UC-NRLF $B 3m T77 ^^r'\^, i /i . i V ■> • : • ■; ''I;M:;'' ' ; '1 , ,' ' 'i' J >"."j|;-»'..";^ '..':-; t * Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from . Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofscienOOscudrich SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS I CATALOGUE SCIENTIFIC SERIALS OF ALL COUNTRIES INCLUDING THE TRANS- ACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES IN THE NATURAL PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 1633-1876 BY SAMUEL IL SCUDDER LIBRA II Y UNI \ KK'SfT Y OK 1 (JALIFOUXIA. CAMBRIDGE LIBRARY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY 1879 V y Ji-^-i-) TABLE OF CONTENTS. NOTE V PREFACE vii CATALOGUE 1 International ........... 1 Great Britain and Ireland 2 Denmark, Sweden and Norway 36 Holland 46 Belgium 61 France ............ 65 Spain and Portugal 118 Italy 121 Switzerland 140 Germany 148 Austria, including Hungary 221 Russia 241 Greece and Roumania . . 251 Asia, south of the Russian dominions . . . . . 251 Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand 256 Africa 259 South America, Mexico and the West Indies .... 259 United States of America 263 British America . 291 APPENDIX, WITH CORRECTIONS 294 INDEX OF TOWNS * .308 INDEX OF TITLES 315 INDEX OF MINOR SUBJECTS 355 137^7 LI RR A RY "^ UISMVERSITV OF CALIFORNIA. isroTE. A motion was made in 1876 in the Academic Council of Harvard University, b}^ Prof. N. S. Shaler, that a Committee be appointed to confer with the authorities of other libraries in the vicinity of tlie Universit}^, and to devise some plan of more effective co-operation in the gathering of books for the use of investigators in science. This Committee met gentlemen representing the Boston Public Library, the Boston Society of Natural History, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Boston Athenaeum. They came to an under- standing concerning the separate fields in which their respective li- braries should aim to be complete. As a part of the same general scheme of co-operation, nine of the principal libraries of Boston unit- ed with the Library of the University and issued, in December, 1878, "A List of Serial Publications now taken in the principal libraries of Boston and Cambridge," pp. 30, large octavo, double cohimn. The titles liad against them indications of the libraries in which the works coukl be found, and the most considerable part in the list was that of science and technology. The several libraries gave such ad- ditional encouragement as authorized the Committee of the Academic Council to report a general agreement that one of the first steps for further effective co-operation would be the preparation of a biblio- graphical list of all scientific serials, published in the past as well as now in progress. They also recommended that Mr. Samuel H. ScuDDER be employed to prepare the manuscript of the list, and tliat the Library of the University, under authority from the President and Fellows, be given charge of its publication. This authority was obtained April 29, 1878, and shortly after, the composition of the t3pe began at the College Press, while the press-work followed at the es- blishment of John Wilson & Son. The work has gone on with such speed as other engagements of the printing office allowed. Some dela}^ has necessarily been consequent upon the revision of the proofs in such a manner as to secure completeness of enumeration and ac- curacy of statement. The size of the volume as completed exceeds that promised in the prospectus. The Library has no funds for the issue of such publications. If this is to be the beginning of a series of works such as maj^ be prop- VI NOTE. erlv undertaken by a public library, but do not ordinarily offer induce- ments for commercial speculation, it will be necessary, as in this case, that a return of the money expended should be guaranteed by a subscription among libraries and persons interested. Since the printing began, Mr. Soudder has joined the library staff, as Assistant Librarian. The appointment may be taken as evidence of abilities and bibliographical attainments which it is confidentl3' ex- pected the present work will also make manifest to a wider circle. JUSTIN WINSOR, Librarian. Harvard University, Gore Hall, August, 1879. PREFACE. It has been impossible for the working naturalist or ph3\sicist to keep track of the rapid growth of scientific serial literature during the past twent3'-five years. It has grown to such proportions that the barest list of titles requires a volume, and a bibliographical hand- book, like the present, has become a necessit3\ The scope of the present work is indicated in a general wa}' upon the title page, but adherance to the original plan has been not a little difficult. It was intended to include the pure and exclude all the ap- plied sciences ; but their more or less intimate union in man}' periodi- cals has compelled the admission of manj^ titles which should no doubt l)e properly classed with the applied sciences. Some of the minor divisions of the latter were also so limited, both in scope and in liter- ature (e. g. agriculture, fish-culture, etc.), that it was deemed best to admit them; but publications dealing exclusively with Medicine, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Horticulture, Technology, Manufactures, Phi- lology and History have been omitted, and such minor division •? of the applied sciences as have been included may be readil}' determined by an inspection of the last index in the volume. It should be added, however, that Antiquities, as dealing with historic periods, have been omitted ; while Archaeology, as including pre-historic times, and thus allied to Geology, has been admitted. As is well-known, a large number of historical and antiquarian societies and magazines discuss archaeological material relating^ to the pre-historic period ; and where this was known to be the case the}' are introduced ; but otherwise, or unless their titles indicate a broader scope than history only, they have been excluded. It is impossible that mistakes should not have arisen in this part of the work, and in this particular it is somewhat unequall}' treated, a greater latitude being allowed in the latter than in the earl}^ part of the volume. In attempting to separate the sciences and their applications, or historic and pre-historic papers, much must be left to the compiler's judgment, and that of any two persons must necessarily conflict. It is not, however, the compiler's purpose to disarm criticism, for it is hardl}' likel}' that any one will see the faults and omissions in his work more clearly than himself. Indeed, in the interest of future work of this kind he would point out one error of judgment into which Vlll PREFACE. lie has fallen. This is the entry of the publications of institutions under the place of publication indicated on the title page (excepting in institutions having no fixed head-quarters — when they appear at the head of the country') rather than under the place where the institutions are established, the latter receiving only a cross-reference. Usually- of course the two coincide ; the place of publication was chosen because that can always be learned from the bibliographies ; but the place of location would so rarely be uncertain, as to give little trouble. The plan here adopted, of entering all serial publications, independ- ent or otherwise, under the place of publication (or location) seems far better than of arranging them by the first words of the title. For societies the first plan only can be defended. For independent journals it is also better : first, to secure uniformity in the mode of entering all serial publications, and because it is often difficult to de- cide whether a journal is independent or not; and second, because of the time required to pass the eye over all the various " journaux," " zeitschriften " or " magazines" to find the one sought ; while in the abbreviated form in which these appear in the index of titles this is far easier and answers every alphabetical purpose. There is also the advantage that one may see at a glance how prolific the dif- ferent book-marts have been, or how enterprising the publishers or editors in some small country' town. In the case of journals or soci- eties which have changed their location, the plan has been followed, either of giving, under each place, the part relating to each, with ref- erences back and forth ; or of ^entering the whole under the place of first location and referring back from the later. This will account for the large number of cross-references, of which it did not seem possi- ble to be too lavish in a printed work of this nature. Necessaril}' this catalogue is in large measure a compilation. Years of labor and prolonged visits to a hundred European libraries would not suflfice barely to verify at first hand all the titles here collected. How much longer to select them from the general mass of literature one would best not estimate until h© has himself made the experi- ment. Although undertaken in the first instance from a personal want, sliared equally b}^ my colleagues in scientific work, a growing appreciation of the magnitude of the unwonted task would still have deterred me from its completion, had I not received, in man^- cases from strangers, such generous assistance and encouragement. No pains, however, have been spared to secure accuracy. 3Iany, perhaps most, titles have been procured by the examination of at least a dozen references ; and where these conflicted, and when the originals could not be examined, the scjarch was continued in biblio- graphical sources. Of printed documents, the list may b? said to be based upon the well-known bibliographical works of Dryonder, Callisen, Cams and P'ngelmann, Agassiz and Strickland, Poggendortf, the Smitlisoni'Ui Catalogue, and tiie lists prefixed to the diMVrent vol- PREFACE. IX umes of the Royal Society's Catalogue of scientific papers. Of un- published material I have been permitted to examine two precious treasuries : the Smithsonian MS. list, the extension of its printed catalogue, freely opened to me by the late Professor Henry ; and a MS. catalogue, not unlike the present and which ought to have ante- dated it in publication, prepared by Dr. H. Carrington Bolton, of Trinity College, Hartford, and most generously placed by him at my disposition.* Besides these the libraries of the Boston Society of Natural History and of the Academy- of Natural Sciences at Philadel- phia have been examined, book b}' book ; as well as many volumes in the Public Library, the Athenaeum, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in Boston, the library of Harvard University (in- cluding that of the College proper, the Observatory, and the Museum of Comparative Zoology) , in Cambridge, and that of the Essex Insti- tute, Salem. The Astor Library, New York, the American Philo- sophical Society's librarj^, Philadelphia, and that of the Smithsonian Institution in the Congressional Library, Washington, have also been visited. All the standard general bibliographies of every country have been examined, and all serial bibliographical works (like the Bibliographic de la France) from their beginning to the present time. It would oc- cupy too much space to recount them all. All the library catalogues also, and the other aids which may be consulted at those bibliograph- ical centres, the Boston Public Library, the Harvard University Librar}^, and the Boston Athenaeum, have been examined with care, including every special scientific bibliography known to me. Cata- logues of accessions to the libraries of the learned societies, published b}^ many of them in their weekly or monthl}' Comptes-Rendus or their annual volumes of Proceedings, have been carefully examined and have afforded much valuable and otherwise inaccessible material, often buried nearty out of sight. Advance copies of the sheets, as printed, have been forwarded to some person in each European country represented in the list, and these have been returned, in almost every instance, with valuable in- formation. Mr. W. H. Dalton, of H. M. Geological Survey of Eng- land, has not only added many titles to the English list, but has kindly examined the sheets of the greater part of the whole work, made many valuable corrections and additions, and has revised most of the Hungarian and Polish titles while still in MS. Baron R. von * This I had in my possession for a month. It is an exhaustive catalogue of independent journals in all branches of science, pure, applied or spurious, down to the year 1874, prepared at great pains and which awaits the dilatory action of Congress for its publication. For a description of it, see a letter by Dr. Bolton in the Library Journal, vol. I., p. 114. Had not the present list been nearly completed when the existence of this catalogue became known to me, my own work would have been dropped. The two lists, however, duplicate each other only in the field of independent journals of pure science. X PREFACE. Osten Sacken has also rendered much assistance in the Russian titles.* Professor Coloman de Szily, of the Pol3^technic School of Buda- pest, had the kindness to prepare an extensive list of Hungarian titles with translations. Dr. E. H. von Baumhauer, of the Holland Academy of Sciences, has examined the Dutch list. M. N. Rauis, of the Secretar^^'s office, Belgian Academy of Science, in return- ing the revised sheets of the Belgian entries, was at the pains to contribute a very extended list of all the serial publications of his countr}'-, and in selecting those that come under the subjects era- braced in m}^ catalogue it will be seen that the first list has been nearly doubled by the entries in the appendix. Hen- Richter, Secre- tary of the Royal Public Library of Dresden, besides repeatedly furnishing valued memoranda from the Dresden library, has revised the sheets of the German entries — nearly one-quarter of the cata- logue. Dr. O. Thorell has done the same for Italy, and the Hon. James Russell Lowell, U. S. minister to Spain, has courteously procured the revision by a competent person of the pages devoted to the Spanish peninsula. Count Marsy, of Compi^gne, most gener- ously forwarded a very extended list of the learned societies of France, procured at great pains from documents in the Bureau of the Ministry of Public Instruction, and in advance of the publication of M. Robert's list, from the same source ; the latter I was also able to employ at the last moment by delaying the proofs of the catalogue. f Count Marsy has also answered many special enquiries and revised the sheets of the French portion. Dr. Henri de Saussure, of Geneva, has kindly looked over the Swiss entries, and Messrs. H. T. Stainton and R. M'Laclilan have answered special enquiries concerning Eng- lish periodicals. A very large number of data, which may be looked upon as official, have been received from foreign societies and acade- mies in response to circulars issued. * These titles were also submitted to a competent scholar, who says : — In our transliteration of Russian titles we have avoided the use of all arti- ficial signs, such as exist neither in Russian nor in English — though they may be used in some of the other Slavic languages, and in imitations by specialists in other linguistic fields — and have closely adhered to a plain method of render- ing the Russian sounds, as far as possible, by English letters or combinations of letters, using the vowels in their Continental (German or Italian) value. Thus our tch stands for the Russian 4 (= Croat c, Polish cz, German isch) ; shtch for m (= Cr. Vc, Pol. szcz, Ger. schtsch) -, tz for u (=Cr, and Pol. c, Ger. and Italian z) ; zh for & (=Cr. z, Pol. z, Erench /) ; kh for x (=Ger. and Pol. ch) ; y consonant for tl (= Ger. j) ; ya for fl ( = Ger. ja) ; ye for « and e (Ger. je)\ and y« for K) (= Ger. _;*«). As a vowel, y stands for U (= Pol. y, resem- bling Ger. ?i), and as a consonant it is replaced by i after a consonant beginning a syllable (otdiel standing for otdyel = Ger. otdjely and izviestiya for izvyesUya =:Ger. isu'jestija). The Russian letter T is replaced, according to the sound which it happens to express, by g, h, or v ; all the three renderings of that letter occur in title 3720, * //idrog'rafitcheski departament morskat-o ministerstva.* t It is to be regretted that the second part of Robert's list, relating to the Parisian Societies, has not yet come to hand. PREFACE. XI In America assistanc3 has been received from so many persons that it would occup}^ too much space to mention them all ; but I must acknowledge the willing aid of Mr. Spofford, Librarian of Congress, Prof. Baird, of the Smithsonian Institution, Dr. Hilgard, Mr. Baker and Lt. Dall, of the U. S. Coast Survey, Prof. Cleveland Abbe, of the Weather Bureau, Prof. Lesley and Mr. Prime, of the Pennsylva- nia Geological Survey, and Miss Slack, Librarian of the Cambridge Museum. Proofs of the work have also been submitted to the assis- tants in the libraries of the Natural History Society and of the Acad- emy of Sciences, in Boston, who have kindly compared every entry of a work on the shelves of these institutions with the originals, and to them, and especially to Miss Foster, of the Natural History Societ}', I am indebted for man}^ emendations. A few minor explanations are necessar3\ The words "royal," " imperial " and " national " (or their equivalents in Latin or in any of the languages of modern Europe) are left entirely out of account in alphabetising, and in the index of titles are altogether omitted ; the onl}' exceptions to this are where societies have no other distinc- tive title, as the Ro3'al Societies of London, Edinburgh, etc. But words hke " cantonal," " churfiirstlich" or " grossherzogiich," being rare and seldom changed by political events, have been treated like any other words. Many academies entered in this catalogue issue series which find no place here, because not embraced within the scope of the catalogue, and all works published by. societies or academies which have not a serial character are also purposely omitted ; such are all proceedings pubhshed upon festive or anniversary occasions at in- tervals of twentj'-five, fifty or one hundred years. Annuals are in all cases entered ; and even the jearly financial and statistical reports, as often including matters of purel}^ scientific interest or at any rate of special interest in connection with the histories of scientific institu- tions, have been included, wherever information concerning them could be procured. Changes in a title are indicated by the enclosure of the altered portions in parentheses ; when several changes have oc- curred in a minor title, these are shown by their separation within the parentheses by a dash. Wlien a serial is published by a society or other institution, editor's names are not given ; nor, in an}' independ- dent journal, more than one name (and that the first mentioned), where there are several editors. Where dates included in parentheses follow dates not in parentheses, the former indicate the years for which, and the latter the years in which the work was pubhshed. The names of the towns are written as in the country to which they belong ; but in the Index of Towns, they appear in all the forms by which they are known in different languages ; and to the names of towns of the United States, the states are there appended in italics. In the Index of Titles, independent journals appear by the first word of their title not an article or a preposition ; serials published by so- XU PREFACE. cieties are not entered at all as such, unless the}' bear some distinctive or unusual title, but instead the society itself is entered ; this saves much space (as very many societies publish more than one serial) and answers every purpose. An Index of Subjects is added for the con- venience of those who would like to discover the serials treating of special subjects ; but it has been purposely confined to limited topics, as it would be useless to collect in this way the serials in those broader fields (e. g. archaeology, natural history or physics) which can be found upon nearly ever}' page of the catalogue. The absence here of any topic embraced within the scope of the work indicates that the serials are too numerous to be worth specifying. It should be particularly noticed that no attempt has been made to carry any of the titles beyond the year 1876, and all serials com- menced after that date are of course omitted ; the only exceptions are in some volumes running through several years and completed in 1877, and in the few Japanese journals, imperfect memoranda of which were received from the librarian of the University of Tokio through Prof. E. S. Morse. In conclusion, the compiler desires to suggest a scheme for the con- tinuation of this work on a co-operative plan. The work for each country should be done in each country and in a similar manner ; and for convenience of reference and common binding, the size and gen- eral plan of the present volume should be taken as a standard, unless by general agreemi-nt a better is devised. The compiler therefore recommends that at least for each geographical division as given in this list, one person should publish in the year 1880 a list of emendations and additions to the present work for that country, bringing it down to the end of the year 1879.* And that every ten years thereafter a sup- plement should be published for the preceding decade. The lists should be offered for sale that libraries may collect them all into a single volume. The convenience of such an arrangement and the value of such a series of publications must be manifest ; and it is hoped that the publication of this pioneer list will prove a sufficient incentive. SAMUEL H. SCUDDER. Cambridge, Aug. 13, 1879. * This early date is recommended because in addition to the three years adden- da, there will necessarily be many corrections and omissions to notice in the present work, and it would be desirable to have it revised as soon as practicable. The even decades would also be most convenient for future addenda. CAUFOHNIA CATALOGUE SCIENTIFIC SERIAL PUBLICATIONS. INTERNATIONAL. Academie Internationale des sciences, etc. (See 1274.) 1. Allgemeine conferenz der europaischen gradmessung. a. Bericht iibcr die verhandlungen (sess. 2-4) ; zugleicb als general bericht vom central bureau. 1807-74 (18G8-75). 3 v. 4". (For frencb edition of 1875, see 2, a.) b. General bericbt iiber die (mittel)europaische gradmessung. 18()4-(iG, 1808-70, 1872-73 (1865-74). 8 v. 4". (For earlier volume, see 2321; for volumes for 1867, 1871, and 1874, see 1, a ; for tliatfor 1875, see 18, a.) (8ee also 2, 5, 18; and for an earlier publication, 2321.) 2. Association geodesique internationale. a. Comptes-rendus des seances de la conference geodesique internationale pour la mesure des degres en Europe (sess. 4) ; publics pour servir de rapport general pour le bureau central. 1874 (1875). 1 v. 4". (Frencb edition of 1, a.) 3. Comite international des poids et mesures. a. Proces-verbaux des seances. 1874-70 (1875-76). 2 v. and n. 8". 4. Commission internationale du metre. a. (Comite permanent) — Proces-verbaux des seances. 1872-73 (1873). 1 n. 8". b. (Comite des recherches preparatoires) — Proces-verbaux des seances. 1870-1872 (1870-1872). 2 n. and v. 8". c. Proces-verbaux des reunions generales. 1872 (1872). 1 v. 8". d. Proces-verbaux des seances. 1870 (1871). 1 v. 8°. e. (Reunion des membres fran9ais) — Proces-verbaux. 1872-74 (1873-74). 2 V. 8". /. (Section fran9aise) — Annexes des proces-verbaux des seances. 1869- 70 (1872). 1 V. 8". g. (Section fran9aisc) — Expose de la situation des travaux. 1874-76. 2 n. 8". h. (Section franyaise) — Proces-verbaux des seances. 1869-73(1871-73). 5 n. 8". To render this list of international metric publications complete, there should be added the following, issued under the auspices of the ministere des affaires etrangeres, Paris : — Conference diplomatique du metre. 1875. 1 v. f. 4». Conference internationale des architectes. a. [No title] 1867. 1 v. 8". 5. Commission permanente de I'association geodesique internationale pour la mesure des degres en Europe. a. (yomptes-rendus des seances ; publics pour servir de rapport general . . . par le bureau central de I'association geodesique internationale. 1875 (1875). 1 V. 4". (French edition of 18, a.) Conf^'rence diplomatique du metre. (See under 4.) 6. Congres international des americanistes. rt. Comptes rendus. 1875(1875). 2 v. 8". Congres international d'anthropologie et d'archeologie prehistoriques. (See 15.) 2 IXTEKNATIOXAL. 7. Congr^s international d'archeologie et d'histoire (internat. congress fiir alterthumskunde und geschichte). a. Comptc rendu (verluindlun<,^en). Sess. 1-2, 18G7-G8 (18G8-71). 2 v. 8". and 4". (See also 15.) 8. Congr^s international de botanique. a. Actes. 18(57 (18(57) 1 v. 8". (See rlso 9, -14, and 16.) 9". Congr.^s irita^-national de botanique et d'horticulture. a: l^uiret*in'for'18()5 (1800). 1 v. 8". - • .: . (See al*o g, 14, and 16.) 10. CoRgr^.i intentaticnal des orientalistes (international congress of orien- talists). a. Coinpte rendu (transactions). Sess. 1-2, 1873-74 (1874-7(^5). 3 v. 8". 11. Congr^s international pour les progr^s des sciences geographiques, cosmo- graphiques et commerciales. a. Conipte rendu. 1871 (1872). 2 v. 8". Congres meteorologique international. (See 17.) 12. Les Congres sericicoles internationaux. a. [No title] 1870-74. 5 n. 8'^. 13. Congresso bacologico internazionale. a. Adunanza dei giorni. 187G. 1 v. 16". h. Atti e memorie. 1871 (1872). 1 v. 8". (Continued?) 14. Congresso internazionale botanico. a. Atti. 1874 (187G). 1 v. 8*^. (See a;s() 8, 9, and 16.) International congress of orientalists. (See 10.) 15. International congress of prehistoric (anthropology and) archaeology (congres intern, d'anthropologie et d'archeologie prehistoriques). a. Transactions (coniptes rendus). Sess, 1-7 for 18GG-74 (18GG-7G). 8 v. 8". The seventh session was published in two volumes. (See also 7.) 16. International horticultural exhibition and botanical congress. a. Keport of proceedings. 18GG. 1 v. S*'. (See also 8, 9, and 14.) International land and labor agency. (See 46.) 17. International meteorological congress (int. meteorologen-congress ; — congres meteorol. internat.). a. Bericht iiber die verhandlungen ; protokolle und beilagen. 1873 (1874). 1 V. 8". h. Rapport du comite permanent. 1873-74 (1875). 1 n. f. c. Report of the permanent committee for 1873-74 (1874-75). 2 n. 8". (See also 18*.) 18. Permanente commission der europaischen gradmessung. a. Verhandlungen; zugleich als general bericht. 1875(1875). 1 v. 4". (See also 1, b and 5, a.) 18 ». Premier congres meteorologique de Vienne, 1874. a. Rapport du comite pernument. 1875-76. 2 n. f". (See also 17.) GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 19. Anthropological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. a. Journal. Vol. 1-G, no. 1-17, 1871-7G. G v. 8". (See 282.) 20. (Royal) archaeological institute of Great Britain and Ireland (for the encouragement and prosecution of researches into the arts and monuments of the early and middle ages). a. Tlie archaeological journal ; i)ublished under the direction of the central committee. Vol. 2-33, 184G-7G. 32 v. 8". (For vol. 1, see 21, a.) h. Proceedings at the annual meeting. 1845-53 (184(5-54). 10 v. 8". 21. British archaeological association (for the encouragement, etc. — as in 20.) a. The archaeological journal; published under the direction of the central committee. Vol. 1, 1845. 1 v. 8". (For continuation, see 20, a ) h. Collectanea archaeologica. Vol. 1-2, 18G7-71. 2 v. 4". GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 3 c. Journal. Vol. 1-32, 1846-76. 32 v. 8". Index. 1-30 (1875). 1 v. 8". c2. Transactions at its annual congress. 1-1,1844-47(1845-4:!)). 4" v. 8°. 22. British association for the advancement of science. a. Keport of the local secretaries. 1839. 1 n. S*'. h. Report of the meetings, including its proceedings, recommendations, and transactions. 1-45, 1831-75 (1833-76). 44 v. 8". (Reports 1 and 2 were published together and a second edition printed in 1835.) (See also Berlin, britisclie gesellschaft, etc.) 23. Mineralogical society of Great Britain and Ireland. a. Mineralogical magazine and journal. No. 1-2, 1876. 2 n. 8°. 24. Aberdeen. — Aberdeen natural history society. a. Al)stracts of papers read. 25. Aberdeen. — Aberdeen philosophical society. a. Reports. Aberdeen. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 26. Alloa. — Alloa society of natural history, science, and archaeology. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-12, 1865-76. 12 v. 12-^. Aln-nrick. — Berwickshire naturalists' club. (See 42.) 27. Alnwick. — Scientific and mechanic's institute. a. Report (27th, 1852). 28. Armagh. — Armagh natural history and philosophical society. a. Reports and addresses of president. Armagh. — Armagh observatory. (See 204«'.) Roy. asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland. (See 206.) 29. Aylesbnry. — Architectural and archaeological society of the county of Buckingham (Bucks). a. Records. Vol. 1-3, 1854-65. 3 v. 8°. Barclay observatory. (See 216.) Barmsley. — Barmsley naturalist's society. (See 564, where its transac- tions appear.) 30. Bath — Bath and Bristol magazine. Vol. 1-3, 1832. 3 v. 8". 31. Bath. — Bath royal literary and scientific institution. a. Annual reports. 8". 32. Bath. — Bath microscopical society. a. Extracts from the minutes. No. 1-2, 1862-66. 2 n. 8". 33. Bath. — Bath natural history and antiquarian field club. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-3, 1867-76. 3 v. 8". 34. Bath. — Bath and West of England society (and southern counties asso- ciation) for the encouragement of agriculture, arts, manufactures, and commerce. a. 1. Letters and papers. Vol. 1-14, 1779-1816. 14 v. 8". (More than one edition of the first five volumes were published, the several editions of vol. 1 being dated 1779, 1780, 1783, 1786, and 1792.) 2. Journal. Vol. 1-16, 1853-68. 16 v. S''. 3. Vol. 1-8, 1870-76. 8 v. S''. h. Journal. (See a, 2.) Bath. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 35. Bedford. — Archaeological and architectural society of Bedfordshire. a. Reports and papers. Vol. 1-7, 1850-62. 7 v. 8°. (Published in conjunc- tion with similar societies in Northampton, Lincoln, and York. — Con- tinued ?) 36. Bedford. — Bedfordshire archaeological and architectural society. a. Notes. No. 1-12. 8". (Is this society distinct from 35?) 37. Bedford. — Bedfordshire natural history society and field club. a. Abstract of proceedings and transactions. 1875-76(1876). In. 8". Belfast.— Belfast museum. (See 38.) 38. Belfast. — Belfast natural history and philosophical society (Belfast mu- seum) . a. Annual report by the council. 1867-75 (1868-76). 1 n. 8°. b. Proceedings. 1852-76. 15 n. and v. 8''. (See also 97.) 39. Belfast. — Belfast naturalists' field club. a. 1. Annual report. 1-10, 1864-73. 10 n. 8". 2. A. r. and proceedings. Vol. 1, 1873-75 (1875-76). 1 v. 8". 4 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND . Belfast. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 40. Belfast. — Chemico-agricultural society of Ulster. a. 1. Journal and transactions. Vol. 1-2, 1849-54. 2 v. 8". 2. Journal . . . and record of agriculture and industry. Vol. 1-4, 18o5-G0. 4 v. 8". 3. Vol. 1- , 18G1- . V. 8". 4. Vol. 1- , 18 -7G. v. 8". (In all 11 V. 8°) 41. Belfast.— The Ulster journal of archaeology. Vol. 1-i), 1853-02. 9 v. 4". 42. Berwick-upon-Tweed. — Berwickshire naturalists' club. a. History. Vol. 1-7, 1834-75 (1834-7G). 7 v. 8". (In text entitled pro- ceedings.) h. Proceedings. (See history.) Birmingham. — The analyst. (See 561.) 43. Birmingham. — Birmingham and Midland institute. a. Keports of the committee, addresses, and papers. 8". h. Transactions of the archaeological section ; excursions and reports. 1870-73 (1871-74). 4 n. 4". 44. Birmingham. — Birmingham natural history and microscopical society. a. Annual report and president's address. 1874 (1875). 1 n. 8*^. h. Proceedings. No. 1, 1809. 1 n. 8". Birmingham. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22. ) 45. Birmingham. — Institution of mechanical engineers. a. Proceedings. 1847-75 (1849-70). 29 v. 8". 46. Birmingham. — International land and labor agency. a. The traveller ; an international journal, devoted to international topics, real estate and agriculture, and to universal travel. 1871-72. 2 v. 4". 47. Birmingham ? — Midland scientific association. a. Transactions. Pt. 1-2, 180 — 70. 2 n. 48. Birmingham ? — South Midland institute of mining, civil and mechanical engineers. a. Transactions. Vol. 1, 18G9. 1 v. 8^. Blandford. — Purbeck society, etc. (See 550.) Bradford. — Bradford naturalists' society. (See 564, where its imports appear. ) Bradford. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) Brighouse. — Rastrick and Brighouse naturalists' society. (See 564, where its rei)orts appear.) 49. Brighton. — Brighton and Sussex natural history society. a. Annual report and abstract of proceedings. 1-22, 1854-75 (1855 ?-7G); 12 n. and v. 8". Brighton. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 50. Brighton. — Ornitliological miscellany ; by Rowley. Pt. 1-5, 1875-70. 5 n. 4". Bristol. — Royal archaeological institute. (See 20.) Bristol. — Bath and Bristol magazine. (See 30.) 51. Bristol. — Bristol institution. a. Proceedings of the annual meeting ... to which are subjoined the pro- ceedings of the pliilosophical and literary society (annexed to the insti- tution). 1-13, 1824-30. 13 n. 8° (Continuedl') 52. Bristol. — Bristol museum and library. a. Report of proceedings at annual meeting. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 n. 8". 53. Bristol. — Bristol naturalists' society. a. -Annual report, etc., for 1802-70 (18G3-76). 14 n. 8°. h. Proceedings. 1. Vol. 1-7, 1866-72. 7 n. 8". 2. Vol. 1, 1873-76 (1874-70). 1 v. 8°. 54. Bristol. — Bristol observing astronomical society. a. Reports and ohservations. 1809-70. 1 n. 8". Bristol. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) Bristol. — Philosophical and literary society. (See 51, a.) 55. Bristol. — The West of England journal of science and literature. No. 1-5, 1835-30. 1 v. 8". British archaeological association. (See 21.) British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. British and foreign institute. (See 225.) British meteorological society. (See 227.) British museum. (See 228.) 56. Bury St. Edmunds. — Bury and West Suffolk archaeological institute, established for the collection and publication of information on the ancient arts and monuments of the western division of Suffolk and Archdeaconry of Sudbury. a. Proceedings. No. 1-7, 1848-53. 7 n. 8". (Continued?) 57. Bury St. Edmunds. — Suffolk institute of archaeology (statistics) and natural history, a. Annual report. 1871-72(1872). 1 n. 8". h. The east anglian, or notes and queries for Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex, and Norfolk. No. 1-23, 1859-63. — v. 8°. c. Proceedings; papers read at meetings. Vol. 1-4, 1848-76. 4 v. 8°. "^ / d. Journal. No. 1-2, 1869. 2 n. 8< / (/ < y^ Cambrian archaeological association. (See 231.) / ^^ / > Cambrian institute. (See 547.) \^ ^ >' > Cambridge. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22f.\) -<^ - '/r* > 58. Cambridge. — Cambridge analytical society. ^ / j a. Memoirs. 1813. 1 v. 4°. -fyC>^,. 59. Cambridge. — Cambridge antiquarian society. J '^ a. xVntiquarian communications, being papers presented at the meeting, ' ^ \ Vol. 1-2 (No. 1-15), 1851-66 (1859-66). 2 v, 8". '' b. Publications. (Quarto series) No, 1-16, 1840-76. 16 v. 4". c. Publications. (Octavo series) No, 1-14, 1851-73, 14 v. 8'*. d. Reports, 1-26, 1841-(;6. 16 n. 8°. 60. Cambridge. — 1. Cambridge mathematical journal ; by Thompson, etc. Vol, 1-4, 1839-45, 4 v, 8". 2. Cambridge and Dublin math, journ. Vol. J-9, 1846-54, 9 v, 8". (Continued in 420,) tub] 61. Caxobridge. — Cambridge philosophical society. a. Proceedings, Vol, 1-3 i, 1865-76. 3 v. 8". ^ Transactions. Vol. 1-12 i, 1821-73. 12 v. 4". 61 ». Cambridge. — Cambridge university reporter (published by authority). No. 1-180, 1870-76, and suppl. to no. 1, 5-10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24-26, 1870-71. 9 v. 4". 62. Cambridge.— An epheraeris; by Swan, 1663,1669. 2 n. 8". 63. Cambridge. — An ephemeris ; by Whiting. Cambridge. — The journal of anatomy and physiology, (See 318.) Cambridge. — The messenger of mathematics. (See 66.) 64. Cambridge. — Observatory. a. Astronomical observations. Vol, 1-20, 1828-60 (1829-64). 20 v. 4*1 b. ]?eport of the syndicate. 1820. 1 n. 4". (Continued?) 65. Cambridge. — ' Okv fin ta Aoi/xara- by Wing. 1694-1752. 59 n. 8". (See 404.) 66. Cambridge. — 1. The Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin messenger of mathe- matics, a journal supported by junior mathematical students (and con- ducted by a board of editors composed of members) of the three univers- ities. Vol. 1-5, 1862-71. 5 v. S". 2. The messenger of mathematics. Vol. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 8". 67. Cambridge. — Physiological laboratory in the university of Cambridge. a. Studies. Pt. 1-2, 1873-76. 2 v. 8". 68. Cambridge. — Speculum anni a partu virginis ; by Dove. 1663-1709 47 n. 8". Canterbury. — British archaeological association. (See 21.) 69. Canterbury. — Canterbury philosophical and literary institution. a. Annual report. 1830. 1 n. 8". (Continued?)" 70. Canterbury. — East Kent natural history society. a. Annual report. 1-18, 1858-76. 18 n. 12". and 8". Caradoc field club for the study of natural history. (See 537.) 71. CardiflP. — Cardiff naturalists' society. a. (Reports and) transactions. Vol. 1-7, 1868-76 (1869-76). 7 v. 4". Cheltenham. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) b GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 72. Chester. — Archaeological, architectural, and historic society for Chester and Cheshire. a. Journal. Vol. 1-3, 1850-G3. 3 v. 8". 72'*. Chester. — Chester society of natural science, ft. Annual report. Chichester.— Royal archaeological institute. (See 20.) Clayton West. — Clajrton West naturalists' society. (See 5G4, wliere its reports api)ear.) Cleveland literary and philosophical society. (See 502.) 73. Clifton. — Clifton college scientific society. ft. Transactions. Vol. 1-2, 1871-75 (1871-7G). 2 v. 8". 74. Colchester. — Essex archaeological society. ft. Transactions. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1855-73. 5 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1, 1874-75. 1 v. 8". Cork. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) Cork. — Cork Cuvierian society. (See 97.) 75. Cork. — Cork literary and scientific society. ft. Addresses and pai)ers. 8". • Royal Cornwall polytechnic society. (See 132.) Cotteswold (Cotswold) naturalists' field club. (See 143.) 76. Croydon. — Croydon microscopical club. ft. Report. 1-5, 1871-75 (1871-76). 5 n. 8*^. Cumberland and Westmoreland antiq. and arch, society. (See 151.) 77. Derry. — Derry natural history and philosophical society. ft. Annual report with scientific papers. 8". 78. Devizes. — Wiltshire archaeological and natural history society, ft. Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine. Vol. 1-10, 1853- 76. 16 V. 8". Devon and Cornwall natural history society. (See 526.) Devonshire association for the adv. of science, etc. (See 524.) 79. Dublin. — The atlantis ; a register of literature and science, conducted by members of the catholic university of Ireland. Vol. 1-4, 1858-63. 4 v. 8". Dublin. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) Dublin. — Cambridge and Dublin mathematical journal. (See 60). 80. Dublin. — Dublin journal of medical and chemical science, exhibiting a comprehensive view of the latest discoveries in medicine, surgery, chemistry, and the collateral sciences. Vol. 1-28, 1832-45. 28 v. 8". (Continued as the Dublin quarterly journal of medical science, — not entered.) 81. Dublin. — The Dublin medical and physical essays, comprising dissertations and details on medicine and surgery, with their collateral branches of science. 1807. 1 v. 8". 82. Dublin. — Dublin natural history society, established for promoting the investigation of the natural history of Ireland, ft. Annual report. 1-6, 1838-44 (1839-44). 6 n. 8". (See also 97.) 83. Dublin. — The Dublin philosophical journal and scientific review. Vol. 1-2, 1825-26. 2 V. 8". 84. Dublin. — The Dublin quarterly journal of science; containing papers read before the royal Dublin society; the royal Irish aeadt-my: the (royal) geological society of Dublin (Ireland) ; and the natural history soci- ety of Dublin. IJy Ilaughton. Vol. 1-6, 1861-66. 6 v. 8". 85. Dublin. — Dublin society (for promoting husbandry and other useful arts in Ireland), ft. Proceedings. (See 86, h.) h. Transactions. Vol. 1-6, 1709-1810. 6 v. 8°. * (See also 86.) 86. Dublin. — Royal Dublin society. ft. Journal. Vol. 1-7, 1856-75 (1858-75). 7 v. 8". h. Proceedings. Vol. 1-111, 1764-75. Ill v. 8". (Vol. 1-11 have no title page; vol. 31 is the first witli the title "royal.") c. rroceedings of the meetings held for the discussion of subjects connected with practical science and art. 1848-55. 1 v. 8". (See also 84, 85.) GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 7 87. Dublin. — Dublin university biological association. a. rroceedings. Vol. 1, No. 1-2, 1874-7G (1875-76). 2 n. 8°. 88. Dublin. — Dublin university philosophical society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-G, 1842-53? (1813-54). 6 v. 8°. 89. Dublin. — Dublin university zoological and botanical association. a. Proceeding's. Vol. 1-2, 1857-60 (1859-60). 2 v. 8^^. (See also 97.) 90. Dublin. — Geological society. a. 1. Journal. Vol. 1-10, 1833-64 (1837-64). 10 v. 8° 2. J. of royal geo- los?ical society of Ireland. Vol. 1-4 iii (11-14), 1864-76 (1865-76). 4 V. 8°. (See also 84.) 91. Dublin.^ Herraathena ; a series of papers on literature, science, and philos- ophy, by members of Trinity college, Dublin. No. 1-3, 1873-75. 3 v. 8°. Dublin. — Royal historical and archaeological society of Ireland. (See 96.) 92. Dublin. — Institution of civil engineers of Ireland. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-7, 1845-63. 7 v. 8". 93. Dublin. — Royal Irish academy. a. Proceedings. 1. Vol. 1-10, 1836-69 (1841-70). 10 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1, 1869- 74 (1870-74). .1 V. 8". b. Transactions. 1. Vol. 1-23, 1787-1859. 23 v. 4". Index 1787-1813 (1813). 2. lb.; science. Vol. 24-25, 1860-75. 2 v. 4". c. Transactions ; antiqiiities. Vol. 24, 1864-74. 1 v. 4". (For preceding volumes, see 93, b. 1.) (See also 84.) 94. Dublin. — Royal Irish fisheries companies. a. Reports. 1848-76. 29 n. 95. Dublin. — Royal Irish institution. a. Annual report of the committee of directors. (11th, 1824, 1 n. 8".) 96. Dublin. — Kilkenney (and Southeast of Ireland) archaeological society. (^fter 1863 : royal historical and archaeological society of Ireland.) a. 1. Journal. Vol. 1-4, 1856-63 (1858-64). 4 v. 8". 2. Quarterly journal. Vol. 1-4 (5-8) 1863-68. 4 v. 8°. (Conclusion of vol. 2 pt. 2 not yet published). 3. Vol. 1, 1868-69. 1 v. 8"^. 4. Vol. 1-4, no. 1-28, 1870- 76. 4 V. 8". b. Proceedings. See transactions. c. 1. Transactions. Vol. 1-2, 1849-53 (1850-55). 2 v. 8". (Proceedings and transactions.) Vol. 3, 1854-55 (1856). 1 v. 8". 2. Proceedings and papers. Vol. 1-5, 1856-68. 5 v. 8". Dublin. — London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pliilos. mag. (See 412.) 97. Dublin. — The natural history review; a quarterly journal, including the transactions of the Belfast natural history and philosophical society, Cork Cuvierian society, Dublin natural history society, Dublin uni- versity zoological association and the literary and scientific institution of Kilkenney, as authorized by the councils of these societies. Vol. 1, 1853-54, 1 V. 8". The natural history review, published quarterly ; including the proceedings of the irish natural history societies ; also with the secondary titles (1) notices and (2) proceedings, each with distinct pagination. V^l. 2-3, 1854-56, 2 vol. 8". The natural history review ; a quarterly journal of zoology, botany, geology, and palaeon- tology by Haliday, etc.; also with the secondary titles: (1) reviews of work on natural history, (2) proceedings of societies, and (3) no- tices, etc., each with distinct pagination. Vol. 4, 1857, 1 v. 8". The natural history review and quarterly journal of science ; with sec- ondary title: part 2, proceedings of societies etc., separately jiaged. Vol. 5-7, 1858-60, 3 v. 8". .The natural history review ; a quarterly journal of biological science ; by Busk, etc. 1861-65, 5 v. 8". 98. Dublin. — Natural history society. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-6 i, 1849-71, 6 v. 8« (See also 84.) 99. Dublin. — Observatory of Trinity College. a. Astronomical observations and researches made at Dunsink. Parts 1-2, 1870-73, 2 V. i". b. Magnetical and meteorological observations. Vol. 1-2, 1840-50 (1865- 69). 2 V. 4". Dublin. — The Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin messenger of mathematics. (See 66.) O GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 100. Dudley. — Dudley and Midland geological and scientific society and field club. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-3, 1862-76. 3 v. 8". (Sometimes entitled proceed- ings.) 101. Dumfries, — Dumfriesshire and Galloway natural history and antiqua- rian society. a. Transactions and journal of proceedings. Parts 1-7. 1864:-71. 7 n. 8". (Continued?) Dundee. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 102. Dun Echt. — Dun Echt observatory. a. rublications. Vol. 1, 1870. 1 v. 4". -^ Dunsink. — Observatory of Trinity College. (See 99.) 103. Durham. — Durham and Northumberland architectural and archaeolog- ical society. a. Transactions. 8". 104. Durham. — Observatory of the university. a. Kesults of astronomical observations. 1846-52 (1849-55). 2 v. 8". 105. Eastbourne. — Eastbourne natural history society. a. Annual report and proceedings. 1-8, 1869-76. 8 n. 8". 6. Papers. Parts 1-7, 1870-76. 7 n. 4". East Kent natural history society. (See 70.) 106. Edinburgh. — Annals of anatomy and physiology ; by Goodsir. No. 1-8, 1850-53. 1 V. 8". Edinburgh. — Berwickshire naturalist's club. (See 42.) 107. Edinburgh — Royal botanic garden. a. Report. 1873-76. 4 n. 8". 108. Edinburgh. — Botanical society. a. Annual report (and proceedings). 1-8, 1836-43 (1837-44). 8 n. 8". » b. Proceedings. See a and h. c. Transactions. Vol. 1-9, 1844-68. 9 v. 8*1 Transactions (transac- tions and proceedings on cover). Vol. 10-12, 1869-76. 3 v. S"". Edinburgh. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 109. Edinburgh. — Cryptogamic society of Scotland. a. Beport of first annual conference. Pt. 1, 1875. 1 n. 12°. Edinburgh. — Dumfriesshire and Galloway natural history and antiqua- rian society. (See 101.) 110. Edinburgh. — Edinburgh geological society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-2, 1868-74(1870-74). 2 v. 8". 111. Edinburgh. — The Edinburgh journal of natural and geographical science ; by Ainsworth, etc. Vol. 1-3 vi, 1830-31. 3 v. 8". 112. Edinburgh. — The Edinburgh journal of natural historv (and of the phys- ical sciences) ; by Brown, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1835-40 (1839-40). 2 v. f". 113. Edinburgh. — Edinburgh journal of natural science ; by Schouler. 1838- 39. 1 v. f*'. 114. Edinburgh. — The Edinburgh journal of science (exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in natuntf philosophy, chemistry, mineral- ogy, geology, botany, zoology, etc.) ; bv Brewster. 1. Vol. 1-10, 1824-29. 10 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-6, 1829-32. 6 v. 8". (Afterward united with 412 at the origin of its third series.) 115. Edinburgh^ — The Edinburgh philosophical journal, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in natural philosoi)hy, chemistry, natural history (comparative anatomy), practical mechanics, geogra])hy (navi- gation), statistics and the fine and useful arts; by Brewster, etc. Vol. 1-14, 1819-26. 14 v. 8". (Eor continuation, see 116.) 116. Edinburgh. — The Edinburgh new philosophical journal, exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements and discoveries (discoveries and improvements) in the sciences and the arts ; by Jameson. 1. Vol. 1-57. 1826-54. 57 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-19, 1855-64. 19 v. 8". (Merged in 330. See also 115.) 117. Edinburgh. — Essays and observations, physical and literary, read before a society in Edinburgh, and i)ublished by them. Vol. 1-3, 1754- 1771. 3 V. 8". (For later series, see 124, ft.) (See also 1384, and Altenburg, neue versuche und beinerk., etc.) GREAT BRITAIN ANU IRELAND. 9 Edinburgh. — London, Edinburgh (and Dublin) pliilos. mag. (See 412.) 118. Edinburgh. — The magazine of zoology and botany; by Jardine, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1837-38. 2 v. S"^. 119. Edinburgh. — Makerstoun observatory. Magnetical and meterological observations. 18-il-46, G v. 4". (Ex- tracted from 124, i.) Edinburgh. — Medical and philosophical commentaries. (See 361). Edinburgh. — Meteorological society. (See 126.) 120. Edinburgh. — The naturalist's journal and miscellany ; by Graves. No. 1, 1832. 1 n. 12". 121. Edinburgh. — Royal observatory. a. Astronomical observations. Vol. 1-13, 1834-GO (1838-71). 13 v. 4". h. Extract from the letter-press of the astronomical observations. 1842- 47 (1849-52). 2 n. 4". c. Reports to board of visitors. 4°. 122. Edinburgh. — Royal physical society. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-4, 1854-75 (1858-75). 4 v. 8". 123. Edinburgh. — Plinian society. a. Transactions. 1828-9. 1 v. 8". 124. Edinburgh. — Royal society. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-9, no. 1-95, 1832-7G (1845-7G). 9 v. 8". h. Transactions. Vol. 1-27, 1788-187G. 27 v. 4". (For earlier series, see 117 ; see also 119.) (See also Gottingen, k. gesellsch. der wissensch. in Edinb.). 125. Edinburgh. — The Scottish journal of topography, antiquities, tradi- tion, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1848. 2 v. 8". _L26. Edinburgh. — Scotti|di meteorological society. a. Journal. 1. (See 6.) 2. Vol. 1-4, 1863-76 (18GG-76). 4 v. 8«. b. (Quarterly) report of the council, with meteorological report. 1859- 63. 16 n. 81 (Was this considered the first series of «?) c. Reports on the meteorology of Scotland. 1856-58. 8 n. 8°. 127. Edinburgh. — Royal Scottish society of arts. a. Transactions. . Vol. 1-9 iv, 1841-7G. 9 v. 8". 128. Edinburgh. — Society of antiquaries of Scotland. a. Archaeologia scotica ; or transactions. Vol. 1-5 i, 1792-1873. 5 v. 4°. h. Proceedings. Vol. 1-11, 1852-75 (1855-76). 11 v. 4". Edinburgh Society of arts. (See 127.) 129. Edinburgh. — Wernerian natural history society. a. Memoirs. Vol. 1-8 i, 1808-38 (1811-39). 8 v. 8". Essex archaeological society. (See 74.) Exeter. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) ICO. Exeter. — Essays by a society of gentlemen. 1796. 1 v. 8". 131. Exeter. — Exeter naturalists' club. a. Keports. 1863-71. 9 n. 8". (Continued?) Exeter. — Teign naturalists' field club. (See 546.) 132. Falmouth. — Royal Cornwall polytechnic society. a. Annual reports (and transactions). 1-42, 1833-74 (1835-76). 42 v. 8". Falmouth. — The miners' association of Cornwall and Devon. (See 549.) Fenland and eastern counties meteorological circular. (See 283.) 133. Folkestone. — Folkstone natural history society. a. Annual reports. J-8, 1868-75. 8 n. 8". h. Journal. 1868-76. 9 v. 8". Glasgow. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 134. Glasgow. — Geological society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-5 i, 1860-75. 5 v. 8". Suppl. to vol. 3. 1871. 1 V. 8". (Vol. 1, pt. 1, republished 1868.) h. Transactions; palaeontological series. Pt. 1, n. d. (1873?). 1 n. 4°. 135. Glasgow. — Glasgow archaeological society. a. Annual report of the council of management. Sess. 1858-59 (1859). 1 n. 8". h. Proceedings. Vol. 1, 1864. 1 v. 8« c. Transactions. Vol. 1-2, 1859-70 (18G8-70). 2 v. 8". 10 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 136. Glasgow. — Glasgow literary and philosophical society. a. TraiKsiictions. (Is this distinct from 141, a'i) 137. Glasgow. — Glasffovv^ mechanic's maj4azinc and annals of philosophy. Vol. 1-5, 1820-2G. 5 v. 8". New ed. in 1825-20. 5 v. 8*^. 138. Glasgow. — Glasgow society of field naturalists. a. (Annual report and) transactions. Pt. 1-4, 1872-70. 4 n. 8". 139. Glasgow. — Institution of engineers in Scotland. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-19, 1858-75, l85i)-70. 19 v. 8". 140. Glasgow. — Natural history society. a. rr()ceedin<>s, including- select papers. Vol. 1-2, 1808-70. 2 v. 8". 141. Glasgow. — Philosophical society. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-10 i, 1841-70 (1844-70). 10 v. 8". (See 136.) 142. Glasgow. — Practical mechanic and engineer's magazine. 1842-45. 4v. 4°. Gloucester. — British archaeological association. (See 21.) 143. Gloucester. — Cotteswold (Cotswold) naturalists' field club. a. Proceedings. 1850-70 (1853-70). 4 v. 8": Goole. — Goole scientific society. (See 564, where its reports appear; are they also published separately?) Great Britain, Geological survey of. (See 294.) Great Britain, Roy. institution of. (See 309.) Great Britain, Meteorological society of. (See 374.) Great Britain and Ireland, Anthropological institute of. (See 19.) Great Britain and Ireland, Roy. archaeol. institute of. (See 20.) Great Britain and Ireland, Roy. asiatic society of. (See 206.) Great Britain and Ireland, Mineralogical society of. (See 23.) Greenwich. — Royal observatory. (See 401.) a. Nautical almanac. (See 393.) Hanley. — North Staffordshire naturalists' field club. (See 539.) 144. Hastings. — Hastings university school naturalists' field club. a. Annual report. 1-2, 1874-70 (1875-70). 2 n. 8**. 145. Hawick. — Hawick archaeological society. a. Transactions. 4". Heckmondwike. — Heckmondwike naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports appear.) 146. Hereford. — The pioneer; a journal of literature, science, and antiqui- ties. Vol. 1. No. 1-12, 1839-40. 1 v. 81 147. Hereford. — Woolhope naturalists' field club. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-10, 1800-70. 10 v. 8". Hertford.— Hertfordshire field club. (See 553.) 148. High Wycombe. — High Wycombe natural history society. a. High Wycombe natural history magazine. 1800-70. 2 v. 8". Holmesdale natural history club. (See 529.) Holmfirth.— Holmfirth naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports ai)pear.) Honley.— Honley naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports ap- pear.) 149. Huddersfield. — Huddersfield (Yorkshire) archaeological and topo- graphical association. * a. The Yorkshire archaeological and topographical journal. Vol. 1-3, 1809-75. 3 V. 8". Huddersfield.— Huddersfield naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports a])j)ear.) Huddersfield The naturalist. (See 564.) Huddersfield.— West Riding consolidated naturalists' society. (See 564.) Hull. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 150. Hull. —Literary and philosophical society at Kingston-upon-Hull. a. Annual rejjort of council and transactions. 1-25, 1824-48. 25 n. 8". (Continued?) GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 11 Ipswich. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) Ireland, Roy. geological society of. (See 90.) • Ireland, Institution of civil engineers of. (See 92.) Royal Irish academy. (See 93.) Royal Irish fisheries companies. (See 94.) Royal Irish institution. (See 95.) Isle of Wight philosophical and literary society. (See 532.) 151. Kendal. — Cumberlml and Westmoreland antiquarian and archaeologi- . cal society, a. Transactions. Vol. 1-2, 1874-7(>. 2 v. 8". Kent archaeological society. (See 489.) Kent (East) natural history society. (See 70.) Kilkenney. — Kilkenney (and Southeast of Ireland) archaeological so- ciety. (See 96.) Kilkenney. — Literary and scientific institution. (See 97.) Kingston-upon-HuU. — Literary and philosophical society. (See 150.) 152. Leamington. — Leamington philosophical society. a. Annual report. 8". Leeds. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 153. Leeds. — Geological and polytechnic society of the West Riding of York- shire. a. Papers ; and minutes of the proceedinsjs. New series. (For first series see h.) Part 1-2, 1871-75 (1872-76). '^ 2 n. 8". h. Proceedings. Vol. 1-5. 1839-70. 5 v. 8". (Entitled, on covers : report of the proceedings. — For continuation, see a.) Leeds. — Leeds natural history society. (See 564, where its reports ai)pear. ) Leeds. — Leeds naturalists' club and scientific association. (See 664, where its reports appear.) 154. Leeds. — Leeds philosophical and literary society. a. Reports of the council. 1-50, 1820-7(5. 5Q n. 8^ h. Transactions. Vol. 1, pt. 1, 1887. 1 v. 8° 155. Leeds. — The quarterly journal of conchology; by Nelson, etc. Vol. 1, no. 1-9, 1874-76, 1 v. 8". 156. Leeds. — Yorkshire college of science. a. Annual rejjort. 1, 187-1-75 (1875). 1 n. 157. Leicester. — Leicester literary and philosophical society. a. Keport of the council . . . and a selection of i)apers read before the society since its formation. 1855. 1 v. 8". 6. Report of the council, 1856-76. 21 n. 8". 158. Leicester. — Leicester town museum. a. Report of the museum connnittee to the town council. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 n. 8-^. Le-wes. — Sussex archaeological society. (See 642.) Leyton. — Barclay Observatory. (See 216.) Lincoln. — Archaeological and architectural society. (See 36, 36.) Lincoln. — Royal archaeological institute. (See 20. ) Liverpool. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 169. Liverpool. — Free public library and Derby museum. a. Annual report of the committee. 1-24,1853-76. 24 n. 8". Liverpool. — Geological society. (See 163.) Liverpool. — Royal institution. (See 164.) 160. Liverpool. — Literary and philosophical society. a. Report of the proceedinj^s. Vol. 1, sess. 34, 1844-45 (1845). 1 v. 8". (Proceedings.) No. 2-30, sess. 35-65, 1845-75 (1846-76). 28 v. 8". 161. Liverpool. — Liverpool architectural and archaeological society. a. Proceedinjrs. Vol. 1-2, (sess. 1-10) 1848-57 (1852-57). 2 v. 4". Sess. 11-28, 1858-76. 18 v. 8". 162. Liverpool.— Liverpool gallery of inventions and science. «. Annual report of the committee and proceedings of the aggregate meet- ing of the five societies. 1-2, 1861-62, 2 n. 8". 12 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 163. liiverpool. — Liverpool geological society. a. Abstract of the proceedings. Vol. l-Ji, sess. 1-17. 1800-76(1801-70). ;} V. 8". b. Annual report. 1872-70. 4 n. 8". (Published earlier?) 164. Liverpool. — Liverpool royal institution. a. Address at tlie annual meeting?. 1825-52. 28 n. 8". b. Annual report of the director (35th, 1800. 1 n. 8".) c. Keport of the committee. 1837-76. 40 n. 8". (A " report " was also publisliL'd in 1817 in f.) 165. Liverpool. — Liverpool natural history society. a. Keport. 1, 1840. 1 n. 8". 166. Liverpool. — Liverpool naturalists' field club. a. The Liverpool naturalists' journal. No. 1-4, 1866. 1 v. 8". b. rroceedin«rs. 1870-70 (1871-70). 5 v. 8". c. Keport. 1800-75 (1802-7(5). 15 n. 8". 167. Liverpool. — Liverpool polytechnic society. n. Journal. Sess. 1-39, 1838-70. 39 v. 8". 168. Liverpool. — Liverpool quarterly enquirer, or philosophical and mathe- matical repertory. No. 1-4, 1825. 1 v. 12". Liverpool. — Natural history society. (See 165.) Liverpool.— Naturalists' field club. (See 166.) 169. Liverpool. — Observatory. a. Keport of the astronomer to the marine committee, Mersey docks and harbor board. 1803-65. 3 n. 8**. (Continued?)- Liverpool. — Polytechnic society. (See 167.) Liversedge. — Liversedge naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports api)ear.) 170. London. — Aborigenes protection society. a. The colonial intelligencer or aborigenes friend, comprising the transac- tions . . . interesting intelligence concerning the aborigines of various climes, and articles upon colonial affairs ; with comments upon the pro- ceedings of government and of colonists toward native tribes. Vol. 1-4, 1847-55. 4 v. 8". 171. London. — Royal academy of sciences at Paris. a. The philosophical history and memoirs ... or an abridgment of all the papers relating to natural philosophy which have been published by the members of that illustrious society, etc. By Martyn, etc. Vol. 1-5, 1742. 5 vol. 8". (See 1276, d.) 172. London. — Acclimatisation society of Great Britain. a. Annual report. 1-5, 1861-65. 5 n. 8". (a. r. . . . and ornithological society of London.) 6, 1866. 1 n. 8". 173. London. — Acta germanica, or the literary memoirs of Germany, etc. Vol. 1, 1743. 1 V. 4". 174. London. — Adam's meteorological journal, with observations by eminent men to foretell the weather. 1814. 1 v. 12". 175. London. — Aeronautical society of Great Britain. a. Annual report. 1-11, 1800-70. 11 n. 8". 176. London. — African association. a. Keport (also entitled proceedings). 1805. 1 n. 4". (More published?) 177. London. — Allelodidactic society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1, pt. 1-11, 1847-48. 72 pp. 8". 178. London.— An almanac; by Partridge. 1715-17. 3 n. 8". 179. London.— The almanack of science and art. 1856. 1 v. 8". 180. London. — An almanac, with tables for finding latitude, etc. ; bv Brinklev. 1799. 1 n. 8". 181. London. — The alpine club. a. The alpine journal. A record of mountain adventure and scientific observations. By members of the alpine club. 1863-76. 7 v. 8". London.— The analyst, etc. (See 454, 559.) 182. London. — The analytical review. 1787. 1 v. 183. London. — Analytical society. a. Memoirs. 1813. 1 v. 4". GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 184. London. — Angelus brittaniciis ; an ephemeris, by Tanner. 51 n. 8°. 185. London.— Angelus sideralis ; by Hartley. 1733-35. 3 n. 8". 186. London.— Annals of botany; by Konig and Sims. Vol. 1-2 2 V. 8". 187. London. — The annals of chemical philosophy; by Mangham. 2 V. 8"^. 188. London. — Annals of chemistry, etc. ; by Morveaii, etc. ; translated from the french. 1791. 1 v. 8". (Translation of 1292, 1, vol. 5.) 189. London. — The annals of chemistry and practical pharmacy; being a weekly summary of the discoveries of philosophers, chiefly continental and transatlantic, in their api)lications to the chemistry of medicine, agriculture, manufactures, and to the several branches of physics, elec- tricity, galvanism, photography, etc. Vol. 1. 18-13. 1 v. 8". 190. London. — Annals of commerce, manufactures, fisheries, and navigation, with brief notices of the arts and sciences connected Avith them ; by Macpherson. No. 1-4, 1805. 1 v. 4". 191. London. — Annals of electricity, magnetism, and chemistry, and guardian of experimental science ; by vSturgeon. Vol. 1-11, 1836-43. 11 v. 8". London. — Annals and magazine of natural history. (See 192.) 192. London. — Annals of natural history; or magazine of zoology, botany, and geology; by Jardine, etc. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1838-40. 5 v. 8". The annals and magazine of natural history, including zoology, botany, and geologv (united with 346). Vol. G-20, 1841-47. 15 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-20, 1848-57. 20 v. 8". 3. Vol. 1-20, 1858-07. 20 v. 8". 4. Vol. 1-18, 1868-76. 18 v. 8". (For earlier series, see 350.) 193. London. — Annals of philosophical discovery and monthly reporter of the l)r()gress of practical science ; by Sturgeon. 1843. 1 v. 8". 194. London. — Annals of philosophy, or magazine of chemistry, mineralogy, mechanics, natural history, agriculture, and the arts ; by Thomsoi), etc. 1. Vol. 1-1(), 1813-20. 1(5 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-12, 1821-26. 12 v. 8". (United Avith 412 at commencement of its second series.) 195. London. — Annals of philosophy, natural history, chemistry, literature, agriculture, and the mechanical and fine arts ; by Garnett, etc. Vol. 1-3, 1800-02 (1801-04). 3 v. 8". 196. London.— Annual report on the british fisheries. 1849-76. 18 n. f. 197. London. — Annual report of tlie progress of chemistry and the allied sci- ences, physics, mineralogy, and geology; including the applications of chemistry to pharmacy, medicine, agriculture, and the arts and manufactures; by Liebig, etc. 1847-53 (1849-55?). 7 v. 8". (See Giessen, jahresb. iiber d. fortschr. d. reinen chemie, etc.) 198. London. — Annual retrospect of engineering and architecture; by Bur- nell. Vol. 1, 1862. 1 v. 8". 199. London The anthropological review. Vol. 1, 1863. 1 v. 8". (For continuation, see 200, h.) 200. London. — Anthropological society. a. Anthropologia. Proceedings of the a. s. Vol. 1, 1873-75. 1 v. 8". b. The anthropological review (and journal). Vol. 2-8, 1864-70. 7 v. 8". (For vol. 1, see 199.) c. Journal. Vol. 2-8, 1864-70. 7 v. 8°. (Bound with i.) d. Memoirs. Vol. 1-3, 1863-69 (1865-70). 3 v. 8". 201. London? — Apollo anglicanus; by Saunders. 1663-1752. 90 n. 8". 202. London. — Arcana entomologica, or illustrations of new, rare, and inter- (. sting insects ; by Westwood. Vol. 1-2. 1841-45. 2 v. 8". London. — Arcana of science and annual register, etc. (See 203.) 203. London. — Arcana of science and art; or one tliousand popular inventions and improvements, abridged from the transactions of i)ublic societies and from the scientfiic journals. 1828-30. 3 v. 8". Arcana of science and annual register of the useful arts; by Timbs. 1831-38. 8 v. 8". (For continuation, see 480.) London. — Archaeological and nat. hist, society of Wiltshire. (See 78.) 204. London. — The archaeologist, and journal of antiquarian science; by llalliwell. Vol. 1-2, 1841-^2. 2 v. 8". 14 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 204**. London. — Archives of entomology, c. h. d. Archives, etc., par Fuessly. 1705. 1 V. 4". (See 'Wintherthar, archives de I'hist. d. ins, Zurich, urcliiv d. insektengesch.) 204 *». liondon. — Armagh observatory. a. Astronomical observations. Vol. 1, i-iii, 1829-32. 1 v. 4°. 205. London. — Asiatic journal and monthly register for India, China, and Australasia (hritish India and its dependences). 1. Vol. 1-28, 1815-2i). 28 V. 8". 2. A. j. . . . for bricish and foreign India, etc. Vol. 1-40, 1830- 43. 20 V. 8". 3. A. j. and monthly miscellany. Vol. 1-4, 1843-45. 4 V. 8° 4. May, 1845. 1 n. 8". London. — Asiatic society of Bengal. (See Calcutta, 1 6 iV^ ; also 448.) 206. London. — Royal asiatic society of Great Britain and Ireland. a. Annual reports. 1-32,1824-55. 32 n. 8". (Continued?) b. Journal. 1. Vol. 1-20, 1834-03. 20 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-9 i, 18G5-7G. 9 V. 8". (Vol. 2 ii, 14 ii, never published, — Lesley.) c. Proceedings. 1832-37. 5 v. S"*. d. Transactions. Vol. 1-3, 1827-31. 3 v. 4". 207. London. — Association of municipal and sanitary engineers and sur-' veyors. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1, 1873-74. 1 v. 8". 208. London. — Association for obtaining a decimal system of measures, weights and coins. a. Report of council. 1, 1856 (1857). 1 n. S°. 209. London. — Association for promoting the discovery of the interior parts of Africa. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-2, 1810. 2 v. 8°. 210. London. — Astrologus brittanicus ; by Gibson. 1707-12. G n. 81 211. London. — Tlie astro-meteoric journal, containing daily weather telegrams ; how a coal mine nuiy be worked without danger from exjilosions. 1807. 1 V. 8". 212. London.— Astronomical annual. 1854(1853). 1 v. 12". 213. London. — The astronomical register; a medium of communication for amateur observers and all others interested in tlie science of astronomy ; hy Gorton. Vol. 1-14, 1863-70. 14 v. 8". 214. London. — Astronomical society. a. Memoirs. Vol. 1-42, 1821-75 (1822-75). 42 v. 4°. Index. 1-38 (1871). b. Monthly notices. Vol. 1-36, 1827-76 (1831-70). 30 v. 8". Index. 1-29, 1827-09 (1870). London. — The atlantis. (See 79.) 215. London?— "ArAas ovpavto^-^ the celestial atlas; bv AVhite. 1750-52. 3 n. 8". 216. London. — Barclay observatory at Leyton. a. Astronomical observations. Vol. 1-3, 1862-72 (1865-73). 3 v. 4". London. — Berwickshire naturalists' club. (See 42.) London. — Biblical archaeological society. (See 449.) 217. London. — Tlie biological review ; a niontiily repertory of the science of life ; by Mackenzie. Pt. 1-4, 1858-59. 1 v. 8". 218. London. — Board of admiralty. Time tables for the english and irish ports. 1853-76. 24 n. 8". 219. London. — Board of trade. a. Annual report of the warden of the standards on the proceedings and business of the standard weights and measures department. 1-10, 1866-76. 10 n. 8". b. Meteorological papers of the meteorological department. No. 1-14, 1857-65. 14 n. 4". and 8". c. Report of the meteorological department. 1857-58. 2 n. 8". 220. London. — The botanical gazette; a journal of the progress of hritish botany, and the contem))orary literature of the science ; by Ilenfrey. Vol. 1-3, 1849-51. 3 v. 8'^. London. — The botanical magazine. (See 253.) 221. London. — Tlie botanical miscellanj^; containing figures and descriptions of such plants as recommend themselves by their novelty, rarity, or GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 15 history, or by the uses to which they are applied in the arts, in medi- cine, and in domestic economy, toji^ether with occasional botanical notices and information. Bv Hooker. Vol. 1-3, 1830-33. 3 v. 8". (For continuation, see 321, *340, 301.) 222. London. — Royal botanical society. a. Annual report of the council. 8". 6. Proceedings. Part l,'183G-38 (1839). 1 v. 8". London. — Bristol naturalists' society. (See 53.) 223. London. — British annals of medicine, pharmacy, vital statistics, and general science. Vol. 1-2, 1837. 2 v. 8". 224. London. — British annual and epitome of the progress of science ; by Thomson. 1837-39. 3 v. 12". London. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 225. London. — British and foreign institute. a. Transactions. 18-15. 1 v. 4". (Scientific?) 226. London. — The british and foreign scientific magazine and journal of sci- entific inventions. 1839. 1 no. 8". 227. London. — British meteorological society. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-5, 18()1-71 (18(53-71). 5 v. 8". h. Quarterly journal, edited by a connnittee of the council. Vol. 1-3, 1871- 7(5 (1873-7(5). 3 v. 8°. c. Report of the council. 1-26,1851-75(1852-70). 2G n. 8". (See also 374.) 228. London. — British museum. a. Annual list of donations and bequests to the trustees. 1828-30. 3 n. 4". h. List of additions made to the collections. 1831-35 (1833-39). 5 n. 8". 229. London.— The British telescope; by Weaver. 1724-49. 26 n. 8". 230. London. — Calendarium astrologicum ; by Trigge. 1669-17*47. 79 n. ^". . 231. London. — Cambrian archaeological association. a. Archaeologia cambrensis ; the journal of the c. a. s. L Vol. 1-4, 1846?- 49? 4 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-6, 1850 ?-54. G v. 8". 3. Vol. 1-15, 1855-69. 5 V. 8'\ 4. Vol. 1-7, n. 1-28, 1870-76. 7 v. S''. London. — Cambrian institute. (See 547.) London. — Cambridge njathematical journal. (See 60.) London. — Celestial atlas. (See 478.) 232. London. — The chemical gazette, or journal of practical chemistry, in all its applications to pharmacy, arts, and manufactures ; by JFrancis. Vol. 1-17, 1841-59. 17 v.' S**. (For continuation, see 233.) London. — Chemical journal. (See 257.) 233. London. — The chemical news (and journal of physical science), a journal of practical chemistry in all its applications to jiharmacy, arts, and manuftictures ; by Crookes. Vol. 1-34, 1860-76. 34 v. 8°. (For earlier series, see 232. — For American reprint, see Ne-w York, ibid.) 234. London. — The chemical record and drug price current. 1851-52. 1 v. 4". 235. London. — The chemical review. A montldy journal for manufacturing chennsts and druggists, dyers, printers, bleachers, sizers, paper- nuikers, and stainers, leather-dressers, etc. 1871-76. 6 v. 4". 236. London. — Chemical society. a. Memoirs and proceedings. Vol. 1-3, 1841-48 (1843-48). 3 v. 8". h. Proceedings. 1841-43 (1843). 1 v. 8". (bound with a, vol. 1). c. Quarterly journal. 1. Vol. 1-14, no. 1-56, 1849-62. 14 v. 8". Journal. Vol. 15, lio. 57-(58, 1862. 1 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-14 (1(5-29), no. 69-161, 1863-76. 14 V. 8". 3. Vol. 1-2, no. 162-68, 1876. 2 v. 8". (A fourth series commenced in 1877.) 237. London.— The chemist. Vol. 1-2, 1824-25. 2 v. 8". 238. London. — The chemists' desk companion. The year book of pliarmacy ; a practical summary of research in pharmacy, materia medica, and phar- maceutical chemistry ; by Wood, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1865-(56. 2 v. 8". 239. London. — Tlie chemist and druggist; a monthly trade circular. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1859-71. 4 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 4". London. — The chemist; a monthly journal of chem. phil. (chem. and phys. sc). (See 240.) 16 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 240. liondon. — 1. Tlie clieniist, or reporter of chemical discoveries and improve- ments and ])rotector of the rights of the chemist and chen)ical manufac- turer; hy Watt. Vol. 1-G, 1840-45. 6 v. 8". The chemist, or re- porter of discoveries and improvements in analytical, manufacturing, and agricultural cliemistry ; by Newton. Vol. 7, 1840-48. 1 v. 8". 2. The chemist, a monthly journal of chemical pliilosophy, and of chemistry applied to the arts, manufactures, agriculture, and medicine, andrecord of pharmacy ; hy Watt. Vol. 1-4, 1849-53. 4 v. 8". 3. The chemist, a monthly journal of chemical and physical science. Vol. 1-5, 1854-58. 5 V. 8". 241. London. — Chinese and Japanese repository; by Summers, etc. Vol. 1, 18(;4. 1 v. 8". • 242. London. — The christian physician and anthropological review ; by Palmer. 1835. 1 n. ? 8". 243. Londpn. — Cistula entomologica, sive insectorum novorum diagnoses. No. 1-13, 18G9-7G. 1 V. 8". 244. London. — The civil engineer and architects' journal, etc. Vol. 1-30, 1837- G7. 30 V. 4". 245. London. — Civil and mechanical engineers' society. a. (Tapers and annual report). Session 1872-73 (1874). 1 v. W. 246. London. — The coelestial diary; by Pearse. 1719-52. 34 n. 8". 247. London. — Coelestial observations ; or a compleat ephemeris of the coelestial motions and aspects; by Chattock. 1708. 1 n. 8". London. — Coffin's botanical journal. (See 493.) 248. London. — Collectanea topographica et genealogica ; by Madden. 1835-43. 8 V. 8". (Followed by 470.) 249. London. — Royal college of chemistry. a. Keports . . . and researches conducted in the laboratories. Vol. 1, 1845-47 (1840). 1 v. 8". (Continued?) London. — College of preceptors. (See 260. ) 250. London. — Colliery guardian (and journal of the coal and iron trades). Vol. 1-32, no. 1-835, 1857-76. 32 v. f". 251. London. — Royal colonial institute. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-7, 18G8-7G. 7 v. 8". 252. London.— The colonial journal. Vol. 1-5, 181G-18. 5 v. 8". London. — Commissioners of longitude. a. The nautical almanac. (See 393.) 253. London. — Companion to the botanical magazine; by Hooker. Vol. 1-2, 1835-3G. 2 V. 8". (The botanical magazine, being a series of illus- trations and descriptions, by the editor alone, is not included in this catalogue.) 254. London. — A compleat ephemeris; by Steele. 1G82. 1 n. 8". 255. London. — A compleat volume of the memoirs for the curious, from Jan. 1707 to Dec. 1708. 1 v. 4''. 256. London. — Corps of royal engineers. a. Papers on subjects connected with the duties of . . . (known as profes- sional papers). 1. Vol. 1-10, 1843-49. 10 v. 4". 2nd edition of vol. 1, 1844. 2. Vol. 1-24, 1851-7G. 24 v. 8". Index 1-20, 1872. London. — Cotteswold naturalists' field club. (See 143.) 257. London.— Crell's chemical journal, giving an account of the latest dis- coveries in chemistry, with extracts from various foreign transactions ; translated from the german, with occasional additions. Vol. 1-3, 17i)l-93. 3 v. 8". (For original, see Lemgo, chemisches journal.) 258. London.— Departments of the ordnance and admirality. a. Observations on days of unusiuil magnetic disturbance, made at the british colonial magnetic observatories. Vol. 1-2, 1840-44 (1843-51). 2 V. 4". London. — Devonshire association for the adv. of science etc. (See 524.) 258«»^. London. — Dissertations and miscellaneous pieces relating to the history and antiquities, arts, sciences, and literature of Asia; by Jones. Vol. 1-2, 1792. 2 V. 8". London. — The Dublin quarterly journal of science. (See 84.) GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 17 259. London. — East India association. a. Journal. Vol. 1-10 i, 18(37 V-76. 10 v. 8". London. — Edinburgh journal of natural science. (Sec 113.) 260. London. — The educational times and journal of the college of preceptors. (See also 356.) 261. London.— The electrical magazine; by Walker. Vol. 1-2, 1843-4G. 2 V. 8'^. 262. London. — The electrical news and telegraphic reporter. Vol. 1, 1875. 1 V. 4". London. — Electrical society. (See 335.) 263. London. — The electrician, a weekly journal of telegraphy, electricity, and applied chemistry. Vol. 1-4, 18(52-64. 4 v. 4". 264. London.— The engineer. Vol. 1-42, 185G-7G. 42 v. f. 265. London.— Engineering focts and figures. 1807-68 (1867-69). 2 v. 16". 266. London. — Engineering, an illustrated weekly journal; by Maw, etc. Vol. 1-22, 1866-76. 22 v. 4". (For german edition, see IVien, ibid.) 267. London. — The engineer and machinist, and engineering and scientific review; by Browne. Vol. 1-3, 1850-51. 3 v. 4"^ 268. London. — The English mechanic. A record of mechanical inventions, scientific and industrial progress, applied chemistry, art, manufac- tures, engineering, building, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1865. 2 v. 4". The English mechanic and mirror (world) of science and art ; a record of engineering, etc. Vol. 3-24, 1866-76. 22 v. 4". 269. London.— The entomological magazine. Vol. 1-5, 1832-38. 5 v. 8". 270. London. — Entomological society (the former). a. Transactions. Vol. 1, pt. 1-3, 1807-12. 1 v. 8". (See also 271.) 271. London. — Entomological society (the present). a. Addresses delivered at the anniversary meetings. 1835-76. 42 n. 8". b. Journal of proceedings. 1840-44. 1 v. 8". c. Proceedings. (See b, d.) d. Transactions (and journal of proceedings). L Vol. 1-5, 1834-40. 5 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-5; 1850-61. 5 v. 8". 3. Vol. 1-5, 1862-67. 5 v. 8". ; 1868-76. 9 V. 8". (See also 270.) 272. London.— The entomologist ; by Newman. No. 1-26, 1840-42. 1 v. 8«. (See also 396.) 273. London.— The entomologist's annual. 1855-76. 22 v. 12". 274. London. — The entomologist's monthly magazine; by Blackburn, etc. Vol. 1-13, 1864-76. 13 v. 8". 275. London. — The entomologist's weekly intelligencer; by Stainton. Vol. 1-10, 1856-61. 10 V. 8". 276. London. — Ephemeris absoluta ; by Woodward. 1694-97. 4 n. 8". 277. London. — An ephemeris; or an astronomical state of the heavens; by Kingsley. 1717-23. 7 n. 8«. 278. London. E^Ty^aepi?, or a diary astronomical and astrological; by Gad- bury. 16(53-1752. 90 n. 8". 279. London.— 'E.) 310. London. — Institution of hydronomical and nautical engineers. a. Published papers. No. 1, 1867. 1 n. 8". 311. London. — Institution of naval architects. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-17, 1860-76. 17 v; 4". 312. London. — Institution of surveyors. (I. Transactions. 313. London. — The intellectual observer; a review of natural history, micro- scopic research, and recreative science. Vol. 1-12, 1862-68. 12 v. 8**. (For earlier series, see 430; for continuation, see 461.) London. — International congress of orientalists. (See 10.) London. — International congress of prehistoric anthropology and archaeology. (See 15.) 20 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Liondou. — International horticultural exhibition and botanical congress. (See 16.) London. — International meteorological congress. (See 17.) 314. liondon. — Inventors' institute. a. Tlie seientitic review and journal. Vol. 1-9, 1865-73. 9 v. f. 315. London. — The Irish polytechnic magazine ; by Stone. Pt. 1-6, 1844. 1 v. 8". 316. London. — Iron; the journal of science, metals, and manufactures, with wliicli is incorporated the mechanic's magazine. New series. Vol. 1-8, 1878-76. 8 v. f". (For earlier series,^see 360.) 317. London. — Iron and steel institute. a. Quarterly journal. 1871-76. 6 v. 8". (For earlier series, sec J.) h. Transactions. Vol. 1-2, 1869-70. 2 v. 8" (For continuation, see' a.) 318. London. — The journal of anatomy and physiology; by Humphry, etc. L Vol. 1, 1867. 1 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-9 (2-10), 1868-75. 9 v. 8". Vol. 10-11, 1875-76. 2 v. 8° 319. London. — Journal of anthropology. No. 1-3, 1870-71. 3 n. 8". 320. Loudon. — The journal of applied science. A monthly record of progress irLthe industrial arts ; by Simmonds. Vol. 1-7, no. 1-84, 1870-76. 7 v. f". London.— Journal of arts. (See 338, 339.) ' 321. London. — The journal of botany (being a second series of the botanical miscellany), containing figures and descriptions of such plants as rec- ommend themselves by their novelty, rarity, or history, or by the uses to which they are applied in the arts, in medicine, and in domestic economy ; together with occasional botanical notices and information (and occasional portraits and memoirs of eminent botanists) ; by Hooker. Vol. 1-4, 1834-42. 4 v. 8". (For preceding series, see 221 ; for continuation, see 340, 301.) 322. London. — The journal of botany, british and foreign; by Seeman, etc. 1. Vol. 1-9, 1863-71. 9 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-5 (10-14), 1872-76. 5 v. 8". 323. London. — Journal of entomology, descriptive and geographical. Vol. 1-2, 1862-64. 2 v. 8". 324. London. — A journal of natural philosophy, chemistry, and the arts ; by Nicholson. L Vol. 1-5, 1797-1801. 5 v. 4°. 2. Vol. 1-36, 1802-13. 36 v. 8°. (United in 1814 whh 412.) 325. London? — Journal of psychrological meteorology. 1852. 326. London. — The journal of travel and natural history ; by Murray. Vol. 1, 18(;8-69. 1 V. 8''. 327. London? — Kalendarium; by Bowker. 1669-79. 11 n. 8". 328. London. — Kalendarium nauticum ; by Seaman. 1677. In. 8°. 329. London.— KaroTTTpoi/ ot-pavtov ; by Pepper. 1705. 1 n. 8°. London. — Kent archaeological society. (See 489.) 330. London. — Kidd's own journal for intercommunications on natural history, popular science, and things in general ; by Kidd. Vol. 1, 1852-54. 1 V. 8*^. 331. London. — The laboratory ; a weekly record of scientific research. Vol.1, 1867. 1 V. 41 332. London. — The ladies' diary; or the womans' almanack; containing many delightful and entertaining particulars, peculiarly adapted for the use and diversion of the fair sex. 1704-1876. 180 n. 12". (See also 355.) 333. London. — Linnean society. a. Address of the president, read at the anniversary meeting. 1854-76. 23 n. 8". h. Journal of the proceedings; botany. Vol. 1-7, 1857-64. 7 v. S*'. Journal. Vol. 8-15, 1864-76 (1865-76). 8 v. 8°. c. Journal of the proceedings ; zoology. Vol. 1-7, 1857-64. 7 v. 8°. Vol. 8-12. Journal. 1864-76(1865-76). 5 v. 8". d. Proceedings. L Vol. 1-2, 1838-55 (1849-55). 2 v. 8". 2. 1867-76. 9 n. 8". c. Transactions. L Vol. 1-30, 1791-1875. 30 v. 4". Index. 1-25,(1867); 26-30 (1876). (For continuation, see /and g.) f. Transactions. 2. Botany. Vol. 1, 1875-76. 1 v. 4". (For first series, see e.) g. Transactions. 2. Zoology. Vol. 1, i-iii, 1875-76. 1 v. 4". (For first series, see e. ) (See also 1588.) GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 21 334. Liondon. — The literary gazette and journal of archaeology, science, and art. 1847-57. 11 v. r. London. — Literary and philosophical society of Leicester. (See 157.) London. — Literary and philosophical society of Manchester. (See 494.) London. — Liverpool royal institiition. (See 164.) London. — London, Edinburgh, (and Dublin) pliilos. mag. (See 412.) 335. London. — London electrical society. a. Proceedings. 1841-48 (1843). 1 v. 8° h. Transactions and proceedings. Vol. 1, pp. 1-129. 1837-40. 1 v. 4". 336. London. — The London geological journal and record of discoveries in british and foreign palaeontology. Vol. 1, i-iii, 184(5-47. 1 v. 8". 337. London. — London institution. a. Journal. A programme and record of proceedings. Vol. 1-0, no. 1-28, 1871-76. 6 V. 8". 338. London. — The London journal of arts, and sciences; containing reports of all new patents, with a description of their respective principles and properties ; also original communications on subjects connected with science and philosophy, i)articularly such as embrace the most recent inventions and discoveries in practical mechanics. 1. Vol. 1-14, 1820-27. 14 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-9, 1828-32. 9 v. 8". Index to the two series (n. d.). 2 v. 8". (For continuation, see 339.) 339. London. — London journal of arts and sciences, and repertory of patent inventions; by Newton. Conjoined series. 1. Vol. 1-45, 1832-54. 45 V. 8". . 2. Newton'si London journal of arts and sciences ; being a record of the progress of invention as applied to the arts. Vol. 1-23, 1855-66. 23 V. 8". (For earlier series, see 338.) 340. London. — London journal of botany, containing figures and descriptions of such plants as recommend themselves by their novelty, rarity, his- tory, or uses ; togetlier with botanical notices and information, and occasional portraits and memoirs of eminent botanists ; l)v Hooker. Vol. 1-7, 1842-48. 7 v. 8° (For preceding series, see 221^, 321 ; for continuation, see 301.) 341. London. — London mathematical society. a. Proceedings, Vol. 1-7, 1865-76. 7 v. 8". h. Transactions. London. — Loudon medical and physical journal. (See 362.) 342. London. — London and Middlesex archaeological society. a. Proceedings of evening meetings. Pt. 1-3, 1870-73(1870-75). 3 n. 8". h. Transactions. Vol. 1-4, 1856-74. 4 v. 8". 343. London. — London physiological journal ; or monthly record of observations on animal and vegetable anatomy and physiology, chiefly made by the aid of the microscope; by Goodfellow, etc. Vol. 1, no. 1-5, 1843-44. 1 V. 8". 344. London. — London polytechnic magazine and journal of science, letters, and fine arts ; by Stone. Vol. 1, 1844. 1 v. 8". The London polyt. review and magazine of science, literature, and the fine arts ; by Sig- mand. Vol. 2. 1845. 1 v. 8". (For earlier series, see 303.) London. — Lords commissioners of the admiralty. a. The nautical almanac. (See 393.) 345. London. — The magazine of botany and gardening, british and foreign ; by Kennie, etc. L Vol. 1-2, 1833-34. 2 v. 4". 2. Vol. 1-3, 1835-37. 3 V. 4". London. — Magazine of botany and register etc. (See 411.) 346. London. — The magazine of natural history (and journal of zoology, botany, njineralogy. geology, and meteorology) ; by Loudon, etc. 1. Vol. 1-9, 1828-36. 9 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-4, 1837-40. 4 v. 8". (Merged in 192.) 347. London. — The magazine of natural history and naturalist; by Morris. No. 1-9, 1860. 1 V. 8". 348. London. — The magazine of natural philosophv ; by Lowe. No. 1-7, 1856. 1 V. 8". London. — The magazine of popular science. (See 451.) London. — The magazine of science and artists. (Sei' 349.) 22 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 349. liondon. — The maji^azine of science and school of arts ; intended to illus- trate the most useful, novel, and interesting facts of natural history and experimental philosophy, artistical processes, ornamental manufactures, and the arts of life, (Also entitled : the magazine of science, and artist's, architect's, and huilder's journal ; — magazine of science, school of arts, and architect's and miner's journal.) Vol. 1-15, 1840-52. 15 V. 8". 350. liOndon. — The magazine of zoology and botany ; by Jardine, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1837-38. 2 V. 8". (Continued in 192.) 351. liondon. — Magnetical and meteorological observatory at St. Helena. a. Observations. Vol. 1-2, 18-10-4'J (1845-60). 2 v. 4". liondon. — Magnetical and meteorological observatory at Toronto. (See Toronto, ibid.) 352. London. — The malacological and conchological magazine ; by Sowerby. rt. 1-2, 1838-39. 2 n. 8". London. — Manchester geological society. (See 496.) 353. London. — The manual of science and arts, and photographic miscellany ; by Harrison. No. 1-5, 1854. 1 v. 8". 354. London? — Mathematical questions answered in the inquirer. No. 1, 1825. 1 V. 12". 355. London. — Mathematical questions proposed in the ladies' diary; by Leybourne. Vol. 1-4, 1817. 4 v. 8". (See also 332.) 356. London. — Mathematical questions, with their solutions, reprinted from the educational times. Vol. 1-26, 1864-76. 25 v. 9,'\ (See 260. The reprint contains some original matter.) 357. London. — Mathematical repository; by Dobson. 1. Vol. 1-2, 1748-53. 2 V. 8". 2. (New series by Leybourne). Vol. 1-5, 1806-30. 5 v. 8"'. London. — Mathematical society. (See 341.) 358. London. — The mathematician. 1751. 1 v. S**. 359. London.— The mathematician ; by Davies, etc. Vol. 1-3, 1856. 3 v. 8*. 360. London. — The mechanics' magazine (museum, register, journal, and gazette). 1. Vol. 1-69, 1823-58. 69 v. 8". 