m -john'"ifryeR' CHINESE- LIBRARY MAIN LIBHARY . i, f^Ll^ Digitized by the Internet Archive - in 2007 with funding from l\^icrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/englishcantoneseOOchalrich t^ ML 'i^ »■■ ■ 1 1 g ANCLO-GHINESE SCHOOL. SHAHCHA!. ENteXT AN4)iCANT4^XE roR TH] )K£N BY JOHN CHALIklEUS, M. A. ^eronll €rtJitiOtt, HOrsGKOXG: rniNTED AT THE LONDON MISSI0NAKY society's press. 1862. Mainiab. JOHN FRYER CHINESE LIBRARY KuLEs FOR Pronouncing the Chinese. 1. In this Dictionary tlie Chinese tones are distinguished from one another by means of two accents, and two kinds of type Italic and Roman. Syllables printed in Italics must be pro- nounced on a key higher, always by a fourth, and sometimes by a sixth of the scale, than the corresponding ones in Roman let- ters. 2. Syllables which have no accent over them ought to be pronounced, whether they be on a high or on a low key, in the same easy and natural manner in which we speak our own lan- guage. E.ij., in the sentence "Do it noio,'' the Italicized word will most likely be uttered in the same tone as the Canton col- loquial word for "anger," — mm. 3. If a syllable has the acute accent ( ' ) over it, there must be a forcible raising of the pitch of the voice in the act of enunciating it. In asking the question " Shall I do it now'? " the voice rises in a somewhat similar manner, and the tone of the Chinese word nau'j "to twist," would be quite appropriate for the Italicized now in this case. 4. The grave accent ( ' ) indicaties a vanishing note, which neither rises nor falls in pitch, aud might be fitly termed the drawling or pleading tone. It is occasionally heard in such a j)hrase as "Now, do be quiet." 5. Words ending in A:, />, and ^, are considered by the Chinese as differing only in tone from those ending in vg, m, and n. But they are sufficiently distinguished by the spelling, and need no other mark. 6. The system of spelling here used is adapted from that of Dr. Williams' Tonic Dictionary, only dispensing with his diacritic marks for the sake of convenience in writing and printing, and, it is hoped, also in using the Dictionary. The vowels are to be pronounced as follows: — ort, and a final, as in father, a, not final, as in compamj, e, as in they, I, as in machine, but before ng and A-, as in king, 0, final, as in jiOf aud not final, as in hop. oh, as in hoi-n. o, as in Gothe. 00, as in school. u, as in fun, (interchanged with short a.) vv, nearly as in hull. ye, as u in Triibner. ai, as y injiy. aai., as a with ca in far-reaching. 747806 iV. nULES FOR PRONOUNCIN'O THE CHINESE. cm, as ow in now* am, as a with u in far-ruling, e't, as ei/o in beyond, iu, as ee with ou in see-yon. Of, as 03^ in &o?^. we, nearly as in Louis, ooif as in cooing. sze or s;2;' is a mere buzz, the vowel being scarcely heard. 7*. According to the above method of distinguishing the eight tones, they will stand thus: — 'U. m u M m ^ M m wun wun' ivun^ zvzit wun wun' wun* wut. 1^" It is well to keep in mind that the 5th and 6th of those tones take the aspirate ( ' ) whenever the initial admits of it, while the 7th seldom takes it. Thus we have "ch'ue, ch'ue', chue*; p'o, p'o', po\" &c.; but not "chue, chue', ch'ue^; po, po', p'o»," &c. It is also a rule with some exceptions that syllables beginning with /, 77Z, or n, are in the lower tones. In colloquial discourse many common words, when they end clauses or sentences, are pronounced with a rising tone which does not properly belong to them. Thus the sun is called "it- t'au','' a Buddist priest " woh-sheung'," &c. Other words in peculiar positions have a variation of tone, as "/«?i^'' to sleep which is pronounced "/«?i'" when used alone to denote that a person is asleep. The following are a few examples of words which occasionally take the rising tone : — H t'au', ^ ts'in', ngan', ^ yan', [{^ shi', J^ ti', |g kw'ai', ^ wa', ip^ uen', t^ ts'ze', ^ foo', ^ foo', [^ tseung', ^^ p'aai', fg- wa', |^ sliui', ^ yau', jj|| noi', ^ pa', ^ yeung', ij^^ maan', ^ ts'ing', ]j^ ts'im', ^ taai', fH pin', jgf min', ^ k'an', j[^ t'aam', ^ sheung', Zl i', M ''' ^ffl '''^*'' ^ ^'''■''^''' M ^''^'' ^^/««^''' '^c- The limits of this volume will not permit a full exhibition of these variations of the tones, but the above may serve to put the beginner on his guard, and to explain what might otherwise seem like an indiscriminate use of tones on the part of the Chi- uese themselves. Ehhata. Acquaintance, — shi]i}-ke read shlk-ke^. Aduterate, read Adulterate. Alive, — sliang read shang^ Almanac, — shU read shue. Alternately, — laam^-la^ read Argue, — pok readjoo^. Ashore, — ItaV read hai'. Balsam,-^ J^J &c., read ^ iijj fuung^-s/«. Base, — tuun read tun. Be, — hai^ read hai\ Boa-constrictor,... niong^ read mong'. Bricklayer, — iseumf do. tseungV Buoy, — naan read naau. Carbuncle,— add ^¥* ^|^ pooi^- yuung. Cauterize, — ^^ read ^S. Ceiling, — ^jaa/i read paan\ Chain, — lin, read lin^, or lin'. Chalk,— /?^;i^ read fini'. Come, — laai read lai. Commend,... 3 ^^ read Competent, — ch^'mg read ch'ing\ Comprehend, — Jcoot read toot. Constant, — Icau read kau'. Convohiilus,— (the lilac) 55l Jtv "hII 'ng'-c7icffm'-luung. Coral -J^j Jjig read ^ ^. CostivenesSj — t^miug read Vming, Courage, — leung read leung\ Cousin,— j^m read piu'. Crackers,— poaw* read paau\ Detest,— Jig read j^. Dishonest, — chan read chan. Disobliging, — ging read ging^. Divination, — c/thn^ read chhu. Dogged,— A:'«m' read Jau', ngaang' read ngaang\ Dried up, — holcn read l-ohn. Dust,— '.Wj geu7ig read iy^ geung'. Eccentric, — ch^ujii read dcuut. Fan, — ta read ta'. Fir, — cW-aam read ch^aam^. Glutton, — taai read taai*. GOD,— TAI^ read TA1\ Goose,— ^^|| read ^j|. Heifer, — ngan read ngau. Hiccough,-f7 \^ 1^ m'- sze-yik» High,— tso^ read tsoi\ Ignis fatuus,— /oA^ read/oA'. Inclose,— /2i??y read fining. Include;— /too/ read h^oot. Incomparable, — ping^rea'l;j'zw^\ Indian corn, — shmik read sunk. Interpret,— ^'flai' read kaai'. Inveterate, — iff* read >f^. Label, — ho read ho\ Lance, — maau read maau. Lobe, — to' read toh', or to'. Mahogany, — lin read Iin\ Mask, — min read min\ Mix, — yun' read wun\ Moment,— />'/« read/>'zV. Numeral, — tsze read tsze\ Oar, — jr\^ read T^J. Parasite,—-^* read ■^^. Patronize,—® B2 read Hg Photograph,— y/w^^ read ying'. Pigni; j—lo' read lo'. Preeminent, — ch^nnt read ch^uuL Quantity, — slio' read slid^. Quote, — yan' read yan'. "Ramble, — kwaang read k^waang^ or kwaang\ llaspberry, —/)'o'-Za/c read p'o'- lak. RecognirCj read Kecognise. Rouge,— /w/i^ read fun\ Rule, — koc7i' read koon' Scratch, — add (col.) ngaau. Sleep,— /im readyim\ Small, — tsaV read tsai'. Snatch, — t'-eung' read is^eung'. Sole, — tai read tat'. Span,— ;|^ read |j^. Stamen, — yui* read yui'. Strawberry, — Rb^ read ^^. Sudden,— ^^ read ^^. Torn, — (hiu) re.id (Iiiu), ENGLISH AND CANTONESE POCKET-DICTIONARY. AN ENGLISH AND; CANTOKF/SE rjg kaam''luen'. A, an, — • yat. Abacus, El Jj|9! s?/en^-p'oon. Abaft, [RjjUJf^AeMw^shuen mi'. Abandon, i^ S| she'-hi\ Abate, V^ /^ kaam'-shiu'. Abbreviate, V Abet, ^ ^] pong-choh' Abhor, »|^ 4® tsang-im\ Abide, ^h ^^ chue^-shat. Ability, ^j^^^ ts'oi-nang, ;?Jj >^ poon'-lmg', g^ ^^ nang- Able, g^ nang, '^ ooi'. Aboard, ^^ j|^_|2^tsoi'-shuen- sheung\ Abolish, 1^ ^^/ai*-ch'ue. Abominable, ~^ ^ |-^ paak- ka-tsang. Abominate, ^ *|# M-tsang. Abound, J^ J^ ^ ^ cA W- ch^ue^-too-toh. About, (round) B3 ^^ c7i««- wai, (more or less) JQ T\ sheung^-/ja', (about to)^^ jfi* tseung-k'an'. Above, I slieung*. Abridge, "^ >§, ^-aa«'-leuk. Abroad, ^h ngoi\ Abrogate, ^S/«**- Abrupt, ^ ^ tat-in. Abscess, HS i& nuung-c/i'on^. Absent, p§ .!)& 'm-tsoi\ Absolutely, Jj^\ j^pit-tingK Abstain, ^fAt^ Itaa?, Abstracted, ^ ^ mong-ying. Absurd ^ pS. A- j|| ^wew^- 'm-hop-li', JJ^ ijj^ wun^- cAew7?^\ Abuse, (things) ^1 EH luen^- "; IP- ts*aan-hoi\ yuung\ (people) ^ ma\ ACQ ADJ Acacia, ^^^ M\ kum-fnung^. Accept, dy^ ^^Sj s^aw-naap. Accidevt^l, , "^ ^h i'-ugoi\ Aocttvity, ,e.-ig^Jtf-^8^. ^ Accommoda't^, * :f^ ' :., dm ts'uung pin\ ^^ «• Accompany, |^;^^ t'uung- maai - hang. Accomplish, uV shing. Accord, ;jfl "^jtP seung- woh.\ According to, HS ^ft^ chiu^-l Accordingly, ftH'^^^^07«^^tsau\ Account, :|^ B sAo^-muuk, ^fe H cAewTz^^-muuk, p3 Accountable, Accumulate Accurate, ^^ ^ mo'-iWi' Accuse, -^ ^ ^o^-5oo\ -^ ^ A;o'-chong\ J^ huung. Accustomed, '|^* ^ hvaan'- shuuk. Ache, J^ t'uunff\ Acid, ffi^ swew. Acknowledge, fj^^^fCying^-haV Acquaintance, ^ ^ shi^-mun\ B ;^p tsaap-maai. shuuk-sA2^^-^e-yan. |p|EA Acquire, ^^ ^|J tak-to',^^wok. Acquit,;^:|^ ^i'-mo'-tsooi\ Acre, ^^ mau'. Acrid, $0? laat. Across, Ai^ waang, Ji^ hwoh>. pVct, ^^^;^tso^-sze'-^'oA/^\ ,.;f|j{:tso\^nf hang. Actions, :^^ ^^ hang-wai. Action- at-law, g^ gnj tsuung^- ts'ze. Actionable, "^ ^ ^ P|£ hoh'-ko^-faat-ke'^. Active, -^'1^ shau'-faai\ vg- g|| oot-tuung\ Actor, ^ -^ hi'-tsze\ ling-li\ Adapt, ^1^ hop. Add, jfjp ;ba, )^ t'im, Addict, ^ ^ cAwe«.moo\ Address, (to, a letter) W X^ 1^ se'-52'm.lau. 'Adult, -J^ '^jf^J^ cheung'- taai^-shing-yan. Aduterate, ^ ^ j^ ^ ts'aai-woli^-iigai^-/o/t\ Adultery, ^- j^ kaan-jnm. Advance, J^ f^ sK toi^-5oo\ ,'yeng,^y/^. J AGA Adze, ^^ />oow. Mollis, jS jptj} fmmg-slidin. Affair, ^ ^ sze'-kohn\ Affect, ^ /v;om'. Affectionate, '^ ^|^§ Pj^ sAmwi- ts'ing-^^e^ Affinity, ^0 ^ yan-ts'an. Affirm, jg- -|S wa'-hai\ Afflictions, ^J^^^t'uung^-ch'oh', Afford, Yih jfS kuung-ying^, Affront, J^lfl^W cA'ww«<7-chong\ TM ^ ting'-keng'. Afloat, ;^ fau. Aforesaid, ^I^^^^M*. ^.X-ts'in-in,^^^^^ /bw^-ts'oi-sAoA'-in. Afraid, ^ ^h6 huung'-p'a\ After, ^liau\ ^^hau^-loi. Afternoon, ~TC -^ ha^-'ug', >^ ^J ^^^ aa?i^-c/iaw^-hau\ Afterwards, ^^ ^ in-hau\ J^ ^ mi'-hau\ Again, l£ :^ ^soi'-f uuk, ^ -& yau'-shi\ Against, ;j^ ^ smng-faan\ ^ ngaak. Agate, J§ Jg ma'-no'. Age,^|£um-fti',(the)j^ ALA «Aa?, (what is your?), "M'^^ DB kwai^-kang-ni? Aged, "^ ^ ^o-shau\ Agent, f(^ ^ ^ tor-paan^- yan. Aggravate, ^ |^ ^ uet- faat -ch.mxng\ Aggressor, y^ ^T\ ^* sm-lia'- shau', -yr^ "J^ K^ sin-kuung- yan. Agitate, ^^ Wi yimJc'tuung\ Agitated, ^S :^^ p'ong-wong. Ago, ^ ts'in. Agree, Jj^ -^ woh^-hop. Agreeable, Jg^ 5|^ ii?aw-woh. Agreement, ^^ yew^, ^^ |gj hop-t'uung, ^S^^J^*^^*'^"^^"^- Agriculture, Kt ^g A:aw^- chuung^y -^S Sf. nuung-sze\ Aground, Jpl^ r hok-tsHn'- Ice\ "trT j||Bf hong- shuen. Ague, ?& J£^ ^g /aa^laang'•• peng\ Ahead, ^^ "ray* B§ tso?-ts'in- Aid, ^S Hy pong- choW. [t'au. Aim, I^J }w heong^-chuun'. Air, ^ A^\^ Air, (to) p^ ^ long^-s/iow^'. Alarm, ^S "^ chan^-kmgj 1^ ffiS king'-sing'. ALO Alas! (col.) aai-ya! Ale-house, vQ j^t tsau'-tim^. Alert, BH jO^ P|^ kwaan-sum- ke\ Alias, ^l] ;^ pit-ming. Alien, ^K m /^ ngoi^-/ct6'o^- yan, f4 J\^p|£^'a-yan-/ce\ Alike, i^ ^] tseung^-ts'ze', Alive, /t y^ shang-oot. All, (col.) hum^-pang^-lang\ (col.) ^® luimg'-tsuung', -^r Ajaai, (are) ^T^ 4^ ^oo-hai\ AU-along, ' ^ 3/aMo\ Allay, jj- chi'. Alliance, ^g ^@ kit-is^an. Allot, J^ ,^n^ kwan-fun. Allow, )w cimun'. Allusion, (jg J^pi oirC'-chi' , Almanac, J^ ^£ t^uung-shu. Almighty, ^ ^ ::^ II moo-s/ioA'-pa^-nang. Almond, ^flK > f"^ hang^-yan. Almost, ^5^^ ^^ch^a-pat-toh. Alms, Jj^ ^^ shi-she'. Aloes, ^^ lo-ooi\ y^ ^ ch*um-/«eMw^. Alone, ^f^ — . 4^ imik-1/at' koh\ Along, (length wise) (col.) tim*, (with) 1^1 ;^ t'uung-maai. AMO Alongside, ^j^ ^^ tsoP-p'ong. Aloud, -^ J& tsLSii^-shenf;. Already, ^ J^^ Wsmg-king, Also, :^ yik, ^ too. Altar, :^ J:ffl ^sa?-t'aan. Alter, ^ A-oi'. Alternate, ^ :;|jg ^ f^ oo^- Alternately, ^^ ^ laam^-la\ Although, ^j^ i^ sui-in. Altogether, 5^^ it tsuung*- kuung\ Alum, g ^^ paak-faan. Always, [{^ [f^ shi-shi,*^!}^ sheung-shi. Am, (I) ^ >f^ ngoh'-hai\ Amaze, ^S ^^ A:/;j^-cheuk. Ambassador, -jS ^ s^e^-shan. Amber, ^^ fin foo'-paak. Ambush, -f^r Jx fuuk-jom^. Amend, m^ Jp koi'-ching^. Amends, @^ ^m p'ooi-/joo'. America,'ggg^)J;|jfl^^- mak-li^-Aa. Amiable, "^ ^^ hoh'-oi\ Ammunition, *^ ^K ^S -?* foh'-yeuk-chhmng^-tsze' . Among, ^j^ ^ pfa tsoi^-k'i- ► ANN Amount, -it "g-h kuung^-te'\ Amoy, JS p^ Ha^-moon. Amputate, ^|l d^ kohi-hiie'. Amuse, ^ i\;^ ho I- sum, ^\\^^ tsak-kek. Amusement, ^§ ^S waan-s/ia'. Analyze, c/i'aat-shat, :^* S? haau'-kav}. Ancestor, jjj[j^ -^ tso'-sin, jjjg^ ^1^ tso'-tsuung. Anchor, ^^ ^£ <'i7-naau, ij^ teng^, (to) ^^P ivaan. Anchovies, 'm 'yV ue-A:aai\ Ancient, "t koo'. And, ^^ /jeew, ^^ k'aap, ^(^ yau\ Angel, ^ ^^ t'in-sze\ Anger, (col.) Tjaw, 'fB ^ hau*- no\ Angle, 'ffi ^5 ^o^-t^au, (to) Angry, |^ jfe /aa^no\ (col.) nau-no^. Animal, jtfl ^a s^aw^-ling, ^Wt mjc k'um-s/iaM\ Animosity, 4ft han\ Aniseed, rgj ^& ooi-heung. Ankle, ^p |^^ 7jewA;-ngaan'- kwut. Anniversary, >^ ^ P^ Q APE APP -^nin-k'i-A-e^-yat-^s^e', (first) ^jr ife tui^-nm. Annoy, 'j(^ |^ facan-iu'. Annual, ^^ ^ p|^ mooi'-riin- Another, ^|j ^^ pit-M\ ^ •""^ tar-i\ Y|]J^ t'a. Answer, -^ Rffi taap-ying^, rgj ^^ ooi-yum, (suit) ^^ ^(|g cheuk-sAai'. Ant, ^^ ngai'. Antelope, ^^ ^El ling-yeung. Anticipate, J^ )K^ ue'-liu\ Anus, BXl P^ ^owy-moon. Anvil, ^^ ^p t'it-chum. Anxious, ^jV1a^^~JC/ow^'- ^"y- #.l Ira ^ i® ""o- luun^-/?w-^o/i\ 4^ |K* ??irt^ ye'. Apart, |}^ ^ ^^ li-hoi-tik, jK^ jig shoh-hoi. Apartment, ^^ fong. Apathy, vrt Mc Mn mo'-A:ow'- tuungV ^P®' il^ ^ ma'-Zaw. Aperient, j((va|p|£^Am^- se^-/ce^-yeuk. Aperture, /^ ^^ huung-ch'ue\ |~| Aaw'j (col.) /www^. Apex, ^ J^ tin-ting', ^^^ ^s«*;/« ch'-ue^. f^U^ mooi'-yat" Apiece, :@ — Apologize, ^^ gl^ haai'-shuet. Apoplexy, I^J^t^^ no'- huet'chuung^^'fuung, J3g| -yn^ Pp ^,no'-shui''chuu7ig^'fiamg. Apparatus, ^ |5/^ /ra-/oA', :g^ J^ /a**-kue\ Apparel, :^ ^^ i-f uuk. Apparition, j^ ^fc hin'-tsik, ^[^ 4^ A:?(;aai^-niat. Appeal, i^^ -g* hmng^-ho^. Appear, Hj ^3 cJi'init-iu}, Appearance, ^m maau\ Appetite, @ p| wai^-Ziaw'. Apple, 2pl ~^ i^'mg'kwoh\ Apply, ^ cheuk, j^ yuung\ (col ) up, (ask &c.) >J^ k'au, fRf| heung\ Appoint, gS^ "lY" cA'iV-laap. Appraise, Yi |^ koo''ka\ Apprehend, j^ ^|J chuuh-to', (mentally) ^ hiu'. Apprentice, ^^t ^& t'o-tai\ Approach, Kn^ jK* tsau^-k'an'. Appropriate, (take) jB Jfi^ shin^-is'we'. ABR Approve, pH ^^ ch(vv(/'i\ Apricot, >jte ^^ hang^-mooi. April, iffi. LfU Ej 17«^-s^e'-uet. Apron, ^1 ^j^ wai-k'wan. Arbute, :^ ;kfi yeung-mooi. Arch, >p<: iir icaan-huung' . Archer, ajr -^p tsm^-shau' . Architect, -/r R^ taai'-tseung\ ^S 5^ Rr ^'*'-^^'^*«'-tseung\ Arc, >|S liai\ (in) ^^ Aa/'. Argue, 1=1 ,^ pin'-pok. Aristocracy, Jfj^ -^^ shai^-ka. Aritlimetic, ^§1 J^ seun^-faat. Arm, -^^- s/iaz/-y^iS -^^^ shau'-c/iau' . Armour, .Si 5f^ piiuj-hl^. Armoury, .^SS^J kwan-hl^' kuuk. Armpits, ^ ^j^ j[g A;a^-/aA:- Arms, . Fr. 55: />««5'-/ii\ Army, — ^ EH saam-kwun, ^r m luuk-A;io-«m. Aromatic, ^^ /^ei/n^. Around, IS Igfl c/i«?(-wai. Arouse, ffi@ sezi^r', ^J' ffiS <«'• seng'. 7 ASC I Arrear, ^^ ^\^ t'oh'}dm\ Arrest, ;K^ ^^ chuuk-wok. Arrive, ^| J ^o\ Arrogant, |g |^ it/w-ngo\ Arrogate, j^ ^^ ts'{m'-fuji\ Arrow, 'S^ ism\ Arsenic, ^^ ^ swww'-shek, Art, -^b ngai\ J^ ®£ /(•«2m<7- ngai'. Artery, |jjj ^^ ^ /iwe^niak- Article, M^ kin\ f^oo/i'. Artifice, =^ g+ hvai'-ka?. Artificial, A^itPlE^^^^- Artillery, j;;^ ^Q^ taai^-jo'aaM*, (men) 'f^ -^ p'aau'-shau\ Artisan, [^ ^ tseung^-yan. Artist, X-'g [g /ia«M'-tseuiig\ ^^ ^- miu^-sAaw', (painter) ^ gjP wa^..^e. Artless, Arraign, J±^ A*o^-tsooi\ Arrange, j^ Mb o/i?i-p'aai, j ^^ cA/72^'-ts'ai. tsik-ue. Asafsetida, [JpJ* $6 oA-ngai\ Asbestus, 7^ jiK^ pat-fooi- muuk. Ascendj ^ sheung', ^ .i. slieung'-^i^^ ASS ATT Ascent, J[;^5^P|5^^sheurig^- Ascertain, ^^ 00 ch'a-ming. Ashamed, ^VU ^fc^ p'a'-ch'au', H^ ^^ Mii'-sau. Ashes, i/;^ f^foh'-fooi. Ashore, pM j^ J^ hai'-ngohn'- sheung\ (to go) ^ ^ sheung'-ngohn\ Aside, !3^ ^^ tsoi*-p'ong. Ask, ^ mun\ (invite) g|| is'm^', (beg for) >fe k'au. Asparagus, ^^ ^* tHri'tuung. Aspect, -§* ra Jdng'-shik, ^© maau\ A^ -S* kivong-king' . Aspire, /^ _J^ jj^ seung'- sheung^-^sMM?i\ Ass, Ej§ lue, (great ass) ';^;2^ ^^ taai^-pan^-tseiing\ Assassin, q|jj >^ ts^ze^-haak. Assemble, tsue^-tsaap. Assembly, 'W^ ooi\ Q Assent, gi "S* wa}-hang', yj^ wan'. Assess, YA ^^ koo'-shu?. Assets, ^ ^ wai-ip, J^ ^ wai-c/i'(Zfm'. Assign, jjL |J^laap-haan\ j^^ ^p haan^-ting\ Assist, ^ ^J pong-d\o\i\ ^^ j^« chiy}-koo^. Assistant, "^ -^* V-shau', (in government) g'lj /oo\ Assize, g ;^J 1^ koon'i'-ka\ Associate, ^ifl hS. seung-ue'y 'fi 5|5 wong'-loi. Assort, Mk ^ij p*aai-lit. Assume, E| |© tsze^-shin\ |M ^ i'-wai, (a name) ^ ;g mo''-meng. Assure, i0 ^^ taam-po'. Asthma, ssl Pjsg hP-ch^uen', Astonish, ^^ mn i'i;^7^(7-tuung^ Astound, jE^ ^^, is^Vi'-haak. Astringent, ]\^ ^^i |^ )^^ s/iaif-s/mp-yeuk-liu\ Astrology, ^^ i^ sm^-hok. Astronomy, ^^ AA ^'m-mun. Asylum, IL^ uen\ (for children) W Sr ^ yuuk-?/m^-t'ong. At, :j^ tsoi\ ^^ Aai', (— last) A^ ^ tsuut'chi. moo- Sheung^- Tai^-ke^-ysin. Atlas, iife ^ H ^ ti^-li'- t'o-s/me. Atmosphere, ^^ ^^ tHn-hi\ Atrocity, 5^^,n|^^ ts'aan- ^a7i'-^e^-sze\ Attach, ^A jfr ^^'jo-k*an'. Attack ;|KJ[ d^T kuimg-ta'j "J^ ^g kuung-kik, i AVE Attain, ^^: ^|j ta]C'to\ ^^^ tak-chi}. Attempt, g^ ^ shi'-wai, ^ Attend, (to) ^5 j\j) lau-swm, (at) :^ tsoiS (on) ^^'^ 8lii'-fuung\ Attentive, j^ ^fi h'/n'-tim'. Attest, 4^ ^S tsoh'ching^. Attorney, ||J^ j^jjj cliong*-s^. Attract, >3 HI chm-ynn'. Auburn, ^S ^ hoht-sliik. Auction, (sell by) li^ ^ t'au- maai\ (sale) 3j^ j^ ye*-laang'. August, I^ y\ El Yimj-ixiat' uet. Aunt, (paternal) TfA" -& A»o- moo',(niaternal)^JK -H:i-moo'. Author, ^\^^^\ tso'- |^ ^^ tsoh-ha. Authority, ^^ k'uen, :j^ ^ k'ueu-sAai\ >|^ ^J k'uen- hang. Autumn, ^^ ^ (s^au-t^ln. Avail, (one's self of) ^M clum\ ^ shing, i^ ^ ch'an'- shai\ Avarice, -^ TO* t^aam-ts^oif •^' ^K <'aaw-laara. Avenge, ^[^ 'f/j^ /w'-ch'au. 2 BAG Average, i^fe^ht^ laai-ch'e'- Averse, p^ pp ^^ 'm-chuung- '*'' Pa lift i!^ 'm-noi^-faan. Avoid, ^^<-we^min', ^pi\ Awake, ^j] ^^^fun>'Seng\ gg seny'. Away, :^ A?^e\ ^|| li. Awe, -S J'M ?tYZi*-kue\ Awkward, j^ @ /s'o- lo'. Awl, ^Eg chui. Awning, j^ |hM die-ckeung^. Awry, -^ 7«e'. Axe, :^ B^/oo'-t'au. Axle, TO^ W^ cA?/€?i'-chuuk. ^^' 1^ P^ ^^^'^^*-^^*' # ^^^^*- Azalea, j^ §,|f^ to'-A;wen-/a. Azure, ^j* ^^ ts^ong-ts^ong. B Q lo-ts'o, tfffl Babble, ICJ P^ ts'o-c/i'aaw'. Babbler, |lfflf fl^ p|£ ^ ts'o- cA'aaM'-^e'-yan. Back, (the) ^ :^ pooi'-tsek, ^ pooi\ (turn) jg /aa/i', fgj S. ooi'chnen'. BAL M* W^ *M* i^^^*'" 10 BAR Backbone, tsek-kwuU Back-door, y(^ Pt hau^-moon. Backwards, [^j ^;^heung^'hsi\L\ j^ ^ t'ooP-hsiu\ Bacon, ^ [^ jj^ cAwe-yuuk- /oo'. Bad,^^ofr,|lg.J{|'m.Ao',|| ^^-^^^s^' IE M *^*'-^^^'- Badger, -j-^ ^^ i'o'-chue. '^^S, ^ toi\ ^ nong. Baggage, ^^ ^S. hang-li'. Bail, ^^;V-ling', Bait, ^2 ni*. Baize, ^ ;;^ ^ ^s'o-taai*-ni. Bake, ij(/l hong\ ^ kuuk. Balance, (a) ^ ^1 i'm-p'ing, li-tan8\(to):^^af',;|^g|[g seung-tai', (the) ^|J^ sliing^- ngan. Bald, -^ Jtwong, ^& ^!'w^^A•, A^ BB A•^6*o«^-t'au. Bale, ^ |?aai^, (water) ^.^jv Ball, ^ k'au. [/oo^-5Awi'. Ballad, ^ ¥uiik, hunk.. Ballast, W ^ c/iaa^-tsoi\ Balsam, ^§ tp ;fg chi'-kaap- Bamboo, ^M* c//imfe. Band, (tie) >^ toai\ (company) '|^i/«^-tooi\ 'J^yat- paan. Bandage, ^^ '^ few;o/i'-lim, ■JUL' cli'in-^aai' Banditti, 1^ ^^ ts^aak-/oA', Ji'-tong'. Bandy-legged, ^ ^ ft'w^fAi- Bang, ^^ phiung^. Banian, :;j^ |^ yuung-shue\ Banish, j^ ^ ch^uung-kwun, Im ^- mun^-A*2^ww. Bank, (of a river) jJpT ^ hoh- ngohn\ (for money) ^^ :^ ngan-hong. Bankrupt, ^j :|nr to'-hong. Banner, ^ k% ^ ^ taai^- t'o. Banquet, vjQ IS /«a2/-tsek. Baptism, ^ |Jjg sa«'-lai'. Baptize, J]^ ^ s/^^-sa^', (to be baptized) '^ ^^ ling'-sa/': Bar, (of a door) ^^ ^ waang- aat, (of a cage) '/ luung. I waang- m maan, /^^^ Ba Barber, |^)j B^ j^^'«i'-t'au-/o'. Barbarous, maan-i. BAS 11 Bare, |^ loh', ^ chHk, ^ kwoiKj, (to) (col.) luet. Bargain, (to) l^^'jg^ Bark,(of a tree)MT ri^shue'-p4. Bark, (to) ^ fai\ Barley, ^jl^ ^ taai'-mak, (pearl) j|^^ -^ i'-mai'. Barn, W rt^ V\n-chong. Barometer, ^ pj| ^fuung- lic' -clifun. Baron, S S^ naam-f^ewAr. Barque, PI ^^j^jlg. leung'-c/i< -;>oo7<'-wai-shuen. Barracks, .Fr ^S phig-fong. Barrel, j^ ^g xS p'i-p'a- t'uung'. Barren, (womb) ^^ 0g sliek- t'oi^ (land) )/^ J-^ tsik-t'o'. Barricade, M^ i^ cA'aafc-laan. Barrier, ^ chaap, jJJ^ f f cAoA'-ngoi\ Barrowj -^- ^S shau'-ch^e. Barter, ^t^ i& tooi^-oon\ Base, (bottom) |j£ mi', J^ ~^ ki. tuun, Base, (mean) ^K K^;//'-lau\ (bad) ^^ taai'. Basin, ^^p'oon, (small)^jm oow'. Basket, ®^ laam, ^g loh, ^^ /iOK^, (col.) h^waang. BEA Bastard, ^g Y^ kwai-tsai\ ^J Ynp y^'-tsai'. Bathe, ^^ S' sai'-shan. Battery, ijjuj ^g ;)'(iaM'-t'oi. Battle,(a)JX'f3t — [J^to'. cheung^-^a^clian*. Bawdy-house, y^ ^R ch'euiig- liu. Bay, (of the sea) >g zraaw. Bayonet, ^ SM ^ 7J c/i^ining-ViiU'tsim-to. Be, -^ hai\ (be in) ]2^ t8oi\ Beach, vQ ^^ hoi'-pirip Beacon, jffl J^ «Vi-^?/«. Bead, ^b c/i«e, (string of) » pK ^j^ yat'chhien^'chue. Beam, ^2 ^^ leung»muuk. Bean, §tau\ (FrendOg ^ tau^-^'o^. Bear, (carry) i^ ^ctwz, ig^ t'oi, (child) ZpT shang. Bear, (a) he y^ huung-yan. Beard, ^g- so. Bearer, (chair) J^ -^ t'oi-/oo, (letter) ifHfg^yv nim-suun^- Beast, ^^ shau\ [yan. Beat, :^'J' tu', (up eggs) (col.) faak. BEG 12 BEN Beaver, »^ j^ hoi'-loh. Beautiful, ^ mi', ^ 7^ ho'- yeung\ -^ ^^^pm'chi\ ^ J^ ivai'wai. Because, }^\ 'J^ ^«7i-wai\ Beclie-(le-mer,yQ ^^/ioiWiww, Beckon, >3 -^* chlu'shau'. Become, ^ sbing, ^ wai. Becoming, >^ ^r* hop-^/iift. Bed, Br ch'ong, shong. Bed-chamber, ^^ -j^ slmi*- fong. Bedding, ^ ^ ch'ong-/>'oo, Bee, ^/w««^, ^ ^ mat- Bee-hive ^S ^f mat-luung. Beef, 2p pg ngau-yuuk. Beer, ^^ vQ pe-tsau'. Beet, "M* ^^ in*-;s'oi\ Beetle, |J| ^b A*aap-ch'uung. Beetlenut, j^ ^fflj pun-long. Before, -^ si/z, "^ ts'in, (form- erly) ;^ "^ ts'uung-ts'in, ;;^ Q^ ^m-shi. Beforehand, 5® -^ ue^-sin. Befriend, ,^S^ ^ c/iiV-fcoo\ "l^ *||j|il t'ai'-suuU Beg, ^ ^ Aa^k'au. . Beget, /qiT shaang. Beggar, ^ ^g^ /^aM, 1^ -^ Begin, ^^/J ^ cAWi-tso\ J^ T himj-hmmg, ^ ^ Aot- Beginning, -^ ^<^ chH'-ch'o/i, Begonel -jj^jj^li^ ch'e'-Ioh. Behalf, (in) ^ >f ^ i'ai*-toi'. Behave, >/-Tr hang. Behaviour, »H| :^^/7'?«?iMiang\ Behead, Mr Bp cliaam'-Vnu. Behind. :f^ hau\ ^ f^ |^ ^ai'-hau^-t'au. Belch, :^f p^ ^ ta''0i'-Jd\ Believe, ^g s?«f«\ Bell, *ga c/mimg. Bellows, ^ ^ fuimg-semgy ^ :|^^ p'i-p'aai. Belly, ^i:tV,j||/«.fc. Belong, ^ shuuk, ^ j^ A;i6'«a«-shuuk. Below, ~T\ ha\ /^"Tk i«i'-ha\ Belt, ^ ;^ ^u-^aai^ J^ g iaai ^-wai. Bench, jj^ ^1 paan''tang\ (magistrate's) ^ ^ Ituung^ ohn\ Bend, (to) B[ rffa ivat-khiukj BET 13 ^& ^ chim/'k^uuTc, (a) ^-^ ^H ivaan-khnik. Beneath, ::^ ~[C ts()i^-ha\ tfj^ Benefactor, E^ 'i yan-chue'. Benefit, ^ y/Aj, (grace) ^ ^^; ?/«?2-chaak. Beneficent, ^,^ »[»lfi[ chau-suut. Benevolence, >f^ '^^ yan-oi\ >^ |S yan-toAr. [liu'. Bent, ^ A; w?tt sA«w^. Birthday, /t R shang-y sit* Biscuit, 'fifc ^^ peng'-kohn. BLE 14 BLU Bit, (of a bridle) ^^ ^ ^^i msi'-Iiau'-hiiam. Bitcli, ^^ -H: Jcau' -moo' f (col.) l-au'-7ia'. Bite, {to ngaau'. Bitter, ^foo'. Bittern, ^t JyS lo^-5^e. • Black, S AaA-, S "& hak- Blackguard, jf^ P laan^-Acm', Blacking, (shoe-) ^ || ;^C haai-maak-s/zwi'. Blacksmith, "^f ^^ [^ to'- <'«V-tseung\ Bladder, }^^ HQ niu^-joctaw, (animal's) yj> JHJ;^ sm'-t'o'. Blade, (of grass) "^ ^ ^s'o'-ip, (of a knife) J^/ P ^o-/<«^/. Blain, ifjj [l£p|;£^te^ wong^-A-e^-6-A/X;. Blame, "w ^g cAaaft-yeung\ *l^ 1cwaai\ Blank, ^^ y AM?m^^-paak, Blanket, ^ g^ paak-cAm. Blaspheme, ^^ j^ s/^tuuk. Blaze, j/>j^g/oAMm\ Bleach, j^^ Q ;/eV-paak. Bleat, (1^ me. Bleed, J^ J^ lau-/iwe^ Blemish, f^ ffl^ oo-/iw', ^ peng\ ^ ^ mo-peng\ Bless, jjjjj^ chuu}^, jSJ^ |[jg cAwz^fc- Blight, ^ Xj^ shat-shau, ^^ pai\ Blind, ^ |R maang-ngaan'. Blinds, '^S lim. Blister, ^j^ j^\^ sJiui'-p'olc, (to) |§ 7K 7^ faat'shui''2j'aau\ (col.) pop. Bloated, j'^ ^|g iau-chmmff'. Block, (of wood &c.) ^ t'au, (pulley) ^ ^ luut-loh. Blockade, |)Ji^y^ P cAoA'- sak'kong'-hau', [ij[ ^ )^ J^ choh'-sak-tsiiun-iu\ Blockhead, ^ {p^ ^ muuk- ngau'-yan, (col.) yai-/o'. Blood, IJJI huet. Bloom, (to) BM ^)p^ hoi-fa. Blot, *^ ^ t'0-00. Blow, fj ta', fj "J^ ta'^ 1/at-ha', (as wind) p^ chhd, (the nose) ff^ B^ sa7i^'-pi\ (out) p^ y^ cA'wi-mit. Blue, ^ ^ lasim-shik, | ^ tin\ Blunder, ^ |^ ^s'oA'-'ng\ Blunt, ^fg tuun\ tuen\ ^^ c/i'e-ngoi. BOI 15 BOT ^l^ir, H^ inuuiig, 1 lmung-7im'-mia\ ^^^^ hom- sau. Boa-constrictor, fepJ^V mong^- Boar, ^g* ^n chue-long. [she. Board, (wood) yj^ yjj)^ muuk- paan', ;HJ yjy^ faaP-paan', (department) pK poo\ (eat with) jgj ^ t'uung-shik, (to board a ship) ^- ||ft sheung'-sluien. Boast, ijA. ^^ Jtuif/'k^waj g^ Boat, • t'eng' paan'^ jtj-iji' shuen. '.Hii-< Bodice, 4l"j H^ moon-hming. Bodkin, $ ^ ^ c/i'wew^- Body, ^ shan, ^ ^^ shan- Bog, ^^ y{|j^ paan^-ch'i. Bohea-tea, "^T M& >^ moo'-i- ch'a. Boil, (to) ^ po, i){^ shaap, (boiled) ^/L shuuk, (boiling) Boils J i^^ ch^ong. Boiler, ^g wok, ^^ t'aap^ ^ po. Bold, ;^ ^ P|^ taai^-«* A;?i?w^ Bonnet, "ir rpg nue'-mo\ Booby, ^ ^ ngong'-yan, ^ 2^5 $^ taai.'