C NRILF B E f AUTOBIOGRAPHY : JOHN MALVIN A NARRATIVE, -. . m CONTAINING AN AUTIIRNTIC: A COUNT >F HIS FIFTY YFARS* STRIUUil.fr: IN TIIR STATF. OF >|||o IN lUl M f 1 UK A\U Kit \N SI.AX I . AM* THE F.^I;AL RK:IITS IF AI.I. MKN ni- KMKI mi: i \\\ umioi; i REFfrKfr.NLfr TO RACK Ok rol.oR; HkTY SKVKN YKAKS OFSAIUTIMK HKINi; FXPKNhKD IN TIIK^-- CITY OF i:LKVfr;i.ANI. CLHVF.I.AND: LEADER I-RINIIM; COMPANY, 146 srrERioR siRFfri. 1879 AUTOBIOGRAPHY JOHN MALVIN A NARRATIVE, CONTAINING AN AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT OF HIS FIFTY YEARS* STRt <;C.|.F IN THE STATE OF OHIO IN HF.HAl.F OF THE AMERICAN SLAVE. ANI> THE HM-AI. KKIHIS OF AM. MF.N BEFORE I UK t*A\V \VITIIOl 1^ REFKRKNCK TO RACE OR COl.oR ; FOKTV-SKVEN YKARS UFSAIUTIME BKINO KM tM Mt IN TIIF. CITY OF CLEVELAND. CLKVU.AN!*: LEADER PRINTING CHMI ANV. 146 SUPERIOR STRKK1. 1879. Reproduced by DUOPAGE PROCESS in the U.S. of America Micro Photo Division Bell & Howell Company Cleveland 12, Ohio IOAN STAO? A3 PREFACE: Many of my friends of this city desirinjr me to <rive to the puhlie the history of my life, ami the details ami incident* connected therewith, I hesitated for a hii time, to make the undertaking, hut from their continual solicitation*, I at last concluded to write a narrative, which, strictly speaking, is no history of my life, hut an enumeration of- the principal events which have occurred, ami with which I have heen personally con nected. Not having a record to ifnide me, I have heen obliged to rely entirely on my memory. It is very pos- sihle, therefore, that there mny IM sonic slicht errors as to dates, and matters of minor importance, hut as to the events themselves, I can safely assure my friends that they are related substantially as they occurred. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. CIIAITKK I. . I was horn in IVmee William County, Virginia, in tin* year 17! ~, in .1 little town known hy tin- name of , Ihimfries. My mother, whose name was haleus Mal- vin, was a tree woman, hut my lather was a slave hehmi;- intr to a man named Henderson. In my seventh vear I was IxiiiiMl out to this Henderson as an apprentiee. Henderson also lived in humfries, owned several farms in Wood County, W. Ya., ami was a la r ire slave owner. He ha<l a rl-rk named John < Jiillitli, who was an nn- . married man. ami whose husiness it was to keep the aeeounts ot the several farms, ami 1 was assigned hv Mr. Ilctidorsoti to wait upon this rlerk. I attended him personally, hlaeked his hoots, took eare of his horse, and so on. and when through with these avuea- tions, at times, I would i;o out into the Held and work ; with the other hands. At dinner time my duty was to o to the house and prepare the tahle. After dinner I would return a^ain to the field. Sueh was my daily employment. I was kept regularly at this employment for nearly four years, when, in the year 1*07, the peoph of Wood ( Vw II ty were greatly agitated and aroused hy the dis- eovery of a plotted rebellion, whieli ha<l heen foment el hy Dominiek Hlcnnerhassett and Aaron lurr, who had their headquarters at Ulcnncrhassett Island, on the 6 9 Ohio River, three miles In-low the mouth, of the Little Kuiiawlm. 1 was at that time removed from my pres ent situation to trie of the farms in that vicinity, situated on what is known as Cow Creek, ami remained there until the breaking tint of the war of IKIJ. (iritlith had preceded me to this farm, and when I arrived there I was kept at substantially the same oeettpation. During this period 1 had a fair opportunity of witnessing the .miseries of slavery. Though I was an apprentice, I was treated little hetter than a slave myself. For my clothing, I was supplied every year with one pair of sh*cs, two pairs of tow linen pantaloons, one pair of negro cotton pantaloons, and a negro cotton round jacket. My food consisted of one peck of corn meal a week. Sometimes 1 received a supply of salt, hut they were very sparing of that luxury, and I was compelled most, of the time to go without it. I was obliged to resort to oilier means to ,htain food. The luxury which I observed among the neighboring slave-owners, and t he sty I of living of my master, stim ulated my appetite for some of the good things of tjiis world, and being of an adventurous spirit, like most other hoys, I concluded to avail myself of any means that would enable me to procure something more sub- st.mtial than corn meal. There was another hoy on the. farm who was a little older than myself, and who roomed with me in the same cabin. Whenever we felt a desire for meat we would provide ourselves with clubs, and in the night time visit the hog hods. The hogs were allowed to run at large in the woods, ami when we would lind a sow with her pigs, we would drive her up and ,make a selection of one of the pigs, and hy good ust- of our clubs secure the fruit of our adventure. We would then take the pig to our cahin, make a hot tire, instead of scalding, we would singe the hair oil from the pi^. . Thou we would dross and roast the to our fancy, wliioli, with our corn bread, made us a moal wliioli wo relished all the more ly reason f the risk and clangor wo ran iu obtaining it. When we waiitod a change in our diet we would i^ out ainon^ tho cows and gvl SOUK- milk. In our first adventure of this kind I procured a juir: I inserted tin* trat into the mouth of tho juvr Jind was about to proceed milkmir, when tho OM w mado a sudden movement with our of her hind le^s and struek mo on the thiich. I fell over and lay until fh pain suhsided, when I -..t up and found ttitothor eow more doeile than the lir^t, and sue- C N ded in :c-ttin^ tho jiif lilh-d. Unas! pi^ was well enough in its way, hut we sometimes wanted a ehuu^e of meat, and then wo would ijo out anion^ tho sheep find oaf oil a him!>, and unhutton its collar (cut its throat.) One niicht I had retired as usual, to nice}*, hut helore retirini; I had placed a pot of walcrover the lire place, in which I had put my shirt to hoil. \Vhcn I woke up F found to my dismay that the pot was ^lowinij red, and that all tho water had hoilcd out. At the hottom of tho pot was :i hand full of ashes, heiuij all that remained of my shirt. This was tho only shirt I had, and when I notified tho clerk of my mishap, in order to recompense mo for my loss, ho jjave mo a severe llo ririnij, and throu-Lrh tho whole winter 1 was ohlii^ed to jo without a shirt on my hack and no covering hut my jacket. On the hroakiuir out of the war of l*l:J I attempted, to run away, and for that purpose I followed a hody of soldiers. I attempted to got aboard one of their boats on tho Ohio Uivcr, but not (Mieeeedinjf, I was compelled to return tf> my station, ami I never \va.< missed, nor wan the fact of my leaving ever discovered. . 8 On another occasion I was taken by this clerk Grif fith, my wrists were tied crosswise together, -ami my hands were then brought dowti ami tied to my ankles; my shirt was taken off, and in that condition 1 watt com pelled to lie un the ground, and he began flogging me. lie whipped me on one si<le till the itcsh was all raw and bleeding; then he rolled me over like a log and whipped me on the other side in the same manner. When 1 was untied I put on my shirt. So severely was my IK-- 1 1 lacerated that my shirt stuck to my hack, and 1 was imuUe to get it oil without the assistance of an old lady who lived on the farm, who applied grease to it. 1 had committed no crime or offense that jnstitied any such treatment, lie hud ordered me to chop some logs, so that they could lie rolled together to he htirned. His hrother was to attend to the burning of the logs, and I had chopped them and went away. The logs had been rolled together ami a tire started, hut by some acci dent the lire reached the fence and burnt live or six of the panels. As soon as 1 heard of this I ran to the fence and stopped the lire from spreading, and sat there until I;* o clock at night to watch and keep the cattle from going through into the corn. The clerk then came home, and finding things in this condition, he stripped and whipped me in the manner I have stated. 