Som T B3655t THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW X«^^< CJiZ /o^ 09, .019. Most modern legislation upon this subject has been directed (1) to the requirement that every citizen shall disclose the amount of his prop- erty subject to taxation and shall contril)ute in proportion to such amount ; and (2) to the voidance of doul)k' taxation. As said by Adam Smith in his ^' Weaitli of Nations," Book V., Ch. 2, Pt. 2, " the sub- jects of ever}- State ought to contribute towards the support of the gov- ernment as nearly as possible in proportion to their respective abilities ; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the State. The expense of government to the individuals of a great nation is like the expense of management to the joint tenants of a great estate, who arc all obliged to contribute in pro- portion to their respective interest in the estate. In the observation or neglect of this maxim consists what is called equality or inequalit}- of taxation." But notwithstanding the rule of uniformit}' lying at the basis of every just system of taxatioTi, there are doubtless many individual cases where the weight of a tax falls unequall}- upon the owners of the property taxed. This is almost unavoidable under every system of direct taxation. But the tax is not rendered illegal by such discrim- ination. Thus ever}- citizen is bound to pay his proportion of a school tax, though he have no children; of a police tax, though he have no buildings or personal property to be guarded ; or of a road tax, though he never use the road. In other words a general tax cannot be dissected to show that, as to certain constituent parts, tlie taxpayer re- ceives no benefit. Even in case of special assessments imposed for the impiovement of property within certain limits, the fact that it is ex- tremely doubtful whether a particular lot can receive an}' benefit from the improvement does not invalidate the tax with respect to such lot. Kelly V. Pittsburgh 104 U. S. 78 ; Amesbury Nail Factory Co. v. Weed, 17 Mass. 53; Thomas r. Gay, 169 U. 8. 264; Louisville &c. R. R. Co. V. Barber Asphalt Co. 197 U. S. 430. Subject to these in- dividual exceptions, the rule is that in classifying property for taxation some benefit to the property taxed is a controlling consideration, and a plain abuse of this power will sometimes justify a judicial interference. Norwood I'. Baker, 172 U. S. 269. It is often said protection and payment of taxes are correlative obligations. It is also essential to the validity of a tax that the property shall be within the territorial jurisdiction of the taxing power. Not only is the operation of State laws limited to persons and pro[)erty within the boundaries of the State, but property which is wholly and exclusively within the jurisdiction of another State, receives none of the protec- tion for whicli the tax is snjjposed to be the compensation. This rule receives its most familiar illustration in the cases of land which, to be taxable, must be within the limits of the State. Indeed, we know 1-4 UNION TRANSIT CO. V. KENTUCKY. [CHAP. I. of no case where a legislature has assumed to impose a tax upon land within the jurisdiction of another State, much less where such action has been defended by any court. It is said by this court in the Foreign-held Bond Case, 15 Wall. 300, 319, that no adjudication should be necessary- to establish so obvious a proposition as that property lying beyond the jurisdiction of a State is not a subject upon which her taxing power can be legitimately exercised. The argument against the taxability of land within the jurisdiction of another State applies with equal cogency to tangible personal prop- erty beyond the jurisdiction. It is not only beyond the sovereignty of the taxing State, but does not and cannot receive protection under its laws. True, a resident owner ma}' receive an income from such property, but the same ma}- be said of real estate within a foreign jurisdiction. Whatever be the rights of the State with respect to the taxation of such income, it is clearlj' beyond its power to tax the land from which the income is derived. As we said in Louisville &c. Ferry Co. y. Kentucky, 188 U.S., 385, 396: "While the mode, form, and extent of taxation are, speaking generall}', limited only by the wisdom of the legislature, that power is limited by principle in- hering in the very nature of constitutional government, namely, that the taxation imposed must have relation to a subject within the jurisdic- tion of the taxing government." See also McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat. 316, 429; Hays v. Pacific Mail S. S. Co., 17 How. 596, 599 ; St. Louis r. Ferry Co., 11 Wall. 423, 429, 431 ; Morgan v. Parham, 16 Wall. 471, 476. Kespecting this, there is an obvious distinction between the tangible and intangible propert}', in the fact that the latter is held secretl}- ; that there is no method by which its existence or ownership can be ascertained in the State of its situs, except perhaps in the case of mortjiaiies or shares of stock. So if the owner be discovered, there is no way by which lie can be reached by process in a State other than that of his domicil, or the collection of the tax otherwise enforced. In this class of cases the tendency of modern authorities is to apply the maxim mobilia sequiintur personam, and to hold that the property ma}' be taxed at the domicil of the owner as the real situs of the debt, and also, more particularly in the case of mortgages, in the State where the property is retained. Such has been the repeated rulings of this court. Tappan v. Merchants' National Bank, 19 Wall. 490; Kirtland V. Hotchkiss, 100 U. S. 491 ; Bonaparte v. Tax Court, 104 U. S. 592; Sturgis V. Carter, 114 U. S. 511; Kidd u Alabama, 188 U. S. 730; Blackstone r. Miller, 188 U. S. 189. If this occasionally results in double taxation, it muchoftener happens that this class of property escapes altogether. In the case of intangible property, the law does not look for absolute equalit}', but to the much more practical consideration of collecting the tax upon such property, either in the State of the domicil or the situs. Of course, we do not enter into a consideration of the question, so much discussed bj- polit- CHAP, l] union transit CO. V. KENTUCKY. 1^ ical economists, of the double taxation involved in taxing the propert}' from wliich these securities arise, and also the burdens upon such prop- erty, sucii as mortgages, sliares of stock and the liiic — the securities themselves. The arguments in favor of the taxation of intangible property at the domicil of the owner have no application to tangibli.' pr(;perty. The fact that siicii property is visible, easily found and didicult to conceal, and the tax loadily collectil)le, is so cogent an argument for its taxa- tion at its siti/s, that of late there is a general consensus of opinion that it is taxable in the State where it is permanently located and em- ployed, and where it receives its entire protection, irrespective of the domicil of the owner. We have, ourselves, held in a number of cases that such property [)ermanently located in a State other than that of Its owner is taxable there. Brown r. Houston, 114 U. S. G22 ; Coe v. Errol, IIG U. S. ol7 ; Pullman's Car Co. y. Pennsylvania, 141 U.S. 18; Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Massachusetts, 125 U. S. 530 ; Rail- road Company /•. Peniston, 18 Wall. 5 ; American Refrigerator Transit Company c. Hall, 174 U. S. 70; Pittsburgh Coal Company /". Bates, 156 U. S. 577 ; Old Dominion Steamship Comi)any c Virginia, 198 U. S. 299. We have also held that, if a corporation be engaged in running railroad cars into, through, and out of the State, and having at all times a large number of cars within tiie State, it ma}' be taxed by taking as the basis of assessment such proportion of its capital stock as the number of miles of railroad over which its cars are run within the State bears to the whole number of miles in all the States over which its cars are run. Pullman's Car Co. ?^ Pennsylvania, 141 U. S. 18. There are doubtless cases in the State reports announcing the prin- ci[)le that the an(;ient maxim of rnobilld se'juuntnr persoiKiyn still applies to personal property, and that it may be taxed at the domicil of the owner, but upon examination they all or nearly all relate to intangible property, such as stocks, bonds, notes, and other choses in action. We are cited to none applying this rule to tangible pro[)erty, and after a careful examination have not been able to find any wherein the question is s{]uarely presented, unless it be that of Wheaton v. Mickel, 63 N. J. Law, 525, where a resident of New Jersey* was taxed for certain coastwise and seagoing vessels located in Pennsylvania. It did not appear, however, that they were permanently located there. The case turned upon the construction of a Slate statute, and the ques- tion of constitutionality was not raised. If there are any other cases holding that the maxim applies to tangible personal property, they are wholly exceptional, and were decided at a time when personal propert}' was comparatively of small amount, and consisted principally of stocks in trade, horses, cattle, vehicles, and vessels engaged in navigation. But in view of the enormous increase of such property since the in- troduction of railways and the growth of manufactures, the tendency has been in recent years to treat it as having a situs of its own for the purpose of taxation, and correlatively to exempt at the domicil of 16 TNION TKjiXSIT CO. /■. KENTUCKY. [ciIAl*. I. its owner. The cases in the State reports upon this subject usually turn upon the construction of local statutes granting or withliolding the riglit to tax extra-territorial property-, and do not involve the constitu- tional principle here invoked. Many of them, such, for instance, as Blood r. Sayre, 17 Vt. 609; Preston r. Boston, 12 Pickering, 7; Pease r. Whitney, 8 iSIass. 93; Gray /•. Kettel, 12 Mass. 161, turn upon the taxaliility of propertj* where the owner is located in one, and tiie property in another, of two jurisdictions within the same State, sometimes even involving double taxation, and are not in point here. One of the most valuable of the State cases is that of Ho3-t v. Commissioners of Taxes, 23 N. Y. 224, where, under the New York statute, it was hekl that the tangible property of a resident actually situated in another State or country was not to be included in the as- sessment against him. The statute declared that "all lands and all personal estate within this State" were liable for taxation, and it was said in a most instructive opinion by Chief .Justice Comstock that the language could not be obscured by the introduction of a legal fiction about the situs of personal estate. It was said that this fiction involved the necessar}' consequence that " goods and chattels actually within this State are not here in any legal sense, or for any legal purpose, if the owner resides abroad ; " and that the maxim mobilia sequnntur personam ma^' only be resorted to when convenience and justice so re- quire. The pro[)er use of legal fiction is to prevent injustice, accord- ing to the maxim "in Jirtiont', juris semper mquilas existat." See Eidman v. Martinez, 184 U. S. 578; Blackstone 7k Miller, 188 U. S. 189, 206. " No fiction," says Blackstone, "shall extend to work an injury; its proper operation being to prevent a mischief or remedy an inconvenience, which might result from a general rule of law." The opinion argues with great force against the injustice of taxing extra- territorial property, when it is also taxable in the State where it is lo- cated. Similar cases to the same effect are People r. Smith, 88 N. Y. .076 ; City of New Albany r. Meekin, 3 Indiana, 481 ; Wilkey r. Cit}' of Pekin, 19 Illinois, 160; Johnson v. Lexington, 14 B. Monroe, 521; Catlin V. Hull, 21 Vermont, 152 ; Nashua Bank /•. Nashua, 46 N. H. 389. In Weaver's Estate r. State, 110 Iowa, 328, it was held b}' the Su- preme Court of Iowa that a herd of cattle within the State of Mis- souri belotiging to a resident of Iowa, was not subject to an inheritance tax upon his decease. In Commonwealth v. American Dredging Company, 122 Penna. St. 386, it was held that a Penn- sylvania corporation was taxable in respect to certain dredges and other similar vessels which were built, but not permanentl}' retained outside of the state. It was said that the non-taxability of tangible personal property located permanently outside of the State was not "because of the technical principle that the situs of personal property is where the domicil of the owner is found. This rule is douI)tless true as to intangil)le property, sucti as bonds, mortgages, and CHAP. I.] rxio.x tkaxsit en. r. kknticky. 17 other evidences of debt. But the better opinion seems to be that it does not iiold in the case of visible tungil)le personal property perma- nently located in anotlier State. In such cases it is taxal)le within the jurisdiction where found, and is exempt at the doraicil of the owner." The property in that case, however, was held not to be per- manently outsiile of the State, and therefore not exempt from taxation. Tlie rule, however, seems to be well settled in Penns3lvania that so much of the tangible property of a corporation as is situated in another State, and there employed in its corporate business, is not taxable in Pennsylvania. Commonwealth /•. Montgomery &c. Mining Co., 5 Pa. County Courts Rep. .S!) ; Commonwealth r. Railroad Co., 145 Pa. St. 96; Coramonweallh /■. Westinghouse Mfg. Co., 151 Pa. St. 265 ; Commonwealth r. Standard Oil Co., 101 Pa. St. 119. The rule is the same in New York. Pacific Steamship Company ?^ Commissioners, 46 How. Pr. 315. Rut there are two recent cases in this court which we think com- pletely cover the question under consideration and require the reversal of the judgment of the State court. The first of these is that of tin; Louisville &c. Ferry Co. o. Kentucky, 188 U. S. 385. That was an action to recover certain taxes imposed upon the corporate franchise of the defendant company, wliich was oiganized to estal)lish and main- tain a ferry between Kentucky and Indiana. The defendant was also licensed by the State of Indiana. We held that the fact that such franchise had been granted by the Commonwealth of Kentucky did not bring within the jurisdiction of Kentuck}' for the purpose of tax- ation the franchise granted to the same company by Indiana, and which we held to be an incorporeal hereditament derived from and having its legal situs in that State. It was adjudged tiiat such taxa- tion amounted to a deprivation of property without due process of law, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, as much so as if the State taxed the land owned b}' that company ; and that the officers of the State had exceeded their power in taxing the whole franchise witiiout making a deduction for that obtained from Indiana, the two being distinct, "although the enjoyment of both are essential to a com[)lete ferry right for the transportation of persons and propert}' across the river both ways.'' The other and more recent case is that of the Delaware &c. Rail- road Co. r. Pennsylvania, 198 U. S. 341. That was an assessment upon the capital stock of the railroad company, wherein it was eon- tended that the assessor shouKl have deducted from the value of such stock certain coal mined in Pennsylvania and owned l)v it, but stored in New York, there awaiting sale, and beyond the jurisdiction of the commonwealth at the time appraisement was made. This coal was taxable, and in fact was taxed in the State where it rested for the pur- poses of sale at the time when the appraisement in question was made. Both this court and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania had held that a tax on the corporate stock is a tax on the assets of the corporation 18 UNION TEANSIT CO. V. KENTUCKY. [CHAP. I. issuing such stock. Tlie two courts agreed in the general proposition that tangible property permanently outside of the State, and having no situs within the State, coukl not be taxed. But the\- differed upon the question whether the coal involved was permanently outside of the State. In deUvering the opinion it was said: *•' However temporary the stay of the coal might be in the particular foreign States where it was resting at the time of the appraisement, it was definitely and for- ever beyond the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania. And it was within the jurisdiction of the foreign States for purposes of taxation, and in truth it was there taxed. We regard this tax as in substance and in fact, though not in form, a tax specifically levied upon the propert}' of the corporation, and part of that property is outside and beyond the juris- diction of the State which thus assumes to tax it." The decision in that case was really broader than the exigencies of the case under consider- ation required, as the tax was not upon the personal property itself, but upon the capital stock of a Pennsylvania corporation, a part of which stock was represented b}^ the coal, the value of which was held should have been deducted. The adoption of a general rule that tangible personal property in other States may be taxed at the domicil of the owner involves possi- bilities of an extremely serious character. Not only would it author- ize the taxation of furniture and other property kept at country houses in other States or even in foreign countries, of stocks of goods and mer- chandise kept at branch establishments when already taxed at the State of their situs, but of that enormous mass of personal property belong- ing to railways and other corporations which might be taxed in the state where the}' are incorporated, though their charters contemplated the construction and operation of roads wholly outside the State, and sometimes across the continent, and when in no other particular they are subject to its laws and entitled to its protection. The propriety of such incorporations, where no business is done within the State, is open to a grave doubt, but it is possible that legislation alone cq,n furnish a remed}'. Our conclusion upon this branch of the case renders it unnecessary to decide the second question, viz : Whether the Transit Company was denied the equal protection of the laws. It is unnecessary to say that this case does not involve the question of the taxation of intangible personal property, or of inheritance or succession taxes, or of questions arising between different municipali- ties or taxing districts within the same State, which are controlled by different considerations. We are of opinion that the cars in question, so far as they were located and employed in other States than Kentuck}', were not subject to the taxing power of that commonwealth, and that the judgment of the Court of Appeals must l)e reversed, and the case remanded to that court for further proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion. Mit. .Justicp: White concurred in tlws result. CHAP. I.] NEW YORK CKXTKAI, IJAILROAD T. MII.I.KR. 19 Mr. Justice Holmes : It seems to me that the result reached hy the court probably is a desiral)le one, but I hardly understand bow it can be deduced from tlie Fourteenth Amendment, and as the Chief Justice feels the same dilllculty, 1 lliinU it proper to say that my doubt has not been removed. NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD v. MILLER. SUPRKMK COUKT OK THE UNITED StATES. 1906. [Reported 202 U. S. 584.] Holmes, J. These cases arise upon writs of certiorari, issued under the State law and addressed to tlio State comptroller for the time being, to revise taxes imposed upon the relator for the years lOUO, IDni, rj(»2, 1903 and 1904 resi)ectively. The tax was levied under New York Laws of 1896, c. 908, § 182, which, so far as material, is as follows : " Francliise Tax on Corporations. — Ever}^ corporation . . . incorporated . . . under . . . law in this State, shall pay to the State treasurer annually, an annual tax to be computed upon the basis of the amount of its capital .stock employed within this State and upon each dollar of such amount," at a certain rate, if the dividends amount to six per cent or more upon tiie par value of such capital stock. " If such dividend or dividends amount to less than six per centum on the par value of the capital stock [as was the case with the relator], the tax shall be at the rate of one and one-half mills upon such portion of the capital stock at par as the amount of cap- ital employed within this State bears to the entire capital of the corpo- ration." It is provided further by the same section that every foreign corporation, etc., "shall pay a like tax for the privilege of exercising its corporate franchises or carrying on its business in such corporate or organized capacity in this State, to be computed upon the basis of the capital employed by it within this State." The relator is a New York corporation owning or hiring lines without as well as within the State, having arrangements with other carriers for through transportation, routing and rating, and sending its cars to points without as well as within the State, and over other lines as well as its own. The cars often are out of the relator's possession for some time, and may be transferred to many roads successively', and even mav be used by other roads for their own independent business, before they return to the relator or the State. In short, by the familiar course of railroad business a considerable proportion of the relator's cars con- stantly is out of the State, and on this ground the relator contended that that proportion should be deducted from its entire capital, in order to find the capital stock employed within the State. This contention the comptroller disallowed. The writ of certiorari in the earliest case. No. 81, with the return set- ting forth the proceedings of the comptroller, Knight, and the evidence 20 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD V. MILLER. [CHAP. L given before him. was heard by the AppeHate Division of the Supreme Court, and a reduction of the amount of tlie lux was ordered. 7.") App. Div. 169. On appeal the Court of Appeals ordered the proceedings to be remitted to the comptroller, to the end that furllicr evidence might be taken upon the question whether any of the relator's rolling stock was used exclusively outside of the State, with directions that it' it should bo found that such was the fact the amount of the rolling stock so used should he deducted. 173 N. Y. 255. On rehearing of No. «1 and with it No. ^2, before the comptroller, now Miller, no evidence was offered to prove that any of the relator s cars or engines were used continuously and exclusively outside of the State during the whole tax year. In the later cases it was acbnitted that no substantial amount of the equipment was so used during the similar periled. But in all of them evidence was offered of the movements of particular cars, to illustrate the transfers which they went through before they returned, as has been stated, evi- dence of the relator's road mileage outside and inside of the State, and also evidence of the car mileage outside and inside of the State, in order to show, on one footing or the other, that a certain proportion of cars, although not the same cars, was continuously without the State during the whole tax year. The comptroller refused to make any reduction of the tax, and the case being taken up again, his refusal was affirmed by the A|)pellate Division of the Supreme Court and by the Court of Appeals on the aiilhority of the former decision. 89 App. Div. 127 ; 177 N. Y. 584. The later cases took substantially the same course. The relator saved the questions whether the statute as construed was not contrary to Article 1, § 8, of the Constitution of the United States, as to commerce among the States; Article 1, § 10, against impairing the ol)ligation of contracts; Article 4, § 1, as to giving full faith and credit to the public acts of other States ; and the Fourteenth Amend- ment. It took out writs of error and brought the cases here. The argument for the relator had woven through it suggestions which only tended to show that the construction of the New York statute b^- the Court of Appeals was wrong. Of course if the statute as construed is valid under the Constitution, we are bound by the construction given to it by the State court. In this case we are to assume that the statute purports and intends to allow no deduction from the capital stock taken as the basis of the tax, unless some specific portion of the corporate property is outside of the State during the wliole tax year. We must assume, further, tliat no part of the corporate property in question was outside of the State during the whole tax year. The proposition reall}' was conceded, as we have said, and the evidence that was offered had no tendency to prove the contrary. If we are to suppose that tlie reports offered in evidence were accepted as com|)etent to establish the facts which they set forth, still it would be going a very great way to infer from car mileage the average number or proportion of cars absent from the State. For, as was said by a witness, the reports show only that the cars made so many miles, but it might be ten or it (MIAP. I.] NEW YORK CK.N'IKAl- I;aI I.IIOA 1) /'. MILLER. 21 might be fifty cars that made tliiMU. Certainly no inference whatever could be drawn that the same cars were ubseni from the State all the time. In view of what we have said it is qticslionalile whether the relator has ollercd evidence enough to open the conslitutional olijections urgeil acainst ihe tax. But as iL cannot be d(nil)ted, in view of the well-known course of railroad business, that some consideral)le proportion of the relator's cars always is absent from the State, it would be unsatisfactory to turn the case off with a nierely technical answer, and we proceed- The most salient points of llu; relator's argument are as follows: This tax is not a tax on the franchise to be a corporation, but a tax on the use and exercise of the franchise of transportation. The use of this or an\' other franchise outside the State cannot be taxed by New York. The car mileage within the State and that upon other lines without the State afford a basis of apportionment of tne average total of cars contin- uously employed by otlicr corporations without the State, and the relator's road mileage within and without the State affords a basis of apportion- ment of its average total equipment continuously employed by it re- spectively within and without the State. To tax on the total value within and without is beyond the jiuisdielion of tlie State, a Inking of property without due process of law, and an unconstitutional interference with commerce among the States. A part of this argument we have answered alreadv. But we must go further. We are not curious to inquire exactly what kind of a tax this is to be called. If it can be sustained by the name given to it l)y the local courts it mast be sustained by us. It is called a franchise tax in the act, but it is a franchise tax measured by property. A tax very like the present was treated as a tax on the property of the corporation in Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. v. Pennsylvania, 198 U. S. 341, 3')3. This seems to be regarded as such a tax by the Court of Appeals in this case. See People v. Morgan, 178 N. Y. 433, 439. If it is a tax on any franchise which the State of New York gave, and the same State could take away, it stands at least no worse. The relator's argument assumes that it must be regarded as a tax of a particular kind, in order to invalidate it, although it might be valid if regarded as the State court regards it. Suppose, then, that the State of New York had taxed the property directlv, there was nothing to hinder its taxing the whole of it. It is true that it has been decided that property, even of a domestic corpora- tion, cannot be taxed if it is permanently out of the State. Union Re- frigerator Transit Co. v. Kentucky, 199 U. S. 194, 201, 211 ; Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. r. Pennsylvania. 198 U. S. 341 ; Louisville & Jeffersonville Ferry Co. v. Kentucky, 188 U. S. 385. But it has not been decided, and it could not be decided, that a State may not tax its own corporations for all their property within the State during the tax year, even if every item of that property should be taken successively into another State for a day, a week, or six months, and then brought 22 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD V. MILLER. [cHAP. I. back. Using the language of doraicil, which now so frequently is ap- plied to inanimate things, the State of origin remains the permanent situs of the property, notwithstanding its occasional excursions to foreign parts. Ayer & Lord Tie Co. v. Kentucky, May 21, 1906, 2<>2 U. S. 409. See also Union Refrigerator Transit Co. v. Kentucky 199 U. S. 194, 208, '209. It was suggested that this case is but the complement of Pullman's Palace Car Co. v. Pennsylvania, 141 U. S. 18, and tliat as there a tax upon a foreign corporation was sustained, levied on such proportion of its capital stock as the miles of track over which its cars were run witliin the State bore to the wliole number of miles over which its cars were run, so here in the domicil of such a corporation there should be an ex- emption corresponding to the tax held to be lawfully levied elsewhere. But in that case it was found that the " cars used in this State have, during all the time for which tax is charged, been running into, through and out of the State." The same cars were continuously receiving the protection of the State and, therefore, it was just that the State should tax a proportion of them. "Whether if the same amount of protection had been received in respect of constantly changing cars the same prin- ciple would have applied was not decided, and it is not necessary to decide now. In the present case, however, it does not appear that any specific cars or any average of cars was so continuousl}' in any other state as to be taxable there. The absences relied on were not in the coin'se of travel upon fixed routes, but random excursions of casually chosen cars, determined by the varying orders of particular shippers and the arbitrary convenience of other roads. Therefore we need not consider either whether there is any necessary parallelism between liability elsewhere and immunity at home. Judgments affirmed CHAP. I.] FIDELITY & COLUMBIA TRUST CO. V. LOUISVILLE. 23 PIDFLITY & COLUMBIA TRUST CO. v. LOUISVILLE. Supreme Court of the United States. 1917. [Reported 254: V.8. 54.] HOLXIES, J. This is a suit brought by the City of Louisville, Kentucky, to recover annual taxes for the years 1907 and 1908 in respect of personal property omitted from the original assessments to the owner L. P. Ewald in his lifetime. The facts as simplified for the purposes of argument here are that Ewald was domiciled in Louisville but continued to carry on a business in St. Louis, ]\Iissouri, where he formerly had lived. Deposits coming in part if not wholly from this business were made and kept in St. Louis banks subject to Ewald's order alone. They were not used in the business and be- longed absolutely to him. The question is whether they could be taken into account in determining the amount of his Louisville tax. It would seem that some deposits were represented by certificates of deposit but it was stated at the argument that no point was made of that. See Wheeler v. Sohmer, 233 U. S. 434, 438. We are to take it that all the sums are to be dealt with as ordinary bank accounts. The decision of the state court uy)held the tax. 168 Kentucky, 71. 171 Kentucky, 509. 172 Kentucky, 451. So far as the present decision is concerned we may concede without going into argument that the Jklissouri deposits could have been taxed in that State, under the decisions of this court. Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co. v. Orleans Assessors, 221 U. S. 346, 354. Metro- politan Life Ins. Co. v. New Orleans, 205 U. S. 395. But liability to taxation in one^ State does not necessarily exclude liability in an- other. Kidd V. Alabama, 188 U. S. 730, 732. Hawley v. Maiden, 232 U. S. 1, 13. The» present tax is a tax upon the person, as is shown by the form of the suit, and is imposed, it may be presumed, for the general advantages of living within the jurisdiction. These advantages, if the State so chooses, may be measured more or less by reference to the riches of the person taxed. Unless it is declared un- lawful by authority we see nothing to hinder the State from taking a man's credits into account. But so far from being declared un- lawful, it has been decided by this court that whether a State shall measure tlie contribution by tlie value of such credits and choses in action, not exempted by superior authority, is the State's affair, not to be interfered witli by the United States, and therefore that a State may tax a man for a debt due from a resident of another State. Kirtland v. Hotchkiss, 100 U. S. 491. See also Tappan i-. Mer- chants' National Bank, 19 Wall. 190. Judgment affirmed.^ White, C. J., dissents. * The court here considered other objections to the tax. — Ed. 24: DEWEY r. DES MOINES. [cHAP. I. DEWEY V. DES MOINES. Supreme Cour^ of the United States. 1899. [Reported 173 U. 8. 193.] The petition in this case was filed by the plaintiff in error to set aside certain assessments upon his lots in Des Moines, in the State of Iowa> which had been imposed thereon for the purpose of paying for the paving of the street upon which the lots abutted, and to obtain a judgment enjoining proceedings towards their sale, and adjudging that there was no personal liability to pay the excess of the assessment above the amount realized upon the sale of the lots. The petition alleged that the petitioner was at all times during the proceedings mentioned a resident of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, and that he had no actual notice of any of the proceedings looking towards the paving of the street upon which his lots abutted ; that the street was paved under the direction of the common council, which decided upon its necessity, and the expense was, by the provi- sions of the Iowa statute, assessed upon the abutting property, and the lot owner made personally liable for its payment; that the ex- pense of the improvement was greater than the value of the lots as- sessed, and the common council knew it would be greater when the paving was ordered. Upon the trial the district court of Polk County gave judgment dismissing the petition with costs, and in favor of the contractor on his counterclaim, foreclosing the lien of the latter and ordering the sale of the lots, and the judgment also provided for the issue of a personal or general execution against the plaintiff in error to collect any balance remaining unpaid after sale of the lots. The Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the District Court, and the plaintiff brought the case here by writ of error. Peckiiam, J.^ It is asserted in the petition that the defendant Dillworth, the treasurer of Holt County, is attempting to enforce the assessment levied by the common council, and that he claims plaintiff in error is personally liable for the taxes and interest, and will enforce payment thereof unless restrained, and that plain- tiff's personal property is liable to be illegally seized for the pay- ment of the tax. These allegations are substantially admitted by the answers of the defendants, except as to the illegality of the possible seizure of plaintiff's personal property. By filing the counterclaim the contractor makes a direct attempt to enforce, not only the lien upon the lots, but the personal liability of the lot owner. Thus a non-resident, simply because he was the owner of property on a street in a city in the State of Iowa, finds him- self by the provisions of the state statute, and without the service of any process upon him, laid under a personal obligation to pay a tax assessed by the common council, or by the board of public * Part of the opinion, involving no point of taxation, is omitted. — En. DEWEY r. DKS MOINES. 25 works and city engineer under tlu; statute, upon his property abut- ting upon tlie street, for tlie ]Hirpose of paying tiie expenses incurred in paving the street, which expenses are greater than the benefit the lots have received by virtue of tlie improvement. Tlie plaintill, prior to the imposition of that assessment, had never submitted liim- self to the jurisdiction of the State of Iowa, and the only jurisdiction that State had in the assessment proceedings was over the real prop- erty belonging to him and abutting on the street to be improved. An assessment upon lots, for a local improvement, is in the nature of a judgment. It is said that the statute (Code of Iowa, sec. 478) provides for the personal liability of the owner of lots in a city in the State of Iowa, to pay the whole tax or assessment levied to pay the cost of a local improvement, and that the same statute provides that the as- sessment shall also be a lien upon the respective lots from the time of the assessment. It is also said tliat the statute has been held to be valid by the Iowa Supreme Court. This seems to be true. Burling- ton V. Quick, 47 Iowa, 223, 226 ; Farwell v. Des Moines Brick Manu- facturing Co., 97 Iowa, 286. The same thing is also held in the opinion of the state court delivered in the case now before us. In this case no question arises with regard to the validity of a per- sonal judgment like the one herein against a resident of the State of Iowa, and we therefore express no opinion upon that subject. This plaintiff was at all times a non-resident of that State, and we think that a statute authorizing an assessment to be levied upon property for a local improvement, and imposing upon the lot owner, who is a non-resident of the State, a personal liability to pay such assessment, is a statute which the State has no power to enact, and which cannot therefore furnish any foundation for a personal claim against such non-resident. There is no course of reasoning as to the character of an assessment upon lots for a local improvement by which it can be shown that any jurisdiction to collect the assessment personally from a non-resident can exist. The State may provide for the sale of the property upon which the assessment is laid, but it cannot under any guise or pretence proceed farther and impose a personal liability upon a non-resident to pay the assessment or any part of it. To enforce an assessment of such a nature against a non-resident, so far as his per- sonal liability is concerned, would amount to the taking of property without due process of law, and would be a violation of the Federal Constitution. In this proceeding of the lot owner to have the assessment set aside and the statutory liability of plaintiff adjudged invalid the court was not justified in dismissing the petition and giving the contractor, not only judgment on his counterclaim foreclosing his lien, but also inserting in that judgment a provision for a personal liability against the plaintiff and for a general execution against him. Such a provi- sion against a non-resident, although a litigant in the courts of the State, was not only erroneous but it was so far erroneous as to constitute, if enforced, a violation of the Federal Constitution for the reason already mentioned. By resorting to the state court to 26 DEWEY V. DES MOINES. [CHAP. I. obtain relief from the assessment and from an}^ personal liability provided for by the statute, tlie plaintiff did not thereby in any manner consent, or render himself liable, to a judgment against him providing for any personal liability. Nor did the counterclaim made by the defendant contractor give any such authority. The principle which renders void a statute providing for the personal liability of a non-resident to pay a tax of this nature is the same which prevents a State from taking jurisdiction through its courts, by virtue of any statute, over a non-resident not served with process witliin the State, to enforce a mere personal liability, and where no property of the non-resident has been seized or brought under the control of the court. This principle has been frequently decided in this court. One of the leading cases is Pennoyer v. ISTeff,, 95 U. S. 714, and many other cases therein cited. Mexican Central Eailway v. Pinkney, 149 U. S. 194, 209. The lot owner never voluntarily or otherwise appeared in any of the proceedings leading up to the levying of the assessment. He gave no consent which amounted to an acknowledgment of the jurisdiction of the city or common council over his person. A judgment without personal service against a non-resident is only good so far as it affects the property which is taken or brought under the control of the court or other tribunal in an ordinary action to enforce a personal liability, and no jurisdiction is thereby acquired over the person of a non-resident further than respects the property so taken. This is as true in the case of an assessment against a non- resident of such a nature as this one as in the case of a more formal judgment. The jurisdiction to tax exists only in regard to persons and prop- erty or upon the business done within the State, and such jurisdiction cannot be enlarged by reason of a statute which assumes to make a non-resident personally liable to pay a tax of the nature of the one in question. All subjects over which the sovereign power of the State extends are objects of taxation. Cooley on Taxation, 1st ed. pp. 3, 4; Burroughs on Taxation, sec. 6. The power of the State to tax extends to all objects within the sovereignty of the State. (Per ]\Ir. Justice Clifford, in Hamilton Company v. Massachusetts, 6 Wall. 632, at 638.) The power to tax is however limited to persons, property and business within the State, and it cannot reach the person of a non- resident. State Tax on Foreign-held Bonds, 15 Wall. 300, 319. In Cooley on Taxation, 1st ed. p. 121, it is said that "a State can no more suVjject to its power a single person or a single article of prop- erty whose residence or legal situs is in another State, than it can subject all the citizens or all the property of such other State to its power." These are elementary propositions, but they are referred to only for the purpose of pointing out that a statute imposing a per- sonal liability upon a non-resident to pay such an assessment as this oversteps the sovereign power of a State. In this case the contractor, by filing his counterclaim herein, has commenced the enforcement of an assessment and a personal liability imposed by virtue of just such a statute, and the judgment under re- STATE V. WHEKLEE. 27 view gives him the right to do so. The lot owner ia called upon to make such defence as he can to tlie claiui of personal liability or else be forever barred from setting it up. lie does claim tliat as a non- resident he did not have sucli notice, and tlic State or city did not obtain such jurisdiction over him, with regard to the original assess- ment as would authorize the establishment, of any personal liability on his part to pay such assessment. The contractor nevcrthelcsrf has ol)taincd a judgment, not alone for a foreclosure of his lien, but also for the personal liability of the lot owner, and unless he can in this proceeding have the provision in the judgment, for a personal liability, stricken out, the lot owner cannot thereafter resist it, even when the lots fail (if they should fail) to bring enougli on their sale to satisfy the judgment. The case of Davidson v. Xew Orleans, 96 U. S. 97, has been cited as authority for the proposition that the rendering of a personal judgment for the amount of an assessment for a local improvement is a matter in which the state authorities cannot be controlled by the Federal Constitution. It does not appear in that case that the com- plaining party, in regard to the state statute, was a non-resident of the State, but on the contrary it would seem, that she was a resident thereof. That fact is a most material one, and renders the case so unlike the one at bar as to make it unnecessary to further refer to it. Tlie statute, upon wliich the right to enter this personal judgment depends, being as to the non-resident lot owner an illegal enactment, it follows that the judgment should and must be amended by striking out the provision for such personal liability. For that purpose the judgment is Reversed and the cause remanded to the Supreme Court of Iowa, for further proceedings therein not inconsistent with this opinion. STATE V. WHEELER. SuPREiiE Court of Xohth Carolina. 1906. [Reported Ul -Y. C. 773.] Clarke, C. J. The defendant appeals from a conviction and sentence for failing to work the public roads of Wake County, as required by chapter 667, Laws 1905, amendatory of chapter 551, Laws 1903. The appeal rests upon the alleged unconstitutionality of the statute. The defendant contends : 1. Time is money. Labor is a man's property and therefore to exact his labor and time to work the roads is to levy a tax on prop- erty and such is unconstitutional unless ad valorem. 2. That if working the road is a poll tax, the act is unconstitu- tional because it exacts this labor only of " able-bodied male persons between the ages of 21 and 45." and excepts " residents in incorpo- rated cities and towns and such as are by law exempted or excused," whereas the poll tax (Const. Art. 5, § 1 ) is to be laid on ''every male inhabitant between the ages of 21 and 50." 28 STATE V. WHEELER. [cilAP. I. 3. That the requirement to work the roads is not placed upon tho^ living in incorporated towns and cities, and therefore there is a denial of the equal protection of the laws required by the four- teenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States. 4. That inasmuch as the roads are now worked partly by taxation, supplemented by labor exacted by the statute, and the latter is a property tax (a man's labor being his property), therefore this is double taxation. These points have been repeatedly passed upon adversely to the contentions of the defendant. State v. Sharp, 135 N". C. 628, which has been cited and approved in State v. Covington, 125 N. C. 641; State V. Carter, 129 N. C. 560; Brooks v. Tripp, 135 N. C. 161; State r. Holloman, 139 N. C. 648. But counsel ask us to reconsider them, and we have given the matter full deliberation. For nearly two hundred and fifty years the roads of this State were worked solely by the conscription of labor. It may have been in- equitable, but it was never thought by any one to be unconstitutional, nor has the idea been advanced heretofore that to work the roads by labor was to work them by taxation. The validity of working the roads by labor is sustained in State v. Halifax, 15 N. C. 345, and has been recognized in countless trials for failure to work the roads. Under this statute. Wake County works its roads partly by labor sup- plemented by funds raised by taxation and other funds and the work of its convicts. If the exaction of the labor of residents of the lo- cality is, as counsel contend, a tax upon property, then we simply have a higher tax, but not double taxation. The tax does not seem to be more than enough to keep the roads in good order, but if it should so prove, the people themselves, acting through their elected representatives in the General Assembly, and the board of county commissioners, will reduce it. The tendency of the times is to re- quire better roads, wliich necessarily demands higher taxes for road purposes, which is more than offset, it is claimed, by the benefits derived from better roads. But that is a matter of legislation and administration. The courts cannot meddle with it. Nor is there any constitutional prohibition against double taxation. Com'rs V. Tobacco Co., 116 N. C. 448; Cooley, Const. Lim. (7th Ed.) 738, and cases there cited. It exists in many instances that will readily occur to any one, as the taxation of mortgages and indebted- ness in the hands of a creditor, and taxation at the same time of mortgaged property, and of the real and personal property of a debtor, without reduction by reason of the mortgage or other in- debtedness ; the taxation of the tangible property of a corporation and also of its capital stock and of its franchises and also of the certificates of shares in the hands of the shareholders. Sturges v. Carter, 114 U. S. 511; Com'rs v. Tobacco Co., supra. There are many other instances, but this is a matter of legislation. Certainly this is not double taxation any more than taxing the dweller in town to keep up his streets (all of which falls upon him), and also laying a tax on his property to aid in working the roads. Nor does the fourteenth amendment require equality in levying STATE V. WIIEELEK. 29 taxation by the State, if this exaction of labor be taxation. How a state shall levy its taxation is a matter solely for its Legislature, subject ^to such restrictions as tlie state Constitution throws around legislative action. If, on the other hand, working the roads by labor IS a police regulation or a public duty, certainly it is not a matter of federal supervision. Besides, as the dwellers in the towns keep up their streets at a greater expense than the value of the statutory labor put on the roads, there is no discrimination of which the de- fendant can complain, especially as the tax money expended on the roads to supplement the statutory labor is levied on town property as well as upon that in the country. The requirement to work the roads is not a poll or capitation tax, which is a sum of money required to be paid by '' every male in- habitant over 21 and under 50 years of age," which " shall be applied to the purposes of education and the support of the poor." Const. Art. 5, §§ 1, 2. Certainly " four days' work on the public roads " in one's own township are not capable of being applied to education, or the poor or anything else except to the roads. This brings us to the first ground urged. To say that " time is money" is a metaphor. It expresses merely the fact that time is of value, and that the use of a man's muscle, or of his skill, or of his mentality, will usually procure money in exchange. But time is not money, nor is labor property, in any other sense than that it is usually of some value and its proceeds belong to the individual or to the parent or guardian if he is a minor, or to the state if he is a convict. But it is not property in the sense that it can be liable to a property tax. As already pointed out in State v. Sharp, 125 N. C. 63-i, the con- scription of labor to work the public roads is not a tax at all (Cooley, supra, 737; Pleasant v. Kost, 2i) 111. 494), but the exaction of a public duty like service upon a jviT}', grand jury, coroner's inquest, special venire, as a witness, military service and the like, which men are required to render either wholly without compensation, or (usually) with inadequate pav, as the sovereign may require. Guil- ford V. Com'rs, 120 N. C. '26 ; State v. Hicks, 124 N. C. 837. Originally none of these received any pay whatever (State v. Massey, 104 N. C. 878) ; the duration of military service only having a time limit. And to this day, witnesses, above two, to each material fact, receive no pay (Eevisal, § 1300), and witnesses for the losing party receive none unless he is solvent, and talesmen summoned upon a special venire unless chosen on the trial panel receive (except in a few counties) no pay; which was true till recently of witnesses sum- moned before the grand jury in all cases where " not a true bill " is returned; and witnesses for the State in criminal cases where the convicted are insolvent receive only half pay. Even when a witness or a juror receives a prescribed per diem, in most cases it is less, in many cases far less, than what his time was worth or he could have earned. If the State can take his services for less tlian their value, it is because it has a right to require them as a public duty and lioncc it can, as of old, require them to be rendered without any 30 STATE V. WilEELER. [ciIAP. I. compensation at all. AVho will say that $10 per month is compensa- tion for tlie time of a citizen sent to the front in time of war, or to put down riots, and for the hardships, and the exposures to weather, to disease, to danger and to death ? If the State can exact such services it can exact labor to improve its public roads for the public benefit. The worker on the roads gets back some benefit therefrom. It was a crude and not ver}^ accurate calculation or balancing of benefits, but was a necessity perhaps in former times when currency was scarce and diificult to be obtained even by taxa- tion. It is still a matter resting in the legislative discretion. Jus- tices of the peace and some other officials formerly discharged the public duties required of them without compensation. In the progress of time we have gradually commenced payment, to a limited extent, for most public services exacted as a public duty. Justices of the peace receive fees. Some witnesses and jurors are paid, usually less than the value of their time, but many witnesses, and special veniremen usually still go unpaid, and compulsory mili- tary service is paid only what the Legislature sees fit. Tlie public duty of the residents of any locality to work upon its roads has been reduced in Wake County by this statute to four days per annum, and such service is supplemented by the work of the force of county con- victs, by a tax of ISy^ cents upon the $100 worth of property in the cities as well as in the country to hire labor and purchase labor- saving machinery, by the appropriation of four-tenths of the net proceeds of the dispensary in Ealeigh, and further by a special tax which any township shall see fit to vote for the benefit of the roads therein, and the four days' labor required can be commuted by the payment of $2.50, with which the county will hire labor instead. This is a very great advance upon the still recent custom, which had been in force for more than two centuries, of working the roads entirely and solely by labor called out in the discharge of the public duty of the inhabitants of each locality to keep the highways in order. TThenever in the judgment of the people of Wake County the four days' labor, per annum, still exacted should be reduced, or entirely abolished, they can send representatives to the General Assembly wlio can doubtless procure such changes as the people may wish in the manner of working the public roads. As we said at last term, in State V. ITolloman, 139 N. C. at page 648, " It is for the legislative department to prescribe by what methods the roads shall be worked and kept in repair — whether by labor, by taxation on property, or by funds raised from license taxes, or by a mixture of two or more of those methods — and this may vary in different counties and localities to meet the wishes of the people of each, and can be changed by subsequent Ijcgislatures." And there, after the fullest consideration, we again leave the matter. If the system of working the public roads in any locality is not satisfactory to the majority of its people, relief or change of method must be sought from the lawmaking department. No error. Brown and Walker, JJ., concur in result. PROFFIT V. ANDEKSON. 31 PROFFIT V. ANDERSON. Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia. 1894. [Reported 20 Southeastern Rep. 887.] William F. Proffit was imprisoned bv order of the county court for refusing to work the roads in Louisa County, as required by law. He applied to the Supreme Court for a writ of habeas corpus, and was ordered to be dischaiged from custody. Per Curiam. The court is of opinion, for the reasons hereinafter stated that the petitioner, William F. Proffit, a citizen of Louisa County, Va., was on the third day of November unlawfully arrested and imprisoned, in the county jail of said county by F. H. Anderson, deputy sheriff for J. IT. Woolfork, sheriff of said county, under a capias pro fine issued by the clerk of said county under and in pur- suance of an order of the County Court of said county made and en- tered on the 11th day of July, 1892, to recover of said petitioner the road fine and costs mentioned in said order and capias, and imposed upon him for failing to work on the public roads in Cuckoo Road di=tnct, in said county, when warned thereto, as required by an act of the general assembly of Virginia approved on the 29th day of February, lh92, entitled ''An act to provide for working and keep- ing in repair the public roads in the county of Louisa" (Acts 1891-92, c. 417, p. 686), and that said petitioner is illegally re- strained of his liberty. 2. The court is of opinion that said act, so ... is void, because repugnant to Section 5 of Article 10 of the Constitution of Virginia, which declares: "The general assembly may levy a tax not exceed- ing one dollar per annum on every male citizen who has attained the age of twenty-one years, which shall be applied exclusively in aid of public free schools : and counties and corporations shall have power to impose a capitation tax, not exceeding fifty cents per annum, for all purposes." This provision of the Constitution etfects two pur- poses: (1) It authorizes the general assembly to assess a capitation tax, not exceeding $1 per annum, on every male citizen who has attained the age of 21 years, and expressly dedicates such tax to the public free schools. (2) It confers directly upon the counties and corporations the power to impose a capitation tax, not exceeding fifty cents, for all purposes. The provision in respect to counties is not subject to the will of the legislature in any respect, but confers the power directly upon the counties, respectively. The question is, does the act in question impose a capitation tax in the form of road service? This question can only receive an affirmative ans\j-er. It is undeniably true that taxes may be levied in money, in service, or in kind, and, whether in the one form or other, it is none the less a tax. "Taxation exacts money or services from individuals as and for their respective shares of contribution to any public burthen." Mr. 32 GORDON V. SANDERSOISr. [cHAP. I. Justice Euggles in People v. Mayor, etc., of Brooklyn, 4 N. Y. 419. In the present case the burden imposed is in form and substance a per capita requisition for road service, and cannot, upon principle, be distinguished from the ordinary capitation tax. In other words, it is a requisition tax, and notliing else ; and, being in excess of the capitation tax prescribed by the said fifth section of article 10 of the Constitution of Virginia, the provisions of the aforesaid, im- posing the same, are unconstitutional and void. But the court is, at the same time, of opinion that the validity of the sixth, eighth, and ninth sections only, of the act in question, are here involved, and the judgment now to be rendered is confined to those sections, and none others. ... It is therefore ordered that the petitioner, William F. Proffit, be discharged from custody. Lewis, P., and Lacy, J,, dissenting. GORDON V. SANDERSON. Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. 1896. [Reported 165 Mass. 375.] Petition for a writ of mandamus to compel the collector of taxes of the city of Waltham to receive payment of a poll tax assessed upon the petitioner for the year 1893. Hearing before Allen, J,, who, at the request of the parties, reported the case for the determination of the full court. The facts appear in the opinion. Field, C. J. It appears that a poll tax was duly assessed upon the petitioner in the year 1893 ; that his name was placed upon the tax list which was committed to the respondent as collector of taxes with a warrant requiring him to collect the taxes upon the list, and that the collector sent a tax bill by mail to the petitioner about the first day of September in that year. On September 14 the collector re- ceived the following certificate : " City of Waltham, Assessors Office, Sept, 14, 1893. To Emory J. Sanderson, Treasurer and Col- lector of Taxes. An abatement of two dollars is hereby allowed on the tax assessed to Michael Gordon, of 7 John Street, in Ward 7, of the tax list of 1893. E. P. Smith, J. F. Davis, a majority of the Board of Assessors." After this, on November 14, 1893, the petitioner tendered to the respondent the sum of two dollars in pa^'ment of this poll tax, which the respondent refused to receive. The petitioner did not make any application to the assessors for an abatement of the tax, and has always been ready to pay it. No cause of abatement appears on the records of the assessors, and it is said that the only entry on the records of the assessors is the word "Abated," placed against the assessment of the tax. Apparently the object of the petitioner in attempting to pay this tax is to obtain a settlement in the city of Waltham. Pub. Sts. c. 83, § 1, cl. 5. The counsel for the petitioner contends that the respondent can- not justify his refusal to receive the amount of this tax by the cer- GORDON I'. SANDERSON. 33 tificate of the board of assessors, because; citlier the assessors hajd no riglit to abate the tax, or, if they had, tlie record of the assessors is defective, and does not show that the tax was lawfully abated. The statutory provisions concerning the abatement of taxes are Pub. Sts. c. 11, §§ 69-77, an% it is said that tlie present case is not witliin any of the provisions of these sections. Section W of tiiis chapter was first enacted in St. 1878, c. 77. See St. 1879, c. 43. But by § 5, el. 12, of the same chapter, which wtis tiiken from the Gen. Sts. c. 11, § 5, cl. 13, and from Kev. Sts. c. 7, § 5, cl. 8, "the polls and any portion of the estates of persons who by reason of age, inlirmity, and poverty are in the judgment of the assessors unable to contribute fully towards the public charges," are exempt from taxation. If a |)oll tax is assessed upon any such person, or upon a person not an inhabitant of the city or town, we think it is within the power of the assessors of their own motion to abate the tax, as a tax which ought not to have been assessed. See Stetson v. Kempton, 13 Mass. •.'72, 283. As the abatement of this tax was within the power of the assessors, the regularity of their action or the sufficiency of their record cannot be tried in this proceeding against the collector. After the collector received from the assessors a certificate that the tax had been abated by them, he was no longer authorized to collect the tax. If the matter was within the jurisdiction of the assessors, it was not for him to inquire into the regularity of their action or the sufficiency of their record. Hubbard v. Garfield, 102 Mass. 72. AVe are of opinion that the right of the assessors to abate the tax for the purpose of preventing the petitioner from gaining a settle- ment in the city of Waltham cannot be tried in this proceeding. Petition dismissed. 3-i SAVI]!fGS et this being but a legal fiction it yields whenever it is necessar\-, for the pur[)ose of justice, that the actual situs of the thing should be examined." He adds quite perti- nently, I think, to the present question, " A nation within whose territory any personal proi)erty is actually situated, has an entire dominion over it while therein, in [)oint of sovereignt\' and jurisdiction, as it has over innnovable property situated there." (Confl. of Laws, § 550.) I can think of no more just and appro[)riate exercise of the sovereignty of a State or nation over property, situated within it and protected by its laws, tiian to compel it to contribute toward the maintenance of govern- ment and law. Accordingly there seems to be no place for the fiction of which we are speaking, in a well-adjusted system of taxation. In such a system a fundamental requisite is that it be harmonious. But harmony does not exist unless the taxing power is exerted witii reference exclusively eitlier to tiic situs of the property, or to the residence of the owner. Both rules cannot ol)tain unless we im[)ute inconsistency to the law, and oppression to the taxing power. Wliichever of these rules is the true one, whichever we find to be founded in justice and in the reason of the thing, it necessarily excludes the other ; because we ought to suppose, indeed we are boimd to assume, that other States and Govern- ments have adopted the same rule. If then proceeding on the true principles of taxation, we snl)ject to its burdens all goods and chattels actually within our jurisdiction, without regard to the owner's domicile, it must be understood that the same rule prevails everywhere. If we also proceed on the opposite rule, and impose the tax on account of the domicile, witliout regard to the actual situs, while the same property is taxed in another sovereignty by reason of its situs there, wo necessarily subject the citizen to a doul»le burden of taxation. For this no sound reason can be given. To put a strong case. The owner of a sou-lhern plantation with his thousand slaves upon it, may porfiT to reside and spend his income in New York. Our laws protect him in his person as a citizen of the State, and for this the State receives a sullicient i-on- 58 HOYT V. COMMISSIONERS OF TAXES. [CHAP. II. sideration without taxing the capital which it does not protect. Under our laws can we lax the wealth tluis invested in slave property ? They Ignore, on the contrary, the very existence of such property, and therefore there is no room for the fiction according to which, and only according to which, the situs is supposed to be here. But if we could make room for that fiction, still it remains to be shown that some rule of reason or principle of equity can be urged in favor of such taxation. This cannot be shown, and the attempt has not been made. We may reverse the illustration. A citizen and resident of Massa- chusetts may own a farm in one of the counties of this State, and large wealth belonging to him may be invested in cattle, in sheep or horses which graze the fields, and are visible to the e3es of the taxing power. Now tliese goods and chattels have an actual situs, as distinct!}' so as the farm itself. Putting the inquiry then with reference to both, are the}' " real estate and personal estate icithin this State " so as to be subject to taxation under that definition? It seems to me but one answer can be given this question, and that answer must be according to the actual truth of tlie case. If we take the fiction instead of the truth, then the situs of these chattels is in Massachusetts, and they are not within this State. The statute means one thing or the other. It cannot have double and inconsistent interpretations. And as this is impossible so we cannot, under and according to the statute, tax the citizen of Massachusetts in respect to his chattels here, and at the same time tax the citizen of New York in respect to his chattels having an actual situs there. In both cases the property must be '• within this State," or there is no right to tax it at all. It cannot be true in fact, if a Massachusetts man owns two spans of horses, one of which draws his carriage at home and the other is kept on his farm here, that both are within the State. It cannot be true by any legal intendment, because the same intendment which locates one of them here, must locate the other abroad and beyond the taxing power. It seems to follow then inevitably that before we can uphold the tax which has been imposed upon the relator's property situated in New Orleans and New Jersey, we must first determine, that if he resided there, and the same goods and chattels were located here, they could not be taxed as being within the State. Such a determination I am satisfied would contravene the plain letter of the statute as well as all sound principles underlying the subject.^ ^ The remainder of the opinion is omitted. Ace. Dunleith v. Rogers, .53 III. 45 ; Leonard v. New Bedford, 16 Gray, 292; S. v. Ross, 23 N. J. L. .517 ; Hardesty v. Fleming, 57 Tex. 395. " We have no difficulty in disposing of the last condition of the question, namely : the fact, if it he a fact, that the property was owned by persons residing in another State.; for, if not exempt from taxation for other reasons, it cannot be exempt by reason of l>eing owned by non-residents of the State. We take it to be a point settled beyond all contradiction or question, that a State has jurisdiction of all persons and things within its territory which do not belong to some other jurisdiction, such as the representatives of foreign governments, with their houses and effects, and property SECT. II.] SCOLLAKD V. AMEKICAN FKLT CO. 59 SCOLLARD V. AMERICAN FELT CO. SuPBEME Judicial Court of Massachusetts. 1907. [Reported 194 Mass. 127.] KInowlton, C. J. This petition in equity is brought against the defendant, a foreign corporation, under the St. 19U2, c. ."549, which is as follows: "When any foreign corporation or non-resident person doing business in the Commonwealth shall for sixty days neglect, refuse or omit to pay a tax lawfully assessed and payable, any court having jurisdiction in equity may upon petition of the collector of taxes of the city or town where the tax is assessed re- strain said corporation or person from doing business in the Com- monwealth until said tax, with all incidental costs and charges, shall have been paid. Service of ])rocess upon any#uch petition may be made by an officer duly qualified to serve process, by leaving a duly attested copy thereof at the place where the business is carried on." It appears by the agreed facts that the defendant had goods, wares and merchandise, and stock in trade in Boston on May 1, l!)Uo, which the assessors undertook to tax. It is also agreed that the corporation filed no return of its taxable property with the assessors for that year. One of the assessors therefore estimated the value of its property subject to taxation. Plainly this property was rightly taxed under the St. 1903, c. 437, § 71, unless the pro- vision in the last part of tliis section, that the taxes "shall be assessed, collected and paid in accordance with the provisions of chapters twelve and thirteen of the Revised Laws," is invalid. The defendant contends that this tax could not lawfully be assessed to the defendant, but that it should have been assessed in rem against the particular articles of personal property to which it refers. We are of opinion that this contention is unfounded. In the first place the defendant concedes, and there is no doubt, that personal property may be separated from the domicil of the owner for purposes of taxation, and may be taxed wherever it is kept for use. Tappan v. Merchants' National Bank, 19 Wall. 490, 499. Pullman's Palace Car Co. v. Pennsylvania, 141 U. S. 18, 22, and cases cited. Bristol v. Washington County, 177 U. S. 133. Nor is there any good reason why the tax should not be assessed to the owner in such cases. It should be paid by him, as it is founded upon his o\\Tiership of tlie property taxed, and it undoubtedly can be collected out of the property, if that can be found within the juris- diction. Taxes so assessed liave been held valid in this Common- wealth. Blackstone Manufacturing Co. r. Blackstone, 13 Gray, 488. belonging to or in the use of the Government of the Fnited States. If the owner of personal property within a State resides in another State which taxes him for that property as part of his general estate attached to his person, this action of the latter State docs not in the least affect the right of the State in which the property is situated to tax it also. It is hardly necessary to cite authorities on a point so eleinen- tarv." — Bradley, J., in Coe v. Errol, 116 t'. S. 517 (1886). Ace. Wiukley v. ^'ew. toD, 67 N. H. 80; 36 Ail 610. — Eu. 60 CAESTAIRS V. COCHRAN. [cHAr. II. Boston Loan Co. v. Boston, 137 Mass. 332. Lamson Consolidated IStore Service Co. v. Boston, 170 Mass. 354. If the question were whether such a tax could be made the foundation of a personal judgment in an action at law against the owner, other considerations would be pertinent. See Bristol v. AVashiugton County, 177 U. S. 133; Dewey v. Des Moines, 173 U. S. 204; New York v. McLean, 170 N. Y. 374. Whether collection could be made by such an action brought by the collector against the owner, it is unnecessary to de- cide ; for if one part of the statute in regard to collection is invalid, we tliink it separable from the rest, on the ground that the Legis- lature probably would have enacted the rest without it, if the ques- tion of its validity had been considered. See Edwards v. Bruorton, 184 Mass. 529; Commonwealth v. Petranich, 183 Mass. 217; Com- monwealth V. Anselvich, 186 Mass. 376, 379. Upon the facts agreed, the tax appears to have been assessed properly. CARSTAIKS V. COCHRAK SuPEEME Court of the United States. 1904. [Reported 193 U. S. 10.] By chap. 704 of the Laws of Maryland, 1892, as amended by chap. 320, Laws 1900, the general assembly of that State provided for the assessment and collection of taxes on liquors in bonded ware- houses within the State. The proprietors of such warehouses were required to pay the taxes and given a lien on the property therefor. This legislation was sustained by the Court of Appeals of the State, 95 Md. 488, to review whose judgment this writ of error was sued out. Brewer, J, That the statutes in question do not conflict with the Constitution of Maryland is settled by the decision of its highest court. Merchants' Bank v. Pennsylvania, 167 U. S. 461, and cases cited; Backus v. Ft. Street Union Depot Co., 169 U. S. 557, 566; Easmussen v. Idaho, 181 U. S. 198, 200. A state has the undoubted power to tax private property having a situs within its territorial limits, and may require the party in possession of the property to pay the taxes thereon. "Unless re- strained by provisions of the Federal Constitution, the power of the State as to the mode, form, and extent of taxation is unlimited, where the subjects to which it applies are within her jurisdiction." State Tax on Foreign-held Bonds, 15 Wall. 300, 319. "Statutes sometimes provide that tangible personal property shall be assessed wherever in the State it may be, either to the owner himself or to the agent or other person having it in charge; and there is no doubt of the right to do this, whether the owner is resident in the State or not." 1 Cooley on Taxation. 3d ed. p. 653. See also Coe v. Errol, 116 U. S. 517; Marye v. Baltimore & Ohio Ptailroad, 127 U. S. 117, 123 ; Pullman's Car Co. v. Pennsylvania, 141 U. S. 18 ; Ficklen v. Shelby County, 145 U. S. 1, 22; Savings Society v. Multnomah SECT. II.] SELLIGEB V. KENTUCKY. CI County, 169 TI. S. 421, 427; New Orleans v. Stempel, 175 U. S. 309 ; Board of Assessors v. Comptoir National, 191 U. S. 388 ; Na- tional Bank v. Coinraonwealth, 9 Wall. 353 ; Merchants' Bank v. Pennsylvania, 167 U. S. 461. That under Federal legislation distilled spirits may be left in a warehouse for several years, that there is no specific provision in the statutes in question giving to the proprietor who pays the taxes a right to recover interest thereon, and tliat for spirits so in bond negotiable warehouse receipts have been issued, do not affect tlie question of the power of the State. The State is under no obliga- tion to make its legislation conformable to the contracts which the proprietors of bonded warehouses may make with tho?e who store spirits therein, but it is their business, if they wish further protec- tion than the lien given by the statute, to make their contracts accordingly. We see no error in the judgment of the Court of Appeals, and it is Affirmed. SELLIGER V. KENTUCKY. Supreme Couet of the United States. 1909. [Reported 213 U. 8. 200.] Holmes, J. This is a proceeding to recover back-taxes on personal property of the plaintitf in error, hereafter called the defendant. He pleaded that he did own certain barrels of whiskey which he did not list for the years in question, but that he had exported them to Bre- men and llaiuburg, in Germany, for sale abroad, and that the State was forbidden to tax them, both because they were exports, U. S. Const., Art. I. § 10, and because their permanent situs was outside the State. Fourteenth Amendment. Delaware, Lackawanna & AYest- ern R. E. Co. v. Pennsylvania, 198 U. S. 341. Union Refrigerator Transit Co. v. Kentucky, 199 U. S. 194. The plaintifl" replied, deny- ing that the export was for sale and that the situs of the whiskey was abroad. It alleged that the defendant was a citizen and resident of Kentucky, engaged there in the wholesale whiskey business, and that he shipped the whiskey to Germany merely to evade revenue and ad valorem taxes on the same. It alleged further that the defendant re- mained the owner and in possession of the whiskey, except such portion as he reshippcd to himself or to purchasers in the United States, that while the whiskey remained in the German warehouses he held the warehouse receipts, used them as collaterals and traded in them, and that the barrels of whiskey sold by him were mostly returned to the State of Kontuck7% and all to the United States. The court of first instance held that the whiskey was exempt on both the groirnds taken by the defendnnt. On appeal to the State circuit court for the countv, the judgment was affirmed on the ground that the situs of the whisker was outside the State. A further appeal was taken to the Court of Appeals, and that court, accepting the fact that 62 SELLIGER V. KENTUCKY. [CHAP. n. the whiskey was beyond the taxing power of Kentucky, nevertheless sustained the tax as a tax on the warehouse receipts. The case then was brought by writ of error to this court. We think that we liave stated the elt'ect of the pleadings fairly, and it will be observed that the plaiutiif's claim was of a right to tax the whiskey, the warehouse receipts being mentioned only to corrobo- rate the plaintitf's contention as to the true domicil of the goods. After the decision, the amount of whiskey for which the defend- ant held German warehouse receipts at the material times and the value of the whiskey were agreed, and thereupon the court, recit- ing tlie agreement, directed a judgment for taxes due upon the ware- house receipts, valuing them at the agreed value " per barrel of whiskey embraced in them," So that it will be seen that the effect is the same as if the whiskey itself had been taxed, and the question is whether, by such a dislocation of the documents from the things they represent, a second property of equal value is created for taxing purposes, which can be reached although the first could not. Pos- sibilities similar in economic principle sometimes have to be, or at least have been, recognized, but of course, economically speaking, they are absurd. We are dealing with German receipts, and therefore we are not called upon to consider the effect of statutes purporting to make such instruments negotiable. Bonds can be taxed where they are per- manently kept, because by a notion going back to very early law the obligation is, or originally was, inseparable from the paper or parch- ment which expressed it. Buck v. Beach, 206 U. S. 392, 403, 413. That case and the authorities cited by it, show how far a similar no- tion has been applied to negotiable bills and notes. But a warehouse receipt does not depend upon any peculiar doctrine for its effect. A simple receipt merely imports that goods are in the hands of a certain kind of bailee. But if a bailee assents to becoming bailee for another to whom the owner has sold or pledged the goods, the change satisfies the requirement of a change of possession so far as to vali- date the sale or pledge. Therefore it is common for certain classes of bailees to give receipts to the order of the bailor, and so to assent in advance to becoming bailee for any one who is brought within the terms of the receipt by an endorsement of the same. But this does not give the instrument the character of a symbol, it simply makes it the means of bringing about what is somewhat inaccurately termed a change of possession, upon ordinary legal principles, just as if the goods had been transported to another warehouse. Union Trust Co. V. Wilson^ 198 TJ. S. 530, 536. If the receipt contains no clause of assent to a tranfer, it has been held that an endorsement goes no further than a transfer and unaccepted order on any other piece of paper. Hallgarten v. Olrlham, 135 Massachusetts 1. The form of the receipts given in Germany does not appear. It does not appear that they contained any assent to transfer, unless by conjecture from the defendant's testimony that he pledged them for loans. Even that conjecture is made more doubtful, if not ex- cluded, by the findings of the lower courts. It does not appear that SECT. II. J SELLIGEK V. KENTUCKY. 63 the Court of Appeals made a difTerent finding if it had the power to do so. This court can make none. Tliero is no presumption that we know of that the transaetions took one form or liad one elfect rather than another. We can think of hut two ways in which the receipts could amount to more than a mere convenience for getting quasi-possession of the goods. In the first place, tliey might express or imply a promise to be answerable, or c arrv a statutory liability, for a corresponding amount in case the property referred to was delivered to another without a surrender of the receipts. See Mechanics' & Traders' Ins. Co. v. Kiger, 103 U. !S. do2. Such a promise might have a distinct value if the promiser had credit. But it cannot be assumed on this record that the receipts contained it, and if they did, even then the value of the instrument would be due rather to the assumption that the bailee would not give up the goods without a return of it than to the prom- ise. The value of the promise would vary with the promisor. As a key to the goods a receipt no more can be called a second propertv of equal value than could a key to an adamantine safe that could not be opened without it be called a second property of a value distinct from but equal to that of Iho money that safe contained. The receipt, like the key, would be property of some small value distinct from that to which it gave access. But it would not be a counterpart, doubling the riches of the owner of the goods. In the second place, the receipt might be made the representative of the goods in a practical sense. A statute might ordain that a sale and delivery of the goods to a purchaser without notice should be invalid as against a subsequent bona fide purchaser of the receipt. We need not speculate as to how the law would deal with it in that event, as we have no warrant for assuming that the German law gives it such effect. On the facts before us, and on any facts that the Court of Appeals can have had before it, the receipts cannot be taken to have been more than one of several keys to the goods. It cannot be assumed that a good title to the whiskey could not have been given while the receipts were outstanding. We assume that tliey made it very unlikely that it would be, but the practical probability does not make the instrument the legal equivalent of the goods. We take it to be almost undisputed that if the warehouses were in Kentuckv the State would not and could not tax both the whiskey and the receipts, even when issued in Kentucky form, and that it would recognize that the only taxable object was the whiskey. The relation of the paper to the goods is not changed by their being abroad, and the only question in the case is whether the paper can be treated as property equivalent in value to the goods, because in some way it represents them. We state the question as we have stated it because that is the one that is raised by the derision under review. It would be a mere quibble to say that the receipts, as paper, had an infinitesimal value, that they acquired a substantial one, although much less than that of the whiskey, because of their practical use, and that this court is not concerned with a mere overvaluation. The tax is imposed on the theory that the receipts are the equivalents of the goods and are 64: HOPKINS V. BAKEK. [CHAP. II. taxable on that footing, although the goods cannot be taxed. Assum- ing, as tlie Court of Appeals assumed, that the whiskey is exempt under the Constitution of the United States, we are of opinion that the protection of the Constitution extends to warehouse receipts lo- cally present within the State. What was said by Chief Justice Tauoy about bills of lading applies to them, mutatis mutandis: "A duty upon that is, in substance and effect, a duty on the article ex- ported." Almy V. California, 24 How. 169 ; Fairbank v. United States, 181 U. S. 283, 294. We discuss the case on the facts assumed by the Court of Appeals. Whether a finding would have been war- ranted that the whiskey still was domiciled in Kentucky, or for any other reason was not exempt, is a matter upon which we do not pass. See New York Central & Hudson Eiver R. R. Co. v. Miller, 202 U. S. 584, 597. Judgment reversed. HOPKINS V. BAKER. CouET OF Appeals of Makyland. 