University of California— College of Agriculture, AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, E. W. HILGARD, Director. NATURE, VALUE, AND UTILIZATION OF ALKALI LANDS. Alkali Spots Before Reclamation. Tulare Experiment Substation. BY E. W. HILGARD. BULLETIN No. 128. (March, 1900.) SACRAMENTO: a. j. johnston, : : : : : superintendent state printing. 1900. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Occurrence and Characteristics of Alkali Soils 3 How Plants are Injured by Alkali 5 Effects of Irrigation __ 5 Determination of the Distribution of the Alkali Salts _ 6 Composition of Alkali Salts; summary of conclusions 13 Utilization and Reclamation of Alkali Lands . 14 Counteracting Evaporation; Diluting the Alkali Salts ; Chemical Remedies; Stable Manure and Other Fertilizers _. 14-18 Removing the Salts from the Soil 19 Will it Pay to Reclaim Alkali Lands 20 Crops Suitable for Alkali Lands _ 22 Amount of Salts Compatible with Ordinary Crops. 24 Grasses ; Legumes ; Weeds ; Root Crops ; Textile Plants ; Grapevines ; Citrus Trees; Deciduous Orchard Trees ; Timber and Shade Trees 24-29 Irrigation with Saline Waters 30 Limits of Saline Contents _ -...._ . 31 Reclaimable and Irreclaimable Alkali Lands as distinguished by their Natural Vegetation ._ 35 Tussock Grass ; Greasewood ; Dwarf Samphire ; Bushy Samphire ; Saltwort ; Alkali-Heath; Cressa _ 37-44 Relative Tolerance of the Different Species 44 Total Salt Indicators; Salsoda Indicators; Neutral Salt Indicators 46 ILLUSTRATIONS. Alkali Spots before Reclamation... Title-page. Diagrams showing Distribution of Alkali Salts ..7, 8, 10, 11 Wheat on Soil crusted with White Alkali... ._ 17 Alkali Lands in San Joaquin Valley 21 Orange Trees irrigated with Artesian Water 32 Orange Trees irrigated with Alkali Water of Elsinore Lake 33 Alkali Grasses: Tussock Grass; Greasewood; Dwarf Samphire; Bushy Samphire; Saltwort; Alkali-Heath; Cressa 37-44 THE NATURE, VALUE, AND UTILIZATION OF ALKALI LANDS.* By E. W. Hilgaed. [The continuous and pressing demand for information on alkali lands and their utilization having exhausted the printed matter heretofore published by this Station on the subject, it seems best to publish a brief general summary of the results of our investigations, made during the past twenty years, for the use of farmers and land owners and the general public. Those desiring more detailed information will find the record, so far as printed, in the reports of the Station from 1879 to 1898.] Occurrence and Characteristics of Alkali Soils. Alkali lands must be pointedly distinguished from the salty lands of sea margins or marshes, from which they differ in both their origin and essential nature. Marsh lands derive their salts from sea water that occasionally overflows them, and the salts which impregnate them are essentially "sea salts"; that is, common salt, together with bittern, epsom salt, etc. Very little of what would be useful to vegetation or desirable as a fertilizer is contained in the salts impregnating such soils; and they are by no means always intrinsically rich in plant food, but vary greatly in this respect. Alkali lands bear no definite relation to the sea; they are mostly remote from it or from any former sea bed, so that they have sometimes been designated as "terrestrial salt lands." Their existence is usually definitely traceable to climatic conditions alone. They are the natural result of a light rainfall, insufficient to leach out of the land the salts that always form in it by the progressive weathering of the rock powder of which all soils largely consist. Where the rainfall is abundant, that portion of the salts corresponding to "sea salts" is leached out into the bottom water, and with this passes through springs and rivulets into the country drainage, to be finally carried to the ocean. Another portion of the salts formed by weathering, however, is partially or wholly retained by the soil; it is that portion chiefly useful as plant-food. It follows that when, in consequence of insufficient rainfall, all or most of the salts are retained in the soil, they will contain not only * Revision of a paper published in the Yearbook of the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture for 1895, with abstracts from reports and records of the California Experiment Station. — 4 — the ingredients of sea water, but also those useful to plants. In rainy climates a large portion even of the latter is leached out and carried away. In extremely arid climates their entire mass remains in the soils; and, being largely soluble in water, evaporation during the dry season brings them to the surface, where they may accumulate to such an extent as to render the growth of ordinary useful vegetation impos- sible; as is seen in "alkali spots," and sometimes in extensive tracts of "alkali desert." In looking over a rainfall map of the globe we see that a very consider- able portion