than ; above, away from : be Lygan, xx mila ~ Lvmden- byrig ; superiority, above. pKr ~ &c. above mention in book [ufan], -cweden, ~n§md above-men- tioned. bugan 7 ititr. bow down, stoop ; bend, swerve sideways or up and down) i turn, go ; flee w. fram \ turn (the mind) : ~ to hSpenscipe become a heathen, ~t6 woruld- pingum, ~ fram yfele avoid ; go over to, submit w. to, rarely w. d. ofily — ptc. gebogen converted (to Christianity). bugan = buan dwell. buian = buan. bul, ~a ornament [_Lt. bulla], ~berende wearing an ornament Gl. bul'a w. bull (?) an wylle Ct. bulentse/. a plant. bulluc m. bull-calf. bulot cuckoo-flower. bunda = bonda. bunden/Zt:. ^bindan bind. -heordf (?). -stgfnaf with bound prow. ge~nesy! obligation. bune/. cup. bur in. chamber ; cottage, villa. -eniht m. chamberlain. ~eot n. bedroom. ~reaf ;;. tapestry. ~geteldt n. pavilion. ~pegn, -pen m. chamberlain. gebur in. peasant, farmer. -gerihtu npl. peasants' rights or dues. -scipe m. neighbourhood. burg, bur(u)li, //. byrig, burga f. fortified place ; (fortified) town, city. -agend + 711. city-possessor. -boty. repairing fortress. ~bryce ;;/. burglary; fine for bur- glary. -ealdor in. mayor, -faestenf n. fortress. -geard in. castle-yard. -geat ;/. city-gate. -geat-setl n. law-court held at city-gate. -hlipt n. city-slope \confusion w. beorg-hlip ?]. -lagu/ civil law. -landf n. native city. -leode inpl. citizens. ~locat in. city. ~mann, byrig- in. citizen. ~gemot n. meeting of townsmen, -r^eedf n. city-dwelling. ~reeden(n) /. citizenship. ~gerefa m. chief magistrate of a town. ~run{e)/ sorceress. ~saelt «• house. ~S£eta III. citizen. ~scipe in. municipality. -sciryi corporation, city. -Sflef III. house. -•sittend(e)t m. citizen. ~sittende city-dwelling — - mann. [30] burgsprsec/. urbane speech. -steallf ;;/. city. -stfdef in. city. ~tun in. city. -pelu/. castle-floor. -pegn = burpegn (?). -gepincp (?) town-council LL. -ware, -an pi., -n /. coll. citizens; -u city. ~waru-niann m. citizen. -wealda in. alderman. -weall III. city-wall. ~weardt, byrig- ;;/. city-defender, citizen. -wreg in. street. ~welat III. city-wealth. -werod ;/. crowd of citizens. ~wigend III. warrior. -■wita III. town-councillor. burn e f., burn ^n a, brunna m, stream, brook. ~s§let III. bath-house. bute = buton. buter e/. butter \_Lt. butyrum]. -fleoge, buttor-,/ butterfly. ~stoppa m. butter-vessel. ~gepweor n. butter. buton, biitan ; biite (9.) W. I. av. outside. II. prp. w. d., and rarely a. 'to express motion) outside ; without ; free from : ~ hseftniede ; against, without : ~ pees cyninges leafe, ~ leodrihte ; except — ~ pam pe cj. besides that lo. ind. III. cj. w. sbj. unless ; w. ind. ex- cept that; but; luithout z'(^. except. butruc, bute-, butu- in. leather bottle. butse-carl m. sailor Z. buttuc III. end; piece of land: on pa ~as Ct. butu, see begen. by, see bu. bycgan buy 7v. set ; get done, see after. bydel m. messenger, herald, fore- runner ; beadle, police-officer [beodan]. byden f. vessel, tub, barrel ; a measure, bushel. -botm in. bottom of a vessel. ~faBt n. bushel. bjrflfan mutter. byge in. traffic [bycgan]. byge III. curve ; comer ; cone (of helmet) [bugan]. gebygel obedient = gebeogol. BYHT BYRDE BYRGEN-STOW byht ju. bend [bugan]. byht n. dwelling [buan]. byldat w- builder [bold]. byle, byl in. boil, carbuncle. byled-breostf puff-breasted. byla g, A. b§lg, 88 m. leather bag or bottle ; bellows [belgan]. bylgan bellow. byndel(l)e, i / binding (a man) [bindan]. byne inhabited, cultivated [buan]. gebyrlian impcrs. wd. happen : him ~ede p8et he wses . . ; be fitting, proper || pcisonal happen : him nied ~ede — him ~ede pset feorh earfoJ»lice he recovered with difficulty ; befit : stor ~ej) to Godes pegnunge ; be assigned to (the devil) [beran]. ~edlie suitable. ~edlice av. conveniently. byrd f. birth, pi. in sg. meaning [beran]. ~scipe m. child-bearing. gebyrd, ~o f. often pi. w. sg. iiieatting birth ; parentage ; good birth, high rank ; condition, nature — on ~ f according to fate or in order (?). ~boda vi. announcer of (Christ's) birth. ~daeg tn., ~tid/. birthday. ~'wiglere, -witega m. astrologer. gebyrd burdened IN. byrd; an fringe, embroider [borda]. ~icge/. embroideress. byrde of high birth or rank [beran]. gebyrde innate, natural ivd. ~lice av. (besiege) vigorously or methodically. Cp. gebyrd. byref, //. ~, -as in. son ; youth. byre in. mound. (ge)byre in. opportunity; time, period. gebyrelic suitable, agreeing. byre n. (cattle)stall ; shed, hut [bur]. byrelje, byrle m. cupbearer, butler [beran]. ~ian give to drink, serve with liquor wda. hyresf. borer, chisel [bor]. byrg d. o/hurg. gebyrg — beon on ~e wd. help, protect [beorgan]. gebyrg*, i n. IN. taste. byrga, byriga in. one who gives bail, surety [borg]. byr(i)g'an bury [beorgan]. ge~ednes/ burial. ~end m. burier. -ere in. corpse-bearer. ~nes/i burying. ~sang in. dirge. byr(i)gtan taste ; eat. ~nes/. taste. byrgels in. burial-place ; tomb. -leop «., -sang m. dirge. byrgen(n)/ sepulchre, tomb, -leojj n. epitaph. •vsang m. dirge. byrgen-stow/. Imrial-place. -byrht-, sec beorht, bierhtan. byrig d. ^ burg. byrla in. body, barrel (of horse). byrnley; corslet. -hamf ni. corslet. -"wigaf, ~wig(g)endt ni. warrior. ge~od coraleted. byrst in. loss, injury [berstan]. -full calamitous vL. -ig broken. byrst, vE. bryst (?)/. bristle. byrstan roar IN. byrp* birth [beran]. -pignenu*, -pin-/, midwife. byrpen(n), byrden /. burden, load; impost, charge [beran]. -maelum av. by loads. -Strang strong for burdens {of donkey). byrpere, byrpre I. in. bearer (of corpse) ; support ; horse, &c. (for riding or driving). TL.f. she who bears (a child), mother. byrpestre/i carrier. bytljan, -ian build; fortify [botl]. -a III. builder. (ge)~ung/. act of building ; edifice. gebytle n. edifice, house. bytm.|e, bypme, bypne bottom ; keel (of ship) [botmj. -ing/ bottom, ground floor (of ark). bytt f. leather bottle, wine-skin ; cask. -fylling/ filling casks. byxen of box-wood [box]. C. C^FER-TUN C^REN" CAFSTRIAM" caefer-tun = cafor-. caeren = ceren. cafstrian bridle, curb [csefes- csBfester («.) halter \_Lt. capis- caerfiUe = cerfille. ter]. trum]. caerse = cerse cress. cal = cawel cabbage. C£eg,~e/ key. caf prompt ; active ; bold. calan 2 be cold intr. : hine ceelp. -bora m. key-bearer. ~e, -lice av. promptly ; boldly. him cselp. -hierde m. key-keeper. -lie bold. calc sandal ; horse-shoe* [Z/. cal- ~loca w. keeping under lock and key. -scipe m. activity ; courage. ceus]. caelie^calic. cafor-tun, ea, csefer- in. court- -randf shoed (horse) (?). caeppe/ hood; cap [Z/. cappa]. yard, vestibule ; hall, mansion. calca-trippe = colte-traeppe. [31] CAIiEND CANNE CASERLIC calend, af m. calend ; month; canne/. can. caser, lie imperial. fallotted time, span of life \^Lt. canonic vi. canon (person) [ZA]. ~n/ empress. calendae]. -lie canonical. casol (w.) short cloak. calie, cfl(i)e m. cup, chalice \^Lt. Cant-war|e, Cfnt- //. people of cassoc ;;/. sedge, coarse grass. calicem]. Kent. -leaf;/, sedge-leaf. calo, g. calwes bald. -aburg/. Canterbury. castel n. village [Z/. castellum]. calwa VI. mange [calo]. -amsegp/. people of Kent. castel Z. VI. castle [Z>-.]. calwer = eealer. cantel m. or n. buttress, support. -mann m. castle-man. cama ;;/. muzzle, collar [Z/. eantel-cap vi.L., canter-cseppe -weall VI. castle-, city-wall. camus]. /. cope (vestment). -weorc n. castle-building. camb I. ;.;/. comb ; (cocks)comb, canter e vi. singer [ZA canto]. castenere {in!) cabinet, chest. crest (of helmeT). II. /. honey- -stafas vipl. (?) Ct. catt VI., catte/ cat. comb. cantic vi. canticle, sacred song \Lt. cawel, caul, cal m. cabbage [Z/. ~iht crested. canticum]. caulis]. camel m. camel \_Lt. camelus]. capian once turn, face inti-. -leaf ;/. cabbage-leaf. cammoe m. (?) a plant. capellan w. chaplain vL. [ZV.]. -ssed ;;. cabbage-seed. camp VI. battle, war, contest \^Lt. capitol VI. chapter (cathedral or -stela VI. cabbage-stalk. campus]. monastic) ; chapter (of book) {_Lt. -wyrm vi. caterpillar. ~d6m VI., -had m., ~raeden(n)t capitulum]. caw e)!, ceawl, eo, cowel vi. f. contest, war. -hus n. chapter-house. basket. -ealdor m. general. -msesse/. first mass. ceac VI. pitcher, jug, basin. -gefera w. fellow-soldier. capun ,w.) capon, fowl [ZV.]. -bora 711. yoke for carrying buckets, ~giinm VI. precious gem. carcern, cea-, -aern ; I A. car- &c. -stfdef VI. battle-field. crsenn ; carcern-ern ;;. prison ceac e/ jaw. -WEepenf n. weapon. [ZA career, aern]. -ban It. jaw-bone. -w^erod ;/. army. -weard ;;/. jailor. ceaf ;;. chaff. -wigt n. battle. c(e)arian care, reck w. ymb ; -fine 711. chaffinch. -■wisa m. champion. sorrow, be anxious [caru]. ceafl*, caefl. (w.) halter. -■woidtit VI. shield. earie- dry fig \_Lt. carica]. ceafl w. jaw. gecamp («.) warfare. carl, ea vi. man as wsen ceafor vi. cockchafer, beetle. camp|ian fight. Charles's Wain, constellation of cealihett an, -etan laugh loudly. -ung/. fighting. the Great Bear \_Scand.\ -Xing/, laughter ; jest(ing). gecampian gain by fighting. -fugol w. male bird. cealc 711. chalk, lime ; plaster [Z/. gecanc («.) derision. -mann m. male, man. calx]. canceler vi. chancellor vL. \lLt. carr vi. stone, rock IN. SjCeltic\ -Pytt, -seap 7>i. chalk-pit. cancellarius]. carte /. paper, piece of paper ; -Stan VI. chalk. cancer, -or ;;/. ; ~adl /. cancer deed, document \Lt. eharta]. ceald I. cold. II. ;/. cold. [Z/. cancer]. car,u, ea/ anxiety, grief, trouble. -heortt cruel. cancett an, -etan cackle (in laugh- care. -ian become cold ; become tor- ing), deride. -full anxious ; solicitous, careful. pid. ~ung/. loud laughter. -fullice av. carefully, diligently. eealer, cealre, ceoldre /., cal- candel, g. ~le /., n. candle [Z/. -fulnes/". anxiety ; solicitude. wer VI. curds. candela]. -gastf 711. sad spirit, demon. -briw, calwer-elim ;/?. pottage -bora VI. acolythus. -gealdorf n. song of sorrow. of curds. -leoht candle-light. ~igt anxious, sad ; painful (bonds). cealf, A. f , ie ;;., //. -as, -ru, A. -maesse/. Candlemas. -leas free from anxiety, cheerful. calfur, calferu calf. -snietels*, y vi. snuffers. -leasnes, -least/ freedom from -ian calve. -staef VI., -sticea m., -treow k. care. ceallianf shout. candlestick. ~(e)lice av. wretchedly. ceap 7V. price — deep - high price ; -twist (w.) pair of snuffers Gl. -seldf n. place of sorrow. bargain, commercial transaction -weoce/ wick. -sipt 7V. sad journey, fate. — - drifan make bargain ; mar- -wyrt/; mullein. -sorgf / anxious sorrow. keting, market ; cattle. cann /. cognizance, asseveration ; ~wi§lmt 7n. flood of care. -cniht, eiepe- w. slave. clearance (from accusation). case-bill ? n. club Gl. -dseg )n. market-day. cann, ge- vb., pi. cunnon, /;-/. caser e ;«. emperor [Z^. Caesar]. -eadig rich in cattle. ciipe know ; experience ; know -dom m. emperor's nile. -gield 71. price. how to, be able. ~ing VI. a coin. -hus*, csepe- «. storehouse. [32] CEAP-MANJSr CENE CEOSOL ceap mann, ciepi^e)- m. merchant, pLcllar. ~scamol, ciep- m. custom-house, toll-booth. -scip n. trading-ship. -setl, ciep- n. toll-booth. ~st6w, ciepe-/". market-place, com- mercial centre. ~straet, ciep-y^ trade-street. -ping, ciepe- n. merchandise. ceapian buy ; bargain ; buy and sell, trade ; acquire wda. ceapving, -ing/". marketing, buying and selling, trading. -gemot n. meeting for trade, market. eearcjian creak ; gnash (teeth). "-etungy. creaking. cearm = cierm cry. ceas/' quarrel, strife ; reproof. eeast f. quarrel, strife, sedition, seditio. -full quarrelsome, turbulent. eeastery'. city \_Lt. castra]. -aBSC m. black hellebore. -buendf w. citizen. -hlidt u- city-gate. ~h.oft n. house. -■ware, -an, ~gewaran, //„ ~waru /. citizens. -wic/. village. -wyrt/. black hellebore. ceawl = cawel basket. eeeel, oe, i m. little cake ; morsel. cedelc/. mercury (a plant). eeder n., -beam m., ~treow n. cedar \Lt. cedrus]. cedrisc of cedar [ceder], eel j an, oe cool tr. [col]. -ing/! coolness ; cool place. (ge)~nes_/". coolness. eeldre = cealer. Cfle 7n. keel. celeponie, cylepenie / celandine \_Lt. chelidonium]. cell (monastic) cell vL. \_LtP\. eel(l)endre /, cel(l)ender n. coriander [Z/. coriandrum]. celmert-mann IN. in. hired ser- vant. cellod+j celodf round (?) or em- bossed (?) (n. caller, crier out. ciglian Z. be cold [ci§le]. cifld(o)/. cold [ceald]. ci^le m. cold [calan]. -gicel ?n. icicle. -w^earte/. goose-skin. -wyrt/ sorrel. gecielf (cow) with calf [cealf]. eiep(e)- see ceap-. ciepjan buy, sell, trade in [ceap]. -a, -end vi. merchant, trader. -ing /. trade, marketing ; market, market-place. geciepe for sale. D CIEPE CINCDAPEN CmiC- pEGNUNG ciepey". onion [Z/. caepa]. -leac m. leek. cierlisc, ceo- rustic, common (man) [ceorl]. ~nesy] clownishness. cigrm, ea, eo m. shout, clamour, cry. -an shout, cry out tr. and intr. cigrr ni. time, occasion — set su- mum ~e ; (first, second, &c.) time ; affair, business. cigrrjan h: turn, bring into a cer- tain state, convert (^to Christianity) ; reduce to subjection — him to ge~ ; transform, turn || intr. turn ; go, return — hine ~, ge~ return to. ge-ednes f. entrance, admission ; conversion (to Christianity). -ung/. conversion, cies fastidious (about food)[ceosan]. ~nes/. fastidiousness. cies e, se m. cheese [Z/'. caseus]. ~(e)faet ;/. cheese-vat. -Jiwfieg n. whey, -lybb n. lennet. ~gerunn n. rennet. -wueey^ cheese-week. ciest_/; chest ; coffin [Z/. cista]. ~ian put in coffin. eietel m. kettle. -hrum («.) soot of kettle. eild n.,pl. cild(ru) child — wearp mid (pam I ~e became pregnant. ~a hierde schoolmaster, paidago- gus. ~a msessedseg Innocents'- day. -trog cradle. ~claj) n. swaddling-cloth. -cradol in. cradle. -faruy. carrying children. ~f5stl'eyi nurse. -geogojj/. period of childhood. ~geong infantine. ~had VI. childhood. -haraa m. womb ; afterbirth. -ifldo/. childhood. ~isc childish. ~lie infantine. cileponie = celeponie. eilfor-lamb, eo ;/. ewc-lamb. cilie in. hair-cloth \_Lt. cilicium]. eimb an*. ~ing/. joint. -iren n. edge-iron (?). eiinbal(a) ni. cymbal \_Lt. eytnba- lum]. cinan 6 gape, crack. cine-. cincdapen ornamented in some way : hyre ~an cyrtel Ct. cincung/. loud laughter. cine (w.) folded sheet (of parch- ment) Gl. Cp. geelofa. [cinan]. cinje, ~u wk.f. chink, fissure. ~iht, io cracked. cinn/. chin. -ban n. jaw. -beorg/ visor. -top in. grinder. cinnant once R. cinu ^ cine chink. ciper-sealf/. henna-ointment [_Lf. cypres]. cipp m. log, trunk; ploughshare; weaver's beam. circul, -ol III. circle [Lt.]. ~adly; shingles ,a disease). -creeft in. knowledge of the zodiac. ciricje, circe, cyr-y". church. -ffiw/". ecclesiastical marriage. -bell/ church-bell. ~-\)6cf. church-book. -bot/! church-repair. -bryce in. breaking into a church. -dor n. church-door. -frip ni. (right of i sanctuary. -fultum w. church-help. -gang ni. going to church. -georn diligent in attending church. -grip n. (riglit of) sanctuary. -had ;;/. order of the church. -halgung / consecration of a church. -hata in . persecution of churches. -lie ecclesiastical. -mEersung/.dedicationofachurch. -gemana ;;/. congregation. -mangung/ simony. -mitta ;//. church-measure. -nied, eo/need^ruse of the church. -nytty. church-service. -pa3p III. church-path. -raguy. church-moss. -ran*, e church-robbery. -geryht n. church-due. -sang in. church-hymn. -sangere in. church-singer. -sceatt in. church-tax or rate. -s6en_/ (right of) sanctuary ; going to church. -steall, ~st§de ni. site of a church. ~stig_/. church-path. -tid/. church-time. -tun in. churchyard. ~pegn, "pen m. minister. [34] ciric|pegnung, -pen- / church- service. -pingere m. priest. -waecee/. vigil. -w^dy. church-vestment. ~wag/. church-wall. -M^aruy. congregation. -weard. w. churchwarden, sacristan. cir,e)sibeam, ciser-, ;//., -treow n. cherry-tree \^Lt. cerasus]. cirps, y, crisp curly (hair) ; curly- haired. ~ian curl. ciser- = cirs-. cistel*, y {J.) chestnut -tree \cp. cisten]. cisten (/.), cist (en -beam /;/. chestnut [Z/. castanea]. eiteljian tickle. -ung/. tickling. cit(e;re/ harp [Z/. cithara]. cip ;;/. germ (of plant), spire, young.- shoot, sprout ; mote (in eye) ; seed. ~fsest well rooted, growing. cla = clawu claw. elacian, ea hurry, hasten intr. clac^u*/. strife. ~leas, cleec- undisputed, free. clador*, ea, clader-stieca m. rattle. claec^clac-. clgefre, a, claefer-wyrt/. clover. claeg (w.) clay. -ig*, clSig aj, clayey. clffimjan smear, plaster, caulk [clam]. -ing*, mmy. smearing. eljenje I. clear, open (field) ; pure, clean, ivg. free from, devoid of; innocent, free from guilt; chaste. II. clsene, a av. entirely. -georn desiring to be pure-hearted. -heort pure-hearted. -lie pure (love). -lice av. purely. ~nes/ purity. cljens ian, cla-, clsesnian, a, clsensnian clean (se), clear (land of weeds), purge ^stomach) ; purify (heart), chasten (with affliction) ; zvag. clear (of accusa- tion). -ere m. purifier. (ge)~iing f. purifying ; expiation ; . chastity. clffinsnian = clsensian. CL^PPETTAN" CLIPIAN CLYSAN" claeppett[an, -etan throb {of sinew). ~'ttngy". throbbing, pulse. claesnian = claensian. elafre -- clsefre clover. clam ni. mud, paste. clamm. w. grasp ; bond, chain. elane = el^ne av. clasnian = clsensian. elate y^ burdock, burr. elatrlian clatter. -ling/, clattering. clap ;;/. cloth ; //. clothes. clajjian M'i clothe. clauster n. enclosure ; cloister ; fortress. Cp. clCistor [ZA claus- truml. claw an claw. ~ung/ gripes, colic, clawu, cla, .-/. clea, cleo/. claw; hoof; iron claw,//, pincers. clea = clawu. cleac/. stepping-stone Ct. \Celtic\. clgmman*, imper. elsem. once contract (hand (?). cleofian ^ clifian. cleof an 7 split, cleave tr. -wxigf. cleaving, sectio. cleofa, y w. chamber, cell ; den of wild beasts). cleopian = clipian. cleric, cleroc, cli- m. secular clergyman [Z/. clericus]. -had w. the clerical office. clgwepa ;;/. itch [clawan]. clibbor adhesive [cliflan]. geclibs = geclips*. elidren(n)/ clatter. clif n. cliff ; crag, rock. -hliep m. leap from cliff (?) Gl. ~ig steep: ~iht(ig) steep. -Stan w. rock. ■ clif-wyrt*, y/ foxglove. clifian, eo, y adhere. elife/. burdock. elifer w. claw. ~fete claw-footed bird), with talons. clifiht adhesive, elifr ian scratch [elifer]. -ung/". scratching. gecliht/A-. ^clycean compress, climman, Z. climban 3 ; fclym- niian once climb. clingan 3 shrink, contract intr. ; wither. elipjian, y, eo call i.out) iu/r. ivd. || tr. summon, call ; 2v.a. uo»i. call, name. -iendlic vocal (sound), vowel ; vocative (case). -ol vowel. ~ung f. clamour ; articulation (of sounds) ; vl,. claim. clipol, clipor m. clapper (of bell). jjeclips*, -ibs, -ysp n. clamour [clipian]. cliroc = cleric, elite/, colt's-foot. elipa, y m. poultice, plaster i^for wound). cliwen, y, eo, clywe n. ball of thread, clew ; anything in the shape of a ball. cloccian cluck (^hen). clod-. -hanier w. fieldfare once. geelofa in. half of a folded sheet; duplicate of a document [cleofan]. clofe/ buckle. elofje, u/ clove, bulb or tuber of plant — garleaces ~ [cleofan], ~eht bulbed. -J)Ung, -e/ crow-foot, -wyrt/ buttercup. clott- lump Gl. clud ;/. rock. ~ig rocky. eluf- =^ clof-. clugge/ bell. clumian mumble, speak indis- tinctly. cliise/ confinement, prison ; bond, chain ; (mountain) pass \_Lt. clausum]. cluster n. lock ; barrier ; confine- ment, prison \_Lf. claustrum]. -cleofa m., ~loe «. prison. clut ni. piece of cloth, patch ; metal plate. -ian patch. clyecan bring together, clench — gecliht clenched (hand). clyfa ---- cleofa. geclyfte cloven Gl [cleofan]. clympre/. lump of metal, metal. clyne (w.) lump of metal. clyrman, clynian (re)sound intr. clypp {711.) embracing. clyplpan embrace; affect, seize (heart) ; cherish, love. ~nes/. embrace. geelyps = geclips*. [35] clysjan* enclose [cliise]. -ung, -ing/ enclosing ; chamber ; conclusion (of sentence). clyster, geelystre n. cluster, bunch (of berries). cnsepling in. youth [cnapa]. ensepp ni. top ; mountain-top | brooch. gecnaewe conscious of, acknow- ledging (sin) 7vg. ; known, mani- fest [cnawan]. cnafa = enapa. cnapa, cnafa ni. bey ; youth ; servant. gecnawjan i (cnawan 7>ciy rare ; never in IF.) know : hine ge- cneow Jjaet he wses Gode.s sunu; understand (language) ; recognize \opposite of ignore). -nes/ acknowledgement. cnearrf m. small war-ship. cneat ian dispute. -ung/ dispute, investigation. enedan 5 knead. eneodan = enodan. gecneord, cneord intent on, zealous, diligent. -IsBcan be diligent. -lie diligent. -lice av. diligently. -nes/ diligence, study. cneoris s), -isn / generation, family, race, tribe. -boc/ Genesis. eneo(w), A. cneo n. knee ; degree of relationship, generation. -gebed n. prayer on one's knees. -bieging/ kneeling. -eht knotty (plant). -holen III. butcher's broom. -mseg ;;/. kinsman. -rift ni. knee-hose (?). -rim in. progeny, descendants. -sibb/ race, family. -wasrc III. pain in knees. -wrist, -wyrsty. knee-joint. cneow^ ian, cneowan kneel. -ung/ kneeling. eneowlian kneel. cnidan once 6 beat IM. [r/. gni- dan]. cnif III. knife. cniht, eo, A. e in. boy; attendant, servant, retainer. -gebeorjjor n. ;male) child-bearing. -cild n. boy. ~geogop/. youth. D 2 CNIHT-GEONG COLNES CORNOC cniht geong young -had m. youth; (male virginity. -leas \\athout attendants. -lie boyish -wesendef young, in boyhood. -wise/, manner of a boy. cnocian, u knock (at door) ; pound (in mortar^;. enodan, ofj eo wda. attribute (qi'.alities to a person). enoU m. hill-top, hill. gecnos n. collision [cnyssan]. cnosl n. progeny, kindred, family, native country. cnossian dasli, strike intr. w. be. cnotita in. knot. -mffilum av. concisely Gl. cnucian = cnocian. cnuWyian pound (in mortar). geenycc- bond lA^. cnyll m. sound of bell. -an, IA\ enyllsan sound bell. cnyssjan tr. beat against, dash against, toss (storm . . ship' | defeat, crush (in battle), overcome {of temptation^ ; hard press, trouble, afflict [cnossian]. -ung/". stroke, impulse (of air). cnytt;an tie [enotta]. -els w. string, sinew. coc m. cook [Z/. coquus]. cocc m. cock. eoccel in. corn-cockle, darnel, tares. coeer-panne/. frying-pan. cocnjian*, coca- cook [coc]. ~ung, cocu-/. thing cooked. cocor in. quiver ; sword (! ), spear (!). coeor- [coc]. -mete in. cooked food. -panne/, frying-pan. cod-aeppel m. quince \_Lt. cydonia, seppel]. codd w. bag ; cod, shell, husk, skin (of grape). eofja, of, in. chamber. -godas mpl. house-gods, penates. -incel n. little chamber, hand- mill (!). cohhetanf shout (?), cough (?). col ;/. live coal, (piece of) charcoal. -mase/". titmouse (a bird . -pytt 111. coal-pit. -prffid m. blackened thread, plumb- line. col cool ; appeased, calm t^^anxiety, grief). -ewif Id/ ague (? ) Gl. colnes/ coolness. colian intr. cool, become cold ; cool ((/love). coliandre / coriander [Z/. cori- andrum]. collen-feri^h.){)t bold. -an*, -ferhtan make empty, ex- haust Gl. collon-crog m. water-lily. colt ni. coll. -grseg colt's-fool. ~etrsBppe,coltr8eppe,calcatrippe /. Christ's thorn. columne, -umbe / column \_Lt. columna]. com/r/. ^"euman. consolde /. comfrey {_Lt. con- solida]. consul m. consul [Z/. consul]. coorte /. cohort \JA. cohors]. c5p ';;/.) an outer garment. gec5p fit, suitable. -lice av. fitly, well. copenere in. lover. copor n. copper [Z/. cuprum]. copp in. summit. -ede having the top cut off, polled (tree). cops = cosp. cor- [ceosan], -snffid/ ' trial-morsel,' piece of con- secrated bread whose swallowing was a test of innocence. gecor n. decision [ceosan]. cordeAvanere in. shoemaker Ct. [Z-r.]. coren-beag/ crown [Zi*. corona]. coren, ge- chosen [ceosan]. ge~lie elegant. ge~lice av. elegantly. (ge)-nesy! choice ; goodness. ge~scipe in. election ; excellence. eorflian mince, cut small [ceor- fan]. corn ;/. com ; grain (of mustard), pip, berry ; corn (on foot). -seppel m. pomegranate. ~Eesceda/!!i/. com-sweepings, chaff. ~b£ere, -taerende corn-bearing. -hrycce/ corn-rick. -hiis ;/. granary. -gesselig rich in corn. ~geSC(e)ot n. contribution of corn. -teojjung/ tithe of corn. -treow n. cornel-tree. -trog 111. corn-bin. ~wxirma in. weevil. [36] cornoc = eranoe (cronoc). coronian crown [_Lt. corona]. corper, -or k. troop, assemblage, retinue ; pomp. cosp, cops in. fetter. -ian fetter. coss m. kiss. -ian kiss. cost 111. (?) costmary (a plant). cost — Jjses ~es pe on condition that \Scand. kostr]. geeostf, cost tried, proved, chosen, excellent [ceosan]. COSt|ian, costnian 10. g. or a. try, test ; tempt, afflict. -ere, ~i(g)end ;;/. tempter. -vmg, -ing / temptation, trial, tribulation, ge-nes/. trial, temptation. cot n. cottage, house ; chamber ; den (of thieves). -lif n. hamlet. -setla in. cottager, tenant, -stow /. hamlet. cottuc, cotuc in. mallow. copu / disease, pestilence, sec micle - elephantiasis, leprosy. era («.) croaking i^of frogs and crows) Gl. crabba m. crab. cracian resound. cracett an croak. -ung, crsecetung/ croaking. cradol, -el in. cradle. -cild n. infant. crseft rn. skill, ability ; cunning, device ; knowledge, science ; art, trade, profession | good quality, excellence, virtue | strength, power ; cause, -gleaw-f wise. -leas unskilled. -lie artificial ; skilfully made, skilled (labour). -lice av. skilfully. -weorc n. clever work. craeftan exercise a craft. craeftig skilful, skilled — wg. skilled in ; cunning | excellent, virtuour | strong, powerful. -lice av. skilfully. craBft(i)ga, cr8eft(i)ca, craefta in. artificer, workman. eraet n., gpl. ~(en)a chariot. -ehors n. horse for driving. -ween m. chariot. -wisa 111. charioteer. CRAFIAN craf ian, as demand one's rights) ; summon (^before court of law). -■ung,y". claim, demand. cram-pul = cran-pol. crammian cram, stuff. cranapiht crumpled, wrinkled. cran w. crane. -pol*, crampul m. crane-pool Ct. crane-. ~staef m. weaving-implement. cranie in. chronicle, record \_Lt. clironicus]. cranoc, cornoc m. crane [cran]. eras ,,/. I food , dainty. crawan i crow. eraw & f. crow. ~leac, ~an- m. crow-garlic. Cre a eas, Creee inpl. Greeks, creas-. ~nes /. pride, elation Gl. Crecise, ea Greek [Creacas]. creda w. creed [ZA credo], crfneestre/ weaver [crane]. creop an 7 creep, crawl. ~el, y m. cripple. -ere m. cripple. ~ungy! creeping. cribb/ crib, stall. criepan*, y, i contract, clench :h:ind\ criepel m. burrow [creopan]. crimman 3 cram, insert |1 crumble, erin vh. flow Gl. crincan = eringan. cringan, crincan 3 fall in battle, perish. erism a m. chrism, holy oil used for anointing after baptism ; chrisom, white vesture put on a child after baptism ; wearing a chrisom [Z/. chrisma]. ~halgiingy. consecration by chrism. -liesing/. taking off chrisom. crismal w. or n. chrisom. Cp. oris ma. crisp = cirps. Crist III. Christ es boc /. the Gospels. ~es msel, tacn the cross \_Lt.\ -lie Christian. ~niaesse L.f. Christmas. cristall a m. crystal ; flea-bane (a plant) [ZA crystall|us, ~ium]. ~ise of crystal. cristel-, cyrstel- [Crist], -m^l n. cross. eristen Christian. CRISTENDOM eristenjdom m. Christianity, -nes*, cristnesy". Christianity. erist(e)n ian christianize ; christen ; anoint with holy oil. -ling/, christening. eroc|c inf., erocea m. earthenware vessel, pot. -sceard potsherd. -wyrhta m. potter. gecrod n. throng, crowd [crudan]. croft m. small field. erog, 00 m. pot, vessel, -cynn n. kind of pot. croh \m.^ saffron [Z/. crocus], crop*, cnop 11. bleating, croup (?) Gl. eropp III. sprout, bunch (of flowers or berries), ear (of corn) ; crop (of bird) ; kidney. -iht bimchy. ~leac m. garlic. 3ru.ce/ pitcher. arudan 7 intr. press, make one's way 7t'. on a. cruft crypt, vault [ZA crypta]. cruma m. crumb. crumb, crump crooked. crundel nm. cavity, chalk-pit (?), pond (J) Ct. [(W/?V ?]. crus,e)ne / robe of skins, fur coat. crycc/ crutch ; staff, crozier. cryecen of clay [crocc]. crjnnb'an* bend /;-. [crumb]. ~ing/ bending. crympan curl [crump]. crypel = ereopel cripple. cryppan bend, crook finger). cu,^. cii(e), cy, rt'. cy,//. cy(e),^/. cu(n)a, dpi. cvi(u)m/. cow. -butere/ cow's-milk butter. -cealf ;/. calf. -eage ;/. cow's eye. ~hierde in. cowherd. -horn ///. cow's hom. ~meol,u (if. cow's milk. -migojja III. cow's urine. -sealf/ ^uet. -slyppe, ~sloppe/ cowslip, -taegel m. cow's tail. cucler,-e, cucul-,eueel- in. spoon, spoonful [Z/. cochlear]. -mffil n. spoonful 'measure). eucu = cwic alive. cucui-bite /. gourd [Z/. cueur- bita]. cudeleyi cuttle-fish. [37] - CUDU cudu, cwidu, cweodu, cwudu, g. cwidwes, -u(w)es, -owes n. what is chewed, cud ; mastic (a gum). cufBe/ hood. ciigfe)le, cuhle, c&le / monk's) hood, cowl \JLt. cuculla]. culfre, culfer/ pigeon, dove. culmille / small centaury. Cp. curmelle. culpje (/) fault [Z/. culpa]. -ian humble oneself, cringe. culter (w.) dagger; coulter (of plough) [ZZ culter]. cum-mase/ once a bird Gl. cumjan 4 pit. cwom, com, ptc. ~en, cy- come — 70. inf. com gan came (walkings, com gretan came to greet ; ~ up l.nnd ; hw5r com middangcardes gestreon what has become of . . ? : go | happen, come upon one — ~ for]j come off, be carried out ; result : hit com to pam past iiidc. \ come to oneself, recover intr. cura|a m. stranger; guest ena biir guest-chamber, spare-room. -ena hiis, inn,wicung hostel, inn. -feorm / entertainment of stran- gers. ~lij)e hospitable. -lipian show hospitality. -lipnes/ hospitality. cumb in. valley \_Ccltic\. cumb ;;/. a liquid measure. cumbolt, cumbor «. banner, sign. -gcbree n. crash of banners, battle. -haga III. phalanx. ~h§te III. war. --gehnast «. crash of banners, battle. -wiga ni. warrior. cumbor - cumbol banner. cumendre / woman living in monastery, priest's housekeeper \JLt. commater]. cuml, cumul, cumbl n. swelling of wound). cumpaeder m. godfather [Z/. com- pater]. cuneglaesse / hound's-tongue 'a plant) [ZZ cynoglossos]. cixnelle/ thyme. cunn ian lu. g. or a. explore, search ; try, test, tempt ; ex- perience. -ere m. tempter. -ungy; trial, testing. CUOPEL GECWED-R^DEN GECWEpAN cuopel boat, ship LV. cuppe/. cup. curmelle, -ealle, -illey". centaury (a plant). CJ). culmille. curon /;-/. //. ^ceosan. curs curse /. ~ian curse vL. -ung/' cursing. cursumbor IN", incense. cusc chaste, modest, virtuous. cvL^cotef. wood-pigeon, ring-dove. cuter ( w.) resin. cup known ; certain ; manifest ; clear ; well known, famous ; familiar, intimate. ~a /n. acquaintance, friend, relative. ~e av. clearly. ~ian be known. -ISean be friendly, make alliance. - e lie known, certain. -lice av. certainly, clearly ; fami- liarly, kindly. -naitia m. surname. -mes f. knowledge. ewacjian quake, tremble, chatter ((?/■ teeth). -ung/ quaking. cwalu /. killing, violent death, destruction [cwelan]. cwanian lament /;-. and ahs. cwatern the number four (in dice) [/y. quaternus]. cwead n. dung, excrement. cwealm, cwelm, y ;;/. killing, mur- der; death; mortality ; pestilence, plague ; pain, torment [cwelan]. ge~b£eran, -cwelm- torture. -baere deadly ; bloodthirsty. ~b£ernes /. destruction, persecu- tion ; mortality. ~bealot n. deadly evil. -cumat m. deadly guest. -dreorf ;/. blood of slaughter. ge~full*, -cwylm- pernicious. ~nes/] torment, pain. ~st§de ;;/. death-place, arena. -stow/ place of execution. -prea/. deadly affliction. cweartern n. prison. -lie of a prison. cwf ce an, prt. cwe(a)hte /;-. shake (head), brandish (weapon, [cwaeian]. ~ung /. shaking. cweee-sand vi. quicksand Gl. gecwed ;/. declaration [cwepan]. -faesten/. appointed fast. gecwed rfflden f. agreement, con- spiracy. -stow f. appointed place, place of meeting. cw^eddian = cw^iddian. cw^eden ptc. of cwejjan. cwedol eloquent Gl. [cnrepan]. cw^elan 4 die. cwfUjan, /;•/. cwealde kill [cwelan]. -end, -ere, cwelre in. killer, per- secutor, executioner. cwem!an, oe zud. please; comply. -ingy. pleasing, satisfaction. ge~(ed)lic pleasant. -nes, ge~ednes /. satisfaction, pleasing. gecw^emje, cweme agreeable, ac- ceptable, convenient. -lice av. agreeable, acceptably. cwen, OQ f. queen ; wife. cwen e f. woman, female serf; prostitute. cwenlicf, or e, once feminine or queenly ij\. cw^eodu = eudu. cweorn, -e, cwyrn, d. -a,/, (hand) mill. -bill /i. chisel. -Stan m. millstone. -tejj w//. grinders, molars. cwepan 5 say, speak za.a. of thing (word), ftw/. (wordum), to of person ; w. direct narration, tc. siibj. {^omissio)i of pset), more rarelyw. indc.; Simpers. : bejjeem ilean se sealmscop cwse]? : . . cwsej) to him fiset he wsere . . cwepaj) he sie . . pset godspell cwip pset R. beweop . . j men- tion : pa ping pe we ser bufon cwffidon. swa hit on bocum cwip. cwepap pset hit sie . . I call, name it | - on hine assign to him I - ongean a. raise objec- tions to II name, call, account, consider : on paere stowe pe is gecweden Crecganford. pa sind gecwedene pa heardestan menn. bapu pe wieron hal- wende gecwedene || proclaim, summon ^ meeting) || determine, resolve : cwaep on his heortan paet he wolde . . cweedon betweox him pset hi woldon . . II. cwist pii, cw^epe ge interr. av., tra)islating Lt. numquid. [38] ■ ecw^epan 5 speak, utter : he word ne mihte ~ | proclaim, summon, order : gecwsep anwig wip hine = challenged him to . . gecwsep to gefeohte abs., - hine litlah | agree, resolve zv. shj., esp. wolde : gecwffidon pset him leofre weire pset . . , gecwsedon pset hie wolden . . cwic, cwue, cwicu, cucu {also neiit. and def. : cucu neat, seo cucu) living, alive. -eeht/. live stock, cattle. -beam m. aspen. -beam-rind/, aspen-bark. -fyr 71. sulphur. -hrerende moving alive, living. -lice av. in a living manner, vigorously. -lifigendef living, alive. -seolfor ;/. mercury. -susl ;/../. hell-torment. -siislen of hell. -treow n. aspen, white poplar. cwic ian, c(w)ueian iiitr. come to life, revive || tr. bring to life. gc-ung/ coming to life again. cwice_/] couch-grass. cw^idd ian, cwy- speak ijua., iv. be. -ungy". saying, report. cwide ni. what is said, expression, statement ; proverb, saying ; pro- posal ; judgement, verdict ; decree, enactment ; discourse, essay, ser- mon ; will, testament [cwepan]. -boc, cwid-y. book of proverbs. -gieddf n. song. -leas speechless ; intestate. cwidele, yf. inflamed swelling, boil, cwidu = eudu. cwield fiH)!. destruction ; death ; pestilence [cwelan]. -bffire destructive, deadly ; pesti- lential. -beerlice av. pestiferously. -eflod w. deluge. -eht diseased (body), -full destructive. -roft destructive, savage ((j/wolves). -seten/". beginning of night. -tidy, evening. ew^igld - rede *, cwyldhrepe, cwseldsersede/". bat (animal). cwiglmian*. y inti: suffer (tor- ment). cwielman kill, torment, oppress [cwealm]. cwi:^LMi]srG CYWEDOM CYPEREN cwiflmjing/ affliction, cross. ~nes, ea /] torment. cwiesan*, y tr. bruise, dash against, squeeze. C'wiferliee av. zealously. cwinod wasted (with love). cwijjan lament tr. and Uitr. -nesy". lamentation. -ungy. complaint. ewipa, cwi^ w. womb. c^vom prt. (T/eunian. ewiic - cwic. cw^udu ^ cudu. cycen, i ;/. chicken. cy(,e), see cu. eyceney^ kitchen [Z/. coquina]. eycgel (w.) dart. eydde = cyjjde. eyf, ~ef. tub, vessel. cyl^e ny". kiln, oven. cylepenie = celejjonie. .cylle m., cyll(e') /'. leather bottle, flagon, vessel [/./'. culeus]. cyl u, ~ew speckled Gl. cym- = cum-. cyme m.^ pi. cyme, -as coming, advent. cymje |-, yf, -lief beautiful, splen- did. ~lice av. beautifully. cymed ;?. wall-germander (a plant). eymen m. cummin [Z/. cumi- num]. cyncey". artichoke. gecynd, cynd fit. kind, species ; nature, quality, manner ; gender ; origin, generation ; offspring ; genitals. ~b6cy; Genesis. ~lim. n. womb ; in J)l. genitals. gecynde, cynde, (ge)cyiidlic innate, natural, suitable. ~elice av. naturally. f. nation. eyne- royal ; /;/ Z. sometimes made into cyniug-. ~beald*, cyningb-t nobly brave, noble. ~bearnt «. royal child. ~boren of royal birth. ~boty; king's compensation. -botl n. palace. ~eynn n. royal line, royal family. cyne domi, cyning- m. royal power, kingdom, empire. ~gield n. king's compensation. ~gi§rd, e(a)/ sceptre. ~gigrela, cynjngg- m. royal robe. ~gOd.t excellent, noble. ~goldt n. crown. -had ;//. royal dignity. -hara m. royal manor. ~helm. »!. crown, diadem. ~helmian crown. -hlaford /n. sovereign, liege lord. -lie royal \ suitable = cynnlic. -lice av. royally. -licnes /. kingliness, kingly bear- ing. -rice ;/. royal authority, kingdom. -riht';/; royal prerogative. -rof ^ noble, illustrious. -scipe >/i. royalty. -setl n. throne ; capital. -stol m. throne; capital. -Street y: high road. -prymmf m. royal host ; majesty. -waden*, -pen of royal purple. -gewffidu jipl. royal robes. -wierjje very worthy or excellent. -wisey. kingdom, state. -wijjfiey. diadem. -wordf n. fitting word. C/. -lie. cyng = cyning. cyning, -ig, cyneg-, cyng, i /n. king, -es feorniy. obligation to entertain the king. ~es tvin m. royal residence. ~es w^yrt marjoram. cyning- Z. = cyne-. -feorm = -es feorm. -gereord ;;. royal banquet. cyninge oin-ef. queen. cyn|n I. «. kind, species, variety; race, progeny ; sex, (grammatical) gender. II. aj. proper, suitable. -lie, cynelic proper, suitable ; reasonable, right. -lice av. suitably. ~v^c[G lenes /. genealogy. cynnan = cgnnan. cynren, -yn n. kind, species ; family, kin, generation ; progeny [cynn, ryne]. cynsian once be eager or agitated i^iy the mind). cypera m. spawning salmon. eyp(e)ren of copper [coper]. cypresse/. cypress [Z^.]. cypsan = cyspan. eyre m. choice, free-will [ceosan]. -af) in. select oath. -lif ;/. choice of (way of) lift-. cyreny: chum. cyrnan chum. cyrf (w.) cutting [ceorfan]. cyrfel (w.) peg. cyrfette, -sette/, -set gourd \_Lt. cucurbita]. cyrfille = cerfille. cyrnel mn. kernel, seed, pip ; pim- ple, hard swelling [corn]. cyrs- = cires- cherry. cyrstel- = cristel-. cyrtel m. coat, cloak. cyrten beautiful, elegant ; smart, intelligent \_Lt. cohors]. -Isecan make elegant. (ge)~lice av. elegantly, neatly, per- fectly, well. ~nesy^ elegance. cyspan, cypsan fetter [cosp]. cyssan kiss [coss]. cysty. choice; what is choicest of its kind, the best, ideal 7c'g. ; good- ness, excellence ; virtue ; munifi- cence [ceosan] . -ig liberal, bountiful; morally good. -igriesy bounty ; goodness. -leas reprobate. -lie mimificent. -(e)liee av. bountifully. cystan spend vL. cyt-w^r in. weir for catcliing fish. cyta m. kite, l>ittern. eyte, e f. cottage, cli amber, cell _[cot]. cyp|an prt. eypde, Z. cydde 7vda. make known, announce, proclaim, reveal ; testify (with oath) ; prove ; perform (miracle) [cuj)]. -ere m. witness ; martyr. (ge)-nes f. testimony ; (Old and New) Testament. gecypig knowing IN. cycling m. relation IN. gecyppy native country. eyJj]j(o) y knowledge ; acquaint- ance ; relationship ; friendship ; native country. [39] D. DA day. doe. dsedy". action ; deed, exjDloit ; event. -bana m. perpetrator of homicide, murderer. ~beta m. penitent. ~betan make amends, give satis- faction, be penitent. -betnis, of. penitence. ~b6t f. making amends, penance, repentance. ~cenet bold in deeds. ~frarat strenuous. ~fruraat m. performer of exploits, hero; worker, toiler; perpetrator of crime). -hataf m. active hater, persecutor. -hwaetf prompt in deeds. ~leaiit 71. recompense. -lie active (verb). -roff valiant. -scuaf m.for deaj?- (?). -weorcf n great deed, work. daede = dyde. gedaeftan, dasftan make smooth ; put in order, arrange. gedaeft e gentle, meek [gedafen]. ~ie lice av. seasonably, fitly. daeg ;«., ^/. dag' en a day — ~es, ~on ~e by day. (to anes ~es in a single day. J)y ~e, py ~es, on Jjam ~e on that day. Sice ~e every day. to ~ to-day | life, life- time — on his ~e. ofer minne ~, sefter minum ~e. his ~ av. during his life. | the Kunic letter d. I ~es eage n. daisy. ~candel(l)t/ sun. ~faBSten n. a day's fast. -feorm/. a day's provisions. -hluttref av. with the clearness of day. ~hwain av. daily. -hwamlic, -o- daily. - liTvamlice av. daily. -hwilf /. period of a day ; //. period of life. -langt lasting one day. -langes av. during one day. D^GLIC lie daily. -mabl n. time-piece, dial. -meel-seeawere m. horoscope (!). -mete w. daily food. daeg-red ;/. dawn. -lie of the dawn. -sang 1)1 matins. -womat m. dawn. daeg rimt //■ number of days. -rim a m. dawn. -sang m. daily service. ~scieldt 171. screen by day. -steorra 771. day-star. -tidy, day-time tidum by day ; , time. -tima 771. day-time, day. -waBCcey. day-watch. -weard /n. day- watch man. ~(e)weorct 7t. day's work ; day- time. -weorpung/i commemoration. -wine a day's pay. -wisty. a day's food. -womaf 7)1. dawn. daegey bread-maker [dag]. daegperlie daily : on pisum -an daege on this very day [daeg]. daegpern I. y a day's space. II. daily. dasl 71. valley ; gulf, abyss. Cp. dell. dffll 771. part, quarter (of globe), fraction ; portion, share ; part of speech, word | quantity — god -, micel- much, -wintra many years. be Snigum ~e at all. sume ~e, be sumum ~e to some extent, partly, cypan be -e make one-sided statement [gedal]. -leas portionless, deficient. -maelum av. piecemeal. -nimend w. participator vi'g.\ participle in grammar). -nimendnesy participation. -nimungy share-taking, share. -numol* share-taking, participat- ing. -numolnesy participation. daelan divide, share — fhilde ~, [40] GED^LEDLICE fight ; tear, rend (?) ; give away, spend ; ivda. distribute ; get as one's share, get, gain. gedeeledliee av. separately. dffll end 771. divider, distributor. -ere 771. distributor, steward ; giver. daerst e y, IN. dserst, ea leaven ; //. dregs, lees. ~ig, drsestig dreggy. ge~an leaven. gedafen I. suitable, fitting ; II. w. due, right, what is fitting. gedafn ian, dafnian, -dafen-, ae 'od., gen. J77ipe7-s. be fitting or be- comirjg. -igendlie suitable, proper. -igendliee av. suitably. -lie, -daflic fitting, proper, right. -lice av. fitly, rightly. -licnesy fitness, propriety; oppor- tunity. dag {771.) dough; mass of metal. dag ian dawn, become day ; be day [daeg]. "• -iingy dawn, daybreak. gedal tt. separation, division, dis- tribution — lices ~ death [dsel]. -land, -deel- 71. common land. dale, o ;;/. brooch, bracelet. dalmatiee f. dalmatic (vestment) [Z/.]