go 6J LIBRARY OF THK . University of California. W BI83 Class c ISIS m* ' E 3L Cije CuDor jfacatmtle %txt% (gob's promises By JOHN BALE BISHOP OF OSSORY Date of Original, 1538 Reproduced in Facsimile, 1 9 %\)t ^utior jfacstmtle Certs Under tlie Supervision and 'Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER %\yt Cfnef promises of <§ofc unto JElan [d&od's i&romtees] By JOHN BALE BISHOP OF OSSORY 1538 Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII Q EHERAL Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/chiefpromisesofgOObalerich C!)e Cfjtef promises of <©ot> unto Jltan [d&oD^ #rom(0e2Q By JOHN BALE BISHOP OF OSSORY The original of this facsimile is in the British Museum [Press-mark C. 34, c. 2) ; it is the only known copy of the first edition. It formed part of the Garrick collection, and probably it came to the famous eighteenth-century actor from t/ie Harley library through Robert Dodsley the anti- quarian bookseller, who speaks of having found it in " the Harleian Collection of Old Plays, consisting of between 600 and 700, which are now in my possession." " God's Promises " was reprinted in 1 $jy, the first edition being so entirely forgotten by then that the new impression was described as " now fyrst imprynted." This play has been frequently reprinted in modern times. John Bale — " bilious Bale " — was a notable figure in his time, a strenuous and not altogether consistent supporter and exponent of the Reformation. He was unscrupulous in attack and violent in speech. Born in 1495 he died in 1563, having, at the age 0/64., confessed himself '■'•an old and worn-out man." I have in my edition of " The 1^5458 Dramatic Writings of John Bale " (Early English Drama Society, 1 907) dwelt at length upon the life and times of this hard-hitting acerbous prelate. To this source of reference may be added " The Dictionary of National Biography " (as a matter of course), the introduction to the facsimile reprint of Bale's " Three Laws " (Tudor Facsimile Texts), Herford's " Literary Relations of England and Germany in the 1 6th Century," Snell's " Age of Transition," Schroer's Introduction to " The Three Laws" (Halle, 1882), &c. &c. Mr. J. A. Herbert of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum after comparing this facsimile with the original copy reports that " it must not be considered one of the greatest successes " of the series. He adds, however, " it was exceptionally difficult to reproduce, no doubt" This difficulty arises, for the most part, from the mutilated and stained condition of the original : even the yellow-tinted official stamp of the British Museum has in two instances made darker what is perfectly clear in the original. To this general criticism there is little to add. (1) Title-page, line 2, the " D " of " <£)0D " is clearer in original : as will be seen the page is muti- lated, only the top half being left, mounted on a leaf of blank paper. (2) 3, if. recto, lines 2 and 3, the last words are clearer in original: in line 2, "COtlgt . . enc s " [Congruence]; line 3, "0ertf)e Of CO ♦ ." Concerning this page Mr. Herbert makes the following remark : — " Not very successful where the page has been repaired. This applies not only to this page, but also to those which follow" (3) 3. ij. verso, lines 3, 4, 5, 10, #«/#/» a»rf5?r stain. (7) <£• [*•] verso > K ne 4> ^ r? & wo fl aw tn ^* •' Me* w#n£ o» margin has been introduced by some flaw in printing. (8) C. w. recto, //»lef wbome ye mayt Jofoto bb<«fb«lkyour mwarbe ffoin*^ fto re Joyce ro <5ob,for your ruff yfycacyom 2lnb alone in Cbrt|i,to bopefor,your faiuacyon* }>ea,ftrfrye f ball bmte^tbeetjernall f Cbtlfl lyfce 45 Jobamm by*s ftrfl cbapi - xctfsbtt 2tnb confequentlye,of man tbe f tr ft creacyon, j| •(Tbe abufe