1 resolve* I at that time that if ever 1 should grow older and stronger 1 would kill him, hut 1 never got an oppor tunity to he revenged upon him, as in lsl:I Mr. Hender son died, and 1 was at liberty again, and returned to my parents in Kast Virginia, and never saw the clerk after wards. My lather was a carpenter by trade, and I began to work with him at his bench until I had learned the trade. I hiring the time I was working with my father 1 became possessed of a dcoire to learn to read. When I would see people read a newspaper or hook, I felt reat delight in what seemed to me to he />//// /iM "**/, as I considered it. When I hoarl any one read, my .curiosity would he exeited, and I would listen atten tively to the matter read, and I at last concluded that I should like to fttlk //*//*/ too, like the white people. An excellent opportunity was afforded me. 1 knew an old slave who was past lahor, and who lived in a eahin three miles from where I did. and who hy some means had learned to read. He eouid read the Itihle piile readily, and lie consented to teach me to read and spell. We ohtaiiied liirht to read hy means of pine knots, which I would p out and find in the dark hy feeling with my feet. I would carry them to the old man s cabin and put them in the fire-place. We did not dale to talk loud, lest we should he overheard, and had to confine ourselves to whispers. Such were the means and circumstances, under which I learned to read and spell. After 1 had learned to read I he^an to attend several religious meetings, and heeame so wrought, up with religious fervor that I concluded to preach the trospel. I joined the llaptist ( 1 hurch, and, though I had no education, I applied to the church of which I was a memher, for a license to preach. That not hein*; permissihle under the laws of Virginia, hv rea><n of my color, the church refused h> ri\v me a license, hut i^ave me a vcrhal permission to pivsich the gospel. I hepm preaehinur amonir the slaves, and even sol emnized marriages hy permission from the owners. While preaching, I continued to live with my parents, and remained with them until 1S:>7. during \\ 1m h time I availed myself of every opportunity I could jet. to read, whenever I could ohtaiu a paper or hook. Noth ing eventful occurred to me, howev<T, during this, period, until I left my home, as I shall re atc in the following chapter. OIIAITKk IF. Iii tin- yearlSJJ, a spirit of adventure, natural to most g ini ii. took possession of me. and I eoneluded to leave Virginia and LT i> Ohio. No* Colored man was |M k nuttted to travel through Virginia without . prodiieinij evidenees in some way "i his freedom. I had a short lime prior (o my departure, applied tor and ohtained freedom pap* -rs, (o whirh was atiixed tin signature of the CU-rk ofthe County, and the st>al of the Court. I aHeetioiwtety took leave of my pan nts, with nothing lull my dollies that wereon .nv hack, and ::n ex Ira shirt, and -tartetl a toot on my joiirney hy way ! what was ealled Hie \Viin-ln>lr r !%<ad. The lirsi village l.i-anie. to after eros.-in^ C lar Kim, was Kivntsviile; the M-. .in.1 \\.i- Hay Marki-l, j.->inu r the (mil Unn \loiin- tain al what was railed the Thoroughfare <ia|; th<-n |iiirsuin<r my i-onrse until I earnc t Oak Hill, .in i,-i leiiee of Chie! *lnstiee Marshall; then erossini^ the line Kidire Mountain at A^hly s (ja|, then down alon*; the Shcnandoali Uiver, eros.sin*; that at I Jerry s Kerry, leav ing MillwtMid and \VhiteJHist to the left; them-e to VVinehester, PrtNleriek County; them-e enissin*; the s(uth hraiich of the I otomae, near Uumlcy s and so on to Cln-at Uiver and Tatterson ( ivek. At Uiimley I >(.||MM| at a magistrates ollire and |r<Mlnri-d the neees- sary papers of my freedom, and Was permitted to pro- eeed. That was the only magistrate I ealled on <lnrin^ inv joiirnev. Slmi-ily after leaving Uumh y, I was met li\ two men, one of whom had a do* and riile. They asked me who 1 was, and demanded proof. 1 showed them my papers, and they let me [KISS. 11 I forded all tin* streams mentioned* and then came to Clarkshurif, the metropolis of Harrison County, thence to tin* Dry Kidi^e in Wooil County, and from thence to tin* Ohio |{iv r. to the farm where I h.il formerly lived on Cow Creek ; crossing Cow Creek, Calf Crook and Hull Creek ami so on down |ho. rivoc, until I came opposite Marietta, ami there I crossed ly terry. Tin- hoy who was rowing mo over the rivor, had irt to tl n 1 ninhllo ( thr Htivain; wlirn lu was ilist ovorril 1>y his (MII{I|<VM\ who, sfrintr that I was a roloivd man, oroVivd tin- hy t nw mo hark, lie then askt*<| mo sonu* i|iii stitns, and I prosoiitotl my iVoodnin jiap<T>, ami, after examining them he allowed tlio |HV to row me across. I walked a distance of :}<M) miles, from IVim-e William Omniy to Marietta, Ohio, in the short spare of six days. At Marietta, I ir<l a hoard of a (la) hoat on th<- Ohio Kivrr, and worked my passage to Cineinnati, whi-h was then a i^rowini; town. I thought upon itMiriii^ to a free State like 4)hio, that I would lind every dour thrown. open to roeeivo me, hut from tire treatment I tvrrivrd hv the people generally, I found it little hetter than in < r^ Virginia. I hail not hren hn^ in Cincinnati, hcfoiv I hccani* ac<|uainted with many ot the colored people there ro^nl- ini;. and it \va-* there I first he^an to interest mv-elf in the condition of my race. My at lent ion had heeii called to a statute of Ohio, in which I read suhstanlially these words: "That no ne^ro or mulatto should he permitted * to emitjrati to this State, or settle, or acquire a domi- "oilo, without first onterinj^into hondsot ^ HMl, with ap- ** proved security, conditioned that he would never he- 44 come a town charge, and that he would keep the ** -poaoo.** I read on a little further: "That no. ne^ro "or mulatto shall testity in a Court of Justice or Kei-ord, 44 where a party in a cause there pending was white. No 12 u negro or mulatto child shall enter into any of the pnh- " lie schools of this State, or receive the benefit of the ".M-liool I liiiil. No neirro or mulatto shall )H permitted c* to enter any of the institutions of this Ktate, vix: a. lunatic asylum, deaf ami duni i asylum, nor even the * poor house. Thus I found every door closed against the colored man in a five Staff, excepting the jails and penitentia ries, tin- doors of which were thrown wide open to re ceive him. i was for sonic time uncertain whether to remain in Ohio, or to ivhmi to Virginia, hut at length concluded h remain in Ohio tor a time, not knowing what to do. I succeeded in calling together a meeting of the. colorcil men of (Cincinnati, and, on consultation* things diil not look very encouraging. I suggested to the meeting the propriety of appointing a committee to LV> to some country with power to make arrangement* for the purchase of some place to live free from the t ramnicls of unsocial and unequal laws. \oui- hut I hose who have experienced the misery of servitude, or the panics which result form the conscious ness of lcing despised as a caste, from hcing shut out i roni the hciictit of enjoying the pure atmosphere of heaven in -omnion with all mankind, and not only lii-iir.: personally despised, hut not even having the pro tection f the laws themselves, i*an fully appreciate the pat riot ic ardor which animated that little assemhiy. Tha we should tind a home that we could coiisiler wholly our own, where we could all l>e on an ctjiial >ociai tooting, warmed us up to an unusual decree of enthusiasm. A conimittee consisting of James Kin*;, Henry ArHu-r and Israel Lewis, was appointed for that purpose. The committee went to Canada, and entered into negotiations with a Canadian Land Company, for acres of land, located on the Sahel Kiver, to 13 t*>rni a colony. Tin 4 colony was soon afterwards formed. and took tho name of Wilherfoive, a ft or tlio groat anti- slavery eliaiiijiioii. hurinir tlio tinio that tin- committee \v:is ahscnt. 