. darian 07ic-e lurk, be hidden. - daropf , ea, -ep 171. javelin. -haebbende javelin-bearing. -laeende javelin-brandishing. -sceaft 771. javelin-shaft. dai'U y hurt (physical); damage; harm, injury [dfrian]. datarum /«. iiidecl. date — on pam ~ idus Aprilis [Z/.]. deacon = diacon. dead dead | congealed (blood) ; sluggish (stream) | torpid, dull (life). -baere, deap-, -bse rlic, -berende deadly. -baernesy mortality. -boren dead-bon.. DEAD-HR^GL DEAp-REAF DEMA dead|hrdegl n. shroud. -lie, deaplic subject to death, mortal (man) ; deadly, sanguinary (victory^. -lice az^. deadly. ~lienes f. being subject to death, mortality ; mortal frailty. ~spryng m. ulcer, carbuncle. -wi^Ue barren. deaf deaf ; ~ corn empty ear of corn. deafo/". deafness. deag/. dye ; colour (of cloth). -ian. dye. ~\ing/ dyeing ; colour (of cloth). ~wyrniede deaw- gouty. deaggede = *dea'w-wyrmede gouty. deagol = diegle. deah, //. dugoii, /;-/. dohte vb. avail, be of use, be good : ne dohte Lit there was no goodness ;in the country); ivdg. Le equiv- alent to, alile to procure | be vigorous : hriper dugunde j be (a) worthy (man), be virtuous, be liberal. deallf proud (of), exulting in), resplendent (with) wi. dearej) = darqj>. dearf bold IN'. dearnunga, dy-, -inga av. secret- ly, privately, clandestinely. dearr vh., shj. dyrre, u, //. dur- rou, /;■/. dorste dare, venture. dearste -^ dserste. deap ;;/., once f. death. -bsfere = dead-. -beacnigende boding death. ~bearQi- m. tree of death. -b^ddf ;/. grave. -berendet deadly, fatal. ~cwalut f. deadly pain ; deadly destruction, fatal infliction. ~ewealrat ni. slaughter. -cwiflman kill. -daegt III. day of death. -gedalf H. separation of body and soul in death. -dsnutT^- valley of death. -dfgpef m. death-stroke. ~fffiget fated to die. -godas mpl. manes. ~lie = deadlic. ~liegt III. deadly flame. -maegent «• death-bringing troop. -rgesf III. sudden death. deap|reaf «. spoils Gl. ~rgcedt n. sepulchre. ~reo'wt deadly cruel, savage. -scua, scufa. ni. shadow of death ; deadly phantom. ~scyld/. capital crime, deadly sin. ~scyldig guilty of a capital crime. -Sflef in. hall of death. -slfgef ;//. death-blow, deadly stroke. ~speret m. deadly spear. ~stedet m. death-place. -pegnunga, -pen- fpl. funeral service, funeral. -wsbgef n. deadly cup. ~wangt in. plain of death, -werigt dead. ~'wict n. death-dwelling. ~v.'yrday5^/. fates Gl. gedeapian kill IN. deaw inn. dew. -dreos*, iaf fall of dew. ~ig dewy. ~ig-fepert, -a dewy-winged. deaw-wyrni in. ring-worm. ~ede*, deagw-, deaggede gouty. decan, e smear, plaster. declinjian* decline (in grammar) -igendlic declinable. ~ungy. declension. gedef'le, oe I. fitting, seemly ; gentle, meek. II. av. fittingly [gedafen]. ~ e)lic, deflic fitting. ~lice av. fitly, becomingly.' ~nesy] gentleness. degolfuU [e = ea or ie]t once mysterious. dehter d. (j/'dohtor. gedelf n. digging ; trench. delfl an 3 dig, burrow. ~ere m. digger. ~ing/ digging. -isen n. spade. delfin m. dolphin \_Lt. delphinus]. dfll («.) valley (?) Ct. Perhaps 'weak {wiaccctited) form of dsel. Cp. pull weak form of pol. deluy". nipple (of breast). dem an, oe judge, decree, assign gvn. 70. d. of person : eow bip ge~ed, ~ unryht ; wda. ~ him selfum wite | condemn iv. a. and to : ~ hine to deaps | consider, estimate ; glorify, praise. ~endf , ~ere m. judge. [41] dema, 08 ;//. judge [dom]. dfmm in. damage, injury, loss, misfortune. geden = gedon. Dfn|e //., g. -igea, ~a Danes, Scandinavians. ~a lagu Danish law ; district under Danish law, East-Anglia,&c. ~a-mearc,~em- f. Denmark. ~ise Danish. dfnjn n. den. -bjfere n. swine-pasture. d§n u/. valley. -eland n. valley Gl. deofol, -el n. devil, demon [Z^. diabolus]. -craeft m. art of the' devil ; witch- craft. -eund like the devil, diabolical. -dsedfy; diabolical deed. -gield n. idol ; idolatry. -gielda m. idolater. ~gield-hus n. heathen temple. -lie, deoflic devilish, of the devil. -scin n. diabolical phantom. -seoc possessed with a devil. -seocnesy! demoniacal possession, -witgaf m. wizard. deogol = diegle. deop I. deep ; profound (learning, mystery), awful, terrible, exces- sive, great (crime), high t price). II. n. deep place, depth, abyss. -e av. deep (wounded), deeply (consider', thoroughly, seriously. -hycgendel", -hygdigf, -hjd- deeply meditating, thoughtful. -lie profound, thorough. -lice av. profoundly. -nes/". deepness ; deep place, depth, abyss, gulf; mystery. ~pancol thoughtful. deor n. (wildj animal ; deer, rein- deer. -cynn n. species of animal. -en of a wild animal. -fald m. deer-park. -fellen made of hides. -frip m. preservation of deer. -]i§ge m. deer-fence, park-fence. -ngtt ;/. hunting-net. ~tun m. park. deorf brave, bold ; severe, full of hardship ; fierce. -lie brave deed). -mod brave. deoran = dieran. DEORC DIEGIiIAN DINGE deorc, y dark ; obscure ; gloomy, sad ; terrible ; evil, wicked ; un- intelligent, ignorant (mind). ~e av. darkly, sadly. -egrsfeg dark grey. -full dark. ~lice av. gloomily. ~nes/. darkness. ~ung/. twilight. deor|e = diere beloved. -boren of noble birth. ~lice av. preciously. ~ling = dierling. deor-wierj) e, -weorjj, -wurp, dier- valuable, precious. -lice av. dearly : ~ healdan. -nesy; precious thing, treasure. gedeorf, deorf ;/. labour, effort ; hardship. ~leas fruitless (?) Gl. ~nes/. tribulation. -sura vL. grievous. (ge)deorfan 3 labour | perish. depp (ett) an = dy- . dfrlian ivd. injure, hurt, annoy [daru]. -igendlic hurtful, noxious. ~ung/. injuring. Dere //. inhabitants of Deira. derodin, dy- (w.) scarlet dye \_Lt. teredinem]. dep, see don. diaeon, ea, eo ;;/. deacon \^Lt. dia- conus]. -had m. deaconship. ~rocc Hi. dalmatic. -pegnung, -pen-/ ministration of a deacon, deaconship. die, i 7)1. wall of earth, embank- ment, rampart, stone wall | 7nf. ditch, moat. ~seeard 71. gap in stone wall. dieiian dig, make embankment. ~ere m. digger. ~ung/. digging a ditch, diedan put to death [dead]. dief an*, y dip [dufan]. ~ing/! immersion. gediegan carry out with safety, survive (danger, illness), ahs. feore ~ [deah]. diegellice, -slice, -0I-, ea, eo av. secretly. ~nes f. secrecy ; secret, mystery ; privacy. diegl|e, dihle, deagol, deogol, dygel, dygol, i, A. degol I. secret, hidden ; mysterious, pro- found ; doubtful, unknown. II. n secret, mystery; secret place, grave, on -e, on ~uin in secret. III. av. secretly, stealthily. diegl(i)an hide. diepan*, e, y ir. dip, baptize ; (deepen), increase (oath) [deop]. diepe, diep(o) /. depth ; the deep, sea ; deep place (in river) ; abyss, gulf [deop]. dieran, eo esteem, praise, extol. dier I e, deore I. beloved ; precious, costly; respected, glorious, noble. II. av. at great cost. See deore. ~ling, eo in. favourite. dif rfan*, y injure [deorfan]. difrnan conceal ; keep secret ; 7-fl. conceal one's identity. difrn|e hidden, secret — ~ ge- ligre adultery ; deceitful, wicked [dearnunga]. -hffimend m. fornicator. -licgan fornicate. -geliger /., -geligerseipe m. adultery. ~gewrit n. apocryphal book. diersian*, y glorify, praise [diere]. diht 11. direction, command ; ar- ranging, ordering ; administra- tion, office, action, conduct ; pur- pose, intention. -faestendaeg w. appointed fast. diht^an, diht(njian compose, write II u'd. direct, command ; arrange [Z/. dictare]. ~ere, dihtnere in. informant, ex- positor. ~ung/. ordering. gedilit n. composition, literary work. dile, y m. dill. dil(e gian, y erase (writing) ; destroy, blot out. dilignes/ destruction. dimjm dark; imknown, obscure (disease) ; wicked (deed). ~lliw of dark colour. ~hof n. hiding-place. n. prison. -lie dark ; secret. ~nes f. darkness ; mist ; dimness (of eye-sight). ~seua m. darkness (of mind). diner-, dign- w. a coin, piece of money {_Lt. denarius]. ding = dyng, d. ^dung. [42] dingef, dinne (m.) (?). dirige /. dirge, * vigilia ' Gl. [Z/. dirige !]. disc ni. dish, plate, bowl [Z/. dis- cus]. -berend, -pegn, -pen m. dish- bearer, waiter, seneschal. discipul m. disciple, pupil \_Lt. discipulus]. -had ni. pupilage. disme (?)/ tansy (a plant). distsef (w.) distaff. don ; doan, ic dom A. ; (he) dep, oe ; /;■/. dyde, e, aef ; ptc. ge- don, geden, oe vb. do, perform, act : ~ yfel ; ~ swa ; ~ selmessan ; gif he elles dep ; sippan pis ge~ wses when this had happened ; hweet do ie ? what shall I do ? or what will become of me ? | ivda. do good or evil to . . j iv. 7-Jl. d. : dyde ic me to gamene ganetes hleopor I made the gull's song a solace to me | ne dep he nan ping to gode will do no good (to himself . do, act, make ; cause ; put, &c. : he gedyde pset nan cyning ser gedon ne dorste. he hie to hiersumnesse gedyde reduced to subjection, he ge- dyde dumbum menn sprSce. he gedyde Crecas on his ge- weald conquered 1 7u.avs. : ~ forp manifest, -iip exhume || encamp, DOCCE DOM-D^G ^ DREAMERE halt w. set, on ; cast anchor (in- nan Saeferne-mupan . docce f. dock (a plant). seo fealwe - . seo reade ~ . seo scearpe ~ sorrel. ~ seo Jje swim- man -wile water-lily. d.5ere w. doer, agent. gedof ;/. fury, madness. dof ian rage. (geVung/^ frenzy, madness. dogian (• on(e\ endure. dogga*, eg m. dog. dogori^t), d... i. ~, dog(o)re ??. day — uferan ~e at some future time [dseg]. ~rira, ~gerini n. number of days, term of life. dohte, /;-/. of deah. dohtig Z. ;,nian of worth ; doughty, vigorous; good .man' , respectable \Jroni dyhtig by injl. (^/dohte]. dohtor, d. dohtor, dehter, oe f. daughter. dohx ^ dose dark. dol I. foolish, presumptuous ; dull- witted, stupid. II. n. folly, conceit. ~gielp ;/. foolish pride, brag. -lie foolish ; rash. ~lice av. foolishly ; rashly. -scapaf 1)1. rash depredator. ~scipe 111. folly. -spraec/! foolish speech, loquacity. -willenf I. rash. II. n. rashness. -witef ;;. Or tzvo words (?). dole ^ dale. dolg ;/. wound, scar. -bennf/. wound. ~b6ty". compensation for wound. ^drenc m. wound- potion. ~ian wound. -rune/ pellitory. -sealf f. wound-salve, poultice, wound. -siege t 111. wound, stroke. -swapu/. scar. -wundt wounded. dom III. (free) will, option, choice : bead him hira agenne ~ fees ; opinion : judgement, judicial sen- tence, decree, law, court of law, meeting | authority, power, domi- nion ; magnificence; reputation, glory I interpretation (of dream) II ~es d«g m. day of judgement, doomsday. ~^QQf. law-book, code. donijdaeg m. doomsday, last day. -eadigf glorious. -em n. judgement-hall, law-court. -faestf just ; glorious. -faestnes/. justice. -geornf ambitious, uoble, right- eous. ~hus n. tribunal, law-court. -hwaetf ambitious. -ise of the day of judgement. -least inglorious ; powerless. -lie judicial, canonical ; glorious. -licet az'. judicially; gloriously. -setl n. judgement-seat, tribunal. -sgttend m. lawyer, judge. -St5w_/. tribunal. -weorjjungy; glory, honour. domlian glorify. -ere (?j m. judge = demere. domne lord \JJ. domiuus]. dop|§ned /., -fugol w. water- fowl. doppettan dive, plunge (n. bridesman Gl. ~fole n. multitude ; nation. ~guma m. retainer ; warrior ; man. ~leo}) n. noble song, hymn. ~lic lordly, noble ; of the Lord. ~liee av. in a lordly, divine, noble manner. ~maj>ni m. noble treasure. ~ne 7n. dead body of a warrior. ~scipe 7n. sovereignty, power ; nobility, courage, virtue. ~Sfle 771. princely hall. -sibb/. peace, alliance, -gesip m. retainer, warrior. ~gestreon n. noble treasure. ~wer in. man. ~"weorp divine. -"wnniende living among the people. gedryhtf / troop, body of re- tainers. -a 7)1. fellow-soldier Gl. dryhten 771. lord, prince ; the Lord (God or Christ). dryhten- L.for dryht-. -beag m. money paid to the king for killing a freeman, -bealof n. great evil, extreme misery. ~d6ni 7n. glory, majesty. -hold loyal. -lie of the Lord, -lice av. according to the Lord. -weard m. king. drync, drine m. drinking ; drink, potion [drincan]. - e'faet n. cup. -elean n. tributar}' drink (?) LL. -werig overcome with drink. drync an 07ice give to drink tr. ge-nesy. immersion, baptism. drype = dr§pe. dryre ni. falling, fall; cessation, loss [dreosan]. dryslic terrible. drysmianf become gloomy. drysn|an extinguish IN^. [drosn]. -ian vanish. dubbian Z. dub, knight, dtice/ duck. dtifan 7 intr. dive ; sink, be druwned. dufe-doppa 771. pelican (!). dugon //. of deah. dugup, -opy. those of mature age coll. opposed to geogup the DUGUp-EALDOR DW^SIAlSr DWOLMA young) ; body of retainers, re- tainers coll., nobility coll., flower (of a nation) | army, host; multi- tude, nation, people ; //. men, mankind | power, rule, majesty, glory ] excellence, virtue ; good thing, benefit, happiness ; deco- rum, etiquette [deah]. dugupjealdor iit. president. ~giefuy; gift, donation. -lice av. with authority. dulmun vi. warship \_Lt. dro- munda, dromo]. dumb dumb, silent. dun/, locative -dyne (?) Ct., hill, mountain ; down. See ofdune. -aelf, ~elfeny. mountain fairy. -land n. hilly country. -Ifndisc hilly. -lie belonging to mountains. -saete//. (Welsh) mountaineers. -scrsef «. mountain cave. dune = ofdune down. dung*/, d. dyng*, if once prison. dung/ dung, manure. dunn dun, dark brown. ~falo tawny. -grffig dusky. ~ian /;-. objcure (light of stars). dvireras mpl. folding doors. durron// (p/"dearr. dur'u, g. -a/ door. ' ~(u'stod, -stodl n. door-post. ~upegn 1)1. door-keeper. ~uj)ignen, ~ej)inen/ door-keeper. -uweard, ~e- w. door-keeper. dust ;;. dust. -drene w. drink made of pounded seeds. -seeawung / contemplation of dust. du])-. -hamor, dyjj- ni. papyrus. dwgfes, ge~ I. dull, stupid, foolish. II. in. impostor (?).' dwsesjian become stupid. ~liee av. foolishly. -nes/. stupidity. dwsescan extinguish (fire, crime, enmity). dwral-=dwol-. dwealde prt. of dw§llan. dwf lian tr. lead astray ; lead into error, wrong-doing ; deceive ; pre- vent, thwart, afflict |i intr. lose the right direction, go astray; wander (^'the planets;. dw§llan,/r/. dwealde lead astray, deceive — ptc. gedweald man heietic. dweorg m. dwarf. -edwos tie / pennyroyal (a plant . gedwi§ld, dwild ;/. error, heresy [dwgUan]. -aefterfolgung/ heresy. ~lic deceptive. gedwimor n. spectre ; illusion, delusion. ~lie illusive. ~lice av. illusively, without reality. dwinan 6 become smaller, dwindle; waste away, gedw^ol heretical. dwoljian stray; err. ~ungy. insanity. gedwol|a, dwola, dwa- m. error, heresy | deceiver, heretic. ~biscop m. heretical bishop. ~craBft m. illusion, conjuring. ~god 7>i. idol, false god. -lie heretical. -lice av. heretically. -mann w. heretic. -mist ;//. mist of error. -spr^e/. heretical talk. -sum eiToneous. -Jjing n. imposture, idol. gedwolen perverse, wrong. dw^olma w. chaos. dydeprl. of don. dyd(e rjian delude. ~ung/ illusion, phantasmagoria; delusion, deceit. dydrin once yolk (of egg). dyge, duge sdj. of deeih. dyhtig strong. Cp. dohtig [deah]. dylstja m. matter, pus. -iht festering, mucbus. djmle m., ge~ noise, loud sound. ~ian resound — gif earan -ien if there is a singing in the ears. -dyne, see dun. dyng an* manure [dung]. ~ung*, dingiung/ manuring. dynge*, i, e fallow land [dung]. dynige once, /. a plant [diin]. djmt m. stroke, blow ; bruise. dyple double [Ll. duplex], dyppjan, e dip : baptize. -ettan*, v£. e dip ; baptize. gedyre «. door-post [duru]. dyrodin = derodin. dyrre, see dearr. gedyrstf once tribulation (?). (ge)dyrstig bold, daring, reckless [dearr]. -ian dare, presume. -lice, -dyrstel- boldly. ~nes/ boldness. dyrstlaecan dare, presume. dysi(g) I. foolish, irrational. II. n.. folly. -dom m. folly, ignorance. -lie*, dys(e)lic foolish. -lice*, dys- av. foolishly. -nes/ folly, blasphemy. dys(i)giian, dysian be foolish, act foolishly, blaspheme. ~ung/ foolishness. dystig dusty [diist]. dyttan shut (ears', stop (mouth). dyp-hamor = dup-. [45] E EADIGLICE EAHTA-WINTRE e, see ea. ea, g. ea(s), ie, ef. river ; stream. -eerse/ water-cress. ~doccey; water-dock. ~fise i?i. river-fish. ~ladyi watery way, ocean, ~land n. island = ieg-land. -lifer/ a plant). ~lij)endt m. sailor. ~ofer ;;/. river-bank. -rise/, bulrush. ~ri]? m. stream. -spring m. spring = gfespring. ~stsep n. shore, bank. -stream m. stream, water. -■wyrt/ burdock. eac prp. wd. in addition to, besides, and pen av. also. eac av. also, and . . ~, ge . . ~ and . . also. ~ swelce (swelee . . -), -swa,~swa same also, -hweepre (h.w8epre ~) nevertheless. eacian increase ititr. eaea m. increase, addition — to -an pi-p. wd. besides; interest (on money lent), usury. eacen {ptc.) increased, enlarged ; endowed ; strengthened, strong, mighty, vast, great ; pregnant. -craeftigt mighty, great. eacnian increase intr. conceive, be pregnant ; be in chiid-birth. (ge'-ungy! conception. eadf n. prosperity, happiness, (eter- nal" bliss, wealth. -fruma ni. author of prosperity. -giefa w. giver of prosperity. -giefu/ gift of prosperity. ~hrej)ig happy, blessed, triumphant. -lufe/ love. ' -mod = ea]5-m5d humble. -nes = eadignes. -wela III. riches ; prosperity, joy. eadenf {ptc) granted. eadig prosperous, rich, happy, blessed, perfect. ~lic prosperous, happy ; abundant (harvest). eadig|lice av. happily. -nes, eadnes /. prosperity, happi- ness. ead(i)gian, -igan count fortunate ; bless. eaforat, a- in. son, child, de- scendant. eafopt n. strength, might. eagje n. eye; eye (of needle\ ~83ppel m. ball of the eye. -gebyrdf/i nature of the eye. -duru/ window. -fleah. in. disease of the eye, albugo. -hring ni. socket of eye. -hyrne*, heahhyrne m. corner of the eye. -sealfy". eye-salve. -seoung/ cataract. -sienje visible, conspicuous es with one's own eyes, visibly. ~J)yrel n. window. -wraec m. pain in the eyes. -wundyi wound in the eye. -wyrt/. eye-bright a plant). eago-spind == heago- cheek. eagor, e («.) flood, tide ; fsea. -hfref m. flood. -streamt in. sea. ealit, A. seht f. council, delibera- tion, consulting— seht besittanf hold council | estimation, esti- mated value. eahtjian watch over ; hold council, deliberate, consider — reed(es) - consult together; discuss, men- tion I estimate (at right value) ; esteem ; criticize ; praise. ge-endlic estimable. -ere in. estimator, valuer. (geVung f. deliberation ; estima- tion, valuation, esteem. eahta eight. -feald eightfold. -hyrnede eight-cornered. -tiene eighteen. -teopa eighteenth. ~tig=htindeahtatig eighty. [46] eahta- wintre eight years old. eahtoJ»a eighth. geeahtle*, sef/. esteem. eal- under eall. eal- occ. = asl-. ea-la, eaw- oh ! alas 1 eald, cpv. ifldra, spl. ifld(e)st old feeder grandfather | spl. chief, eminent. -gecynd n. original nature. -eyj)])(u)/. old country, home. -dagas mpl. days of old. -dom in. (oldj age, antiquity. ~(e)faeder ;;;. grandfather; ancestor, -feond w. old enemy, Satan. -had III. old age. -hfttendef mpl. old foes. -hlaford m. hereditary lord. -lie senile ; venerable. -emoder/. grandmother. -geneatf m. old companion, -nes/ (old) age. -genijjlaf m. old enemy, Satan, ~vge)l"yllt 71. ancient right. -seaxe mpl. Old Saxons. -geSfgenf/ old tradition. -gesipt m. old companion. -spell n. old story ; history. -sprabc/ old tradition, history, -gestreonf n. old treasure. -geweorct n. ancient work {of the earth . -werigt accursed of old. -gewinnf n. ancient war. -gewinnat m. old adversary. -wita m. sage. -writere m. historian. -gewyrhtf n. old desert, former guilt. eald ian grow old. -ung/ ;old) age. ealdor m. chief, prince— hiredes ~ head of a family, paterfamilias; parent, ancestor. -apostol m. chief apostle. -biscop III. chief bishop ; high priest. -botl m. king's residence. EALDOR-BURG EALL-GEARO EARC ealdor|burgt /. capital, metro- polis. ~derQat w. chief judge, prince. -dom in. right of primogeniture, eldership ; authority, dignity, rule. ~dom-seipe w. office of duke. -dugupt/ chief nobility. -freat i>i. chief lord. ~lic princely, chief, magnificent. ~lice av. excellently. -licnes/. authority. -inann /n. duke, magistrate, chief. ~nes= -licnes. -sacerd in. chief priest. ~scipe in. authority. -stolf m. seat of authority. -pegnf m. chief officer. ~wisat w. chief. ealdorf n. life, vitals ; eternity — ysefre^ on ealdre ever, w. ne never, to ealdre, a('wa) to ealdre, sefre to ealdre for ever. -bana ;«. life-destroyer. ~bealo II . injury to life, terrible evil. -caru/". life-care, great sorrow. -dagas iiij^l. life-days. -gedal II. separation from life, death. -geard m. body. -lang lifelong or eternal. ~leas lifeless. ~legu/. fate ; death. ~rY^v\\f. preservation of life, salva- tion. ' -gesceafty. condition of life. -gewiniia m. mortal adversary. ealdop*, vE. aldot, aldaht trough, vessel Gl. ealfara once m. camel. ealgian defend. eallif m. temple. ~st§de in. temple. eall I. all. ealne weg, ealneg av. always. II. av. entirely. III. Jt. everything, all. ofer ~ every- where : mid ~e entirely. ~es of all 7f. spv. (~es swipost) ; entirely, quite, much : ~es 'to gelome. ~ra of all w. spv. : ~ra msest. ~beorhtt all-bright. ~biernende burning all over. ~craBftig all-powerful. ~fela very much. ~felot, sel-fsele dire (poison). ~geador av. all together. ealljgearot quite ready. -god perfectly good. -grenet all-green. -gyldenf all of gold. -haligt all-holy. -hwit all-white. ~iren all of iron. -isig all-icy, very cold. ~geleaflie believed by all, catholic. eall§neten in. season of I^ent. eallic catholic. eallimaegent n. all one's power, utmost effort. ~msest av. nearly all, almost. -mihtig = ael- almighty. ~naeod quite naked. ~niwe quite new. ~offrung/; holocaust. ~ruh quite rough or hairy, -sealf/. a plant. -seolcen quite of silk. -telat (I'v. quite well. -wealdaf, ~'wrealdend in. omni- potent one. ~wealdende omnipotent. ~wihtat_/^/. all creatures. ~wvindort n. very wonderful thing (T). ealling - ealneg. eal;ljneg, ealnig, ealne weg, ealnuweg, -ning av. always [ealne r.^^]. ealvl)-swa, eall . . swa quite so, in the same way, likewise ; as. eallunga, -inga av. entirely. ealo n. ale. -bfnef/. ale-bench. ~faet n. ale-vat. ~gafol n. ale-tax. ~galt excited with ale. ~hus ;;. ale-house. ~m.ealt n. ale-malt. ~scop m. minstrel. "-■wefegef n. ale-cup. ~geweorc n. making ale, brewing. -wosaf nt. drunkard. ealop It. ale [ealu]. eam. = eom. am. eara. in. (maternal) uncle. geean yeaning (sheep). eanian bring forth (lamb). ear, IN. sehher n. ear (of corn). ear (/«.)t sea. -gebland n. surge. -grund in. dejiths of the sea. ear m. f earth ; the Kunic letter ea. [47] earc / ; arc in. L. (Noah's) ark ; chest, box, coffin \_Lt. area]. eard m. native country, home, dwelling-place, native soil (of plants) ; place ; earth. -begfnga in. inhabitant. ~beg|ngnes /. dwelling, habita- tion. ~cyJjJ),o)yi old acquaintance. -faest settled, dwelling. -geardf m. dwelling-place ; world. -giefuf f. gift from one's native country. -haebbendt m. dweller. ~landt, ~ricet n. native country. -lufet/ (?). ~stapat III. wanderer. -stfdef in. dwelling-place. -weall in. cliff. -wict n. dwelling-place. -wrgeea ni. exile. ~wunving /. dwelling in one's native country. eard ian dwell || tr, settle, occupy (country). ~igend m. dweller. -igendlic habitable. eardung, -ing/. dwelling ; taber- nacle. -burg/, city of tabernacles. -hus n. dwelling. -stowy. dwelling-place. ear e n. ear. -elSnsend in. ' ear-cleaner,' little finger. ~cofiuy. ear-disease. -efinger m. ' ear-finger,' little finger. ~hring in. earring. ~laeppa in. lobe of the ear. ~(ejlippric /A", n. lobe of the ear. ~plaBtt w. box on the ear. -plaettan box one's ear. -preon in. earring. ~scripel, y in. little finger. ~sealfy ear-salve. ~spinl/. earring. -gesp(r)eca m. whisperer. -waere w. ear-ache. -wicga ni. earwig. earede having ears ((/vessel). earendel, eo- in. ray of light, dawn. earfan //. tares. earfop, earfepe I. full of hard- ship, grievous, troublesome, diffi- EARFOp-CI^RRE EARM-HEORT EAST-WEG cult. II. n. hardship, suffering, trouble, difficulty. earfopjcigrre difftcult of conver- sion (to Christianity). ~ey"nn ;/. perverse generation. ~d£fede difficult. -daegt w. day of tribulation, ~e av. with difficulty. ~fere difficult to pass. -fynde hard to find. ~hawe difficult to be seen. ~hielde*, -y perverse. -hwilr/ hard time. -Iffire difficult to be taught. ~l^te difficult to be discharged ((?/" urine). ~lic full of hardship, difficult. ~lice av. with difficulty, hardly ; painfully, sorely. ~licneSj/; difficulty (of urine). ^m^cgt, -ae /n. unhappy man. ~nes f. hardship, trouble ; bodily trouble or disturbance (of women) ; misfortune ; difficulty. -recce difficult to be told. ~rinie difficult to be counted ; diffi- cult to be enumerated, innumer- able. ~ssfeligt unblessed, unfortunate. -sipt 111. toilsome journey ; misfor- tune. -t^cne difficult to be shown. -pi'agt/. time of trouble. earfojjian trouble. earg inert ; cowardly ; bad, de- praved. ~e av. badly. ~ian be slothful o?- remiss ; lose heart, be cowardly. -lie slothful ; bad. -lice av. timidly; basely, treacher- ously. -scipe VI. sloth, cowardice. earhf, earg-, serig- /. arrow not IV. -faruy! flight of arrows. earm m. arm ; arm (of the sea). ~beag !)i. bracelet. ~gegi§rela m. bracelet. -hreadf/; arm-omament. -scanca m. arm-bone. -sliefey. sleeve. -Strang, -sv^rip strong in the arm. earm wretched, miserable, despic- able, poor. -cearigt careworn. -e av. wretchedly, badly. earra|heort merciful ; humble. -ian commiserate wd., vL. ; him -ode "psst he was sorry because of it. -ing = ierming wretch. -lie wretched, miserable. -lice av. miserably, cruelly. -sceapenf wretched, miserable, earmelle/. sleeve. earn m. eagle. -eynn n. eagle-kind. -geat, -geap w. vulture. earnjian 'cu.g., rarely a. deserve, merit, earn. ge;~ung, -ing/. merit. earning-land n. land earned or made freehold. ear on are )iot IV. earp dusky, dark. ears m. pode.x. -endu npl. buttocks. -ling — on - av. back(wards). -lira*, -e m. buttocks. -ode tergosus. -Jjyrel «. anus. eart (thou) art. earjj = if r j). earp = eart. earwunga, a- IN. av. gratis; without cause. east I. av. east, eastwards, in the east. II. aj. , only in cpv. ~(er)ra eastern, spl. ~(e)mest in the ex- treme east. -centingas ;;///. people of East Kent. -dffll m. eastern quarter, the East. -fnde ;//. eastern extremity, east quarter. -fngle //. East-Anglians, East- Anglia. -francan //. East-Franks. -healf/. east side. -land n. the East. -lang av. along the east side, east : se ■wndu is - . . mila lang. -gemsbre n. east boundarj'. -norj) av. north-east. -norp-wind tn. north-east wind. -rice n. eastern kingdom, the East. -rodor m. east part of sky. -ryhte av. due east, -sae/ east sea. -seaxe mpl. East-Saxons, Essex. -sii|) av. south-east. -siiplang av. from east to south. ~(e)weard east(ward). [48] east-weg m. eastern way, the East. eastan, -e av. from the east ; in the east, be ~ prp. wd. east of. wip - av. on the east side. -norpan av. from the north- east. -sUpan av. from the south-east. -siipan-wind m. south-east wind. -wind m. east wind. easte/. the East. Easter ;^fen(n) m. Easter-eve [Eastron]. -daeg m. Easter Sunday — 6per~ Easter Monday ; day of the Pass- over. -faesten n. Easter-fast -feorm/ Easter-feast. -lie paschal. -monap m. April. -niht/. Easter-eve. -tid/! Easter-time. -pegnxing, -pen-/. Easter-service, paschal feast, passover. -wuce/. Easter-week easterne eastern (wind, people). Eastr e /., nearly always pi. -on (-an) rarely -o, -a, indecl. except occ. d. -um, g. -ena Easter ; passover. -ian — op fiftene niht beon ge~ ode until fifteen days of Easter _ have elapsed._ Eastron, see Eastre. eap = iep more easily. eap = eape easily. eap-med|an, ead-, gen. ge- hum- ble, humiliate | rjl. condescend ; submit I wd. worship, also rjl. [eap-mod]. ~e humble, gentle. ~o, -metto npl. humility ; kind- ness um humbly ; kindly. eap-mod, ead- humble ; kind. -ian, ge- humble || intr. deign Bd. ~ig, -lie humble ; kind. -lice av. humbly. -nes/ humility. eape aj. =iepe easy. eape, iepe av., cpv. iep, eap, spl. eapost, iepest, iepost az'. easily; willingly. -lie easy ; scanty, insignificant, contemptible. -lice av. easily. eaweseliee av. openly, clearly. eawis-firina - swis-. eawla = eala. EAWUNGA ED-L^CAN EFEN-^pELE eawunga, -winga av. openly, publicly [iewan]. eaxy. axle-tree ; axis. -faru*, sex-/. Gl. eaxly! shoulder. ~cla]? III. shoulder-cloth, scapular. ~(e)gespannt n- place where beams of" cross intersect. ~ijesteallaf vi. comrade. gbb|a III. ebb, low tide. ~ian ebb, go out {of tide). ~ung/. ebbing. Ebr|eas mpl. Jews. ~ e^isc Hebrew, Jewish. §ce m. ache, pain [acan], ee e I. eternal. II. av. eternally. ~elic eternal. -elice av. eternally. ~nes /. eternity — a on ~se for ever. eced, se- nni. vinegar [ZA acetum]. -faet n. vinegar-vessel. -win 71. wine mixed with vine- gar (? . geg/. edge ; fweapon, sword. ~banat m. slayer, murderer. ~heard+ hard of edge, -hetef 711. hostility. ~lastty! edge (of sword). ~plegat "I; ~)5racut/. battle. -waelf 77. slaughter. ecg|an,/r/. §gede harrow. ~u.ngy". harrowing. ed-byrdan regenerate. ed-celnes, -oe- f. becoming cool again. ed-e§nn|an regenerate, -ingy; regeneration. geed-ciegan. recall. ed-ei§rr w. return; return (of disease). ed-ewic regenerate. ~ian, -cucian z'«/;-. revive. ed-freolsian re-grant by charter. ed-geongt growing young again, ed-gield 7i. repayment. edgield an* 3 repay. ~end III. remunerator. ed-gift/ restitution. ed-growung/. re-growing. ed-hiertan refresh, encourage. ed-hiwian refashion. ed-hwyrft w. change, reverse of fortune. eclisc 71. enclosure, park ; pasture, -henn/. quail. -weard w. park-keeper. ed-l£ee,an* do again, repeat. -ling/ repetition. ed-laestan repeat. ed-lean 71. reward, retribution. ge~end 711. requiter. ~ian reward, requite. (ge,~iingy. recompense, requital. ed-lesend|lic reciprocal, relative. ~lice av. relatively. ed-lesung/ relating Gl. ed-ni£fele «. festival Gl. ed-niwje, -neowe, io I. renewed, new an av. anew. II. av. anew. ~ian renew ; restore ; reform. ~igend 7/1. renewer, repairer. ~ung f. renewal ; mending, repara- tion. ~unga, -inga av. anew. ed-recan, eodorcan ruminate \_cp. edroc, ~ian]. ed-roc rumination. ~ian ruminate. ed-seeafty. new creation, regenera- tion. ed-stajjellian (re)establish. ~ig restored, made strong again. (ge)~igend w. restorer. fge)~img_/. restoration. ed-Jjingung/ reconciliation. ed-wgndenf/ change, reverse of fortune ; destruction, end (of the world). ed-wielle 7/1. whirlpool, eddy. ed-wi^lmf 711. whirlpool (of fire). ed-wi|rp|an* recover (from ill- ness). -ingy. recovery (from illness). ed-winde 07iccf. whirlpool. ed-wisty. substance. Cp. aetwist. ~ian feed, support. ~lic substantive (verb). ed-wit 11. reproach, contumely, disgrace. ~full, ~fullie disgraceful. -fullice av. disgracefully. ~lift ;?. life of disgrace. ~scipet 771. disgrace — purh ~ igno- miiiiously. -sprsfeef/ scorn. -spreeaf m. reviler. -stseff 711. reproach, contumely. edwitan - setwitan reproach. efe-lang ^ efen-. efe(n)-laste/. everlasting (a plant). efen, efn ; emn, in co77iposition em(ne)-. The {-fo>'77is are not [49] sti-ict IF. I. level; even (temper), unchanged. II. av. equally. efen|aepele equally noble. -ametan 5 compare. ~behefe equally necessary or use- ful. -beorht equally bright. -biscop III. co-bishop. -blissian rejoicing equally wd. -ceasterwaran //. fellow-citizens. -egmpa w. fellow-soldier. -cristen w. fellow-Christian. -cuman 4 assemble ; agree. -gedffilan share equally. -diere equally dear, equally be- loved. -eadig equally blessed. ~eald of the same age, contem- porary. -eardigende dwelling together w. mid. ~eee co-eternal ivd. -edwistlic of the same substance, consubstanlial wd. ~fsne 771. fellow-servant. ~etan 5 eat as much as wd. -fela equally many, as many. ~ge_feon 5 rejoice together. -god equally good. -heah equally high. -heap 771. fellow-soldier (!). -hgrenes/. praising together. -hgrian praise together. -hleopor 71. vmison. -hlyte*, -ete equal in rank. -hlytta 711. partaker, sharer. ~if rfeweard m. co-heir. ~ie]?e equally easy. -Iffican imitate wd. -laecend, -leeeere in. imitator. (ge)~l8ecestre/. imitator. ;ge)~lgeeung/ imitation. -lang, efelaug of equal length. -lange*, emn- prp. wd. along. -leof equally pleasant w. d. of per- son. -lie, ge- equal wd. ; of the same age or period. -gelic equal. -(ge)lica 711. equal. -lice av. equally, alike. ge~lician make equal. -licnes/. equality. -ling 771. equal. -gemaBcca w. equal, fellow, -msfere of equal fame or impor- tance. EFEN-M^SSEPREOST EFTCYME EL-BOGA efenimsessepreost m. fellow- priest. ~micel of equal size or greatness. -mid middle. ~inih.tig equally mighty. ~m6d.lice av. with equanimity. ~gemynd.ig equally mindful. -neah. equally near. -niht, emniht/! equinox. ~nes, efnes/; equality ; equity. ~rej3e equally ferocious. ~rice of equal power. ~sacerd. w. fellow-priest. ~sar n. equal sorrow. -sarig equally grieved wd. ~sai'gian commiserate. -sargung/. sympathy. -scearp equally sharp. -seolere m. school-fellow. -scyldig equally guilty. -spediglic, -delic consubstantial. -stalian prepare Gl. -swip equally strong. -swijje av. equally. -towistlic consubstantial. ~twa — on emtwa av. in two. ~|7eow,a) m., ~J>eowen/. fellow- servant. -pro'wian sympathize. ~))rowung/. sympathy. -waegey. counterpoise. ~wierj)e, ~weorJ> equivalent. -wyrcend m. co-operator. -wyrhta m. colleague. efenehpy! plain [efen-hiehp]. efes f. eaves ; border (of forest). Cp. yfes. §fes|ian, efs- shear, cut (hair). ~ung/. shearing, tonsure. efetjey., once ~a newt. geefii(i an compare IN. efiie (/.) alum. efne, styict JF. emne I. av. equally gefeohtan {0/ drawn battle) ; with fairness, justly ; exactly, just - — swa just as. II. interj. be- hold ! ecce. often intens. or plcon. truly, indeed nu (even) now ; behold ! ecce. ~ pa just then ; behold ! efstaii,oe-,z'«^r. hasten ; endeavour zu. hii and sbj. [ofost]. eft av. a second time, again ; after- wards ; order of statement, argu- 7nent, cr^c. again, rursum : eft He Me preade purh. pone witgan ; back : wendan ~ hanaweard. eft cyme t m. return. -edwitan 6 reprove (!). -h'weorfende recurring, -lean n. recompense, -liesing/ redemption, -sittan sit again (1). ~sipt m. return intr. -sipgende retreating. -sona av. again. -spellung/ recapitulation (!). -wyrdf/ future fate. eftgian repeat ; restore, strengthen (voice). eg-clif=ieg-. ege m. fear — habban ~ to fear. -full terrible. ~leas fearless. -leaslice av. fearlessly, -leasnesy. fearlessness. -wiflmt in. n-ave of terror, f gede, prt. of gcgan harrow, fgenu/ chaff. fges'a, §gsa fear; what is terrible L?ge]. -full, ~fullic terrible. -fullice av. terribly. -fulnesy! terribleness. -grima m. spectre. -lie terrible. -lice av. terribly ; excessively. §ges|ia.:, fgs- terrify, -ungy". terrifying, threatening, fgepje, fgpe/! harrow [fcgan]. ~ere m. harrower. -getigu 7ipl. some implement of harrowing, geeggian incite IN. {^ScandP^ §gl (_/.) mote (in eye). ^gl an, -ian wd. molest, trouble {esp. i^/" diseases). ~e troublesome ; horrible, repulsive ; sad. fgle, §giley; dormouse, egor = eagor. Egypt e, -ipte mpl. Egyptians, -ise Egyptian. eh- = eoh-. eht an, e ?, oe xu. g. or a. pursue, persecute [oht]. -end, -ere m. persecutor. ~ing, -nes/". persecution. geehte, see *ge£eh.tan subdue. ei, see ea. eig = ieg. eiseg ^//rt't = egesig (?' terrible. el (w. the letter 1. -leoht elision of / Gl. [50] el-boga = §ln-. §lc ian, if Ideian intr. delay w. sbj. II tr. delay, retard [eald]. -end m. procrastinator. -ung/. delay. glcor, f llicor, once ellcra av. else- where ; otherwise, else — noht - nothing besides [§le-]. elera cpv. se - the latter Jis opposed to the former) [f Icor]. eldcung = elcung. ele, oe m. oil [Z/. oleum]. -bacen baked in oil. ele-beam m. olive-tree. -en of the olive-tree. -stybb m. olive-stump Ct. ele b§r(i)ge/. olive, -bytt/. oil-vessel. -feet n. oil-vessel. -horn ni. oil-flask, -least/ lack of oil. -sealf/". oil-salve. -seohhey. oil-strainer. -trgdde/". oil-press, -treow ;/. olive-tree. -treowen of olive-trees. -twig n. olive-twig. elehtre, vE. elot h)r lupin (a plant [Z/. electrum.]. elfen = ielfen. §l-hygd/ distraction of mind). gl,e -landf n. foreign country. ^Ue aj. pi. remaining IM. ellefne = endlufon. gllen nm. courage, zeal — on - boldly. -campian contend zealously. -eraeftt m. might, -deedf/ deed of courage, -gastf, £§ m. bold demon, -heardt brave. -Ijecaf III. champion, -leas wanting in courage, -lie brave, -lieef av. daringly, -mserpot/. fame of courage, -roff brave, -seocf dying, -sprffict/. speech, voice, -pristef courageous. -weoret ;/. deed of courage. ellen-wodf furious. -ian be zealous, emulate. -nes/. zeal. ellen, -ern («.) I. elder-tree. II. of elder. -rind/ elder-bark. ELLEN-STYBB IJMBREN ENGU ellen stybb in. aliler-stump. -wyrty". dwarf elder. fl(el-lgnde,~isc foreign [§lland]. ellern = ellen alder. glles av. otherwise ; if it were otherwise, else hwset, ~ •wiht, ~ awiht anything else [§le-]. -hwffir, ~hwergen av. elsewhere. -h-wider av. elsewhither. ellorf av. elsewhither, elsewhere motion) landes in another country. ~fus leadj- to depart (from life). -gast, S/w. alien sprite. -sip III. departure, death. elm III. elm [Z/. u^mus]. -rindy. elm-bark. elaiestlic = aBlmeslic. fin/ cU. -gemet n. ell-measure. -boga, fl(e)-, §lm- in. elbow. gin ian /;•. encourage ; rji. take heart, be revived || intr. be zeal- ous, emulate [§llen]. -ung/. encouragement ; zeal, emu- lation. elpend, -ent, y-, yip m. elephant [Z/. elephantus]. ~ban, elpen-, ylpen-, ylpes- n. ivory. -bjenen, elpen-, ylpesbanen of ivory. ~t6p ni. elephant's tusk. elrat (?)• f 1 1 ,-reord, ~ig barbarous, foreign. ~ignesy! barbarism Gl. fltst = if Idest, see eald. f 1-peod, §11- f. foreign nation, //. foreigners ; exile (}. ! = § Ipiede. //. = ael-peoda* all people ( ? ;. ge~an make strange, disturb Gl. fl-peodig, aelpiedig I. foreign, in exile; met. estranged. II. n. exile. ~lice av. abroad. -nes/ living abroad, exile. ~ian, -an, elpeodgian live abroad, be a pilgrim or exile. f l-peodCg)ung/. residence abroad, exile. fl-peodisc foreign. fl-piede, -eo- n. (?) exile [flpeod]. fl-wiht*, SB-/, strange monster, em [in . the letter m. -leoht elision of w Gl. eni- = efen-.. em(bV = ynib-. embiht, oe = am.bih.t. embren («.) bucket [amber]. em.denes = f ndemes. emel = ymel caterpillar. emer = amore a bird. emn(e efen, efne. emnet- n. plain [efen]. emnettan level/>., destroy ; make equal ; compare. emrene = ymbryne. em.swafela -- efen-swa-fela just as many. f nd = and and. f ndjian end tr. and intr. ; die. ;ge)~ung/'. ending, end; death. gef ndadung IN. =- geendung. f nde ni. ei;d | limit, border; quarter, direction : be seghwilcum - ; district, region | part, portion, quantity | species, kind | death | result, end : op man wiste to hwam se ~ gehwurfe how things would turn out ; peet he gesawe pone ~. -byrdy! arrangement, order. -byrdan put in order, arrange. -byrdes av. in an orderly manner, properly. -byrdlic ordinal .number). -byrdliee av. in order, successively. -byrdnes/. order. -dfegt m. last day (end, death). -deapi /;/. death. -dogorf ni. last day, death. ~-\qX\ f. last remnant. -leant n. final retribution. -leas, -leaslic endless. -leaslice av. endlessly. -leasnesy". eternity. ~lif ^ n. death. -mann m. man of the present day. -niehst last — set ~an finally. -rimf n. number. -Sffitat in. borderer, coast-guard. -sp(r)£ec/. epilogue. -staeff in. end ; destruction. fnd-wserc in. pain in anus. fndemes, §mdenes, fmdemes, -est av. completely ; equally, uniformly, unanimously, together — ealle ~ all (together), likewise. endlufon, -le(o)f-, -lyf-, enl-, sendlefen, ellefne eleven. endlyfta eleventh. fned/. duck. f ng'e narrow ; causing anxiety, painful, severe [ange]. -an — ptc. ge-ed anxious. [51] fngll/. narrowness ; confinement. fngel III. angel \_Lt. angelus]. -cund angelic. ~cynn n. race of angels ; order, rank of angels. -lie angelic. !gngl e. Angle iiipl. the English [Angel]. ~a-land n. England. Englisc I. Iing'.ish. II. u. English (language . -gereord ;/. Engli-h language. enitre, enetere, enwintre one year old [f.n-wintre]. enlefan = endlufon eleven. fnt ni. giant. -cynn n. race of giants. -isG of giants. envt^intre = eniti'e. eode/r/. (7/ gan go. e(o)dor m. enclosure, fence, hedge ; • court, dwelling ; region, zone ; tprince, king. -brecp, -bryee m. fence-breaking, trespass. -gang m. refuge, -wirf m. enclosing wire. eofole/. a plant \Lt. ebulum]. eofor in. (wild) boar ; ffigure of boar on helmet. -curabolf n. boar-shaped ensign, standard. -fearn ;/. polypody (a fem). -lief n. image of a boar. ~spreott /;/. boar-spear, -swin n. boar pig, male pig. -pring v«. ' the constellation Orion. -prote/. carline thistle. eofot, vE. ebhat n. debt ; crime \_froin *ef-hat]. eoful-ssecf n. blasphemy. eofulsian blaspheme \_froiii ef- halsian ?]