fall,tb*ou$b by* firfl oticrfyef b*» 2lnb tbe rayfc a$ayne,tbrou«rb <5ob5 by$b $*«ct & mysfe* gyptomyfes f rrftn>bycbf b*Ub< bedareb all, ^ben by by* owne fonne, tbe worter pryncypalU 3lftyllfb<*tb< conduit* t\*t^*fy>yll{bw**foc<*ty.ttto*t ^ ; Pater ccdcftis. /. .? * " It tfce beayrotyttcfe.befot* tbe.bcoisen* WW jfn me 4t»b of me,n>4* my fotwe fc mpytertwlL TOtb tbe boly (BbofMn owe be >Sob be w»of eqiwll bt$nyte, wnyn$t,my{6nntb*tbtnttbt, 'ittyinont t\fmcy«llbtyn$t. cre4te,by byininydn bet* lf$btoffbyct> wyU compellme,4infitcy#h .OfpejiyUttt fore^moletfyftse by«* compUccyon 23y troubioufe W4trre,by bertb* 4*o pey «ef ttU fc&ftmffo 3ttb4ftercby*lyf«,by4tte»tretmbe4tty.ufle* jf w^Uf tr il btsrnntitoi'b 3b4m fot by* Uwbcneflc* Tft>by<*> (*>**« 4pple>rtetf leceeb my comnuumUmtnt. t>e f b*U contymie,™ Uiboure fo* by s »tf bwwffft t>y« aJttye4,yec m:» ji be b*»">* gtreateer pormyfbmerifc OOo ji eerryble bcatbt^ll bryitcfe bym to by* ettbe, $> «4d?c bym b»w b«>by* lovbt &>b.( b4U offeube, Hie prsecep* in tcrram ea dit A damus $ ac poft quartum ^ ucrfum dcnuo refurgit. >5 ^5 ^ Adam primus homo; JV A<^>«j 05ercyfuUfatb<^tbypytiow»JJ £o me carefuli wretd>e,wb/d> b4ue mefore 4bufeb, * 4 tiUJ ^Tby pvtccpt bre4cyrme.-(yiorbe, jf myttbe eo4menbe* *fkfo jff cby ctecrtecro^itejj^wMbe novo b4itemee^ctifeb, C|gjf tf^j* be4ueft(yem4ter4ete me ttotberef ufev, <^fe - Hoc u be s$ob from tbe euyll. 2tnb itotto wrVott b4ttbe, 4>f4 bmyrwlq j'e m^itbe,tb< tbyngt wbyd? jf forb4b db«« A Jam primus homo* 0ocb bmuye for tune, b >eb cbefclye dxtnnccb me» • ,-w $ottb*t jf wis lefcco myne o wite lyberte. ' . ^vPater cceleftis. % : * ■■'* tytn thuAXthUmtU\[< , an* tbe fanltc tbn f^ycfE to roe? < Adam primus homo* ^ Xlayt,all "J «tfcrtbe,r o my otvne f mbtcyllyte* CTo faultt in ttx lotbt-but in my inf trmyte, 2lnb want of refpect,in focfce ffyftea as tbw gaiirjf ma Pater cceleftis, $or tb«c jf |Hit tbcat tbyne ow itc lybcrtc, $$» ougbtcfl my £oobnef|e,ro b«ue in more ret tmiff nebea bntfa&bobc tb« bejl be c«n, ttb bmm$er bymfc(fb tb« baft create* %o tbynt owne jfrnag^Zut autn from m< tby b*t«i Pater PrSIenf is Trcgcediar I Parcr coclefti's 25t*f attthn foryt,frombottomof tby k*t? t * A dam primus homo*. ^|?y byfpiwfurc t8i« f nemo (I |K f wyUpot b4treb,bctnri»t byttt for by* poytt$e* 3tno tb* womrt« E ynbc.Wny f b*U b<4tpi^otbe srotmbe, -^kfbya fu$a«ftyorw,romyfe,witb *U tby ww4rbe powre* 5yrmelye enclofe it,iri tby remcmbr4tmce frtff « Jfafoc It ftt tby fay tb*> wttb full bope bay e procure tby ptact , witb moflbygb 3*p,f4fceyet0ne fcrtt4rt,tbyst*4cyo«fe gyf?e« torecorbe> 2Uib to be4re in mynbe^now after my be4«ynefle, ftbe brwte of tby name, witb in twrbe ioye anb $(4bnefle» , 5'b«byfbrtyneflnot,4a wele4peretbtby«b4ye, fto fatd>t to tby folbe^by fir ft f bepe b<*tb bone mof? off tn cu jfria not tby mynbe,for euer jf f bulb becaye, 25«t tb« rcfcruefJ me,of tby benyuolence, 2tnb baf? prouybeb,for me a recompence* -By. tby 4ppoyntment,Iif> e4« j[ k rtM < receyueb, 3*« tby flron 5tfo lygbtmocyonu^o one tb4t tbus barbfwerueb* TV b4t a lotbe 4rt t bn>co ■Of tcrryble be4rbc,witHoutill^remebyc, 3nb to b c put oucof nil cpoo mcmorye, jf 4m citfotceo ,to reioycc bete mwarbclye* 2t« ympe tbwgb jf be,of belle,be4tbe,4nb b4ttt|>iwcy#?* ibvouQ b my owne worfcyncj e,.Jot ^J confybte tby metcye# 2tttb pyttef uUmynbe,fotmy wbole lite 4s (Sob b4tb appoynteb* «6f tbys 4m jf fure,tbtoucjb bya bym grotuibe of my b4tt,tbysfb4U not be temotieb* T b«ue tt w f4ytbei4ttb tbetfot if wyllfyntte, .Xtbyd 3totbeme to bym,tb4tmyJ4lu4cyonfb4llbry»$e# Tunc fonora uoce,prouolutfs genibus Antiphonam mcipit,0 Sapientia, Qiiam profequctur chorus cum organis, . ;4 co interim exeunte^ Vcl fub co Jem tono poteritfic A nglicc cantata 'Actetrrwl 04pyencc,tb4tf>roceb«flftom tbe moutbe of hyshtfc tre4d?yit£tefoutrtbwitb45re4tf>owet?ftotbebe«j , nyngc to tbeenbe , wttb be4uenlye fwettteffe byff>ofyn* tbe true W4ye of tby SoWyeptubencc. FinilAdus primus, 23 pater a j rvctusiiecunaus* ~ Pater coelcftis frmic bene moueb^to jlryfc m 2lnb wyU wot rnnenbe, by 6 lyf e in anye conbycyon, Ho re| jxct brttb be,to my wotbe nor monycyott. 