of the earth's surface has deficient rainfall, the latter term being commonly meant to imply any annual average less than 20 inches (500 millimeters). The arid region thus defined includes, in North America, most of the country lying west of the one hundredth meridian up to the Cascade Mountains, and northward beyond the line of the United States; southward, it reaches far into Mexico, includ- ing especially the Mexican plateau. In South America it includes nearly all the Pacific Slope (Peru and Chile) south to Araucania; and eastward of the Andes, the greater portion of the plains of western Brazil and Argentina. In Europe only a small portion of the Mediter- ranean border is included; but the entire African coast belt opposite, with the Saharan and Libyan deserts, Egypt, and Arabia are included therein, as well as a considerable portion of South Africa. In Asia, Asia Minor, Syria (with Palestine), Mesopotamia, Persia, and north- western India up to the Ganges, and northward, the great plains or steppes of central Asia eastward to Mongolia and western China, fall into the same category; as does also a large portion of the Australian continent. Over these vast areas alkali lands occur to a greater or less extent, the exceptions being the mountain regions and adjacent lands on the side Exposed to prevailing oceanic winds. It will therefore be seen that the problem of the utilization of alkali lands for agriculture is not of local interest only, but is of world-wide importance. It will also be noted that many of the countries referred to are those in which the most ancient civilizations have existed in the past, but which at present, with few exceptions, are occupied by semicivilized people only. It is doubtless from this cause that the nature of alkali lands has until now been so little understood that even their essential dis- tinctness from the sea-border lands has been but lately recognized in full. Moreover, the great intrinsic fertility of these lands has been very little appreciated, their repellent aspect causing them to be gen- erally considered as waste lands. This aspect is essentially due to their natural vegetation being in most cases confined to plants useless to man, commonly designated as " saline vegetation," of which but little is usually relished by — 5 — cattle. Notable exceptions to this rule occur in Australia and Africa, where the " saltbushes " of the former and the " karroo " vegetation of the latter form valuable pasture grounds. Apart from these, however, the efforts to find for these lands while in their natural condition, cul- ture plants generally acceptable, or at least profitable, outside of forage crops, have not been very successful. How Plants Are Injured by Alkali. When we examine plants that have been injured by alkali, we will usually find that the damage has been done near the base of the trunk, or root crown; rarely at any considerable depth in the soil itself. In the case of green herbaceous stems, the bark is found to have turned to a brownish tinge for half an inch or more, so as to be soft and easily peeled off. In the case of trees, the rough bark is found to be of a dark, almost black, tint, and the green layer underneath has, as in the case of an herbaceous stem, been turned brown to a greater or less extent. In either case the plant has been practically "girdled," the effect being aggravated by the diseased sap poisoning, more or less, the whole stem and roots. The plant may not die, but it will be quite certain to become unprofitable to the grower. It is mainly in the case of land very heavily charged with common salt, as in the marshes bordering the sea or salt lakes, that injury arises from the direct effects of the salty soil-water upon the feeding roots themselves. In a few cases the gradual rise of salt water from below, in consequence of defective drainage, has seriously injured, and even destroyed, old orange orchards. The fact that in cultivated land the injury is usually found to occur near the surface of the soil, concurrently with the well-known fact that the maximum accumulation of salts at the surface is always found near the end of the dry season, indicates clearly that this accumulation is due to evaporation at the surface. The latter is often found covered with a crust consisting of earth cemented by the crystallized salts, and later in the season with a layer of whitish dust resulting from the drying-out of the crust first formed. It is this dust w r hich becomes so annoying to the inhabitants and travelers in alkali regions, when high winds prevail, irritating the eyes and nostrils and parching the lips. Effects of Irrigation. One of the most annoying and discouraging features of the cultiva- tion of lands in alkali regions is that, although in their natural condition they may show but little alkali on their surface, and that mostly in limited spots, usually somewhat depressed below