1894. [Reported 78 Md. 363.] Boyd, J. This case was tried in the Baltimore City Court on an agreed statement of facts. The agreement shows that Charles J. Baker, William Baker, Jr., and Charles E. Baker, compose the firm of Baker Bros, and Company ; that Charles E. Baker is a resident of Baltimore City, and the other two members of the firm are residents of Baltimore County; that Charles J. Baker has a four-tenths interest, and the other two have each a three-tenths interest, in the firm. It is admitted that the place of business of the finn is on Charles street, in Baltimore City, at which place is kept the stock of the partnership, of an average value of $80,000.00; that the firm has been assessed by the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore City for $80,000.00 on their stock, and $750.00 on their horses used in their business, and taxed $1,393.95 for State and City taxes for 1893. The appellees declined to pay those taxes, but were willing to pay on the horses, which they keep permanently in the city, and on the three-tenths interest of Charles E. Baker. The question raised by the agreed statement of facts and the prayers was whether taxes could be levied and collected from the whole stock of the firm, or whether only the three-tenths interest of Charles E. Baker therein was liable. The Court below decided that the plaintiff was only entitled to recover the amount of taxes due for the horses and for the interest of Charles E. Baker in the whole stock of the partnership. A judsr- ment was entered accordimrlv for $432.38 with interest and costs, and the plaintiff appealed to this Court. As the situs of personal property is ordinarilv tho place of residence of the owner, tho Constitution provides that personal propertv should be taxed where the owner hon/i fide resides for the greater part of the year; but, as that provision alone might work great hardship on the SECT. II.] HOPKINS V. BAKKR. 65 county or city where goods and chattels of the owner are permanently located, the exception was made. (Joods and cliattels permanently located at the residence of the owner are to be taxed there, so what might be called his "floating" goods and chattels are taxed at the ])lace of his residence, because they have no actual siliLs of their own, and hence tliat of their owner is adopted, but such goods and cliattels as compose the stock in trade of the appellees are not carried back- wards and forwards between Baltimore County, or some other county and the City of Baltimore, As long as tliey are the property of the appellees they are located in Baltimore City, and they are as " per- manently located" there as such goods and chattels can be anywhere. They are not manufactured or purchased to be kept as long as they remain in existence. The separate articles constituting the stock may continue the property of the appellees for a day, a week, a month, a year, or longer, but until they are sold they remain permanently in Baltimore, and are not moved from place to place. That is clearly what is meant by "permanently located" — not that the goods and chattels must remain until tlicy are worn out, or indefinitely. The agreed statement of facts shows that the average value of the stock carried by the appellees is $80,000.00, and that they were assessed for that amount. In other words, the appellees keep consttantly on hand at their place of business in Baltimore City $80,000.00 worth of goods and chattels in the shape of glass, etc. It may be true that $5,000.00 worth of glass may be sold and shipped away today, and another lot of glass worth $5,000.00 may be substituted for it today or tomorrow, but the stock of goods and chattels of the value of $80,000,00 is kept on hand — is permanently located at their place of business. It is not necessary to itemize the stock in trade when it is assessed. The assessors examine the stock, the goods and chattels, and fix their value for taxation, just as they do the furniture or other tangible personal property at the respective residences of the appel- lees. If the contention of the appellees is to prevail then merchandise cannot be taxed anywhere. No merchant expects to keep his stock permanently on hand in the sense that term is used by the learned counsel for the appellees. He expects to sell as soon as he can receive his price, and as he sells he replenishes his stock. The articles are changing from day to da}', but the stock, which represents the aggregate of the goods and chattels, remains about the same. Yet can it be claimed that a mer- chant who resides and carries on his business in Baltimore is not to be taxed for his stock in trade? A reasonable construction must be given the constitutional provision, and we must bear in mind the object in taxing goods and chattels permanently located in the city or county whore thov are so located. If the position of the appellees is correct, it is possible to have hun- dreds of tliousands of dollars, probnbly millions, of tangilile personal propertv. eronds and chattels, within the City of Baltimore, having the benefit of its police nnd fire protection from year to year, and yet not contribute one dollar to the support of the police or fire depart- ments. Merchants transacting business in Cumberland, Hagerstown, 66 COMilOX WEALTH V. UNIOiST SHirBUILDIJ^G CO. [ciiAl', II, Frederick, Annapolis and other incorporated cities and towns in the counties could escape all municipal taxes on their stock in trade by living beyond the corporate limits of those cities and towns, whilst those living within such cities and towns must pay the municipal as well as the State and county taxes on their stock in trade. Such a construction of the law would encourage fraud. A resident of a remote county might carry a large stock in trade in Baltimore City, or on the Eastern Shore, without the knowledge of the authorities of the county where he resided. We recognize fully the force of the argument of counsel for the appellees that property cannot be taxed simply because it may seem inequitable to permit it to escape taxation. But when we are called upon to construe statutes or the Constitution on this subject, it is our duty, in seeking the true interpretation of language used, to place a reasonable construction upon it, and to bear in mind the fact that our Constitution aimed to require all persons to bear their just share of the burden of taxation. Judgment reversed, and new trial awarded. COMMONWEALTH v. UNION SHIPBUILDING CO. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. 1921. [Reported 114 Atl. 257.] Frazer, J. Defendant is a Pennsylvania corporation, with its principal office in the city of Pittsburgh, but has considerable real and personal property in the State of Maryland, where it owns and operates a shipbuilding plant. During the tax year of 1918, it had total assets amounting to $3,228,560.90, of which $1,369,837.35 represented the value of the shipbuilding plant, $5,000 was invested in nontaxable liberty bonds, and the remainder, consisting of cash, accounts receivable, and other tangible assets, amounted to $854,- 723.55. The capital stock of the company is $1,585,000 par value, and represents its actual value. In assessing the capital stock tax for the year 1918, the auditor general based his assessment pn such portion of the valuation of the capital stock as the whole taxable assets in Pennsylvania bore to the whole assets of the corporation. The basis of assessment was thus found to be $607,897. Defendant's contention is that this method of computation is erroneous, and that the correct method is to deduct from the value of the entire stock the value of its nontaxable property, to wit. the tangible propertv located outside the State and the liberty bonds, the remainder, $210,162.65, being the nortion taxable in Pennsvlvania. Under this computation it will be observed the tax is much less than that arrived at by the metborl adopted by the auflitoT ereneral. The rule applied bv the auditor general and the court below i L. Ed. 1077). The latter case relied upon by defendant is not controUin"- here. The question there was whether coal mined and shipped beyond the jurisdiction of the State was a proper subject of deduction in assessing the value of the capital of a Tennsylvania corporation. It was held the coal lost its situs in I'ennsylvania upon being trans- ported to another State for the purpose of sale, and was therefore beyond the taxing power of tlie State as specific property, and could not be taxed indirectly by calling it a tax on capital stock represent- ing that property. No question was there involved as to the proper mode of computing the tax. In the present case no direct levy is made on propertv held in a foreign State, nor does such result necessarily follow indirectly. In fixing the proportion of the tax to be paid, the full value of the property located outside the State is deducted from the total assets. This does not have the effect of taxing property in otlior jurisdic- tions. It permits the stock of cnrpo-ntions created by the laws of this State to be taxed on its full value, less deductions for such propertv actually outside the State, and therefore subject to taxation in the foreign jurisdiction, and prevents the possibilitv nf domestic corporations escaping taxation altogether, as they might do under the plan urged by defendant, where the value of the capital stock is less than the value of total assets outside the State. "We are of opinion the method of assessment adopted by the court below is proper. The judgment is affirmed. 68 Pullman's palace-cab co. v. Pennsylvania. [chap. ii. PULLMAN'S PALACE-CAR CO. v. PENNSYLVANIA. Supreme Court of the United States. 1891. [Reported 141 United States, 18.] Gray, J.^ Upon this writ of error, whether this tax was in accord- ance with the law of Pennsylvania, is a question on which the decision of the highest court of the State is conclusive. The onl}' question of which this court has jurisdiction is whether the tax was in violation of the clause of the Constitution of the United States granting to Congress the power to regulate commerce among the several States. The plain- tiff in error contends that its cars could be taxed only in the State of Illinois, in which it was incorporated and had its principal place of business. No general principles of law are better settled, or more fundamental, than that the legislative power of ever)- State extends to all propert}' within its borders, and that only so far as tlie comit}- of that State allows can such property' be affected by the law of any other State. The old rule, expressed in the maxim mobilia sequuntiir j^arsonarn, by which personal property was regarded as subject to the law of the own- er's domicile, grew up in the Middle Ages, when movable propert}- con- sisted chiefly of gold and jewels, which could be easily carried b}' the owner from place to place, or secreted in spots known only to himself. In modern times, since the great increase in amount and variety of per- sonal property not iraraediatel}' connected with the person of the owner, that rule has yielded more and more to the lex situs, the law of the place where the property is kept and used. Green v. Van Buskirk, 5 ^ Part of tlie opinion of the court and part of the dissenting opinion are omitted.— Ed. SECT. IT.] Pullman's palace-car ro. r. pexnsylvaxta.' 00 Wall. 307, and 7 Wall. 139 ; Ilervey v. Rhode Island Locomotive Works, 93 U. S. 664 ; Ilarkuess v. Russell, 11« U. S. 663, G79 ; WalworUi v. Harris, 129 U. S. 355 ; Story on Conflict of Laws, § 55U ; Wharton on Conflict of Laws, §§ 297-311. As observed by Mr. Justice Story, in hi» coininentaries just cited, •• Although movables are for many purposes to be deemctl tu have no situs, except that of the domicile of the owner, yet this being l)ut a legal fiction, it yields, whenever it is necessary for the purpose of justice that the actual ■'iitus of the thing should be ex- amined. A nation within whose territory any personal property is actually situate has an entire dominion over it while therein, in point of sovereignty and jurisdiction, as it has over immovable i)roperty situate there." For the purposes of taxation, as has been repeatedly aflirmed by this court, personal property may be separated from its owner ; and he may be taxed, on its account, at the place where it is, although not the place of his own domicile, and even if he is not a citizen or a resident of the State which imposes the tax. Lane County v. Oregon, 7 Wall. 71, 77; Railroad Co. v. Pennsylvania, 15 Wall. 300, 323, 324, 328; Railroad Co. v. Peniston, 18 Wall. 5, 29 ; Tappau t-. Merchants' Bank, 19 Wall. 490, 499 ; State Railroad Tax Cases, 92 U. S. 575, 607, 608 ; Brown v. Houston, 114 U. S. 622; Coe v. Errol, 116 U. S. 517, 524; Marye v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 127 U. S. 117, 123. It is equally well settled that there is nothing in the Constitution or laws of the United States which prevents a State from taxing personal property, employed in interstate or foreign commerce, like other per- sonal property within its jurisdiction. . . . The cars of this company within the State of Pennsylvania are employed in interstate commerce ; but their being so employed does not exempt them from taxation by the State ; and the State has not taxed them because of their being so employed, but because of their being within its territory and jurisdiction. The cars were continuously and permanently employed in going to and fro upon certain routes of travel. If they had never passed beyond the limits of Pennsylvania, it could not be doubted that the State could tax them, like other property, within its borders, notwithstanding they were employed in interstate commerce. The fact that, instead of stopping at the State boundary, they cross tliat boundary in going out and coming back, cannot allect the power of the State to levy a tax upon them. The State, having the right, for the purposes of taxation, to tax any personal property found within its jurisdiction, without regard to the place of the owner's domicile, could tax the specific cars which at a given moment were within its borders. The route over wliicli the cars travel extending beyond the limits of the State, particular cars may not remain within the State ; but the company has at all times substantially the same number of cars within the State, and continuously and constantly uses there a portion of its property ; and it is distinctly found, as matter of fact, that the company continuously, throughout the periods for which TO Pullman's v.\i.Acr-c\Ti ccs. v. pt.xxstt.vaxta. J chap. IT. these taxes were levied, carried on business in Pennsylvania, and had about one luinclred cars within the State. The mode which the State of Pennsylvania adopted, to ascertain the proportion of the company's property upon wliich it should be taxed in that State, was by taking as a basis of assessment such proportion of the capital stock of the compauy as the number of miles over wliich it run curs witliiu the State bore to the whole luuuber of miles, in that and other States, over which its cars were run. This was a just and equitable method of assessment; and, if it were adopted by all the States through which these cars ran, the company would be assessed upon the whole value of its capital stock, and no more. The validity of this mode of apportioning such a tax is sustained by several decisions of this court, in cases which came up from the Circuit Courts of the United States, and in which, therefore, the jurisdiction of this court extended to the determination of the whole case, and was not limited, as upon writs of error to the State courts, to questions under the Constitution and laws of the United States. In the State Railroad Tax Cases, 92 U. S. 575, it was adjudged that a statute of Illinois, by which a tax on the entire taxable propert}' of a railroad corporation, including its rolling stock, capital, and franchise, was assessed by the State Board of Equalization, and was collected in each municipality in proportion to the length of the road within it, was lawful, and not in conflict with the Constitution of the State ; and Mr. Justice Miller, delivering judgment, said : — "Another ol)jection to the system of taxation by the State is, that the rolling stock, capital stock, and franchise are personal property, and that this, with all other personal property, has a local situs at the principal place of business of the corporation, and can be taxed by no other county, cit}', or town, but the one where it is so situated. This objection is based upon the general rule of law that personal propert}', as to its situs, follows the domicile of its owner. It may be doubted ver}' reasonably whether such a rule can be applied to a rail- road corporation as between the different localities embraced by its line of road. But, after all, the rule is merely the law of the State which recognizes it ; and when it is called into operation as to prop- erty located in one State, and owned by a resident of another, it is a rule of comity in the former State rather than an absolute principle in all cases. Green ?;. Van Buskirk, 5 Wall. 312. Like all other laws of a State, it is, therefore, subject to legislative repeal, modification, or limitation ; and wlien the legislature of Illinois declared that it should not prevail in assessing personal property of railroad companies for taxation, it simply exercised an ordinary function of legislation." 92 U. S. 607, 608. "It is further objected that the railroad track, capital stock, and franchise is not assessed in each county where it lies, according to its vfilue there, but according to an aggregate value of the whole, on which each county, city, and town collects taxes according to the length SECT. II.] PULT.MAX'S PALACE-CAR CO, V. PEXXSYLVANIA. 7l of the track within its limits." " It may well be donhtr-d whether any better mode of determining tiie value of that portion of the track within any one county has been devised, th:in tr^ ascertain the value of the whole road, and apportion the value within the county liv its relative length to the whole." "This court has expresslv held in tvvo cases, where the road of a corporation ran through dilfcrent States, that a tax upon the income or franchise of the road was properly a|)- portioned by taking the whole income or value of the franchise, and the length of the road within each State, as the basis of taxation. Delaware Railroad Tax, 18 Wall. 20G; Krie Railroad r. Pennsyl- vania, 21 Wall. 4'J2." 1)2 U. S. 60«, Gil. So in Western Union Telegraph (lo. v. Attorney-General of Massa- chusetts, 125 U. S. oJiO, this court uphekl the validity of a tax im- posed by the State of Massachusetts upon the capital stock of a telegraph company, on account of property owned and used by it witliin the State, taking as the basis of assessment such proportion of the value of its capital stock as the length of its lines within the State boi-e to their entire length throughout the country. Even more in point is the case of IMarye v. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 127 U. S. 117, in which the question was whether a rail- road company incorporated by the State of Maryland, and no part of whose own railroad was within the State of Virginia, was taxal)le under general laws of Virginia upon rolling stock owned by the company, and employed upon connecting railroads leased by it in thai State, yet not assigned permanently to tkose roads, but used in'ierchangeably upon them and upon roads in other States, as the company's necessities required. It was held not to be so taxable, solely because the tax laws of Virginia appeared upon their face to be limited to railroad corporations of that State; and Mr. Justice Matthews, delivering the unanimous judgm'ent of the court, said: — "It is not denied, as it cannot be, tliat the State of Virginia has rightful power to levy and collect a tax ui)on such property used and found within its territorial limits, as this property was used and found, if and whenever it may choose, by apt legislation, to exert its authority over the subject. It is quite true, as the sites of the Balti- more and Ohio Railroad Compa!iy is in the State of Maryland, that also, upon general principles, is the situs of all its personal property; but for purposes of taxation, ae well as for other purposes, that situs may be fixed in whatever locality the property may be brought and used by its owner by the law of the place where it is found. If the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company is permitted by the State of Virginia to bring into its territory, and there habitually to use and employ a portion of its movable personal property, and the raiiioad company chooses so to do, it would certainly be competent and Itgiti- mate for the State to impose upon such property, thus used and employed, its fair share of the burdens of taxation imposed upon similar property used in the like way by its own citizens. Ami such 72 Pullman's palace-car co. v. penxsylvania. [chap. ti. a tax might be properly assessed and collected in cases like the present, where the specific and individual items of property so used and employed were not continuously the same, but were constantly changing, according to the exigencies of the business. In such cases, the tax might be fixed by an appraisement and valuation of the average amount of the property thus habitually used, and col' lected by distraint upon any pwtion that might at any time be found. Of course, the lawlessness of a tax upon vehicles of trans- portation used by common carriers might have to be considered in particular instances with reference to its operation as a regulation of commerce among the States, but the mere fact that they were employed as vehicles of transportation in the interchange of inter- state commerce would not render their taxation invalid." 127 U. S. 123, 124. For these reasons, and upon these authorities, the court is of opiu* ion that the tax in question is constitutional and valid. The result of holding otherwise would be that, if all the States should concur in abandoning the legal fiction that personal property has its situs at the owner's domicile, and in adopting the system of taxing it at the place at which it is used and by whose laws it is protected, property emploj'ed in any business requiring continuous and constant move- ment from one State to another would escape taxation altogether. Judgment affirmed. Mr. Justice Bradley, with whom concurred Mr. Justice Field and Mr. Justice Harlan, dissenting. I dissent from the judgment of the court in this case, and will state brief!}' my reasons. I concede that all property, personal as well as real, within a State, and belonging there, may be taxed by the State. Of that there can be no doubt. But where property does not belong in the State another question arises. It is the question of the jurisdiction of the State over the property. It is stated in the opinion of the court as a fundamental proposition on which the opinion reall}' turns that all personal as well as real property within a State is subject to the laws thereof. I conceive that that proposition is not maintainable as a gen- eral and absolute proposition. Amongst independent nations, it is true, persons and property within the territory' of a nation are subject to its laws, and it is responsible to other nations for any injustice it may do to the persons or property of such other nations. This is a rule of international law. But the States of this government are not independent nations. There is such a thing as a Constitution of the United States, and there is sucli a thing as a government of the United States, and there are many things, and many persons, and many articles of property that a State cannot lay the weight of its finger upon, because it would be contrary to the Constitution of the United States. Cer- tainly, property merely carried through a State cannot be taxed by the State. Such a tax would be a duty — which a State cannot impose. SECT, ir.] Pullman's palace-car co. v. Pennsylvania. T.'i If a drove of cattle is driven tliroiigh Pennsylvania from Illinois to New York, for tlie purpose of being sold in New York, whilst in Penns} Iviinia it may be subject to the police regulations of the State, but it is not subject to taxation there. It is not generally subject to the laws of the State as other property is. So if a train of cars starts at Cin- cinnati for New York and passes through J'ennsylvania, it may be subject to the police regulations of that Slate wliilst within it, but it would l;e repugnant to the Constitution of the United Stales to tax it. We have decided this very question in the case of State Freight Tax, lo Wall. 232. Tlie point was directly raised and decided that property on its passage through a State in the course of interstate commerce cannot be taxed by the State, because taxation is incidentally regulation, and a Stale cannot regulate interstate commerce. The same doctrine was recognized in Coe r. Errol, 116 U. S. 517. And surely a Stale cannot interfere with the officers of the United States, in the performance of their duties, whether acting under the Judicial, JNIilitary, Postal, or Revenue Departments. They are entirely free from State control. So a citizen of the United States, or any other person, in the performance of any duty, or in the exercise of any privi- lege, under the Constitution or laws of the United States, is absolutely free from State control in relation to such matters. So that the general proposition, that all persons and personal property within a State is subject to the laws of the State, unless materially modified, cannot be true. But, when personal property is permanently located within a State for the purpose of ordinary use or sale, then, indeed, it is subject to the laws of the State and to the burdens of taxation ; as well when owned by persons residing out of the State, as when owned by persons resid- ing in the State. It has then acquired a situs in the State where it is found. A man residing in New York may own a store, a factory, or a mine in Alabama, stocked with goods, utensils, or materials for sale or use in that State. There is no question that the situs of personal property so situated is in the State where it is found, and that it may bo sub- jected to double taxation, — in the State of the owner's residence, as a part of the general mass of his estate; and in the State of its situs. Although this is a consequent-e which often bears hardly on the owner, yet it is too firmly sanctioned by the law to be disturbed, and no remedy seems to exist but a sense of equity and justice in the legislatures of the several States. The rule would undoubtedly be more just if it made the property taxable, like lands and real estate, only in the place where it is permanently situated. Personal as well as real pro[)erty may have a situs of its own, inde- pendent of the owner's residence, even when employed iu interstate or foreign commerce. An office or warehouse, connected with a steamship line, or with a continental railway, may be provided with furniture and all the apparatus and api)liances usual in such establishments. Such 74 puli^man's palace-car co. v. pennsylvaistta. [chap. tt. property would be subject to the lex rei sitae and to local taxation, though sole]}' devoted to the purposes of the business of those lines. Hut tlie ships that traverse the sea, and the cars that traverse the land, in those lines, being the veliicles of commerce, interstate or foreign, and intended for its movement from one State or country- to another, and having no fixed or permanent situs or home, except at the residence of the owner, cannot, without an invasion of the powers and duties of the federal government, be subjected to the burdens of taxation in the places wliere they only go or come in tiie transaction of their business, except where they belong. Hays v. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., 17 IIow. 590 ; Morgan r. Parham, IG Wall. 471 ; Transportation Co. v. Wheeling, 99 U. S. 273. To contend that there is any difference be- tween cars or trains of cars and ocean steamships in this regard, is to lose sight of the essential qualities of things. This is a matter that does not depend upon the aflirmative action of Congress. The regula- tion of ships and vessels, by act of Congress, does not make them the instruments of commerce. They would be equally so if no such affirma- tive resulations existed. For the States to interfere with them in either case would be to interfere with, and to assume the exercise of, that power which, by the Constitution, has been surrendered by the States to the government of the United States, namely, the power to regulate commerce. Reference is made in the opinion of the court to the case of Railroad Company v. Maryland, 21 Wall. 456, in which it was said that commerce on land between the different States is strikingly dissimilar in many re- spects from commerce on water ; but that was said in reference to the highways of transportation in the two cases, and the diff'erence of control which the State has in one case from that which it can possibly have in the other. A railroad is laid on the soil of the State, by virtue of au- thority granted by the State, and is constantly subject to the police juris- diction of the State ; whilst the sea and navigable rivers are high- ways created by nature, and are not subject to State control. The question in that case related to the power of the State over its own corporation, in reference to its rate of fares and the remuneration it was required to pay to the State for its franchises, — an entirely differ- ent question from that which arises in the present case. Reference is also made to expressions used in the opinion in Glouces- ter Ferry Co. v. Pennsylvania, 114 U. S. 196, which, standing alone, would seem to concede the right of a State to tax foreign corporations engaged in foreign or interstate commerce, if such property is within the jurisdiction of the State. But the whole scope of that opinion is to show that neither the vehicles of commerce coming within the State, nor the capital of such corporations, is taxable there ; but only the property having a situs there, as the wharf used for landing passengers and freight. The entire series of decisions to that effect are cited and relied on. Of course I do not mean to sa}' that either railroad cars or ships are SECT. II.] Pullman's palace-car co. v. Pennsylvania. 75 to be free from taxation, Imt I do s:iy linit tla-y are not taxable by those States in which they arc onl} Uansiently present in the transaction of their comniercial operations. A British ship coming to the harbor of New Yorii from Liverpool ever so rcgiihirly and spentUng iialf its time (when not on the ocean; in that iiail)or, cannot be taxed by tlie Slate of jS'ew Yorli (liarbor, [)ilotage, and quarantine dues not being taxes). So New Yoiic sliips plying regularly to the port of New Orleans, so that one of the line may be always lying at the latter port, cannot be taxed by the State of Louisiana. (See cases above cited). No more can a train of cars belonging in Pennsylvania, and running regularly from l'liila(lei[)hia to New York, or to ('liicago, be taxed by the State of New York, in the one case, or by Illinois, in the other. If it may lawfully be taxed by these States, it may lawfully be taxed by all the intermeiliate States, New Jersey, Ohio, and Indiana. And then we should have back again all the confusion and competition and State jealousies which existed before the adoption of the Constitution, and for putting an end to which the Constitution was adopted. In the opinion of the court it is suggested that if all the States should adopt as equitable a rule of proportioning the taxes ou the Pullman Company as that adopted by Pennsylvania, a just S3steni of taxation of the wiiole capital stock of the comi>any would be the result. Yes, if — ! But Illinois may tax the company on its whole capital stock. Where would be the equity then ? This, however, is a consideration that cannot be compared with the question as to the power to tax at all, — as to the relative power of tlie State and general governments over the regulation of internal commerce, — as to the right of theStates to resume those powers which have been vested in the government of the United States. It seems to me that the real question in the present case is as to the situs of the cars in question. They are used in interstate commerce, between Pennsylvania, New York, and the Western States. Their legal situs no more depends on the States or places where they are carried in the course of their operations than would that of any steamboats em- ployed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to carry passengers on the Ohio or Mississippi. If such steamboats belonged to a company located at Chicago, and were changed from time to time as their condi- tion as to repairs and the convenience of the owners might render necessary, is it possible that the States in which the}' were running and landing in the exercise of interstate commerce could subject them to taxation? No one, I think, would contend this. It seems to me that the cars in question belonging to the Pullman Car Company are in pre- cisely the same category. Y6 STATE TAX 0?r FOREIGT^-HELD BONDS. [CHAP. IT. STATE TAX ON FOREIGN-HELD BONDS. SuPKEME Court of the United States. 1873. [Reported 15 Wallace, 300.] Field, J.^ The question presented in this ease for our determination is whether the eleventii section of the Act of Pennsylvania of Ma}', 1868, so fur as it applies to the interest on bonds of the railroad company, made and payable out of the State, issued to and held by non-residents of the State, citizens of other States, is a valid and constitutional exer- cise of the taxing power of the State, or whether it is an interference, under the name of a tax, with the obligation of the contracts between the non-resident bondholders and the corporation. If it be the former, this court cannot arrest the judgment of the State court; if it be the latter, tlie alleged tax is illegal, and its enforcement can be restrained. The case before us is similar in its essential particulars to that of The Railroad Company v. Jackson, reported in 7 Wallace. There, as here, the company was incorporated by the legislatures of two States, Penn- sylvania and Marjdand, under the same name, and its road extended in a continuous line from Baltimore in one State to Sunbur\' in the other. And the company had issued bonds for a large amount, drawing inter- est, and executed a mortgage for their security upon its entire road, its franchises and fixtures, including the portion lying in both States. Coupons for the different instalments of interest were attached to each bond. There was no apportionment of the bonds to any part of the road lying in either State. The whole road was bound for each bond. The law of Pennsylvania, as it then existed, imposed a tax on money owing b}- solvent del)tors of three mills on the dollar of the principal, payable out of the interest. An alien resident in Ireland was the holder of some of the bonds of the railroad compan\-, and when he presented his coupons for the interest due thereon, the company claimed the right to deduct the tax imposed by the law of Pennsylvania, and also an al- leged tax to the United States. The non-resident refused to accept the interest with these deductions, and brought suit for the whole amount in the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Maryland. That court, the chief justice presiding, instructed the jury that if the 1 The opinion only is given. — Ed. SKCT. II. J ^TATE TAX (J\ FORKKiX-11 KLD BONDS. 77 plaintifT, when he purchased the bonds, was a British subject, resident in Ireland, and still resided there, he was entitled to recover the amount of the coupons without deduction. Tlie verdict and judgment were in accordance with this instruction, and the case was brought here for review. This court held that the tax under the law of Pennsylvania could not he sustained, as to permit its deduction from the cou|)ons held by the plaintiff would be giving effect to the acts of her legislature upon prop- erty and effects lying beyond her jurisdiction. The reasoning by which the learned justice, who delivered the opinion of the court, reached this conclusion, may be open, perhaps, to some criticism. It is not per- ceived how the fact that the mortgage given for the security of the bonds in that case covered that portion of the road which extended into Mary- land could affect the liability of the bonds to taxation. If the entire road upon which the mortgage was given had been in another State, and the bonds had been held by a resident of Pennsylvania, they would have been taxable under her laws in that State. It was the fact that the bonds were held b}- a non-resident which justified the language used, that to permit a deduction of the tax from the interest would be giving effect to the laws of Pennsylvania upon property beyond her jurisdiction, and not the fact assigned by the learned justice. The decision is, neverthe- less, authority for the doctrine that property l3ing beyond the jurisdic- tion of the State is not a subject upon which her taxing power can be legitimately exercised. Indeed, it would seem that no adjudication should be necessar}' to establish so obvious a proposition. The power of taxation, however vast in its character and searching in its extent, is necessarily limited to subjects within the jurisdiction of the State. These subjects are persons, pro[)erty, and business. Whatever form taxation may assume, whether as duties, imposts, excises, or li- censes, it must relate to one of these subjects. It is not possible to conceive of any other, though as applied to them, the taxation may be exercised in a great variety of ways. It may touch property in every shape, in its natural condition, in its manufactured form, and in its va- rious transmutations. And the amount of the taxation may be deter- mined by the value of the property, or its use, or its capacity, or its productiveness. It may touch business in the almost infinite forms in which it is conducted, in professions, in commerce, in manufactures, and in transportation. Unless restrained by provisions of the Federal Constitution, the power of the State as to the mode, form, and extent of taxation is unlimited, where the subjects to which it applies are within her jurisdiction. Corporations may be taxed, like natural persons, upon their property and business. But debts owing by corporations, like debts owing by individuals, are not property of the debtors, in any sense ; they are obligations of the debtors, and only possess value in the hands of the creditors. With them they are property, and in their hands they may be taxed. To call debts property of the debtors is simply to misuse 78 STATE TAX ON FOREIGN-HELD BONDS. [cHAP. II. terms. All the property there can be in the nature of things in debts of corporations, belongs to the creditors, to whom they are payable, and follows their domicile, wherever that may be. Their debts can have no locality separate from the parties to whom they are due. This principle might be stated in many ditferent ways, and supported by citations from numerous adjudications, but no number of authorities, and no forms of expression could add anything to its obvious truth, which is recognized upon its simple statement. The bonds issued b}' the railroad company in this case are undoubt- edly property, but property in the hands of the holders, not property of the obligors. So far as they are held by non-residents of the State, they are property beyond the jurisdiction of the State. The law which requires the treasurer of the company to retain five per cent of the inter- est due to the non-resident bondholder is not, therefore, a legitimate exercise of the taxing power. It is a law uiiich interferes between the compan}' and the bondholder, and under the pretence of levying a tax commands the company to withhold a porti(ji) of the stipulated interest and pay it over to the State. It is a law which thus impaii's the obli- gation of the contract between the parties. The ol (ligation of a contract depends upon its terms and the means which the law in existence at the time affords for its enforcement. A law which alters the terms of a con- tract b}' imposing new conditions, or dispensing with those expressed, is a law which imi)airs its obligation, for, as stated on another occasion, such a law relieves the parties from the moral duty of performing the original stipulations of tlie contract, and it prevents their legal enforce- ment. The Act of Pennsylvania of May 1, 1868, falls within this de- scription. It directs the treasurer of every incorporated company to retain from the interest stipulated to its bondholders five per cent upon every dollar, and pay it mto the treasury of the Commonwealth. It thus sanctions and commands a disregard of the express provisions of the contracts between the company and its creditors. It is only one of many cases where, under the name of taxation, an oppressive exaction is made without constitutional warrant, amounting to little less than an arbitrary seizure of private property. It is, in fact, a forced contribution levied upon propert}' held in other States, where it is subjected, or may be subjected, to taxation upon an estimate of its full value. The case of Maltby v. The Reading and Columbia Railroad Com- pany, decided by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in 1866, was referred to by the Common Pleas in support of its ruling, and is relied upon by counsel in support of the tax in question. The decision in that case does go to the full extent claimed, and holds that bonds ot corporations held by non-residents arc taxable in that State. But it is evident from a perusal of the opinion of the court that the decision proceeded upon tlie idea that the bond of the non-resident was itsell property in the State because secured by a mortgage on property there, "It is undoubtedly true," said the court, "that the Legislature ol SECT. II.] STATE TAX ON FOREIGN-HELD BONDS. 70 Pennsylvania cannot impose a personal tax upon the citizen of another .State, but the c(jii.stant practice is to lax property wiliiin our juiisdic- tion which belongs to non-resideiils." And again: "There uiiisl be jurisdiction over eitiier the property or ihe person of the owner, else the power cannot be exercised; l)uL wiicn ilw. property is wiiliin our jurisdiction, and enjoys the protection of our Slate government, it is juslly taxable, and it is of no moment that the owner, who is required to pay the tax, resides elsewhere." There is no douljt of the correct- ness of these views. Jnit the court then |)roceeds to state that the principle of taxation as the correlative of protection is as apphcable to a non-resident as to a resident ; that the loan to the non-resident is made valuable by the franchises which the company derived from the Commonwealth, and as an investment rests upon Suite authoritv, and, therefore, ought to contribute to the support of the State government. It also adds that, thougli the hjan is for some purjwses subject to the law of the domicile of the holder, " yet, in a very high sense," it is also property in Pennsylvania, observing, in support of ihis position, that the holder of a bonil of tlie company could not enforce it except in that State, and that the mortgage given for its security was upon property and franchises within her jurisdiction. The amount of all which is this : that the State which creates and protects a corporation ought to have the right to tax the loans negotiated l)y it, though taken an(.l held by non-residents, a (jroposition which it is unnecessai-y to con- trovert. The legality of a tax of that kind would not be questioned if in the charter of the company the imposition of the tax were author- ized, and in tlie bonds of the company, or its certificates of loan, the liability of the loan to taxation were stated, Tiie tax in that case would be in the nature of a license tax for negotiating the loan, for in whatever manner made payable it would ultimately fall on the com[)any as a condition of effecting the loan, and parties contracting with the company would provide for it by proper stipulations. But there is nothing in the observations of the court, nor is there anything in the opinion, which shows that the bond of the non-resident was propert}' in the State, or tliat the non-resident had any proi)erty in the Slate which was subject to taxation within the principles laid down by the court itself, which we have cited. The property mortgaged belonged entirel}' to the company, and so far as it was situated in Pennsylvania was taxable there. If taxation is the correlative of protection, the taxes which it there paid were the correlative for the protection which it there received. And neither the taxation of the property, nor its protection, was augmented or dimin- ished by the fact that the corporation was in debt or free from debt. The i)roperty in no sense belonged to the non-resident bondholder or to the mortgagee of the company. The mortgage transferred no title ; it created only a lien npon the property. Though in form a convev- ance, it was both at law and in equity a mere security for the debt That such is the nature of a mortgage in IViiiisvIvania has been fre- so STATE TAX OX FOREIGN-HELD BOXDS. [ciIAP. 11. cjuently ruled by her highest court. In Witmer's Appeal, 45 Penn. S. 403, the court said: '' The mortgagee has no estate in the land, any more than the judgment creditor. Both have liens upon it, and no more than liens." And in that State all possible interests in lands, whether vested or contingent, arc subject to lev}' and sale on execution, yet It has been held, on the ground that a mortgagee has no estate in the lands, that the mortgaged premises cannot be taken in execution for his debt. In Rickert v. Madeira, 1 Rawle, 329, the court said: "A mortgage must be considered either as a chose in action or as giving title to the land and vesting a real interest in the mortgagee. In the latter case it would be liable to execution ; in the former it would not, as it would fall within the same reason as a judgment bond or simple contract. If we should consider the interest of the mortgagee as a veal interest, we must carr}' the principle out and subject it to a dower and to the lien of a judgment; and that it is but a chose in action, a mere evidence of debt, is apparent from the whole current of decisions." Wilson r. Shoenberger's Executors, 31 Penn. S. 295. Such being tiie character of a mortgage in Pennsylvania, it cannot be said, as was justly observed b}- counsel, that the non-resident holder and owner of a bond secured by a mortgage in tiiat State owns any real estate there. A mortgage being there a mere chose in action, it only confers upon the holder, or the party for whose benefit the mort- gage is given, a right to proceed against the property mortgaged, upon a given contingency, to enforce, by its sale, the payment of his de- mand. This right has no locality independent of the party in whom it resides. It ma}' undoubtedly be taxed by the State when held by a resident therein, but when held by a non-resident it is as much beyond the jurisdiction of the State as the person of the owner. It is undoubtedl}' true that the actual situs of personal property which has a visible and tangible existence, and not the domicile of its owner, will, m many cases, determine the State in which it may be taxed. Tiie same thing is true of public securities consisting of State bonds and bonds of municipal bodies, and circulating notes of bank- ing institutions ; the former, by general usage, iiave acquired the char- acter of, and are treated as, propert}- in the place where they are found, though removed from the domicile of the owner ; the latter are treated and pass as money wherever the}' are. But other personal propert}^ consisting of bonds, mortgages, and del)ts generally, has no situs independent of the domicile of the owner, and certainly can have none where the instruments, as in tlie present case, constituting the evi- dences of debt, are not separated from the possession of the owners. Cases were cited by counsel on the argument from the decisions of the highest courts of several States, which accord with the views we have expressed. In Davenport r. The Mississippi and Missouri Rail- road Company, 12 Iowa, 539, the question arose before the Supreme Court of Iowa whether mortgages on property in that State held by non-residents could be taxed under a law which provided that all prop- SECT. II.] STATE TAX ON FOREIfi.\-II i;i.I> HOXDS. 81 ert\', loaf and personal, within the State, with certain exceptions not material to tlic present case, should be subject to taxation, and the; court said : — ■ " Both in law and equity the mortgagee has only a chattel interest. It is true that the situs of the property mortgaged is within the juris- diction of the State, but. the mortgage itself being i)ersonal property, a chose in action attaches to the person of the owner. It is agreed by the parties that the owners and holders of the mortgages are non- residents of the State. If so, and the property of the mortgage attaches to the person of the owner, it follows that these mortgages are not propcrt}' within the State, and if not they are not- the subject of taxation," In People v. Eastman, 25 Cal, G03, the question arose before the Su- preme Court of Caiifornia wliether a judgment of record in Mariposa County upon the foreclosure of a mortgage upon property situated in that county could be taxed there, the owner of the judgment being a resident of San Francisco, and the law of California requiring all prop- erty to be taxed in the county where situated ; and it was held that it was not taxable there. ''The mortgage," said the court, "has no existence independent of the thing secured b}' it ; a payment of the debt discharges the mortgage. The thing secured is intangible, and has no situs distinct and a[)art from the residence of the holder. It pertains to and follows the person. The same debt ma}', at tlie same time, be secured by a mortgage upon land in every county in the State ; and it the mere fact that the mortgage exists in a particular county gives the propert}' in the mortgage a sitits subjecting it to taxation in that county, a party, without further legislation, might be called upon to pa}' the tax several times, for the lien for taxes attaches at the same time in ever}' count}' in the State, and the mortgage in one county may be a different one from that in another although the debt secured is the same." Some adjudications in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania were also cited on the argument, which appear to recognize doctrines inconsistent with that announced in JMaltby v. Reading and Columbia Railroail Company, particularly the case of Mclveen r. The County of North- ampton, 49 Penn. S. 519, and the case of Short's Estate, 16 Id. 03, but we do not deem it necessary to pinsuc the matter further. We are clear tliat the tax cannot be sustained ; that the lionds, being held by non-residents of the State, are only property in their hands, and that they are thus beyond the jurisdiction of the taxing power of the State, Even where the bonds are held by residents of the State, the retention by the company of a portion of the stipulated interest can only be sustained as a mode of collecting a tax upon that species of property in the State. When the propei'ty is out of the State there can then be no tax upon it for which the interest can be retained. The tax laws of Pennsylvania can have no extraterritorial operation : flor can any law of that State, inconsistent with the terms of a con- 82 STATE TAX ON FOREIGN-HELD BONDS. [ciIAT. TT. tract, made with or paj'able to parties out of the State, have any effect upon the contract whilst it is in the hands of such parties or other non- residents. The extraterritorial invalidity of State laws discharging a debtor from his contracts with citizens of other States, even though made and payable in the State after the passage of such laws, has been judicially determined by this court. Ogden r. Saunders, 12 Wheaton, 214 ; Baldwin r. Hale, 1 Wallace, 223. A like invalidit}' must, on similar grounds, attend State legislation which seeks to change the obligation of such contracts in any particular, and on stronger grounds where the contracts are made and payable out of the State. Judgment reversed, and the cause re)7ia tided /or further proceed' in(js, 1)1 conformity with this opinion. Davis, Cliffokd, Miller, and Hunt, JJ., dissenting. 1 SECT. II.] BLACKSTONK V. MII.LEU. 83 BLACKSTONE v. MILLER. SUPUEME COUUT OF THE UnITED StATES. 1903. [Reported 188 U. S. 189.] Holmes, J. This is a writ of error to the Surrogate's Court of the county of New York. It is l)rought to review a decree of the court, sustained by the Appellate Divisicjii of the Supreme Court, G'J A[jp. Div. 127, and by the C(KMt of Appeals, 171 N. Y. G82, levying a tax on the transfer by will of certain property of Timothy B. Blackstone, the testator, who dietl domicile c. 516, § 1, "Merchandise, machinery and animals owned by inhabitants of this Commonwealth, but situated in another State shall be exempt from taxation." Part I. § 4, provides that "Personal estate for the pur- pose of taxation shall include . . . Third, Public stocks and securi- ties, . . . bonds of railroads and street railways, stocks in turnpikes, bridges and moneyed corporations within or without this Common- wealth . . ." with exceptions not now of consequence. In sub- stance, the only question is whether these provisions of the law, which plainly include in their scope stock such as is owned by this petitioner in the Vermont corporation, conflict as applied to such shares with any provision of the State or federal constitution. Vermont has the power to tax all the shares of corporations or- ganized under its laws, whethpr owned by its residents or by those of other States or countries. This expressly was decided in Corry V. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore, 196 U. S. 466, and m St. Albans v. National Car Co. 57 Vt. 68. The nrincmle was applied in Tannan v. Merchants' National Bank, 19 Wall. 490. It was rec- offnizpd in Crevp^ v. Shaw, 173 Mass. 205, 208, Kingsbury v. Chapm, 196 Mass. 533, 535, anrl Kennerlv v. Hodees. 215 Mass 112, 114. Tt may be urtred on the one pi<1e that the nature and the incidents of the share, of stock are fixed bv the law by which the corporation is created- that the provisions of that law are limitations upon the SECT. II.] BELLOWS I' ALLS POWEE CO. V. COMMONWEALTH. 97 essential characteristics of shares and follow them wherever they may go; and that if the situs of the shares for purpose of taxation is declared by that law to be in the State of its domicil, that is an inherent restriction which everywhere must be recognized as an inci- dent of the property represented by the shares ; that tliis provision as to situs for tax purposes is contractual in substance and may be invoked by the owner in exoneration of liability as much as others whicli are obligatory are resorted to by creditors to establish a liability. Con- verse V. Ayer, 197 Mass. 443, 453, Whitman v. Oxford National Bank, 176 U. S. 559; that by virtue of the Vermont statute this stock is divested of its taxable character as intangible property and clothed with an immovable garment of tangibility located in Vermont alone, and hence, that these shares stand on the same footing as mer- chandise and other tactile personal effects which cannot be taxed to their owner in a jurisdiction other than that in which they perma- nently are placed. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad v. Pennsylvania, 198 U. S. 341. Old Dominion Steamship Co, v. Vir- ginia, 198 U. S. 299. Expressions by eminent judges are laid hold of as countenancing the soundness of these contentions. It was said by Chief Justice Waite in Tappan v. Merchants' National Bank, 19 Wall. 490, at page 499, " shares of stock in national banks are per- sonal property. . . . They are a species of personal property which is, in one sense, intangible and incorporeal, but the law which creates them may separate them from the person of their owner for the purposes of taxation, and give them a situs of their own. This has been done. [Here is quoted the section of the national banking act to that effect.] This is a law of the property. Every o^\Tier takes the property sub- ject to this power of taxation under State authority, and every non- resident, by becoming an owner, voluntarily submits himself to the jurisdiction of the State in which tlie bank is established for all the purposes of t;ixation on account of his ownership." In Covington v. First National Bank of Covington, 198 IT. S. 100, at page 111, it was said by Mr. Justice Day, "The sitits of shares of foreign-held stock in an incorporated company, in the absence of legislation im- posing a duty upon the company to return the stock %vithin the State as the agent of the owner, is at the domicil of the owner." It is to be noted, however, that both these cases relate to shares in national banks. The subject of national banking is within the exclusive con- trol of Congress and its mandate respecting any subject within ite sphere is supreme and binding upon all the States. The national bank act is explicit as to the situs of shares of stock in national bank? for taxation. These expressions, therefore, were directed to a dif- ferent subject and are of slight value in considering the present ques- tion, which expresslv was left open in Hawley v. Maiden, 232 IT. S. 1, 13. See Orether v. Wright, 23 C. C. A. 498, 512. Weighty as are. the sugsrestions which have been noted above, we are of opinion that the constitutionalitv of the statute requiring the taxation of shares like these in question must be sustained. The fudnmental ground is that the power to tax all property within its jurisdiction is a necessary attribute of sovereignty, and that there 98 BELLOWS FALLS POWER CO. V. COMMON WEALTH. [cKAP. II. is a certain quality of property in these shares attaching to the person of the owner and hence taxable at his domicil. It is too well settled to require the citation of authorities that the several States of the Union are foreign to each other except so far as the United States is paramount as the dominating gov- ernment, and except so far as they are bound to recognize the frater- nity among sovereignties established by the Constitution of the United States. No State taxation laws can have extraterritorial elfect. Each State, so far as relates to the power of taxation, is an independent sovereignty. It is not concerned with what other States may do as to property within its jurisdiction, which may be made the subject of taxation bv itself. Dwight v. Boston, 12 Allen, 316. Sturges v. Carter, 114 U. S. 511. Seward v. Rising Sun, 79 Ind. 351. BacOT^ V. State Tax Commissioners, 126 Mich. 22. Judy v. Beckwith, 137 Iowa, 24. McKeen v. County of Northampton, 49 Penn. St. 519. State V. Branin, 3 Zabr. 484, 496. Bradley v. Bander, 36 Ohio St. 28, Ogden v. St. Joseph, 90 Mo. 522, 529. Commonwealth v. Lovell, 125 Ivy. 491. Stanford v. San Francisco, 131 Cal. 34, All property within the jurisdiction of a State, which is capable of being taxed, may be made subject to taxation unless exempted imder federal or State law. No State can assess to the residents a tax upon their real estate or tangible personal property situated in a foreign jurisdiction. Union Refrigerator Transit Co. v. Kentucky, 199 U. S. 194. Neither can any State give extraterritorial effect to its laws exempting prop- erty of its subjects from taxation in other jurisdictions. But, except as restrained by federal or State constitutional provisions, " the power of the State as to the mode, form, and extent of taxation is unlimited, where the subjects to which it applies are within her jurisdiction." Kirtland v. Hotchkiss, 100 U. S. 491, 497. There is a necessary element of property in shares in corporations which, although intangible, attaches to and follows the person of the ovmer, and is inseparable from it. Such shares are personal property and not real estate. They are subject to succession according to the law of the domicil of the owner. As was said in Hawley v. Maiden, 232 U. S. 1, at page 9, " It is well settled that the property of the shareholders in their respective shares is distinct from the corporate property, franchises and capital stock." and further at page 12, that shares of stock are " in the nature of contract rights or choses in ac- tion. Morawetz on Corporations, § 225." It was held in Stanwood V. Stanwood, 17 Mass. 57, in an opinion written by Chief Justice Parker, that shares of stock in a bank were choses in action. The principle of that decision applies to vshares of stock in all corpora- tions. It is an incident of such shares that the owner is entitled to participate in the net profits earned, to enforce the use of its capital for its corporate purposes, to restrain abuses of corporate powers, and to receive his proportion of the property of the corporation re- maining after the payment of its debts upon its dissolution. Van Allen V. The Assessors, 3 "W^all. 573, 584. Pnrrinsrton ik Tennessee, 95 U. S. 679, 687, In mo=t norpomf ions he hn= the further ri?ht in proportion to his ownership to participate in the election of officers SECT. II.] BELLOWS FALLS POWER CO. V. COMMONWEALTH. 99 and such direction of the corporate allairs as may be vested in stock- holders. Certificates of stock may be the subject of contracts for sale or exchange under our laws. Opinion of tlie Justice-s, lt)(J Mass. 603, 619, 621. Uur laws may be invoked i-o enforce such contracts and other property rights, Herbert t'. .Simson, 220 Mass. 480, as well as to protect the owner and his property interest therein against theft or fraud. His property right as such owner may be attached and secured by his creditors by resort to our courts, and in many instances doubtless this is the only way of reaching such right in any juris- diction. This property right follows the person of the owner, has its situs at his domicil and is there taxable regardless of any law of a sister State by w liose authority the corporation itself may have been created. Certificates of stock in a corporation have other of the charac- teristics of property. They may be converted like corporeal personal property. Jarvis v. Rogers, 15 ]\Iass. 389. Hagar v. Norton, 188 Ma.-s. 47, 50. MczVllister v. Kulm, 9G U. S. 87. They are the sub- ject of larceny and embezzlement. O'llerron v. Gray, 168 Mass. 573, 575. They may be hypothecated, pledged and replevied. Kennedy V. Hodges, 215 Mass. 112, 115. They may be made by statute subject to attacinnent and garnishment. Puget Sound National Bank of Everett v. Mather, 60 Minn. 362. Title pasfses by their delivery and assignment or endorsement. Sargent v. Essex Marine Railway, 9 Pick. 201. Sargent v. Franklin Ins. Co. 8 Pick. 90, 95. Boston Music Hall Association v. Cory, 129 Mass. 435. Certificates of stock are not in every respect the equivalent of the shares in the corporation which they represent. Often they are spoken of as evidence of title, Kennedy v. Hodges, iibi .supra, Richardson v. Shaw, 209 U. S. 365, 378; but they may be regarded as something more. Indeed, it was said in Hatch v. Reardon, 204 U. S. 152, 161, respecting a certificate of stock, " That document was more than evidence, it was a constit- uent of title. No doubt, in a more remote sense, tlie object Avas the membership or share which the certificate conferred or made attain- able. More remotely still it w^as an interest in the property of the corporation, which might be in other States than either the corpora- tion or the certificate of stock." In Merritt v. American Steel-Barge Co. 24 C. C. A. 530, at page 537, is found this lansruage : " Speaking technically, it is true that a stock certificate is written evidence of a certain interest in corporate property. . . . But in the business world such obligations or securities are treated as something more than movp muniments of title. They are dailv houfrht and sold like ordinary chattels, . . . they have an inherent market value, and, while differ- ing in some respects from chattels, they are Erenerally clas^ifipd n^ personal property." Said Cooley, C. J., in Daggett v. Davis. ^^ Mich. 35, respecting the characteristics of stock in a corporation, "the certificnte itself is also -property; standing as it does as th^^ representative of tlie shares." In Simpson v. Jersey Cit^' Contrnctincr Co. 165 N. Y. 103, 197, 198, occur these words: "Certificates of stock are treated bv business men as propertv for all practical pur- poses. They are sold in the market and they are transferred as collat- 100 BELLOWS FALLS POWEK CO. V. COMMONWEALTH. [cHAP. II. eral security for loans, and they are used in various ways as property. They pass by delivery from hand to hand." In Cook on Corporations, (7th ed.) § -±85, it is said, '" eertilicates of stock have gradually grown to be more than mere receipts or evidence of stock, and have come to be the stock itself, practically, in business transactions . . . and, like a promissory note, a certilicate of stock is property in itself." While some of these expressions go rather far, enough has been said to show a generally prevailing tendency to treat a certilicate of stock as possessing incidents of property. These are a sufficient basis for taxation to the owner at his residence. The validity of a commercial usage whereby possession of a certilicate of stock duly indorsed en- ables the holder to pass title good against the world has been recog- nized in numerous cases. Eussell v. American Bell Telephone Co. 180 Mass. 467. Andrews v. Worcester, Nashua & Eochester Eailroad, 159 Mass. 64, 66. Scollans v. Eollins, 173 Mass. 275; S. C. 179 Mass. 346. Clews v. Friedman, 182 Mass. 555. Baker v. Davie, 211 Mass. 429, 438. If the domiciliary State of the corporation has the right to estab- lish the situs of its shares of stock for purposes of taxation, on prin- ciple it would seem that that power may be exercised to declare an entire exemption from taxation and to collect revenue in some other way from the corporation. If the power exists in the State creating the corporation to establish the situs of its shares of stock for the purpose of taxation, and is exercised, it must be absolute and no other State can inquire into the character or extent of that taxation in an effort to tax its own citizen who is a stockholder in such corporation. It hardly seems possible that the Fourteenth Amendment to the federal constitution can have such an effect. The theory of taxation is that it is money exacted from the subject in return for the protection afforded by established government. It is the duty of governments to protect persons and property. These rights of the Massachusetts owner of shares of stock in the Vermont corpora- tion pertain to his residence here and receive the protection of our laws. To that extent the shareholder resident here receives for the taxation imposed a return in governmental protection for the prop- erty rights incident to his ownership. These are incidents of property which necessarily follow the person of the owner of shares in foreign corporations, even though the shares may be taxed at the foreign domicil of the corporation. For these pur- poses the situs of corporate shares follows the domicil of the owner. This is the general rule. There appears to us to be no ground for the pcfnblishmont of an exception to that general rule in the instant case. Bristol V. Washington County, 177 U. S. 133. Ayer & Lord Tie Co. V. Kentucky, 202 U. S. 409. Southern Pacific Co. v. Kentucky, 222 F. S. 63. 69. Darnell v. Indiana. 226 TJ. S. 390. Frothingham v. Shaw, 175 Mass. 59. Welch v. Boston. 221 Mass. 155. On this gronnd. if not on others also, Selliger v. Kentucky, 213 U. S. 200, is distingnishable. The rase at bar closely resembles Bonaparte v. Tax Court, 104 TJ. S. 592. where municipal and State bonds, soine entirely exempted SECT. II.] BELLOWS FALLS I'OWEK CO. V. COMMONWEALTH. 101 from taxation and others subject to taxation in the State of issue by the State laws under which they were authorized, nevertheless were held to be taxable at the domicil of the owner, in principle that case seems indistinguisiiable from the case at bar. An express legislative declaration by the debtor State that its bonds either shall be exempt from taxation or shall be subject to taxation in its own jurisdiction, although not categorically an attempt to separate the situs of tlie debt from the person of the owner, yet is in substance the equivalent of a declaration to that end. It is a legislative elfort to incorporate into the property as one of its essential qualities an exemption from taxation or a liability to taxation in the State of issue alone. It is hard to conceive of a purpose on the part of that State not to attach by strong inference and fair implication a separation of situs for taxa- tion from the domicil of the owner to bonds so issued, if the effective exercise of such a function were within the scope of legislative power. Indeed, the Vermont statute is not a precise assertion of separation of sittis of shares from the person of the non-resident owner. It is a simple exercise of the power of the sovereign to tax. That was the effect of one of the statutes under consideration in Bonaparte v. Tax Court, 104 U. S. 592. The barrier against accomplishing that pur- pose in such way as to compel recognition by the taxing power of a sister State was no greater in substance in that case than it is in the present case. It has been held that the State having jurisdiction over the debtor has the constitutional power to assert and maintain for itself a situs of the debt for purposes of taxation and levy a tax thereon against the creditor domiciled in another State. This was decided as to debts secured by mortgage upon real estate in Savings & Jjoan Society t'. Multnomah County, 169 U. S. 421. It was decided as to unsecured credits, whether expressed by notes or existing as bald accounts cur- rent, in Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co. v. Assessors for the Parish of Orleans, 221 U. S. 346. Bonaparte v. Tax Court upheld the power of the State having jurisdiction of the creditor owning the debt to tax him at his domicil upon the maxim mohilia sequuntur personam, despite the express tax or exemption from taxation hy the State having jurisdiction w^here the debt was created and the debtor domiciled, while the Multnomah County and Orleans cases sustained an exercise of the power to tax by the State having jurisdiction of the debtor regardless of what might happen in the State having jurisdic- tion of the creditor. The more comprehensive power of Congrro's as to taxation and exemption from taxation of suhjects within its jurisdiction as compared with that of a State lecrislature is pointed out by Taft, J., in an opinion concurred in bv Lurton, J., in Crether V. Wright, 23 C. C. A. 498, 512. It is manifest from the adjudicntions by the Fnitod Stntes Su- preme Court mentioned above that under some circumstances the same property may be taxed to the same person in differont jurisdic- tions without violating anv riffht secured bv the federal constitution. Put in other words, these decisions appear to menu that property mav have a situs in two different jurisdictions for taxation purposo-5 when 102 BELLOWS FALLS TOWER CO. V. COMMONWEALTH. [ciIAP. II. the nature of the property seems to require or permit it. There may be a dill'erence bet^veeu bonds and shares of stock as to capacity for independent situs. Blackstoue v. Miller, 188 U. S. 189, 206. Selliger V. Kentucky, 213 U. !S. 200, 201. But there appears to be no ground for distinction between shares of stock and accounts current so far as concerns the issues here involved. This principle governs the case at bar. It shows that Corry v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore, 1!JG U. S. 46G, is not inconsistent with this result, but that it bears the same relation to the present case as does Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co. v. Assessors for the Parish of Orleans to Bonaparte v. Tax Court. As was said in Kidd v. Alabama, 188 U. S. ?30, at page 732, by Mr, Justice Holmes, as to taxation between sister States, " it would be a great advantage to the country and to the individual States if principles of taxation could be agreed upon which did not conflict with each other, and a common scheme could be adopted by which taxation of substantially the same property in two jurisdictions could be avoided. But the Constitution of the United States does not go so far." There is an analogy so far as concerns situs between the case at bar and the numerous cases holding that residence of the owner is sufficient ground for the imposition of a succession or inheritance tax upon various lands of intangible property. Frothingham v. Shaw, 175 Mass. 59. Buck v. Beach, 206 U. S. 392. Wheeler v. New York, 233 U. S. 434. The principle against double taxation of the same property has no application, because that is confined in operation to such taxation in the same jurisdiction. Whether it would be wise to make exemptions in cases like the present is not a judicial but a legislative question. Knight v. Boston, 159 Mass. 551. It follows from what has been said that the shares of stock are not " property situated in another State and subject to taxation therein." The context in which these words occur in our tax law and its other general provisions demonstrate that these words refer to the kind of property which, if owned by an individual and situated and taxed in another State, would be exempt from taxation here, such as real estate, and " merchandise, machinery and animals." St. 1909, c. 516, ^ 1. Union Eefrigerator Transit Co. v. Kentucky, 199 U. S. 194. There are substantial, although intangible, elements of property in shares of stock in a corporation which attach to the owner resident in this Commonwealth. The general statement in the decisions of manv courts and of text writers is to the effect that shares of stock in foreign corporations mav be asse=sed to the o^mer at the place of his domicil irrespective of taxes which may have been imposed on the corporation itself, even in respect of its capital stock. Creenleaf v. Board of Eeview, 184 111. 226. 228. State v. Nelson, 10? Minn. 319, 322. Appeal Tax Court V. Gill, 50 Md. 377. 396. Allon v. Commonwealth, 98 Va. 80, 84. State 7;. Bontlev. 3 Zabr. 532. 542. 27 Am. & Eng. Encyc. of Law, {2d ed.) 928, 929. 37 Cyc. 821, 864, 865. SECT. I J. J BELLOWS FALLS POWEK CO. V. COMMONWEALTH. 103 Our decision upon this hiancli of the case is supported by direct adjudications upon the .same point in Dyer v. Osborne, 11 K. I. '6l\, Worth V. Commissioners of Ashe County, 90 N. C. 409, Appeal Tax Court V. Patterson, 50 Md. 35-1, 373, Judy v. Beckwith, 137 Iowa, k!-l, 33, Seward v. Kising Sun, 79 Ind. 351, 353, 35-1, Bacon v. State Tax Commissioners, 12G Mich. 22, 2!), 30, Central of Georgia iiaihvay i'. Wright, 166 Fed. Rep. 153, 159, appeal dismissed, 215 U. S. 617. See 1 Cooley on Taxation, (3d ed.) 389. Although in some of these opinions the question of the power of the domiciliary State of the corporation to appropriate to itself an exclusive taxation silus of the shares of stock was not much discussed, the decisions are clear to the effect that it cannot do so. The result seems to be supported by Kidd V. Alabama, 188 U. S. 730, where at page 731 some of these cases are cited with approval. It conforins to the policy of our law touching a kindred point in Dwight v. Boston, 12 Allen, 316, where it was said at page 322, " our whole system of taxation, as established and prac- ticed, is to disregard the liability of shares in foreign corporations to taxation in the States where they are situated." We are aware of no authorities to the contrary. Oliver v. Washington Mills, 11 Allen, 268, involved quite different considerations. The conclusion is, in the opinion of a majority of the court, that as matter of constitutional power the Legislature can impose a property tax upon the shares of stock in a Vermont corporation owned by a natural person resident in this Commonwealth. The exercise of such power does not conflict with constitutional guarantees for equal pro- tection of the laws, full faith and credit to the public acts of other States, nor is it a deprivation of property without due process of law. Of course it does not impair the obligation of any contract, because it is to be inferred that our tax law was in effect long before the ac- quisition of the stock by the petitioner. The petitioner contends that its bond of a A^ermont corporation is not comprehended within "securities which if owned by a natural person resident in this Commonwealth would be liable to taxation," as these words are used in § 43, cl. 2. Its argument is that such a bond is a debt due to it and that if owned by a natural person resident here who owed money in excess of the value of the bond, as the peti- tioner does, then such natural person would not be taxed for it. Hale V. County Commissioners, 137 Mass. 111. This argument is falla- cious. These words in the statute were not intended to establish the same standard of taxation for a corporation as for an individual. The reference to securities which would be taxable if owned by a natural person is merely for the purpose of determining the taxable character of the securities. Farr Alpaca Co. v. Commonwealth, 212 Mass. 156, 162. If the securities possess that taxable character, then they are to be taken into account. The debts owed by the petitioner are all considered in determining the fair market value of its shares, pro- vided it makes proper return of them. It is not entitled under the excise tax law to have them deducted a second time. "Securities" is a word of suflRcientlv broad import to include a bond like that in question. It was said in Boston Railroad Holding 104 BELLOWS FALLS POWER CO. V. COMMONWEALTH, [ciIAP. II. Co. V. Commonwealth, 215 Mass. 493, that "'in its ordinary accepta- tion the words ' securities ' includes bonds . . . and other evidences of indebtedness." There is nothing in any part of the tax law to show tliat it was used in this section in a narrow or constricted sense. In this respect also no error is shown in the action of the tax com- missioner in the determination of the excise tax upon the petitioner. Petition dismissed with costs. SECT. U,l ADAMS EXI'KESS CO. f . OHIO. 10." ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY /•. OHIO. SUPKKMK CoiRT OK THE UnITED StATES. 1697. [Reported 166 U. 5. 