23wt botb wb4nEynbe is but fief be,tn bye wbole ballyaunctt 3tU »yce encreafetb, in bym contyntmUye, Hotbyn^e be re$lebbutW4lfcctb 4 oamwtbU tmbc, luftusNt>ah f 3tll tbys is true lorbc, jf c y fcrtowe tb<«t rocrcyewitb tbe is ptvmantnti 3tnb wy U be cucr,fo lorccjc 48 tbe wotlbe ettbure, tTbw dofe not tby b4ttbe,from man wbyd?is tby aewtwti 23cyttcrc tby fubicccbc is tmbrcnetb tby cure* Cotrect byro tbu m<*ycjl>4itb fo bryrc#c by*» to $vac< . 2UI lyctb i« tby b*ttbes,to leaucor to allure, 25y tter be4tbe to ejeucor $vamnt rooj? fuflfrcn folace* 23 tj Vttttlyt i . : t A (fitis Secundus erlye fromtttorkatterte rrottbw tby fact, 25titU« bymfmKr,tbyfw<« bcnyuolence, ©»mwbattboti«re» £we tbw tbye coucnmwtfor m ewef? conf unweyon, I ^ Vrxtcntis Tragadiae. ^f my for mer promyfe,to 2tt>yli bUflcb torbc, witb my wboU b«w #mt> myttb«« Pater caleftis,* Sattxetlt thaniuft Hoakbcre leant jf tb* bcbynb«« luftus Noah, soobncfje vnbcfcmcb, ^t by promy ft in fay tbt>is our hi flyfycaeyom 2U it w«w abama^wban by« bart tbertn rcf?cb» 2lnb a« ft n>aa tbeirs,wby4> tberin oifo trufJeb, ttby« faytbe was srotmbctMn 21 txuna memory** 2lnb clerelye beclrtre&itt lihds fnnocencye, ^ iaytbe in tbatpromyfe, -Olbe 3lt>4mbeb inffyfyc* jfn tbat promyfe f aytb^mabe ^u<« to propb«cye# 5aytbeitttbatpromyfe,proueb2lbel innocent, - "Jn tbat promyfc faytbcmabe ©etb full obebyenfc $rbat faytbe taught £noe,on <£oba namefirff to ca\U 3lrib mace flOrttbufalaktbe olbeft man of all, . | ftbat faytb broucf bt 4£nod>,to fo bygb egereyfe, ttbat (Bob tote bym t>p,witb bym into parabyfe, &ftb*t faytbe tbe want^mabe Gain to bate tbe goob* 31 nb <»U by« offprytt $e,to petyfbe in tbe f lock* Say tbt in tb^t promyfe^prefcrueb botb me anb myne» 6o wyll itall tbcm,tvbyd? folowe tbtfamt lyne^ Zl*t onlye tbyagyfte,tbu batfgeuen me jwete lorbc* 23utwitb italfo,tbynecuerl*flynatyrt$e tb< watcr*,more peaceable tt wyll jf fyitge bere,wttb barn mete tb baye by bay«* 5ot nefe,bewalfcetbtobyabecaye t i^fbcbottotfottc,byswydfcbncj|c confybre, Kid lyfr boubtlc jfcto pcryf b all togybre. l^jfttmy fyre vewym tbart tbefpybet? ^Cb^ o«ffb|od? 4bufcs,46 be b<«b egefccyfp,tbe caflcll of conf ufyoit, Htmis b*tb alfo^attb all by tbe beuyls f llttfyoft, ftbrowjb vmacje m<&yn$e,vp trayfeb jrbolatrye, OOt to fcy frottoure.3titb now tit tbe eottclufyott, 3$m$cmntt,a$itb contynudlyt 1 Jotmy coucnmwtes f<*fce, jf wyll not broumt tsitb »#<*# J> et (TMljf vyfytctbcfrfynnea wttbotbc* m promts* 5 no (oft not tbc fowlcs,of men in fo great nombre, 25ut faut tbyne ownt woit «, of tby mofl byfcrtte goobntsi 5 wot< tbytmtcy<^m*pUntyfuUrtrft> cnblc** fleuctr can tb«y by wwr f ayle^tby fclf enbutynge, ftbye b*tb faytbt figeb,f4fitnmy\>nbcrffcmbyncryf bin tby fygbtr * Pater crelefti's, tto truly* 3 b tnbrtm, tbu d?mmccfIt>pon tbe ryyU uotbybe fromtbe, Ttf borne 3 bmfc Meflyb,for tby true fybelyte. $$F 3 fcn*we tbu wylt,cmifebotb tby d>ylbren& fttuanus, in mywayes to walfce,mtb trttfttmto my couenmmtc*, Qlxtt J nwye pcrfoiirmcwttb tb« my ernefi promt*. Abraham fideli's. 3(U tbrtt wyll jf bo,by rtffyffcnc* of tby ffoobnea. Pater coeleftis. 