2. . . . and journal of engineering, agricultural machinery, manufactures, and shipbuilding. Vol. 1-28, 1859-72. 28 v. 4". and f'. (For continuation, see 316.) 361. London. — Medical and philosophical connnentaries ; by a society of phy- sicians in Edinburgh. Decas 1-2, 1774-95. 20 v. 8". 362. London. — The medical and physical journal ; containing the original correspondence of eminent practitioners and tlie earliest information on subjects connected with medicine, surgery, chemistry, pharmacy, botany, and natural philosophy; by Bradley, etc. L Vol. 1-34, 1799-1815. 34 V. 8". The London m. and p. journal, etc. 1816-25. 21 v. 8**. 2. Vol. 1-14 (56-69), 1826-33. 14 v. 8". Index 1-40 (1820). (See also 397 ; for german editions, see 2992, 3001.) 363. London. — Medico-botanical society. a. Transactions. 1828-37. 8". London. — Memoirs for the curious. (See 255.) 364. London. — Memoirs of the sciences and the arts, or an abridgement of the transactions pul)lished by the principal learned and oeconomical socie- ties established in Europe, Asia, and America. Vol. 1-2, 1793-94. 2 v. 4". 365. London. — Mr;roXoytov ; or an ephemeris ; by Cookson. 1711. In. 8". 366. London. — The mercantile and marine magazine and nautical record. Vol. 1-6, 1854-59. 6 v. 8". 367. London. — Mercurius anglicanus, or the english mercury; by Parker. 1694-1752. 59 n. 8°. 368. London.— Mercurius caelestis ; by Partridge. 1682. In. 8". 369. London?— Merlini anglici ephemeris; by Lilly. 1663-82. 20 n. 8". 370. London. — Merlinus anglicus junior ; by Coley, etc. 1694-1752. 59 n. 8°. 371. London.— Merl inns liberatus; by Partridge. 1694-1709. 16 n. 8'» ; 1717- 52. 36 n. 8". 372. London. — Merlinus" redivivus ; by Partridge. 1714. In. 8". London. — The messenger of mathematics. (See 66.) GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 23 Iiondon. — Meteorological department of the board of trade. (See 219, b, c.) Liondon. — Meteorological journal. (See 174.) London. — Meteorological magazine. (See 464.) 373. Xiondon. — Meteorological office. a. Daily weather reports. 18G9-76. 8 v. f''. b. Quarterly weather report, with pressure and temperature tables. 1869- 7G. 8 V. 4". 374. Liondon. — Meteorological society of Great Britain. a. Proceedings. 1838-40 (1839-40). 2 n. 8". b. The quarterly journal of meteorology and physical science. 1842-43 (1843). 1 V. 8'^ c. Transactions. Vol. 1, 1839. 1 v. 8°. (See also 227.) 375. liOndon. — The microscopical journal and (monthly record of facts in micro- sc<)i)ical science) structural record; by Cooper, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1841- 42. 2 V. 8". 376. liOndon. — (Royal) microscopical society. a. The monthly microscopical journal ; transactions . . . and record of histological research at home and abroad. Vol. 1-16, 1869-76. 16 v. 8°. (For earlier series, see c.) i. Report of the anniversary. 1-16,1841-56. 16 n. 8". c. Transactions. 1. Vol. 1-3, 1840-52 (1842-52). 3 v. 8". 2. (Published in 419.) Vol. 1-16, 1853-68. 16 v. 8". (For contin., see a.) (See also 419.) London. — Mineralogical society of Great Britain and Ireland. (See 23.) London. — Mining almanac. (See 378.) 377. London. — The mining journal (railway and commercial gazette). Vol. 1-46, 1835 ?-76. 46 v. f". 378. London. — The mining (manual and) almanac, being a yearly compendium of information on general science (with tabular and other statistical details relating to the mining interests of Great Britain) ; by English. 1849-51. 3 V. 8". 379. London. — The mining quarterly ; a quarterly journal of mining and finance. 1869. 4". 380. London.— Mining review. Vol. 1-2, 1858-59. 2 v. 8". (Continued?) 381. London. — Mining review, a monthly record of geology, etc. Vol. 1-7, 1836-40. 7 V. 4". (See also 422.) 382. London. — The mining and smelting magazine ; a monthly review of practical mining, quarrying, and metallurgy, etc. ; by Salmon. Vol. 1-7, 1862-65. 7 V. 8". London. — Miscellanea curiosa; by Derham. (See 434, e). 383. London. — Miscellanea curiosa mathematica ; by Hollidliy. Pt. 1-7, 1745- 49. 7 n. 4". 384. London. — Miscellany of natural history. 2 v. 4". London. — Monthly meteorological magazine; by Syraons. (See 464.) London. — Museum of practical (economic) geology. (See 294, 435, b.) 385. London. — Natural history illustrations; a work principally intended to furnish delineations, executed by eminent artists, of unpublished objects in natural history, preserved in the private cabinets of british collectors ; by Charlesworth. No. 1-4, 1839. 4 n. 4". London. — The natural history review. (See 97.) London. — Natural history transactions of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (See 506.) 386. London. — The naturalist; illustrative of the animal, vegetable, and min- eral kingdoms ; by Maund, etc. Vol. 1-5, 1837-39. 5 v. 8". 387. London. — The naturalist ; a popular monthly magazine ; illustrative of the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms; by Morris, etc. Vol. 1-8, 1851-58. 8 V. 8". 388. London. — The naturalist's journal. 1767. 1 y. 4°. 389. London. — The naturalist's journal ; by Barrington. 1775. In. 4". 390. London.— The naturalist's miscellany. Vol. 1-5, 1790-94. 5 v. 4". 24 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 391. London.— The naturalist's note book. 1. Vol. 1-3, 1867-60. 3 v. 8". 2. Feb. -May, 1870. 192 pp. 8". 392. Liondon. — Nature, a weekly illustrated journal of science. Vol. 1-15, no. 1-374, 1860-76. 15 v. 8". 393. liOndon. — The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris . . . (for the meridian of the royal observatory at Greenwich), published by order of the commissioners of longitude (after 1832, lords commissioners of the admiralty). 1767-1880(1766-1876). 114 v. 8". Supplement for 1828, 1829, 1864-69. 8 n. 8". Ephemerides. 1863-66 (1864-66). 4 v. S**. See also New Bruns-mrick and Ne-ur York, ihid. 394. London. — The nautical magazine, a journal of papers on subjects connected with maritime affairs in general. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1832-36. 5 v. 8". 2. Nautical magazi le and naval chronicle; enlarged series. Vol. 1 (6), 1837. 1 V. 8". Vol. 7-39, 1838-70. 33 v. 8". 3. Nautical magazine. Vol. 1-6 (40-45), 1871-76. 6 v. 8° London. — The nautical magazine and naval chronicle. (See 394.) 395. London. — Naval science ; a quarterly magazine for promoting the im- provement of naval architecture, marine engineering, steam navigation, and seamanship ; by Heed. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76, 5 v. 8". 396. London. — Newman's entomologist; an (illustrated) journal of british entomology. Record of captures and medium of exchange. Vol. 1-9, 1864-76. 9 V. 8". (A new series, commenced in 1877. See also 272.) 397. London.— New medical and physical journal, or annals of medicine, natural history, and'Chemistry ; by Shearman, etc. Vol. 1-10? 1811-15? 10 V. 8"^. (See also 362.) London. — New series of the mathematical repository. (See 357.) London. — Newton's London journal of art and sciences. (See 339.) 398. London. — Notes for naturalists, with questions and answers; by Adams, No. 1-12, 1857. 1 V. 12". 399. London. — Notes and queries for naturalists; consisting of curious and interesting facts in connection with natural history and natural science. 1857. 1 V. 8°. 400. London. — Nuncius caelestis or Urania's messenger; by Coley. 1677-82. 6 n. S*'. London. — Observations on days of unusual magnetic disturbance. (See 258.) London. — Observations of magn. declination made at Trevandrum. (Sec 471,) 401. London. — Royal observatory at Greenwich. a. Appendix to Greenwich observations. 1836, 1837, 1842, 1847, 1864, 1868. 6 n, 4". h. Astronomical observations. Vol. 1-2. 1750-62 (1798-1805). 2 v. f". ; vol. 1-4, 1765-1810 (1776-1811). 4 v. f , ; vol, 1-5, 1811-24 (1815-26). 5 V. f°. ; 1825-35(1837-42). 11 v. f ". ; 1836-38(1837-40). 3 v, 4^'.; Astr. and magnetical and meteorological obs. 1839-40 (1840-42). 2 V. 4". ; Astr. obs. during this time the magn, and meteor, observ. formed a distinct series. See c, 1841-47 (1843-49), 7 v. 4**.; Astr. and magn. and met. obs. 1848-74(1850-76). 27 v, 4", c. Magnetical and meteorological observations. 1841-47 (1842-49). 7 V. 4", (For earlier and later obs., see h.) d. Nautical almanac. (See 393.) c, Eeduction of the observations of the moon, 1750-1851 (1848-59). 3 v. 4". /, Report of the astronomer royal to the board of visitors. 1836-76. 41 n. 4". g. Results of the astronomical observations. 1847-74(1840-76). 28 n. 4". h. Results of magnetical and meteorological observations. 1840-74 (1842-76). 35 n, 4°. 401 . London. — Our ocean highways : a condensed universal hand gazetteer and international route book by ocean, road, or rail ; being a complete book of reference and guide for the traveller to every known post and chief city in the whole world, and containing every information respect- ing communication by sea or land, telegraph rates, postal arrangements, situation, climate, population, government, products, consul, banks, GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 25 Lloyd's agents and other resident officials, hotels, monetary exchange, weights and measures ; jjublished annually ; ed. Dempsey, etc. 1871. 1 V. 8". 402. liOndon. — Ocean highways (the geographical record) ; by Markham. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1869-73. 5 v. f". 2. O. h., the geographical review. Vol. 1, 1873-74. 1 V. r. 3. The geographical magazine. Vol. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 V. f". 403. Liondon. — Odontological society: a. Transactions. 1. Vol. 1-6?. 1856-68 (1858-68). 6? v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-8, 1869-76. 8 V. S"'. 404. London.— 'OXi;>7rta Siofiara; by Wing. 1^563-72. 10 n. 8«. (See 65.) 405. London. — Oriental repertory ; by Dalrymple. Vol. 1-2, 1791-97. 2 v. 4**. London. — Ornithological miscellany. (See 50.) London. — Ornithological society. (See 172.) 406. London. — OvpavoXoyLa, being an ephemeris of the motions of the celes- tial bodies ; by Cole. 1705. In. 8". 407. London. — Palaeontographical society. a. (No title. Generally quoted as monographs.) Vol. 1-31, 1847-76. 31 V. 4". 408. London. — Palestine exploration fund. a. Quarterly statement. Vol. 1, 1869-70. 1 v. 8''. ; 1871-76. 6 v. 8". 409. London. — Papers on naval architecture and other subjects connected with naval science ; by Morgan, etc. Vol. 1-4, 1827-65. 4 v. 8". (Vol. 4, no. 13, 1832, reprinted in 1865.) 410. London. — Parker's ephemeris for 1740 (1740). 1 n. 16". (Continued?) 411. London. — Paxton's magazine of botany and register of flowering plants. Vol. 1-16, 1834-49. 16 v. 4". London. — Philosophical and literary society of Leeds. (See 154.) 412. London. — The philosophical magazine, comprehending the various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts (geology), agriculture, manufactures and commerce; by Tilloch. 1. Vol. 1-42, 1798-1813. 42 v. 8". The p. m. and journal, etc. ; by Tilloch, etc. (Here Nichol- son's journal, 324, was united with it.) Vol. 43-68, 1814-26. 26 v. 8". 2. The philosophical mag. or annals of chemistry, mathematics, as- tronomy, natural history, and general science ; by Taylor, etc. (also entitled the p. m. and annals of pliilosoi)hy, comprehending, etc., us at first; — here the annals of philosophy, 194, were united with it). Vol. 1-11, 1827-32. 11 V. 8". 3. The London and Edinburgh jjliilosophical magazine and journal of science; by Brewster, etc. (Here Brewster's Edinburgh journal of science, 114, was united with it.) Vol. 1-16, 1832-40. 1*6 V. 8". Lond., Edinb., and Dublin phil. mag., etc. Vol. 17-37, 1840-50. 21 v. 8". 4. Vol. 1-50, 1851-75. 50 v. 8". 5. Vol. 1-2, 1876. 2 V. 8°. London. — Philosophical society of Great Britain. (See 473.) London. — Philosophical transactions. (See 434, g, h, i.) 413. London. — Physical society. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-2 i, 1874-76. 2 v. 8". London. — Physiological journal. (See 343.) 414. London. — Physiological laboratory, university college. a. Collected papers. 1874-7(5. 2 n. 8". 415. London. — The phytologist ; a popular botanical miscellany (monthly hot. journal) ; by Luxford, etc. L Vol. 1-4?, 1842-54. 4? v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-6, 1855-63. 6 v. 8". London. — Plymouth institution. (See 525.) London. — The polytechnic magazine (review), etc. (See 344.) 416. London. — The popular magazine of anthropology. Vol. 1, 1866. 1 v. 8". 417. London. — The popular science review. A quarterly miscellany of enter- taining and instructive articles on scientific subjects ; by Samuelson, etc. Vol. 1-15, no. 1-61, 1861-76. 15 v. 8". (A new series commenced in 1877.) 418. London. — Powys-land club. a. Collections, historical and archaeological, relating to Montgomeryshire. Vol. 1-5, 1867-74? 5 v. 8". 26 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. London. — The quarterly journal of concholoj^y. (See 156.) 419. liOlidon. — Quarterly journal of microsc()j)ical science; by Lankester, etc. 1. Vol.. 1-8, 1858-60. 8 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-16, 1861-76. 16 v. 8". (1. Vol. 6-8 and 2. Vol. 1-2, bear also the secondary title : Transactions of the microscopical society of London, n. s. Vol. 6-10. — See 376, c.) 420. London. — Quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics ; by Syl- vester, etc. Vol. 1-14, 1855-76. 14 v. 8". (Successor to 60.) 421. London. — The quarterly journal of science; by Samuelson, etc. 1. Vol. 1-7, 1864-70. 7 V. 8". 2. The q. j. of s, and annals of mining, metal- lurgy, engineering, industrial arts, manufactures, and technology; by Crookes. Vol. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 8". 422. London. — The quarterly mining review ; by English. 1. Vol. 1-2, 1830- 82. 2 V. 8°. 2. The mining review and journal of geology, mineralogy, and metallurgy. Vol. 1-2, 1835-37. 2 v. 8". (See also 381.) London. — Quarterly papers on engineering. (See 476.) 423. London. — Quekett microscopical club. a. .Journal. Vol. 1-4, no. 1-32, 1868-76. 4 v. 8". I. Report. 1-11, 1866-76. 11 n. 8". 424. London. — Ray society. a. lieports and papers on botany. 1846, 1849. 2 v. 8°. b. Keports on the progress of zoology and botany. 1841-42(1845). 1 v. 8". c. lieports on zoology. 1843-44 (1847). 1 v. 81 425. London. — The reader; a review of literature, science, and arts. Vol. 1-7, 1863-66. 7 V. r. 426. London. — De rebus coelestibus ; by Andrews. 1663-1752. 90 n. 8': 427. London. — Records of general science; by Thomson, etc. Vol. 1-4, 1835-36. 4 V. 8". 428. London.— Records of mining; by Taylor. Pt. 1, 1829. 1 v. 4°. 428». London. — A record of the progress of modern engineering. 1864-65 (1865-66). 2 V. 4". 429. London. — The record of zoological literature; by Giinther. Vol. 1-6, 1864-69 (1865-70). 6 v. 8". The zoological record. 1870-74 (1871- 76). 5 v. 8". 430. London. — Recreative science. A record (and remembrancer) of intel- lectual observation (in the various branches of physical science). Vol. 1-3, 1860-62. 3 v. 4°. (For continuation, see 313. 461.) 431. London. — Refugium botanicum; or figures and descriptions from living s])ecimens of little known or new plants of botanical interest ; by Saun- ders. Vol. 1-5 ii, 1869-72. 5 v. 8". 432. London. — The register of the arts and sciences. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1824-27. 4 V. 8". 2. Register of arts and journal of patent inventions ; by Her- bert. Vol. 1-7, 1828-32. 7 v. 8". 433. London. — Retrospect of philosophical, mechanical, chemical, and agri- cultural discoveries, etc. 1806-10. 5 v. 8**. 434. London. — Royal society (for improving of natural -knowledge ; — for the advancement of physical and mathematical knowledge) . a. Abstracts of the papers printed in the i)hilosophical transactions. Vol. 1-4, 1800-43 (1832-43). 4 v. 8". Abstract of tho papers commu- nicated to the r. s. Vol. 5-6, 1843-54 (1851-54). 2 v. 8". (Vol. 1-2 issued on large paper of quarto form. Vol. 3-4 also entitled, in text, proceedings; for continuation, see j.) b. Address read at the anniversary meeting. 1837-76. 40 n. 8*1 c. Histor}"^ . . . , in which the most considerable of those papers commu- nicated to the society which have not been published are inserted in their proper order as a sui)i)lement to the philosophical transactions ; by Birch. 1756-57. 4 v. 4". d. Memoirs , . ., being a new abridgment of the philosophical transactions . . . from 1665 to 1735, inclusive; bv Baddam. Vol. 1-10, 1738-41. 10 V. 8". 2d ed. (from 1665-1740). Vol. 1-10, 1745. 10 v. 8". e. Miscellanea curiosa, being (containing) a collection of some of the principal phenomena in nature, accounted for by the greatest philoso- phers of this age ; together with several (being the most valuable) dis- courses read before (read and delivered to) the r. s. ... (as also a collection of curious travels, voyages, antiquities, and naturaL histories GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 27 of countries, presented to the same society ; revised and corrected by Derham. Vol. 1-8, 1705-07. 3 v. 8". 2d ed., vol. 1-3, 1708-27. 3 v. 8". A third edition of vol. 1 was published in 172(5. The title varies a little in the difterent editions, and in the ditferent volumes of the same . edition. /. Philosophical collections (published by E. Hooke, during the interrup- tion of the philosophical transactions). No. 1-7, l(J79-82. 1 v. 4". g. Philosophical transactions, giving some accompt of the present under- takings, studies, and labours of the ingenious in many considerable parts of the world. Vol. 1-65, 1665-1775.' ^7^\. 4". Philosophical transactions. Vol. 66-81, 1776-91. 16 v. 4".; 1792-1852. 61 v. 4".; Vol. 143-166, 1853-76. 24 v. 4". Index. 1665-77(1678). 1 v. 4".; — 1-17 (1787). 1 V. 4".; — 1-70, by Maty (1787). 1 v. 4".; — 1665- 1817, by Briggs (1818). 1 v. 4". ; — 71-110 (1821). 1 v. 4".; — 1821- 1830(1833). 1 V. 4".; — 1-120 (1842). 3 v. 4". Index anat., med., phys. papers. 1665-1813 (1814). 1 v. 4". (See also 288, 635, 766, 767, 785, 1597 c-g, 1960, 2499, 3017, 3323.) h. The philosophical transactions (and collections) abridged and disposed under general heads. Vol. 1-10. 11 v. 4". The first 5 volumes went through several editions (from 5 to 2, according to the vol.) between 1705 and 1781; the later volumes through only one, 1734-56.* The volumes I have examined may be collated as follows : a. To the end of the year 1700; by Lowthrop. Vol. 1-3. (1705.) 3 v. 4". b. Vol. 1-2, 1700-20; by Motte. (1721.) 2 v. 4". c. Vol. 4-5, 1700-20; by Motte. (1721.) 2 v. 4". d. lUd; by Jones. (1721.) 2 v. 4". e. Vol. 6, 1720-32; by Reid and Gray. (1733.) 2 v. 4". f. Vol. 6, 1719-33; by Eames and Martin. (1734.) 2 v. 4". g. Vol. 7, 1719- 33; bv Eames and Martin. (1734.) 1 v. 4". h. Vol. 7-8, 1732-44; byMartyn. 2 v. 4". i. Vol. 8-9, 1732-44; by Martyn. (1747.) 2 v. 4". j. Vol. 9-10, 1743-50; byMartyn. (1751.) 2 v. 4". k. Vol. 10, 1743-50; by Martin. (1756.) 2 v. 4". The first three volumes were originally edited by Lowthrop ; vol. 4-5 by Jones ; vol. 6 by Reid and Gray; vol. 7-8 by Eames and Martin, and vol. 9-10 by Martyn. Vol. 6 was in two parts, separately x>agf d. Vol. 8 and 10 each in two i)arts, continuously paged. I have not seen all the volumes of the 2d, 3d, and 4th editions. (See also 1597, a, b.) i. Philosophical transactions abridged, with notes and biographical illus- trations ; by Hutton, etc. Vol. 1-18, 1665-1800 (1803-09). Two edi- tions? 18 v. 4". j. Proceedings. Vol. 7-25, 1854-76 (1856-76). 25 v. 8". (For vol. 1-6, see a.) k. Report of the meteorological committee. 1868-75 (1869-76). 8 n. 8". (See also 288, 635, 766, 767, 785, 1597, 1960, 2499, 2895, 3017, 3323.) 435. liondon. — Royal school of mines (and of science applied to the arts). a. Magazine. Vol. 1, i-ii, 1876? 1 v. 8". b. Records. Vol. 1, i-iv, 1852-53. 1 v. 8". (See also 294.) 436. London. — Royal school of naval architecture and marine engineering. a. Annual. No. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 8". liondon. — Science gossip. (See 299.) 437. London. — The scientific gazette, or library of mechanical philosophy, chemistry, and discovery ; by Partington. Vol. 1-2, 1825-26. 2 v. 4". 438. London. — Scientific memoirs, selected from the transactions of foreign academies and learned societies, and from foreign journals ; by Taylor, etc. Vol. 1-5, 1837-52. 5 v. 8". (The second series was divided into natural philosophy and natural history ; see 439, 440.) 439. London. — Scientific memoirs, etc. ; natural history ; by Henfrey, etc. Vol. 1, pt. 1-2, 1852-3. « 1 V. 8". (See also 438, 440.) 440. London. — Scientific memoirs, etc. ; natural philosophy ; by Tyndall, etc. Vol. 1, pt. 1-2, 1852-53. 1 v. 8". (See also 438, 439.) 441. London. — The scientific hiiscellany; an occasional publication of treat- * There is a strange discrepancy here, the 4th edition of the 1st vol. being sometimes dated 1731, sometimes 1781, and sometimes 1782, while the 5th edition of vol. 1-3 is dated 1749 ; the 8tli volume again is sometimes dated 1734, sometimes 1747.) 28 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. isos relating to chemistry and the other experimental sciences ; by Griffin. 1841. 1 V. 8". 442. liondon. — Scientific opinion ; a weekly record of scientific progress at home and abroad. Vol. 1-3, 1868-70. 3 v. 4". 443. London. — Scientific record. No. 1-2. 1864. Loudon. — The scientific review. (See 314.) 444. London. — Scientific society. a. rroceedings. Vol. 1-2, 1839-40. 2 v. 8". 445. London. — The scientific summary. A montlily record of science, arts, and manufactures. Vol. 1, no. 1. 1870. 1 n. 8". 446. London. — The scientific world. A weekly journal of scientific progress. 1864. 2 n. 4". London. — Scottish meteorological society. (See 126.) London. — Societas regia. (See 434; also 766, 3017.) 447. London. — Society of antiquaries. a. Archaeologia ; or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. Vol. 1-44, 1779-1873. 44 V. 4". Index. 1-15 (1809). 17-30 (1844). 2 v. 4". h. Proceedings. 1. Vol. 1-4, no. 1-52, 1848-59. 4 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-7 i, 1859-76. 7 V. 81 London. — Society of arts. (See 452.) 448. London. — The society, instituted in Bengal, for enquiring into the his- tory and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature of Asia. a. Asiatick researches, or transactions of . . . V^)l.l-12, 1801-18. 12 v. 8". (Reprint of the Calcutta edition. See also Riga, abhandl. iib. d. g^sch., etc.) 449. London. — Society of biblical archaeology. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8". (See 465.) 450. London. — Society of engineers. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-17, 1860-76. 17 v. 8". 451. London. — Society for the illustration and encouragement of practical science at the Lowther arcade. a. The magazine of popular science, and journal of the useful arts. Vol. 1-4, 1836-37. 4 v. 8". 452. London. — Society (instituted at London for the encouragement) of arts (manufactures, and commerce). a. Journal of the society of arts and of the institiitions in union. Vol. 1-25, no. 1-1258, 1852-76 (1853-76). 25 v. 8''. Index. 1-10 (1864). h. Transactions. 1, Vol. 1-55, 1783-1845. 55 v. 8". (Three editions were published of at least vol. 1-5. Vol. 1, 3d ed., 1806.) 2.1846-48 (1847-49). 2 V. 4". 453. London. — Society for philosophical experiments and conversations. a. Minutes. 1795. 1 v. S"^*. (For german translation, see 2714.) 454. London. — Society of public analysts. a. The analyst, including tlie proceedings . . . ; a monthly journal of ana- lytical chemistry. Vol. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8". 455. London. — Society of telegraph engineers. a. .lournal. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8". 456. London. — Species conchyliorum, or concise, original descriptions and observations of all the species of recent shells, with their varieties ; by Sowerby. Pt. 1, 1830. 1 pt. 4". 457. London. — Speculum anni ; by Lane, etc. 1730-52. 23 n. 8". 458. London. — Speculum coeleste ; by Hartley. 1732. In. 8°. 459. London. — Speculum perspicuum uranicum ; by Coelson. 1682. 1 n. 8". 460. London. — Specuhmi uranicum ; by Fowle. 1697. In. 8". London. — Standard weights and measures department. (See 219, a.) 461. London. — The student and intellectual observer of science, literature, and art. Vol. 1-5, 1868-71. 6 v. 8". (Wr earlier series, see 430, 313.) 462. London. — The substitute or entomological exchange facilitator and ento- mologists' fireside companion. No. 1-20, 1856-57. 1 v. 12". 463. London. — Surrey archaeological society. a. Transactions (Surrey archaeological collections relating to the history and antiquities of the county). Vol. 1-6, 1854-74 (1856-74). 6 v. 8". GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 29 464. London. — Symons's monthly meteorological magazine. Vol. 1-11,1866-76. 11 V. 8^^. 465. liondon. — Syro-egyptian society. a. Oriental cylinders. No. 1-5. h. Original papers read before the society. Vol. 1, pt. 1-2, 184- -50. 1 V. 8". c. Report of the correspondence and papers read at the general meeting. Sess. 1845-62. 17? n. 8". d. Report of the council and auditors. 1844-45. In. 8". e. A series of lithographed hieroglyphic inscriptions, accurately copied from original monuments. No. 1. In. f". (This society has been merged in 449.) London. — Technical and microscopical repertory. (See 466.) 466. London. — The technical repository, containing practical information on subjects connected with discoveries and improvements in the useful arts ; by Gill. 1. Vol. 1-11, 1822-27. 11 v. 8". 2. Technical and micro- scopcal repertory. Vol. 1-7, 1828-30. 7 v. 8". 467. London. — The telegraphic journal and" electrical review (monthly illus- trated review of electrical science) ; bv Higgs. Vol. 1-4, 1872-76. 4 v. 8«. 468. London. — The telegraphic journal ; a weekly record of electrical progress. Vol. 1-2, 1864. 2 V. 4". 469. London. — Telescopium uranicum ; by Booker. London.— Tide tables. (See 218.) 470. London. — The topographer and genealogist; by Nichols. 1843-58. 3? v. 8". (Preceded by 248.) 471. London. — [Trevandrum observatory.] a. Observations of magnetic declination made at Trevandrum and Augustia Malley in tlie observatories of his highness the Maharajah of Travan- core, being Trevandrum magnetical observations. Vol. 1, 1852-59 (1874). Iv. 4". (See also Trevand, ibid.) 471 . London. — Triibner's american and oriental literary record. A monthly register of the most important works in North and South America, in India, China, and the british colonies. Vol. 1-10, no. 1-122, 1865-76. 10 V. 8". 472. London. — Royal united service institution. a. Journal. Vol. 1-20, no. 1-88, 1858-76. 20 v. 8°. London. — University college ; physiologicallaboratory. (See 414.) 473. London. — Victoria institute, or philosophical society of Great Britain. n. Annual (address and) report. 1-10, 1867-76. 10 n. 8". h. Journal of the transactions. Vol. 1-11, 1867-76. 11 v. 8". 474. London. — Vox stellarum ; by Moore. 1705-52. 48 n. 8". 475. London. — Vox uraniae ; by Woodward. 1682. 1 n. 8'^. . 476. London. — Weale's quarterly papers on engineering. Vol. 1-6, 1843-49. 6 V. 4*^. 477. London. — West London scientific association and field club. a. Annual report for 1876-77 (1877). 1 n. 8". (Earlier?) b. Proceedings. Vol. 1, i-iii, 1875-76. 1 v. 8". London. — West riding consolidated naturalists' society. (See 564.) 478. London. — White's celestial atlas; or an improved ephemeris. 1835-43. 9 n. 8". London. — Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine. (See 78.) 479. London. — The world of science ; a weekly review of natural history, phil- osopliical research, and recreative science. 1, No. 1-17, 1867. 17 n. f". 2. No. 1-38, 1867-68. 38 n. 8°. 480. London. — Year-book of facts in science and arts ; exhibiting the most im- portant discoveries and improvements of the past year in mechanics and useful arts, natural philosophy, electricity, chemistry, zoology and botany, geology, etc.; by Timbs, etc. 1839-75(1839-76). 36 v. 8". (Preceded by 203. For american edition, see Philadelphia, ibid.) London. — Yorkshire archaeol. and topograph, association. (See 149.) London. — Yorkshire philosophical society. (See 567.) 30 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 481. London. — The zoological journal ; by Bell, etc. Vol. 1-5, 1824-34 (182o -8.")), 5 V. 8". Suppl. no. 1-6, 1835. 1 v. 8". 482. London. — Zoological magazine; or journal of natural history, being a series of miscellaneous articles, original and translated, on interesting subjects in zoology. 1833. 1 v. 8". 483. London. — The zoological miscellany ; by Gray. Vol. 1, 1831-42. 80 pp. 8". London. — The zoological record. (See 429.) 484. London. — Zoological society. a. A guide to the gardens. Ed. 1-30, 1859-7G. 12''. h. List of the vertebrated animals now or lately living in the gardens. Ed. 1-4, 1802-7G. 8". c. Illustrations to the proceedings. Vol. 1-G, 1848-00. 6 v. 8". d. Proceedings. Pt. 1-28, 1833-GO. 2S v. 8". Index 1848-GO (18G3). (For earlier series, see e; for continuation, see/.) e. Proceedings of the committee of science and correspondence. Vol. 1-2, 1880-32. 2 V. %"". (For continuation, see d.) f. Proceedings of the scientific meetings. 18G1-76. 16 v. 8". Index. i8Gl-70 (1872). (For earlier series, see e, d.) g. Reports of the council and auditors. 1830-7G. 47 n. 8". h. Transactions. Vol. 1-9 ix. 1833-7G (1835-76). 9 v. 4". 485. London. — The zoologist : a popular miscellany (monthly journal) of nat- ural history for recording facts, etc. [with varying additions] ; by New- man. L Vol. 1-23, 1843-65. 23 v. 8-: 2. Vol. 1-11 (24-34), 1866-76. 11 V. 8". (A new series commenced in 1877.) 486. Londonderry. — Natural history and philosophical society. a. Annual report. 1, 1871. 1 n. 8". (Continued?) 487. Lowes. — Lowes and East Surrey natural history society. a. Annual report. 1-12, 1865-76. 12 n. 8". Lowestoft. — Suffolk institute of archaeology, statistics, and natural history. (See 57.) 488. Macclesfield. — Macclesfield society for acquiring useful knowledge. a. Report of the proceedings at the annual meeting. 1-41, 183(5-76. 41 n. 4". 489. Maidstone. — Kent archaeological society. a. Archaeologia cantiana, being transactions of the society. Vol. 1-9, 1858-74. 9 V. 8". 490. Maidstone. — Maidstone and Mid-Kent natural history and philosophi- cal society. a. Transactions. 1870. 1 v. 8". Makerstonn. — Makerstoun observatory. (See 119.) 491. Malvern. — Malvern field club. a. Transactions. Vol. 1, 1863-70. 1 v. 8". (Is this a new series of 562 ?) Malvern. — Malvern naturalists' field club. (See 562.) 492. Manchester. — Annals of pliilosophical discovery and monthly reporter of the progressof science and art. Vol. 1, 1843. 1 v. 8". Manchester. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 493. Manchester. — Coffin's botanical journal and medical reformer. Vol. MO, 1849-59. 10 V. 8". 494. Manchester. — Literary and philosophical society. a. Memoirs. L Vol. 1-5, 1785-1802. 5 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-15 (6-20), 1805-60. 15 V. 8". 3. Vol. 1-5 (21-25), 1862-76. 5 v. 8". (A sec- ond edition of vol. 1-3 of 1st series was published at London in 1789.) h. Proceedings. Vol. 1-15, 1857-76 (1860-76). 15 v. 8". (See also 2936, 2964.) 495. Manchester. — Manchester field naturalists' society. (Same as 498 ?) a. Report of the council, with accounts of the excursions and of the soirees. 18(>8-75 (1869-76). 8 n. 8". 496. Manchester. — Manchester geological society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-14, 1841-76. 14 v. 8". 497. Manchester. — Manchester institution of engineers. a. Proceedings. 1868-69. 2 n. 8". GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 31 498. Manchester. — Manchester naturalists' field club. (Distinct from 495 ?) a. Annual report. 1871. 1 n. 8". 499. Manchester. — Manchester scientific students association. a. (Annual) report. 1-15. 1862-70 (18G3-7())- 15 n. 8". 500. Marlborough. — Marlborough college natural history society. a. Keport. 18G(J (18(57). 1 n. 501. Merthyr Tydfil. — South Wales institute of civil engineers. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-3, 1858-G3. 3 v. 8". (Continued? Compare 544.) 502. Middleshorough. — Cleveland literary and philosophical society (form- erly the Middleshorough athenaeum). a. Annual reports. 8". Middleshorough. — Middleshorough athenaeum. (See 502.) Middlestown. — Middlestown naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports appear.) Midland scientific association. (See 47.) Midland (South) institute of mining . . . engineers. (See 48.) Mirfield. — Mirfield naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports appear.) 503. Montrose. — Montrose natural history and antiquarian society. «. Keports. 183- -7G. 40? n. 8". 504. Newbury. — Newbury district field club. a. Transactions. 1870-71 (1871). 1 n. 8". Newcastle-upon-Tjme. — Royal archaeological institute. (See 20.) Ne-wcastle. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) Newcastle. — Chemical society. (See 507.) Newcastle. — Iron and steel institute. (See 317.) 505. Newcastle. — Literary and philosophical society. a. Address. 1. 1825. 1 n. 8". h. Keport. 1-83, 1703-1876. 83 n. 8". 506. Newcastle. — Natural history society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. a. Natural history transactions of Northumberhind and Durham, being papers read at the meetings of the n. h. s. . . . and the Tyneside naturalists' field club. Vol. 1-6, 1865-73 (1867-74). 6 v. 8". (Part 3 of vol. 5 appears not to have been published until 1877. For earlier series, see 510, a.) h. Keports. 1-22, 1830-51. 22 n. 8°. (Continued?) c. Transactions. Vol. 1-2, 1830-38 (1831-38). 2 v. 4". Newcastle. — Natural liistory transactions of Northumberland and Dur- ham. (See 506.) 507. Newcastle. — Newcastle-upon-Tyne chemical society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-2, 1868-74. 2 v. 8". 508. Newcastle. — North of England institute of mining and mechanical engineers. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-25, 1852-76. 25 v. 8". Index. 1-17 (1868). 509. Newcastle. — Society of antiquaries. a. Archaeologia aeiiana, or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. 1, Vol. 1-4, 1822-55. 4 v. 4". 2. Vol. 1-7, 1856-76. 7 v. 8". 510. Newcastle. — Tyneside naturalists' field club. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-6, 1847-64 (1848-64. 6 v. 8". (For later series, see 506, a.) Norfolk and Norwich archaeol. society. (See 511.) Norfolk and Norwich museum. (See 512.) Norfolk and Norwich naturalists' society. (See 513.) Norland. — Norland naturalists' society. (See 564.) Northampton. — Archaeological and architectural society. (See 35, 36.) North of England institute of mining engineers. (See 508.) North Staffordshire naturalists' field club, etc. (See 539.) Northumberland, Durham, etc., Natural history society of. (See 506.) Norwich. — Royal archaeological institute. (See 20.) 32 GREAT BllITAIN AND IRELAND. Norwich. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) Norwich. — International congress of prehistoric anthropology and archaeology. (See 15.) 511. Norwich. — Norfolk and Norwich archaeological society. a. Original i»uper.s publislied under the direction of the eomnjittee. Vol. 1-8, 1847-7(J. « V. 8". 512. Norw^ich. — Norfolk and Norwich museum. a. Keport of the committee read at the annual general meeting of the sub- scribers. 1-51, 182(;-7(;. 51 n. 4". 5lS. Norwich. — Norfolk and Norwich naturalists' society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-2, 18(Ji)-7G (1870-70). 2 v. 81 514. Norwich. — Science gossip club. a. Keport of proceedings. 1875-70(1877). (Any earlier?) Nottingham. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 515. Nottingham. — Free library and museum committee for the borough. a. Annual report. 1-5, 1808-73. 5 n. 8". 516. Nottingham. — Nottingham literary and philosophical society. a. Annual reports. 1804-75 (1800-70). 11 n. 8". 517. Nottingham. — Nottingham naturalists' society. a. Kejjorts. 18". 518. Oswestry. — Oswestry and Welshpool naturalists' field club and archae- ological society, a. lleport of meetings. Vol. 1, 1857-04 (1805). 1 v. 8". Ovendeu. — Ovenden naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports appear.) Oxford. — Royal archaeological institute. (See 20.) 519. Oxford. — Ashmolean society. a. Abstract of the proceedings. Vol. 1-3, no. 1-35, 1832-50 (1844-57). 3v. 8° b. Transactions. Vol. 1-3, 1834-03. 3 v. 8". Oxford. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) Oxford. — Royal observatory at Greenwich. (See 401.) Oxford. — The Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin messenger of mathematics. (See 66.) 520. Oxford. — Radcliffe observatory. a. Astronomical and meteorological observations. Vol. 1-34, 1840-74 (1842-70). 34 V. 8". h. Report of the Radcliffe observer to the board to trustees. 1801-70. 10 n. 4". Paddock. — Paddock naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports ai)pear.) Palestine exploration fund. (See 408.) 521. Penzance. — Royal geological society of Cornwall. a. Annual report of the council, with . . . papers and notices read to the society. 1-02, 1815-70. 02 n. 8". (Published in b.) b. Transactions. Vol, 1-9, 1818-70. 1) v. 8". 522. Penzance. — Penzance natural history and antiquarian society. a. Reports (and i)roeeedings). 1845-70. — v. 8". 523. Perth. — Perthshire society of natural science. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1, 1809-70. 1 v. 12". b. Report of annual meeting. 1-2,1875-70. 2 n. 12". c. Tbe Scottish naturalist, a quarterly magazine of Scottish natural his- tory. Vol. 1-3, 1870-70. 3 v. 8". Plinian society. (See 123.) PlyTnouth.— British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) Plymouth.— Devon and Cornwall natural history society. (See 526.) 524. Plymouth. — Devonshire association for the advancement of science, lit- erature and art. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-8, 1802-70. 8 v. 8". (The early volumes con- tain two or three of the yearly reports anl transactions; the later ones contain the proceedings of a year.) GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 33 525. Plymouth. — Plymouth institution. a. Transactions. Vol. 1, 1830. 1 v. 8". (See also 526.) 526. Plymouth.— Plymouth institution and Devon and Cornwall natural history society. a. (Annual report and) transactions. Vol. 1-5, pt. 1-21, 1855-75. 5 v. 8**. (See also 525.) Portsea. — Portsmouth and Portsea literary and philosophical society. (See 527.) 527. Portsmouth. — Portsmouth and Portsea literary and philosophical society. a. Keport of the committee. 1820-29. 3 n. 81 h. Report of the proceedings. 1830-32. 2 n. 8". (Continued?) Powys-land club. (See 418.) 528. Preston. — Literary and philosophical society. a. Address delivered by the president. 1811. 1 n. 8*1 (Continued?) Purbeck society, etc. (See 550.) Radcliffe observatory. (See 520.) Rastrick. — Rastrick and Brighouse naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports appear.) Ray society. (See 424.) Redruth. — Miner's association of Devon and Cornwall. (See 549.) 529. Reigate. — Holmesdale natural history club. a. Proceedings. 1805-75. 3 v. 8". (None published from 1867 to 1872.) 530. Ripon. — Ripon scientifio society. a. Report. 8". Rippouden. — Ripponden naturalists' society. (See 564, where its re- ports appear.) 531. Rugby. — Rugby school natural history society. a. Report. 1807-75. 9 n. 8". 532. Ryde.— Isle of Wight philosophical and literary society. a. Report. 8°. Salford. — Manchester scientific students' association. (See 499.) 533. Salford. — Salford borough royal museum and library. a. Annual report of the museum and library (and park) committee to the council. 1-27, 1894-7G. 27 n. 8". Salisbury. — Royal archaeological institute. (See 20.) 534. Salisbury. — Blackmore museum. a. Reports. Salisbury. — Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine. (See 78.) 535. Scarborough. — Scarborough philosophical and archaeological society. a. Annual report. 1-26, 1833-58. 26 n. 8". (Continued?) Scotland, Cryptogamic society of. (See 109.) Scotland, Institution of engineers in. (See 139.) Scotland, Society of antiquaries of. (See 128.) Scottish journal of topography. (See 125.) Scottish meteorological society. (See 126.) Royal Scottish society of arts. (See 127.) Selby. — Selby naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports appear.) Severn valley naturalists' field club. (See 554.) 536. Sheffield. — Shefl&eld literary and philosophical society. a. Report. 1-32, 1834-55. 32 n. 8". (Continued?) 537. Shrewsbury. — Caradoc field club for the study of natural history in Shropshire. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1, 1869. 1 v. 12". 538. Shrewsbury. — Shropshire and North Wales natural history and anti- quarian society. a. Report. 1-40, 1835-76. 40 n. 8". Somersetshire arch, and nat. hist, society. (See 546.) 34 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Southampton. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) South Midland institute of mining . . . engineers. (See 48.) South Wales institute of civil engineers. (See 501.) South Wales royal institution of. (See 543.) South Wales institution of engineers. (See 544.) 539. Stafford. — North Staffordshire naturalists' field club and archaeological society. a. Annual report. 1806. 1 n. 8". 1868-7G. 9 n. 8"'. h. Selection of addresses, papers, etc. Vol. 1, 1875. 1 v. 8". (Same as a?) Stainland. — Norland naturalists' society. (See 564, where its transac- tions appear.) 540. Stoke-upon-Trent. — North Staffordshire naturalists' field club. (See 432.) 541. Stoueyhurst. — Stoneyhurst college observatory. a. Kesults of the meteorological and magnetical observations. Vol. 1-16, 1860-76. 16 v. 8°. Suffolk institute of archaeology, etc. (See 57.) 542. Sussex. — Sussex archaelogical society. a. Sussex archaeological collections, relating to the history and antiquities of the county. 1. Vol. 1-24, 1848-60. 24 v. 8". Index (1874). 8« 2. Vol. 1-16, 1861-76, 16 v. 8". Swansea. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) 543. Swansea. — Royal institution of South Wales. a. The annual report of the council . . . with appendix of original papers on scientific subjects. 1839. 1 v. 8". (Continued?) 544. Swansea. — South Wales institution of engineers. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-10, 1860-76. 9 v. 8". (Compare 501.) Syro-egyptian society. (See 465.) 545. Taunton. — Somersetshire archaeological and natural history society. a. Proceedings. 1. Vol. 1-20, 1849-74 (18ol-75). 20 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1 (21), 1875-76 (1876). 1 v. 8". 546. Teignmouth. — Teign naturalists' field club. a. lleport of the proceedings. 1859-75(1860-76). 17 n. 8°. Tenby. — Cambrian archaeological association. (See 231.) 547. Tenby. — Cambrian institute. a. Cambrian journal. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1854-57. 4 v. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-G (5-10), 1858-63. 6v. 8°. (Continued?) Trinity college observatory. (See 99.) 546. Truro. — Royal institution of Cornwall. a. Annual report. 1-58, 1819-76. 58 n. 8°. h. Journal. Vol. 1-5, no. 1-17, 1864-75. 5 v. 8". 549. Truro. — The miner's association of Cornwall and Devon. a. Papers and proceedings. 1872-76. 5 v. 8". h. Report of the annual meeting. 1866. In. 8°. (Others?) Tyneside naturalists' field club. (See 510.) Victoria institute. (See 473.) Wakefield. — Wakefield naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports appear. ) Wales (South) institute of civil engineers. (See 501.) Wales (South), Royal institution of. (See 543.) 550. 'Wareham. — Purbeck society, founded to investigate the southeastern portion of Dorsetshire, a. Papers read before tlie society. Vol. 1-2, 1863-69. 2 v. 8". IVarrington. — Literary and philosophical society of Manchester. (See 494.) 551. Warwick, — Warwickshire natural history and archaeological society. a. Annual report. 1-40, 1837-76. 40 n. 8". (This is distinct from 552.) 552. Warwick. — Warwickshire naturalists' and archaelogists' field club. a. Annual report of proceedings. 1-39, 1838-76. 39 u. 8". (This distinct from 551.) GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 35 553. Watford. — Watford natural history society and Hertfordshire field club. a. Transactions. Vol. 1, i-v, 1875-76. 1 v. 8". 554. Wellington. — Severn valley naturalists' field club. a. Transactions. 1865-70. 1 v. 555. Wellington College. — Wellington college natural science society. a. Annual report. 1-6, 1868-76. 6 v. 8". Welshpool. — Oswestry and Welshpool naturalists' field club. (See 518.) Wernerian natural history society. (See 129.) West London scientific association. (See 477.) West Riding consolidated naturalists' society. (See 564.) 556. "WMtby. — Whitby literary and philosophical society. a. Annual report, with papers read before the society. 1-54, 1823-76. 54 n. and v. 8". 557. Wigan. — Wigan field naturalists' scientific society. a. lieport. 8". Wiltshire archaeological and natural history society. (See 78.) Winchester. — Royal archaeological institute. (See 20.) W^inchester. — British archaeological association. (See 21.) 558. Winchester. — Winchester college natural history society. a. Keport. 1-3, 1874-75. 3 n. and v. 8". 559. W^inchester. — Winchester and Hampshire scientific and literary society. a. Annual report. 1-7, 1870-76. 7 n. 8". (Published witli b.) b. Journal of proceedings. Vol. 1-2 iii. (No. 1-7.) 1869-76. 2 v. 8«. (Sometimes entitled report of proceedings.) Woolhope naturalists' field club. (See 147.) 560. Woolinrich. — Royal artillery institution. a. Minutes of proceedings. Vol. 1-8, 1858-74. 8 v. 8". 561. Worcester. — The analyst, a (quarterly, monthly) journal of science, lit- erature (natural history), and the line arts; by Mannnatt. Vol. 1-10, 1834^0. 10 V. 8°. Worcester. — British archaeological association. (See 21.) Worcester. — Malvern field club. (See 491.) 562. Worcester. — Malvern naturalists' field club. a. Transactions. Pt. 1-2, 1854-58. 2 v. 8'^. (See 491.) 563. Worcester. — Natural history society. a. Proceedings. 8". Wycombe. — High Wycombe natural history society. (See 148.) York. — Archaeological and architectural society. (See 36.) York. — Royal archaeological institute. (See 20.) York. — British association for the adv. of science. (See 22.) York.— NaturaUsts' club. (See 566.) York. — Philosophical society. (See 567.) 564. York. — West riding consolidated naturalists' society. a. The naturalist and journal of, . . . and manual of exchange in all de- partments of natural history. 1. Vol. 1-3, 1862-64. 3 v. 8". 2. The naturalist and field club journal, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1865-66. 2 v. 8". b. The Yorkshire naturalists' recorder; journal of the . . . society. 1. Vol. 1-9, 1867 ?-75. 9? v. 8<^. 2. The naturalist; journal ... and general field club record. Vol. 1-2, 1876. 2 r. 8". (This association is now called the "Yorkshire naturalists' union," and the institutions in connection with it are given under the following towns : Barmsley, Bradford, Brighouse, Clayton West, Goole, Heck- mondwike, Holmfirth, Honley, Huddersfield, Leeds (2), Liversedge, Middletown, Mirfield, Oswestry, Ovenden, Paddock, Kastrick, Itippon- den, Selby, Stainland, Wakefield, and York.) York. — York and district field naturalists' society. (See 564, where its reports api)ear. ) 565. York. — York school natural history, literary, and polytechnic society. a. Annual report. 1-42, 1835-76. 42 n. 86 DENMARK, SWEDEN, AND NORWAY. York. — Yorkshire archjteological and topographical association. (See 149.) 566. York. — Yorkshire naturalists' club. a. Proceedings. 18(51). 8". York. — Yorkshire naturalists' union. (See 564.) 567. York. — Yorkshire philosophical society. a. Annual report of the council. 1823-75(1824-7(5). 53 n. 8". h. Communications to monthly meetings. 1870-73. 4 n. 8". (Con- tinued?) c. Proceedings. Vol. 1, 1847-54 (1855). 1 v. 8°. d. Transactions ; papers relating to the antiquities and natural histoiy of Yorkshire. 1870 (1871). 1 v. 8". Yorkshire archaeological and topographical association. (See 149.) Yorkshire college of science. (See 156.) 568. Board of fisheries in Scotland. a. Report (annually). DENMARK, STVEDEN, ANB NOR^tTAY. Archiv skandinavischer beitriige zur naturgeschichte. (See 2697.) Bergmannafbreningens sammankomster. (See 599.) 569. Bulletin meteorologique des instituts meteorologiques de Norv^ge, de Dane- mark et de Suede. 1874-75. 2 v. 8". Neues schwedisches magazin kleiner abhandlungen. (See 3169.) 570. Nordisk universitets-tidskrift. Vol. 1-10, 1854-04. 10 v. S**. Schwedische annalen der medicin, etc. (See 2384.) 571. Skandinaviska naturforskarnes (och lakare) [^Scandinavian naturalists and physicians^. a. rorhandlingar. Mote 1-10, 1839-68 (1840-69). 10 v. 8«. (The above is the Swedish title ; the danish and norwegian is forhandlinger ved de skandinaviske naturforskeres. Mode.) 572. Aalborg. — Det jydske historisk-topografiske selskab [jntish historico- topographical society^. a. Samlinger til jydsk historic og topografi. Bind 1-5, 1806-76. 5 v. 8°. 673. Bergen. — Bergenske museum. a. Skirner et quartalsblad, indeholdende meddelelser fra det B. m. direc- tion til museets medlemmer og velyndere. 1847-49. 3 n. 8°. b. Urda, et norsk antiquarisk-historisk tidsskrift. Vol. 1-3 i, 1834—47. 3 V. 4°. 574. Bergen. — Bergens observatorium. a. Bericht. 1868-70 (1871). 1 n. 4°. 575. Carlstad. — Vermlandska bergsmanna foreningen [society of mining engineers of Vermland~\. a. Annaler. Arg. 1865-74 (1866-75). 10 n. 8". Christiania. — Aarbog for handelsmarinen. (See 581, a.) 576. Christiania. — Archiv for mathematik og naturvidenskab ; cd. Cammer- ineyer. Bind 1, no. 1-2, 1876. 1 v. 8". 577. Christiania. — Bidrag tillkundskab over naturvidenskabcrne. 1818. 578. Christiania. — Christiania observatorium. a. Meteorologiske iagttagelser. 18(54-67 (I865-()8). 4 n. 4^1 579. Christiania.— Christianias physicalske Aarbog. Vol. 1-3, 1783-85. 3 v. 8". (For continuation, see 644.) 580. Christiania. — Foreningen til norske fortidsmindesmoerkers bevaring [society for the preservation of norwegian antiquities']. a. Aarsberetninger. 1845-53(184(5-54). 9 v. f". ; — 1854-75 (1855-76). 22 V. 8°. (An earlier volume for 1844?) h. Norske bvgninger fra fortiden i tegninger og med text. Heft 1-7, 1859- 71 (185- -67). 7n. f. 581. Christiana. — Geografiske opmaaling [geographical surrey]. a. Aarbog for handelsmarinen. 1-6, 1870-75. 6 v. 8". h. Den norske lods. 1-8, 1867-71. 8 v. 8°. 582. Christiania. — Kristiania militaere samfund [military association]. a. Norsk militaert tidsskrift. Vol. 1-29, 1848 ?-76. 29 v. 8". DENMARK, SWEDEN, AND NORWAY. 37 CHristiania. — Ledsager forelaesnings catalogen. (See 590, a.) 583. Christiania. — Magazin for naturviUonskaberno ; at' Lundh, etc. Bind 1-10, 1825-31. 10 V. 8". (For second series, see 593.) Ckristiania. — Meteorologiske iagttagelser. (See 578, a.) 584. Christiania. — Meteorologiske institut. a. Aarsberetning. 1870-73. 4 n. CHiristiania. — Nordisk universitets-tidskrift. (See 570.) Christiania. — Norske bygninger fra fortiden, etc. (See 580, i.) 686. Christiania. — Kong, norske Frederiks universitet [royal norwegian Frederic universUy'\ . a. Aarsberetning, nied bilage. 18G3-75 (1865-7G). 13 n. and v. 8°. h. Meteorologiske jagttagelser i det sydlige Norge ; udgivne af det k. n. F. u. ved det norske meteorologiske institut. 1863-G6 (18G7.) 1 v. f. (For earlier series, see c.) c. Meteorologiske jagttagelser paa fern tclegrafstationen ved Norges kyst. Aarg. 1-2, 18()1-G2 (18GG). 2 v. f*. (For continuation, see h.) (See also 590, 596.) Christiania. — ])en norske lods. (See 581, i.) 587. Christiania. — Norske meteorologiske institut. a. Meteorologiske iagttagelser i det sydlige norgo. (See 586, 5.) h. Norsk meteorologisk aarbog. 1-G, 18G7-73 (18G8-74). G v. long 4''. Christiania. — Norske militairt tidsskrift. (See 582, a.) 588. Christiania. — Norsk tidsskrift for videnskab og litteratur ; af Lange, etc. 1847-55. v. 8". 589. Christiania. — Norske turistforening [norwegiaii tourists' society'], a. Arbog. 18G9-75 (1870-76). 7 v. 8". 590. Christiania. — Kong, norske universitet. a. Universitets programm. 1813 (1), 1814 (1), 1817 (2), 1818 (2), 1823 (1), 1825 (2), 1826 (3), 1827 (2), 1828 (2), 1821) (2), 1830 (3), 1831 (2), 1832 (2), 1833 (2), 1834 (2), 1835 (2), 1836 (3), 1837 (2), 1838 (2), 1839 (2), 1840 (2), 1841 (3), 1842 (3), 1843 (2), 1844 (3), 1845 (1), 184 (1), 1847 (2), 1848 (2), 1849 (2), 1850 (3), 1851 (2), 1852 (3),'l8r>;3 (2), 1854 (3), 1855 (2), 185G (2), 1857 (2), 1858 (1), 1859 (3), 18G0 (2), 18G1 (4), 1862 (3), 1863 (3), 1864 (4), 1865 (1), 1866 (4), 1867 (6), 1868 (3), 1869 (4), 1870 (3), 1871 (2), 1872 (3), 1873 (1), 1874 (2), 1875 (3), 1876 (3). 135 V. and n. 8". and 4". The earlier ones appeared under the title : Ledsager forelaesnings-catalogen. (See also 586, 596.) 591. Christiania. — Norske universitet og skole-annaler ; afHoImboe. 1. 1837 -40. 3 V. 8". 2. Af Thue, etc. Vol. 1-7, 1842-57. 7 v. 8° 3. Af Hoist. Vol. 1-12, 1860-72. 12 v. 8". Christiania. — Nyt magazin for naturvidenskabeme. (See 693, 6.) 592. Christiania. — Physikalske meddelelser; red. Arndtsten. 1858. 1 v. 4*'. 593. Christiania. — Physiographiske forening [ physiographic society] . a. Magazin for naturvidenskabeme. Vol. 1-2 (11-12), 1832-36. 2 v. 8*^. (For earlier series, see 583; for continuation, h.) h. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskabeme. 1. Bind 1-20, 1838-74. 20 v. 8". 2. Bind 1-2 (21-22), 1875-76. 2 v. 8°. Register ; mag. 1-2 ; nyt mag. 1-15 (1869). (For earlier series, see a.) The society was dissolved at the end of 1873, and from the latter half of vol. 20, commencing 1874, the magazine has ])een published at gov- ernment expense and distributed by the university. 594. Christiania.— Polytekniske forening [polijtech7iic society]. a. I'olyteknisk tidsskrift. Aarg. 1-23, 1854-76. 23 v. 4". Christiania. — Skandinaviske naturforskeres. (See 571.) 595. Christiania.— Topographisk journal for Norge. Heft 1-3, 1792-93. 3 v. 8". 596. Christiania. — Kon. universitats sternwarte. a. Meteorologische beobachtungen. 1837-63 (1860-65). 7 n. long 4". (See also 586, 590.) 597. Christiania. — Videnskabs-selskabet [^scientific society]. a. Forhandlinger. 1858-75 (1859-76). 18 v. 8". Register. 1858-67 (1868). 38 DENMARK, SWEDEN, AND NORWAY. Dalarnes fornminnesfdreningen. (See 600.) Danica, Societas scientiarum. (See 653.) Kon. danische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. (See 613.) Danoise, Societe roy,, des sciences. (See 655.) Kong, danske videnskabernes selskab. (See 615.) Die drontheimische gesellschaft. (See 616.) 598. Falun. — Afhandlingar rorande naturwetenskaperne. Vol. 1, 1830-31. 1 V. 8°. 599. Falun. — Bergmannaforeningens sammankomster \_convention of mining engineer societies^. a. Forhandlingar. 18G5-70 (1807-71). 5 v. and n. 8°. 600. Falun. — Dalarnes fornminnesfdreningen [antiquarian society of Da- larne~\ . a. Tidskrift. Vol. 1-2, 18 73. 2 v. 8". 601. Fredericia. — Den physicalske aarbog ; af Botcher. 1800. 1 v. 8°. Gefle. — Bergmannaforeningens sammankomster. (See 599.) 602. Gotheborg. — Gdtheborgs vetenskaps sallskap [Gottenburg scientific society^. a. Hundlingar. 1821. (Same as part of 603, a?) 603. Gotheborg. — Gdtheborgs kongl. vetenskaps och vitterhets samhallet [royal society of science and belles-lettres of GotteJiburg']. a. Nya handlingar. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1808-22. 5 v. 8". 2. Handlingar ; ny tidsfdljd. Vol. 1-14, 1850-74. 14 n. and v. 8''. (For earlier series, see 604, a ; cf. also 602.) 604. Gotbeborg. — Gdtheborgska wetenskaps och witterhets samhallet. a. Handlingar : wetenskaps afdelningen. Styek 1-4, 1778-88. 4 v. 8". (For continuation, see 603, a.) 605. Gotbeborg. — Gothenburgisches magazin ; vonRoscen. 1759-. (Succeeded by 606.) 606. Gotbeborg. — Gothenburgisches wochenblatt; von Gothenius. 17G5-. (Freceded by 605.) 607. Gotheborg. — Samling af ron och uptakter i senare tider uti physik. 1781. 8". Gotheborg. — Skandinaviska naturforskarnes och lakare. (See 571.) Hafniensis, Societas. (See 652.) Hafniensis, Universitas. (See 664.) Hoffeusberg. — Tidsskrift for mathematik ; af Zeuthen. (See 627.) Island. — P6sz islenska laerddms. (See 643.) Jydske hist.-topogr. selskab. (See 572.) 608. Kjobenhavn. — Aarbog for Kjobenhavns universitet, den polytekniske laoreanstalt og komniunitetet, indelioldende nieddelelser . . . udgivet efter konsistoriums foranstaltning. 1871-70 (1875-77). 3 v. 4". Kjobenbavn. — Aarboger for nordisk oldkyndighed, etc. (See 640, a.) 609. Kjebenhavn. — Acta medica et philosophica hafniensia. Vol. 1-5, 1071- 7?) (1073-80). 5 V. 4«. Kjobenhavu. — Annaler for nordisk oldkyndighed, etc. (See 640, 6.) Kjobenhavn. — Annales de I'arcbeologie, etc. (See 640, b.) Kjobenhavn. — Antiquarisk annaler. (See 612, a.) Kjobenhavn. — Antiquarisk tidsskrift. (See 640, c.) 610. Kjobenhavn. — Archiv for mathematik og naturvidenskab ; udg. afLie, etc. Bind 1, 1876. 1 V. 8« Kjobenhavn. — Betydning og berettigelse, etc. (See 647, a.) Kjobenhavn. — Bibliothek for physik, etc. (See 645.) 611. Kjobenhavn. — Botaniske forening (societe de botanique). a. Botanisk tidsskrift. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1800-72. 4 V. 8^'. 2. Vol. 1-4, 1872 -75. 4 V. 8". 3. (Also entitled : journal de botanique.) Vol. 1, i-ii, 1875-70. 1 V. 8". Kjobenhavn. — Bulletin meteorologique des instituts m6teorologiques de Norveoc, etc. (See 569.) Kjobenhavn. — Collectanea meteorologica. (See 653, a.) DENMARK, SWEDEN, AND NORWAY. 39 612. Kj«benhavn. — Kong, commission for oldsagers opbevaring [royal com- mission for the preservation of antiquities'], a. Antiquariske annaler. T. 1-4, 1812-27. 4 v. 8°. Kj^benhavn. — Congres international d'anthropologie, etc. (See 15.) 613. ELjobenhavn. — Kon. danische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. * a. Abhandlungen, die den preis erhalten haben. Samiul. 1, 1781. 1 v. 4**. (Translation of 615, c, vol. 1.) h. Physikalische, chemische, naturhistorische and mathematische abhand- lungen aus den neuen sammlungen der schriften ; aus d. diinischen ; von Scheel, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1798-1803. 2 v. 8". (Translation of a part of 615, c.) c. Schriften der physikalischen classe ; aus d. diinischen ; von Rafn. Vol. 1-3 1,1801-5. 3 V. S'\ (Translation of 615, tZ.) (See also 615, 622, 652, 653, 669.) 614. KJ^benhavn. — Dansk militairt tidsskrift ; red Blom. Aarg. 18G5-G8. 3 V. 8"^. (Continued until 1871?) (See 624.) 615. Kjebeuhavn. — Kong, danske videnskaber(ne)sselskab [royal aanish scientific society]. a. Naturvidenskabelige og mathematiske af handlinger. 4. Vol. 1-12, 1824-46. 12 V. 4". 5. Vol. 1-12, 1849-75. 12 v. 4°. (For earlier series, see 1. 622, a, 669, 6; 2. 615, c; 3. 615, d.) h. Oversigt over det . . . forhandlinger og dets medlemmers arbeider, etc. 1800-41. 3 V. 4". ; — 1842-76. 35 v. 8«. c. Skrifter; nye saniling. Vol. 1-5, 1781-99. 5 v. 4°. (For earlier series, see 622, a, 669, 6;-^- for german translations, see 613, a, b; — for continuation, see d, a.) d. Skrivter. Vol. 1-6, 1800-12 (1801-18). 6 v. 4''. (For earlier series, see 622, a ; 669, b ; 615, c; — for translation, see 613, c; — for succeed- ing series, see 615, a.) (See also 613, 622, 652, 653, 669.) 616. Kjabenbavn. — Die drontheimische gesellschaft. a. Schriften, aus dem diinischen iihersetzt. Th. 1-3, 1765-67. 3 v. 8". (Translation of 663, «; — for continuation, see 642, a.) (See also 641, 642, 663, 703.) 617. Kjobenhavn. — Ephemeris of the distances of the four planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, from the moon's centre, . . . together with their places for every day in the year. 1823-32. 10? v. 8". 618. Kjebenhavn. — Forening til sofarfartens fremme (society for the pro- motion of navigation) . a. Nautisk alnianak, med samtlige maan-distancer, uddragne til brug for sonianden af " the nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris," beregnet til Greenwich's meridian. 1854. 1 v. 8". (See also 633, 634, 667, a.) Kjebenhavn. — Fortgesetzte nachrichten von dem zustande der wissensch., etc. See (628.) 619. Kj^benhavn. — Fra alle lande. Et maanedsskrift for nyere rejsebe- skrivelser, for skildringer af lande og folkeslag, af dyre- og planteliv, etc. ; af Zinck. Bind 1-24, 1865-76. 24 v. 8'\ 620. Kjobenhavn. — Gavnlig og underholdende laesing i naturvidenskaben ; af Wolf. Th. 1-3, 1793-1803. 3 v. 8". 621. Kjobenhavn. — Illustreret tidsskrift for de nyeste reisebeskrivelser, for skildringer af naturen og folkelivet i fremmede lande; af Tuxen. Aarg. 1, 1868. 1 v. 4«. 622. Kj«beiihavn. — Kjobenhavnske selskab af laerdoms og videnskabers elskere [Copenhagen society of lovers of learning and science]. a. Skrifter som udi det k. s. . . . ere frendagte og oj)laeste. Del. 1-10, 1743-69 (1745-70). 10 v. 4''. (For continuation, see 669, 6, 615, c, d, a.) (See also 613, 615, 622, 652, 653, 669.) Kj^benhavn. — Kjobenhavns universitet. a. Aarl)()g. (See 608.) 623. Kjebenhavu. — Kleine abhandlungen einiger gelehrten in Schwedon iiber verschiedene in die i)hysik, chemie and mineralogie laufende materien ; aus dem schwedischen. 1766-68. 2 v. 8". 624. Kj^benhavn. — Krigsvidenskabelige selskab [society of military science^. a. Militairt tidsskrift. Aarg. 1-4, 1872-76. 4 v. 8". (See 614.) 40 DENMARK, SWEDEN, AND NORWAY. Kjobenliavn. — Land och folk. (See 648, a.) 625. Kjebenhavn? — Mas^azin for naturskiindskab. Et illustreret maaneds- skrift ; af Hamsvi*;. (A second series was in progress in 1877.) 626. Kjebenhavn. — Majjazin for natur- og menneskekunskab ; ny suite ; af • JJottiger. 1841-46. 0? v. 8". 627. Kjobenhavn.— Mathematisk tidsskrift; af Sclijellcmp, etc. 1. V;:l. 1-6, 1859-64. 6 V. 8". 2, Tidsskrift for mathe'inatik; afTyclisen. Vol. 1-6, 1865-70. 6 V. 8". 3. (Af Zeuthen). Aarg. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 8". (A fourth series was commenced in 1877.) Kjobenhavn.— Militairt tidsskrift. (See 614, 624, a.) 628. Kjebenbavn. — Naclirichten von dem zustande der wissenschaften und kixnste in den kon. diinischen reichen und landern. 1. Vol. 1-8. 1753 -57. 3 V. 8". 2. Fortgesetzte naclirichten, etc. Vol. 1-4, 1758-68. 4 V. 8". 629. Kjabenhavn. — Naturforschende gesellschaft. a. Schriften, aus dem diinischen. Abth. 1-2, 1793. 2 v. 8". (Trans- lation of 630, a.) 630. Kj^benbavn. — Naturhistorie-selskabet [natural history society']. a. Skrivter. Vol. 1-0, 171)0-1810. 6 v. 8". (For translation, see 629, a.) 631. Kj^benbavn. — Naturhistoriske forening [natural history society']. a. Vi(k'nskal>elige meddelelser ; udgivne af selkapets ])estyrelse. 1. Vol. 1-10. 184D-58. 10 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-10, 1859-68 (1860-69). 10 v. 8". 3. Vol. 1-7, 1809-75 (1870-76).. 7 v. 8". Register. 1849-68(1870). (See also 655, a.) 632. Kj^benbavn. — Naturhistorisk tidsskrift; af Kreyer, etc. 1. Bind 1-4, 1837-43. 4 V. 8". 2. Bind l(5)-2, 1844-49. 2 v. 8". 3. Bind 1-10, 1801-70. 10 V. 8«. Kjebenbavn. — Naturvidensk. og mathem. afhandlinger. (See 615, a.) 633. Kjobenbavn. — Nautischer almanach, ein auszug zum gebrauch des seefah- rers von : the nautical almanac and astronomical epliemeris ; berechnet fiir den Greenwicher meridian ; von Ursin. 1849-50(1848). 2 v. 8". (For continuation, see 667, a. — See also 618, a\ 634.) 634. Kijobeiibavn. — Nautisk almanak, uddragen til brug for somanden af : " the nautical almanac and astronomical cphcmeris." Beregnet til Greenwichs meridian. 1849-50 (1848). 2 v. 8". (See also 618, a, 633, and 667, a.) 635. Kjebenbavn. — Neue anmerkungen liber alle theile der naturlehre, aus den englischen transactionen zusammengezogen. Th. 1-3, 1753-56. 3 V. 8". (See 434, ^.) 636. Kjebenbavn. — Neue sammlung kleiner abhandlungen einiger gelehrten in Schweden iiber naturgeschichte, etc. Vol. 1, 1774. 1 vol. 8°. 637. Kjebenbavn. — Neue sammlung verschiedener schriften der grcissten ge- lehrten in Schweden, fiir die liebhaber der naturgeschichte. 1775. 1 v. 8'L 638. Kjebenbavn. — Nordisches archiv fiir natur- und arzneiwissenschaft (und chiiurgie); von PfaiF, etc. Vol. 1-4, 1799-1805. 4 v. 8". 639. Kjobenbavn. — I)et nordiske magazin. Et ugeskrift for underholdende skildringer af verdens maerkvaerdigheder o'g alt, livad der har hensyn til historien, naturen og kunsten ; trykt hos Brill. Bd. 1-2, 1835. 2 V. 4". 640. Kjdbenhavn.— Kong, nordiske oldskrift-selskab (soci6t6 royal des anti- quaires du nord : — royal society of northern antiquaries.) a. Aarl)oger for nordisk oldkyndighod og liistorie. 18(i4-76. 13 v. 8". h. Annaler for nordisk oldkyndiglied og historic (annales de I'archeologie et de I'histoire du nord ; — annals and memoirs). 1836-45. 5 v. 8"; — 1840-03. 18 V. 8". c. Antiquarisk tidsskrift (revue archeologique ct bulletin). 1843-03 (1845-04). 7 v. 8". d. Hovedberetning om det . . . tilstand, arbeider og forhandlinger. 1825- 27 (1828). 1 n. 8". e. Nordisk tidsskrift for oldkyndighed. Vol. 1-3, 1832-30. 3 v. 8*>. /. Tidsskrift for nordisk ohlkyiKhghed. Vol. 1-2, 1820-29. 2 v. 8". g. Tilhieg til aarboger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historic. 1866-75 (1807-70). 10 n. 8". (Issued with a.) (See also 654.) DENMARK, SWEDEN, AND NORWAY. 41 Bijobenhavn. — Nordisk tidsskrift for fiskerei. (See 658.) Kjebenhavn. — Nordisk tidsskrift for oldkyndighed. (See 640, e.) Kj^benhavu. — Nordisk universitets tidskrift. See 670. 641. Kjebenhavn. — (Kong.) norske videnskabers selskab. a. Catalog over det samlingor. 1, 1808, 1 no. 4". (See 703, 5.) b. Skrifter. 1. Vol. 4-5, 1768-74. 2 vol. 8". 2. Nye samling. Vol. 1-2, 1784-88. 2 vol. 4". 3. Nyeste samling. Vol. 1, 1708. 1 vol. 8°. (For earlier volumes of first series, see 663, a ; for later series, see 703, c.) (See also 616, 642, 663, 703.) 642. Kjebenhavn. — Kdn. norwegische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. a. Schriften. Bd. 4, 1770. 1 v. 8". (Translation of 641, a, vol. 4. For earlier volumes, see 616, a.') (See also 616, 641, 663, 703.) Kjebenhavn. — Nyt bibliothek for physik, etc. (See 645.) Kjebenhavn. — Oecon. physiske og mechan. afhandlinger. (See 656, a.) 643. Kjebenhavn. — Pesz islenska laerdoms [Icelandic society of sciences\. a. Hit. 1780-82. 2 v. 8". Kjebenhavn. — Physikalische . . . abhandlungen. (See 613, 6.) 644. Kjebenhavn. — Den physikalske aarbog ; af Scbulze. Vol. 4-7, 1786-93. 4 v. 8". (For early volumes, see 679. Vol. 6 also bears the title : Pliysicalske tillaeg til den phys. aarbog.) 645. Kjebenhavn. — Physikalsk, oconomisk og medico-cbirurgisk bibliothek for Denmark og Norge ; udgivet af et selskab. 1. Jahrg. 1-4, bind 1-12, 1794-97. 12 v. 8" 2. Bibliothek for physik, medicin og oecono- mie. Jahrg. 1-3, bind 1-6 (13-18), 1798-1800. 6 v. 8°. 3. Nyt bibl., etc. Vol. 1-10 (19-28), 1801-07. 10 v. 8". (The last 3 parts, printed in 1807, were never published, since the entire edition was destroyed by fire at the bombardment of the city in September, 1807. — Callisen.) Kjebenhavn. — Pliysicalske tillaeg til den physik. aarbog. (See 644.) 646. Kjebenhavn. — Politisk og physisk magazin, meest af udenlandsk laes- ning. Bind 1-2, 1793. 2 v. 8". 647. Kjebenhavn. — Polytechnisk samfund [polytechnic association']. a. Betvdning og berettigelse, den mathematisk-naturvidenskabelige dan- nelses. 1850. 1 v. 8". Kjebenhavn. — Revue archeologique. (See 640, c.) 648. Kjebenhavn? — Sallskapet for nyttiga kunskapers skridende [society for the advancement of useful knowledge]. a. Land och folk. Illustrerad tidsskrift for folklifsteckninger och reseskil- dringer. Aarg. 1-10, 1867-76. 10 v. 649. Kjebenhavn. — Samlinger for venner af naturen og haugekonsten; af Lassen. 1830. 1 no. 8". 650. Kjebenhavn. — Schwedisches magazin, oder gesammelte schriften der grossten gelehrten in Schweden fiir die liebhaber der arzneywissen- schaft, der naturgeschichte, chemie und oekonomie ; aus dem schwe- dischen. 1768-70. 2 v. 8". 651. Kjebenhavn. — Schwedisches magazin, oder schriften aus der natur- forschung, stadt und landwirthschaft. Heft 1-2, 1788-90. 2 n. S"*. Kjebenhavn. — Skandinavlske naturforskeres. (See 571.) 652. Kjebenhavn. — Societas havniensis. a. Scriptorum a soc. havn. bonis artibus promovendis dedita danice edl- torum, nunc autem in latinum sermonem conversorum interprete p. p. Pars 1-3, 1745-47. 3 v. 4". (See also 613, 615, 622, 653, 669.) 653. Kjebenhavn. — Societas scientiarum danica. a. Collectanea meteorologica. Fasc. 1-4, 1829-56. 4 v. 4°. (See also 613, 615, 622, 652, 669.) 654. Kjebenhavn. — Societe roy. des antiquaires du nord. «. Annales de I'archeologie, etc. (See 640, i.) i. Memoires. 1. 1836-60(1840-61). 4 v. 8". 2. 1866-76. 10 v. 81 c. Revue archeologique et bulletin. (See 640, c.) (See also 640.) 655. Kjebenhavn. — Societe roy. danoise des sciences. a. Resume du bulletin. 1869-76. 8 n. 8". (Bound with 631, a.) 42 DENMARK, SWEDEN, AND NORWAY. Kjebenhavn. — Royal society of northern antiquaries. a. Annals and memoirs. (See 640, i.) (See also 654.) 656. Kjobenhavn. — Kong, svenske videnskabers academic. a. Oeconomiske, physiske, og niechaniske afhandlinger, af svensk paa dansk oversatte. ^1739-49 (17o7-Go). 8 v. 8". (See 693, w.) 657. Kj^beniiavn. — Tidsskrift og arcliiv for sevaesen ; af Bauer. 1827-59. 33? V. 8". Register (1860). (Cf. 662.) 658. Kj^benhavn.— Tidsskrift for fiskerei ; af Fiedler, etc. 1. 1-7, 1866-73. 7 V. 8". 2. Nordisk t. for f. 1-3, 1874-7G. 3 v. 8". Kjobenhavn.— Tidsskrift for mathematik. (See 627.) 659. Kj«benhavn. — Tidsskrift for naturvidenskaberne ; af Orsted, etc. Vol. 1-5, 1822-28. 5 v. 8". Kjebenbavn. — Tidsskrift for nordisk oldkyndighed. (See 640,/.) 660. Kjobenhavn. — Tidskrift for physik og ehemi samt disse videnskabers an- vendelse ; af Thomsen, etc. 1. Aarg. 1-9, 1862-70. 9 v. 8°. 2. Aarg. 1-6 (10-16), 1871-76. 6 v. 8". 661. Kjebenbavn. — Tidsskrift for populare fremstillinger af naturvidenska- ben; af Fogli, etc. 1. Bind 1-5, 1854-58. 5 v. S"*. 2. Bind 1-5, aarg. 6-10, 1859-63. 5 v. 8*'. 3. Bind 1-5, aarg. 11-15, 1864-68. 5 V. 8° 4. Bind 1-5, aarg. 16-20,1869-73. 5 v. 8«. 5. Bind l(6)-3, aarg. 21-23, 1874-76. 3 v. 8". 662. Kj^benkavn.— Tidsskrift for savaesen. 1. Bind 1-9, 1856-64. 9 v. 8". 2. Bind 1-11, 1865-76. 11 v. 8°. (Cf. 657.) Kjebenhavn. — Tillaeg till aarboger for nordisk oldkyndighed. (See 640,^.) 663. Kjebenhavn. — Det trondhiemske selkab \t}ie Drontheim society}. a. Skrifter. Vol. 1-3, 1761-65. 3 v. 8". (For continuation, see 641, &, 703, c; — for german translation, see 616, a.) (See also 616, 641, 642, 703.) 664. Kjobenhavn. — Universitas hafniensis. a. Acta literaria. 1778. 1 v. 4". (Scientific?) 665. Kjebenbavn. — Universitets og skole-annaler ; af Engelstoft. Vol. 1-16. 1806-13. 16 V. 8**. 666. Kjebenbavn. Urania ; aarbog. 1844-46. 3 v. 8^. 667. Kjebenhavn. — Verein zur beforderung der seefahrt. a. Nautischer almanach, mit sjinuntlichen monds-distanzen ; ein auszug zum gebrauch des seefahrers von the nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris; berechnet fiir den Greenwicher meridian. Jahrg. 3, 1851 (1850). 1 V. 8''. (For earlier volumes, see 633 ; — see also 618, a, 634.) 668. Kjebenhavn. — Videnskabelige forhandiinger ved Sioelland stifts land- emode. Vol. 1-3, 1812-18. 3 v. 8° Kjebenhavn. — Videnskabelige raeddelelser. (See 630, a.) 669. Kjebenhavn. — Kong, videnskabernes selskab [royal scientific society'^. a. Bekjendtgiorelse. Del 1-14, 1794-1813. 14 n. 4^'. h. Skrifter. Vol. 11-12, 1777-79. 2 v. 4° (For earlier volumes, see 622, a; for continuation, see 615, c, <2, a.) (See also 613, 615, 622, 652, 653.) 670. Linkoping. — Ostgota fornminnesformingen. [antiquarian society of East- Gothlancl~\ . a. Tidskrift. 1, 1875. 1 n. 8". Linneska samfund. (See 684.) 671. Lund.— Botanisker notiser ; af Lindblom, etc. 1839-68 (1841-67) ; — 1871- 76. 36? V. 8". (1847, and perhaps some subsequent years, appear to have borne the title : nya b. n.) 672. Lund.— Botaniskaupsater; af Lindblom. 1838. 1 v. 8". 673. liund. — Lunds observatorium. a. rianet-observationer. Ar 1867. 1 v. 4*'. Planet och komet obs. Ar 1868-72 (1869-73). 5 v. 4''. (Continued?) liUnd.— Nordisk universitets-tidskrift. (See 570.) 674. Lund.— Physiographiska sallskapet [physiographic socieiy'\. a. Arsberattelse. 1823-24 (1823-25). 2 n. 8". DENMARK, SWEDEN, AND NORWAY. 43 b. Handlingcar. Bd. 1, 1786. 1 v. 4". (See also 685, a.) c. Ma«,nizin. 1781. 8*^. d. Tidskrift. Vol. 1, 1837-38. 1 v. 8". (See also 685.) Liund. — Planet (och komet) observationer. (See 673, a.) 675. liiind. — Universitas lundensis (Lunds universitet) . a. Acta (tlrs-skrift) ; afdelningen for matliematik och naturvetenskab* 1804-76. 13 V. 4°. Kong, nordiske oldskrift selskab. (See 640.) Kong, norske Frederiks universitet. (See 586.) Norske meteorologiske institut. (See 587.) Norske turistforening. (See 589.) Kong, norske universitet. (See 590.) Kong, norske videnskabers selskab. (See 641, 703.) Kon. norwegische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. (See 642.) bstgota fornminnesforeningen. (See 670.) Scandinaviska naturforskarnes, etc. (See 571.) 676. Stockholm, — Af handlingar i fysik, kemi och mineralogie ; af Hisinger, etc. Vol. 1-0, 1800-18. V. 8". Stockholm. — Almanach till Gotheborgs (Haparandas, Lunds, Stockholms) horizont. (See 693, a-d.) 677. Stockholm. — Amoenitates academicae seu dissertationes variae physicae, medicae, botanicae, antehac seorsim editae, nunc collectae et auctae ; ed. Linnaeus, etc. Vol. 1-7, 1749-69. 7 v. 8°. (2d ed. 1787-89.) Vol. 8-10, 1785-90. 3 v. 8°. Stockholm. — Antiquarisk tidskrift for Sverige. (See 702, a.) 678. Stockholm. — Antropologiska sallskapet '[anthropological society^. a. Tidskrift for antropologi och kulturhistori. Band. 1, 1875. 1 v. 8**. Stockholm. — Arsberattelser om framstegen, etc. (See 693, e-o.) Stockholm. — Astronomiska iakttagelser, etc. (See 689, a.) Stockholm. — Berattelse om framstegen, etc. (See 693, p-s.) Stockholm. — Botanisker notiser. (See 671.) Stockholm. — Congr^s international d'anthropologie et d'arch§ologie pre- historiques. (See 15.) 679. Stockholm. — Geologiska forening [geological society^. a. Forhandlingar. Band. 1-3, 1872-76. 3 v. 8". 680. Stockholm. — Iduna ; en skrift for den nordiska forn^lderns alskare. Vol. 1-10, 1811-24. 10 V. 12". 681. Stockholm. — Ingeniors-forening [society of engineers']. a. Forhandlingar. Arg. 1-11, 1806-76. li v. 8". 682. Stockholm. — Jagare-fdrbundet [sportsmen's union]. a. Tidskrift for jtigare och naturforskare. Vol. 1-3, 1832-34. 3 v. 8°. 683. Stockholm. — Jern-Kontoret's annaler (en tidskrift for svenska berghand- toringen). 1. Vol. 1-29, 1817-45. 29 v. 8*^. 2. Vol. 1-31, 1846-76. 31 V. 8". Stockholm. — Meteorologiska iakttagelser i Sverige. (See 693, w.) 684. Stockholm. — Linneska samfund [linnean association]. a. Handlingar. 1832. 8". 685. Stockholm. — Physiographiska salskapet (of Lund) . a. Handlingar. St. 1-3, 1770. 1 v. 8". (See 674, i.) (See also 674.) 686. Stockholm. — Buna; en skrift for nordens fornvanner. Samml. 1, 1873. 1 V. f. 687. Stockholm. — Samlingar i blandade ammen for lakarc-vetenskapen och naturforskningen ; af Hedin. Band. 1-2 i, 1810-12. 2 v. 8<*. Stockholm. — Skandinaviska naturforskarnes. (See 571.) 688. Stockholm. — Stockholmisches magazin, darinnen kleine schwedische sohriften, welche die geschichte, staatsklugheit und naturforschung betreffen, nebst nenen berichten von den k. swedischen academien der wissenschaften, hohen schulen und andern gelehrten in Schweden, mit- getheilt worden ; von Klein. Band 1-3, 1754-56. 3 v. 8". 44 DENMARK, SWEDEN, AND NORWAY. 689. Stockholm. — Stockholms observatorium. , a. Astronomiska iakttagelser och undersokningar. Band. 1, haft. 1, 1876. 1 n. 4°. 690. Stockholm. — Svenska akademien {^Swedish academy']. a. Handlingar Mu 1786. Del 1-5, 1801-13. 5 v. 8". Del 1, ny uppl. 1867? 1 V. ^". h. llandlingar Mn 1796. Del 1-20, 1801-43. 20 v. 8". 691. Stockholm. — Svenska fornminnesforeningen [swedish antiquarian so- cieti/l. a. Tidskrift. Band. 1-3, 1871 ?-76. 3 v. 8°. 693. Stockholm. — (Kongl. svenska) vetens^aps akademien \_royal Swedish academy of science']. a. Almanaeh till Gotheborgs horizont. 1866-77(1865-76). 12 n. 24". b. Alnianach till Haparandas horizont. 1866-77 (1865-76). 12 n. 24°. c. Almanach till Lunds horizont. 1866-77(1865-76). 12 n. 24". d. Almanach till Stockholms horizont. 1866-77 (1865-76). 12 n. 24°. e. Arsberattelse i astronomien. 1833-36. 4 v. 8°. (For continuation, see p.) f. Arsberattelse om botaniska arbeten och upptackter. 1820-52 (1821?- 57). 28 V. 8«. Bihang 1843-44 (1849). 1 v. 8°. Register 1820-38 (1852). (For continuation, see q.) g. Arsberattelse r,5-G9 (1G72-7G). 7 v. 12". 2d ed. (See434,5'; also 767, 785, and 3017.) 767. Amsterdam. — Koningklijke societeit van Londen. a. Natuurkundige aanuierkingen, waarneemingen en ondervindingen ; getrokken uit de philosophical transactions, en uit het engelsch ver- taalt. Vol. 1-2, 1735. 2 v. 8". (See766, 785, and434, ^r.) 768. Amsterdam. — Sterrekundig jaarboek ; door Kaiser. • 184G. 1 v. 8". 769. Amsterdam. — Sterrewacht te Leiden [Ley den observatory^. a. Verslag van den staat. 18G3-76 (18G4-7G). 13 n. 8". (See also 858.) Amsterdam. — Tijdschrift voor genees-, ... en natuurkund. wetensch. (See 737, a.) 770. Amsterdam. — Tijdschrift voor natuurkundige wetenschapen en kunsten ; door lieinwardt. Stuk 1-2, 1810-11. 2 v. 8". 771. Amisterdam. — Tijdschrift voor natuurlijke geschiedenis en physiologic; door Iloeven, etc. Deel 1-14, 1834-47. 14 v. 8". Amsterdam. — Tijdschrift voor reken-, stel- en meetkunde. (See 762, a.) 772. Amsterdam. — Tijdschrift voor stel- en meetkunst voor anverwante bcoefner dezer wetenschappen. Jaarg. 1, 1862. 1 v. 8°. 773. Am.sterdam. — Tijdschrift voor telegrafie en aanverwante wetenschappen ; red. Eldik. Jaarg. 1-9, 18G1-G8. 9 v. 8° 774. Amsterdam. — Tijdschrift, toegewijd aan het zeewesen (met goedkeuring van directeur generaal voor de marine) ; door Tromp, etc. 1. Deel 1-4, 1831-35. 4 V. 8''. 2. Deel 1-11, 1841-52. 11 v. 8«. 775. Amsterdam. — Tijdschrift voor de wiskunde, ten behoeve van aankom, onderwijzers (ten behoeve van alien die zich tot een wetensch. examen voorbereiden, alsmede van liefhebbers en zelfoefenaars). 1858-62. • 5? V. 8". 776. Amsterdam. — Tijdschrift voor de wis- en natuurkunde ; van Van der Weyde. Vol. 1-3, 1841-43. 3 v. 8". 777. Amsterdam. — Tijdschrift voor wis- en natuurkunde. Vol. 1, afl. 1-5, 1850. 1 V. 8". Amsterdam. — Tijdschrift voor de wis- en natuurkundige wetenschappen. (See 740, h.) 778. Amsterdam. — Tjidschrift voor (de wis- en) natuurkundige wetenschappen en kimsten ; door lieinwardt. Stuk 1-2, 1810-11. 2 v. 8". 779. Amsterdam. — Tijdschrift voor wis-, natuur-, en werktuigkunde ; onder redactie van J. Acquoy, etc. Jaarg. 1-9, 1857-66. 9 v. 8**. 780. Amsterdam. — (Tijdschrift voor het zeewesen, getiteld :) verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewesen (over eenige onderwerpen der zeevaartkunde en de zeevaartkunde, de hydrographie, de kolonien en de daarmede in verband staande wetenschappen) ; red. Schroeder, etc. 1. Deel 1-32, 1837-72. 32 v. 8". 2. 1873-76. 4 v. 8". (Preceded by 726 ?) 781. Amsterdam. — Uitgezogte verhandelingen uit de nieuwste werken van de societeiten der wetenschappen in Europa, en van andere geleerde niannen ; ed. Houttuyn. Vol. 1-10, 1756-65. 10 v. 8''. 782. Amsterdam. — Vaderlandsche bibliotheek van wetenschap, kunst en smaak. 1.1773-96? —v. 8°. 2. Nieuwe vad. bibl., etc. 1797-98. 2 V. 8". (Continued to 1811?) 783. Amsterdam. — Vaderlandsch magaziin van wetenschap, kunst en smaak. Deel J -5. 8". Amsterdam. — Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewesen. (See 780.) 784. Amsterdam. — Verhandelingen in geleerde genootschappen. Vol. 1, 1844. Iv. 8°. HOLLAND. 51 785. Amsterdam. — Vcrhandelingen der natuur-, genees-, heel- en ontleed- kundige berigten en waarneniingen getrokken nit de philosophical transactions. St. 1-4. 4 v. 8*1 (See 767 and 434, g ; also 766.) 786. Amsterdam. — Verzameling van berichten over eenige onderwerpen des navigatie, etc. Vol. 1-4, 1803-25. 4 v. 8"\ Am.sterdam. — Verzameling van voorstellen, etc. (See 736, a.) Amsterdam. — Verzameling van wiskundige opgaven (voorstellen). (See 788, d, e.) 787. Amisterdam. Vytgeleezene natuurkundige vcrhandelingen. 1735- 8°. Amsterdam. — ^ Werktuig en wiskundige vcrhandelingen. (See 724, «.) 788. Am.sterdam. — Wiskundig genootschap ten spreuke voerende (onder de zinspreuk) : een onvermoeide arbeit komt alles te boven [mathemati- cal society, etc.^. a. Archief. 1. Dcel 1-5, 1856-5. 5 v. 8°. 2. Nieuwe archief voor wis- kunde. Deel 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. 8«. I. Verslagen van het verhandelde op de vergaderingen. 1842-52 (1856). 1 V. c. Verslag van de wintervergaderingen. 1842-49 (1849). 1 v. 8*1 d. Verzameling van wiskunstige opgaven met derzelver ontbindingen . . . elkander 'tot onderlinge oefning opgegeven. Vol. 1-5, 1850-66. 5 v. 8«. e. Verzameling van wiskundige voorstellen. 1. Deel 1-6, 1820-36. 6 V. 4". 2. Verz. van nieuwe wisk. voorst. Deel 1-2, 1841-55, 2 V. 8° /. Wiskunstige oeffeningen, in'eene aaneenschakeling van uitgelezene voorstellen, benevens een mengelwerk van uitgelelezene en andere wiskundige vcrhandelingen onder de spreuk : een onvermoeide arbeid komt alles te boven. Vol. 1-2, 1806-09. 2 v. 8°. (See also 735, 736.) Amsterdam. — Wiskunstig mengelwerk, etc. (See 735, c.) Amsterdam. — Wiskunstige verlustiging, etc. (See 735, d.) Am.sterdam. — Wis- en natuurkundige vcrhandelingen. (Sec 736, b.) 789. Amsterdam. — Kon. zoologisch genootschap ; natura artis magistra, a. Bijdragen tot de dierkunde. Deel 1-2, aflev. i-ix, 1848-69. 2 v. f. b. Jaarboekje. Jaarg. 1852-75. 14 v. 8''. c. Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor de dierkunde. Jaarg. 1-4, 1863-73. 4 v. 8°. Anglia, Societas regia in. (Sec 766.) 790. Amhem. — Bijdragen voor vaterlandsche geschiedenis en oudhcidkunde ; door NijhofF. 1. Dcel 1-10, 1837-56. 10 v. 8°. Register. 2. Deel 1-5, 1857-68. 5 v. 8". 791. Amhem. — Maandblad voor telegrafie en aanverwante wetenschappen ; red. van Eldik, etc. Jaarg. 1-5, 1871-76. 5 v. 4° 792. Amhem. — Magazijn voor de gewone af lagere rekenkunst; door Veenen- daal. Jaarg. 1-4, 1865-68. 4 v. 8°. 793. Amhem.. — Natuurkundig genootschap : tot nut en vergenoegen ^society of natural science : utility and amusement] . a. Natuurkundig tijdschrift, inhoudende phijsica, chemie, pharmacie, natuurlijke historic, statistik (en literatuur, alsmede de toepassing op kunsten, fabrijken en trafijken) ; afterward entitled : natuurkunde, toegepast op alle vakken van nijverheid ; tijdschrift, onder mede- werkingvan vaderlandsch geleerden. Jaarg. 1-15, 1843-60 (1844-61). 15 V. 8°. 794. Amhem. — Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor jagtkunde ; door Schlegel. 1852- 54. 3v. 8". 795. Amhem. — Nederlandsche tijdschrift voor liefhcbbcrs der jagt en visscherij ; red. van Wulverhorst. Jaarg. 1-8, 1853-61. 8 v. 8°. 796. Amhem. — De opmerker ; weekblad voor architecten, ingenieurs, fabric- kanten en aannemers van openbare werken. Jaarg. 1-3, 1866-68. 3 V. f°. 797. Amhem. — Vereeniging tot bevordering van inlandsche icMhyologie [society for the ericouragement of dutch ichthyology.'] a. Verslag der werkzaamheden. Deel 1-2, 1848-49. 2 v. 8". Amhem. — Vereeniging voor de nederslandsche flora. (See 880.) 52 HOLLAND. 798. Arnhem. — Vergadering van landmeters van het kadaster [association of siiweyors of the registry'], a. Vorsla;,' van het verhandehk' 1871 in Utrecht. 1871. 1 n. 8°. Bataafsch genootsch. d. proefond. wijsbegeerte. (See 898.) Bataafsche maatschappij der wetenschappen. (See 724, 847.) Batave, Societe, de philos. experimentale. (See 906.) Bataviaasch genootsch. d. kunsten en wetensch. (See 725.) 799. Breda. — Jaarboekje opgedragen aan ambtenaren der telegrafle in Neder- land en Nederlandsch-Indie ; van Bedding, etc. Jaarg. 1-5, 1871-76. 5v. 8°. 799 a. Breda. — De militaire spectator ; tijdschrift (voor het nederlandsche leger) voor het leger in Nederland en in de overzeesche bezittingen ; red. Er- merins. 1. 1833-48. 16 v. 4". 2. 1849-55. 7 v. 8". 3. Jaarg. 1-13, 1856-68. 13 v. 8". Alg. register 1865. 1 v. 8°. (Continued?) Breda. — Provinciaal genootschap van kunsten, etc. (See 862.) 800. Breda. — Wis- en natuurkundig maandschrift. Jaarg. 1. 1833? 1 v. 8". Delft. — Nieuwe scheikundige bibliothek. (See 801.) 801. Delft. — Scheikundige bibliotheek, waarin de voornaamste nieuwe ontdek- kingen en verbeteringen, welke in der scheikunde in uns vaterland, doch wel meest in andre landen van tijd tot tijd gedaan worden korte- lijk worden voorgetragen ; door een gezelschap van beminnaaren dezer weetenschap. 1. Vol. 1-2, 1790-98. 2 v. 8". 2. Nieuwe s. b. Vol. 1-3, 1799-1802. 3 v. 8". 802. Delft. — Tijdschrift voor rekenkunde voor meisjes ; red. Moll. Jahrg. 1-2, 1871-72. 2 V. 8". 803. Deventer. — Afdeling Deventer van het nederlandsch onderwijzers genootschap \_Deventer section of the netherlands society of in- structors']. a. Tijdschrift voor onderwijzers. Jaarg. 1-6, 1863-68. 5 v. 8". (See also 762, 910.) 804. Deventer. — Schei-, artsenijmeng-, en natuurkundige bibliotheek ; door Meijlink. Deel 1-18, 1827-. 18 v. S**. 805. Deventer. — Tijdschrift ter beofening van de wis- en natuurkundige wet- enschappen ; voornamelijk ten dienste van leeringen v. h, b. s. gym- nasien en andere inrichtingen van onderwijs ; red. Pelt, etc. Jaarg. 1-3, 1873-75. 3 v. 8°. Deventer. — Tijdschrift voor onderwijzers. (See 803, a.) 805"'. Deventer. — Tijdschrift voor wiskunde ; red. Moll. Jaarg. 1-3, 1874- 76. 3 V. 8". 806. Deventer. — Tijdsclirift voor de wiskunde, ten behoeve van aankomende onderwijzers (alien, die sich tot een wetenschappelijk examen voor- bereiden ; almede van lief hebbers en zelfoefenaeres) ; red. Geist. Jaarg. 1-3,1858-60. 3v. 8°. (Followed by 915). Deventer. — Vereeniging voor de nederlandsche flora. (See 880.) 807. Dordrecht. — Bijdragen tot boeken- en menschenkennis ; door SchuU, etc. Deel 1-5, 1832-38. 5 v. 8°. 808. Dordrecht. — Genees-, natuur- en huishoudkundige jaarboeken, of vor- zanieling van nieuwe verhandelingen, ontdekkingen, uitbindingen en waarneniingen. 1. Vol. 1-6, 1778-82. 6 v. 8° Bladwyzer, 1782. 2. Nieuwe . . . jaarboeken. Vol. 1-5, 1782-84. 5 v. 8«. 3. Allge- nieenes . . . jaarboeken. Vol. 1-8, 1785-87. 6 v. 8". Dordrecht.— Tijdschrift voor reken-, stel- en meetkunst. (See 762.) 809. Enkhuizen. — Aardrijkskundigweekblad voor alle standen; red. ten Brink. Fries genootsch. van geschied-, oudheid- en taalkunde. (See 865.) 810. Gorinohem. — De bouwkunde ; maandschrift ter bevordering der kennis van alien die met de bouwkunde in eenige betrekking staan; door Schelfelaar. Jaarg. 1-4, 1856-59? 4 v. 8". 811. Gorinchem. — Bouwkundige almanak voor het jaar 1850-76. Jaarg. 1-27, 1850-76. 27 n. 8". 812. Gorinchem. — Nieuw tijdschrift voor de theoretische en praktische bouw- kunde en aanverwaante wetenschappen: red. Schefl'elaar. Jaarg. 1, xm. ;v. 8", HOLLAND. 53 813. Gorinchem. — Tijdsclirift voor stel- en meetkunde voor aanvankelijjia beoefenaars dezer wetenschappen ; door een leeraar in de wiskunde. --- Jaarg. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8". ./ j s^Gravenhage a««j^ — ^„ t 1 ■d„j.^„« rc^ ooo \ '/ ■' 814. s'Gravenhage a. Academia Lugduno-Batava. (See 866.) // ^ / /j Bnnage. — Academic royale des sciences [Paris] . // v/y> /t Memoires, contenant les ouvrages adopt^s par cette/'acaderaiQif > . < avant son renouvellement en 1609. T. 1-6, 1731. 6 t. 4°. (See ' /•, ^ another edition, 719, b.) \ ("> a ' 'l*\ ^ (See also 719, 1276.) V. ^7/ ^ s^Gxavenliage. — Annales academici. (See 867.) ""^•^^^^^t- ^^ /^] avenhage. — Athenaeum ; tijdschrift voor wete 1 V. 8". " ^ "^ y 815. s'Gravenhage. — Athenaeum ; tijdschrift voor wetenschap en kunst. ^/t^ 816. s'Gr avenhage. — Bibliotheque britannique, ou histoire des ouvrages de^ savans de la Grande Bretagne. Vol. 1-25, 1738-47. 25 v. 8°. 817. s'Graveuhage. — Bibliotheque des sciences et des beaux arts ; par Chais, etc. Vol. 1-50, 1754-80. 50 v. 8°. (Vol. 25 and 50 are indices.) s'Gravenhage. — Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde van Nederl.- Indie. (See 826, a.) 818. s'Gravenliage. — Collegia voor de zeevisscherijen [sea-fishery college']. a. Verslag omtrent den toestand van de (van den staat der nederlandsche) zeevisscherijen. 1857-75 (1858-76). 19 n. and v. 8". and 4°. 819. s'Grravenhage. — Het department van marine. a. Mededeelingen betreffende het zeewesen. Deel 1-18, 1861-76. 18 v. 81 b. Tijdschrift, toegewijd aan het zeewesen. (See 774.) 820. s'Gravenhage. — Het department van oorlog [department of war]. a. Verslagen, rapporten en memorien omtrent militaire onderwerpen. Deel 1-3, 1866-68. 3 v. 8°. 821. s'Gravenhage. — Ephemeriden der natuurkundige wetenschappen. Deel 1-2, 1834. 8". 822. s'Gravenhage.— L'Europe savante. Vol. 1-12, 1718-20. 12 v. 8°. s'Gravenhage. — Hollandsche maatschappij van fraaije kunsten en wet- enschappen. (See 739.) Hollandsche maatschappij der wetenschappen. (See 849.) 823. s^Gravenhage. — Indisch genootschap onder de zinspreuk : onderzoek leidt tot waarheid \_india7i society with the motto: iriquiry leads to truth]. a. Ilandclingen en geschriften. Jaarg. 1-6, 1855-60. 6 v. 8". 824. s^Gravenhage. — Institut royal des ingenieurs neerlandais. a. Repertoire de cartes. Livr. 1-9, 1854-68. 9 v. 8°. (See also 825.) 825. s^Gravenhage. — Kon. instituut van ingenieurs [royal institute of en- gineers], a. Algemeen verslag van de werkzaamheden en notulen der vergader- ingen. 1847-68. 21 v. 8°. Tijdschrift; a. v., etc. 1869-76. 8 v. 8". i. Jaarboek voor de leden. 1852-77(1852-76). 26 v. 81 c. Register op de werken. 1847-69. 1 v. 41 1869-74(1875). 1 v. 81 d. Tijdschrift. 