UC-NRLF 3 ?3b 33q 1 1 13 ^ ""■■ MONUMENTS """ OF THE EARLY PRINTERS in all countries, preceded by some examples of the Art of Xylography, PART IV: SPAIN AND PORTUGAL; NORTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE; AMERICA, AND THE EAST. CONTENTS. PAGES rAGE3 PAGES II. Mo:s,ivith a woodcut map of the tico Hemispheres, each occupying a ftdlpage ; one leaf (C ii) in facsimile, and the map slightly cut into ; red morocco extra, by Bedford, £48. . . Agustin Millan . . . Ano de Mil y quinientos y cincuenfa y das en la . . . Cindad de Qaragoga (1552) 37677 another copy, Editio Pi-inccps, with a variation of the title : Primera y segunda parte do la historia general de his Indias con todo el descubrimiento y cosas notables que han acaecido dende que se ganaron asta el ano de 1551. Con la con- quista de Mexico y do la nueva Espafia . En Carag09a . 1553. TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : SPAIN, ZARAGOZA. 3859 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, gotljic letter, double columns, u-ith the double Map, large and perfect copy in old gilt calf, with the book-plate " Soi de Francisco Carter,'' extremely rare, £75, 1552-53 Collation: title, one loaf; a los leientes, 1 leaf; a-z and A-G in fours, with a map of the two Hemispheres on two leaves ; Conquista de Mexico, a-z and A-M in fours ; — all printed in double columns. The only variation between the above two copies is in the preliminary leaves of the first part ; merely differences of intitulation and arrangement which indicate a different time of issue. The calf copy is evidently the earlier as there is a woodcut border to the letterpress on the back of the title, and the heading; of the dedication to the Emperor is in red. The map is so little touched by the cutter that we have still the inscription at the bottom, " Estrecho de Magallanes," which has been cut away in the morocco copy. 37677* another edition, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, gotfjic letter, printed ivliolly in long lines, and with numerous large woodcuts in the Historia ^arf , illustrating the voyages and battles of the Con- quistadores ; bound in old English red morocco extra, gilt edges, with Harleian gold tooling, from the Carteret library, £10. 1554 The first page here bears the words, an-anged like a title, " Fue impressa la presente obra en la muy insigne ciudad de Carag09a, en casa de Pedro Eemuz . . mil y quinientos y ciuqnenta y quatro " with the mark of Jorge Coci beneath it. This looks as though a regular title-page to the Historia were absent, and as if the present first leaf was really only the original final leaf of that part transferred from the end to the beginning. The second part has a regular title, beneath the imperial arms, " Cronica de la nueua espaiia con la conquista f de Mexico . . . En Carag05a, 1554" ; and at the end " Fue impresa la presente \ historia de Indias y conquista de Mexico . . en casa de Augustin Millan mil y quinientos y cinquenta y quatro." — There was no map in this edition. 37678 ALVAREZ. Historia de las cosas de Ethiopia . . de . . Fracisco k Aluarez [tradncido por Thomas de Padilla] . . Fol. 66 : Copia [ de diuersas Cartas de Algunos padi'cs . . de la compaiiia de | lesns . . De las grandes niaranillas . . en las Indias . . y en . . I lapon, y en . . Brasil . Con la description . . del gran Reyno dc ' la China . . sm. folio, gotljt'c \tt\tx, maroon morocco, £21. f Caragoga . . Agosfin Millan . . (1561) \ A superb full-page woodcut (coloured) of two dismounted knights fighting with lances used as quarterstaves is prefixed. It is a work of German art about 1540. Other Printers. 37679 VALLES (Pedro). Historia del fortissimo y prudentissimo Capitan Dox Heknaxdo De Aualos Marques de Pescara, eon los hechos memorables de otros sictc excelcntissimos capitanes del Emperador Don Carlos V. . . Recopilada por el Maestro Valles . . . M.D.LVII, sm. folio, a feio leaves at the beginning a little torn, not defective, old calf, from the Sunderla7id library, rare, £7. 10.s . . Caragora . . Steuan de Nagera . ano MDLYIl Collation : title, table, prologue, etc. 6 leaves, a-z and A-C in sixes (except (o, which has 7 leaves). 37680 ORTUNEZ DE CALAHORRA (Diego) Espeio de prixcipes y CAUALLEROS. Enel qual se cuentan los immortales hechos del Cauallero del Febo, y de su hermano Rosicler, hijos del grande Emperador Trebacio. Con las altas cauallerias y muy cstranos amores dela muy hermosa y estrcmada princesa Claridiana y de oti'os altos principes y caualleros, 3 books in 1 vol. sm. folio, 3860 BERNARD QtJAiRITCH'S GEN"ERAL CATALOGUE. separate titles to each hook, printed in o'edand blach ivith a ivoodcut on each ; tivo or three leaves shilfully repaired and a few letters restored, otlierioise a very fine sound copy; red morocco super extra, gilt and marhled eclges, by Belz-Niedree, Seilliere arms on sides, £50. Caragoca, en casa cle Miguel de Guesa, 1562 Unique ; from the Sapienza library at Eome. It contains the 3 books of the 1st part, and the collation is as follows : 1st book, title and prologue, 4 leaves, pp. 1-203 ; 2nd book, pp. 1-216, including title-page ; 3rd book, pp. 1-218, including title-page. Brunet gives the following note concerning this volume, " Cctte edition fort rare que cite Antonio, a I'article Didacus Ortunez et qui nous avait paru apocryphe, existe bien a Rome dans la biblio- th^que de la Saptenza." On the last page appears the following notice: Aqvi se acaba la primei'a parte del libro iniitvlado Espeio de Principes y Cavalleros. La segvnda parte estaya tradvcida la qval no tardara de salir a Ivz." — From this we may infer that the second part was really printed some time before the edition of 1580, the first hitherto known. The above unique volume offers a parallel case. If the Sapienza copy had not been discovered, no one would have believed in the existence of one of earlier date than 1580. This is the romance which became so great a favourite in England under the name of the Mirror of Knighthood. In France it was known as Le Chevalier du Soleil. 37681 FUENTES. Las Obeas de Diego de Fuetes. A donde se hallaran la mayor parte de las q el ha heclio. Assi caciones, como sonetos j otros generos de yerso . . 12nao. lit. got]^. six leaves missing, vellum, vert rare, /roni the Sunderland library^ £7. 10s . . ^aragora . . Ag^tstin Millan . . 1563 A-0 in eights. This copy when first sold, as complete, fetched £41. The leaves missing are B 1 and 8, C 1, 2, 7, and 8. 37682 CANCIONERO DE FUENTES. Title: Libro de los Quarenta Cantos Pelegrinos q compuso el magnifico cauallero Alonso de Fuetes, uatural de la cindad de Seuilla . . . small 4to, cfotl}ic letter, vellum, £42. . . Caragoca, en casa de Juan Milla7i . . mil quinientos sesentay quatro ahos (1564) Salva states that the first edition of 1550, and this edition of 1564 are both particularly rare beyond all other editions of this book. The 40 Cantos are not, as the title would imply, original compositions by Alonso de Fuentes, whose work is simply the prose Glosses upon the poems. He evidently did not know who the original author was, but considered them to be contemporary imitations of old Spanish ballads, which a certain distinguished personage had sent to him to publish with a commentary. In the preface by Fuentes, he has preserved and inserted a genuine old ballad said to be from the pen of Alfonso the Wise himself. 87683 YCIAR, Libro subtilissimo por el qual se enseiia a escretiir, y contar pfectamete, etc. sm. 4to. hf. onorocco, from the Miro library, £16. Caragoca, Miguel cle Suelves, 1564 Collation : A 4 leaves, B 10 leaves ; C-G eight leaves each; H 4 leaves. In this copy B 1 is missing (which corresponds to C 1 in the 1550 edition) for which a duplicate of D 4 is inserted. At the end there arc added, from the 1550 edition, 14 leaves, chiefly of text, concerning the materials to be used in writing. (1477) Seville. Meynard Ungut and Stanislaus the Polack. 37684 [COLONNA (Egidio) lioviano] REGIMIENTO DE LOS PRINCIPES. — {On obverse of second leaf.) A Loor de dios TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMEI^TS : SPAIN, SEVILLE. 38G1 todo poderoso & dc la bie aiienturada virgcn sin manzilla sancta Maria sii inadrc. Comien^a el libro intitulado Regimieto do pvincipes. Feclio y ordenado por Don fray Gil do Roma do la ordcn de sfit Agustin. E fizolo trfisladar dc latin en romace do Bernardo obispo de Osma . . . sm. folio, fine woodcut on title, xultli xijlograjjhic intitulation ; becmtiful copy in Spanish calf gilt, £32. . . Sevilla. A espensas de maestre Gonrrado aleman : ^' MelcMor gxirrizo ; mercadores de lihros. Fue impresso j^or Meynardo Ungut alemano : ^' Stanislao Polono : companeros. Acaba- ronso a veynte dias del mes do Octtihre Ano del scrior de mill c5' quatro cientos S)' nouenta ^ (jicatro (1494) 37(384* the same, sm. folio, cropped copy, ivormed, and several leaves at end defective, £2. 10s 1494 This Egidio is better knowu as ^gidins Romanus and Gilles dc Rome. He wrote the De regimine princiimm, in Paris, about a.d. 1280-85, while tutor to the Prince who became "Philippe le Bel." Jacob Cronberger. 37685 ^NEAS SYLVIUS. Hysteria mtiy Vcrdadera de dos araantes Eurialo franco y Lncrecia senesa que acaescio en la cibdad de sena en el aiio de Mil & . cccc . & . xxxiiii. ailos e presencia del emjDador Fadrique. Fecba por Eneas siluio que despues fue elegido papa llamado Pio segundo, sm. 4to. 28 leaves, ivoodcut on title, citron morocco extra, gilt edges, £25. . . Fue impreso en la muy noble y muy leal cibdad de Seuilla : por Jacobo croberger. Aiio de Mill ^ qnientos ^ doze . A . xxviii de Julio (1512) " SUMAMENTE HARD." SalViL The tliree or four editions in Spanish of tliis celebrated romance are far rarer than any of the original Latin or of the Italian version. The Spanish translator's name is not known. The woodcut on the title does not properly belong to the work, but is from the edition of Celcstiua pi'iuted by Cromberger in 15 02,. and bears the initials, Lu., Me., and Ca. (Lucretia, Calisto, and Melibea). 37G8G [FERNANDEZ DE ENCISO (Martin)] SorA de geographia Q. TRATA DE TODAS LAS PARTIDAS & I'ROUINCIAS- DEL JIUNDO : EN ESPECIAL DE LAS INDIAS. & trata largamete del arte del marear : juntametc con la espera en romace : con el regimieto del sol & del norte : nueuamcnte liccha, sm. folio, fijist edition, op EXTREME RARITY, ^/ine copy, in vellum, £90. Sevilla, 2^or Jacobo croberger . . aiio . . de mil y quinientos y dicz y nueue . (1519) The first dock pkinted in Spain and in Spanish relating to America. The name of the Bachillcr Enciso is frequently met with in the earliest annals of the New World as being an important actor in the extension of Spanish conquest and discovery. His book, in both of its editions, but especially in tliis lirst one, is very rare, as even a single circumstance is sufticient to prove, y\r.. -. that Dr. Court had no copy in his library. On tlie page which occupies the reverse of h 4, he records the curious conversation with two chiefs of Ccnu, in which, when he informed them that the Pope had bestowed all those regions upon the King of Spain, they replied that the Pope must have been drunk and that the King was an idiot. 3862 BERN-ARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 37687 VARTHEMA. Itinera.rio del venerable varon micer Luis PATRICIO ROMANO : enel qual cueta muclia parte de la etliiopia Egipto : J entrabas Arabias : Siria y la India. Buelto de latin en romance per Cliristoval de ai'cos clerigo. Nunca liasta aqui impresso en lengua castellana, sm. folio, gotj^ic letter, a leaf or two onended and a jeio letters siipplied ; dark green viorocco extra, gilt edges, hj Leighton, £42. Sevilla, Jacobo Croberger, 1520 First and very rare Edition of this translation. The work in Italian was originally published at Rome in 1510, and the Latin version at Milan in 1511. It is from the Latin that the above translation was made. This copy cost Dr. Burnell over £50 {i.e. £48 plus the cost of binding). The translator says, regarding critics, that if they find fault with the statements of the author " a mi no se imputa que el acierte en lo que dize o no. El que no le creyere vaya y vealo, o mande lo medir, como dixo el otro, y descansara." 37688 MENA. Las. ccc. del famosissirao poeta Jua de mena : co otras. xxiiii. coplas y su glosa j la coronacion del mesmo poeta: et otras cartas : et coplas et cacioes. sm. folio, 104 numbered and 22 unnumbered leaves cropped and mended, hf. morocco, £\. 16s At end of the Coplas : . . . Seuilla por Jacobo croberger alema ano de mil et qnietos et dezisiete, etc. (1517) At end of the Coronacion : . . . Seuilla por Jacobo cronberger Alemana ano . . . de mill et quijiientos et veynte anos (1520) The Coplas has 104 numbered leaves ; the Coronacion has 22 unnum- bered leaves. 37689 CORTES (Hernan) Third and Fourth Letters: Carta tercera de relacio : embiada por Fernado CORTES capital! & justicia mayor del yucatan llamado la nueua espana del mar oceano . . . delas cosas sucedidas & muy dignas de admiracion enla conquista y recuperacion dela muy grande & marauillosa ciudad de Temixtitan ; y delas otras prouincias a ella siib- jetas que se rebelaron . . . Assi mesmo haze relacion como ha descubierto el mar del Sur . . . jgothit \ti\t\\f 30 leaves, 48 lines per page, a fine large woodcut of the young Emperor-King sitting enthroned, on the title ; fine large copy with several uncut leaves ; First Edition . . . seuilla por lacoho croberger alema . . mill & quinietos &. xxiij (1523) La QUARTA RELACI5 QUE FeRNADO CORTES GOUERNADOR Y CAPITA GENERAL POR SU MAGESTAD EN LA NUEUA ESPAJ^A DEL MAR OCEANO EBIO AL MUY ALTO & MUY POTENTissiMO iNUCiTissiMO {sic) scfior don Carlos . . . en la qual estan otras cartas y relaciones que los capitanes Pedro de aluarado e Diego godoy embiaron al dicho capitan Fernardo {sic) cortes, jgotltit I-Ctt^r, 26 leaves^ double columns. 45 lines per column, wood- TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS: SPAIN, SEVILLE. 3863 cut of the imperial arms on title ; large copij with some uncut leaves ; Second Edition Fue imprenssa . . . Valencia por Georye costilla . . mil . d . . XXV j. afios (1526) 2 vols, small folio, uniformly hound in maroon morocco extra, cjilt edges, £180. 1523-26 Only two other copies of this Quarta Relacion are known ; of the Carta Tercera there are probably not half-a-dozen extant. 37090 TORRE (Alphonso de la) YisiO delectable de la philosophia & ARTES LIBERALES : METAPHISICA : Y PHILOSOPHIA MORAL, Sm. folio, Ijotfjic letter, with numerous looodcuts, morocco extra, gilt^ edges, £12. Es ivipsso en . . . Seuilla por Jacobo croberger alemd et Juan Gromberger . . . M.d.xxvj (1526) Collation : 80 leaves, including title, or sign, a-k in eights. '• On the last leaf is a very remarkable statement respecting the invention of priming. It goes on to say that printing was first practised at Mainz, and M-as the invention of a citizen of that place named ' Pedro Fuest,' who made known his discovery in the year 1425. But afterwards, in the year 1431, a quarrel arose between two archbishops ; and one of them, having arranged with certain of the citizens to open the gate on the night of SS. Simon and Jude, he entered the city with his people; and so great _ a massacre ensued, that the kennels ran with blood. Among the slain was this celebrated man ' Pedro Fuest.' " 37691 BOCCACCIO. Libro de Jua bocacio que tracta delas illustres Mugeres, folio, icoodcut on title in four compartments, fine copy in smooth green morocco extra, gilt edges, very rare, £8. 15s Sevilla, Jacobo Cromberger, 1528 37692 [Rodriguez de Almella (Diego)] Valeric de las hystorias scolasticas de la sagrada scritura : y de los hechos despaiia co las batallas capales . copiladas por Fernan perez de guzma . . sm. folio, rjat!)ic letter, title mended, vellum, £2. . . Seuilla por lacobo cromberger . . Mil. y quinientos y veynte y siete (1527) 37093 GONZALEZ (Gntierre) Libro de doctrina xpiana eon vna expo- sicio sobre ella que la declara muy altamete ; instituyda nueua- mete e roma co auctoridad de la sede aplica para instrucio dlos niiios y mogos . . . sm. folio, title tvithin woodcut border, a large woodcut of the Crucifixion on the reverse, limp vellum, £12. . . \_Juan Cronberger'] Seuilla . ATto de. M.d.xxxij . . (1532) An exposition of the sacraments and the Creed ; with a treatise on the formation of manners and the general social education of youth which is very curious and of real historical interest. The author, who is described as " de buena memoria," and to whom the title of " comensal del Papa" is given, had been killed at the sack of Rome in 1527. A certain American interest attaches to the volume from the fact that it belonged in 1575 to the Monastery '' de Sant Francesco de Mexico," and bears the signature of " Fr. Michael Navarro, commiss. generalis " at that date. 37094 SUBIDA DEL MOTE SION : por la via contemplatiua. Cotiene el conocimieto nro : y el seguimieto de xpo . . Copilado en vn conuento de frayles menores, sm. 4to. gotfjic letter, title in red and blacJc within woodcut border, many fine woodcuts, the 3864 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Imcer margin of the title cut off, velhmi, £8. . . Seuilla . . lud Croherger . . mil y guinientos . y . xxxv . . (1535) In the Jornada III there are 62 [Aphorismos spirituales in rhymed couplets of remarkable merit. This copy belonged about 1580 to the monastery at Xochimilco in Mexico. 