1 Cellini a meeting of the colored moii of Cineinnati. for tlio purpose of petitioning tlio Legislature for the repeal of those ohnoxious hlack laws. \Vo drew up a petition h> whieh wo ohtained niiinorons signatures, ami among others, tlioso of Nicholas Loni^ worth, \Vykof I l*i:itl ainl John Klini^nian. This petition, after it hal Keen put in circulation, raised a threat deal of comment. \Ve saw pnhlished in ono of the daily papers of ( ineinnati. the following notico fnni inemhers of one of the col<rod cliiirulics: **\Vo, tho iindorsignod, nionihors of the Methodist ** Kpiseopal i hnreh, JOO in niuuher, do certify that we 44 form no part of that indefinite numher that an* asking ;* a change in tho laws of Ohio; all we ask. is a cnntinn- "atioii of tlio smih^s of tho white people as wo have 44 hitherto enjoyed them." Signed, A in: A II AM DAN<iKKKIHJ.J>. JACK HAKIilS, THOMAS AUNOLD. .IOSHPII KITK. There were at this time two olorod Methodist 1 lmrehes in (- ineinnati the African M. K. Church. and tho M. K. Chnrch, tho latter heinr the puhlishers of the alxive article. The former church was in favor of the repeal of those ohnoximis laws, and wo continued the circulation of our petition until we irt it numer ously signed and nont it to the legislature. What he- eame of our petition, or what action the legislature took in the matter, we never found out, but from the 14 position taken l\ some, of our colored brethren, it is likely that the legislature thought he>t not to interfere in i lit- matter. hiii-ing my residence in Cincinnati, I was frequently in iln-h.il.it of visiting the hoats ami steamers on the Ohio liiver, ii* 1 was loud of looking at them, especially flu- machinery. On one of these occasions 1 visited two II-..M-. and hen a third hoat which was called the -Cri terion." !!> loats lay close to each I!HT, anti on harl of tlu* " (ntrrion " there were thirty slaves hoiiinl lor tlu> southern market. I was standing on the l-i iiuHiiMii J--k ol the "(.Criterion" when a woman ot* iiii.-r.^i in- a|i|M-;ri-:iii.-- passed near nu% <-oinin^ front MI.- IHII-I i. an.v dei L. I spoke to her and toiiml hrr namr to lie Susan Hall, and that she was from the same county \\liriv I was horn. 1 had never seen her hefoiv, lni mv mother had often sren her, ami spoken of her lo in.- MM- told in.- that she had two children aboard, a hoy and a i^irl. I asked her if she would like to ho live. Shf said she would like it very milch. 1 had to leave oil* talking with her then, as the wateh was very stiiet, and (old her 1 had to LT ove^r into Kentneky, hnt would return that same nii^hi. So great was my ahhor- ivnee of -l.i\er\. that I was willing to run any risk to accomplish the lihei atimi of a -la\e. I erossi*d over into K.-ht u. k\ , and returned del \\.-eii sundown and dark, ami went ahoard of the Uat. There I remained until altout one oYloek, whni the wonian macle her ajip.-aranee with one of her ehihlleli. She todl me that things weiv S4 situated that she could not get her girl without discovery, and we wen* ohligcd fo leave with out the girl. Theiv Were tw> gangways on the loat ; Mi forward and one. alt. The gang-plank at the stern was drawn in. and there was no means of exit from the hoat except hy the forward gang plank. It was sbihle, however, for us to ebcupe at that place, as K. two men were posted there with ^iin s as watcK On looking around, however, 1 found there was a small lnat belonging to the "Criterion," in tin- water at the stern. 1 concluded to make use of tliis boat tor tlie purpose of efleeting the escape. I assists! tlie woman anl her !MV into the little boat ami nntieil it t roin the. 4i Criterion." There was am ther -large steamer astern of the ** Criterion/" ami 1 -li<l the little hoat |iiickly ont under the ho\v of this other steamer, ami made it appear as though I was leaving that steamer instead o| the " Criterion." The guards were deluded ly this ruse, and paid no attention to us, thinking we eame t roni the other lnat. The risk, however, was very rreat. \Ve eoiilil see the barrels of their rnns irlisN-n in the nioonliirht. I etfeeted a landinir and I. n unlit them to a place of safety. Then I rrtnrned ami siie- eeeded in grttini; ahoard of the ^Criterion" airain. and in the same manner I sm-eeeded in eUeetinir the eseape of two yoiiiis; men and a yonnir woman. I found shelter in a safe plan- in Cincinnati for the woman and child ; the others I sent with a irnulr. to itichmond, Indiana. The woman was pregnant, and remained in Cincinnati till she was in a condition to travel, during which time I pail tor her hoard and sustenance. I then sent her to Canada, where she mar ried a man named McKinncy, and raised a family. One of her sons has often heen seen on the streets ol Cleveland. His name is Courtney McKinncy, and lie is a chimney-sweep. He wears on his cap a plate with In- name, and occupation engraved thereon. At the time when I effected the escape of the slaves, they were not missed until the next. morninir. and \\heti they were found to IK missing the city was thrown into great commotion, and constables wen- sent in all direc tions to search for the missing slaves; hut they did not succeed in finding them, nor wan 1 ever BUHpcctetl. C11AITKK III. On the Ktli day of March, 18^1*, 1 married my present will- in Cincinnati, and the next August I moved to Louisville, K y., and spent the remainder of the year at I hut place working at my trade. From there i moved ii-M ,u alter to Middlctown, nine miles from Louisville, and worked the next year then* at my trade tor one ( Miamhris, (he master ol my wife s father, who was a sl;i\e. In I he iall of the same year 1 WJIH arrested as a fugitive slave and put in jail. The jailor procured suf- licieiit aid to hattdcuik me, and tried to <rct a confession from me, having taken oil my clothes, while he stood hy with a cowhide in his hand in order to frighten ami intimidate me, hut lie. .lid not succeed in ^yUm- a confession from me. and he did not whip me either. 1 manured to procure hail for my appearance in Court at the Mar h term, in the sum of s:}oo, |>nt on failure to prove that 1 was a slave, 1 was released from custody hy the Court. The next April I left Louisville for the pur pose of seeking a home for myself and wile in Canada, leaving my wife in Louisville. When 1 arrived in Can ada 1 contracted for a small farm, and in the fall of the same year (|s:i| ) I returned to Louisville for my wile. In returning from Canada i procured passage a hoard of a schooner at Inillalo, and proceeded up the lake, and a storm coming on we were forced to make harhor at Krie, and I concluded not to tr hy way of Cleveland, as i had .first int* inlel, for 1 thought the vessel was unsafe, hut conclndetl to ^o hy way of I ittshnr^h. I started from Krie, and proceeded on toot fourteen miles to a little town called Waterford, in Pennsylvania. At 17 Waterford I purchased some scantling, and huilt mo a small hoat Ixl*. I lannohod the hoat into a siivani at Watorford cnlldl Ijclievf Oivok. I wont down the creek in my little loat, and ont of that ereok into another creek, and pursued my way down that second stream until I eame to Fivnrli ( reek, and there wen a nimihcr of mills on French ( reek, and dams wore (mill across from olio side to the other, und at some of those dams there acre shutes, so that hoats oonld pass through. \Vheiv there were no shntes I had to draw my hoat ont of the water, and drag it to places holow the dam. There were great hills on hoth sides of Kivneh Creek, and the growth of the timher. whieh was prinoipally hemlock, was very tliiek, and in the daytime it was so lark I eonld s-areely see my way thronirh. While proeeeding down Kreiieh (/n>ek 1 was jnite amused to see the Indians gatherilii; the ernde petro- h lim whieh was Moating on t>p of the water. They gathered the oil hy spread ing hlunkets oxer the snrfaee of the water, and allowing them to soak up the oil. and then they would take the hiankets, and wring the oil ont into vessels whieh they pronired for that purpose. What they did with the oil 1 do not know. I roeeeding on, 1 arrived at the month of Kivneh Creek to a small town, (tin- name of whieh I have for gotten,) ami from thenee into the Allegheny 1% iver and down to Pittsburgh. 