1869-76. 7 v. 41 e. Uittreksels uit vreemde tijdschriften ten dienste der (voor de) leden. 1. Stuk 1-8, 1848-50. 2 v. 81 2. 1850-69 (1852-69). 19 v. 41 /. Verhandelingen. 1, Stuk 1-7, 1848-51. 7 v. 81 2. 1851-69 (1852- 69). 19 V. 41 (See also 824.) 826. s^Gravenhage. — Kon. instituut voor de taal-, land-, en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie [royal institute for philology^ geography^ and ethnography of dutch India]. a. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land-, en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie ; tijdschrift van het k. inst., etc. 1. -Deel 1-4, 1853-56. 4 vol. 81 2. Nieuwe volgreeks. Deel 1-8, 1856-64. 8 v. 81 3. Deel 1-10, 1865-75. 10 V. 81 827. s'Gravenhage. — Jaarboeken over de wetenschappen en kunsten en Hol- land. Deel 1-2, 1807. 2 v. 41 828. s'Grravenhage. — Journal britannique ; par Maty, etc. Vol. 1-, 1750-57. — V. 121 54 HOLLAND. 829. 'sGravenhage. — Maatschappij voor natuur- en letterkunde, onder de zinspreuk: diligentia [society of natural science and literature, etc'], a. Extract uit hot register der notulen. 1832-39. 7 n. 8". s'Grravenhage. — Mededeelingen betrefFende het zeewesen. (See 819, a.) s^Gravenhage. — Memoires d'entomologie. (See 833, a.) 830. s'Grravenhage. — Memoires pour servir a I'histoire naturelle des animaux et des plantes ; par Perrault, etc. 1731. 1 vol. 4". 831. s^Gravenhage. — Le moniteur des Indes orientales et occidentales ; re- cueil de memoires, etc. concernant les possessions neerlandaises d'Asie et d'Amerique ; par Siebold, etc.^ Vol. 1-3, 1846-49. 3 v. 4°. 832. s'Grravenhage. — Natuur- en geneeskundige correspondentie societeit in de Vereenigde Nederlanden [corresponding society of natural and , medical science of the United Netherlands']. a. Verhandelingen. Deel 1-12, 1784-94. 12 v. 8". (Callisen gives deel 1, 1780.) h. Verhandelingen omtrent de weersgesteldheid en ziekten der Vereenigde Nederlanden. Deel 1-2, 1794-95. 2 v. 8°. s^Grravenhage. — Nederlandsche dierkundige vereeniging. (See 903.) 833. s'Gravenhage. — Nederlandsche entomologische vereeniging [dutch ento- mological society], a. Tijdschrift voor entomologie. Vol. 1-8, 1857-65. 8 v. 8". Vol. 9-lG (2. 1-8), 1866-73. 8 v. 8'^. ; vol. 17-19, 1873-76. 3 v. 8°. Repertorium. 1-8 (1869); 9-16 (1875). (Vol. 1, i-ii, under title: memoires d'ento- mologie publics par la societe entomologique des Pays-Bas. For earlier series, see 877.) h. Verslag van de allgemeene (zomer)vergadering. 1-31,1845-76. 31 n. 8". (None in 1866.) c. Verslag van de wintergadering. 1-10, 1867 ?-76. 10 n. 8". (See also 877.) 834. s^Gravenhage. — Nieuwe bijdragen ter bevordering van het onderwijs en de opvoeding, voornamelijk met betrekking tot de lagere scholen in het koningrijk der Nederlanden. Deel 1, 1801. 1 v. 8". 835. s^Gravenhage. — Observatoire d'Utrecht. a. Kecherches astronomiques. Livr. 1-2, 1861-64. 2 n. 4°. 836. s'Gravenhage. — Ouvrages des savans, publics a Leipsick. Tom. 1, 1682 (1685). 1 V. 12". s'Gravenhage. — Le pour et le contre. (See 1490.) s'Gravenhage. — Recherches astronomiques. (See 835, a.) s^Gravenhage. — Societe entomologique des Pays-Bas. a. Memoires d'entomologie. (See 833, a.) s'Gravenhage.^ Sternwarte in Leiden. (See 858.) s'Gravenhage. — Tijdschrift voor entomologie. (See 833, a.) s'Gravenhage. — Verhandelingen omtrent de weersgesteldheid, etc. (See 832, h.) 837. s'Gravenhage. — Verslag van den koning over den toestand der telegrafen in Nederland. 1865-75 (1866-76). 11 n. and v. 4°. s'Gravenhage. — Verslagen . . . omtrent militaire onderwerpen. CSee 820, a.) s'Grravenhage. — Verslag omtrent den toestand van de zeevisscheriien. (See 818, a.) 838. s'Gravenhage. — Kon. zoologisch-botanisch genootschap. a. Verslag uitgebragt in de algeraeene vergadering. 1-13, 1864-76. 13 n. 8". 839. Groningen. — Academia groningana. a. Annales. 1815-37(1817-39). 22 v. 4°. (For continuation, see 867.) (See also 840.) ^ 840. Groningen.— Akademie. a. Almanak. 1813. 1 n. 121 (See also 839.) Groningen.— Akademische verhandelingen. (See 843, a.) Groningen.— Album der natuur. (See 846.) 841. Groningen.— Antiquiteiten ; een oudheidkundig tijdschrift; door Wes- tendorp, etc. St. 1-4, 1833? 4 n. 8*. HOLLAND. 55 842. Groningen. — Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis en oudheidkunde, inzonder- heid van de provincie Groningen ; red. Stratingh. Jaarg. 1-5, 1864- 68. 5 V. 8°. 843. Groningen. — Groningen hoogeschool [^Groningen university.'] a. Akademisclie verhandelingen met goud bekroond. 1815-82. 16 n. 844. Groningen. — Natuurkundig genootschap {^society of natural science]. a. Verslag. 1862-76. 15 n. 8°. 845. Groningen. — Natuur- en scheikundig genootschap {^society of natural and chemical science]. ■ a. Berigt. 1813. 1 n. 8". b. Verslag van de werkzaamheden. 1813-20. 3 n. 8°. Groningen. — Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie. (See Batavia, idem. ) 846. Haarlem. — Album der natuur; een werk ter verspreiding van natuur- kennis, onder beschaafde lezers van allerlei stand. 1. Jahrg. 1-6, 1852 -57. 6 V. 8°. 2. A. d. n. ; een werk in maandelijksche afleveringen ter verspreiding, etc. ; van Harting, etc. Vol. 1-19 (7-25), 1858-76. 19 V. 8°. Haarlem. — Archives neerlandaises des sciences exactes, etc. (See 857, a.) 847. Haarlem. — Bataafsche (hoUandsche) maatschappij der wetenschappen [hatavian (dutch) society of science], a. Natuurkundige verhandelingen. 1. Deel 1-24, 1799-1838 (1799-1844). 24 V. 8°. 2. Deel 1-25, 1841-68. 25 v. 4". 3. Deel 1-2, 1872-75. 2 v. 4°. (For earlier series, see 849, b.) (See also 724, 849, 857, 2595, 2897.) 848. Haarlem. — Commissie belast met het vervaardigen eener geologische beschrijving en kaart van Nederland [commission entrusted witJi pro- curing a geological description and map of Holland], a. Verhandelingen. Vol. 1-3, 1853-55. 3 v. 4". (Also bears a french title.) 849. Haarlem. — HoUandsche maatschappij der wetenschappen (societe hol- landaise des sciences). a. Programma (programme). 1754-96, 1798-1801, 1803-1876. 121 n. 4-^. and 8^'. b. Verhandelingen. Deell-30, 1754-93. 30 v. 8". Register, 1-12 (1772) ; 13-28 (1793). Deel 1, 2d cd. 1755. (For later series, see 847, a.) c. Wijsgeerige verhandelingen. Deel 1-2 i, 1811-22 (1821-22). 2 v. 8° (See also 724, 847, 857,^2595, 2878, and 2897.) • 850. Haarlem. — Isis ; tijdschrift voor natuurwetenschap ; red. Hinzinga. Jaarg. 1-5. 1872-76, 5 v. 4°. 851. Haarlem. — Kennis en kunst; bladen ter algemeene ontwikkeling ; van Winkler. 1870-74. 5 v. 8°. 852. Haarlem. — Kosmos ; natuurvretenschappelijke bladen ; onder leiding van Veu. Aflev. 1-20, 1874-76. 3? v. 8° 853. Haarlem. — Musee Teyler. a. Archives. Vol. 1-4, 1866-76. 4 v. 8° Vol. 1 i, 2d ed. (1875). (Sec also 859, 860.) Haarlem. — Natuurkundige verhandelingen. (See 847, a.) Haarlem. — Nederlandschc entomologische vereeniging. (See 833.) £54. Haarlem. — Nederlandsche maatschappij ter bevordering van nijverheid [dutch society for the encouragement of industry]. a. Verhandelingen ; werktuig- en scheikunde. No. 1-2, 1780-1822. 2 n. 8". b. Verhandelingen ; zeevaart en visscherijen. No. 1-7, 1780-87. 7 n. 8**. 855. Haarlem. — Niederliindisches archiv fiir zoologie ; von Selenka. Vol. 1-3 ii, 1871-76. 3 V. 8°. 856. Haarlem. — Repertorium annuum literaturae botanicae periodicae ; cur. van Bemmelen. Vol. 1-3, 1872-74 (1873-76). 3 v. 8". 857. Haarlem. — Societe hollandaise des sciences. a. Archives neerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. Vol. 1-11, 1866-76. 11 V. 8". h. Liste des publications des societes savantes et des gouvernements, ainsi que des journaux scientifiques, qui se trouvent dans le biblio- theque de la societe ; et enumeration complete des memoires contenus dans Ics diverses publications de cette societe. 1869. 1 n. 8". c. Programme. (See 849, a.) (See also 724, 847, 849, 2897.) 56 HOLLAND. 858. Haarlem. — Sternwarte in Leiden. a. Annalen. Vol. 1-4, 1868-75. 4 v. 4« (Sec also 769.) 859. Haarlem. — Teyler's godgeleerd genootschap [ Teyler's theological society'\. a. Verhandelingen raakende de natuurlijken on gcopenbaarden godsdicnst. 1. Deel 1-8G, 1781-18G0. 30 v. 4". 2. Deel 1-5, 1868-7G. 5 v. 8". (See also 853, 860.) 860. Haarlem. — Teyler's tweede genootschap [^Teyler's second society']. a. Verhandelingen. 1. Stuk 1-28, 1781-1857. 34 v. 4°. Negende gedeelte ; stuk 20, 18G6. 1 v. 4". 2. 1, 1873. 1 v. 8". (See also 853, 859.) Haarlem. — Vereeniging voor de nederlandsche flora. (See 880.) Haarlem. — Verhand. raak. natuurl. en geopenb. godsdienst. (See 859, a.) 861. Haarlem. — Wetenschappelijke bladen; geschiedenis ; maatschappelijke belangen ; natuurwetenschappen ; letterkunde ; een bloemlezing uit buitenlandsclie tijdschriften voor Nederland bewerkt; van Buys, etc. Vol. 1-21, 185G-76. 21 v. 8°. Haarlem. — Wijsgeerige verhandelingen. (See 849, c.) 862. s'Hertogenbosch. — Provinciaal genootschap van kunsten en weten- schappen in Noord Braband \_provincial society of arts and sciences in No7-th Brahanf]. a. Ilandelingen. Deel 1-4, 1837-46. 3 v. 8". ; 1 v. (3d) 4°. ; — 1847-57 ( 1847-58) r 11 n. and v. 8°. and 4". ; — 1865-75. 11 n. and v. 8«. 863. s'Heirtogenboscli. — Studien op godsdienstig, wetenschappelijk en letter- kundig j^bied. Jaarg. 1, 1868. 1 v. S'l Kon. hollandsche instituut. (See 740.) HoUandsche maatsch. v. fraaije kunsten, etc. (See 739.) Hollandsche maatsch. der wetensch. (See 849.) Hoorn. — Het genootschap onder de zinspr. : vis unita fortior. (See 737.) Indisch genootschap, etc. (See 823.) Kam.pen. — Tijdschrift voor de wiskunde. (See 806.) 864. Leeuwarden. — Blikken in het leven der natuur ; populair tijdschrift tot bevoerdering van de kennis der natuur onder alle standen ; red. van Bosscha, etc. Jaarg. 1-6? 1854-62. 6? v. 8". 865. Leeuwarden. — Fries genootschap van geschied-, oudheid- en taalkunde l_frisiati society of history, antiquity, and philology], a. De vrije Fries ; mengelingen. 1. Deel 1-6, 1839- 6 v. 8**. 2. Deel 1-5,18 68. 5v. 8«. (Continued?) Lieeu-warden. — Nedcrl. kruidkundig archief ; van Suringar, etc. (See 878.) 866. Leyden. — Academia lugduno-batava. a. Annales. 1815-37 (1817-38). 22 v. 4.°. (For continuation, see 867.) b. Museum academicum. 1827. 1 v. f**. Lieyden. — Akademische verhandelingen. (See 872, a.) Leyden. — Album der natuur. (See 846.) 867. Leyden.— Annales academici. 1837-73(1840-76). 30 v. 4". (For earlier series, see 866, 839 and 917.) 868. Iieyden. — Annales d'horticulture et de botanique, ou flore des jardins du royaume des Pays-Bas. 1858-62. 6 v. 8°. Lieyden. — Bulletin botanique. (See 2155.) 869. lieyden. — Bulletin des sciences physiques et naturelles en Neerlande ; par Miquel, etc. 1838. 1 v. 4". ; 1839-40. 2 v. 8". lieyden. — Geneeskundige verhandelingen. (See 882, a.) 870. lieyden. — Genees-, natuur- en huis-houdkundig kabinet, of verzameling van verhandelingen uit academien en genootschappen en schryveren ; door Engelen. Deel 1-4, 1779-88. 4 v. 8". 871. lieyden. — Genootschap der beschouwende en werkdadige wiskunde, onder de spreuk : mathesis scientiarum genitrix [^society of theoretical and practical mathematics, etc.]. a. Werken. 1794. 1 v. 8". (See also 873.) Leyden. — Hollandsche maatschappij van fraaije kunsten en wetenschap- pen. (See 739.) HOLLAND. 57 872. Leyden. — Leydsche hoogeschool [^Leyde^i university']. a. Akademische verhandelingen met goud bekroond. 1816-33. 56 n. (viz. phys. 9 n. ; mathem. 14 n. ; astronom. 8 n. ; ex hist. nat. 11 n. ; ex chein. et oecon. rur. 14 n.). 5. Onderzoekingen gedaan in het physiologisch laboratorium. T. 1-4, 1869-74. 81 873. Leyden. — Maatschappij der wis-, bouw-, natuur- en teekenkunde, onder de spreuk : de wiskunde is de moeder der wetensehappen [society of Tnathematical, architectural^ and natural science^ and the science of de- lineation^ with the motto : mathematics is the mother of sciences']. a. Werkcn. 1796. 1 v. 8°. (See also 871.) 874. Leyden. — Musee botanique de Leide ; par Suringar. Vol. 1-3, 1871-73. 3 V. 4°. Leyden. — Museum academicum. (See 866, h.) 875. Leyden. — Museum d'histoire naturelle des Pays-Bas. -a. Kevue methodique et critique des collections deposees dans cet etablisse- ment. Vol. 1-7, livr. 1-12, 1862-76. 7 v. 8« 876. Leyden. — De natuur ; lectuur voor de huiskamer ; tijdschrift ter befor- dering van de kennis der natuur ; onder medewerking \an Bemmelen, etc. Jaarg. 1-2, 1859-60. 2 v. 8". Leyden. — Natuur- en scheikundig archief. (See 902.) 877. Leyden. — Nederlandsche entomologische vereeniging [dutch entomo- logical society]. a. Handelingen. Dcel 1, stuk 1-4, 1854-57. 1 v. 4°. (For continua- tion, see 833, a.) 878. Leyden. — Nederlandsch kruidkundig archief; van de Vriese, etc. Deel 1-5, 1846-70. 5 V. 8". (For continuation, see 893.) Leyden. — ^Niederliindisches archiv fiir zodlogie. (See 855.) Leyden. — Physiologisch laborat. van het leydsche hoogeschool. (See 872.) Leyden. — Stemwarte. a. Annalen. (See 858.) Leyden. — Sterrewacht. (See 769.) Leyden. — Tijdsclirift voor natuurl. geschiedenis en physiologic. (See 771.) 879. Leyden. — Tijdschrift voor schei- en artsenijbereidkunde ; door Haaxman. Vol. 1-2, 1844-45. 2 v. 8". 880. Leyden. — Vereeniging voor de nederlandsche flora [association for the flora of Holland], a. Verslag der algemeene bijeenkomst der leden (van het verhandelde op de vergadering). 1-9, 1846-54. 9 n. 8". 881. Leyden. — Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke geschiedenis der neder- landsche overzeesche bezittingen, door de leden der natuurkundige comniissie in Oost-Indie en andere schrijvers ; door Temminck. 1839- 44. 3 V. f° 882. Leyden. — Kon. zweedsche academic [roya/ sw'ec^tsA, aca^em?/]. a. Geneeskundige verhandelingen ; vertaald en uitgegeben door Sandifort. Deel 1-4, 1775. 4 v. 8". (See 693.) Londen, Kon. societeit. (See 767.) Lugduno-batava, Academia. (See 866.) 883. Luxemburg. — Institut vojaX grand-ducal ; section des sciences natu- relles et mathematiques. a. Publications. Vol. 11-15, 1869-75 (1870-75). 15 v. 8*^ (For earlier volumes, see 886.) 884. Luxemburg. — Observations meteorologiques ; parReuter. Vol. 1-2, 1867- 74. 2 V. S*'. 885. Luxemburg. — Soci^te de botanique du grand-duche de Luxembourg. a. liecueil des memoires et des travaux. No. 1, 1874. 1 n. 18". 886. Luxemburg. — Soci6te des sciences naturelles du grand-duche de Lux- embourg. a. (No title.) Vol. 1-10, 1853-68 (1853-69). 10 v. 8°. (For continuation, see 883.) 58 HOLLAND. 887. Maastricht. — Geschied- en oudheidkundig genootscbap [^historical and antiquarian society], a. (rublished, 1H53-55, 3 fasciculi of annals in 8") (Stunea.s888?) 888. Maastricht. — Societe historique et archeologique dans le duche de Limbourg. a. rublications. Decl 1-5, 18 68. 5 v. 8". (Coinimro 887.) Medemblik. — Tijdsclirift, toegenijd aan hot zeewesen. (See 774.) 889. Middlebnrg. — Bijdragcn tot de oudheidkunde en geschiedenis, inzonder- lu'id A an Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen ; door Janssen, etc. Deel 1-6, 1856- (;a. (; v. 8". 890. Middleburg. — Zeeuwsch genootscliap der wetenschappen (te Vlissin- gen) \_Zeelan(l society of sciences']. a. Arcliief ; vroegere en latere mededeelingen, voornamelijk met betrek- king tot Zeeland. Deel 1-3 ii, 1856-75. 8 v. 8". (Stuk 1-5, forming deel 1, are separately paged.) I. Nieuwe werken. Deel 1-2, 1839-45. 2 v. 8". c. Verhandelingen. 1. Deel 1-15, 1769-92. 15 v. 8°. 2. Nieuwe verb. Deel 1-5, 1807-35. 5 v. 8". (See also 3083.) d. Verslag van liet verliandelde in de algemeene vergadering. 1860-74. 10? n. and v. 8". (The verslagen for 1869-74 were published in one nunil)er; tlie others, so far as seen, separately; that for Ai)ril, 1869, forming a thick volume.) Nederlandsche botanische veereeniging. (See 893.) Nederlandsche dierkundige vereeniging. (See 903.) Nederlandsche entomologische vereeniging. (See 833, 877.) Nederlandsche-Indie, Kon, instituut . . . van. (See 826.) Kon. nederlandsch instituut von wetensch, etc. (See 740.) Nederlandsche maatsch. ter beford. v. nijverheid. (See 854.) Kon. nederlandsch meteorologisch instituut. (See 922.) Nederlandsch onderwijzers genootschap. (See 762, 803, 910.) 891. Nieuwediep. — Kon. instituut voor de marine te Willemsoord \_royal mnriue in stit ute'] . a. Jaarboekje voor de adelborsten. Jaarg. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 8". 892. Nijinegen. — Bijdragen tot de natuurlijke gcschiedene verzameling en op- gemaakt uit nieuwe en onvertaalde reisbeschrijvingen en andere minder algemeen bekende werken. St. 1-2, 1834. 2 n. 8". 893. Nijmegen. — Nederlandsche botanische vereeniging \_dutcli hotanical as- .^iociation]. a. Nederlandsch kruidkundig archief ; verslagen en mededeelingen. 2. Deel 1-2, 1871-76. 2 v. S"*. (For first series, see 878.) 894. Nijmegen. — De nieuwe militaire spectator ; krijgs- en geschiedkundig tijdsclirift voor N6erlands land- en zeemagt, ook in de Indien ; red. Koster. 1. Jaarg. 1-21, 1846-66. 21 v. 8". 2, Jaarg. 1-3 (22-24), 1867-69. 3v. 8". (Continued?) Nijmegen.— Vereeniging voor de nederlandsche flora. (See 880.) Noord Brabant, Prov. genootschap ... in. (See 862.) Noord Holland, Gewestelijke genootschap. (See 762.) 895. Oostburg. — Archief der M'iskunde ; maandschrift voor alien die zich op de hoogere gedeelten dezer wetenschap toeleggen ; red. Oijen. Jaarg. 1-3, 1867-70. 3 v. 4". Paris, Royal academic des sciences. (See 719, 814.) 896. Purmerend. — Tljdschrift ter befordering der mathematische wetenschap- pen. Vol. 1- , 1823-28. 6? v. Rheno-trajectina, Academia. (See 917.) Rheno-trajectina, Societas. (See 925.) 897. Rotterdam. — Algemeene onderwijzers-vereeniging [general association of instructors']. a. Driemaandelijks tijdsclirift voor onderwijs. Jaarg. 1-5, 1864-68. 5 v. 8". (CoiitiniR'd?) HOLLAND. 59 898. Rotterdam. — Bataafsch genootschap der proefonderwindelijke wijsbe- geerte [haiavian society of experimental philoso2jhy'\. a. Nieuwo verhandelinc?en. 1. Vol. 1-12, 1800-05 (180G-G5). 12 v. 4". 2. Vol. 1-2, 1867-76. 2 v. 4°. (Preceded by c.) I. Prograrama. 1850. 1 n. 4". (See also 906, a.) c. Verhandelingen. Deel 1-12, 1774-98. 12 v. 4". Allgemeene blad- wyzer. 1-6 (1784). (Apparently deel 12 was published in 1798, while deel 11 was issued in 1799. Followed directly by a.) (See also 906.) Rotterdam. — Bataviaasch genootschap der konsten en wetenschappen, a. Verhandelingen. (See 725.) 899. Rotterdam. — Bijdragen ter bevordering der schoone kunsten en weten- schappen; doorPeith, etc. 1. Deel 1-3, 1796. 3 n. 8". 2. Deel 1-2, 1825. 2 n. S"'. Rotterdam. — Bulletin des sciences physiques, etc'. (See 869.) Rotterdam. — Congres international de botanique et d'horticulture. (See 9.) Rotterdam. — Driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor onderwijs. (See 897, «.) 900. Rotterdam. — Histoire des ouvrages des S9avans ; par de Beauval. 1687- 1703. 19 V. 12". 901. Rotterdam. — Jaarboekje van wetenschappen en kunsten, bevatt. de meest belangr. ontdekkingen en verbeteringen in het gebied der werktuig- kunde, technologic en andere wetenschappen ; red. Bleekrode. Jaarg. 1-2, 1847-48. 2 V. 12« (Continued?) 902. Rotterdam. — Natuur- en scheikundig archief; door Mulder, etc. Vol. 1-6, 1833-38. 6 v. 8". 903. Rotterdam. — Nederlandsche dierkundige vereeniging {dutch zoological association^. a. Jaarverslag van het zoologisch station . . . uitgebracht door de com- niissie van oprichting en intrustnig op de vergadering. 1,1876. In. 8". b. Tijdschrift. Vol. i; 1874-76. 1 v. 8'\ 904. Rotterdam. — Nouveau iournal des savants; par le sieur C(hauvin)- 1(;94M)8. 4 V. 8". (See also 746, 1425.) Rotterdam. — Physiologisch laboratorium van het utrecMsche hooge- school. (See 907.) 905. Rotterdam. — Scheikundige verhandelingen en onderzoekingen ; door Mul- der. Deel 1-3, 1857-64. 3 v. B*: (See also 907, a, 924.) 906. Rotterdam. — Societe batave de philosophie experimentale. a. Programme, 1863-74. 12 n. 8". (See also 898, b.) (See also 898.) 907. Rotterdam. — Utrechtsche hoogeschool {Utrecht universitj/'}. a. (Sclieikundige) onderzoekingen gedaan in het (physiologisch) labora- torium. 1. Deel 1-6 i, 1845-52. 6 v. 8". (For intermediate series, see 905 and 924.) 2. Deel 1-3, 1867-71. 3 v. 8« 3. Deel 1-4 i, 1871-76. 4 V. 8". Rotterdam. — Zoologisch station. a. Verslag. (See 903, «.) 908. St. Anna-Parochie. — Tijdschrift ter oefening in het oplosscn van deken- voor^^tellen, voorall voor hulponderwijzers en kweekelingen ; red- Fokkens. Jaarg. 1-9, 1868-76. 9 v. 8". 909. Scluedam. — Natuurkundige vereeniging : martinet [natural science association^. a, Verslag van den toestand en de werkzamheden. 1866. 1 n. 8", Schiedam.. — Nederlandsch museum. (See 761.) 910. Sclioondijke. — Nederlandsche onderwijzers genootschap [Metherland sc- ciety of iiistructors'\. a. Kekenlust ; tijdschrift voor aanvankelijke beoefenaars der wiskunde, uitgegeven van wcge de afdeeling zeeuwsch-vlaanderen westelijk deel van het n. o. g. 1858. 1 v. 8". (See also 762, 803.) 911. Schoonhoven. — De })eoefenaar der wiskunde; tijdschrift voor reken- stel- en meetkunde, dienstig voor onderwijzers aan lagere en middel- bare scholen en voorts alien die zich op de beofening der wiskunde toeleggen. Jaarg. 1-4, 1865-68. 4 v. 8". GO HOLLAND. 912. Schoonhoven. — Cheraisch-pharmaceutisch archief ; door Vrij, etc. Jaarg. 1-2, 1840-41. 2 V. 8". 913. Schoonhoven. — Tijdschrift voor rekenkunde ten behoove van aankomende ondtrwijzers en onderwijzeressen ; red. Kramers. Jaarg. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 V. 8". 914. Schoonhoven. — Tijdschrift voor stel- en meetkunde, ten behoeve van aankomende onderwijzers en onderwijzeressen; van Kramers, etc. 1875. 1 V. 8". Teyler's godgeleerd genootscliap. (See 859.) Teyler, Musee. (See 853.) Teyler's tweede genootschap. (See 860.) 915. Tiel. — Tijdschrift voor de stelkunde, ten behoeve van alien die sich tot een wetenschappelijk examen voorbereiden ; almede van lief hebbers en zelfoefenaers ; red. Geist. Jaarg. 1-2, 1861-62. 2 v. 8". (Succes- sor to 806.) 916. Tiel. — De tijdstroom ; maandschrift gewijd van wetenschap ; door Cremer. 1858. 1 V. 8". 917. Utrecht. — Academia rheno-trajectina. a. Annales. 1815-37 (l«17-37). 21 v. 8°. • Suppl. 1815-16 (1818). 1 v. 8". (For continuation, see 867.) Utrecht. — Acta literaria. (See 925, a.) 918. Utrecht. — Archiv fiir die hoUiindischen beitriige zur natur- und heil- kunde; von Bonders, etc. Bd. 1-2, 1857-60 (1858-60). 2 v. 8". (Continued?) Utrecht. — BuUelin des sciences physiques et naturelles, etc. (See 869.) Utrecht. — Congres meteorologique international. (See 17.) 919. Utrecht. — Holliindische beitriige zu den anatoniisclien und physiologischen wissenschaften ; von van Deen, etc. Vol. 1, 1846-48. 1 v. 8". 920. Utrecht. — Jaarlijksch verslag betrekkelijk de verpleging en 't onderwijs in het nederlandsch gasthuis voor oglijders ; door Donders. Vol. 1-4, 1860-63. 4 V. 8°. (Continued?) Utrecht. — Journal de botanique neerlandaise. (See 745.) Utrecht. — Meteorologisch waarnemingen in Nederhmd. (See 922, a.) Utrecht. — Natuurkundige verhandelingen. (See 923, b.) 921. Utrecht. — Nederlandsch archief voor genees- en natuurkunde ; door Bon- ders, etc. Deel 1-5, 1865-70. 5 v. 8'^. 922. Utrecht. — Kon. nederlandsch meteorologisch instituut \_royal dutch meteorological institute']. a. Meteorologische waarnemingen in Nederland, met aanwijzing van de afwijkingen der weersgesteldheid van den gewonen gang en magne- tische afwijkingen te Utrecht in minuten boogs. 1851 (1852). 1 v. 8". M. w. in N. (en zijne bezittingen) en afwijkingen van tempera- tuur en barometerstand op andere (vele) plaatsen in Euroi)a. 1852 -76. 25 V. 4". b. (Nederlandsch) meteorologisch jaarboek. Jaarg. 1-27, 1849-75 (1849 -76). 27 V. 4". Utrecht.— Nederlandsch museum. (See 761.) Utrecht. — Nieuwe chem. en phijsische oefeningen. (See 728.) Utrecht. — Observatoire. (See 835.) Utrecht. — Premier congres meteorologique de Vienna. (See 18«.) 923. Utrecht. — Provinciaal utrechtsch genootschap van kunsten en weten- schappen [^provincial UtrecJd society of arts and sciences]. a. Aanteekeningen van het verhandelde in de sectie-vergaderingen (sec- tie voor natuur- en geneeskunde). 1845-76. 32 n. 8". b. Natuurkundige verhandelingen. 1. Deel 1, st. 1-2, 1862. 1 v. 4". 2. Deel 1-2, 1862-75. 2 v. 4". c. Verhandelingen. 1. Deel 1-10, 1781-1821. 11 v. 8". (Deel 3 in 2 vol.) 2. Nieuwe verb. Vol. 1-17 i, 1822-54. 17 v. 8". d. Verslag van het verhandelde in de algemeene vergadering. 1847-52. 6 n. 16". ; — 1853-75. 23 n. 8". (Same society as 925.) 924. Utrecht. — Scheikundige aanteekeningen; door Mulder. Deel 1, 1865- 67. 1 v. 8". (See also 905 and 907, a.) BELGIUM. 61 925. Utrecht. — Societas rheno-trajectina. a. Acta literaria. 1. Tom. 1-4, 1793-1803. 4 v. 8°. 2. Nova acta. Pars 1-4, 1821-31. 4 V. 8°. (Same society as 923.) Utrecht, — Tijdsclirift voor natuurlike geschiedenis en physiologic. (See 771.) Utrecht. — Utrechtsche hoogeschool. a. Scheikundige onderzoekingen, gedaan in het laboratorium. (Sec 907.) 926. Utrecht. — Vereeniging tot verspreiding van kennis aangaande s'lands verdediging [^association for extending a knowledge of the country's defence']. a. Jaarsverslag. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 n. and v. 8°. (These formed a part of the werken.) h. Werken. 1-15,18 76. 15 n. and v. 8^1 Utrecht. — Vergadering van landmeters. (See 798.) Velzen. — Vereeniging voor de nederlandsche flora. (See 880.) 927. Vianen. — Tijdsclirift voor telegrafie en machinerie in de Nederlanden ; red. Nievergehl. 1855-56. 2 v. 8°. 928. Vlaardingen. — (Maandblad voor) toegepaste scheikunde ; (tweemaande- lijksch tijdschrift,) bevattende mededeelingen uit het gebied der toege- paste scheikunde voor het algemeen ; red. Opwyrda. 1. Jaarg. 1-5, 1865-69. 5 V. 8° 2. Jaarg. 1-4, 1870-75 (1870-76). 4 v. 8". 3. Jaarg. 1, no. 1-4 (1876). 1 v. 8*^. 929. Vlissingen. — Bijdragen tot de bouw- en natuurkundige wetenschapj)en. 1839. 1 V. 8". Vlissengen. — Zeeuwsch genootschap, etc. (See 890, 3083.) 930. Voorburg. — Tijdsclirift voor wetenschappelijke pharmacie, benevens mededeelingen over chemie, pharmacie en iiharmacognosie van het planten-, dieren- en delfstoffelijk rijk ; door Haaxman. Jaarg. 1-4, 1849-52. 'Willemsoord. — Kon. instituut voor de marine. (See 891.) 931. Zalt-Bommel. — Bijdragen tot de beoefening der zuivere wiskunde. 1830-33. 4? v. Zalt-Bommel. — Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie. (See Batavia, Zeeuwsch-vlaanderen westelijk deal van het nederl. onderw. genootschap. (See 910, a.) Zeeuwsch genootsch. der wetenschappen. (See 890.) 932. Zierikzee. — Bijdragen tot de beoefening der gewone cijfcrkunst. Deel 1-5, 1833-40. 5 V. 8". 933. Zierikzee. — Bijdragen tot de beoefening der matheraatische wetenschap- pen. Jaarg. 1-3, 1833-35. 3 v. 934. Zutphen. — Kennis is macht; oversicht der gebeurtenissen, ontdekkingen, enz., in onzen tijdschriften. Jahrg. 1-2, 1869-70. 2 v. 8°. Kon. zweedsche academic. (See 882.) 935. ZwoUe. — De vooruitgang; tijdsclirift voor wetenschap, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1851-52. 2 V. 8'^. BELGIUM. 936. Anvers. — Academic d'archeologie de Bclgique. a. Annales. 1. Tom. 1-20, 18 64. 20 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-12 (21-32), 1865-76? 12 V. 8*^. Anvers. — Congres international d'archeologie et d'histoirc. (See 7.) Anvers. — Congres intern. . . . des sciences geographiques, etc. (See 11.) 937. Anvers. — Genootschap: occidit qui non servat. a. Verhandelingen. Vol. 1-3, 1798-1800. 3 v. 8". 938. Anvers. — Societe beige de geographic. a. Bulletins. Vol. 1, 1870. 1 v. 8". 93?. Anvers. — Societe paleontologique de Bclgique. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1, 1859-62. 1 v. 8". 62 BELGIUM. 940 Anvers.— Societe phytologique et micrographique de Belgique. a. Annalcs. Tom. 1, livr. 1-10, 1864-61). 1 v. 8". (Is 957, a tlie con- tinuation?) Beige, Societe, encyclopedique. (Sec 960.) Beige, Societe, entomologique. (See 961.) Beige, Societe, de geographic. (See 938.) Beige, Societe, de microscopic. (See 957.) Belgique, Acad, d'archeologie de. (See 936.) Belgique, Acad. roy. des sciences, etc. (See 943.) Belgique, Soc. entomologique de. (See 961.) Belgique, Soc. geologique de. (See 981.) Belgique, Soc. malacologique de. (See 963.) Belgique, Soc. paleontologique de. (See 939.) Belgique, Soc. phytologique et microgr. de. (See 940.) Bouillon. — Journal encyclopedique. (See 978.) 941 Bruges. — Societe des sciences naturellea. ■ a xVnnales. Vol. 1-3, 1839-42. 3 v. 8°. h. Bulletin. 1841-2. 1? v. 8". q42 Bruxelles. — Academia lovaniensis. a. Annales. Vol. 1-i), 1817-2G (1821-27). 9 v. 4<'. 943. Bruxelles. — Academic (imp. et) roy. des sciences et belles lettres (after Dec. 1845 : Academic roy. des sciences, des lettres et des beaux arts de Belgique). a. Annuaire. Ann. 1-42, 1835-76. 42 v. 8". b Bulletins. 1. Vol. 1-23, 1832-56 (1834-56). 41 v. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-40, 1857-76. 40 V. 8". Tables gen., ser. 1 (1858); ser. 2, 1-20(1867). 2 V. 8". Annexe 1853-54 (1854). 1 v. 8". (Some cojues of the volumes for 1853-64 bear the title : Bulletin des seances de la classe des sciences, have no volume mark and no reference to a break in the series ; evi- dently this vras the original edition.) c. Memoires. Vol. 1-5, 1777-88. 5 v. 4". (See also g.) d. Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants etrangers. Vol. (l)-6, 1840-53. 6 V. 8". Vol. (1-3), 1840-49, have no common title and are not numbered. M. c. et autres memoires. Vol. 7-26, 1858-75. 20 v. 8". (Collection in 8". ; — for collection in 4°, see/.) c. Memoires sur les questions proposees . . . qui ont remporte les prix 1769-1817(1769-1818). 5 v. 4". (For contimuition, sec/.) /. Memoires sur les questions proposees par I'acad. . . . qui ont remportes les prix et I'accessit. Vol. 1-5, 18'18-26. 5 v. 4". Memoires couron- nes. Vol. 6-14, 1827-42. 9 v. 4". Suppl. 1840. 1 v. 8". Memoires couronnqs et memoires des savants etrangers. Vol. 15-39, 1843-76. 43 V. 4". (The new title with sav. etrang. commences in the second part of V. 15 ; — this is the collection in 4". ; for collection in 8", see d ; — for earlier volumes of tliis series, see c.) - ^g. Nouvcaux memoires. Tom. 1-19, 1820-45. 19 v. 4°. Memoires. Tom. 20-41, 1847-76. 22 v. 4'^ (See also c.) (See also 975, 2879.) 944. Bruxelles. — Annales generales des sciences physiques et naturelles ; par St. Vincent, etc. Vol. 1-8, 1819-21. 8 v. 8". Bruxelles. — Annales meteorologiques. (See 954, c.) 945 Bruxelles. — Annales des travaux publiques de Belgique. Vol. 1-34, 1843 -7(;. 34 V. 8". 946. Bruxelles. — Annales des universites de Belgique, ou recueil contenant k's lois, arretes et reglements relatifs a I'enseignement superieur, les memoires couronnes aux concours universitaires et d'autres documents academiques. 1. Ann. 1-14, 1842-55. 8 v. 8'*. 2. xVnn. 1, 1858-59 (1861). 1 V. 8". Bruxelles. — Annuaire des societes savantes de la France, etc. (Sec 1325.) 947. Bruxelles. — Archives cosmologiques ; revue des sciences naturelles avec Knus ai)plications a la medicine, a Tagriculture, aux arts et a I'indus- trie ; par Dubois. No. 1-12, 1867-69. 12 n. 8". 948. Bruxelles. — Le chemiste ; journal de chimie appliquee aux arts, a I'in- dustrie et a Tagriculture; par Berge. Ann. 1-4, 1865-68. 4 v. 8". BELGIUM. 63 949. Bruxelles. — Commissions roy. d'art et d'archeologie. «. Bulletin. Ann. 1-15, 1862-76. 15 v. 8« Bruxelles. — Congres international d'anthropologie et d'archeologie pre- historiques. (See 15.) Bruxelles. — Correspondance mathomatique et physique. (See 970.) 950. Bruxelles. — Dodonaea, ou recueil d'observations de botanique'; par Morren. Vol. 1-2, 1847. 2 v. 8° 951. Bruxelles. — Journal de chimie, pour servir de complement aux annales de chimie et autres ouvrages periodiques fran9ais de cette science ; par van Mons. Vol. 1-6, 1792-1804. 6 v. 8". (Cf. 952.) 952. Bmxelles, — Journal de chimie et de physique, ou recueil periodique des decouvertes dans les sciences chimiques et physique tant en France que chez I'etranger ; par van Mons. 1801-04. — v. 12°. (Is this the same as the later volumes of 951?) 953. Bruxelles. — Nouveau repertoire de chimie, pharmacie, matiere pharma- ceutique et de chimie industrielle ; par Hensmans. 1827-31. 3 v. 8". 954. BrtLxelles. — Observatoire royal. a. Alnianach seculaire. 1854. 1 n. b. Annales. Tom. 1-24, 1834-75 (1837-75). 24 v. 4°. c. Annales meteorologiques, publiees aux frais de I'etat. Ann. 1-10, 18G7 -76. 10 V. 4° d. Annuaire. Ann. 1-44, 1834-77 (1883-76). 44 v. 18". and 12". e. Rapports sur I'etat et les travaux. 1840-76(1842-76). 37 n. 8°. Bruxelles. — Recueil encyclopedique beige. (See 960, a.) 955. Bruxelles. — Repertoire de pharmacie, de chimie, de physique, d'hygiene publique, de la medicine legale et de therapeutique ; reimpression generale des ouvrages periodiques publiees entrance sur ces sciences, 1842. 1 V. 8°. 956. Bruxelles. — Revue populaire des sciences, principalement dans leurs rap- ports avec la i)roduction agricole, la sante de I'homme et des animaux et I'economie domestique, chimie, physique, histoire naturelle ; eleve education et exploitation des animaux haras, agriculture, horticulture, Industrie, alimentation, medecine preservatrice, hygiene jiublique et privee, etc. ; red. Husson. 1858-59. 2 v. 8". Bruxelles. — Revue des questions scientifiques. (See 965, b.) 957. Bruxelles. — Societe beige de microscopie. a. Annales. Tom. 2, 1875-76 (1876). 1 v. 8". (Continuation of 940, a?) b. Proces-verbal (bulletins). Tom. 1-3, 1875-76. 3 v. 8". 958. Bruxelles. — Societe roy. de botanique. a. Bulletins. Vols. 1-15, 1862-76. 15 vols. 8". 959. Bruxelles. — Societe de Bruxelles. a. xVctes. Vol. 1, 1801. 1 v. 4". 960. Biruxelles. — Societe encyclopedique beige. a. Recueil encyclopedique beige, ou revue des productions beiges dans toutes les parties des sciences, des lettres, des beaux arts. Vol. 1-5, 1833-34. 5 V. 8". 961. Bruxelles. — Societe entomologique beige [after 1863 : de Belgique]. a. Annales. Vol. 1-19, 1857-76. 19 v. 8". h. Compte-rendu de Tassemblee mensuelle. 1, No. 95-100, 1874. 6 n. 8". (For no. 1-94 see c.) 2. No. 1-33, 1874-76. 33 n. 8". c. Comptes-rendus des seances. 1870-73, no. 1-94. 3 v. 8". (Continued as b.) 962. Bruxelles. — Societe roy. linneene. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-5, 1871-76. 5 v. 8". 963. Bruxelles. — Societe malacologique de Belgique. a. Annales (et bulletins). Vol. 1-7, 1863-72. 7 v. 8". Annales. Vol. 8-10, 1873-76. 3 v. 8". b. Proces-ve'rbaux des seances. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8°. 964. Bruxelles. — Societe (roy.) des sciences medicales et naturelles. a. Annales. Vol. 1-6, 1834-41. 6 v. 8". b. Bulletin. 1838-76. 39? v. 8". c. Compte-rendu des travaux. Ann. 1826-^)2. 7 n. 8". (Continued ?) 965. Bruxelles. — Societe scientifique. a. Annales. Vol. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8". b. Kevue des questions scientifiques. Vol. 1, 1877. 1 v. 8". 64 BELGIUM. 966. Charleroi. — Societe paleontologique et archeologique de Tarrondisse- ment. a. Documents et rapports. Vol. 1-9, 1868-76. 9 v. 8". 967. Gand. — Academia gandavensis. a. Annales. 1817-27 (1819-29.) 11 v. 4«. 968. Gaud. — Annales belgiques des sciences, arts et lettres. Vol. 1-13, 1818- 24. 13 V. 8". 969. Gand. — Belgish museum ; door Willems. Beel 1-4, 1837-41. 4 v. 970. Gand. — Correspondance mathematique et physique; par Garnier, etc. Vol. 1-11, 1825-39. 11 V. 8". (From 1832 called nouvelle serie.) Gand. — Journal d'horticulture. (See 972, a.) 971. Gand. — Messager des sciences et des arts; par ReifFcnberg, 1. Vol. 1-6, 1823-30. 6 V. 8". 2. Mess. d. sc. et d. arts de la Belgique, ou nou- velles archives historiques, litteraires et scientifiques. Vol. 1-6, 1833- 38. 6 V. 8". 3. Mess. d. sc. historique de Belgique. Vol. 1-6, 1839- 44. 6 V. 8". 4. Mess. d. sc. hist, et archives des arts de Belgique. Vol. 1-6, 1845-50. 6 v. 8"'. 5. Mess. d. sc. hist., des arts et de la bibliographic de la Belgique. 1851-76. 26 v. 8°. Tables. 1823-53 (1854). 1 V. 8° Gand. — Messager des sciences historiques, etc. (See 971.) 972. Gand. — Societe roy. d'agriculture et de botanique. a. Annales ; journal d'horticulture, etc. Vol. 1-4, 1845-48. 4 v. 8". Hainaut, Societe des sciences . . . du. (See 988.) 973. liiege. — Academia leodinensis. a. Annales. 1818-27 (1821-29.) 10 v. 4°. 974. Liege. — Association des ingenieurs sortis de I'ecole de Liege. a. Annuaire. 1. Vol. 1-15, 1859-73. 15 v. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-6, 1874-76. 6 V. 8". b. Bulletin trimestriel. 5. 1871-76. 6 v. 8". (Earlier series unknown.) 975. Liege. — Bibliographic academique beige, ou repertoire systematique et analytique des memoires, etc. publics jusqu'a ce jour par I'ancienne et la nouvelle academic de Bruxelles ; par Namur. 1838. 1 vol. 8°. 976. Liege. — Correspondance botanique ; liste des jardins, des chaires et des nmsees botaniques du monde ; par Morren. 1874-76. 3 v. 8*^. 977. Li6ge. — Institut archeologique liegeois. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-14, 1863-76. 14 v. 8". 978. Liege. — Journal efncyclopedique ou universel par une societ6 de gens de lettres ; par Prevost, etc. Vol. 1-306, 1756-93. 306 v. 12". 979. Li6ge. — Nouveau journal des S9avans. No. 1-15, 1702. — v. 8". 980. Liege. — Nouvelle correspondance mathematique. Tom. 1-2, 1876. 2 v. Liege. — Recueil de memoires, ou collection des pieces academjques, etc. (See 1141.) Liege. — Ilevue universelle des mines, etc. (See 1539.) 981. Liege. — Societe geologique de Belgique. a. Annales. Vol. 1-3, 1874-76 (1875-76). 3 v. 8". b. Bulletin. Tom. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 v. 8°. (Bound with a.) Liege. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, b.) 982. Liege. — Societe (libre) d'emulation (et d'encouragement, pour les sci- ences et les arts) . a. Annuaire. 1857. 1 v. 8". (Others?) b. 1. Memoires ; proces-verbaux et pieces couronnees. 2. Memoires. Vol. 1-5, 1860-75. 5 v. 8". (Is c considered a first series?) c. Proces-verbal de la seance publiquc. 1812-28. 17 v. 8". (Others?) 983. Li^ge. — Society libre des sciences physiques et m6dicales. a. Actes. 1808. 1 v. 8". 984. Liege. — Societe roy. des sciences. a. Memoires. 1, Vol. 1-20, 1843-66. 20 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-5, 1866-74. 5 V. 8". Limbourg, Society scientifique et litt^raire du. (See 990.) Louvaine. — Academia lovaniensis. (See 942.) 985. Louvaine. — Universite catholique. a. Annuaires. 1-40, 1837-76. 40 v. 24". FRANCE. 65 986. Malines. — Societe des sciences naturelles et m6dicales. a. Annales. Ann. 1-11, 1842-54. 11 v. 8^. 987. Mons. — Cercle archeologique. a. Annales. Vol. 1-12, 18 75. 12 v. 8« 988. Mons. — Societe des sciences, des arts et des lettres du Hainaut. a. Bulletin des sciences. Vol. 1, 1864-65 (1865). 1 v. 8". h. Compte rendu des travaux. 1840-41. 8°. c. Memoires et publications. 1. Vol. 1-10, 1839-52 (1840-52). 10 v. 8° 2. Vol. 1-10, 1852-65. 10 v. 8°. 3. Vol. 1-10, 1865-74 (1867- 75). 10 V. 8° 4. Vol. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8° 989. Namnr. — Societe archeologique. a. Annales. Tom. 1-13, 18 75. 13 v. 990. Tongres. — Societe scientifique et litteraire du Limbourg. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-13, 1852-74. 13 v. 8° 991. Toumai. — Bulletin des societes savantes et litteraires de Belgique ; par Hennebert. Ann. 1-2, 1855-56. 2 v. 8°. 992. Toumai. — Societe scientifique et litteraire. a. Bulletin. 1855. 1 v. 8°. FRANCE. 993. Association frangaise pour I'avancement des sciences. a. Compte rendu de la session. 1-4, 1872-75 (1873-76). 4 v. 8". h. Documents et informations diverses. No. 1, 1872. 1 n. 8**. (See also 1063.) 994. Association scientifique de France. a. Atlas meteorologique. (See 1482, c?.) h. Bulletin hebdomadaire. Tom. 1-19, no. 1-478, 1865-76. 19 v. 8*1 c. Bulletin mensuel meteorologique. Vol. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 8*. (See also 1229.) Congrds archeologique d'Apt. (See 1209.) 995. Congres archeologique de France. a. Precis. Sess. 13, 1846 (1847). 1 v. 8°. h. Seances generales ; comptes rendus. Sess. 1-42, 1834-75 (1835?-76). 39 V. 8« Congrfes nat. des architectes frangais, a. Comptes-rendus. 1873. (See 1566«, a). 996. Congres (des del6gues) des societes savantes des departements sous la direction de I'institut des provinces. a. Annuaire. (See 999, a.) b. Bulletin des sessions. 1-2, 1850-51. 2 v. 4°. and 12". c. Rapport sur les travaux (et les publications academiques des pro- vinces). 1857-58. 2 V. and n. 12''. and 8". (See also 999.) Congr6s meridional. (See 1680.) Congres provincial de I'association normande. (See 1097, 6.) 997. Congr6s provincial des orientalistes frangais. a. Compte-rendu de la session inaugurale. 1874(1875). 1 v. 8**. 998. Congres scientifique de France. a. Annuaire. (See 999, a.) h. Programme. Sess. 16, 20, 22, 23. 4 n. 4°. and 8". c. Sessions (proces-verbaux et memoires). 1-40. 1833-74 (1833-76). 68? V. 8°. (Sess. 7, 9-11, 14-20, 24-27, 29, 35, 37, 39-40 had each two volumes. Sess. 33 was divided into two parts, one being held at Aix — 2 vols. — and the other at Nice — 1 vol. Sess. 28 at Bordeaux, filled 5 vols. Sess. 38 not seen ; no session held in 1871.) Frankische acta eruditorum. (See 3157.) Frankische physikalische oekonomische bienengesellschaft. (See 3158.) Frankische sammlungen von anmerk. a. d. naturlehre, etc. (See 3159.) Franzosische annalen f. d. allgem. naturgeschichte. (See 2746.) Gemeinnutziges frankisches magazin. (See 3160.) 66 FRANCE. 999. L'institut des provinces (des societes savantes et des congres scien- tifiques) de France. a. Annuaire. 1. 1-10, 184G-58. 10 v. 8". 2. 1-10 (11-20), 1859-68. 10 V. 8". 3. 1-3 (21-23), 1869-71. 3 v. 8". 4. 1-6 (24-29), 1872-76. 6v. 8". h. Bulletin bibliographique des societes savantes des departements, conte- nant Tindication de leurs travaux et celle des publications indi- viduelles qui paraissent en j)rovince. Ann, 1-3, 1851-53. 3 v. 8". c. Congres (des delegues) des societes savantes. (See 996.) d. Memoires ; sciences physiques et naturelles. Vol. 1, 1859. 1 v. 4". (See also 996, 1168, 3096.) Die neuesten entdeckungen franzosischer gelehrten, etc. (See 2980.) 1000. Abbeville. — Conference Tocqueville. a. Travaux. 1871. 1 v. %". (Scientific?) 1001. Abbeville. — La science au foyer ; moniteur des sciences medicales et naturelles a I'usage des gens du monde ; journal mensuel. Ann. 1, 1867. 1 V. 8". (Continued?). 1002. Abbeville. — Societe (imp.) d'emulation. a. Memoires. 1. 1797-1810. 2. Tom. 1-12, 1833-68. 12 v. 8°. 3. Vol. 1-2, 1869-76? (1874-76?). 2 v. 8". Abbeville. — Societe linneenne du nord de la France. a. Compte rendu. (See 1018, c.) Afrique, Institut d'. (See 1391.) 1004. Agen. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences et arts. a. Recueil des travaux. 1. Vol. 2-9, 1813-59. 8 v. 8«. 2. Vol. 1-5, 1861-77. 5v. 8°. (Fori. vol. 1, see 1005, a.) 1005. Agen. — Societe (centrale) d'agriculture, sciences et belles-lettres. a. Bulletin des travaux. 1804. 8''. (For continuation, see 1004, a.) h. Seances publiques. 1821. 8°. Ain, Societe d'emulation . . . de 1'. (See 1082.) Ain, Societe litteraire . . . et archeologique . . . de 1'. (See 1083). Aisne, Societe industrielle . . . de 1'. (See 1664 ».) 1006. AAx. — Academic des sciences, d'agriculture, arts et belles-lettres. a. Bulletin des travaux, 1845-46 (in vol. 5 of 6; probably others). h. Memoires. Vol. 4-10, 1840-73. 7 v. 8°. (For earlier volumes, see 1008, a.) c. Notices et rapports. 1829-58. 7 n. 8°. d. Seance annuelle. 1829-38, 10 n. 8°. (See also c.) c. Seance publique. 1809-76. 65 n. 8". (Undoubtedly including d and also 1007, b and 1008, i.) (For later publications of this society, see 1008, 1007.) Aix. — Congres scientiiique de France. Sess. 33 i. (See 998, c.) 1007. Aix. — Societe academique. a. Extrait des proces-verbaux des seances. 1825-29. 4? n. 8°. h. Seances publiques. 1825-27. 3 n. S°, (See 1006, e.) (For earlier publications of this society, see 1008; for later, 1006.) 1008. Aix. — Societe des amis des sciences, des lettres, de I'agriculture et des arts. a. Recueil de memoires et autres pieces de prose et de vers. Vol. 1-3, 1819-27. 3 V. 8°. (For continuation, see 1006, h.) h. Seances publiques. 1816-24. 9 n. 8". (See 1006, e.) (For continuation of this society's publications, see 1007 and 1006.) 1009. Ajaccio. — Journal scientifique et litteraire de la Corse. 1823. 1010. Alais. — Societe scientifique et litteraire. a. Bulletin (et compte rendu). Vol. 1-8, 1868-76 (1869-76). 8 v. 8°. 1011. Alais. — Society sericole frangaise. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1, no. 1. 1876. 1 n. 8°. Allier, Societe d'emulation de 1'. (See 1242.) Alpes-maritimes, Societe des lettres, sciences et arts des. (See 1256.) Americaine, Comite d'archeologie. (See 1363.) Americaine, Societe d'ethnographie. (See 1576.) Americaine, Societe, de France. (See 1553.) FUANCE. 67 1012. Amiens. — Academie (des sciences, agriculture, commerce, belles-let- tres et arts du departement de la Somme.)* a. Collection de rapports analytiques des travaux. Vol. 1, 1805-11 (1811). 1 V. 4° h. Memoires. 1835-57. 10 v. 8°. (For continuation, see 1013, a.) (See 1012 a 1013.) 1012 «^. Amiens. — Academie des sciences, arts, agriculture et belles-lettres. a. Seance publique. 1804. 1 n. 8°. (See 1012, 1013.) 1013. Amiens. — Academie des sciences, belles-lettres, arts, agriculture et commerce (des sciences, belles-lettres et arts). a. Memoires. 2. Vol. 1-10, 1858-73 (1860-73) 10 v. 8« 3. Vol. 1-8, 1874-76. 3 V. 8". (For 1st series, see 1012, 5.) (See 1012,1012a.) Amiens. — Academie des sciences, des lettres et des arts. (See 1012.) 1014. Amiens. — L'astronome picard. Ann. 1-16, 1861-76. 16 v. 32°. 1015. Amiens. — Bulletin academique de la Somme. 1851-52 (1852). 1 v. 8". Amiens. — Congr6s scientifique de France. Sess. 34. (See 998, c.) 1016. Aniiens. — Societe des antiquaires de Picardie. a. Bulletin. Tom. 1-12, 1841-76. 12 v. 8° J. Memoires. 1. Tom. 1-10, 1838-50. 10 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-10 (11-20), 1851-65. 10 V. 8°. 3. Tom. 1-5 (21-25), 1867-76. 5 v. 8". (1. vol. 1-2 bore the title : Memoires de la societe d'archeologie du de- partement de la Somme.) c. Memoires ; documents inedits concernant la province. Tom. 1-8, 1845-71. 8 V. 4°. d. Rapport sur les travaux. 1874-75 (1876). 1 n. S**. (See also 1265.) 1017. Amiens. — Societe d'apiculture de la Somme. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1, 1875. 1 v. 8° Amiens. — Societe d'archeologie du departement de la Somme. a. Memoires. (See 1016, i.) Amiens. — Societe libre d'agriculture. (See 1012.) 1018. Amiens. — Societe linneenne du nord de la France. a. Bulletin. 1840-45. 1 v. 81 h. Bulletin mensufel. Ann. 1-5, no. 1-54, 1872-76. 3 v. 8« c. Compte rendu. Sess. 1, 1838 (1839). 1 n. 8°. d. Memoires. 1866 (1867). 1 v. 8°. Vol. 2-7, 1869-76 (1870-76). 6 V. 8**. Amiens. — Societe litteraire. (See 1012.) Angers. — Academie. (See 1020.) Angers. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 11. (See 998, c.) 1019. Angers. — Societe academique de Maine -et-Loire. a. Memoires. Vol. 1-32, 1857-75. 32 v. 8°. 1020. Angers. — Societe (imp. nat.) d'agriculture, sciences et arts (ancienne academie d' Angers). a. (Commission archeologique du departement de Maine-et-Loire) — Re- pertoire archeologique de I'Anjou. Tom. 1-19, 1858-76. 19 v. 8°. h. Memoires. 1. Vol. 1-7, 1831-48. 7 v. 8«. "2. Vol. 1-8, 1848-57. 8 V. 8°. 3. Nouvelle periode. Vol. 1-19, 1858-76. 19 v, 8° c. Repertoire. (See a.) Angers. — Societe des botanistes chimistes. (See 1022.) 1021. Angers. — Societe d'etudes scientifiques. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-4, 1871-76. 4 n. S''. * This, 1012* and 1013 are the same ; the different titles borne by the society havinj^ been the following: Soc. litteraire d'Amiens, 1746-49 (no publication). Acad, des sc, des lettres et des arts d'Amiens, 1750-92. Soc. libre d'agriculture du dep. de la Somme, 1799-1802. Acad, des sc, agric, commerce, belles-lettres et arts du dep. de la Somme, 1802-1870 (see 1012*, 1013, which do not quite agree with this). Acad, des sciences, des lettres et des arts d'Amiens, 1870-77 (see 1013, which also differs in some particulars). Now : Academie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts d'Amiens. — Robert. 68 FRANCE. 1022. Angers. — Soci6t6 linneenne (du departement) de Maine-et-Loire. a. Annales. Tom. 1-6, ann. 1-23, 1853-75. IG v. 8°. (This society replaced the soc. des botanistes chimistes 1777-93, and the soc. des naturalistes 1798-1830, neither of which appear to have published anything.) Angers. — Societe des naturalistes. (See 1022.) 1023. Angouleme. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences et commerce (du departe- ment) de laCharente. a. Annales. 1. Vol. 1-47, 1819-65. 47 v. 8^ 2. Vol. 1-9 (48-56), 18(;8-76. 9 V. 8". 1024. Angouleme. — Societe arch6ologique et historique de la Charente. a. Bulletin. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1845-52. 5 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-2, 1855-58 (1857-58). 2 V. 8°. 2d ed.? of vol. 2 i, 1856-58 (1870?). 3. Vol. 1-4, 1859-62. 4 v. 8°. 4. Vol. 1-11, 1863-76. 11 v. 8« Angouleme. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, 6.) 1025. Annecy. — Societe florimontane. a. Annales. 1851-53. 1 v. 12^. h. Bulletin. Tom. 1-3, 1855-57. 3 v. ^. c. Kevue savoisienne. Tom. 1-17, 1860-76. 17 v. 4''. Apt. — Congr^s archeologique. (See 1209.) 1026. Apt. — Societe litteraire, scientifique et artistique. a. Annales. 1. Ann. 1-5, 1863-68 (1865-72). 5 v. 8« 2. (See d.) h. Bulletin. (Seec?.) c. Memoires : nouv. ser., faisant suite aux annales. 1-3, 1874. 3 n. 8". d. Proces-verbaux des seances; bulletin. 2. Tom. 1-3, 1871-74 (1873- 75). 3 V. 8°. (For first series, see a; for continuation, c.) Arcueil, Societe d'. (See 1558.) Ardfeche, Societe des sciences naturelles . . . de 1'. (See 1622 ».) 1027. Aries. — Commission archeologique. a. Publications diverges. 8° Arras. — Academic (imp.) pour I'eneourag. des sciences, etc. (See 1030.) 1028. Arras. — Commission des monuments historiques et des antiquites de- partementales du Pas-de-Calais. a. Bulletin. Tom. 1-3, 1849-74 (1859-74). 3 v. 8° h. Dictionnaire historique et archeologique du Pas-de-Calais. Tom. 1-5, 1873-77. 5 V. 8". Arras. — Congr^s scientifique de France. Sess. 20. (See 998,. c.) 1029. Arras. — Le Pas-de-Calais; journal scientifique, agricole, d'arts et de litterature. Ann. 1, 1857. 1 v. f". 1030. Arras. — Societe royale (afterwards, academie imp§riale) pour I'en- couragement des sciences, des lettres et des arts. a. Bulletin. 1825. 8°. 6. Memoires. 1. Tom. 1-38, 1817-66 (1818-66). 38 v. 8**. Table 1-27, 1817-53 (1854). 2. Tom. 1-9, 1867-77. 9 v. 8". c. Seance publique. 1822-40(1830-41). 5 v. 8^ (Continued?) 1031. Arras. — Station agricole. a. Meteorologie du departement du Pas-de-Calais; obserrations faites pendant 1876 (1877). 1 n. 8° (Any earlier?) Aube, Soci6t6 acad^mique de T. (See 1693.) Aube, Society (acad.) d'agric, des sciences, etc., de 1'. (See 1692.) 1032. Aaoh. — Atheneum du Gers. a. Travaux. 1805. 1033. Auoh. — Comit6 d'histoire et d'archeologie de la province ecclesiastique d'Auch (since 1870, societe historique de la Gascogne). a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-4, 1860-63. 4 v. 8". Table (1863). 1 v. 8« h. Revue de Gascogne; bulletin du . . . Tom. 1-8? 1864-69. 8? v. 8°. (Afterwards : Bull. mens. soc. hist.) 1034. Autun. — Soci6t6 6duenne (des lettres, sciences et arts) . a. Annales. 1860-64 (1862-64). 2 v. 8". h. Memoires. 1. Tom. 1-23, 1837-68. 23 v. 4°. and 8". 2. Tom. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 V. 8". c. Memoires d'histoire naturelle. Tom. 1-2, 1865-66. 2 v. 8°. • Auvergne, Club alpin frangais ; section d'. (See 1132.) FRANCE. 69 Auxerre. — Congres scientifique de France. Soss. 25. (See 998, c.) 1035. Auxerre. — Societe pour la propagation de I'instruction populaire. a. Bulletins. 2 v. 8". (Since 1869.) 1036. Aiucerre. — Societe des sciences historiques et naturelles de I'Yonne. a. Bulletin. 1. Vol. 1-20, 1847-66. 20 v. 8*1 2. Tom. 1-10 (21-30), 1807-76. 10 V. 8°. Tables (1852-76). 2 v. 8". 1037. Avallon. — Societe d'etudes. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1-16, 1859-76. 16 v. 8°. Avallon. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, b.) 1038. Avesnes. — Societe archeologique. a. Memoires. Vol. 1-3, 1864-70. 3 v. 8". Aveyron, Societe des lettres, sciences et arts de 1'. (See 1638.) 1039. Avignon. — Academie de Vaucluse. a. Seance publique. 1820 (1821). 1 n. 8°. 1040. Avranches. — Societe d'archeologie, litterature, sciences et arts des arrondissemens d' Avranches et de Mortain. a. Bulletin. 1814 (1845). 1 v. 4°. b. Memoires. Tom. 1-4, 1842-73. 4 v. S''. 1041. Bagneres de Bigorre. — Societe Ramond. a. Bulletins. 1800-70. 11 v. 8*^. 1042. Bar-le-Duc. — Societe des lettres, sciences et arts. a. Memoires. Tom. 1-6, 1871-70. 6 v. 8**. 1043. Bar-le-Duc. — Societe du musee. a. Bulletins. 1867. 1 v. 8"'. Basses-Pyrenees, Societe scientifique . . . des. (See 1612.) 1044. Bayeuac. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences, arts et belles-lettres. a. Bulletin. 1850-53. 8° b. Memoires. Tom. 1-7, 1842-54 (1843-56). 7 v. 8*'. Bayonne. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, b.) 1045. Bayonne. — Societe des sciences et arts. a. Bulletin. 1874. 2 n. 8*^. 1046. Beaune. — Societe d'histoire, d'archeologie et de litterature de I'arron- dissement de Beaune. a. Memoires. Tom. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. 8°. (The name of this society is given in Robert's list as : Soc. arch, d'hist. et de litt. de I'arrond. de Beaune.) 1046*. Beauvais. — L'athenee de beauvaisis. a. Bulletin. 1843-54. 22 n. 8". 1046*. Beauvais. — Comite (commission) archeologique du diocese. a. Bulletin. Tom. 1-2, 1846-47. 2 v. 8°. 1047. Beauvais. — Societe academique d'archeologie, sciences et arts du de- partement de I'Oise. a. Memoires. Vol. 1-9, 1847-76 (1851-76). 9 v. 8". 1048. Beauvais. — Societe d'horticulture et de botanique. a. Bulletin. 1, 1864. 1 v. 8°. (Continued?) 1049. Belfort. — Societe belfortaine d'emulation. a. Bulletin, contenant des memoires et les proces-verbaux des seances. Tom. 1-3, 1872-76. 3 v. 8". Bengale, Societe etablie au, pour faire des recherches, etc. (See 1562.) Berri, Societe du. (See 1563.) 1050. Besan^on. — Academie royale des sciences (inscriptions et belles-let- tres) belles-lettres et arts. a. Analyse des travaux. 1834. b. Comptes-rendus des travaux. 1829. c. (Memoires) seances publiques. 1806-75. 135 n. and v. 8°. d. Recueil. 1849 (1851). 1 v. 8^*. (Same as c?) e. Seances publiques. (See c.) (Robert says the old academy (1752-93) published 19 n. 4°, corres- ponding to the years 1754, 1779, 1782, 1783, but does not give the title of the publication.) 1051. Besan^on. — Billotia; ou notes de botanique ; par Bavoux, etc. 1864-66. 3? V. 8". 70 FRANCE. 1052. Besan^on. — Club alpin frangais ; section du Jura. a. Bulletin. No. 1-4? 1875-70. 4? n. 8". (For parent society, see 1361.) Besan^on. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 8. (See 998, J.) 1053. Besangon. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences naturelles et arts du Doubs. a. Memoires. 1843-56. S''. (See also 1054.) Besan90ii. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, 6.) 1054. Besaxii90u. — Societe libre d'agriculture, des arts et du commerce du Doubs. a. Rai)port des travaux. 1800. (Is 1053 the same society?) 1055. Besan^on. — Societe [libre] d'emulation du Doubs. a. Memoires (et comptes-rendus). 1. Tom. 1-3, 1841-49. 3 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-8,1850-56 (1851 ?-58). 8 v. 8° 3. Vol. 1-10, 1856-69. 10 v. 8°. 4. Vol. 1-10, 1865-75. 10 v. S''. 5. Vol. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8«. (Vol. 10 of 4th series consists of a table of the whole collection.) 1056. B^ziers. — Academic des sciences et belles-lettres. a. Recueil de lettres, memcTires et autres pieces pour servir a Thistoire de racademie. 1736. 1 v. 4". 1057. B6ziers. — Societe archeologique (scientifique et litteraire). a. Bulletin. 1. Vol. 1-6, 1836-44. 6 v. 8''. SuppL, 1841. 1 v. 8<». 2. Vol. 1-8, 1858-70. 8 v. 8°. Suppl., 1858. 1 v. 8". 1058. B6ziers. — Society d'etude des sciences naturelles. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1, 1870. 1 v. 8'^. Blois. — Congr6s scientifique de France. Sess. 4. (See 998, c.) 1059. Blois. — Societe des sciences et des lettres de Loir-et-Cher. a. Bulletin. 1870-72. 4 n. 8°(=T. 8ofJ?) 6. Memoires. Tom. 1-9 i, 1833-75. 9 v. 8^. Bologne. — Academie des sciences de I'institut. (See 1277.) Borda, Societe de. (See 1136.) 1060. Bordeaux. — Academie. a. Comptes-rendus des travaux de I'annee scolaire. 1856-59 (1857-59). 3 V. 8". 1061. Bordeaux. — Academie (roy. imp. nat.) des sciences, belles-lettres et arts. a. Actes. (See . Lille. — Commission d'histoire naturelle. (See 164, a.) 1164. Lille. — Museum (mus6e) d'histoire naturelle. a. Catalogue . . . par des membres.de la commission d'histoire naturelle etablie dans le sein de la societe imperiale des sciences, de I'agricul- ture et des arts. Vol. 1-2, 1855, 1850. 2 v. 8°. (See 1167.) FRANCE. /9 1165. Lille. — Societe (d'amateurs) des sciences (de I'agriculture) et des arts. u. Recueil des travaux. 1819-27 (1823-27). 4 v. 8°. (For continua- tion, see 1167, a.) b. Seances publiques. Cah. 1-5, 1802-19 (1806-20). 5 n. 8«*. (See 1167.) 1166. Lille. — Societe geologique du Nord. a. Annales. Tom. 1-3, 1873 ?-76. 3 v. 8° b. Memoires. Tom. 1. 1876. 1 v. 4°. 1167. Liille. — Societe roy. (imp. nat.) des sciences, de I'agriculture et des arts. a. Memoires. 1.1827-53(1829-54). 26 v. 8«. Suppl (1853). 1 v. S'l Table (1856). 2. Vol. 1-10, 1854-63 (1855-64). 10 v. 8". 3. Vol. 1-14,1864-74(1865-76). 14 v. 8". 4. Vol. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. 8°. (For earlier series, see 1165, a; see also 1164, a.) Limoges. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 26. (See 998, c.) 1168. Limoges. — Institut des provinces de France. a. Assises scientifiques de Limoges. 1867. 1 v. 8**. (See also 999, 3096.) 1169. Limoges. — Melanges scientifiques; recueil de memoires, discours, rap- ports, notices biographiques, etc., imprimes a diverses 6poques ou inedits ; par Fargeaud. Livr. 1, 1868. 1 v. 8°. 1170. Limoges. — Societe d'agriculture, des sciences et des arts du d6parte- ment de la Haute-Vienne. a. Bulletins. Tom. 1-49, 1822-76. 49 v. 8". b. Seance publique. 1809,1821(1822). 2 n. 8°. (Others?) 1171. Lim.oge8. — Societe archeologique et historique du Limousin. a. Bulletin. 1. Tom. 1-22, 1845-73. 22 v. 8°. Tables (1876). 1 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-3 (23-25), 1874-76. 3 v. 8° Limousin, Societe archeologique . . . du. (See 1171.) Linn§enne, Societe (Bordeaux). (See 1071.) Linn^enne, Societe, du Calvados. (See 1101.) Linneenne, Societe, de la Charente-inferieure. (See 1659.) Linneenne, Societe (Londres). (See 1588.) Linneenne, Societe (Lyon). (See 1195.) Linneenne, Societe, de Maine-et-Loire. (See 1022.) Linneenne, Societe, du nord de la France. (See 1018.) Linneenne, Societe, de Normandie. (See 1102.) Linneenne, Society (Paris). (See 1587.) 1172. Lisieuz. — Societe d'^mulation. a. Bulletin annuel des concours. Tom. 1, 1846. 1 v. 8". 1173. Lisieux. — Societe d'horticulture et de botanique du centre de la Normandie. a. Bulletins. Vol, 1-2, 1866-76 (1868 ?-76). 2 y. 8°. Loir-et-Cher, Societe des sciences . . . de. (See 1057,) Loire, Societe d'agriculture, . . . sciences . . . de la, (See 1655.) Loire-inferieure, Societe academique de la. (See 1249.) Loire-inferieure, Societe archeologique . . , de la, (See 1250.) Londres. — Societe linneenne. (See 1588,) Londres. — Societe royale. (See 1597,) Lons-le-Saunier. — Association philotechnique. (See 1174.) 1174. Lons-le-Saunier. — Societe d'emulation du Jura ; section de I'associa- tion philotechnique. a. Memoires. 1. 1818-74 (1818-75). 32 v. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-2, 1875-76 (1876). 2v. 8". i. Seance publique. 1820-34(1820-35). 9 n. 8". c. Travaux. 1828-42. 12? v. 8°. Lorraine, Musee historique. (See 1245, c.) Lorraine, Societe d'archeologie. (See 1245.) Lot, Societe des etudes litteraires, scientifiques, etc. (See 1103.) 1175. Lonviers. — Academic ebroicienne. a. Bulletin. 1833-37. 8". Loz^re, Societe d'agriculture, . . . sciences , . . de la. (See 1219.) 80 FRANCE. 1176. Lyon. — Academie (roy. imp. nat.) des sciences, belles-lettres et arts. a. Bulletin des seances. 1865. 1 n. 8". h. Comptes-rendus (des travaux). 1818-76. 50? n. 8^. c. Memoires couronnes. 1788. 1 v. 8". d. Memoires; section des sciences. 1. Vol. 1-2, 1845-47. 2 v. 8°. 2. Classe des sciences. Vol. 1-21, 1851-76. 21 v. %\ Lyon. — Association frangaise pour I'avancement des sciences. (See 993.) il77. Lyon. — Association lyonnaise des amis des sciences naturelles. a. Comptes rendus. 1874 (1875). 1 n. 8^. 1178. Lyon. — Bulletin magnetique; journal des sciences psycho-physiques. 1855. 1 V. 8". 1179. Lyon. — Club alpin frangais ; section lyonnaise. a. Annuaire. 1867? h. Bulletin. 1868. 1 v. 8°. c. Bulletin trimestriel. 1867? (For parent society, see 1361.) 1180. Lyon. — Commission hydrom6trique. a. Rapport sur les travaux. 1845-48. 2 y. 8". h. Resume des observations dans le bassin du Rh6ne. 1847-49. 3 n. 8". c. Resume des observations dans le bassin de la Saone. 1850-68. 19 n. 8°. 1181. Lyon. — Commission meteorologique. a. Rapport annuel. Ann. 1-31, 1844-74 (1845?-76). 31 v. 8°. Lyon. — Congr§s scientifique de France, Sess. 9. (See 998, c.) 1182. Lyon. — Journal hebdomadaire de mathematique. Ann. 1, no. i. 1869. 1 n. 4". (Continued?) Lyon. — Melanges botaniques. (See 2137.) 1183. Lyon. — Museum d'histoire naturelle. a. Archives. Vol. 1, 1872-76. 1 v. 4°. h. Rapport sur les travaux. 1874-75 (1875-76). 2 n. 8°. 1184. Lyon. — Observatoire. a. Observations meteorologiques faites a neuf heures de matin. Ann. 1-31, 1844-74 (1846 ?-76.) 31 n. 8°. and 4°. 1185. Lyon. — Revue universelle de sericiculture ; journal mensuel, public par I'administration du moniteur des soies. Ann. 1-3, 1867-69. 3 v. 8". 1186. Lyon. — La science et I'art; revue hebdomadaire des sciences, des belles-lettres et des arts, publiee en stenographic. Ann. 1, 1876. 1? V. 8". 1187. Lyon. — Societe academique d'architecture. a. Annales. Tom. 1-5, 1867-76 (1869-76). 5 v. 8«. 6. Recueil. 1188. Lyon. — Societe roy. (imp. nat.) d'agriculture, histoire naturelle et arts utiles. a. Annales des sciences physiques et naturelles, d'agriculture et de I'in- dustrie. 1. Vol. 1-11, 1838-48. 11 v. 8''. 2. Vol. 1-8, 1849-56. 8 V. 8°. 3. Vol. 1-11, 1857-67. 11 v. 8°. 4. Annales de lasoc, etc. Vol. 1-9, 1868-75 (1869-76). 9 v. 8''. h. Comptes-rendus. Tom. 1-22, 1806-36. 22 n. and v. 8°. c. Memoires. 1806-36. 22 v. %". d. Seance publique. 1835. 1 n. 8°. 1189. Lyon. — Soci6t6 botanique. a. Annales. Ann. 1-4, 1871-75 (1874-76). 4 v. 8°. 1190. Lyon. — Soci6t6 de la carte g6ologique de France. a. Annales. Ann. 1, 1870. 1 v. 8°. 1191. Lyon. — Societe des conferences anatomiques ; 6cole pr6paratoire de medecine et de pharmacie. a. Bulletin. No. 1, 1866-72 (1872). 1 n. 8°. 1192. Lyon. — Soci6t6 d'enseignement professionnel du Rhone. a. Comptes-rendus. Tom. 1-10, 1864-76 (1866-76). 10 v. 8". 1193. Lyon. — Soci6te d'6tudes scientifiques. a. Annales. No. 1-2, 1872-73. 2 v. 8*. h. Bulletin. No. 1-2, 1874-76. 2 n. 8°. FRANCE. . 81 1194. Lyon. — Societe de geographie. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1. Tom. 1, i-v, 1875-76. 1 v. 8". Lyon. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, h.) 1195. Lyon. — Societe linneenne. a. Annales. 1. 1836-52. 4 v. S''. 2. Vol. 1-23, 1852-76 (1853-76). 23 V. 8'\ h. Comptes rendus des travaux. 1839-44 (1841-46). 4 n. 8". 1196. Lyon. — Societe litteraire, historique et archeologique. a. Archives. 1847. 1 v. 8". h. Menioires. 1. Tom. 1-2, 1861-G2. 2 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-9, 1866-74. 9 v. 8°. Lyon. — Societe de medecine. a. Journal. (See 1198.) 1197. Lyon. — Societe physiophile. a. Annales. No. 1, 1871-72. 1 n. 8^. 1198. Lyon. — Societe de sante. a. Recueil des actes ; ou memoires et observations sur divers objets de chirurgie, de medecine et d'histoire naturelle. Tom 1-10, 1798-1801. 10 V. 8°. (Vol. 2 also, entitled : Journal de la societe de medecine de Lyon.) 1199. Lyon. — Societe des sciences, arts et belles-lettres. a. Comptes-rendus des travaux. 1813. (Is this, perhaps, part of 1188, J?) 1200. Lyon. — Societe des sciences industrielles. a. Annales. Tom. 1-3, 1863-76. 14 v. 8". 1201. Lyon. — Societe royale des sciences de Montpellier. (See 1241.) 1202. M4con. — Academic de Macon ; societe des arts, sciences, belles-lettres et d'agriculture. a. Annales. Vol. 1-15, 1853-77. 15 v. 8". h. Comptes-rendus des travaux. 1807-52. 21 v. 8°. The title of tliis society appears to have greatly varied. As given by others, I find the follovririg, in addition to the legend I have used : Academic des sciences, arts et belles-lettres ; societe academique ; societe d'agriculture, sciences et belles-lettres ; societe des sciences, arts et belles-lettres. M4con. — Academie des sciences, etc. (See 1202.) M4con. — Societe academique. (See 1202.) Mdcon. — Societe d'agriculture, etc. (See 1202.) M4con. — Societe des arts, etc. (See (1202.) M4con. — Societe des sciences, etc. (See 1202.) Maine, Societe d'agriculture du. (See 1203 ».) Maine, Societe historique et archeologique du. (See 1206.) Maine-et-Loire, Societe academique de. (See 1019.) Maine-et-Loire, Societe linneenne de. (See 1022.) 1203. Mamers. — Revue historique du Maine. Ann. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8°. Manche, Societe d'agric. . . . et d'hist. nat. de la. (See 1661.) Le Mans. — Commission des arts. (See 1203 «■.) Le Mans. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 7. (See 998, c.) Le Mans. — Institut des provinces de France. (See 999.) 1203 ». Le Mans. — Societe d'agriculture de la generalite du Maine. a. llecueil des deliberations et des memoires du bureau de Tours. 3« partie. 1761. 1 v. 8°. This society, founded in 1761, was suppressed in 1793, and reestab- lished in 1794 as commission des arts ; in 1795, it was called societe centrale de correspondance des arts ; in 1799, societe libre des arts (1206*) ; in 1814, societe royale des arts (1205) ; and, since 1839, societe d'agriculture, etc. (1204). 1204. Le Mans. — Societe d'agric, sciences et arts du Mans (de la Sarthe.) a. Bulletin . . . du Mans. L Vol. 1-4, 1833-41. 4 v. S*'. (. . . de la Sarthe.) Vol. 5-8, 1842-49. 4 v. 8». 2. Vol. 1-16 (9-24), 1850-76. 16 V. 8°. h. Comptes-rendus des travaux. 1824. 8**. c. Memoires. Vol. 1, 1855. 1 v. 8°. (See also 1203 » 1205, 1206*.) 82 , FKANCE. 1205. lie Mans. — Societe royale des arts. a. Analyse des travaux; premiere partie; sciences mathematiques et physiques. 1794-1819 (1820;. 1 v. S*". (There was no other divi- sion.) h. Proces-verbal de la seance publique. 1822. 8". (See also 1203», 1204, 1206* ) Le Mans. — Societe de correspondance des arts. (See 1203*.) Le Mans. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, h.) 1206. TtB Mans. — Societe historique et archeologique du Maine. a. lievue. Vol. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8° 1206 ». lie Mans. — Societe libre des arts. a. Seances publiqucs. 180C-2G. 27 n. 8«. (See also 1203**, 1204, 1205.) Marne, Societe d'agriculture, . . . des sciences . . . de la. (See 1113.) 1207. Marseille. — Academic. a. Extrait des memoires. 1808 (1816), 1810 (1812). 2 n. 8". h. Memoires. 1. Vol. 1-12, 1803-14. 12 v. 8". (For second series, see 1208, h.) c. Kecueil. 1. No. 1-31, 1727-67. 31 v. 12°. (For continuation, see 1212, a.) This academy, founded in 1726, became in 1766 : Societe des sciences et arts (1212**-) ; in 1799: Lycee des sciences et arts; and in 1802: Academie des sciences, lettres et arts (1208). 1208. Marseille. — Academic des sciences, lettres starts. a. Histoire de I'academie. 3 v. h. Memoires. 2. 1846-76 (1848-76). 10 v. 8". (For first series, see 1207, h.) c. Notice des (rapport sur les) travaux. 1810-17. 4 n. 8**. (See also 1207 and 1212.) 1209. Marseille. — Congr^s archeologique d'Apt. a. Actes de la session. 1862(1864). 1 v. 8«. Marseille. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 14. (See 998, c.) Marseille. — Lycee des sciences et arts. (See 1207.) 1210. Marseille. — Musee des arts et metiers; journal litteraire, scientifique, agricole, et annonces industrielles. Ann. 1, 1859. 1 v. 4". 1211. Marseille. — Societe d'emulation de la Provence. a. Memoires. Vol. 1-3, 1861-63(1862-65). 3 v. 8". Atlas to v. 2. 4°. Marseille. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582 h.) 1212. Marseille. — Societe des sciences et des arts. a. Recueil.. 2. No. 1-14, 1768-86. 14 v. 8°. (For first series, see 1207, c.) (See also 1207, 1208.) 1213. Marseille. — Societe scientifique industrielle. fi. Bulletin. 1872-75(1873-76). 4 v. 8". 1214. Marseille. — Societe de statistique. a. Annales des sciences et de I'industrie du midi de la France. Vol. 1-3, 1832. 3v. 8°. h. Repertoire des travaux. 1. Tom. 1-5, 1837-41. 5 6-10, 1842-46. 5 v. S''. 3. Tom. 11-15, 1847-52. 16-20, 1853-57. 5 v. 8«. 5. Tom. 21-25, 1858-62. 26-30, 1863-67. 5 v. 8°. 7. Tom. 31-35, 1870-73. 36 i, 1873. 1 V. 8« Maurienne, Societe d'histoire et d'archeologie de la. 1215. Mayenne. — Soci6te d'archeologie, sciences, arts et belles-lettres. a. Bulletin. 1865. 1 v. 4". Mayenne, Society de I'industrie de la. (See 1161 ».) 1216. Meaux. — Society d'archeologie, sciences, lettres et arts du departement de Seine-et-Marne. a. Annuaire-memento. 1867. 1 n. 8°. b. Bulletin. (See 1218, h.) (See also 1218.) 1217. Meaux. — Societe (libre) d'agriculture, sciences et arts. a. Publications ; memoires. No. 1-37, 1833-77. 37 v. 8". h. Rapports No. 1-12, 1798-1813. 12 n. 8*1 )v. 8° 2. Tom. 5v 8°. 4. Tom. 5 v. 8°. 6. Tom. 5v. 8". 8. Tom. (See 1660.) FRANCE 83 1218. Melun. — Societe d'archeologie, sciences, lettres et arts de la Seine-et- Marne. a, Anniiaire. (See 1216, a.) b. Bulletins. Vol. 1-8, 1865-76. 8 v. 8°. (See also 1216.) 1219. Mende. — Societe d'agriculture, Industrie, sciences et arts (du departe- ment) de la Lozere. a. Bulletin. 2. Vol. 1-27, 1850-76. 27 v. 8° Table, 1850-59 (1861) ; 1860-69 (1870?) ; 1827-65 (1867). 3 v. 8° (For first series, see b.) b. Memoires et analyses des travaux. 1. 1827-49. 16 v. and n. 8°. Table, (n. d.) (For later series, see a.) Meurthe, Societe academique de la. (See 1244.) 1220. Montargis. — Societe d'emulation de I'arrondissement de Montargis. a. Bulletin. No. 1-12, 1856-57. 1 v. 8°. 1221. Montauban. — Le moniteur de I'archeologue ; dir. Constan. Tom. 1, 1806. 1 V. 8° 1222. Montauban. — Societe archeologique de Tarn-et-Garonne. a. Bulletin archeologique. Toui. 1-5, 1869-77. 5 v. 8°. 1223. Montauban. — Societe des sciences (d'agriculture), belles-lettres et arts de Tarn-et-Garonne. a. Keeueil. 1867-74. 2 v. 8". b. Seances publiques. 1841, 1858. 2 v. 8° (Others?) 1224. Montb61iard. — Societe d'emulation. a. Compte-rendu de la situation et des travaux (c. r. et m6moires). 1. 1852-61 (1854-64?). 10 n. (= 5 v?) 8°. 2. Tom. 1-7, 1862-75 (1864- 76). 7 V. S'l (A new series in 1877.) Montb61iard. — Societe de statistique, des sciences naturelles et des arts industriels du departement de l'Is6re. (See 1153.) 1226. Montbrison. — La Diana; societe historiqueet archeologique du Forez. a. Bulletin. 1876. 8° b. La Diana. 1863-65. 2 v. 8°. c. Recueil de memoires et documents sur le Forez. Tom. 1-3, 1873-76. 3 V. 8°. 1228. Montpellier. — Academic des sciences et lettres. a. Extraits des pi-oees-veri)aux dos seances. 1847-54. 8*1 b. Memoires de la section des sciences. Vol. 1-8, 1847-76. 8 v. 4°. c. Seance publique. 1840,1847. 2 n. 4° (Others?) This society was founded in 1706 under the title given in 1241 ; was suppressed in 1793, reconstituted in 1795 as 1240; again suppressed in 1815, and reorganized in 1846 with its present title. — Kobert. Montpellier. — Annuaire de chimie. (See 1232.) 1229. Montpellier. — Association scientifique de France ; session regionale. a. Compte rendu des travaux. 1873. 1 v. 8". (See also 994.) 1230. Montpellier. — L'athenee ; journal scientifique et litterairc 1846. 1 v. f. 1231. Montpellier. — Comite meteorologique de I'ouest-mediterraneen. a. Bulletin du departement de I'Herault. Ann. 1873-75 (1875-76). 3n. 4°. 1232. Montpellier. — Comptes rendus mensuels des travaux chimiques de I'etranger, ainsi que les laboratoires de Bordeaux et Montpellier ; par Gerhardt. Vol. 1-6, 1845-51. 6 v. 8". (Also with the title : Annu- aire de chimie.) Montpellier. — Les congr^s sericicoles internationaux. (See 12.) Montpellier. — Congres scientifique de France. (See 998, c.) 1233. Montpellier. — Journal de mathematiques speciales. Ann. 1, no. 1, Dec. 1869. 1 n. 4". (Compare 1234, a.) 1234. Montpellier. — Lycee de Montpellier. a. Journal de mathematique elementaire. Ann. 1, 1869. 1 v. 4". (Compare 1233.> 1235. Montpellier. — L'opinion sericicole ; organe des interets agricoles et sericicoles de la France et de I'etranger. Ann. 1, 1863-64. 1 v. f**. 1236. Montpellier. — Revue des sciences naturelles ; par Dubrueil. Vol. 1-2, 1872-74 (1873-74). 2 v. 8". Montpellier. — Revue scientifique. (See 1535.) 84 FRANCE. 1237. Montpellier. — Societe archeologique. a. Memoires. Vol. 1-G, no. 1-84, 1885-76 (1840-76). 6 v. 4°. (Some of the parts are entitled Publications.) h. Publications. (See a.) Montpellier. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, h.) 1238. Montpellier. — Societe d'horticulture et de botanique de I'Herault. (Soc. d'hort. et d'histoire naturelle.) a. Annales. 1. Tom. 1-8, 18G0-G8. S v. 8° 2. Tom. 1-8, 1868-76. 8 v. 8° 1240. Montpellier. — Societe libre des sciences et belles-lettres. a. Keeueil ties bulletins. Vol. 1-G, 1803-15. 6 v. 8° (See 1241, 1228.) 1241. Montpellier. — Societe royale des sciences. a. Assembleepublique. 1774-88. 35 n. (= 5 v?) 4°. h. Histoire . . . avec les memoires de mathematique et de physique, tires des registres de cette societe. Vol. 1-2, 1706-45 (1766-68). 2 V. 4". 2d ed. 1771-82. 2 v. 4". (See 1240, 1228.) This society, while retaining the name given above, formed by its constitution one and the same organization with the academy of Paris, and was obliged to send annually to Paris a memoir to be printed in the series of that academy ; sixty-two such memoirs were thus printed between 1707 and 1790. They were reprinted in h above, with others. — Robert. Montsouris, Observatoire de. (See 1483.) Morchain. — La refornie scientifique. (See 1504.) Morhiban, Societe polymathique du. (See 1699.) Morinie, Societe des antiquaires de la. (See 1662.) Mortain, Societe d'archeologie . . . de. (See 1040.) Moulins. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 37. (See 998, c.) 1242. Moulins. — Societe d'emulation du departement de I'AUier: sciences, arts et belles-lettres, a. Memoires et bulletin. Vol. 1-14, 1846-76 (1850-7G). 14 v. 8° 1242*. Moutiers. — Academie de la val d'Is6re. a. "Documents." Livr. 1-5, 186G-77. 5 n. h. Memoires. Vol. 1-3, 1866-77. 3 v. 8". Nancy. — Academie du Gard. (See 1258.) Nancy. — Academie de Metz. (See 3094.) 1243. Nancy. — Academie de Stanislas ; society (roy.) des sciences, lettres et arts. a. Memoires. 3. 1851-66 (1852-67). 17 v. 8°. 4. Vol. 1-8, ann. 119- 26, 1868-75 (1869-76). 8 v. 8° Table, 1750-1866 (1867). 1 v. 8". (For earlier volumes of 3d series, and for previous series, see 1248, a.) Nancy. — Annuaire de la marine et des colonies. (See 1320.) Nancy. — Congres international des americanistes. (See 6.) Nancy. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 17. (See 998, c.) Nancy. — Musee historique lorraine. (See 1245, c.) 1244. Nancy. — Societe academique de la Meurthe. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1. 1852-53. 1 v. 8". 1245. Nancy. — Societe d'archeologie lorraine. a. Bulletin. 1. Tom. 1-8, 1849-58 (1850-58). 8 v. 8°. 2. Memoires. Tom. 1-14 (9-22), 1859-72 (1859-73). 14 v. 8". 3. Tom. 1-3 (23- 26), 1874-76. 3 v. 8° Table 1-22, (1874). 1 v. S^l h. Journal de la s. d'a. 1. et du nmsee historique lorraine. Ann. 1-25, 1852-7« (1853-76). 25 v. 8''. c. Memoires. (See a.) 1246. Nancy. — Society regionale d'acclimatation, pour la zon6 du Nord-est. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1, 1855-56 (1857). 1 v. 8°. 1247. Nancy. — Society des sciences (ancienne society des sciences naturelles de Strasbourg). a. Bulletin. 1. See 3238, a. 2. Vol. 1-2, 1873-76 (1874-76). 2 v. S*'. h. Memoires. (See 1584«, 1591, a, 3238, h.) c. Proces verbaux. 1874. 1 n. 8°. FRANCE. 85 1248. Nancy. — Soci6te (roy.) des sciences et belles-lettres (sciences, arts et agriculture ; — sciences, lettres et arts). a. Memoircs. 1. ITo-t-oO. 4 v. 8'^. 2. Vol. 1-35, 1833-50 (1835-51). 35 V. 8°. (For continuation, see 1243, a.) I. Precis analytique des travaux. 1802-32 (1803-33). 14 v. 8". (These took the place of the meraoires between their first and second series.) (See also 1243.) Nancy. — Societe (roy.) des sciences, lettres et arts. (See 1243.) Nantes. — Association frangaise pour I'avanc. des sciences. (See 993.) Nantes. — Institut departemental des sciences et arts. (See 1249.) 1249. Nantes. — Societe (roy.) academique (du departement) de la Loire- inferieure (previous to 1848 : Institut departemental des sciences et arts). a. Annales. (See/.) h. Coraptes rendus des travaux. (See c?.) c. Memoires. (See/.) d. Kapport sur les (comptes rendus des) travaux. 1829-66. 38? n. 8°. e. Seance publique. 1818-25. 8 n. 8^. /. Seance publique et memoires inedits. 1. 1826-28. 3 v. 8*1 2. An- nales. Vol. 1-20, 1830-49. 20 v. S**. 3. Vol. 1-10 (21-30), 1850-59. 10 V. S''. 4. Vol. 1-11 (31-41), 1860-70. 11 v. 8"^. 5. Tom. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 V. 8°. 1250. Nantes. — Societe archeologique de Nantes et du departement de la Loire-inferieure. a. Bulletin. Tom. 1-15, 1859-76 (1861-76). 15 v. 8". 1251. Nantes. — Societe des lettres, sciences et arts. a. Seance. 1813. 1 n. 8". 1252. Nantna. — Societe d'emulation de I'arrondissement de Nantua. a. Compte rendu des travaux. 1853-55 (1855). 1 v. 8". 1253. Narbonne. — Commission archeologique et litteraire de la I'arondisse- ment de Narbonne. a. Bulletin. Tom. 1, 1877. 1 v. 8°. 1254. Nevers. — Societe centrale d'agriculture et d'industrie du departement de la Nievre. a. Bulletin. 1846. 1 v. 8°. Nevers. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, i.) 1255. Nevers. — Society nivernaise des lettres, sciences et arts. a. Bulletin. 1. Vol. 1-2, 1851-56. 2 v. 8*^. 2. Vol. 1-7, 1863-76. 7v. 8". (See also 1592.) Nice. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 33 ii. (See 998, c.) 1256. Nice. — Societe des lettres, sciences et arts des Alpes-maritimes. a. Annales. Tom. 1-4, 1865-77. 4 v. S"'. 1257. Nice. — Societe de m^decine et de climatologie. a. Nice medical ; climatologie ; medecine pratique: hygiene ; organe officiel . . . Vol. 1, no. 1-3, 1876. 3 n. 8". * Nievre, Societe centr. d'agric. et d'industrie de la. (See 1254.) 1258. Nimes. — Academic (roy.) du Gard. a. Compte rendu des travaux. (See c.) h. Memoires. 1833-75 (1834-77). 44 v. 8^. (The first two volumes bear no distinctive title.) c. Notice des travaux (compte rendu des travaux; — notice aper9u analytique des travaux les plus remarquables). 1807-72. 60? n. and v. . 8°. (Apparently published continuously; generally one number or volume a year, but volumes occasionally cover several years ; and there are two volumes for 1811.) d. Proces-verbaux. 1843-76. 30 v. 8*^. 1259. Nimes. — Annales de mathematiques, pures et appliquees ; par Gergonne. Vol. 1-22, ii, 1810-31. 22 v. 4^. (Succeeded by 1415.) 1260. Nimes. — Conferences scientifiques annuelles du Gard. Vol. 1, 1846. 1 V. 8". Nimes. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 12. (See 998, c.) 1261. Nimes. — Societe d'etude des sciences naturelles. a. Bulletins. Vol. 1-5, 1873-77. 5 v. 8". 86 FRANCE. 1262. Niort. — Athenee de Niort; societe libre des sciences et des arts du departement des Deux-S6vres. a. Menioiros. Vol. 1-20, IHiUJ-oO. 20 v. 8". (For cont., see 1263, c.) b. (Proci's-vcrbaux des seances). 1852. 1 v. 8°. c. Seance publique. 1810. 8". Niort. — Societe libre des sciences. (See 1262.) 1263. Niort. — Societe de statistique, sciences (lettres) et arts du departement des Deux-S6vres. a. Bulletin. 1870-77. 3? v. 8°. h. MeiDoires. 1. See 1262, a. 2. Vol. 1-14, 1860-75 (1864-76). 13 V. 8°. c. (Proces-verbaux des seances.) 1864-66. 2 v. 8°. Nivernaise, Societe, des lettres, sciences et arts. (See 1255, 1592.) Nogent-le-Rotrou. — Societe des antiquaires de France. (See 1557.) Nord, Societe centr. d'agric, sciences . . . du. (See 1142.) Nord, Societe geologique du. (See 1166.) Nord-est, Societe . . . d'acclimatation pour la zone du. (See 1246.) Normande, Association, pour les progres . . . des sciences, etc. (See 1097.) • Normandie, Societe des antiquaires de. (See 1099.) Normandie, Societe geologique de. (See 1157.) Normandie, Societe d'hort. et de botanique . . . de la. (See 1173.) Normandie, Societe linneenne de. (See 1102.) 1264. Noyon. — Comite archeologique et historique. a. (Bulletin) comptes-rendus et travaux (meinoires) lus aux seances. Tom. 1-5, 1862-76. 5 v. 8°. 1265. Noyon. — Societe des antiquaires de Picardie. a. Bulletin du comite de Noyon. Vol. 1, 1859-60. 1 v. 8". (See 1016.) Oise, Societe academique d'archeologie . . . de 1'. (See 1047.) 1266. Orange. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences et arts. a. Bulletin. 1868? 1 v. 8°. 1267. Orleans. — Academic de Sainte-Croix d'Orleans. a. Lectures et momoires. Tom. 1-3, 1865-77 (1872-77). 3 v. 8° Orleans. — Congr^s scientifique de France. Sess. 18. (See 998, c.) 1269. Orleans. — Societe (roy. d'agriculture) des sciences, belles-lettres et arts. a. Annales. Vol. 1-14. 1818-37. 14 v. 8°. (Table, see b. For ear- lier series, see 1271, a; for continuation, see b.) b. Memoires. 1. Vol. 1-10, 1837-52. 10 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-19, 1852-77 (1855-77). 19 V. 8°. (For earlier series, see a.) Table 1810-74. 1 V. 8°. (Same society as 1271.) 1270. Orl4ans. — Societe arch6ologique (et historique) de I'Orleanais. a. Bulletin. Tom. 1-5, 1848-75. 5 v. 8". b. Memoires. Tom. 1-15, 1851-76. 15 v. 8". 1271. Orleans. — Societe des sciences physiques, medicales et d'agriculture. a. Bulletin. Tom. 1-7, 1810-13. 7 v. 8". (Followed by 1269, a. Table, see 1269, i.) (Same society as 1269.) Ouest-mediterran6en, Comite meteorologique de 1'. (See 1231.) Quest, Societe des antiquaires d6 1'. (See 1620.) Parent, Musee. (See 1460.) 1272. Paris. — L'abeille ; memoires d'entomologie ; par Marseul. Vol. 1-13, 1864-76. 13 V. 12". (See also 1473.) Paris. — Academic des arts et metiers, industries, sciences et belles- lettres. (See 1584 »».) 1273. Paris. — Academic celtique. a. McMuoires. Vol. 1-6, 1807-12. 6 v. 8°. (The last volume consists ot only 128 i)ages, usually bound with the fifth. For continuation, see 1557, 6-. ) FRANCE. 87 1274. Paris. — Academie Internationale des sciences, des arts et manufactufes. a. L'international ; moniteur officiel . . .; journal hebdoraadaire. Ann. 1, no. 1, 1860. 1 n. f° (Continued?) 1275. Paris. — Academic royale de Prusse. a. Memoires concernant I'anatomie, la physiologic, la physique, I'his- toire naturelle, la botanique, etc., extraites des 16 vol. in 4"., qui cora- posent les memoires de la dite academie ; par Paul. Vol. 1-7. 7 v. 4". and 12". 1276. Paris. — Academie royale des sciences. a. Abresye de I'histoire et memoires. 1774. 1 v. 4°. (Forms vol. 5 of 11410 h. La connaissance des temps. (See 1368.) c. Histoire. Tom. 1-2, 1666-99 (1773). 2 v. 4° (For continuation, see/.) d. Histoire . . . avec les memoires de mathematique et de physique, tires des registres de cette academie. 1699-1789 (1702-93). 92 v. 4". (There were at least three editions of many of the vohimes of this series, especially of the first eighteen; of the first volume, the second edition was published in 1718, and the third in 1732; to complete the series as usually quoted, it is necessary to refer to e, etc. See also k and 171, a, 719, a\ and for continuation 1396, d, and 1397, e.) e. Memoires. . . . tires des registres de cette academie. Ann. 1790 (1797). 1 V. 4°. (Forms a part of c?. For continuation, see 1396, c?, 1397, e.) /. Memoires . . . depuis 1666, jusqu'a 1699. Tom. 3-11, 1729-33. 12 V. 4". (Tom. 3 is in three, and tom. 7 in two vols. For earlier volumes, see c. See also h, and 719, b, 814, a.) g. Memoires de mathematique et de physique, presentes a I'acad. r. d, sciences, par divers S9avans, et lus dans ses assemblees. Vol. 1-11, 1750-86. 11 V. 4° (Followed by 1396, c, 1397,/.) h. Memoires de mathematique et de physique, tirez des registres, 1692-93. 2 V. 4°. (These form also a part of/. See also 719, c.) i. Nouvelle table des articles contenus dans les volumes de I'academie r. des sciences de Paris, depuis 1666 jusqu'en 1770, dans ceux des arts et metiers, publics par cette academie, et dans la collection academ- ique ; par Kozier. Vol. 1-4, 1775-76. 4 v. 4°. y. Kecueil des pieces qui ont remporte le prix. Tom. 1-9, 1720-72 (1721-77). 9 V. 4". (The date of publication of the first paper is 1721; of the general title-page of vol. 1, 1727; but other editions of vol. 1 bear date 1732 and 1752, respectively.) It. Suites des memoires. 1718-64 (1720-64). 7 v. 4''. I. Table alphabetique (generale) des matieres contenues dans I'histoire et les memoires ; par Godin. Vol. 1-10. 1666-1790(1729-1809). 10 v. 4". (Several editions of at least the first six volumes were published; the different editions of vol. 1 bearing date 1729, 1734, 1778.) (See also 171, 719, 814, 1396, 1397, 1548, 2264, 2438, 2453, 2881, 2928, 3056.) 1277. Paris. — Academie des sciences de I'institut de Bologne. a. Memoires concernant I'histoire natnrelle, la physique, etc. ; traduits et rediges par Paul. 1773. 4". (= 1139, vol. 10.) (See also 1807). l"^78. Paris. — Academie royale (des sciences) de Stockholm. a. Annuaire des sciences chimiques, on rapport sur les progres des sci- ences naturelles. 1837. 1 V. 8". (See 693, /i.) h. Extrait du compte rendu sur les sciences physiques. Partie 1, 1839. 1 V. 8". (See 693, /i.) c. Rapport annuel sur les progres des sciences physiques et chimiques, par Berzelius ; traduit par Plantamour. 1841-44. 4 v. 8'^.; . . . sur les progres de la chimie, 1845-48. 4 v. 8". (See 693, &, n) (See 693, 1501.) Paris. — Academie d'Upsal. (See 1501.) Paris. — L'acclimatation des animaux. (See 1627.) 1279. Paris. — Actualites scientifiques ; par Moigno. 1. 1-51, 1866- . 51 n. and V. 18". 2. A. s. ; cours de science illustree. 1-4, 1872- . 4 n. IS*^. 1280. Paris. — Adansonia ; recueil periodique d'observations botaniques ; redige par Baillou. Vol. 1-12, 1860-75. 12 v. 8". 88 FRANCE. Paris. — Administration des lignes telegraphiques. a. Annak's telegraphiquos. (See 1311.) Paris. — Administration des mines. (See 1447*, 6.) 1281. Paris. — L'aeronaute; bulletin international de la navigation aerienne ; par de Villeneuve. Ann. 1-8, 1868-75. 8 v. 8". Paris. — Allgemeine conferenz der europaischen gradmessnng. (See 1.) 1282. Paris. — L'alliance des lettres, recueil des oeuvres inedites des savants et des litterateurs ; dir. Marchal. Ann. 1, 1862. 1 v. 8°. 1283. Paris. — Almanach astrologique, astronomique, physique, satirique, etc.; magnetisme, electricite, locomotion aerienne, etc. Ann. 1-7, 1848-54. 7 V. IB"*. 1284. Paris. — Almanach et calendrier meteorologique ... a I'usage de I'homme des niers et de I'homme des champs ; par Raspail. 1875-76. 2 v. 18**. Paris. — Almanach de la chimie. (See 1641.) 1285. Paris. — Almanach de I'histoire naturelle. 1866. 1 v. 18". 1286. Paris. — Almanach populaire du magnetiseur practicien ; par Ricard. 1846. 1 V. 18°. 1287. Paris. — Almanach scientifique ; recueil des principales decouvertes et applications de la science a I'industrie et a I'hygiene. Ann. 1-6. 1871-77 (1870-76). 6 v. 16°. 1288. Paris. — L'ami des sciences; journal du dimanche ; dir. Piton-Bres$ant. Ann. 1-8, 1855-62. 8 v. 4". 1289. Paris. — L'analyse ; compte-rendu mensuel des institutions scientifiques, litteraires, artistiques, agricoles et ipdustrielles de la France et de I'etranger ; par d'Hericourt. 1866-67. 2 v. 8". 1290. Paris. — Annaes das sciencias, etc., por huma sociedade de portuguezes residentes em Paris. 1. Vol. 1-16, 1818-22. 16 v. 8°. 2. Novas annaes, etc. Vol. 1, pt. 1-4, 1827. 1 v. 8". 1291. Paris. — Annales archeologiques ; par Didron. Tom. 1-26, 1844-69. 26 V. 4". Tom. 1, 2d ed. (1854). Paris. — Annales de chimie et de physique. (See 1292*) 1292. Paris. — Annales de chimie, ou recueil de memoires concernant la chimie et les arts qui en dependent (et specialeraent la pharmacie) ; par de Morveau, etc. 1. Vol. 1-96, 1789-1815. 96 v. 8°. Vol. 1-3, 2d ed. (1830). 8 V. 8°. Tables (1801-21). 3 v. 8°. 2. Annales de chimie et de physique ; par Guy-Lussac, etc. Vol. 1-75, 1816-40. 75 v. 8°. Tables (1831-41). 3 v. 8°. 3. Vol. 1-36, 1841-52. 36 v. 8° . . . avec une revue des travaux de chimie et de physique publics a I'etranger. Vol. 37-69, 1853-63. 33 v. 8°. Tables (1851-63). 3 v. 8". (Size of volumes enlarged with vol. 56, 1859). 4. A. d. p. et c. Vol. 1-30, 1864-73. 30 v. 8". Table. 1 v. 8". 5. Vol. 1-9, 1874-76. 9 V. 8". (See 188, 2799.) 1293. Paris. — Annales des conducteurs des ponts et cliaussees (et des gardes- mines) ; recueil de memoires, etc., concernant le service de con- ducteurs des ponts et chaussees. Vol. 1-19, 1857-75. 19 v. 8°. 1294. Paris. — Annales encyclopediques. Vol. 1-12, 1817-18. 12 v. 8°. (Pre- ceded by 1437 ; followed by 1519.) 1295. Paris. — Annales europeennes de physique vegetale et d'economie pub- lique; dir. Ranch. Vol. 1-6, 1822-26. 6 v. 8°. 1296. Paris. — Annales forestieres. Tom. 1-13, 1842-54. 13 v. 8". A. f. et nietallurgiques. Tom. 14-24, 1855-65. 