F UC-NRLF B 3 tEtD flfll ■/^]OCL. "library of congress, DIVISION ()Y BIBLIOGRAPHY. A LIST OF BOOKS (WITH KEFEREI^CES TO PERIODICALS) ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES BY A. P. C. G-RIFFIN, CHIEF OF DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PKINTINO OFFICE. 1901. INTRODUCTION. The only authority' in Enolish dealing- exclusivel}" with the Danish West Indies appears to be C. E. Taylor's "Leaflets from the Danish West Indies: Descriptive of the social, political and commercial con- dition of these islands." The author was for many years a resident of St. Thomas, and his work has the value of afl'ording information acquired at first hand. The geographic manuals like Reclus's ''The Earth audits inhabitants" and Stanford's "Compendiimi of geography and travel" give good summar}" accounts of the history and natural features of the islands. The negotiations for the purchase of the islands in 1865-1869 are well set forth in James Parton's "The Danish islands: Are we bound in honor to pay for them?" and in briefer form in Curtis's "The United States and Foreign Powers" and Wharton's "A Digest of the international law of the United States." The proceedings of the Danish parliament are printed in the " Rigsdagtidende." A pamphlet by Dixon, "The St. Thomas treaty. A series of letters to the Boston Daily Advertiser," reports the proceedings in Washington while the treaty was pending, and also contains the text of the treaty. The Danish colonial fiscal system in the West Indies is the subject of an essay by C. W. Tooke, printed in "Essa3\s in colonial finance by the members of the American Economic Association." The tabulated statistics of the commerce and commercial regulations of the islands ma}' be found in the publications of the Bureau of Sta- tistics of the Treasury Department and the Foreign Commerce Bureau of the State Department. The publications of the Statens statistiske Bureau of Denmark include statistical tables of imports and exports, merchant marine, and navigation. The various reports from our con- suls at St. Thomas have been noted in their proper place in this list. A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of Division of B'lhliogrcqyhy. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress. ^ OF The OF "1 r,c vv UNIVEr^SITY I OF £ALlFCRWlb BOOKS. Bates, H. W. Central America, the West Indies and South America. With an ethnological appendix by A. H, Keane. Map and illustrations. London: JEdward Stanford^ 1S78. xviii^ (^), 571 _[>p. 12^. {Stanfm'd''s compendiwn of geography and travel.) Pp. 141-151, general description of the West Indies; pp. 176-178, St. Thomas, Santa Cruz. Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Le petit atlas maritime; recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties du monde. Paris: 17 6 1^.. 5 vols. Jfajw. Plans. F^. Vol. I: no. 75, St. Croix; no. 77, St. Jean; no. 78, St. Thomas. Borgesen, F., and O. Paulsen. Om Yegetationen paa de Dansk Vest Indiske Oer. Kjobenhavn: JE. Bojesen^ 1898. 113 2yp. Figures. Plates. S^. Catteau-Calleville, J. P. G. Tableau des etats danois, consideres sous le rapport du mecanisme social. Paris: Treuttel et Wurtz, 1802. 3 vols. S-. Curtis, William Elero}'. The United States and foreign powers. JS^ew York: C. Scrihiei'^s sons, 1899. vi, 9-314^ j>j). 12^. Pp. 126-131, The annexation of St. Thomas. Day, Susan De Forest. The cruise of the Scythian in the West Indies. Full}^ illustrated. F. Tennyson Neely, pjuhlhlier: London. JS'ev: Yorl'. Chi- cago. \1899.'\ (2), 297 p>])- Plates {photogravures). 8^. Pp. 28-51, St. Thomas; pp. 52-72, Santa Cruz. Delitsch, Otto. Westindien und die Siidpolar-Lander. Leipzig: L C. ILinrichs, 1871. xiv, 1201-2164. T>P- ^^^ {Stein O. G. D..,\ind Ferd. Ilorschehnann. ITandlmch der Geographie und StatistiJc. Siehente Aujlage. Bd. i, AUK, 1^.) Diinisciie Besitzungen, pp. 2106-2115. 5 6 LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. ■Dewitz, A. von. In Diinisch-Westindien. Hundert und fiinfzig Jahre der Briidermission in St. Thomas, St. Croix und St. Jan . . . Wieshj: [11. Ender\ 1882. vlil, 374.j)jj. Plates. 