S* THE O HYGIENIC COOK-BOOK; CONTAININO RECIPES FOR MAKING BREAD, PIES, PUDDINGS, MUSHES, AND SOUPS, WITH DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING VEGETABLES, CANNING FRUIT, ETO. TO WHICH 18 ADDED .A. 3? IF E IXT 3D I CONTAINING VALUABLE SUGGESTIONS IN REGARD TO WASH me, BLEACHING, BEHOVING INK, FRUIT, AND OTHEB STAINS FROM GARMENTS, ETC. BY MRS. MATTIE M. JONES. K"EW YORK : M. H.. HOLBROOK, No. 15 LAIGHT STREET. LONDON : M. A. ORB. 1881. Stack Anna* Entered according to act of Congress, in the vei 1864, by MILLER & BROWNING, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Souttora District of New York. L. K. BIO ABEL, PRINTER, HYGIENIC INSTITUTE, NEW TOfcK. PREFACE. THE table ! how vast an influence it exerts on human life and charac- ter ; how much of the weal or woe of humanity clusters around it ! In determining our physical, mental, and moral conditions, no other one thing in all the material universe has so vast a power as that which we take daily in the shape of food and drink. Much, very much, of the sickness, suffering, and premature death iq the world ; much of its vice, immorality, and crime, can, if traced to its starting-point, he found to originate here. Anxious days and sleepless nights are spent by parents, in their earnest endeavors to devise some means to subdue the peevishness, the fretfulness, the obstinacy or the immorality of their children, only to find alas! their admonitions unheeded, then; exhortations thrown to the winds, their agonizing prayers of no avail ; they little dreaming that the causes of this perverseness lie, in a great measure, within their own control ; that these unhappy mental and moral manifestations are caused by a disordered condition of the bodily functions, produced by the improper kinds and quantities of food which they have allowed them to eat. That abnormal conditions of the body never txist without more or less influencing the mind, no arguments are needed to prove. Take for instance the drunkard while under the dominion of alcohol. Of what avail are his own resolutions, or the prayers, the tears, the earnest entreaties of friends, to stay the fierce, ungovernable passions which rage within him, or to rouse him from the dull, leaden stupor into which the demon of drink often plunges its victims ? What are moral influences then? So many "wisps of straw" to bind the Samson of evil. But, remove the cause, then your appeals to his better nature may be of some avail ; while it remains, never. It is but speaking the simple truth to say that fully one half the evil and misery which exists in the world, has its origin in improper dietetic habits. The starting-point of intemperance, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, is in the stimulating or gross food and drink received at a fond mother's table in infancy and boyhood, producing iri time a craving for stronger stimulus, found at last in the intoxicating cup. And to that table, too, may be traced the origin of a majority of the countless diseases which people our cemeteries, and make this bright world of ours really a "vale of tears." IV PREFACE. All over the land are scattered, by hundreds and thousands, wretched invalids poor, miserable dyspeptics, to whom life is a burden, and exist- ence a bane consumptives, lingering with one foot in the grave, who to-day might have been doing the work of strong and earnest men and women, had they and their parents but realized the truth of this. And to too many of them, years and years, yea, a lifetime of earnest effort in the " better way," are barely sufficient to undo the wrong which need never have existed. Health Reform does not seek to diminish gustatory enjoyment, >>ut rather to enhance it. No drunkard can enjoy his glass of brandy as tha teetotaler does his cup of clear, cold, sparkling water. So, those who live upon rich and stimulating food are really losers- instead of- gainers, in the pleasures of the table. The spices, coni.- ments and seasonings universally employed, so far disguise and destroy the natural properties of alimentary substances in which they are used, as to render the taste of persons habitually accustomed to them so per- verted that they can no more detect the real delicate flavor of the food itself, than the drunkard can appreciate the excellence of pure water , and their enjoyment is not to be compared hi steady lasting enduranco to that of those who live upon a truly hygienic diet, as all who have tried it thoroughly can testify. A cook-book containing directions for preparing a variety of hygienic dishes, which shall be at the same time practical, concise, and in a form cheap enough to bring it within the means of every family seems a desid- eratum hitherto unattained. That this little work may supply this want, and prove of real value to thoso desirous of learning a more healthful method of living is tha earnest wish of THE AUTEOE. THE HYGIENIC COOK-BOOK. BREAD AND BREAD-MAKING. As by common consent Bread is the " Staff of Life," the question naturally arises, " what are the best methods of making it ? " The common white flour fermented bread, which is so universally used, is very far from being the best as an article of diet. The use of fine or bolted flour, has opened upon community a perfect "Pandora's Box" of evils in the shape of Constipation and the ten thousand ailments to which it gives rise. By the separation of the bran from the flour, not only a portion of the grain necessary to the proper distension of the stomach and bowels is removed, but it has been repeatedly proved by chemical analysis that the bran is as rich, or richer, in nutritious sub- stances than the flour. These are not merely the " notions " of " hair-brained," " bran- bread," " crazy fanatics !" but FACTS which commend themselves to the common sense of all who will investigate, which have been proved by the experience of thousands, and which have been demonstraTed by the highest scientific authorities : DR. JOHNSON, M.A., F.E.S., F.G.S., &c., in his "Chemistry of Common Life," says : " The bran or husk of wheat, which is separated from the fine flour in the mill, and is often condemned to humbler uses, is somewhat more nutritious than either the grain as a whole, or the whiter part of the flour. The nutritive quality of any variety of grain depends very much upon the proportion of gluten it contains ; and the proportions of this in the whole grain, the bran and the fine flour respectively, of the same sample of wheat, are very nearly as follows whole grain, 12 pr. ct. ; whoto| b^n^H^ef qp^t-kjner skins), 18 pr. ct. ; fine flour, 10 pr. ct. (5) 6 BREAD AND BREAD-MAKING. If the grain, as a whole, contain more than twelve per cent, of glu- ten, the bran and the flour will also contain more than is above repre- sented, and in a like proportion. The whole meal obtained by simply grinding the grain is equally nutritious with the grain itself By sift- ing out the bran, we render the meal less nutritious, weight for weight ; and when we consider that the bran is rarely less, and is sometimes con- siderably more than one-fourth of the whole weight of the grain, we must see that the total separation of the covering of the grain causes much waste of wholesome human food. Bread made from the whole meal is, therefore, more nutritious ; and as many persons find it a more salutary food than white bread, it ought to be more generally preferred and used." Prof. Youmans, author of the standard works on ' Chemistry," " Household Science, " Chemical Chart," etc., says : " The grain of which bread is made consists mostly of starch, gluten, and sugar. The ligneous husk of grain produces the bran, while the flour is formed by the interior white portions. The gluten is tougher and more difficult to grind than the starch, hence the finest and whitest flour, obtained by repeated siftings, contains a larger proportion of starch, the darker colored flour being richer in gluten ; and as the nu- tritive properties of flour are in proportion to the nitrogenized element (gluten), the latter will make the most nutritious bread." The " Eclectic Keview," in an article entitled " Frauds in Foods," says : " Many of the most important elements of our blood, brain and bone are found in the greatest abundance in the colored, outer part of the wheat, which we deem fittest for pigs ; so we fatten them and suffer our- selves. The difference in nourishing properties between whole meal and flour and very finely dressed flour amounts, in many cases, to fully one- third." Dr. Bennett says : " Now, if there is a well established fact emanating from chemical analysis, it is this : That superfine or very finely bolted wheat flour will not alone sustain animal life. This fact has been repeatedly dem- onstrated by Magendi, the greatest physiologist that ever lived. Hav- ing ascertained that the muscular and nervous tissues, including the whole brain or cerebral mass, was composed of nitrogenous matter, he readily concluded that starch, or the fecula of wheat, would not alone sustain animal life, for the reason that it contains not a particle of ni- trogenous matter. Consequently, he found by experiment, that animals fed exclusively on very finely dressed flour, died in a few weeks, where- as those fed on the unbolted thrived." Dr. John Ellis, Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medi- cine, says : "The worst case of scurvy I ever had to treat, occurred in a little girl five or six years old, who had lived entirely upon toast made of su- erfine flour." Many more might be given, but these must suffice. The second objection to the common method of bread-making is the fermenting process to which it is subjected. Fermentation, as all BREAD AND BREAD-MAKING. 7 persons who are conversant with chemistry know, is, as described by Professor Johnson, " The consequence of a peculiar action which yeast exercises upon moist flour. It first changes a portion of the starch of the flour into sugar, and then converts this sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid, in the same way as it does when it is added to the worts of the brewer or the distiller. As the gas cannot escape from the glutinous dough, it col- lects within in large bubbles, ,and makes it swell, till the heat of the oven kills the yeast plant, and causes the fermentation, to cease." Prof. Youmans says: " If the fermentation proceeds too far, the dough becomes sour ; that is, the vinous passes into the acetous fermentation, the alcohol changes to vinegar." Who would think of taking a half-decayed apple or potato, and subjecting it to the action of heat to stay the process of putrefaction, and then placing it before human beings as food ? And yet this is precisely what is done by fermenta ion. Take a commou bread " sponge," as it is called. Let it remain thirty -six hours longer than nsual, and what is the result ? a sour, almost putrid mass. This process of putrefaction commences the moment the yeast is added to moist flour, and is only checked by the action of heat. Baker's bread is often still more objectionable, from the fact that an inferior article of flour is used which is disguised by the introduction of alum and other chemicals. Soda and saleratus, in all their forms, are decidedly injurious, and when introduced into bread, biscuit,. and other articles of food; are a prolific source of disease. Having demonstrated the effects of bad material and management of it,, we will consider what are the best materials and the best meth- ods of preparing and cooking them. Bread, to be the most wholesome and palatable, should contain but two ingredients unbolted flour from the best quality of wheat or other grain, and pure water. The following, so far as I know, are the preferable methods of making it, arranged in the