. eoh, g. eos, mn. (war) horsef ; the Runic letter eo. ~heolope_/i elecampane (a plant). eohf = iw yew ; the Runic letter eo^ eolett ottce (w.) sea-journey. eolh w., g. eoles elk ; name of a Rjtnic letter. -sand ;;/. amber. ~Sf eg, vE. ilug- m. sedge. eolone, elene f. elecampane (a plants eom am. eorc(n)an-stan, ea, eorclan-, IM. ercna(n)-, ;//. a precious stone. EORED EORp-CYNING EOTOIi-WARE cored, -od nf. troop (of cavalry), eorj3 ejraingt m. earthly king; Eotol-ware //. Italians. legion [eoh, rad]. king of the land. eow, eavsr, ew vi. sheep ; -u, -e/i -eystt, ie/. troop. -eynnf n. terrestrial species. ewe. -geatwefy//. military trappings. -draeat m. earth-dragon. -estre in. sheep-fold. -lieap m. troop, host. -dyne in. earthquake. -(o,cig of a ewe. -mann m. horseman. em = -aern. -,o';d/. flock ; sheep-fold. ~rn.ecg+, 8e in. horseman. -fsest fixed in the earth. -(o,de, ~ede n. flock, herd. ~gerid //. troop of cavalry. -faetf n. the body. -ohumele/ female hop-plant. -preatt m. troop. -gealla m. lesser centaury (a eow = iw yew. -werod w. troop. plant I . eow = giw grifiln. eorendel = ea-. -grsef n. ditch, pit. eow you. eorl HI. nobleman, ealdormann, -grapty! earth's grasp. eow(i)an = iewan show. earl, chief; t {brave) man. -Imiitu/. earth-nut. eowa, eow ! interj. alas ! -gebyrdt/^ noble birth, nobility. -hrernes/ earthquake. eowend (w.) membrum virile. -cund noble. -hus n. earth-house, subterranean eow^er your. ~doia III. earldom. chamber. -Igndisc of your country Gl. ~ise noble. -ifig n. ground \\y. eowunga = eawunga. ~ l)ic manly. -lie earthly. epistol m. letter [Z/. epistola]. ~ J)iee av. strongly, excessively. -lice av. in an earthly manner. er ian plough. -maegenf n. troop of warriors. -ling = ierpling. -iung/. ploughing. -ryht n. right or privilege of an earl. -maegenf n. earthly oi- temporal -ing-land n. arable land. -scipef VI. manliness power. erce- = aerce-. ~gestreont «• treasure. -mapa*, -ta m. earth-worm. em = aern house. -geWEedet n. armour. -gemet n. geometry (!). f rsc stubble-field. -werodf n. troop of warriors. -mistel w. basil (a plant). -hgnn/ quail. eormen-t, yrmen- -nafola, -naf'e)la in. asparagus. esej>/. of 6s heathen god. ~cyiin n. mankind. -rf eedf ;;. cave. f sne ;;/. labourer, servant ; retainer ; -grund m. the earth. -rg st/. bed on the ground Gl. man. ~laf/. great legacy. -rice n. country ; the earth. -cund of a labourer Gl. -stryndy. generation, race. -rima vi. a plant. -lice, §snl- m. manfully, strenu- -peody; great people. -gesceaftfy. earthly creature. ously. eornan = iernan. -scraeff n. cave; sepulchre. -wyrhta m. hireling, labourer. eornesy!! provocation [ierre]. -sglef m. cave. esol, eosel m. ass. eornost, -est I. [or ~e ?] earnest, -slilites av. level with the ground -cweorn/. mill turned by an ass. serious. II. /. zeal, earnestness o/" grazed grass;. mill-stone. on ~(e), Jjurh ~e in earnest. ~stedet m. earth. eosele she-ass. ~e av. earnestly, in earnest ; fiercely. -styrennes, -styrung /. earth- ess in.) name of letter % [Lt."] -lice av. strictly ; in truth, indeed, quake. est, oe/in. favour, grace, bounty ; therefore, but, and. -tifrwe/ bitumen. will : ofer mine - against my eorp = earp swarthy. -tilia m. farmer. will 1 //. -as delicacies || -um av. eorre = ierre angry. -tilf>y. agriculture. kindly, willingly, bounteously. eorpy. earth, ground, world. ~tud(d ort n. earth-progeny, man- -eadig*, eft-f living in luxury, -aeppel m. cucumber. kind. prosperous. -aernt n- tomb, grave. -waestm w. fruit of the earth. ~(e)fuJ.l kind, devoted, helpful; -ber i ge/. strawberry. -waru/ ; -e, -an//, mankind. devout, pious | fond of luxury. -bifung, eo/. earthquake. -weall m. earth-wall, mound. -fullice av. kindly, devotedly. -bigenga m. inhabitant of earth. -■weardf w. countryy^;- -geard (? ' . -fulnes /. devotion, zeal ; luxury, -bigfngnes/. agriculture. -wegf III. earth. k-thery. ~buendt,-bugigend m. inhabitant -wela in. fertility; wealth. -georn fond of luxury. of earth. -weorcf n. earthly work. ~ig gracious, bountiful lag. -burg/ earth-fortification. ^werod n. inhabitants of earth. -ignes/. kindness. ~,ge)byrst n. landslip. Eotas inpl. Jutes. -mfte in. dainty — //. -mfttas -ceafor m. beetle. eotent m. giant. luxury. -eenned earth-bom. -isc of giants. estan live luxuriously. -craeft m. geometry (I). -weardt (?). est e gracious, bountiful wdg. -crypel, pp in. paralytic person. Eotenas //. Jutes. ~(e lice av. graciously ; gladly, -ound earthly. Eotol-, Etel- Italy \_Lt. Italia]. willingly ; delicately, luxuriously. [52] ETAN etjan,/r/. det 5 cat ; consume. ~end, -ere m. eater, glutton. ~ing/. eating. fte-land n. pasture land [§ttan]. eten-lsfes/ pasture. etol gluttonous. ~nes/. gluttony. fttan tr. pasture '.land) [etan]. ep ian, oe iutr. breathe ; rush, rise •.of flame) || tr. blow on ; smell (odour). -(g)ung/ breathing; hard breath- _ ing- epel, oe mn. country, native land EpEIi-BODA — fhwaeles ~ the sea ; the Runic Idler d' = later e. ejjel bodaf ni. apostle of a country, native preacher. -cyningt m king of the land. -dreamt w. home joy. -eardf 111. native dwelling. -faestenf n. fortress. -landf ;/. (native) land, -least homeless. -mearet/ territory. -ricet >i. native kingdom, country. -rihtt >!■ rights of a native, heredi- tary privilege. EpEL-SELD e})el|seldt, -setlf n. settlement. -staef 1)1. support of country or family, heir. -stapol-f m. settlement. -stol in. settlement, habitation ; metropolis, capital, -stowf/. dwelling-place, -turft/ country. ~J)ryinmf m. glory of one's country. -weardt m. king ; man. -•wynnf/ joy of country. epr- ^ aepr-. eftjja = o])f)e or. exen, oe pi. of oxa ox. F. FA GEF.^D F^DEREN-HEALF fa, see fah hostile. -Igecan be at feud with. gefa m., pi. ~n enemy. faeian try to get, aspire to [fffican]. fae(e)n n. deceit, fraud, treachery; injury, malice, crime. -gecwiss conspiracy. -dsfed/. sin. -full deceitful. -leas guileless. -lie deceitful. -lice, 86 av. deceitfully, treacher- ously. -searot n. treacliery. -Stafasf iiipl. treachery. ~geswiperet n. treachery. -tacent «• deceitful token. faene = fsecne. fad ian set in order, arrange, direct, dispose. ~ung /; order, arrangement, dis- pensation. feen*, vE. f8eh.sin;prt.faede paint Gl. faec )t//i. space ; period of time, interval. ~full spacious. faecjan deal : gif hwa to oprum mid yrfe ~e [faeian]. faecele/'. torch. Cp. psecele. faecne, faene. I. deceitful, fraudu- lent, treacherous ; wicked. II. av. deceitfully ; maliciously, wickedly ; texceedingly. gefaed orderly, proper, well-regu- lated (in character) [fadian]. -lie suitable, proper. -lice av. properly. faeder, d. ~; g. ~, -es, fsedres, A. fve)adur; //. -as, fsedras m. father ; in pi. parents, ancestors | eald ~ grandfather ; ancestor [cp. eald-fseder]. pridda ~ great- grandfather. -aepelot//- patrimony ; genealogy. -epel n. birth-place, native land. -feoll n. father's money, marriage portion of widowed daughter re- turned to the father. -geardast mpl. birth-place, home. -leas fatherless. -lie of a father, paternal ; ancestral. -lice av. in a paternal manner. -rice ;/. hereditary kingdom. -slaga III. parricide. -gestreon ;z. patrimony. -swica in. traitor to one's father. faedera w. (paternal) uncle [feeder]. gefaederja m. godfather. ~ef. godmother. faed e)ren paternal. -bropor in. full brother. -cnosl n. father's kin or family. -cynn n. father's family, pedigree. [53] faederen|h.ealf /. father's side {in genealogy). -mafeg, fsedering- in. paternal re- lative. -maegpy; paternal kindred. gefsederen, gefaedred born of the same father as ivd. faedrunga m.,f. parental relative, mother. faege on the point of death, doomed to death, fated ; dead ; damned, accursed ; afraid, cowardly. faegen, ge~ glad, rejoicing 7og. [gefeon]. faBgenjian, fsegn-, fahn- rejoice, exult, be pleased with icg. ; -, on- fawn {of dog). ^ge)-ung/. rejoicing. faeger, set, set beautiful, fair; pleasant, sweet sound, odour) ; fair (words). ~e, fsegre av. beautifully ; plea- santly ; kindly; gently; fittingly, well. ',ge)~nes/. beauty. -wyrde smooth-speaking, concili- ating. faegrian intr. become beautiful || tr. adorn. f£ehp(o J, fsegp-/. feud, enmity [fah.]. -boty; feud-compensation. f£elBecan = fa-. r^iiE F^RELD-FREOLS F-(ETAN feelef, sef I. faithful, kind, pleasant. II. ac>. faithfully, pleasantly. faelging = figlging. faelsianf purify [iiele]. feeman foam [fam]. feemig = famig. fabToane/. virgin ; + woman. -(anjhad w. virginity es raann virgin. -(enjlic, feemhadlie virginal. fser 71. going ; journey, passage — mannes ~ ; thoroughfare, road ; removal z>iO: ; military expedi- tion I (course of) life || movable possessions | ship [faran]. -eht, ~riht (!) «. fare, passage- money in ship) [fser, seht]. ~sceatt ;«. fare; passage-money. faer- = for-. fser w. i^sudden) danger, calamity, attack. -befangenf encompassed with danger. ~bl£fed. w. sudden or terrible blast. ~brynet ;;/. terrible heat. -eiglet w. terrible cold. -clamm ;//. sudden i?;- terrible grasp. ~cwealni w. pestilence. -deaf) ;//. sudden death. ~drypet = -drepe ;//. sudden stroke or -dryre sudden fall. ~fiell w. sudden fall — on ~ headlong. ~gripef w. sudden grasp. ~gryret w. danger, terror. ~liagat w. environment of danger. ~inga, -unga, -unge av. quickly, soon ; suddenly. ~lic, fseredlic sudden. ~lice av. suddenly. -nipt w. hostility. ~sc(e apaf w. enemy. -scytef w. dangerous shooting or shot. -searof ??. artifice, stratagem. -seap w. terrible pit, abyss Gl. -slidef "I. sudden slip. -spellt ft. terrible news. -stice 7/1. sudden stitch (pain). -stylt amazement /N. = forstylt ? ~wundort-«. prodigy. gefaer w. going, course, march (of army). feerian alarm, terrify. ~ing*, e /. simulatio Gl. faerbenia, v£. ~u \_/or ~o] w. sailor. fasreldj -elt ;/. journey, expedition. company ; motion, locomotion ; ]>asiover. faereld-freols w. feast of the pass- over. faes ti. fringe. faeslf ;«.j progeny, offspring. fsest firm, fixed, stiff (soil) — ~ innoj) constipated ; foi'tified (by nature or art) ; heavy (sleep) ; steadfast, firm (mind, faith) ; reli- gious. Christian (book). ~e av. firmly ; (sleep) heavily ; vigorously, (forbid) strictly. -gangolf, fsesten- persevering, firm (mind). -hafol tenacious ; miserly. -hafolnesy! parsimony. -heald firmly fixed. -hygdigf, -hydig firm in mind, constant. -lie fixed, steadfast, vigorous (war- fare). -lice av. firmly, steadfastly, vigor- ously. -mod firm in mind, constant. -nesy. firmness, massiveness ; forti- fication, firmament, sky ; kindness, /or ffifsestnes (?). -r_^d stendiast, firm (mind). -lice av. steadfastly. -nes/. fortitude. -steallf firm. faBStan make firm ; entrust || fast — faesten ge~ keep a fast ; ab- stain from (food) zut. fsesting/ taking care of child. -maun m. king's purveyor (?). f8esten(n) ;;. fortress, castle, clois- ter ; firmament, sky || fast. -behsefednes/. parsimony G\.,/or faest- (?). -bryee w. breach of fasting. -daeg w. fast-day. -die w. moat. -gangol = fsest-. -geat «. gate of fortress. -tidy; fast-time, fast. -ge"CTreorc «. liability for repair of fortifications. -wueey. week of fasting. faestn ian fasten, fix, mci. fix (hopes on God) ; conclude (peace), ratify (agreement) ; betroth. ~ungy. fixing; ratification ; pledge, engagement ; security. faet ;;. vessel, casket, cup, pot. -fyllere, -fylre ;«. cup-bearer. [54] fsfetan put ; -inn take in, swallow. fsbted, set, fffitt ornamented with gold — golde - sweord. -hieort with ornamented cheeks {o/hoTsej. -sinct «. treasure. ftfetels w. tub, vessel ; pouch, bag. -ian put into a receptacle or vessel. fjett fat, fatted (calf). -ian grow fat || tr. fatten. -nes/l fatness. f£fett = f8bted. faejjm m. outstretched arms ; em- brace I bosom, lap, womb ; envelopment, interior, midst | grasp ; control, power ; protec- tion I expanse ( cubit, fathom. -lie embracing, enclosing. -rimt "■ (cubit-)measure. fsepm(i)an surround, envelop ; clasp, seize. fag (w.) plaice, flounder. fag variegated, pied i^horse) ; dis- coloured, stained, blood-stained; adorned. -ian ?■«/;-. vary in colour || /r. em- broider. -nes/. scab, ulcer, eruption. -ung/. variety. -wyrm w. basilisk. fagettjan, -etan z'nfr. change colour ; mid wordum ~ speak evasively. -ung /'. //;/;-. changing colour {of sky in storms). fah, fag, //. fa hostile ; proscribed, outlawed ; guilty 7t'i. fffittj <^/. f«t(t)uin metal plate, gold ornament. faldian make sheep-fold, hurdle off sheep [falod]. fal(o)d w. sheep-fold, ox-stall. -gang ;;/. going to sheep-fold. fals I. false (weight), counterfeit (coin). II. 71. fraud, dishonesty; counterfeit coin \_/^r. or Lt.'\. fam 11. foam. -blaw^ende discharging foam. famgian foam [famig]. famig, Ee foamy. -bordat with foamy sides. -bosmat foamy-bosomed. -healst foamy-necked. fana w. banner. fandian ia. g. or a. investigate, explore ; try, test, tempt. FANDUNG FEALDAN FEDELS fandung /. investigation, testing. proof, temptation. fan |e, ~uy] banner || iris (a plant;. fang once booty L. [fon ; or Scand.\ fann f. winnowing-fan [Z/. van- nus], ~ian fan. fant, p nt. (baptismal) font [Z^. fontem]. ~bsef> ;/. baptism. ~faet n. font. ~halgung/" consecration of font. ~waBter n. font-water. farjan 2 go, march, travel (by land or sea) — in pass, sense com of ~endum ■wege. on ~ n'd., w. on a. assail, take city) j lead life, behave, act : mid hiwunge ~ be hypocritical | fare, be: wel~ prosper, ~ biitan bearnum be childless. ~ennes*, tm-f. passage, IM. gefaran 2 go &c ; accomplish (journey or distance) | fare &c. ; ir. suffer (shipwreck) ; behave, act I die — gefaren deceased attack (hie mid fierde) | take possession of, occupy (country) gain (victory). fara^//. ^fab. gefara in. fellow-traveller, com- panion. Cp. gefera. Fariseisc Pharisean — ~ mann Pharisee \_Lt.]. faropt («.) shore. -hengest m. ship. -lacende, -ridende sailing, sea- faring. -strgfet/ ocean. faru f. going, transit, journey ; march, expedition | course of life, life, proceedings ; adventures || troop, retinue, companions \ mov- able property, baggage. fatian - fgtian. fap e, ~u /.' paternal aunt. faul tu.) evil spirit (? . fea, ~we, ~wa, d. fea(wu m, g. feara I. few. II. av. (not) even a little. ~16gt wg. destitute. -(w)nesy^ fewness, scarcity. ~sceaft(ig')t destitute zvg.-. poor, miserable. gefea, -ia, fea in. joy [gefeon]. ~lic pleasant. gefealdt it. (?). fealdjan 1 fold. ~estol, fyldstol in. camp-stool. feale-for felo-. fealg, fealh, se, ef. felly (of wheel) || harrow. ~ian harrow. ~ing /. harrowing. fealh/;-/. o/feolan. feall = fifll._ gefeall, I A'. 86 [ = ie] n. falling ; ruin. fealljan i fall, met. fall (into vice), fall down ; prostrate one- self : him to fotum ~ | rush — on -assail; flow (^ river) | come to an end, decay (^of kingdom), fall (in battle). -endlic perishable, transient. gefeallan i fall — met. his mod gefeoU on hyre lufe | perish || tr. him d§mm ~ make a slaughter of them. fealle/. trap. fealo, //. fealwe I. dull-coloured, yellow, yellowish-red, brown, bay (horse). II. n. fallow ground. -hiltef yellow-hilted. fealwian grow yellow; change colour ; ripen, wither. fear = fearh. fearh, fear m. pig, boar. gefearh (sow) with young. fearn n. fern. -bedd n. fern-bed. fearr in., -hryper n. bull. feaw, sec fea few . feax n. hair of the head, head of hair. -claf) ;/. cap. -eacan//. forelocks. -ode with hair steorra comet. ge~ode, ge~en, ge-e having a head of hair. -fang III. seizing by the hair. -feallung/. loss of hair, mange. ~har grey-haired. -neediy. curling-iron. ~nes*, fsexnisy; head of hair(!) Gl. -n^tt n. hair-net. -preon m. hair-pin. -sceacga m. bunch of hair. -sceacgede shaggy. -sceai'ay//. hair-cutting scissors. febbres, see fefer. f^ccan = ff tian. fedjan, oe feed, suckle, bring forth (fruit, children), rear, bring up [foda]. ~(ed)nesy! nourishment. [55] fedjels, ~esl in. feeding, keep ; fat- tened animal Gl. ~ingy". feeding. ~nes_/! nourishment Bd. fefer, -or, onee febbres, vi. fever. -adl/ fever. -fuge /. feverfew (a plant) {Li. febrifugia]. ~seoc feverish. gefeg n. joining, joint. feg an, oe join, unite, fix [gefog]. ge~(ed^nesy! joining. (ge)feging, -ung /. joining ; con- junction (in grammar). feljan, oe feel wg. ~eleaB without sensation. (ge)~nes/. feeling, sensation. fel-cyrf foreskin (!). fel-tun n. privy. fela, vE. felo- many, much : ~ manna, Z. ~ menn ; also no. -feecnef very treacherous. -feald manifold, various. ~frecnet very fierce. -geomorf very sad. -geongi ^ ~g§nge* having tra- velled much. -liror I" very Ijrave. -idel-spraece very loquacious. -leoff very dear. -mihtigt, ea very mighty. -modig \ very brave. -spraece loquacious. ~sp(r)eeol loquacious. ~sp(r)ecolnesy; loquacity. -synnigf very guilty. -wlancf very proud. -wyrde loquacious. -wyrdnes/. loquacity. feld, d. ~a, ~e ;;/. field, plain, field of battle. ~beo/. locust (1). -biseopwyrt /. a plant. -ciricey. country church. ~§lfen/] field-fairy. ~gangende field-traversing. -hriper «. field-ox. ~hus n. tent. ~land n. flat countiy, lower land. -lie rural. ~maBdere_/". rosemary. -minte/. wild mint. ~niore, -u/". parsnip. ~Oxa m. ox ke]it in field. -rude/, wild rue. -swamm fungus. FELD-WESTEN FEOH-GITSERE FEOND-WIC feld westen(n), oe/. desert plain. ~w6p m. plantain. -wyrty. gentian. felg = fealg. fell ;/. skin (of man or animal), hide, fur. ~en of skins. felo-for, vE. feolufer, -fe(a)rp; feal(e)for fieldfare (a bird). felon A. prt. pi. (?/'feolan. felt (;«.) felt (?). ~wurina m. wild marjoram (a plant). -wyrtyi wild mullein (a plant). fenester w. or m. window [Z^. fenestra]. f^ng m. grasp ; booty [fon]. ~nftt n. net. •-tofi m. canine tooth, geffng IA\ n. taking, capture, f eng, prt. of fon. fgngelf m. prince, king. fenix, ef m. phoenix ; date palm [ZA phoenix], fgnn nin. mud, dirt ; fen. -cerse/". water-cress. ~fearn «. osmunda regalis (a fern). ~fri]juty! refuge in fen. -hlipt n. fen-retreat. ~hopt 71. fen-retreat. ~ig muddy. ~gelad.t n. fen-tract. ~land n. fen-country. ~lic of fens. -minte/. water-mint. ~]jaBC n. fen-covering. ~yce*, fenycety^. frog. feo d. of feoh. feo-laga m. partner, associate \^Scand. fela'2:i]. feon, feogan hate. feo(u)ng, feowung f. hatred, hos- tility. gefeon, prt. -eah, -segon, ptc. -aegen 5 rejoice vj. g. or i. feogan = feon. feoh, d. fee, gpl. feona n. cattle ; money — licgende ~ gold and silver, money ; property, wealth ' the Runic letter f. ~beliat L. promise of money. ~bot/i pecuniary compensation. ~fang m. taking bribes. ~glefu/". bounty. ~gifret avaricious. ~gift_/i gift of money. feohigitsere vi. miser. -gitsung, feog-/. avarice. ~gehat ;/. promise of money. -hord m. treasury. -hus n. treasury. -Isenving ;?. money-lending. -leas without money ; +not to be bought off {of homicide). -leasnesy; want of money. -sceattasf mpl. wages. -spedaj^/. riches. ~spilliiigy! waste of money. ~gestealdt n. possession of riches. -Strang opulent. ~gestreont n. acquiring money ; riches, treasures. feoht «., ~e/. fighting, battle. ~gegi§relan//. implements of war Gl. -ehorn*, fy- m. fighting-horn. -lac n. fighting. -ling*, y- ;;/. warrior. -wite*, y- n. fine for fighting. gefeoht w. fight, battle; war. -dsegt m. day of battle. feoht an 3 fight, iv. wij), w. on a. attack — on ~ attack. -ere w. fighter. gefeohtan 3 fight ; wa. fight rduel) II tr. gain by fighting, gain (victory). feol, fil/ file. -heardf hard as a file Q.)^br fela- heard. (? . -ian file. feolan, />;•/. fealh, feal,//. fulgon, frilon, fselon ; ptc. folgen, folen 3 enter (into a state) : inne ~ get in, penetrate ; on fleame - take to flight ; ivd. ad- here ; apply oneself to, persevere in II //-. experience '^treachery), feond,//. fiend, eo, -as m. enemy; fiend, devil [feon]. - £et h tn. eating what is sacrificed to idols. -gieldf n. idolatry ; idol, -grapt/". hostile grasp. -lie hostile. -lice av. hostilely. -rseden(n)/ enmity, -raesf w. hostile attack. ~sc(e)apat in. enemy, robber, villnin. -scipe j/i. hostility, enmity. -seoc possessed by a devil, -ulf w. villain Gl. [ulf=-wulf]. [56] feond-wic 11. hostile camp. feor, see feorr. -buendf di. one dwelling far off, foreigner. -cumen, ~cund = feorran-. -eyppf y. distant country. -land fi. distant land. -nesy. distance. -weg )ii. distant part. feor-stupu/ support, prop Gl. feorh, feorg, g. teores, ii»t. life — be feore on pain of death ; soul — fto (widan) feore, a(wa) to feore, sefre to feore, ealne widan ~ for ever | living being, person. -adiy. mortal disease. -banaf tn. homicide, murderer. -bealof n. deadly evil, -bfnni-yi mortal wound, -gebeorgt ;/. refuge. -berendf m. living being. -boldf n. body. -cwaluf/. death, slaughter. -cwealm t m. death. -cynnf "• living species or kind. -daegt m. day of life. -gedalf u. death. -dolgt n. deadly wound, -eaeenf living. -faBgen glad of being allowed to live. -geong young, or two luords (?). -giefa in. giver of life. -giefuf/. gift of life. -gomaf m. jaw. -hama*, fea- m. womb or caul (?) Gl. -hierdef m. preserver, protector. -hordt in. soul, -hust n. body. -lastf III. track, step. -lean n. gift of life (?). -l|gut/ life, -lif 1- n. life, -locaf ni. breast. -lyre in. loss of life, -ngref in. refuge ; sustenance ; salvation (of soul). -gener n. being allowed to live, life. -genijjlaf in. mortal enemy. -refedt in. soul's benefit, salvation. -scyldig having forfeited one's life, guilty of a capital offence. -seoe r sick to death. -swgngt in. deadly blow. FEORH-pEARF FEOWERTIGLIC FERHp-LOCA feorh pearfty. extreme need. ~wundty. mortal woimd. feorlen = fierlen. feorm, I A', a, 8e f. feeding ; provi- sions, food ; feast | entertaining, taking in (strangers), harbouring (.criminals) | goods, property, stores ; rent in kind ; use, benefit. ~fultuni m. contribution of provi- sions. ~ehani m. farm vL. feorm ian supply with food, feed, support ; entertain (as guest) | cherish ; profit, benefit | clean, polish j consume. ~end. m. entertainer ; (sword) polisher. -endleasf without a polisher. -ex'e III. purveyor. ~ung f. entertaining, harbouring ; polishing, cleaning. feorr av., aj. {rarely infected') far w.i. or fram, distant, at a distance — ~ and wide in every direction ; far back in time | moreover, be- sides, = flerr cpv. (?) || cpv. fierra aj. more distant, further (Spain). av. fierr further || spl. fierrest aj., av. most distant w.i., furthest. feorrjian intr. keep at a distance ; depart. -ungy". departure, being removed. feorr an, feorrane, y- av. from afar, at a distance — ~ and nean from all quarters. ~eumen, feorc- come from afar. ~cund, feorc- having come from a distance, foreign. feorran, feorsian = fLe-. feort an* 3. ~ing/. pedatio. feorp a, feowerpa fourth [fe- ower]. ~ling, ~ung VI. fourth part ; farthing. feower four. ~f6ald fourfold — be ~uni av. four- fold. --fealdliee av. quadruply. -fete, -fotede four-footed. -gield It. fourfold payment or com- pensation. -sciete four-cornered, square. ~teopa, ~teog(o)pa fourteenth. -tiene fourteen. ieowertig forty. -feald forty fold. feowertiglic of forty. -Opa fortieth. fer = for. figrjian carry, convey, lead, bring || intr. take to, deal in w. i. or on ; go, depart [faran]. -bgdd 11. portable bed. ~iend in. bringer, leader. -(e'sceatt in. passage-money, fare. fer an, oe go, march, sail, travel — iva. of distance ; set out, depart | ~ forj) go forth, go on ; die | be- have, act. ~end III. messenger; sailor. ~ing_/". going, travelling. ~nesy". going, passing. geferjan go ; fare ; behave, act || tr. accomplish (journey, distance) | reach, attain (place), gain (victory) — axode hwset hi -don what had become of them | suffer (mis- fortune). geferja, fera, oe m. companion, friend ; wife ; associate (,in an undertaking) ; equal ; retainer, attendant [faran]. ~l£ecan associate, unite. -lie associated. -lise av. sociably, together. -r^denn)/". companionship : body of people, retinue ; association, congregation ; compact. ~scipe, f- ;;/. companionship ; body of people, retinue, band ; associa- tion, guild. -scipian IN. unite tr. fgrc ian,f§rec-/n bring(a person^; support (life), feed — met. cram (with lies) || intr. go, proceed. -ung/". sustenance, food. fere serviceable (ship), fit for military service. gefere I. accessible. II. n. body of people ; community; party, side. ferht honest. -lie honest, just. fer hipt inn. mind, spirit, under- standing; life— widan- for ever. -bana ni. murderer. -cearig anxious in mind. -cleofa, -cofa ;;/. breast. -gedal*, frip-t n. death. -free bold in spirit. -fripende life-protecting, life-sus- taining. -gleaw sagacious, wise. -grimm fierce. [57] ferhplloca m. breast, heart; body. -lufe/ heartfelt love. -genipla in. deadly foe. -sefa III. mind. -werig soul-weary, sad. ■ -gewitt n. understanding. fers ;/. sentence ; verse [Z/. versus]. -ian make verses Gl. fersc fresh 'water!. fester-, festr- = fo3tor-, fostr-. fet, see fot. fetan 5 fall. fgtian, once a, feeean, t^ttan,/>rt. fftte fetch ; summon ; seek ; take, seize ; gain ; marry. fptel {in.) belt. -hilt n. belted hilt. feter, fetor/, fetter. -wrasenf/ fetter. fettian once contend. fep an. -ung/. walking, motion, fepa, oe ni. troop, band of infantry. fepe n. walking, movement, power of motion. -cempaf ;//. active warrior, foot- soldier. -gangt ni. foot-journey. -georn(- eager to go. -gigstf ni. traveller. -hgre ni. infantry. -hwearff m. troop on foot, -lastf ;;/. step. -least without feet ; crippled. -mann ni. foot-soldier, -raundf/. fore-feet (of badger). -spedigt quick walking. -wigt ;/. battle on foot. feper /. feather ; pen ; //. fepra wings. _ -bsfere winged. -bfdd « feather-bed. -berende feathered. -crasft III. embroidery. -gearwe \f/t. feathering (of arrow). -hamaf w. plumage ; feather-coat, flying apjiaratus, wings. -geweorc ;/. embroidery in feathers. feper-seeat = fiper-. gefic n. deceit, treachery. fie in. fig ; - , se bledenda- piles, hemori'hoids. -adiy. piles. -aeppel ;;/. fig. -beam m. fig-tree. -leaf ;r fig-leaf. -treow «. fig-tree. FIC-WYRM FI^RD-WIC FILIpE fielvryrin in. intestinal worm. -wyrt/. fig-wort. ficol cunning, tricky [gefic]. fi§lg an* harrow [fealg]. ~ing*, SB, y/. harrowing, harrow. figU, ea w. fall (falling, cause of fallj 1 ruin, destruction; death, slaughter | case Jn grammar [feallan]. ~werig*, fylw-t killed, dead. figU an, A. se make to fall, fell, pull down (house) ; destroy, kill ; humble ; /iV. offend, scandalizare ; +ge~ 7i>ag. deprive (of kinsmen) by killing. ~nesy^ M''. offence, scandalum. ge~nes / LV. fall; transmigra- tion 'I). fif lie seoe epileptic. -seoenes/., -waere //i. epilepsy. fiend, sec' feond. gef lend //. enemies — wseron ~ were at enmity. fi§rd /. militia, army ; military expedition, campaign ; camp (!) /or ~wic [faran]. -crseft )/i. art of war, warfare. ~esne ;«. soldier. -faereld n. (liability to) military service. , ~farii /. military service. -geatwatT^*''- arms. -hamt w. corslet. -hraeglf )i. armour, corslet. -hwsetf warlike. ~lafy". remnant of a.n army. -leas without arr army, unde- fended. ~leof>t «. war-song. ~lic military. ~geniaca m. companion in arms. -mann ;//. soldier. ~rinet »i. soldier, warrior. ~sceorpt Ji. armour. ~scip ;/. \\ar-ship. ~searot «• armour. ~socny. military service. ~gesteallat »i. companion in arms, fellow- soldier. ~steran ;;/. detachment of militia. ~tiber n. military sacrifice (? Gl. -getrura «. band of soldiers, co- hort. ~truma w. cohort, army. ~W£en w. military wagon Ct. ~weard/. military watch. -werod n armv. fi§rd;wic ;/. camp. ~wierpet distinguished in war. -wisaf m. general. ~'wise/. military manner. ~wite n. fine for neglect of military duties. figrdian, fyrdrian serve in army; march ; be at war with. -ing, -ung /, expedition ; army ; camp. fiergen-, i, y mountain, -beamf m. mountain-tree. -bucca »!., ~gaty. chamois. -heafodf «• mountain-headland. ~holtt n. mountain-wood, -stream i" w. mountain-stream. fierlen*, e o), y I. distant, remote — on ~e, on ~uni far away. II. ;;. distance. fierm}), frymj) /. entertainment, harbouring (criminals) || cleansing, washing [feorm]. fieiT a), fierrest, sue feorr. fiersian*, y, eo vi/r. go beyond || ir. remove ; f^. depart. fiersnf once/, heel. fif five. ~f cgede with five edges or comers. -feald fivefold. -fete(d) five-footed. -flere five-storied. -laeppede having five lobes. -leaf w. cinquefoil. -wintre five years old. fif-maegen = fifel-. fifealde, fiff-/. butterfly. fifelf (n.) monster, giant. -cynn n. race of monsters. -dor ?i. the river Eider (between Holstein and Slesvig . ~raaegen*, flfm- ;/. magic power, -stream, -w^aeg //t. ocean, fifele/. buckle [Z/. fibula]. fifta fifth. fif-teopa fifteenth. fif-tiene fifteen. fiftig fifty. ~feald fiftyfold. -opa, -eog- fiftieth. fihte (n. ) rag iJV. fil=feolfile. ~ian rub (!) Gl. fild milking, quantity milked at one time. -eumb /!. milk-pail. filde level land) [feld]. gefilde n. plain. [58] fillpe n. hay. -leag m. meadow Ct. filmen, y n. film, thin skin ; pre- puce. fin heap of wood, wood-store. fina w. woodpecker. fine w. finch. find an (3, /;-/. funde, fand find, meet : funde hine licgan ; ~ pset cweartern beclysed ; tind out '^hvrelc he sie) ; -set obtain — • »ieL ic ne ruaeg aet me sslfum ~ pset ic hine Sfre geseo I can- not bring myself to . .,1 cannot bear to . . | think of (plan;, de- vise, invent : se cyning funde pset him man sset wip made arrangements for opposing their landing, fundon pset hie sendon sefter him agreed on the plan of sending. . -end ni. finder. finger ;«. finger. -aeppel w. date. -doccan //. finger-muscles. -Mc of a finger. firm w. fin.' -iht*, finiht finny. finol, finugl m., flnu(g)le/. fennel ILi. foeniculum]. -seed )i. fennel-seed. fintaf »i- tail ; consequence, result. fii^asf mj>/. men, mankind. firen, fy- /. crime, sin ; violence ; torment, suffering, firnum av. wickedly, excessively. -bealof ;/. sinful evil. -craeft+ ;;/. wickedness. -dffldty". crime. -earfopt n. terrible suffering. ~fr§m.mendet sinful. -fullf, -geornt, -lief sinful. -licef av. violently, rashly. -ligerian commit fornication. -lust »!. sinful lust, luxury. -lustfuU luxurious, wanton. -synnigt sinful. -pearf , y^ dire need or distress. -■weorcf >!■ crime. ~wyrcend(e)t, -wyrhtaf "i- evil-doer. fir(e)nian sin, commit adultery; revile. firenicg]a* ;«., ~e*/., fyrenhyega, fyrnhicge adulterer, adulteress, &c. firmdig = frymdig. FIRMETTAN FISC-M]§3RE FL^SC-M:§3TE firmettan ask, request w. a. ami sbj. firn, y I. ancient. II. av. long ago. cpv. (giet) ~or. ~dagast mpl. days of old. ~gefl.itt n. former quarrel. ~geflitat m. old enemy. -gearf npl. former years, lapse of time. -gearaf av. of old. -gieddi «. ancient tradition, pro- phecy. -lie former, ancient. ~niann t m. man of old. ~geinyndt ;/. old tradition. ~scapat w. old enemy. ~gesceapt «. old decree. ~s^genty^ ancient tradition. ~gesetut 7tpl. ancient seats or abode. -streamasf ;«//. ancient streams, ocean. Cp. flergen-. -gestreont n. ancient treasure. ~S5m.n-|'_/^ ancient sin. ~(ge)weoret 71, ancient work. -geTvinnt n. ancient war. -■witaf III. sage, councillor. -gewritf «. ancient writing, scrip- ture. ~gewyrhtt ;/. former deserts, fate. gefirn av. long ago, far back (in time) : for a long time, spl. ~ost furthest back (in time) ■wor- ulde long ago. -dagas inpl. days of old. -gewiten long past (time). first _/'. roof, ceiling. first, ie, y in. space of time ; re- spite ; time (to finish something). ~hrof in. ceiling, or iuio words {X). ~inearcy. space of time, appointed time, interval. ~geraearc ;/. space of time. firwit, -et, fy-, fe(o)- n. curiosity, hine ~ braec, hiue ~ frsegn paes he was curious. -full inquisitive. -georn inquisitive, curious. -geornnes/ curiosity. ~nesy. curiosity. firwit, -tt curious, inquisitive. fisc, //. ~as, fixas m. fish. ~bryne (w.) brine. ~cyiin n. fish kind, species of fish. ~deag/. purple. ~fl6d(u t m. sea. -hus n. fishing-house. fisc mgre m. fish-pond. -nett n. fishing-net ; net of fishes. ~pol in. fish-pool ; pool in river. -prut in. small fish IN. ~w§r in. fish-weir (for catching fish). ~wiflle I. abounding in fish. II. III. fish-pond Gl. fisejian, fix- fish. ~ere m. fisher ; kingfisher. ~(n)op, fisc(n)ap m. fishing. fisting f. fesiculatio, following pedatio in Gl. fittyi song, poem. ~aii sing, tell in verse, fittt once fight. fitung/. fighting LL. fipelle/. fiddle. -ere in., -estre/. fiddler. fiper-, e o), L. feower- [feower]. -daeled quadripartite. ~fete, -fote four-footed. -fledende flowing in four streams (river) VA. -hiwe quadriform. -ling in. quarter. -rica III. tetrarch. -sceatas*, fe-f nipl. four quarters -seietan quarter Gl. -seiete quadrangular. -tienie four-teamed (chariot), fiperle n. wing [feper]. -bsfere, -berende winged. ge-hamod feathered. ge~ian feather, wing. -leas without wings. -slieht ni. flapping wings. fla = flan. flacorf flying (^arrowsV fleesc, fleec 11. flesh, body, living creature. • -set III. meat. -bana ;«. murderer, -gebyrdy. incarnation. -ciepiiig/. meat-maiket. -cofa III. body, flesh. -(^Owellere m. executioner -en of flesh. -ennes/. incarnation. -hamaf in. body. ge-hamod incarnate. -hordf n. body. -hus n. meat-house. -lie carnal. -lienes/. incarnation. -mangere in. butcher. -mapu/. maggot. L59.1 fl8Bse|m§te m.,pl. ~m§ttas meat. gc-nes/. incarnation. ge-od incarnate. -strset/. meat-market. -tawere tn. executioner. -top in. one of the teeth Gl. -■wyrin w. maggot. flaepe-camb = flf pe-. fiagg plaster. flahf I. treacherous, hostile. II. n. treachery, flan/w., fi&f.,pl. ~a, ~ arrow, dart. -bogaf in. bow. -hredf K- -iht of an arrow. -praeuf f. attack or force of arrows. -geweoret «. arrows. flasee, flaxe /. flask, bottle \_I.t. vasculum]. flax-fote = flox- web-footed. flea, fieah (_/'.) flea. ~wyrt/. fleabane (a plant). flean 2 ptc. flagen flay, strip off (piece of skin). fleah n. albugo, white spot in the eye. fleam m. flight — wearp or fealh on -e took to flight [fleon]. -last in. apostasy Gl. fleard n. folly, superstition. -ian grow luxuriantly ; play the fool ; act wrongly. gefleai'd n. folly, madness, error. fleape = fleope. fleax n. flax. -aeeer m. flax-field. -liney. flax-winder, reel. ~gcseot n. contribution of flax. fleeta = fleohta. fled j an* flow [flod]. -ing/. flowing. -e full (river). fleon /;/. fleah, //. flugon, ptc. flogeu 7 flee ; put to flight ; fly. Cp. fleogan. fleog]an 7 intr. fly ; move quickly ; flee. Cp. fleon. -endlic flying. gefleogan 7 infr. fly || tr. fly over. fleoge/. fly. -eynn, flech- n. fly-kind. -nftt 11. fly-net, mosquito-curtain. -rift n. fly-curtain. fleoht'an* 3 plait, weave. Sec flohten-fote. fleohta*, vE. flecta in. hurdle. FLEOS FLOD FLYTME fleos = flies. fleot m. mouth of river, estuary ; bay I sea, water [ raft, ship, vessel. ~"wyrty. seaweed. fleotan 7 float, sail ; swim. fleope, ea/. water-lily. flering/. flooring, story [flor]. fleswian once whisper. flgtt 71. floor ; dwelling, house, hall. -paept m. floor. -r^stf/. bed. ~sittend |- w. hall-sitter, courtier. -gestealdf ;;. household goods. -werod I ;;. hall-troop, retainers. flgpe-carab, se «/. weaver's comb. flewsa m. flux, discharge (in medi- cine) [flowan]. flex = fleax. flicce «. flitch (of bacon). flicerian flutter, hover. geflien*, y, i, -an expel (disease) [fleon]. fliemjan put to flight, banish [fleam]. flieni|a m. fugitive, outlaw an or ~ena fiernij) or feorm harbour- ing an outlaw [fleam]. ge-e fugitive //V. flies, eo n. fleece. fliete /. cream, curds || punt [fleo- tan]. fligel (;«.) flail. flint in. flint ; rock. -grsfegf grey as flint. flit strife ; scandalum (!) [flitan], ~craBft m. disputation, logic. ~er8eftig belonging to logic, dia- lectical. ~fu.ll contentious. ~georn quarrelsome, litigious. ~rQ£felum. av. contentiously. geflit ;/. strife, dissension, contest ; dispute, discussion, to ~es emu- lously. -full, -fullie, -georn contentious. ~fulnes/. litigiousness. ~lice, -raselura av. emulously. flit an 6 contend, struggle (in law- suit, argument), oppose, quarrel. ~end, ~ere ;«. v/rangler. floe (;«.) a fish. floeanf clap, applaud. floccw bodyofmen, troop, company. ~ni£elum av. troopwise, in detach- ments, flockwise, in flocks. ~rady". troop of cavalry. -slite ni. sedition. fldd mn. flowing, stream ; flow of tide, tide | river, sea, //. water; deluge, flood [flowan]. -blact flood-pale. ~§gesat ;;/. terror of flood. ~en, -lie of a river. -weardf/. sea-wall. ~wegt m. ocean path, sea. -■wiflmt ni. raging flood. -wuduf m. ship. -y{)t/ wave of the sea. flode/! channel ; gutter. flogettan, gg fluctuate Gl. [fleo- gan]. flogejja /;/. liquid Gl. floh fragment, piece (of stone). flohten-fote web-footed [fleoh- tan]. fior, d. ~a, ~efiii. floor; ground — scipes ~, gangway. -Stan m. pavement-stone. florisc flowery [Z/.]. flot n. sea [fleotan]. -hfret in. (hostile) fleet. -lie naval. -mann nt. sailor, pirate, Dane, -scip n. ship. -smero n. dripping, fat. ~'wegt ni. sea. flotian float L. flota in. sailor, piratef ; ship ; fleet. geflotat ni. floater, swimmer. floter|ian float, be flooded — mid -iendum eagum weeping ; fly ; flutter, be disquieted {of heart) [fleotan]. flow [an I flow ; be abundant. ~(ed)nes/. flowing, flux (of blood) ; overflow, torrent. flox-fote, fla- web-footed. Cp. flohten. flugol, flygol [_infl. ^flyge] flying, fleeing ; fleeting [fleogan, fleon]. flycgan*, e put to flight, disperse [fleon]. flyge m. flying, flight (of birds, arrows). -reowf fierce in flight, -wilt in. flying wile. flygol = flugol. flyht ;;/. flying, flight (of birds, weapons) [fleogan]. -hwaett brisk in flight. flyhte-clap, vE. flycti- in. patch [fleohtan]. flyne/. batter. [60] flytme /. lancet [//. phleboto- mum]. fnaed, ge- n. fringe, hem {oi dress). fnaes n. fringe. fnsbsettan snort. fnaest m. breath, breathing ; blast (of fire). ~ian breathe hard. fneos an sneeze. -tingy". sneezing. gefnesan (5) ottce sneeze. Cp. fneosan. fnora m. sneeze [fneosan]. fon 1 b (he) fehp, /;-/. feng, pic. fangen grasp, seize — ahs. : him togeanes feng clutched at him; to- gsedre fengon engaged in battle ; him on fultum feng came to their help j make prisoner, cap- ture gen. ge- : gefengon hine, micle herehyp ] take, receive ./. zi'i. (feng ■wife), // '. 20. to, on a. : ~ to wife, ~ to hsepeniscum pea- wum, - on faesten take to fasting; -to rice come to the throne, - to peem lande succeed to the estate ; ~ to pEBin norpdSle begin to describe the North i^of Europe); uton fon on pset godspell pSr we hit forleton return to the discussion of . . ; -to wurpienne begin to worship. foca w. cake of bread. foda in. food. fodor, fodder n. food ; fodder, food for cattle | case, sheath. -brytta »i. fodderer, herdsman. -hec fodder-rack. -nop in. sustenance. -pegut/. taking food, food. -welaf ni. abundance of food. fodrere m. forager (of army). gefog n. joining, joint. -stan in. key-stone. fol = full. gefol with foal. fola ni. foal, colt. fole ;;. people, crowd es mann layman; army; nation. -agendef ruling. -bealof n. severe evil or affliction. -bearnf n. man. -beornf in. man. -ciit /'. cow of the people (!). -clip celebrated, well known ; public road) (!). -cw^enf/. queen. POLC-CYNINa FOLD-BOLD FOR folc eyningt m. king. -dryhtt/. people. -ggsaf w. terror. -gefeoht n. pitched battle. -firenf /. crime. ~freaf m. lord, king. -freo, -frig folk-free, free as other peoj)le. ~isc oi the people, popular, common. ~laguy". law of the people. -land ;/. land of the people. -lary. homily, sermon. -leasimg/. slander. -lie of the people, popular, common. ~msegent n. army. -msegpt/^ tribe, nation. -mgei'ef celebrated. ~mot, ~geniot n. popular assem- bly, folkmoot. -niedty. need of the people. -rabdf m. public benefit. ~raeden^n)t/. decree of the people. -gerefa w. official. -ryht, -geryht n. popular right, right of a citizen ; common law. ~ryh.t lawful. ~saelt n. hall, house. ~scarut /. tribe, nation ; f = folc- land, land of the people. -seapaf /«. villain. ~scipet w- people, nation. -gesfttnes/. statute Bd. -gesipt '>'■ noble, prince. ~slite III. sedition. -gesteallaf in. companion in war. -stgdef VI. dwelling-place ; battle- place. •-stowy. country place {as opposed to a tow II). -gestreon-f n. public treasure. -sweotf III. multitude, army. -gctaelf 11. number of people. -taluy. genealogy. ~togat m- chief, general. -getrumf n. host. -truma in. people. ~ge])rang /;. crowd. -welig populous. ~weri- III. man. -wigaf III. warrior. ~ge'winnf n. battle, war. -witaf III- councillor. ~woh n. deception of the people. foldef f. earth ; mould, soil, ground ; country. -aern n. sepulchre. ~agend*, folc- m. man. foldjbold II. house, palace. -buendi^e) m. man. -graef n. grave. -graeg earth-grey. ~hrerende earth-traversing. ~r§ in the earth, being buried. -waestm m. fruit of the earth. -wang m. earth. -weg ni. path, way; earth. -wela III. earthly wealth or pros- perity. f61en//(-. ^feolan. folgian, fyl(i)gan wd. succeed (^in time) ; follow, pursue ; per- secute ; obey, observe (law) ; serve, belong to household of ; yield to physical force : gif sec hringe him ~a{) set pam forinan tyge (pull I. See fyligan. -ere m. follower, disciple ; retainer, freeman belonging to another's household ; successor (in office). folgen //<:■. ^feolan. folgap in. body of followers or retainers, province ; service, official position {esp. at court), office, ap- pointment ; condition of life. folmf, -e_/". palm of hand ; hand. for, fer, s?, A. fove prp. w. d., i., a. before : ~ eaxlum stod J)8es cyn- inges ; weorpode hie ~ ealle menn above. These meanings are not ]V. ; they are probably the result of transliterating A. fore into for I time before : ~ feawum dagum a few days ago, nu ~ feower gearum | in the sight of, as regards : rice ~ worulde cause : modigode ~ hie fseger- nesse ; ~ Godes lufan ; swealt ~ pam gylte | aim : com pider ~ paes cyninges swic- dome to betray | benefit : bsed ~ his cwelleras or cwellerum ! equivalence, wa. : rixode ~ pone Herodem in the place of, after ; cage - eage ; haefdon hine ~ senne witegan | ~ an only i| for- hwy, -hwelm, a, -hwon, a why. for-psem, a, -pon, a, A. for(e)- pon therefore ; because w. indc.