1 disposed of my hoat at I m- hnrgh, and with the proeeeds I paid my passage to Cin cinnati. My wife met mo in Cineinnati. and then we started up the Ohio River as tar as Portsmouth, Ohio, with what little household goods we had. My ohjoet was to reaeh Chillieotho, to whieh point the Ohio Canal had IHH.MI completed, and then travel hy way of the canal. 1 hired a team to take us and our goods to Chilli- 18 cot he, ami Iroia there we traveled on the canal to New ark, in Linking county. lv this time cold weather hail set in, and we were compelled to spend the winter in Newark. In the following April, the eanal hcing again open, we proceeded on our journey, and arrived in Cleveland the same month. There was very little eoiiintu mention hctwceit the United Slates and Canada in those days, so we waited in Cleveland tor a good opportunity to eross over into Canada, and finding no opportunity in Clevelaiul we went to Buffalo, where we stayed a tew days. Here my wife heeame greatly tronhled in consequence of having left her father, and it lay so heavily upon her that she gave me no rest. Seeing her unwillingness to go to Canada, and her tears that she would never see her tat her again, 1 eoneluded to give up the farm, ami my wife having taken a fancy to Cleveland, we determined to go haek and settle there. We accordingly eame to Cleveland, and I sought em ployment at my trade. Hut my eolor was an obstacle and 1 eould not gel work of that kind. I managed, however, to olitain employment as eook on the sehooiter Aurora, that -ailed on the lakes hetween Mackinaw and liiilla.lo, and 1 kept that position for three months. Leonard Case, Si 1 ., and I*. l. Andrews, of Cleveland, had liiiih a steam mill at the same spot where the C. &, r. 1C. 1C. shops now stand, and Mr. J. li. Hudson, who was part owner of the vessel .on which I was employed, purchased that mill from Case and Andrews. The mill ua- operated during the day, and he wanted to run it also during the night. Mr. Hudson applied to me to act ;t> engineer during part ot the time. A man hy the name of Kra>tus Smith and his son \Va>hington were running Vuniiiiiir tin- engine at the time. 1 was perfectly ignorant of running an engine, and had no knowledge of luachiu- 19 cry, nor of steam power, ami Mr. Hudson requested Mr. Krastus Smith to instruct me how to run the engine. On thedav appointed at 1- o clock I took charge of the engine. Mr. Smith and his son that, same day took th/ir gmis and went out in the woods to hunt. They were gone nearly two hours, and when they returned 1 heard Washington ask his father some question whieh I did not compre hend, hut the answer I understood very well. The engine was running at a very rapid rate, and the hi no streaks of steam were passing through the joints of the hoiler. Mr. Smith answered, %i I don t care it he blows her to h ." I immediately sprang to the safety valve, opened it, and let the steam hlow oil , tor from his answer I knew there was something wrong; then I left imnie diately and eame to town, and 1 reported what had occurred to I*. 15. Andrews, the gentleman who had huilt the online. He sent an engineer down to the mill to nee into the matter, and, on examination, he found * that there was only four inches of water in the hollers, and that the supply cock was shut oil , so that no \\atcr could got into the I toilers at all. 1 did not know how the boilers were supplied with water. Mr. Smith or his 8on must have shut itotf hcforc they wont to I In- \\oods. The engineer instructed me how to supply the hoiltTs. and wo got things all right and started again. Alter this the mill was only run during the day, and at night 1 would take a portion of the engine apart, lay each piece separate from the other, so that I would make no mistake, and, in like man nor, repeat my work at differ ent times until 1 had taken the whole engine apart and put it together again, and I become complete master of the machinery. I ran that engine twelve or thirteen months, and then I communicated to Mr. Hudson a project 1 had formed of buying my father-in-law s freedom. I opened ror- 20 ru*pondenco with his masto, aiul he replicil that he would take 100.00 lor the old man, who was then sixty years of age, and that he would take 100.00 down, and the balance on time. 1 got a subscription paper and eirettlated it, and -upon that nulMCriptioo paper the pub lie kindly lonated 100.00. I then made two note*, payable in one and two years, for $150.00 each, and pro- ruivd the endorsement thereon of John M. Sterling, Sr., |)cur<m l>cnjamin Uouso, Judith Uichmond, and Thom as \Vhel[iley. 1 sent my wife to Kentucky with the money and notes, aiul on paying the 100.00 and deliv ering the notes* her father was released, and came with her to Cleveland. lion. Samuel Williamson was the attorney for my father-in-law s master, and the notes, as they hecame due, were sent to Mr. Williamson for collection. Not being aide to pay the tirst note, I was sued in the County Court. I expostulated with Mr. Williamson, ami tried to he released from the obligation, to some extent at least. He replied to me, that though he was opposed to slavery, yet when a person agreed to pay money, it was morally wrong to refuse to do it. Judgment was rendered against me on the note, and 1 continued to work until I paid the notes. My wile s lather, whose name was Caleb Horsey, lived in Cleveland fifteen years after his freedom was obtain ed, when, becoming anxious to visit his children in Louisville, he so informed my wife. We both protested .r. .tiii ! his going, as we thought the old man would not le aide to elianee the journey. Notwithstanding our entreaties, he persisted in going. He left Cleveland on. a Friday, arriving in Louisville on Saturday night. The next day being Sabbath, he went to Church. On that same night he took the cholera, and died, at the age of seventy-live years. 21 During the first years of my residence in Cleveland, ami while I was in the employ of Mr. Hudson, there was a little, hriek huildinir on Academy Lain*, owned ly ono Mr. Irewstor. ami which hv ullowcd, liio Min 4 i;ro % u:a.- tion of tin* First |ap(ist ( limvli, llu>n orifani/.ril, to nsi- as a plar< i ot hnvtiiiif ami worship. I lia<l, whiU in < 1 in- cinnaii, olitaiiic<l a lioenso to preach the <t<v*pcl, trom the Knon Iaptist Chnroh, ami when I rjiini- to( hve- lanU I iM-i-asionally pivai-hel tor the First ISaptisi (Minroh in the htiihlinir on Aeadeiny Lane. I often n i - ceived invitations to preaeh in the eonntry, sometimes at Uoekport, soinetinies at Kncliil, ami other twtis. My wife and myself have remained ineiiihers of th- I5aptist Church ever since wo wore in Cleveland, and arc still nicml>cra thereof. CHAPTER IV. Tin? extivuiity to which I had been driven, to pay the notes which 1 had jji ven tor the freedom of injrwife n father, .obliged me to resort to some means of earning tin- money to pay them. My earning* while in Mr. Hud son s < nij.lov, were barely suHicient to support my family. Through tin* kindneiM of Mr. James S. (Mark, I was cmihlcd to [HI reliant*, oil easy terms, a vessel owned by Abraham Wright of Uockport. When 1 went to i.ik-- out a license, the deputy Collet-tor refused to irraii! it, deciding that my color was an obstacle. But when the Collector himself arrived, who wa- t!i- lion. Samuel Starkweather, well known to ail the citizens of Cleve land, he decided that I had as much riirht to own and .til a vessel upon the lakes as I had to own a horse and hungry ;md drive through the streets, and he granted me a license. My vessel was called "The (irampus." After 1 obtained my license, Mr. l>iodatc Clark em ployed mi to carry limestone and cedar posts from Kellcy s and surrounding islands. I earned money enough to pay up the notes. I then disposed of the \ecl. My next employment wan on the Kirst haptist Church, then on the corner of Champlain and Seneca streets, the place now occupied by the 1 T . S. Or^aii Company. When the church was