I - LIBRARY OF THE University of California. 'T >^ Clje CuDor fatsimilt Z'txts 3lacot) anb (B0au Licensed in 1557-8 Date of earliest known Edition^ ^S^^ Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1908 %l^t Cuttor jFacstmtle Ceytg Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER f acoli anJj €6au 1568 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII GENEiiAi. ^acob anti €0au The original of this facsimile is in the British Museum {Press-mark^ C. 34, b. 25). ^'-facob and Esau'' was licensed in 1557-8, and was probably printed soon afterwards, so that the 1568 edition is not likely to be the first one, but no other impression is extant. Other copies of this play are at Chatsworth and Bridgewater House. " Jacob and Esau " was first reprinted in modern times by Hazlitt in his edition of ''■ Dodsleys Old Plays,'' but never before now in facsimile. Mr. y. A. Herbert, of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, after comparing this reproduction with the original copy, reports it to be " a first-rate facsimile, practically faultless'' Special points of criticism are : — (i) T5»j\ verso, foot of page, the "j" of ''Actus" is more blurred than in original. (2) C»iy« verso, line 28, last word, rather clearer in original, "pott0." (3) J^Jm recto, line 11, the stroke under " appSCdilED " is not in original. JOHN S. FARMER. ^ Q ^ C Q a A nevve merv and wittie Comedie or Enterlude, newely Jacob and Efau, taken out of the xxvij. " Ciap. of t^je firft btnke of ^of w cntituUd Gcnejis. TThe partes and names of the,T^ layers: ^y !jio ate to be confpDeteD to be l^fbieiaog ant) fo fi)oulo be apparaUedtottb attire. I »e |3aologe,ai0oete. n" /j l^an, aneigbboitr z lifaac, an olDe man, fa^ i i to iifaac al^. 8 ^agaa^fen ^ to\£fau. I leabfngifaac^ 'iw* < ioK)ebo;ira, tbeuurff. ofafaaciia^jWtifw - ii0b;a,aitttieto^ttd»if tber to^Sacob t c^fatt j j 8 ^agaa,reraaum trw ) l^ebtccaanolDejDomS, )^ U)ifeto3|faac. 4.€rau,a ^ottg man am>a 'bortter. 5 3lacob,a ^ong mi bf jjo6^ Iptonuerfation. fib0 mcrcp tobo cbafetb tobome be DotU. But notD t^% oar comming toe f^al ejljibite bere jS)f Blacob ano Cfan botoe tbe So?^ teas, Wberb^ CD>ob0 adoption map plainly appeare : SnD airo, tbat iDbat euer <0O!Ds o^Diname 11)00, ^otbins migbt Defeate,battbat it mottc come to paffe* aCbat if tbis ftojte map poipf 5^0 « eares ocUte, IKHe pjap ^on of pacietu^l)fie toe it recite. / >>. MVSEVM BB.ITAN ^ (universityI N 1. TheHiHorieoffacob dndSfin, Adusprimij Scaena prima. Ra^au the fcruant. ETau a yong man his maiflcr. jSDto \tnt me fae iuftat t^mc it ts bp tl)e ffarr c light i ^it^hirbTm (E>flD5 fo2 bis grace man,totp it is not ^et miDnigbt, at bis back,an° ^ys ©atiat tbe D^uell aplctb bim i noto trnip 3 tfeinkc piaine, handc,and ica- l^e batb either fomc toojmes oj bottes in bis bjainc, f '^ "'* S'^" ?^e fcajcelp Oeepctb.iciJ.gmb boarc s in ttoo tea t^ts. * ^°;^7v b^ got 3UJoteUielbistoatcbingmabetbmebaaeieanecb^lies, ten. i^oubcre is none otber life tpitbbpm bap bp flap, HCTchccoun- 315nrbpUfigau,tjpojeufpbog0esbeaD3fapt tcrhitethhovi tisabp lt3t)cn :* tap, toiU tt not be :' ^. 3 come anom t" n^'^" <^ tap , 05 3 fljall rcpfe pou in fiaptb pe Djoufp b©2efon. ^V^ ^y™ ^^ '" Mbp, toben i Ojall 3 fette pou f 3 come fp: bp and bp, *''^, mormngj, tap toitb n U)iloe toenpon, boti» (ong Ijpilt tbou lie i J!!;„^ *^' tap 3B fap, tp at once, ZClp bp,let tjs goe bence, 3t is tpme Voe^toere in tb0 fo2re(l an boure fence, iaotoe tbc ocnill ffoppe tbat fame pallpng tb^ote f tbpnfee 3) ^omtDbiles, i^o; from be call, faretoell all toinbe of cpe. 515egin be once to call, 3 flape no mojetbat ff onnoe, SCboagb balf an boures flepe toer toojtb x tboufaub pofio, 0non tuben 3 come in, ano bpbbe bim gcoo mojoto : flb fpj, bp at laft, tbe beopll gpne tbee fojoto. i^otoetbet>iueab3eahetbpnecfee(tbinhe3ibpanbbp) i KW baf! no \xiittt to Ocape^no; in tbp bebpe to Ipe. STbcn come on at once, tafee mp quiuer ano mp botue, ftttt iloaell mp boonbe, and mp bojnc to blotce. E:brn fojtb goe toe faflpng an boure o> ttoo ere Dap, S^cfoae toe ma^ todl f» eitber our banoes 0? ^ap, 4 " ^W! v^^ TheH'tHorte of 0nD fbere raunge toe t^e toiloe fo^eff, no crumme of b^eao jl^rotn moaning to Sarcfe ntgbt coming tottt)tn onr ticaD, ^omettme c^faus felfe totil faynt foj t>?tnhe ant) meate : &o tbat te tDOutD be glaD of a DeaD t)o?re to eata ^et of freSie tbe nert mojotD f(D?tt) be Ml agatne, 0nt) fomttme not come borne m a iDbole ntgbt o; tloahte : ^o; no oelite be batb, no appetite no? mtnDe ]i5nt to tbe foilbe /ojrel!, to bant tbe l^art0 o: ^inbc, SCbe )$oebacl»,tbe inilbe boje, tbe falloio ]Q>a;re, o; l^are t S3ut botoe pa)?e l^agau (bail otne,be batb no care, pa)?e 32, muff eate Sco?ne0 o? llSeartcB from tb'c SCrdr^ 315at if 3 be fomioe fiache in tbe fute fololoing, ^; if Bl bo faple in blolDing o; ballotDtng, ^? if 3 lacbe my fetaffe, o; mp l^02ne bp mp fpDe : ^e tDill be quicbe inougb to fume cbafe,and cbtbe* <3m 31 not U)ell at eafe fucbe a mapfier to feme, 0B mod bane fucb (ernice, and pet toill let me (Terue f Here E&tt ap . 5i5ut in faitb bi« falftion» bifpleafe moe tban me, pacth in aght, and toill bane bnt a mawie enbe one Dap fee fljall fe?* eoa biowcth ^e pal&tb notbing on ISebecca bis motber^ iusHonie,crc j^DmncbleffepafretbbeonBlacobbpi^btttber. tceoKr. 3J3„f pgacg^ momme, no mo?e : 3 feemaiScr pa0 3bab,tompmpnDe:' Kagaa« ^t baue no canfe, tbat 3 bnoto, anp fault to fpnbe t Crcopt tbat toe Sireafeonr tent ano neigbbottrs all tMttitb rifing cuer earlp ecbe Dap tobcn pe call. Ofan* ab tbou D?oiifp o^affefache, tooulDcft tbon rpfe at ncjnef ^ap 3 trDto tbe RjTtb booce tottb tb^ toire ouerfone. iUigaw, #ap 3 fpeahe of pour ncigbbours being men boned, JETbat labour all tbe Dap, and tooulD faine be at relf : Q^bom tottb blotoing pour l^ine pe btfeafe al aboutetf. ig^fstt* ' mibat^re3 fb^ toabti%afo;teof cUtbbiaielonte0f ii.. lacob and Sfau^ 0115 % fpealbe of Uebecra ponr mother, oar Dame. Uagao. £i:arteBlpaflrenotU)!)et^cr(^eDoemep2apreo;blam(« <^ratt. ^^ 3no % fpcahe of pour goo fatber, oioe 3faac« Uagaiu |0eacef(DU(bcfenauc:0«ft>?nivfatber3ifaac, Cfaa* 3ln cafe be be a fleepe, 31 ooe btm not Difeafe, k anoifbcbetoafeing,3lbiiotoe3H)obimpleafe, 1^ iPojbelooctbmetDeUfrommpncnatiuitie, HcrcEfauWo mr anDneaerfoagnoto/fo^mpneadruitie. vvcthhishom T STberfoje baue at it, once moje toill 3 bloto mp l^ojne agaync %Q gtne mp netgbbonr lontes an batle peale in a mo^ne, /^otD mp maitter Jiigbtfote, bote fap pou to tbi« geare. Here he fpc** cfeillpouDopouroaetietoreooeo3fallotDS>eare:f kethtohys ;^no ^ttian mine otone gcoD curre, 3t oo tbintt in mp mtnoe, ^g&»* %^t game Cbal runne apace, if tbou come fanre bcbinoe : ^no ba Cahepart, come SCattepart, bere,bobt) (ap pon cbilD W-iM not tbou 00 tbp tiart :* pciS, elfe 31 am beguiloe* }!Sut ^ n);!etDe pour cbcehed, tbep bane bao too mucb meat* 31 b!nnie not Dogge0 to tabe it, if tbep map ii geat : l^agati* X5ut aa fo; mp parte, tbep conloe baue paroie^ fmall releuaoit of tbat tbat pe gine me. llCbep map runne Ugbt inougb fo; ougbt of me tbep gof, 31 bao not a gooD mealcs meate tbi£( toafte tbat 3| toot. H f toetjane lucfee tbps oap to hill !l^are,2neg,o; ^oe, c^fau. SDbou (bait eate tbp bdlp full, tpU tbou crpell boe. 31 tbanbepoutDben 31 bane it, mapfterd^fau. Hagatf. ^ Mlcll, come on, let b0 goe notue feruant Uagati* ©fatu •^ 3e0tbcreanptbingmoae,tbat3|(bouloefapo?oo? i foi perbaps toe come not againe tbifi bap o? tlxjo. 3Iljnofenotbingmaifter,to(£'00 3imafeeaboto, Kagatu C^jTcept pon tDouloe tabe pour bjotber 3[acob toitb pou : 31 nener pet fatne bpm tottb pou an bunting goe, ^ball toe pjone bpm once tobetber be toill goe o; no ^ i^o, nojtbattoere in baine : aias gcD0 fimple mome* ^rpM. #ap, be muff tarrie ano fuchc motbcrs ouggc at borne : iacob muit Keepe liome 3i troto^ bnoer motbers toinjor^ TToeHiJlorieof Clau, Cfaa* l&agaa. C^rau» ]Sagau« ^anan* STo be from tfje 2Centeg be lonetb not ofalUbftijOf* 3Bacob louctb no buntyng in tbe Isploe fo^eS : Sno tDouIo fcare if be d)ou!DD tbere fee nnp Uiploe bealf. ^ca to fit tbe game runne, BSacob toculD be in feare. gn goo ffflrt) 3; tuene be uoculo tbtnU ecbe ^are a 113eare* 2:23t)at bjotber mpnc, U)bata U)o?Oe call pc tbat ^ gjp;r 31 am fcarfc toaUeo : 3 fpafee ere 31 iDpll tubat. Come on pour toaps mp cbiloe, t^be tbc lato of tbe pme« 3B tDill toahe pou 31 trottje, ano fet pour tongae in frame* j^b lubat baue poti oone maifter CEfau, d^oDS apes, ^bp can pe not pet refrainefrom lettpng fact fcape^ t Come on, pe muObane tb^et terte0 fo; tbe nonce* .•;SDne. ^b, foi ^oti0 lotte Tp? bane fione, oifpatebe at one e* ' i^ap tbere is no remeop bat bpDe iU tbere in tboaine* £DpercntmpcbraerelI,letmebepaSmppaine* ; STalie beoe of louring termes fro ben(fojtb,tbere ts XX^iin Mbpnp. i^oine s mifcbtef on attmoppng foles fo? mee« BBacob fijall h^pe tbe Centcs tenne peare fo; i^agan, C^re 3i mone agapne tbat bebnnt tpptb ucbe« Excant ambo. Adus primi^^caena fecunda Hanan. Zediar. two of Kaacs neighbors. A^ fp?, 31 fa 31 am an earip man tbpfi mojne, 3; am once mo;e begploe voitb Cfan bisbojne* 15ut tbere is no futbe llirrer as Cfau in : !^e is bp oap bp Dap befo;!e tbe C rotoe pis : SUben mahetb be loitb Us !^o;tne fncb totpng anO blotninf i^no Utitb bis iDvoe tt);!oate fucb (bonting ano ballotoing, Sibat no neigb^onr (bail in W ^ent take anp retl^ J^rom .^^S&S&l:; ts ■ f- Jacob and Sfau. i^rom Cfaa atj&jclTctb bpm to t\it frntft, S>o tbat be mahetb fcs tobetber toe Uiilt oj no, 5i5cttcr bulbanDes tban toe lnoulDc be, abjoaoc to go, <^cbE of tJ0 about our bufincffc ano our toarhe. J5at tobome Doe Bi fee vonorr commpng in tbe DarHe f 3t wmp ncpfibbo; JSctbar, 3 perccpuebpm notoe. ^bat neigbbour t^anan, toell met, gooo mo;oto to you* ;Zctbar. Bl rce toell notoe HI am not beguiled alone : X5ut tobat bffitc to \vt ttill :* fo: reft toe can tahe none. SCbat 3 meruaple mucb of oloe fatber Jlfaac, ibevng fo goDlp a man, tobp be is fo flache SCo b;png bps fonnc crau to a better Sap. Saabat l^ouloe be do in tbe matter 3 pcu pjap t ^anam i3Dbiti£5nofmallcbargetofatberfiafo;e0oD, ^ ^etl;ar. I&o to traJne tbcir cbilDjcn inpoutb bnoer tbe rob," SCbattoben thepcometoage tbep map bertnc cnfue, '« ^tc^eD p^anhcs abbo3re,anD all IcuDueffe tU\)\xt» anD me itiinhetb 3faac, being a man (as be is) tbofen man of (ID>oD, (boulDe not be flcicke in tbtis. 0!ack ^ti man,tobat HboulD be do mo?e tban be l^atl^ Don^ ^anan* 3 bare fap no f^tber batbbcttcr taugbtbiafonne, ^ojnottoo bane giuen better cratJiplfeiOf lift ^nto tbeir cbilD^len, tban botbe be ano bis toife : 00 bp tbeir ponger fonne 3(acotj it ootb appeare; !^e Ipuctb no Icoce life, be Dotb ©oD lotie ano fear^. i|e ftapetb berc in tbe acentes Ipke a quiete man; M fee gcnetb not bpmfelfe to toilDneffe anp tobam BtttjC^ran cuerme2e,ft:om bis pong cbildebioDe vt n - * C v > !