-t^au-Aa, Book, ^^ shuBy -^ ^^ poo^- Bookbinder, -^T ^E yl ^eTi^f- s/me-yan. Book-worm, ^^ "Ba ^o'-ue. Boom, [|lji[ y|f£ faan-A-oTi^rV Boor, /^ ^td* f^ maan-^s'we/i- Boot, ^j[; /^o. [/o'. Bo-peep, ^^ ^^ chong-ngaau. Borax, JDH T^ih p'ang-sAa. Border, king'. Bore, ^^ tsiie}i\ ^ cA'Mew. Borrow, ^|g ^j^ ^se^-loi. Bosom, Hwl *mft himng-waal, Both, p| ^ leung'-/L'oA\ BRA 16 Bother, >^ ^*^ faan-iu'. Bottle, t^ tsuim. Bottom, r^ tai'. Boundary, ^^ JK 'kaau-haai\ Bov/, (to) ^J^ ta'-huung, \^ ^& tsok-yup^ (a) 3 'kuung. Bowels, j^ ch'eung, BJ^ t^^'- Bowl, ;j^ oo/i'. BRI Bowsprit, mm shuen- t'au-pat. Box, ^ seung, (io) ^ :^J k'uen-to'. Boy, ^S Y-^ naam-isrti', (ser- vant) ^1 Y? sze^'(sai\ Bracelet, -^ 5)p shau'-aak. Braces, |j^ ^^foo''taai\ Brag, ^& ^^ A;'ii7a-taai\ Braid, 1^1^ /jiVcAjAj. Brain, Qj^ ^^ wo' -tseung. Bramble, ^J [t|^ king-kik. Bran, ^^ |^ mak-Ao?i^. Branch, Tj^ chi. Brand, (a) j/^ :ffl /oA'-;w!, li'j;§<'«Woft,(to)j|;§f[J Brandish, ^^J moo'- Brandy, ^ ^^ J^ >}g pa'- laan-te^-^saw'. Brass, |]|j t^uung, ^ |]^ wong-t'uung. Brave, 63 ^^ yuung'-A;owi'. ^^^>^' 1^ R^ lue-ming. Bread, ^| ^ min^-paaw, ^ B^ min^-t'au. Break, :^'J' ^|| ^a'-laan\ j|;^ laan\ (wind);^* J^ fong'-pH\ Breakfast, S. ^^ tso'-ts^aan^ So ^> chiu'ts^aan. Bream, ^m "Q piV-ue. Breast, Hwl njjj Innmg-ts^in. Breath, r| ^T hau'-hi\ i g^ hP'sik, Breathe, :feL j© ^'«M'-/u'Y{t$ Breeches, ^^jra /oo\ Breed, y^ J^ shaang-ch^aan'^ Zp shaang, -S* ^^ ch^imk- yeung'. Brethren, Jf7 3^ Am^-tai\ 'm Brew, ^1 yeung'. Bribe, |^g |g. /ooMo', ^ PjH msLSiV-chimk. Brick, ^M c/me«, -^ ^M ^s'm^- cAwe?i. Brick-layer, :^ ^fC |£ ^ai- shui'-iseung^. Bride, ^j ^^ san-neung, ^jj^ :f^ saw-p^o'. Bride-groom, ^j- ^j^ sc^/i-long. BRO 17 BUG Bridge, 4^ k4u, (of the nose) ^ ^ pi'-leung. BridlGj SM A-e^^w^. Brood, 'j^ ^p fuuk-/aM«', P[|[ Bronze, "dt^lpj'ffi ifcoo'-t'uung- Brig, pj| 1^ ;|^| ^ leung'- Brook, ^^. A'a4 ^^ f^ k^ai- c/u'-wai-sliueii. Bright, -^ 00 kwong'-imng. Brim, m/ k^eiig. Brimful, y^ ^jj ;^ moon'-^o'- k'eng. Brimstone, >^jff >pp( lau-wong. ^^^"^' |i( i'f' haam-c7«/;;, |^ 'nf huam-shui'. Bring, |^ ^^ 7j?«5r lai, ivt M^ nim loi. Brinjal, ^p JJ^ te-hva. Brink, >^ pm, ^ ^ A-aaw- Jcaai^. Brisket, Hgt [^ mui-yuuk. Bristles, ^K'^^ ^ cltue-tsminc/- mo, ^^ ^ tsiii^ -mo. Brittle, Jg is'ui\ Broach, (a) |^ g^ ^-j- fc't«7n. t^aii-c^?/?rt, j\^ pi ^-t- suni' hau' 'chum. Broad, ^^/<^o;, 1^ ^^^it'072^'- foot. Broad-cloth, y^ Oj]^ taai'-ni, Broil, Jffii ^^ faan-c/icA;. Broker, |^ |j^ /f/>i^-/ft'. Broom, iS iW so^-pa'. [ikaan\ Brothel, :^ J^ ^ lo'-Tcue'- chaai*, ^M ^§t cA'eww^-liu, ^^ ^IS ki'-A-oow'. Brother, (elder) JfJ^ /ii«^, ^ fro/<, -^ j^ taai'-/o', (young- ^^) ^ ^^i^ ^ffl f^ ^"^"'^^'' ^tW. Brother-in-law, (a husband's) ^K la ^s^ai-k^au', (a wife's) ;^ ^^ taai>.;'««*, $15 :^ sai^-shuukj (brother's or sist- niooi^-ybo. Brow, -^S ngaak. Brown, ^^ 'm tsuunff-shik. Bruise, J^ -^ ue'-sheung. Brush, t^ ?6-^act;, K|J sAaa^, (a) JKlJ -¥" shaat-tsze'. Brute, '^^ Wjl k^um-sAazf\ Bubble, »^^ j^ fau-p'o'. Buck, Jffi ,,^>. luuk-A-wMw^. Bucket, AjB t^uung', S 7\[IJ^m'- t'uung\ Buckle, ;[7j ^3^ ¥au''taai'^ BUR 18. BUT Bum, Bud, ^. nga, (to) ^^ ^ faat-ngay i[^ ^ paau^-nga. Buddism, ^ ^ fut-kaau\ Buffalo, yh^ <^ shui'-ngau, Bug, yj\^ "^ muuk'shat. Build, ^ Ai', ^ jg| A'zV-tso\ Bulk, (to break) ^ ^ /^oi- Bulky, -j^ ^ i'aai''tsiai\ , Bull, Zp ^^^ ngau-Atmw^. Bullet, ^^ ~/^ taan^-uen. Bullock, ^ .iil ?m-ngau. Bulwarks, ;j^^ |i^ laan-laam\ ^ :^ t^uen.^«72, Jg; p^i^'Jcoo', J^ JE iiii'-^<^w^. Bunch (a) -^ |f^ ^at-pa', • ^ ya/-k^uung, ^^ 3/^^ k'au. Bundle, ^ joaaw, ^l^^ c^««^j ^ ch^uuk. Bungler, ^J^J^ luet-kuung- yan. ^^(^yj ^^ >^ naan-75'm. Burden, i^ 5§" ^a«w'-t'au, ^ ^3l foo'-yuni\ Burglary, :^ ^^Y^'sit. Burn, (to) j^^ .A/., ^J^^ ^, sA//^-waai', (with an iron) ^ffjj naau Burrow, jj^ i{{j f| P'a-ti'- luumj. Burst, ^S iy^ faat-paau\ Bury, ^ro ^^ maai-^sow^^, ^6 I I [ tsong'^-shaan. Bush, yj> J^ sm'-shue^, ^S gfc mat-ts^uung, lw9 -^ chi-ip. Bushel, J^ Yom'. Business, Sj.S^ sze^-Icohn^, /b ^^ shano'i^, ^ ^. ^^ sze'-ip. Bustle, 4*]fj iQ mong-jotm/j. Busy, -^ ^ mi^-haan, :^ >[*t sze^-mong, ^^ yau'- sze\ Busy-body, ^]F ^ P|£ A Ao^-sze^-^e^-yan. B ut, ^ taan^, ' j*>^ >|^ wai-hai\ Butcher, S- ^t t'O'/oo, (to) Butt, (to) m^JfM chhiuk-ch.ong\ ^ M^ t^^i'-ch'uuk. Butter, &^ ^ y^ ngau-ue'- yau. Butterfly, ^^ ^ 00-tip. Buttock, ^^ ^se^-^oo', J^ ^ mi'-^zrw/c. Button, ^ Tzaz/, ^fjj; ^ ?2w/>- ?2«?/', (officer's) %\i jQ m//?- ;ew^', jM i|^ temj'-taai\ Buttress, J^ oo', (print) pN -?£ "TI? ynn\fa-poo\ Calk, (to) iJT' I'P ?a'-chaang\ Call, Bij- kkt\ \^ foo, Pjg^ haani^y [1^ /w. Calm, -^ ^ o^w^tsing^ ^ ^tsing'-tsing^^ff^l^^lE JH_ moo-/Mww^-moo-long\ Calomel, m!R yj^V himj-fun\ Calumny, gft "^ ts'aam-in. Cambric, ^^ ^C ^Hj kasha' poo\ Camel, ^|g: ^|^ M-t'oh, '^ llj^ M^ sheung'fuung-V(A\, Camelion, ^^ ^^ i>/-t'ing. Camellia, Jjv Jt ch'a-^a. Camlet, ^|j; uc'-.Aa, ^ |^ ue'-tuen\ ^^ ^^ si7i''tsau\ Camomile, ~y .^f kom-kuuk. Camp, i^ j^^ ying-p'oon. Camp-stool, ^^ i^ ma'-chaap. Camphire, (tree) j^^y^cheung- muuk, (gum) >j^J5^ chevng' no'. Campoi-tea, Jm j^ 1^ kaan*' pooi^-ch'a. CAP 20 CAR Can, ^^: tak, ^ ^:^ tso'-tak. Canal, j|g ^jlj* wan*-holi, ^ ^pT chaap-hoh, y\^ 'jm sAmi'- ch^uung. Canary, shi-shan- tseiik, ra 4ok paak-m'. Cancel, -ffl-lj -^^ shaan-hue^. Cancer, mc 3gL ngaam-/s?fe. Candareen, ^^ih- fun. Candid, HH ^ ming-paak, Jp [^ cAiwy-chik. Candle, J^ chuuh, (wax) A^ ilS laap-c^wit^. Candle-stick, 4^ ^J cAwM^-t'oi. Cane, (a) j^^^^ chi-pin- kohn. Cangue, j^^ ^«> y^ ^ ^ muuk-/Mt«?z_9-leng'. Canister, ^^ koon^. Cannon, ^^ i^^ taai*-j>'aaM\ S^ JA0 ch'uung'^'p^aav>. Cannot, ]^ g^ joa^nang, p^ Canopy, JQ ^^ shenng^-^*oi\ Canton, jS "^ Kivong'-tuung, (the city) -^ ^|^ shaang'- sheng. Canvass, rfjH -^ faan-/>oo\ Cap, "J*5 ||)g ti?ig''mo\ Capacity, yf" W Woi-chat, (containing) jK "m* to'- leung\ Capital, (city) tp ^K king-too. Capon, §& ^j| sm^-kai. Capricious, ^^ rp^ j^ moo- ting^-s?f;w, (coIj.) fa-fa-Jik, Capstan, ^^ <^^ kaau'--p^oou. Captain, (ship) j^flf i^ shuen- chue'. Capture, '^^ ^m na-ivok. Caraway, ^^^ rgt :^& sra^-ooi- keiing, ^:p y^. uen-sa/. Carbuncle, (tumour) vE Vl^ Carcass, i§ *^^ wai-hoi. Card, (visiting) ^M [jjj^ /jaai ^- ^'«>» ^ f[^ ming.i'i>, (play- ing) 1^ jj^ c/a-'-p'aai. Cardinal points, UQ ~Jj sze^' fong. . ^^ Care, :^|> ^ ^?t'a^-lue\ |^ H J.a^--m•^ (to) ^1}^ jjg liu^-li'. Careful, yJ^ j\^ siu'-sum. Carefully, (look) |^ ^ ^^[]] Careless, ^lE y k j\^\ moo-sm'- sw??i, fiff; 1^ ^^moQ-fai'-koo^, Cargo, j^ ^ shuGn./oA\ Carnation, (colour) Jd^^T '^ t'o-huung-s/i?^. GAS 21 CAU J^ p'i-p'a-i'7/Mw^'. Casket, A^ [g siV-haap, ^ [g po'-haap. Cassia, tI^ ^^oi^, (lignia) i^ ^t JcwaP-]}% (buds) /j^-J^ kwai^-tsze'. Cast, (throw) :^ t^au, ^ im, (-iron) ^ ^^ shang-tHt. Castanets, 1*6 ;^/?'aaA;-joa«w'. Castor-oil, J|g yft} s6^-yau, ^ ^ yft ;>i-ma-yau. Castrate, ^|J ^ ko1it'shai\ ^ Cat, ^na 63 maau-i, (coi?)maau. Catalogue, |j;^ _^ ho'-/oaw. Catamenia, EI -TJ^ uet-s/iwi'. Cataract, (water) j^^ ^^ ^rf^ puuk-po^-A/n/i', (in the eye) '^P* jpT ^^ 0/4 tsing'chue- piu^-dtat-jHii-nnng. Catcli, ;fi5£ J^ chuuk-ivok, ^ffi '^ij chuuk.to\ Catechism, HH :^ ^£ mun^- taap'shue. Catechu, 6^ i?^ i-ch'a. Caterpillar, J§ ^k^ ming-ling. Cattle, ^S* >q::r ch'uuk-shang^ Catty, Fr* ^aw. Cavalry, ^j -Fr. msJ-ping, Cave, f I F §S shaan- luunq. j^& y^ ngaam-uet. taaP- ch'eung-mong'-mok. Cauliflower, ^ ^ ^ /«" ye-<5'oi\ tfa uen-yau, (to) tHh s/iai', ^ ling', ^ c^i\ CES 22 CausGway, ^ ^ ^^ P^^' shek-tr, ^ ^p :g iiii i»goh-?ww?i'-sliek-ti\ Cauterize, ^^ ^'«z<\ Cautious, ^m 'ffi A;aw'-shan\ yj^ J\j) siu''swn. Cayenne, ^S -fehjt laat-^siw. Cease, i»^ ^ t'ing-siX\ [muuk Cedar, 'kn ^^ /^ paak-heimg' Ceiling, ^(^ S| shing-eh'an, ^ ^ IK t'^^-fi^'P^''^' Celandine, 4(1 -fi cAi-rao'. Celebrity, ^Z^ J^ ming-sMng. Celery, ^^^ liohn'-k'an- ts'oi\ ^ "^ t^ong-ho. Cellar, j4J1 ffi. ti'^-kaav}^ (wine) VM j^ tsaii'-fong. Cement, hj^ ^^fooi-kaau. Census, E^ ^^ mun-tsik. Centipede, "jy ^ffi paak-tsuuk. Centre, jE FJ^ |^ ^7/%^- chuung-kaan^ jlj> sz/m. Ceremony, nj® ^M lai'-i. Certain, |^^ ^ /{^-fc'o/c, ^ ting\ Certainly, gir g|r titen^-tuen}. Certificate, BS -B^ tsin}-shue. Certify, ^ff g^ sliat-cAiw^\ Cess, iA ,|j[J ch'au-shui\ CHA Chafe, i^ j^ ^s'aa^waai*, (a person) YW ^cr kik-hp. Chafer, Vy ^ea sAa- shin. Chaff, f J: :^'i'hong,tMhong. Chain, ^ lin. Chair, HM iiS' cheung-i\ Chalk, y^ ;g ^/oA'-shek- Chamber, ^S fong. Chamber-pot, 'j'JS ^ pin'-oo. Chamois, M^ jM: ling-yeung. Chance, ^^ ^^ ngau'-in. Change, ^^ koi'j J^ ^ kang- koi', J^ :|^ ;fca?i^-oon', ^^ j j^ oon^-Aii?oA\ Changer, (money) j^ ^ f^ c7i«aM'-ts'in-/o'. Chapel, /jj^ ^ ^ lai'-paai^- t'ong. Chapter, |^^ cheung. Character, ^ ^ ;?M7i'-hang\ (a letter) ^ tsze\ Charcoal, ^ j^ ch^aai-raan\ Charge, (to give) ^ g^ f oo^- Charity, ^ j\jN ts'ze-5wm, (^alms) jj^ ^ shi-she', ^ '^poo'-sJiL Charm, (a) ^ ^ foo-luuk. Chart, ^ ^^^ gj hoi'-sha-Vo. CHE 23 ciio Charter-party, y^ |g| hop- t'uung. Chase, (to) j^ ^M cimi-lcohn' . Chasm, ^^ RS huet-haam\ Chaste, ''^ "^ ts'ing-tsity ^ Wj ching-tsit. Chatter, (to) ^jj 3jjJ sai'Sai^ p|p p|p tsik-tsiL Chatter-box, ^ [1^ toh-tsui'. Cheap, 2p:p'eng,'|g^^ ka^-ts^in-tai. Cheat, 1^ ||J 7z<7a^-;,'^;i\ ^^ Check, j^ jj- aat-chi', (in playing chess) iJH^ S^ tseung- kwun. Checkmate, ;^f^^ ts'uen- sA/wy-kuuk, ^^:|^yeng-k'i. Cheek, |^ WJ^ m'm^-chue. Cheerful, ^li» j^ faai'-oot. Cheese, ''^^Htyt ngau-naai'- peng'. Chemise, ^ M^ ^ k'an'- Cl 1 erry , ^^ -^ 1 i'- tsze' [sha n- i. Chess, ^^ j^L tseung^-k'i, (board) ;j^ ^ k'i-p'oon, (men) iffl -?- k'i-^s2;e'. Chest, ^g seung, %^ luung', (strong) JaK Ja ^Y«o/>-maan\ Chestnut, B[ 3^yi«jm^-luut. Chevaux-dcrfris, Jfflg '^ ^^ luuk-A:o^'-chaai\ Chicken-pox, -JTR ^|g sAMe'-tau\ Chief, g^ "jg Vim-yat-koh\ Bp[ yv t'au-yan. Chilblains, ^^ ^ ^R s/iaw^/- loh-paak, ^E4§^ holm-c/i'ow^/. Child, ^^|J[ ti^'j'^sai^-wiMn-^sai'. Child-bed, ^ ^/wn-min'. Chill, ^ftte ^^ s/<(?z/w^-hohn. Chillies, ^ >i^/a-^siM. Chimney, J(@ jg^ in-t'uung, iffl r^ m-t'uunff. Chin, ~yC |g ha'-hom',"J^Jfl5^ ha*-p'a. China, m [Q Chuiing-kwok, j^ UJ T'ong-5^aaw. China-aster, .4a JeL Icuuh-fa. China-root, }j^ &^ fuuk-ling. Chinese, (a) Ig- A^ T*ong-yan, (language,) jg-gg-T'ong-wa*. Chintz, ^]^^^ ycin'-fa-poo\ Chips, ^ p ^ foo'-hau'- cli'aai. Chirp, |i^^ 10^ cliaau-kaau, pKI Chisel, ^g tsok, Sf 77 tsaam'- to. Choke, ^ ^Vm^', yunng' -sak. ^^ CIS 24 CLE Cliolera, |^ |^ fp kaau'- cli'eung-..A«, ^ iL (tt iiM Choose, >^ iS§ haan'-suen*. Chop-boat, 2§ JEC^^ ^'^^'^^''^^" />m', (floating house) i"^ j|^ lau-shuen. Chop-stick, ij^ -?* faai^-tsze'. Chops, (meat) ){© *^ p'aai- CHRIST, g ^ KI'TUUK. Christian, >fgj(|I^p|f,X SMMW*- YE-aS'O 0-^V-y an. Christianity, IfP M ^ ^^" SOO-kaau^. Chronic, yi ^flS A:ai/>peng\ Chrysalis, ||^ ^ Araaw'- ch'uung, raS yuung', m® /j'im. Chrysanthimura, ^ff v]t ^•MM/c- /a. Chub, (fish) j|^ ^^ lin-ue. Church, ^^ -^T /jaai<^-ooi\ Cinnabar, ^ ;g^ ^ ngan- chue-chuumj' . Cinnamon, ^ j^^ yuuk-7jwai\ Circle, 1^ Az^ew. Circular, (a) ^ [fei ko^-t'ip. Circulate, :^jg' [Mjts'uun-waan. Circumstance, ^a!>%& szQ^-shai\ Cistern, "^ ^^ck'nuk-shui'- kou(/t lai'- Citron, ^& 1^ heung-uen, -^» f ut-&7m?<'. City, S ?/zLK haav>-fa>. Claim, g>j^ i'o', ^ .^ mun'- Clammy, ^^ ^^ c/i'/-m\ Clamour, p& ^ro huen-wa, W Clamp, (to) ."pffi >fe ma'-chue\ Clan, "fcfe tsuuk, Jj^ sm^\ Clap, Ty p'aa^. Clash, ;;j^ JJb sewn^-chong*, Clasp, (a) 4^p tau\ (hands) ^7 -^^ ch^a-shau\ Class, (in school) TJ^ j^aan. Classic, *^ /t-/w^. Clatter, |jl|^ ^ kwaak- kwaaksltlng. Claw, rj^ cAaaw' Clay, "^ nai. Clean, y^ »^ ;^z^tseng\ ^ VS- ^'oA?i-tseng\ Cleanse, ^X^W^ Uo'-kohn- tseng\ CLO 25 COD Clear, V^ ch'ing, Tm" ts'^ing, )A)\ niing. Clearance, (port-) ^J jj^ huung-p*aai. Cleave, (split) ;^^^ p'oh'-Jioi. CIcncli, ^^ ^^ hop-k'uen. Clerk, ^ |,)^. shue-X)RRu\ ^ . "jT. yl ^e'-tsze'-yan. Cleverj ^H^^lqJ ■^- y^^'-poon'- 8zq\ ^»|2J tH] . 4 Cloud, ^^ wan. Clove, J ^§i t'lng-heung. Club, (stick) ;k& A;irww\ ;j»'^ ch'ui. Club-house, -1^ ^fr ooi *-^oon'. Clue, ^;{< ^S^ k'au-siV, (wind- ing of) ^ sue', |g |j^ t'au-sue'. Cluster, 3^ k'au. Clyster, ^^;gt^ ^ chok- ^•M^^^'-to*-/(^(<^ Coagulate, ^ 2^ ying-A*«V, )^;^fr.^maai. Coal, xSj )^ mooi-<'^ hoi'-pun. Coat, -^ :3^<>^ taai*-sAaaw?. Cochineal, ;^ j^ -jj^ nga- /aaw-mai'. ^^^^J ^M ''^' Jeai'kuung^ (up) (col ) AtM\ Cockatoo, Q |^& Kj^ paak- Cockles, Ah ^S* hom-hok. Cockroach, ^' Kl kaat-tsaat. Cocoa-nut, ^ffi -?- ye-tsze'. ts^SLSLm-kaan'. Codfish, Mi ^^ mun'-ue. COM Coffin, ^\^ :J5^ koon-ts'oi. Cohabit, ^\B ^& haap-Aiwe. Coin, ^^ ts'in. Coincide, ^-^ -^ foo-hop, (col.) ngaam. Cold, ^ laang', J^ ^«ww^\ (heart) -^ *]^ pok-ts'ing, J^ 10 laang'-min\ (a cold) ^•o»i'-nioo\ Coleopterous, K| ^b ^§ A-aop- ch'uung-lui\ Colewort, ^^ ^K pT wong- nga-paak. Colic, ^jl^ ^ t'o'-i'wMW^\ Collar, ffil ^^ /wMTz^-leng'. Collar-bone, ^ HaIj *§* A;m- kaap-hwut. Collect, H^ - j^ tsue^-maai. Collision, jj^ ^^ p|^ seung- p^uiing^'-ke', ;tfF ipfc tcd'-ug'. Colloquial, -tA. g^ tsuuk-wa\ Colour, m sAiA;, ^S m ngaan- shik. Coma, ^5 ^^ ^S /«^?i-shui'- peng\ mong-wan. ■:^chek- 26 COM Comedy, ^'^^e)J|^ ^^^^" siMWii*-mun. Comet, 'f^* JPI.^^ so^ -pa' -sing. Comfits, ^iffi- Seb t'ong-taan\ Comfort, "^r* ^U ohn-iuai\ J^ft ■ffi^ huen^-kaai'. Comfortable, ^r ^^ o7»i-lok. Comic, W ^ ho'-siu\ Command, f^^ p^\j' fun-foo^, BJ n^ teng-tuuk. Commander, ^^ gW jo^/^<7-t'au. Commandment, g^ '^^ /c-aai*- ming\ Commemorate, ^v bH /'"*'' ^**' Commence, BS -^f* ^fflj[ /ioi- sAaw'-tso\ Kg ^ hol-kuung. Commencement, ^2 ;jV^ /«''- ck'oh^ Jffl. I hing-kuung. Commend, :H^ -^^ po-tseung*, ;fflL ^ kue'-tsin\ Comment, gi jfet chue^-kaai'. Commerce, ^^ M* mau^-yik,- Comatose. ,M ; Comb, ;;^j^ sAo/i, '^^ sAo/i, (fine) €5 pi\ Combine, ^fl >^ woh^-hop, Come, ^1^ loi, (col.) laai, li. M niaai'-maai^ Commission, -^^3K ch^aai-ioai'. Yui Commissioner, ^^^ - cli'-aai. Conunit, (crime) :^J7 faan\ Common, (vulgar) -|:S. tsuuk, (usual) 2jSl'^r p'ing-sheung. COM 27 CON Communicate, ^|^ ^p kaau- ! Compositor, St -X- Jl c/«//>- fr'?/7>, (tMl) ^ ^H fuung-cJii. Communiun, j^V ->^ sum-kaau. Companion, |S| jfr ^g t'uung- paan-pooi\ Company (mercantile) ,^ ^ kuuiKj-sze, Compare, J;[^ t!^ pi'-]caau\ ^,j* ^ tooi'-kicoh\ Compass, (mariner's) ^^ ^^ loh'kaanf/. Compasses, y^ Jc^wau Compel, Hffi Ic'eung*. Compensate, ^jfi Y^ jooo'- ch'cung. Competent, ^H HJ ^^wu^-- yuung\ (man) ^^ ^ naiig- 8ze\ ^ IjiK^ chHmj-chik. Complain, gK; ^ so^-uen\ y^ ^^yau'-«6«Mn,0f;^ Complete, yS >^ c/irt?/-ts'uen, "I '^^^ sliap-ts'uen. Complexion, j^ ^ min^-s/iiV.-. Compliments, HS /^ mun^- hau\ ^j^ _%l^ kming-hi*. Comply, ^^ «-ts'uimg,^ ^fjjjf i'e?2i^^-ts'uung. Compose, ^^ j^ ?sV«'^-maai, tszc'-yan, :^p yg" ^^ A p'aai-oot-/;a«/i'-yan. Comi^ound, ir^ -^J A;a«w'-wan> Compradore, ^ a^J¥: maai'- paan\ Comprehend, |S J^ hiu''fau\ (comprise) ^^ J^ paau-Jcoot, Compress, Mg ««/, ^f 'fip cAaa^-chue\ Comprise, ^GJ J^ panwloot. Compromise, ;^ ^ ^g^ ^ seimg-iu-sik-szc^. Comrade, ^ g-|-/o//.Z:i\ Concave, ptf Bfl pil chumig- kaan-nup. Conceal, ^§5 [^^ ts'ong-w/^, (one's self) ^ [g toh'-iiik, jB| pi^ ^ Conceited, J^ Jg* king-lco, Ef -^ tsze^-taai\ Conceive, *[^ Hg waai-^'o«, (think) /ra seung\ Concern, (to) B^l ^\ kwaan- hai\ 11^^^ -shuuk. Conciliate, Tm ^HH p'«a^'-woh, # Mi, hucn'-slk, 5j^a woh\ Conclude, -^ J uen-liu', (de- cide) ^ ;g^ ting^-i'V CON 28 CON Concubine, ^B- ts^ip. Condemn, nl 3p ting*-tsooi\ Condescend, \\ ^S ha^-/i:oo\ ^ i^ shui-nim\ ^ lum. Condense, jJ^ X\ig shau-sliuulc^ ^P :^ X:iV-maai. Condition, 4'^ ^ i%'mg-shai\ Condole, ^R Mi tiu^-wai^. Cjn'dujt, '^^ '^^ hang-wai. Conduct', >^ HI taaV-yaii'. Cone, ^ig' ^jp ;|M suun'-tsze'- yeung\ ^^ ^ ?si/w-ying. Confer, (give) BS ts^ze^^ (con- sult) si ffig chum-cheuh. Confess, fj^.yingN ^^f'^.^Jnu- ying\ (a mistake) @-^ ^ -;& ■p^ooi'pat-shi^. Confide, ig ;j^ stmn^'t^oh. Confine, |j^ ^ shau'kum\ iffl Confirm, E^ ^§ hin-ioan'. Confiscate, ^^ g kwai-koon. Conform, Hg^ ^:|; cA^V-^, :|g^ oA/^\ J^ /fe ohn^'chuun'. Confound, :kT VM ;a'-wan\ (by fear) ^g SI /^m^-luen\ Confront, ^J* jW ^|^ /oo/^- min'-k'i', ^^ ^l chat-suun^. Confused, Iuen\ Congee, fe^ chmJc Congestion, TO y^ noi^'ijmnig^ ft ^^^f^ noi'-it-sliing- tslk. Congratulate, ^^^ »v? . kunng^ Id', ^ ^ holi'-/.^'. Congregate, B? '^ tsue*-ooi\ Congregation, <^ ^^ ooi*- chuuny^. ^^ Conical, %f-~jP^^^ suun'-tsze'- yeung\ (col.) tuet. Connect, ;fe** ^g ^5?}:)-tsuuk. Connive, ^K ^!Sf^ ©^ cJui'-pat- ^^'"'' Is /fi'i: ^"^^(^^'i^umyf. Conquer, ^S. S^ s///?i^'-tik. Consanguinity, *^^ f^ |t^ A:ii'M^yuuk-;6-'«». ConscieiK e, ^^ j^^ leung-se/w, >?K i\^ poon''Sum\ Conscious, Rf 'llf tsze^-A-ofr, ^ ^P tsze'-cAi. Consent, y^ J^ Wiin'-chmm', jf\ t3 wan'-Aowiy'. Consequence, ^9 jS Jswaaii- hai\ Consequently, pjr LJj[ shoh'-i\ Consider, ffl,^|f|\5^e-se?/wr/'- ha'. CON 29 CON Considerate, :^ ^^jg y^>^^ yau'- sai^'Sim, J^ ^vM ^^ thiuny ts'ing-li'. Consignee, ^ ^^^ ^ shing- paan^-yan. Consistent, ^ ^^ ;;|^| ^,| Conspicuous, ^i Mj tak-cA'i/i/7. Conspire, ^^ ^ l^lt-mung, (things) ^ ;^ ^ ^s'aw^- niaai-loi. Constant, jS^^^^^ noi'- ^^a?f-nio'-;>/?<*. Constipation.Tg J^ y/i'-moon'. Constrain, fl^ Hffl min'-k'cung', Vll* ^^ k'eung'-A^a*'. Consul, WlW-'B ling'-szo*' koon. Coiisult, ^1 ^^ cJiwu'cheuk, ^ ^ A7^e?f7?^-leung. Consumption, (disease) Hifi ^^ if^ fai^-lO'ching^. Contact, 1^ A. /aw'-hop. Contagious, f^;^P|!i£ch'uen- im'-A,e\ Contain, ^^ ^ chojig-tsoi\ uh ^}ph| /^^^«w-haam. Contemn, j^|^ i|^^ //i'-maan^ Content, ^ /^ ohn-fan\ ^fl JK- chi-ismik. Continually, M j^ Iue'-Iue\ lau. Continue, ijffT /A noi'-A-a^f'. Contract, (a) wf- fcS c/^2//>toa7i, (to) jj^^^ laap-^ewfr, (lessen) *Yg jf;\J shmtk-tmn^ , Contradict, |^| ,^ pin^-;;ofr, Contrary, 4vfJ )^ seung-faan'y ^ yik (col ) ngaak. Contribute, (money) i^ ^R ^^wen-ngan. Contrive, gy .M. Jtai^-sueu\ /W ^B 5e?fW7'-tseung\ Convalescent, ^ ^ j^ft} peng^- tseun(/-ksii\^-ho'. Convcnient,|m fp[pin'-yuung\ '^i^/on9-vin\j^ pin\ Converse, ^5 |m t'aam-luun\ g>8 ^8 t'aam-t'aam. Convert, /mC >t*^ ko}n'-/a\ ^^ H|a pin^-clmen'. Convex, pU |^ r£[j chuung' kaan-iut. Convict, ^ 3]^ ting^-tsooi\ COR 30 COT Convince, ^^ ^|] pin^-to', >^ -^P ling^ chi Convolvulus, m^^ ^li'in- t'ang-/«. Convulsions, ^ ^ ^U^ Cook, j/^ B^ /o//-t'au, j^ yl ch'ue-yan, (to) Z^ c/me'. Cooked, ^h shuuk. Cool, )^ leung, (to) ^ /^^ ching'-tuun(f. Coolie, i^ j^ ]coo7i''tim\ (street-) :j^^^ ;^ i'm-/oo. Cooper, ^1^ iCm iJ^ k^oo'fuung'- tseung\ Copper, Ijlj t'umig, ^X Ijnl huung-t'uung, ^^^[hI shunk- t'uung. Copperas, pff ^^ tsHng-faan. Coppersmith, ^|3 M^ t'uung- tseung\ Copulate, ^^ AS kaaii-1mii\ tt ^ hang-fong, ^ ^ ^-aaw-hop, (said of animals) ^j T ^ffi ta'-chuung'. Cop7,(a)^/co',(to);^j,^^ ch^aau-se', (-slips) ^n-^^jv^ yan^-tsze^-kaak. Coral, ji^ J|J5 shaan-oo. ^Hp sliing-^5ai'. Core, j\^ s/iw. Coriander, ^^ ^£ uen-saz. Cork, (a) :^D c/m^, (to) ^^O j;^ c/ia^chue\ ^^^ pj sak-hau'. Corn, ^^ wob, ^J fczmfe, (on the toe) ^j^ 1^ frca'-ngaan'. Cornelian, J^ J^ ma'-no'. Corner, ^ Aofr, ^ g^ frofe- t'au, ^ ^^tW{ ^o^-^«^-t'au. Cornice, ;l^ ]|g |^ ts'eung- t'au-sm\ Corpse, ^ ^ s^e'-sAi, ^ "g sze*'shau'. Correct, jjfjjjj Jp tuen-chmg\ j^rnl >7 ^^^^'Jtong, (to) ^ '^jj hoi'-seuh. Corridor, jgjj long, Corroborate, ^& "& ching^* shat. Corrode, ^^ 5aw^-waai\ ^ 'B^ saw^-shik. Corrupt, (to) -^ ^ ^'lyww'. waai\ (morally) ^K ts'e. Cost, (the) ^ I© maai'-/jrt\ Costiveness, ^ {^Z^ ^ t8iSii^--pm^-p(it-t^uuug. Cottage, yj\ ^g slu'-uuh. Cotton, (raw) ;|r|] :^ min-/«. GOV 31 CRA Couch, sliiii^-i' m ^j^ Ic'ong'-ch'ong. Cough, g^ ^ k'at'sau\ Counsellor, (legal) |jj^ |^jj| chong*-s;2'e. Count, (to) "^^ W^ suen^-sho', mj sho'. Countenance, p^ ^S min*- niaau\ (to) HS @§ chiu^-koo^ Counteract, ^^ ^|J kum^-rhai\ Counterpane, ^^ j^ p'i'-unn\ Country, [^ lit'o^, (the) .^|l^ K heuTiff-ha', Couple, >f[ij ngau', ^ ^ooi\ Courage, P^ 'm' iaam'-leung, •^ ^ yuung'-At\ Courageous, "7^)]l§ taai^-^aam', Court, (of justice) ^^ P^ nga- moon, (to) j|>g k'au. Covetous, ^ j\^ ffc Crab, Jffi^ haai', (small) |5|S J^ p'ang-k'i. Crack, ^tfjc ^ cA'aaMit, (to) ^ P| Wi'hoi, ^^ching'' lit. Crackers, ipS '^T poau^'chuukj V^ ^k 7^^^'^^^'tseung\ Cracking, iS iQ ^^ pik-paak' Cram, i^ 3* cA'aop-shat, 3m yffi c/i'a«/3-moon'. Cramp, |^|fg ^ Aian-sAwwA;- Courtesan, ^ ^lo'-W. | ^^Z^, || hok, ^ ^| .V.- Courtesy, mg a^ lai'-mun, jjifplai'-...'. Cousin, *^yi^^ Vong-hing- **^^^ ^^ yfi !^ft plu'hing'isii^. ngoh, II e ts^ong-hooi, (a machine) ^ J^ ^ ^ ts^iii-kan-chHng^-ch''e. Crape, ^^ ^^) tsav>-sha. Cover, ^ ^ cAe-/t'oz\ (col.) Crash, iX ^^'^'"cliu.e\ (-round) Tgc p^aang-sheng, k'um', ^ y^'^;;, ^ ^'oi\ ;j^ I ^^ ^ ;9%-p'ong. Coverlet, ?ljt ffi^ p'i'-min\ Crawl, 1^ laan, )f^ ^ p'a- hang, (as worms) ||g p][\ shuuk-ha'. CRI 32 CRU Creak, ^^ y^ ugidt-sheng, ' Crockery, / (COL.) nget-7ifjo. Crooked, ^ Cream, ^jlJ^J^ ngau-naai'- ^^ j44^ ^^^^^_^^^^^^ Crease, ,^ ch^aau, f| || Crop, (bird's) §^"' cA%'-ch^aau, ^jj ^^^ noli- cli'aau. fi ts'ze-/i/\ g waan-httuky Create, Creator. ij ^^ c7iWy'-tso\ cAae', ^ij ]jjw ^p c/i'owf/^-tso'- c/me'. Credit, 'jg ^m?z\ (buy or sell on) ^ s/^e. Creditor, t^ -j^ chaai^-chue' . Creek, ^^m J'^ ch''uung-kaay>. Creep, H^ /aa^z. Creeper, 9|^ R^ Z(7a?i-t'ang. Crescent, SJi- EI ^^ sa«-uet- ying. Crevice, '^^ [J^ Ici'-kwik. Cricket, ^^ ibp sik-tsuut, ^ ^^ ts'uuk'chik. Crime, |fp tsooi\ Criminal, 38 A^ tsooi^-yan. Crimson, ^^^ ^J^ ^^ taai^- Imung-sA?"/^. Cripple, ^£ ffl] pai'keuk, (a) Crisis, (come ta a) ^ j^ c/ii*-kik-ti\ I sid'^-paaw, M sliap. Crisp, jfja ji^ |g waang-aafc Cross-wise, ;jvp| waang. Crouch, ^ ^ ts'uen-fuuk. Croup, g^ p^ haau'ch'uen', B^ ^^ /iOfaM-peng\ oo'ts'euk, (to) p^ t'ai. Crowd, :j^ ^ ywM«(7'-tsaap', (to) j^ i^ tsai-yuung' . Crucify, ^1 Ip i^ ^ ^,,,^1. shap-tsze^-/c:a\ Cruel, ^ ^^ ts'aan-7/a7i'. Cruet-stand, j^l^^'ng'. nii^-^a\ Cruiser, ^ j|^ ts'uun-shuen. Crumb, J^^ siV-sMi\ [j^ ^. Crumble, :j^ ^ to'-sM2\ crumple, IJ^^^^chW mang-mang. Crush, j^ ^S aa^waai\ 1^ j|^|S aa^-laan\ Crust, ^ /wJfc, 5^ ^ ngaang^- p'i. CUR 33 DAG Crutch, 4^ i^ cA*a-cheung\ 4p^ J'S ch^a-kwaai'. Cry, PB^ ^(^arn^ (^COL.) aai\ iu. Crystal, 7}^ ^ shui'-tsing. Cubit, f3 cli'ek. Cuckold, ^jg „^y 'kwai-kuung. Cuckoo, (Chinese) ^^ ^{: ^ is^ooi-kany-tseuk. Cucumber, ^S" JJ^ wong-fr?m. Cud, (to chew) ^^ ^ /wan- Cuff, ^[^ p tsau'-/'choh\ Curtain, ^m'^S /?oo^-lim, (mos- quito-) ^^ ibM mun-cheung^. Cushion, ^pM Y^ yuuk-^sm', :|^ ^ i'.tin\ Custard apple, :^3^ ^# T^ yjmn-lai^-cAi. Custom, (common) 5tB4pA:^M;a» frwe', -Hf* 4&. sAai *-tsuuk, ^^^ /ww w<7- tsuuk,(tribute) ^^ shui\ (house) ffl P kwaan-hau'. Customer, ]^ Si maai'-Aaafe. Cut, ^ij koht, -tn ^s'iV. Cuttle fish, Sfe 'm cheung'ue, ^^ ^ mak-ue. naau-poot, Cymbals, ^^ -^J^ ch^aau'. Cypress, ^ ;fjQ ;>ew'-paaA?. D Daddy, ^ ^ ^e-^e. I>agger, ^g jrojj tuen'-k{m\ DAT 34 DEB Daily, g g yat-yat, ^ Q mooi'-yat, (use) R IB yat- yuung\ Dam, (mother) T^ na'. Dam up, ^^ R^ 6'afe-j)2, ^ yuung'. Damage, ;» ^g swe?2'-waai\ Damask, ^ ::|^ j^ taai'-/a tuen\ Damn! j^ ^ cMt'io\i\ ^ ' -S^/i toh^-lok-fcaz/ Damp, yl^ shup^ (and soft) B^ num. Damson, /\\ >j^ sm'-mooi. Dance, Dandelion, ^4. i'zV-moo'. v;^: p'oo- ~ kuung-ymg. Dandle, :J^ "JC iu-ha'. Danger, ^ |^ ngai-Am'. Dangle, ||| ||| /^ t'iu-t'iu- ning\ (col.) tiu^-tiu*-fing\ Dare, §fr kom'. Daring, ;^jUn|?E taai^-toa?