5*om ©obom rtttb (Bomor.rbc pon tbem fait JPylbe fyrcanb bryrotfoncfrMU lygbt vpon than *U, Abraham r\ctus i cruus* »-— — Abraham fidelis, pytf efutt mal?ctr,tbou$b they bam tyntitb thy futyt, Cafi not 4t*«y c yet,tbe iu ft fovt xoitb tbe vmcfoMyc. pttbett4fce. jf bope tbet'C id nocrn (be fo cruell b4tbenefle, 2te to caft axowctbt iufimtn xoitb tbc ted?elef]e# 3tnbfotobefI*oye,tbe 300b wttbtbc*m$oWy«, jf u tbe iubcjc »f «tt,bi ncuo: focfrc 4 f utye« Pater coeleft is, 3tt0obomtf J*mfo* tbeit fate* vetclye. Abraham fi delis; - jf t*Ee vpottme,to fpc4fce bere in tby defence* COovc tbeu become me,loroe parbott my mglysenct. jf 4m but 4fbe8,4«b wete lotbe tbe to offence* Pater coeleftis; 04ye fouttbffoob 3tf>r4b4tmfbr yll bofl tbu nonintmbtt : ,jm Abraham fidelis. . b4pplye tbere m4ye be^fyue leffc in tbc fame nombtre* 5ot tbett f4fces y trti ffctbu wyltuot tbe te(f rfccombte? Pater caleftis ^ J jff jf 4moitge tbem>my cjbt fynbe but fyne 4«b fottyt ^Pfcem wplbe J not lofe,fot tbat tuff cumpanyt ♦ Abraham fidelis, ICObat if tbc cytte,m4ye fottye tycjbteoufe mate? Pater cceleftis t?be« wy U 5 j>4tboue tt^fot tbofc f4m< f ortyed f4l?e# . Abraham fidelis, 23e not 4ng*ye lorbctbousb jf fr «& < vnbyfcretelye. Pate* Prarfentis Tragcediari Pater c«!eftis Xttttt thy xobtk mynbt,anb fporc mt not haxbtlye* Abraham f idelis, parmiewtirc tfcerc twvftM tbtrty fombtamonst tbctrt. Pater coeleftii QDayt jf fynbe tbfr ty* jf wyll notbynpottWKito mod?c lorbe w tby fysbtf Pater coeleftii. tto,tto,for jf fcitowe tby f*ft\>t ie tysbu Abraham ft deli's. Ho Itfft J fupj>ofe,trxw twenty cmt it hantt Pater coeleftis. Coulbe 3 fynbe twenty,tb4t cy tie woloe jf f«t<« Abraham fidelis* -Cnes yet wyU jf fpc*£e,my mytt©e,e wbattf tberemy^bfcbe g.aoob creature* fotmbe? Pater coeleftis. ftbe vc$ for tbctr (<$€$,mygl>t{<> be faft e, XTfcofc tb4tbc faytbfnlltbousb tbctr f Jotfc be butftttaU, Pater coeleftis. £or!rmto by* bowfbofoe,7 wyll befyuer <\\U $ov r ysbteoufnejfefafc wby* is ofmeanb not tbcro. Abraham frdclis, C <5rc« M AAusTerr?ui« cm# Pater coeieftis, Will 2tbt:4b xm well, f>t tby true faytvfatm* XXow wyll J $euc thorny coistnaimt 01 tbtrbe p*oroe«« Cofce tbubclcae iC74etbucoiicry|trycrbtuoufhc||c« Abraham tidclis* £otbc fo recj4rbe mens jf rcccync it witb sUbnelfe* Pater coeicftw -Of tiwnyepcopled.tbe father jf wyll mate tbt» SUltjcneincyonsi intbyfebefb4tib« bleffyb. 2U the ftartes of be4uen,fo f ball tby tynU-b be* 2lnb by tbe fame |Vbe,tb* wotlOe (ball be rebrei feb« Ifa cy*cumcyfyon>fb4U tbys tbyny f*»ytbe» 4nbitfb4lltby fowU vtnnu . Abraham fidd is. . jf wyll not one jfore^Cotbe from tby wyUbyj]cnc« 33ut to tby ple4fure,be 4lt\>4yes obeby ent, £by Uwcd to fullfyU,4nb mo jl precyoufe cornnwunbemcttt. Pater cceleftis 5arwele ^btabam, fot be«tre in place jf lc4ue tb<» Abraham fidelis. Vbtntte tvyll 7*"tbi: wttbout atrcuyacyom fyft b4we jf prynteb inbepe confybet4cyon» Xh worlWy ro4«er,can race it out of mynbe* fot $ot6nteit'toyllht?tbiu _ ■Of 1**m anb itm.mt b otb<* tb*t batb fynbt* y>t*,tbc fnzt b«ltbe, 23utfctcmcfbcw< fo-tktbycommenbrtcyons fre. ©toppe not my wynbe pyp«a,but $yU eartbe . Fint'f adus tertius. Inc/pitadus Quartus« - ; Pater coeleltis, *mmm * ' ' StTyH foincreaferktbc wyefebneffeof mm* <— SfT~ ftbat jf am moueb,witb pU$ts bym to eonfotmbe. £y« tvcflf eneffe to rtybe,^ bo tbe be ft jf can* yttU r<, fttwel bau* 3founbt>botb wytfcb,f«4rcc,4ttbcrwltV nt> £f4t* in mynbcwttb b4tef ull mu tbcr infect* %bt fonms of J 4cob,to In flea wmotittttU f«U, 2lnb into 4&fyf>te,beb tbey tbtfr brotb«? fell* £4b4n to ybolUs,t,tbro»sb ©ic^cmd vyolmc*. Ruben abufeb bys fttbers concubync, 2«b48$4t« «4 ? b«Hn my fyof jf(V4el4bufe my powre* jfn fo *ylt mat Yer, tbtt tbey roouc m< eiwrye bo xvvt. Mofeslanftus* P«cy f y< tby wt?4tb<,fwet c lorbe jf tb< befyre, 2U tbu art eopU,m.f <4trcetu|f< of tbyne y re* $or wbom tbu b4(l fbcweb*fod?e tofcene cwybent* Conucttyngt tbye tobbe,into 4 lytulyc fcrjxwtj 2tttb tb« (4mc fetj>mt,tnto tbye robbc 4«r4yne, %\>y wottbctfuKpowety pUynt* $ote tbti* f4&e4lfo,putee|? pb4t4oto p4yne> 25y «rt byoetfepl45e6,4d jf^U