THEATER mRTS PN 2285 F487 FILIVILAND FAVORITES THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES % Filmland Favorites Being the Autographed Photographs with Biographical Sketches of the Leading Photo Play Stars Ihmim n Copyright 1915 Published by THE AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. Security Building Los Angeles, California RoBKliT LKOXAllD. Born in Chicago. Oct.. 1.S89. Removed to Den- ver at an early age, where he attended school. Entered theatrical career at Elitch's Gardens, after which he toured the country in musical comedies, starring and playing opposite Trixie Friganza. En- tered motion pictures in 1908 with the Selig Co. Is now with the Universal and will be remembered by his many friends as the co-star with Miss Ella Hall in "The Master Key." MISS ELLA HALL. Born in New York, March 17, 189S, St. Patrick's day. Has been in pictures nearly seven years, after a successful stage career beginning at the tender age of 8 years. Noted for her splendid work with Robert Leonard in "The Master Key." Likes all kinds of sport, especially garii4ySlii>&JiaflftiSl.''"S ^^ auto. CHARLES RAY. Born in Jacksonville, 111., March 15, 1891. Entered motion pictures Dec, 1912 under direction of Thos. H. Ince, contin- uing until the present time. He will be remembered in many two- reel pictures, and in the following master pictures: "The Cup of Life," "The City of the Dead," "The Painted Soul," "Blood Will Tell," and "The Coward." Address, Inceville, Santa Monica, Cal. MARY PICKFORD. Born in Toronto, Canada, twenty-two years ago. Every body knows her pictures and every body loves them. Probably her greatest triumphs are in the role of Tess in "Tess of the Storm Country," and "The Eagle's Mate," in which she displays both humor and. pathos. She is at present leading lady of the Famous Players Co. MISS ETHEL CLAYTON. For several years past the leading lady of the Lubin forces, Philadelphia. Miss Clayton is an actress of ex- ceptional ability and has made an enviable reputation since entering the film world. WEBSTER CAMPBELL. Born in Kansas City, 1891. First entered motion pictures with the Lubin Co., later joining the N. Y. M. P. Co. Until recently Mr. Campbell has been leading man of the American Film Co., being featured in "Beauty Brand" films. He is now leading man of the Western Vitagraph Co. Address, Santa Monica, Cal. CARLYLE BLACKWELL. Now leading man with the Lasky Co. First engagement in pictures was with Vitagraph Co., later joining the Kalem Co., remaining there three years. MISS HELEN HOLMES. Born in Chicag-o, 1S94. She is a splendid horsewoman, good rower and swimmer. Her first engagement was witli Keystone, doing comedy work until April, 1913, when she joined the Kalem Co., where she is still engaged as leading lady under the direction of J. P. McGowan. Miss Holmes, who is noted for her won- derful heauty, won enduring fame in "The Hazards of Helen." FRANCIS X. Bt'SHMAN. Formerly leading man with the Essanay Co., and now producing his own pictures under Quality Brand, in Hol- lywood, Cal. Mr. Bushman calls Norfolk, Va., his home. His friends and admirers are legion. No more perfect type of the motion picture hero can be found than Francis X. Bushman. MISS MYRTLE STEDMAN. Born in Chicago. Began theatrical career ^ niusical corned v and light opera. Made her first appearance [n p!ctm-es with the Selig Co., and is now with the_ O wer Morosco Photoplay Co. Her best pictures are "Hypocrites, Wild Olive, "Majesty of the Law" and "Peer Gynt." MISS PAULINE BUSH. L,os Angeles, California. Leading lady, I'niversal films. Address, ARTHUR V. JOHNSON. One of the best known figures in filmdom. Entered motion picture work six years ago with the Lubin Co. Ad- dress, Philadelphia, Pa. WILLIAM WORTHIXGTON. Leading man, Universal Co. Anions Mr. Worthington's recent successes are Damon in "Damon and Pyth- ias," and Gen Washington in "J. Fenimore Cooper's Spy," and many others. RUTH ROLAND. Born in San Francisco, 1892. Her first appearance was at the age of 4, at the Cal. theater in San Francisco, afterward touring the east, becoming known as "Baby Ruth," California's fa- vorite child actress. Miss Roland won fame as the "Kalem Girl," and is now leading lady of the Balboa Co. IK\'1.\(; (TMMIXGS. Leading- inaii dl ilu- Aiiu-rican Film Co., Santa Baibaia, Cal. VIRGINIA KIRKLEY. Leading Lady, Selig Co. Born in Bnwling Green, Mo., 1899. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. FORD STERLING. Leading comedian, Keystone Co. J. •nAnXKY" SHERliY. Born in Pliilatleli)hia. March, 1S74. His t'iist theatrical engagement was in stock. Later on he appeared in light opera, playing the pait in "Jack and the Bean Stalk. Mr. Sherry is a man of retiring disposition, thorough and capable in his work and by competent critics thought to be one of the most finished actors in pictures. He is well known in the social and club life of Los many intimate friends. Address, care of Triangle Films, Santa Monica, Cal. BLANCHE SWEET. She is a native daughter of California and was born in San Francisco. In the role of May Joyce, daughter of the slums in "Tlie Escape," Miss Sweet scored a notable success. She also displayed the wide scope of her powers hi "Home, Sweet Home" and "The Avenging Conscience." CRANE WILBUR. Star of many thrilling Pathe masterpieces. Was born in Athens, N. Y., 1889. His work in "The Perils of Pauline" has made for him an enviable reputation as a screen artist. He is now leading man with Horsleys. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. EVLYN THATCHER. One of the most versatile and original act- resses in pictures today. Miss Thatcher, before entering pictures, was known and loved from coast to coast as "The Irish Lady." She has a wonderful personality and her character impersonations are marvel- ous, ranging from a grand dame to a nigger mammy. She is as popu- lar on the screen as she was on the stage. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. MISS LOUISK GLAUM. Born in ^Yashington. D. C. First theatrical engagement playing ingenue part in "Why Girls Leave Home," anil "The House of a Thousand Candles," then leading roles in the "Squaw- Man" and others. Her first appearance in pictures was with Pathe, playing Indian parts. She is now leading lady in Triangle Films. COURTENAY FOOTE. For many years leading man with the Eastern Vitagraph Co. Mr. Foote is now associated with the Mutual forces in Los Angeles, Cal. MISS MAlilN SAIS. B.iiii in JMarin County, California, of out- of the oldest Castilian families in the state. With Kalem Co. five years. Lately starred in "The Girl Detective Series" and "Mysteries of the Grand Hotel." She is considered one of the most daring and accom- plished horsewomen on the screen. RAYMOND GALLAGHER. Born April 17, 1889. Ten years of stage experience before entering motion pictures. Toured the world with the Melies Co., and then joined the Lubin forces. Now leading man with the Universal Film Co., Universal City, Cal. LEO D. MALONEY. Leading man of the UnLversal Film Co. Mr. Maloney will be remembered for his. splendid work with Miss Helen Holmes while with the Kalem Co;, which company he had been con- nected with for several years before joining the Universal Co. MABEL NORMAXD. Born in AlUuita, .-.. u. Her latest pictures are "Home, Sweet Home, flie Clansman." "Battle of the Sexes," Kte. Miss Gish is a l(i\-er of poetrv ami xei-v fmul of f^olf. She is li-a.l>i)g ladv Mitli tlu- Griffith forces. MISS MUUIEL OSTFJCHE. Playing leading ingenue parts with the Vitagraph Co. Her first worli was with the Eclair Co. Then two years with the Thanhouser Co. She was born in N. Y., March 4, 1897. MARGAUET GIBSON. Ingenue and leading lady. TVell known for her work with N'itagraph and New York Motion Picture Co. "Gibby," as she is affectionately called by her intimate friends, is a woild-wide favorite. Her smile is contagious and her admirei-s many. KING BAGGOT. Born in St. Louis, Mo.. Nov. 7 1879. Leading man with the Universal Co., where he has been featured in many wonderful plays. KT.TZABETH BURBRIDGR. Born in San Francisco, Dec. 12, 1S94. tiraniUlaughter of tlie late Stephen G. Burbridge, U. S. A. Her first picture work was witli Biograpli Co. Now leading lady witli tlie N. Y. M. P. Co. Miss Burbridge is considered one of the most beautiful and talented actresses on the screen. JACK WARREN KERRIGAN. Leading man of the Universal Co. Born in I.,iimsHtt, Ky., 1SS9. lias been in pictui'es five years, iifter having enjoyed a most successful experience on the legitimate stage. WILLIAM GARWOOD. Born in Springfield, Mo., 1886. Entered mo- tion pictures with the Thanhouser Co., where he played two years, later joining the Majestic and American Companies. Mr. Garwood is now leading man with the Universal Film Co. MISS BETTY SCHADE. Born in Berlin, Nov. 22, 1891. First picture engagement was with the Essanay, where she played leads for one year, after which she played leads with the American film Co. for six months, later joining the Selig Co., and sailed for Honolulu to play under Bison brand. Now playing leads with the Universal Co. Add., Universal City, Cal. JANE WOLFE. Born in St. Petersburg, Pa. Had four years' stage experience before joining the silent drama. Miss Wolfe Is an actress of exceptional versatile ability. She recently appeared in "Redemp- tion," "Secret of Misei's Cove," "Norma from Norway," and many others. She is now playing leads witli Valeska Surratt in "Puddin' Head Wilson," "The Immigrant," Etc. Address, Glendale, Cal. HENRY B WALTHALL. Born in Shelby Co., Alabama. Scored his first greatest success in "Judith," "Home, Sweet Home," "The Ayeng- ing Conscience," and "The Clansman" and other feature productions. W. CHAS. (SPIKE) ROBINSON. Born in England, 1872. Has been playing leads with the Biograph Co. for over six years. Noted for his great Indian and wild western characterizations. Address, Los