built and ready for dedication, the i| Mention was nil. MM I aiuoiii; the members as to when* the colored people should sit. There was a diversity of opinion on the subject. In the first place, it was pro posed to finish otl the pews in the gallery in the same style as in the auditorium, and that I should have the fini -liinir of it under my control and management ; but (22) 23 finding that too expensive*, they aluiiicloiic d the method, and it was next proposed to the -eolored members that heforo tin; sale of the pews took phiee, that I, and one Stephen <irillin nii^hl niakt 1 a solrrtion of hall a do/.ni prws aiiy\vhrn in the rhun-h that ini^lit lv suitall\ wht thor on tin* hrojid or side aislr, or in front of tin- pulpit. To that I ohjofh d, stating that if I had to lie ro|oni/.fd, I pivfrnvd to h? coloiiixcd at 1/ihrria, rather than in the House of I tod; that Christ or- the Apostles never made anv distinetion on neeount of rare or eolor. It was, however, . iloi-hled that the eolred people should sit in the jfii I lory. On every proper oeeasion thensilter at ehureli meetings I would hrini; np the i|iiestirn of the distinction of eolor in the house of worship, and the ineiiihers heeanie nearly divided on tin 1 question, and after strnirirlin^ for eii^liteen months, it was finally eon- -liided that theeidored peoph 4 should have the privilege of obtaining pews in any part of the hnildinir, as other pei>i>H8, and my ohjcot wns thus ueeoinplished. CHAPTER V. During tlte year I S; W I was employed as a liand on tin- steamboat "Rochester," plying between Buffalo and Chicago. Tbc foifjMvitig year 1 left this position, and purchased .a canal boat from 8. K. Ilutchinson & Co. This firm owned the stone mill on the canal in Cleve land. My boat, which w;us trailed the " Auburn," was engaged in convoying wheat and merchandise on the Ohio Canal. The boat was a good passenger packet, with good cabins, and her former owners concluded to liny the hoat hack, which they did. They then employ ed me as captain, to manage her. (hi one occasion, while I was running the hoat, after having loaded with merchandise, I was ordered to deliver the goods at Chil- licothc. Leaving Cleveland about noon, we arrived at Nilcs about nine o clock in the evening. At this place we were hailed by some person saying that a passenger wanted to get aboard to go south. We came alongside the dock and landed. I rctty soon after some baggage came on board, ami in a short time the owner of the baggage, who was a female, appeared. My crew consisted of one white steersman, one col ored steersman, two white drivers, one colored bowman, and one colored female cook. \Vhcn the lady arrived I stood aboard of the stern deck ami assisted her aboard. When -In- went down into the cabin and sa\v the col ored cook, she was taken completely by surprise. The colored steersman ju-t then happened to go down into the cabin after something. The lady was sitting on the locker, and when she saw the colored steersman she went immediately to tin- other *idc of tin* boat. Alter the bowman had got his lines snugly curled, he went 25 down into the cabin, and she accosted him, saving that she would like to sec the. captain. Accordingly, I was called, and went .down to see what she wanted. The light shone in my face so that she could easily see my features. The lady, after seeing me, suddenly sprang to her feet, and with great shortness of hreath exclaim ed, "Well, I never! well, I never! well, I never." I made a how and left her, and ordered the cook to set her stat^-room doors open, and to take oil" all the bed ding from the middle berth, and supply clean bedding from the locker, so that she might see that the bedding was changed, and I requested the cook to tell the sur prised lady to take thy middle berth. She refused to go to bed, and sat up all night. We arrived at Loek 21, north end of the Akron locks Jit midnight. At nearly every lock there was a house or grocery, and F instructed the crew to keep the blinds on the boat closed, so that the lady should not know she was in a village; for, seeing that she was afraid of colored people, I wanted to give her full op portunity of getting acquainted wiih them before she arrived at her home in ( -ircleville. We arrived at hock 1 a little after daylight ; that brought us on the Wolf Creek level. On going into the Wolf ( reck lock, see ing that the lock was ready, we ran the boat right into the lock, and the hands divided, a part on one side of the boat, and a part on the other side. I gave the dri ver the signal, and he opened the wicket, lowered the boat down, and the lady was prevented from getting otl* there, if she had felt disposed to do so. When we came to the Fulton lock we pursued the same course as at the former lock. Hefore we had got to this point, and while we were yet on the Wolf (Veek level, I invil- ed the lady to breakfast, which she refused, saying that she did uot feel very well. When we arrived at the 26 Full MI Lock, it brought us to the Massillon level, and it being dinner time, I invited the lady to dinner. She still complained of not fooling very well, hut took a pi e-r of pir ( nun where she stood. Then we arrived at tin- lifthichoin level, ami when tea was ready, I invited her to lea, and she took a eii| of tea and a hiseiiit. Just ahoiit this time we p;tssod through a strip of woods .id* iiit a mile in length. The moon was full, and it was a Lean I il u I evening. The cook, having got through with her cahin work, eame on deck. While she was proceeding towards the deek, the lady |a-*sen- gor followed her in a hesitating manner. They proiu- i,i-|. | the deek together for a while, and then retired. I suppose I he lady took a good night s sleep, for 1 did not hear anything trout her until the next morning.. Wli~n hreakfast was ready, on reeeiving an invitation, r>ho readily took a seat at the tahle, and ate a hearty meal, and from that time on she felt reeoneilod to her Hltrrolliiding*, and nm versed freely with the cook and allon hoard. When we arrived at (Srcleville she left us. I provided means for the conveyance of her hag- gMi^e, and on IMT leaving she thanked me, and said, "< aplain, when I first eame a hoard your hoat, not heing aeciistomed to travel in this way, 1 suppse 1 must have acted |uito awkward. Now, I must return my "thank* to you and your crew, for the kind treatment I " have received. 1 never traveled KO comt ortahly in all "my life, and 1 expect to go north soon, and I will defer my journey until you are going north, even if 1 am "ohligcd to wait two or three days." i never saw the lady again after that. CHAPTER VI. Prior to the time that I was engaged as captain on the canal hoat as narrate*!, and during the time 1 was acting in the capacity of engineer tor Mr. Hudson, I had taken considerable interest in the question of the education of the colored children. About the year !* - I called a meeting of the colored men of Cleveland, and among others John lrown, Alexander Bowman, and Oavid Smith. Mr. John IF. Hudson gave us the use of a room on the mill premises to keep school in for col- ored children, and at that meeting we hired a half breed to leach the children, paying him JO a month, and he taught for ns three months; when he left we hired a young lady by the name of Clarissa Wright as teacher. Her parents lived in Talmadgo, Ohio, and she taught about two months and a-half, when, in consc|iicuee of her mother s sickness, she had to leave. Then we employed a man by the name of M. M. ( lark, from the Kast. I don t think he taught over three months. While he was teaching 1 called a meeting of colored men and suggested to them the propriety of calling a State con vention of colored men, which was done, and, as far a* I know, it was the first colored convention ever known in the United States; at least I never had heard of one before. After having agreed upon calling the conven tion we proposed for that purpose to employ Mr. Clark, our then school teacher, to canvass the State, and lec ture to the colored people on the propriety of calling a State convention. He done so, and the State conven tion in 1H:V> was called in the City of Columbus as a consequence of our effort, and that convention organ ized itself into what WUB then called * 4 thc School Fund (27) 28 Society." The business and object of that was to estab lish .