order of their re- spective merits : UNLEAVENED BREAD. No. 1. GEMS. Into cold water stir Graham flour sufficient to make a batter a trifle thicker than that used for ordinary griddle cakes. Bako from one-half to three-quarters of an hour in a hot oven in small tip patty- pans two inches square and three-fourths of an inch deep BREAD AND BREAD-MAKING. NOTE. This makes delicious bread. No definite rule as to the proportions of flour and water can be given, owing to the difference in the absorbing properties of various brands of flour. Of some kinds, the batter will require to be made considerably stiffer than the consistency above mentioned. A little experience -will enable any person tc approximate thfi right proportions with sufficient exactness. The flour should be stirred into the water very slowly in the same manner as in making mush. No more stirring is necessary after the flour is all added. If hard water is used in making them, they are apt to be slightly tough. A small quantity of milk will remedy this defect. Many persons have failed of sucess in making this bread from neg- lecting one very essential requisite the size of the pans in which it is baked. If they are larger than the dimensions given, the bread will be heavy ; if smaller it will be dry and hard. But made this size, and filled full, if the flour be properly ground, the batter the right con- sistency, and the oven hot, (a hot oven being absolutely indispensable to success,) it will rise one half, and be almost as light and porous as sponge cake. E. "We used separate pans for some time, but found them quite inconvenient. We have them now formed and wired together as represented in the above cut, and find them a very great improvement. If iron pans are used they must be heated hot each time before filling. Any tinman can make them, or with less trouble and no more expense, they may be procured of MILLEK & WOOD, No. 15 Laight St., N. Y., who to supply the continued demand for them, have had heavy iron moulds cast to form them, and can supply them ftt the rate of $1.25 per square of a dozen tins. No. 2. DIAMONDS. Pour boiling water on Graham flour stirring rapidly till all the Hour is wet Too much stirring makes it tough. It should be about as thick as can be stirred easily with a strong iron spoon. Place the dough with plenty of flour upon the moulding board, and knead it for two or three minutes. Roll out one half an inch thick, and cut in small cakes or rolls. If a large quantity is re- quired, roll about three-fourths of an inch thick, and cut with a knife in diamond shape. Bake in a very hot oven forty-five minutes. NOTE. The names by which these two kinds of bread are known in our Institution are merely arbitrary. Years ago the guests of the house christened No. 2 "diamonds," from their shape. No.- 1 being of quite recent introduction, and, as many think, much superior, some facetious patient, on their first appearance, sutrarested " perns'" as an ap- propriate name, and, accordingly, "gems" went the round of the tables till the soubri- quet became firmly attached to them. No. 3. GRAHAM BISCUIT. Make Graham mush as for table. When cool, mix with it Graham flour sufficient to roll well. Knead for a few minutes, roll three-fourths of an inch thick, cut with a com- mon biscuit cutter, and bake in a hot oven from thirty to forty-five minutes. No. 4. GRAHAM BISCUIT. (ANOTHER FORM.) Stir into cold water, Graham flour enough for a rather soft dough ; knead it for five or ten minutes, and bake the same as No. 3. NOTE. "When these have become a little dry or hard, cut in small pieces, cover with sold water, soak till thoroughly soft, when the water should oe all absorbed. Strain through a collander, mix Graham flour sufficient to roll, and bake in the same form ai t first. This id even superior to the original bread. BREAD AND BHEAD-MAK.INO. 9 No. 5. WHEAT MEAL CRISPS. Make a very stiff dough of Gra- ham flour aM cold water : knead thoroughly, roll as thin as possible and bake for \wenty minutes in a hot oven. No. 6. GRAHAM CRACKEUS are made by mixing cold water and Graham flour together, and kneading very thoroughly. They can only be well made by the machinery used in cracker bakeries. EYE AND OAT-MEAL BEEAD. Unbolted rye or oatmeal, prepared after recipe No. 4, makes excel- lent and wholesome bread for those who like the peculiar flavor On these grains. COEN CAKE. Pour 1 quart boiling water on 1 quart corn meal, and stir quickly. Wet the hands and form the dough into small round cakes one-halt an inch thick. The addition of a few raspberries, huckleberries, or any subacid fruit, is a decided improvement. Sweet apples, chopped fine, are also excellent. COEN MEAL GEMS. Stir slowly into one quart sweet milk, corn meal sufficient to make t very thin batter. Bake in a hot oven in the gem tins. 1* MUSHES AND PORRIDGES, l)r, TRALL in his excellent "Hydropathic Cook Book," says : "For making unleavened bread, mushes, etc., the grain should be carefully cleaned washed, if necessary and care should be taken to select that which is full and plump. When ground at an ordinary flouring mill, the stones should be sharp, so as to cut the grain into very fine particles. If ground by dull stones, the bran will be mashed off in flakes or scales. The meal or flour should be fresh ground, and never kept a long time, as it deteriorates surely, though slowly, every day after being ground." Under the head of Mushes and Porridges, he has given a variety of Tery excellent recipes. I cannot do better than copy the chapter 'entire : " The reader will observe that salt is not mentioned as an ingredi- ent in this book. But as almost all persons are accustomed to the use of this seasoning, I can only say to them, if they cannot bring their appetite at once into subjection to unsalted aliment, they had better use a moderate quantity, and gradually diminish it. In all the cook books I am acquainted with, salt is put down as a fixture of every dish ; and mushes, especially Indian and rice, are usually considered as unendurably flat and insipid, unless abundantly salted. A little experience with unsalted food, and a little self-denial, will, however, enable all persons to relish not only mushe?, but all other farinaceous preparations, with no other seasonings than sugar or milk." "CRACKED WHEAT MUSH. As the grits swell very much in boiling, they should be stirred gradually in boiling water until a thin rnush is formed. The boiling should then be continued very moderately for one or two hours. If the grits are ground very coarse, they will require boiling five or six hours. A large coffee mill will serve the~~purpose very well of grinding for a family. An ordinary iron pot will answer to boil the grits in, if they are constantly stirred, or if the vessel stand on legs, so that the blaze of the fire is not in immediate contact with it. The double boiler, how- ever (found at most hardware stores,) is the most convenient to pre- vent burning or scorching. It is a tin or iron vessel surrounded by hot water, and contained within another vessel which comes in con- tact with the fire. (10) MUSHES ASD PORRIDGES. 11 HOMINY. This is generally, in this market, prepared from the Southern or white corn, which is cut into coarser or finer particles of nearly uniform size. It is cooked like the wheaten grits, and usually requires to be boiled one hour and a half. The fine-grained hominy can be well cooked in half an hour, by boiling a few minutes and then steaming it, without stirring, over as hot a fire as can be borne without scorching. Two quarts of water are required for one or hominy. SAMP. This is merely a very coarse hominy the grains of corn being cut or broken into very coarse particles. It should be washed several times, and the water poured through a sieve to separate the hulls ; and it requires boiling five or six hours. This is made precisely like the mush of cracked wheat, or wheaten grits. It is particularly adapted to thosj who have long suffered from habitual constipation. To persons unaccustomed to the grain, the effect on the bowels is decidedly laxative. The meal must be fresh ground, and made of well-cleaned and plump grain. INDIAN-MEAL MUSH. White and yellow corn meal are made into the well-known mush called hasty pudding. Either kind is equally agreeable to most persons. It should be stirred very gradually into boiling water, so as to prevent lumping ; it should be cooked from one to two hours. OATMEAL MUSH. This, in Scotland, is called "stirabout." It is a favorite with many persons, and makes a pleasant change of dishes. It is cooked precisely like Indian mush. WHEAT-MEAL MUSH. This is an excellent article for infants and young children much better than the farina, which is so extensively employed. It will do for a change in the cases of adults, but is not equal to the coarser preparations of the grain. It is cooked like Indian mush. FARINA MUSH. This is too nutrative, or, rather, concentrated, an aliment for an every day dish, but will do occasionally for variety's sake. It is made into mush in the same way as Graham flour or Indian meal. , RICE MUSH. Put one pint of plump "head rice," previously picked over and washed, into three quarts of boiling water ; continue the boiling fifteen or twenty minutes, but avoid stirring it so as to break up or mash the kernels ; turn off the water ; set it uncovered over a moderate fire, and steam fifteen minutes. Rice is "poor stuff" with- out salt, say the cooks, and cook-books. If you find it so, reader, try a little syrup or sugar. RICE AND MILK MUSH. Boil a pint of clean head rice fifteen or twenty minutes; pour off the water; add a little milk mixing it gently so as not to break the kernels and boil a few minutes longer. CORN STARCH BLANC-MANGE. Dissolve half a pound of corn starch in a pint of cold milk ; then put it into three pints of boiling milk, and boil very moderately five or six minutes. 12 MUSHES AND PORRIDGES. MOLDED FAP.INACEA. Nearly all the boiled farinaceous foods may be molded to please the fancy, in teacups, glasses, or earthen molds. Wheaten grits, rice, farina, corn starch, etc., may be put into th molds, or dishes, previously wet in cold water, as soon as cooked, and when cooled, turn out on china or glass plates. The addition of a little whortleberry, raspberry, blackberry, or strawberry j uice, will afford an innocent coloring material for those who have time and inclination to indulge in such amusements. MILK POKRTDGE. Place a pint and a half of new milk, and hah a pint ofwater over the tire ; when just ready to boil, stir in a table- spoonful ol flour, \vheat-rneal, oatmeal, or corn-meal, previously mixed with a little water , after boiling a minute, pour it on bread cut into small pieces. WHEAT-MEAL PORRIDGE. Stir gradually into a quart of boiling water half a pound of wheat-meal, and boil ten or fifteen minutes. It may be flavored with a little milk, molasses, or sugar. OATMEAL PORRIDGE. Hub three-quarters of a pound of oatmeai into a little cold water, till the mixture is smooth and even ; add it to three pints of boiling water ; allow the whole to boil gently about twenty minutes. Serve with milk, syrup, or sugar. To those who use milk and desire a great variety, I would say that the cracked wheat, rye, oatmeal, farina, and hominy mushes, are by many considered far preferable if made of half milk. The cracked wheat mush is also improved by the addition of a few raisins, cherries, or dates, added at the commencement of the cooking process. A very palatable dish may be made very quickly, by stirring Graham flour into boiling milk, after the manner of hasty pudding, letting it cook for five or ten minutes. PIES AND PIE CRUSTS. PIES, as usually made, are among the greatest abominations of mod- ern cookery. The idea of eating a piece of bread an inch in thickness, with from one-quarter to a half or a whole inch of lard or butter would, by every sane person, be considered preposterous. But peo- ple use these same proportions of flour and grease in their pastry, thinking it delicious ! Consult any of the ordinary cook books, and you will find the recipes for pastry varying from half a pound to a pound of land or butter to each pound of flour, and white flour at that ! Can anything be conceived which is more indigestible ? Below are given recipes for making quite a variety of pies, which any cook after a little practice, can succeed in making, provided she has a heart in the work, and desires to see hygienic cooking tuke the place which it deserves. PIES AND PIE-CRUSTS. 