11 v. 8°. (Merged in 1517.) 1297. Paris. —- Annales fran9aises et etrang^res d'anatomie et de physiologic, appliquees a la medecine et a I'histoire naturelle ; par Laurent, etc. Vol. 1-3, 1837-39. 3 v. 8°. 1298. Paris. — Annales du genie civil; recueil de memoires sur (les mathe- matiques pures et apydiquees, I'astronomie), les ponts et chausss6es, les routes et les chen)ins do fer (les constructions et la navigation maritime et lluviale), I'architecture, les mines (la metallurgie), la chimie, la physique, les arts mecaniques, I'economie industrielle, ren- fernumt des donnees pratiques sur les arts et metiers et les manu- factures ; le genie rural, revue de I'industrie fran9aise et etrangere. FRANCE. 89 publiee par une reunion d'ingenieurs, d'architectes et de professeurs, et d'anciens eleves de I'eeole centrale et des ecoles d'arts et metiers, avec le eoncours d'ingenieurs, et de savans etrangers ; (repertoire des toutes les inventions nouvelles). 1. Ann, 1-10, 1862-71. 10 v. 8**. 2. Tom. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8". 1299. Paris. — Annales hydrographiques ; recueil d'avis, instructions, docu- ments, et memoires relatifs a rhydrographie et a la navigation. Vol. 1-36, 1849-76. 36 v. 8^. (For earlier series, see 1441.) 1300. Paris. — Annales de malacologie ; dir. Servain. Tom. 1-3, 1870-72. 3 V. 8°. Paris. — Annales de mathematiques. (See 1259.) 1301. Paris. — Annales medico-psychologiques ; journal de I'anatoraie, physiolo- gic, etc., du systeme nerveux (j. destine a recueiller tons les docu- ments relatifs a I'alienation mentale, aux nevroses et a la medecine legale des alienes) ; par Baillarger, etc. 1. Vol. 1-12, ann. 1-6, 1843-48. 12 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-6, ann. 7-12, 1849-54. 6 v. 8\ 3. Vol. 1-8, ann. 13-20, 1855-62. 8 v. S**. 4. Vol. 1-12, ann. 21-26, 1863-68. 12 V. 8°. 5. Vol. 1-16, ann. 27-34, 1869-76. 16 v. 8« 1302. Paris. — Annales des mines, ou recueil de memoires sur I'exploitation des mines, et sur les sciences et les arts qui s'y rapportent. 1. Vol. 1-13, 1816-26. 13 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-8, 1827-31. 8 v. 8". 3. Vol. 1-20, 1832-41. 20 V. 8°. 4. Vol. 1-20, 1842-51. 20 v. 8°. 5. Vol. 1-20, 1852-61. 20 V. 8°. 6. Vol. 1-20, 1862-71. 20 v. 8°. 7. Vol. 1-10, 1872-76. 10 V. 8°. (For earlier series, see 1418.) A selection of geokigical memoirs from this journal was published in London by De la Beche in 1836. 1 v. 8°. 1303. Paris. — Annales des ponts et chaussees ; memoires et documents relatifs a I'art des constructions et au service de I'ingenieur. 1. Tom. 1-20, 1831-40. 20 V. 8°. 2. Tom. 1-20, 1841-50. 20 v. 8° 3. Tom. 1-20, 1851-60. 20 V. 8°. 4. Tom. 1-20, 1861-70. 20 v. S**. 5. Tom. 1-12, 1871-76. 12 v. 8*1 (Cf. 1450, a.)' 1304. Paris. — Annales des sciences et des arts, contenant les analyses de tous les travaux relatifs aux sciences mathematiques, physiques, naturelles et medicales : aux arts mecaniques et chimiques ; a I'agriculture ; a I'economie rurale et domestique ; a I'art veterinaire, etc. ; et presentant ainsi le tableau complet des acquisitions et des progres qu'ont faits les sciences et les arts, les manuftictures et I'industrie depuis le com- mencement du 19^ siecle ; avec I'indication des prix decernes et pro- poses par les academies et societes savantes, la necrologie des savans les plus connus et la notice bibliographique des ouvrages publics dans I'annee ; par Maissonneuve, etc. Vol. 1-3, 1808-09. 3 v. 8°. 1305. Paris. — Annales des sciences geologiques ; par Hebert, etc. Vol. 1-7, 1869-76. 7 V. 8''. 1306. Paris. ^- Annales des sciences geologiques ; ou archives de geologic, de mineralogie, de paleontologie, et de toutes les parties de geographic, d'astronomie, de meteorologie, de physique generale, etc., qui se rattachent directement a la geologie pure et appliquee ; par Riviere. Vol. 1-2, i, 1842-3. 2 v. 8". 1307. Paris. — Annales des sciences, de la litterature et des arts (faisant suite au journal des savans) par une societe de gens de lettres. Vol. 1-7, 1804-06. 7 V. 8° (Cf. 1425.) 1308. Paris. — Annales des sciences naturelles (from vol. 2, on: comprenant la physiologic animale et vegetale, I'anatomie comparee des deux regnes, la zoologie, la botanique, la mineralogie et la geologie). 1. Vol. 1-30, 1824-33. 30 v. 8*^. Table (1841). 2. . . . comprenant la zoolo- gie, la botanique, I'anatomie et la physiologic comparee des deux regnes et I'histoire des corps organises fossiles. Zool. Vol. 1-20, 1834-43. 20 V. 8° Table (1843) ; Botan. Vol. 1-20, 1834-43. 20 V. 8°. Table (1843). 3. Zool. Vol. 1-20, 1844-53. 20 v. 8°; Botan. Vol. 1-20, 1844-53. 20 v. 8°. 4. Zool. Vol. 1-20, 1854-63. 20 V. 8". ; Botan. Vol. 1-20, 1854-63. 20 v. 8°. 5. Zoologie et paleontologie (comprenant I'anatomie, la physiologic, la classification et I'histoire naturelle des animaux). Vol. 1-20, 1864-74. 20 v. 8".; Botan. Vol. 1-20, 1864-73. 20 v. 8°. 6. Zool. et paleont. Vol. 1-4, 1874-76. 4 v. 8°. ; Botan. Vol. 1-2, 1874-76. 2 v. 8°. (See 1513.) 90 FRANCE. 1309. Paris. — Annales des sciences d'observation, comprcnant I'astronomie, la physique, la chimie, la mineralogie, la geologic, la physiologie, et I'anatomie des deux regnes, la botanique, la zoologie ; les theories mathematiques et les principales applications de toutes ces sciences a la meteorologie, a I'agriculture, aux arts, et a la medecine ; par Saigey, etc. Vol. 1-8, 1829-30. 8 v. 8". 1310. Paris. — Annales de statistique, ou journal general d'economie politique, industrielle et commerciale ; de geographic, d'histoire naturelle, d'agriculture, de physique, d'hygiene et de la litterature. 1802. 1 V. 8". 1311. Paris. — Annales telegraphiques, publiees sous le patronage du directeur general des lignes telegraphiques (sous les auspices de I'adniinistra- tion des 1. t. ; — par un comite compose de fonctionnaires de I'adm. des 1. t.). Vol. 1-2, 1855-56. 2 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-19, 1858-76. 19 V. 8° 1312. Paris, — Annales des voyages, de la geographic et de I'histoire ; ou col- lection des voyages nouveaux les plus estimes, traduits de toutes les langues europeennes ; des relations originales, inedites, communi- quees par des voyageurs fran9ais et etrangers, etc. ; par Malte-Brun. Tom. 1-24, 1808-14. 24 v. 8". Table, 1808-13 (1813). (Continued in 1472.) 1313. Paris. — L'annee geographique ; par St. Martin. 1862-75 (1863-76). 14 v. 12*'. 1314. Paris. — L'annee scientifique et industrielle, ou expose annuel des travaux scientiflques, des inventions ej des principales ai)plications de la science a I'industrie et aux arts, qui ont attire attention publique en France et a I'etranger; par Figuier. Ann. 1-13, 1856-68 (1857- 69). 14 V. 12°. Tables 1856-65 (1866). 1315. Paris. — Annuaire de chimie, comprenant les applications de cette science a la^ medecine et a la pharmacie, ou repertoire des decouvertes et des nouveaux travaux en chimie ftiits dans les diverses parties de I'Europe ; par Millon, etc. Ann. 1-7, 1845-51. 7 v. 8". 1316. Paris. — Annuaire du cosmos ; manuel de la science ; par Moigno. Vol. 1-12, 1859-70. 12 V. 8°. 1317. Paris. — Annuaire des eaux minerales, des bains de mer et de I'hydro- therapie, public par la gazette des eaux. Ann. 1-17, 1860-76. 17 v. 18°. 1318. Paris. — Annuaire entomologique ; par Fauvel. (See 1096.) 1319. Paris. — Annuaire des marees des cotes de France ; public au dep6t de la marine ; par Chazallon. 1855-76. 22 v. 18*1 1320. Paris. — Annuaire de la marine et des colonies. 1862-76. 15 v. 8°. 1321. Paris. — Annuaire meteorologique. 1807-08. 2 v. 8". 1322. Paris. — Annuaire meteorologique de la France, avec des notices scien- tiflques et des series meteorologiques ; par Haeghens, etc. Ann. 1-4, 1848-52 (1849-53). 4 v. 8". 1323. Paris. — Annuaire des mines et de la metallurgie fran9aises, paraissant chaque annee pendant le mois de mai. 1876. 1 v. 8°. 1324. Paris. — Annuaire scientifique ; par Deherain. Ann. 1-7, 1862-68. 7 v. 8°. 1325. Paris. — Annuaire des societes savantes de la France et de I'etranger ; par d'Hericourt. Vol. 1-4, 1863-66. 4 v. S*'. (Cf. 1448, a.) 1326. Paris. — Annuaire des voyages et de la geographic; par Lacroix. 1844- 45. 2 V. 8°. Paris. — Annuaire zoologique. (See 1653.) 1327. Paris. — L'apiculteur (practicien) ; journal des cultivateurs d'abeilles, marchands de miel et de cire ; dir. Hamet. 1856-75. 20 v. 8". 1328. Paris. — Arcana naturae, ou archives d'histoire naturelle : recueil scien- tifique de I'enipire fran9ais, destine a faciliter aux savants de tous les pays le moyen de publier leurs travaux ou observations sur di- verses branches des sciences qui se rapportent a I'etude de la nature par Thomson. Livr. 1-3, 1859. 1 v. f°. 1329. Paris. — Archives d'anatomie g6nerale et de physiologie ; par Mandl. 1846. 1 v. S^l 1330. Paris. — Archives de botanique, ou recueil mensuel de memoires origi- naux, d'extraits et analyses bibliographiques, d'annonces et d'avis divers FRANCE. 91 /' concernant cette science, redigees par une societe de botanistes fran- 9ais et etrangers ; par Guillemin. Vol. 1-2, 1833-34. 2 v. 8**. 1331. Paris. — Archives des decouvertes et inventions nouvelles faites dans les sciences, les arts et les manufactures, tant en France que dans les pays etrangers. — Agassiz. 1332. Paris. — Archives entomologiques, ou recueil contenant des illustrations d'insectes nouveaux ou rares ; par Thomson. Vol. 1-2, 1857-58. 2 v. ^\ Paris. — Archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires. (See 1448, J.) 1333. Paris. — Archives de physiologic normale et pathologique. 1. Tom. 1-5, 1868-73. 5 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 v. 8". 1334. Paris. — Archives de physiologic, de therapeutique et d'hygiene ; par Bouchardat. No. 1-2, 1854. 1 v. 8**. 1335. Paris. — Archives de zoologie experimentale et generale, histoire natu- relle, morphologic, histologic, evolution des animaux; par Lacaze- Duthiers. Vol. 1-5, 1872-. 6. 5 v. 8". 1336. Paris. — Asmodee ; revue des journaux, ouvrages de medecine, chimie, pharmacie et sciences accessoires. 1845-46. 1 v. 4**. Paris. — Association frangaise pour I'avanc. des sciences. (See 1993.) Paris. — Association geodesique Internationale. (See 2.) Paris. — Association normande. (See 1097.) Paris. — Association scientifique de France. a. Atlas meteorologique. (See 1482, e.) h. Bulletin. (See 994, I.) 1337. Paris. — L'ateneo italiano ; dal Luca, etfc. Vol. 1-3 pp. 1-54, 1853-54. 3 V. 8'; 1338. Paris. — Athenaeum frangais. a. Bulletin archeologique. Ann. 1-2 i-vi, 1846-44. 2 v. 4**. (For continuation, see 1344.) 1339. Paris. — Athenee des arts, sciences et belles-lettres. a. Annuaire. 1855-56. 1 n. 8°. 1340. Paris. — Athenee oriental. a. Bulletin . . . compte rendu des seances et notices scientifiques. 1. Tom. 1-2, 1868-70. 2 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-3. 3 v. 8". (The first series is apparently identical with 1529. See note to 1528.) h. Memoires. Ann. 1-3, 1870-73. 1 v. 4". (See 1528, 1529.) Paris. — Biblioteca fisica d'Europa. (See 1991.) 1341. Paris. — Bibliotheque physico-economique, instructive et amusante, con- tenant des memoires et observations pratiques sur I'econoraie rustique ; sur les nouvelles decouvertes les plus interessantes, la description de nouvelles machines et instruments inventes pour la perfection des arts utiles et agreables, etc. Ann. 1-12, 1782-93. 24 v. 12". (After a break, followed by 1342.) 1342. Paris. — Bibliotheque physico-economique, instructive et amusante, a I'usage des villes et des campagnes, par une societe de savans, d'artistes et d'agronomes ; red. Sonnini. Ann. 1-16, 1802-18. 16 v. 12". (For earlier series, see 1341.) 1343. Paris. — Bibliotheque de physique et d'histoire naturelle. Tom. 1-4, 1758-65. 4 V. 8". 1344. Paris. — Bulletin archeologique fran9ais. Ann. 2 vii-11, 1846-56. 10 v. 4". (Continued? For earlier volumes, see 1338.) 1345. Paris. — Bulletin general et universel des annonces et des nouvelles scientifiques; par Ferussac. Vol. 1-4, 1823. 4 v. 8". (For c n- tinuation, see 1596.) 1346. Paris. — Bulletin d'histoire naturelle de France, pour servir a la sta- tisque et a la geographic naturelle de cette contrec ; par Boubee. 1835. 1 V. 8". 1347. Paris. — Bulletin de I'ceuvre des pelerinages en Terre-Sainte ; histoire, geographic, ethnographic et archeologie, biblique et religieuse. 8". 1348. Paris. — Bulletin de pharmacie; par Parmentier, etc. 1. Tom. 1-6, 1809-14. 6 V. 8". 2. Journal de pharmacie et des sciences acces- 92 FRANCE. soires. Tom. 1-27, 1815-41. 27 v. 8". 3. Journal de pharmacie et de chimie, contenant une revue de tous les travaux pu])lic''s en France et a I'etranger sur les sciences physiques, naturelles, medicales et indus- trielles, ainsi que le bulletin des travaux de la societe de pharmacie de Paris. Tom. 1-46, 1842-64. 46 v. 8". 4. J. de p. et de c, con- tenant ime revue medicale et une revue des travaux chimiques pub- lies a I'etranger. Tom. 1-18, 1865-73. 18 v. 8°. Table analyt. 1809-30, 1831-41. 2 v. 8". 1349. Paris. — Bulletin polytechnique ; revue des sciences exactes, de leurs applications et de leur enseignement, organe desinterets etdesbesoins de I'instruction scientifique, elementaire 6t superieure; par Blum. Vol. 1, 1845. 1 V. 8°. 1350. Paris. — Bulletin des sciences mathematiques et astronomiques ; parDar- boux, etc., sous la direction de la commission des hautes etudes. Vol. 1-11, 1870-76. 11 V. 8". Paris. — Bulletin des sciences mathematiques, astronomiques, physiques et chimiques; par Ferussac. (See 1596, a.) Paris. — Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de geologic; par Ferussac. (See 1596, b.) 1350*. Paris. — Bulletin des societes savantes, missions scientifiques et litte- raires. 1854-55. 2? v. 8". (For continuation, see 1448, i.) Paris. — Bulletin universel des sciences, etc. (See 1596.) 1351. Paris. — Bulletin universel des sciences, des lettres ei des arts. 1800-01. 14 n. 8". 1352. Paris. — Bulletin zoologique, contenant I'analyse raisonnee des ouvrages les plus remarquables publics sur la zoologie, I'anatomie et la physi- ologic comparees, et de tout ce qui a rapport a ces sciences dans les travaux des academies et societes savantes, etc. (Magazin de zoolo- gie, deuxieme partie.) 1835. 1 v. 8«. (Cf. 1439.) Paris. — Bureau central de Fassociation geod. intern. (See 5.) 1353. Paris. — Bureau general de renseignements, des arts, des sciences, de la litterature, de I'industrie et du commerce. a. Kepertoire. Ann. 1-2, 1814-15. 2 v. 12". 1354. Paris. — Bureau des longitudes. a. Annuaire (augmente de notices scientifiques). 1799-1876 (1796- 1875). 78 V. 18°. h. La connaissance des temps. (See 1368.) 1355. Paris. — Causeries scientifiques, decouvertes et inventions; progres de la science et de I'industrie ; par de Parville. Ann. 1-15, 1861-76. 15 V. 8« 1356. Paris. — Causeries scientifiques, medicales et litteraires; par Lavalle. No. 1-10, 1857. 1 V. 8°. 1357. Paris. — Centurie des questions traitees es conferences du bureau d'ad- dresse. 1-5, 1633-42 (1636-55). 5 v. 4". (For second edition, see 1500.) " C'est bien la evidemment I'origine des comptes rendus, des recueils de memoires de nos societes savantes." — Hatin. 1358. Paris. — Cercle de la presse scientifique. a. Bulletin. No. 1, 1858. 1 n. 8". Paris. — Chambres syndicales. a. L'explorateur. (See 1385.) 1359. Paris. — Choix de memoires sur divers objets d'histoire naturelle; formant les collections de journal d'histoire naturelle ; par Lamarck. Vol. 1-3, 1792. 3 V. 8". (For earlier'edition, see 1410».) 1360. Paris. — La civilization; journal cthnographique des deux-mondes. 1866-. 1361. Paris. — Club alpin frangais. a. Annuaire. Ann. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 v. 8°. b. Bulletin. 1. 1-4, 1874-75. 4 n. 8° 2. Bulletin trimestriel. Ann. 1, 1876. 1 V. 8« (For branch societies, see 1052, 1110, 1116, 1132, 1152, 1179.) 1362. Paris. — (Coimbra observatory.) a. Memoires traduits du portugais. 1808. 1 v. 4°. (See also 1715.) FRANCE. 93 Paris. — Collection academique, etc. (See 1139.) 1363. Paris. — Comite d'archeologie americaine. a. Actes, publics sous la direction de la commission de redaction par les secretaires. Tom. 1 i-iii, 1865. 1 n. 8«. (Continued?. Cf. 1553, h.) b. Annuaire. 1863-67. 1 v. 8". (For continuation, see 1553, a.) c. Revue americaine. (See 1509.) (See 1509, 1553.) Paris. — Comite d'histoire at de arch^ologie de la province ecclesias- tique d'Auch. (See 1033.) Paris. — Comite (historique) des arts et monuments. (See 1448.) 1365. Paris. — Comite des houilleres frangaises. a. Les houilleres en 1869-72 (1870-72). 4 v. 8". (For earlier publica- tion, see 1549" 1387.) Paris. — Comite international de poids et mesures. (See 3.) Paris. — Comite des monuments ecrits. (See 1448, g, h.) 1366. Paris. — Comite imp. des travaux historiques et des societes savantes. a. Memoires lus a la Sorbonne dans les seances extraordinaires ; arche- ologie. 1866 (1867). 1 v. 8°. Paris. — Commission de geographie commercials. a. L'explorateur. (See 1385.) Paris. — Commission internationals du m§tre. (See 4.) Paris. — Commission perm, de I'assoc. geod. intern. (See 5.) 1367. Paris. — Comptes rendus mensuels des travaux de chiraie ; par Laurent, etc. 1845-51. 7 v. 8*^. Paris. — Conference diplomatique du mitrs. (See under 4.) Paris. — Conference internationale des architectes. (See 4a.) Paris. — Congres archeologique de France. (See 995.) Paris. — Congres (des delegues) des societes savantes, etc. (See 996.) Paris. — Congres international des americanistes. (See 6.) Paris. — Congres international d'anthropologis et d'archeologie prsliis- toriques. (See 15.) Paris. — Congres international de botanique. (See 8.) Paris. — Congres international des orientalistes. (See 10.) Paris. — Congres provincial des orientalistes frangais. (See 997.) Paris. — Congres scientifique de Francs. (See 998.) Paris. — Connaissances des mouvemens celestes. (See 1368.) 1368. Paris. — La connaissance des temps, ou calendrier et ephemerides du lever et coucher du soleil, de la lune et des autres planetes. 1679- 1702. 24 V. 12". Conn, des temps an meridien de Paris; publiee par I'ordre de I'academie royale des sciences. 1703-62. 59 v. 12°. Conn, des mouvemens celestes. 1763-68. 6 v. 12°. Connaissance des temps a I'usage des astronomes et des navigateurs. 1769-95. 27 v. 12°. . . . publiee par le bureau des longitudes. 1796-1805. 10 V. 12°. Conn, des temps et des mouvements celestes (avec addi- tions). 1806-78 (1804 ?-76). 73 v. 12°. Table. (Cf. 1381.) 1369. Paris. — Conservatoire (imp.) des arts et metiers. a. Annales ; recueil de memoires et d'observations sur les sciences, I'in- dustrie et I'agriculture. 1-11, 1860-75. 11 v. 8°. 1370. Paris. — Corps imperial des ponts et chaussees. a. Annuaire. Ann. 1-7, 1806-12. 7 v. 12°. (Continued?) 1371. Paris. — Cosmos ; revue encyclopedique hebdomadaire des progres des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et a Tindustrie ; par Moigno, etc. 1. Ann. 1-14, tom. 1-25, 1852-65. 25 v. 8°. 2. Ann. 15-16, tom. 1-6, 1865-67. 6 v. 8°. 3. Ann. 16-19, tom. 1-7?, 1867-70. 7 V. 8°. 4. La France scientifique; par Meunier. Ann. 20, tom. 1. 1871. 1 V. 4°. (Continued?) 1372. Paris. — Le courrier des sciences, de I'industrie et de I'agriculture; revue hebdomadaire universelle ; par Meunier. 1863-65. 3 v. 4°. 1373. Paris. — Cours de science vulgarisee ; resume oral du progres scien- tifique et industriel ; par Moigno. 1864-65. 2 v. 1374. Paris. — La decade philosophique, litteraire et politique. 1792-94. 11 n. 8°. 94 FRANCE. 1375. Paris. — L'6cho du monde savant; journal analytique des nouvelles et des cours scientifiques (cours sciqntifique inedite des professeurs de Paris). Vol. 1-5, 1834-39. 5 v. f. 2. L'echo du m. s. ; nouvelles des sciences, compte rendu des academies et des societes savantes de I'Europe. 1840-4G. 7 v. T. (Some nos. in 1836 (Oct. 16 -Nov. 26) bear title : L'hermes, echo du monde, etc.) 1376. Paris. — L'echo de la Sorbonne ; journal scientifique et litteraire, illustre. 1852-54. 4". 1377. Paris. — Ecole eentrale des travaux publics. a. Journal polytechnique, ou bulletin du travail . . . public par le conseil d'instruction et administration de cette ecole. Vol. 1, cah. 1, 1794. 1 n. 4". (For continuation, see 1379, 6.) 1378. Paris. — Ecole normals superieure. a. Annales scientifiques, publiees sous les auspices du ministre de I'instruction publique. 1. Vol. 1-7, 1864-71. 7 v. 4<'. 2. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 V. 4". 1379. Paxris. — Ecole (roy. imp.) polytechnique. a. Correspondance sur I'e. p. a I'usage des eleves de cette ecole. Vol. 1-3, 1808-16. 3 V. S''. h. Journal . . . ou bulletin du travail fait a cette ecole, public par le con- seil d'instruction et administration de cette 6tablissement. Tom. 1 ii- 27, cah. 2-44, 1795-1874. 27 v. 4". Tables 1-38. (For cah. 1, see 1377, a.) 1380. Paris. — Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. a. Travaux du laboratoire d'histologie du college de France. Tom. 1-2, 1874-75 (1875-76). 2 v. 8°. h. Travaux du laboratoire de la physiologic experimentale. Tom. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 V. 8". Paris. — The electrical magazine. (See 261.) 1381. Paris. — £phemerides des mouvements celestes ; par De La Lande. Tom. 7. 1775-84. 4". (Cf. 1368.) 1382. Paris. — £phemerides des sciences naturelles et medicales ; par Chardel, etc. 1816. 1 n. 8". 1383. Paris. — L'esprit des journalistes de Trevoux. 1701-62(1771). 4 v. 12° (See 1690.) 1384. Paris. — Essais et observations physiques et litteraires de la societe d'Edinbourg; trad, par Demours. Tom. 1, 1759. 1 v. 12". (See 117.) 1385. Paris. — L'explorateur geographique et commercial, sous le patronage de la commission de geographic commerciale deleguee par la societe de geographic et les chambres syndicates de Paris. Ann. 1-2, 1875- 76. 2 V. 4". (For continuation, see 1581, 6.) Paris. — Feuille des jeunes naturalistes. (See 2497.) Paris. — La France scientifique. (See 1371.) 1385 ». Paris. — Gazette des architectes et du batiment. 1863-76. 12 v. 4°. 1386. Paris. — L'herboristes ; journal des interets professionnels et scientifiques des herboristes. Ann. 1, no. 1, 1876. 1 n. f". Paris. — Hermes ; echo du monde savant ; journal des nouvelles scien- tifiques. (See 1375.) 1387. Paris. —Les houilleres (de la France) ; par Brorat. 1866-68 (1867-69). 3 V. 8". Atlas, 1 V. 4°. (For earlier series, see 1549»; for continu- ation, see 1365, a.) 1388. Paris. — Indicateur de I'archeologie et du collectionneur ; bulletin mensuel illustre ; par Mortillet, etc. Vol. 1-3, 1872-75. 3 v. 8". 1389. Paris. — L'ingenieur, journal scientifique et administratif destine aux ingonieurs des mines, des ponts et chaussees, des constructions navales ; aux ingenieurs civils, etc. 1. Ann. 1-3, 1852-54. 8". and 4". (Continued through 1856?) 2. Revue scientifique et critique des travaux publics et de I'industrie. No. 1, 1857. 1 n. 4". (Con- tinued?) 1390. Paris. — L'insectologie agricole ; journal traitant des insectes utiles et de leurs i)roduits, des insectes nuisibles et de leurs degats et des moyens pratiques de les eviter; par Boisduval, etc. Ann. 1-6, 1867-72. 6 V. 8". FRANCE. 95 1391. Paris. — Institut afrique. a. Annales. 1841-67. 4° 1392. Paris. — Institut archeologique. a. Annales. 1. Vol. 1-15. 15 v. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-2 (16-77), 1844-45 (1845-46). 2v. 8° (Continued?) 1393. Paris. — Institut d'Egypte. a. Memoires. Vol. 1-4, 1800-04. 4 v. 8°. 1394. Paris. — Institut egyptien. a. Bulletin. No- 1-7, 186- -62. 7 n. and v. 8°. h. Memoires ou travaux originaux. Tom. 1, 1862. 1 v. 4°. 1395. Paris. — L'institut ; journal des academies et societes scientifiques de la France et de I'etranger. Vol. 1, 1833. 1 v. 4''. Journal general (universel) des societes et travaux scientifiques, etc. Vol. 2-3, 1834-35. 2 V. 4°. (Sect. 1, sciences mathematiques, physiques et naturelles.)^ Vol. 4-40, 1836-70. 37 v. 4". (Continued to 1872?) 2. X<'inst. ; j. des sciences et des soc. sav. en France et a I'etr. Sect. 1, ann. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 v. 4". Paris. — Institut des provinces de France. (See 999.) 1396. Paris. — Institut (imp. roy. nat. des sciences, lettres et arts) de France. a. Analyse des travaux de la classe des sciences mathematiques et phvsiques. 1810-15. 6 h. 4". (Continued in 1397, a, h.) b. Annuaire. 1796-1876. 81 v. 12". c. Memoires presentes a l'institut des sciences, lettres et arts par divers savans, et lus dans ses assemblees ; sciences mathematiques et physiques. Vol. 1-2, 1805-11. 2 v. 4". (Another edition of vol. 1 bears date 1806. Preceded by 1276, g, and followed by 1397,/.) d. Memoires; sciences mathematiques et physiques. Vol. 1-6, 1796- 1806 (1798-1806). Memoires de la classe des sciences math, et phys. 7-14, 1806-1815 (1806-18). 14 v. 4". (For earlier series, see 1276, d, e; for later, 1397, e.) e. Seance publique annuelle des cinq academies. 1851, 1856. 2 n. 4". (See 1276, 1397, etc.) 1397. Paris. — Institut (imp. roy. nat. des sciences, lettres et arts) de France : Academic royale des sciences. a. Analvse des travaux; partie mathematique. 1816-30. 15 n. 4°. (Preceded by 1396, a.) b. Analvse des travaux; partie physique. 1816-30. 15 n. 4°. (Pre- ceded by 1396, a). c. Calendriers. 1836, 1842, 1843. 3 n. 16°. d. Comptes-rendus hebdomadaires des seances. Tom. 1-83, 1835-76. 83 V. 4". Suppl. Tom. 1-2, 1856, 1861. 2 v. 4". Table 1-31 (1853), 32-61 (1870). 2 v. 4". e. Memoires. Vol. 1-42, 1816-76 (1818-76). 42 v. 4°. (For earlier series, see 1276, d, e, 1396, d.) f. Memoires presentes par divers savans (ou collection des memoires des savans etrangers) sciences mathematiques et physiques. Vol. 1-23, 1827-76. 23 v. 4". (Preceded by 1276, g, 1396, c.) (See also 1276, 1396, etc.) 1398. Paris. — Introduction aux observations sur la physique, sur I'histoire naturelle et sur les arts ; par Rozier. Vol. 1-18, 1771-72. 18 v. 12'*. 2d ed., vol. 1-2, 1777. 2 v. 4". (Continued in 1607, 1421.) 1399. Paris. — Journal d'analyse et de mecanique ; red. Carrere. No. 1, 1876. 1 n. 4". 1400. Paris. — Journal d'anatomie et de la physiologic normales et patholo- giques de I'homme et des animaux; par Brown- Sequard, etc. Vol. 1-12. 1864-76. 12 v. 8". (Preceded by 1420.) 1401. Paris. — Journal asiatique ou recueil de memoires, d'extraits et de notices relatifs a I'histoire, a la philosophic, aux sciences, a la litterature et aux langues des i)euples orientaux; red. Chezy, etc. Vol. 1-11, 1822- 27. 11 V. 8". Kegistre (1829). (For continuation, see 1561, a.) 1401a. Paris. — Journal du baccalaureat ; dir. Durandeau. Ann. 1-5, 1871-75. 5 V. 8". 1402. Paris. — Journal de botanique ; redige par unc societe de botanistes. 1. Vol. 1-2, 1808-9. 2 V. 8". 2. J. de b. appliquee a I'agriculture, a la pharmacie, a la medecine et aux arts; red. Desvaux. Vol. 1-4 (3-6), 1813-14. 4 V. 8°. 96 FRANCE. Paris. — Journal de botanique appliquee. (See 1402.) 1403. Paris. — Journal central des academies et societes savantes. Vol. 1-2, 1810-11. 2 V. 8°. Paris. — Journal de chimie medicale. (See 1568, a.) 1404. Paris. — Journal du ciel ; notions populaires d'astronoraie pratique ; astronomic pour tons ; par Vinot. Ann. 1-10, 1865-75. 10 v. 4°. 1405. Paris. — Journal de conchyliologie (comprenant I'etude des animaux, des coquilles vivantes et des coquilles fossiles ; — I'etude des mollusques vivants et fossiles) ; par Petit de la Saussaye, etc. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1850-53. 4 V. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-4 (5-8), 185G-60. 4 v. 9,". 3. Vol. 1-16 (9-24), 18G1-7G. 16 v. 8°. Index 1-20, 1850-72 (1878). 1 v. 8°. 1406. Paris. — Journal des decouvertes et des travaux pratiques importans en medecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, chimie, toxocologie, physique, his- toire naturelle, geologic et astronomic. 1843-44. 2 v. 4". 1407. Paris. — Journal du galvanisme, de vaccine, etc.; par Nauche. Vol. 1, 1803. 1 V. 8". 1408. Paris. — Journal du genie civil des sciences et des arts. Vol. 1-10, 1828-30. 10 V. 8°; vol. 11-15, 1846-48. 5 v. 8<>. 1409. Paris. — Journal de geologic; par Boue, etc. Vol. 1-3, 1830-31. 3 v. 8". 1410. Paris. — Journal d'histoire naturelle; par BerthoUet, etc. 1787-89. 3? V. 4*^. 1410«. Paris. — Journal d'histoire naturelle ; par Lamarck, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1792. 2 V. 8". (Nov. ed., see 1359.) 1411. Paris. — Journal d'hygiene, climatologic, eaux minerales, stations hiver- nales et maritimes, epidemiologic ; bulletin des conseils d'hygiene et de la salubrite ; par Pietra. Ann. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v 4". 1412. Paris. — Journal de litterature, des sciences et des arts; par Grosier. 1779-82. 4? V. 12'^. (For earlier series, see 1690, 1428.) 1413. Paris. — Journal de la marine, des colonies, des consulats et des voy- ages ; recueil mensuel de science et d'histoire. Tom. 1-17, 1833-40. 5 V. 8*^. 1414. Paris. — Journal de mathematiques elementaires. No. 1, 1870. 1 n. 8". (Continued?) 1415. Paris. — Journal des mathematiques pures et appliquees, ou recueil men- suel de mcmoires sur les diverses parties des mathematiques ; par Liouville. 1. Vol. 1-20, 1836-55. 20 v. 4° Table 1-15 (1871). 2. Vol. 1-19, 1856-74. 19 v. 4°. 3. Vol. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. 4". (Successor to 1259.) 1416. Paris. — Journal des mines et des eaux et for^ts ; organe special des in- dustries miniere, houillere et metallurgique en France et a I'etranger. 1861-66. 6 V. 4". (For earlier series, see 1417.) 1417. Paris. — Journal des mines; organe special de I'industrie miniere et me- tallurgique en France et a I'etranger. 1854-59. 6 v. 4". (For con- tinuation, see 1416.) 1418. Paris. — Journal des mines; public par I'agence (le conseil) des mines de la republique. Vol. 1-10, 1795-1801. 10 v. 8°; J. d. m., ou recueil de momoires sur I'exploitation des mines et sur les sciences et les arts qui s'y rapportent. Vol. 11-38. 1802-15. 28 v. 8". Table 1-28 (1813), 29-38 (1825). 4 v. 8« (For continuation, see 1302.) Paris. — Journal de pharmacie et de chimie (sciences accessoires). (See 1348.) 1419. Paris. — Journal de phvsiologie experimentale (et pathologique) ; par Magendie. Vol. 1-13, 1821-33. 13 v. 8". 1420. Paris. — Journal de la physiologic de I'homme et des animaux; par Brown-Sequard. Vol. 1-6, 1858-63. 6 v. 8". (Continued in 1400.) 1421. Paris. — Journal de physique, de chymie, d'histoire naturelle (et des arts) ; par Dclametheric, etc. Vol. 1-4 (44-47), 48-96, 1794-1823. 53 v. 4°. (For earlier volumes, see 1398, 1607.) 1422. Paris. —Journal de physique theorique et appliquee; par d'Almeida. Tom. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8". 1423. Paris. — Journal des progres des sciences. 1829. 3 v. 8". 1424. Paris. — Journal des savans (savants). 1816-76. 61 v. 4°. Tables 1816-58 (1860). Cah. 1, 2d ed. (1817). FRANCE 97 1425. Paris. — Le journal des s^avans ; par Hedouville, etc. 1665-1792. Ill v. 4". Tables 1665-1750, 1758-64. 10 v. 4". A second edition appeared of 1661 in 1723; of 1671) in 1728; of 1683 in 1741. There were sup- plements to 1707-09 ; and in 1797 appeared a continuation in 1 v. 4". (See also 746, 904, 1307, 1424, 2949, 3235.) 1426. Paris. — Journal des sciences et des arts. Vol. 1-6, 1784-87. 6 v. 8*. 1427. Paris, — Journal des sciences, arts et metiers ; par une societe de gens de lettres et d'artistes. 1792. 1 v. 8". 1428. Paris. — Journal des sciences et des beaux arts: par Aubert, etc. Vol. 1-2,1768-78. 50 V. 12". (For earlier series, see 1690 ; for continu- ation, see 1412.) 1429. Paris. — Journal des sciences mathematiques ; revue mensuelle; red. Labosne. Ann. 1, 1872. 1 v. 8". (Continued?) 1429"'. Paris. — Journal des sciences militaires ; dir. Dumaine. 1-5. 1825-60. 144? V. 8". 6. Tom. 1-28, 1861-67. 28 v. 81 7. Tom. 1-20, 1868-72. 20 V. 8". 8. Tom. 1-16, 1873-76. 16 v. 81 1429^. Paris. — Journal des telegraphes ; revue mensuelle Internationale. 18G5-67. 3 V. 8°. Paris. — Journal de Trevoux. (See 1690.) 1430. Paris. — Journal des voyages, decouvertes et navigations modernes, ou archives geographiques du 19'^ siecle, etc. ; redige par une societe de gc'()grai)hes fran9ais et etrangers ; par Verneur, etc. Tom. 1-44, 1818-30. 44 v. 8°. 1431. Paris. — Journal des voyages recents, scientifiques et curieux; dir. Clo- quet. Ann. 1, no. 1, 1868. 1 n. 8". (Continued?) 1432. Paris. — Journal de zoologie, comprenant des difFerentes branches de cette science ; histoire des animaux vivants et fossiles, moeurs, distribu- tion geographique et paleontologiqut^ anatomic et physiologic com- parees, embryogenie, histologic, teratologic, zootechnie, etc. ; par Ger- vais. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8". 1433. Paris. — Lettres hebdomadaires sur I'utilite des mineraux dans la societe civile ; par Buc'hoz. Vol. 1-2, 1770. 2 v. 8". 1434. Paris. — Lettres periodiques, curieuses, utiles et interessantes sur les a vantages que la societe economique pent retirer de la connaissance des animaux ; par Buc'hoz. Vol. 1-4, 1769-70. 4 v. 8". 1435. Paris. — Lettres periodiques sur la methode de s'enricher promptement et conserver sa sante par la culture des vegetaux ; par Buc'hoz. Vol. 1-5, 1768-70. 5 V. 8". 1436. Paris. — Magazin de conchyliologie, ou descriptions et figures de mol- lusques vivans et fossiles inedits ou non encore figures ; ouvrage des- tine it etablir une correspondance entre les conchyliologistes de tons les pays et a leur faciliter les moyens de faire connaitre les especes qu'ils possedent; par Guerin. 1830-31. (Specially printed from 1439.) 1437. Paris. — Magazin encyclopedique, ou journal des sciences, des lettres et des arts ; par Millin, etc. 1. Pt. 1-53, 1792-93. 1 v. 81 2. Vol. 1-122,1795-1816. 122 v. 81 Table (1819). 4 v. 81 (For continu- ation, see 1294, 1519.) 1438. Paris. — Magazin d'entomologie, ou descriptions et figures d'insectes in- edits ou non encore figures ; ouvrage destine a etablir une correspond- ance entre les entomologistes de tons les pays et a leur faciliter les moy- ens de faire connaitre les especes qu'ils possedent; par Guerin. (Spe- cially printed from 1439.) 1439. Paris. — Magazin de zoologie (journal destine a etablir une correspondance entre les zoologistes de tous les pays, et a leur faciliter les moyens de publier les epeces nouvelles ou pcu connues qu'ils possedent) ; par Guerin. 1. Ann. 1-8, 1831-38. 8 v. 81 2. Magazin de zoologie, d'anatomie comi)aree et de paleontologie ; recueil destine a faciliter Hux zoologistes de tous les pays les moyens de publier leurs travaux, les especes nouvelles qu'ils possedent, et a les tenir surtout au courant des nouvelles decouvertes et des progres de la science. Ann. 1-10, 1839-48. 8 v. 81 (Succeeded by 1526. Cf. 1352, 1436, 1438.) 98 FRANCE. 1440. Paris.* — Materiaux pour I'histoire positive et pliilosophique de rhomme ; bulletin des travaux et decouvertes concernant I'antliropolojjie, les temps antehistoriques, I'epoque quarternaire, les questions de I'espece et de la generation spontanee ; par Mortillet. 1. Ann. 1-4, 1804-68. 4 V. 8". 2. Mat. pour I'hist. primitive et naturelle de I'homme et I'etude du sol, de la faune et de la flore qui s'y rattaclient ; revue men- suelle illustree; par Trutat, ete. Ann. 5-12, 186'J-76. 8 v. 8". 1441. Paris. — Melanges liydrographiques. 1840-48. 3 v. 8". (For continu- ation, see 1299.) 1442. Paris. — Melanges pliysio-mathematiques ; par Berard. 1800. 1 v. 8". 1442**. Paris. — Memoires geologiques et paleontologiques ; par Boue. Vol. 1, 1832. 1 V. 8° Paris. — Memoires pour servira I'histoire des sciences et des beaux-arts. (See 1690.) 1443. Paris. — Memoires des societes savantes et litteraires de la r6publique fran9aise ; par Prony, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1801-02. 2 v. 4". Paris. — Memoires de Trevoux. (See 1690.) 1444. Paris. — Memorial universel de I'industrie fran9aise, des sciences et des arts. Vol. 1-8, 1819-22. 8 v. 8". 1445. Paris. — La metallurgie, les metaux ouvres dans la construction me- canique, publico par une societe d'ingenieurs, d'architectes et d'in- dustriels. 1872. 1446. Paris. — Le metallurgiste ; journal scientifique, industriel et financier: dir. Laudrin. 1840. 1 v. 8". 1447. Paris. — Minerve du nord ; ou choix des memoires les plus importans qui paraissent sur les sciences naturelles et la medecine dans les pays etrangers ; par Jacquemin. 1830-37. Paris. — Ministere des affaires etrangeres. a. Conference diplomatique du metre. (See under 4.) 1447* . Paris. — Ministere du commerce et des travaux publics. a. (])irection generale des ponts et chaussees et des mines) — Compte rendu des travaux des ingenieurs des mines. 1833-47 (1834-48). 7 V. 4". I. liesume des travaux statistiques de I'administration des mines. 1834- 72 (1837-77). 39 n. 4". 1448. Paris. — Ministere de I'instruction publique (et des cultes.) a. Annuaire des societes savantes do la France et de I'etranger. Ann. 1,1840. 1 v. 8*'. (Followed by y ; cf. also 1325.) h. Archives de la commission scientifique du Mexique. Tom. 1-3, 1805- 69. 3 V. 8°. (Continued?) c. Archives des missions scientifiques et litteraires ; choix de rapports et instructions. 1. Tom. 1-0, 1850-59. 6 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-10, 1865- 73? 10 V. 8". 3. Tom. 1-4?, 1874?-70. 4? v. 8°. d. Atlas des raouvemcnts generaux de I'atmosphere. (See 1482, e.) e. Bibliotheque de I'ecole des iiautes etudes ; section des sciences natu- relles. Tom. 1-15, 1809-70. 14 v. 8". /. Bulletin archeologique du comite (historique) des arts et monuments. Tom. 1-4, 1837-48. 4 v. 8". g. Bulletin du comite des arts et monuments. Tom. 1-4, 1849-51. 4 V. 8". h. Bulletin du comite des monuments ecrits. Tom. 1-4, 1849-52. 4 v. 8". i. Proces-verbaux des seances du comit6 des monuments ecrits. 1837- 48. 1 V. 8". y. lievue des societes savantes de la France et de I'etranger; sciences mathematiquys, pliysiques et naturelles. 1. Tom. 1-5, 1856-58. 5 v. 8". 2. Kev. d. soc. sav. des departements. Tom. 1-8, 1859-62. 8 v. 8". 3. Tom. 1-4, 1863-64. 4 v. 8". 4. Tom. 1-10, 1865-69. 10 v. 8". 5. Tom. 1-8, 1871-74. 8 v. 8". 6. Tom. 1-5, 1875-76. 5 v. 8°. (Divided at the end of 2d series into two distinct journals. See k. Cf. also a and 1325.) k. Kevue des societes savantes ; sciences niathematiques, phvsiques et naturelles. 1. Tom. 1-6, 1862-64. 6 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-7," 1867-76. 7 V. 8". (For earlier volumes, see y.) /. Table generale des bulletins du comite des travaux historiques et de la revue des societes savantes ; par Tessier. 1873. 1 v. 8". (See also 1325, 1482.) FRANCE. 99 1449. Paris. — Ministere de la marine (et des colonies.) a. Ahnanach du marin et de la France maritime. Ann. 1-16, 1838-53. IG V. IG'^. h. Annuaire de la marine et des colonies. (See 1320.) c. Recherches chronometriques. 1854-02. 9 n. 8". d. Revue algerienne et des colonies. 1859-60. 8*1 (Preceded by e and followed by/; see also 1515.) c. Revue coloniale. 1853-58. (Followed by d^ /; see also 1515.) /. Revue maritime et coloniale. Tom. 1-52, 1861-76. 52 v. 8°. Table, 1861-68 (1870). (Preceded by e, c?; see also 1515.) (See also 1320, 1515.) 1450. Paris. — Ministere des travaux publics. a. Annales des ponts et chaussees. (See 1303.) h. Annuaire. 18-t3-76. 34 v. 8°. (Vol. for 1843-69 bound with 1303.) 1451. Paris. — Le mois scientifique ; revue du progres dans les sciences, les arts et I'industrie ; par Giraud. Tom. 1-4, 1866-69. 4 v. 12". 1452. Paris. — Les mondes ; revue hebdoraadaire des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et a I'industrie ; par Moigno. Vol. 1-40, 1863- 76. 40 V. 8". 1452**. Paris. — Moniteur des architectes ; revue mensuelle de I'art architec- tural ancien et moderne. 1. Tom. 1-15, 1847-65. 15 v. f. 2. Tom. 1-2?, 1866-67. 2? v. f". 3. . . . de I'art architectural et des travaux publics. Ann. 1-8, 1868-75. 8 v. 4". 1453. Paris. — Moniteur des connaissances utiles et pratiques ; journal agricole, liorticole, scientifique et technologique, etc. 1854-62. 9 v. 8". 1454. Paris. — Moniteur des cours publics litteraires, scientifiques et philoso- phiques. 1857. 8°. 1455. Paris. — Le moniteur des produits chimiques pour I'industrie, les sciences et les arts et du materiel de ces industries ; public par une societe de chimistes et d'industriels. Ann. 1-5, 1871-75. 5 v. 4°. 1456. Paris. — Le moniteur scientifique du cliimiste et du manufacturier ; livre journal specialement consacre a la cliimie generale pure et appliquee, et faisant suite a la revue scientifique et aux secret des arts (livre- journal de chimie appliquee aux arts et a I'industrie; specialement consacre a la chimie generale, pure et appliquee ; — journal des sci- ences pures et appliquees specialement consacre aux chemistes et aux numufacturiers) ; par Quesneville. 1. Tom. 1-5, 1857-63. 5 v. 4°. 2. Vol. 1-7 (6-12), 1864-70. 7 v. 4". 3. ( . . . compte rendu des acade- mies, etc.) Vol. 1-6 (13-18), 1871-76. 6 v. 4". (Cf. 1536.) 1456". Paris. — Moniteur des travaux publics et des entreprises financieres ; journal industriel, commercial, agricole, des assurances, des mines et des chemins de fer. Ann. 1-15, 1862-76. 15 v. 4". 1457. Paris. — Le moniteur universel des sciences pures et appliquees, arts, inventions et decouvertes, Industrie des ftibi'iques, agriculture ; acade- mies et societes savantes, nouvelles, revue des journaux, bibliogra- phic, annonces detailles de tous les livres sur les sciences et I'indus- trie ; dir. Quesneville. 1850. f". (A daily journal of which only a few numbers were issued.) 1458. Paris. — Le mouvement scientifique pendant I'annee ; par Menault, etc. 1864-65. 2 V. 12". 1459. Paris. — Le musee archeologique, recueil illustre de monuments d'anti- quite, du moyen age et de la renaissance, indicateur de I'archeologue et du coUectionneur. Tom. 1, livr. 1, 1875. 1 v. 8°. (Continued?) 1460. Paris. — Musee parent. a. Bulletin archeologique. No. 1, 1867. 1 n. 4". 1461. Paris. — La nmsee des sciences; journal hebdomadaire illustre; journal d'enseignement et de discussion scientifiques ; red. Belly, etc. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1856-60. 4 v. 4". 2. La science pittoresque ; journal (hebdomadaire) des sciences vulgarisees. 1860-67. 8 v. 4". 1462. Paris. — Musee scientifique, ou recueil d'histoire naturelle ; par Thom- son. Livr. 1, 1860. 1 n. 8° 1463. Paris. — Museum d'histoire naturelle. • a. Annales. 1. Vol. 1-20, 1802-13. 20 v. 4". Table. Vol. 21 (1827). 2. Nouvelles annales ; recueil de memoires publics par les profes- 100 FRANCE. seurs de cet etablissement et par d'autres naturalistes, sur Hiistoire naturelle, Tanatomie et la chimie. Vol. 1-4, 1832-35. 4 v. 4". (See also 2761 «.) h. Archives. 1. Vol. 1-10, 1839-Gl. 10 v. 4". 2. Nouvelles archives. Vol. 1-10, 1805-74. 10 V. 4". c. Catalogue de la collection entomologique. Livr. 1-2. 1850. 1 v. 8". rf. Memoires. Vol. 1-20, 1815-32. 20 v. 4° Table (n. d.). e. Nouvelles annales. (See a.) f. Nouvelles archives. (See h.) (See also 2761.) 1464. Paris. — La nature consideree sous ses differens aspects, ou journal d'histoire naturelle, contenant tout ce qui a rapport a la science physique de I'homme, a I'art veterinaire, a I'histoire des differens animaux, au regne vegetal, etc. ; par une societe de gens de lettres ( . . . ou lettres sur les animaux, les vegetaux et les inineraux) ; par Bertholon. Vol. 1-9, 1787-89. 9 v. 8'^. (Cf. 1465, 1466.) 1465. Paris. — La nature consideree sous ses differens aspects, ou journal des trois regnes de la nature; par Buc'hoz. V"^^ epoque, torn. 1-5, 1780- 83. 5v. 8". (Cf. 1464, 1466.) 1466. Paris. — La nature consideree sous ses differens aspects, ou lettres sur les animaux, les vegetaux et les mineraux, ouvrage periodique ; par Buc'hoz. Vol. 1-47, 1771-83. 47 v. 12". (Cf. 1464, 1465.) 14^7. Paris. — La nature; revue des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et a Findustrie, journal hebdomadaire illustre ; red. Tissandier. Vol. 1-8, 1873-76. 8 v. 4". 1468. Paris. — Nitheroy, revista brasiliense ; sciencias, lettras e artes. Vol. 1 i-ii, 183G. 2 n. 8". 1469. Paris. — Le nouveau cosmos ; revue astronomique ; par Dubois. 1862 (1863). 1 V. 12". 1470. Paris. — Nouvel almanach magnetique ; par Fluidus. Vol. 1-4, 1854-57. 4 V. 16". 1470"". Paris. — Nouvelles annales de la construction ; dir. Oppermann. Ann. 1-22, 1855-76. 21? v. f". Paris. — Nouvelles annales de la marine et de colonies. (See 1515.) 1471. Paris. — Nouvelles. annales de mathematiques ; journal des candidats aux ecoles polytechnique et normale ; par Terquem, etc. 1. Vol. 1-20, 1842-61. 20 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-15, 1862-76. 15 v. 8". 1472. Paris. — Nouvelles annales des voyages, de la geographic et de I'histoire ; par Malte-Brun. 1. Tom. 1-30, 1819-26. 30 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-2 (31-32), 1826. 2 v. 8". Nouv, ann. des voy. et des sciences geographiques. Tom. 3-30 (33-60), 1826-33. 28 v. 8". 3. Tom. 1-24 (61-84), 1834-39. 24 v. 8". 4. Ann. 1-5 (tom. 85-104), 1840- 44. 20 V. 8". 5. Nouv. ser. Tom. 1-40 (105-44), 1845-54. 40 v. 8". 6. Nouv. ann. des voy., de la geographic, de I'histoire et de I'archeologie. Ann. 1-11, 1855-65. 44 v. 8". Ann. 1866-70. 20 v. 8'*. Table 1819-39 (n. d.). 1 v. 8". (For earlier series, see 1312.) 1473. Paris. —Nouvelles etfaits divers de I'abeille. 1871-76. 6 v. 12". (Pub- ■ lished in 1272.) 1474. Paris. — Nouvelles meteorologiques. Ann. 1-8, 1868-75. 8 v. 1475. Paris. — Nouvelle revue encyclopedique. Vol. 1-5, 1846-48. 5 v. 8". 1476. Paris. — Observations curieuses sur toutes les i)arties de la physique, extraites et recueillies des meilleurs auteurs ; par Bougeant. Vol. 1-4, 1719-30, 1771. 4 v. 12". 1477. Paris. — Ohservations sur I'histoire naturelle, sur la i)hysique et sur la peinture; par Gautior. Vol. 1-2, partie 1-18, 1752-55. 2 v. 4". (For continuation, see 1481, 1480, 1479.) 1478. Paris. — Observations meteorologiques faites a Nijne-Taguilsk (Monts- Ourals), gouvernement de Perm. 1839-65(1840-67). 27 n. 8". 1479. Paris. — Observations periodiques sur I'liistoire naturelle, la physique et les arts; journal commence en 1752 et continue en 1785 par un renouvellement de privilege ; par une societe de gens de lettres et d'academiciens. 1786. 1 n. 4". (For earlier volumes, see -1477, 1481, 1480.) FRANCE. 101 1480. Paris. — Observations periodiques sur la physique, I'histoire naturelle et les arts, ou iournal de sciences et arts. Vol. 2-4, 1757-58. 3 v. 4°. (For vol. 1, see 1481 ; see also 1477, 1479.) 1481. Paris. — Observations periodiques sur la physique, I'histoire naturelle et les beaux-arts ; i)ar Gautier. Vol. 1, July-Dec, 175G. 1 v. A". (For earlier series, see 1477 ; for continuation, 1480, 1479.) Paris. — Observations sur la physique, sur I'histoire naturelle et sur les arts. (See 1607.) / ^ 1482. Paris. — Observatoire (roy. imp.). /^ S^^ / a. Annales. Tom. 1-5, 1855-59. 5 v. 4". Annales ; memoires. Ton^v - ^ /> 6-12, 18cl-76. 7 v. 4". Atlas. Livr. 1-6. 6 n. P. vlF" ~ h. Annales; observations. Tom. 1-23, 1858-67 (1858-71). 23 v. 4°. *^ / ^, (Cf\ a,y.) ^ ^ \ C^ ^*/^ c. Annuaire meteorologique. 1872. 1 n. 18". Vk ^^ > -f c d. Atlas meteorologique, redige sur les documents recueillis et dreeutes ^ / t par les commissions departementales, des ecoles normales, des obset^.^^ "* /^V vateurs cantonaux, etc. 1866-74(1867-75). 5 vl t'*'., (For earlier ^-^-..j.. . (^/ volumes, see/.) '^^t ^ *,^ ; ">/ ^ ', ,' j"^^^ t e. Atlas des mouvements generaux de Tatmosphere', redige sur les ' * - documents fournis par les observatoires et les mafir.t^^ qe h( ^\^iioe*6t ' . ' de I'etranger; public sous les auspices du miijisXi-e', .J^,niistru,ot^(3}\ \'>\ , publique et avec le concours de I'association scientifique de France. 1864-65 (1868-69). 5 v. f. /. Atlas des orages, redige sur les documents recueillis et discutes par les administrations departementale ; public sous les auspices du ministre de I'instruction publique et avec le concours de I'association scientifique de France. 1865 (1866). 1 n. f". (For continuation, see d.) g. Bulletin international quotidien. Ann 1-13, 1864-76. 26 v. 4°. h. Bulletin meteorologique, ou compte rendu, chaque mois, des varia- tions de la temperature et de la pression de I'atmosphere a Paris, d'apres les observations faites a I'observatoire royal, etc. 1817-18 (1818). 1 V. 8°. i. Bulletin meteorologique mensuel. No. 1-3, 1872. 1 v. 4". (Continued?) j. Observations astronomiques, publiees par le bureau des longitudes. 1. Tom. 1-2, 1810-28 (1825-37). 2 v. f". 2. 1837-57. 19? v. f". (For continuation, see h.) k. Kapport presente a la commission d'inspection, parle directeur. 1872. 1 n. P. 1483. Paris. — Observatoire meteorologique (central) de Montsouris. a. Annuaire meteorologique et agricole. 1871-77 (1872-76). 7 v. 18°. h. Bulletin. 1869-75. 4 v. 4°. c. Bulletin astronomique. No. 1, Oct. 1871. 1 n. 8°. (Continued?) d. Bulletin hebdomadaire d'histoire naturelle, medicale et agricole. 1871-72. 2 V. 4°. e. Bulletin mensuel. Tom. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 4°. 1484. Paris. — Observatoire physique central de Russie. a. Annuaire (magnetique et) meteorologique. 1837-46. 9 v. 4". 1873. 1 v. 24". (Others?) 1485. Paris. — L'opinion medicale et scientifique. Ann. 1, no. 1, 1870. 1 n. 4". (Continued?) 1486. Paris. — Paleontologie fran^aise, ou description des fossiles de la France, continuee par une reunion de paleontologistes sous la direction d'un comite special. 4". 1486»* . Paris. — Paris-architecte ; revue mensuelle illustree. 1865-67. 8". 1487. Paris. — Petites nouvelles entomologiques ; par Deyrolle. No. 1-162. 1869-76. 2 V. 4". 1488. Paris. — La philosophic pour tons ; journal philosophique, litteraire et scientifique. Ann. 1, no. 1, 1876. 1 n. 4". 1489. Paris. — Physis, recueil d'histoire naturelle; par Thomson. Tom. 1, 1867-69. 1 V. 8". 148S** . Paris. — Portfeuille des conducteurs des ponts et chaussees etdes gardes- mines. Ser. 1-7, 1860-67. 7 v. f. 1490. Paris. — Le pour et le contre, ouvrage periodique d'un gout nouveau dans lequel on s'explique librement sur tout ce qui pent interesser la curi- 102 FRANX'E osit6 du public en matiere des sciences, d'arts, de livres, d'auteurs, etc ; par Prevost, etc. Vol. 1-20, 1733-40. 20 v. 12". (Another edi- tion was pul)lished at the Hague.) 1491. Paris. — La presse scientifique, contenant le compte rendu des seances du cercle, redige sous la direction du coniite ; bibliographic, chronique et varietes scientifiques. Vol. 1-2, 1859. 2 v. 8". 1492. Paris. — Presse scientifique des deux mondes ; revue universelle du iiiouvement des sciences pures et appliquees ; par Barral. Vol. 1-12, 18G0-G.G. 12 V. 8". (Continued?) 1493. Paris. — La presse scientifique et industrielle ; revue des sciences, des arts, de I'industrie, de I'agriculture et du commerce ; dir. Desparquets. Ann. 1, 1858. 4". 1494. Paris. — Prevision du temps; almanach et calendrier meteorologique, a I'usage de I'liomme des mers et de I'homme des champs ; par Kaspail. 1805-73. 9 V. 18". 1495. Paris. — Le producteur; journal philosophique de I'industrie, des sciences ■ et.uep l>Baux-arts. 1826. 1 v. 8". 1496 jF^arisC--* Programmes officiels de la licence et du doctorat es sciences ^ ^ ^ ^ ^mathqjna'tfques, physiques et naturelles. 12°. ^tfi^'t. Paris. .— X^ii progres des sciences; annuaire scientifique ; par Deherain, ' ' ''' ' 'etc: ' 1^0:^-70. 9 V. 18". 1498. Paris. — Les progres sericicoles, ou pratique et theorie ; revue hebdoma- daire ouverte a toutes les comnmnications qui pourront interesser I'industrie des soies. 18G2. 1 v. 8". (Continued?) 1499. Paris. — progresso ; publica^ao scientifia e industrial ofFerecida as classes estudiosas e industriosas do Brasil : par Machado. No. 1, 185G. 1 n. 8". (Continued?) Paris. — Kecherches chronometriques. (See 1449, c.) 1499" . Paris. — Recueil d'architecture, choix de documents pratiques ; dir. Wulliam, etc. Ann. 1-3, 1873-75. 3 v. 4". 1500. Paris. — Recueil general des questions traitees es conferences du bureau d'addresse par les plus beaux esprits du temps. Vol. 1-5, 1G69. 5 v. 4". (Reprint of 1357.) Paris. — Recueil des memoires, ou recueil de pieces acad., etc. (See 1141.) 1501. Paris. — Recueil des memoires les plus interessans de chimie et d'histoire naturelle, contenus dans les actes de I'academie d' Upsal et dans ceux de I'academie royale des sciences de Stockholm, publics depuis 1720 jusqu'en 17G0; traduit du Latin et de I'Allemand. Vol. 1-2, 17G4. 2 V. 12". (Cf. 693, 711, 2671.) 1502. Paris. — Reforme agricole, scientifique, industrielle; journal populaire des sciences utiles dans leurs rapports avec I'agriculture, I'industrie, les mines, les travaux i)ublics. la marine, la guerre, I'enseignement ; par Boubee. 1848-67. 20? v. 4". 1503. Paris. — Reforme fondamentale des sciences physiques produite par la decouverte de Torigine des faits cosmiques ; reforme de la physique par la decouverte de la stoechiometrie des equivalents electriques ; par Beron. 1860. 1 v. 8«. 1504. Paris. — La reforme scientifique, recueil periodique; dir. Rabache. Ann. 1, no. 1, 1867. 1 n. 8". (Continued?) 1505. Paris. — Repertoire d'anatomie et physiologic pathologiques ; par Brcs- chet. Vol. 1-8, 1826-29. 8 v. 4". 1506. Paris. — Repertoire de chimie appliquee, compte rendu des applications de la chimie en France et a I'etranger ; par Barresuil. 1858--G0 (1859- 60). 2 V. 8". (For continuation, see 1569, c.) 1507. Paris. — R6pertoire de chimie pure, compte rendu des progres de la chimie pure en France et a I'etranger; par Wurtz, etc. 1S58-G0 (1859-60). 2 V. 8". (For continuation, see 1569, d.) 1508. Paris. — Ri'pcrtoire general d'anatomie et de physiologic pathologiques ct de clinique chirurgicale; par Breschet. Vol. 1-8, 1826-29. 8 v. 4". 1508" . Paris. — Reunion des oflBiciers. (I. Annuaire. b. Bulletin hebdomadaire. Ann. 1-5, 1871-75. 5 v. 4°. FRANCE. 103 1509. Paris. — Revue americaine, recueil exclusivement consacre aux rccher- ches archeologiques, >.istoriques, philologiques, othnographiques et litteraires sur le nouveau monde, piiblie sous les auspices de la societe d'ethnographie et du comite d'archeologie americaine; par Eosny. 1866-72. 7? V. 8". (Cf. 1363, 1575, and note to 1528.) 1510. Paris. — Revue d'anthropologie ; dir. Broca. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8° 1511. Paris. — Revue d'anthropologie catholique ; redigee par un pretre et un docteur en medecine. Tom. 1, no. 1, Jan., 1847. 1 n. 8°. I 1512. Paris. — Revue archeologique, ou recueil de documents et de memoires relatifs Ji I'etude des monuments, a la numismatique et a la philolo gie de I'antiquite et du moyen age ; publiee par les i)rincipaux arche- ologues fran9ais et etrangers. 1. Ann. 1-16, 18-44-59. 16 v. 8". I 2. Ann. 1-17, vol. 1-32, 1860-76. 32 v. 8". I 1513. Paris. — Revue bibliographique, pour servir de complement aux annales des sciences naturelles ; par Audoiiin, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1829-31. 2 v. 8". (See 1308.) 11514. Paris. — Revue botanique ; recueil mensuel, consacre principalement a, I'analyse des travaux publics en France et a I'etranger sur la botan- ique et sur scs ajjplications a I'horticulture, I'agriculture, la medecine, etc. ; par Duchartre. Ann. 1-2, 1845-47. 2 v. 8". 1515. Paris. — Revue coloniale. Tom. 1-20, 1848-58. 20 v. 8". Nouvelles I annales de la marine et rev. col. Tom. 21-28, 1859-62. 8 v. 8". "* Xouv. ann. de la marine. Tom. 29-32, 1863-64. 4 v. 8". (See also 1449, e,f.) 1516. Paris. — Revue des cours scientifiques de la France et de I'etranger; par Yung. etc. 1. Vol. 1-7, 1863-71. 7 v. 4". 2. I.fa revue scientifique de la France et de I'etranger. Vol. 1-11 (8-18), 1871-76. 11 v. 4°. Table 1-14, 1864-74 (1875). 1 v. 8". 1517. Paris. — Revue des eaux et forf^ts. Tom. 1-15, 1862-76. 15 v. 8". (Tom. 5-7, 1866-68, also entitled : Annales forestieres — 1296 being merged in it.) 1518. Paris. — Revue elementaire et progressive des sciences physiques et natu- relles ; par Boubee. Vol. 1-2, 1884-36. 2 v. 8". 1519. Paris. — Revue encyclopedique, ou analyse raisonnee des productions les plus remarquables dans la litterature, les sciences et les arts ; par une reunion de membres de I'institut et d'autres hommes de lettres ; dir. Jullien. 1. Vol. 1-20, 1819-23. 20 v. 8'". 2. Vol. 21-40, 1824-28. 20 V. 8". 3. Vol. 41-48, 1829-30. 8 v. 8". 4. Vol. 49-61, 1831-35. 13 V. 8°. Tables 1819-28. 2 v. 8". (Preceded by 1437, 1294.) Paris. — Revue entomologique. (See 3236.) 1520. Paris. — Revue ethnographique. No. 1, 1869. In. 8". (Continued?) 1521. Paris. — Revue generale de I'architecture et des travaux publics; par Daly. Tom. 1-32, 1840-75. 32 v. 4". 1522. Paris. — Revue geographique ; parduBocage. 1862-65(1863-66). 4n. 8°. 1523. Paris. — La revue geographique internationale ; journal illustre d'en- seignemcnt et d'emigration ; red. Renaud. Ann. 1, 1876. 1 v. 4". 1524. Paris. — Revue de geologic; par Delesse, etc. Tom. 1-12, 1860-73 (1861-76). 12 v: 8". 1525. Paris. — Revue hebdomadaire de chimie scientifique et industrielle ; dir. Mene. Vol. 1-4, 1868-72. 4 v. 8". 1526. Paris. — Revue et magazin de zoologie pure et appliquee ; recueil men- suel destine a faciliter aux savants de tous les pays les moyens de pub- lier leurs observations de zoologie pure et appliquee a I'industrie et a I'agriculture, leurs travaux de paleontologie, d'anatomie et de physi- ologie comparees, et a les tenir au courant des nouvelles decouvertes et des progres de la science ; par Guerin-Meneville, etc. 2. Vol. 1-23, 1849-72. 23 v. 8". 3. Vol. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 v. 8". (For first series, see 1439, 1570.) 1527. Paris. — Revue normande ; redigee par une societe de savans et littera- teurs de Rouen, de Caen et des principales villes de la Normandie. 1528. Paris. — Revue orientale et americaine ; i)ar Rosny. Vol. 1-10, 1859-65. 10 V. 8". This also forms the first series of 1575, e, and of 1529 ! Vol. 9 (1864) is entitled Revue orientale only. Some of the covers 104 FRANCE. bear the additional title : publiee sous les auspices de la societe d'ethnographie. For second series, see 1575, a; the 4th vol. of the first series of which bears in text the title : "Rev. amer.* 2« serie, torn. 2 (18G5)." The announcement is also made in this volume that vol. 1 of the second series of the revue will be published at a later epoch ; notwithstanding which, one signature of the same volume bears the mark: Revue orient, et amer., vol. 11 ! and vol. 1 appears never to have been issued. The curious complication that has arisen by the changes in this and other Parisian series may be represented by the following scheme : — A. Athenee oriental. Bulletin (1340, a), 1^ ser. 2 v. = C. B. Revue orientale (1529), I*' ser. 10 v. = U, also F. C. Revue orientale (1529), 2^ ser. 2 v. = A. 1). Revue orientale et americaine (1528), P ser. 10 v. == B, also F.f E. Revue orientale et americaine (1528), 2" ser. Vol. 2 = G, vol. 4. F. Societe d'ethnographie. Memoires (1575, e), 1^ ser. 10 v. = B, also D. G. Societe d'ethnographie. Actes (1575, a), P ser. Vol. 4 = E. 1529. Paris. — Revue orientale; journal des orientalistes. 1. (See 1538.) 2. Tom. 1-2, ann. 10-11, 1868-70. 2 v. 8° This journal was considered as a second series of the revue orientale et americaine (see 1528) ; the ninth volume of which bears, both on title-page and elsewhere, the title : Revue orientale. It would also appear that this second series was afterwards claimed as the first se- ries of 1340, a ! (See note to 1528.) 1530. Paris. — Revue progressive; sciences, arts mecaniques, litterature, beaux- arts, theatres, industrie. Vol. 1-2, 1853. 2 v. 8<*. 1531. Paris. — Revue des sciences et de I'industrie pour ia France et I'etranger ; par Grandeau, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1862-63. 2 v. 12". 1532. Paris. — Revue des sciences des lettres et des arts; dir. Lunel. No. 1, 1858. In. 4". 1533. Paris. — Revue des sciences naturelles ; dir. Dubreuil. Vol. 1, 1872- 73. 1 V. 1534. Paris. — Revue scientifique, agricole, industrielle et medicale de la France et de I'etranger ; dir. Godard. 1848. 1 v. 8"*. Paris. — Revue scientifique de la France et de I'etranger. (See 1516.) 1535. Paris. — Revue scientifique hebdomadaire de Montpellier ; par Bechamp, etc. 1866. 8° 1536. Paris. — Revue scientifique et industrielle des faits les plus utiles et les plus curieux observes dans la medecine, I'hygiene, la physique, la chimie, la pharmacie, r4conomie rurale et domestique, I'industrie na- tionale et etrangere ; dir. Quesneville. Vol. 1-39, 1840-52. 39 v. 8*. (Cf. 1456.) 1536». Paris. — Revue scientifique italienne ; par de Mortillet. 1863. 1 v. 121 1537. Paris. — Revue scientifique; physique, chimie, botanique, zoologie, anato- mic, physiologic, geologic, paleontologie, medecine. 1. 1864-70. 7? V. 8". 2. Ann. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 8". 1538. Paris. — Revue de sericiculture comparee ; journal agricole formant les annales du laboratoire central de sericiculture, des societes agricoles de France et de I'ecole d'ailanticulture, annexes a la ferme imperiale de Vincennes ; correspondance entre les agriculteurs qui s'occupent de I'elevagc des vers a sole du murier, de I'ailanthe, duch^ne, etc., et de. I'emploi de leurs divers produits ; par Guerin-Meneville. Vol. 1-4, 1863-66. 4 v. 8". Paris. — Revue des societ6s savantes. (See 1448,/.) 1539. Paris. — Revue universelle des mines, de la metallurgie, des travaux pub- lics, des sciences et des arts, appliques a I'industrie ; par De Cuyper. Ann. 1-20, tom. 1-40, 1857-76. 40 v. 8i Table 1-12 (1863) ; 1-26 (1870). 2 V. 8". (A new series commenced in 1877.) * Meaning rev. orient, et amer. ; since the revue americaine (1509) was not then in existen(!e. t When the revue or. et amer. (1528) terminated its first series, a revue orien- tale (1529) and a revue americaine (1509) were both projected; probably the latter also considered D (above) as its " first series " I FRANCE. 105 Paris. — "Revue zoologique. (See 1570, a.") 1540. Paris. — La ruche scientifique ; revue universelle de chiraie, pharmaeie, toxicologic, histoire naturelle, connaissances utiles, inventions et de- couvertes ; journal complimentaire de I'abeille niedicale ; red. Bossu. Ann. 1-3, 1860-62. 3? v. 4". 1541. Paris. — La science contre le prejuge ; journal paraissant tous les same- dis. Tom. 1, no. 1, 1856. 1 n. 4° (Continued?) 1542. Paris. — La science illustree ; journal hebdomadaire. Tom. 1, no. i, 1875. 1 n. 4". (Continued?) 1543. Paris. — La science et I'industrie ; journal propagateur des connaissances utiles ; revue hebdomadaire des sciences, des arts ; dir. Marie. 1863- (So. 4 v. 8^'. (From 1864, called nouv. ser.) 1544. Paris. — La science ; journal du progres des sciences pures et appliquees, des decouvertes et inventions : red. Blum. 1854-57. f°. (Two edi- tions, a daily and a weekly, were published.) Paris. — La science pittoresque. (See 1461.) 1545. Paris. — La science populaire, ou revue du progres des connaissances et de leurs applications aux arts et a I'industrie ; par Rambosson. Vol. 1-4, 1863-66. 4 v. 12° 1546. Paris. — La science et les savants ; par Meunier. Vol. 1-4, 1864-66. 4 V. ri"^. 1547. Paris. — La science pour tous ; journal illustre, paraissant tous les jeudis ; red. Le Xoir. xVnn. 1-21, 1855-76. 21 v. 4". 1548. Paris. — Regia scientiarum academia. a. Historia, in qua praeter ipsius academiae originem et progressus, va- riasque dissertationes et observationes per triginta annos factas, quam plurima experimenta et inventa, cum physica, tum mathematica, in cer- tuni ordinem digeruntur; ed. Du Hamel. 1698. 1 v. 4". 2d ed. 1701. 1 V. 4". (See 1276, etc.) 1549. — Paris. — Seances des ecoles normales. Vol. 1-10, 1800-01. 10 v. 8° 1549^. Paris. — Situation de I'industrie houillere. 1859-65(1860-66). 7 v. 8°. (For continuation, see 1387, 1365, a.) 1550. Paris. — Societe (roy.) academique des sciences. a. Annuaire. 1813-24. 12 n. 12". 1551. Paris. — Societe aerostatique et meteorologique de France. a. Annales d'aerostation et de meteorologie ; bulletin. 1852. 3 n. 8". (See also 1579.) Paris. — Societe d'agriculture, etc., de Bayeux. (See 1044.) 1552. — Paris. — Societe des amateurs des sciences physiques et naturelles. a. Notice des travaux. Vol. 1-2, 1807-08. 2 v. S"^. 1553. Paris. — Societe americaine de France. a. Annuaire. 1-3, 1868-75 (1873-75). 3 n. 8" (The first number, 1868-73, forms Avith 1363, h a volume of 200 pages ; the two other numbers are separately paged.) h. Archives. 2. Vol. 1, 1875. 1 v. 8° (Should 1363, a be considered the first series?) (See 1363.) 1554. Paris, — Societe anatomique. a. Bulletins. 1. Tom. 1-32, 1826-57. 32 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-19 (33-51), 1858-76. 19 V. 8° 1555. Paris. — Societe des anciens el^ves des ecoles imperiales d'arts et metiers. a. Annuaire. Ann. 1-20, 1848-67. 20 v. 8'". (Continued?) 1556. Paris. — Societe d'anthropologie. a. Bulletins. 1. Vol. 1-6, 1859-65 (1860-65). 6 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-11, 1866-76. 11 V. 8". h. Memoires. 1. Vol. 1-3, 1860-72. 3 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1 (4), 1873-76 (1876). 1 V. 8". 1557. Paris. — Societe nationale (roy. imp.) des antiquaires de France. a. Annuaire. 1848-55. 8 v. 18". h. Bulletin. 1857-76. 20 v. 8". c. Memoires et dissertations sur les antiquites. 1. Tom. 1-10, 1817-34. 10 V. 8". 2. Tom. 1-10 (11-20), 1835-50. 10 v. 8'^. 3. Tom. 1-10 106 FRANCE. (21-30), 1852-G8. IG t. 8°. 4. Tom. 1-6 (31-36), 18(59-70. 6 v. 8". (Is the first series identical witli the same series of 1099, 6? For an earlier series, see 1273, a.) Paris. — Societe (roy. imp.) des antiquaires de Normandie. (See 1099.) Paris. — Societe des antiquaires de Picardie. (See 1016.) Paris. — Societe d'archeologie, sciences, leitres et arts de Seine-et- Marne. (See 1218.) Paris. — Societe archeologique de la province de Constantine. (See Constantine, ibid.) 1558. Paris. — Societe d'Arcueil. a. Memoires de physique et de ehimie. Vol. 1-3, 1807-17. 3 v. 8°. 1559. Paris. — Societe des arts et metiers. a. Annuaire. 185G. 1 n. 12". (Were there others? the society was founded in 1806.) 1560. Paris. — Societe des arts, sciences, belles-lettres et Industrie. a. Journal. Vol. 1 i, 1851. 1 n. 8° 1561. Paris. — Societe asiatique. a. Nouveau journal asiatique. 1. See 1401. 2. Tom. 1-16, 1828-35. 16 V. 8". 3. Journal asiatique. Tom. 1-14, 1836-42. 14 v. 8". 4. Tom. 1-20, 1843-52. 20 v. 8". -5. Tom. 1-20, 1853-62. 20 v. 8". 6. Tom. 1-20, 1863-72. 20 v. 8°. 7. Tom. 1-8, 1873-76. 8 v. 8". h. Rapports pendant I'an. 1823-28. 6 n. 8". (Continued?) 1562. Paris. — Societe etablie au Bengale pour faire des recherches sur I'histoire et les antiquites, les arts, les sciences et la litterature de I'Asie. a. llecherches asiatiques, ou memoires ; traduits par Labaume. Vol. 1-2, 1805, 2 V. 4". (For original, see Calcutta. — Society instituted in Bengal, etc.) 1563. Paris. — Societe du Berri. a. Compte rendu des travaux. Ann. 4-13, 1856-67. 10 v. 8". (Con- tinued? For earlier volumes, see 1571, a.) 1564. Paris. — Societe de biologie. a. Comptos rendus des seances et memoires. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1849-53 (1850- 54). 5 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-5 (6-10), 1854-58(1855-59). 5 v. 8". 3. Vol. 1-5 (11-15), 1859-63 (1860-64). 5 v. 8". 4. Vol. 1-5(16-20), 1864-68 (1865-69). 5 v. 8°. 5. Vol. 1-5 (21-25). 1869-72 (1870-73). 5 V. 8". 6. Vol. 1-2, 1873-75 (1874-76). 2 v. 8°. 1565. Paris. — Societe botanique de France. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-23, 1854-76. 23 v. S". Paris. — Societe centrale d'apiculture et d'insectologie. (See 1133.) 1566. Paris. — Societe centrale d'apiculture. a. Bulletin. No. 1, 1855. 1 n. 8". (Continued? Cf. 1572.) 1566» Paris. — Societe centrale des architectes. a. Annales. Vol. 1, 1874? (Containing the eomptes rendus du congres nat. des ^rch. franyais.) b. Bulletin mensuel. 1. Vol. 1- , 1840- . v. 8". 2. Vol. 1- , 18 - 67. V. 8". 3. Vol. 1-6, 1868-73. 6 v. 8''. 4. Vol. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 V. 8". 1567. Paris. — Societe centrale des chasseurs. a. L'acclimatation; journal hebdomadaire ; bulletin officiel. Ann. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 V. 4". 1568. Paris. — Societe de ehimie medicale. a. Journal de cliimie medicale, de pharmacie et de toxicologic. 1. Ann. 1-10, 1825-34. 10 V. 8". 2. J. ... et revue des nouvellcs scienti- fiques nationales et etrangeres. Tom. 1-10 (11-20), 1835-44. 10 v. 8". 3. Tom. 1-10 (21-30). 1845-54. 10 v. 8". 4. Tom. 1-10 (31-40), 1855-64. 10 v. 8". 5. Tom. 1-10 (41-50), 18()5-74. 10 v. 8". 6. . . . et moniteur d'hygiene. Tom. 1-2 (51-52), 1875-76. 2 v. 8". 1569. Paris. — Societe chimique. a. Bulletin . . . ; un repertoire de ehimie. 1. 1858-60. 3 v. 8°. Bulle- tin des seances. 1861-63. 3 v. 8°. 2. Bulletin (mensuel), com- prenant le compte rendu des travaux de la societe et I'analyse des memoires de eiiimie pure et api)liquee publics en France et a r6tranger. Tom. 1-26, 1864-76. 26 v. 8° Table 1858-74 (1876). 1 V. 8". FRANCE. 107 b. Repertoire de chimie appliquee, etc. Ann. 3-8, 1861-66. 6 v. 8". (For previous vol., see 1506.) c. Repertoire de chimie pure, etc. Ann. 3-8, 1861-66. 6 v. 8°. (For previous vol., see 1507.) 1570. Paris. — Societe cuvierienne ; assocation universelle pour I'avancement de la zoologie, de I'anatomie compares, et de la paleontologie. a. Revue zoologique ; par Guerin-Meneville. Vol. 1-11, 1838-18. 11 v. 8". (For continuation, see 1526.) 1571. Paris. — Societe du departement de I'Indre. a. Conipte rendu des travaux. Ann. 1-3, 1853-56. 3 v. 8°. (Continued in 1563, a.) 1572. Paris. — Societe economique d'apiculture. a. L'apiculture practicien ; bulletin de la soc. e. d'ap. ; journal des cultivateurs d'abeilles, marchands de miel et de cire. Ann. 1, no. 1, 1856. 1 n. 8". (Continued? Cf. 1566.) 1572**^. Paris. — Societe d'education et d'enseignement. a. Bulletin. Paris. — Societe eduenne. (See 1034.) 1573. Paris. — Societe d'encouragement pour les etudes geographiques. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1, no. 1, 1875. 1 n. 8". (Continued?) 1574. Paris. — Societe entomologique de France. a. Annales. 1. Vol. 1-11, 1832-42. 11 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-10, 1843-52. 10 V. S'\ 3. Vol. 1-8, 1853-60. 8 v. 8". 4. Vol. 1-10, 1861-70. 10 V. 8". Suppl. 1871-72. 1 v. 8". 5. Vol. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 8*1 (The official " Bibliographie de la France" gives, as appearing in 1845, a part of the 2d volume of " Memoires " of this society, and they have been thus referred to in several scientific biographies. M. A. Salle of Paris has had the kindness to search this reference for me to its source and discovers that the Societe ethnologique was intended, all the sjiecifications agreeing with the memoires of that society.) h. Bulletin des seances. Ann. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 v. 8''. 1575. Paris. — Societe d'ethnographie (americaine et orientale.) a. Actes. 1. Tom. 1-4, 1859-64 (1860?-65). 4 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1, 1864 (1866). Iv. S''. h. Annuaire. 1862-76. 15 n. and v. 12°. (In 1876 there appear to have been two issues [both official?], one in 12". of 24 pp., "par Dumas"; the other in 8". 48 pp. " par De Montjan, sec. perpet.") c. Bulletin. Ann. 1, no. 1, 1876. 1 n. 8". d. Comptes rendus des seances. 1860. 8°. e. Memoires. 1. See 1258, and note. 2. Revue ethnographique ; memoires et travaux. Tom. 1-3 (11-13), 1869-75. 3 v. S**. /. Revue americaine. (See 1509.) (The connection of the various series of the different publications of this society with one another and with current publications of the same nature, which it has appropriated, is very complicated and is explained in a note to 1528. This society is distinct from the follow- ing.) 1576. Paris. — Societe ethnologique. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1, 1846-47. 1 v. 8% h. Memoires. Vol. 1-2, 1841-45. 2 v. 8". (This society is distinct from the preceding.) Paris. — Societe fran5aise pour la conservation . . . des monuments. a. Congres archeologique de France. (See 995.) 1577. Paris. — Societe fran^aise de numismatique et d'archeologie. a. Annuaire. Ann. 1-2, 1866-67. 2 v. 8". h. Comptes rendus. Tom. 1-7, 1869-76. 7 v. 8". c. Memoires. (This society was originally entitled : Societe parisienne d'histoire et d'archeologie.) 1578. Paris. — Societe fran^aise de physique. a. Seances. 1873-76. 3 v. 8". 1579. Paris. — Societe generale d'aerostation et d'automotion a6rienne. a. L'aeronaute ; moniteur de la soc. 1863. 1 n. f°. (Continued? See also 1551.) 108 FRANCE 1580. Paris. — Soci6t6 de geographie. a. Bulletin. 1. Vol. 1-20, 1821-33. 20 v. 8° 2. Vol. 1-20, 1834-43. 20 V. 8". 3. Vol. 1-14. 1844-50. 14 v. 8-. 4. Vol. 1-20, 1851-60. 20 V. 8". 5. Vol. 1-20, 18G1-70. 20 v. 8°. 6. Vol. 1-12, 1871-76. 12 V. 8". Table; ser. 1-2(1845); ser. 3-4 (186- ). 2 v. 8". b. Notice annuelle dcs travaux . . . et des progres des sciences geogra- phiques pendant I'annee. 1851 (1852). 1 n. 8'; (Others?) c. Notice historique des travaux. 1822-25. 4 v. ? 8". d. Recueil des voyages et de memoires. Vol. 1-7, 1824-64. 7 v. 4". 1581. Paris. — Societe de geographie commerciale. a. L'explorateur. (See 1385.) b. Le nouvel explorateur; petite edition du journal l'explorateur. Ann. 1, 1876. 1 V. 8". 1582. Paris. — Societe geologique de France. a. Bulletin. 1. Vol. 1-14, 18^30-48. 14 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-29, 1843-72 (1844-73). 29 V. 8". Table 1-20 ( ). 1 v. 8". 3. Vol. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 V. 8". b. Comptes-rendus des reunions extraordinaires. 1843-76. 28 n. and V. 8". c. Memoires. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1833-43 5 v. 4". 2. Vol. 1-10. 1844-77. 10 V. 4". (A neAv series commenced in 1877.) 1583. Paris. — Societe d'histoire naturelle. a. Actes. Vol. 1, pt. i, 1792. 1 v. P. b. Memoires. 1. 1799. 1 v. 4". 2. Vol. 1-5, 1823-34. 5 v. 4°. Paris. — Societe d'histoire naturelle de I'ile Maurice. (See Mauritius, ibid. ) 1584. Paris. — Societe d'histoire naturelle de Strasbourg. a. Memoires. Vol. 1, 1830. 1 v. 4°. (For cont., see 1591, «., 3238, b.) Paris. — Societe d'histoire naturelle de Toulouse. a. Bulletin. (See 1686, a.) 1585. Paris. — Societe de I'industrie minerale. a. Bulletin. 1855. 1 n. 81 1586. Paris. — Societe des ingenieurs civils. a. Memoires et comptes rendus des travaux. 1848-76. 29 v. 8°. 1586**. Paris. — Societe libre du musee de Paris (afterwards, Academie des arts et metiers, industries, sciences et belles-lettres) . a. (Any serial publication?) 1587. Paris. — Societe linneenne. a. Annales. (See c.) b. Compte rendu des travaux. 1821-26 (1822-27). 6 n. 8°. c. Memoires. Vol. 1-5, 1822-27. 5 v. 8".; vol. 6 (also entitled : An- nales), 1827 (1828). 1 V. 8". d. Relation de la fete champ^tre. 1-6, 1822-27. 1 v. 8°. e. Seance publique. Ann. 28-29, 1825-26. 2 n. 8". (Others?) 1588. Paris. — Societe linneenne de Londres. a. Transactions; partieconchyliologique (1790-1834). 1 v. 8°. (See 333.) Paris. — Societe linneenne de Normandie. (See 1102.) 1589. Paris. — Societe mathematique de France. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-4, 1872-76 (1873-76). 4 v. 8". 1590. Paris. — Societe meteorologique de France. a. Annuaire. 1849-52. 4 v. 8"'. ; torn. 1-19, 1853-71 (1855-76). 19 v. 8". (Composed of two parts : one, Bulletin des seances — monthly; the other. Tableaux meteorologiques — quarterly.) b. Bulletin des seances. (See a.) c. Nouyelles meteorologiques ; revue raensuelle des progres de la m6teor- ologie et de ses applications a I'hygiene, a I'agriculture et a la ma- rine. Ann. 1-9, 1868-76. 9 v. 8". d. Tableaux meteorologiques. (See a.) 1591. Paris. — Societe du museum d'histoire naturelle de Strasbourg. a. Memoires. Vol. 2-4, 1835-53. 3 v. 4". (For vol. 1, see 1584. For continuation, see 3238, b.) 1592. Paris. — Societe nivernaise des lettres, sciences et arts. a. Repertoire archeologique du departement de la Nievre. Vol. 1-4, 18 -76. 4 V. 4". (See also 1255.) FRANCE. 109 1593. Paris. — Societe orientale. a. Revue'de rorient ; bulletin de la soc. Tom. 1-11, 1848-46. 11 v. 8*^. Paris. — Societe parisienne d'histoire et archeologie. (See 1577.) 1594. Paris. — Societe philomatique. a. Bulletin. Ann. 18G4-7G. 13? v. 8". b. Bulletin des sciences. 1. Vol. 1-3, 1791-1811. 3 v. 4*". 2. Nou- veau bulletin. Vol. 1-3, 1807-12 (1808-13). 3 v. 4". 3. Bulletin. 1814-24. llv. 4*^. 4. Nouveau bulletin. 1825-26,1832-33. 4 v. 8". (Vol. for 1827-31 unpublished.) c. Extraits des proces-verbaux des seances. 1836-6.5. 30 n. 8". (Others?) d. Nouveau bulletin des sciences. (Seei.) e. Rapport general des travaux. Vol. 1-4, 1788-1800 (179.5-1800). 4 V. 8". 1595. Paris. — Societe philotechnique. a. Annuaire. 1, 1889 (1840). 1 n. 12". h. Compte rendu. 1833, 1834, 1837. 3 n. 8". 1596. Paris. — Societe pour la propagation des connaissances scientifiquea et industrielles. a. Bulletin universel des sciences et de I'industrie ; par Ferussac. Sect. 1. (Bulletin des) sciences mathematiques, astronomiques, phy- siques et chiniiques. Vol. 1-16, 1824-31. 16 v. 8". h. Bulletin universel des sciences et de I'industrie ; par Ferussac. Sect. 2. (Bulletin des) sciences naturelles et de geologie. Vol. 1-26, 1824-31. 26 V. 8". c. Bulletin universel des sciences et de rindustrie ; par Ferussac. Sect. 6. (Bulletin des) sciences geographiques, economic publique, voyages. Vol. 1-26, 1824-31. 26 v. 8°. d. Bulletin universel des sciences et de I'industrie ; par Ferussac. Sect. 7. (Bulletin des) sciences historiques, antiquites et philologie. Vol. 1, 1824. 1 v. 8". (The other sections do not concern this list. For earlier volumes, see 1345.) 1597. Paris. — Societe royale de Londres. a. Abrege des transactions philosophiques ; ouvrage traduit de I'anglais. Tom. 1-14, 1778-91. 14 v. 8" (See 434, /i.) h. Abrege des transactions philosophiques . . . traduit de I'anglais, et redige par M. Gibelin. Ft. 1-12, 1787-90. 15 v. 8'^ (See 434, /i.) c. Table des memoires imprimes dans les transactions philosophiques de 1665 a 1735 (1737). 1 v. 4°, 2« ed. (1739). 1 v. 4". (See 434, g.) d. Transactions philosophiques ; traduites par Bremond, etc. 1733-36 (1734-40). 3 V. 4".; 1736-46(1759-61). 5 v. 4". (See 434, ^.) e. Transactions philosophiques ; traduites par Bremond. 1731-36(1741). 6 V. 4". (See 434, ^r.) /. Transactions philosophiques; traduites par Demours, etc. 1731-44 (1739-60). 8 V. 4". (See 434, (/.) (See 434.) Paris. — Societe des sciences, d'agriculture, etc., de Lille. (Sec 1167.) 1598. Paris. — Societe des sciences chimique, physique, agricole et industri- elle de France. a. 'Memoires. 1833-39. 7 v. 8°. Paris. — Societe nat. des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg. (See 1128.) 1599. Paris. — Societe des sciences naturelles de France. a. Bulletin. 1835. 1 n. 4". Paris. — Societe des sciences naturelles de Seine-et-Oise. (See 1703.) 1600. Paris. — Societe des sciences physiques et naturelles. a. Notice des travaux. 1-2, 1807-08. 2 v. 8'^ 1601. Paris. — Societe royale des sciences de Turin. a. Memoires, concernant I'histoire naturelle, la physique, la chymie, la botanique, etc. ; traduits par Paul, etc. 1779. 1 v. 4°. (See 2053.) Paris. — Societe scientifique industrielle de Marseilles. (See 1213.) 1602. Paris. — Societe de secours des amis des sciences. a. Compte-rendu de la seance publique annuelle. 1-15, 1858-74. 15 v. 8°. 110 FRANCE. 1603. Paris. — Societe sericicole, fondee pour le progres de I'industrie de la sole. a. Annal.es. Tom. 1, 1851. h. Cotnptc-rendii des travaux. 1851 (1852). 1 n. 8". 1604. Paris. — Societe saricicole pour la propagation et I'amelioration de I'in- dustrie de la sole en France. a. Annales. Vol. 1-15, 1837-51 (1888-52;. 15 v. 8". 1605. Paris. — Societe (imperiale zoologique) d'acclimatation. a. Annuaire de la societe . . . et du jardin d'acclimatation du Bois-de- Boulogne. Ann. 1, 1863. 1 v. 18". i. Bulletin (universel). 1. Vol. 1-10, 1854-63. lOv. 8". 2. Vol. 1-10, 1864-73. 10 V. 8". 3. Vol. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 v. 8". c. (Compte rendu de la) seance publique annuelle. 1-17, 1857-76. 17 n. and V. 8". d. Chronique ; journal de faits divers et d'annonces. Ann. 1-2, 1875-76. 2v. 4*'. e. Le jardin zoologique et botanique du Bois-de-Boulogne ; historique, description, proprietes, acclimatation, elevage des animaux et plantes. Tom. 1, 1859. 1 v. 4". 1606. Paris. — Societe zoologique de France. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8". 1607. Paris. — Tableau du travail annuel de toutes les academies, on observa- tions sur la physique, sur I'histoire naturelle et sur les arts et metiers. Vol. 1, 1772. 1 V. 4". Observations sur la physique, sur I'histoire naturelle et sur les arts, contenant I'abrege de I'histoire et des memoires des academies etrangeres de Berlin, de Londres, de Bologne, de Suede, etc.) Vol. 2-43, 1773-93 (1784-93). 42 v. 4". Suppl. 1778, 1782. 2 V. 4°. (For earlier series, see 1398; for continuation, see 1421.) 1608. Paris. — Le tour du monde ; nouveau journal des voyages ; par Charton. Tom. 1-32. 1860-76. 32 v. 4". Paris. — Transactions philosophiques. (See 1597, cZ, c, /.) 1609. Paris. — L'union scientifique et litteraire ; nouvelle revue mensuelle des sciences, de la litterature et des arts. 1864-. 8". 1610. Paris. — L'unite scientifique et litteraire. Tom. 1, no. 1, 1858. 1 n. 8". (Continued?) Pas-de-Calais, Commission . . . des antiquites du. (See 1028.) Pau. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 39. (See 998, c.) 1611. Pau. — Societe des sciences, lettres et arts. a. Bulletin. 1. Tom. 1-3, 1841-43? 3 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-5, 1871-76 (1872-76). 5 V. 8". 1612. Pau. — Societe scientifique, artistique et photographique des Basses- Pj^renees. a. Memoires. Ann. 1855. 1 n. 8'^'. Perigord, Societe historique et archeologique du. (See 1614.) 1613. Perigueux. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences et arts de la Dordogne. a. Annales agricoles, litteraires et scientifiques. Vol. 1-36, 1840-75. 36 V. 8". 1614. P^rigueux. — Societe historique et archeologique du Perigord. a. Bulletin. Tom. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 v. 8". 1615. Perpignan. — Societe agricole, scientifique et litteraire des Pyr6nees- orientales. a. (Bulletin.) Tom. 6-22, 1845-76. 17 v. 8". (Most of the volumes appear to have no distinctive title ; for earlier series, see 1616, 1617.) 1616. Perpignan. — Societe philomatique. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-4, 1834-39. 4 v. 8". (For continuation, see 1617.) 1617. Perpignan. — Societe des Pyrenees-orientales ; sciences, belles-lettres, arts industriels et agricoles. a. Bulletin. Vol. 5, 1841. v. 8°. (For earlier volumes, see 1616 ; for later, 1615.) Picardie, Societe des antiquaires de. (See 1016, 1265.) Poitiers. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 2. (See 998, c.) FRANCE 111 1618. Poitiers. — Revue d'Aquitaine, scientifique et litteraire. Tom. 1, 1875. 1 V. 8". ^ 1619. Poitiers. — Societe (academique) d'agriculture, belles-lettres, sciences «. Bulletin. 1. 1818-45. 11 v. 8°. 2. 184(5-77. 17 v. 8°. h. Seance publique. 1850. 1 n. 8". 1620. Poitiers. — Societe des antiquaires de I'ouest. a. Bulletins. Tom. 1-14, 1834-76 ( 1837-76) • 14 v. 8". b. Memoires. Tom. 1-39, 1835-75 (1836-76). 39 v. 8*^. Atlas to torn. 2. 1 V. 4°. 1621. Poitiers. — Societe d'emulation. a. Travuux. Poitiers. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, J.) 1622. Poligny. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences et arts. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1-17, 1860-76. 17 v. 8". 1622 ». Privas. — Societe des sciences naturelles et historiques du departe- ment de I'Ardeche. a. Bulletin. Tom. 1-10, 1861-76 (1862-76). 10 v. 8^'. Provence, Societe d'emulation de la. (See 1211.) Provinces, Institut des. (See 996, 999.) 1622'*. Provins. — Societe libre d'agriculture, sciences et arts. n. Bulletin. 1851-54 (1856). 1 v. 8°. h. Seance publique. 1807-21. 5 n. and v. 8''. (Others?) Prusse, Academic royale de. (See 1275.) liO Puy. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 22. (See 998, c.) Le Puy. — Societe academique. (See 1623.) 1623. Le Puy. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences, arts et commerce (also en- titled : Societe academique du Puy). a. Annales. Vol. 1-32, 1826-77. . 32 v. 8°. Table (1876). 1 v. 8". b. Bulletin agronomiquc et industriel. Tom. 1-5, 1836-47. 5 v. 8". c. Chroniqueurs. Vol. 1-3, 1869-75. 3 v. 4". d. Memoires, instructions et notices. 1821. 1 v. 8°. e. Table des annales et autres publications periodiques (1876). 1 v. 8". Le Puy. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, b.) Pyrenees-orientales, Societe des. (See 1617.) Pyrenees-orientales, Societe agricole, scientifique . . . des. (See 1615.) 1624. Quimper. — Societe archeologique du Finistere. «. Bulletin. Vol. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 v. 8". 1625. Rambouillet. — Societe archeologique. a. Memoires et documents. Vol. 1-3, 1870-76 (1873-76). 3 v. 8". Ramond, Societe. (See 1041.) 1626. Reims. — Academic (nat. des sciences, belles-lettres et arts). a. Annales et memoires, contenant le comi)te rendu des seances, divers travaux scientifiques, historiques et litteraires, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1842- 44 (1843-44). 2 v. 8". h. (Publication des) travaux (seances et travaux). Vol. 1-56, 1844-74 (1845-76). 56 V. 8° Reims. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 13. (See 998, c.) 1626 ». Reims. — Societe industrielle. a. Bulletin. 1858-76. 9 v. 8°. 1627. Rennes. — L'acclimatation des animaux et des plantes. Ann. 1-2, 1874-75. 2v. 4^\ 1628. Rennes. — Association bretonne. a. Bulletin archeologique. Vol. 1, 1849. 1 v. 81 (Continued?) Rennes. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 16. (See 998, c.) 1629. Rennes. — Societe archeologique du departement d'llle-et-Vilaine. a. (Bulletin et) memoires. Vol. 1-11, 1859-76 (1861-76). 11 v. 8". 1630. Rennes. — Societe des sciences et arts. a. (Jomptes-rendus des travaux. 1833-35 (1836). 1 v. 8". 1631. Rennes. — Societe des sciences physiques et naturelles du departement d'llle-et-Vilaine. n. Memoires. Vol. 1. 1863-65. 1 v, 8° 112 FRANCE. Rhone, Societe d'enseignement professionel du. (See 1192.) 1632. Riom. — Societe du aiusee. a. Kapport annuel. 18G1-7G. 15 n. Roanne. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, h.') 1633. Rochefort. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences et belles-lettres, a. Proces-verbaux des seances. 1837-38 (1839). 1 v. 8". I. Travaux. 1854-76. 13 v. 8". 1634. Ija Rochelle. — Academic (des belles-lettres, sciences et arts). a. Annales ; sections reunies : agriculture, sciences naturelles, belles- lettres. 185G (1857). 1 V. 8". h. Annales; section des sciences naturelles. 1854-74, 19? v. 8". (Together with the other section, 20 v.) c. Recueil de pieces en prose et en vers. 1747-63. 3 v. 8°. d. Seance publique. 1872-75 (1873-76). ^ 4 n. 8". (At one time — 1803-53 — called Lycee rochelais, but without pub- lication.) La Rochelle. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 23. (vSee 998, c.) La Rochelle. — Lycee rochelais. (See 1634.) 1635. La Rochelle. — Societe des sciences naturelles de la Charente infe- rieure. a. Aper^u des travaux. 1850. 1636. La Roche-sur-Yon. Societa d'emulation de la Vendee. a. Annuaire (departeniental — et bulletin). 1. Vol. 1-15, 1855-70. 15 V. 8°. Table (1871). 1 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-6, 1871-75 (1872-76). 6 V. 8«. Rodez. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 40. (See 998, c.) Rodez. — L'institut des provinces. (See 999.) 1637. Rodez. — Le propagateur de I'industrie de la sole en France; journal mensuel specialement consacre a etendre et a perfectionner la culture du murier, I'education des vers a sole et la filature du cocons ; redige par une society de cultivateurs du niidi de la France ; dir. Carrier. Vol. 1-2, 1838-39. 2 v. 8". 1638. Rodez. — Societe des lettres, sciences et arts de I'Aveyron. ffi. 'Memoires. Vol. 1-10, 1837-73 (1838-74). 10 v. 8". h. Proces-verbaux. Tom. 1-10, 1864-76. 11 v. 8". (There is a tom. 1, his.) c. Tables generales des publications. 1836-76 (1877). 1 v. 8". 1639. Roubalx. — Societe d'emulation. a. Memoires. Tom. 1-4, 1868-75 (1871-76). 4 v. 81 1640. Rouen. — Academie (imp. roy.) des sciences, belles-lettres et arts. a. Precis analytique des travaux . . . , depuis satbndation en 1744 jusqu'a I'epoque de sa restauration le 25 Juiu, 1803, precede de I'histoire de I'academie. Tom. 1-5, 1744-93 (1814-21). 5 v. 8'^. h. Precis analytique des travaux. 1804-76. 71 n. and v. 8°. 1641. Rouen. — Almanach de la chimie ; par H. du M. Ann. 1-5, 1854-58. 5 V. 18". 1642. Rouen. — Almanach de la physique instructive et amusante ; par M. du M. 1854-61. 8 V. 16". 1643. Rouen. — Commission des antiquites de la Seine-inferieure. a. liuUetin. Vol. 1-3, 1867-75 (1868-76). 3 v. 8". (corresponding to vol. 3-5; see h). Vol. 6, 1876. 1 v. 8". h. Proces-verbaux. Tom. 1-2, 1864-67. 2 v. 8". (Followed by a.) Rouen. — Congres scientifique de France. Sess. 1, 32. (See 998, c.) 1644. Rouen. — Museum d'histoire naturelle. a. Actes. 1862. 1 v. 8". 1645. Rouen. — Societe des amis des sciences naturelles. a. (Tlie earlier volumes at least have no distinctive title. I find the later ones quoted indifferently as " Bulletin " and " Comptes rendus.") L Vol. 1-10, 1865-74. 10 v. 8". 2. Bulletin. Tom. 11-12, 1875- 76. 2 v. 8". 1646. Rouen. — Societe libre d'emulation (du commerce et de I'industrie de la Seine-inferieure.) a. Bulletin des travaux. (See J.) 1802-05. 4 V. 8° 4. Tom. 1-6, 1806 -11. 