194 ; 166 U. S. 185.] These are oases involving the constitutionality of certain laws of the State of Ohio providing for the taxation of telegraph, telephone, and express conipanios, and the validity of assessments of express com- panies thereunder. The general assembly of Ohio passed, April 27, 1893, 90 Ohio Laws, 330, an act to amend and supplement §§ 2777, 2778, 2779, and 2780 of the Revised Statutes of that State (commonly styled " The Nichols Law "), which was amended May 10, 1894. The law created a state board of ai)praisers and assessors, consisting of the auditor of State, treasurer of State, and attorney general, which was charged with the duty of assessing the property in Ohio of telegraph, telephone, and express companies. By the act as amended, between the first and thirty- first days of May annually each telcgrapli, telephone, and express com- pany doing business in Ohio, was required to file a return with tlie auditor of State, setting forth among other things the number of shares of its capital stock ; the par value and market value (or, if there be no market value, then the actual value) of its shares at the date of the return ; a statement in detail of the entire real and personal property of said companies and where located, and the value thereof as assessed for taxation. Telegraph and telephone companies were required to return, also, the whole length of their lines, and the length of so much of their lines as is without and is within the State of Ohio, including the lines controlled and used, under lease or otherwise. Express com- panies were required to include in the return a statement of their entire gross receipts, from whatever source derived, for the year ending the first day of May, of business wherever done ; and of the business done in the State of Ohio, giving the receipts of each oflSce in the State ; also the whole length of the lines of rail and water routes over which the companies did business, within and without the State. Provision was made in the law for the organization of the board, for the appoint- ing of one of its members as secretar\' and the keeping of full minutes of its proceedings. The board was required to meet in the month of .lune and assess the value of the property of these companies in Ohio. The rule to bo followed b}' the board in making the assessment was that "in determining the value of the property of said companies in this State, to be taxed within the State and assessed as herein pro- vided, said board shall be guided by the value of said propert}' as de- termined b}' the value of the entire capital stock of said companies, and such other evidence and rules as will enable said board to arrive at the true value in money of the entire property of said companies within the State of Ohio, in the proportion which the same bears to the entire 106 ADAMS EXPRESS CO. V. OHIO. [CHAP. II. property of said companies, as determined b}- the value of the capital stock thereof, and tlie other evidence and rules as aforesaid." As to telegraph and telephone companies, the board was required to apportion the vahiation among the sevei'al counties through which the lines ran. in the proportion that the lengtii of the lines in tlie respective counties bore to the entire length in the State; in the case of express companies, the apportionment was to be made among the several coun- ties in which they did business, in the proportion that the gross receipts in each county bore to the gross receipts in tlie Slate. The amount thus apportioned was to he certified to the county audi- tor, and placed by him on the duplicate "to be assessed, and the taxes thereon collected the same as taxes assessed and collected on other personal property," the rate of taxation to be the same as that on other property in the local taxing district. The valuation of all the real estate of the companies, situated in Ohio, was required to be deducted from the total valuation, as fixed by the board. The original suits were brought in the Circuit Court to enjoin the certification of the apportioned valuations to the county auditors, as to 1893, against the state board ; as to 1894 and 1895, against the auditor of State. ^ The appellants filed a petition for a rehearing. Brewer, J. We have had before us at the present term several cases involving the taxation of the property of expi'ess ciompanies, some coming from Ohio, some from Indiana, and one from Kentuck}' ; also a case from the latter State involving the taxation of the property' of the Henderson Bridge Company. The Ohio and Indiana cases were decided on the 1st of February. (165 U. S. 194.) Petitions for re- hearing of those cases have been presented and are now before us for consideration. The importance of the questions involved, the close division in this court upon them, and the earnestness of counsel for the expi-ess com- panies in their original arguments, as well as in tlieir briefs on this application, lead those of us who concurred in the judgments to add a few observations to what has hitherto been said. Again and again has this court affirmed the pro^josition that no State can interfere with interstate cotnmerce through the imposition of a tax, by whatever name called, which is in effect a tax for the privilege of transacting such commerce. And it has as often aflfiinied that such restriction upon the power of a State to interfere with interstate com- merce does not in the least degree aln-idge the right of a State to tax at their full value all the instrumentalities used for such commerce. Now the taxes imposed upon exi)ress com[)anies by the statutes of the three States of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky are certainly not in terms "privilege taxes." The}- purport to be ui)on the property of the ^ Part of the statninent of facts, arijnmonts of counsel, aud tlie opinion of the Court upon the first argument, are omitted. — Eu. SECT. II.] ADAMS EXPRESS CO. V. OHIO. 107 companies. They arc, therefore, not, in form at least, subject to any of the (icmiiu'iatioiis at^ainst privilci^c taxes wliich have ho often come from this coiiit. Tlic slaliiles giant no privilege of doing an expres? business, charge notiiing for doing sucii a business, and contempUite only the assessment and levy of taxes upon the property of the express com- panies situated witliin the respective States. And the only really sub- stantial (piistion is whethei', prf)peily understood and administered, they subject to the taxing power of tlie State pro|)ert3' not within its territorial limits. The l)urden of tlie contention of the express companies is that they have within the limits of the State certain tangil)le property, such as horses, wagons, etc. ; that that tangible property is their only prop- erty within tlie Slate; that it must be valued as other like property, and upon sueh valuation alone can taxes be assessed and levied against them. But this contention practically ignores the existence of intangible property, or at least denies its lialiility for taxation. In the complex civilization of to-day a large portion of the wealth of a OMnmunity con- sists ill iiitai)gii)le property, and there is nothing in the iiatuie of things or in the limitations of the Federal Constitution which restrains a State from taxing at its real value such intangible property. Take the sim- plest illustration : B, a solvent man, purchases from A certain prop- erty, and gives to A his promise to pay, say, SI 00.000 therefor. Such promise may or may not be evidenced by a note or other written instru- ment. The property conveyed to B may or may not be of the value of SlOO.OOO. If tliere be nothing in the way of fraud or misrepresenta- tion to invalidate that transaction, there exists a legal promise on the part of B to pay to A Si 00.000. That promise is a part of A's prop- erty. It is something of value, something on which he will receive cash, and which he can sell in the markets of the community for cash. It is as certainly property, and property of value, as if it were a build- ing or a steamboat, and is as justly siil)Ject to taxation. It matters not in what this intangible property consists — whether privileges, cor- porate franchises, contracts, or obligations. It is enough that it is property which though intangible exists, which has value, produces income, and passes current in the markets of the world. To ignore this intangible property, or to hold that it is not subject to taxatit)n at its accepted value, is to eliminate from the reach of the taxing power a large portion of the wealth of the country. Tsow, whenever separate articles of tangible pro})erty are joined together, not simply by a unit}' of ownership, but in a unity of use, there is not infrequently developed a property, intangible though it may be, wliich in value exceeds the aggregate of the value of the separate pieces of tangible iitoperty. Upon what theory of substantial I'iglit can it be adjudged that the value of this intangil)le propertv must be excluded frcmi the tax lists, and the only property placed thereon be the separate [jieces of tangible property ? The first question to be considered therefore is whether there is 108 ADAMS EXPRESS CO. V. OHIO. [CHAP. H. belonging to these express companies intangible propert}' — property differing fvom the tangible propert}- — a property created by either the combined use or the manner of use of the separate articles of tangible propert}-, or ihe grant or acquisition of franciiises or privileges, or all together. To say that there can be no such intangible property, that it is something of no value, is to insult the common intelligence of every man. Take the Henderson Bridge Company's property, the validity of the taxation of which is before us in another case. The facts disclosed in that record show that the bridge company owns a bridge over the Ohio, between the city of Henderson in Kentucky and the Indiana shore, and also ten miles of railroad in Indiana; that that tangil)le i)ropcrty — that is, the bridge and railroad track — was assessed in the States of Indiana and Kentucky at $1,277,695.54, such, therefore, being the adjudged value of the tangible property. Thus the physical property could piesumably be reproduced b}- an expenditure of that sum, and if placed elsewhere on the Ohio River, and without its connections or the business passing over it or the franchises con- nected with it, might not of itself be worth any more. As mere bridge and tracks, that was its value. If the State's power of taxation is lim- ited to the tangible property, the company should only be taxed in the two States for that sum, but it also appears that it, as a corijoration, had issued bonds to the amount of $2,000,000, upon which it was paying interest; that it had a capital stock of §1,000,000, and that the shares of that stock were worth not less than §90 per share in • the market. The owners, therefore, of that stock had property which for purposes of income and purposes of sale was worth $2,900,000. What gives this excess of value? Obviously the franchises, the privi- leges the company possesses — its intangible property. Now, it is a cardinal rule which should never be forgotten that what- ever propert}' is worth for the purposes of income and sale it is also w^orth for purposes of taxation. Suppose such a bridge were entirely within the territorial limits of a State, and it appeared that the bridge itself cost only §1,277,000, could be reproduced for that sum, and yet it was so situated with reference to railroad or other connections, so used by the travelling i)ublic, that it was worth to the holders of it in the matter of income $2,900,000, could be sold in the markets for that sum, was therefore in the eyes of practical business men of the value of $2,900,000, can there be any doubt of the State's power to assess it at that sum, and to collect taxes from it upon that basis of value? Substance of right demands that whatever be the real value of any propert}-, that value may be accepted by the State for purpose of taxa- tion, and this ought not to be evaded b}' any mere confusion of words. Suppose an express company is incorporated to transact business within the limits of a State, and does business only within such limits, and for the purpose of transacting that business purchases and holds a few thousands of dollars' worth of horses and wagons, and yet it so meets the wants of the people dwelling in that State, so uses the tangible SECT. II.] ADAMS EXPRESS CO. V. OHIO. 100 property which it possesses, so transacts business therein that its stock becomes in tiic n:urlvcts of the Stiiic of tliu actual cash value of hun- dreds of ihou-sands of dollars. To the owners thereof, for the purposes of income and sale, the corporate property is worth hundreds of thou- sands of dollars. Does substance of right require that it shall pay taxes only upon the thousands of dollars of tangible property which it possesses? Accumulated wealtli will laugh at the crudity of taxing laws which reach only the one and ignore the otiier, while they who own tangible property, not organized into a single producing plant, will feel the injustice of a system which so misplaces the burden of taxation. A distinction must be noticed between the construction of a State law and the power of a State. If a statute, properly construed, con- templates only the taxation of horses and wagons, then those belonging to an express company can l)e taxed at no higher value than those belonging to a farmer. But if the State compr'^hends all property in its s<^heme of taxation, then the good will of an organized and estab- lished industry must be recognized as a thing of value. The capital stock of a corporation and the shares in a joint stock company repre- sent not only the tangil)le property, but also the intangible, including therein all corporate franchises and all contracts, privileges, and good will of the concern. Now, the same reality- of the value of its intangible propert}' exists when a company does not confine its work to the limits of a single State. Take, for instance, the Adams Express Company. According to the return filed by it with the auditor of the State of Ohio, as shown in the records of these cases, its number of shares was 120.000, the market value of each §140 to 6150. Taking the smaller sum, gives the value of the company's property taken as an entirety as $10,800,000. In other words, it is worth that for the fnirposes of income to the holders of the stock and for purposes of sale in the markets of the land. But in the same return it shows that the value of its real estate in Ohio was only $25,170; of real estate owned outside of Ohio, $3,005,157.52; or a total of $3,0;50,327.52 ; the value of its personal property in Ohio, $42,065; of personal property outside of Ohio, $1,117,426.05; or a total of $1,159,491.05, making a total valuation of its tangible property $4,189,818.57, and upon that basis it insists that taxes shall be levied. But what a mockery of substantial justice it would be for a corporatism, whose property is worth to its stock- holders for the purposes of income and sale $16,800,000, to be ad- judged liable for taxation only upon one fourth of that amount. The value which property bears in the market, the amount for which its stock can be bought and sold, is the real value. Business men do not [>ay cash for property in moonshine or dreamland. They buy and pay for that which is of value in its power to produce income, or for pur- poses of sale. It is suggested that the comi)any may have bonds, stocks, or other 110 ADAMS EXPRESS CO. V. OHIO. [cHAP. II. investments which produce a part of the value of its capital stock, and which have a special situs in other States or are exempt from taxation. If it has, let it show the fact. Courts deal with things as they are, and do not determine rights upon mere possibilities. It' hull of the property of tlie Adams Exi)ress Company, which by its own showing is worth 61G,(J0U,000 and over, is invested in Uniti'd IStates bonds, and there- fore exempt from taxation, or invested in any way outside the business of the company and so as to be subject to purely local taxation, h t that fact be disclosed, and then if the .State of Ohio attempts to include ■within its taxing power such exempted property, or property of a dif- ferent situs, it will be time enough to consider and determine the rights of the company. That if such facts exist they must be taken into con- sideration by a State in its proceedings under such tax laws as are here presented has been heretofore recognized and distinctly affirmed by this court. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, etc. Railway Co. v. Backus, 154 U. S. 421, 443 ; Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Taggart, 163 U. S. 1, 23 ; Adams Express Co. v. Ohio, 165 U. S. 194, 227. Presumably all that a corporation has is used in the transaction of its business, and if it has accumulated assets which for any reason affect the question of taxation, it should disclose them. It is called upon to make return of its property, and if its return admits that it is possessed of property of a certain value, and does not disclose anything to show that any portion thereof is not subject to taxation, it cannot complain if the State treats its property as all taxable. But where is the situs of this intangible property? The Adams Express Company has, according to its showing, in round numbers $4,000,000 of tangible property scattered through different States, and with that tangible property' thus scattered transacts its business. By the business which it transacts, by c()ml)ining into a single use all these separate pieces and articles of tangible property-, by the contracts, franchises, and privileges which it has acquired and possesses, it has created a corporate property of the actual value of $16,000,000, Thus, according to its figures, this intangible property, its franchises, privi- leges, etc., is of the value of $12,000,000, and its tangil)le property of only $4,000,000. Where is the situs of this intangible property? Is it sim[)ly where its home office is, where is found the central directing thought which controls the workings of the great machine, or in the State which gave it its corporate franchise; or is that intangible prop- erty distributed wherever its tangible property is located and its work is done? Clearly, as we think, the latter. Every State within which it is transacting business and where it has its property, more or less, may rightfully say that the $16,000,000 of value which it possesses springs not merely from the original grant of cor])orate power by the State which incorporated it, or from tlie mere ownership of the tangil)le property, but it springs from the fact thnt that langilile property it has comlijned witli contracts, franchises, and privileges into a single unit of property, and this State contributes to that aggregate value not merely SECT. II.] ADAMS. EXP:EESS CO. V. OHIO. Ill the separate value of such tangible property as is within its limits, but Its proportionate sluire of the value of the entire property. That this is true is obvious fioin the result that would follow if all the States other than the one wliich created the corporation could and should withhold from it the right to transact express business within their limits. It might continue to own all its tangible property within each of those States, but unable to transact the express business within ilieir limits, that SI 2, 000. 000 of value attributable to its intangible propert}' would shrivel to a niere trifle. It may be true that the principal office of the corporation is in New York, and that for certain purposes the maxim of the common law was " mob'dia personam sequuntur" but that maxim was never of universal application, and seldom interfered with the right of taxation. Pull- man's Palace Car Co. /'. Pennsylvania, 141 U. S. 18, 22. It would certainh' seem a misapplication of the doctrine expressed in that maxim to hold that b}- merely transferring its principal office across the river to Jersey Cit}' the situs of $12,000,000 of intangible property for pur- poses of taxation was changed from the State of New York to that of New Jersey. It is also true that a corporation is, for purposes of juiisdiction in the Federal courts, conclusively presumed to be a citizen of the State which created it, but it does not follow therefrom that its franchise to be is for all purposes to be regarded as confined to that State. For the transaction of its business it goes into various States, and wherever it goes as a corporation it carries with it that franchise to l)e. . But the franchise to be is only one of the franchises of a corporation. The franchise to do is an independent franchise, or rather a combina- tion of franchises, embracing all things which the corporation is given power to do, and this power to do is as much a thing of value and a part of the intangible property of tliie corporation as the franchise to be. Francliises to do go wherever the work is done. The Southern Pacific Railway Company is a corporation chartered by the State of Kentucky, yet within the limits of that State it is said to have no tan- gil)le property and no office for the transaction of business. The vast amount of tangilile property which l)y lease or otherwise it holds and operates, and all the franchises to do which it exercises, exist and are exercised in the States and Territories on the Pacific Slope. Do not these intangible properties — these franchises to do — exercised in con- nection with the tangible property which it holds, create a substantive matter of taxation to be asserted by every State in which that tangil)le property is found? It is said that the views thus expressed open the door to possibilities of gross injustice to these corporations, through the conflicting action of the different States in matters of taxation. That may be so, and the courts may be called npon to lelieve against such abnses. But such possil)ilities do not equal the wrong whii-h sustaining the conten- tion of the api)elhiut would at once do. In the city of New York are 112 ADAMS EXPRESS CO. V. OHIO. [CJIAI*. 11. located the headqiuirters of a corporation, whose corporate property is confessedly of tlie value of Si 6, 000,000 — a value which can be realized by its stockholders at any moment they see tit. Its tangible property and its business is scattered through man\' States, all whose powers are invoked to protect its property from trespass and secure it in the peaceful transaction of its wideh- dispersed business. Yet because that tangilile projjerty is only 64,000,000 we are told that that is the limit of the taxing power of these States. In other words, it asks these States to protect property which to it is of the value of $16,000,000, but is willing to pay taxes only on the basis of a valuation of $4,000,000. The injustice of this speaks for itself. In conclusion, let us sa}' that this is eminently a practical age ; that courts must recognize things as they are and as possessing a value which is accorded to them in the markets of the world, and that no finespun theories about situs should interfere to enable these large cor- porations, whose business is carried on through many States, to escape from bearing in each State such burden of taxation as a fair distribu- tion of the actual value of their property among those States requires. The petition for a rehearing is J)e?iied. White, J. (with whom were Field, Harlan, and Bkown, JJ.), dissenting.^ It is elementary that the taxing power of one government cannot be lawfully exerted over property not within its jurisdiction or territory and within the territory and jurisdiction of another. The attempted exercise of such power would be a clear usurpation of authority, and involve a denial of the most obvious conceptions of government. This rule, common to all jurisdictions, is peculiarly applicable to the several States of the Union, as the}' are by the Constitution confined within the orbit of their lawful authority, which they cannot transcend with- out destroying the legitimate powers of each other, and, therefore, with- out violating the Constitution of the United States. In assessing the actual intrinsic value of tangible property of ex- press companies in the State of Ohio it was the duty of the assessing board to add to such value a proportionate estimate of the capital stock, so as thereby to assess not only the tangil)le property within the State, ])ut also along with such property a i)art of the entire capital stock of the corporation, without reference to its domicil, and equally without reference to the situation of the propert}' and assets owned by the company from which alone its capital stock derives value. In other words, although actual property situated in States other than Ohio may not be assessed in that State, yet that it may take all the value of the property in other States and add sucli portion thereof, as it sees fit, to the assessment in Ohio, and that this process of taxation of propert}- 1 This opinion was delivered upon the first argument. Part of it onlv is given. —Ed. SECT. IT.] ADAMS EXPRESS CO. V. OJIIO. ll'.j in other States, in violation of the Constitution, becomes legal providi-d only it is called taxation of proi>t'itv witiiiu tin; iStato. If the rule contended lor by the State of Ohio l)e true, why would it not appl}' to a corporation, partnership, or iiulividual engaged in liie dry goods business or any other business having branches in various States? Would it not be as proper to say of such agencies, as it is of the agencies of express companies, that there is an intellectual unity of earnings between the main establishment and all such agencies, and therefore a right to assess goods found in an agency with relation lo the capital and wealth of the original house and all the other branches situated in other Stales? Take the case of a merchant carrying on a general commercial business in one State and having connections of confidence and credit with another merchant of great capital in anotiicr State. If this rule be true, can it nyt also be said that such merchant derives advantages in his business from the sum of the capital in other States which may be availed of to extend his credit and his capacity to do business, and that therefore his tangible property nuist be valued accordingly? Suppose bankers in Hoslon, Philadelphia, and New York of great wealth, owning stocks and bonds of various kinds, send representatives to New Orleans with a limiteil sum of money there to commence business. These representatives rent oftices and buy ollice furniture. Is it not absolutely certain that the business of those indi- viduals would be largely out of proportion to the actual capital pos- sessed by them, because of the fact that reflexly and indirectly their business and credit is supported by the home offices? In this situation, the assessor comes for their tax return. lie finds noted thereon only a limited sura of money and the value of the office furniture. What is to prevent that official under the rule of supposed metaphysical or intel- lectual unity between property from saying: "It is true you have but a small tangible capital, and jour office furniture is only worth 82J(), but the value of property is in its use, and as yon have various elements of wealth situated in the cities named, I will assess your |)ropertv be- cause of its use at a million dollars"'? Such conduct would be ex- actly in accord with the power of taxation which it is here claimed tlie State of Ohio possesses, and which, as I understand it, the cotnt now upholds. To give the illustrations, I submit, is to point to the con- fusion, injustice, and impossibility of such a rule. 114 NEW OIILEAXS V. STEMPEL, [cHAP. II. NEW ORLEANS v. STEMPEL. Supreme Court of the United States. 1899. [Reported 175 United States, 309.] Hkewer, J.^ This case came on appeal from the Circuit Court of iiie United States for the Eastern District of Louisiana. It is a suit brought b}- the appellee to restrain the collection of taxes levied upon certain personal property which she claims was exempt from taxation. . . . The assessment . . . was of $15,0U0 '' uione}- in possession, on donnsit. or in hand," and of S800.000 " nionev loaned on interest, all credits and all l)ills receivable, for money loaned or advanced, or for goods sold ; and all credits of an}- and every description." . . . Under the circumstances disclosed by the testimon}-, were the money and credits subject to taxation ? It appears that these credits were evidenced by notes largely secured by mortgages on real estate in New Orleans ; that these notes and mortgages were in the city of New Orleans, in possession of an agent of the plaintiff, who collected the interest and principal as it became due, and deposited the same in a bank in New Orleans to the credit of tlie plaintiff. The question, there- fore, is distinctly presented whether, because the owners were domi- ciled in the State of New York, the moneys so deposited in a bank within the limits of the State of Louisiana, and the notes secured by mortgages situated and held as above described, were free from taxa- tion in the latter State. Of course there must be statutory warrant for such taxation ; for if the legislature omits any property from the list of taxables, the courts are not authorized to correct the omission and adjudge the omitted propert}' to be subject to taxation.^ From tills review of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the State, it is obvious that moneys, such as those referred to, collected as in- terest and principal of notes, mortgages, and other securities kept within the State, and deposited in one of the banks of the State for use or reinvestment, are taxable under the act of 1890. The}' are property arising from business done in the State ; they were tangible property when received by the agent of the plaintiffs, and as such sub- ject to taxation, and their taxability was not, as the court holds, lost by their mere deposit in a bank. It is true that wlien deposited the mone3S became the property of the bank, and for most purposes the relation of debtor and creditor arose between the bank and the de- positor ; 3'et, as evidentl}' the moneys were to be kept in the State for 1 I'art of the opinion is otnitted. — En. 2 The court here cited Acts La. 1890, c. 121 ; Liverpool, etc. Ins. Co. v. Board of Assessors, 44 La. Ann. 760; Railey v. Boai'd of Assessors, 44 La. Ann. 765; Clason v. New Orleans, 46 La. Ann. 1 ; Bluelield Banana Co. v. Board of Assessors, 49 La. Ann. 43 ; Parker v. Straus.?, 49 La. Ann. 1173 ; London & Liverpool lus. Co. v. Board of Assessors, 51 La. Ann. 1028. — Ei> I \ SECT. II.] NEW ORLEANS V. STEMPEL. 11 f) reinvestment or other use, they remained still subject to taxation, ac- cording to the decision in 49 La Ann. 43. With regard to tlie notes and mortgages, it may be conceded that there is no express decision of the Supreme Court to the effect that they were taxable under the law of 1890 ; yet the reasoning of that court in several cases and its decla- f rations, although perhaps only dicta, show that clearly in its judgment they had a local situs within the State, and were by the statute of 1890 subject to taxation. When the question is whether property is exempt from taxation, and that exemption depends alone on a true construction of a statute of the State, the Federal courts should be slow to declare an exemption in advance of any decision by the courts of the State. The rule in such a case is that the Federal courts follow the construction placed upon the statute by the State courts, and in advance of such construction the}' should not declare property beyond the scope of the statute and exempt from taxation unless it is clear that such is the fact. In other words, they should not release any property within the State from its liability to State taxation unless it is obvious that the statutes of the State warrant such exemption, or unless the mandates of the Federal Constitution compel it. If we look to the decisions of other States, we find the frequent ruling that when an indebtedness has taken a concrete form and become evi- denced b}- note, bill, mortgage, or other written instrument, and that written instrument evidencing the indebtedness is left within the State in the hands of an agent of the non-resident owner, to be by him used for the purposes of collection and deposit or reinvestment within the State, its taxable situs is in the State. See Catlin /'. Hull, 21 Vt. 152, in which the rule was thus announced (pages 159, 161) : — "It is undoubtedly true that, by the generally acknowledged prin- ciples of public law, personal chattels follow the person of the owner, and that upon his death they are to be distributed according to the law of his domicile; and, in general, any conveyance of chattels good b}- the law of his own domicile will be good elsewhere. But this rule is merely a legal fiction, adopted from considerations of general con- venience and policy for the benefit of commerce, and to enable persons to dispose of their property at their decease agreeably to their wishes, without being embarrassed by their want of knowledge in relation to the laws of the country where the same is situated. But even this doctrine is to be received and understood with this limitation, that there is no positive law of the country where the property is in fact which contravenes the law of his domicile ; for if there is, the law of the owner's domicile must yield to the law of the State where the property IS in fact situate." "We are not only satisfied that this method of taxation is well founded in principle and upon authority, but we think it entirely just and equitable that, if pcisoiis residing abroad bring their property and 1 116 NEW ORI.EANS V. STEMPEL. [cnAP. IT. invest it in this State, for the purpose of deriving profit from its use and employment here, and thus avail themselves of the benefits and advantages of our laws for the protection of tlieir property, their prop- ertj- should yield its due proportion towards the support of the govern- ment which thus protects it." In Goldgart r. People, 106 111. 25, 28, the court said: — "If the owner is absent, but the credits are in fact here, in the liands of an agent, for renewal or collection, witli the view of reloaiiing the mone}' by the agent as a permanent business, they have a situs here for the purpose of taxation, and there is jurisdiction over the thing." In Wilcox V. PZllis, 14 Kan. 588, the power of the State to tax a citizen and resident of Kansas, on money due iiim in Illinois, evidenced by a note which was left in Illinois for collection, was denied, the court saying (p. 603), after referring to the maxim, tnobiUa sequuntur 2^erso>iam .- — " This maxim is at most only a legal fiction ; and Blackstone, speak- ing of legal fictions, says : ' This maxim is invariably observed, that no fiction shall extend to work an injury, its proper operation being to prevent a mischief, or remedy an inconvenience, that might result from the general rule of law' 3 Blackstone Com. 43. Now, as the State of Illinois, anil not Kansas, must furnish the plaintiflT with all the remedies that he may have for the enforcement of all his rights connected with said notes, debts, etc., it would seem more just, if said debt is to be taxed at all, that the State of Illinois, and not Kansas, should tax it, and that we should not resort to legal fictions to give the State of Kansas the right to tax it." The same doctrine was affirmed m Fisher v. Commissioners of Rush County, 19 Kan. 414, and again in Blain v. Irby, 25 Kan. 499, 501, in which the court said, referring to promissory notes : " They have such an iMde|)endent situs that they may be taxed where they are situated." The decisions of the highest courts of New York, in which State these plaintiffs reside, are to the same effect. In People v. Trustees, 48 N. Y. 390, 397, the court said : — " That the furniture in the mansion and the mone}' in the bank were, under these provisions, properly assessable to the relators is not seri- ously disputed. And I am unable to see why the money due upon the land contracts must not be assessed in the same wa}'. The debts due upon these contracts are personal estate, the same as if the}' were due upon notes or bonds ; and such personal estate may be said to exist where the obligations for payment are held. Notes, bonds, and other contracts for the payment of money have always been regarded and treated in the law as personal propert}'. The}' represent the debts secured by them. They are the subject of larceu}', and a transfer of them transfers the debt. If this kind of property does not exist where the obligation is held, where does i* exist ? It certainly does not exist where the debtor ma}' be and follow his person. And while, for some purposes in the law, by legal fiction, it follows the person of the cred- SECT. n.] NEW oni.EANs r. stempel. 11 T itor and exists where he may be, yet it has been settled that, for the purpose of taxation, this legal fiction does not, to the full extent, apply, and that such property belonging to a non-resident creditor may be taxed in the place where the obligations are held by his agent, lloyt V. Commissioners of Taxes, 23 N. Y. 238 ; The People v. Gardner, 51 Barb. 352; Catlin v. Hull, 21 Vt. 152." This proposition was reaflirnied in People ex rcl. v. Smith, 88 N. Y. 576, in which the Court of Ap[)eals of that State held that a resident of New York was not liable to taxation on moneys loaned in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota on notes and mortgages, which notes and mort the end that the average capital employed in tlie business shall be taxed. This meUiod of assessment is applied impartially to the citizens of the State and to tlie citizens of other Slates or countries doiiif; business, personall}' or through agents, witliin the State of Louisiana. To accom- plish this result, the law expressly provides that '■ all bills receivable, obligations or credits arising from the business done in tliis State shall be assessable at the lousiness domicile of the resident." Thus it is clear that the measure of the taxation designed by the law is the fair average of the capital employed in the business. Cash and credits and bills receivable are to be taken into account merely i)ecause they represent the capital and arc not to be omitted because their owner happens to have a domicile in another State. The law was so construed b^' the Supreme Court of Louisiana, where, in sustaining the assessment, it was said : "There can be no doubt that the seventh section of the act of 1898, quoted in the judgment of the District Court, announced the policy of the State touching the taxation of credits and bills of exchange repre- senting an amount of the property of non-residents equivalent or corre- sponding to said bills or credits which was utilized by them in the prosecution of their business in the State of Louisiana. The evident oliject of the statute was to do away with discrimination theretofore ex- isting in favor of non-residents as against residents, and place them on an equal footing. The statute was not arbitrary, but a legitimate exer- cise of legislative power and discretion." The tax was levied in obedience to the law of the State, and the only question here is whether there is anything in the Constitution of the United States which forbids it. The answer to that question depends upon whether the property taxed was within the territorial jurisdiction of the State. Property situated without that jurisdiction is beyond the State's taxing power, and the exaction of a tax upon it is in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Louisville Ferry Co. V. Kentucky, 188 U. S. 38') ; Delaware, &c., Railroad Co. v. Penn- sylvania, 198 U. S. 341 ; Union Refrigerator Transit Co. /•. Kentucky, 199 U. S. 194. But personal property ma}' be taxed in its permanent abiding place, although the domicile of the owner is elsewhere. It is usually easy to determine the taxable situs of tangible personal propertv. But where personal property is intangible, and consists, as in this case, of credits reduced to the concrete form of promissory notes, the inquiry is comi)licated, not only by the fiction that the domicile of personal property- follows that of its owner, but also by the doctrine, based upon historical reasons, that where debts have assumed the form of bonds or other specialties, they are regarded for some purposes as being the property itself, and not the mere representative of it, and may have a taxable situs of their own. IIow far promissory notes are assimilated to specialties in respect of this doctrine, need not now be considered. The question in this case is controlled bv the authority of the pre- vious decisions of this court. Taxes under this law of Louisiana have 126 METROPOUtAN LIFE INS. CO. V. NEW OE.I.EANS. [cHAP. IT. . been twice considered here, and assessments npon credits arising out of investments in the State have been sustained. A lax on credits evi- denced In' notes secured bv mortgages sustained where the owner, a non-resident who had inherited them, left them in Louisiana in the possession of an agent, who collected the principal and interest as they became due. New Orleans r. Stempel, 175 U. S. 309. Again, it was held that where a foreign banking company did business in New Orleans, and through an agent lent mone}' which was evidenced b}' checks drawn upon the agent, treated as overdrafts and secured by collateral, the checks and collateral remaining in the hands of the agent until the trans- actions were closed, the credits tiius evidenced were taxable in Loui- siana. Board of Assessors v. Comptoir National, 191 U. S. 388. In both of these cases the written evidences of the credits were continuously present in the State, and their presence was clearly the dominant factor in the decisions. Here the notes, though present in the State at all times when they were needed, were not continuously present, and during the greater part of their lifetime were absent and at their owner's dom- icile. Between these two decisions came the case of Bristol v. Wash- ington County, 177 U. S. 133. It appeared in that case that a resident of New York was engaged through an agent in the business of lending money in Minnesota, secured by mortgages on real property. The notes were made to the order of the non-resident, though payable in Minnesota, and the mortgages ran to her. The agent made the loans, took and kept the notes and securities, collected the interest and re- ceived payment. The property tiius invested continued to be taxed without protest in Minnesota, until linally the course of business was changed by sending the notes to the domicile of the owner in New York, where the}- were kept by lier. The mortgages were, however, retained b}' the agent in Minnesota, though his power to discharge them was revoked. The interest was paid to the agent and the notes forwarded to him for collection when due. Taxes levied after this change in the business were in dis{)ute in the case. In delivering the opinion of the court, Mr. Chief Justice Fuller said: "Nevertheless, the business of loaning money through the agenc}' in Minnesota was continued during all these years, just as it had been carried on before, and we agree with the Circuit Court that the fact that the notes were sent to Mrs. Bristol in New York, and the fact of the revocation of the power of attorney, did not exempt these investments from taxation under the statutes as expounded in the decisions to which we have referred. ..." Referring to the case of New Orleans v. Stempel, the Chief Justice said : "There the moneys, notes, and other evidences of credits were in fact in Louisiana, though their owners resided elsewhere. Still, under the circumstances of the case before us, we think, as we have said, that the mere sending of the notes to New York and the revocation of the power of attorney did not take these investments out of the rule. "Persons are not permitted to avail themselves, for their own benefit. SECT. IT.] METROPOLITAN LIFE INS. CO. V. NEW ORLEANS. 127 of the laws of a State in the conduct of business within its Hrnits, and then to eseape their (hie eontril)iition to the [)ul>he need, through action of this sort, whether taken for convenience or by design." Accordingly it was held that the tax was not forbidden by the Fed- eral Constitution. In this case, the controlling consideration was the presence in the State of the capital employed in the business of lending nuMicy, and the fact tliat the notes were not continuously present was regarded as immaterial. It is impossible to distinguish the case now before us from the Bristol (;ase. Here the loans were negotiated, the notes signed, the security taken, the interest collected, and the debts |)aid williin the State. The notes and securities were in Louisiana whenever the business exi- gencies required them to be there. Their removal with the intent that they shall return whenever needed, their long continued though not per- manent absence, cannot have the effect of releasing tliem as the repre- sentatives of investments in business in the State from its taxing power. The law may well regard the place of their origin, to which they intend to return, as their true home, and leave out of account temporary ab- sences, however long continued. Moreover, neither the fiction that personal property follows the domicile of its owner, nor the doctrine that credits evidenced by bonds or notes may have the situs of the lat- ter, can be allowed to obscure the truth. Blackstone o. Miller, IJSM U. S. 189. We are not dealing here merely with a single credit or a series of separate credits, but with a business. The insurance comi)an3' chose to enter into the business of lending money within the State of Louisiana, and employed a local agent to conduct that business. It was conducted tinder the laws of the State. The State undertook to tax the capital employed in the business precisel}' as it taxed the capital of its own citizens in like situation. For the purpose of arriving at the amount of capital actually employed, it caused the credits arising out of the business to be assessed. We think the State had the power to do this, and that the foreigner doing business cannot escape taxation upon his capital by removing temporaril}- from the State evidences of credits in the form of notes. Under such circumstances, they have a taxable situs in the State of their origin. The judgment of the Supreme Court of Louisiana is Affirmed. 128 KEAT V. PEOPLE. [CHAP. II. BEAT V. PEOPLE. Supreme Court of Illinois. 1903. [Reported 201 III. 469.] Magruder, C. J. The general rule is, that personal property is taxable, or has its taxable situs, at the domicile of the creditor. The principle, applicable in such cases, is that which is embodied in the maxim, mobilia personam sequuntur. But this principle does not always apply for the purposes of taxation. On the contrary, tangible personal property may be taxed where it is situated irre- spective of ownership, if the statute shall so provide. (Cooley on Taxation, pp. 269, 270; Hayward v. Board of Eeview, 189 111. 234.) Speaking of the rule or maxim thus referred to, we said in Hayward's case, supra : " An exception to this rule may exist when the credits are kept in the limits of the State, and employed per- manently in business by the owner though a non-resident, or by an agent of the owoier, residing in the State, and having the physical control of the papers and writings evidencing the credits." In Goldgart v. People, 106 111. 25, we said (p. 28) : "The stat- ute requires the 'credit,' as well as other personal property, to be listed by the owner, if a resident of the State, or if it be controlled by an agent, then by the agent. ... If the owner be resident in the State there is jurisdiction over his person, and over his credits also, which, in legal contemplation, in the absence of anything show- ing they have a situs elsewhere, accompany him. If the owner is absent, but the credits are in fact here in the hands of an agent for renewal or collection with the view of re-loaning the money by the agent as a permanent business, they have a situs here for the pur- pose of taxation, and there is jurisdiction over the thing." The words, thus used in the Goldgart case, were quoted with approval in Hayward v. Board of Eeview, supra; and the substance of the holding in the Goldgart case, supra, was also stated and referred to with approval in Matzenbaugh v. People, 194 111. 108. In Mat- zenbaugh's case, supra, we said (p. 116) : The general rule is, the taxable situs of credits is the domicile of the owner. But an exception to the rule arises when the instruments, which evidence the right of the owner to receive the indebtedness which constitutes the ' credits,' are in the hands of an agent of the owner for the pur- pose of enabling such agent to transact the business of the owner, in which business the credits constitute, as it were, the subject matter or stock in trade of such business." In Matzenbaugh's case, also, it was held that the notes and securities there referred to were subject to taxation under the laws of Illinois, because the owner thereof allowed them to remain in the hands of his asrent in Illinois for the purpose of enabling such agent to successfully and conve- niently continue the prosecution of the business of loaning money, in which such OMTier had lonsr been engaged. The holding of the cases decided by this court would thus seem to be SECT. II.] BEAT V. I'EOPLE. 129 that, where tlie owner of such credits or Pecurities is a non-resident of Illinois and is absent from that .State, his securities, remaining in this State in the hands of an agent, are only subject to taxation in this State when they are so left in the hands of the agent for the purpose of having them renewed or collected, in order that the money, realized from such renewal or collection, may be re-loaned by the agent as a permanent business. The credits of the non-res- ident owner, so remaining in Illinois, must constitute the subject matter or stock in trade of the business of the owner as conducted by the agent. In the case at bar, there is no evidence that the notes and mort- gage here under consideration were left by Mrs. Reat in Illinois for the purpose of being collected and re-loaned as a permanent business by any agent. The testimony is quite clear that, after she left Illinois and went to California, she sold a farm in Illinois, on which she had lived, and took from the purchaser notes and a mort- gage for the purchase money. These notes, together with the mort- gage, were left in the the hands of Jeffries, not as agent for the re-investment of the money to be collected upon the notes and mort- gage, but merely for the convenience of the maker of the notes. Jeffries collected the interest from tlie maker of the notes, and re- mitted such interest to Mrs. Heat in California, and charged noth- ing for his services in collecting the interest and remitting it. There is no evidence, tending to show that, when the principal of the notes should be paid, it was not also to be remitted. The securities, how- ever, were not left with any idea that the money collected should be re-invested, or re-loaned, or permanently used in any business in Illinois. It would, therefore, seem to follow that, although the securities thus taxed were in the State of Illinois, yet they were subject to the rule, which makes the domicile of the owner the tax- able sitiis of the personalty. We are, therefore, of the opinion that the notes and mortgage in question were not properly taxed in this State. In view of the conclusion thus reached, it is not necessary to consider the objection, that at the time the county collector selected lots 13 and 16 above mentioned as the real estate to be charged with the personal property tax already mentioned, the lots in ques- tion were not owned by Emeline Reat. Inasmuch as the notes and mortgage in question were not properly subject to taxation as per- sonal property in Illinois, it is immaterial whether, after the death of ^Irs, Reat, and after the title had descended to her heirs, the county collector properly charged the tax against the lots, or not. The judgment of the county court is reversed, and the cause is remanded to that court for further proceedings in accordance with the views herein expressed. Reversed and remanded, with directions. 1^0 'HAYS V. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. [ciIAP. IT. HAYS V. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. Supreme Court of the United States. 1855. [Reported 17 Howard, 596.] Nelson, J. This is a writ of error to tlie District Court for the Northern District of California. Tlie suit was brought in the District Court by the company, to recover back a sum of money wliich the}' were com[)elIed to pay to the defendant, as taxes assessed in the State of California, upon twelve steamships belonging to them, which were temporarily within the juris- diction of the State. The complaint sets forth that the plaintiffs are an incorporated com- pan}' by the laws of New York ; that all the stockholders are residents and citizens of that State ; that the principal office for transacting the business of the company is located in the cit}' of New York, but, for the better transaction of their business, they have agencies in the city of Panama, New Grenada, and in the city of San Francisco, Califor- nia ; that they have, also, a naval dock and shipyard at the port of Benicia, of that State, for furnishing and repairing their steamers ; that, on the arrival at the port of San Francisco, they remain no longer than is necessary to land their passengers, mails, and freight, usually done in a da}' ; they then proceed to Benicia, and remain for repairs and refitting until the commencement of the next voyage, usually some ten or twelve days ; that the business in which they are engaged is in the transportation of passengers, merchandise, treasure, and the United States mails, between the city of New York and the city of San Francisco, b}' wa}' of Panama, and between San Francisco and different ports in the Territory of Oregon ; that the company are sole owners of the several vessels, and no portion of tJie interest is owned by citizens of the State of California ; that the vessels are all ocean steamships, employed exclusively in navigating the waters of the ocean ; that all of them are duly registered at the custom-house in New York, where the owners reside ; that taxes have been assessed upon all the capital of the plaintiffs represented by the steamers in the State of New York, under the laws of that State, ever since they have been employed in the navigation, down to the present time; that the said steamships have been assessed in the State of California and county of San Francisco, for the year beginning 1st July, 1851, and ending 30th June, 1852, claiming the assessment as annually due, under an act of SIOCT. TI.] HAYS V. TAOIFrC ^rA^^> RTEAMSIFTI* CO. 131 the legislature of the State; that the taxes assessed amount to $11,962.50, and were paid under protest, after one of the vessels was advertised for sale b}- the defendant, in order to prevent a sale of it. To this coinplaint the defendant demurred, and the court below gave judgment for the plaintiffs. By the 3d section of the Act of Congress of 31st December, 1792, it is provided that ever}' ship or vessel, except as thereafter provided, shall be registered by the collector of the district, in which shall be comprehended the i)ort to which the ship or vessel shall belong at the time of her registry, and which port shall be deemed to be tliat at or nearest to wliich the owner, if tliere be but one, or, if more tlian one, nearest to the place where the husband, or acting and managing owner, usually resides ; and the name of the ship, and of the port to which she shall so belong, shall be painted on her stern, on a black ground, in white letters of not less than three inches in length ; and if any ship or vessel of the United States shall be found without haviufr her name, and the name of the port to which she belongs, painted in the manner mentioned, the owner or owners shall forfeit fifty dollars. And by the Act of 29th July, 1850 (9 Stats, at Large, 440), it is provided that no bill of sale, mortgage, or conveyance of any vessel shall be valid against any person otlier than the grantor, etc., and per- sons having actual notice, unless such bill of sale, mortgage, or convey- ance be recorded in the office of the collector of the customs where such vessel is registered or enrolled. These provisions, and others that might be referred to, very clearly indicate that the domicile of a vessel that requires to be registered, if we may so speak, or home port, is the port at which she is registered, and which must be the nearest to the place where the owner or owners reside. In this case, therefore, the home port of the vessels of the plaintiflTs was the port of New York, where they were duly registered, and where all the individual owners are resident, and where is also the principal place of business of the company ; and where, it is admitted, the capital invested is subject to State, county, and other local taxes. These ^ips are engaged in the transportation of passengers, mer-. chandise, etc., between the cit}- of New York and San Francisco, by the way of Panama, and between San Francisco and ditTercnt ports in the territory of Oregon. They are thus engaged in the business and commerce of the country, upon the highway of nations, touching at such ports and places as these great interests demand, and which hold out to the owners sufficient inducements by the profits realized or ex- pected to be realized. And so far as resi)ects the ports and harbors witiiin the United States, they are entered and cargoes discharged or iaden on board, independently of any control over them, except as it res|i<(is such municipal and sanitary regulations of the local authorities a^ aif not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the general govern. nent, to which belongs the regulation of commerce with foreign J' 'tions and l)etween the States. 132 HAYS V. PACIFIC MALL STEAMSHIP CO. [CHAP. II. Now, it is quite apparent that if the State of California possessed the authority to impose the tax in question, any other State in the Union, into the ports of which the vessels entered in the prosecution of their trade and business, might also impose a like tax. It may be that the course of trade or other circumstances might not occasion as great a delay in other ports on the Pacific as at the port of San Francisco. But tills is a matter accidental, depending upon the amount of business to be transacted at the particular port, the nature of it, necessary repairs, etc., which in no respect can allect the question as to the situs of the property, in view of the right of taxation by the State. Besides, whether the vessel, leaving her home port for trade and commerce, visits, in the course of her voyage or business, several ports, or confines her operations in the carrying trade to one, are questions that will depend upon the profitable returns of the business, and will furnish no more evidence that she has become a part of the personal property within the State, and liable to taxation at one port than at the others. She is within the jurisdiction of all or any one of them tempo- rarily, and for a purpose wholly excluding the idea of permanently abid- ing in tiie State, or changing her home port. Our merchant vessels are not unfrequontly absent for years, in the foreign carrying trade, seeking cargo, carrying and unlading it from port to port, during all the time absent ; but the}' neither lose their national character nor their home port, as inscribed upon their stern. The distinction between a vessel in her home port and when lying at a foreign one, or in the port of another State, is familiar in the admiralty law. and she is subjected, in many cases, to the application of a different set of principles. 7 Pet. 324 ; 4 Wheat. 438. We are satisfied that the State of California had no jurisdiction over these vessels for the purpose of taxation ; they were not, properly, abiding within its limits, so as to become incorporated with the other personal property of the State ; they were there but temporarily, en- gaged in lawful trade and commerce, with their situs at the home port, where the vessels belonged, and where the owners were liable to be taxed for the capital invested, and where the taxes had been paid. An objection is taken to tlie recovery against the collector, on the ground, mainly, that the assessment under the law of California, by the assessors, was a judicial act, and that the part}' should have pur- sued his remedy to set it aside according to the provisions of that law. We do not think so. The assessment was not a judicial, but a ministerial act, and as the assessors exceeded their powers in making it, the oflScer is not protected. The payment of the tax was not voluntary, but compulsory, to pre- vent the sale of one of the ships. Our conclusion is, that the judgment of the court below is right, and should be affirmed.^ 1 Jrc. Johnson v. Debary-r>aya Merchants' Line, 37 Fla. 499, 19 So. 640; Roberts V. Ckirlevoix, 60 Mich. 197 ; S. v. Haight, 30 N. J. L, 428. SKCT. II. J OJLD DOMINION STEAMSllli' CO- V. VIKCilNIxV. 133 OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. v. VIRGINIA. Supreme Court of the United States. I'JOS. [Reported l'J8 U. 8. 299.] On March 17, 1904, the Supreme Court ol" AppeaKs of tlie State of Virginia, in a matter appealed from a finding ol' tiie Stale Cor- poration Commission, entered the following lindiugs and order: " That the Old Dominion Steamship Company was a non-res- ident corporation, having been incorporated by the .senate and house of representatives of the State of Delaware; tliat it was then and had been for many years theretofore engaged in the transportation of passengers and freight on the Atlantic Ocean and communica- ting navigable waters, between the city of New York, in the State of New York, and Norfolk, and certain other ports within the State of Virginia. That said steamship company in the prosecution of its said transportation business owned and operated the vessel prop- erty above named ; that these vessels, with the exception of the tug Germania, whose movements and use will be hereinafter stated, visited various ports or points within the State of Virginia, for the purpose of receiving freight and passengers, for which they issued bills of lading and tickets to points outside the State of Virginia: that owing to the shallow waters where these vessels plied it was im- possible in most instances for the larger ocean-going steamers of the company to be used; that in consequence the vessels above enu- merated were used to receive the freight and passengers as aforesaid, giving the shipper of freight a bill of lading for the same, destined to New York and other points outside of Virginia, and the passen- ger a ticket to his destination, and thus transported such freight and passengers to deeper \vater at Norfolk and Old Point Comfort where, upon such bills of lading and tickets, the passengers and freight were transferred to one of the larger ocean-going vessels of the steam- ship company, and so the ultimate destination, namely. New York, and elsewhere outside of Virginia, was reached ; that any other busi- ness transacted by the above-named vessels -was incidental in char- acter and comparatively insignificant in amount; that the said vessels were built and designed for interstate traffic especially and were adjuncts to or branches of the main line of the Old Dominion Steamship Company between New York and Norfolk : that each and all of the said vessels were regularly enrolled, under the United States laws, outside of the State of Virginia, with the name and port of such enrollment painted on the stern of each of them ; thnt the said vessels, though regularly enrolled and licensed for oonstwise trade, were then used on old established routes upon navigable waters within Virginia, as follows, to wit: " First. The steamer Hampton Roads, between Fort Monroe and Hampton and Norfolk. " Second. The steamer Mobiaek, between points in Mathews and Gloucester Counties and Norfolk. 13-i OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. V. VIRGINIA. [cilAl', II. "Tliird. The steamers Luray and Accomac, between Smithfield and Norfolk. " Fourth. The steamer Virginia Dare, between Suffolk and Nor- folk. " Fifth. The steamers Berkeley and Brandon, between Richmond and Norfolk; and " The steamers Berkeley and Brandon ply between Richmond and Norfolk. These two steamers were completed in the year 1901, or early in 1902, one of them having been constructed at the William R. Trigg shipyard in the city of Richmond, and the other outside of the State of Virginia. Early in the year 1902 they were placed upon the line between Norfolk and Richmond, one steamer leaving Richmond each evening and arriving in Norfolk each morning, thus giving a night trip every night each way between Richmond and Norfolk. At the time these steamers were placed upon this route and since that time, the Old Dominion Steamship Company has by public advertisement called attention to the fact that these two steamers were especiall}- fitted in the matter of stateroom accom- modations for carrying passengers between Richmond and Norfolk, and the said two steamers have since that time been advertising for the carriage of passengers and freight on their route between Rich- mond and Norfolk, and have been regularly carrying freight and passengers between the said two points in Virginia as well as taking on freight and passengers for further transportation on their ocean steamers at Norfolk. The Old Dominion Steamship Company ap- plied under the revenue laws of the State of Virginia for a license to sell liquor at retail on each of these steamers, and on July 1, 1902, there was granted through the commissioner of the revenue of the cit}' of Richmond a license to the Old Dominion Steamship Com- pany for tlie sale of liquor at retail on each of these steamers, said licenses to expire on April 30, 1903. On or about the same time, the said steamship company complied with the revenue laws of the United States, and paid the necessary revenue tax through the cus- tom house at the city of Richmond for the purpose of selling liquor at retail on each of these steamers. In the spring of 1903, the said steamship company, in order to obtain licenses to sell liquor at retail on each of these steamers, applied for the same in the city of Rich- mond and complied with the requirements of section 143 of the new revenue law, approved April 16, 1903, and so obtained licenses for the years 1903-1904 to sell liquor at retail on each of these steamers on their route between the cities of Richmond and Norfolk, and likewise, on or about the same time, complied with the revenue laws of the United States in the matter of selling liquor at retail on each of the said steamers on said route. " Sixth. The steam tug Germania, which was used in the harbor of Norfolk and Hampton Roads for the purpose of docking the large ocean-going steamers of the Old Dominion Steamship Com- pany, and the transferring from different points in those waters freight from connecting lines destined to points outside of Virginia. "And the court, having maturely considered said transcript of ■U SECT, II. J OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. V. VIRGINIA. lu'j the record of the finding aforesaid and the arguments of counsel, is of opinion that the legal situs of the vessels and barges assessed for taxation by the finding of the State corporation conuiiission is, for that purpose, within the jurisdiction of the State of Virginia, and that said property is amenable to the tax imposed thereon — notwith- standing the fact that said vessels and barges are owned by a non- resident corporation, that they may have been enrolled under tlie act of Congress at some port outside the State of Virginia, and that tiiey are engaged, in part, in interstate commerce — and doth so decide and declare. Therefore it seems to the court here that the finding of the State corporation commission appealed from is with- out error, and said finding is approved and alUrmed. It is further considered by the court that the appellee recover against the appel- lant thirty dollars damages and its costs by it about its defense ex- pended upon this appeal." To review this order the Old Dominion Steamship Company sued out this writ of error. Bkewer, J. The facts being settled, the only question is one of law. Can Virginia legally subject these vessels to State taxation? The general rule is that tangible personal property is subject to taxa- tion by the State in which it is, no matter where the domicil of the owner may be. This rule is not affected by the fact that the prop- erty is employed in interstate transportation. Pullman's Palace Car Company v. Pennsylvania, 141 U. S. 18, in which Mr. Justice Gray, speaking for the court, said (p. 23) : " It is equally well settled that there is nothing in the Constitu- tion or laws of the United States wdiich prevents a State from taxing personal property, employed in interstate or foreign commerce, like other personal property wdthin its jurisdiction." See also Cleveland, &c. Pailway Co. v. Backus, 154 U. S. 439, 445; Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Taggart, 163 U. S. 1, 14. This is true as to water as well as to land transportation. In Gloucester Ferry Company v. Pennsylvania, 114 U. S. 196, 217, Mr. Justice Field, in delivering the opinion of the court, after referring to certain impositions upon interstate commerce, added : " Freedom from such impositions does not, of course, imply ex- emption from reasonable charges, as compensation for the carriage of persons, in the way of tolls or fares, or from the ordinary taxa- tion to which other property is subjected, any more than like free- dom of transportation on land implies such exemption." See also Passenger Cases, 7 How. 283, in which Mr. Justice McLean said (p. 402) : "A State cannot regulate foreign commerce, but it may do mnny things which more or less affect it. It may tax a ship or other vessel used in commerce the same as other property owned by its citizens." The same doctrine is laid down in the snme case bv "Mr. Chief .Tu=!- tice Taney (p. 479). See also Transportation Company v. Wheel- ing, 99 tr. S. 273. That the service in which these vessels were engaged formed one link in a line of continuous interstate commerce 136 OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. V. VIRGINIA. [CHAP. II. may affect the State's power of regulation but not its power of taxa- tion. True, they are not engaged in an independent service, as the cabs in Pennsylvania Railway Company v. Knight, 192 TJ. S. 21, but, being wholly within the State, that was their actual situs. And, as appears from the authorities referred to, the fact that they were engaged in interstate commerce does not impair the State's author- ity to impose taxes upon them as property. Indeed, it is not con- tended that these vessels, although engaged in interstate commerce, are not subject to State taxation, the contention being that they are taxable only at the port at which they are enrolled. In support of this contention the two principal cases relied upon are Hays v. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company, 17 How. 596, and Morgan v. Par- ham, 16 Wall. 471. Registry and enrollment are prescribed by sec- tions 4141 and 4311, Rev. Stat., for vessels of the United States engaged in foreign and domestic commerce. Section 4141 reads : " Sec. 4141. Every vessel, except as is hereinafter provided, shall be registered by the collector of that collection district which in- cludes the port to which such vessel shall belong at the time of her registry ; which port shall be deemed to be that at or nearest to which the owner, if there be but one, or, if more than one, the husband or acting and managing owner of such vessel, usually resides." By sections 4131 and 4311 vessels registered or enrolled are de- clared to be deemed vessels of the United States. As stated by Chancellor Kent, in his Commentaries, vol. 3, p. *139 : "The object of the registry acts is to encourage our own trade, navigation, and ship-building, by granting peculiar or exclusive privileges of trade to the flag of the United States, and by prohibit- ing the communication of those immunities to the shipping and mariners of other countries. These provisions are well calculated to prevent the commission of fraud upon individuals, as well as to advance the national policy. The registry of all vessels at the cus- tom house, and the memorandums of the transfers, add great secu- rity to title, and bring the existing state of our navigation and marine under the view of the General Government. By these regu- lations the title can be effectually traced back to its origin." This object does not require and there is no suggestion in the statutes that vessels registered or enrolled are exempt from the ordinary rules respecting taxation of personal property. It is true by sec. 4141 there is created what may be called the home port of the vessel, an artificial situs, which may control the place of taxation in the absence of an actual situs elsewhere, and to that extent only do the two cases referred to go. Our conclusion is that where vessels, though ensraged in interstate commerce, are employed in such commerce wholly within the limits of a State, they are subject to taxation in that State, although they may have been registered or enrolled at a port outside its limits. The conclusion, therefore, reached by the Court of Appeals of Vir- ginia was right, and its judgment is Affirmed. SECT. II.] TEiXN'AXT V. STATK liOAJJD Ol' TAXES. 137 TENNANT v. STA'IM-: HOARD OF TAXES. Court of Ekuoks and Appeals of New Jersey. 1921. [Reported 113 Atl. 254.] Parker, J. This is a dispute over the right of Jersey City to tax certain personal proi)erty oT tlie hankruj)! lirm of Daily r. Jvins, for taxes of the year 1918. . . . By the various appeals from tlie local assessors to the county board and thence to the State board, and the certiorari from the Supreme Court, all disputed matters seem to have been eliminated except a fund in hank and a tugboat %yhich on May 20 was moored (as we were informed on the argument) in the South Cove of Jersey City. . . . On this phase of the case the argument seems to be that the fund and the tugboat, being held by the trustee in bankruptcy, were in the custody of the law, and that property in such custody is not taxable. On the broad question whether property of a bankrupt in the hands of a trustee in bankruptcy is exempted from State taxation, the an- swer of the United States Supreme Court is decidedly in the negative. Swarts V. Hammer, 194 U. S. 441, 34 Sup. Ct. 695, 48 L. Ed. 1060. This is dispositive of the taxability of the bank deposit in this aspect. . . . It is next argued that the tug was further in the " custody of the law" because of the possession by the marshal, so as to be exempt. The facts are that the tug was registered at the New York custom house and had been ordinarily employed in and about the waters of New York Harbor. About the time of the bankruptcy (appellant was appointed trustee May 2, 1918) the tug was brought into tidewaters on the New Jersey side adjacent to Jersey City, and moored there apparently unused, and so remained until after it was sold, June 17, 1918. During this period, as we imdorstand the evidence, several libels in admiralty were filed, and served by the United States mar- shal for the district of New Jersey. Sale was made jointly by the appellant as trustee and by the marshal, and from the proceeds the libels were paid off and the balance was paid to or retained by the trustee. The sale price was $30,000, and this was adopted by the State Board as the fair value of the tug, which was subjected to tax at that valuation together with the fund already in bank. As a preliminary to ascertaining whether this tug was exempt because in the custody of the marshal, it is necessary to determine the other question raised, whether apart from such claim of exemp- tion it was taxable on May 20, 1918, in the taxing district of Jersey City. In our opinion it was so taxable. As an active tug plying in the waters of New York Harbor it was taxable at the residence of the owners or the permanent situs of the property, it is immaterial which. American Mail Steamship Co. v. Crowell, 76 N. J. Law, 54, 68 Atl. 75? ; Shrewsbury v. Merchants' Steamboat Co.. 76 N. J. Law, 407, 69 Atl. 958: West Shore E. Co. r. State Board, 83 N. J. Law, 138 TENNANT V. STATE BOAED OF TAXES. [CHAP. II. Sr, 81 Atl. 351; Id., 81 N. J. Law, 768, 85 Atl. 826. But with the bankruptcy its condition became one of passivity; it was a mere chattel secured from drifting and awaiting a sale. Had it been drawn out on a ship railway or even tied up to a wharf on the Jersey City water front, its taxable situs would be indubitable. While the point does not seem to be definitel}^ argued, we gather from the asser- tion that the tug was in the " tidewaters of New York Bay " that it is claimed to have been out of the taxing jurisdiction of New Jersey because of the interstate treaty limiting the "jurisdiction" of New Jersey on the waters of New York Bay and the Hudson river. C. S. p. 5358. But this jurisdiction has been held by the courts of both New York and New Jersey to be a jurisdiction simply for the ex- ercise of the police power. People v. Central E. E. of N. J., 13 N. Y. 283; Central R. R. Co. v. Jersey Citv, 70 N. J. Law, 81, 56 Atl. 239; S. C, 309 U. S. 173, 28 Sup. Ct. 592, 52 L. Ed. 896. In the opinion of Mr. Justice Garrison in 70 N. J. Law at page 97, 56 Atl. at page 215, it is declared that " the sovereign power of taxation over all the territory thus defined (i. e., to the middle of the Hudson river) resides in the State of New Jersey." See Cook v. Weigley,. 72 N. J. Eq. 221, 65 Atl. 196. A vessel more or less permanently moored within the territory is, in our opinion, personal property "found" within the taxing district, in the same manner as, e. g., coal on storage pending a sale and removal. Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. V. Junction, 75 N. J. Law, 922, 68 Atl. 806, 15 L. E. A. (N. S.) 511. It is pertinent to note, wliile on this subject, that the libels against this tug were filed in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, and the seizure was made by the marshal of that court, in conformity, as it seems to us, with the stat- utory provision that "the State of New Jersey shall constitute one judicial district" (Eev. Stat. U. S. § 531; Comp Stats. U. S. § 1082) treated as meaning that the district extends to the middle of the river for all purposes of executing civil process out of that court. The tug, then, being legally "found" in the taxing district of Jersey City, it only remains to inquire whether because under seizure by the marshal it was exempted by any rule of law from taxation as against its general owners, Dailey v. Ivins, or the trustee in bank- ruptcy, either by provision in the statute or rule laid down by decision of the courts. It is not exempted by statute ; . . . and we think cur reports will be searched in vain for a case wherein it was held, or even claimerl, that real or personal property otherwise liable to taxa- tion is exempt because of having been levied on or attached by court process. The court officer himself (as in this case the marshal) is ordinarily not liable for the tax (37 Cyc. 797; In re Kellinger, 9 Paige N. Y. Ch. 62) ; but that does not exempt the property nor, as we view it, the general owner. These considerations lead to an affirmance of the judgment. SKCT. IJ.] MCCUTCJIEN V. BOAED OF EQUALIZATION OF TAXES. 139 McCUTCHEN v. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OF TAXES. Supreme Court of New Jersey. 1915. [Reported 87 N. J. L. 370.] Swayze, J. The question is the same decided recently in a case involving the tax of anotlier year. The opinion in tliat case is said not to have been reported. It may serve as our opinion in the present case. The question is tlie right of Jersey City to tax flour held on a pier in Jersey City for tiie purpose of repacking and blending. The Hour is shipped from the northwest to A'ew York City, on through bills of lading; freight is paid through. Instead of transporting the flour immediately upon its arrival across the river by lighters, it is un- loaded and held at the pier for the purposes mentioned. Tlie lia- bility of the railroad company for local taxes on this pier was before the Court of Errors and Appeals in Lehigh A^alley Railroad Co. V. Jersey City, 80 N. J. L. 298. Tlie test of the right to tax goods shipped from one State to another and detained in course of trans- portation is settled by the case of Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. V. Junction, 75 N. J. L. 922. If the goods are actually in the course of a continuous journey, they are not subject to taxation. The diffi- culty is to decide what breaks the continuity of the journey. In this case it was broken by repacking and blending the flour upon the pier. Whether mere repacking would suffice may perhaps be arguable, although the packages that go on to destination are not the same packages that are landed on the pier; but surely the flour after blending is a different commodity. It is blended for the very purpose of making something different, a quality that is or is sup- posed to be more salable. The process of blending is no doubt differ- ent from the process of grinding grain into flour, but in each case a different commodity is produced. This view is sustained by the decisions of the United States Supreme Court. In General Oil Co. v. Crain, 209 U. S. 211, the oil was held at Memphis for the purpose of putting it in barrels for further transport. It was held that it was subject to the juris- diction of Tennessee. The taxes are affirmed, with costs. COE V. ERROL. Supreme Court of the United States. 1886. [Reported 116 V. S. 517.] In September 1881, Edward S. Coe filed a petition in the Su- preme Court of New Hampshire for the county of Coos, against the town of Errol, for an abatement of taxes, and therein, amongst 140 COE V. EREOL. [CHAP. II. other things, alleged that on the 1st of April, 1880, he and others, residents of Maine and Massachusetts, owned a large number of spruce logs that had been drawn down the winter before from Went- worth's location, in New Hampshire, and placed in Clear Stream and on the banks thereof, in the town of Errol, county of Coos, New Hampshire, to be from thence floated down the Androscoggin river to the State of Maine to be manufactured and sold; and that the selectmen of said Errol for that year appraised said logs for taxation at the price $G,000, and assessed thereon State, county, town, and school taxes, in the whole to the amount of $120, and highway taxes to the amount of $60. A further allegation made the same complaint with regard to a lot of spruce logs belonging to Coe and another person, which had been cut in the State of Maine, and were on their way of being floated to Lewiston, Maine, to be manu- factured, but were detained in the town of Errol by low water. Similar allegations were made Avith regard to logs cut the following year, 1880, and drawn from Wentworth's location, and part of them deposited on lands of John Akers, and part on land of George C. Demeritt, in said town of Errol, to be from thence taken to the State of Maine; and, also, with regard to other logs cut in Maine and floated down to Errol on their passage to Lewiston, in the State of Maine, and both which classes of logs were taxed by the select- men of Errol in the year 1881. The petition also contained the following allegations, to wit : "Said Coe further says that said logs of both years, so in the Androscoggin river, have each year been taxed as stock in trade in said Lewiston to said Coe and Pingree, and said Coe claims and represents that none of said logs were subject to taxation in said Errol for the reason that they were in transit to market from one State to another, and also because they had all been in other ways taxed. " That said Androscoggin river, from its source to the outlet of the Umbagog Lake in the State of New Hampshire, through said State and through the State of Maine to said Lewiston, is now, and for a long time has been, to wit, for more than twenty years last past, a public highway for the floatage of timber from said lakes and rivers in Maine, and from the upper waters of said Androscog- gin river and its tributaries in New Hampshire down said river to said Lewiston, and has been thus used by the petitioner and his associates in the lumber business for more than twenty years last past.'' Without further pleading, the parties made an agreed case, the important part of which was as follows, to wit : " It is agreed that the facts set forth in the petition arc all true except what is stated as to the taxation of the logs as stock in trade in Lewiston, Maine; and if that is regarded by the court as material, the case is to be discharged and stand for trial on that point. It is agreed that upon this petition the legality of the taxation is in- tended to be brought before the court for adjudication, and all formal objections to the proceedings in the town meeting, &c., and all other SECT. II.] COE V. ERROL. 141 matters of form, are waived, and we submit the matter to the court for a legal adjudication as to whether or not any or all of the taxes shall be abated. "And it is agreed that for many years the petitioner and his associates in the lumber business have cut large quantities of timber on their lands in Maine and floated them down the said lakes and rivers in Maine and down the Androscoggin river to the mills at said Lewiston; and timber thus cut has always lain over one season, being about a year, in the Androscoggin river, in this State, either in Errol, Dummer, or Milan; and the timber referred to in this petition as having been cut in Maine had lain over in Errol since the spring or summer before the taxation, according to the above custom." Upon this case the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, in Sep- tember term, 1882, adjudged as follows, to wit: "Xow, at this term, the said questions of law having been fully determined in said law term, and an order made that that portion of said tax assessed upon the logs cut as aforesaid in said State of Maine be abated, and that the tax assessed upon all of said logs cut in the State of New Hamp- shire be sustained, and said order hanng been fully made known to the parties of this case and become a part of the record thereof, it is therefore ordered and decreed by the court that there be judgment in accordance with said order made at said law term, without costs to either party." The petitioner took a bill of exceptions, setting forth the agreed case, and stating, amongst other things, the points raised on the hearing before the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, and the de- cision of that court thereon, as follows : " On said hearing the petitioner claimed that said taxes named in the petition and the statutes of this State, under the provisions of which said taxes were assessed, were illegal and void, because said taxes were assessed in violation of, and said statutes of this State are in violation of and repugnant to, the general provisions of the Constitution of the United States ; because said taxes were assessed in violation of, and said statutes of this State are in viola- tion of and repugnant to, that part of section 2, art. 4, of the Con- stitution of the United States, which provides that * The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens of the several States ' ; because said taxes were assessed in violation of, and said statutes of this State are in violation of and repugnant to, those parts of sec. 8 of art. 1 of the Constitution of the United States which provide that 'The Congress shall have power ... to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States,' and section 10 of said article 1, which provides that ' No State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay anv im- posts or duties on imports or exports except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws.' " Mr. Justice Bradley delivered the opinion of the court. After stating the facts in the language above reported he continued : The case is now before us for consideration upon writ of error to 142 COE V. ERROL. [CHAP. II. the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, and the same points that were urged before that court are set up here as grounds of error. The question for us to consider, therefore, is, whether the products of a State (in this case timber cut in its forests) are liable to be taxed like other property within the State, though intended for ex- portation to another State, and partially prepared for that purpose by being deposited at a place of shipment, such products being owned by persons residing in another State. We have no ditticulty in disposing of the last condition of the question, namely, the fact (if it be a fact) that the property was owned by persons residing in another State; for, if not exempt from taxation for other reasons, it cannot be exempt by reason of being owned by non-residents of the State. We take it to be a point settled beyond all contradiction or question, that a State has juris- diction of all persons and things within its territory which do not belong to some other jurisdiction, such as the representatives of foreign governments, with their houses and effects, and property belonging to or in the use of the government of the United States. If the owner of personal property within a State resides in another State which taxes him for that property as part of his general estate attached to his person, this action of the latter State does not in the least affect the right of the State in which the property is situ- ated to tax it also. It is hardly necessary to cite authorities on a point so elementary. The fact, therefore, that the owners of the logs in question were taxed for their value in Maine as a part of their general stock in trade, if such fact were proved, could have no influence in the decision of the case, and may be laid out of view. We recur, then, to a consideration of the question freed from this limitation: Are the products of a State, though intended for ex- portation to another State, and partially prepared for that purpose by being deposited at a place or port of shipment within the State, liable to be taxed like other property within the State? Do the owner's state of mind in relation to the goods, that is, his intent to export them, and his partial preparation to do so, exempt them from taxation? This is the precise question for solution. This question does not present the predicament of goods in course of transportation through a State, though detained for a time within the State by low water or other causes of delay, as was the case of the logs cut in the State of Maine, the tax on which was abated by the Supreme Court of New Hampshire. Such goods are already in the course of commercial transportation, and are clearly under the protection of the Constitution. And so, we think, would the goods in question be when actually started in the course of transportation to another State, or delivered to a carrier for such transportation. There must be a point of time when they cease to be governed ex- clusively by the domestic law and besrin to be governed and protected by the national law of commercial regulation, and that moment seems to us to be a legitimate one for this purpose, in which they commence their final movement for transportation from the State of their origin to that of their destination. When the products of the SECT. II.] COE V. EEEOL. 