^t^»l3enlphc,top:oucpU,anDnwcrtobe0a)D, ' ^J ^ohgit pjich'ctb (foifteS bo fap) tbat topll Dca tbo;i|e» ^ Cl;fau ^atb ben nougbt e uer Cnce be toas ^o;ne. 0no tobcrof conutietb tbi0, of (duration i i^ap it i0 of bi0 oinne pll inclination. , . . . ; c ; ;i; ^bep tocre b;ongbt tip botbe'bnDer one tuit^/ >r^h ]m j5tttt|ie^b$notbot!>$ofoneDi5>of|ttom... ' r .^-^' ftHm 1^anan« 5Be(|>ar. )^becta» Bjacob* UebecfSt Bacob. Iflebe^ca. %wih ^hcHiHorieof <^(an {0 si^n^n to IcDce and leabe Itapng. gn foptb 3 Warrant btm baue but (b?eabe tbaiain^, i^cttber fs gj an^ bope tbat be lotll amenoe, Cben let bpm enen lohe to come to an pli cnbe. 5^0} poutb tbat totll foloui none but tbep; otong b;tble> SCbat leaoetb a Dtflfolute tpfe anD an ^U, ^optb ti}at rcfnfetb bolfome oocnmentes, ^2 to talte erample of tbep? goDlp parented, ^outb tbat tf retcbeleUe, ano tahetb no regarbe, tebat become of tbem felfe^ no: tsbtcb enoe goe fo^toarbe^ Bit 10 great mernatle am) a rptctalt grac^, B! f cuer tbe^ come to goonelTe atl tb ep? life tpace. 3!5ut Inbp boe toe confame tbt0 tobole mojn^ng tn talfte, £Dr one tbat batb no rec^ ne care iobat inap be tualHe, ^e bab bene 80 gob to bane toptour beoae dtU* i^b tt t0 onr parte to tamente tbem tbat boe ptl* Upke a0 berp i^ature, a goblp beart Dot^e moae ;^tber0 gob p;oceebtng0 to tenber anb to lone : f^o rncbe 110 tn no lotfe to gobneflte tptU be bjougbt^t WM gob md but toil moarn,0nce goo b0 al batb to^ougbt S0ut ^ bane tome bnTpnedie^ anb fa bane 3|. ano toe bane ben long, ^retneft neigbboar beartil^^ Ac5lus prrmi, fcxria tenia. Rebecca the Mother: I«cob the Sonne. CflDmefo^tbfoftnellaiobjttb^tarriettfbonbebinbie/ ^ i^oafotb n)ptber^3l tti0ttg<)t ve bab fa^ al ponr minbe, '?^?) come 3 bane pet a too^be o? ttoo mo;e to fap* QSSbat foener pleafetb pou, fpeabe to me pe map* • l^epng tbp b;btber Cfad ti$ fncbe an one, Wbp rebnfteS tbou bpm notinben ^eare alonr <^ mbp boeftlbon not gpae bim fome gtbb (ab topfe connfatletf ^e lacbetb not tbat motber^irit^tntbeanaite. ' ^ * > lacob and Bfau. V ■^t ^ 315nt tDljeh JDoc t?!m anp tftrnj of \i\s fault fell, ' ^^^ t !r>c catlctb mc fmlinjc pjouoc bo^ loill) l)(m tt mcll#'J*o- !i)EU)iUr0mtuiieccmaunDcbt>tul)atautt)o?ita, '^':'^ 3 pjcfiimc to tcacbe tl)cm Ujbicb mine clOer? ba ^ . '''"- i "^ l^e taill fomtimc aflvC if 31 tearne of mp mother, ^ '-'^^^ - ETo take on me tcacMngof minij cfbcr bjotb^/:' ^ometr-nc toO ^n 3 tell ftpm of bis Icude bebauour, i^c toil! IrtiDe nie a mochc o? ttoainc fo? my labour > ;.i t.:;^ ^nD fomtime fo; anger beinill out Ujitb t)is piirfe ' ■ ane call me as pleafe bpm, anD flueare be toill coetourfc. £)b llo^De,t!)at to bearcfucb a Tonne it toas mp cbaunce. 5potber, U)e mutt be content luptb ©oust ojbinauncc. flD?, if 3 fljoulDe ne?bc£5baae CSfauto mp fronnc, t2Slon!D 0oD tbou ilacob baDDett tbe ClDcrllnp luconnc* £0 otber, \\ is to la'te to toilbe f oj tbat is pad : 3jt toil! not b^ aonc n oto tmO) pe ncocr fo faff P^-i' f^^ - anD J tDop^oe not l^aac ^ofl to btflj agapntt #i^ topll : • i^o? bot^ i« In Whc, anOfllfo it i0 pU. TB^S^p DiD it not pieafe ^t% fiiot tbdn (l^ottlDeff as tvelc a^reabc tjpcn I)i0 crofene, as^loe bpm fatt bp tbe bcic # ffiOIbatfoener mpfferie fbc Ho^be therein ment, ' '^ £pua be ttfierrebto !n5 tjnreTcbcoiuogcrrtcnt. ^ anDtubatroenerbcfeatljpomtebme^to, ' *vf ^ JS 31 ambifl otpneueffeJVbwfm'UtDitbmeto oo. J'*'^ "^ ^'i Htell, fome ttraungc tbing tberin «f (S^ofi infcnDcoltoa«, anD iDbat be batb DecroD, nmtt Cure come to paffe. 9 remember fuben Bl baD pou botb concciueD, a bopcc tbusTaping from tbe iLo?Dc 3l receiaeD : Kebecca, in t!)p tDomfee are iTflto ttoo nation0, ^f bniifte natnres anD contrarp faObions. ^ Cbe one (bal be a migbtier people elect : anD tbe clDer to tbe ponger (ball be fnbica. i hnotoe tbi0 bopce came not to me of notbtng : £terfo2etboa (bait folofo mp connfell in o tbing* ^0 it be not DifpleaQng to tt)c llo?De 3 mutt. BEacob. Ucbecca* Blacob. Ucbccca* Jacoo. ' ttebeccau : ?acob; Kcbccca; ' 3iafO&« TheHiftorieof IScbmO* 3|ncob> Kebecca* S^ebcccau 3a(ob. iUbccol* 3 ffflrctbe lo;De ebf , iDbo 10 merctfult ano 2on0» t:CU}at ibou baS once bousbt^is tbpne olsnc of Due rifibt. ^otbcr Kcbeccfl, if tDttbouten frauDe 1 mtgbt, gl.tDoulo pcur aODife put in\)}t tDptb all tnp bart, }6vit 3 map not attempt anp fuct guiicfuU part ; ^ Kq bute mp b;otber0 elDerCbtp anD bpis birtb^tgbt, 31 feare IsoulDe be a great offence in 0cD5 Ogbt/ mbtcb tbpng If ) toitt, to rcDorme i^ ne tcolDe, S:boaQb 51 migbt get tterbp ten milUone of golDe, OoD, iDbo bp b(S U:o2De ano aUnigb^tfuU becreiji; uiis U: !^atb appopnteb tb« C fan bia Ja;tic to We, . 'i J ' '"l !^atb appointeb fome !Dap to banc it b^&ugbt about flnb lb at is tfcpa tear, mp lfl;ite cotb not boute, Opon ponr tDojtc moHjcr, 31 toill affap ere long, pit it grnogetb mp beart to Doe mp b;otbcr tojong. SCbou (bait DO no to^ong fonne Jacob, on mp perilU SCbenbpOoDaleape^ncei^JtDilw . «.. ICbcn farcfcoell Dcre fon, OPop* We ©ng f mine tottb w* a toill againe to tbe SCent. ISKell pou bee. Exeat lacob. ab mp ftoerte fcnn^ Jacob, ga«) fojtune Kcbeccau J 31f tt be t^p g(DD U)iU tl)at mp iotll Ojall take place : ^^De fuccelTc to Jacob, accojbtng to tbp too^De, 2Dbat bis eloer b^otber map feme bpm as bts Io;d0. ^p>,U)bptberh)oulDpe0oe,no&Dtbatab;oaoepebe/ ^tbo« SCO myfe Kebecca, 3Cfaac. punDcrJDocbirfiT. ^lOo. iLo;de, tbou hnolocS ilacob to be tbP fernanf (roe, saebecca* Snb Cfau all froloarDe tbp toapes to enfue. ^onDer (be is fpeabing, totat euer (be Dotb fap : ^{oo. X3p bolDpng bp btr banner, tt feemetb (be botb p?ap. ^berebepeUitfeHebecca^tPberebepeU)oman^ Blfiac. tI2SbotdtbatcaUetb:'3raacmpg(Dbman^ Hcbecc nbere^je pe topfe Kebecca, lefte me bnoerffatt^e/ 3ifaac«a« &be commetb to pou apace* ^ too, l^erempto;U)e,atbanoe. Kebcrca* ^autng tbat lobat fo euer (!?ob botb i& all rigbt, 3|raac* ^0 fmall gdcft it tnere foj a man to lache bis Cgbf* 23ut Inbat tbe Ho^o ootb fenbe o; ix)o?Ke bp bis bigb toill, Cannotbatbetbebe(f,nofucbtbingcanbepU. 'Kcl'^cra. ailboDilppanifb^mcntojinfirmitic, ^ %is^iu ^itb al! matmes of natnre, isbat euer tbep be, §^ea anD all otbcr afflictions tcmpo^U : 0s lode, perfecution, o; troubles mortally 0re notbing bat a triall o; paobation. 000 U^bat is be t^at firmelp trudet^ in tbe Hai^^f 3D.i|. £>) TleHiHorleo^ Wlffrmmsmm ^: flf eUfafRp bc!f uct!) Ijis plohtiff tnfc topjue, \ ^iiD bnotoetl] t)im to be tbe 0i)t omhipbteht, ^ ^t)at fecoetb anD gourrnctl} all tbat ^ Ijatb fetlt r :<^ |3?otc(tinfi bis faitljfull iitaitr^ Dcgra, ,.. ^,..^, ;,iiVi 0nD tbcrn to reliene in all tbetr neccITitte / . tei^l creature (3 fa|>) tfjattoti) tljis bnticrlfanDe, : ^ C(iltllnottalicalitI}ingtnecDDparteat€uot»()anllf ^ ' •' &t}all toe at C>oO0 Imno rceepoe p^ofperitte, . .'.t^vurx nudnotbecdntenMifeehnfetotttatinerlftie^ ^ ^ . « ;i ti^e i)ugl)t to be tl)aitttrfUU U)I)8t ener (2^a& Dotl^IeQUe^ 0nD our (elnefttDl)0lptol)tdlinUto commetiDt. ' r, 3J ii i5^ l^ebecca. &o njoutb tt4ie; ano Bl tbanbe mulo^oe Ufaac, ^ncl)c oa^lp lecranis at pdar lanoe J doc tiotiach. ■ j Bifiiacv^'^i '•'^ W9^ tben (bouto ndt 3t (banker tbc llo;De^ it pleafe btm viu] K; SCbat 31 ibnll noloe be blpnoe, anb m^ ttgbt timre all bini. .••c Cfi f'Q^ tDb3 fo to olDe age toill bere liut anttcuoiffcv ... ,f f *''..■'... i ^ul! oTfoJcc'abioc al! ra£\)c bef^iitcu of iratutB; .c:c>ff Spibo. ^l}p mua Si be blinbe to, if 3 be an olbc man ^ '; - *: .: :; a ^oUj (ball 3 grope tbe wa^?r? tDbff IbaU leabc me tbaii f Blfaac* 3if tbelld?bebauepfmitebtbeefucbDlDeba^c0toferi,^ l^e tort alfo pjoaibe tliat ^dU be mdetc toi^ tb«. ii > ' 31 trotoe if 3( todri btinbt, Bl cQUtoe goc toell inotoye^ ; 31 coulee gt^p^ tbe Im? ibu0, anb goe ib» Jl bo notof , i;j 3 baue Done To ere noto botb bp bap ano bpnigbt, •' 30 3i fee ^ou grope tbe toap, and bane bitte it rigbt. ■Rebecca, u ?^ea fr? boi^s twil^^ fJlav anp fuibe cbilciflje hnacb t as to countcrfaifei^ouf bfihbe maiff er ?faac : : *?: S^attsbutrorttddtebimPojlriflimpeiMmait.. cr S^tbb. jfiapjiitncft)^ ft ftt^wpltictic intent. Jicbecca. i^ap it is to tempt 000 bcfpse tbou bane nerbe : C51 bf rbp ibou-jtiapft pjouol^e bym in be rv Dffcc, * ©illitli f ome great rtiffo^tune 0? plagtic to punifii tt«fc ^v $p;bc» ESbcn toill J Mcaer mo?e nt fo tebilfe t »"av fe ?' • • «^ Cut againff I be blinte, 3llpi« bt foperftgbt, . : '!^ Ebat ibws!) no WflR ieaoj me^ 3 ft'ii' gffatnubatflbf^aa r ' : ipotot lacohand Sfaui ^ofoe fcife, roncliing \\^t pnrpofe t^af 3! Tougfit ro;^ |>on* 3ifaac« CISlbat faptt mp Io?Dc BBfaac to tjta fjanocmapDe noto f isebecriu |?el)anrofteincoaertelDO?De0b(nrigibtcartie(l jfaac SDo banc me graunt tnto ^on a bonne ano reqnel! : ^ut pe ncarr toioe mc pet piafnlp tobat it toaa, SCberfoje 5 baue ener pet Ictte tbc matter patTe. anu not!) of late bp ofte bemg from me abfcnf, 3 baiie balfe fufpctteo pou to be fcarce content. I5at tDife Ucbecca, 3 toonlce not ^aac pou to moume, :^s tbongb BS oto pour boncfl pctttton toourne* i^oj J ncucr mcnt to ocnie tn all mp life Snp latnfull 0? boneft re queft to mp topfc. IdvA tn cafe tt be a tbtng t)nrearonable, K%tn muflt 3 nabC6 be to pou bntrattable. ipob) tberfoje fap on, ano teU me tofcat » ponr cafe. 3 tooutoe, if 3 toe re fare in pour beart to fpnbe firacc : Rebecca. C'Ifc fpj 3 toonlDe be lotfjr. Xafpcakcoonotrefraine, gCaac. 3no if it be reafonablr pe (ball obtatne t ^tbcrtoife, pemutt parwn mege ntfe ftod? fe tcifc. S)ir, pc hnotDc pour fonne Cfan, ano fa Ms life, Kebecca. l3oU)c Ictrre it 10, and bolDe Qifft be ifi ano ttnbbcrne, l^otue rctcbelcfl^ be ootb bini felfe mifgoucrne : Ir^e'gcijctb btmfeire to bunting out of rcafon, . 0nD feruetb tbe lojoe ano bs at no time 0; feafon. SEbefe conoittons can not be acceptable 3n tbc fpgbt flf (0OD, no;i to men alloloable. i^otee bis b;otbcr3acob pour pongcr fonne ano mine, Dotbc mo:e applie bi« beart to ftthc tbc toapes oiuine* \^i Huctb bere qoictlp at bomein tbe SEcnt, Eberc is no man woj ctiloe but is toitb bini content. ©b iuife, 3 pcrceiue pe fprabe of afltrticn, 3faac. ^0 3acob pe bearc Icue, ano to bis bjotbcr none, 3 i«feoe fp2, 3 can not Icuc Cfau fo tocll Ucbecca. 30 3 ooeaacob, i^je plaine trutb to pou to tcH. ^ • )15.ii|. i^o) ^oeHiUorteof BEfaac. Blfaaa Msbeccau 3faac. Sifaac. - IScbccca. 3ft-nc. Kc'jccca* sfifaac. 3i\ebecca* 3faac. S^ebecca* gfaac. iiiebccca. 3faaf. •Ucbccco* 3f:iac. lacbccca. 