^ for-peem-pe, -pon- because w. indc. for-psem-p8et in order that 10. sbj. for-py, i therefore, for- py-pe, for-py . . pe because. for-py-pset, for-py . . pset in order that 10. sbj. [61] for av. too, very, very much. for f. movement, motion, course ; journey; way of life [faran]. ~b§dd ;/. litter Gl. -taocy. itinerary. ~m§te m. provisions for a journey. for, 00 (w.) pig Gl. for-, fer-, se. for- occ. = fore-, foran, ~e av. in front, before — ~ forridan cut off advance (of army) ; time before | foran on- gean prp. wa. opposite, foran to prp. wd. before {time). -bodig n. chest. -heafod, for(e )h- n. forehead. ~nihty. early part of the night. for-ap = fore-. for-baBrn|an tr. burn up, burn. ~edries f. being burnt, burn (on body). for-belgan 3 rfi. be angry. for-beod|an 7 forbid wda. (him unryht), zi'. sbj., w. ger. ~endlic dehortative (in grammar). for-beran 4 endure, suffer, tolerate ; restrain || intr. forbear, refrain from w. indc. or sbj. : forbser pset he ne slog hine. for-berstan 3 ititr. break, be broken ; come to nothing, fail ; let go by default. for-bieg|an tr. bend down, bend ; humble. ~els m. arch, vault. for-biernan, eo 3 be consumed by fire, be burnt. for-bindan 3 tie up (mouth of ox). for-bitan 6 bite through. for-blaw^an i tr. blow : wind for- bleow hie ut on see ; blow out — ptc. forblawen suffering from flatulence. for-blindian lA. tr. blind. for-bod n. prohibition. for-breean 4 break down ; break, destroy — forbrocen decrepit ; violate, break (oath, commands). for-bregdan, -bredan 3 tear in pieces ; cover ; transform. for-brytednesy contrition. for*bryttan, -brytan break to pieces, crush. for-bugan 7 tr. turn away from, flee from ; avoid, refrain from ; refuse (office) ; hold down, pre- vent from rising. rORBYRD FORE FORE-M^RE for-byrd/. abstention, restriction. ~ian endure, wait for Gl. forea m. fork [ZA furca]. for'ceorfan 3 cut off, out, down, through (tongue, tree, neck). for-ceowan 7 bite off (one's own tuiigue). for-cifrr]an tr. turn aside, rjl. turn back zw/r. ; turn upside down; avoid, esca|)e. ~ed. perverse. -ingy. turning aside. forcinnant R. for-cl^man stop up. for-elingan 3 shrink, wither. for-elvsan tr. close, obstruct. for-cnidan 6 break to pieces, crush. for-cuman 4 overcome, surpass ; assail ; wear out, destroy. for-cuj) depraved, wicked, bad, foul. ~e, -lice av. badly. for-cwepan 5 speak ill of; rebuke ; reject. for-cwolstan swallow, take (medi- cine). for-cyjjanf surpass in knowledge, confute. ford, d. -a, -e m. ford. for-daelan expend (money). fordelfan 3 dig. for-deni|an condemn. ~edlic to be condemned. ~ediies f. condemnation, proscrip- tion. for-demman shut up, stop (ears). for-dician block up. for-dil(i)gian exterminate, destroy. for-diramian become dark, ob- scure. for-don destroy, ravage, ruin, kill ; lead astray, pervert — ptc. fordon corrupt, wicked. for-drf nean intoxicate. fordrifan 6 expel, drive into exile ; drive out of course, carry away (e . . ; pay, give || wa. pay for, buy off (person accused, ?ttack\ forgielpan 3 — ptc. forgolpen made subject of boasting {of alms). for-giemjan neglect ; ignore, not heed. -eleasian neglect. for-giet an 5 w. a. or g. forget. ~ing /". forgetfulness. for-gietol forgetful. -nesy. oblivion. for-glendr;i)an devour, swallow up, destroy. for-gnagan 2 gnaw to pieces, de- vour. for-gnidan 6 crush — ptc. for- gniden contrite ; throw down. forgnidennes/ contrition. forgrindan 3 destroy. [63] for-gripan 6 seize, grasp ; attack ; afflict. forgrowant R. for-gyltan — ptc. forgylt guilty ; rfl. IV. on > synnum^ incur guilt of. forgyrd ^ forjjgyrd. forgyrdan enclose. for-hataban keep back, restrain, hinder, prevent ; refrain from : ie pe bidde pset pu pis ne ~e, ac pset pu cume ; be continent —ptc. forhsefed continent. -ende, se abstinent, continent. for-haefed continent [forhabban]. -nes, forhsefd- f. continence, tem- perance. for-hatan i forswear, renounce — ptc. fforhaten reprobate {of the Devil). forh.eald|an i misuse, ill-treat, defile (woman ; desert — ptc. ~en rebel, deserter. for-heard very hard. for-heardian become hard. for-heawan i cut down, slaughter. for-helan 4 conceal, keep secret ivd. of per s. forhergjian, -h§rigan ravage, plunder, pillage [hfre]. -end in. ravager. ~iing/. devastation, pillage. for-hienan humiliate, crush (in spirit) ; injure. forhi§rdan tr. harden. for-hog ian despise, ignore. -iend in. despiser. -odlic contemptuous. ~odliee av. contemptuously. ~odnes, -hohnesy. contemjt. ~ung/. contempt. for'hradian be beforehand in doing anything ; do anything too soon ; anticipate, forestall, frus- trate, prevent. for- h.)rape av. very or too soon. forht, IN. froht afraid, timid ; formidable, terrible. -full timorous. -lie afraid, terrified. -lice av. with fear, anxiously. -mod afraid, timid. -nesy. fear, amazement. forht ian be afraid ; fear. -iendlic timorous. -imgy fear. forhtig once afraid, humble. for-hwega av. about (quantity). rORHWEORFAN FORIiIGERLIC FORSACAN for-hw^eorfan ^3j come to an end, be destroyed. for-hwierf an remove; change, pervert. ~edlic perverse. for-hycgan despise ; reject ; neg- lect, ignore ^ command). for-hydan hide. for-hygdelie despicable, despised. for-hylmanf once neglect ^^coni- mand). for-if Idan delay, put off. for-igrman reduce to poverty [earm]. for-laean i b /;-/. -le(ol)c lead astray, deceive, betray. for-lsedan lead astray ; lead into destruction. for-l»ran lead astray (by bad advice). for-lset an i b leave — baeftan- leave behind ; abandon ; give up ; omit, neglect, let go ; lose | dis- miss ; remit, excuse, forgive ; grant, give ; let || inn ~ let in ; ut ~ let out : up ~ direct upwards. ~(en}nesy". abandonment ; absence, cessation, end ; desolation, de- struction, loss ; remission (of sins). for-legenlie mean-looking, ugly. forlegen(n)es, forlegnes/. forni- cation [forlicgan]. forleger- = forliger-. forlegis s), -es/. prostitute, forni- catiess [forlicgan]. -wif It. prostitute. for-leogan 7 tell falsehood, lie — ptc. forlogen perjured ; accuse falsely. for-leornung/. deception. for-leosan 7 7u. a., \i. lose ; destroy — ptc. forloren ruined. for'licg!an 5 commit fornication rfl. iu. wip a., tr. : heo hie for- Iseg wip hine ; he hie wolde ~ — pU. forlegen fornicator, adul- terer, a/so = aj. : pa fule {or fulan) ~an. ~end VI. fornicator. forliden shipwrecked [forlipan]. ~nes/. shipwreck. forlig-gang (?) m. fornication Gl. for-lig(e r, ~e, -leg- 71. fornica- tion. ~bfdd n. bed of fornication. ~h0.s ;/. house of ill-fame. for-ligerlic unchaste. for-lig(e)r, -lir m. fornicator, adul- terer. for-liger adulterous. ~nes, -leg-/", fornication. for-ligrian commit fornication. forlipan, see forliden. for-lor destruction, perdition — to ~e gedon destroy ; loss [for- leosan]. for-loren(n)es/. destruction, per- dition [forleosan]. for-lustlice av. very cheerfully or willingly. forma wk. first (in order or rank, or time) [fore]. for-mffil, -mal («.) treaty, agree- ment. for-manig very or too many. formelle/. bench \^Lt. formella]. formeltan 3 intr. melt away, be consumed, disappear. formest = fyrmest foremost. for-mi^ltan melt /;-. and intr. for-mog ian — ptc. ~od decayed. for-molsnian crumble, decay. for-myrpr i an murder, destroy. for-nfflmjan — ptc. ~ed worn out, aftlicted (with grief). forne = foran. for-neah av. very nearly, almost. for-nean av. nearly, almost. for-nefa m. great-grandson (!). Fornet (w.; es folm a plant. for-nepan rji. risk one's life. forniedan force. for-niman 4 plunder ; destroy, dis- figure — mid fyrhte fornumen overcome with terror ; annul. forod ofte7i used as a par tic. broken {esp. o/"arms, legs, and other parts of the body) ; humbled (^ pride) ; void, useless. for-oft very or too often. for-pffiran pervert ; destroy, ruin. for-pyndanf annul, do away with (Eve's sin). forradian = forhradian. forrabdan betray, injure — hine of life ~ betray him to death, cause his death ; hine to deape ~ put him to death. for-ridan 6 — foran ~ cut off ad- vance, intercept (^cavalry). forrotjian rot away, putrefy — ptc. ~od purulent (wound). ~odnesy. corruption ; pus, matter. [64] for-sacan 2 wa. refuse ; give up, relinquish ; deny. for-sgfetian lay in wait for, surprise (army). forsawen occ. ptc. of forseon. forsc, //. ~as, froxas w. frog. for-scadan, ea i b scatter, dis perse. for-scamlian be znipers. wa. ashamed : hine ~ap. -nng/. modesty. for-scapung/. crime, fault. for-sceap ;/.) crime. for-sc§nding/, confusion IN. for-sceorfan 3 devour ((t/" locusts). for-sei§ppan 2 /;-. transform, change 10 something worse. for-screnc an supplant, oppress, overcome (sins). -end m. supplanter. for-scrifan 6 proscribe ; condemn 7C'. a. or d. ; fbewitch (by writing runes ;. for-scrincan 3 intr. shrink up, witlier. for-scufan 7 humble pride). for-scyld(i)gian convict of crime, rfl. incur guilt, incriminate one- self — ptc. forseyldgod guilty. for-seyttan forestall, prevent (punishment). for-searian intr. wither, dry up. for-secan afflict. for-secgan accuse, traduce, slander. forsegen //(-. fruit), produce, create ; ac- complish. forp-cuman 4 come forward or forth ; be born ; come into being ; come to pass ; succeed, be a success. forp-cyme m. coming forth, birth. for-pearl e av. very severely, ex- cessively. ~il)ice av. very much, entirely. for-p§ncan despise, ;;/?. distrust [65] oneself, despair — pic. forpoht ia despair, despairing. for-peon 6, 7 surpass iu merit. for-peon oppress, destroy. forpeofan steal. for-peostrian darken. forp-faeder ?/t. forefather, forp.faran 2 die. forp-fer|an die : wearp ~ed died. -ediies, ~ing/. death. forp-folgian, -fylgan follow [[). forp-for/. departure, death. forp-forlsbten(n)es/. licence. forp-fram ian zntr. grow; im- prove. ~ungy". prevailing ; departure. forp-gang w. progress, course ; suc- cess ; privy, drain, going to the privy. forp-ggnge progressive, prosperous, effective. forp-geornf eager to advance, im- petuous. forp-gyrd, forg- m. fore-girth, martingale. forp-heald bent forward, stoop- ing ; steep. forp-li§re m. van (of army). forp-hlifian be prominent. for-pierrian*, y dry up m(r. forpilinan = -pylrQan choke. for-pindan 3 — pic. forpunden swollen. for-pingian intercede for wa. forp-lsed an bring forth. ~nes /. bringing forth, produc- tion. forp-gelang dependent, depending on. forplic forward, advanced Z. forp-mgferet very illustrious or conspicuous (?). Cp. foremeere. for-polian be without, want 7ut. for-pr£est,an destroy, afflict. ~ednes/. contritioa. forp-riht*. ~e av. at once, instantly. for-pringanf 3 protect : hie him ~ protect them from him. for-prycc|an press ; overwhelm ; oppress, afflict ; suppress, stop. -edJaes, -yced- /. pressure, op- pression. forp-ryne m. course, flow (of river). for-prysin(i an throttle, strangle, choke (growth). forp-gesceaftf /. created things, FORpSCIPE creation coll. ; future state or condition, the future. forpscipe m. progress Bd. forp-gesienef visible. forjj-sijj m. departure ; death. ~ian die. forjj-snottor very wise. forp-spell ;/. declaration. forp-spownes/. prosperity. forp-tiege («.) porch, vestibule. Cp. foretiege. forp-pegn m. noble. forjj-weard m. pilot. fprp-w^eard I. inclined forward, tending ; advanced, forward [of undertaking or work), progressing, growing, ready ; future, in future ; continual , everlasting. II. ~*, for- weardf once av. in future, always. ~es av. forwards. forp-weg 7)1. forward way, de- parture — on ~, in - away. forp-wif w. matron. forp-gewitan 6 go forth ; of time pass by — ptc. forpgewiten past (deeds, tense) ; die. forp-gewiten(n es/. departure. for-pyldigian, -pyld(e)gian, -pyl- gian bear patiently, endure. for-pylman choke ; f envelope, encompass, cover, overwhelm. forp-yppan display, reveal. for-utan av.. prp. wd. except Z. for-v\rana = *forwena. for wand ian hesitate: hi ~iap pset hi swa ne don h, to do so. ~ige-nde hesitating, respectful, scrupulous. ~iingy". shame. forw^eardf = *forpweard. foi'-weaxjan i grow too much — ptc. ~en overgrown, too big. for-wf ddian pledge. for-wegan 5 kill. fovwel av. very well, very, much. for-wen an — ptc. ~ed insolent. for-wena*, -wana once m. pre- sumption (?). for-weornian wither away, fade, decay [forwesan]. fox" weoron //c. (?/".*forwesan. for-weorpan 3 throw; throw away ; reject, repulse ; squander. for-w^eorpan 3 perish ; - on mode be grieved. forweorpfullie very illustrious. forwgrian wear out — ptc. ~ed, FORWEREDNES ~od worn out (clothes), extreme (old age). for-w§rednes /. extreme old age, decrepitude. forweren ptc. of *forwesan. for-wesan* 5 — ptc. -weren, -we- oront, -woren decayed, worn out. ~ingy". destroying. for-wi§rn |an wdg. prevent from, restrain, oppose ; refuse, deny (favour). ~edlice av. with abstinence. ~ednes/. self-restraint, continence. for'wisnian, eo wither up, decay. for- witolnes = fore-. for-wl§ncan make proud, puff up. for-wordenlic perishable [for- weorpan]. ~(n)esy". failure (of crops' vL. forworen//6-. 0/^ *forwesan. for-wracned banished. for-wrecan 5 banish, expel — ptc. forwrecen exiled, strange. for-wregan accuse, calumniate. for-writan 6 cut through. for-wripan 6 bandage (wound). for-wundian wound. for-wiindorlice av. very wonder- fully. for-wyrcan prt. -orhte, -yrhte barricade, obstruct (road, bridge), dam up ; destroy, ruin ; forfeit ; rfi. incur guilt, perdition | ptc. forworht guilty, wrong-doing, convicted, condemned, ruined ; ~ mann criminal. for- wyrd/«. destruction, niin [for- weorpan]. ~an perish. -encUic perishable. forwyrhte, see forwyrean. fossere ;«. spade [Z/. fossoriiun]. fostor, -er, fester- ti. feeding, sustenance, food. -beam «. foster-child. ~br5por m. foster-brother. -cild n. foster-child. -feeder vi. foster-father. ~land n. ' foster-land,' endowment. ~lean n. payment or reward for keep of a child. ~ling m. foster-child. ~raann m. security. ~niodor/. foster-mother. -sweostor/. foster-sister. fosternop w. sustenance; pasturage. [66] FOSTRAp fostrap tn. food, provisions. fot m., pi. fet, oe, -as foot ; foot (measure). ~adl/. gout. ~bred n. stirrup. ~cosp, -cops ni. fetter. ~eopu/. gout. ge~cypsed fettered [fot-eosp]. ~§ce ;;/. gout. -feter/. fetter. ~last, £6 m. footstep, track ; step (distance). ~lic pedestrian. -niffil ;;. foot (measure). -mffilum. av. step by step. ~gemearct n. measurement by feet, space of a foot. -gemet n. fetter (!). -rap »i. part of a sail. -scamol m., -setl n. footstool. -sid reaching to the feet (0/" cloak). ~spor n. footprint. -spure (?) n. foot-rest, -stool vL. -Stan m. pedestal. -swaep }i. footprint ; foot. ~swyle m. swelling of the foot. -pweal Ji. washing the feet. ~geW£ede n. foot-clothing. -waerc in. gout. ~welm, -wolma w. sole of the foot. fopor, -er n. food, fodder; load (measure); covering, case; basket. foporn (/«.) a surgical instrument, lancet (?). fox ;;/. fox. ~es-clate f. burdock. ~es-clife f. greater burdock. ~es-fot 7n. bur reed (a water- plant). ~es-glofe, ~es-clofe /. fo.xglove. -hyll m. fox-hill Ct. ~ung/. craftiness. fracop, fracod, vE. frsecup I. vile, shameful, nasty, abominable ; hate- ful, wicked, bad, useless. II. n. disgrace, insult ; wickedness [ Cp. forctip]. ~e av. shamefully. ~lic shameful, ignominious, wicked. -lice av. wickedly, with evil intent, disgracefully. ~(lic)nes_/". vileness, lewdness. ~scipe m. vileness, disgraceful conduct. frsfe-=frea-. fraec = free. fraeeup =- fracop. fraefele = frgfele. GEFR^GE FRAM-SIp GEFREDM^LUM gefrsegef I. n. — • mine ~ as 1 have heard say. II. aj. celebrated, notorious. gefraegen, sec fricgan. fraegn/;-/. (/frignan. gefrsegnodt once. For gefrec- nod (? . fraeng = fraegn /;V. (9/"frignan. gefraep(pe)gian IN. accuse ; re- verence (!J. frsett, set obstinate, defiant, proud. ~ig, alt proud, perverse. frafet//-/. (^/"fretan. fraet-gfngia vE. m. apostasy (!) Gl. frset-lseppa m. dewlap. fraet'W a, -e, ge- fpl. ornaments, trappings, armour, treasures [ge- tawe]. ~(i'an, -tew- adorn. ~ednesy. ornament. ^ungy". ornament. gefragian learn by asking IN. [frignan]. fram, freom vigorous, bold, brave. -lice av. vigorously, boldly, promptly. ~res/. vigour. ~scipe w. action. frara 1. prp. 7v. d.. i. motion (away) from : hi wurdon gegripene ~ moderlicum brecstum ; pa he him ~ wolde, Jja gefeng he hine distance, extent : feower mila ~ p«m mupan ; - seI op sie I time : ~ hancrede op undern | origin, source : swa micel ege stod deoflum ~ eow pset . . i agent (with passive): wearp adrifen of his biscep- dome ~ Ecgferpe cyninge | privative : freoh - deapes sar- nesse; bugon ~ Godes ge- leafan ; aliesan ~ . . II. av. away : ~ gan depart ; ~ ic ne w^ille I will not run away. fram ian avail, benefit. ~igendlie effective (medicine). fram-byge m. apostasy. fram-eyme w. progeny, descen- dants. fram-cynn «. progeny, offspring ; lineage ; origin. fram-farii/, excess (\). fram-fundung/. departure. fram-lad /; retreat. framlic turned away from Gl. fram-sip >ii. departure. fram-slitnesy. desolation IN. framweard about to depart, de- parting ; about to die ; enter- prising (?). ~es av. in a direction away from. fran/T/. o/" frignan. franca w. javelin. Franc Ian ;////. Franks. ~land n. France. fras ian question ; tempt. ~ung/. questioning ; temptation. gefrasian find out by inquiry, learn. freaf '"■ lord, king, consort ; the Lord (God or Christ ;. ~dryhten m. lord. ~reccere >n. prince. -wine in. 'beloved) lord. -wrasen/! splendid chain. frea-beorht, frse- very bright ; glorious. frea-bodian proclaim. frea-drieman exult. frea-fsett*, free- very fat. frea-gleaw very prudent. frea-hrsed, fr«e- very quick. frea-m^re, free- very famous. frea-micel*, free- very great. frea-ofestliee*, free- av. very quickly. frea-torht very bright. frea-wlitig very beautiful. free, ee, IN. i wg. gluttonous, greedy, bold (in). -lice av. greedily. -mase/. titmouse. -nesy". greediness. freeat m. bold one, warrior. frecja*, vE. -eo m. glutton. frecednes, frecelnes = freeen- nes. frecelsian endanger. frecen n. danger [frecne]. -full, ~(d)lic dangerous. -lice av. dangerously. -(n-es, frecnes, frecednes, fre- celnes/l danger; harm. frecnje, oe I. dangerous; terrible; daring, bold ; wicked. II. av. dangerously ; severely ; boldly. -ian — ptc. ge-od endangered, ffierce, proud. frecnes = frecennes. gefredjan be sensible of, feel, per- ceive — ptc. cpv. -ra more per- ceptible [frod]. -endlic perceptible. [67] gcfred|m£eluni av. by degrees (!). -nesy". perception. fr^fel, ae (n.) cunning. ~e cunning ; bold. -ian be cunning. -lice, fref(e)lice av. cunningly ; shamelessly. -nesy". cunning, sagacity. frefernesy". consolation. frefr an, oe, -ian comfort, con- sole. ~(i)end ni. comforter, consoler. -lingy. comfort, consolation, gefregeny/r. o/" fricgan. freht [e = eo ?] divination. Cp. frihtere. freni(e)de, frempe unfamiliar, strange ; estranged (from) wd. ; foreign ; devoid of wg. frgmdian alienate, estrange. frgmednes, gefrem(ed)nes/. ful- filment. fr§nim|an, fr§mian tr. further, advance, raise fig. ; urge, incite ; perform, commit, make, do || xvd. benefit, do good, profit, avail [fram J. ~ing, frgmung, ge-y". performance ; effect. fr§ni|u, eo f. benefit, advantage, prosperity. -full beneficial. -fullice av. efficaciously, -fulnes/. utility. -lie profitable. -sum beneficial ; kind, -sumlice av. kindly. -sumnes /. benefit ; liberality ; kindness. Frgncisc French [Francan]. freo, freoh, fri(g), //. frige free ; tnoble ; tjoyful. -beam n. freeborn or noble child. ~borg = frip-. -bropor m. own brother, -burg/, city. -dohtor/. freeborn daughter. -dom m. freedom, -dryhtenf m. noble lord. -lac n. oblation. -lafeta m. freedman. ~lic! t ^ noble ; goodly, magnificent ; beaiTliful. ge-lic IN. free. -lice av. freely, without hindrance ; nobly, -mffigt m. (free) kinsman. FREO-MANN FREOT-MANN FRIp-BREC freojmann m. free man, man. ~iiam.a w. surname, cognomen. ~riht 71. right of free men, privilege. ~seeatt ;;/. private property (?). freoty. lady, woman. freo (y.) freedom, immunity Ct. freo-=frea-. freon = freogan. freodf /. affection, friendship, good-will, peace. freo(ga)n, frigan free ; +love. gefrigend m. liberator. gefreog-, sec gcfrige. freols III. freedom, immunity, privi- lege ; festival, holy day, celebra- tion (of festival) '^ from *fri-hals]. ~fflfen 111. eve of a festival. ~h6cf. charter of freedom. -bryce ///. breach of festival. ~daeg III. festival day, festival. ~doin 7)1. freedom. ~gear «. jubilee. ~giefa 711. manumitter. -lie festive. -lice av. freely ; solemnly. -inann in. freedman. -stow/', festival-place. -tidy", festival time, anniversaiy. freols ian keep as a festival, keep holy, celebrate, keep (Sunday) ; deliver. ~ung_/. celebration of festival. freond, d. friend, ~e ; //. friend, eo, -as friend ; relative ; lover ^freon]. -heald friendly. -healdlic akin. -lart/. friendly instruction £i;-advice. -laput/ friendly invitation. -leas friendless. -least y. want of friends. -lie friendly. -lice av. kindly. -lufut /. love, friendship, relation- ship. -myncff/. love. -r£eden(n)/ friendship ; love. -scipe 711. friendship ; love. -spedf/. abundance of friends -spedig rich in friends. freorigt cold ; dispirited, sad, terrified [freosan]. -ferf), -mod sad. freosan, ptc. froren 7 freeze. freot III. freedom [freo]. -giefa III. manumitter. -giefu, -gift/", manumission. freot-mann m. freedman. freop-, see frij)-. Fresise = Friesisc. fretjan 5 eat up, devour ; destroy; break [from *for*etan]. -ol*, -tt- gluttonous. fr^ttan eat up, consume, devour fretanj. fric Ly=tvec greedy. frician, 1 dance. fricca, y fii. herald, crier. fricganf 5 ptc. -frigen, e, se, u ask, inquire ; loag. question (a person) ; wg. seek. gefricganf 5 learn by inquiry, hear of. friclian wg. seek, desire. -of appetite. frico (^/. ; usury [free]. gefriend /;///. beon be on friendly terms [freond]. Fries a, i, e, if "i- Frisian. -cjmingt III. Frisian king. ~isc Frisian — on - in the Frisian manner. -land 71. Friesland. frig = freo. frigan = freogan free, frigaf, "i^ fpl. love. Frige ffifen w. Thursday evening, -daeg, frigdseg m. Friday, gefrigef, eo n. hearsay [gefric- gan]. frigea 111. lord, master [frea]. gefrigen//. walk, go, come, proceed — gan- gende menn infantry; a/so met. of origin \ happen, turn out | be- long 7net. : ne gSp na mare to metinge buton Jjast f)u hit geseo all that is required for understanding a picture is . . || forfi ~ go or come out ; continue of time, action. up~ rise (o/'sun, stars). gegan vb. go, proceed, also wa. : f ~ gryresipas ; of time pass ; happen 11 tr. practice, exercise ; overrun, occupy (country), take (city). gabote/ small dish Gl. gad/, goad, point. ~isen ;;. goad. gadf, Ee w. want, lack wdg. gegada, gada m. companion, asso- ciate. gader scipe, gse- m. matrimony. -tang continuous, united. ~tangnes/. continuation. -wist/", association, intercourse. ge~wyrhtan vipl. assembled work- men. gaderung/ assembly. gadr ian, gagd e r- tr. gather, collect, store up. gegadr ian tr. collect || intr. col- lect together. ~ung f. coming together, conflux ; assembly, congregation. gaBdf once, \ii.) fellowship. gaedelingt ;«. companion, kins- man. gffil an hinder, impede ; wag. hinder from, prevent from obtaining || intr. delay [gal]. ~ing/. delay. gielsa VI. wantonness, pride [gal]. gaers, grses n. grass ; young com ; plant. ~bfdd ;/. grave. gaersjeip m. blade of grass or corn. -grene grass-green. ~hoppa m. grasshopper. -ierfi f. grass-land. ~molde/; sward. ~ s tapa m. grasshopper. ~swin n. pastured pig. ~tun ))i. meadow. ~tundic m. meadow-dike Ct. ~wang III. sward. gaersum^a = gersum. geesne, e, ea barren ; ug. deprived of, without ; wanting, scarce ; dead. gaest = gifst guest. g8est = gast spirit. gjestant afflict, torment. gaestlief once dreary ?). gfflt//. ^gat goat. gseten of goats. gaep (he) goes. ^ge)gaf-spr£ec/ foolish talk, scur- rility. gafelian rent Ct. gafeloc in. javelin. gaffe tung/. scoffing. gafol, go- n. tax, tribute ; rent ; , usury, interest. ~b§re in. barley given as rent. ~gield n. tribute ? . ~gielda ni. tributary ; debtor ; tenant. -gieldere m. tributary. -heord /. hive of bees subject to a tax. ~hwitel in. tribute-blanket paid as the equivalent of rent or tribute. ~igrpy. tribute-land, rented land. ~land n. tribute-land, rented land, land liable to taxation. -lie fiscal. ~m8ed /. tribute-meadow, meadow whose mowing was part of the obligation of its renter. ~nianung /. place of tribute, cus- toms. ~p§ning, -ig m. tribute-penny, penny paid as tax or rent. [71] gafoi;raeden(n)/ tribute, rent. ~gerefa m. publican. ~S'wan III. tribute-herdsman, swine- herd who rents land for feeding his pigs. ~tyning /. material for fencing as equivalent of rent. ~wudu 7n. wood as equivalent of rent. gafol/. fork. ~rand w. pair of compasses. gagates, -Stan w. agate. gagel m. (?), gagelle, -olle/. gale, sweet gale (a plant i. ~eropp ;;/. top or catkins of gale. gagol, gsegl wanton, lascivious. -baere* wanton. ~b£ernes/ wantonness. gagul-swillan \or tzao words ^ gargle Gl. Cp. geagl. gal I. wanton, frivolous ; proud ; wicked, bad. II. n. wantonness, folly ; pride ; wickedness, evil. ~ferhpt lascivious, lustful. -fi^eols III. revel Gl. ~full lustful, licentious. -fullice av. lustfully. -lie lustful, sensual. -mod licentious. ~nes, g8e-/. licentiousness ; (boyish) levity, folly. ~seipe III. wantonness, 1-ascivious- ness ; pride. -smaere given to joking and laugh- ter. galjan 2 sing; scream {of bird); intr. sing charms, practise incan- tation. -end, -ere, galdre m. enchanter, incantator. ~\ing/ incantation. Gal- w(e) alas nipl. Gauls, French- men ; France [/./. Gallia]. gambef / tribute. gamelian grow old. gamen n. amusement, game, sport, exhibition of skill, &c., merri- ment, joy ; jesting, joke. GAMENIilC GASRIC GEAIiGA gamen lie, gamelic belonging to games, theatrical. ~lice av. deceitfully, -wapt/ path of joy. ~wudut m. wood of mirth, harp. garaen ian, gamn-, se play; jest, joke. ~ungy! amusement; jesting. gamolf old [ge-, msel]. -feax grey-haired. -ferhp old. gan ian yawn [ginan]. -ungy! yawning, gan d ra m. gander. gang m. going, progression, gait ; path, track, bed ^of river) ; flow, stream ; course of time; ; drain, privy. -aern, -ern n. privy. ~dagas m. Rogation days. ~eh§re m. infantry. -pytt 7)1., -setl «., ~st6l vi. privy, -geteld n pavilion, -tun m. privy. ~weg m. road, cart-road, -wnce/! Rogation week, gegang 7n. event, result. gangan -= gan. gange - wifre, gangel - wsefre, -weafre/! spider [gan, ■wrefan]. ganot w. gannet, sea-bird — -j- ~es baep sea. ganra = gandra. garf m. javelin, spear, -beam w. javelin-shaft, -berend 7>i. warrior, -cene brave, warlike. -clifey". ac^rimony i,a plant) Pr. -ewealm w. slaughter, -dene//, warlike) Danes, -faruy; warlike expedition, -heap 771. warlike troop. -holt 71. javelin -shaft'. -leac 71. garlic Pr. -meting*, -mitting/. battle, -nip 771. war. -rges 771. battle. -Sf eg, gasric w. ocean, sea Pr. -torn 771. rage of battle, -getrum 71. band of warriors. ~praeu/. battle. -priste brave. ~'wiga, -wigend w. warrior. ~ge'wlnn w. battle, violence. -■WTidu 771. javelin. gara w. triangular piece 'of land), projection. gasric = gar-sf eg. gast, ffi 7)1. breath ; mind, spirit, soul ; life ; spirit, angel, sprite, demon — se halga ~ the Holy Ghost. -banaf Tti. de\'il. -berendf w. living being, man. -eofaf 771. breast, mind. ~cund spiritual. ~e'walu.t_/i torment, affliction. -cyningt w- God. ~gedal+ 71. death. -giefu/. gift of the Spirit. -haligt holy. -j^ehygdf «. thought. -leas dead. -lie spiritual. ~liee av. spirituallj'. ~lufet/! spiritual love. ~gemyndt ;/. thought. -geniplaf w. devil. -gerynef «. spiritual mystery. ~sunuf 771. spiritual son. -gewinnf «• trouble of soul, afflic- tion. gat, pi. g£t f. goat. ~e-treow cornel - tree. ~ e-pyrne goat's thorn. -bucca 771. he-goat. -hierde ;«. goatherd. ge cj. and. ge . . ge both . . and. ge, gie ye. gea, ia, A. gse, gee av. yes : cwsep ia "wip consented. geac 771. cuckoo, -es sure wood- sorrel. geador av. together — on ~ to- gether. geafl-, see gafol fork. geaflas »ipl. jaws. Cp. ceafl. geagl ))i7i. jaw. -S'wile 771. swelling of the jaw. geaglisc, geg- frolicsome, wanton. geal-adl/; jaundice [gealla]. gealdor, a «. incantation, charm ; magic ; dinnation. -crasft 7/1. magical art, magic, incanlati( n. -craeftiga /7i. magician. -cwide 771. incantation. ~galend, -galere ;«. enchanter. -leop 71. incantation. -w^ord n. magic word, incanta- tion. gealdricgeyi sorceress. gealg* sad. -mod sad. [72] gealga w. gallows, gibbet, cross for crucifixion). -treow, IN. galgatre «. gallows, cross. gealla m. gall, bile. geall a w. gall, sore on the skin. -ede galled .horse). gealloc*, a w. comfrey (a plant). gean-, gfgn- = ongean-. -boc f. duplicate charter, counter- part. -cwide m. reply ; pi. conversation. -faar «. return. -hweorfan 3 return i/itr. -hwi^rft 771. turning back intr. -hworfennes/. return. -hwurf 771. return Gl. -nes/! meeting Gl. -paSp 771. hostile path. -ryne 771. meeting. -siege 771. fight. -pingian reply. gean-wyrde o)- gean-wjrrde — he pass - waes he confessed it. geanol coming to meet, on the load to Gl. geap crooked, curved : cunning, deceitful, fsteep, lofty, projecting, spacious. -lie deceitful. -lice av. deceitfully, cunningly. -nfbbf ? (0/ corslet). -scipe 771. deceit, cunning. gear, ger 71. j-ear ; the KiDiic let- ter g. -cyning w. consul Gl. -dagast 77ipl. lifetime ; days of yore. Cp. geara. -hwamlice av. yearly. -lie yearly, of the year. -lice av. yearly. -m^lum av. year by year. -market «. yearly market ICt. -gemearct 77. period of a y6ar. -gerilit «. yearly due. -rimf, -gerimt 77. number of years. -getsel 71. number of years. -torhtf bright every year, bright in season ^ crops, &c.). -pegnung, -penungy". annual ser- vice of the church ■>. gear-wutol austere /.\''. geara av. long ago, formerly. gearcian prepare, supply [gearo]. gearcung/i preparation. ge -dseg 771. preparation-day GEARD GENG GEOHHOL geard ni. fence ; enclosure, court- yard ; dwelling. geare av. = gearwe. gearn n. 3arn. -w^inde/ reel. gearo, IM. iare ; //. gearwe ready. -brygdty. quick movement. -folmf with ready hand. -gangendet going swiftly. ~lice av. completely, well. ~snot(^t)ort wise, skilled (in) wi. ~]jancolt ver\' wise or prudent. ~wita once, m. understanding, know- ledge. -witol* ready-witted. -witolnes/. sagacity. -■wyrdigt eloquent. gearor cpv. of gearwe av. gearW|ian make ready ; make, do : clothe. (ge)~'U.ngy. preparation. gearwja*, -ef fpl. clothing, orna- ments, armour. gearw]e /. yarrow (a plant) — ~an-leaf mallow . gearwe, geare av. completely ; well. geat, //. gatu n. gate. -torrt m. gate-tower. ~weard in. porter. geatan L. guint. Cp. gea \Scand.\ geatolicf adorned, splendid. geatw|a, ~et fpl. armour, orna- ments [getawe]. geapt foolishness; mockery. gggn* direct — Jja genran wegas. gegn-=gean-. gggnuraf not \V. av. forwards, direct. g^gningaf tiot IV., gea-, gen-, -unga av. straight forwards. direct ; altogether, entirely ; with- out doubt, certainly. geh)3U = geohpu. gellet basin. gemung/. marriage IN. ~ian marry IN. -lie nuptial IN. gen- =g§gn-, gean-. gen not IV. (f), ie, gena, geno, IN. geona av. often preceded by pa, nu I continuation still, yet : Jjser he ~ ligejj — so also nu ~(a) J>a ~(a) still ; ne wses me feorh pa gen not yet ; geornor ponne he ~ dyde | further : hierde ic secgan ~ be sumum fugle — so also pa ~ [ still w. cpv. : ~ mare, gena swetre || now. in the im- mediate future : gif he his ~ wolde gepafa weorpan pset . . : ~ ic pe feores unnan wille, gif pu . . II repetition again : pa ~ sec fslmne sprsec. Cp. giet. geng/r/. ofgan. ggngan (f) go only in prt. [gan]. geg^nga m. fellow-traveller; com- panion, associate [gan]. g§nge n. troop, gang ; privy. geg§nge n. troop, gang. g^nge having influence, effective, valid. geno = gen. genunga = gf gninga. geo, (g)iu av. formerly, of old. -dfifedty; former deed. -leant «• reward for past action. -mann m. man of old. -meowlet/. (,?). -sceaftf/ destiny. -sceaft-gastf m. doomed sprite. -w^inef ni. departed friend. geoc, iue n. yoke ; yoke of oxen ; a measure of land ; IN. wife (!). ~boga 7n. yoke. ~ian yoke. ~led, iuclsete n., iocleta m. a mea- sure of land. Cp. scirlett. ~stecca m. part of a yoke. ~tiema*, e m. one of a team, animal yoked with another Gl. geoc (t)/. help ; consolation ; safety. -end w. preserver. ~ian preserve, save iv.g. or d. geocorf full of hardship ; sad. geocre av. severely. geocsja = *giexa sob. ~ung/. sobbing. geofont, y, i n. ocean, flood. -flod in. sea. ~hus n. sea-house (the ark). -yp/. wave. geoge^lere in. magician. geogop, eot, iug- y. period of) youth ; young persons, youth : new-born animals. -cnoslf n. young progeny. -feorhf «• (period of) youth. -had in. state of) youth. -hadnes/. (state of) youth Bd. -lie youthful. -lust m. lusts of youth. -myru*/".,^. -myrwef once youth- ful joy (?). [73] geohhol = geol. geohsa = *giexa sob. geol, ge o)hhol, geohel n. Yule, Christmas — on - at Christmas ; also pi. : eev -um [Z/. Julius]. -daeg in Yule-day — se reresta - Christmas-day. -nionap w. December. geola in. — se ierra - December, se 8efterra ~ January. geoloca, geol(e ca m. yolk (of egg) [geolo]. geolo, pi. geolwe yellow. -hwit pale yellow. -randf w. yellow shield. -read reddish yellow. geolstor, v£. gelostr ;/?;;., gillis- ter 71; gillistre f poisonous secretion, pus, matter. geolstrig secreting poison, puru- lent. geoluling*, giu- [in.) July(?). Cp. geol. geolwian become yellow. geomor sad, mournful. -e av. sadl)'. -frodf old. -gieddf H. dirge. -lie sad. -lice av. sadly. -modf sad. geomer ian, geomr- mourn, com- plain. -ung/. moaning; mourning, lamen- tation. geon once that, yonder. geond, f I. prp. wa. throughout of extension and motion : of time during. II. av. thither. geondan/;^. beyond — frarn- s«. Cp. begeondan. geondblaw^an i inspire (?). geond-brffidan cover (with cloth, &c.). geond-dr^ncan intoxicate. geond-faran tr. traverse, pervade. geond-feolan j,,ptc. -folen fill wi. geondferan traverse. geond-flowan i flow through. geondfolen, see -f'eolan. geond-gan vb. traverse. geond-geotan 7 pour over, flood, wash. geond-higrdan hn rd en th oroughly. geondhw^eorfan 3 traverse ; pass through fmind). geond-iernan 3 run over. GEONDLACAN GEORNNES GIELD-DAGAS geond-laeant i traverse. geond'lgcc|an moisten throughout, water. ~ing/. watering. geond-liehtan illumine. geond-mgnganf confuse (mind). geond-sawan i scatter. geond-sceawian survey. geond-scinan 6 shine on, illumi- nate. g3ond-seri]?an 6 traverse. geondsecan investigate ; pervade. geondsendanf overspread (with army ) 7ci. geond-seon 5 survey. geond-sinea,ga)n investigate, dis- cuss. geond-spaetan syringe. geond-sprfngan sprinkle over. geond-springan 3 pervade (?) Gl. geondsprutan 7 pervade. geond-strggdan, -stredan sprin- kle over. geond-styrian agitate. geond-pgncan consider, contem- plate. geond-wadan 2 study, be versed in. geond-wlitan 6 see through, gaze all over. geong, iung, cpv. gingra, s/l. gin- g e)st young. ~l£eean be growing up, be young Gl. ~lie, geonlic young. ~licnes/. youth. ~ling w. youth. geongrja, i m. youth ; disciple, fol- lower ; attendant, vassal. ~e*, i/. attendant. geongorjdom, -seipe m. vassal- age [ 0/i/ Saxoiil- geopanf 7 swallow. geormant-laf (/), georman- leaf 71. mallow. Cp. gearwan- leaf. georn za^. desirous, eager ; zealous TV. ymb. -e av. eagerly ; earnestly ; well, accurately. -full eager wg. ; zealous, diligent. -fuUie zealous. -fullice av. zealously, diligently. -fulnesy! desire, eagerness ; zeal. -lie desirable. -lice av. diligently, zealously ; ac- curately. georn^n)es/ zeal. georstu^. 7f?ferj. Oh. geostran = giestran. geotian 7 pour; shed; cast (in metal) || z/itr. flow ende hfre overwhelming army. ~end w. artery Gl. -endlic*, -enlic fluid Gl. -ere m. ^brass)-founder. geoxa = *giexa sob. ger = gear year. gerla {m.) tribute /TV. gersum, se mn., -a w. treasure, gift IScand.']. gesca = *giexa sob. gesen, iesende, isend, isern en- trails Gl. gestende, see giestan. getan = gietan destroy. geten-wyrde consenting, agreeing Ct. giccan itch. giceig once purulent Gl. gieeel w.) icicle, ice. ises - icicle. -a ///, ice. -igicy. -Stan »i. piece of ice, hailstone. gicfa, ie, io, gibfa, y w. itch ; Jiiccup. Cp. gycenes. gidsian = gitsian. giedd ;;. song, poem ; speech ; narrative, tale ; proverb, riddle. ~-ian. sing ; recite, speak ; discuss, debate. ~ingy; song; saying, discourse. gief|an 5 ivda. give, grant ; give in marriage. ~a m. giver. ~ung/! granting, consent. giefian wd. bestow gifts on, en- dow; give. giefl 71. food, piece of food. giefu, gifu / gift — to ~e(s) gratis ; good thing ; (divine) grace ; t/ie Rtatic letter g. ~faBSt gifted ; capable of wg. -heallf f. gift -hall, hall in which gifts are distributed. ~ig*, i rich. ~ol bountiful. -olnes/. liberality. -sceattf 771. gift. -stolf w. throne. gield 71. payment ; tribute, tax | compensation ; stead : on psire sunnan ~ instead of the sun | offering (to a god), sacrifice, wor- ship; heathen god, idol | guild, fraternity. gield;dagas ;«. guild- or festival- days. -lie of a guild. -rSden^n) /. membership of a gTiild. -scipe 771. association, guild. ~sester w. a measure. gegield 71. association, guild. ~a 771. member of a guild. -heall/ guild-hall. -scipe 771. guild. gieldan 3 wda. pay, pay for; give, render ; recompense, requite ; punish ; make good, make resti- tution ; worship (idols). gielda 771. member of a guild. gielde*, e sterile Gl. giellan 3 scream, utter cry, sound iiitr. gielm*, ~a, e, i 7)i. handful, sheaf. gielp 771. boasting, arrogance ; fame, glory. ~cwidet 711. boastful speech. ~en boastful. ~geornt eager for glory. ~geornesy. desire of glory. -hlaedenf boastful or illustrious (?). ~lic vainglorious, arrogant ; magni- ficent, splendid. -lice av. arrogantly. -plegat m. battle, war. -sceapat m. arrogant enemy. -spr^e|-_/l boastful speech. -wordf n. boastful word, boast. gielp an 3 w.g., rarely i. boast, exult. -ing/. boasting, glory. giem an tog. take care of; take notice of, reflection. -end 771. keeper, governor. -ing /. care ; gemung IN. mar- riage. See gemung. gieme/. care. giemeleas careless, heedless ; neg- lected, uncared for; stray (cattle). -ian neglect. -lie careless. -lice av. carelessly. ~nes/. negligence, carelessness. ~t, -liosty. negligence, carelessness ; being neglected. giemen^n) /. taking care of, care, guardianship ; government. gien = gen. giend = geond. GIENDAM" GIEXA GIREN giendan* once drive — prt. gynde, e, 1. giengra = geongra. gi§rd. /. rod, twig ; a measure of land, rood. ~weg*, y m. fenced road (?). -■witef n. rod-punishment, punish- ment through Moses' rod. gierede, /rA o/"gigrw^an. gifr e)la, ge- ;;/. dress, clothing. gegi§relic of clothes. giern an, ~ian, eo iv.g., sefter, rarely a., w. sbj., w. inf. desire ; request, demand [georn], ge-endlie desirable. ~ing/. desire. gierran 3 chatter ; creak. gierstan = giestran. gigrwan prt. gi§rede prepare, cook (food ) : ~ to m§te up serve (meal); adorn; clothe, dress [gearu]. giese*, i, y, LY. ise av. yes [gea, sie"". gigst, ae ; § A., also IIV. [Scand. form ?] m. stranger ; guest ; tenemy. ~8Brn, -em n. guest-chanaber, inn. ~hof n. guest-house. ~hus n. guest-house, inn. ~ian be guest, lodge. ~ig*, gestig strange, being a stranger IN. ~ing*, §y. exile. -lijje hospitable. -lipnes/. hospitality. -maBgenf n. troop of guests. -selef in. hall for strangers. giest m. yeast. giestan* ferment (?) — gestende swelling f'madnessV giestran-, eo, gyrstan-, e(o). -eefen w. — ~e av. yesterday evening. ~daBg(e^ av. yesterday. ~lic*, gysternlic — ~ dseg yester- day. ~niht av. yesterday night. giet, -a, iet av.^ often iv. uu, pa prefixed still, yet : gyt me tweo- nap ; he nses dead pa ~ ; hitherto : swa he nu - dyde ; further, be- sides : be psim is ~ gecweden . . ; 'M. cpv. still : swipor ~. gieta = giet. gietan*, e+ destroy. giexa*, geocsa, gihsa, vE. gesca, iesca m. sob. See geocsa. gif, y ; e, eo cj. w. indc., sbj. : me pyncp betre, ~ eow swa pyncp, pset . . ; ~ we eefre meegen ; whether : pii wast ~ hit is swa w^e secgan hierdon ; frsegn ~ him wSre niht getslse whether he had had a pleasant night. giferf once (m.) glutton (?). gifepef I. granted (by fate). II, n. fate, chance. gifref once useful (?). gifer]lice av. greedily. -nesf. greediness, voracity. gifre greedy, ravenous ; rapacious ; desirous. gifty. price of wife ; //. ~a, -u mar- riage, wedding [giefan]. -biir ;/. wedding-chamber. ~hus 71. wedding-house. -ian give (woman) in marriage lA^. -leop n. epithalamium. ~(elic belonging to a wedding. gigant, it m. giant [Lt. gigan- tem]. ~maBCgt m. son of a giant. gihsa = giexa sob. gillister, gillistre = geolstor. gilte/i young sow. gimm m. gem, jewel ; fsun [Z/. gemma]. -bsbre gem-bearing. -cynn n. species of gem, gem. -ian adorn with gems. ~isc jewelled, ~r§eedt n. palace. -Stan m. gem, precious stone. -wyrhta m. jeweller. gimrodor a precious stone. gin n. yawning gulf, abyss. gin-fsestf ample, liberal (gifts^ [ginn]. gman 6 yawn. gin ian, geonian be wide open, gape [ginan]. ~ung, geo-y'. gaping, yawning. gind = geond. ging = geong. gingifer, gingiber, gingifere f ginger [Z'r.]. gingra = geongra. ginnt spacious. ginnes/. gap, interval. ginnan = onginnan begin. gip ian*, y yawn. ~ung oncef. gaping, open mouth Gl. [75] . giren = grin trap. gegiscan 07ice block up Gl. giscian sob. gis(e)l in. hostage. -had m. being a hostage. gislian give hostages. gistran = giestran. git ye two. *• gits I ian, gids- wg. covet, crave, be greedy, be avaricious. -ere m. covetous man ; miser. -ungy.covetousness, desire, avarice. gip-corn = gyp-. giugup = geogop. ginng - geong. giw, geow (w.) griffin, vulture. giwjian, giowian/A^. ask, demand, beg. -ung/. petition. gladjian be glad, exult || tr. make glad, cheer [glsed]. -ung/! cheerfulness, joy. glaBd, set, set I. tbright, clear; glad, cheerful, merry ; kind, cour- teous. II. n. joyt once. -lie bright, splendid ; cheerful, pleasant. -lice av. gladly, cheerfully ; kindly. -mod glad, cheerful ; kind, plea- sant. -modnes/, kindness, liberality. -nesy. joy, cheerfulness. -scipe m. joy. glaedene, a, ef. iris, gladiolus. gleemt m. brightness, splendour, beauty. glSBr, //. glsesas (!) m. amber. glass n. glass. -fset n. glass vessel. -hllittor clear as glass, trans- parent. glaesen of glass. -eage grey-eyed Gl. glaeterian glitter. glappe/. buckbean (?). ^leam (w.) merriment. gleaw, a, A. gleu quick-sighted ; sagacious, wise, prudent, clever, skilful, skilled in w.g., on d. ~e av. wisely ; well. -ferhpt wise. -hycgendet wise. -hygdigt, -hydlg sagacious, pru- dent. -lie wise, prudent. -lice av. sagaciously, cleverly. -mod wise, prudent. GIiEAWNES GLOFUNG GOD-GIMM gleawnes/. sagacity, intelligence, prudence. -scipe ni. sagacity, prudence ; proof, indication. gled, oef. live coal ; flame, fire. ge~an make hot, kindle. -ggesat m. terror of fire. ~i8et n. chafing-dish. -seofly. fire-shovel. -stgde t m. altar. gleddian once moisten, daub. gledene glcedene. glgmm blemish, disfigurement. glfndran devour, swallow. geglendrian IN. precipitate. glgngyw. ornament ; magnificence. -an adorn ; trim (lamp). ge~endlie magnificent. -fxill, -lie adorned, mngnificent. gleoma |- R. gleow -- gliw. gles;an*, oe gloss, explain \_Lt. glossa]. -ing/". glossing. glidan 6 glide, slip. glida, io ?n. kite. glidder slippery [glidan]. gliddrian slip. glig gliw. glis ian glitter — se ~igenda wibba glowworm. glisnian glitter. gliten ian glitter, shine. -ling/, flash. gliw, glig, gleo^w^, if n. music, minstrelsy ; mirth, jest, ridicule ; pleasure. -beam m. musical instrument, harp, timbrel !). •rcraeft m. music, minstrelsy. -dreamt w. music, mirth. -georn fond of jesting. -hleopriendlic musical. ~lic mimic. -msegden, -mseden n female min- strel. ~inann m. minstrel, musician ; buffoon. -stafas I- nipl. joy. -stolf »i. seat of joy. ~w^ord+ n. song, poem. gliW|ian, eo play on musical instrument, sing ; play the buf- foon, jest, joke"; adorn. ~(e)re m. buffoon, jestet. -ung/. mirth. glof, ~e /" glove. glofjUngy. providing with gloves. -wyrty. lily of the valley ; hound's tongue (a plant;. glom twilight. ~ung /. twilight ; dim light before dawn. glow^an I glow ((/red-hot things). gnaett ni. gnat. gnagan 2 gnaw. gnast spark. gneap, e niggardly wg. (giefa) ; frugal, austere (life). Cp. gniepe. -lienes/. frugality. gnidan 6 rub ; pirlverize. gnidel w.) pestle. gnie])!e scanty [gueap]. ~eliee*, e av. sparingly, in small quantities. -elienes, grea-, -nes/. frugality. gnorn I. w. '^sorrow, affliction. II. sorrowful. ~cearigt sorrowful. -hoft n. prison. -scyndendef ptc. hastening away in sorrow. ~sorgt_/. sorrow. -w^ordf n. sorrowful word or speech. gnornian intr. grieve, be sorrow- ful ; tr. lament. -ungy; lamentation ; grief. gnyran once creak = guierran ? gnyrnf sorrow, evil. ~w^raeut/. enmity. g6|n* sigh. -ungy". sighing, groaning. god ;;/.. pi. ~as, ~u, gpl. ~a, ~ena God ; heathen god. -beam «. child of God; god- child. ~borg m. ? ~b6t f. atonement made to the church. ~cund of God, divine, religious, sacred. ~cundlic divine. -cundlice av. by divine power, divinely. -eundnes /. divinity, Godhead. divine quality ; sacred office. -dohtor/ god-daughter. ~dream.