HISTORY OF ROME. WILLIAM FRANCIS COLLIER, LL.D., TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN ; Author of " School History of the British Empire," " English History for Junior Classes, The Great Events of History," " History of English Literature," &c. LONDON: T. NELSON AND SONS, PATERNOSTER ROW; EDINBURGH ; AND NEW YORK. MDCtCLXVlI. Annex DR. COLLIER'S HISTORIES OF GREECE AND ROME. (Each to be had separately.) NOTE. THESE volumes aim at giving a clear outline of the chief events in Grecian and Roman History. The personal or biographical element, upon which so much of the living interest of History mainly depends, has been kept prominently in view throughout. The same plan has been followed as that adopted in the author's " Great Events of History ;" and among other feat- ures of similarity to that work, these volumes contain Lists, which will enable a pupil to become acquainted with the leading names in Greek and Roman Literature. June, 1866. CONTENTS. FIRST PERIOD. CHAPTER I. THE SEVEN KINGS OP ROME. PM Building of Rome Romulus and Nnma Horatii and Curlatii Tarquin the Elder Elevation of the Plebs Death of Servius Tarqnin the Proud Story of Lucretia 1 CHAPTER II. THE TARQTJINS IN EXILB. The New Government Brutus and his Sons Death of Brutus Horatius and the Bridge Mucius Scsevola The Swimming Girls The First Dictator Battle of Lake Regillus. 8 CHAPTER III. TBIBUNES OP THE PLEBS. State of the Plebs A Piteous Tale The First Secession Menenius' Story Tribunes Appointed Their Powers v 12 CHAPTER IV. PATRICIAN HEROES. Corlolanus: the Fabii Patrician Legends Coriolanus The Agrarian Law Cincinnatus The Camp at Cremera The Valley of Algidus.... 15 CHAPTER V. THB DECEMVIRS. The New Code The Ten Appointed First Year Second Tear Story of Dentatus Story of Virginia 18 CHAPTER VI. OAMILLU8 AND THE GAULS. The Struggle continued Siege of Veil Battle of the Alia Gauls in the Forum Geese Save the Capitol The Weighing of the Gold The Tore and the Crow. 23 CHAPTER VII. THE LICINIAN ROGATIONS. The City RebuiltFate of Manlins Licinian Rogations Details of the Strife Victory of the Plebs Temple of Concord Steps gained by Plebs. , 27 Vi CONTENTS. SECOND PERIOD. CHAPTER I. THE 8AMKITB AND LATIN WARS. PKM Curtius The Samnltes First War Latin War Second War Caudlne Forks Third War Battle of Sentlnum 30 CHAPTER II. THE CAMPAIONS OP PTRRHUS. Tarentum Battle of Heraclea Clneas Battle of Asculnm Pyrrhus In Sicily Defeated at Beneventum 35 CHAPTER III. THE FIRST PUNIC WAR. Cause of the War First Roman Fleet Mylse and Ecnomns Invasion of Africa Regulus Siege of Lilybieum Battle of JSgusa Peace 38 CHAPTER IV. THE SECOND OR GREAT PUNIC WAR. niyrian and Gallic Wars Hannibal Siege of Sagantnm Hannibal's March Ticino : Trebia: Trasimene Fabius Cunctator Battle of Cannae Sieges of Syracuse and Capua Scipio in Spain Hasdrutal's March The Metaurus Scipio in Africa Battle of Zama Peace. 45 CHAPTER V. THE THIRD PUNIC WAR. Cato the Censor His Triumph over Scipio Major Death of Hannibal Delenda est Carthago Two Useless Years Scipio in Command Fall of Carthage Cl CHAPTER VI. WARS IN SPAIN AND SICILY. Treaty of Gracchus Massacre of Galba Viriathns Celtiberian War Numantia Roman Slaves Servile War in Sicily 66 CHAPTER VII. THE GRACCHI. Tiberius Gracchus His Agrarian Law Slain in the Capitol Death of Scipio Minor Caius Gracchus Sempronian Laws Death of Caius Cornelia x 70 Oreat Xamcs of Roman Literature,