mmmmm UC-NRLF T TR ^ REEF POINT GARDENS LIBRARY The Gift of Beatrix Farrand to the General Library University of Calif ornia.Berkeley J-/^/^ITCHELL- • HENP^- HOLT &.C0 NEV/ YORJC m^ REEF POINT GARDENS LIBRARY Copynght, 1881, BY HENRY HOLT & CO. V » Printed by D. G F. CLASS, 17 & 19 Rose St GIFT \ • . V riS6 i.^^'' • \...a^^VH^ MKa^' PREFACE. Various minor Summer Schools of (Philosophy having lately attracted som^e share of public attention, it has been thought due to the great school at Mount (Desert, and the interesting depart- ment of the subject to which that school is principally devoted, to give to the world even these humble efforts at presenting some features of the methods there employed, and of the life led by the mem^bers of the school, / 678 THE FmST (BOAT JfRmVES. THE SCHOOL ASSEM(BLES Winter is departing and the island waking up. r O^EJ^IJ^G EXEfRCISES. With a general idea of the Mount (Desert coast. SOME FUJ^QAMEJ^TAL COJ^SmE^RATIOJ^S, as realized on (Rodick's (Piazza. FMST IMa^fRESSIOUS OF A MOUMT (DESE'&T mUCKfBOA'RfD. 7 THE (PHILOSOPHY OF THE PEmPATETlCS. Canoeing is a, beautiful exercise, and develops both the muscle and the heart, but is it dangerous P We answer : JVo I As long as you stay in the canoe you are safe. 8 THE HEIGHTS OF THILOSOTHY. c -^\ % ^'The view at the summit of Jlewport Mountain this afternoon was sublime. I remained therefor hours drinking it in, and now feel refreshed and elevated from such communing with nature." — From Van Twitter's epistle to his Aunt. A FAVOaUTE SKia'(PE^. 10 A SKEPTIC who prefers Tennis to (Rocking. THE GfROVES OF JCAOEjME, 11 THE rpHILOSO0:'HY OF FAITH. Julia's Mother (loq.): "Julia is off sketching: — She has a passionate love of Art and gives herself up to it entirely, which saves my keeping a constant eye upon her as I should feel obliged to do if she were inclined to spend her time as frivolously as so many of the girls one sees here!' This is Julia.. rf(^i^U -2 JVJTU^JL SELECTIOJV. {^' He has continually selected the most beautiful women .... until the law of the survival of the fittest has given wom,an the superior beauty she now has." — Uation, Sept. i, 1881) ij ft J '^ i .Tii^A ''i . i-'l (FHlLOSOamErRS OF THE J^EW SCHOOL. SOME USES FOai f? H I LOSO<? H Y. (One of the evils of three on a seal.) ^7 :3F=^ THE STUQEJ\ITS' VIGILS. (^A sketch from memory.) 18 SOME MESHES OF THE SUmjECT. /[r^^' ^Ue ^co^r'mc^rks a 'Uovc game,") ^9 THE (PHILOSO^PIIY OF MOTIOJL {Coming home fro'in Som,esville^ 20 THE (PHILOSOPHY OF S^JCE. R •,t. 'k fj v ^ V 2^ J, A view of the Atlantic Ocean and the Moon, as they appear from the (Rocks at (Bar Harbor. 21 THE CPH1L0S09HY OF TIME. ZET ^JJJ'iltQ — 22 THE SUM OF ALL eHILOSO^HY, ^3 ytL z\idb