13 POTATO PIE CUUST. Boil one quart dry, mealy potatoes. The moment they are done mash them, and sift through a collander. Stir thoroughly together one cup Graham flour and one cup white flour, then add the potatoes, rubbing them evenly through the flour in the same manner as the shortening in common pie crust. Have ready one cup corn meal ; pour over it one and one-third cups boiling water, stirring it till all the meal is wet, then add it to the potatoes and flour, mixing only till thoroughly incorporated together. No more flour should be added. The moulding board should be well covered with dry flour, however, as it is slightly difficult to roll out. It should be rolled very thin, and baked in a moderate oven. NOTE. It is very essential that the above conditions should all be complied with. Bear in mind that the potatoes must be hot, and mixed immediately with the flour ; the water be poured, while boiling, upon the corn moal, and the whole mixed together very quickly and baked immediately. Inattention to any of these requisites will be quite apt to insure a failure. CREAM PIK CRUST. Take equal quantities of Graham flour, white flour, and Indian meal ; rub evenly together, and wet with very thin sweet cream. It should be rolled thin and baked in an oven as hot as for common pie crust. NOTE. This makes excellent pastry if properly baked. Many patients have said to us they did not see how they could ever again relish the pastry in common use (this is BO much sweeter and more palatable, to say nothing of its wholesomeness.) It is more generally relished than the potato crust, although not quite so hygienic. PUMPKIN PIK. Select a pumpkin which has a deep, rich color, and firm, close texture. Stew and sift in the ordinary manner ; add as much boiling milk as will make it about one-third thicker than for common pumpkin pie. Sweeten with equal quantities of sugar and molasses, and bake about one hour in a hot oven. NOTE. Those who will try this method will be surprised to find how delicious a pie can be made without eggs, ginger, or spices of any kind. The milk being turned boiling hot upon the pumpkin, causes it to swell in baking, so that it is as light and nice aa though eggs had been used. SQUASH PIE. This is even superior to pumpkin, as it possesses a richer, sweeter flavor, and is far preferable. It is made in precisely the same manner as pumpkin pie. SWEET POTATO PIE. Boil and sift through a collander, nice, ripe, sweet potatoes, add boiling milk, and make the same as pumpkin pie. SWEET APPLE PIE. Pare mellow, sweet apples, and grate them upon a grater. A very large grater is necessary for this purpose. Then proceed as for pumpkin pie. SOUR APPLE PIE. Take nice, tart apples spitzenbergs are best, although pippins, greenings, russets, etc., are excellent. Slice them; fill the under crust an inch thick ; sprinkle sugar over them ; add a spoonful or two of water ; cover with a thin crust, and bake three- fourths of an hour in a moderate oven. PIE-PLANT PIE. Remove the skin from the stalks; cut them in small pieces ; fill the pie dish evenly full ; put in plenty of sugar, a teaspoonful of water ; dredge a trifle of flour evenly over the top ; cover with a thin crust, and bake the same as apple pie. NOTE. If the stalks are not very tender, it is better to partially stew before baking. 14 PIES AND PIE-CRUBTS. APPLE AND PIE-PLANT PIE. Equal quantities of apple and pie plant made in the same manner as all pie plant, make excellent pie. DRIED WHORTLEBERRY PIE. To two quarts dried whortleberries add one pint dried plums ; look over carefully ; add sugar to the taste, and stew as for the table ; bake between two crusts about one hour. DRIED ELDERBERRY PIE Is made in the same manner, and is nearly as good as the preceding. GOOSEBERRY PIE. This is made in precisely the same manner as currant pie ; it is very palatable. CHERRY PIE. Choose fair, ripe cherries, the large black English being the best for this purpose ; wash and look them over carefully ; fill the pie plate evenly full ; strew sugar over the top ; dredge in plenty of flour ; cover with a moderately thick upper crust, and bake one hour. KASPBERRY PIE. This stands at the head of the list of all berry pies in point of excellence. Take nice ripe berries, either red or black are about equally good; wash and pick them over carefully; place them an inch or more thick on the under crust ; strew a small quan- tify of sugar, and a trifle of flour over them ; put en the upper crust, and bake half an hour. BLACKBERRY PIE. This is made in the same manner as the pre- ceding. All berries for pies should be ripe or nearly so, and as fresh as possible. WHORTLEBERRY PIE. Whortleberries make excellent pies, and are ip market usually longer than any of the summer fruits. It is made in the same manner as raspberry pie. STRAWBERRY PIE. Is made in the same way also. This fruit ia rather acid, and requires considerable sugar to make it pleasant. CRANBERRY TART. Wash the berries in a pan of water, rejecting avl the bad ones ; simmer them till they become soft and burst open ; strain through a fine wire seive, removing all the nulls ; add sugar to the taste ; bake on a thick under crust in a moderate oven. PEACU PIE. Select rich, juicy patches, of a rather small and nearly uniform size. They should be very ripe; wash them thoroughly to remove all the furz ; fill the pie dish with them ; sprinkle sugar and a little flour over them ; add a tablespoonful of water ; cover and bake one hour. KOTB. If the peaches are not very ripe, it is better to pare, stone, and slice them. PLUM PIE Is made in the same manner as the peach pie. It is not as wholesome, as it requires much more sugar to make it at all palatable. APPLE PUFFS. Make a crust the same as for cream pie crust, using rather thicker cream, however; roll as thin as possible; cut out in small round cakes with a common biscuit cutter ; take one of these, wet it around the edge, and place in the center a teaepoonful of apple sauce. Take another and c >t with a small cracker cutter a 15 hole in the center about one inch in diameter ; place the ring is left upon the first one, and pinch the edges tightly together. Bake in a quick oven. NOTE. These, if rightly made, are very nice. Any kind of fruit may be used in place of apple sauce, by stewing it, and simmering down till very little juice remains. CURRANT PIE. Currants are made into pies by stewing them, and sweetening according to the degree of acidity, and baking between two crusts in the ordinary manner. Or better still, merely fill the pie with them without any previous cooking. Sprinkle sugar over ; dredge in a little flour, and bake the same as apple pie. I have been much more minute in giving these recipes than persons accustomed to cooking would deem really necessary. I have done so because hundreds of ladies who have no practical knowledge of even the ordinary methods of cookery, are j r early adopting our sys- tem, and as they generally find it impossible to obtain help in their own homes who are at all conversant with it, they feel the necessity of learning its details for themselves. PUDDINGS. MANY physiologists object, and justly, to the extensive use of pud- dings as an article of diet. They admit of but very imperfect masti- cation and insalivation, even in their best forms, and are to be permit- ted rather than recommended. However, as people usually demand something as a dessert, occa- sionally, by way of variety, they are admissible. I give below recipes for the most Hygienic methods of making them. Quite a number of them are copied from Dr. Trail's Hydropathic Cook Book : RICE PUDDING. To two-thirds of a cup of rice add half a cup of sugar, half a cup raisins, and two quarts milk. Stir all together and bake very slowly about tiiree hours. BAKED APPLE PUDDING. Pare, core, and slice about two quarts nice tart apples. Add to them one teacup full of Indian ineal, one cup Graham flour, and stir all together. Pour over them three-fourths of a cup of sugar dissolved in one cup cold water, stirring till all the flour is wet. Strew Indian meal smoothly over the bottom of a deep basin or pan to prevent sticking, and turn the mixture into it, smoothing it evenly over the top. Then spread smoothly over it a bat- ter made by stirring together half a cup cold water, three tablespoon- fuls of Indian meal, three ditto of Graham flour, and one tablcspoon- ful sugar. Bake about two hours and a half. .NOTE. This is to be eaten with sweetened cream or a sauce made by stirring into on<) quart boiling milk two heaping tablespoonfuls of corn starch, moistened with cold nuik, letting it boil for five or ten minutes afterward. Sweeten according to taste. PLUM PUDDING. One quart Indian meal, one cup molasses, one cup raisins, one quart boiling water. Stir all together and steam three hours. This is to be eaten with the same kind of sauce as for baked apple pudding. 16 PUDDINGS. RUSK Pur DING. One and one-third cups rusk, hair a cup sugar, two cups sweet apples, sliced, two quarts milk. Stir together and bake two hours and a half. BAKED INDIAN PUDDING. Two quarts sweet milk, one heaping teacup full of Indian meal, one-third cup molasses, one-third cup sugar. When the milk is boiling hard, dip out one-half of it, and into the remainder stir the meal 'slowly, taking care that- no lumps remain in it. Add the rest of the milk, the sugar and molasses, and bake about two hours, or until it is a bright cherry color. Stir once or twice the first half hour, but not afterward. " This proportion of meal will not hold good in all cases, owing to the difference in the thickening properties of different kinds. Of some it will require one and one-third cups, others one and a half. This can easily be determined by one trial. SAGO PUDDING. Two quarts boiling milk, one cup sago, three- fourths cup sugar, two cups sweet apples sliced. Bake one hour and a half. TAPIOCA PUDDING. Two quarts milk, one cup tapioca, one cup sugar, two cups sweet apples, sliced. Bake one hour and a half. SAGO AND APPLE PUDDING. Take .six ounces of sago, previously washed and picked, five large, rich apples, peeled, quartered and cored, and one teacupful of sugar. Pour boiling water on the sago ; let it stand till cold ; then mix in the apples and sugar, and bake about one hour. PEAEL BARLEY PUDDING. Pick and wash half a pound of pearl barley ; soak it in fresh water over night ; pour off the water ; add one quart new milk and a teacupful of sugar ; and bake one hour in a slow oven. BARLEY AND APPLE PUDDING. Pick and wash half a pound of pearl barley ; soak it in water twelve hours ; then put it into a pan with three pints of water ; let it boil ten hours ; pour it into a pie dish ; put in half a pound of apples, sliced ; add two ounces of sugar, and bake one hour in a moderate oven. BREAD PUDDING. Pour a quart of boiling milk on as much bread, biscuit or crackers, broken or cut into small pieces, as will absorb it ; cover it and let it remain till quite cool ; then sweeten and bake an hour and a half. _ CRACKED WHEAT PUDDING. Boil wheaten grits till quite soft ; then dilute the mush with milk to the proper consistency. It should be rather thin ; sweeten and bake one hour. HOMINY PUDDING. Mix cold, boiled hominy with milk till suf- ficiently diluted ; sweeten and bake in a hot oven an hour and a half, or two hours. HOMINY PUDDING. (another form.) Into two quarts boiling milk, stir one large cupful of uncooked hominy. Add one ha).f cup sugar, one half cuji raisius aud bake two hours." PUDDINGS. 