the general surface, these spots are found to enlarge rapidly as irrigation is prac- ticed; and since alkali salts are the symptoms and result of insufficient — 6 — rainfall, irrigation is a necessary condition of agriculture wherever they prevail. Under irrigation, neighboring spots will oftentimes merge together into one large one, and at times the entire area, once highly productive and perhaps covered with valuable plantations of trees or vines, will become incapable of supporting useful growth. This annoying phenomenon is popularly known as " the rise of the alkali " in the western United States, but is equally well known in India and other irrigation regions. The process by which the salts rise to the surface is the same as that by which oil rises in a wick. The soil being impregnated with a solution of the alkali salts, and acting like the wick, the salts naturally remain behind on the surface as the water evaporates, the process only stopping when the moisture in the soil is exhausted. We thus not infrequently find that after an unusually heavy rainfall there follows a heavier accu- mulation of alkali salts at the surface, while a light shower produces no perceptible permanent effect. We are thus taught that, within certain limits, the more water evaporates during the season the heavier will be the rise of the alkali; provided that the water is not so abundant as to leach the salts through the soil and subsoil into the subdrainage. Worst of all, however, is the effect of irrigation ditches laid in sandy lands (such as are naturally predominant in arid regions), without proper provision against seepage. The ditch water then gradually fills up the entire substrata so far as they are permeable, and the water-table rises from below until it reaches nearly to the ditch level; shallowing the subsoil, drowning out the deep roots of all vegetation, and bringing close to the surface the entire mass of alkali salts previously diffused through many feet of substrata. If this condition is allowed to continue for some time, alkali salts originally "white" will by a chemical change become "black" by the formation of carbonate of soda from the glauber salt; greatly aggravating the injury to vegetation. More than this, if such swamping is allowed to continue for a number of years, the land may be permanently injured; so that even after the alkali is removed, the soil remains inert and unthrifty for years. Determination of the Distribution of the Alkali Salts. In order to gain a basis for the possible means of reclaiming alkali lands, it is evidently necessary to determine by direct observation the manner in which the salts are distributed in the soils under different conditions. This can be done by sampling the soil at short intervals of depth, and leaching out and analyzing each sample separately. While this involves a great deal of work, it is manifestly the only conclusive method. A series of such investigations has been first carried out by the Cali- fornia Experiment Station during the years 1894 and 1895, with samples — 7 — taken in or near the substations near Tulare and Chino, Cal., with the results as given below. It should be understood that the alkali in the Tulare region is mostly of the "black" kind, that is, consisting largely of car- bonate of soda, which dissolves the humus of the soil and thus gives rise to dark-colored spots and water-puddles. The soil is a rather sandy, gray loam (see Report California Experiment Station, 1889). On the Chino tract, on the contrary, the soil is a close-grained, rather heavy loam, naturally subirrigated; the salts are likewise mostly " black," the sodium carbonate being about one third of the whole. Fig. 1 represents the condition of the salts in an "alkali spot" as found at the end of the dry season at the Tulare substa- tion. The soil was sampled to the depth of 2 feet, at intervals of 3 inches each. The depths are entered in the vertical line to the left; the percentages of the total salts and of each of the principal ingredients are entered in decimal fractions of 1 per cent on horizontal lines running to the right, as indicated on the top line of the plate. Broken lines connecting the data in each case facilitate the understanding of the results. It is thus easy to see that at this time almost the entire mass of the salts was accumulated within the first six inches from the surface, while lower down the soil contained so little that few culture plants ^ & ' 1 4 ^; \ 1 ^ '4 \ < + \ \ \ ^1 ■s' 4 isA \ y 1 B^Jou ??ux '£% *+ + ■ >-M v<+. **} <0 ^ <\i =5 5 ^ J6 , j 1 s < would be hurt by them. J* **> k t Si |« *s e |% Si 3 % y\ A \ [ ! 1 1 /» f 1 i l 1 \ 1 l i t i \ \ 1 -1 1 l i 3 ~r^ +■+ $ *> — *^*A **♦♦ * N . 