bet* bccUee, 23y bloube^kfatfa*^ lyce.by fIyce,be4tb>bot4?e,&: bl4y»te# 3$y b4?4*»br^4|foppct;8,by b4tf t45c,4ll tben* ftrff cfottcn W4tc 7 frboffnt*JHtton«ny$bt,fot bye f«4rc< criwlnefjc. $wm tb4ttby peopU,witbolbe not now tby soobncfiV. _,. '. Pater ccelefh's, j( ccrtyfyt dfomy d?ofcn fetni4iwt irs lebe* SPbere pb4t4oe« boofctbc floube onerwbemtebtnbebev 3Tb» wentefl before tbem, in 4 fbynyn^e clovfot 4U b4ye# 3titb in tbe b4tte nycrbcin fyre tbwfbewebefl tbeir W4ye # $b» fence jl tbem <*34nn4,from be4»en to be tbeir foob» Out of tbe b4tbe ff o ne,tbu 4b it in byfb4yne, ^btt3oftbeirwelf4re,tbey nwnye tymts compfcync* yctoryc, ^ Mofes fanftus* (Wofl «rIoryo«fem^|er,4ll tbatis to tbytflorye. £bu fente (I tbem 4lfo T 4 Uwe from be4»en 4botic, 2tnb 04ylye fbetvebeft tbem,m ^ rtvc turned to f jjamef iiU ybofrttrye, Jor tbeir <5ob t bey b*tic,fctt *>p agolUn cvtlfe. Mofesfandus, £ete me faytfttmvebAufxcttt father in tbeir htfalfe; Pater ccelefh's; jf »yU firfl coitclube,coplc fo mfcynbe* riot one of tbem fyallcni oye tbe promy fc of me, $ov tnmyngc the Unt>cMit Caleb ftbe crttrt'be fwelloweb itt,botb 3t>4tb*n <«ib itbirotf« ^be 4t>t>et?6 bct> flyn^otbet wydfeb petrfottes elu, jfit wottberfHUttombrc.'8'btu* bf ybolatrye^f or no cmife>tf#i ttmy fl truff me* Mofcsfandus, S**3 tbem,4(l Ifroel ff)rtll it fe + Mofes fandus* jf tt>ote,tby people,b4tbwrotuf bt 4bbomytt4cyott> IPorfbyppyttge falfe oc|tmc4yc,wyUnot imsortectcb be. 3t t> for tbctrue 3ete,tb<*t tbu to my people bafc jf 4bb* tbys coueu4imt,tmto mypromyfea p4fc. & tyfc tbcm x>o J wylU* ptopbete from 4mo«: otlf £e to c|?e,to fpcafce my wotbes t>»tto tb 7Mo> f> b< «*tb notable be fb*U fpe4£e i« my name* T t» ;ll reucu: p,?;fe oacr lambt,xvyllbt 4 eo£eittufi, ^>f ;byb4t tbygoobnt\\k ia,4nb b4tb bene to by* fort. 3te wc fynbe tby tfebcct>4ttb jfoKfelt tby c of promyfe 3 4llotber febea egcclU 5* J Actus Quartus* $w tbttin vtmaynttbiout full tuffyfycacyom $vom Hbam 4ttb Hoa h M i 2lbr ab<5ob8 mygbty profequetur cum organi$» VclAngh'cccanat* '& by$htyngt itmAtmtUSc our Ugt lot>be r tbe lon$e eg* pectacyonof (Bentylc«,tt wyll fix not lemie,b«r olbeybotarrye* ITor fcnoweme for <5ob,lf ab&orre bcr myferye* ^)e#eb bcr jf btncwf tr> bamryJea anb becayea* Styll tnufi jTpl<*#e ber,jf ft non otber W4ye<*# Daut'd rex pius*' Xemembre yet forbe^tby wortbye (Vrnmmt > *£Ie4$4r,mib£b"iee5 t it uerroore femrcbitoofFenbe tby ntagtfte. COcd> tbu acceptebefktby (tmaunt 1 oftif, Caleb 4ttb 4>tbontc(. fciKiht rbc witb**H tbeir b<*rCt 2lioib co4tt, e«;mfon tb« fttoncjeftfot by« partbeb tbcfrtW** 64tmiel4nb JTtotbat^tfcy mejfcgca bebpiocUmf, tt b4ttbowgb f taxct pb4r4o,two«sb myfcfccf tit tby fydbt? frevoae a f>«grttte,kye not tb4t in our ly$hu J rooutbelSenUtnyttSiahviftetbtVMytsoftyafa Go beb tetlyte fonnt6?btU tfOeafure trot by tbmutUfnulus oflftfitt, V: bom tbu b*ft loucb,of (oticje tyme fo mteyrfye, 25 W of tby $rc4t 3t4ce, remyt bycf eb folye* Parercrelefti's. J cy ty 5 btcot7fe pofwyf tmenti . gnbf 0M0 1110*46 tbcy.beb wyefebly cottfent, Co tf?c P4fe|tyne6,4ttb Cb4tt4ttytes vncfoblye, JboUters t4f yncje,to tbcm in timttymonye, JTfcu wtvotft tbcm t>ttbte,tbety«ge of 05efopot4mye; after tbufubbttebefitbem,fortb^3bol4ttyer y aSK « r^l« ^o«,tbe tyn4by4ttytca, ^»b jtmj.year* t>c S eb,of tb*crucU Immonytce. jn tti . 5 re4t b4tt4y(es,of tij.fcore tbo«f4»b 4nb fyt«, *f4y0tbypcot>U,notoi«Wfw{eft4lyttt, | Wffi t mwcyt fw» Joibe,4ttt> call tb«ro to vtptnuumct. Pater cceleftis, 0o !o'*£e ill tbtyjwxt gvcvuwci, | t>4uib m/ fcru4uitt,ft*mwbat mujf ^ f^ f • Pater coeleitis, \ ffif*1$ &fl (Uyrw bym fa* tbe fye!bt # Dauid rex puis, (Oercy* (orbe mcrcycfor boubtlcjfe jf 4m btfyclbc; Pater ccelefhs jf coitflytttte tbe,4 tyrttte oucr jffra*k 3Cnb tb< ptef Syry4!tcfpy|ynn tbe wotfc cfcmeb. $tom tby bowfc foi tby^tbe fwctbe fball not bepart* Dauidrex pius. jf 4mfotyt lot-be, from tbe bottom of my bctb€«» tbu b*)t bone Vfclit Dauid rex puis. 3 C4n not fay e ttaye,b«t jf bm»e bone »nbyp?t:byd> pl*$e tbn tvylt fcracy 5ovtbatfynncfiiU4cte^lMt jftbyfowtemayefVwc*. 