6 V. ). 9 V. 8*'. 6. Tom. 1-7, 1820-26. 7 V. 8". 4 V. 8° 8. Tom. 1-3, 1831-33. 3 V. 8". 2 V. S-l 10. Tom. 1-2, 1836-37. 2 V. 8". 2 V. 8°. 12. Tom. 1-4, 1840-44. 4 V. 8". 4 V. 8". 14. Tom. 1-3, 1849-51. 3v. 8". 3 V. 8° 16. Tom. 1-22, 1855-76. 22 V. 8° FRANCE. 113 b. Memoires. 1. Tom. 1-3, 1798-1800. 3 v. S**. 2. Opuscules et rapports (rapport sur les travaux, — bulletin des travaux). Tom. 1-3, 1800- 02. 3 V. 8° 3. Tom. 1-4, ' ~ 8° 5. Tom. 1-9, 1812-19. 7. Tom. 1-4, 1827-30. 9. Tom. 1-2, 1834-35. 11. Tom. 1-2, 1838-39. 13. Tom. 1-4, 1845-48. 15. Tom. 1-3, 1852-54. c. Opuscules. (See 6, 2.) d. Proces verbal. 1823. 8". e. Rapport sur les travaux. (See b.) f. Seance publique. 1805-36. 32? n. 8*'. 1647. Rouen. — Societe industrielle. a. Bulletin. Tom. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 v. 8°. Ije Roy. — Societe d'agriculture, commerce, sciences et arts du departe- ment de la Marne. (See 1113.) Russie, Observatoire physique central de. (See 1484.) St. Brieuc. — Congr^s celtique international. (See Appendix.) 1649. St. Brieuc. — fiphemerides astronomiques et annuaire des marees . . . destinees aux capitaines de navire ; par Dubois. Ann. 1-7, 1870-76. 7 V. 12". 1650. St. Brieuc. — fiphemerides maritimes a I'usage des marins de commerce et de I'etat et des candidats au grade de capitaine au long cours et de maitre au cabotage. Ann. 1-41, 1837-77 (1836-76). 41 v. 12". (See also 1673.) 1651. St. Brieuc. — Societe archaologique et historique (des C6tes-du-nord.) a. Annuaire des C6tes-du-nord. 1. Ann. 1-15, 1836-50. 15 v. 8". 2. Ann. 16-41, tom. 1-26, 1851-76. 26 v. 8". b. Memoires. 1. 1842-49. 1 v. 8". 2. Tom. 1-5, 1851-73 (1853-73). 5 V. 8". 1652. St. Brieuc. — Societe d'emulation des C6tes-du-nord. a. Bulletins et memoires. Vol. 1-13, 1861-76. 13 v. 8". Saint Croix d'Orleans, Academic de. (See 1266.) 1653. Saint Denis. — Annuaire zoologique ; revue des progres realises sur I'acclimatation et I'education des oiseaux ; monographic des faisans, penelopes, hoccos, meleagres, volailles, perdrix, colins, colombes, pigeons, etc. Indication des oiseaux en voie d'acclimatation ; difFer- entes methodes d'elevage comparees ; description de pouleries, volieres, pigeonniers, etc. ; par Mercier. 1868-69. 2 v. 18". 1654. St. Die. — Societe philomatique vosgienne. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1-2, 1875-76 (1876-77). 2 v. 8". St. Etienne. — CongrSs scientifique de France. Sess. 29. (See 998, c.) 1655. St. Etienne. — Societe (imp.) d'agriculture, Industrie, sciences, arts et belles-lettres du departement de la Loire. a. Annales. Vol. 1-20, 1857-76. 20 v. 4". 1656. St. Etienne. — Societe de I'industrie minerale. a. Bulletin mensuel, contenant le resume des reunions mensuelles tenues tant a Saint fitienne, par les membres de la societe, que dans le diffe- rents districts houillers. Tom. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8". b. Bulletin trimestriel, se composant de notes et memoires, rediges par les membres de la societe sur des sujets r^latifs a I'exploitation des mines et a la metallurgie. 1. Tom. 1-15, 1855-70. 15 v. 8". Table p871). 2. Tom. 1-5, 1870-76. 5 v. 8". 1657. St. Etienne. — Societe des sciences naturelles et des arts. a. Bulletin, comprenant les comptes-rendus de ses travaux. 1847-56 (1856). 1 v. 8°. ' St. Gaudens. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, b.) St. Jean d'Angely. — Congrfes scientifique de France. " Sess. 23. (See 998, c.) 1658. St. Jean d'Angely. — Societe historique et scientifique. a. Bulletin des travaux. Vol. 1-5, 1863-67. 5 v. 8". 1659. St. Jean d'Angely. — Societe linneenne de la Charente-inferieure. a. Bulletin. No. 1-2, 1874-77 (1876?-77). 2 n. 18°. 114 FRANCE. St. Jean de Manrieiuie. — Annuaire d'observations. (See 1115.) St. Jean de Manrienne. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, b.) 1660. St. Jean de Maurienne. — Societe d'histoire et d'archeologie de Mau- rienne. a. Travaux. Vol. 1-3, 1859-76 (1866-7G). 3 v. 8°. 1661. St. Ij6. — Societe d'agriculture, d'archeologie et d'histoire naturelle du departement de la Manche. a. Notices, memoires et documents. Vol. 1-5, 1851-73. 5 v. 8°. St. Maixent. — Societe de statistique, sciences . . . des Deux Sevres. (See 1263.) 1662. St. Omer. — Society des antiquaires de la Morinie. a. Bulletins. Vol. 1-5, 1852-76. 5 v. S"*. b. Memoires. Tom. 1-15, 1833-76. 15 v. 8« 1663. St. Quentin. — La chimie pour tous, ou la chimie apprise sans maitre; par Colette. Livr. 1, 1868. 1 n. 8°. (Continued?) 1664. St. Quentin. — Societe (roy. academique) des sciences, arts, belles- lettres et agriculture ; formerly entitled : Societe academique.) a. Annales agricoles de I'Aisne. 1. 1831-42. 7 v. 8°. 2. Annales scientifiques, agricoles et industrielles du dep. de I'A. Tom. 1-15, 1843-55?. 15 V. 8". 3. Travaux. Tom. 1-14, 1855-76 (1858-76). 14 V. 8". b. Annales scientifiques. (See a.) c. Comptes rendus. (See e.) . 1684. Toulouse. — Revue de I'academie de Toulouse et des autres academies de I'empire ; recueil mensuel. Vol. 1-G, 1855-58. 6 v. 8° (See 1679.) 1685. Toulouse. — Societe (imp.) archeologique du midi de la France. a. Bulletin trimcstriel. Tom. 1, 18G9-75. 1 v. 4°. h. Memoires. 1. Tom. 1-9, 1831-71. 9 v. 4° Table (1875). 2. Tom. 10-11,1872-77(1874-77). 2 v. 4°. Tables 1875. 4°. 1686. Toulouse. — Societe d'histoire naturelle. » a. Bulletins. Ann. 1-10, 18G7-76. 10 v. 8". Toulouse. — Societe des lantemistes. (See 1679, note.) Toulouse. — Societe des sciences. (See 1679, note.) 1687. Toulouse. — Societe des sciences physiques et naturelles. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-3, 1872-75 (1874-7G). 3 v. 8°. Touraine, Societe archeologique de. (See 1689.) Tours. — Congrfes scientifique de France. Sess. 15. (See 998, c.^ 1687** . Tours, — Societe royale d'agriculture. a. Recueil des deliberations et des memoires. 17G1 (1763). 1 v. 8°. (See also, 1687»», 1688.) This society, founded in 1761, was re- placed in the year 1799 by 1687**, and afterwards united witli the Societe des sciences, arts et belles-lettres (which appears to have pub- lished nothing) to form 1688. 1687**. Tours. — Societe d'agriculture, arts et commerce. a. Recueil des seances publiques. 1803. 4 n. 8°. (For continuation, see 1688, h.) (See 1687a, 1688.) 1688. Tours. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences, arts et belles-lettres du d6- partement d'Indre-et-Loire. a. Annales. 1. Vol. 1-40, 1821-61. 40 v. 8° 2. Vol. 1-14 (41-54), 1862-76. 14 V. 8". Table 1821-45 (1846). 1 v. 8°. h. Recueil des seances publiques. Cab. 1-6, 1806-12. 6 n. 8°. (For earlier series, see 1687**, a.) (See 1687 a, 1687»».) 1689. Tours. — Societe archeologique de Touraine. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-3, 1868-76. 3 v. 8". h. Memoires. Vol. 1-25, 1842-75. 25 v. 8'1 Tours. — Societe des sciences, arts et belles-lettres. (See 1687».) 1690. Tr6voua:. — Memoires pour servir a I'histoire des sciences et des beaux- arts. Vol. 1-265, 1701-1767. 265 v. 12^*. (For continuation, see 1428, 1412 ; see also 1383, 746. Commonly called : Journal de Tre- voux or Memoires de Trevoux.) 1691. Tr6voux. — Societe d'agriculture, sciences et arts de rarrondissement de Trevoux. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-15, 1820?-46. 15 v. (Continued?) Troyes. — Congrds scientifique de France. Sess. 31. (See 998, c.) 1692. Troyes. — Societe (academique) d'agriculture, des sciences (arts et belles-lettres) et des lettres du departement de I'Aube. a. Annuaire de I'Aube. 1835-76. 42 v. 8**. and 12". h. Bulletin. No. 1-71, 18 -39. 8°. c. Memoires. 1. Tom. 1-13, 1822-46. 13 v. 8« 2. Tom. 1-14 (14-28), 1847-63. 14 V. 8". Table (1865). 3. Tom. 1-13 (29-40), 1864-76. 13 V. 8°. (See also 1693.) 1693. Troyes. — Society academique de I'Aube. a. Memoires. Vol. 1-3, 1802-07. 3 v. 8°. (See also 1692.) Turiu. — Society royale des sciences. (Sec 1601.) 1694. Valeuoe. — Soci6t6 d'archeologie et de statistique de la Drome. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-10, 1866-76. 10 v. 8". Valence. — Society g^ologique de France. (See 1582, 6) 1695. Valence. — Societe de statistique, des arts utiles et des sciencea nata* relies. a. Bulletin. 8°. (Founded 1837.) FRANCE. 117 1696. Valenciennes. — Societe d'agriculture, des sciences et des arts, de rarrondissement de Valenciennes. a. Menioires. Vol. Ir9, 1833-53. 9 v. 8". b. Programme. 1837. 8". c. Revue agricole, industrielle, litteraire et artistique. Tom. 1-29, 1849-76. 29 v. 8". Valenciennes. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, b.) Val d'Isere, Academic de la. (See 1242».) 1697. Valreas. — Le progres sericicole ; journal hebdomadaire des interets sericicoles, agricoles, industriels et commerciaux. Ann. 1, 1874. I V. r. Valr6as. — Le rayon. (See 1698, 2.) 1698. Valreas. — La sericiculture pratique ; revue des interets agricoles parais- sant le 3 et 18 de chaque mois ; par Jabert. 1. 1858-60. 3 v. P. 2. Le rayon ; suite de la sericiculture pratique. 1862-66. 5 v. f°. 3. L'union sericicole ; journal des interets agricoles, industriels et commerciaux ; dir. Lacroix. Vol. 1-2, 1866-69. 2 v. f°. Valreas. — L'union sericicole (See 1698, 3.) 1699. Vannes. — Societe polymathique du Morbihan. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1857-76. 33 n. 8". b. Comptcs-rendus des travaux. 1826-33. 7 n. 8". Var, Societe academique du. (See 1675.) Var, Societe libre d'emulation du. (See 1144.) Var, Societe des sciences . . . du. (See 1676.) Vaucluse, Academic de. (See 1039.) Vendee, Societe d'emulation de la. (See 1636.) 1700. Venddme. — Societe archeologique, scientifique et litteraire de Ven- domois. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-16, 1862-77. 16 v. 8°. 1701. Verdun. — Societe philomathique. a. Memoires. Vol. 1-8, 1840-77. 8 v. 8°. 1702. Versailles. — La civilisation; journal ethnographique des deux raondes. Ann. 1, no. 1, June 1866. 1 n. 4°. (Continued?) Versailles. — Society d'agriculture et des arts. a. Bulletin. (See b.) b. Memoires. 1. 1797-1864. 64 v. 8". 2. Bulletin. Tom. 1-10, 1866- 77. 10 V. S'\ 1703. Versailles. — Societe des sciences naturelles (et medicales) de Seine- et-Oise. a. Memoires (et comptes rendus des travaux). Vol. 1-11, 1835-74. II V. 8°. 1703a , Vervins. — Societe archeologique. a. La thierache ; bulletin. Tom. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 v. 4**. 1704. Vesoul. — Commission d'archeologie et des sciences historiques du de- partement de la Haute-Saone. a. Memoires. Tom. 1-3, 1860 ?-62. 3 v. 8°. 1705. Vesoul. — Societe d'agriculture, des sciences, du commerce et des arts de la Haute-Saone. a. Bulletin. (See b.) b. Memoires. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1859-66. 5 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-11, 1867-69. 11 V. 8^'. 3. Bulletin. No. 1-7, 1869-77. 7 v. 8°. 1706. Vire. — Societe viroise d'emulation. a. Memoires. 1869. 1 v. 8". 1707. Vitry-le-Fran9ois. — Societe des sciences et arts. a. (Bulletin.) Vol. 1-7, 1867-76. 7 v. 8". Vosges, Societe d'emulation des. (See 1146.) Vosgienne, Societe philomatique. (See 1654.) Yonne, Societe des sciences . . . naturelles de 1'. (See 1036.) 118 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Annaes das sciencias. (See 1290.) 1708. Alcoy. — Calendario para el antiguo reino de Valencia ; correspondiente al afio de 1867 (1866). 1 n. 8°. Balear, Ateneo. (See 1769.) 1709. Barcelona. — La abeja; revista cicntifica y literaria ilustrada, princi- palmente extractada de los buenos escritores alemanes ; por una socie- dad literaria. 1862-65. f° 1710. Barcelona. — Academia de ciencias naturales y artes. a. Boletin. Vol. 1, 1840-42. 1 v. 4". Barcelona. — Almanaque nautico. (See 1730.) 1711. Barcelona. — Observatorio de marina de la ciudad de San Fernando. a. Calendario para el aiio . . . segun las observaciones astronomicas hechas en el obs. . . • y revisado por la curia eclesiastica. 1857 (185G). 1 n. 4°. (See also 1730, 1753, 1770, 1773.) Bascongada, Real sociedad, de los amigos del pais. (See 1762, 1779.) Cadiz. — Observatorio de marina de la ciudad de San Fernando. a. Almanaque nautico. (See 1730.) 1713. Cadiz. — Periodico mensual de ciencias matematicas y fisicas. 1848. 1 V. 4". 1714. Coimbra. — institute ; jornal scientifico e litterario ; par Forjaz, etc. Vol. 1, 1853. 1 V. 8". ; vol, 2-10, 1854-62. 9 v. P. 1715. Coimbra. — Observatorio nacional de universidade. a. Ephemerides astronomicas. 1845-69 (1843-67). 25 v. 8°. (Doubtless continiied to i)resent time.) (See also 1362.) 1716. Coimbra. — Revista academica ; jornal litterario e scientifico, publicado em Coimbra. Vol. 1, 1845. 1 v. 8". ; vol. 2, 1855. 1 v. 4". 1717. Coimbra. — Universidade. a. Annuario. 1868-76 (1868-75). 8 v. 16^. 1718. Cordoba. — Academia general de ciencias, bellas-letras y nobles artes. a. Actas abreviadas. 1810-13 (1814). In. 4°. Espana, Comision del mapa geologico de. (See 1740.) Espaiia, Comision del mapa zoologico de. (See 1741.) Espanola, Academia. (See 1727.) Espanola, Sociedad anatomica. (See 1760.) Espanola, Sociedad antropol6gica. (See 1761.) Espanola, Sociedad, de historia natural. (See 1764.) 1719. Granada. — Almanaque de Sierra Nevada, 6 sea calandario de Granada, Almeria y Guadix, para el ano bisiesto. 1864 (1863). 1 n. 8". 1720. liisboa. — Academia real das sciencias. a. Actas das sessaoes. Vol. 1-3, 1849-51. 3 v. 8". b. Annaes das sciencias e lettras, publicados debaixo dos auspicios da acad., etc.; sciencias mathematicas, physicas, historica-naturaes e medicas. Vol. 1-2, 1857-8. 2 v. 8"*. c. Collec9ao de noticias para a historia e geographia dos nacoes ultrama- rinos. Vol. 1-5, 1812-36. 6 v. 4°. d. Ephemerides nauticas, ou diario astronomico, etc. 1789-96 (1788-95). 10 V. 4". (Later?) e. Historia e memorias. (See g.) Jornal de sciencias mathematicas, physicas e naturaes. Vol. 1-5, 1866- 7fi ('lftf5ft_7ft^ n ir eo /. 76 (1868-76). 5 v. g. Memorias. 1. Vol. 1, 1780-88 (1797). 1 v. 4".; memorias de mathe- matica e physica. Vol. 2-3, 1799-1814. 2 v. 4".; historia e memorias. Vol. 4-12, 1815-39. 9 v. 4". 2. Vol. 1-3, 1843-56. 3 v. 4°. 3. Memorias; classe de sciencias math., phys. e naturaes, nova serie. Vol. 1-5, 1854-75. 5 v. 4". h. Noticias ultramarinas. 6,7(184-). 2 v. 8°.; 1856. 1 v. 8°. I. Resumcn de las actas. 1848-63. 8°. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 119 Lisboa. — Annaes das sciencias. (See 1720, i.) 1721. liisboa. — Associagao maritimi e coloni. a. Annaes maritimos e coloniaes. 1840-45. 6 v. 8". Lisboa. — Collec9ao de noticias para a historia e geographia. (See 1720, c.) Lisboa. — Commissao central permanente de geographia. (See 1722.) liisboa. — Ephemerides nauticas. (See 1720, c?.) liisboa. — Escola polytechnica. (See 1724.) liisboa. — Jornal de sciencias. (See 1720,/.) 1722. liisboa. — Ministerio dos negocios da marinha e ultramar. a. Annaes da commissao central permanente de geographia. No. 1, 187G. 1 n. 8". liisboa. — Noticias ultramarinas. (See 1720, /i.) 1723. liisboa. — Observatorio do infante D. Luiz. a. Annaes. Vol. 1-8, 1856-70 (1864-70). 8 v. P. 6. Annaes de magnetismo terrestre. 1870, 1874. (See also 1724.) 1724. liisboa. — Observatorio meteorologico do infante D. Luiz na escola poly- d. Trabalhos. 1-8, 1854?-62 (1856?-63). 8 v. f1 (See also 1723.) 1725. liisboa. — Sociedad de geographia. a. Boletin. No. 1, 1876. 1 n. , Luiz, Observatoria do infante D. (See 1723.) Luiz, Observatoria meteorologico do infante D. (See 1724.) 1726. Madrid. — Real academia de ciencias (exactas, fisicas y naturales). a. Memorias. Tom. 1-6, 1850-64. 6 v. 4". (These are also divided into three series, viz. tom. 2 = ser. 1, cienc. exactas, tom. 1 ; tom. 3, 6 = ser. 2, cienc. fisicas, tom. 1-2; tom. 1, 4, 5 = ser. 3, cienc. natu- rales, tom. 1-3.) h. Resiimenas de las memorias (de las actas). 1833-63 (1834-64). 28 n. 4". 1727. Madrid. — (Real) academia espanola. rt. Discursos leidos. Vol. 1-2, 1860-61. 2 v. 4°. h. Kesiimen de las tareas y actos. 1863-64 (1864). 1 n. 4°. 1728. Madrid. — Almanaque meteorologico-agricola, para el afio 1859-60 (1858- 59). 2 V. S*'. 1729. Madrid. — Almanaque meteorologico y agronomico de Espana, para el auo bisiesto de 1868 (1867). 1 n. 8°. 1730. Madrid. — Almanaque nautico y efemerides astronomicas (calculado para el observatoria real de marina de la ciudad de San Fernando) ; por Vimercati, etc. 1792-1838(1791-1837). 47 v. 8".; 1839-77(1838-76). 39 V. 4". (See also 1711, 1753, 1770, 1773.) 1731. Madrid. — Almanaque de las novedades. 1860(1860). 1 v. 4°. 1732. Madrid. — Almanaque popular de las efemerides: por Ibaiiez. 1867 (1866). 1 V. 16". 1733. Madrid. — Anales de ciencias, literatura y artes ; par Casimiro, etc. Tom. 1-6, 1836. 6 V. 8". 1734. Madrid. — Anales de historia natural ; por Pereyra, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1799-1800. 2 y. 8°. ; . . . de ciencias naturales. Vol. 3-7, 1800-04. 5 V. 8''. 1735. Madrid. — Annales hydrographiques. 1867. 1736. Madrid. — Asociacion de ingenieros industriales. a. Anales. Vol. 1, 1863. 1 v. ^\ 1737. Madrid. — Ateneo propagador de las ciencias naturales. a. Resiimen de los trabajos. 1874-75 (1875). 1 n. 8". 1738. Madrid. — Ateneo cientifico. a. Memoria leida en la junta general. 1839-40. 2 n. 8". Madrid. — Calendario de Castilla-la-Nueva. (See 1753, 6.) 1739. Madrid. — Calendario de la Puerta-del-Sol, para 1862-63. 2 v. 8°. 120 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 1740. Madrid. — Comision del mapa geologico de Espana. a. Boletin. Tom. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 v. 4°. b. Memorias. 1875-76. 2 v. 8". 1741. Madrid. — Comision del mapa zoologico de Espana. a. Memorias. 1874. 1 v. 4". b. Memorias ; parte zoologica. 1855. 8". 1742. Madrid. — Comision permanente de pesca. a. Anuario; trabajosy noticias refer, a la industria pesquera. 1868-69. 2 V. 8". 1743. Madrid. — Cronica cientifica y literaria. 1817-20. 4 v. f. 1744. Madrid. — Diaria filosofica, medica, cirurgiea ; coleccion de selectas observaciones y curiosos fragmentos sobre la historia natural, f isica y medicina ; por Galisteo. 1757. 1 v. 4". 1745. Madrid. — La direecion general del ramo. a. Anales de minas. Vol. 1-4, 1838-46. 4 v. 8°. 1746. Madrid. — Guia del minero ; periodico cientifico, industrial y mercantil. 1848. 1 V. 8". 1747. Madrid. — Hojas malacologicas ; por Hidalgo. 1748. Madrid. — Instituto geografico y estadistico. a. Memorias. Tom. 1, 1875. 1 v. 4". 1749. Madrid. — Real laboratorio di qulmica de Segovia. (See 1774.) 1750. Madrid. — Memorial de ingenieros ; memorias, articulos y noticias inter- esantcs al arte de la guerra en general y a la profesion del ingeniero en particular. 1847-70. 24 v. 8". (Continued? For earlier vol., see 1754.) 1751. Madrid. — Memorias instructivas y curiosas sobre agricultura, comercio, industria, economia, chymica, botanica, historia natural, etc. ; por Suarez. Vol. 1-8, 1778-83. 8 v. 4°. 1752. Madrid. — Memorias di quimica experimental ; por Suarez. 178-. 1752 »*. Madrid. — (Real) observatorio. a. Anuario. Alio 1-15, 1860-77 (1859-76). 15 v. 8". b. Observaciones meteorologicas. 1865-73 (1866-74). 8 v. 8°. c. Resiimen de las observaciones meteorologicas, etc. (See 1755.) 1753. Madrid. — Real observatorio astronomico de marina de la eiudad de San Fernando. a. Calendario de Castilla-la-Nueva, dispuesto por orden del gobierno de s. m. ; . . . comprende las provincias de Madrid, Toledo, Ciudad-Keal, Cuenca y Guadalajara. 1845-77(1844-76). 33 n. 16". (At least four or five other publications with the title, Calendario de Castillo-la- Nueva, were issued in Madrid, in 16", 8". and 4", at different periods, but with sub-titles varying from year to year ; it seems best to refer only to this official publication.) (See also 1711, 1730, 1770, 1773.) 1754. Madrid. — Resumen historico del arma de ingenieros en general y de su organizacion en Espaiia ; por un antiquo oficial del cuerpo de ingen- ieros del ejercito. 1846. 1 v. 8*^ (For continuation, see 1750.) 1755. Madrid. — Resumen de las observaciones meteorologicas efectuadas en la peninsula. 1865-73 (1867-74). 8 v. 8". 1756. Madrid. — Revista di ciencias naturales de Madrid. 1842. 1 v. 8**. 1757. Madrid. — Revista minera; periodico cientifico e industrial ; red. por una sociedad de ingenieros. Vol. 1-25, 1850-74. 25 v. 8". 1758. Madrid. — Revista de los progresos de la ciencias exactas, f isicas y natu- rales. Vol. 1-12, 1850-62. 12 V. 4''. (Continued to 1869?) 1759. Madrid. — Revista quimico-farmaceutico de Madrid. 1850? 1760. Madrid. — Sociedad anatomica espaiiola. a. Anales. Ano 1-3, 1873-76. 3 v. 8". b. Memorias. Vol. 1-4, 1872-76 (1873-76). 4 v. 8". 1761. Madrid. — Sociedad antropologica espanola. a. Revista de antropologia ; organo de la s. a. e. 1875. 8**. 1762. Madrid. — Real sociedad bascongada de los amigos del pais. a. Extractos de las juntas generales celebradas. 1771-84. 13 v. 4°. (See also 1779.) 1763. Madrid. — Sociedad economica. a. Memorias. Vol. 1-5, 1780-95. 5 v. 4". ITALY. 121 1764. Madrid. — Sociedad espanola de historia natural. «. Anales. Vol. 1-5, 1872-7G. 5 v. 8". 1765. Madrid. — Sociedad geografica. a. Boletin. Tom. 1, niini. 1-3, 1876. 1 v. 8". 1766. Madrid. — Sociedad profesores de ciencias. a. Kevista. Alio 1-2, 1874-75. 2 v. 8°. 1767. Madrid. — Variedades de ciencias, literatura y artes ; obra periodica. Tom. 1-8, 1803-05. 8 v. 8". Mallorquina, Real soc. econ., de amigos del pais. (See 1771.) 1768. Oporto. — Revista litteraria; periodico de litteratura, philosophia, via- t?ens, sciencias e bellas artes, 1. Vol. 1-11, 1838-43. 11 v. %". 2. No. 1-13, 1845-46. - v. 8°. 1769. Palma. — AteneoBalear. a. Acta de la sesion ordinaria. 1864 (1864). 1 n. 4°. 1770. Palma. — Observatorio de marina de la ciudad de San Fernando. a. Calcndario de (para) las islas Baleares para el ano 1861-64 (1860- 63). 4 n. 8°, 16°, 32*^. (Different editions of varying sizes during the same year.) (See also 1711, 1730, 1753, 1773.) 1771. Palma. — Real sociedad economica mallorquina de amigos del pais. a. Memorias. 1784. 1 vol. 4". San FemtLndo. — Almanaque nautico, etc. (See 1730.) 1772. San Fernando. — Calendario del obispado de Cadiz e islas Canarias ; por Martinez. 1866 (1865).' 1 n. 4". 1773. San Fernando. — Observatorio (astronomico) de marina. a. Almanaque nautico. (See 1730.) h. Anales. 1870-73 (1871-74). 4 v. 4°. (In two sections.) c. Calendario. (See 1711, a.) d. Calendario de Castilla-la-Nueva. (See 1753, a.) e. Calendario de Fas islas Baleares. (See 1770, a.) /. Observaciones hechas .... en el ano de 1833. 1 v. 4''. (See also 1711, 1730, 1753, 1770.) 1774. Segovia. — Real laboratorio de quimica. a. Anales, 6 coleccion de memorias sobre las artes, la artilleria, la his- toria natural de Espaiia y Americas, la docimastica de sus minas, etc. Tom. 1-2, 1794 ?-95. 2 v. 1775. Sevilla. — Revista de ciencias, literatura y artes. 1855-58. 4 v. 4". and 8°. 1776. Sevilla. — Real sociedad patriotica. a. Memorias. 1779. 2 v. 4°. 1777. Valencia. — (Archaeological society.) Spanish title unknown. a. Memoria. 1871 (1872). 1 v. 8". 1778. Valladolid. — Real academia de matem^ticas y nobles artes (estable- cida . . . con el titulo de la purisima concepcion.) a. Actas. 1803. 1 v. f. h. Actas . . . y relacion de los premios que distribuyo en su junta piiblica.. 1803. 1 v. 4". 1779. Vitoria. — Sociedad bascongada de los amigos del pais. a. Ensayo. 1768. 1 v. 8". (See also 1762.) ITALY. L'ateneo italiano. (See 1337.) 1780. Congresso degli ingegneri ed architetti italiani. a. Atti. 1, 1873. 1 v. f". 1781. Congresso scientifico provinciale. a. (No title). 1863(1864). 1 v. 8". 1782. Congresso degli scienziati italiani. a. Atti ; recolti ed ordinati dall' accademia degli aspiranti naturalisti, con note e connnenti. Vol. 1-6, 1844-45. 6 v. 8". (See also 1784, a.) b. Giornale botanico italiano. (See 1834.) (See also 1783, 1784.) 122 ITALY. Journal des savants d'ltalie. (See 747.) 1783. Nuovo congresso degli scienziati italiani in Venezia. a. (No title.) Porzione geologica. 1853. 4°. • (See also 1782, 1784.) 1784. Riunione degli scienziati italiani. a. Atti. Sess. 1-9, 1839-47 (1840-48). 9 v. 4". Sess. 11, 1873 (187.5). 1 V. 4". (The 10th session, which was to have been held at Bologna in 1848, was suppressed by Gregory XVI.) h. Diario. Sess. 3-9, 11, 1841-73. 8 n. 4". c. Giornale botanico italiano. '(See 1834.) (See also 1782, 1783.) Revue scientifique italienn|^ (See 1536».) 1785. Alessandria. — L'astronome di Marengo ; almanacco. 1811,. 1 v. 12°. 1786. Alessandria. — Rivista di matematica elementare ; dir. Massa. 1874. 1 n. 8". (Continued?) 1787. Alessandria. — Specola del seminario. a. Osservazioni meteorologiche. Ann. 1-18, 1854-71. 18 n. 8°. 1788. Ancona. — Almanacco marittimo. 1852(1850). . 1 v. 8°. 1789. Ancona. — Rivista marchigiana di scienze, lettere, arti e Industrie. Ann. 1, no'. 1. 1 n. 8° (Continued?) 1790. Aosta. — Societe academique religieuse et scientifique du duclie d'Aoste. a. Bulletin. 1-8, 1855 ?-73. 8 v. %"". b. Comptes rendus des seances. 1876. 1 v. 8°. Aretina, imp. e reale accademia, di scienze, lettere ed arti. (See 1791.) 1791. Arezzo. — Imp. e reale accademia aretina di scienze, lettere ed arti. a. Atti. Vol. 1-2, 1843-44. 2 v. S*'. ■ b. Relazione istorica degli atti e studi. 1841-42(1843). In. 8". 1792. Arezzo. — Regia accademia petrarca di scienze, lettere ed arti. a. Atti. 1870. 1 n. 8". 1793. Asti. — L'enologo ; giornale scientifico. Vol. 1-2, 1863-64. 2 v. 12°. 1794. Bassano. — Comunale ginnasio. a. Programma. 1839. 1795. Bergamo. — Ateneo di scienze, lettere ed arti. a. Atti. 1875. 1 v. 8°. 1796. Bologna. — Academia scientiarum instituti bononiensis. a. Novi commentarii. Vol. 1-10, 1834-49. 10 v. 4°. Indices (1855.) (See also 1798, 1802, 1807.) 1797. Bologna. — Accademia filosofico-medica di S. Tommasso d' Aquino. a. La scienza italiana ; periodico di filosofia, medicina e scienze natu- rali. Ann. 1, ser. 1, vol. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8°. 1798. Bologna. — Accademia delle scienze dell' istituto, a. Memorie. 1. Vol. 1-12, 1850-61. 12 v. 4°. 2. Vol. 1-10, 1861-70. 10 V. 4". 3. Vol. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 4°. Indice 1850-61 (1864), 1862-70 (1871). 2 v. 4°. b. Rendiconto delle session! (ordinarie). 1. Vol. 1, 1833. 1 v. 12". 2. Vol. 1-5, 1837-42 (1838-42). 5 v 12°; 1846-76 (1847-76). 30 v. 8°. (See also 1802.) V c. Rendiconto dei lavori. (See 1802.) (See also 1796, 1802, 1807.) 1799. Bologna. — Annali di storia miturale. Vol. 1-4, 1829-30. 4 v. 8°. 1800. Bologna. — Annuario geografico italiano ; da Ranuzzi. 1844-45. 2 v. 12". and 8". - Bologna. — Archivio per la zoologia, etc. (See 1854.) Bologna. — Congr^s international d'anthropologie et d'arch§ologie prehistoriques. (See 15.) 1801. Bologna. — Istituto nazionale italiane. a. MtMuorie; chisse di fisica e di matematica. 1. Vol. 1-3, 1806-10. 3 V. 4". 2. Vol. 1 (4), 1813.- 4°. 1802. Bologna. — Nuovi annali delle scienze natural!. 1. Vol. 1-10, 1838-43. 10 V. 8°. 2. . . . e rendiconto delle sessione delle societa agraria, e deir accademia delle scienze dell' istituto di Bologna. Vol. 1-10, 1844-49. 10 V. 8°. 3. . . . e rendiconto dei lavori dell' accademia ITALY. 123 delle scienze dell' istituto (e della societa agraria) di Bologna con appendice agraria. Vol. 1-10, 1850-54. 10 v. 8° Indice 1838-48, 1850-54. 2^v. 8''. (See 1796, 1798.) Bologna. — Nuovo coUezione di opuscoli scientifici. (See 1803.) 1803. Bologna. — Opuscoli scientifici d'una societa di professori della pontifical universita. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1817-23, 4 v. 4". 2. Nuovo coUezione. Vol. 1-2, 1824-25. 2 v. 4<'. "" 1804. Bologna. — Osservatorio meteorico e magnetico in Pesaro. a. BuUetino mensile. 2. Vol. 1, 1875. 1 v. 41 (First series un- known.) 1805. Bologna. — Repertorio italiano per la storia naturale ; repertoriiim itali- cum complectens zoologiam, mineralogiam, geologiani et palaeontolo- giam ; da Bianconi. Vol. 1-2, 1853-54. 2 v. 8", Bologna. — Riunione degli scienziati italiani. (See 1784.) 1806. Bologna. — Rivista bolognese di scienze, lettere, arti e scuole. Ann. 1-4, 1867-70. 4 V. 8". 1807. Bologna. — Scientiarum et artium institutum bononiense atque acade- mia. a. Commentarii. 1. 1731. 1 v. 4°. 2. Tom. 1-7, 1748-91. 10 v. 4**. (Tom. 2 in 3, and torn. 5 in 2 parts, separately paged.) (See also 1277, 1796, 1798, 2417.) Bologna. — La scienze italiana. (See 1797.) Bologna. — Societa agraria. (See 1802.) Bononiensis, Academia scientiarum instituti. (See 1796.) Bononiense, Scientiarum et artium institutum. (See 1807.) « Borbonica, Societa reale. (See 1934.) Brera, Reale osservatorio di. (See 1904.) 1808. Brescia. — Accademia di scienze, lettere, agricoltura ed arti del diparti- mento del Mella. (Afterwards : Ateneo di Brescia.) a. Commentarj. 1808-11(1808-12). 4 v. 8° (Continued in 1809, i.) (See 1809.) 1809. Brescia. — Ateneo. a. Adunanza solenne. 1876. 1 n. 8" h. Commentari. 1812-75 (1814-75). 23? v. 81 (Preceded by 1808, i.) (See 1808.) 1810. Brescia. — Imp. reale ginnasio liceale. a. Programma. 1857. British (and american) archaeological society. (See 2024.) 1811. Gagliari. — Annuario scientifico e calendario generale dell' isola di Sar- degna ; ed. Araat di San Filippo. 1868. 1 v. 12°. Cagnola, Fondazione scientifica. (See 1890.) Calchi-Taeggi, Ginnasio liceale anneso al collegio. (See 1891.) Carlo Alberto, Osservatorio del r. collegio. (See 2070.) 1812. Casale. — Societa bacologica di Casale Monferrato. a. Bolletino di bachicoltura e sericicoltura italiana ; giornale della soc. Ann. 1-2, 1866-67. 2 v. 1813. Catania. — Accademia gioenia di scienze naturali. a. Atti. 1. Vol. 1-20, 1825-43. 20 v. 41 2. Vol. 1-20, 1844-65. 20 v. 41 3. Vol. 1-10, 1867-76. 10 v. 41 h. Relazione accademica. Ann. 1-25, 1825-49. 25 v. 81 1814. Ceneda. — Ginnasio liceale Vescovile. a. Programma. Vol. 1-7, 1851-57. 7 v. Columbaria, Societa. (See 1848.) 1815. Como? — Rivista archeologia della prov. di Como. 1875. 1816. Cortona. — Accademia etrusca. a. Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche. Tom. 1-9, 1755-91. 10 v. 41 1817. Crema. — Pubblico ginnasio communale. a. Programma contenente le nozioni suUa condizione e sull' operate del p. g. c. della reg. citta di Crema. 1-8, 1851-58. 8 n. 1817 ». Cremona. — Imp. reg. ginnasio liceale. a. Programma. 1852. 124 ITALY. Ercolanese, Reale accademia, di archeologia, (See 1930.) V Este. — Gazetta di farmacia e di chimica. (See 2089.) Etrusca, Accademia. (See 1816.) 1818. Faenza. — Societa scientifica e letteraria. a. Atti. 1862-68 (1864-68). 8 v. 8". Fermo, Societa storico-archeologica delle marche in. (See 2018.) 1819. Ferrara. — Kaccolta di opuscoli scientifici e letterarj degli autori italiani. Tom. 1-25, 1779-96. 25 v. 4". 1820. Flesole. — Nuovo collezione di opuscoli e notizie di scienze ; dal Inglii- rami. Vol. 1-4, 1820-23. 4 v. 8° 1821. Firenze. — Accademia del cimento. a. Atti e memorie inedite, e notizie aneddote dei progressi delle scienze in Toscana, . . . cont. memorie e la rinovazione della fisica celeste e terrestre. Vol. 1-3, 1780. 3 v. 4". b. Fasti consolari; saggi 1691 (1717). 1 v. 4°. c. Saggi di naturali esperienze. 1667-91. 1 v. f°. ; 2d ed. 1711. 1 v. 4".; 3d ed. 1841. 1 v. 4". 1822. Firenze. — Reale accademia della Crusca. a. Adunanza pubblica. 1875. 1 n. 8". b. Atti. 1874-76. 3 n. and v. 8". 1823. Firenze. — Reale accademia (economico-agraria) dei Georgofili. CT. Atti. 1. Vol. 1-22, 18 -44. 22 v. S''. (More?) 2. Vol. 1-10, 1854- 63. 10 V. 8". (Continued?) 1824. Firenze. — Accademia italiana. a. Atti. 1808, 1810. 2 v. 4". 1825. Firenze. — Accademia medico-fisica florentina. « a. Atti. 1875 (1876). 1 n. 8". 1826. Firenze. — L'alfabeto ; giornale di scienze, lettere ed arti; scritto per le famiglie e per le scuole. 1 n. 16°. 1827. Firenze. — Annuario scientifico ed industriale ; rivista annuale della sci- enze d' osservazione e della loro applicazioni in Italia ed all' estero ; per Grispigni, etc. 1864-71. 8 v. 8°. (Continued?) 1828. Firenze. — L'antologia; giornale di scienze, lettere ed arti; dir. Vieus- seux. Vol. 1-44, 1821-32. 44 v. 8°. Indici 1833. (See 1842.) 1829. Firenze. — Archivio per I'antropologia e la etnologia ; dal Mantegazza, etc. Tom. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 8°. (At first, independent; afterwards, from at least the third volume, published by the societa italiana di an- tropologia e di etnologia.) Firenze. — Archivio meteorologico centrale italiano. (See 1841, c.) Firenze. — Archivio per la zoologia, etc. (See 1854.) 1830. Firenze. — L'ateneo italiano; giornale di scienze, lettere ed arti, con le etfemeridi del publico insegnamento. 1866-70. 5 v. 4". 1831. Firenze. — Collezione d' opuscoli scientifici e letterari. Vol. 1-22, 1807-18. 22 V. 8". 1832. Firenze. — Reale comitato geologico (del regno) d' Italia. a. BuUettino. Ann. 1-7, 1870-76. 7 v. 8". b. Memorie per servire alia descrizione della carta geologica d' Italia. Vol. 1-3 i, 1871-76. 3 v. 4". Firenze. — Congresso internazionale botanico. (See 14.) 1833. Firenze. — Curiosita della scienze contemporanea ; di Anserine. Vol. 1-2, 1866-67. 2 v. 8". 1834. Firenze. — Giornale botanico italiano, compilato per cura della sezione botanica dei congressi scientifici italiani ; da Parlatore. Ann. 1-2, 1844-47. 2 V. 8°. (See 1843.) 1835. Firenze. — Giornale enciclopedico. Tom. 1-4, 1809-12. 4 v. 8°. 1836. Firenze. — Giornale del genio civile. Ann. 1-7, 1863-69. 7 v. 8°. 1837. Firenze.— Giornale deletterati. 1742-52. 22 v. 12°; 1785-88. 8? v. 12°. 1838. Firenze. — Giornale di scienze ed arti. Vol. 1-5, 1816-17. 5 v. 4°. 1839. Firenze. — La gioventu; rivista nazionale di scienze, lettere, arti. 1867. 2 V. (Continued?) 1840. Firenze. — Reale istituto di studi superiori. a. Memorie del r. osservatorio di Firenze ad arcetri. Vol. 1 i, 1873. 1 v. 4°. ITALY. 125 Firenze. — Memorie per servire alia . descrizione della carta geologica d' Italia. (See 1832, b.) 1841. Firenze. — Museo (imperiale) reale di fisica e storia naturale. a. Annali. 1. Vol. 1-2, 1808-10. 2 v. r. 2. Vol. 1, 1800. 1 v. 8". b. Annuario. 1857-60(1856-60). 4 v. 12° c. Archivio meteorologico centrale italiano. 1, 1858. 1 v. 8°. 1842. Firenze. — Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere ed arti. 1. Vol. 1-30, 1866-75. 30 V. 8". Indice (1876). 2. Vol. 1-3, 1876. 3 v. 8° (See 1828.) 1843. Firenze. — Nuovo giornale botanico italiano ; da Caruel. Vol. 1-8, 1869- 76. 8 V. 8° (See 1834.) Firenze. — Reale osservatorio. a. Memorie. (See 1840, a.) 1844. Firenze. — Raceolta d'opuscoli fisico-medici ; del Targioni. 1775 1 V. 12°. 1845. Firenze. — Rassegna semestrale delle scienze fisico-naturali. Ann. 1, 1875 (1875-76). 2 v. 8°. Firenze. — Riunione degli scienziati italiani. (See 1784.) 1846. Firenze. — Rivista scientifico-industriale ; da Vimercati. 1869-76. 8 v. 8°. 1847. Firenze. — Societa allantina italiana. a. La sericicultura ; rivista universale dei progressi dell' industria serica ; organo della s. a. i. e della societti bacologica toscana. Ann. 1-4,- 1865-68. 4 V. 8". (Continued?) 1848. Firenze. — Societa columbaria. a. Memorie di varia erudizione, colla notizia della origine di questa accademia. 1747. 1 v. 4°. 1849. Firenze. — Societa entomologica italiana. a. Bullettino. Vol. 1-8, 1869-76. 8 v. 8". b. Resoconto della adunanze generali e parziali. 1872-76. 5 n. 8°. 1860. Firenze. — Societa geografia italiana. a. BuUetino. Vol. 1-13, 1868-76. 13 v. 8°. Firenze. — Societa italiana di antropologia e di etnologia. a. Archivio per 1' antropologia e la etnologia. (See 1829.) Firenze. — Societa italiana delle scienze. Memorie. (See 2108.) Firenze. — Societa malacologica italiana. (See 2013.) 1851. Firenze. — Societa toscana d'industria apistica residente in Pistoja. a. (No title.) 1870. 1 n. 8". Florentina, Accademia medico-fisica. (See 1825.) Galileo-Galilei, Istituto. (See 1946.) 1852. Geneva. — Accademia imp. delle scienze e belle arte (lettere ad arti). a. Memorie. Vol. 2-3, 1809-14. 2 v. 4". (For vol. 1, see 1860.) 1853. Geneva. — Annali di botanica (annales botanici) ; dal Viviani. Vol. 1, 1802-04. 1 v. 4". 1854. Geneva. — Archivio per la zoologia, 1' anatomia, e la fisiologia ; da Canes- trini, etc. 1. Vol. 1-4 i, 1861-66. 4 v. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-2 i, 1869-70. 2 V. 8°. 1855. Geneva. — Correspondance astronomique, geographique, hydrographique et statistique ; par Zach. Vol. 1-15, i, 1818-26. 15 v. 8". (Cf. 2669.) 1857. Geneva. — Giornale ligustico di archeologia, storia e belle arte; dir. Bel- gano, etc. Ann. 1, 1874. 1 v. 1858. Geneva. — Giornale ligustico di scienze, lettere ed arti. 1827-29. 3 v. 8°. 1859. Geneva. — Giornale degli studiosi di lettere, scienze, arti e mestieri. Ann. 1-4, 1869-72. 4 v. 8°. 1860. Geneva. — Istituto ligure. a. Memorie. Vol. 1, 1806. 1 v. 4". (For continuation, see 1852.) 1861. Geneva. — Museo civico di storia naturale. a. Annali. Vol. 1-8, 1870-76. 8 v. 8". Geneva. — Nuovo congresso degli scienziati italiani. (See 1783.) Geneva. — Riunione degli scienziati italiani. (See 1784.) 126 ITALY. 1862. Geneva. — Ilivista ligure, giornale di lettere, scienze, etc. Vol. 1-2 pars, 1848. 2 v. 8° 1863. Genova. — Societa crittogamologica italiana. a. Commentario. Vol. 1-2 iv, 1861-G7. 2 v. 8Z 1864. Genova. — Societa di letture e conversazioni scientifiche. a. Effemeridi. 1. Ann. 1-4, 1870-74. 4 v. 8". 2. Disp. 1, 1874. 1 n. 8". (Continued?) 1865. Genova. — Reale universita. a. Atti, pnbblioati per decreto ed a spese del municipio. Vol. 1, 1869. 1 V. 8". Gesii, Osservatorio astronomico diretto dai padri della comp. di. (See 2037, 2039.) Gioenia, Accademia, di scienze naturali. (See 1813.) Gregoriana, Osservatorio dell' universita. (See 2039.) Gregoriana, Universita in collegio romano. (See 2047.) Italia, Reale comitato geologic© d'. (See 1832.) Italiana, Accademia. (See 1824.) Italiana, Accademia, di scienze, lettere ed arti. (See 1866.) Italiana, Societa allantina. (See 1847.) Italiana, Societa, di antropologia e di etnologia. (See 1829.) Italiana, Societa crittogamologica. (See 1863.) Italiana, Societa entomologica. (See 1849.) Italiana, Societa geografica. (See 1850.) Italiana, Societa malacologica. (See 2013.) Italiana, Societa di piscicoltura. (See 2046.) Italiana, Societa, delle scienze. (See 1924, 2108.) Italiana, Societa, di scienze naturali. (See 1915.) Italiani, Congresso degli ingegneri et architetti. (See 1780.) Italiani, Congresso degli scienziati. (See 1782, 1783.) Italiani, Riunione degli scienziati. (See 1784.) Italiani, Societa degli spettroscopisti. (See 1985.) Italiano, Circolo geografico. (See 2059.) Italiano, Club alpino. (See 2060.) Ligure, Istituto. (See 1860.) 1866. Livorno. — Accademia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti. a. Atti. Tom. 1, pt. 1-2. 2 v. 4°. 1867. Livorno. — Reale istituto da marina, etc. a. Annali. 1873. Lombardo, Reale istituto, di scienze e lettere. (See 1898.) Longone, Imp. reg. ginnasio liceale convitto. (See 1892.) 1868. liucca. — Reale accademia lucchese di scienze, lettere ed arti. a. Atti. Vol. 1-19, 1819-73 (1821-73). 19 v. 8*^. 1869. liUcca. — Memorie sopra la fisica e istoria naturale di diversi valentuo- mini. Vol. 1-4, 1743-57. 4 v. 8°. 1870. Lucca. — 1. Miscellanei di varia letteratura; di Donati, etc. 1762-72. 8 V. 12". 2. Nuovi misc. lucchesi. 1775. 1 v. 4". Lucca. — Riunione degli scienziati italiani. (See 1784.) 1871. Mantova. — Reale accademia di scienze, belle lettere ed arti. a. Memorie. 1795. 1 v. 4". 1872. Mantova. — Annuario delle scienze chiiniclii, farmaccutiche e medico- legali ad uso dei farmacisti e mcdici, in continuazione del Suppli- niento al trattato di farmacia, del Sign. Virey ; della Gazetta eclet- tica di farmacia, di chiniica. 1840. 1 v. 8". A. d. sc. chein. farm, e med.- leg., contenente tutte le scoperte relative a queste scienze, la relazione de' lavori chimici e naturali, delle riunioni degli scienziati italiani e stranieri, di quelli i particolari di J. J. Berzelius, e la tra- duzione della chiniica organica di J. Liebig; red. Sembenini. 1841 -49. 9 V. 8". (Cf. 2640.) Mella, Accademia di scienze, lettere, agricoltura ed arti del diparti- mento del. (See 1808.) ITALY. 127 1873. Messina. — L'eco peloritano ; giornale di scienze, lettere ed arti. 1. Ann. 1-2, 1853-54. 2 v. 8". 2. Ann. 3-4, 1855-57. 2 v. 8°. 1874. Messina. — La farfalletta ; opera periodica scientifica, litteraria, artistica ; dalMorici. Nuovaserie. Vol. 1-3, 1842-47. 3 v. 8". (Was this the natural successor of 1875 ?) 1875. Messina. —II maurolico; foglioperiodico. 1. Vol. 1, 1833-34. 1 v. 4° 2. II m. ; giornale di scienze, lettere ed arti ; nuovo periodo. Ann. 1-2, vol. 1-4, 1834-40. 4 v. 8". 3. II m. ; giornale del gabinetto letterario ; nuova serie. Vol. 1-2, 1841-42. 2 v. 8°. (See 1874.) 1876. Milano. — Accademia fisico-medieo-statistica. a. xltti. (See b.) b. Diario et atti. 1. Vol. 1-10, 1846-54. 10 v. 4". 2. Atti. Vol. 1-7, ann. 11-17, 1855-62. 7 v. 8". ; ann. 18-32, 1863-76. 10 v. 8". 1869, ed. alt. 1 V. 12° (About 1859, the academy appears to have split into two distinct or- ganizations. See 1882.) 1877. Milano. — Almanacco geografico. Ann. 1, 1871. 1 v. 16°. 1878. MUano. — Annali di chimica ; dal Polli. Vol. 1-48, 1845-68. 48 v. 8°. (Continued?) 1879. Milano. — Annali di fisica, chimica e matematica ; col buUettino dell' industria meccanica e chimica; diretti dall' ingegnere Majocchi. 1. Vol. 1-28, 1841-47. 28 v. 8°. 2. Annali di fis., chim. e scienze affini ; col boll, di farmacia e di tecnologia. Vol. 1-4, 1850. 4 V. 8° Milano. — Annali di matematica, etc. (See 2021.) 1880. Milano. — Annali di scienze e lettere. Vol. 1-10, 1810-12. 10 v. 8° Milano. — Annali delle scienze del regno lombardo-veneto. (See 1966.) Milano. — Annuale astronomico. (See 1904, a.) 1881. Milano. — Annuario scientifico ed industriale, pubblicato dagli editori della biblioteca utile. Ann. 1-12, 1864-75 (1865-76). 12 v. 18°. 1882. Milano. — Ateneo (gia accademia fisico-medieo-statistica). a. Atti. 2. Vol. 1-3, 1859-62 (1860-63). 3 v. 4°; 1863-67 (1865-68). 2 v. 4°. (Continued? — for first series, see 1876.) 1883. Milano. — Biblioteca di farmacia, chimica, etc. ; da Cattaneo. Vol. 1-23, 1834-45. 23 V. 8". (Preceded by 1895.) 1884. Milano. — Biblioteca italiana, ossia giornale di letteratura, scienze ed arti. Vol. 1-100, 1816-40. 100 v 8° (For continuation, see 1898, e.) 1885. Milano. — Collegio degli ingegneri ed architetti. a. Atti. Vol. 1-8, 1868-75. 8 v. 8°. Milano. — Congresso bacologico internazionale. (See 13.) Milano. — Congresso degli ingegneri ed architetti italiani. (See 1780.) 1886. Milano. — Cronaca, ossia collezione di notizie contemporane e su le let- tere, le scienze, la morale, I'arti e I'industria ; da Cantu. Vol. 1-8, 1840-41. 8 V. 8° 1887. Milano. — Cronaca; giornale di scienze, lettere, arti, economia. indus- tria ; da Cantu. Vol. 1-5, 1855-59. 5 v. 8°. Milano. — Etfemeridi astronomiche. (See 1904, b.) 1888. Milano. — Effemeridi fisico-mediche (chimico-mediche). Vol. 1-12,1804- 07. 12 V. 8° 1889. Milano. — Ephemerides astronomicae, ad meridianum mediolanensera sup- putatffi ; accedit appendix cum observationibus et opusculis ; ab Cesario ; also entitled : Effemeridi astronomiche, calculate al meridiano di Milan, con aggiunta di altri opuscoli. 1774-1805. 3 v. 8°. (For continuation, see 1904, b.) 1890. Milano. — Fondazione scientifica Cagnola. a. Atti . . . e dalla sua istituzione in poi. Vol. 1-6, 1856-72. 6 v. 8° 1891. Milano. — Ginnasio liceale annesso al collegio Calchi-Taeggi. a. Programma. 1856. 1892. Milano. — Imp. rag. ginnasio liceale convitto Longone. a. Atti. 1858. 128 ITALY. 1893. Milano. — Imp. reg. ginnasio liceale San Alessandro. a. Programma. 1857. 1894. Milano. — Giornale di chimica e veterinaria ; di Pozzi. 8°. 1895. Milano. — Giornale di farmacia, chimica, e scienze accessorie, o sia rac- colta della scoperta, retrovati e miglioramente fatti in pharmacia ed in chimica ; da Cattaneo. Vol. 1-18, 1824-33. 18 v. 8'^ (For con- tinuation, see 1883.) 1896. Milano. — Giornale di flsica, chimica ed arti ; del Majocchi. 1839. 1 v. 8". 1897. Milano. — II giro del mundo ; giornale di viaggi, geografia e costumi ; dir. Charton, etc. 1. Vol. 1-10, 1864-68. 10 v. 2". (More?) 2. Vol. 1-3, 1874 ?-76. 3 v. 8°. 1898. Milano.— ^ Reale istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere. a. Annuario. 1864-68. 5 v. 16°. b. Atti. Vol. 1-3, 1858-62 (1860-62). 3 v. 4°. c. Atti della fondazione scientifica Cagnola. (See 1890, a.) d. Giornale. Vol. 1-8, 1841-47. 8 v. 8". e. Giornale . . . e biblioteca italiana (compilata da varj dotti nazionali e stranieri). 1. Vol. 1-16, 1840-47. 16 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-9, 1847-56. 9 V. 8". (For earlier series, see 1884.) /. Memorie. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1812-38 (1819-38). 5 v. 4". 2. Vol. 1-13, 1854-74. 13 V. 4^. g. Memorie; (classe del scienze naturali e matematiche.) 1. Vol. 1-6,1843-56. 6v. 4°. 2. Vol. 1-3(7-9), 1859-63. 3 v. 4". 3. Vol. 1-4 (10-13). 1865-75. 4 v. 4". h. Rendiconti; classe di scienze matematiche e naturali. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1864-67. 4 v. 8". 2. Rendiconto. Vol. 1-9, 1868-76. 9 v. 8°. i. Solenni adunanze. Fasc. 1-6, 1854 ?-76. 6 n. 8° (See also 1884, 1890.) 1899. Milano. — Istituto private Robiati di ginnasio-liceale e scuola reale completa. a. Programma. 1, 1854. 1 n. 8°. Milano. — Ministro della marina. a. Ert'emeridi astronomiche. (See 1904, b.) 1901. Milano.— II naturalista. Vol. 1, 1839. 1 v. 18". Milano. — II nuova raccoglitore. (See 1907.) Milano. — Nuovo scelta d' opuscoli suUe scienze, etc. (See 1903.) 1902. Milano. — Opuscoli matematici e fisici di diversi autori. Vol. 1-2, 1832-34. 2 V. 4°. 1903. Milano. — Opuscoli scelti, sitlle scienze e sulle arti, tratti dagli atti delle accademie, e dalle altre collezioni filosofiche e litterarie dalle opere piu recente. 1. Vol. 1-23, 1778-1804. 23 v. 4". 2. Nuova scelta d' opuscoli interessanti. Vol. 1-2, 1804-07. 2 v. 4". (For earlier se- ries, see 1912.) 1904. Milano. ^ Reale osservatorio di Brera. a. Annuale astronomico di Milano. 1837-39. 3 v. 24°. b. Effemeridi astronomiche di Milano, con appendice di osservazioni e memorie astronomiche. Afterwards entitled : Etlemeridi celesti ad uso degli astronomi e dei navigatori. calcolate al meridiano di Milano ; per ordine de ministro della marina dagli astronomi del r. o. 1806-74. 69 V. 8°. Suppl. 1, 1838. 1 v. 8°. Index 1-82 (1856). 1 n. 8°. (For earlier series, see 1889.) c. Pubblicazioni. Fasc. 1-11, 1873-76. 11 v. 4°. (See 1889.) 1905. Milano. — Paleontologie lombarde, ou description des fossiles de Lom- bardie ; publiee a I'aide de plusieurs savants ; par Stoppani. 1. 1858- 60. 1. V. 4". 2, 1858-71. 1 v. 4". 3. 1860-65. 1 v. 4°. (Each series' consists of a distinct work.) 1906. Milano. — II politecnico ; repertorio mensile di studj applicati alia pros- perita e cultura sociale. 3. Vol. 1-19, 1839-63. 19 v. 8°. 4. II poli- tecnico ; repertorio di studj letterarj, scientilici e tecnici. Vol. 1-21, 1866-73. 21 V. 8°. (Continued? Earlier series unknown.) 1907. Milano. — II raccoglitore, ossia archiv] di viaggi di filosofia, d' istoria, di p.)e8a, etc. ; par Bertolotti. 1. Vo'l. 1-24, 1819-24. 24 v. 8°. 2. II luiovo raccoglitore, etc. Ann. 1-9, 1825-33. 9 v. 8". 3. Ricoglitore ITALY. 129 italiano e straniero, ossia rivista europea di scienze, lettere, belli arti, bibliografia e varieta ; per Magri. Vol. 1-4, 1834-37. 4 v. 8°. 4. Rivista europea ; nuova serie del ric. italiano e stranieri. Vol. 1-5. 1838-41. 5 V. 8". 5. Vol. 1-3, 1843-45. 3 v. 8''. 1908. Milano. — Rapporti sui progress! della scienze. 1,1870. 1 v. 8°. 1909. Milano. — Regolatore amministrativo ; giornale teorico-pratico d'am- niinistrazione politica, comunale, privata ; leggi, scienze, lettere. Vol. 1-3, 1856-59. 3 v. Milano. — Revue scientifique italienne ; par Mortillet. (See ISSe**-.) Milano. — Ricoglitore italiano, etc. (See 1907.) Milano. — Riunione degli scienziati italiani. (See 1784.) Milano. — Rivista europea. (See 1907.) 1910. Milano. — Rivista italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti. Ann. 1, 1874. 1 v. 1912. Milano. — Scelta di opuscoli interessanti, tradotti da varie lingue. Vol. 1-12, 1775. 12 V. 12°. ; s. di op. . . coll' aggiunta d' opuscoli nuovi italiani. Vol. 13-30, 1776-77. 24 v. 12° 2d ed., 1781-84. 3 v. 4°. (For continuation, see 1903.) 1913. Milano. — Societa geologica residente in Milano. a. Atti. Vol. 1, 1855-59 (1859). 1 v. 8° (For continuation, see 1916, a.) b. Memorie. Vol. 1-2, 1866-67. 2 v. 4°. (So quoted in the catalogue of the Berlin academy; is it the same as 1915, 6?) (See 1915.) 1914. Milano. — Societa d' incoraggiamento delle scienze, etc.; stabilita in Milano. a. Giornale. Vol. 1-8, 1808-09. 8 v. 4° 1915. Milano. — Societa italiana di scienze naturali. a. Atti. Vol. 2-18, 1860-76. 17 v. 8°. (For vol. 1, see 1913, a,) b. Memorie. Vol. 1-4, 1865-71. 4 v. 4°. (See also 1913, b.) (See 1913.) 1916. Milano. — Societa patriotica. a. Atti. Vol. 1-3, 1778-83 (1783-93). 3 v. 4°. 1917. Modena. — Accademia. a. Saggi. 1918. Modena. — Regia accademia (di scienze, lettere ed arte). a. Memorie. Vol. 1-16, 1833-75. 16 v. 4°. b. Relazione delle adunanze, . . . nell' anno accademico 1842-43 (1843). 1 n. 8°. 1919. Modena. — Annuario chimico italiano; dir. Selmi. Ann. 1, 1845 (1846). 1 V. 8'\ Modena. — Archivio per la zoologia, 1' anatomia e la fisiologia. (See 1854.) 1920. Modena. — Giornale letterario-scientifico modenese. 1839. 1 v. 8". 1921. Modena. — Memorie di fisica sperimentale, scritte dal Mariannie. Vol. 1-2, 1837-38. 2 v. 8° 1922. Modena. — Nuovo giornale de' letterati d' Italia. Vol. 1-43, 1773-90. 43 V, 16". (Vol. 7-43 are entitled: Continuazione del n. g., etc.) (Cf. 1989, 2011, 2033, 2005, 2095.) 1923. Modena. — Reale osservatorio astronomico. a. Atti. T(mi. 1, 1834. 1 v. T. Modena. — Societa italiana delle scienze (resid. in Modena.) (See 2108.) 1924. Modena. — Societa italiana delle scienze, fondata da Anton-Mario Lorgna, detta dei XL. a. Memorie. 1. ? 2. Vol. 1, 1872. 1 v. 4". (See also 2108.) 1925. Modena. — Societa dei naturalist!. a. Annuario. 2. 1-10, 1866-76. 10 v. 8°. (First series unknown.) 1926. Modena. — Lo si)allanzani, rivista teorico-pratica di scienze mediche e naturali. Ann. 1-14, 1863-76. 14 v. 8°. Moncalieri. — Osservatorio del regio collegio Carlo Alberto. (See 2070.) 1927. Monza. — Ginnasio liceale annesso al collegio convitto. a. Programma. 1853. 130 ITALY. Napoli. — Accademia di archeologia, lettere ed arti. (See 1958.) 1928. Napoli. — Reals accademia di archeologia, lettere e belle arti. a. Atti. Vol. 1-6, 18G5-74. 6 v. 4'^. , 1929. Napoli. — Accademia degli aspiranti naturalisti. a. Annali. (See i.) h. Bullettino. 1. 1, 1842. 1 v. 8*> 2. Annali. Fasc. 1-12, 1843. 1 V. 8". 3. Vol. 1-3, 1861-63. 3 v. 8°. c. Esercitazioni accademiche. Vol. 1-2, 1839-42. 2 v. 8''. (See also 1782, a.) 1930. Napoli. — Regale accademia ercolanese di archeologia. a. Memorie. Vol. 1-8, 1822-56. 8 v. 4". 1931. Napoli. — Accademia pontaniana. a. Atti. Vol. 1-8, 1832-57. 8 v. 4°. (For earlier series, see 1957.) h. Bullettino archeologico napoletano. 2. Ann. 1-7, 1853-59. 7 v. 4°. (First series unknown.) c. Rendiconto delle tornate. Ann. 1, 1853. 1 v. 8". (See also 1932, 1957.) 1932. Napoli. — Accademia del Pontano. a. Richerche critiche appartenenti all' ace. 1795. 1 v. 8". "At Naples an illustrious band of scholars had . . . instituted an academy . . . ; of this the celebrated Pontano was at this time [1492] the chief director, whence it has usually been denominated the Academy of Pontano. It was, however, originally established in the reign of Alfonso I. [1435-58]." — RoscoE, Life of Leo X., i. 31. (See also 1931, 1957.) 1933. Napoli. — Reale accademia delle scienze e belle lettere. a. Atti, dalla fondazione sino al 1787 (1788). 1 v. 4". 1934. Napoli. — Reale accademia delle scienze e belle lettere ; sezione della societa reale borbonica. a. Atti. Vol. 1-6, 1819-51. 6 v. 4°. h. Memorie. Vol. 1-2, 1852-57 (1856-57). 2 v. 4°. c. Rendiconto delle adunanze e de' lavori (fisic. e mathemat.). 1. Vol. 1-9, 1842-49. 9 v. 4*^. 2. Ann. 1-6, 1852-57. 5 v. 4". (The last two anni in one vol., entitled: Continuazione. See also 1959, i.) (For continuation of the publications of this society, see 1959.) Napoli. — Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche. (See 1959.) 1935. Napoli. — Annali scientifici ; giornale di scienze fisiche, matematiche, agricoltura, etc. ; da Buondono. 1853? 8°. 1936. Napoli. — Annuario zoologico ; da Costa. 1834. 12". 1937. Napoli. — Antologia di scienze naturali ; da Pirta, etc. 8*1 Napoli. — L' ateneo. (See 1946, a.) Napoli. — Bullettino archeologico napoletano. (See 1931, J.) 1938. Napoli. — Bullettino geologico del Vesuvio e de' Campi Flegrei ; comp. Pilla. No. 1-5, 1834. 1 v. 8°. (Preceded by 1962.) 1939. Napoli. — Calendario astronomico-geognostico-statistico del regno di Napoli. 1819-23. 12". Napoli. — Congress© scientifico provinciale. (See 1781.) Napoli. — Congresso degli scienziati italiani. (See 1782.) 1940. Napoli. — Corrispondenza zoologica, destinata a diffondere nel regno delle Due Sicilie tutto cio clie si va discuoprendo entro e fuore (e vice- versa), risguardante la zoologia in generale ; red. Costa. Ann. 1, 1839. 1 V. 8°. 1941. Napoli. — Critica e scienza positiva ; rivista scientifica. 1875. 1 v. 8". 1942. Napoli. — L'esculapio; giornale delle scienze fisico-mediche. 1827. 1 v. 8". 1943. Napoli. — II giambattista-vico ; giornale scientifico. Vol. 1-4,1857-. 4 v. 8". 1944. Napoli. — Giornale enciclopedico di Napoli. 1945. Napoli. — Giornale di matematiche ad uso degli studenti delle universita italiane ; da Battaglini, etc. Vol. 1-14, 1863-76. 14 v. 4". 1945 ». Napoli. — Giornale degli scavi di Pompei ; nuova serie pubblicata degli alunni della scuola archeologica. Vol. 1-3, 187 — 75. 3 v. 4". 1946. Napoli. — Istituto Galileo-Galilei. a. L' ateneo; giornale dell' ist. Ann. 1, fasc. 1-4, 1876. 4 n. 8". ITALY. 131 1947. Napoli. — Reale istituto d' incoraggiamento alle scienze naturale, economiche e technologiche. a. Atti. 1. Vol. 1-8, 1811-55. 8 v. 4'^. 2. Tom. 1-13, 1864-76. 13 V. 4". b. Eelazione e ricordi. 1869-75 (1870-76). 7 n. 4° 1948. Napoli. — II metamorfico ; giornale di chimica, farmacia e scienze affini ; red. La-Cava. Vol. 1-3, 1845-47. 3 v. 8". 1949. Napoli. — Museo di letteratura e filosofia ; da Gatti. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1842. 4 V. 2. Vol. 1-16, 1843-50. 16 v. 3. Vol. 1-6, 1855-57. 6 v. 4. Vol. 1-12, 1857-62. 12 v. 1950. Napoli. — Museo zoologico della reale universita. a. Annuario. Ann. 1-6, 1862-67. 6 v. 4". 1951. Napoli. — Reale osservatorio astronomico. a. Annuario. 1846-56, 11 v. 12". 1952. Napoli. — Reale osservatorio meteorologico vesuviano. a. Annali. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1860?-69 (1861?-70). 4 n. 4". 2. Ann. 1, 1874. 1 V. 8". 1953. Napoli. — Ilpiria; giornale di scienze chemiche. 1875. 1954. Napoli. — II progresso delle scienze, lettere ed arti. 1. Vol. 1-34 (n. d.). 34 V. 8". 2. Vol. 1-99?, 1832-64. 99? v. 8". Napoli. — Riunione degli scienziati italiani. (See 1784.) 1955. Napoli. — Rivista critica di scienze, lettere ed arti; dir. Trinchera. 1871. S''. 1956. Napoli. — Rivista universitaria ; giornale quotidiano, scientifico-lettera- rio; dir. Statuti. Ann. 1, no. 1, Dec. 1866. 1 n. T. (Continued?) Napoli. — Scuola archeologica. (See 1945».) Napoli. — Societa reale borbonica. (See 1934.) Napoli. — Societa di piscicoltura italiana. (See 2046.) 1957. Napoli. — Societa pontaniana. a. Atti. Vol. 1-3, 1810-19. 3 v. 4". (For next series, see 1931.) (See also 1931, 1932.) 1958. Napoli. — Societa reale ; accademia di archeologia, lettere ed arti. a. Rendiconto. Ann. 1-11, 1863-72. 11 v. 4°. 1959. Napoli. — Societa reale ; accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche. a. Atti. Vol. 1-5, 1863-73. 5 v. 4*1 6. Rendiconto. Ann. 1-14, 1862-75 (1862-76). 14 v. 4*1 (See 1934, c.) (See 1934.) 1960. Napoli. — Societa regia (London) . a, Saggio delle transazioni filosofiche, corapendiate, tradotte dall' in- glese neir idioma toscano. 1729-34. 4". (See 434, g.) 1961. Napoli. — Societa zoofila napolitana. a. Rivista ; pubblicazione bimensile degli atti della societa, di memorie e corrispondenze per tutto quanto riflette la protezione animale, la zo- otecnia, zoologia, igiene, veterinaria ed economia politica. 1875- 76. 2 V. 8". 1962. Napoli. — Lo spettatore del Vesuvio e de' Campi Flegrei ; dai Cassola, etc. 1832-33. 2 v. 8?. (Cont. in 1938.) Napoli. — Reale university. (See 1950.) 1963. Napoli. — L' universita ; giornale settimanale di scienze-lettere-teatri. Ann. 1, 1867, Napoli. — Zoologische station. (See 3049.) Olimpia, Accademia, di agricoltura, scienze ed arti. (See 2083.) Olimpica, Accademia. (See 2109.) 1964. Padova. — (Ces. imp. reg.) Accademia (di scienze, lettere ed arti). a. Memorie. 1809. 1 v. 4°. b. Nuovi saggi (saggi nuovi). Vol. 1-8 i, 1817-69. 8 v. 4". c. Relazioni delle memorie. 1840-41 (1842). 1 v. 8°. d. Rivista periodica dei lavori. Vol. 1-13, 1851-65. 13 v. 8° e. Saggi nuovi. (See b.) f. Saggi scientifici e letterari. Vol. 1-3, 1786-94. 4 v. 4''. (The third volume is composed of two.) 1965. Padova. — Annali difisica; dell' Zantedeschi. Fasc. 1-4, 1843-50- 1 v. 8*1 132 ITALY. 1966. Padova. — Annali delle scienze del regno lonibardo-veneto ; del Fusi- nieri. Vol. 1-14, 1831-45. 14 v. 4". 1967. Padova. — Biblioteca gerrnanica di lettere, arti e scienze. Vol. 1-6, 1822-23.* Gv. 8". 1968. Padova. — BoUettino di bachicoltura ; dir. Verson. Ann. 1-2, 1874-75. 2 V. 8". Padova. — BoUettino bacologico. (See 1970, a.) 1969. Padova. — Giornale astro-meteorologico che pronuncia i principal! fe- nonieni celesti secondo le piu recenti tavole e le rneteore secondo il saros ossia il ciclo di ccviii lune ad uso d' ogni classe di persone. " 8'*. Padova. — II raccoglitore. (See 1970, h.) Padova. — Riunione degli scienziati italiani. (See 1784.) 1970. Padova. — Societa d' incoraggiamento (nella provincia di Padova.) a. BoUettino bacologico in appendice al raccoglitore. (Attached to h, 2.) h. II raccoglitore ; pubblicazione annuale della soc. 1. Vol. 1-12, 1852- G2. 12 V. 2. Vol. 1-4, 1863-68. 4 v. 1971. Padova. — Societa veneto-trentina di scienze naturali. a. Atti. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. S'l 1972. Padova. — Reale stazione bacologica sperimentale. a. Annuario. Ann. 1, 1872 (1873). 1 v. 8". 1973. Palermo. — Academie royale des sciences. a. Travaux. 1833. 8°. (See also 1974, 1975.) 1974. Palermo. — Accademia palermitana. a. Saggi di dissertazione. 1. Vol. (l)-2, 1755-91 (1755-1800). 2 v. 4". (For second series, see 1975.) (See also 1973, 1975.) 1975. Palerm.0. — Accademia di scienze e lettere (e arti). a. Atti. 2. Vol. 1-5, 1845-75. 5 v. 4". (For first series, see 1974.) (See also 1973, 1974.) 1976. PaIerm.o. — Consiglio di studij. a. Giornale di scienze naturali. Vol. 1-4, 1863-68. 4 v. 4". (Cf. 1981, a.) Palermo. — Direttore generale di polizia. a. Giornale di scienze. (See 1978.) Palerm.o. — Effemeridi scientifiche e letterarie per la Sicilia. (See 1980, a.) 1977. Palermo. — Gazzetta chimica italiana. Ann. 1-6, 1871-76. 6 v. 8°. 1978. Palermo. — Giornale di scienze, letteratura (lettere) ed arti per la Si- cilia (sotto gli auspici di s. e. il direttore generale di polizia, etc.). Vol. 1-79, 1823-42. 79 v. 8°. Palerm,o. — Giornale di scienze naturali. (See 1976, a, 1981, a.) 1979. Palermo. — L' iside ; giornale di scienze, lettere ed arti per la Sicilia. 1822. 1 V. 1980. Palermo. — Reale istituto d' incoraggiamento per la Sicilia (di agricol- tura, arti e manifatture in Sicilia). a. Effemeridi scientifiche e letterarie per la Sicilia. Vol. 1-31, 1832-40. 31 V. 8". (Vol. 1-8 published independently?) h. Giornale. 3. Ann. 1, 1863. 1 v. 8". 1981. Palexrmo. — Reale istituto tecnico. a. Giornale di scienze naturali ed economiche, pubblicato per cura del siglio di perfezionamento. Vol. 1-6, 1866-70. 6 v. 4". (See con- 1982, a. Cf. also 1976, a.) 1982. Palermo. — Reale osservatorio. ' a. Bullettino meteorologico. Vol. 1-11, 1865-75 (1865?-76). 11 v. 4". (Appears in 1981, a.) h. Giornale astronomico e meteorologico. Vol. 1-8, 1855-72. 8 v. 4". c. Osservazioni meteorologiche esequito nell' anno 1864. 1 n. 4". 1983. Palermo. — Rivista sicula di scienze, letteratura ed arti. 1869-70. 2 V. 8« 1984. Palermo. — Society di acclimazione e di agricoltura in Sicilia. a. Atti. Vol. 1-15, 1861-75. 15 v. 8°; giornale ed atti. Vol. 16, 1876. 1 V. 8° ITALY. 133 1985. Palermo. — Societa degli spettroscopisti italiani. a. Memorie. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 4° 1986. Palermo. — Specchio della scienze, o giornale enciclopedico di Sicilia; deposito letterario delle moderne cognizioni, scoperte, ed osservazione sopra le seienze ed arti e particolarmente sopra la fisica, la chimica, la storia naturale, la botanica, I'agricoltura, lamedicina, il commercio, la legislazione, 1' educazione, etc. (dal Rafinesque). Vol. 1-2, 1814. 2 V. 8". 1987. Parma. — Bollettino di paletnologia italiana. Ann. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. f. 1988. Parm.a. — Giornale astronomico ad uso commune, con appendice de notizie astronomiche e meteorologiche. 1875. 1989. Parma. — Giornale dei letterati; di Bacchini, etc. 1686-92 (1692-97). 6 V. 4°. (Of. 1922, 2005, 2011, 2033, 2095.) 1990. Pavia. — Annali di chimica (e storia naturale) ovvero raccolta di memorie suUe scienze, arti e manifatture ad esta relative ; di Brugnatelli. Tom. 1-21, 1790-1802. 21 v. 8". 1991. Pavia. — Biblioteca fisica d' Europa (ossia raccolta di osservazioni sopra la fisica, matematica, chimica, storia naturale, medizina ed arti) ; di Brugnatelli. Vol. 1-20, 1788-91. 20 v. 8". (For continuation, see 1993.) 1992. Pavia. — Giornale di fisica, chimica e storia naturale, ossia raccolta di memorie sulle scienze, arti e manifatture ad esse relative ; di Brug- natelli, etc. 1. Vol. 1-5, 1808-12. 5 v. 4°; giorn. di fis., chim., st. nat., medicina ed arti del regno italico. Vol. 6-10, 1813-17. 5 v. 4". 2. Giornale di fis., chim. e stor. nat., medicina ed arti. Vol. 1-10, 1818-27. 10 V. 4". 1993. Pavia. — Giornale fisico-medico, ossia raccolta di osservazioni sopra la fisica, matematica, chimica, storia naturale, medicina, chirurgia, arti e agricoltura, per servire di sequito alia biblioteca fisica d' Europa ; di Brugnatelli. Vol. 1-12, 1792-95. 12 v. 8°. (For earlier series, see 1991.) 1994. Pavia. — Giornale di malacologia ; di Strobel. Ann. 1-2, 1853-54. 2 v. 8°. 1995. Pavia. — Giornale di scienze matematiche, fisiche e biologiche, pubblicato per cura di una societa scientifica. 1866-68. 2? v. 8°. 1996. Pavia. — Laboratorio di botanica crittogamica. a. Archivio triennale. 1874. 1 v. P. b. Richerche. 1997. Peinigia. — Collegio degli ingegneri, arehitetti e periti dell' XJmbria. a. Bollettino. Ann. 1, no. 1, 1875. 1 n. 16". Perugia. — Giornale scientifico-letterario. (See 1998.) 1998. Perugia. — Oniologia scientifico letteraria. 1833-34. 2? v. 8". Gior- nale scientifico-letterario. 1835-40. 6? v. 8". Pesaro. — Osservatorio meteorico, etc. (See 1804.) Petrarca, Reg. accademia, di scienze, lettere ed arti. (See 1792.) 1999. Pisa. — Accademia pisana. a. Historia. 1791-95. 3 v. 4". 2000. Pisa. — Accademia valdarnese del Poggio. a. Memorie scientifiche valdarnesi ; memorie dell' ace. Vol. 1-4, 1835- 55. 4 V. 4". h. Notizie storiche. (See 2009.) 2001. Pisa. — Bullettino conchiliologico in servizio della conchiliologica italiana; dal Gentiluome. Ann. 1, 1868. 1 v. 8". 2002. Pisa. — Bullettino malacologico italiano ; ed. Meneghini, etc. Vol. 1-7, 1868-75. 7 V. 8°. (For continuation, see 2013, a.) 2003. Pisa. — II cimento ; giornale di fisica, chimica e storia naturale ; da Matteucci, etc. Vol. 1-5, 1844-47. 5 v. 8". 2004. Pisa. — Giornale di anatomia, fisiologia e patologia degli animali ; comp. da Lombardini, etc. Ann. 1-9, 1869-76. 8 v. 8". 2005. Pisa. — Giornale de' letterati. 1. 1771-96. 102 v. 12". 2. Nuovo giornale, etc. 1804-10. 13 v. 8". 3. 1822-39. 39 v. 8". (Cf. 1922, 1989, 2011, 2033, 2095.) 134 ITALY. 2006. Pisa. — Giornale toscano di scienze medichi, fisiehe, e natural!; dal Araici, etc. 1843. 1 v. 8". 2007. Pisa. — Memorie scientifiche. Dec. 1, 1828. 8*1 Pisa. — Memorie scientifiche valdarnesi. (iSee 2000, a.) 2008. Pisa. — Miscellanea di chimica, fisica e storia naturale. 1843. 8". 2009. Pisa. — Notizie storiche dell' accademia valdarnese del Poggio, colle memorie concernenti le scienze naturali raccolti da' due primi volumi finora pubblicati della coUezione accademia intitolata memorie val- darnesi ; da Corinaldi. 1839. 1 v. 8". (See 2000.) 2010. Pisa. — II nuovo cimento ; giornale di fisica, di chimica e delle loro applicazione alia medicina, alia farmacia ed alle arti industriale ; dai Matteucci, etc. 1. Vol. 1-2, 1855-56. 2 v. 8". ; giorn. di fisica, di chimica e scienze affini (e storia naturale). Vol. 3-28, 1856-68. 26 V. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-13, 1869-75. 13 v. 8". Pisa. — Nuovo giornale botanico italiano. (See 1843.) 2011. Pisa. — Nuovo giornale de' letterati. Vol. 1-12, 1822-26. 12 v. 8°. (Cf. 1922, 1989, 2033, 2095, 2005.) Pisa. — Riunione degli scienziati italiani. (See 1784.) 2012. Pisa. — Reale scuola normals superiore. a. Annali ; scienze, fisiehe e matematiche. Vol. 1, 1871. 1 v. 8°. 2013. Pisa. — Societa malacologica italiana. a. Bullettino. Vol. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. 8". (For earlier series, see 2002.) 2014. Pisa. — Societa toscana di scienze naturali. a. Atti. Vol. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. 8-^. 2015. Pisa. — Universita toscana. a. Annali. Vol. 1-15, 1846-75. 15 v. 8". and 4°. (Divided into two parts : Scienze neologiche and scienze cosmologiche.) 2016. Pistoja. — Reale accademia pistojese di scienze, lettere ed arti. a. Atti; memorie di matematica e fisica. 1816. 8". Pistoja. — Societa toscana d' industria apistica. (See 1851.) Poggio, Accademia valdarnese del. (See 2000.) Pontaniana, Accademia. (See 1931.) Pontaniana, Societa. (See 1957.) Pontano, Accademia del. (See 1932.) 2017. Ravenna. — Societa ravennate. a. Memorie. Robiati, Istituto privato. (See 1899.) 2018. Rocca-san-Casciano. — Societa storico-archeologica delle marche in Fermo. a. Atti. Vol. 1, 1875. 1 v. 8''. Roma. — Accademia etrusca di Cortona. (See 1816.) 2019. Roma. — Reale accademia dei lincei. a. Atti. 1. Vol. 24-26, 1870-73. 3 v. 4". 2. Ann. 271-73, vol. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 V. 4". (For vol. 1-23 of first series, see 2020, a. A third series, including transunti, commenced in 1877.) (See 2020.) 2020. Roma. — Accademia pontificia de' nuovi lincei. a. Atti. Vol. 1-29, 1847-76 (1851-76). 29 v. 4". (In 1871 the accademia split into two societies, one retaining the old name, the other called the reale accademia (see 2019), both carrying on their publications, pari passu, beginning with vol. 24.) (See also 2019). 2021. Roma. — Annali di matematica pura ed applicata ; da Tortolini, etc. 1. 1858-65 (1859-66). 7 v. 4° 2. Tom. 1-7, 1867-76. 7 v. 4° (See also 2022.) 2022. Roma. — Annali di scienze matematiche e fisiehe ; da Tortolini. Vol. 1-8, 1850-57. 8 V. 8°. (Followed by 2021.) Roma. — Archaologisches institut. (See 2271.) 2023. Roma. — L' ateneo ; rivista mensile scientifica e letteraria pubblicata per cura di una societa di studenti. 1874. 1 v. 8°. (Continued?) 2024. Roma. — British (and american) archaeological society. a. (Report of) proceedings. Sess. 18G8-74. 6? v. 8". ITALY. 135 2025. Roma. — Bullettino cli bibliografia e di storia delle soienze matematiche e fisiche ; da Bonconipa (neue scliriften, 1-2), 1823-24. 2 v. 8". h. Neue schriften. (See a.) c. Scliriften. (See a.) 2818. Jena. — Grossherzogliche sternwarte. a. Meteorologisclie beobaclitungen ; aufgezeichnet in den anstalten fiir witterungskunde im grossherzogthum Sacbsen-Weiraar-Eisenach. (Also entitled: Meteorologische jalirbiicher des grossherzogtliums, etc.) Jahrg. 1-6, 1822-27 (1823-28). 6 v. 8". h. Meteorologische jahrbiicher. (See a; for cont., see 2446.) (See also 2446.) 2819. Jena. — Isis (oder encyclopiidisclie zeitung) ; von Oken. 1817-48. 32 v. 4° (Cf. also 2327, 3124, 2199.) 2820. Jena. — Die jenaischen annalen fiir physiologic und niedicin ; von Dornnich. Bd. 1-2, 1849-51. 2 v. 8". 2821. Jena. — Jenaische blatter zur forderung der hohern wissenschaftlichen, sowie politischen und socialen, landwirthlichen jugend- und volks- bildung ; von Scheidler. Heft 1-3, 1862-66. 3 v. 8°. 2822. Jena. —Jenaische gelehrte zeitungen. 1749-57,1765-84. 29 v. 8". Jena. — Jenaische zeitschrift fiir (niedicin und) naturwissenschaft. (See 2828, a.) 2823. Jena. — Jenaische zeitungen von gelehrten sachen. 1767-86. - v. 8°. 2824. Jena. — Kais leopoldinisch-carolinische akademie. a. Athenaeum ; monatsschrift fiir anthropologic, hygieine, moralstatistik, bevolkerungs- und culturwisscnschaft, paedagogik, hohere politik und die lehre von den krankheitsursachen ; von Reich, etc. ; organ des legalen directoriums der k. l.-c. a. Jahrg. 1-3, 1875-76. 3 n. 8°« (See also 2508, 2580, 2783, 2808, 2825, 3146, 3148. J 2825. Jena. — Kais. leopoldinisch-carolinische deutsche akademie der natur- forscher. a. Leopoldina ; amtliches organ der k. l.-c. d. akad., etc. Heft 1-11, 1859- 75. 11 V. 4°. (Published in 3146, d.) (See also 2508, 2580, 2783, 2808, 3146, 3148 ; also 2824.) 2826. Jena. — Lepidopterologischer tauschverein. a. Bericht. 1842-58 (1848-58). 3 v. 8"^. 2827. Jena. — Magazin fiir den neuesten zustand der naturkunden, mit riick- sicht auf die dazu gehorigen hiilfswissenschaften ; von Voigt. Bd. 1-12, 1797-1806. 12 v. 8". 2828. Jena. — Medicinisch-naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft. a. Jenaische zeitschrift fiir niedicin und naturwissenschaft. 1. Bd. l-V, 1864-73. 7 V. 8". 2. . . . fiir naturwissenschaft. Bd. 1-3 (8-10), 1874-76. 3 V. 8° Suppl. to bd. 3, 1875-76. 2 v. S**. Jena. — Miscellanea curiosa. (See 2808, «.) 2829. Jena. — Monatliche nachrichten von gelehrten leuten und schriften, besonders der gegenwailige zustand der universitiit Jena. 1726. 1 V. 8°. 2830. Jena. — Naturforschende gesellschaft. a. Nachrichten von dem fortgange. Jahrg. 1-9, 1794-1802. 1 v. 8". (See 2516.) 2831. Jena. — Natur- und kunstkabinct, oder sanimlung niitzlicher nachrichten zu beforderung der naturkunde, der kiinste und der manufacturen. Heft 1-6, 1755-56. 12''. 2832. Jena. — Notizen und tagesberichte aus dem gebiete der natur- und heil- kunde ; von Asverns. Bd. 1-4, 1859-62. 4 v. (Preceded by 2559. 3310, 2816.) GERMANY. 189 2833. Jena. — Ornis, oder das neueste iind wichtigste der vogelkunde und anziehendes aus der thierkunde ; von Brehm. Heft 1-3, 1824-27. 3 n. 8". Jena. — Philosophisches journal. (See 3139.) 2834. Jena. — Sanmilung physiologischer abhandlungen ; vonPreyer. Reilie 1, heft 1-9, 1875-76. 9 n. 8''. Jena. — Kon, societat der wissenschaften zu Gottingen. (See 2695.) 2835. Jena. — Verein fiir thiiringische geschichte und alterthumskunde. a. Zeitschrift. Bd. 1-8, 1852-71. 8 v. 8"^. Jena. — Versammlung der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) 2836. Jena. — Zeitschrift fiir parasitcnkunde ; von Hallier, etc. Bd. 1-4, 1869- 75. 4 V. 8° 2837. Jena. — Zeitschrift fiir specuhitive physik; von Schelling. Bd. 1-2, 1800-01. 2 V. 8". (For continuation, see 3282.) Julia, Academia. (See 2418.) Kdn. Julius-Maximilianus-universitat, Zoologisches museum der. (See 3334.) 2838. Kamenz. — Rundschau auf dem gehiete der geographic und naturwissen- schaft; zeitschrift fiir Deutschlands lehrer; von Rade, etc. Jahrg. 1, 1869. 1 V. 4". Karl-Friedrichs-gymnasium. (See 2537.) Karlsbad. — Alnianach de Carlsbad. (See 3484.) 2839. Karlsbad. — Montanistischer verein im Erzgebirge. a. Zeitschrift. 1856. 1 v. 4". Karlsbad. — Versamml. der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) 2840. Karlsruhe. — Badischer verein fiir gefliigelzucht. a. Monatsbhitt. Jahrg. 1872-76. 5 v. 4". Karlsruhe. — Bericht liber die . . . fortschritte in der chemischen . . . teclinik. (See 2847, a.) 2841. Karlsruhe. — Carlsruher niitzliche sammlungen, oder abhandlungen aus alien theilcn der wissenschaften. Bd. 1, 1759. 1 v. 8". 2842. Karlsruhe. — Grossherzoglich badische polytechnische schule. a. Progrannn. 1832-76. 44 n. 8". and 4". 2843. Karlsruhe. — Grossherzogliches gymnasium. a. Programni. 1872-74 (1873-74). 2 n. 8«. 2844. Karlsruhe. — Meteorologische central-station. a. Jahresbericht . . . iiber die ergebnisse der an den meteorologischen stationen des grossherzogthums Baden angestellten beobachtungen. 1-7,1869-75(1870-76). 7 n. 8° 2845. Karlsruhe. — Naturwissenschaftlicher verein. a. Verhandlungen. Heft 1-7, 1864-76. 7 n. 4°. and 8° 2846. Karlsruhe. — Societas latina marchico-badensis. a. Acta inauguralia. Bd. 1-2, 1767-70. 2 v. S*". 2847. Karlsruhe. — Technischer verein. a. Bericht iiber die neuesten fortschritte in der chemischen und physi- kalischen technik. 1865. 1 n. 8". 2848. Karlsruhe. — Verein fiir geschichte und naturgeschichte der Baar und der angrenzenden landestheile in DonauescMngen. a. Schriften. Jahrg 1, 1870 (1871). 1 v. 8°. Karlsruhe. — Versamml. der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) Kiel. — Archiv fiir die systeniatisclie naturgeschichte. (See 2892.) Kiel. — Astronomische nachrichten. (See 2237.) 2849. Kiel. — Beitriige zur naturkunde ; von Weber, etc. Bd. 1-2, 1805-10. 2 v. 8". (Follows 2892.) Kiel. — Comm. zur wissensch. untersuch. d. deutschen meere. (See 2309.) 2849«'. Kiel. — Gelehrte zeitungen, herausgegeben zu Kiel. 1. Jahrg. 1-8, 1771-78. 8 V. S"'. 2. Kielische gelehrte zeitungen. Jahrg. 1-4, 1787-91. 4 V. 8". 3. Neue kielische gelehrte zeitungen. 1797. 1 n. 8". 2850. Kiel. — Gemeinnittzige unterhaltungen aus der arzneikunde, natur- geschichte und oconomie. Jahrg. 1-2, 1790-91. 2 v. 8". 190 GERMANY. 2851. Kiel. — Jahrbucli der deutsclien marine. Jahrg. 1-2, 1874-75. 2 v. 8°. 2852. Kiel. — Kieler physiologisches institut. a. Arbeiten. 1868 (1809). 1 v. 8". Kiel. — Kielisclie gelehrto zeitungen. (See 2849 »-.) 2853. Kiel. — Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fiir Schleswig-Holstein. a. Sehriften. Bd. 1-2 i, 1873-76. 2 v. 8°. (Preceded by 2856, a.) (See 2856.) Kiel. — Neue kielische gelehrte zeitungen. (See 2489 ».) 2854. Kiel. — Kon. (schleswig-holstein-lauenburgische) gesellschaft fiir die sammlung und erhaltung vaterlandischer alterthiimer. a. Bericht. 1-33, 1836-73. 33 v. 8". 2855. Kiel.— Universitat. a. Sehriften. Bd. 1-22, 1855-75 (1855-76). 22 v. 4". 2856. Kiel. — Verein nordlich der Elbe zur verbreitung naturwissenschaft- licher kenntnisse. a. Mittheilungen. Heft 1, 1857. In. 4".; heft 2-9, 1858-68 (1858-69). 8 n. 8"^. (Followed by 2853, a.) (See 2853.) Kiel. — Versammlung der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) 2857. Kiel. — Zoologisclies magazin; von Wiederraann. Bd. 1-2, i. 1817-23. 2 V. 8". 2858. Konigsberg. — Alterthums-gesellschaft Prussia. a. Neue preussische provineialbliitter. 1. Bd. 1-11, 1846-51. 11 v. 8°. Register (bd. 12), 1851. 1 v. 8°. 2. Bd. 1-12, 1852-57. 12 v. 8". 3. Bd. 1-8, 1858-61. 8 v. 8°. (For earlier series, see 2870; for later, see 2859.) 2859. Konigsberg. — Altpreussische monatsschrift ; von Reieke, etc. Bd. 1-13 ('i)d. G7-79 der neuen preuss. provineialbliitter), 1864-76. 13 v. 8". (For earlier volumes, see 2870, 2858, a.) Konigsberg. — Kon. anatomische anstalt. (See 2885.) 2860. Konigsberg. — Archiv fiir naturwissenschaft. 1811-12. 4 n. 8". Konigsberg. — Archiv fiir vaterlilndische interessen, etc. (See 2870.) Konigsberg. — Baltische studien. (See 2864, a.) 2861. Konigsberg. — BeitrJiire zur kunde Preussens. 1. Bd. 1-7, 1818-25. 7 V. 8'^. 2. Bd. 1, 1837. 1 v. 8°. Konigsberg. — Beitriige zur naturkunde Preusseus. (See 2869, a.) 2862. Konigsberg. — Bibliothek fiir physiker ; von Metzger. Bd. 1, 1787-89. 1 V. 8". 2863. Konigsberg. — Erliiutertes preussen, oder annjerkungen liber verschie- dene zur preussischen kirchen-, civil- und gelehrten-historie gehorige besondere dinge. Tom. 1-5, 1724-42. 5 v. 8°. 2864. Konigsberg. — Gesellschaft fiir pommersche geschichte und alter- thumskunde. a. Baltische studien. Bd. 1-13, 1832-47. 13 v. 8". (See also 3226, 2699.) 2865. Konigsberg. — Konigsberger archiv fiir naturwissenschaften und mathe- nuitik; von Bessell. Heft 1-4, 1811-12. 2 v. 8". 2866. Konigsberg. — Konigsberger gelehrte anzeigen. 1791-92(1792). 1 v. 8°. 2867. Konigsberg. — Konigsberger naturwissenschaftliche unterhaltungen. 1. Bd. 1-2, 1844-52. 2 v. 81 2. Neue folge. 1854-58. 8« Konigsberg. — Neue preussische provineialbliitter. (See 2858, «.) 2868. Konigsberg. — Ostpreussische mohrungsche physikalisch-okonomische gesellschaft. a. Acta. Heft 1-3, 1795-1800. 3 v. 81 2869. Konigsberg. — Kon. physikalisch-okonomische gesellschaft. a. Beitriige zur naturkunde Preussens. 1-3, 1868-74. 3 v. 4®. h. Sehriften. Jahrg. 1-17 i, 1860-76 (1861-76). 16 v. 4". c. VortrJige aus dem gebiete der naturwissenschaften und der okonomie, gehalten vor einem kreise gebildeter zuhorer. Bd. 1, 1834. 1 v. 81 (See also 2986.) 2870. Konigsberg. — Preussische provinzialbliitter, herausgegeben von dem \erc'in zur rettung verwahrloster kinder, zum besten der anstalt. GERMANY. 191 1. Bd. 1-12, 1829-34. 12 v. 8°; vaterlandisches arcliiv fiir wissen- schaft, kunst, Industrie und agricultur, oder p. p., bd. 13-27, 1835-42. 15 V. 8**. 2. Archiv fiir vaterlandische interessen, oderp. p. 1842-45. 7 V. S*". (For continuation, see 2858, a, 2859.) 2871. Konigsberg. — Der preussische sammler zur kenntniss der natur- gescliichte, etc. Bd. 1-2, 1774. 2 v. 8". 2872. Konigsberg. — Kon. universitats-sternwarte. n. Astrononiische beobachtungen. Bd. 1-36, 1815-70. 36 v. f. Konigsberg. — Vaterlandisches archiv fiir wissenschaft, etc. (See 2870.) Konigsberg. — Verein zur rettung verwahrloster kinder. (See 2870.) Konigsberg. — Versamml. der deutsch. naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) Konigsberg. — Vortriige aus d. geb. der naturwissensch. (See 2869, c.) 2873. Konigsberg. — AVissenschaftliche nionatsbliitter ; von Hopf, etc. Jahrg. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 v. 8"^. Kothen. — Deutscher ornithologen-verein. a. Naumannia. (See 3246.) Krimmitschan. — Bienenwirthschaftlicher haupt- verein im konigreich Sachsen. a. Deutsclier bienenfreund. (See 2579.) 2874. Landau. — PoUichia, ein naturwissenschaftlicher verein der baieri- schen Pfalz (der Rheinpfalz). o. Jahresbericht. 1-14,1843-56. 14 n. 8° ; 15-32, 1857-74. 8? n. 8°. Nachtrag, 28-25) (1872). 1 n. 8". 2875. Landshnt. — Botanischer verein. n. Boricht. 1-3, 1864-71 (1868-72). 3 v. 8« 2876. Liandshut. — Monatsblatt fiir die gesammte bienenzucht, in verbindung mit niehreren bienenfreunden ; von Bitzthum. Jahrg. 1-6, 1838-43. 6 V. 4«. 2877. Langensalza. — Natur und kunst; ilhistrite zeitschrift fiir allgemein- verstiindliche und gemeinniitzige mittheilungen aus deni gebiete der naturwisscnschaft, niit besonderer riicksicht auf ihre anwendung fiir dasleben; von Hassenstein. Jahrg. 1-2, 1854-55. 2 v. 4°. Lauter. — Physik.-bkon.- und bienen-gesellschaffc. (See 3077.) Leipzig. — Abhandlungen fiir die kunde des uiorgenlandes. (See 2919, a.) 2878. Leipzig. — Abhandlungen aus der naturgeschichte, praktischen arzney- kunde und chirurgie, aus den schriften der harlemer und anderer hollandischen gesellschaften. Bd. 1-2, 1775-76. 2 v. 8". (See 847.) Leipzig. — Abhandlungen zur naturgesch. der thiere und pflanzen. (See 2928, a.) Leipzig. — Academia caesarea leopold. naturae curiosormn. (See 2508, 2580, 2783, 2808, 2824, 2825, 3146, 3148.) Leipzig. — Academie imper. des sciences de St. Petersbourg. (See 3707.) 2879. Leipzig. — Kais. kon. academie der wissenschaften zu Briissel. a. Beitriige zur blirgerlichen geschichte, zur geschichte der cultur, zur naturgeschichte, naturiehre und dem feldbau. Bd. 1, 1783. 1 v. 8". (See 943.) 2880. Leipzig. — Acta eruditorura. 1, Tom. 1-50, 1682-1731. 50 v. 4".; suppl., torn. 1-10, 1692-1734. 10 v. 4*^. 2. Nova acta. Tom. 1-45, 1732-76 (1732-82). 45 V. 4''. ; suppl., torn. 1-8, 1735-57. 8 v. 4". ; indices 1, torn. 1-50 et suppl. 1-10 (1693-1733). 5 v. 4**. 1, torn. 1-50 et suppl. 1-50; 2, torn. 1-10 et suppl. 1-4 (1745). 1 v. 4". 2881. Leipsig. — Kon. akademie der wissenschaften zu Paris. a. Auserlesene abhandlungen, welche . . . von einigen gelehrten einge- sendet, in ihren versammlungen abgelesen und von ihr herausgegeben M'orden ; aus d. franzosischen von Beer. Th. 1-2, 1752-54. 2 v. 8°. (See 1276 ; also 2438, 2453, 2928, 3056.) Leipzig. — Kais. akad. d. wissensch. in Petersburg. (See 3699, 3709.) Leipzig. — Allgemeine berg- und hiittenmiinnische zeitung. (See 3185.) Leipzig. — Allg. conferenz der europaischen gradmessung. (See 1.) Leipzig. — Allgemeine deutsche naturh. zeitung. (See 2505, a.) Leipzig. — Allgemeine deutsche zeitschrift fiir seidenbau. (See 3006, a.) lyiK GERMANY. 2882. Leipzig. — Allgemeines journal der chernie ; von Schcrer. 1. Bd. 1-10, 171)8-1803. 10 V. 8". 2. Neues all<;. j. der c. ; von Gehlen, etc. \U\. 1-6, 1803-OG. 6 V. 8". (Followed by 2338, 3167.) 2883. Leipzig. — Allgemeines magazin der natur, kunst und wissenschaften. Th. 1-12, 1753-67. 12 v. 8". 2884. Leipzig. — Allgemeines repertorium der neuesten in- und ausliindischen literatur, herausgegehen von einer gesellschaft gelehrten ; von Beck. Bd. 1-60, 1819-33. 60 v. 8". 2885. Leipzig. — Kdn. anatomische anstalt zu Konigsberg. a. Berichte. Bd. 1-2, 1819-40. 2 v. 8". 2886. Leipzig. — Anatomische studien ; von Ilasse. Bd. 1, 1870-73 (1873). 1 v. 8''. Suppl. 1873. 1 n. 8". Leipzig. — Annalen der botanik. (See 2191.) Leipzig. — Annalen der chemie und phannacie ; von Wohler, etc. (See 3053.) Leipzig. — Annalen der deutschen acadeniien. (See 3239.) Leipzig. — Annalen der physik (und chemie). (See 2704.) 2887. Leipzig. — Annales botanices systematicae ; auct. Walpers. Tom. 1-7, 1848-68. 10 V. 8". (Preceded by 2998.) 2888. Leipzig. — Archiv fiir anatomic und physiologic ; von Meckel. 1826-30. 5 V. 8". ; bd. 6, 1832. 1 v. 8". (Followed by 2273.) 2889. Leipzig. — Archiv flir die botanik; von Romer. Bd. 1-3, 1796-1803. 3 V. 4". Leipzig. — Archiv der mathematik und physik. (See 2696.) 2890. Leipzig. — Archiv zur neuern geschichte, geographic, natur- und raen- schenkenntniss ; von Bernoulli. 1785. 8". 2891. Leipzig. — Archiv der reinen und angewandten mathematik ; von Hin- denburg. Heft 1-11, 1794-99 (1795-1800). 3 v. 8". 2892. Leipzig. — Archiv fiir die systematische naturgeschichte ; von Weber, etc. Bd. 1, St. 1, 1804. 1 v. 8°. (For continuation, see 2849.) Leipzig. — Archiv fiir den thierischen ma'gnetismus. (See 2226.) 2893. Leipzig. — Astronomische gesellschaft. a. Bericht liber die versammlung. 1-2, 18--67. 2 n. 8°. b. Publicationen. No. 1-13, 1865-74. 13 v. and n. 4°. c. Vierteljahrsschrift. Jahrg. 1-11, 1866-76. 11 v. 8". Suppl. to jahrg. 3-4 (1868-69). (See also 2383*.) Leipzig. — Astronomische nachrichten. (See 2237.) Leipzig. — Auserlesene abhandlungen fiir iirzte, etc. (See 2964, a.) 2894. Leipzig. — Auserlesene abhandlungen aus der naturgeschichte, physik und arzney wissenschaft : aus dem lateinischen von Hopfner. Bd. 1-3, 1776-78. "^3 V. 8". 2895. Leipzig. — Auserlesene abhandlungen zur naturgeschichte, practischen physik und oconomie, aus den philosophischen transactionen und sammlungen; gesammelt und iibersetzt von Leske. Th. 1-2, 1779- 80. 2 V. 8". (See 434.) 2896. Leipzig. — Auswahl aller eigenthiimlichen abhandlungen und beobach- tungen in der chemie. mit einigen verbesserungen und zusiitzen ; von Crell. Bd. 1-5, 1786-87. 5 v. 8°. (See 2800, 2801, 2912.) 2897. Leipzig. — Batavische gesellschaft der wissenschaften zu Harlem. a. Naturhistorische abhandlungen; aus d. hollandischen von Haleni. Bd. 1, 1802. 1 V. 8". (See 847, a.) (See 847 ; and also 2595.) Leipzig. — Beitriige zu den chemischen annalen; von Crell. (See 2800.) Leipzig. — Beitriige zur erweiterung der chemie. (See 2800.) 2898. Leipzig. — Beitriige zur erweiterung der lander- und volkerkunde ; von Forster, etc. Th. 1-14, 1781-90. 14 v. 8". 2. Neue beitriige. Th. 1-13, 1790-93. 13 v. 8". 2899. Leipzig. — Beitriige zur geschichte der erfindungen ; von Beckmann. Bd. 1-5, 1780-1805. 5 v. 8°. 2900. Leipzig. — Beitriige zur meteorologischen optik und zu verwandten wissenschaften; von Gninert. Th. 1, heft 1-4, 1849-51. 1 v. 8°. GERMANY. 193 Leipzig. — Beitrage zur . . . naturgescliichte. (See 2879, a, 3201.) 2901. lieipzig. — Beitrage zur naturgescliichte und bergpolizeywissenschaft ; von Glaser. 1780. 8". 2902. Lieipzig. — Beitrage zur pflanzenanatomie, pflanzenphysiologie und zu einer neuen characteristik der baume und striiucher ; von Medicus. Heft 1-7, 1799-1800. 7 n. 8°. Leipzig. — Beitrage zur vaterlandischen alterthumskunde. (See 3007, a.) 2903. Leipzig. — Beitrage zur wissenschaftlichen botanik ; von Nageli. Heft 1-4, 1858-68. 4 v. 8". 2904. Leipzig. — Beitrage flir die zergliederungskunst ; von Isenflamni, etc. Bd. 1-2, 1800-03. 2 v. 8° Leipzig. — Berg- und hiitteninannische zeitung. (See 3143.) 2905. Leipzig. — Berichte iiber die fortschritte der anatomic und physiologic. 1857-71 (1858-72). 15 v. 8°. 2905 ». Leipzig. — Bericht liber die fortschritte der eisenhiitten-technik ; von von Kerpely. Jahrg. 1-10, 1866-76. 10 v. 8". 2906. Leipzig. — Bibliothek fiir das merkwiirdigste aus der natur- und volker- geschichte. Bd. 1, 1796. 1 v. 8°. Leipzig. — Blatter fiir gewerbe, technik und Industrie. (See 2962, b.) 2907. Leipzig. — Bluraenles^ niitzlicher und angenehmer kenntnisse aus der natur. 1787. 1 v. S"". 2908. Leipzig. — Botanisches centralblatt fiir Deutschland ; von Rabenhorst. 1846. 1 v. 8'^ 2909. Leipzig. — Botanisches institut in Wiirzburg. a. Arbeiten. Bd. 1, 1871-74. 1 v. 8". Leipzig. — Botanisches taschenbuch, etc. (See 3192.) Leipzig. — Botanische zeitung. (See 2708.) 2910. Leipzig. — Centralblatt fiir naturwissenschaften und anthropologic ; von Fechner. Bd. 1-2, 1853-54. 2 v. 4'^. 2911. Leipzig. — Der chemischc ackersmann ; naturkundliches zeitblatt fiir duutsche landwirthc ; von Stockhardt. Jahrg. 1-21,1855-75. 20 v. 8°. 2912. Leipzig. — Chemisches archiv ; von Crell. 1, Bd. 1-2, 1783. 2 v. 8^. 2. Neues chemisches archiv. Bd. 1-8, 1784-91. 8 v. S". 3. Neu- estes chemisches archiv. Bd. 1, 1798. 1 v. 8° (See also 2896, 2800, 2801.) Leipzig. — Chemisches centralblatt. (See 2988.) Leipzig. — Chemisch-pharmaceutisches centralblatt. (See 2988.) Leipzig. — Der civil-ingenieur ; von Hartig. (See 2619.) 2913. Leipzig. — Commentarii de rebus in scientia naturali et medicina gestis ; von Ludwig. Doc. 1. -Bd. 1-10, 1752-61. 10 v. S"'. Suppl. 1-4, 1763- 68. 1 V. S"'. Index (1770). Dec. 2. Bd. 11-20, 1768-75. 10 v. 8". Suppl. 1-4, 1772-75. 1 v. 8". Index (1779). Dec. 3. Bd. 21-30, 1775-88. 10 V. 8". Suppl. 1-4, 1777-85. 1 v. 8*^. Index (1793). Dec. 4. Bd. 31-37, 1789-1808. 10 v. 8° Suppl. 1, 1796. 1 v. 8° 2914. Leipzig. — Delectus opusculorum ad scientiam naturalem spectantium ; ed. Ludwig. Bd. 1, 1790 (1789). 1 v. 8". 2915. Leipzig. — Deutsche acta eruditorum, oder geschichte der gelehrten, welche den gegenwartigen zustand der literatur in Europa begreifen. 1712-39. 20 V. 8° 2916. Leipzig. — Deutsches akademisches jahrbuch. Jahrg. 1, 1875. 1 v. S**. 2917. Leipzig. — Deutsche jahrbucher zur aufnahme und forderung eines ge- meinniitzigen zusammenwirkens in wissenschaft, kunst und leben; herausgegeben von einer gesellschaft deutscher gelehrten. Bd. 1, 1835. 1 V. 8". 2918. Leipzig. — Deutsche jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaft. Jahrg. 1-2, 1841-42. 2 V. 4". (For earlier volumes, see 2937.) 2919. Leipzig. — Deutsche morgenlandische gesellschaft. a. Abhandlungen fiir die kunde des morgenlandes. Bd. 1-5, 1859-76. 5 V. 8". b. Jahresbericht. 1845-46 (1846-47). 2 n. 8° 194 GERMANY. c. Zeitschrift. Bd. 1-30, 1847-76. 30 v. 8". Suppl. to bd. 20 (1868). 1 V. 8°. (See also 2314.) 2920. Leipzig. — Deutsches nmseum ; von Boie, etc. 1. Bd. 1-13, 1776-88. 13 V. 8". 2. Neues d. m. Bd. 1-3, 1789-91. 2 v. 8° (Cf. 2627, a.) Leipzig. — Deutsche ornithologen-gesellschaft. a. Naumannia. (See 3246.) Leipzig. — Dresdner naturwissenscliaftliches jahrbuch. (See 2977, a.) Leipzig. — Entomologischer verein in Stettin. (See 2318.) 2921. Leipzig. — Die fortschritte des eisenhiittengewerbes in der neueren zeit. 1858. 1 V. 8". ; . . . des mctallurgischen hiittengewerbes in d. n. z. Bd. 2-6, 1859-62 (1859-63). 5 v. 8". 2922. Leipzig. — Die fortschritte auf dem gebiete der astronomic. 1-3, 1870- 75 (1874-76). 3 n. and v. 8°. 2923. Leipzig. — Die fortschritte auf dem gebiete der geologic. 1-2, 1872-75 (1875-76). 2v. 8". 2924. Leipzig. — Die fortschritte auf dem gebiete der meteorologie. 1-3, 1872- 75 (1873-76). 3 v. 8". 2925. Leipzig. — Die fortschritte auf dem gebiete der physik. 1872-75 (1874- 75). 2 V. 8°. (Cf. 2365, a, 2639.) 2925»'. Leipzig. — Die fortschritte auf dem gebiete der reinen chemie ; von Stiidel. Jahrg. 1-3, 1873-75 (1874-76). 3 v. 8°. (Cf. 2638.) 2926. Leipzig. — Die fortschritte auf dem gebiete der theoretischen chemie. 1, 1874. 1 n. 8". 2927. Leipzig. — Die fortschritte auf dem gebiete der urgeschichte. 1-3, 1874- 76. 3 n. and v. 8°. (Published in 3028.) Leipzig. — Die fortschritte des metallurgischen hiittengewerbes. (See 2921.) 2928. Leipzig. — Kon. franzosische akademie der wissenschaften, a. Abhandlungen zur naturgeschiclite der thiere und plianzen. Bd. 1-3, 1757-58. 3 V. 4". (See 1276 ; also 2438, 2453, 2881, 3056.) Leipzig. — Franzosische annalen f. d. allg. naturgeschichte. (See 2746.) 2929. Leipzig. — Aus der fremde ! wochenschrift fur natur- und menschen- kunde der aussereuropiiischen welt; red. Diezmann. Jahrg. 1, 1856. 1 V. 4*'. 2930. Leipzig. — Fries'sche schule. a. Abhandlungen. Heft 1-2, 1847-49. 2 v. 8°. 2931. Leipzig. — Furstlich jablonowski'sche gesellschaft. a. Jaliresbericht. 1854-65. 11 n. 8°. h. Preisschriften ; gekront und herausgegeben von der f. j. g. 1-20, 1847-76. 