54 5 .. i. !Q 5. Sfc fc > > — 9 — Fig. 2 represents similarly the state of things in a natural soil along- side of the alkali spot, but in which the native vegetation of brilliant flowers develops annually without any hindrance from alkali. Samples were taken from this spot in March, near the end of the wet, and in September, near the end of the dry, season, and each series fully analyzed. There was scarcely a noticeable difference in the results obtained. It is seen in the figure that down to the depth of 15 inches there was practically no alkali found (0.035%), and it was within these 15 inches of soil that the native plants mostly had their roots and developed their annual growth. But from that level downward the alkali rapidly increased, and reached a maximum (0.529%) at about 33 inches, decreas- ing rapidly thence until, at the end of the fourth foot in depth, there was no more alkali than within the first foot from the surface. In other words, the bulk of the salts had accumulated at the greatest depth to which the annual rainfall (7 inches) ever reaches, forming there a sheet of tough, intractable clay hardpan. The shallow-rooted native plants germinated their seeds freely on the alkali-free surface, their roots kept above the strongly charged subsoil, and through them and the stems and foliage all the soil moisture was evaporated by the time the plants died. Thus no alkali was brought up from below by evaporation. The seeds shed would remain uninjured, and would again germinate the coming season. It is thus that the luxuriant vegetation of the San Joaquin plains, dotted with occasional alkali spots, is maintained, the spots them- selves being almost always depressions in which the rain water may gather, and where, in consequence of the increased evaporation, the noxious salts have risen to the surface and render impossible all but the most resistant saline growth; particularly when, in consequence of maceration and fermentation in the soil, the formation of carbonate of soda (black alkali) has caused the surface to sink and become almost water-tight. After several years' cultivation with irrigation on the same land as in the last figure, a crop of barley 4 feet high was grown on the land. Investigation proved that here the condition of the soil was intermediate between the two preceding figures. The irrigation water had dissolved the alkali of the subsoil, and the abundant evaporation had brought it nearer the surface; but the shading by the barley crop and the evapo- ration of the moisture through its roots and leaves had prevented the salts from reaching the surface in such amounts as to injure the crop, although the tendency to rise was clearly shown. Ten feet from this spot was bare alkali ground on which barley had refused to grow. Its examination proved it to contain a somewhat larger proportion (one-fifth more) of alkali salts, and in these a larger relative proportion of carbonate of soda (salsoda). Thus the seed was mostly destroyed before germination, and of the few seedlings none — 10 lived beyond the fourth leaf. On the ground represented by Fig. 1, previous treatment with gypsum had so far diminished the salsoda that the grain germinated freely, and a very good crop of barley was harvested there without irrigation. The same season, grain crops were almost a failure on alkali-free land in the same region. In connection with this result it should be noted as a general fact Amounts of Ingredients in 100 of Soil. O . 02 Q« OS Off SO /2 '¥ /6 /# .20 .22 Fig. 3. Distribution of alkali salts in sandy land. that alkali lands always retain a certain amount of moisture perceptible to the hand during the dry season, and that this moisture can be utilized by crops; so that at times when crops fail on nonalkaline land, good ones are obtained where a slight taint of alkali exists in the soil. Striking examples of this fact occur in the Spokane country within the great bend of the Columbia River, in the State of Washington; and the — 11 same is illustrated by the luxuriant growth of weeds on the margin of alkali spots, just beyond the limit of corrosive injury. Actual deter- mination showed that while a sample of alkali soil containing .54 per cent of salts absorbed 12.3 per cent of moisture from moist air, the same soil when leached absorbed only 2.5 per cent — a figure corresponding to that of sandy upland loams. Investigation at the Tulare substation during the dry season of 1898 also showed the presence of 15 and 16 per cent of water, respectively, in strong u white" and " black" alkali soils, while in adjoining light alkali soils there was but 10 per cent. In very sandy lands, and particularly when the alkali is "white" only, the tendency to accumulation near the surface is much less, even under irrigation. In the natural condition the salts are in such cases Amounts of Alkali Salts in 100 or Soil. J>X. .OU Xt. .1 •>* 'ill" 'U /¥" + i ( f (1 /$ fc ■ ■+*<■■ r ** 1 /£ w in oh 6 4 ,1 1 o .oi. .on .ot. .or ./ ./ x. ./* (. / f ,JtO ,Z3. .3.* 2-I- 2? 3C - ■ : \\ *\ A /_ \ id \ j 7 / *il & &»# y */\ # s0 ^ rp \<^, 5 J?b i / 1 £r 1 t H // PLo/-