13^. In Danisch-Westindien. Anfiinge der Briidermission in St. Thomas, St. Croix und St. Jan von 1732.-1760. Ilerrnhut: Jfissionshuchhmidlung, 1899. 322 pj). <§°. "Eine sehr griindliche und gediegene Festschrift zum 150 jiihrigeii Jubiliium der Briidermission in Westindien erscheint hier nach des Yerfassers Tode in unveriindertem Abdruck. Es ist zii bedauern, dass diese treffliclie Arbeit aioeh nicht weiter gefiihrt ist. Das Buch gehort zu den wiclitigsten Quellen der Gesehichte Westindiens. Ein Kartenblatt mit den drei genannten Inseln im Massstab 1: 250,000, in guter Ausfiihrung, ist beigegeben." [Dixon, pseud.] The St. Thomas treat3^ A series of letters to the Boston Daily Advertiser. Mw Tori:: 1869. 2Jt,x>]). 8^. Pp. 22-24, text of the treaty. Fischer, H. M. W. Om Dansk Vestindien. Kjobenliavn: Gyldendal, 1896. oO pp. 8^. Granier de Cassagnac, A. Voj^age aux Antilles. Paris: Pauvui et Fontaine, 18 Jf.2-Ji.Ji.. 2 vols. 8^. Vol. II, pp. 161-184, St. Thomas. Great Britain. JlydrograpJdc office. The West India pilot. Vol. II. The Caribbean sea, from Barbados to Cuba. . . . Origi- nally compiled by E. Baruett. 1th edition. Londm.: 1887. S\ Pp. 158-191, St. John, St. Thomas, and Santa Cruz. Gurney, Joseph John. Familiar letters to Henry Clay of Kentucky, describing a winter in the West Indies. JVcio York: Press of Maldon Day c& eo., 18J^0. 203 p,p. 5^. Pp. 11-20, Santix Cruz; pp. 21-30, Saint Thomas and Tortola. Hill, Robert T. Cuba and Porto Rico, with the other islands of the West Indies. Their topography, climate, flora, products, industries, cities, peoples, political conditions, etc. Neil} York: The Century company., 1898. xxviii^ Ji.29 pp. Plates. 8^. Pp. 25, 26, 306, .309-316, Danish West India islands. Host, Georg. Efterretninger om den Sanct Thomas og dens Gou- verneurer, optegnede der paa Landet fra 1769 indtil 1776. lijidhenhavfi: Nicolaiis Jloller o(/ son, 1791. xx,203 pp. 8^.. LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. 7 Hovey, Sylvester, Letters from the West Iiiclics: relatino- especially to the Danish island St. Croix, and to the British islands Antigua, Barbados, and Jamaica. JVew Twk: Gould and jSfewman, 1838. Iv^ 13-212 pp. 16'^. Knox, John P. A historical account of St. Thomas, \V. I., Avith the rise and progress in commerce; missions and churches; climate and its adaptation to invalids; geological structure; natural history and botany: and incidental notices of St. Croix and St. Johns, slave insurrections in these islands; emancipation and present condition of laboring classes. New York: Charles Scribner, 1862. 271 ])]). Folded nuq). Plate. 12°. [Labat, Jean Pierre.] Nouveau voyage aux isles de I'Amerique. A la Haye: Chez P. Husson. [etc.'] M.DCC.XXIX. 2 vols. Plates. JSkips. Plans, p. St. Croix, Vol. I, pt. 1, p. 7S; pt. 2, pp. 73, 74. Vol. II, pp. 196, 197, 215. St. Thomas, Vol. II, pp. 12, 285-292. Ledni, Andre Pierre. Voyage aux iles de Tenerilfe, la Trinite, Saint- Thomas, Sainte-Croix et Porto-Ricco, execute par ordre du gouvernement fran^ais, depuis le 30 Septembre 1796 jusqu'au 7 juin 1798, contenant des observations sur le climat, le sol, la population, I'agriculture, les productions de ces lies, le caractere, les mceurs et le commerce de leurs habitants. X Paris: chez A. Bertrand, 1810. 2 vols. Folded map. 8°. Reise nach den Inseln Teneriffa, Trinidad, St. Thomas, St. Cruz und Porto-Rico . . . aus dem Franzosischen iiber- setzt. Mit einer Charte der Insel Porto-Rico. Weimar: Verlag des II. S. priv. Landes- Industrie- Comptoirs, 1812. XX, 32Ippp. 5^. Pp. 160-188, Danish West Indies. Le Grras, A. Mer des Antilles et Golfe du Mexique. 2" partie com- prenant les petites Antilles . . . Paris: Au Depot de la marine, 1875. 8^. Lennep Coster, G. van. Aanterkeningen, gehouden gedurende mijn verblijf in de West-Indien, in de jaren 1837-1840. Met platen. Te Amsterdam : hij J. F. Schleijer, 18^2. vii, 359 pp. 8^. 