-M hooU in different parts of the State for colored hildren. We established one in Cincinnati, one in Columbus, one in K|riiigtiel<l, autl another in Cleveland, and that con volition decided to employ M. M. (Mark as an ai^cnt to raise funds for the snpp<irt of the schools. The. llrst donation was by .lames S. Clark, Ks<|., and in caiivas>m:; the State the good citizens of the State responded to the rail. We kept these schools going for about t\V4i years, and several of the adult colored people of Cleveland, not having had the benefits of education before extended to them, went to the schools estab lished in Cleveland. . and learned to read and write pretty well. A gentleman, whose name I do not now remember, but who lived in the southern part of the State, donated for the support of these schools a tract of twenty-live acres. I was not satisfied, however, as long as the black laws remained on the statute books, which prohibited col ored children from going to the public schools, and being anxious for their repeal, in common with many of the colored people of the State 1 called another meet ing of the colored people of Cleveland, ami suggested the propriety of circulating a petition to be sent to the Legislature for the repeal of those odious laws, and I also proposed that we employ some lecturers to lecture through the State and raise a sentiment in favor of the repeal of those laws. We accordingly employed John L. Watson, of Cleveland, William 11. Day, of Oberlin, and U. It. Chancellor, of Chill icot he, for that purpose, ami shortly after they were employed they obtained permission to lecture in the State House al Columbus, and we found ^ood results ensued from the lectures. I don t exactly remember the year, but I think it was in 1S-H. The Legislature was then Democratic, and 29 Hon. Franklin T. Hackus was elected to tin* Legisla ture, and it was through his efforts in our behalf, and tin? effect those lectures had on the people that the black laws were repealed, with tin* exception o.f the school law prohibiting colored children from goin^ to the pnhlie schools. About the year 1S1:J a couple of slaves ran away from Tennessee, and were recommended here to. our Henry Jackson, a harher. who was reputed to he an abolit ionist, and they staved here under his protection from four to six weeks. I hiring that time he learned where they were from, and the names of I hot row tiers. A reward having heen offered for their apprehension, Jackson communi cated that fact to 11. V. Wilson, who afterwards hccamc Judge of the I*. S. l>istriet Court in Cleveland, .lack- son could not write, hut he engaged Mr. Wilson, to open a correspondence with the owners of the (women. At. least 1 concluded, from the fact that Jackson could not write, and all the circumstances, that Mr. Wilson did the writing. After the fugitives had hcen in Cleveland ahout six weeks they left and went to Iluffalo, and shortly after the airent of the owners arrived in Cleveland. Learn ing from Jackson that (he hoys were in I lUlialo there was a consultation held hetween Mr. Wilson, Jackson and the agent, and it was concluded to get the men hack to Cleveland, or in Ohio, for the reason that colored men were allowed to testily in the State of New York, hut could no! testify in Ohio. The hiack laws had not yet Keen repealed. They planned that Jackson, tin agent, and Mr. Wilson, should go to I In Halo, and that Jackson should he their spokesman. The names of the two hoys were Alexander Williams and John Houston, hefore they went to Uutlalo, Williams applied to J. F. Hanks, who was a portrait painter, to become an apprentice, but Hanks diii not employ him, ami Jackson, as spokesman for the trio, on their arrival in Butlalo, represented to Williams that Mr. Hanks had agreed to employ htm aa apprentice, and had sent him down to see him (Wil liams,) to have him come hack to Cleveland and enter into the apprenticeship, and lie represented to John Houston, who was -formerly a cook in the South, that there was a new brig just bunched in Cleveland, and the Captain had employed him to engage a cook, and so he had come to Buffalo to have him. ship on board of the new brig as cook. Before leaving Cleveland for Buffalo there had been a u arrant issued and placed in the hands of Madison Miller, who was Shcritl , that was to be served on the boys us soon as they landed in Cleveland. By reason of the representations thus made to the boys they were induced to return to Cleveland. They no sooner landed than they were arrested and placed in jail. A crowd of c-il-iivd people, myself among the number, gathered around the jail late, in order to see that they were not run oil* during the night without a chance of hearing. Charles Stetson, KSIJ., kindly volunteered his services gratis a* attorney for the boys, and we employed to a j-t him Thomas Bolt on, Ks<j., who was a Democrat. We paid Mr. Boltoii $ 2-\ to take the ease. The agent, Mr. l/mdciihcrgcr, employed 11. B. Payne, Ksj., and !l"H. Horace Toole, and so the boys, in a day or two, were brought before Judge Barber, (not the present Judge Barber.) When the hoys were brought out audit was ascer tained how they were deceived and brought back from Butlalo, Kdward Wade, Ks<p, interposed a motion to the court asking for a continuance of the cause for twelve days. It was the law that when a fugitive slave was arrested and put in jail or cur-tody, that it he could furnish hail of 81,000, he w< MI hi he released from prison until tin* expiration of the time of adjournment. So Alexander Bowman, John Brown ami myself furnished the re iuired hail. Then I took the hoy Alexamler Williams from the jail ami went with him to Buffalo hy the advice of the lawyers, to ascertain the particulars in the case. 1 li:ul a letter from Mr. Bolton, directed to (Scoriae A. Barker, Ks|., the Prosecuting Attorney at BuMalo. I arrived in Buffalo ahout six o clock in the evening. Mr. 11. B. Payne took passage on the same hoat and w:,s on his way to New York. I went to Mr. Barker s olliec ami presented the letter. Mr. Barker informed me .that on the same hoat I came down on in the mail there was a letter from II. B. Payne, lie read it to me, and it was in suhstance, if not the precise words, as follows: "(Komi*: A. BAKKKK, KSQ.: * 4 There were two runaway negroes taken up in Cleve- land (namiiiLr the day), much to the satisfaction <f all the citizens of Cleveland, c.xeept a few hlack alwdition- ists ainl a few white ise^roes. I expect to tjo.to New York in a day or two, and defer action until I see you." Mr. Barker then said to me: " I am well acquainted with Thomas Bolton, a hi\ther |)emocrat/ So that nii^ht lie had a jury called, ami Alexander Williams was called in hefore the jury and testified as to the manner in which they were decoyed. The jury decided that these men were kidnapped, and Mr. Barker that same ni^ht wrote a letter to the (iovernor of New York for a requisition on the Governor of Ohio for the men that kidnapped the loys, and Mr. - Barker reijuested me to call at hi otlicc the next morning at * o clock. I cairn- to hi- ofh ce at the appointed time, and had not heeli there over ten minutes, when who should come in hut Mr. II. B. Payne. Mr. Payne and I did not say much 32 to each other, lie appeared a little coutuaot) to *cc me. Mr. Karker handed me a letter to t^ive to Mr. 1 oltoii, a i il so I returned that morning with Alexander \Vil- iiaius hy steamer, ami when we arrived in Cleveland I delivered the prisoner to the authorities, ami he was returned hack to jail. A day or two after the requi sition was forwarded to the < iovernor of < Miio lor the arrest of Jae knoll, the ai^ent of Li mien herder, and 11. V. \\ ilson, to answer the charge as ton ml hy the jury for kidnapping. The otlieer in charge of the requi sition went to Columhus and presented his papers to the tiovernor, who issued a warrant tor the arrest of the persons named. Jackson, having heard of this, ran auay, as also did Li mien herder, so that when the day of trial of the hoys eame they were hot present. The trial, however, had not come >ll, ami one day, as 1 happened to t(o to a meeting, on my return ahout halt past nine in the evening there was a rap at my door, and when 1 opened it, 1 found to my surprise Alexander Williams. 