1 2tfcij.yemrs,o£ els it), months «$ylc» ttytbafci iij.brtyes,tbepefiylence ntofj *>yle* Sot one tbn muft bbycbb*neojfenbebtbyS*<*ce, , ©pave tbero anb not nu,foi jf baue bone tbe trefpacc. Pater coeleftts* _ _ ■ gTbougb tby fynnes be gre*t,tby f n wotbe b*ttte t *txycfon% " Cotb moue my j?onwfce,in wonbetfull conbycyonr^ i f ynbe the * man,aaoxbyngt to my b«xu T* r-J Tttberfor tby* piotnyfe,3f mate tbe erej bepatrt, 31 f rute tbere ftjall come, fottb yffnyn pon tby fc^te fotr enetr. toy* troneffcall become,* feate of beatienlye yc> £ys wottby fcepture,from tygbt wy ll not by flew em Pyeb*rW*y*$«bome,off«ytbe,fbaltpei7fbtteuer, t> * -Of L rKTuyqmnrasj— r — ■ — — — — *6f htmtn j . cubices long** 5an from bys bolbe, jfnreioyce wbetof,tofynfrom tbetr ftrfl mfimcy*, XObyti now befoyfetb,my $oblye wfrytucyou*. j3teogcEttow«b by«lotbt,4ft4|fe by* ttwffers bwtyfc 25ut jfftr4ytteyeoffer,yottr{f4cryfycetome. SDyfcouteut jf 4m,wf tb yow bc4ff es of omo:r4, 3tub btticrto ple4fnre,wbour Ttwfces arc its V4yne, jf b4te tbem from tbe b4rt« Efaias pr ophcta. $Tby cytfefwete Jotbcis now become wufaytbfttU* Unto ber coubycyoue,4re turrceb vpfo bowue, foer lyfe is twebafi, ber 4cte« be very burtef ull> tocr murtber 4ub tbef u b4tbb4rfccueb ber reuottmev €ouetoufercw4rbce?borbfo tbttr coufcyence browne, ; '. ID m %b«t , ^fcttffo f*thcxUffk?tbty wyll not b«tpe to*y$fct, ftbt poot* wybowea catifccom* not afot* tbdr fyg&t* ' %\>y peccable patbe^fefcetbey ntytbtt bay* not nyQbtt 55ut Wrtltc wydct W4yea,4f«tr t(xw ftnt^fyc, Commt tbeu: barter lorb^attb gem tbtm thy ttnt ly^bt* frbattb«y mayc pttccym,tbtit cuff owabU fbtye* CeatK tbottnot rxlpclcffctrt fobcpe myf tbty patryarfces, ftbatt bn£«s>tbatt tubr»xe tb«y ff owte ty»$e8,yet arc tb«y wyefeb Qtyll* 3n b wy U tit no wyfemy ptefmute lawce ftilf ylU 2Uwaycs tbeyapplycto ybollea wotfbyppytTylc bcgjjer ,to tb* artoyti tel) fry ng« „ Efaias Prcpheta* 5or tbat cauf< tfct* baft, in two bcuybcb tbcm* jfn Samaria tb* onctbc otber in |T)tmjfaicm» ?Tbc fyncrcof jfttba,w totertjfalettt beb b well, 2lnb i»t wamarf a,tb« fcynec of 3 fracl* ' $*enof tb« tweluc tryb«s4>ycatne ©aroarytartca* 3nb tb« otber two. were bicrofolymytance.. jfnbotb tb*f« ctmrrcyca,accorbyrt£« to tbeir boy rt$e5*' f %bn permyttebefl tbcm>to baue mojl cmtU fcyngco* ftbe ftrffof jfuba,waa wydfeb t yttcje K.oboatn> 4>f jf frael tfce firfcwaa tbat cruell nieroboam. 2lbia tbatt^lo wcb,anb trt tbe orbcr riabaK ftfccn 23afwrtbett fr>ela,tbcn £amU%Totam anb 3«bof?a«,tbm 3 tfcaita,tbctt J' 04 ** •On tb« otb«r parr, was jfoac^attant) 3Ld?a«, I $0 scarce tfrem aJUfo fcrtu* tone wrctd?yblye* J* Prafirnf is Tragfli'JE' f tl t|>t fygbi ofrbeJt were lorj$« merely <• Pater coeleftis. x $o>r tbe wyefeb fymte,of fyltbyeyboUtryf, W?yd? tbe v^trybes beb,w tbe l4«be of 04m4rye# "T t (pazt ofo;te b4ye,ftffy tbottf4«b menj(k\vc* ^breoftbetrcytte!$,4lfo jfouertbrewe. 2tod left tbe people,mfod? C4pryuyte, £b«em4ll tbe wotlb*,tb«y wyjl itotwbytber ttflt. &bt otber ii tvybtawban tbey from me xocnt badf* fr> y0ol4trye, J Xcf^ m tbe b4ttbe of 0cfrtftbreb tbonfcnbe ,from tberw were captyu* ieb, ^Tbetr cfo^bes byfp* rfeb, 4ttb tbey witb pemiryefeb* ©eloomtbey fcy«tnt6» t)<*ut cbtro iu bdttoagttOt els t be 3t (fy rcanes ♦ 3tob t4s,b<*tbt4iisbtbem ejoblye wiyes, TP? vi tbt ptynct t« yccs 4re tbe wyll belyucr tby people 4ll tor4yne» \tb*t tbi e4rtb*tt4ye be*re,otit belcbfali iamvplaynt. Pacer cceleitit J (tofift * 1 _ ~ , •: - /VcTufSextTr«F~~ — faayt tbt Wyft fo*$bycb wyi( bo my commmb