3ia«u« i^o? 3 banc no comfojte of c^faa dPoo toot : 31 fcarfe knolo tDbcre 3I baue a fonne of b?m o; not* fee goct^ ftbaoaoc fo earlp bcfo2c bap ligbr, JHno rctumetb borne as line fo late in tbe m'gbf* Hnb bnetbl fette epe en bytn in tbetuboIeUittlte : ^0 rometttne not in tUiatne, tbongb I boe fo; bpm f^he* lanD all tbe neigbbours fee bim as feloouie ao 3I< But tDben tf)ep U)ou!d (abe rea,tbep beare bpm Moto f cr^ ^oms ffl? bim fo f eloomc, tbrp af he if be be 0cbe : &omtime5 fqme oemannoe iDbetber be b^ oeao o; qnicfte* £5nt to mahe (bo;it tale, fucb biiS conbitiond be, ^t)at 31 loiSje of 0oo be bab nere bene bojne of me. WLtW topfc, 31 louc (l^raa.anb nmd fo; raafeo ttoainc* ^ure?p pour lone t5 beHottieD on bim in bapqe* i^pjff aaiae be is, as anp vong man can be t - i^no manp a gcob mojfell be bjingctb borne to me* • S^^cn be is mwe clDcU ano Srft begotten fonne. if (000 loe're fo pleafeD, 31 toonloe tliat ioere fo?0ot!Ke» £lnD tbe eloeS fonne to catieo tbe fatbcrs migbt. 3|f poors rea io (^fau, (0 jo giue bs gao niz^^U ;a p;crogatiae be batb m eaerp tbtng. ^o;te pttic b? Cb^uloe bane it (ottbout beferuing* ^f all tbe ga)Oes bis pojcion is greater* STbat tbe toojtbp fljonlo bane it, 3| tbinhe mucb better. C^mong bisb;etberne,be batb tbe preeminence. VSX^txt Cfau is cbiefe, tbere i& a gap p^efence. iDuer bis b^et^eme be is foueraigne ano lo;oe« &u£b bignitic in CDfau ootb pll acco20e* l^e is tbe beao of tbe fatbers fuccclTion. 3 U3oaloe CDfau baolotte tbat potTiffion. an*) be batb tbe cbiefe title of inbcritaunce. WircDomc toooloe in (Sfau cbaangc tbat o?oinanncf« SCo tbe rioel! Tonne sjs Due tbe fathers bleffing. STuat tbonlo bs aacobs, if 3I migbt bane mp inill&iDg. i3lnd tbe cbiefe enootuemeht cf tbe fatberi? fubfiance« ^|)tc^ i •IJ»;'..'!.I.. ■^. m^^rl -il^ iWiiiiJSiiglfP I. lacoh and Sfau^ \Athtctt, Blfaac. Hcbeccau Ucbecuu 3;raac Ucberca* OeSbicb tDtUf b3tae IdcII ii\ cran tti? gouerncitce^ S3p title cf Clberlbtp t)c fcatb tic blrtbrigljt. ant tljnt iucaiD 3 rcmouc tc Jacob if 3 mtgbt» l^e muS tauc bcubic pc;rton to an o!t)^* S^bat tocrf mojc fittc fo? 3 H^attin^to bis conuepauncej^tce it (ball p^bcabe. JTbe !Io;dc after bis toap cbaange tl)inbcritance, 3i5nt 3 map not toetinglp bacake oar o^btnance* i^otdeiDoulbe C>oD, 3 coolbeperTnabe mplo;be 3raac> -KebeccSi 3acob to p;eferr0, anb efan to put backe* 3 map not 00 it foife, 3 p?ap pou be contents fiTte title of birtbrigbt tbat cemmetlj bp befccnt, . i^i X\it place of elDertbpp commmg bp Doe toorfe 3 map not cbauitgc noj (bift, foj better noHS? tooiirfe. /tatnrei&Iabue itis, tbe elDtiiTmtneto l^tit^^Iage, ano in no toife to tarre tpm of bis bmtagc, ano pe^Ija!! of (Sfau one bap bane fDmfo;te. " &et a gcDD long cap tbrn.o? elfc tre Hja! ccmrfbo;f. 3 tearr apt pcii, be boil! O0C tocU inougb at Icngtb. |9aamaftneb(0^(5in.cni}bim being pcurmigtitt ffreettKUel?e(ci* 5rJ./ ®Reil, Ifaac 3Taar. Kebecoi* 3raaf. TheHtHorteof. vtia Blfaac. 3lfaac« ilebecca. Kebccra. WitWy notoe 00 foe benrr, liette ^i|!9 to^ere wt txmi 3 fjaog ttpD? ftere all tfjps toljile, littning botoepoit/ ? :fliiDmp Dame Uebccca banc bene laptnat^laliie^. r IBut fljc battj as qaictic anftocres as mzxl fatne^ju; :. 1 •< 53c coalos not fpcaftc anp tbing bnto Mix fo tbtxla;/ i^^^t i3ut Oje bao bir anfiuere as reaop ano as quuuc. ' n fi ^z^, toomens anftocres arc but fctoe times to tk\iti^ isut I oio not fee efaa neitbr r all tbis fame toecUe t ^j^ajJDolooepourfonncefaafotDcll, ., ^..t p il» 3 DO lone pour ^onne |ac«b bp a great ocalc. n -; l afe i^o DocO tbou ^too, anDttll me tberaufc tulip ^ ^' ^bp :' fo: I poc not: Hno none otbcr caufc Imoloeai 53at cucrp,hooj> as Uiell one as oCbcr,- oj.'g r? i .-' .ijci t ^^1 V3i 3u!dc bnto tbeir buCoanDes liUetoifc 00 tbeir office* tSI'ip oame Uebecca, tbrn al UJcODeo men fijolo be blino. cabat tbou fcDliQi laooe, no facb tbing loas in mp mino^ . IHagait t»^^^I3 • % Achis fecundi, fcarriipf iftilC^^.f^ Ragau. the Scruant of ETau. 1 i(ic;5' cny^A If^aue be arl» it ofte, but notoe a falc a toonDer, ' * ' ^ Jn tobat gricooos paine tbct> Die, tbat sie fo? bunger. ^ €)b tn? grsDieihmiacbe botbeit tiotb bite anbgnatoc/ ^. 3lf I toerc at a ratke, 31 coulD eate bep oj ffraloe?' -' **-->? -^•^, ^me cmptic gutts ooc frettc, my matocDotb enen teare^ -^ tISItoulDe 000 31 bad a piece of fome bo^febaeab bere. <^ ^et iamaWer Cfan in U)o;tfc cafetban 3|. ^^^ ^^a -^ • ' 3lf be baue not fome mcate tbc fomer be twH Dief " - !^e batb fonle fo; fatntneOig ttuice Oi t^m bp tbe ipap. am lacoh and Sfau. 1 SInD not one fielp bttte toe got fime yelf ertia^. 011 ttat ener tie batb, be tDonloe bane gtnen to Dap SCO bane bao bnt tb?e? m o;fel0 bt0 bunger to allat^. £)2 m tbe fieloe to bane mette toitb fome bogg0, " 31 conlDe fcarfelp l^epe bun from eattngof tbefe ooggg. ^e batb fent me afo?e fome meate fo2 to pjontoe, 0no (onmietb creeping after, fcarfe able to Ohoe. SI5ut if 3 hnotne tnbere to get of anp man, i^oa to eafempne oUme felfe, as bungrp a0 1 am^ 31 p;ap (000 HI Stnbe : bnt if anp come to me, E>te tobo ote toill, fo; fnre 31 toiU 6rft ferneo be. 31 IjDill fee if anp be reaop bere at bome : ^% tobetber 3lacob bane anp tbat peaHi^ mome. 3Bat 0rll 31 matt put ail mp Dogges tip, 0nolapt)ptbp0gcare,anDtben(i!^obfenDet)0tbecnp. % A.:efon oatne, SHo let Uagan goe ioitb all mp Dogg0 at ones : (bonlDer of a oogge toere nome meate foa tbe nones. ^btobatlballl Doe.^mptatb3l can fcarfclpcbarme, i^rom gnatopng atoap tbe b^une of mp Uerp armc. ' 31 can no longer danbe fo; fopHt,3i xavSt neeoes lie. ^oe]rc^tmeatecomefo)ne,remebileaie3i Die* .— v^ TleHiJiorieof itagau. Cffltt* Cfaa. ilagau« Cfao. C^rau. 3ita0an« CDfaa. ]aagaa» C^fati. Wq^jan. I^no \o\itxt art t^ou Uapn tobotne Bf fetit tefo^cV ^nlcflTe tboa come at once, 3 ncuc r fa tba mo;e* isabrre art tl)ou Uagaa,il beare not of tba pet^ i^crc a? fatt as 3 can,but no ineate ran 3 get, /^ot one D;augl)t of D2tnh,nor one pmac moifel cf b;ea9 ^ot one bit 0; crum tbougb i fI)olo Sretgtt toap be oeaiH II^(}erfo?e pe map ncUie fee bob) mncb pe are to blame, nat toiltbus Oerue poor felf fo^ foiobing pour game. 0b tb0u t)il!am,teUeS tbou me tbu( nclD V 31 f bad tbae, 31 toouloe eate tba,to dj^oo 31 botoe, 2b , meat tbou bo.2ron,lDbp baS tbon not b;oDgbt me meat i ^oulD ^on bane me b^ing pon tbat 31 ran notobere geat* Come bttber, let me tell XW a ti)Q;iDe tn tb^ne enre* /ll^ap^fpeake out a!onDe:3E tuili not come a fote nere« i^all pe to fnatc^mg at folbes i abisu ^ am gone* il^ap fo? goos louc l^agan^Ieaue me not alone : 31 luUl not eate tba itagau/o CDoo me belpe. ^Qy 31 (ball DcGre vou to cboofe fome otber lobelpe; XBetng in pour bcS luft 31 tDOulDe topple tottb pe^ 0nD plucbe a goo crotoe ere pe b?atu? pour fad toitb m^^ ^bat .-^ are pou manbene notn f 31 recben it bed 3, Co bino ponr bantses bebinb poa eneti as pe !pe* i^ap baue mercp on me,anbiet me not peril^e. 3in faitb noagbt coulD 3i^et lobsrioitb pou to cbertfl^e* tlZHas tbere notbtng to be baD among fo manp t 31 coulbe not finoe one btit 3|acob tbat bao anp, 0nD no grannt inonlb be make fo; ougbt tbat 31 conlo Tap, |0et no man aliue toitb fairer too?bes eoaloe bim paap« )5vX tbe belt reDDe pottage be batb t^at euer loaii. (£>o p;ap btm 31 map fpeahe toitb bim once ere 31 palTe. Cbat melTage bp €>oD5 grace (ballnot long be bnoone. l^ie tbee go apace^ano returne sgaine fone. 3|f gacob banc tne b:otbcrlp compaflion, 1^0 tDtll not fa me lainte after tbis fafbion, X5at 31 Dare rap,tbe tojctc^^e <>?.D rattier fa me ^%n% lacobandEfau. STbati \it tDOtilD ftitDe tn bis barte to do To mncbe coS : J^o: tobere ts bettocne one fremman anD an otbcr, ilcffe lone fonno tban noto betlnene bjotbcr ano b;otber? xmiW Jacob come te?tb to tbetoe comfo;tc bnro mc ^ ' ICbe bozefon bppocrttt toiU as fone bangcD be. ^et peacc,me tbtnberb llacob ts commtng tn Deoe: 0nD mp minoe genetb me at bt0 banoc B| (bait fpeot i^o;betsa0 gentle and loninga^ can be, 20 fall of compairion anb{>ttte« S5nt let me fee,Dotb be corner no 3I toarrant poa. IBe come quoo 3( i tulbe,be come c tbcn bang c^fao. 5^0} tbere ts not tbts oa^e tn alt tbc too^loe ronnbe, ^ncbe an ottier booppea^ tD;ctcbe to be founoe. 0nb Uagau mp man, it( not tbat a fine ttnaue f I^aae anp mo maiffer^ fiKbe a man as 5| bane t &o iDle,fo loptring. To triflmg,fo toptng ^ g»o p?atling,fotratting,fo cbioing, fo boping / ^0 ietting,fo to?efling,fo mocbing,fo motoing f ^0 nippingjfo tripping,fo cocfeing,fo crotDpng / gi>o fmappi(bc,fo fnappir6e,fo claiIbe,fo frobaroc f feo crabbeDjfo tD?abbeb,fo ffiffe,ro bntotoaroc^ Bin plap 0? tn paftime, fo uwonw ^o merp i Bin lDo:^e 02 tn labonr to fmn 0; To tDcarp/ igDb tbat 3 bad buf care bcttocne mi^ tatb noto, S fl^oalD (bahe btm eaen as a twg tbat lalletb a foUi, 513ut in faUb if euer 3 recouer m^ felft, STberetoas neaernonetronncebas 3 n^ltroawe tbat elf. l^e anD 3 uob are agrao 3 Oare fap, a, i&ot to come at alljbut to fiiffrc me bere to Die. ©abicbe t f tbep ba>,tbep fball finoe this fame lDO?b tme, s:batafter 3 amoeab,mpfoatefl&alltbemparfue. 3 toptl be anengeb on all foes till 3 ope. I^ea ano tafte bengcaunce toben Jam oeabe to 3. i^o? 3 miffrnft againO me agrao tbep bane : ^oa t{)oite 10 bnt a fole^ami ti)ot j^r afiarke fcnaue* ^- H^eEBSlorieof U Blacob. ^arp(0oofo;btDD0. Cfan. ILocnoUietbepcomeatlaff. ; ^agau. gfpebeleaenotme,f£epourrelfetoberebeui. i 3acob« i^pcb;ott)erCfaa,tDl)atarolptstbt0:' 0boui tame pafftme to toanDer ab;oaoe, anD peabe, SUtl tuttb bnnger pou mahc pour fdfe tbus faint f iueake* Cfatt. 13.:otbcr3eaccb,3lp^ppoucbtDe note no longer, X5nt gtoe me fomciobat lobertDttb to flahe mine bonger* Bjacob. 01ack b^otber, Bl bane tn m^ little cotage, i^otbtng but a meafe of groOfe ano bomelp pottage, C^({utr Uefrea)emetbertmtbaU,anDbolDlparkeorme, £Cbe bed tbmg tbat 31 bane, tobat foeuer it be. Bl ^^t a berp beaff ,tDben tbou mp life coed fane, 3If BB (bonloe Otcbe fnttb tbee fo? tbe beft tbpng 31 bane« 3(acob. Can pe be content to fell pour birtbrigbt to m^/ > <|^0ub !^olDe,bereidmpbanbe,3lboefeUitber0totbee« fr>:^V' V •^: tZSItitb alltbe p?ofite0tbereof bencefojtb to be tbine, 00 free, a0 full, as large, as euer it toad mine. , BJacob. Cben ttoeare tbou bann in bmtbs before tbe Ipning )to;b, |: 2rbi8bargainetofiilliU,anbtotlahbebptbp iDo^oe. Cfatf, Befo;^ tbe Ho^d 3l fUiear^o^Dbom ecbe beart is tooton SDbat mp birtbrid^tbattoai^ft'om benffo^tb \& tbine otrnif • B|acob« SCbonibalt afromifb me bp x\fisi p^omife ihbetit, tzanitb tbi0 bargaine and fale to boloe tbp (elfe content* <$ratt« 3|f ecbe penie tberofntigbt be loo^ tioentie ponnbe, 3 toillinglp to tba furrehoer it JbtB0ottnDe. , 0nbifecbeciclemigbtbetiJOjtbatoboleta!ent, v; , . :*■ 31 p^omifetoitbtbiB fale to bolbe me content. ;.v'- {Blacob. Come,letb0fetbtmonf(Dtetbatbemapgo0rtip. 3Kagaa« i^ap,i^;tt3|toiUftnotoeatbinjf^ere3lbelpebimbp* ^trra, ioill pe eate fol&e liDben pe are long falling ^ H^fan. i^o^Blp^aptb^belpemebp^anoleanetbEtettcni^ ■■•.:! r lacobandSfau^ '^ i^otrolv, sate ^oarb;otber Jacob notoe^f pott Inff* ISagan. i^o^ poa (ball not eate me, H tell pon, tbat t0 tuff. Come, tI)attDttt)mp pottage tboumapttreftetbcD be* Blacob, SCbereusnomeateoneartbtbatroltiellittetbme* <^^^u* |Pet3mapteUpoii,itwpotage0eareIpbougbtv ISagati. i^onotaU)l)ttre,fo;mpbargatnetaketi)oano tbongbt/ * 0notbentoletteitgoefo^ameareofpottage, ^' ? ^bat i0 tbat, but botbe bntb^iftineffe and Dotage f 0lach, alatb, good bletTed fatber Blfaac, SCbat euer fonne of tbine, Ibouloe plap fucb a lenbe toac&e^ 0nD pet a ooe not tbinfee but dDoo W^i^ tbpng batb tojoogbtj i^o? HIacob 10 a0 goo a0 (IBS|U^ nongbt. %\xt f(D2tb commetb ^id4j?