143 farm or tliu forest are collected and brought in from the surround- ing country to a town or station serving as an entrepot for that par- ticular region, whether on a river or a line of railroad, such products arc not yet exports, nor are they in process of exportation, nor is ex- purtation begun until they arc coiiiinittcd to the comuiou carrier for transportation out of the State to tlie State of their destination, or have started on their ultimate passage to that State. Until then it is reasonable to regard tiicm as not only wiliiin tiie State of their origin, but as a part of the general mass of property of that State, subject to its jurisdiction, and liable to taxation there, if not taxed by reason of their being intended for exportation, but taxed without any discrimination, in the usual way and manner in which such property is taxed in the State. Of course they cannot be taxed as exports ; that is to say, they can- not be taxed by reason or because of their exportation or intended exportation ; for that would amount to laying a duty on exports, and would be a plain infraction of the Constitution, which prohibits any State, without the consent of Congress, from laying any imposts or duties on imports or exports ; and, altliougli it has been decided, Woodruff V. Parham, 8 Wall. 123, that this clause relates to imports from, and exports to, foreign countries, yet when such imposts or duties are laid on imports or exports from one State to another, it cannot be doubted that such an imposition would be a regulation of commerce among the States, and, therefore, void as an invasion of the exclusive power of Congress. See Walling v. Michigan, ante, 446, decided at the present term, and cases cited in the opinion in til at case. But if such goods are not taxed as exports, nor by reason of their exportation, or intended exportation, but are taxed as part of the general mass of property in the State, at the regular period of assessment for such property and in the usual manner, they not being in course of transportation at the time, is tliere any valid reason why they should not be taxed? Though intended for ex- portation, tliey may never be exported ; the owner has a perfect right to change his mind ; and until actually put in motion, for some place out of t'le State, or committed to the custody of a carrier for transportation to such place, why may they not be regarded as still remaining a part of the general mass of property in the State? If assessed in an exceptional time or manner, because of their an- ticipated departure, they miglit well be considered as taxed by reason of their exportation or intended exportation ; but if assessed in the usual way, when not under motion or shipment, we do not see why the assessment may not be valid and binding. The point of time when State jurisdiction over the commodities of commerce begins and ends is not an easy matter to designate or define, and vet it is hisrhlv important, both to the shipper and to the State, that it should be clearly defined so as to avoid all am- biguity or question. Tn regard to imports from foreign countries, it was settled in the case of Brown 7". Maryland, 12 AAlieat. 419, that the State cannot impose anv tax or duty on such goods so long as they remain the property of the importer, and continue in the 144 COE V. EEEOL. [ciIAP. U. original form or packages in which they were imported; the right to sell without any restriction imposed by the State being a neces- sary incident of the right to import without such restriction. This rule was deemed to be the necessary result of the prohibitory clause of the Constitution, which declares that no State shall lay any im- posts or duties on imports or exports. The law of Maryland, which was held to be repugnant to this clause, required the payment of a license tax by all importers before they were permitted to sell their goods. This law was also considered to be an infringement of the clause wliich gives to Congress the power to regulate commerce. Tills court, as before stated, has since held that goods transported from one State to another are not imports or exports within the meaning of the prohibitory clauses before referred to; and it has also held that such goods, having arrived at their place of destina- tion, may be taxed in the State to which they are carried, if taxed in the same manner as other goods are taxed, and not by reason of their being brought into the State from another State, nor sub- jected in any way to unfavorable discrimination. Woodruff v, Parham, 8 Wall. 123; Brown v. Houston, 114 U. S. 623. But no definite rule has been adopted with regard to the point of time at which the taxing power of the State ceases as to goods ex- ported to a foreign country or to another State. What we have al- ready said, however, in relation to the products of a State intended for exportation to another State will indicate the view which seems to us the sound one on that subject, namely, that such goods do not cease to be part of the general mass of property in the State, subject, as such, to its jurisdiction, and to taxation in the usual way, until they have been shipped, or entered with a common carrier for trans- portation to another State, or have been started upon such transpor- tation in a continuous route or journey. We think that this must be the true rule on the subject. It seems to us untenable to hold that a crop or a herd is exempt from taxation merely because it is, by its owner, intended for exportation. If such were the rule in many States there would be nothing but the lands and real estate to bear the taxes. Some of the Western States produce very little except wheat and corn, most of which is intended for export; and so of cotton in the Southern States. Certainly, as long as these products are on^-the lands which produce them, they are part of the general property of the State. And so we think they continue to be until they have entered upon their final journey for leaving the State and going into another State. It is true, it was said in the case of The Daniel Ball, 10 Wall. 557, 565: "Whenever a commodity has begun to move as an article of trade from one State to another, com- merce in that commodity between the States has commenced," But this movement does not begin until the articles have been shipped or started for transportation from the one State to the other. The carrying of them in carts or other vehicles, or even floating them, to the depot where the journey is to commence is no part of that journey. That is all preliminary work, performed for the purpose of putting the property in a state of preparation and readiness for SECT. II.] COE V. EREOL. 145 transportation. Until actually launched on its way to another State, or committed to a common carrier for transportation to such State, its destination is not fixed and certain. It may be sold or otherwise disposed of within the State, and never put in course of transporta- tion out of the State. Carrying it from the farm, or the forest, to the depot, is only an interior movement of the property, entirely within the State, for the purpose, it is true, but only for the pur- pose, of putting it into a course of exportation; it is no part of the exportation itself. Until shipped or started on its final journey out of the State its exportation is a matter altogether in fieri, and not at all a fixed and certain thing. The application of these principles to the present case is ob\aous. The logs which were taxed, and the tax on which was not abated by the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, had not, when so taxed, been shipped or started on their final voyage or journey to the State of Elaine. They had only been drawn down from Wentworth's location to Errol, the place from which they were to be transported to Lewiston in the State of Maine. There they were to remain until it should be convenient to send them to their destination. They come precisely within the character of propert}^ which, accord- ing to the principles herein laid down, is taxable. But granting all this, it may still be pertinently asked, How can property thus situ- ated, to wit, deposited or stored at the place of entrepot for future exportation, be taxed in the regular way as part of the property of the State ? The answer is plain. It can be taxed as all other prop- erty is taxed, in the place where it is found, if taxed, or assessed for taxation, in the usual manner in which such property is taxed; and not singled out to be assessed by itself in an unusual and excep- tional manner because of its destination. If thus taxed, in the usual way that other similar property is taxed, and at the same rate, and subject to like conditions and regulations, the tax is valid. In other words, the right to tax the property being founded on the h}-pothesis that it is still a part of the general mass of property in the State, it must be treated in all respects as other property of the same kind is treated. These conditions we understand to have been complied with in the present case. At all events there is no evidence to show that the taxes were not imposed in the regular and ordinary way. As the presumption, so far as mode and manner are concerned, is always in favor of, and not against, official acts, the want of evidence to the contrary must be regarded as e^^dence in favor of the regularity of the assessment in this case. The judgment of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire is Affirmed. 146 BUELIiSrGTON LUMBER CO. V. WILLETTS. [CHAP. II. BURLINGTON LUMBER CO. v. WILLETTS. Supreme Court of Illinois. 1886. [Reported 118 III. 559.] Craig, J. This was a bill in equity, brought by the Burlington Lumber Company, to enjoin the collection of a tax, upon an assess- ment made by the assessor of the town of New Boston, in Mercer County, for the year 1885, on a certain quantity of logs which were in the New Boston harbor, or bayou, on the 1st day of May, 1885. There is no substantial dispute between the parties in regard to the facts. The Burlington Lumber Company is a corporation or- ganized under the laws of Iowa, with its place cf business at Bur- lington. The corporation is engaged in the business of manufactur- ing himber. It buys logs in ^^'isconsin and ^Minnesota, where they are ratted, and towed down the Mississippi river to Burlington, and there sawed into lumber at the mills of the company. In the Spring and Summer of 1884, the company purchased logs, which were rafted in Boef slough, near the mouth of the Chippewa river, in Wisconsin. After the logs were rafted, they were towed down the river by a steamer. The vice-president of the corporation, on cross-examina- tion, testified : " Some of the logs were stopped on the way. We could not stow all we bought, at or near Burlington, but it w-as more convenient and safer to leave them in the harbor at New Boston. After the boats were started with the rafts, the boat would be in- structed to leave them at New Boston or other place, and there they w^ould be left until wanted. The first raft was put in, October 3, 1884. That was there in May, 1885. There were 3,000,000 feet there that winter. We had no logs at Burlington in winter of 1885. We have used the harbor for nine years. We could keep logs there safer tlian at Burlington, and with less expense. Corporation did not own the land. It leased shore privileges, — that is, we pay something, rather than have bother or trouble, to those who own the land, same as if we used a wharf. We have been renting shore privileges several years. The right to tie rafts on his shore was rented of Prentiss. The corporation had E. L. Willits employed to look after logs, and see that none got away. When we wanted logs we sent after them by steamer. Willits was the only man we had employed or that had charge of them there." Edward L. AVillits testified : " I was in the employ of the Burlington Lumber Company in the fall, winter and spring of 1884 and 1885. Was employed by the month to keep logs afloat and see that none got away. Got $50 per month. I know the situation of the logs that winter and spring. There were four rafts, and about 750,000 feet in each." Cross-examined : " I have been employed five years to look after all rafts. I give receipt to boat, deliver to boat and take receipt. I have control while there. I had moved them across slough to keep them afloat. The Burlington Lumber Company put a raft in Sturgeon bay on the 1st of May. Part of it is there yet.'' SECT. II.] BURLINGTON LUMBER CO. V. WILLETTS. 147 It is claimed that the property in question, under tlie evidence, was in transitu, and, tlieiel'ore, not taxable in this .State. It is a plain proposition, that property in course of transportation from one State to another, over one of our navigable rivers, or over any of the public highways of the country, is not liable to taxation as it passes over sueii highway, by the State authorities abjng the line of such highway, and we think it is equally clear, that if property, while in the course of transportation over one of our navigable rivers, should be detained by low water or ice, or other cause, it would not be liable to be taxed by the authorities where the detenti(jn occurred. Any otiier rule would have a direct tendency to obstruct commerce between States, which, of course, could not be done under our system of laws. But the question here presented is, whether the property, when assessed, was in course of -transportation over a public high- way. We have given the evidence bearing upon this point that con- sideration which the importance of the question demands, and we have reached the conclusion that the property was not in transitu. For nine years the complainant liad used the harbor at New Boston as a place of safety for dei)ositing logs during the winter. Land along the shore had been leased, where the property was anchored, and a man employed, who was placed in the possession of the prop- erty. At the time the boats started from AVisconsin with the rafts, to convey them down the river, the destination of the property had not been determined by the company, but after departure, as stated by the vice-president in his evidence, the boats were then instructed to leave a part of the rafts at Xew Boston, and there they would remain until wanted at the mill in Buslington, when a steamer would be sent for them. New Boston harbor, or Sturgeon bay, as it is usually called, is only about thirty miles up the river from Bur- lington. It is very accessible, and it seems plain that the company had selected the bay as a place of storage for its logs, — a place where its property could be shipped, and kept in safety until such time as it was needed at the mills in Burlington. Indeed, for all practical purposes, it may be said that the transit of the property ended at New Boston. When the logs reached that point, they were located there for an indefinite time. New Boston harbor thus be- came the destination of the property, and so remained until such time as the corporation saw proper again to place the property in transit. No other reasonable construction can be placed upon the evidence. The first section of our Revenue law provides, that all real and personal property in this State shall be assessed and taxed, except such as is by the act exempted. Here was a large quantity of per- sonal property, located in this State on leased premises, in the hands of an agent of the owner, and upon what principle it can escape taxa- tion is not apparent, unless the plain language of our Revenue law is disregarded. It is true, that the owners of the property were not manufacturing the logs into lumber in this State, or engaged in selling the lumber here, but the property was kept at New Boston because it was more profitable for the owners to keep it in store 14S COMMOXAVEALTH l'. AMEE. DKEDGI]S"G CO. [CHAP. II. there than at Biirliugton, If kept at the mills in Burlington it would be liable to loss upon the breaking up of the ice in the river, in the spring, while at New Boston it was safe, at a trifling expense. The property was therefore kept at New Boston on account of the profit to the owners to keep it there. The company made money by tlie transaction. Here the Burlington Lumber Company had premises leased, large amounts of valuable property placed on the leased premises, in the hands of hired agents, resulting in profit to the company, and yet it is claimed it had no place of business in this State. ' This claim is unreasonable. We think, when all the circumstances are considered, it may be said that the company was engaged in a business here, beneficial to itself. If, then, the com- pany had this property located in our State, and it was here for profit, and it was so located as to claim the protection of our laws, the property, in our opinion, had a situs here, and was liable to taxation. We have been cited to the late case of Coe v. Town of Errol, de- cided in the Supreme Court of the United States, as having an im- portant bearing on the question involved. We have examined that case, and, as we understand the decision, the question here involved is not considered or decided in that case. The point there decided, as we read the opinion of the court, is, in substance, this : In order to exempt property from taxation on the ground that it is in course of transportation, the property must be actually shipped, — that placing it together for shipment is not sufiicient. There is, hoAvever, one error in the record. The taxes which complainant attempted to enjoin, were, in part, levied by the in- corporated town of New Boston. The property, however, was never within the incorporated limits of New Boston, and so far as it is concerned, it acquired no jurisdiction over, and has no right what- ever to impose a tax on, the property. The corporation tax was void, because New Boston had no right to assess the property, and being void, the complainants had a clear right to file a bill to enjoin this part of the tax. As to the corporation tax of New Boston the decree will be re- ■ versed. In all other respects it will be affirmed, and the costs of this court will be equally divided between the parties. Decree reversed in part and in part affirmed. COMMONWEALTH v. AMERICAN DREDGING CO. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. 1888. [Reported 122 Pa. 386.] In 1887, the American Dredging Company appealed to the court below from the settlement by the auditor general and state treasurer, on December 15, 1886, of taxes claimed to be due on its capital stock, under the act of June 7, 1879, P. L. 112. The objections filed averred that a tax of $1,485 was charged upon property of the SECT. II.] COMMONWEALTH V. AMEK. DREDGING CO. 149 company which had no situs within jurisdiction of the common- wealth. At tlie trial of the cause which was without a jury, under the act of April 22, 187-i, P. L. lO'J, and was submitted without ar^- ment and without points presented on either side, the court, Mc- Pherson, J., found the following facts : 1. The defendant is a corporation of this commonwealth, char- tered by the act of April 9, 18G7, P. L. 9oG, with power " to own, construct, operate and dispose of dredging machines, steam tugs, lighters, machinery and appliaiices for improvement of harbor, chan- nels, docks and water-courses." Under this act and a supplement of March 28, 18T3, P. L. 446, its capital stock for the tax year end- ing the first ilonday of November, 1886, was $495,000. 2. During this year $232,803.22 of its capital stock was invested in land and buildings situate in the state of Xew Jersey; $92,000 thereof was invested in four dredges, which were built outside of the state of Pennsylvania, three of which have never been within the limits of the state, and the fourth of which had never been within its limits until after the end of the said year; $6,000 thereof was in- vested in a tug which was built outside of Pennsylvania, and was not within its limits during the said year ; and $38,500 thereof was invested in eleven scows which were built outside of Pennsylvania, and have never been within its limits. During the said year, the said real estate and other property were all employed for corporate purposes in the states of New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia. 3. During the year in question, the defendant declared two dividends, each of three per cent, upon $495,000, and this settlement taxes the Avhole capital stock under the act of 18T9, section 4, at the rate of one half mill for each one per cent of dividend. Upon these facts the conclusion of law was as follows: It has been decided in Commonwealth r. Pennsylvania Coal Com- pany, 5 Pa. C. C. E. 90, note, that so much of the tangible property of a domestic corporation as is situate in other states, and there employed in its corporate business, is not taxable by this common- wealth. "We, therefore, hold that the commonwealth can only re- cover tax upon $125,696.78 of the defendant's capital stock. The amount due is as follows : 3 mills upon $125,696.78 $377 09 Interest from February 13, 1887, to May 10, 1888 . . 56 12 Attorney General's commission 18 85 $452 06 For which sum we direct judgment to be entered if exceptions are not filed according to law. To this decision, the commonwealth filed exceptions, which were overruled; whereupon the commonwealth took this writ. Paxsox, J. The court below correctly held that the defendant company was not liable to taxation upon so much of its capital stock as Avas reprefented by lands and buildings situate in the state of New Jersey ; but we are of opinion that the learned judge erred 150 NATIONAL DKEDGING CO. V. STATE. [ciiAF. 11. iu his ruling that the $92,000 of said stock represented by the four dredges, the tug-boat, and the eleven scows, conceding tliat they, or at least a portion of them, were built outside of this state, and have never been within it, were not Hable to taxation. This is not because of the technical principle that t]ie situs of personal prop- erty is where the domicil of tlie owner is found. This rule is doubt- less true as to intangible property such as bonds, mortgages, and other evidences of debt. But the better opinion seems to be that it does not hold in the case of visible tangible personal property per- manently located in another state. In such cases, it is taxable within the jurisdiction where found and is exempt at the domicil of the owner. Goods and chattels, horses, cattle, and other movable prop- erty of a visible or tangible character are liable to taxation in the jurisdiction of the state wherein the same are, and are ordinarily kept, irrespective of the residence or domicil of the owner. Legal protection and taxation are reciprocal, so that such personal prop- erty and effects of a corporeal nature, or that may be handled and removed, as receive the protection of the law are liable to be taxed by the law where they are thus protected: Eorer on Interstate Law, 204, and cases there cited; Potter on Corporations, §§ 189, 190 : Pierce on Eaiiroads, 472. No fault is found with this prin- ciple, but does it apply to the facts of this case ? It must be conceded that the property in question must be liable to taxation in some jurisdiction. It it were permanently located in another state, it would be liable to taxation there. But the facts show that it is not permanently located out of the state. From the nature of the business, it is in one place to-day and in another to-mor- row, and, hence, not taxable in the jurisdiction where tempt»rarily employed. It follow^s that if not taxable here, it escapes altogether. The rule as to vessels engaged in foreign or interstate commerce is that their siius for the purpose of taxation is their home port of registry, or the residence of their owner, if unregistered : Pullman Palace Car Co., 29 Fed. Eep. Q,(S; Hays v. Pacific ]\Iail Steamship Co., 17 How. 596. These vessels, if they may be so called, were not registered. Hence, their situs for taxation is the domicil of the owners. This rule must prevail in the absence of anything to show that they are so permanently located in another state as to be liable to taxation under the laws of that state. Judgment reversed, and a procedendo awarded. NATIONAL DEEDGING CO. v. STATE. Supreme Court of Alabama. 1893. [Reported 99 Ala. 462.] McClellan, J. The question presented on this record is whether certain property of the National Dredging Company had a situs in this State for the purposes of taxation when the assessment com- plained of was made in the Spring of 1891. The property was brought into the State after January 1st of that year and before the SECT, n.] NATIONAL DREDGING CO. V. STATE- 1.51 assessor had completed his assessment, and hence was properly as- sessed if taxable at all in this State under the agreed facts. Cod3, § 458. Tlujse facts are: The National Diedging C'onij)any is a Del- aware corporation, domiciled at Wilmington in that Slate. As its name indicates, its business or a part of its business, is the operation "of machines, steam tugs, lighters, machinery and appliances for the improvement of rivers, harbors, channels, docks, water courses, low lands," &c. In the Fall or early Winter of 18D0 it entered into a contract with the United States for continuing the work of dredg- ing the channel of Mobile Bay, entered upon the execution thereof early in 1891, and from that time on down to the time of the trial of this cause in the City Court, July ;50, 18:)2, has been and was at said last mentioned date still engaged therein. The property found subject to taxation, to wit, one dredge boat, " Forbes," one tug boat, "Curtis," and five mud scows, and brought into this State when the performance of the contract was entered upon, that is, in January or February, 18'Jl, and had remained here up to the trial, except some portion thereof, not specified, which was removed to the State of Maine in ]\Iarch or February, 1892. The contract with the Gov- ernment had not been completed on July 30, 1892, but its comple- tion would "occur shortly" thereafter, and after such completion the company would have no further use for this property in Ala- bama. The said tug boat, dredge and scows were floating property, capable of being moved from port to port — the tug of its own motive power, and the dredge and scows by being towed; and the tug "Curtis" is registered in the custom house at Wilmington, Delaware. It is clear from the foregoing epitome of the facts that all of this property was at the time of the assessment being used in the State of Alabama in the prosecution of works wholly within ; the State, under a contract which involved its presence here in that work for a time, the duration of which was indefinite, but which extended beyond a year and a half, and the end of which, even from the standpoint of the latter date, could not be more definitely fixed than as "shortly to occur." During all this time and possibly to the present moment the property has been wholly within Alabama; engaged in a business or being used in a work which did not involve its passing even temporarily beyond the limits of the State. More- over, it has all along been used and possibly is even now being used in the prosecution of this work precisely as property belonging to citizens of this State would be used therein. Indeed, as appears from this record, other property of the same kind, which had pre- viously been used by residents of Alabama in the prosecution of this work, was purchased by the appellant company, and, being in- corporated with that involved here, has all along been used like it in dredging the channel of Mobile Bay, and one scow so used was built in the city of Mobile, and has never been, we assume, outside of the State. Again, not only is the period of the contract in the execu- tion of which this property is kept in the State indefinite, and hence the duration of its presence here in the execution of that contract uncertain, but it is manii'ost from the n"Teed facts that this contract 152 ]SrATIO:N"AX, DEEDGIXG CO. v. state. [chap. II. is only one of a series for the dredging of the channel in Mobile Bay, covering years before and after the year 1891. This work was in the line of the dredging corporation's business, it had secured this contract under one annual congressional appropriation when it had to bring its machinery and appliances — this property — to Mobile for its execution. Having it there, and being thus in a more ad- vantageous position for entering into another contract or other suc- cessive contracts as appropriations are made by Congress, it is fair to assume that the National Dredging Company will enter into other contracts, or rather, at least, that its purpose and intention is to do so if favorable terms can be made. These considerations are proper in arriving at the situs of this property. They go to show, by reference to the owner's intention as fairly inferable from all the circumstances, an indefiniteness as to the period of the pres- ence of these boats and scows wholly within Alabama beyond that existing as to the duration of the first contract, and the use of the property here in performance thereof. In other words, taking into consideration the business of the corporation, the amount and con- tinuing character of the work to be done in Mobile Bay, the prep- arations made by the company for doing so much thereof as is authorized under one annual appropriation, it may be that this property will be for years engaged upon this work, as a part of that now being used by the company of like kind with this had been used thereon for a year or years prior to 1891. On this state of the case — or even leaving out of view the considerations last adverted to — it is clear, we think, that this property is not merely temporarily within Alabama, but that, to the contrary, its presence here is for such an indefinite period as involves the idea of permanency, in the sense in which that term is used with respect to the situs of prop- erty for the purposes of taxation. It is here as any other property is or would be here in use upon the public works in Mobile Bay. Its use in that work is the same as that of the other property orig- inally embraced in this assessment and formerly owned by a citizen of Alabama and by him devoted to this work during previous years, the same as that of the scow which was built in Mobile for this work and has never been beyond the State, and the same as that of an- other scow built outside of the State for this work. All this other property is property of the State or in the State for the purposes of taxation, though it may at some uncertain future time cease to be property taxable here in consequence of its removal to other juris- dictions, as the property in controversy may sometimes be carried out of the State. Until that happens, however, both classes of prop- erty enjoy the same protection of our laws, both classes are devoted to the same use, the continuation of each class within the State is alike indefinite; the one class can not, in short, be distinguished from the other in any characteristic which is of importance in deter- mining the question of taxability vel non. And hence our conclu- sion that the property in controversy had become so incorporated with, and a part of, the tangible property of this State, for revenue purposes, as that its taxable situs is here, notwithstanding the fact SECT. II.] NATIONAL DREDGING CO. V. STATE. 153 that the domicil of its owner is in another State. Mayor of ;Mo- bile V. Baldwin, 57 Ala. 61; Boyd v. City of Selma, 96 Ala. 144; 11 So. IJep. 393; Burroughs on Taxation, pp. 40-1; Trammell v. Connor, 91 Ala. 398. There is nothing in the nature of this particular property to take it out of the general principle. The fact that it is floating prop- erty and may be moved from place to place and port to port by water furnishes no more reason for exempting it from taxation here than would exist for the exemption of property which did not float and could be moved from place to place only overland. With respect to the tug boat " Curtis," a special consideration is advanced in support of its non-taxability. It is a sea-going vessel, propelled by steam, and is entitled to registry under statutes of the United States at tlie port of its owner's domicil. As matter of fact, it is registered at the custom house in the City of "Wilmington, Delaware. On this the contention is that that being home, it can not be taxed elsewhere. There are many cases which hold that such vessel, engaged in commerce between its home port and others, or even wholly between other ports than that of its registry, can be taxed only at tho port of registry. It is not our purpose to question these decisions; it is not necessary that we should. They all pro- ceed upon the theory that vessels thus engaged are never in foreign jurisdiction except temporarily, and as an incident to the com- merce to which they are devoted, and hence that they do not and can not acquire a situs in foreign ports for the purpose of taxation : they do not become incorporated with the property of other States and countries which they touch intermittently, are never indefinitely there, and their business, the work they perform, the uses to which they are put, is not done and performed within, and are not local to, the foreign State or countr}-. These considerations can have no application here. The tug " Curtis " is not engaged in c6mmerce, foreign or inter-state. Its business is wholly within Ala- bama. It is not here temporarily, but indefinitely. It is as much a part of the property of the State for taxation as if it had been chartered for an indefinite period of time to carry freight and pas- sengers, or tow ships over the waters of ]\Iobile Bay between the city and Point Clear, or as if its owner had devoted it to the carrying trade of the Alabama Eiver; and surely in these cases it could not be successfully insisted that it was not as much Alabama property for taxation as any other boat devoted exclusively to the na^-igation of the water courses of the State. The question, indeed, is at last one of situs in fact, and where this is sho\\Ti neither foreign registry nor foreign ownership is of any consequence. The judgment of the City Court is affirmed. 154 PEAIEIE OIL AND GAS CO. V. EHRHAKIXr. [CHAP. II. [PKAIEIE OIL AND GAS CO. v. EHRHARDT. Supreme Court of Illinois. 1910. [Reported 244 III. 634.] ViCKERS, J. On March 17, 1908, the Prairie Oil and Gas Com- pany, a corporation organized under the laws of Kansas, filed its bill in equity in the Will county circuit court against August Ehrhardt, county treasurer and collector, praying for an injunction to prevent the collector from collecting certain taxes levied against the com- plainant upon crude oil in certain tanks and pipe lines belonging to the complainant and located in Will county. Upon a hearing in the circuit court the temporary injunction was made perpetual, and from a decree granting the relief prayed for, the collector has appealed to this court. The bill alleges, and the evidence sustains the allegations, that appellee is an incorporated company under the laws of Kansas and owns and operates a pipe line extending from Humboldt, Kansas, through the States of Missouri, Iowa and Illinois, and extending to Griffith, Indiana, through which crude petroleum is transported, by means of a system of force pumps and tanks, from one end of the pipe line to the other; that the company has a large number of tanks in southeastern Kansas in which millions of barrels of oil are stored; that some of this oil is produced by wells owned by the company, but most of it is purchased from owners of other oil wells in southeastern Kansas and in Oklahoma after it is collected by such other owners in tanks at their wells and is conveyed through collecting pipes to the storage tanks in Kansas. The oil is then conveyed from the storage station in Kansas through pipe lines, as above described, to Griffith, Indiana, where it is delivered to an- other pipe line company, which transports the oil east through the pipe lines of the latter company. The pipes through which the oil is transported are made of metal, are from ten to twelve inches in dia- meter and are two and somtimes three in number, laid parallel to each other. The course of the oil across this State is slightly up- grade, which makes it necessar}' to force the oil through the pipes by a system of force pumps distributed along the line about forty- five miles apart. There are two or three pumps installed at each pumping station, which force the oil, by a pressure of about 650 pounds to the square inch, to the next station east, where, in turn, another set of pumps forces it onward in its course across the State. The oil travels in the pipes at the rate of about three miles per hour. There is a pumping station at Wilmington, west of Griffith, Indiana, and the next pumping station southwest of Wilmin.crton is at Ker- nan, in LaSalle county. If the pumps at each station did exactly the same amount of work they would keep the current of oil mov- ing continuously in the pipe line. It is expected that the pumps will work continnously, both dav and ninrht. In the practical opera- tion of the pipe line it is found that it is impossible to so regulate the several pumps along the line that each will do the same amount of SECT. II.] PEAIRIE OIL AND GAS CO. V. EllRUAKDT. 155 work as each of the others. Pumps will break down, get out of repair and have to be stopped now and then, which would result in an iutenuplion of the How of oil in the pipes. In order to over- come ihc dilhcultics from the irregularities in the movements of the pumps two tanks are established at each pumping station, which are connected with the main pipes by connecting pipes and valves. The object of these tanks is to equalize the work of the pumps. They are so adjusted that an excess of oil coming to a station will be forced into the tanks, and a shortage in the supply coming to a station will be supplied by drawing on the surplus stored at such station in the tanks. T.y maintaining these tanks at the pumping stations an interruption of the work of any set of pumps will not interfere with the work of any other pumps on the line. There is usually enough oil stored in the tanks at each station to keep the pumps going for twenty-four hours without receiving any oil from the pipe lines. It sometimes Imppens, wlicn the pumps are all working along the line, that the oil in the tanks will not be increased or diminished for several days, but as a rule the oil is passing into and out of the tanks, more or less, every day. There is thus an almost constant flow of oil through the tanks as well as through the pipes. The taxes which are sought to be enjoined are levied upon the oil in the pipes and in the tanks thnt are located in Will county. There is no question of fact in dispute between the parties. The only question is the liability of appellee to pay taxes upon this oil while it is being transported across Will county in the manner above described. The Revenue law of this State provides that all personal prop- erty in this State shall be assessed and taxed, except such as is specifically exempt from taxation by the statute. While there is no express exemption of property in transit, yet it has been held by this court and by the Supreme Courts of other States, and by the Supreme Court of the United States, that property in transit which is passing through a taxing district is not liable to local taxation. Irvin V. New Orleans. St. Louis and Chicago "Railroad Co. 94 111. 105; Burlington Lumber Co. v. Willetts, 118 id. 559; People v. Bacon, 243 id. 313; State v. Stevens, 146 Mo. 622: Coe v. Errol, 116 U S. 517; Kidd v. Pearson, 128 id. 1 ; Kelly v. Ehoades, 188 id. 1; Calvert on Regulations of Commerce, 291. In the case of Kelly v. Rlmados, snpra. the United States Su- preme Court held that a flock of sheep which were being driven on foot through the State of Wyoming to a point in another State were not subject to local taxation, notwithstanding the sheep were permitted to graze as they went along, travelinGr at the rate of about nine miles per dav. This case answers the appellant's argument that property cannot be in transit as interstate commerce unless it is in charge of some common carrier enga'G CO. 165 personal property, and that the city assessor testified that the as- sessment in Hennepin county was made on that basis as ordered. It might also be a^Jsumed, altliough it was not proved, that the assessors of other counties assessed in fact according to the same rule. The conclusion that in consequence there had been a "sys- tematic, intentional, and illegal undervaluation of other property by the taxing officials" of the State does not at all follow. This order of the State auditor might appear to be in contradiction to the express statutory requirement tliat property should be assessed at its full value in money. As a matter of fact, on the contrary, however, it was designed and conduces to make possible literal obedience to the statute. The result of the assessors' labors is not the final listing or valua- tion of property, real or personal. It is merely a step to that result. After the assessor has made the survey, his list and valuation, the county auditor corrects the verified result of his labors, as by addi- tion of omitted property (section 853, R. L. 1905), and various boards of equalization complete the work of creating a tax, con- forming to statute, thereafter to be collected. More specifically, the State board of equalization is charged with the duty of equalizing the taxes between the various counties. A horizontal increase of a given percentage, covering all property of a specified kind assessed within a named county may be, and often has been, ordered. If such an increase were made, then property which had been returned by the assessor at its full valuation would ultimately bear a tax on one hundred per cent, plus the percentage of increase imposed by the State board. In consequence, either a grave practical injustice would result in the collection of the excessive tax, or the courts of the State would be overwhelmed with the hearings of alleged over- valuations. There would be imposed on the overtaxed individual the unnecessary and improper trouble and expense of appearing in court and defending. Inter alia, to give opportunity to the stat- utory boards of equalization to perform their functions, the instruc- tion of the State auditor to assess at fifty per cent of the value of the property w^as issued. The result of general obedience to the State auditor's order is a presumptively unifonn valuation — an even basis for an ultimately correct tax list. The essential question to the taxpayer is whether, as a consequence of the work in the first place of the assessor and in the second place of the county auditor and of the boards of equalization, he is called upon to pay a tax on a larger valuation than the law authorizes. The tax is not unequal, and he has suffered no prejudice, as these terras are employed in the law. The immediate case itself is a good illustration. Defend- ant's original assessment was in fact less than fifty per cent of the total valuation, which he admits; albeit accidentally. Two boards of equalization added enough to make his final assessment conform to the law. He has no cause for complaint. It is urged that the court will take judicial notice of the fact that "it is the practice of assessing officials to (ultimately) return as- sessable property for taxation at one-half the cash value thereof." 166 STATE V. CUDAIIY PACKING CO. [ciIAP. II. Unfortunately courts must take judicial notice of the fact that the ultimate assessment of real and personal property is extremely un- even and erratic, and that no certain percentage of actual value is at- tained. Large amounts of property, aggregating enormous values, are assessed for more than their market value. Smaller amounts are taxed for a fraction of their real value not susceptible of definite estimate. The cases presented to the courts of this State tend to show that, for example, personal property in the rural districts is taxed on a higher average than personal property in large cities, and that real estate in large cities is taxed at a much higher valuation than in rural districts, and often for much more than its actual value. To a large extent tliese inequalities are inevitable. To exactly what extent, however, this condition exists, is a matter of controversy and conjecture. No definite Imowledge on the subject exists, and no proof has here been adduced. We think no adequate proof could be practically produced. It is elementary that, while a tax law must aim at equality, ap- proximation to equality is all that can be had. Cooley, Taxn. (1st Ed.) 127; Davis v. City, 55 Iowa, 549, 8 N. W. 423. Absolute equality is not possible. " If equality were practicable," said Chief Justice Gibson in Kirby v. Shaw, 19 Pa. St. 258, 261, "in what branch of the government would power to enforce it reside? Not in the judiciary, unless it were competent to set aside a law free from collision with the constitution, because it seemed unjust. It could interpose only by overstepping the limits of its sphere, by arrogating to itself a power beyond its province, by producing intestine discord, and by setting an example which other organs of the govern- ment might not be slow to follow. It is its peculiar duty to keep the first lines of the constitution clear, and to stretch its power in order to correct legislative or executive abuses. Every branch of the government, the judiciary included, does injustice for which there is no remedy, because everything human is imperfect. The sum of the matter is that the taxing power must be left to that part of the government which is to exercise it." The courts will not substitute their judgment as to valuation for that of the board of equalization. State Kailroad Tax Cases, 92 U. S. 575, 23 L. Ed. 663. The local assessment cases recently decided by the supreme court of the United States emphasize the extent to which the taxing power is legislative and executive in character, and how limited is the function of courts to interfere with its exercise, in a particular case. See, for example, French v. Barber Asphalt Paving Co., 181 U. S. 324, 21 Sup. Ct. 625, 45 L. Ed, 879. And see Meriwether v. Garrett, 102 U. S. 472, 26 L. Ed. 197. The certain purpose of the law of this State requiring a full valuation to produce equality is evident in the intention of the very instruction of the State auditor to which objection has been so stren- uously urged here. The result of the operations of the official bodies here was a tax at a rate applying uniformly throughout the State on a valuation admittedly less than the taxable property defendant owned. It is entirely clear that in this case no attempt whatever SECT. III.j PEOl'LE V. KEOKUK AND HAMILTON BRIDGE CO. 167 was made to discriminate between different classes of property owners. The same rule applied indillereutly to residents and non- residents. 2. Defendant was not denied a hearing, within tlie meaning of the State and federal constitutions. It is the lawmaking power, and not the judiciary, which is to determine all questions of discre- tion or policy in ordering or imposing taxes, and which must make all necessary rules and regulations and decide upon the agencies by means of which a tax shall be created and collected. Mr. Justice Shiras, in Thomas v. Oay, 169 IJ. S. 2G4:, 18 Sup. Ct. 340, 42 L. Ed. 740. It was not necessary that the board of e(iualization should have given notice of its increase. State llailroad Tax Cases, supra. It is unnecessary, however, to discuss the extent to which such no- tice is necessary, because tlie property owner liad the right to appear before the boards of equalization at delinitely stated times, and was given certain opportunity to appear in court and defend. Section 889, E. L. 1905. Indeed, it is natural to inquire, how did the defend- ant raise the objections now under consideration? The answer is clear: By embracing the opportunity aH'orded by statute to come into court and interpose the very defense which the demonstrated in- genuity of counsel has formulated. Moreover, the taxpayers' remedy of paying under protest the tax claimed to be unjust or illegal, and of bringing an action for the recovery of the sum, is preserved by statute. Section 891. "What more [opportunity] ought to be given?'' Mr. Justice Peckluim, in Security Trust & Safetv Vault Co. V. City of Lexington, 203 U. S. 323, at page 333, 27 Sup. Ct. 87, at page 90, 51 L. Ed. 204. Cf. Central of Georgia Ry. Co. v. Wright, 207 U. S. 127, 28 Sup. Ct. 47, 52 L. Ed. 47. We conclude: No taxpayer can successfully base a defense to a proper tax upon a charge of general official derelictions unproven and conjectural. The courts will not require that assessments be made in violation of law, will not impose the duty of committing perjury on tax ofiBcers, and will not pervert their own functions by repealing a just and valid statute, which requires an assessment of all taxable property at its full value in money, by making the enforcement of that statute impossible. Petition for reargument denied. PEOPLE V. KEOKUK AND HAMILTON BRIDGE CO. Supreme Court of Illinois. 1919. [Reported 287 III. 246.] Caetwright, J. The county collector of Hancock County ap- plied to the county court for a judgment against a strip of land eight feet wide, described as commencing at a stated point and con- tinuing along the center line of the bridge of the appellant, the Keokuk and Hamilton Bridge Company, 1567 feet to the State line between this State and Iowa, including the slopes, walls and 168 PEOPLE V. KEOKUK AND HAMILTON BEIDGE CO. [CHAP. II. embankments, for $3469.87 delinquent taxes of the year 1917 and for an order of sale to satisfy the same. The appellant filed numer- ous objections to the application, which in substance were : (1) That the Keokuk and Hamilton Bondholders' Company, a corporation, owned mortgage bonds of the appellant which were long since in arrears and far exceeded the value of the property, and therefore the bondholders' company was the real owner of the bridge property. (2) That the appellant was a railroad company and its property was a railroad, which could only be assessed by the State Board of Equalization. (3) That the bridge formed a link in connection with various railroads, making a complete line of railroad from points in this State to points and connections with other railroads in the State of Iowa and was used in inter-State commerce, and if sold for taxes the means of inter-State commerce would be interfered with and destroyed. (4) That the United States, as a war measure, had taken charge of the property and was operating it, and a proceeding to sell the bridge would deprive the United States of such control and deprive the United States and appellant of property without due process of law. > (5) That the property was arbitrarily, knowingly and fraudu- lently assessed at its full market or cash value while all other property was assessed by a rule and long custom at about forty per cent of its cash value and the assessment was approved by the board of review. The court, on motion of the appellee, struck the objections from the files and rendered judgment and order of sale for the taxes. From that judgment and order this appeal was prosecuted. A motion to strike objections from the files is in the nature of a demurrer and necessarily admits every fact alleged in the objections and the legal conclusions arising therefrom, and they can be stricken from the files only in a case where no legal objection is stated and where no proof of the facts alleged would constitute a defense to the application nor justify a refusal of judgment. If any objection states a legal ground of defense it is error for the court to strike it from the files and refuse to the taxpayer a hearing and an oppor- tunity to prove the fact alleged. Proof that the appellant was in- debted and had issued mortgage bonds which were in arrears and exceeded the value of the property and were held by a bondholders' company did not make the bondholders owners of the property or exempt the property from taxation in the name of the appellant. The objections stated that the appellant was a corporation formed by a consolidation of the Hancock County Bridge Company, a corporation of this State, and an Iowa corporation, and that it con- structed the bridge in 1869 under an act of Congress. The only property it claimed to own was a bridge across the Mississippi river between the cities of Hamilton and Keokuk, which was used by various railroad companies operating railroads extending eastward and westward from the bridge, and there was no allegation that the SECT. III.] PEOPLE V. KEOK.LK A.\i> liAMILTOX BUIDGE CO. ICO bridge was a part of any railroad or railroad system owned by the appellant. The bridge therefore was not a railroad and was law- fully assessed by the local assessor as real estate and was not to be assessed by the State Board of Equalization as railroad track. The fact that property is used in inter-State commerce does not exempt it from taxation. Inter-State commerce is not taxed by tax- ing property devoted to such a use. Keokuk and Hamilton Bridge Co. I'. Illinois, 175 U. S. 620. The fact that by the act of Congress of March 21, 1918, and the President's proclamation under the same, railroads have been taken charge of by the United States and are being operated and con- trolled by the government is not a defense against the payment of local taxes on the property. Whether or not that act applies to the appellant's bridge, which is not a railroad, any question of taxation could only arise, in any event, between the Federal government and the State. There was a legal objection to the amount of the tax, which the appellant had a right to prove, and the court erred in striking it from the files. That objection was that the property was arbitrarily, knowingly and fraudulently assessed at its full market or cash value while all other property was arbitrarily and knowingly assessed at about forty per cent of such value in accordance with an established rule and long custom for assessing property. Section 1 of article 9 of the Constitution requires taxation of property in proportion to value and authorizes the General Assembly to provide such revenue as may be needful by levying a tax by valuation, so that every person and corporation shall pay a tax in proportion to the value of his, her or its property. Such value is to be ascertained by some person or per- sons to be elected or appointed in such manner as the General Assem- bly shall direct, and any error in the exercise of honest judgment will not invalidate a tax, but an arbitrary, known and intentional viola- tion of the rule of uniformity is an invasion of constitutional right and will not be tolerated. It is sufficient for an objector to show such willful and intentional violation of the constitutional pro^'i- sion, and where an assessment shows a very great disparity and dis- crimination, which could not reasonably have arisen from an error, of judgment, the courts will give relief. (Eaymond v. Chicago Union Traction Co. 207 U. ST 20.) The objection showed such alleged disparity and discrimination between the full cash value of appellant's property and the valuation of forty per cent of such cash value of all other property, and the appellant had a right to prove the objection. If the appellant had failed to avail itself of any lawful opportunity to obtain relief against the assessment it was a matter for defense and proof and did not justify striking the objection from the files. If there was a defense of res judicata or estoppel or any other alleged defense it was to be sho^\^l in answer to the objection and afforded no reason for striking the objection from the files. It seems to be assumed that the court, in striking the objection from the files, took judicial notice of some alleged facts, but the doctrine of judicial notice is a branch of the law of 170 WEYEKHAEUSER TIMBER CO. V. PIERCE COUNTY. [cHAP. II. evidence, and authorizes tlie court, whenever a fact is material, to take judicial notice of the fact, but it must be presented to the court in some way and not by demurrer or motion to strike. The judgment of the county court is reversed and the cause remanded. Reversed and remanded. WEYEEHAEUSEE TIl^IEER CO. v. PIEECE COUNTY. Supreme Court of Washington. 1917. [Reported 97 Wash. 534.] Ellis^ C. J. The Weyerhaeuser Timber Company and the North- western Improvement Company began separate actions against Pierce county for the cancellation of a portion of the taxes assessed against certain timber lands for the year 1914 on the ground of overvaluation, and for recovery of excess payments made under protest. By stipulation the two actions were consolidated for trial, with an agreement that separate judgments be entered. Supple- mental complaints were filed presenting the same issue as to the assessed valuations for the year 1915, upon which taxes were not then due. The Weyerhaeuser Timber Company sought a reduction of $24,130.58 on its tax of $60,152.65, and the Northwestern im- provement Company a reduction of $5,648.65 on its tax of $9,772.34. The trial court found that plaintiffs were entitled to a 16 2-3 per cent reduction in the amount of the valuations upon which they had been assessed, gave judgment to the Weyerhaeuser company in the sum of $11,314.17 for the excess taxes of 1914 paid imder pro- test, and decreed an equivalent reduction of the taxes falling due for the year 1915. In the case of the Northwestern Company, the court gave judgment canceling its taxes in the sum of $1,628.72 for the year 1914, and in the sum of $1,642.52 for the year 1915, the variation in amounts being due to tlie fact that the assessor had, in certain instances, increased the valuation for the latter year over that of the preceding year. From these judgments, the plaintiffs and defendant both appeal, the former claiming they are entitled to a further reduction in valuations, the latter that the court erred in granting any reduction. To avoid confusion we shall refer to the parties throughout as plaintiffs and defendant. Plaintiffs have moved to strike the abstract of the record filed by defendant in support of its appeal. It is urged that it has no place in the record because defendant took no exceptions to the court's findings of fact (ITarbican v. Chamberlin, 82 Wash. 556, 144 Pac. 717) ; and further, that it is useless, in that defendant's brief in- sufficiently refers to the pages of the abstract for verification. Rule VIII, 71 Wash. xlix. Regardless of defendant's cross-appeal, its abstract may be treated as supplemental to that filed by plaintiffs on their own appeal. Such an abstivact the statute permits a re- spondent to supply. Though not referred to in defendant's brief SECT. Ill,] WEYEiaiAKUSEK T1.MBEU CO. V. PIERCE COUNTY. 171 as freely as could be desired for the convenience of the court, this abstract has been useful, alike with that of pjlaintiffs', in mar- shaling the contents of a voluminous record. The motion is denied. I'laintilfs conleud that their properties were subjected to an arbi- trary and excessive valuation, in that (1) they are now assessed at values placed on them at the height of a boom in the lumber industry, and that, at the time of assessment, suit and trial, lumber values liad depreciated from thirty to lifty per cent; (2) that an arbitrary zone system was employed resulting in a valuation of $1 per thousand being placed on their fir timber within one mile of a logging road or other outlet, and a reduction of five cents per thou- sand with each mile of recession from such road or outlet, regard- less of logging conditions and the quality and accessibility of the timber; (3) that all hemlock, regardless of quality and accessibility, was assessed on an arbitrary valuation of 25 cents per thousand; (4) that, in addition to the valuation of the timber for more than it was worth, a land value averaging $1.75 per acre was included; and (5) that, for the years 1914 and 1915, all of the property in Pierce county, save timber lands and other unimproved lands, was assessed on a basis not exceeding lifty per cent of the true value in compliance with the act of 1913 (I\em. Code, § 9113), while timber lands and unimproved lands were assessed as before on a basis of sixty per cent, which course was arbitrary and unconstitu- tional. "We shall first take up the claim of plaintiffs as to the valuation of tlie fir timber, including cedar and spruce, for the years 1914 and 1915. In order to obtain a clear understanding of the situation, it is necessary to recur to the work of the assessor's office for prior years. The evidence shows that, in the year 1908, all property in Pierce county was valued by the assessor for assessment purposes on a basis of sixty per cent of its full value. In fixing the values of fir timber, he adopted a zone system, placing the assessment $1 per thousand feet, and reducing the values five cents per thousand for each additional mile until a minimum of fifty cents was reached, which minimum was thereafter applied regardless of added distances. In making these figures, it fairly appears that the assessor failed to take into consideration the ele- ments of quality and quantity of timber, its accessibility and the logging conditions. The values fixed by the assessor in the year 1908 were adopted in each subsequent biennial valuation for assess- ment without material change, and are the figures now in issue as the assessment values for the vears 1914 and 1915. By the act of 1913 (Rem. Code, § 9112), "it is provided that "all property shall be assessed at not to exceed fifty per cent of its, true and fair value in money." In making his assessment for tlie years 1914 and 1915, the assessor reduced the value of all property, excepting timber lands and unimproved propertv. to a figure not exceeding fifty per cent of its full value, wliile continuing in force the old 1908 assessment on a sixty per cent basis without reduction as to timber lands and unimproved property; this, not- 172 WEYEKHAEUSEE TIMBEE CO. V- PIERCE COUNTY. [CHAP. II. withstanding the fact, as the evidence shows, that timber values had depreciated fully 25 per cent at the time the assessment in dispute was made. The valuation in 1908 was made at a time when the lumber industry in this State had reached the highwater mark, from which stage it had steadily subsided until the period covered jjy the years 1914 and 1915. The trial of this action was had in 1915, and the evidence of values prevailing at that time and at the time of the assessment is widely divergent, the witnesses for plaintiffs generally placing the values lower than plaintiff's concede, while the witnesses for the county in some cases exceed the assessor's values. But averaging the figures of all the witnesses on both sides, we believe, invariably results in a valuation lower than that fixed by the assessor. For instances, in township 16 north, range 3 east, the average assessed value is 70.8 cents per thousand, and the average value placed by the witnesses is 48 cents, while the plaintiff concedes a value of 41.5 cents. In so far as the credibility of witnesses is concerned, those for, plaintiffs are sustained in large part by the cruise of timber lands made by the county in the year 1907 for use in the assessment of timber lands for taxation. This cruise is in evidence, and the court found " that said cruise was made and that it was a careful, accurate and correct cruise, and has been admitted to be such by both of the parties." A sample comparison of an assessment with the cruise description will be of interest. The cruise describes the fir tim- ber on the east one-half of section 13, township 16 north, range 3 east, as small and of inferior quality, while the west half has "some good logs." On 1,837 feet, standing two-thirds on the east side and the balance on the west, the high assessment valuation of $1.15 is placed, which plaintiff asks to be reduced to 40 cents. The highest valuation placed on land in that township by tlie county's witness Flint was only $1.25, which on a fifty per cent basis for assessment would be 62.5 cents. The inequality in the work of the assessor finds further demonstration in his failure to place the same ratings upon different tracts of timber practically equivalent in quality, quantity and logging conditions. For instance, in town- ship 18 north, range 6 east, the fir and cedar in section 23 is rated at $1.20, while in section 15 it is rated 85 cents. In the former the fir is " old growth, sound and smooth," the cedar " strictly shingle timber, a great many trees will go to pieces in falling." In the latter the fir is " large, smooth and sound, first-class timber," and the same description applies to the cedar. Section 15 shows a somewhat higher grade, and is one-half mile nearer railroad transportation, yet is valued 35 cents lower than section 23. All the timber on which reductions are sought is located in rough, broken, and in some cases mountainous districts where logging conditions are unfavorable and often practically prohibitive. The figures obtained from averaging the testimony discloses an overvaluation by the assessor to the extent of at least 25 per cent, and this is supported by the disclosures of the cruises in evidence. The cruises, which are records in the as- sessor's office, tend to show either arbitraiy action or marked inad- SECT. III.] WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. r. PIERCE COUXTY. 173 vertence in making the valuations upon the lands here in controversy. The apparent fact that the assessor merely adopted the figures of an assessment made six years earlier certainly fails to show the ex- ercise of an advised and mature judgment. And it is undisputed that the value of timber had depreciated to a very considerable extent at the time the assessment of 191-i was made. The assessor himself testified before the State board of equalization as follows: " Xow, in regard to timber land, you will find that we have gen- erally kept the assessable values of timber lands in Pierce county up to about what they Avere formerly. . . . Milling properties, as we all know, have gone down greatly in the last year, especially in this county. . . . Many of them have gone out of business, it is a hard row for the milling interests. . . . We have kept those values too high. They are too high now, and it is almost criminal with the conditions of the timber interests to hold their values up the way we have done for assessable purposes." The evidence is extremely voluminous. We have examined it carefully and it is obviously impracticable to discuss it more in detail. It must suffice to st^ate our conclusions. We are satisfied that the assessor did adopt the old valuations of 1908 without revision in the light of the current market value of timber and timber lands, and without applying the fifty per cent basis for assessment, and that this course was arbitrary and discriminatory. We are further sat- isfied that the original valuation of these timber lands in 1908 was made upon a fundamentally wrong basis or theory, in that the zone system employed had no relation to the quality or accessibility of the timber on any given tract, and was essentially arbitrary and prohibitive of the exercise of any 2:)ersonal judgment on the part of the assessing officers as to actual value of these fir, cedar and spruce timber lands. For a decision expressly so holding, see Her- sey V. Board of Supervisors of Barron County, 37 Wis. 75. Finally, we are satisfied from all of the evidence that these things have re- sulted in making the fir, cedar and spruce timber valuations exces- sive to the extent of at least twenty-five per cent. Turning now to the hemlock timber, we find that it was assessed for the years here in question at a flat rate of 25 cents per thousand throughout the county. Plaintiffs claim that this valuation was placed without regard to quality, accessibility or logging conditions, and that, taking these elements into consideration, their hemlock values should be reduced to values ranging from 2.5 cents to 20 cents per thousand upon various sections. This would result in an average valuation upon the Northwestern Improvement Company^s lands of 9.5 cents per thousand, and upon the Weyerhaeuser lands of 10.5 cents per thousand. The reduction made by the trial court, from a sixty per cent to a fifty per cent basis of valuation, produced a value for assessment of 20,8 cents instead of 25 cents per thousand. The evidence shows tliat good hemlock undoulitedly has a full value of fifty cents per thousand where it is in sufficient quantity and easy of access for logging. "Wliile some of the hemlock in dispute meets these requirements, it is clear that most of it does not. Much IT-i WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. V. PIERCE COUNTY. [ciIAP. 11. of it is described as small, rough, limby, knotty, scrubby, conky, and poor, while some is described as medium and second class. On a few of the sections it is of first class quality and abundant. It appears from the evidence that it did not pay to log hemlock, since it had very little commercial value at the time of trial. It has a tendency to rot where e.^osed to the elements, but it is conceded that it has a value for interior use in buildings. Undoubtedly hem- lock has a value, but the quality and logging conditions of most of that in controversy renders it practically unmarketable. It is lo- cated upon steep and broken territory, in great part inaccessible to logging roads and without streams capable of being utilized as an outlet, owing to precipitous banks and rocky bottoms. This class of timber is described by some of the witnesses as having only a speculative future value, and as practically worthless at the present time. Carefully considering the testimony of all the witnesses, we find that they place an average assessment value on the Northwestern company's hemlock of 16 cents per thousand, and upon that of the "Weyerhaeuser company of 21 cents. In the case of the latter com- pany's hemlock, this valuation by the witnesses is substantially the amount to which the trial court found they were entitled, and no further reduction would be warranted. But in the case of the North- western company, we think the evidence justifies a reduction to the extent of 25 per cent of the assessed valuations, or a value of 18% cents per thousand. The very fact of the imposition of a flat rate of valuation by the assessor, in the light of the evidence, shows that he did not exercise his judgment by taking into consideration the real values of the different tracts of hemlock. This is further confirmed by the fact that he adopted without change the work of a prior assessor, made at a time when the market value of all timber was admittedly higher and when the valuation then made and here adopted was regarded as being sixty per cent of the higher actual values exist- ing at that time. In making this assessment the assessor included also a "land value," not for the purpose of separately assessing the land, but as an element of value to be considered in assessing the land with the timber it bears as real estate. This land value for assessment purposes was placed at from $1 to $3 per acre, resulting in an aver- age valuation of $1.75 per acre on the lands here involved. The Weyerliaeuser Timber Company contends that the lands have no value except to carry the timber, and inasmuch as the timber was assessed to the value allowed by law, that value absorbed the land value and the further assessment of the lands was illegal. The evi- dence shows that timber lands were usually valued only for the timber upon them, and were bought and sold on that basis. But it further appears that logged off lands are generally held by the lumberer for sale, the evidence shown'ng prices in some instances of $3 per acre. The evidence shows that some of the land in con- troversy could be utilized for agriculture and some for grazing, but a considerable part is fit only for reforestation. Such evidence SECT. III.] WEYEEUAEUSEK TIMliKli CO. t'. PIERCE COUNTY. 175 is sufficient to show that the hind carries some value in and of itself aside troiii tlie timber. Plaintiir does not specifically attack the valuations on any tract as being excessive as a land valuation, but its position, in ell'ect, amounts to a charge that an assessment both on the land and on the timber conslituLes double taxation of the same property. It seems a sufficient answer to say that the land was not separately assessed nor separately taxed, it was merely considered as an element of value which, with the value of the timber, goes to make up the value of the wJiole as real estate, riaintili's' view does not seem tenable under our system of taxation requiring all real property to be assessed unless speciiically exempted. Our statutes (Kern. Code, §§ 9095 and 'J2'22-l) ])eriiiit the .^cpar.ite taxation of standing timber only in case the land and the timber are held in separate ownership. This is a legislature recognition of the fact that the land value is not absorhed in the timber value, but is an element of value to be considered in the assessment of timber lands when both land and timber are held in the same ownership. Eeal property for pur- poses of taxation is defined by Rem. Code, § 9092, as including " the land itself . . . and all rights and privileges thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining." We cannot escape the conclusion that land has some intrinsic value aside from what it carries and, as such, is subject to taxation, however great or small may be the value of the appurtenant timber. While it would seem that lower land values would be appropriate in this case, there is no evidence of ar])itrary action on the part of the assessor so far as the land values are con- cerned, beyond the fact of his adoption of a sixty per cent instead of a fifty per cent basis of valuation for assessment purposes. That inequitable factor permeates the whole as?es?mcnt. Plaintiff is en- titled to the IG 2-3 per cent reduction made by the trial court in the element of "land values," the same as in the element of the timber values of its real estate. This ruling does not apply to the North- western company, since in this action that company does not seek a reduction in '" land values." The law of this case is comparatively simple. It is well settled that the assessor and board of equalization act in a quasi-judicial capacity, that the law presumes that they have performed their duties in a proper manner, that this presumption will be liberally indulged, and that the evidence to overthrow it must be clear. Templeton v. Pierce County, 25 Wash. 377, 65 Pac. 553 ; National Lumber & Mf i?. Co. r. Cheha'^lis Countv. 80 Wash. 483, 150 Pac. 11(54; Hillman's Snohomish Countv Land & R. Co. v. Snohomish Countv, 87 Wash. 58, 151 Pac. 96; Hueston v. King County, 90 Wash. 200, 155 Pac. 773; Northwestern Improvement Co. v. Pierce Countv, ante, p. 528, 167 Pac. 33. But it is equally well settled in this State that, where the evidence shows arbitran- or capricious action on the part of the assessing officer rather than th** exercise of an hone^Jt judgment, or shows that he proceeded upon a fundamentally wrons^ basis or theo^-y in makincT the as<5es«morit, the courts will frrant relief a^rain'^t an over- Valuation of real property, and this regardless of the action of the 176 WEYEEHAEUSER TniBEK CO. V. PIEKCE COUNTY. [CHAP. II. board of equalization in the premises. First Thought Gold Mines, Limited, r. Stevens County, 91 Wash. 437, 157 Pac. 1080; Northern Pac. E. Co. V. Benton County, 87 Wash. 534, 151 Pac. 1123. It is also well settled that there is neither that uniformity nor equality which the law requires, where all kinds of property save one are designedly and of fixed purpose assessed at less than a given per- centage of their full and fair value, while that one class of property is assessed at a greater percentage of such value. "Such an arbitrary policy is vicious in principle, violative of the constitution, and operates as a constructive fraud upon the rights of the property holder discriminated against. In such cases equity will grant relief." Spokane & Eastern Trust Co. v. Spokane County, 70 Wash. 48, 126 Pac. 54, Ann. Cas. 1914B 641. See, also, Spokane & I. E. E. Co. v. Spokane County, 82 Wash. 24, 143 Pac. 307, and Greene v. Louisville & Interurban E. Co., 244 U. S. 499. Though this court has held that it will not interfere with an assessment upon the sole ground of excessive valuation, in the ab- sence of some showing of actual fraud or arbitrary action, unless the assessment be so great as to amount in itself to fraud in law (ISTorth- em Pac. E. Co. v. State, 84 Wash. 510, 147 Pac. 45, Ann Cas. 1916E 1166; Hueston v. King County, supra), it is obvious that this rule has no application to a case where the evidence shows such actual arbitrary action. Applying the evidence in the light of these well established prin- ciples, we are constrained to direct the modification of the judgment in the following particulars : On plaintiffs' appeal, the judgment of the trial court will be modified to the extent of granting plain- tiffs a 25 per cent reduction on the fir, cedar and spruce values for the 3'ears 1914 and 1915 upon all that class of timber in controversy in this action. As to the hemlock timber, the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company will be granted a 16 2-3 per cent reduction on such timber located in township 16 north, in ranges 5 and 6 east, township 18 north, range 6 east, and to-^mship 19 north, in ranges 7, 8 and 9 east. The ISTorthwestern Improvement Company will be granted a 25 per cent reduction in the assessed value of its hemlock timber in townships 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 north, range 6 east. The "land values" of all the lands of plaintiff Weverhaeuser Timber Company here involved will stand as reduced by the trial court 16 2-3 per cent to bring it to fifty per cent of full value corresponding with other classes of property. These reductions are not to be considered as additional to the ffeneral reduction made by the trial court, but as including that reduction. By its cross-appeal, defendant assigns as error the action of the trial court in makinsr a 16 2-3 per cent reduction. What we have said touching plaintiffs' appeal sufficiently disposes of this assign- ment. Some complaint is also made of the action of the trial court m admitting in evidence assessments for years prior to those involved in the present controversv. We think, however, that this evidence SECT. III.] AUDITOE GENERAL V. JENKIXSOX. 177 was admissible on two grounds — for the purpose of showing that the assessor, in making the 1914 and 1915 assessments, merely adopted the valuation of prior assessors without a proper exercise of his own judgment, and for the further purpose of showing that these adopted valuations were upon a sixty per cent basis when the law in force in 1914 and 1915 required a fifty per cent basis. The cause is remanded with instructions to the trial court to modify the judgment in accordance with this opinion. Chadwick, Maix, and Parker, JJ., concur. AUDITOR GEXEEAL v. JEXKIXSON. Supreme Court of Michigan. 1892. [Reported 00 Mich. 523.] Montgomery, J. The Auditor General having filed his petition in the manner required by section 52 of the tax law of 1889, asking that a decree be entered for the amount of taxes assessed for the vear 1888 upon delinquent lands in St. Clair county, the appellant jfiled objections to the taxes assessed against her property, and a hearing was had. The evidence shows that the vessel property owned in the city of Port Huron was assessed at 10 per cent of its actual cash value. The same course had been pursued the previous 3'ear, and a bill in equity had been filed by one Eobert Walsh to test the validity of such assessments. J. B. Hull, the present controller of the city, and one of the super- visors in 1888, was called as a witness for the appellant, and, be- ing asked to state what was said in regard to the arrangement as to the assessment of vessel property for the year 1888, testified: " I think when we were around, — that is, a little before the vessel property was put on the assessment roll, we were around go- ing on the property, making the assessment on real estate, — Dr. Kibbee said something or other that the vessel property had to be assessed pretty low to keep it here, — something of the kind. Says I, ' What are you going to do ? ' He said he didn't know, but prob- ably make it about the same as it was last year, — something of that nature; T may not get the exact words. I do not know Avhat rate of assessment was made, but understood that it was 10 or 15 per cent. I do not recollect the exact amount." Dr. Kibbee was a member of the board of review in 1888. The learned circuit judge entered a decree requiring the appel- lant to pay the full tax assessed against her property, and based his decision upon the ground that the objection filed by her was not sufficiently specific. The objection filed stated that — "In the spring and winter of 1888, and prior to the assessment of property for taxes in the city of Port Huron for that year, the controller and supervisors of the several wards of said city, whose 178 AUDITOE GENEEAL V. JENKINSON. [cHAP. II. duty it was to assess and value the real and personal property assess- able within said city, and on which assessed valuation said taxes were apportioned, entered into a fraudulent and corrupt agreement with the owners of vessel property subject to taxation within the said city for the purpose of relieving them; . . . that in pursuance of said agreement the assessment was made, and over $4:50,000 worth of property subject to taxation in said city was assessed at less than one-tenth of its true cash value." The circuit judge, considering that there was no evidence tending to show that any such agreement was made in the spring of the year 1888, although there was evidence tending to show such an agree- ment made in the spring of 1887, was of the opinion that the objec- tions were fatally defective. The petitioner asked to amend her objections, but this was denied, and a decree entered as above stated. We think the circuit judge was in error in not permitting an amendment. The tax law of 1889 provides that proceedings where the validity of any tax is in dispute shall, where there is no other provision made therein, follow the ordinary chancery practice, and the court may allow amendment as in ordinary cases. We see no reason why such an amendment as asked should not liave been allowed. But we also tliiuk that the petitioner was entitled to relief upon the objections as they stood. The gist of the objection was the intentional under-assessment of a large portion of the property. This was clearly proven. It was wholly immaterial when the cor- rupt agreement was made with reference to such assessment, or, indeed, whether any such agreement was made at all. The hardship to the appellant grew out of such under-assessment; and, if the under-assessment was intentional on the part of the assessing officer, it was equally invalid whether it was the result of an agreement with the owners of the property or his own disregard of his official duty. As was said in Walsh v. King, 74 Mich. 354 : ""' It is settled in this State, as well as elsewhere, . . . that in a case like the present, where the assessing officers have purposely, in violation of law, exempted property from taxation, so that the burden of taxation rests unequally, those wlio are wronged by this action are entitled to remedv against snch wrong." See, also, Merrill v. Humphrey, 24 Mich. 170, and cases cited. It is claimed by the appellant that the entire tax assessed against her should be declared invalid and set aside; l)nt we think otherwise. There is no difficulty in ascertaining the extent to which she has been affected by this unlawful omission of assessments, and it ap- pears that her taxes were increased in consequence of the wrongful assessment by the sum of $31.23. We think, therefore, that she is entitled to have this sum deducted from the tax assessed against her, and that this should be the extent of her relief. Merrill v. Hum- phrey, 24 Mich. 170. Appellant is entitled to costs in this Court. The other Justices concurred. SECT. III.] UNION TANK LINE CO. V. WRIGHT. 