^'- Dark, M US' haJe-om}, M Aaft. Darn, ^fe ^j|[ chik-poo'. Dashj yttf ig chhiung'Chong\ Date, (time) ^ ^ ^^ nin- uet-ho\ Dates, (dried) ^^ mat-^so', (tree) ^ jkM tso'-shuQ\ Datura, B^ 3B. 'fV naau^- yeung-/or. Daub, ^ ^ t'o-mat. Daughter, -^ nue', (your) ^^ y^ ts^in-kum^ (in law) A^^ 5f^ siA-foo'. Dawn, ^ jH -^ tHn-kan'- kwong. Day, Q yat, ^ -^^ yat-fs^e'. Day-light, Q ^ paak-c/iaM\ (morning) •^■^tHn-kwong. Dazzle, g^^^^ cA'aaw^'-/a- ngaan'. Dead, ^ y s^e'-Am, ;^^ shan-koo\ ^^ ^ kwoh^shan. Deaf, ^E luung, H^ ^p 1'- luung, (dull) ^ ^^ i'-pooi\ Deal, (wood) ;i^ ^ ch'aam}- muuk. Dear, ^ few^az'S (loved) -BJ ^ P^ tsHt-oi''ke\ Death, ^ s^e', ^ -j^ 5;2e'- mong. Debate, f^ P ^ tau'-hau'- Jtok^ ^^f gtaj' cAaa?2^-luun\ Debauch, ^fi *^ ^wi'-oo, Jjb y^ tim^'oo. Debauchee, ^ ^ ^S 1^ tsau'-shik-chi-t 'o. Debilitate, i^ 7^ ^ swen'- ueu-/«" ♦. DEC 35 DEF Debility, W^ ^^ uen'-yeuk, TC Wt i^ uen-hi^-sheung. Debt, A^ ^r him'-chaai\ ^ Debtor, rj" Y^ chaai^'tsai', ^^ •|« yl him^'chaai^-ysLU. Decade, 'm ts'uun. Decamp, -JM h^ i'oo* '-pi\ Decapitate, *yj gS s/iaa^-t'au. Decayed, fe* ;^g sAwi-waai^ ^ fl mooi-laan>, ;f.i^ ;j^ foo-ko'. Deceit, =^ ^^ JewaC'lewut. l^^^ceive, (j|l| ,|| moon.;>'m\ December, ni* -4^ *, EI, Yi'w^-shap-i'-uet. Decency, ^^ jjj^ hop-lai'. Decide, ^ ^ k'uet'tuen\ ^^ ting\ Decision, IZT ^ chue''i^. Deck, (the) /|(i' jffi' ^s'bw<7-min\ Declare, ^& 00 ;;/M'-ming. Decline, (downwards) Ma >l^ ^(j^ tuen'-him^^ ^^ 1^ him'-huet. Defile, ^ ^^ im'-oo. Definite, ^ting\;^^^;p|£ ting^-in-^'e^ Deflect, tt ^ chuen'-ts'e. Deformed, Sffl m^ ch^au'-kwaai^. Defraud, |^ ,|g ngak-pHn\ ye'-tik. DEL 36 Degenerate, \\ jnf^ ha^-lau, X\ ^H* pat-tsHv>, Degrade, (in rank) [^ ^ Tconrf'¥up^ (one's self) .^. [^ tiu-mh\^. Degree, ^S tang'^ ^^ ts'ang, (measure) ^S to\ Dejected, f^ fj^ f^ moon^- DEP ch'um-ch'um, ^JK shau-mak-raak. Delay, urn Tl^^ ch'i-oon\ taani'koh Delegate, (to) ^^ gf haau-fok. Deliberate, S>|. |®vt chum-cheiiJc, l§J "bbT sAezfw^r-leung, (adj.) V/^ aP taam*-ting\ '/pf />*— ' Delicate, ^§ ttjr ^m-nuen\ ^ J^ yau-yeuk. Delicacy, (a) ^^ ^g chan-sau. Delicious, ^^ ra^ feaai-mi\ Delight, H^ i^ /ooK-lok. Delighted, ^ ^foon-hi'. Delirious, ^gg-^j^/aai-kVong. Delirium, /yf- k'wong. Deliver, >^ A*aztV (up) ^^ Tcaai^^ ^^P kaau. Delude, 2^ ^C mai-waak, ^^ £& /coo'-waak. Deluge, 'j^ ^ huung-sAwi'. Demand, (in) [}^ jft. shl-hing. Demand, (to) ^J] ^ mun*- ^s^w€', >!<. J^ k'au-^s'we'. Demon, J^ kicai'. Demur, J^ jB i'ooi-ngaai\ ^j^ ^^ i'ooi-in. Den, (col.) hmng, ^^ uet, t^ r~T iau^'hau'. Denomination, ^^ jjL ming- tsze\ t^ ^ tsze'-ho\ Deny, ^ |g^;?a^yiiig\ (one's- self) ^ g^ /la/j-A*/'. Depart, B|J -^ ^it-hie\ "^ty %^ hang-li, Ijfl ^ li.A.e\ Department, g^ i^ koi-Jcoon'^ f^ i^ cMk-shuu', fJx ^ shoh' -shuiik. Depend, (on) ^^ ^ f'-laai*, T^ ^^ i'-k^aau}. Deplorable, "pj* |^ /io//-han\ Deplore, ^^^ ^ pi-oi. Deport, :j^ ^ poon-hm\ Deportment, ^^ 'JS hang-wai. Deposit, (a) ^ B^ ^ozz^'-t'au. Deposit, (to) [§>^^! chui'-lok, Deposition, (verbal) jl| DES 37 DEV hau''kuung, (from office) 1^ fal\ ^ ^^ Icaak'chik. Depraved, ^K -^5 ts'e-o^. Depreciate, ^* ij^ hohn^-tai, Depressed, ffl ffii k^wun^-wut. Deprive, "^ tuet. Depute, ^B g-F wai'-foh. Deranged, )^p ^i«. Deride, j^ <4^ h?'Siu\ Descend, K [^ ha^-^07?Y7\ Descendants, ^^ m'. ming, ^jH^-^ow^'-^s'/^r/- cA'o/i'. Desert, |^ ye', |^ ;^f^ ye'- ngoi\ ^K ^k A'(r/«M-ngoi\ Desert, (merit) ^ ^ffl ?/an- A-it'oA', X^ ^ htung-lo. Desert (to) ^ Hgj t'o-^'we^ Deserve, jfg-j^ 3//«^-hai\ |^ g koi'tong^ Design, (to) g4- ^S Aai-mau, (a) W^ i'-tseung\ ^^ mau-leuk. Designation, ^y! S^ tsze^-ho\ Designate, ^ p^- chHng-foo. Desire, ^ yuuk, J^ uen\ T pa^-liu'. Desk, (portable) "^ t^ ^ se'-tsze^-seiing. Desolate, J/jj^ ^& Z:oo-hohn. Despair, ^^ 1^ tsuet-mong*. Despise, |g)gg^ miu'-shi^ j^ i|^ moo'.maan\ |((( ;^^ hing-fut. Despond, y^ ^^ s/|[^ lau-chue\ t^ lul ^<^^<^ng^-choh'. Detect, ^^ HH ch^aat'ch^uut, Deteriorate, ilS ^g kau^- ■waai\ j^* sAwi". Determination, j'4j' w" kuet-i^. Detest, f^ ^ han^-oo\ Jig ^S wi}'Oo\ ^1*'^^^ tsang-oo\ Develope, wf^H shie-hoi^ 'JM ^S shan-faat. Deviate, ^"T ^g hang-cA'a. Die 38 DIM Devil, Im ffl n]oh-hvai' . . Devise ^^«' it i ^'a^^-mau, ^ ch'au-waak. Devoted, YuJ ^^ yeung'-moo^, Devotion, |^ ^ ;^ ;f f _t. i J.' t -I* !„;/ shing-/:«'w^^-cAi-lai Devour, ^P ^§v ngaang^-i'ww. Devout, gM/ j\^ sliing-sMm, Dew, ^^Tk ^o^-shui', ^^mo\ Dexterous, J-'J -^^ haau'-shau'. Diabetes, S^ )ffl^ niu^-lum. Diabolical, 1^ 'b^ ok-iu, J^ yfK huung'ts^e. Diagonal, ^j* ^^ ts'e-siV, ^ir 'S ^m too?'kok'sin>. Diagrams, (the 8) /V^I^ P^^^' Dial, R iS- jSit-kwai', Dialect, +' ^3^ ^'o'-wa\ J-* ^jS i'o'-t'aam. Diameter, ^^ jj|S Jcing^-sin\ Diamond, -^* [Mjlj ^K^ kum-kong- shek. Diarrhoea, j|| ^|] se^.li\ ^ Diary, g fg yat-^^^ Dice, »|^ -^ t'au-^s^e', -^ -jr* shik-tsze'. Dictionary, ST. Jffi. tsze^-^iV, :^ ^ tsze'-lui'. Die, (to) 5P s^e', (said of men) >E " |tr kivoJi^-shaP. Differ, '^- chaang, ^^ /^ ^l] yau'-/w?i-pit. Difference, - ^^ ch^a^ j^i*- H|J ywTi-pit, ^& chaang. Different, p^ |3 'm t'uung, (very) ^ :|:^ j^ cA'«-ia^- uen'. Difficult, fft naan, ES %k o/c-tso\ Difficulty, M@> H"^ ^aaw-naan. Diffuse, Tjfe ^^j pod^'Saan^. Dig, >K kwut. Digest, ]?ffi >f|^ sm-fa\ Dignified, Si ^^^ if;ai-i. Dilapidated, SM^^B t'ooi-waai\ Dilate, i^ ^ ch'aang-hoi, ^ ;^ sweTi-yeuug. Dilemma, SIS ffiffi leung'-naan. Diligent, ^ ^ k'an-lik, ||[| k'an. Dilute, j^ ^ kaau'-shui'y :f^ III muung-luung, muung. Dimensions, -^ WM ch'eung- foot, ^ -^ to'-leung\ Dim, DIS 39 DIS Diminish, V^ /J^ kaam'-shiu'. Dimple, vffi [FTJ tsau'-nup. Din, pSf pj^J ts'o-heung'. Dinner, -yr ^g taai'-Zs'aaw. Dip, ^& chaain\ fy^^~\\ cli'um- lia\' Direct, \\^ [g* cA/7?y-cliik. Direct, (to) ;j'g[ |p^ chi'-tim', Directly, ^j] ^|J tsik-haakj ||j] []^ if.9ift-Slli. Dirt, ^^ ^t ^''^^"^'^'» (^ung) Dirty, ^^ ^j^ oo-^sa, (col.) cha'-la\ (to) ^]^)ff eA'V- 00- ^so. Disadvantage, ^p ^ot shau^- /«; ^ f jf pat-chik. Disagree, p^ ^jr 'm-tooi\ (coL.) '-ai-ngaam, ^jfl '^J seung- chaang. Disagreeable, Effl cA'a?*'. Disappear, -H^ .j^ J sAa^ /iMe^-liu'. Disappoint, ^^]^;;a^sui^- uen\ Tm" 1^ chong^ ^jaaw'. Disaster, h(J ^1 htmng'Sze\ Disband, Wr ^^ saan^-paan. Disburse, ^^ IB /ai^-yuung\ Discard, 1^ ^^ cli'ue-min'. Discern, g|6 Bj^ M'-j/oh'. Discernment, H^ 0Q ts^uung- ming. Discharge, Hj chhiut, 'h^fong\ (duty) ^£ 2}i ^ tsuun^- poon'-fiin^. Disciple, rn Zfc moon-sAaw^. Discipline, ^JF J^ kaav>-faat. Disclose, Wf ^^ paai^-lo\ ^g qJ W'ch^uut. [ngok. Disconcerted, -y^ if^ shat- Disconsolate, ^B jjg yau-yik, ^^ *^5* yau-wut. Discontented, ^^ vffl w" ;9a<- moon'-/^, ^ ^flj^7^^«^-c^''i- Discontinue, [h j chi'-\\\i\ 1^ t'uen', ^ ^ Tcaan- t'uen'. Discordant, X\ gS/>a^haai. Discount, 'j^W ^ ^ ^'aw*- t'au-ngan, jj^^ ^ ^\; /c^aw^- nga,n-shui'. Discountenance, "S^ yrR ffij min'-seww^-ue'. "ii§ ^^^ -^lok Discourage, ^g-- -t'oi. Discourse, ^| gffi i'-luun\ gK luun*. DIS 40 Discover, ^f^ M^ ts'um-H?i\ :^ BH haau'-ming. Discrepancy, ^ ^^^ ^ ^ pat-tooi^-chi-ch^ue^> Discrepant, ^^ igr 7-?«^^oo/\ Discretion, g^ 45tt ^a?i'-shan\ (at your) ^ j$ ' DIS ts*ui-ni'-c/r«e'-z\ Discretionary ""^^ ts'ui- pin\ J?* Jj^ ^b ma-ma-foo. Discriminate, >^J^ 0H /ww-ming, -^ ^ij >w-pit. Discuss, ^^4 g^ pin^-luun\ Disdain, ^H J[|B miu'-shi\ Disease, ^fe ^S tsat-ping\ Disengaged, :|^: ^^a^'-llaan. Disgrace, f^^ oo-y uuk, ^ >^p saii-yuuk. Disgust, i|^ ^^ tsang'i7n\ Disgusting, "Pf ^ P|j£ /w-^'- Dishes, ^^ ;^ oon'-tip. Disheartened, ^\^^ ^[j^ sum-fooi. Dishevel, ^ g[^ saa?i'-luen^. Dishonest, lilE ;^ gtjB moo- cAan-shing, ^ ® ]^ mo'- chan-shat. ^ ^ Dishonorable, :|^ II pp|^ mo'-^'m'-min^-y^e\ DisincUned, pg- /^ 'm-scMw^'. Disjoint, :^^^^|^ ts'oh>' me'-kwut-tsit. Dislike, ^6 im. Dismay, --/r "^g taai^-Zcm^f. Dismiss, iffi -^ shai'-hiie\ X\ j^ pa^yuung\ ^^ /ok^\ (clear out !) >J^ ^g lok-seM7?y. Disobedient, 4Vi .^ ;9ooi*-yik. Disobey, j^ ^ wai-j9oo»\ [ffi ^S ^ '?w-^'en^-wa\ Disobliging, ^ §§ ;§^ moo- ^oo^-ki\ pg. Bg /^ 'm-cAm^- ying. Disordered, ^I luen\ Disorderly, ^ |^ Zo'-/s*o', [^ ^^lo'-mong'. Dispatches, ^ ^£ rmm-shue, , Dispensary, ^ |fr yeuk-A:oow'. Disperse, ^[| ^^ li-saaw\ Displace, :^ §( jooow-luen\ Display, j^ ^ Az;z'.in\ [^ :^r cheung-chue^. Disposal, ^ Jg ^oow'-ll'. Disposition, (of mind) ^ ;fe^ p'un'-kaak, ^^}^p'un'-sing\ Dispute, ^ ^ pin^-;?o^. Disquietude, Zf^ 2EL i±^ ^^f, p'ing-oA?2. Disregard, pg. g| 'm-^oo\ DIS Disreputable, -4^ §^ shat-t'ai', Disrespectful, pg. II ^P|^ hi\-kuung-kin(f-k(i^. Dissatisfied, pg. ^[I J^ m- chi-tauuk. Dissemble, gt cAa'-tso\ Dissipated, ^ ^^ fomf'Sze\ Dissolve, /fl^ 0^ fa^-hoi, f^ ^^ siu-shiL Distant, igi^ ueii , Jg Jw^ lu- uen', B|^ \^ kaak-UQii', Distend, ^M BM cheung'hoij ^j^ Ra ch^aang'hoi, DistU, ^ c/i//jy, H^ ngaau. Distinguish, ^J^ ^|J /wn-pit. Distinguished, HJ ^S c/i'uuf- chuung\ ^^ >^^ chHu-k^wun. Distorted, -^ icaaiy (col.) ?«e'. Distract, (the mind) /^ jO[^ Distress, M^ ffi^ ^aa?z-naan, Distribute, /^ jl|? fawp^aai^. District, 1^ uen\ Disturb, i® |^ A;aflM'-tuung\ i® SI A;a«w'-lucnV 6 41 DOC Disturbance, (make) Z|^ !fe ^ s/m??^-sze\ Ditch, yS ^S ^atf-k'ue, j^JT Diuretic, 5^|] ;j;|v ^ H'-sAmi'- yeuk. Dive, ^ ^J\^ mi'-s/m/'. Diverge, ^ it^ /^^/i-k'i, ^ n ch^a'hau'. Divers, ^ 'j^ ^i'-M^ pg [H ' qffl 'm'chi''i/at'koh\ ^ ^2Xit-yaU Divert, Kg j\^ hoi-su7ti. Divide, ^n^ Ba/zm-Zjoi. Divination, ^t j"» ddm^-puuk. Divine, Jl *ifj* P^ Shcung^- Division, (a) • j^ 7/a^tuen\ Divorce, >^ ^ ?/aM-tsuet ^ ^^ T/au-hi\ \j\ ch^uuL Divulge, 3$ ^ ^P wa^-yan- Dizzy, >^ wun^, g^ ^ t'au- wun\ Do, >^ tso\ fj hang, ^ wai, (don't!) |lg.^'m.A.',tj;j; mai'. Dock, (for ships) ^ y^ shuen-o\ Doctor, ^ jop i'shang. Doctrine, ^5* kaav^^ ^gf ySB to*-li'. BOU 42 Documents, ffa. ^H shue-k^ai^, At ^& mun-s7iwe. Dodge, j^ g+ yuung^-^ai*\ Doe, J^ yau. Dog, ^Aj /jaw', -^ huen'. DRE Doubt, ^g^ ^ S.:6-i, 1^ ^ i-waak. Dough, ^^ ^/aaMnin\ Dove, -pa hop, iySl TJ)^ P^^^' Dog-rose, ^ gg ^fg t'ong- aang-fa. Dogged, ^*f^Pi|ti'm'-«»fcft kaau- chi'-simn'y P^j "^^ tau^-suun*. Down, (feathers) :A^ ^s'ui*- mo. Down (ward), \\ ha\ ^^ lok. Drab, ffi ^^ luut-sA^L Dr^gj ^ ^^^h ^ wja??^/^ Dragon, ^|| luung, j^j^ ^|| t'iu-luung. Dragonfly, ^^ ^ t'ong-Twz. Drain, (a) JS* |]S om^-k'ue, (^ ]^ yum-lrau. Drake, We| ,^^ aap-'kuung. Draught, (a drink) ' p>& 5ra^taam\ D^^^» ^Jafe ^^^^*' ^ ^^"^'' (pictures) ^^ se', (water) '^ *'wp :}T ^«', (COL.) /wf, (a sword) J^ pat. Drawer, T® "km 'kwsii^'t'uung'. Dread, -^ ||| iua?-kue\ l& *\fi fong-p^a\ Dreadful, ^|J ^ li^-hoi\ Dream, /]^ muung\ (to) ^g" i^ /«a^muung\ DRO 43 DUN Dregs, ^ilff y^ cha-tsze'. Drench, ^J^ J^ ship-fav>, (col.) shup-saai^. Dress ^^ JJ^ cAow(7-paan\ (^?) ^ ^ ^^ cheuk- i-fuuk. Dressing-case, ^ -^ A-ew^'- lim, ^ 3j^jt Iteiuf-dioncj. Dried up, ]^^ ^ k'olc-hokn, (col.) kohn-saai^. Drill, (to) ^ ;sMen\ (a) ^ -^ isuen}-tsze'. Drink, Wi^ yum'. lok-li. Drive, (away) j ^ -^ chuuk- /"«e\ ^M ^^ A:o/m'-cliuuk. Droll, ^ ;j^j^ slii>'pemj\ ^ ^ ho'-ts'ue\ Drollery, ^ g^ ^s^«e^-wa\ Dromedary, ^^ l!|^ j^^^ tuuk- /MMJi^f-t'oll. Drop, (a) ^ ^//., (to stop) j^ ^JAt fonff-\ok.. Dropsy, "^^ fl^ shui'-chunng', Dross, ^ j^ j^ mat-t'oh- saw<7, J^J y^ cha-tsze'. Drought, ^ J^ i'wi-hohn'. Drown, ^ ^^ ch*um-s;2re', Drugs, 1^ ^ yeuk-ts'oi. Drum, ^5 A-oo', Drunk, E^ vM tsuP-tsau'. I>ry, ^ fcoA«, ^ liohn', |)^ shonq'. Dry, (to) ^^ ©2 cJdng'-Jcohn, (in the sun) pjj^ e^ shaai^- ko/uij (at the lire) 4^^ pool*. Duck, ^1 aap, (wild) ;»[C ^| Duck- weed, ^ji p^o-k*iu. Dug, (a) ^ a^ naai'-t'au Duke, ,^ ^^ kuunfj-jQ, Dull, >B^ ngaii\ ^f^ tuun\ (gloomy) ^tmUU yM7«-y?m-ch^um-ch'um, K'a* ^[ yum-ai^. Dumb, ^g [3 a'-/i«?*'. Dummy, ^g Y^ a'-tsal'. Dumpling, y^ ^^ -?• s^w/'- haau^-tsze', -f^ ^^^ wun-/'ttw. Dun, (to) >[^ ^ ts'ooi-pik. Dung, ^ /M?i\ ^ s/u"', (to) Y^g. - ^y^ lok-/wn\ Dungeon, j^ ^ ti^-lo. DYS 44 EAR Bung-liill, ^S i^^fim'-tool. Duplicityj \ j^^ V-sum, — ^_ Durable, ^ j|^ k^um-shai', i4 # titll ^fiJE ^'"^""'«^- During, p^' j^^ kom^- iioi\ Dusk, n^ ^^^ maan'-wong. Dust, m ch'an, . cli'an- o/, (to) l^jjijll'/a^ch'an, i/J- ye7iw^, (coL.)/aaA!-cli'an. Duster, |^^^^:f|)|;/aa^. cli'an-;)oo'-/?^«, ^ :f'^Jj mo- fat. Dutiful, ^JQ ^I ts'uun-lcung, j^ljj ^ sliuun-lcung. I^iity, ^'jt -^ ;>oo7i'- fun\ (cus- tom) 'gjfij ^Jl /^^ ^^we- chueV Dwindle, )!|r}ll|r^0 tsim'- tsim'-.s7////-ini. Dye, ^^ -^ ini'-.s/^//j. Dynasty, ^ ch'iu, g[ ^ A:^t?o/i;-cll'iu. Dysentery, ^J[ )|^ liuung li\ ^>I S 5^ liuung-paak-U\ Dyspepsy, i»f^4 -^^ t'ing'-sliik- Dysury, yj> fig ;:^ ^ mV- E Each, :^ mooi', ^ hole, (each otlicr) ;Jij| — se?^??^. — Eager, ^R. -H/J han''tsH'L I^-ig^e. jjil|' 111 sli''^n-.y'X7. Ear, ^^;^'i'..r,:^fy.i'- Ears of corn, JO.^ sui\ Ear-wax, J^ J| i'-s///', ]^ Ear-wig, A] yau-in. Early, ^ /.sv/. Earnest, ^ g^^j /Aan'-shing, ^fe j\j) 'it-sum. Earth, j:^ ti\ (matter) ^^h nai-i'o'. Earthen-ware, ^ 5S nga'-A/\ (fine) fjj; ^f^ ts'ze././\ Earth-quake, j?{jj ® ti'-r//r/n\ Earth-worm, i^ j|g ti'-luung, ^u EDI ^ Ease, ^ ohn, ^ ^ o/m-lok, (njitiire) Mj ^^ ch^uut-kuuvr;^ ^ |gl taai'-i)iii\ East, y^ tming^ yS ^t tuumj- inn, ^ -^ tuung-fong. I^iisy, ^ ^ yuung-i\ ICat, ;^ sliik, ff£ yaa^. Eaves, fe^ p| yum-/ia?«'. ^5 yum-t'au. El)]), prj^ ]Ji^ Hhd'-hohu ^'^""y* /^ >fi| yK o^-"i<^^i- Kcccntric, }jJ ^ ^{T ;^|. Jl ;>r/^t^uung-yan. Echo, [cj P|Mjoui-/'^"«!/'> jf^a^ i/UH/^-s/iing. Eclipse, my^ shik. Ecliptic, ^J ^W wong-to\ Economical, qw kini\ 4^ jR kim'-yiuiiig\ Economize, 1w RJ kim'- yuung\ *f^ sik. Ecstasy, ;\^^ jjjfjl j5[ ^^ s«;/h slian-lau-r//?/f>\ I^^^l^lyj [e] ^ ooi-suen. Edge, (of a knife) pj /^aw'. (side) ^& pin. Edict, ;j{[^ g^ rJtaal''UQ\ p = shcung'-ue\ ELE • Educate, ggr ^S fraaw^-yeung'. Educated, gg ^£ tuuk-s7me. Eel, ^ j|6 shin'-ue. Effect, ^^ .H^-haau^-imS rrff >!^^ s/ioh'-sIuu''in. Effeminate, -^ ^ ^ nue'- yan-ying. Effervesce, ?§ "Jj^/aai-k^tvuu', Efficacious, "X)] ^*^* fr?^j<72^-liaau\ Effluvia, J^ ^ wal''hi\ Effort, (make an) ^ j/j fun'- lik. Egg, ^ taan\ J^jl //r/.;/, ^;j^ dt^uun. Egg-plant, ^ j5;^/oo'-A:M;a. Eight, /\ ])(iat. Eighth, ^^J /\ tai'-paat. Either, m7 waak. Eject, ^S ^S W^i'-chuuk. Elastic, |;^J W^ ngan^-A:c\ ^ |l];^Pf|;tyau'.yanMik-^e\ Elbow, -3^ Ijjt shcm'-cluiang. Elbow-chair, 1:^ -^ ;Jf^ /«/e«- shau'-i'. Elders, -^ "^^ cheimg'-W. Eldest-son, -^-jP cAe^m^'-^s,^e', j;^ Y^ taai'-^T/^^ Electricity, ^& ^^ looi-A/\ Electric-eel, */^ ^^^/o/^'-shin'. EMB 46 ENA Elegant, ||^ leng\ |^|^ Jf 9& i/au-T/au-nga'-ngSi'. Elements, ^ ^np 'ng'-hang, (of learning) JfcJ] ^S^ ch^oh- hok, ^^^5^ hok-c/ii- Elephant, ^S tseung\ Elephantiasis, '^'^^^ tuai^- sAa-t'ai. Eleven, — j-* ' shap-ya^. Eleventh, ^^~p *tai^-shap- ijat. Elk, mi-luuk. Elm, j^ ue. Elope, ^tL ^ ^^^-t'o, ^^ ^som'-1o*. Eloquence, p| yn^ Iiau'-ts^oi. Else, -^:^[* ling'-ngoi\ (if not) ^ P§* 1^ yeuk-'m-hai^, (where) ^H^ taP-r- Elude, J^ ^ t'o-t'uet [_shue\ Elysium, 4^ #c !& -^ ^^^- Emaciated, )fe ;f^ sau^-suen'. Emancipate, ']^fong\ ^ ^ sidle- fony^. Embankment, j^ j^ t'ai- ngohn^, kue\ I li-poJCj Embargo, ^ J[h ^7*j^ ^«<»i*- c/ii'-hang-shuen . Embarrass, yg K^ k^ang^-choh', Embarrassment, 4^ S^ faan- naan. Embezzle, ^^ JTO sze-tshie\ Embowel, ^|J Ijjj^ fong-t^o'. Embrace, *|m 1^^ waai-p^o'. Embrasure, j:S t^ p'ai'-ngai'. Embroider, |3| :|;g saiC-fa, Embryo, H^/y^oi. Emerald, g ^ ^ Lui>. mung'-\mi\, ||| ^ |.^ y%- moo'-luuk. Emergency, ^ "^ B^ ^ X'?/jw - is ' «V- sh i - h au\ Emetic, |^ t!{§ ^ faat-au'- yeuk. Emeu, ^ y^C^^ shik-/oA'-A:o^ Emotion, 'r^ ts'ing. Emperor, ^^ *|^ wong-iai\ Empire, (the world) ^^ K ^'««- ha\ Employ, ^^ ^ yum^-yuung\ Employer, ^^ B^ sze^-t'au. Empress, S Er wong-hau\ Empty, ^X 1^ himng-hue. Emulate, ^^ ^S. ts'op-st Enact, gfl* c/i'iV, ^-^ iso/c. ENG 47 ENT Enclose, \^\ ;^S wai-maai. Encoffin, )l& J^ shau-lim\ Encourage, "^ ^S min'-lai\ ^ ^ huen'-min*. Encroach, 1^ ^M ts^mn-cJdm^. End, H^ ^ shau-mi', ^ chuung^ (either) BVa t'au. Endeavour, ^H T[ c/i'ww^lik, Mm] ^^'*^' Endfess, ^jlE ^a moo-k^uung, jllE ^S raoo-tsuun\ Endowments, |jJ| ^^ihin'-chat^ yj" ts'oi. Endure, ^,jj|^yan'-noi\jj^| :|^ noi*-^afr. Enemy, ^^ ||^ ch'au-tik, ^ j^ tooi'^-tik. Energy, j^fj lik, ^^ shaP- lik. Enforce, -^ ^ lak.ling\ >^ s/i«z', Jjl^\ ^|ffi jnt-shai'. Engage, |^ j^ yum*-yuung\ (to marry) ^^^§^ ting^-^s'aw. Engagement, ^^^ yewfc-ting^, ^^J ig yeuk'suun^. Engine, ;|*^ :^ A-Z-Zu'*. England, ^^^Ijm Ying- katA]}-kivoh. Engraft, ||ij ^ ^6^///i-shue\ Engrave, ^^ ^J tiu-hak. Enigma, ||^ |j|r a'-mooi, ^ ^g* ;joo/'-ue'. I^^ij^^^y? ^^ ^i€fing\ Enlighten, QS -tt* cli{u>'hwong. Enmity, ffr ^ ch^au-we?i\ Ennui, *h5| ^ haai*-kuen\ Enormous, (great) . ^ -^ shuni*-taai\ Enough, ^^ Z'rt?f\ JH ?5WMfc. Enquire, ^ f^ fong'-m\m\ Enrage, ^ j^ A//>no\ Ensign, ^ k4. Ensure, ^^;9oMing'. Entangle, J^rt" /te X-^rt;?^^-chue\ Enter, y^. yup, J^ 7^ fs^^Mw^- yup, (on life) Hj ^ ch^uut' shan. Enterprising, "K^ ^^ ^ ho"- ckHng'-k}].. Enthusiasm, ^^ ^^ foo''chi\ Entice, ^ | ^^ yan'-yau'. Entire, -j-* y^ shap-ts^uen. Entirely, ^? ^i$ ts^ai-s«ai*, ' ^ yat-k''oi\ ^ j^ tsuun^-ti\ Entrails, ^^ Bift tsong^-/oo', (ox's) <^p 4lft ngau-tsaap. Entreat, ^S ^ /^a/i'-k'au. ERR 48 EVE Entrust, "^y "^-p l^aau-t^ok. Envelope, (of a letter) ^ ^ sMw^i'-haam, 4g ^S suiin}-t^o^, iS ^u suun'-fuung, Envy, ^^tsat-^o\^^g^ Epidemic, 0i ^fp shi-cAiw^\ Epidendrum, S ^M ^«V-laan. Epilepsy, |^ ^^ ^ /aa^ yeuiig-^m\ Epistle, ^g ;fel suiin}-chaat. Epitaph, ^a grj^ moo^-c/ii\ Epithet, ^Ij II pit-ho\ Equal, ^S ^a?z^', ^fl ^^ seung- tang', j^ 2l£ A;M;Mn-p4ng. Equally, j^ /jz^^mzz, 2p p'ing. Equanimity, j^ rC 5MW-ting\ Equator, ;;m^ :;g chHlcW. Equinox, Q ^ 2pL ^ yat- ye^-p'ing-/M/i, (vernal) ^^^^ cJi'uun-fun, (autumnal) ^>4^ ts^au-fan. Equitable, ,^2p ^www^-p'ing. Equivocate, ^ ^ ^ fj kong''Sheung-kivaan~Wd^. Erase, S|j ^loaat. Erect, laap-chik. ^ -jV shue^-laap, (adj.) ^jp k'i'. Err, j||^ ^ hvoh'-ch'cij -^ |^5Aa^'ns^g^|^c/u•Vng^ Error, -^ ^^ ch'a-ts'oh\ Eruption, 3jS ^^ yan'-ch^an'. Erysipelas, ^^ Jg^ t^aan'-tsue. Escape, j^ ^S ^^ tsau'-tak- Escort, gl6 j^ oo^-smmg\ Especially, ^^ ^. tak-iV, -fr ^ll^ yau-hai\ Essay, (an) "^;^ mun-cAeww^. Essence, ^^ jjS tsing-wa. Essential, /^\ ^ jnt-sue. Establish, ^& jj^ fe^V-laap, JUL ^ laap-ting*. Estate, ^^ ^fe ftz'-ip. Esteem, (consider) j^ ^^ i'- vrai, (respect) iffl^ ^ tsuen- chuung\ Estimate, M. J^ suen^-tok. Eternal, ^^ |g^ wing'-uen'. Etiquette, >J> jjj^ sm'-lai'. Europe, ^f^g^ Au-loh-pa, Evacuate, (bowels) "SS: -^ Jcaai''shau'y Hj ;^^ chhiut' kuung. Evade, :^ -^ fooi-lut. Evaporate, 44- ^Jr sJung-saan\ Even, ^ p'ing, (number) j^ 1^ ngau'-s/io\ (also) ^V; yik. EXA 49 EQE Evening, Jjj^ maan', ^ ^ aaz-maan'j Jjra §e. maan'-haL Event, ^^ 4*^ 6zc*-ts'ing, (important) yV^a tJUii^-sze*. Ever, (always) ^ '^ wing'- slieung. Everlasting, ffl M'ing^ ^|th P&f wing'-s/ta/'-A-e*. Kvcry, -jg 'jg froA'-MS (X.B. A» Jp Xioi^'chbuf, (coL.) ngaam-nyaam. Exact, (to) 1^ ^ lak-5ofc, 5g^;>/A-lak. Exaggerate, ^ ^^ :;fe >]^ kong'iak't^aai*-kwoh\ ^^ ^ kik-in. Examination, ;^r ^r Aaaw'- Examine, :^ ^E? haaii'']cau\ 7 (judicially) shun J niun\ jg^3t Hfl p'oon-munV Example, ;^^ -^ yeung^-<5,rc', (effect of) j^ >(^/ww72^-/a\ Exceed, ^^ jj^ u^i'kicoh\ Exceedingly, -^^ igl f'a«i*- slium*. Excellency, (a title) ^ ^ taai*-yan. Excellent, ;^ ^? kik-Ao'. Except, (to) ^-^ ch'ue-A«e\ X\ "gy ])at'kai\ (unless) 'rI ^f^ hiu'-pat. Excess, jj^^ hcoh^'tonr/^"'^^ ^ hcuh'-to\ Exchange, ^"p" JJM. tooi'-oon*. suung''yuunfj\ Sn tuung\ Exclaim, P^ PjB//oo-/iaam\ Exclude, ^^ |jM ch'ue-cA^MW^ Excrement, ^& s/a''. Excrescence, ^Hr ^^ yau-cliui\ Exculpate, fi^ §^ kaai'-shuet. Excuse, (to) ^ g,^ A^m^-leung*, (an) T^f- ^(? t^ok'ts^ze. Execution, YP ^^ cking^-faat^ (ground) ^ ^/aa^ch'eung. EXP 50 EXT Executioner, ^^ -^« shaat- shau'. Executor, ;^ ^^ P|^ X shau^-^'o^-A;e^-yan, y^ sliing-paan^-yan. Exercise, (motion) ^^ gjy hang-tuung^j (practice) ^9 1^ tsaap-lin\ Exert, ^ fun', ^ 'ft fun'- lik. Exhalation, fijf \\\ :t M shoh'-ch^uut-chi-hi \ Exhaust, ^ft tsuun\ Exhibit, 1^ ^^faat-m\ Exhort, 1^ huen\ Exist, I^ tsoi\ ^^ yau', ^j^ ts'uen. Exorbitant, ~/^)^ t^aaP-Icwoh\ ^^%^M ^^^^-^«^^-tsai\ Expanse, *^^ ^^ ho^-tong\ Expect, ^^ mong\ ^j^ toi\ Expedients, gj- Jcai\ g^ ^ Expend, -1^ ^^ shai'-fa?. Expense, ^^ IB s^ai'-yuung\ Experienced, ^^ ^^ lo'-lin\ tl ■" ^ lo'-. Experiment, J:[^ ^' pi'-jnnf. ^ ;^m /tit;aa?i^-shuuk, -^' Expert, J-^^* Jiaau'shau', 3fe shin*. Expiate, H© shuuk. Expire, P^/oo, pj;^^ ^V-/2i'\ (die) H^ ^ tsuet-/ii\ g|| ^^ t'uen'-Ar. ExpUiin, ^3 ^aai'. Explanation, jS^ g^ ^aai'- sAz/e^, jlW ^fc- Jcaai'-faat. Explode, Sfl" f^faat'paau\ Explore, ^^yau-feoow, ;^ ^S' faam^-shaak. Export, ,^g ( ' - .) HI P cho7ig-(fo]L^)-chHiut-hau', Expose, j^ ^g hin'-lo\ (a person) ^^ ^^ Mung-kHt. Expostulate, ^^ Z;a«w\ Express, (to) ^ [;fj ylow/- cA'ww^, (an) ^^^ y. ^fH ^s'm- li'-ma'. Expression, M^ ^^ ts'ze-ue', ^^ btB ts'ze-sAiX-. Expunge, '^ VS t^o-siu. Extend, ^^ ^ shan-foot, ^(^ -^ s7/aw-ch^eung. Extensive, Ig ^M l^ivong'-foot. Exterior, ^K ffif ngoi*-min\ Extinguish, ^^ mit, jJj^H sik, (by blov.ing) |W ^^ chhd-oo. FAC 61 FAM Extort, 2'^ ^ lak-solc. Extract, jj^ |^ t'uet-ch'uut, J^ qJ pat-cA'wMi. Extraordinary, 4^ ^h JcaaJc' ngoi\ Extravagant, \B ^^ hwoh}- ch^e, ilE '^ moo-^siV, (ex- pense) :f^ ^>-/«i'. Extreme, ;j>]^ kik. Extremely, ^^ ^^ c/(i^-kik. Eye, PP, ngaan', g^ g ngaan'-muuk. Kye-ball, ^R ^t ngaan'-c/me. Eye-brow, ^R jS ngaan'-mi. Eye-lash, BJ^ ^ ^ ngaan'- yup-n\o. Eye-lid, [jft ^^ ngaan'-Z;'oi\ F Fable, *^ ^ ue^-in, yJ^ g^ Fabulous, ]^ gjl hiie-taan\ Face, pg min\ (to) ^»)* pg' fooi'-min\ g@ ffi* tik-min\ Facility, ||p j|^ shuuu'-pin\ Fact, "f !^. shat-sze\ Faction, ^^ to7zy, ^^^pi^ong'- Factory, :^^ hong. [ue'. Faculty, g^ ft^ nang-/:oAw\ Fade, ^g ^^ WazLW-wai' , (as colour) mS. 'ra chuen'-shik. Fagged, ^ -^ Z;'zt'wn^-kuen\ ^ H lo.kuen\ Fail, 1^ fai \ (become bankrupt) Faint, (to) ^ j^ /?/n-mai, >^ Zfl sA«^-wan, y^ ^g Fair, (just) y^^ ^§ hmng-to^, (wind) ]|[^ ^ shuun^->w??y. Fairy, ^^ sin, )jj||l f|]j shan-sm. Faith, 'l^ :^^ suurC^-tah. Faithful, W^ j\^ chuung-sum. Falcon, :|^ ^ ^ |^ Po'- tseuk-dii-yinq. ^^ chuun'. Fall, ^ "^'"^^- Falsify, g^j|^^ cha^-ka'-iK Fame, ^^ ^S mmg-shing^ ^^^ "m ming-sAi^. Familiar, ^fH ^ haap-tsaap, (too) ^Ip ^ haap-siY. Family, ^^A-a, ^J^- T^a-huen^^ .^^ 3^. ha-shat. FAT FEL Famine, ^^ ^ ki-fong, ^aiija JP pa'-sMn\ (to) f J j^ ta-shin^j j^Sp'oot. Father-in-law, ^k -^ ngoi*- foo\ J^ ^^ ngok-cheung% (wife's) ^ ^ ha-yuung. Fanners, ^^ iS /<«rn^-kwai\ • Fatliom, (10 feet) ~^r eheung\ Far,jg (to) ;^lj ]g cA'«ft-tok. Farce, (a) ^ ^ 'Hi '^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^"'i6-wn^-kuen\ luung^-A^^a^cA'H«^. | p^,,!^, ;^^ ;^ ^ ;>a^sln*- Fare, (nioney) ;^< ^ ./.a'- ^ ^;,^^, ^ p^,^^,^ ^ ^ *«'^*? ^^ ^S ^e^^^-ts^in. j hcoh'-shat. Farewell, f^^ ^ ^ P^ ni'- 3^ «> our, ^^ ^«n, ^ |^ yan- ho' -cIii^-loL I ts-ing. Farm, ^Q Jf^ i^m-chong (to) Favourable, j|B sliuun\ ^3 Z'«rt^-t'in. Farmer, -^J -^^ nuung-^o. Fashion, (tlie) 0^ ^ slii-/oon', C'-^) ^ yeung\ Fashionable, Y;fr ji ,^J /-shi- y^^'^'f Bdp ^^ shi-Vawy. Fast, (to) ^ ^ i-MWi^-shik, ^^ ^^ ehik-cAaai. Fast, (quick) ^W^faa?, (firm) ^^ "^^ A-Z/i-shat. Fasten, ^K ^ po7ig'']can',(a door) BJ3 sAaa^E. Fastidious, ffi^ >j^ naan-uet. Fat,J5[5fi,(suB.)>;t^yau. Fate, ■^ -^ t'in-mmg\ Father, ^ foo», ^ ^ foo'- ta^fm, (coL.) lo'-tau*. Favourite, f| ^ P^ cA^w^^w/" Fear, ij*^ p^a\ Jgj/ ^h|^ //?/z/wy'- Feost,^;^in-tsek,vg;^ ^s«w'-tsek. Feather, ^^ ^. ue'-mo. February, ^^ ', Ef y%-i*- uet. Feces, ^ s/^/', y^ »^^ cha-tsxe'. ^e^' ^ ^^ Z:'tr«i-ngan, ^ Feeble, ^ ^ uen'-yeuk. Feed, (to) ^ p| yeung'./ia?