$ feff as be cart trot : i^o;a ctcle, tJDbetber to callnie in o; not f Acftus fecundi/cacna tertia Midothcboy, Ragau. ]:j0,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba, '■' -^i^otoe tobo fatoe ere fucbe an 4)tber a0 C^fan i 3i5p mp trutbe a Ml not lie to tb* «agau/ &ince a toa0 bo;ne, a ncacr fa anp man &o graot^ eate rice out of a potte o; pan, l^etDontDenotbanRaoiOie^battaketbepotatiUi^npi* in dapping bisluakb, aa4 Jaaghiog. J r ^JoeHtJlme.of\ Hagaa. Here he oouo- icr&itah (up> ping out of the pouc. Ka0ttt»' Hagatt. KagaQ. SSogau. Ha$^au* Uagau- Itogatt. Hapa. L'** ^e nrtier (stDr f)tin^ DO0ge fo Oabbe pota^ebpv Mbp botoe DiD tc foppe it ^ 3[ pja? tba^ tel me boto y ^orp eaen tbas, as tbou (balte fee me hcd noUi. £Db Bl tbanhc pou gacob : tottb all mv bait BSacob. dDenrtp cone Blacob : H frcnoelp parte Blacob. 31 can fuppefo Jacob. ^ ea (ban topU J fopp^ f oo Jacob. ^ere 10 g0O meateBJacob. 0^ ere toa0 rate Jiarob. ^BereBiratoeJIacob. Cfanaoabie^acpb.. ^Uifte rice pottage iacob. ]l5p - - ^ SEbou art a gob Conite Jacob. , .. C'^mt ^'"^ * V^g ^nb tDott^p b^!i|(9^J^e bQn^llai^% f : t' i^Ojbot fipil cogf Id in Ijttj^ Bla)cbg<)0tQ tbal mc0ltah^ob* Cbat to be hplDe J coulbe not laugbpng fojbeare: anD tberfpj^Blj^afiWi^qtyJ JDnmno^ajiKiiG tbcre. ' 313 tberc aft^bttage Icftett? trte ibat tbqu &jotte/ /^o. J left (^n aHout to licbi^t^^ pdnei ' ' Huh QttOD tboumotD a (bamc tafee bim tbat cart all Itcftr SEbe potte (Ijali neDe no tDaQ)ing,b6 ibtU'it foltcbe. '■■ j3nd bp tbts be tB Gtting botone to b^eaD anti D^tnUe. anD (bal 31 bane no part lottb brtn^Dcffe tbou tbtnbe i /^o, fo? bs p^atoe Jacob ere be DID begin, E^o (bntte tbe tentfalttbat no mo getter come in. 0nDmade4)^iuuiiaitionofinebi0^^»ui(«^ ' U N i V E R S I T Y or lacob and £fau: ^efa^t^ontDereatoaae,anDbaDtl!)0?|)eme,Qttanf. ^{(0^ 00 fl^tft totjere f <)oa conloeS,ti)on gotteff notliing tt^e* 000 pelDe poa Cfan,tDitb all mp ftomacfter^i 1 j ; r Kagau. 31 muff in againtjlcll pcrbaps 3 brfljent;;. -jr fi i li d mx^Q, fot 3 afbcD no boop liccnte tobcn 3 tocnt. '♦ •: • !uExcat. i^ap it 16 bis natare,ira)tDl)atte can foi bun, . j^agau. i^o tbanbc at bt^ bano but cb^re pon finhe 0; itDtm H^ben reafon it toitb btni in a mete time ano place, . 0nD be (ball be reaDp to flee flfraigbt in poor fattii jr/t i?u jj. STbispjcucrbeinClBfanmnpbebnocrftanDet • : .: Clatce a cburje bp tbc tap!e,anD be totU file pour batiD. ' tiZItell ptoide Cfau^pe bio hnotoe toell pnontD 2Cbar 31 baD a5 mucbe neoe to be meateo atrpoo* l^aue 3 trottcDano troDgeo sUn^tannallDapi.. 0nD now leane me toitbout oo;e,anD fo go poor buft • ;^ l^ane 3 fpcnt fo mccbe labour fo;.pflu to p?ooit»;' ,'3/' i rimt, ercept it fawrc a fiwoecj a bfricbelbonnoe, ■" l^encnerfaiDcibematcbeofbimirtanpgronnoe, ' ^eHiHorieof ^j '^... '.1-*- <•*»?,,- ; WSilan K tbtiDB Krun of goti totll iobat otters do faf , l^elDtt f4U ouMottf) me, aiiD ofifier me a frap* < f 0noiDl)at can t^erei)e a tDo^rer condition, ; STfKui to Doe pU, ano refnfe admomtton :f .Caiitocte a one jijofpcr, o; come to a qom enoe i - STbeniJcarenottjoluemanpcbtlD^en^oomeren^e. ' ^nce Cliaa (^H not begntie me,il can tell : except tei^U fortune to nminDe,02 ooe iDclL SS^erfo^e infipioe Bl aboutjjpm toalt tbns mncb talke> < i ; f. Wbome uo man can tnonce o^tnnateip to toalbe ^ }i5nt Comeman pctct)annce ootb not a little U)onDer,< l^otDe i tDbo bnt rt£^t notoe oto ro^e out fo? j)unger, l^aue nofjDe fo mtube ti^cant ano bopoe ^tme of ieafnre, SCo toalke'sitD to talke;9nt}lufcoarre all of pleafnre. 31 toloeintt it tte^l^;S, Silsonioe p^ontoe fo? one : ^p motbertangbt me tbotleOioR a goiD lobule agone» WLf^m i lame to Blacob bu( (titttbOt^p to require, ' 3lD?etDenereanonefetpl3icametot^e^?e* snijere^l^arDe befporme liooe tbe potagl^ot, C^uen as (S5ao tooulo bane tt^ettber coloe no? bot, <0(DO Cmple^Bfacobxoube not toterne bts bache fo tbtc&e« 315ut)seibete&eU gotagpnlpe o?a4tctie/ &o tbat eitH tuent BI maoe a t»Tp j^oob meale* . « Sinn bpnoe better cbeape tban X^au a g(DO oeale* 25ut bere commetbnoloe matlier C^u fo;tb* ^ • Efau, ahdRagauT^' ^ • ■* • ' ' ' Alg 0r,tiib^ on^ ii^ bttngrp>g(Db meat ts mucb iDo;tb» _ ano toell fare a gob bjotber pet in time of neeoe. He comn:etK Xht tRQ^ioe 10 noiii metelp toelt amenoeb in beeoe, forth wiping j^v mv tfutb if 3 bao bioben from meate anp longer, /* lusmomh. ||tbmUem?i)m'pmab9etooi)lQl)an(fr)ttteaionocr« ^ ^ SDbM lacob and Efati. KMtXi tjau 3l bent Dcats aiiD gone 3B make Col) a bolre. ^arclp tt?cn tt)c tocjiD Ijao Ijao a great lode of vcu» iSagatt. fQl tuljcrc ll;oiilD toe banc taD pour ftlotu in pour place i ^t]at fl)3lD J baue Done toitl) mp birtt^igljt i^^ tbus cafe. cran» ^ !iept it ttill,ano pc bao not bene a berp affe. i% igaa, Bnt tbc bed pottage it taas |)et that euer lua0. Cfau. 31t tDcre finne not to fell ones foule fo; Tucb geare. ^e baue Done no lefTe in ni^ confcience ^ fcare. Uagatf . tctbo ie tbis tbat CanDctb clattering at m^ backe :' CDfau. 3 pojjc man of voars Qr,tbat Doib bis Dinner lacke. Uagain S)inncr tobojefon bnaue f Dinner at tbis time a Daj) i Cfan» Jiotbing toitb tbee, but Dinner and mouncbing altoap. WMv tbou tDbo;eron btilain Oaue,tubo is bungrp noU) i BBn DeDe fp:i (as feemetb bp pour tpoiiDes) not pou^ Ungau. a man luere better fpH tbe bellies of fome ttoelfe, Cfau» SHban to 811 tbe gutte of one fucb Inbo^eTon elfe^ SHbat Dotb none otber goD but eate anD D;ink anD flepe, ^e (ball DO fome tbing els tobom pe (ball bane to kepCt Ungau* 2^nD tbat maketb tbcs to 0ontbfMl anD fo Iptber, Cim* SB Dare fate beUias fire boures comming bitbcr, ?£23bcn ]! fent bim to make pjouiOon afoje, ^qX pading a mple bchte oj berp litle mo?e. 2nD pet being fo farre pafi tbe boure of Dining, ^ee ano tbc knaue be nstfo; bis Dinner tubintng. JPalf a tobile.faft luttb a mifcbiefc gra Dp ^Am^ ^v& 3B pjouiDc meate fo? euerp glutton knane/ 3 map faff fo^ anp meate tbat of pou 3 baue. Uagau. B% Deferuc tbp Dirnter before tboi* do it crane. Cfau. 31f-3ibaaenotDeferucDitattl;isfeafon, Ungaa. S Qjall neuer Defcrae it in mine otone reaf om ^e paomtfeD 31 (bonlD eate trll '^ crieo boe. ^eatb9ttDaBifi»etokceitberbare,fegge,o?Doe. Cfett* l£iat tpben pour felfe tosre t)migrp,pe TaiD 3! toot tubat* U(;gau. WlW tbon bitlatne Oaue^telleff tbou me notu of tbat i €iau. Srben,ftlpe,runneapace,ii^gaumpga>Dferuant. Uagw* ^,). i)ea It. TheStBorleof 4 -^ ^ ^aue3inoti;)mgtoDobotp;outDemcatefo;!pou^ ^agaor Pc tntgtjt baue geur me fom part toben ^c bao pnougt)* Crau* ^bat,of tbe rco rice pottage toitb Sacob 31 bao f t:STbp> tlK crotD ioould not geue tt btr btrD, tboti art mao Bis tbat meate fo; pen ^ nap it tnoulD mabe pou to ranbe. i^eip Toft b;otber mine, 3 mad bepe pou mo;e lanHe* Bit batb maoe me eaen Ttnce fo luSp anb friGie, 05 tbougb 31 bab eaten all beltcates of fle(^c* J fete no maner ^tntneflTe toberof to complaine. Ka0an. ¥^^ to mo;otD pe tauH he ta bungrp agatne, ntn mutt pe ano tDtll pe loiibe againe (oi gcoo edere : 0nb repent pon tbat cncrpe bougbt tbt< to bere* Cfer4u» Uepent me ^ tDberefoj'e, tben tbe Hojbe gene mc foaoto, 3lf it kjere to bo,5i tDoniD DO it to moaxiUi. fo^ tbon fa)liQ) hnatie,tDbatbatb Blaeob of me bongbt ^ Uagan, )i5ut a matter of a ffraloe, anb a tbing of nougbt. crau» ^V birtb;igbt anb tobole title of mine elberlbip. S0WV 0r 3 mv <^ob macb goo bo it Uii maCbip, 3f 3 bie to mo2oto,tt)bat g0b iDoalb it 00 me :* Jf be ^ie to mo;olB,tDbat benefite batb be ^ lanb fo; a tbing banging on ftube cafoaltie t SBetter a meafe of pottage tban notbing parbp* 3lf mp fatber line long,lDben Qioulb 33 it eniope / Kf mp fatbtr Die fa)ne,tben id it but a tope. foi if tbe time bere come, tbinbelt tbou tbat ^aaA, ^bonlb finbe CDfau fncb a loute o; fucb a lob, Ko (nttet bim to eniop mp birtb^igbt in red i il^ap,! toil fp;tll tolTe bim anb trounce bim oit^z bette^ 31 tbinlte to 6nDe it a matter of confcience, 0nD Blacob UtQ to baue a fart fp? renerence* tSUben mp fatber ifaac Q)all tbe matter bnoh) t l^e toill not let Jacob baue mp birtbrigbt Bl troto^ £); ifbelboulbbepettaobisotonejp^tappou, ipigbt not 31 (iue Soit^ont it ano DO) iMl ^9li{ lacoh andSfau. J^otD Uue ponger fajrtb^cn tljen,! befccW pou tell ^ ^me, if anp tbinn; be bp tfce flDO?D to be got : 2nt)!0 faUtion an3 Bi * ^ball it be as pl«afetb pou>o5 as picafetb me i ^ ^apaspleafctbpoufp?,meiJjmbeifmuttbc» Uagau. dnD tobere be mp uogs i ano mp boimo f be tbcp all ioel f cDfaa, XSettertbanpourman/ojtbepbeintbeirbcnell. ^agaiu nengofeeallbelDeiltnmpparteoftbetcnt cfau* lanitb a rigbt gcDD toil! fpii J go incontinent.- )^agau. Sno 31 toill to mp fielDe tbe tobicb 3i denfeo laf!, cj^fan* SCo {k liDbat bope tberc is^tbat \X UiiU peloe frnitc fade* Adys fecundi/casna quarta lacob. Mido. Rebecca. Abra^ the handtnayde. T^ou knotoeSlitle ^tfiotDbere mp mother ts. ^acob. 31 can go to btr as tf rctgbt as a tb;coe,anD not milTe. £ptDo. Oo cat bir,anD come agatne toitb ber tbine oixme (elte. Biacob. l^es^pefbaltfffmefcutDelikealitleelfe. spioo. tl^bere Bl baue bp \\z enticement of mp mother, lacct. SBargaincD ano bongbte tbe birtb;tgbte of mp b;otber t SEoarne \X atlto goD ^ ^o;De,tf it be tbp topll : STbon hnotoetf mp beart iLo;D, i Dio it fo; no ill* 0nD tDbat euer Qjall plrafe tbde to ino^fee o: te DO, <: 2Dbou l^alt finde me p?eS nnD obeDtent tberto. )l5nt bere isi mp motber Rebecca noto in place. l^otD fap pon matter 3iacob,ranne not 31 apace i ^i^t, l^ss^anoajSCDOfonnctogoqaicbeonpourerranD. 3acob» JS>.i;. Jlponne iwi r" 3;acob« Krbecca* 3*^ob» Ucbecca» iacob* Uebecca* 3$ebecca« fong. TheHiUorieof donnebolDsoetl^tbe matter:" let me t^H^ierKan^.