179 UNION TANK LINE CO. v. WRIGHT. SUPKEME CourLT OF THE UXITED STATES. 1919. [Reported 249 V. 8. 275.] McReynolds, J. This cause requires us to consider the power of a State to lay and collect taxes upon instrumentalities of interstate commerce which move both within and without its jurisdiction. Union Tank Line — plaintiff in error — an equipment company incorporated in New Jersey which has never carried on business or had an ollice in (Jeorgia, owns twelve thousand tank cars suitable for transporting oil over railroads and rents them to shippers at agreed rates, based on size and capacity. The roads over which thej' move also pay therefor stipulated compensation. Under definite contract certain of these cars were furnished to the Standard Oil Company of Kentucky and all of those which came into Georgia were being operated by the Oil Company under such agreement. They were not permanently within that State but passed "in and out." March 16, ]i)14, the Tank Line made the following tax return to the Comptroller General for 1913 — Name of company Union Tank Line Value of real estate owned by company in or out of Georgia None Number of miles of E. K. lines in Georgia over which .... cars are run 6976.5 Total value of .... cars and .... other personal [property in Ga. & elsewhere] $10,518,333.16 Value franchise [in Georgia] No franchise Total number of miles E. R. lines over which .... cars are run [in Ga. & elsewhere] .... 251,999 Total value of property taxable in Georgia .... $-47,310.00 Union Tank Line Company had an everage of 57 tank cars in Georgia during 1913 which at a value of $830 per car equals $47,310.00 Defendant in error expressly admitted that the average number of cars in Georgia during 1913 was fifty-seven, the value of each being $830 — total $47,310; that the owner had paid into the State treasury as taxes the full amount required on such valuation and during that year had no other property in the Stnte. Acting upon infurnuition contained in return above quoted, the comptroller gen- eral assessed the Tank Line's property for 1913 at $291,196, its fran- chise at $27,685; and demanded payment. In explanation of this action he wrote to it as follows: "^As to the return filed, you have furnished the data desired, but have made an error in the application of same. After giving the mileage for the Company everywhere and for Georgia, vou then go nhead and assign 57 tank cars for this State and value them at $830 each, making the total for Georgia $47,310. This is an incorrect ISO UXION TA2fK LI^^E CO. V. WEIGHT. [CHAP. II. method. If 3'ou were to be allowed to merely assign so many cars to the State for taxation there would be no need for the mileage fig- ures to be furnished. The valuation to be assigned to Georgia must be in the same proportion to the A-aluation for the entire company, as the mileage in Georgia bears to the entire mileage everywhere. . . . Or to work it out by percentage instead of proportion: 6,976.5 the G-eorgia mileage, is 3.76846 per cent of 251,999, the entire mileage. Georgia is therefore entitled to 2.76846 per cent of the entire valua- tion. This per cent of $10,518,333 is $291,195.84, or the same sum arrived at by proportion, if we call the 84 cents an even dollar. . . . A franchise value should also be returned. And whatever the valua- tion you place on the franchise for the entire country, 2.76846 per cent of same must be assigned to Georgia. Thus, if you should value your franchise at $1,000,000, the franchise value to be assigned to Georgia would be $27,685.''^ "The valuation for Georgia was determined by taking 2.76846 per cent of the valuation you gave for the entire company, exclusive of franchise. The 2.76846 per cent is the ratio the Georgia mileage bears to the entire mileage, as explained in a previous letter. The franchise value was obtained by placing your franchise for the entire country at an even million dollars and giving Georgia 2.76846 per cent thereof." Thereupon, plaintiff in error instituted this proceeding in Fulton County Superior Court alleging invalidity of the assessment, that to enforce the tax would violate the Fourteenth Amendment, and asked appropriate relief. The cause was tried upon pleadings and agreed statement of facts. Among other things, the parties stip- ulated : "On April 7, 1914, when the defendant entered an assessment in his office of property and franchise of the plaintiff as shown herein- before, he had no other infoniiation for any of the years 1907 to 1914 inclusive than was contained in the said return filed b}'^ the plaintiff on March 16, 1914, and embraced in this statement and which was refused by the defendant, and did not know what cars defendant had had in Georgia during any of said named years nor did he as- certain the value of such ears, but his action was taken on such in- formation hereinbefore shown; and that the assessment so entered by the defendant in his office against the plaintiff's property during said period for each of said years embraces the valuation of about three hundred cars in excess of what the plaintiff actually had in the State of Georgia, during said years of the approximate value of $250,000.00 each year; and that the true value of a tank car is about eight hundred and thirty ($830.00) dollars per car. " That for the year 1914 the assessment entered against plaintiff by defendant covered the value of at least three hundred and fifty cars in excess of the number of cars plaintiff actually had in the State of Georgia for the time said tax assessed. "That defendant in entering said assessment never undertook to ascertain the actual property of plaintiff's located in the State of Georgia during the said years or to assess its property at its real ^,g-:§£C»r*H-.] ^^'^UNION TANK LiyiT CO . T : WaW I Mtw value for taxation, otherwise than by simply ascertaining the per- centage of its entire property shown by the ratic^ of the railroad traversed by its eqiiii)inent in Georgia and the railroad mileage trav- ersed by its equipment everywhere as shown bv ity said return filed on March 16, 1914." ' \ The trial court adjudged the assessment good as to both franchise and physical property. The Supreme Court held no taxable fran- chise existed, but that the physical property had been assessed as required by statutes not in conflict with either State or Federal Constitution. 143 Georgia, 765, 769, 771, 773; 146 Georgia, 489. It said: '' The case relates to two matters, namely: a tax assessment against tangible property of the company; and "second, a claim of right to assess a franchise tax. . . . Theeffort was to tax property in this State, and in doing so to apply the statute designed as a rule to ascertain the property so coming into the Sttite and its ]^roper valuation." After quoting §§ 989, 990 and 1031, Civil Code of Georgia, copied in the margin,^ the opinion continues — "The sev- eral code sections embody the statutory scheme for taxing cars of equipment companies whose cars are handled over the railroads in * Civil Code of Georgia. Sec. 080. " Each non-resident person or company whose sleeping-cars are run in this State shall be taxed as follows: Ascertain the whole number of miles of railroad over which such sleeping-cars are run and ascertain the entire value of all sleeping-cars of such person or company then tax such sleeping-cars at the regular tax rate imposed upon the property of this State in the same proportion to the entire value of such sleeping-cars that the length of lines in this State over which such cars are run 'Ijears to the length of lines of all railroads over which such sleeping-cars are run. The returns shall be made to the comptroller-general by the president, general agent, or person in control of such cars in this State. The comp- troller-general shall frame such questions as will elicit the information sought, and answers thereto shall be made under oath. If the officers above referred to in the control of said sleeping-cars shall fail or refuse to answer under oath, the questions so propounded, the comptroller-general shall obtain the information from such sources as he may, and he shall assess a double tax on such sleeping-cars. If the taxes herein provided for are not paid, the comptroller-general shall issue executions against the owners of such cars, which may Ijc levied l)y the sheriff of any county of this State upon the sleeping-car or cars of the owner who has failed to pay taxes." Sec. 990. " Any person or persons, copartnership, company or' corpora- tion wherever organized or incorporated, whose principal business is fur- nishing or leasing any kind of railroad cars except dining, buffet, chair, parlor, palace, or sleeping-cars, or in whom the legal title in any such cars is vested, but which are operated, or leased, or hired to be operated on any railroads in this State, shall be deemed an equipment company. Every such company shall be required to make returns to the comptrolleV- general under the same laws of force in reference to the rolling stock o\\'ned by the railroads making rctiirns in this State, and the assessment of taxes thereon shall be levied and the taxes collected in the same manner as pro- vided in the case of sleeping-cars in section 080."' Sec. 1031. "Railroad companies operating railroads lying partly in this State and partly in other States shall lie taxed as to the rolling stock thereof and other personal property anpurtenant thereto, and which is not permanently located in any of the States through which said railroads pass, on so much of the wbole value of rollinsr stock and personal property as is proportional to the length of the railroad in this Stat^, without regard to the location of the head office of such railroad companies." 1S2 UNION TANK LINE CO, V. WRIGHT. [cHAr. 11. this State. Owing to the nature of the business, it is difficult to ascertain the number of ears of equipment companies that come into this State and designate the identity of each car or its value. The purpose of the statute is to provide a reasonable method for deter- mining the fact that cars come into this State and the values thereof, to the end that the equipment companies allowing their cars to come into this State may bear their just proportion of taxes leviable in this State. The scheme of the statute is wliat is sometimes called the track-mileage basis of apportionment, or what in a more general way is termed the unit rule. The comptroller-general followed the statute. The unit rule has been upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States, in regard to railroads, telegraph companies, and sleeping-car companies. Kentucky Eailroad Tax Cases, 115 U. S. 321 ; Western Union Telegraph Company v. Massachusetts, 125 U. S. 530 ; Pullman's Palace Car Co. v. Pennsjdvania, 141 U. S. 18. And this principle of average has been approved in regard to refrig- erator-cars. American Eefrigerator Transit Co. v. Hall, 174 U. S. 70; Union Eefrigerator Transit Co. v. Lynch, 177 U. S. 149. It has even been held that the unit rule of valuation could properly be applied to the valuation of property of express companies within a certain State, though there was no ph3^sical connection with prop- erty beyond the State. ... It seems to us, therefore, that the case falls within the rule laid down by the Supreme Court of the United States, as above mentioned, and that tliere are no siich circumstances as to bring it within the ruling made in Fargo v. Hart, 193 U. S. 490." A State may not tax property belonging to a foreign corporation which has never come within its borders — to do so under any for- mula would violate the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amend- ment. In so far, however, as movables are regularly and habitually used and employed therein, they may be taxed by the State according to their fair value along with other property subject to its jurisdic- tion, although devoted to interstate commerce. While the valuation must be just it need not be limited to mere worth of the articles considered separately but may include as well "the intangible value due to what we have called the organic relation of the property ^ ^ in the State to the whole system." How to appraise them fairly^ ^ when the tangibles constitute part of a going concern operating in many States often presents gi-ave difficulties; and absolute accuracy is generally impossible. We have accordingly siistained methods of appraisement producing results approximately correct — for ex- ample, the mileage basis in case of a telegraph company (Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Massachusetts), and the average amount of property habitually brought in and carried out by a car company (American Refrigerator Transit Co. v. Hall). But if the plan pur- sued is arbitrary and the consequent valuation grossly excessive it must be condemned because of conflict with the commerce clause or the Fourteenth Amendment or both. Western Union Telegraph Co. V. Massachusetts. 125 U. S. 530 ; Marye v. Baltimore & Ohio E. E. Co., 127 U. S. 13 7; Pullman's Palace Car Co. v. Pennsylvania, 141 U. S. 18, 26; Adams Express Co. v. Ohio, 165 U. S. 194; S. C. SECT. III.] UNION TANK LINE CO. V. WRIGHT. 183 IGG U. S. 185; American Eefrigerator Transit Co. v. Hall, 174 U. S. 70; Union IJefrigerator Transit Co. v. Lynch, 177 U. S. 149, Fargo V. JIait, 1U3 U. S. 41)0; Cudahy Packing Co. v. Minnesota, :.'46 U. S. 450, 4j;3. In the present case the Comptroller General made no effort to assess according to real value or otlierwise than upon the ratio which miles of railroad in Georgia over which tlie cars moved bore to total mileage so traversed in all States. Keal values — the essential aim — of property within a State cannot be ascertained with even ap- proximate accuracy by such process; the rule adopted has no nec- essary relation thereto. During a year two or three cars might pass over every mile of railroad in one State while hundreds constantly employed in another moved over lines of less total length. Fifty- seven was the average number of cars within Georgia during 1913 and each had a "true" value of $8;)0. Thus the total there subject to taxation amounted to $47,310 — the challenged assessment spec- ified $-.>91,196. We think plaintiff in error's property was appraised according to an arbitrary method which produced results wholly unreasonable and that to permit enforcement of the proposed tax would deprive it of property without due process of law and also unduly burden interstate commerce. Pullman's Palace Car Co. v. Pennsylvania, supra, relied on by defendant in error, contains the following passage which seems to uphold the Georgia rule — "The mode which the State of Penn- sylvania adopted, to ascertain the proportion of the company's prop- erty upon which it should be taxed in that State, was by taking as a basis of assessment such proportion of the capital stock of the com- pany as the number of miles over which it ran cars within the State bore to the whole number of miles, in that and other States, over which its cars were run. This was a just and equitable method of assessment; and, if it were adopted by all tlie States through which these cars ran, the company would be assessed upon the whole value of its capital stock, and no more." But the point therein spoken of was unnecessary to determination of the cause; and so far as the quoted passage sanctions the specified rule for ascertaining values as generally appropriate, just, unobjectionable and productive of conclusive results, it must be regarded as obiter dictum, and we can- not now approve or follow it. Eeference to tlie original record upon which that case came here will aid in understanding the exact issues presented. Pennsylvania demanded taxes of the Pullman Company, an Illinois corporation, for the years 1870 to 1880, upon such portion of its capital stock as total miles of railroad in Pennsylvania over which its cars moved bore to like total in all States. No statute prescribed the method of valuation ; it had been adopted by executive officers. The Court of Common Picas declared : " On the facts defendant claims that no part of its capital stock is invested in this State. The argument is that its cars are personal property, and, as they are not permanently located in this State, but pass into, through, and out of it, this per- IS-i UXIOX TANK LINE CO. L'. AVEIGHT. [cHAP. II. 6onal property has no taxable situs in Pennsylvania, and could not be taxed specifically in any given locality; and therefore, it is con- tended, as the tax on capital stock is a tax on the property in which the capital is invested, the latter cannot be taxed. . . . We hold, therefore, that the proportion of the capital stock of the defendant invested and used in Pennsylvania is taxable under these acts, and that the amount of the tax may be properly ascertained by taking as a basis the proportion wliich the number of miles operated by defendant in this iState bears to the whole number of miles operated by it, without regard to the question where any particular car or cars were used; . . . The defendant is liable to tax on the pro- portion of its capital stock invested in this State, as represented by the coaches and cars owned and used by it here. . . . Determin- ing the amount of the tax on the principle above stated, it is as follows: Tax for years 1870 to 1880, inclusive, $16,321.89." The Supreme Court affirmed this view, saying: "While the tax on the capital stock of the company 'is a tax on its property and assets,' yet the capital stock of a company and its property and assets are not identical. The coaches of the company are its property. They are operated within this State. They are daily passing from one end of the State to the other. They are iised in performing the functions for which the corporation was created. The fact that they also are operated in other States cannot wholly exempt them from taxation here. It reduces the value of property in this State justly subject to taxation here. This was recognized in the court below, and we think the [proportion] preference was fixed accord- ing to a just and equitable rule." In 1870 thePullman Company's capital stock amounted to three million dollars, in 1880 it had gi'o\vn to six million; all cars actually owned by the company (leased ones not included) during 1871, numbered 241, and in 1880, 472, their total value being $4,334,000, and $8,588,000 respectively; one hundred cars were operated witliin Pennsylvania during each of the eleven years: total miles of track everywhere passed over by the company cars during 1880 amounted to 57,099, within Pennsylvania 5,127, and these figures adequately represent the proportion for other years : total tax held due for the eleven years amounted to $16,321.89. While the record does not disclose the precise valuations upon which taxes were computed, enough does appear to show that they were far below (perhaps not one-third) the actual worth of a hundred cars. The company demanded complete exemption upon the ground that its cars were moving in interstate commerce and had no tax- able situs in Pennsylvania. The appraisement was not challenged as excessive; if the property was taxable in Pennsylvania the rule adopted may have been decidedly favorable to the owner and the assessment a moderate one. Ha^nng failed to challenge amount of the assessment, the company could not well complain of the rule under which this was fixed. In siich circumstances reasonableness of the rule was not really in question and what was said of it can- not control here where the very point is presented for decision. SECT. III.] -WEYEEHAUESEE V. MINXESOTxV. 185 Cohens v. Virginia, 6 ^Mieat. 264, 399; McCormick Machine Co. v. Aultman, 16U U. S. GOG, Gil. See also Adams Express Co. i'. Ohio, supra. In other opinions of this court cited below to sup^jort the conclu- sion there reached we upheld the power of a State to tax property actuall}'' within its jurisdiction upon a fair valuation considered as l)art of a going concern — they give no sanction to arbitrary and inllatcd vahuitious. Taxes must follow realities, not mere deduc- tions from inadequate or irrelevant data. In Fargo v. Hart, supra, we condemned an assessment ostensibly proportioned to mileage where property witliout the State and un- necessary to the Express Company's actual business had been in- cluded; and we pointed out that under no formula can a State tax things wholly beyond its jurisdiction. The same considerations which establish invalidity of the assess- ment of plaintiff in error's property for 1913 apply to like ones made b}'' the Comptroller General for all other years in question. Judgment of the court below must be reversed and the cause re- manded for further proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion. Reversed and remanded. 'Mr. Justice Day, in view of the undisputed facts of this case, concurs in the result. PiTXEY, Braxdeis, and Clark, J J., dissenting. WEYERHAUESER r. MINN"ESOTA. SuPEEiiE Court of the Uxited States. 1900. [Reported 176 U. 8. 550.] McKexxa, J. The procedure under the statute is as follows: A complaint to the Governor of the State that a considerable amount of property has been grossly undervalued by the assessor or other count}' officials. The appointment by the Governor of a competent person to ex- amine and report, and if he find undervalued property to prepare a list in duplicate showing its character, location, ownership and valuation, one of which lists shall be filed with the county auditor. The entry of the list on the assessment books by the auditor. The assessment of the property at its value corresponding to the list. Proceedings by the county auditor as under the general law. This procedure was exactly followed, and it is stipulated that " the taxes claimed in this proceeding are the proper amount of taxes due against said lands on account of said increased valuation. . . ." In other words, the lands have not been made to bear a greater burden than they would and should have borne if they had been orioinally assessed at their true valuation. It is, however, claimed that the^ increased taxation is illegal because the law authorizing 186 WEYEBIIAUESER V. MI^STNESOTA. [CHAP. II. it offends the Fourteentli Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. The grounds of the contention are that the former assessments constituted judicial judgments, and hence to commit to the executive the power of setting them aside or to set them aside without notice or opportunity to he heard is not due process of law. And further, tliat the statute deprives the plaintiffs in error of the equal protec- tion of the laws, in that it gives to owners of similar real estate an opportunity to contest the absolute assessed valuation of their prop- erty and to plaintiffs in error only the opportunity to contest the gross overvaluation; and that if the State knew of fraud in the as- sessments it is estopped to assert it against an innocent party, which plaintilfs in error are claimed to be, and as the statute ignores this doctrine of estoppel, it does not provide due process. Conceding, arguendo, that the former assessments were judicial judgments, the argument based on their immunity from executive power or attack is not supported by the statute. It does not com- mit to the Governor control over them, and it does give opportunity to be heard. The Governor only starts the inquir}' upon which the reassessment may be based, and the statute directs the proceedings in an orderly course of inquiry, report, entry upon the assessment books, assessment by the assessor and an action for the collection of the taxes levied in the regular judicial tribunals. Tlie complaint of plaintiffs in error seems to be that a hearing before the Governor was not provided. If the basis of this is that the owner of property must have notice of every step in taxation pro- ceedings, we agree with the Supreme Court of the State tliat it is untenable. Pittsburg, &c., Eailway v. Board of Public AVorks, 172 U. S. 32; Davidson v. Xew Orleans, 96 U. S. 97; Hagar v. Peclama- tion District, 111 U. S. 701 : Winona & St. Peter Land Co. v. Min- nesota, 159 U. S. 52G. If the basis of the complaint is that the Governor acts judicially and plaintiffs in error were entitled to have notice, and be heard before he rendered judgment, it is also un- tenable. The Governor does not act judicially — he determines nothing but that a complaint has been made in writing and under oath, or that it has been found by a court, or the legislature or any committee thereof, that a considerable amount of property in a county of the State has been grossly undervalued. If the perception of the fact of a complaint or a finding of a couri: or legislature is a judgment in the sense urged, every act of government is a judgment, and all of its exercises could be stopped, upon the reasoning of plain- tiffs in error, by perpetual hearings. But supposing the Governor's act is a judgment, it ends with the appointment of an examiner. What is substantial comes afterwards, and if against what may be detrimental in that the landowner can be heard, he is afforded due process within the rule announced by the authorities, supra. That the landowner is provided with an opportunitv to be heard is decided by the Supreme Court of the State. In the opinion in the case at bar the court said, quoting from Redwood v. Winona & St. Peter Land Co., 40 Minnesota, 512, 518: SECT. III.] WEYEEHAUESER V. MINNESOTA. 187 " Within 20 days after the last publication of the delinquent list any person may by answer interpose any defence or objection he may have to tiie tax. lie may set up as a defence that the tax is void for want of authority to levy it, or tliat it was partially, unfairly or unequally assessed. Commissioners of St. Louis Co. v. Nettleton, 22 Minnesota, 356. He may set up as a defence pro tanto that a part of a tax has not been remitted, as required by some statute. Commissioners of Houston Co. v. Jessup, Id. 552. That tiie land is exempt, or that the tax has been paid. County of Chicago v. St. Paul & Duluth 1{. Co., 27 Minnesota, 109. That there was no authority to levy the tax, or that the special facts authorizing the in- sertion of taxes for past years in the list did not exist or any omis- sions in the proceedings prior to filing the list, resulting to his prejudice. County of Olmsted v. Barber, 31 Minnesota, 256. The filing of the list is the institution of an action against each tract of land described in it for the recovery of the taxes appearing in the list against such tract and tenders an issue on every fact necessary to the validity of such taxes. Chauncey v. Wass, 35 Minnesota, 1. The only limitation or restriction upon the defences or objections which may be interposed is that contained in section 79, to the effect that if a party interposes as a defence an omission of any of the things provided by law in relation to the assessment or levy of a tax or of anything required by an ollicer to be done prior to filing the list with the clerk, the burden is on him to show that such omission has resulted in prejudice to him, and that the taxes have been partially, unfairly, or unequally assessed. This relates not to want of authority to levy tlie tax, but to some omission to do or irregularity in doing the things required to be done in assessing or levying a tax otherwise valid. Commissioners of St. Louis Co. v. Nettleton, supra. And certain!}^, in justice or reason, a party can- not complain that when he objects to a tax on the ground of some omission or irregularity in matters of form, he is required to show that he was prejudiced." This court in "Winona & St. Peter Land Co. v. Minnesota, 159 "D. S. 52G, quoted the above extract as establishing that the property owner was afforded a hearing by the laws of the State, and declared the rule that the Constitution of the United States was satisfied if an opportunity be given to question the validit}- or amount of the tax "either before that amount is determined or in subsequent pro- ceedings for its collection." And referring to the difference in the manner of assessment and the successive opportunities for review which were given to the property owner in one case and not in the other, said : But there is othing in the difference to affect the con- stitutional rights of a party. The legislature may authorize different modes of assessment for different properties, providing the rule of assessment is the smuo. Kentucky Enilrond Tax cases, 115 IT. S. 321, 337; Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, &c., Pailway v. Backus, 154 U. S, 421. The latter cases of State v. Lakeside Land Co., 71 Minnesota, 283, and State v. West Duluth Land Co., 78 N. W. Pep. 115, cited by the plaintiffs in error, do not militate against the rule in any way substantial to the pending controversy. 188 LAMBKECHT V. "WILSOX. [CHAP. IT. The special objections of plaintiffs in error therefore cannot be sustained, nor the broader one that the first assessments are final against any power of review or addition by the legislature. "We held in the M'inona Case, siipj-a, that the legislature had power to provide for the assessment of property which had escaped taxation in prior years and, as we have seen, a special manner of assessment was sus- tained. We agree with the Supreme Court of the State that a gross undervaluation of property is within the principle applicable to an entire omission of property. If it were othern'ise the power and • duty of the legislature to impose taxes and to equalize their burdens would be defeated by the fraud of public officers, perhaps induced by the very property owners who afterwards claim its illegal ad- vantage. # If an officer omits to assess property or grossly undervalues it he violates liis duty, and the property and its owners escape their just share of the public burdens. In Stanley v. Supervisors of Albany, 121 U. S. 535, we held that against an excessive valuation of prop- erty its owner had a remedy in equity to prevent the collection of the illegal excess. It would be very strange if the State, against a gross undervaluation of property, could not in the exercise of its sovereignty give itself a remedy for the illegal deficiency. And this is the effect of the statute. It "merely sets in motion new proceed- incfs to collect the balance of the State's claim, and there is no con- stitutional objection in the way of doing this,'' as the Supreme Court of the State said in its opinion. The other objections to the statute do not demand an extended consideration. ThaVit deprives plaintiffs in error of the equal pro- tection of the laws is based on the absence of a provision for notice in the progress of the proceedings, and is answered by the Winona case, supra. The fourth contention, that the State is estopped to assert fraud in the former assessment, if we should concede that it has any basis in law, lacks an essential basis of fact. The plaintiffs in error purchased after the enactment of the statute, and the record affords no presumptions of ignorance or in- nocence. If plaintiffs had been attentive to the assessment of the land its gross undervaluation could not have escaped their notice. Besides, whether a party in a case has been given or refused the benefit of the law of estoppel involves no Federal question. Judgment affirmed. LAMBRECHT v. WILSON. Supreme Court of Illinois. 1919. [Reported 290 III. 547.] Thompson, J. Appellants, executors of the last will and testa- ment of Susan Wehrheim, deceased, filed a bill in the Circuit Court of Marion County against appellee, praying an injunction to re- strain appellee, as county collector, from collecting certain taxes on SECT. III.] LAMBIiECIIT V. WILSOX. 189 property of the estate of Susan Wehrheim assessed by the board of review for omitted credits for ])reviou.s years. The bill alleged that the board of review of Mariou County in 1U18 assessed against said estate for back taxes, $6-1,890 for the year 191?, $04,905 for the year 1916 and $64,950 for the year 1915. These assessments were made asrainst credits of Susan Wehrheim which the board of review de- termined had not been assessed in said years. The bill further alleged that said Susan Wehrheim, deceased, had been assessed for those years on all of her personal property, including her credits, and that taxes had been extended on said assessments and had been paid by her, and that the back tax assessment made by the board of review was without authority and illegal and void. Issue was joined on this bill, and after a full hearing on the merits the court entered a decree dismissing the bill for want of equity, and appellants prayed for and have perfected this appeal. It is agreed between the parties to this litigation that the board of review properly assessed the estate of Susan Wehrheim for the year 1918 at $67,320. The estate consisted largely of credits, set forth in the inventory as "agreements for deeds securing loans." Most of this property came to deceased by the death of her husband. During the twenty years following his death there was a gradual accumulation of property. It was lier practice in making loans to require the owner of the real estate to deed her the land on which the loan was made and in turn she gave to the land owner a con- tract for deed. The total amount of money due on such agreements, as set forth in the inventory of her estate, is $61,730.83. In addi- tion to this there were two trust deeds aggregating $2,000, five notes aggregating $2,194 and certificates of deposit aggregating $875. In addition to this personal property the inventory shows she died seized of eight different tracts of real estate on which no value was placed. The schedule made by Susan Wehrheim for 1917 shows the following items of property and the full value as determined by the assessor: "Notes or mortgages, $1500; credits of other than bank, banker, broker or stock jobber, $150; bonds and stocks, $450: household or office furniture and propertv, $60 : all other personal property required to be listed, $270," — making a total of $2430. The schedule made in 1916 shows " credits of bank, banker, broker or stock jobber, $90; moneys of other than bank, banker, bi-oker or stock jobber, $450; bonds and stocks, $1500; household or office furniture, $45; shares of stock of State and national banks, $270," — making a total of $2355. The schedule for 1915 shows "moneys of other than bank, banker, broker or stock jobber, $450 : bonds and stocks, $1500; household and office furniture and property, $60: shares of stock of State and national banks, $360," — making a total of $2370. It is contended that a part of the values in these schedules are extended after the -^Tong item, and that in the schedules for 1915 and 1916 the $450 item should have been placed on the schedule one line lower, and would have then been a valua- tion of " credits of other than bank, banker, broker or stock jobber." This court lias held that when credits have been assessed and taxes 190 SU^'DAY LAKE IKOX CO. V. WAKEFIELD. [CUAP. II. extended upon the assessments and paid by the taxpayer, the board of review in subsequent years has no authority to increase such as- sessments upon the theory that the assessment was too low or that the board, in assessing, omitted credits. (Warner v. Campbell, 338 111. 630.) In deciding this question it was held that the assessor is required, in determining value of property assessed, to exercise his judgment, and that his acts are in the nature of judicial acts and not subject to review by his successor or by the board of review for errors of judgment. This is undoubtedly true where the values hxed by the assessor are within the range of values which might be fixed by any man exercising honest judgment. Values are necessarily a matter of opinion, and dilferent men with the same honest intention would arrive at different conclusions. Mere mistakes of the assessor or errors of judgment will not invalidate an assessment, but valua- tions must be the result of honest judgment and not of mere will. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Eailroad Co. v. Cole, 75 111. 591. An over-valuation or an under-valuation of property will not, of itself and alone, invalidate an assessment (Barkley v. Dale, 213 111. 614), but where the valuation is so grossly out of proportion to the true value as to show that the assessor could not have been honest in his valuation the assessment may be impeached for fraud, and by reason of fraud in maldng the assessment the assessment amounts to no assessment at all. (State Board of Equalization v. People, 191 111. 528; People's Gas Light Co. v. Stuckart, 286 id. 164; Weyer- haueser v. Minnesota, 176 U. S. 550; 20 Sup. Ct. 485.) Where valuations are so low as to amount to no valuation at all, an assess- ment on such a valuation would amount to a fraud upon the State and it will be regarded as no assessment. "We hold, therefore, that Susan Wehrheim was not assessed on credits for the years 1915, 1916 and 1917, and that the board of review properly assessed the credits which she owned during these years but which were omitted from the assessment for the respective years. The Circuit Court properly dismissed the bill for want of equity, and its decree is afl&rmed. Decree affirmed. SUNDAY LAKE IROX CO. v. WAKEFIELD. Supreme Court of Michigax. 1915. [Reported 186 Mich. 626.] KuHN^ J. This action is brought in assumpsit to recover from the defendant $31,910.45 in taxes on its property for the year 1911, paid by the plaintiff under protest. At the conclusion of the testi- mony, the trial court directed a verdict for the defendant of no cause of action, and, judgment being entered thereon, plaintiff brings the case to this court for review by writ of error. The property of the plaintiff was assessed in the years 1910 and SECT. III.] SUNDAY LAKE IKON CO. V. WAKEFIELD. 101 1911 by the township supervisor at $65,000. In 1911, the board of State tax commissioners, acting under authority of legislative enactment (Act No. 114, Fub. Acts 1911), employed an expert min- ing engineer, Mr. James K. I'inlay, of New York City, to assist it ia maJcing an appraisid of the value of the mining properties through- out the State. Mr. Finlay, assisted by Dr. U. K. Leith, professor of geology in the University of Wisconsin, and otliers, made an in- vestigation of tliese properties extending over a period of three months, and made a report to the board of State tax commissioners with reference thereto on August 18, 1911, which report contained a valuation of the plaintilf's property. The method pursued by Mr, Finlay and his assistants in making this appraisal is set forth and commented upon in the opinion of this court written by Mr. Justice. Ostrander, in the case of Newport Mining Co. v. City of Ironwood, 185 Mich. G68 (152 N. W. 1088). Mr. Finlay's estimate of the value of the property of the plaintiff company was $1,460,000. At a Ixcaj^ing by the State board of tax commissioners in the vil- lage of Bessemer in October, 1911, held for the purpose of reviewing the assessments of mining properties in the township of "Wakefield, the board raised the assessment of plaintiff's property from $65,000 to $1,071,000. At this hearing the plaintiff, by its representative, objected to the assessment on the grounds that : First, the valuation was grossly in excess of the true cash value; second, the Finlay method of determining the value was contrary to the manner in which other property was assessed throughout the State ; and, third, it was not proportionate to the assessment of other property generally in Wakefield township. The claims that are now urged by counsel for appellant are stated by them in their brief as follows : " (1) That the said board committed a fraud upon the rights of the plaintiff in wilfully raising the assessment of its property to. an amount in excess of its true value, while at the same time with full knowledge of the general underassessment of other property it wrongfully refused to raise or increase at all the assessment of such other property, with the purpose and effect of making the plaintiff pay more than its just proportion of the taxes for the year 1913. " (2) That the action of the State board here complained of re- sulted in denying to the plaintiff the equal protection of the laws of the State of IMichigan, and in substance and effect took the plain- tiff's property without due process of law, in violation of the provi- sions of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States. " (3) That the board of State tax commissioners wilfully and fraudulently imposed upon the property of the plaintiff an assessed valuation grosslv in excess of its true cash value. ** (4) That the plaintiff is entitled on this record to have judg- ment entered in its favor." In general, it is plaintiff's claim that Mr. Finlay obtained his results without personal examination and acted largely on informa- tion derived from maps and knowledge obtained from Mr. Leith, 192 SUXDAY LAKE IROX CO. V. WAKEFIELD. [CHAP. II. his assistant, who did visit the mine, and that acting upon this in- formation he estimated that the ore deposit in the Sunday Lake and Brotherton mines — the latter adjoins the former on the west — contained 3,500,000 tons, 1,500,000 of which he judged were in the Sunday Lake j^roperty. Witnesses were produced on the part of the plaintiff who testified that the deposit in the plaintiff's mine could not be expected to exceed 400,000 tons, and that its value was not over $550,000, and on the trial a map was produced showing a dyke which underhiid the Brotherton mine and dipped toward the east, below which drilling had discovered no ore. There was evidence that the approach to this dyke in the Brotherton mine had ])een indicated bv an inereasin, that '"the occu- pation was one merely by reason of service," and that the value jiut ui)()n the use of the house was merely " a convenient mode of ad- justing the compensation . . . and not as the income or fruit of an estate granted."' Lastly, this case seems to be one where the buildings are occupied, as it was saiil in Peirce v. Cambridge, 2 Cush. Gil, G13, Git, "with the permission of the college, and with- out I the professors] having any estate tlierein, or paying any rent therel'or," in which case the property would be exempt from taxa- tion. See also White v. Baylcy, 10 V. B. (N. S.) 227. The respondents rely on Third Congregational Society v. Spring- field, 147 Mass. 396, which was a case where a parsonage was de- clared to be unexempt. The court held that religious societies did not come within the clause that we have been considering, but within the seventh clause, and that the exemption was limited to houses of religious worship only. That case is not applicable to this. We think that the judgment of the Superior Court should be affirmed. So ordered. PEOPLE ex rel. MIZPAH LODGE v. BURKE. Court of Appeals of New York. 1920. [Reported 228 A\ Y. 245.] Pound, J. Relator claims to be exempt from general taxation on its real property under subdivision 7 of section 4 of the Tax Law (Laws 1909, c. 62, as amended; Consol. Laws, c. 60). It is an un- incorporated subordinate lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of New York. It owns real estate in the city of Buffalo on which it has a building containing halls, lodge room, kitchen, and other rooms, which it uses itself part of the time and also leases regularly to tenants — fraternal bodies or other associa- tions — for their meetings and socia-l gatherings. Exemption is sought on tlie ground that relator, "organized ex- clusively for the moral or mental improvouiont " of its members and for " religious, charitable, benevolent, and educational purposes," uses its property " exclusively for carrying out thereupon " such purposes of its organization. The referee has not found the facts which sustain the contention of exclusive use. We think the practice of leasing the property to others destroys the exclusive nature of the use for the purposes of its own organization. The meaning of the Tax Law is that if rents, 228 TEOPLE ex rel. mizpah lodge v. burke. [chap. ii. profits, or income are deriyed from the property, no exemption under this clause may be claimed. "It is the exclusive use of the real estate for carrying out thereupon one or more of the purposes of the incorporation of the relator which confers the right of exemption, and not the benefits accruing to it and its useful work from the income derived from others in consid- eration of their use of the real estate s of the common stock of the Draper Company, a Maine corporation conducting an exten- si^'e manufacturing business at Hopedale in this Commonwealth. That corporation had outstanding preferred stock of the par value of $2,000,000 and common stock of tlie par value of $6,000,000. The directors of that corporation, in June, 1916, caused a new corporation to be organized under the laws of Maine, called the SECT. \'.J OSGOOD V. TAX COMMISSIONER. 243 Draper Corporation, wliich voted to issue its stock, all being com- mon, of a par value of $17,500,000, in exchange for the stock of the Draper Company, two and one half of its siiares for each one share of the common stock of the old company, and one and one quarter of its shares for each one share of the preferred stock of tiie old company. Tlie petitioner acce})ted tlie oiler to exchange on this basis and received for the surrender of her shares of stock in the old company four thousand one hundred twenty-five shares of stock in tlie Drajjcr Corporation. The new corporation became the owner of substantially all of the stock of the obi company and caused to be transferred to itself all the assets of the old c(;mpanv, and carried on the business of tlie latter through the same officers without interruj)tion and without outward indication of change. The Tax Commissioner assessed a tax upon the gain which he as- certained by subtracting the value of the shares in the old com- pany on January 1, 11)16, (§ 7 of said act,) from the value of the shares of the new company at the time of the exchange in July of that year, Xo question now is raised as to the method of ascertain- ing the tax. The amounts have been agreed upon. The question is whether that gain under the circumstances disclosed is subject to taxation under St. IDIG, c. 2G9, § 5 (c). Its governing words are, " The excess of the gains over the losses received by the taxpayer from purchases or sales of intangible personal property, whether or not the said taxpayer is engaged in the business of dealing in such property, shall be taxed at the rate of three per cent per annum." Tax statutes must be construed strictly. The power to tax must be conferred by plain words or it does not exist. It is not to be extended by implication or by invoking the spirit of the law. Sewall V. Jones, 9 Pick. 412. Hill v. Treasurer & Eeceiver General, 229 Mass. 474, 475. The point to be decided is whether the transaction in which the petitioner engaged rightly can be said to be comprehended within the statutory words "purchases or sales." Various definitions of "sale"' are to be found in decisions and among text book writers. Those commonly given wiien the attempt is made to fix wqth accuracy its meaning are familiar. It is said in Benjamin on Sales, § 1, to be "a transfer of the absolute or general property in a thing for a price in money." In § 2 that author elab- orates, with references to authorities, the point that the price must be in money and that any other consideration constitutes barter or contract for the transfer of property. In Five Per Cent Cases, 110 U. S. 471, 478, Mr. Justice Cray said, "A sale, in the ordinary sense of the word, is a transfer of property for a fixed price in money or its equivalent." Gardner v. Lane, 12 Allen, 39, 43. Price in money is essential to a strict sale. Tlie transfer of title for a consideration of a dilTerent nature is a barter or exchange. See, for other definitions, 35 Cyc. 25; 23 R. C. L. 1186. On the other hand, there are numerous cases where the word "sale" in statutes has been given a broader signification. The modern tendency is in that direction. In Gallus v. Elmer, 193 Mass. 106, at page 109, 24:-i OSGOOD V. TAX COMMISSIOIXER. [cHAP. II. it was said by Mr. Justice Hammond, in liolding a transfer of property by way of accord and satisfaction of a pre-existing debt to be a sale contrar}' to the sales in bulk act, " While it is true that in its strictest sense a sale is a transfer of personal property in con- sideration of money paid or to be paid, still in the interpretation of statutes it is often held to include barter and any transfer of personal property for a valuable consideration." Said Chief Jus- tice Bigelow, in Howard v. Harris, 8 Allen, 297, at page 299: "In a general and popular sense, the sale of an article signifies the trans- fer of property from one person to another for a consideration of value, without reference to the particular mode in which the con- sideration is paid. . . . The legal distinction between a sale and an exchange is a purely artificial one ; the rules of law are the same as applied to both transactions." A statute forbidding sales of intoxicating liquor has been held to include barter and exchange as well as strict sales. Commonwealth v. Clark, 14 Gray, 367, 372. Commonwealth v. "Woelz, 219 Mass. 37, 38. Exchanges and con- tracts to exchange are included within the definition of " sale " in the sales act. St. 1908, c. 237, §§ 1, 9 (2), 75. Williston on Sales, §§ 166, 170. See also Arnold v. North American Chemical Co. 232 Mass. 196, 199. Goward v. Waters, 98 Mass. 596. Friend v. Childs Dining Hall Co. 231 Mass. 65, 68, 69. The word "sales'' in the statute is used in combination with the word "purchases." That is a word in its abstract meaning of somewhat more compre- hensive signification. " It includes every lawful method of coming to an estate by the act of a partv, as opposed to the act of law." Burt r. Merchants' Ins. Co. 106 Mass. 356, 364. The aim of the court in every instance must be to ascertain as nearly as possible the intent and purpose of the Legislature. On analysis, the transaction out of which this controversy arises was this : The petitioner was the owner of stocks of an ascer- tained value on January 1, 1916. In the following July, without selling these stocks for cash, she used them as the consideration with which to subscribe for and acquire by purchase other stocks in a new and different corporation. Although the property owned by the new corporation was identical with that owned by the old corporation, it nevertheless plainly was a different legal entity. Brighton Packing Co. v. Butchers Slaughtering & Melting Asso- ciation, 211 Mass. 398. Marsh v. Southern Xew England Eailroad, 230 Mass. 483, 498. The stock obtained by the petitioner through exchange was different in kind and not merely in degree from that which she owned before. It was not the same corporation and the stock itself was different in nature. A change of investment had been made both in name and in essence. It would seem something of a wrench to say that the disposal of the stock in the old corpora- tion for stock in the new is not a sale for purposes of taxation, when, if the same transaction was presented for consideration under the sales act, it would inevitably be treated as a sale. It hardly would be consistent to hold that exchanging grain for spir- ituous liquors was a sale constituting a crime, as was held by this SECT, v.] DEGANAY l'. LEDERER. 245 court in Commonwealth v. Clark, 14 Gray, 367, and to say that ex- changing stock in one corporation for stock in another corporation was not a sale for taxation ])urposes. Whether the disposal of the stock in the old company be treated as a strict sale or not, there seems to be no escape from holding that the procurement of the stock in the new corporation was a purchase. That word, unless narrowed by its context, signifies the acquisition of title to any commodity for cash, on credit, or for any other equivalent agreed upon. This is its ordinary meaning according to the common un- derstanding of the business world. Berger v. United States Steel Corp. 18 Dick. 809, 817. Doubtless there are connections in which the word is used in a more restricted sense. Robotham v. Prudential Ins. Co. 19 Dick. 673, 685. People v. Duffy-Mc- Innerney Co. 122 App. Div. (N. Y.) 336, affirmed in 193 X. Y. 636. There is notliing in the context of the present statute to indicate limitations upon the natural meaning of the word. "Purchase," both in its popuhti- and in its legal signification is broad enough to include the acquirement of stock through subscription as well as by bidding on the stock exchange. Tested by the difference in value of the stocks purchased as compared with those exchanged for them at their appraisal at the time fixed by § 7 of the act, the petitioner had realized a gain. This is not the calculation of a mere paper profit or an unrealized increase in value, which is not taxable under the act. Tax Commis- sioner V. Putnam, 227 Mass. 522, 530. The gain had materialized by procuring title to a wholly different kind of stock in a new cor- poration, wliose market value was definite and ascertained. The complainant had wholly parted with the old and become the legal owner of new property. It follows that a tax on this gain was lawful. In accordance with the terms of the report, the entry may be, judgment for the petitioner in the sum of $1,119.03 with interest from July 7, 1919, and costs. So ordered. DeGANAY v. LEDERER. SuPEEME Court of the United States. 1919. [Reported 250 V. 8. 376.] The Act of October 3, 1913, c. 16, § II, A, subdivision 1, 38 Stat. 166, provides : "That there shall be levied, assessed, collected and paid annually upon the entire net income arising or accruing from all sources in the preceding calendar year to every citizen of the United States, whether residing at home or abroad, and to every person residing in the United States, though not a citizen thereof, a tax of 1 per 246 DEGANAY V. LEDERER. [cHAP. IL centum per annum upon such income, except as liereinafter pro- vided; and a like tax sliall be assessed, levied, collected, and paid annually upon the entire net income from all property owned and of every business, trade, or profession carried on in the United States by persons residing elsewhere." Under this statutory provision a question arose as to the taxability of income from certain securities of Emily E. DeGanay, a citizen and resident of France. The District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania held the income from the securities taxable. 239 Fed. Eep. 568. The case is here upon certifi- cate from the Circuit Court of Appeals, from which it appears: That Emilv R. DeGanay is a citizen of France, and resides in that country. That her father was an American citizen domiciled in Pennsvlvania, and died in 1885, having devised one-fourth of his residuary estate, consisting of real property, to the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annities, in trust to pay the net income thereof to her. She also inherited from her father a large amount of personal property in her own right free from any trust. This personal property is invested in stocks and bonds of corporations organized under laws of the United States and in bonds and mortgages secured upon property in Pennsylvania. Since 1885 the Pennsylvania Company has been acting as her agent under power of attorney, and has invested and reinvested her prop- erty, and has collected and remitted to her the net income therefrom. The certificates of stocks, bonds and mortgages had been and were in 1913 in the Company's possession in its offices in Philadelphia. The Company made a return of the income collected for the plaintiff for the year 1913 both from her real estate, which is not in contro- versy here, and her net income from corporate stocks and bonds and the bonds and mortgages held in her own right. The tax was paid under protest and recovery was sought by the proper action. The question certified is limited to the net income collected by virtue of the power of attorney from the personal property owned by the plaintiff in her own right. The power of attorney, which is attached to the certificate, au- thorizes the agent: " To sell, assign, transfer any stocks, bonds, loans, or other secu- rities now standing or that may hereafter stand in my name on the books of any and all corporations, national, State, municipal or pri- vate, to enter satisfaction upon the record of any indenture or mort- gage now or hereafter in my name, or to sell and assign the same and to transfer policies of insurance, and the proceeds, also any other moneys to invest and reinvest in such securities as they may in their discretion deem safe and judicious to hold for my account; to collect and receipt for all interest and dividends, loans, stocks, or other securities now or hereafter belonging to me, to endorse checks payable to my order and to make or enter into any agreement or agreernents they may deem necessary and best for my interest in the management of my business and affairs, also to represent me and in mv behalf, to vote and act for me at all meetings con- SECT, v.] DEGANAY V. LEDEREE. 247 nected with any company in which I may own stocks or bonds or be interested in any way whatever, with power also as attorney or attor- neys under it for that purpose to make and substitute, and to do aJl lawful acts requisite for eU'eetin^' the preiuises, hereby ratifvinj^ aud confirming all that the said attorney or substitute or substitutes shall do thereni by virtue of these presents." The question certilied is: "if an alien non-resident own stocks, boiuls, and luortgages secured upon property in the United States or payable by persons or corporations there domiciled ; and if the income therefrom is collected for and remitted to such non-resident by an agent domiciled in the United States; and if the agent has physical possession of the certificates of stock, the bonds, and the mortgages; is such income subject to an income tax under the Act of October Ikl, 1913?" The question submitted comes to this: l^ the income from the stock, bonds, and mortgages, held by the Pennsylvania Company, derived from property owned in the United States? A learned argument is made to the effect that the stock certificates, bonds and mortgages are not property, that they are but evidences of the ownershi]) of interests which are property; that the prop- erty, in a legal sense, represented by the securities, would exist if the physical evidences thereof were destroyed. But we are of opinion that these refinements are not decisive of congressional intent in using the term "property" in this statute. Unless the contrary appears, statutory words are presumed to be used in their ordinary and usual sense, and with the meaning com- monly attributable to them. To the general understanding and with the common meaning usually attached to such descrip- tive terme, bonds, mortgages, and certificates of stock are re- garded as property. By State and federal Statutes they are often treated as property, not as mere evidences of the interest which they represent. In Blackstone v. Miller, 188 U. S. 189, 206, this court held that a deposit by a citizen of Illinois in a trust company in the City of New York was subject to the transfer tax of the State of Xew York .and said: "There is no confliet between our views and the point decided in the case reported under the name of State Tax on Foreign Held Bonds, 1.") Wall. 300. The taxation in that case was on the interest on bonds liold out of the State. Bonds and negotiable instruments are more than merely evidences of debt. The debt is insepara1)le from the paper which declares and constitutes it, by a tradition which comes down from more archaic conditions. Bacon r. Hooker, 177 "^^assachusetts. 335, 337." The Court of Appeals of New York, recognizing the same prin- ciple treated such instruments as property in People ex rel. Jefferson V. Smith, 88 N. Y. 576, 585. " It is clear from the statutes referred to and the authorities cited ajid from the understanding of l)usiness men in commercial transac- tions, as well as of jurists and legislators, that mortgages, bonds, bills and notes have for many purposes come to be regarded as prop- erty and not as the mere evidences of debts, and thai; they may thus 248 SHAFFER r. CAETER. [cHAP. II. have a situs at the place wliere they are found like other visible, tangible chattels." We have no doubt that the securities, herein involved, are prop- erty. Are they property within the United States? It is insisted that the maxim mobilia ^equuntur persunain applies in this instance, and that the situs of the property Avas at the domicile of the owner in France. But this court has frequently declared that the maxim, a fiction at most, must yield to the facts and circumstances of cases which require it ; and that notes, bonds and mortgages may acquire a situs at a place other than the domicile of the owner, and be there reached by the taxing authority. It is only necessary to refer to some of the decisions of this court. New Orleans v. Stempel, 175 U. S. 309; Bristol v. Washington County, 1T7 U. S. 133; Black- stone r. Miller, supra; State Board of Assessors v. Comptoir Na- tional d'Escompte, 191 U. S. 388; Carstairs v. Cochran, 193 U. S. 10; Scottish Union & National Ins. Co. v. Bowland, 196 U. S. 611; Wheeler v. New York, 233 U. S. 434, 439 ; Iowa v. Slimmer, 248 V. S. 115, 120. Shares of stock in national banks, this court has held, for the purpose of taxation may be separated from the domi- cile of the owner, and taxed at the place where held. Tappan v. Merchants' National Bank, 19 Wall. 490. In the case under consideration the stocks and bonds were those of corporations organized under the laws of the United States, and the bonds and mortgages were secured upon property in Pennsyl- vania. The certificates of stock, the bonds and mortgages were in the Pennsylvania Company's offices in Philadelphia. Not only is this so, but the stocks, bonds and mortgages were held under a power of attorney which gave authority to the agent to sell, assign, or transfer any of them, and to invest and reinvest the proceeds of such sales as it might deem best in the management of the business and affairs of the principal. It is difficult to conceive how property could be more completely localized in the United States. There can be no question of the power of Congress to tax the income from such securities. Thus situated and held, and with the authority given to the local agent over them, we think the income derived is clearly from property within the United States within the meaning of Congress as expressed in the statute under consideration. It fol- lows that the question certified by the Circuit Court of Appeals must be answered in the affirmative. So ordered. Me. Justice McEeynolds took no part in this case. SHAFFER V. CARTER. Supreme Court of, the United States. 1920. [Reported 252 U. S. 37,] Pitney, J. These are two appeals, taken under circumstances that will be explained, from a single decree in a suit in equity SECT, v.] SIIAFFEE V. CARTER. 249 brought by appellant to restrain the enforcement of a tax assessed against him for the year 1916 under the Income Tax Law of the State of Oklahoma, on the ground of the unconstitutionality of the statute. A previous suit having the same object was brought by him in the same court against the officials then in office, in which an application for an interlocutory injunction heard before throe judges pursuant to § 26G, Judicial Code, was denied, one judge dissenting. Shaffer V. Howard, 250 Fed. Kep. 873. An appeal was taken to this court, but, pending its determination, the terms of office of the defendants expired, and, there being no law of the State authorizing a revival or continuance of the action against their successors, we reversed the decree and remanded the cause with directions to dismiss the bill for want of proper parties. 740 U. S. 200. After such dismissal the present defendant Carter, as State au- ditor, issued another tax warrant and delivered it to defendant Bruce, Sheriff of Creek County, with instructions to levy upon and sell plaintiff's property in that county in order to collect the tax in question ; and the sheriff having threatened to proceed, this suit was commenced. An application for an interlocutory injunction, heard before three judges, was denied upon the authority of the decisions in 250 Fed. Eep. and of certain recent decisions of this court. The decree as entered not only disposed of the application but dismissed the action. Plaintiff, apparently unaware of this, appealed to this court under § 266, Judicial Code, from the refusal of the temporarv injunction. Shortly afterwards he took an appeal under § 238, Judicial Code, from the same decree as a final decree dismissing the action. The latter appeal is in accord with correct practice, since the denial of the interlocutory application was merged in the final decree. The first appeal (No. 531) will be dismissed. The constitution of Oklahoma, besides providing for the annual taxation of all property in the State upon an ad valorem basis, au- thorizes (Art. 10, § 12) the employment of a variety of other means for raising revenue, among them income taxes. The act in question is c. 164 of the Laws of 1915. Its first section reads as follows : " Each and every person in this State, shall be liable to an annual tax upon the entire net income of such person arising or accruing from all sources during the preceding calendar year, and a like tax shall be levied, assessed, collected and paid an- nually upon the entire net income from all property owned, and of every business, trade or profession carried on in this state by persons residing elsewhere.'' Subsequent sections define Avhat the term " income " shall include ; prescribe how net income shall be computed ; provide for certain deductions : prescribe varying rates of tax for all taxable incomes in excess of $3,000, this amount being deducted (bv way of exemption) from tlie income of each individual, and for one living with spouse an additional $1,000, with further deductions where there are children or dependents, exemptions be- ing the same for resident and non-resident: require (§ 2) a return on or before March first from each person liable for an income tax 250 SHAFFER V. CARTKR. [cHAP. II. under the provisions of the act for the preceding calendar year; provide (§ 9) that the State Auditor shall revise returns and hear and determine complaints, with power to correct and adjust the assessment of income; that (§ 10) taxes shall become delinquent if not paid on or before the first day of July, and the State Auditor bhall have power to issue to any sheriff of the State a warrant cora- numding him to levy the amount upon the personal property of the delinciuent party; and (by >< 11) "Jf any of the taxes herein levied become delinquent, they shall become a lien on all the property, personal and real, of such delinquent person, and shall be subject to the same penalties and provisions as are all ad valorem taxes." Plaintiff, a non-resident of Oklahoma, being a citizen of Illinois and a resident of Chicago in that State, was at the time of the commencement of the suit and for several years theretofore (includ- ing the3'ears 1915 and 1916) engaged in the oil business in Oklahoma, having purchased, owned, developed, and operated a number of oil and gas mining leases, and being the owner in fee of certain oil- producing land, in that State. From properties thus owned' and operated during the year 1916 he received a net income exceeding $1,500,000, and of this he made, under protest, a return which showed that, at the rates fixed by the act, there was due to the State an income tax in excess of $76,000. The then State Auditor over- ruled the protest and assessed a tax in accordance with the return; the present Auditor has put it in due course of collection; and plaintiff resists its enforcement upon the ground that the act, in so far as it subjects the incomes of non-residents to the payment of such a tax, takes their property without due process of law and denies to them the equal protection of the laws, in contravention of § 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment; burdens interstate com- merce, in contravention of the commerce clause of § 8 of Art. 1 of the Constitution ; and discriminates against non-residents in favor of residents, and thus deprives plaintiff and other non-residents of the })rivileges and immunities of citizens and residents of the State of Oklahoma, in violation of § 2 of Art. IV. He also insists that the lien attempted to be imposed upon his property pursuant to § 11 for taxes assessed upon income not arising out of the same property would deprive him of property without due process of law. As ground for resorting to equity, the bill alleges that plaintiff is the owner of various oil and gas mining leases covering lands in Creek County, Oklahoma, and that the lien asserted thereon by virtue of the levy and tax warrant creates a cloud upon his title. Thisi entitles him to bring suit in equity (Union Pacific Ry. Co. v. Cheyenne, 113 U. S. 516, 535; Pacific Express Co. v. Seibert 143 U. S. 339, 348; Ogden City v. Armstrong, 168 IT. S. 224, 237; Ohio Tax Cases, 232 it. S. 576, 587; Creene v. Louisville & Intcrurban R. R. Co., 244 U. S. 499, 506), unless the contention that he has a plain, adequate, and complete remedy at law be well founded. This contention is based, first, upon the provision of § 9 of c. 164, giving to the State Auditor the same power to correct and adjust an assessment of income that is given to the county board SECT, y.] SHAFFER V. CARTER. 251 of equalization in cases Of ad valorem assepsments, taken in connec- tion witii c. 107 of tlic Laws of ]!)15, wliicli pnnides (Art, 1, Subdiv. B, § 2, p. 147) for an appeal from that board to the district court of the county. In a recent decision (Berryhill v. Carter, 7G Okla- homa, 248), the Supreme Court of tiie State held that an aggrieved income taxpayer may have an appeal under this section, and that thus '^all matters complained of may be reviewed and adjusted to the extent that justice may demand." But the case related to "correcting and adjusting an income tax retuni," and the decision merely established the ap])eal to the district court as the appropriate remedy, rather than an ap{)lication to the Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari. It falls short of indicating — to say nothing of plainly showing — that this procedure w^ould afford an adequate remedy to a party contending that the income tax law itself was repugnant to the Constitution of the United States. Secondly, reference is made to § 7 of Subdiv. B, Art. 1, of c. 107, Oklahoma Laws 1915, p. 149, wherein it is provided that where illegality of a tax is alleged to arise by reason of some action from which the laws provide no appeal, the aggrieved person on paying the tax may give notice to the officer collecting it, stating the grounds of complaint and that suit w^ill be brought against him ; whereupon it is made the duty of such officer to hold the tax until the final determination of such suit if brought within thirty days; and if it be determined that the tax was illegally collected, the officer is to repay the amount found to be in excess of the legal and correct amount. But this section is one of several that have particular reference to the procedure for collecting ad valorem taxes; and they are prefaced by this statement (p. 147) : " Subdivision B. To the existing provisions of law relating to the ad valorem or direct system of taxation the following provisions are added :" U^pon this ground, in Gipsy Oil Co. v. Howard and companion suits brought by certain oil-producing companies to restrain enforcement of taxes authorized by the gross production tax law (Sess. Laws 1916, c. 39, p. 102), upon the ground that they were an unlawful imposi- tion upon federal instrumentalities, tlie United States District Court for the ^yestern District of Oklahoma held that the legal remedy provided in § 7 of c. 107 applied only to ad valorem taxes, and did not constitute a bar to equitable relief against the production taxes. Defendants appealed to this court, and assigned this ruling for error, inter alia; but they did not press the point, and the decrees were affirmed upon the merits of the federal question. Howard v. Gipsy Oil Co., 247 U. S. 503. We deem it unnecessary to pursue further the question whether either of the statutory provisions referred to furnishes an adequate legal remedy against income taxes assessed under an unconstitu- tional law, since one of the grounds of complaint in the present case is that, even if the tax itself be valid, the procedure prescribed by § 11 of the Income Tax Law for enforcing such a tax by impos- ing a lien upon the taxpayer's entire property, as threatened to be put into effect against plaintiff's property for taxes not assessed 252 SHAFFER V. CARTER. [cHAP, II. against the property itself and not confined to the income that proceeded from the*^ same property, is not " due process of law," within the requirement of the Fourteenth Amendment. For re- moval of a cloud upon title caused by an invalid lien imposed for a tax valid in itself, there appears to be no legal remedy. Hence, on this ground at least, resort was properly had to equity for relief; and since a court of equity does not " do justice by halves," and will ■prevent, if possible, a multiplicity of suits, the jurisdiction extends to the disposition of all questions raised by the bill. Camp v. Boyd, 229 TJ. S. 530, 551-552 ; McGowan v. Parish, 237 U. S. 285, 296. This brings us to the merits. Under the " due process of law " provision appellant makes two contentions: first, that the State is without jurisdiction to levy a tax upon the income of non-residents; and, secondly, that the lien is invalid because imposed upon all his property real and personal, without regard to its relation to the production of his income. These are separate questions, and will be so treated. The tax might be valid, although the measures adopted for enforcing it were not. Governmental jurisdiction in matters of taxation, as in the exercise of the judicial function, depends upon the power to enforce the mandate of the State by action taken within its borders, either in personam or in rem according to the circumstances of the case, as by arrest of the person, seizure of goods or lands, garnishment of credits, sequestration of rents and profits, forfeiture of franchise, or the like; and the jurisdiction to act remains even though all permissible measures be not resorted to. Michigan Trust Co. v. Ferry, 228 TJ. S. 346, 353; Ex parte Indiana Transportation Co., 244 U. S. 456, 457. It will be convenient to postpone the question of the lien until all questions as to the validity of the tax have been disposed of. The contention that a State is without jurisdiction to impose a tax upon the income of non-residents, while raised in the present case, was more emphasized in Travis v. Yale & Towne Mfg. Co., decided this day, 252 U. S. 60, involving the income tax law of the State of New York. There it was contended, in substance, that while a State may tax the property of a non-resident situate within its borders, or may tax the incomes of its own citizens and residents because of the privileges they enjoy under its constitution and laws and the protection they receive from the State, yet a non-resident, although conducting a business or carrying on an occupation there, cannot be required through income taxation to contribute to the governmental expenses of the State whence his income is derived; that an income tax, as against non-residents, is not only not a property tax but is not an excise or privilege tax, since no privilege is granted ; the right of the non-citizen to carry on his business or occupation in the taxing State being derived, it is said, from the provisions of the Federal Constitution. This radical contention is easily answered by reference to funda- mental principles. In our system of government the States have general dominion, and, saving as restricted by particular provisions SECT, v.] SHAFFER V. CAKTEK. 253 of the Federal Constitution, complete dominion over all persons, property, and business transactions wiliiin their borders; such assume and perform the duty of preserving and protecting all such persons, property, and business, and, in consequence, have the power normally pertaining to governments to resort to all reasonable forms of taxa- tion in order to defray the governmental expenses. Certainly they are not restricted to property taxation, nor to any particular form of excises. In well-ordered society, property has value chiefly for what it is capable of producing, and the activities of mankind are devoted largely to making recurrent gains from the use and develop- ment of property, from tillage, mining, manufacture, from the em- ployment of human skill and labor, or from a combination of some of these ; gains capable of being devoted to their own support, and the surplus accumulated as an increase of capital. That the State, from whose laws property and business and industry derive the protection and security without which production and gainful oc- cupation would be impossible, is debarred from exacting a share of those gains in the form of income taxes for the support of the government, is a proposition so wholly inconsistent with fundamen- tal principles as to be refuted by its mere statement. That it may tax the land but not the crop, the tree but not the fruit, the mine or well but not the product, the business but not the profit derived from it, is wholly inadmissible. Income taxes are a recognized method of distributing the burdens of government, favored because requiring contributions from those who realize current pecuniary benefits under the protection of the government, and because the tax may be readily proportioned to their ability to pay. Taxes of this character were imposed by several of the States at or shortly after the adoption of the Federal Constitu- tion. New York Laws 1778, c. 17; Eeport of Oliver Wolcott, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, to 4th Cong., 2d sess. (1796), concerning Direct Taxes; American State Papers, 1 Finance, 423, 437, 429, 437, 439. The rights of the several States to exercise the widest libertj' with respect to the imposition of internal taxes always has been recognized in the decisions of this court. In MeCulloch v- Maryland, 4 Wheat. 316, while denying their power to impose a tax upon any of the operations of the Federal Government, Mr. Chief Justice Marshall, speaking for the court, conceded (pp. 428-429) that the States have full power to tax their own people and their own property, and also that the power is not confined to the people and property of a State, but may be exercised upon every object brought within its jurisdiction ; saying : " It is obvious, that it is an incident of sover- eignty, and is co-extensive with that to whieli it is an incident. All subjects over which the sovereign power of a State extends, are objects of taxation," etc. In Michigan Central R. R. Co. v. Powers, 201 IT. S. 245, the court, by Mr. Justice Brewer, said (pp. 292, 293) : "We have had frequent occasion to consider questions of state taxation in the light of the Federal Constitution, and the scope and limits of National interference are well settled. There is no general super- 254 SHAFFER V. CARTER. [CHAP. II. vision on the part of the Nation over state taxation, and in respect to the hitter the State has, speaking generally, the freedom of a sovereign both as to objects and methods.'' That a State may tax callings and occupations as well as persons and property has long been recognized. " The power of taxation, however vast in its char- acter and searching in its extent, is necessarily limited to subjects within the jurisdiction of the State. These subjects are persons, property, and business. . . . Jt [taxation] may touch business in the almost infinite forms in wliich it is conducted, in professions, in commerce, in manufactures, and in transportation. Unless re- strained by provisions of the Federal Constitution, the power of the State as to the mode, form, and extent of taxation is unlimited, wliere the subjects to which it applies are within her jurisdiction." State Tax in Foreign-Held Bonds, 15 Wall. 300, 319. See also Welton V. Missouri, 1)1 U. S. 275, 278; Armour & Co. v. Virginia, 246 U. S. 1, 6 ; American Mfg. Co. v. St. Louis, 250 U. S. 459, 463. And we deem it clear, upon principle as well as authority, that just as a State may impose general income taxes upon its own citi- zens and residents whose persons are subject to its control, it may, as a necessary consequence, levy a duty of like character, and not more onerous in its effect, upon incomes accruing to non-residents from their property or business within the State, or their occupations carried on therein; enforcing payment, so far as it can, by the ex- ercise of a just control over persons and property within its borders. This is consonant with numerous decisions of this court sustaining etate taxation of credits due to non-residents, New Orleans v. Stem- pel, 175 U. S. 309, 320, et seq.; Bristol v. Washington County, 177 U. S. 133, 145; Liverpool &c Ins. Co. v. Orleans Assessors, 221 U. S. 346, 354; and sustaining federal taxation of the income of an alien non-resident derived from securities held in this country, De Ganay v. Lederer, 250 U. S. 376. That a State, consistently with the Federal Constitution, may not prohibit the citizens of other States from carrying on legitimate busi- ness within its borders like its own citizens, of course is granted; but it does not follow that the business of non-residents may not be required to make a ratable contribution in taxes for the support of the government. On the contrary, the very fact that a citizen of one State has the right to hold property or carry on an occupation or business in another is a very reasonable ground for subjecting such non-resident, although not personally yet to the extent of his property held, or his occupation or business carried on therein, to a duty to pay taxes not more onerous in effect than those imposed Tmder like circumstances upon citizens of the latter State. Section 2 of Art. IV of the Constitution entitles him to the privileges and immunities of a citizen, but no more ; not to an entire immunity from taxation, nor to any preferential treatment as compared with resident citizens. It protects him against discriminatory taxation, but gives him no right to be favored by discrimination or exemp- tion. See Ward v. Maryland, 12 Wall. 418, 430. Oklahoma has assumed no power to tax non-residents with respect SECT. v.] SllAFFKU V. (JAK'IKK. 255 to iucome derived from property or business beyond the borders of the State. The first section of the act, while imposing a tax upon iiihal)itants witli respect to their entire net income arising from all sources, confines the tax upon non-residents to their net income from property owned and business, etc., carried on within the State. A similar distinction has been observed in our federal income tax laws, from one of the earliest down to the present.