/. Feel, '^ ^^ frofc-tofr, ^ fcm\ Feeling, >|*^ ts'ing. Feign, g^ c/j«\ Felicity, ||/mAr. EEV 53 FIL Fell, ^ chaam\ ^\ ^ ^ io'-lok-li. Fellow, |g| >f4^ t'uung-poon\ (common) j^ h'. Fellow- townsman, ^K $S heung-is''an. Felt, 5^ g^ ngaang^-cAw, ^ ^^ haai-c/d/n. Female, -^ moo', jf^ «a', (woman) -^ nue'. Fence, ^ '^ li-pa. Fender, j^ wai, (sliip's)/^??^/. Ferment, ^^ g?: /rt«/-AYra?i\ Fern, ^^6)^^ wong-Z.-aw'-wjo, (edible) ^ ^v/c/, rorocity,^^;^i|^ts'aan- s/iaat-chi-siii(/^. Ferret, ^ ^^ |g paak- munng-kwai\ I^'crry, ^ B^ to'-t'au, (boat) i^ 7-K iSc ^^'aang-s^Mi'-to\ Fertile, ^ ^..Z-, J[j2 fi. Fervent, ^fe it. Festival, ^ ItQ /.s//-k'i. Fetch, ;j^ ^ ,i/;,^ Fetid, _^ ch^au^. Fetters, ^^ ^^^ chat-/aw^% Futus, ^ Jl^ p'ooi-t'ol. Fever, ^ f JE ^ /^r,Mt. peng*, (intermittent) :J^J i^|g -^ ia'-paai'-isze', (-isli) J^ Few, /i^ «/% rJ/ siu'-shuet. Fiddle, (two stringed) \ ^^ i^-in, (to) ^^ H ^ ngaan- T-in. Fidelity, tf^ j\J^ chmng-sum. Fie ! 0^ As^o// Field, ^ t'in. Fiend, HH ffl ol-'7civai\ Fierce, |^ Jj| mang'-lit. Fife, 1^ ^ waang-tek. Fifth, ^ _3[^ tai^-'ng'. Fig, ^lE :fg H moo^ fa-Jcivoh\ Fight, :^ mb laau-cMn\ ^f ^ /«'-Aa', fj- >^ to'- cheung\ Figurative, ^[j P^;^i'-iie\ loi. Figure, ^ 'j^ ying-tseung\ (of speech) f;P p^ p^'-ue*. ^il^. flS^f^«'-^^'^^'\ (to) 1^ n|\ ^sWi'-ha'. Filial, ;^r j\M /<««?/* -sliuuu*. FIR 54 FLA ^^^1' ^ M fong^-moon', fj V^ ^«'-moon'. Film, ^^ mok, ^ 0^ ^-mok. Filter, Kg ' kaak-ts^ing, //^ lue\ (a) ^pJ/ yfcg sha'\nu\ Filth, ^ Z}^ tt;af'-mat. 7KPI 00-tso. Fin, ^ cA'{\ Final ^F ^ Tcau>-hing\ Finally, ^^ ^^ chuung-in. Find, ij^ ;^ waw'-cbeuk. Fine, :^ -^.jIlyaM^-sa^'N (elegant) Fine, (to) -^ ^^ faat-ngan. Finery, jS ^^^ ij^ fau-wa- chi-nvdt. Finger, -^* ^« shau'-chi'. Finish, ^ffl^ ^^ tso^-uen. Finite, "^ |$^ P^ yau'-haan^- ke\ Fir, ;jt^ ch^aam, :^ ts'uung. Fire, ij^ foh', (to) j^^ shin, Spy i|iQ naat-p^aau\ Fire-engine, y\^ ^S shui'-ch^e. Fire-fly, ^ ^^ ying-/oA'. Fire-wood, ^jfe ch'aai, shaai. Firm, ^^ [^ chue''Jcoo\ ^> ^^ ^m-ting\ ^ [i^^ lo>'hwik. BB k'uen-t'au. Firm, (a) ..^^ pi kmng-sze. Firmament, ^^ ^M' k'uung- ts^ong. First, 'a^ ' tai^-?/a^. Fish, ^^ ue, (to) ^y ^^ ta'^ ue, J^ "^ loh'-ue, i01 "@ a«M'-ue, (angle) '^a ^ ^iV- ue. Fisherman, i^^ ^ il M'- ue-yan. Fishy smell J ^g5 ^^ ue-seng. Fissure, ' Fist, ^ Fistula, ^fe jjK cA'o«^-lau\ Fit, ;^ clieuk, (a) ^ j^ ' ^^ fiin-mni-yat-ch'eung. Fitch, /J^ -^ siV-tau\ Fix, ^^ ^ ting'-shat. Fixed -number, ^S H|jr ngaak-- Flag, ^ k± Flail, ^"JT ;^ ^M ta'-woh- p'aang'. Flake, li^ p'm\ Flame, i/^ ^ /oA'-mi', j^ ij:g/o//-im\ Flank, m* ^j' uen'-hip. Flannel, A^ -^^ sm'-yuung. riap, ^ im', ^ :^ toi'-tfti'. FLO 55 Flapping, J^]^ 'Jj^ p'ooP-p'ooi'. Flash, (to) 1^^ shim'. Flat, 2p Jj^ p'mg'chen(/\ (thin) ^ pin', (col.) ?/«>. Flatter, ^^Pjj^^^K ^^^-^^i'" fuung'-shing. Flattery, g2 ^A|§ c/<'/w'-nii\ Flatulent, :^ |{^ |^ ^ shik-cliaiV"«^/'i'*- Flavour, ^S P^ ///'-mi\ Flaw, Jj^ ^m\ Jgl ^ ha-is'^e. riax, ^i ma. riay, ^J ^ ;.o/c.p'i. t^ia^'s/idt. Flee, ^ ^ t'o-^saw', ^ .^ tsau'-hue^. -Fleet, ^^^:]ji^lip^p^aau'. tak'faai^'ke\ J^ is'wwA?, (a) ' ^U^ yat'pong. Flesh, r^ yiuik. Fleur-de-lis, $^ ^ ifg oo- tip-/a. ^ Flexible, 3J yau. Flighty, (col.) te'-tiu\ Fling, ^f^ t'au, (col.) t/;i«^, Flint, j/^ ;g'/o//-shek. Float, j!^ f au, ^ p'o'. Flock, ^g k'wun. Flog, ^J^f^-^ ta'-paan'-tsze', ^fyjnn'ia'. FOL Flood, '^^fc ^1^ huung-sAwi'. Flooding, J^ JjJ huet-pang, itrf I I f J3/0 ^itiet-shaa7i'pang. Floor, i'^ :;JjJ^ lau-paa«', (ground) jejjj 1^ ti^-t^oi. Flounder, ^^ P "^ 'o^•-yik, (in a) ^0^ ml su/n- lucn\ ^^ ^^- cheuk-/;z(/9. ^iy'fil;>^Wi^^««-ying, (blue-bottle) ^ ^ ^s'%- ying. Foam, ^jii yjgi'^ fau-aw, (at the mouth) I1J2 'J^fe t^o^-moot, -^^^' B^ ^ muung-moo\ j)^ Foist^ ^1 y^ luen^- yup. Fold, (for sheep) :± i^ yeung- laan, (to) t^ c7r//>, (one fold) BS It *«"'-^'"'- Forbid, ^^ f[- kum'-chi'. Force, J]/] lik, (to) ^^ k^eung'. Forceps, |^ ^-y* i^iV-k'im. Ford, (to) ^ ^ jyoo'-shlji. Fore, "lly ts4n, ^^ si«. Fore-finger, H^ i'-cA^', |ffi Foreign, (goods) ^ ^ P|E loi-lo^-^e\ Foreigner, ^gC il faan-yan. Fore-know, f^ ^ ^}I ^|] Fore- man, ^M fs^ t^au-yan, Eli %M> «"-'^"""^'- Fore-noon, [" ^S slieung^- Fore-runner, -9r J||^ sin-k^ue. Forest, i&f l^jv shuc'-lum. Forethink, |*j^ -^ Y^ ue^-5«V ^W, ^ ^^j- ueMiu\ Forge, (a) :|7'^ >M] ta'-t'lt-lo. Forgery, If ;g/J^^<'o^- nnng-ngai*-6-A? kui'ijan'^ (Sjlj ^ ^o;?*7-ngai». Fortunate, "^g^ A;a^ Fortune, >f^ >fj^ tso^-/a\ ^ nieng*. Fortune-teller, ^ "^ ^ SMe;i*-meng*-yan. Forward, (go) _L "Rn shcung'- ts'in. Foster, ^^ yeung'. Foul, f^ ^ oo-z6'ai*, (wind) ^ ^ ngaak-/««;?^. Found, (metals) ^S cAwe\ Foundation, ^^ ^||^ ki-chi'y ^£ A-/, j^ Wn ts'eung-^eu^. Fountain, ^^ ^^ ts'uen-uen, (artificial) P^ ;;|C :^ Z"^^'" shui'-king'. Four, Py s^e\ Four-square, pti ~fc* Pj^^ 5^^- Fourth, ^ P^ tai^-s^e\ (a) ptj >^;^ • sze^-fun'-chi- Fowl, ^g ^a«, (generally) ^^ ^^ niu'- ^seMJl*. 8 niu'- Fowling-piece, Mt ts^eiing, ^°^' i ® ^^-1^- Fragment, ^^ ti^ su?-pW, Fragrant, ^^ ^. hing-heung, I^rail, Ijg ^ ts^ui'-j^u\. Frame, (a) ^ ^a\ France, ft^ BfB Faat-laan- Frankincense, ^[^ ^t ue'- heung, Fraternity, J^±^J|jf,_^ /ti^i^-/t/w^-tai'. ^^aud, 1^ ^;>'/n^-kuuk. Freak, |i{ ^ ^ ch^uui-k'i- sze\ Freckled, gf |A P^ ;.«««- Free, ^ ^ tsze'-yau, ^ 4^ tsze^-c/^«e', ^ :fj5j ^ moo-^'ij^g P^ ^oA'- Fringe, ^fi sue', j|H ying. Frith, |?p]* P hoh-Aaw'. 3S'rog,^{^%-m', m^ t'in-/:ai. From, J^ yau, ^^ ts'uung, Q tsze\ (distant-) ^- /iwe\ Front, "^ Sp^ ts'in-t'au, l|j ;*S ts'in-pm. Frost, ^g [^ seung-1eong\ Froth, ^ p'o'. •^^^^^' ^^ ^M .^ HM ^^^" " maai-mi-t'au. Frugal, ^ j^ shaang'-^im\ Fruit, ^ -^ kivoh''tsze\ -K iy A;it7oA'-shat. Frustrate, ^ ^ /)'o/i'-paai\ (good) ^^ -S Jfcoo-foo\ Fry, ]|j^ j]^ tsin-ch^aau', ^ Fuel, ^ j/^ ch'aai-/oA'. Fulfil, ^ ^ sliing-tsau\ B^ tsiu\ FUR Fulfilment, ffS fe^^ ying^-\va>. Full, V^ moon'. I'un, ^ ^ waan-siV, ^ Funeral, jg ^p suung^'tsong\ jfe ^B. song-sze^. Fungus, ^t 4g heiingsuun\ J^ kwun\ (on trees) ^k^ J3I muuk-i'. Funnel, VS ^p?b lau^-;?oo^, (chimney) JQ j^ in-thiung. Fur dress, ^K k'au, jRy ;^^ p'W, (sable) |g_K^^«J«. sAwe'-p'i. Furbish, T^ -^ ts^aat-hvong. Furlough, ^fK A:a\ (to ask) -g'j|^Ao'-^a\(togive) ^ Furnace, iuB^ lo, M^ ^so\ (port- able) ^ i^/z^z^/^^'-lo. Furnish, |^^V,^i)i^ -/i/^ ts'ai .pi'-?ta-/oA', ^ 1^ pi*-paan\ Furniture, '^ 'j^ ^a-/oA'. Furrow, ^^lai.lo\ g^ t'in-^^aw. Further, ffiT Ig A!a7?^^-uen', ffi ^^ tsoi''tsmn\ ^^^Yj ^ ^i no'-k'wong. GAM 59 GAT Fuse, ^^ 5^ siwyuung. Pussy, j^ ^ fau-^sV. Tuture, ij^^P^ tseung-loi- ke\ G Gable, Icd', ^ ^ ts'eung-fcai'. Gad-fly, «^ ^S ngau-raong. Gag, -^^ P k^lm-hau'. Gaiety, ^^ 3BE faan-wa. Gain, ^Ij li', ^Ij J^ h^-sik, (to) H^ cliaan\ ^J yeng. Gale, ^ ^ tadi'-fuunj. Gall, ^J faaw'. Gall-nut, j£ ^ -^ 'ng'. p'ooi'-^52e', Jx.^ "j i^oot- sliek-?s2e'. Gallery, ^^ ^J lau-t'oi. Gallipot, lLj ^M hom^-cAMMw^. Gallop, Sra p^aau'. Gallows, 1^ ^ ai'-Z:a\ Gamboge, J^^ "fg t'ang-woiig. Gamble, ^ ^^ ^o'-ts^in. Gambling-housej .^^ ®ffi gg faan-t'-aan-koon' . Game, -J^^;™*-;;;', If ^ /)o^-kuuk, (meat) ffi» f^fe ye'-mi\ Gammon, [H^ ^^ feMi'-waat, (ham) ^ |j|/oA'.^'ooi'. Gander, SB ^^^ ngoh-^wM7i^. Gang, 1^ tooi\ Gangrene, ^P R>t S2;e'-yuuk. Graol, ^^ ^ ^a«m-fong. Gaoler, ^ ^g)|^ sre-yuuk, >fcfe -y* 'kum^-tsze'. G^Pj LLI CI shaan-hau\ Gape, >^ j;^ ^||H Q maak- taai^-Z:o/i^-/ia?f'. Garden, [S| uen. Gardener, |^ "J" XL^n-ting, Gargle, J^ pj sau^-hau'. Garlic, pq -^^ tsHng'Suen\ -^ 2^ taai^-s?/e/i\ Garment, ]^ ^^ i-fuuk, ^J^ ^^ 2-sheung. Garret, ^i^ ^ J^ ^^ - ^se^-a'n^'-lau. Garrison, -j-H .Jnr. sliau'-ping. Garter, ^^ ^s^ maat-^aai\ ^^^P' P^ .S^ ch^uen'-sik, ^ Gate, P^ moon, ^ ^^ cliaap- moon, (rolling) ^F JmI ^^^^'^ luung. GEN 60 Gather, ^m j^ ^sift-maai, ^^ t^ shau-shnp. Gaudy, ^^ j^ p'aai-ch'eung. Gauze, ^ sha, ^^^^ ki-sha, ^ ^ leung^-sAa. Gay, ^^ ^S ch^e-wa,, (person) i[f' ^S- j^ Ao^-c/i'e-wa. Gaze, 11^ )g g^ <'«.'.ting'. iigaan'-i'«i'. Gazelle, M^ :^ ling-yeung. Gazette, jffi ^[^ thmng-pd', (Peking-) ^ ^^ King'po\ tp d^4^ Iviafj'clhiau. Geld, ^ 2^72, ^l] ^ loht'shai\ Gem, ^ yuuk, ^ ^ ;;o'- shek. Gender, (to) Zp shang. Genealogy, "^S ^^ tsuuk-p^o', -(IP ^ s/ia/^-haP. General, ^^ih ?«(ww^'-kuung^j General, (a) aSl ^^ tseung- kwun. Generally, y^ H^ taaP-faan. Generate, -YS TJS ch'uen- Generation, j{J" sAai', 4^ toi^. Generous, ^H^ 'ffeF k'ong''¥oi\ x^C "S* taai'-lcung\ GIF Genial, J^ ^fj z^-aw-woh. Genii, jjjft ^ll] shan-siw. Genius, _nx ^^?p ying-iB^oi, Genteel, TO? "^T S2:eniun. Gentian, ^^ ^|p wong-lin. Gentle, jH ^^ zr«?z-yau. Gentleman, S' -?- kwun-tsze\ /^ 6eung''''Tcmmg, Gently, (lightly) || ^^ ^^ heng-heng'tlk^ (slowly) V® V® y^ maan^-maan^-/iL Gentry, ^ffl 3^ shan-khim. Genuine, IB' P^ chan-he^. Geography, J^ J^ ti'-li'. Geomancer, M, 7K [^ ^ fuung-shui'sin-shang. Geranium, ^5^ ^fe heung'-i'p. Germ, ^;^ nga. Get, :|^: ^Ij tofe-^o', \^^^f loli'-tak. Ghost, ^9 ^?4;ai'. Giant, Yi^^^-^ ira/'-cheung*- foo. Giblets, >J^ ^ p'oo-c/i't\ Giddy, B^ ^M* t'au-wan\ (light) ^^ :[^ tHu-faat. Gift, j4| jjj^^ s?iw?i5'^-lai', (from a superior) ^B ^s'^e\ GLA 61 GOD Giggle, -^S j{[M y^. siu^'hi-hi. Gild, (to) ^ ^ to^ kum, |^ -^*' ch'i-kiim. Gills, |g, 50/. Gimlet, -^* ^'^ shmt''tsueii\ Gin, (snare) [^ ^^ hien-fd^. Ginger, .^3. kemnj. Ginseng, /I :^^ y^n-shum. Gipsies, (Chinese) ^^_ Uu"^ j^ saa?n-koo-lviuk'])^oh. Girdle, ^ J^ iu-taai\ |^ Girl, -xr Y^ nue'-^sYa'', (ser- vant) -hi^ ^X- mooi'tsai'. Girth, ^£ ~^ Vo'-taai\ Give, ^^ /^i', (present) jj| iS suung^-pi'. Gizzard, ffiu' chuun^ (skin of) ^^f pW.^/. Glad, g^ g; /oo7i-///'. Glands, ^/^ y^ ;^ J^ ^5mw?i- yik-c/^/-kue\ Glare, -^ |^ feit'o/?^-mang'. Glass, ^ J,^ M-li, (a) g^ Glauber-salts, v^ 0^ >^ iien-ming-/'«vi'. Glazed, -tJ^ J'& ^'wo?^<7-waat, GUde, j^ lau. Glitter, ^S -yf^ faat-hvong. Globe,3^k^au,(tlie)i^^ ti'-k'au. Gloomy, (weather) ^ & \^ Hn-shik-om^. Glory, ^ wing, ^;^ wing- Glossy, ^^ 1^ s/iw/-leng\ Gloves, -^ ^ shau'-luj?. Glow-worm, ^ 3fe ^ •^'^"^'" ki{'07i(/-cW\umg. Glue, -^ jj^ ^l ngau-p^i- kaau. Glutton, ■;^^7^P taai-shik- wong. Gluttonous, 'g'fE^ t^aam-yaak. Gnash, -W /s'iV. Gnat, Jj'r ^ mong-ch^uung. Gnaw, ^^ nget. Go, ^ A«e\ fj^ wong', :^ cA'e'. Goat, jjj jp. sAaan-yeung, J^ ^ ?s'o'-yeung, :^ll^ yeung-7rte. Gobble, ;2c ^'ww, (col.) Zmc^ Go-between, pU >& clmung-po\ (female) ^S j^ mooi-p'oh. Goblet, -^^ 00, ^S chuung. GOD, J^ >^ SHEUNG^. TAI\ (the gods) ^ J^ GOV 62 GRA f^^ chue-sheung'-tai^, |^))jf Jcwai'-shsin. Gold, ^ Jcu?7i, ^ ^ wong- kiun. ^^ Gold-leaf, -^^ wn kuni'-pok. Gone, d^ J /i?/e^-liu', hue^'hiu. Gong, 1^ loll. Gonorrhea, Q J^ paak- cliuuk. Good, 4{? Ao', ^ shin\ Goodman, ^ ^ leung-yan. Goods, ^ j^foh'-msit. Goose, ]^5f|^^'so'-ngoh, (wild) J[^^|ngaan>.ngoli. Gore, ^^ ^ ch^uuk-sheung. Gormandize, "0^^^ jjj^ shik- Gospel, jjjg ^V""^-^"^^- Gossamer, ^ ^ ^ ts^o'- chue-immg', ^ ^ yau-sze. Gossip, ^ ^j^ haan-t'aam, chuuk-ying'. Gourd, ^j^ JJ^ p'aau ^26'«, Gout, ^ jg^ keuh-fuung. Govern, ^ jg /coo7z'-li', yj^ chi\ Government, S^ ^^ wong-Z:«, 1^1 j^* kwok'ching^. Governor, -jj® ^^ tsuung'- tuukj chue'-tsol'. ^>^ Gown, -^ >|^ cli'eung-sArtaw, |g P'o. Grace, (mercy) JH ftft. ya^i- Graceful, Wff A/" s^e— mun. Grackle, "J ^ liu'-A:oA. Grade, ^ ^ keuh-shlk. Gradually, ^Sf j$)r tsim'-tsim\ i$jf ^ tsim'-^s';2e\ Graduate, ^ffl -f^ shan-sze^y (to) ^ ^ij- tang-foh, Qst degree) ^S ^^ saii^-ts'oi. Graft, ^J^W/;z,,^poA;. Grain, ^^ 'kuuk, (a) jfej^. '"''^P- Grammar, >^fe "^ V^ tsok' muxv-faat. Grampus, ^S< ^ k'ing-ue. Granary, ^J' ^g" kuuk-ts^ong, Grand-fatlier, jjj^ tso', /^ ^^^ kuung-ye, ^^ ,^v a>'kuung, (mother) HS 1^ a^-p'oh, (cliild) .!^& suen. Granite, -m" J^ /s'//z(7-shek, ^ |^l| P^ fa-kong-tsHng. Grant, g4^ }-ffi hue'-chmm'. GRA 63 GRO :^ -^ p'oo-t'ai- j Grease, *^ y^ *o-yau. cha, [tsze'. Great, ys^ taai\ Great-grand-father, ^ jjf^ tsang-iso'. Greedy, j^ j\^ f-aam-sum. Grapes, Grasp, Grass, a ts'o', Gra?s-clotli, R^ ^^7 ma-/}o\ Grasshopper, ^;fe^S_c7ia^-mang', ^ @ ^6^o'-niang'. Grate, |^ j/<^ i^£ Vit-foh'-lo, (to) gjj :^^fri6-«a^^s'aa^, gfj Vj^ kivaat'sha. Grateful, j^ ;^fro;//-ya«, ^ |0j- A-o///-tse\ Grater, E^ mob. Gratified, i|^ ^j^/aa^-uet. Grating, (a) ^^ ;^ i'i<7-luuk. Greens, pg ^^ ts^eng-ts^oiK Gridiron, ^^ ^^ i'/^'p'a. Grief, ^S BS ^aw-moon\ Grievance, ^S ^ wai'-hmik. Grievous, (heavy) S chuung\ (lamentable) "pT j^ hoh'-oi- Griffin, or unicorn, ^ ^ k'i-luun. Grill, i^ ch'aau'. Grimace, -^ [^ ;«e'-min\ Grin, t^ ^ Jtl; ^ shai-- /ii'-ch'ong-nga. Grind, J^ mob. Grindstone, ^S 7/ ^S^ "^^^" io-shek. Gristle, 3j§; >«* ts^ui^-hwut. Grits, ^ 5^ mak-t'au, ^ ^S mak-sMi\ Groan, t^.^^ t^aari^-hi\ (col.) 'ng'*ng-shengy ngang-ngang Groin, »|'^ J^ ;?i'-cAz>. Groove, [H|^ aati'-ying, [WJ GUI 64 HAC Grope, ^ j^ moh-t'aam\ Gross, f^ ts^o, (large) f^^ is'o-taai\ Ground, Jb^ ti\ j;^ i'o'. Ground-nut J :f^ /^fci'shang, ^ H tr-tau\ Groundless, ^ tS ^ ^^ irvoo-Jcaii-moo-poon'. Group, |5^ tooi\ i^ too/. Grow, /^ ^ shang-cheung'. "^ -^ c/ieM/z<7'-taai\ Growl, i^ ?^ ^ ngang-sAe?2^. Grub, ^ ^g ts^ai-ts'o. Grudge, I^ *|^* Inmi'-sik. Gruel, ^ cAwi^ft. Grunt, (col.) nguet-nguet- sheng. Guard, ^ sAaz.', ^ ^f J oo^- waP, (against) |^ f ong. Guava, ^^^^ faan-shek- lau. Guess ch^aaiy g^ ch'aai, ^ J^ cVaai-tok, Guest, ^ ^ yan-A«afe. Guide, ^1 ^ yan'-lo\ Guild, fj ^ hong-ue\ Guile, ll; fg hvai'-hwuU Guilt, ft ^ tsoor-ftoo. Guitar, ^ g pH-p'a. Gtull, HI an, (to) ftj; IJ Ai- ;9^mV^^ ^ Ai-luung\ Gullet,{Tg^Pf^^Vhau,P^tJ|| hau-luung. Gulp, 5^ :^ ngaang^-i5'MW. Gum, 5^1 ^ shue'-Icaau. Gum-benjamin, ^ ^g^ ^ ohn-sik-heu7ig. Gums, ^01^ nga-?l;an- yuuk. ngang- Gun, (fowlingpiece) ^|^ ^ mM'-ts^eung. Gun-powder, »/^^/oA'-yeuk. Gun-powder-tea, /]> ^ ^ siV-c/iwe-cli'a. Gush,p^;^i^w-yat. Gust, |5^ ^ clian^-/im/2^, P IS hau'-faung. Gut, ^ ch'eung. Gutter, y^ 1^ X^ai^-k'ue. Gypsum, :g' ^ sliek-fto. sAJV II Guise, ^ maau\ c/io«-keny% (up) :^j* ^g yt?(;a^- Happen, jg ::^ ue^-yau', jg ^^ uc'-cheuk. Happily, "^ hang\ ^ ^ Happiness, i}fg/^«w^. Harbour, v^ pj kong'-hau^ (to) ^ ^E^ wJoA-ts'ong. Hard, B^^B fri«-ngaang\ 5M ngaang', (difficult) ||6| naan, (hearted) j\jN ^^ sum-yan'. Hardship, W^ ffi^ /jaa^i-naan. Hare, ^ ^ ye'-i'o\ Hare-lip, inni pj pang-liau'. Harlot, ^^ 7^ cA'eM«^^-ki\ Harm, ^ hoi\ ^ s/«eM/?^. Harmony, ^Q wob. FLO Harness, f(|] 41 ,^JL.ue'- rigau-ma'-kue\ Harp, :^ chang, Harrow, iP p'a. Harsh, /B 255 kwut-k'eung. Hart, J^ ,^V \vi\xk'ltuung. m FOL na- luuk- Harts-horn, Jffi yuung. Harvest, ^M tt'ofr, ^^ d-^ ts^au-shau, jJ^ ^U* s^a?i-shing. Hasp, (hook) ^^ w^ra^*, (for a padlock) ^^ jj6 soA'-p'aai. Haste, ^^ -tn 'kup-tsHu Hasty, ^ ^fcz^;?. Hat, ipg mo^, (put on) jar ipg toai^-mo\ Hatch, (a) ||p P^ ^sW^-moon, (to) ^ po\ Hatchet, ^ 5^ /oo'-t'au. Hate, % ^r^ian^-noS ^^ Haughty, ^^i-. ^^ cJiong-hong, Have, y& yau'. Hawthorn, A^ cAi'. Hawk, JW ?//?z^. Hazard, ^^|^ ngai-Awi', (to) t^ W. Haze, ^^ ^^ wun-moo\ Hazel-nut, JS^ ^S shek-luut. He, jg k'ue'. Head, Bp^ t'au, "^ shau'. Headaclie, ^ Mfjj t'au-^s'eA?. Heal, ^g 2. Healthy, ^ jjjljl s^ow^r'-shan, HJ2 SS cAow^^-k'eung. Heap, j^ ^00/, (up) j^ Jbg iooi-maai, J^ ^g tooi-hi'. Hear, ff^ ^ ^'ew^-mun, ^S ^^ feng-km\ Hearsay, ^t ^ fuung-mun. Hearse, ^K. m song-kue. Heart, j^jN sm?;i. Hearth, j/^ ^ jj^ /0//-I0- tai'. Heat, ^ it, ^k^ it-A^, (to) '^ ^ sAm-it. Heatheiirf^ ^M||^ A;aazi^-ngoi^-i^-mun. Heaven, ^ <'m. Heavy, 5f chuung\ Hedge, g| g li.;,a. Heedless, pg ^ j\^N 'm-lau- Heel, Wj] ^S Tceuk'chaang. Heifer, ^H-ffl: Yj^ngan-moo'- ^^^^' S^ "J^ tsze^-isze', ^ Hr* dt''uung'-tsze'. HER 67 HIC ir^'ii' i-dl Wi *^^-y^^^- Hellebore, ; ' lai-lo. Helm, j|;g foil', (COL.) t'aai', t'aai'-t'uung. Helmsman, ^^>^> shaau-'kuung. Helmet, BJpl ^5 t'au-^'u^a/. Help, ^|f/po«<,.choh', H^ IS cIwi^-koo\ (no) ^E ^^ ^fiff mo-nor-holi. Helping-hand, ^3* .^» ^>o«^- s/iaw'. Hem, :^^ *S* pin-hivut, (to) i^^ 5^ *M* t^i-^'pin-kwuU Hemp, jpljl, ma. Han, II ^ A^a^moo', ^^ Hence, ^ l[:[^ ^00^-^5'^e', (away) ^(| [t^; li-^^^^e'. Henceforth, ^ ^ l^ ^ tsze*-^Mw-i'-liau\ Her, 'jQ;;^^ A:oA'-nue'-yan, 'fg k'ue', jg P^ k^ue'-A!e\ Herald, ^ ^ ^1^ '^ s"^^- llng'-^'e^-^'oo«, ^ ^1^ suen- Herb, ;^ ^ ts'o''ts'oi\ Herbalist, :fe ^ :^ ^ fs'oi'-yeuk-si/i-s/ian^. Herdj ^S k'wun. Herdsman, ipjj^ il muuk-yan, (of cows) ^^^ muuk- ngau-yan. Here, |l/^ J^ ni-ch^ne^, m-shue\ Hereafter, j];[^ ::^ fe'^e'-hau\ S^ ^ tsze'-hau\ Heresy, ^ ^ i'-tuen, ^ Heretofore, ;jj^ TJ^ ts'uung- loi, |p|] ^J5 heung^-loi. Hermit, 10 Iff ^^P^ yl li-s/iai'-tuuk-^2^e-A:e^-yan, N J yl shaan-yan. Hernia, /J ^ J|B^siM'-ch'eung- Hero, ^ ;^ ying-huvLng ^ >^ ho-kit. Heron, jS ^S lo^-S2;e. Herring, ffl® ^ ts'o-ue. Hesitate, j[;i ^fi ch'i-ch^ue, (in speaking) (col.) luun-chuun. Hew, (to) ^fr teiikj ^^ p'eh Hibernate, V^ 395 ts^im-ts'ong. Hibiscus, (rosa) ^X^ huung- /a, (mutab.) ^ ^ foo- yuung, (raanihot) ^g^ ,^ ^S wong-shuuk-kw'ai, (syri- aca) ^ ^ fut-so7?<7. Hiccough, ^X^S^ ta'-it'sze. HIR Hide, |g j^ wiA-maai, |^ ;^H ts'ong-maai. Hide, (a) J^ B^ p^i-cAeww^j '^^ jj^ chek-p^i. Hideous, gi| ^ cA'aw'-maau\ Higli, 1^ *o, (on high) J^ "^ sheung^-A-Oj >fi^ J[^ tso'- sheung\ High-water, ^^^^ ^ ij^^ sAm/'- taai^-maan\ Hill, ijj shaan. 68 HOL Hiss, P^ ^ ^ foo-hi''she7iff. ' History, ^ |g 5re'-A-i\ (national) j^^^ kong-JcaamK Historian, "j^ d^ ^ saw sze'-yan. phmny^-ts'an. Hitherto, [Q] ^j^ heung^-loi, (thus far) ^ ^Ij p^^ cAi*- Hilt, j^ ;j^^ t'iu-piV^ ;^pj oh. Hinder, [J^ cAoA', ;|^ |5J[ laan-c/ioA'. Hindermost, ^r ^^ moot-hau\ ij^ ^g sAaw-mi'. Hinge, ^F A;aaM\ Hint, |j^ ^ mai^-ue', (to) tr Ht ^ ^a'-o.«^.ho\ Hip, ;;^ ^jg^ taai^-iWi', -^ •S® taaP-joi', Hippocampus, vQ ^E lioi'-m^'. Hippopotamus, te|* ^^ hoh- ma'. Hire, (house &c.) ^^ tso, '^ yum\ (men) '[^ j^ yum'- yuung\ (wages) ^ JC yau- hiung, jC ^^ A-MMW^-ngan, Hive, -^^ ^ ^ mat-/«ww^. luung. Hoard, (to) ^^ ^^ tsik-ch'uuk- m Hoarseness, vb ^S sha-sheng. Hobgoblin, to; ij^ m''hvaal\ iB| 1^ ^ ^^'-lau-tsing. Hoe, (to) 1^ ;,o.^, (a) ^ ^ chemuj^pong, ^ g^ ch'oh-t'au. Hog, /[^ cAwe. Hog's-lard, ^^ y^ cAej^|^ P^)^ i^a- Hone, J^ ^ ch'iu-sliek. Honest, -^ W lo'-sliat. Honey, ^ jjfffi mat-t'ong. Honey-comb, ^^ ^ mat-fong. Honeysuckle, ^ ^^ :f^ kiun-ngan-fa. Honour, ]^ -^ tsuen-hvai\ (to) ^ ^* A'/«/?^-cliuung\ Hood, ^ rjjg swe^mo', ]|^ ^ t^ chue'-ka. Hot, ^ it. Hotel, ^ ^ //aafr-ue\ Hound, :^|| :^f5j lip-^m*'. Hour, ffirt ^m tbn'-cJmung^ (quarter of) ' ^j yat-ltaak. House, ^- ?«<^, ^|>|p uu1c-k^i\ Household, ^^ il A-a-yan, Hovel, ;>^ liu. How, 1^^- tlm', ^ hoh, f^ >^ ^/;«'-yeung\ How many? ^ ^ M'-toh? However, ffif| ^/c s?/i- in. Howl, fjffl f^ ^^ ho-ho'sheng, nij- Am\ Hubbub, P^ ^3 A?/eK-naau\ Pa Pil ^''^"-yeung\ HUR 70 IDE. Husband, ly^ -^^ choung^-foo, -^^ y^ W-kuunff. Husbandman, -^S J^ nuung- >^j T^ffl A. fr«^^-t'in-yan. Hush, ^^ HJC kum^-miik. Husks, |^Ao7z^,|g)j(H/Ao«^. p'i. Hut, ^S ^p- maau-wiffe. Hyacinth, ^ J^ J^ cA'i^- ma'-no'. Hymn, jljlj) ^i shan-s^/, 1^3 g3p shincf'shu Hyper, H[r j j^ t'-aai^-kwoh^. Hypocrite, ^£ ^fe ngai^-shin\ Huddled, :ji ^^ ;^ /a-tsaap- maai. HuU, (of a ship) j^ ^ shuen- slian. Hum, -^ ^^ ^ wang-wang- sheng^ jj ^J hmng-kwang. Human, ^y^ || P|^ yan-lui^- Tce\ (relations) K^ ^^ yan- luun. Humane, ^S j\^% U^i.Q-sum^ Humble, ^& ^^ him-suuv}. Humbly, >jy^ fuuk, '^ ^ p'o-fuuk. "^ " ho'- Humorous, jj^ -^j^ ViM-sm\ ^ ^ ^ho'-kong'- Hump-back, RV ^& Vo\i-pooi\ Hundred, ~S paak. Hundredth, ^ "5* taV-pnah Hunger, W^ ^t A-z-ngohV Hungry, ^^ ^^ t'o'-ngoh\ Hunt, f f III ^a'-lip. Hurricane, ^^ BB /?[^ jj^ ts'ooi-pir, (in a) 4*j|j iy mong-paa^. Hurt, '^ sheiing, (by a knock) Hyson-tea, -| c/i'wi/Tz-ch'a. Ai- Hyssop, -i^ ^^ ^ ngau-sa^ is'o'. I I, Z^ ngoh'. Ice, ^J'C 7^ ping'tuung\ Idea, W i\ W K ^^-s;^;e, /fS "ffi sew«^'-tseung\ Identical, ;^^ |g[ sew^z^-t'uung, |RI ' ^ t^uung ya^^oA\ Idiomatic, ^S ^M: .^» ^o«y- tak-hue''. IMM 71 IMP IMM 71 IMJf Idiot, ^p ;S; cA'2-ngoi, -S^ Immerse, JJr£ cli'um, J@ tsian'*, y^ngoi-yan. Immoderate, j|j^ S|^ kivoh'^-VsLU, Idle, "" " A« >3^ . .. J haan. Idol, ^^ ^p p'oo-saat S J,{^^ mo'-lim-c7a''. . -.-r! nil — r- - If, ^ yeuk, ^ ^ i^o??^'-yeuk. ^ ^,,^^ mo'-lmi-c7a'. Ignis-fatuus, ^ ^^kwai''foh\ Immoral, p^ jj[S Jp 'm- Ignite, ^ j/> cheuk-/oA'. ^^'^'"^'- __ Ignorant, ^ ^ moo-cA/, M I^^i^^ortality, ;^ ^ wing'- 4 A U/v , Immutable, % ^ ;.a^yik. ^uana, m^ m) Jpop-J!aai\ ^i z-;^ Iguana, ^{A. j^ kop-haai 111, (sick) :::^ ^ yau'-peng'. Illegal, ^\l ^ faan'./ci«^ ^g ^^ ^ 'ni-liop-/rto<. Ill-natured, J^ 4^ mang'-sZ/j^/*, (col.) nau-nat. Illness, ^ pcng\ Illustrate, ^^ BH /)/M'-ming. Ill-will, '[^^ han\ Image, jp^ ||^ ngau'-tseung\ Imagine, ^^ ^^ nnn-c.^^^^' ^lii; ii uen-seww^' Imbue, YiV <^^"'"' via" ^^^P- Imitate, t^t x>jf hok-haau\ . . , ^ . , .N -^- Impertinent, >fP /^J*- faan^-fun' Immaterial, (ummportant) A-\ 4Ljy4 Immaterial. filE ^ fE -^ ^""'- ^p moo-ying-moo-tseung\ Implement, :g^ hi , Immediately, ^^ [f^p ^an^-shi. Implicate, iVjl S i^Oi^-lui\ x^ Immense, ; f^ -;^ kik-taai\ ^^ c7«fe-liu. Immodest, ^rj S^ mo'-lai', ^rj Imp, j^ Y?' TcivaV'tsai', Impartial, ,^\ ^^ ^«Mw^-p*ing. Impatient, ^^ ^^^ cheuk-^wjo. Impeach, ^ ^o\ -^ ^^)^ ;to*- chong\ Impede, §y|J g^ {^, \^ -^P- uung'-hut^. Imperfect, ^^ ^J^ ^^ pai- cAaw-ts'uen, ^S^^^ kuet-fnat. Imperial, |p^p ue\ ^ 7/um, ^ ^^ wong-^^a. Impertinent, ^^R-^tS" faan^-fun', IMP 72 INC Importj (goods) ffiy |~| tsoP yup-/ia«'. Important, ■^. ^ ^ iu^-han'. hi-pHv}. Implied meaning, W' J-\^ ^ In, (to be) >i^ tsoi\ ^S Aa«', ^K i*-tsoi'-in-ngoi\ pj ^|=|^ | ^j^ ^^ hai''shue\ P|^ Ae?^??/, j (into) y\ jup. A I Inadmissible, P§- ^ f ^ ^^ i 'm-kwai-iaJc-mnsii. Inadvertence, ^a HS. ^s'oA^-'ng\ Importune, ^ ^ Aa«'-k'au, Inauspicious, ;;y^ ± pat-kat, (col.) w^ai-k'au. I pg ^)j -jft 'm-li'-slii'. Impose, JljH ka, (upon) ^ J^ Incalculable, !^ Pf )^ |^ jyai'hoh'-shing-sho'j ffiE ^3 Impossible, |^ :^ P|^ «wew'- | moo-k'uung. mo'-^'e^ ^ pS. iS shai'-'m- : Incarnation, |^ ^ ko7ig^' tak. Impostor, -tI^ a»& kwong-kivun^. Imprison, M 7^ S^ kiv^un^- yvL^-kaam, }\%^^ shau-kaam, (-ed) ^ ^ tsoh'-A-aa???. Improbable, ||| >[g P|!l^ naan- simn^-Jce\ |ffi i^^ naan-yau'. Improper, pg- ^^ 'm-cheuk. Improve, ^ ^ uet-Ao', jig; ^^ tso^'kang^-ho'y (the '^ o,->. Its' time) .^ .|f ^ H sik-lcwong-yum. Imprudent, ^^ ffl^ "^ mo'- S2;e-leung. Impudent, pg ^^ ^ ^g^ 'm s/a'^-pi^-ki\ Impure, p^ ^ *^ 'm-A:/./ tsiui^ Incense, ;^^ heurig, (sticks) ^S ^§t sin}-heu?ig. Incense', (to) ||jj[ ^ ^•^X-no^ Incessant, X\ [ |- pat-chi% X\ J^^ pat^ik, ^ ^pat'hit, II ja * ^ ^^'««- Incest, shuuk-sezm^' ^aaw. Incli, TJ ts'-uen\ Incident, Incidental, |!Ji ^c ngau'-in, ;gg ^K ngaak-ngoi\ Incision, ^7 "^ tO'sheung, 77 »^ ^o.lo\ Incivility, ^lE jjj® moo-lai'. Inclined, "^ ^ pHn-jne', >{gl] j^tll cA«A;-ti\ (rnind) ^\;^N |t) sum-heu}ig\ j*j^ sze'-ts'ing. INC 73 IND Inclose, (in a letter) Jf|J} ^^ Jca- fung^ (by a fence) ^ j:^ wai-maai. Include, O^-flb P3 i><^^^""tsor- noi\ ^g^ ^f^ 7;rtrt7^-froo^ Incoherent talk, §@ ^f* H/a MM . ngaani*-wa\ Income, 7^ ^© yux>si/t. Incomparable, fflt '^p moo- shcung, :^ J:[^ jj:^ mo'-;;«'- ping\ Incompetent, p^ U^ ^^ 'm- s/i/7?^-yuni\ Incomprehensible, ^^^ pT *^|j ^Sn pat-hoh'-ch^ak-shik. Inconsistent, X\ &t pat-tooi\ Inconstant, fl{£ Jrfmoo-sheung, ^ ^ ;>^/^ting\ Incontinent, P^ ^ ^ij m- tsze*-c/[a<\ Inconvenient, pg- "~fc* '^ 'm- fong-j)m^. Incorrigible, ^ ^3l [^ ^ Vi'aan-kang'-pat-fa^. Increase, ;/jp ^ /.« to^, j^ffj i@* ka-tsang. Incredible, X\ pj >jg ;;o^ hch'-suuji^. X\ J^ 4^ pat- tsulc~suun\ Incubate, YSj "^^ j)0*-taan\ Incumbent, ^^J .4^ Pij^^'^o^^'* fun*-/i.e\ Incur, ^ cAi\ ^ ^|j cAi^.io\ Indebted, -^'\^ t^ Jdm^-chaai\ Indecent, ^^ ;|g >lai', j^ ts^o. Indecision, yfi J^ w' mo'- Indeed, rB jJP chawching^j ^S shat, 1^ y /fl shat-tsoi\ Indefatigable, ^^ /^g mo'- kuen*. Indefinite,pg- [J^^'m-haan*- ting\ Independent, ET ~^ tsze^-laap, X\ S£ pat'k^acm^. Index, B ^^ nniuk-lunk. India, f fj ^ m Yan'-to'- hcok, Indian corn, ^ m S& 'ng'- shilc-sliuuk. India-rubber, ^B jy tseung*- Indicate, ^t| TTC c/i i'-shi*. Indict, -^ -Jl j^ fco^-chong\ Indifferent, ^ ^'S pok-ts'ing, (any way) |^ \^ ^ \^ ts'ui-ts-ui-pin^-pin\ Indigestion, ^ y^ shik-chai*. Indignant, «[^ 4*^ hom^-han\ Indigo, *^ ^^ s7iww?