8 LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES Letters from the Virgin islands: illustrating life and manners in the West Indies. London: John Van Vooi'st, 18Jf3. .t, 286 ]^>p. Chart. 12^. Morris, Henry Crittenden. The histor}' of colonization. JS^ea' York: The Maanillan company, 1900. 2 vols. 12^. Vol. II: pp. 284-286, Danish colonization in the "West Indies. Oldendorp, Christian Georg Andreas. Oldendorp's Geschichte der Mission der evangelischen Briider auf den Caraibischen Inseln S. Thomas, S. Croix und S. Jan. Herausgegeben durch J. J. Bossart. Early: C. F. Laux. 1777. 2 vols. Maps. Plates. 16^. Fuldstfendigt Udtog af C. G. A. Oldendorp's Missions-Histo- rie om de evangeliske Brodres Mission paa de caraibiske Oer St. Thomas, St. Crux og St. Jan, udgivet paa Tvdsk i to Dele. Kjohenhavn: 178 Jf.. Tinjht ])aa Christ. L. Bud is Furl ag has J. Bud. Thiele. (5), 212 2?2y- 16-. Historisk Beretning om de hedenske Neger-Slavers Omven delse paa de Danske Oer i Vestindien, som et Udtog af C. G. A. Oldendorps de evangeliske Brodres Missions- Historie . . . Oversat af det T^'dske. Kjijhtnhavn: 178If.. TryJd j>oa C. L. Buchs Forlag has Joh. Bud. TJiiele. {2), 18J^, {2) pp. 16- . Bound with the preceding. Oxholm, Peter Lotharius. De Danske Ye.stindiske Oers Tilstand i Henseende til Population, Cultur og Finance-Forfatning. i Anledning af nogle Breve f ra St. Croix. K!dhmhavn:1797,J.F.Schidtz. 81^. i:>p. Platen. 16-. Parton, James. The Danish Islands: are we bound in honor to pay for them ? Boston: Fields.) Osgood d; co.., 1869. 76 pj). 8-. The Present state of the West-Indies: containing an accurate description of what parts are possessed by the several powers in Europe. . . . Illustrated with a complete map of the West-Indies done from the latest observations. London: Printed for B. Baldvjin. MDCCLXXXVIII. (4), 96 2U^. 4°. Pp. 72-74, The Virgin Islands; pp. 93-94, St. Thomas, St. John, Santa Cruz. LIST OF BOOKS ON THE BANISH WEST INDIES. 9 Raynal, (Tuillauinc-Tlioiniis. A philosophical and political history of the .settleinents and trade of European.s in the East and West Indies. . . . Newly translated from the French, by J. O. Justaniond. 2d edition. London: Printed for A. Sfrah(Ui,[d<-.'\170S. 6'vv//.s'. ^)A/y>.v Vol. IV: pp. 256-265, Danish settlements in St. Thomas, St. John, and Santa Cruz. The Library has several editions of Raynal. Reclus, J. J. Elisee. Virgin Islands and Santa Cruz. {In Reclus, J. J. E. The earth anp. 12^. Stenzel. Die Insel St. Thomas, [With tables and chart.] ( In Annalen fiir Hydrographie und maritime Meteorologie. Berlin, 1886. Vol. XIV, pp. 353-359.) " Seit der Aufheljung der Sklaverei und dem Ueberhandnehmen der Damiifschifffahrt hat sich der Character der Insel vollig geiindert. Die Zuckerpflanzungen sind verschwunden, der Boden ist so gut wie unbebaut, eine Vermittelung des Handels zwischen den Kiisten IMittel- und des nordlichen Siidamerikas mit den Vereinigten Staaten und Europa findet nicht mehr statt. Jetzt ist St. Thomas nur noeh ein Knotenpunkt der Dampfschifffahrt nach Westindien. Die einzige Ortschaft ist Charlotte Amalie mit stationilrer Bevolkerung (ca 12000). Die Gezeitenstromungen sind so unregelmiissig, dass eine richtige Hafenzeit nicht angegeben werden kann." Contents: Allgemeines, Hydrographisches, Lotsendienst, Gezeiten- stromungen, Meteorologisches, Ausriistung und Reparaturen, Wasser, Kohlen, Postverbindung. Stoddard, Charles Augustus. Cruising among the Caribbees. Sum- mer days in winter months. Illustrated. JWai York : Charles ScriJmers so7is, 1895. ,r, (2), 198 ^tjy. Plates {2}hotogravures). 8^. Pp. 23-50 contain: "The Virgin Group, St. Tlioma.s and its people, Santa Cruz." Taylor, C. E, Leaflets from the .Danish West Indies: descriptive of the social, political, and commercial condition of these islands. Loiidon : Daumni di sons, 1888. xv, 228 2U'- Plote.s {mood cuts). 5^. Thaarup, Frederik. Veiledning til det Danske Monarkies Statistik, 2den, Udg, Kiohenhavu : 179]^. vUl, 768, 90 pp. Engraved title. Talles. 