20 n. 8°. Leipzig. — Gaea. (See 2481.) Leipzig. — Gelehrte esthnische gesellschaft zu Dorpat. (See 3656.) 2932. Leipzig. — Gemeinniitzige abhandlungen zur beforderung der erkenntniss und des gebrauches natiirlicher dinge in absicht auf die wohlfahrt des staates und des menschlichen geschlechts iiberhaupt ; von Titius. Bd. 1, 1768. 1 V. 8°. 2933. Leipzig. — Gemeinniitziger vorrath auserlesener aufsiitze zur beforderung der haushaltungswissenschaft, kiinste, manufacturen, fabriken, arzney- gelahrtheit und naturkunde ; von Kriinitz. Bd. 1-3, 1767-68. 3 v. 8°. Leipzig. — Generalbericht iiber die mitteleurop. gradmessung- (See 1, 6.) Leipzig. — Gesellschaft Isis. (See 2505.) 2934. Leipzig. — Gesellschaft der kiinste und wissenschaften in Batavia. a. Abhandlungen ; aus dem hollandischen tibersezt und mit anmerkungen und zusiitzen versehen. Th. 1, 1782. 1 v. 8". (See 725.) Leipzig. — Gesellschaftliche erzahlungen, etc. (See 2749.) 2935. Leipzig. — Gesellschaft fiir mineralogie zu Dresden. a. Auswahl aus den schriften der unter Werner's mitwirkung gestifteten gesellschaft. Bd. 1-2, 1818-19. 2 v. %\ OERMANir. 195 lieipzig. — Gesellschaft naturf. freunde Westphalens. (See 2533.) 2936. Leipzig. — Gesellschaft der wissenschaften zu Manchester. a. Physikalische und philosophische abhandlungen ; aus dem englischen von Hebenstreit. Th. 1-2, 1788. 2 v. S'*. (See 494, 2964.) 2937. lieipzig. — Hallische jahrbiicher fiir deutsche wissenschaft und kunst; kritiken, characteristiken, oorrespondenzen und iibersichten ; red. Kuger. Jahrg. 1-4, 1838-41. 4 v. 4". (For continuation, see 2918.) Leipzig. — Hallische naturforschende gesellschaft. (See 2493.) Leipzig. — Aus der heimath. (See 2647.) Leipzig. — Hollandische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. (See 2595.) Leipzig. — Institut fiir physiologie. (See 3405.) Leipzig. — Isis ; von Oken. (See 2819.) 2938. Leipzig. — ItaliJinische bibliothek, oder sammlung der merkwiirdigsten kleinen abhandlungen zur naturgeschichte, okonomie und fabrik- wesen aus den neuesten italiiinischen inonatsschriften ; von Volk- niann. Bd. 1-2, 1778-79. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig. — Jahrbuch fiir den berg- und hiittenmann. (See 2616.) 2939. Leipzig. — Jahrbuch der erfindungen und fortschritte auf dem gebiete der physik und chemie, der technologie und mechanik, der astronomie und meteorologie ; von llirzel, etc. Jahrg. 1-12, 18G5-76. 12 v. 8°. liegister 1-5 (1869). 2940. Leipzig. — Jahrbuch der naturgeschichte, zur anzeige und priifung neuer entdeckungen, wichtiger beobachtungen und niitzlicher beitriige zur erweiterung der gesammten naturgeschichte (neuer entdeckungen und beobachtungen, und zur aufnahme solcher beitrage, welche zur er- weiterung und berichtigung der ges. naturg. unmittelbar abzweckeq) ; von Tilesius. Jahrg. 1, 1802. 1 v. 8°. 2941. Leipzig. — Jahrbuch fiir okonomische chemie, etc; von Artus. Bd. 1-3, 1847-49. 3 V. 8*1 2942. Leipzig. — Jahrbiicher fiir anthropologic und zur pathologic und therapie des irrseins ; von Nasse. Bd. 1, 1830. 1 v. 8°. (Continuation of 3045, 3038.) Leipzig. — Jahrbiicher der gewachskunde. (See 2330.) 2943. Leipzig. — Jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaft und kunst ; von Wigand. Bd. 1-5, 1854-56. 5 v. 8". Leipzig. — Jahrbiicher fur wissenschaftlich© botanik ; von Pringsheim. (See 2332.) 2944. Leipzig. — Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der anatomic und physi- ologie ; von Hofmann, etc. Bd. 1-4, 1872-75 (1873-76). 4 v. S**. (Cf. 2335.) 2945. Leipzig. — Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der bergbaukunst, oder systeraatische darstellung des jetzigen standpunktes der aufsuchung, gewinnung und forderung der stein- und braunkohlen, der erze, des steinsalzes und anderer nutzbarer mineralien, sowie der erz- und steinkohlen-auf bereitung ; nebst statistischen anhiingen ; von Hart- mann. 1859. 1 v. 8°. 2946. Leipzig. — Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemischen technologie fiir fabrikanten, hlitten- imd forstleute, cameralisten, chemiker und pharmaceuten ; von Wagner. L Jahrg. 1-6, 1855-60. 8"; — . . .und technischen chemie. Jahrg. 7-1-5, 1861-69. 9 v. 8'^. 2. Jahrg. 1-2 (16-17), 1870-71. 2v. 8"; — . . . mitbesondererberiicksichtigung der gewerbsstatistik. Jahrg. 3-7 (18-22), 1872-76. 5 v. 8°. Register 1-10 (1865), 11-20 (1876). 2 v. S*'. 2947. Leipzig. — Jahresbericht der im gebiete der zootomie erschienenen ar- beiten ; von Cams. 1,1849-52(1856). 1 v. 8". Leipzig. — Journal fiir ornithologie. (See 2468.) 2948. Leipzig. — Journal fiir praktische chemie ; von Erdmann, etc. 1. Bd. 1-108, 1834-69. 108 v. 8^. 2. Bd. 1-14 (109-22), 1870-76. 14 v. 8". Register 1-30 (1844), 31-60 (1854), 61-90 ( ), 91-108 (1871). 4 v. 8". (Formed from a union of 2950 and 3167.) 2949. Leipzig. — Journal des S9avans, h. e. ephemerides eruditorum. 1665-70 (1667-71). 5 V. 8« (Cf. 2518.) 196 GERMANY. 2950. Leipzig. — Journal fiir technische und okonomische chemie (also en- titled, die neuesten forschungen im gebiete der technischen und okonomischen chemie) ; von Erdmann. Bd. 1-18, 1828-33.' 18 v. 8". Register (1837). 1 v. 8°. (Eor continuation, see 2948.) 2951. Leipzig. — Kalender fiir den berg- und hiittenmann ; jahrbuch der fortschritte im gebiete des gesammten berg- und liiittenwesens.; vade- mecum und praktisches bilfs- und notizbuch fiir berg- und hiittenleute und die, welche es werden wollen, fiir bergwerkbesitzer, etc. Jahrg. 1-6, 1852-57. 6 v. 16°. 2952. Leipzig. — Kalender und notizbuch fiir alpen-reisende. 1872. 8°. Leipzig. — Kleine abhandl. einiger gelehrten in Schweden, etc. (See 623.) 2953. Leipzig. — Kosmos ; zeitschrift fiir angewandte naturwissenschaften ; von Keclam. Jahrg. 1-4, 1857-60. 4 v. P. (A new series of the same name was commenced at Leipzig in 1877.) 2954. Leipzig. — Kritische beitrage zur neuesten geschichte der gelehrsamkeit. 1786-91. 5 V. 8". 2955. Leipzig. — Kunst-magazin der mechanik und technischen chemie, oder sammlung von abbildungen und beschreibungen erprobter maschinen zur vervollkommnung des ackerbaues, der manufacturen undfabriken ; von Eschenbach. Heft 1-7, 1802-07. 7 n. 4". 2956. Leipzig. — Leipziger gelehrte anzeigen. 1. 1789-91. 3 v. 8°. 2. Neue . . . 1792-95. 4 V. 8° (For earlier series, see 2981.) 2956 ». Leipzig. — Leipziger gelehrten- und kiinstler-almanach. Jahrg. 1-2, 1786-87. 2 V. 8« 2957. Leipzig. — Leipziger gelehrtes tagebuch. 1780-1807(1781-1808). 26 v. 8". Register. 1780-1802 (1804). 2958. Leipzig. — : Leipziger gelehrte zeitungen. 1715-97. 83 v. 8°. 2959. Leipzig. — Leipziger kleine astronomische ephemeriden ; von Jahn. 1845 (1844). 1 V. 8°. 2960. Leipzig. — Leipziger magazin zur naturkunde, mathematik und okono- mie; von Funk, etc. 1781-84 (1785-88). 4 v. 8°.;—. . . naturk. und okon. 1786. 1 v. 8°.; — . . . von einer gesellschaft von gelehr- ten. 1787-88. 2 V. 8". Leipzig. — Leipziger magazin zur naturkunde und okonomie. (S^e 2960.) 2961. Leipzig. — Leipziger magazin fiir reine und angewandte mathematik; von Bernouilli, etc. 1786-88. 8". 2962. Leipzig. — Leipziger polytechnische gesellschaft. a. Bericht. 1-14, l§50-65. 14 n. 4". and 8°. (Cont. in b.) b. Blatter fiir gewerbe, technik und Industrie ; neue folge. Bd. 1-6, 1866-72. 6 V. 8°. (For earlier volumes, see a.) 2963. Leipzig. — Leipziger universitats-sternwarte. a. Meteorologische beobachtungen. 1864-75 (1865-76). 11 n. 8°. b. Monatliche iibersicht der resultate aus den meteorologischeu beo- * bachtungen angestellt auf den kon. siichsischen stationen. 1868-69. 2 V. 4°. c. Resultate aus den meteorologischeu beobachtungen (followed by- variable expressions). Jahrg. 1-10, 1866-73 (1866-76). 10 n. and v. 4". (Cf. 2528.) Leipzig. — Justus Liebig's annal. der chemie und pharm. (See 3053.) 2964. Leipzig. — Literarisch-philosophische gesellschaft zu Manchester. a. Auserlesene abhandlungen fiir iirzte, naturforscher und psychologen ; aus den schriften, etc. ; aus dem englischen von Schwenger. Heft 1, 1795. 1 V. 8". (See 494, 2936.) 2965. Leipzig. — Magazin der beriihmtesten und interessantesten see- and land- reisen, entdeckungen und schitl'briiche von Columbus zeiten. Bd. 1-7 ii, 1802-06. 7 v. 8°. (Cf. 2759.) 2966. Leipzig. — Magazin fiir die gesammte mineralogie, geognosie und mineralogische erdbeschreibung, verfasst von einer gesellschaft ge- lehrten ; von Hoff. 1801. 1 v. 8°. Leipzig. — Magnetischer verein. (See 2690.) 2967. Leipzig. — Mathematische annalen ; von Clebsch, etc. Bd. 1-10, 1869- 76. 10 V. 8". GERMANY. 197 Lieipzig. — Math.-naturw.-didact. sectionen der philologen . . . ver- sammlung. (See 3043.) lieipzig. — Meterologen-versammlung. (See^3602.) Leipzig. --- Die meterolog. beobacht. im konigr. Sachsen. (See 2512.) 2968. Leipzig. — Mineralogische belustigungen, zum behuf der chymie und naturgeschichte des mineralreichs. Bd. 1-6, 1768-71. 6 v. 8°. Leipzig. — Miscellanea cracoviensia nova. (See 3443.) 2969. Leipzig. — Mittheilungen " aus dem gesammtgebiet der botanik ; von Schenk, etc. Bd. 1-2, 1871-76. 2 v. 8°. Leipzig. — Monatliche iibersicht der resultate aus den meteorolog. beo- bachtungen. (See 2963, b.) 2970. Leipzig. — Morphologisches jahrbuch ; eine zeitschrift fur anatomic und entwickelungsgechichte ; von Gegenbaur. Bd. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. 8". 2971. Leipzig. — Museum fiir vdlkerkunde. a. Bericht. 1-3, 1873-75 (1874-76). 8 n. 8° 2972. Leipzig. — Museum des wundervollen, oder magazin des ausserordent- lichen in der natur, der kunst und dem menschenleben ; bearbeitet von einer gesellschaft von gelehrten; von Bergk, etc. 1. Bd. 1-12, 1803-11. 12 V. 8°. 2. Neues museum, etc. Bd. 1, st. 1-6; bd. 7, St. 1, 1822-25. 7 n. 8". 2973. Leipzig. — Mykologische hefte, nebst einem allgemein botanisclien an- zeiger; von Kunze, etc. Heft 1, 1817. 1 n. 8". 2974. Leipzig. — Aus der natur ; die neuesten entdeckungen auf dem gebiete der naturwissenschaften. 1. Bd. 1-12, 1852-59. 12 v. 8°. 2. Jahrg. 1860-75. 14 V. 8". 2975. Leipzig. — Naturforschende gesellschaft. a. Schriften. Bd. 1, 1822. 1 v. 4°. b. Sitzungsberichte. Jahrg. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 v. 2976. Leipzig. — Der naturforscher. 1747-48. 8". (Cf. 2354, 2653, 2728.) 2977. Leipzig. — Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft zu Dresden. a. Dresdner naturwissenschaftliches jahrbuch (populiire vorlesungen iiber naturwissenschaft gelialten ... in den allgemeinen versamm- lungen d«r n. gesellsch.). Th. 1-2, 1845-46. 2 v. 8". Leipzig. — Naturwissenschaffcliche gesellschaft Saxonia. (See 2700.) Leipzig. — Naumannia. (See 3246.) Leipzig. — Neues allg. repertor. fiir empirische psychologic. (See 3150.) Leipzig. — Neue anmerkungen iiber alle theile der naturlehre aus den englischen transactionen. (See 635.) Leipzig. — Neue annalen der botanik. (See 2191.) Leipzig. — Neue beit. z. erweit. d. lander- und volkerkunde. (See 2898.) Leipzig. — Neues (neuestes) chemisches archiv. (See 2912.) Leipzig. — Neues deutsches museum. (See 2920.) 2978. Leipzig. — Neue entdeckungen im ganzen umfange der pflanzenkunde ; von Sprengel. Bd. 1-3, 1820-22. 3 v. 8° (For earlier series, see 2330.) Leipzig. — Neue gesellschaftliche erzahlungen fiir die liebhaber der naturlehre, der haushaltungswissenschaft, der arzneikunst und der sitten. (See 2749.) Leipzig. — Neues hamburgisches magazin. ' (See 2764.) 2979. Leipzig. — Neues journal der pharmacie fiir arzte, apotheker und chemi- ker ; von Trommsdorff. Bd. 1-26, 1817-33. 26 v. 8". Leipzig. — Neues journal der physik. (See 2718.) Leipzig. — Neue leipziger gelehrte anzeigen. (See 2956.) Leipzig. — Neue leipziger zeitung von gelehrten sachen. (See 2981.) 2980. Leipzig. — Neue litteratur und beitrage zur kenntniss der naturgeschichte, vorziiglich der conchylien und fossilien; von Schroter. Bd. 1-4, 1784-87. 4 V. 8° (Cf. 3305.) Leipzig. — Neues museum des wundervollen, etc. (See 2972.) Leipzig. — Neue nordische beytrage, etc. (See 3729.) 2981. Leipzig. — Neue zeitungen von gelehrten sachen, oder gesammelte nach- richten von allem, was (dieses jahr iiber) in der gelehrten welt ruhm- 198 GERMANY. und merkwiirdiges vorgegangen ; vonKrause. 1. 1715-49, 66 v. 8*.; nothiger beitrag zu den neuen vorgegangen gelehrten zeitungen, oder urastandliche ausziige aus den gelehrten monats-schriften, welche in den neuen zeitungen von gelehrten sachen nicht platz hatten. 1743. 8 V. 8°. 2. Neue leii)ziger zeitung von gelehrten sachen. 1749-87. 39 V. 8". (For continuation, see 2956.) 2982. Leipzig. — Die neuesten entdeckungen in der chemie ; von Crell. Bd. 1-ia, 1781-86. 13 V. 8". 2983. Leipzig. — Die neuesten entdeckungen franziisischer gelehrten in den gemeinniitzigen wissenschaften und kiinsten ; ein journal fiir arzte, physiker, technologen und oconomen ; von Pfaff, etc. Bd. 1-3, 1803. 3 V. 8". (The same as the later volumes of 2746.) Leipzig. — Die neueste forsch. im gebiete der . . . chemie. (See 2950.) Leipzig. — Neuestes magazin fiir die liebli. der entomologie. (See 3229.) Leipzig. — Niederliindisches archiv fiir zoologie. (See 855.) Leipzig. — Nothiger beitrag zu den . . . gelehrten zeitungen. (See 2981.) 2985. Leipzig. — Oekonomisch-physikalische abhandlungen. Th. 1-2, 1757- 63. 2 V. 8". Leipzig. — Opuscula omnia actis eruditorum Lipsiae. (See 2097.) 2986. Leipzig. — Ostpreussische physikalische dkonomische gesellschaft. a. Schriften. Heft 1, 1806. 1 n. 8". (See also 2869.) Leipzig. — Ouvrages des savans. (See 836.) 2987. Leipzig. — Pallas; zeitschrift fiir staats- und naturwissenschaft, philo- sophie und praxis ; zur beforderung des menschlichen wissens und menschlichen gliicks, nebst einera satyrischen anhang ; von Miiller. Halbjahr 1, 1831. 1 v. 8"^ 2988. Leipzig. — Pharmaceutisches centralblatt ; von Knop, etc. 1. Bd. 1-20, 1830-49. 10 V. 8**. ; chemisch-pharmaceutisches centralblatt, bd. 21- 26, 1850-55. 6 v. 8°. 2. Chemisches centralblatt ; repertoriuni fiir reine, pharmaceutische, physiologische und technische chemie. Bd. 1-14, 1856-69. 14 v. 8°. 3. Jahrg. 1-7, 1870-76. 7 v. 8°. Leipzig. — Philologen-naturforscher . . . versammlung. (See 3043.) 2989. Leipzig. — Physiologische anstalt. a. Arbeiten. Jahrg. 1-11, 1866-76. 11 v. 8". (1-10 were first published in 3004, c.) Leipzig. — Physiologisches institut zu Amsterdam. (See 764.) 2990. Leipzig. — Physiologisches institut zu Breslau. a. Studien. 1. 1858. 1 v. 4"^. 2. Heft 1-4, 1861-68. 4 v. 8". 2991. Leipzig. — Physiologisches laboratorium in Wiirzburg. a. Untersuchungen. Th. 1-2, heft 1-4, 1867-69. 2 v. 8". (For con- tinuation, see 3331.) 2992. Leipzig. — Physisch-medicinisches journal nach Bradley und Willich fiir Deutschland ; von Kiihn. Jahrg. 1-3, 1800-02. 6 v. 8°. (Con- tinued as 3001. For english original, see 362.) Leipzig. — PoggendorfTs annalen. (See 2704.) 2993. Leipzig. — Polytechnische bibliothek ; monatliches verzeichniss der in Deutschland und im (dem) auslande neu erschienenen werke aus den fachern der mathematik und astronomic, der physik und chemie, der mechanik und des maschinenbaues, der baukunst und ingenieurwis- senschaft, des berg- und hiittenwesens, der mineralogie and geologic ; mit inhaltsangabe der wichtigsten fachzeitschriften. Jahrg. 1-11, 1866- 76. 11 V. 8°. 2994. Leipzig. — Polytechnisches centralblatt ; her. von Hiilsse, etc. 1. Jahrg. 1-12,1835-46. 12 V. 8". 2. 1-30 (13-42), 1847-76. 30 v. 8°. 2995. Leipzig. — Polytechnische centralhalle ; zeitschrift zur verbeitung des neuesten und wissenswiirdigsten im gebiete der kiinste, gewerbe und naturwissenschaften. Bd. 1-13, 1850-62. 13 v. 8". Leipzig. — Populare vorlesungen iiber naturwissenschaft. (See 2977, a.) 2996. Leipzig. — Kon. preussisches geodatisches institut. a. Publicationen; astronomisch-geodatischer arbeiten. 1870-75(1871-76). 5 V. 4^. (See also 2371.) GERMANY. 1 99 2997. Leipzig. — Realschule. a. Bericlit. 1863-76. 13 n. 8° 2998. Leipzig. — Eepertorium botanices systematicae ; auct. Walpers. 1842-47. 8". (For continuation, see 2887.) 2999. Leipzig. — Repertorium der experimental-physik ; enthaltend eine voll- stiindige zusammenstellung der neueren fortschritte dieser wissen- schaft; als supplement zu neuen lehr-und worterbiichern der physik; von Fechner. 1-3, 1832. 3 v. 8°. 3000. Leipzig. — Repertorium der literarischen arbeiten aus dem gebiete der reinen und angewandten mathematik ; originalberichte der verfasser ; A^on Konigsberger, etc. Bd. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8*'. Leipzig. — Repertorium fiir meteorologie. (See 3709, d.) 3001. Leipzig. — Repertorium der neuesten erfahrungen englischer gelehrten aus dem fache der physik, der medicin und der chirurgie, mit zusiitzen und einer voUstandigen literatur; von Kiihne. Bd. 1-6, 1803-06. 6 V. 8°. (For earlier volumes, see 2992.) 3002. Leipzig. — Repertorium der technischen, mathematischen und natur- wissenschaftlichen journal-literatur ; von Schotte. Jahrg. 1-3, 1869- 71. 3v. 8*>. Leipzig. — Resultate aus den meteorol. beobachtungen, etc. (See 2963, c.) 3003. Leipzig. — Rhea ; zeitschrift fiir die gesammte ornithologie ; von Thiene- mann. Heft 1-2, 1846-49. 2 v. 8". 3004. Leipzig. — Kon. sachsische gesellschaffc der wissenschaften. a. vAbhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen classe. Bd. 1-11, 1850- 75. 11 V. 8°, h. Bericht liber die verhandlungen. Bd. 1-2, 1846-48 (1848-49). 2 v. 8°. c. Berichte iiber die verhandlungen ; mathematisch-physische classe. Bd. 1-27 i, 1849-75. 27 v. 8°. (See 2989, «.) 3005. Leipzig. — Kon. sachsische polytechnische schule zu Dresden. a. Mittheilungen. Heft 1-3, 1864-74, 3 v. 8«. (See 2521.) 3006. Leipzig. — Sachsischer seidenbau-verein. a. AUgemeine deutsche zeitschrift fiir seidenbau. Bd. 1-9, 1868-76. 9 V. 4". 3007. Leipzig. — Sachsischer verein zur erforschung vaterlandischer alter- thiimer. a. Beitrage zur vaterliindischen alterthumskunde. Bd. 1, 1826. 1 v. 8^. (See also 2524.) 3008. Leipzig. — Sammlung von anatomischen aufsatzen und bemerkungen, zur aufklarung der fischkunde. Th. 1, 1795. 1 n. 8". 3009. Leipzig. — Sammlung auserlesener abhandlungen iiber die interessantesten gegenstiinde der chemie ; aus dem lateinischen, mit einigen anmer- kungen begleitet; von Hochheimer. Samml. 1, 1793. 1 v. 8". 3010. Leipzig. — Sammlung brauchbarer abhandlungen aus Roziers beobach- tungen iiber die natur und kunst ; von Wiinsch. Bd. 1-2, 1775-76. 2 V. 8". 3011. Leipzig. — Sammlung von natur- und medicin-, wie auch hierzu gehorigen kunst- und literatur-geschichten, so sich in Schlesien und andern landern begeben und ans licht gestellt; von einigen breslauischen medicis (also entitled, annales physico-medici, oder geschichte der natur und kunst). Versuch 1-38, 1717-26 (1718-36). 19 v. 4". Sup- plementum (curieuser und nutzbarer anmerkungen von natur- und kunst-geschichten) ; von Kanold. Bd. 1-4, 1726-29. 4 v. 4". Uni- versal register (1736). 1 v. 4". (For continuation, see 2556.) 3012. Leipzig. — Sammlungen niitzlicher und angenehmer gegenstande, aus alien theilen der naturgeschichte, arzneywissenscliaft und haus- haltungskunst ; von Wesserberg. 1773. 8". 3013. Leipzig. — Sammlungen zur physik und naturgeschichte von einigen liebhabern dieser wissenschaft. Bd. 1-4, 1778-92. 4 v. 8". Leipzig. — Schlesische gesellschaffc fiir vaterlandische kultur. a. Beitrage zur entomologie. (See 2456.) 3014. Leipzig. — Kon. schwedische akademie der wissenschaften zu Stockholm. a. Die vorzUglichsten vorlesungen, welche . . . gehalten worden sind; aus dem schwedischen ; von Groning. Bd. 1-2, 1794-95. 2 v. 8°. 200 GERMANY. 6. Abhandhingen. (See 2768.) (See 693 ; also 2413, 2460, 2768.) 3015. Lieipzig. — Joannis Antonii Scopoli historieo-naturalis. Ann. 1-5, 1769- 72. 8". Leipzig. — Sirius. (See 3410.) 3016. Leipzig. — Societas naturae scrutatorum lipsiensis. a. Acta. 1822. 1 v. 4". 3017. Leipzig. — Societas regia in Anglia. a. Acta i)hilosophica. 2d ed., adjecto indice accurato. 16C5-69 (1675). 1 V. 4". (For 1st ed., see 766.) (See 434, g, 766.) Leipzig. — Societat fiir die gesammte mieneralogie zu Jena. (See 2817.) 3017**. Leipzig. — Spliinx ; neues arcliiv fiir den thierischen magnetismus und das nachtleben iiberhaupt; von Kiefor. Bd. 1, heft 1-2, 1826. 1 v. 8". (For earlier series, see 2226.) 3018. Leipzig. — Sternwarte des kammerherrn von BUlow zn Bothcamp. a. Bcobachtungen. Heft 1-3, 1872-75. 3 n. 4". 3019. Leipzig. — Tagebuoli, oder monatliche anweisungen, zum gebrauch fiir schmetterlingssaninder. Hefte 1-3, 1800. 3 n. S"*. 3020. Leipzig. — Thomas-scliule. a. Programm. 1864-72. 9 n. 41 3021. Leipzig. — Universitat. a. Ahnanach. 1823. 1 v. 12". Leipzig. — Unterhaltungen fiir dilettanten, etc. (See 3036.) 3022. Leipzig. — Unterhaltungen fiir freunde der physik und astronomie ; von Brandes. Heft 1-8, 1825-29. 3 n. 8°. 3023. Leipzig. — Verein fiir anthropologic. a. Bericht. 1870 (1871). 1 n. 8". 3024. Leipzig. — Verein fiir erdkunde. a. Mittheilungen, nebst deni jahresbericht. 1872-74. 3 v. 8°. (Pre- ceded by 3025, a.) 3025. Leipzig. — Verein von freunden der erdkunde. a. Jahresbericht. 1-11, 1861-71 (1862-72). 11 v. 8'». (Continued in 3024, a.) 3026. Leipzig. — Verniischte aufsiltze von einer gesellschaft gelehrten in Halle. Bd. 1-5, 1785-86. 5 v. 81 Leipzig. — Versamml. deutscher arcMtekten u. ingenieure. (See 2218.) 3026**. Leipzig. — Versammlung deutscher und auslandischer orientalisten. a. Verhandlungen. 1, 1844 (1845). 1 v. 81 Leipzig. — Versammlung der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) 3027. Leipzig. — Vierteljahrscatalog aller in Deutschland erschienenen werke aus dem gebiete der medicin und naturwissenschaften. 1871-76. 5 V. 81 3028. Leipzig. — Vierteljahrs-revue der fortsehritte der naturwissenschaften in theoretischer und praktischer beziehung; herausgegeben von der re- daktionder *'Gaea." Bd. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 v. 81 rCf. 2927, 2481.) 3029. Leipzig. — Vierteljahrsschrift fiir klimatologie mit besonderer riicksicht auf klimatii-iclie kurorte ; von Keimer. Jahrg. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. 81 Leipzig. — Wandergesellsch. sachs. landwirthe und naturf. (See 2223.) 3030. Leipzig. — Das weltall ; zeitschrift tiir populiire naturkunde ; von Giebel, etc. 1853-54 (1854). 1 v. 41 3031. Leipzig. — Aus alien welttheilen ; illustrirte monatshefte (faniilienblatt) fiir lander- und volkerkunde (und verwandte facher) ; red. Delitsch. Jahrg. 1-8, 1869-76. 8 v. 41 Leipzig. — Wetterauische gesellschaft fiir die gesammte naturkunde. a. Beitrage zur botanik. (See 2612, a.) b. Beitrage zur zoologie. (See 2612, a.) 3033. Leipzig. — Wissenschaftliche beilage der leipziger zeitung. 1870-76. 6n. 41 3034. Leipzig. — Aus alien wissenschaften das interessanteste zur belehrung fiir das gebildete publikum ; eine monatsschrift, herausgegeben von GERMANY. 201 einem vereine von gelehrten, kiinstlern und fachmannern; red. Rom- berg. 1855. 1 V. 8°. (For continuation, see 3035.) Leipzig. — Wissenschaftliche mittheilungen. (See 2796.) 3035. Leipzig. — Die wissenschaften im neunzehnten jahrhundert, ihr stand- punkt und die resultate ihrer forschungen, eine rundschau zur be- lehrung fiir das gebildete publikum ; herausgegeben von einem vereine von geletirten, kiinstlern, und faclimannern ; red. Romberg. 1856- 64. i) V. S*". (For earlier volume, see 3034.) Leipzig. — Wochenschrift fiir astronomie, etc, (See 2738.) 3036. Leipzig. — (Woehentliche) unterhaltungen fiir die dilettanten und freunde der astronomie, geographic und meteorologie (witterungskunde) ; von Jahn. Jahrg. 1-11, 1847-57. 11 v. 8° (For continuation, see 2738.) 3037. Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir anatomic und entwickelungsgeschichte ; von His, etc. Bd. 1-2 iv, 1875-76. 2 v. 8". 3038. Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir die anthropologic ; von Nasse. Bd. 1-2, 1823- 24. 2 V. 8° ; 1825-26. 2 v. 8° (For earlier series, see 3045 ; for continuation, 2942.) Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir chemie ; von Lossen, etc. (See 2568.) 3040. Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir deutsches alterthum ; von Haupt. Bd. 1-5, 1841-46. 5 V. 8". 3041. Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir die entomologie ; von Germar. Bd. 1-5, 1839- 44. 5 V. 8« 3042. Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir mathematik und physik ; von Schlomilch, etc. Bd. 1-21, 1856-76. 21 v. 8°. 3043. Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen unterricht ; ein organ fiir organisation, methodik und bildungsgehalt der exacten unterrichtsfacher an gymnasien, realschulen, lehrer- seminarien und (hoheren) gehobenen biirgerschulen (zugleich organ der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlich-didactischen sectionen der philologen-, naturforscher- und allgemeinen deutschen lehrer-ver- sammlung) ; von Hoffmann. Jahrg. 1-7, 1870-76. 7 v. 8°. 3044. Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir die naturkunde, okonomie, handlung und gewerbe, oder annalen zum besten der stadt- und landwirthschaft, der wissenschaften und Industrie. Jahrg. 1, st. 1-3, 1792-93. 8 v. 8°. ; epheraeriden fiir . . . kiinste und gewerbe, oder vierteljahrliche samm- lung von beitragen und nachrichten, die in gedachte facher einschla- gen. St. 4, 1795. 1 v. 8°. 3045. Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir physische arzte ; von Nasse. Jahrg. 1-5, 1818- 22. 5 V. 8°. (For continuation, see 3038, 2942.) Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir speculative physik. (See 2837.) 3046. Leipzig. — Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche zoologie ; von Siebold, etc. Bd. 1-27, 1848-76. 27 v. 8". Suppl. to bd. 7, 25. 2 v. 8''. Regis- ter 1-15 (1868). 1 V. 8". 3047. Leipzig. — Zeitung fiir zoologie, zootomie und palaeozoologie ; von d'Alton, etc. Heft 1-26, 1848-49. 1 v. 4". 3048. Leipzig. —Zoologisches archiv; von Meyer. Th. 1-2, 1796. 2 v. 8". 3049. Leipzig. — Zoologische station in Neapel. a. Jahresbericht. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8". 3050. Leipzig. — Kon. zootomische anstalt zu Wiirzburg. a. Berichte. 1,1824-25(1826). In. 4".; 2,1847-48(1849). In. 4**. (Cf. 3335.) 3051. Leipzig. — Zuverlassige nachrichten von dem gegewartigen zustande, veriinderung und wachsthum der wissenschaft. 1740-50. 8°. 3052. Leisnig. — Geschichts- und alterthums-verein. a. Mittheilungen. Heft 1-3, 1868-74. 3 n. 8". 3053. Lemgo. — Annalen der pharmacie : von Brandes, etc. 1. Bd. 1-32, 1832- 39. 32 V. 8**. ; annalen der chemie und pharmacie. Bd. 33-76, 1840-50. 44 V. 8". 2. Annalen der chemie. Bd. 1-92 (a. d. c. u. p. Bd. 77-168), 1851-73. 92 v. 8°.; Justus Liebig's ann. d. chemie und pharmacie. Bd. 169-184, 1873-76. 16 v. 8°. Suppl. bd. 1-8, 1861- 72. 8 V. 8°. Autoren- und sach-register. Bd. 1-100 (1861) ; bd. 101-116, 1857-60 (1861); bd. 117-164 u. suppl. 1-8, 1861-72 (1874). 3v. 8". 202 GERMANY. 3054. ILieiiigo. — Chemisches journal fiir die freunde der naturlehre, arznei- gelahrtheit, haushaltungskunst und manufacturen ; von Crell. Bd. 1-6, 1778-81. 6 V. 8". (See 257.) Lemgo. — Kritische blatter fiir chemie, etc. (See 3212.) 3055. I^emgo. — Opuscula physico-chemica et medica ; ed. Leidenfrost. Tom. 1-4, 1797-98. 4 v. 8". Kais. leopoldinisch-carol. akademie der naturforscher. (See 2508, 2580, 2783, 2808, 2824, 2825, 3146, 3148.) 3056. liiegnitz. — Kon. akademie der wissenschaften zu Paris. a. Schriften . . . ; von Gottschedin iibersetzt. Th. 1-2, 1755. 2 v. 8*. (See 1276 ; also 2264, 2438, 2453, 2881, 2928.) liOndon. — Royal society. (See 3323.) Louisenstadtische realschule. (See 2344.) Ludwig-Maximilians-universitat. (See 3121.) liud-wigshafen. — Versamml. rheinischer naturforscher. (See 2222.) 3057. liubeck. — Naturhistorisches museum. a. Jahresbericlit der vorsteherschaft der naturaliensammlung. 1874-76. 3 n. 4". 3058. liiibeck. — Verein fiir Liibeckische geschichte und alterthumskunde. a. Zeitschrift. 1-2, 1860-67. 2 v. 8". 3059. liiijiebiirg. — Botanisches jahrbuch fiir jedermann ; von Schmidt. 1799. 1 V. 8". 3060. Limebiirg. — Naturwissenschaftlicher verein (fiir das fiirstenthiim Liineburg) . a. (Jahres)bericht (iiber die thatigkeit). 1-9,1852-60. 9n. 4".; 10-13, 1861-64. 4 n. 8": b. Jahreshefte. 1-6, 1865-76 (1866-76). 6 v. 8". (See also 2785.) Luxemburg. — (For societies and journals belonging here, see nos. 883-886, on p. 57, wrongly placed under Holland.) Magdeburg. — Das microscopische institut. (See 2204.) 3061. Magdeburg. — Naturwissenschaftlicher verein. a. Abhandlungen. 1-6, 1868?-74. 3 n. 8". 3062. Magdeburg. — Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende erdkunde ; von Liidde (und Berghaus). Bd. 1-10, 1842-49. 10 v. 8". Mainz. — Galvanische und electrische versuche. (See 3063, a.) 3063. Mainz. — Medicinische privatgesellschaft. a. Galvanische und electrische versuche am menschen- und an thier- korpern. 1804. 1 n. 4". Mainz. — National-museum der naturgeschichte in Paris. (See 2761.) 3064. Mainz. — Polyteclmisches notizblatt ; von Bcittger. Jahrg. 1853-70. 18 V. 81 3065. Mainz. — Society des sciences et arts du departement de Mont Tonn^re. a. Kecueil des memoires et des actes. Tom. 1, 1805 (or 1812?). 1 v. 8". 3066. Mainz. — Verein zur erforschung der rheinischen geschichte und alterthiimer. a. Zeitschrift. Bd. 1-3 i, 1845-68. 3 v. 8". b. Abbildungen von alterthiimern des mainzer museums. Heft 1-6, 1848-51. 6 n. 4". Mainz. — Versammlung der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) Mainzer akademie niitzlicher wissenschaften. (See 2546, d.) Maja, Clausthaler naturwissenschaftlicher verein. (See 2655.) Manchester. — Gesellschaft der wissenschaften. (See 2936.) Manchester. — Literarisch-philosophische gesellschaft. (See 2964.) 3067. Mannheim. — Academia electoralis scientiarum et elegantiarum lit- terarum Theodoro-palatina. a. Historia et commentationes (also entitled: Acad. Theod.-palat. acta physica et historica). Th. 1-7, 1766-94. 11 v. i**. Mannheim. — Academia Theodoro-palatina. a. Acta physica et historica. (See 3067, a.) 3069. Mannheim. — Beitrage zur sittenlehre, oconomie, arzneywissenschaft, Germany 203 na^irlehre und geschichte, aus den westlichen gegenden Deutsch- lands. 1770-72. 2 n. 8". 3070. Mannheim. — Bienen-kalender ; ein tage- (gedenk-) und notizbuch flir bienenziichter ; herausgegeben von einem praktischen bienenwirthe (von Berlepsch). 1867-08. 2 v. 8°. (For continuation, see 3073.) 3071. Mannheim. — Grossherzogliches (real-) gymnasium. a. Jahresbericbt. 1-5, 1869-74 (1870-74). 5 n. 8^^. h. Programm. 1873-74. 4 n. S'l 3072. Mannheim. — Grossherzogliche sternwarte. a. Astronomische beobachtungen. Abth. 1-2, 1862-75. 2 n. 4". 3073. Mannheim. — Jahrbuch der bienenzucht, zugleichbienenkalender und no- tizbuch ; von Vogel. Jahrg. 1-6, 1868-74. 6 v. 8° (Preceded by 3073.) 3074. Mannheim. — Kritische bemerkungen iiber gegenstande aus dem pflanzen- reiche; von Medicus. Bd. 1, 1793. 1 v. 8°. 3075. Mannheim. — Kurpfalzische physikalisch-okonomische gesellschaft. a. Bemerkungen. 1770-83(1771-85). 15 v. 8°. (For earlier volume, see 3077, a.) h. Vorlesungen. Bd. 1-5, 1785-91. 5 v. 8". (See also 3077.) 3076. Mannheim. — Mannheimer verein fiir naturkunde. a. Jahresbericbt. 1-40, 1834-76. 38? n. 8° Mannheim. — Pfalzbaierische beitrage zur gelehrsamkeit. (See 3078.) 3077. Mannheim. — Physikalisch-okonomische und bienen-gesellschaft zu Lantern. «. Bemerkungen. 1769(1770). 1 v. 8°. (For continuation, see 3075, a.) (See also 3075.) 3078. Mannheim. — Rheinische beitrage zur gelehrsamkeit. 1777-81 (1778- 81). 8 V. 8°. ; pfalzbairische beitrage zur g. 1782. 2 v. 8". 3079. Mannheim. — Societas meteorologica palatina. a. Ephemerides ; historia et observationes. Ann. 1781-92 (1783-94). 12 V. 4°. 3080. Marburg. -*- Gesellschaft zur beforderung der gesammten naturwissen- schaften. a. Schriften. Bd. 1-11 i, 1823-76. 11 v. 8°. (Bd. 1, with the secondary title: Abhandlungen der naturforschenden gesellschaft.) Suppl. heft 1-5, 1806-69. 5 n. 4". Suppl. to bd. 10, 1875. 1 n. 4° h. Sitzungsberichte. 1866-76. 11 v. 8° Marburg. — Kritisches repertorium, etc. (See 2803.) 3081. Marburg. — Mathematisch-physicalisches institut der universitat Marburg. a. Nachricht. 1848. 1 n. 4«. Marburg. — Naturforschende gesellschaft. a. Abhandlungen. (See 3080, a.) Marburg. — Neues journal fiir okonomie, naturg. and chemie. (See 3084.) 3082. Marburg. — Neues medicinisches und physikalisches journal ; von Baldinger. Bd. 1-3, 1797-1802. 4 v. 8° 3083. Marburg. — Seelandische gesellschaft der wissenschaften zu Vlissingen. a. Abhandlungen. Bd. 1, 1775. 1 v. 8°. (Contains only medical and surgical papers. For original, see 890, c.) Marburg. — Universitat : mathematisch -physical, institut. (See 3081.) 3084. Marburg. — Vermischte aufsatze aus der okonomie, naturgeschichte und chemie (also entitled, neues journal fiir okonomie, naturgeschichte und chemie). Heft 1, 1794. 1 v. 8° 3085. Marburg. — Vollstandiges staats-gymnasium. a. Programm, 1853. 3086. Marburg. — Zeitschrift fur die alterthumswissenschaft ; von Bergk, etc. Jalirg. 1-15, 1843-57. 15 v. 4''. Suppl. 1845. 1 n. 4". (For earlier series, see 2645.) Marchico-badensis, Societas latina. (See 2846.) Mecklenburg, Verein der freunde der naturgeschichte in. (See 3138.) Mecklenburgische geschichte und alterthumsk., Verein fiir. (See 3218.) Mecklenburgische naturforschende gesellschaft. (See 3203.) 204 GERMANY. Mecklenburgischer ornithologen, Versammlung. (See 2221.) Mediascher gymnasium. (See 3343.) 3087. Meiningen. — Hennebergischer alterthumsforschender verein. a. Archiv. Lief. 1-5, 1834-45. 5 n. 8': h. Neue beitrjige zur geschichte deutschen alterthums. Lief. 1-3, 1858- 67. 3 n. 8". 3088. Meissen. — Gesellschaft Isis. a. Zusammenstellung der monats- und jahresmittel aus den . . . ange- stellten taglich dreimaligen meteorologischen beobachtungen. 1856- 75. 20 n. oblong 12° (Cf. 2505, 2517.) 3089. Menuningen. — Archiv fiir altere und neuere, vorziiglich deutsche geschichte, staatsklugheit und erdkunde; von Posselt. Bd. 1-2, 1791-92. 2v. 8°. 3090. Menuningen. — Gatterer's technologisches magazin. Bd. 1-3, 1790-94. 3 v.* 8". 3091. Meppen. — Gymnasium. a. Jahresbericht. 1874-75 (1875). 3092. Merseburg. — Domgymnasium. a. -Jahresbericht. 1867. 1 n. 4". 3093. Meseritz. — Kon. realschule. a. Programm. 1840-68. 29 n. 4°. 3094. Metz. — Academie royale (nationale, imperiale) des sciences. a. Memoires ; letters, sciences, arts, agriculture. 1. Ann. 10-33, 1828- 52(1829-52). 24 v. 8°. 2. Ann. 34-52, 1852-71 (1853-71). 19 v. 8°. .3. ... de I'academie de Metz. Ann. 53-56, 1871-75 (1872-76). 4 V. 8°. Tables, 1819-71 (1873). (For earlier volumes, see 3099.) (See 3099.) 3095. Metz. — Annuaire astronomique, meteorologique, statistique et adminis- tratif pour le departement de la Moselle; par Chastellux. Bd. 1-2, 1855-57. 2 V. 12° Metz. — Assises scientifiques. (See 3096, a.) Metz. — Congr^s scientifique de France. Sess. 5. (See 998, c.) 3096. Metz. — Institut des provinces de France. a. Assises scientifiques de Metz. 1861. 1 v. 8°. (See also 999.) 3097. Metz. — Societe d'archeologie et dliistoire de la Moselle. a. Bulletin. Cah. 8, 1857. 1 v. 8°. Ann. 5, 1862. 1 v. 8° (Certainly others.) h. Memoires. Vol. 1-11, 1860-70 (1861-70). 11 v. 8°. (The society removed to Briey after the war ; for later volumes of memoires, see 1093.) Metz. — Societe geologique de France. (See 1582, h.) 3098. Metz. — Societe d'histoire naturelle du departement de la Moselle. a. Bulletin. Cah. 2-12, 1844-70. 11 v. 8". ; . . . de la soc. d'hist. nat. de Metz. Cah. 13, 1874. 1 v. 8°. (For cah. 1, see h.) h. Memoires. Cah. 1, 1843. 1 v. 8°. (For continuation, see a.) 3099. Metz. — Societe des lettres, sciences, arts et agriculture. a. Memoires. Ann. 9, 1827-28. 1 v. 8°. (For earlier series, see h ; for later, see 3094, a.) h. Seance g6nerale. Ann. 1-8, 1819-27 (1821-27). 7 v. 8°. (For con- tinuation, see a.) (See 3094.) 3100. Minden. — Gesellschaft zur beforderung der vaterlandischen cultur. a. Westphalische provincialblatter ; verhandlungen der ges. Bd. 1-3, 182- -43. 3 V. (For continuation, see 3101, a.) 3101. Minden. — Westphalische gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische cultur. a. Westphiilische provinzialblatter ; verhandlungen der w. g. Bd. 1-4 i, 1828-47. 4 V. (For earlier series, see 3100, a.) Mittel- und Nieder-Rhein, Botanischer verein am. (See 2408.) Mittelrheinischer geologischer verein. (See 2490.) Moguntina, Academia electoralis. (See 2546.) Mohrungsche, Ostpreussische, phys.-okon. gesellschaft. (See 2868.) GERMANY. 205 Mont-Tonn^re, Societe des sciences et arts du dep. de. (See 3065.) Moselle, Societe d'archeologie . . . de la. (See 3097.) Moselle, Societe d'histoire naturelle du depart, de la. (See 3098.) 3102. Miihlbach. — Evangelisches untergymnasium. a. Programm. 1858-59 (1859). 1 n. 4''. MuUhausen. — Feuille des jeunes naturalistes. (See 2497.) 3103. Miinchen. — Abhandlungen einer privatgeseilschaft von naturforschern und okonomen in Oberdeutschland ; von Schrank. 1792. 1 v. 8". Miiiichen. — Acis ; intelligenzblatt. (See 3118.) 3104. Miinclien. — Agrikultur-physikalisches laboratorium und versuchsfelde der polytechnischen hochschule. a. Mittheilungen. 1-2, 1876. 2 n. 8°. 3105. Miiiicheii. — Kon. akademie der wissenschaften. a. Bulletin. 1843-53. 11 n. i''. h. Jahresbericht ; am raaximilianstage in einer offentlicher versammlung der akademie erstattet; vom general-secretair derselben. 1. 1-8, 1809-16. 8 n. 4^. 2. Jahresberichte. 1-3, 1830-33 (1830-34). 3 n. 4°. c. Jahrliche berichte liber die arbeiten. 1808-13. 1 v. 4° (See also 3109, 3114.) 3106. Miinchen. — Analekten fur erd- und himmels-kunde ; von Gruithuisen. 1. Heft 1-7, 1828-31. 6 n. 8°. 2. Neue a. Bd. 1-2 ii (heft 8-15), 1832-36. 2 V. 8°. 3107. Miinchen. — Annalen fiir meteorologie, erdmagnetismus und verwandte gegenstiinde ; von Lamont. Bd. 1-3, 1842-44. 3 v. 8°. 3108. Miinchen. — Astronomisches jahrbuch fiir physische und naturhistorische hinimelsforscher und geologen mit den . . . vorausbestimmten er- scheinungen am himmel ; von Gruithuisen. Jahrg. 1-4, 1839-42 (1838-41). 4 v. 8". ; naturwissenschaftlich-astronomisches j. Jahrg. 5-11, 1843-50 (1842-51). 7 v. 8°. Miinchen. — Das ausland. (See 3241.) 3109. Miinchen. — Kon. baierische akademie der wissenschaften. a. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physikalischen classe. Bd. 1-12, 1829-76(1832-76). 12 v. 4". (See also/.) ft. Abhandlungen der naturwissenschaftlieh-teclmischen commission. Bd. 1-2, 1857-58. 2 v. 8". c. Almanach. 1843-76. 34 v. 16°. d. Berichte liber die arbeiten der mathematisch-physikalischen klasse. 1-5, 1803-12. 5 V. 8°. ; 1823-31. 4 v. 4°. e. Bericht von der neuen organisation. 1-3, 1827-33. 3 n. 4**. /. Denkschriften. Bd. 1-9, 1808-24 (1809-25). 9 v. 4". (Continued as a. The last two volumes of the abhandlungen are also called denkschriften, with distinctive numbers.) g. Gelehrte anzeigen. Bd. 1-50, 1835-60. 50 v. 4°. h. Meteorologische ephemeriden. Jahrg. 1-9, 1781-89. 9 v. 4'1 i. Neue philosophische abhandlungen. Bd. 1-7, 1778-97. 7 v. 4". y. Physikalische abhandlungen. Abth. 1-2, 1803-06. 2 r. 8". k. Sitzungsberichte. 1. 1860-70. 21 v. 8°. Inhaltsverzeichniss. 1860- 70 (1872). 1 V. 8". 2. . . . math.-phys. classe. Bd. 1-6, 1871-76- 6 V. 8°. (See also 3105, 3114.) 3110. Miinchen. — Bayerischer architekten- und ingenieur-verein. a. Zeitschrift. Bd. 1-8, 1869-76. 8 v. f. 3111. Miinchen. — Bayerischer fischerei-verein. a. Mittheilungen iiber fischereiwesen. Jahrg. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8°. Miinchen. — Beitrage zur anthropologic und urgeschichte. (See 3122, a.) 3112. Miinchen. — Blatter fiir das bayerische gymnasial- und real-schulwesen ; von Bauer, etc. Bd. 1-12, 1865-76. 12 v. 8". 3113. Miinchen. — Botanische unterhaltungen. St. 1, 1785. 1 v. 8**. 3114. Miinchen. — Churfiirstlich-baierische akademie der wissenschaften. a. Abhandlungen. Bd. 1-10, 1763-76. 10 v. 4". (See also 3105, 3109.) 3115. Miinchen. — Coleopterologische hefte ; von Harold. Heft 1-15, 1867-7^. 16 V. 8". Index 1-14 (187-). 206 GERMANY. 3115 ». Miinohen. — Deutscher alpen-verein. a. Zeitschrift. Bd. 1-2, 1869-71 (1870-71). 2 v. 8". (For continuation, see 3116.) Miinchen. — Deutscher geometer- verein. a. Zeitschrift fur vermessungswesen. (See 3245.) Mimchen. — Deutsche gesellschaft fiir anthropologie, etc. a. Allj^emcine versamnilung. (See 2216».) 3116. Miinclieit. — Deutscher und osterreicher alpen-verein. a. Zeitschrift. Jahrg. 1872-76 (=bd. 3-7, 3115», a; and Jahrg. 10-14, pubiicat. d. bsterreich. alpen-ver., — 3615, b). 5 v. 8". (For earlier series, see 3155 « 3615, 6.) (See also 2586, 3615.) 3117. Miinchen. — Efemeriden der berg- und hiittenkunde ; von von Moll. 1-5, 1805-09. 5 V. 8° 3118. Miinchen. — Faunus ; zeitschrift fiir zoologie und vergleichende anato- niie ; mit dem intelligenzblatt Acis ; von Gistl. 1. Bd. 1-2, 1832-35. 2 V. 8°. 2. Neue iblge ; mit dem intelligenzblatt Acis; Bd. 1, 1837. 1 V. 8°. Miinchen. — Gelehrte anzeigen. (See 3109, g.) 3119. Miinchen. — Geognostisch-palaeontologische beitrage ; von Benecke. Bd. 1-2 ii, 1866-69. 2 v. 8". 3120. Miinchen. — Geographische gesellschaft. a. Jahresbericht. 1-5, 1871-75. 4? n. 8**. Miinchen. — Isis. (See 3124, a.) 3121. Miinchen. — Ludwig-Maximilians-universitat. a. Almanach. Jahrg. 1, 1828. 1 v. 16". Miinchen. — Mittheilungen iiber fischereiwesen. (See 3111, a.) 3122. Miinchen. — Miinchener gesellschaft fiir anthropologie, ethnologic und urgeschichte. a. Beitriige zur anthropologie und urgeschichte Bayerns ; organ der m. g., etc. Bd. 1, i-ii, 1876. 1 v. 8°. 3123. Miinchen. — Miinchner alterthums-verein. a. Sitzungsberichte. Heft 1, 1866-67 (1868). 1 n. 8". 3124. Miinchen. — Miinchner verein fiir naturkunde. a. Isis ; encyclopadische zeitschrift, vorziiglich fiir naturgeschichte, phy- siologic, etc. No. 1-6, 1850. 1 v. 8°. (Cf. also 2819, 2327.) Miinchen. — Naturwissenschaftl.-technische commission. (See 3109, b.) Miinchen. — Neue analekten fiir erd- und himmelskunde. (See 3106.) Miinchen. — Potytechnische hochschule. (See 3104.) 3125. Miinchen. — Repertorium fiir physikalische technik, fiir mathematische und astronomische instrumentenkunde ; von Carl. Bd. 1-3, 1865-67. 8 V. 8". ; r. fiir experimental physik, fiir p. t., etc. Bd. 4-12, 1868-76. 9 V. 8°. Miinchen. — Societas meteorologica palatina. (See 3079.) Miinchen. — Specula regia monachiensis. a. Observationes astronomicae. (See 3126, b.) 3126. Miinchen. — -Kon. sternwarte (zu Bogenhausen). a. Annalen. (See b.) b. Astronomische beobachtungen. 1. Th. 1-5, 1834-38. 5 v. 4". 2. Observationes astronomicae in specula regia monachiensi. Bd. 1-10 (6-15), 1828-48 (1841-48). 10 v. 4'^. 3. Annalen. Bd. 1-21 (16-36), 1848-76. 21 V. 81 Supplementband 1-13, 1851-74. 13 v. 8°. c. Astronomischer kalender fij^r das konigreich Bayern. Jahrg. 1-4, 1850-53 (1849-52). 4 v. 81 d. Jahrbuch. 1-4, 1838-41. 4 v. 12". e. Jahresbericht. 1852-58. 7 n. 81 /. Meteorologische und magnetische beobachtungen. Jahrg. 1876. 1 v. 81 (Earlier observations were published in the suppl. band of b, 3.) g. Wochenbericht; meteorologische beobachtungen. 1865-66. 1 v. 41 Miinchen. — Versamml. deutscher archit. und ingenieure. (See 2218.) 3127. Miinchen. — Zeitschrift fiir biologic; von Bahl, etc. Bd. 1-12, 1865-76. 12 V. 81 GERMANY. 207 3128. Mimchen. — Zeitschrift fiir zoologie und vergleichende anatomie ; von Gistl. 1837. 1 n. 8". Miinster. — Deutsche ornithologen-gesellschaft. ( See 2216 »». ) 3129. Miinster. — Natur und ofFenbarung; organ zur vermittlung zwischen naturforschung und glauben, fiir gebildete aller stiinde. Bd. 1-22, 1855-7G. 22 v. 8". 3130. Miinster. — Verein fiir gescMchte und alterthiimer Westphalens. a. Zeitschrift fiir vaterltindische geschichte und alterthuniskunde. 1. Bd. 1-10, 1838-47. 10 v. 8°. 2. Bd. 1-10 (11-20), 1848 ?-59. 10 v. 8«. 3. Bd. 1-10 (21-30), 1860?-72. 10 v. 8''. 4. Bd. 1-4 (31-34)', 1873-76. 4v. 8^\ 3131 . Miinster. — Westfalischer provinzial-verein fiir wissenschaft und kunst. a. Jahresbericht der zoologischen section fiir das etatjahr 1876-77 (1877). 1 n. 12°. (Any earlier?) Miinster. — Zeitschrift fiir vaterliindische . . . alterthuinskunde. (See 3130, a.) Nassau, Verein fiir naturkunde im herzogthum. (See 3321.) Nassauische alterthumskunde, Verein fiir. (See 3320.) 3132. Nanmbnrg. — Archiv der naturgescliichte, oder sammlung belehrcnder abbildungen aus dem thierreiche mit erkHirendeni texte (nebst voll- stiindige erlauterungen ; zur belebung des sinnes fiir die frcunde der natur); von Thienemann, etc. Bd. 1, 1824-21) (1830). 1 v. 4". 3133. Naumburg. — Zeitschrift fiir praktische verwerthung aller naturerzeug- nissc, nebst centralorgan fiir tausch und kauf aller naturalien ; von Sigisniund. Jahrg. 1-2, 1856-57. 2 v. 8°. Neapel. — Zoologische station. (See 3049.) 3134. Neisse. — Kon. katholisches gymnasium. a. Jahresbericht. 1857-65 (1858-65). 8 n. 4". , 3135. Neisse. — Philomathie. a. Bericht 14-17. 1863-72 (1865-72). 4 n. 8°. (See also 3136.) 3136. Neisse. — Philomatisehe gesellschaft. a. Verhandlungen. Fortsetzung 13, 1863-64. 1 n. 12°. (See also 3135.) 3137. Neisse. — Realschule. a. Progranun. 1853-65. 13 n. 4°. 3138. Neubrandenburg. — Verein der freunde der naturgeschichte in Meck- lenburg. a. Archiv. Bd. 1-30, 1847-76. 30 v. 8°. Neuburg. — Kreis-bienenzucht-verein von Schwaben. (See 2496.) Neu-Gersdorf. —Zeitschrift fiir gefliigelzucht. (See 2790.) Neu-Schonau. — Naturwissensch. gesellschaft Saxonia. (See 2700.) Neustadt-an-der-Haart. — Pollichia. (See 2874.) 3139. Neustrelitz. — Philosophisches journal ; von ciner gesellschaft deutscher gelehrten ; von Niethammer, etc. Bd. 1-10, 1795-98. 10 v. 8°. Neu-Vorpommern, Naturwissenschaftlicher verein von. (See 2357.) 3140. Neuwied. — Allgemeine balneologische zeitung ; monatschrift fiir balneo- logie, hydrologie und kliniatologie ; red. Kisch. Jahrg. 1-4, 1867-70. 4 V. 8°. (For earlier series, see 3141.) 3141. Neuwied. — Archiv fiir balneologie. 1862-67. 4 v. 8° (Followed by 3140.) 3142. Neu-wied. — Magazin fiir reine und angewandte mathematik ; von Kretschmar. Heft 1, 1823. 1 v. 4°. Nieder-Rhein, Botanischer verein am. (See 2408.) Niederrheinische gesellschaft fiir natur- und heilkunde. (See 2412.) Norddeutsche seewarte. (See 2765.) 3143. Nordhausen. — Berg- und hiittenniiinnische zeitung; mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der mineralogie und geologic ; von Hartniann, etc. 1. Jahrg. 1-5, 1842-46. 5 v. 4". Erganzungsheft, 1844 (1845). 1 v. 8° 2. Jahrg. 1-12 (6-17), 1847-58. 12 v. 4". (For continuation, see 3185.) 208 GERMANY. Nordhansen. — Naturwissensch. verein des Harzes. (See 3316.) Nordlingen. — Bienen-zeitung. (See 3145, a.) 3144. Nordlingen. — Sammlung von beobachtungen aus der arzneygelahrtheit und naturkunde : von Gesner. Bd. 1-5, 1769-76. 5 v. 8". 3145. Nordlingen. — Verein deutscher bienenwirthe. a. Bienen-zeitung. Jahrg. 1-32, 1845-76. 32 v. 4". 3146. Niimberg. — Academia caesarea leopoldino-carolina natnrae curiosorum. a. Acta physico-nicdica exhibentia ephemerides, sive observationes, his- torias et experimenta a celeberrimis viris habita, singulari studio col- lecta. Vol. 1-10, 1727-54. 10 v. 4".; vol. 1-2, 2d ed., 1747. (Fol- lowed by c?). b. Ephemerides. (See 2580, a.) c. Miscellanea curiosa. (See 2580, 6, 2808, a.) d. Nova acta physico-niediea exhibentia ephemerides. 1. Vol. 1-8, 1758-91. 8 V. 4". ; 2. Vol. 9-24 (verhandlungen der leopoldinisch-carolinischen akademie der naturforscher, bd. 1-16), 1818-54. 16 v. 4". Vol. 25-37 (verhandl., bd. 25-37), 1855-75. 13 v. 4'*. Suppl. to vol. 13-14, 15-19, 21-24, 1829-54. 13 n. and v. 4". (Vol. 14 ii -16, also marked as dec. 2. vol. 4 ii -6). (For earlier series see a.) (See also 2508, 2580, 2783, 2808, 2825, 3148; also 2824). 3148. Niimberg. — Rom. kais. akademie der naturforscher. a. Auserlesene medicinisch-chirurgisch-anatomisch-chyraisch und bota- nische abhandlungen ; aus dem lateinischen. Bd. 1-20, 1755-71. 20 V. 4". (See also 3146, 2783, 2508, 2825, 2824, 2580, 2808.) 3149. Niimberg. — Allgemeine polytechnische zeitung ; von Leuchs. Jahrg. 1-4, 1834-37. 4 v. 4^*. 3150. Niimberg. — Allgemeines repertorium fiir empirische psychologic und verwandte wissenschaften; von Mauchart, 1. Th. 1-4, 1792-98. 4 v. 8". ; th. o-^ (also entitled, repertorium und bibliothek fiir empirische psychologic, bd. 1-2), 1799-1801. 2 v. 8°. 2. Neues allg. rep.' Bd. 1-2, 1802-03. 2 v. 8°. Niimberg. — Anzeiger fiir kunde der deutschen vorzeit. (See 3161, «.) 3151. Niimberg. — Archiv fiir chemie und meteorologie ; von Kastner. Bd. 1-9, 1830-35. 9 V. 8° (Forming a section of 3152, bd. 19-27.) 3152. Niimberg. — Archiv fiir die gesammte naturlehre ; von Kastner, etc. Bd. 1-27, 1824-35. 27 v. 8". (See 3151.) Niimberg. — Beitrage zur chemie und physik. (See 3167.) Niimberg. — Beitrage zur natur- und heilkunde. (See 3329.) Niimberg. — Kon. botanische gesellschaft. a. Litteraturbliitter fiir reine und angewandte botanik. (See 3191, m.) 3153. Niimberg. — Commercium litterarium ad astronomiae incrementum inter hujus scientiae amatores communi consilio institutum; ed. Adelbul- nerus. Tom. 1, 1735. 1 v. 4". 3154. Niimberg. — Commercium litterarium ad rei medicae et scientiae natu- ralis incrementum institutum quo quicquid novissirae observatum, agitatum, scriptum et peractum est, succincte dilucideque exponitur. 1731-45. 15 v. 4°. (For earlier vol., see 3155.) 3155. Niimberg. — Ccmsultatio de universali commercio litterario ad rei medi- cae et scientiae naturalis incrementum inter horum studiorum ama- tores instituendo. Aug. -Nov., 1730. 2 n. 4". (For succeeding volumes, see 3154.) 3156. Niimberg. — Die ehre Gottes aus der betrachtung des himmels und der erde; cine wochenschrift. Bd. 1-2, 1767. 2 v. 8°. 3167. Niimberg. — Frankische acta erudita et curiosa ; die geschichte der gelehrten in Francken, audi andere in diesera creyss vorgefallene curiosa und merkwiirdigkeiten in sich haltend. Samml. 1-24, 1726-32. 2 V. 8". 3158. Niimberg. — Frankische physikalische okonomische bienengesellschaft. a. Abhandlungen und erfahrungen. Th. 1-4, 1770-73 (1774), 4 v. 8*^. 3159. Niimberg. — Frankische sammlungen von anmerkungen aus der natur- lehre, arzneygelartheit, oeonomie und denen damit verwandten wis- senschaften. Bd. 1-8, 1756-68. 8 v. GERMANY, 209 3160. Niirnberg. — Gemeinniitziges frsinkisches magazin, oder sammlung merkwiirdiger niitzlicher grundsiitze und ertalirungen aus der natur- lelire, naturgeschichte, etc. ; von Hepi)e. St. 1-4, 1779-80. 4 v. 8". 3161. Niirnberg. — Germanisches museum. a. Anzeiger fiir kunde der deutsclien vorzeit, niit bcilagen ; neue folge. Bd. 1-28, 1853-7G. 23 v. 4". (What was the first series?) ,^^^,^-1 . -^ . v^ ft. Denkschriften. Bd. 1, 185G. 1 v. S", ^'^'''^ Jfejfc^/ ^^ c. Jahresbericht. 1-5, 1854-58. 5 n. 4". ^-try^JT ' j /^^ Niirnberg. — Jahrbuch der chemie und physik. (See 3167. >) i^U.<,^,t*~ 3162. Niirnberg. — Jahrbiiclier der mineralogie, geologie, berg- und hiitten- - '■ • kunde ; von Hartmann. Bd. 1, heft 1-2, 1833-34. 1 v. 8". Niirnberg. — Journal fiir chemie und physik. (See 3167.) Niirnberg. — Kosmograpliische nachrichten. (See 3596.) Niirnberg. — Leopoldinisch-carolinische akademie der naturforscher. a. Verlmndlungen. (See 3146, dS) 3163. Niirnberg. — Magazin fiir apotheker, chemisten und materialisten ; von Ehvert. Heft 1-3, 1785-87. 3 v. S**. 3164. Niirnberg. — Mineralogische jahreshefte ; von Glocker. Heft 1-7, 1835-41. 8". (See also 2448.) 3165. Niirnberg. — Naturhistorische gesellschaft. a. Abhandlungen. Bd. 1-5, 1852-72 (1858-72). 5 v. 8". Niirnberg. — Neues allg. repert. fiir empirische psychologic. (See 3150.) Niirnberg. — Neues botanisches taschenbuch fiir die anfiinger dieser wissenschaft und der apothekerkunst ; von Heppe. (See 3192.) Niirnberg. — Neues jahrbuch der chemie und physik. (See 3167.) 3166. Niirnberg. — Neue iahrbiicher der berg- und hiittenkunde. Bd. 1-6, 180;)-2G. 6 V. 8". (Preceded by 3529, 3527.) 3167. Niirnberg. — (Neues) journal fiir chemie und physik (also entitled, bei- triige zur chemie und physik) ; vpn Schweigger, etc. 1. Bd. 1-30, 1811-20. 30 V. 8*'.; ibid., in verbindung mit mehreren gelehrten (also entitled, jahrbuch der chemie und physik. 2. Bd. 1-12). Bd. 31-42, 1821-24. 12 V. 8". ; ibid, (also entitled, jahrbuch der chemie und physik. Bd. 13-24; — also entitled, jahrb. d. chem. u. phys., als eine zeitschrift des wissenschaftlichen vereins zur naturkenntniss und hoheren Avahrheit. Jahrg. 1-G). Bd. 43-54, 1825-28. 12 v. 8". ; ibid, (also entitled, jahrb. d. chem. und phvs. Bd. 25-30; — also entitled, jahrb. d. chem. u. phys. Jahrg. 1821). Bd. 1-3; 1820. Bd. 1-3). Bd. 55-60. 6 V. 8". 3. Ibid, (also entitled, neues jahrbuch der chemie und physik ; eine wissenschaftliche zeitschrift des pharmaceutischen instituts zu Halle). Bd. 1-9 (61-G9), 1831-33. 9 v. 8". (United, in 1834, with 2950 to form 2948. For earlier series, see 2882, 2338.) Niirnberg. — Neue niirnberger gelehrte anzeigen. (See 3168.) 3168. Niirnberg. — Neue niirnberger gelehrte zeitung (also entitled, n. n. g. anzeigen). 1790-1800. .11 v. 8"l (For earlier series see 3170.) 3169. Niirnberg. — Neues schwedisches magazin kleiner abhandlungen, welche ^ in die natur- und haushaltungskunde einschlagen ; von Schreber. Bd. 1, 1783. 1 V. 8". 3170. Niirnberg. — Niirnbergische gelehrte zeitung. 1777-89. 13 v. 8". (For continuation, see 3168.) Niirnberg. — Physikal.-medicinische societat in Erlangen. (See 2604.) Niirnberg. — Repert. undbibliothekf. empirische psychologic. (See 3150.) 3171. Niirnberg. — Sammlung naturhistorischer und physikalischer aufsiitze ; von Schrank. 1796. 1 v. 8'^. 3172. Niirnberg. — Der verkiindiger, oder zeitschrift fiir die fortschritte und neuesten beobachtungen, entdeckungen und erfindungen in den kiins- ten und wissenschaften ; mit einem intelligenzblatt fiir gegenstiinde. der literatur, justiz, polizei und gewerbe ; von Leuchs. Jahrg. 1-16, 1797-1812. 16 V. 4'^. Niirnberg. — Versamml. der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) Oberfranken, Historischer verein von. (See 2259.) Oberhessische gesellschaft fiir natur- und heilkunde. (See 2642.) Oberlausitz, Oekonomische bienengesellschaft in der. (See 2519.) \ 210 GERMANY. Oberlausitz, Sachsische bienengesellschaft in der. (See 2382.) Oberlausitzische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. (See 2654.) Oberschlesischer berg- und hiittenmannischer verein. (See 2362.) 3173. Oberschiitzen. — OefFentliche evangelische schulanstalten. rt. rrogramin. 1855-00(1800-00). on. 4". Oberschwaben, Verein fiir kunst und alterth. in Ulm und. (See 3294.) 3174. Offenbach. — Frankfurter beitriii?c zur ausbreitung niitzlicher kiinste und wissenschaften. Bd. 1-3, 1780. 3 v. 8". 3175. Offenbach. — OfFenbacher verein fiir naturkunde. a. Bericht . . • iiber seine (die) thiitigkeit. Bd. 1-10, 1859-75 (1800- 70). 15 V. 8". 3176. Oldenburg. — Oldenburger landesverein fUr alterthumskunde. a. Bericht iiber die thiitigkeit. 3177. Oldenburg. — Vorschule und hohere burgerschule. a. Programm. 1-14, 1844-57. 14 n. 8". Osnabriick. — Beytriige zur naturkunde, etc. (See 2777.) Osterlandes, Geschichts- und alterthumsf. gesellschaft des. (See 2227.) Ostpreussische mohrungsche phys.-okon. gesellschaft. (See 2868.) Ostpreussische physik.-okonom. gesellschaft. (See 2986.) Palatina, Societas meteorologica. (See 3079.) Paris. — Kon. akademie der wissenschaften. (See 2264, 2438, 2453, 2881, 2928, 305'6.) Paris. — National-museum der naturgeschichte. (See 2761.) 3178. Passau. — Naturhistorischer verein. a. Jahresbericht. Bd. 1-10, 1857-74 (1858-75). 10 v. 8". Pfalz, PoUichia, ein naturw. verein der baierischen. (See 2874.) 3179. Pforzheim. — Grossherzogliches padagogium und real-gymnasium. a. rrogramm. 1873-74. 2 n. 8". 3180. Plauen. — Kon. baugewerkenschule. fl. Programm. 1857-59. 3 n. 8". 3181. Plauen. — Gymnasium (und realschule) . a. Jahresbericht. 1851-01 (1852-01). 10 n. 4°. 6. Programm. 1802-75. 14 n. 4". Plauen. — Wandergesellschaft sachs. landw. und naturf. (See 2223.) Pollichia. (See 2874.) Pommersche . . . alterthumsk., Gesellschaft fiir. (See 2699, 2864, 3226.) Posen. — Linnaea entomologica. (See 2318.) 3182. Posen. — Naturwissenschaftlicher verein. a. Jahresbericht. 1840 (1847). 1 n. 4". 3183. Posen. — Stadtische realschule. a. Jahresbericht 1-18, 1854-71. 18 n. 4°. Potsdam. — Wandersammlung deutscher bienenziichter. (See 2224.) Prussia, Alterthums-gesellschaft. (See 2858.) Kon. preussische akademie der wissenschaften. (See 2370.) Kon. preussisches geodatisches institut. (See 2996, 2371.) Kon. preussisches ministerium fUr handel, etc. (See 2373.) Kon. preussisches ministerium fiir die landwirthschaftlichen angelegen- heiten. (See 2309, 6.) Preussischen Rheinlande, Naturhistorischer verein der. (See 2411.) Kon. preussischen staaten, Akklimatisations-verein fiir die. (See 2265.) 3184. Putbus. — Entomologische nachrichten ; von Katter. Jahrg. 1-2, 1875- 70. 2 V. 8". (See also 3188.) Pyrmont. — Zeitschrift fiir malakozoologie ; von Menke. (See 2791.) 3185. Quedlinburg. — Allgemeine berg- und hiittenmiinnische zeitung ; mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der mineralogie und geologic ; red. von Hartmann. Neue folge. Jahrg. 1-18 (18-35), 1859-70. 18 v. 4". (For earlier series, see 3143.) 3186. Quedlinburg. — Archiv fiir die neuesten entdeckungen aus der urwelt ; ein journal in zwangfreien heften in gesellschaft von mehreren ge- lehrten ; von Ballenstedt, etc. Bd. 1-6, 1819-24. 6 v. 8°. GERMANY. 211 3187. Quedlinburg. — Auswahl der neuesten abliandlungen und beobach- tungen auswiirtiger gelehrten iiber gegenstiinde der pliysik, chemie und mineralogie, aus mchreren sprachen iibersetzt und durch die neueren deutsehen entdeckungen bereicliert; von Wolff. Bd. 1-2, 1790. 2 V. 8". 3188. Quedlinburg. — Entomologischer kalender for Deutschland, Oesterreich und die Schweiz ; von Katter. Jahrg. 1, 187G. 1 v. 8°. (See also ?, 3184.) Quedlinburg. — Entomologische nachriehten; von Katter. (See 3184.) 3189. Quedlinburg. — Taschenbuch fiir freunde und liebliaber der allge- meinen weltkundo. 1798-99(1797-99). 2 v. 8°. 3190. Rastenburg. — Kon. gymnasium. a. Jahresbericht. 18GG. 1 n. 4". Regensburg. — Academia caes.-leopold. naturae curios. (See 2808.) Regensburg. — Allgcmeine botanische bibliotliek. (See 3191, g.) Regensburg. — Annalen der gewiichskunde. (See 3191, m.) 3191. Regensburg. — Kon. baierische botanisclie gesellschaft. a. Allgcmeine botanische bibliothek. (See ^f.) h. Annalen der gewachskunde. (See w.) c. Beibliitter zur flora. 1832-42. 22 n. and v. S". (Bound with j ; see also «.) tZ. Beilage zur flora. 1819-30. 23 n. and v. 8". (Bound with;.) e. Besondere bcilagc zur flora. 1843, 1844, 1850, 1858. 4 v. and n. 8". (Bound withy.) /. Botanische literaturbliitter. (See w.) g. Botanische zeitung (allgcmeine botanische bibliothek des neunzehnten jahrhundert), welche recensionen, abliandlungen, aufsiitze, neuig- keiten und nachriehten die botanik betreffend enthalt. Bd. 1-7, 1802- 08. 7 V. 8"^. h. Denkschriften. Bd. 1-5 i, 1815-64. 5 v. 4°. i. Ergilnzungsbliitter. 1825. In. 8°. (Bound with y; see also m.) 1^ j. Flora, Oder allgcmeine botanische zeitung. 1. Bd. 1-25, 1818-32. 25 V. 8°. 2. Bd. 1-34 (2G-59), 1833-76. 34 v. 8". (c, d, e, i, k, I, w, n were all published as appendices to this work, separately paged.) A. Intelligcnzblatt zur flora. 1831-42. 23 n. 8". (Bound with;.) I. Literaturberichte zur flora, oder allgcmeine botanische zeitung. Bd. 1-12, 1831-42. 12 v. 12". (Bound with;; for earlier series, seem.) Tfi. Literaturbliitter fiir reine und angewandte botanik, zur ergiinzung der flora. Bd. 1, 1828. 1 v. 8". Botanische literaturbliitter zur periodi- schen darstellung der fortschritte der pfianzenkunde in steter bezie- hung auf land- und gartcnbau, kiinste und gewerbe. Bd. 2-3, 1829. 2 v. 8". ; bd. 4-5 (also entitled, annalen der gewiichskunde, bd. 1-2), 1830. 2 V. 8°. (Published as, ergiinzungsbliitter zur flora ; see also t; for continuation, see Z.) n. llepertorium der periodischen botanischen literatur vom beginn des jahres 18G4 an; als bciblatt zur flora. Jahrg. 1-9, 1864-72 (1864-73). 9 n. 8". (Bound with;; see also c.y Regensburg. — Bergmiinnisches taschenbuch. (See 2443.) Regensburg. — Botanische literaturbliitter. (See 3191, m.) 3192. Regensburg. — Botanisches taschenbuch fiir die anfiinger dieser wissen- schaft und der apothekerkunst ; von Hoppe. Jahrg. 1-15, 1790-1804. 15 V. 8". Neues hot. taschenb. Jahrg. 16-22, 1805-11. 7 v. 8". Regensburg. — Botanische zeitung. (See 3191, ^.) 3193. Regensburg. — Correspondenzblatt fiir sammler von insecten, insbeson- derc von schmetterlingen ; von Herrich-Schilffer. Bd. 1-2, 1860-Gl. 2 V. 8". 3194. Regensburg. — Entomologisches taschenbuch fiir anfiinger und liebliaber dieser wissenschaft. Bd. 1-2, 1796-97. 2 v. 8". Regensburg. — Flora. (See 3191, ;.) Regensburg. — Literaturbliitter fiir . . . botanik. (See 3191, w.) 3195. Regensburg. — Kon. lyceum. a. Jahresbericht. 3196. Regensburg. — Regensburger botanische gesellschaft. a. Schriften. Th. 1, 1792. 1 v. 8". 212 GERMANY. Regensburg. — Keportoriiini dor period. l)otan. literatnr. (Sec 3191, n.) Regensburg. — Kon. schwedische akademie der wissenschaften. Q. Jahre.sbericlit iiber die fortschritte der botanik. (See 2460, a.) 3198. Regensburg. — Zoologisch-mineralogischer verein. n. AbliandlunKen. Heft 1-10, 1849-75. 10 v. 8". h. Korrespondenz-blalt. Bd. 1-30, 1847-7G. 30 v. 8". 3199. Reichenbach. — Voigtlandischer verein fiir allgemeine und specielle naturkunde. a. Mittheilungen. Heft 1-2, 18- -70. 2 n. 8". Rheinischer alterthiimer, Verein zur erforachung der. (See 3066.) Rheinischer naturforscher, Versammlung. (See 2222.) Kon. rheinischen . . . universitat, Sternwarte der. (See 2414.) Rheinischer,. Westfalisch-, verein fiir bienen- und seidenzucht. (Sec 2646.) Rheinisch-westphalisch polytechn. schule. (See 2225.) Rheinlande, Verein von alterthumsfreunden im. (See 2415.) Rheinpfialz, Pollichia, ein naturwissenschaftlicher verein der. (See 2874.) 3200. Rostock.. — Anatoniisches institut. a. lintersueluingen. 187-1. 1 n. 8". 3201. Rostock. — Beitriige zur naturgescliiclite ; von Link. Bd. 1-2, 1794- 1801. 2 V. 8". 3202. Rostock. — Kleiner astronomiseher ahnanach. Jahrg. 1-10, 1840-48. 10 V. 8". 3203. Rostock. — Mecklenburgische naturforschende gesellschaft. a. Ausziige aus den verhandlungen. 1837. 1 n. 8". 3204. Rostock. — Plivsikaliselie bibliothek ; von Denso. Bd. 1-2 ii, 1754-01. 2 V. 8". (Cf. 3227.) 3205. Rostock.. — Rostock'sche akademie. a. Annalen. 1790-97. 7 v. 8". ; bd. 8-13, 1799-1807. 5 v. 81 Rostock. — Versammlung der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) 3206. Rostock. — Zootomisch-physiologisches institut der universitat. a. Bericht. 1, 1840. 1 n. 4". Rudolstadt. — Ahnanach (annalen) der fortschritte, neuesten erfindun- gen, etc. (See 2550.) 3206». Rudolstadt. — Naturforschender verein in Riga. «. Arbehen. 1. Bd. 1, 1847-48. 1 v. 8". (For next series, see 3702, a.) Rudolstadt. — Neuer ahnanach der fortschritte, etc. (See 2550.) Rudolstadt.— Uebersicl It der fortschritte, etc. (See 2550.) Riigen, Naturwissenschaftlicher verein von. (See 2357.) Riigisch-pommersche abtheilung der gesellschaft fiir pommersche ge- schichte, etc. (See 2699.) Russische geographische gesellschaft. (See 3309.) 3207. Saalfeld. — Realschule (und progymnasium). a. Einladungs-programni zu der . . . offentlichen priifung. 1840-53. 3208. Saalfeld. — Sehulen zu Saalfeld. a. Bericht iiber die sehulen. 3209. Saarbriicken. — Kon. gymnasium. (I. .lahresbericht iiber das k. g. und die vorschule. 1807. 1 n. 4°. 3210. SaarbriickeB. — Saarbriicker bergmanns-kalender. Jahrg. 1-3, 1873-75. 3 V. 16". Sachsen, Bienenwirthschaftlicher haupt-verein im konigr. (See 2579.) Sachsen and Thiiringen, Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fiir. (See 2358, 2729.) Sachsische kon. bergakademie. (See 2616.) Sachsischer bienengesellschaft. (See 2382.) Sachsischer geometer, Verein. (See 2530*».) Kon. sachsische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. (See 3004;^ Sachsischer ingenieur-verein. (Sec 2523.) GERMANY. 2 1 3 Sachsischer landwirthe und naturf., Wandergesellschaft. (Sec 2223.) Kon. sachsisches oberbergamt. (Sec 2626.) Kon. sachsische polytechnische schule. (See 3005.) Sachsischer seidenbau-verein. (See 3006.) Kon. sachsischer verein fur erforschung . , . vaterl. alterthiimer. (See 2524, 3007.) JSt. Petersburg. — Russische geographische gesellschaft. (See 3309.) Salzbach. — Kon. baierische akademie der wissenschaften. (See 3109.) Saxonia, Naturwissenschaftliche gesellschaft. (See 2700.) Schleiz. — Naturwissenschaftliches kranzchen. a. Verhandliingen. (See 2633, b.) Schleiz. — Naturwissenschaftlicher verein. a. Nachrichten. (See 2633, a.) Schlesiens, Gesellschaft zur beforderung der naturkunde. (See 2445.) Schlesiens, Verein fiir geschichte und alterthum. (See 2462.) Schlesischer alterthiimer, Verein fiir das museum. (See 2463.) Schlesische gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische cultur. (See 2456.) Schlesische insektenkunde, Verein fiir. (See 2464.) Schlesischer tausch-verein fiir schmetterlinge. (See 2465.) Schlesischer verein fiir berg- und huttenwesen. (See 2459.) 3211. Schles-wig. — Vermischte abliandhmgen, herausgegeben von einer ge- selLschaft kieler professoron. Bd. I, 1820. 1 v. 8". Schleswig-holstein. ingenieur-vereins, Versammlung des. (See 2578.) Schleswig-holstein-lauenburgisehe gesellschaft . . . vaterl. alterthiimer. (See 2854.) Schleswig-Holstein, Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fiir. (See 2853.) 3212. Schmalkalden. — Kritische blatter ftir cheniie, pharmacie, und den daniit verwandten wissenschaften ; von Brandes. 1823-2G. 8". 3213. Schneeberg. — Gemeinniitziger erzgebirgischer anzeiger. 1803-04. 1 v. 4". 3214. Schneeberg-Altenburg. — Neue versuche niitzlicher sammlungen, zu der natur- und kunstgeschichte. sonderlich von Ober-Sachsen ; von Grundig. St. 1-48, 1747-()4 (1750-65). 4 v. 8". 3215. Schroningen. — Magazin fiir eisenberg- und hiittenkunde ; von Jordan, etc. Bd. 1, 1808. 1 v. 8". Schwaben, Kreis-bienenzucht-verein von. (See 2496.) Schwabens, Vaterl. gesellschaft der arzte und naturforscher. (See 3288.) Schwarzburgisches gymnasium. (See 3222.) Schwedische akademie der wissensch. (See 2413, 2460, 2768, 3014.) 3216. Sch-werin. — Magazin fiir die naturkunde und okonomie Mecklenburgs ; von Siemssen. Bd. 1-2, 1791-92. 2 v. 8". Schixrerin. — Mecklenburgisches urkundenbucli. (See 3218, b.) 3217. Schwerin. — Neue monatliche beitriige zur naturkunde ; von Denso. 1770. 8". (See also 2352, 2495.) 3218. Sch-nrerin. — Verein fiir mecklenburgische geschichte und alterthums- kunde. a. Jahrbiicher (und jahresbericbte). Jahrg. 1-41, 1 830-70. 31 v. 8". Register 1-4, 1844-08. 4 v. 8". b. Mecklenburgisches urkundenbuch. Bd. 1-9, 1803-70. 9 v. 4". Seelandische gesellschaft der wissenschaften. (See 3083.) Senckenbergische naturforschende gesellschaft. (See 2607.) 3219. Siegen. — Jahrbuch fiir berg- und hlittenleute zur niitzlichen und ange- nehmen unterhaltung. 1808. 1 v. 8*^. Kon. simultan-knabenschule. (See 3275.) 3220. Soest. — Archigymnasium, a. rrogranini. 1847. 1 n. 4". 3221. Sondershausen. — Fiirstliche realschule. a. Oeffentliche priifung. 1872-70. o n. 4". 3222. Sondershausen. — Fiirstlich schwarzburgisc hes gymnasium. a. Oellentliche priifung. 1803-75. 13 n. 4". 2 1 4 GERMANY. Speyer. — Pollicliia. (See 2874.) 3223. Speyer. — Sternwarte des kon. lyzeum. a. Astronoinischebeobaclitiingcn. Abth. 1-2, 1820-27 (1829-30). 2 v. 4". 3224. Stade. — Verein fiir geschichte und alterthiimer der herzogthiimer Bremen und Verden und des landea Hadeln. a. Archiv. 1-5, 18G2-74. 5 v. 8". Stettin. — Beytriige zur physik, etc. (See 2299.) 3225. Stettin. — Entomologischer verein. a. Entomologiselie zeitung. Bd. 1-87, 1840-7G. 37 v. 81 Repertorium, 1-23 (1862), 24-31 (1870). 2 v. 8". b. Linnaea entomologica. (See 2318, a.) (See also 2318.) 3226. Stettin. — Gesellschaft fiir pommersche geschichte und alterthumskunde. fl. Jai.resbericht. 30,1868-74(18/4). 1 n. 8". (See also 2864, 2699.) Stettin. — Linnaea entomologica. (See 2318, a.) 3227. Stettin. — rhysikalische briefe ; von Denso. Bd. 1, pt. 1, 1 750-51. 1 v. 4". (Cf. 3204.) 3228. Stettin. — Pommersches archiv der wissenschaften und des geschmacks ; von Halin, etc. Jahrg. 1-3, 1783-85. 3 v. 8". Stettin. — Versammlung der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) Stockholm. — Kon. schwedische akademie der wissenschaften. (See 2413, 2460, 2768, 3014.) Stralsund. — Ausziige aus don neuesten und beston dissertationen, etc. (See 2283.) Stralsund. — Magazin fiir freunde der naturlehre, etc. (See 2345.) 3229. Stralsund. — Neuestes magazin fiir liebhaber der entomologie ; von Schneider. Heft 1-5, 1791-95. 1 v. 8". 3230. Stralsund. — Pommersclies jahrbuch fiir geschichts- und alterthums- forschung, sowie fiir statistik und wissenschafJiche besprechung der socialen fragen, etc. Jahrg. 1-2, 1867-68. 2 v. 8'^. Stralsund. — Riigisch-pommersche abtheihing der gesellschaft fiir pommersche geschichte, etc. (See 2699.) Stralsund. — Schwedisclie annalen der medicin, etc. (See 2384.) Stralsund. — Stralsundisches magazin, etc. (See 2389.) 3231. Strassburg. — Abhandlungen zur geologischen specialkarte von Elsass- Lt)thringcn. Bd. 1 i, 1875. 1 v. 81 Strassburg. — Acad, des sc, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon. (See 1176.) 3232. Strassburg. — Association philomatique vogeso-rhanane. a. Annales. Livr. 1, 1863. 1 n. 18". 3233. Strassburg. — Association strasbourgeoise des amis d'histoire naturelle. a. Compte rendu de la seance generale. 1, 1851. 1 n. 81 Strassburg. — Congr^s scientifique de France. Sess. 10. (See 998, c.) 3234. Strassburg. — Delectus opusculorum botanicorum ; ed. Usteri. Vol. 1-2, 1790-93. 2 V. 81 3235. Strassburg. — Journal des savans. 1816-26. 11 v. 41 3236. Strassburg. — Hevue entomologique; par Silbermann. Tom. 1-5, 1833- 40. 5 V. 81 Strassburg. — Societe (du museum) d'histoire naturelle. (See 1584, 1591.) 3237. Strassburg. — Societa des sciences, agriculture et arts de la Basse Alsace (Bas-Rhin). a. Bulletin (trimostriel) de la 80ci6te . . . ot de la station agronomique. Vol. 5-9, 1870-75 (1870-76). 5 v. 81 (Dates of earlier volumes not found.; b. Compte-rendu des travaux. 1833. 81 c. Journal. Vol. 1-5, 1824-28. 5 v. 81 d. Memoires. 1. Tom. 1-2, 1811-23. 2 v. 81 2. Nouveaux me- moires. Tom. 1-3, 1832-42. 3 v. 81 3. Tom. 1-4, 1859-68. 4 v. 8". €. Nouveaux m6moires. (See d.) GERMANY. ^ 215 3238. Strassburg. — Societe des sciences naturelles. a. Bulletin. Ann. 1-2, 18G8-G9. 2 v. 8° (Eor continuation, see 1247, a.) h. Menioires. Vol. b-&, 1858-70. 2 v. 4". (For vol. 1-4, see 1584, 1591.^ (See also 1247, 1584, 1591.) StrassBurg. — Station agronomique. a. Bulletin. (See 3237, a.) 3239. Stuttgart. — Annalen der deutschen akademien; von Franz, etc. Heft 1-2. 1790-91. 2 n. 8". 3240. Stuttgart. — (Astronomisches) jahrbuch ; von Schumacher, etc. 183G- 44. 8 v. 8'". (No volume for 1842.) 3241. Stuttgart. — Das ausland; ein tageblatt fiir kunde des geistigen und sittliehen lebens der volker, mil besonderer riicksieht auf verwandte erschcinungen in Deutscliland (iibersehau dor neuesten forschungen auf dem gebiete der natur-, erd- und volkerkunde) ; red. Hellwald. Jahrg. 1-49, 1829-76. 49 v. 4"^. 3242. Stuttgart. — Beitriige zur mineralogischen und geognotischen kenntniss des grossherzogthums Baden ; von Leonhard. 1835-54. 3 n. 8". Stuttgart. — Beschreibung des konigreichs Wiirttemberg. (See 3267, a.) 3243. Stuttgart. — Corrcspondenzblatt fiir die gelehrten- und realschule ( Wiirt- tembergs). Jahrg. 1-19, 1851-69. 19 v. 8° 3244. Stuttgart. — Deutscher geometer-kalender; mit astronomischen epheme- riden. 1874-75. 2 v. 16". 3245. Stuttgart. — Deutscher geometer-verein. a. Zeitschrift fiir vermessungswesen. Bd. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8". (See also 2216.) 3246. Stuttgart. — Deutscher ornithologen-verein (gesellschaft). a. Naumannia; archiv fiir die ornithologie, vorzugsweise Europas. Bd. 1-8, 1849-58. 8 v. 8". Inhaltsverz. 1-6 ( ). (See also 2216»», 2266, 2467, 2468.) 3249. Stuttgart. — Etwas fiir alle, oder neue stuttgardter realzeitung. 1765- 66. 8'^. (Cf. 3258.) 3250. Stuttgart. — Kon. gymnasium. a. Einladungsschrift. 1859-63. 5 n. 4**. I. Programm. 1863-66 (1864-66). 3 n. 4*. 3251. Stuttgai^. — Hertha; zeitschrift fiir erd-, volker-, und staaten-kunde ; von Berghaus, etc. Bd. 1-14, 1825-29. 14 v. 8". (For continuation, see 2267 ; cf. 2593.) Stuttgart. — Jahrbuch; herausgegeben von Schumacher. (See 3240.) Stuttgart. — Jahrbuch fiir mineralogie, etc. (See 2793.) 3252. Stuttgart. — Jahrbuch der reisen und neuesten statistik ; von Hoffmann. Jahrg. 1, 1833. 1 v. f". 3253. Stuttgart. — Kalender fiir vermessungskunde mit astronomischen ephe- meriden. Jahrg. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 v. 8". 3254. Stuttgart. — Mannigfaltigkeiten aus dem gebiete der literatur, kunst und natur. 1816. 1 v. 4". 3255. Stuttgart. — Museum des kon. bayerischen staates. a. Palaontologische mittheilungen. Bd. 1-2, 1863-69. 2 v. 8". and f". Stuttgart. — Naturwissenschaftliche abhandlungen, etc. (See 3280.) Stuttgart. — Naturwisscnschaftlich-astrunomisches jahrbuch. (See 3108.) Stuttgart. — Naumannia. (See 3246, a. ) Stuttgart. — Neues jahrbuch fiir mineralogie, etc. (See 2793.) 3256. Stuttgart. — PaJiiontologische collectaneen, hauptsiichlich als beliebiges ergiinzungsheft zum neuen jahrbuch fiir mineralogie, etc. ; von Bronn. 1843. 1 v. 8". (See 2793.) 3257. Stuttgart. — Physikalisch-oconomische ausziige aus den neuesten und besten schriften, die zur naturlehre, etc. gehoren. Bd. 1-10, 1758- 70. 10 v. 8". 8258. Stuttgart. — Physiskalisch-oconomische realzeitung. 1755-56. 4°. (Cf. 3k549.) 3259. Stuttgart. — Physikalisch-oconomische wochenschrift. 1757. 2 v. 216 GKRMAXV. 3260. Stuttgart.— Poly tcchnisches journal; von Din.i?ler. 1. Btl. 1-50, 1820- 33. 50 V. 8". 2. Bd. 1-50 (51-100), 1834-4(i. 50 v. 8". 3. Bd. 1- 50 (101-150), 184(i-58. 50 v. 8'^. 4. Bd. 1-50 (151-200), 1859-71. 50 V. 8". 5. Bd. 1-11 (201-211), 1871-74. 11 v. 8". Dingler's p. j. Bd. 12-22(212-222), 1874-7G. 11 v. 8". Index. 1-78 (1843), 79-118 (1853), 119-158 (18G1), 159-198 (1871). 4 v. 8". 3261. Stuttgart. — Kon. polytechnische schule. a. rrograinin, 1840. 8". 3262. Stuttgart. — Sehwiibisches raagazin von gelehrten saclicn. 1774-80. G V. 8'^. 3263. Stuttgart. — Selecta physico-oeconomica, oder sammlungen von aller- liand zur natiirforschung und haushaltungskunst gehorigen begeben- heiteii. Bd. 1-3, 1749-52. 3 v. 8". Stuttgart. — Societat fiir wissenschaftliche kritik. (See 2386.) 3264. Stuttgart. — Kon. statistisch-topographisches bureau. a. Jiiliresbericht iiber die witterungsvcrliiiltnisse in Wiirttemberg ; aus den aufzeicbnungen des wiirttenibergiscben beobachter; durcli Flien- inger. 1-40, 1825-G4 (1825?-G8). 40 v. 8". b. Wiirttembergische jahrbiicher fiir statistik und landeskunde. 1872- 7G. 5 v. 4". (For earlier series, see 3270 and c.) c. Wiirttembergische jahrbiicher fiir vaterliindische geschichte, geo- graphie, statistik und topographie. 1839-71. 33 v. 8". (For earlier series, see 3270 ; for later, b.) 3265. Stuttgart. — Taschenbuch fiir freunde der geologic in allgemein fass- licher weise bearbeitet; von Leonhard. Bd. 1-3, 1845-47. 3 v. 8°. 3266. Stuttgart. — Der thiergarten ; allgemeine deutsche monatsschrift fiir kuude, beobachtung, zucht und pliege der thiere ; mit besonderer riicksicht auf die verbesserung unserer bisherigen hausthiere und die heranbildung neuer ; von Weinland. 1864. 8". 3267. Stuttgart. — Kon. topographisches bureau. a. Beschreibung des konigreichs Wiirttemberg. Heft 1-28, 1824-51. 28 v. 8". Stuttgart. — Vaterlandische gesellschaft der arzte und naturforscber Schwabens. (See 3288.) 3268. Stuttgart. — Verein fiir vaterlandische naturkunde in Wiirttemberg. a. Julireshefte (also entitled, wiirttembergische naturforschende jahres- hefte). Bd. 1-32, 1845-7G. 32 v. 8". b. Wiirttembergische naturforschende jahreshefte. (See a.) Stuttgart. — Versamml. der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) 3269. Stuttgart. — Wiirttembergischer alterthums-verein. a. .lahreshefte. Bd. 1-2 i, 1822-73. 2 v. f". i. llechenschaftsbericht. 1-8, 1844-56. 8 n. 4°. c. Schriften. Heft 1-G, 1850-63. 6 v. 8".- 3270. Stuttgart. — Wiirttembergisches jahrbuch fiir vaterlandische geschichte, geographic, statistik und topographie ; von Mennninger. Jahrg. 1-21, 1818-38. 21 V. 8". (For continuation, see 3264.) Stuttgart. — Wiirttembergische naturforsch. jahreshefte. (See 3268.) 3271. Stuttgart. — Wiirttembergischer naturhistorischer reise-verein. a. Schriften ; enthalted reisebeschreibungen und mittheilungen aus der natur- und vcilkerkunde. Th. 1, 1834. 1 v. 8°. Stuttgart. — Zeitschrift fiir vermessungswesen. (See 3245, a.) Theodoro-palatina, Academia electoralis scientiarum. (See 3067.) Thomas-schule. (See 3020.) 3272. Thorn. — Continuirtes gelehrtes Preussen. 1725. 1 v. 8". (For earlier vol., see 3273.) 3273. Thorn. — Das gelehrte Preussen, aus alten und neuen schriften, wie audi der gelehrten manner, welche in Preussen geboren wurden, namen und leben vorgestellet. Th. 1-4, 1721-24. 4 v. 8". (For continua- tion, see 3272.) Thuringen, Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fiir. (See 2358, 2557,2729.) Thuringer-sachsischer verein fiir erforschung des vaterland. alter- thiimer. (See 2736.) Thiiringische geschichte und alterthumskunde, Verein fiir. (See 2835.) GERMANY. 217 3274. Trier, — Gesellschaft fiir niitzliche forschungen. a. Jahresbericht. 1852-73. 11 n. and v. i*". 3.275. Trzemeszno. — Kon. simultan-knabenschule. a. Jahresbericht. 1, 1866-G7 (1867). 1 n. 4". Tubingen. — Allg. repert. fiir einpirische psychologie, etc. (See 3150.) Tubingen. — Astronomisches jahrbuch. (See 3240.) Tiibingen. — Dingler's polytcchnisches journal. (See 3260.) 3276. Tubingen. — Kon. gymnasium. a. Programra. 1864-65 (1805). 1 n. 4« Tubingen. — Hertha. (See 3251.) Tubingen. — Jahrbuch; von Schumacher. (See 3240.) 3277. Tiibingen. — Jahresbericht ilber die fortschritte auf dem gebietc der reinen chemie, bearbeitet im verein niit mehreren fachgenossen ; von Stiidel. Jahrg. 1-3, 1873-75 (1874-76). 3 v. S''. 3278. Tiibingen. — Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der physischen wissen- schaften ; von Berzelius, aus dem schwedischen iibersezt von Gmelin, etc. Jahrg. 1-20, 1822-41. 20 v. 8°. Jahresbericht iiber die fort- scliritte der chemie and mineralogie eingereicht an die schwedische akademie der wissenschaften. Jahrg. 21-30, 1842-51. 10 v. 8". Register 1-17 (1839), 1-25 (1847). (See 693, h, etc.) 3279. Tubingen. — Magazin fiir die hohere naturwissenschaft und chemie. Bd. 1-3, 1784-87. 2 v. 8« Tubingen. — Medicinisch-chomische untersuchungen. (vSee 2347 «-.) 3280. Tiibingen* — Naturwissenscliaftliche abhandlungen, herausgegeben von einer gesellschaft in Wiirttemberg. Bd. 1-2, 1826-28. 2 v. 81 3281. Tiibingen. — Neue beitriige zur naheren kenntniss des galvinismus. 1808. 1 n. 8*1 (For earlier series, see 3811.) 3282. Tiibingen. — Neue zeitschrift fiir speculative physik; von Schelling. Bd. 1, 1802-03. 1 V. 8". (For earlier series, see 2837.) Tiibingen. — Polytechnisches journal. (See 3260.) 3283. Tubingen. — Polytechnische mittheilungen. Bd. 1-3, 1844-46. 3 v. 4". Tiibingen. — Kepert. und bibl. fiir empirische psychologie. (See 3150.) Tiibingen. — Schwedische akademie der wissenschaften. (See 3278.) Tiibingen. — Societas latina marchico-badensis. (See 2846.) 3284. Tiibingen, — Taschenbuch fiir natur- und gartenfreunde. 1795-1806. 12 V. 16« 3285. Tiibingen. — Tiibingcr blatter fiir naturwissenschaften und arzneikunde; von Autenrieth, etc. Bd. 1-3 i, 1815-17. 3 v. 8". 3286. Tiibingen. — Tiibinger gelehrte anzeigen. Jahrg. 1-24, 1783-1806. 24 V. 8°. 3287. Tubingen. — Tiibinger universitatsschriften. 1846-75(1847-76). 30 v. 4". 3288. Tiibingen, — Vaterlandische gesellschaft der arzte und naturforscher Schwabens. a. Denkschriften. Bd. 1, 1805. 1 v. 8". Tiibingen. — Versamml. der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) 3289. Tiibingen. — Zeitschrift fiir astronomic und verwandto wissenschaften ; von Lindenau. Bd. 1-6, 1816-18. 6 v. 8". Ulm. — Der erfahrene rathgeber. (See 3292.) 3290. Ulm. — Kon. gymnasium. a. Progranim. 1858-66 (1859-66). 8 n. 4". 3291. Ulm, — Journal der fischerei; eine fortlaufende sammlung in zwanglosen heften des neuesten und alles dessen was die fischerei, nanientlich angelkunde, etc. in sich fasst ; von Ehrenkreutz. Ileft 1-4, 1855-59. 4 n. 12". Ulm. — Neues physikalisch-okon. . . . kunstkabinet. (See 3292.) 3292. Ulm. — • Pliysicalisch-okonomisches und chcmisch-technisches kunstkabi- net in einer sammlung von gemeinniitzigen . . . kunststiicken, etc. (gemeinniitziges taschenbuch fiir jedermann). Bd. 1-6, 1811-28. 6 V. 8". (Bd. 2-3 are also entitled : Der erfahrene rathgeber, oder auswahl der neuesten und niitzlichsten auf erfahrungen gegriindeten 218 GERMANY. vorschriften, mittel und kunststiicke, aus dem fache der chemie, etc. Bd. 1-2 ; and bd. 5-G are also entitled : Neues . . . kunstkabinet. Bd. 1-2.) 3293. Ulm. — Theoretisch-praktisches volksblatt fiir die gross en-lehre. Heft 1, 1831. 1 n. 8°. 3294. Ulm. — Verein fiir kunst und alterthum in Ulm und Oberschwaben. a. Bericht (vcrhandlungen). 1. Lief, (veroflentl.) 1-18 (der grossern hefte, ]-12), 1843?-68. 18 n. and v. 4". and 8". 2. Verhandlungen. 1-7, 1869-74. 7 v. 4°. b. Korrespondenzblatt. 1, 1876. 1 v. 4". c. Verhandlungen. (Sec a.) Upsala. — Academia. (See 2671.) Vaihingen. — Correspondenzblatt f. d. gelehrten-u.realschule. (See 3243.) Verden, Verein fiir . . . alterthiimer des herzogthum. (See 3224.) Vlissingen. — Seelandische gesellsch. der wissenschaften. (See 3083.) Vogeso-rhenane, Association philomatique. (See 3232.) Voigtlandischer alterthumsforschender verein. (See 2634.) Voigtlandischer verein fiir . . . naturkunde. (See 3199.) 3295. Weimar. — Allgemeine geographische ephemeriden; von Zach, etc. 1. Bd. 1-51, 1798-181 G (1800-10). 51 v. 8° 2. Neue allg. g. e. Bd. 1-31, 1817-31. 81 v. 8<^. 3296. Weimar. — Almanach fiir seheideklinstler und apotheker ; von Gottling. Jahrg. 1-23, 1780-1802. 23 v. 8°. Taschenbuch fiir scheidekiinstler, etc. (chemisches taschenbuch fiir arzte, chemiker, undpharmaceuten). Jahrg. 24-40, 1803-19. 17 v. 8°. Trommsdorff's taschenbuch fiir arzte, chemiker, und pharmaceuten. Jahrg. 1-10 (41-50), 1820-29. 10 V. 8". Register, 1780-1803. 1 v. 8°. 3297. Weimar. — Archiv fiir ethnographic und linguistik; von Vertuch, etc. St. 1, 1807. 1 n. 8°. 3298. Weimar. — Der besorgte forstmann ; cine zeitschrift iiber das ver- derbniss der wiilder durch thiere und vorziigliche insccten iiberhaupt, besonders aber durch die kiefer-, fichten-, tannen- und birken-raupen ; von Lynkcr. St. 1-4, 1798-99. 4 n. 8°. 3299. Weimar. — Bibliothek der neuesten undwichtigsten reisebeschreibungen und geographischen nachrichtcn zur erweiterung der erdkunde ; von Sprengel, etc. Bd. 1-50, 1800-14. 50 v. 8°. 3300. Weimar. — Bibliothek fiir die vergleichende anatomic ; von Froriep. Bd. 1, 1802. 1 V. 8°. Weimar. — Chemisches archiv. (See 2912.) Weimar. — Chemisches taschenbuch fiir arzte, etc. (See 3296.) 3302. Weimar. — Fortschritte der geographic und naturgeschichte ; ein jahr- buch, in wochentlichenlieferungen; von Froriep. Bd. 1, 1846. 1 v. 4". 3303. Weimar. — Grossherzogliches gymnasium. a. Programm zur feier des willielmstages. 1860-63. 4 n. 4". Weimar. — Grossherzogliche sternwarte. (See 2818.) 3304. Weimar. — Journal fiir die liebliaber des steinreiches und der konchyli- ologie ; von Schroter. Bd. 1-G, 1774-80. 6 v. 8°. 3305. Weimar. : — Journal fiir die literatur und kenntniss der naturgeschichte, sonderlich der conchylien und der steine ; von Schroter. Bd. 1-2, 1782. 2 V. 8°. (Cf. 2980.) 3306. Weimar. — Das laboratoriuni ; cine sammlung von abbildungen und beschreibungcn der beaten und neuesten apparate, zum behuf der practischen und physikalischen chemie. Heft 1-44, 1825-40. 44 v. 4**. Weimar. — Magazin fiir den neuesten zustand der naturkunden, etc. (See 2827.) 3307. Weim.ar, — Meteorologische hefte, fiir beobachtungen und untersuch- ungen zur begriindung der witterungslehre ; bearbeitet von mehreren gelehrten und freunden der naturforschung ; von Constant. Heft 1-3, 1810- 12. 3 V. 4". 3308. Weimar. — Meteorologisches jahrbuch (tagebucli) zur beforderung giiindlicher kenntnissc von allcm, was auf wittcrung und siimmtliche lufterscheinungen einHuss hut ; bearbeitet von einer gesellscliaft ge- lehrter wittenmgsforscher; von Haberle. Jahrg. 1-2, 1^810-11. 2 v. 8". GERMANY. 219 'Weimar. — Meteorologisches tagebuch. (See 3308.) Weimar. — Neues(tes) chemisches archiv. (See 2912.) AVeim-ar. — Notizen aus dem gebiete der natur und heilkuiide; von Froriep. (See 2559.) Weimar. — Physikalische bibliotliek. (See 3204.) 3309. Weimar. — Russische geographische gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. a. Denkschriften. 184!). 1 v. 8". (See also 3741, 3748.) 3310. Weimar. — Tagesberiehte liber die forschritte der natur- und heilkunde ; von Froriep. No. 1-697, 1850-52. 15 v. 8°. (Preceded by 2559 ; followed by 2816, 2832.) Weim.ar. — Taschenbuch fiir arzte ; von TrommsdorfF. (See 3296.) Weim.ar. — Taschenbuch fiir scheideklinstler, etc. (See 3296.) 331C». Weimar. — Teutschland geognostisch-geologisch dargestellt; eine zeit- schrift ; von Keferstein. Bd. 1-7, 1821-32. 7 v. 8°. Weimar. — Trommsdorff 's taschenbucli fiir jirzte. (See 3296.) 3311. Weimar. — Wilhelm-ernstisches gymnasium. a. Jahresbericht. 1860-66. 7 n. 4". 3312. Weim.ar. — Zeitung fiir geognosie, geologic, und innere naturgeschichte der erde ; von Keferstein. St. I-ll, 1826-31. 11 n. 8". 3313. Weimar. — Zoologische annalen ; von Meyer. Bd. 1, 1793 (1794). 1 V. 8''. 3314. Weissenbnrg. — Archives de flore ; journal botanique ; par Schultz. Ft. 1, 1854-55. 1 n. 8". 3315. Wemigerode. — Harz-verein fiir geschichte und alterthumskunde. a. Zeitschrift. Jahrg. 1-7, 1808-74. 7 v. 8*^. 3316. Wernigerode. — Naturwissenschaftlicher verein des Harzes. a. Berichte. 1840-62(1841-62). 15 n. 4"'. 1840, 2d ed. (1856). (No bericht for 1850 published.) Westfalischer provinzial-verein fiir wissenschaffc. (See 3131.) Westfalisch-rheinischer verein fiir bienen- und seidenzucht. (See 2646.) Westphalens, Gesellschaft naturforschender freunde. (See 2533.) Westphalens, Naturhist. verein der preuss. Rheinlande und. (See 2411.) Westphalens, Verein fiir . . . alterthumer. (See 3130.) Westphalische gesellschaft fiir vaterl. cultur. (See 3101.) Westphalische naturforschende gesellschaft. (See 2534.) Wetterauische gesellschaft fiir die ges. naturkunde, (See 2612, 2775.) 3317. Wetzlar. — Deutsche gesellschaft fiir hydrologie. a. Balneologische zeitung; correspondenzblatt der . . . gesellschaft. 1-11, 1855-61. 11 V. 8° h. Verhandlungen . . . wiihrend ihrer generalversanimlung. 1, 1855, 1 n. 8". 3318. Wiesbaden. — Das berg- und hiittenwesen ini herzogthum Nassau ; statis- tische nachrichten, geognostische, mineralogische und technische beschreibungen ; von Odenheimer. 1865-67. 3 v. 8°. Wiesbaden. — Deutsche gesellschaft fiir anthropologic, etc. a. Allgemeine versammlung. (See 2216"', a. ) Wiesbaden. — Jahresb. liber die fortschritte der tliier-chemie. (See 3593.) Wiesbaden. — Nassauischer verein fiir naturkunde. (See 3321.) 3320. Wiesbaden. — Verein fiir nassauische alterthumskunde und geschichts- forschung. a. Annalen. Bd. 1-14. 1827-75. 14 v. 8°. h. Mittheilungen an die mitglieder. No. 1-6, 1862-67. 6 v. 8". 3321. Wiesbaden. — Verein fiir naturkunde im herzogthum Nassau. a. Jalirbiicher. Heft 1-18, 1844-03. 17 v. 8". ; j, des nassauischen v. f. n. Ileft 19-20, 1864-00. 1 v. 8".; jahrg. 21-28, 1807-74. 4 v. 8°. Wiesbaden. — Versamml. der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) 3322. Wiesbaden. — Zeitschrift fiir analytische cheniie ; von Fresenius. Jahrg. 1-15, 1862-76. 15 v. 8". Kegister, 1-10, 1862-71 (1872). 1 v. 8". Wilhelm-ernstisches gymnasium. (See 3311.) 220 GERMANY. Wittenberg. — Neues wittenbergisches wochenblatt. (See 3324.) 3323. "Wittenberg.— Royal society of London. a. Philosophical transactions, reprinted according to the London edition. Vol. 1-11 (47-57), 1751-G7 (17G8-75?). 11 v. 4". (See 434, ^r.) (See also 434, 2499, 2895, 3017.) 3324. Wittenberg. — Wittenbergisches wochenblatt, ziim aufnehmen der natur- kunde und des okonomischen gewerbes ; von Titus. 1. Bd. 1-8, 1768- 92 (1768-93). 8 v. 4°. 2. Neues w. w. 1793-1814. 22? v. 8". WolfenbiitteL — Journal fiir bienenfreunde. (See 2475.) 3325. Worms. — Grosshefzogliches gymnasium. a. Einladungsschrift der otfentlichen priifung. 1858-65. 8 n. 4". Wiirttemberg, Verein fiir vaterl. naturkunde in. (See 3268.) Wiirttembergischer alterthums -verein. (See 3269.) Wiirttembergischer naturhistorischer reise-verein. (See 3271.) 3326. Wiirzburg. — Analecten zur natur- und heilkunde ; von Friedreich. 1831. 1 V. 4". (Cf. 3329.) 3327. Wiirzbtirg. — Kon. anthropotomische anstalt. a. Berichte. 1, 1824-25 (1826). 1 n. 4«. 3328. Wiirzburg. — Astronomisclies taschenbiichlein ; den gebildeteten aus alien stiinden, insbesondere den liebhabern der himraels- und erd- kunde gewidmet. Jahrg. 1-2, 1838-39 (1837-38). 2 v. 12°. 3329. Wiirzburg. — Beitrage zur natur- und heilkunde ; von Friedreich, etc. Bd. 1-2, 1825-26. 2 v. 8°. (Cf. 3326.) Wiirzburg. — Beitrage zur vergleichenden zoologie. (See 2254.) Wiirzburg. — Botanisches institut. a. Arbeiten. (See 2909, a.) Wiirzburg. — Deutsche gesellschaft fiir anthropologic, etc. a. Correspondenzblatt. (See 2423, b.) Wiirzburg. — Neue wiirzburger gelehrte anzeigen. (See 3333.) 3330. Wiirzburg. — (Kon.) philosophisch-medicinische gesellschaft. a. Jahrblicher. Bd. 1, 1828. 1 v. 8°. b. Neue iahrbiicher ; abtheilung fiir natur- und heilkunde. Heft 1, 1830. I V. 8°. 3330». Wiirzburg. — Physikalisch-medicinische gesellschaft. a. Sitzungs-berichte. 1859-62. 4 v. 8°. b. Verhandlungen ; neue folge. Bd. 1-10 ii, 1868-76 (1869-76). 10 v. 8". (Preceded by c; see also 2572, a.) c. Wiirzburger naturwissenschaftliche zeitschrift. Bd. 1-6, 1860-67. 