17 CHRISTMAS PUDDING. Mix together a pound and a quarter of flour or meal, half a pint of sweet cream, a pound of stoned raisins, four ounces of currants, four ounces of potatoes, mashed, five ounces of brown sugar, and a gill of milk. When thoroughly worked together add eight large spoonfuls of clean snow ; diffuse it through vhe mass as quickly as possible ; tie the pudding tightly in a bag previously wet in cold water, and boil four hours. MACARONI SNOW PUDDING. Take three ounces macaroni, one pint of new milk, one gill of cream, four of brown sugar or molasses, and eight tablespoon fuls of snow. Simmer the macaroni in the milk till well mixed ; add the sugar and cream ; then stir in the snow quickly and bake immediately till slightly browned. EICE AND APPLE PUDDING. Boil half a pound of rice in half a pint of milk till it is soft; then fill the pudding dish half full of apples, which have been pared and cored ; sweeten with brown sugar or mo- lasses ; put the rice over the fruit as a crust, and bake one hour. SNOW BALL PUDDING. Pare and core large mellow apples, and inclose them in cloths spread over with boiled rice, and boil one hour. Dip them in cold water before turning them out. They may be eaten with syrup, sugar or sweetened milk. FARINA PUDDING. Mix ten ounces of farina with half a pint of cold milk ; put one quart of milk over the fire, and while it is boiling stir in the farina gradually, and let it simmer fifteen or twenty min- utes. It may be served with milk, fruit, jelly or sugar. FIG AND COCOANUT PUDDING. Wash one pound of figs in warm water; soak them till soft ; add to them one grated cocoanut with its milk, and four ounces of sugar ; then knead with them all as much wheat meal as can be worked into a rather soft dough. ( If in the cold season, three or four spoonfuls of snow will make it lighter.) Tie it in a pudding bag, not very tight, as it will swell some ; and boil two hours. APPLE PUDDING. Boil one pound and a half of good apples with a gill of water and half a pound of brown sugar, till reduced to a smooth pulp ; stir in one gill of sweet cream, a tablespoonful of flour or fine bread crumbs ; flavor with a little lemon juice or grated lemon, and bake forty minutes. POTATO APPLE DUMPLINGS. Boil any quantity of white mealy potatoes ; pare, and mash them with a rolling pin ; then dredge in flour enough to form a dough ; roll it out to about the thickness of pie crust, and make up the dumplings by putting an apple, pared, cored, and quartered, to each. Boil or bake one hour. NOTE. If the crust be made in the same manner as for cream pie crust, these are very nice. GREEN COKN PUDDING. To one quart of grated ears of sweet corn, add a teacupful of cream, one gill of milk, a tablespoonful of flour, and two ounces of sugar ; mix all together and bake an hour and a half. THE FRUITS. WE come now to one of the most important departments of dietetics, viz. : fruit, and the necessity of its culture, preservation, and use. Next to good bread, there is nothing that can compare in value as an article of diet with good ripe fruit. People have been accustomed to consider fruit more in the light of a relish and a luxury, rather than as what it really should be a staple article of diet, and a necessity of every meal. "Would people place their bread and fruit as the central dishes of their tables, around which other dishes are grouped as convenience or tast* may dictate, instead of as now placing the meat as the staple article, what a vast amount of labor, sickness, and suffering would be avoided ! Good unleavened bread and the variety of fruits in their season contaim all the elements necessary to the support of human life. And while there is a large class of vegetables, which are nutritious, palatable, and whole- some, making variety enough to suit the most fastidious, yet fruit must 'ever take the precedence as the BEST food for human "beings. But, say many, " fruit is so expensive, we can't afford it ; besides, if all were to use fruit freely, there would not be half enough in the country to supply the markets." No fear on that score. Let the demand come, and the supply will soon follow. And as to not being " able to afford it," let ns see. Suppose, good friends, you dispense entirely with your tobacco, tea, coffee, pork, nutmeg, pepper, and all manner of spices ; your cakes, pickles, preserves, etc. ; you would find your tables would cost you much less than they now do, and you would be infinitely the gainers, not only- in health, strength, and happiness, but also, in the pleasures of the table. And until our farmers turn their attention more to fruit culture, which they can easily do if they choose ; until they give it the place and importance which it deserves and demands, all attempts at diet- etic reform will be for their wives an up-hill business; and will, in a majority of cases, only end at last in total failure. Now a good fruit garden is generally looked upon as a luxury a thing very (18) FRUITS. 19 desirable but not at all practicable. a plot of ground to be planted any pricking with a fork, and not leave them to crack open. When cooked in any way, they become heavy and " watery '' by cooking them after they are once softened through. They should be selected of an equal size, or the smallest should be taken up as fast as cooked. Potatoes should never be boiled very hard, as it is apt to break them ; nor should the water stop boiling, as it will tend to make them " watery." Old potatoes are improved by soaking in cold water several hours or over night, before cooking. They should never remain cov- ered after having been roasted or boiled, to keep them hot. MASHED POTATOES. Pare and wash the potatoes ; drop them into water which is boiling very hard ; let them boil moderately till done. As soon as they will pierce easily with a fork, pour off the water, place them over vhe fire again for a couple of minutes till perfectly dry, then mash them till they are entirely free from lumps. If any seasoning is desired, a little rich milk or sweet cream is all that is sufficient. BROWNED MASHED POTATOES. Prepare the same as mashed potatoes above; turn them immediately into a deep platter or dripping pan, emooth them evenly and place in a hot oven till browned. POTATO BALLS. Take mashed potatoes, either cold or hot, and form them into small round cakes of three-fourths of an inch in thickness-. Place them in a hot oven, and let them remain till well browned. STEWED POTATOES. Cut cold boiled potatoes into thin slices, cover with milk or diluted sweet cream, and stew slowly till warmed through. CHOPPED POTATOES. Place cold boiled potatoes in a wooden bowl ; chop them with a chopping knife till very fine ; turn them into a deep platter ; add milk till they are nearly covered, and bake in a moderately not oven half an hour ; stir them occasionally at first, then let a nice brown crust form upon them. BROWNED POTATOES. Cut cold boiled potatoes into slices one-third of an inch in thickness ; lay them on a platter in a hot oven till both ides are moderately browned. (28) VEGETABLES. 2S BROWNED POTATOES. Boil potatoes of a nearly uniform size till about two-thirds done; pour off' the water; remove the skins; place them in a hot oven, and bake till done. When baked potatoes are wanted in haste, this is a very quick and excellent method. BREAKFAST POTATOES. Pare and wash the potatoes. Cut them in pieces one-third of an inch in thickness ; boil in as little water aa possible, so that it will nearly all be evaporated in cooling. When done, add a small quantity of sweet cream or milk thickened with a little flour. SWEET POTATOES. These may be baked with their skins on, or peeled and boiled, and then browned a little in the oven, or simply boiled with or without the skins. They are excellent sliced and browned the next day after having been boiled, or even laid in the oven and browned. MASHED PARSNEPS. Wash them thoroughly, and remove the skins by scraping. Split them in halves or quarters, and boil till tender When done, mash them the same as potatoes. BROWNED PARSNEPS. Cold parsnepe may be cut in pieces one-half Inch in thickness and browned in the oven the same as potatoes. Ther are nice for breakfast. STEWED PARSNEPS. Wash, scrape, and cut the parsneps into thin slices. Stir them in just water enough to prevent their burning. When nearly cooked, add a little boiling milk, and thicken with a small quantity of flour wet with cold milk. Let them simmer fifteen, minutes. CARROTS. Carrots may be boiled, stewed, or browned in the same manner as parsneps. When stewed they are a favorite dish with many persons. . BOILED TTTRNIPS. When turnips are sweet and tender, they are best if boiled whole till soft, and then sent immediately to the table. If they are allowed to boil too long they become bitterish. An hour is the medium time. They are less watery and . better flavored when boiled with their skins on, and pared afterward. MASHED TURNIPS. This is the best method of preparing watery turnips and a good way of cooking all cookable kinds. Pare, wash, and cut them in slices ; put them in just enough boiling water to cover them ; let them boil till soft ; pour them into a seive or colander and press out the water; mash them with fresh milk or sweet cream until entirely free from lumps ; then put them into a saucepan over the fire, and stir them about three minutes. BOILED CABBAGE. Take off the outer leaves ; cut the head in halves or quarters, and boil quickly in a large quantity of water till done then drain and press out the water, and chop fine. Cabbage requires boiling from half an hour to an hour. STEWED CABBAGE. Slice the cabbage very fine, pour over it boiling water, nearly sufficient to cover it. Let it cook quickly till tender. Add boiling milk and thicken with flour wet with cold milk. Let it simmer fifteen minutes. This is excellent. CAULIFLOWER. Cut off the green leaves ; plunge the heads in boiling water and let them cook from twenty minutes to half an hour. Split 20 VEGETABLES. the heads <*pen and lay them in halves in vegetable dishes, and cover with a sauce made with boiling milk, thickened with flour wet with cold milk, and boiled till well cooked. GREENS. Spinach, beet tops, cabbage-sprouts, mustard leaves, turnip leaves, cowslips, dandelions, and deerweed are all excellent for greens. They all require to be carefully washed and cleaned. Spinach should be washed repeatedly.. All the cooking requisite is boiling till tendur, and drain on a colander. Lemon juice is the on.y admissible seasoning. BOILED BEET ROOT. Wash the roots carefully ; avoid scraping, cutting or breaking the roots, as the juice would escape and the flavor be injured; put them into a pan of boiling water; let them boil one or two hours according to size ; then put them in cold water and rub off the skin with the hand, and cut them in neat slices of uniform size. Good beets are sweet enough intrinsically, and need no seasoning. NOTE. Beet root must not be probed with a fork, as are potatoes. "When done, the thickest part will yield to the pressure of the fingers. BAKED BEETS. Wash the roots clean, and bake whole till quite tender ; put them in cold water ; rub off the skin ; if large, cut them in round slices, but if small, slice them lengthwise. If