^ ^ i^ojfe3tb niotftcr, 3 Dio fc aspc me bade, Cfan to fell me all iis btrtb^tsbt pcrfuaDe« ^aft tbou bougbt tt in DeDe,anD be tbertettb cdntent:* ^ca,and baue bttf p^omife^tbat be fotll nener repent. Bis tbe bargatne tbaougb-^aQ tbou patD bim bt0 p;tce^ I0ea tbat j bane,a meafe of reo pottage of rice, 0nb be eate tt bp enerptDbit loell 31 tofitte* Mben be ban fupte bp allj fatoe bun Itclre tbe potte» ^\i\\s be lit&er!,?nD tbas be UctteD,anD tbts \m^* BE tbcagbt to bane Itd^ tbe potte my felfe onre to 8a);» y&Mt CDfau begmloe me,Bl fli^etoe btm fo^ tbat^^^ l^no left not fo macbe as a luke fo: palTe our cattel &onne ^acob,fe?armacbe a0 tbou baS fo lueU fpeD, nttb an btmne o^pfalme let tbe llo.io be p2aireD* ^tng toe all togetber,ano gene tbanbea to tbe ilo?D, Mbofe p;omtfe ano perfo^msn nee do (b fnel acco^b* &bal toe img tbefame btmne tbat al our boufe ootb (tng i fD2 iab;abam anb bt0 fobe to gene (0ob piatOng* ^ea tbe ben? fame. 2Cben must tne all tmele Doftme tbn^, 0nD 3b:a our mait» bere mnUe alTo fing tottb b0, f^nele Dotone abja^bat J tap,tDill pe not knelenotonef S^nele Inben 3 bto pon, tbe flocKeft toencb in tbt0 tolone* Here they knclc dounc t© fing all fourc,{auing that Abia is ilackeft^d Miao is quickefl. For thou 4trt tije Lord our God, and none but ^wn : what tiiou Wor'kift to the glory oftfjy natie^ . Papti) mannef rettfin to/earche '^hat'^ay or how. Thy prormfc it V^ai iAbraham^ouldhduefeede, 7<.iore than thffiarres oftijeH^^e to be tolde, Hebtleiiedftndh^dlpacindeede, ■ if When lacoh and Bfaui tVhefi both be OftdSarafeemed very oleif, IJaac matrfyeres longed fir afinne, 'Rebecca thy handrttaid long time Was barrame^ -■>, *Sy prayer tn thy fight fitch fhtour he Vi^onnCy That at, tnt birth (he brought him fortiifons twaine, WhcrforeO Lprde>^e ddconfijfeandbeleue. That b9th th/m canfl andViPilt thy fromtfefitlfiH: 'But h«vp it (ball €ome "^e can no reafon gene, Saue alt to bt >^ought according to thy yvill. 'SleJJed be thou O ^od of ^yibraham.^c . ^olDDoat not B|acob,bat dDod batb appotot^O tf)£ KebecCiK^ 00 tbe doeft rpnne bnto Blfaac t9 b^ : 0nD nolD b«ue 110 boat,bur tb0u art rn» clect^ti, )SnD tbat t)ntb?tft ($fao of dDoD retcfteo. ano to fell itsik bis Nrtbatgbt fines be load fo mauie, 31 Warrant tb^ tbe blelTtng tbat be (boato ^ane ^ao. ^ea:'botor!iaptbatbetD;onjErtlt^ 3[acob» ^e«,pe0,tet me alone* jKebe((4 £)ne£( 5trt) itoe afaac te b!tnDe,anb can not fflp, I ^otbatbppolWe be m^pt beguiled bff« 31 fftall oeuife botoe,foa no pil intent,ne tbongbf , )l3ut to b?tng to pafle tbat Bf bnolu goo toil baue lD;onj^( ano 3 cbarge pou ttoaine^b?a,ano Ktle spCbo. i^p re TThe HiHorie of Actus tertij/caena prima, Efau. Ifaac. Mido. <&faa X T^to Cncc 5 lad fafo mine otee fatl)rr 3 faac, %L.mw. |>j ^^^jj ^ jj^ ^,^ .^^g .J lon?,ant) tie fe:Il tuogc me fiacb llSut be commctt) fo3tt),3 teill berc liff en anD far, ?!Stbetfef r I)c fl^all cbauncc to fpcatc anp tDo;oe of mc. 3ifaac, flDn Icafie mc fojtfj ^iDo,to tbe bencbc on tljis banir, 2:bat 3 map Gtte m? Dotenc, fo; ^ can not long CanD. iptorf, t^cre fj); tbifi fame lDap,anD pe be at tbe bcncbe not», ^bcre pe map Gt bonne tn gobs name tf pleafe pon« 3lfaac. Bl maruel uibere C^fau mp fonne Dotb berome, SDbat be Dotb notp of Dates btGte me fo felbome* X3ut it ts oft fene Isbome fatbera do bed fauour, £)f tbem thep bane led ione agatne fo:i tbetr labour* Bi tbtnbe Gnce 31 fatD btm it ts a tobole toeebe* 3|n faitb Sitle (^tDo 3 tooulD tbou toontDefi bim feeKe* iipiDOi i^o;fotb raaiffer B8 faac,anD J bneto it tobcre, 3lt njoulD not be berp long ere 3 tuoulD be tbere. )i3at (ball 3 at aDuentnre go fcehe tobere be is tf C&fati, ^*bc no fartber £pioo,alreaop be re be is. Blfaac* ^e tbinhetb 31 bane Cfau bts boice percetuf D« C&fatf, |9c gelTe trulp fatber,pe are not DccciuO, ^iD9« ^ere be is come noln inuitible bp mp foule : i^o; 31 fato btm not till be fpake baroe at mp poule, B^faac. j^otD go tbou in ^ioa,let bs ttoo bere alone, ^iDo, ^ix iivt commaunD me,fuU qutckelp BE am gotie 4 Sifaac ^et attD if 31 call tbce,ree tbon be not 6ache» ipiDo, 31 come at tbe fird call^jQfoD maillcr 3iraac» Jfaac* ^onneCfau, efam l^erefatber. ?faac, 3 fi none bere but toe If S5a( Bl am lofb to trouble ^ bautns noting STo pjcfcnt vou toitball, no? tjcncfon to b?mg» , ^onne Cfau, tbou Hnotoea tbat 3 oo tbee loae^ ^faae; 31 tbanclie pon fo; it father d0 Dotb me befjoue. cfaa. SnD noto tbou ferQ m^ Dapes Djato totuaroett an enoe* jjfaac* SCbat t0 to me flreat ruttj if 3 couloc it amcnfic. cfau. 3 mud 00 tbe toa^ of alt mo^tall Seibe. ^icaac, Ebcrf C2C tobilc mf mcmo?p ano imtte id pet frclbe, • jIlDonlDetteeenoolDmiiieberttageto fncceeoe: ano bliffe tba, (as 3 ongbt) to multiply mp feeoe. SCbe (£^00 of mp fatber abjabam^anD of me, l^atb p;omtfeD,tbat onr feeoe as tbe fanoe Qial be. ^e is a Ooo of rrutb^anD in W lno?De0 ioQ. STberfoje in mp Ujo;hwg (ball be no fante 3 traff* iaoto tberfb?e fonne erau,get tba fojtb to bunte, ^itb tbp botoe ano quioer^as erS tbou baS bene fi^mt. Idling, me of tbp benifon tbat is goDO. ^e Iball bane of tbe bed tbat nmnetb in tbetoffid, (^fauj Mben tboQ commeit borne, to mt^ it, it (bait bebotte : 3|(^tQ(^ dno to make fo; mine otone to}tb fncb meate 80 31 lone* S:bti0 DO) mine otone bere f onnc/uiQ tben Bl (bat t}ik )sxtit TOitb tbe UiDflTe of peace,anD tb& fo; ener bli(&. ^onr Isilt t'accomplitbe moQe oere fatber Bsraac, Cfatt* ^it0 all g(D& baa ano tpeoe J (ball not be fonno flacl^* Si:benbeIpeleaDmebome,tnmptentetbat3|l»ereret* Sfaac« 0nD tbcn go toben tbou toilt S((baUtDitbontcnlette« <^aa» Adtus tertij, fcasna fecunda. Rebecca. ^ T^\B tal&e of BIfaac in fccrete baue B( bearb* Hebecc9» Hnotobat eno it (boulo come to mv bert is afeard. ^re bao 31 fo mncbe aoo to fojbeare to Cpeahc* Snt tbe %Am (I trait} tmll KCaace purpofe b?eabe» £)gO( «y-^R3&-,;^j^:'>i^a".^'-:>^-"Vjf-: ;;•-■-;'■?:■.■ -^/s-ffi'^ Here flic knc^ ^ ^^^^j of abjaf>am,ma^e it of noue efiPetfe : icth doune and j^gj jg^jj^, jjgjjg jfec breffiltig tDboiit ttjou featt elf tf , 2^t)at it map to 3|acob from Cfau be bjdugbt, . 0nD m tDtli 31 go to fs tobat 31 can Deutfe, SUbat 3|faac0 intent ma^ faple in anp imCe. Adlus tertij, Scxna tertia. ° ..w ,^ H affau. XT -^P»^^ »""*'^ ^" btmting go,^et cmce moje again Here he com- 1>I 3nD ncuer com borne noto ercepT toe fpeoe certain meth forch Butjj troUjefojbanger BIbaitepjoutoeD beVe t withhis huo- aCbatloTjatcucr befall,3 Uagaufballbauccbcre. ting ftaftc and j ^^^^ ^^ (^^ jj^ j^.^ j^^^j oelicateiJ bere be, andTS ^uttbinhctbitf to betrae)fo5 better men tban me. vit&iia. ' ^"^ to&«^ ♦ ^a*l ^f<*« bcreof banc anp parte i il^ap 3 trtift to c onaeigb it bp facb p;etp arte, STbat till tbe bag be clere,b« (bal it neucr fa, Bl (baU,anb iX\iz faint, faebe bim as be feooe me* Bi (ball r'eqnite \^\& (batting; me ont oftbe tio;te* iSCbat if be biot»e me r unne to get bim meat afo;e, ' 3lMlrunnta5falla0mpfeetU)eremaDeofleai)e, anD tell bim,tbere iB none,tbaagb 31 map toel be fpeab* 3 Unll be euen toitb bim fo; mp fare laS dag ^ben be toao toitb ijacob. CBfad* MbatiBittbattboiiDoeit%> 3Kagaa* ^^*^ ^"^ ^^ir bebalfe 3 earneSIp toiC^e an5 piap, S^bat if like nete cbaunce^pe map fare as laft bap ^ben pe tDere tDitb Jacob. C^fao. saieU,comeon,lett)«go. ^agaut <^ueniobenpetoai,istb(reletiameo?no;&teitambo. f lacohandEfau. Adtus quarti/c^naprimao Rebecca. Jacob. Si^ne Blarob euen tioto ts come t^e tcrp bmire, Cbat if ttou baue anp grace o: bearte o; potoer, 2Do pla^ tf)p parte U)cU,anD fftcbe Ditto tt tb^ouBbouty Cfau bts bielTing toill be tbtne tottbout boat* ^otber 31 hnolp ^our gcDD toiil to be bnfatneD : ^ut 31 fee not tobtcb toape tbe tbtng map be attaineb* 31 baue it contrtucD bolo all tUng Iball be Done, E>o tbou as 31 (bait btD tbde,anD it toill be toonne* ipotber in me D^rtU be no faalte o? negligence. SCben bsrhen berp hiell bnto tbts m>i fentence* 31 bearbe olfie jfaac in a long (olempne talhe, 313tt) tbp bjotber Cfan to tbe fieltte to tDalhe, 0nD tbere loitb bis boloe to htU bim tome bentfon, Mbicb b^ougbt ano o;cireD,be to bane bis benifon* i^02 3 am agen (fa^D 3ifaac) trulp : 0nD tDon!ti blede tbee oere Tonne before tbat 31 b^e* ^otD iB Cfau gone to no it euen To. }15at IjDbilc be bis aUiapJ toonlD bane tbe^ to go, j^b^oaoebnto tbe flocke,anD fet me biDDes tluatn. jDf inbicb 3B Q)alt toitb a trice mahe fucb meate certain, 0s (ball fap come eate me,anD make oloe Ifaac niche bis lippes tberat^fo tcotbfom (ball it fmache* 3l(baU mahe btmtberof rutb as be t)oti) lone, ^SSbtcbin tbpb^otbcrs (taoe tobliiletbcefballbtmmone* £D ftoete and oere motber,tbis Dcnife i^ but baine, i^o; Cfau \& rougb,anD 3! ant fmotbe certainc. 0no fo iDben 31 (bal to mp fatber bjing tbts meate, percbannce be luiU fdele me,befo;:e tbat be U)t!i eate; £)1D men be midruttftill : be Iball tbe matter tahe, Cbat 31 tDcnt about mp fatber a foilc to mahe* ^otber bp fucb a p.:anc^ tbe matter toiil be tourfe : 0nD 3i in (!eoe of bltfftng Ibal purcbafc mc bis cuvfe* ^n me be tbp curfe mi> fonne^let \K Itgbt on me. Kebecca. Sjacob. j^ebecca. gacob. I^ebecca^ 3(acob* Uebccca. S^ino* Blacob* 3lacob. TheHiUorteof \ A] S^ffl ttjon tUp trae wuotre, ano let CPoo tDo;ifec tberdti* aiacob* tUpon pour too?Demotbcr,BI toil! tbctbmgbejjin, l&cno mc Ittle ^too to belpc mc bcare a feiobe. jacbccca* §c tball come bp anb bp,fo j fo 31 Hjall t) im bfcbe. i^eto lo?D , f if tboa pleafe^tbat tbts tibing flmll tafec place, jpurtbcrtbt0 our cntcrpjife,bclpinfl toitb ibp grace, A(5lus quarti/csenafecunda. He pe bf « maiffer 3!ncob f j camcpou fo lc?he : .anb bere bame Hebecca batb fent pou ponr Ibepccrofee ainb batl) cominaunocb me to toaptc on pou tfcis bap, 515ut tobcrfoje 02 tobp, (be tooulbe notbing to me fap. Come on tben,folotD me ^ico a Utle tnape?* tiaHbetber pe fljall IcaDe me,3l am at all affapes. lanb art tbou able to beare a hiODe on tbp backe ^ 31 am able (31 troine) to beare a quarter Tarhe* ^otD fnp pon to tbi5 co^ps iisit not fat anb rouno i ^otD fap pe to tbefe legges i come tbep not to tl)e gronnb* 0nb be not bere arme« able pour matter to Tpebe i X5e not bere itbelp (boulber0 to bo fucb a beebe ; 2Dberfo;e come maiSer 3lacob,tf tbts pour Dont be, i^oj bringing bomc of fetboeSjlap tbe biggelf on me, ^0 tbat if toe make a feal!,3l map bane fome parte« 3l!acob» i^esstbatajalttbon^ioOjrigbttDojtbptbonart* Adus quart! , fcsena tertia. Rebecca. Abra. ^ . T ^^^^^^ ^* if Jacob be gone afielbe pet, jieuecea» j^ ^ ^^j ^ Oaching map all our porpofe let. 15nt notp tbat be is gone,be ItjtU be bere at once* jQ:berfo;e i loill call mp maioe ab?a fo? tbe nonce, SHbat all tbing \iyit\iixi map be in a reoineflTe, I3b?a,toberebepeab?a:' ab?a. I^ere Ujitbin maittreffe, laebecca. Come UiX^ : tol^en i 3ba({;tD()at;^b?a 31 fapt > • lacob and Efau. ':. 011 one. . ^ulf 3 fall fo oft i lul)p come pe not bp ant bp f 3 torn Ujatbmg mp beffell fo;f©tb maiOrefre 3. flnD tn terp oeesc, lofectbat all pour t cKcIl be clene, SEbere is net cnc feule pctce in all our tent jfi tocne, St ben mate n great fF?e,ano mahe rcbppour pot ^no fee tbrrc be plcntp of toater colue anb botte. 0nD fa tbe fpitte be fcourcD ns cleane as anp pearle. 3f tbis be not quicfelp Done cal me nougbtic gpjle. ipa)>,faft,lubitber atiap i 3 baue not pet all Done. Bl rtjougbtpe troalD baue baD me as qutcUe to be gone, 05 li3bcn pe call ab?a,pe Uioulo Ijaue me to come. Cban fir pe baue maoc reDp cloanes,mace, anb 0namom Jpeper ano fam-onjtben fet bearbes fo; tbe potte, tame Ictll baue m bell tbat bp m^can be got ano let no foule corner be about all tbe tent. 31f pe fina anp fault,bar Dip let me be Oienf ♦ 3s tbere anp tbmg elfc but tbat 3 map go notu ^ i|5ou3bt,but tbatioben 3 come 3 fince nofauf in pon* ijio 3! Warrant pou, 3 Ujiil not let mp matters flepe. 