3^695 HERNANDEZ de OVIEDO t VALDES (Gon9alo Hernandez de). La liistoria general delas Indias. \_0}i 7-everse :'] Primei-a parte dela liistoria natural y general delas indias y yslas & tierra firnie del mar oceano etc., sm. folio, ivitlithc " Carta Missiya" (2 leaves) at the end, several ivoodcuts, and a full-page coat of arms on the reverse of last leaf, a very good copy, with some MS. notes and the autograph of Oviedo at the end, the corner of leaf 131 imperceptibly mended and restored, and a few headlines shaved, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £25. . . . Seuilla enla empreta de Juan Gromherger el postrero dia del mes de Setiemhre. Aiio de mil y guinientos y treynta y cinco Anos (1535) First Edition-, excessively eaee. The title is in red with a very elegant woodcut border in black. 87696 Hernandez de Oviedo t Valdes. Historia general de las Indias, etc. as ahove, Sevilla, J. Gromherger, 1535 — Siguese una carta naissiva con que el cronista . . . embio este volumen — Libro XX de la segunda parte de la general liistoria de las Indias, escripta por el Capitan Gon9alo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes . . Valla- dolid, por Frdcisco Fernandez de Gordova. En este aiio de . M.D.Lvii. — 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, u-oodcnts of escutcheons, etc. on titles, red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £65. 1535-57 Very rare first edition of all that was originally published (the edition printed by the Spanish Academy a few j'ears ago being the only complete impression of Oviedo's work). The Carta missiva which occupies two leaves at the end of the first part, and was printed at the same time, bears the autograph signature of the author, in this form — '• Emo. & illmo. Seiior las manos de V. S. Ema. besa Go. Fernandez de Oujedo." The twentieth book (which is the first of part II), published separately at Valladolid in 1557 was not finished in consequence of the author's death. It is excessively rare. 37697 Libro XX separately — see p)ost under Valladolid 37698 [GUEVARA (Antonio de)] Marco aurelio co el Relox de Prin- eipes, sm. folio, gotl)l'c letter, title within elegant woodcut border, in good condition, old calf, rare, £2. lOs . . Seuilla, por Jtian cromberger . . M.d.xxxvii (1537) The Marco Aurelio is a celebrated philosophical romance. 37699 XIMENEZ de PREXANO (Pedro). Luzero de la vida xpiana, sm. folio, xylographic title, with several woodcut figures, several smaller tvoodcuts withinthelarge initials; Q0t\}k\tttct,118 leaves (the last blanh) in doiible columns ; very fine large copy in brown morocco super extra, joints, gilt edges, hy Belz-Niedree, with the Seillierc arms on sides, £14. . . Sewilla por Juan cromberger . Ana de mill ^' quinientos ^' treynta S)' ocho aiios (1538) 37700 EPISTOLAS Y EUANGELIOS tor todo el Aiio con sus DOCTRINAS T SERMONES d' CORRECION DE FRAY AmBROSIO MOTE- SINO los mas copiosos q fasta agora se ban inipresso . . stout sm. folio, 0Otl)tc letter, the title printed in red within looodcut TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS: SPAIN, SEVILLE. 3865 border, numerous tvoodcuts throughout the text, first leaf slightly water stained, one leaf defective, and some pages marked ivith ink-lines ; old calf, £4. . . Seuilla for lud croherger . . M.d.xl (1540) Vkrv rare: all books of this kind having had a very precarious existence in Spain during the sixteenth century. 17701 CANCIONERO GENERAL : en el qual so lian auadido agora cle nueuo casta ultima impression muchas cosas buenas : lia side CO diligccia corregido y emedado. M.d.xl. folio, black letter, G u,n- numhered and 207 numbered leaves, the title printed in red and Hack within a woodcut harder, the text printed in treble columns, the corners of leaf 10 and of the last eleven leaves very skilfully mended, the few missing tvords being supplied in neat facsimile, otherwise a beatitiful copy, superbly bound in brown m/)rocco, the sides beautifully blind tooled, double ivith red morocco, covered with gilt tooling in the style of Monnier, gilt and marbled edges, by Chambolle-Duru and Marius Michel, exces- sively RARE, £90. . . Fae impresso en Seuilla en las casas de Jua^i cromberger. Alio . . de mill y quinientos y quarenta a veynte dias del ones de Nouiembre (1540) This is the best of the Spanish gothic editions of Hernando del Castillo's great Cancionero ; and is far rarer than the two Antwerp editions which followed. 57702 SEPULVEDA (Juan de) Dialogo llamado Democrates copuesto por el doctor luan de sepulueda : capellfi y coronista de su S.L.C.M. del empador . . sm. 4to. gofcliic letter, title ivithin wood- border, velhtm, £10. . . Seiiilla : en casa de luan Croberjer . . mil y quinientos y qrenta y vn anos (1541) 37703 VALERA (Diego de) La coronica de Espaiia abreuiada por madado de la muy poderosa Seilora dona Isabel Reyna de Castilla, etc. sm. folio, ptf)i'c letter, with iuoodcuts, hf. morocco, fine clean copy, £0. Gs . . se^iilla en casa de luo cromberger . . mil y quinietos y quarenta y tres . . (1543) Title in red, within woodcut border, beneath the Arms of Spain ; 5 prel. 11. ; text fols. c. with colophon on verso of last leaf. Fine clean co;py. Andres de Burgos. 37704 GUARINO MESQUINO. Coronica dl. noble cauallero Guarino niezquino. En la qual trata de las Hazanas y auenturas que le aconteciei'on i)or todas las ptcs del mundo. Y en el purgatorio de Sant patricio y eiil monte de Nor9a donde esta la sibila . , sm. folio, gotijic letter, double columns, title printed in red and black, with a woodcut on it ; the six leaves of sheet wanting ; old calf , from the Sunderland library, £9. . . seuilla en casa d^ Andres cZ' Burgos . . mil ^ qnictos ^' xlviii . . (1548) A very rare edition of this Romance, translated into Castilian by Alonzo Hernandez Alemun. 3866 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Juan Varela. 37705 PRAGMATICAS (LAS) DEL REYNO. RECOPILACIO de alguas bulas de nuestro muy sancto padre : concedidas en fauor de la jurisdicion real : con todas las Pragmaticas : y algunas leyes . • con algunas otras anadidas que fasta aqui no fueron impressas, etc. folio, title, on tvliich is a large looodcut of the Arons of Spam, molded, and some leaves stained at the bottom, othenvise good copy in velhim, vert rare, £25. Sevilla, Juan Varela, 1520 Collation : Title and table, 4 leaves unnumbered, and 192 numbered leaves. Not quoted by Salva or Brunet ; but described in the Supplement to the Manuel, on the authority of Harrisse {Bibl. Amer. Additions) with the following note : " Ces Bulles du pape Leon X out une certaine importance ; au f. 82, le chapitre intitule Destierro para las Tndias est particulierement interessant. Le vol. est fort rare." The chapter in question gives a list of privileges granted to criminals who consented to dwell in the New World. Harrisse derived his information from a copy in a private library in Seville. I am unable to trace the sale of any copy. 37706 PADILLA (Juan de). Los doze triuphos de los doze Apostoles: fechos por el cartuxano : pfesso en sea Maria d'las cueuas en seuilla, sm. folio, ivoodcuts on front and hack of title, hf. bd. very fine copy, £40. , . Sevilla : por Juan varela . a . v . dias dimes d^ Otubre : aTio d'nro saluador de mill y quiniiitosy . o:xj. anos. (1521) Collation : Title, table and argument, 6 leaves ; a-h 6 in eights. 37707 Metaphora Medicine & cliirurgie : nueuamete copilada por un Frayle menor de la puincia de los Angeles . . Va aiiedido un dialogo muy util- y prouechoso, sm. folio, lit. (jotl). woodciit title, with full-page ivoodcut of the Crucifixion on reverse and woodcut initials, half bound, rare, 18s . . Hispali . . Millesimo quingentesimo, Trigesimo Sexto (1536) 37708 PALMERIN DE OLIUA. Libro del famoso e muy esfor9ado cauallero Palmerin de Oliua e de sus grades feclios . Nueuamento corregido e historiado . folio, gotl)lC Itttcr, the large looodcut on title, representing the hero slaying his enemies, coloured by a con- temporary hand, numerous other ivoodcuts in the text, title a little mended, nevertheless a fine copy in red morocco extra, with the Arms of Baron Seilliere, DOUBLE loith blue morocco, richly tooled and gilt in the Grolier style, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru and Marius Michel, excessively rare, £72. At end : Fue ympressa la p)sente obra enla . . ciudad de Seuilla por Juan varela de Salamanca a treynta dias del mes de Mayo aiio . . de Mill e quinicntos veynte y cinco . Aiios. (1525) Contains IGO leaves printed in double columns, all, except the title, numbered. The Miro copy fetched 1800 francs (£72) plus the auctioneer's fee. I sold a copy in 1884 for £95. The earliest edition in the Salva library is that of 1534. Juan de Leon. 37709 FUENTES (Alonso de) Summa dc philosopliia natural, en la qual assi mismo se tracta de Astrvlvgia y Astrouomia, & otras TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : SPAIN, SEVILLA. 3867 sciencias. En estilo nuca visto, nueuamete sacada . . sm. 4to. printed in alternate Gothic and Roman letter, the title loithin a woodcut border ; fine copy in brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hardy-Mennil, toith the tieilliere arms on the sides, £10. . . Seuilla . . En casa de Jud de Led . . 1547 In this curious book, the whole domain of science as then known is reviewed in a dialogue between a Spanish gentleman and an Italian traveller. It is all in blank verse, the Italian using the metre of his native style, although his language is Casiilian ; while the Spaniard uses a long hexametrical metre. The Italian mode is printed as verse and in Koman character ; the Spanish as prose in Gothic letters. Other Printers. 37710 CASAS (Bartolome de las). Tratados Varios, 9 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. Original Editions in l3oii)ic letter, Spanish morocco binding, £32. Sevilla, 1552-53 37711 the same, 9 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. in red morocco sujjer extra, elegantly tooled in the Grolier style, gilt edges, by Pratt, £30. 15.52 Excessively rare. These nine tracts were written between 1541, when the worthy Bishop with the Emperor was getting up the celebrated Leyes de las Indies of 1543, and 1550, when he was going into batile with Sepnlveda, to prove that the conquest of the Indies was tyrannical, unjust and iniquitous. From the day of publication these tracts have maintained their historical importance, interest, and rarity. Contents : 1. Brevissima Relacion de la destruycion t^e las Indias, Sevilla, Seh. Trugillo, 1552 ; at the end. 2. Peda^o de una carta y relacion que escrivio cierto hombrc refiriendo las obras que hazia el capitan por la tierra que andava. 3. Entre los remedios que Bartolome de las Casas refirio para reformacion de las Indias, el octavo . . . donde se asignan veynte razones por las qnales prueva no dererse dar los Indias a los Espaiioles en encomienda, Sevilla, J. Cromberger, 1552. 4. Tratado sobre la materia de los Yndios que se han hecho esclavos, Sevilla, Seh. Trugillo, 1552. 5. Tratado comprobatorio del imperio que los Reyes de Castilla y Leon tienen sobre las Indias, Seh. Trugillo. 1553. 6. Treynta proposiciones muy juriiticas en las quales se tocan niuchas cosas pertenecientes al derecho sobre los infieles. Seb. Trugillo. 1552. 7. Dispuia o controversia entre el Obispo Don Bartholome de las Casas y el doctor Gines de Sepulveda sobre las conquistas de las Indias, Sevilla, Seb. Trugillo, 1552. 8. Unos Avisos y reglas para los confesoies, Sevilla, Seb. Trugillo, 1552. 9. Principia quaidam ex quibus procedendum est in dispu- tatione ad manifestandam justiciam Yndorum, Hispali, Seb. Trugillo, s. a. These are not bound in precisely the same order in both copies. 37712 FERNANDEZ (Diego) Primera, t Segvnda Parte, de la niSTORiA DEL Perv, quese mando escreuir, a Diego Fernandez . . Coliene la primera, lo succdido en la Nueua Espafia j en el Peru . . La segvnda, contiene, la tyranuia y alfamiento de los Contreras, y dou Sebastifi de Castilla, y de Francisco Hernadez Giron . . 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, Homan letter, woodcnt of the imperial arms on each title, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £28. . . Seuilla, en casa de Hernddo Diaz . . mil y quinientos y setenta y vno (1571) Original and only Edition of this rare work, which was prohibited by the Royal Council of the Indies at the time of publication ; the order was revoked in 17211, but was again issued in 17.31. The author was one of the followers of the great Ilurtado de Mendoza, and was an actor in, as well as an eye-witness of, many of the events recorded in his work. 260 3868 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 37713 MANUEL (Don luan) EL CONDE LVCANOR. Compuesto por el excelentissimo principe don Inan Manuel, hijo del Infante don Manuel, y nieto del sancto rey don Fernando. Dirigido por Gon^alo de Argote y de Molina, al muy Illustre senor Don Pedro Manvel, small 4to. First Edition, calf, very fine and large cojyy, £25. Seuilla . . Hernando Diaz . . 1572 " Ticknor tieuc razon en Uamar a esta priraera edicion libro rarisimo." — Salvd. 37714 ZARATE. Historia del Descvbrimiento y Conqvista de las provincias del Peru, y de los su.ccessos que en ella ha auido, desde que se conquisto basta que el Licenciado de la Gasca Obispo de Siguen^a boluio a estos reynos . . La qual escreuia Augustin de C,arate . . sm. folio, fine copy in old French calf extra, gilt edges, from Golherfs library, £16. I65 Seuilla, Alonso Escriuano, 3ID.LXXVII (1577) This second edition, produced in Sevilla in 1577 by the author himself, is far rarer than the first edition which he had published at Antwerp in 1555. — He names liodrigo Lozano of Trugillo as the person (one of the early invaders) from whom he had derived the main substance of the first part cf his narrative. 37715 PADILLA (Juan de). Retablo de la vida de Christo hecbo en metro, por el deuofco Padre don Juan de Padilla Monge Cartuxio. Impresso con Licencia, 1580, folio, woodcuts, inchiding a large one on title, very fine copy in vellum, £16. I65 Seuilla . . . Bartolome Goncalez . . . Ano de mil y quinientos y ochenta 1580 Collation : A-H in eights ; I, sis leaves. 37716 Ceonica del Gran Capitan GoNgALO Fernandez de Cordova y Aguilar. En la qual se contienen las dos coquistas del Reyno de Napoles . . Con la vida del famoso Cauallero Diego Garcia de Paredes. Nueuamente aiiadida a esta Hystoria, sm. folio, woodcut eqiiestrian portrait on title, vellum, from the Sunderland library, £'S. 5s Sevilla, Andrea Pescione, 1580 (1478) Barcelona. 37717 (YlDES DE Sants eu Catald) sm.. iolio, a fragment of an unhnown edition consistivg of folios xlix to ccxl, full of rude woodc^(ts, %inbound, £2. IO5 {? Barcelona, abont 1495) These lives are arranged in the order of the Calendar, and the present copy covers the period between the 14 January and the 4 November. The text is arranged in double columns, the folio-numeration is in Roman numerals. The life of St. Eulalia begins on fol. 76 verso, and ends near the top of folio 77 verso. Carles Amoros. 37718 TOMICH. Historias e conquestas dels excellentissims e Catholics Reys db Aeago : e de lurs antecessors los Comtes de Barcelona : compiladcs per lo bonorable bistoric mossen Pere Toniicb caualler . . . small folio, rjatl)IC Iftttr, title printed in red and blacli within woodcut border, numerous large and small woodcuts titrotighout the text; a small hole in folio 71; vellum, from the Sunderland library, £36. . . Barcelona per Carles Amoros Prouencal . . Mil.D.xxxiiij (1534) TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : SPAIN, BARCELONA. 3869 37719 TOMICH, Histokias etc., .small folio, a very fine copy in brown morocco extra, rjilt edges, £.55. 1534 Very rare. There was no copy cither iu the Salva or in the Miro collection. This Chronicle was written in the time of Juana la Loca, and embraces a period of nearly a thousand years from the tin\o of the Goths to 1.516. The first few pages relate to the prehistoric times when the descendants of Japhet peopled Spain, and from Spain peopled Hiberoua, which to-day is called Anglaterra on maj^s ; the name receiving its first change when Brutus, the first Consul of Rome, subjugated it, and entitled it Britannia. Hercules and the Greeks conquered Spain ; when the magnificent baron Hercules, and his successor Ilispan. were dead, then there rose a great multitude of knights called Goths. From this point the tale becomes more familiar. It is one of the scarcest books of its kind : in fact I am unable to trace any copy as having occurred for sale, except these two, and an imperfect one which was in the hands of the elder Salva. sixty years ago. 37720 MARCH. Les obres del valeros y exteeny cavaller. vigil t ELEGAXTissiM POETA Aesias March : NoTiament renistes y estampades abgran ciii\n, y cliligeucia . . sm. Svo. (IGmo.), vellum, £21. Foren impeses (sic) ... eti la insigne Ciutat de Barcelona per Carles amoros Proueiical en lany M.D.xxxxv a. xxii. del mes Desembre (1545) El editor de la edicion de 1560, Claudio Bornat. al dedicar su impresion al almirante Don F. de Cardona [el mismo de cuyo orden se habian hechas las ediciones de 1543 y 1545] anade que, sin embargo de ser bastante considerable el numero de ejemplares tirados, ya habia falta de ellos. Si esta escasez se hacia sentir a los quince afios de publicadas, cuanta no serii su rareza tres siglos despues ? — Salva. Collation : Title and table, 4 leaves ; A-X in eights, except the last, which has twelve leaves. 