^ The Acts of 18G1 (1-.^ Stat. ;30!)) and 1SG4 (13 Stat. 281, 417) confined the tax to persons residing in the United States and citizens residing abroad. But in 18(50 (14 Stat. 137-138) there was inserted by amendment the following: " And a like tax shall lie levied, collected, and paid annually upon the gains, profits, and income of every btisiness, trade, or profession carried on in the United States by persons residing without the United States, not citizens thereof." Similar provisions were embodied in the Acts of 1870 and 1894; and in the Act of 1913 (38 Stat. IGG), after a clause imposing a tax upon the entire net income arising or accruing from all sources (with exceptions not material here) to every citizen of the United States, whether residing at home or abroad, and to every person residing in the Unitecl States though not a citizen thereof, the following appears: "and a like tax shall be assessed, levied, collected, and paid annually upon the entire net income from all property owned and of every business, trade, or profession carried on in the United States by persons residing elsewhere." Evidently this fur- nished the model for § 1 of the Oklahoma statute. No doubt is suggested (the former requirement of apportionment having been removed by constitutional amendment) as to the power of Congress thus to impose taxes upon incomes produced within the borders of the United States or arising from sources located therein, even though tlio income accrues to a non-resident alien. And, so far as the question of jurisdiction is concerned, the due pro- cess clause of the Fourteenth Amendment imposes no greater restric- tion in this regard upon the several States than the corresponding clause of Fifth Amendment imposes upon the United States. It is insisted, however, both by appellant in this case and by the opponents of the New York law in Travis v. Yale & Towne Mfg. Co., that an income tax is in its nature a personal tax, or a subjec- tive tax imposing personal liability upon the recipient of the in- come; and that as to a non-resident the State has no jurisdiction to impose such a liability. This argument, upon anaWsis, res^olves itself into a mere question of definitions, and has no legitimate bearing upon any question raised under the Federal Constitution. * Acts of Anoiist o, 1861, c. 45, § 49, 12 Stat. 202, 300; June 30, 1864, c. 173, §116, 13 Stat. 223, 281; July 4, 1864, Joint Kes. 77, 13 Stat. 417; Julv 13, 1866, c. 184, § 0, 14 Stat. 08, 137-138; March 2, 1867, c. 160. § 13, '14 Stat. 471, 477-478; Julv 14, 1870. c. 2ri5, § 6, 16 Stat. 256, 2.^57; Aujrust 27, 1804, e. 340, § 27, 28 Stat. 500, 5.-,3 ; October 3, 1013, c. 16, § II, A. Subd. 1, 38 Stat. 114, 166; September 8, 1016, c. 463, Title I, Part I, § 1, a, 30 Stat. 756; October 3, 1017, c. 63, Title I, §§ 1 and 2. 40 Stat. 300; February 24, 1010, e. 18, §§ 210, 213 (c), 40 Stat. 1057, 1062, 1066. 256 SHAFFER V. CARTER. [ciIAP. II. For, where the questioii is whether a state taxing law contravenes rights secured by that instrument, the decision must depend not upon any mere question of form, construction, or definition, but upon the practical operation and effect of the tax imposed. St. Louis Southwestern Ev. Co. v. Arkansas, 235 U. S. 350, 362 ; Moun- tain Timber Co. v. Washinu-ton, 243 U. S. 219, 237; Crew Levick Co. V. Pennsylvania, 245 U. S. 292, 294; American Mfg. Co. v. St. Louis, 250 U. S. 459, 463. The practical burden of a tax imposed upon the net income derived by a non-resident from a business carried on Avithin the State certainly is no greater than that of a tax upon the conduct of the business, and this the State has the la'\\'ful power to impose, as we have seen. The fact that it required the personal skill and management of appellant to bring his income from producing property in Okla- homa to fruition, and that his management was exerted from his place of business in another State, did not deprive Oklahoma of jurisdiction to tax the income which arose within its own borders. The personal element cannot, by any fiction, oust the jurisdiction of the State within which ' the income actually arises and whose authority over it operates in rem. At most, there might be a ques- tion whether the value of the service of management rendered from without the State ought not to be allowed as an expense incurred in producing the income ; but no such question is raised in the pres- ent case, hence we express no opinion upon it. The contention that the act deprives appellant and others sim- ilarly circumstanced of the privileges and immunities enjoyed by residents and citizens of the State of Oklahoma, in violation of § 2 of Art. IV of the Constitution, is based upon two grounds, which are relied upon as showing also a violation of the " equal protection " clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. One of the rights intended to be secured by the former provision is that a citizen of one State may remove to and carry on business in another without being subjected in property or person to taxes more onerous than the citizens of the latter State are subjected to. Paul V. Virginia, 8 Wall. 168, 180; Ward v. Maryland, 12 Wall. 418, 430; Maxwell v. Bugbee, 250 U. S. 525, 527. The judge who dissented in Shaffer v. Howard, 250 Fed. Rep. 873, 883, concluded that the Oklahoma income tax law offended in this regard, upon the ground (p. 888) that since the tax is as to citizens of Oklahoma a purely personal tax measured by their incomes, while as applied to a non-resident it is "essentially a tax upon his property and business within the State, to which the property and business of citizens and residents of the State are not subjected," there was a discrimination against the non-resident. We are unable to accept this reasoning. It errs in paying too much regard to theoretical distinctions and too little to the practical effect and operation of the respective taxes as levied ; in failing to observe that in effect citizens and residents of the State are subjected at least to the same burden as non-residents, and perhaps to a greater, since the tax im- posed upon the former includes all income derived from their prop- SECT, v.] SHAFFER V. CAllTEK. 257 erty and business within the State and, in addition, any income they may derive from outside sources. Appellant contends that there is a denial to non-citizens of the privileges and iinmunities tu which they arc entitled, and also a denial of the equal protection of tiie laws, in that the act permits residents to deduct from their gross income not only losses incurred Avithin the State of Oklahoma but also those sustained outside of that State, while non-residents may deduct only those incurred with- in the fetate. The difference, however, is only such as arises nat- urally from the extent of the jurisdiction of the State in the two classes o| cases, and cannot be regarded as an unfriendly or unrea- sonable discrimination. As to residents it may, and does, exert its taxing power over their income from all sources, whether within or without the State, and it accords to them a corresponding priv- ilege of deducting their losses, wherever these accrue. As to non- residents, tlie jurisdiction extends only to their property owned within the State and their business, trade, or profession carried on therein, and the tax is only on such income as is derived from those sources. Hence there is no obligation to accord to them a deduction by reason of losses elsewhere incurred. It may be re- marked, in passing, that there is no shoA^-ing that appellant has sustained such losses, and so he is not entitled to raise this question. It is urged that, regarding the tax as imposed upon the l)usines3 conducted within the State, it amounts in the case of appellant's business to a burden upon interstate commerce, because the products of his oil operations are shipped out of the State. Assuming that it fairly appears that his method of business constitutes interstate commerce, it is sufficient to say that the tax is imposed not upon the gross receipts, as in Crew Levick Co. v. Pennsylvania, 245 U. S. 293, but only upon the net proceeds, and is plainly sustainable even if it includes net gains from interstate commerce. U. S. Glue Co. V. Oak Creek, 247 U. S. 321. Compare Peck & Co. v. Lowe, 247 U. S. 165. Eeference is made to the gross production tax law of 1915 (c. 107, Art. 2, Subdiv. A, § 1 ; Sess. Laws 1915, p. 151), as amended by c. 39 of Sess. Laws 1916 (p. 104), under which every person or corporation engaged in producing oil or natural gas within the State is required to pay a tax equal to 3 per centum of the gross value of such product in lieu of all taxes imposed by the State, counties, or municipalities upon the land or the leases, mining rights, and privileges, and the machinery, appliances, and equipment, per- taining to such production. It is contended that payment of the gross production tax relieves the producer from the pnvment of the income tax. This is a question of state law, upon which no con- trolling decision by the Supreme Court of the State is cited. We overrule the contention, deeming it clear, as a matter of construction, that the gross production tax was intended as a substitute for the ad valorem property tax but not for the income tax, and that there is no such repugnance between it and the income tax as to produce a repeal by implication. ISTor, eA^n if the effect of this is akin to 258 SHAFFER V. CARTER. [cHAP. II. double taxation, can it be regarded as obnoxious to the Federal Constitution for that reason, since it is settled that nothing in that instrument or in the Fourteenth Amendment ])revents the States from imposing double taxation, or any other form of unequal taxa- tion, so long as the inequality is not based upon arbitrary distinc- tions. St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. v. Arkansas, 233 U. S. 350, 367-368. The contention that there is a want of due process in the pro- ceedings for enforcement of the tax, especially in the lien imposed by § 11 upon all of the delinquent's property, real and personal, reduces itself to this: that the State is without power to create a lien upon any property of a non-resident for income taxes except the very property from which the income proceeded; or, putting it in another way, that a lien for an income tax may not be imposed upon a non-resident's unproductive property, nor upon any partic- ular productive property beyond the amount of the tax upon the income that has proceeded from it. But the facts of the case do not raise this question. It clearly appears from the averments of the bill that the whole of plaintiff's property in the State of Oklahoma consists of oil-producing land, oil and gas mining leaseholds, and other property used in production of oil and gas; and that, beginning at least as early as the year 1915, when the act was passed, and continuing without interruption until the time of the commencement of the suit (April 16, 1919), he was engaged in the business of developing and operating these properties for the production of oil, his entire business in that and other States was managed as one business, and his entire net income in the State for the year 1916 was derived from that business. Lay- ing aside the probability that from time to time there may have been changes arising from purchases, new leases, sales, and expira- tions (none of which, however, is set forth in the bill), it is evident that the lien will rest upon the same property interests which were the source of the income upon which the tax was imposed. The entire jurisdiction of the State over appellant's property and business and the income that he derived from them — the only jurisdiction that it has sought to assert — is a jurisdiction iji rem; and we are clear that the State acted within its lawful power in treating his property interests and business as having both unity and continuity. Its purpose to impose income taxes was declared in its own constitu- tion, and the precise nature of the tax and the measures to be taken for enforcing it were plainly set forth in the Act of 1915; and plaintiff having thereafter proceeded, with notice of this law, to manage the property and conduct tlie business out of which pro- ceeded the income now taxed, the State did not exceed its power or authority in treating his property interests and his business as a single entity, and enforcing payment of the tax by the imposition of a lien, to be followed by execution or other appropriate process, upon all property employed in the business. No. 531. Appeal dismissed. No. 580. Decree affirmed. Mr. Justice McReyxolds dissents. SECT. v.] WISCO.\.Sl>' TltL'ST CO. V. PJIELPS. 259 STATE ex rel. WISCONSIX TRUST CO. v. PHELPS. SUPUEME COUKT OF WiSCO.V.SIX. 1920. [Reported 172 Wis. 147.] ViNJE, J. The single question Tor doeisiou on this appeal is: Did the Wisconsin Trust Company receive the income of tlie trust estate for the year 1917 within tiie meaning of subdivision 3, % 1087 m2, Stats. 1917? If it did, then under the provisions of subdivision 5, § 1087 mlO, its duty was to re])urt it Un- taxation and pay an income tax thereon. A solution of the question will be materially aided by a reference to the conditions of the trust. The Wisconsin Trust Company was made a trustee with the provision that, if it refused to act, another \Vi.sconsin trust company should be appointed in its stead. The funds of the estate were to be invested in such securities as the laws of the State of Wisconsin permit trustees to invest in, and vacancies in the trustees were to be filled by the county court of Milwaukee county or its successor, and of course the trustees must account to the county court of Milwaukee county. These provisions indicate quite clearly that the testator intended' the trust to be administered in Wisconsin, and wc must presume, in the ab- sence of clear proof to the contrary, that the trustees have complied with the provisions of the trust. It appears without dispute that the Wisconsin Trust Company has at all times been in the physical possession of the assets of the trust estate, has kept all the accounts thereof, and has prepared and filed its reports to the county court, the other trustees joining there- in to the extent of certifying that they believe such reports to be correct. Now, let us see just what was done in this case as to the disputed income. The Wisconsin Trust Company said to Gimbel Bros., You may pay the income to Mrs. Behal instead of to me, as you request; but I must be advised of all the transactions between you, so that I can correctly keep and report the trust account; "and proper receipts must be sent me by Mrs. Behal to protect me in my account to the county court. Pursuant to such permission and direc- tion the income was paid by Gimbel Bros, of Philadelpliia to Mrs. Behal, presumably was a matter of convenience, since Mrs. Behal lived in Philadelphia. The Wisconsin Trust Company credited the income account of the estate with the amount paid to Mrs. Behal, and debited the same account with the amount when Mrs. Behal's receipt was received, and it accounted to the county court for the amount so credited and debited. In view of the provisions of the trust, the method of conducting the trust estate, as well as the legal effect of the mode of payment, we conclude that the transactions constituted in law a payment of the income to the Wisconsin Trust Company, though no cash was re- ceived by it. To hold otherwise were to permit shadow and not sub- 2 GO TRAVIS r. YALE 'E :mfg. CO. [chap. II. strongly to constitute the citizens of the United States one people as this." And in Ward v. Maryland, 13 Wall. 418, holding a dis- criminatory state tax upon non-resident traders to be void, the court, by Mr. Justice Clifford, said (p. 430) : "Beyond doubt those words [privileges and immunities] are words of very comprehensive mean- ing, but it will be sufficient to say that the clause plainly and un- mistakably secures and protects the right of a citizen of one State to pass into any other State of the Union for the purpose of engaging in lawful commerce, trade, or business without molestation; to acquire personal property; to take and hold real estate; to maintain actions in the courts of the State ; and to be exempt from any higher taxes or excises than are imposed by the State upon its own citizens." Of course the terms "resident" and "citizen" are not synony- mous, and in some cases the distinction is important (La Tourette V. McMaster, 248 U. S. 465, 470) ; but a general taxing scheme such as the one under consideration, if it discriminates against all non-residents, has the necessary effect of including in the discrimina- tion those Avho are citizens of other States; and, if there be no reasonable ground for the diversity of treatment, it abridges the privileges and immunities to which such citizens are entitled. In Blake v. McClung, 173 U. S. 239, 247; 176 U. S. 59, 67, the court held that a statute of Tennessee, declaring the terms upon which a foreign corporation might carry on business and hold property in that State, which gave to its creditors residing in Tennessee priority over all creditors residing elsewhere, without special ref- erence to whether they were citizens or not, must be regarded as contravening the " privileges and immunities " clause. The nature and effect of the crucial discrimination in the present case are manifest. Section 363, in the case of residents, exempts from taxation $1,000 of the income of a single person, $2,000 in the case of a married person, and $300 additional for each dependent. A non-resident taxpayer has no similar exemption; but by § 363, if liable to an income tax in his own State, including income derived from sources within New York and subject to taxation under this act, he is entitled to a credit upon the income tax otherwise payable to the State of New York by the same proportion of the tax payable to the State of his residence as his income subject to taxation by the New York Act bears to his entire income taxed in his own State; "provided that such credit shall be allowed only if the laws of said state . . . grant a substantially similar credit to residents of this state subject to income tax under such laws." ' * Readiufi: the statute literally, there would appear to he an additional discrimination a<;ainst non-residents in that under § 366 the " withholding agent" (employer) is required to witlihold 2 per cent from all salaries, wages, etc., payable to any individual non-resident amounting to $1,000 or mare in the year; whereas by § 351 the tax upon residents (indeed, upon non-residents likewise, so far as this section goes), is only one per centum uj)cn the first .$10,000 of net income. It is said, however, that the discrepancy arose through an amendment made to § 351 while the bill was pending in the legislature, no corresponding amendment having been made in § 366. In view of this, and taking the whole of the act together, the Attorney General has advised the Comptroller that § *366 requires withholding of SECT. V.l TIIAVLS V. YALE & TOWXE MFG. CO. 2G5 In tho concrete, the particular incidence of the discrimination is upon citizens of Connecticut and New Jersey, neither of which States has an income tax law. A consideraljle number of complain- ant's employees, residents and citizens of one or the other of those States, spend their working time at its office in the City of New York, and earn their salaries there. The case is typical ; it being a matter of common knowledge that from necessity, due to the geographical situation of that city, in close proximity to the neigh- boring States, many thousands of men and women, residents and citizens of those States, go daily from tlieir homos to the city and earn their livelihood there. They pursue their several occupations side by side witli residents of the State of New York — in effect competing with them as to wages, salaries, and other terms of em- ployment. Whether they must pay a tax upon the first $1,000 or $2,000 of income, while their associates and competitors who reside in New York do not, makes a substantial difference. Under the circumstances as disclosed, we are unable to find adequate ground for the discrimination, and are constrained to hold that it is an unwarranted denial to the citizens of Connecticut and New Jersey of the privileges and immunities enjoyed by citizens of New York. This is not a case of occasional or accidental inequality due to circumstances personal to the tax])ayer (see Amoskeag Savings Bank V. Purdy, 231 U. S. 373, 393-394'; Maxwell v. Bugbee, 250 U. S. 525, 543) ; but a general rule, operating to the disadvantage of all non-residents including those who are citizens of the neighboring States, and favoring all residents including those who are citizens of the taxing State. It cannot be deemed to be counterbalanced by the provision of par. 3 of § 359 which excludes from the income of non-resident taxpayers " annuities, interest on bank deposits, interest on bonds, notes or other interest-bearing obligations or dividends from corpora- tions, except to the extent to which tlie same shall be a part of income from any business, trade, profession or occupation carried on in this state subject to taxation under this article." This provi- sion is not so conditioned as probably to benefit non-residents to a degree corresponding to the discrimination against them; it seems to have been designed rather (as is avowed in appellant's brief) to preserve the preeminence of New York City as a financial center. Nor can the discrimination be uplield, as is attempted to be done, upon the theory that non-residents have untaxed income derived from sources in their home Strifes or elsewhere outside of the State of New York, corresponding to the amount upon which residents of that State are exempt from taxation under this act. The dis- crimination is not conditioned upon the existence of such untaxed income; and it would bo rash to assume that non-residents taxable in New York under this law, as a class, are receiving additional income from outside sources equivalent to the amount of the exemp- tions that are accorded to citizens of New York and denied to them, only one per centum upon the first $10,000 of income. And the Comptroller has issued regulations to that effect. Hence we treat the discrepancy as if it did not exist. 266 WILLIAMS V. SINGER. [ciIAP. II. In the brief submitted by the Attorney General of New York in behalf of appellant, it is said that the framers of the act, in embody- ing in it the provision for iinoqual treatment of the residents of other States with respect to the exemptions, looked fonvard to the speedy adoption of an income tax by the adjoining States; in which event, injustice to their citizens on the part of New York could be avoided by providing similar exemptions similarly conditioned. This, however, is wholly speculative; New York has no authority to legislate for the adjoining States; and we must pass upon its statute with respect to its effect and operation in the existing situa- tion. But besides, in view of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States, a discrimination by the State of New York against the citizens of adjoining States would not be cured were those States to establish like discriminations against citizens of the State of New York. A State may not barter away the right, con- ferred upon its citizens by the Constitution of the United States, to enjoy the privileges and immunities of citizens when they go into other States. Nor can discrimination be corrected by retalia- tion ; to prevent this was one of the chief ends sought to be accom- plished by the adoption of the Constitution. Decree affirmed. Mr. Justice McEeynolds concurs in the result. WILLIAMS V. SINGEE. House of Lords. 1920. [Reported 1921. App. Cas. 65.] Viscount Cave. My Lords, the question raised in these appeals is whether income from foreign investments which is received abroad by a person not domiciled in this country is chargeable with income tax under the Income Tax Acts by reason of tlie fact that the investments stand in the names of trustees who are domiciled here. As the point raised in both cases is the same, the appeals have been heard together. In Williams v. Singer the respondents are the trustees of a settlement under which the Princesse de Polignac is the bene- ficial tenant for life in possession. The settlement is in English form, and the trustees are all domiciled and resident in the United Kingdom; but the Princess (who is a widow) is a French subject by marriage, and is domiciled and resident abroad. The settled fund, so far as it comes into question in these pro- ceedings, consists of certain foreign investments of considerable value, and under orders signed by the trustees the whole income from 'these investments is paid to the account of the Princess at a bank in New York, no part thereof being remitted to this country. In these circumstances the Additional Commissioners for the SECT. v.] WILLIAMS V. SINGER. 267 Division of New Sanim in tlio county of Wilts (in which ono of tiie respondents resides) made two assessments upon the respon- dents for tiie year ended April 5, 1916 — namely, an assessment of 60,000/. in respect of foreign possessions and an assessment of 5000/. in respect of foreiijn securities — these sums representing a|>- proximatcly the income from the foreign investments comitrised in the settlement as above mentioned. The respondents objected to the assessments and appealed to the Special Commissioners who, after argument, discharged them ; and on a case being stated for the opinion (jf tiie Kings Bench Division Saukey, J. confirmed the decision of the Special ('ommissioners. An appeal by the Surveyor of Taxes to the Court of Appeal was dismissed, and the Surveyor has appealed to this IFouse. The facts in Tool r. lioyal JOxchange Assurance are in all ma- terial particulars (with one exception) similar to those in the other case. In this case the respondent company, which has its principal place of business in the City of London, is the trustee of the will of ^Ir. J. P. Mcllor (deceased) ; and the beneficial tenant for life under the will is Mrs. II. P. Munthe, a Swedish subject domiciled abroad. The will comprises foreign invest- ments; and the whole income from such investments is paid directly to Mrs. ]\Iunthe abroad, no part of such income being remitted to this country. The District Commissioners of Taxes for the City of London made assessments upon the respondent company in respect of foreign possessions of 2015/. for the year ended April 5, 1915, and 2018/. for the year ended April 5, liilG, these sums representing the income of the foreign investments above referred to. But these assessments differed from those which are in question in Williams V. Singer in one respect — namely, that instead of being made (as in that case) upon the trustees by name without reference to any trust, they were made upon the respondent company "as trustees under the will of J, P. j\Iellor deceased for beneficiaiT Mrs. H. P. ^lunthe." The respondent company appealed to the Special Com- missioners, who discharged the assessments; and this decision also has been affirmed by Sankey J. and the Court of Appeal and is the subject of appeal to this House. My Lords, it was decided in Colquhoun v. Brooks, 19 Q. B. D. -118, that the tax imposed by the Income Tax Acts, 1843 and 1853 (Sch. D, Cases 4 and 5), upon the income from foreign securities and posses- sions was leviable upon so much only of that income as was re- mitted to the United Kingdom. But that limitation was to some extent abrogated by s. 5 of the Finance Act, 1914, which (so far as material in this appeal) is as follows: "Income tax in respect of income arising from securities, stocks, shares, or rents in any place out of the United Kingdom shall, notwithstanding anything in the rules under the fourth and fifth case in section one hundred of the Income Tax Act, 1842, be computed on the full amount of the income, Avhetlier the income has been or will be received in the Ignited Kingdom or not .... and the provisions of the Income Tax Acts (including those relating to returns) shall ap- 268 WILLIAMS V. SIIs'GER. [cHAP. II. ply accordingly, .... Provided that this section shall not apply in the case of a person who satisfies the Commissioners of Inland Eevenue that he is not domiciled in the United Kingdom, or that, heing a British subject, he is not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom." It is obvious that, having regard to the proviso to the above section, the Princesse de I*oIignac and Mrs. Munthe, who are domiciled abroad, could not have been assessed to income tax in respect of the foreign income above referred to. But the revenue authorities contend that they are entitled to levy tax upon that income by means of assessments upon the trustees, who are domiciled in this country. If this contention is upheld, the trustees will of course be entitled to retain the tax so paid out of the trust income payable to the beneficial life tenants, who will thus have to bear tlie burden of the tax from which the proviso appears to re- lie\'e them : but the appellants contend that this is the efl^ect of the statutes. The question to be determined is whether they have that effect. In support of the above contention counsel for the appellants relied principally upon the language of Sch. D to the Income Tax Act, 1853, which provides that the duties thereby imposed are to be deemed to be granted and made payable " for and in respect of the annual profits or gains arising or accruing to any person residing in the United Kingdom from any kind of prop- erty whatever, whether situate in the United Kingdom or else- where," and upon the first general rule in s. 100 of the Income Tax Act, 1842, which provides that the duties upon profits imposed by Sch. D are to be charged on and paid by the persons "receiving or entitled unto" such profits; and they contended that as the income in question in the cases under appeal " accrued " to the trustees as the legal holders of the investments, and the trustees are the persons legally " entitled " to receive it, they are the persons chargeable under the Act. Indeed, I understood Mr. Cunliffe to go so far as to say that, when funds are vested in trustees, the revenue authorities are entitled to look to those trustees for the tax, and are neither bound nor entitled to look beyond the legal ownership. My Lords, I think it clear that such a proposition cannot be maintained. It is contrary to the express words of s. 42 of the Income Tax Act, 1842, which provides that no trustee who shall have authorized the receipt of the profits arising from trust prop- erty by the person entitled thereto, and who shall have made a return of the name and residence of such person in manner required by the Act, shall be required to do any other act for the purpose of assessing such person. And, apart from this provision, a decision that in the case of trust property the trustee alone is to be looked to would lead to strange results. If the legal ownership alone is to be considered, a beneficial owner in moderate circumstances may lose his right to exemption or abatement by reason of the fact that he has wealthy trustees, or a wealthy beneficiary may escape SECT. v.] WILLIAMS V. SINGER. 269 super tax by appointing a number of trustees in less affluent cir- cumstances. Indeed, if the Act is to be construed as counsel for the a})pellants suggests, a beneficiary domiciled in this country may altogether avoid the tax on this foreign income spent aljroad by the simple expedient of appointing one or more foreign trustees. Accordingly I put this contention aside. On the other hand, I do not think it would be correct to say that, whenever property is held in trust, the person liable to be taxed is the beneficiary and not the trustee. Sect. 41 of the Income Tax Act, 1842, renders the trustee, guardian or other per- son who has the control of the property of an infant, married woman, or lunatic chargeable to income tax in the place of such infant, married woman, or lunatic; and the same section declares that any i)ers()n not resident in (ireat Britain shall be chargeable in the name of his trustee or agent having the receipt of any profits or gains. Sect. 108 of the same Act, which deals with the profits or gains arising from foreign possessions or foreign securities, provides that in default of the owner or proprietor being charged, the trustee, agent or receiver of such profits or gains shall be charged for the same. And even apart from these special pro- visions I am not prepared to deny that there are many cases in which a trustee in receipt of trust income may be chargeable with the tax upon such income. For instance, a trustee carrying on a trade for the benefit of creditors or beneficiaries, a trustee for charitable purposes, or a trustee who is under an obligation to apply the trust income in satisfaction of charges or to accumulate it for future distribution, appears to come within this category; and other similar cases may be imagined. The fact is that if the Income Tax Acts are examined, it will be found that the person charged with the tax is neither the trustee nor the beneficiary as such, but the person in actual re- ceipt and control of the income which it is sought to reach. The object of the Acts is to secure for the State a proportion of the profits chargeable, and this end is attained (speaking generally) by the simple and effective expedient of taxing the profits where they are found. If the beneficiary receives them he is liable to be assessed upon them. If the trustee receives and controls them, he is primarily so liable. If they are under the control of a guar- dian or committee for a person not sui juris or of an agent or receiver for persons resident abroad, they are taxed in his hands. But in cases where a trustee or agent is made chargeable with the tax the statutes recognize the fact that he is a trustee or agent for others and he is taxed on behalf of and as representing his bene- ficiaries or principals. This is made clear liy the language of many sections of the Act of 1842. For instance, s. 41 provides that a person not resident in Great Britain shall be chargeable "in the name of his trustee or agent. Sect. 44 refers to the trustee or agent of any person as being assessed " in respect of " such person, and gives him a right to retain the tax out of anv money of such person coming to his hands. Sect. 51, under which 270 MAGUIRE V. TREFRY. [cilAP. II. trui;tees and others are bound to make returns, refers to the event of the beneficiary being charged either " in the name of "' the trustee or otlier person making the return, or in his own name. Sect. 53 refers to the trustee or agent as being charged " on account " of the beneficiar}' ; and simihir expressions are found in other sections. In short, the intention of the Acts appears to be that where a beneficiary is in possession and control of the trust income and is sui juris, he is tlie person to be taxed; and that while a trustee may in certain cases be charged with the tax, he is in all such cases to be treated as charged on behalf or in respect of his beneficiaries, who will accordingly be entitled to any exemption or abatement Avhich the Acts allow. Applying the above conclusions to the present case, it follows in my opinion, first, that the respondent trustees, who have directed the trust income to be paid to the beneficial tenants for life and themselves receive no part of it, are not assessable to tax in respect of such income; and secondly, that even if they were so assessable, they would be assessable as trustees on behalf of the life tenants, who Avould accordingly be entitled to the benefit of the exemption contained in the proviso in s, 5 of the Finance Act, 1914. The assessments in question in Pool v. Royal Exchange Assurance Co., which were made upon the respondents as trustees for the beneficiary Mrs. ]\Iunthe, and were probably so made with reference to ss. 41 and 108 of the Act of 1842, support this view of the Acts ; but it does not appear to me that the absence of similar words in the assessments in "Williams v. Singer makes any difference in the result. The above conclusion is supported by tlie consideration that under the express words of s. 5 of the Finance Act, 1914, a per- son therel)y charged with tax is authorized to deduct from the taxable income " any annuity or other annual payment payable out of the income to a person not resident in the United Kingdom." It is difficult to believe that it was the intention of the Legislature, while exempting from the tax any definite part of the income which is payable to a person abroad, to impose the tax upon the whole income when so payable. For the above reasons I think that the contention of the ap- pellants fails, and accordingly that these appeals should be dismissed with costs. MAGUIRE V. TREFRY. Supreme Coukt of the Uxited States, 1920. [Reported 25.3 U. S. 12.] Day, J. Massachusetts has a statute providing for a tax upon incomes (Gen. Acts Mass. 1910, c. 269). In the act imposing the tax it is provided: "If an inhabitant of this commonwealth re- SKCr. v.] MAGUIIiE V. TREFltY. 271 ceives income from one or more executors, administrattjrs or trustees, none of wliom is an inhabitant of this commonwealth or has de- rived his appointment from a court of this commonwealtli, such income sliall Iju subject to the taxes assessed by tiiis act, according to the nature of tlie income received by the executors, adminis- trators (ii- trustees." The plaintiir in error is a resident of the State of Massachusetts, {ind was taxed upon income from a trust created by tlie will of one Matilda 1'. :\IacArthur formerly of Philadelphia. The plaintiff in error under the will of the decedent was the beneficiary of a trust thereby created. The securities were held in trust by the Girard Trust Company of Philadelphia. Those which were di- rectly taxable to the trustee were held exempt from taxation in Massachusetts under tlie terms of the statute of that State. The securities the income from which was held taxable in Massachusetts consisted of the bonds of three corporations and certain certificates of the Southern Pailway Equipment Trust. These securities were held in the possession of the trustee in Pliiladelphia. The trust was being administered under the laws of Pennsylvania. The Supreme Judicial Court of ^lassachusetts held the tax to be valid. 230 Massachusetts, 503. Of the nature of the tax the Chief Justice of Massachusetts, speaking for the Supreme Judicial Court, said: "The income tax is measured by reference to the riches of the person taxed actually made available to him for valuable use during a given period. It establishes a basis of taxation directly proportioned to ability to bear the burden. It is founded upon the protection afforded to the recipient of the income by the government of the Common- wealth of his residence in his person, in his riglit to receive the income and in his enjoyment of the income when in his possession. That government provides for him all the advantages of living in safety and in freedom and of being protected by law. It gives security to life, liberty and the other privileges of dwelling in a civilized community. It exacts in return a contribution to the support of that government m'casurcd by and based upon the in- come, in the fruition of which it defends him from unjust inter- ference. It is true of the present tax, as was said by Chief Justice Shaw in Bates c. Boston, 5 Cush. 93, at page 99, 'The assessment does not touch the fund, or control it; nor does it interfere with the trustee in the exercise of his proper duties; nor call him, nor hold him, to any accountability. It affects only the income, after it has been paid by the trustee' to the beneficiary." We see no reason to doubt the correctness of this view of the nature and effect of the Massachusetts statute, and shall accept it for the purpose of considering the federal question before us, which arises :Prom the contention of the plaintiff in error that the imposition of the tax was a denial of due process of law within the protection of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal Con- stitution, because, it is alleged, the effect of the statute is to subject property to taxation which is beyond the limits and outside the 272 AIAGUIRE V. TREFKY. [CHAP. II. jurisdiction of the State. To support this contention the plaintiff in error relies primarily upon the decision of this court in Union Eefrigerator Transit Co v. Kentucky, 199 U. S. 194. In that case we held that tangible, personal property, permanently located in another State than that of the owner, where it had acquired a situs, and was taxed irrespective of the domicile of the owner, — was beyond the taxing power of the State, and that an attempt to tax such property at the owner's domicile was a denial of due process of law under the Fourteenth Amendment. This ruling was made with reference to cars of the Transit Company permanently em- ployed outside the State of the owner's residence. In that case this court in the opinion of Mr. Justice Brown, speaking for it, expressly said that the taxation of intangible personal property was not involved. (199 U. S. 211.) It is true that in some instances we have held that bonds and bills and notes although evidences of debt have come to be regarded as property which may acquire a taxable situs at the place where they are kept, which may be elsewhere than at the domicile of the owner. These cases rest upon the principle that such instruments are more than mere evidences of debt, and may be taxed in the jurisdiction where located, and where they receive the protection of local law and authority. Blackstone v. Miller, 188 U. S. 189, 206. People ex rel. Jefferson v. Smith, 88 N. Y. 576, 585. At the last term we held in DeGanay v. Lederer, 250 U. S. 376, that stocks and bonds issued by domestic corporations, and mortgages secured on domestic real estate, although owned by an alien non-resident, but in the hands of an agent in this country with authority to deal with them, were subject to the Income Tax Law of October 3, 1913, 38 Stat. 166. In the present case we are not dealing with the right to tax securities which have acquired, a local situs, but are concerned with the right of the State to tax the beneficiary of a trust at her resi- dence, although the trust itself may be created and administered under the laws of another State. In Fidelity & Columbia Trust Company v. Louisville, 245 U. S. 54, we held that a bank deposit of a resident of Kentucky in the Bank of another State, where it was taxed, might be taxed as a credit belonging to the resident of Kentucky. In that case Union Eefrigerator Transit Co. v. Kentucky, supra, was distinguished, and the principle was affirmed that the State of the owner's domi- cile might tax the credits of a resident although e\idenced by debts due from residents of another State. This is the general rule rec- ognized in the maxim " mohilia sequuntur personam," and justify- ing, except under exceptional circumstances, the taxation of credits and beneficial interests in property at the domicile of the owner. We have pointed out in other decisions that the principle of that maxim is not of universal application and may yield to the ex- igencies of particular situations. But we think it is applicable here. It is true that the legal title of the property is held by the trustee BECT. .] MAGUIRE V. TREFRY. 273 in Pennsylvania. But it is so held for the benefit of the beneficiary of the trust, and such beneficiary has an equitable right, title and interest distinct from its legal ownership. " The legal owner holds the direct and absolute dominion over the property in the view of the law ; but the income, profits, or benefits thereof in his hands, belong wholly, or in part, to others." 2 Story's Equity, 11th ed., § 9(54. It is tins property riglit belonging to the beneficiary, realized in the shape of income, which is the subject-matter of the tax under the statute of Massachusetts. The beneficiary is domiciled in Massachusetts, has the protection of her laws, and there receives and holds the income from the trust property. We find nothing in the Fourteenth Amendment which prevents the taxation in Massachusetts of an interest of this char- acter, thus owned and enjoyed by a resident of the State. The case presents no difference in principle from the taxation of credits evidenced by the obligations of persons who are outside of the State which are held taxable at the domicile of the owner. Kirt- land V. Hotchkiss, 100 U. S. 491. AVe find no error in the judgment and the same is Affirmed. Dissenting, Mr. Justice McReynolds. 2TJ: MAINE V. Gli.VXD TKUXK RAILWAY CO. [cHAP. III. CHAPTER III EXCISE TAX. MAIXE V. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY CO. Supreme Court of the United Statp:s, 1893. [Reported 142 U. S. 217.] Field, J. Tlie tax, for tlie collection of which this action is brought, is an excise tax upon the defendant corporation for the privilege of exercising its franchises within the State of Maine. It is so declared in the statute which inijjoses it; and that a tax of this character is within the power of the State to levy there can be no question. The designation does not always indicate merely an inland imposition or duty on the consumption of commodities, but often denotes an impost for a license to pursue certain callings, or to deal in special commodities, or to exercise particular fran- chises. It is used more frequently, in this country, in the latter sense than in any other. The privilege of exercising tlie franchises of a corporation within a State is generally one of value, and often of great value, and the subject of earnest contention. It is natural, therefore, that the corporation should be made to bear same pro- portion of the burdens of government. As the granting of the privilege rests entirely in the discretion of the State, whetlier the corporation be of domestic or foreign origin, it may be conferred upon such conditions, pecuniary or otherwise, as the State in its judgment may deem most conducive to its interests or policy. It may require the payment into its treasury, each year, of a specific sum, or may apportion the amount exacted according to the value of the business permitted, as disclosed by its gains or receipts of the present or past years. The character of the tax, or its validity, is not determined by the mode adopted in fixing its amount for any specific period or the times of its payment. The whole field of in- quiry into the extent of revenue from sources at the command of the corporation, is open to the consideration of the State in de- termining what may be justly exacted for the privilege. The rule of apportioning the charge to the receipts of the business would seem to be eminently reasonable, and likely to produce the most satisfactory results, both to the State and the corporation taxed. The court below held that the imposition of the taxes was a regulation of com,merce, interstate and foreign, and therefore in conflict v/ith the exclusive power of Congress in that respect; and on that ground alone it ordered judgment for the defendant. This ruling was founded upon the assumption that a reference by the CHAP, III.] MAINK V. GitAND TUUNK KAII.WAY CO. 275 statute to the transportation receipts and to a certain percentage of the same in determining the amount of the excise tax, was in effect the imposition of the tax upon sueli receipts, and therefore an i liter ferorKc with interstate and foreign commerce. But a resort lo those ix'ceipts was simply to a.scertain the value of the business (k)ne bv tlie corporation, and thus oljtain a guide to a reasonable conclusion as to the amount of the excise tax which should be levied; and we are unable to perceive in that resort any interference with transportation, domestic or foreign, (ner tlie road of the railroad company, or any regulati(jn of conimcrce which consists in such transportation. If the amount ascertained were specifically im- posed as the tax, no objection to its validity would be pretended. And if the inquiry of the State as to the value of the privilege were limited to receipts of certain past years instead of the year in which the tax is collected, it is conceded that the validity of the tax would not be affected; and if not, we do not see how a reference to the results of any other year could affect its character. There is no levy by the statute on tlie receipts tliemselves, either in form or fact; they constitute, as said above, simply the means of ascertaining the value of the privilege conferred. This conclusion is sustained by the decision in Home Insurance Co. V. New York, 134 U. S. 5;)-i. The Home Insurance Company was a corporation created under the laws of Xew York, and a por- tion of its capital stock was invested in bonds of the United States. By an act of the legislature of that State, of 1881, it was declared that every corporation, joint stock company or a=sociation, then or thereafter incorporated under any law of the State, or of any other Stiite or country, and doing business in tlie State, with certain designated exceptions not material to the question involved, should be subject to a tax upon its corporate francliise or business, to be computed as follows: if its dividend or dividends made or declared during the year ending the first day of November, amounted to six per centum or more upon the par value of its capital stock, then the tax was to be at the rate of one-quarter mill upon the capital stock for each one per cent of the dividends. A less rate was provided where there was no dividend or a dividend less than six per cent. The purpose of the act was to fix the amount of the tax each year upon the franchise or business of the corpo- ration by the extent of dividends upon its capital stock, or, where there were no dividends, according to the actual value of the capital stock during the year. The tax payable by the company, estimated according to its dividends, under that law, aggregated seven thou- sand five hundred dollars. The company resisted its payment, asserting that the tax was, in fact, levied upon the capital stock of the company, contending that there should be deducted from it a sum hearing the same ratio thereto that the amount invest;ed in bonds of the United States bore to its capital stock, and that the law requiring a tax, without such reduction, was unconstitutional and void. It was held that the tax was not upon the capital stock of the company nor upon any bonds of the United States 276 THOMAS i'. TNITED STATES. [cUAr, III. composing a part of that stock, but upon the corporate fran- chise or business of the company, and that reference was only made to its capital stock and dividends for the purpose of deter- mining the amount of the tax to be exacted each year. And the court said : " The validity of the tax can in no way be de- pendent upon the mode which the State may deem fit to adopt in fixing the amount for any year which it will exact for the franchise. No constitutional objection lies in the way of a legis- lative body prescribing any mode of measurement to determine the amount it will charge for the privileges it bestows." The case of Philadelphia and Southern Steamship Co. v. Penn- sylvania, 122 U. S, 326, in no way confiicts with this decision. That was tlie case of a tax, in terms, upon the gross receipts of a steamship company, incorporated under the laws of the State, derived from the transportation of persons and property between different States and to and from foreign countries. Such tax was held, without any dissent, to be a regulation of interstate and foreign commerce, and, therefore, invalid. We do not question the correctness of that decision, nor do the views we hold in this case in any way qualify or impair it. It follows from what we have said, that the judgment of the court below must be Reversed, and the cause remanded, ivith directions to enter judgment in favor of the State for the amount of the taxes demanded; and it is so ordered. Bradley^ Harlan^ Lamar and Brown dissented. THOMAS V. UNITED STATES. Supreme Court of the United States. 1904. [Reported 192 U. S. 363.] George C. Thomas was indicted for violation of the internal revenue laws of the United States in that, being a broker in the city of New York, he sold certain shares of Atchison preferred stock and omitted the required revenue stamps from the mem- orandum of sale. He demurred to the indictment on the ground that the act of June 13, 1898, 30 Stat. 448, c. 448, which required the stamps to be affixed, was unconstitutional. The demurrer was overruled, the court, Thomas, J., delivering an opinion. 115 Fed. Rep. 207. Trial was had, defendant found guilty, and judgment rendered, sentencing him to pay a fine of five hundred dollars. The case was then brought here on writ of error. Fuller, C. J. By the first clause of section eight of article I of the Constitution, Congress is empowered " to lay and collect CHAP. III.] THOMAS r. united states. 277 taxes, duties, imposte and excises," "but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States." This division of taxation into two classes is recognized through- out the Constitution. By clause three of section two, representatives and direct taxes are required to be apportioned according to the enumeration pre- scribed, and by clause four of section nine, no cajutJition or other direct tax can be laid except according to that enumeration. By clause one of section nine, the migration or importation of persons by the States was not to be prohibited prior to 1808, but a tax or duty could be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. By clause five it is provided: "No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State," By clause two of section ten, no State can, "without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws." By clause three the States are forbidden, without the con- sent of Congress, to "lay any duty of tonnage." And these two classes, taxes so-called, and " duties, imposts and excises," apparently embrace all forms of taxation contemplated by the Constitution. As was observed in Pollock v. Farmers' Ix)an and Trust Company, 157 U. S. 429, 557: "Although there have been from time to time intimations that there might be some tax which was not a direct tax nor included under the words ' duties, imposts and excises,' such a tax for more than one hundred years of national existence has as yet remained undiscovered, notwith- standing the stress of particular circumstances has invited thorough investigation into sources of revenue." The present case involves a stamp tax on a memorandum or contract of sale of a certificate of stock, which plaintiff in error claims was unlawfully exacted because not falling within the class of duties, imposts and excises, and being, on the contrary, a direct tax on property. There is no occasion to attempt to confine the words duties, imposts and excises to the limits of precise definition. "We think that they were used comprehensively to cover customs and excise duties imposed on importation, consumption, manufacture and sale of certain commodities, privileges, particular business transactions, vocations, occupations and the like. Taxes of this sort have been repeatedly sustained by this court, and dii^tinguished from direct taxes under the Constitution. As in Hylton r. United States, 3 Dallas, 171, on the use of carriages; in Nicol r. Ames, 173 U. S. 509, on sales at exchanges or boards of trade; in Knowlton v. Moore, 178 U. S. 41, on the transmission of property from the dead to the living; in Treat v. White, 181 U. S. 264, on agreements to sell shares of stock denominated " calls " by New York stock brokers; in Patton v. Brady, 184 U. S. 608, on tobacco manufactured for consumption. Brown r. Maryland, 12 Wheat. 419, and Fairbank i*. United 278 NEW YOEiv ex rel. hatch v. keardon. [chap. hi. States, 181 U. S. 283, are not in point. In the one the clause of the Constitution was considered which forbids any State, with- out the consent of Congress, to "lay any imposts or duties on im- ports or exports," and in the other, that "no tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State." The distinction between direct and indirect taxes was not involved in either case. The sale of stocks is a particular business transaction in the exercise of the privilege afforded by the laws in respect to cor- porations of disposing of property in the form of certificates. The stamp duty is contingent on the happening of the event of sale, and the element of absolute and unavoidable demand is lacking. As such it falls, as stamp taxes ordinarily do, within the second class of the forms of taxation. Judgment affirmed. NEW YOEK ex rel. HATCH v. EEARDON. Supreme Coukt of the United States. 1906. [Revorted 204 V. 8. 152.] Holmes, J. This is a writ of error to revise an order dismissing a writ of liaheas corpus and remanding the relator to the custody of the defendant in error. The order was made by a single Justice and affirmed successively by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, 110 App. Div. 821, and by the Court of Appeals, 184 N. Y. 431. The facts are these: The relator, Hatch, a resident of Con- necticut, sold in New York to one Maury, also a resident of Con- necticut, but doing business in New York, one hundred shares of the stock of the Southern Eailway Company, a Virginia corporation, and one hundred shares of the stock of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Eailroad Company, a Wisconsin corporation, and on the same day and in the same place received payment and delivered the cer- tificates, assigned in blank. He made no memorandum of the sale and affixed to no document any stamp, and did not otherwise pay the tax on transfers of stock imposed by the New York Laws of 1905, c. 241. He was arrested on complaint, and thereupon peti- tioned for this writ, alleging that the law was void under the Four- teenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. The statute in question levies a tax of two cents on each hundred dollars of face value of stock, for every sale or agreement to sell the same, etc. ; to be paid by affixing and cancelling stamps for the requisite amount to the books of the company, the stock certificate, or a memorandum required in certain cases. Failure to pay the tax is made a misdemeanor punisliable by fine, imprisonment, or both. There is also a civil penalty attached. The petition for the writ sets up only the Fourteenth Amendment, as we have mentioned, but both sides have argued the case under the commerce clause of the Constitution, Art. T, section 8, as well, and we shall say a few words on that aspect of the question. CHAP. ITT.] NEW YOI?K CX rel. UATCTI V. UEARDOX. 279 It is true that a very similar stamp act of the United States, the act of Juue 13, 1898, c. 448, § ^5, Seliedule A, 30 tStat. 448, 458, was upheld iiT Thomas v. United States, 1U2 U. S. 303, But it is argued that (lill'iTeiit considerations apply to tlie States and the tax is said to be had iimlci- the Fourteenth Aniendmeut for several reasons. In tiie hrst place it is said to be an arbitrary dis- crimination. This objeetion to a tax nmst be approached with the greatest caution. The general expressions of the Amendment must not be allowed to upset familiar and long-established methods and processes by a formal elaboration of rules which its words do not import. See Michigan Central liaili'oad Co. v. Powers, 201 U. S. 245, 21)3. Stamp acts necessarily are confined to certain classes of transactions, and to classes which, considered economically or from the legal or other possible points of view, are not very different from otiior classes that escape. You cannot have a stamp act with- out something that can be stamped conveniently. And it is easy to contend that justice and equality cannot be measured by the convenience of the taxing ])ower. Yet the economists do not con- demn stamp acts, and neither does the Constitution. The objection did not take this very broad form to be sure. But it was said that there was no basis for the separation of sales of stock from sales of other kinds of personal property, for instance, especially, bonds of the same or other companies. But bonds in most cases pass bv delivery and a stamp tax hardly could be en- forced. See further, Nicol v. Ames, 173 U. S. 509, 522, 523. In Otis V. Parker, 187 U. S. 60(5, ])ractical grounds were recognized as sufficient to warrant a ])rohibition, which did not apply to sales of other property, of sales of stock on margin, although this same argument was pressed with great force. A fortiori do they warrant a tax on sales, which is not intended to discriminate against or to discourage them, but simply to collect a revenue for the benefit of the whole community in a convenient way. It is urged further that a tax on sales is really a tax on prop- erty, and that therefore the act, as applied to the sliares of a foreign corporation owned by non-residents, is a taking of pi'operty without due process of law. Union Pefrigerator Transit Co. v. Kentucky, 199 U. S, 194. This argument presses the expressions in Brown v. Maryland, 12 Wheat. 419, 444; Fairbank v. United States, 181 U. S. 283, and intervening cases, to new applications, and farther than they properly can be made to go. Whether we are to distinguish or to identify taxes on sales and taxes on goods depends on the scope of tlie constitutional provision concerned. Compare Foppiano v. Speed, 199 U. S. 501, 520. A tax on foreign bills of lading may be held equivalent to a tax on exports as against Article I, section 9 ; a license tax on importers of foreign goods may bo hold an un- authorized interferonco M'ith commerce ; and yet it would be con- sistent to sustain a tax on sales within the State as against the Fourteenth Amendment so far as tliat alone is concerned. What- ever the right of parties engaged in commerce among the States, a sale depends in part on the law of the State where it takes place for 2S0 ^'E^v york cx rel. hatch v. keaedon. [chap. hi. its validity and, in the courts of that State, at least, for the mode of proof. No one would contest the power to enact a statute of frauds for such transactions. Therefore the State may make parties pay for the help of its laws, as against this objection. A statute requir- ing a memorandum in writing is quite as clearly a regulation of the business as a tax. It is unnecessary to consider other answers to this point. Yet another ground on which the owners of stock are said to be deprived of their property without due process of law is the adoption of the face value of the shares as the basis of the tax. One of the stocks was worth thirty dollars and seventy-five cents a share of the face value of one hundred dollars, the other one hundred and seventy-two dollars. The inequality of the tax, so far as actual values are concerned, is manifest. But, here again equality in this sense has to yield to practical considerations and usage. There must be a fixed and indisputable mode of ascertain- ing a stamp tax. In another sense, moreover, there is equality. When the taxes on two sales are equal the same number of shares is sold in each case ; that is to say, the same privilege is used to the same extent. Valuation is not the only thing to be considered. As was pointed out by the Court of Appeals, the familiar stamp tax of two cents on checks, irrespective of amount, the poll tax of a fixed sum, irrespective of income or earning capacity, and many others, illustrate the necessity and practice of sometimes substitut- ing count for weight. See Bell Gap Railroad Co. v. Pennsylvania, 134 U. S. 232; Merchant & Manufacturers' Bank v. Pennsylvania, 167 U. S. 461. Without going farther into a discussion which, perhaps, could have been spared in view of the decision in Thomas V. United States, 192 U. S. 363, and the constitutional restrictions upon Congress, we are of opinion that the New York statute is valid, 60 far as the Fourteenth Amendment is concerned. The other ground of attack is that the act is an interference with commerce among the several States. Cases were imagined, which, it was said, would fall within the statute, and yet would be cases of such commerce; and it was argued that if the act embraced any such cases it was void as to them, and, if void as to them, void altogether, on a principle often stated. United States v. Ju Toy, 198 U. S. 253, 262. That the act is void as to transactions in com- merce between the States, if it applies to them, is thought to be shown by the decisions concerning ordinances requiring a license fee from drummers, so called, and the like. Eobbins v. Shelby County Taxing District, 120 U. S. 489; Stockard v. Morgan, 185 U. S. 27; Rearick v. Pennsylvania, 203 U. S. 507. But there is a point beyond which this court does not consider arguments of this sort for the purpose of invalidating the tax laws of a State on constitutional grounds. This limit has been fixed in many cases. It is that unless the party setting up the unconstitu- tionality of the state law belongs to the class for whose sake the constitutional protection is given, or the class primarily protected, this court does not listen to his objections, and will not go into ciiAr. III.] ^'K\v YOUK ex rel. hatch r. keaedox. 281 imaginary cases, notwithstanding the seeming logic of the position that it must do so, because ii' tor any reason, or as against any class embraced, tlie law is unconstitutional, it is void as to all. Super- visors V. Stanley, 105 U. S. 3U5, 311; Clark v. Kansas City, 17G U. S. 114, 118; Lampasas v. Bell, 180 U. S. 276, 283, 28-1; Cronin V. Adams, 1!)2 U. S. 108, 11-4. If the law is valid when confined to the class of the party before the court, it may be more or less of a speculation to inquire what exceptions the state court may read into general words, or how far it may sustain an act tliat partially fails. With regard to taxes, especially, perhaps it might be assumed that tlie legislature meant them to be valid to whatever extent they could be sustained, or some other peculiar principle might be applied. See e. g. People's National Bank v. Marye, 191 C. S. 2T2, 283. Whatever the reason, the decisions are clear, and it was because of them that it was inquired so carefully in the drummer cases whether the party concerned was himself engaged in commerce between the States. Stockard v. Morgan, 185 U. S. 27, 30, 35, 36; Caldwell v. North Carolina, 187 U. S. 6-22; Eearick r. Pennsylvania, 203 U. S. 507. Therefore we begin with the same inquiry in this case, and it is plain that we can get no farther. There is not a shadow of a ground for calling the transaction described such com- merce. The comnmnications between the parties were not between different States, as in Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Texas, 105 U . S. 460, and the bargain did not contemplate or induce the trans- port of property from one State to another, as in the drummer cases, liearick v. Pennsylvania, supra. The bargain was not affected in any way, legally or practically, by the fact that the parties happened to have come from another State before they made it. It does not appear that the petitioner came into New York to sell his stock, as it was put on his behalf. It appears only that he sold after coming into the State. But we are far from implying that it would have made any difference if he had come to New York with the supposed intent before any bargain was made. It is said that the property sold was not within the State. The immediate object of sale was the certificate of stock present in New York. That document was more than evidence, it was a con- stituent of title. No doubt, in a more remote sense, the object was the membership or share which the certificate conferred or made attainable. More remotely still it was an interest in the property of the corporation, which might be in other States than either the corporation or the certificate of stock. But we perceive no relevancy i'i the analysis. The facts that the property sold is outside of the State and the seller and buyer foreigners are not enough to make a sale commerce with foreign nations or among the several States, and that is all that there is here. — On the general question there should be compared with the drummer cases the decisions on the other side of the line. Nathan v. I/niisiana, 8 TIow. 73 ; Woodruff V. Parham, 8 Wall. 123; Brown v. Houston, 114 U. S. 622; Emert V. Missouri, 156 U. S. 2sJ6. A tax is not an unconstitutional regu- lation in every case where an absolute prohibition of sales would be 282 EQUIT. LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY V. PENX. [ciIAl'. III. one. American Steel and Wire Co. v. Speed, 192 U. S. 500. We think it unnecessary to explain at greater length the reasons for our opinion that the petitioner has suti'ered no unconstitutional wrong. Order affirmed. EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUEANCE SOCIETY v. PENNSYLVANIA. Supreme Court of the United States. 1915. [Reported 238 U. 8. 143.] Holmes, J. The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, the plaintilf in error, does business in Pennsylvania. By an act of June 28, 1895, that State levies an annual tax of two per cent upon the gross premiums of every character received from business done within the State during the preceding year. The Company paid large taxes under this act, but appealed to the state courts from charges made by the State Accounting Officer in respect of premiums for the years 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909 and 1910, paid to the Company outside the State by residents of Pennsylvania. The Supreme Court sustained the charge. 239 Pa. St. 288. The whole discussion there was whether these items fell within the statute. On that point of course the decision of the state court is final, and as the Company is a foreign corporation and this is held to be a tax for the privilege of doing business in the State, it is obvious that the scope of the question before us is narrow, being only whether the statute as construed deprives the Company of its property without due process of law, contrary to the Four- teenth Amendment, as alleged. It is true that the plaintiff in error suggests a further infraction of that amendment in an assumption by the Supreme Court of an unproved fact: that the beneficiaries of the policies lived in Pennsylvania. But it is enough to answer that we understand the decision when it uses the word beneficiaries to mean parties to tlie contracts, the insured, and that the assumption was warranted by the record as to them. The grounds for the only argument open are that a State cannot tax property beyond its jurisdiction, Union Transit Co. v. Kentucky, 199 U. S. 194; that it cannot effect that result indirectly by making the payment a condition of the right to do local business, Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Kansas, 216 IT. S. 1 ; Pullman Co. v. Kansas 216 U. S. 56; Ludwig v. Western Union Telegraph Co., 216 U. S. 146; and that as it could not prohibit the contracts it cannot im- pose the tax. Allgeyer v. Louisiana, 165 U. S. 578. In aid of the effort to make the foregoing decisions applicable it is argued that this is a property tax. But, as we have said, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania speaks of it as a tax for the privilege of doing business within the Commonwealth, and whether the statement CHAP. III.] EQUIT. LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY V. PENN. 283 is a construction of the act or not we a^ce with it so far at least as to assume that if tliat characterizatiou is necessary to sustain the tax, the Legislature meant to avail itself of any power appro- priate to that end. Without j^'oiiig into any preliminary matters that might he de- bated it is enough for us to say that we agree with the Supreme Court of the State in its line of reasoning; applying it to the claim of constitutional rights whicli that court did not discuss. The question is not what is doing business within a Stale in such a sense as to lay a foundation for service of process tliere. It being established that the relation of the foreign company to domestic policy holders constituted doing business within the meaning of the statute, tlie question is whetlier the Company may be taxed in respect of it, in this way, whatever it may he called. We are dealing with a corporation that has subjected itself to the juris- diction of the State; there is no question that the State has a right to tax it and the only doubt is whether it may take this item into account in fixing the ligure of the tax. Obviously the limit in that regard is a different matter from the inquiry whether the residence of a policy holder would of itself give jurisdiction over the Company. The argument of the state court is that the Com- pany is protecting its insured in Pennsylvania equally whether they pay their premiums to the Company's agent in Philadelphia or by mail or in person to another in New York. These arc policies of life insurance and according to the state- ment of the plaintiff in error are kept alive and renewed to residents of Pennsylvania by payments from year to year. The fact that the State could not prevent the contracts, so far as that may be true, has little bearing upon its right to consider the benefit tlms annually extended into Pennsylvania in measuring the value of the privileges tliat it does grant. We may add that the State profits the Company equally by protecting the lives insured, wherever the premiums are paid. The tax is a tax upon a privilege actually used. The only question concerns the mode of measuring the tax. Flint v. Stone Tracy Co., 220 U. S. 107, 162, 163. As to that a certain latitude must be allowed. It is obvious that many incidents of the contract are likely to be attended to in Pennsylvania, such as payment of dividends when received in cash, sending an adjuster into the State in case of dispute, or making proof of death. See Connecticut ^lut. Life Ins. Co. v. Spratloy, i:2 U. S. 602, 611; Pennsylvania Lumbermen's l\lut. Fire Ins. Co. v. Meyer, 197 V. S. 407, 415. It is not unnatural to take the policy holders residing in the State as a measure without going into nicer if not impracticable details. Taxation has to be determined by general principles, and it seems to us impossible to say that the rule adopted in Pennsylvania goes beyond what the Constitution allows. Judgment affirmed. 28-i COOK COUNTY V. FAIKBANK. [CHAP. III. COOK COUNTY V. FAIRBANK. Supreme Court of Illinois. 1906. [Reported 222 III. 578.] Haxd, J. This was an action of assnmpsit commenced by Kellogg Fairbank and Benjamin Carpenter, appellees, as the executors of the last will and testament of Nathaniel K. Fairbank, deceased, in the superior court of Cook county, against Cook county, the ap- pellant, to recover the sum of $1"^^50, which, as such executors, the appellees had paid under protest to Patrick J. Cahill, as clerk of the probate court of Cook county, for the docket fee provided to be paid in an act entitled "An act to provide for fees of clerks of probate courts in counties of the third class," approved May 39, 1879, in force July 1, 1879, and the various amendments thereto, (Kurd's Stat. 1905, par. 63, chap. 53, p. 1075,) which amount had been turned over by said Cahill, as such clerk, under the statute, to the treasurer of said Cook county prior to the bringing of this suit. The general issue was filed and the case was tried before the court without a jury, which trial resulted ip a finding and judgment in favor of the appellees for said sum of $1250 and costs, and Cook county has prosecuted an appeal direct to this court on the ground tliat the constitutionality of the paragraph of said statute which provides for the payment of said docket fee is in- volved, and upon propositions of law submitted was held to be void by the trial court, which paragraph reads as follows: " On application for the grant of letters testamentary, of ad- ministration, guardianship or conservatorship, it shall be the duty of the applicant to state in his or her petition the value of all the real and personal estate of such deceased person, infant, idiot, insane person, lunatic, distracted person, drunkard or spendthrift, as the case may be, and on the grant of letters testamentary, ad- ministration, guardianship or conservatorship, there shall be paid to the clerk of said probate court, from the proper estate, and charged as costs, a docket fee as follows: When the estate does not exceed $5000, $5; and the sum [of] one (1) dollar for each and every additional $1000 of the estate of such deceased person, infant, idiot, insane person, lunatic, distracted person, drunkard or spend- thrift as the case may l^e. In all cases where any deceased person shall leave him or her surviving a widow or children resident of this State, who are entitled out of said estate to a widow's or child's award, and the entire estate real and personal of such deceased person shall not exceed $2000, and in the case of any minor whose estate real and personal does not exceed the sum of $1000, and whose father is dead, and in all cases of any idiot, insane person, lunatic, or distracted person, drunkard or spendthrift, when such person has a wife or infant child dependent on such person for support, and the entire estate of such person shall not exceed the CHAP. III.] COOK COUNTY V. lAlUBANK. 285 sum of $2000, the probate judge (by order of court) sliall remit and release to such estate all of the costs herein provided for. In all estates not exceeding $500 in value, the judge of the probate court may in his discretion suspend, modify or remit the costs by order of court duly made." Tlie record siiows, without dispute, that the last will and testa- ment of Nathaniel K. Fairbank was duly proven, admitted to probate and ordered recorded in the probate court of Cook county on the 20th day of May, 1903, and on that day it was ordered that letters testamentary issue to the appellees; that on the fifth day of June following, the appellees denuuided of said Cahill that he issue and deliver to them said letters testamentary, which he declined to do unless they paid to him, as a condition precedent to their delivery, a docket fee of $1250 which had been taxed by him against said estate; tiuit thereupon the appellees filed their petition in the pro- bate court of said county, in which they represented that the affairs of said estate needed immediate and particular attention, and that they, as the executors thereof, could not enter upon the discharge of their duties as such executors %vithout possession of their letters testamentary and that great loss might come to said estate if the delivery of said letters was further delayed, which letters, they averred, the said Cahill, upon demand, had refused to deliver to them unless they first paid to him the sum of $1250 as a docket fee. They also averred the paragraph of the statute requiring the pay- ment of said docket fee was unconstitutional and void, and asked that said clerk be ordered to deliver said letters to them forthwith and without the payment of said docket fee. The prayer of the petition was denied, and the appellees again protested, in writing, against the payment of the said docket fee, but the clerk still per- sisted in his refusal to deliver said letters w'ithout the payment of said docket fee, whereupon the appellees paid to him, in open court, said sum of $1250, and thereupon brought this suit to recover back the amount so paid. We Avill first consider the constitutionality of the paragraph of the act of 1879 above set forth. Section 12 of article 10 of the constitution of 1870 provides: " The General Asseml)ly shall, by general law, uniform in its opera- tion, provide for and regulate tlie fees of said officers [State, county and township] and their successors, so as to reduce the same to a reasonable compensation for sendees actually rendered." While the amount demanded of the appellees by said clerk as a condition precedent to the delivery to them of their letters testa- mentary is designated in the statute "a docket fee," it is apparent that the amount exacted by the clerk was in no way measured by the amount or value of the services ])orformed by him, but the charge against the estate depended entirely upon the size or amount of the estate. If an estate does not exceed in value $2000 no docket fee is to be taxed. If it is more than that amount and does not exceed in value $5000 a docket fee of $5 is to be taxed, or if the estate is of the size of the Fairbank estate a fee of $1250 is to be taxed. 286 COOK COUNTY V. FAIRBANK. [oilAP. III. although the docketing of the estate, in each case, in the office of the clerk of the probate court would require the same amount of labor by the clerk, and no more. The provision of the constitution above referred to, required the General Assembly, by general law, uniform in its operation, to regulate the fees of county officers in such manner that the fees charged and collected by them shall be "a reasonable compensation for services actually rendered." Clearly, the. framers of that provision of the constitution intended that the fees of probate courts in counties of the third class should be based upon the amount, quality and character of the services performed by the clerks of said courts, and not arbitrarily fixed on the basis of the value or amount of the estates which might pass through those courts, and we think it evident the amount designated in said statute as a docket fee was not intended by the framers of said statute to represent the value of services actually rendered by the probate clerk in each estate in docketing the estate, but that said statute was intended by its framers to furnish a means whereby the public revenues of counties of the third class in the State would be increased, by collecting through the probate court a charge upon the designated estates. The amount sought to be retained by the probate clerk was therefore, properly speaking, not a fee, but was a burden or charge imposed upon said estate to raise money for public purposes, regardless of the value of the services actually rendered the estate, which is in conflict with the constitutional provision hereinbefore set forth, and which would bring said burden or charge within the well recognized definition of a tax, which may, in a gen- eral sense, be defined to be a burden or charge imposed by the legis- lative power of the State upon persons or property for public uses. Dalrymple v. City of Milwaukee, 53 Wis. 178. The view that a charge fixed by statute for the service to be performed by an officer where the charge has no relation to the value of the services performed, and where, as here, the amount collected eventually finds its way into the treasury of the branch of govern- ment whose officer or officers collect the charge, is not a fee but a burden or charge in the nature of a tax, has been held in numerous cases in the United States. In State v. Case, 1 L. R. A. (N. S.) 152, decided by the Supreme Court of Washington in July, 1905, and wherein was involved the constitutionality of a statute which re- quired the payment of $5 in probate proceedings at the time the first paper was filed, and thereafter, when the appraisement was returned into court, an additional sum was to be paid, as follows: $2.50 for estates between $1000 and $2000, increasing on a sliding scale, depending on the value of the estate, the court said (p. 155) : " It is true the statute calls the charge a ' fee,' but if it is apparent upon the face of the statute that the charge is, in fact, not based upon actual and necessary services rendered or to be rendered, but is based entirely upon a property valuation_, thereby partaking of the nature of tax, it would seem to be wholly immaterial by what name the statute may designate it. . . . His service [those of the. clerk] in the premises are purely clerical, and the amount CHAP. III.] COOK COUNTY V. FAIRBANK. 