-j' tn. divine joy. -fgeder ;;/. God the Father ; god- father. -ferht, y pious. ~gield «. idol. -gieldlic of idols. [76] god gimm vi. divine gera. ~had w. divine nature. ~ing m. son of God IN. ~maBgen n. divinity. -modor/. godmother. ~scyld /! impiety. ~seyldig impious. ~sibb m. sponsor. ~sibbrseden)n /. sponsorial obliga- tions. god-spell n. gospel. -bocy". the Gospels. -bodung/ gospel-preaching. -are w. evangelist. -ian preach the gospel. ~ise, ~ie evangelical. -traht in. gospel-commentary. god ge sprsece n. oracle. -sunu ni. godson. ~I>rymm m. divine majesty. god e -w^§bb n. precious or fine cloth, purple. -cynn n. kind of purple. -en of purple. -gierla m. cloth of purple. -wyrhta m. weaver of purple. god-wraee impious, wicked. -lie impious. -nesy. impiety, wickedness. god I. good, cpv. bftera, bft(t)ra, spl. bet e ;st good in all the MnE, meanings virtuous, suitable, capa- ble I considerable dsel zvg. a considerable portion, -e hwile av. for some time | of high rank — his bftera his lord, patron. II. w. good : ~ and yfel — swa hw8Bt swa he to ~e gedep his good actions ; good action, good- ness ; benefit | property ; pros- perity. -aeppel, 00 = cod-. -dgedy good deed ; benefit. -dond m.,pl. -dond, e benefactor. -leas unfortunate, wretched. -lie goodly, noble, magnificent. ~nesy. goodness ; good thing. -scipe w. goodness. -spedig rich. g6d|ian intr. become better, im- prove — hit ~ode mid him they prospered ; be cured, get better {of illness) || tr. improve, repair house), reform (morally) ; enrich, endow. gofol = gafol. gold ;/. gold. GOLD-^HT GRA-SCINNEN GRANU goldjaBhtf/i possessions in gold. ^e-awefen woven with gold. ~:e beorhtf bright with gold. -bleoi^hi n. golden colour. -bloma w. gold flower (?) Christ). -burgf f. town in which gold is distributed. -fastf 71. gold vessel. ~fag variegated or adorned with gold. -fell n. gold plate. -fiac 711. goldfinch. -finger w. third finger. -fraetwefy//. gold ornaments. -fyld covered with gold, -giefaf in. lord, patron, -hamaf '". golden or gilt corslet, -hiltedf having a gold or gilt hilt. -hladenf adorned with gold. gold-hord urn. treasure, treasury, -htis 71- privy. ~ian lay up treasure. gold hro dent adorned with gold. -hwaett I ? . -laefer /.. -leaf «. gold leaf or plate. -msestling «. brass, -mapmt m. treasure, -selef ;;/. hall where gold is dis- tributed. -smif) III. goldsmith. -smipu/. goldsmith's work, -spedigf wealthy, -torhtf bright as gold. -Jjeof m. stealer of gold. -prsfed ;//. gold thread, -weardf m. guardian of gold (a dragon). -geweore «. gold-work, what is made of gold -winef 111. liberal patron, lord. -wlancf gold-proud, adorned with gold. -wlgne- gold ornament. goma III. palate ; //. goman jaws. gop, of once slave, servant (?). gor («.) dung, dirt. gorettjan, -etan gaze, stare, -ung/ gazing. gorst, -beam m. furze, gos/. , //. ges, oe goose, -fugol m. goose. -hafoe III. goshawk. got-wope/ goatweed (?l. Got a m. (jotii. -land ;/. Gothland. Gotonisc Gothic Gl. gra-scinnen vL. made of grey fur \^Sca7id.\ grad in. , ~e/. step of altar ; degree, rank {_LL gradus]. gr£^d, gasrd. (w.) grass. gr»de grassy. graedan ^ i b) cry out, call out. graedig greedy, covetous, eager for ■jc'^. ; rapacious, fierce. -lice, grsedelice av. greedily, eagerly, -nesy. greediness, greed, covetous- ness. grsedumt 07Zfe av. greedily. graef n. cave ; grave [grafan]. -hus n. grave. graef {^n. ] style (for writing) [/,/. graphium]. -ere = grafere. -seax 71. graving-tool. graefa 711. grove, thicket, bramble, brush-wood (for burning) [graf]. graeft w. sculpture, carved object [grafan]. -guweorc 71. piece of sculpture, grff g grey. -haewe grey Gl. -hamaf grey-coated. -mself grey-coloured. gegraeppian seize /JV. grgetan* weep, see gretan. graf 7n7i. grove, copse. C/>. grSf-. grafan 2 dig, penetrate ; engrave, carve. -ere, se m. carver, sculptor. grafett «. trench (?) z>/Ct. gram w. d. , wi]j a. angry ; fierce ; hostile ; oppressive, unkind. -bffire passionate. -bsfernesy! bad temper, anger. ~e av. angrily ; fiercely ; cruelly. -heortf fierce, hostile. -hycgendef, -hygdigf, -hydig fierce, hostile, -lie fierce, cruel, grievous. -liee av. hostilely, fiercely, cruelly. -mod fierce, cruel. -wordf 71. hostile word or speech. gramian rage Gl. grama m. anger. grammatic[craBft,gramatisc- ui. grammar [Z/. ]. -ere m. grammarian. gran ian groan ; lament. -ungy. groaning ; lamentation. grandor. -least guileless. [77] granju/ moustache. -fisc m. a fish. grap/. grasp [gripan]. grap|ian touch, handle, feel || intr. grope. -igendlic tangible. -ung/. sense of touch. grasian graze i7itr. [grses]. gratan //. 07ice groats. greada 771. bosom. great, cpv. ~ra, grietra*, gryttra, thick, stout, bulky, big ; coarse- grained, coarse (salti. -e wyrt meadow saffron. -ian become thick or big. -nes/i thickness, bigness. Grecise = Crecisc. grgmian, gr§mman irritate, pro- voke ; revile J) [gram]. gremettan = grymettan. gren e, oe green ar orichalcum Gl. -haewen greenish. -ian become green. -nes/. greenness ; pi. plants. .m^;^ gr§nn|ian grin. -ung_/'. grinning. greofa*, greoua twice ;«. pot Gl. greosn once gravel, pebble. greot n. earth, dust, sand. -hordt 71. body. greotan 7 weep. grep(e), oe, y / trench, ditch,. drain ; burrow. gretjan, oe handle, touch : hear- pan - play the harp ; come to, visit ; attack ; treat (subject) ; treat (well or ill) : mid yfle - ; have inter- course with, cohabit ; greet, salute, address. greting /. greeting, salutation ; present as acknowledgement of a favour received. -hus 71. audience-chamber. gretanf [e = 8e] i7itr. weep || tr. bewail. grieto /. bulkiness, great size [great]. grillan irritate, tease. grimjat m. mask; helmet; ghost, spectre. -helm 711. helmet with visor. griming 07ice spectre Gl. grimm cruel, fierce; terrible, severe, e.\ccs-;ive (cold). -e av. fiercely ; cruelly, severely. GRIMMLIC GRORNIAN GRYNDE grimm lie fierce, terrible ; san- guinary i battle, victory). -lice av. fiercelj'', severely. ~nesy. cinelty, fierceness, severity. grimmanf 3 rage, be proud. grims.ian rage, be fierce, be exces- sive. ~ung/. asperity. grin, ge-, gireu /n. snare, noose, trap. ~(i)an ensnare. gegrindf n. grinding together, crash, clash. grind an 3 ir. grind ; sharpen by grinding || /nfr. grind, dash, rub — mid topuni ~ gnash teeth. ~et6j) w. molar. grindelf m. bar, bolt, in pi. iron grating ?). gringt once slaughter, destruction. Cp. cringan. ~wraeuy! punishment. gringan =- cringan. grip an 6, akvays ge- in IV. seize, clutch, also met. {of temptation, fear, disease, weapons) ; take pos- session of, usurp 'w. on a. ; under- stand. ~end m. seizer, robber. ~ol capacious Gl. gripa /;;. handful, sheaf [gripan]. gripe m. grasp, clutch, hold. gcgripennes/. seizing Gl. gripuf/. kettle. grist, gyrst I. n.) grinding; grist, corn to be ground, ll.aj. strident Gl. [grindan]. ~bite m. gnashing the teeth. -bitian, -batian grind or gnash the teeth, gnash. -bitung, -batung/. gnashing (of teelh . gristlung*, y / once gnashing (of t_eelh). gristra ?n. baker [grist]. gristel m.) gristle. grip tt. peace, truce ; protection, asylum, guarantee of safety or immunity [^Scand.^. ~bryce m. breach of peace. -laguy; law concerning peace. -leas unprotected. ~ian make peace w. wij) ; protect wa. grornf I. sad. II. «. grief. ~e av. sadly. -hof n. house of woe. grorn|ian mourn, murmur, com- plain. -ungy. complaining IN. grost once gristle Gl. grot n. particle [greot]. ~ig gritty, earthy. grot ji. ) once groats, coarse meal Gl. [greet]. growan i grow. -nesf. growth. grun ian grunt. -ung, muf. roaring, grunting. grund >n. bottom, floor {oi cave) ; ground, earth ; plain, country. land ; depth(s), abyss, interior ; water, sea. -bgddf n. ground, earth, -buendt //. inhabitants of earth, men. -foist hastening to the abyss (of hell . -hierdef in. guardian of the depths (of a lake). -leas bottomless; boundless (ava- rice). -leaslic boundless. -lunga, ~linga av. pull down) from or to the foundations, totally ; to the ground, down. -sceatf ni. tract of the earth, country. -Sflef * in. abysmal dwelling. ~SOpa m. a plant. -Stan in. foundation-stone. -stapolian fix on firm foundation met. ^wangt m- bottom, floor ^ of cave) ; the earth, world. ~'weall III. foimdation, also met. -weallian found, -■wegt, se m. the earth, -welaf III. earthly wealth. -wi^rgenf/ water- wolf, she-wolf of the deep. grunde-swelge = gtinde-. grunnettan once grunt GL [gru- nian]. grut/., d. gryt coarse meal ; graii.s in brewing). grutt m. gulf, abyss Gl. Cp. grund. grymetjtan, ~ i an, gre- roar, giunt ; rage. -wag f. roaring, grunting, gryn-smipt once in. worker of evil = gnyrn- ? gegrjoid n. plot of ground [grund]. gryndan descend [grund]. [7«] gryndef once {n. abyss. grype = grepe. gryref ;;/. terror, horror (emotions) ; what causes) terror, horror: de- structiveness. -broga III. terror, horror. -faest terribly firm. -fah terribly hostile or variegated. -geatwe/pl. terrible armour. -gigst 'II. a terrible visitant. -hwil/. lime of terror. ^leof) n. song or cry expressing terror or inspiring terror. - -lie terrible, horrible. -mih.t_/i terrible power. ~sij) III. terrible (dangerous) expedi- tion. gryrranf once chatter 0/ teeth . Cp. gnyran. gryt, see grut. grytt|a, -an//, grits, coarse meal [grot]. grytte once/, spider Gl. gu = geo. gum at in. man, hero. -cynn «. mankind, men ; race, nation. ~eyst /. liberality, munificence ; virtue, goodness um excel- lently. -dream m. joy among men, life. -dryhten m. prince, lord. -fepSi m. troop. -frea m. king. -mann m. man, warrior. -rice n. kingdom, country, the earth. -rinc ni. man. -stol in. throne. -Jjegen m. man. -feody. nation, //. mankind, men. gund ,;«.) pus, matter. -eswelge, gr-, -swili[i)ge, -swy- f. groundsel. gung = geong. guttas mpl. entrails Gl. giipt/- war, battle. -beorn m. warrior. -bill ;/. sword. -bord n. shield. -byrne/. corslet. -caru/. war. -craefty". strategy, warfare. -cweny. warlike queen. -cyning m. warlike king. -cysty. bravery or troop (?). -deap m. death in battle. -fana /;/. banner, standard. GUp-FLA GUp-SCEORP GYLTIG gup|fla(n)/. battle-arrow. gupiSeeorp, -scrud, -searu n. gyltjig guilty, liable. -floga m. warlike flyer (dragon). armour. -lie wicked. ~frea m. warlike lord or prince. ~Sf le III. hall of warriors. gylt an be guilty. -free warlike. -spell 11. tidings of war. -end m. offender. ~freca m. warrior. -sweord ;/. sword. -ing/. sinning. -fr^minend. ni. warrior. -getawe -geatwe. gyr fir-tree. -fru m a w. warrior. -gtpingu ;///. battle, contest. -treow n. fir-tree. ~fugol III. bird of war, eagle. -pracu/. violence. gyr-, see gyrwe-fenn. -geatas iitpl. the warlike Goths. -preat m. martial band. gyrdan gird, put girdle on, belt. -geatwe^/. armour. -gcwsede //. armour. gird (with sword). -hafoe ;;/. war-hawk, eagle. -Weard in. king. gyrdel in. girdle, belt ; purse. -heard warlike, brave. ~(ge)weore n. warlike deed or -bred n. pugillar Gl. -helm III. helmet. exploit. -hring in. buckle. -hgre III. army. ~werig weary with battle. gyrdels m. girdle. -horn ;/. trumpet. -wiga III. warrior. -hring in. buckle. -hrep ' w.) glory in war. -wine III. fellow-warrior. gyrlje*/ virgin. -hwaet warlike, brave. -gewinn n. battle. -gyden/. Vesta Gl. ~gelaca m. warrior. -wudu in. spear. gyrnt n. sorrow, atiiliction. ~leoj) n. warrsong. gycenes, i/. itching Gl. Cp. gicpa. -stafas ;;///. affliction, tormenting. -maga, mseega ;//. warrior. gyden/. goddess [god]. -wracuy. revenge. ~ra6d warlike. -lie vestal Gl. gyrst = grist grinding. -gemot n. battle. gydig insane [god' . gyrwe-ff nn n. marsh Gl. -myrce//. Ethiopians. gyldan gild [gold]. 4 gysternlie, sec giestran. -plega III. battle. gylden gold (en). gyte VI. pouring (.out), flood, shed- ~ra8S m. warlike attack. -beag III. crown. ding (of blood, tears) [geotan]. ~reaf n. armour. -feax golden-haired. ~S£fel in. joy at the pouring out of ~;,h)reow fierce in battle -mulja golden-mouthed. wine, pi. revelry. ~rine in. warrior. gylede/;-/. o/gyllan. -stream in. current. -rof warlike. gyllanf, prt. gylede, yf shout. gyp- ~scaj)a III. enemy, destroyer. gylt III. guilt, sin ; crime, offence ; ~corn*, i, L. u n. spurge laurel. -scear- slaughter (?). fault. -rife, git-/ cockle. H. HA HABBAK" HACCIAN ha, ? hane L. rowlock — set- per man [.SVrt«(/.]. -sseta L. m. rower in warship '[Scand\ ha ha inter j. ha ha ! habban, se, (he) hsefj), hafaj), prt. hsefde w. a., partitive g. have, hold, take, met. possess, hold, have : - wi]j Jjam fyre ; - mid him ; set hsebbendre handa with the stolen goods in his pos- session ; wif - have intercourse with ; he hsefde Jjritig wintra he was thirty ; gif he pses andgytes hsefp paet he hit iinderstandaii mseg ; - andan to bear malice | behave to : yfele ~ ill-treat — ptc. yfele gehsefd tormented, diseased ] have an opinion about : paleewe- dan willap - pone monan be pam pe hi hine geseop [ neces- sity, obligation iv. ger. : pone calic pe ic to drincenue hsebbe I to form past tenses 70. inflected or {gen.) iininjlected ptc. : op paet hie hine ofslsegen nel hsefdon. gehabban hold, keep ; rjl. restrain oneself. haca m. hook. [79] haceian hack. hacele/ mantle, cloak. hacod »i. pike i^fish). had VI., g. ~es, rarely -a rank, order, (holy) office ; condition, state, character, nature, form : fsemnan - virginity ; to form avs. : purh hsestne - violently ; se.x ; person, person (in grammar). -bot / compensation for injury to priest. -breca in. violator of his holy orders. -bryce m. violation of one's holy orders. HAD-GRIp Iiad|grij> «. security or privilege of those in holy orders. -es-mann m. member of a particu- lar order. ~notu /. exercising clerical func- tions. had- chamber :?\ -swaepa m. bridesman. -swaepe, -swape /. bridesmaid. Cp. heorjjswsepe. had|ian ordain ; let take the veil. ~od ordained, clerical. -ung/". ordination. gehada m. fellow-monk. hadorf, ie I. i,«.) clearness, bright light (,of the sky). II. bright ; clear-sounding. hadre, « av. clearly \of light and sound). haBbb-=habb-. -endlic habilis Gl. haec'c, § f. gate, half-grating or hatch, grating. -wer m. weir with grate to catch fish. gehaecca once sausage Gl. [haccianl. haeecey. crosier \^Cp. haca]. heedor = hador. haedref av. anxiously. haeff 71. sea. haefde/r/. (7/habban. haBfe^hgfe leaven. haefen, ha- /. property, riches I habban]. ~leas poor. -least/! poverty. haefen/. harbour. haefer m. he-goat. ~bl£ete, vE. hsefre-/. a bird. haefern, hrefn, se m. crab. haefre-blete haefer-blaete. haeft it. handle [habban]. " ~mecet w. hilted sword. haeftf m. bond, fetter ; captivity, custody, imprisonment ; captive, prisoner, slave [habban]. -eelammf ;«. bond ; pi. subjection. -edonif 1)1. captivity. ge~fasst captive. ~incel u. slave. -ling m. prisoner. ~,e nied/. custody, captivity. -niedling m. captive. -nop 711. custody, imprisonment. haeft an bind ; confine, imprison, arrest. ge-(ed)nes/! captivity. HEFTING haefting/. fastening. haeftelic captious Gl. haeften if.) custody vL. haBftn|ian take captive. -ung / fastening, bond ; captivity, confinement, imprisonment. haBg- = hagu-. hasghal uninjured IN. haeg-weard ;«. hayward, keeper of cattle in a common field. gehaeg- «.') meadow. Cp. *gehiege. hsegl = hagol. haegtesse, haets^e/. witch. Cp. heago-run. haelf 077CC {7i.) omen. heel heelo. hsel-wyrt/. pennyroyal. hsel an heal, cure ; save (soul) ^hal]. haelend ;«. Saviour. -lie salutary. heelnes/. salvation, sanctuary. -gri}) ;?. privile^je of sanctuary. hselung/. heaUng. haslef 771. man, hero [hselep]. haelept i7i ,pl. ~, -as man, hero. -helm =heolo}}-. hgelfter, ea 7i. halter. haelig o/ice inconstant, fickle [hal- stan]. hffllnes see heelan. hffllo, hsel /. health ; safety ; pros- perity ; salvatiun [hal]. -bearnf «. salvation-child (Christ '. h£els|ian observe omens. Cp. hal- siau. -end, -ere w. soothsayer. -ung/ divination. hael}) /. healing, cure ; health ; sal- vation [hal]. heem an have sexual intercourse, a^s , 171 pi., w. mid or ■wip [ham]. -ere w. — unriht ~ fornicator. -hame, 6 7/ipl. inhabitants Ct. Lham]. haemed «., //. ~(r)u sexual inter- course, connexion, marriage. -ceorl VI. married man. -laef n. sexual intercourse. ~gemana >n. matrimony. -seipe 771. sexual intercourse. -ping 7t., also pi. sexual intercourse. -wif 71. married woman. -hsemingas ;«//. inhabitants Ct. [ham]. heenan pelt with stones, stone (to death) [han]. [80] GEH^P gehaep, -lie convenient. -lienes/". convenience. haBps|e, haesp/; hasp, fastening. -ian hasp, fasten. haer w. hair ; a hair. -en of hair. -iht hairy. -locc 7n. lock of hair. -sife }t. hair-sieve. haer-sceard (w. hare-lip. gehsere hairy. hcere/ haircloth, sackcloth. haarfest ;«. autumn. -handfuU «. a due belonging to the husbandmen on an estate. -lie of autumn, autumnal, -monap w. September. -tid/, -tima ;;/. autumn. ~W£eta ;//. wet weather of autumn. haering //i. herring. -tima 771. herring-season. haern, hrsen (/".) wave ; fsea. -flotaf 7/1. ship, haes/. command [hatan]. -ere w. master, lord IN'. haesel ly;/.) hazel. -hnutu/ hazel-nut. -wrid 72. hazel thicket. -wyrt/! asarabacca (a plant). haeslen of hazel. hfflstf I. violent, severe. II. (/!) violence, hostility ~e, -lice av. violently, fiercely. haetan heat [hat]. haete f. heat, inflammation (of body). haeteru ////. clothes. haeto/. heat. haets^e) = haegtesse. haett 771. hat. haettian scalp (as punishment). haep 71/71. heath (land) ; heather, heath (the plant). -bfrige/ bilberry. -cole/", a plant. -hryeg t/i. heath-ridge. ~iht heathy. -stapaf 7/t. heath-stalker. haep a w. hot weather. -ung/. heating. haepen heathen, gentile [hsp]. -cyningf w. heathen king. -cynnf ?i. heathen race. -dom 7/1. heathen belief, paganism. ~feoht 71. heathen sacrifice. -gield «. idolatry ; idol. -gielda m. idolater, heathen. H^pENISC HAIiWigNDLIC HAM-SOCN hsBjjen isc heathenish, heathen. ~inann m. Samaritan. ~nes f. heathen belief, paganism ; coll. heathens. -scipe m. heathen belief or wor- ship, paganism. -styrct m. heathen calf (.the golden calf). hSBW^en, -e, vE. hSwi, ea blue. ~hydeleyl a plant. -grene cerulean Gl. haf-, see habban. hafelaf, heafola m. head. hafen ptc. of hf bban. hafeniant grasp. hafetian, afetigan, hafit- clap hands, flap (wings). hafoe ;;/. hawk. ~cynn 71. hawk species. ~ere in. hawker. ~fugol in. hawk. ~wyrt/ a plant. hafiid- = heafod.-. gehag ian impers. — gif him {or hine ) to pam ~ige if he has the money., can afford it. haga m. enclosure ; homestead, messuage. haga 111. haw. fruit of wild rose. hago-steald, haeg(e)-, IN. heh- stald I. 111. bachelor, one living in the lord's house, youth, warrior. II. n. celibacy. III. aj. un- married, young. -had III. bachelorhood ; virginity. ~lic virgin. ~mann m. bachelor, young warrior. ~nes/. virginity. hagol, haeg' e)l m. hail ; the Runic letter h. -faruf/. hailstorm. ~ian hail : hit -ode stanum meteoric stones fell. ~se'U.r III. shower of hail, hailstorm. ~stan m. hailstone. hagu-. ~J)orn III. hawthorn. hal-, see healh. hal- smooth [}.). Cp. hSlig. ~stan, aa, L. ea ni. crystal Gl. hal whole, uninjured ; healthy — was pu ~, ~westu, beo pix-! hail! ~i)sere wholesome, salutary. -faest pious (?). hal-w§nd|e, -y- healing, medi- cinal ; wholesome ; salutary. beneficial ; conducive to salvation, saving, se ~a the Saviour. halw^f ndjlie salutary, conducive to salvation. ~liee av. salutarily, in a manner conducive to salvation. ~nes/. healthiness. gehal whole, uninjured. halian heal intr. ^ hale = healh. halett|an, hie-, -etan hail, greet, salute. ~end 111. greeter, middle finger (!). ~ung/. salutation. halgian make holy, hallow (God's name), sanctify, consecrate (churcli, bishop). halgung, ge-y. consecration. ~raTnm in. ram of consecration. halga m. saint, ealra halgena msessedseg All Saints' day. halig holy. ~dseg in. Sunday. haligdom in. holiness, sanctity ; holy things, relics ; holy place, sanctuary. ~hus n. sanctuary. halig em n. sanctuary. ~ni6na]j m. September. ~nes /. holiness, sanctity; holy things, relics; holy place, sanc- tuary. ~rift, e, y n. nun's veil. ~waeter w. holy water, halort {11.) salvation. halsf (/.) salvation. -wurpung / thanksgiving for safety. hals|ian exorcise. Cp. h^lsian, healsian. ~ere in. soothsayer. ~igend in. exorcist ; soothsayer. ~ung f. exorcism ; divination ; greeting. ham m., d. ~(e 1 home ; house, dwelling ; residence, estate ] ham av. home(wardsj. 8et~ at home. ~cup familiar. ~cyine in. coming home, return. ~faereld n. going home. ~faBSt resident, settled. -faru/ = ~soen. ~hfnn/ hen. ~leas homeless. ~scir/. redileship Gl. ~sittende resident, at home. ~sip m. return home. [81] hain|s6cny! attacking an enemy in his house, house-breaking ; fine for the offence. ~steall, ~stgde m. homestead, residence. ~weard(es) av. on the way home, homewards. ~weorpung /. ornament of a home. ~werod n. household, body of retainers. ~wyrt/. house-leek. gehamian rjl. w. mid make one- self familiar with, master (sub- ject) (? ) IN. hama m. dress, covering ; womb. hama m. cricket. hamelian mutilate [hamola]. hamettan provide with home, house. hamm m. piece of land, dwelling, enclosure. hammy. inner part of knee, ham. hamola in. one whose head has been mutilated or shaved (?) : hine on bisnaer to ~an bescire LL. [hamelian]. ham.ol|e /. oar-thong, rowlock — set Slcre ~an per man. hamor in. hammer — fhamera laf sword. ~s§cg III. hammer-sedge. ~wyrt/. black hellebore. han/. stone, rock. hana ni. cock not W. han-ered m. cock-crow, part of the night [crawan]. ~tidy. time of cock-crow. handy;, d. ~a hand : brad~ palm ; his sulh on ~a hsefde ; hine Iredde be pSre ~a ; heold hine ~ on ~a I side : sette hie on his swipran ~ ; on gehwsepere ~ on both sides (in battle) | person as agent, receiver, ^c. : fo sec niehste ~ to psim lande the nearest heir ; gif seo ~ opcwolen sie if the seller is dead | in phrases expressing agency, con- trol, possession, ^c. : wearp acweald set hira ~um ; hine onfeng 'or nam) set {or to) biscopes ~a acted as sponsor to him ; unnendre ~a ungrudgingly ; gemSnum ~um jointly ; him on ~ gan surrender ; under his ~a authority ; on his ~um under his G HAND-^X HAND-SPITEL HASO-FAG management ; heoldon paet land to his ~a as his vassals ; hira to ~a leetan deliver up, abandon ; Jjaet feoh becom him to ~a ; hit hire on ~ ageaf ; sealde him on ~ Jjset he wolde . . promised, engaged ; hire on ~ becom came under her notice ; him wel on ~ eode he prospered; seonied J>eiis nn on ~a stent our urgent need. handaex/. axe. ~b8Bft(i an, ea /A', lament. ~banat m. slayer. -bell/, hand-bell. ~boe/. hand-book. ~bred ;/. palm of hand, hand. ~elaj? ;/. towel, napkin. ~cops w. handcuff, manacle. ~craBft m. use of the hands, manual skill, handicraft. -eweorn/. hand-mill. ~dceda w. perpetrator (of homi- cide). ge~faestan betroth. -fsBst n)ung/. ratification. -full see full. -gang w. laying on of hands ; sur- render. -giftf/. wedding gift. -gripef m. grasp. -grip n. peace, protection, security. -hamor m. hammer. -hraegl w. towel, napkin. -hrinef m. touch of hand. -hvpiiy. moment. -leant w. recompence, requital. -lin n. napkin. -locenf linked or woven by hand. -gemaca m. companion. -maBgenf n. strength, might. -mitta = an-mitta. ~gem6ti- n. battle. ~naegl »i. finger-nail. -plegat »i- fighting, battle. -preost r/i. chaplain. -rsBsf m. onslaught, attack. -roff strong, renowned for strength. -geseeaftt/. creature. -seeof m. a proper name. -scoluf, -a-/, retinue. -scyldig liable to losing the hand (as punishment). -seax n. dagger. ~gesgllat 771. comrade. -Sfteny. signature, signatures coll. -slifhtt = and-. »smi§ll*, -86 771. slap IN. hand|Spitel w. spade. ~sporu/. talon, claw, -gesteallaf ;;/. comrade, -stoc handcuff Gl. -swile*, y w. swelling in the hand (?) Gl. ~geS'wingt « stroke, blow. -tarn so tame as to be handled. -pegen w. attendant, manservant. -pweal ;/. washing of the hands. -gewealdf n. power, possession. -weorc 71. manual labour ; result of work, work (of a smith). ~ge weorc «. result of work, work, -gewinn 71. manual labour, toil, struggle ; warfare. -■worht made with hands. -vrrist*, ~wyrsty". wrist. -ge"writ 71. deed, contract, -gewripenf twisted or woven by hand. -wundorf « wonderful piece of work. -wyrna w. hand-worm (supposed to cause disease of the hand). hand-swa-gelice av. in the same way. handl ian handle, feel ; carry on negotiation); treat of, discuss, -ung/". handling, touching. handle (? /. handle [hand]. handlinga av. with one's own hands. hangian /«/;-. hang ; depend on, be subordinate to w. on. gehangef R. hangellef 07icef. hanging thing. hangen ptc. of\\.bn. hangra w. hanger, wood on a declivity [hangian]. har grey, hoary ; old. ~,e)hune/. horehound. ~ian become grey. ~nes/". greyness. ~ung/. becoming grey. ~wgnge, ~'wiflle grey-haired. ~"wgngnes/. hoariness. hara 771. hare, haran hige hare's- foot (a plant . haran sp(r)ecel viper's bugloss (a plant), haran wyrt, harew- [a = a ?] a plant. hare-wyrt, see hara. has hoarse. -ian become hoarse, -nesy. hoarseness. -swege sounding hoarsely. haso, ea. pi. haswe grey. [82] haso fag grey. -padaf 771. grey-coated one, eagle. hassoe 7/1. coarse grass. hasvsrig- grey. -fejjeraf grey-winged. hat I. hot ; fervent (love), severe hunger, disease] ; inspiring. II. («.) heat. -e av. hotly, fervidly. hat-heort I. angry, fierce, vin- dictive. II. 71. anger. ~ef. anger. ge-ian become angry. -lice av. ardently (love) ; furiously, savagely. -nesy. fervour; anger. hat hiertan rjl. become angry. -hyigef 7/1. anger. ~v(7f ndef hot. hat 71. promise IN. gehat 7!. promise ; vow. -land 71. promised land. hat an i b /;-/. het, heht, pass, prs. a7id p7-t. ~te | command, bid : hit don het ; . . pii do J)8et ic Jje ,(f.) -e ; het hine gesund faran ; heton hine paet he gewite | name, call, iv. a. a/id 710I/1. or set d. ; be named, called. gehatan i b command ; invite, summon : hie to gereordum ~ ; to him gehet ; promise : him geheton ; gehet paet he feoh wolde . . I name, call. hatian hate. hatigend w. hater. -lie hateful. hatung/. hating; being hated. hat ian become hot ; be eager {of desire). -ung f. becoming hot ; inflamma- tion '^of wounds). hatol = hgtol. h.a,tte pass, ^hatan. hajjo-lipa 07tce 771. elbow. hawjian gaze on, survey. -ere 771. spectator. -ung/". inspection, observation. he he.. hen vb. = *hien. 'hea,//. ^heah. hea- iti conip. =heah-. heaf w. larnentation [heofan]. -lie lamentable, mournful. sang 7)1. dirge. heafian = heofian. heafdeht having a head (^plants). HEAFDIAN HEAPOD-POIIT HEAH-CR^PTIGA heafdian behead. gtheafdod lieaded (^ring) Gl. heafela = hafola. heafo //. of haef. heafoc = hafoc. heafod ii. head : set his heafdum at his head, ofer ~ singly, speci- ally, be his heafde on pain of death. ~ wijj heafde head for head (of murderer) | top, head of plant) ; high ground, upper part of field ; source (of stream) | leader, chief; capital city) ; ori- ginator : ~ to para unrsede, also 'Wg. -SBcer*, hafud- m. chief field (?) Gl. -sfedrey. cephalic vein, -ban n. skull. ~beag m. crown. ~tfnd ni. fetter round head, -beorgt/. helmet. -beorhtf having a bright head, -biscop III. high priest (of the Jews). -bolla in. skull. -bolster n. pillow. -botl ;/. chief dwelling, manor, -burg/ chief town, capital, -cirice/ cathedral. -clap 71. head-dress. -cwide III. important saying ; chap- ter IN. -gee III. headache. -fraetennes/. head-ornament. -gimmf 111. eye. -gold n. crown. -gylt III. capital crime, deadly sin. -hser 11. a hair of the head. ~hf bba III. prime mover, promoter ; beginning. -hraegl n. head-dress. -hriefpo/ scurf. -land*, hafud- ;/. top of field, boundary. -leahtor m. capital crime, deadly sin. -leas headless. -lie capital or deadly (crime). -ling III. equal, companion, -gemaca, -gemsecca m. equal, co'mpanion. -msfegf III. near relation, -magaf m. near relation. -mann m. chief, Itader. -mynster n. church. -panne /. skull. heafodjport m. chief town. -rice n. empire. -gerimf n. majority. -sar n. pain in the head. -segnf n. helmet. -sienf/. e3e. -siege ;;/. head of pillar (?) Gl. -smael \}.) Gl. -stgde III. chief place. -stol III. chief place, capital. -stow_/! place for the head. -swima in. dizziness. -synn/. deadly sin. -gt'tel 11. cardinal number. -Jjweal n. washing the head. -gewabde n. veil. -waerc m. pain in the head. -weard in. chief officer. -weard/. guarding the king • chap- ter IX. ~wi§lm III. heat in the head ; ftears. -wind m. — pa feower -as the four chief winds. -wisaf in. ruler.. -wopty. voice. -■wund/. wound in the head, -wyrhta m. chief workman. heafre = heahfore. heag-, see heah. heago- ^hago-. heago-run, heahriin f. necro- mancy, mystery. Cp. hsegtesse. heago-spind, L. hecga-, -spinn, vE. -spen, L. -swind \_a iiiis- iviiting tlirough the word having become ohsolete~\ n. cheek. heah I. a. in. heanne, //. heai ge\ cpv. hier r)a, -ra, hear' r a, spl. hiehst, ea, A. best high, deep (water) ; right (hand) ; sublime, high (rank), important ; haughty. II. av. high, cpv. heaor. heah- occ. under hea-. heah- = hieh-. -altare ni. high altar. -beorg III. mountain. -biscop in. archbishop ; high priest. -blissf/ exultation. -bodaf III. archangel. -burg /. chief town ; f town high up. ~casere+ in. supreme king. -eleofa ;//. principal chamber. -clif n. high cliff or rock. ~craBft+ ni, high skill. [83] heah|erseftiga m. architect i^!\ -cyningt w. great king; God. hea h)-deor, -dor n. "stag, deer. -hund III. stag-hound. -hunta m. stag-hunter. heah diacon in. archdeacon. -ealdor /;/. chief ruler. -ealdormann m. chief patri- cian ! . -fngel in. archangel. -faeder m. patriarch ; God. -faestf firm, stable. -faesten(n' n. chief fortress, city. -flod ni. high tide ; fdeep water. -freaf ;;/. supreme lord. heah-freols in. high festival. -daeg III. day of high festival. ~tid /. time of high festival. heahlfyrf n. high flame. -gastf III. lofty spirit. -gnornungf/. lamentation. -godf in. the Highest, God. -graeft w. object carved in relief (?) Gl. -had III. holy order. -heortf proud. -hierde m. archimandrite Gl. -hlipt n. high hill. -hweolod having high wheels. -hylte (/^yhigh wood i?^ Ct. -hyrne = eag-. -igldest ! most illustrious Gl. -l^ce, heal- m. physician. -landf ;/. mountains. -lareow m. chief teacher. -leornere in. chief learner Gl. -lufef/ great love. -msegenf n. ' might ; mighty troops coll. -maesse/. high mass. -mihtf/. might. heah-modf proud, noble. -nesy. pride. heahlmunt ;;/. mountain. -nama m. illustrious name. -nes = heanes. -recedf ;/. high building. -gerefa ni. high reeve, chief ofiicer. -rodorf ni. sky. -rUn = heago-. -sacerd in. chief priest. -saef/. deep sea. -saelf/. great happiness. ~3£e-peof w. chief pirate !). - ge)samnung/ chief synagogue. -sangere w. chief singer. -gesceafty; exalted creature. HEAH-GESCEAP HEAIiDEND HEALIi heahlgesceapt ii. fate. ~sceawere w. pontiff Gl. ~seireniann ;;/. procurator Gl. -seldf II . throne. ~s§let w. lofty hall. -setl ji. seat of honour, dais, throne, tribunal. ~steapt lofty. ~st§det 7«. high or distinguished place. ~stefnf high-prowed. ~strset/ high-road. -strengpof/. strength. -gestreonf n. treasure. -synn/. deadly sin. -tid/. festival. -timberf «. lofty building. -getimbrodf high-built. -getimbruf ;;//. lofty buildings. -torras i?ipl. the Alps Gl. ~tveo'w\ f. solemn compact. ~fiearff y. great need. ~pegen m. chief officer ; apostle ; noble. ~pegnungty! high service or func- tion. -peodyi nation. -preaf m. panic. ~ge)jringt n. high waves. -Jjrymm m. ; -prymnesf /. great glory. ~(ge)pungen of high rank, distin- guished, e.xalted. -weofod n. high altar. ~(ge;Weorc ;/. excellent work. heahfoi'e, heafre, heahfru f. Iicifer. heal- see healh. healja w. rupture, hydrocele. -ede ruptured, hydrocelous. heald i^n.) protection Z. heald, vE. halp bent down; in- clined (to evil). geheald jt. keeping, custody ; pro- tection ; guardian ; observing (fes- tival) [c/. gehield]. ~dagas mpi. calends Gl. -sum frugal ; chaste. ~sumnes /. keeping, observance, keeping (commands) ; abstinence, continence. healdan i hold : ~ hine be Jjilre handa | possess, keep : rice ~ reign ; hine gebundenne ~ ; withhold ; lock up (of keys), contain ; inhabit | govern ; re- strain, r/?. restrain oneself — ptc. gehealden frugal, continent | guard, preserve, save : ~ liehaman. wij> leahtra.s ; support (one's kingl I observe, keep (command, promise, festival) ; practise, carry on, do (virtue, war) | behave to, treat ; r/?. behave j regard : un- weorplice- despise | ge- satisfy claims of, pay || intr. hold out, not surrender ; force one's way ; proceed, go. ]ieald|end m. guardian, ruler. ~nesy. observance. healfy. half; side; quarter, part; party, side (in battle, law- suit;. healf half — pridde ~ gear two and a half; oprvim ~uin laes pe Jjritig wintra 283. ~el£enied half-finished of mud- hut). -clipigende semi-vowel. -clungen half-withered. -cwlc, -cucu half-dead. -dead paralyzed on one side. ~eald half-grown (pig:. -fepe lame. ~fi'eo half-free. ~har half-grey. -heafod n. front) part of head Gl. -hruh half-shaggy. ~hunding ;«. cynocephalus. ~hwit whitish. -mann vi. half man (!). -pgnig-weorp n. halfpennyworth. -read rtddish. -seyldig half-guilty Gl. -sinewealt semicircular. -slffipende half-asleep. -soden half-cooked. -tryndel m. hemisphere. -WVidu in. field-balm. healfter = haelfter. healftinga av. partially, to some extent, imperfectly. healh, Z. heal ; //. healas, halas in. corner, hiding-place ; bay, gulf. ~iht*, se full of corners. healic in:) a fisli Ct. healic high, from a height (^fall ; distinguished, illustrious, pre- eminent ; proud ; excellent ; ex- cessive, great i^crime). -had m., ~nes f sublimity, excel- lence. healice av. on high ; in a high [84] degree, supremely, e.xtremely, greatly. heaU/. hall, -aernf «. hall, palace. ~ganient n. mirth in hall. ~ic palatial. ~reaf n. piece of tapestry. -rgcedf w. palace. ~sittendf tn. one who sits in a hall, guest. -pegenf m. hall-officer. -wagrift n. piece of tapestry. -wudu-t" in. woodwork of hall, floor. healm «. haulm, straw, stem (of grass). -streaw n. stubble. heals in. neck ; prow of ship, -beagf in. necklace ; torque, -gebgddaf/". bedfellow, consort. -beorg/. gorget, hauberk. ~b5ey. phylactery. -faest stubborn, stiff-necked. -fang n halsfang, a legal penalty of uncertain nature. -gund (w.) swelling in the neck. -leper ;/. reins. -rasegepty. beloved virgin. ~mene, -myne in. necklace. ~onie_/. tumour on the neck. -WT-'ipa in. necklace. -wyrt*, a/, daffodil (?\ heals ian, IIV. and A. a ( = a?) implore, entreat. Cp. halsian, hsilsian. -igendlie deprecable Gl. -igendliee av. imploringly, with importunity. healsung, a /. entreaty ; augury, divination, -gebed*, a n. litany. healsed, halsod (jt.) head-cloth, napkin. heals, e)re- pillow, -feperfy". pillow-feather, aown. healt lame, limping. -ian limp. heamol miserly, frugal Gl. hean vb. = *hien exalt. hean humiliated, abject ; of low rank, mean ; poor. ~e av. ignominiously. -lie ignominious, disgraceful; poor; paltry. -lice av. ignominiously, miser- ably. -modf dejected, humiliated. HEAN-SPEDIG HE ARM- CWEDELI AN HEApO-SEOC hean-spedigf poor. heanes, heahnes, heannes f. height ; high place : on -sum in excelsis ; sublimity, excellence ; high rank. heanne, sec heah. heap inf. troop, band ; multi- tude ; social gathering, company ; association, corporation. ~ian heap — him on ge~. -mselum av. in troops or flocks. -ung/. heap Bd. heara = heora of them. heara, see heah. heard hard ; strong ;chain) ; stern, hard, severe ; brave ; stubborn, hard '^heart) ; attended with effort, hard (labour) ; excessive, strong (stench;. ~cwidet nt. harsh language, con- tumely. ~e av. fiercely; excessively. ~§cg hard of edge, sharp. -fierde difficult to carry. -hara, ~ra m. a tish. ~heaw chisel Gl. heard-heort unfeeling, hard- hearted ; obstinate. ~nesy. hard-heartedness ; obstinacy. heard hycgendef brave. -lie severe, excessive. ~lice av. vigorously, bravely ; ex- cessively ; harshly. ~lienes f. austerity (of hermit's lifej. -mod self-confident, obstinate, brave. -modnes/ obstinacy. -n§bb having a hard beak. -nes /. hardness. -raedf steadfast, firm. -sffiligt unfortunate. -saelnes/. calamity. -sgelf) /. misfortune; wickedness. -"Wgndlice av. severely. heardian harden intr. and tr. heardingt in. warrior, hero. heardra = heard-hara. hearg ni., pi. ~as, ~a (heathen) temple ; idol. ~lic idolatrous. -traeff n. (heathen) temple. -weardt in. heathen priest. hearm I. m. injury, affliction, e^^l, loss; grief; insult. II. a/'. grievous, cruel, wicked. -cwalut/. destruction. hearni|ewedelian calumniate. -cwepan 5 revile, calumniate. -ewepend ;;/. calumniator. -cwridef m. severe sentence ; calumny ; blasphemy. ~C'wid(djian revile, calumniate. -ewidol speaking ill of others, calumnious. -ed^witf n. contumely. -fullic hurtful. -heortnes/. murmuring Gl. -leopt n. song of grief. ~lic injurious. ~locat in. prison ; hell. -plegaf III. strife, quarrel. -scarut/. affliction, punishment. -scapaf ni. terrible enemy. -slegef >ii- grievous blow. -sprffic/. calumny. -stafasf iiipl. trouble, affliction. -tanf ;//. twig bringing calamity. hearmian injure ivd. hearma m. shrew-mouse (,?) Gl. hearma-seinnen made of ermine- skins vL. \_Scand?