37721 CARBONELL. Chronica de Espanya fins aci no divulgada : qne tracta dels nobles e invictissims Reys dels Gots : y gestes de aquells : y dels cotes de Barcelona : e Reys de Arago : ab moltes coses dignes de perpetua menioria. Compilada por lo honorable y discret mossen Pere Miqnel Carlionell : escriva y archiver del Rey nostre senyor e notari piiblich de Barcelona, folio, rjotfjl'c letter, double columns, calf, £24. Novament imprimida en lany M. D. xlvii. — at end : A lahory gloria de nostre senyor deu Jesn christ : y dela humil verge ^Faria : es acabada la present hobra de las Chroniques de Cathalunya . . . y estampat en la insigne ciutat de Barcelona per Carles Amoros y ha despesas de mossen Jaume manescal : y mossen Baphael deuder major: y mossen Jonot Gordiola : y mossen Jonot trinxer, mercaders de lihres ciutadans dela dita ciutat de Barcelona a xv de Nocmbre am/ M.D.xxxxvi (154G) Extremely rare in a complete state. Tlie present copy is complete and in fine condition, except that some margins have been repaired. 37722 another copy, a small hole in title and ///•.*/ tv:o leaves, otherwise in good condition, vellum , from the Sundtrland library, £12. 1546 Collation : 4 prcl. 11. ; 2;")" numb. 11. and leaf at end with the colophon and printer's device, a facsimile of which is given in Salv:i. " Han pasado por mis manos :i lo menos doce ejemplares, y quizas entre todos no habia dos completos v en buen estado ; generalmentc careccn la 260 * 3870 BERNARD QUARITGH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. ultima hoja que couliene las seiias de la irapresion y su fecha." — Salvd. Both of the above copies have this last leaf with the printer's device. Jaume and Pablo Cortey, Joan Navarro. 27723 MUNTANER (Ramon) Chronica, o descripcio dels fets, e HAZANTES DEL ixcLTT KEY DoN Iaume PRIMER Rej Darago, de Mallorques, e de Valencia . . feta per lo niagnifich En Ramon Muntaner . . sra. folio, title tvithin woodcut border, vellum, £10. Barcelona, Iaume Cortey, ]562 37724 another copy, in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £15. 1562 37725 VIQrA'N'A (Martin de) Chrontca de la incltta y coronada CiUDAD de Valencia j de su reyno : en el qaal son contenidas todas las familias o linages militares de la ciudad y reyno, por estilo moderno y mny verdadero (Libro segcndo, tercero y quarto), 3 vols. sm. folio, the second defective and partly in 2IS. numerous woodcuts, vellum, excessively rare, from the Sunder- land library, £40. (Part III) Valencia . . Joan Navarro . . . 1564 — (Part IV) Barcelona . . Pablo Cortey, 1566 Collation: "Segcnda Parte. Libro segundo de la Chronyca," etc , with large woodcut shield of the Borjas on title, folios i-xxxx (ending ' abruptly), and folios xi-1 (thi'ee of them defective, and a few others mended). The rest of the volume is supplied in 16 leaves of MS., the Coats of Arms being neatly drawn. Tercera Parte, 4 prel. leaves, including title, and 178 numbered leaves, title and last leaf a little mended, otherwise veiy good copy. QcARTA Parte (Libro quarto de la Croniea, etc.), 2 prel. leaves, inch title, 244 numbered leaves, and 6 leaves of table ; good copy. The third and fourth parts are complete. These three parts of Vi(;yana's Chronicle of Valencia are hardly ever found together. The .second part is of extraordinary rarity ; while the first part does not appear to exist either in print or manuscript. Salva quotes the following from Xiraeuo : " Viciana ingenuously speaks the clear and naked truth, and this commendable honesty caused such a rigid persecution of his books that it was attempted to destroy them entii'ely, and, as we are told, a great number of copies of them were burnt. It is unques- tionable that they may be classed among the very scarcest books in the world. It is with ditiiculty we can find a single printed copy of any of them. ... I have seen in print the third and fourth part, and about half of the second, but have never been able to find the first." (1480) Toledo. (? Peter Hagenbach.) 37726 (CELESTIXA.) Tragicomedia de Calisto y melibea. En la ql se contiene de mas de su agradable & dnlce estilo mucbas sentencias filosofales & auisos mu}^ necessarios para macebos. mostradoles los egaiios q esta encerrados en seruietes & alca- buetas & nueua mente anadido el tractado de Centurio, sm. 4to. rjotl)ic letter, looodcuts, without F 1, 3, 4, and 5, calf, £7. 10s Toledo, 1502 Colophon : El carro de febo dspues d' av dado mill y qnietas dos bueltas e rueda . . . f ue en Toledo impresso acabado Extremely rare, and the earliest edition which has paesed through my hands. No copy of any earlier edition is known, although the book is supposed TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : SPAIN, TOLEDO. 3871 to have been printed in 1409, in 1500, and in 1501. Salva omits to say that the unicjuc copy usually described as of tlie first date, has a forged colophfjn. The fact that the second one was printed is only proved by the colophon of an edition of 1513. Of the existence of the third (1501) there is no demonstrable certainty. A Celestina in the Seilliere collection was described as of that date, but the last leaf was found not to be genuine. It may have been a facsimile from some genuine copy, but catinot rank as evidence. In 1502 there were three editions, one of Seville, another of Salamanca (both described by Brnnet and Dibdin), and this one of Toledo, which has been described for the first time, in my catalogue. Remon de Petras. 37727 FERNANDEZ DE OVIEDO Y VALDES (Gon^alo). Ouiedo de la natural hystoria de las Indias . . sm. folio, title in beautiful facsiviile, fine large copy in vellum, from the Sunderland library, very rare, £60. For industria de maestre Remo de petras : e se acabo enla cibdad de Toledo a xv. dias del mes de Hebrero. de. M. D. xxvi. anos (1526) " Ce premier ouvragc du fecond ecrivain n'a rien de commun avec la, Ilistoria general y natural de las Indias de 1^3 H : c'est un resume destine a donner au roi d'Espagne nn apercu des choses dxx Nouveau-Monde, decrivant les rites, mocurs, coutumes et ceremonies des naturels." — Brunet, Sttppl. It was the first general review of the new American empire of Spain, discussing the almost unlimited prospect of grandeur o]iened by the recent discoveries of Mexico, the I'acific, and the passage through Magellan's Straits ; and the policy which should be adopted by the monarchy. The book was probably suppressed in Spain itself for prudential reasons ; which would account for its signal rarity. Hernando de Santa Catalina. 37728 MENA. Copilacion d todas las obras del Famosissimo poeta Juli de niena : couiene saber Las ccc. co otras xxiiii coplas y su glosa. y la Coi'Oiiaciou delas coplas deles siete Peccados mortales, . . . Imprimidas . Auo. M.D. y xlviii . Auos. sm. folio, tvoodcut title, fine copy in old French red morocco extra, ivith elegant gold tooling in scrolls in the Grolier style, gilt edges, by Thiharon, VERY rare, £7. 7s Toledo en casa de Fernando do sancta catalina . . . mil y quinientos y quarenta y siete Auos. (1547) 37729 • the same, sm. folio, title and first leaf mended, toith ancient MS. notes, calf, £2. 10s 1547 This edition is not in the Salvii collection. Collation : first part. 104 leaves, including title ; second part (Corouacion, etc.), 26 leaves, including title. Juan de Ayala. 37730 -^SOP. Libro del sabio y clarisslmo fabulador ysopo : liystoi-iado y annotado, folio, large woodcut on title in six compartments, and 206 other very curious woodcuts, red morocco extra, uncut, £21. Toledo, en casa de Juan de Ayala . . . Aiio de mil y qitinietos y quarenta y siete ailos (1547) Collation: 71 numbered leaves, including title. The only other copy known of this edition appears to be that in the Grenville collection. 3872 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 37731 ORTIZ (Bias). Sunimi Templi Toletani per q, graphica descriptio, Blasio Ortizio . . . autore, 12mo. fi^ie copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Belz-Niedree, rare, £2. 16s Toleti, apicd loaniie Ayala M.B.xlix (1549) 149 numbered leaves and 10 unnumbered, tbe tenth being blank. Besides the description of the structure and its altars, the ecclesiastical history of the church is also included in this rare volume. Juan Ferrer, 37732 LA CRONICA DEL REY DO RODRIGO con la destruycion de Espafia, y como los moros la ganaron. Nueuamente corre- gida, cotiene de mas dela liistoria biuas razones y auisos muy prouechosos. En Toledo en casa de luan ferrer, 1549, folio, black letter, ivoodcut title and capitals, with MS. note hy Mr. Beclvford respecting the rarity of the hook prefixed, very fine copy in hlue morocco super-extra, dentelle horders of gold, leatlier joints, gilt gatifre edges, hy G. Lewis, from the Becliford lihrary, Hamil- ton Palace, £50. Fue impressa la presents Goronica . . . en la Imperial cihdad de Toledo. For Juan ferrer . . . Ailo . . . de mil y quinientos y qitarenta y mieue anos. (1549) Collation: a-z in eights; A, eight leaves; B, six leaves; C, six leaves, the last blank ; A, eight leaves, consisting of Table and colophon. A>' EXCESSIVELY RARE ROMANCE OF CHIVALRY. It has been attinbutcd to the pen of Pedro Corral, who lived at the beginning of the sixteenth century. 37733 Recopilacio de algunas bullas del summo pontifice, cocedidas en fauor de la jnrisdicio real, con todas las Pragmaticas, y algunas leyes del reyno anadidas las leyes de Madrid y delos arazeles y de los paiios y lanas y capitulos de corregidores y leyes de Toro y leyes de la liermandad, sm. folio, lit. got|). tvood- cut of the arms of Spain on title, vellum, £4. Toledo en casa de Juan Ferrer. Ano de 1550 Other Printers. 37734 LEPOLEMO. Title-page: Libro primero del Cauallero de la Cruz. El principe Lepolemo {above a large looodcut of the hnight on liorsehack) El libro del inuencible cauallero Lepolemo, hijo del Empera- dor de Alamaiia, y de los hechos que hizo, llamaiido se el Cauallero de la Cruz . . sm. folio, jgotlltf Irtt^l', 100 leaves {nwnhered xcix), double columns, the title printed in red and hlach; red morocco extra., lined inside (double) loith blue morocco., magnificently tooled after a Le Gascon pattern ; a clief-d^oeuvre of binding^ bij Chambolle-Duru and Marius-Micliel ; preserved in a case, £100. . . Toledo en casa de Luys Perez . . Mil& quinientos y sessenfa y ires. Afios (1563) Supposed to be unique. This is the copy -which was TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : SPAIN, BURGOS. 3873 formerly in the Sapienza library at Rome ; afterwards in the possession of Salamanca the banker, and lately from the collec- tion of Baron Seilliei'C. 37735 PALMERIN de OLIVA. Libro del famoso cauallero Palmerin de Oliva, etc. sm. folio, gotf)ic letter, morocco, large copy, vert RARE, ivith the arms of Lord Stuart de Rothsay on sides, £16. Toledo . . Pedro Lopez de Haro . . M.L.LXXX (1580) 37736 another copy, eqiially tall, hut not quite so hroad, the pages ruled loith red ink lines; crimson morocco extra, richly gilt, with joints and gilt edges, by Bels-Niedree, the Seilliere arms on the sides, a splendid vohime, £18. 18s 1580 Collation : A-Z in eight?, or fols. 1-clxxxiv. (1482) Zamora. 37737 OCAMPO. Los quatro libros primeros de la Cronica general de Espaiia qne recopila el maestro Florian do canpo . . sm. folio First Edition, 0Otl)ic letter, title printed in red and hlacJc beneath a large ivoodact of the imperial arms ; clean but rather short copy in vellum, £6. . . Zamora por el honrrado varan luan picardo . . mill y qui^iientos y quarenta y tres anos . . (1543) 37738 the same, a little stained, vellum; £5. 5s 1543 On the title of both of these copies the xliii is altered in wiiting to xliiii. In the heading of the Correccion at the end, we find in the first of the two copies the phrase ^jor descuydo del auctor ; in the second copy it is por descuydo de los officiales. (1485) Burgos. Fadrique Aleman. 37739 CID. Cronica del famoso Cauallero Cid Ruy DiEz CAMPEADOR, folio, Editio Princeps, laiv/e and very fine copy in cloth hoards^ £210. Aqui se acaua la Cronica del muy nohle y esfor- gado y siempre vitorioso Cid ruy diez Cam- peador : A costa y despesa de los reverendos padres Ahad, monjes cO convento del monesterio de sant Pedro de cardena : fine ympressa efti la miiy nohle y leal ciudad de Burgos^ por arte & industria de Fadrique Aleman de bastlea: acahose a treynta & un dias del mes de marco . : . . mill & quinientos & doze afios (1512) 37740 another copy, folio, the headlines of the Pro- logue neatly restored, and the last leaf in beautiful facsimile^ fine cop)y^ red morocco extra, gilt edqes, hy ^Bedford.k^^. ' 1512 First Edition of the unabridged Chronicle of the Cid, 3874 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. and A BOOK or such extraordinary rarity that since Heber's imperfect copy was sold fifty years ago, none has appeared in the European market till now. There is no copy in the wonder- fully rich Salva collection ; and Huber, in his reprint of the Chronicles of the Cid, confessed that he had been unable to see either this edition or that of 1593. 37741 DANTE. Con privilegio. la traducio. del dante de lengua toscana en verso castellano : por el Reveredo don po fernadez de villegas, arcediano de burgos : y por el comentado allende dlos otros glosadores . . con otros dos tratados . vno q se dize querella de la fe. y otro aversion del niudo y coversio a dios. thick small folio, title a little defective atid mended^ the seven leaves of the additional matter at end mended, and three of them %vanting, the body of the work clean and sound, hd. extremely RARE, £10. Burgos por Fadrique aleman de Basilea. . . mill y quinie^itos y quinze anos (1515) Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Suma (2 to 7), 6 leaves ; then a leaf of which the recto is blank and the reverse has a large woodcut Coat of Arms and '■ Traducio del dante," etc. at the foot ; Proheraio, vida del poeta, etc. al to a4 ; on the reverse of a4 the work commences, a5 to z8 in eights, two other sheets in eights, A to in eights ; " Breve Tratado," etc. Sheet P, six leaves (three of the six leaves of P wanting to the present copy) ; and Q. five leaves. The last copy which appeared in the market was that of Don Jos^ Miro (Paris, 1878), which fetched 1430 francs. Juan de Junta. 87742 CORTES. Las cortes de Valladolid . . Quademo de las cortes : que en Valladolid tuuo su magestad del Emperador . . el aiio de . 1523 . anos. . . sm. folio, hf. morocco, 24s . . Biirgos : por Juan de junta . . M.JD.xxix (1529) 37743 ENRIQUE. Htstoria de Herique hijo de dona Oliua Rey de Jerusale y Emperador de Costantinopla, M.D.xlviii. sm. 4to. black letter, tcoodcut on title, heautiftdly clean and 'perfect copy, exquisitely hound in red morocco super extra, double ivith blue morocco, richly gilt-tooled borders inside, by Thibaron-Joly, from the Seilliere library, £40. Impresso en Burgos en casa de Juan de Junta, Ano. M.D. xlviii (1548) Excessively rare, and unknown to Brunet, Salva, and Gallardo, who do not mention any edition printed at Burgos. Collation : A to D in eights. Phelipe Junta. 37744 FLORES Y BLANCAFLOR, La hystoria de los dos enamo- rados Flores y Blancaflor. Con licencia. Ano de. m.d.lxii. sm. 4to. ilack Utter, title loithin a woodcut border, beautiful copy, superbly bound in red morocco super extra, doubl^ ivith citron morocco, exqtiisitely gilt-tooled border, g. e. by Thibaron-Joly, £42. Impresso . . en Burgos en casa de Phelippe de Junta. Ar>o de M.D.Lxij. (1562) Excessively rake, and unknown to Brunet or Salva, who appear to TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS: SPAIN, SALAMANCA. 3875 have been ignorant of any edition printed at IJnrgos. The volume, which consists of 28 leaves, contains only tlie one signature, A, which includes the whole of it. It is printed in long lines, without pagination or catchwords. 37745 LVCANO tradvzido de verso Latino en prosa Castellana, por Martin Laso de Oropesa, sm. folio, woodcut on title, old calf gilt, from the Sunderland iihrarij, 'SOs Burgos, Fhelij^jJe de Itinta, 1578 The date is given from the colophon ; there being an error on the title, of Ixxxviii, instead of Ixxviii, corrected in writing ink by the printer. 37746 [Chanc^i (M.)] Historia aliquot nostri Sseculi Martyrum, cum pia turn lectu jucunda, 1 2mo. vellum, £4. JBurgis apud Philiirpum Juntain, 1583 A scarce work on the lives of Bishop Fisher and Sir Thomas More (the running title of which is " Historia Martyrum Angli.^"). Thi.s edition, made at Burgos for the Bishop of Evora, has a preliminary epistle by him, signed, " Theotonius a Braganra indignus Archiep. Eborensis." The author was a Carthusian named Maurice Chauncey. 37747 CHRONICA del famoso Cavallero CID Ryy Diez Campeador, folio, hf. morocco, £7. 10s Burgos . . Philippe de Junta y luan Baptista Varesio, 1593 37748 another copy, in the original vellum, from the Sunderland library, £10. 10s 1593 37749 another copy, red morocco extra by Hardy, from the libraries of M. Firmin Bidot and Baron Seilliere, £12. 12s 1593 (1485) Salamanca. Juan Gysser, Aleman. 37750 Leyes del estillo, y declaraciones sobre las leyes del fuero, sm. folio, gotfjic letter, ivoodcut on title, very large and fine copy tvith icncut leaves, bound, £5. . . Salamanca per Itian gysser aleman de Silgenstad . . mill . cccccij . a/7os (1502) Juan de Junta. 37751 OVIEDO Y YALDES . CORONICA DELAS INDIAS. La HYSTORIA general DE LAS InDIAS AGORA NUEUAMENTE IMPRESSA CORREGIDA Y EMENDADA. 1547. Y CON LA CONQUISTA DEL PeRU. [For Francisco de Xeres]. On reverse of title: .... escripta por el capitan Goncalo hernadez de Ouiedo z valdes : . . folio, title printed in red, with a woodcut border and the Royal Arms of Spain in black, other woodcuts in the text, fine clean sound copy in dark broion morocco extra, covered with blind tooling, gilt edges, £42. . . Salamanca por Juan de Junta : acabose a cinco dias del mes de Julio . mil z Quinie)itos z guarenta z siete anos (1547) 37752 another copy, folio, very fine and large copy in olive morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £66. 