287 thereof depends upon the filings and records of each particular case, which can in no reasonable sense be said Uj depend in each given case upon the value of the estate. It seems clear, therefore, that this statute exacts payments regulated by property valuations alone, and that it must therefore be a tax upon property. In State v. Mann, 76 Wis. 4G!), mandamus was brought to compel the county judge to proceed with the administration of an estate. The statute re(]uire(l the administrators to pay to the county treas- ury, for the use of the county, in lieu of fees, a sum equal to one- half of one per cent on $500,000 of the appraised value of said estate and one-tenth of one per cent on the excess, which amounts, as taxed, aggregated the sum of $2,631.95. Payment was required on the return and approval of the inventory and was made a part of tlie expense of administration. The court, in holding the act unconstitutional, on page 477, said : " Besides, the amount of this exaction is in no way dependent upon the amount or value of such services of the judge or register of probate, but depends entirely upon such valuation or appraisal of the estate. . . . Compensation for services must necessarily be graduated by the amount, quality and character of the services. But here the amount exacted bears no relation to such services. . . . We must hold that the exaction in question is not a probate fee, nor in lieu of nor equivalent to a probate fee. It is nothing less than a charge imposed by the legis- lature as a condition precedent to allowing the county court to proceed with the administration of this estate. Such charge is neceesarily a burden so imposed upon such administrators or such estate, or both, to raise money for public purposes. This brings it within a well recognized definition of a tax. ... It is very obvious that the charge imposed by the act in question is essentially a tax." And in State v. Gorman, 40 Minn. 232, mandamus was brought to compel the probate court to proceed with the settlement of an estate, which it had refused to do until the sura of $5000 was paid. The statute provided graduated fees, dependent upon the value of the estate as shown by the inventor}'-. Between $2000 and $5000 a fee of $10 was exacted, ascending with the value of the estate, until it provided that in estates of over $500,000 a fee of $5000 should be charged. The court, on page 233, said : " But the sums required by this act to be paid into the county treasury must be re- garded as taxes, in the ordinary sense of that word and as it is used in the constitution. They are not in any proper sense fees or costs assessed impartially or with regard to the expense occasioned or services performed. The amounts are regulated wholly, but arbitrarily, with regard to the value of the estate. They have no proximate relation to the amount of the compensation to be paid to the probate judge, nor to the other expenses of the court, nor to the nature or extent of the services wliich may become necessary in the proceedings. There is no necessary, natural or even probable correspondence between the sums to be paid (widely different in amounts with respect to estates of different values) and the nature 288 COOK COUNTY V. FAIKBANK. [cHAP. III. of the proceedings, or the character or extent of the services which may be required in the probate court." And Fatjo v. Pfister, 117 Cal. 83, was an action in which the clerk of the superior court of Santa Clara county was sought to be coerced to file an inventory and appraisement, which he had refused to do until the sum of $200 was paid him as fees. The statute required the payment of $5 on the filing of the petition for letters of administration, also an additional payment of one dollar for each $1000 of the appraised valuation of the estate in excess of $3000, as shown by the inventory- and appraisement. The Supreme Court held the charge to be a tax, saying (p. 85) : "It is perfectly plain that the legislature has attempted, by that portion of sec- tion 1 above quoted, to levy a property tax upon all estates of de- cedents, infants and incompetents. The ad valorem charge for filing the inventory is in no sense a fee or compensation for the services of the officer, which are the same, as respects this matter, in every estate, large or small. To call it a fee is a transparent evasion." If the General Assembly, under the guise of a docket fee, has attempted, as we think it is apparent it has, to levy a property tax upon all estates of deceased persons, infants, idiots, insane persons, lunatics, distracted persons, drunkards and spendthrifts whose estates exceed the amounts designated in said statute and which are brought into the probate court of counties of the third class, then the paragraph attempting to impose said tax is clearly uncon- stitutional for numerous reasons other than that pointed out above. First, it violates section 13 of article 4 of the constitution of this State, because it embraces more than one subject and subjects that are not included in its title ; second, it violates section 3 of article 9 of the constitution, in that it provides for exemptions of property from taxation not specified in said section; third, it subjects the property of the estate to double taxation, as it appears that the ex- ecutors had paid all the taxes due upon the real and personal prop- erty of the estate in the years 1902 and 1903 ; and fourth, it violates section 1 of article 9 of the constitution, in this : that a tax is levied which is not equal or uniform as to the class upon which it operates. Nor can the charge or burden imposed be sustained upon the ground that it amounts to no more than an inheritance or succession tax. The contention that it does amount to such tax is fully met by the fact that the statute in express terms applies not only to the estates of deceased persons, but also to the estates of infants, idiots, insane persons, lunatics, distracted persons, drunkards and spend- thrifts. The tax here imposed is levied upon the body of the entire estate if it exceeds $2000 in value, whether the estate is solvent or insolvent, while an inheritance or succession tax is imposed, not as a tax upon the estate, but upon the right of succession. ( Kocher- sperger v. Drake, 167 111. 122; Magoun v. Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, 170 U. S. 283.) In the Fatjo case the Supreme Court of California said upon this branch of the case: "And it is not merely an inheritance tax or at all analogous to an inheritance tax, as CHAP, in.] COOK COUNTY I'. FAIEBANK. 289 counsel would contend, for, in the first place, it applies not only to the estates of decedents, but also to the estates of minors and in- competents under guardianship; and as to the estates of decedents, it applies not to the distributable residue after payment of debts and expenses of administration, but to the whole body of the estate, and would be collectible, if the law were valid, from an insolvent estate as well as from one of equal appraised value and with no liabilities." And in State v. Case, supra, the Supreme Court of Washington, in reviewing two cases cited in support of the con- stitutionality of the statute under consideration in tliat case, said (p. 155): "Neither of said cases relates to property taxation. The first discusses the Inheritance Tax law, and expressly holds that such a tax is not a property tax but is a mere charge for the privilege of succession to the ownership and enjoyment of property, following Magoun v. Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, 170 U. S. 283, (42 L. ed. 1037, 18 Sup. Ct. Rep. 594,) which expressly dis- tinguished such a charge from property taxes, which must be uniform and equal under the State constitutions." It is urged by appellant that this court, in the case of People v. Hinrichsen, 161 111. 223, is committed to the view that the statute fixing the fees of the Secretary of State for incorporating corpora- tions, which are graduated according to the amount of the capital stock of the corporation, is a valid exercise of legislative power. We are of the opinion there is a well marked line of distinction be- tween the Hinrichsen case and the case at bar. It is the same line of demarkation pointed out in the inheritance tax cases heretofore referred to. An inheritance tax was sustained on the ground that it was not a tax upon property but upon the right of succession, and that the State had the right to prescribe rules of descent and conditions upon which property should be inherited. So with the right of the State to establish fees in cases of persons desiring to organize corporations. A corporation is a creation of the legis- lature. Persons are not obliged to incorporate against their will. If, however, they do incorporate they must accept the burdens im- posed upon them by general law. Such, however, is not the case with the statute authorizing the collection of the docket fee men- tioned in the statute now under consideration. That, as was said by Judge Cassoday in State i'. Mann, supra, " is nothing less than a charge imposed by the legislature as a condition precedent to allowing the county court to proceed with the administration of this estate." Our conclusion is, that the paragraph of the statute of 1879 authorizing the collection of a docket fee is unconstitutional and void. Judgment affirmed. 290 ADAMS MOTOR CO. V. CLER. [CHAP. III. ADAMS MOTOR CO. v. CLER. Supreme Court of Georgia. 1920. [Reported 149 Ga. 818.] Beck, P. J. 1. The section of the general tax act passed by the General Assembly of Georgia in the year 1918, which the plaintiffs contend is invalid because it violates certain provisions of the State and Federal constitutions, is in the following language : " 12th. Automobiles. Upon every agent of, and upon every dealer in, and upon every person soliciting orders for the sale of automobiles, the sum set out below, viz. : In each county for each make of such vehicle only one such tax for such make for each agency to be taxed in any one county. Any agency having paid such tax to be allowed any number of employees within the county wherein such tax has been paid, free from such liabilities. Provided, that any person, firm, or corporation paying this tax shall be permitted to resell any automobile or other vehicle taken in exchange for automobiles, without the payment of additional tax. In each county with a population of less than 20,000, $27.50. In each county with a population of between 20,000 and 30,000, $55.00. In each county with a population of between 30,000 and 50,000, $82.50. In each county with a population of between 50,000 and 75,000, $110.00. In each county with a population of between 75,000 and 100,000, $165.00. In each county with a population of between 100,000 and 150,000, $220.00. In each county with a population exceeding 150,000, $275.00." The soundness of the criticisms upon this act depends upon whether the section in question makes an arbitrary and unreason- able classification of dealers in automobiles subject to the tax en- closed by this section. After careful consideration of the sub- ject of this inquiry it does not seem to us that the legislature, in exercising its right to make a classification for the purpose of imposing a tax like that in question, has acted arbitrarily and un- reasonably. It is settled law that a tax upon a business is not a tax upon property within the meaning of the ad valorem and uni- formity clauses of the constitution, and it is not a valid objection that another business or object is not taxed or is taxed a dif- ferent amount. The requirement of this kind of classification is that it shall be uniform upon all business of the same class. Weaver v. State, 89 Ga. 639 (15 S. E. 840), and cases there cited. Under the provisions of the section of the tax act in question, the classification is made with reference to the population of the county within which the business is carried on. ^nd to fix the amount of the tax according to the population of a county is fixing it with reference to a fact that is not arbitrarily chosen, but has some relation to the question of the amount of tax that would be right and proper. If the amount of tax fixed had to be precisely adjusted ClIAl'. 111.] ADAMS M0T(M: CO. V. CLICK. 291 80 as to impose the same burden upon every dealer in proportion to the amount of business done or tlie opportunity for doing busi- ness, it wouhl 1)0 extremely dillicult, if not impossible, to select any fact or standard by which tiie classification could be made. The only requirement is that the fact selected for the classification under which a tax like that in question is imposed shall not be arbitrary, but shall bear a reasonable relation to the tax imposed upon the business. It may be true that a county witii less than 20,000 population may in some cases afford a more profitable field for the conduct of business than an adjoinin<^ county havin<^ a population of 30,000; but it cannot be held that the Icg-islature in enacting the provision in question could not decide that there was a reasonable relation between the population of a county and the amount of business of a given character carried on in that county. Another ground taken by the plaintiffs is that the classification between dealers who deal in one make of automobiles and dealers who soil more than one make, without reference to the value of the automobile sold, is arlutrary, discriminatory, xmd unrccxsonable. And again we must reply that the fact selected by the legislature as a ground for classification bears an actual relation to the classi- fication made. As we said in discussing the other ground of attack upon the act, it may not precisely fix an amount adjusted to the amount of business that will be done by dealers in different classes, but it is a fact that might reasonably be taken into consideration in determining the tax to be imposed. In the case of Sawtell v. Atlanta, 138 Ga. 687 (75 S. E. 982), an ordinance of the City of Atlanta, imposing a tax of a fixed amount upon all ice houses, ice manufacturers, or agencies not employing more than five wagons for selling or delivery purposes, and for each adilitional wagon above the number of five an additional tax of $10, was held to be not invalid on the ground that it violated the constitutional pro- vision that all taxes must be uniform upon the same class of subjects. Under the ordinance there attacked, if the ice house employed one or five wagons, the tax was $50; but if it employed more than five wagons there was an additional tax of $10 for each additional wagon. And in the case of Witham v. Stewart, 129 Ga. 48 (58 S. E. 463), it was said: "Section 2, par. 2, of the act of the General Assembly, approved December 16th, 1902 (A. '02, p. 19), provides that a^* specific tax' of $10, for each of the fiscal years 1903 and 1904, shall be levied 'upon the presidents of each of the express, telegraph, steamboat, railroad, street-rail- road, telephone, electric-light, sleeping and palace-car companies, banks, building and loan associations, and gas companies doing business in this State.' HcM, that under the provisions of said act, where it appears tliat the same person is the president of two or more banks, a tax of $10 may be collected from such person for each bank of which he is president. It appearing in the present case that the plaintiff in error was the president of several banks doing business in this State, he was liable to be taxed in the amount 292 ADAMS MOTOR CO. V. CI>ER. [cHAP, III. specified in the above act for each bank of which he was the presi- dent/' 2. There is no merit in the contention that the classification was arbitrary, discriminatory, and unreasonable because of the provision permitting any person who has paid the tax to resell any automobile taken in exchange for an automobile without the pa}Tnent of an additional tax. The act in question not being invalid for any of the reasons set fortli above, it follows that it is not in violation of the due-process clause of the State and Federal constitutions. Judgment a/firmed. All the Justices concur. CIIAr. IV, 1 MOORE V. KUCKGABER. 203 CHAPTER IV. INHERITANCE TAX. MOORE V. RUCKGABER. Supreme Court of the United States. 1903. [Reported 184 U. S. 593.] This was also an action brought in the Circuit Court, for the Southern District of New York by Ruckgaber, as executor of the last will and testament of Louisa Augusta l^ipley-Pinede, against the Collector of Internal Revenue, to recover an inheritance tax paid to the defendant upon certain personal property in the city of New York. It was argued with Eidman v. Martinez, 184 U. S. 578. The material facts, as set forth in the certificate, are briefly as follows : The testatrix, Louisa Augusta Riple3'-Pinede, died at Ziirich, Switzerland, on September 25, 1898, being at that time a non-res- ident of the United States, and having, for at least eight years immediately preceding her death, been domiciled in, and a perma- nent resident of, the Republic of France. She left a will dated No- vember 6, 1890, which was made in New York and in conformity to the laws of that State, where the testatrix was then sojourning, Avhereby she be(iueathed all her personal property in the United States to her daughter, Carmelia von Groll, who was then, and is now, also a non-resident of the United States, domiciled in Germany. Said will was probated in the Surrogate's Court of Kings County, New York, on February 17, 1899, and letters testamentary were thereupon issued to the defendant in error, a resident of said county and State, who alone qualified as executor. At the time of her death the testatrix owned a claim in account current against one Carl Goe])el and one ^lax Ruckgaber, Jr., con- stituting the firm of Schulz & Ruckgaber, both of whom resided in the county of Kings and State of New York. She was also the owner of a share of stock in The Tribune Association, a New York corporation. The testatrix was also the owner of bonds and coupons of divers American corporations hereinafter particularly described. Said chose in action, stock, bonds and certificate constituted all the personal propertv of every kind in the United States of America referred to in the said will. The value of the said property of the testatrix at the date of her death, September 25, 1898^, as fixed and determined by appraisers dulv appointed, was $105,670.70. On or about the 15th dav of June, 1899, upon the written demand of the collector of internal revenue for the first district of New York, and under protest the executor did make and render in duplicate to the 294 MOORE I'. RUCKGABEK. [CHAP. IV. said collector a return of legacies arising from personal property of every kind whatsoever, being in charge of trust of said executor, passing from Louisa Augusta Kipley-Pinede to her said daughter by her will as aforesaid. The following questions of law which arose out of the foregoing facts were certitied to this court: " 1. Can the said personal property of the non-resident testatrix, Louisa Augusta Kipley-Pinede, actually located within the United States at the time of her death, September 25, 1898, be deemed to have a situs in the United States for the purpose of levying a tax or duty upon the transmission or receipt thereof under sections 29, 30 and 31 of the act of Congress entitled ' An act to provide ways and means to meet war expenditures, and for other purposes,' ap- proved June 13, 1898?" " 2. Was the transmission or receipt of the said personal prop- erty of the non-resident testatrix, Louisa Augusta Eipley-Pinede, which was actually located in the United States at the time of her death, September 25, 1898, subject to taxation under sections 29, 30 and 31 of the act of Congress entitled 'An act to provide ways and means to meet war expenditures, and for other purposes,' ap- proved Juno 13, 1898?" Brown, J. This case differs from the one just decided only in the fact that the will of the non-resident testatrix was executed in New York, November 6, 1890, during a temporary sojourn there, although, as in the preceding case, the testatrix was domiciled abroad, and bequeathed her personal property in New York to a daughter, who was married, and also lived abroad. There can be no doubt whatever that, if Madame Pinede had died intestate, the personal property would not have passed by the law '"of any State or Territory," (using the words of the act,) but by the laws of France. The question then is, whether the condition is changed, if the property pass under a will executed in this country. In the United States v. Hunnewell, 13 Fed. Rep. 617, cited in the preceding case, the will was executed in France, but the decision of Mr. Justice Grav, holding that the tax was not payable, was not put upon the ground that the will was executed in a foreign country, but upon the broader ground that the legacy duty was payable only upon the estate of persons domiciled within the United States, In delivering the opinion he observed : " Sec- tion 124" (of the similar act of 1864) "imposes a duty on legacies or distributive shares arising from personal property ' passing from any person possessed of such property, either by will, or by the intestate laws of any State or Territory;' it does not make the duty payable when 'the person possessed of such property' dies tes- tate, if it would not be payable if sucli person died intestate; and if Madame de la Valette had died intestate, her son would not have taken a distributive share 'by the intestate laws of any State or Territory,' but, if at all, by the law of France, the domicil of his mother at the time of her death. And section 125, by requir- ing the executor or administrator to pay the amount of this duty CHAP. IV.] MOORE V. EDCKGABEll, 295 to the ((jlloctor or deputy collector of the district of which the deceased person was a resident, leads to the same (-onclusion." The real question then is, as said by Mr. Justice Gray, whether the act makes the duty pa}able when tiie person possessed of sucli property dies testate, if it would not In; payable if such per- son (lied intestate, althou;L,di the actual question involved in this case differs from the one there involved, in the fact that in the Hunnetvell case the will was executed abroad, while in tiie present case it was executed in this country. Bearing in niiiul tJie fact that the tax in tliis case is not upon the property itself, but upon the transmission or devolution of such property, tiie question again recurs, as it did in the preceding case, whether the succession took effect in France or in New York. We are aided in the solution of this problem by the language of section 2694 of the New York Code of Civil Procedure, also cited in the preceding case, which is as follows: "Except where special provision is otherwise made by law, the validity and effect of a testamentary disposition of any other" (than real) "property sit- uated within the State, and the ownership and disposition of such property where it is not disposed of by will, are regulated by the laws of the Stale or country of which the decedent was a resident at the time of his death." Now as, if Madame Piuede had died without leaving a will, her property would have passed under the intestate laws of France and been exempt from this tax, it follows under the II unnewell case that it is equally exempt though it passed by will. The will of Madame Pinede is confined to her personal property in this country, and the record does not show whether she was possessed of other property in France or in any other foreign country. If she had, that property would either pass by will ex- ecuted there or under the intestate laws of her domicil. For reasons stated in the prior opinion, we do not think Congress contemplated by this act that the estates of deceased persons should be split up for the ])urposes of distribution or taxation, but that, so far as re- gards personal property, the law of the domicil should prevail. A question somewhat to the converse of this arose in the Estate of Romaine, 127 N. Y. 80, which was a proceeding to compel pay- ment of an inheritance tax by the administrator of the estate of Pomainc, wlio had died intestate in Virginia, leaving a brother and sister resident in New York, as his next of kin. The act of 1887 subjected to an inheritance tax "all property which shall pass by will or by the intestate laws of this State, from any person who may die seized or possessed of the same while a resident of this State, or if such decedent was not a resident of this State at the time of his death, which property or any part thereof shall be within this State." The question was whether the property of Komaine, who died in Virginia intestate, was subject to the tax. After decid- ing that the tax applied to two classes, namely, resident and non- resident decedents, the court observed : " But does it apply to all persons belonging to these two classes? It is not denied that it 296 MATTER OF CUMMI^'GS. [CHAP. IV. applies to all resident decendents, and to all non-resident testators, but it is contended that it does not apply to non-resident intestates because property ' which shall pass ... by the intestate laws of this State ' is expressly mentioned to the implied exclusion of prop- erty passing by the intestate laws of other States. This is the pos'ition of the appellant, whose learned counsel claims that the act, in its present form, was designed to meet cases of succession by will, but not of succession by intestacy, unless the intestate was a resident of this State. It is diflScult, however, to see why the legislature should discriminate simply for the purposes of taxation between the property of a non-resident decedent who made a will, and of one who did not. It is not probable that there was an intention to tax the estates of non-resident testators and to exempt those of non-resident intestates, because there is no foundation for such a distinction. . . . Property of the same kind, situated in the same place, receiving the same protection from the law, and administered upon in the same way, would naturally be required to contribute toward the expenses of government upon the same basis, regardless of whether its last owner died testate or intestate," By parity of reasoning, we think it follows that no discrimination was intended to be made between non-residents who died testate, even though the will were made in this country, and those who died intestate; and as we have held in the preceding case that the law does not apply to non-residents who died intestate, or testate under a will' executed abroad, w^e think it follows that it does not apply to deceased persons domiciled abroad who left property by will executed in this country. The questions certified must, therefore, he answered in the negative. MATTER OF CUMMINGS. Surrogate's Court, New York County. 1909, [Reported 63 N. Y. Misc. 621.] Cohalak, Surrogate. Appeal from an order fixing the tax. The decedent made a will by which he appointed the Merchants' Loan and Trust Company of Los Angeles, California, his executor, as to so much of his property as was situated in that State, He ap- pointed the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company of New York his executor as to so much of his property as was situated in this State. He died in 1904. Shortly after his death, a proceeding w^as brought in the Superior Court of Los Angeles, California, for the probate of his will. That court decided that the decedent w^as a resident of the State of California; that certain provisions of the will creating trust funds were invalid, and that that part of the property which was located in California and designated in the will as constituting a part of the trust fund should be distributed to his next of kin, in accordance with the intestate laws of California. The property CHAP. IV.] MATTEi: OF CL'.\r MINGS. 297 located in California was subsequently distributed among decedent's next of kin, in tlie manner provided by this decree, and in the pro- portion prescribed by the intestate laws of California. In 1!)0G, the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, as executor in this .State, com- menced a proceeding in the New York Supreme Court for the construction of decedent's will. The court decided tliat the decedent was a resident of the State; that tiie provisions of his will attempting to create certain trust funds wore invalid, and that such property shoukl be distributed in accordance with tiie intestate laws of this State. In the proceeding instituted by the New York executor to appraise the estate, in accordance with the provisions of the Trans- fer Tax Act, the appraiser included in the taxalde assets of the estate all the property of decedent which was situated in California, and which, under the decree of the Superior Court of Los Angeles, had been distributed among decedent's next of kin. The executor contends that the transfer of that property is not taxable here and has appealed from the order entered upon said report. Section 220 of the Transfer Tax Law provides : " A tax shall be and is hereby imposed upon the transfer of any property . . . first, when the trans- fer is by will or by the intestate laws of this State from any person dying seized or possessed of the property while a resident of this State." Before the tax can be imposed there must be a transfer of the property, either by will or by the intestate laws of this State. Assuming, in accordance witli the decision of the New York Su- preme Court, that the decedent was a resident of this State, if that part of his personal property which was situated in California passed or was transferred to his next of kin by virtue of the intestate laws of this State, such a transfer would be taxable here. Matter of Swift, 137 X. Y\ 77. But, at the time the New York court decided that he was a resident of this State, the property located in Cali- fornia had already been distributed under and by virtue of a de- cree of a court of competent jurisdiction in that State and in the proportion prescribed by the intestate laws of that State. The prop- erty having already been actually transferred under the intestate laws of the State of California, there was no property there which could be transferred under the intestate laws of this State. The theory that the property passed under the intestate laws of this State must give way to tlie fact that it was actually transferred under the intestate laws of the State of California. The Superior Court of Los Angeles being a court of competent jurisdiction, its decree was entitled to full faith and credit in this court. Tilt r. Kelsey, 207 IT. S. 43. Therefore, as the decedent's property in Cali- fornia was not transferred to his next of kin by virtue of the intestate laws of this State, the courts of this State have no jurisdiction to impose a tax upon the transfer of such property. The order fixing the tax should l)e reversed and the report remitted to the appraiser for the purpose of excluding from tlie taxable assets of the estate the value of decedent's property situated in California. Decreed accordinghj. 298 MAXWELI. V. BUGBEE. [CHAP. IV. MAXWELL V. BUGBEE. Supreme Court of the United States. 1919. [Reported 250 U. S. 525.] Day, J. These cases were argued and submitted together, in- volve the same constitutional questions, and may be disposed of in a single opinion. The attack is upon the inheritance tax law of the State of Xew Jersey, and is based upon certain provisions of the Federal Constitution. The statute has reference to the method of imposing inheritance taxes under the laws of the State. The constitutionality of the law upon both state and federal grounds was upheld in the McDonald case by the Court of Errors and Ap- peals, 90 N. J. L. 707. In the Hill case the judgment of the Su- preme Court of New Jersey (91 N. J. L. 454) was affirmed by the Court of Errors and Appeals, 92 N. J. L. 514. The statute under consideration is an act approved April 9, 1914 (P. L. 1914, p. 267), being an amendment to an act approved April 20, 1909 (P. L. 1909, p. 325), for taxing the transfer of property of resident and non-resident decedents by devise, bequest, descent, etc., in certain cases. The 1909 act is found in 4 Comp. Stats. N. J., p. 5301, et seq., the amendment in 1 Supp. Comp. Stats. N. J., pp. 1538-1542. The act of 1909, in its first section, imposed a tax upon the transfer of any property, real and personal, of the value of $500 or over, or of any interest therein or income therefrom, in trust or otherwise, to persons or corporations, includ- ing the following cases : "First. When the transfer is by will or by the intestate laws of this State from any person dying seized or possessed of the property while a resident of the State. " Second. When the transfer is by will or intestate law, of prop- erty within the State, and the decedent was a non-resident of the State at the time of his death." The taxes thus imposed were at the rate of 5 per cent, upon the clear market value of the property, with exemptions not necessary to be specified, and were payable to the treasurer for the use of the State of New Jersey. And by § 12 it was provided that upon the transfer of property in that State of a non-resident decedent, if all or any part of the estate, wherever situated, passed to persons or corporations who would have been taxable under the act if the decedent had been a resident of the State, such property located within the State was made subject to a tax bearing the same ratio to the entire tax which the estate of such decedent would have been subject to under the act if the non-resident decedent had been a resident of the State, as the property located in the State bore to the entire estate of such non-resident decedent wherever situated. CHAP. IV.] MAXWJiLL V. BUGBEE. 299 Tlie act, liaving first been amended by an act approved March 26, 1!)14 (P. L. 1!)14, p. 91), not necessary to be recited, was again amended by the act approved April 9, 1914, whicii is now under consideration (P. L. 1914, ]>. 207; 1 Supp. Comp. Stats. N. J., pp. 1538-1542). Sections 1 and 12 were amended, the former by confining the tax on the transfer of pro{)erty within the State of non-resident decedents to real estate, tangible personal property, and shares of stock of New Jersey corporations and of national bunks located within the State; and by modifying the former rate of 5 per centum iipon the clear market value of the property passing, which was subject to exemptions in favor of churches and other charitable institutions, and of parents, children, and other lineal descendants, etc., by making 5 per centum the applicable rate but subject to numerous exceptions, and in the ex- cepted cases imposing diU'erent rates, dependent upon the relation- ship of the beneficiary to the deceased and the amount of the prop- erty transferred. Thus, " Property transferred to any child or children, husband or wife, of a decedent, or to the issue of any child or children of a decedent, siiall be taxed at tiie rate of one per centum on any amount in excess of five thousand dollars, up to fifty thousand dollars; one and one-half per centum on any amount in excess to [of] fifty thousand dollars, up to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; two per centum on any amount in excess of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ; and three per centum on any amount in excess of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars." The modified formula for computing the assessment upon the transfer of the estate of a non-resident decedent, prescribed in § 12 as amended by the act under consideration, is as follows: "A tax shall be assessed on the transfer of property made subject to tax as aforesaid, in this State of a nonresident decedent if all or any part of the estate of such decedent, wherever situated, shall pass to persons or corporations taxalde under this act, which tax shall bear the same ratio to the entire tax which the said estate would liave been subject to under this act if such nonresident de- cedent had been a resident of this State, and all liis property, real and personal, had been located within this State, as such taxable property within this State bears to the entire estate, wherever sit- uated ; provided, that nothing in this clause contained shall apply to a specific bequest or devise of any property in this State." An amendatory act, approved April 23, 1915 (P. L. 1915, p. 745; 1 Supp. Comp. Stats. N. J., p. 1542), repeated the provision last quoted, and made no change in the act pertinent to the questions here presented. It is this method of assessment in the case of non-resident de- cedents which is the subject-matter in controversy. James IMcDonald died January 13, 1915, owning stock in the Standard Oil Company, a New Jersey corporation, valued at 300 MAXWELL r. BUGBEE. [ciIAP. IV. $1,114,965, leaving an entire estate of $3,969,333.25, which included some real estate in the State of Idaho. Of the entire estate, $270,813.17 went to pay debts and expenses of administration. Mr. McDonald was a citizen of the United States and a resident of the District of Cohimbia, and left a will and a codicil which were admitted to probate b}-- the Supreme Court of that District. The executors are Lawrence Maxwell, a citizen of Ohio, and the Fulton Trust Company, a New York corporation. The principal benefici- aries under the will are citizens and residents of States of the United States other than the State of New Jersey. Under the will the wife takes by specific legacies ; the other beneficiaries are specific and gen- eral legatees not related to the deceased and a son and two grand- children, who take the residuary estate. James J. Hill died May 29, 1916, intestate, a resident and citizen of the State of Minnesota, leaving a widow and nine children. Under the laws of Minnesota, the widow inherited one-third of the real estate and personal property, and each of the children two- twenty-sevenths thereof. The entire estate descending amounted to $53,81-1,762, which included real estate outside of New Jersey, and principally in Minnesota and New York, valued at $1,885,120. The only property the transfer of which was subject to taxation in New Jersey was stock in the Northern Securities Company, a New Jersey corporation, valued at $2,317,564.68. The debts and administra- tion expenses amounted to $757,571.20. The amount of the assessment in the McDonald case was $29,071.68. In the Hill case the tax assessed amounted to $67,018.43. Following the statute, the tax was first ascertained on the entire estate as if it were the estate of a resident of the State of New Jersey, with all the decedent's property both real and personal located there; the tax was then apportioned and assessed in the proportion that the taxable New Jersey estate bore to the entire estate. The thing complained of is, that applying the apportionment formula fixed by the statute, in the cases under review, results in a greater tax on the transfer of property of the estates subject to the jurisdiction of New Jersey than would be assessed for the transfer of an equal amount, in a similar manner, of property of a decedent who died a resident of New Jersey. The cause of this inequality is said to arise because of imposing the graduated tax, provided by the statute, upon estates so large as these. If a resident, in the case of a wife or children, the first $5,000 of property is exempt, the next $45,000 is taxed at the rate of 1%, the next $100,000 at the rate of 11/2%, the next $100,000 at the rate of 2%, and the remainder at the rate of 3%. The contention is, that applying the apportion- ment rule provided in the case of non-resident estates, a larger amount of tax is assessed. The correctness of the figures deduced from the application of the statute as made ])y the counsel for plaintiffs in error is contested, but in our view the differences are unimj)ortant unless the State is bound to apply the same rule to the transmission of both classes of estates. CIlAr. IV.] MAXWELL V. BUGBEE. 301 Counsel for plaint i(Ts in error sum up their objections to the statute, based on the Federal Constitution, as follows : (1) It taxes the estates of uun-rt'sidents more than those of residents and therefore gives to residents privileges and immunities denied to non-residents. (2) It provides for a tax which bears unequally and tiierefore is not imi)oried upon a uniform rule and it therefore denies to non- lesidents the equal })roteetion of the laws. (3) It taxes the transfer of a non-resident's property over which the State of New Jersey has no jurisdiction while it expressly omits like property of residents, that is, real estate without the State, and thereby deprives the non-resident of his property without due process of the law. Before taking up these objections it is necessary to briefly consider tlie nature of the tax. In Carr v. Edwards, 84 N. J. L. GO?, it was held by the Xew Jersey Court of p]rrors and Appeals to be a tax upon the special right, the creation of the statute, of an executor or administrator of a non-resident decedent to succeed to property having its situs in New Jersey. Of § 12, as it stood in the original act of 1909, the court said: "That section contains nothing to in- dicate that it is not the succession of the New Jersey representative that is meant to be taxed. It is true that the tax is not necessarily five per cent, upon the whole Xew Jersey succession. The amount depends on the ratio of the New Jersey property to the entire estate wherever situated. This, however, merely accords a measure of the tax imposed; the tax is still by the very words of the section imposed upon the property located within this state. The reason for adopting this provision was to make sure that the rate of taxation in case of non-resident decedents should equal but not exceed the rate imposed in the case of resident decedents. . . . "In the case of the estates of non-resident decedents, it is open for the law of the domicile to provide, as testators sometimes do, that such taxes shall be a general charge against the estate. Our legislature must be assumed to have had in mind its lack of juris- diction over legacies under a non-resident's will, and in order to protect the New Jersey executor, administrator or trustee who paid the tax, authorized its deduction from 'property for distribution.' This phrase suffices to reach not only a distributive share of a resi- dent's estate in case of intestacy, but the whole of the Xew Jersey property of a non-resident when turned over to the executor or ad- ministrator at the domicile of the decedent. -The provision for both cases — legacies and property for distribution — demonstrates that the legislature did not mean to provide, as counsel contends, for a legaev duty only." Tliis language correctly characterizes the nature and effect of the tax as imposed under the amendment of 1914; but that act, under which the present cases arise, instead of reaching " the whole of the New Jersev property of a non-resident when turned over to the executor or administrator at the domicile of the decedent.'" now confines the transfer tax upon the property of non-resident decedents 302 MAXWELL V. BUGBEE. [cHAP. IV. to real estate and tangible personal property within the State, the stock of New Jersey corporations, and the stock of national hanks located within the State. The tax is, then, one upon the transfer of property in New Jersey, to be paid upon turning it over to the administrator or executor at the domicile of tlie decedent. That transfers of this nature arc within the ta.xing power of the State, and that taxes may be assessed upon such riglits owing their existence to local laws, and to them alone, is not disputed. The right to inherit property, or to receive it under testamentary disposition, has been so frequently held to be the creation of statutory hnv, that it is quite unnecessary to cite the decisions whicli have maintained the principle. While this is confessedly true, the assessment of such taxes is, of course, subject to applicable limitations of tlie state and federal constitutions; it is with the latter class only that tliis court has to do. (1) Taking up, then, the objections raised under the Federal Constitution, it is said that the law (a) denies to citizens of other States the privileges and immunities granted to citizens of the State of New Jersey, in violation of par. 1, § 2, Art. IV, of the Federal Constitution, which reads : "■ The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States;" (b) abridges the privileges and immunities of plaintiffs in error, the deceased persons whom they represent, and those taking by ^\-ill or intestacy under them, as citizens of the United States, in contravention of § 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment. The provision quoted from Art. IV of the Constitution was in- tended to prevent discrimination by the several States against citizens of other States in respect of the fundamental privileges of citizenship. As is said by Judge Cooley in his Constitutional Limi- tations, ?th ed., p. 569 : " It appears to be conceded that the Con- stitution secures in each State to the citizens of all other States the right to remove to, and carry on business therein; the right by the usual modes to acquire and hold property, and to protect and de- fend the same in the law ; the right to the usual remedies for the collection of debts and the enforcement of other personal rights; and the right to be exempt, in propei'ty and person, from taxes or burdens which the property, or persons, of citizens of the same State are not subject to." Paul r. Virginia, 8 Wall. 168, 180; Ward r. Maryland, 12 Wall. 418, 430. The Fourteenth Amendment recognized a distinction between citizenship of the United States and citizenship of one of the States. It provides : " No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." What those privileges and immunities were was under consideration in Slaughter-IIouse Cases, 16 Wall. 36, 72-79, where it was shown (pp. 77-78) that it was not the purpose of this Amend- ment, by the declaration that no State should make or enforce any law which should abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States, to transfer from the States to the Federal Gov- ernment the security and protection of those civil rights that inhere CHAP. IV.] MAXWELL V. BUGBEE. 303 in state citizenship; and (p. 79) that tlie privileges and immunities of citizens ot the United States thereby placed beyond abridgment by the States were those which owe their existence to the Federal Government, its national character, its constitution, or its laws. To the same effect is Duncan v. Missouri, 152 U. S. 377, 382. We are unable to discover in the statute before us, which regulates and taxes tlie right to succeed to property in Xow Jersey upon the death of a non-resident owner, any inl'ringemcnt of the rights of citizenship either of the States or of the United States, secured by either of the constitutional provisions referred to. We have held that the protection tliat they afford to riglits inherent in citizenship are not infringed by the taxation of the transfer of property witiiin the jurisdiction of a State passing by will or intestacy where the decedent was a non-resident of the taxing State, although the entire succession was taxed in the State where he resided. Blackstone v. Miller, 188 U. S. 189, 207. Upon this point it is unnecessary to decide whether the case might not be rested on a much narrower ground. The alleged discrim- ination, here complained of, so far as privileges and immunities of citizenship are concerned, is not strictly applicable to this statute because the difference in the method of taxation rests upon residence and not upon citizenship. La Tourette v. McMaster, 248 U. S. 465. (2) It is next contended that the effect of including the property beyond the jurisdiction of the State in measuring the tax, amounts to a deprivation of property without due process of law because it in effect taxes property beyond the jurisdiction of the State. It is not to be disputed that, consistently with the Federal Con- stitution, a State may not tax property beyond its territorial juris- diction, but the subject-matter here regulated is a privilege to suc- ceed to property which is witiiin the jurisdiction of the State. When the State levies taxes within its authority, property not in itself taxable by the State may be used as a measure of the tax imposed. This principle has been frequently declared by decisions of this court. The previous cases were reviewed and the doctrine applied in Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis IJy. Co. v. Kansas, 240 U. S. 227, 232. After deciding that the privilege tax, there involved, did not impose a burden upon interstate commerce, tliis court held that 'it was not in substance and elfect a tax upon property beyond the State's jurisdiction, allliough a large amount of the property, which was referred to as a measure of the assessment, was situated outside of the State. In the present case the State imposes a privilege tax, clearly within its authority, and it has adopted as a measure of that tax the proportion which the specified local property bears to the entire estate of the decedent. That it may do so within limitations which do not really make the tax one upon property bevond its jurisdiction, the decisions to which we have referred clearlv estab- lish. The transfer of certain property within the State is taxed by a rule which considers the entire estate in arriving at the amount of the tax. It is in no just sense a tax upon the foreign property, real 304: MAXWELL V. BUGBEE. [cHAP. IV. or personal. It is only in instances where the State exceeds its au- tliority in imposing a tax upon a subject-matter within its jurisdic- tion in such a way as to really amount to taxing that which is beyond its authority, that such exercise of power by the State is held void. In cases of that character the attempted taxation must fail. Looney V. Crane Co., 245 U. S. 178; International Paper Co. v. Massachu- setts, 246 U. S. 135. To say that to apply a different rule regulating succession to resident and non-resident decedents is to levy a tax upon foreign estates, is to distort the statute from its purpose to tax the privilege, which the statute has created, into a property tax, and is unwarranted by any purpose or effect of the enactment, as we view it. (3) It is further contended that the tax bears so unequally upon non-residents as to deny to them the equal protection of the laws. The subject of taxes of this character was given full consideration by this court in Magoun v. Illinois Trust & Savings Bank, 170 U. S. 283, in Avhich case a graded legacy and inheritance tax law of the State of Illinois was sustained. The statute exempted all estates valued at less than $20,000, if passing to near relations, or at less than $500 if passing to those more remote, made the rate of tax increas- ingly greater as the inheritances increased, and assessed it differently according to the relationship of the beneficiary to the testator or in- testate. The statute was attacked as void under the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, but was held to be valid. Of this class of taxes the court said (p. 288) : " They [inheritance taxes] are based upon two principles: 1. An inheritance tax is not one on property, but one on the succession. 2. The right to take property by devise or descent is the creature of the law, and not a natural right — a privilege, and therefore the authority which con- fers it may impose conditions upon it. From these principles it is deduced that the States may tax the privilege, discriminate between relatives, and between these and strangers, and grant exemptions ; and are not precluded from this power by the provisions of the respective state constitutions requiring uniformity and equality of taxation." And upon examining (pp. 296, 297) the classification upon which the provisions of the Illinois statute were based, the court found there was no denial of the equal protection of the laws either in dis- criminating between those lineally and those collaterally related to decedent, and those standing as strangers to the blood, or in in- creasing the proportionate burden of the tax progressively as the amount of the benefit increased. Equal protection of the laws requires equal operation of the laws upon all persons in like circumstances. Under the statute, in the present case, the graduated taxes are levied equally upon all interests passing from non-resident testators or intestates. The tax is not upon property, but upon the privilege of succession, which the State may grant or ^Wthhold. It may deny it to some and give it to others. The State is dealing in this instance not with the transfer of the entire estate, but only with certain classes of property that are CHAP. IV.] MAXWELL l\ BUGBEE. 30 subject to the jurisdiction of the State. It must find some rule which will adequately deal with this situation. It has adopted that of the j)roportion of the local estate in certain proijerty to the en- tire estate of the decedent. In making classilication, which has been uniformly held to be within the power of the State, inequalities necessarily arise, for some classes are reached, and others omitted, but this has never been held to render such statutes unconstitutional. Beers v. Glynn, ^11 U. S. 477. This i)rinciple lias been recognized in a series of cases in this court. Board of Education v. Illinois, 203 U. S. 553; Campbell v. California, 200 U. S. 87; Keeney v. New York, 223 U. S. 525. It has been uniformly held that the Four- teentli Amendment does not deprive tiie States of the right to de- termine the limitations and restrictions upon the right to inherit property, but "at the most can only be held to restrain such an exercise of power as would exclude the conception of judgment and discretion, and which would be so obviously arbitrary and unreason- able as to be beyond the pale of governmental authority." Campbell V. California, 200 U. S. 95. In upholding the validity of a gradu- ated tax upon the transfer of personal property, to take effect upon the grantor's death, we said in Keeney v. New York, 250 U. S. 535; "The validity of the tax must be determined by the laws of New York. The Fourteenth Amendment does not diminish the taxing power of the State, but only requires that in its exercise the citizen must be afforded an opportunity to be heard on all questions of lia- bility and value, and shall not, by arbitrary and discriminatory pro- visions, be denied equal protection. It does not deprive the State of the power to select the subjects of taxation. But it does not follow that because it can tax any transfer (Hatcl\ v. Reardon, 20-i U. S. 152, 159), that it must tax all transfers, or that all must be treated alike/' In order to invalidate this tax it must be held that the difference in the manner of assessing transmission of property by testators or intestates, as between resident and non-resident decedents, is so ■wholly arbitrary and unreasonable as to be beyond the legitimate authority of the State. We are not prepared so to declare. The resident testator or intestate stands in a different relation to the State than does the non-resident. The resident's property is usually Avithin the ready control of the State, and easily open to inspection and discovery for taxation purposes. In' means quite different from those afforded in cases of local holdings of non-resident testators or intestates. As to the resident, his entire intangible, and usually most of his tangible property, pay tribute to the State when trans- ferred bv will or intestacy ; the transfer of the non-resident's estate is taxed only so far as his estate is located within the jurisdiction and only so far as it comes within the description of " real property Avithin this State, or of goods, wares, and mercliandise within this State, or of shares of stock of corporations of this State, or of na- tional banking associations located in tliis State." Simple contract debts owing by New Jersey debtors to non-residents and some other kinds of property of non-residents are exempt, although it is settled 306 .MAXWELL l\ BUGBEE. [cHAP. IV. that, for the purpose of founding administration, simple contract debts are assets at the domicile of the debtor; Wyman v. Halstead, 109 U. S. 654, 656; and that the State of the debtor's domicile may impose a succession tax; Blackstone v. Miller, 188 U. S. 189, 205; Baker v. Baker, Eccles & Co., 242 U. S. 394, 401. The question of equal protection must be decided as between resident and non-resident decedents as classes, rather than by the incidence of the tax upon the particular estates whose representatives are here complaining. Absolute equality is impracticable in taxa- tion, and is not required by the equal protection clause. And in- equalities that result not from hostile discrimination, but occasion- ally and incidentally in the application of a system that is not arbitrary in its classification, are not sufficient to defeat the law. ill our o])inion, there are substantial differences which within the rules settled by this court permit the classification which has been accomplished by this statute. St. Louis Southwestern Ey. Co. v. Arkansas, 235 U. S. 350, 367, and cases cited. Finding no error in the judgments of the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey, the same are Affirvied. Mr. Justice Holmes dissenting. "»• Many things that a legislature may do if it does them with no ulterior purpose, it cannot do as a means to reach what is beyond its constitutional power. That I understand to be the principle of Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Kansas ; Pullman Company v. Kansas, and other cases in 216 U. S. Western Union Telegraph Co. V. Foster, 247 U. S. 105, 114. New Jersey cannot tax the property of Hill or MacDonald outside tlie State and cannot use her power over property within it to accomplish by indirection what she cannot do directly. It seems to me that that is what she is trying to do and therefore that the judgments of the Court of Errors and Appeals should be reversed. It seems to me that when property outside the State is taken into account for the purpose of increasing the tax upon property within it, the property outside is taxed in effect, no matter what form of words may be used. It appears to me that this cannot be done, even if it should be done in such a way as to secure equality between residents in New Jersey and those in other States. New Jersey could not deny to residents in other States the right to take legacies which it granted to its own citizens, and therefore its power to proliibit all legacies cannot be invoked in aid of a principle that affects the foreign residents alone. In Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Ey. Co. v. Kansas, 240 U. S. 227, 235, the State could have refused incorporation altogether and therefore could impose the carefully limited condition that was upheld. The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice VaxDea^\xter and Mr. Jus- tice McEeynolds concur in the opinion that I express. White, C. J., VanDevanter and McEeynolds, JJ., concurred in the dissent. CTIAi'. I V.J' IN iiK ESTATE OF SWIFT. 306a In re I:STATE OF SWIFT. COUKT OF ArPEALS OF New Yokk. 1893. [IlepoiiedVM New York, 77.] Gray, J. James T. Swift died in .July, 1890, being a resident of this State and leaving a will, by which he made a disposition of all his property among relatives. After many legacies of money and of various articles of personal property, he directed a division of his residuary estate into four portions, and he devised and bequeathed one portion to each of four persons named. The executors were given a power of sale for the purpose of paying the legacies and of making the distribution of the estate. At the time of his death, the testator's estate included certain real estate and tangible personal property in chattels, situated within the State of New Jersey, whicli were realized upon by the executors and converted into moneys in hand. When, upon their application, an appraisement was had of the estate, in order to fix its value under the requirements of the law taxing gifts, legacies, and inheritances, the surrogate of the county of New York, before whom the matter came, held, with respect to the appraisement, that the real and personal property situateil without the State of New York were not subject to appraisal and tax under the law, and the excep- tions taken by the comptroller of the city of New York to that deter- mination raise the first and the principal question which we shall consider. Surrogate Ransom's opinion, which is before us in the record, con- tains a careful review of the legal principles which limit the right to impose the tax, and his conclusions are as satisfactory to my mind, as they evidently were to the minds of the learned justices of the General Term of the Supreme Court, who agreed in adirming the surrogate's decree upon his opinion. Tlie Attorney-General has argued that this law, commonly called the collateral inheritance tax law, imposes not a property tax but a charge for the privilege of acquiring property, and, as I apprehend it, the point of his argument is that, as there is no absolute right to succeed to propertv, the State has a right to annex a condition to the permis- sion to take by will, or by tlie intestate laws, in tiie form of a tax, to be paid by the persons for whose benefit the remedial legislation has been enacted. That is, substantially, tlic way in which he puts the proposition, and if the premise be true that the tax imposed is upon the privilege to acquire, and. as he says in his brief, is like " a dutj'^ imposed, payable by the beneficiary," possibly enough, we should have to agree with him. We might think, in that view of the act, that the situs of property in a foreign jurisdiction was not a controlling circum- stance. But if we take up the provisions of the law by which the tax is imnosed. and if we consider them as they are framed and tlie prin* 306b IN EE ESTATE OF SWIFT. [ciIAP. IV. ciple which then seems to underlie the peculiar system of taxation created, I do not think that his essential proposition finds adequate support. The law in force at the time of the decease of the testator is contained in chapter 713 of the Laws of 1887, amending chapter 483 of the Laws of 1885, and is entitled '' An act to tax gifts, legacies, and collateral inheritances in certain cases." By the first section it is provided that " all property which shall pass by will . . . from any person who may die seized or possessed of the same, while a resident of this State, or, if such decedent was not a resident of this vState at the time of his death, wliich property or any part thereof shall be within this State, . . . shall be and is subject to a tax ... to be paid ... for the use of the State," etc. In the fourth section it is provided that " all taxes imposed by this act, unless otherwise herein provided for, shall be due and payable at the death of the decedent," etc. By the sixth section, it is provided that the executor shall " deduct the tax from the legacy or property, subject to said tax, or if the legacy or property be not money, he shall collect the tax thereon upon the appraised value thereof from the legatee, or person entitled to such property, and he shall not deliver, or be compelled to deliver, any spe- cific legacy or property subject to tax to any person until he shall have collected the tax thereon," etc. The language of the act has been justly condemned, for being involved and difficult to read clearly; but considering the language employed in these and in other sections of the law, in its ordinary sense, I think w^e would at once say that if the legislature had not actually imposed a tax upon the property itself, upon the death of its owner, it had certainly intended to impose a tax upon its succession, which was to be a charge upon the property, and •which operated, in effect, to diminish pro ta)do its value, or the capi- tal, coming to the new owner under a will, or by the intestate laws- Could any one say, after reading the provisions of this law, that it was the legatee, or person entitled, who was taxed? I doubt it. Propertj', which was the decedent's at the time of his death, is subjected to the payment of a tax. The tax is to be deducted from the legacy ; or, when deduction is not possible from the legacy not being in money, and a collection from the legatee or the person entitled to the property is authorized to be made, the tax so to be collected is described as " the tax thereon," that is, on the property. If it should be said that such an interpretation of the law is in con- flict with a doctrine which some judges have asserted, respecting the nature of this tax, I think it might be sufficient to say that the phrase- ology of the New York law differs, more or less, from that of other States, and seems peculiarly to charge the subject of the succession with the payment of the tax. But I do not think it at all important to our decision here that we should hold it to be a tax upon property precisely. A precise definition of the nature of this tax is not essential, if it is CHAP. TV.] IN EE ESTATE OF SWIFT. 30Cc susccjitible of exact definition. Thus far, in this court, we have not thought it necessary, in the cases couiing before us, to determine whether the object of taxation is the property which passes, or not ; though, in some, expressions may Ijc found which seem to regard the tax in that light. Matter of Mcl'lierson, 10-4 N.'Y. 306; Matter of Enston, 113 id. 174; Matter of Sherwell, 125 id. 37*J ; Matter of Ro- maine, 127 id. 80 ; and Matter of Stewart, 131 id. 274. The idea of tliis succession tax, as we may conveniently term it, is more or less .compound ; the i)rincipal idea being the subjection of property, owner- ship of which has ceased by reason of the death of its owner, to a diminution, by the State reserving to itself a portion of its amount, if in mone}-, or of its appraised value, if in other forms of property. The accompanying, or the correlative idea should necessarily be that the property, over which such dominion is thus exercised, shall be within the territorial limits of the State at its owner's death, and, therefore, subject to the operation and the regulation of its laws. The State, in exercising its power to subject realty, or tangible property, to the operation of a tax, must, by every rule, be limited to property- within its territorial confines. The question here does not relate to the power of the State to tax its residents with respect to the ownership of property situated else- where. That question is not involved. The question is whether the legislature of the State, in creating this system of taxation of inherit- ances, or testamentary gifts, has not fixed as the standard of right the property passing by will, or by the intestate laws. AVhat has the State done, in effect, by the enactment of this tax law? It reaches out and appropriates for its use a portion of the property at the moment of its owner's decease , allowing onh' the balance to pass in the way directed by testator, or permitted b}- its intestate law, and while, in so doing, it is exercising an inherent and sovereign right, it seems very clear to my mind that it affects only property which lies within it, and, consequentl}', is subject to its right of eminent domain. The theory of sovereignty, which invests the State with the right and the power to permit and to regulate the succession to property upon its owner's decease, rests upon the fact of an actual dominion over that property. In exercising such a power of taxation, as is here in question, the principle, obviously, is that all propert}' in the State is tributar}' for such a purpose and the sovereign power takes a portion, or percentage of the property, not because the legatee is subject to its laws and to the tax. but because the State has a superior right, or ownership, by force of which it can intercept the property, upon its owner's death, in its passage into an ownership regulated by the en- abling legislation of the State. The rules of taxation have become pretty well settled, and it is fun- damental among them that there sliall be jurisdiction over the subject taxed; or, as it has been sometimes expressed, the taxing power of the State is coextensive with its sovereignty. It has not the power to 306d IN KE ESTATE OF SWIFT. [cHAP. Tv. tax directly either lands or tangible personal property situated in an- other State or country. As to the hitter description of property no J fiction transmuting its situs to the domicile of the owner is available, when the question is one of taxation. In this connection the observa- tions of Chief Judge Comstock, in lloyt r. Commissioners of Taxes, 23 N. Y. 224, and of some text-writers, are not inappropriately referred to. He liad said tiiat lands and personal property having an actual situation witliin the State are taxable, and, by a necessary implication, that no other property can be taxed. He says, further, "If we say that taxation is on the person in respect to the property, we are still without a reason for assessing the owner resident here in respect to one part of his estate situated elsewhere and not in respect to another part. Both are the subjects of taxation in the foreign jurisdiction." In Judge Cooley's work on Taxation it is remarked (p. 159) that " a State can no more subject to its power a single person, or a single article of propert}', whose residence or situs is in another State, than it can subject all the citizens, or all the property of such other State to its power." Judge Coole}' had reference in his remarks to the case of bonds of a railroad; for he cites the case of "the State Tax on Foreign-Held Bonds '■ in the United States Supreme Court (15 Wallace, 300), where Mr. Justice Field delivered the opinion, and, in the course of it, observed that "• the power of taxation, however vast in its character and search- ing in its extent, is necessarily limited to subjects within the jurisdic- tion of the State." Judge Story, in his work on the Contiict of Laws, speaking of tlie subject of jurisdiction in regard to property, said (section 550) that the legal fiction as to the situs of movables yields when it is necessary for the purpose of justice, and, further, " a nation within whose terri- tory any personal property is actually situated has an entire dominion over it while tlierein, in point of sovereignty and jurisdiction, as it has over immovable property situated there." The proposition which suggests itself from reasoning, as from author- ity, is that the basis of the power to tax is the fact of an actual domin- ion over the subject of taxation at the time the tax is to be imposed. The effect of tliis special tax is to take from the property a portion, or a percentage of it, for the use of the State, and I think it quite immaterial whether the tax can be precisely classified with a taxation of property or not. It is not a tax ii[)on persons. If it is called a tax upon the succession to tlie ownershi|) of property, still it relates to and suV)jects the property itself, and when that is without the jurisdic- tion of the State, inasmuch as the succession is not of property within the dominion of the State, succession to it cannot be said to occur b}' permission of the State. As to lands this is clearly the case, and rights in or power over tliem are derived from or through the laws of the foreign State or country. As to goods and chattels it is true ; for their transmission abroad is subject to the permission of and regulated CHAP. IV.] IN RE ESTATE OF SWIFT. 30Go by the laws of the State or country where actually situated. Jurisdic- tion over them beloiie and enforce double taxation, it is jjlain that, measured by ordinary principles of justice, the result suggested would be inequital)le and might be seriously i)iM-densome. Double taxation is one which the courts should avf)i^^ whenever it is possible within reason to do so. (Matter of James, lit N. Y. (j. 11.; It is never to be presumed. Sometimes tax laws have that effect, but if they do it is because the legislature has unmistakably so enacted. All presumptions aie against such an imi)Osition. (Tennessee v. Whit- worth, 117 U. S. 129.) The law of taxation is to l)e construed strictly against the State in favor of the taxpayer, as represented by the executor of the estate. (Matter of Kayerweather, 143 N. Y. 114.) It seems pretty clear that within tlu; principles of the foregoing and many other cases which might be cited, we ought not to sanction a course which will lead to a tax, measured by the fnll value of the dece- dent's stock in each State upon the conflicting theories that the corpo- ration in that State owns all of the property of the consolidated company, unless there is something in the statute, or decisions under the statute, which compels us so to do. I do not think there is in either place such compelling authority. No doubt is involved, as it seems to me, about the meaning and ap- plication of the statute. The decedent's stock was "propertv within the State," which had its .s77/<.s' here as being held in the New York cor- poration, and the transfer of it was taxable here. There can be no dispute about that. The question is simply over the extent and value of his interest as such stockholder, in view of the other iricorporation in Massachusetts. I see nothing in the statute which prevents ns (Vom paying decent regard to the pi-inciples of interstate comity, :ind from adopting a policy which will enal)le each State fairly to enforce its own laws without oppression to the subject. This result will be attained l)y regarding the New York corporation as owning the property situate in New York and the INIassachusetts corporation as owning that situate in Massachusetts, and each as owning a share of any property situate out- side of either State or moving to and fro between the two States, and assessing decedent's stock upon that theory. That is the oI)vions basis for a valuation if we are to leave any room for the JNIassachusetts corporation and for a taxation l>y that State similar in principle to our own without double taxation. 306n MATTER OF COOLEY. [CHAP. IV. Some illustrations may be referred to which by analogy sustain the gL'iieral principles involved. Where a tax is levied in this State upon the capital or franchises of a corporation organized as this railroad was, the tax is levied upon an equitable basis. Thus by the provisions of section 6 of chapter 19 of the Laws of 1869, under which the Boston and Albany railroad was organized, the assessment and taxation of its capital stock in this State is to be in the proportion '-that the number of miles of its railroad situated in this State bears to the number of miles of its railroad situated in the other State,'' and under section 182 of the General Tax Law of the State of New York the franchise tax of a corporation is based upon the ^mount of capital within the State. Asain, assume tliat for purposes of dissolution or otherwise, re- ceivers were to be appointed of the Boston and Albany railroad, there can be no doubt that the receivers of it as a New York corporation would be appointed by the courts of that State, and the receivers of it as a Massachusetts corporation would be api)ointed by the courts of that State, and that the courts would hold that in the discharge of their duties the New York receivers should take possession of and admin- ister upon the property of the New York corporation within the limits of that State, and would not permit the Massachusetts receivers to come within its confines and interfere with such ownership, and the Massachusetts courts would follow a similar poUcy. Why should not the State authorities for purposes of this species of taxation and valua- tion, involved therein, adopt a similar theory of division of property? We are not apprehensive lest, as suggested, New York corpora- tions may take out incorporation in other States for the purpose of ex- empting transfers of their capital stock from taxation under the principles of this decision. We do not regard our decision as giving encouragement to any such course. It is based upon and limited by the facts as they are here presented, and there is no question whatever but that the Boston and Albany railroad, in good faith and for legitimate reasons, was equally and contemporaneously created both as a New York and a Massachusetts corporation. It can no more be said that being originally and properly a New York corporation it subsequently and incidentally became a ^Massachusetts one than could be maintained the reverse of such proposition. If in the future a corporation created and organized under the laws of this State, or properly and really to be regarded as a New York coi-poration, shall see fit either for the pur- pose suggested, or for any other reason subsequently and incidentally and for ancillary reasons, to take out incorporation in another State, a case would arise not falling within this decision. But it is said that this court has already made decisions which pre- vent it from adopting such a construction as I have outlined, and reference is made to Matter of Bronson (150 N. Y. 1) and Matter of Palmer (183 N. Y. 238). CHAP. IV.] MATTKR OF COOLEY. 30Co I do not find :inytliing in those decisions which, interpreted as a whole, with reference to the facts there being discussed, conflicts with the views which I have advanced. In the first case the question arose whether a tax might be imposed upon a transfer of a non-resident decedent's residuary estate which '^ consisted in shares of the capital stock and in the bonds of corpora- tions incorporated under the laws of this State." So far as the discus- sion relates to the question of taxing the bonds, it is immaterial. It was held that the shares of capital stock were property which was taxa- ble, it being said : •* The shareholders are persons who are interested in the operation of the corporate property and franchises, and their shares actually represent undivided interests in the corporate enterprise. The corporation has the legal title to all the pro[)erties acquired and appurte- nant, but it holds them for the pecuniary l>enefit of those persons who hold the capital stock. . . . Each share represents a distinct interest in the whole of the corporate property." In other words, Judge Gray, in writing the majority opinion, was discussing the situation of a share- holder in a domestic cori)oratiou which, so far as appears, was not incorporated under the laws of anotlier State. Under such circum- stances, of course, the New York corporation would be the owner of all the property there was, and the shareholder's interest in such corpo- ration would represent his interest in all of said property and be fairly and justly taxable upon its full amount and value. No such situation was presented as here arises. Tliere was no second or third corporation under the laws of another State, which corporation might just as fairly be said to be the owner of all the property as the New York corpora- tion, thus raising the question here presented whether each corporation should be regarded as owning and holding all of the property there was for the purpose of laying the basis for taxation, or whether we should adopt an equitable and reasonable view, giving credit to each corporation for the purpose of taxation of owning some certain portion of the entire property. In the Palmer case again the question arose over taxing shares of stock held by a non-resident decedent in a domestic corporation which was not proved or considered to have been incorporated under the laws of another State. It was insisted that the amount of the tax should be reduced by the proportion of property owned by the corpo- ration and located in other States, and tliis contention was overruled, and, as it seems to me, for a perfectly good reason upon the facts in that ease and which is not applicable to the facts here. As stated, there was a single incorporation under the laws of this State, and tliat domestic corporation owned all of the property in whatever State situ- ated. Its corporate origin was under the laws of this State, and there its corporate existence was centred. It just as fully and completely owned and managed property situated in the State of Ohio as if it was situated in the State of New York, and if the property in the foreign 306p MATTER OF COOI.EY. [ciIAP, TV. State was reduced to money, siu-h money would be turned into its treasury in the State of New York. Under such circumstances there was nothing else tiiat could reasonably be held tlian that tlie corpora- tion owned all property wherever situatetl, and that the sharehold- er's interest in such corporation represented and was based upon such ownership of all the property. There was no double incorporation and no chance for conllict l^etween an incorporation under the laws of this State and a second one existing under the laws of another State, which must either be reconciled by a just regard for the rights of both States and the rights of the incorporation under each, or else double taxation imposed upon a shareholder. It is also argued that the courts of INIassachusetts have passed upon the very contention here being made by appellants, and in the case of Moody '■. Shaw (173 Mass. 375) have rejected the claim that the valu- ation of stock in this same corporation for the puri)oses of transfer taxation in Massachusetts should be based upon any apportionment of property between the Massachusetts and New York corporations. The opinion in that case does not seem to warrant any such con- struction. Apparently the only question under discussion was whether the transfer of stock in such corporation was taxable at all in Massa- chusetts, and the question of any apportionment was not passed upon. Such expressions as are found in the opinion touching that point cer- tainly do not indicate to my mind that if involved and passed upon it would have been decided adversely to the views here expressed. Lastly, it is urged that there will be great practical difficulty in making an apportionment of property for the purposes of valuation and taxation upon the lines suggested, and the learned counsel' for the re- spondent has suggested many difficulties and absurdities claimed to be incidental to such course of procedure. Most of them certainly will not arise in this case and they probably never will in any other. Of course an appraisal based upon an apportionment of the entire prop- erty of the consolidated company between the New York and Massachu- setts corporations may be made a source of much labor and expense if the parties so desire. Possibly it might be carried to the extent of a de- tailed inventory and valuation of innumerable pieces of property. Upon the other hand, an apportionment based upon trackage or figures drawn from the books or l)alance sheets of the company may doubtless be easily reached which will be substantially correct, and any inaccuracies of which when reflected in a tax of one per cent upon 426 shares of stock will be inconsequential. The order of the Ai)i)ellate Division and of the Surrogate's Court of the county of New York should be reversed, with costs, and the pro- ceedings remitted to said Surrogate's Court for a reappraisal of the stock in question in accordance with the views herein expressed. CuLLKN, Ch. J., Gray, O'Briex, and Edward T. Bartlett, JJ., concur ; Werner and Chase, JJ., dissent. Order reversed, etc. CHAP. IV.] TllOUNK V. STATE. 307 TIIORNE V. STATE. Supreme Couin- of .Minnesota. 