entente*, 23ut mw(l p: efetue tb*m, f torn 4(1 mconucny cntcs* Efaias Propheta f 25le(feb art tbu lo:be,w all tby 4ctcs mib iwbcr cmcn«r^ Pater ccelcftis, lPele,4£f4t48,fo* tby e tby fybelyte, 21 couenotwtof beltb«,tbti fyalt bamalfo of mt* Sot @yon* fait now,jf wyll notbolbe my peace* 2lnb fot frf erufclcrmto fptdtt wylt jj not ctaft. ^Tyll that ty cjbteoufc lotbe,be come as a (one bemm Sty$b& 2tnb tbettr i«|t |4tier->48 4 tampc entente by8 Jy^bt. 21 robbe fb^U f&ut fourtkf torn tb« olbe ff ocfe of jf efle» 2lnb a brycjbt blofjome,f rom that rote wy U aryfe, ^»ott wbom 4ltP4ye6,tb< fpt«e of tbe lorbe fb4ll be, Ht fpt-crc of wy|bome,tb< fp*«te of beaucnly ptacty fc« 2lnb tbe fptcte tb4t xoylUaU goblynefle beuyfe* ^4tetby« fot 4 fyecUreb of (4te,in i>4uib tby tttiefettiatmt, 2lnb now conftrm«b,tn thy 6 tby lattttccumatmt. ■Of goobneffe tb« mrtbejl,04lomon of wyt moff pup fretf**,, jf aboms. , 5nb n«*m«tt 0yrua,tb« potirsebeff of a Up* ye, ttby wotf es wonberfulUwbo can bntttMgnyf ycr 2fryfe frieruf4Utn,to tnowlebflrc bys great goobnefl** Concinna time uoce Antiphonam inchoat, O radix Jcffe* Quam chorus profequetur cum organis, Vel Anglicehocmodocartft, JO frtttefuUroteofjf'ffa tfrttfWl *>< fetae* fygnenmoit ge peopMgaynfi tbe woilbly rulers fMl fwtrcely ope tbeir moMbtz*TCbomtbtcoroenow fot to UWjtoee* » :« comttfa . X 3tnb 4 by ,roj,'J cojfott4bl« fw;mc«, $> wynne bym to fl! royfebefaroo jt by 3 b tfivtcc w/U jf flyfb,my ftr/l w/tf 4nb becrc. f r*m bms fb ill f« byrti fre* t}ym»4cby4to peryj> ift bya w:4fc«iKfle« . , Ioann:s baprifta. wbycb curncb fromtbc by* boni48 witb otbtby people «*to Tbabylon* TPrb*r trcafure c4inc to notby»*3 ttbt f?rmtnmyfcr4blc bonb4fimttym« by t£\td>'t*L #»b 0tb<* propbet«e,4* ttfayt 4nb ft* ercmyc I • etnmtymt pnefentis Tragoe I/*, 13iimtymchy fcantekfumtymeby -Ofeatfo jfobcf, 25y 3mo8 mtb 2lbbtert8,by3^3«anbby|j6d}4ty«« 2Sy OOrtIrtd)t4«, alfo by 2bncud?, 25y 4Mbatbett>ybowe,mtbby tbepropbete 25arncb# &f Kecr/ab confybre,rbe faytbfull aencrncyori, TO;o towync bryntyngcno frynbfbyppe nygbt ce|Tr4yfic; Xctwmbre abbetnelc4?,tbof tbye^oblye aimpanyc, ^Tbon «n$c it from fynnc . 5or a(c tbu b«, loannes baptifta, 3te tby pfeafrre te.fobJcffcb lorbe appoyntme* Jormy be(tbetb« art,anb myfowleefelycyce. Pater cceleftis, Conge ev* jf tnttot tb«, jf tbe ptebeff yrwtfc tf S 25cfo:« j AAus Scptrmus, l&tfott thn wort hotm.J the enbueb wf tb £*•*«♦ jfn tby m*tber* t*ombe>wert tb« f4nctyfyc4t«> Symy$obly*3yft,4nbfoc<>nfirm«bittpl4ce, 2t ptopbtte to fbtxvt,* wayc before tbe face, •Of my mofl bere fonne,wbyd> wyll come tbe vntyll* Slpplye tbe 4 p4«,tbyne offyee to ftslf yll. pre4#e to tbe people,rebufcynse tbeir nectCye/ence, -3>oppe tbem rott>4ter,tbey r/«owleb$yt?cre tbeir offence, r3ittf ftye imto tbem/fcbe fc yncjebome of vDob botb cum. ^ loannes Baptifta* ^tttttete lorbc^ 4in, Qjjia puer ego fum. 2tn otber tb4rc t£tt,2U4c jf b«ue no fcyertce* $yt fot tb4toffyce,neytber yet clemw eloquence. Pater coeleftis, ^buf^ltnotfityefo^oi:! bmie seMntbcgvact, Eloquence 4ttb 4cafc e in tbcbefwtpUcc. ttbu rouftbo tberfot,4s 3 Ml tbe abuyfe, COy 4ppoynteb ple4fure,fourtbx>tter inany wyfe« <*Oy f?ron$e my ctbrye Wdtbes,put jf into tby moutbe, 6p4renotbut fpeafce tbem,toe4ftwetf,nortb4nbfoutbe. / 5 l| Hie extendens dominus manum,labia loannis digito tan get,acorn'mponet aureamlinguam. * <5onow tby w4yefour.tb»yfb4lltb« newer foylc, ^Tbe fprete of belwa,b4ue 7 5«"< rt tbe 4ltebye, Perfu4be tbepeopU,tb4ttbey tbefc fynntd byw4yle, 'Znt> if tbey repenctbetr cu fiomable folye, Conge (t}A[l itnot be,ere tbey bmte remebyc. •Open tbtt tbeir b4rte6,tell tbem tbcit bcltb is commyn$t* 2te a \ooyce in befart^fe tb ti becUre tbe tbyn$e . jf ptomyfe tbe fute,tb« f b4lt wnf l?e bym 4mou$e tbem, jfn Jotb4ne4 floubc^not f4rre from frierufalem. loanncs Baptifta* x txiciius rragocuuc* ehtm mtytt $oob lorbe, w berby ffrtU J B«o#< tfrat m2» jftt ttK roultycube, wfcyd> wyllrefomo jfo^n? Pater cceleftis; jfn tby motbera wombe, of byrob4bbef! tb« co$nyey«n« loannesBaptifta. 