1547 Collation : title and libro primero, 4 leaves ; Comieuca el segundo libro, 3876 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOaUE. folios 1-cxcii ; Conquista del Peru, 23 folios including title, the first and last unnumbered ; on the reverse of the last occurs the colophon as above. The " Conquista del Peru ' is catalogued by Harrisse as a separate publi- cation, though the fact of its being mentioned on the title is evidence that it originally formed a part of the book. At folio x is a woodcut of the Arms of Columbus. 37753 Las Leyes del Estilo ; j declaraciones sobre las leres del Fuero, sm. folio, gotljtc Icttev, ivoodcut on title, hf. bd. 18s I. A. (Salamanca, Juan de Junta), 1550 Andrea de Portonariis. 37754 ALCOCER. Tratado del luego, compuesto per Fray Fracisco de Alco9er . . en el qual se trata copiosamente, quando los juga- dores pecan, . . y de las Apiiestas, Suertes, Torneos, lustas, juegos de Caiias, Toros, y Truhanes, con otras cosas jjrorecliosas J dignas de saber, sm. 4to. vellum, £15. Imijresso en Salamanca, en casa de Andrea de Portonariis, 1559 " Mui EARo. De esta obra . . . se pueden sacar noticias suma- mente curiosas devarios juegos antiguos, y de las fuUerias y tretas que usaban los tahures." — Salvd. (1489) Lisbon. Germao Gallarde. 37755 FLORANDO (Don). Comienca la coronica del VALIENTE Y ESFORCADO PRINCIPE DON FlORIANDO d'Inglatierra hijo cl'l noble y esforQado principe Paladiano enqaal se cuentan las grandes y mara- villosas aventuras que dio fin por amores d'la liermosa princesa Roselinda hija del empador de Eoma, folio, iltich ItiitXf numerous woodcuts^ erne or two defects of the most trifling description^ hut nevertheless a very fine and large copy, sumptuously hound in red morocco super extra, imth the Arms of Baron SeiUiere^ double iDitJi hlue tnorocco, the inside elegantly tooled and gilt^ hy Chamholle-Duru and Mar ius- Michel, from the Seillih-e lihrary, £100. At end : . . Fue impjressa en . . Lishona por Germd Gallarde . . Acahose a veynte dias del mes de Ahril . Enel ano de mil y (pdnientos y quarentay cinco anos (1545) Collation: title and prologue, 1 leaf each, and 251 num- bered leaves. Excessively rare. There was no copy in the Salva col- lection ; and none has occurred for sale since the White Knight's. TYPO. MONUMENTS: LISBON, VALLADOLID. 3877 Luis Rodriguez. 37757 ALVAREZ (Francisco) Ho Preste Joam das Ixdias. Verdadera Informa9am das terras do Preste Joam, segundo vie & escreueo lio Padre Francisco Aluarez, First Edition, sm. folio, lit. (jotf). large xvoodcut, j^artly coloured, on title, and the rare separate leaf at end, with printer s device, margin mended, old calf gilt, £50. Agora novamete imprcsso {Lishoa) . . em casa de Luis Rodriguez . . (At end) Acahouse no anno . . mil ^' quinhentos Si' qiiarenta annos (1540) FniST Edition, though the words agora novamente impresso might seem to imply an earlier. Alvarez went with a rortuguese embassy to Prester John in 1520-27. The value of this very rare volume has at least trcMcd during the course of the last few years. for the Spanish translation of 1561, to tvhich are added the Jesuit letters from Brazil and China — see ante under Zaragoza. (1492) Valladolid. Diego de Gumiel. 37758 PETRARCA. Francisco Petrarca Delos remedies contra prospera J adversa fortuna Con privelegio . Real . sra. folio, First Edition, a few leaves neatly mended and a preliminary leaf in heautif id facsimile, limp vellum, excessively rare, £6. 10s . . . es imprimido . . enla muy nohle villa d Valladolid par Diego de gumiel . . . xviij dias del mes de marqo del ano de . m. d. x (15 lU) Collation : a-z in eights (except o which has six leaves). A, 8 leaves ; B-F, in sixes. The absent preliminary leaf is a 8, which should be a woodcut of Christ between the Thieves. With the exception of a very imperfect copy which passed through my hands twelve years ago, the only two copies of which I can find any trace arc those in the Huth and Salva libraries. 37759 PEREZ DE GUZMAN (Hernan). MAR DE ISTORIAS Co PUiLEGio, small folio, fine title-page unthin xvoodcut harder, the first page of text also surrounded by an elaborate icoodcut border of Arabesques, fine copy in vellum, £30. Emprimiose en la noble villa de Valladolid por Diego de gumiel . . . M. D. xii anos (1512) Collation : title. 1 leaf ; table, 2 leaves ; dedication to the Bishop of Cordova, 1 leaf; the work a to I in sixes, or folios I-LXVI. With a singularly fine woodcut printer's mark at the end, a monogram within elegant borders and small woodcut figures. Edicion Principe of one of the great Spani.sh historical classics of the fifteentli century, that is, Generaciones, semhlanQos, y ohras de los ecelentes reijes de Es^yaria Don Enrique el terccro y Don Juan cl segu7ido y de los venerahles prelados y 7wtahles cavalleros que en los ticmpos destos reyes frieron. This is the original Memoirs of his own time by Hernan Perez de Guzman, and begins on the reverse of folio xlix. The first part of the book is his condensed adaptation of the narrative contained in the still unpublished Mare Jlistoriarum of Guido Colonna. Brunet only mentions the edition of 1531 of this Spanish Chronicle, and even that he had never seen. There was no copy of either in the Miro collectiou. 3878 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Juan de Villaquiran. 37760 MENA. Copilacion de todas las obras del famosissimo poeta Juan de mena: couiene saber Las. ccc. con otras. xxiiij. coplas J su glosa : y la Coronacio de las coplas de los siete pecados mortales con otras cartas y coplas y canciones suyas, small folio, three corners mended, otherwise a fine copy in citron morocco extra, from Ford's library, u'ith his bookplate and autograph, £6. Fueron empremidas . . . en la muy noble villa de Valladolid, por Juan de villaquiran. A costa de Cosine Damid A. ix. de deziebre. ATio. M.D. y. xl (IS-iO) 37761 GUEVARA (Antonio de) . Las obras del illustre senor don Antonio de gueuara, etc. folio, small hole in last few leaves, and a feic leaves stained at foot, eaee, £2. 8s . . . valladoli : . . . jua de villaquiran . . . M. D. xlv Collation : title, prologue and argument, 5 leaves (the sixth leaf, blank, absent) ; Decada de Cesares, a-q 4 (fol. cxxiv), on the reverse of which is the title to the ensuing piece, Menosprecio de Corte, q 5 to t, or folios cxxv-clii ; Aviso de Privados, v-z, &, o, and r' 1, folios cliii-cci ; Arte del Marear, r' 2- r' 8 and aa, or folios ccii-ccxiiii. All are in eights except the last, which has six leaves. Sebastian Martinez. 37762 CHRONICA del muy esclarescido Principe & Rey don Alfonso el Onzeno deste nobre de los reyes que reynaron en Castilla y en Leon . Padi-e q fue. del rey don Pedro, sm. folio, uotf)ic Itttcr, intitidation printed in red and black under a large woodcict ; vellum, from the Sunderland library, £2. 8s . . Valladolid a costa de Pedro de Espinosa . . y de Antonio d Zamora . . mil y qitinientos y cincuenta y un anos, en casa de Sebastian Marline:: . . (1551) The margins of the first three or four leaves have a small wormhole in them. 37763 CRONICAS. Coeoxica del Santo Rey Don Eernandd teeceeo de este nombre, que gauo a Sevilla y a toda el Andalazia. Cuyo cuerpo esta en la santa yglesia de la Ciudad de Sevilla, li't. gotfj. title in red and black, with woodcut in centre, fol. ii very slightly defective On title : Impresso en Sevilla . . 3I.D.XLIIII. At end : Impressa en Sevilla, en casa de Alonso de la Bar r era . . MDLxxxviiJ. An unknown reprint of 1588 of an unknown edition of 1544. Collation : A-F 4 in sixes, or 34 leaves including title. Cheonica del muy esclaeecido prixcipe, y eey don Alonso, el qual fue par de Emperador, y hizo el libro de las siete partidas. Y ansi mismo al fin deste libro va encorporada la Chronica del rey Don Sacho el Brauo, liijo de este rey don Alonso el Sabio. lit. gotfj. u-oodcut titles, containing figures of the Kings . . Fueron impressas en valladolid, a costa y en casa de Sebastian Marline;:. Acabaronse a diez y ocho de Henero de mil y quinientos y cinquenta y quatro AFios. (1554) Collation : title, 1 leaf ; A-K 6 in eights, or 78 leaves, the last being unnumbered. Chronica del muy valoroso rey don fernando [el Quaeto] Ret TYPO. MONUMENTS: SPAIN, VALLADOLID. 3879 DE Castilla y de Leon. ec. . . Nieto del rey do Alonso . . lit. Q(it\). looodcut on title Fue ivipressa en . . Valladolicl . . en casa (VSehastid Martinez. Ailo d M.D.Liiij. (1554) the above three Chronicles in 1 vol. folio, co7itemporary stamped calf, £10. 10s A set of very rare Chronicles not often found unitctl and in such good condition. The last two were edited by Miguel de Ilerrara. 37764 CiiKONiCA del mny esclarccido principe, y rey don Alonso, el qual fue par de Emperador, e hizo el libro delas siete partidas (y Chronica del rey don Sancho el bravo), ivormed — Chronica del muy valerosa Rey Don Fernando (el IV), visnieto del Sancto Rey Don Alonso Onzeno, que gano a Sevilla, folio ii mended and defective, folio xlix in MS. a leaf or two of table at end tvanting, and other leaves wormed — I vol. sra. folio, calf, 36.9 Valladolid, 1554 Other Printers. 37765 ESCOBAR. Las quatrocientas respdestas a otras tantas pre- guntas qnel Illiistrissimo senor don Fadrique enrriquez, Alniirate de Castilla y otras personas, embiaron a pregnntar en diversas vezes al atitor no nombrado, mas de que era frayle menor. Con quinientos proverbios, . . . M.D.L. — La Segunda Parte de las Quatrocientas respnestas . . . Con cincuenta declaraciones o glosas . . . M.D.L. II. — 2 vols, small folio, GOTHIC letter, tJie title and last leaf of second volume defective and mended, lif. morocco, gilt haclc, £10. Valladolid . . Francisco fernandez de Cordo2ia, M.D.L.; second part M.B.LII (1550-52) ^7*7&& another copy, 2 vols. sm. folio, perfect copy in red morocco extra by Clarice, from the Hamilton Palace library, £30. 1550-52 y!7Q7 another copy, 2 vols, small folio, broken morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £45. 1550-52 37768 NUS'EZ CABEgA DE VACA. La relacion y comentarios del gouernador Aluar nuiiez cabeya de vaca, de lo acaescido en las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. neatly bou7id, £32. . . Valladolid, por Francisco fernandez de Cordona . AFw de mil y cpuiniennientos (sic) y cinquenta y civco aFios. (1555) 37769 the saiiie, sm. 4to. fne copy in red morocco e.vtra, gilt edges, £40. 1555 Collation : A-S in eights ; between G and H two unnumbered leaves, being the beginning of the second part. A doubly remarkable volume, each of its parts taking a primary rank in the Annals of the New World. The Relacion (here printed for the second time, but of the first edition of which in 1542 only one copy is now extant) describes the wanderings of Cabc(,\i de Vaca with the luckless survivors of the expeditioji that had set out in \^2~ for the conquest of Florida (by which was meafet all the region afterwards known as Florida and Louisiana). It is the record of the first journei' made by Europeans through the United States. Cabeza de Vaca and a few others who survived the shipwreck of the expedition, were seized by the Indians on the Mississippi coast and held iu slavery for four years, but escaped and made their way inland across Texas to Sonora, or near 3880 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. to the inmost shore of the Gulf of California. Thence he and his three companions traversed the country southwards, and succeeded in reaching Mexico once more. On his return to Spain in lo.S?, having failed to get the governorship of Florida, which had been given to Soto, he obtained that of the Kiver Plate in 1540. He arrived in Uruguay in /541, and proceeded to Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, where Spanish authority was now seated, the site of Buenos Ayres having been abandoned. His work thenceforward was the exploration of the regions around the Paraguay and Pai'ana, the conciliation of the Indian tribes, and the discovery of the route towards Peru. He was however made prisoner by mutineers, and sent back to Spain in 1545. His secretary Pedro Hernandez wrote tiiis narrative (which is the first printed account of the Plata region), to which is appended a Relaeion made in 1545 by Hernando de Ribera, whom Cabeza de Vaca had sent on a journey of exploration northwards up the River Paraguay. 37770 OVIEDO Y VALDES. Libro. xx. Dela segunda parte de la general historia delas Indias, Escripta por el Capitan Gon^alo Fernandez de Ouiedo, j Valdes . . . Que trata del estrecho de Magallanes. sm. folio, vellum, from the Sunderland library, extremely rare, £28. . . Valladolid, por Frdcisco Fernandez de Gordoua, En este ano de. M.D.Lvii. (1557) see ante under Seville : Cromberger. 37771 SILVA (Juan de) Historia Famosa del Principe donPolicisne de Boecia, liijo y vuico lieredero de los Reyes de Boecia Minandro, y Gruniedela, y de sus ilustres lieclios, y memorables hazaiias, y altas cauallerias. Aliora nvevamente sacado a luz por Don luan de Silua, y de Toledo, sm. folio, the title reproduced in fac- simile b2it omittinr/ the woodcut, hrown morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Belz-Niedree, loith the Seilliere arms on sides, £4. 4s Valladolid ano de MBCII por los herederos de luan Ynigiiez de Lequerica (1602) 37772 the same, sm. folio, perfect, a very large and fine copy in Spanish calf, £7. 10s ' ' 1602 The date of this volume carries it properly out of the category of early books which, by a rough division equally applicable to Spanish and to English literature, might be said to include all that were printed in the fifteenth and most of those that were printed in the sixteenth century. But as a very rare volume, belonging to a series of romances distinctive of the sixteenth century, its appearance here may be excused. (1496) Granada. Juan Varela de Salamanca. 37773 ALCALA (Pedro). Arte para ligeramente saber la longua arauiga emendata y anadida y segundamente impriixiida — Vocabulista arauigo en letra castellana — 2 parts in 1 vol. thick sm. 4to. ivith an alphabet in the Arabic characters, a fine and perfect copy in olive morocco, gilt edges, by Thompson of Paris, £16. 16s G-ranada, Juan Varela de Salamanca, 1505 37774 the same, 1 vol. sm. 4to. fine, very large and perfect copy in old calf £20. _ 1505 " Livre fort rare, surtout quand il est complet . . . Le vocabulaire seul a etc vendu jusqu'a 500 fr." — Brunei. \ Other Printers. 37775 NEBRISSENSIS (^lius Antouius). Habes in hoc volumine amice lector. yElii Antonii Nebrissensis rerum a Fernando & TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS: SPAIN, GRANADA. 3881 Elisabe . . . gestar. Decades duas, 8 unnumhered and 80 mtm- bered leaves ; Reverendissimi . . . Domiiu Roderici Tolotanie Dicecesis Arcluepiscopi rerum in Hispauia gestai-um Chronicon, etc. 4 unnumhered and 122 numbered leaves (the last mtynbered 124 b)j error) — in 1 vol. iolio, fine copies, calf gilt, £3. 10s GranatcB, 1545 There should be a third piece, " Episcopi gerundcnsis I'aralipomenon hispaniic," etc., but the three are very rarely found together. "Primera ediciou . . . No recuerdo haber visto libro alguno, impreso en aquella epoca, mas inagnifico que el presente : el papel es bermoso, y la edicion bellisima," etc. — Salvd. 37776 Cedylas Prouisioxes visitas y Ordenaqas do los Sennores Reyes Catholicos y de sus Maiestades y Autos de lossenores Presidente y Oidores cocernientes a la facil y buena expedicion de los negocios y administracion de lusticia y gouei-nacion de la Audiencia Real que reside en la Ciudad de Granada, sm. folio a fetv inner margins a little ivormed, otJienvise fine copy, Spanish calf, £5. 5s [Granada, 1551] Folios clxxiii, including title (which is within a woodcut border, sur- mounted by the Arms of Spain) ; '• Repertorio," eight leaves. A rai'e collection of Laws, extending from the year 1488 to the date of publication. Under the year 1521 occurs: "Provision de la instruccion y facultad que se dio a los Juezes que se embiaron alas Isl.4.s de Grax C.^nauia." Under 15.3.5: " Cedula de su Magestad para que se remitan las appellaciones de los Juezes de la Casa de la Contkactacion de Seyilla alos del coxsejo de las Indias y no se conozca aqui dellas." This was printed by the printer whose only mark is a Y in the title border. 37777 Frrnaxdez (Tello) Prima pars Commentarioi'vm in Constitvtiones Tavrinas, avthore Tellio Ferdinandez . . sm. folio, title within woodcut border, vellum, lbs Granatce, Hugo a Mena Sf Henerius Rabnt, 1560 A commentary on the Leyes de Toro. 37778 MARMOL CARVA.TAL (Lvys del) Primera parte de la descrip- cion general de Affrica, con todos los successes . . desde que Mahoma inueto su secta, hasta el ano del seiior mil y quinientos y setenta y vno ; Libro tercero y Segvndo Volvmen de la pi'imera parte ... 2 vols. Granada, Rene liahut, 1573 ; — (Vol. Ill) Segvnda Parte y libro septimo . . . donde so con- tiene las Prouincias de Nuraidia, Libia, la tien-a de los Negros, la baxa y alta Etiopia y Egipto . . the first book printed at Malaga, Juan Ee)ic, 1529 — together .'> vols. sm. folio, with the autograph of the Author " lays del marmol" on fol. \, Vol. I ; vellum, covered with leather, from the Sunderland library, £12. 1573-99 The third volume is of the most excessive I'arity, and it may be easily imagined tiiat tlie opportunity to secure a complete set seldom occurs. El tercero (volumen es tan raro que he visto en general poner en su lugar la Historia del rebelion de los moriscos. — Salvd. 