6 v. 8° (Preceded by 2572, a ; followed by 6.) (See also 2572.) 3331. Wiirzburg. — Physiologisches laboratorium der wiirzburger hoch- schule. a. Arbeiten. Lief. 1-3, 1872-76. 3 n. 8". (For earlier series, see 2991.) (See also 2991.) 3332. Wiirzburg. — Polytechnischer verein. a. Jahresbericht. 1856-76. 21 n. 4". 3333. Wiirzburg. — Wiirzburger gelehrte anzeigen. 1. Bd. 1-11, 1786-96. II V. 8°. 2. Wiirzburger wochentliche anzeigen von gelehrten und anderen genu'inniitzigen gegenstiinden. Jahrg. 1-2, 1797-98. 2 v. 4". 3k Neue wiirzburger gelehrte anzeigen. Jahrg. 1, 1799. 1 v. S"*. W^iirzburg. — Wiirzburger hochschule. (See 3331.) W^iirzburg. — Wiirzburger naturwissenschaftliche zeitschrift. (See 2330a, c.) Wiirzburg. — Wiirzburger wochentliche anzeigen. (See 3333.) 3334. Wiirzburg. — Zoologisches museum der kon. Julius-Maximilianus- universitat. a. Berichte. 1, 1839. 1 v. 8*1 3335. Wiirzburg. — Zoologisch-zootomisches institut. a. Arbeiten. Bd. 1-3 iii, 1872-76 (1874-76). 3 v. 8'\ (Bd. 1 is com- posed of separata from 3330»S b.) (Cf. 3050.) W^iirzburg. — Kon. zootomische anstalt. (Sec 3050.) AUSTRIA. 221 3336. Zelle. — Braunschweig-liineburgische gesellschaft. a. Neue abhandlungen und nachrichten. Bd. 1-2, 1787-88. 2 v. 8". 3337. Zerbst. — Unterhaltende und belehrende blatter iiber gemeinniitzige gegenstiinde der natur, der kunst und des menschenlobens. Jahrg. 1, 1813. 1 V. 8«. 3338. Zittau. — Analecten zur naturkunde und oconomie fiir naturforscher, iirzte und oeonomen ; von Pfingsten. Bd. 1, 1789. 1 v. 8". 3339. Zittau. — Magazin flir die naturgeschichte des menschen. Bd. 1-3, 1788- 91. 3 V. 8°. 3340. Zittau. — Meteorologische beobachtungen zu Zittau in der Oberlausitz (also entitled, tibersichten der meteorologischen bobachtungen ; von Dreverhoff). 1828-48. 21 n. 4«. Zittau. — Uebersichten der meteorologischen beobachtungen. (See 3340.) 3341. Zwickau. — Monatsblatt fiir menschenkunde, naturwissenschaften mit ihrer practischen anwendung und geschichte. 1829. 1 v. 8°. 3342. Zwickau. — Verein fiir naturkunde. a. Jahresbericht. 1873-75 (1874-76). 3 n. 8°. 3343. ? Mediascher gymnasium. a. Progranim. 1854. AUSTRIA (including HUNGARY). 3345. AUgemeine versammlung von berg- und hiittenmannern. a. Bericht. 1-3, 1858-63 (1859-64). 3 v. 8^ Deutscher und osterreicher alpen-verein. (See 2586.) Deutsch-osterreichischer telegraphen-verein. (See 2315.) 3346. Magyar orvosok es termeszetvizsgalok nagygyiilese garian physicians and naturalists^. a. MunkklAtok [transactions']. 1-7, 1840?-46? (1841-47). 7 v. 4* 1847 (1863). 1 V. 4°. ; 9-11, 1863-65 (1864-66). 3 v. 4°; 12-14, 1867-69(1868-70). 3 v. 4°. ; 15-18, 1871-75 (1872-76). 4 v. 4°. b. 'Nnjii'kozlony [official dia7"t/]. 1863-71. 6 n. 4". (See also 3370* 3370»».) Sammlung physikalischcr aufsatze . . . von einer gesellschaft bohmischer naturforscher. (See 2527.) Versamml. inner-osterreichischer berg- und hiittenleute, etc. (See 3640.) Adriatica, Societa, di scienze naturali. (See 3557.) 3346*^. Adorjan. — Termeszettudomanyi szemle [review of natural sciences] a biharmegyei orvos-gyogyszeresz-egylet kozlonye ; szerk. Barlanghy. 1, 1875. 1 V. 8". 3347. Arad. — Aradi minorita-rendi nagy-gymnasium [ujjper gymriasium of the order of the minorites] . a. Ertesitveny [report]. 1857-58. 1 n. 4° Arad. — Magyar orvosok es termeszetvizsgalok nagygyiilese. 1871 (See 3346.) 3348. Beszterczebanya. — Kais.-kon. katholisches staats-gymnasium. a. Frogramm. 1855-60. Beszterczebanya. — Magyar orvosok es termeszetvizsgalok nagygyii- lese. 1843. (See 3346.) 3349. Bistritz. — Evangelisches (ober-) gymnasium a(ugsburger) b(ekeniit- niss). a. Programm des . . . und der mit ihm (damit) verbundenen lehran- stalten. 1852-71. 20? n. 4". and S''. 3350. Bocbnia. — Kais.-kon. gymnasium. a. Programm. 1851. Bohmen, Architekten- und ingenieur-verein fiir. (See 3486.) Bohmen, Gesellschaft des vaterl. museums in. (See 3498.) Bohmen, Landesdurchforschung von. (See 3488.) Bohmen, Museum des kdnigreichs. (See 3503.) Bohmen, Verein zur ermunterung des gewerbegeistes in. (Sec 3513.) Bohmischer forst-verein. (See 3512.) 222 AUSTRIA. Bohmischer forstwirthe, Verein. (See 3512.) Kon. bohmische gesellschaft der wissenschaften, (See 3492.) Bohmischen museums, Archaologiselie section des. (See 3485.) Bohmisches museum fiir natur- und landeskunde, etc. (See 3493.) Kais.-kon. bohmische ober-realschule. (See 3494.) 3351. Bozen. — Kais.-kbn. (ober) gymnasium. a. Programm. 1-13, 1851-G3. 13 n. 8*^. 3352. Bregenz. — Vorarlberger museums-verein. a. Kechenschaftsbericht des ausschusses. 1-13, 1858-72 (1850-72). 13 n. 4". 3353. Brixen. — Kais.-kbn. gymnasium. «. Programm. 1-9,1851-59. 9 n. 3354. Briinn. — Kais.-kon. gymnasium. a. Programm. 1855. 3355. Briinn. — Kais.-kon. mahrisch-schlesische gesellschaft fiir ackerbau, natur- und landeskunde (zur befbrderung des ackerbaues, der natur- und landeskunde). a. Jahresheft der naturwissenschaftlichen section. 1858. 1 v. 8'\ h. Mittheilungen. 1. Jahrg. 1-19, 1821-39. 19 v. 4". 2. Jahrg. 1-10, 1840-49. 10 V. 4". 3. Bd. 1-2, 1850-51. 2 v. 4°. ; jahrg. 1852-70. 25 V. 4°. 3356. Briinn. — Nachrichten von den osterreichischen naturforscliern in Bra- silien. Heft 1-2, 1820-23. 2 v. 8^^. 3357. Briinn. — Natur forschender verein. a. Verhandlungcn. Bd. 1-14, 18G2-7G (18G3-7G). 14 v. 8". 3358. Briinn. — Kais.-kbn. ober-realschule. a. Programm. 1854-57. 4 n. Briinn. — Kais.-kbn. technische hochschule. a. Mittheilungen des laboratoriums der allgemeinen chemie. (See 3597, a. ) 3359. Briinn. — Unterhaltungen aus dem gebiete der ^laturwissenschaft, welt-, erd-, und menschenkunde und .der gewerbsamkeit fiir gebildete leser aus alien standen ; von Florke. Bd. 1-2, 1820-21. 2 v. 8°. 3360. Briinn. — Werner-verein zur geologis6hen durchforschung von Mahren und Schlesien. a. Jahresbericht (der direction) (liber die wirksarakeit). 1, 1851. 1 n. 8". ; 2-15, 1852-65. 14 v. 4". Budapest. — Academia scientiarum hungarica. (See 3372.) Budapest. — Biinyasz- es erdesz-ifjusjig lapja. " (See 3366 ».) Budapest. — Banyaszati es kohaszati lapok. (See 3537.) 3361. Budapest. — (Budapesti) magyar kiralyi tudomanyos egyetem [royal hung, tiniversity of science \. a. Almanach. 1871-75 (1872-75). 4 v. 8". 3362. Budapest. — Budapesti szemle [Budapesth review'] \ szerk. Csengery. 1. Kot. 1-12, 1857?-G1. 12 V. 8°. 2. Kbt. 1-15, 18G5-G9. 15 v. 8". Budapest. — Foldtani kozlony. ( See 3369, a. ) 3363. Budapest. — Geologische gesellschaft fiir Ungarn. a. Arbeiten. Heft 1, 1856. 1 n. 8°. h. Bericht. 1, 1852. 1 n. 8". (See also 3369, 3383.) 3364. Budapest. — Haladas ; ipar es kereskedelmi hetilap [progress ; indus- trial and commercial weekly) ; szerk. llobony. 1862-63. 2 v. 4**. Budapest. — Hazai es kiifoldi folyoiratok magyar tudomanyos reper- toriunia. (See 3372, k.) 3365. Budapest. — Ipar es kereskedelmi ertesito [industrial and commercial intelligencer) ; szerk. PeterfFy. 1869. 8°. 3366. Budapest. — Kais.-kbn. katholisches gymnasium. a. Jahresbericlit. 1853. Budapest. — Magyar akademia. (Sec 3372.) 3366». Magyar kir. b^ny^sz- es erdesz-akademia-ifjus^gi <aUnos tarsulat [society of young men in the hungarian royal academy of mining and forestry'], a. Btmyasz- es erdesz-ifjusag lapja [youths' journal of mining and for- estry]. tM. 1, 1873. 1 v. AUSTRIA. 223 3367. Budapest. — Magyar foldrajzi tarsulat [hung, geograpliical society'^. a. Eoklrajzi kozlemenyek [geographical communicatioiis^. Vol. 1-4, 1873 ?-76. 4 V. 8°. 3368. Budapest, — Magyar kir. foldtani intezet [hungarian royal geological bureau^. a. fivkdnyvek [annals^. Kot. 1-4, 1871-75. 4 v. 8". (See also 3383.) 3369. Budapest. — Magyarhoni (kir.) foldtani tarsulat [hungarian geological society^. a. Foldtani kozlony [journal of geology^. 1-G, 1871-75 (1872-7G). G V. 8° h. Miinkalatok [transactions^. Fiiz. (kot.) 1-5, 1856-70. 5 v. 8". (See also 3363, 3383.) 3370. Budapest. — Magyar mernok- (es epitesz-) egylet [hungarian civil en- gineers' and architects' society^. a. E\i ]e\entes [annual report^. 1-5,1867-72. 5 n. 8°. b. Kozlony [journal^. Kot. 1-10, 1867-76. 10 v. 8°. Budapest. — Magyar orvosok es termeszetvizsgalok nagygyiilese. 184 1- 42, 1863. (See 3346.) 3370". Budapest. — Magyar orvos-sebeszi s termeszettudomanyi evkonyvek [annals of the hu?igarian physicians, surgeons, and naturalists'] ; szerk. Schoepf. Kot. 1-2, 1844. 2 v. S''. (Preceded by 3370»» ; see also 3346.) 3370^. Budapest. — Magyar orvosi es terraeszettudomdnyi evkonyvek [annals of thehungarian physicians and naturalists'] ; szerk. Schoepf. Kot. 1, fiiz. 1, 1844. 1 n. 8°. (Followed by 3370" ; see also 3346.) 3371. Budapest. — Magyar (kir.) termeszettudomanyi tarsulat [{royal) hungarian society of natural sciences]. a. £vi jelentes tagjairol es miikodeserol [annual repoHs of members and operaiiotis]. 1848-61 (1848?-62). - n. 8°. b. Evkonyvek [annals]. Vol. 1-4, 1840-59 (1841-59). 4 v. 8° (For continuation, see d; see also 3385, a.) c. Konyvkiado viillalat [book publishing enterprise; translation of works by Cotta, Darwin, etc.]. 1. 1-7, 1872-74. 7 v. 8°. 2. 1-5, 1875-76. 5 V. S'l d. Kozlony; folytatasa az eddigi evkonyveknek [journal; continuation of the former annals]. 1-7,1860-67(1861-68). 7 v. 8". (For earlier vol., see b; for continuation, see/.) e. Nevkonyv . . . naptarral az 1847-dik evre [directory, with calendar for 1847]. 1, 1847. 1 v. 8°. /. Termeszettudomanyi kozlony ; havi folyoirat a kozordekii ismeretek terjesztesere [journal of natural sciences ; a monthly serial foY the ' loropagation of useful knowledge]. Kot. 1-8, 1869-76. 8 v. 8". (For earlier series, see b, d.) (See also 3384, 3385.) 3372. Budapest. — Magyar tudomS,nyos akademia (academia scientiarum hungarica). a. As akademia munkalodasarol es penztara mibenleterol ; jelcntesc az igazgato tanacsnak [repoti. of the directing council on the activity and financial condition of the academy]. 1847-75. 14 n. 8". b. Almanach. 1861-76. 16 v. 8". c. Archaeologiai kozlem6nyek [archaeological communications]. Kot. 1-2, 1859-61. 2 V. 8°. ; kot. 3-9, 1862-74. 7 v. 4". d. firtekezesek a raatheraatikai osztaly (tudomanyok) kor6bol (mathe- matical memoirs]. Kot. 1-4, 1867-45 (1872-76). 4 v. 8°. e. Ertekezesek a termeszettudomanyok korebol [memoirs on natural science]. Kot. 1-7, 1867-76 (1870-76). 7 v. 8°. /. :firtesito [intelligencet-]. 1-24, 1840-76. 24 v. 8". g. l^^rtesito ; az archaeologiai bizottsfig kozlonye [intelligencer; journal of the archaeological commission]. Kot. 1-9, 1869-75. 9 v. 8". h. Ertesito ; a mathematikai es termeszettudomanyi osztalyok kozlonye [intelligencer ; journal of the mathematical and natural science di- visions]. Kot. 1-6, 1860-66. 6 v. 8". i. Ii^rtesit ; a m. t. akad. rendeletebol szerkeszti a fotitkiir; legiijabb folyani [intelligencer ; . . . latest series]. 1-9, 1867-75. 9 v. 8". Nev- es targynmtato {register-).. 1-8 (1875). 224 AUSTRIA. j. fivkonyvek [awna^5]. Kot. 8-14, 1845-76 (18G0-76). 7 v. 4". (Kot. 8, 1844-47 (1860), concerns the tarsas&g, but was published by the aka- demia. For earlier volumes, see 3373, c.) k. Hazai es kiilfoldi folyoiratok magyar tudomanyos repertoriuma [hun- garian scientific repertory of home and foreign journals']. 1 oszt. ; tortenelem es segedtudomanyai [history and kindred knowledge']. 1778-1873 (1874). 1 v. 8". 2 oszt. ; termeszettudomany es mathe- raaXiksi \jiatural science and mathematics]. 1778-1874(1876). 1 v. 8". I. Jegyzeke az akad. altal kiadott konyveknek jelentekenyen leszsillitott araicon [catalogue of works published by the academy and selling at reduced prices]. 1875. 1 n. 8°. m. Jegyzokonyvek [note-books]. Kot. 1-4, 1863-66 (1864-66). 4 v. 8". n. Legtiineti eszleletek (observationes meteorologicae cura et auspiciis commissionis niathematico-physicae). Kot. 1, 1866. 1 v. f". o. Magyarorszagi regeszeti emlekek (monumenta Hungariae archaeolo- gica). Kot. 1-3, 1869-75. 3 v. 4". p. Mathematikai es termeszettudoraanyi kozlemenyek vonatkozolag a hazai viszonyokra [mathematical and natural science communications relating to home topics]. Kot. 1-14, 1861-76. 14 v. 8°. q. Monumenta Hungariae archaeologica. (See o.) r. Observationes meteorologicae. (See w.) s. Termeszettudomanyi palyamunkak [prize essays in natural science]. Kot. 4, 1858. 1 V. 8°. (For earlier volumes, see 3373,/.) t. tJj magyar muzeum ; egyszersraind a magyar akademia kozlonye [new hungarian museum ; at the same time journal of the hungarian academy]. Vol. 1-12, 1850-60. 12 v. 8°. (See also 3373.) 3373. Budapest. — Magyar tudos t^rsas^g [hungarian scientific society]. a. Astronomiai naplo es kalendariom [astronomical diary and calendar]. 1840. 1 V. 8". (Apparently distinct from 6.) b. Astronomiai napkonyv (naplo) es kalenddriom [astronomical diary and calendar]. 1838-43. 6 v. 8°. (Preceded and followed by e.) c. Evkonyvek [annals]. Kot. 1-7, 1831-44 (1833-46). 7 v. 4".. (For continuation, see 3372,/.) d. Mathematikai palyamunkak [mathematical prize essays]. Kot. 1-2, 1844-47. 2 V. 8° e. ^evkonyy [directory]. 1832-37. 4 n. 8". — 1844-48. 5 n. and v. 8". (See also b.) f. Termeszettudomanyi palyamunkak [prize essays in natural science]. Kot. 1-3, 1837-44. 3 v. 8° (For cont., see 3372, s.) g. Tudomanytar [scientific magazine). Kot. 1-36, 1834-44. 36 v. 8". (See also 3372.] 337c«*. Budapest ? — Militiirische blatter fiir Ungarn ; periodisclie zeitschrift fiir kriegswissenschaft ; von Walter. Jahrg. 1, 1868. 1 v. 3374. Budapest. — Miiegyetemi lapok; havi folyoirat a mathematikai, termc- szettudomiinyi es a technikai tudomanyok k()rebdl [polytechnic in- stitute journal; monthly magazine for problems in mathematical, natural and technical science]. Kot. 1, 1876. 1 v. 8**. 3375. Budapest. — Naturwissenschaffclicher verein. a. Mittheilungen. Bd. 1-7, 1860 ?-67. 7 v. 8". 3376. Budapest. — Kais.-kon. ober-realschule der kon. freien hauptstadt Ofen. a. Jahresbericht. 1-6, 1856-61. 6 n. 8". 3377. Budapest. — Az orvosi 6s termeszettudonu'inyok mezejen megjelent konyvek teljes lajstroma [complete register of books relating to medi- cine and natural sciencf]. 1862. 9 n. 8°. 3378. Budapest. — Pester ober-gymnasium. a. Progrannn. 1856-58. 2 n. 4". 3379. Budapest. — Stadtische ober-realschule. a. Programm. 1856-57. 3379 . Budapest. — Termeszet [wa^wrc] ; szerk. Kunoss. 1838. 1 v. 4". 3380. Budapest. — Tcrmeszet [nature]; nepszorii lap termeszettudomanyi s foldirati ismeretek tcrjesztest're (amiivclt magyar kozonseg szanuira) ; szerk. Berecz. Kot. 1-8, 1868-76. 8 v. 8". 3380". Budapest. — Termeszetbaratok es vaddszok evkonyve [naturalists' and sportsmen's annual] ; szerk. Lazar. £vf. 1, 1867. 1 v. 8". AUSTRIA. 225 3380*. Budapest. — A termeszeti, gazdasagi es mesters^gi esmeretek tdra [magazine of natural, economical, and technical knowledge^. 1, i-ii, 1829. Iv. 8« Budapest. — Termeszettudomanyi kozlony. (See 3371, e.) 3381. Budapest. — Tudomanyos gyiijtemeny [scientific miscellany'] ; szerk. Landerer. Fiiz. 1-300, 1817-41. 25 v. 8°. Budapest. — Tudomanytar. (See 3373, e.) Budapest. — "Cj magyar muzeum. (See 3372, 5.) 3382. Budapest. — Kon. ungarische central-anstalt fiir meteorologie und erdmagnetismus. a. Jahrbiicher. 1-3, 1871-73 (1873-75). 3 v. 4«. 3383. Budapest. — Kon. ungarische geologische anstalt. a. Mittheilungen aus dem jahrbuche. Bd. 1-5 i, 1871-76. 5 v. 8iiowitz. — Kais.-kon. ober-gymnasium. a. Jaliresbericht iiber den zustand. 1856. h. Programm. 1861. 1 n. 4". Delmagyarorszagi termeszettudomanyi t^rsulat. (See 3544.) Deutsche communal-ober-realschule. (See 3459.) Kais.-kon. deutsches ober-gymnasium. (See 3475.) Kais.-kon. deutsche ober-realschule. (See 3497.) 3394. Eger. — Az egri kath. nagy-gymnasium. a. Programm. 1-8, 1851-58. 8 n. 8"^. Eger. — Magyar orvosok es termeszetvizsgdlok nagygytilese. 1868. (See 3346). 3395. Eger. — Kais.-kon. ober-gymnasium. a. Programm. 1858. Elisabettina, Imp. reg. scuola reale. (See 3524.) Elopatak. — Magyar orvosok es termeszetvizsg^lok nagygyiil6se. 1875. (See 3346.) Enns, Geogn.-montanist. verein fiir . . . das land ob der. (See 3401.) Enns, Vaterland. verein z. bildung eines mus. f. das herzogthum Oesterreich ob der. (See 3466.) 226 AUSTRIA. Erd61yi muzeum-egylet. (See 3439.) Erzgebirge, Montanistischer verein im. (See 3431.) 3396. Feldkirch. — Kais.-kon. gymnasiimi. a. Programm. 1853. Ferdinandeum. (See 3424.) Ferdinando-Massimiliano, Civico museo. (See 3553.) Fiume. — Magyar orvosok es termeszetvizsg^lok nagygyiilese. 1869. (See 3346.) Francisco-Carolinum, Museum. (See 3463.) 3397. Gorz. — Kais.-kon. akademisches gymnasium. a. Programm. 1852, 1854. 3398. Gorz. — Kais.-kon. ober- und unter-gymnasium. a. Jaliresbericht. 1850. 3399. Gratz. — Akademischer naturwissenschaftlicher verein. a. Jaliresbericht. 1, 1875. 1 n. 8". 3400. Gratz. — Kais.-kon. erstes staats-gymnasium. a. Jaliresbericht. 1870-74. 5 n. 4". 3401. Gratz. — Geognostisch-montanistischer verein fur Inner-Oesterreich und das land ob der Enns. a. Berichte. 1-5? 1847-51. 5? n. 8". (For continuation, see 3402.) 3402. Gratz. — Geognostiscb-montanistischer verein fur Steiermark. a. Bericht. 1-13, 1852-G4. 13 n. 8''. (For earlier vol., see 3401.) 3403. Gratz. — Kais.-kon. gymnasium. a. Programm. 1859. 1 n. 4°. 3404. Gratz. — Handbucli fiir liebhaber der natur und oconomie. Jahrg. 1-2, 1788-89. 4v. 8». 3405. Gratz. — Institut fiir physiologie und histologie an der universitat. a. Untersuchungen. Bd. 1, 1870-73. 1 v. 8« 3406. Gratz. — Jahrlmch fiir physiker, chemiker, mineralogen, techniker, pharmaceuten und alle freunde der naturwissenschaften und technolo- gie ; enthaltend die fortschritte der physik, chemie, mineralogie, geologic und technologic ; von Hessler. 1833(1835). 1 v. 8°. 3407. Gratz. — Joanneum. a. Kecueil. 4°. (Agassiz.) h. Steyermarkische zeitschrift ; herausgegeben vom ausschusse des lese- vereins am joanneum. 1. Heft 1-12, 1821-34. 12 v. 8*1 2. Jahrg. 1-9, 1835-48. 9 v. '%". (See also 3412.) 3408. Gratz. — Naturwissenschaftlicher verein fiir Steiermark. a. Mittheilungen. Bd. 1-2, 1863-71. 2 v. 8°. (heft 1 reprinted in 1870) ; jahrg. 1872-76. 5 v. 8". 3409. Gratz. — Kais.-kon. ober-gymnasium. a. Programm. 1868-69. 2 n. 4*^. 3410. Gratz. — Sirius ; zeitschrift fiir populiire astronomic ; von Falb. 1. Bd. 1-5, 1868-72. 5 v. 8° 2. Bd. 1-4 (6-9), 1873-76. 4 v. 8°. 3411. Gratz. — Steierischer gebirgs-verein. a. Jahrbuch. Jahrg. 1-2, 1873-74 (1875). 2 v. 8«. 3412. Gratz. — Steiermarkisch-standisches joanneum. a. Jahresbericht. 1-65, 1814 ?-76. (S^ n. 4**. (See also 3407.) 3413. Gratz. — Steiermarkisch-standische (landschaffcliche) ober-realschule. a. Jahresbericht. 1-25, 1852-76. 25 n. 8". 3414. Gratz. — Steiermarkisch-standische montanlehranstalt zu Vordernberg. a. Jahrbuch. Bd. 1-3, 1848-50. 3 v. S''. (For continuation, see 3573, a.) Gratz. — Steyermarkische zeitschrift. (See 3407, a.) Gratz. — Universitat : institut fiir physiol. und histologie. (See 3405.) Gratz. — Versammlung der deutschen naturf. und arzte. (See 2220.) 3415. Gratz. — Kais.-kon. zweites staats-gymnasium. a. Programm. 1, 1870. 1 n. 4°. Gompendorf. — Selbststandige wiener kommunal-realschule in der vorstadt. (See 3634.) AUSTRIA. 227 Gyor. — Magyar orvosok §s term§szetvizsg&16k nagygyiilese. 1874. (See 3346.) Hermannstadt. — Evangel, gymnasium a. b in Bistritz. (See 3349.) Hermannstadt. — Evangel, gymnasium in Schassburg. (See 3536.) 3416. Hermannstadt. — Gymnasium a(ugsburger) c(onfession). a. Programm des . . . und der mit demselben verbundenen lehranstalten. 1851-71 (1852-71). 20 n. 4°. 3417. Hermannstadt. — Kais.-kon. katholisches staats-gymnasium. a. Programm und jahresbericht. 1856. In. 4". 3418. Hermannstadt. — Sachsische nations-universitat. a. Verhandlungen ; nacli dem sitzungs-protokoUe. Heft 1-2, 1861. Iv. 16". 3419. Hermannstadt. — Siebenbiirgischer verein fiir naturwissenschaften. a. Verhandlungen und mittheilungen. Jahrg. 1-26, 1849-76. 26 v. 8". 3420. Hermannstadt. — Verein fiir siebenbiirgische landeskunde. a. Archiv. 1. Bd. 1-4, 1843 ?-50. 4 v. 85. 29 v. 8°. (Probably continued to present time. Preceded by 3709, c.) RUSSIA. 247 h. Utcheniya zapiski vtoravo otdieleniya [^scientific memoirs of the second section']. Tom. 1-7, 185o?-63. 7 v. 8". c. Utcheniya zapiski pervavo i tretiavo otdieleniya [scientific memoirs of the first and third sections']. Tom. 1-9, 1853-76? 9 v. 8°. d. Ziii>\ski [memoirs]. Tom. 1-8, 1861 ?-65. 8 v. 8**. (For earlier series, see 3707, e.) (See also 3699, 3706, 3707, 3709.) 3711. St. Peterburg. — Allgemeine nordische annalen der chemie fiir die freunde der naturkunde und arzneiwissenschaft, insbesondere der pharmacie, arzneimittellehre, physiologie, physik, mineralogie und technologic im russischen reiche; von Scherer. Bd. 2-8, 1819-22. 7 V. 8° (For bd. 1, see 2731.) 3712. St. Peterburg. — Annuaire du journal des mines de Russie. Bd. 1-9, 1835-42 (1840-45). 9 v. 8°. (Cf. 3724, a.) St. Peterburg. — Annuaire metcorologique et magnetique. (See 3717, a.) 3713. St. Peterburg. — Arkeografitcheskaya kommissiya pri ministerstvie narodnavo prosvieshtcheniya [archaeological commissioti of the ministry of public instrudioQi]. a. Lietopis zaniatii [annals of the labors]. 1-2, 186 — 62. 2 n. 8". (See also 3716.) 3714. St. Peterburg. — Imp. arkeologitcheskoye obshtchestvo [imp. archaeo- logical society], a. Izviestiya [bulletin:]. 1. Tom. 1-2, 1859-61. 2 v. 4°. 2. Tom. 1-2, 1869-71. 2 V. 4°. St. Peterburg. — Beitrage zur kenntniss des russischen reiches. (See 3709, a.) St. Peterburg. — Beitrage zur pflanzenkunde des russischen reiches. (See 3709, b.) 3715. St, Peterburg. — Kais. botanischer garten. a. Schriften aus dem ganzen gebiete der botanik. Bd. 1-2, 18 — 53. 2 v. 8**. (See also 3722, 3743.) 3716. St. Peterburg. — Commission imper. archeologique. a. Conipte-rendu. 1859-62 (1860-63). 4 v. 4°. b. Recueil d'antiquites de la Scythie. Livr. 1-2, 187- 73. 2 v. 4°. (See also 3713.) 3717. St. Peterburg. — Corps des ingenieurs des mines de Russie. a. Annuaire meteorologique et magnetique, ou recueil d'observations meteorologiques et magnetiques faites dans I'etendue de I'empire de Russie. 1837-46(1839-49). 10 v. 4°. (Cf. 3707, o.) St. Peterburg. — Correspondance meteorologique. (^See 3708, a.) St. Peterburg. — Etnografitcheski zbornik. (See 3741,/.) 3718. St. Peterburg. — Kais. geographische gesellschaft. a. Repertoriumfiirmeteorologie. Bd. 1-3, 1860-64. 3 v. 4°. (Cf. 3709, c?.) (See also 3741, etc.) 3719. St. Peterburg. — Kais. gesellschJift fiir die gesammte mineralogie. a. Verhandlungen. Jahrg. 1862-63. 2 v. 8°. (Preceded by 3738, a, 1 ; followed by 3738, a, 2.) (See also 3726, 3737, 3738.) St. Peterburg. — Gornoi zhurnal. (See 3724, «.) 3720. St. Peterburg. — Hidrografitcheski departament morskavo minis- terstva [hydrographical office of the navy department], a, Zapiski [memoirs], Tom. 1-10, 1842-52; 10 v. 8". 3721. St. Peterburg. — Hidrografitcheskoye depo [hydrographical bureau], a. Zapiski [memoirs], 1-5, 1835-37. 5 v. 4". 3722. St. Peterburg. — Hortus botanicus imperialis petropolitanus. a. Index seminum. (l)-ll, 1845-58. 11 n. 8". 1858-69. 10 n. 8". b. Sertum petropolitanum seu icones et descriptiones plantarum quae . . . floruerent. Livr. 1-4, 1846-69. 4 n. f° (See also 3715, 3743.) 3723. St. Peterburg. — Inzhenct-ny zhurnal [engineering journal]. 1868-76. 9 V. 8". 3724. St. Peterburg. — Korpus gornikh inzheneroff [cor;?s of mining engineers]. a, Gornoi zhurnal, izdavayemy utchenym komitetom [minirig journal issued by the scientific committee]. God 1825-76. - v. 8" (Four volumes per annum are now issued.) (See also 3712.) 248 RUSSIA. St. PeterWrg. — Materiyaly dla geologii Rossii. (See 3744, a.) 3725. St. Peterburg. — Kais. medicinisch-chirurgische akademie. a. Journal de medccine et d'histoire naturelle. (See 6.) h. Journal der natur- und heilkunde (journal de medecine et d'histoire naturelle). 1840. 8°. St. Peterburg, — Meteorologitcheski zbornik. (See 3709, tZ.) St. Peterburg. — Meteorologitcheskoye obozrienie. (See 3708, a.) 3726. St. Peterburg. — Miiieralogitcheskoye obshtchestvo [mineralogical society^. a. Trudy [transactions']. Tom. 1-2, 1830-42. 2 v. 8". (Followed by 3738, a.) (See also 3719, 3737, 3738.) 3727. St. Peterburg. — Morski shtab yevo imp. vielitchestva [naval staff of his imp. highness']. a. Zapiski utchenavo komiteta [memoirs of the committee of in-struction]. 1828-42. 16 V. 8 1865. In 1872 the society was merged in 3775.) 3777. Bombay. — Bombay government. a. Selections from the records. 1. 1-15, 1852-55. 15 v. f. 2. 1-118, 1854-71. 118 n. and v. roy. 8". b. Selections from the records ; irrigation series. 1, 1866. 1 v. 8". Bombay. — Geographical society. (See 3776.) Bombay. — Government of Bombay. (See 3777.) 3778. Bombay. — Government observatory. a. Magnetical and meteorological observations in the years 1865-70 (1872). 1 V. 4«. 3779. Bombay. — Medical and physical society. a. Transactions. 1. No. 1-10, 1836-51. 10 v. 8". 2. No. 1-10, 1852- 70. 10 v. 8". Buitenzorg. — Jardin botanique. (See 3769.) Calcutta. — Archaeological survey of western India. (See 3813.) Calcutta. — Asiatick researches. (See 3790, a.) 3780. Calcutta. — Asiatic society of Bengal. a. Journal. Vol. 1-33, 1832-64. 33 v. 8°. Appendix, 1832-40. 2 n. 81 Index, 1-23, 1856. 1 v. 8". (Vol. 1-15 are marked new series, be ASIA. 253 cause this is the successor to the asiatic researches. For continuation, see b, c; see also d.) b. Journal ; part 1 ; archaeology and philosophy. Vol. 34-45, 186a-7G. 12 V. 8°. (For earlier vols., see a; see also c.) c. Journal ; part 2 ; natural history and physical science. Vol. 34-45, 18(55-76. 12 V. 8". (For earlier vol., see a; see also 6.) d. Proceedings. 1865-76. 12 v. 8**. (Previous to 1865 the proceedings were included in a.) e. Transactions of the physical class. Pt. 1, 1829. 1 v. 4°. (See also 448, 3775, 3790, 3793, 3795, 3799, 3811, 3822.) 3781. Calcutta. — Calcutta journal of natural history; by McClelland, etc. Vol. 1, 1840. 1 V. 8°. C. i- . . . and miscellany of the arts and sci- ences in India. Vol. 2-8, 1841-48. 7 v. 8". 3782. Calcutta. — Calcutta medical and physical society. a. Quarterly journal. Vol. 1, no. 1, 1837. 1 n. 8". (See also 3789-) 3783. Calcutta. — The engineers' journal and railway chronicle of India and the colonies. Vol. 1-6, 1858-63. 6 v. 4°. Calcutta. — Geological museum. a. Annual report. (See 3784, ft.) 3784. Calcutta. — Geological survey of India. a. Annual report of the superintendent . . . and director of the geologi- cal museum. 1856-58 (1857-59). 3 n. 8".; a. r. of . . . and of the museum of geology. 4-12,1859-67(1860-68). 9 n. 8°. b. Memoirs. Vol. 1-12, 1856-76. 12 v. roy. 8". c. Memjoirs; palaeontologia indica ; being figures and descriptions of the organic remains procured during the progress of the geol. surv. of India. Series 1-11 i, 1861-76. 11 v. and n. 4". Series 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 are complete ; of the others, 1-6 parts each have, been published. Series 1, 3, 5, 6 and 8 form vol. 1-4 of the cretaceous fauna of southern India. d. Palaeontologia indica. (See c.) e. Kecords. Vol. 1-9, 1868-76 (1870-76). 9 v. 8°. 3785. Calcutta. — Gleanings in science. Vol. 1-3, 1829-31. 3 v. 8". 3786. Calcutta. — Government of Bengal. a. Administration report of the meteorological reporter. 1872-74 (1873- 74). 2 n. 4". Report of the meteorological reporter; and adminis- tration report of the meteorological reporter. 1874-76 (1875-76). 2 n. 4". (For earlier reports, see d.) b. General report on the revenue survey; operations of the upper and lower circles. 1870-74 (1872-75). 4 v. f^. c. General report on the topographical surveys of India, and of the sur- veyor-general's department. 1870-74 (1872-75). 4 v. f". d. Report of the meteorological reporter. (See a.) e. Report of the meteorological reporter; meteorological abstract. 1871- 73. 3 n. 4". (For continuation, see a.) Calcutta. — Indian meteorological memoirs. Vol. 1, pt. 1, 1876. 4". 3787. Calcutta. — The Indian journal of medical and pliysical science; bv Eveleigh; new series. 1843-44. 2 v. 8°. (Is 3788 considered the first series ?) 3788. Calcutta. — Indian review and journal of foreign science and the arts; by Corbyn. Vol. 1-3, 1837-38. 3 v. 8". (See 3787.) 3789. Calcutta. — Medical and physical society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-8, 1825-42. 8 v. 8°. (See also 3782.) Calcutta. — Museum of geology. a. Annual report. (See 3784, a.) Calcutta. — Palaeontologia indica. (See 3784, <;.) Calcutta. — Revenue survey. (See 3786, b.) 3790. Calcutta. — The society instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the his- tory and antiquities, the arts, sciences and literature of Asia. a. Asiatick researclies or transactions. Vol. 1-20, 1788-1836 (1801-39). 20 V. 4". Index, 1-18 (1835). 1 v. 4". (See also 448, 1562, 3698, 3775, 3780, 3793, 3795, 3799, 3811, 3822.) 254 ASIA. 3791. Calcutta. — Stray feathers; a journal of ornitliologv for India and its dependencies ; by Hume. Vol. 1-i, 1872-76. 4 v. S". Calcutta. — Topographical survey. (See 3786, c.) 3792. Canton.— The Chinese repository. Vol. 1-20, 1832-51 (1833-51). 20 v. 8". Ceylon branch of the royal asiatic society. (See 3793.) China branch of the royal asiatic society. (See 3795.) China, North-, branch of the royal asiatic society. (See 3811.) 3793. Colombo. — Ceylon branch of the royal asiatic society. a. Journal. No. 1-3, 184- -48. 3 v. 8". ; — 185G-71 (1858-71^ 8 v. 8° (See also 448, 3775, 3780, 3790, 3795, 3799, 3811, 3822.) ' 3794. Debra Dun. — Great trigonometrical survey of India. a. Account of the operations. Vol. 1,1870. 1 v. 4". Synopsis of the results of operations. Vol. 2-4, 1874-75. 3 v. 4". b. General report on the operations, . . . prepared for submission to the government of India. 1862-75 (186- -76). 13 n. and v. P. c. Synopsis. (See a.) Deutsche gesellschaft fiir natur and volkerkunde Ost-Asiens. (See 3823.) 3795. Hong-Kong. — China branch of the royal asiatic society. a. Transactions. Pt. 1-4. 184- -54 (18- -55). 4 v. 8". (See also 448, 3775, 3780, 3790, 3793, 3799, 3811, 3822.) 3796. Hong-Kong. — The China review ; or notes and queries on the far east ; ed. Dennys. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8°. Hong-Kong. — The Chinese repository. (See 3792.) 3797. Hong-Kong. — Notes and queries on China and Japan; a monthly medium of intercommunication for professional and literary men, missionaries and residents in the east generally. Vol. 1-4, 1867-70. 4v. 8«. India, Geological survey of. (See 3784.) India, Great trigonometrical survey of. (See 3794.) India, Magnetic survey of. (See 3802.) India (western), Archaeological survey of. (See 3813.) Indie, Kon. instuut voor ingenieurs ; afdeeling Nederlandsch-. (See 3768.) Indie, Natuurkundige vereeniging in Nederlandsch-. (See 3772.) Indo-Neerlandiae, Societas scientiarum. (See 3772.) Japan, Asiatic society of. (See 3822.) Java, Kon. inst. voor ingenieurs, afdeeling Oostelijk-. (See 3815.) Lahore. — Annual report on meteorological observations. (See 3798.) 3798. Lodiana. — Annual report on meteorological observations registered in the Punjab ; by Niel. Vol. 1-4, 1867-70. 4 v. f". 3799. Madras. — Auxiliary royal asiatic society. a. (Madras) journal of literature and science, published under the aus- pices of the Madras literary society and aux. royal asiatic soc. 1. Vol. 1-17, 1833-51 (1834-51). 17 v. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-6, 1856-61 (1857-61). 6 V. 8^. 3. Pt. 1-2, 1864-66. 2 v. S''. (See also 448, 3775, 3780, 3790, 3793, 3795, 3811, 3822.) 3800. Madras. — Corps of engineers of the Madras presidency. a. lieports ... on various professional subjects connected with the duties of. 1839-46. 2 v. 4". 3801. Madras. — The honourable the East India company's observatory. a. llesult of astronomical observations ; printed by order of the Madras government. Vol. 1-5, 1831-39 (1832-39). 5 v. 4".; vol. 4, 2d. ed., 1836-37 (1839). 1 v. 4". Madras. — Literary society. (See 3799, a.) Madras. — Madras government. (See 3801, a.) Madras. — Madras journal of literature and science. (See 3799, a.) Madras. — Madras presidency, Corps of engineers of. (See 3800.) 3802. Madras. — Magnetic survey of India. a. Reports on the proceedings of the officers. 1-2, 1855. 1 n. 8''. ASIA. 55 3803. Madras. — The phoenix. Vol. 1, 1797. 1 v. 8". Maurice, See. roy. des arts et des sciences de I'ile. (See 3807.) Maurice, Soc. d'histoire naturelle de I'ile. (See 3806.) Mauritius, Meteorological society of. (See 3805.) Mauritius, Royal society of arts and sciences of. (See 3807.) Nederlandsch-Indie, Kon. instituut van ingenieurs ; afdeeling. (See 3768.) Nederlandsch-Indi", Natuurkundige vereeniging in. (See 3772.) Neerlandiae, Societas scientiarum Indo-. (See 3772.) North-China branch of the royal asiatic society. (See 3811.) Oostelijk-Java, Kon. inst. voor ingenieurs; afdeeling. (See 3815.) Ost-Asiens, Deutsche gesellsch. fiir natur- und vdlkerkunde. (8ee 3823.) 3804. Pamplemousses. — Meteorological observatory. a. Results of observations. 1871-74. 4 n. 8°. 3805. Poirt Louis. — Meteorological society of Mauritius. a. Proceedings, etc. 1862. S*'. h. Transactions. Vol. 1-6, 1853-64. 6 v. 8". Port Louis. — Societe roy. des arts et des sciences de I'ile Maurice. a. Proces-verbaux. (See 3807, c.) 3806. Port Louis. — Societe d'histoire naturelle de I'ile Maurice. rt. Proces-verbaux. 1842-46 (1846). 1 v. 8". (Preceded by 6.) h. Rapport (annuel) sur les travaux. 1-13, 1830-42 (1831-43). 12 n. and V. 8". and 4". (Followed by a.') (Followed by 3807.) 3807. Port Louis. — Royal society of arts and sciences of Mauritius (Societe royale des arts et des sciences de I'ile Maurice) . a. Annual report. 1868-70. 3 n. 8« 6. Proceedings. 1846 ?-55. 1 v. 8°. c. Transactions. 1. Vol. 1-2, 1846-50 (1848-52). 2 v. 8°. 2. Ibid (proces-verbaux). Vol. 1-9, 1860-76. 9 v. 8". (Preceded by 3806.) Reunion, Societe des sciences et arts de la. (See 3809.) Roorkee. — Great trigonometrical survey of India. (See 3794.) 3808. Roorkee. — Professional papers on Indian engineering ; by Medley. Vol. 1-4, 1863-68. 4 v. 8". fSh^i-lO) %y, . TUui Sv^it^ , Sinj^ . 3809. St. Denis. — Societe des sciences et arts (de I'ile) de la Reunion. a. Bulletin. 1856-76. 21 v. 8"^. 3810. Samarang. — *Samarangsch genootschap tot bevordering van landbouw en nijverheid. a. Notulen der vergaderingen. 1866-69. 1 v. 8**. Shanghai. — Literary and scientific society. (See 3812.) 3811. Shanghai. — North-China branch of the royal asiatic society. a. Journal. No. 2-4, 1859-6-. 3 v. 8". 2. No: 1-8, 1864-74 (1865-74). 8 V. 8". (For earlier volume, see 3812, a.) h. Report of the council. 1864-68(1865-69). 5 n. 8°. (See also 448, 3775, 3780, 3790, 3793, 3795, 3799, 3822.) 3812. Shanghai. — Shanghai literary and scientific society. a. Journal. No. 1, 1858. 1 v. 8°. (For continuation, see 3811, a.) 3813. Simla. — Archaeological survey of (western) India. a. Reports of the season's operations. Vol. 1-6, 1862-74 (1871-76). 6 v. 8°. and 4". 3814. Singapore. — Journal of the Indian archipelago and eastern Asia. 1. Vol. 1-9, 1847-55. 9 v. 8° 2. Vol. 1-3, 1856-58. 3 v. 8". 3815. Soerabaija. — Koninklijk instituut voor ingenieurs ; afdeeling Ooste- lijk-Java. a. Indische bijdragen tot bet tijdschrift van bet kon. instituut van in- genieurs. 1869-70. 2 V. 4". (See 825, d.) h. Notulen der vergaderingen. 1868-69. 8°. (See 825, 3768.) 3816. Tokio. — Geological survey of Yesso. a. Preliminary report on the season's work; by Lyman. 1, 1874. 1 n. 8". 256 AUSTRALIA, ETC. 3817. Toklo. — jt]^.^^^^ l^oyo shiudan [^Saturday magazine]. 3818. Tokio. — Igakko [^imperial medical college']. a. M^^^$^ lin zsisshi [journal]. Pt. 1-11, 1875-77. 12 n. 12". 3819. Tokio. — fe^'^^-^-S^ K'wangio k'wa zasshi [journal of the indus- trial departm.e)it]. 3820. Tokio. — ^"^^^^^ N6gi6 zasshi [agricultural journal]-, has been j)ublished for two or three years. 3821. Tokio. — ^-^^^k"^^ Sangaku shinshi [journal of mathematics]. Pt. 1-11, 1878. 1 V. 12". 3822. Tokio. — Tokio daigaku [imperial university of Tokio ; depai-tment of law, science and literature]. a. ^^^^kj^>.;^ Gakugei shirin [journal of science and arts]. Pt. 1-1M877-78. 14 n. 12°. 3823. Tokio. — J^"^^*^ ^:^v}l Tokio suiigaku kaisha [mathematical society of Tokio]. a. ^^ Zasshi [journal]. Pt. 1-9, 1878. 1 v. 12° 3824. Trevand. — Trevandrum observatory. a. Keport to the maharajah of Trevancore. 1857. 1 n. 8". (See also 471.) Victoria. -=— The Chinese repository. (See 3792.) Western India, Archaeological survey of. (See 3813.) Yesso, Geological survey of. (See 3816.) 3825. Yokohama. — Asiatic society of Japan. ft. Transactions. Vol. 1-5, 1872-70 (1874-76). 5 v. 8° (The "parts" of the different volumes are separately paged.) (See also 3775, 3780, 3790, 3793, 3795, 3799, 3811.) 3826. Yokohama. — Deutsche gesellschaft fiir natur- und volkerkunde a. Mittheiiungen. Heft 1-11, 1873-76. 11 n. f° AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA ANB NEW. ZEALAND. 3827. Adelaide. — Adelaide philosophical society. a. Annual report and transactions. 1865 (1865) ; 1870 (1873). • 2 n. 4°. 3828. Auckland. — Acclimatisation society. a. Eeport. 3829. Auckland. — Auckland institute. a. Keport. 1875-76 (1876). Australia, Philosophical society of. (See 3859, note.) 3830. Ballaarat. — The school of mines. a. Annual report. (See h.) h. Keport. 1873. 1 n. Annual report. 1877. 1 n. 8°. (Others?) 3831. Dunedin. — Dunedin naturalists' field club. a. Annual report. 1873-75 (1874-76). 3 n. 8**. 3832. Hobart Town. — Royal observatory. a. Magnetioal and meteorological observations. Vol. 1-3, 1841-48 (1850-53). 3 V. 4". 3833. Hobart Town. — Royal society of Tasmania. a. Monthly notices of papers and proceedings. 1868-75 (1869-76). 8 V. 8". h. Keport. 1856-63(1857-64). 8 n. 8°. (For earlier vols., see 3834, 6.) 3834. Hobart Town. — Royal society of Van Diemen's Land. a. Papers and proceedings. Vol. 1-3, 1840-59 (1851-50). 3 v. 8*1 h. Keport. 1847-55(1848-56). 9 n. 8". (For continuation, see 3833, 6.) AUSTRALIA, ETC. 257 3835. Hobart Town. — The tasmanian iournal of natural science, agriculture and statistics. Vol. 1-3, 1841-49. 3 v. 8". Liauncester. — Tasmanian journal of natural science. (See 3835.) 3836. Melbourne. — Acclimatisation society of Victoria. a. lleports ; including proceedings at the annual meeting. 1861-71. 11 n. 8°. (For continuation, see 3849, a..) 3837. Melbourne. — The australian mechanic and journal of science and art; a record of mechanical invention, scientific, artistic, industrial and agricultural progress, patents, copyrights, etc. 1872-73. 2 v. 4°. 3838. Melbourne. — Board of land and works. a. Meteorological report, with diagrams of barometric pressure, etc. 1-2, 1855-57 (1856-57). 2 n. f. 3839. Melbourne. — Board of science. a. Mining surveyors reports, furnished by the mining survey of Victoria. No. 1-15, 1859-60. 15 n. (Continued in 3845, e.) 3840. Melbourne.— Colonial mining journal. Vol. 1-3, 1859-61. 3 v. 8''. Melbourne. — Department of mines. (See 3845.) 3841. Melbourne. — Geological survey of Victoria. a. Prodroraus of tlie palaeontology of Victoria ; or figures and descrip- tions of Victorian organic remains. Decade 1-3, 1874-76. 3 n. 8°. 6. Report of progress. No. (l)-3, 1872-75 (1874-76). 3 v. 8°. 3842. Melbourne. — Meteorological observatory. a. Abstract of meteorological observations taken in Victoria. 1857-58. 3 n. i". Melbourne. — Mineral statistics of Victoria. (See 3845, c.) 3843. Melbourne. — Mining institute of Victoria. a. Transactions. Vol. 1, 1859. 1 v. 8*^. Melbourne. — Mining survey of Victoria. (See 3839, a.) 3844. Melbourne. — Observatory. a. Keport of the board of visitors with the annual report of the govern- ment astronomer. 1-11, 1866-76. 11 n. 4°. h. Results of astronomical observations. Vol. 1-4, 1861-70 (1866-73). 4 V. 8°. c. Results of observations in meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, etc. (with abstracts from meteorological observations obtained at various localities in Victoria). Vol. 1-4, 1872-76. 4 v. 8". 3845. Melbourne. — Office of mines. a. Goldfteld statistics. 1860-63 (1860-64). 4 n. h. Laboratory report of analyses, examinations and assays of specimens for 1874 (1875). 1 n. c. Mineral statistics of Victoria. 1864-75(1864-76). 12 n. f. d. Mining and statistics of gold. No. 1, 1861. 1 n. ; — mining and min- eral statistics. No. 2-3, 1866-73. 2 n. e. Mining surveyors reports. 1861-63. 35 n. f. (Preceded by 3839, a ; followed by h.^ f. Report of the chief inspector of mines to the honourable the minister of mines. 1874-75 (1875-76). 2 n. f". g. Report on the coalfields of Victoria. No. 1-2, 1873. 2 n. h. Reports of the mining surveyors and registrars. 1864-76. 52 n. f°. (Preceded by e.) i. Report of progress ; geological survey of Victoria. (See 3841, i.) 3846. Melbourne. — Philosophical institute of Victoria. a. Transactions. Vol. 2-5, 1856-60. 4 v. 8". (For vol. 1, see 3847, a; for continuation, see 3848, a.) 3847. Melbourne. — Philosophical society of Victoria. a. Transactions . . ., including the papers and proceedings of the society. Vol. 1, 1855. 1 V. 8*^. (For continuation, see 3846, a, 3848, a.) 3848. Melbourne. — Royal society of Victoria. a. Transactions and proceedings. Vol. 6-12, 1861-76. 7 v. 8°. (For earlier transactions of this society, see 3847, a, 3846, a.) 3849. Melbourne. — Zoological and acclimatisation society of Victoria. a. Proceedings and report of the annual meeting. Vol. 1-4, 1872-75. 4 V. 8". (For earlier pu])lication, see 3836, a.) New South Wales, Acclimatisation society of. (See 3851.) New South Wales, Entomological society of. (See 3854.) 258 AUSTRALIA, ETC. New South Wales, Linnean society of. (See 3856.) New South Wales, Philosophical society of. (See 3858.) New South Wales, Royal society of. (See 3859.) New Zealand, Geological survey of. (See 3862.) New Zealand institute. (See 3863.) 3850. Sandhurst. — School of mines. a. Kc'port. 1873. 1 n. 3851. Sydney. — Acclimatisation society of New South Wales. a. Annual reports. 1-7, 1862-68. 7 n. 81 3852. Sydney. — Australian quarterly journal of theology, literature and science ; by Wilton. 1828. 8°. 3853. Sydney. — Department of mines, New South Wales. a. Mines and mineral statistics; annual report. 1, 1875 (1876). 1 v. 4". 3854. Sydney. — Entomological society of New South Wales. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-2, 1803-72 (18G0-73). 2 v. S". (Now merged in 3859.) 3855. Sydney. — Government observatory. a. Meteorological observations (and an abstract from the country sta- tions). 1863-73(1865-74). 11 n. 8« h. Report of the astronomer. 1874-75. 1 n. 8°. (See also 3861.) 3856. Sydney. — Linnean society of New South Wales. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1, 1876-77. 1 v. 8°. 3857. Sydney. — Meteorological observations made at the private observatory of John Tebbutt, jr., the peninsula, Windsor, N. S. Wales. 1863-70 (18G8-7-). 2v. 8°. Sydney. — Observatory. (Sec 3855, 3857, 3861.) 3858. Sydney. — Philosophical society of New South Wales. a. Proceedings. (See 3860.) h. Transactions. Vol. 1, 1862-65 (1866). 1 v. 8°. 3859. Sydney. — Royal society of New South Wales. a. Transactions (and proceedings). Vol. 1-9, 1867-75 (186- -76). 9 v. S**. This society originated in 1821 as the philosophical society of Aus- tralia; after an interval of inactivity it was resuscitated in 1850 under the name of the australian philosoi)hical society ; by wliich title it was known until 1856, when the name was changed to tbe philosophical society of New South Wales ; and finally in May, 1866, it assumed the title given above. (See also 3854.) 3860. Sydney. — The Sydney magazine of science and art, containing by authority the proceedings of the australian horticultural and agricul- tural society and the philosophical society of New South Wales. Vol. 1-3, 1857-59. 3 v. 8°. 3861. Sydney. — Sydney observatory. a. Astronomical (and meteorological) observations. 1859-62 (1860-63?). 4 V. 8". h. Results of meteorological observations made in New South Wales. 1874 (1876). 8". (See also 3855.) Tasmania, Royal society of. (See 3833.) Van Diemen's Land, Royal society of. (See 3834.) Victoria, Acclimatisation society of. (See 3836.) Victoria, Geological survey of. (See 3841.) Victoria, Mining institute of. (See 3843.) Victoria, Philosophical institute of. (See 3846.) Victoria, Philosophical society of. (See 3847.) Victoria, Royal society of. (See 3848.) Victoria, Zoological and acclimatisation society of. (See 3849.) Wellington. — Colonial museum and laboratory. (See 3862, a.) 3862. Wellington. — Geological survey of New Zealand. a. Report on colonial museum and laboratory. 1866-70. 8". , b. Report of progress. 1861-67. 2 n. f '. ; 3-11,1868-76. 9 n. 8°. AFRICA. 259 3863. Wellington. — New Zealand institute. a. Annual report. 1-3, 1809-71. 3 n. S**. b. Transactions and proceedings. Vol. 1-8, 18G8-75 (18G9-76). 8 v. S**. Windsor. — Observatory of John Tebbutt, jr. (See 3857.) AFRICA. African, South, institution. (See 3871.) 3864. Alexandria. — Institut egyptien. a. Bulletin. No. 1-13, 1859-75. 13 n. 8°. 3865. Alger. — Observatoire. a. Observations meteorologiques. Pt. 1, 1871. 1 v. f". 3866. Alger. — Revue des progres de I'Algerie; bulletin officiel des societes scientifiques, theoriques et pratiques de la colonic. No. 1-6, 1850. 1 V. 8"". 3867. Alger. — Societe de climatologie algerienne (de climatologie, sciences physiques et naturelles ; — des sciences physiques, naturelles et climatologiques) . a. Bulletin. Ann. 1-13, 18G-t-7G. 13 v. 8«. 3868. Bdne. — Academic d'hippone, societe des recherches scientifiques et d'accliniatation . a. Bulletin. No. 1-12, 18G6-7G. 12 v. S''. 3869. Cairo. — Societe khediviale de geographic. a. Bulletin trinicstriel. Vol. 1, i-ii, 187G. 1 v. 8". 3870. Cape Town. — Royal observatory. Cape of Good Hope. a. Magnetical and meteorological observations. 1841-46(1851). 1 v. 4''. b. Results of astronomical observations. 1856-74(1871-77). 3 v. 8°. 3871. Cape Town. — South african institution. a. Annual report. 1830. 1 n. 8". b. The south african quarterly journal. 1. No. 1-2, 1829-33. 2 v. 8*1 2. No. 1 i-iii, 1833. 1 v. 8". Constantine. — Musee. a. Album. (See 3872, a.) 3872. Constantine. — Societe archeologique de la province (du departement) de Constantine. a. Album du musee de Constantine. Cah. 1-2, 18G2-63. 2 n. 4°. b. Annuaire. 1853-62. 6 v. 8". c. Recueil des notices et memoires. 1. Vol. 1-10, 1853-66. 10 v. 8". 2. 1-7 (11-17), 1866-75 (1867-7G). 7 v. 8". Egyptien, Institut. (See 3864.) Hippone, Academic d'. (See 3868.) St. Helena. — Magnetical and meteorological observatory. (See 351.) South african institution. (See 3871.) SOUTH AMERICA, MEXICO, AND THE WEST INDIES. Nachricliten von den osterreichischen naturforschern in Brasilicn. (See 3356.) Nitheroy, revista brasiliensc. (See 1468.) Argentina, Observatorio astr. y offic. meteor, de la repiiblica. (See 3878.) Argentina, Sociedad entomologica. (See 3881.) Argentina, Sociedad zoologica. (See 3883.) Argentine meteorological office. (See 3875.) Argentine national observatory. (See 3876.) Bahama society for the diffusion of knowledge. (See 3918.) Belen, Colegio de. (See 3891, 3895.) 3873. Bogota. — Sociedad de naturalistas neo-granadinos. a. Contribuciones de Coloml)ia a las ciencias i a las artes ; boletin. Alio 1-2, 1860-61. 2 v. 8". Brasileiro, Institute historico e geographico. (See 3923.) 260 SOUTH AMERICA, ETC. 3874. Buenos Aires. — Academia nacional de ciencias. a. Actas. Torn. 1, 1875. 1 v. 4". Buenos Aires. — Academia nacional de ciencias exactas existente en la universidad de Cordoba. (See 3887.) 3876. Buenos Aires. — Argentine meteorological ofl&ce. a. Annual report. 1874(1875). 1 v. 8*^. (Continued in 3878, a.) (See also 3878.) 3876. Buenos Aires. — Argentine national observatory. a. Annual report. 1874 (1875). 1 v. 8°. (Continued in 3878, a.) (See also 3878.) 3877. Buenos Aires. — Museo publico. a. Anales . . . , para dar a conocer les objetos de la historia natural nuevos 6 poco conocidos conservados en este establecimiento. Vol. 1-2, 18G4-74. 2 v. f°. (See also 3882.) 3878. Buenos Aires. — Observatorio astronomic© y oficina meteorologica de la reptiblica argentina. a. Informes presentados al ministerio de instruccion publica por el director de ambas instituciones. 1875 (1876). 1 n. 8". (For earlier reports see 3875, a, 3876, a.) Buenos Aires. — Periodico zoologico. (See 3881, a, 3883, a.) 3879. Buenos Aires. — El Plata, cientifico y literario ; revista de los estados del Plata sobre legislacion, jurisprudencia, economia-politica, ciencias naturales y literatura ; dir. Viola. 1-8, 1854-55. 8 n. 8°. • 3880. Buenos Aires. — Sociedad cientifica. a. Anales cientifices argentinos. 1874-76. 2 v. 8°. 3881. Buenos Aires. — Sociedad entomologica argentina. a. Periodico zoologico ; organo de la soc. Tom. 1, entr. 1, 1874. 1 n. 8". (For continuation, see 3883, a.) 3882. Buenos Aires. — Sociedad paleontologica. a. Acta (de las reuniones). 1866-68. (Bound with 3877, a.) 3883. Buenos Aires. — Sociedad zoologica argentina. a. Periodico zoologico ; organo de la §oc. Tom. 1 ii-2, 1875-76. 2 v. 8". (For 1 i, see 3881, a.) 3884. Buenos Aires. — Universidad. a. Memoria. 1870 (1871). 8-^. 3885. Caracas. — El repertorio ; periodico de ciencias, literatura, etc. 1845. 8°. 3886. Caracas. — Sociedad de ciencias f 'isicas y naturales. a. Vargasia; boletin. Vol. 1, no. 1-7, 1868-70. 1 v. S*". Chile, Universidad de. (See 3935.) 3887. Cordoba. — Academia nacional de ciencias exactas existente en la uni- versidad. a. Boletin. Tom. 1, 1874-75. 1 v. 8". Cordoba. — Sociedad zoologica argentina. (See 3883.) Cordoba. — Universidad. (See 3887.) Guanabarensa, Bibliotheca. (See 3929.) 3888. Habana. — Real academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales. a. Anales ; revista cientifica. Vol. 1-12, 1864-76. 12 v. 8". 3889. Habana. — Anales de ciencias, agricultura, comercio y artes ; por Sagra. Vol. 1-4, 1827-31. 4 v. 8'^. 3890. Habana. — Boletin cientifico. 1842. 1 v. 8". (Continued in 3897.) 3891. Habana. — Colegio de Belen de la compania de Jesus. a. Obscrvaciones magneticas y meterologicas hechas por los alumnos. 1869-74 (1870-75)^. 6 n. 8". and 4". (For earlier series, see 3895, a.) (See also 3895.) 3892. Habana. — El genio cientifico ; periodico de ciencias fisico-quimicas y naturales y de sus aplicaciones d las denias ciencias li la industria y a las artes ; ilir. Melero. Vol. 1-3, 1873-75. 3 v. 8". 3893. Habana. — Reales juntas de fomento y sociedad economica. tt. Anales. Vol. 1-3, 184'J-50. 3 v. 8°. (See also 3898, e.) (See also 3898.) 3894. Habana. — Observatorio fisico-meteorico. a. Anuario. Alio 1, torn. 1, 1862 (186'J). 1 n. 8". SOUTH AMERICA, ETC. 261 3895. Habana. — Observatorio magnetico y meteorologico del real colegio de Belen de la compaiiia de Jesus. a. Kesumen de las observaciones. 1865-67. 3 v. 8°. (For continu- ation, see 3891, a.) 3896. Habana. — Rcpertorio fisico-natural de la isla de Cuba ; por Poey. Vol. 1-2, 1865-68. 2 v. 8°. 3897. Habana. — Eepertorio medico-habanero y boletin cientifico ; red. Mi- randa, etc. Tom. 2-3, 1843-44. 2 v. 8°. (For vol. 1, see 3890.) 3898. Habana. — (Real) sociedad economica (de amigos del pais) . a. (Acta de las) juntas generales. 1829-71 (1830-72). 43 v. 8". h. Anales. (See e.) c. Anales de foniento. (See e.) d. Juntas generales. (See a.) e. Memorias. 1. Tom. 1-20, 1817-4-. 20 v. 8°. 2d ed., tom. 1-20, 1835- 55. 20 V. 8". 2. Tom. 1-7, 1846-49. 7 v. 8°. 3. Anales y me- morias de la real junta de foment© y de la real sociedad economica ; nueva serie. Tom. 1-7, 1853-56. 7 v. 8". 4. Memorias de la real soc. . . • y anales de fomento. Tom. 1-9, 1858-64. 9 v. 4''. 5. Tom. 10-11, 1865-66. 2 V. 8*^. (For volumes betM^een series 2 and 3, see 3893.) 3899. Habana. — Real'sociedad patriotica. a. Memorias. Vol. 1-14, 1836-42. 14 v. 8"^. 3900. Habana. — Universidad. a. Memoria acerca del estado de la enseiianza. 1865-66 (1866). 1 v. 8". Humboldt, Sociedad. (See 3913.) Jamaica society of arts. (See 3902.) 3901. Kingston. — The Jamaica pbysical journal; by Paul. No. 1, 1834. 1 v. 8". 3902. Kingston. — Jamaica society of arts. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-4, 1854-61. 4 v. 4°. 3903. Kingston. — Society for the encouragement of horticulture and agri- culture and the arts connected with them. a. Proceedings (transactions in text). 1825. 1 n. 4°. b. Transactions. (See a.) 3904. Linia. — Memorias de ciencias naturales y de industria nacional y estran- jcra; daKiviero, etc. Vol. 1-3, 1827-28. 3 v. 4°. 3905. Lima. — Mercurioperuano. 1791-94. 10 v. 4° Matanzas. — Liceo. (See 3906.) 3906. Matanzas. — Seccion de ciencias ffsicas y naturales del liceo. a. Anuario. Mexicana, Institute nac. de geogr. y estad. de la republica. (See 3909.) Mexicana, Sociedad geogr. y estad. de la rej)ublica. (See 3912, 3915.) Mexicana, Sociedad, de historia natural. (See 3916.) Mexicana, Sociedad minera. (See 3917.) 3907. Mexico. — Anales de la mineria mexicana; 6 sea, revista de minas, metalurgia mecanica y de las ciencias de aplicacion a la mineria. Vol. 1, 1861. 1 v. 8". 3908. Mexico. — Boletin de la geografia y cstadistica de la rei)ublica mexicana, presentado al supremo gobierno por le comission de estadistica militar. No. 1-7, 1849. 1 V. 8-^. 3909. Mexico. — Institute nacional de geografia y estadistica de la republica mexicana. a. Boletin. I. Boletin de la sociedad mexicana de geografia y esta- distica. 1. Vol. 1-11, 1861-65. 11 V. 8^. (For continuation, see 3912, a.) (See also 3912, 3915.) Mexico. — La naturaleza. (See 3916, a.) Mexico. — El propagador industrial. (See 3917, a.) 3910. Mexico. — Kegistro trimestre ; 6 coleccion de memorias de historia, litera- tura, ciencias y artes ; por una sociedad de literatos. Vol. 1-2, 1832- 33. 2 V. 8". 3911. Mexico. — llevista mexicano ; periodic© cientifico y literario. Tom. 1, 1835. 1 V. 8". 262 SOUTH America, etc. 3912. Mexico. — Sociedad geografica y estadistica de la republica mexicana. a. Boletin. 2. Sej^unda epoca. Tom. 1-4, 1809-72. 4 v. 8°. 3. Ter- cera epoca. Tom. 1-3, 1873-76. 3 v. 8". (For first series, see 3909, a.) (See also 3909, 3915.) 3913. Mexico. — Sociedad Humboldt. a. Anales ; periodico inensual, organo de la asociacion del mismo nombre. Vol. 1, 1872-7G. 1 V. 8". Mexico. — Sociedad de literates. (See 3910.) 3915. Mexico. — Sociedad mexicana de geografia y estadistica. a. lioletin. (See 3909, a.) h. Kesefia de los trabajos eieiitificos. 1802-G3 (1863-04.) 2 n. 8". (Published in 3909, a.) (See also 3909, 3912.) 3916. Mexico. — Sociedad mexicana de historia natural. a. La naturaleza; periodico cientifico. Vol. 1-4 i, 1809-70. 4 v. 8". 3917. Mexico. — Sociedad minera mexicana. a. El propagador industrial, consagrado exclusivamente a todas las niejoras niateriales y con especialidad a la mineria y ciencias anexas. Vol. 1, 1875. 1 V. 4". 3918. Nassau. — Bahama society for tbe diffusion of knowledge. a. Journal. 1837. 8°. Neo-granadinos, Sociedad de naturalistas. (See 3873.) 3919. Pernambueo. — Brazil agricola, industrial, commercial, scientific©, lit- terario e noticioso. 1803-04. 2 v. 8". 3920. Port au Prince. — Cercle des philadelphes. a. Menioires. Vol. 1, 1788. 1 v. 8". (Medical?) 3921. Port of Spain. — Scientific association of Trinidad. a. Proceedings. Pt. 1-10, 1860-73 (1800-73). 2 v. 8°. h. Transactions? 3922. Rio de Janeiro. — Annaes meteorologices ; pelo de Mella. 1851-02 (1858-64). 2 n. 4". 3923. Rio de Janeiro. — Institute historico e geographico brasileiro (his- torico, geographico e ethnographico do Brazil). a. Memorias. Vol. 1, 1839. 1 v. 8". h. Revista (trimensal de historia e geografia: jornal). 1. Tom. 1-7, 1839- 45. 7v. 8°. 2. Tom. 1-5 (8-12), 1846-50. 5 v. 8°. 3. Tom. 13-31, 1851-08.' 19 V. %"". 2d ed. Tom. 1-4, 1850-63. 4 v. 8". Rio de Janeiro. — Investiga^oens historicas e scientificas. (See 3925, 6.) 3924. Rio de Janeiro. — Minerva brasiliense ; jornal de sciencias, lettras e artes. Vol. 1-5, 1843-47. 5 v. 3925. Rio de Janeiro. — Museu (imperial e) nacional. a. Archivos. Vol. 1, 1870. 1 v. 4'^. h. Investiga^oens historicas c scientificas. 3926. Rio de Janeiro. — Palestra scientifica. a. Archivos. 1858. 4". 3927. Rio de Janeiro. — O propagador das sciencias medicas, ou annals de me- decina, chirurgia e pharmacia ; para o imperio do Brazil ; o nazoes estrangeras, seguidas de hum bolotim especialmente consagrado as sciencias naturales, zoologia, botanica, etc. ; por Sigaud. 1827. 1 V. 8'\ 3928. Rio de Janeiro. — Revista brazileira; jornal de sciencias, lettras e artes ; por Oliveira. Vol. 1-3, 1857-01. 3 v. 8". Rio de Janeiro. — Revista trim, de historia e geografia. (See 3923, h.) 3929. Rio de Janeiro. — Sociedade vellosiana Tbibliotheca guanabarensa). a. Traballios. Vol. 1, 1852. 4". Santiago de Chile. — Annuario hidrografico. (See 3933, a.) 3930. Santiago. — Observatorio nacional. a. Ohservaciones astronomicas. Tom. 1-2, 1853-00 (1859-75). 2 v. 4". 3931. Santiago. — Observatorio astronomico. a. Ohvservacioni's meteorologicas hechas en el ... i en el faro de Val- paraiso (conumicadas a la universidad de Chile). 1805-08 (1806- 69). 4 n. 8". UNITED STATES. 263 3932. Santiago. — Oficina central meteorologica. a. Anuurio. Auo 1-4, 1869-72. 4 v. 8°. 3933. Santiago. — Oficina (de la marina) . a. Anuario hidrografico de la marina de Chile, publicado por la oficina . respectiva. Ano 1, 1875. 1 v. 8". 3934. Santiago. — Revista de ciencias i letras ; red. Bello. 1, 1857. 1 n. 8". 3935. Santiago. — Universidad de Chile. a. Anales (o repertorio de instruccion publica, huraanidades, literatura, filosofia i ciencias niatemiiticas, fisicas, medicas, legales, politicas i sagradas). Vol. 1-50, 1843-76. 50 v. 8°. Apendice, 1871 (1872). 1 V. 8". Indice, 1856. 1 v. 8°. 6. Observaciones meteorologicas. (See 3931, a.) Trinidad, Scientific association of. (See 3921.) 3936. Valparaiso. — Revista de Sud-America. Tom. 1-3, 185- -62. 3 v. 8°. (Scientific?) Vellosiana, Sociedade. (See 3929.) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 3937. American association for the advancement of science. a. Daily programme of tlie . . . meeting. 8, 10-14, 16-25, 1854-76. 16 n. 8". b. Proceedings. Meeting 1-24, 1848-75 (1849-76). 24 v. 8". 3938. American institute of mining engineers. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-4, 1871-76 (1873-76). 4 v. 8". 3939. Association of american geologists (and naturalists). a. Abstract of the proceedings. 6, 1845. 1 n. 8". (For earlier vol- umes, see b.) b. (Anniversary) address, . . . with an abstract of the proceedings. 1840-44 (1841-44). 4 n. 8°. (For continuation, see a.) c. Reports of the meetings . . . embracing its proceedings and transac- tions. 1-3, 1840-42 (1843). 1 v. 8°. Adirondack wilderness, Topographical survey of. (See 3951.) Agassiz institute. (See 4289.) Alabama ; for state reports, see under Montgoniex*y. Albany. — Agriculture of New York. (See 3945.) . 3940. Albany. — Albany institute. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-2 i, 1865-74 (1870-74). 2 v. 8". b. Transactions. Vol. 1-8, 1828-76 (1830-76). 8 v. 8°. Albany. — Amer. assoc. for the advancement of science. (See 3937.) Albany. — American geographical society. a. Annual report. (See 4168, a.) 3941. Albany. — American (quarterly) journal of agriculture and science; by Emmons, etc. Vol. 1-6 v, 1845-47. 4 v. 8° Albany. — Astron. journal ; by Gould. (See 4016.) Albany. — Astronomical notices ; by Brunnow. (See 3958.) 3942. Albany. — Commissioners of state parks of the state of New York. a. Annual report. 1, 1873. 1 n. 8°. 3943. Albany. — Dudley observatory. a. Annals. Vol. 1-2, 1866-71. 2 v. 8^. b. Report by the astronomer in charge. 1863. 1 n. 8°. Albany. — A flora of the state of New York. (See 3945.) 3944. Albany. — Geological survey of the state. a. Communication from the governor (transmitting several reports). 1837-41, Albany. 5 v. 8°. —2d ed. of the first under the title, the New York geological and mineralogical reports for 1837 (1840), Albany. 1 v. 8°. (See also 3945.) Albany. — Geology of New York. (See 3945.) Albany. — Institute. (See 3940.) Albany. — Mineralogy of New York. (See 3945.) 264 UNITED STATES. 3945. Albany. — Natural history of New York. Part 1, zoology of New York, or the New York fauna ; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed witliin the state of New York, with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by appropriate illustrations ; by DeKay. Ft. 1-6, 1842-44, Albany. 6 V. 4". (Bound in 5.) — Part 2, botany ; a flora of the state of New York, comprising full descriptions of all the indigenous and naturalized plants hitherto discovered in this state, with remarks on their eco- nomical and medicinal properties ; by Torrey. Vol. 1-2, 1843, Albany. 2.V. 4". — Parts, mineralogy; mineralogy of New York, comprising detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in tlie state of New York, and notices of their uses in the arts and agriculture ; by Beck. 1842, Albany. 1 v. 4'. — Part 4, geology; geology of New York; by Mather, etc. Pt. 1-4, 1842-43. 4 v. 4°. — Part 5, agri- culture ; agriculture of New York, comprising an account of the classi- fication, composition and distribution of the soils and rocks, and the natural waters of the different geological formations ; together with a condensed view of the climate and the agricultural productions of the state (together with descriptions of the more common and injurious speci Claremont. 2 v. 4''. (Cf. 4138, 4139 ; and also 4137, 4143.) 4143. Montpelier. — Report of the state geologist and curator of the state cabinet ; by Cutting. 1876. Montpelier (1876). In. 8''. (Cf. 4137, 4138, 4139, 4142.) 4144. Nashville. — Biennial report presented to the . . . general assembly of Tennessee ; by Satford, state geologist. 1856-57, Nashville. 2 v. andn. 8° (Cf. 4145, 4146.) 4145. Nashville. — Geological report to the (report of the geologist of the state submitted to both houses of the) . . . general assembly of Ten- nessee ; by Troost. 3-9, 1835-48, Nashville. 7 n. 8°. (1-2 not published.) (Cf. 4144, 4146.) 4146. Nashville. — Geology of Tennessee; by Safford. 1869, Nashville. 1 v. 8". (Cf. 4144, 4145.) 4147. Nashville. — The Nashville monthly record of medical and physical science. Vol. 1-3 ii, 1858-60. 3 v. 8°. Nashville. — Report of the geologist of the state. (See 4145.) 4148. Nashville. — Southern journal of the medical and physical sciences ; by King, etc. Vol. 1-6, 1853-57. 6 v. 8"^. 4149. Natchez. — Agricultural, horticultural and botanical society of Jeffer- son college. a. Address delivered ... by the president. 1841-42. 2 n. 8". 4150. Natchez. — Jefferson college and Washington lyceum. a. Southwestern journal ; a magazine of science, literature and miscel- lany. Vol. 1, no. 1-14, 1837-38. 1 v. 4°. 4151. Nemr Bmns-wick. — Nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris ; rev. by Garnett. 1804-13 (1802?-12). 10 v. 8°. (For original, see 394 ; see also 4207.) 4152. Ne"w Brunswick. — Rutgers college natural history society. a. Bulletin. 1, 1857. 1 n. 8". New Hampshire ; for state reports, see under Concord. New Haven. — Amer. assoc. for the advancement of science. (See 3937.) 4153. New Haven. — The american journal of science and arts (more especi- ally of mineralogy, geology and the other branches of natural history ; including also agriculture and the ornamental as well as useful arts). 1. Vol. 1, 1818-19. 1 V. 8". — A. j. of sc. and arts. Vol. 2-49, 1820- 45. 48 V. 8". Index (vol. 50), 1847. 1 v. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-50, 1846-70. 50 V. 8". 3. Vol. 1-12, 1871-76. 12 v. 8*^. New Haven. — American oriental society. (See 3979.) New Haven. — Assoc, of amer. geologists and naturalists. (See 3939.) 4154. New Haven. — Connecticut academy of arts and sciences. a. Memoirs. Vol. 1, no. 1-4, 1810-16. 1 v. 8° b. Transactions. Vol. 1-3 i, 1866-76. 3 v. 8". 4155. New Haven. — Geological survey of Connecticut. a. Annual report; by Shepard. 1837, New Haven. 1 v. 8". (See also 4157.) New Haven. — The mining (and statistic) magazine. (See 4206.) New Haven. — Report of the commissioners on fisheries. (See 4156.) 4156. New Haven. — Report of the commissioners concerning the protection of fish in the Connecticut river, etc. to the general assembly. 1867, Hartford. 1 n. 8". — Report of the commissioners on fisheries to the general assembly. 1868, New Haven. 1 n. 8". — Report of the comm. on (of) fisheries of the state of Connecticut. 4-10, 1870-76, Hartford. 7 n. 8". (No report was issued for 1869, but a special report of a committee of the assembly appears to be counted as the 3d.) 278 UNITED STATES. 4157. New Haven. — Report on the geology of the state of Connecticut ; pub- lislied under the direction of the commissioners appointed by the legis- lature; by Percival. 1842, New Haven. 1 v. 8°. (Cf. 4155, a.) 4158. New Haven. — Sheffield scientific school. a. Annual report of the visitors of the general assembly of the state of Connecticut. 1-11, 1806-76. 11 n. 8". New Jersey; for state reports, see under Trenton. New Jersey, Literary and philosophical society of. (See 4273.) 4159. New Orleans. — Geological survey of Louisiana. a. Annual report ; by Hopkins. 1-3,1869-71(1870-72). 3 v. 8". (Pub- lished in the ann. rep. of the . . . Louisiana state university. The first is entitled. Annual report on the topography, geology and botany of Louisiana to the Louisiana state seminary of learning and military academy.) (See also 4161'S 4161»».) 4160. New Orleans. — Louisiana merchant's and planter's almanac, an astro- nomical diary . . . ; by SpofTord. Vol. 1-4 ii, no. 1-26, 1817-42. 4 v. 8°. (Cf. 3988, 4186.) 4161. New Orleans. — New Orleans academy of science, a. Proceedings. Vol. 1, no. 1, 1854. 1 n. 8°. 4161". New Orleans. — Preliminary report of a geological reconnoissance of Louisiana; by Hilgard. 1869, New Orleans. 1 n. 8°. (Cf. 4159, 4161»».) 4161^. New Orleans. — Supplementary and final report of a geological recon- noissance of Louisiana; by Hilgard. 1873, New Orleans. 1 n. 8". (Cf. 4159, 4161«.) Newport (R. I.). — Amer. assoc. for the adv. of science. (See 3937.) 4162. Newport (Vt.). — Orleans county society of natural sciences. a. Archives of science and transactions. Vol. 1, i-ix, 1870-74. 1 v. 8**. New York ; for state reports, see under Albany. New York, Anthropological institute of. (See 4185.) New York, Society instituted in the state of, for the promotion of agri- culture, etc. (See 4219.) New York. — American artisan and illustrated journal of popular science. (See 4163.) 4163. New York. — American artisan and patent record; a weekly journal of arts, mechanics, manufactures, mining, engineering and chemistry, and repertory of patents. 1. Vol. 1, 1864-65. 1 v. fl 2. American artisan and illustrated journal of popular science ; a weekly (monthly) journal of progress in science, art, mechanics, engineering, chemistry, inventions and patents. Vol. 1-8, 1865-68. 8 v. 4".; — american arti- san ; a weekly journal of arts, mechanics, manufactures, engineering, chemistry, inventions and patents. Vol. 9-18, 1869-74. 10 v. 4°. New York. — American artisan ; a weekly journal of arts, etc. (See 4163.) 4164. New York. — American association for the promotion of science, litera- ture and the arts. a. Journal. Vol. 1, no. 1-4. 2d ed. 1831. 1 v. 8°. 4165. New York. — The american botanical and horticultural magazine ; by Griscom. 1842? 4166. New York. — The american chemist; a monthly journal of theoretical, analytical and technical chemistry ; by Chandler, etc. Vol. 1-7, 1870- 76. 7 v. 4-^. (Cf. 4189.) 4167. New York. — American ethnological society. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1, 1860-61. 1 v. 8''. b. Transactions. Vol. 1-3 i, 1845-53. 3 v. 8°. New York. — ^^The american gas-light journal. (See 4205.) 4168. New York. — American geographical (and statistical) society. a. Annual report of the council and officers. 1857 (1858). 1 n. 8". ; — annual report. 1870-71 (1872). 1 v. 8". b. Bulletin. Vol. 1-2, 1852-56 (1852-57). 2 v. 8"^. ; — sess. 1873-74 (meeting of Nov. 1). 1 n. f ". ; — sess. 1873-76.' 2 v. 8". (Com- ])osed of several separately paged papers.) c. Journal. Vol. 1, 1859. 1 v. 4". ; vol. 2-4, 1860-73 (1870-74). 3 v. S". (Sometimes called transactions on covers.) UNITED STATES. 279 d. Proceedings. Vol. 1-2, 1862-G4 (18G2-65). 2 v. ^^ e. Transactions. (See c.) 4169. New York, — American institute. a. Journal . . . ; a niontlily journal devoted to the interests of agriculture, commerce, manufactures and the arts, accompanied with public docu- ments, sketches of natural history, and occasionally philosophical and literary essays. Vol. 1-4, 1835-40 (1836-40). 4 v. 8°. 4170. Ne-w York. — American institute of architects. a. Proceedings of the annual convention. 1-9, 1867-75. 9 v. 4°. 4171. Ne-w York. — The american journal of microscopy and popular science ; ed. Pliin. Vol. 1, 1875-76. 1 v. S''. (Cf. 4028.) 4172. New York. — American journal of mining, milling, oil-boring, geology, mineralogy, metallurgy ; by Dawson, etc. Vol. 1-7, 1860-69. 7 v. 4"; — engineering and mining journal. Vol. 8-22, 1869-76. 15 v. 4°. New York. — The american journal of science. (See 4153.) 4173. New York. — American lyceum. a. Proceedings. 1832. 1 v. 8-^. 4174. New York. — American medical and philosophical register ; or annals of medicine, natural history, agriculture and the arts, conducted by a society of gentlemen ; by Hosack, etc. Vol. 1-4, 1811-14. 4 v. 8°. 4175. New York. — The american mineralogical journal, being a collection of facts and observations tending to elucidate the mineralogy and geology of the United States of America, etc. ; by Bruce. Vol. 1, 1814. 1 v. 8". 4176. New York. — American mining gazette and geological magazine. No. 1-4, 1864. 1 V. 8^. New York. — American mining index. (See 4212.) 4177. New York. — The american monthly magazine and critical review ; by Biglow, etc. Vol. 1-4, 1817-18. 4 v. 8<'. 4178. New York. — American museum of natural history. a. Annual report. 1-7, 1870-75. 5 n. 8°. 4179. New York. — American neurological association. a. Transactions. Vol. 1, 1875. 1 v. 8". 4180. New York. — The american repertory of arts, sciences and manufactures ; byMapes. 1840-42. 4 v. S'^. 4181. New York. — American review of science, arts, inventions, etc.; by Porter, etc. Vol. 1, no. 1, 1856. 1 n. 8« (Others?) 4182. New York. — American society of civil engineers. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-5, 1871-76. 5 v. 8". New York. — The analyst. (See 4241.) 4183. New York. — Animal kingdom ; by Johnston. 1873-76. fT 4184. New York. — Annual record of science and industry; by Baird. 1871- 75 (1872-76). 5 v. 8°. 4185. New York. — Anthropological institute of New York. a. Journal. Vol. 1, 1871-72. 1 v. 8°. New York. — Assoc, of amer. geologists and naturalists. (See 3939.) 4186. New York. — An astronomical diary . '. . (for Long Island) ; the farmer's almanac and annual register; by Spofford. Vol. 1-4 vii, no. 1-31, 1817-47. 4 V. 8°. (Cf. 3988, 4160.) 4187. New York. — Astronomical observatory of Georgetown college, D. C. a. Annals. 1, 1852. 1 v. 4". 4188. New York. — The bee-keeper's magazine ; an illustrated monthly (month- ly journal) devoted exclusively to bee-culture ; by King, etc. Vol. 1-4, 1873-76. 4 v. 8". (A specimen number of slightly larger size was issued in 1872 ; vol. 1, no. 1. 64 pp. 8°.) 4189. New York. — The chemical news ; authorized american reprint. Vol. 1-6, 1867-70. 6 v. 4". (For original, see 233; for continuation, see 4166.) 4190. New York. — Colton's journal of geography and collateral sciences ; a record of discovery, exploration and survey issued quarterly from Colton's geographical establishment. No. 1-6, 1867-71. 6 ri. 8". New York. — Corps of engineers, U. S. army. a. Professional papers. (Sei" 4343.) 280 UNITED STATES. 4191. Neiir York* — Druggist's circular and chemical gazette ; a practical journal of chemistry as applied to pharmacy, arts and sciences, and general business organ for druggists, chemists and apothecaries, and all branches connected with the drug business. Vol. 1-20, 1857-76. 20 v. 8°. New York. — Engineering and mining journal. (See 4172.) 4192. New York. — The geographical and commercial gazette ; a monthly publi- cation, devoted to physical, commercial and political geography ; edited by an association of practical and scientific gentlemen. Vol. 1, 1855. 1 V. f°. 4193. New York. — Hutching's (revived, — improved) almanac and ephemeris of the motions of the sun and moon, etc. ; by Young, etc. 1785-1874. 90 n. 12". and 8". 4194. New York. — The iron age and metallurgical review ; a review of the hardware, iron and metal trades. Vol. 1-20, 1855-76. 20 v. f**. 4195. New York. — Journal of applied chemistry, devoted to chemistry as ap- plied to the arts, manufactures, metallurgy and agriculture. Vol. 1-8, 1866-73. 8 V. 8° 4196. New York. — The journal of the telegraph. Vol. 1-9, 1868-76. 9 v. 4". (Cf. 4221.) 4197. New York. — The ladies' and gentlemen's diary, or United States alma- nac and repository of science and amusement, intended for an annual magazine, including a variety of matter, chiefly original, on subjects of general utility, in the arts, sciences, agriculture, manufactures, etc. ; by Nash. No. 1-3, 1820-22 (1819-22). 3 n. 12". 4198. New York. — Literary and philosophical society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-2 i, 1814-25. 2 v. 4°. 4199. New York. — Lyceum of natural history (since 1876, New York aca- demy of sciences) . ■ a. Annals. Vol. 1-11, 1823-76 (1824-77). 11 v. 8". h. Proceedings. Vol. 1, 1870-71. 1 v. 8". 4200. New York. — The mathematical companion, containing new researches and improvements in the mathematics ; with collections of questions proposed and resolved by ingenious correspondents ; by Williams. No. 1-8?, 1828-31. 1 V. 18". 4201. New York. — The mathematical correspondent; by Baron. No. 1-8, 1804-06. 1 V. 12°. 4202. New York. — The mathematical diary, containing new researches and improvements in the mathematics, with collections of questions pro- posed and resolved by ingenious correspondents ; by Adrain, etc. No. 1-14, 1825-32. 2 v. 12". 4203. New York. — The mathematical miscellany ; by Gill. Vol. 1-2, no. 1-8, 1836-39. 2 V. 8". 4204. New York. — The medical repository of original essays and intelligence, relative to physic, surgery, chemistry and natural history; with a critical analysis of recent publications on those departments of knowl- edge and their auxiliary branches ; by Mitchell, etc. New serves, vol. 1-3 (16-18), 1812-14. 3 v. 8". ; — med. rep. and review of american publications on medicine, surgery and the auxiliarv branches of philos- ophy. Vol. 4-15 (19-30), 1815-26. 12 v. 8". (The first series, 1797- 1812, was purely medical.) New York. — The mining magazine, etc. (See 4206.) 4205. New York. — Mining and petroleum standard and american gas-light journal. Vol. 1-7, 1858-65. 7 v. f". ; — the american gas-light journal and chemical repertory, devoted to the interests of illuminating, heat- ing, ventilating, sanitary improvements, domestic economy, and general science. Vol. 8-25, 1865-76. 18 v. f". 4206. New York. — The mining (and statistic) magazine ; devoted to mines, mining operations, metallurgy, etc. ; by McElrath, etc. 1. Vol. 1- 11 iv, 1853-58. 11 V. 8". 2. The mining magazine and journal of geology, mineralogy, metallurgy, chemistry and the arts, in their ap- plication to mining and working useful ores and metals ; by Blake. ' Vol. 1-2 ii, 1859-6.1, 2 v. %". New York. — The national agriculturist and bee journal. (See 4045.) UNITED STATES. 281 Ne-w York. — The national agriculturist and working farmer. (See 4045.) New York. — Nature. (See 392.) 4207. New York. — The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris ; pub- lislied by Blunt. 1812-52(1811-49). 41 v. 8°. (For original, see 393 ; see also 4151.) 4208. New York. — The nautical gazette ; devoted to the interests of commerce, navigation, ship building, marine engineering, the navy, etc. Vol. 1-6, 1871-7G. 6 V. f° New York. — New York academy of sciences. (See 4199.) 4209. New York. — The New York medical and philosophical journal and re- view. Vol. 1-3, 1809-11. 3 V. 8°. 4210. New York. — New York medical and physical journal ; ed. Francis, etc. 1. 1822-28. 7 V. 8«. 2. Vol. 1-2, 1829-30. 2 v. 8°. 4211. New York. — New York meteorological observatory in the Central Park. a. (Annual) report (of the director). 1871-74. 4 n. 8°. 4212. Nexir York. — The pacific index; a journal devoted to the mineral, metallic and agricultural resources, commerce, manufactures, arts and sciences of the pacific states ; by Silversmith. Vol. 1, 1864- 65. 1 V. f°. ; — american mining index; a journal devoted to the . . . sciences of the pacific and atlantic states, Colorado and british pos- sessions. Vol. 2, 1865. 1 V. f. 4213. New York. — Palestine exploration society. a. Statement. No. 1-3, 1871-75. 3 n. 8". 4214. New York. — Physico-medical society of the state of New York. a. Transactions. Vol. 1, 1817. 1 v. 8*1 4215. New York. — Poor Richard's almanac ... as written by Benj. Franklin for the years 1733-41 (1849-51). 3 n. 12°. (Cf. 4261.) 4216. New York. — The popular science monthly; by Youmans. Vol. 1-9, 1872-76. 9 v. 8°. New York. — Principal documents relating to the survey of the coast . (See 4224.) 4217. New York. — The railroad gazette ; by Kellogg. 1857-76. f*'. (Con- tains mathematical problems.) 4218. New York. — The scientific american ; the advocate of industry, and journal of scientific, mechanical and other improvements. 1. Vol. 1-14, 1845-59. 14 v. f°. 2. . . . ; a (weekly) journal of practical information (in) art, science, mechanics, (agriculture), chemistry and manufactures. Vol. 1-35, 1859-76. 35 v. f. (Enlarged with vol. 16, 1867.) 4219. New York. — Society instituted in the state of New York for the pro- motion of agriculture, arts and manufactures, a. Transactions. Vol. 1, 1792-99. 1 v. 4".; 2d ed., 1801, Albany. 1 v. 4°. (For continuation, see 3949, a.) (See 3949.) 4220. New York. —The technologist, or industrial monthly. Vol. 1-7, 1870- 76. 7 V. 4". (This journal closed in June, 1877, with vol. 8, no. 6.) 4221. New York. — The telegrapher ; a journal of electrical progress ; ed. Ash- ley. Vol. 7-12, no. 215-546. 1871-76. 6 v. 4*^. (For previous vol- umes, see 4222, a. Five numbers of vol. 13 were published in 1877, when it was consolidated with 4196.) 4222. New York. — The national telegraphic union. a. Tlie telegrapher. Vol. 1-6, no. 1-214, 1864-70. 6 v. 4°. (For con- tinuation, see 4221.) 4223. New York. — Torrey botanical club. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1-6, 1870-76. 6 v. 8°. 4224. New York. — United States coast survey. a. Principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States. 1816-35 (1834-35). 2 v. 8°. 4225. New York. — The United States mining journal and petroleum recordf^" 1852-73. 22 v. f*'. 4226. New York. — United States nautical magazine and naval jou^' 1-7, 1854-58. 7 v. 8". 282 UNITED STATES. 4227. Neiir York. — United States naval institute. a. Papers and proceedings. Vol. 1-2, 1874-75 (1875-7G). 2 v. 8". (In- side entitled, record.) h. liecord. (See a.) 4228. New York. — Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine. Vol. 1-15, 18G9-76. 15 V. 81 Normal. — Illinois schoolmaster. (See 4033.) North american bee-keeper's society. (See 4095.) North Carolina ; for state reports, see under Raleigh. Nuttall ornithological club. (See 4022.) Oakland. — University of California. (See 4308.) Ohio ; for state reports, see under Columbus. Ohio historical and philosophical society. (See 4054.) Orleans county society of natural sciences. (See 4162.) 4229. Ottawa. — Ottawa academy of natural sciences. ^ a. Proceedings. 1874. 1 n. 8°. Palestine exploration society. (See 4213.) Peabody academy of sciences. (See 4303.) Peabody museum of american archaeology! (See 4023.) Penikese Island, Anderson school of natural history at. (See 4016.) Pennsylvania ; for state reports, see under Harrisburg. Pennsylvania college ; linnaean association. (See 4077.) Pennsylvania, Geological society of. (See 4251.) 4230. Penu Yan. — The Yates county chronicle. Vol. 31-35, 1872-76. 5 v. f°. (Commencing with toI. 81, no. 9, Feb. 21), 1872, this weekly newspaper has maintained a mathematical department, edited by Wright.) 4231. Perth Amboy. — The scientific journal ; by Marratt. No. 1-9, 1818- 19. 1 V. 4232. Philadelphia. — Academy of natural sciences. a. Journal. 1. Vol. 1-8, 1817-42. 8 v. 8". 2. Vol. 1-8 ii, 1847-76. 8 V. 4". h. Proceedings. Vol. 1-8, 1841-50 (1843-57). 8 v. 8°; 1857-76(1858- 76). 19 V. 8°. c. Report of the transactions. 1824-28(1825-29). 3 n. 8°. 4233. Philadelphia. — Academy of natural sciences : conchological section. a. The american journal of conchology. Vol. 2-7, 1866-72. 6 v. 8". (For vol. 1, see 4239.) 4234. Philadelphia. — The advocate of science and annals of natural history; by Gibbons. Vol. 1, 1834-85. 1 v. 8°. Philadelphia. — Amer. assoc. for the adv. of science. (See 3937.) 4235. Philadelphia. — The american bee journal ; devoted exclusively to bee- culture and the production of pure comb and extracted honey ; by Wagner. Vol. 1-12, 1861-76. 12 v. 8". (Suspended during the war of the rebellion.) 4236. Philadelphia. — American entomological society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-5, 1867-76. 5 v. 8". (See also 4248.) Philadelphia. — American institute of mining engineers. (See 3938.) 4237. Philadelphia. — American iron association. a. Bulletin. 1858. 1 v. 4"^. 4238. Philadelphia. — American iron and steel association. a. Ikilletin. Vol. 1-10, 1867-76. 10 v. 4°. h. Keport of the secretary. 1871-75(1872-76). 5 n. 8°. 4239. Philadelphia. — American journal of conchology ; by Tryon, etc. Vol. 1, 1865. 1 V. 8". (For continuation, see 4233, a.) 4240. Philadelphia. — American philosophical society (held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge). «. Proceedings. Vol. 1-16, 1838-76 (1840-76). 16 v. 8°. I. Transactions. 1. Vol. 1-6, 1769-1809 (1771-1809). 6 v. 4".; vol. 1, 2d ed., 1789. 1 v. 4". 2. Vol. 1-15, 1818-75. 15 v. 4'; UNITED STATES. 283 4241. Philadelphia. — The analyst, or mathematical museum; by Adrain. No. l-'>, 1S08. 1 V. 8". Philadelphia. — Assoc, of amer. geologists and naturalists. (Sec 3939.) 4242. Philadelphia. — Atlantic journal and friend of knowledge ; a cyclopedic journal and review of universal science and knowledge; historical, natural, and medical arts and sciences ; industry, agriculture, educa- tion, and every useful information ; by Rafinesque. Vol. 1, no. 1-4, 1832. 4 n. 8". ; ... a quarterly journal of historical and natural sciences, useful knowledge, etc. Vol. 1, no. 5-8, 1833. 4 n. 8". (Cf. 4243.) 4243. Philadelphia. — Bulletin of the historical and natural sciences; by Rafinesque. 1834. 1 n. 16". (Cf 4242.) 4244. Philadelphia. — The cabinet of natural history and araerican rural sports, with illustrations. Vol. 1-3 iv, 1830-34. 3 v. 4°. Philadelphia. — Corps of engineers, U. S. army. a. Professional papers. (See 4343, a.) 4245. Philadelphia. — The eclectic repertory and analytical review, medical and philosophical; edited by an association of pliysicians. Vol. 1-10, 1811-20. 10 V. 8". 4246. Philadelphia. — The emporium of arts and sciences ; by Coxe. 1. Vol. 1-2, 1812^^8^ 2. Vol. 1-3, 1813-14. 3 v. 8". 4247. Philadelphia. —The engineer. 1860. 4°. 4248. Philadelphia. — Entomological society. a. The practical entomologist, for gratuitous distribution among farmers and agriculturists (for the dissemination of valuable knowledge among agriculturists and horticulturists). Vol. 1-2, 1865-67. 2 v. 8**. b. Proceedings. Vol. 1-6, 1861-67. 6 v. 8". (See also 4236.) 4249. Philadelphia. — The floral magazine and botanical repository. Vol. 1, no. 1-5, 1832-34. 1 v. 4". 4250. Philadelphia. — Franklin institute of the state of Pennsylania (for the promotion of the mechanic arts). a. The Franklin journal and american mechanic's magazine ; devoted to the useful arts, internal improvements, general science, and the re- cording of american and other patented inventions. 1. Vol. 1-4, 1826- 27. 4 V. 8°. 2. Journal . . . (and mechanic's register) ; devoted to mechanical and pliysical science, civil engineering, the arts and manu- factures and the recording of american and other patent inventions. Vol. 1-26, 1828-40. 26 v.' 8". 3. Journal . . . ; devoted to mechani- cal and phvsical science, civil engineering, the arts and manufactures. Vol. 1-71, "^1841-76. 71 v. 8". 4251. Philadelphia. — Geological society of Pennsylvania. a. Transactions. Vol. 1, 1834-35. 1 v. 8". Philadelphia. — Journal of applied chemistry. (See 4195.) 4252. Philadelphia. — Maclurian lyceum. a. Contributions of the m. 1. to the arts ?ind sciences. No. 1-3, 1827-29. 1 V. 8'^. 4253. Philadelphia. — The medical review and analytical journal; by Eberle, etc. 1824. 1 n. 8". 4254. Philadelphia. — The monthly american journal of geology and natural science, exhibiting the present state and progress of knowledge in zoology, botany, mineralogy, comparative anatomy, chemistry, mete- orology, i)hysical natural agents, and the antiquities and languages of the Indians of this continent; by Featherstonhaugh. Vol. 1, no. 1-11, 1831-32. 1 V. 8". 4255. Philadelphia. — The national almanac and annual record. 1863-65. 3 V. 8". 4256. Philadelphia. — Natural history club. a. Address read at annual meeting. 1-2,1868-69. 2 n. 8°. (Cont. ini.) b. Annual report. 3-6, 1871-73. 4 n. 8°. (Preceded by a.) 4257. Philadelphia. — Nordamerikanischer monatsbericht fiir natur und heil- kunde; von Keller, etc. Bd. 1-4, 1850-52. 4 v. 8". (Bd. 2-3 have continuous pagination.) 264 LNITED STATES. 4258. Philadelphia. — The Philadelphia journal of the medical and physical sciences ; by Chapman, etc. 1. Vol. 1-9, 1820-25. 9 v. 8°. 2. Vol. 1-5 (10-14), 1825-27. 5 v. 8°. (Almost entirely medical ; continued in the american journal of medical science.) 4259. Philadelphia. — The Philadelphia medical and physical journal ; by Barton. Vol. 1-3, 1804-08. 3 v. 8". Suppl. 1-3, 1806-09. 1 v. 8". 4260. Philadelphia. — The Philadelphia monthly magazine, or universal' re- pository of knowledge and entertainment. Vol. 1-2 iii, 1798. 2 v. 8". 4261. Philadelphia. — Poor Richard ; an almanac (poor Eichard improved, being an almanac and ephemeris, etc.) ; by Franklin, etc. 1733-94. 62 n. 12°. (Cf. 4215.) Philadelphia. — Poor Richard improved. (See 4261.) Philadelphia. — The practical entomologist. (See 4248, a.) • 4262. Philadelphia.— The school-day magazine. 1856-74. 19 v. 8°. (Has a mathematical department, edited by Martin.) 4263. Philadelphia. — Our school-day visitor illustrated mathematical al- manac and annual; by Martin. Vol. 1, 1871. 1 n. 4". 4264. Philadelphia. — The United States almanac, or complete ephemeris. Vol. 1-2, 1843-44. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia. — Washington scientific association. (See 4360.) 4265. Philadelphia. — Year-book of facts in science and arts, etc. ; by Timbs. 1852-53. 2 V. 8". (Reprint of 480.) 4266. Philadelphia. — Zoological society. a. Annual report. 1-4, 1873-76 (1874-76). 3 n. 8". 4267. Pittsburgh. — Iron world and manufacturer. 1870-73. f**. (Afterwards united with the american manufacturer and trade of the west to form the american manufacturer and iron world.) Portland. — Amer. assoc. for the advancement of science. (See 3937.) Portland. — The Maine farmer's almanac. (See 4079.) 4268. Portland. — Portland society of natural history. a. Journal. Vol. 1, no. 1, 1864. 1 n. 8°. b. Proceedings. Vol. 1, 1861-69 (1862-69). 1 v. 8«. 4270. Portsmouth. — An astronomical diary or an almanach ; publ. by Fowle. 1758. 1 n. 12°. Potomac-side naturalists' club. (See 4347.) 4271. Pottsville. — Pottsville scientific association. a. Bulletin. 1855. 1 n. 8". 4272. Poughkeepsie. — Poughkeepsie society of natural science. «. Proceedings. Vol. 1, pt. 1-3, 1874-76 (1876). 1 v. 8°. 4273. Princeton. — Literary and philosophical society of New Jersey. a. Discourse at annual meeting. 1, 1825. 1 n. 8". Providence. — Amer. assoc. for the advancement of science. (See 3937.) Providence. — Annual report of the comm. of inland fisheries. (See 4276.) Providence. — Franklin society. (See 4275.) 4274. Providence. — Geological and agricultural survey of the state of Rhode Island. a. Report . . . made under a resolveof the legislature. 1840, Providence. 1 V. 8". 4275. Providence. — Providence Franklin society. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1, no. 1-2, 1846-47. 42 pp. 8". 4276. Providence. — Report of the commissioners of internal fisheries. 1872, Providence. 1 n. 8°. ; — annual report of the commissioners of inland fisheries. 3-6, 1873-76, Providence. 4 n. 8". (The report considered as the first was a special one, not properly belonging to the series.) 4277. Raleigh. — Board of agriculture. a. Report on the geology of North Carolina; by Oimstead. Pt. 1-2, 1824- 25 [Raleigh]. 2 n. 12". ; — bv Mitchell. Pt. 3, 1827 [Raleigh]. In. 8". (See also 4278, 4279, 4279«' 4280, 4281, 4281ii.) 4278. Raleigh. — Geological and natural history survey of North Carolina. a. Part 3, botany ; by Curtis. 1860-67, Raleigh. 2 v. 8". (For part 1, see 4279? ; for pt. 2, 4281, a.) UNITED STATES. 285 h. Report of the progress and present state ; by Emmons. 1855, Raleigh. 1 n. 8°. (See also 4277, 4279, 4279**, 4280, 4281.) 4279. Raleigh. — Geological report of the midland counties of North Carolina; by Enunons. 1856, New York and Raleigh. 1 v. 8". (Cf. 4278, a, 4279a, 4281, a ; see also 4277, 4280.) 4279». Raleigh. — Geological survey of North Carolina [first]. a. Report; by Emmons. 1852, Raleigh. 1 v, 8". 4280. Raleigh. — Geological survey of North Carolina [second]. a. Appendix to the report; by Kerr. 1873 (1875), Raleigh. In. 8". (App. to 4281a.) h. Report. Vol. 1, physical geography, resume, economical geology ; by Kerr. 1875, Raleigh. 1 v. 8''. c. Report of the progress ; by Kerr. 1866 (1868), Raleigh. In. 8°. (See also 4277, 4278, 4279, 4279* 4281, 4281*.) 