3np go-'D U) enrbe toill at bir Dames biDDing tahe feepe. ii^oto dDcD of a(j3abam,as 31 truft in tbp grace, ©cnbe 31aeob tbe bliffing tn Cfau bts place. as tbou baft ojDepneD rigbt fo mutt all tbing be. pcrfo^me (bine olon too?bcs lo^D tobicb tbou fpakeS to me* i^oh) toill 3i go m to fc tbat mine olDe buf faano, S0av of mp fccrete tuo^htng notbingbnoerffanD. £D3 m cafe be fmcll tobat toe bane tbus Um bcgonnc, !^e map tbinhe it ail fo; (^fau to be Done. A(5tus quarti, fcaena quarta. Abra the mayde, Dcborra ,the nourfc TT^tbat toere naio tottbin,(bou!D fino all tbing 3( toenc, ± A«strimmcasatrecber,a3trichc,as fl»ete,as cleane. anD femg tbat mp Dame pjeparetb f acbe a fcatf , 3 toiU nor a troto be fonno fucfj a Mm^ bead^ afa;3. Kebecca. ab;a. i^cbecca. 0b;a. ]^ebccca« !3b?a. Kcbecca. ;ab;a. Uebecca* ab?a. i^ebecca* ab^a. Kebecca. 0b;a. Hcbecca* !3baa. J TheHiHorieof .^■}if.f XUt ttere (ifaW ati^ filtlSie aboat onr tent be lupfe; 32ut t^at botii toitbin anD tottboat it QaR bde (Uiepte« Thefccondfong. /f ferft^ bene a proHcrhe befire I^oi borne , Torig doth it pricke that '^;yU be a thornt, Tl/Ho ^ill be euill, or Vf^ho VpiS be goody ^t ^ who geuen to truth or^ho to fal^oodf ' EchebodtesyoHthfljervethagreathkehhood, Then let Kcr p^yg^^ j^ffj itpricke that W/ be a thome, Iwccpc with xY^jofo in youth VVfU no foodneffe embrace, a bromc , and -, - / / ^ , f ^ ■" ^ hilc Qic dotb foiow plea/ure,and not vertues trace , i% fing this G^^'^f meruaile it is if fitch come togract' fong,andwhcn Foryong doth it pricke that ^illbe a thorn e. (he hath (ong , Suche as in youth ^ill refufe to be t ought, let her fay ihu» Or Vci/l bejlacke to Vporke as he ought , when they come to age, their proofi VPtli be nought, Foryong doth it pricke that ^i/i be a thome. If a childe haue benegiuen to any vice. Except he beguidedbyfuchas be \^fe^ He ^iH therofall hit lyfe haue a fpice. Foryong doth it pricke that Vc^ill be thome. It hath hene aprouerbe.c^c, 0b;a. /^otu bane I Done,anD an it (boulo be tm tbe nonce, #p rtDd^ing anD nip Teng are enoeo botb at once* ^otD but fo; fetting mine berbes 3 migbt 00 plap» E>cbo?ra nnrfe H)ebo)raja too^Dc Bi pou p}at>* SDeboara* ^ISHbat is tbe matter i tnbo catletb me ^ebo^a s gbja* i^oifotb gentle nourfe euen % Utte 0b;ta, 31 p?ap pon rtDftte &)ebo?ra take tn tbt£s fame bjome, 0nD IcDke toelt to all tbtng ttli I rctume borne : Bj muQ to t\iz garotne as fall as BI can trotte, 0s BI toas commarniDeo to fet bcarbes fo;tbe potte* llBut tn tbe meane ttme,3l p^ap ^cn nonrfe Icoise aboot ano fee \s)t\\ to tbe fpje tbat it go not out, BI U}tU aumble fo t;aS,tbat BI tutU Tone be tbere, 0nD bere again | troto^ere an bo^ lic^e W eare» SL^bcre ti. I university) ':.'} v^f'i:'^^ ' i l i ' --.''^s". ' -'", ■ "^ Jacob and Sfatii ^ ff l^n tbis ab?a Ml be tDtttiin t|)t0 litle lo|)tt^ ^ trtte a0 anp tele : pe map rrnS ber loitb golD* 1 STboajSb it toere a bnQ)eII,anD not a penp toloe* 08 qattbe abont ber too;ke tbat mnS be qnicblp fpeaD 00 anp loencbe m ttoentp mile aboat ber beao* ^^Hl 00fineap^cettt0a0ilknotDebntafeU)9 1 l^et percbaame ber bufbanbe of ber ma^e bane a tb^efoe. Cat after InnDe (fattt tbe p;oaerbe) ftoete mtltte toil lap, I 31 f tbe motber be a (b;etD>tt}e Daagbter can not fr ape* ^nce onr mar^ tbe batby 31 marnell anD tbat (till Ddntp, B trnS to make fncb b?otb,tbat ioben all tbtng0 are in, €foo almfgbtp felfc map toet bi« finger tberein. I !^ere is time ano percelte,rpinacbe,iutt rofemarp* C5nDiue,fttcfcojie,(a(tenr,biolette,cIarp, iliuerioo;te,martgolDe,fo?eU,barte0 tong,anb (age ; penirpal,pnrfclane,bnglcire ano bojagc, tRSitb manp berp g(cD berbe0 mo tban I DO name. SBnt to tarp bere tbus long, 31 am mncbe to blame* i^o^.if 3lacob (bonlo come,3i not in reabtneflte ; 31 mull of coaenaant be (bent of onr maiUhreSie. 0no 31 IjDonlo rot fo; ttoentp ponnoe 31 tell pe, STbat anp poimc of Dcfanlt (boulD be fonno in me. Adlus qua^ ti/caena fexta. Rebecca. Mido. lacob. C*it|. 31 come I r ^jC H'Slme of Itcuccra* ixcbccca. JXebecca. Ucbecca, 31acob. Kebccra. Jacob, IComc to fa if Jacob 3o not retarne yet, 51 can not maruell tneu^b Uigat fl^oiilD be l^tfi I$f, . . j^no greatip iDonJJcr be is atoap (bus long. 31 fcare amcb cf bis abfcncc^leil font tbtttg be lujong. ^3 Ujeli 30 bearte can toiOjc all t\mg is reaDp bere, :3no nolo to me ecbc moment femctb a tobolc ^txu JSut bearKe,me tU'nketb 3 berc a pong biDOc Wa 3[t 15 fo in oaDc,3| fee Blacob, UjcU is mee. !^earUe indider 3iacob,bearoe pc cner feiDDe blea fo f 31 toene ^t Unotoctb afo^e banDc icbeito Hbe C[}aU go, 3IU)oulD not mv fatber Ifaac dboulD beare : /^ap,fl)e tuiU fcarflp be ftiUtobcn Hie is DeaoJ tJO feare. I3ut loe 3 fa mp inotber ilanDe before tbe tent. £) lLm,n\z tbtnketb long fonne31acob 0nce tbou inent arno me tbinlictb tnotber,l»c b-^uc bpeo t)s toell ; 31 ba«e made manp feete to foioli3e,3l can tell. (^etie me tbp HtDde mp fonncano notoe leat me alone, 23>in5 tbou in tbinc xpi'Uo,anft fc tbou bee a If one. a lione i botoe fl)3ulDc tbat be maiflt relle ^^ 31 am a lao : 2nD a bop nliac^as gcoD as cr e f c ballK -- 0nD notoe in b^mapng borne tbis hpo 3 banc 31 Jroto, SSricD tup fclfe a man,ano a p:eaticf€iIoi», 31 ment ftjou njaaloettnotbing fapc,. ^ £Dne toarning is Enougb,pe bao t»0 To lad Dap. ^c!l let me go in,nnD tjerifon bcreof mahc : ^nD beared tbontpioo i fee tijat goD beoe tbou take, 3(n anp toife to come in mp fatbers Ogbt. W3\iv be faetb no better at name tban at mitmigbt 3id be not blinoe long ttnce,and Dcotb bis epcs lacKe:^ SEbfTfoie go in oamc,3I bcare an beaup packe. 31 leauc pou b.ere 32Ccb,anD bartelp pou pjap, Stjat to^en noeDe fljall rcqmre,poa be not farrcafoap. 3 t^all be rcafip motb£r,tDben fo ere pou call. Ac5lus quartijfc^nafeptima. lacob. IVMo;! g)^oto lacoh ani Bfau. Ol^otoljapp^istbatfameiwngtterosfbaffomtci ^ , SiaJftome tbc parentis lone \xiixh fcartp afficaion. 3acou» 0nb arnon^ all others botue fortunate am B|, WSL^i^mt mp mottier Ucbecca tetiD;iett) fo greatly f B!f tt lap tn £er to do anp gmo pe fee, ^te tooulD DO ter cnmeff Denotra to pacfcrre mc. SBut as fo? ttsia matter tDtittb fljc Dotb notn tntcnoe, Wi\x\i%\xt tbp aiDe £) llo?De,boti;c ll^oalD tt come to cntte* iSeuertbelcflTc fo?afmuc!}c as m? faiD mother, tsaojtjetb tpon tbp tDo:Dc iD i,c?De,anD none otfter, 3t (ball become me to njcioe mine obcDtence, 0nD to tbp p;omifc £) 3Lc?oe,to gine one creoence* i^o; fobat is fo polTibie to mans tuDficment, Mbtcb tbon canQ not inttb a beck perfo^me tnconttnentf SCberfo^e tbp toill H) iLo?D,be Done fo? enermoje* ^b 3acob, 3 toas neuer fo afcaroe afo;e. ^i\i^* MtbP tobat nctDc tblng U5 cbannceD ^iDo,31 pjap fbaf 3acob« ^ID jfaac pour fatber,bearDe pour pong feiDDeblca* ^*^*^* ^e affeeo tobat it iras,ano 3 faiD,a hiDDe. tKHbo bjoufibt tt from tbe fotDe,3 faiD pou DID* i^o? tobat purpofe i to?fotb fpj faiDe 3, SLbcre ts fome matter tbat B;acob tooulD remeDp : l9nD tobere bad tbou ben fo long Ittle ^tDo, qnoD be, 2Ubat all tbis tobole boure tbou toert not once tottb me i i^o;rQ)tb (qnoD 3) toben 3 tocnt from pou latt of all, ^ou baoe me be no mo?e but be reaBp at pour calh 313ut of tbe fetDDes bleapng be oiD fpeahe no mo;e« 3acob* i^o.bnt anD it be bao calleD me afo?e, ^too* 3 muQ baue tolD btttt al,o? els 3 muQ bane maDe a Ipe, TObicb toonlDe not baue bene a gcD bopcs part truclp* JBut 3 totll to bim,anD no longer bcrc remaine, ILttt be (boulo bappen to call fo? ^iDo againe* Adtus quarti, fcxna odlaua. lacob. Rebecca. Deborra. lisaersbifiairotogetmemtotbetent^ '^^xAh. TheHtHorieof Rebecca* Debo^ra. 3!3.cob. Kebcccsu a^jat if m^ moffter n&be me,3 mav be pjcfenf ♦ But 3 fee bir come fo?tb,am> noarfe E^ebojra alfo, anD bjtng gtare toirb tbeni tobat fo m it (tall DO, ®Ilt)crc is nip fonnc Jjacob ? 3 do bim noto efpie.' Come apace 2)i'bo2ra,3 paap tba let ts bpe, STbat a I tbtng iuere Difpatcbeo fomtDbat to mpminbe. 3Bt is bapp? tbat Blacob readp bcrc pc SnDe« ^otbcr,lubat baue pe b?oogbt :' f irbat tbinggaretbofe^ 0eare tbat 3 baue p?epnrtD to feruc onr purpofe. i^nD btcaufe tbat Cffiu t^ To rougb Initb beare : 3 baue b^oagbt fleues ofkiD nert to tbp fhin to toeare« 2D))ep be maoc gioue!ilte,anD fo; ecbe finger a (fall ; ^0 tbat tbp fdtbf r0 feeling rcone begntle tbep (bail, ^bcn baue 31 b;ougbt a colter of rougbe ftiDoes bearey Here ftic doth f'^^ bnto tbe ftmne rouno about tfep necke to tueare* the (leues rpoD Come,let me do it on,anD if Bjfaac feele, lacobs armes. ^e (ball tbertoptb be begutleD toono^ous loele, ' 0nd iubat (ball tbiB geare Do,tbat re baue b^ougbt f 3ir (ball ferne anon 3 toarraunt poii,take no tbongbt* i^otOjtb^ongblp to raui(be tbp fatber 311 aac, S^bou (bait bere incontinent put bpon tt p bacbe> (^faubis beS apparell,tDbore (k-agraunt flanourj ^ball coninre ^faac to beare tbce his fanour, sparp Or nolo is matter j;;acob trunme in DdsDe, STbat is all tribOe anD gallaunt fo (DcD me fpoDe, ^olD 31 fee apparcll fettetb cut a man. ^ E>otb it become Cfan fc^ nap bcfb^etoe me tben* ^ |0e map nolo go in nonrfe^ano leauc lobpng en b.int» I go, marp fir Jacob is noUi gap ano trim. /lo fo;fotb motber,tbis raiment UHetb not me* Jacob ftandeth jj coulo Ujitft miuc otone geare better contenteD be, i^nD but fo: fatiffping of pour minDe anD toill, 31 toonlD not tueare it,to bane it fo; mine otone Sill« 31 loue not to loeare an otber birDes featbers. ^ine otxmc poo^e bomelp geare mill ferue foa all ioetbers, t^ell content tbp felfe^onD foloto mp minbe tbi0 Dap, ^oUj Siacob. 3^ebecca. ^ebo;ra* ISebccca, ^ebo;ra. 3tacob. looking. ou lumfclfc. Kebecca, - m m ii uwiji-jm i wuiaiia^itf i tuiM lacobandS/aui i^lo iU meaf e bp ^xa time ui rea&p B( tuVe fa^* SBefo^e tbat ioitt) to mncb $noa£(|) it b$ all (j|)tlt, S^abe t^p time,ano afliEitle t^p father tofien ttiott lot If* |^ca,but|7anepepaomoeDmotbarBlpoup;ap, Blacob. 2[^b8t no boos tD^tbtn map pottr comtratlle betojap ? 31 toarraitt tbe matter all fafe from bttermg, Hebeccav 31 baue (Eoppeo all montbes fo; once muttering. 2:berfo2e febple tbe tpme fernef b, 31 ibA toarnc, %Q flflche iuben all tbmgeis are reaop map oo barme« <0oe bero;0,f 31 folotn t b»t mp cbe&e0 toill blnfl^e reo^ Sacob* %Q be fene amonij onr folke tbns apparaileo* Adus quarti, fcsena nona. I(aac Mido. Xacob, C^me ^it)o,fo) iottbont tbe^ 31 can notbing oa» f faac^ ^JKbatw it fpr,tbatp0 tDoulobaite mp beipe bnto^ ^ioo» ^of bing hvA to Otf e ab?oOe,ani) take tb'open aire. 3Jfaac. 2rbaribalbeujeHD0ne,tbetDeatberi0berpfatre, flfiioo. P^ifebbetbedDoootmpfatbwab^abam* afaae. Mbo fen^ctb all tbing neoeftall fo? tbe bfe of man, an&mott ten^crlp pjcmuttb be foj me 3iraac, ^Better tban 3| can feele »; n^^iwe tobat 3| lacbe. Mbere is mp moU %zxt f^tbr ;f a« j Uionlo baue it, 3{acob. STaking tbc open ap2e,bere 3 fee bimCtte* S> mp mon Dare fatber 3fa(ac,t»rll tboa be. gere 3( am mp ffco^re fonnc,anD tobo art tbou tellme i 3(raac ® ere fatberj am Cfan tbfee eloefi fonne, 3(acob, 0ao:oing a0 tboii baooeff me,fo bane 3I none. Come in ocre fatber,ano eate of mp benifon, 2Jbat tbp fou'e map gene bnto*me tbp benifon. 