any seasoning is insisted on, lemon juice is the most appropriate. When baked slowly and carefully, beet root is very rich, wholesome, and nutritious. It usually requires baking four or five hours. STEWED BEETS. Take baked or boiled beet root, pare and cut it into thin slices ; simmer in milk or diluted sweet cream fifteen minutes, and thicken, the gravy with a little wheaten flour. STRING BEANS. When very young, the pods need only to be clipped, cut finely, and boiled till tender. When older, cut or break off the ends, strip off the strings that line their edges ; cut or break each pod into three or four pieces, and boil. When made tender, a little cream or milk may be simmered with them a few minutes. ASPARAGUS. Put the stalks in cold water ; cut off all that is very tough; tie them in bundles; put them over the fire and let them boil fifteen to twenty-five minutes, or until tender without being soft. No one has a right to desire a better vegetable ,han this with no other preparation than boiling. It should be cooked soon after being picked, or kept cool and moist in a cellar till wanted. STEWED ASPARAGUS. Cut the tender parts of the stalks into pieces of half an inch in length. Wash them ; put them in enough boiling water to cook them witfeout burning, and when nearly done add a email quantity of sweet cream or milk thickened with flour. STEWED CUCUMBERS. Pare and cut them into quarters, taking out the Beeds ; boil like asparagus ; serve up with toasted bread and sweetcrcam. VEGETABLE MARROW. Peel the marrows ; cut them in halves ; scrape out the seeds ; then boil about twenty minutes, or until soft ; drain them, wash them, add a little milk or cream, and simmer a short timo. SALSIFY (OYSTER PLANT). Scrape the vegetable; cut it in strips; parboil it ; then chop it up with milk and a little sweet cream, and eimmer gently till cooked very tender. BROCCOLI. Peel the stalks, and boil them fifteen minutes ; tie the shoots into bunches; add a little milk or cream and stew gently for ten minutes. WHOLE GRAINS AND SEEDS. BOILED WHEAT. Select fair, plump wheat; pick it over carefully and wash it perfectly clean. Let it soak in cold water twenty-four hours. Boil it in the same water (adding more if necessary) till per- fectly soft. It will require several hours to cook it. It may be eaten with milk, or cream, or sugar, or without any of these, as preferred. BOILED RICE. Be careful and select for this purpose the large, Ylump kernel called head-rice ; boil it in pure, soft water and in a Covered vessel about twenty minutes, stirring it gently occasionally ; Lhen set it off from the fire, and in a place just warm enough to sim- ner; let it remain an hour and a half without stirring ; the grains .nay then be taken out full and unbroken. NOTE. The best method of cooking rice is to cover it well with water and set it in a moderate oven, stirring it occasionally. When nearly done and the water mostly ahr sorted, milk or sweet cream may be added if desired, making a very rich dish. Or the water may be omitted and it may be cooked entirely in milk, using the same proportions of milk and rice as for a pudding, hut omitting the sugar. Another excellent method of cooking rice is by steaming it. A double boiler, commonly called a " Farina Boiler," is best for this purpose, but if none can be had a tightly covered tin pan, set over a kettle of boiling water, will answer. RICE AND APPLE. When the rice is about one-third cooked add a small quantity of tart apples sliced. When done, stir thoroughly together. .If cooked in steam, this is a very nice dish. RICE AND RAISINS. An excellent dessert is made by adding one cup of raisins to three cups of rice and cooking in the ordinary manner, either in water or in equal parts of water and milk ; or, if cookod by steam, it is delicious if cooked entirely in milk. To be eaten with, sweetened cream or a sauce made by thickening boiling milk with corn starch and adding sugar to suit the taste. BARLEY. The common white or pearl barley is excellent, if cookod in the same manner as boiled wheat. Milk may be added when nearly done, if desired. It does not require cooking so long as the wheat. PARCHED CORN. Procure a wire apparatus called a " corn popper." -They can be bought at almost any hardware store for a mere trifle. The common " Tucket" corn is best for popping. Have the corn thor- oughly dry. Place a large spoonful in the "popper," and pass it back and forth very quickly across the top of a red hot stove till done. Two minutes will suffice to produce a quart of great white kernels, as deli- cious as ever were eaten.. (31) 32 WHOLE CHAINS AND SEEDS. BOILED CHESTNUTS. Boiled chestnuts, if made a part of our regulai meals, are not only very delicious but perfectly wholesome. They (should be first picked over very carefully and washed, then boiled from an hour to an hour and a half. DRIED BEANS. Pick the beans over carefully, wash them perfectly 1< an, cover them about three inches deep with cold water, and let them soak all night. Early in the morning place them over the fire, leaving upon them all the water that may remain unabsorbed and adding enough more to cook them in. Let them simmer slowly all the forenoon, but do not allow them to boil. When done, if any Beasoning is desired a little sweet cream is sufficient. To bake them, take them from the fire about an hour before they are done, place them immediately in a deep pan, and bake one hour in a very hot oren. NOTE. Those who will try this method will be surprised to find how much superior it is to the ordinary way of cooking them. DBIED PEAS Are cooked precisely in the same manner as beans. BOILED GREEN PEAS. "Washing green peas seems to extract much of their sweetness. If care be taken in shelling them they will not need washing. Immediately after shelling them put in boiling water sufficient to cover them, and boil from twenty to thirty minutes. When the pods are fresh and green, if they are washed and boiled in as little water as will cover them for fifteen or twenty minutes, and the juice added to the peas, it will improve the flavor. Sweet milk or cream is the only admissible seasoning. BOILED GREEN BEANS. The common garden, kidney, and Lima beans are all excellent dishes prepared by simply boiling till soft without de- Btroying the shape of the seed. A Little milk or cream may be stirred in, when they are cooked sufficiently, if any seasoning is desired. They usually require boiling an hour and a half. BOILED GREEN CORN. The only corn fit for boiling green is the Bweet or evergreen corn. It should be simply husked, the silk re- moved and the ears plunged into boiling water and boiled from one half to three-quarters of an hour. STEWED CORN.- Cut the corn from the cob, boil it in just water enough to prevent burning. When done, add a little rich milk or eweet cream and a trifle of sugar. SUCCOTASH. The best materials for succotash are sweet corn and Lima beans. Cat the corn from the cobs, and when the beans have boon cooking about-three quarters of an hour add it to them, letting it cook about three-quarters of an hour longer. This is a dish " fit for a king." If any one desires a richer article, a little sweet cream may be aided. GRAINS SEEDS AND TOMATOES Green peas, beans, etc., may be dried "by first dropping them into boil- jig water, and letting them boil for two or three minutes, then draining and placing them where they will dry quickly. They are very nice when preserved in this way. I have eaten dried peas in June that I could not believe were not fresh from the garden, until I had been repeatedly assured that such was not the case. They should be soaked until soft, after which they require veiy little cooking. Tomatoes are canned by scalding, peeling, and cooking them as for the table ; then putting up and sealing in the same manner as fruit cans are sealed. The secret of success in canning tomatoes is to keep them boiling from the time they begin to bubble up till put in the can. If allowed to cook awhile and then to partially stop boiling, or if cooked too long, they are apt to have a slightly bitter taste. If not cooked enough they will not keep well ; but if pared, put immediately over the fire, and the boil- ing continued for a full hour after it begins, then put up immediately, they may bo canned without the slightest difficulty ; and will not only keep perfectly, but will be just as sweet and fresh as when first picked from, the vines. If persons living in the country, who have the fresh, materials for these things so profusely scattered around them, could but realize how delicious a dish of tomatoes, green peas, or succotash tastes in ' January or May, I think they would take much more pains than they now do to have their tables supplied with them. GRUELS AND SOUPS. WHEAT-MEAL GRUEL. Mix two tablespoonfuls of wheat-meal smoothly with a gill of cold water ; stir the mixture into a quart of boiling water ; boil about fifteen minutes, taking off whatever scum forms on the top. A little sugar may be added if desired. INDIAN-MEAL GRUEL. Stir gradually into a quart of boiling water two tablespoonfuls of Indian-meal; boil it slowly twenty minutes. This is often prepared for the sick, under the name of " water-gruel." In the current cook-books, salt, sugar, and nutmeg are generally added. Nothing of the sort should be used, except sugar. OATMEAL GRUEL. Mix a tablespoonful of oatmeal with a little cold water ; pour on the mixture a quart of boiling water, stirring it well; let it settle two or three minutes; then pour it into the pan. carefully, leaving the coarser part of the meal at the bottom of the vessel ; set it on the fire and stir it till it hoik ; then let it boil about five minutes, and skim. FARINA GRUEX. Mix two tablespoonfuls of farina in a gill of water ; pour very gradually on the mixture a quart of boiling water, stir- ring thoroughly, and boil ten minutes. TAPIOCA GRTTEL. Wash a tablespoonful of tapioca, and soak it in a pint and a half of water twenty minutes ; then boil gently, stirring frequently, till the tapioca is sufficiently cooked, and sweeten. SAGO GRUEL. Wash two tablespoonfuls of sago, and soak it a few minutes in half a pint of cold water ; then boil a pint and a half of water, and, while boiling, stir in the sago ; boil slowly till well done, and sweeten with sugar or molasses. CURRANT GBUEL. Add two tablespoonfuls of currants to a quart of wheat-meal or oatmeal ground, and, after boiling a few minutes, add a little sugar. GROAT GRUEL. Steep clean groats in water for several hours ; boil them in pure soft water till quite tender and thick ; then add boiling water sufficient to reduce to the consistency of gruel. Currants and sugar may also be added. ARROW-ROOT GRUEL. Mix an ounce of arrow-root smoothly with a little cold water ; then pour on the mixture a pint of boiling water, Btirring it constantly ; return it into the pan, and let it boil five min- utes. Season with sugar and lemon-juice. (34) GRUELS AND SOUPS. 