4281. Raleigh. — North Carolina geological survey. a. Part 2, agriculture ; containing descriptions, with many analyses, of the soils of the swamp lands ; by Emmons. 1860, Raleigh. 1 n. 8". (For pt. 1, see 4279?; for pt. 3, 4278, a.) b. Report . . . agriculture of the eastern counties, together with descrip- tions of the fossils of the marl beds ; by Emmons. 1858, Raleigh. 1 V. 8". (See also 4277, 4278, 4279, 4279", 4280.) Raleigh. — Report on the geology of North Carolina. (See 4277, a.) 4281*. Raleigh. — Report of the state geologist; by Kerr. 1869, Raleigh. 1 n. 8". (For earlier report, see 4280, c; for appendix, see 4280, a. See also 4277, 4278, 4279, 4279* 4281.) Rhode Island ; for state reports, see under Providence. 4282. Richmond (Ind.). — Indiana state archaeological convention. a. Minutes. 1875. 1 n. 8". 4283. Richmond (Ind.). — Scientific association. a. Transactions. 1875. 1 n. 8". 4284. Richmond (Va.). — Academie des sciences. a. Status et prospectus presente au roi ; par le Ch. Q. T>e Beaurepaire ; memoires. 1788. 1 n. 8". 4285. Richmond (Va.). — Board of public works. a. Report of the geological reconnoissance of the state of Virginia ; by Rogers. 1836, Richmond. In. 4". Another edition, 1836, Phila- delphia 1 V. 8°. (See also 4286.) 4286. Richmond (Va.). — Geological survey of the state of Virginia. a. Report of the progress ; by Rogers. 1-2, 1836-37 (1837-38), Richmond. 2 n. 4". ; — 1-2, 1837-38 (1838), Philadelphia. 1 n. 8". ; — 1838 (n. d.) [Richmond]. In. 4". ; — 1839-41 (1840-42), Richmond. 3 v. and n. 8°. (See also 4285.) 4287. Richmond (Va.). — Physical survey of Virginia. a. Preliminary report ; bj^ Maury. 2d ed. 1869, New York. 1 v. 8". Richmond (Va.). — Report of the geological reconnoissance of the state of Virginia. (See 4285, a.) 4288. Rochester. — The antimasonic almanac ; by Giddings. 1828. Rutgers college natural history society. (See 4152.) Rutgers scientific school. (See 4332.) 4289. Sacramento. — Agassiz institute. a. Proceedings. 1872-73. 2 n. 8". Sacramento. — Geological survey of California. (See 4294.) 4290. Sacramento. — Report on the geology of the coast mountains, embracing their agricultural resources and mineralogical productions, etc. ; by Trask. 1855, Sacramento. 1 n. 8''. (For earlier and later reports, see 4291, 4292, 4293 ; see also 4294.) 4291. Sacramento. — Report on the geology of the coast mountains and part of the Sierra Nevada ; embracing their industrial resources in agriculture and mining; by Trask. 1854, Sacramento. 1 n. 8". (For earlier and later reports, see 4290, 4292, 4293 ; see also 4294.) 286 UNITED STATES. 4 4292. Sacramento. — Keport on the geology of northern and southern Cali- fornia; enibracing the rnineralogical and agricultural resources of those sections, witii statistics of the northern, southern and middle mines; by Trask. 185G, Sacramento. 1 n. 8". (For earlier reports, see 4290, 4291, 4293 ; see also 4294.) 4293. Sacramento. — Eeport on the geology of the Sierra Nevada, or California range; by Trask. 1858 [Sacramento]. In. 8°. (For later reports, see 4290, 4291, 4292 ; see also 4294.) 4294. Sacramento. — (State) geological survey of California. a. Annual report of the state geologist of California ; by Whitney. 18G2- 63, Sacramento. 2 n. 8". ; — letter of the state geologist relative to the progress of the state geological survey; by Whitney. 18G2, San Francisco. In. 8". ; — 1864-71 (1866-71), Sacramento, on. 8". ; — statement of the progress of the state geological survey of California ; by Whitney. 1872-73 (1873), [Sacramento]. 1 n. 8". b. Botany; by Brewer, etc. Vol. 1, 1876, Cambridge. 1 v. 8". c. Geology; by Whitney. Vol. 1, 1860-61 (1865), Philadelphia. 1 v. 8". d. Letter of the state geologist. (See a.) e. Mining statistics ; by llemond. No. 1, 1866, Philadelphia. 1 n. 8". /. Ornithology; by Baird, etc. Vol. 1, 1870, Cambridge. 1 v. 8". g. Palaeontology ; by Meek, etc. Vol. 1-2, 1864-69, Philadelphia. 2 v. 8". h. Statement of the progress. (See a.) (See also 4290, 4291, 4292, 4293.) 4295. St. liouis. — Academy of science. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-3 iii, 1856-76 (1857-76). 3 v. 8". 4296. St. liOuis. — The american entomologist; an illustrated magazine of popu- lar and practical entomology ; by Walsh, etc. Vol. 1, 1868-69. 1 v. 8". ; — the american entomologist (and botanist). Vol. 2, 1869-70. 1 v. 8". St. liOuis. — The american entomologist and botanist. (See 4296.) 4297. St. Paul. — The geological and natural history survey of Minnesota. a. Annual report; by Winchell. 1-4, 1872-75 (1873-76), St. Paul. 4 v. 8". (See also 4298, 4299, 4299a, 4300.) 4298. St. Paul. — Report on geology; bv Anderson, etc. 1861, St. Paul. 1 n. 8". (Cf. 4297, 4299, 4299«S 4300.) 4299. St. Paul. — Report of a geological survey of the vicinity of Belle Plaine, Scott county ; by Winchell. 1872, St. Paul. 1 n. 8". (Cf. 4297, 4298, 4299a, 4300.) 4299a. St. Paul. — Geological reconnoissance of the northern, middle and other counties of Minnesota ; by Fames. 1867, St. Paul. 1 n. 8". (Cf. 4297, 4298, 4299, 4300.) 4300. St. Paul. — Report of the state geologist, together with the physical geography, meteorology and botany of the north eastern district of Minnesota; by Hanchett, etc. 1865, St. Paul. In. 8".; — report of the state geologist on the metalliferous region bordering on Lake Superior; by Fames. 1866, St. Paul. 1 n. 8". (Cf. 4297, 4298, 4299, 4299a.) Salem (Mass.). — Amer. assoc. for the adv. of science. (See 3937.) Salem (Mass.). — The american naturalist. (See 4302, a, 4303, a, 3978.) 4301. Salem (Mass.). — Essex county natural history society. a. Journal (containing various communications to the society). Vol. 1, 1836-52. 1 V. 8". 4302. Salem (Mass.). — Essex institute. a. The american naturalist ; a popular illustrated magazine of natural history. Vol. 1, 1867-68. 1vol. 8". (For continuation, see 4303, a.) h. Bulletin. Vol. 1-8, 1869-76. 8 v. 8". c. Proceedings. Vol. 1-6, 1848-71 (1856-71). 6 v. 8^. 4303. Salem (Mass.). — Peabody academy of science. a. The ainiTican naturalist; a popular illustrated magazine of natural history. Vol. 2-9, 1868-75. 8 v. 8". (For vol. 1, see 4302, a; for continuation, 3978.) h. Annual reports of the trustees. 1-6,1868-73(1869-74). 5 n. and v. 8". c. Memoirs. Vol. I, no. 1-4. 1869-75. 4 n. 8". 4304. Salem (Mass.). — Record of american entomology : by Packard. 1868- 73 (1869-/4). 6 n. 8". (Extracted from 4303, h.) UNITED STATES. 287 4305. Salem (Ohio). — Educational notes and queries; a medium of inter- comnmnication for teachers ; by Henkle. Vol. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. 8°. 4305*. Salem (Or.). — Preliminary report of the state geologist to the legis- lative assembly, 1874, Salem. 1 n. 8°. 4306. San Francisco. — California academy of (natural) sciences. a. Proceedings. Vol. 1-6, 1854-74 (1854-76). 6 v. 8^. Vol. 1, 2d ed. 1873. 1 V. 8« h. Memoirs. Vol. I, pt. 1-2, 1868. 1 v. 4° 4307. San Francisco. — Mining and scientific press; a journal of useful arts, science, mining and mechanical progress. Vol. 1-20, 1860-69. 20 v. 4"; — scientific press ; an illustrated journal of scientific and industrial progress, mining, mechanical arts and inventions. Vol. 21-24, 1870- 72. 4 V. 4''. ; — mining and scientific press ; an illustrated journal of mining, popular science and general news. Vol. 25-33, 1872-76. 9 V. 4". San Francisco. — Scientific press. (See 4307.) 4308. San Francisco. — University of California. a. Bulletin. No. 1-25, 1874-76. 1 v. 8". 4309. Schenectady. — Chemical society of Union college. a. Bulletin. 1-2, 1863. 2 n. 12°. Sheffield scientific school. (See 4158.) Smithsonian institution. (See 4350.) South Carolina ; for state rejiorts, see under Columbia. 4310. Springfield (111.). — Annual report on the noxious insects of the state of Illinois; by Walsh. 1, 1868, Chicago. 1 v. 8". ; — by Le Banm. 1-4, 1871-74, Springfield. 4 n. 8« 4311. Springfield (111.). — Geological survey of Illinois. a. (No title.) Vol. 1-6, 1866-75, Springfield. 6 v. 8". (See also 4312, 4314.) 4312. Springfield (111.). — Illinois geological survey. a. Abstract of a report on Illinois coals, with descriptions and analyses and a general notice of the coal fields ; by Norwood. 1858 (inside title 1857), Chicago. 1 n. 8'*. (See also 4311, 4314.) 4313. Springfield (111.). — Illinois natural history society. a. Transactions. Vol. 1, 1861. 1 v. 8". 4314. Springfield (111.). — State geological survey. a. Keport of progress ; by Norwood. 1853, Springfield. 1 n. 8°. (See also 4311, 4312.) Springfield (Mass.), — Amer. assoc. for the advancement of science. (See 3937.) 4315. Springfield (Ohio). — The Wittenberger. Vol. 1-4, 1873-77. 4 v. 8°. (Contains a mathematical department, edited by Hoover.) Tennessee ; for state reports, see under Nashville. Texas ; for state rei^orts, see under Austin. 4316. Toledo. — Annual meteorological synopsis (in the city of Toledo) ; by Trembley. 1865-67. 3 n. 8°. 4317. Toledo. — The scientific monthly; a magazine devoted to the natural sciences ; by Fitch. Vol. 1-2, 1875-76. 2 v. %•". 4318. Topeka. — Annual report on the geology of Kansas ; by Mudge. 1,1864, Lawrence, 1866. 1 n. 8". (Cf. 4319, 4321.) 4319. Topeka. — Geological survey of Kansas. a. Preliminary report ; by Swallow. 1866, Lawrence. 1 v. 8". (See also 4318, 4321.) 4320. Topeka. — Kansas academy of science. a. Transactions. Vol. 1-5, 1872-76. 5 v. 8°. 4321. Topeka. — Report of the geological survey of Miami county, Kansas ; by Swallow, etc. 1865, Kansas City. 1 n. 8". (Cf. 4318, 4319.) Torrey botanical club. (See 4223.) 4322. Trenton. — Annual report of the commissioners of fisheries of the state of New Jersey. 1-6, 1870-75 (1871-76), Jersey City, Bridgeton. 6 n. 8". 288 UNITED STATES. 4323. Trenton. — (Annual) report of the state geologist (of New Jersey) ; by- Cook. 18G7-72 (18G8-72), Trenton and New Brunswick. 5 n. 8". (No report for 18G8. For earlier reports, see 4325, c, a; for later, 4325, Jj. See also 4324, and 4326-31.) 4324. Trenton. — Description of the geology of tlie state of New Jersey, being a final report ; by Rogers. 1840, Pliiladelphia. 1 v. 8". 2d ed. 1865, Trenton. 1 v. 8°. Cf. 4323 and 4325-31.) 4325. Trenton. — Geological survey of New Jersey. a. Annual report ... to the president of the board of managers ; by Cook. 18G4-G5 (1865-GG), Trenton. 2 n. *". (For earlier report, see c ; for later, h and 4323.) h. Annual report of the state geologist; by Cook. 1873-7G (1873-7G), Trenton. 4 v. and n. 8°. (For earlier reports, see a, c, and 4323.) c. Report upon . . . and its progress during 18G3 (1864) ; by Cook. Trenton. I n. 8". (For later reports, see a, i, and 4323.) (See also 4323, 4328, 4329, 4330, 4331 ; and also 4324, 4326, 4327.) 4326. Trenton. — Geological survey of the state of New Jersey [first]. a. Rei)ort; by Rogers. 1836, Philadelphia. 1 v. 8". (See 4324 and also 4327, and 4323, 4325 and 4328-31.) 4327. Trenton. — Geological survey of the state of New Jersey [second]. a. Annual report ; by Kitchell. 1-3, 1854-5G (1855-57), New Brunswicl» and Trenton. 3 v. and n. 8". (See also 4323-26, 4328-31.) 4328. Trenton. — Geological survey of the state of New Jersey [third] . a. Annual report. 3, 18GG, Trenton, 18G7. 1 n. 8". (Although num- bered 3, this is in reality the 4th report by Cook; for earlier reports, see 4325, c, a; for later reports, see 4323, 4325, h.) (See also 4323, 4325, 4329, 4330, 4331 ; and 4324, 4326 and 4327.) 4329. Trenton. — Geology of the county of Cape Mav, state of New Jersey ; by Cook. 1857, Trenton. 1 v. 8". (Cf. 4323, 4325, 4330, 4331 ; and also 4324, 4326, 4327.) 4330. Trenton. — Geology of New Jersey ; by authority of the legislature, pub- lished by tlie board of managers ; by Cook. 1868, Newark. 1 v. 8°. (Cf. 4323, 4325, 4329, 4331 ; and also 4324, 4326, 4327.) 4331. Trenton. — Report on the geology and agricultural resources of the southern division of the state ; by Cook. 1857, Trenton. 1 n. 8". (Cf. 4323, 4325, 4329, 4330 ; and also 4324, 4326 and 4327.) Trenton. — Report of the state geologist (of New Jersey). (See 4323.) 4332. Trenton. — Rutgers scientific school. a. Annual reports. 1866-76. 8''. Troy. — Amer. assoc. for the advancement of science. (See 3937.) Union college. Chemical society of. (See 4309.) United States coast survey. (See 4352.) United States commission offish and fisheries. (See 4353.) United States geological exploration of the fortieth parallel. (See 4354.) United States geological (and geographical) survey of the territories. (See 4355, 4356.) United States national museum. (See 4357.) United States naval institute. (See 4227.) United States naval observatory. (See 4358.) 4333. Utica. — Monthly scientist; a journal of science, culture and progress. Vol. 1, no. 1, 1872. 1 n. 8**. (Continued?) 4334. Utica. — The oologist, issued in behalf of the science which it advocates. Vol. 1, no. 1-3, 1875. 24 pp. 8". (Continued?) Vermont ; for state reports, see under Montpelier., Virginia ; for state reports, see under Richmond, 4335. Waslungton. — National academy of science, a. Annual- (See 4012, a.) b. Memoirs. Vol. 1, 1866. 1 v. 4°. c. Letter of the president transmitting (couimunicating) the annual re- port of operations (proceedings). 1864-67(1865-68). 4 n. 8". (See also 4012.) UNITED STATES. 289 Washington. — Almanac for the use of navigators. (See 4341.) Washington. — Amer. assoc. for the adv. of science. (See 3937.) Washington. — The american bee-journal. (See 4235.) , 4336. Washington. — The american botanical register. No. 1-3. 3 n. 8". (Published without date, but supposed to have been issued between 1825 and 1830.) Washington. — American engineer. (See 3966.) 4337. Washington. — The american ephemeris and nautical almanac, published by authority of the secretary of the navy. 1855-79 (1852-76) . 25 v. 8". 4338. Washington. — The american polytechnic journal; by Page, etc. Vol. 1-4, 1853-5-1. 4 V. 8°. 4339. Washington. — (Annual) report of the chief of engineers to the secre- tary of war. 1868-76(1869-76). 13 v. 8". (Cf. 4344, a.) 4340. Washington. — Annual report of the chief signal officer to the secretary of war. 1871-74(1871-75). 4 v. 8". (See also 4359.) Washington. — Assoc, of amer. geologists and naturalists. (See 3939.) 4341. Washington. — Bureau of navigation. a. Almanac for the use of navigators, from the american ephemeris and nautical almanac ; published by authority of the secretary of the navy. 1866 (1864). 1 V. 8". 4342. Washington. — Bureau of navigation : hydrograpMc office. a. Navy scientific papers. No. 1-6, 1868- . 6 v. 8". (Forming no. 10 of c.) J. Practical papers. 1-6,1874-76. 6 n. 8°. (Forming no. 11 of c.) c. (Publications.) No. 1-8, 8f 9, 13-25, 27-33, 33? 83'; 34, 36-37, 39-40, 43, 45-47, 49-62. 58 n. and v. 4°. and 8°. (Some bearing no number ; see also a, b.) 4343. Washington. — Corps of engineers. a. Papers on practical engineering, published by the engineer depart- ment for the use of the officers of the U. S. corps of engineers (some entitled, professional papers). No. 1-22, 1841-75. 24 v. and n. 4°.and8''. (Cf. 4354, a.) Washington. — Daily bulletin of weather reports. (See 4359, a.) Washington. — Department of the interior. (See 4355, 4356, 4357.) Washington. — Field and forest. (See 4347, a.) 4344. Washington. — Geographical and geological explorations and surveys west of the one hundredth meridian. a. Annual report. 1873-76. 4 n. and v. 8". (Published in 4339 ; pre- ceded by b, c.) b. Preliminary report concerning explorations and surveys, principally in Nevada and Arizona. 1871(1872). In. 4°. (Followed by c, a.) c. Progress report. 1872(1874). In. 4°. (Preceded by 6 ; followed by a.) d. Report. Vol. 3, 5, 1875. 2 v. 4''. (See also 4354, 4355, 4356.) Washington. — HydrograpMc office. (See 4342.) 4345. Washington. — National institution (institute) for the promotion of SC16I1C6 a. Bulletin of the proceedings. 1. Vol. 1. 1840-46 (1841-46). 1 v. S°. 2. Proceedings. Vol. 1, no. 1-3, 1855-57. 3 n. 81 b. Proceedings. (See a.) c. Report of the secretary. 1850. 1 n. 8". Washington lyceum. (See 4150.) Washington. — Mineral resources of the states and territories. (See 4351, a.) Washington. — Nautical monographs. (See 4358, d.') Washington. — Navy department. (See 4341, 4342, 4358.) Washington. — Navy scientific papers. (See 4342, a.) Washington. — Papers on practical engineering. (See 4343, a.) 4346. Washington. — Philosophical society. a. Bulletin. Vol. 1, 1871-74 (1874). 1 v. 81 b. Proceedings (preliminary). 1871? In. 8°. (Part of a?) 4347. Washington. — Potomac-side naturalists' club. a. Field and forest ; devoted to general natural history ; bulletin. Vol. 1-2 i, 1875-76. 2 v. 8°. (Closed with end of 3d volume in 1878.) 290 UNITED STATES. TVashmgrton. — Report of the chief of engineers. (See 4339.) 4348. 'Washington. — Report on meteorology ; by Espy. 1-4, 1843-57. 3 n. and V. 4". (Reports 2-3 continuously paged.) 4349. Washington. — Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Missis- sippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Vol. 1-12, 1855-60. 13 v. 4''. (Vol. 12 in two volumes.) "Washington. — Scientific association. (See 4360.) 4350. W^ashington. — Smithsonian institution. a. (Annual) report from (of) the board of regents [with varying ad- ditions]. 1-10,1846-56(1847-56). 10 n. and v. 8". ; 1856-75 (1857- 76). 20 V. 8°. I. Occultations visible in the United States during 1848-52 (1848-52). 5 pt. 4". ; — occultations of planets and stars by the moon during 1853. 1 pt. 4°. c. Report. (See a.) d. Results of meteorological observations made under the direction of the U. S. patent office and of the s. i. Vol. 1-2 i, 1854-59 (1861-64). 2 V. 4° e. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge. Vol. 1-21, 1848-76. 21 v. 4°. /. Smithsonian meteorological observations. 1855 (1857). 1 v. 8°. g. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol. 1-12, 1856-74 (1862-74). 12 V. 8°. (See also 4357.) Washington. — Statistics of mines and mining. (See 4351, a.) , 4351. Washington. — Treasury department. a. Mineral resources of the states and territories west of the Rocky Moun- tains ; by Raymond. 1869. 1 v. 8°. ; — statistics of mines and mining in the states, etc. 1870-71 (1870-72). 2 v. %",; . . . ; being . . . annual report. 4-8, 1872-76 (1873-76). 5 v. 8°. h. Statistics of mines, etc. (See a.) (See also 4224, 4352.) 4352. Washington. — United States coast survey. a. Annual report of the superintendent. 1850(1851). Iv. 8*. Sketches. 1 V. 4°. (Preceded by c; succeeded by «?.) h. Principal documents. (See 4224, a.) c. Report of the secretary of the treasury, communicating (transmitting) a report of the superintendent of the (coast survey) survey of the coast (showing the progress of the work). 1844-50. 7 n. and v. 8**. (Followed by a, d.) d. Report of the superintendent of the coast survey, showing the progress of the survey. 1852-73(1853-75). 22 v. 4*'. (For earUer volumes, see c, a.) 4353. W^ashington. — United States commission of fish and fisheries. a. Report. Pt. 1-3, 1872-75 (1873-76). 3 v. 8°. 4354. Washington. — United States geological exploration of the fortieth parallel. (Clarence King, geologist in charge.) a. (No title.) Vol. 3, 5-6, 1870-76. 3 v. 4°. (Forming also no. 18 of 4343.) (See also 4344, 4355, 4356.) 4355. Washington. — United States geological (and geographical) survey of the territories. (F. V. Hayden, in charge.) a. Annual report. 1-8, 1867-74 (1867-76). 8 v. 8". Suppl. to 5, 1872. 1 n. 8". (The first report was published in the report of the commis- sioner of the general land office for 1867, with no distinctive heading; the second, entitled : Report ... on the geography of the Missouri valley, in the same report for 1868 ; the third, entitled : Preliminary field report of the U. S. geol. surv. of Colorado and New Mexico, was published independently. Reports 1-3 were reprinted in 1873 in one vol., under the title : First, second and third annual reports of the U. S. geol. surv. of the territories ; the fourth report was entitled : Prel. rep. of the U. S. geol. surv. of Wyoming and portions of con- tiguous territories, being a second annual report of progress. The fifth report was entitled : Prel. rep. of the U. S. geol. surv. of Mon- tana and portions of adjacent territories, being a fifth annual rep. of progr. The sixth : Sixth ann. rep. of the U. S. geol. survey of the territories, etc. The seventh and eighth : Ann. rep. of the U. S. geol. and geogr. surv. of the territories . . . being a report of progress of the exploration for the year.) BRITISH AMERICA. 291 b. Bulletin. Vol. 1-2, 1874-76. 2 v. 8° (The first volume was com- posed of two series, afterwards grouped into a volume ; and the first of these series consisted of two separately paged numbers.) c. Miscellaneous publications. No. 1-6, 1873-75. 6 n. and v. 8". (Three editions of no. 1, and 2 of no. 5, were issued previous to 1877.) d. Preliminary (field) report. (See a.) e. (Report.) Vol. 1, 2, 5 i, 6, 9, 10, 1873-76. 6 v. 4°. (The title was dropped with vol. 6.) (See also 4344, 4354, 4356.) 4356. 'Washington. — United States geological and geographical survey of the territories ; second division. (J. W. Powell, in charge.) a. Report on the geology of the eastern portion of the Uinta mountains and a region of country adjacent thereto. 1876. 1 v. 4°. (See also 4344, 4354, 4355.) 4357. Washington. — United States national museum. a. Bulletin. No. 1-6, 1875-76. 7 n. 8°. (No. 2 consists of two parts. Also published in 4350, g.) 4358. Washington. — U. S. naval (national) observatory. a. Astronomical observations. Vol. 1-5, 1845-50 (1846-59). 5 v. 4". b. Astronomical and meteorological observations. 1861-73 (1862-75). 13 V. 4''. c. Ephemeris of Neptune for the opposition of 1848 (1849). 1 n. 4°. ; — ephem. . . . for the date of the Lalande observations of 1795, for the opposition of 1846-49 (1849). 1 n. 4''. ; —ephem. ... for the year 1850- 52 (1850-53). • 3 n. 4". d. Nautical monographs. No. 1, 1859. 1 n. 4". Washington. — United States patent oflB.ce. (See 4350, d.) Washington. — War department. (See 4339, 4340, 4343, 4344, 4349, 4354, 4359.) 4359. Washington. — War department ; office of the chief signal officer. a. Daily bulletin of weather reports, signal service. United States army, taken at 7.35 a.m., 4.35 p.m. and 11 p.m., Washington mean time, with the synopses, probabilities and facts. Dec. 1872 — March 1874 (1875- 76). XG V. 4". (See also 4340.) 4360. Washington. — Washington scientific association. a. Proceedings. 1862. 1 n. 8". 4361. West Chester. — Chester county cabinet of natural science. a. Report. 1-14, 1828 ?-49. 14 n. 12°. Wisconsin ; for state reports, see under Madison. Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters. (See 4128.) Wisconsin, Naturhistorischer verein von. (See 4133.) 4362. Worcester. — American antiquarian society. a. Archaeologia americana; transactions and collections. Vol. 1-6, 1820-74. 6v. 8°. b. Proceedings. (See 4014.) 4363. Worcester. — Thomas's Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Vermont almanack (with an ephemeris). 1782-1810. 29 n. 8°. Isaiah Thomas, junior's town and county almanack or com- plete farmer's calendar. 1811-19. 9 n. 8°. BRITISH AMERICA. Canada, Botanical society of. (See 4370.) Canada, Commission geologique du. (See 4373.) Canada, Entomological society of. (See 4379, 4384.) Canada, Exploration geologique du. (See 4373.) Canada, Geological survey of. (See 4374.) Canada, Meteorological office of the dominion of. (See 4378.) Canadian institute. (Sec 4385.) Cap Rouge. — Le naturaliste canadien. (See 4381.) 4364. Frederioton. — Natural history society of New Brunswick. a. Annual report. 1863. 1 n. S". 292 BRITISH ASIERICA. 4365. Halifax. — Geological survey of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. a. Report. 1864. 1 n. f. (Cf. 4368, 4369.) 4366. Halifax. — Nova Scotia literary and scientific society. a. Transactions. 1859. 1 n. 8°. 4367. Halifax. — Nova scotian institute of natural science. a. Proceedings and transactions. Vol. 1-4 i, 1863-75 (1867-76). 4 v. 9,°. 4368. Halifax. — Report of the chief commissioner (department) of mines ; with reports on the provincial museum. 1864-75 (1865-76). 12 n. 8". (Cf. 4365, 4369.) 4369. Halifax. — Report on gold fields ; by Howe, etc. 1861-63. 4 n. f° (Cf. 4365, 4368.) 4370. Kingston. — Botanical society of Canada. a. Annals. Vol. 1, i-iii, 1860-62 (1861-62). 1 v. 4''. liondon. — Entomological society of Canada. a. The Canadian entomologist. (See 4384.) Montreal. — Amer. assoc. for the advancement of science. (See 3937.) 4371. Montreal. — The british-american journal, devoted to the advancement of the medical and physical sciences in the british-american provinces. 1860-62. 3 V. 8°. (Cf 4372.) 4372. Montreal. — The british-american journal of medical and physical science ; by Hall, etc. Vol. 1-5, 1845-50. 5 v. 4". ; — the british-am. med. and phys. journal ; new series. Vol. 6-7, 1850-52. 2 v. S''. (Cf 4371.) Montreal. — The british-american medical and physical journal. (See 4372.) Montreal. — The Canadian naturalist and geologist. (See 4375.) 4373. Montreal. — Exploration (commission) geologique dn Canada. a. Rapport de . . . chimiste. 1846. h. Rapport (de progres). 1843-66 (1845-67?), Montreal, Quebec and Toronto. 15 v. and n. 8°; — rapport des operations. 1866-75(1871- 76), Ottawa. 6 v. 8°. (The first report was entitled: Rapport pre- liminaire. No report in french corresponding to the two brief english reports (summaries) for 1866-69 and 1869-70 were published. Up* to 1860 the rapports were printed as appendices to the journals of the legislative assembly ; the same is true of that for 1871-72. See 4374, . Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) 148. Ajaccio QQ. Alais m. Albany, N. Y. 263. Alcoy 118. Aldaar 46. Alessandria 122. Alexandria 259. Alger 259. Algiers (Alger) 259. Alloa 3. Alnwick 3. Altdorf, Germ. 148. Altdorf, Switz. 141. Altenburg 148, 213. Alt-Gersdorf 149. Altona 149. Altotting 149. Amiens 67. Amsterdam 46. Ancona 122. Andermatt 141. Angers 67. Angouleme 68, Annaberg 149. Annapolis, Md. 265. Ann Arbor, Mich. 265. Annecy 68. Antwerp or Antwerpen (Anvers) 61, 297. Anvers 61, 297. Aosta 122. Apt 68. Aquila 301. Arad 221. Arezzo 122. Argentoratum (Strass- burg) 214. Aries 68. Arlon 297. Armagh 3. Arnheim (Arnhem) 51. Arnhem 51. Arnstadt 149, 304. Arras 68. Asti 122. Athens 251. Audi 68. Auckland 256. Augsburg 149. Augusta, Me. 265. Augusta Taurinorum (Turin) 136. Augusta Vindelicorum (Augsburg) 149. Austin, Tex. 265. Autun 68. Auxerre 69. Avallon 69. Avesnes 69. Avignon 69. Avranches 69. Aylesbury 3. Bagneres de Bigorre 69. Baireuth (Bayreuth) 150. Bale (Basel) 141. Ballaarat 256. Baltimore, Md. 266. Bamberg 150. Barcelona 118. Bar-le-Duc 69. Barmen 150. Barnsley 3, 294. Basel 141. Basilea (Basel) 141. Basle (Basel) 141. Bassano 122. Batavia 251. Bath 3. Bautzen 150. Bayeux 69. Bayonne 69. Bayreuth 150. Beaune 69. Beauvais 69. Bedford 3. Belfast 3. Belfort 69. Bencoolen 252. Bensheim 150. Bergamo 122. Bergen 36. Berlin 150. Bern 141. Berne (Berne) 141. Berolinura (Berlin) 150. Berwick-upon-Tweed 4. Besan9on 69. Besztercze (Bistritz) 221. Beszterczebanya 221. Beziers 70. Birmingham 4. Bistritz 221. Blandford 4. Blankenburg 161. Blois 70. Bloomington, III, 266. Bochnia 221. Bogenhausen 161, Bogota 259. Bois-le-l)uc (s'Hertogen- bosch) 56. Bologna 122. Bologne (Bologna) 122. Bolton 294. Bombay 252. Bone 259. Bonn 161. Bonna (Bonn) 161. Bononia (Bologna) 122. Bordeaux 70. Boston, Mass. 266. Bothcamp 162. Bouillon 62. Boulogne, Seine 71. Boulogne-sur-Mer 71. Bourbon-Vendee (La Roche-sur-Yon) 112. Bourg-en-Bresse 71. Bourges 71. Bozen 222. Bradford 4. Brandenburg 162. Braunschweig 162. Breda 52. Bregenz 222. Brema (Bremen) 163. Bremen 163. Bremerhaven 163. Brescia 123. Breslau 163. Brest 72. Brieg 165. Briey 72. Brighouse 4. Brighton 4. Bristol 4. Brives (Brives-la-Gail- larde) 72. Brives-la-Gaillarde 72. Brixen 222. Brockhausen 165. Bromberg 165. Bruges 62, 297. Briinn 222. Brunopolis (Braun- schweig) 162. Brunswick, Me. 269. Briissel or Brussels (Bruxelles) 62, 297. Briix 225. Bruxelles 62, 297. Bucharest (Bukuresht) 251. Buchholz 165. Buda or Budan (Buda- pest) 222. Budapest 222. Bude or Budin (Budapest) 222. Budissin (Bautzen) 150. Buenos Aires 260. Buffalo, N. Y. 269. Buitenzorg 252. Bukarest (Bukuresht) 251. Bukuresht 251. Bunzlau 225. Burlington, Vt. 269. Bury St. Edmunds 5. INDEX OF TOWNS. 309 Cadix (C&diz) 118. Cadiz 118. Caen 72. Cagliari 123. Cahors 73. Caire (Cairo) 259. Cairo 259. Calais 73. Calcutta 252. Cambrai 73. Cambridge, Engl. 5. Cambridge, Mass. 269. Cannes 73. Cantabrigia (Cambridge) 5. Canterbury 5. Canton 254. Cape Town 259. Capo d'Istria 225. Cap Rouge 291. Caracas 260. Carcassonne 73. Cardiff 5. Carlisle, Penn. 270. Carlsbad (Karlsbad) 189. Carlsruhe (Karlsruhe) 189. Carlstad, Sweden 36. Carlstadt, Austria (Karl- stadt) 228. Casale 123. Casan (Kazan) 243. Cassel 165. Castres 73. Catania 123. Celle 166. Ceneda 123. Chalon-sur-Sa6ne 73. Chalons-sur-Marne 73. Chambery 73. Charkoff 07' Charkow (KliarkofF) 243. Charleroi 64. Charleston, *S^. C. 270. Charlestown, Mass. 270. Chartres 74. Chateaudun 74. Chateauroux 74. Chateau-Thierry 74. Chauny 74. Chaux-de-Fond 142. Cheltenham 5. Chemnitz 166. Cherbourg 74. Chester 6. Chicago, III. 270. Chichester 6. Christiania 36. Chur 142. Cilli225. Cincinnati, Ohio 270. Clamecy 74. Claremont, N. H. 211. Clausthal 166. Clayton West 6. Clermont, Oise 74. Clermont-Ferrand 74. Cleveland, Ohio 271. Clifton 6. Coimbra 118. Coira or Coire (Chur) 142. Colchester 6. Colmar 166. Coin 166. Cologne (Coin) 166. Colombo 254. Columbia, .S'. C. 271. Columbus, Ohio 271. Como 123. Concord, N. H. 271. Constantine 259. Copenhagen or Copen- hague (Kjobenhavn) 38. Corbeil 74. Cordoba, Arg. Rep. 260. Cordoba, Spain 118. Cork 6. Cortona 123. Coutances 75. Cracovia, or Cracovie, or Cracow (Krakow) 228. Crema 123. Cremona 123. Croydon 6. Czernowitz 225. Danzig 166. Darmstadt 167. Davenport, Iowa 272. Dayton, Ohio 272. Dax 75. Dehra Dun 254. Delemont 142. Delft 52 Denver, Col. 272. Derpt 241. Derry 6. Des Moines, Iowa 272. Dessau 167. Detroit, Mich. 272. Deventer 52. Devizes 6. Dieppe 75. Digne 75. Dijon 75. Donauworth 168. Dordrecht 52. Dornach 168. Dorpat (Derpt) 241. Dort (Dordrecht) 52. Douai 75. Dover, Del. 272. Draguignan 75. Dresda or Dresde (Dres- den) 168. Dresden 168. Drontheim (Trondhjem) 45. Dublin 6, 294. Dubuque, Iowa 272. Dudley 8. Duisburg 171. Dumfries 8. Dundee 8. Dun Echt 8. Dunedin 256. Dunkerque 76. Dunkirk (Dunkerque) 76. Dunsink 8. Durckheim 171. Durham 8. Diisseldorf 171. Eastbourne 8. Easton, Penn. 272. Edinbourg (Edinburgh) 8. Edinburgh 8. Eger 225. Ehingen 171. Ekaterinburg (Yekaterin- burg) 250. Einsiedeln 142. Eisenach 171. Piisleben 171. Elberfeld 171. Elbeuf 76. Elmira, N. Y. 272. Elopatak 225. Emden 171. Enkhuizen 52. Enkhuysen (Enkhuizen) 52. Eperjes (Kassa-Eperjes) 228. Spinal 76. Erfordia (Erfurt) 171. Erfurt 171. Erfurtum (Erfurt) 171. Erlangen 173. Erlau (Eger) 225. Essen 173. Este 124. £vreux 76. Exeter 9. Faenza 124. Fahlun (Falun) 38. Falaise 76. Falmouth 9. Falun 38. Feldkirch 226. Ferrara 124. Fiesole 124. Firenze 124. Fiume 226. Flensborg (Flensburg) 173. Flensburg 173. Florence (Firenze) 124. Flushing, N. Y. 272. Flushing, Holl. (Vlissin- gen) 61. Folkestone 9. Francfort (Frankfurt-a.- M.) 174. Francfurtum (Frankfurt- a.-M.) 174. Frankenburg 174. Frankfort (Frankfurt-a.- M.) 174. Frankfort, K%j. 272. Frankfurt-am-Main 174. Frankfurt-an-der-Oder 176. Franklin, Tenn. 273. Frauenfeld 143, Fredericia 38. 310 INDEX OF TOWNS. Fredericton 291. Freiberg, Saxony 176. Freiburg-im-Baden 177. Freyberg (Freiberg) 176. Freyburg (Freiburg-i.-B.) 177. Fribourg, Switzerl. 143. Friburg (Fribourg) 143. Fridericia (Fredericia) 38. Fulda 177. Fiinfkirchen (Pecs) 231. Gand 64, 298. Gandavum (Gand) 64, 298. Gap 77. Gefle 38. Gend (Gand) 64, 298. G^nes (Genova) 125. Geneva (Geneve) 143, 303. Geneve 143, 303. Genf (Geneve) 143, 303. Genoa (Genova) 125. Genova 125. Gent (Gand) 64, 298. Georgetown, Col. 273. Georgetown, D. G. 273. Gera 177. Gettysburg, Penn. 273. Ghent (Gand) 64, 298. Giessa (Giessen) 177. Giessen 177. Gitschin (Ji6in) 227. Gladbach 178. Glarus 144. Glasgow 9. Glogau 178. Gloucester 10. Goole 10. Gorinchem 52. Gorlitz 178. Gorz 226. Goslar 178. Gotha 178. Gotheborg 38. Gothenburg (Gotheborg) 38. Gottinga (Gottingen) 179. Gottingen 179. Granada 118. Grand Rapids, Mich. 273. Gratz 226. Griitz or GrJiz (Gratz) 226. 's Gravenhage 53. Greenwich 10. Greifswald 181. Grenoble 77. Groninga (Groningen) 54. Groningen 54. Gross-Schonau 181. Guben 181. Gueret 78. Gumpendorf 227. Gydr 227. Haag ('s Gravenhage) 63. Haarlem 55. Habana 260. Hadamar 181. Iladersleben 181. Haerlem (Haarlem) 55. Hafnia (Kjobenhavn) 38. Haga Comitis ('s Graven- hage) 53. Hague ('s Gravenhage) 53. Hala (Halle) 181, 305. Halifax 292. Halle 181, 305. Hallowell, Me. 273. Hambourg or Hamburgum (Hamburg) 183. Hamburg 183. Hamm 185. Hanau 185. Hanley 10. Hannover 185. Hanover, Germ. (Han- nover) 185. Hanover, Ind. 273. Hanover, N. H. 273. Harlem (Haarlem) 55. Harrisburg, Penn. 273. Hartford, Conn. 273. Hastings 10. Havana (Habana) 260. Le Havre 78. Hawick 10. La Haye ('s Gravenhage) 53. Heckmondwike 10. Heidelberg 186. Heilbronn 187. Helmstadt 187. Helmstedt (Helmstadt) 187. Helsingfors 242. Helzingfors (Helsingfors) 242. Hemstead, N. Y. 274. Herborn 187. Hereford 10. Herisau 144. Hermannstadt 227. Hermanstadt (Hermann- stadt) 227. Hertford 10. 's Hertogenbosch 56. High Wycombe 10. Hilburgshausen 187. Hildesheim 187. Hobart Town 256. Hof 187. HofFensberg 38. Hohenleuben 305. Holmfirth 10. Holmia (Stockholm) 43. Hong Kong 254. Honley 10. Hoorn 56. Houghton, Mich. 274. Huddersfield 10. Hull 10. Huntington, N. Y. 274. Iceland (Island) 38. Iglau 227. Ilmenau 187. Indianapolis, Ind. 274. Ingolstadt 227. Innsbruck 227. Iowa City, Iowa 274. Ipswich 11. Irkutsk 242. Isla-de-Leon (San Fer- nando) 121. Island 38. Ithaca, N. Y. 274. Jackson, Miss. 274. Jamaica Plain, Mass. 274. Jeddo (Tokio) 255. Jefferson City, Mo. 274. Jekaterinburg (Yekaterin- burg) 250. Jena 187. Jicin 227. Joachimsthal 227. Joinville 78. Kamenz 189. Kampen 56. Karlsbad 189. Karlsruhe 189. Karlstadt 228. Kasan (Kazan) 243. Kaschau (Kassa-Eperjes) 228. Kassa-Eperjes 228. Kassel (Cassel) 165. Kaupmannahofn (Kjaben- havn) 38. Kazan 243. Kendal 11. Kesmark (Kezsmark) 228. Keswick 294. Kezsmark 228. Kharkoft' 243. Kharkov or Kharkow (Kharkoff) 243. Kieff 243. Kiel 189. Kiev or Kiew (Kieff) 243. Kilkenny 11. Kingston, Can. 292. Kingston, Jam. 261. Kingston-upon-Hull, Engl. 11. Kjebenhavn 38. Klagenfurt 228. Klausenburg (Kolozvar) 228. Klausthal(Clausthal) 166. Knoxville, Tenn. 21b. Koln (Coin) 166. Kolozsvar 228. Kommorau 228. Konigsberg 190. Kopenhagen (Kjeben- havn) 38. Kothen 191. Kracovie or Krakau (Kra- kow) 228. Krakow 228. Krems 229. Kremsier 229. Kremsmiinster 229. Krimmitzchau 191. INDEX OF TOWNS. 311 Kristiania (Cristiania) 36. Kronstadt 229. Kutztown, Penn. 275. La Haye ('s Gravenhage) 53. Lahore 254. Laibach 229. Landau 191. Landshut 19L Langensalza 191. Langres 78. Lansing, Mich. 275. Laon 78. La Rochelle 112. Launcester 257. Lausanne 144. Lauter 191. Laval 78. Lawrence, Kans. 275. Leamington 11. Leeds 11. Leeuwarden 5G. Leghorn (Livorno) 126. Le Havre 78. Leicester 11. Leide or Leiden (Leyden) 56. Leippa 229. Leipsic (Leipzig) 191. Leipzig 191. Leisnig 201. Leitmeritz 229. Le Mans 81. Lemberg 229. Lemgo 201. Leoben 229. Leodinum (Liege) 64, 298. LePuy 111. Le Roche-sur-Yon 112. Le Roy 113. Levallois 78. Lewes 11. Lewiston Falls, Me. 275. Lexington, Ky. 275. Leyde (Leyden) 56. Leyden oQ. Ley ton 11. Liege 64, 298. Liegnitz 202. Lille 78. Lima 261. Limoges 79. Lincoln 11. Linkoping 42. Linz 229. Lipsia (Leipzig) 191. Lisboa 118. Lisbon or Lisbonne (Lis- boa) 118. Lisieux 79. Little Rock, Ark. 27o. Liverpool 11. Liversedge 11. Livorno 126. Lodiana 254. Londen or Londinum (London) 12, 295. London, Can. 292. London, Engl. 12, 295. Londonderry 30. Londres (London) 12, 295. Lons-le-Saunier 79. Louisville, Ky. 275. Louvain 64, 298. Louviers 79. Lovanium (Louvain) 64, 298. Lowes 30. Lowestoft 30. Liibeck 202. Lucca 126. Lucerne (Luzern) 144. Ludwigshafen 202. Lugano 144. Lugdunum Batavorum (Leyden) 56. Lund 42. Liineburg 202. Luxembourg (Luxem- burg) 57, 202. Luxemburg 57, 202. Luzern 144. Lyon 80. Lyons (Lyon) 80. Maastricht 58. Macclesfield 30. Macon 81. Madison, Wise 276. Madras 254. Madrid 119, 301. Maestricht (Maastricht) 58. Magdeburg 202. Maidstone 30. Mailand (Milano) 127. Mainz 202. Makerstoun 30. Malines 65. Malvern 30. Mamers 81. Manchester 30. Manheim (Mannheim) 202. Mannheim 202. Mannhemium (Mann- heim) 202. Le Mans 81. Mantova 126. Mantua (Mantova) 126. Marburg 203. Marlborough 31. Maros-Vasarhely 230. Marquette, Mich. 276. Marseille 82. Marseilles (Marseille) 82. Matanzas 261. Mayence (Mainz) 202. Mayenne 82. Meaux 82. Medemblik 58. Mediolanum (Milano) 127. Mehadia 230. Meiningen 204. Meissen 204. Melbourne 257. Melk 230. Melun 83. Memmingen 204. Mende 83. Mentz (Mainz) 202. Meppen 204. Meran 230. Merseburg 204. Merthyr Tydfil 31. Meseritz 204. Messina 127. Metz 204. Mexico 261. Middleburg 58. Middlebury, Vt. 276. Middlesborough 31. Middlestown 31. Milan (Milano) 127, 302. Milano 127, 302. Milledgeville, Geo. 276. Millersville, Fe?in. 276. Milwaukee, Wise. 276. Mimetzki-Gradetz (Gratz) 226. Minden 204. Minneapolis, Minn. 276. Mirfield31. Mitau (Mitava) 243. Mitava 243. Mittau (Mitava) 243. Modena 129. Monachium (Miinchen) 205. Moncalieri 129, Mons 65, 298. Montargis 83. Montauban 83. Montbeliard 83. Montbrison 83. Montgomery. Ala. 276. Montpelier, Vt. 276. Montpellier, France 83. Montreal 292. \ Montrose 31. Monza 129. Morchain 84. Moscou or Moscua or Mos- kau (Moskva) 243. Moskva 243. Moulins 84. Moutiers 84. Miihlbach 205. Miihlhausen 205. Mulhouse (Miihlhausen) 205. Munich (Miinchen) 205. Miinster 207. Namur Qo. Nancy 84. Nantes 85. Nantua ^o. Naples (Napoli) 130, 302. Napoleon- Vendee (La Roche-sur-Yon) 112. Napoli 130, 302. Narbonne 85. Nashville, Tenn. 277. Nassau 262. 312 INDEX OF TOWNS. Natchez, Miss. 277. Naumburg 207. Neapel (Napoli) 130, 302. Neisse 207. Neubrandenburg 207. Neuburg 207. Neuchatel 144, 304. Neuenburg or Neufchatel (Neuchatel) 144, 304. Neu-Gersdorf 207, Neuhaus 230. Neusatz 230. Neu-Schonau 207. Neusohl (Beszterczeban- ya) 221. Neustadt an der Hardt 207. Neustrelitz 207. Neutra (Nyitra) 230. Neuwied 207. Nevers 85. New Brunswick, N. J. 277. Newbury 31. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 31, 296. New Haven, Conn. 211. New Orleans, La. 278. Newport, R. I. 278. Newport, Vt. 278. New York, N. Y. 278. Nice 85. Nieuwediep 58. Nijmegen 58. Nijinwegen (Nijmegen) 58. Nijne-Tagilsk (Nizhni- Tagilsk) 244. Nimes 85. Nimetzki-Gradetz (Gratz) 226. Niort 86. Nismes (Nimes) 85. Nizhni-Tagilsk 244. Nizza (Nice) 85. Nogent-le-Rotrou 86. Nordhausen 207. Nordlingen 208. Norimberga (Niirnberg) 208. Norland 31. Normal, III. 282. Northampton 31. Norwich 31. Nottingham 32. Noyon 86., Nuremberg (Ntirnberg) 208. Niirnberg 208. Nyitra 230. Oakland, Cal. 282. Oberscliiltzen 210. Odessa 244. Oedenburg 230. Ofen (Budapest) 222. Offenbach 210. Oldenburg 210. Olmiitz 231. Oostburg 58. Oporto 121! Orange 86. Orenburg 244. Orleans 86. Osnabriick 210. Oswestry 32. Ottawa, Can. 293. Ottawa, III. 282. Ovenden 32. Oxford 32. Paddock 32. Padova 131. Padua (Padova) 131. Palermo 132. Palma 121. Pamplemousses 255. Parigi or Parisium (Paris) 86. Paris 86. Parma 133. Passau 210. Pau 110. Pavia 133, 302. Pecs 231. Penn Yan, N. Y. 282. Penzance 32. Perigueux 110. Pernambuco 262. Perpignan 110. Perth 32. Perth Amboy, N. J. 282. Perugia 133. Pesaro 133. Pest or Pesth or Pesten (Budapest) 222. Pforzheim 210. Philadelphia, Penn. 282. Pisa 133. Pisek 231. Pistoja 134. Pittsburgh, Penn. 284. Plauen 210. Plymouth 32. Poitiers 110. Pola 231. Poligny 111. Porrentruy 145. Port au Prince 262. Portland, Me. 284. Port Louis 255. Port of Spain 262. Portsea 33. Portsmouth, Engl. 33. Portsmouth, N. H. 284. Posen 210, 306. Potsdam 210. Pottsville, Penn. 284. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 284. Poulkova (Pulkova) 244. Poznari (Posen) 210, 306. Pozsony (Pressburg) 233. Prag 231. ^ Prague, or Praha, or Praze (Prag) 231. Pressburg 233. Preston 33. PHbram 233. Princeton, N. J. 284. Privas 111. Providence, R. I. 284. Provins 111. Pulkova 244. Pulkowa (Pulkova) 244. Purmerend 58. Putbus 210. LePuy 111. Pyrmont 210. Quebec 293. Quedlinburg 210. Quimper 111. Raab (Gyor) 227. Rakonitz 233. Raleigh, N. C. 284. Rambouillet 111. Rastenburg 211. Rastrick 33. Ratisbon or Ratisbonne (Regensburg) 211. Ravenna 134. Redruth 33. Regensburg 211. Reiphenbach 212. Reichenberg 233. Reigate 33. Reims 111. Rennes 111. Rheiras (Reims) 111. Rheinfelden 145. Richmond, Ind. 285. Richmond, Va. 285, Riga 245. Rima-Szombat 233. Rio de Janeiro 262, Riom 112. Ripon 33. Ripponden 33. Roanne 112. Rocca-san-Casciano 134. Rochefort 112. La Rochelle 112. Rochester, N. Y. 285. La-Roche-sur-Yon 112. Rodez 112. Roma 134, 303. Rome (Roma) 134, 303. Roorkee 255. Rostock 212. Rotterdam 58. Roubaix 112. Rouen 112. Roveredo (Rovereto) 233. Rovereto 136, 233. Le Roy 113. Rudolstadt 212, 306. Rugby 33. Ryde 33. Saalfeld 212. Saarbriicken 212. Sacramento, Cal. 285. St. Anna-Parochie 59. St. Brieuc 113. St. Brieux (St. Brieuc) 113, INDEX OF TOWNS. 313 St. Denis, France 113. St. Denis, Reunion 255. St. Die 113. St. Etienne 113. St. Gall (St. Gallen) 145. St. Gallen 145. St. Gaudens 113. St. Helena 259. St. Jeand'Angely 113. St. Jean de Maurienne 114. St. John, N. B. 293. St. John's, Newf. 293. St. L6 114. St. Louis, Mo. 286. St. Maixent 114. St. Nicolas 298. St. Omer 114. St. Paul, Minn. 286. St. Peterburg 245. St. Petersburg or St. Pe- tersbourg (St. Peter- burg) 245. St. P51ten 234. St. Quentin 114. Saintes 114. Salem, Mass. 286. Salem, Or. 287. Salem, Ohio 287. Salford 33. Salisbury 33. Salzburg 234. Samaden 145. Samarang 255. Sandec 234. Sandhurst 258. San Fernando 121. San Francisco, Cal. 287. Santiago de Chile 262. Sassari 136. Scarborough 33. Schatfhausen 145. Schatfouse (Schaffhau- sen) 145. Schiissburg 234. Schemnitz (Selmecz) 234. Schenectady, N. Y. 287. Schiedam 59. Schinznach 145. Schleiz 213. Schleswig 213. Schmalkalden 213. Schneeberg 213. Schonau (Gross-Schonau) 181. Schonau (Neu- Schonau) 207. Schoningen 213. Schoondijke 59. Schoonhoven 59. Schwerin 213. Sciacca 136. Segovia 121. Selby 33. Selmecz 234. Senmr-en-Auxois 114. Senlis 114. Sens 114. Sevilla 121. Seville (Sevilla) 121. Shanghai 255. Sheffield 33. Shrewsbury 33. Siegen 213. Siena 136. Sienna (Siena) 136. Sierre 145. Simla 255. Singapore 255. Sion 145. Soerabaija 255. Soest 213. Soissons 114. Soleure (Solothurn) 145. Solothurn 145. Sondershausen 213. Sopron or Soprony (Oe- denburg) 230. Southampton 34. Speier (Speyer) 214. Speyer 214. Springfield, III. 287. Springfield, Mass. 287. Springfield, Ohio 287. Stade 214. Stafford 34. Stainland 34. Stettin 214. Stockholm 43. Stoke-upon-Trent 34. Stoneyhurst 34. Stralsund 214. Strasbourg (Strassburg) 214. Strassburg 214. Stuhhveissenburg 234. Stutgard (Stuttgart) 215. Stuttgart 215. Suczawa 234. Sulzbach 213. Sussex 34. Swansea 34. Sydney 258. Szeben (Hermannstadt) 227. Szeged 234. Szorabathely 235. Tarbes 115. Tarnow 235. Taunton 34. Tefiis (Tifiis ) 250. Teignmouth 34. Temesvar 235. Tenby 34. Termonde 298. Teschen 235. Thiers 115. Thorn 216. Tiel 60. Tifiis 250. Tokio 255. Toledo, Ohio 287. Tongres 65. Topeka, Kans. 287. Torino 136. Toronto 293. Toulon 115. Toulouse 115. Tournai 65. 298. Tours 116. Trajectum ad Rhenum (Utrecht) 60. Trent (Trento) 235. Trento 235. Trenton, N. J. 287. Trevand 256. Treves (Trier) 217. Treviso 138. Trevoux 116. Trient (Trento) 235. Trier 217. Triest (Trieste) 235. Trieste 235. Trivandrum (Trevand) 256. Trogen 146. Trondhjem 45. Troppau 235. Troy, N. Y. 288. Troyes 116. Truro 34. Trzemeszno 217. Tubingen 217. Turin (Torino) 136. tJdine 138. Ulm 217. Upsal (Upsala) 45. Upsala 45. Utica, N. Y. 288. Utrecht 60. Vaihingen 218. Valence 116. Valencia 121, 301. Valenciennes 117. Valladolid 121. Valparaiso 263. Valreas 117. Vannes 117. Varsovie (Warszawa)2o0. Velzen 61. Vendome 117. Venedig or Venetia (Ve- nezia) 138. Venezia 138. Venice or Venise (Ve- nezia) 138. Vennes (Vannes) 117. Verdun 117. Verona 139. Versailles 117. Verviers 299. Vervins 117. Vesoul 117. Vianen 61. Vicenza 140. Victoria 256. Vienna or Vienne (Wien) 236. Vilna (Vilno) 250. Vilno 250. Vindobona (Wien) 236. Vinkovce 235. Vire 117. Vitoria 121. 314 INDEX OF TOWNS. Vitry-le-Francois 117. Vittoria (Vitoria) 121. Vlaardingen 61. Vlissingen 01. Voghera 140. Voorburg 01. Vordernberg 236. Vratislavia (Breslau) 163. Wakefield 34. Wareliam 34. Warrington 34. Warsaw or Warsehau (Warszawa) 250. Warszawa 250. Warwick 34. Washington, D. C. 288. Watford, 35. Weida 300. Weimar 218. Weissenburg 219. Wellington, Etigl. 35. Wellington, N. Z. 258. Wellington College 35. Welshpool 35. Wcrnigerode 219. West Chester, Penn. 291. Westerns 46. Wetzlar 219. Whitby 35. Wien 236. Wiesbaden 219. Wigan 35. Willemsoord 61. AVilna (Vilno) 250. Winchester 35. Windsor 259. Winterthur 146. AVissembourg (Weissen- burg) 219. Wittenberg 220. Wolfenbiittel 220. Woolwich 35. Worcester, Engl. 35. Worcester, Mass. 291. Worms 220. Wurzburg 220. Wycombe 35. Yedo (Tokio) 255. Yekaterinburg 250. Yokohama 256. York 35. Ypres 299. Zagreb 241. Zalt-Bommel 61. Zara 241. Zell (Zelle) 221. Zelle 221. Zerbst 221. Zierikzee 61. Zittau 221. Znaim 241. Zofingen 146. Zurich 146. Zutphen 61. Zwickau 221. ZwoUe 61. INDEX OF TITLES. 315 INDEX OF TITLES. Publications of societies bearing only such a simple title as Annals, Bericht, Bulletin, Comptes-rendus, Journal, Memoirs, Proceedings, Verhandlungen, etc. do not appear in this index under those heads, but under the name of the society. Aarb. Kjobenh. univ. 608. Acad. Aarb. f. nord. oldkynd. 040. Acad. Aardr. genootsch. 718. Acad. Aardr. weekbl. 809. Acad. Abbild. alterth. mainzer mus. 3066. 177^ Abb. u. beschr. naturh. gegenst. 2261. Acad. Abb. thier- u. pflanzenr. 2498. Acad. Abeille 1272. Acad. Abeille friburg. 2150. Acad. Abeja 1709. Acad. A herd. nat. hist. soc. 24. Acad. Aberd. phil. soc. 25. Acad. Abhandl. geb. naturw. 2763. Acad. Abh. geol. specialk. Elsass-Lotlir. 3231. Acad. Abh. geol. specialk. Preuss. 2326. Acad. Abh. gesch. alterth. . . . Asiens 3698. Acad. Abh. kunde morgenl. 2919. Acad. Abh. naturg. 2417, 2878. Acad. Abh. naturg. thiere u. pflanzen 2928. Acad. Abh. a. d. naturlehre 2768. Acad. Abh. privatges. Bohmen 3482. Acad. Abh. privatges. naturf. Oberdeutschl. Acad. 3103. Acad. Abh. unters. geb. naturw. 2635. Acad. Aborig. prot. soc. 170. Acad. Abr. trans, philos. 1597. Acad. Acad. arch. Belg. 936. Acad. Acad, arts et met. Paris 1586*. Acad. Acad, bell.-lettr. sc. La Rochelle 1634. Acad. Acad. Bordeaux 1060. Acad. Acad, celtique Paris 1273. Acad. Acad: cienc. Buenos Aires 3874. Acad. Acad, cienc. exact, uniy. Cordoba 3887. Acad. Acad, cienc. Madrid 1726. Acad. Acad, cienc.med. fisic.nat.Habana3888. Acad. Acad, cienc. nat. Barcelona 1710. Acad. Acad, delphinale 1151. Acad. Acad, ebroicienne 1175. Acad. Acad, elect, mog. sc. util. 2546. Acad. Acad, elect, sc. eleg. litt. Theod.-palat. Acad. 3067. Acad. Acad. enc. sc, etc. Arras 1030. Acad. Acad, espaii. 1727. Acad. Acad, gandav. 967. Acad. Acad. Gard 1258. Acad. Acad. gen. cienc, etc Cordoba 1718. Acad. Acad. Gottingen 2670. Acad. Acad, groning. 839. Acad. Acad, hippone 3868. Acad. Acad, ingolst. 3422. Acad. Acad, intern, sc, etc. 1274. Acad. Acad, jenensis 2809. Acad. Acad, jeux floraux 1678. Accad Acad. Julia 2418. Accad Acad, leodien. 973. Accad Acad. leop. -carol, nat. cur. 3146. Accad Acad. leop. nat. cur. 2580. Accad Acad, lovan. 942. Accad Acad, lugd.-bat. 866. Accad Macon 1202. marine Brest 1089. Marseille 1207. mat. y nobles artes Valladolid Metz 3094. nat. cur. 2808. nat. sc Philadelphia 4232, 4233. rheno-traj. 917. roy. Prusse 1275. Sainte-Croix d'Orleans 1267. sciences, etc. Aix 1006. sc, etc. Amiens 1012% 1013. sc, etc Berlin 2262. sc, etc. Besan^on 1050. sc, etc. Belg. 943. sc, etc Beziers 1056. sc, etc Bordeaux 1061. sc, etc Bruxelles 943. sc, etc Caen 1095. sc, etc Clermont-Ferrand 1130. sc, etc. Dijon 1137, 1138. sc. inst. Bologne 1277. sc inst. bonon. 1796. sc. Lisboa 1720. sc, etc. Lyon 1176. sc, etc. Marseille 1208. sc. Metz 3094. sc, etc Mon'tpellier 1228. sc. Palermo 1973. sc. Paris 171, 719, 814, 1276, 1397. sc. petropol. 3706. sc, etc Reims 1626. sc. Richmond 4284. sc, etc. Rouen 1640. sc. St. Louis 4295. sc St. Petersbourg 3706, 3707. sc, etc. Savoie 1114. sc, etc. de la Somme 1012. sc. Stockholm 1278. sc. Torino 2051, 2052, 2053. sc, etc. Toulouse 1679. sc U. S. 4335, 4012. de Stanislas 1243. Theod.-palat. 3067. unan. Torino 2054. Upsaliae 2671. val d'lsere 1242*. Vaucluse 1039. wissensch. Berlin 2370, 2437. wissensch. Briissel 2879. agric comm. ed arti Verona 2103. , arcli., etc. Napoli 1928, 1958. . aret. scienze, etc. 1791. . asp. nat. Napoli 1929. , cim. Firenze 1821. , Crusca 1822. , ercol. arch. 1930. . etrusca 1816. :31G INDEX OF TITLES. Accad. filos.-mod. S. Tomm. 1797. Accad. fisico-med.-stat. Milano 1870, 1882. Accad. fisiocrit. Siena 2050. Accad. Georgofili 1823. Accad. gioen. sc. nat. Catania 1813. Accad. ital. Firenze 1824. Accad. ital. sc, etc. Livorno 186G. Accad. lincei Roma 2019. Accad. lucch. sc. lett. arti 1868. Accad. med.-fis. fiorentina 1825. Accad. Modena 1917. Accad. olimpica 2109. Accad. olimp. agric. sc. ed^arti 2083. Accad. orient. 1840. Accad. palerm. 1974. Accad. petrarch. scienze, etc. 1792. Accad. pisana 1999. Accad. pist. sc, etc. 2016. Accad. i^ontaniana Napoli 1931. Accad. Pontano Napoli 1932. Accad. pont. nuovi lincei Roma 2020. Accad. roveret. 3523. Accad. sc e bell. -lett. Napoli 1933, 1934. Accad. sc, etc dip. Mella 1808. Accad. sc. fis. e mat. Napoli 1959. Accad. sc, etc. Genova 1852. Accad. sc, etc. Mantova 1871. Accad. sc, etc. Modena 1918. Accad. sc, etc. Padova 1964. Accad. sc, etc Palermo 1975. Accad. sc. inst. Bologna 1798. Accad. Udine 2079. Accad. vald. del Poggio 2000. Acclimatation 1567. Acchm. anim. et plantes 1627. Acclim. soc Auckland 3828. Acclim. soc. Gr. Brit. 172. Acclim. soc N. S. Wales 3851. Acclim. soc. Victoria 3836. Acis 3118. Acta erud. 2880. Acta erud. synopsis 2084. Acta germ. 173. Acta helv. 2128. Acta lit. et scient. succ. 704. Acta lit. suec. 705. Acta med. phil, hafn. 609. Acta med. suec. 706. Acta phil. 766, 3017. Acta physico-med. 3146. Acta prom. phil. 707. Actual, sc. 1279. Adam's meteor, journ. 174. Adansonia 1280. Adelaide phil. soc. 3827. Administr. mines 1447*. Admin, mines Russ. 3708. Advoc science 4234. Aeronaute 1281, 1579. Aeron. soc. Gr. Brit. 175. Afd.Dev. nederl.onderw. gcnootsch.803. Afhandl. i physik, etc. 676. Afhandl. ror. naturw. 598. Afric assoc. 176. Afrik. gesellsch. Berlin 2263. Agassiz inst. 4289. Agric hort. botan. soc. Jeff. Coll. 4149. Agric N. Y. 3945. Agric soc. Engl. 176*. Agrik.-i)liysik. laborat. hochsch. Miin- chen 3104. Akad. gem. wissensch. Erfurt 2547. Akad. Groningen 840. Akad. gymn. Gorz 3397. Akad. gymn. Laibach 3452. Akad. gymn. Prag 3483. Akad. gymn. Salzburg 3526. Akad. gymn. Wien 3561. Akad. Hamburg 2742. Akad. naturf. Niirnberg 3148. Akad. naturw. verein Breslau 2439. Akad. naturw. ver. Gratz 3399. Akad. nauk. St. Peterburg 3710. Akad. niitz. wissensch. Erfurt 2547. Akad. wetensch. Amst. 720. Akad. wissensch. Berlin 2370, 2656. Akad. wissensch. Paris 2264, 2438, 2881, 3056. Akad. wissensch. Miinchen 3105. Akad. wissensch. Petersb. 3699. Akad. wissensch. St. Petersburg 3709. Akad. wissensch. Wien 3560. Akklim. verein Berlin 2265. Akklim. verein preuss. staaten Berl. 2265. Albany inst. 3940. Album mus. Constant. 3872. Album d. natuur 846. Alchim. friulano 2080. Alftibeto 1826. Alg. mag. wetensch., etc. 721. Alg. vaderl. letteroef. 722. All. lande 619. All. reich. natur 2606. AUelod. soc. London 177. AUerneuest. mannigf. 2347. Allg. balneol. zeit. 3140. AUg. bauzeit. f. arch., etc. 3562. Allg. berg- u. hiittenm. zeit. 3185.. Allg. chem. bibl. 2548. Allg. confer, eur. gradmessung 1. Allg. deutsche naturh. zeit. 2505. Allg. deutsche ornith. gesellsch. 2266. Allg. deutsche zeitschr. seidenbau 3006. Allg. geogr. epliem. 3295. Allg. helv. mag. bef. inl. naturk. 2184. Allg. hist. mag. 2657. Allg. jahrb. univ. 2549. Allg. journ. chem. 2882. Allg. mag. natur, kunst u. wiss. 2883. Allg. nord. ann. chem. 3711. Allg. onderw. vereen 897. Allg. physik. abhandl. 2547. Allg. polytechn. zeit. 3149. Allg. repert. emp. psych., etc. 3150. Allg. repert. miner. 2581. Allg. repert. neuest. . . . lit. 2884. Allg. schweiz. gesellsch. ges. naturw. 2113. Allg. vers, berg.- u. huttenm. 3345. Allg. wiener polyt. journ. 3563. Alliance des lettres 1282. Alloa soc. nat. hist., etc. 26. Almanac by Brinkley 180. Almanac by Partridge 178. Almanac by Tulley 4013. Aim. arch. fran^. 1100. INDEX OF TITLES. 317 Aim. astrol. astr., etc. 1283. Aim. c:il. metoor. 1284. Aim. Carlsbad 348-1. Aim. chim. 1041. Aim. cient, 2181. Aim. coel. motions, etc. 3972. Aim. fortschr. ... in wissensch. 2550. Aim. Franklin 980". Aim. gens de mer 107G. Aim. geogr. 1877. Aim. Gotlieborgs horizont 693. Aim. Haparandas horizont 693. Aim. liist. nat. 1285. Aim. Lunds horizont 693. Aim. du marin 1449. Aim. raaritt. 1788. Aim. met.-agric. 1728. Aim. met. y agron. 1729. Aim. d. natuur 723. Aim. naut. 1730. Aim. for navig. 4341. Aim. neuest, fortschr. wiss. 3206*. Aim. noved. 1731. Aim. osterr. kriegsmarine 3590. Aim. phys. instr. et amus. 1642. Aim. poor Rich, second 3973. Aim. pop. efem. 1732. Aim. pop. magn. prac. 1286. Aim. scheidek. u. apoth. 3296. Aim. sc. and art. 179. Aim. scient. 1287. Aim. Sierra Nev. 1719. Aim. Stockholms horizont 693. Alpenfreund 2632. Alpenpost 2166. Alpes 2151. Alpina 2185. Alpine club London 181. Alpine journal 181. Alpinista 2060. Alpwirthsch. monatsbl. 2119. Altherth.-gesellsch. Prussia 2858. Alterthumsf. ver. Hohenl. 3294*. Altes u. neues a. d. Erzgeb. 2615. Alton, gel. anz. 2233. Alton, gel. zeit. 2234. Altpreuss. monatsschrift 2859. Amer. acad. arts sc. Boston 3974. Amer. aim. 3975. Amer. ann. arzneik. naturg. 2426. Amer. antiq. soc. Worcester 4014, 4362. Amer. artizan 4163. Amer. assoc. adv. sc. 3937. Amer. assoc. prom, sc, etc. 4164. Amer. bee-journ. 4235. Amer. botan. hort. mag. 4165. Amer. botan. reg. 4336. Amer. chem. 4166. Amer. electr. soc. Chicago 4027. Amer. engineer 3966. Amer. entom. 4296. Amer. entom. and bot. 4296. Amer. entom. soc. Philad. 4236. Amer. ephem. 4337. Amer. ethnol. soc. N. Y. 4167. Amer. gas-light jour. 4205. Amer. geogr. soc. N. Y. 4168. Amer. geogr. stat. soc. N. Y. 4168. Amer. inst. N. Y. 4169. Amer. inst. arch. N. Y. 4170. Amer. inst. min. cng. 3938. Amer. iron assoc. Philad. 4237. Amer. iron steel assoc. Philad. 4238. Amer. journ. agric. sc. 3941. Amer. journ. conch. 4233, 4239. Amer. journ. micr. 4028. Amer. journ. micr. pop. sc. 4171. Amer. journ. mining, etc. 4172. Amer. journ. sc. arts 4153. Amer. laboratory 3976. Amer. lyceum N. Y. 4173. Amer. mag. 2235, 2743. Amer. med. philos. regist. 4174. Amer, metric bureau Boston 3977. Amer. mining gaz. 4176. Amer. mining index 4212. Amer. mining journ. 4175. Amer. monthl. mag. 4177. Amer. mus. nat. hist. N. Y. 4178. Amer. nat. 3978, 4302, 4303. Amer. neurol. assoc. N. Y. 4179. Amer. orient, soc. 3979. Amer. philos. soc. Philadelphia 4240. Amer. polytechn. journ. 4338. Amer. quart, journ. agric. sc. 3941. Amer. repert. arts, etc. 4180. Amer. rev. science, etc. 4181. Amer. sc. monthly 4098. Amer. silk soc. 3967. Amer. soc. civ. eng. 4182. Amer. year-book 4087. Ames' aim. 3981, 3984. Ami des champs 1062. Ami des sc. 1288. Amic. campi 3549. Amic. d'ltalia 2055. Amoen. acad. 677. Analecta transalp. 2102. Analecten z. natur- u. heilk. 3326. Analecten z. naturk. u. ocon. 3338. Analekten erd- u. himmelsk. 3106. Anales cienc. 1733. Anal, cienc. agric, etc. 3889. Anal, cient. argent. 3880. Anal. hist. nat. 1734. Anal, de minas 1745. Anal, miner, mexic 3907. Analyse 1289. Analyst 454, 561, 4065, 4241. Analyt. rev. 182. Analyt. soc. Lond. 183. Anat. anst. Konigsberg 2885. Anat. chem. bot. abhandl. 2438. Anat. chym. bot. abhandl. 2437. Anat. inst. Breslau 2440. Anat. inst. Rostock 3200. Anat. studien 2886. Anders, sch. nat. hist. 4015. Angel, britann. 184. Angel, sider. 185. Anim. kingd. 4183. Annab.-Buch. ver. naturk. 2244. Annaes magn. terr. 1723. Ann. mar. e col, 1721. Ann. meteor. 3922. Ann, das sc, 1290. Ann. das sc. e lettr. 1720, Annalen berg- u, hiittenk. 3527. 31H INDKX OK TITLKS. Annalen d. botanik 215)1. Ann. chem. 30o8. Ann. chem. u pharni. 3053. Ann. deutch. akad. 3239. Ann. entom. 1096, 1318. Ann. erd-, volker- u. staatenk. 2207. Ann. fortschr. ... in wissensch. 2550. Ann. gewiichsk. 3191. Ann. d. liydrogr. 2326. Ann. meteor, erdmagn. 3107. Ann. d. mines 1302. Ann. naturg. 2672. Ann. oudh. kring Waas 989*. Ann. pharm. 3053. Ann. d. physik 270-t. Ann. d. physik u. chemie 2704. Ann. reisen geogr. ii. stat. 2268. Ann. telegr.^2269. Ann. univ.-syst. elem. 2673. Annaler nord. oldkynd. 640. Annales acad. 807. Ann. d'aer. et met. 1551. Ann. agric, etc, 1613. Ann. agric. Aisne 1664. Ann. arch. 1291. Ann. arch. . . . du nord 640. Ann. helg. sc, etc. 968. Ann. hot. 1853. Ann. hot. syst. 2887. Ann. boulonn. 1077. Ann. chim. 1292, Ann. chim. phys. 1292 Ann. cond. i)onts et chauss, 1293. Ann, encycl. 1294. Ann. europ. phys. veg. 1295. -Ann. forest. 1296, 1517. Ann. frany. . , . anat., etc. 1297. Ann. hort, et hot. 868, Ann. hydrog. 1299, 1735. Ann. gen. sc. phys. nat. 944. Ann. genie civil 1298. Ann. malac. 1300. A in. math. 1259. Ann. med, -psych, 1301. Ann. mines 1323. Ann. physico-med. 3011. Ann. ponts et chauss. 1303. Ann. sc. et arts 1304. Ann. sc. geol. 1305, 1306. Ann. sc. litt. arts 1307. Ann. sc. nat. 1308. Ann. sc. d'obs. 1309. Ann, sc. phys. nat. 1188. Ann. scient. 1378. Ann. scient., etc. Anvergne 1131. Ann. scient., etc. dep. Aisne 1664. Ann. Stat. 1310. Ann. t6I. 1311. Ann. trav. publ. Belg. 945. Ann. univ. Belg. 946. Ann. voy. 1312. Annali chim. 1878. Ann. chim. (e stor. nat.) 1990. Ann, fis. 1965. Ann. fis. cliim. e mat. 1879. Ann. fis. chim. e sc, afF, 1879. Ann, mat. pura ed appl. 2021. Ann. scient. 1935. Ann. scienze e lett. 1880. Annali scienze lomb,-ven. 2110. Ann, scienze mat. e fis. 2022. Ann. scienze regn. lomb.-ven. 19G6. Ann. storia nat. 1799. Annals anat. phys. 106. Ann. bee-cult. 4120. Ann. bot. 186. Ann. chem. 188. Ann. chem. phil. 187. Ann. chem. pract. pharm. 189. Ann. commerce, etc. 190. Ann. electricity, etc. 191. Ann, mag, nat, hist, 192, Ann. nat, 4117, Ann, nat. hist. 192. Ann. phil. disc. 193, Ann. phil. or mag. chem., etc. 194. Ann, phil, nat. hist., etc. 195. Ann. science 4044, Annee geogr. 1313, Annee scient, 1314, Annuaire art, sc, tech, mil, 946*. Ann, astron, , , , Moselle 3095. Ann. chim. 1232, 1315. Ann. cinq dep. Norm. 1097, Ann, du cosmos 1316, Ann, Cotes du nord 1651. Ann. eaux min. 1317. Ann. journ. mines lluss. 3712. Ann. marees 1319. Ann. marine et col, 1320, Ann. meteor. 1321. Ann. meteor. France 1322. Ann. meteor, magn. 3717. Ann. naut. 2270. Ann. obs. St. Jean 1115. Ann. sc. chim. 1278. Ann. scient. 1324. Ann. soc. sav. 1325, 1448. Ann. voy. geogr. 1326. Ann, zool, 1653, Annual meteor, syn. Toledo 4316, Ann. rec. science ind, 4184. Ann. rep, brit, fisheries 196. Ann. rep. chief eng. U, S. A. 4339. Ann. rep. chief sign. off. U. S. A. 4340. Ann. rep. comm. fish. N. J. 4322. Ann. rep. comm. fish. Wise. 4123. Ann. rep. comm. inl. fish. Mass. 4003. Ann. rep. comm, inl. fish. K. I. 4276. Ann. rep. geol, Cal. 4294. Afln. rep. geol. expl. Penn. 4082. Ann. rep. geol. Iowa, 4005*. Ann. rep. geol. Kans. 4318. Ann. rep. geol. Maine 3960. Ann. rep. geol. Md. 3953. Ann. rep. geol. Mich. 4112. Ann. rep. geol. Missouri 4107. Ann. rep. geol. N. H. 4055, 4056. Ann. rep. geol. publ. lands Me. and Mass. 3959. Ann. rep. geol. Verm, 4137. Ann, rep. inj, ins. Mass, 3996. Ann. rep. meteor, obs. Punjab 3798. Ann. rep, nat, hist, geol. Me. 3962. Ann. rep. nox. ins. 111. 4310. Ann. rep. nox, ins. Missouri 4106, Ann, rep. Ohio fish comm. 4051. Ann. rep. progr. chem. 197. INDEX OF TITLES. 319 Annual rep. state geol. N. J. 4328, 4325. Ann. rep. state geol. Penn. 4083, Ann. rep. topogr. geol. bot. Louis. 4159. Ann. rep. warden of standards 219. Ann. retr. eng. archit. 198. Ann. scient. disc. 3982. Annuario chim. ital. 1919. Ann. geogr. ital. 1800. Ann. niarit. 3550. Ann. sc. e cal. gen. 1181. Ann. sc. chim., etc. 1872. Ann. sc. chim. e nat. 2104. Ann. sc. ed industr. 1827. Ann. zool. 1936. Anthropologia 200. Anthrop. anstalt Wiirzburg 3327. Anthrop. gesellsch. Wien 3564. Anthrop. inst. Gr. Brit. 19. Anthrop. inst. N. Y. 4185. Anthrop. journ. 200. Anthrop. rev. 199, 200. Anthrop. socLond. 200. Antiquar. annaler 612. Antiquar. gesellsch. Ziirich 2192. Antiquar. tidsskr. 640. Antiquar. tidskr. for Sverige 702. Antiquiteiten 841. Antimas. aim. 4288. Antologia 1828. Antol. ital. 2056. Antol. sc. nat. 1937. Antrop. sallskapet 678. Anuario hidrogr. marina Chile 3933. Anz. kunde deutsch. raittelalt. 3161. Anz. kunde deutsch. vorzeit 3161. Anz. schweiz. gesch. u. alterth. 2192. Ape italiana 2107. Apicult. pract. 1327, 1572. Apollo angl. 201. Appalachia 3983. Appal, mount, club 3983. Arad. min.-rendi nagy-gymn. 3347. Arc. entom. 202. Arc. nat. 1328. Arc. sc. art. 203. Archaeologia 447. Archaeol. aeliana 509. Archaeol. amer. 4362. Archaeol. archit. soc. Bedf. 35. Archaeol. cambr. 231. Archaeol. cant. 489. 'ApXaioX. e077/x. 3761. 'ApxatoX. eraipeia. 3761. Archaeol. inst. Gr. Br. 20. Archaeol. journal 20, 21. Archaeol. scotica 128. Archiiol. sect. bohm. mus. 3485. Archaeol. . . . society Chester 72. Archaeol. surv. India 3813. Archaeol. surv. West-India 3813. Archaeologist 204. Archjiol. blatter 3485. Archtiol. gesellscli. Berlm 2271. Arclmol. inst. deutsch. reichs 2271. Archaol.inst. Rom 2271. Archiiol. verein Berlin 2272. Archaol. zeitung 2271. Archief d. wiskunde 895. Archigymn. Soest 3220. Archit. archaeoL soc. Bucks 29. Archit. -ingen. ver. Bohm. 3486. Archit. ingen. ver. Hannover 2776. Archiv alte u. mittl. gesch., etc. 2736. Arch. anat. physiol. 2888. Arch. anat. physiol. u. wiss. nied. 2273. Arch, anthrop. 2419, 2423. Arch, artill. 2274. Arch. bain. 3141. Arch. bayr. gesch. u. alterth. 2256. Arch, bergbau 2275. Arch, botan. 2889. Arch. chem. u. meteor. 3151. Arch. . . . deustche gesch., etc. 3089. Arch, ethnogr. 3297. Arch. gem. phys. med, kenntn. 2193. Arch, geogr., etc. 3565. Arch, geogr. u. stat. 3566. Arch. ges. naturl. 3152. Arch. ges. physiol. mensch. u. thiere 2405. Arch, gesch. u! alterth. Oberfr. 2259. Arch, gesch. alterth. Obermainkr. 2257. Arch, gesch. alterth. Tirols 3423. Arch. hess. gesch. u. alterth. 2489. Arch. hoU. beitr. naturk. 918. . Arch, insektengescli. 2194. Arch, klein. zerstr. reisebeschr. 2176. Arch. math. 576, 610. Arch. math, pliysik. 2696. Arch, merkw. reiche d. natur 2420. Arch. mikr. anat. 2406. Arch, miner, geogn., etc. 2276. Arch, natur, etc.'2421. Arch, naturg. 2277, 3132. Arch, naturk. Liv-, Ehst- u. Kurl. 3655. Arch, naturwiss. 2860. Arch, naturw. landesdurchf. Bohm. 3488. Arch, neuern gesch. geogr., etc. 2890. Arch, neuest. entdeck. urwelt 3186. Arch, neuest. u. merkw. reisebeschr. 2278. Arch, offlc. preuss. artill. 2279. Arch, pharm., etc. 2466. Arch, physiol. 2705. Arch, physiol. path, chemie 3567. Arch, reinen u. angew. math. 2891. Arch, scand. beitr. naturg. 2697. Arch, seewesen 3568. Arch. syst. naturgesch. 2892. Arch, theor. chem. 2810. Arch, thier. chem. 2706. Arch, thier. magn. 2226. Arch, vaterl. interessen 2870. Arch. wiss. kunde Russl. 2280. Arch. zool. zoot. 2281. Archives anat. gen. 1329. Arch, botan. 1330. Arch, connn. scient. Mex. 1448. Arch, cosmol. 947. Arch, decouv. 1331. Arch, electr. 2152. Arch, entom. 204% 1332. Arch, de flore 3314. Arch. hist. ins. 2186. Arch. miss. sc. et litt. 1448. Arch, neerl. sc. ex. et nat. 857. Arch, physiol., etc. 1334. Arch, physiol. norm. 1333. 320 INDEX OF TITLES. Archives of science 4102. Arch. sc. phys. et nat. 2154. Arch. zool. cxp. 1335. Archivio antrop. e etnol. 1829. Arch, maritt. 3552. Arcli. met. centr. ital. 1841. Arch, triest. 3551. Arch. zool. anat. fis. 1854. Argent, observ. 3876. Argent, meteor, office 3875. Arkeogr. komm. niinist. narodn. prosv. 3713. Arkeol. obshtch. St. Peterburg 3714. Armagh nat. liist. phil. soc. 28. Armagh observ. 204''. Arqueol. soc. Valencia 1777. Artillery inst. 560. Arts 4029. Ashm. soc. 519. Asiat. journ. 205. Asiat. researches 448, 3790. Asiat. soc. Beng. 3780. Asiat. soc. Gr. Brit. 200. Asiat. soc. Japan 3825. 'Aa-KXTjirelov 2703. Asmodee 1336. Asoc. ing. industr. Madrid 1736. Assis. scient. Limoges 1108. Assis. scient. Metz 3096. Assoc, amer. geol. (nat.) 3939. Assoc, bret. 1628. Assoc, disc. Afr. 209. Assoc. . . . eng. surv. Lond. 207. Assoc. fran9. av. science 993, 1063. Assoc, geod. intern. 2. Assoc, ingen. ecole Liege 974. Assoc, intern, afric. Bruxelles 947*. Assoc, lyonn. amis sc. nat. 1177. Assoc, mar. e col. Lisboa 1721. Assoc, nat. med. Napoli 1937*. Assoc, normande 1097. Assoc, obt. dec. syst. London 208. Assoc, philom. vog.-rhenane 3232. Assoc, prof. Belg. Tournai 990*. Assoc, scient. France 994, 1229. Assoc, strasb. amis hist. nat. 3233. Assoc, zool. Leman 2153. Astrol. britann. 210. Astro-meteor, journ. 211. Astron. abhandl. 2236. Astr. ann. 212. Astr. diary 3984, 3985, 3986, 3987, 3988, 4186, 4270. Astr.-geod. arbeiten 3603. Astr. gesellsch. Leipzig 2893. Astr. jahrb. 2370, 3240, Astr. jahrb. f. physische, etc. 3108. Astr. journ. 4016. Astr. kalend. Bayern 3126. Astr. di Marengo 1785. Astr.-meteor. jahrb. 3487. Astr. nachr. 2237. Astr. napk. es kalend. 3373. Astr. naplo es kalend. 3373. Astr. nat. pop. 1064. Astr. notices 3958. Astr. observ. Georgetown Coll. 4187. Astr. observ. Harv. Coll. 4017. Astr. picard 1014. Astr. reg. 213. Astr. soc. Lond. 214. Astr. taschenb. 3328. Ateneo 1946, 2023. Aten. Balear 1769. Aten. di Brescia 1808, 1809. Aten. cient. Madrid 1738. Aten. italiano 1337, 1830. Aten. Milano 1882. Aten. prop, cienc. nat. Madrid 1737. Aten. sc. lett. ed arti Bergamo 1795. Aten. di Treviso 2085. Aten. veneto 2086. Athenaeum 815, 2824. 'Adrjvaiov 3760. Athenee 1230. Athen. arts, sc, etc. Paris 1339. Athen. beauv. 1046*. Athen. frang. Paris 1338. Athen. Gers 1032. Athen. Niort 1262. Athen. orient. Paris 1340.* Atlantic journ. 4242. Atlantis 79. 'ArXas ovpdvios 215. Auckland inst. 3829. Aurora 2282. Auserl. abhandl. 2881. Auserl. abhandl. f. iirzte, etc. 2964. Auserl. abhandl. naturgesch.^ etc. 2894, 2895. Auserl. med. -chir. -anat. . . . abhandl. 3148. Auserl. samml.vorth.staatsw., etc. 2121. Ausland 3241. Austr. mechanic 3837. Austr. philos. soc. Sydney 3859. Austr. quart, jour, theol. lit. sc. 3852. Ausw. eigenth. abhandl. . . . chem. 2896. Ausw. kleine schriften 2670. Ausw. neuest. abhandl. ausw. gel. 3187. Ausw. vorz. abh. . . . franz. ann. chem. 2799. Ausz. neuest. diss. akad. 2283. Ausz. trans, soc. 2499. Aux. asiat. soc. Madras 3799. Bad. ver. gefliigelz. 2840. Bahama soc. ditF. knowl. 3918. Baier. akad. wissensch. Miinchen 3109. Baier. botan. gesellsch. liegensb. 3191. Balneol. zeit. 3317. Bait. med. physical rec. 3968. Bait, philos. journ. 3969. Baltische studien 2864. Banyasz- es erd.-ifjus lapja 3366*. Biinyasz. kolu'isz. lapok. 3537. Barcl. observ. 216. Bataaf. maatsch. wetensch. 724, 847. Batav. genootsch. kunst. en wetensch. 725, 3767. Bataf. genootsch. proef. wijsbeg. 898. Batav. gesellsch. wissensch. 2897. Bath Bristol mag. 30. Bath lit. scient. inst. 31. Bath micr. soc. 32. Bath nat. hist, antiq. field club 33. Bath W. Engl. soc. 34. Baugewerkenschule Plauen 3180. INDi:X OF TITLES. 321 Baugewerks-schule Dresden 2521. Baul. anl. berg- . . . werkenPreuss. 2284. Bayer, arch.-ingen. ver. Miinchen 3110. Bayer, fischerei-ver. Miinchen 3111. Bedf. archaeol. arcliit. soc. 36. Bedf. nat. hist. soc. 37. Bee-keeper's journal 4045. Bee-keeper's mag. 4188. Beide com. landesd. Bolim. Prag 3488. Beitr. anat. pliysiol. 2G36. Beitr. anat. physiol. thiere 2427. Beitr. anthrop. urgesch. Bayerns 3122. Beitr. balneol. 3489. Beitr. biol. pflanzen 2441. Beitr. botan. 2428, 2612. Beitr. biirgerl. gesch. 2879. Beitr. chemie 3569. Beitr. chem. physik 3167. Beitr. entoni. 2442, 2456. Beitr. erweit. bericht. cliem. 2551. Beitr. erweit. chem. 2800. Beitr. erweit. liind.- u. volkerk. 2898. Beitr. geogn. kenntn. Erzgeb. 2626. Beitr. geol. karte Schweiz 2136. Beitr. gesammt. natur- u. heilwiss. 3490. Beitr. gesch. alterth. 3087. Beitr. gesch. erfind. 2899. Beitr. gesch. . . . Tyrol 3424. Beitr. insektengesch. 2582. Beitr. kenntn. russ. reiches 3709. Beitr. kunde Preuss. 2861. Beitr. landesk. Oesterr. 3461. Beitr. land.- volks- und staatsk. 2492. Beitr. meteor, optik 2900. Beitr. miner, geogn. kenntn. Baden 3242. Beitr. niih. kennt. galv. 2811. Beitr. naturgesch. 3201. Beitr. naturg. u. bergpol. 2901. Beitr. naturg. . . . Krain 3453. Beitr. naturg. Scliweizerl. 2131. Beitr. natur- u. heilk. 2798, 3329. Beitr. naturk. 2849. Beitr. naturk. Ostsee-prov. 3654. Beitr. naturk. Preuss. 2869. Beitr. palaont. Oesterr. 3474. Beitr. petref. 2258. Beitr. planzen-anat., etc. 2902. Beits, pflanzenk. russ. reiches 3709. Beitr. philos. anthrop. 3571. Beitr. physiol. path. chem. 2395. Beitr. rhein. naturg. 2628. Beitr. sittenl. ocon., etc. 3069. Beitr. A-aterl. alterth. 3007. Beitr. vergl. zool., etc. 2254. Beitr. wissensch. hot. 2903. Beitr. zergliederungsk. 2904. Beitr. zool. 2612. Belfast museum 38. Belf. nat. field club 39. Belf. nat. hist. phil. soc. 38. Belg. mus. 969. Bened. ober-gymn. Oedenburg 3473. Benko's mod. ephem. 3572. Beob. u. entd. a. d. naturk. 2292. Beob. ergebn. . . . forst.-met. stat. 2285. Beoef. d. wiskunde 911. Berg-akad. Freiberg 2616. Berg-akad. Leoben 3573. Berg-akad. Pribram 3573. Berg-akad. Schemnitz 3573. Bergen's observator. 574. Bergen ske museum 573. Berggeist 2480. Berg- u. hiittenkal. 2576. Bergr u. hiittenm. ver. Karnten 3435. Berg- u. hiittenm. ver. Steierm. 3434. Berg- u. liiittenm. zeit. 3143. Berg- u. hiittenw. Nassau 3318. Bergmann 3491. , Bergm. journal 2617. Bergm. sammank. 599. Bergm. taschenb. 2443. Bergm. ver. Freiberg 2618. Bergwerksfreund 2541. Bergw.-industr. anz. 2286. Bericht arb. allg. zool. 2286*. Ber. arb. klass. medusen, etc. 2286''. Ber. fortschr. anat. u. physiol. 2905. Ber. fortschr. eisenh.-technik 2905*. Ber. leist. entom. 2287. Ber. leist. geogr. syst. hot. 2287*^. Ber. leist. helminth. 2287". Ber. leist. herpet. 2287«. Ber. leist. ichth. 2287<=. Ber. leist. myriap., etc. 2287''. Ber. leist. naturg. amph. 2287'. Ber. leist. naturg. annul. 2287^ 228 7«. Ber. leist. naturg. crust. 2287''. Ber. leist. naturg. fische 2287°. Ber. leist. naturg. moll. 2287'. Ber. leist. naturg. nied. thiere 2289. Ber. leist. naturg. siiugeth. 2287''. Ber. leist. naturg. vogel 2287'. Ber. leist. naturg. wlirmer 2287"". Ber. leist. pflanzengeogr. 2288. Ber. leist. zool. 2287*. Ber. mittli. freunde naturw. 3575. Ber. neuest. fortschr. chem. physik. tech- nik 2847. Ber. osterr. lit. zool. bot. u. pal. 3648. Ber. wiss. leist. entom. 2287. Ber. wiss. leist. naturg. nied. thiere 2289. Berigt. verb, onderw. zeevaarts 726. Berl. astron. jahrb. 2370. Berl. entom. zeitschr. 2317. Berl. gesellsch. anthrop., etc. 2290. Berl. gesellsch. naturf. freunde 2292. Berl. gymn. ver. 2291. Berl. jahrb. f. d. pharm. 2293. Berl. mag. 2294. Berl. mag. wissensch. 2295. Berl. samml. beford. arzneyw., etc. 2296. Berl. sternwarte 2370. Berl. woch. ber. 2297. Berl. zeitschr. f. wissensch. 2298. Berner kantonschule 2132. Bern. mag. natur, etc. 2133. Bern. mus. naturg. 2122. Berw. nat. club 42. Beschr. konigr. Wiirttemb. 3267. Besorgte forstmann 3298. Beytf. bef. naturk. 2707. Beytr. chem. ann. 2800. Beytr. mineral, kenntn. Sudetenl. 2444. Beytr. naturk. 2777. Beytr. physik, etc. 2299. Beytr. rechtsgel., etc. 2583. Bibl. acad. beige 975. 322 INDEX OF TITLES. Bibl. anz. u. ausz. kl. acad. schriften 2812. Bibl. britann. 816, 2154. Bibl. ecole haute etudes 1448. Bibl. farm. chim. 1883. Bibl. fisie. Europa 1991. Bibl. geogr. 2674. Bibl. germ. lett. arti e sc. 1967. Bibl. ges. naturg. 2584. Bibl. guanabar. 3929. Bibl. hist.-nat. 2675. Bibl. ital. 1884, 2057. Bibl. med.-phys. du nord 2167. Bibl. merkw. naturgesch. 2906. Bibl. neuest. physisch-chem. . . . lit. 2300. Bibl. neuest. reisebeschr. 3299. Bibl. physico-econ. 1341, 1342. Bibl. for physik, etc. 645. Bibl. f. physiker 2862. Bibl. physique et d'hist. nat. 1343. Bibl. sciences 817. Bibl. univ. Gen. 2154. Bibl. univ. ; revue Suisse 2154. Bibl. univ. sc. 2154. Bibl. vergl. anat. 3300. Bibl. wissensch. u. lit. 2301. Bidr. Finl. naturkann., etc. 3662. Bidr. kann. Finl. natur o. folk 3662. Bidr. till kundskab 577. Biene 2260. Bienenfr. a. d. Salzach 2243. Bienen-kalender 3070. Bienenwirth. centr.-anz. 26^8. Bienenwirth. centralbl. 2778. Bienenwirth. centr.-ver. prov. Hannover 2778. Bienenwirth. haupt-ver. Sachs. 2579. Bienen-zeitung 3145. Bieuenzeitung f. d. Schweiz 2134. Bienn. rep. geol. Alab. 4135. Bienn. rep. geol. Tenn. 4144. Bijdr. beoef. gewone cijferk. 932. Bijdr. beoef. math, wetensch. 933. Bijdr. beoef. zuiv. wisk. 931. Bijdr. bev. sch. kunst en wetensch. 899. Bijdr. boek.- en menschenkenn. 807. Bijdr. bouw- en natuurk. 929. Bijdr. dierkunde 789. Bijdr. geschied. ouheid. Gron. 842. Bijdr. natuurk. wetensch. 727. Bijdr. natuurl. gesch. 892. Bijdr. oudheidk. Zeeuwsch-Vlaand. 889. Bijdr. vaterl. gesch. en oudheidk. 790. Bijdr. . . . volkenk. Nederl.-Ind. 826. Billotia 1051. Biol. rev. 217. Birm. midl. inst. 43. Birm. nat. hist. micr. soc. 44. Blackmore museum 534. Blatter bayer. gymn.- realsch.-wesen 3112. Blatter bienenzucht, etc. 2496. Blatter f. gefliigelz. 2500. Bliitter f. gewerbe, etc. 2962. Blikk. leven natuur 864. Blumenl. niitzl. ang. kenntn. natur 2907. Board admir. Lond. 218. Board agric. N. Car. 4277. Board land and works Melbourne 3838. Board fisheries Scotl. 568. Board publ. works Va. 4285. Board science Melbourne 3839. Board trade Lond. 219. Bohm. gesellsch. wissensch. Prag 3492. Bohm. mus. natur- u. Ijinderk. Prag 3493. Bohm. obcrrealsch. Prag 3494. Bol. cient. 3890. Bol. geogr. estad. repiibl. mex. 3908. Boll, bachic. 1968. Boll, bachic. e seric. ital. 1812. Boll, bacol. 1970. Boll, idrogr. 2035. Boll, paletn. ital. 1987. Bomb, branch asiat. soc. 3775. Bomb, geogr. soc. 3776. Bomb, governm. 3777. Bonplandia 2779, 2783. Bost. journ. chem. 3989. Bost. journ. nat. hist. 3991. Bost. journ. phil. arts 3990. Bost. soc. nat. hist. 3991. Botaniker 2659. Botan. abhandl. 2407. Botan. archiv 3586. Botan. bibl. 2563. Botan. blatter 2744. Botan. bull. 4080. Botan. centralbl. f. Deutschl. 2908. Botan. forening Kjobenh. 611. Botan. garden Edinb. 107. Botan. garten St. Peterburg 3715. Botan. gazette 220, 4080. Botan. inst. Wiirzburg 2909. Botan. jahrb. jederm. 3059. Botan. jahresb. 2302. Botan. journ. 493. Botan. liter.-blatter 3191. Botan. mag. 2195. Botan. misc. 221. Botan. notiser 671. Botan. New York 3945. Botan. soc. Canada Kingston 4370. Botan. soc. Edinb. 108. Botan. soc. Lond. 222. Botan. taschenb. 3576. Botan. taschenb. f. anfanger 3192. Botan. tidsskr. 611. Botan. untersuch. 2367. Botan. unterh. 3113. Botan. upsater 672. Botan. utflygter 708. Botan. verein Landshut 2875. Botan. verein Mitt.- u. Niederrhein 2408. Botan. verein prov. Brandenburg 2303. Botan. zeit. 2708, 3191. Bouwkunde 810. Bouwk. bijdr. 751. Bouwk. alman. 811. Bowd. scient. review 4010. Braunschw. mag. 2422. Braunschw.-liineb. gesellsch. 3336. Brazil agricola, etc. 3919. Bremisches mag. 2429, 2780. Bright. Suss. nat. hist. soc. 49. Bristol inst. 51. Bristol mus. 52. Bristol nat. soc. 53. INDEX OF TITLES. 323 Bristol obs. astr. soc. 54. Brit.-amer. archaeol. soc. Rome 2024. Brit.-amer, journ. 4371. Brit.-ainer. journ. med. physic, sc. 4372. Brit.-amer. med. physic, journ. 4372. Brit, annual 224. Brit. ann. med., etc. 223. Brit, archaeol. assoc. 21. Brit, archaeol. soc. Rome 2024. Brit, assoc. adv. sc. 22. Brit. col. magn. obs. 258*. Brit. for. inst. London 225. Brit. for. scient. mag. 226. Brit, gesellsch. bef. wissensch. 2304. Brit, meteor, soc. London 227. Brit. mus. 228. Brit, telescope 229. Budap. mag. tudom. egyet. 3361. Budap. szemle 3362. Buff. soc. nat. sc. 4011. Bull. acad. Somme 1015. Bull, archeol. com. arts 1448. Bull, archeol. fran9. 1344. Bull, archeol. napol. 1931. Bull. bibl. . . . sc. mat. e lis. 2025. Bull. bibl. soc. sav. dep. 999. Bull, botan. 2155. Bull. com. arts et mon. 1448. Bull. com. mon. ecrits 1448. Bull, conch. 2001. Bull. geol. Vesuv. 1938. Bull. hist. nat. France 1346. Bull. hist. nat. sc. 4243. Bull. ins. agric. 1133. Bull, instr. publ. et soc. sav. 1095. Bull. magn. 1178. Bull, malac. ital. 2002. Bull. met. inst. met. ISTorvege, etc. 569. Bull. naut. geogr. Roma 2026. Bull, neuest. u. wissenswiird, 2305. Bull. nouv. scient. 1345. Bull, oeiivre pel. 1347. Bull, pharm. 1348. Bull, polyt. 1349. Bull. sc. . . . dep. nord 1162. Bull. sc. geogr. 1596. Bull. sc. hist. 1596. Bull. sc. math., etc. 1596. Bull. sc. math. astr. 1350. Bull. sc. nat. 1596. Bull. sc. phys. nat. Neerl. 869. Bull. soc. sav. 1350*. Bull. soc. sav. et litt. Belg. 991. Bull. univ. sc, etc. 1351, 1596. Bull. vulc. ital. 2026*. Bull. zool. 1352. Bur. gen. . . . des sc, etc 1353. Bur. des long. Paris 1354. Bur. navig. Washington 4341, 4342. Bury W. SufF. archaeol. inst. 56. Buss. inst. 4018. Cab. nat. hist. 4244. Calc journ. nat. hist. 3781. Calc med. phys. soc 3782. Calend. astrol. 230. Calend. astr.-geogn.-stat. 1939. Calend. Cadiz e isl. Can. 1772. Calend. Castilla-la-Nueva 1753. Calend. islas Balear. 1770. Calend. Puerta-del-Sol 1739. Calend. Valenc 1708. Calif, acad. nat. sc. 4306. Calif, acad. sc. 4306. Cambrian arch, assoc. 231. Cambrian inst. 547. Cambrian journal 547. Cambr. anal, soc 58. Cambr. antiq. soc. 59. Cambr. Dubl. math, journ. 60. Cambr. Dubl. mess. math. 66. Cambr. entom. club 4019. Cambr. math, journ. 60. Cambr. misc. math., etc 3992. Cambr. observ. 64. Cambr. phil. soc. 61. Cambr. univ. rep. 61*. Canad. entom. 4384. Canad. inst. Toronto 4385.' Canad. journ. 4386. Canad. journ. industry, etc. 4386. Canad. journ. science, etc. 4386. Canad. nat. 4375, 4376. Canad. ornith. 4387. Canst, jahresb. fortschr. biol. 2564. Canst, jahresb. leist. physiol. wiss. 2564. Canterb. phil. lit. inst. 69. Caradoc field club 537. Cardiff nat. soc 71. Carinthia 3436. Carlsr. niitzl. samml. 2841. Carol, journ. med. sc, etc. 4025. Cas. cliem. 6esk. 3495. Caus. scient. 1355, 1356. Centr.-anst. meteor, u. erdmagn. 3577. Centralbl. naturw. ur anthrop. 2910. Centr.-inst. akklim. 2306. Centur. quest. 1357. Cercle archeol. Mons 987. Cercle archeol. pays Waas 989''. Cercle archeol. Termonde 989°. Cercle philad. Port au Prince 3920. Cercle prat. hort. hot. Havre 1156. Cercle presse scient. 1358. Cesk. spole6. nauk Prag 3492. Ceyl. branch asiat. soc. 3793. Chemist 237, 240. Chem. ackersm. 2911. Chem.-agric soc Ulster 40. Chem. ann. 2801. Chem. archiv 2912. Chem. centralblatt 2988. Chem. desk comp. 238. Chem. and drugg. 239. Chem. gazette 232. Chem. journ. freunde naturl. 3054. Chem. laborat. Innspruck 3578. Chem. news 233, 4189. Chem.-pharm. arch. 912. Chem.-pharm. centralbl. 2988. Chem. phijs. oefen. 728. Chem. rec 234. Chem. review 235. Chem. soc Lond. 236. Chem. soc Union Coll. 4309. Chem. taschenb. f. arzte, etc. 3296. Chem.-techn. mitth. 2307. Chem.-techn. rep. 2308. 324 INDEX OF TITLES. Chester co. cab. nat. sc. 4361. Chester soc. nat. sc. 72*. Chic. acad. sc. 4030. Chic. coll. pharm. 4031. Chimie pour tons 1663. Chimiste 948. China branch asiat. soc. 3795. China review 3796. Chinese and jap. repos. 241. Chinese rep. 3792. Choix de mem. 1359. Christ, observ. 578. Christ, physical, aarbog 579. Christ, phys. and anthrop. rev. 242. Churf.-baier. akad. wissensch. 3114. Cimento 2003, 2058. Cine, astron. soc. 4035. Cine, observ. 4036. Cine, quart, journ. sc. 4037. Cine. soc. nat. hist. 4038. Circ. geogr. ital. 2059. Cistula entomologica 243. Civic, mus. rerd.-Massim. 3553. Civic, scuola real, auton. Trieste 3554. Civil eng. and archit. journ. 244. Civil-ingen. 2619. Civilization 1702. Civil mech. eng. soc. Lond. 245. Clausth. naturw. ver. Maja 2655, 2709. Clevel. acad. nat. sc. 4046. Clevel. lit. phil. soc. 502. Clifton coll. scient. soc. 73. Club alpin fran?. Paris 1361. Club alp. fran9. (sect. d'Auvergne) 1132. Club alp. fran9. (sect. Chambery) 1116. Club alp. fran?. (sect. Isere) 1152. Club alp. fran9. (^ct. Jura) 1052. Club alp. fran9. (sect, lyonnaise) 1179. Club alp. fran9. (sect. Saone-et-Loire) 1110. Club alp. ital. Torino 2060. Club alp. Suisse Geneve 2159. Club jurass. Neuchatel 2173*. Coelest. diary 246. Coelest. obs. 247. Coffin's botan. journ. 493. Coimbra obs. 1362. Coleg. Belen comp. Jesus Habana 3891. Coleopt. hefte 3115. Collec. notic. hist, e geogr. 1720. Collect, acad. 1139. Collect, archaeol. 21. Collect, austr. 3579. Collect. . . . botan. spec. 2196. Collect, hist. arch. Montg. 418. Collect, med.-phys. 729. Collect, topogr. 248. College cheni. London 249. Collegie zeevissch. 's Gravenhage 818. Collegio farm. Trieste 3555. CoUeg. ingegn. ed archit. Milano 1885. Colleg. ingegn., etc. dell' Umbria 1997. Collcg. romano Rome 2027. Collett. adige 2105. CoUez. opusc. sc. e lett. 1831. Colliery gAiard. 250. Colon, inst. London 251. Colon, intell. 170. Colon, journ. 252. Colon, mining journ. 3840. Colon, mus. laboratory Wellington 3863. Colton's journ. geogr. 4190. Comision mapa geol. Esp. 1740. Comision mapa zool. Esp. 1741. Comision perm, pesca Madrid 1742. Comitato geol. d' Italia 1832. Comite arch. amer. Paris 1363. Comite archeol. Beauvais 1046''. Comite archeol. Noyon 1264. Comite archeol. Senlis 1667. Comite dioc. Bourges 1084. Comite flam. France 1163. Comite hist, archeol. Auch 1033. Comite hist, archeol. Bourges 1085. Comite houill. fran9. Paris 1365. Comite intern, poids et mes. Paris 3. Comite met. ouest-medit. 1231. Comite soir. popul. Verviers 992». Comite trav. hist, et soc. sav. Paris 1366. Comm. antiq. Cote-d'or 1140. Comm. antiq. Seine-inf. 1643. Comm. archeol. Aries 1027. Comm. archeol. Beauvais 1046''. Comm. archeol., etc. Haute-Saone 1704. Comm. archeol. Maine-et-Loire 1020. Comm. archeol., etc. Narbonne 1253. Comm. archeol. mun. Roma 2029. Comm. archeol. St. Petersbourg 3716. Comm. art archeol. Bruxelles 949. Comm. arts, mon. hist. Char.-inf. 1665. Comm. centr. perm, geogr. Lisboa 1722. Comm. chim.-lett. Ital. 2028. Comm. fauna, etc. del Veneto 2087. Comm. geol. beschr. en kaart Nederl. 848. Comm. geol. Canada 4373. Comm. geol. soc. helv. sc. nat. Bern 2136. Comm. hist. Bourges 1088. Comm. hydrom. Lyon 1180. Comm. intern, m^tre 4. Comm. ital. mes. grado europ. 1779*. Comm. meteor. Lyon 1181. Comm. mon. hist., etc. Pas-de-Calais 1028. Connn. olds, opbev. Kjobenh. 612. Comm. perm, assoc. geod. intern. 5. Comm. sc. iristr. adv. sc. London 252". Comm. state parks N. Y. 3942. Comm. unters. deutsch. meere Kiel 2309. Comment, reb. in sc. nat. gest. 2913. Commerc. litter. 3153, 3154. Compan. bot. mag. 253. Compl. ephemeris 254. Compl. vol. mem. curious 255. Compt. rend. conf. geod. intern. 5, 5". Compt. rend. publ. sc. 2166. Compt. rend. trav. chim, 1232, 1367. Compt. rend. trav. ing. mines 1447*. Comunale ginn. Bassano 1794. Cone. soc. nat. hist. 4057. Conch, sect. acad. nat. sc. Phil. 4233. Conf. dipl. metre 4 note. Conf. geod. intern. 2, 5*. Conf. marit. obs. meteor. Bruxelles 949*. Conf. sc. Gard 1260. Conf. Tocquevillo 1000. Congr. archeol. Apt 1209. INDEX OF TITLES. 325 Congr. archeol. France 995. Congr. bacol. intern. 13. Congr. ingegn. ed archit. ital. 1780. Congr. (intern.) altertli. 7. Congr. intern, anier. 6. Congr. intern, anthrop, 15. Congr. intern, arch. 7. Congr. intern, botan. 8, 14. Congr, intern, botan. et hort. 9. Congr. intern, orient. 10. Congr. intern, sc. geogr. 11. Congr. merid. Toulouse 1680. Congr. meteor, intern. 17. Congr. meteor. Vienne 18". Congr. profess. Belg. BrujA^lles 949*^. Congr. prov. assoc. norm. Caen 1097. Congr. prov. orient, franp. 997. Congr. scient. France 998. Congr. scient. prov. 1781. Congr. scienz. ital. 1782. Congr. seric. intern. 12. Congr. soc. sav. dep. 996. Conn, des temps 1308. Conn. acad. arts sc. 4154. Conserv. arts metiers Paris 1369. Consigl. di stud. Palermo 1970. Consigl. subalp. san. Torino 2061. Consult, univ. comm. litter. 3155. Cont. gel. Preuss. 3272. Cont. nuovo giorn. lett. Ital. 1922. Contrib. Colomb. a las sc. 3873. Cork lit. phil. soc. 75. Corn. univ. 4101. ('ornwall polyt. soc. 132. Corps eng. 256. Corps engin. Madras pres. 3800. Corps eng. U. S. A. 4343. Corps ingen. mines Russie 3717. C'orps ponts et chauss. 1370. Corresp. astron. 1855. Corresp. botan. 970. Corresp. gel.- u. realschule 3243. Corresp. math. phys. 970. Corresp. meteor. 3708. Corresp. sannnl. insect. 3193. Corrisp. scient. Roma 2030. Corrisp. zool. '1940. Cottesw. nat. field club 143. Cosmos 1371, 2062. Cosmol. journal 2310. Courr. sc. 1372. Cours sc. vulg. 1373. Crell's chem. journ. 257. Crit. e sc. posit. 1941. Cronaca 1880, 1887. Cron. cient. y lit. 1743. Cron. mens. . . . sc. nat. 2031. Croydon micr. club 70. Cryptog. soc. Scotland 109. Cumb. assoc. adv. sc. 22". Curab. Westm. antiq. archaeol. soc. 151. Cur. nutzb. anmerk. natur- kunstgesch. 3011. Cur. sc. contemp. 1833. Cybele 730. Daily bull, weather rej). 4359. Dalarnes fornminnesforen. 600. Diin. gesellsch. wissensch. 613. Dansk. milit. tidsskr. 614. Danske vidensk.-selsk. 015. Davenp. acad. nat. sc. 4002. Dec. phil. 1374. Del. opusc. botan. 3234. Del. opusc. sc. nat. spect. 2914. Delic. prog. 3490. Delmag. termesz. tars. 3544. Denkm, forsch. u. her. 2271. Depart, marine 's Gravenh. 819. Departm. marine fish. Can. 4377. Dep. mines N. S. Wales 3853. Depart, oorlog 's'Gravenh. 820. Derby mus. 159. Derry nat. hist. phil. soc. 77. Descr. geol. New Jers. 4324. Deutsche acta erud. 2915. Deutsch. alpen-verein Miinchen 3115*. Deutsch.-amer. bergw.ver.Elberf. 2541 ''. Deutsch. arch. inst. Athens 3702. Deutsch. arch, physiol. 2710. Deutsch. bienenfreund 2579, Deutsch. chem. gesellsch. Berl. 2311. Deutsch. comm. ober-realsch. Leitmeritz 3459. Deutsch. entom. zeitschr. 2317. Deutsch. fisch.-verein Berl. 2312. Deutsch. geflligelz. club Hann. 2790. Deutsch. geol. gesellsch. Berl. 2313. Deutsch. geom.-kalend. 3244. Deutsch. geom.-ver. 2210, 3245. Deutsch. gesellsch. anthrop., etc. 2216*, 2423. Deutsch, gesellsch. hydrol.Wetzlar 3317. Deutsch. gesellsch. nat.-u. volkerk. Ost- Asiens 3826. Deutsch. Humboldt-verein 2711. Deutsch. jahrb. aufn. gem. zusammenw. in wissensch. 2917. Deutsch. jahrb. wissensch. 2918. Deutsch. malakozool. gesellsch. Fran*k- furt 2585. Deutsch. morgenl. gesellsch. 2314, 2919. Deutsch. mus. 2627, 2920, 3580. Deutsch. naut. ver. Hamb. 2745. Deutsch. ober-gymn. Olmiitz 3475. Deutsch. ober-realsch. Prag 3497. Deutsch.-osterr. alpen-ver. 2586, 3116. Deutsch.-osterr. telegr.-ver. Berl. 2315. Deutsch. ornith. gesellsch. 2216'', 2467, 2468, 3246. Deutsch. ornith. ver. Stuttgart 3246. Deutsch. seewarte 2326, 2765. Deutschl. flora 2565. Devonsh. assoc. adv. sc, 524, Diana 1226, Diar, filos. med. cirurg. 1744. Diet. hist. arch. Pas-de-Calais 1028. Dingler's polytechn. journ. 3260. Dir. gen. polizei Palermo 1978. Dir. gen. ponts 1447*. Dir. gen. ramo 1745. Diss., etc. hist., etc. Asia 258*. Dodonaea 950. Domgymn. Merseburg 3092. Doorl. en klinisch. scholen 731. Dorpat. jahrb. litt. stat., etc. 3700. Dorpat. naturf, gesellsch. 3655. Doyo shiudan 3817. 326 INDEX OF TITLES. Dresdn. mag. 2502. Dresdn. natunv. jahrb. 2977. Driemaand. tijdschr. ondcrw. 897. Drontheim. gesellsch. 616. Druggist's circular 4191. Dubl. journ. med. chem. sc. 80. Dubl. med. phys. ess. 81. ])ubl. nat. hist. soc. 82. l^ubl. phil. journ., etc. 83. Dubl. quart, journ. sc. 84. Dubl. soc. 85, 86. Dubl. univ. biol. assoc. 87. Dubl. univ. phil. soc. 88. Dubl. univ. zool. hot. assoc. 89. Dudl. Midi. geol. scient. soc, etc. 100. Dudl. observ. 3943. Duisb. (gel.) gesellsch. 2532. Dumfr. Gall. nat. hist, antiq. soc. 101. Dunedin nat, field club 3831. Dunn Echt ol)serv. 102. Dunsink observ. 99. Durh. North, archit. archaeol. soc. 103. Durh. observ. 104. East anglian 57. Eastb. nat. hist. soc. 105. East India assoc. Lond. 259. East Kent nat. hist. soc. 70. £cho des alpes 2159. I^jcho monde sav. 1375. l:cho de la Sorb. 1376. Eclect. repert. 4245. £cole centr. trav. publ. Paris 1377. jficole norm. sup. Paris 1378. £cole polyt. Paris 1379. ificole prat, hautes et. Paris 1380. Eco peloritano 1873. Eco del sud 2049. Eddy's aim. 3993. Edinb. geol. soc. 110. E'dinb. journ. nat. geogr. sc. 111. Edinb. journ. nat. hist. 112. Edinb. journ. nat. sc. 113. Edinb. journ. sc. 114. Edinb. new phil. journ. 116. Edinb. observ. 121. Edinb. phil. journ. 115. Educ. notes and queries 4305. Educ. times 260. Efem. berg- u. hiittenk. 3117. Effem. astron. Milano 1904. EfFem. celesti 1904. Eftera. chim.-med. 1888. Effem. fisic.-med. 1888. Effem. sc. et lett. 1980. Effem. del sole 2063. Egri kath. nagy-gymn. 3394. Ehre Gottes 3156. Eidg. polyt. schule Ziirich 2197. Electr. mag. 261. Electr. news 262. Electr. soc. Lond. 335. Electrician 263. Elliott soc. nat. hist. 4026. Elm. acad. sc. 4070. Embryol. inst. univ. Wien 3581. Empor. arts and sciences 4246. Emul. jurass. 2147. Engini'cr 264, 4247. Engin. and mach. 267. Engin. and surv. 4032. Engineering 266, 3582. Engin. facts 265. Engin. journ. . . . India 3783. Engin. mining journ. 4172. Engl, mechanic 268. Enologo 1793. Entomologist 272, 396. Entom. ann. 273. Entom. archiv 2813. Entom. bliitt. a. d. Schweiz 2198. Entom. hefte 2587. Entom. kalender f. Deutschl., etc. 3188. Entom. mag. 269. Entom. miscellen 2464. Entom. monatsbl. 2316. Entom. monthl. mag. 274. Entom. nachr. 3184. Entom. soc. Canada 4379. Entom. soc. Lond. 270, 271. Entom. soc. Ontario 4388. Entom. soc. Philadelphia 4248. Entom. soc. N. S. Wales 3854. Entom. taschenb. 3194. Entom. verein Berlin 2317. Entom. verein Stettin 2318, 3225. Entom. weekly intell. 275. Entom. zeit. 3225. Ephemeris 62, 63, 277. 'E