-tin\ Indiscreet, ^ f f^ 3^ /^«^- 10 INE 74 INF Indiscriminatelyj iJlE /^ 'i\^ Ifr moo-fun-pi' 'ts^ze'. Indispensable, ij^ ^ Pj^ ;?«^- Indisposed, ^^ ^^ Mni^-ohn, P§- 1^ ^ 'm-tsze^-tsoi\ (col.) nup. Indistinct, P§- ^ (^ 'm- ming.paak, ;7^ ]|| ^ mi'- W-ing-ch^oh', Individual, - i"^/ wai\ (thing) '^kin^, ^ chek, (by itself) J2 ^ ling^-tsze\ Indolent, -jj^jj ^ emi-ohn. Induce, ^^ yau', ;^ H j chm- yan'. Indulge, ;^ jg ioosik, ,f| fony^-tsuuny*. Indulgent, ^ ;;^ /oow-taai*, (self) g (1^ tsze«-lia\ Industrious, ^i| T* k'an- kuuny. Inestimable, xrt q'S ^p nio'- Inevitable, Pg ^ ^P^l'm- min'-^a/(;-A'e\ ^f ^'fST mo'- noi*-hoh. Inexcusable, # ^ f ^ ^ A:aw^-/)a^-nang-min', lilE pi ^[JJ moQ-hoh''shue\ Inexhaustable, filE ga ^fc moo-k'uung ■tsuun\ Inexpressible, "= ^^ g^ ^^^ PW in-pa^nang-tsuun^-zle*, 5^ W H ^«''-'"''''- shiny-\\\. InfamouSj ^^ '^ cA^^w^-meng, Infant, ^^^ yr.y^^9-^* Infantry, ^ip:* _^ ^oo'^-ping. Infatuated )Igf J^ fuimy-tiri, ^ Z{| f$^ mai-wan.chan\ Infect, ^ im', ^ ^ ^W- im'. Infectious, ^ ^ P|5£ ^owi'- im'-Ae\ Infer, :}^ |^ ^ooi-tok. Inferior, "7^ ^£ ba'-Zawy, (goods) (col.) yai-/i//i\ Infinite, fijE ^ moo-k'uung, ^ P^ nioo-haan\ Inflammation, ^g ^fc /j/^it. Inflexible, ^^ /JE /;w-ngaang\ Inflict, Jfj[J frrt. Influence, ^u "h sha^-Wk, f^ toZ^ (example) ^ >f{^ fuung-fa\ (to) ^ g^ ^o//i'- tuung\ >^}(ja\ Infold, ^Q ;^a. paau-hwoli'. Inform,^ ^}J M^a' chi. INL Infuse, (to) yrft ^ eh'umg' ch'a (metapii.) jjj)^ ^ tsip- haap. Ingenious, ^ g|^ tshuj-licaai, ^Km I^ tsing-liaau^. Ingenuous, :^ ^ J^^^ mo'- ^^-6-5..//^ f^ 'l*^ ¥oncj'-¥oi\ Ingot, ^tingN;^^!^ ucn-/.»o'-ting\ Ingratitude, ^^^^ mong-yaw. Ingulf, ^ [^ ^S^«-haani\ Inliabity J^ A?we. Inliabitant, Jg ^ Xwe-miin. Inhale, ^ k^up. Inherent, ^ ^ Pj s/^awr/- tsoi^-noi\ g p^ % P^ tsze^-noi* -yau'-/.e\ Inherit, >^ shing, ^pl tsze\ Inheritance,. ^ ^ ^-a-ip. Inhuman, ^ ^ so??^^-leung, 3M ^^"^ long-sw;??. Initiate, ^ jjf^ /^oZ-^wew, (in- troduce) ^ I j^ yan'-^5?/w«\ Injure, ^ hoi\ ;J|^ ^ ^ew/i'- hoi\ ^ ^ 5/?e2^/?(7-hoi\ Ink, g mcik, (liquid) || ^ff^ mak-shui'. Ink-stone, g ;gS raak-in\ Inland, ^ ^t-J^ noi*-ti\ 75 INS I Inlaj, ^S s€w»5r. Inmate,. Js^ p| yan-Aaw'i ^^"' Dc iS* ^'^'^-^^'^ ^ It haak-koon'. Innate, ^ ^^ p|S[ ?!'m-in.^e\ '^ > fr TO s/ia??(7-tsoi'-noi'. Inner, Bg noi\ Ii^nocent, |BE |pp moo-tsooi\ Innocuous, ^ ^. moo-tuuk. Innumerable, ^ ^ ^ ||^* pai-holi'-s/img-s/io', "T yj^ f|P^^ liu'-;^a^to^to^V Inoculate, 5|^ ^ cAww V'tau^ Inquest, ^|4 j^ im^-s/^/. Inquire, |^ f^^ >;?^'-mun\ Insane, ^ ^/aa/-^«w. Insatiable, ^ 1^ moo- iV. Inscription, ^^ ^ pi-mun, >^ g^;^i«'-ngaak. Inscrutable, ^ "pj* ^^|J ;,a^. hoh'-ch^ak. ' " Insect, ^ ch'uung, ^^[{J ^ ^^ s«/^-i2«-ch'uung. Insecure, pg ^^ 'm-waw'. Insensible, ^jE ^ ^ moo- c/i/-Xo^, U^ yj\^ ma-muuk, INS 76 INT Insert, i^ 7^ c7i '«a/>-yupjy^ [ Instigate, \^ ^|j^ soh-smng', Instinctj ^ p{r 4*^ s//?y-ts'ing, Instruct, 5^ haaii^. Instruction, ^^ =[j| 7caau^'fun\ ^^ ^^ /jrtau^-ling\ Instrument, :^ M^ hl^-knG\ Insult, 1^^ /i/-foo\ }^^ ling-yuuk, {M^ i^f yup, J* sheung'. Inside, ^^ 1^ lue'-fau, ^^ iffij li'-miu\ Sj noi\ Insidious, ^^ ^^g toh-pin^. Insignificant, ^^ ^* nii-ho, Insinuate, ^^ 4^ ts^aam-ning\ Insipidj f^ t'aam', :^ ^ :*^ mo'-mi*-to\ Insist, |S[ '^ lak-ling\ Insolent, ^^h k^ ngo^-maan\ f^tS! A^fe niooi'-maan^- yan-/je*. Insolvent, T§' ^Mf chaai^-tun. Insomuch, ^g ^^ chi^-ue, I^ ^^ slium^-c/u'\ Inspect, -^ ^S ch'a-c/iVm;, E^ kaaj)i\ Inspector, 1^ ^^ kaam-tuuh. Inspire, WJ ^^ hhiphi}, (di- vinely) ffifr HS mak-yau'. Instable, p^ J^ 'm-tyw^'. Instance, (for) ^^'^W ^ i?^'- ue-A:aa?i. Instant, tip. ^|J pHrC'-haak. Instantly, gfj ^j tsik-haah. Instead, (of) ^^ ^f^ i'a^^-toi^ i Jteuh-pooi^' Instep, } waan. fk. J 4'^ mooi'- Insuperable, ^ pg ^|:^'p|g kivoh'''m'tah-he\ Pg- ^'^M: ' Insupportable, '^'^^^^^^ tong-pat'hi''ke^. Insurrection, >f^Mr^5oX'-luen\ Intelligence, ^ ||jfe kin' -sink, (news) 2^ ^^ shenc/'hi\ Intelligent, ^ ^ ts'mmg- ming. Intelligible, ^ ^ ming-paak. Intemperance, ^ >^ fong'- Intend, j ^ ^--yuuk, :g^ yuuk, /tej se^^«(7^ Intense, ;^^ l]^ kik-shum\ Intention, " Intentness, yj^ j\^ chuen-sum. Inter, ^ Jl^ ^sow^'-: -maai. INT Intercalary, ^S yuun\ 77 INV Intestines, J^ ch'eung. Intercede, ^ >|^ toi^-k^au. 1 Intimate, S@ te'«r?, $H jg^ Intercept ^^ laan-tsit. Intercliange, -Jj^ im. seung- oon\ ^^ ^t kaau-y[k. Intercourse, ^^ fi ^ wongMoi Interdict, ^N ^Jjt" ku7n^'kaai\ ts'a}i'kau\ (to) -^ X-o\ Intimidate, ^p ^S haak-keng^ ^\ m \ haak-chan^. haau-tsip, Into, 7^ yup. Intolerable, ||^ ^ naan- " ^""^' :^ 71X^ ""'" '^^^"^ • ' ''=" J^pj ^tr ']^ Interest, ^E)) ^^ Vs^-sik, %\\ \ yuung-^«^-^\ ^ f li^.ts4n. Interfere, (meddle) "i^ •^* ch^aap-shau', i^ pSs cli^aap' Interim, [}i jm slii-Zraaw Interior, Bj j;lj| noi^-ti, ^^ Bp^ lue'-t'au. Interleave, B|g ^^ kaak-cld'. Intermission, ^*^ ^ ^^ ffl t*ing-67/j-c/u"-/L«rr|^ Tdoo-faat-hoh'-kau^, Irresolute, fflE tlT w" moo- cAwe'-i\ :^ ^ 4^ mo'- ting^-s/w^\ Irrigate, y^ yfeP A-ootz^-Ai^oj*. Irritate, ^ ^"^ Icik-nau, Irritated, ;^ ^ huuh'hl\ Is, >j'^ hai\ ^ shi\ Isinglass, ^ HM ue-Z;rtow. JAM Island, */^-^ Aoe'-to', y^^ hoi'-chau. Issue, (to) %^faat. It, ^g k'ue'. Itch, 1^ /aai\ Itching, ^ han, ^ ^ han- yeung'. Ivory, ^ ^^ tseung'-nga. Ivy, ^ fang. Jabber, ^, ^ ^Jg^ JQ sue'- sue'-i'o-^'o. Jacana, ^ ^^ ^ pdak-s///j-yuuk, Jatroi)ha, ijoj ifef t'uung-shue\ Jaundice,, '^ ^ wong-i'aan'. JaveliUj -^- gjr sJiau'-tsin^, Jaw, ;^ ^ nga-ch'ong. Jawbone, ^ ^||j *^ nga- kwaan'hviit, mj^ ^S *m* kaap-ch^e-kicut. Jealous, iJlp § ^o'-ki'. Jealousy, ^^fj^ "A^ tsat-^o\ ^^^^^' ^ 1^ /a-'.luung\ ^ JEHOVAH, ;^ 4^ ^ YE- WOH-AYA. Jelly, 1^ *^-j^ hcoh'-chvp, (an- imal) ]te ^0. Jeopardy, -^ j^ ngai-/am'. Jerk, Tj JjS lik-/j/A?, JS lai\ Jessamine, ^5 5|J 3|^ moot- liVf. Jest, ^S ^^ kong'-siu\ Jesting, ^^ ■ 6iV-wa\ JESUS, ^ j||{ YE-500. Jet, (fossil) IB ^ Aa;t-yuuik, (of water) Sq -7]^ slie^-s/Iffi H[r 1^ Yau-^'aai^- Judge, i^ ^^ WJ oM'ch'aat' ^-^j (to) ^ 4^(1 shum'-p'oon\ JUV Judgement-cLay, ^S l|2|J ^ -jH shufn'-p^ooJi^'yat-tsze', Jug, I^ )fj[ i'-p^eng. Jugglery, jfj^ ^ ch'ik-faat. Juice, ^M-* c7, ^M^ |j^ chup- tseung. July, J^-[|^ E| y^/^^-is'a^uet. Jumble, :Yi^ '^^ to'-wuu\ j^ y^ wuu'-ngaau. Jump, Wik fm\ 80 KIN Junction, ^ JR^ kaau-ckW. June, ^^ -^ EJ r%-luuk- uet. Junior, /^ ^6S sAiV-nin, -^ Juniper, ^^ ^U inn'-p'aalz. 7?a«/i;-ts'o-shuen. Jupiter, (planet) yj^^ mmik- sing. Jury, ^ ^ P|^ \pin9'- kuunfj-ke^-ysLU. Just, ^ 2p ^wzm^-p^ng, ^ ^g^ kuung-W^ (adv.) jg^ kan', (col.) r}(j(iam-n(jaam. Justice, ,^V ^g kuung'i\ (to do) ^^ '^ p'^'^o'-^^iiii-ng. Justify, ^ ^ ch'ing-i\ Jut out, [f|| [jj j^|tat-cA^i/Mi- lai. Juvenile, Wr nuen\ K Kaleidoscope, 3[L maan^-/a-t'uung. Keel, ^J^ ngo. Keen,|^^)]/aa.Mi\||^t) 5/zo»^'-li'. Keep, i^ s/ia?^', ^ lau, ;|^ ;tffl s/. ; j,„„,,iedge, ^ ^ W„'-,,/fg, kicong-kwim^, \nee, g^ sc<^ ^^ B^ ^ ^ai- ' Laborious, ^ ^ san-/oo', t'au-/jo/z. I ^\^ ^ j^,. ^^^^^^^ H ^ ^^^-^^• ivnee-pan, 3^5^*^ s«^t'au' 'an-/oo'. j^^^^^^^ •" •' Labour, JI2 ;^ ^^■"""5'-/^^ (t<>) [Cnccl, ^ g^ ira^sa^ J^ | ^ IC ;^ tso^-^-ttMr?*/-/^*^, ^ ;fj lo-lik, (in) lum-cAv K kwai^-ha\ [vnife, 77 ^0. Knight, G m @ ^M-t^o-lo'. I^abourer, X A ^'^'"'^^-y^"- nit, :f^^|^ <'«^-cAiit, (the'l^ace,^;^^^P|^:j?<^c/./^- brows) ^^* )g gi /6C/«^-mi- ' sin'-ke'-i-jun, -^ ^f^'pi't. Lack, /J^ 6-Am'. brows) t'au, 11 LAN LAV Lacker, Y^ ts'-at^ (ware) Ml 5S ts'at'Iu\ ^^^7 i^ffl tK Yj sai^-mun-tsai', Ladder, Jijti ^'az, (a hand-) -^* Aim sJiau'-Vai. Ladle, :J^ sheuh^ /^ cheuk. Lady, j(^ neung, "pj T^ s^e- naai, iff^ jffA naai-naai. I^ag, ^ ;^ -j^ lok-hau^-pin\ Lake, viB oo. I^amb, ^^j^ :^^ min-yeung- Lame, Rgy Hmpaz-^ewfe. Lament, |0| >j^ t^aan'-sik, B^ SjK huuk'SO^, Lamp, j)^ mn^. Lamp-wick, J^^ J^J^ tang-sum. Lamp- black, ^^ j|^ oo-m. Lance, ^@ -^ ts'-eung-maau. Lancet, Wk'^^'Tjhoi'ch'ong'to. Land, i^ ti', (by) ^ ]^ hohn'-lo\ (to) p {^ sheung^- ngolin\ Landing-place, ^:S^ ga poo^- t'au, ^pi Bp ma'-t'au. Landlord, Rg ^p uuk-chue'. Lane, ;^liong\ J(^^ laang'- liong\ Language, g£ wa^, (sx^oken) n "S* hau'-ywn. Lantern, jj^C ^g ^a72^-luung. Lap, ^^ J^ sai-sheung', 5^ ^^^ shaam-p^if (to) pa& /m'. Larboard, j3ft yy slmen -fsoA'. Lard, ^g* y(^ c/?«e-yau. Large, "^ taai\ Lark, g pan //aa/c-ling. Larva, ^ |ffi ts'ai-ts^o, ^ ch'uung. Last, tJt moot, ^g mi', (year &c.) P'^ tsok. ^ kan^; (shoe-) ^^ ^g Imni-huen}; (to) ^ ^ fraw'-ts'uen, ^ lau. Late, ^^ ch'i, ir^ maan^, (at night) ^ ye.\ Lately, ^ ^ kan^-loi, ^ \ ■yr\ tsau^-sm. Lath, yj\^ ji* mu\ik-;9'm\ Lathe, m jfj^ cA'e-ch'ong. Latitude, il-j}^ ^^ ^ ti^-z^-az'- to\ Lattice-work, |1|;^^^ laan^' wat-JcaaJc, ^ H^^ffi tseung^- ngaan'-li. Laugh, ^^ sm\ Laughable, W ^ /io'-sm\ Lavish, ^ -1^ p'oh^-Jal\ LEA 83 LEI Laurel, ^^ hvaP. Law, ^ ^ faat-\\\Mt. Lawyer, Uj^ ^f|] chong^-s^e. Law-suit, g gj^ A-oow-tsuung^, Lax, ^ SWMW^r, ^\^\ ^ SM?72- Layer, ^^ ts^ang. Lay, ^ "^ /orz<7'-ha', (up) 1^ iH ts'ong-mafti. Lazy, f|} ^ <'«..-oA«, '||fi l^^ laan'-toh\ Lead, ^ uen, M ^^ hale- uen, (the) (col.) tum^-Vo\\. Lead, (to) ^1 yaii', ^| ^ yan'-to\ i^ <«ai\ ^B^ ^'oA. Leaf, aE ip, (of a book) ^s League, (10 li') i^ ^ t'ong- Leak, *^ ^J^ lau'-s^wi', ^ Vg s/nim^-lau\ Lean, )^ sAaw^ (to) j|^ ^jj cliaap-cAaA?, (upon) ^^ ^^ t'-cheuk. Leap, ^^ <'m\ (over) (col.) laaiii^. Leap-frog, ^^ ^f |^ g <'iV-c7i«e-yuuk-t'oi. Learn, ^ hok, ^ ^ hok- tsaap, (begin to) H itt^ sheung'-hok. Learned, \m ^* ;;o/c-liok. Lease, -jfl^^p^ai, (to) "^^ ^ ?so-yum\ Least, ^ /J> cJu'-siu', (the) ^^ P^' ^ t^k'iconMoh. Leather, ^t J^ shuuk-p'i. Leave, ^| ||j li-pit, |0 li, (things) *^ lau\ (col.) laai. Leaven, g^ /cYm?i\ to ?^ g?; Le-che, ^E ;|'^ lai'-c///, (best- '^^^)){^^yft^"oh^-mai'. ts^ze, S ^ /ia/j-ip. Lecture, ^ft ^£ lomf-shie, Lee, "J^^fl^ ha'->w«^-pin\ Leech, r^m^^ ngau-k'i, (col.) k'i-rca'. Leek, ^t ^£ Jrau'-ts^oi^, Left, (the) J^ ^so/<'. Leg, ^ A-ewA?, yj^ ^]g sm'- fooi\ (calf) ^^ ^ ^ewA?- nong. Legacy. ^5gp|£ It ^^ wai-c/iz«2f^-A:e^-ts'oi-mat. Legitimate, (proper) \\^ ching^. Leisure, ^^^ haan, f^^ flg haan-ha', (at) :^M: PM tak- haan. LEV 84 LIG Leisurely, f ©• f g maan^-maanV Lemon, 4® T^ ning-muung. Lemonade, ^M |^ yfJC ^^^^S- muung -slnn'. Lemur, Im '^0 yau-aat. Lend, f^-^ ^'^e^- ^^^^\ fg ^s^'- Lengthwise, Xj^ -Wf ts'uung- ch'eung, (col.) tini\ I^ens,^J^^M-li.sui\ Lentil, ^^ Jg^ 2)ui'-ta}x\ im ^w??z-t^sin Leopard, ^g-f| Leprosy, )j|^ ^ raa-/MM??5r. Leprous, |^ /^/(^fat-fmtng. Less, /J^ ^/ii', ^p /J\ hang^' sill'. Lessen, V^ /j^ kaam'-shiu'. Lesson, a^/«^'\ I^est, ^ i\^ huung''2^'a\ ^ ^^ min'-c/a'\ Let, ^ ^^ yau-to^, f^ yum,* (loose) ^^ sm?^??^, (alone) |]^ f^ mai'-^az*\ (rent) qJ '^jg cA'ww^yumV Letter, (character) -J* tsze\ (epistle) ^J* 'jg fuung-suur^^ ^£ ig shue-suun^. Lettuce, >Oir ^^ shang-ts^oi^. Level, ^p P'hig, 2El Jp p'ing-c/iiw/, (to find) ZJ^J'Zp yK^ ta'-'j^'mg-slmi'. Lever, ^^^ Ft* ^vV tsHn-kan- tak, (coL.) kiu^-tak. Liberal, >f^ J© yan-hau\ Liberate, $S "bv* shih-fong^. Liberty, Q tb tsze^-yau. Library, (the room) §^ -^ sA?/e-fong, (books) ^S ^^ s/me-tsik. License, $& US cliup-cfmi^^ (to) {^ ;|jj^ yum^-ts'uung. Licentious, j^ j^ /o^i,*- tsuung^. Lichen, ^ t'oi. Lick, (to) ^ /w^^ =J|^ shaai'. Lid, ^^ yloTj i]i lioni\ Lie, (down) ^K ~K men- ha*; (to tell) ^ ^ 1^ Jcong'. taai*-wa\ (a) %^~^ fing'-irv. Life, /tp sJiang^ /OZT -^^ slicing' mu\g\ ^ meng\ Lift, :|^ ^ cA'aM-/a'', ;^' fc'?V. Light, (not heavy) mii heng; (in colour) ^% tsHn\ (the) -^ huong, (to) ^A ?z;?i', J^ fau\' (alight) .^ lok. Lightning, ^* -^ tin*-^wony, j3g^,*W-tin«.- LIQ 85 Like, (resembling) '^? ipl lio'- ts'ze', (to) Pp §^ chmmg-i^. Likeness, '^ ;m tseung*- yeung\ Likewise, ;^ yik, ^ yau\ LOB Lilac, PI /s'/«^-lin. ■^^^^' IS ^^ paa?.-hQj)fa, (water) ^ :|;g lin-/a. Limb. ^ II chi^tW. Lime, ^ ji^ sliek-/oo/, (fruit) f ^ %^ ning-muiing. Limit, K^ KH A-arti'-haan^j K^ haan\ Limpet, ^ i^^ ;)m'-loh. Line, j^J^5/;/\ (stroke) ^waak. I^inen, |p| ^f^J ma-;?oo\ Linguist, jS ^1 t'uun(/-Bze\ Unmg, ^^ ;|^ li'-;>oo, ^H li'. Link, (a) j^ ^^ lin-waan, (to) :j:n J^ taiMin. Linseed, 1^)] j^[ -^ oo-ma- tsze', (oil) Iffl-^y^ ma-^s^e'- yau. I-int, ^ ^ :^ zm'-yuung- poo^. Lintel, >([^ :;{ig t'iu-mi. Lion, ^|^j|j -^ sze-tsze'. ^^P? pj >^p //«?^'-sliuun. Liquid, -J^ ^ . s/m', (a ve- ry) ^{j pU^ ^ uk'hojrMok Live, /p s/irt/iy, yS* oot. Livelihood, ^j^ Q A-woA'-yat. Lively, y£- J^^ oot-//oo^ Liver, HT fro7Q^ niin^-j>«ow. Loan, q-g fS^ tse^-chaai^. Loathe, ll"-^ 'hM tsang-im\ Lobby, p^ P ^^ moon-^aw'- Lobe, (ear-) '^ ^ i'-to'. LOO 86 LUD Lobster, R-g JK Inung-ha. Local, ' "jt P|^ yat-fong'ke\ I^ock, :^ ^ pa'-soh', (to) ^ soh'-maai. Locust, tfeg. ^^^ wong-ch'uung Lodge, hit'Suuky (house) ^ 1^ Idt-tim\ Lodger, Ht >g» hit-hadk. I-^^to? ]^ Bp muuk-t'au. LOGOS, ^ T0\ Loins, ^^ iM, /J^ ^:^ sm'-m. Loiter, ^ j^ tau'-lau\ Long, (in si)ace) -^ ch'eung, (time) ^ A;aw', j||j^ noi\ (to) luen^-moo\ ch'eung- ^^ Longevity, shau\ Longitude, i^|^^ ti^-/a«<7- to\ Look, ^^ hohn'', H3& i'«i', (care- fully) I «pT ^Zi Looking-glass, p^ ^ri£ min^- Loom, (a) ' ^ ;[g| yai-lca'- ki. Loop, 2^j2: 1^1 nau'-huen, ^^ ^r^ ?i«i«'-ngaan'. Loose, S^ suung, (to) ffi^ kB kaai'-hoi, M^ Kg smmg-hoi. Loquacious, ^ Q toh-hau'. Loquat, 1^1/ ;|ig H p'i-p'a- Lord, Zp! c/iMe'. Lose, Jg^ -^i vrni-shat, (in trade) HI _^7lJ ^\\\i-poon'. Lost, pg ^ 'm-A«m\ ^ "J 5/za^-liu', ~f*J mong Lots, (cast) ^J" ^J ta'-tsHm, Lotion, ly^ 5^ sa^'-yeuk. Lottery, Q -pft ^ paak-^op- Lotus, .^M ^j^' lin-/a. Loud, "7^ ^^ taai'-s/ze??^. Love, ^^ oi\ *^ 4'S^ o{^-s//i:. Love-apple, ^p k'e. Lounge, (to) «^ jfe s«aw'-yat. Louse, S[ s/ic^if, (col.) shat-na'. Low, ^jj ?«{, ^ m', (water) Low, (to) f^l hau. Lubber, JS-^ shaan-/oo, ^3f^ 6S y^ luet-yeul^'hohn}. Lubricate, Vp3 V^-yuun^-waat. Luck, ig;>f|i tso^-/a\ tf^jg ming*-wun\ Luckily, ^^ ^ ho'-ts'oi'. Lucky, "^g^ ^a^. Ludicrous, «[? -^S lio'-siv^. '^ shui'-ltohn-msitiu^. LYE 87 MAG Luff, i^J^U ;/a««-t'aai',(coL.) . maan-Vaai'. Luggage, ^ ^ hang-li'. Lukewarm, ^ ^ i^ ^ poon^-it-poo7i^-\'d'dXig' . Lumbago, ^^ '^J^'^^f^^d- Lump, ij^fcmi\ (to) ^ ig laap maai. Lungs, ^ /cu'-A:c., ^[fj Lurk, y^ jy^ ts'im-fuuk. Luscious, "y* [ffc A-owmP, ^Sj* )/^ ^ t'im-num^-num\ Lust, j^ j/^ yuuk-/oA', (after) '^ ^?l^ t'aam-t'o. Lustre, -)j^ A;zro«^, ;^^ ^^ /«/- kwony. Lustring, ^^n A'if(?n\ Luxuriant, ^ ^ ^ ^ p'oh-p'oh -6'o/i-*o/i. Luxurious, X(+- ^p ho^-t^aan^, M 4^1 X:/«-lok. Lychnis, ^^ 3^ yl ue-mi'- yan. Lycopodium, 4^ JiP Ituen'- paaJc. Lye, gS ttJ^ Jcaan'-slmi', (sedi- ment) [JH vb kaan'-sha. M Macaroni, ^ ^^^ feV i'M?m^- sum-fun'. Macao, yfi Y\ O^-iwooia, Mace, (one) * 4^ ya^-ts^in, (of nutmegs) g ^ :^ tau^-^'rt//.^-/«. Machine, ;(i^^| :g^ lii-1ii\ Mackerel, ^ff ^ ch'i-ue. Maculate, J& */& im'-oo. Mad, ;J J k'wong, ?S ijj yha^k'wong. Madam, vT^ fffi naairnaai. Maggots, (to breed) /^ jM shaang-ts'ue. Magic, /[a mi moo-shuut. Magistrates, g \l^ Jtoon-foo', Magnet, ^^ ^ZT s/«/?-shek, tit ^-r naam-c^M7/i, Magnificent, Vg -^ ho^-taai\ Magnitude, ^^ "F* -^ yeuk- A:oAn-taai\ Magnolia, (fuscata) ^y <^^.|i^ hom-siV-/a, (conspicua) ^^ ^[ yuuk-laan, (pumila)^i^ ^ ye^-hop. MAN i Magpie, _e. j^M kl'-ts^euk. Maliogany, (Chinese) ^^ ^;;^ sAww-muuk, (flower of the tree) =g^ 1^ :^/ooMin./«. Mahommedanism, Igj |gj ^|^ ooi-ooi-^6?a««\ Maiden, j^ -^ t'uung-nue'. Main, (principal) ~^§s taai'- t^ai'. Maintain, [^ -pH hoo^'shau'. Maize, ^Q^ SS. paau-suuh. Majestic, Ev J^ ?t'««-inr. Make, jg| tso\ ^ cA////, >p^ tsol, (a story) ^ -^ ^ 3fe ohn-s\Yi}-ohn'Ji. Malaria, [Ij H ^ ^ shaan-laam-cAeM w^^-Ai \ Male, ^S naanij (of beasts) „^y liuung. Malevolent, ^ j\^ haJc-sum. Malleable iron, ^Jh ^^ shuuk- Mallet, yj^ >[^ muuk-ch'ui. Mallows, ^i k'wai. Mamma, "i^dl jfR| ma-ma. Man, yl yan. Manacles, -^- ^S sAcm'-liu, Manage, f^ J^ paan'-li'. Blandarin, g l-M- Jiooii-foo'. 3 MAR INIane, (horse's) ^^ ^^ ma'- tsuung . Mangle, (a) ^^^ ^ sIcM- /?oo'-kue\ Mango, - {j^ ^£ mong-hicoh'. Mangosteen, [_[j ^M*-ffi shaan- chuuk'kwoh' . Manifest, HH pj ming-paak, (to) j^ 0H Am'-ming. Manilla, yj^ H ^J^ *Sm'-lue'- Manis, ^ [jj m ch^uen* shaan-kuap. Mankind, J^ ^S yan-Iui\ Manner, 7j^ yeung\ Manners, nj§ lai'. Mansion, t^ chaak, jM'/oo'. Mantis, ^^ ^[5 ^jj[| ma'-long. k'ong. Mantle, ysT ^K: taai^-/crz«. Mantle-piece, j/^^|^ ^M'' lo-ngaak. Manure, "^rfun^y (to) >lsL^^ Idk-futi^. Many, ^ ^oA. Map, ig t'o, i^ Jg g| ti^. li'-t'o. Maple, 1^ |^|/wM«^-shue\ Marble, ^ 'J^} ^ fa-fun'- shek, (wliite) ^ jj^ ;g paak-/«/i'-shck. I\IAS 80 March, JTL — '- H Ying-saani" uet, (to) ^ I^JIJ poo'-5^e, ^ ^ ^ ts'ai-poo'-hang. Marc, ^|fe -jit ma'- moo'. Margarite, ^^ ^j^ chan-chue. Margin, >^ ^/m. waak, (to) ^J ^ ta'-yau\ MEA frUte'-ho'. ]\fiu-ket, f|j shi'. Market-place, "pt Bp^ shi'-t^au, ■;|^/aa//, (town) +^ Ime. Marriage, ^ ^Q/«/'-^''». ]\Iarrow, &S s ^/oA'-ch'aai. Mate, (chief) ^ J^ /oA'- cAe«7i^', (2nd) ;^ ^^ V-foh'. Materials, ;|yj- ^IJ- ts'oiJiu*, ' 4^ ^^\ mat-liu\ Matrix, (for type) Ijlj;^^;^ t'aung-;wrt;i'-moo. Matter, & chat, (affair) ^ j ^ sze^-W«\ (no) :^ ^ ^ 351 mo' -7nat'kan'-iu\ (from a boil) Hffl nuung. ( ch'ong-yuuk. Mattress, ji May, (month) !^ j|5[^ H l^m^- 'ng'-uet. May, (can) 1^: talc, pf ^ /io/i'-i'. Meal, (a) ^^ ts'aan. Mean, (base) [(l^ ^K lau'-///', JMeaning, ^' .W d*-6-.::eV Cleans, "^^ J/lJ t^-^e-jjoon*. 12 MER 90 MIC Measles, )J^ Measure, (to) ^^ tok, leung^-tok, (a) ^sf leung^, (foot-) J^ ch'ek. Meat, 1^ yuuk. Mechanic, "J" IK^ kuung- tseung\ Meddle, ^a rS ts'um-sze\ Mediator, pt| ^ffi^ chuung-po'. Medicine, W^ MA yeuk-ts'oi, (science of) ^g ^^ z-hok. Meet, is ^ ue^-c/^ew^^ ;fe ^^ tsip'cheuh (by appoint- ment) ^^ w* tsue^-ooi\ Melancholy, R^ n^ moon^- Melon, JfJ^ Aiit-a. [moon\ Melt, ^ yj"^ yuung./a\ Members, Q §^ paak-fai'. Membrane, 3^ \\& ^-mok. Memory, g^ >|^ ki'-singK Mencius, 3r -^ Mang^-^sV. Mend, ^<^ poo', 'jf^ |^ sau- ching'. Menses, Ej ;{^^ uet-X'/?2^. Mercantile, /t w' shang-i\ M ^ PS' maai'-maai'-A-e'. Merciless, q^ jC^ long-swm. Mercury, "^^^ ^R s^wi'-ngan, (planet) 'jn^ ^^ shui'-smg, Mercy, 3^ |^^ ts'ze-p^. Merely, ^ ^ pat-kwoh\ ^ A:^ tuuk-hai\ (col.) ch'e. Meridian, -^^ ^»^ te^e'-'ng'- sin}, (lines) ^^ ^J^ king-sin}. Merino, ^^ ^t ue'-ts'e. Merit, ^ ^* Xw?m^-lo. Merry, ]^ ^^^ hi'-siu\ Mesh, ^H |R mong'-ngaan'. Message, iU ^g pd^-sumi^. Messenger, gfe A cA'aai-yan, (official) ^^ ^ wai'-\XQi\. Metal, -^ ^S kumAm\ Metaphor, -^ ^ ^se'-ue', <|^ Metempsychosis, Jm IgJ luun- ooi. Meteor, ^^ ^^ !au-s«/2^, ^^ Bh siw^-wan'. Method, ^ ^fong-faat. Metropolis, ^ ^|^ ft%-shing, - , , -, _ Miasma, )j^ ^^ cheimg^-/u\ Merchant, |^ ^ sheimg-yan (damp) y^ >^ shap-cheung\ Merciful, 15^*111 o/-lin,^^;\;2' I Mica, ^ jE |]^ /.s'^/.-ts'ung- ts'ze-s?(/;^ chi'. MIN 91 MIS Microcosm, A\ y^ J4h siu'' Microscope, j^ ^^ ^ ^i«'- Mid, Pp chming. Middle, ptf ^ climing-'kaan. Midsummer, ^^ '^. ha^-chi^. Mid- way, 4^^ B& ;)oo72^-lo\ Mid-wife, ^ ^ ^ ts'^P' sha7iff-j)'oh, ^^' j^ ira?i'-p*oll. Might, ^^ nang. Mild, J^ ^ 26'an-leung, Mildew, ^g mooi, v!^ ^^ aw^- mooi. Mile, ( '"^^^^ of an Englisli) ||, li'. Military, ^f moo'. Milk, ^ ue', ^ naai', (col.) 71171. Mill, 1^ moh\ Millet, ^ sAwe', yj^ ^ sm'- mai'. Million, "5* J£ /;aaA;-maan\ Mince, -BJ ^{Q ts^ii-sai\ Mind, j\^\ S-W771, (to) ^^ ^oo\ Mine,(to):|g(^)||kwut. (kuin) luiuig. Minister, (to) ^fc ^a. chup'Sze^, (a) g£ shan. Mint, ^^ ^H^ 4^ heiing-fa-ts^oi \ (a) ts'in-kuuk. Minus, V^ frrta?;/. Minute, ^gj;-^^ mi-sai*\ (time) ^ g^:/^«-shi. Miracle, || ^ i^-^^iA-. Mire, vft yJp nai-paan\ Mirror, ^ ^ min^Z:en^\ Miscarriage, /Jn ^P siu'-ch^acm'. Miscellaneous, §^ BL ling- shup-SMi\ (col.) sap'sui\ Mischief, fyyT '^^ koo^-sheung^ Miser, J>^ ^ A Aaan-ts'oi- yan. Miserable, jm\ ^^ aau-aiK Misery, ^ ^ foo'-ch'oh'y ^ ^ ^^•Va•-leung. Misfortune, y^ "y j?q^-hang\ ^ '^/oo'-meng\ Miss, (young lady) -^ jf^ froo-neung; (to) -^^ sJiaty pg* Pp "'xH'chuiing^. Misspend, ^)^ ^P long^-/ai\ Mist, iffl ^^ iVi-moo^, ^J^R ha-moo\ ^J ^^ wun-moo^. Mistake, ^-^ ^hoo'-ts'oh\ (a) Mister, (Mr.) ^\^^j^ Sin-shang^ MON Mistress, (Mrs.) ^ jfj^ Naai- naai (a) ^ ^ \o'-k'ai\ Mix, :^ y^ 'kauu'-ymi\ ^ 5Cfl t4u-woh\ :|^g <^ ¥au^ wun. Moan, P^ 1^ tse-t^aan^ Mob, -g- ^ If ^' s/»(/*-iiaau'-liieii\ Mock, lH ^ Ai-^4uung\ gjlj <^g shaan}'siu}. Model, i^ 7^ moo-yeung\ Moderate, ^ ^ ^ ^^ imt- toJi-jmt-shiu', J^ Pp slilk- chuunffy (to) g^ ^v feww?, 4|r san. Modest, /^ ^ ;^j{^^ yau'-lim- chi-sau. Moist, VM s/^?^^, ftxt num. Moisten, vBS yuun\ Mole, ffl i^ t'in-s/me', (on the skin) §S 5JiH^ /^aft-ts'ze, 02 . MOR Money, ^^ ts'in, ^^ ^ ngan- ts'in. Mongrel, ^ft;!^ tsaa-p-chuimy^ Monkey, j]^^ ^^ ma'-lau. Monstrous, H^ }^ kicaap-sm^. Month, Huet. Monument, jjfe xfr p'aai-/o/z^, Moon, ^ uet, ^ -^ uet- kicong. Moor, (to) ^/^ VM icaan-j^ok, >^ ^11 ivaan-chaap. Mop, ^IfjpooV"^ Morals, f i^^nf ^«^-li'i"g» (good) a£ Yfi shin'-^«^. ^j4^\ hak'chi*. Mole-cricket, -J-^ :i^ t^o'^kau'. Molest, m^ ^S naan-wai. Moment, \-^ ^\\ pHn-haalc, tg ^ij kHng'-haak. Monastery, (Tau.) -^B A;oo/i\ (Bud.) :^ tsze\ lyat. Monday, njp^^S-' — • lai'-jo«az*- ^^^®' i^ ''*'^*' ^ ^^^' (^^^^" PAR. DEG.) W^ Jcan(/\ ^y chuung\ Moreover, ^g ^^ kany'^-kim. Morning, S. tso', SB cA/zr, (good-) S. -^i /5o'-shan. Mortally, SJ ^P chPsze'. Mortar, VJB nai, (a) ^^ M* chuim(/-ho/n' . Mortgage, (a house) tftl. ^* tin'-uuk. Mortgagee, .ffll tip tm'-chue'. Mortification, ;ji^ |^/oo-/^/\ ^ foo\ (of spirit) jg ^Jv^ ts'iu-sui*. MOU 93 MUS Mortise, xft ^R s?/M7i'-ngaan'. Mosquito, W^ mvn. Moss, Sl^ t^oi-sm', ^S mooi-t'oi. a Most, (of quality) ^ cAi'\ -^ '^^ 6liap-/M?z, (of quautity) ^ ^ chi'-toh. Mostly, ;;^ ;[<^ taai'-¥oi\-^ Jf^ taai'-^eM^-,j;^'|i taai*- j? '««■'. Moth, !|||ngol.,i^^ toy- ngoh. Mother, ^ -^ lo'-moo', (re- spectfully) ^Bmoo'-ts'an. Mother o* pearl, M^ -& ^ wun-nioo'-/^ t'ai-/.-«e\ Mould, (a) ;j^ ^1 moo'shlk. Mouldy, ?§' :^ /(/aMuoo. Mound, -JI2 i^ fo'-tooi, ^^ -4-» fiLun(j't'o\ Mountain, |]j s/<<7a;j. Mourn, ffi ^S Uu>-sowj, ^^ 55 oi-huuk. Mourning, Ml ^B sonrj-iwuk. Mouse, ^. Y^ shue'-tsui'j ^ J^ sliek-sA«e'. Mouth, n hau'. Moutliful, p /^«i/, p>j^ taam\ Move, ^K W] yinik-tu\mg\ Mow, ^11 ^ij p'oot-koht. Moxa, ^^ :^ ngaai'-yuung. Much, ^ toh. Mud, y|3 nai. Muddy, y^ clumk, ^^/^ ;gg nai-paan\ jj^ K^ a?<^-nau\ Muff, itt -^- ^5 X-M?/??^'-s^aM'- ^"^' >i^ 1^ s7^?^/'-t'uung. Mulherry, (tree) ^^ iM son^- shue\ Mule, II ,f|| loli-ma'. Mullet, ^ ^^ wong-mi'- ts'ai'. Multiply, ^^ shing. Multitude, ^ chmmf, (the) Jif PS s/i?/e*-niun. Murder, y^ ^Kj liuung-sliaat. Murderer, ti' -^* huimg-shau*, Murex, "djjj ^® ^^'^e'-loh. Muscle, (shell fish) ^ |J;? A§ vroug'sha-hm', ^H^ Am'. Muscle, (of the body) ^j[ j^ ki-foo. Mushroom, ^ ¥ivvn\ Music, ^^ -^ ngok-^z^w. Musk, ^^ ^t she'-heimff. Musket, ^1^ fe wm'-ts^eung Muslin, ;|cfi ^j; miW'sha, NAl 94 NAV Mussulman, j& jn% il Moh- /b-yan. Must, /J^v pit, ij^\ J^ pit-ill", /j^\ ^ pit-imQ\ Mu Caches, gg tsze. Mustard, >^ -J^ fcaaP-moot, 'Mi ^^ A-otae^-laat. Muster, 4j^ paan\ Musty, 1^ hong, ^^^ slicing -hong 'hi^. Mutiny, ^i0^ ^& poon^-yik. Mutter, (col.) A:o«^'-nge-nge- sheng, t''up't''up-sheng. Mutton, :^ 1^ yeung-yuuk. Mutual, i^q seung, ^ \^^^ kacm-seung-ke^. My, mine, ^ \i^ ngoh'-ke\ Myriad, S maan\ Myrrl), J^ ^^ moot-ycuk. Myself, :||^ g B "^«^'- tsze^-ki', ^^ ^ pooii'-shan. Mysterious, ^^ jfp o^-miu\ Utt. RH naan-ming. N Nail, ^ teng, (finger &e.) K A:«ft/>, /(v chaau'. Naked, 5^=: cA'//., Ijjj. M', ^ kicong, ^-^J^t'uet-ch^ek- lak. Name, ^Z ming. Namely, j^j] ^si^^. Nankeen cloth, ^^ JL ^jj tsze'-fa'poo\'^n^^ ch'ik'poo\ Nan -king, ^ a Naam-H?2^. ^^ap, ^ mo, ^^ B^ yuung- t'au. Napkin, ^||j Y^ poo^-tsai'. Narcissus, ^J^ jjjj :j^ sAm'- Narcotic, ^ X ^1^ ^ ^^^' yan-Z:e^-yeuk. Narrow, ^^ cliacik. hoh- Nasturtium, ^jpT ^^ , ip-lin. Nation, ^K joot?^;, 03 hicoh. Native, ^qj J!||j ;5oow'-ti\ Natural, ^^^P|5£ t'in-shang' Naturally, ^^ ^c i'm in. Nature, ^[/t sing^. Naughty, ^ j^ waan-p'i. Nausea, ^ ]\^ ooi'-az.', ^J Nautilus, y'^^yjClt^ fau-s/zwt'- 1^1^' il^ltl ^VmooMoh. Naval officer, -^ ^fj] shd'-sze^ NEI 95 NIG Nave, J^>\^^r^ luun-^wm-tut. Navel, |j£ ^ t'o'-ts'ze, (str- ing) 5^ ^ ts'zc-taai\ Near, ^h\ kan\ k'aii'. yau'-'m-hai^j ■ -iSPg -^oo-'m-liai\ Nephew, xf5 -f^ chat-^s^e'. Neptune, «■& ^C luung-wong. Near-sighted, ^ j{{§^B^ kaii*- Nerve, J^^ ^ ^ no' -hi' -Jean, Nest, ^ 1^ ch'aau-tt'o^, slii^-ngaan'. Nearly, ^y^ ^ ch'a-pai-toh. TOT iSC (col.) ^aM\ Neck, m Necessary, ^ ^ m^-^•««^ JJ^^ Net, ^ mong', EE m clmmg- . ptt-iv>. mong', (lifting) ^^ tsancj. Never, (pnst) y^^^ mi'-yau', come) Jr!> ^J^ chuumj'imt. henff. Necklace, ^ |^ fr('«^'-lin\ Neck-tie, g^ ^ Ac;^^'-leng'. Need, ^J| swe, ^^ ^ sue-iu\ N^^, i|j^ s««. Needy, || ^ k'uung-faat. News, ^ [^ sa/i-mun, Needle, |j^ ^-[^ ngaan'-c/«w?, ^ shemj-hl'. (magnetic) ^ ^f naam- New'spaper, ^ ^ |K cJiuin. mun-c/ji'. Neglect,^ ;;g JP niong-i'e«A-, | j^^^^^ ^ ZL'^ tai'-i'-ioA', 3^ gB ''■'-"-'^■''' >^ shat-kok. Negligent, ;^, i[*|J; /w^mong. Neigh, t^ Jg^^ sze-fuung^ ^ Neighbour, [^ /^ hmn-yan, s^c^-luun. Neighbouring, [^ jjj^ luun- kan\ [i^ ^^ kaak-W. Neither... nor, p^ Y:s2j^ X P§ # "'"-'""' — (day «&c.) ^ Q ming- yat, &c., (near to) ifr 4 J k'an^-chue^ Nick-name, JJ^ ^^ /f/-meng, */^ ^ wun^-meng. Niece, jffi -^ chat-nue'. Niggardly, ifg haan, ^ ^ /?'^'-luun^ Night, ^ R^ ye^-maan'. Night -mare, /^ 1^ muung'- aat. NOS 96 NUM Nine, yT Item'. Ninth, ^ ^ i2ii'-ltau'. Nip, :j:^ nip, ^-y^ k'im. Nippers, ^-|+ k'im. Nipple, "^^ B^ naai'-t'au. Nit, ||^|^:4&*s/i«i^-?ia'-cA'««w. Nitre, gd/ ^^ haam-siw. No, p^ ^^ 'm-hai\ ::|^ mo'. Noble, ^ "^ tsueji-Jfivai\ (minded) |j^ »|^ A;'o?2^'-A'oi\ Nobilitjj '^^ ?se«A. ^«2-t"au. Noise, ^c ^p. sheng-JmuKj' . Noisy, pfflf ^] ts'o-naau\ Nominal, (merely) '^ ^ feE ^^ yau'-ming-moo-shat. None, y^ mo'. Nonsense, g^^^ ngaam^-wa\ /|^t^ 1^ oo-5A^/e^. Noon, St ^ aan^-chau\ J^ Noose, ^ ^^ shang-kit, ^^ Nortli, ;|(^ ;xffr, (N. E. &c.) ^J TK tiiunrj'pak &c. ^ ^ T^ ■Ao^. Nose, ^ pi\ p -^^ piv Nose-gay, ^ :^^ gj^ ./,,./.- k'au. Nostril, Ert ^j^ -pi^-himTiff', Not, pg j^ 'm-hai', ;;|C;7a^ Notch, ^ij P kolu-hau', (a) i Note, (to) gg X?. Nothing, Z^ xH K* mo'-?/k7^ I ye', ^{E /^^J moo-mat. Notice, (to) ^ ^ cAi-A-iV, ^ ^^. khi'-tciL Notification, 4B bM pd^-taan. Notion, ^^3 B^ sew7i^'-t'au. Notoriety, ^g r:^ A/'-meng. Notwithstanding, fif| ^WJ s"*- in. Noun, "& jy- shat-tsze\ Nourish, ^0 '& yeung'-yuuk. Novel, (a) /J> g^ siu'-shuet. Novelty, (a) ^ {Ij /^ sar^- chhtut-m^t. November, it ■+* . Et 17w^-shap-?/a^uet. Novice, ^ ^'ch^oh. ^^<-ha'. Noxious, ^& o/i;, -jMu tuuk. Nuisance, ^^ ^j't^ oo-^so, _^ ^1^ cA'c/dt'-mat. Nuiiil)ed, H^ yj\J ma-muuk, OBE Number, |^ sho\ (No.)^tai\ 97 OCC Obeisance, ^^^fi paai^-kwai\ Numeral, muuk- Nun, (3 1 , __ ;am koo^ (viz.) B^ Tj(|J ni-ifcoo, chaai-koo. Nunnery, ^g ^F om-t'ong. Nurse, 'yjA ^S naai'-?wa, (dry) @5* "bWi hohn-ma^ (to) €^ "urt i<;ai'-naai',(carry) Jg^p'o'. Nut, j^ -^ hat-te-?e'. Nut-crackers, 7^ -^ -^-H* hat- uuk-tsze. ts'uung. I, (3 kinds) ^^ ^(jg saa/n- Object, jjht ^^fc mat-kin\ to, (viz.) B, "Wt ni-ifcoo, (aim) W" ml i^-heung^. tsze'-k^im. Nutmeg, ^ ^ tau'-A'attV Nux-vomica, ^|fe mjj ma'-ts'in. Oak, jj^ tseung\ Oakum, ^1^^ 5wr-laam^- liu\ Oar, jj^jt gS chi'tseung'. Oath, ^ || shai'-uen\ ^ mang. _ Oatmeal, :!^^>^ ^s'o-mak- fun'. Obedient, ^ fg" P|E <•^^^'- wa^- Object', ^ [^joo/t-^SMi', >' ^ yik-;?ofc. Oblige, (force) E^ ^aa??!, k'eung. Obliged, (much) ^ ^ «oA-mA;. Oblique, ^^J* ts'e, ts'e\ Oblong, -^ "^fc* ch'eung-/on^. Obscene, tKH pj ts^o-hau*. Obscure, 1^ ^^ yaii-miVi'. Obsequious, ^rr fuuk, ^k q^ /f?wi-yeung\ Observe, H|ft f'rti', ^1 'koon, (keep) -y4* s^aw'. Obstinate, J^^?^ p4-Ai»- ngaang\ [^ ^^ koo'-chup. Obstruct, [^ |J^ fong-ngoi\ IJH^rfo'-teng', gj^ yw2Z7i^'-chai\ Obtain, ^^ ^|J ;aZ;-^o'. Obtuse, ^ffe tuun\ Obviate, ^min', ^ ^min'- Obviously, ^ J^ tong-mm\ Occasion, ;^ 1^ li-ooi\ (to) 'g^6-^rti',(no) pg- Jl^'m-6-Aai', 13 OFF 98 ONC Occasional, ^ 0^ waak-slii. \ Occupation, ^1 ^^ sze*"ip, T ^ kuunyfoo. Ocean, y^ y|^ ycung-/^oi'. Ochre, ;g* ^ shek-wong, ^^ .^^f" c/ic'-shek. Oct jber, ^-p EJ riw^-shap- M^ Jcoo'-kwaai\ uet. Odd,^^.; (strange)-^ J Ode, pi shi. Odium, (incur) ;^^^ j^^ ;cd- yan-han\ Odour, ^^ ^t heung-hP. Of, — P§;^-l-^e^ ;^ Often, ^ P^ toh-ts'ze\ B ^ lue^-^s'^e\ Ogle, ^ 1^ ^ ^ ^ ^jt^ ){{?}^ ^o- yeuk-ts'oi-liu\ cA<, (course) B tsze^-in. Off,^A<^^li. Offence, pp tsooi\ (to take) kin}'Jcivaai^. Offend, -^ :^|T /^oAw-f aan\ Offer, g:X pj /iue'-hau\(j)resent') jjjl szm??(7\ J«^ Ai/i\ (promise) ]f§ ^ 3/i«5/-slHng. Office, (building) ^'Ig Zjoon', ^' fong, (situation) HjjC* €/'-nin-^e\ ;^ lo', (things^ ^ kau\ Olea fragrans, /te^-K ^'''^^'^^^-/«» Oleander, ^^ 4^ ;Jd^ ^«a;j- c/« shi. opr 99 ORN One, • 7jat, ' 4ffl i/at'koh\ (single-) m ^ar/w. Onion, ^^J Bp /s'j/w^^-t'au. 'l^ tiaik-liai\ j^ cM'. Ooze, ^^^ vS sAMw'-lau\ Open, Rpj Aoi, i^£ eh^aang^j (out) Sir BM foo'hoi. Oponly, il ^^/"V-in, ^ 1^ ming-ming. Operation, "ijfj >/"T ^•MMn^-hang, " I ' -^^ kuung-foo. Ophtlialmia, ^R j fjp ngaan'- Opiate, S/ [^ K^ cAi'-shui'- yeuk. Opinion, "^ @ V'km\ Opium, 5F6 ti' a'p^m\ Opopanax, jf^ v^ )k£ tuuk- oot-^o. Opponent, ^J* ^5 «-/oo\ Orderly, j^ ^ Ving'iong\ Ordinary, ^P'sj' p'ing-sheung. Ordure, ^1^ fun\ Ore, S§ ¥waang^. Organ, (musical) ^ ^ ^ taaiyMMW(7-k*um, (any) 5S Orifice, p| Aaw', ^' ^*mV Origin, IS ^5 uen-t'au. Originally, j^ ;^ uen-poon', Ornament, iffi 'mjj "vra-sAzXv (to) 5^4 1^ cAorz^r-sAiA:. Ornamental, ^S !^B Bp[ nii'- koori'diim^ T(?' B^ ho'-t^ai'. OVE 100 OYS Orphan, ^ J^ Jcoo-oiy ^ aX^ oi-isai'. Orpiment, ^tt^^ huung-wong. Os-pubis, ^^ *S* Tcaau-Icwut. Ostrich, ^^ ^^ t'oh-niu'. Other, ^ ZL tai^-iN ^ij ^0 pit-Jcoh\ >j^ fa. Otter, MJ ii^ shaan-ch^aat, (sea) y^ ^ hoi'-foo'. ^ying-Jcoi, (-not) ^ ^ pat-hoh'. Ounce, (Chinese) pH leun(/', (Eng.) -b ^ i <5'a^ ts'in-'ng'. Out, HJ ch'uut. Out-house, 4fMrj^ ngoV'ch^ong', Outside, ^p ngoi*, ^K BJJ ngoi^-t'au, ^h ffi^ ngoi^-min\ Outward, |^ ^U heung^-ngoi^, ^fM '^ ngoh-cA'wwra-yeung\ Oven, ^ >|^, kuuk-lo. Over, jS kwoh\ Overbearing, ^M ^S pa^-hi\ Overcast, ^B ^^p A/'-wun. Overcome, (to) ^^ 1^ ^a^- Overlay, ^^ cAow^. Overmuch, Hj^ ^^ t^aaP-tohy ^ ^ H ^ ^pS lok-scMw^. Paddle, J^ p«a. Paddle-wheel, j/^ ^ J^ /o/i'-shuen-c/i'e. Paddy, ^^ woh. Paeony, {Hl;^^ mau'-^aaw- /«. Page, (leaf) ^^ /)'m, (one side of a leaf) j^ ^/>^mmin\ Pagoda, ^^1 i^aa/>. Pail, (water-) ^ :|^ sAwi'- Pain, JS t^uung^. Paint, y^ ^ yau-s/i/^, (water colours) ^ ^ ngaan-sAe^. Painter, ytj^ /^ j^ yau- ts'at'lo', ^^ "T y^a>'kuung. Pair, ^fej* fooi*, '^ s^ee/w^. Palace, *^ ^& ^^2m72^-tin\ Palate, g^ ngok. Pale, -£^ -^ t^o'-shik. Paling, ^^ -=p laan-^Wm. Pall, Tig _^ koon-chaauK Palm, ;j^ ^ . Pantomime, fftfe 4S ki^-moo'. Pantry, fe* ^ -S koo7i''Sze^' fong. Papa. :^ ^ /?«-/?«. Paper, 1^ a.'. Papis,t, ^^':^^j^ fhf Parable, ^J f^ pH^'Ue\ ^^ kaaiC- Parade ground, ^ ch'eung. Paradise, ^^ [^ lok-uen. Paragraph, ^J tuen\ Parallel, ^ :yp P^ p^ng- p'aai-A'e\ Zj^ ^f p|S£ p'ing- hang4e'. Parah^sis, )Sffi )K faan'-ivai'. Parapet, i^ ^1 laan-wai. Parasite, -pT /t hi^-shang. Parasol, yj>)|^ j^ siM'-ch*au- Parboil, :^^^^ chm'-poon'- shuuk. Parcel, ^pj K* paau-ye\ Parched, e4] ji|& Lohn-ts^o\ Parchment, ^^^?|^ yeung- p'i-cAi'. Pardon, ^^ sAe^, ^|j^ TO^ sAe^- min', (beg-) pg ^ 'm-fto?*. Pare, ]^] ^^^|J fi-sevh, f^\ oon\ (scoop) J^ ivaat. Parents, ^ -fl: f oo'-moo', ^H SB leung'-fs'aw. Park, [J^ ^ wej?/-yau\ Parlour, ^g, J^ haak-feng. Paroquet, ^^| -^ ying-lioh. "Paroxysm, 4A i^ ch^au-chhiulc, Parrot, ^^| ^ yltig-moo'. Parsley, jffi ^£ k'an-?s'oi\ Parsnip, ^ ^ ^ oo-loh- paak. Part, ^/M;i\fun\/w»', (with) ^ she'. Partake, y^ J^ yau'-/ww\ Partial, 'f^P^ 7/«^p'iVfre\ Particle, (word) ^ ^ |^ Awe-tsze^-ngaan', (small) ^S4[ nt^ mi-moot. Particularize, ^E ' ^5 *^ chunk -3/a^chuuk-i\ Particularly, ^ W^ tak-2w\ Ba 'W c7iMe«-wai\ Partition, ^^ >^ Icaak-pik, (to) ^ |?|!^ kacm-kaak. Partner, ff /o//-A;z\ ?artndge, 01 ij^ cAe^-^oo, ^ chuuksze'kai. u PAT 103 PAY i\^ mi party, ^g J]^ k'wun-|^m ^S ;^oo'-chuiV- Patch-work, 7 +f p'«w^. Path, yj> 1^ 5«^Mo\ Pathetic, ^^ j\^N ^3^ sheung' Passion flower, j^ ^ ^^ faumj-ch'e-fa. Passionate, j/^ '[^ P|^ /o/i'- Passover, (the) l^ll^l^ue'- w&i-tsit. Passp(U't, ^ ^ 1o'-;//m\ Past, jli^ y }ixioK'Y\y}! (or /i/w). Paste, jjjl ')^ tseinuj'OO, (to) 1^ ^|5 piu'-chim. Pasteboard; 7^ ^^ W^jnu'- Paster, 5^ [^ piV-tseung\ Pastor, d^ niuuk, (minister) /pfr ^jjj muuk-s^e. Pastry, ^'A J\;;^^ tim'-sum, ^ ■^C niin^-shik, (covered dis- hes) ^^ aS^ miu'-Z-zra?. Pasture, qAf Bf^ muuk-^^^y'. Pat, :['g ;/(mA-. Patrimony, Jg^ ^^ 7ci-\p. Patron, ^^ ^g^ i^ pong-koo^- chtie'. Patronize, g§ H8 c7nii^-l-oo\ Patter, ^^j^ "f^ ^ 6iWm. iie'-s/ie;?^. Pattern, ^^ -^ yeung'-^s^re'. Pave, ^^ j^g" C' ^'>ffi shek-cA'www. Peck, (to) ^j^ iew^, teung, Pecul, 4@ taam\ Peculiar, g Q P^ tszeU^'- ^e\ S jSj ling^-tsze\ Peel, (to) ;^|J ^ ?nok-j^'i. Peep, ^^ ;^| k^wai't^aam\ (col.) chong. Peg, ^J ;(r^ /e/?ry..tak. Peking, :^[^ ^ Pak-Ving, Pekoe-tea, ^ ^ ^^ paak- ho-ch'a. Pelican, Jj^ ||j| t^ong-ngoh. Pelvis, ^ ^ ^ haau-kwut- p'oon. Pen, pencil, ^^ ^ cAi-;)m/, (lead) ^gj^ ^^ uen-pw^ Penang, ^ i|^ 5a7i-fau\ Pendulum, gg paai . Penetrate, J^ 7^ ^'aw^-yup. Penguin, Xp Sg k'i'-ngoh. Penis, ^ ^i;^ yeung-mat, (vuLG.) ts'at. Pennant, "fcjfe p^ooi^. Penurious, 4*^ '^C ^aaw-luun\ People, ^^ mun, ^ jjj^ paafe- Pepper, "^ /^-^ oo-isfw, |;^ tJC tsiwmooi, (red) 3^ |^ Peppermint, jm >(ff^ pok-hoh. Perambulate, ^ ^ ts'uun- hang. Perceive, f^ :^M: kok-tak, B Per cent., three, 'j{^'\^'\w kau'-ts''at-k''au}. Perch, ^Js'm, (a fish) ^Sg ^ lo-ue. Perennial, >^ i^ P|5£ c/iaw- nin-^e\ Perfect, M/ ><^ shing-ts*uen. Perfectly, -|-* /J^ shap-/fm. PER 105 PHE Perforate, ^^ ^m^ tsuer^'i''uung, ^p ch^uen. Perform, ^^ hang, j^J[ tso\ Perfume, :^t heu7i(/, :g^ TKif AewTz^-liu*. Perhaps, m7 ^^* vvaak-c/ie'. him'-clii-tsai^. Period, (time) Q^ >^shi-hau\ (in writing) Igfr 'fat [^ t*uen'-/:Me'-^we«. Perish, j^ -||J mit-mong, ^ J^m ch'um-luun. Perjure, ;^ ^^ tro»^'-shai*, §« aJ ^§- /aa^?row^'-s]iai\ Permanent, 'j^ -^ hang-fraj^'. Permit, =4^ }tt hm'-chuun'^ f^ :||}: yau- [g^ k'i'-chik. Perplex, j"^ |^ faan-iu'. Persecute, ffl ^R^A:'tcMn*-chuuk. Perseverance, ^q ^v^ XfO — * ch^i'-clmitng-MQ'yat^ J ^ j^ hang-sMw. Persimmon, >j^ ts'ze, (soft) ^ ^ num-ts'ze. Persist, |1^ ^^ ngaang^-/?t\ Person, ^h^ wai\ yl van, (bo- dy) ^H^ shan. Perspicuous, HH Q ming- paak, Hfl 0)3 ^5'«w??^-ming. Perspiration, y-4^ hohn*. Perspire, HJ y-4^ c/i^ww<-hohn\ Pers\iade, ^|/l jJjT Awen'-shing. Pertinacious, |^ ^^ /foo*-c/i?(p, ?|5 ^ ngaang'-c^w/). Pervade, j^^ ffi^ t^uung-di^eung'^y Perverse, ^fe a{^ kwaai-pHk^ Pervious, J^ ^^ |l|^ fau'-talc ke\ Peruvian-bark, ^^ k^ |gj ^/;w-^ai-lak. Pestilence, ^^ d^ tvun-yWa, Pestle, ^§: Ji^ c/(!Miiw^-ch^ue'. Pet, ^ ^ -j'^ ch^uvng'-oi'- tsai'. Petal, :jf£ K^/a-/««n'. Petition, ^t.pitn'. Petticoat, pp 2^ chuung" k'wun, ^ ^ft noi'-k'wun. Pewter, tt^ ^^ laap-^e^. Pheasant, IL| ^^ shaan-'katj (golden) ^^ ^& Tcmn'-Tcaiy (argus) ^^ ^|& luen-/(:ozj (peacock) ^^ ^^ ^^ ^wm- ts'in-^ae. Phenix, M jM fuung'-wong. U PIG 106 TIP Phlegm, 3^ ^ t'aam-iri, t'aam-shin. Photograph, -S^ jj^ylng^'SeungK Phrase, 'fet gi hte^-wii\ Phthisis, ^ ^ lo-peng\ Physician, ^g .^t i-shang. Physiognomy, hok. Pick up, \^ ^|B ^^^-^^^ ^^^ j^ shap-Ai', (the teeth) S]T ^^ s&iing^' ^^ ts^ze^-nga. ^ I/if^9- Pick-axe, tsui'-foo'. Pickles, p^ -^ suen-hvoh'. Picnic, ^^ ^ yau-m\ Picture, ^ wa', (frame) ^^ SH 'keng^-ha>. Picul, J*® ^a<7m\ Pie, (bird) igl ^;| M'-ts'euh, (pastry) ^ |^ min^-fcM;a«. Pie-bald, jJ^ ^^Z ;:>ac/n-/;oft. Piece, ^/«ar, (of cloth) J^ phit. Pier, ^1^ S^ ma'-t'au. Pierce, |g}J ^s'm, g|j fra^. Piety, (filial) '^l ha'j,u\ (re- ligion) ^^ 3j^ k'in-/;%\ Pig, ^ Y^ chue-tsal'. Pigeon, [^ 'pPi paak-frop. Pigment, ^S ^MIV ngaau-liu\ Pig-tail, J(^ ll^ t'iu-/7««. Pike, "TT ggH* chuuk-tsHm. Pile up, ^ ^ tip-/ii-', 1^ ^^2 luum^-Ai', ^m lui'. Piles, (disease) ij^ ^fe^ chi*- ch^ong^ (wooden) Jtp; c/«ow^. Pill, ^ ^ yeuk-uen. Pillage, ,|jg ;j^^ is^eww^'-leuk, ^ i^ A-^^-leuk. Pillar, |j^ j^^ t'iu-ch'ue', j^ Pillow, 101^ B^ cA?/w'-t'au. Pilot, ^j tIc A y^^'-^^'^^'' yan, ;|^ ^J^ |^ naai'-slmi'- lo'. PiniP, ^ /V mong^;?aa^ Pimple, 5^^ ^lj/w/i'-^s'^e\ Pin, BJpl /0+ t'au c/iM7rt. Pin-afore, ^I ^^S wai-kw'an. Pincers, -^-U- k'im. Pinch, (to) ^^ nip, ^^ mil. Pine, >h^ ch'aam^, (to) ;^^^ shat-cld^. .nil H ^'''^- Pine-apple, Yg loh-^zt'o/i'. Pink, 5^ j^ 1^ ;677/-y>m-loli. Pinnacle, J*P ^<>/^', Pipe. 'I^ t'uung. PLA 107 PLE Pirate, y:^ ^ Ao/'-ts'aak. Pistol, ^p* ^g shau'-ts'-eung. Piston, ■Jpj^ mau'. Pit, '^ ^aaw\ [ttfc tsing\ (col.) Plane, ^|J p'aau, ^ -^ uen-Ao*. Plaintiff, Plait, -^J 11^ ^a'.pm. ^^'''"' ^ ^ fong-faaty (to) t'uni'. Pitch, P[l^^V^g}/>a':^|fe^ Pitcher, ;;;|^ J^ s/^]|^ ^ K'an-yik, ^-' ^ ^ wong-?ya?i-peng\ Plain, B|^ Q ming-paak, (unadorned) iSg S" p^ok^soo^, (a). p'lng-uen. ..net, ^^np ^^ hang-sing, ^^^^' )5^ ^ paan'-k'iu, paan'. Plant, (a) ^ ;sV, (to) 7^ chuung\ ^^ cliik. Plantain, ^gg ^s^w. Plaster, :J^''j jij^ moon-fooi, *^ tong\ (medical) >^ ^ Ao- yeuk. Plat, (to) ^^ ^^pun'-pin. Plate, ;^ tip. Platform, >M3 p'aang. Platina, |^ -^ paak-A-wm. Play, ^ j:|- faan'-tau', ^ ^E waan-5^a', (trans, verb) Play-acting ^ jM iso'-In\ Play-day, ;gj^jg Q fcng^^ka^^ yat. Player, p^ -?- hi^-tsze'. Plea, f^'fj: ^amW, jit ^j;^ A-MM72^-chong\ Pleasant, ^s 4^ shong''/aai\ VtJJ 108 POL Please, '|^ net, |^| lok, (if you) in tsHng'y (as you) |^ ^^ ts'ui-piri\ Pleased, ^ "g foon-M'. Pleasure, iW^ ^ faai'-ldk, ( — excursion) ^& jfy yan-hi Pledge, ^ B^ tong'-VsiVL, (to) ^ ^ ohn''tong\ Plenipotentiary, ^^^ jj^ ts'uen- k'uen. Plentiful, ^ _^^/H«72^-fau\ Plethora, J^T 'H* /me<-shat, ^jf^ ^T c/iow^-shat. Pleurisy, |iUJ5g|^jJ^>'. joaaw-mok-im. Pliable, ^& ^ ts*uun-leung, ^ ^ i'-chuen'. Plot, g-|- ^ kai'-ch^aah Plough, (to) ^ lai, ^ sAai', gj;to^,(a):|{1^paMai. Pluck, :J|^ chaak, (out) Jj^ pat. Plug, 1^ -y* sak-tsze\ Plum, ;5Jr^ mooi, ^^ li'. Plumb-line, S ^^ ^iV-t'oh, '^ ,^ cto^'-shing. Plume, ^ ling. Plunder, ^J ^ to'.^?>, ^ ^J ts^eimg''k{p. Plunge, JW \\ ch'um-ha*, i^ -j^ t'au-sAwi', (noise) (col.) tum^-sheng, Pluto, B^ §S ^Im-loh-wong. Pocket, 3^ 4^ sAaa7/i-toi\ ^toi'. Pock-marked, ^f§ j^ tau*-p4. Pod, ^^ ffl tau'-fraop. Poem, 1^ gi shau'-shi, ^S "g^ iHn-sliL Point, 4^ p^ tswi'fsui', (dot) ^^^ ^i;«', (point out) :j^|' |jj chi''ch'uui, Jta BBu chV'iim'. Poison, -^ tuuk, m . /f^ tuuk- mat. Poisoned, ^p^ ^ fuuk-tuuk. Poke, ^i|J ts^ze\ Poker, J^ ^/o//-chue\ Pole, ^kohn, (north) ::((^;^ />afe-kik,(south) ^q J^ naam- kik. Pole-cat, ^ gffi c7i'«?<^-maau. Police, 3^ ^^ cA'««z-yik, (in Hongkong) ^^ ;:^ luuk-/. Polish, ^"^ '■' -^^* ts'aat-kwong, Polite, :^ ;|f g^ yauMai'. maau\ (you arc) l{? ^^ Ao^ wa\ ^^ moh-^s'aa« t^ POR 109 POS Pollen, :IJ^ i^ fa-fun'. Pollute, f^ ji^ oo-mit. Polyanthes, J^ ^^ ^j^ yuuk- tsaamfa. Polypus, (in tlie nose) p^ [^ Pomatum, B^l K \^ huung- yan-yau, ^C ^A^ heiing-ynu. Pomegranate, ^^ ;|>^ shek-lau. Pomp, ^g iSg faan-wa. Pond, y|h^ :^ ch'i-t'ong. Ponder, Ma ^^f^ mak-sewn^', Pongee, j^^ ch'au. Pool, '^::;jcyili; lo'-s/m/'-ch'i. Poop, IgJ ^ I^H sliuen-mi'- lau. Poor, -^^ ga p'un-k'uung, ^ ^ p'un-hohn. Pope, ^Sr T Aaaw^-wong. •P<^PPy» i^ ^ ang-suuk, [Jp[* i^ :^t o/z-foo-yuung. Porcelain, J^ ts'ze. Porch, g5 p^ t'au-moon. Porcupine, ^^t ^g tsin^-chue. Pores, ^^ ?jj mo-huioig'j j^Pr kHu^. Pork, ^ 1^ cA?^e-yuuk. Porpoise, :^s" ^ chue-yxQ. Porridge, ^/[^/^ mak-/w«'- kong. Port, (a) J^ P kong'^hau', i|& n^ fau^-t'au. Porter, (at a gate) ^ ^^ ^ hohn-moon-kuungy (carrier) :n^ taam-taam'. Portion, >^ -^ f un^-?s;re', <^ fun\ AS^ ^S f un'-ngaak. Portmanteau, ^^ /^ pooP- Portrait, jg] ^^^ cAan-yuung, Portugal, ^j y^ g 5rt«- yeung-^'jt'oX:. Possess, ."^H J yau'-liu'. Possessed, ^ ^{^ kivai'-mai. Possible, ^^ ^^. P|![ iso'-tak- 'ke\ ]|^ nang. Post (pillar) 3^4*^ cZii-ch'ue', (letter) ^g^ ^ jg <*uw»^- Postage, V® "^^ tsau'-tsze. Posterity, :^ ^ hau*-yui», ~J -^& tsze'-men. Post-horse, ^^ ^ ^^ /s'tw- li' -ma'. Post-office, 9 suun^'-koon' . Postpone, S PRA 110 PRE po, (col.) tup Potash, ^^ Icaan'. PotatoGj yjrtf ^m 1 shue, (sweet) ^ shue. IE - Hoh-laan- \ ^^ faaw Posture, ^^ ^ ying-s/i«i\ | Prance, |^^ tHu\ ^ ^ ^ Pot, ^^^ 00, ^chamber-) fffl j ^^* p^aaa'-loi-p^aau'-hue'. ^cf^ pin^-00, (to boil in) ^^ Prattle, pl^ 0^ ai/-a. Prawns, HH JS ming-/?«. ^^'«y> Wr >fe ^'^-^'^^"' Iff 1^ k^i'tW, Preach, ]g oS s? hong''shie. Precede, Aj -^ tsoi^-si«, (go first) -^ :^nr sm-hang. Precept, gjrfS ^n haai^-ckHk, Precious, ^S ^ po''pooi\ ^^ ^^ chan-po'. Precipice, -iS* ^S ngai-ngaam. Precipitate, m^ J^ mong- fe'MM^-, (to) IHf -^ toh'-lok. Precise, jj*^ ^ taen-fong. Pottery, ^:g^ nga'-Za*', (kiln) ^ ^ nga'-iu. Pouch, ^g nong, 4gj toi\ Poultice, >^^ ^ ^ f ^ ''P- ch'ong'i^'oi'\m\ (to) f^ j^ pK V^ /Ji'^-laan^-faan^-w/^. Pound, (to) J^p clmiing, Jg looi, (weight) ^fe* p'ong. Pour out, gi[ c/zi^;w, ^J yj to''ch'uiiU (in) yfi^ lo\ Powder, >^ fun', (gun-) j/^ /o/i'-yeuk, (medicine) ^ Precisely, Jg cA%\ (coL.) |W yeuk-saa?i'. Power, "^A* Hg ts'oi-nang, ^ j) sAa^Mik, :|ig |j^ k'uen-;y/??/y\ Pox, (syphilis) ^ ^ ^ shangting-'peng^, 'fff ^^^ ^<^?w Practice, ^ ^^ tsaap-lin\ Praise, §® a& ^saaTz'-mi'. ^^ 3^ po'tseimg'. ngaam-ngaam. Predict, t*S ^* ue^-in. Predominate, ^ ^ yeng- kwoh^. Pre-eminent, Hj ^.f] c/z'w7?Mui\ Preface, ^S jS sAwe-tsueV Prefect, ^ff |f^ cA^-/oo'. Prefecture, Ifrf /oo'. Prefer, ^^ ^g ning-oi^, ^^ IS ning-uen\ PRE 111 PRI Pregnant, *JM 3l waai-yan\ ^ :^ IE yau'.6Aa«-i^*'. Prejudice, ^ ^ p'in-km\ Premature, Hj^ S. f-aal^'tso'^ ^{^ :^t Hii^-shuuk. Premiunij ^ sheung\ (money) , sheunf/'-'ngRn. Prepare, Ji Ylm chmm''j)\\ flra c//^'«^'-pi\ fi /it ue^-pi\ ^x ^p cA%'-ting\ Preponderate, ^^ i& uet- clmung'. Preposterous, i||^ ^ /on^- t'ong, P§-y\ J^ 'm-yup-li', M ^ ^J kicaai^-taan\ Prescription, ^^ "^ yeuk- Presence, jffi^ my min'-ts'in. Present, (time) ^^ kwn, (to be) ;^ tsoiN (at.) i^ :^ in' tsoi", (a) jjjffi ^ lai'-mat. (to) JJI «<««/, J^J^ /„■«'- sheung\ J ■ j^ / > ^ Preserve, -ji-H >or s^aM'-chue\ -ffi ^/jo'-ts'uen. Preserves, T»to §1. Vor^g-hivoh' . President, ^ B^ ooi'-t'au. Press, 1'^ kwai*, (i^rinting) pM ^^ j||j^ y«n'-67i;/c-p'oon, _ ^^-'a/i-wong, (to) J^ Aj^ aai-chue\ ^[S pik, ^M amj'. Pressing, ^g- -tH kup-ts^it. Presume, ^^ ^g* kom'-tong, ^ sliinS (on) ^[^ slii\ t*retend, g^ cAa\ Pretty, ^ |^ Ao'-r'..^ f^ leng\ ^ fe mi', (-well) 4fe Prevaricate, pg- ^^ j\^ 'i^^" komf'Sumj (col.) nyup-sze^' ngup-saam. Prevent, K^ c/^ J^ to^-li', J^ li'. Print, pM 3/an\ Prison, ^^ Zfc. ^aa/zi-lo. Prisoner, ^^ :^P ^^aawi-faan\ Private, J^ ^^^ s^e-A!a, (secret) ^ mat, ^^ ^ pi'-mat. Privy, (a) j^ jt^ ts'ze'-haang. Prize, (a) ^ :^p- sheu?ig'Aoi^. Probably, ^ ^* waak-cAe', (most) "jr .§S taai^-A;'oi*. Probe, (a) ^^ chum^ (to) wjj tsHm. Proboscis, ^§ ;Mr* tseung^-pat, ^ ^ tseung'-pi\ Proceed, "wy Jm ts'in-^sMM»\ Jl mf ^* sheung'-ts^n- hue\ (from) qJ ch'uut. Procession, (idolatrous) ^=g^ itS LLJ i % ^^O'Saat'cUuut' yau. Proclaim, ^ "Hji seun-po\ p| ^ hau'-suen. Proclamation, gg ^'o\ Prodigal, (a) ^/^"^ long'-^s.se'. Prodigy, ^S i|^ tsing-kwaai^ Produce, HJ ch^uut, Zt Hj shang- ch'uut. Profane, ^^ ^^ sit-wai\ Profess, 1^ jH A2^e'-uen\ ^ M> ming-ying\ Profit, ^^iJ^liV^-, (to) 1^ chaan\ Profligate, ::^ ^^ fwsm. Profound, »^ s^?^m, '^^ ^ shum-ch^um. Prognosticate, Jb K clmw piiuk, J^ ^|\ chim'kwa^. Program, ^^Hgue'- ting^- ^aaw-muuk. Prohibit, ^^ -^ htm^'haai\ Tsi [pi kum^'chi'. Prominence, rh tut. Prominent, ^^ Hrj tak-cA'wM^ Promise, jifM ^^ ym^-shing, (break) -^ = shik-in. Promontory, VQ- ^& hoi'-piu\ Promote, ftfj choh\ (a man) 1^ ^ t'ai-pat. Prompt, 'jj;^U/«a6'-tsit,(to) PRO 113 PUB Property, Pronounce, ^S KH ^j^ l^ong'- ch^uut-lo\^ gg* ^fc wsi!^'sheng. Proof, /^ ;^^ p'ai)g-7^we*, (print a) ff ^^ ta'-W. Prop, (to) J^ ^ i^/i^'-^e', (a) Yj^ is. Vm-ch^aaiiff, Propel, j[|^ J^ t^otn-tsuun^, Prox)er, ^^ clieuk. ^fe cA*a«n'-ip, ^ H ^-ip, ^ ts'oi. Prophet, -yr\ ^[I s'mchL Propitious, ^^ jjafe ta'ze- ts'eung, (time «&,c.) -i /;a^ Proportion, (rule of) VV wA /?e'-lai\ Propose, 1^ g^ rh'an-sAMe^ Propriety, nj§ Hw lui'-^AoV Prosecute, -^ jjj^ ^o'-chong\ Proselyte, ^ ^ P^ ^ww;**- Prospect, ^^ ^p* kwong-klni^' . Prosper Hph fl-^ /jiw<7'-wong*, i^ ^ ^/aa^^iMoi. Prosperous, ^Sf ^fiJc ch^eung^^ sliing^j ?S' ig/«a<-taat. Prostitute, J[S ^^ ch'eung-f oo'j "aT 2fc. mun-ngau. Prostrate, >ftj^ ^/w'-fuuk. ; 15 Protect, /^ ^ /?o'-yau\ |^ Tj^ /./M-ngo\ Prove, /fej^ ching^ (verify) ^t ^^, c7^/w<7-im^ Proverb, '{&. g^ tsuuk-ue', Provide,|^^V, Jj|'f|ue*. pi\ Providence, >^ >q::r P^ -^ mooi-^s^e'. Prussian blue, y3p «/£ ye^i^g- tin\ Puberty, ^^ 2^ t'{n'kwai\ ^ ;^ shing-t'uung, |^ .B^ faat'shan* Public, ^^ huung, (the) "Q jj^ jKiak-sing^, Public spirit,.^;^^'* kuimg-sim. PUR lU Pudding, ^^ ^ miii'-shik. Puff (a) ' m^ i/at'tsnro}. Pull, (to) ^ manff\ j^ laai^ :JM^ chf'e'^ (down) jrfc ch^aah Pulley, I^S ^ luut-loh. Pulse, (lentils) ^ tau\ (the) ^ mak. Pulverize, >p^ 5p^ fun''su{\ Pummelo, ^ ^^ poh-luvk, i^ -^ yau-^5ee'. Pump, ^ 'l^ A-oM'uung, (to) djfr sAo^, (col.) koK Pumpkin, r^ JfJ^ tuung-kwa. Punch, ^ ^g i^iV-chong\ Punctual, ^ fig t-k'i. Pungent, ^^ laat. Punish, -S? faat. QUA m Punishment, ^ij^ ying-faat. Punkah, ^^ )Mfuung-6hin\ Pupil, (of the eye) P^ ^ t'uung-yan, (scholar) P^ /jr moon-5/^a??^. Pure, "^ ^ tsHng-hit. Purgative, >lg Purify, J^ A-eV-tseng^ Purple, ;^ ^ t6^eng. [ se^-yeuk. p'oo-t'o- Purpose, Zfl ^ chue'-V, Purposely, /ti ^> tak-/ar?^, Purse, ^S '^ hoh-/>«aM. Purser, *^ !^ /\^ se'-tsze*- yan. Pursue, ^6 #@ chui'kohn'. I'us, 1^ nuung. Push. ;|^ ^'OOI, i-V^ Z/W7i^'. Pustule, yJ^ ^^ siu'-ch'ong, I*^t' ^>«.9\ ^cAt\ (down) i^ "J§- c^a/-lok, (on) ^^ cheuk, ^ oAn*, (in) j^ ch^aap^ (up) ^g hi'. Putchuk, yjs^ ^t muuk-/je?«n5r. Putrid, J^^^fooMaan\ Putty, j^ y^ J^ t'uung. yau-/oo/. Pylorus, 1^ P^ 1/aif-raoon. Pyramid, ^ H^ ^ isim- ybw^-ying. Q Quadrant, (or sextant) "§* ^ y^ leung^-^'iVt-ch'ek. Quadruped, -^ p/jj (sau'^shau\ Quail, ^.^ ^,|| ow-shuuu. QUI Quaint, "A' i|^ koo''l!waai\ Quality, ^ tang\ ^ p'un', (of things) "m s/u'/:. Quantity, |^ -^ sAo'-leung\ (what?) ^^ ^ toh'shiu'. Quarrel, ^# chaang, ra^ ^^ naau*-^aaM, (col.) aai^kaau. Quarry, :^ Jg,' jlj ('s««'- shek-sAaaw. Quarter, (») g^ ^ ;^ — sze^-fan^'chi ijat^ ' 'TO| yat' Icdk, (of an hour) — *^j ya^- Aa^, (direction) Jj fong. Quartz, Q *^ 5 P^^^'/^^'" shek. Queen, ^ IS wong-hau\ Quench,';^ mit,|^>J;|,to'w 51*, (thirst) ^fiS fcaai'. Question, Rfl mun\ (a) Hfl gf' mun*-wa\ Quibble, m^f^M. p*oon-Aran-mun^*[>^ ^ tsoh-faan'. Rebuke, FrT W" chHk-chaa7c. Recede, ^^ t^ool\ Receipt, }1& eb shau-taan. Receive, :^ ||^ tsip-shmi, ^^ ^ij /s//>^o\ ^ sliau\ Recent, jg^ U^ p|5[ kan^-shi- Recently, jK* ^j^ kan*-loi. Receptacle, |^ tsong*, J:-[Jj ^ ti^-/oy?^. Recipe, ^ ^^fong-faat. Recite, 3^ ^jj] oon^-tsuung\ Reckon, Mu H^ tim''sho\ '^ sucn^. Recline, ^]|] >[|^ funUaiJun' , ^ ^Ij aat-^o\ ^ ^ aai- ha'. Recognire, g^, ying\ Recollect, j^ ^ ^iAj-A/\ |g; ^^^ 3//nr-clieuk. Recommend, (a person) ;|S 1^^ kue'-tsin^. Recompense, JR >& po^-taap. Reconcile, ^ S.^Hp ling* tsoi^'ho'. Record, ^ luuk, (to) gg A'i\ Kecover, ^M: ^: tak-faan, (get >^^'0 ^ ^y peng^-Ao'. Recruit, yF ::J^m ch^uung-poo\ (health) ^:§ffl> yeung'- yaa/z-ha'. Rectify, ^X j^ ching'-cheng^. Rectum, [^ J^ chik-ch'eung. Red, ^X liuu"g> ;^ cAwe. Redeem, |jg shuuk, (from sin) ^ 1"^ shuuk-tsooi\ Redress, (a grievance) ^3 -^^ ^^ shawiien-ivut. Reduce, ^5 tBB chP-shai'^ (dim- inish) jM/ Tcaam', (change) Reed, 3ft 10-2t'Ol'. Reel, (and stagger) (col.) hang- /«fr-pe'-peMia', (a) ^^^ |^ Refer, :|g cAi', (apply to) ^ g^ c/iwew'-ts'eung. Refine, >|^ ^j^ ¥wgAixi\ Reflect, W^ HS^ faan'-chiu\ (think) |B^ 4^ sze-seung\ Reform, ^^^^ TP pin^'ching^, RjT -^H-i^^fe A-oi'-o^-^s'zTi-shin*. Refrain, 5|fr /L•aa^■', 4«/ ^kj ^T^ai^-shan\ Refresh, ^^ ^ 7>oo'-i/^'*' Refuge, ^]^ ^ <^A'-Pi*- cA'?/e\ l^ ^ ^)f pi'-5/jan- HEJ 118 REM Refund, fp'^g ch'eung-waau. Refuse, :||| ^ t'ooi-Wze, pg. y^ 'm-wun', p^ :fe 'm-tsip. Refute, ^ ^ ;?oA!-yeng. Regard, '^1^^ Jcoo'-p^aan\ ^^ sunt* Regards, (to express) M ^^ inun^-hau\ Regatta, f^\ ^ tow^-shuen. Regimen, OjV p( JcaaP-hau'. Regiment, *^^ ying. Region, j^ "^ ti'-fong. Register, ^^ ^ JfeiMuuk, (to) I ffl* sheung'-cA'aa^. Registrar, ^^ ^§ chevng'-ohn\ Regret, ij^siA, i^ *[§ nim^- Regular, "^^ ^^ IS yau'- <6'2;e^-tsue\ Regulate, ^ -^ij ting'-cAat\ Regulation, r ^ ^S chemg- ch'ing. Reign, j^ ^ wai-wongj (one) -^ 3E ^ lit y«<-wong- chi-shai^. Rein, (bridle) ^ g|[ piM'au. Rein-deer, :|(j y^ J^ pa^' taai^-luuk. Reject, .^ ^ ti7i'hi tlu'p^anu. ■M Rejoice, ^ J>& A/'-uet. Relapse, ^^ Kg fuuk-haamV (of sickness) :^ |^ fuuk- peng\ Relate, g^ ^ shuet-chi, ^ JJj£ frow^'-shuut. Relation, (five) ^^ 4^ 'ng'* luun, ^ -^ yan-luun. Relatives, ^t| ^ is'an'ts^ik. Relaxation, ^ ^^i shue-shan^ Release, ;^^ -jf^ shik-fong'. Relieve, )6^ -^ kmMsai\ Religion, (doctrine) ^ ytaaw*. Religious, ^ ^ ^%^-k'in. Relish, (to) ^p ^ cAi-mi\(a) B^iE ^^'-^^^ '^B^ ^^-^^• mi\ Reluctantly, ^ HB min'- k'eung'. I^ely, >j^ ^ iMaaiV Remain, ^-^ t'ing-lau. Remainder, ^^ S|J ue-shing*, (or) ching'. Remedy, yj^ ^ chi^-/aa^ Remember, gg :^:^ ^-i^-^a/fc. Remind, ^ gg t^ii-sin^'. Remiss, -fcj^ ||^ fong''tsuung\ Remonstrate, "W" g^ chadk- luun\ g^ hnerC-'haan^. REP 119 RES Remorse, )|S 'j'^ t'mng^-fooi\ Remove, j^ ^ poon-ts'in, ^ •j^ ch'ue-AweV Rend ^ lit, ;J3t; ^ cA'eMit. Renew, H^ 4||- kang^-san^ fflT ^OT koC'san, Renounce, ^^ j6ffi Aj^-tsuet. •j^ (so-fra\ (to) ^Q^ tso; (torn) ;^^ y laan'-liu' (or Af>fe j^ g^ k'au-^s'cn^'. Require, ^^ j^ sue'iu\ Rescue, ^j^ >^ c¥ing''kau\ ResembLince, ^^ ;J^ tseung'- yeuug^ ^ maau\ Resemble, ^ ^^ ts'ze'-to*. Resembling, i^ j^ yau-cAi. Resentment, j^ ifef ^^en^tooi*. Reserve, -^ [M! ^ lau-kH- ue, AX^ \\ jl^b ts'uen-ha'-5e. Reservoir, ^^ [W ch'uuk-pi. Reside, S- >f^ A-we-chue*. Residence, >^ ^^ chue^-A-or, Resign, -^ -^ ko'-t'ooi\ ^^ tt bSB* ts^ze-chik. Resin, ;|^ hS ts'uung-meng, iv^ ^^ ts'uung-AeKw^. Resist, i^ jf^ k'ong^'k^\xe\ Resolve, ^^ ^"^ ting'-*', jj^ J\^ laap-,?^;??, ^p W" ckue'-i^» RET 120 REV Resound, Sfi Ji^ heung'-sheng, (echo) jgj pjpj ooi-heimg'. Resource, jS/r |^ ^ shoh'-i'- laai\ Respect, (to) ^ kmg\ S^ ^J Hw^*-cbuung\ Bespectable, ^^ f | ^^ p|^ yau'-i'a4'-miu^-^e\ Respecting, gw" J^ luun'-k^aap, ^^ Tfv chP-ue. Respiration, Jl^ \S^foo'h'uj). Respond, [f^ j^ ying^-taap. Responsibility, '^ /Jot foo*- hoh\ ^"^ Responsible, ;&fm shiMuun\ Rest, ^1^ sik, ^ ^^ ohn-sik, Restless, j^ ^ fau-^s'o\ ^i p'un, (col.) p'un-/w?i. Restore, i^ [eJ waan'-ooi. Restrain, ^ ^|j kum^'chai\ >pj ^? k'ue-ch^uuk. Restriction, K^ j& haan^-to\ Result, ^v> b^ chuung-hial. haau'-shat. Resurrection, >fg it fuuk- shang, fsixi^ -shang. Retail, @ ^2 "W maai'-^Mi'- ; »g ling-maai*, (trade) A\ H& sm'-faanV Retain, '6S» ^& lau-/aa«, d^ •^? s/«fm-lau. Retard, y^ 4'S chai'-maan\ |>[J^ V& choh'-maan\ Retch, 4^ tfjg tsok-au'. Retire, -J© ^6^ ^'ooz'-pi\ Retired, |^ ^ yaw- tsing\ Retirement, |^ pt| tsing^- c/iMww^, ^ j^ yan''ch'ue\ Retract, R^ |I| faan'-hau'. Retreat, -jM ^'ooi*. Retribution, ijj p^ po^-ying\ Return, jg/«a«', [gj ooi,:^ •^ faan'hue\ :^C ^J^ /aan- lai. Reveal, J^ tj^ k'ai'-8hi\ Revenge, ^'jj ^ po'-ch'au, Revenue, j^ ^^/oo'-ngan. Reverberation, tgl ^b ooi- shai\ (sound) jf^ pj^ ?//wi^'- heung'. Reverence, ^^ j^ kuung-kmg\ Reverse, (the) ;jjg ^^ sew/?^- faan', (to) >^] ^ to'-chuen'. Review, [|^ uet, ^ B3 haan'* uet. RID 121 RIV Revile, ||J ^ ivai''m3i\ Revise, 1)^ mjT sau-Jcoi'. Revive, >m ^ f uuk-Aw^^, >jg Z|r fuuk-sAawy, Jff [J£ Revoke, ^^ /@P faan'-pin^^ ^ [E] c/m/.ooi. Revolution, F^ ckau^ [gj ooi, (in a state) h^ pin\ Revolve, jft mM suen-cAz/en'. Reward, S sheuny', (to) g ^^ shmng''¥up. Rheumatism, J^ / j^ , tHiung^- Rhinoceros, M 4^ saZ-ngau. Rhubarb, -^T "^ taai^-wong. Rliyme, p-r y^ A/}j-wan\ Bib, ^|/«ft,;j;,^'^/«fc. shaak'kwutf (ribs) ;Me *§* p'aai-ArdC'M^. Ribbon, -42 /^ sze-taap. Rice, ^J^ mai', (boiled) ^.^ faan\ (growing) "tt^ woh. Bich, ^ j^ /c;o'.hau\ ^ niches, ^JC ^3 ts*oi-paak. Bide, ,|| k'e. Ridge, l'^ ^^ t'iu-^se^, (in a field) Ml lek. Ridicule, P^ ^ chaau'siu\ Right, ^ cheuk, J^ cAm^*, 2|i^/J007/-^a«/, (side);;!^ yau*. Righteous, gfe i\ Rigid, {^ ngaangV Rigorous, ^ ^ im-^a?i', ^^ jg^ shuin-'im. Ring, ]fe waan, (finger-) Tji/ ;t|q kaai^'cld'] (to) pfnl heung*j (bell) ^J' ^^ (a'-chmmg. Ring-worm, >^ ^/w'. Rinse, B^ /(^«y'. Riot, §1 [j^J luen^-naau\ Ripe, ^^/t sliuuk. Ripple, yffr ^^ poA-mun. Bise. ^ ^ A%.Ai', -Iji ^ hi'-shan. Bite, jji|^lai'-i,,||^ lai'-mun. Rival, 1^ jTC ch'au-p'w^ (jfC ^;r«Mik. Rive, ^^pWAit, (a) (^ River, l^pj hoh, jj^ ^ t'iu- hoh. Rivet, (a) ^ ^ J^ cAt/e/i'- teng-mi'^ (mend) ^P^ ^C ma'- faan. Hi ROO 122 RUB Eivulet, ^^ k^ai, A^ |?^ siu'- hoh. Boach, fiS ^ ts'uen'-ue. hau, (of water) >,n Boad, ^ lo\ Boar, 5^ ^^ p'aang-/>aai*\ Boast, jl^ 5/tiM. Bobj i' Bobber, Bjt ts'aak. Bobe, :^ p'o. Robust JJ[2 ^i li-cAon^\ Bock, :^^ ^^ p'oon-shek. Bocket, ijjHl Bp^ />'a«w^-t'au. Bocking-chair, jffi i^ lauk-i'. Bod, ^ fro^w. Boe, (female deer) J^ yau, (fish) ^^ 7J:;{^ ue-cA^wMw. Bogue, {jlf Y? ts'aak-isai'. Boll, (to) m /rn^fe (up) ;^ Tcuen\ (as water) "/^ k'tvun'^ (a) ^S Arwe/z'. Boiler, ^ cJdn', |^ /z5;?t'ai\ (quarterly) RU ^S ^S sze^'kivai^'-ch^min. Rose-apple, ^j ^ ^^ p'oo- t^o-kivoh'. Rosin, (see Resin). Rot, /p^ j^m ?/awMaan\ ;^» j Rouge, Jjp yKV chi'fun^. Rough, ^iO if.s'o, (col.) haai, lak-k^ak. Round, |M] uen, (turn) m^ chiien'j (col.) t'um-t'am-cAMe«'. Rouse, :^ ;^E tek'hi'. Rout,^^|[||ctoV- yan-luen^-tsue\ gl luen^-^s«z«'. ife Row, (rank) vjf-r hong, (col.) tong^^ t^ong^, (to) /f/g cliaau}. Rub, :^ ch'a, i^ ^^'aa^, ^ t;^ nioh-^s'«nf^, (the hands) RUM 123 SAD Bubbish, ^ ^^ /«i*-mat, jtf ^ laan^-nai, |f |_g laap-6Cf(. Kuby, ^X W 5 huung-2>o'- sliek. Budder, ^^ t'oh', (col.) t'aai'. Bude, |k ;]j^ nioo-lai', ^jj ^ pH'-luet. Budiment, gj ^^'oo^ ^^ij/J j^ P^ cA'o/i-tso*-X;e\ I^"e, »j^ /ooiS (a plant) ^ _S^ ch^au^'ts^o'. I^ugj i^/§* n t^£ \0'liau'-clun. Bugged, J^ll||^ fc'i-AW, (col.) Buin, ;^ |j^ ;)W-paai\ jjg ^ 7>a«^-paai\ Bulc, ^ ^g, k^wai'hie'^ ^ ^/aaMo^ (to) ^ ^kocn'- li', (paper) ^^ |^/jaan^-sm\ Buler, Ip ^^ chue''tsoi\ (in- strument) ^ F^^aa7i^-cli'ek. Bumble, ^jA:wa7iy, (col ) t'um- t^Mva-shemj. Buminate, 3G: ^ /aan-feV. Bumour, f^ J^ sia-sik, ^ ^^ fuung»sheng. Bump, ^ ^^ mV'Jcan, ^ Hfe *H* mi'-luung-^zt'?*^ Bumple, ^M cli'aau. Bun, ^t tsau', 5^ ^fe p'aav.*' tsau', (as water) jJjfe lau. Bunning-liand, Jg, ^^ ^s'o'- Rupture, (see Hernia). Rural, :^f\^ ^\\^henng'lV'ke\ Bushj (to) ypp ^^ chun7i(/-tat. Bushes, jj^ j\^N ]^ tang-sum- ts'o'. Bussia, ^1 ^ ^ m Ngob- loh-s^c-X-zt'o^. Bust, ^^ saw\ Bustling, vj^ vj^ ^p sa-5a- sAew^, (col.) so-so-s^en^r. But, ^^ kwai''to\ ^.^ cfrc-ch^it. Bye, ^S mak. S Sabbath, ^ ^^^ Q OAw-stA:. yat. Sable, (fur) M f g J^ haJc^ tiu-'p^i. Sack, nong. I Sack-clotl., tfi li ^ "'°- ma-/>oo\ Sacrifice, ^ jjfU ^sai*-tsze\ Sad, i^ BS y«M-mooxa\ SAL 124 SAT Saddle, ^ ohn, ^ ^ ma'- ohn. Safe, JS S ivun'-tong^. 4Qr w t'-dh'-tong^. Safe, (for meat) ^^[^j)^/«w»^- tang. Saffron, ^j! ^ :^ Imung- laam-/a. Sagacious, ^^ |^|J ling-li\ Sage, (a) ^ ^ shing^-jSin, (herb) ^ ^ -^ loi-lo^- cli'a. Said, (the) g^ ^oe. Sail,||lgli', r|jH,faan,(to)^ j|gf hang-shuen, (set-) || £p hoi'shan. Sailor, -^C "^ shui'-shau', f (^ tsze^-tsoi\ Sapan-wood, 'g^l^yj^soo-muuk. Sapphire, ^^ ^j^ ^s'i??^-yuuk. Sarcastic, ^k gM M-fuung'. Sarcenet, j|l|j ^j^ ch'au-ling, Sarsaparilla, J-^ S^ f uuk-ling. Sash, /^ /cmi^ 1^ II 4^ foo'-V2iM'taai\ ]^ ^ m- Satin, /\ ^^ |g ;Ma/-5^e- tuen\ Satire, ^ ^|j U'ts'ze>. Satisfied, 1^ JS- itn}'tsuiiJc, j^ Jnl sujn-tsuuk. Saturday, jjj^ ^ -^ lai'- paai^'luuk* SCA 125 SCO Saturn, (planet) -^ ^ t'o'- j Scar, ^ han, ^ ^ han- tsik. Scarce, ^ :^^ /io^«'-yau', ^ ^ hi'hohn'^ A/" sliiu'. Scarcely, qS" Man*, Scarf, -^ jj^ l+J ch'eung-;?o^- ^'flw, (join on) Wj^poh. Scarlet, ^ ^J^ taai'-liuung. Scatter, #A- F|M saan^'hoi, ^r "S^ A-?»rjr'-tseung\ sing, Sauce. tseiinj^ ^a^^, ;^ )|^ ckHny'- Scenery, -& Scent, ^«m\ A:j^ 'feg ts'uen-lau _ __ iV/ III > Scent, ^ds; W heui}g'1d\ s/iai'-c/(!?j[j^ luuk. Scale, (series) ^ ^ ^««5,'- Scales, ^ 2pl ;'/;2-p'ing, (of fishes, &c.) &^^luun'Jcaai\ Sceptre, -=|=;' Iwai, (a ladle-shap- Scheme, g-j- ^^ A-^a'^-mau. Scholar, >^ Zfc hok-.9//rt'w<7. School, .^^ gfe* slnte-Jroon'j i^ 'Hg hok-A-ooyz'. School-fellow, -S^ ^^ sliue' yau'. School-master, -^ >q::^ shi" sJiong^ (mistress) ~^r [^jK nui'-s;^e. Science, >^ hok. Scissors, ^^ 'Whaav}'tsin\ Scold, BS naau\ Scoop, i^^ ir«a^. Scandal, (a) ^ ^ cA'aw'-sze^ I ^^^^^^^' ^ ^^''"? IM ''"''"^' 1^ Iwng'. (to talk) ^ shi^-^. Scorn, ffl(^ 4^ hmg'maRn\ scu 126 SEC Scorpion, ^ '^^fuung-hiL Scour, >/^ |£ »^ Vo'lfohw tseng\ Scowl, ^B m nau'shik. Scramble, j^ jjj^ k'um-p'a, Scrape, S|] ^jj kwaat-seuh. Scratch, J^ ?^rt', (col.) 2(;e', Scream, fjij- ^fc kiu^-shin^j I& ^ piL ko'shing-kiu^. Screen, ^ ^ p'ing-/MMw<7, ^lim, (t'^)^^ che'k'oi\ Screw, 4S ^1 loh-s2e, (cork-) vS ^^ tsau'-tsuen\ (driver) Scribble, "^ Jt t^o-/a. Scrofula, ^ |S M'-lek, ^^ lau. Scroll, ^^ kueii'y -^* ^S shau'- huen'y 5|t J^ tsoh^-wai\ ^ tsoh\ Second, J^ ^ tai*-i\ Secret, ;|-^ |§ ^Mnat, |Jg^ 07/i\ (a) [(§ ^ i/a7i''Sze\ Secretary, ^^ ^ kmg-lik, (private) gfjj -^ S2;e-ye. Secretion, ^^ ^ ^sM?/w-yat. Sect, ^7 P^ /Ta«('-raoon. SEM 127 SET Section, ^^ tuen\ Security, ^'^ taam-po\ ^ •-p ^P taam-kohn-ki' . Sedan-chair, j5 ^^ ting' '"km', S^'^ge, Y^ ]§] p'oo-^s'o'. Sediment, vJS *]^ nai-^s^re', y^ */^ cha-tsze'. Seduce, ;^^ ^j i'/w-yan', ^ ^^ yau'-waak. Sedulous, HJJ -^ k^an-lik, ;^ j) niiuMik, See, ^ /r/,A g|^ ^ ^'ai'-^-zV, (after) ^ ^ hohu'shau' . Seed, ^1 chuwifj', ^f^ yan, ^j^ Seek, :^jB !t'?//i'. [raai'. Seem, ^ ts'ze', j^ ^ hin'- ch'uut, (to me) -^ ® ts'ze'- Seen, ^ ^ khi''kicoh\ Segar, Jj^ ^ >|;[g jna-lcoo-in. Seize, ;^ J^ na-chuuJc^ ^§ ii i^«'-^Jiue', ^tej^yeung' tuet. Seldom, /|;* "p|* shm'-hoh', /^ ^ jtij* mo'-/.i'-hoh. Select, 1^|| chaak, j^ suen', Self, g g^ tsze^-A-/'. wai'-^<'. I Self-sufficient, g J^ tsze»- '2"* maal*- j^ /hc?t-maai\ Sell, g maai\ Semen, t^h chuung\ yj?^ ?s«/?^. Send,^^/\j|;A.V, ZJ^JI^ Senna, -frM "fe waai-ip. Senses, (five) j£ 'g^ 'ng'-froon. Sensual, [jfe ^ji shi'-yuuk. Sentence, ^ g'J ^we*-\va^ (judicial) ;}^J|^ z|i|J p'ai-p'oon\ Sentinel, (jA"" A shaau^-yan. Separate, ^|j BM pit-Ao/, ^n^ .^l] /««-pit, (ADJ.) -^ j?|% ling*-ngoi\ September, 1^ -^ EJ Y/w^r- ^aw'-uet. Series, ^ ^ As-^.V-tai\ ^|J (^lit-chan\^/oo,/. Serious, mJ^ ^^ chong-Jrmg\ (affair) ^ ^ Ar;r«a«-hai\ Serpent, /jS r|i^ t'iu-she. Servant, 'kiiM. no-puuk, ^B6 lra.yl shai'-foon^-yanj (boy) Serve, JjB ^ fuuk-sze\ SHA 128 SHI Sesamum, j^ j& chi-ma, y|jh Shallows, ^S lek. j^ yau-ma. Set, (to) jj^ laap, ^ chi\ (as the sun) >1^ lok, 71 yup, Settle, rp^ ting\ (accounts) Seven, J--* ^^ lok. Sheep, ^ yeung, ^j^^ min- yeung. Sheet, (of a bed) ^ ^ p'i'- taan^ (of paper) SM cheiing^ (ropes) 1^ ||g liu^-shing. Shelf, }^^ jf^ kaah-paan'. Shell, i^^^ ^ loh-Aofc, lo-Ac^, (of eggs &c.) ^p5 Ao/c. Shelter, >^ ^ cAe-pa^^ jj^^ SHO 129 SHU Shepherd, d^ :^ ^ muuk- Should, (ought) JS ^ y'mg- yeung-yan, i^ j^ muuk- t'uung. tony. Shoulder, ' kin*p6k^ Shield, j||^ ^ p^aai-t'uun'. ]|S /jo/c-t-au. Shift, (to) J^ oon\ Jj& />oow, Shin, gj 1^ ts'in-lim. Shine, ^^ -t!^ faaUhwong^ Shovelj ^ffi clvaan*. Shout, pg '^c hohUsheng, Shove, :J]^ i^ t'ooi-'uung^ \ Ra uung'-hoi. (upon) H8 -TT" chiiC'-kicong, Ship, Jl^ shuen, (full rigged) H i^ ^ti 1^ *««''^-^^'^'- wai-shuen. Shirt, TO :3^^ noi*-sA«am, jfr Shower, ^ Z^ kan^-s/i«n-/, y^ if^ \\o\\\\^-shaam. Shiver, (with cold) ^ g^ hohn-c///??. Shoe, j^ haai, (pair) ^,4* 1^ iooi'-haai- Shoe-horn, 1^ j^ haai-pat, Shoot, ^;j* she*, :J^ to' Sliop, ^^ B^ ;>'oo*-t'au. Shop-man, ^^ ^K cheung'- kwai'. Shore, J^ ngohn\ Short, j^ tmn\ (time) ^ gi tsaam'-shi. Shorthand, Jj^ ^k -Hp J^aaiu'' put'tsze^. ^hot, BEb -^ taan^-^s^e'. 17 Sliow,>[^ H^Fj;' t'ai', (point out) ^yj> cAi'- shi\ Showy, 'jjAh j^ p'aai-ch'oung J^JS chan'-ue'* Shred, ^ j^ laan^-t'iu. Shrike, ^(ll II ;;aafc.liu. Shrill, >jtt ^S han'-heting'* Shrimp, $^ 7/«. Shrine, Ijjm ^g shan-^o/w. Shrink, ^Yg ^ffl .s^Mw^-maai. Shroud, gg. !^ shau*-?*. Shrouds, ±^j^'MU sheung'-wai-shing-i'ai. Shrub, 4^^ j^ ai'-shue*. Shudder, :|>'J' |pj^ ta'-chm\ rofe '^ c7«V -luut. Shun, ^pi'* Shut, ^9 hvaaii, E^j^shaan* maai, J^ jf^ ew'-maai, >^ j^ hop-maai. SIL 130 SIS Shuttle, ^^ cli'ue', /j^ soK Shuttle-cock, ^ iSE t'eh-in'. Siam, 4>^ :^it ffl TsHin'^-ldh' ^■^^ /I'Mi i ^^ l kwok. Sick, ::^ ^ yau'-peng^, (stomach) ^^ tl |§ ooi'-aw'. Sickle, ^S lim. bide, :j^ 75in, ^^ ;!^ p'ong- ^l| ^& chaJC'pin, (of the J siu'-im. *H* fun^-aan^- pin, l^ody) yj> Siesta, gljl] i^ Sieve, p|E J' shai-tau'. Sift, RTfi 5^ai. Sigh, ^1 ^g^ yan'-siA, ^J^^ t^aan^-sik. Sign, (to) ^ ^ ^s'im-meng, Sign-board, jS jjS c/i/w-p'aai. Signify, (mean) ^^..•. ^ JH^ yau' i^-s2:e\ (refer to) d^ta c/ii', (make signs) yj^ W" shi'-i\ (coL.) haai^-i\ SilencCj ^^ ^S tsik-tsing\ >^ ~^^ mo'sheng. Silent, 1^ ^ tsing'-tsing\ Silk,^^^..e,J|)ch'au. Silk-worm, ch'uung. ts^aam- Sill, i^^ ch'aan'. Silver, ^ ngan. Similar, >g>| ts'ze', j^ ^ sewig-is'-ZQ' . Simple, yfck^'yoA;-soo\ (mind- ed) ^^ rg' c/i'ww/i'-chik. Sin, y^ tsooi\ W^ ^ tsooi^- ofr, (to) :^[^ f ^ faan^-tsooi\ Since, :^^ j^ ^ ts^uung in-A-aaw, (how long?) ^^ yg' ^^ ffij Ai'-yau'-fc/'-noi^? Sincere, gw) '§* shing-shat, rS j\^ chau'sum. SineWj 'Bp^ ^aw. Sing, Pg c//»„y, 1^ ^ ch^euny^-koh. Singe, ^J^ j|^ shiu-nuung, ^ Single, Ba. i««Wj "S- chek. Singly, (one by one) ' ' yatyat, ^ ' ^ Zl cllUuk-^/a^chuuk-i^ Sinkj yyj* ^^ ch^um-lok. SinuSj yY uetj (bay) ?^^ waan. Sip, Pjj^ wi. Sir! ^^ _[^ ^a^-sheung\ ]^ f^ tsuen-ka^. Sister, (elder) ^^ ^^ aUse', (younger) ^ ^ a'-mooi\ SLA 131 SLE Sister-in-law, ' moo'. Sit, ^ tsoh\ Slabber, (col.) faat-faat. Slack, ^^ suung, (water) ^n^ s/n\ ^shuiS^ ag ^a'-shui^ ^=)|| ^ >n. kaav!^. Sleepy, |^ ^||| ngaan'.>n\ Sleet, ^^ ^^ sin^sueL Sleeve, ^^ tsau\ Slender, ^^ ^^ yav>'sai\ ^ SMA 182 SNO Slice, fy-pHu', ^faai\ (to) -t/J ts% (col) leh Slight, (to) H ,^, hlng-fut. Slime, ^ "J^ ni*-ning\ Sling, (a):P|5;g:|^chaak. shek-waan'. Slip, (to) -^ ^hat, (fall) J^ sai'-siu', Y^ .isai\ (very) 1^^ ml Small-pox, HJ ^3 cA'Mw^tau\ Smalts, y¥ pg yeung-^s'in^r. Smart, f^^ ^|] /aa?'-li\ ^- t^ tsing-haau', (to) ^ )/^ Jcin^-fuung'^, Smash, dT jfy ta''sui\ Smear, *^ t'o, :^ ch'a, ^ tong*. Smell, (generally, bad) .^ cA'm«\ (col.) ts'ui, (to) ^ mun. Smelt, ^^' J^^ 5m.ye'. Smile, '^ ^^ hom-sm\ Smith, ^J (^) g ta' {kum) tseung*. Smoke, ^ in, ^ij^foh'-in, (to) ^ i)^ shik-m. Smooth, ^'S* waat, :^ &M yaM*^nau\ (^even)^ ^E p^eug. Smuggle, ^ ^£/^ tsmi'-sze. Snail, ^ ^ ^roA-ngau, g^ 4^ t'in-loh. Snake, (^ ^*fr t'iu-she. Snare, ^j ^^ huen»t^o\ Snatch, i^ Veung\ ^St tuct. Sneer, J^^ laang'-siwV Sneeze, ^J' p'^' I|^ ta'-p'an^' i'ai\ (col.) ta'-hai-cliH, Snipe, yp ^ ^£ sha-cJiui" tseuk. Snore, :^ ^ |if cA'e'-pi'- hohn Snout, pi\ t^?« ^'j ^ ^ c^«e* SOL 133 SOP Snowj ^& suet. Snuffj B^^^);Rj pr-«H, (a candle) Bfi J^ Jk tsin*'clmuk'Ja, So, (in degree) py' ^ww'j (in kind) kom'. Soak, ]^ tsum\ ^M^ J^ s^a/j- Soap, :^3^ |^|B faun-kaan'^ (-stone) Vw ^^ waat-slick. ang'-it. Society, 1^^ ooi*, (in general) ;;;jjg M ^ ^ seunf/UQ'- tsue^-tsaap. Socket, ^^ icoh. Soda-water, ^jS K§ -jjj^ Hoh- Sodomy, ^fe ^^ kai-kacm. Sodomite! ^ d|^ fc'«i'-taiM Sofa, [^ A;'o72//\ Soft, ^ 1^ yau-uen', ^, m^ num- uen'. Soil, 1^ J^ nai-fV. Solder, ^ hohn\ Soldering iron, §JAJ$^ naat-pai. Soldier, Ji J plng'ting. Sole, (foot) nyi j^ l^euk-paan', (shoe) 3^ [^ liaai-ta/; (fish) J^^ Y/|> ^ faat'sha-WQ. PA- L^ ^i** Solely, ^ ^ tuuk-hai', ^ ^ pat-ku'oh\ Solemn, Mf &X ?6ai-ini, J^ ^pr im-s?/MA'. Solicit, 5j^ k'au. Solid, "§* shat. Solitary, |jj ^ Joo-tsik, :^ ^E" tuuk-^we. Solstice, (summer) ^ ^ ha^- chi\ (winter) ^i ^^ tuung- cM\ Sombre, ^K ^ yau'sliik. Some, (^) ^^ (yau'-) ti. Sometimes, !^ gi yau'-shi. Son, Y^ j^ naam'. Spanish-flies, ^j^ maau. paciTi' Spare, (save) ^^ *|ft oi^-siJe, (give away) ^^ s/ce'. Spark, i/^ ^ foh'-sing, j^ Sparkle, rH i& 5Aim'-leung\ Sparrow, JHjS ^^ ma-^ chueri'tang, (extra) gS ^[\ ngaak-ngoi\ Species, ^ra ckuvng'. Specify, gi "§* wa^-shat, j^ ' chuuk-ya^ Specimen, >j^ -?- yeimg^-^s^e', ^fe '^i pill' -sunt. Specious talk, X'5 ^ /iaaw'-in. Spectacles, |^ ^i^ ngaan'- Speculate, j^ /^a chui-seung'. Spell, (to) -tjfj -^ tsHt-yum. Spend, igp ^J* shai'-fai^. Sphere, J^ k'au. Sphex, ftffi ^ lacoh'-W. SPL 135 SpicGj ^^ y^^ heung-\i\i^. Spider, fj^ ^^ k'ura-lo, g3^ chi-chue. Spider's web, ^ll^l^k'um. lo-mong'. ^Pike, ^ij ts^ze\ ^^ chui Spikenard, -^ ^^ ^ Jeom- ts^uung-heung. Spill, J^ {Jj lau-cA'w«^, *^ *S? lau^-se\ Spinaf?c, ]^ ^^ jooA-^s'o«\ ^j^ ^^ ^^ ;>»oA-ling-/s'o/\ Spindle, j^ B^ t^-o^-fau. Spine, ^^ ^S^ jwoi'^'tsek. Spiral. 4]^ 1^^ loh.sm\ 4^^ *^ loh-mun. Spirit, f|| Shan, (drink) j)t^ \fln shiu'tsau'. Spiritual, lo© ling. Spit, pj;^ <'o\ 1^ i'o/i\ ^'o\ (a) '^i Pvl 3C <^^Gk-yuuk-cA'a. Spittoon, ^ ^ t'aam-froo7i\ Spleen, ^^ P'^' Roll's lii»-^'^>' Splendid, A^- ^^ ^^i6'07?^-leung^, Splinter, fc ;///t\ ^1§ mV. SPY Split, ^J ^ to'-lit, 7^p'oh\ Spoil, ^ ^ cAiVwaai\ ;t^ laanV Sponge, 7jC j'^ ,1^ sA^-'-p^o'- min. Spontaneous, Q § ^ ^ tszc*-tsze^-in-in. Spoon, -jgrp ^g shi-Zcaw^. Spot, |p|!j ^/;//, ^ tm\ ^ ts'ze. Spout, (of a kettle) [ij^ ^s?a'', (on a roof) ^^ :jtS shiii''ts'o^ (to) ^ c/.?V. Sprain, j^ Yfe nau'-sheung, ±^ •¥j^ ch'au'-^s'a/i. Spread out, fip BM t'aari'hoij Spring, (season) ^^ T chhiun' fin, (water-) >E ^^ uen- ts'uen, (of a machine) i^ ^ ki-kwacm, ^W ^j*;^ lin-^i, (to) Spring-water, NJ -;n^ shaari'- -s/iui'. Sprinkle, ^|| sha'. Sprout, "^ ^ mang-nga. Spur, ^g k'ue', ^^ i'e^. Spurt, p^ ^^ p'un''shui\ Spy, (a) ^^^^ ^ s/?2'-yan, (to) STA 136 STA Squall, ' ^ ML f^W ^"^- ' ^*^^^' 1^ ^^''^"' M ^^"^ chsin^'/uung-UQ', Square, ~)fj fong, ^ ^ j^ sze'-fong-Y'mg, (a tool) ^ ^3 ^wM^-ch'ek. Squash, Oj^ hca. Squeamish, '[^ '^ m'-Me\ Squeeze, i^ >fi^ c^a*chue\ IS^ aat, (extort) ^J ^ lak- sok» Squint, ^^ |^ ts'e-ngaan'. Squirrel, a^ jo^T siiung-shue'. Squirt, -^C fnt fm shui'-chit- t'uung, (to) j^r c^iV. Stab, i|l hat, jf^ ch'aara. Stable, (a) ^ ^ ma'-fong, (firm) ^ If: ohn-ivun', ^ H* ting^-shat. Staff, j^ ^^r ^it'aai'-cheung\ Stag, J^ luuk, j^ ^ luuk- kwing. Stage, "^WlJp'aang, (of a journey) S$ yp yik"Chaam\ Stagnant, jM Y^ ch'i-cliai\ Stain, pM ^n yarC-tslk. Stairs, |S ^^ lau-^'ai. Stake, j^^ tak, T^ c^ow^'. Stalactite, ^ffl ^S ^[^gT chuunj' ue'-shek. Stalk, ^ /L-o/m, .:(^ c/i/ Stall, (for goods) ^ ^ :^ maai^-ybA^-^'aaw, (cattle) ffiw ^ laan-wai\ ^^ ;j^ ma'- ts'o. stamen, :^ i^,/«-yui'. Stammer, j j^ pf lau'-^a?/^ (col.) kong'-tak-lak-k'ak* Stamp, ^p yaw\ (the foot)(coL ) tuni^-keuk. Stand, Xp ~ff k*i'-laap, (up) jlk fe :^ k'iVii'-sAaw, (a) Staple, (a) ^ ^ fhA'. Star, ^Jl^ ;^ nup'sing. Starch, |l.u^ tseung. Stare, ^ BR i|^ cA'^aw^r. ngaan'-^a?. Start, (set out) @M :}nrAot-hang, (by water) j4a ^H/ Jioi-shan. Startle, |g ^^ " Starve, -||j death) jf,|J^gcA«i^.5^e',^ ^^ ngoh^-s^e'. State,(condition)4*§^ ts'ing- s/i«i\ (nation) |g| itwo/i., (to) ^S "S* ^•07?^'-shat. '^J chaiC-king, ^ cAaj'-shikj (to STE 137 STO Station, ^/ /^ sha?i'fun\ 4^/ ' Stern, j^ Si suiik-suuk, (the) wai\ (ou a road) y^ ^ | ^^ ^^ lum'-jnti, J^ mi'. cliaam'-t'au, (guard's) ^1 SteAV, (to) 1^ ooi\ J^ sM«?Mi\ (position) J5|r Steward, ^^pfe[ A /too?/- sze^-AV-yan. Stick, (a) ji^ ;!>& t*iu-/.7rw;/\ (pierce) ^|J kat, (adhere) ^ ^ cA'/-fra;.', (fail) :^ |^ >fnr ;wMiang-hang. yi\^ shoh'-tsoi^. Stay, ^ p-p; ^a.^'.ha', ^ hit. Steady, f^M g tvun''tonf/\ (stand) ^ ^'^j k'i'-wun'. Steak, (beef) ^]^|£ ngau- Stiff, 5|| ngaang\ i}|^ A-a^^r'. yuuk-p'a. Steal, j'l ^a t^au, , s/^ Steam, "^ -^ ^e/ kivu/i'-shui'' hi\ (to) ^ c/^m./. Steamer, j/^|^)^>/^'-luun- shuen. Steel, Hg) hong. Steel-yard, ^Q ^ pa'-chHng\ (money-) ^^ §-K li-tang\ Steep, |1|^ ^1 A'i-^6^eV (to) |^ tsiuii^. Steer, (to) :fQ ||^ pa'-Vo\i\ (col.) c/ia-t'aai'. Stem, i^ hohn; (to) [JQ^ jj- choh'-M. Stench, W^ ch^au\ (a vile) _M. ^ ^ ch^av!'-hang'hang. Step, -i^ poo\ (in a stair) ^^ ^'V> j^ j^ Ixaai-k'vp. Step, (-father &c.) |^ ^^i*. Still, (ADV.) ^ ^^ ying-in, chiiung\ j^ waan, (quiet) ^ ^ tsik-tsiug', (a) Y^ hJI tsau'-tsang^. Sting, ^ ^6??^, ^-j- rAw;/i, (to) ^^ij ts^ze\ [p(»k. Stingy, ij-g Artrm, ^|J ^ A«afc- Stink, ^^ ^^ ch^mi>-hl\ (col.) 7iget-di'au\ (-pot) j>J^ >^ fooi-po. Stipulations, j^j^ ;^^ t'iu-/oo/i'. Stir, i^ ^•««?^', (begin to move) J^ |b hing-1d\ Stitch, (of a needle) ^^ -^ c7ium-j)oo\ (pain) ^ij^ ^ ts^ek-t^muig^. Stock, (of a tree) ^ B^ muuk-t'au, (of a musket) )pfc ch'ong, (in trade) ^ ^ Joh^-puou'. 18 STR 138 STR Stockings, /j^^ maat. Stocks, ^ ^ heu-k-ha\ Stomach, ^^ b p'i-wai\ Stone, yf-* shek. Stool, ^ ;a72^\ (go to) 'iJ^p Stoop, jg^ HB luen-iu, ^A^ kuuh'shan, ttfiS F;^ od^-tai. Stop, /(^ p-y; t'ing-ha', ^ ^ hit-sikj jj- /i cAi'-cliue\ Store, (to) ^^ ^^ tsik-ch^vLQ', (house) <^ ^ foh^-ts^onff. Stores, ^ ^ ^sfA-/oA\ Stork, a ^g paak-hok. Storm, j^ jijl ;;^ ^^fuung- ' ue'-taaP-iso/^, jS ^L^faung- po\ Story, (a) — |^ -^ ^a^ tuen'-froo', (of a house) ^^ ts'ang. Stove, ^ )}^ kuuk-lo. Stout, ^^1 oj^ tsing-cliong^, (fat) ^E ^± fi-<^'»"^'- Straight, ig* chik, (col.) tim\ Straighten, |Aj^ TJ tso^-chik. Straightway, ^Q [}^ fK X^aa/. Strength, ^ lik. Stretch, J^-^ ?««w^^-ch'eung, (out) -jm slian. Strict, &^ §f^ im-A;a«'. STU 139 SUD Stride, ^ J^ kwa'-Jteuk. Strike, ^'J'to', (col.) twn', (stop) String, fl^llfg t'iu-sliing, ^ taai\ (to) "^ m lioorC' Strip, ^ i'«e^ Stripe, Jite A^ joaan-mun, Mp lau'-t'iu-mun. ue-ch^uun', ^^ Stupid, ^^^ -^ pun^-ngoi, (boy) ^ ^^ pnil^-^6ai'._ ^ ts'utn- Sturgeon, ffl^^ ^ hUTT 14^^ «... I'lung-ue. Sty, ^ m c/me-lnan. Style, A/^ mun, a/ J^ mun- faat, ^^ yeung\ Subdue, ^& ^^ s^iw^^-fuuk. Subject, K ~T^ shan ha\ (of discourse; 6/r g^ sAoA'- luun\ (of an essay) ^^ q Submit, HB fuuk, |^ HB Strong,'^ ft m yauMik. ^-'-•-^-^;^ I ly^ . ! Subscribe, ^ M ^ liopj ^J c/iewJfc. Suitable, ^w ^^^ cheuk'shai' , (col.) ngaam. Sully, ^^ f^ tim'-oo. Sulphur, ^ ;p^ laa-wong, (flowers of) ^;^;^ lau- wong-moot. Sultry, ^- fl^ shue'-a{\ Sum, dt g+ kuung'-ftai\ Summer, ^S ^f^ ha}-tHn, Summon, -^ Rij- ch'uen-A-iV. Summons, '{M^S ch'uen-pHu\ Sun, g yat, ^ |^ it-t'au, (to) P^ s7ia««\ Sunday, jjj^ ^ Q lai'-/>aai^- yat. Sundries, Y-|" ^pfc shup-s?u'*. I Sun-flower, |^] ^ ^^ heung^^ yat-k'wai. Sun-rise, R HJ yat'ch'iuiL Sun-set, Q 7^ yat-yup, Q ■'^ yat-lok. Sup, |^3/f/a^'. Supercargo, JijJ p ;Man- sheung\ "^ X^ taaV-paan, Superintendent, ^^ ^^ kaam- tv.uk. Superior, -^ climng\ p Xjj? sheung^-Ao', (better) W i|? kaiu/-ho'. Superstitious, '^ ^g '^ i|^ nik -swM?i^-^^oo'-A:?6'«ai '. Supper, n^ ^^ maan'-^s^a«w. Supple, :^ j^ iu-yai\ Supply, -j^t ^p* huung-h'up. Support, i^ if"^ foo-ch'i. Suppose, Yi ^g ^oo'-leung\ |]^ koo\ Supposing, j^^^ M-sze'- kaan^ Suppress, ^^ J^ chan^-aat Supreme, ^g J^ c7iP-sheung\ B^ I ^52^/'-sheung\ Supreme Being, p ♦Sf* Sheung»-rai\ Sure, ^^ ^'o/j-shat, ^g g ivun'-tong^^ SWE 141 TAB Surface, pg^ min\ J^ j^ sheung^-min\ Surgery, ^^ ^ ngoV-foL Surname, ^g^ sinc/^. Surpass, ^g ^ ^j^ cli'm- ch'enJf'kivoh\ ^^ ^Jj^ uet- kivoh^. Surprise, ^g i|^ fr//i^-ngok. Surprising, HH -|^ c/i'!m^k4. Surrender, ^^ [^ t*au-hong, Sweat, '^^■^p holm\ (to) {^ *^ cA'«m^-hobn\ SAveep, 4^ so'. Sweet, ^ftU* t^im, "CT* ^07«. Swell, ^ ^ chuung'-hi\ Swelling, |^ ^^ chuuny'- cheuny^. Swift, i^^/aaP, J^ ts^nuJc, ^ J^ tsat-i5*M?'iV kaam, (give up) ^>J* ^ foo'- Swine, ^^ cliue. kaau. Surround, ^ ^^ wai-niaai. Surveyor, ^^*^ leung- ti'^-koon. Survive, |p^ y^ slieung'-oot, iM T^ iH! ^^'^'^''^^^■tsoi'-s/iai\ Suspect, ^^ ^r^ ch'aai-i. Suspend, j^^^ Iava\ (stop) ^ pa\ Suspense, WL ^^ fe?