An- geles, Cal ALICE JOYCE. Beautiful and talented leading lady of the Kalem Co., N Y Since entering pictures, Miss Joyce has appeared only with the Kalem Co., where she has gained great popularity for her splendid work on the screen. BUCK CONNORS. Born in S.iii Saba, Texas, Nov. 22, 1880. For four years was secretary to Buffalo Bill. Joined the Powers Co., where for one year he played character and comedy leads. Then followed en- gag^ements with Pathe, Lubin and Frontier Films. Now engaged with Universal Co., playing leads and character parts. Address, Los An- geles, Cal. MISS CLARA WILLIAMS. Born in Seattle, Wash., 1891. Began her theatrical career in 1907 in "Don't Tell My Wife." She is now leading lady of the N. Y. Motion Picture Co. MISS OLLIE KIRKBY. Born in Philadelphia, 1894. She is now with the Kalem Co., and has scored many triumphs in the "Mysteries of the Grand Hotel" and "Girl Detective" series. She was previously identified with Carlyle Blackwell, later returning to her earlier love, the Kalem Co. Address, Glendale, Cal. HERBERT RAWLINSON. Leading man, Universal Co., Universal City, Cal. JAMES CRUZE. Treading man witli tlie Reliance-Majestic Co. Mr. Cruze is a great screen favorite and was for several years with Die Thanhouser Co., where he co-stai'red with Miss Margaret Snow. MISS LAURA OAKLEY, grand opera chorus and Began stage career at the age of 12 in grana opera cnorus anu at 19 became character woman in cornic opera, and a few years later was a prima donna m musical comeay. Has now been engaged for several years for eccentric comedy woiK with Universal Co., Universal City, Cal. DUSTIN FARNUM. Featured leading man iti Triangle Films. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. TTiT F W\KRENTON One of the most versatile and beloved women befm^ the publfc She is an American and has devoted her l.fe to the stage and screen. MAUDE FEALY. Miss Fealy calls Denver her home. She is the lead- ing lady of the Thanhouser Co., where she has been playing for several years. MISS FLORENCE LA BADIE. Leatliiii Co., New Rochelle, N. Y., where she years. ■• lady of the Thanhouser Fihli has been playing for several MISS NORMA PHILLIPS. 'Our Mutual Girl," and star of the Than- houser players. JACK STANDING. Formerly leading man of the Lubin Co., Phila- delphia, and associated with the New York Motion Picture Co., Santa Monica, Cal. MAE MAIISH. Born in Miidrid. N. M. ICntered motion pictures at tlie age of 16. She is now witli tlie Mutual forces ami will be re- membered for her splendid work in "The Escape," "The Clansman," and many others. Address, I.,os Angeles, Cal. MISS IRENE HUNT. Leading lady with the Ueliance-Majestic Co. Address, Los Angeles, California. LAMAR JOHNSTONE. Leading man of the Sellg Co., Los Angeles, California. MISS VIVIAN RICH. Talented young leading actress of the American Film Co. She has made a wonderful success both on the stage and on the screen, and her winsome manner and extreme beauty make her one of the most favorite actresses on the screen. Address, Santa Barbara, Cal. ARTHUR SHIRLEY. Leariing man of the rniversal Film (^). Aildross, Univeisal City, Cal. MISS PEARL WHITE. Born near Kansas City, Mo., May 2, 1895. She was the heroine in "The Perils of Pauline," and "The Exploits of Elaine," pictures that have made her internationally famous. She is a typical western girl of great charm and beauty. MISS DOROTHY GISH. Born in Dayton, O. Joined the Biograph Co. at tlie age of 14. Now leading lady of the Mutual Co., where she has been featured in "The Mysterious Shot," "The Newer Woman," and many other feature plays. MISS ESTELLE ALLEN. Born In Portland, Ore., Jan. 5, 1895. Al- though not yet 20 years old, she has had much experience on the stage. Her first engagement was in "Little Lord Fauntleroy," at the age of 7. Four years ago she joined the Edison Co., playing leads with Mary Fuller. She is best remembered in "The Flotsam," and "High Finance," the photoplays which displayed to the best advantage her expectional talents. She is now with the N. Y. M. P. Co., Santa Monica, Cal. MISS ROSEMARY THEBY. Leading woman of the Universal- Victor Company. PHILLIPS SMALLEY. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1872. ciated with Universal Film Co. as director and producer. Now asso- ROSCOB ARBUCKLE. Born in Smith Co.. Kansas, 1S87. Now with the Keystone Film Co., directing all his own plays in which he ap- pears. Everybody knows "Fatty" and everybody laughs with him. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. CLEO MADISON. Born in Armington. 111.. 1899. Leading '^dy of the Universal Film Co. One of her greatest successes was in The Irey O' Hearts." Addiess, Hollywood, Cal. mr. tw^ University of California Library Los Angeles This book is DUE onthei^t (^ate^taotp^dj^^j y UuLA An o Lii:::nr-ni GENERAL P}r\q; 31 AE RENEWALS: ^ 0/8125-9188 t MARl JUN 6 RECD rCOAM 5 2002 .^'^ a ^ %^i UCLA-Theater Arts Library PN 2285 F487 L 006 283 530 1