1 hardly knew what to do with William.-. My home ua> then on the corner of loml ami York, (mw Ham ilton) : trcct, whieh was then in the woods. 1 dared not hail ir turn in my house, so I took him to the woods live or six rods olf and had him climh a tree till 1 could find a place of safety. One Oearon llamlin was luild- m L! a one -story I Tick house on I ro^peet street, which was enclosed hut not finished. 1 *^ot some comforters and Ituilalo ndies, and plaeed tliem in the huihlin^. and then 1 went hack to the woods after Williams, hut 1 had lost track of the tree he was in, and wandered ahout, at raid to call, lest 1 should he heard hy soim> one. Alter roiis ulerahle search 1 found the tree, had him come down, am! took him to the huildiiiLT, and kept him then* tor several days. 11 is complexion was a hri^ht mulatto. 1 made a composition, and painted all tin- visible parts of the man, ami made a very Mark man of him, so ho walked about the streets of Cleveland boldly and no one recognized him as Alexander \Vil_ liams. He afterwards left Cleveland tor New York State, and, perhaps, went into Canada. On the day of trial the other boy, John Houston, was brought into Court, but Jaekson and Lindenbenjcer not bo-ing at the trial, there was no one to appear against the boy, and he was discharged. CHAPTER VII. The establishment of colored school* in Ohio, in which Iliad taken an active part-as already atated, made a <lr i<l-l i in pro vo met it in the condition ot* the colored p -oplr, hnt like other people who have not had the benefits of education, there were many among them who were not from the force of circumstance* over honest. Ueform of course was needed, and I undertook in every way possible to do whatever I could towards improvement and advancement of my people in this respect. Very often, when charges. were brought against colored men, i would go their bail, in order that they might have a fair opportunity to prepare for trial and test the truth of the charge, and being a property owner, 1 was called upon in many cases for bail, which 1 seldom refused. On one occasion, when lion. Samuel Starkweather was Judge of the Court of Common I lcas, a colored man by the name <f Archie Lorton was arrested for horse steal ing, and I went bis bail. Shortly after 1 bailed him, he packed up his things and ran away to Canada. As soon as I ascertained where be was, 1 employed l>eputy Sheriff S. I*, I osworth to go with me to Canada and arrest and bring him back. \Ve went to iMroit and crossed over into Windsor, and thence proceeded to London. where 1 got track of him. i found that he was at a lit tle town call, d Watci ford, twelve miles west of London. We proceeded to a magistrate in London in order to procure a warrant for his arrest. The magistrate claimed (bat be bad no jurisdiction in the matter, and referred me to another magistrate, who again referred me to what they called the high magistrate. 1 went to the high magistrate, and be also refused to ir^ue a warrant, (34) for tho reason tliat he had no jurisdiction in the matter. F then went .and employed a lawyer, ami the lawyer went with in* to tlu hijih magistrate ami ilemafil*l a warrant; ami al tir convincing -the magistrate that In* was justified in issuing a warrant, it was *rantel. We thru proceeded to Waterford and arrested Lorton a lit tle alter dark, and then put up at tin- .\m-ri-an I!--!.!. Tin* ISailiflf left tin* prisoner in my charge, and 1 kept waMi ovtr him all ni^ht, and tin- m\\t niorninir th laditf took him out of my hands and |la-i d him in jail, ami H jiortvd to tlu* Mayor of tin* rity, who ordnrl tin* prisont i* to lr hron<r|it hrt orr him on Monday morning at ! oVIm-k. <>n our way to tin* Mayor s otli- he shouted that he was a slavo, and that wo \vnv kidnajt- |rrs % and wrn taking him hark into slavery. In a tew minutes wo woro surrounded hy forty or titty inl uriated Colored men, ami wo oxpeeted every moment that they would moh us. The deputy undertook to paeiliy them, hut liiey would not listen to him, and at length I sue- ei eded in ^ottin^ them to hoar mo. I told Iliotii how tho matter was, and thoy l>elioved my statement, and soi no of them cxelaimod that if ho was a horse thiet they did not want him there, and woro iclad to see him re moved. Lorton, having loft this wife in Waterlord, ho then ami there agreed that if wo would jo haok. to \Vaterord and meet his wife, that he would <o with us to Port Stanley without a hearing. \Ve eonsentetl to do this and started toward Waterlord, and on the way we met tho stairo roininrr towards L M.don with the prisoner s wife. We stopped tho stajjo, and upon her statement that she had left somothinir hehind, and that she must c" l>a k to Watortord, I agreed to take her plaoo in the staj^o, and that she shmild take my place in tho carriage with the hailitf. They were to proceed on to Watert ord, and the 36 prisoner promised if that wa* done he would go back to the United State.- without insisting on a trial in Canada. 1 took her place in the stage accordingly, and took charge of her haggage, which I checked to Detroit. I agreed to take the railroad and meet the party at Lohi Station, the tirst station after leaving London fur \Vind- sor. I met them at Lohi Station as agreed on, and then the prisoner refused to accompany us to the United States, whielr I had in part anticipated. Then we had to go hark to London, and after we arrived there, the Mayor ordered him to In* put in jail till I could get a requisition, limiting the time to three weeks. I then went home, ami proceeded at once to Columhiis and called on Governor Mcdill. lie said that he had no jurisdiction outside of the United States, and therefore could not grant a requisition, hut referred me to the Secretary of Stale Samuel Williamson, Ksj., who was then Prosecuting Attorney in Cleveland, at my re- <|iicst, wrote a letter to the Secretary of State, and the reply of the Secretary of State was, that horse stealing was grand larceny, and did not come within the category of the Ashhiirton Treaty, and that he had no jurisdiction to issue a requisition in the matter. I was therefore left without any remedy, and had hccn put to great ex pense in attempting to hring Lorton hack. Some time afterwards, Lorton committed some depre dation in Canada and tied to Adrian. Michigan, and v as soon as 1 heard of his being there, I got the necessary requisition from the Governor, and had him arrested and brought to Cleveland, lie was tried, convicted, ami sent to the penitentiary for seven years. CHAPTER VIII. I will state a circumstance that may perhaps be of some interest, that occurred shortly before the war: A young colored girl ran away tVoin Wheeling. Va., and came to Cleveland, ami took up her residence 1 in the family of Mr. W. E. Am hush. After she remained there a short period of time, it was ascertained hy her owner.s as to her whereabouts, and they came to Cleve land in search of her. The girl went hy the name of Lucy, and she had sought employment in the family of George A. Benedict, ami she. left Amhiish and went to Benedict s. As soon as her owners, who were father and son, named Uoshorn, arrived in Cleveland, they ohtained a warrant for the girl s arrest, which was placed in the hand* of Seth A. Ahhey, then United States Marshal, ami she was arrested hy him and placed in the county jail. A numhcr of the citizens of Cleve land immediately employed Hon. R. 1*. Spalding on behalf of the girl, and she was taken out of the custody of the Marshal, on a writ of hnlmts cnrpH* issued hy Judge Tilden, Probate Judge of Cuyahga