\. hearp|ian play on the harp. -ere m. harper. -estreyi female harper. -ungyi playing on the harp. hearpje/. harp. ~(e nae'gel m. plectrum. -sang III. song to the harp, psalm. -slf ge III. playing the harp ; plec- trum. -estrgng in. harp-string. -sweg III. sound of the harp. hearraf ;;/. lord. hearra, see heah. hearste-panne = hierste-. hea)30-t war. -byrne/ corslet. -deor brave. -frgmmende fighting. -fyr n. destructive fire. -geong young in war. -glemin wound got in battle. -grimm very fierce. -helm m. helmet. -lac n. battle. -lindyi shield. -lijjende in. war-sailor, sea-warrior. -mffire illustrious in war. -rfflS ;;/. onslaught. -reaf n. armour. -rinc in. warrior. -rof brave, famous in war. -sceard notched in battle. [85] heapojseoc wounded in battle, dis- abled. -sigel m. sun. -Steap towering in battle. -swat in. blood shed in battle. -swfng in. hostile stroke. -torht defiant (, voice;. -wafedy. armour. -weorc n. fight. -werig wenry from fighting. -wiglm in. intense heat. heaporian restrain, confine. geheaw n. gnashing (of teeth). heawan i hew, cut ; cut down, kill ; seftan ~ slander. hfbb an 2 prt. hof, hffde, ptc. hafen, ee raise, lift up ; raise (cry) ; up ~ raise, exalt || intr. up - rise in the air, fly. -endlic exalted IN. hecc = haecc. hecga-spind = heago-. hed-. -clap III. chasuble. hed an wg. heed, attend to, look out for ; take possession of, take. -aern*, heddern, y n. storehouse. -endlic captious Gl. -endlice av. captiously Gl. heden dress Gl. hef-, see hfbban. hf fe ;;/. weight ; feeling of oppres- sion \ya. heart) [hfbban]. -full severe. -lie grievous, severe; tedious. Cp. h^figlic. -lice av. excessively, severely ; with difficulty (!V hefe*, 86 III. leaven. hffel- = hffeld-. -gigrd/. weaver's shuttle. -preed m. thread for weaving. h§feld thread for weaving. -ian begin the web. h^fig heavy ; important ; grrevous, injurious, unpleasant, troublesome; hostile; severe (fighting\ hard, difficult ; excessive [hf fe]. ~e av. severely, painfully. -lie grievous, severe. Cp. hffelic. -lice av. severely, seriously ; with grief or anger. -mod troublesome, hostile. -nesy; heaviness, weight ; affliction. -tieme, hefet- troublesome, griev- ous, tedious. -tiemnes/. trouble. h:|3Figian h:§3LLE-deofoij Hi^NN hffigian lie heavy on, burden ; op- press, afflict II int7-. become heavy ; become oppressive, troublesome, painful ; be aggravated. heg-, see hgge. -staef m. enclosure Gl. hegant perform, achieve, hold (meeting). hggian make hedge, fence in ; ge~ hedge in, enclose. h^ge »i. hedge [hagu]. See hfg-. -clife/. hedge clivers (a plant). -hymele/. hop-plant. ~r£ew, hsegreewy". hedgerow. ~rife/ heyriffe (a plant;. -suggey; hedge-sparrow. heht /;-/. of hatan. hei-weg m. ^ Meg- hay-road J)Ct. geheig- = *gehiege. helan 4 cover ; hide iv. a. and d. of person or wijj a. helian cover ; conceal [helan]. helan*, oe calumniate JM. [hoi]. hel a, oe, fe m. heel. ~spure/ heel. hglde/. tansy va plant). hfsll/. Hades ; hell [helan]. -bendf w/. bond of hell. -eniht ;;/. demon. -craeftt w. hellish art. -cund of hell. -cwaluf/ hell-torment. -deofol 7)1. demon Gl. -dorf ;;. gate of hell. ~firent/. hellish crime. -fust bound for hell. -god, helle- ;/. god of Hades. -heopof hell. ~ic, hellelic of hell. -run/', sorceress. -runat m. demon. -rynegu/. sorceress. ~seapat /;/. fiend. ~traeft n. heathen temple. -tregaf m. hell-torment. ~gefiwingt n. restraint of hell, hell- durance. ~ware, -waran, -wara pi., -waru / coll. inhabitants of hell. ~werod n. host of hell. -Wiht/;/. devil. helle bealof n. woe of hell. -broga III. terror of hell. -brynef m. hell-fire. -ceaflf III. jaw of hell. -clanimf vi. bond of hell. -eynnf n. race of hell. h§lle;deofolt "w. devil. -dorf ;/. door of hell. -duruf/. door of hell. -florf/. floor of hell. -fyr ;/. fire of hell. -gastf, £6 m. demon. ~geat n. gate of hell. -grundf III. abyss of hell. -gryref vi. terror of hell. ~haBft(a if, ~haeftlingt m. captive of hell. ~hineat J>i. hell-limper, devil. -hund III. dog of hell. -husf ;/. hell. -mgi-e III. lake of hell, Styx. -nipt "I- hell-torment. -runey! sorceress. -scapaf w. devil. -scealcf III. devil. -seap III. hell. -pegnf 111. devil. -wite /;. hell-torment, hell. ~wite-br5ga m. hell-tenor. helm III. helmet ; covering ; top or foliage I of trees ; fprotector, lord. -bare, -berende leafy Gl. -berendf in. warrior. ~ian cover. -iht leafy Gl. helma vi. rudder. helor = heolor. helpyw., ~e/ help. helpan 3 help w. d. or g. helpend in. helper. -bsfere, ~lic helpful. helt = hilt. hfmep shirt [ham]. hemlic = hymlic. hfmm 111. hem, border. humming, i (w.) shoe of hide. gehfndanf once hold [hand]. gehgndje I. near ; handy, con- venient. II. av. near ; wel ~ nearly. III. prp. zod. near. ~nesy". nearness, neighbourhood. hgnep, 3d (in.) hemp. hgng-wite ;/. fine for letting criminal escape. heng/;-/. ^hon. h§nge-elif n. steep cliff [han- gian^. hfngen(n /. death or punishment by hanging, hanging, torture ; gallows; cross; rack; prison, confinement. -Avitnung/. imprisonment. h^ngest, h^ngst m. horse, gelding. [86] hfnn/ hen. ~e-belle/., -e-w61 in. henbane. ( ~fugol in. hen. hgnna m. fowl. h§ntan pursue 711. g. or sefter — ~ his mid flanum shoot at ; seize. heo I. she. II. = hie they, heo = hiw colour. heo-daeg av. to-day. heof (w.) lamentation, mourning, grief. Cp. heaf. ^ ~lic lamentable. heof an 7 J)pri. heof [/^r heaf ?], ~de iti/r. lament. -endlie mournful, dismal. -endlice av. dismally. ~ian, ea inO: lament, weep ; Ir. bewail. -igendlic mourning. heofol*, hioful face l/V. heofungy". lamentation, mourning, grieving. -daeg in. day of mourning. ~tidy". time of mourning. heofon, hef- in., L. ~e /. sky; heaven often pi. in both meanings. -beacen-f n. sign in the sk,^. -beorhtf heavenly bright. ' -biemefy; heavenly trumpet. ~candel(l f /. heavenly candle ;sun, the fiery pillar . ~eolut npl. heat of the sun. ~eund heavenly. ~cyning w. king of heaven. -demaf m. celestial judge. -dreamf m. joy of heaven. ~dugupt/. heavenly host, -fngelf ;//. angel. -fugolf in. bird. ~haligt of celestial holiness. ~hamf in. heaven. -heahf reaching to heaven, -heall/. hall of heaven. -hlaff III. bread from heaven, manna. -hrof in. fheaven ; ceiling. ~hus n. ceiling, -hwealff/. heavenly vault. ~isc of or from heaven. -leohtf n. light of heaven. -leomaf m. heavenly radiance. -lie of heaven, celestial. -lice av. from heaven. -maegenf n. heavenly might. -rice II. kingdom of heaven. -steorraf m. star. -stolf w. throne in heaven. HEOFON-TIMBER heorot-b:?rigb HEORU-WORD heofon'itimberf n. heavenly struc- h.eorotjb§r(i)ge/ buckthorn berry. heoru word n. fierce word. ture. -brembel m., -brer/, buckthorn. -wulf VI. warrior. -torhtt heavenly bright. -bucc in. roebuck. heow =- hiw. -tungolf ;/. luminary. -cleefreyi hemp agrimony. her av. here : - on lande in this -preatf m. heavenly troop. -eropp w. cluster of hemp agrimony country geond in this neigh- ~}jrymm in. heavenly glory. flowers , ?). bourhood 1 time at this date || -ware, ~waran //., -waru/. coll. -sol n. stag's wallowing-place Ct. -sefter hereafter. ~ b(e ufan be- dwellers of heaven. heorra = hearra. fore this, (mentioned) above, &c. -weardf in. guardian of heaven. heorr m. hinge ; cardinal point. -buendef dweller on earth. -werod. n. heavenly host. geheort of good cheer, courageous. -cymef m. .advent (of Christ). -wolcenf n. cloud. -lice av. cheeringly. h§r ian, A. h§rgan praise. ~w5mat m. sound in heaven. heort|e/. heart. -enes/. praise. -wnldort n. heavenly glory. -angnes*, -anc- /. heart-distress -gere m. praiser IN. heolfoi't ;'«•) blood, gore. Gl. -igendlic praiseworthy. heolfrigt blood-stained. -copu/. heart-disease. -igendlice av. praiseworthily. heolor, helor/. scales, balance. -gee VI. pain in the heart. ~(i)ung, -ing/ praise. -bledu/. scale of balance. -gryre m. terror of heart. herian = hf rgian. ~ian, holrian weigh. -hama m. pericardium. hercnian = heorcnian. ~ung f. turning of a scale, momen- -hogu/". anxious care. hgre in., pi. h§r;g)as army, preda- tum Gl. -leas dispirited. tory troop, band of thieves — se ~ heolop-t covering [helan]. -lufef/. heartfelt love. the Danish army ; devastation ; -cynn ;;. inhabitants of hell. -seoe suffering from disease of the battle ; multitude, body of peo- -helm, hae- /;/. helmet which makes heart. pie. the wearer invisible. -gesida//. entrails. -beaeen «. banner; lighthouse. heolstor, vE. helustr I. (f) m. -waere in. pain in the heart. -biemef/. trumpet. what veils cir covers ; hiding-place, heorten = hierten. -bleapt cowardly. concealment ; darkness. II. f aj. heorp m. hearth, fire, furnace ; -brogaf VI. terror of war. dark [helan]. house, home. -byrnef/, corslet. -eofaf m. grave. -bacen baked on the hearth. -cigrmf in. war-cry. -hoft n. hell. -eniht m. attendant. -cumbolf n. military signal. ~locat in. prison. -faest having a house of one's -cystf/. warlike troop. ~sceadot /, ~scuwat w. dark- own. -feldf in. battlefield. ness. -geneatf m. retainer. -feoh n. booty. heolstrig*, -ice dark Gl. -Pfning in. house-tax. -fepat VI. martial band. heom /,. = h.ini//. -swaepe/. bridesmaid Gl. ~flieraat vi. deserter, fugitive from heonon, i, heonane av. hence, -werodt n. band of retainers. battle. away; (see) from here | from this heoruf vi. sword. -folct n. army. time, forj) ~ henceforth. -blae* mortally wounded. -fugolf in. eagle, bird of prey. -for)) av. henceforth (time). -cumbol ;/. banner. -gang ni. invasion. -sip \ HI. death. -dolg ;/. wound. hfre-geat, hergeat n., -weard transitory. -dreor in. blood. ~geat'^w)a, -geatfw)e, -geatu heonu, henu, bona intcrj. not W -dreorig blood-stained ; very sad. military equipment ; heriot. lo ! behold ! -drync in. blood. -land ;/. heriot-land. heop e/ hip (berry of dog-rose). -faepm in. deadly gripe. hgre gield n. war-tax, Danegeld. -bremel in. dog-rose; bramble (?\ -gifre very fierce. -grimaf m. helmet.. heora = hira of them. -grfifedig very fierce. -handy, hostile hand or power (!). heorcn ian, e, (e?) listen. -grimm very fierce. -hlopt/ hostile troop. -ung/. listening ; power of hearing. -hociht with formidable hooks or -hyp, -hiip/. plunder, booty. heord/ hern, flock | cave, custody. barbs. -laf/ remnant of an army; spoil, (ge -nes, ~rfflden(n), hy- /. cus- -scearp very sharp. plunder. tody. -sceorp 11. armour. -lie martial. heord = hired. -sigrce/. coat of mail. -maecgf m. warrior, man. heordan//. hards of flax. -s'wealwe/. hawk. -masgenf n. army ; multitude. heorde = hierde. ~swgng VI. sword-stroke. -maepelf n. national assembly. geheordung/. guard, watch Gl. -■waepen ;/. weapon, sword. -mann vi. soldier. heore = hiere. -■weallende boiling fiercely. -ngttf n. corslet. h.eor(o)t m. stag. -wearg ;//. bloodthirsty wolf (?). -nipt ^'^- hostility. [871 h:?re-pad hgrelpadf/, coat of mail. ~paBp, hfrpojj, -ap m. (main) road. ~rJBS m. predatory attack. -rSswaf m. general, chief. ~reaf n. plunder, booty coll. and in pi. ~rmet m. warrior. ~sceaftf m. spear. ~sceorp+ n. armour. ~searo n. stratagem. -sifreef/ corslet. ~sipt ^n- military expedition. ~spedt/i success in war. ~str£felt tn. arrow. -strset/. main road, highway. ~swegt ;«. martial sound. ~teara w. joining a predatory band ; devastation, plunder, spoil. -tiema ;«. general, prince ; superior, ruler. ~toga m. general ; leader of a people, duke. ~)jreat ;;/. warlike troop. -prymni m. phalanx (!). ~wffid.ty. armour. -w^penf n. weapon. -waesmf (?). -wajjaf m. warrior. ~weg 7)1. main road. ~'weorct n. warlike deed. ~wie npl. camp, ~'wisat w. general. -wopt m. cry of an army. ~wosa (■ m. warrior. ~wnlft in. warrior. here-beorgian take up one's quar- ters L. hfre-faug*, -fong (w.) osprey. hgre-, see h^rian praise. ~lof n. fame. -word. n. fame, reputation. hgrgiian make war, make raid; ravage ; carry off captive [h|re]. ~0]) m. plundering, making war. ~ung f. makhig war, invasion ; de- vastation ; plunder ; booty ; har- rowing (of hell) . herjj'an//. testicles. -bglig VI. scrotum. hete m. hate, malice, persecution, punishment [hatianj. ~grimmt fierce, cruel. ~lic hostile, malignant ; violent, excessive. -lice av. fiercely ; violently, exces- sively. H]|:TE-NIp h§te|nij)t m. enmity, malice ; wickedness. ~r6ft hostile. ~runt/. charm causing mischief. ~spraect/. hostile speech. ~sw§ngt m. hostile blow. -Jjancf m. hostility. -pancolf hostile. hgtlenf hostile. hgtol, ha- hostile, fierce. hft(t)endt nt. enemy. hi = hie they. hice-mase/. blue titmouse. hid, higid f. a measure of land, hide [hiwa]. ~gield 71. hide-tax. -mgelum av. by hides. hiderc<7. hither: wisdom ~ on land sohte in this country and pider in different directions, cpv. ~or nearer. ~cyme m. arrival, advent (of Christy -geond av. thither. -ryne directed hither Gl. ~w^eard I. coming here. II. av. hither. hidres av. — ~ pidres in different directions. hie I. they. II. her a. hien*, A. hean vh..ptc. gehed, y exalt [heah]. hieg n. hay ; fresh- cut grass ; grass [heawan]. See hei-. -hus 71. hay-house. gehiege*, IKt. ei o}ice («.) meadow. Cp. gehaeg. hiehpo, heah- height, above ; glory [heahl. gehield 7if., A. si watching ; ob- servance (of festival) ; protection ; guardian ; secret place. Cp. ge- heald. -nesy! guarding, observance. higld an bend, incline, bend down, bow ititr., tr., atid i-Jl. [heald]. ~ingy". bending, curvature. hi^lf i/i. handle. hiflfling*, § 7)1. farthing IN. [healf]. higltoy; lameness [healt]. hien an fell, strike down ; bring to subjection, domineer over ; hum- ble, humiliate ; treat with con- tempt, insult ; condemn ; ill-treat, afflict, injure, destroy [hean]. ~nes_/; ill-treating, proscription. [88] HIENE hiene = hine hienp(o)/. ignominy, humiliation ; harm, injury, mischief; loss [hean]. hiepe / heap [heap]. hiepel w. heap. hiera of them. hiera - hierra higher. hier|an wa. hear ; hear mentioned, hear of | ivd. listen to, pay atten- tion to ; obey, follow ; minister. Always ge- J7t IV. ?« the above 7>ieanings \\ 7C>. to, into, inn on belong, appertain. .VeveT- ge- in this //iea7ting. ~a 7/1. subject. ~(e)mann, hyrig- tii. subject, sub- ordinate, parishioner. ~ingy. hearing. hiere-borg = hyre-. hiernes /. obedience, allegiance, subjection ; parish. gehiernesy; hearing : obedience. (ge)hiersuni obedient wd. -ian zud. obey ; tr. reduce to sub- jection. f. obedience ; subjection. higrdan tr. harden ; make firm, brace up ; also Jig. ^heard]. -ungy. strengthening. hierde, A. eo /ii. shepherd ; guardian, keeper ; pastor [heord]. -bflig 7/1. shepherd's pouch. ~h6cf. pastoral book. ~enapa ;;/. shepherd-boy. -leas without a shepherd. -lie pastoral. -mann ;;/. shepherd. -wyrt/l a plant. rge)hierdnes/ guard, watch. hierdrgeden = heord-. Mere = hire. hieref, eo safe, pleasant, good. hier(r'a cpv. ofheaih. higrstjan fry. ~ey. frying-pan. -epanne, hearste-/. fr)ing-pan. hifrsting/ frying. -hlaf //I. crust. -panne y; frj-ing-pan. hiertan cherish ; encourage; /^. take heart [heorte]. hierten*, y, eo of a stag [heorot]. higrw|an, -ian despise; deride; blaspheme ; condemn ; injure. -end w. blasphemer. -endlie contemptible. HI^RWENDLICE HILDE-TORHT HIRED hi§rw|endliee av. with contempt. hilde|torht brilliant in war. hired, Z. hird, heord in. house- ~ing/. blasphemy. -tusc in. war-tusk. hold, family, body of retainers. ~nes/. contempt, reproach. -prymm in., -pryp/ valour. court ; religious community, bro- hiewe-stan m. hewn stone [hea- -prymma*, -emma in. war- therhood ; association, company wan]. rior. \froin *hiw-r£ed]. hiewet(t) «. cutting. -■WEfepen tt. weapon. -eniht in. young retainer, page. hig = hie. -■wisa m. chief, general. -cup domestic, familiar. higian strive for, be intent on. -woma in. sound of battle. -lie domestic, familiar. higid = hid. -wrsesen/ war-fetter. -mann m. retainer, courtier, officer. higna^/. ofhxwa,. -wulf m. warrior. -preost in. chaplain. higora »i., higere /. magpie or hilman helmet, cover Gl. [helm]. -gerefa m. ex-consul (!). woodpecker. hilt, e nm., -e / hilt often pi. w. -wifmann m. female member of higp/ effort Gl. [higian]. sg. meaning. household, female servant. hil-hama = hylle- grasshopper. -ecumborf n. ensign with hilt. -wist/ familiarity. hildf/. war, battle. -leas without a hilt. his of him, of it. ~bfdd n. death- bed. gehiltu npl. hilt. hit it. ~§gesa m. terror of war. hilted having a hilt. hittan come upon, find. -tram brave. him d. him, it, them. hiw, i, A. heow n. appearance; --(e)freca w. warrior. himming = humming boot. form, shape; figure of speech; -fruma ;;/. war-chief, general. hina^//. ^hiwa. colour ; beauty. -lata ni. coward. hinan = heonon. -beorhtt beautiful. ~stapa in. warrior. hind/, hind, female of the hart. ~e beautiful. -praeu/ battle. -bgrige/. raspberry. -faBSt beautiful. hilde|bill n. sword. -brer in. raspberry bush. -leas colourless ; shapeless. ~bord M. shield. -cealf n. fawn. -lie comely. ~calla w. war-herald (?). -falod n. hind-fold. hiw- family. -corpor fi. warlike troop. -heolop(e), -h8ele}>(e) /, water- -eund domestic, familiar. -cyst/, valour. agrimony. hiw-eup familiar, intimate wd. -deofol n. devil, demon. hindan av. from behind, behind : -lie domestic. -deor brave. - offaran cut off retreat — set - -lice av. familiarly. -freca !?i. warrior. behind. -rffidnes/ intimacy. ~fvbfovf. sword. -weard av. at the further end. hiw^jgcdal n. divorce. ~geatwe^/. armour. hindema last (in time). -r£eden(n) / family, household; -giecel /n. drop of blood. hinder av. below, deep down, on - brotherhood (of monks). ~gi§st Hi. enemy. down ; behind (motion), back- -scipe, hig- w. family, household ; ~grffidig eager for battle. wards — on - gefadod ' the cart hide of land. -grapy. hostile grasp. before the horse.' hiw ian colour, paint ; shape, ~hl§mra m. crash of battle or -geap cunning, underhand. fashion, form ; change, transform, ~hlemrQa i?i. warrior. -hocf III. stratagem. transfigure tr. : Drihten hine ~leonia »i. sword. -ling I. ;//. contemptible person. {j'Ji.^ to menn ge-ode ; figure, -leop 11. war-song. II. on ~ backwards. signify ; simulate, pretend : he ~niaecg ui. warrior. -scipe in. wickedness. -ap hine selfne unforhtne. -raeee />i. sword. -peostrof//. nether darkness. -ere m. hypocrite. -needre/. arrow. -weard lagging, slow. -ung/ form, appearance ; dissimu- ~pil ;;/. arrow, dart. hindew^eard with wrong end first lation, hypocrisy. -rss m. charge, onslaught. (^ spear). hiw ian marry. -rand m. shield. hindrian repress. -ung/ marriage. ~-ine in. warrior. hine him a. hiwaj higa in.,gpl. hi(g)na meBi- -saed wearied with battle. hin-fiist ready to depart (die;. ber of a family, servant ; monk. -seeorp ;/. armour. hin-gangt in. departure, death. liiwen n. family, household. -scur in. shower of missiles. hinon = heonon. hiwisc n. family, household ; hide -setl n. scat in war (on horse). hin-sipt /;/. departure, death. (of land). -sifrce/ corslet. -gryref w. death-terror. -lice av. familiarly. -spell n. warlike speech. hion/ bone of head (?) LL. hlad an 2 load zoai.—ptc. -en w. -Strf ngo/ strength in war. hira of them. i. or g. ; put as a load, put ; build -swat in. hostile vapour (?). hird = hired. up pile) ; draw (water). -S'weg m. sound of battle. hire her d., g. hlaed («.) mound, pile. [89] HL^D-DISC HLAM-M^SSE HLEOpRIAN hlaed disc m. dish. ~h.weol ;/., ~tryndel vi. water- wheel. hlaedel (w.) ladle. hleed d)er/. ladder. -wyrty. Jacob's ladder (a plant'. hlfflfdige, a f. mistress of a house- hold ; lady (of rank) — sec ealde ~ the queen dowager [hla- ford]. gehlaeg 71. scorn, ridicule. hlaehan ^ hliglihan. hljenan cause to lean. hlaen e lean. -ian /;-. make lean, mortify (body) || intr. become lean. ~nesy! leanness. ~sian make lean. hJaest ;/. burden ; freight — holmes ~f fish. ~an load, freight ; adorn. -ing/ toll on loading a ship. ~seip n. trading vessel. hlsew, a m. mound, hill ; cave. hlaf /;^. bread ; loaf. -seta III. servant. -gebreeef, -gebroc u. piece of bread. ~gang 111. procession with the host ; participation in a meal. -hwsfete in. wheat for making bread. ~least_/". want of bread. -massse, vL. hlammsesse f. Lam- mas, first of August. -maesse-daeg m. Lammas-day. ~ofn jii. baker's oven. -segnung, -sen- / blessing of bread. hlafdie = hleefdige. klaford, -ard m. lord, patron, master — ^uiicre -as master and mistress [from *hlafweard]. ~d6ni 711. domination, authority ; patronage. -hyldo/ loyalty. -leas without a lord. -lie noble. -scipe w. domination, supremacy. -searo ii. high treason. ~s6en f. seeking service and pro- tection of a lord. -swiea w. traitor. ~3wiee »i. high treason. hlafording w. lord, master. hlagol given to laughter. ~ian, se sound. hlam-msBSse = hlaf-. hlane lank, lean. hland («. ) urine. ~adl*, lend-/, strangury (?). hlaw = hlsew. hleahtor w. laughter, merriment ; ridicule. -bafere*, leahtor- causing laugh- ter (?) Gl. ~fvill contemptuous, scornful. -lie ridiculous. ~sniipf m. laughter-maker. hleap an i vL. pit. pi. Mupon (leap) ; dance ; run, go — ut - become an outlaw vL. ~ere m. runner, courier; itinerant monk ; dancer, -estre/. dancer. ~u.ngy". dancing. gehleapan i tr. leap over ; leap upon, mount (horse . hleapettan leap up. hleape- wince = Isepe- lapwing. hlec leaky (ship). hlecan (5) — t6samne~ cohere. hied a, ~e mf. seat. hlgmm m. noise, sound. hlemmanf clash, dash Jaws to- gether). hlgncefy; link ,//. armour. lileo = hleow. hleonioc, ~e mf. brooklime (a plant). hleonian = hlinian. hieonapt, eof w. shelter [hleow]. hleonianf ome, eof flourish ^?) [hleow]. hleor It. cheek ; face. ~ban n. cheek-bone. -bolsterf 11. pillow. -dropat 111- tear. -scamuf/. blushing. ~sl§ge m. box on the ear. -torhtf beautiful. hleotan 7 cast lots ; obtain by lot, obtain 7u. g., i. gehleotan 7 obtain ; be allotted n'. to, on d. — so also wses gehloten w'as allotted. hleojjorf 11. sound ; melody, song ; voice, speaking ; hearing (sense of). ~ewide m. speaking, words, song. -cyme m. coming with sound (of trumpets). ~st^de III. place of conference, gehleojjor harmonious. ['JO] hleojjriian make a sound ; shout, speak, utter (words 1 || intr. re- sound. ~lingy! utterance, reproof (!). hleow+, hleo n. covering ; shelter, refuge ; protection ; protector. ~bord n. cover (of book). -burg/, sheltering city. -dryhten w. patron, lord. -faest protecting. -fejjer/ sheltering wing. -leas without shelter, cheerless (dwelling). ~lora 711. unprotected. -niEbg m. protecting kinsman. -sceorp 71. dress. -stgde ;;/. sheltered, warm place. -stol m. asylum, native city. gehleow sheltered, warm (^place). hleowan = hliewan. hleow^e (?) once warm. hleowp = hliewj). gehlejjaf 711. companion, inhabitant [hlop]. hlidw. cover, lid; aperture [hlidan]. -faest with a lid ((/cup). -geat 71. folding-door. gehlid ti. cover, roof. ~od covered with a lid. hlif hhan 2 laugh ; rejoice ; laugh at (what is said), ridicule %vg. ; smile (to. show good-will), ivd. of ferso7i smile upon. hliep m. leap, jump [hleapan]. hliepe / thing to mount (hor^e) from, horse-block. hliet- m. lot as began practise divination [hleotan]. hliew^jan, eo cover, shelter, cherish ; warm || eo become warm [hleow]. (ge)-ung_/". sheltering, shelter. hliew^Jj, eo /. covering, shelter, warmth. hlifian stand high, tower. hligan give a reputation for (wis- dom) ivag., attribute to. hlimman 3 resound, clang, roar (of sen), make a sound. hlimmef/. torrent. hlinf a tree. hlin bfddf «. couch. -durut/. door. -r^cedf 71. prison. ~scu(w)at >'(■ darkness of a prison. hlinjian, eo lean ; recline, lie. -ung/ leaning ; couch. hlinc 711. ridge, slope, hill. HLINC-R^W GEHIiYN" HNIPIAW hlinc-rae'w m. turf balk (?). hlis|a, hligsa w. report, rumour; reputation, fame [hligan]. ~b£fere, -eadig renowned, -eadignes/'. renown. ~fu.ll of good repute, famous. -fulliee av. gloriously. hlip ;/. slope, hill-side, hill. hloceetung/ sighing Gl. hlos|e/ sheep-fold (?). -leah III. Ct. -wudu m. Ct. hlosn;ian listen for ivg. ; listen in suspense, be astonished. -ere m. listener ; pupil. hlot n. lot, allotment — sendan, weorpan ~ cast lots ; portion, share [hleotan]. gehlot n. decision (?). ~land n. inheritance. hlopy^ band of brigands or pirates ; the offence of joining such a band ; ftroop, multitude | booty, spoil. ~b6t/". compensation or fine incurred by member of a hloji for offence committed by any one of them. ~gecrod-f" n. press of troops. -slight f. homicide committed by member of a hloj). hlojjjian plunder, take booty. ~ere ni. robber. gehlow n. lowing, bellowing, hlow an i low ; make a loud sound ((p/" trumpeter). -ung /". lowing ; sound like lowing. hlud loud. -cllpol calling loudly. ~e av. loudly. ■^nes/". clamour. ~stefne loud-sounding Gl. -sweg ;//. loud sound e loudly. hlupon ^hleapan. hluti^tjor clear, limpid ; fine (weather) ; pure. -lice av. distinctly, clearly. -lienes, ~nes/ purity. hlut^t)re av. brightly ; distinctly, clearly. hluttrian become clear ; make clear, purify. hlyd sound [hlud]. gehlyd ;/. noise ; tumult. hlydan make loud sound or noise ; shout ; resound. hlyda tn. March [hlud]. hlydig garrulous Gl. [hlud]. gehlyn. «. noise. hlynn )it. loud sound, resonance ; clamour. hlynn/. torrent IN. hlynnan, hlynian make a loud sound ; resound, roar [of sea) ; shout. hlynsian make loud sound, re- sound. hlysnan listen. hlyst Tuf. sense of hearing ; listen- ing, attention. ~an listen, hear. ~end, -ere ni. listener. ~ung/ listening. gehlyst hearing. -full attentive. gehlyta 1)1. companion [hlot]. hlytta )n. diviner, augur [hlot]. gehlytto fellowship IN. hlyttr|an, -ian purify [hlutor]. -ung/. purifying. hn^can = njecan kill. hneegan lay low, humble [hni- gan]. hnefegjan neigh. -ung/. neighing. hnaepp ni. cup, bowl. hnseppan once strike (against) intr. gehnalst, a n. collision, battle [hnitan]. hnag bowed down, prostrate ; con- temptible ; niggardly [hnigan]. hnapPiian, se doze ; sleep. -ung/ dozing, drowsiness. hneaw stingy, niggardly wdg. -lice av. stingily, sparingly. -nes/. stinginess. hngcca ni. nape of neck, back of head. hneoton = hniton prt. pi. of hnitan. hngseian, hn§xian soften intr., tr. (?) ; relax vigour, yield, waver. hnesc e soft, tender ; luxurious, delicate ; lax, feeble. -lie effeminate. -lice av. laxly, gently, luxuriously. -nes /' softness ; soft part of a thing ; effeminacy, want of vigour. nnifol, m. hneofule/. forehead. -crumb, -crump leaning over (?) Gl. hnigan 6 intr. bend down, bow, sink down. hnigian once bend inlr. [91] hnipian droop, bend down intr. ; be dejected, sad ; doze, be drowsy, hnitan 6 /;-. butt, gore ; ititr. come into collision, clash together. hnitol given to butting or goring. hnitu/ nit, louse's egg. hnocc {in.\ hook ' ?). hnoll III.) crown of head. hnossian beat. hnot bald-headed; close-cut, pollard (willow). hnut|U/, //. hnyte. -beam in. nut-tree. -cyrnel n. kernel of nut. hnydele = hydele. hnygelja, -e mf. shred, clipping. gehnyscan once crush M. Cp. hngsce. gehnystf once contrite IK. hnyte, see hnutu. ho = hoh. hon I b prt. heng tr. hang, hang on gallows, crucify — ptc. gehangen hung (with), adorned ivi. hoc III. hook. -ede curved. -iht hooked. -isern n. sickle. hocc III. mallow. -leaf;/, mallow. hocor n. derision. -wyrde derisive. hod m. hood. hof n. enclosure, dwelling, house ; temple. -rede confined to the house. -weard m. redile (!). hof III. hoof. -ree n. hoof-track. gehofod hoofed. hofding III. chief, ringleader vL. lScand.\ hofe/ hove (a plnntV hofer III. hump ; goitre, swelling, -ede, ge~od, -lend hump-backed. hog-, hoh-, M^. hoga-, hogo-. -faBSt prudent, wise. -full solicitous, anxious, sad ; attended with anxiety. -fulnes/. anxiety. -lice av. prudently IN. -scipe in. prudence. hogian iv. ymbe, be, or g. think about, consider, be intent on ; intend, w'ish lig. hoga thoughtful, careful IN. hogu/ solicitude, care. HOH HOLT-WUDU HORIG hoh, ho,//, ho (as in. heel — on~ behind ; projecting ridge of land, promontory. ~f6t m. heel. -hwifrfing/. circle (?) Gl. -scanca m. shank. -seonoy. heel-sinew. -spor n. heel. hoi I. n. hole, cave, den. II. hol- low — of his -re hand hollow • of hand. hol-leac «. a plant Gl. hoi n. calumny, slander. -inga, -unga av. in vain, without cause. -tihtey. calumny, slander. holian hollow out. geholian obtain. holian slander [hoi]. geholaf m. protector [helan]. hole II. hollow, cavity. hold m. freeholder {Scatid.^ hold n. carcase, dead body. hold wd. gracious, friendly, kind ; faithful, loyal ; acceptable, plea- sant. ~a)j ;«. oath of allegiance vL. ~e av. graciously, loyally. -lice av. graciously, kindly ; faith- fully ; attentively. ~r8eden(n) /. loyalty, discharge of duty. -seipe m. loyalty vL. holdian cut up, cut to pieces. hole g)n «.) holly. -leaf «. holly-leaf. -rind/, holly-bark. -stybb in. holly-stump. holh n. hollow, hole. Cp. hoi, hole. holm III. ocean, sea, water+ ; land rising from water, island in river. -asmf n. ship. -cliff n. cliff. -igt of the sea. -maegenf n. ocean. -Jjraeuf/. tossing sea. -weallf m. rampart of water. -weardf ni. coastguard. ~'W&^\ in. way over the sea. -wielmf in. surge of the sea. holo-panne/ pan Gl. holrian = heolorian. holt niu. copse, wood ; timber, wood. ~hana ni. woodcock. holt-Asruduf m. copse, wood ; timber, wood. hon once pi. tendrils of vine (?). hona = heonu. honede, 6 having heels Gl. [hoh]. hop-pada m. upper garment, cope Gl. hop-sciete*, -fief, sheet. hop- -gehnastf «. dashing of waves, -igt, of rough, running high (sea). hopian hope ; put trust in zu. to. gehopp once («.) small bag Gl. hopp ian leap ; dance, -estrey. dancer. hoppe/. ornament; small bell (?). hoppet(t)an leap ; throb {of wound). hopu (/.) privet Gl. hor n. adultery, fornication. -cwene/. prostitute. -ing III. adulterer, fornicator. horian once cry out. gehorian spit LV. [horh]. horas//. of Yiovh.. hore /". prostitute. hord mil. treasure, hoard, what is deposited. -burgf /. treasure -city. ~cleofa, -y- m. treasury, storeroom, chamber. -cofaf m. chamber; fmind, thoughts. -em, 88 n. treasury, storehouse, storeroom. -fast n. coffer, -geat II. treasury-door. -loca in. coffer ; fmind. -msBgenf n. riches, -majjmf in. treasure, -gestreonf n. stored-up posses- sions, hoard. -■weardf m. guardian of treasure (dragon) ; king ; heir, first-born. -welaf in. hoarded wealth. -weorpungf /. honouring with gifts. -wynnf /. treasure. hordian hoard up, store. horder e >n. treasurer, steward, -wicey. stewardship vL. horeht = horwiht. horih, ~u mil., g. - w)es, //. -as phlegm, mucus ; filth. -pytt III. mud-pit. -useajj in. sink. -wigll in. muddy stream. [92] horig = hor^/vdg. horn in. horn, drinking-horn, cupping-horn ; trumpet, horn ; pinnacle, gable. -bsfere horned. -blawere ni. trumpeter. -bogaf in. bow. -bora III. trumpeter. -fisc m. garfish, kind of pike. -fotede horn-footed. -geapf with high or broad gables. -pic m. pinnacle. -r^cedf n. gabled house. -saelf n. gable hall. -sceap- pinnacle IN. -scipf ti. beaked ship. -sglef m. gabled hall. -gestreonf n. for hord- (?). gehornian insult '}.) IN. homung-svmu m. bastard Gl. hors n. horse. -bsfer/. horse-bier. -camb m. curry-comb. -cniht III. groom, equerry. -eraet n. chariot. ~(h elene/! elecampane (a plant). -ern n. stable. -gaers-tun in. horse-pasturing meadow. -hierde m. groom. -hwael*, horse- w. walrus. -pegn, -pen in. groom, a king'.s officer. -waegn, -wSn in. chariot. -wealh III. king's officer. -weardy. care of horses. -weg m. bridle-path. hors ian provide with horses — ge-od folc cavalry. horse brisk, brave ; intelligent, sagacious. -lice, horx- av. intelligently. hortan //. whortleberries, bil- berries ' ?'i Gl. horu = horh. hor(w ig muddy [horh]. hor w iht mucose ; filthy. hos oiicef. pod Gl. host/", troop of attendants. hos;a m., ~e, ~u zak.f. hose. -ebgnd ;;/. garter. hosp in. contumely, insult ; blas- phemy, contempt, cause of shame, reproach. -cwidef III., -sprgee /. oppro- brious language. HOSP-WORD HR^GEL-pEGN HREMIG hosp-word n. word of contempt, hraegellpegn, -pen m. keeper of hremigf [e = ce], ea w.g., i. exult- opprobrious lantjuage. dresses. ing ; lamenting (?). hospettan ridicule. -gewefede 71. dress Gl. hremm = hraefn. hoss- - hysse vine-shoot. -■weard ni. keeper of dresses. hrfiumlan hinder %u. set; cumber hopmaf in. darkness. ~ung/. clothing, clothes. (the ground). lira = hrfflw. hraeQi(n) = hraefn. -ingy. hindrance, obstacle. hraeing/. detention (?) IN. hraen =^ haern wave. hremn = hraefn. hrac a m.\ ~e, ~u wk.f. throat. hrastelje*, hra-/ a plant. hreo = hreoh, hreow aj. hraca, ee w. expectoration ; phlegm. -wyrt/. rattlewort. hreoung, hriung / hard breath- hrad'ian, A. hr(e apian int?: hraep = hraed. ing, asthma. hasten. hraepe ^ hrape. hreod n. reed. ~ung, hrseding / celerity, dili- hraepe-mus = hreape-. -bedd n. reed-bed. gence. hraew ^ hreaw raw. ~br6e m. reedy brook. hrade = hrape. hrse(w), hra(w), hreaw nm. corpse, ~ig, ~iht reedy. hrffi ^ hrsew. carrion ; ijiving ) body. ~pol m. reedy pond. hraee an clear throat, spit. hralfifllf m. slaughter. -waeter «. reedy piece of water. ~ting/. clearing the throat, spit- -gifre deadly Gl. -w^rit n. reed pen. ting. -werigf sore, wearied. hreodan* 7 — (ge)hroden+ loaded,. hraec a m. clearing the throat. ~wic*, hreaw- n. place of corpses. filled ; adorned wi. ~gebr8ec ii. expectoration, bronchitis hragra m. heron. hreof rough ; scabby, leprous. Gl. hramma m. cramp. -nes/ leprosy. -tunge/. uvula. hramsa m. broad-leaved garlic. hreofl. I .y scab , leprosy. II. leprous. hreeei^eyt an eructate. -eropp III. head of garlic Gl. -a ni. leper ; leprosy. ~ungy. eructation. hran w. smaller kind of whale. -ig leprous. hraed, rsed d. ~um, hradum; A. ~fisef III. whale. hreoi^h, 1. pi. hreo stormy, rough ; hrsep quick, swift ; agile ; clever, -mgref m., -radf/. sea. troubled (in mind) ; fierce. Cp. quick ; hasty. hran m. reindeer. hreow aj. II. («.) storm; ~bita III. beetle. hrand. flood (?). -ternes/. celerity. -spear wa in. sparrow IN. -lie stormy. -hygdig, -hj dig hasty. hratian*, r- rush, hasten. Perhaps -mod troubled (in mind), fierce. -hygdignes, -hyd-/. precipitancy. for hradian. ~nes /. roughness (of weather) ; -lie short (period of time) ; pre- hratele, see hraetele. rough weather, storm. mature ; sudden. hrapian = hradian. hreol reel. -lice av. quickly, soon, at once. i^h)rape, hraspe av. quickly ; soon hreorig in ruins [hreosan]. -licnesy. quick lapse of time. — swa - swa as soon as || spl. hreos|an 7 fall, collapse, perish; -mod hasty. (h)rapost,hr8edest,radost quick- rush. -nes /. quickness ; quick lapse of est, soonest is to cwepenne -endlic perishable. time. {or secganne) in short. hreow I. / penitence, repentance -ripe early (fruit). hraw = hraew. e don wg. repent ; regret ; -wasgn, -wffin m. swift chariot. hrea (/.) indigestion (?) [hreaw]. sorrow. II. hreo(w) aj. sad, -wilnes/. precipitancy, haste. hreac ;;/. heap ; (hay^rick. repentant. Cp. hreoh. -wyrde hasty of speech. -copp, -mete m. food given to -cearigt anxious, troubled. hraed-monap = href>-. labourers on completing a rick. -lie, i, y pitiable, deplorable, miser- hraeding = hradung. hream ni. cry, shout, shouting, hue able. hraefn, e, hrgmn, hrfmrn, se w. and cry, uproar. -lice av. pitiably, miserably ; cruelly; raven. ~es fot cinquefoil. -es ~ig -^ hremig. sadly. leac orchis. hreape-mus, se, hreapa- /. bat. -nes, IN. gehreones/ penitence. -eynn Ji. raven-kind. Cp. hrere-mvis. hreow = hreaw^ raw. hraefn = haefern crab. hreaw, eo, S uncooked, raw. hreow occ. prt. (7/"hreowan. hraegi^e;! ii. dress; armour; ship's ~ian* once, prt. reawde be raw Gl. gehreow n. lamentation. sail. hred-monap = hrep-. hreow^an 7 /;-/. hreaw, eo wd. -eiest/. clothes-chest. lirgdd an rescue, recover, save ; cause sorrow, repentance, often -gefraetwodnes /. dress-adorn- take away ivda. iiiipers. ment. -ing f. deliverance ; redemption ; hreowian repent LV. -hus n. vestry. salvation. hreowigt, -ferhp, -mod sad. -sceaxaifpl. cloth-shears. hrefan roof [hrof]. hreowsian, y, i repent, do -taluy. vestment-fund. hrefn = haefern crab. penance ; be sorrowful, grieve. [93] HREOWSUNO- HRING-BAN HROF-TIGEL hreowsung /. repentance, peni- tence ; grief, lamentation. hrgp ian, eo, (h)r§ppaii touch; treat (.subject). ~uiigy". sense of touch ; touching. hrepsung = repsung. hrer half-cooked, underdone. hrerlan/;-. move, stir, shake[hr6r]. -yed^nes, y f. movement, commo- tion ; haste. hrere-mus/.bat. C/.hreape-mus. gehrespanf once tear. hrept (w.) victory ; glory. ~ead.ig victorious ; glorious. -leas inglorious. ~sigor w. victory. hrep-monaf), breed-, e 711. March. hrejpan triumph. hrepa m. cloak Gl. hrepe = rejje. hreperf 771. breast, womb, heart ; mind. ~bealo 71. grief. ~cofa 7/1. breast. ~glea'W" prudent, wise. ~loca 771. breast. hrivmg hreonng. hrieian cut, cut to pieces. hricsc sprain v?). hriddel (.«.), hridi^djer coarse sieve. hridrian sift. hriefing/ scab [hreof]. hriefpo/. scurf [hreof]. hrieman make loud sound ; shout, call, cry out ; wail, lament || exult [hream, hremig]. gehriered destroyed Gl. hrif 71. womb; interior of body; stomach. -teung/ stomach-ache. ~W8Brc 771. stomach-ache. -wnnd wounded in the stomach. gehrifian bring forth (young). gehrifnian tear, seize. hrim ;«. rime, hoarfrost. -cealdf icy cold. ~giecelf 771. icicle. hrimig rimy. ~heardt hard-frozen. hrin|an 6 w.g., i., a. touch. -ung/. touch /iV. hrindan 3 thrust. hrine w. touch. hrinen(n)es, ge-f. touch, contact. hring 7/1. ring, gold ring, fetter, link ; circle ; circuit (of year). hringiban ;«. circular bone Gl. -bogaf 771. serpent. ~fag circle- spotted. -finger 771. third finger. ~irent «. steel rings of corslet. ~locat w. corslet. -mffilf, -mffiledf adorned with rings. -mgret w. bath. ~nacat ;«. ring-prowed ship. ~ngttt 71. corslet. ~sglet 771. hall in which gold rings are stored ot- distributed. ~setl 71. circus Gl. -sittende sitting round Gl. ~p§gut /■ receiving rings. ~weorpungt_/; honour of recei\'ing gold rings. ~gewindla w. globe, sphere Gl. ~wisey] circular foim. hringan ring ir. a7id i7itr., re- sound. hringe/ ring (to lift with^i. hringed made of rings 07- links. -stgfnaf ring-prowed (ship). hris 71. twig. ~iht bushy. hrisian shake ti-. hriscan =^ hryscan. hrisel, if 771. shuttle [hrisian]. hristjende creaking. ~ung/. noise ym throat) (?). hristl,e/. rattle. ~ian rattle, creak. hrijj 7/1., ~adl/. fever. hrijjf y; storm. hrip- = hriper-. ~fald 7/1. cattle-pen. hrip|ian have fever, be feverish. ~ing/. fever. hriper, y w. ox, bull, cow, //. cattle. See hriJj-. ~en of cattle, of ox. ~freols 771. cattle-festival Gl. -heawere 7>i. butcher. -heord/. herd of cattle. ~hierde, hriph- w. cowherd, herds- man. hroc 771. rook. (ge)hroden, see hreodan. hrodenf = *roden reddened. hrof 771. roof, ceiling ; summit, top ; roof yof mouth , ; sky, heaven. -ffiBSt with a firm roof. ~leas roofless. ~s§let 771. roofed hall. ~Btan 7/1. roof- tile. [94] hrofjtigel/. roof-tile. -timber /i. roof-timber. -wyrhta 771. roof-builder. hrop 7/1.. clamour, lamentation. hropanf i shout, utter loud cries, howl, scream. gehror 11. ruin [hreosan]. liror capable of motion, vigorous, strong. hroren//t-. ^hreosan. geh,roren';n)es/. ruin. hrost (w.) perch. ~beagt 7/1. woodwork of roof. hrot, r- 7/1. thick fluid, scum. hroporf 771., d. ~, hropre solace, joy, benefit. ~leas joyless. hrum (w.) soot. -ig sooty. hrungt/ pole (?). hrungeattorrf (?). hrusef, uf/. earth, ground. gehrusl - gehruxl. hrutan 7 snore ; resound. gehruxl, -visl «. noise [hryscan]. hrycg 7/1. back ; ridge, top, sur- face. -ban 7/1. backbone, spine. -brgedan//. flesh on Loth sides of the spine. -hsfer /t. hair from animal's back. -hraegl 71. mantle. -mearg 71. spinal marrow. -mearg-lij) 71. spine. -ribb 71. rib Gl. -riple = -brffldan Gl. ~weg 7/1. ridge-way. liryding/. clearing, cleared land. hryre I. //i. fall ; destruction, ruin. II. aj. perishable [hreosan]. hryscan*, i creak [gehruxl]. hrypigf o)ice in ruins (building). hryp)ja = ryj3pa. hrywlic = hreowlic. hu av. diy. i/itez-r. how ; what ! iiidi/-. i/iterr. how, ge/i. w. i/idc, also 'lO. sl>j. ! i/ite/is. w. ajs. and avs. how, TV. cpv. the : lufode hine leng hu geornor [ wg. hu geares hit sie according to the time of year. -hwega, -o, -hugu av. about (quantity). ~lic of what kind in dir, atid i7idir. interr. -meta av. how. gehA av, somehow or other. HUDENIAN HUNDT WENTIG- WINTRE hus-st:|:de hudenian shake. huf|e/. head-covering, hood. ~ian //■. put hood on ^a person). hui, huig interj. huilpe = hwilpe. hulc VI. shed ; hut || light ship. hulfestrey'. plover Gl. hulu/. husk [helan]. hun- {^m.j cub*. -spora m. spike (?) Gl. -pyrel n. hole in mast-head through which the halyard went. hund VI. dog, also as tervi of abuse. ~3S peo dog's parasite. ~es cwelcan berries of the wayfaring tree. ~es fleoge dog's parasite. ~es heafod snapdragon. ~8S lus dog's parasite. ~es micge, ~es tunge cynoglossum (a plant). ~3s wyrm dog's worm. ~lie doglike, canine. ~wealh VI. dog-keeper. hund ;/. hundred. ~feald hundredfold, hundred. ~wintre a hundred years old. hvmd-eahtatig eighty. ~wintre ei_L;hty years old. hundendlufontig, -endleftig, -send- hundred and ten. ~ofia, -aelleftig- hundred and tenth. hund-nigontig ninety. ^opa, -nigcnteojja ninetieth. -■wintre ninety years old. hundred, -od, -yd, IN. hundraj) n. hundred ; group of a hundred ; a territorial division, hundred. ~3S ealdor president of hundred (district^ ; centurion. ~es mann president of hundred (district). ~niann vi. centurion. ~gemot n. assembly of the hun- dred. ~Pf!ning VI. tax for, support of the chief of the hundred. hundseofontig, IN. unsefuntig seventy. -feald seventy-fold. -opa seventieth. -wintre seventy years old. hund-teontig hundred. ~feald(lie) hundredfold. ~geare a hundred years old. hund-twelftig hundred and twenty. hund-twentig nundred and twenty. hundtwentig-wintre hundred and twenty years old. hune/ horehound. hunger vi. hunger, also met. ; famine. ~biten suffering from hunger vL. -gear n. year of famine. ~l£ewe hungry, famishing. -lie hungry. hungrig hungry, starving. hunig u. honey. -aeppel vi. ball of honey (?) Gl. ~bafere honeyed. ~binny. vessel for honey. -eamb/". honeycomb. -flowende flowing with honey. -gafol n. rent paid in honey. ~sniaece vi. taste of honey. ~siige, -Slice yi privet. ~swaes honeyed Gl. ~swete sweet as honey. ~tear m. honey that flows from tlie comb, nectar ■ !). ~tearen, -tear lie like nectar (!). huntian ;;/. hunt. -iege, ~igestre/ hunter. -ungy; hunting ; game, prey. -ing-speref, -ig- ii. hunting spear. hunta VI. hunter. huntop, -(nap vi. hunting, right of hunting ; game, prey. -faruy; hunting-expedition. hup- hip [hype]. ~ p)ban n. hip-bone. ~seax n. short sword. huru av. at least, at all events, at any rate — not less than, at least [of quantity) ; especiaUy ; cer- tainly, indeed. ~pinga av. at least. hus H. house ; household, race. ~boada, ~bunda ni.,f. master or mistress of house 'yScand.']. ~bryce 7/1. house-breaking, bur- glary. -brycel house-breaking Gl. -bryne m. fire. ~carl VI. one of the king's body- guard Z. \_Scand.^. ~fsest having a house. -heofon ;«. ceiling. -hlaford vi. master of a house. ~hleow n. house-shelter. ~incel n. little house. -rseden n)/ household. ge~scipe vi. household, race. [95] husjstf de VI. site of building. -ting n. (Danish' tribunal, meet- ing \_Scand. hiisping]. -wist/, household. husian house, receive into one's house. gehusa, Ml husa vi. fellow-inmate, fellow- monk. hiisc, hux («.^ mockery, insult. -lie ignominious, shameful. -lies av. ignominiously, shame- fully. -word n. insulting word(s). husl n. Eucharist. -beam n. communicant. -dise tn. paten. -faet n. sacramental or sacrificial vessel. -gang VI. partaking of the Eucharist. -ggiiga VI. communicant. -halgung/. attendance at Eucharist. -lafy. remains of Eucharist. -portie Vi. sacristy. -pegn, -pen vi. acolyte. -wer 7/1. communicant. hu3l ian administer Eucharist or sacrament. -ung f administration of sacra- ment. hiXp/. plunder, booty. Cp. hyp. htix = hu3e. hwa no. who in dir. and in,lir. in/err. — uE. hyrpil m. hurdle. -hyp booty = htip. -ere m. butcher. hyre ^ hire. -seip «. pirate-ship Gl. hyld o, hyldy". favour, grace ; alle- hyre-borg*, ie m. interest (on gehyp convenient — naht ~es giance, loyalty — his ~a sworon money). hsebbe no apparatus. swore allegiance to him [hold]. hyrnan project [hyrne]. -lie convenient. -ap m. oath of allegiance. hyrn e/. corner ; angle [horn]. -liee av. comfortably (?). -emsfegt- m. kinsman. -full angular. -nesy. advantage. -rseden/ fidelity. -Stan !)i. corner-stone. hypan ravage, plunder. hyll fiif. hill. hyrned e horned ; having a pro- hypelic convenient, suitable. -wyrtyi pulegium. jection. hypig. hylle-hama, hilh- »i. cricket. -nebba horny-beaked. -ian facilitate. grasshopper. hyrnan of horn [horn]. -ung/. advantage. Hymbre //. Northumbrians. Cp. hyrnetu, vE. -itu ; L. -et, -et(t)e, hypp/. benefit, advantage. Norphymbre. //. -yttan/. hornet [horn]. gehyppo/ subsistence, food. [98] I. lA ia-, ia- - gea-, gea-. iaein(e)tus w. jacinth [Z^.hyacin- thus]. ic, ig I. icge-goldt once. i-claeges, ig- av. on the same day. idel I. empty; empty-handed; de- solate, destitute wg. ; useless, vain ; unemployed, idle. II. n, frivolity; idleness ; inattention, carelessness — on~ in vain, to no purpose. ~georn lazy. idel-gield «.. -off rung /, idola- ideljh^nde empty-handed ; devoid ■ivg. ~'S\QSf. frivolity, folly ; carelessness, inattention ; uselessness ; idleness — on ~se in vain. ~spr8^ce talking idly, ides/; virgin ; fwoman. idlian come to nothing, be useless. idol nf._ idol \_Lt.\ ie, see ea. iee|an increase ; add [eac]. -end in., ~estre/. increaser. -nesy^ increase. iedise*, yddisc (,«.) furniture, household goods [ead]. leg/, island [ea]. ~buend(eit m. islander, -clif, ecg~t n. sea-cliff. -flota*, seg-t 7n. sailor, -land H. island. -stream*, eg-, eh-t m- sea ; river, -weard*, seg-t / watch by the sea (?). iegop*, ig(e)o]?, ig(g)aj) in. island, esp. small island in river, eyot. if ld|an intr. and tr. delay, dissimu- late [eald]. -end m. delayer intr. -endlic dilatory, -ing/ delay ; dissimulation. if Idcian = f leian delay, ifldef//. men. ifldest spl. (j/'eald. ifld(o)/ period, age f of the world) ; time of life, age ; old age. i:gLDIlA ifldr |a I. cpv. of eald. II. -an //. parents; ancestors. iflfe//.^/ self elf if If en*, as,e,Yf. fairy [self]. iflfetu, Z. ylfet;t)e/ swan. if Ifig* = ylfig chattering. ifrfan inlierit; demise, bequeath. if rf |e n. inheritance ; property, pos- session ; cattle. -ebecfpl. will. - e)cwealni 711. cattle-plague. -egedal n. division of property. -efirst in. legal delay before enter- ing on inheritance. n. dispute about inheri- tance. -hand/ administrator. -elaf/. heirloom, inheritance; heir. -eland n. lieritable or inherited land. -eleas without cattle. -enuma m. heir. -estoli' III. hereditary seat or dwell- ing. ifrf,e)-"weard m. lieir, possessor. f. inheritance. -ian inherit, possess. -w^ritend, --writere ni. testator. ifrfe|gewrit n. will, testament. -writend in. testator. if rgan dishearten [earg]. ifrgp(o^-y. sluggishness, cowardice. ier|lic angry [ierre]. -scipe ni. anger. ifrman ill-treat, harass [earm]. ifrmtng, ea in. wretched one, poor wretch ; pauper ; little one. iernip(o)/". misery; poverty; bodily trouble, disease ; crime. iernan, A. eo; prt. am, A. orn 3 run ; flow i^of river) ; turn itttr., grind {of mill) | up ge- rise, grow 'o/" plants) Bd. geiernan 3 coagulate. Cp. gerin- nan. ierre I. n. anger. II. gone astray ; perverse ; angry. -mod angry, wild. -pweorh*, yre- angry. [yj] lERRINGA ierringa av. angrily. iers|ian, eo be angry w. wip a., on a. ; make angry. -igendlic passionate. -ung/. anger. iersinga av. angrily. if rj?, y, ea,f. ploughing ; crop, pro- duce. -land n. arable land. -ling in. agriculturist, farmer, ploughman ; a bird. -tilia = eor])-. iesende = gesen entrails. iejj, eaj? cpv. ofea,])e easily. -bede exorable. -begiete easily obtained. -bene e.xorable. -bylig, -belig irritable, passionate. -dffide easy. -fere easy (road). -fyndet easily found. -georn amiable '?) Gl. -giete*, -gete easily obtained, ready. -hylde contented. -laere docile. -gtsienei" easily seen. -wiflt easily turned. ief» an lay waste, ravage; depopu- late; kill. -ungy! laying waste. iejie+ desolate, waste. iepie, eape easy; indulgent, kind 7C'i/. ; mild, not attended with hardship, easy Tjourney . Cp. eape av. -nes f ease of life, comfort; pleasure, satisfaction. iepelic, ea easy il ea- scanty, insignificant, weak. -nes/ ease. iepelice av. easily ; (treat subject) lightly. iew^ian, eow^i)an wda. show, reveal [eage]. ifegn = ifig. ifig, ifegn n. ivy. -bearo ;/. group of ivy-clad trees ^1) Ct. IFIG-CROPPA IN-COFA IN-IlgLrE ifigieropp(a) m. cluster of ivy- berries. -leaf ;/. ivy-leaf. -tearo «., -tara in. ivy-gura. ifiht covered with ivy. il, ig(i)l m. hedgehog. ilea same. ilce av. — swa- in the same way ; swa ~ swa in the same way as, as. ile, y ;«., vE. ill ;/. sole of foot ; callosity. 111= ile callosity. illeroeju*, -acu/! crapula. ge~ad suffering from hot cockles, surfeited, crapulatus. ilpen of an elephant [elpend, yip]. imbe* = ymbe swarm of bees. imberdling = inbyrdling. imp a, ~e vif. shoot, graft. impian graft; rji. be engaged in, ptc. associated with 'cu. to, on d. in rare in W.prp. 7V. a., d. 'J.) of place and time in, on, among, into, during, also met. in- A. = ovi-. in- is sometimes 7vritten for un- throiigh the confusion between un- and on- =,-/. in-. in-gebedf once n. heartfelt (?; prayer. in-bfnd mf. internal fetter. in-betynednes / life of a re- cluse. in-blawan i breathe on, inspire (!). in-boren native. in-borg m. bail, security. in-brjme w. fire (!). in-bu|an inhabit ^!). ~end m. inhabitant. in-burg/. vestibule. in-byrd|e born in master's house. ~(l)ing, im- m. slave born in mas- ter's house. ine you two a., d. incja m. cause of complaint, grudge ; scruple, doubt ; sus- picion. ge~fullian offend. in-e§inpa w. soldier of the same company. incer of you two. in-cieg|an invoke (!). ~ung/. invocation (!). incit you two a. in-eleofa, -clyfa,i w. (inner) cham- ber ; den, cave. in-eniht m. house-ser\'ant. in-cofa m. inner chamber ; +breast, mind. in-copu/! internal disease. incund = innancund. -lice av. inwardly. ~nes f. inward conviction ; sin- cerity. in-ciij> alien, strange. -lice av. sadly. in-dffllan impart, infuse (!). in-diepan dip, immerse (!). Indisc Indian. in-dryhtenf aristocratic, noble, magnificent. in-dryhtof/ nobleness, glory. in-eardian inhabit ^I). in-faer n. entering ; place of en- trance. in-fa3reld n. entering ; place of entrance, vestibule ; interior. in-fangen(e)-peof L. jurisdiction over thieves within a certain space. in-faruy". entering, invasion. in-feoht, -fiht «. attack on person by inhabitant of the same house. in-gefeoht n. civil war. in-flede full of water (^ river). in-gefolcf 7!. native race. in-fostor n. rearing or breeding at home. in-frodf very old or wise. ing the Runic letter ng. un^n)-gang m. entering ; right of access ; entrance-fee. in-g§nga+ ;«. invader. in-geoting/. pouring in. in-gy1;e m. inhision. in-heord /. herd of the lord and kept on his estate. in-hgre m. home-army, native army. in-hiernes/. possession. in (n) -hired n. household. ~mann, liV. innheard- m. member of retinue, soldier. in-hiwa, -higa ?n. member of household or convent, &c. in-hold loyal. in-gehrif n. womb. in-gehygd, -hyd «/. mind, thoughts ; conscience ; under- standing, intelligence, knowledge ; import i^of what is said). f intention. in-ieddisc*, e (w.) household furniture. [100] in(n'-iflfe, inifli n. intestines ; womb. in-igrfe n. household goods. ininnan = on-. in-lad/ right of inland passage; entrance-fee. in-lagian ' inlaw,' restore ^an out- law) to legal rights. in-land n. demesne land, land retained by the lord instead of being let out. in-lapiend m. inviter (!). in-legan A. inflame = *on-lie- gan (? . in-lfnd|e native, of natives, of one's own country. -a 7/1. native. ~isc native. in-lic internal ; native. in-lice av, internally ; thoroughly ; sincerely. in-liehamung/. incarnation IN. in-m£ej)l(a,e /. recklessness vE. Gl. Cp. onmedla. in-mearg once pl. ~a marrow GI. in-mede close to one's heart, im- portant. in-gemyndf nf. mind ; remem- brance. in-genijm.def remembered. inn;?, house; chamber; quartering oneself (^soldiers). inn av. in ^ on wa. in to. ~ to in to: fia geatu~t6 him. Cp. into. innjian enter ; take up one's quar- ters, lodge. -ungy. contents ; revenue. geinnian admit, receive (into house, church", entertain hospita- bly ; include ; fill ; supply (loss). inna womb LY. inn-adl*, ina-/". internal disease. innan /;/. w. a., d., g. in, into; from within (1 ; of time at. innan, ~e, inne av. within, inside on pip. wd. inside. innan-bordes aiK at home (as opposed to abroad"). innan-burgware //. towns- people. innan-eund, inne-, in- internal, inward ; inner (thoughts) ; earnest, thorough. Cp. ineund. innan- weard, in ne)- I. internal, interior of, depths of ; earnest ; thorough — ~ 71., pset ~e intes- INN-AWRITING IN-TO IN-WRITING tines. II. av. within. CJ>. in- intingan because of him, for his in- writing/, inscription !). weai'd. sake [in, ping]. in-WTindy. internal wound. inn-awriting/. inscription (!). in-toprp. wd. into. in-wunenes/. persistence. inne-=innan-. in-trahtnung/. explanation (!). io-=geo-. innemest, see inn era, -or. in-gepanc nni. thought(s), mind ; ioc = geoc. innera, inra cpv. inner ; sj>l. inne- intention. iorf a river animal ; the Kunic mest inmost. in-gepeodf/. nation. letter To. in-niwian renew (!). in-picce very thick or coarse. Iras iiipl. Irish. innor av. cpv. more within ; spl. in-pinen (/.) house-servant (?) Gl. Ir(a)-land n. Ireland. innemest. in-wraerc, -wraec m. internal pain. Iring es weg Milky Way. inn-orf «. household goods. in-'waete / internal humour (of is is. innoJ> m. interior; interior of body, body). is n. ice ; the Runic letter i. intestines; stomach; womb. in-weard = innan-. -gebindf n. bond of ice. ~tied.ernes /. weakness of intes- -lie internal. -gcblaed 11. chilblain (?). tines. -lice av. inwardly ; earnestly, -cealdf ice-cold. ~wund /. woimd in the intes- deeply, thoroughly. -raeref ni. frozen lake. tines. in-geweaxen implanted. isen, isern, iren I. n. iron, steel; in-geree («. tumult Bd. in-weore 71. indoor work. iron or steel implement ; fsword ; in-recels in. incense (!). in-Tverod h. body of retainers. ordeal. II. aj. of iron, steel. in-seeav/ere ni. inspector (_!). household. -bgndf m. chain. in-seeawung/ inspection (!\ in-widd, -witt, -wit deceitful. -byrnef/ steel corslet. in-segel n. seal, signet. C/. malicious, wicked. -fetor/, iron fetter. insigle [Z/. sigillum]. in-widda m. adversary. -grseg iron-grey. insegl ian seal, seal up. in-gewinn ;z. civil war. -heard iron-hard. -luig/ sealing, seal. in-wise oncef. condiment. -hearde /. black centaury (a in-geseted inserted. in-Avit, -wid n. guile, deceit ; plant). in-Sft|tan institute (!). malice ; evil. -heref m. armed host. ~nes/ regiilation (!). -gecyndf n. evil nature. -liyrst fitted with iron. in-sigle «. seal [insegel]. -fgngf /;/. hostile grasp. -geloma ni. iron implement. in-siht/ narrative, epitome. -flanf ;//. treacheious shaft. -ordal n. ordeal with hot iron. in-sittende sitting within. -full deceitful, malicious, evil. ~5re/ iron mine Gl. in-smoh (?) ;;/. slough, what is -gigstf III. evil guest. -panne, --a, fin. frying-pan. cast off. -girenf n. treacherous snare. -scofl/ iron shovel. in-spinn {ii.) spindle. -lilgmmf ;;/. gash of malice. -sciirt/ shower of iron missiles. in-staep|e, e I. in. entrance es -hroff vi. evil roof -smip ;//. blacksmith. av. instantl)'. II. av. instantly. -nf ttf n. evil net. -swat in. iron dross (?). in-stand an 2 be at hand (!). -nipf III. enmity. -tang/ snuffers. -endlie present, daily (bread). -rtint/i evil counsel. -preatf vi. armed troop. in-gestealdf ;/. household goods. -scearf (?) vi. slaughter. -wyi'hta in. blacksmith. in-stf de, -styde av. at once. -searof n. treachery. isend ^ gesen entrails. in-stiee ni. internal stitch (pain). -sorgt/ sorrow. isig icy. in-stihtian arrange (!). -spellf n. tale of evil. -feperaf icy-winged. in-swan w. he who has charge of -staeff III. wickedness. isiht icy. the lord's swine. -pancf m. evil thought or purpose. i-sipes av. at once. in-geswell n. internal swelling. -wrasenty. evil chain. isn ian od iron-clad. in-swog|an i invade (!). in-gewitnes f. knowledge, con- in = geo. -ennesy". invasion. science. Iiide|as mpl. Jews. in-tinga m., IN. inping, IM. in- wraec = in-waerc. -isc Jewish. inting(a affair, business ; cause in-writere m. private (?) secretary iw, eow, eoh m. yew. of complaint ; cause — for his Gl. -bfrige/ yew-berry. K = C. [101] L. LA la interj. oh ! ah 1 — la leof ! O sir ! ; inteiis. : hu la ne wurpe we pry cnihtas into Jjam fyre ? J)a cwsep ic, hwset is Jjset la ? (then), past la wees fseger (in- deed). lac nf. joyous activity, sport, game ; tcontest, battle | gift; offering, sacrifice ; Epiphany : fram ~um op sumormsessau | booty f message (?) | medicine. -dsedyi munificence. -giefaf m. liberal giver. -lie sacrificial. -sang m. offertory Gl. gelac I ;/. commotion (^sea, storms) — sweorda - battle ; crowd. lacan i /;/. leolc, lee intr. move quickly w intermittently (^ birds, flame, waves) ; play — fdaro- pum ~ fight ; f wordum ~ sing, modulate. gf lacan i — on Me gelec peet hie wunnon . . persuaded them to . . laeian present with a gift Gl. laen ian, se treat medically, dress ^wound) ; cure [Ifiece]. -igendlic medical, surgical. ~ung /. medical treatment ; cure ; medicine. lactuc a/, -as (? lettuce \_Lt.'\. lacu /. stream Ct. ; lake (?) [If c- can]. lad f. way, course ; journey ; carry- ing, conveying (goodsj ; means of living, sustenance [lipan]. ~mann w. guide, leader. -rinc ni. king's) messenger (?). ~seipe m. leadership. lad /. excuse ; defence against a charge ; clearing oneself from an accusation. geladf n. way, course — deep ~ ocean. ladian find excuses for t;'. a. of person or thing; excuse, let off; rjl. 2vag. clear oneself of blame or LADIGENDLIC a legal charge : ~ hine pses (be ape, mid ordale), ~ hine peet he nyste . . prove that he did not know. lad igendlic excusable. ~ung f. excuse ; clearing oneself, exculpation. ladteow = latteowr. Ise {)i.) head of hair. laeccan prt. Isehte seize, catch, arrest ; forp ge~ carry off. Isfece /n. physician ; leech. -hocf. medical book. -craeft in. (art of)medicine ; remedy, medicine ; prescription. -craeftig skilled in medicine. -cynnf n. race of physicians. ~d6m m. remedy, medicine ; salva- tion. -domllc salutary. -domnesy; plaster. -feoh. ji. physician's fee. -finger »i. fourth finger. -hus w. hospital. -sealfy. salve, plaster. -seax 11. surgical knife. -wyrt/. drug ; rib-wort. Ifficnian = lacnian. leed an lead {of guide, general, road) ; carry, convey, bring ; place, put — on lyft ~ lift up bring forth, produce | mark the bounds of land : landgemsere ~ | pass, lead (life) ; perform, do (praise) |1 inir. ftanum ~ flourish with twigs. ~end />!. bringer. ge~endlic*, ~enlic malleable. ~nes f. production, bringing forth _Bd. laed'an* excuse. -end 111. excuser, apologist. Laeden, later §, y [through infl. of lieden] I. ii. Latin (language). II. aj. Latin. Orig. perhaps the form Isden was used only as an adj. [Lt. latinum]. -boc/. Latin book. [102] L^DENISC Laeden ise Latin. -nama w. Latin noun. -gereord 7/. Latin. -sprefecy; Latin. -staef w. Latin letter. ~gepeode «. Latin. ~ware ;«//. Romans. -"word n. Latin word. Isefan 7c>da. leave, bequeath, not take away || intr. remain over, be left [laf]. laefel, § ?;/. cup, bowl. laefer f rush, bulrush ; thin plate of metal. -b§dd n. place where rushes grow , bed of rushes. Isegprt. (yiiegan. lablf, ~a m. twig, whip || mark of whip, weal, bruise. ~(i)an become black and blue. laemen of clay, earthen [lam]. l^n f lending, loan; thing lent; tgift ; benefit ; temporary grant, lease (of land) [leonj. ~dagast nipl. transitory days of life, lifetime. -land n. land granted on lease. ~(e)lic transitory. lebn |an 7vda. lend ; grant ; lease. -end m. lender, creditor. -endlie transitory. -ere w. lender, creditor. lafene lent ; leased ; temporary,- transitory ; frail, infirm ; frivolous, sinful. laepe-wince, hleape- /. lapwing (birdV laepeldre/. dish. laeppa, a w. tag, end, skirt ; lobe (of ear, liver ', : district. Iser-gedefe (? i o>ue-\' fit to be learned. Iffir an teach 'c. a. of per s. or thing, ivda., rarely ivaa. : ~de him pas ping ; -de hie on lifes wag, to fulwihte brought them by his teaching to . . ' educate — gelSred learned, clerical | exhort, advise, GEL^REDNES GEIi^T LAGU-F^pM persuade : ~de hine Jjaet he for- lete. gelfflrednes/! learning, skill. laerestre/. teacher. leering*/, teaching. -rneeden ii. female) pupil. -mann w. disciple. Igerie*, gelser empty, hungry. -nes/". emptiness (of stomach). Ijerest = leest. laerig, *l8ergt border (of shield). Iffisyi, g. lffis(w le pasture. \adsf. letting (of bloody bleeding. IffiS less, see lytel. -boren of lower birth. laesian = leesw^ian. leesest = Iffist. Iffissa cpv. o/lftel. 1^3t oncef. boot Gl. -wyrhta m. shoemaker. ~Qf. (shoemaker's; last Gl. Ifflst spl. ^' lytel. llest an wd. follow; help || tr. carry out, perform, do ; furnish ; pay II inir. continue, last, suffice [last]. ~end 7)1. doer. l^swe, sec Iffis. laeswian, leesian pasture, feed (sheep, &c.) hitr. and tr. IsBt, spl. A. -est, ~(e)inest delaying, behindhand; sluggish zvg., slow; late. -byrd/. delayed birth. -hydig dull-minded. -lice av. slowly. ~nesy. delay ; slowness (of lapse of time'. -rsede deliberate, slow. -sum (year) late (for crops) L. Isbt'an I 'h prt. let, A. leort leave : ~ hine prer ; hine deadne ~ ; leave behind ; bequeath ; depart from, leave | an~ give up the money, the attempt), aweg ^ let go, send away ; refrain from, ig- nore, to giemleaste ~ neglect, be indifferent to || make to go, place, put gen. met. : blod ~ bleed ; ~hit of gemynde dismiss it from the mind ; ~ hine up put him ashore j hand over, deliver up : let hi to him, let hi him to handa || admit: ~pa riht- wisan into heofenan rice ; hine inn ~ I permit : hie ))8er sittan let ; God IStt us costian be tempted | cause (to happen), make : God let hi befeallan on Jjset ece fyr ; God let hine frigne left him free-will ; God let hine him(^.)swa leofne pset . . loved him so I grant (territory to a vassal), let (land on Xt^'io.), ahvays w. to of pers. \\ behave, be in a certain state of mind : ~ uncu))- lice wip hine be unfriendly ; eajjelice ~ ymbe Jjset take it easily \ think : leohtlice ~ ymbe pset think lightly of; leton pset hit micel unrSd weere thought it bad policy ; hi hi selfe leton for heane thought themselves of no account ; hi ~ap pset to wser- scipe p8Bt hi msegen . . think it clever | pretend : leett swelce he wsere . . pretends to be (or thinks he is . .) I assert : hi ~ap pset menn moten . . hi beotlice ~ap peet hi msegen , . boast || hitr. - of d. give up (property), hype pe we fram leton set sail from, he no be pKm anum let, ac . . did not stop there (content him- self), leton to reede pset hi woldon . . determined after con- sultation. geljBt, ~e n. junction of roads. Iffitt, //. ~a, latta/. lath. laettewestre/. guide [latteow]. l^p («.) division of land, district con- taining several hundreds. Ijepan hate ; cause to shun ; revile _[lap]. leeppo, Isepo /. hatred, malice ; injury, wrong. Ifflw an betray. ~end m. traitor. ~finger*, leaw- m. forefinger. leew^ |a, ~e, A. lega vi. betrayer, traitor. laewede, ea lay(man) \^Lt. laicus]. laf/i remnant, remains, remaining : wses to ~e remained — thamera~ sword ; heirloom, legacy ; widow [-lifan]. lafian lave, wash, pour. lagian ordain (laws' [lagu]. lagen/^r. ^lean. lagon/;/. ^liegan. lagu 1)1. ^ea, flood, waterf ; the Rmiic Ictte)- 1. -erseftig nautical. -faesten(n) n. sea. [103] lagu faepm w. embrace of waters. -flod )n. sea, stream, \vater(s). ~lady". sea-way, sea. -mearh /«. ship. ~sip m. sea-joumey. ~straety! sea-road, sea. -stream m. sea, river, water. -swimmend w. fish. lagu L. f., once npl. (?) law ; dis- trict (in which certain laws pre- vail), esp. in Df na ~ Danelag [Scand. log = *lagu npl.]. gelaguf npl. extent, surface (of sea) [licgan]. lah- = lag- law-. ~breca w. law-breaker. ~brecende lawless, impious. ~bryce m. breach of law. -ceap »!. payment for re-entry into lost legal rights. -lie lawful. -lice av. according to law. -mann )n. law-man, lawyer. -riht n. legal right. -slit, -tt, -ti,t)e («.^ fine for breach of Danish) law. -wdta m. lawyer. lam n. clay, earth. -fast n. vessel of clay, the body. ~pytt, -seapa m. clay-pit. -wyrhta ))i. potter. lam a aj. i)i.,f. lame ; paralytic. ~byrd/. imperfect birth. lamb, A. o, f , lombor ; //. ~ru, Z. -, A. lombor, lomberu lamb, -es cerse a plant. lamprede / lamprey [Lt. 1am- preda]. lan = l£en. land )i. land, terra firma ; country, province, district ; country as op- posed to town ; (cultivated) land, estate. ~adl/.=hland- (?). -self/ land-elf. ~agend m. native. -agende owning land. ~ary; landed property, estate. -began g m. dwelling in a country. -begenga w. cultivator of land, inhabitant. -boc f. charter in which land is granted. -brace/ ploughing up fallow land. -biiend m. cultivator of land ; native. -biiend/ colony, settlement. IiAJSTD-BUENDE IiAND-SPEDIG LANGOp land|buende dwelling, native. ~bunesy! settlement, colony. ~ceap m. tax paid when land was bought. -fsesten(n) n. naturally strong military position. ~feoh. n. recognitory rent for land. -fierd/. land-army. ~folc «. people of the country. ~fruniat m. king. ~gafol 71. rent of land. -haebbende owning land ; ruling a country. -haefen/. landed property. ~h§re m. land-arniy ; native army. -hlaford m. landowner, lord of the manor ; ruler of a country. ~hr§ddingy; redemption of land. ~geh'werf n. exchange of land. -lagu/ law of the district. ~leas without land. -leode//., -leodyC people, natives; country. ~lyre w. loss of land. -gcmaea w. neighbour, -gem^ere n. boundary. -mann w. native. ~mearc/. boundary. ~gemigrce ii. boundary. -openung f. breaking up fallow land. ~r£eden'vn)_/". local ordinance, -rfstt/. grave. ~rica m. local magnate, lord of the manor. -rice n. estate ; territory, region, continent. -riht ;/. law of the land ; legal rights of natives of the country ; legal obligation connected with land or estate. ~s&ta ni. colonist. ~scaruyi land, country; boundar}'. ~gesceaftty. creation coll. -seeap )!. land. ~scipet III. region, country \Old- Saxoi{\. -scoru/ piece of land Ct. "S^ten f. estate ; occupation of land. ~sef»la m. tenant vL. ~sid.u. m. custom of the country, something habitual. ~sittende occupying land. -socn/i search for land (dwelling- place). -sped/, landed property. land|spedig rich in land. ~splott III. plot of ground, small piece of land. ~st§de m. land, country. -stycce 71. piece of land; tract, country. ~warut f. people of a country, country. ~weardt m. king. -welaf m. wealth of the earth, earthly possessions. -geweorcf n. fortress. -gewigrpe ii. mound (?) Ct. gelanda m. fellow-countryman, kinsman. landefen/. proportion of land vL. — *land-andefn. gelandod having estates. lan|e, ~u wk.f. lane : street. lang cpv. If ngra, spl. longest long, tall. ~a frigedaeg Good Friday. -fefere lasting, durable; advanced (age). -fernesy; long duration. ~first III. long space of time. ~i^\Aof. advanced age. ~liee av. for a long time. ~lif(e , fpv. lenglifra (!) long- lived. lang-mod patient, long-suffering. -lice av. patiently. ~nesy. long-suffering. lang nes/. length. ~sceaft having a long shaft. -seip ;/. war-ship. ~strang patient (!). -gestreont «. long-accumulated treasure. langsum long, prolonged, lasting, tedious. -lice av. for a long time. ~nes/ length. lang sweorede, y long-necked, -twidigt granted for a long time, lasting. gelang at hand, attainable, depen- dent on, result of 7U. set, on. Isingian grow long .of days) | iiii- pers. IV. a. desire, long for ; feel tedium or discontent | summon | belong. langung/ delay ; desire, longing ; Medium, weariness ; grief, -hvpilf f, time of longing or tedium. lange av., cpv. l§ng, spl. longest for a long time — (swa) leng [104] swa swipor the longer the more | expressing extent, quantity : swa ~ swa . . swa ~ carrel, to the ex- tent which . . to that extent. langop m. longing, desire ; un- satisfied desire, discontent, te- dium. lannf (/) fetter, bond. lapian lick, lap up, sup (up liquid with bread). lar f. what is taught, learning, doctrine, science ; narrative ; cunning (?) | act of teaching ; exhortation, advice, instigation. ~bisn/. example. -boe/'. book of instruction. -craeft m. science. ~ewide m. precept, doctrine. -hlystend in. catechumen. -hus n. school. -least, -liesty; want of knowledge ; want of instruction. -lie instructive, edifying ; under instruction, trained. -smipf ;;/. teacher, sage. ~spell 71. sermon, homily. ~swice m. deception. -wita III. learned man. lareow, IN. laruw, m. teacher, pedagogue, master ; preacher [lar, peow]. -dom III. office of teacher ; eccle- siastical authority or office. -lie of a teacher. -setl n. teacher's seat, pulpit. laser (w.) tares, corn-cockle. last, 86 111. sole of foot (l§est) | foot- print, track : (him) on ~e behind (him', on ~ after, in pursuit ; (look) back — on ~ faran return. ~ weardian remain behind ; fol- low. ~as If cgan travel, wander | d. ~e, -um wg. in the manner of : bryde ~e as a bride, wrgccan -um as an exile, in exile. -weard ni. pursuer; successor. -wordf n. after-word, posthumous fame. gelast 11. fulfilment ; duty, due. -full helpful. lat-teahyi guiding-rein [lad]. latian be slow ; be sluggish or tor- pid ; delay wg. [Iset]. lata aj. {iii.),f. procrastinating, late ■ivg. late av. slowly ; late ; at last. latteow, lad-, se, -peow, lateow LATTEOWDOM LEAD LEAS-BREGD VI. guide ; leader, general [lad, peow]. latteowdom ni. guidance, leader- ship. lajj I. aj. zud. hostile : ne leof ne ~ neither friend nor foe ; hated, un- popular ; hateful to, noxious ; grievous, unpleasant — him wses ~ to amyrrenne he was unwilling to. II. n. injury, offence ; what is unpleasant, pain. ~bitet >n. wound. ~leas harmless, innocent. -lie hateful, unpleasant, horrible. ~lice av. hatefully, grievously, hor- ribly. -genijjlat w. enemy. -scipe //I. hardship, painful posi- tion. -searo \ n. hostile device. ~sipt w. hateful journey. ~spell n. bad news. ~geteonat m- enemy. ~treo'Wt n. hateful tree. lap-Wf nde hostile ; pernicious. -mod hostile. lafi|weorct n. evil or hostile work. -gewinnaf in. enemy. gelaj? hostile. lap ian invite, summon : he hine him on fultum ~ode called upon him to help him. (ge)~ungy. invitation, calling ; con- gregation, church. lapian be hateful -cod. lape av. with enmity; in detesta- tion. lapettan hate wa. ; be hateful tvd. laur, lawer (w.) laurel [Z/.]. ~beam in. laurel. -bfrige/. berry of laurel. ~treow n. laurel. lawerce/. lark. lea, see leah meadow. lean 2, also 7vk., prt. log, leade lii.a. ofpers. or thing, ivda. blame : hi him pone sipfset logon blamed him for the journey, he him loh past he haefde . . for having ; find fault with, dis- approve. leac II. leek ; garlic. -blsed ;/. leek-leaf -eerse/. nasturtium. -tun, lehtun in. kitchen-garden. ~tun-weard w. gardener. -weard m. gardener. lead lead (of by cauldron, kitchen- copper. -gedelf «. lead-mine. -gota in. plumber. -stsef in. loaded stick, scourge Gl. -gewihte ;/. ' lead-weight,' a scale of weight. leaden of lead. leaf, (ge)~e f. permission, leave ; e.xcuse. leaf n. leaf (of tree) ; leaf book). -helmig having a leafy top. -sceadf n. place shaded foliage. -wyrm m. caterpillar. leaf-leoht easy. geleaf leafy. geleaf a, leafa m. w. to, on belief, faith, trust. -full believing, full of faith. -fulnes/. belief. -hlystend in. catechumen Gl. -leas unbelieving. -leasnes, -least yT unbelief. -lie credible. -sum credible ; faithful. leafnes/. permission. -wordf n. password. leag f. lye, ashes and water washing. leagung onccf. falsehood [leogan]. leah/!, d. leage, m.,d. lea meadow, _ field. leah-tun = leac-. leahte/;-/. ^"l§cean. leahtor m. vice, sin ; bodily defect, disease. -cwidet ni. opprobrious words. -full vicious. -leas faultless. -lice av. wickedly. leahtr ian blame, find fault with ; accuse ; revile ; corrupt, vitiate, -ungy. blaming, detraction. leahtroc, -ic, leactrog, lectric in. lettuce [//. lactuca]. lean n. reward, requital ; gift ; pay, wages. -giefa m. recompenser. leanian reward, requite wda. leap m. basket ; weel (for catching fish) ; a measure ; trunk (of the body). leas I. devoid of, without 'ng. ; sham, false, feigned ; untruthful, false (witness) ; incorrect, faulty ; [105] for worthless, vain. II. «. false- hood. leas-bregd, -bred I. m. deceit, trick. II. deceitful, lying. -nes/. deceit. -ende deceitful. leas craeft w. deception. -ferht*, -y false, deceitful Gl. -ferpnes/. levity, folly. -gielp ;/. vainglory. -lie sham. -lice av. deceptively ; incorrectly. -licettan dissemble. -lieettung/ dissimulation. -modnesy. inconstancy. -nesyi falsehood ; levity. -oleccung/. cajolery. -sagol mendacious. -spanung/ enticement. -spell n. false story. -spellvmg/. empty talk. -tyhtan entice, seduce. -tyhtung/ enticement. -gewitnesyl false witness. leas ian tell lies. -ere in. liar; hypocrite; buffoon. leasung f. falsehood : deception ; hypocrisy ; artifice ; frivolity. -spell n. false statement, idle _ fable. leasettan pretend, feign ; be a hypocrite. leapor («.) lather. -wyrt/. soap-wort. leaw-finger = Isfew-. leax ni. salmon. lee in. looking at, sight [locian]. l§cc an, /r/. le(a)hte wet; water, irrigate [lacu]. -ing/. irrigation. Igcgan prt. l§gde, lede lay, put, also met. lastas - go. - on a. put on ; impose (taxes' ; commission with (an errand), on - wd. accuse of f pider) inn - assign (lands) | lay (eggs) | bury | lower (ship's mast I kill || intr. go : him on last - pursue. lecpa in. leak or lowest part of ship ,?) Gl. lede = If gde /;■/. (/Igcgan. leden = laeden. lef, ef I. infirm, diseased, ill ; in bad condition (r^/'ship>. II. once (n.) damage, harm. lefan*, ie [error I'] — pte. gelefed weak ; old. liEFUNG LENGE LEOPIiIC lefung/ paralysis. gelefenscipe m. permission IN'. left weak = *lyft. Iggde, /;-/ (T/lfcgan. legen, //f. ^liegan. leger w. lying ; lying ill ; disease ; death-bed; death j place of lying, lair, couch, bed ; burial-place, grave — clSne - consecrated grave. ~b^re ill. ~b§d.d n. couch ; sick-bed ; grave, -faest ill. ~8t6wy; burial-place, cemetery. ~teain m. se.xual intercourse. ~wite n. fine for fornication. geleger. -gield n. lupercalia Gl. -od confined to bed. legie/ legion \_Lt. legio]. lelopre/. a plant. Igmian lame ; cripple ; tame, break (^horse: [lama]. Igmp-healt limping. l|mpedu /. lamprey \_Lt. 1am- preda]. Ifmpitu/. dish vE. Igncten, lengten I. m. spring ; Lent. II. aj. of Lent. ~adl_/. (.tertian) fever. -bryce m. breach of Lenten fast. -dagas ;;<■//. Lent. ~eorpe f. earth ploughed in the spring. ~fsesten Jt. Lenten fast. -haetoy. spring heat. -lie of spring ; of Lent. -sufl. n. Lent food. ~tidyl spring ; Lent. ~tiina in. spring. -time of spring. ~wuee f. week in Lent. l§ndan go ; arrive || tr. endow with land [land]. l§nden,u npl. loins. -ban n. loin-bone. -brjede/ loin. -reaf n. apron. -waerc in. pain in the loins, kidney disease. leng av. longer, see lang. -lifra more long-lived. -togra [=--togen-?] more prolix L., Gl. If ngan ir. prolong .action) ; delay ; disregard || intr. spread, extend ; belong. Ignge belonging to, having affinity with, gelf nge belonging to ; addicted to wd. lengest, sec lang, lange. Igng o) /. of space length ; height, stature ; of time length. lengra, see lang. lengten = Ig ncten. l§ng]j(o)/. length [lang]. lent \^f.) lentil Gl. \Lt. lentem]. leo mf., d. ~n, ~ne, -nan lion. ~n fot a plant [Z/. leo]. leon, .he^ lihp, n \V. lip, prt. lah, ea, ptc. ligen, A. iinpcr. lih 7 lend ; grant. leodf m. king. leod m. hne for n.anslaughter LL. leod f. nation L. Formed from leode by an. ^peod. geleod m. fellow-countryman. leodan 7 sprout, grow ; be de- scended (fr,om). leoda m. fellow-countryman. leodje, Z. -a pi. people; soldiers; country. -bealot n. harm to a nation. -biseop in. bishop of a district. -burgt/ city, -gebyrgat lii. chief, king, -cjmingt in. king. -frumat in. chief, patriarch, king. -geardf in. territory, country. -gield ;/. fine for manslaughter. -gryref m. general terror, -hata 111. tyrant, persecutor, -hftef in. hostility. -hryref m. fall of a nation, -meegt m. kinsman. -mSBgenf ;;. flower of a nation ; body of warriors ; power, virtue, -mearetyi territory, country. -riht n. law of the land, -runey". sorceress. -scaruf/ nation, -scapaf 111. public enemy. -seipe m. nation ; country. -stffnf in. race, family, people. -peaw in. custom of a country, -gepyncj? /. rank. -weardf m. government. ~wert m. man of a country. -werodf n. assembled nation, -gevpinnf n. strife, war. -wita in. sage. -wynnf/. home joy. leof I. aj. wd. beloved, dear ; [106] friendly ; pleasant — him wi?es -re pset hie fuhten or him wses ~re to feohtanne ponne . . they preferred. II. interj. sir ! leof j lie beloved ; pleasant ; precious; beautiful. -lice av. lovingly, kindly ; gladly, willingly. -spellf n. pleasant news. -teel(e) kind ; acceptable, pleasant, popular. ~Wf nde kind, amiable ; acceptable, pleasant, popular. geleof consanguineous, related. leofian = libban. leofian be pleasant ivd. leog an 7 make incorrect statement (.without necessarily implying an intention to deceive) ; he leag mid pslre race ; he leag be pam fyre ; him man on liehp he is credited with (good or bady cjuaii- ties which he does not possess ; deceive wd. {of hope). -ere m. liar ; false witness. leoht n. light ; (eye^sight ; candle, light. -bsfere bright ; splendid, glorious. -beamede having bright rays. ~berend(e) m. Lucifer. -berende luminous. -braednesy. manifestation, display. -faet n. lantern, lamp. -frumat m. creator of light. -isern n. candlestick. -leas without light. -lie shining. -sawend m. author of light. -seeawigend m. light-seeing. -geseot n. contribution for church lights. leoht bright; clear; beautiful; easy to understand, clear; cheer- ful. leoht not heavy, light ; agile ; not oppressed, comfortable, tolerable ; slight, light .punishment -lie unimportant. ~liee av. slightly ; lightly, gently ; carelessly. -mod easy of temper. ~m5dnes/ levity. leohtan = liehtan. leoht iian become light, dawn ; fshine, give light wd. ~ing /. lighting (candle) or giving light Gl. LEOHTE LEOpU-W^CAN GELICA leohte av. brightly ; (understand) clearly. leohte av. easily ; without discom- fort. leolc, /;-/. (y^lacan. leomja »i. ray of light, radiance. ge-od having rays of light. leona m. lion [leo]. leorian, A., ptc. ~ed, once loren depart, pass away of place and time ; die. -ende, ge~endlie transitory. ~^ed)nes, ge-f. departure ; vision ; death. leorn ian learn; think out, devise; study; read. [/7-^w *leonian ^j' injl. ^Isiran.] ~ere /ii. pupil, disciple ; reader ; learned man, scholar. ~igende docile (mind). leornung/ act of leanung, study, going to school ; reading. -cild 7!. pupil. -cnilit i/i. pupil, disciple. ~crseft III. learning, scholarship. ~hus n. school. ~mann »i. imale or female) pupil, student. leort, /;-/. platan, geleoso, //. of *gelise study. leop «. song ; poem. -erseft m. art of poetry, metre ; poem. •vcraeftig skilled in poetry. -cwide >ii., -giedding/. poem, -lie in verse. -sang in. poem ; metre, poetry. ~weorc n. poetry. ~wise/'. poetical form, poetry. -wordt n. word in a poem. -wT^nce in. poem. -Twyrhta m. poet. leopiant sing, recite poetry || intr. sound. leopu-, leopo-, liJ)e-,li})u-,leo]je-. Cp. lijj. -bfnd inf. bond, fetter, -biegie) flexible; meek, humble. -Cfflgety^ key of limbs. -craeft m. bodily agility, skill. -eraeftigt agile, -faestf firm, skilled (?). -lie bodily. ~sar n. pain in joints. -sifrcef/. corslet. ~wac flexible ; agile. ~wacian mitigate. leo}>u|wsBean tr. and intr. soften, assuage, grow calm. leopo-runf, eof [_or *leoJjr-] /. advice (?). leow «., pi. ~er thigh, ham. leowe/ league \_lLt. leuca, leuga]. lesan 5 collect, gather, pick, glean. l^ttjan wag. hinder ; procrastinate [Iset]. ~ingy". hindrance ; delay. leper* n. leather. -codd III. leather bag. -helm m. leather helmet, -hosey. leather gaiter. -wyrhta m. leather-maker. leperen = liperen of leather. libban, leofian, lif- live, be alive, pass life, subsist. lie n. living body (f ) ; corpse. pset micle ~ elephantiasis. ~beorgy". sarcophagus. ~burgy] cemetery. -bysigt active. -faetf n. body. lie-ham 1 a, licuma m. living body ; rarely corpse. -leas incorporeal. ~lic of the body, corporeal, carnal. -lice av. in the body, corporeally, ge-od incarnate. lie hordf n. interior of body, body. -hraegel «. winding-sheet. -hryref m. death. ~leop n. dirge. ~lic funeral. ~niann in. undertaker, (corpse) bearer. < -pytt ni. grave. -rgsty! burial-place, sepulchre. -sang in. dirge. -sarf n. wound. -si§rcet/. corslet, -tun III. burial-ground. -pegnung, -pen-/, funeral, -peotey. pore. -pro"were m. leper, sufferer from ulcers. -pruh/. coffin. -wiglung/". necromancy. -wund1/ wound. lic-wierpje, ge-, -weorp wd. pleasing, acceptable ; estimjkble, praiseworthy ; sterling (money). -nes f being pleased with, good pleasure. geiie ivd. similar ; equal. [107] gelic|a mf. equal ; such a one as : pinre ~an of the like of you. -bisnung/ imitation. ~e, lice av. in the same way, equally, in a similar way. swa - similarly. -and he wcere . . , -ost psem pe he wrere . . as if he were ; ~ and spynge dep just as a sponge does. -lie fit, proper. -lice av. equally. ~nes, licnes f. similarity ; simile, parable. lic|ian wd. please. ~,i endlic pleasant. -endlice av. pleasingly. ~ung_/. pleasing ; pleasure. licc^ian lick ; lick up, lap. -ung/. licking. licettjan, liccet(t)an pretend w. sbj.,w. swelce and sbj., also rfl. || wa. simulate, feign. ~ere m. iiypocrite. ~ungy; pretence, hypocrisy. licg|an i prt. Iseg,//. lagon, ee lie, lie at anchor, be confined to bed, be ill mid d. lie (with wo- man) ; remain, be : pset land leeg weste — togeedre ~ join {of boun- daries) I lie dead, die : pSr libban oppe pslr -ende feoh life- less property (as opposed to cattle), ready money | be still {of wind) ; fail {of sword's edgej ; ge~ cease (^strife) | be situated; extend {of territory ) ; direction lie, lead to {of road) : se weg pe to Stanleage lip ; flow (^river) | belong ((/land) %v. to, into, pider inn I fox* hine - make his cause one's own ] ~ ongean abs. oppose a measure. licuma - lichama. lidf (;/.) ship, vessel. -mann m. sailor. -weard in. sailor. -werig weary of seafaring. lidat m. sailor. liden,//(-. ^ lip an. lieden*, y, eo n.,f. (■; language. Cp. Iseden [leode]. liefan allow 71'. d. and a. or ger. : - him ham disband them [leaf]. gelief an, L. bel-, A. (ge)lefan believe, think true, take on trust, 7t'. d., g., rarely a., w. shj., indc. ; GEIiIErED LiP-CARU LIMIAN believe (in God) w. on a. (d.), be lifjcaruf/ anxiety about life. lim ian. a true believer [geleafa]. -daeg m. day of life. -ing/ plastering, cementing. geliefed believing, pious. -gedalf n. death. gelimp 71. event ; chance ; vicissi- -lie permissible. -fadung/. regulating life. tude, fortune — on godurn -um ~lice av. believingly, credu- -faee w. life: time). in prosperity ; calamity. lously. -fsest living ; life-giving ; settled. -full suitable. lieg »iH. flame ; lightning. -faestan endow with life. -lie suitable. -baere, -berende fiery. -freat m. Lord of life. -lice av. suitably. -brynet m- fire. -frumat m- Author of life. -lienes/ opportunity. ~ewalut/ fiery death. -lady", way of life. (ge)limpan 3 happen ofte7i i7)ips.. ~dracat m. fiery dragon. -leas without life. wd. , 7V. indi. 1 w. to (/. belong (of -fgesaf m. terror of fire. -least/, death. land) ; concern, be of importance -ffflmende, ~fam-blawende vo- -lie living; vital, life-giving; causing to. miting flame. death. lin 71. flax ; linen; linen cloth. ~fyr 71, fire. -liee av. vitally. -aeeer ;;;. flax-field. -loce, -loceede with flaming -lyre w. loss of life. -haewen flax-coloured. locks. -n^ruf/ sustenance, food. -land 7z. flax-growing land. ~raesc ?n., -raescetving /. light- -gesceaftf/. condition of life, life. -leah ;;/. flax-field. ning. -getwinnant vipl. twins. -seed 71. linseed. ~spiwol vomiting flames. -weardf m. Guardian of life. -weed/, linen garment or cloth. -Jjracuf /. violence of fire, burn- -w^eg ni. manner of life. -wyrt/ flax. ing. -welaf m. wealth. lind, ~e on/y i7i first se7ise,f. lime. -ypt/. wave of fire. -wi^Ue living 'water) IN. linden ; f shield. liegen fiery. -wraput/] support of life. -gecrodf ti. warlike troop, host. liegetiu/., L. also used as n. pi., g. -wynnf/. joy of life. -erodaf ;«. shield-press, battle. lieget^t le ; liget m. (flash of) lifer/, liver. -haebbendef w. warrior. lightning. -adl/ disease of liver. ~^h.)rycg w. ridge where limes -raesc m. flash of lightning. -byl 7)1. protuberance on liver. grow. -slifht VI. flash of lightning ; -hol 71. hollow in liver. ~h.waBt*t shield-brave. thunderbolt. -Iseppa 771. lobe of liver. -gelacf n., -plegaf w. battle. liegn i)an deny [leogan]. -waere w. pain in liver. -gesteallaf w, companion in bat- lieht an shine ; give light wd. ; -wyrt/ liverwort. tle. dawn [leoht]. lifer once (/.) a weight (?) Gl. [Z/. -werodf ;;. warlike troop. ~ing, -imgy. giving light, shining ; libra.] -wigat, -wigendt m. warrior. light ; dawn. lifgan, lifian = libban. linden of lime-wood. ~nes /". brightness. lifrig of the liver [lifer]. line, if / rope ; line, series ; lieht|an alleviate, ease i^discom- geliger, ~e, gelire n., -nes / guidance, regulation [Z/. linea]. fort 1 ; release [leoht]. fornication, adultery [licgan]. linen of linen. ~ing f. alleviation, mitigation, re- lihtan alight, halt. -wgrd clothed with linen. lease. lilie/ lily [ZA]. linetwige, -igle, linete/ linnet. lies an release, deliver ; redeem lim ;/. limb, member (of body ; linnan 3 desist, part from -i'. i. [leas]. branch (of tree). org. ~ing/. redemption, release. -half sound in limb. lippa ;;/. lip. ~nes, ge-/. redemption. -l^w/ mutilation. lir a 7/1. fleshy parts of body, flesh. liesing m. freedman. -l^wa*, -leeweo maimed, muti- -eht brawny. lietan*, lit- once tr. bend, incline lated. gelire = geliger. [lutan]. -lama crippled. gelisian slip, glide. liepran lather, smear [leapor]. -leas without limbs. gelise*, //. -leoso n. study, Cp. liex;an shine, glitter [lieg]. -mselum av. limb by limb. ■word-gec-wide. -ende av. splendidly IN. -naeodf naked. liss, lips /, kindness, favour ; for- -ung/. brightness. -rfflden (! /. cloak Gl. giveness ; saving (of life) ; joy lif n. life, period of life, way of -seocf diseased in limbs. [lipe]. life es beon be alive, survive ; -WSfcdf / garment. lissanf 07tce subdue. on ~e alive ; to -e Isefan let live -waestmt ;«. stature. list 7/if. skill ; cunning ; art, accom- mynecena ~ nunnery. -werigt weary. plishment um skilfully. -brycgung/. way of life (!) IN. lim (w.) anything that causes adhe- -hgndigf having skilful hands. -bysigt straggling for life. sion, mortar, (bird;lime, paste. -elice once av. carefully. [108] LISTE liOCC liOPPE listey; hem, border. lits-mann = lifis-. lip n. joint ; limb. ~adl/. gout. ~seaw ;/. synovia. -waerc w. pain in the joints. lip n. fleet vL. \Jicand.\ lip-wyrt, y/. dwarf elder. lijj ;/. strong drink. -wsBgef n. drinking-cup. lip, see licgan. lip lihp, see leon. lipnes/. gentleness, lenity [lipe]. lip I an d lidon. Upon go by water, sail — ptc. geliden having travelled much. -end m. wanderer, sailor. lipjan soften, mitigate [lipe]. ~ung/. alleviation. lipian be kind, be gracious ; become alleviated. Xjipa m, — se ilrra ~ June, se sefterra ~ July. lipe- =■- leopu-. lipe soft ; mild (weather, ale), calm (sea), gentle (whistling, gestures), slight (illness) ; kind, gentle, gracious ; pleasant ; sweet. ~lic gentle (voice, words). ~liee av. kindly ; not severely, gently ; slightly. lipereian soothe ; flatter. liper e/. sling [leper]. -lie of a sling. liperen, e of leather [leper], lipig flexible; yielding, pliant. ~ian, -eg- assuage ; be mild (jrgentle. lipincel n. little joint. lips = liss. lips-mann, lits- vi. (Danish) sailor [lip]. lipule {in.') ' joint-oil,' synovia [lip, ele]. lixan = liexan. lobbe/. spider. loc n. lock, bolt, bar ; anything shut in, prison, stronghold esp. (sheep)fold | settlement (of nego- tiations, dispute) ; conclusion (in logic) [liican]. -hyrdel m. sheep-fold. -Stan m. stone closing mouth of cave. locian look, see w. on a., to | ti'. to, into belong. loca m. enclosure, stronghold, loca, 16c L. -ever: ~liii however. ~ hwonne whenever, ~ hwaer wherever, ~ hwseper whichevei (of two), ~ hwaet whatever [lo- cian]. locc m. lock (of hair) ; hair. ~bore f. long-haired (free woman) LL. ~feax n. head of hair. ~gewind n. head of hair. loccian entice, soothe. locer (carpenter's) plane. gelod-w^yrty. silverweed. geloda m. joint of the backbone ; brother. loddere m. beggar, pauper. gelodr oncef. spine. lodrung/. triviality. lof n. praise ; glory ; song of praise, hymn. -baere laudatory. -dsedy. praiseworthy deed. -georn eager for glory. -hfrung/. praise. -lac 11. offering in honour of a god. -laecan praise. -lie praiseworthy. -lice av. gloriously. -maegenf ;?. glory. -sang in. hymn, psalm. -sealm m. psalm of praise. -singende hymning. -sum praiseworthy. lof] ian praise; appraise, set price on. -ung f. praise ; appraising, valua- tion. loft, see lyft. log . «.) place — on his ~ instead of him. log, 16h/r/. ^lean. log|ian place — ge~ up put away carefully, lay by | portion out, arrange (life), frame (speech) — ge-od sprrec good style | go into details, discuss iv. be. ge-ung/. order. logpor cunning, clever Gl. geloina, loma m. tool, utensil, article of furniture. geloraje, lome av. often. -Ifflcan be frequent ; frequent Gl. ; -ende frequentative (verb . -Iseeing /. frequency, frequenting Gl. ~(e)lic frequent. -lice av. often, repeatedly. -lieian become frequent. -licnesy; frequency, repetition. [109] loppe/. flea. lop(p)estre/. lobster ; locust (!). lor 11. — to ~e weorpan perish, be lost, be wasted [leosan]. loren//c. o/'leoran depart. -loren/Zc. of -leosan. lorg /"., //. vE. loerge pole ; weaver's beam. los n. — to ~e weorpan perish, be lost. Cp. lor, of zvhich los seems to be an Anglian form. ~(e, wist IN.f. loss, waste, destruc- tion, injury. loS|ian w. d. of pers. be lost: me -ode hit I lost it ; escape (from) ; perish. -igendlic about to perish. -ing lA\f. loss, destruction. lot 11. deceit, wile [liitan]. lot-wrgnc m. deceit, wile. -ceast/. guile. lopa in. cloak. lox (w.) lynx. Itican 7 I. tr. close, shut up, con- fine; interlace; conclude (transac- tion) II intr. join together (so as to form one mass). II. pull up, weed. lud-geat 11. back- or side-gate, postern. lufjian love ; caress, fondle. -estre/. lover. -igend in. lover. -igendlie loving, amiable ; worthy of love, pleasant. lufestice f. lovage (a plant) [Z^. levisticum]. luf u/". St., wk., sometimes pi. in sg. sense love, loving, passion, affec- tion ; friendliness ; amicable ar rangement (in law) ; sake : for Godes -an (-e, -um), for minre lufan. ~^e)lie loving, amiable ; pleasant. -lice av, lovingly, amiably ; will- ingly. -raeden(n)/ love. -sum amiable, kind ; worthy of love. -siimlice av. amiably, kindly. -sumnes /. amiability, kindness; pleasantness. -taeen n. token of love. -tieme loving, philanthropic. luf-wgnd|e, -lie amiable, loving ; beloved, pleasant. -liee av. amiably, gently. LUH LYPESN IiYSTAN luh lake IN. \_Celtic\ lyfesn/ charm, amulet. lystan, inipers. wag., w. d. ofpcrs., gelumpenlic occasional [lim- lyffetjtan, -et^i)an flatter. w. inf. desire [lust]. pan]. -ere m. flatterer. lyswen purulent urine; [lyso]. lund. ~ung/. flattery. lyswen*, lyssen once [n.) puru- -laga in. kidney. lyft, loft \_ScauJ.'\fntn. air ; wind ; lence. lungeni^n)/. lnng(s\ sky ; cloud, on ~(e) aloft. lyt I. av. to a slight degree, little ~acll/ lung-disease. -edorf 7/1. clouds. II cpv. labs av. less — an - feo- -sealf/. salve for lungs. -faetf n. aerial vessel (^lamp ?), wertig beaga 39. noht^e pen ~, -wyrt/. lungwort. moon. nohte py ~, na J)y - not less ; Ivmgref av. quickly, shortly; at -fleogendt, -flogaf m- air-flyer. nevertheless, py - (pe ; cj. w. sbj. once, suddenly. -helmf ;;/. air, cloud. lest. n. indecl. Tug. fewer : mid -luron /;-/. //. of -leosan. -gelacf n. motion through the - worda || spl. leest, Isesest av. lua/., pi. lys louse. air. least. n. indecl. 7ig. fewest. -Jjorn m. spindle-tree. -lacendef sporting in the air. II. n. indecl. always ivg. few, lust I. m. pleasure ; desire ; lust. -scapaf m. aerial robber (raven). little. III. aj. indecl. few : mid - on ~e 'cvg. glad, desirous, on -gesw^ncedf air-driven. wordum. -um joyful. ~ura willingly. -wundorf n. aerial prodigy. -hAAron I. av. very little (space, II. aj. willing mind). -wynnf/. air-joy, flying. time, quantity). II. n. indecl. -hsbre, -bserlic pleasant ; desirous. lyften aerial. wg. very little, few. -beferlice av. with pleasure, plea- lyft*, e weak. lytel, cpv. Isessa, spl. Islst, lA. santly. ~adl paralysis. leesest, ea ; once spl. ISrest little. -bEernesy! desire ; pleasure. lyge I. 7)1. falsehood. II. aj. men- small, lytlum by degrees ; in -full desirous. dacious, lying [leogan]. small pieces, lytlum and lytlum (ge)~fullice av. joyfully, willingly. -searof «. lying, artifice, wile. by degrees. (ge'~fulnes, -fyl- /. pleasure ; -spell n. falsehood. -fota having small feet. desire. -sjmnigt lying. -hygdigf, -hyd-, -mod pusillani- -fullian enjoy, rejoice tv-g. or on d. -torn*, lige-t once m. (?). mous. (ge)~fullung/. pleasure. -wordf 71. falsehood. -nes/. littleness, paucity. -geornnes /. desire, lust. -wyrhta w. liar. lytes-na, lytes(t)ne av. almost, -grin*t/- snare of pleasure. lygnes ? /. deceitfulness. nearly [' by a little not ']. -lice av. gladly, willingly. lygen/ falsehood. lytig cunning, wily [lot]. -rnoce/. lady's smock (a plant). -wordf 11. falsehood. -lie, lytelic deceitful. -sumlic pleasant. lyg(,e)n|ian*, i /";-. accuse of false- -lice, lytelice av. cunningly. -sumliee av. willingly. hood, give the lie to ; convict -nes/. cunning. lutan 7 intr. bow, bend, turn ; of falsehood — ge-od perjured. lytigian act cunningly. prostrate oneself; fall; entreat lying. lytlian diminish tr. and intr. ; abs. w. sbj. 1 of time — geloten lynd/ fat ; fatness [lund]. shorten (fast) ; become ineffectual dsBji after part of the day. gelynd/. fat. or weak iof laws) ; curtail, abro- lutian lie hid, lurk, skulk. gelyndu npl. joints of the spine. gate. lybb n. drug ; poison. lyne-bor n. borer, auger [lynis]. lytling m. little one, child. -corn n. purgative grain or drug. lynis til. axletree. gelypen = geliden. -craeft m.,~la,c n. drugging, witch- lypen. lyperfull, -lie mean, sordid. craft. -wyrhta m. tanner Gl. vile. -laeca m. sorcerer. lyre tn. loss ; being disabled, injury; -lice av. wickedly. lybbestre/ witch. destruction [leosan]. -nes/ wickedness. lyece mendacious [lyge]. If a pi. of lus. lypre I. aj. contemptible, base; lyden = *lieden language, Ifflden lyso, inflected lysw- I. bad, wrong. sordid ; bad ; wicked. II. av. Latin. II. n. evil. badly, miserably. [110] /I M. MA ma av. more, see micle. -eraeftigf mighty, ybr maegen- (?). -fealdra L. cpv. ^manigfeald. -geiect augmented Gl. inac ian arrange, manage esp. in hit ~ ; cause ; do, make gen. L. ; put up, hang up (on walls) II intr. act, behave ; fare : befran pset cild hu hit -ode how it had got on. ~ung/ doing. gemaca = gemaecca. macalie suitable IN. mad. -modt once in. folly. gemad foolish, mad. madm =- m^apm.. ma, see micle. gemaBcc wd. well-matched, suitable ^wife) ; equal, being a match for. gemSBC lie conjugal Gl. ~nes_/! intercourse, union. ~scipe in. cohabitation. gemaBCc'a, -maca m. one of a pair, especially a male and a female animal, mate ; husband ; wife, g. pines ~an, pinre -an. maecgt, §, once ~at in. man, war- rior; son. Vdiedf., pi. m8ed(w)a meadow. "~laeu/] meadow-stream. ~(we land n. meadow or grass- land. ~meeweht mowing of a meadow. ~rfflden(,n) f. grass mown on meadow. ~splott in. plot of meadow-land. mffldan — pk. gemsldd mad mad]. mseden = maegden. maedere, mseddre/". madder. -cijj III. shoot of madder. gemaedla m. chatter. maeg vb., pi. magon, /;■/. mihte, ea, e have power, avail : ne ~ to nahte is of no use. ~ wip a. (drug) cures (disease) ; he ~ wi)j hine has influence with him I be in good or bad health : axode hii he mihte ; ic mseg wel | can, have the power, possibility, be allowed to w. inf. — ellipse of inf. peer him men to ne mehte could not get at him. mgfeg I. III., pi. magas, ee in. kins- man, son. II. f /". kinswoman ; woman. -bana in. slayer of one's kinsmen. ~b6ty. compensation to the family of a man killed. -burg/! family, kinsmen, tribe. -cild n. young kinsman. -cup rtlated. -cwealm m. murder of kinsman. -eynren n. family, lineage. -haemed n. incest. -handy! kinsman, natural heir. -lagu/; law of responsibilities of kinsmen. -leas without kinsmen. -lie oi or belonging to kinsmen. -lufef/. love. -morpor n. murder of kinsmen. -gemot n. meeting of kinsmen. -myrpra in. murderer of a kins- man. -racu/; genealogy. ~raBden(n)y". relationship -raes m. attack on one's kinsmen. -scir f. division of a people, con- taining the kinsmen of a particular family. -sibb/. relationship ; natural affec- tion. -siblic of kin. -slaga in. killer of a kinsman. ~sli|;ht m. killing a kinsman. -tvidor n. family, kindred. -winet III- kinsman. mabg-wlit|e in. appearance, form, species. -ian fashion. -lice av. figuratively (!). maeg-gtwrit n. genealogy. gemafeg, a in. — we sint ~as we are relatives. [Ill] M./EGDEM" maegden, m^den n. girl, young woman ; virgin. ~^w/. marriage with a virgin. -cild n. girl. -had m. virginity. -heap in. troop of girls. -lie of girls, girTIsh ; virginal. -mann m. girl ; female servant ; virgin. e = mage, maegen, mseg n. strength ; might, power; efficacy (of drug); miracle; troop, force. -agendef mighty. ~byrpen'n)t/ mighty burden. -corport n. mighty troop, -craeftt m. strength ; migh^t, power, -cyningt m. mighty king, -dafedfy. mighty deed. -eaeat m. help. -eacenf mighty, inspired with strength. -earfepef n. great labour or hard- ship. -gllen+ n. mighty valour, -faest vigorous. -folcf n. mighty people or crowd, -fultumf in. mighty help. -heapt ;;/. mighty troop. -heardf strong. maegen-leas feeble. -lice av. feebly. -tf. weakness, impotence. maBgenjraest w. vigorous attack. -roff very strong or brave. ~scipe+ in. might. -sped/ might, virtue, -stant III. big rock, -strangt strong ^in body) ; miglity. -sti'gngof/ bodily strength ; might. -strgngpo/. strength ; might. -pegent m. mighty minister (angel). -preatt in. mighty troop. • -prymm in. power ; majesty, glory ; tChrist, theaven, fangels. -prymnes/ majesty, glory, -pysef/. strength, force. -weoi'c \ n. mighty work. Mi?E3GEN-WISA M^NE M^RSERE ia£egen|wisat m. general. ~wudut m. mighty spear. -wundorf n. great prodigy. msBgenian gain strength. geraaegenod confirmed. maBger lean. ~ian make lean. msBgester, a, af w. master, teacher [Z/. magister]. ~d6m. m. office of teacher. raSBg^e)p f. maiden, girl ; virgin ; -f-woman. ~blaBd n. pudendum muliebre. ~bot/. fine on unmarried woman. -had in. virginity, chastity ; troop of young persons. -hadlic \irginal. -maun ;//. girl, virgin. mgbgjj f. family, kindred, group of kinsmen ; generation ; tribe, nation ; province, country [mseg]. -had in. relationship. -leas plebeian. -raeden^n) / = mafeg-. -sibb/ kindred. geiueegf* once f. power, great- ness. maegp'a in., ~e, mag(e)f>e/. May- weed. maeht- = rQiht-. mffil n. mark, token ; ornament ; fsword. Cristes ~ cross, crucifix 1 measure | (appointed) time, occa- sion+ a gehwelce always ; food-time, meal. Cp. mal. -caruf/ trouble of the time. ~d£Bg, mal- in, fixed or appointed time, day. -niftef in. food (?). -gesceaftt/. fate. ~sweord*, mal- n. ornamented sword. -tang (ni.), ~tange /. pair of compasses. mafelf n. talk, speech ; contest, battle [msejjel]. mael-drop|a in. phlegm Gl. -iende phlegmy Gl. msel-seafa in. caterpillar, blight. gemjel marked, stained. mgelan mark, stain. mgfelant speak. mable m. cup, bowl. rngen an mean, allude to : gif he . . pset is ftaet ic ~e, gif he . . ; hwset he mid prere sprsece ~de I signify : nat hwset pa word ~ap | intend, mean [ speak of, relate, complain (of) abs., ti\ maene false (oath) ; wicked [man]. gemaenje I. aj. wd. common : uncer ~ bearn, wses him cild ~ ; in common, public (road). II. n. fellowship, intercourse — hab- ban ~ vsrip a. have to do with (an adversary) [gemana]. ~(e)lie common, general. -elice av. generally, collectively ; in common, mutually, -elicnes/. generalness Gl. ~nes_/". society, association, union, -scipe in. fellowship, communion. (ge)rafflnsum|ian partake of (Eucharist) ivg.; communicate Bd., Gl. ; marry IN. -nes/] participation ; the Commu- nion. -ung/. communion. mseran make known, proclaim, celebrate. gemsbran fix limits, mark off, determine. mffirian become famous. maere-torht = mg re-, mare pure (money). -hw^it*, e sterling (silver). rnfflrje n. boundary. -ac/'. boundary oak. -apuldre/. boundary apple-tree. -broe in. boundary brook. -cnoll in. boundary hill. -dicy. boundary dyke. ~h§ge 111. boundary hedge. ~p61, -pul in. boundary pool, -pytt in. boundary pit. -Stan in. boundary stone. -porn in. boundary hawthorn. ~weg 111. boundary road. msfer|e glorious, famous. -hlisa 111. celebrity. -lie famous, illustrious, splendid. -lice av. gloriously, splendidly ; excellently. -nes/; celebrity. -weore n. splendid work. geni£fer]e n. boundary. -haga in. boundary hedge, -laeuy". boimdary stream. -weg 111. boundary road. -•wifU m. boundary stream. msferels*, a mooring-rope. -rap 111. mooring-rope. maering (w.) sweet basil (?). mafersian declare, proclaim, make [112] known ; celebrate (birthday), per- form (ceremony) ; glorify, praise ; enlarge (!) || tr. become known, be spread (^fame). mabrsjere in. herald, mabrsnng, ge-y; rumour ; celebrity; celebration ; glorification. ~tima m. time of glorification. mabrp(o)y". fame, glory — mserpum gloriously ; glorious deed. maescrey". mesh (of net). maeslen, maesling = maestling. maessian say mass, perform (mass) ; come to mass. maessey; mass ; mass-day, festival. -afefen in. eve of a festival, -boc/i missal. -creda m. Nicene Creed, -daeg in. festival. -gigrela m. surplice. -haeeley. cope. -hraBgel n. surplice. ~lae 11. the host. -niht/. eve of a festival. maesse-preost m. mass-priest ; high priest. -had in. office of mass-priest. -sciry^ district of a mass-priest. niaesse]reaf n. mass-vestment. -sang in. mass, -tidy, mass-time. -pegn in. mass-priest. -pegnungy". celebration of mass. -Man n. mass-wine, maesserje m. mass-priest. -bana in. killer of a mass-priest, maest in. mast (of ship), -ciesty. mast-hole. -Ion//, mast-pulleys. -rap in. mast-rope, -twist m. stay. maest m. mast (of beech). -land n. mast-land, swine-feeding land. ~raeden(n)y! right of feeding swine in mast-land. mfflst, see micel, micle. -licost particularly Gl. maestan fatten. maestel-bearg*, -berg in. fattened hog IN. niaesten(n) (w.) swine-pasture. ~r£eden(n)y right of swine-pasture, -treow 11. tree yielding mast. niaBS(t ling, A. mseslen n. a kind of brass ; brass vessel. -smip 111. brass-smith. M^^TAN MAGU-R-(I3SWA MAN-SCYLD mEetjan dream iinpers. w. a., d. -ing/. dream. m£bte insignificant ; small, few ; bad [metan]. geinsfete of suitable dimensions, fitting well (^clothes). gemsetgant = gemetgian. mjep /. measure, degree, propor- tion : be psere ~e pe him to gebyrige fair share of property 1 efficacy, (human) power, capacity gen. zv. negation stated or implied : nis na eower ~ to witanne ; ofer ure ~ pencan | rank | what is fitting, right ] respect. ~e gecnawan on d. reverence. ~e wat [pr cann) on d. feel respect for. -full humane, courteous. -leas greedy. -lie fitdng. -lice av. humanely, courteously. m^p («.) act of mowing ; hay- harvest [mawan]. DiEBpian. have consideration for, regard. msBpelf n. meeting ; council ; harangue, talking. ~aern n. council-house. -cwide 711. discourse. -hegende attending a council ; speaking. -stgde 1)1. council-place ; battle- field. -word n, formal word. mgfep eire in. mower. maepigian honour. maeplan = mapelian. mefew, meaw, meg ni. seagull. ~pol*, mawpul m. seagull-pool Ct. maffa di. caul. mag- =insfeg-. maga m. stomach. maga strong, powerful [mseg]. magat, af, at tn. son ; man [mseg]. magas//. ^mafeg. magdala-treow ii. almond tree [Z/. amygdala]. raage, eey. kinswoman. magepe = msegpa May-weed. magister = maegester. magut in. child, son ; man, warrior, attendant, servant. ~dryhty. band of warriors. -geogup/ youth (period). -rabdend m, adviser of men. magu|r£bswa m. chief. ~rine m. boy, youth ; man, warrior. -timber n. child ; progeny, popu- lation. -tudor n. progeny. -pegn m. servant ; retainer, man, warrior. mahf once bad (?). gemah, -g importunate, shameless, wicked. -nes/. importunity, shamelessness. mal n. L. action at law ; bargain- ing ; agreement, pay — scylian scipu of ~e, settan litsmenn of -e pay off, dismiss S^ScandP^. mal 71. mark, stain [msel]. mal-, sec m^l-. gemalic, -maglic, -mahlic impor- tunate ; shameless ; disgraceful, wicked [gemah.]. -lice av. importunately ; peremp- torily. -licnes _/! impuitunity ; shameless- ness, M'antonness. malsera once pi. spells - m.als- erunga. m.alscrxing/ witchcraft, spell. mamme/. teat [ZA mamma]. mamor sleep, stupor. mamrianf once meditate, design (evil). no. indf. one, they [mann]. man I. n. wickedness, crime — swerian - swear false oath. II. aj. false ; wicked. ~ap ;;/. false oath, perjury. -bealof n. wicked injury. -defed/; crime, sin. -dsfede, -deorf wicked. -drinc ni. poison. -fsehpo/ guilt. -feld III. field of crime. -folmf/. hand that does evil. -fordaedlaf in. wicked destroyer. -forwyrhtf n. sin. -freat m- prince of evil, the Devil. -frgmmendet evil doing. man-full, ~ic wicked, sinful. -ice av. wickedly. -nesy^ wickedness. man gg nga m. evildoer. -hus n. dwelling of wickedness -idelf vain (words . -lie infamous, wicked. -geniplaf n. wicked persecutor. -scapaf ni. enemy; sinner. -sceattf m. usury. [113] man-scyldf/. guilt, sin. -igt guilty. maUiS'wara, -o- m. perjurer. -swaruy] perjury. -sw§riende perjuring. -swiea m. traitor. -wamm m. stain of sin. -weorc I. ;/. crime. II. aj. wicked. -wordf 71. wicked word. -wr^c- wicked Ul. -(ge,wyrhtat ;«. sinner. man vb.prt. munde 7vg. be mind- ful of; think, esteem : hine weorpne -. man-bryne [ = mann- or man-] 7?i. conflagration. geman having a mane [manu]. geman, man vb.,pl. -rawnon, prt. -munde \^A. oftc/i has y for u] w.g.,a. remember. man|ian remind wag. ; admonish, exhort iv. sbj. ; advise ; claim, exact wag. : se pe (hine) pses fees -ode the creditor. -iend /n. admonisher; claimer — gafoles ~ tax-gatherer. -ung/; admonition, advice ; claim- ing, exaction (of toll, &c.) ; toll- place ; district liable to exacting or summoning ; the people of such a district. gemana w. companionship, inter- course, sexual intercourse ; com- munity, association. mancus, //. -usas, -osas, -essas, /n. a monetary unit, thirty pence. mand/l basket. mang* mixture — in ~ among IN. Cp. sig-mang. gemang I. 7i. mixture, union, //. sexual intercourse ; business, affair ; court of justice ; troop, crowd — on {or in) . . ~ wg. into the midst of, among. II. /;-/. iv. d., a. among ; time pam meanwhile. Cp. ongemang. mangjian traffic, trade. -ere i/i. merchant, trader. mangung/. commerce, trade. -hus n. shop. gemang(en)nes/ mingling Gl. manig, se, e,pl. ~e, -a, A. monge ; A. spl. msengist \ zv. sg. 7io. many a, w. pi. 710. many : - burg, -e menn. 7ug. heora- | abs. ~e many people, ncnt. on - dslau divide into many parts. I MANIG-BR^DE MANN-SWICA MApM manig-brsBde*, -bredse (law) re- lating to various matters Gl. manig-feald manifold, various ; complex ; numerous, abundant ; plural. ~ian multiply, increase. -lie various, numerous. -lice av. manifoldly, in many ways ; in the plural. ~nes f. multiplicity ; complexity ; great number. manig|fi§ multiply ; multiply (in arithm.) : gemsenigfyld pa preo purh f if. ~sipes av. often. manig-tiew e, -teaw skilful. -nes/. skill. mann, //. m§nn human being ; man ; vassal, hero ; the Runic letter m. -befere producing or supporting human beings. -bot /. fine paid to lord of man killed. ~bryne m. conflagration. Or = man- ? ~ewealra tn. pestilence, mortality, slaughter. -ewigld/! pestilence, mortality. -ew^ielmnes, -a- /. homicide (!) IN. ~eynn «. mankind, human beings ; race, nation, inhabitants. -dreamt "i- social joy. -dryhtenf m. (liege) lord, master. -eaca w. increase of population, birth of children. -farufy. expedition, troop, -fultum. HI. troops, army. -leas uninhabited. ~lica m. human form, appearance ; statue. -lice av. manfully. -lufety. love of Iruman beings. ~msegen w. troop, cohort. -mgnigo f. multitude ; number of men or soldiers. ~mif rring/. loss or destruction of men. -rffiden(n) / allegiance, homage ; tenant's dues or service. -rim n. number of human beings, -seipe »i. humanity, kindness. -sielen/. selling people as slaves, abduction. ~slaga w. a homicide. -slgge, -slight m. homicide. manns-wica w. traitor. ~peaw t" m. custom. In some cases — man- (?;. -peof in. kidnapper. -pwafere gentle, kind. -pwefernes f. gentleness, good- nature. ~A?verod n. troop (of soldiers i; assembly. -weorp 11 legal value of a man's life. -weorpungy; worshipping human beings. -wisey. custom of men, custom. mannian garrison. manna m. man. manna («.) manna [ZA]. manjuy!,//. ~a(n; mane. mapuldor m., mapuldrey], map- ultreo n. maple tree. mapulder(e^n of maple. mara, sec micel. marc n. mark, half a pound L. \Scand.\ marcet, -ket n. market. ICt. lFr.\ mare, vE. niaer(a)e f. nightmare — gif men ~ ride ; monster, satyr Gl. mare/! silverweed. margen, see morgen. marma m. marble \_Lt. mar- mor]. marm-stan, marman-, marmor- m. marble. -gedelf n. marble quarrying. martyr, -e m. martyr [Li.']. ~dom, -had in. martyrdom. -racu_/; martyrology. martyr jian*, ge- martyr. ~ung f. martyrdom, passion (of Christ "). mariifie/. horehound [Z/. marru- bium]. masey! titmouse. massere ;;/. merchant. matte, ea,f. mat, mattress. mattoc, ee, ea in. mattock, pick- axe. map'a in., -u/! worm, maggot. gemapel ;;. conversation [msel]. mapel iant, mseplan harangue, speak. ^ere m. orator. ~ung/ loquacity. mapelig turbulent Gl. mapu = mapa worm. [114] mapm, niap(p)um, Z. madm m. anything precious, treasure, gift, -aehthy; precious thing, treasure. -eiesty". treasury. -f'aet n. precious vessel. -giefaf III. prince, king. -giefuf y! giving treasures. -hierde in. treasurer. -hordf n. treasure. -htis n. treasury. -Sflef in treasure-hall. -siglef n. precious jewel. -gestealdf n. treasure. -gestreonf n. treasure. -sweordf ;/. precious sword, -welaf ;«. treasure. mawran i mow. max = masc net. max-wyrtyi mash-wort. me I'le. meagol firm (^mind), earnest, vigorous [mseg]. -lice av. earnestly. -mod earnest. -modnesy. earnestness. -nesy! earnestness. meaht- = miht-. mealm (w.) soft stone, chalky eartli. -iht chalky (soil). fl -Stan in. = mealm. ^ raealt n. malt. -hiis n. malt-house. -gescot ;/. contribution paid in malt, -wyrt/. malt-wort. mealwey! mallow [Z/. malva]. mear-gealle, mergelle in. a kind of gentian (plant) [mearh, gealla]. mearas, see mearh. mearc/. mark ; end, limit of giVen space, boundary; limit {of \.\me), end of period ; district. -becey! boundary beech. -beorg in. boundary mound. -broe III. boundary brook. -dfniiy. boundary valley. -dicy". boundary ditch. -hofi' n. dwelling, -isen n. branding-iron. -land n. borderland, waste land ; fcountry. -mot n. place where the assembly of a district was held. -"PEept m. path. -stapaf >n. waste-wanderer. -stgdef m. borderland, waste land. MEARC-TREOW MEDEMIilC MEDU-GAIi niearc,treoAV n. boundary tree. ~preatt m. troop. ~wad.ut npl. shallows, water by shore. ~weardt m. denizen of the waste, wolt. ~weg 1)1. boundary road. ~wi§lle in. boundary stream. gemeare n. — •)■ to pses ~es pe in the direction that . . mearc ian make a mark, mark : take note of (the date") ; mark or plan out, design, appoint ; create ; determine or fix boundaries; de- scribe. ~ere ni. notary (!). ~ung, IN. ge- /. marking, mark, characteristic; marking out, de- scription ; constellation. mearca w. space marked out. mearg nm. marrow ; pith. -cofaf m. bone. -gehaeee «. sausage. ~haBeeel*, mearhse- («.) sausage. ~lic marrowy. mearhf, •ve,pl. mearas m. horse. mearn/zT'. ^murnan. gemearr n. hindrance ; heresy, •wrong-doing. parrian go astray, err. mearp w. marten. Cf. merpern. mearu, //. ^earwe tender, deli- cate, s ~nesy". tenderness, frailty. meatte ^ matte. meaw - msfew^. mec me a. mecet ;«. sword, blade [e = ee ; the form is A.]. ~fisc, 86 ?n. mullet Gl. mecg^imaecg. mgcgan mix, stir. mechanise mechanical \_Lt.'\. med-drosna //. dregs of mead [medu]. med /. reward, requital — under- fon to ~es w. a.,g. as a requital. -gielda m. hireling ; mendicant (!;. ~sceatt, met- m. wages, fee, pay- ment ; gift ; bribe. ~'wyrhta w. hireling. gem.ede I. aj. agreeable, accept- able [modi. II. w. what is agree- able, due observance J) ; agree- ment. m.edem.e, -ume midway in size, amount, age, rank, excellence ; capable oiwg., suitable, excellent, worthy, perfect. medem lie moderate-sized, mid- dling ; excellent, worthy. ~lice av. moderately, slightly ; suitably ; kindly ; ge- worthily LV. -liciiesy; mediocrity. ~raieel of moderate size. Cp. medmicel. ~nes, IN. gemeodnis f. dignity, rank ; benignity. medemi'ian, medm- tr. determine proportionate amount, fix measure ; moderate Gl. ; deem worthy, pro- mote ■ to d. rank among, make equal to || ge~ in(r., rjl. conde- scend. ~tingy! fixing amount, proportion- ing. meder, see modor. mederee = myderee. medgian bribe [med]. medlie moderate, low (voice). med-mieel I. aj. small of space, time, quantity ; unimportant, petty, mean, humble. II. n. a little. f. smallness. med-micle ai'. meanly, humbly. medren, nied(d em I. maternal, of a mother. II. n. the mother's side (descent) [modor]. -gecynd n. nature inherited from mother. -eynn n. descent on the mother's side. ~m£feg m. maternal kinsman. ~meegpy". kinship on the mother's side. gemedren, L. -ed born of the same mother as wd. Cp. gefsedren. m.ed-rice plebeian. med-saelp/. bad fortune. med-spedigf poor, needy. m.ed-strang of middle rank. med-trum, see mettrum. medu mn.,g. meda,medwes mead. Sec med-. ~SBrnt n. mead-hall, hall where mead is drunk. ~bencty; mead-bench. ~burgt/. mead-city, festive city. -dreamt m. mead-joy, festivity. ~dr§ne m. mead. -dryneef, 1 m. mead-drinking. ~fullt n. mead-cup. [115] medujgalt excited with mead. -heallf/. mead-hall. ~raBdern;nH/ strong drinks coll. ~scenet m. mead-cup. -seldf n. mead-house. ~setlt n. mead -seat. -Stigt/. path to hall. ~wangt m. plain (round hall). -werigt overcome with mead. medume ■.=■ medeme. med-wis foolish, dull. melc, eo giving milk, milch. melcan 3 milk tr., ahs. melcing*/. milking. -faet n. milkjiail. meldy. proclamation. -feoh n. informer's pay. meld ian declare, tell; display; inform against, accuse. ~ungy. information against some one), betrayal. melda m. narrator ; informer (against), betrayer. melde/ orach (a plant . mele-deawr, mildeaw mn. honey- dew, nectar. mele = msele. melsc, sec milisc. melt an 3 intr. melt, be dissolved, be consumed ; digest, be digested. ~ung/. digestion. melii, eo, ea, -uw, g. mel u)wes n. meal, flour. ~hedern*, -hiid- n. meal-storc- housc. -hiis n. meal-house (!\ -gtSCOt n. contribution paid in meal. m§ne, y m. necklace. -scilling" III. coin worn as ornament. menen, mennen \infi. of mann], i n. female servant or slave. mgngjan /;■. mix : ie min^ie drenc ~de wip tearum or tearas) or mid tearum — msepel- cwidas ~ t converse ; stir up ; disturb ; rjl. tu. wip d. associate with, have sexual intercourse with II intr. mingle, combine [gemang] . ge~edlic mixed. ge~edliee av. confusedly. ge~(ed)nesy. mixture; connexion. ~ung /. mixture, composition ; ge- confusion. m.gnga m. merchant [mangerel. m.enig = manig. m^nigdo, -u/. multitude, troop. M:|3]sriGO * mf nigo, A. mf ngu /. multitude, crowd ; great number [manig]. menn, see mann. mennen = menen. mgnnisc I. n. people, men ; crowd; nation. II. aj. human. ~lic human. ~lice av. humanly. ' ~nes/ human nature ; incarnation ; humaneness, good feeling. -U/". state of man. mgntel w. cloak [Z^/. mantellum]. ~preon. in. brooch. meo (/.) sock. gemeodnis = medemnes. meodu = medu. meoduma once m. part of loom, treadle (?) Gl. meole, meoluc, A. mile, d. sg. ~e, ~a, -ViVa./. milk. -deond m. suckling. -faet n. milkpail. ~hwit milkwhite. -lipe milky Gl. -sueend »i. suckling. meoleian, i, y milk ; suckle. meordy. reward ; pay. meos (w.) moss. ~hline m. mossy ridge Ct. ~gelegeo npl. [ ~ -Isego ?] mossy tracts Ct. meowlet f. virgin, maiden ; wo- man. meox, i 71. dung, excrement, manure. -bearwe/. dung-barrow. ~force/". dung-fork. -scofl/". dung-shovel. ~wilige/. dung- basket. meoxen = mixen. merce ■= mgrece. mf rian test ; purify. mgre in. lake, pool ; cistern ; i*sea- ~batt m. boat. ~eandel(l)t/. sun. ~eiestt/. sea-chest (Noah's ark). ~dea})f m. sea-death. -deort n. sea-beast. ~farat w- seafarer. ~farof)t m. surge. -fiscf m. sea-fish. -flodf m. deluge ; ocean, waters. -grot ;?., -grota m. pearl. -grvindf m. bottom of the sea or lake. ~h§ngestt in. ship. -hraeglt n. sail. m|;re-hus rQ§re;h.ust n. sea-house (Noah's ark). -hw^earff m. sea-shore. ~ladt/. sea-way. ~li}jendet m. sailor. ~in§n(n)en, -m§nn ;/. siren. ~n£fedre/., ~n£eddra m. lamprey. ~smyltet calm. ~str£ett/. sea-road. ~streamt m. sea, water. -str^Dgof/. strength in swimming. ~swin n. dolphin. ~torhtt, se (rising) bright from the sea (^the sun). ~torr in. towering waters. -Jjyssa m. ship. ~weard m. sea-guardian. -werig sea-weary. ~'wif n. water- witch. mere mare, see miere. mgre {/.), mera in. nightmare, satyr Gl. mere-hwit ^^ msere- sterling (sil- ver). m§r(e)ce in. smallage (a plant). mergelle = mear-gealle. mergen, see morgen. mgrse, mfrisc in. marsh [mgre]. ~land n. marsh L. ~mealwey. marsh-mallow. -meargealle/. marsh-gentian. ~ware //. marsh-dwellers. merpern- (cloak) of martens' skins vL. [mearp]. merze, mertze /. merchandise Gl. lFr.\ mesan eat, feed [mos]. mesa once f pi. dung. mese, y, eo/. table [Z/. mensa]. met|cund(lic) metrical. ~(e)gi§rd, -geard/. measuring-rod. ~rap m. sounding-line. met-sceatt = med-. gemet I. ;/. act of measuring ; quantity (in the abstract) ; appa- ratus for measuring ; a certain quantity, a measure (of wheat) ; metre | distance : six mila ~ ; boundary ; met. limits (to avarice) I self-restraint, moderation | re- giilation, law | capacity : ofer min ~ I manner, way : on mani- gum ~uni. py ~e pe, on pam ylcum ~um pe in the same way as, like, ane ~e to the same degree, uniformly. II. aj. fit, proper, right. [116] GEMETB gemete av. fitly, properly. gemet-faest moderate ; modest ; steadfast (?). -an compare Gl. ~liee av. modestly. ~nes/i moderation; modesty. feet n. vessel for measuring. Gl. ~laBcan moderate. ~lic moderate ; suitable wd. -lice av. moderately ; fitly. = gemot.'an 5 measure ; mark off, fix bounds ; compare w. wip a. ; ftraverse. ~end in. measurer ; God. raet|an paint, draw. ~ere m. painter. -ing/. picture. gemet|an, metan, oe, prt. -mette, -mitte find, discover, come upon ; hie hie ~ton met (in battle) abs. ~(ed;nesyi finding, discovery. gemeting, -mitting, m- /. (!) finding ; meeting ; hostile meet- ing, meeting (of roads) ; assem- bly, convention. migte VI., pi. mfttas food. ~8Brn, mftern, n. refectory. -afliung/. atrophy Gl. ~b§lg*, metbselg in. wallet. -corn n. corn for-food. ~c\x.f. cow. -eweorra m. (?) surfeit, indiges- tion. -faet, metf-y. dish. -fsetels in. wallet. -gafol n. tax or rent paid in food. ~gear'wei/pl. preparations of food, dishes. -laf/. leavings of food. -leas without food. -liest, ea,/. want of food. -scipe*, m§ts- in. refection. -seax*, m§ts- n. knife. -socn/ appetite. -sticca in. spoon Gl. -swamm w. mushroom. -tidy, meal-time. -pearfendet in want of food. ~pegn in. steward. -utsihty! dysentery. meter (n.) metre [LL metrum]. -craeft in. metre. -eund metrical. ~fers ;/. hexameters. ~lic metrical. 1 METER-GEWEORC MICLE MIDDEL meter geweore ;/. metre, verse. -wyrhta vi. versifier. meti^e^g ian measure out, assign ; moderate, regulate ; meditate. (ge)~ung f. moderation, temper- nnce ; regulation, rule ; medita- tion. metod(t) )ii. fate; God [metan]. ~ gc)sceaft/ death. -wang VI. battle-field. mgts ian feed, furnish with pro- visions [in§te]. ~ung /". feeding, provisioning. mettt 'ian supply with food. gemetta m. partaker (of food) Lingte]. mettas//. ^ra§te. metten oiicef. Fate (goddess). met-trum, med- weak in health, ill ; weak. ~nes, -trym- f. ill-health, infir- mity. mef) |e, oe wear}- ; sad ; trouble- some (!). ~ian become wear}. ~nes /; fatigue. mejjglian — ptc. ge~od exhausted strength). mepig weary, exhausted. gcmeprian honour LL. Cp. mS- pian. micel, y, L. pi. micele. I. aj., cpv. mara, spl. msest, IN', a I. aj. big, much ; met. great ; many : mrestra eelc heora flana nearly all their arrows, micles to (beald") much, rniclum greatly. II. ;/. wg. much, cpv. mars, spl. III. av. greatly, much. Cp. micle. ~8ete greedy. ~doend. doing great things. ~heafd.ede big-headed. ~lic grand, magnificent, great. ~lice av. magnificently, greatly ; ex- c edingly. ~ni6A magnanimous. ~nes f. bigness ; abundance ; mag- nificence. ~gprecende boasting. micelo/. size. micg a })i., ~ef. irrine [migan^. miegpa =- migopa. miellian increase in size or quan- tity tr. and intr. ; tr. extol, mag- nify. (ge)~ungy. magnificence (!). micle av. much : ~- swipor to a greater degree, much more, ~ swi- post especially |1 cpv. raa, A. m8e av. to a greater degree, more — ma and ma more and more ; time longer, any more gen. %v. ^legation expressed or implied ; preferably, rather, n. gen. -vg. more (number, bulk) 1| spl. mgest to the highest degree, most, chiefly ; 10. eall nearly : meest ealle his geferan, pa opre ealle maest, eall msest almost entirely. n. wg. the greatest number. ]nid, yl. mip I. prp. iv. d., ?'., A. a. together with, with, among (heathens) streams down stream (of river) j time + at j in- strument : ~ hlafe afedan ' de- Jining : hii him speow ~ wige ; manner : ~ iinryhte unjustly ; ~ ealle entirely ; ~ horsum ~ ealle withhorses and all. Il.mid-pam- pe when ; through cj. : heora lif gelengan midpampe hi gre- miap God. mid-pam-paet with, through CJ. : ■wSron gebrocode midpampset . . forpferdon. mid-py with that, by means of that ; together, at the same time. mid-py: -pe), mitty, mitte, mittes [s = pe] when; while, be- cause. III. av. : pa Jje (him) mid ferdon. mid-daeg m. midday. ~lic midday, meridian. -sang m. midday service. -tidy. noon. middan-daeg* m. midday. -lie midday, meridian. miiddan-geard, middaneard m. earth, world ; mankind. -lie earthly, worldly. middan-sumor, midde- m. mid- summer. middan- winter, midde- ///. mid- winter. midde-, see middan-. midde /. — on middan in the middle. midd;e, mide aJ. middle ,oP, : purh -e pa ceastre, on pam fenne ~um ; qf time : on midne dseg, ser ~um wintra || spl. midraest, midemest middle : se ~a finger ; pa -an menn of intermediate merit. [117] middel I. aJ., spl. midlest, middle ; intermediate (in merit). II. m. middle, centre; midst: gesette hine on hyra -e {or midle) ; waist. -dseg m. midday. -dsel »/. middle. -engle //. Middle Angles. -finger ///. middle finger. -flere / partition (gristle of nose). -lot /;/. instep. -gemeferuf npl. central district. -nihtf/. midnight. -rice ;/. middle kingdom, -gescyldru, \i 7ipl. part between shoidders. -seaxe, -an mpl. Middle Saxons, Middlesex. middeweard middle (of), in the middle of place and time : - lenc- ten ; -hit .Norway) is pritig mila brad. Used as noun: on -an ( = -um^ innopes mines. midemest, see midd. mid-faestenn) n. Mid-Lent. mid-feorh mn. middle age. mid-ferhp inn. middle age. -nes, -ferht-/. middle age. mid-help*, mip-/ help lAL mid-(h,rif («.) diaphragm; en- trails. mid-(h)ripjer, -re n. diaphragiB, membrane. mid-ierfenuma m. co-heir, midl, mipl n. '^horse's) bit; oar- thong. -Jiring ;//. ring of bit. midl ian, ge- halve, divide, -igend m. mediator, -vingy. midst — of, on ~e ug. -unga, -inga av. moderately. midlian bridle ; muzzle l,dog) ; i restrain. I geraid-leahtrod reproached (!). j midlen n. middle, centre; midst: ; purh hyra - ; on fyres -e. mid-lgneten nm. Mid-Lent. midlest, see middel. ! raidmest, see midd. 1 midne-daeg m. midday. ] midnes /. — on ~se ivg. in the I midst. \ mid-niht/ midnight. mid-rad f. riding with, accom- panying. midrif = midhrif. mid-singend m. co-singer (!). MIDSIpIAN MIIiDE MISCIAN mid-sipian accompany (!). mid-spreea m. advocate, gemid-sipegad accompanied (! Gl. mid-sumor m. midsummer. mid-weg m. midway. mid-winter m. midwinter. mid-wist / presence, participa- tion. mid-wunvmg f. dwelling with, association. mid-wyrhta m. co-operator. mieltan tr. melt; refine (metals), also met. : digest || mtr. melt [meltan]. Mierc e, -an //. Mercians, Mercia [_niearc]. ~isc Mercian, miercet dark ; evil. gemi^ree ?i. boundary. migrcels m/. mark ; seal ; trophy ; marked place ; mark (to shoot at) [mearc]. miere*, e, yf. mare [mearh]. migrr|an hinder, be stnmbling- block to ; squander, waste ; err [gemearr]. ~a ///. one who leads astray. ~else_/. hindrance, stumbling-block. ~ing /. leading astray ; waste, squandering. mig an 6 make water. ~ung, -ingyi making water, migol diuretic [migan]. migopa, nii(c gpa w. urine. miht, ea, A. as I./, might, power ; ability; miracle. II. a/', fmighty ; possible LV. [mseg]. ~ e)leas powerless. ~ e lie possible. -modf ;;. anger, excitement, mihte ///. of mssg. mihtelic, sce mihtiglic. mihtig, ea, .-/. se powerful, mighty; possible /iV. ~lic*, milit(e)lie possible. ~liee az'. powerfully, through power, mil-deaw = mele-. mil A mile [Z/. milia]. -gemearet ;/. mile-distance. ~gemet ii. measure by miles, -psept m. milestone-road. -getael «. mile. mil 71. millet \_Lt. milium], mile- ^ meolc-. milcen, y I. of milk. II. (;?.) milk food [meolc]. mildian become mild. mild e I. aj. gentle, mild ; merciful, kind. II. av. mercifully. -beorht serene (light) Gl. -elic propitious. -eliee av. kindly, humanely; pro- pitiously. -heort gentle ; merciful. -heortliee av. kindly, mercifully. -heortnes/ mercy. gemildgian mitigate Gl. milds = milts. m.ilisc, m.ylsc, e honeyed, sweet [mele-]. ~ian become sweet or mellow || /r. gemilscad sweetened. militise military — ~ mann soldier [ZA miles]. milt 6 ;/i../. spleen. -eopu/". spleen-disease. ~eseoe spleen-sick. ~(e)waBre, -wrsec m. pain in the spleen. m.iltestre /. prostitute \_L/. mere- trix]. -hiis n. brothel. milts, miilds /. kindness ; mercy [milde]. milts ian, mildsian pity, be merci- ful TV. d. or g. ; pardon :^ sins' w. d. II tr. make merciful. ',ge miltsigend w. pitier. -lie pardonable. (ge)miltsung /. pity ; mercy ; pardon. mimerian remember. gemimor known, familiar {of language) wd. -lice av, by heart. min my ; of me. ^^nbe av. in my manner (!). min[n (?)t small ; mean, vile. ~dom ?)t w. abjectness. -lie petty (favour). mins ian intr. and tr. diminish. -ungy. parsimony. minte/. mint [ZA mentha]. mis-began vb. disfigure (!) IN. mis-beodan do wrong to, ill-use 7vd. mis-bisnian set bad example. mis-boren misshapen (child at birth) ; degenerate. mis-brogden, -broden distorted Gl. mis-byrd f. abortion. mis-byrdb /. imperfection (of bodily organ). [118] m.iseian, mix- mix, apportion. mis-ceaifian mis-calve. mis-eierran pervert. mis-craeettan*, -cro- croak horribly. mis-ewepan 5 speak incorrectly ; curse I A'. mis-dgbd/. misdeed, offence. mis-don vh. act wrongly, transgress. mis-gedwield «. error. mis-f fesian tonsure wrongly. mis-endebyrdan arrange wrong- ly- " misenlic — missenlie. mis-fad ian arrange or carry out wrongly. -ung f. mismanagement ; miscon- duct. mis-faran 2 go astray, err, trans- gress ; fare badly, turn out badly. mis-fedan misfeed (1). mis-feran go astray, transgress. mis-fon i fail to get hold of or find ii.