3P«4,tb4tWAatt*f|M*te*jfwolbe now E nowe ijy$ petfon . Pater cceleftii, • forttte tbu »w fcate jfojwrt^yroffralt tb» E nowe full welt* 3rtb oite fpecy4ll to£en,4fore wyll jf tbc tell. Super quern uideris ipiritum deicendentem &C manentem Super eum,hiceftquibaptizat fpiritu fandto Jlmmst All otber>wbom tbu ft>*lt baptyft tbtvt, X)p*n wl?*m tb» feyfrtbe boly <5bo£ befcettbe, jfnfb4pps of 4boue,refry«3e »pon by* ffculbere. Oolbe byro for tb< fanuitbxt fb*U tb* worlbe 4roenbe# 3$y baptym of fptrecc» 4tib 4lfo to man e vtenbe» tf3oflfpecy4U it? at b4nbe very nye« ?Tbe promyfeb iycrbhto yow 4pptod?etb faff* t)*ue f4ytbe,4rtb 4pplye>now to reeeyuc b?m bolbelye. jf but to beatre tcftymonye, •df byro,4tn jf fent,tb*t 4ll men m«ye beleue* ^b4t bys bloube b: wylUfor tbetr rebemp, yon gene, t^cts fovb ►tly3b>>4s 4llmcnborbUlumyfie, %b*t cuer w:rc bci*,or ("ball be after tf>y«, x n Zll 2Ui tbe wotlbe bt m4be,by bys mygbeye power btuyttu 2lnb yet tbat rube wotlbe-, wyU not fcnowe wbat be i«. t?y* ownc be cntcryncje^w not regatbeb of bys» £bey tbat rcccyuc bym,atc <5ob« true djylbren ptayne* 3 n fp*etc regeneratcanb all $tacc fl-all atraync . tfbanyc bo rcdrcn,tbat jp Joban23aptyfl am bc# jfceccyucb are tbcy> anb tbat wyllapcrc in (pacc^ ^rbowgb be conic aftcr^yet was be ionctc afore roe» 'XPe are wcrtte vc j)cla,be is tbt welle of grace, 4>f bys **n w»to €brift*a eryars voyee in the befartv tTo prepare tbe patbe«,anb byejb wayes bym before* 5or by* belygbt t*,on tbe pootefymple bart. fcbat innocau (ambe,from feet> WyU neuer bepart, 7Ls wyU faytbfullye,receyue bym witb #oob mynbe* £ete our royce tben foui i .b cm fome fwete mufycall £ynb«» C-Refbnaumcudcr Antiplionam mc/ptt, Odauw Dauid* Quam profequewr chorus cv.tn organis,ut p n'us , Vcl m Anglico (ermonc fa\ -fc perf ygbt fceye of 2>auib>anb bygbfeeptftre of tbt fyn* . Vre^ of 3acob,wbycfropen<(f Attbnoman fpearetb^ tbw \f«£ r~r CbrwMd* tejl4!*ortdm4!topcome3tbelytter* tby fttmant tttotM fcynbe bounbe,mprifoit fycryitcfc intbt barfriKfic of\/\mt 4WP bycter b4fnp»4cyott. Baleus Prolocutor, T be matters 4T« focb,tb4twe b4tiei>ttercb bert* Zb on^h' not to flyae,from your mett$05y4U» . $91 tbey l?4ue opeutb^fort? conf citable ctere* 3ts is to tb* beltbe,of tbys fcyttbe »wyuerf4U, . (Smcse of tbe lorbe,4 ibpromyfeslybemU, V0byym to itttbea plrtyt?** Our fore fat)} er s w:re ,»itbre tbe cloube of barfcencs, 3tnb vjiso Cbriffcs b4yes,beb im tbefoabbowc rcmtt were tbey not Uftyfct of bym tbey bob ptotnes, *■■ 2tU tbeyreceyueb^fte fpfryaioll febyu^fe-$ fourtbmultyplyeb* Qyzz w/fem t>4uib,4ttb^f4ye,tb4t4ftcrr4m. %'tb in joban "&4pty fi\wby4ubmCbttfrotte facryfyee, % man can notbercto <&*b bo better feruyce, Tban.cn tbys to crroimbe, bys f4ytb*4ttb»>ttberfj4ttby!t$e, 5?r all tbe wotlbeefytttre 7 4lo«e Cbriff p4yeb tb< piyce, in byeonlyebertcbc-waatiwnnyslyfealwayes reflywje* gttb not in wyf I woife^nc: yer inmmnys beferuyftcfe, X£ be (ysh of our f 4y tbe,ni4te tby« tbynge euybettt, 1 ConchiCi6t . . '. " *; 2ttb n&t ttyyi*ctyfz**f otbct c»pet mint. A tl&ere nnowfrt xvylUwfyomtbc bypoctytxzcoimnmu f *VObi&YtbtV wpo:t>tb"ey *»rb3ngb3*accattb fayrfrbe ahfznt* ftbe xoyll of the /Ufr«>t$ ptoueo bcre (mall vetnfuu, 2tnt> fo id mannye wyllyfot the JJtrace of (Bot> fc>o:l;aU , £Dw* of tby * roatte*,cottcluoc fesafw we frail* >cmattyftf*yitse tbe *an by all ages m tbe oloe Utw Cfc*~ M tPr ;• ^an33rtle. Anno doming r^i-i , m:d,xxxvih. •x**.< 11 OVERDUE. ai-lOOm-lV^ (8796s) / 7S4SS #,'* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY