LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class GRADUATED EXERCISES AND EXAMPLES FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS OF THE INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES' TEXT-BOOK. PART I, INTEREST (including Annuities-Certain), PART II LIFE CONTINGENCIES (including Life Annuities and Assurances), WITH SOLUTIONS. BY THOMAS G. ACKLAND, FELLOW OF THE INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES. FELLOW OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY. ACTUARY AND MANAGER OF THE GRESHAM LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. AND GEORGE F. HARDY, FELLOW OF THE INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES. FELLOW OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY. ASSISTANT ACTUARY OF THE GENERAL REVERSIONARY AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. <^7 OF THE UNfVERSIT LONDON : CHARLES AND EDWIN LAYTON, 56, FARRINGDON STREET, E.G. 1889. INTRODUCTION. THE following EXEECISES AND EXAMPLES are intended to supply a systematic course of work for the use of Actuarial Students, in practical illustration and application of the principles and formulas laid down and developed in the INSTITUTE OP ACTUARIES' TEXT-BOOK, PARTS I. and II. The Examples upon Interest and Annuities- Certain have been carefully selected to supplement those printed at the end of the INSTITUTE OP ACTUARIES' TEXT-BOOK, PART I., and in further illustration of the text and demonstrations of that work. The Examples in Life Contingencies were originally intended to be appended to the INSTITUTE OP ACTUARIES' TEXT-BOOK, PART II., but their insertion was ultimately found to be impracticable, owing to the already considerable bulk of that treatise. It was also felt that the usefulness of such Examples would bo greatly increased if they were accompanied by short Solutions and references to the Text-Book. The present volume has accordingly been undertaken, and is now issued upon the sole responsibility of the joint Authors, who have selected the Exercises and prepared the Solutions here given, in the light of their practical experience during the 171603 IV INTRODUCTION. past six sessions (1883-4 to 1888-9 inclusive) as successive Lecturers to Students of the Institute of Actuaries upon the subjects of the Part II. Examination. The Exercises and Examples have been selected from all available sources in Actuarial literature, and largely from the Examination Papers of past years. In a few cases, where a practical illustration of some important theorem or demonstra- tion treated in the Text-Book was not readily available, special Examples have been prepared to meet the case. In so considerable a body of work it is hardly probable that errors will have been entirely eliminated. The greatest care has, however, been taken to secure accuracy ; and the Compilers desire to express their special indebtedness to Mr. WILLIAM SMITH ANDERSON, A. I. A., and Mr. HARRY BEARMAN, A.I.A., both of the GRESHAM LIFJE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, for valued assistance in the careful examination of the Exercises and Solutions, and in the revision of proof-sheets. T. G. A. G. F. H. September, 1889. NOTES FOR THE STUDENT. THE EXERCISES AND EXAMPLES are arranged in two main divisions Interest and Life Contingencies corresponding respectively with Parts I. and II. of the INSTITUTE OF ACTUARIES' TEXT-BOOK. The chapters into which the Exercises are divided correspond throughout with those similarly numbered in the Text-Book; and the Exercises contained in each chapter are arranged, as far as practicable, in the order in which the subjects are treated and developed in the corresponding chapter in the Text-Book. At the foot of each page of the Exercises and Examples is appended a reference to the pages, later on in the present volume, upon which the Solutions of such Exercises will be found. The references, in the Solutions, to figures in square brackets thus, [16] indicate the numbered paragraphs in the Text-Book in which the subject dealt with in the particular Example is treated; and the paragraphs so referred to will be found (unless otherwise stated) in the chapter of the Text-Book then under discussion. Any additional hints by way of solution, or references to other authorities, are appended for the guidance of the Student, and the further elucidation of the points raised in the several Exercises and Examples. References to the Journal of the Institute of Actuaries are indicated by the letters J.I. A. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. INTEREST (INCLUDING ANNUITIES-CERTAIN). EXAMPLES. SOLUTIONS. CHAPTER. Page. Page. I. INTEREST, AMOUNTS, PRESENT VALUES, AND DISCOUNT 1 39 II. ANNUITIES-CERTAIN : (i) Interest convertible yearly, and annuity pay- able yearly 2 41 (ii) Annuity payable and interest convertible at the same period, the period being less than a year 3 43 (iii) Annuity payable and interest convertible at periods of different duration ... ... 4 44 III. VARYING ANNUITIES 5 45 IV. DETERMINATION or THE RATE or INTEREST: (i) On the determination of the rate of interest where the amount of capital repaid is the same as that advanced ... ... ... 6 48 (ii) On the determination of the actual rate of interest paid by a borrower, where the amount of capital repaid is different from the amount advanced ... ... ... 6 48 VII. INTEREST TABLES 7 51 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 8 52 PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES (INCLUDING LIFE ANNUITIES AND ASSURANCES). I. THE MORTALITY TABLE 9 56 II. PROBABILITIES OF LIFE 10 57 HI, EXPECTATIONS OF LIFE 12 61 Vlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. EXAMPLES. SOLUTIONS. CHAPTER. Page. Page. IV. PROBABILITIES or SUBVIVOESHIP 13 64 V. STATISTICAL APPLICATIONS OF THE MOBTALITT TABLE ... 14 66 VI. FORMULAS OP DE MOIVRE, GOMPEBTZ, & MAKEHAM, FOB THE LAW OF MOBTALITT ... ... ... 15 67 VII. ANNUITIES AND ASSUBANCES ... 15 69 VIII. CONVEBSION TABLES FOB SINGLE AND ANNUAL ASSUBANCE PBEMIUMS 18 73 IX. ANNUITIES AND PBEMIUMS PAYABLE FEACTIONALLY THBOTTGHOUT THE YEAB 18 74 X. ASSURANCES PAYABLE AT ANY OTHEB MOMENT THAN THE END OF THE YEAR OF DEATH 19 76 XL COMPLETE ANNUITIES 20 77 XII. JOINT-LIFE ANNUITIES 20 78 XIII. CONTINGENT, OB SURVIVORSHIP, ASSURANCES ... 21 79 XIV. REVERSIONARY ANNUITIES 22 82 XV. COMPOUND SURVIVORSHIP ANNUITIES AND ASSUR- ANCES 24 85 XVI. COMMUTATION COLUMNS, AND THEIR APPLICATION TO VARYING BENEFITS, AND TO RETURNS OF PBEMIUM 24 85 XVII. SUCCESSIVE LIVES 26 89 XVIII. POLICY- VALUES 27 89 XIX. LIFE INTEEESTS AND REVEBSIONS 29 94 XX. SICKNESS BENEFITS 30 98 XXL CONSTRUCTION OF TABLES 31 99 XXII. FORMULAS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES 32 102 XXIII. INTERPOLATION 34 107 XXIV. SUMMATION 36 115 Chap, I.] EXERCISES AND EXAMPLES. GRADUATED EXEECISES AND EXAMPLES PART I. INTEREST (INCLUDING ANNUITIES-CERTAIN). CHAPTER I. INTEREST, AMOUNTS, PRESENT VALUES, AND DISCOUNT. (1). Give the two formulas which express interest for a fractional period, and state what assumptions are made in each case, and the advantages and disadvantages of each formula. (2). Write down the formula for the amount of interest accrued on a sum at the end of the th of a year, at the effective rate of i m per annum, and prove that such accrued interest is less than the simple interest for the same period at the rate i. How would you account for this ? (3). State clearly the meaning of the term "force of interest", and obtain a formula exhibiting its relation to the effective rate of interest. (4). Show that the instantaneous rate equivalent to a yearly rate of * is approximately equal to the arithmetic mean between the theoretical and commercial discount on 1 for a year, the rate of interest being i. (5). Write down the present value of a sum due 3, 6, and 9 | months hence. State your reasons for the formulas adopted. (6). Given log 10 =2 '3026, show that 1 will amount to 10, at 1 per-cent, in 23 If years. B Solutions, pp. 39, 40. J PAET I. INTEREST. [Chaps. I, II. (7). Write down expressions for the present value and amount of 1 at the end of n years, interest being reckoned at the nominal rate of i, convertible m times a year. What do these expressions respectively become when m=cc ? (8). Given tables of the functions (1/0125)* and (T0125)-" for integral values of n t how would you employ them to ascertain (a) the amount of 100 in 10 years, interest being reckoned at the rate of 5 per-cent per annum, payable quarterly ; (/?) the present value of 100 due 15 years hence, interest being reckoned at the rate of 2-g- per-cent per annum, payable half-yearly ? (9). State symbolically the difference between discount at simple interest, discount at compound interest, and commercial discount. 1 fj.i& (10). Show that 8= - ~ v x dx (11). A gives B a bill for a due at the end of m years, in discharge of a bill for b due at the end of n years. For what sum should B give A a bill due at the end of p years to balance the account ? CHAPTER II. ANNUITIES-CERTAIN. t (i) Interest convertible yearly, and annuity payable yearly. (12). Find the relation between the discount of any sum payable n years hence, and the present value of an annuity-certain for n years of the same amount. (13). An annuity-certain of 729 a year is granted for 25 years, the rate of interest at 5 per-cent. Calculate the value of such annuity, given, log 2 = -30103; Iog7='84510; Iog3 = '47712; log 2952=3-47012; log 2953 =3-47026. (14). What sum would have to be deducted from the first payment of the annuity in the preceding question, if the first payment is made three months hence, the second in fifteen months, &c.? (15). Show how the several payments of an annuity-certain may be divided into principal and interest, and demonstrate that the amount remaining outstanding at the end of any year is equal to the present value of an annuity-certain for the remaining term. (16). Show that the amount of purchase-money of an annuity- certain for n years which is unpaid at the end of m years, is equal to [Solutions, Chap. II.] EXERCISES AND EXAMPLES. 3 the difference between the accumulated amount of the purchase-money for m years, and the accumulated amount of the annuity in the same time. (17). An insurance company lends 50,000, repayable by an annuity-certain for 25 years. How much capital is unpaid at the end of 20 years, reckoning interest at 5 per-cent ? (18). In the above case construct a table showing how much of each annual instalment of annuity consists of interest, and how much of repayment of capital. (19). Show how to find the amount of each payment of an annuity- certain for n years, which is purchased for a sum of V, the purchaser wishing to invest his capital at a rate of interest *', and to replace that capital at a rate of interest i. (20). Show clearly into what component parts an annuity-certain may be divided, and give the means of determining how much of each payment goes to repay the capital originally invested, in the case where the rate of interest at which that part of each payment which goes to repay capital is invested, is different from the rate of interest realized on the original investment. (21). Find the present value of a perpetuity of 1, and hence deduce the present value of an annuity-certain for n years. (22). A lease of the annual value of 1 is granted for m years. After it has been n years in force, the lessee requires to extend the remaining term to m years. How much ought he to pay ? (23) . Given the present value, at rate of interest , of an annuity of 1 deferred d years, investigate a formula to find n, the number of years it has to run. (24) . Four persons, A, B, C, and D, contribute equal sums towards the purchase of a perpetuity. Find the number of years that A, B, and C may successively enjoy it, D having the absolute reversion, so that all four may benefit equally. (ii) Annuity payable and interest convertible at the same period, the period being less than a year. (25) . Find the present value and amount of an annuity-certain for n years, at a nominal rate of interest of i, convertible in times a year. (26) . From the above, deduce the present values and amounts of B 2 pp. 40-43.] 4 PART I. INTEREST. [Chap. II. * 1 continuous annuities-certain. Show how a table of the values of - - , x x being the argument, enables us to calculate such values. (27). If two annuities-certain of 1 per annum for n years are purchased, in one of which the annuity is payable and interest convertible yearly, while in the other the instalment is payable and interest convertible m times a year, the effective rate of interest being the same in the two cases, what is the relation between the amount of capital repaid in the till year under the two annuities respectively ? (28) . Give a formula expressing the value of an annuity-certain of 1 for n years, payable m times a year, in terms of the value of an annuity-certain of 1 for n years payable yearly, the nominal and the effective rates of interest. What does the formula become when m= ? (29). If x be the nominal rate of interest, the value of a perpetuity is equal to -, however often interest is convertible. Under what CO condition is this true, and how would you explain it ? (30). Find the value of an annuity to run for five years, interest and instalment payable half-yearly, with interest at the nominal rate of 5 per-cent, and show the amount of capital redeemed in each half-yearly payment. (31). The guardians of a poor-law union are desirous of borrowing 5,000, the loan to be discharged and the interest paid by an equal half-yearly charge upon the rates, extending over 30 years. Assuming 5 per-cent interest, find the amount of the half-yearly charge, and draw up a schedule showing what portions of each of the first four payments are applicable for the payment of interest and the discharge of the capital account. (iii) Annuity payable and interest convertible at periods of different duration. (32). Write down the formulas for the present value and amount of an annuity-certain for n years, instalment payable k, and interest m times a year, in terms of the effective rate of interest i, and also of the nominal rate of interest x. (33) . Given the formula for the present value of an annuity-certain for n years, instalment payable k, and interest m times a year, show how the expression will be modified in the several cases where m=l, [Solutions, Chaps. II, III.] EXE11CISES AND EXAMPLES. 5 & = 1, wi= = l, w=co, 7=co, w = & = co, M = l, & = oo, =1, W = GO . (34). Under what differing conditions are the following formulas, (a), OS), for the present value of a continuous annuity-certain for n years, correctly stated ? What does the formula (y) represent ? 1 f-5n 1 f-in 1 f -5n w-nr-' cfl'-f-, w-^- (35) A loan of X is to be discharged by an annuity (made up of X principal and interest) of , payable at the end of each year, the interest thereon being at i per unit per annum, convertible half-yearly. When will the debt be extinguished ? CHAPTEE III. VARYING ANNUITIES. (v \ r J , stopping at the term involving v n . (37) . Find the present value of an annuity-certain, the first payment being 1, the second 1'2, the third 1'4, and so on, increasing '2 each year; the last payment being 10. (38) . Find the value of an annuity-certain for 21 years, the first payment of which is 1, and the after-payments of which increase by aVfch each. (39) . Find the value of an annuity-certain for n years, the payments of which are I 3 , 2 3 , 3 3 , &c. (40). State a general formula for the value of an annuity-certain for n years, whose successive payments are u t , u 2 , u 3 . . . u n ; and explain how the values of annuities of the figurate numbers can be employed in determining such values. (41) . Deduce a formula for the present value of a perpetuity whose successive payments are the figurate numbers of the rth order. (42). Find, by the method indicated by Mr. Peter Gray (J.I.A., xiv, 91), the value of an annuity to run for 40 years, the successive payments of which are 1, 3, 5, 13, 33, . . ., interest being reckoned at 5 per-cent. (43). Find the value, at 5 per-cent, of an annuity for 40 years, whose several payments are 55, 126, 259, 484, 837, . . , pp. 43-48.] 6 PART I. INTEREST. [Chaps. Ill, IV. (44). Find the value of an annuity for 15 years, whose successive payments are 201, 303, 443, 630, 874, . . . CHAPTER IV. (i) On the determination of the rate of interest where the amount of capital repaid is the same as that advanced. (45) . An annuity-certain for 100 years is worth 19 years' purchase ; find the rate of interest by formulas (A), (B), (C), (D). (46). An annuity-certain for 25 years is worth 17 years' purchase ; find the rate of interest by formulas (Dj) and (D 2 ). (47). Show how to approximate to the rate of interest in an annuity-certain in cases where the term is long, and hence deduce the rate of interest when #941=: 27. 48. Giye at least three formulas for approximating to the rate of interest in an annuity-certain, and state which you would select as likely to give the most satisfactory result without excessive labour. (ii) On the determination of the actual rate of interest paid by a borrower, where the amount of capital repaid is different from the amount advanced. (49). Deduce Makeham's formula for the value, at rate of interest i', of a loan bearing interest at rate *, and explain it verbally. What are the advantages of the use of this formula ? (50). A loan of s is repayable at par in n years, and bears interest meanwhile at the rate i. Deduce a formula for the amount that could be given by a purchaser in order that interest at the rate of j may be realized upon the amount invested. (51). Obtain a formula for the present value of the capital redeemed in the successive payments of an annuity-certain of 1 for n years. (52). A loan is repaid by a sinking fund of p per-cent on the sum borrowed : find how long it will take to repay the loan, i and i' being the rates of interest which the borrower pays, and at which the sinking fund is invested, respectively. (53), A debenture, redeemable in n years, and bearing interest at a fixed rate i, is purchased at a premium of p per-cent. Show how to find approximately the rate of interest l\ realized by the purchaser. [Solutions, Chaps. IV, VII. ] EXERCISES AND EXAMPLES. 7 (54). If a bond of 1, repayable at par in n years, and bearing interest at the rate i, be purchased at the price of l+p, so that the purchaser may realize interest at the rate i' upon his investment, with the return of the capital invested at the end of the term, show that the excess interest received annually ['(! H-J*)*' 1 ] must be invested at the rate *' to amount to p at the end of the n years. If this excess interest can only be invested at the rate j, how will the value of p, the premium to be paid for the bond, be affected ? (55). A bond for 1,000, bearing interest at 3 per-cent for 20 years, is to be sold. What can a purchaser give to realize 5 per-cent from his investment (a) supposing the bond to be repayable at par in 20 years, (ft) supposing the bond to be repayable in 20 annual instal- ments. Given #20; at 5 per-cent=12'4622. (56) . The tenant in possession of an estate has to pay off a charge on the estate in the next n years, in the following way, viz. : M being the amount of the charge, he has to pay back each year , and interest at the rate of i on the amount unpaid at the beginning of the year. Find the sum for which his payments might be commuted, taking interest at the rate^'. (57). A person spends in the first year m times the interest on his property ; in the second year, 2m times ; in the third year, 3m times, and so on ; and at the end of 2p years has nothing left. Show that in the ^th year he spends as much as he had left at the end of that year. (58). Find the rate of interest in a loan issued at 76 per-cent, with interest at 6 per-cent upon the nominal amount of the loan, and repay- ment of the nominal capital by an accumulative sinking fund of 1 per-cent per annum. CHAPTER VII. INTEREST TABLES. (59). Explain the methods of calculating and verifying tables of present values of sums and annuities-certain. (60). Calculate, at 5 per-cent, the present value of 1 due in any number of years from 1 to 20, and also the present values of annuities- certain for any number of years from 1 to 20, verifying the calculation in each case. (61). Show how tables where the argument is logo? and the tabular pp. 48-51.] 8 PABT I. INTEREST. [Chap. VII, results log (lo?) and log(l + #) can be made available for the calcula- tion of the amounts and present values of annuities-certain. (62) . Calculate by the tables referred to in the previous example the present values and amounts of annuities -certain for any number of years from 1 to 10, taking 5 as the rate of interest. (63) . State and prove the rules for finding from the tabular values and amounts of annuities-certain, the values and amounts of the same when payable in advance. (64). How would you proceed to verify the columns (1 + *')** v n } Sn ) and dn\ , in a printed table of such values ? MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. (65). A 100 share, bearing dividends at 5 per-cent per annum in June and December, with an annual bonus of 3 in December, is bought for 130, just after the payment of the December dividend and bonus. What is the effective rate of interest made upon the investment? (66). In the previous question, what would be the equivalent price just previous to the June dividend ? (67). An assurance fund at the commencement of a year amounts to 1,000,000; the income from interest is 45,000, from premiums and other sources 200,000, the outgo 170,000. What is the rate of interest earned by the fund (a) assuming the fund to increase at a uniform rate through- out the 3 r ear ; ((3) assuming the income (excluding interest) , and the outgo, to be evenly distributed through the year ? (68). If 100 amounts to 106-1678 in a year, at a nominal rate of interest of 6 per-cent: required to find how often interest must be convertible. (69). If 2 per-cent Consols are bought for 94, what are the nominal, effective, and instantaneous rates of interest ? (70). Show that the present value of an annuity of 1 for n years, at simple interest at rate i is approximately equal to N-{ ; [Solutions, Chap. IH EXERCISES AND EXAMPLES. GRADUATED EXERCISES AND EXAMPLES. PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES (INCLUDING LIFE ANNUITIES AND ASSUEANCES). CHAPTER I. THE MOETALITT TABLE. (1). Explain what is meant by a Table of Mortality, and describe its usual and convenient form. (2). If the experience of a given mortality table indicates that, out of 2,000 persons alive at age 30, 29 die before attaining age 31, is it theoretically correct to say that the probability of a person aged 30 29 dying before age 31 = ^-^ ? (3). Having given a complete table of p X t accurately representing the probabilities of life at all ages, show how, from the deaths taking place in one year, to calculate approximately the total number living in a stationary population, where there is no disturbance from immigration or emigration. (4). If m x = TTrTTN , show that (5). (a) Explain the method of forming a table of mortality from the death registers of a place, correcting for the increase of population. (/?) If such correction is disregarded, what would be the effect upon the resulting Mortality Table ? pp. 51-56.1 10 PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. II. CHAPTER II. PROBABILITIES OF LIFE. (6). If n p x denote the probability that a person aged x will live n years, and p x + r the probability that a person aged (# + r) will live one year, prove that (7). Show that l x +n=npx(d x +d x+l + .... +d M _ l ). (8). Supposing a given number of marriages contracted between males aged 30 and females aged 25, find the proportion per-cent of the original number who will survive as married couples, widowers, or widows, at the end of 10 years, assuming the probability of dying within 265 237 10 years at the age of 30 to be , and at the age of 25 to be (9). Find the following probabilities, namely, that of two lives (#) and (y) (a) both will not survive n years ; (/:?) either or both will survive n years. (10). Determine (a) the probability that two persons now aged x and y will both die in the nth year from the present time ; (/3) the probability that one only of them will die in that year. (11). Find the value of ' B g^p and n -ip r (I p) n ~ r . \r \n r (18). On the supposition in the previous question, prove that the most probable number of deaths in the year is the greatest integer contained in (ii + V)p. (19). What is the probability that, out of seven individuals of a given age, four at least will die in a given time ? (20). A number n of persons, all of the same age, are each insured for the same sum, 1 ; the probability of any one of them dying in a year being which is a rational integral algebraic function of x of degree n, find the general expression for u x . (ft) When u x is an expression of the 4th degree in #, and 2^0=0, Awo=l, A 2 w =14, A% =36, A% =24, find u x , the increment of x corresponding to the A differences being A, so that u x +h u x -=&u x . (226). In the series # 5 , (x + li)\ (o: + 2A) 5 , (a?+3A) 5 , Or + 4A) 5 , let u x represent the first term, and k be written A#, and show that (x+n) 5 , where n is a multiple of A, is equal to n &u x n(n h) b?u x n(nh)(n2h) & 3 u x Ux + n(nh) (n- ~ |6 pp. 93-106. j 34 PAET II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chaps, XXII, XXIII. If Aa? be made infinitely small, the value of n remaining unaltered, what does this expression become ? (227). Express the second difference of the product of two functions in terms of the separate functions and their respective differences, that is, show that A 2 (? Wr ) =u x &v x + 2Aw a .(At> a . + A 2 y. r ) + A 2 w. r (v x + 2 v x + A 2 r. r ) , and by means of the result, find A 2 (#log#). (228). If u x be a function of x of the form ^. r =6 h T + & 2 # 2 + &c., ad inf., show that it can also be expressed in the form (three orders of differences will suffice) . (229). Show that and hence determine a series of such a nature that the terms after the first shall be respectively double the first terms of the successive orders of differences (w 2 =2A% 1 , $ 3 =2A 2 zf 1 , and so on). CHAPTER XXIII. INTERPOLATION. (230). Investigate an expression for & n u x in terms of u x and its successive values. Using the formula thus found, if in the series 1, 6, 21, 56, K, 252, 462, &c., the sixth differences vanish, find K, and the sum of the series to 10 terms. (231). Given UQ, 2^, u 2j u 3 , u, and w 5 , and assuming fifth differences to be constant, show that where a=u -\-u 5 , ~b=. (232). Given wo= 100,000, "4=98,391, t* 5 =98,011, 6=97,615, construct the series from w 10 to ^15, assuming that third differences are constant. (233). If w =100,000, z* 7 =97,624, w 8 =97,245, and w 9 =96,779, find u\ to UQ inclusive by means of constant third differences. [Solutions, Chap, XXIII.] EXERCISES AND EXAMPLES. 35 (234). The H M premium at age 40 is at 3 per-cent= -025891 3i , , =-024654 1 , =-023517 4 , =-022470 5 , =-021509 6 = 019811 Interpolate the corresponding at 5^ per-cent (a) using two of these values; (ft) using four; and (y) using six. (235). Having given log50=T698970 log 52=1716003 log 54= 1-732394 log 55=1-740363 find, as accurately as possible from the above data, the value of log 53. (236). Find w 12 and also u 2 , when ^ 5 =55, w (J =126, w 7 =259, t/ 8 =484, w g =837, and A 4 is constant. (237) .Given log 235 = 2-3710679 log 236=2-3729120 log 237=2-3747483 log 238=2-3765770, find log 23563. (238). Find the Northampton 3 per-cent annuity for age 30, from the following table : A _. Northampton 3 per-cent Annuity 21 18-4708 25 17-8144 29 17-1070 33 16-3432 37 15-5154 (239). (a) Given every nfh term of a series of values, i.e., u x , u x + n , UX+ZH, &c., show at length how the intermediate terms u x+ i, u x +z, &c., may be obtained by interpolation. (ft) Given that in the series u x , ^=9936675-4 S!=+ 12767-62 S 2 = 3013-725 8 3 =+ 422-8247 8 4 = - 34-72847 S 5 = + 1-254221 pp. 105-113.] 36 PART II. - LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chaps. XXIII, XXIV. you are required to construct the series as far as the term u x +\o- What assumption is necessary ? (240) . If u x be a function whose differences, when the increment of x is unity, are denoted by $u x , S%. r ..... , and by Aw^., A%. r ..... , when the increment of x is n\ then if &u xy 8 2 ?/. r+1 ..... , are in geometrical progression, with common ratio q, show that (241). Having given the values of annuities at the following rates of interest, namely, at 3 per-cent= 15-863 3| =14-941 4 =14-105 4i =13-343 5 =12-648 find the value at 4'328 per-cent. (242). Define a "differential coefficient", and find expressions for . du x d*u x d*u x . , ., the values of - , -7 , -rt ..... > in terms of the successive finite dx dx- dx* differences Su x , &u x , &MX ..... (243). Show that when fourth differences are constant (244). Prove that 0^ + 8)= ^ - approximately. CHAPTER XXIV. SUMMATION. (245). Show that finite integration is equivalent to the summation of an infinite number of infinitely small terms. (246). Explain the meaning of, and the necessity for, the introduction of a constant in the process of integration. (247). Show that 5^ +% =(A- 1 )(l + A)^ a; , and thence deduce the formula for the sum of n terms of a series, [Solutions, Chap. XXIV.] EXERCISES AND EXAMPLES. 37 (248). If ^=000? + cits 1 + c&*+ . . ., show that , n(n+l)(2n + - -^ ~ ~30~ (249). Let HI, u using one of the formulas of approximate summation. (263). Calculate by Woolhouse's formula of approximate summation the value of an annuity to a life aged 40, to commence on the failure of a life aged 50, provided a life aged 30 be then alive (a so ^\ 40 ) . (264). Calculate the value of d 30 .J \ 4() by a formula of approximate summation. (265) . Obtain the annual premium for an assurance payable on the death of (#), provided that event happen before the failure of the survivor of two lives (y), (z), or within t years after such failure. NOTE. For further practical examples and illustrations of the subject of this chapter, the student is referred to Text-Book, Chap, xii, [53]-[63]; xiii, [48]-[59]; xiv, [36]-[44]; xv, [10], [11], [l7]-[46]; also to Journal of the Institute of Actuaries, vol. xxiv, p. 95; xxvi, 276; xxvii, 122. [Solutions, pp, 119, 120.] Chap. I. 39 t SOLUTIONS. PART I. INTEREST (INCLUDING ANNUITIES-CERTAIN), CHAPTER I. (I). Text-Book, [4] ; (J.I. A., vol. iii, pp. 335-338; iv, pp. 61, 72, 243,253). (2).- [6]. (3). [7]. The force of interest or force of discount is the rate per annum at which each unit of capital is momently increasing by the operation of interest. It is usually denoted by 8. Thus, if is a * small fraction of a year, a capital of 1 will become H -- at the end of M o / X \ 2 such interval : and, at the end of of a year, ( H ) ; and, at the in \ in / (8 \ m H 1 , the value of which, when m is indefinitely mj increased, becomes *=! + ; where i is the effective rate of interest: therefore (4) [8]. (5). Let x be the nominal annual rate of interest convertible quarterly, and i be the corresponding effective yearly rate : then the present values of a sum due three, six, and nine months hence are, respectively, in terms of the nominal rate #, PART I. INTEREST. [Chap. I. or in terms of the effective rate i, (! + )-*, (1 + 0-*, (1 + 0-*, the relation between the nominal and effective rates being exhibited by the equation (6). (1-01)*=10 _ 2-3026 _ 2-3026 " X " -^ =281f (*)- [9], [11]. ( (8).-[12]. (a) l+ 10> =(1-0125)* ( i5x2) =(l-0126)- (9).- [15]. (10). Theory of Finance, Chap, i, (23). (11)- Value of bill given by A to B =v m a. Value of bill given by B to A =v n b. Let x be the amount of the bill due p years hence, then a v whence x= - =v m ~P.a v n ~P b VP An approximate value of x may be obtained as follows : (1 + ) - J -f (1 + i) ~vx= (1 + -, or approximately, whence or= - approximately Chap. II,] SOLUTIONS. 41 ClIAPTEE II (i). (12). Discount (D)= s(l-v n ) Annuity (a^]) = . - . whence cin\ : D = l : i. (13,.- = 10,274. 9s. Sd. (14). At the epoch of ^he first payment, three months hence, the value of the annuity as modified would be while the value of the original annuity at the same date would be The difference of these two values (to be deducted from the first payment) would be or 1 + - 1 + J 25X729=387. 12s. 7d (16). Accumulated capital = l)~w> i)fi osi (! + )=- - Accumulated payments = (1 + Q W 1 _ v~ m -l i i 1 v n- Difference = -- : 42 PART I. INTEREST. [Chap. II. which has been proved in Example (15) to be the amount unpaid at the end of m years. (17). 50,000(l-P^s 2 - 0) )=50,000-^ =15,359. 7s. 5d. #251 (18).- [24]-[26]. (J.I.A., vol. xi, p. 172.) (19). [27]. For each unit invested the annual payment is = P^I+t'= -!.+'= + (*'-*) SH\ n| The annual payment in respect of a capital of V is thus where P^j , 8n\ , and a^\ are calculated at the rate i. The second formula enables us to ascertain the value of the annual payment by means of an ordinary table of " the annuity which 1 will purchase" at the rate i. Theory of Finance, Chap, ii, (41), (42). (20). - [27]. (21). [28]. a-^\=a a ,n\a< a = - v n ' - : i i i \ v n X O O \ ... (23).- dkra=:**-_f_ =V i it then : =1 v 7 Ay (24). Let x, y, z be the number of years during which A, B, and C may respectively enjoy the annuity : then Chap. II.] SOLUTIONS. 43 CHAPTER II (ii). (25) .-[33]. (26). [36]. (J.I.A., xv, 437.) (27). [34]. Let x be the nominal and * the effective rate of interest : then the capital repaid in the tih year is, in the case of the annuity with yearly payments, =v n ~ t+1 , and in the case of the annuity with mihly payments, =v n ~ t+l x - . (28). [35]. a^=-a^, d^=\a^. X O (29). [38]. The required condition is, that the payments of the perpetuity are made as often as interest is convertible. See also Chap, v, pp. 119, 120. (30) . [42] . (Numerical illustration of [34] .) 1 (1'025)~ 10 Value of Annuity = - ^Tr* Amount redeemed in the (p + l)th instalment = ^t> 5 -f, where =(1-025)~ 2 ; or =%V I -P, where ?=(1'025)- 1 . 5 000 (31). Equal half-yearly charge = , where 5o| is computed at 60| 2 per-cent. Sinking fund =5,OOOPeol (computed at 2^ per-cent). Amount repaid in (j9 + l)th instalment =5,OOOP6o|(l + ' PART I. INTEREST. [Chap. II. CHAPTER II (iii). (82). - [41]. (33). Table showing the formulas for the present value of an annuity-certain for n years, instalment payable / i to ( (a) JK (Here = z) Ci+Oi-i (18) (/8) In all cases, _ discount on 1 for n years, n ' number of instalments of annuity per annum x interest on 1 for each instalment period Theory of Finance, Chap, ii, (20). Chaps. II, III.] SOLUTIONS. 45 (34). (a) Here 8 = the nominal rate of interest convertible momently. (/3) Here i = the nominal rate of interest convertible momently. (y) Here the annuity is payable yearly, and interest con- vertible momently, and 8 = the nominal rate of interest ; while i = the effective rate of interest. 2J-1 Let ( 1+ I) = ( 1 + i/ ) : then ' dividin g bT x . =1, whence n= CHAPTER III. [In the following Solutions, the symbol t^\r\ is used to represent the rath term of the rth order of figurate numbers, and the symbol a^\^\ is used to represent the present value of an annuity for n years, whose successive payments are the terms of the rth order of figurate numbers] . (36).- f^ = - --_. [45], p. 68. The value of this when # + ^d-" 44 ) + . + ^(1-^-1 L * i i = 46j + 2 - : -- . (b) By Makeham's formula (J.I.A., xiv, 189), 46|2l =46) + '2 ^ (c) By Gray's formula (J.I.A., xiv, 91, 182, 397), 1 '2 /lG-2 -2 (88).- (39). (40).-[43]-[45]. (41). ^= -. ^eory of Finance, Chap, iii, (20)-(22). Chap. III.] . SOLUTIONS. 47 (42). To employ Gray's formula, the values of w 41 , A 4 i, A 2 w 41 ..... must first be ascertained. By the following method, the general law of the series and its differences for any value of in can readily be ascertained. We have |3 . . . e . . . Inserting the values of u { , Aw b A^ b A%! . . . and reducing, we have Ww=w 3_6w 2 + 13ra-7. (This formula exhibits the general law of the series) Or for w= A% 41 =6. Now, applying Gray's formula, we have, for the value of the variable annuity, 126 /59361 4682 240 = (when ^=-05) 117066. (43). _ w = 55 126 259 484 837 ... A = . . 71 133 225 353 .... A 2 = ... 62 92 128 ..... A 3 = .... 30 36 ...... A 4 = . 6 48 PART I. INTEREST. [Chaps. Ill, IV, Value = 55ff-4o| + 7140i 21 + 62040J 1 + 30#4Q| 5| + 6040, 5] = (at 5 per-cent) 1,521,443. (44) .2010151 + 102i5l 2| + 38ai5 j s| + 90IF > *! + i5 1 5] CHAPTER IV (i). (45). (A) -052310; (B) '052310; (C) -052310; (D) -052310. (46). (DO -032167; (D a ) "032167. 1 v n (47) . 0^1 = : . The nearer n approaches to oo , the more nearly does dn\ approximate to 0^=-, .-. when n is large 0,7;=- approxi- 2- Z mately, and i=. approximately. Inserting this value in the formula approximately, 0^= we have and i= (Text-Book, Example (5), p. 171.) For the case 094] =27, we have ' = ~ 7 l + 7 = '' 3582 a PP roximatelv - (48).- [54]-[63]. CHAPTER IV (ii). (49). [66], [67]. (J.I.A., xviii, 132.) (50). Here the formula -CO ([67]) becomes v' n + (1 - ?/ w ) , where t?' w = (1 +j) ~ n , J 1 (l+j)~ n or l-0'^O' *), where 0^=- ^-r - Chap, IV. J SOLUTIONS. 49 (51). - [69]. (62) f 100 whence n= ** - , which is independent of the rate i. (Text-Book, Example (28).) (53). By Makeham's formula, we have rhence Insert a value of v' n near to the true rate, and then deduce i' by successive approximations. Or, as follows: but a'i' v' n = I and =:^ 100' from which i' may be obtained by successive approximations. (54). (Text-Book, Example (6), p. 134). Here we have Let then 50 PART I. INTEREST. [Chap. IV. (55). (a) l,OOo{t>'+(l-V) ^JH = l,000{l-a'2o;(-05--03)} = 750. 15. Id. = 849. 4s. lie?. (56). By Makeham's formula A=C'+(C-C')4,, we have where '! is computed at the rate/ The problem may also be solved as follows The successive payments are M .,/ 1\ M -+,M( )= - = . n / n = The present value of these payments at the r&tej is = Mr L as before. (This example illustrates the advantages of Makeham's formula in dealing with similar problems.) Chaps. IV, VII.] SOr.UTTOXS. .") ] (57). Lot P be the amount of the property at the commencement, and P!, P 2 , P 3 , ..... the amounts at the end of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ..... years. Then P, = Therefore 1 + (1 2pm) i = ; whence 1 -f / = 2pm? . Amount spent in^tli year =pmiP p _ l =~-~P p _ l . Amount left at end of j9th year (58).- 76= (6 + 1) whence 10*85714= a^ at rate x. Also whence n=33 approximately. Then we have 10-85714=^ at rate x ; whence, by formula (C), [57], #= -086265 CHAPTER VII. (59), (60). [84], [85]. Tables and Formula, (Gray), Chap, ii, (47)-(55), (68)-(76). (61), (62). Theory of Finance, Chap, v, (28)-(30). Tables and Formula, Chap, ii, (63)-(65), (74), (75). E 2 52 PART I. INTEREST. [Chap. VII. (63). Let &n\ be the present value of an annuity-certain for n years payable in advance, then Similarly, let s^| be the amount of an annuity-certain for n years payable in advance, then Swi=*7+I| 1- We have also Chap, ii, [29]. (64). Theory of Finance, Chap, v, (19), (23), (26). (!+>!-* MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. (65). Let a? be the effective rate of interest, and let it be assumed that the half-yearly dividends can be immediately re-invested at the rate cc : then the accumulated payments in respect of any year are approximately equal to 2-5 + 2-5 l+ + 3 = (8 + 1-25*), which, by the terms of the question, = 130# , whence #='062136 nearly. If the dividends can be re-invested at a rate of interest of i per annum, the formula becomes 8+l'25*=180#, 8 + 1-25* whence -^j , in which, by inserting the value of *', that of sc can be obtained. Miscellaneous.] SOLUTIONS. 53 (66) . Here the accumulated payments in respect of any year, at the effective rate x (the re-investments of dividend being made at the same rate), become approximately equal to But, in the solution to Problem (65), it was shown that -25^=130^ and the price to be given is therefore 134. If the re-investments of dividend are made at the rate /, we have, for the accumulated payments of any year, -25*'. But, in the solution to Problem (65), it was shown that, in this case, 5-25^=130^ + 4^, in which, by inserting values for x and i, the required price may be obtained. It is also evident that, where re-investments of dividend are made at the rate #, the value of the share just before payment of the June dividend, is equal to the value just after payment of the December dividend and bonus, plus six months' interest thereon, = 130 (!+!) = (130 x 1-031068) = 134 approximately. (67). (a) Dividing the income from interest by the " mean fund" in the middle of the year, we have = -043373 =4. 6s. 9d. per-cent. 1,037,500 This result represents the "force of interest" (8), and the yearly rate realized may be deduced by the usual relation, 8=log(l + =log, (l+ *) x 2-302585, 54 PAHT i. 1KTEBEST. [Miscellaneous. 043373 whence 2.302585 =' 018837 = lo ^io( 1 + J and ^='04433 = 4. tots. 8J. per-eent. (J3) If i be the effective rate of interest, the fund of 1 ,000,000 becomes, at the end of the year, =1,000,000(1 + 0; and the income (excluding interest), less the outgo, forms a continuous annuity for one year of 30,000, the amount of which, at the end of the year, Hence, the interest earned in the year = 1,000,000* + 30,000^-^ 4- . - .)=45,000; \2 1J / =4. 8s. Sd. per-cent approximately. (68). Let n= the number of times interest is convertible then (l + '^Y = 1-061678 n J 06V* /-06 -0036 -000216 whence lo g a'061678= 06- - - + 0018 -000072 or, -0598505 = -06 -- - + - -- ... n n 2 aud n n from which it is obvious that n=l2 nearly; and substituting 12n for n 2 , we have .0001495=^- whe " ce = (-0018- -000006) ^l/ 001794 Miscellaneous.] SOLUTIONS. 55 '025 (69). Nominal rate = = '02(560 = 2. 13*. 2d. per-cent. Effective rate (with quarterly dividends) = (1 '00(5(55 ) 4 l = '026865 =2. 13s. 9c?. per-cent. Instantaneous rate = 8=log c (l + t), where i = above effective rate =log* r02G865=log 10 r026865 x 2-302585 = 0265 13 =2. 13s. Od. per-cent. (70). We have (Alyelra Exponential and Logarithmic Series) HI (mn l/mn\ 3 . therefore , V_i_V , I 3V2 + 2W If i is a small fraction this becomes approximately, 1 1 + 0* + *)*'= *' '!+( ^) I + ni' Giving to n successively the values 1, 2, 3, ... n, we have therefore, -i- ^~ + -^ + +- 1 l + t l + 2t l + 3 1-fi 0*+*)* -JM , = - loge r^ p-r- approximately. 56 PART ii. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. I, SOLUTIONS. PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES (INCLUDING LIFE ANNUITIES AND ASSURANCES). CHAPTER I. (1). Text-Book [Y\-[4>-]. (2). If out of (m + n) trials, the result A lias happened m times, and the result B n times, then the probability that the next trial 11 j-i, u- A 4. ^1 m will produce the result A is strictly - = - , or, in J ' SO the present case, - . (De Morgan on Probabilities, Chap, iii, p. 65.) This result is, however, based upon the assumption that all values of the required probability are, a priori, equally likely, which cannot be said to be true with regard to the probabilities of death. (3). From the conditions laid down, the total deaths in any year will be equal to the number of annual births. If this =1 we can obtain by successive multiplication by p , p lt p% ..... , the values of Zi, Z 2 , Z 3 ..... the survivors at the several ages. If we assume the numbers living between ages and 1, 1 and 2, &c., to be - , - - 2 , &c., the 2 - sum of these numbers will represent the total population. (4).- [18]. (6).-(a) [15]. (/?) The effect would be to exaggerate the mortality, especially at the younger ages. (J.LA., xviii, 107.) Chap. II. SOLUTIONS. 57 CHAPTEE II. (6) . Expressing the given formula in terms of the number living at each age, we have (7). We have (8). Proportion per-cent of married couples = 100 X - - X - 2501 2oll = 81-29. 2236 237 = 8-12. 265 2374 = 10 X 2501 X 26IT = 9-63. (The remaining '96 per-cent represent the deceased couples.) 9).-() [15]. \- npxy . (/J) [12]. l-(l-,,^)(l- ft ). .-(a) [18]. n _ lto x ._,| ft = 08) [21]. w -H^(l- W - .- [11]. M -= | ^x|,^= [20]. n-ife=l?5-l-iffw- 58 PAIIT II. - LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. II. (12).- _ PX+tt 'y+111 _ "x+n vy+n\ x+l _ npx X n-\Py ~j J 7 -- J - ~j n-lpx+\ :y Xpx, I'x ly ".v+l 'y ' also _lx+n ly + n-i _ lx+n 'i/+nl *y\ _ npx:y-\ npxKn-ipy] -, ~ ' - - '// (13). 1 {1 (^. B M+W (14). If the ages of the three lives are severally a?, y, 2, the following are the various contingencies : Die. Survive. Probability. None x.y.z Px Xp v *pz X y.z (l-p x )p y Xp 2 z **9 (1~P*)P**P9 xyz None (1 p x } (1 p y ) (1 p z ) It will be found on expanding these several probabilities that the total is unity, which shows that all possible cases have been included. (15). (a) l-(l- w _ 1 i^,)(l-_i|^)(l-_ 1 |^). (ft) I(n-i\Sx X n-ilS V X n-l\tjz) . (7) (l n-lpx) \_(n-lpy np y ')npz+ (n-\p z npz)npy\ \px npx)npz+ (n-\p 2 np z )upx~\ (16).-[27], [28]. (17).- [34]. (18). [34]. If , however, (n + l.)p is an integer, say K, the rth and (r + l)th terms are equal, and the occurrence of either (/!) or r deaths is equally probable, and more probable than that of any other number. (19) . Let p be the probability of any one of the lives surviving the given period : then the required expression is the sum of the last four terms of the expansion of {p-\-(\ p)} 7 , that is, (20). [35]. Chap. II. J SOLUTIONS. 59 (21). (a) 1-(- 08) 1-(- (22). Let =(1^), represent the probability of dying during the year. 1000 1000 11000 (0 iT+V*V*i+ (y) 2 20 ? 980 . = snce (23).-(a) =-00139. 08) = = -03333. b (24). If a number of persons are exposed to risk of death at the same age #, The "rate of mortality" (q x ) is the ratio of those dying within a year to the number living at age x. The "force of mortality" (/u. a .) is the annual rate at which the lives are dying at age x. It may also be denned as the limit of the expression when M is indefinitely increased. The " central death-rate " (m x ) is the ratio of the numbers dying within a year to the average number living during the year. (Iv 20 a . in x = ^ = /**+* approximately = -*- '.c+i ^ = < 55 ,5 (26). [37] (7:Z-4.,xvi,450.) It has been shown (Ex. 24) that ^ l x l x +L i is equal to the limit of the expression - when vanishes. By the 1 m m* definition of l x , it is the limit of - - . Hence ,<.= -r- l x . dx 1 l x dx m (27). This arises from the general principle of the Differential Calculus, that, where x is any function of x Id d . (28).- ^=-. (Chap, i, [17].) jJ*+t (29) .-We have d 1 di and whence - C l x+t - C ^c/ l x (30). [44]. Chap. III.] SOLUTIONS. 61 CHAPTER III. (31). (a) The "average duration of life" (e x ) is the number of years which persons of a specified age, taken one with another, survive, according to the given table of mortality. ,=*+ (/?) The "probable lifetime" (vie probable) is the number of years which a person of given age has an even chance of surviving according to the experience of a particular mortality table. = deduced from the equation -= =|-. l>x (y) The " mean age at death " is the average age to which persons of a given age, taken one with another, will survive, according to the experience of a particular mortality table. [8]. Age 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Average Duration of Life. 5-19 5-11 5-23 5-27 4-95 4-38 4-58 4-32 3-84 3-54 2-98 2-97 2-58 2-28 1-79 1-30 83" 50 Average Age at Death. 85-19 86-11 87-23 88-27 88-95 89-38 90-58 91-32 91-84 92-54 92-98 93-97 94-58 95-28 95-79 96-30 96-83 97-50 "Probable Lifetime " ft 3-75 4-21 4-00 4-25 4-20 3-70 4-25 3-75 3-17 3-00 2-50 2-75 2-50 2-25 1-75 1-25 ' '75 50 62 PART IT. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. III. (33).- ^=(1-2,0(1 + ^+0 or '*=+ (1 -2*) (! + ^+0- The values for q_ x being given for all ages, and the expectation at the limiting age being zero, that for all younger ages could be found by successively applying one or other of the above formulas. (34). (a) At age (# + r), where d x+r is the greatest value of d from age x to the end of life. 08) /years, where ^ = -L '. (35). -(a) [9]. (/?) The probability of a life aged x dying in the wth year =-i!2* = -y-^' But, by De Moivre's hypothesis, 'x ' o ! 2?=i ! 2^= .... =n-\\%x=n .'2r=&c.= '=- for all values of n. r+1 4. ^' T +l ^+1 _, 'a^+2 | %+2 J?+J , I J~ ~7 " 7 ~7 ' T~ ' 7 T ..... M ^.r *aN"l 'J? '.c '.r+2 /o?7\ (37) . - '.r mpx+nC.v+ n+m) 1 l>x+n (38) .-[18]. We have e. r =|+p. T (| + c. r+1 ). [Example (33).] Chap. III. I SOLUTIONS. 63 Whence p x = I f <'. r - ! = <. r = <'.r + 1 = <, the above becomes Also 6>. r _! = i +^. r _i (| + t' If ^. r _ 1 =^ >r =^ a , +1 =^, these become Then x + ad inf. ~ 2 a = - + r+r^ + r*+ ..... ad inf. I r_ (1 + r) 2-g * 2 1-r 2(l-r) (57).- m, [8], [10]. (59).- =logs+ (c x + l =logs + c To find the value of p x , we have It will be seen that this expression is of the form where A, B, and c are constants ( [14], [15]). (60).- [19], [20]. Chap. VII. J SOLUTIONS. 69 CHAPTER VII. '10 (82).- [5], [6]. (63). In [25] it has been proved that But A.=l while i,<*+i)= 1 - d(l + |) .'. A x >^+ 1 ^ multiplying both sides by (1 + *')*, (1+)*A> (*+ Or Aa- >?<*) that is, the value o an assurance payable at the instant of the death o (#) is greater than that of a sum certain payable at the expiration of the complete expectation. (64).- [30], [39]-[44]. (65) . From the investment of a unit in connection with a life (#) we can obtain an annuity of i per annum for (n l) years, and an assurance of (! + &') payable upon the attainment of age (x+ri) or at previous death : that is, (| A* + *) = i\n-\<*x+ (1 +*') (|nAo; + lu, = (1 + i) (\ n k x -f \ n a x ) \ n -\a x whence | W A^= t; (1 + 1^-!^) - \ n a x . (66). (a) v(\ + \ n -ia x ) represents the value of an annuity of 1 for n years payable at the end of each year, provided the life (#) be in existence at the beginning of the year. \ n a x represents the value of a similar annuity, provided the life (#) be in existence at the end of the year. The difference between the value of these two annuities represents the present value of 1 payable at the end of the year in which the life (or) fails, provided that event happen within the n years. 70 PART II. - LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. VII. (/?) If an assurance on (#) were payable at the end of the first year, its value would he v ; hut, under the conditions of the given formula, the sum is payable after n years or at the end of the year of previous death : we must therefore deduct from v the value of the interest thereon for the term of (n 1) years during the life of (#) that is, iv\ n -\a xt or d\ n ^a x (67) . A capital of 1 will provide a payment of i at the end of each of the ( 1) years while the life (#) is living, with a return of the capital and one year's interest at the end of the period or at the end of the year in which the life fails : thus, whence (68).-[53], [54]. It should be noted that in Dr. Farr's tables (69).- (.) *=* 08) c ~ Ux (r) (0 JCT (ii) W- Chap. VII.] SOLUTIONS. 71 (70). -[82]. The annuity is equal to I. [85]. = Sfl* \jPx u 4- #? j-s 4- fe typxyz] If an annuity of 1 be purchased on the joint existence of each possible pair of lives, we shall evidently have a total annuity payment of 3 so long as all the lives are in existence, and as each of the lives is included in two pairs, the failure of any life will reduce the annuity to 1, and the failure of a second life will extinguish it. It is evident, therefore, that the required case will be exactly met by the purchase of an annuity of 1 on each possible pair of lives, less an annuity of 2 during the joint existence of all three lives that is, (a xy + a xz + a yz 2a xyz ) . >. [93]-[97]. (J.I.A., xxiii, 244.) - [99]. The value of this annuity is approximately equal to a xz where the value of z is deduced from the formula e e =e y + t. (75). [103]. (76).-[105]-[107]. (77).- [113]. (78) ._ (o) ^j 08) -- Uxy T> x+n ^y+n (7) -t P ~i 72 PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. VII. (79). (a) a xy + - (a x -a xy ) + - (a v - ajev ) m ax v ~^ ^ \ a u~ a xy) + ( a x a xu) IV = a x +-(a y -a xy ). (80) . A^= 1 - The annual premiums would not follow the same rule, for -f - wlm w^a; T |w^^ (82). Let the several ages be w, x, y, z, then the interest of (w) is equal to which may be symbolically expressed ( [85]) ;py + W2 + a lvxz ) For two lives (w), (#), we have %a wx + ( w - fl wa? ) =a w ia,a.= w (Z i-Z 1 ) . For three lives (?), (^7), (y), Chaps. VII, VIII.J SOLUTIONS. 73 For four lives (as above) , The expression for n lives is thus evidently which may be symbolically expressed as , rio ge (i+Z)-i " w L~~z J and is equal to ..... ) + ..... =fc - (ciwxyz ..... (n)) If all the lives are of the same age (# ) , the expression becomes n-l Q-l)Q-2) ( M * i^ ^au' rr ~ Uxxxxx ..... (n) CHAPTER VIII. (83) . A capital of 1 will produce an income of I per annum during the continuance of any status, the value of which is by hypothesis iQ; and, at the end of the year in which the status fails, a payment of > * ne present value of which is P(l-M), hence If the status be a single life (#), we have ! whence (multiplying by D (84).- [33]. 74 PAST II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chaps. VIII, IX. (85).- A^ = l Hence, applying the principle set out in [33], the tables must be entered with the value of a temporary annuity on the life (x) for (iil) years. (86).- [32]. P,= -^L = ^L . hence, by calculating the value of this expression for successive values of Aa., we have the table required. cl=P d and (88).- 697342 = '04. K 17-433558 (89). [24]. (Chap, xviii, [52].) CHAPTER IX. (90). [6]-[9]. (91). It is shown in [21], [22], that the value of an annuity upon a life (a?), payable m times a year, and (4) = o? + f IE NIVERSITY / 'SOLUTIONS. 75 Chap. IX.] the amount of the error is therefore +yV(/ jt # + ^) ^ u the case ^ a half- yearly annuity, and + -/*-(/*.& + 8) in the case of a quarterly annuity. (92)._ [38]. i>L JH) = approximately J(4 m) + a * l) ) I/ m 1 . w + l\ = (^a? + i) approximately. (93). [39]-[41]. (94). From the result in [41], we have TVO\ *-X and the half-yearly premium JX2) = -f == 1 _i/p g . ^ a Pproximately. -i 2 ' If m=cc , this becomes (96).. =+ n imatel ... This expression may also be written 76 PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chaps. IX, X. (97). i4 4) =4 4) -^j , 8 , 8 This expression may also be written CHAPTER X. (98).- [12], [16], [17]. (99) . Let i be the effective rate of interest, and let be the nominal rates when interest is payable half-yearly, or m times a year respectively. Then we have whence (1) Aj?ss (2) A? l) = -i /2] If m=oo , 7' (m )=8, and ^ } =0, and we have M (3) A=l-8*. (100). Chap, ix, [13] ; Chap, x, [7]. Let the year be divided into m equal intervals ; then, as it is equally likely that a given life (x) will fail during any of these intervals, Chaps. X, XL] SOLUTIONS. 77 the present value, at the commencement of the year of death, of the sum payable at the instant of death will be, upon the average, m-1 m Let m=cc , then this expression becomes = ^ (v). o b If the sum be payable at the end of the year of death, the present value at the commencement of that year will be uniformly v. Thus A X :A X = g (v):v ; ^ f i i 2 i 3 \ or Aa.= g ( A. r ) = (I + - - + ^J A. r approximately. (101). l=z| w _ 1 whence A.xn = 1 oi^,^ . (102) .-[20]. CHAPTER XI. (103). Chap, ix, [22]. m 1 m 2 1 If w=oo, whence, eliminating the element of interest, (104).- [3], [5], [7]. (105).- 4 2) =4 2) + ^ - ^ , formula (11), f T~4i 4 12 78 PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chaps, XI, XII. (107).- [11]. CHAPTER XII. (109) .-[12]. but npw-S^^l therefore if w is deduced from the equation or from the equivalent relation the probabilities for the single life (w) will be identical for all values of n, with those for the joint lives (#), (y). (111). Chap, vi, [28] ; Chap, xii, [26], [27]. (112). [43]-[45]. (J.I.A., xv, 401.) Chap. XIII, ] SOLUTIONS. 79 CHAPTER XIII. (114). [3] -[5]. The single premium may also be approximately obtained by the following process, in which no assumption is made as to the distribution of deaths. [See also Solution of Ex. 44, p. 64.] V X ly f f ly+t "x+tl ''X+t+l 7 , j i = /# r . dt, approximately J ly M x = f ay:x - 1 p x dy.. x+l ) approximately. (J.I.A., xv, 123.) J \ p x -\ / (115). A^=A x -Ai y The life y must be medically examined, but if y is much older than x, both lives should be examined. (116).- . \n^x-\:y _\nfh I. [IB]- (118). ] t A^ l> = -^ D X y V(l^xl:yl ^x+tl:y+tl) (-N#: y' then 80 PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap, XIII, An approximate value for the single premium can also be found as follows [see Solution to Ex. (114)] : - T L /y+n*- ^ ~ ' " n approximately v t If t=\ this becomes The value of this assurance may also be found approximately by substituting another life 2, whose expectation of life exceeds that of y by t years, then Ai : ^jj)=Ai approximately. (120). We have If ^75: 7o=#W} this becomes approximately Then, if ^=^ 75 + l, y=e 70 rl-l, e s =e w -\-l the expression becomes approximately Or we may proceed as in the previous example (119), where it is shown that T"i i -D#+l fO"y-x \ A. Sf (jO= t ^+ -^- \ : -- px+}-d y:a; +2j approximately. In the present case y=75.70 and ^=48; the above expression there- fore becomes Chap. XIII.] SOLUTIONS. 81 which becomes, if #70:75=^05 4 g r;o: 48+^75: 48 W:48 /- r- -- _>.19(70: 50+^75: 50 w:5o) 48 L ^48 J D 4 A more accurate solution may be obtained by the use of one of the formulas of approximate summation given in Chap. xxiv. [See Example (265)]. The divisor for the annual premium will be either (1 ' ^48: 70: 75 / ^*"T ^48:70 ^48 : 75 ^48:70:75* in the case where it is payable until the failure of the joint existence of (48) and the survivor of (70) and (75) ; or ^48:7^501)) =(l + ^4s) FT" 0*49 ^49:75 ^49:70+ ^49:70:75) > in the case where it is payable until the failure of the joint existence of (48) and the survivor of (70) and (75) and for one year longer if (48) live so long. (121). The single premium for the benefit required is equal to D x+n-. , n ' , Pa?+n!y+7tF 1 If -^- I 1 - 2! , Mr+w %+wf" 1 lf n 7/T . \ . a?+-l:y+n ^+n : y+w-i)~| ^fji T~ 1 o) 1 " a ( L + ^+n:y+n)-\ -- -Ua: *y L ^ < ^a?+i-l Py+n-i I.J all of which values will be found in the Institute Tables. The annual premium would be obtained by dividing the above expression by 82 PART IT. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chaps. XIII, XIV. (122). [25]. The divisor for the annual premium would be (123). A 1 i; f ,= A x -AJ : ^ A A 1 A ** -"-xy " (124). [32], [33]. (J.I.A., xv, 119.) CHAPTER XIV. (125). [17]. -***= . . _ - (126). [11]. f--|^. (127). a x \ 7z =a--a x .- = ay + GZ &yz axy a xg + a xyz . The divisor for the annual premium is =(l + ff a: -) (128). B's interest is equal to ^ x \y z -\-a~\y (129). _ A 5S whence A= 2(40 + y +v) *' Chap. XIV.] SOLUTIONS. 83 (130). The value for the first n years is equal to and after n years is equal to The total value is thus ty a xjl \ n a xy = a-j \ n a xy . The annual premium would be obtained by dividing the above expression (131) . Single Premium = \ n a x \ n a yy . Divisor for Annual Premium=(l + f M _ 1 ^7,, v/ ). (132). {v n = Ctt\ \tffx l x G 2 84 PART II. - LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. XIV. After t years, the annuity is payable (i) in the event of (x) having died not more than t years previously, irrespective of the life (y) ; or (ii) in the event of (#) having died more than t years previously, provided (y) be living : its value is therefore equal to -S! 00 nf x+n ~ t '*-H _ * 'x+n-t l.t/+n\ *t+l*> I- 7 j -j ) \ I'x * * ' Adding to this the value for the first t years, we have This is equal to the value previously deduced, for /I N l i)* \i J d (134) . The required single premium is equal to ^X+t:y+t f N "VW f) \ a y + t\x+t) _, x )x+t-.y+t , ^>xy The divisor for the annual premium is equal to (135) .-[18]. (136).- [19], [37]. (137).- . Ay A 1 dsiyl + da,- d(a~ a y ) (a) _ a - = _ d(a x a xy ) _^__ i a x a xy 1 + i 08) [21]-[85]. (138). [24]. It is assumed that the first payment of the annuity will be made at the end of the year of death of (y), and that there will be no proportionate payment at the death of (a?) . (139).- [28]-[88]. Chaps. XV, XVI.J SOLUTIONS. 85 CHAP TEE XV. (140).- [6]-[ll], [18], [19]. (141). - [8]. (142). The value of the annuity is evidently equal to 1 /* j-j- I V lijl z \s 1 This expression may be summed by one of the formulas of approximate summation in Chap. xxiv. The annuity is also equal to that of (i) a reversionary annuity to (#) after (z) ; (ii) a reversionary annuity to (y) after the last survivor of (#) and (2) provided (2) fail first, that is The value of a\ u may be obtained by reference to [6]-[ll], [18], [19]. (143). [12], [13]. CHAPTER XVI. (144).- [3]-[5], Chap, vii, [14]. (145).- [6]. (146).-[9], [10]. = ~ From this expression it will be seen that -^^ represents the accumulated -Da? amount, after t years, of the value of an annuity on a life aged (x ), allowing for mortality and interest. If deduction be made of the PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. XVI. accumulated amount of the payments made under the annuity (also allowing for mortality and interest) the difference is equal to (147). Chap, vii, [48]. We have P, P; But M^N^-N*; E,+ .-. (vA)o,= (148).- 1>! 2P. r+ao /N a . +ao 1 *' If' 5 and S the above becomes (149). The single premium is equal to Chap. XVI.] SOLUTIONS. 87 the annual premium (a) payable for n years (/?) payable throughout life n r in - (Ma? Man-sap) in This may be also expressed as _ Na,- T y(S*+i--S*+) P^-Affl^-N^+M) , ' (151).- [27]-[37]. (152).- [39]-[43]. (153). Equating the benefit and payment side, we have = 7r(N x _i Nx+n-i) [where C and N are calculated at the rate of interest /], which becomes [ri4-f^* n where 6^, = ^- ^4-- J, hence (154). If ./=*", the denominator in the above expression becomes _0 - { (1 + (^N,-_^N,) +' 88 PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. XVI. which becomes, after simplification and reduction, =!> This result may also be expressed in the form - , which is obviously *5) equal to the annual premium for a deferred annuity when the element of mortality is entirely eliminated during the term of n years. (155).- [53], [54]. (156). If TT be the net annual premium, and 7r(l + &)+ the corresponding office premium, we have whence (157). Making the same assumptions as in the previous solution, we have /iro\ whence (159).(7".J.-4., xxi, 67.) (160).- [92], [93]. Chaps. XVII, XVIII.] SOLUTIONS. 89 CHAPTEK XVII. (161).- [6]. (162).- [7]-[ o (061 + 050+045) 1-A (164).-[20]-[22J. (165). Let x be the age of the present incumbent, s the annual income, K the stipend of the curate-in-charge, /"the expenditure at entry, and y the age at entry of the new incumbent : then the value of the nth presentation is equal to },-! j ( s _ K )dy f] = A x ALy n ~ 1 { (s K) (<% + i) f} approximately. (166). Ax{(s- K )d y = approximately CHAPTER XVIII. (167). Chap, xvi, [14], [15] ; Chap, xviii, [4], [5]. (168). If TT XII \ be the net premium paid by the l x persons, the accumulated amount paid (a) by the l x + n survivors will, at the end of n years, be equal to and the accumulated amount paid (/?) by those dying in the several years will be equal to 90 PAIIT II. - LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. XVIII. The whole accumulation is thus equal to PJ--+M Nj-! N-p+M-i _ (169).- [18], [22]. (170). _ ' As regards adult ages, at which alone policy-values are practically in question, the value of a x decreases as age increases ; but at the com- mencement and end of the mortality table the value of a x+ \ is frequently greater than that of a x , as in the Northampton Table from age to 7, in the Carlisle Table from age to 6, and 91 to 94, and in the Life Table in the Text-Book from age to 4. (171). [17]. MAT 32 -UN j; _J- % | v n v x Chap, XVIII. ] SOLUTIONS. 91 This relation may be proved also from the following considerations : An annual payment of P x for n years may be regarded as made up of (i) the annual premium to cover the risk of death during the term = P :cu ; (ii) the annual premium to secure a sum equal to the value of the policy at the end of the term, if the life be then in existence =Va.Pa.,7j; that is, P M 1 xn\ ~\~ n x tain.' i IT- x -tjcwl whence n^= - p _ p 1 -. The formula - ^~ a ^ so exhibits the value of a policy, effected 011 a ITCH? life (#) after n years, as the accumulation, allowing for mortality and interest, of the amount paid in excess of that required each year for the actual risk of death. (173).-[38]-[44]. (174).-[49]-[65]. (175).- [51], [56]. (176). [69]. We have f A ^ V /i3\ Y' xxn _ x x ...) (vcp ' In the second equation vc takes the place of v in the first equation throughout : it is therefore evident that the policy-values by Table (B) will be equal to those under Table (A) when the rates of interest adopted are such that the present value of 1 due a year hence equals v in the one case and vc in the other; that is, the policy- values by Table (B), computed at the rate of interest i, will be equal to the policy-values by Table (A), computed at the rate of interest (- -- 1 ). (177). From [45]-[68], and especially from Tables F, G, and H, it will be seen that no conclusion as to the relative policy-values at different ages and durations can be arrived at from the fact that the rate of mortality in one table is throughout greater than that in another table. (17S).-[76]-[79]. 92 PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. XVIII. (179) . [81] . The modified formula would be -- tf *(!+'*+). (180).- [94]-[100]. (181).- _ A x+n. m\ -t. ?x+ We have also -\<*>x+n) 1 A.x-\-n.m\ d _ A. x -}-n.m\ A-x.n+m (182). [108]-[112]. The value of the endowment policy after n years, by the retrospective method, is equal to the accumulated net premiums, less the accumulated claims in respect of premiums returnable at death, that is, Rx ~ Rx+n nM-x+n The value by the prospective method will be r- /-i _j_ \ . -| ^(^-a:+re ^-a:+n+m) "I" h'a 1 If the identity of these two expressions be assumed, and the value of TT deduced therefrom, it will be found that This being the correct expression for TT (see Chap, xvi, formula 47) the identity of the above expressions is established. Chap. XVIII.] SOLUTIONS. 93 (183). (184).- [19], [122]-[124]. (185). [129]-[134]. (186). It would be necessary in the first instance to ascertain the net premium to be valued, and to do this some assumption must be made as to the loading ; 69 ) 70 * - (196). We have, by Table (A), s x =v i *\_ and, by Table (B), Comparing the expressions within brackets [ ], we see that v, in the first formula, is throughout replaced by #(1 K) in the second formula; therefore the value of 4(1 K )* by Table (B), where 4 is computed at the rate *, is equal, for all values of #, to the value of s x by Table (A), computed at the rate f - -- 1 ). \1 K J (197). If at any given age x there be d x deaths, there will by hypothesis be 2d x persons constantly sick throughout the year ; that is, there will be -- - - d x weeks' sickness ; the cost of which will be at QOpf 1 10s. per week = d x =52'l&d xt and the value of the sick allowance to age 65 will be =^52'l8d x =52'lS Chaps. XX, XXI.] SOLUTIONS. (198). [l]-[5]. (J.I.A, xxvii, 280, 281.) K.-K, 99 (y) _ -tv. r jx 70 ~DT~ Jv fin where K;,,= (199). [8]. The formula (for the present value of an allowance of 1 per week) becomes (200). (J.I. A., xxvii, 281.) KK* + -K 7 3 ) + 13N 70 + 10M, . N r -N 70 and the weekly contribution, loaded for expenses, is = ^ . The "7 x 52 reserves after n years are equal to + (K x | n -K 70 ) +i(KJ H -K 7 2 ) + i(K x j >t - CHAPTER XXI. (201).- [43], [44], [101]. (202).-[49], [52]. (203) .-[54], [57]-[60]. (204).