37779 SYLUA DE VARIOS ROMANCES, en el qual se contienen muchos y diuersos Romances de hystorias nueuas. Recopilado por luan de Mendaiio . . 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. fine copy iti old red morocco, from Croft's library, and afterwards from the Bedford library, Hamilton Palace, unique, £55. Granada, Hugo de Mena, 1588 This is the only copy known of a book which has never been described 3882 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. aud of which only a vague mention has been made by Brunet and others on the faith of a scanty statement in Antonio's Bibliotheca Hispana. Juan de Mendano "estudiante natural de Salamanca" is nowhere else recorded in the lists of Spanish writers. lie may have been merely the editor, although it is possible that some of the romances in the parte primera have emanated from his pen. The contents of this precious volume are as follows. — Pait 1 : Don Juan of Austria and the Sultau, three romances corresponding to three which are in Anonimos No. 818 of Gallardo ; Coronacion de Carlos V, Como el Rey Fran- cisco fue i)reso, Como el Emperador hizo retirar al Turco de sobre Viena, Armada de Tuuez ; Muerte de los Luteranos, 1572, en Francia, Saco de Roma 1527, Como salio a caga el gran Turco, Bernardo del Carpio ; Infantes de Lara, 6 romances ; En un monte junto a Burgos ; Ciego de polvo los ojos 2 romances of the Gran Capitan ; 5 romances of Cipion, Nero, Sophronia, Scevola. — Part 2:11 Cid romances, 4 Moriscos, and 20 others. (1498) Tarragona. 37780 Canones Paenitentiales cum quibusdam notis Antonii Augustini Archiepiscopi Tarraconensis, sm. 4to. autograph of " Desportes " the Poet, fine copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome, ivith the hooh-plate of the Duke of Sussex, £2. 16s Tarracone apud Philippum Mey GIqIqXXGII (1582) This rare volume contains : Paenitentiale Romanum ; Ven. Bedaj de Remediis Peccatorum ; Rabani ^Nlauri Pfenitentium Liber ; Gregorii Nysaeui Epistula Canonica ; Gregorii Thaumaturgi Epistulse Canonicte Canon ultimus ; and, Canones Pa^nitentiales Astenses. (1501) Alcala de Henares. Arnaldus Guillelmus (de Brocario). 37781 CHRYSOLORAS. Erotemata clirysolorae . . sm. 4to. Greece et Latine, russia extra, from the Salvd library, £2. 10s Impressum in compluti academia ab Arnaldo Guillelmo Bro- cario . Anno Bni . M. ccccc. xiiij. Die vero decimo Aprilis. (1514) A VERY RARE EDITION ; and perhaps the first Greek book printed in Spain. Contains 160 11., the last mended. The Latin version is interlinear in gothic letters. The title has the Arms of Card. Ximenes. The last leaf is neatly mended. 37782 ANGLERII (Petri Martyris) De Orbe Nouo Decades, sm. folio, exceedingly fine large and clean copy, with some edges uncut, red morocco, gilt edges, with Charles Ashburnhanis arms on sides, £25. Gura Sj- diligentia Antonii Nebrissensis fuerunt hce tres proto- notarii Fetri martyris decades Impressce in contubernio Arnaldi Guillelmi in Illustri oppido carpetance pulci(B copluto quod uulgariter dicitur Alcala pfectu est nonis Nouebris An. 1510 37783 the same, sm. folio, very fine copy in red morocco super extra, gilt marbled edges, by Lortic, £21. 151G This second edition of the Decades is, if possible, of greater rarity than the first of 1511, which however contains only the First Decade. This there- TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : SPAIN, ALCALA. 3883 fore is the fiust edition of thk second and third Decades, the remaining five not having been published till lo30. Contains : title and text, sixty-four leaves ; Vocabula Barbara, three leaves. The treatise Legatio Bahilonica mentioned by Harrisse (Biblioth, Vetustissima, No. 88) is not in either of these copies. 37784 BIBLIA SACRA VOLYGrLOTT A, Hehraice, Ckal- dm'ce, Greece^ cum tribus interpretationibus Latinis, sumtibus Cardinalis D. F. Francisci Ximenez de CiSNEROS impressa, etc. G vols, in 4, folio, including the Greek Preface to St. PcmVs Epistles, ichich is seldom found in the hook^ some leaves in the New Testament and the Vocabularies slightly tvormed, calf\ from the Sunderland lihrary., £110. Compluti^industria Am. Guil de Brocario^ 1514-17 This copy fetched £195 at the Sunderland Sale, December, J881. 57785 BIBLIA SACRA POLYGLOTTA, another copy of the above, loith the Greek Preface to St. PauVs Epistles, G vols, folio, very fine copy., icith the Car- dinal's Arms emblazoned in gold and colours on the titles, in red morocco extra, (/ilt edqes, by C. Lewis, £200. ' ' 1514-17 37786 NEBRISSENSIS (Aelij Antonij) Dictionarium [Latino-His- panum et Hispano-Latinum] per ennde recoguituj atqj exac- tissime correctuni . . 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, gotljic letter, dotihle columns, the title printed in red, leaves G 1 ajid G 8 in the second part missing, duplicates of G 2 and 7 having been substituted for them as far back as the time when the booh xvas issued; limp vellum wrapper, clean copy, £2. 16s . . Compluti . . Millesimo quingetesimo . xx . in ojfficina Arnaldi guillelmi de Brocario . , (1520) Michael de Eguia. 37787 TRATADO DE RE MILITART. Tratado de Canalleria hecho a manera de dialogo q passo entrc los illustrissimos seiiores Don Gon^alo Fernandez de Coidoua llamado Gran capitan Daq d' Sessa . &c. y Don Pedro Maricj^ de Lara duq de Najara . . sm. folio, rjotljl'c letter, xvith figures of vtanoiuvres in warfare, red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by C'hambolle-Duru, from the Seilliere library, £16. 16s Acabose la presente ohra en casa de Miguel de Eguya . . M.D.v.vxvi . . (1530) First edition, excessively rare, of a military treatise by Diego de Salazar, one of the Gran Capitan's best officers. He professes to have derived his matter from the actual conversations of his chief ; but whether tliat be true or not. the work is no doubt au exposition of the practical science that made the Spanish troops the best in Europe iu the sixteenth ceuturv. 267 3884 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 37788 ANGLERIA. De Orbe Nouo Petri Martyris ab Anglei-ia Medio- lanensis Protonotarii Cesaris senatoris decades, small folio, beautiful tvoodcut border to the title representing the labours of Hercules, upper margins stained, vellum, £36. Compluti aptul Michaele d' Egttia Anno, M.D.xxx. From the Kamirez library, at the sale of which it fetched £51. 37789 ■ the same, small folio, fine copnj in pmyle morocco extra, by Bedford, £50. 1530 First complete edition of the eight decades, and excessively rare. Juan de Brocar. 37790 MARINEO. Obra Compuesta por Lucio Marineo Siculo Coro- nista d' sus Majestades de las cosas memorables de Espaiia, sm. folio, gotjt'c letter, title printed within tvoodcut border and beneath the Spanish arms, a little ivater-stained, vellum, £5. 5s . . Alcala de Henares . . luan de Brocar . . Mil y Quinientos y Treynta y Nueue Anos (1539) On folio 28 there is a chapter on the Basque and ancient Spanish language. On folio 161 he gives an account of the discovery of the Antipodes by Pedro Colon. 37791 QuESTioDE AMOR. Agora nueuamente impressa : con algunas cosas afiadidas, sm. 4to. lit. gotf). old calf, vert rare, £4. 4s Empri^niose en . . Alcala de Henares en casa de Joan de Brocar: a. xvii. dias del mes de Julio : ano . . de mil y quinientos y quarenta (1540) Collation : 74 leaves including title, or A-H in eights, and I ten leaves. 37792 LOBERA DE AVILA. Remcdio de Cuerpos liumanos y silua de exp'iencias y otras cosas vtilissimas : nneuamente compuesto por . . Luys Lobera de Anila, lit. ptl}. s. I. et a. 11 prelim, leaves, 183 numbered leaves, and leaf of table. Verge! de Sanidad que por otro uombre se llamaiia Banquete de Caballeros, lit. got!), title in MS. Alcala de Henares, Joan de Brocar, 1542 102 numbered leaves, and leaf of colophon, which in this copy is placed after the title. Libro de Pestilecia curatiuo y preseruatiuo : y de fiebres pestilenciales, . . en romace Castellano y latin s. I. et a 10 prelim, leaves, and 42 numbered leaves. the above three works in 1 vol. sm. folio, hf. bd. very IRA'R'E, ivith arms of "/. Gomez de la Cortina," in gold on the sides, £3. . 37793 LEYES Y ORDENANQAS NUEUAMETE HECHAS POR SU MAGESTAD p,a la gouernacion de las Indus y buen TRATAMIENTO Y CONSERUACION DE LOS InDIOS : que Se ban de guardar en el consejo y audiecias reales q en ellas residen : y por todos los otros gouernadores, juezes y personas particulares dellas, sm. folio, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Ghambollc- Duru, £50. . . Fueron impressas pior mandado . . del cosejo de las Ind.ias : en la villa de Alcala de Henares: en casa de loan de Brocar . . M.D.XTjIII . (1543) First and excessively rare edition of the publication known amono; TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : SPAIN, ALCALA. 3885 historians as the " Nuevas Leycs," which have, says 'Slv. Ilarrisse, been the cause of so much mischief. Ixich calls the volume "the first collection of printed laws relating to the New World ;" and Ternaux, " le premier recueil qui ait eto publie." It is not, however, a collection or Kecoj)ilacion, but Ordinances of Charles V, issued especially to ensure the better treatment of the Aborigines, and for limiting the partition of lands among the conquistador es. 57794 GUP]VARA (Antonio de) Libro primero d las epistolas fami- liars s del Reuerendissimo seiioi' don Antonio de Gueuara . . Ay en este epistolario cartas muy notables . . sm. folio, uatf)ic Utter, title in red and hlacJc within woodcut border, fine copy in old rough hiiiding, £3. 16s . . Alcala de Henares . . Tnan de Brocar . . '))iill y (pdnientos y citicnenta y vno . . (1551) A fine drawing in Indian ink after the author's portrait in the Valladolid Museum is inserted. This copy was presented by Juan Perez Calvo to Don Jose de Salamanca. Juan Iniguez de Lequerica. 57795 OCAMPO Y MORALES. Los cinco libros primeros de la Coronica general de Espaiia, que reeopilana el maestro Floria de Ocapo, Alcala, luan Iniguez de Lequerica, 1578 — [Libros vi-x :] La Coronica general de Espaiia . Que continuaua Ambrosio de Morales . . Prossiguiendo adelante de los cinco libros, que el Maestro Florian de Ocampo . . dexo escritos . . ib. id. 1594 — Morales, Los otros dos libros (xi, xii) . . ib. id. 1577-^Morales, Las Antiguedades de las Ciudades de Espana, ib. id. 1575 — Morales, Los cinco libros postreros (xiii-xvii), Cordova, Gabriel Samos Bejarano, 1586 — 5 vols, in 4, sm. folio, old veau, fauve gilt, £7. 106- 1574-86 57796 Ortunez de Calahorra. Espeio de Principes y Cavalleros, en el qual en tres libros se cuentan los immortales beclios del Cavallero del Febo, y de su hermano Rosicler, liijos del grande Emperaclor Trebacio. Con las altas cauallerias, y muy estraiios araores de la muy hermosa, y estremada Princesa Claridiana, y de otros altos Principes y Caualleros. — Segunda parte del Espejo de Principes y Caualleros, dividida en dos libros : donde se trata de los altos hechos del Emperador Trebacio, y de sus cares liijos, el gran Alphebo, e iuclito Rosicler, y del muy excelete Claridiano, liijo del cauallero del Febo, y de la i]mpe- ratriz Claridiana, bijo del cavallero del Febo,y delaexcelentissima Arcliisilora reyna de Lira, y de otros muy altos Principes. Compuesto por Pedro la Sierra lufanQon ; — in 1 vol. folio, a large woodcut on each title, red morocco siqjcr extra, by Cham- bolle-Duru, with the Arms of Baron Seilliere, £28. Alcala de Henares en casa de luan Iniguez de Leguerica, Am de 1580 I'art I. title and prologue, 4 leaves unnumbered, and 320 numbered leaves ; part II, 141 numbered leaves, including title. A magnificent copy of this rare volume, from the Sapienza library at Rome. There was no copy in tiic Salva collection, and Rrunct gives a very meagre account of this edition. 207 * 388G BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. (1505) Toro. Pedro de Pascua of Salamanca. 37797 QuADERNO DE LAS LEYES Y NUEUAS DECisioES sobre ks duclas de derecho . . las quales se imprimieron por Pedro d' pascua vezino de Salamaca con priuilegio que otro ninguno no las pneda imprimir . . sm. folio, tjotj^ic Utter, 10 leaves, hound, large copy, £6. s. n. (Toro, 1505) The title as partly given above recites the royal privilege ordering that the printed copy signed b}' Juan de Prado should be equal in authority to the MS. original. This copy has the autograph signature at end " del bachiller ioha dprado." On the back is a memorandum concerning the publication of the book, all in the autograph of " Castaiieda" a royal Jues at Toro. 4 April, 1505 ; which shows that the work was actually printed at Toro, not at Salamanca. (1516) Coimbra. Joao de Barreyra and Joao Alvarez. 7798 LOPEZ DE CASTANHEDA (Fernao) Historia DO DeSCOBRIMENTO & CONQUISTA DA InDIA PELOS Portugueses, 8 books in 3 vols. sm. folio, Bk. G wmits 2 II. in sig. M, old calf gilt, bound for Lord Sunderland loitli his arms on the sides, £150. Coimbra, Joa. de Barreyra, 1552-61 With Autograph of the Author, "Fernao Lopez de Castanheda," at the end of the first and fifth books. Collation : Book I, title, 1 leaf ; prologue, 1 leaf ; A-M 6 in eights, the last leaf blank. Book II, title, 1 leaf ; prologue, 1 leaf ; table, 2 leaves ; A-P in eights. Book III, title, 1 leaf ; prologue, 1 leaf ; A-T in eights and V six leaves. Books IV and V, title and table, 2 leaves ; prologue, 1 leaf ; " Ad invic- tissimnm .... Rege," I leaf ; A-N in eights, and 4 leaves. Book VI, title, 1 leaf ; Privilege, 1 leaf ; A-IST 4 in eights. Book VII, title, 1 leaf ; prologue, 1 leaf ; A-L 6 in eights. Book VIII, title, 1 leaf; prologue, I leaf; A-S 6 in eights. The second, third, and eighth books are printed in Roman letter, the others in Gothic, and there are woodcuts in the second book. It is an event of extremely rare occurrence when the whole eight books of the original Castanheda are thus found together. Even odd volumes fetch long prices. Only one copy of the eight parts is described as having passed through the market — which belonged to Colbert, Fleurieu, and Heber, in succession, and that was deficient of several leaves in various parts. The present copy is perfect with the small exception of the two leaves specified above. TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : SPAIN, CUENCA. 3887 (1521) Evora. Andrea de Burgos. 37799 RESENDE (Garcia de). Livro das obras de Garcia do Reseude, que tracta da vida ... do cliristianissimo . . principe . . . dom loam lio segundo . . . Vay mais acrescetado nouamente a cste liure liua Miscellanea e trouas do mesmo auctor , . sm. folio, Editio Princeps, a feiv stains, but good copij in vellavi, £10. lOi- Euora . . Anclree de Bicrgos . . 1554 Title, prologue, etc. six leaves ; A-V in eights (except 1', six leaves), table, four leaves. (1532) Cuenca= Juan de Canova. 37800 CASTILLO. Proverbios de Salomo interpretados en metro Espafiol, J glosados por fray Francisco del Castillo . . sm. 8vo, agenda size, vellum, £16. 16s Ciienca por Iican de Canoua en el ano de 1558 Collation : title and preliminary matter, six leaves ; folios 1-2G0, and two leaves for the colophon and errata. Very rare work of Spanish Poetry, unknown as well as its author to iSalva and Ticknor. The imprimatur of the Liceuciado Serna is dated Cuenca, 1558. — As a specimen of the translator's style, I may give one quatrain : El nombre de Dios es torre Y fuerte muro Y el justo que a ella corre Va seguro. (15343 Medina del Campo. 37801 PEREIRJE (Cometii) Antoniana Margarita, opus nempe physicis, medicis, ac tlieologis non minus utile quam necessarium, 1554—- Michaelis a Palacios Objectiones adversus nonulla ex Paradoxis AntonianK Margarita?, 1555 — Nova veraque Medicina per Gometiuni {sic) Pereiram, 1558 ;— in 1 vol. folio, fine copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome, £2. 16s Metltymnce Duelli (Medina del Campo) 1554-58 The first is a curious philosophical work, from which Descartes was accused of having plagiarized. Pereira attempts to prove that beasts arc purely machines. 37802 Pena (Antonio de la) Vida y milagros de la bien auenturada Sancta Catherina de Sena, sm. folio, velhom, 20s En Medina del Campo . . por Francisco del Canto, 1569 37803 QuADERNO DE ALGUNAS LEYES : que no csta cn el libro de las prema- ticas : que por mandado de sus magestades : sc manden imprimir ; este alio de. M.D. xliiij. anos, sm. folio, gatljfc letter, grand wood- cut of the imperial arms on the title-page toith inscription " Apvd Gvillelmvm. de Millism," relUm, £2. 16s medina del campo : por Tedro de Castro . . mil S,' quinientos y quareta y quatro (1544) Bound up with the following :— Diaz (II.) Summa dc Notas de Valdc- 3888 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. penas, Toledo, 1543 — Aranzel de los EsCTivanos, Salamanca, Juan de Jimta, 1544 — Quaderno de Alcaualas, ih. 1543 — Prematica y Aranzel, Ocafia, 1531 — Leyes de la Hermandad, Salamanca, 1540 — Leyes, etc. de las Lanas y Paiios, ib. 1543 — Ordenancas de los Panos, etc. Burgos, 1527 — Leyes del Estilo, s. I. et a. — Prematicas de los Trajes, Valladolid, s. a. — Forma libelandi por el famoso Doctor el Doctor Infante, Salamanca. J. de Junta, 1543, all in hl&tk letter. 37804 SENECA. Inti'oduction a los Prouerbios de Seneca : Por el doctor Pero Diaz . . corregido y emeudado, sm. folio, got!)ic letter, title in red and black within elegant woodcut border, fine co^y in limp velliom, from the Sunderland library, 21s . . Medina del Campo, en casa de Guillermo de Minis, uiiio. M.D.LII. (1552) (1547) Orense (in Galicia). 37805 DIAZ TANCO. [Libi-o intitulado Palinodia de la neplianda y fiera nacion de los Turcos, y de sii engaiioso arte y cruel modo de giieri"ear, etc.] sm. folio, with large looodcut of Godfrey of Bouillon, no title, red morocco extra, blind tooled, by Ghambolle Duru, rvith the Anns of Baron Seilliere, excessively rare, £15. . . fue ympresso enla ciiodad de Orense que es en Galizia . . aiio de . . m.q.xxxxvij (1547) Collation : nine unnumbered preliminary leaves (of 10) and 62 leaves, all, except the first, numbered. The first book printed in Orense, — produced by the author at his own private press. (1564) Guadalajara. 37806 LOPEZ DE MENDO^A. Memorial de cosas notables, com- puesto por Don Yiiigo Lopez de Mendo^a, folio, iiery fine large copy, red viorocco, the sides blind tooled and gilt, DOUBLE njitli broivn morocco, blind tooled panel inside, gilt edges, by Belz- Niedree, with the Arms of Baron Seilliere, in a case, £10. . . Guadalajara por Pedro de Eobles y Francisco de Gormellas, M.D.LX.IITl This is the earliest known book printed at Guadalajara. (1577) Cordova. 37807 Perez de Oliya. Las Obras del Maestro Fernan Perez de Oliva natvi'al de Cordona . . Con otras cosas que van aiiadidas . . sm. 4to. toithout the two leaves of Errata which were afterioards printed, in the original binding, rebacJced, £3. 10s Cordoiha, Gabriel Bamos Bejarano, 1586 Published by Morales, who was the nephew of Oliva. The edition was suppressed by the Inquisition and has become very rare. It contains three dramatic pieces in prose, besides other works. see also ante, No. 37795 under Alcala, Lequerica. (1578) Bilbao. 37808 PO^A. Hydrografia . . e?i que de mas de un derrotero general, se ensena la nauegacion por altui'a y derrota, y la del Este TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : SPAIN, BILBAO. 3889 Oeste . . Compuesta por . . Andres de Po9a . . sm. 4to. Spanish calf, £5. Im'presso . . en Bilbao por Mathias Mares, . . 1585 " Rare. Collation : title, 1 leaf ; prologue, table, etc., 3 leaves ; libro primero, 40 leaves ; libro scgundo, 142 leaves, and 2 unnumbered leaves of table. At the end of the Hydrografia proper, there is Discurso hydrografico sobre la navegacion del Catayo, taken from William Bourne's " Regiment for the Sea," published at London a few years earlier. 37809 PO(^A. De la antigva lengva, poblaciones, j comarcas de las Espaiias, en que de paso se tocan algunas cosas de la Cantabria. Compucsto por el Liceciado Andres de Po^a . . sm, 4to. fine copy in limp vellum ivrapper, £7. 10s Bilbao por Mathias Mares . . 1587 On the reverse of the end fly-leaf, these lines arc ^Titten in an Eliza- bethan hand : Yf thow he younge, then marry not yett Foryf thow be old thow hast ther mo' wytt For yfE younge men's wytte will not be tought Then old men's wytts are good for nought. (1599) Malaga. ]SIARMOL CARVAJAL (Luys del) Descripcion de Affrica, Segunda Parte, Malaga, 1592 — see ante, No. 37778. 37810 Historia del Rebelion j Castigo de los Moriscos del Reyno de Granada, sm. folio, First Edition, tvoodcut of arms on title-page, bound, fine copy, £2. 16s Malaga por luan Bene . . mil y seys cientos (1600) Books w^ithout imprints; and collections with various imprints. 37811 Segura (Didaci de) Solennis et eleganti.ssima repetitio . . S. n. — Palacios Ruuios (lohannis Lupi) Opusculum de obtentionis retentionisq5 Regni NauaiTe iusticia, title absent, Salmantice, 1517 — Infante (el doctoi-) Forma libelladi, cxirious tvoodcut on title, Seuilla, lacobo cromberguer, mil Sf quinientos Sf doze anas (1512) — Leyes de Toro. Quaderno de las leyes, icoodcut on title, S. n. (about 1510) — all in 1 vol. sm. folio, Qat\)ic letter, old calf, from the Sunderland library, £7. 7s 1512-17, etc. 37812 Quaderno de las leyes . . las quales se ympi-imieron per man- dado del Rey becha (sic) en la cibdad de Toro . . sm. folio, rj0tf}fc letter, woodcut on title, hf. morocco, £5. S, n. (? Salamanca or Sevilla about 1506) 37813 Leyes del quaderno nueuo de las rentas de las alcanalas & fran- quezas . Fecho en la vega de Granada . . (1490) sm. folio, gotljic letter, bound, fine copy, £b. os S. n. (? Sevilla, about 1500) Kai-e; only one other copy being known, which is in the Biblioteca Provincial of Seville. Spanish books printed abroad. 37814 ESPLANDIAN. Las sekgas del virtuoso cauallero espladian HiJO DE amadis dk gaula, folio, large icoodcut on title, magtiifi' 3890 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. cent copy in red morocco super extra, xoith the Arms of Baron Seilliere, double with hrown onorocco, richly tooled and gilt in the Grolier style, gilt edges, hy Ghamholle-Buru and Marius Michel, in a case, excessively rare, £70. Oia reverse of folio ex (misprinted cxiii) : Fne impresso . . por Jacobo de Junta e Antonio de Salamanca lihrero acahose primero dia de Setiembre anno . . de mille e cjuinientos veinte Y cinco A7inos (1525) The volume consists of 114 leaves, including title, the last four being the Table ; all, except the title, numbered. It was printed in Rome. A copy was priced by Tross, 1500 francs in 1871, that being the only one which has appeared in the market since Heber's. This edition was unknown to Gallardo, nor is there any copy in the Salva collection. Both Salva and Brunet merely cite it from Heber's catalogue. 37815 PALMERIN DE OLIVA. Palmerin de Oliua & sus grandes fechos, sm. folio, rjotfjic kttct, woodctit title-page ; choicely bound in red morocco super extra, double, the interior linings exquisitely gilt tooled to a pattern of tJie time of Henry IV, by Chambolle-Buru and Marius Michel, gilt marbled edges, the Seilliere arms in gilt on the outside, in a case, £50. Emprimido en Venetia, por Gregorio de Gregoriis . 3I.D.XXVL (1526) Magnificent copy of this rare edition, from the Sapienza library at Eome, in perfect preservation. There was no copy in the Salva collection; only one is mentioned by Gallardo, and only an imperfect one by Brunei. 37816 [VALDES (Juan de)] Dialogo de Mercurio Y Ca 1 ron : eu que allende de muchas cosas graciosas j de buena | doctrina : se cuenta lo que ha acaescido en la guerra | desdel alio de mill y Qujnjentos y veynte y | vno hasta los desafios delos Reyes de | francia & Ynglaterra hechos al ] Empei-ador en el ano de j MDxxyiii, 73 leaves [A-I in eights, and K 2 leaves, but the second leaf of K quite blanh'] — Dialogo : en que particularmente ce tratan : las cosas | acaecidas en Roma : el ano de | M.D.XXvii, 34 leaves \_a-c in eights, and d ten leaves'] — 2 parts in 1, sm. 4to. rjotfjtc letter, very fine copies in the original limp vellum, £20. *S'. n. {? Venice or Naples, about 1530) These excessively rare pieces were probably jiriuted in A''enice. Although printed anonymously, since Valdes was known to be a follower of the new learning, and owed his safety to the faA'our with which he was regarded by the Emperor, the book itself was destroj'ed wherever recognized. Peter Martyr Vermiglioli and Bernardo Ochino were induced by Valdes to desert the Church of Kome ; and through them we may trace his influence on the course of English Reform. 37817 [Veneris Tribunal. Ludovico Scriva cavallero valenciano] Tribunal de Venus, CfOtllic letter, 12mo. tvanting the four prelimi- nary leaves, including the title ; red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Chamholle-Duru, fro7n the Seilliere library, £2. 16s . . Venecia . . M.D. XXXVII . per Aurelio pincio Veneciano . . (1537) Apparently only one other copy known; and of the two Brunet seems to make two different editions, through the mistake of some one who wrote Valencia for Venecia. The book is a curious example of romantic allegorical prose narrative interspersed with verses. TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : NORTHERN EUROPE. 3891 37818 (CORONICA DEL GRAN CONDESTABLE.) Comien^a la Corooica cle don Aluaro de Luna Condestable dc los Reynos de Castilla y de Leon : Maestre y administrador de la orden y eaualleria dc Santiago, folio, First Edition, ptfjic letter, the title hearing intitidation in red and a large woodcut equestrian portrait with a border (12-^ inches in height), a little mended, fine copy, vellum, £12. File Inijpressa la presente obra en la Qibdad de Milan par luan Antonio de Castellono Impressor : A. xxiij. dias del Mes de Otubre de M. B. xlvj Aiios (1546) 37819 the same, folio. First Edition, extremely fine and large copy in old calf gilt (13|- inches), £20. 1546 Very rare. " This first edition is a book of the greatest rarity among the Chronicles of Spain." — Salvd. 37820 BOSCAN. Las obras de Boscan y algvnas de Garcilasso dela Vega . . a de mas qve ay mvchas anadidas . ., 12mo. red morocco extra, gilt edges, £4. [Roma^ Estampado par M. Antonio de Salamanca . . 1547 37821 CANCIONERO GENERAL [de Fernando del Castillo] : qve contiene myebas obras de Diuersos Autores antiguos, con algu- nas cosas nueuas de modernos, de nueuo corregido y impresso, sm. 8vo. perfect copy in hf morocco, £28. Anvers, Philippo Nucio, 1573 37822 another copy, sm. 8vo. perfect, in red morocco super extra, by Chambolle-Duru, ivith the Arms of Baron Seilliere, £25. 1573 37823 ■ — another copy, as described heloio, in old calf, £6. 10s 1573 " This is as rare as the Komancero of 1614, and is a book of great value there being no modern reprint of it." — J. W. B. The last of the above copies is peculiar in having passed through the hands of Inquisitors for correction. It has two stamps of the Holy Office impressed on the title, and another upon the last leaf at foot of an autograph attestation, dated 1595, by Fray Pedro de Aguirre, in which he certifies having corrected the volume. The result of his correction was that folios 172, 173, and half of 174, were cut away, and have only been replaced in MS. by a seventeenth centuiy hand. The edition of 1573 contains several pieces which are not in that of 1557, so that it is indispensable even in collections where the latter is found. ' 6. NORTHERN EUROPE. (1483) Stockholm. 37824 Een Handbook, ther vthi Dopelsen vch annat meer Christeligha forhandlas. Forbattrat och formeerat, sm. 4to. ivith woodcut border to title, sd., rare, £2. [At end ;] Tryht i StocJcholm, uff Andrea Gutterwitz M.B.BXXXVL (1586) (1493) Copenhagen. 37825 Ordinatio Ecclesiastica Reguorum Daniro et Norwcgire et Ducatuum, Sleswicensis, Holtsatiee etcet. 18mo. gotljtc letter, 3892 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. with tvoodcut harder to title, and tcoodcut on reverse, a few marginal notes slightly cut into, olive morocco, gilt edges, £8. 8s Ex officina literaria loannis Vinitoris Stittgardiani in nouo claustrali vico Hafnie die Lucie virginis. 1537 Vert rare. Containing : 7 preliminary leaves, numbered at the bottom ; and A-CC in fours, the last leaf blank. 37826 LYNDSAY (Sir David). Dialogvs Eller En Samtale, Imellom Forfarenhed, oc en Hofftienere, om Verdens elendige voesen, oc begribis vdi fire Roger om Monarcbier. Fordum screffuen paa Skotske, aiF . . Herr Danid Lyndsaj . . nylige transfererit . . paa Latine, red Anders Robertson . . Oc siden . , paa Danske Rijm, ved lacob Mattson . . small 4to. rfotj^fc Utter, printed within woodcid borders, fine copy, original stamped calf, ivith double-headed eagle in gift on side, £10. 10s Prentet i Kiobenhafn {a f Hans StocJcelman) : ]591 Very rare. It is a translation into Danish verse of Lyndsay's poetical works. Collation : 16 preliminary unnumbered leaves, and 210 numbered leaves, (1510) Upsala. 37827 BIBLIA. That ar, All then Helgba Scrifft, pa Swensko, 6 vols. in 1, stout sm. folio. First Edition, ivith numerous woodcuts, a singularly good copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £40. TrycU i Vpsala. 15(40-40-)41 Excessively rare, especially in such condition ; this being probably the best copy that exists outside the Royal Library in Stockholm. This is a Lutheran version made by Olaus and Laurentius Petri. Collation : A to X, Aa to cc, AA-NN, Aaa to Zzz, AAa to PPp (end of Old Testament), A to Ee, all in sixes, except X (4), cc (8), Zzz (8), PPp (5), and in New Testament Ee (3). X4 contains on one side a fine woodcut of Pharaoh's dream, the reverse blank. There are also "Jacob's Ladder," "Christ on the Cross," "Job and his Friends," "The Deluge," an ex- ceedingly fine engraving of " Joshua," and many other remarkable woodcuts and scroll initial letters in the book, including a woodcut map of Asia, Africa, and Europe. These woodcuts, one of which is signed M. B., appear to be imitated from Lucas Cranach and others. (1584) Holum (Iceland). (This date is chosen in preference to that of 1531 ivJien a Breviarium Nidarosiense is said to have been pirinted in Holum, — a booh of which the only surviving copy perished in 1728. One cannot resist a suspicion that Holum and Holm were confo^inded by such persons as saw the volume.) 37828 BIBLIA ]>ad Er, Oil Heilog Ritning, vtl6gd a Norr^nu. Med Formalum_ Doct. Martini. Lutberi. 3 vols, in 1, thick folio, First Edition, with looodcuts, a remarkably fine copy, afeiv ivords on the inner margin of the last leaf but one in facsimile, otherivise absolutely perfect, broivn morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, ^60. Prentad a Holum, Ast, Jane Jons Syne MDLXXXIIII. (1584) The exodus of the last dozen years has brought a few copies of the first Icelandic Bible into the market, but all, or almost all, in bad state and imperfect. There are probably not two others in existence which can compete with the above in size, soundness, and preservation. TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : NORTHERN EUROPE. 3893 37829 another copy, thick small folio, having some leaves clumsily mended, a few headlines cut into, and some margins ivorn, hut the hook virtually perfect, old stamped leather binding, £10. 1584 37830 ■ auother copy, thick small folio, perfect, hut some leaves clumsily mended, otherwise in very fair condition, old calf, £18. 1584 A fine copy of this book is a singular rarity. Tlie work is admirable and precious for many reasons. The translator was Gudbrand Thorhiksson, Bishop of Holum in Iceland, the book was printed at his own private press, the woodcut decorations and capitals were cut by himself, and the result was a work not only rivalling technically the contemporary productions of Germany, but also taking high rank as a classic in the language it was written in. Collation : 6 preliminary unnumbered leaves, leaves i-ccxcv ; 4 prel. unnumbered ^leaves, leaves i-cxcii (leaves 87 and 88 are paged ixxvii and Ixxxviii, Ixxxix and xc. and there are no leaves 89 and 90) ; 1 prel. leaf (title), leaves i-cxxiii, and 1 unnumbered leaf. (1685) Skalholt (Iceland). 37831 Saga Olafs Tryggvasonar Noregs Kongs, med Appendix — Sagan Landnama (Landnama Bok Islendinga) — Jonssine (Arngrinie) Oronlandia edur Gi^iBnlandz Saga, a Norroenu ntlogd af E. Ejolfssine — Christendoms Saga um dad hvornem Christen Tru Kom fyrst a Island at forlage Olafs Tryggvasonar — Scheda Ara Prestz Froda om Island; — 5 in 1 vol. thick small 4to. all in Icelandic, tvoodcufs,fiiie copies, calf, Skalhollte, £7. 7s 1G88-89 This is a collection of the first editions of the Icelandic Sagas edited by Bishop Theodor Thorlacius, and are among the first productions of the printing-press established by that Bishop at Skallholte in Iceland, in 1C87. (1632) Dorpat (Livonia). 37832 Scott. Historia De Livonia : Quam . . In Regia Academia Gustaviana, qute Dorpati est ad Embeccam, Oi'atione Solenni . . publice . . consecrabat Jacobus Scott, Nob. Livonus, small 4to. old red morocco, gilt edges, 2 Is Dorpati typis Acad. Anno 1639 Falkenstein places the date of the introduction of printing into this town at 1642. A-F in fours (F containing only two leaves). (1642) Abo (Finland). 37833 Terserus. Forklaring Ofwer Catechismum, eller The Sex war Chi-istlige liiras Hufwudstycken . . foi*ahrat a£E Johanne Elai Tei-sero . . the title reprinted, Vthi Aho . . 1663. Trycht a^ Petro Hanssonio Academiui Typogr. — Catechesens enfaldige Forklarning . . aff Erich Gabrielszon Emporagrio . . Tryclct i Sfrcngniis aff Zacharia Brokenio, Anno 1669 — 2 vols, in 1, thick 12mo". veUum, 20s 1663-69 These two books are excessively rare, both having been rigorously suppressed. 3894 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 7. EASTERN EUROPE. (1478) Prague (Bohemia). 37834 SOLFERNTJS. Ziwot Adamuw, a neb ginak od Starodawna Solfernus, Knijha welmi kratocliwijlna a vtiessena . ec : sra. folio, tjotl^ic letter, title icitliin woodcut horcler, and numerous fine woodcuts throughout the text, some of them signed 1552 M C ; fine copy in hrown morocco extra, hlind-tooled, lined {double) with red morocco, hy Chamholle-Duru, £25. (Praze) MDLIII (1553) An excessively rare book, remarkable as a volume of woodcuts by aa unknown master, and also as an old Bohemian text. It was published by y)'xt Ottersdorf and Jan Kosorsky, who sign the preface, from an old MS. which had long been admired among the Czechs ; the book having been in fact a popular mediaeval romance. It professes to have been written originally in Arabic by a Doctor Frigonius of Jerusalem, and translated into Latin at the request of (Gui) de Valence, Bishop of Tripoli, in the thirteenth century; and thence rendered into Czech. — It is probable that no original will now be found to justify these statements ; but the name by which the book seems to have been usually known, '■ Solfernus," is apparently Arabic, and a phrase designating Adam (Salaf-en-nas=Ancestor of the Human Race). (?1475) Cracow (Poland). 37835 (MATHIAS UE MECHOVIA.) Chronica Polonokv, ivith woodciit title, and many u'oodcut portraits, the headline of the first leaf cut into. Impressum Craccouie per Hieronymu Vietore . . 