3* RICE GKITEL. Boil two ounces of good clean rice in a quart oi water flntil the grains are quite soft; then add two tablespoonfuls of sugar, and hoil two or three minutes. Currants make a good addition to this gruel. TOMATO SOUP. Scald and peel good ripe tomatoes ; stew them one hour, and strain through a coarse sieve ; stir in a very little wheaten flour to give it hody, and brown sugar in the proportion of a teaspoon- f al to a quart of soup ; then hoil five minutes. This is one of the most agreeable and wholesome of the " fancy dishes." Ochre, or gumbo, is good addition to this and many other kinds of soup. RICE SOUP. Boil one gill of rice in a pint of water till soft ; then add ft pint of milk, a teaspoonful of sugar, and simmer gently five minutes. SPLIT PEAS SOUP. Soak the peas all night ; then cook them three or four hours, or till perfectly soft. Add a little sweet cream just be- fore they are done. GREEN PEAS SOUP. Take three pints of peas, three common sized turnips, one carrot, and the shells of the peas. Boil one quart of the largest of the peas, with the shells or the pods, till quite soft ; rub through a fino colander ; return the pulp into the pan, add the tur- nips, a carrot, sliced, and a quart of boiling water ; when the vege- tables are perfectly soft, add the young or smaller peas, previously boiled. SPLIT PEAS AND BARLEY SOUP. Take three pints of split peas, half a pint of pearl barley, half a pound of stale bread, and one tur- nip, sliced. Wash the peas and barley, and steep them in fresh water at least twelve hours ; place them over the fire ; add the bread, turnip, and half a tablespoonful of sugar ; boil till all are quite soft ; rub them through a fine colander, adding gradually a quart of boiling water ; return the soup into the pan, and boil ten minutes. BARLEY SOUP. Take four ounces of barley, two ounces of bread crumbs, and half an ounce of chopped parsley. Wash the barley, and steep it twelve hours in half a pint of water ; boil slowly in a covered tin-pan five hours, and about half an hour before the disk is to be served, add the parsley. GREEN BEAN Soup. Take one quart of garden or kidney beans, one ounce of spinach, and one ounce of parsley. Boil the beans ; skin and bruise them in a bowl till quite smooth ; put them in a pan with two quarts of vegetable broth ; dredge in a little flour ; stir it on the fire till it boils, and put in the spinach and parsley, (previously boiled and rubbed through a sieve). VEGETABLE BROTH. This, may be made with various combinations and proportions of vegetables. For example four turnips, two carrots, one onion, and a spoonful of lentil flower. Half fill a pan -with the vegetables, in pieces ; nearly fill up the vessel with water j boil till all the vegetables are tender, and strain. BARLEY BROTH. Take four ounces of pearl barley, two turnips, three ounces of Indian-meal, and three ounces of sweet cream. Stcop the pearl barley (after washing) twelve hours; set it on the fire in five quarts of fresh water, adding tho turnips; boil gently an hour; Si GRUELS AND SOUPS. 4 add the cream ; stir in the meal ; thin it, if necessary, with more water, and simmer gently twenty minutes. SPINACH Soup. Take two quarts of spinach, half a pound of parsley, two carrots, two turnips, one root of celery, and two ounces of cream. Stew all the ingredients in a pint of water a few lemon parings may be thrown in to flavor till quite soft ; rub through a coarse sieve ; add a quart of hot water, and boil twenty minutes. VEGETABLE SOUP. Take two good sized turnips, one carrot, one pars- nep, one sweet potato, two Irish potatoes, one onion, a little parsley chopped fine, and three tablespoonfuls of rice or pearl barley. Slice the vegetables very thin ; put them into two quarts boiling water ; let them cook three hours, then add the rice, and cook one hour longer. MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. CRBAM CAKE. One pint sweet cream, one teacnpful white sugar, ona cup English, currants, Graham flour for a thin batter. Bake in muffin-, rings, or in gem tins ; filling the latter only half fulL This is very nice, and is a near approach to a strictly hygienic cake. STEAMED BREAD. Make mush as for the table Graham, hominy, or corn meal mush as preferred. "When cool, to one quart add one pint of hot, boiled potatoes mashed through a collander, half a cup of molasses, one tea-cup of boiling milk, and equal parts of Indian meal and Gra- ham or rye flour sufficient to make a rather soft dough. Place it in a deep basin or pan ; smooth it evenly over the top ; cover it tightly and steam four hours. RYE AND INDIAN BREAD. Take one part rye-meal and two parts of .Indian ; pour boiling water over the Indian, and stir it till the whole is sufficiently wet to work in the rye without adding any more water, and then, when about milk warm, work in the rye-meal. Should the dough be too stiff, add as much warm, but not hot, water as may be necessary ; bake in a round iron dish from three to five hours. This bread, when new, or a day or two- old, may be sliced and toasted ; it is very sweet and wholesome. The crust is apt to fall off; this may be wet in water and put into a stone jar with some moderately tart apples, peeled and sliced, nicely covering the apples with the crust ; then add a little wa- ter, and cover the dish with a tightly fitting cover ; set it on the stove till the apples are cooked, and then take the crust off into plates ; sweet- en th&. apples to suit the taste, and spread it over the crust. This is an excellent dish, if care has been taken to prevent burning the crust. OATMEAL CAKE. Mix fine oatmeal into a stiff dough with milk- warm water ; roll it to the thinness almost of a wafer ; bake on a griddle or iron plates placed over a slow fire for three or four minutes ; then place it on edge before the fire to harden. This will be good fer months, if kept in a dry place. SNOW BREAD. Pat into a basin or pan fresh Indian-meal and two or three times its bulk of snow ; stir thoroughly together and try a little of the mixture on a hot griddle ; if too dry, add more snow ; if too moist, add meal. When just right, pour it into a deep pan, rounding it up in the middle about two inches thick, and cook from twenty minutes to hall an hour in a hot oven This, if properly made, is very light and nick (37) 38 MISCELLANEOUS BECIPES. SNOW CAKE. Mix a little corn-meal and pulverized sugar with th dry flour, and stir in the snow ; bake in a hot oven till well browned. WHORTLEBERRY JOURNEY CAKE. Take one pint of whortleberries, one small teacupful sugar, one pint corn-meal, one tablespoonful of flour. Wet the whole with boiling water, and bake in small, round cakes in a hot oven twenty minutes. POTATO SCONES. Mash boiled potatoes till quite smocith, and knead with flour to the consistency of a light dough ; roll it about half an inch thich ; cut the scones in any form desired ; prick them with a fork and bake on a griddle. MILK TOAST. This is made by scalding sweet milk and thickening it with a very little moistened flour or corn-starch. Let it boil well. Split open the gems or diamonds, or whatever bread you choose to use ; toast them nicely ; then place them in a dish for the table, and cover with the thickened gravy. CREAM TOAST. Toast the bread and turn over it, while hot, boiling sweet cream diluted with milk. WHEAT- MEAL FRUIT BISCUITS. Mix Graham flour with just enough of scalded figs previously washed to make an adherent dough by much kneading ; roll or cut into biscuits half an inch thick and two or three inches square ; bake in a quick oven. CUSTARD WITHOUT EGGS. Take one quart of sweet, new milk, four tablespoonfuls of flour, two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Boil the milk over a brisk fire, and, when boiling, stir in the flour (having been previously mixed with cold milk to prevent lumping). When thoroughly scalded, bake in a crust, or in cups. RICE CUSTARD. Boil two ounces of ground rice in a pint and a half of new milk ; add four ounces of sugar, an ounce of grated cocoa-nut, four ounces of sweet cream, and bake in a slow oven. RASPBERRY CUSTARD. Boil one pint of cream ; dissolve half a pound of sugar in three gills of raspberry juice ; mix this with boiling cream ; etir till the whole is quite thick, and serve in custard glasses. APPLE CREAM. Pare and boil good rich, baking apples till soft ; rub the pulp through a hair sieve; add the sugar while warm; when cold, etir in a sufficient quantity of sweet cream, and serve cold. PINEAPPLE ICE CREAM.; Mix three gills of pineapple syrup with one pint of cream ; add the juice of a largo lemon, and four ounces of sugar; pour into a mould ; cover it with white paper ; lay a piece of brown paper over to prevent any water getting in, and set it in the ice. STRAWBERRY CREAM. Mash the fruit gently; drain it on a sieve, strewing a little sugar on it ; when well drained (without being pressed), add sugar and cream to the juice, and, if too thick, a little milk. Whisk it in a bowl, and., as the froth rises, lay it on a sieve ; and when no more will rise, put the cream in a dish, and lay the froth upon it. MISCELLANEOUS RECIPES. 39 RASPBERRY ICE CREAM. Mash one pound of raspberries ; strain off the juice; mix it with the cream; add sugar as required; whisk it; then pour into glasses, and freeze. Note. The "bucket used for freezing should be large enough to allow four or five inches of ice, broken in small pieces and mixed with salt, to be placed below and around the sides of the mold. CHERRY JAM. Take four pounds of Kentish cherries, one pound of fine sugar, and half a pint of red currant juice. Stone ths fruit, and boil the whole together, rather quickly, till it becomes soft. APPLE CHEESE. Take two pounds of apples, pared and sliced; one pound of sugar ; the juice and grated rind of a lemon, and a little water. Put them all into a pan ; cover, and set it over the fire till the ap"ples are reduced to a pulp, turning the pan occasionally; let it boil twenty minutes, stirring constantly, and pour it into small molds. BAKED MILK. Put the milk into a jar ; tie white paper over it ; let it remain in a moderately warm oven all night, and it will be of the consistency of thin gruel. STRAWBERRY SHORT-CAKE. Make a rather stiff batter of rich milk or thin, sweet cream, and Graham flour. Bake in a quick oven. When done, cut open and put the berries, previously sweetened and slightly mashed, on the nnder-crust, sprinkle a very little sugar over, and add the other crust. No one need desire a more palatable or health- ful fruit cake. Raspberries, blackberries, whortleberries, currants, tom- atoes, oranges, and all of the juicy fruits, make an excellent dish thus prepared. SNOW BALLS. Spread boiled rice over a cloth and lay on the rice, ber- ries, cherries, tomatoes, or ora'nges. Then tie closely, and boil in water just long enough to cook the fruit. When done, serve with a little sugar, syrup, or sweet cream. RICE CAKE. Two cups sweet cream, two cups rice, one quart Graham flour, eight large potatoes, three cups white sugar ; boil the rice, also the potatoes ; sift the latter as soon as done through a colander, and mix with the other ingredients. Both rice and potatoes should be hot. Bake in gem tins, half full. RICE PIES. Boil two cups of rice in one quart of milk. When done, add four quarts boiling milk, and sugar to taste. Bake same as custard pie. This quantity will make six pies. IK the foregoing pages are given the principal recipes for strictly hygienic cookery, such as are used upon the patients' table of the Hygienic Institute. To accommodate, however, that large class of persons, who desire a diet comparatively plain, and yet dislike to dis- pense entirely with all kinds of seasonings, I subjoin the following. They are, a part of them, such as are used upon our boarders' table, and compared with the rich cakes and pastry in common use may be con- sidered quite physiological. FINE FLOUR GEMS. Gems made of fine flour in the same manner as of Graham, the batter being rather stiffer, however, say about like ordinary bread sponge, and baked in the gem-tins, are as light, and far sweeter, than any soda biscuit, and by all who have ever tasted them are pronounced the most delicious bread that ever was eaten. PUFFS. One pint sweet milk, three eggs, twelve heaping tablespoon- fuls of fine flour. Beat the eggs thoroughly, make a smooth paste of the flour and part of the milk, add the eggs and the remainder of the milk, and bake in the gem-tins in a quick oven. CORN BREAD. One quart sour milk, one quart corn meal, one egg, one teaspoonful soda, one heaping tablespoonful butter. CORN BREAD No 2. One pint sweet milk, one pint Graham flour, one pint corn meal, one tablespoonful sweet cream, one tablespoonful molas- ses, one-half teaspoonful cream tartar, one-fourth teaspoonful soda. CORN BREAD No 3. Take one pint sweet milt, a heaping iron spoon- ful of wheat flour, two large spoonfuls of Indian meal, one teaspoonful soda, two teaspoonfuls cream tartar; bake in pie tins. It should be no gtiffer than will pour out in the pans easily. CORN BREAD No 4: One pint of corn meal, one quart milk ; boil the milk and scald the meal thoroughly ; beat up three eggs ; thin your dough to a batter with cold milk ; add a piece of butter half as large as an egg ; put in your eggs, with a little salt, pour in shallow pans, and bake brown. Pin CRUST. Take equal parts of corn meal, Graham flour and white flour, mix thoroughly with butter in the ratio of one cup of butter to nine pies ; wet with water. PIE-PLANT OR RHUBARB PIE. Peel and cut the rhubarb in small pieces ; then poitr boiling water upon it, and placing it where it will koop hot, let it stand twenty minutes ; drain off the water, fill your crust and sweeten to ta&te. (40) APPENDIX. 