-[57]-[59]. (205). Gray's TrtiZes and Formula* Chap, vi, (193), (222). LEMMA. If B denote the present value of a benefit of 1 upon a given life or combination of lives, and such that, in the case of a combination of lives the risk is determined by the failure of any one of them ; and if B! denote the present value of a similar benefit on a life or combination of lives respectively one year older than those on which B depends ; if, * This Treatise being out of print, and practically inaccessible to students, the solutions to problems (205) and (206) have been extracted in full. IT 2 100 PART II. LIFE CONTHS'GEIS'CIES. [Chap. XXI. moreover, p denote the probability of a payment of B being received in the first year, and IT the probability of the single life, or of all the lives on which that benefit depends, surviving a year; then will the following equation always subsist : For, if the benefit makes its payments at the end of the year in which they respectively become due (as is always the case unless it be otherwise expressly stated) the value in respect of the first year is obviously vp. And the value in respect of the years following the first is v-n-Bi ; for B! is the value, at the time it is entered upon, of the remaining portion of the benefit, TT is the probability of its being entered upon, and vl = - - . J is the ratio in which the value is diminished on account of the time that has to elapse before it is realized. Hence, a whole being equal to the sum of its parts, or In this expression we have, for the benefit ir=p x , B=A^ p=(lp x ), Bi=Aa. +1 (206). Gray's Tables and Formula* Chap, vi, (194), (197), (198). The benefits to which the demonstration applies and in regard to which, consequently, the equation deduced subsists, must fulfil these two conditions : First, that the payment in respect of any one year in which it may become due shall be always 1. The fulfilment of this condition obviously precludes the application of the formula to increasing or decreasing benefits. Secondly, the benefit must be such that in the case of two or more lives the risk will be determined by the first failure that takes place from amongst those lives. The fulfilment of this condition excludes from the application of the formula benefits depending * This Treatise being out of print, and practically inaccessible to students, the solutions to problems (205) and (206) have been extracted in full. Chap. XXL] SOLUTIONS. 101 upon specified orders of survivorship amongst three or more lives. Thirdly, the benefit B l5 it is stated in the Lemma, must be "similar" to the benefit B. The only restriction here implied, beyond that of its being of the same amount, and subject to like conditions in respect of the life or lives on which it depends as Bj , is, that its duration shall extend to the same period of life : in other words, that - both benefits shall cease at the same age. It is no matter what that age is, whether the limiting age of the table or any less tabular age ; the formula will still apply, provided only the age of cessation in respect of both benefits is the same. The formula consequently holds in the case of temporary as well as whole-life benefits. Fourthly, the formula holds also in the case of deferred benefits. To adapt it to such it is only necessary to make p=0 for those years in which no payment is made. This reduces the formula, in the case of deferred benefits, to B = y7rBi. The following formulas show the application of the Lemma to the case of the benefits most frequently required : x+ i) , !;= vp x (l + |_ n a x =.vp x X n-il*+i, (207). -[69]. (208).- [72H81]. (209). Chap, xviii, [17]. (210). [82]. (211). [95]-[98]. (212).-[99]-[101]. (213). Institute of Actuaries' Life Tables (Introduction, pp. Iviii-lxviii) . 102 PAliT II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chaps. XXI, XXII. (214). By the formula a table of values of a x can be computed. We then have from which the continuous construction of the values of a x can be completed. A table of values of A^ can be constructed by the formulas (215). CHAPTEE XXII. (216). [10]. (218). [22]. (219). [11]. Sunderland's Notes on Finite Differences (Chap. iii, 8). (220). (a) [21]. * w = e Writing u x+n for w w , and u x for w 0) we have Chap. XXII.] SOLUTIONS. 103 n(nl (P) Writing u x for w , and u x + n for u n , we have *(*!) (221). [18]. If second differences are constant, A 3 ^.=0 ; but A 3 w a .=A 2 w u . + i A 2 ^ J . (222) . We have u x u x ^a, + A (u x + A^ = KJ. + 2 A Wa- iind evidently u x + w*=u x + RAv, 4 3 W Writing now n for w, and - for , we have 5(5 -i) M \ / n(nd) 104 PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. XXII. (223). [21]. The required formula is (m 1) A%, |3 |4 Then we have, if a?=l, #&:=(# 1), e From the values given in the question, we have Wi=4, Aw!=26, =64, A% 1 =66, A 4 ^ 1 =24 ; and inserting these values, and reducing, the above formula becomes ,= 4+ (,-1)26 + <= |4 (224). Chap, xxiii, [13]. From the formula |3 we have, when n = - , _ Chap. XXII.] SOLUTIONS. 105 (225). (a) From Example (222), putting h for , we have n n(nH) Putting now #=0, rc=#, we have or Inserting the values given in the question, 9 ^ (226). The common difference of x being =A, I W A. , n ( U ~ K) n(nh) H |1 A* If Aa;, and therefore A, be infinitely small, the above expression becomes n du n 2 d^U where -= ; = ; &c., are successive differential coefficients of u x , cix d/x i.e., of x 5 . In this case, 106 PART II. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. XXII. Substituting these values, u x + n # 5 + 5 n& + 10 n?x 3 + 10 ri*tf + 5 n*x + n 5 =(#+*). (227). Sunderland's Notes on Finite Differences, Chap, i, (3, (2) ((3) Repeating the operation of A on each term, If u x =x, v x =log^ this becomes = A 2 (a? log x) = x A 2 log # + 2 ( Alog a? + A 2 log x) . (228). u x Writing now b 2 ^ &c. &c. &c. X i/UU\ WLlUi &"L\"U\ :j P Y\ ^2 TlT ^3 (229). We have, by successive substitutions, = U n -i and ultimately, continuing the same process, Let Ui=a =2Awi by question ; Chaps. XXII, XXIII.j SOLUTIONS. 107 whence &ui = Ui=a and ^ 2 =2Aw 1 = 2. Similarly w 3 =^ 2 + Awi + A% 1 = 2A 2 w 1 by question; whence &?Ui = u<2+ Aw 1 =3Aw 1 = 3, and u 3 =2A?Ui=6a. Proceeding thus, we find ^ 4 =26#, &c. The series and the successive orders of differences are thus as follow : u = a, 2a, 6a, 26a A = a, 4ia, 20a A 2 = 3, I6a A 3 = 13 From which it will be seen that w 4 =2A%, &c. CHAPTEK XXIII. (230). The required expression is (Chap, xxii, [18]. formula 3), writing u x for u , and u x+n for w w , n(n 1) - jS - r whence ^u l =u 7 =462-1512 + 15^-1120 + 315-36 + 1. But A 6 w 1? by hypothesis =0 ; therefore 15/c=1890, and K=126. The sum of the first ten terms of the series can be readily ascertained by the formula (Chap, xxiv, [17]) 108 PAIIT II. - LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. XXIII. whence, inserting the values of Ui , bui , A 2 ^ ..... , deduced from the given series, we have This result could also be arrived at by expanding the series to ten terms and summing the results : thus X 1 2 3 1 6 21 An* 5 15 ** 10 20 10 5 A 6 w 35 15 1 4 56 35 6 70 21 1 5 126 56 7 126 28 1 6 252 84 8 210 36 1 7 462 120 9 330 45 1 8 792 165 10 495 55 9 1,287 220 715 10 2,002 (231). We have, by Maclaurin's theorem (Chap, xxii, [29]), Similarly, Adding these two expressions together, the terms involving differential coefficients of the odd orders vanish, and we have Similarly, Chap. XXIII. ] SOLUTIONS. 109 which becomes 81 _- x j-a)+5(*-*) whence /ly __ \dsfJ /A 4 3 ( UJ ^ = ~ 48 2 and inserting these values in the above formula for c, we obtain the expression given in the question. (232). Sunderland's Notes on Finite Differences (Chap, ii, 7). From the values given in the question, we have A^4= o80 ^=98,011 Then from the formula we have, making ir=4, n= 4, Wo =^ 4 4Aw 4 + 10A% 4 -20A 3 w 4 ; or inserting the value of UQ given in the question and the other values as deduced above, 100,000=98,391 + l,520-160-20A 3 7/ 4 ; whence A 3 w 4 = 12'45, 110 PATCT TT. LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap, XXIII. Then by the formulas u w = u 4 + 6 Aw 4 + 15 A% + 20A% 4 = 95,622 A MH>=A ^4+6A% 1 + 15A^ 4 =-662-75 A 2 w 10 =A% + 6A% 4 = 90-70 A 3 w 10 =A% 4 =- 12-45 the values of UIQ to w 15 can be readily deduced in a tabular form, as follows : A 3 A 2 A u x x -12-45 90-70 662-75 95,622-00 10 -103-15 753-45 94,959-25 11 -115-60 - 856-60 94,205-80 12 -128-05 972-20 93,349-20 13 -1,100-25 92,377-00 14 91,276-75 15 (233). [9], [12]. Sunderland's Notes on Finite Differences (Chap.ii, 7). (234). [8]. Let the values at 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5|, and 6 per-cent be represented by ^ , u\^ u a ;-i) approximately, and ( ^4-3 ) = _..D,==5ziZ approximately. CHAPTER XXIV. (245). We have, by the definition of a differential coefficient, u x = limit of z when h is infinitely small. dx h Similarly, = 11 11 7 J5 > >? *+* : h The sum of the right-hand terms is clearly = - ; therefore we have /**** J -^. u x'dx=u x+n = Limit of k \ u x + u x +j t + -=- u x+ ^ t + . . . + y- WJT+W-/I r v.a# a? aiP wo? ; 116 PAHT II. - LIFE CONTINGENCIES. [Chap. XXIV. that is, the integration is equivalent to the sum of an infinite number of infinitely small terms. (246).- [3], [6]. (247) .Since u x+n = (1 + A)^, (Chap, xxii, [20]) and 2u x+n =&- l u x+n (Chap, xxiv, [2]) Expanding (1 + A) W , we have >--^C and / -j \ ^. ^.. O /., L V ' A ,. (248). Macdonald's Calculus of Finite Differences (Trans. Act. Soc. jEdin., 1876), page 12. We have Summing perpendicularly, we have S w ^=S w (^o + S w (a? 1 )ci+S tt and inserting the values of S w (a?), S w .(^ ! )j & c ...... -~ 30 (249). [20]. Sunderland's Notes on Finite Differences, Exercise (22). / Chap. XXIV.] SOLUTIONS. 117 (250). From the formula deduced in the solution to Ex. (248) S n u x =nc + - we have, giving to w the successive values, 5, 10, 15, and 20, 55 - \^L- + -- - The values of the continuous annuity, and of the single premium for the corresponding assurance, can be obtained in one operation by the use of one of the formulas of approximate summation given in Chap. xxiv. The divisor for the annual premium (payable until the expiration of the risk) may be deduced from the above continuous annuity by the formula *** OF TH " UNIVERSITY Printers: C, & E, LAYTON, London. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ,tg stamped below. '""""~ F"IL_ ts~on' firs^jjja^ overdue ts on fourth day overdue ^ritfi "dtfpt&riihife c r - NOV 5 1947 LD 21-100m-12,'46(A2012sl6)4120 Z78A.