(;f/'-mong\ Sustain, (suffer) iff* ^^ ^ai'- sliau\ ^ to«^, (keep up) ^ foo, (alive) ^f* ts'uen. Swallow, (a) j^ -^ m'-tsze'; (to) ^^~J\ ^'M?i-ha\ ;^ ^'m«. Swan, ^1 fez^^^A^, •^ ^| t^in- ngoh. Swear, i^ ^' faat-shaV. Swing, (a) ^ ^ ts'awts'in, (to):^iu. Sword, :j:^ ^J pa''km\ I Sycee, ^^ ^^ mun-ngan. Symmetrical, "^^ ^Bft se?^w^ Sympathy, |^ |* t^uung- ts'ing, ^^ *[^ sew«y-lin. Symptom, ^ ^ ying-^si^, ^ f^ peng'-ts'ing. Syphon, V^ ^ra lau'-c/u. Table, gg JJ^ c/ie?-tsze\ Tare, ^ B^ oo^-t*au. Tartan, ^^ ^ ^ k'i-p'oon- Tartar, »^^A 4JJ Moon'-cAaw, ^^ "ir Muung-fcoo'. Tassel, ^^pa'^'^^x^>. Taste 5^ 1^ mr-to\ (to) ^g t'im', j^ slieung. Tasteless, y^ t'aam'. Tattooed, ^^ ^B^ mun-sAaw. Tautology,^ ^ g^ch'uung- ykw^-wa\ Tavern, ^^ j^ tsau''tim\ Tax, ^j^ ^g|pj shui^'heung'^ (to) Tea, ^ ch'a. Tea-taster, ^! ^jjj ch'a-s2;e. Teach, ^ /crtaw\ TEM 143 TeacheFj '^t'^K ^"^-^^^^'^9^ W\f cheimg'-liaav?. THA Teal, "^^ "p^- uen-yeung. Tear, (to) :|ttjj^ s^e-;/oA\ ^ ^y. ^?<«a^^-lit, (off) iSjPt chin. Tears, ^^lui\g^^^ngaan'- Tease, || ^ naaii.wai\ j^|j^ Teat, jfj^ B^ naai'-t'au, -^ Bp^ ue' t'au. Teeth, ^ nga, "^ ^ cA'i'- nga. Telescope, ^||^^ <6-^m-li'- Tell,f^ ^wa^ eld: Temper, ^^ ^ p'i./^/\ ^ yr^/Zw/i'-A-ttfr, (to temper steel) Jl^ ^J^ kifi'-shui'. Temperate, '^ ^j^ tsit-kim\ (weather) J^ ^ m^'mw-woIi. Tempest, ^^ ^ Vo''Mng, M. M >^ ^^ >w«5'-iie'- taai^-^.soA:. Temple, gt^^ tin^-t^ong, ^y miu^-t'ong 11$ "It tsaam*- Temporary, shi-^e . Tempt, 1^* ^ 6•/.^wauk, |^ ^ jau'-Avaak. Ten, -4-" shap. Tenacious, :|^ ^ ;ja' shat, ^ ngan\ Tenant, ^C ^aa^. Tench, j|^ ^^ waan'-ue, ^ Bg ^ taai^-t'au-ue. Tender,(sof t) ^^num-uen', (brittle) jj^ is'wi\ (col.) up- Tendon, ^^ A-aw. [vp-ts'ui\ Tenon, '^M ^S suun'-t'an. Tent, ijl^ ^ cheung'.fong. Tenth, ^^"1^ tai^-shap, (part) \^^ 'shap-/im^-cAi- ?/at. Terrace, ^^ ^'jVi-t'oi. Terror, ^[^ l|^^ .^^^r.^'-A.^, ^ Test, 1^* H shi^.im\ Testament, J^ ^ wai-sAwe, (Old and New) ^^^ yewA:- shue. Testicles, ^^ ^ ngoi^-shun', ^P -^ hmn'-tsze'. Testimony, :;|^|^ ^ c1d'-ching\ Text, ^ g t'ai-muuk. Texture, ||j^ |^ c/ia-mun. Than, ^^ fe2^oA^-we, ;^ we. Thank, ||i|- tse\ (many) ^ §81 ^V^-tse\ THI 144 THO That, lU ^ lcoh'^koh\ ^ig koh\ Thatcli, ^S ^K ^'oi^-maau. The, jg koh\ Theatricals, 'W[^ l^-fe tso^-hi\ Thee, '^;;^ ni' (Sir, Ma J am, &c. are used for the 2nd person in polite discourse.). Them, |g j^jjj k'ue'-ti\ Then, jjg ^ Q^ R'oA^-chan^. shi, (afterwards) ^M ^^ in- hau*. Thenceforth, ^ ^ tszc^-hau\ itb ^^ ^^^'^e'-hau\ There, ^|g^/co/<'-c7i'«e^ (s/^we^. Therefore, fff ^ sAo/Z-i', |^ |{;k Jeoo^-ts'ze'. Thermometer, 3S ^g* /^X- h.dh.n-shue'-chujn. ' These, IJ/g j-{jj ru-ti\ They, jg ^-jjj k'ue'-ti\ Thick, j^ hau\ (as soup) vS nuung, fti^, (close) mat. Thicket, f^ ;^ ai'-lnm. Thief, ^^ tsvaak. Thigh, ;^ 1^ taai^-/>i-'. Thills, ;^ A-oy?^*. Thimble, ^j- ^^ clwMi tlnf. Thin, ^^S pok, (rare, watery) ^^ A«, (lean) jj^ 5Aaw\ (col.) nip. Thing, ^^ ^ mat-kin\ |^ ye' ^H^ ^g tmmg'sai^ (affair) 'pp -@a- kin^-sze\ Think, ^§,^^ sze-seung' ^{qwqss) f^ /.oo'. iai^'saam^ (a) Third, ^ ;^ chi-yat. Thirst, g| y^ lencj''hoht, P y^ hau'-hohL This, ^ -Jig wi-7joA\ (that or) Thistle, Js^ 1^ taai'-fcaP. Thither, ^ij'jg ^ ^o'-M^. Thorn, ^"lak, ^^jj ^s';2e\ (bush) ^||;iak-lum\ Thorough, ^^ t''imng. Thoroughfare, j^ :^nr t^uung- hang. Thoroughly, ^S Wj tsuun'-ti\ Those, ^ ^^ hoh'-tik. Thou, 'f^ ni', (see Thee). Though, St^ ^!j sui-tsak, 'i^^^oug^^t, ^g^ ^ 6-^e.nim\ ^ B^ nim^-t^iiu. THU U5 miVi riiousanfl, ^^f^ ts^in. rhreacl,|,^5tV, jl^ |f^ t'iu- rhreaten, rhree, saam. Thus, py- Xo7«', p^ ;^ ^o/^i'- yeung\ Thyme, "^ ^^ ooi-heunq. Ticket, ^ pHa\pm,p'm\ jjj^ rhre«h, ^ ^^ ^J' yuung^. ^ r^^i^l^le^ ^ ^ c/«V-7Cung^ p'aang'-m'. (col.) c/i|^^%- Throw, :p[5 chaak, |g| p'ek, i^ t^au, (col.) itv'w^. Thrush, (white eyed) ^^ ^ ^ wa'-mi-^se2f^*, (black) :J^ B^ ta cA'fe-sAi'-ch'a. Thrust, ^ij ;jiw, (in) :J^ cA'a^;^ Thumb, ^ ;j^ ^ shau'-chi'- kuung. Thunder, ^g JJ lodi-kicanrj, (clap) ^ ;?'e^^ Thursday, ijjf ^^ jj^ lai'- paai^-szc^. Tiffin, aan^'ts^aafij (take) sliik-aan\ Tier, J^ ts'ang. Tight, 1^ A-an', (col.) hang. Tile, ^ nga', (round) %'^ nga'-t'uung, (flat) ^ j^ nga'-^'iV, (for floors) Jft /f|9 kaai-chuen, Till,5lJ^o',;^k'aap,(to)^ [JJ fraw^-t'in, TiUer, fl^j^ i^^ t'aai'-/9e;?^\ Timber, ^ tK*^ muuk-liu\ Time, 0^ shi, f}^ '^ shi-hau\ (set) ig k'i. Times, (occasions) |m ooi, Bg cheung\ ^ ^s'2?e^ (col.) ehe\ />m\ (three times three are 10 TOD 146 TOO nine") — - ~-- ^^ "h saam- j Toe, jj^p ^|t lceulc-clii\ (of a '.'Icoi-kau', — ^_ — -_ 'btj yfj saam'Saam'Ue-kau'. Timid, B^ ^*Q taa?n'-sai\ /H HM nio'-toaw'. Till, ^^ 56^ Tinder, j/^ i^^ ,^ /oA'-mooi- yuung. Tinder-box, ;/;f J >^/o7.'. lim-paaw. Tinfoil, ^^ ^m sefc-pok. Tin-plate, ^ P |^ ma'-- hau'-Vit, Tinkle, JEj* ^ PjrJ ting-tong- heung\ Tip, iJ^ J^ tsini'di^ue^. Tiptoe, ^ j^ f I lim'-fo- Tired, ^^^ ^iw^-kuen^ (col.) A:m^-kooi*. r^ is2fe?i-ho\ g / Title, koon-liaam Tittle, ^S ^ sze-ho. shoe) ^^ ^Ip haai-t'au. Together, JJ- jj^ 7W(«-maai, Igl * 7{^ t'uung-yaMs'aij "Hi kuung\ Toil, |||| ^ liaam-/oo', M ^ I0-/00', (to) >[-^ ^ ^soft- lo. Toilet, ^ ^ f^ chong-shan- t^)i, (lady's) ^^ ^ cAo/i^r. lim. Tolerate, ^^|j[,jt yuiing-?smm^\ Tomato, ::^ -Ap/aaw-k'e. Tomb, j:S* _fe^l f un-moo\ Tomorrow, |^ ^ ^'%-yat, ^ Q mmg-yat. Tone, ^S ^^ shing-yim. Tongs, j/^ ^/o/i'-k4m. Tongue, (j^ ^;)J t^iu.li\ !§• BJ^ shit-t'au. Tongue-tied, ^^ ;^ ?^afc-nga. _ Tonight, >4v H^ fr?^§ J laan'-iiu' (liiu). Torpid, '^ ^^pat-yau. Torrent, *^ yj^X. ^o'-shui', (mountain-) [I | JpE shaan- Tortoise, |M ^irai. Tortoise- sheU, J^ J|^ toi^- mooi\ Torture, ;^ ^"J' haau-ta\ Toss, |/tJ^ />'aae., (roll) ^^ ^ luuh'shaiu Total, ' ^^^^ yat-tsuumy. Touch, |;j^ ^ tim^-cheuk, j^ ■^ ?no/i-cheuk, (meddle) p^^J Tough, ^j^J ngan\ ^ III Zaai-laam\ Towards, [r] heung^. Towel, ^ ||j min'-^-aw. Tower, ^^ t'aap. Town, 1^ yiq), (walled) ^ sheng. Toys, ,^y Y^ hming-tsai\ Trace, J^ ^^ tsuimg-tsik, J^ S:^\ ying'isik Trade, >^t ^^ shang'i\ ^^ ^^ mau^-yik. Tradesman, 'gilj ^^j^ p^oo'^-ka. Tradition, P ^ffl /i«M'-ch'uen, Tragedy, fjj]§)|j^^;,a^. ^2V-^i'-niun, ^ ij^* j^ ybo'-ts'ing-/i4\ Trail, |@J :^ ^(.'-^'o/i, (a) ^ 3|S i'oA-han. Trai„,(a)^^-|^ffp|g ^s'^-e^-tai^-ts'ui-ts'uung-^e^ (of followers) ^^ yl ts'uung- yan, (of powder) j/^^^lg yb/i'-yeuk-s«/i\ Tramp, Trample, ^ |f^ tsin^- taap, ffraj:: ^^ cA'a« i'-taap. Tranquillity, "TT -^p t^aai^' p'ing. Transcribe, 3^-^^ ch^aau^ Transfer, :^P ^ noh-i. Transformation, ^^ >/K />mV Transgress, :^|^ f aan\ Transgression, ) jg[ ^[^ Jcwoh^-*- faan\ TRE 148 TRI Translate, faan-y ik, gS Qj ^yj^ jik-ch^uitt-loi. Transmigratioiij m^ IgJ luun- ooi. Transmit, ^^ ch'uen, ^ ^r Jcaau-Jci^ -iS ^ J^ cli^uen-tai\ Tranparent, J^ -^ P^)^ ^'aw^- Transplant, i^^ ffl cA^ao^j^fin; fl^ ^ shi^-^eww^. Transport, :fi^ iS />oo/i-wun\ (convicts) ""^F _^ ch^uung- hwun. Transpose, =J9 ^h tiu^-c7i«en', /j>g ^^. seung-oon^. Transverse, T^ waang. Trap, -^^ A;«ap, ^J luung. Travail, J^ fff ch^aan'-ak, (to) ^ ^>n-min'. Travel, |;fj .^^ c/i'wM^yau, ^ ^^ hang-yau. ^"^^y^ ^ M ^'^^^-P'oon. Treacle, ^1^ ^n^ t'ong-sAwi', (thick) ^Jf^ 0^ t'ong-^aciM. Tread, ^ M^sin^-li', ^:^^ li'-liang, (on) |fSi taap, (col.) naai'-is^an. Treasure, ^^ pS ngan-Zeww^'', ^ ^ ts'in-ngan. Treasurer, ^ J^ A ^oo;i'- /oo^-yan. Treasury, ^E Jm ngan-/oo\ Treat, ^ /^ hohn'toi\ Treaty, ^fl ^>^ woh-^eu^, /^ ;^^ p'ang-3/ewJfe. Tree, jj^ '^^ shue^-muuk, (col.) /?'oA-shue\ Tremble, :fj^ ta'-chan\ fj Hl^ ia''ckm\ H^ *^ c/aV- luut. Trench, J^ ho, +« ^««^^5', YjUi ch'i. Triad-society, — '. ^^ '^saam- hop-ooi\ Trial, |^ sM\ ^ ^^ ''^^'- B30 im\ (make) Triangle, ^^'^ JK saam-lok- ying. Tribe, ^^ tsuuk, ^ ;g|j^ c/a- Tribute, ^^ Tcuimg^^ (to pay) ^j^ ^ naap-^www^\ ^ |JJ naap-sAMz\ Trice, \^M^f4 *'"'^'- haak-chi-kaan. Trick, =^ g+ kwai''kai\ (to) y^ wun\ Trifle, (a) ^^ ^^ mi-mat, (to) SB luung\ (with things) (col.) nun\ TRU 149 TUR Trigger, [^ ^|j ViwchaiK Trim, ^ ^ cA/;/^'-ts'ai. Trip, (the foot) ^ ^ shat- keuk, Tripang, vfe ^; hoi'-shum. Triple, "^^ ^^ saam-y oo\'. Tripe, ^ IJJ: ngau-t'o', ^ ]^ ^ ngau-/)aa/j-ip. Triumpli, ^ ^ /*o/'-M. Troop, ^^^ 'kicun. Tropic, (N.) |fe ;^ ;}(^ it-;<7a/^-/)r/X--liaan'j (S.)- pfa KB it-/rtai'-naam-liaan\ Trot, ^ :^ Jf| ;.'aae.Va- t'ai. Trouble, ||B ffi^ Z:ao72-naan, (to)^^faan.iu',^|/j lo-tuung\ (I will) ^ >j|^ toh- faan. Troublesome, .^^ Si fai^-sze\ Trough, ;ji^ ts^o. Trousers, ^^ ^ t'iu-/oo\ Trowel, ;B^ ^^ nai-moon, R^ -BL/oo^-shi. Truce, ^ it ^ [[^ ting- chi'-kohn-kwoh. True, fe' chan^ yB 1^ c^an- shat. Truly, ^ ^ fttt'o//-in, ^ \\^ channelling^. Trumpet, ^^ |=J ho'-t'uung, (col.) ho -to. Trunk, ^S seiing^ (body) ^^ s^aw, -jr* M/ taai^-s/iaw, (ele- phant's) ^^ ;K^ tseung^-pat. Trunnions, jWj H> p^aav>-i\ Trust, A^ ^§ si«/7i'-laai^ Truth, ^ Jg c/iarj-li'. ^^^^' f j^ T '^"'•^^''''' f^ ~^ ^^ shP-gat-sM\ (before a court) Sp M sAw»i'-mun\ Tub, ^ j^ muuk-p'oon. Tube, ^^ A-oo/i', r^ t'uung. Tuberose, ^^ ^^ 3?t yuuk- tsaam-fa. Tuesday, JTjS ^£ "^^ lai'-/>aaj*- Tuft, j^ ^ ^o-ytai\ Tumble, ^ ^^ tin-lok, j® ^J kicamMo'. Tumour, |^ )f^ yuuk-lau, |^^>iMau. Tumult, ^^ ^ naau^-it. Tune, (a) ^ ^•'MW;&, ^ ^ tsav>'Ugdk, (to) ^ 1^ ^ •^* ^<7aw^-t^iu-ngok-yw??2. Tunnel, j_[j |1]|3 s/iaaw-tuung\ Turbid, J^ chuuk. Tureen, ^- ->^|^ t'ong-faii\ TWI 150 UMP Turf, ^ J^ ^'^"^'" chuen', "fc^ IpS. sucn-c^t«ew'. Turner, 4frp j/j^ suen-tseung\ ^ [^ c/i'e-tseung\ Turnip, ^S /^ loh-paak. /Fix; ^1 Turpentine, ;j^ ;|jj yf^ ts'uung-^szV-yau. Turtle, J^ J^ toi'-mooi\ Tutenag, Q ^^ paak-uen. Twang, ^p p^^ heung'-m'mg. Tweezers, ^^ Y?' haap-tsai', /J^ ^^ s^V-nip. Twelfth, ^-|^Zl tar-shap- i\ Twelve, -j-^ J^ shap-i*. Twenty, *^ -4-* i^-sliap, yap. Twice, pj^ ^|eJ leung'-ooi, (See Times). Twigs, ^J Jl^ c/u'-miu', ;j^^^^ shaauj j^ mit. Twilight, "g* -S wong-/M?2, ¥kt moo^-sAow^'. Twine, ^|| Y^ shing-^sa*', Twinge, m\ ts'eh. Twinkle, ffl shim\ Twinkling, (a) tt. ^^ chuen^'^ ngaan'. Twins, ^7' /^ Y^ ma-shang- tsai', '^P Zfc sheungshang. Twist, fe Tzaw', ^^ ^•aaM^ Twitching, :^ lai\ (of the muscles) ri^ ram kan-chuen'. Twitter, pfflj iffif ^ sai-sai- shejig. Two, 21 i\ pjf leung'. Type, vg^ ^J^ _jp oot-paan'- tsze\ Typhoon, J^ J^ fitung-]s.avi\ Tyranny, ^ >g ;9a^-to\ Tyrant, gn ^P />a'-wong. Tyro, ^ijj ^ p|5^ c/i'o/i-hok- kG\ U Ugly,||cAW, Pg^lgf, 'm-^o'-i{'ai'. Ulcer, ^^ )/S cA'o72^-lau\ Ultimately, ^|J fj^ io^-^ai'. Umbrella, :f£^>^jt;a'-c/ie, pg ^ ue'-cAe. Umpire, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^wc?i^- BZQ^-chming-ysin, ^ . UNC 151 UNE Unaccommodating, pS'yfHg^ 'm-sew??^-yeung\ Unaccountable, ^ '^ HJ kaai'-pat-cJi^uut. Unadvisable, p^ A. ^ ^ 'm-hop-sAai^-s/u'A:. Unadulterated, ^ J^^j^ tsing- shuun. Unalterable, ^ W W E^ vaoo-Jioh'-kang-kol' , Unanimous, ' j\^ yat-sum, chuumj-i'^. Unanswerable, ^flK'pf,^ ts 'ze-moo- AoA'-;>o/j. Unavoidable, ^{E^'fqf moo- Doi'-hoh, ^[£ "pj^ ^ moo- 7io/i'-pi\ Unbind, ^^ ^ laai'-lut Unblamable, ^ffW| chaak-ch^ue^. UnbouUded, ilEKB moo-haanV Unceasing, ~j^ jj- pat'chl', Uncertain, pg. ^^ ^ 'm- toft-ting\ ^ ^ pa^tiug\ Uncharitable, ^[E^'j'^ moo- yan-ts'ing. Uncivil, ^ jjjg moo-lai', #j^ ijl^ ngo^-maau\ Uncle, ^^ ■)^ padk'shuuk^ (maternal) ra 'A^ k'au'- foo\ Unconscious, X\ 4Cff ^3\ 'W' pat-chi-imt-kok. Unconstrained, ^ ^^ ^'m-in. Undecided, iJlE ^* moo-ting\ itt^ '^ moo-ting^-c/iM«7i'. Under, ~^ lia\ "[; jfjg ha^- tai', (to be) ;:^ ~K tsoi^-ha\ Undergo, ^^ shau\ Understand, ^ 7rm', ^ ^ ming-paak, -^ ooi'. Undertake, ^ ^ paaw-shing. Undertaker's-shop, ^J/|/^^J shau^-/3a«?i'-^;'oo\ Undervalue, :^ ^j^ hohn'-tai, ^ ^^ hohn'-hing. Undivided attention, B5 • chuen-yat. Undo, (loose) |^| ^ kaai'-hoi, (ruin) ;^ ^ swe«'-paai\ Undoubted, ^ ^^ ting^-in. Unequal, '^^^ pat-tang', pg ^ ^ 'm-seww^-^aw^', pg. 1^ 'm-t'uung. Unequalled, ^llii^ moo-sheung^ Uneven, pg ^ 'm-p'ing, ^^ ^ix7^ts'ai. UNI 152 UNS Unfavourable, X\^^^pat'Sm\ ^ ngaak. Unfeeling, ^S ^h'M pok-ts'ing. Unfold, ffl^ ^ kaai'-hoij g^ shue, J^£ chin'. Unforeseen, ^\ 3pM^ pat-lm\ f\ Pg- M li^^'m..o\ f^ ^^ ngau'-in. Unfounded, ilE :|>g ^ 2JJ Pljf moo-^a?i-moo-poo7i'-/i;e\ Ungrateful, "^ ffl^ mong-i/an. Uniform, ^ f^ — ^ ^ thiung'too'yat'yQ\mg\ jqj "^ t'uung-s/ii^, (dress) -^W^ Z^ ho^-i. Unimportant, ^i ^- ^^ mo'- kan''iu\ yff ^^ -^ mo'- seung-kohn. Unintentionally, ^ffi ^^ ptf moo-i*-cAMM?i^. Uninterrupted, J^J^ ^®? lau-lin-/>a^tuen\ Union, ^q^ W* hop-ooi\ (heart and soul) 1^ j}^ \^j ^ Vviung- swn- hip -l\k. Unite, ^^ i^ hop-maai, jm " X^ lin-maai. United States, ^ ^ gj Ho'p-chuung^'hvok, au llVi Universal, -^* 5^i^*^^'"^***'^^* Universe, ^^ ffip ue'-chau\ ^ p5 "e'-noi>, ^ i-jjj •fi§ A^ ^'«;z-ti^-maan*-mat. Unless, ^ pg- j^ yeuk-'m- hai\ Unlimited, SIE K^ moo-haan\ Unload, {f{ ^ ch'uut-foh\ ^ Unloose, m^ fa l^aai'-ht. Unnatural, iW 4^ yik-siw^/^ >^C 'm /"^^^'■sli<-'ung. Unnecessary, pS. ^m 'm-shai'j Pa 1i^^# 'm-sAae'-yik- Unpolluted, >j^ >^|^ ^j|5^ pat- chim-oo. Unprecedented, :f^ ^j^ A^ P|)f ts'uung-loi-mo'-A*e\ Unprepared, ::^ V^ ^S mo'- c/iMM?i'-pi\ Unprofitable, ^ :^ mo'-pL Unrepining, ^ ^j^ ^ ;?a^ waai-! l|p s«f'-'pin\ Urine, J^ niu*. Unwearied, ^ ^ mo'-kuen\ xjm, m t'aap, ^ long. (col.) mo'-kooi\ ^^ _^k » .i , , .. .^-^ .^ Us, ^ J-tJl ngoh'-tiv Use, (to) ^^ shai', FH yuung\ Useful, Y^ j^ pin*-yuuug\ Useless, >rt pH IB mo'-dmung* yuung^. Unwilling, p^ -« 'm-hajiy*, Unworthy, ^ ;^ pat-horn. Up, upon, JJ^^ sheung\ (to go) ^ sheung'. Upper, >fc J^ tsoi*-sheung\ Upright, ^ k'i', |g j5^ chik* laap, (just) J]^ T^ ching'- chik. Uproar, pg pa-pai ; ^1 E3 ts'o-luen' iuen\ Upset, ff ^Hj to'-to'. 20 ' tfe IL ^«- Usual, 2p *^ p'ing-sheung, g^PL ffit" ts'um-sheung. Usurp, ^^ 4^ pa^'cldrn}^ jj^^ j^ yeung-tuet. Utensil, ^ SSL hi'-ming'. Uterine, 13 }J^ i'nnng-paau. Utmost, ^ ;^ cAe'-kik, -p /^ shap-/M», Utter, (to) ^ [f} Jcong'-ch^uuL VAL 154 VEN Utterance, pf ^^ hau'-kolc, pi ^# Aciw'-k'im. Utterly, ^^^ ^^ tsHng-ch'oh'. Vacant, ^ J^ Vacation, ^^ ^ huwig-htinn. Vaccinate, ^ ^g w-tau\ T^ y36 33 c/i«Mn^^ -yeung-tau\ Vacillate, ^^ ^j faan-fuuk^ gU — ^_ _S^ |7I/| chiu'saam' moo^*s^e\ Vagabond, \^ )JM^ long^-tong\ Vagina, E^ ^5 yum-oo^j ^g Pt cA'aa?i'-moon. Vagrant, Jg? -^* yau-sAaw'. Vague, 3(32 1^ hue-foot. Vain, a^ ^^ chong-hong, J^ j!S ^we-fau, (proud) ^§ ^^ Valance, Hjg ;;j^ /«?^^-yura. Valley, MJ y^^ shaan-Tiuuh. Valuable. ' pi ^iyai^chuung\ Value, ^ /ca\ ^ll ^^ chik- , J^.i ts'in, (to prize) ^ EQ^/at'a2'- chuuug\ Vampire, ^^ fJjS pin-fuuh ^an, ■|[y[ 1^ ts'in-/«M«^. Vane, J^ >[g ^ /wwti^-smwti^- k'i. Vanish) ^ffl jj^ sm-mit, (dis- appear) ^^ ^ tsuet-ying. Vapour, ^10 ;^ ^ cAi«^- Vang-chi-h{\ (of water) 'jjf^ ^S' shui'-hi^. Various, :^ ^j^ M-yeung\ ^ ^iM^ting\ Varnish, 00 yjb ming-yau. Vase, ;:jpt ^^,fa'tsuun. Vegetable, ^^ ^s'oi\ (kingdom) ^^ /^ ^s'o'-muuk. Vehement, ^ff* mang'. Vehicle, ^^ ra, tsoi^-ch'e, Veil, (to) j^ ^ cAe-oo\ (a) ^S ffi] ^^ ^'oi^-min^-sAa. Vein, jgj [TTT fe* ooi-/iwe« koon'. Velvet, p^ ;|^ /sm'-yuung, ^ li 1^ ^c>A-loh.yuung. Venerable, ^^ JJU* lo'-shing, Venerate, ^©^^H* ^si^ ^ funl-sze, ^^ Y? fun'-tsai', Vermilion, ^ ;^ >|^ ngan- chue-fun'. Verse, (poetry) ~gf g3p s/iaw'- *^"*> (.^^ wp ^^*'^' Vertex, -Jh ^en^r'. Vertigo, B 0^5 i^n t'au-wun\ Very, ^2* g shat-sAaz/. :;j|^ shat-tsoi\ -|-"^ Vex, ^r?i: iiatiu , "y-^f:^ TSJS^ ■ '"'' S^ ^ naan-wai'. Vexed, i;^ ^^ ^l^faan-no'. Vial,yjN|^J,^Jj^m>A. Vibrate, ;^ ^5 iu-y««t,^ "^h paai'-tuungV ^^^^' /^ ji^ ok-tuen, (a tool); Viceroy, ^|S| ^& tsuung'-tuuk,. ^^ 3l fa^^^-^^ong. Victory, ^ — 'jj^ yeng-^a^. chan\.3S ^^ wok-shlng^.. View, (to) ^ A;?ri\ ^ ^ holm^'kin^f (a) -t^ ^p* kwong^. king'. Vigorous, M^ 'j^" c/ion^Mvin^i Vigour, J^;g;lik-leung\>^^ jjj|h ^si'«^-shan. Vil^ §,^ cA'aw', ^ o^, (mean) T^ ^ ha'-tsin\ VIT 156 WAF Village, ^@FJ jkjir heung-ts^uen, Villainous, SS j\X^ hak-sum, xflp ^^ kaau'Tcaau', Vine, ^ ;^ 1^ p'oo-fai- shue*. Vinegar, ffig ts^d^. Violate, :|2. ^^^^N (-tseung\ kin*. Visting card, ^ |^ mingr tHp» Visitor, ^ ^ jQXi-haaL Vitals, -^ p^ ming^-moon. Vitriol, (blue) |jg ^ /««,„'- faan. Vivid, YQ* V^S oot-p'oot. Viviparous, ^j^ ^ p|j[ Z'oi^ ^hang-ke*. Voice, ~J^ sheng, Voluble, y^ pS^ yau-?!5z«*'. Volume, ^K i^oow', pK poo\ Voluntarily, ^j^* ^ ts^ing- uen\ ~n^ j^^ 'kom'sum. Volunteers, B^Mj[;;^niun-c7ion^\ Vomit, n[^ aw'. Voracious, ;;^ ^ P^ taai*- sliik-^e\ ^^ -^t ^'aam-shik. Vortex, m^ yv^ jO^ suen-sAwi'- sum< Vote, Voucher, /^ Vow, ^ IBS f^ p'ang-^we\ AMe'-uen\ Voyage, y\^ ^ sImi'-\o\ yjj^ iS sAwi'rch'ing. Vulgar, -f^ tsuuk. Vulture, g& c/a'«. W Wadded, ^^ lig min-naap, Wade, ^ 5J^ sMjyshui', Wafer, j)< /^ >^ /oA'-^.'a<- WAN 157 WAS Wag, (a) j{f ^ ^ ho'^ts^ue'- yan, (to) ^w ning\ Wager, ^* ^^ to'-ts'oi\ Wages, Tp ^® A:«Mw^-t84n, Wagtail,||| ^^^ ^5eMing. Wail, ^ ^ oz-Zmw*. Waist, ]j^ m. Waistcoatj ^ i^ pooi'-sum. Wait, ^ /^ ^a?if^^::j»^ chi-plnrhohn. Wander, fjf^ |/^ lau-li, ^ J^ ngo^-yau, (miss the way) %^^ tong'-s/iaMo\ Wane, ^/at, ^ ^ uet-A-we^. Want, ^ m\ (defect) ^ ^ A•«e^faat, (destitution) c//iV-sze\ ^^Jr Wanton, -^ ^ Jii^ ho'-shih War, ^J^ ^ ^^ kaau-ping, --|-" ^^t* Wn Ward, (division) :j^' j^ kaai- fong. Wardrobe, :^ ^^^|g i-fuuk- kwai*. Warehouse, >^ S cliaan^-f ong, Warlike, ^ moo', (man) -^ •^^ moo'-ybo, (arms) "T' j?t kohn-kivoh. Warm, ;J^ nucn', ^h it. ^ nuen'- Warming-pan Warn, j^ king', kaai^. Warp, 1^ ^^ kmg'Si7i\ (col.) A:«7?/7. Warped, ^^^ luen. Warrant, (a) W pHu\ (police) ^ ^ ch'aai-p'm\ (to) -^ ^ paau'jyo', Warren, ^ jgj wew'-yau\ Wart, ^ -^ havL'tsze', ^^ iM> ^ faan^-yui'-cA^ow^. Wash^ ^ ^«^''- Washer-man, ^^ ]^ Jl ,?aj'- /-yan. WAT 158 WEA Wash-stand, '^ J^^ min^- p'oon-Z:a\ Waspj "g^ |g^ wong'fuung. Waste, (to) ^ /«i\ *]^ ^ long^-/a^', (coL.) saai-t^aat, saai. Watch, (to) ^§* Ao/m, (at night) ^§* j^ hohn-Jcaang, (a time piece) B^ J^ ^ shi-shan- piu. Watches, (the five) ^ J|f *ng'-kaang. Watchful, gH '1^ fr«7i'-shan\ Watchman, ^S J^ haang-foo. Watchword, ^ ^ ow^-ho\ Water, •m^ shd', (to) j5|k lum. Water-caltrops, ^^ -^ liug- ^0^, ^S ki\ Water-chestnut, ^^ ^ s^mj'- l^^t> i^ 5^ ma'-t^^i. Water-course, 7lC/» slmi'-T^au. Water-cresses, TJ^ j=y 4^ s/mi' -k 'an- <6'oi\ Water-fall, :^ ^ ^^ puuk- Watering-pot, ^ ^^/«-s/w'. Water-lily, ^^ ^^ lin-/a. Water-melon, ^Q fj^ sai-Tcwa, Water-mill, -^ ^ s/mi'-moh. Watery, ;^j^ t^aam', ^ ^^ shang-shtii'y (thin) fej /i?"^ Wave, (of the sea) ^^ long*, Waving, *|^ ^^ long^-mun, 'Tj^ y|y ^j]3^ sAwi'-poA-mun. Wax, ^J^ laap, (white) ^ [^ tel ch'uung-paak-laap, Way,fj^{^t^iu-lo\g;{^ to'-lo^, (method) ^ ^fong- faat. We, ^& ;^jjj ngoh'-ti\ (our or ^y^ ^ 1^^ ngoh-^a-. Weak, ^ ^ uen'-yeuk, (watery) y^ t^aam', taam\ Wealth, ^^ ^ ts'oi-paak. Wean, ^ ^J^ t^uen'-naai'. Weapons, li''hi\ JE '■ -^ 7ii^-haai\ Wear, (clothes) ^p ^^ cJi^uen' cheuJc, (a hat) WH ^aai\ (a shawl) ^^g lauj (-out) ^^ ;^^ cheuk'W Raiy Weary, ^ /[^ p'i-kuen^, ^ ^^ ftaw^-kucn\ Weasel, a^ ^M munng-kwai\ Weather, ^^^T tHn'hi\ (good) ^■f ^ /io'-i'w. Weather-cock, j|[5 ^t ^ shuun^-/?/ww^-ue. Weave, i|t; r//^^A. WEL 159 WHI Web, ' M^ ^ 1/at-H-pooy Web-footed, ^ ^ P^ ^ ^S Jceuk-chi''kaan-y liu'-mok, }^g ^ ngoh-cJmmff', Wed, ^^ SB ts^ue^-ts'an. Wedding, jl^ -^l^fnn-^an. Wedge, ^^ ^|§. fem-chaang\ Wednesday, jjj^ ^g ^ lai'- paai^-saani. Weed, 1^;^ ye'-te V, (to) ^ ^^ man(f-ts''o'. Week, jjjl ^^ lai'-;jrzai\ Weep, yjj['^yw;>lui\ ^ y|L huuk-yup. Weeping-willow, ^ :^ j^V^ shui-yeung-lau'. Weevils, -j^ '^p mai'-ngau. Weigh, ^8 chHng^. Weights, ^ :pE/aaMna'. Weighty, 5f chiiung\ Welcome, (to) ^ :^ /i4'-te<>, g^ jQj>o«-ying. Weld, ^^ ;tj| yuung-maai. Welfare, 2pl -W- p'ho'! (in health) 6 ^tsze'- t8oi\ ^ ho', (get) ^]p ^ ho' -faun. West, g sae, (the) j^ ^ sai-pin^ p^ /^ sal-fong. Wet, y^ s/i?^ paak-^aaP. Wliite-wash, vgg jj^ ^ sha'- fooi-shui'. Whitlow, d^g m Jg[ chi''Jeaap' tsue. Who? -^ g^ wa^shui? ^ ^pin-koh'? Who, /^ yjV koh''koh\ Whole, -^ >j^ uen-ts^uen, * ^ yat-¥oi\ J^ shing. Wholesale, 'a^ ^^ /cw^-hong. Whore, ^^^ c/iV.?z/i^ -ki^ -^^ ;^ lo'-A:we'. Whose? -^ g^ p|S^ mai-shui- mat'Sze^'kohn^? HQ ^ffl* ?/aw- hoh? j^ -^ tso'-mai? ji^ tang' kwong'-foot. ^rr* kwa'-ioo', Wick, (lamp-) sum. Wicked, ^ ok, ^ ^t^ 0^-;^^**. yuung^-t'ang-/?m-tso\ Wicket-gate, ^g P^ />aMiioon, Wide, If^ """ Widow, "H: j^ ^•^6'a'-moo'-p'oh. Widower, ;^ f^ ftu;a'-Zo',;^ ^^* ^ioa'-lo'. Wife, ;^ ^ lo'-p'oh, ^ ^ ts^ai-shat^ (your) -^^ y^ /oo- yan. Wild, l&ye', (mad)^Jk'wong. Wilderness, ffl^ |^/o«^'-ye\ Will, (a) XC "^ clmuk-shue^ waX-shue, (wish) 1p (future) aSC teew/i^, 3E «V. Wilful, [^ ^ Jfcco^-/^ m Willing, -g- Aa;?^', pfj ^^ chuung-i''. Willingly, "ct' j^ kom-sum. Willow, /|||] 1^ lau'-shue\ Wily J g|g X^ kwaai'haau', in, ^ yen, ch'in k'iu', k'iu'-maai. W Wind,^\>«^^,(to)|g|^ WIT 161 WOO Winding, J^ ^ waan-huuk. Windpipe, {^ P|^ ngaang^- hau, '^S ^^ hi^-hoon'. Windlass, ffljffi $M luuk-lo. Window, ^^ Pn ch'eung-moon. Wine, (port) IS ^j^ hak-tsau', (sherry) Q ^^^ paak-^saw', (claret) ^J^ r^ huung-^sa?/. Wine-strainer, \jS J& feaw'- lau\ Wing, ^P yik. Wink, l|2 1^ cAafl^j-ngaan', ^r BR ^ ta'-ngaan'-shik. Winnow, p^ ts ch^ui-hong Winnowing-machine, ffit iS y//MWf/-kwai\ Winter, ^i ■^ tuung-tHn^ ^i "^^ tining-ling^ , Wipe, :^ wioo^, ^^ A-m', (col.) Wire,. m-' Wisdom, -^ ■ ^# . c/«'^-wai\ tJ j"ej^ :g^ uen^-yuuk, /^ Wither, &4* ^S koJin-wai', "^^ §4* tsiu-kohn. Within, S B^ lue'-t'au, lue'- <«i', !^^ ^ tsoi^-noi\ Without, ^K gj^ ngoi^-t'aij, (wanting) liTf. moo. Withstand, J^^ tong'-c\\UQ\ ^^ "fi k'ue'-chue\ Witness, g]f il chmg^-ysLU, ^ f iE ko1m'chmg\ (to) ^ H ts^au'kin}. ^S WS chat- ching\ Wizard, 3ffl ,^ sheng'-kuung, Woad, f:^ ^^ 5?;2//?^-laam. Wish, ^^^ ^^^ seung', *^^ oi\ Q >/^ i-tak. Wistaria,^^:^i5^e'-t*ang. /a. W^itch, 3^ ^ s^ew^'-p^oh. With, dt kuung\ 1^ Jg t'uung-maai, "^^ ^s'aw*. Woc,pwoiyJi^^woh'-(.o/.' Wolf, ^i' 3^ ch*aai-long. Woman, -^ y^ nue'-yan, JjS Jl foo'-yan. Womh, ^^ i'o/. Wonder, ^ ^ A:iV-k'i, (not know) pg- ^fl :|^ 'm-cM-tak. Wonderful, [j^j ^ c/i'ww^k^i. Woo, -g»|^to-lim,^]^J>|| Ao^-k'au. Wood, yj^ muuk, (forest) M| ;feK shue^-lum. Wood-louse, ^g ^ fi-c^we, ^^^.A.e'.foo'. 21 wou 162 YAR Woodpecker, ^^ yj^ ^|^ teiik- muuk-niu'. Woof, ^^^^ ivai''sin\'W'ooi'. Wool, ^ ^ yeung-mo. Woollens, 4^ yuung, M^cMn. Word, (written) .^^ tsze\ (spoken) -^ ?/?«7?2, gi wa\ JS^BR A^oA^-tsze^-ngaan', (the Word) ^ To\ Work, T" .^^ Jcuung-foo, World, fth^ skaV-J:aai\ (the whole) ^^ ^ "T\ p'oo'-fin- ha\ Worms, ^^ ch'uung, ^^ ^^] yau-jan', (internal) ffijpj ^S ooi-ch'uung. rfct: 1^ 3/«^- Wormwood, M ch'an-/ia. Worse, ^^ P^^i"? ^ang^-'m- ho', '^' jpS chuung^-pai\ Worship, ^^^^ shuung-paai\ Worsted, ;^ ^a yuiing-sm\ Worth, Yg chik, ;^ tai', ^^ :|S tai'-tak. Worthy, ;K Aom, ^- A^ in- yan. Would, ^ yuuk, (-that) j^^ Wound, ^^ sheung. Wrangle, |^ :^ aai^-kaau. Wrap, :^J y^ ta'-jKiaUy ^ ,^L pacm-Jcivoh'. Wrapper, ^ yAJr paau-fuuk. Wrath, ^ jfet cAa7z^-no\ Wreck, :^ j|gf ;9'oA^-shuen, '^^^®^' $% S§ ^sm-liu. Wrestle, ^ ^ feoft-lik, ^ ^^ kami^'shing^. Wring, (dry) nau'-JcokUf (out) j ^ HJ nau'-ch^uut. 1km ^:h Wrinkle. ;^-mun, (to) ^M i^ ^saw^-maai. Wrist, ^p* Bj/g^ shau'-oon\ -3p BR. *M* s^<^«*'-iigaan'-Ae^;M^. Write, ^ se', ^ ^ se'-tsze\ Wrong, |g^ J ts'o^'-liu', pg ^^T 'm-cheuk. Wry, -^ 2<;aai, 7«e'. Yam, -^ ^^ taai'-shue. Yard, (measure) !pE f? ma'- ch'ek. Yard, (of a ship) l^C ^^on^V Yarn, ^ sAa. YOU f ^^ sAan-laan'. 1C3 ZON Yawn, Year, ^^ nin, ^^ swi'V Yeast, g?: -^ kaau'-mo', ^ mfc tsau'-peng'. Yellow, ^ff' 'm wong-s/iiAj. Yes, ^f^ [^ hai'-foft. Yesterday, ^^ Q tsok-yat, ^. ^ ts'um-mat. Yet, fp^ sheung', ^^ chuungV (not) ^^ mi^-ts'ang. Yew-tree, ^^ l^yi'-shueV Yield, ^ ^^ fcitai-fuuk, ^^ ^l5 fuuk-i'//j,(up)myeung*, Yoke, ffl| aaA:, (of oxen) 2tl iooi^-ngau. Yolk, -^ ^ taan'-wong. Yonder, >(g|^ till ^^A^v .s7i2f:;5tP|^ni'.Ae\'f;^^^ ni'-i/yfc. Youth, (time of) i^ ^ B^ nin-Am^-shi, (a) ^^^^l^^'^^'-^" shang. chi-i^. Zealous, »j^ ^ f uu'-/aa^ Zebra, J|^ ^ ,^ foo'-paan- ma'. Zedoary, ^ ^ ^ fto-leung- Zenith, ^^ JH tHn-ting'. Zest, ^]^ ;^ 5^ Ao*-«S2;e-mi\ Zinc, Q ^gj* paak-uen. Ziziphus, ]Bg ^5o'. Zodiac, ^ ^ wong-to\ Q ^yat.to\ [h