41 PUMPKIN PIE. Stew your pumpkin slowly and for a long time as thia makes the flavor richer ; strain nicely through a collander, mix (not very thin) with milk and add one egg for each two pies; sugar to taste. Squash prepared in a similar manner is preferable to pumpkin. CUSTARD PIE. Four eggs, a quart of milk, sugar to taste. RICE PIE. "Wash nicely two cups of rice, boil it in milk, then add to it nine eggs, six quarts milk, and sugar to taste. The above pies are much improved if the milk is boiled before using and poured hot upon the other ingredients, being at the same time well stirred. STEAMED PUDDING. Three cups sugar ; one cup butter; twelve cupa BOUT milk ; two cups raisins ; six eggs ; three teaspoonfuls soda ; flour suffi- cient for a thick batter. Steam five or six hours. RICE PUDDING WITH FRUIT. In a pint of new milk put two large spoonfuls rice well washed, then add two apples, pared and quartered or a few currants or raisins, simmer slowly till the rice is very soft, then add one egg beaten to bind it. Serve with cream and sugar. RICE PUDDING. One-half teacupful of rice, two eggs and a few raisins, to one guart of milk ; sweeten to taste. CREAM PUDDING. Beat up the yolks of four eggs and whites of two ; add a pint of cream, a spoonful of flour, and a little sugar ; beat till smooth ; bake it in buttered cups. BOSTON APPLE PUDDING. Peel and core a dozen and a half good apples ; cut them small and put them in a stew pan with a little water ; stew over a slow fire till soft, sweeten with moist sugar and pass it through a hair sieve; add the yolks of four eggs, and one white, and the juice of a lemon ; beat well together ; line the inside of a deep dish with paste, put in the pudding and bake half an hour. SWEET APPLE PUDDING. Pare and core the apple?, chop them fine, and stir them into a batter made of sweet cream, eggs and flour say three eggs to a quart of cream and flour enough to make it not very thick ; stir well and bake on buttered tins or pudding dishes. This needs to bake two or three hours ; serve with sweetened cream. BATTER PUDDING. Six ounces fine flour, and three eggs ; beat well with a little milk, added by degrees until it is the thickness of cream put it into a buttered dish and bake three-quarters of an hour ; or if preferred put in a buttered and floured basin tied over with a cloth and boil one hour and a half. RICE AND APPLE PUDDING. Core as many apples as will nearly fill your dish ; boil them in a light syrup prepare rice with milk and sugar : put some of the rice in the dish ; put in the apples and fill up the interstices with rice ; bake it in the oven till it is a fine color. BREAD PUDDING. No 1. Unfermented brown bread, two ounces; milk, half a pint ; sugar, a quarter of an ounce ; one ej?g ; cut the bread in slices and pour the milk over it boiling hot; let it stand till well soaked, then stir in the egg and sugar thoroughly beaten, and bake or steam for one hour. No. 2. Take light white bread and cut in thin slices put into a pudding-shape .any kind of preserve, then a slice of bread, and repeat until the mould is nearly full; pour over all a pint of boiling milk in which two beaten eggs have been mixed ; cover the mould with a pi' ce of linen, place it in a sauce-pan with a little boiling water ; let it boil twenty minutes; serve with pudding- sauce. 42 APPENDIX. COKN STARCH PUDDING. One quart milk, four tablespoonfuls com etarch, two-thirds of a cup white sugar and a little lemon peel. Wet the corn starch with a little of the milk, boil the remainder of the milk with the sugar and lemon peel, add the starch and cook briskly thiec or four minutes. Turn out into cups or moulds. To be eaten with Bweetened cream. IMITATION COBN STAKCH PUDDING. Take one quart of milk, a little Bait ; boil two-thirds of the milk and thicken the other third with flour to quite a thick, smooth paste ; add the yolks of two eggs well beaten and stir into the boiling milk it will cook in a minute ; have ready some cups previously wet in cold water, fill them to the required depth with the mixture ; when cool enough to turn out without breaking, turn them bottom upwards on plates, place some jelly on the top, and prepare a sauce to suit the taste. The whites of the eggs with white sugar boiled in milk, and flavored to taste, is very nice. HOMINY PORRIDGE. Steep one pound of hominy in water ten hours, and then dry in a stove or oven ; pour off the fluid which has not been absorbed ; add three pints of milk, and set the whole in a moderate oren two hours, till all the milk is absorbed ; pour into saucers, and ierve with milk and sugar. SAGO PORRIDGE. Soak four tablespoonfuls of sago a few minutes in one quart of cold water ; then boil it gently one hour, and pour it into soup plates. RICE AND SAGO PORRIDGE. Take equal quantities of rice flour or ground rice and sago, and proceed as for hominy porridge. BEAN PORRIDGE. Mix three tablespoonfuls of bean or lentil flour with one pint of water; boil ten minutes, stirring continually. SODA BISCUIT. One quart flour; two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar mixed well into the dry flour ; one teaspoonful soda dissolved in sweet milk enough to make a soft dough with the flour. Bake in a quick oven. BREAKFAST CAKES. One quart flour ; four eggs ; a piece of butter the size of an egg ; mix the butter well into the flour ; beat the eggs light in a pint bowl and fill it up with cold milk ; pour this gradually into the flour; work it for eight or ten minutes only, roll into thin cakes about the size of a breakfast plate, and bake in a quick oven. CREAM SPONGE CAKE. Two eggs, one cup white sugar, one-half cup cream ; mix rather thin with Graham or white flour, and bake in gem tins. SPONGE CAKE. Four eggs, one cup sugar, one cup milk, one-fourth teaspoonful soda. Mix soft and bake. JELLY CAKE. Three eggs, one cup sugar; mix soft with Graham or fine flour, and bake very thin. Either of the last three recipes are nice for jelly cake, if baked thin. SUGAR CAKE. Three cups sugar, three cups sour milk, one cup but- ter, three eggs, sufficient soda to sweeten the milk. MOLASSES CAKE. No. 1. Three cups molasses, four cups sour milk, one-half cup butter, soda to sweeten the milk ; mix rather stiff. No. 2 One cup molasses, one-half cup butter, one teaspoonful soda dissolved in one-half cup warm water ; mix of medium stiffness. No. 3. One-half cup molasses, one-half cup sugar, a piece of buttet the size of an egg, one teaspoonful soda, one-half cup water ; not stitt APPENDIX. 43 SILVER CAKE. One cup white sugar, one-half cup of butter, one and a half cups of flour, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one-half toa- spoonful of soda, one teaspoonful extract of lemon. GOLD CAKE. One cup brown sugar, one-half cup of butter, the yolks of four eggs, one-half cup of sweet miik, one and a half cups of flour, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one-half teaspoonful of soda. SPONGE CAKE. One large coffee cup of sugar, one cup flour, five eggs. Beat yolks and sugar together, beat whites to a froth, mix all together, stirring as little as possible, flavor with lemon juice or extract. RAILROAD CAKE. One cup sugar, one heaping cup flour, one tea- spoonful creain tartar, one-half teaspoonful soda, three eggs and a little lemon juice. Stir all together ten minutes. Bake twenty minutes in a quick oven. BVNNS. One cup sugar, three cups milk, one cup yeast, and flour enough for a batter like common bread "sponge." Let it stand over night, then add one cup sugar, one cup of butter, one teaspoonful soda and a little lemon ; mould like biscuit and let it rise again before baking. SWEET CRACKERS. One cup sour milk, one cup wheat meal, three- quarters cup sugar, one-half teaspoonful soda ; roll thin and bake well. QUICK PUDDING. Three spoonfuls flour, three do. milk, three well- beaten eggs and a little salt ; turn on one quart of boiling milk, and bake fifteen minutes. CUP CAKE. One cup molasses, one cup sour cream, three cups flour two eggs, one teaspoonful soda. LOAF CAKE. One cup cream, one do. milk, one do. sugar, one egg, one teaspoonful soda ; make a thick batter with wheatmeal and bake in an oven not too hot. PLAIN CAKE. One cup molasses, one cup milk or cream, one-half teaspoonful soda, wheat meal to make a soft paste. GRAHAM CAKE. One cup sweet milk, two tablespoonfuls of cream, two of sugar, one-half teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one-fourth tea- spoonful of soda ; mix quite stiff with equal quantities of Graham and white flour. HARD SUGAR CAKE. One cup sugar, one cup butter, one cup sweet Bilk, one teaspoonful soda and two of cream of tartar; mix stiff nough to roll into small cakes. COOKIES. No. 1. One cup butter, two cups sour milk, three cups fugar, soda to sweeten the milk ; mix stiff, roll and cut in small cakes. COOKIES. No. 2. One cup butler, two cups sugar, one cup sour milk, one teaspoonful soda; stir in flour as stiff as can easily be stirred with a spoon, mould as little as possible, and bake in a quick oven. DROP CAKES. One quart flour, two eggs, one-half cup butter, one- half cup sugar, one teaspoonful soda, two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar; stir butter and sugar together, add the eggs' ; mix the cream of tartar into the flour, dissolve the soda in a little milk, pour in milk enough to inaka as stiff as pound cake, and put in. the soda the last thing ; bake in cups or muffin rings. 