2LD.XXL (1521) — (lODOCUS LUDOVICUS DECIUS.) Contenta ( : ) De Vetustatibvs PolonorYm. Liber I. De lagel- lonvm Familia. Liber 11. De Sigismyndi Regis Temporibvs. Liber III. title within woodcut border. Impressum Craccouice opera atqz indtistria Bieronymi Victor is ChalcograpJii. Anno M.D.XXI. . . — 2 vols, in 1, small folio, old calf, from the Hamilton Palace library, £18. 1521 "Edition originale et fort rare.''— Brw^et (on Mathias de ]\Iechovia). 37836 Ordo misse : secudum institutione saci'osancte ecclesie Romane . . . Editio vltima. Anno Ab orbe redepto. 1529, small 4to. printed in red and blach, a good copy, half bound, lettered "Modus Ckle- BRANDE MiSSE," £3. lOi" Excustim salutifere incarnationis, Millesimo Quingentesimo Vicesimo nono, Gracouice per Mathiam Scharffenberg , Ciuis, ac Bibliopole ibidem, Mense Februario. (1529) 37837 CATECHESIS et confessio fidei, coetvs per Poloniam congregati, in nomine lesu Cbristi, Domini nostri crucifixi & resuscitati, 18mo. a fine copy, calf, £10. (Cracovice) Typis Alexandri Turobini Anno . . . 1574 This very rare Socinian Catechism was rigidly destroyed by authority. Collation : a-n in sixes, and o (eight leaves). 37838 Censdra Ortentalis Ecclesia?. De pr^cipnis nostri seculi bgereti- corum dogmatibns ; Hieremie Constantinopolitano Patriarche . . . oblatis. Ab eodem Patriarcba Constantinopolitano, ad Germanos Greece consci'ipta. a Stanislao autem Socolovio , . * TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : POLAND. 3895 ex grseco in latinum conuersa, etc. folio, /«e ivoodcut portrait of Gregory XIII on hach of title, vellum, rare, £5. Cracomce, In officina Ti/pographica Lazari, 1582 (?1517) Vilna. 37839 PossEYiNi (Antonii) . . Moscovia, thick 12mo. First Edition, gree7i vellum, rare, £2. 16s Vilnce. In Lituania apud loannem Velicensem . . 1586 '' Premiere (Edition de cette relation curieuse, qui est encore recherchcie, surtout eu Russie." — Brunei. (?1578) Warsaw. 37840 Madalinski. Inwentarz Constitvciy Koronnych Ocl Roku Pan- skiego, M.D.L. Az' do Roku M.DCXLIII. Vchwalonych. Przez WOYCIECHA Madalinskiego In Ordinem Alphabeti do Roku 1632. zebrtiny, A teraz znowu Przez Iana Dziegielow- skiego . . (Index of Polish Laws from 1550 to 1643), sm. folio, calf, £20. W. Warszawie, W. Brilcdrniey Fiotrd Elertd I. K. M. Typogr : Baku, 1644 (1575) Rakow. 37841 Catechesis Ecclesiarum Pulonicarum, Unum Deum Patreni, illiusque Filium unigenitum, una cum Spiritu Sancto ex S. Scriptura confitentium Anno Ctiristi 1600 in lucem primum eniissa . . . Itermnque interpositis compluribus annis a Johanne Crellio Franco ac nunc tandem a Jona Schliclitingio a Bucowiec recognita . . 12mo. old calf, 12s Irenopoli (Bacovice) Sumtihis Friderici Theopliili . . 1659 This Socinian Catechism is rare. (1590) Zamosc. 37842 STATVTA Regni PoLONiiE in ordinem alphabeti digesta. A loanne Herbvrto de Fvlstin . . Propter exemplariiim inopiam recussa, small folio, title moxinted and ivanting a few letters, old calf, with arms of Loxiis-Henri, Comte de Lomenie, red edges, rare, £3. 3s Samoscii Marfimis Lenscius Typograpltus Academics excitdehat. M.B.XCVII. . . (1597) Title and four preliminary leaves, 546 numbered pages, and four unnum- bered leaves. (1601) Brunsberg (Prussia). 37843 PRIVILEGIA der Stiinde desj Hertzogtbumbs Preussen, darauff das Landt fundiert vnd bis jtzo beruhen . . sm. folio, old calf gilt, ivith the Lomenie arms on sides, £2. 10s lirvnshergoi, Georg. Schovfels, 1616 The constitutions, aureemcnts, and treaties relating to the history of the Teutonic order, and of the Margraves of Brandenburg, from 1251 to 161 7. 3896 BEENARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. (1564) Moscow. 37844 BIBLIA, siryetcli Knigi Vetkliago i Novago Zavyeta, in Slavonic, folio, ivoodcuts, a leaf wanting in the middle, old oahen hinding with stamped leather, clasps, rare, £5. {Moscow) 1663 Fetched £6. 15s at the Sunderland sale. A MS. account of the volume and a letter to the Duke of Marlborough, signed by J. Oxford (Bishop John Butler), 1786, are inserted. This is the second edition of the Slavonic Bible. Sclavonic Foreign Press. 37845 PRIT'CHI YESOPOVY . . . Jab' i Muyshei Homeron . . . 18mo. title engraved, tvith 40 curious copperplate engravings to the Msop, and 6 to the Homer, old calf gilt, the Sunderland copy, YERT RARE, £20. Amsterodam, J. A. Tesing, 1700 Forty of -3isop's Fables, in Russian and Latin, on opposite pages, followed by the Batrachomyomachia in Russian only. 8. SPANISH AMERICA. (1539-40) Mexico. 37846 ZUMARRAGA. Doctrina cristiana : mas cierta y vdadera pa gete sin erudicio y letras : en q se cotiene el catecismo o infor- macio pa indios co todo lo principal y necessario q el xpiano deue saber y obrar, 8vo. Ijlark Utter, som.e leaves stained, the Title and last leaf in facsimile, half morocco, £36.. A gloria de Jesu christo y desu hendita madre : agui se acaha lo anedido al cathecizmo por doctrina mas facil para los indios menos entendidos y mas rudos, y negros. JEl qual fue impresso en la muy leal y gran ciudad de Mexico por mandado d'l reuerendissimo senor do fray Juan cumarraga : primer ohispo d' Mexico. . . . Acahose d'imprimir e fin d'l ano d' mil y quinietos y quarenta y seys anos (1546) Very rare ; one of the earliest specimens of Mexican typography. The title contains a woodcut of a bishop preaching, over the text, and surrounded by a border. The signatures of the Doctrina are a-i in eights and ft which has only 4 11. (making 76 11.). It finishes on verso of ft4 with Laiis Deo A gloria y alahdra de dios nro senor y de su hendita madre fue impressa esta doctrina catholica en mexico por mddado del reueredissimo seilor don fray Juil ^umarraga : primero obispo dela misma ciudad : pa vtilidad comun. Especial delos indios : porquc por ella sea.n cathetizados los q se ouiere de baptizar : y ensenados los haptizados. Then follows the Prologo on I, which commences as follows : — " Prologo, Proemio alos amados hermanos lectores xpianos enel suplemeto o adiciones del cathecismo quequieredezir ensenamiento del christiano." The signatures run from I to ll in eights (thus forming 24 11.); It 8 is occupied by the colophon to the whole book which we reprint above. This edition is, most probably, the one described by riarris.«e (in his Additions to the Bih. Vet. Amer. pp. 131-2) from the copy in the Biblioteca Provincial of Toledo (wanting the Prologo and final colophon), which he places under the year 1540. It will be seen on comparing the present with his description that the first colophon on the reverse of U 4 agrees word for word with that given by him ; the number of leaves is the same, and so also is the TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : MEXICO. 3897 number of chapters into which the work is divided, but the title is totally diiferent. There can be uo doubt that the title in the present copy is the right one, as the text commences on its verso and the last word is divided and continued correctly on the next page. It seems therefore to follow, if Ilarrisse has copied the title of the copy in the Provincial Library of Toledo correctly, either that two ditferent titles were issued Nvitli the same book, or that an earlier edition without the Prologo and second colophon was issued with a title as given by him. The title and second colophon of the present edition are correctly given by Ilarrisse {Bib. Amer. Vetiist. p. 4191, though his collation (60 unnumbered leaves) is incorrect, but it is evident that the copy he there describes had not the Prologo, I sold the Ramirez copy in 1880 for £65, Andrade copy 485 thai. 37847 MOLINA. Aqui comien^a vn vocabulario en la lengua Castellana y Mexicaua . Compuesto por el miiy Reuerendo Padre Fray Alonso de Molina . . . small 4to. First Edition, thirteen leaves in facsimile (the 8 preliminary leaves, leaves 245, aiid 257-00), red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedfoixl, £40. . . . Impnmio se e . . Mexico, en casa de lud pahlos . . . 1555 . 37848 the same, small 4to. 8 leaves in facsimile {title, and leaves 250-2, and 257-60), and a portion of the eighth preliminary leaf torn away (bid a complete facsimile inserted opposite, a very good tall copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £55. 1555 37849 GILBERTI. Dialogo de doctrina Christiana, enla lengua d' Mechuaca. Hecho y copilado . . por . . Fray Maturino Gylberti . . . Trata delo que ha de saber creer, hazer, dessear, y aborrecer, el Christiano. Va preguntando el discipulo al Maestro, small folio, gotJ)tr letter, luormed, half morocco, from the llamirez library, £96. Juan Fables Bressano . . . 1559 . . Excessively kare. Folios ccxcv (including title, which is within a woodcut border) irregularly numbered ; then begins "• De la Vida d'l bueno S. Eustachio," folios 1-25. There was no copy in the Maximilian (Fischer). Brasseur de Bourbourg, or Andrade Libraries. So far as we know, no other copy of this valuable work has appeared for sale in England. 37850 GILBERTI. Grammatica [Latina] Matui'ini tractatvs omnivm fere que Grammatices studiosis tradi solet a fratro ^laturino Gilberto minorita ex doctissimis collectus autoribus, 3 leaves in facsimile (80, 141 and 168), extremely rare, Mexici . Excndebat Antonius Uspinosa, 1559 — (Ejusdem Grammatica ad usum tyronum), some leaves wanting, unique (about 1560) — in 1 vol. thick 12mo. vellum, £16. 1559(-60) The simplified grammar, which follows the more ample grammar of 1559, is a totally different work from the latter, and apparently quite unknown to bibliographers. Its date is assumed from the use in the preface of the wonl " nuper,'' in reference to the 1559 book. The fragment consists of : 1 unnumbered leaf (headed " Kudimenta, sive de octo partibus oratiouis"), leaves 9-31 and 34-130. 37851 (MANUALE secundum usum Ecclesiae Mexicanse), small 4to. gotfjir letter, half red morocco, £22. 10s Explicit Manuale secundum vsuj alme JEcclesie Mexicane : . , Impressum in preclara vrbe 2Iexicana, in edibns Johdnis Pauli imjyressoris. Anno domini . 1560, Extremely rare. This copy is imperfect, beginning only on bl (fo. 9}, and consequently wanting the first 8 leaves (including the title) ; the last two leaves are slightly defective. The book is printed in red and black Gothic 3898 BERX.LRD QUARITCH'S GEXERA' I^OGUE. letter, with woodcuts an :. ■.;'-.'-;: this copv is quite eomp . begins dM r«biil« (3 p^<;^\ w';;ica in ;:^r:. (1 pageX and the Licensee, eco. (7 pag^sK Hc- Tbk editioD is not n. ■contiimatnr of the lattt: 17 kares) vhidi is die record, — Jbr the esupj r : ^ leaxlnleeta and Mr. Harr - - . - 37852 PUGA (Tasoo de"*. Protisioes cepclas Ixstrucioses de s; Magestad : ' < d' difiitos v aadiecia, p'a la bnena expedieio d. - _ s. y adruinistracio d^justicia : v gouer- nacio d'sta uueuA E^piifui : r p"a el bae ti"ataniieto v cseruacio d'los yndio*. dende el auo 1-525. hasca este presente de. 63. sm. folio, gotijic IfttfT, iriih iroodcut capitals^ EXCESSivELT kase if XOT CSTQCE WITH TITLE, t\ll/, £63. Mejtico . . Pedro Ckharie^ M.P.Lxrn (1563) 37853 the s»nie, sm. folio, title SHpplied in : • ' ' ' facsimile^ tcith an ''^ Indice CnnHoloffieo" in MS. a.' fMO-rocoo , £30. : i . 1 J - This is the mxREMELT sxre Bodj of Laws relating to the Inc:;^ known as Ptcia's Ceduulrio (heing collected bj Yasco de Pnga, Oydox o: the Kovdl Acdieac« of the IndiesX and is the first attempt at| a "Becopi- laciou " or CoUection. Father Fischer's cc^j, which ms ironned and wsntc i the tick, sold in 1S69 for £i>. All the «^[»i« hitherto known haTe the >f.:-.: e def«t. even that in the British Mn$«om ; and so far as I know the drs: >.: e above described is the only quite perfect copj. 3rS5-l! MOLINA. Vooabvlario en lengra Castellaua y Mexioana (y Vocabvlario en lengva Mexioana y Cascellana . . ). compnesto per . . Fray Alonso de Molina . . . both paints iu 1 vol.. small folio, a little stained, half hf-und, £25. Eh Mex'ico, En Cosade Antonio ■'. "^ \':~l 37855 the Siime, 2 paits in 1 vol. small folio, jcints, q-ilt ed'jes. by C. Leiri./, Heher's tv/y, £30. loTl Cost Heber X31. lOs in IS33. 37856 the same, 2 parts in 1 toI. small folio, a very fine 1ar:i ccyy, alnuT^ uncut, veUunij the Bamires eopy, £36. "" " "1 The last is nnqaestioiiablT the best copy that has ocaured fc: England. At the end are foor leaves of MS. in a modem hand. : : •"Nombres Mesieanos recogidos r agregados al Dicoonario de Mo.:, i y . Faostix Chimalpopoca Galicia."' " Cette seconde edition, fort augmentee, a passe longtanps i livre imprime en Ameriqne : c'est encwe on ou vrage trfe-precieu . _ Tsteur : et c'est aujounl'hui le seal livre a I'aide daqoel on pnisse e;i;..:er ?.^e: frait U langne nahaatl on mexic&ine.*' — Bnmet, St^fpL SrSoT MOLIXA. Arte de la lengna Mexioana y CasteUana, compnesta por . . fi-ay Alonso de Molina . . 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. Fiist Edition, the title, folio 5 of part J, and folios 28 and 35 of part II, and small portions of lewtes made np in faesimilej green moroeeo, tj-ilt ed'jes, £25. Mexico en casa de Pedro Ocharte, 1571 ExcxssivELT BASS, perfect or imperfect. The raloe of this book as a monament of philoiogf is nniTersallj recognind ; it is the first printed grammar of the Aztec tongue. I haTerecmtlj aold a copy, with the title in facsinule, for £4a and a pofect one for £5a. 10$. TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS: MEXICO, PERU. 3899 137858 RINCON. Arte Mexicana compvesta por el padre Antonio del Rincon de la compania de lesus . . 18mo. tlie title in jjerfect facsimile, a few headlines slightly cropped, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. En Mexico en casa de Pedro. Balli. loOo Very rare. Collation : 8 preliminary nnnuinbered leaves, 78 numbered leaves, and 18 unnumbered leaves of Vocahulario. 37859 JUAN BAPTISTA. Confessionario en lengva Mexicana y Castellana. Con mucbas aduertencias muy necessarias para los Confessores. Compuesto por el Padre Fray loan Baptista . . 18mo. wanting the last leaf of sheet A of the prelirainary leaves, vellum, £10. En Santiago Tlatilulco, Por MelcMor Ocharte. Aiio de. 1559 Extremely RARE. Collation: 16 preliminary unnumbered leaves (one absent); 112 numbered leaves; and Enata, 2 leaves. The heading of the Enata is printed in italics. The Kamirez copy contained in addition another Errata, with ihe heading printed in Roman letters, but it is doubtful whether both li.-;ts belong to this edition. J 378G0 lOAN BAPTISTA (Fray) Advertencias. Para los Confessores de los Naturales, primera [y segunda] parte, 2 vols, in 1, stout 12mo. Urn}} vellum, £9. Mexico, M. Ocharte, 1G00(-1601) ExcEs.sivELY RARE in this perfect condition. Contents : 18 pre). 11. (including Title and Errata, together 3 U.) ; 11. 1-112 ; Tabla. 56 unnumbered 11. ; blank leaf and Title to part 2 (2 11.) ; 11. 113-443; Index, 104 numbered II. 378G1 MIJAXGOS (loan de) Espeio Ditixo. Nican vmpehua . . (Espejo Divino en lengna Mexicana, en que pueden verse los padres, y tomar documento para acerta a doctrinar bien a sus hijos, y aficionallos a la.s virtudes), sm. 4to. — the same, sm. 4to. icithout the prelim inanj leaves, and. 2 leaves of Index, vellum, the Bamirez copy, £5. Me.rico, Davalos, 1607 137862 CONCILIUM. SANCTVM Phovixciale Concii.ivm Mexicicele- bratuni Anno dni Milless™o- quingentessmf*- octvagessimo qvinto . . Proesidente . . Petro Moya de Contreras . . 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, corners of a few pages mended, otherwise good copy in vellum, scarce, £2. lOs Mtxici, apud loannem Ruiz, 1G22 The engraver of the tiile-page was Samuel Stradanus from Antwerp. (1586) Lima. 37863 HOLGUIN. Vocabvlario de la lengva general de todo el Perv llaraada lerigua Qquichua, o del Inca . . . compvesto por el padre Diego Gon9alez Holguin . . wanting 12 leaves, Impresso enla Ciudad de los Beyes. Por Francisco del Canto. Alio M. DC. VIII Gramatica y arte nveva dela lengva general de todo el Peru, llamada lengua Qquichua, o lengua del Inca . . . compvesta por . . Diego Gonzalez Holguin, wanting 6 leaves, ib. M. DC. VII — in 1 vol. stout small 4to. half hound, £21. (Lima) 1607-8 ExcEEDiNGLT RARE. The Vccabulario contains both Quichua- Spanish and SpanLsh-Quichua alphabets. These two works together were recently priced by a Paris bookseller 2000 frs. Collation. Vccabulario: 4 prel. leaves (including tillei ; 355 pp. (pp. 268 3900 BERN"ARD QUARITOH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 17-35 wanting to this copy) ; 322 pp. (pp. 45-48 and 57-60 wanting) ; and Sumario, 2 leaves. Grammatica : 4 prel. leaves (including title) ; 143 leaves (11. 29, 36, 109, 110, 115 and 116 wanting) ; and Table, 1 leaf. (1612) Bolivia: Juli. 37864 BERTONIO. Vocabvlario dela lengva Aymara . . . compvesto por el P. Lvdovico Bertonio . . 2 parts in 1 vol., tliick 8vo. a clean copy, vellum, £50. Impresso enla casa de la Compania de Testis de luli Pnehlo enla Prouincia de Ghucuito. Por Francisco del Ganto. 1612 Exceedingly hare, and of the greatest importance for the study of the Peruvian dialects. It contains both the Spanish- Aymara and Aymara-Spanish parts. The author was a missionary in Teru for forty-four years. Triced lately by a Taris bookseller, 2000 fr. Collation : 14 prel. unnumbered leaves (including title) ; 474 and 399 numbered pages. (1789) Buenos Aires. 37865 FUNES (Gregorio) Ensayo de la Historia civil del Paraguay Buenos-Ayres y Tiicuman, 3 vols. 8vo. in the original green morocco, gilt edges, £2. 12s Buenos-Ayres, 1816-17 ( ) Yucatan. 37866 LOPEZ COGOLLUDO (Diego) Los tres siglos de la Dominacion Espanola en Yucatan o sea Historia de esta provincia, desde la conquista hasta la independencia, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. hd. £5. Campeclie, 1842— IfenWa, 1845 9. ANGLO-AMERICA. (1638) Cambridge, Massachusetts. 