12^. Tooke, C. W. The Danish colonial tiscal system in the West Indies. {In Essays in colonial finance by the meml;ers of the American Economic Association. August, 1900. pp. 14-4-167. .New York: Published forthe American Economic Association by the Macmil- lan company. [1900.] 303 pj.. S°.) LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. 11 Trollope, Anthony. The "\^'c.st Indies und the Spanish Main. 2d edition. London: Chrqwian & ITall I860, iv, {2). 395 pp. Map. S^. Pp. 8, 235-241, St. Thomas. United States. Tirenty-fimt Congress^ second session. House of Rep- resentatives. Report no. 117. Concerning the commerce of the United States with the ishmd of St. Croix. March 2, 1831. 2 pp. 8^\ Executive document no. 21. Message from the Presi- dent of the United States, transmitting- copies of a corre- spondence between the Secretary of State and the minister of Denmark, in relation to the commercial intercourse between the said States and the Danish West India Islands, &c. Jan. 3, 1831. 15 pp. 8^. Also printed in the British and foreign state papers, 1S30-1S31 [vol. 18], pp. 1164-1181. London, 1833. 8°. Thirty-seventJi Omgress., second session. House of Representa- tives. Miscellaneous document no. 80. Employment of laborers of African extraction in the island of St. Croix. Correspondence between the State Department of the United States and the charge d'affaires of Denmark, in rela- tion to the advantages offered by the island of St. Croix for the employment of laborers of African extraction. June 10, 1862. 12 pp. 8-. West, H. Bidrag til Beskrivelse over Ste. Croix med en kort Udsigt over St. Thomas, St. Jeau, Tortola, Spanishtown og Cra- beneiland. Kiohenhavn: 1793. Trykt hos FrideriJi WilheJni Thiele. (S), 363, (1) pp. Folded sheets. 12'^. Be3'trage zur Beschreibung von St. Croix. Nebst einer kurzen Uebersicht der benachbarten Inseln, St. Thomas, St. Jean, Tortola, Spanishtown und Krabbeneyland. Aus dem Djini- schen, mit Verbesserungen und A'ermehrung des Verfassers. Kopenhagen: 179Ji.. Beg C". G. Prost, SoJui ujid compagnie. {J^\27I,pp. 12'. Wharton, Francis. A digest of the international law of the United States, Washington: Government 2>i'i^^ting offi,ce, 1896. 3 vols. S^. {Zmited States. Departhumi of State.) Vol. I, pp. 416-417, Danisli Wt-st Indies. 12 LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. A "Winter in the "West Indies and Florida; containing general observations upon modes of traveling, manners and cus- toms, climate and productions, with a particular description of St. Croix, Trinidad do Cuba, Havana, Key West, and St. Augustine, as places of resort for northern invalids. By an invalid. NeiL^ York: PuUlshedhy Wiley and PHtrKiiH, ISoO. 190 ]j]). 16°. \ ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 1861. St. Thomas; Jahrosbericht des preussischen Konsulttits fur 1860. Preusssiches Ilandels-Arch/r, 1S61, no. 22^ 2U^- oJ^O-iJJ^.!. 1863. Ein Schreiben aus St. Thomas in Westindien iiber die f reien Neger. Globus, vol. Jf {1863), 179. 1864. Die diinische Insel St. Thomas in West-Indien. ' C. von Scherzer. Aiidand, 186 Jf, n<>. 31. 1864. Die Insel St. Thomas in West Indien. Globus, vol. 6 (1864.), 15^. 1868. Die Westindisehe Insel St. Thomas. Globifs, vol. 12 (1868), 3^7. 1869. The Danish muddle. (The purchase of St. John and St. Thomas.) T/>e Nation, vol. 8 {April 1, 1869), 2JtS. 1874. St. Thomas. (Descriptive sketch.) CornMll Magazine, vol. 30 {Aug., 187 J^), 163. Every Saturday, vol. 17 {Aug. 29, 1874), ^30. Eclectic Magazine, vol. 83 {Oct., 187 Ji), Ifil. LitteWs Living Age, vol. 122 {Aug. 29, 1874), G09. 1887. The Hurricane Island. Herbert H. Smith. Cosmopolitan, vol. 4 {Sept., 1887), 65. 1887. A diplomatic episode. Illustrated. OlivePlsley Seward. Scrilme?''s ALagazine, vol. 2 {N'ov., 1887), $85. 1893-96. Momenter af Vestindiens Geog-rati. Troperne i Alminde- lighed. Barbados. Trinidad. De danske westindiske Oer. H. Lassen. Geografish Tidslrift, vol. 12 {1893-94), 63; vol. 13 {1895-96), 60. 13 14: LIST OF BOOKS ON THE DANISH WEST INDIES. 1897. Politisch-geogniphische Betrachtungen iiber Westiudien. Emil Deckert. GeogrcqyJdsche ZeitscJirlft, vol. 3 {1897)., 121. 1898. Danish West Indies. JI