44 APPENDIX. GRAHAM GRIDDLE CAKES. One pint milk, one teaspoonful saleratus. one teaspoonftil butter, two tablespoonfuls yeast, aud a littis salt ; mis with Graham flour. RICE GRIDDLE CAKES. One pint s^ur milk, oue egg, piece of butter half the size of an egg, soda to sweeten the milk ; mix rather stifl' with two-thirds cold boiled rice and one-third fine flour boiled hominy, or cracked wheat, or oatmeal may be used in place of the rice, or equal parts of corn meal and fine flour may be used. CORN GRIDDLE CAKE. Scald at night half the quantity of meal yea are going to use, mix the other with cold water, having it the consist- ency of thick batter ; add a little salt and set it to rise ; it will need no yeast. In the morning the cakes will be light and crisp. WELCOME CAKE. Stir together one and one-half cups sugar, one- half cup butter, and three eggs ; sift a teaspoonful of cream of tartar and half a teaspoonful of soda with three small cups of flour; mix ail to- gether with half a cup of milk, and bake in a moderately quick oven. By adding raisins or currants a very good fruit cake may be made. JUMBLES. One cup butter, two sugar, four eggs, one cup milk, one tea- epoonful cream of tartar, one-half teaspoonful soda ; roll thin, cut, bake. WAFER CAKE. Two eggs beaten very lightly, one pint of cold water, one teaspoonful of salt, flour to make it as i hick as fritters ; bake half an hour in a hot oven, in little tins filled full ; eat with butter. BOILED WHEAT FOR DESSERT. Pick over and wash a pint of white wheat, boil it four hours, put in salt the same as for rice ; re-fill with boiling water, if more is needed ; stir often the last half hour, being careful not to let it burn ; cook it dry. Serve hot or cold, with sweet- ened cream. This is an excellent dessert and very fine for invalids. Another very rich dish for dessert, can be made of a pint of wheat, cooked like the above, then boil in a quart of sweet milk, one cup of sugar, one cup of raisins, currants or any fruit, (raisins are preferable,) two beaten eggs ; cook slowly and stir until it boils ; serve coid or hot, without sauce. Or, after the wheat Is washed, soak it in warm water over night, keep it wet till time for use, then simmer the water all out of it ; add the milk and other ingredients, and cook as above. ROCK CREAM. This will, be found a very ornamental as well as a deHcious dish for the supper table. Boil a teacupful of the best rice till quite soft in new milk, sweeten it with powdered loaf sugar, and pile it up on a dish. Lay on it in different places square lumps of jelly or preserved fruit of any kind ; beat up the whites of five eggs, with a little powdered sugar, and flavor with orange flower water or vanilla Add to this, when beaten very stiff, about a tablespoonful of rich cream, and drop it over the rice, giving it the form of a rock of snow. APPLE CHARLOTTE. Take two pounds of apples, pare and core them, slice them into a pan, add one pound of loaf sugar, the juice of three lemons, and the grated rind of one. Let these boil until they becoma a thick mass which will take about two hours. Turn it into a mould, and serve it with thick custard or cream. APPENDIX. 45 ALL kinds of vegetables are cooked for the hoarders' table as indicated in the recipes given in the fore part of this hook, and are seasoned just oefore they are served with salt and hutter ; not, more than a third the usual quantity employed in ordinary cooking heing used. In haking beans the salt and hutter are added when they are placed in the oven. Asparagus is cooked in pure water, taken out in vegetable dishes, and a gravy made of butter, flour and inilk poured over it. As cleanliness is nest to godliness, a knowledge of the easiest, surest, and most economical way of following in regard to clothing the injunc- tion to be cleanly, will not come amiss. The subjoined directions and recipes are taken from "The Laundry Manual," a little work by Mr. A. HOLLAND, an experienced launderer. It should be in the hands of every housekeeper, as the information it contains is invaluable.* " SOAXING CLOTHES. "Whatever method of washing is adopted, pre- viously soaking the clothes to be washed is useful; put the clothes to 6oak in lukewarm soap suds strong enough to raise a good lather by stirring the linen after it is put in, which should b"> done in some way till a good lather is producsd. Sufficient water should be used to cover the linen without crowding it much, and the tub should be covered with a rug or cloth to keep the water warm as long as possible ; after soaking two or three hours, or longer if convenient, the clothes shoold be taken out and rinsed in warm water to remove the loosened dirt be- fore they are boiled. In this way much labor is saved as well as the wear of the linen. Half an hour will do very well for soaking linen that is not much soiled, but when convenient it is better to let it soak longer. It is a good practice to put in soak on the afternoon previous to washing-day, and let it soak over night. Soft water is of itself a good solvent, even of the oily materials that collect upon linen worn in contact with the body, but time is required to effect the solution. Every one is aware of the effect of keeping the hands or feet moist for a few hours the entire external coating of secretion is dissolved. The same effect is produced by soaking ibr a few hours linen soiled by the excretory matter of the skin. If a little soap is rubbed on such parts as are the most soiled before putting in soak, and the linen allowed to soak from twelve to twenty-four hours, cold water will answer very well for soaking it in; but soaking linen in lukewarm water, having a little soap dissolved' in it, is by far the most effectual method. Care must be taken, however, if the linen be stained, not to have the water much, if any, warmer than blood-heat, or it will set in the stains. To save soap when the water is at all hard and will not make a lather, a portion of soda may be added to the lukewarm water : the best way of using it is to have a jug at hand, with the soda dissolved in water, and to add so much of it as is necessary to render the water soft ; the quan - tity must be determined by experience; if too much is used it will i"or sale by HJ.LLEB & WOOD, . . , Xo. 15 Laight st., New York. Pi ice 30 cents. 46 APPENDIX. exhibit its effects upon the hands of the operator. When hard soap is used this should be dissolved in boiling water before it is added, in order to prevent any unnecessary delay in waiting for it to dissolve. The American Agriculturist asserts that "the great secret of the suc- cess of nine out of ten of all the washing fluids, mixtures and machines which have been sold over the country for many years past, is owing in a great measure to the process of soaking which they invariably recommend." " BOILING CLOTHES. The next operation after soaking is boiling the clothes, and the water used for this purpose should be thus prepared: To ten or twelve gallons of water add half a pint of good soft soap and six ounces of sal soda, or, half a pound of sal soda and six ounces of good bar soap, and when the water is nearly or quite boiling hot and the soap and soda are entirely dissolved, put in the clothes ; let them boil for twenty or thirty minutes, then, in order to produce a good color and to remove the soap and soda that have been used, which, if left in, would occasion a disagreeable smell, take them out preserving the suds, as it can be used two or three times and put them into a tub of clear, boiling water ; then, after they have scalded for a few minutes, look them over carefully, and if you find any dirt, it can be easily washed out without the use of a washbord. Then rinse them in clear water, warm or cold, and they will be as white as snow. Should the clothes to be washed require more or less than ten gallons of water to boil them in, more or less of the soap and soda can be used in proportion, or if the clothes are not much soiled, the water can be in- creased to twelve or fifteen gallons without using any more of the com- pound, provided the soap is good.* Clothes washed by this method require no rubbing before they are "boiled ; for if the dirt does not come out by boiling, it will come out much more readily after boiling than before. The object of soaking the clothes is to remove the loose dirt, and thus keep it out of the boiling euds. Should the wristbands or bindings of shirts be very dirty, it may be well to rub a little soap on such parts when they are put in soak. Thia is all the rubbing about the whole washing, unless the clothes are very dirty, or there are any bad stains, which it may also be well to rub with soap before boiling. By this method the finest linens, cambrics, laces, etc., can be readily and easily cleansed, and the coarsest, and dirtiest clothes readily and easily washed ; and the assertion can be safely made, that it is the best and easiest mode of washing ever discovered. It certainly saves all the laborious rubbing, and enables one to complete a heavy wash in a few hours, and with very little fatigue. Washing-day is too often a day of wretchedness, ill-temper, and gloom. Everything is upset ; the house is all disorder, and damp and ill-temper rule over slop and confusion. Now, if washing be a necessity, duty should make it pleasant ; and the very sight of the clean white things, fluttering on the lines in the yard, should impart to the task a comfortable homeliness. We have tried many of the plans proposed to lighten the labor of washing-day. One plan promised to enable a housewife to complete a fortnight's wash in a few hours, at a cost of only five cents, and without hard labor ; but in * Poor dark-colored resin soap will not do. Any good white, or the hest quality of brown soap, may be used. The less resin there is in soap the better ; but the brown or yellow soap is frequently so largely adulterated with it, that it can easily be detect <.. 3 APPEKD1X. come out, the stained parts should be soaked for fifteen or twenty mitTitai in the same liquor twice as strong as this, and then without rinsing, the articles should be soaked for a full hour in the bleaching liquid. To REMOVE SPOTS OF Q-REASE OB PAINT FROM WOOLEK GARMENTS. Wet the spot with a few drops of benzine and rub it quiculy between the fingers. Oil spots and stains front candle snuffs, on woolen table covers, paint spots on garments, etc., are thus perfectly removed without th.o slightest discoloration. IRON STAINS. Dip the stained part in a solution of oxalic acid in water. The oxalate of iron thus produced, being soluble, is easily washed away. Ink spots may be removed in the same way. Wheel-grease makes a compound stain of iron. The grease may be ta'.veu out first with alkaii, then the iron with oxalic acid. If tar has ^ei -IA used on the wheel, rub on grease or turpentine, then apply the INK STAINS. Recent stains of ink may be removed if before the ink is dry the places be washed with sweet milk; if this does not su rub the spots with vinegar, lemon juice or tartaric acid, and afterward wash it with soap and water. Ink or iron stains may also be removed by the bleaching liquid already described. FRTII r STAINS. Ammonia or spirits of hartshorn, diluted with water nd applied with a sponge is excellent for this purpose. Dilated muri- atic acid, two parts water to one of acid, will frequently succeed. Soak the stained parts two or three minutes, and rinse in cold water. Some faint stains may be removed by sour buttermilk. Fresh fruit stains upon calico or similar material may be removed by dipping the stained portion in boiling water." CLEANING HAIK BRTTSHES. It is said that soda, dissolved in cold water, is better than soap and hot water. The latter very soon softens the hairs, and the rubbing completes their destruction. Soda, having an affinity for grease, cleanses the brush with very little friction. To TAKE RUST otrr OF STEEL. Rub well with sweet oil, and let the oil remain upon them for forty-eight hours. Then rub with leather sprinkled with unslacked lime, finely powdered, until the rust disappears. IXDELLIBLE MARKING INK No. 1. Dissolve one ounce of gallic acid In three ounces of alcohol, and add one quart of pure water. No. 2. Dissolve one ounce of nitrate of silver crystalized in four ounces of water ; add one ounce of ammonia and one of gum arabio. Moisten a small piece of sponge with preparation No 1, and with it wst a place upon the garment to be marked, large enough upon whirh to writn the name ; dry it with a hot iron, then mark with No. 2. This is the rery best ink I have ever tried, and anything marked with it can be *ent to the wash within ten minutes after marking, without detriment. UNlVii, -^ LOS ANGELES Oft I I . .- I irrvirVf <-. . -n O k*- 5 ^ <-> O ' S> c> University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. SRLF OCTlk Ja jMN(iwv 000137183