3i3at bote b^ fi rbou fpcD fo fone i let me bnoeiUanoe. 3['aac. CbeilojDetbpdUooattbefirttb^oagbtit tampbanije. Sfacob. ano art tbou (i^faa mine eloer fonne in oaoe i 3f ^aac 2roarftetbatqucaionfatber,tDbatDa»tbitnffi)e^ ^acob^ Cwne ncre tbat 3f map faletobetber tbou be be o? nct^ Bjfaac, i^ojd^fauiorougbofbeareaoanpgoate. - ^'^ Jlet TlieHiflorieof 0nD pet tbe tiotce of 3|acob fotDnetl) in mine rare. <£>oD blcITe tt)0e mp fonne.ano fo UitU 3i tio anone, 06 fconc as i baue taficD of tt)p tientfon* C^omc Dn,lcaDc me in,3l Uiiil eate a ptttame* a litlc t bins CD^oD tDOttc to mc is fuffifance, <^ ido, 3! map noti) go plnp, Blacob Icaoctb 3iraac« 53i3t 3 neuer faU) fuel) a pjetr bnacbe, l^otD lac Ob bcgmlco bis fatber,botD Otgbtlp. i^oto J r« it true tbe blinoe eate nianp a flpe. BE quakcD once fo; fearc led iacob tooulo be cangbt, 15at as bappe toas^be bao bid lelTon ivcll taugbt. But iDbat toiU efau fap,tDbcn be commctb borne i Cbofe btm^bnt foa me to go in it \& tuifeDome. Adtus quarti, fcxna d^cima. Rebecca, Abra. Hebecca. xTi^tDabcfecbetbeilojbepaofperaatobmpfonne, IN Jtt our barop cnterp^ife tobict Ine bane begonne* BlCaac 15 eating fmb meate 80 be ootb lone, ^bicb tbing to blelTe iacob 31 bout not ioill \^ mone : 3f be obtepne tbe bieOing ad Bl trna be (ball , SDben (ball mp (mtle gene to (0ob lanbe perpetuall )i5nt 3 mill in to barben bolo tbe tfmz ootb frame* 9ioo. ComeinoameKebecca, Uebecca. ^bo \a it tbat botl) me name^ ab»i. ^P maimer Ijiaac iB commtng fa}?tb (tretgbt lDa?« l&cbecca* l^eibaUnotCNibemebereinnolmreifBitnap. A(Jlus quartijfcaena vndecima. Ifaac. lacob. 3ittiac« Q ($t me bofmt on tbe bencb toberetbon ^rsoiit me firff finb: O i^oto fo2fa)tb Bi bane eate meate euen to mp minoe* 3lt batb refreibeb mp foule inonoerfnllp toelU i!^D2 nener oaanbe 3l better ioine tbat Bl can telU 3a(ob« 3lf it \oere to ponr lining 31 am terp glab« ?*Wi'W*»"'^P"T" I lacohandSfau. \ 3(f tDHis (lieBelt meat and Im'ne tl^ etier H ba^ Come^plIenufbnneCfantDttbtbe^tpa^orpeacey - beobkifSab JCbat m lou0 totoarDss tfta map tbc mo2c mcrcace. ifaac : and tW 3 Weffe tba ftcre foj cner mp fonne in ttw place, kneiah dowm SDbc llo;oc mp <£>od of migtit cnoue tbffi toitb tiis gratt, J°^°* *^ ©Hbat toctc flaaonr mp fonncs raiment Scotb pclDe, wctaog. Cnen tbe fragrant fmeil t^at commcti) from a ficlde. xmflO^ ttc )Lo;d hntb bIe(TcD,ano tte fame lo:t) blcde tfja : ^itb tbe DetDc of beaurn^tbc llo^De tbp sronnD cncrcafe SEbat tbe fatnelTe of tbe cartb map nmr ceafc. STbe ^oabe fcno tbae nbunoaunce of coinc ano ioine, Sno pjofper continuallp all tbing tbat t0 tbtne. SCbe ilo^o mqhe great people fer uants tnto- tbff : 2no nations to do bomage ano fealtp. 0no bere to f naeoe mp place,mtne bep?e | tbtt mab«^ ^f all tbtngd tbat J baue,po(refllon to take* ilo^o ano ruler be tbou ouer tbp teetbem aU, 0nD botoe to tbd? as beao,tbp motbers ct)tl02eti 1^« Cttrreb be tbatman tbat M tba cttr& 03 imepip : 0nb iDbo tbat blelTetb tbee^bleflieD be be to; ape. STbus berebane 31 maoe mp laStofll ano teSamenf^ Wbtcb tbe lo^o (0oo ratifie nener to repent, ^eme tbe Hojb our d^oo^anb tben toel fiialt tbou (^obe^ dno be (bail bepe p^omiTe to mottiplp tbp f«De. ^p bap b^alnetb on,fo; olbe and f&ble 3l «n* Wbnt I Dpe^put me to mp fatber abaabam. i^olo bi(& me once again mp fonne,anD tben beparf, ^nn enter bpon all,tDberof noto ilo;De tbou art. SUbe ilo;o 0od reioaro pour fatberip tenoemeCe. 3|acob. Mlbicb pebane bcre (beioeD me of pour mere gosdnelfe. (00 in peace mp oere fonne,leaning me bere alone : SfHuc. Snbfenolitle^iootoleaDemeinanone. Exeat lacob. 3lo;ib 0OD toben tbou (bait fa time as tbou tbinheH bed, ^l>illblue tbis fsble carbeire^ano take me to tbp rcfte. ^oto DO pemaitter Bjfaac f 3| am bere noiD.' ipiD0« i^o; mp maiOer Jacob did bio me come to pou* f:-^{^> HriS*^ TheBnmef ■ jiapbapejt toas not 3accb,3i Dare todl far fo* jFojfcotb it teas jjacob.if nip name be ^iDo. 3|f tbat be atrae talejqine bocp 10 come flacbe, 15ut !o3D tbat 3 baue bonej toill not noto tali bac&Ct ^ut pet 3 iuilt go (e£ if g| be oecctueo : i?oj in o^oe me tfeowflbt Jacobs topee 3 perceiue^ Ac^us quarti/casna duodecima. Rebecca. -Kefeecca j^\toitit^ tbc dEfou of iifaac anD abjabam, Then ftie fpci v^i TcnDef ttanUa to tba tboagb a OnfuU tuoman, 1;cth koccUng, ^uaufe of tt'p U)o;:De ano p^omire true arte tbon^ aiKihoiJmg InfenmtigBiacQbtbebletrtngofCraa. »P h« handcs. ^nt, fg; tftus rcgatDing a finner as 3 am, 3 efrfcDnes tfianfte tbee £) ilo^oe dDoo of ab^abam^ Cb^ mcrcp ano topfeoome flwU 3 ling euermoje : 0no magnifie tbp ttamejo; COO0 tbere 10 no mo^. )l5ur 3j mill to mp bui'banDe 3iraac,ano fee, 2Ul)at fo; ttiis matter be tafee txo greefc at me; Adus quinti/csena prima. Ragau. ' Ra'au btin- xT^^'"°^ atlafftoebaueujeU fpeD 3 ioarrant pon t hi5 backe. ^e courfcD p.no courfeD agam tottb bis tJogges bwe: But tbep coalD at no time tahe eitber bare o) Dere* 0t laltbe htUeo tbis ioirb bt0 bolDc as (0oo lioolo. janD to fap tbat it is fatte bemfon be bolD^, )i5ut o?e(!tb it muQ be at once in all tbe baSe, ^bsit olDe fatber 3faac map baue U& repaS. SUben tnitbout belap d^ati (bail bleffeo be, SEben fattb coch on boupc,al is onr0,tben tobo bnt ^e :* ^ut 3 muff in tbat it map be b^eH in time M^tl^^ j^no 3 trotD pe (ball r^ it raaoc reaop qutcblp. A^us quin ti,fc^na fecunda. ' ' ■ " V ^L-J/' lacoh andEjaii. "1 Mido. NaiJ noil) oloe maifter jfaac (31 tosrrar.tr cu) ^iftflb ll^ath blcCfeD aacob in tbcplare cf Cfaii, 3t tcme I)er£ iwitt) bfi it ib iuogcD no fmall cbangc iioat a cafe luonoerfull,anD alfo tn:rp tange. Oeponger bjolljcr is maoe eIOfr,an^ againr, 2nt)c elocr muft noUje ferue (be pcnger as bis ftoapnc. 0no frombcnffoub toe muflal! maSc rurtf fie ano boto, Bnto maider 3acob,anD not to Cfaa noto : ;anD Cfau bim fel^nutt tnc«r Jacob btt, ^t bts comm^iidement en en as toeU as kue. > xbut Bl cai^p^ B! toarrant poa : fo? our boufeboioe 3loue3i3wbetter tban CDfau ttoentp folDe* ijione lotie^b CBfaii but fo? bis fatbers fafee : X5nt all goQ folhes are glao Biacobs parte to tahr« ;^nD noto b^ Cfau no man toplt Cette a pimie, S5ut ponoer be commetb notoe,3l totll gette me in. Adtus quinti/caena tenia. Efau. ^SHrotoBI bane noto toonne mp fparres fo? euer, ^im* |i^o; onre better Dentfon ttiUeo 3i tieuen 0nb tbottgb it toer fomtobat long er Bl coulttf it tahe, (b^et tbe gffiOtiedetberof Offitb fome recompence maUe. ^p fatbcr B;raac (ball tberof bane fucbe nteate, ^s in all bis life be batb not tbe better eate. Mlberbpcn 35 Doubt not,attcr tenoer bpfftng, %Q be (Ireigbt enbotoeb toitb bi^ goDlp blplTmg* i^s bis full ano true beire in bis place to fuccefOe, 9ix[n t'eniope tbe pioniife tbat (0oD maoe to bis feeOe, 0no toben Bl am once in mp plate of fucccfKon, 0nb baue all maner tbinges in full poflteflTioi* : 3 (ball toeing all loutes anb nmhe tbem Soope (J trotoe) 31 llball make tbe flanes coucbe as lolne as fiog to boto. 3 (ball rufiRe among tbem of an otber fojt, S:^an Ifoac l^atl) oonM^b tott^ an otber po^e* ...J TheHiUorleof Z3af noloe fntU 31 go fa \dW boll iottbtti f^e? mal;e Ctat part of mr bunting mp oloe fatter map tafae. A(5lus quart! ,fccena quarta. I(aac. . Mido. Eiau. 3 fane, ^ A /] 3luci,tomc ^iuo,to!jcre art tbou litle ^tao/ ipioo. iVll^re reDp maitter 3 faac,\rtjat Oiall 3i oo ^ ^faac* Come UaDc me to mine olo piace^tbat 3 map &t bonne ^ioo« STbat can 31 aBbielt as am> bop in tbtBtotone. 3(aac» ^ ^f'?^^ (i^P (iDoD,bolD Deepe'ano tnfercbeable 0re ail tbp iuDgemem0,anD botD tmmptable ^ £^f tbp taSire^tsbom it plcafetb tbd^^tbou doeS xtktty ^f tbp mercp,tDbcme pleafetb tbfo (ball it Sano Sill, ^ence tbcu bad ret 31acob in C(au bis place : 3 commttte bim to tbe goncrnaunce of tbp grace. <^ratt* i^oU) tobcre is Bj^aac tbat be map come ano eate f S.0 U)bere be is 0tttng ab;oaDe bpon bis feate. peare fatbcr jfaac^tbe ilojbtbp CDoo tba fane. 3faac« tiSCbo art tbon mp Ton^ f tobat tbtng tDoloeS tbon bane i Cfau» 3 ^m pour doeff fonne Cfau bp mp name, i^etse come bome from bunting, isbere % bab ioplp game> 3! bnuc maoe meatc tberof fo? pour otone appetite^ ' £b catelo? pour olone ta)tb,lDbcrtn pe toill mncb Deltfe. Come eate pour part,tere fatber,tbat toben pe baue bon, [ ^onr fonle map bletTe me as pour beirc ane eloeS Con. Blfaar* 0b C^fan,€rau,tbon commeQ to late, Sn otber to tbp iileiltnglDas p:eDe(tinate, I 0nD cleane gone it is from tbde (i^fan. ; Cfatt. aias, Sl^bcn am 3 tbcbnbappiett tbateucr teas, 'r StsjoulDtbefaluagebcaSfsbaDmpbooptojne. 3faaf. ICbe bleflSng tbat tbon itjolDett baue baD,an otber batb .Cfan. ahs^tDbattuictcbeo bttlatne batb Done me (ucb fcatb^ i 3faa£» £:t;p b;orber ^acob came to me bp fubtilt^, 0no L Jacob and Efau. 0nD b^oaofit tiu tientron,anD fo p^euentcD fbee. 3i eate totti) \m ere tl)on tam(t,anD lottt) mp goD istU, i^iclllco btm 31 baue,anD bUOeo lie (ball be QtiU :3b 3lacob,B(arob,lD£U map be be calUb fo : (j^fao* 5^0; be batb tinDermtneb me ttmes ttoo* fQ% filrO mine berttage be tohe atoap me fro, 0nD fee, nolx) batb be atoape mp blefTtng alfo. !3b fatber,fatber,tboa8b Biacob batb bone tbU( tbtng : ^et tet me Cfan alfo bane tbp bleOKng. ^ball ail mp gob bunttn00 fo; tb(x be in baine i Cbat id bone ano pa(t,can not be calico againe* 3;faaf* £^tne act moQ noloQanb in fo^ce of neceCTitie. iSno bad tboa nener a blelTmg tben left fo; me i Cfaa. }15ebolb,Bl bane mace tbp bjotber 3!acob tbp Hoao. ^faar* moilpoinant fljDo;De bnto mp beart in tbat tDo;o. Cfau, saw bt5 motbmrd cbilo^en bi0 feruantes bane i mabe* 3 faar* S^bat U)o:De id to me Ibarper tban a rafers blabe. CEfan • Bl baue alfo Kablifbeo btm toitb toine ano (o;ne. Bffaac* Qa!(obetbebapanbbonretbateaer3ltoasbo;ne* Cfau* Mbat am 31 able to do fo} tba? mp (onne i Blfaac* Sb Blacob,3iacob,tbat tboa bail me tbns bnbone. Cfaiu j3Db bnbappp bappe : ob mi(Co;tmte,lDell atoap, SCbat euer % ^otilo line to fee tbtd toofnll bap* 15ut ba(! tbon one bliOing anb no mo mp fatber i Sletme alfo baue fome bleflPing goo noeete fatber. Mtell,nature pjicbetb me fome rcmoafe on t^a to bane. 3[faac. X5ebolo,tbp otoelting place tbe eartbe0 fatncflTe (bal bane, 0nb tbe oeto of beaaen tobtcbe ooane from abane (ball fail : 2m iDitb btnte of ftooaoe tbp lining get tbou (ball. 0no to tbp b;otber Biacob tbon (bait be feruant. £)b,fo mp ponger bjotber mut! 31 be feruant i Cfan, £)b,tbat eucr a man (boulD be fo oppjcfTeo. STbtne otnnefanlt it 15 tbat tbon art bifpoiTea^D. lEfaac. i^atber, cbaunge tbat piece of tbp UntcnrefinDgcment. Gfaa. S^bings Done can not be tncone, tberfo?e be content, B^raar. 3Let me be in qniet^o trouble me no moae. Ccme a;i'ii-aBcE«*4ii54^ -J T^heHMorieof 3iirfpare litle ab)a,(bcbaib Done none fuilL , Kagam ^litlefienDeiti5,anDti5iUbeartgb*tDcuill, cfau. )3nD(bei3^eDftbemtbatlouenotnTcaDca5r. 3fpe!etriicso;3lU)iUlouepou&erpfcDelf. 