County. When they were ready for hearing, . I ud ge Tilden in- <piircd of Mr. Spalding whether he desired the prisoner to ho brought into his court, .fudge Spalding replied that the investigation could proceed without her pres ence. Thereupon, after a hearing had. .fudge Tilden remanded her hack again into the custody of the Mar shal, who kept her in jail. She was brought before Judge Wilson, U. S. District Judge. On her way to the Court a crowd of people had gathered near the I oftt-oftice building, in which the Court was held, and there was a great deal of ex- (.37) 38 citement about the girl. One of the men in the crowd approached a colored man by the name of (*. M. Rich ardson, who had been a resident of Cleveland for a number of year.., and dealt Mr. Uichardson a Ftunning I ! w on tin* ln-.nl, which felled him to the ground. Tin- i n. HI evidently tin >u -lit that Mr. Richardson was there lor the purpose of reselling tin* girl. Another man in tin- en\\d, an irishman, stepped up to a -colored man by the name of Mini -mi, and raised a eluh and was about to strike him, when lion. Jabex M. Kit--h, who happened to lie near, interposed, and prevented the thivati iied hlow. The girl wan brought into the IT. S. Court room, and IM-IMIV the In iicinir etmimeiieed, Mr. Ambush had some words with young <ioshorn, right in the Court room, and pi>lols were drawn 4111 both sides, but they were ptvxriiled iVoin tiring by tho interposition of people in the Court room. After the trial the Judge ordered the u irl to be. deliverrtl up to her master, who took her havk.with him to Wheeling, where she was placed in jail and severely punished. One of the arguments among the people generally, why the girl should be given up was, that it might pre vent rebellion on the part of the South, which perhaps is an indieation of the sentiment then prevailing. The war, however, was sure to eome, and was not the result of any wrangling over a eaptive female, as some of the wars we read of in history, but was founded upon sterner .tin I nobler principled. Not the fate of a single individual, but of a whole raee, was involved in the great struggle which utter ward* burst forth, and opened the tlood-gates of liberty. When the Union Army arrived in Wheeling, the girl Was liberated, and her master, Mr. (ioshorn, who had 39 become a prisoner of war, was incarcerated in the same jail in which he ha<l confined Lucy. On the breaking out of the rebellion in iSiJl, the con dition of the colored people was such, that not having the privilege of universal suffrage, they had not the opportunity to exercise a very wide or extended- intlit- emv upon the living question which then agitated the country, and, as a consequence, they were left almost powerless to organize or do anything in en-operation with the white people towards the suppression of the rebellion, or towards the emancipation of their race. Nevertheless, there were a great many white citi/cns who were deeply in sympathy with the colored race. On the election of Mr. Lincoln as President, tin- Re- pnhiican party made very rapid strides towards its pie>- ciit strength and unity, and many ot the citizens of Cleveland, among whom 1 might mention lion. \). l Tddcn, John llmitington, Win. I*. Fogg, lion. Sherlo.-k J. Andrews, lion. R. F. Payne, Charles Stetson, Ksq., John A. Foot, Ksq., J.M. lloyt, Ks<|., Kdward Wade. KSIJ., <icorge A. Benedict, Kdwin Cowlcs, Rev. l>r. Aikcn, Ucv. Levi Tucker, M. < . Yoiiniflovc, Richard ( . Parsons, and many others, were active Uepublicans at the t inn-, and took an earnest part in ail the delibera tions of the Republican party. Whenever the colored people made any movement, or needed any advice, they consulted with these respect ive gentlemen. The Rev. Dr. Aiken especially, inter ested himself in behalf of the condition of the colored people. Lonj lie fore, when the fugitive slave law was hcin? passed, ut a meeting held at the First Presbyte rian Church, of which he was the pant or, he strongly denounced that law, and expressed sentiments in favor of resisting its enforcement. At that meeting it was resolved, that in case of the an cat of a fugitive slave, 40 the church bells of the city should be rung as notice to the people of the arrest. Mr. M. (. . Younglove offered a reward of live dollars to the sexton who should on such an oeeiisioii ring the first lell. Uev. Dr. Aikcn afterwards proved to be a powerful friend to the co|- otvd people, and aided them by his eoiinsel in their del i be rat ions. When the rebellion first broke out, 1 undertook to have a meeting ealled of the colored people of Cleve land, and. in eonjiiiietion with others, a meeting was called at the National Hall, on the Public Square. It was proposed at that meeting that the colored people of Cleveland should organize- military eompanies t<i assist in put ting down the rebellion, and it wa* also proposed that an application should IK made to the (iovcrnor for that purpose. But when the committee delegated for that purpose laid our request before the IJovernor, he declined to accept it, giving as a reason, that the matter xva; iii the hands of the white people, and that they would h.kc eare of it. When iiovernor Kroiigh was elretfd, a similar meeting was called, and another appli cation for the same purpose was made to (iovcrnor Krough, but with no better result. In some of the Now Knglaiid States however, they had permitted rolored eoiupaiiies to bo formed, and many of the colored men of .Cleveland left Ohio and went to Massachusetts, ami joined colored regiments there funned, among others. Win. Underbill, John lirown and Charles Brown, sons of John ISrown, (otherwise known as John Brown, the barber,) Joseph Uicbardson and Benjamin Richardson, and others. Shortly afterwards the proclamation of emancipation was issued, and then it was that colored companies began to organ i/e in Ohio, and from that time on, the intlueiice of the colored people became more powerful. The resiHtance at that time of the 41 leading copperheads was very hitter, and a strong aver sion ami repugnance was manifested hv many of them against the colored people taking part in puhlie affairs. The prejudice then existing, and which I suppose exist ed in every similar instance in history, where a people who have heen looked upon as a despised race, ami have risen ahovc the condition in which they have heen. placed hy unfortunate circumstances, has pretty well worn away in the Northern States, and it is not strange to see a colored man pro| osc measures in common with his white fellow-citizens for the common weal and hen- etit of all. Distinctions which are founded on human policy, without reference to the divine or natural law, and which tend to the degradation of a set of human heings, cannot he lasting, and must sooner or later siie- cumh to the dictates of reason and humanity, Would this were accomplished in the Southern States. There intimidation and threats make the life of the colored man a thousand times more miscrahlc than the worst condition of hondagc. Hut as right will sooner or later prevail, the day will come when another nemesis will overtake ami destroy the evil at the South. It has heen demonstrated that an intelligent colored man can he as good a citizen as an intelligent white man, and the same reasoning will hold good hetween an ignorant colored man and an ignorant white man. I am now eighty-three years of age, and I thank <Jod that he has spared my life long enouirh to witness the change wrought in the condition of the colored people. We read of the miraculous deliverance of the Israelites from 1< milage. It seems hardly less than a miracle that has heen the means of unloosening the shackles of the colored man. I lirinly hclieve it to he the interposition of Divine Providence wrought through the instrumen tality of the Republican party. 42 In eonctiiriion, 1 ran only say as <li<l Simeon of old, u hen ho saw the protniBetl Me>*iah, ** No\y, Lorl, ltt- fc t-s( Hi. MI thy servant tlepart in |ea*e ueeonling to thy * Wonl, tor mine eyes have seen thy salvation/ "S