37867 (Eliot's Massachusetts Testament, Original Edition.) THE NEW TESTAMENT of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Translated into the Indian language, and Ordered to be Printed by the Commissioners of the Vnitcd Colonies in New-England, At the Charge, and with the Consent of the corporation in England For the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, small 4to. ivitli hoth the titles {JSnglish and Indian), and the two leaves of English dedication to the King, a beautiful copy in the original calf, tvith neiv joints, gilt edges, £95. Camhridg {sic) : Printed, hy Samuel Green and MarmaduJce Johnson. MDGLXL (16G1) Excessively rare. Mr. Brinlcy's copy fetched 700 dollars in 1878. 37868 MORTON. New-Englands Mcmoriall : or, A brief Relation of the most Memoiable and Remarkable Pas.sages of the Providence of God, Manifested to the Planters of New-England in America ; With special Reference to the first Colony thereof, Called New- TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS : UNITED STATES. 3901 Pliraouth . . . By Nathaniel Moi'ton . . small 4to a large and sound copy, old calf, £80. Cavihridyc [Mass.'] : I'rinted lij S[amuel]. G[reeii']. and MlarinaduJcel. J\_ohnson'\. for John Vsher of Boston. 1669 SrSGO the same, small 4to. a very fine, large and clean copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £35. 1G69 Vert raue. The author says that the greater part of his material consisted of the manuscript journals of his uncle, Mr. William Bradford (the second Governor of the Colony"), written between lG20and 164G. lie had also had the use of Edivard Winslow's papers.' It is this which gives its chief value to the work, which remains a storehouse of important fact'^, and of minute details, in the history of New England. 37870 (Kliot's Massachusetts Bible, second edition.) Mamvsse AVunneetupanataniwc Ijv Bibluin God iianeeswe Nukkone Testament kali wonk AVusku Testament . . . John Eliot ... 2 vols, in 1, thick small 4to. the bottom lines of a few pages sUgMy cut into., otherwise a good copij^ with THE TITLES, purple morocco extra., gilt edges., hg Zaehnsdorf £105. Cambridge \^Mass.']. Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green. MDCLXXXV. (1685-1680) 37871 the same, 2 vols, in 1, thick small 4to. one leaf mended.^ in other respects an excellent copy., original calf binding ., £125. 1685-80 Collation : Title, sheets A-Ppjjpp, the last in two, the rest in fours ; sheets A-Yy, in fours, and 1 leaf headed '^ Nooicomoo WnttinnoowaonJc Gad, cjx." (1676) Boston. 37872 HUBBARD (W.) A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late Trouble.? in the two last years, 1675 and 1676. To which is added a Discoin'f;e about the Warre with the Pequods in the year 1637 . . . Sm. 4t0. WITH THE OIUGIXAL FOLDING MAP, fine copy in old calf , from the Jersey library, £70. Boston, John Foster, 1677 ExCE.ssiVELY RAPE : The chief test of tlie originnl map, as distinguished from the London reproduction, is that the range of '• White Hills " is properly so named on it, -while in the latter it was misinscribed " Wine Hills.'' — In the present instance, we have the book entirely in its original condition and binding, with Hubbard's sermon intituled '• "The Happiness of a I'coplc in the Wisdome of their Rulers . . . Boston, Jo/m f'ostcr, 1676 " bound-in. 37873 MATHER (Cotton) Various works by, together 6 vols, small 8vo. and 12mo. beautifully bound in polished calf extra, gilt tops, by Bedford, £12. 12s Boston, Mass., 1712-24 Contents : Thoughts for the Day of Rain. In Two Es>a}"s (yic) : . . Boston in h\ E. 3002 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Printed hy B. Oreen : Sold by Bamuel Gerrish at his Shop at the Sign of the Buck over against the South Meeting House. 1712. r2mo. Title, pages i-vi. and pages 1-64. Art versus Liber tinos. Or, Evangelical Obedience Described and Demanded ; . . Boston: Printed by B. Oreen, for Samuel Gerrish, at his Shop over against the South Meeting-House in Marlborough Street. 1713. 12mo. Title, Dedi- cation (1 leaf), Preface (1 leaf), and pages 1-.50. The Saviour with his Rainbow. A Discourse Concerning the Covenant . . . London . . 1714. Small 8vo. 23 pages, including title. Contio ad Populum. A Distressed People Entertained with Proposals For the Relief of their Distresses . . Boston, New-England: Printed by B. Green, for Benj. Eliot, Sold at his Shop in King Street. 1719. 12mo. Slightly cropped. Title, and pages 1-29. The Minister. A Sermon, . . Boston: Printed in the Year 1722. Small 8vo. Half-title, and pages 1-4.5 (including title). The Nightingale. An Essay on Songs among Thorns. Or the Supports & Comforts of the Afflicted Believer. Thankfully published by One that has had Experience of them. Boston in New- England : Printed by B. Oreen, 1724. 12mo. Half-title, title, and pages 1-19. 37873*MATHER. An Apology for the Liberties of tlie Churches in New Eno-laiid : To which is prefix'd, A Discourse concerning Congregational Churches. Bj Samvel Mather, M.A., Pastor of a Church in New England, 8vo. calf neat, gilt edge.?, rare, £2. \2s 6d ^ Boston: T. Fleet, for Baniel'Henclwian, over- against the BricJi Meeting House in Cornhill . 1738 37874 SERMONS by New Engl.^nd Divines, together 12 vols, in 11, 8vo. and small 8vo. polished calf extra, gilt tops, tmcut, hy Bedford, £20. Boston [Mass.], Windsor (N.H.), and Glasgoio, 1728-95 Contents : Gee . . A Sermon Preached on the Lord's-Day After the Death of . . Cotton IMather . . By Joshua Gee, m.a. Pastor . . . Boston in New-England: Printed for S. Gerrish at the lower End of Comhil, and N. Belknap, near » Scarlets- Wharf MDCCXXVIII. (1728). Small Svo. Half-title, title, and pages 1-.34. Hobby . . A Sermon Deliver'd at the Ordination of . . Daniel Emerson . . By William Hobby, Pastor . . Boston : Printed for, and sold by S. Eliot in Comhil. 1743. Small Svo. Title, and pages 5-^9. Forbes . . A Sermon Preached October 9, 1760. Being a Day of Public Thanksgiving . . For the Success of the British Arms in North-America, especially In the total Reduction of Canada ... By Eli Forbes, m.a., Pastor . . Boston: Printed and Sold by Edes <^- Gill in Queen-Street. 1761. Svo. Pages 1-35, including half-title and title. Davies . . A Valedictory Address to the Senior Class, delivered in Nassanhall, September 21, 1760 . . By Samuel Davies, a.m. . . . James Parker and Company at the New Printing-Cffice in Beaver- Street, MDCCLXI. (1761). Svo. Half-title, and pages \-l8 (including title). Matiiew. The Snare broken. A Thanksgiving-Discourse, preached at the Desire of the West Church in Boston, N. E., Friday, May 23, 1766. Occasioned by the Repeal of the Stamp Act. By Jonathan Mayhew, d.d.. Pastor , . Boston: P. ^- S. Draper, in Newbury-Street ; Edes late, hds, icncut, £2. 10s Itkhnond, 1819 ( ) Wellsburgh, Ya. 37885 Doddridge. Notes, on the Settlement and Indian "Wars, of the Western Parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania, from the year 1763 until the year 1783 inclusive. Together with a view, of the state of society and manners of the first settlers of the Western Country. By the Rev. Dr. Jos. Doddridge, 12mo. calf, 20^^ Wellsburgh, Va. Printed for the author . 182-t ( ) Trinidad, West Indies. S7SSQ Joseph. History of Trinidad, by E. L. Joseph, 12mo. with a coloured plan, red morocco super-extra, gilt marhlcd edges, hy Petit, £2. 2s Trinidad . IIe7iry James Mills . . (1838) 10. ORIENTAL AND AUSTRALASIAN PRESSES- Turkey. 37887 RiCAUT (Sir Paul) (The Capitulations and Articles of. Peace between the King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, as augmented and altered in the Times of every Ambassador, and as now lately in the Citty of Adrianople January 1G62 augmented .... by Ilis Excellency Heneage Earl of Winchelsea, Ambassador Extraordinary from His Majesty Charles II.), sm. 4to. title and two pages of dedication in contemporary MS. vellum, tmcnt, EXTREMELY EARE, £5. 5s Constantinople, printed hy Ahraham Gahai Chaf Nahaf, 1663 The first English book printed in Turkey and a volume of great curiosity. The lirst product of the press in Turkey is usually stated to be the Loghat-i Van-Kuli printed by Ibraliim Efendi in 1728. The following notice will be interesting to the collector of tjpographical curiosities : THE PRINTER TO THE READER. COLIITEOVS ReABEH. If in pernfing tlicfe following Capitulations yon find fome few letters mifplaced, or the letter vv not fo neatly formed, as were to bee wished, attribute the fault neither to the Printer nor C'orrectonr ; for the prefle at at Conflantinople being but fildome employed, is not furnilhcd with the uarietie of tin fe letters, which arc only proper to ntirthern langunges. amongst which the vv is of fpcciall use : to fupply which defect, 1 hnue bcer.e forced to imitate that letter as well as I could beyond my owne art & profefllon. 8906 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Ami if any otlior letters ftre lot flip, it. was in time of the Corroctours nrgont allocation to other omploynionts vvliich pernntted him not U) bee so iiccnrate, & ationtiue liercnuto as hco licsired. Ami so hoping- you will pardon, what slight errours yon may possibly meet with herein I reniaine. Yonrs at Coniaml Abraham Gahai Chaf Nabat. Japan. 37888 !M.\NVALE AD SACRAMENTA ECCLESIAE MINISTKANDA D. Ludouici Cerqueira Japonensis Ejiiscop. opem ad vsum sui elcri ordinatum, sm. 4to. u'onneJ, title viciuh'iJ, and last leaf defective, old calf, from the Sunderland library, £50. Nangasaquij, In Collegio Japonico Societatis lesv. Anno Domini . M.DGV. (1G05) This Mam ALE. PUBLISHED by the Jesuits of .Japan, is of extricmk iiAKiTY in Europe. It is printed upon native paper in Koman letters, red and blaek. with musical notes. It contains title ; 2 prel. 11, ; calendar 6 11. ; text 414 pp. ; Table. 4 pp. Sign, -f, ++, AZz, a-f, all in fours, and *, 2 leaves. 37889 KlYOTO. The Celebrated Places in Kiyoto & tbe surrounding Stales for the Foreign Visitors, translated into the English by K. Yamamoto, square 8vo. ivith folding vuip, and 3G extremclij fine etchings by native engravers, hf. calf, 21s Kiyoto: published by Nitca : the sixth year of Meiji, 1873 Philippine Islands. 37890 [RODRIGUEZ (El Padre Joao).] Vocabvlario de Japon declarado primero en Portvgves por los padres de la compaiiia de Jesvs de aquel reyno, y agora en Castellano en el Colegio de Santo Thomas de Manila, small -ito. printed on native paper, a few letters wanting from the title and one or two other leaves, and the last two leaves a little defective, velhim, £30. Con licencia en Manila For Tomas Pitipin, y Jacinto Magaullna . A no de 1630 . Rarer even than tbe Portuguese original which appeared in 1603. Collation : Title (1 leaf), Advertencias (1 leaf), and signatures A-Ooooooo (liii and Kkkk being repeated) all in fours, except the last which has five leaves. Only the first 316 leaves are numbered, Java. 37891 Novo Testamento . . Traduzido 'na Lingua Portiiguesa, pelo Reverendo Padre Joa5 Ferreira a d'Almeida Ministro Pregador d'o Sancto Euangelho 'nesta cidade de Batavia em Java Mayor, small 4to. title engraved hy Coe. v. GeiJnen,old blue morocco extra, VERY EARE, £2. IO5 £"7/1 Batavia . Por Joao de Vries impressor d'a Illustre Companhia, e d'esta nobre cidade Anno 1693 Collation : 4 preliminary unnumbered leaves (including the engraved title), and 597 numbered pages (pages 456-7 not existing). This copy has a duplicate of sheet F£ in the place of sheet Cc. Tasmania. 37892 West (John) The History of Tasmania, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, scarce, £1. 4s Tasmania, Henry Powling, Launceston At end : /. S, Waddell, Launceston, 1852 BERSARB QrAEITCHS GENERAL CAJAIOGZZ. The Batterflies of India, Bnrmah and Ceylon, - g ' /jti f e HaaAsak «f aft ^k ](■•«» flpedeii i^ SodetT of Bessal, sad c£ J ' - - -'"=-a(c£ » Ac ' TIT rf tTiii Tiitjwiilii^i lil _^-^ _ -„ ^ 3eimn JJJi Dmm, ^ wmd mmf l mit m. &e iiiw mt : ' , if Memn. Wat, Tm rn m rnrndCk. fmeL TheexarXfBavl«f p^ je^HBrMBBi,3ar AejaaeoKif 4ei I wii LL -riim a lie 5r oap Anf r- ■■ JHK* peoc- BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Persian Portraits : a sketch of Persian History, Literature and Politics, 8vo. cloth, xii and 170 pp. 5s 1887 " The object of this volume is very laudable, namely, to introduce in a popular form the rich and poetical literature of Persia to the people of this country. Mr. Arbuthnot indeed is such an enthusiast in his work that he thinks an Oriental Translation Fund would be a befii ng form of a Jubilee memorial. His sketches of personal history, carried back to the seventh century before Christ, prove that he is a master of his subject, a fact which is confirmed by his amusing outline of the Persian volume on domestic manners and customs professedly vrritten by five Persian ladies and two female experts. In matters of Oriental study we are in this country far behind Germany, although the catalogue of the Persian MS8. in the British Museum fills three substantial volumes. We are familiar with the names of Hafiz, Sadi, and Firdusi as Persian poets, but these are only the Alpine peaks, for there is quite a multitude of lesser heights, many of whom deserve to be better known in England than they are. As the compiler and translator very properly says, the volume before us is not intended for Oriental scholars or for those who are well versed in Oriental literature, but as an introduction to Persian literature, and especially to the tales and legends with which it abounds. It has a distinct and important value, and may be cordially recommended to all who have neither the leisure nor the inclination to enter upon the study of larger volumes. Mr. Quaritch, of Piccadilly, has issued the work in a neat and attractive form." — Liverpool Mercury, January 12th. 1887. Just Out : Ohefs-d'CEuvre d'Orfeyrerie ayant figure a rexposition de Budapest, No. 11 ; to be completed in 15 parts, folio, containing 150 plates of Jewellery, some in colours, in portfolio, £12. Paris, 1887 Hazlitfs Bibliographical Collections : Third and Final Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes on Early Englit^li Literature, 1474-1700. By W. Carew Hazlitt. 8vo. pp. xii 313, cloth, 24s 1887 the same, laege papeb, royal 8vo. cloth, £2. 8« 1887 "Mr. Hazlitt has done much work during the last thirty years, and some of it has been bitterly attacked : but we venture to think that the debt of gratitude which all students of Old English literature owe to him for his biographical collections must remain in the most enduring- opinion of his labours. We would bid all readers who care for the books of the past to read the practical, manly and comprehensive introduction prefixed to this volume. It forms one of the laest pleas for the study of English literature which we know ; and, coming close upon the important speech of IMr. John Morley, it takes up a phase of the subject not yet adequately recognized. The academic side has been put l)y Mr. Morley ; the practical by Mr. Hazlitt : The England in which we dwell is one with the England which lies behind us. So far as the period which I comprehend goes, it is one country and one race ; and I do not think that we should precipitately and unkindly spurn the literature which our foregoers left to us and to our descendants for ever, because it may at first sight strike us as irrelevant to our present wants and feelings. . . . The considerer of modem opinions and customs is too little addicted to retrospection. He seems to be too shy of profiting on the one hand by the counsels or sugges- tions, on the other by the mistakes of the men who have crossed the nnrepassable line ; who have dealt with the topics and problems with which we have to deal. These are stirring and sensible words, and we should much like to see them more widely disti'ibuted than the limited issue of this volume will allow. " It is impossible, in a short notice such as we can only give, to do justice to the contents of this work. The titles of every book or tract are given in full, having been transcribed by Mr. Hazlitt himself ; and there is often appended to the entry interesting information about the condition, history, and, above all things, the present locale of the book. Such work as this requires labour, and skill, and knowledge of no ordinary kind. Now that Mr. Bradshaw is dead, there are few indeed who possess these qualities, and appai'ently only one who puts them at the service of his fellows. It has been often said of late that the bibliographer and indexer are more needed than the book-writer ; and if this is true, as we are inclined to think it, Mr. Hazlitt's work must, in relation to the age in which it is produced, be awarded a very high place. It enables us to ascertain what has been done in English literature, and, therefore, ought to enable us to do our work so much the better. Almost all departments of study are now occupied as much with a reconsideration of old facts as with the discovery of new, and for this purpose such books as Mr. Hazlitt's are indispensable. We are happy to say that a competent Cambridge student has undertaken to compile an index to the four volumes of bibliography issued by Mr. Ha7Mtt, and that this will be published by Mr. Quaritch as soon as it is ready." — The AniiqiMry, April, 1887. , JUN 1 6 I96S RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 9 6 2 | T0«^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 ~ HOME USE 2 : 3 4 5 ( b ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JAN $>4 1Q0? \jnn fi "x KSjc ^ mmi APR 1 61991 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 1 FORM NO. DD6 BERKELEY, CA 94720 1 C^s 1