0bja» 0no neucr anp nioje aoo agatnff me mafce :• efau* i^agautbalbefuretp. ^ ^b^a ^irabuDertafee. iJigau. Kiitn bcnce out of mp (tgbt at one e,anD get tba in. efau. 0t)etu,3Ifetnotanratoebppounojapinne. tr utb if Bl Ojoulo ope tnconttnent, 3! kncUj not of tbc purpofe tDt)erfo?e it toas menf. CSfaa. ^"^ ^^'^ '^°" ^^'* "'^ ^^""^^ ^^ ^ ^° fojgeac tb© i SDcbo'ra ^^^ *^ ^ ^^" mattter (iBfaa,beleue ine, Cfou' * §10 it true tbatuitien 3 anDmpb?otl)erfoer0firrtbo2ne, 0nD 51 by (!3oD0 ojDinauttcc came fo^tb bim befo;ne> 3iacob came fojtbtoitb^bolDingme fall bp tbe bele ^ £)cbo3ra« Bit is true,3I toafi tberi;,anD fato it ben? toele.' C'fau* Bid it true i tocll Hacob i p;ap 000 Bl be bead, )15ut fo? mp beles fabcB! Uitil baue tba bp tbe bead. ^bat Dinel ioas in mc,tbat Bl bao not tbe grace XMixii UAm^ bache mp bcle to marre bu( mopifbe face i 15ut mp fatber Blfaac toill not Ions line noUie, 3f be lucre 0one,Blacob 3 tooulo fcnematc toitb pott. S'fil mv fouic batctb B!acob eucn to tbe Dcatb, 0nD 3! lutll nerc but bate bim tobtle Bl Iball baue b;eatb« 3! map tocU DtfTcmble bntill 33 foe a Dap; ^ut fruQ me Blacob.B] loill pap tbee luben B! map. Tills he fpca- 5i5at if cucr 31 beare tbat tbon fpeaUe toojDe of tbw, k«h to Dc- ^ 0J3H ^uf ou J jjjp tcnguej toil! not mpffr. ^^"^ X5ut come on Uagau Uiitb mc,fo mote 31 tbjiar, ,. 3i Uitll get a ga)D nDo?De,fo; tberbp mnft 31 Une* d^agau, j^^.p qygjj ^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ jj^^ ^^ l^j,g (l^g^ bnotoctb boto. ^^•^" ' ?:£ibat pe faucie mercbannt,are pe a pjatcr noto i Aclus quinti/cxna feptima. Deborra- Rebecca. H^cbo;ra, gim giaD tbat efau is notD gone certec. ^ I i^o; an euiu oifpofeD man be is ooutletTe. ^ct am 31 no glaODer of bis Departure bence, SLban 3! am tbat Uebecca is come in p^efence. iicbccca. H)ebc;ra, tabat cott tbou tarping bere fo longf 3E came full ill afearo leaS fome tbtng baD ben biaong i^o; ^iDoanoab;atolDemeof eran* anbcDi » lacoh and Efau: 1 Bjacob. BEit teoe bcre be tcias.anD cepartco \twt but nolu^t tr)ebo;rtU 0nD one ttjtng 3i tell ?ou Dame,iet 3|a(ob betoarc, jTo) dDfan to mtfcbtefe Bfacob ootbe prepare. Call Bjacob bptber^tbat 31 map (betDbttnmpminDe* Uebecca* &enDe btm bptber qtuchlp,ano tarp pe bebmtie« STbat be geae place atDbple^tt is erpeDtent, Znn boloe be ma)? be fure, 3I lopU tbe ioap tnttent* Adlus quinti, fc^na odlaua. lacob. Rebecca. Mother Uebecra,btD pe fenbe tQ% me bptber i 3l3cob. ^eaanotbecaufe t0tbt0,tbou mutt go fomitibttber, Uebecca* 2Do bpDe tbee fromtbp bjotber (^ran a fpace. Bin Deoe to meiut maltce toe mud fomttme geue place* ti^e Itetb in aU)apte,to flea tbes if be can. 2Cbou (bait tberfo?e bp mp reDc floe benrc to l^aran, ano Ipe iDttb mp b^tber )iaban a man 8geD> SUrll Cfaus to;atb be romtobat ainoageb* Mtben all tbtngeB are fo^gotten,ano W furp pad, 31 (ball fence fo^tbee again m all gcciblp ba((e. |^ea,bat bPtne Ijupll mp fatbcr bereMb be content i SDbou (bait fee me tDpnne bpm Vntttta incomtnent« 0nd b^re be commetb bappt!p,31acob beare me, ^ahe a figne to ^ioo,tbat be oo not name tbee, S^ben gette tbee in p^tuelp tpl 3i do tbee calf. 00pecommannDe me motber Ucbeccaj (ball Adlus quinti/casiia nona, Ifaac. Mido. Rebecca. lacob. "VA^I^erebe pe gfflD topfc ? ^^ Dame Uebecca 10 bere. Bl am glaD ftooete bufbano tbat 31 fee pon appere> i^o? 31 baue a too^oe bi ttoo bnto pou to fap. tSUbatfoeuer it be,tell it me BI pou pjap. &ir pe ^oUi^tbat noto our life Daie0 are but lb o}t maiUcr 3acob,let me baue an banbc alfo. euen toitb all mp beart faretoell Utle ^ibo. illoto toill 3 Depnrte bence into tbe tent againe, as pleafctb C5oo anb pou,but 3 toillberc remaine. Adlus quintvCcaena decima. Efau. Ragau. Rebecca. Ifaac. Mido. A iSb is be gone in oeeoe to mine bncle ilaban, i\a;n ® efopotan-iia at tbe toune ef l^aran i ano SJ3 31acob gone to tbe tonfe of JlBetbuel ? Oe lacoh and Sfauj )16at 3i fliaU m tc tuitb bim pet one Da^s lueil enoug'c* ano tofto 10 tbi« ;? mp motber,lu!)oiii 3 (c bers rely i ^bc fiaiDc berc al tbis labile 0r,mD ye not brr at :» SDioii tl)ou to tier ffanD tjcre, % iDoulceft ncr toamc mc i S)onnc Cl;ran,gfo.:e ©oD tbou nrt mucb tc blame, 0no to DO a0 B! bcare cf tt)ee, ts a fonle n.ame* ^©otbcr te'oat is it pe bcarD of me of late f STljattbcu Doctttbp bjotbcr j^arob i?caOU>bat^* l^ate Jacob;? ji bate bim and luiil do nil 3 Dpe. i^o? be batb Dene me botb creat t2):ong anD bilannp. ano tbat tbal belDcIt Unoljj if tbe ilojo gcuc me Ipfe. jFpc bpon tbae to fpcaUe fo Ufec a UtDbe captife, ^p maiff er ci;rau t0 of nature mucb bote, 555ut be iDill be better tban be faitb,feare not, ^P birtb?igbt to fell did be not make me confent :* X3nt tbe fame to do tpere not tbp felfe content i SCbere is no man to blame fo: it but tbine clone felfe* l^ea motber,fCE tbat pe bolDe toilb tbat mopilbe elfe. 3t 10 pour Dcintp Dcarlpng,pour p2inchorc,pour golpoU, l^e can neuer be p^atfeD enougb of pour foule, ^e mufi ftter be crtolleD aboue tbe £pa3ne, it i0 neuer amiCTc tbat be batb faiD o? Done. 31 toouiD be toerc rocheD 03 DanDleD in pour lappe : £); 3 iDonlD lattb tbis feucbon Bi migbt geuc bim pap, 3 mcruatl tobp vt (houlo fo lone bim,anD me not :* ^c groneo a0 toell fo? tbe one 30 tbotber 3 tootte, 3i3ut 3(;kd!j mutt be aDuaunced tn anp lupfc : ISut 3 fl?all one Dap banDle btm of tbe neto guife, X5otb on tbp fatbcr0 bleirpng anD mine 31 cbarge V^k^ STbat tbp foulc enteuD neuef fur b iniquitie, Bctoare bp tbe r rample of Capm 3 ibee reDe, SCbat tbou bjing not tbe !Lo?DC0 curfe bpon tbp beab. ■< anD fcbat (boulD 3 tafte alt tb!0 tu^ong at 3icob0 banbe i i'D;geue,anD tbe HojDc (ball pjofper tbeie on tbe lanDe. 0.it;» ISebccca. Uebecca. . €fau. Kebecca, a^agan* CBfan. Uebecca* C^fau» Uebecca. Cfau. Uebecra. Tloe TJlUorie of )^ebeccn» Kebccca, €faa. l^ebecca. Sfaac* Sjfaac* iKebecca* Cfau* jraac ^pfonne(l5(au!)earem0,3(amtb?niotber: ^ i?o2 m^ fake let paCTe ibi0 gruoge againtt tbp biofber. &p?,rour motbers requests but reafonable, Wbici) fo; pou to grannt (bal be mucbe commenDable. ^otber,tbougb it be a great tbtng tbat pe require ; ^et mn(! nil malice palTe at ^our DeOre. £inD fo; pour caufe motber,tbi£( mine angre fl^all flake. 3B tbantte tbee mp fonne^tbat tbon ooS it U% mp fake ^Ql your fade toitb 3Iicob J tDiH be at acccjoe, 0nD (ball 3 call tbp fatber to be as reco^De i ^s pleafetb pou motber, j can be toell contrnt* STben topll §j go call bpm bptber incontinent. 0no lobere Ije oiotb alreaop loue tbee berp toelt, K^is tupU make bpm to loue tbee better a greate beale« ^rnelp fp;!,tbi0 i5 of pou a rtgbt gentill part : 0t leaS pf it come fVom tbe bottoms of pour barte* Ht mult noloe be tbn0,but boben 3B fliall Blacob (^noe^ ^ Bl (ball tben bo,a0 (S5oo AinaU put into mp minoe. ^e batb at mp Uio^be remittee all \i\si quarele* j^o^fotb Bl loue bim tbe better a great Deale. 0nD if be be bere, BI fDouloe commtnoe bi0 Doing* 2i\\ p3e(t bere fatber to tarp on pour comming* ^onne (IErau,tbon bade tbp felfe toell acquiteo* %bat all quarell to Biacob tbou batte remitteo. Blt1oa0tb.e Ito?oe0 pleafure tbat it (boult) rbn0 be, Sgainlf tobofe o;Dinance to Sanoe in not to? tbn : XBut notoe to tbe entent it map plraCe tbe Ho^oe, STo hnitte pour barte0 one bap in a perfect concojoe, tMe (ball firtt in a fong geue lanoe bnto b i0 name, 0nb tban fantb all glaimeaie,tDitbin confirme tbe fame. ^0 pe tbinke bed Dere bnCbanbe Bi agree tbertc. ^ee pe map commannoe to tobat pe foill banc me to bo ? ^no To mape pe bo alfo iftagau mp man. Bi ift none,but p^aife loe tbe iio^e tbe btS toe tm* Cal to;t^ all oaf ^onfebolo tjjat toitt) one a(co;o, lacohandSfau: Wt ma^ all fo(tl^ one topce f ^g t)tito tj^e llo?(e« i^«g«> ^^i«^ allofyng. ^- This fongmuft be fongafter the prayer. O horde the god ofoitr father iy^hr4ham, Hovpedeepeandvnfearcheablearethyiudgementesl Thy almightifuU hicor(hip,and/omefiray awrye, Whomepleafeththee,thoudoJtechoofeorrepr ohate » ' - tyfndnofiefhecanafzethee'^herforeor'^hy? Of thine omie ^illthott didfi ^yibraham ele^c, rPromiftng himfeede asfterres of the skie, ty^ndthem as thy chojen people to protege. That they might'thy mercies praife and magnipe. Perfirme thou O Lorde^thine eternall decree, Tomeandnryfeedethefonmsoftyibraham, ^yfnd ]^hom thou hafte chopn thine ovcne people to bee, ^ttideanddefindetothegbrieofthyname, FJNIS. • l^cntrcth the Poetc^nathcr^ft (land f ftill,tiIhchaucdonc. J J pan (mttttct of ocatMno all ^10 polleritie : '^ - ' ftt tpe lojDe onr ©oo ixHto is onmJpotent, ^ao tn fttfi ofene fdfe bp m Bteraall oecra, appomteo to rcUoje nian,ano to mabe btm fra, f|j parpoCeo to faac manbpittJe bp bis merrte, miiimt bconcc bao crwteo Unto tiis gio^ie. ^et not all fleibeoo be tben pjcocOinate, »at onelp tbe aoopteo cbilown of pjomife : i^l r 7i*^^^ ^at manp looalb begenerate, anotopmrilpgwecaufeto beptitfromtbat bimt 90 on muB be(>alfe nonwner befanlt tfterc ($, Snt TlicPoeteU A TheHiUme . ■^ ^^ ' 'ano U)t)crc be refnfecb,be octb none imiirp. Bat tbuF farre fiirmountctb man« tntcllerfid!?, STo attaine oj concelae,anD ir.ucl) ino^feto Difcuffc : 011 innft be refcrreD to (I5oi50 election^ ano to bis fecrct toDgeni€itt,it is rrr«te fc J t3S, ^itb^aule tbe apoftie to fonfeffeanti fap tbus : £Db tbe Deepneffe of tbc rixfies of (dods toifeoome, ^oto bnfearcteable are bis \mns tomans re afon :' " ^urparretberfo3eisfir(ltobc!eu8(0roslDo;Ce, jfiot cuubtpng but tbat b e toil bis cIctteD faue : Cben to put full t^-uff uribe^ffloneffc of tbe ilo;iDe, SCbat toe be of tbc number tobicb Oj^U ntercp baac : SCbirolv fo to liue as uie map bis pjomife craue. SCbus if toe uo^toe fiiall ^bjabams cbplo^en be : 0no come toitb aacob to enttelTefelifttiev AU the rcft^fth* adloittsaiHifwer Amen. - • « , ^ ..'..■■■ . -"^AVV"! Tlwnfc^owtlht'he prayer. v ^(aai» -k^T^tobntpc^oDletbspjapfo^alltbetoboIe^erff^, ^ V jNJ sCo jjeua tfeem-grdte t<^iiiaancc goos bono? ano glojg* Rebecca. SCbenfoHbe^ueii^mntHWIetbspaap, ^ j:- tantod^oDtofcepeberinbeltbanbtoeltbnigbtanDDaVa ., rvfe;» 2lntfttjat»ftrtsn«gfe^^f^artir5gFw^^ " ' ^e toitlDcfeflD an5 maintatne bir effate and Digm'tie, SCbat (be beein^^^eD toitbdif^'outtoarD boffilitie, ^av againff ber inimieis altoa^ baue bittojie, 0iQ& fanrtbe ^(tem^s^it^rlfatlbnrs mo^tfobl^ ttnbtrtr^^^ janotnitb all gcoUneflTc tbetr nob!^ bi^artes ciTDuc;^ H^CajT* ito?Dfauetb^nobiliti^aniip3i:rcrnetbemalij ' ^nopjofper tbe Queues fubiects bnitterfalK . '.:... ."^"'- -^^^'--'^-^^ ? 3^hiis^na«h#is€6!n&di^orEti^P[ei ■ : ^f^^ OF THE UNIVERSITY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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