1920. [Reported 145 Minn. 412.] TTOLT, J. Tlie court below determined that certain share certifi- cates held by Samuel Tliorne, at his death, were subject to an iniieritance or succession tax to the extent of 72.37 per cent of their taxable value. The executors of his estate appeal from the jiidi^nnent, contending that no part or proportion of the shares is subject to the tax, while the state also appeals, claiming that no deduction from the full taxable value should have been made. The findings of fact were nuide upon the stipulations and admis- sions of the parties. The substance of tliose deemed material to the appeal may be thus stated : Samuel Thorne, a resident of New York City, died there July 4, 1915, testate. The will was probated in Xew York and the appel- lants, all residents of that state, were duly appointed executors. At the time of death, Thorne owned 13,606 shares of "Great Northern Iron Ore Properties Trustees' Certificate of Beneficial Interest," hereinafter called beneficial certificates for short. They had been in his possession in New York since their issuance to him and were worth, on the stock market, $35.62 a share, at the time of his death. Their origin, in brief, was this: The Great Northern Raihvay Company, a Minnesota corporation, had acquired many thousand acres of iron bearing ore in this state, together with other property not a part of its transportation business. Some eight subsidiary Minnesota corporations had been organized to operate mines and handling facilities upon and in connection with these mineral lands, and to deal in mines, mining leases and transact other business. There were also two foreign companies or corpora- tions, formed to hold and operate similar properties and business in this state. All of the property held by the mining companies, apparently, belonged to the Great Northern Railway Com])any. The latter, realizing that mining and other industrial and com- mercial business, not directly connected witli that of a common carrier, should be placed in other hands tlian its own, contrived the trust in which these beneficial certificates were issued. James J. Hill, the president of the railway company and its moving spirit, his son James N. Hill, and Robert I. Farrington had formed a partnership under the laws of IMicbigan to deal in mineral lands in Michigan, Wisconsin and ]\Iinncsota, and to take and hold bonds and stocks of all sorts. The name assumed was the Lake Superior Company, Limited. It was evidently designed to be a holding com- pany, it held all the shares of stock of the various mining com- panies above referred to for the benefit of the shareholders of the 308 THORNE v. STATE. [cHAP. IV. railway company, when in 190G, by resolution of the board of directors of the railway compan}', this trust agreement was au- thorized, and, pursuant thereto, the Lake Superior Company trans- ferred to Louis AY. Hill, James N. Hill, Walter J. Hill and Edward T. Xichols all of said shares in said mining companies in trust during the life of certain chiklren named and for 20 years after the death of the last survivor. The trustees were to issue, and did issue, to each stockholder of the railway company as many sliares of these beneficial certificates as he held of Great Northern railway shares. The trustees were to use and exercise their powers as the sole shareholders of the several mining companies and preserve their existence; collect the dividends on the shares, or income to accrue in virtue thereof ; pay taxes and expenses of the trust without recourse to the beneficial certificate holders; after paying these ex- penses they, from time to time and at least once in every year, were to distribute and pay such portion of the net income or proceeds of the property as they might deem proper to the beneficial certifi- cate holders; they were given full power to sell or exchange the shares of stock transferred to them by the Lake Superior Company, and the interest of each and every beneficiary under the trust con- tinues to be limited to the right to receive his proportional share of dividends in such distribution as shall from time to time have been determined ])y the trustees. The trustees, as such, in no way participate in the management of the mining companies, but all the said trustees, as individuals, together with other persons elected b}'' them by exercise of their stock vote, are the officers and directors of all the mining companies, except that .James N. Hill, residing in New York, has not been an officer of any mining company and Xichols, the other trustee also residing in Xew York, has never been an officer in the Leonard Mining Company. A more complete out- line of the trust may be had from the opinion in Venner v. Great Northern Ry. Co. 117 Minn. 447, 136 N. W. 271. The trust agreement was executed and delivered in New York, but the shares of stock thereby transferred were delivered to the trustees at St. Paul, Minnesota, where they have ever since been kept. The president of the trustees had always lived in the city of St. Paul, as did also one other trustee, during the life of Mr. Thorne, Two of the trustees have resided in New York, where also is maintained an office for the transfer and registering of the beneficial certificate shares, and distributing the dividends thereon. The funds of the trust are kept both in Minnesota and New York depositaries. The meetings of the trustees have been few in number, and have gen- erally been held in the city of New York. The trustees first adopted by-laws or rules in January, 1013; these provide for monthly meet- ings at the office of the president in St. Paul. The secretary of the trustees and his office force and records have always been in St. Paul ; this secretary and office force have also handled the business of the mining companies. All dividends and other income from the min- ing companies are paid to the trustees at St. Paul, but the dividend checks to the registered beneficial certificate holders are issued and ClIAr. IV.] THOKNE V. STATE. 300 mailed from the Xew York ofTice. When Mr. Thome died the trustees had $],113,L>G8.()!) of trut^t funds on deposit in New York banks and $;i{,G88,86*J.31 in Minnesota banks, but there were no funds in the hands of the trustees that they had determined to distribute as dividends. Over ten million dollars have been dis- tributed to the beneticial certificate holders since the formation of the trust. The allorney gi-iicral has lieretofore ruled that the beneficial certificates of this trust were not subject to a succession tax. The first contention of the executors is that the state is foreclosed from claiming this tax by reason of the attorney general's practical construction given the taxing statute. Numerous cases are cited as to the binding force given by courts to the construction consistently given for a considerable period of time to a statute by officials con- nected with its enforcement or required to discharge executive or administrative duties thereunder. State v. ^lofi'ctt, 64 Minn. 292, G: X. W. 6S ; State v. Northern Pac. Rv. Co. 95 Minn. 43, 103 N. W. 731; Musgrove r. Baltimore & Ohio R. Co. Ill Md. 629, 75 Atl. 245; Tvler v. Treasurer, 226 Mass. 306, 115 N. E. 300, L.R.A. 191TD,^633; In re Week's Estate, 169 Wis. 316, 172 N. W. 732. We, however, note that the question here is not strictly one of con- struing the inheritance tax statute, but rather an ascertainment of facts to determine Avhether or not the beneficial certificates in this trust represent property rights within the jurisdiction of this state so that a succession tax may be exacted. The deliberate omission of the taxing authorities, up to the present time, to assert the right to impose such a tax on securities of this sort, though entitled to weight, ought not to be conclusive on the courts. To what extent former officials have known the facts going to fix the situs of tliis property is not disclosed. The statute that " when a transfer is by will or intestate law, of property within the state or within its jurisdiction and the decedent was a nonresident of the state at the time of his death," the tax shall be imposed (section 2271, G. S. 1913), is so plain that it is not open to construction. The able counsel for the executors have exhaustively considered the legal status of the holders of the beneficial certificates to the trust property and to the trustees under the instrument creating the trust. The origin of trusts was no doubt for the protection of the beneficiary so as to assure to him the income from the corpus of the trust and closing every avenue by which he. or others, might acquire, dispose of, impair or encumber the property itself. And the courts when dealing with trusts have, of course, adopted and applied principles of law which, as between the beneficiary, his creditors and his trustees, conserve the trust estate and attain the purposes of the trust. But it may be rloubted whether the legal principle? formulated and applied by courts in such matters should guide as rigidly when it comes to a contest by the state to impose a succession tax upon the decedent's beneficiary interest in a trust. However that mav be, we think the determinative question here is olO TllORKE V. STATE. [cHAP. IV. the situs of the trust, rather than the legal nature of the interest the holder of the beneticial certificates has or may assert to tlie trust property. It inav not be doubted that the shares held by Mr. Thome' represent ' property. They have participated in princely earnings, and entitle the holder ultimately to share in the vast properties represented by the shares of the mining companies con- stituting the corpus of the trust. Xo matter how contingent or uncertain, from a legal viewpoint, the interest represented by these beneficial certificates of Mr. Thorne might be, they possessed a very substantial value on the stock market. A trust dealing with vast fortunes must have a home wliere its business is administered. The outstanding facts wliicli seem to us to fix the domicile of this trust in this state are these: The shares of the mining com- panies, the corpus of the trust, have always remained here since the transfer to the trustees; the president and secretary of the trus- tees have always resided here; this secretary and his office force have not only liad here charge of the trust estate, its records and business, but such persons have also constituted the secretary and office force of the mining companies ; the income from the trust property, that is, from the shares in the mining companies, has al- ways been accounted for and turned over to the trustees in this state, and the trust was planned and authorized by the Great North- ern Railway Company, a domestic corporation, and represents property mostly situate in this state and which belonged to the railway company when the trust agreement was made. The Great Northern Eailway Company was the real settlor of the trust. We hold that the trust to which these beneficial certificates pertain is within the jurisdiction of the state and has a situs and location therein. The only other state that could possibly claim to be the seat of this trust would be New York, and the only facts pointing to that conclusion would be the execution of the trust agreement there, the maintenance in New York City of transfer, registering and dividend disbursing offices, the keeping of funds on deposit in New York banks, the residence there of two trustees, and meetings of the trustees held in that state. But it is readily appreciated that the maintenance of the offices mentioned in New York City is to facili- tate dealings on the stock market in these certificates and other financial transactions, the same as like offices are there maintained in the same building by the Great Northern Eailway Company. And no doubt convenience dictated the meetings in New York City by the trustees, and the execution there of the trust agreement, the trustees here residing, actively engaged as officers of the railway company and the mining companies, would naturally find frequent visits to New York, the financial center, necessary, while business journeys to the west by the New York trustees would likely be rare. We entertain no doubt that, at any time while an owner, Mr. Thorne could have come into the courts of this state for any relief he might have shown himself entitled to in respect to his interest in this trust. The case of Venner v. Great Northern Ry. Co. supra, CIIAl'. IV.] STATE V. KBELING. 311 was dispoped of on tlie facts admitted by the demurrer to the com- plaint, and is not to be construed as liolding, as a matter of law that the certificate holders cannot compel by appnjpriate suit a distribution of accumulated eainings. Had there been but one trustee, either a person domiciled in this state or a domestic cor- jtoration such as a trust ccjinpany, with the corpus of the trust held and managed as here was done, no question could well have been raised as to the right to impose the tax, even though the trust agree- ment were executed in New York, and even though a transfer and dividend paying office were there kept, and even if it were doubtful by the law of which state the validity of the trust agreement should be determined. The i)roj)osition that a trust has a situs so as to afford a basis for chiiming an inheritance tax is not entirely novel, although courts in det^'rmining the location may not always stress the same factors. Varied importance is given to the residence of the trustees, the resi- il is 334: HA^*so^^ county v. gray. [chap. v. plain, speedy, and adequate. There may be decisions which announce a different doctrine, but the overwhelming weight of authority sus- tains the view that a tax is not a "debt," in the ordinary sense of that word; that, when the statute prescribes no special uianner for its collection, it may be collected by an action at law, but, when an adequate method is provided by statute, an action for its collection cannot be maintained. Galling v. Commissioners, 93 N. C. 536; Board of Com'rs r. First Xat. Bank (Kan. Sup.) 30 Pac. 22; Water-supply Co. v. Bell (Colo. Sup.) 36 Pac. 1102; City of Cam- den V. Allen, 26 N. J. Law, 398 ; City of Detroit v. Jepp, 52 Mich. 458, 18 N. W. 217; Ilibbard v. Clark, 56 N. H. 155; Eichards v. Commissioners, 40 Xeb. 45, 58 X. W. 594; Louisville Water Co. V. Com., 89 Ky. 244, 12 S. W. 300; State v. Piazza, QQ Miss. 426, 6 South. 316. Appellant cites the following cases in support of its contention that the special statutorv method is not exclusive : McLean v. Myers, 134 N. Y. 480, 32 N. E. 63; People v. Seymour, 16 Cal. 332; City f of Davenport v. Chicago, E. I. & P. E. Co., 38 Iowa, 633 ; City of Dubuque v. Illinois Cent. E. Co., 39 Iowa, 56; City of Burlington V. Burlington & M. E. E. Co., 41 Iowa, 134; and Dollar Sav. Bank V. U. S. 19 Wall. 227. McLean v. Myers does not sustain the con- tention, because the New York statute under discussion in that case, as shown by the opinion, expressly provides that the tax "may be recovered, with interest and costs, by the receiver of taxes of said city in an action in any court of record in this state," 134 N. Y. 484, 32 X. E. 63. People v. Seymour is not in point. In that case the court construed and considered the constitutionality of a statute expressly authorizing the collection of taxes by action. Undoubtedly, the legislature has power to authorize the collection of taxes by action, in addition to any special method, but it has not exercised such power in this state. In City of Davenport v. Chicago, E. I. & P. E. Co., the question was not properly before the court, and it expressly refrained from intimating any opinion thereon. Careful examination of the other Iowa cases cited show that only two of the four judges then constituting the court concurred in the view that a tax is a debt for which an action at law may be maintained, although the statute provides a special remedy. It will be observed that Judge Cole dissented, and Judge Miller held that the question was not properly before the court. Whatever may be found in Dollar Sav. Bank v. TJ. S. tending to support appellant's contention is simply dicta, because the subject is dismissed with these words: " But all this is superfluous, for the act of congress authorizes suits at law to recover unpaid taxes. It enacts as follows : ' Taxes may be sued for and recovered in the name of the United States in any proper form of action before any circuit or district court of the United States, for the district in which the liability for such taxes mav have been, or may be, incurred, or where the party from whom such tax is due may reside at the time of the commencement of said action.'" 19 Wall. 240. Numerous other cases cited in digests CHAP, v.] UNITED STATES f. < II A M liKIM.l X. 335 auJ by text writers, as holding that an action will lie to recover taxes without express statutory authority, notwithstanding an ade- quate special method ol' collection has been provided, have been examined, but not one has been found where the question is directly de(i<]('d in favor of that view. The conclusion relative to the collec- tion of taxes by an action at law, herein announced, was reached by a majority of this court in Brule Co. v. King, 11 S. D. 204, 77 N. \V. lOT. Hut as one of the judges, without stating any reasons, dissented in that case, it was deemed not improper to again consider the (piestion, wiiich has been done with care and the assistance of able counsel. It sliould be add('(I that the judge who dissented in Brule Co. v. King did so on the ground tliat the question now <]v,- cided was not involved therein, and without forming any opinion in relation thereto. The order of the court below is Affirmed. UNITED STATES v. CHAMBERLIN. Supreme Court of the United States. 1911. [Reported 219 f7. S. 250.] Huoiies, J. The question presented is whether an action lies by the United States to recover the amount of a stamp tax payable under the War Revenue Act of 1898 upon the execution of a convey- ance. If the statute creates an obligation to pay the tax, and does not provide an exclusive remedy, the action must be regarded as well brought. At common law, customs duties were recoverable by the Crown by an information in debt or an exchequer information in the nature of a bill in equity for discovery and account. These inforiuations rested, upon the general principle " that in the given case the couimon law or the statute creates a debt, charge, or duty in the party personally to pay the duties immediately upon the importation; and that, therefore, the ordinar}' remedies lie for this, as for any other acknowledged debt due to the crown." United States v. Lyman, 1 Mason, p. 499. See also Comyn's Digest (Title " Debt,'' A, 9) ; Bunbury's Reports, *pp. 97, 233, 225, 2G2. Applying tliis principle it was held in the Lyman case, sjipra. and in Meredith v. United States, 13 Pet. 486, that the Government was entitled to maintain an action to recover duties upon imports as a personal indebtedness of the importers. The duty to pay was there derived from the language of the act of April 27, 1816, c. 107 (3 Stat, p. 310), that "there shall be levied, collected and paid " the several duties mentioned, and in accordance with an established rule of interpretation the charge of the duty on the goods was taken to mean a personal charge against the owner. In the case last cited the court by Mr. Justice Story said (p. t!)3) : 336 UNITED STATES V. CHAMBERLIN. [cHAP. V. "The first question is, wliether Smith and Buchanan were ever personally indebted for these duties; or, in other words, whether the importers of goods do, in virtue of the importation thereof, become personally indebted to the United States for the duties due thereon; or the remedy of the United States is exclusively confined to the lien on the goods, and the security of the bond given for the duties. It appears to us clear upon principle, as well as upon the obvious import of the provisions of the various acts of Congress on this subject, that the duties due upon all goods imported con- stitute a personal debt due to the United States from the importer (and the consignee for this purpose is treated as the owner and importer), independently of any lien on the goods, and any bond given for the duties. The language of the duty act of the 27th of April, 1816, ch. 107, under which the present importations were made, declares that ' there shall be levied, collected, and paid ' the several duties prescribed by the act on goods imported into the United States. And this is a common formulary in other acts laying duties. Now, in the exposition of statutes laying duties, it has been a common rule of interpretation derived from the principles of the common law, that where the duty is charged on the goods, the meaning is that it is a personal charge on the owner by reason of the goods. So it was held in Attorney General v. , 2 Anst. R. 558, where a duty was laid on wash in a still; and it was said by the court that where duties are charged on any articles in a revenue act, the word ' charged ' means that the owner shall be debited with the sum; and that this rule prevailed even when the article was actually lost or destroyed before it became available to the owner. Nor is there anything new in this doctrine; for it has long been held that in all such cases an action of debt lies in favor of the government against the importer, for the duties, whenever by accident, mistake, or fraud, no duties, or short duties have been paid." A similar rule has been applied in the case of internal revenue taxes. United States v. Washington Mills, by Clifford, J., 2 Cliff. 601, 607; Dollar Savings Bank v. United States, 19 Wall. 227; United States v. Pacific Railroad, bv Miller and Dillon, JJ., 4 Dill. 66; United States v. Tilden, by Blatchford, J., 9 Ben. 368. In Dollar Savings Bank v. United States, supra, an action of debt was sustained to recover the amount of the internal revenue tax imposed by the act of July 13, 1866, c. 184, 14 Stat. 138, on the undistributed gains carried to the surplus fund of the bank. It was objected that the act provided a special remedy for the assess- ment and collection of the tax and that no other could be used. But the court, finding no prohibition of the remedy by action, held the argument untenable, saying (pp. 238-240) : " It must also be conceded to lie a rule of the common law in England, as it is in Pennsylvania and many of the other States, that where a statute creates a right and provides a particular remedy for its enforcement, the remedy is generally exclusive of all com- mon-law remedies. / CHAP, v.] UNITED STATES V. CIIAMBERLIX. 337 "But it is important to notice upon wliat the rule is founded. The reason of the rule is that the statute, by providing a particular remedy, manifests an intention to prohibit other remedies, and the rule, therefore, rests upon a presumed statutory prohiljition. It applies and it is enforced when any one to whom the statute is a rule of conduct seeks redress for a civil wrong. lie is confined to the remedy pointed out in the statute, for he is forbidden to make use of any other. But by tlie Inlcnial Revenue law, the United States are not prohibited from adopting any remedies for the re- covery of a debt due to them wiiich are known to the laws of Pennsyl- vania. The prohibitions, if any, either express or implied, contained in the enactment of 1866, are for others, not for the government. They may be obligatory upon tax collectors. They may prevent any suit at law by such officers or agents. But they are not rules for the conduct of the State. It is a familiar principle that the King is not bound by any act of Parliament unless he be named therein b}^ special and particular words. The most general words that can be devised (for example, any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate) affect not him in the least, if they may tend to restrain or diminish any of his rights and interests. He may even take the benefit of any particular act, though not named. The rule thus settled respecting the British Crown is equally applicable to this government, and it has been applied frequently in the dif- ferent States, and practically in the Federal courts. It may be considered as settled that so much of the royal prerogatives as be- longed to the King in his capacity of parens patrice, or universal trustee, enters as much into our political state as it does into the principles of the British constitution. " It must, then, be concluded that the government is not prohi- bited by anything contained in the act of 1866 from employing any common-law remedy for the collection of its dues. The reason of the rule which denies to others the use of any other than the statutory remedy is wanting, therefore, in applicability to the gov- ernment, and the rule itself must not be extended beyond its reason.'* See also United States v. Stevenson, 215 U. S. p. 197. » The statute, in the Savings Bank case, contained a provision (now in § 32 13, Rev. Stat.) which expressly authorized the bringing of an action. But the court also found a sufficient basis for its judgment in the general power of the Government to collect by suit taxes that are due, where the statute imposing the tax docs not deny that remedy. This point was presented, considered and decided in the determination of the cause and the decision is none the less au- thoritative because there was another ground for the ultimate con- clusion. Railroad Co. r. Schutte, 103 U. S. p. 143; Union Pacific Co. V. Mason City Co., 199 U. S. p. 166. Neither Lane County v. Oregon, 7 Wall. 71, nor Meriwether v. Garrett. 102 U. S. 472, relied upon by the defendants, involved the question. In the former case it was held that the acts of Congress of 1862 and 1863, making United States notes a legal tender for debts, had no reference to taxes imposed by state authority. The 338 UNITED STATES V. CHAMBERLIN. [cHAP. V. Legal Tender Acts expressly provided that the notes slionld be re- ceivable for national taxes and the context forbade the conclusion that Congress intended to include state taxes under the term " debts,'* and there was hence no conflict with the statute of Oregon which required the taxes due the State to be collected in coin. In Meriwether r. Garrett, supra, it was held that taxes ^evied before the repeal of the charter of a municipality, other than such as were levied in obedience to the special requirement of contracts entered into under the authority of law, and such as were levied under judicial direction for the payment of judgments recovered against the city, could not be collected through the instrumentality of a court of chancery at the instance of the city's creditors. Such taxes could be collected only under authority from the legislature. A tax may or may not be a " debt " xmder a particular statute, according to the sense in which the word is found to be used. But whether the Government may recover a personal judgment for a tax depends upon the existence of the duty to pay, for the enforce- ment of which another remedy has not been made exclusive. Whether an action of debt is maintainable depends not upon the question who is the plaintiff or in what manner the obligation was incurred, but it lies whenever there is due a sum either certain or readily reduced to certainty. Stockwell v. United States, 13 \Yall. p. 542. Here the tax was a stamp tajj, but the language as clearly imports the obligation to pay as did that of the statue before the court in the Mereditli case, supra. Section 6 of the War Eevenue Act of 1898 provided that there should be "levied, collected and paid" in respect of the instruments mentioned " by any person or persons, or party who shall make, sign, or issue the same, or for whose use or benefit the same shall be made, signed, or issued, the several taxes or sums of money " set forth in the schedule which followed. There is nothing in the nature of a stamp tax which per se negatives either the personal obligation, otherwise to be derived from the words imposing the tax, or its collection by action. The stamp is to be affixed to the instrument "to denote said tax." Sections 7, 13, 14. Section 25 provided that the Commissioner of Internal Eevenue .should cause to be prepared " for the payment of the taxes prescribed in this Act suitable stamps denoting the tax on the docu- ment, article, or thing to which the same may be affixed." The stamp is the evidence, and its purchase the convenient means, of payment. When a statute says that a person shall pay a given tax I it obviously imposes upon that person the duty to pay, and this may jbe enforced through the ordinary means adapted to the recovery of a definite sum due, unless that course is clearly prohibited. I The objection was made in the Savings Bank case, supra, that I the tax had not been assessed. The court held, however, that no other assessment than that made by the statute was necessary in order to determine the extent of the bank's liability. Following this rule, Judge Blatchford said in United States v. Tilden, 9 Ben. p. 386, where the action was brought to recover unpaid taxes on income : " The extent of the liability of the individual for income CHAP, v.] UNITED STATES V. ClIAMBERLIX. 339 tax is defmcd by the statute, equally witii the extent of the liability of the bank for the tax on undistributed earnings. In each case it is necessary, in an action of debt for the tax, to resort to sources of information outside of the statute, to acertain the amount on which the i)cr centum of tax iixed by the statute is to be calculated. . . . The diilerence between the two cases, in that respect, if there be any, will be, in every case, one of degree merely, not of principle. The statute in imposing the per centum of tax on the income of the individual, makes a charge on him of a sum which is certain fop the purposes of an action of debt, because it can be made certain through the action of a judicial tribunal, by following the rules laid down in the statute. Tlmt is the principle of the decision in the case of the bank, and it controls the present case." See also King V. United States, 99 U. S. p. 233; United States v. Erie Rail- way Co., 107 U. S. p. 2; United States v. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co., 123 U. S. p. 114; and United States v. Snyder, 149 U. S. p. 215. The statute now before us fixes a tax of a specified amount, according to the consideration or value of the lands conveyed. It is insisted, however, that the provision for penalties excludes the idea of a personal liability. Thus it is made a misdemeanor to sign or issue one of the described instruments to which a stamp has not been affixed, punishable under § 7 by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, and not exceeding two hundred dollars under § 10 in the case of a bill or note. And under § 13, where there is intent to evade the law, the olfense is punished '^by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both, in the discretion of the court." The unstamped instrument is nuide inadmissible in evidence (§§ 7, 14), is not allowed to be recorded (§ 15), and l)y the provision of § 13 is to "be deemed invalid and of no effect." But these penalties were provided in order to induce the payment of the tax, and not as a substitute for payment. It cannot be sup- posed tluit Congress intended, by penalizing delinquency, to deprive the Government of any suitable means of enforcing the collection of revenue. In large transactions, as in the case at bar, the fine which could be imposed would be much less than the tax, and no reason is suggested why the Go\ernment should forgo the collection of that which, under the statute, is its due. Punishment by imprisonment, under § 13, is imposed only where it can be shown tliat there was an "intent to evade the provisions" of the act, and while this remedy is a])propriate in such a case, and is for the obvious purpose of discouraging evasion, it is without applica- tion where, for any other reason, the tax has not been paid and thereby the Government has lost its revenue. The provision in- validating the instrument is likewise punitive. The object was not primarily to deprive instruments of effect, but to insure the dis- charge of the obligation to pay; and that obligation would still be undischarged, even though, by reason of the non-payment, the in- strument was deemed invalid. Upon these grounds we conclude that the United States was en- 340 STATE OF COLORADO r. HARBECK. [cHAP. V. titled to maintain this action and that the demurrer should have been overruled. The judgment is therefore Reversed. STATE OF COLORADO v. HARBECK. Supreme Court of New York. Appellate Division. 1919. [Reported 189 App. Div. 865.] Action to recover an inheritance tax assessed by the State of Colorado against the estate of John H. Harbeck, who died domiciled in Colorado. The widow and executrix, defendant in this case, ac- quired a domicil in New York after her husband's death.^ Philbin, J. . . . The defendants contend that this action cannot be maintained because : First, all proceedings upon which this action is based were had in the State of Colorado without personal service process upon the defendants and without appearance by them, and are a nullity in so far as they and this action are concerned ;2 second, there is no authorization whatever under the laws of Colo- rado or New York for this action; third, the alleged claim or cause of action is of such character that our courts cannot entertain it. . . . It now becomes necessary to take up the question as to the plain- tiff's right to enforce this obligation in this State. It is contended by defendants that section 17, 18, and 19 of the Colorado Inheritance Tax Law of 1913 contain the sole remedy open to the plaintiff for the collection of the taxes. We have seen that because of the ab- sence from Colorado of the defendants and of any property therein belonging to the decedent, no proceedings could be had imder those sections. The defendants, although they admit having received the notice by mail provided for in the Colorado statute, have not vol- untarily submitted to the jurisdiction of that State or permitted personal service to be made upon them therein. Section 17, in brief, gives the County Court jurisdiction over the property of a decedent and taxes thereon, and provides that the County Court first acquiring jurisdiction shall retain the same " to the exclusion of every other" (County Court). Section 18 provides that, where the tax has not been paid the county court shall issue a summons requiring the person interested in the property to appear on a day certain, not more than three months after the date of the summons, to show cause why the tax should not be paid. The summons may be served in every respect as provided for a summons in a civil action in rem unless otherwise provided in the act. Section 19 states that after the refusal or neglect to pay a tax within one year from the accrual thereof, and where no bond has been given, it shall be the duty of the Attorney-General to file a petition under section 18 and press it to a final conclusion. The Attorney-General is authorized to appear in behalf of the State in any and all inher- itance tax matters before any court of record. Because of inability to invoke the operation of the foregoing sections, the plaintiff should not be deprived of all remedy, and compelled to abandon every effort ^ This short statement of facts is substituted for that of the court. ' The opinion on this point is omitted. The court held the tax valid. CHAP, v.] STATK OF COLOE^VDO V. IIAKBECK. 341 to keep the defendants to the obli{:jation they assumed as above stated. There is nothing to prevent a State, a political corporation, from seeking in the courts the relief or redress tiiat any otlier corporation may demand. Delafield v. Illinois, 2 Hill, lOlJ. And it is to be noted that section 13, in providing that the Attorney-General may apply to have a person take out letters of administration, with the will an- nexed, states as already indicated that such provision shall not pre- vent the enforcement of the collection of any tax in any otlier manner " as may be provided in this act or " by law." And section 19 says that the Attorney-General shall be authorized to appear in behalf of the State " in any and all inheritance tax matters before any court of record." In Pinnacle Co. v. People, 58 Colo. 86, 90, it was held that if a special remedy provided by statute for the collection of taxes is not effectual to compel payment in spite of the taxpayer's determination not to pay, resort may be had to an action against the taxpayer. The remedy sought by the plaintiff is not limited to its courts and adequate enforcement can be had in ours. Howarth v. Angle, 163 N. Y. 179; Shipman v. Treadwell, 200 N. Y. 472. A different situation was presented in Marshall v. Sherman, 148 X. Y. 9. There the action was brought by a creditor of a Kansas bank to enforce a statutory liability of a stockholder under a statute of that State. It was held that there was no reason why the plaintiff should be permitted to enforce the liability against a citizen of this State in a form of action different from that which a creditor of a domestic corporation may prosecute against a domestic stock- holder. In the Howarth Case, supra, approved in Knickerbocker Trust Co. V. Iselin, 185 N. Y. 54, 59, it was held that the enforce- ment of a statutory liability against a resident stockholder for debts of an insolvent foreign corporation does not rest upon the theory that the laws of the foreign State are in force in this State, but upon the contractual obligation the shareholder assumes to meet the liability affixed by the statute to the ownership of stock. The de- fendants in this case by their conduct assumed the statutory obliga- tion and thereby made it their contractual obligation. Public policy does not prohibit the assumption of jurisdiction by this court and the principle of comit)^ demands it. Loucks v. Standard Oil Co., 224 N. Y. 99. The Inheritance Tax: Law of Colorado has precisely the same design as a similar law in this State, and may indeed be said to be identical in its general provi- sions and scope. It was apparently to avoid the full force of the provisions of our own law that the defendants placed the decedent in the position of a nonresident of this State. As was said in the Loucks Case: "A foreign statute is not law in this State, but it gives rise to an obligation, which, if transitory, ' follows the person and may be en- forced wherever the person may be found.' . . . ' No law can exist as such except the law of the land : but ... it is a principle of every civilized law that vested rights shall be protected.' . . . The plaintiff owns something, and we help him to get it. . . . "We do 342 MCGEE V. SALEM. [ciIAPo V, this unless some sound reason of public policy makes it unwise for us to lend our aid.'' . . . Judgment reversed, with costs, and judgment directed for plain- tiff as prayed for in the complaint, with costs. McGEE V. SALEM. Supreme Judicial Couet of Massachusetts. 1889. [Reported 149 Mass. 238.] Contract to recover $31.40, the amount of a tax paid under protest. Trial in the Superior Court, without a jury, before Brig- ham, C. J., who allowed a bill of exceptions, in substance as follows. This action was heard and determined by the court, upon finding the facts following. Prior to May 1, 1884, one Putnam was the owmer of greenhouses upon land owned by one Emmerton, on Crom- bie Street, in Salem. The assessors of the defendant city assessed to Emmerton taxes upon the land for the year 1884, and to Putnam " upon the greenhouses thereon, as real estate," as well as upon other land on Mason Street in Salem, the stock in the greenhouses, valued at $500, being assessed to Putnam as personal estate. The entire tax assessed in 1884 to Putnam on his real and personal estate was the sum of $59.75. Subsequently, Putnam was declared to be an insolvent debtor, and in settling his estate his assignees in insolvency sold the greenhouses to the plaintiffs, on January 1, 1886. The tax for the year 1884 on the greenhouses remaining unpaid in July, 1886, the defendant's collector of taxes proceeded to collect it by a sale of the green houses as real estate, after due notice, by public auction. Before the day appointed for the sale, the plaintiffs duly paid the tax to the collector, after signing a protest in writing, but in paying it did not claim that the tax had been illegally assessed, or that the same should be apportioned, or ask of the collector so to apportion it that they could avoid the sale of the greenhouses by paying so much of the tax assessed to Putnam on the greenhouses as ' " real estate " as applied to them only, and not to the land on which they were. The judge ruled that upon these facts the action could not be maintained, and found for the defendant; and the plaintiffs alleged exceptions. Field, J. We understand from the exceptions that the tax on the land \ipon which the greenhouses stood, was assessed to Emmer- ton, and that in this assessment the greenhouses were not included, and that the tax on the greenhouses, considered apart from the land, was assessed to Putnam as a tax on real estate. This separation of the greenhouses from the land on wdiich they stood implies that the assessors considered that the greenhouses belonged to Putnam as personal property. These taxes were assessed as of May 1, 1884. CIIA!'. v.] MCGEt V. SALEM. 343 Putnam, alter this tax was assessed to him, became an insolvent debtor, and the assignees of his estate, on January 1, 1886, sold the greenhouses to the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs, therefore, so far as appears took an absohite title to tiie greeiiiiouses, unless there was a lien on them in lavor of the city of Salem for the payment of tlie tax assessed to Putnam. The Pub. Sts. c. 11, provide, in § 3, tiiat "real estate, for the purposes of taxation, sluill include all lands within this State, and all buildings and otlier things* erected on or affixed to the same" ; in § 13, that "taxes on real estate shall be assessed, in the city or town where the estate lies, to the person who is either the owner or in possession thereof on the first clay of May" ; in § 20, that "all personal estate, within or without the Commonwealth, shall be assessed to the owner in the city or town where he is an inhaljitant on the first day of Slay, except", etc.; and in § 53 require that the buildings and lots of land be sej)arately described. In Milligan v. Drury, 130 Mass. 4t^8, it was in effect decided that buildings affixed to land, under an agreement between the owner of the land and the owner of the buildings that they should remain personal property, might be assessed with the land to the landowner; and it was said that "the assessors were not obliged to inciuice into the private contracts between the parties, but had the right to do as they did, and assess together as real estate the land and the buildings affixed tlioreto." It follows from this decision, that the land and the buildings affixed thereto could be assessed together as real estate to the person in possession of the land and the buildings on the first day of May, as well as to the o^vIler of the land. The question did not arise in that case whether a tax can be as- sessed upon buildings which are personal property as a separate tax from that assessed on the land to which the buildings are affixed, and the question whether, if a tax can be so assessed, the buildings should be taxed as real or personal estate, was not considered. There are difficulties whatever view is taken. If the owner of the buildings is an inhabitant of another town within the Commonwealth than that in which the buildings are situated, and the buildings may be assessed to him in one town as personal property, and also nuiy be assessed in the other town as a part of the land to the landowner or person in possession of the land, then there may be double taxa- tion at the election of the assessors of the different to\\Tis. While the stiitutes expressly declare that for the purposes of taxa- tion real estate shall include buildings affixed to land, and expressly provide for a separate description and valuation of the buildings and the lots of land, yet the provisions relating to the collection of a tax on real estate by a lien upon it and a sale of it, or of the rents and profits, or by the purchase of the real estate in behalf of the city or town, or by the taking of it for the city or town, as well a^ the provisions for the redemption by the owner of real ester box board and pulp, which was principally sent tu Philadcljjhia, but some was shipped elsewhere on orders from the Philadelphia office, in which case a memorandum of the shipment was sent to the home office. The office at Readsboro had nothing to do Avith the sale of the goods manufactured there, nor with fixing the price for which they were sold. We think this evidence clearly tended to show that the situs of the accounts assessed by the listers of defendant was in Penn- sylvania, and not in Readsboro. [2] It is a general rule of law, with few, if any exceptions, that debts can have no locality separate from the parties to whom they are due. Says Mr. Justice Field, respecting this rule, in Cleveland, etc., R. R. Co. V. Pennsylvania, 83 U. 8. (15 Wall.) 300, 21 L. Ed. 179: " This principle might be stated in many different wa3's, and sup- ported by citations in numerous adjudications, but no number of authorities and no forms of expression could add anything to its obvious truth, which is recognized upon its simple statement." With the creditor debts are property and may be taxed. All the property there can be in debts belongs to the creditor. Cleveland, etc., R. R. Co. V. Pennsylvania, fnipra: Bullock r. Guildford, 59 Vt. 516, 9 Atl. 360; State v. Clement National Bank, 84 Yt. 167, 199, 78 Atl. 944, Ann. Cas. 1912D, 22. The accounts assessed were not only due to and owned by the plaintiff, whose domicile was in Pennsylvania, but the accounts themselves were in fact permanently held and situated in Pennsylvania and not in Readsboro. [3-5] Btit the defendant contends, though that may be so, the plaintiff cannot recover ii_ this suit ; because its exclusive remedy was by appeal from the lister's decision to the board of civil au- thority, and if not satisfied with their decision, by appeal to the commissioner of taxes, and it cites in supnort of this contention sections 785, 834, and 842 of the General Laws. The proceedings provided for in those sections nil relate to errors and mistakes of the listers in the assessment of taxable property, and not to prop- erty over which they have no jurisdiction or right to assess. In l]6() NAT. METAL EDGE BOX CO. V. READSBORO. [cHAP. VI. Babcock v. Granville, 4-i Vt. 325, an action in assumpsit to re- cover money paid on taxes, under protest, one of the defenses in- sisted upon was that the plaintiff's exclusive remedy was under section GG of chapter 15 of the CJeneral Statutes, which provided, among other things, that the board of civil autliority " may abate, in whole or part, any tax, which has been assessed on the list of any person, in which there is manifest error or in which there is a mistake of the listers or assessors who made up such list." This court held in that case that it was not the exclusive remedy, and that the action was maintainable. While the remedy for errors and mistakes in assessments by the listers, under that statute, was by abatement, instead of by a hearing before the board and appeal to the conmiissioner of taxes, the principle involved is the same, and goes to the extent of supporting the plaintiff's contention that, for an illegal assessment, the taxpayer is not confined to tlie statutory remedy. The court in Babcock v. Granville say that many actions of that kind have been brought in this state and have been main- tained. It was early laid down in this state that where the tax is illegal and therefore void the money paid under protest may be recovered in an action at law. Henry v. Chester, 15 Vt. 460, 470. But the defendant further contends that the tax was not illegal, because the plaintiff included the debts mentioned in the answer to question 25a in its inventory. The case shows this was done at the insistence of the listers who took the inventory, and subject to the plaintiff's objection that the accounts were not taxable. In these circumstances the listers were not misled, and so were not justified in assessing property not taxable, on the ground that the plaintiff was stopped from claiming their illegality. [6] The defendant further contends that the tax was not illegal in fact. But a tax assessed against a person upon nontaxable prop- erty, is illegal and it requires no citation of authorities in support of this holding. [7] The defendant further contends that the evidence shows that the tax was paid voluntarily. We think it does not. A check in payment of the tax assessed upon the accounts in question was de- livered to the treasurer of defendant by the plaintiff's superintendent, in a letter of the following tenor : "October 18, 1917. " Mr. C. H. Brown, Treasurer, Readsboro, Vt. — Dear Sir : We understand that unless the village and town of Eeadsboro tax for 1917 is paid according to the assessment, as per bill September 22, 1917, we will subject ourselves to a penalty of 8 per cent. "In order to avoid the penalty, we are inclosing herewith our check for $4,762.15, but are making this payment under protest with a view of taking the necessary proceedings to recover the excess tax, which we are obliged to pay on the erroneous and improper assessment. The erroneous assessment complained of is on the item No. 25a of $31,635.44 on our tax inventory returned to listers in April, 1917, on which the tax charged is $996.50, less discount 4 per cent. $956.64, and for which bill is herewith inclosed." CHAP. VT.] NAT. METAl. KIHIK Il()\ CO. V. READBHORO. 307 Tills letter was signed b}- the plaintifT. While it is a hopeless un- dertaking to attempt to reconcile the authorities from different jurisdictions and extract therefrom a rule that will apply to every case involving the question of protest, we think that in our own de- cisions we have a rule that is followed by all our cases, upon the point here involved. The point upon which conflict arises in the different jurisdictions lies in the determination of what degree of coinpidsion is necessary to make the payment involuntary. We hold in lino with our former decisions that the plaintiff had a right to expect, in the circumstances of the case, that unless it paid the tax within the time limited, in due course a warrant would issue, and the collection be enforced with costs and it be subjected to the penalty. This was all the compulsion necessary to make the payment involuntary and the protest available under our former holdings. Stowe V. Stowe, 70 Vt. GOO, 41 Atl. 1042; Allen v. Burlington, 45 Vt. 202; Babcock v. Granville, supra. The view we take respecting the situs of the accounts assessed renders it unneccessary to consider whether interest was charged on those accounts, as that question now becomes immateral. We find no error in the judgment and proceedings below, and the same is afiirm.ed. 36S PECK V. LOWE. [chap. VII. CHAPTER VII. THE FEDERAL INCOME TAX. PECK V. LOWE. SUPEEME COUET OF THE UNITED STATES. 1918. [Reported 247 U. 8. 165.] Tan Devaxtee^ J. This was an action to recover a tax paid under protest and alleged to have been imposed contrary to the constitu- tional provision (art. 1, sec. 9, cl. 5) that "No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State." The judgment below was for the defendant. (234 Fed. 125.) The plaintiff is a domestic corporation chiefly engaged in buying goods in the several States, shipping them to foreign countries, and there selling them. In 1914 its net income from this business was $30,173.66 and from crther sources $12,436.24. An income tax for that year, computed on the aggregate of these sums, was assessed against it and paid under compulsion. It is conceded that so much of the tax as was based on the income from other sources was valid, and the controversy is over so much of it as was attributable to the income from shipping goods to foreign countries and there selling them. The tax was levied under the act of October 3, 1913 (c. 16, sec. II, 38 Stat. 166, 1T2), which provided for annually subjecting every domestic corporation to the payment of a tax of a specified per centum of its " entire net income arising or accruing from all sources during the preceding calendar year." Certain fraternal and other corporations, as also income. from certain enumerated sources, were specifically excepted, but none of the exceptions included the plain- tiff or any part of its income. So, tested merely by the terms of the act, the tax collected from the plaintiff was rightly computed on its total net income. But as the act obviously could not impose a tax forbidden by the Constitution, we proceed to consider whether the tax, or rather the part in question, was forbidden by the constitu- tional provision on which the plaintiff relies. The sixteenth amenrlment, although referred to in argument, has no real bearing and may be put out of view. As pointed out in recent decisions, it does not extend the taxing power to new or excepted subjects, but merely removes all occasion, which otherwise might ex- ist, for an apportionment among the States of taxes laid on income, whether it be derived from one source or another. Brushaber v. Union Pacific E. E. Co., 240 U. S. 1, 17-19; Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 U. S. 103, 112-113. SECT. IV.] PECK V. LOWE. 369 The Constitution broadly empowers Congress not only " to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises," but also '* to regulate commerce with foreign nations." So, if the prohibitory clause in- voked by tiie plaintitl' bo nut in the way. Congress undoubtedly has power to lay and collect such a tax as is here in question. That clause says '' No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State." Of course it (lualifies and restricts the power to tax as broadly conferred. But to what extent? The decisions of this court answer that it excepts from the range of that power articles in course of exportation, Turpin v. Burgess, 117 U, S. 50-4, 507; the act or occu])ation of exporting, Brown v. Maryland, 13 Wheat. 419, 445; bills of lading for articles being exported, Fairbanks v. United States, 181 U. S. 283; charter parties for the carriage of cargoes from State to foreign ports, United States v. Hvoslef, 237 U. S. 1 ; and policies of marine insurance on articles being exported — such in- surance being uniformly regarded as " an integral part of the expor- tation " and the policy as " one of the ordinary shipping documents," Thames and Mersey Ins. Co. v. United States, 237 U. S. 19. In short, the court has interpreted the clause as meaning that exporta- tion must be free from taxation, and therefore as reciuiring "not simply an omission of a tax upon the articles exported, but also a freedom from any tax which directly burdens the exportation." Fairbanks v. United States, supra, pp. 292-293. And the court has indicated that where the tax is not laid on the articles themselves while in course of exportation the true test of its validity is whether it "so directly and closely" bears on the "process of exporting" as to be in substance a tax on the exportation. Thames and Mersey Ins. Co. V. United States, supra, p. 25. In this view it has been held that the clause does not condemn or invalidate charges or taxes, not laid on property' while being exported, merely because they affect exportation indirectly or remotely. Thus a charge for stamps which each package of manufactured tobacco intended for export was re- quired to bear before removal from the factory was upheld in Pace v. Burgess, 92 U. S. 372, and Turpin v. Burgess, 117 U. S. 504; and the application of a manufacturing tax on all filled cheese to cheese mannfactured under contract for export, and actually exported, was upheld in Cornell v. Coyne, 192 U. S. 418. In that case it was said, page 427: "The true construction of the constitutional provision is that no burden by way of tax or duty can be cast upon the exportation of articles, and does not mean that articles exported are relieved from the prior ordinary burdens of taxation which rest upon all property similarly situated. The exemption attaches to the export and not to the article before its exportation." "While fully assenting and adhering to the interpretation which has been put on the clause in giving effect to its spirit as well as its letter, we are of opinion that to broaden that interpretation would be to depart from both the spirit and letter. The tax in question is unlike any of those heretofore condemned. It is not laid on articles in course of exportation or on anything which inherently or by the usages of commerce is embraced in ex- 370 CEOCKER V. MALLEY. [CHAP. VTL. portation or any of its processes. On the contrary, it is an income tax laid generally on net incomes. And while it can not be applied to any income which Congress has no power to tax (see Stanton t'. Baltic Mining Co., supra, p. 113), it is both nominally and actually a general tax. It is not laid on income from exportation because of its source, or in a discriminative way, but just as it is laid on other income. The words of the act are " net income arising or accruing from all sources." There is no discrimination. At most, exporta- tion is affected only indirectly and remotely. The tax is levied after exportation is completed, after all expenses are paid and losses ad- justed, and after the recipient of the income is free to use it as he chooses. Thus what is taxed — the net income — is as far removed from exportation as are articles intended for export before the expor- tation begins. If articles manufactured and intended for export are subject to taxation under general laws up to the time they are put in course of exportation, as we have seen they are, the conclusion is unavoidable that the net income from the venture when completed, that is to say, after the exportation and sale are fully consummated, is likewise subject to taxation under general laws. In that respect the status of the income is not different from that of the exported articles prior to the exportation. For these reasons we hold that the objection urged against the tax is not well grounded. Judgment affirmed. CEOCKEE V. MALLEY. Supreme Court of the United States. 1919. [Reported 249 U. 8. 223.] Holmes, J. This is an action to recover taxes paid under protest to the collector of internal revenue by the petitioners, the plaintiffs. The taxes were assessed to the plaintiffs as a joint-stock association within the meaning of the income tax act of October 3, 1913 (c. 16, sec. 2, G. (a), 38 Stat. 114, 166, 172), and were levied in respect of dividends received from a corporation that itself was taxable upon its net income. The plaintiffs say that they were not an association but simply trustees, and subject only to the duties imposed upon fiduciaries by section 2, D. The Circuij; Court of Appeals decided that the plaintiffs, together, it would seem, with those for whose benefit they held the property, were an association, and ordered judg- ment for the flefcndant, reversing the judgment of the District Court. (250 Fed. 817.) The facts are these : A Maine paper-manufacturing corporation with eight shareholders had its mills on the Nashua Eiver, in Massa- chusetts, and owned outlying land to protect the river from pollution. In 1912 a corporation was formed in Massachusetts. The Maine corporation conveyed to it seven mills and let to it an eighth that was in process of construction, together with the outlying lands and SECT. IV.] CROCKER V. MALLEY. 371 tenements, on a long lease, receiving the stock of the Massachusetts corporation in return. The Maine corporation tlieu transferred to the plaiiitill's as trustees the ice of the propurty, subject to lease* left the Massacliusetts stock in tlieir hands, and was dissolved. By the declaration of trust the phiintill's declared tliat they held the real estate and all other property at any time received by them there- under, subject to the j)rovisions thereof, "for the benefit of the cestui que trusts (who shall be trust beneliciarie.s only, without partner- ship, associate, or other relation whatever inter sese) " upon trust to convert the same into money and distribute the net proceeds to the persons then holding the trustees' receipt certificates — the time of distribution being left to the discretion of the trustees, hut not to be postponed beyond the end of 20 years after the death of specified persons then living, in the meantime the trustees were to have the powers of owners. They were to distribute what they determined to be fairly distributable net income according to the interests of the cestui que trusts but could apply any funds in their hands for the repair or development of the property held by them, or the acquisi- tion of other property, i)ending conversion and distri])ution. The trust was explained to be i)i'cause of the determination of the Maine corporation to dissolve without waiting for the final cash sale of its real estate, and was declared to be for the benefit of the eight share- holders of the ]\raine company who wore to receive certificates subject to transfer and subdivision. Then followed a more detailed statement of the power of the trustees and provision for their compensation, not exceeding 1 per cent of the gross income unless with the written consent of a majority in interest of the cestui que trusts. A similar consent was required for the filling of a vacancy among the trustees and for a modification of the terms of the trust. In no other matter had the beneficiaries any control. The title of the trust was fixed for convenience as the Massachusetts Realty Tnist. The declaration of trust on its face is an ordinary real estate trust of the kind familiar in Massachusetts, unless in the particular that the trustees' receipt provides that the holder has no interest in any specific property and that it purports only to declare the holder en- titled to a certain fraction of the net proceeds of the property when converted into cash "and meantime to income." The only property expressly mentioned is the real estate not transferred to the Massa- chusetts corporation. Altliough the trustees in fact have held the stock of that corporation nnd have collected dividends upon it, their doing so is not contemplated in terms by the instrument. It does not appear verv clearly that the eight Maine shareholders might not have demanded it liad they been so minded. The function of the trustees is not to manage the mills but simply to collect the rents and income of such property as may be in their liands, with a large dis- cretion in the application of it. but with a recognition that the re- ceipt holders are entitled to it subject to the exercise of the powers confided to the trustees. In fact, the whole income, less taxes and similar expenses, hasibeen paid over in due proportion to the holders cf the receipts. O ( 2 CEOCKER V. MALLEY. [CHAP. VII. There can be little doubt that in Massachusetts this arrangement would be held to create a trust and nothing more. " The certiticate holders . . . are in no way associated together nor is there any pro- vision in the [instrument | for any meeting to be held by them. The only act which (under the [declaration of] trust) they can do is to consent to an alteration ... of the trust " and to the other matters that we have mentioned. They are confined to giving or withholding assent, and the giving or withholding it " is not to be had in a meeting but is to be given by them individually." " The sole right of the cesiuis que trust is to have the property administered in their interest by the trustees, who are the masters, to receive income while the trust lasts, and their share of the corpus when the trust comes to an end." Williams v. Milton, 215 Mass. 1, 10, 11; lb., 8, The question is whether a different view is required by the terms of the present act. As by D, above referred to, trustees and associations acting in a fiduciary capacity have the exemption that individual stockholders have from taxation upon dividends of a corporation that itself pays an income tax, and as the plaintiffs undeniably are trustees, if they are to be subjected to a double liability the language of the statute must make the intention clear. Gould v. Gould, 245 U. S. 151, 153; United States v. Isham, 17 Wall. 496, 504. The requirement of G (a) is that the normal tax thereinbefore im- posed upon individuals shall be paid upon the entire net income ac- cruing from all sources during the preceding year "to every corpo- ration, joint-stock company or association, and every insurance company, organized in the United States, no matter how created or organized, not including partnerships." The trust that has been de- scribed would not fall under any familiar conception of a joint-stock association, whether formed under a statute or not. Smith v. An- derson, 15 Ch. D. 247, 273, 274, 277, 282. Eliot v. Freeman, 220 U. S. 178, 186. If we assume that the words "no matter how created or organized " apply to " association " and not only to "insurance company," still it would be a wide departure from normal usage to call the beneficiaries here a joint -stock association when they are admitted not to be partners in any sense, and when they have no joint action or interest and no control over the fund. On the other hand the trustees by themselves can not be a joint- stock association within the meaning of the act unless all trustees with discretionary powers are such, and the special provision for trustees in D is to be made meaningless. We perceive no ground for grouping the two — beneficiaries and trustees — together, in order to turn them into an association, by uniting their contrasted functions and powers, although they are in no proper sense asso- ciated. It seems to be an unnatural perversion of a well-known in- stitution of the law. We do not see either that the result is affected by any technical analysis of the individual receipt holder's rights in the income re- ceived by the trustees. The description most in accord with what has been the practice would be that, as the receipts declare, the holders, until distribution of the capital, were entitled to the SECT. IV.j CHICAGO TITLE & TEUST CO. V. SMIETANKA. 373 income of the fund subject to an unexercised power in the trustees in their reasonable discretion to divert it to the improvement of the capital. But even if it were said that the receipt holders were not entitled to the ineume as such until they got it, we do not discern how that would turn them into a joint-stock company. Moreover the receipt holders did get it, and the question is what portion it was the duty of the trustees to withhold. We presume that the taxation of corporations and joint-stock companies upon dividends of corporations that themselves pay the income tax was for the purpose of discouraging combinations of the kind now in disfavor, by which a corporation holds controlling in- terests in other corporations which in their turn may control otlierp, and so on, and in this way concentrates a power that is disapproved. There is nothing of that sort here. Upon the whole case we are of opinion that the statute fails to show a clear intent to subject the dividends of the Massachusetts corporation's stock to the extra tax imposed by G (a). Our view upon the main question opens a second one upon which the Circuit Court of Appeals did not have to pass. The District Court, while it found for the plaintiffs, ruled tliat the defendant was entitled to retain out of the sum received by him the amount of the tax that they should have paid as trustees. To this the plaintiffs took a cross writ of error to the Circuit Court of Appeals. There can be no question that although the plaintiffs escape the larger liability, there was probable cause for the defendant's act. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue rejected the plaintiff's claim, and the statute does not leave the matter clear. The recovery therefore will be from the United States. (T^ev. Stats., sec. 989.) The plaintiffs, as they themselves alleged in their claim, were the persons taxed, whether they were called an association or trustees. They were taxed too much. If the United States retains from the amount received by it the amount that it should have received, it can not recover that sum in a subsequent suit. Judgment of the Circuit Court of Appeals reversed; judgment of the District Court affirmed. CHICAGO TITLE & TRUST CO. v. SMIETANXA. District Court of the United States. 1921. [Reported 275 Fed. 60.] Page, District Judge. Persons owning capital stock of five street railways in Chicago, desiring to effect a imitary control of the prop- erties, executed the agreement out of which grows the question here, viz. : bid that agreement create a joint-stock company or association, taxable under section TT, G (a) of the Federal Revenue Act of 1913 ? Such a tax was paid bv the plaintiff under protest, and it brings this (and four similar suits) against the defendant, a former internal- 374 CHICAGO TITLE - div. (a), sec. 1), and by the act of 1917 (sec. 1) the net income of '•' every individual " was subject to the rate prescribed (sec. 210) ; and in place of taxes imposed by subdivision (&), section 1 of the act of 1916, and section 2 of the act of 1917, but in addition to the normal tax imposed by section 210 of the act the surtaxes prescribed should be collected. The comprehensiveness of the 1918 act is as great as language could make it, for it applied to the income of every individual, changing the rates and obviously imposing taxes at the new rates where no tax could have been imposed prior to the 1918 act. We are unable to infer that by using the words " in lieu of," Congress meant to tax only those incomes of individuals who had been subject to taxation under tlie two prior acts. It is more reason- able to hold that where the individual was liable under the prior act of 1916, the new act of 1918 became the controlling standard. Where, by the act of 1917, he was relieved of the increased rates of that act, but had been subject to the 1916 act, he was covered by the provisions of the 1918 act, and in the event he was never before included he became liable under the very broad terms of the act of 1918. Section 260, supra, of the act of 1918, also leads to the con- clusions indicated. The language there used discriminates, by mak- ing individuals who are citizens of a possession of the United States, yet not otherwise citizens of the United States, and who are not residents of the United States, subject to be taxed only as to income derived from sources within the United States. Unless such a person has income so derived he is not subject to the act. In the repealing clauses of the act of 1918, as quoted in the state- ment of the case, the act of 1916, as amended by the act of 1917, in force in the Philippines, was continued in force, except as might be otherwise provided by the local legislature. As a general statute of the United States there was clear repeal but as to the Philippines the act of 191G was kept alive, as direct legislation by Congress with SECT. IV.] GAVIT V. IRWIN. 143 respect to the local affairs of the island and not as a general statute of the United States. A citizen of the United States residing in the Philippines becomes subject to the inroino tax law undor the act of 1!J18, By section 2G1, supra, of tiiat act, the tax shall be levied, collected and paid in accordance with the act of 1916, as amended, returns to be made and taxes to be paid under Title I of the act by "every individual who is a citizen or resident" of the island, the local legislature hav- ing power as already defined. The citizen of the United States residing in the island is in. much the same position as is a citizen of a State where there is a State income tax. The fact of residence in the l'hilii)pines avails him no more than would the fact of resi- dence in a State. Section 222 of the act of 1918 in providing for credits for taxes makes the taxes computed under Part II of the title subject to a credit (1) in the case of a citizen of the United States the amount of any income taxes paid during the taxable year to any foreign country upon income derived from sources therein, " or to any possession of tlie United States." It is argued that a citizen of the United States resident of the islands is not subject to taxation under the 1018 act because the return of the "possession" is not a return under tlie act of 1916, though it is a return under a local act. Section 222 allows to one residing in the Philippines a credit upon the tax computed under Part II of the 1918 act, but there is nothing to indicate that there is exemption to the citizens residing in the islands. He may have paid to the island treasury such amounts as are due, but still bo liable to the United States for a sum in ex- cess of that paid in the islands. The regulations of the Treasury' Department (Rogs. 45, arts, 1131, 1132) have been framed upon the construction which we have adopted; and as credit appears to have been given to plaintiff for the amount of taxes which he had already paid in the Philippines, we think he cannot complain of the judgment rendered against him. The judgment is affirmed. GAVIT V. TPWTX. DiSTEiCT Court of the United States. 1921. [Reported 275 Fed. 643.] Cooper, District Judge. By the will of Anthony N. Brady, de- ceased, he divided his estate into six equal parts, and devised one- sixth of his estate in trust to his executors, who were thereby made trustees. The trustees were directed to apply so much of the in- come and profits from such one-sixth as in their discretion they thought necessary for the support and maintenance of decedent's 444 GAVIT r. IRWIX. [chap. VII. granddaughter, Marcia Ann Gavit, daughter of the plaintiff herein, and to divide the remainder of the income of such one-sixth, nat necessary for the support of the granddaughter, into two parts, one of said parts to be paid to the plaintitf during his life, but not longer than the infancy of the daughter, Marcia Ann Gavit, and not longer than her natural life, should she die before attaining the age of 'il years. During the tax years of 1913, 1914, and 1915, the plaintiff re- ceived certain sums of money under the provisions of the Brady will, upon which he has been required to pay, as normal tax, additional tax, and penalties, the sum of $21,60v!.16. He paid this under pro- test, and appealed to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, who decided against him, and the plaintiff has now brought this action to recover such amount of taxes, with interest. The question before the court, arising upon a demurrer to the complaint, is whether or not the moneys so received by the plaintiff under the aforesaid provisions of the Brady will are taxal)le as in- come, within the meaning of the Income Tax Act of October 3, 1913 (38 Stat. 114). The plaintiff contends that the moneys thus received by him are not income, under the provisions of the act of 1913, especially in view of the provisions of subdivision B of such act, and that, even if they come under the act of 1913, they are not income within the meaning of the sixteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and that the statute is unconstitutional. The courts have held that income, within the meaning of the Con- stitution and the Income Tax Act passed pursuant to the sixteenth amendment, must be taken in the common understanding of the term. Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U. S. 189, 40 Sup. Ct. 189, 64 L. Ed. 521, 9 A. L. R. lovO. Income, as laid clown by the United States Supreme Court, within the purview of the Constitution, is defined as: ". . . The gain derived from capital, from labor, or from both combined, provided it be understood to include profits gained through a sale or conversion of capital assets." Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U. S. 189, citing Stratton Ind. v. Howbert, 231 U. S. 399, 415, and Doyle V. Mitchell Bros. Co., 247 U. S. 179, 185. in the same case (Eisner v. Macomber) the relation of capital to income is expressed as follows : "The fundamental relation of ^capital' to 'income' has been much discussed by the economists, the former being likened to the tree or the land, the latter to the fruit or the crop ; the former de- picted as a reservoir supplied from springs, the latter as the outlet stream, to be measured by its flow during a period of time." Since the moneys received by plaintiff were not income from labor, nor from labor and capital combined, nor from the sale or conversion of capital assets, we have only to do with income received from capi- tal. Income, as now considered, is, after the severance, separate and apart from the capital ; it is as separate and apart from the capital as the fruit from the tree, the crops from the land after severance, or the SECT. IV.] GAVIT V. IRWIX. 445 waters in the outlet stream after passing out of the reservoir. It is something which has grown out of or issued from capital, leaving the capital unimpaired and intact. Having these considerations in mind, it cannot he said that these moneys received hy the plaintiff arose from any capital of his. So far as appears from the pleadings in this case, he had no laud, trees, or reservoir to jjruduce crops, fruit, or outlet water — no capital of any kind whatever. If the Income Tax Law of 191 3, therefore, is intended only to tax the income, which is the fruit of the taxpayer's lahor, or the in- come from the taxpayer's capital, in which he has a present owner- ship (or at least a vested future interest, meantime receiving the income or the gain from the sale or conversion of the taxpayer's capital assets), then the money received hy the plaintiff is not income as to him, because he has not and never will have the slightest owner- ship, present or future, vested or contingent, in the capital producing this income. If this is income, therefore, it is the income, not of the capital of the plaintiff", but of the capital of a portion of the Brady estate, which capital will never be that of the plaintiff. There is nothing in the act of 1913 which taxes income which is not the income of the citizen or the individual sought to be taxed. The levy, assessment, and payment is upon the net income of a "citizen." Section A, subdivision 1. " Ijidividuals" are chargeable with the normal and the additional income tax. Section A, subdivi- sion 2. The return required by section A, subdivision 2, is a per- sonal return. An estate is not a " citizen " nor a " person." There is nothing in the act of 1913 which shows any intent to tax the income of estates, as distinguished from the income of a citizen or individual resident of the country. There is in the act no de- finition of citizen or individual which makes either of these terms include estates. It is true that section A, subdivision 1, speaks of "income arising or accruing from all sources ... to every citizen" and section A, subdivision 2, used the language, "income derived from any source whatever." This must, however, be held to mean moneys which are essentially income, and which are income received from the labor or capital, or both, or the sale or conversion of the capital assets, of the person sought to be taxed, and to be limited by the provisions of sub- division B. The act of 1913 in section II, subdivision B, purports to define the income of a taxable person liable to tax. There is no suggestion in subdivision B of any tax upon the income of estates, as distinguished from the income of individuals. This subdivision B, in defining what shall be deemed to be income of a "taxable person," provides that the net income of a "taxable person" shall include "income from, but not the value of property acquired by gift, bequest, devise or descent." This means that there shall be included, within the taxable income of a person liable to tax, the income which he shall receive from property acquired by gift, bequest, devise, or descent. It should be construed as if the statute read : " The income of a taxable person shall include the income from 446 GAVIT r. IRWIN. [CIIAP. VII. property acquired by gift, bequest, devise or descent, but not the value of che property itself." The transfer of possession and the beneficial use of property ac- quired by a person by gift, bequest, devise, or descent is usually de- layed by reason of the necessity for operating the legal machinery required to execute the provisions of the law of trusts, probate, and intestacy. Ofttimes the property which the person thus receives is withheld for a period of time, and he does not get the corpus or capital of the property which he receives by gift, bequest, devise, or descent until a long time after the right thereto is created. During all this suspension of absolute ownership and possession of the prop- erty thus acquired, interest or income accrues. The intent of sub- division B is to tax to the person the income which accrued and is received by him from the property acquired by gift, bequest, devise, or descent, and which property has been withheld from him. There is no suggestion in subdivision B that the income of estates as such, regardless of what disposition is made of the income, shall be taxable, and the tax thereon paid by any person, either in his individual right or as fiduciary. The other provisions of the act relating to fiduciaries are in entire harmony with this construction. Subdivision 2, paragraph D, re- quires the guardians, trustees, etc., of persons who are subject to an income tax because of the amount of income received from such prop- erty, acquired by gift, bequest, devise, or descent, to make a return of the net income of such persons, subject to this tax, for whom such guardians or trustees act. Subdivision 2, paragraph E, provides that, where the income of any person subject to tax shall exceed $3,000 for any taxable year, the guardian, trustee, etc., of such person shall with- hold and deduct from the income paid to such person the amount of the income tax on such income so paid to such person. The last provisions relating to fiduciaries are machinery to safeguard the government's obtaining the income tax on the income of persons from property which they acquire by gift, bequest, devise, or descent, which property and the income therefrom is temporarily in posses- sion and custody of fiduciaries. To make these fiduciary provisions and subdivision B applicable, and to bring a person thereunder, there must be both income of the property received by gift, bequest, devise, or descent, and also the property or capital itself. Unless there is both, there is no income within the meaning of these provisions of the Income Tax Law, and no income tax to be paid ; nor is there any return to be made by the fiduciaries, nor any tax to be withheld from the moneys paid to the beneficiary. Applying this to the case at bar, we must find as to the plaintiff both the income from the property acquired by gift, bequest, devise, or descent, and the property itself, within the meaning of the Income Tax Law of 1913. If these moneys received by the plaintiff from the trustees from this one-sixth portion of the Brady estate are income as to him, where is the property acquired by the plaintiff from the Brady estate — in other words his capital, either in present possession SECT. IV.] GAVIT V. lEWIN. 447 or right of future possession, from which the income arose? Clearly tliere is none, lie never gets the jiroperty whicli produces the income. So as to him there is not Ijotii the property acquired by gift, bequest, devise, or descent and the income thereof. The learned district attorney recognizes and concedes that " in- come" must be something separate, apart, and distinct from "capital," both belonging to the plaintill". lie argues in his brief that the right to receive the moneys must, of necessity, be the capital or corpus from which the moneys received by the plaintilf accrued. This contention does not carry conviction. Heirs have a right to inherit. 'J'hat does not make the inheritance income. So, too, an instrument providing for the future transfer of property would give the transferee the right to it, but would not thereby make the trans- ferred property income. Moreover, there is nothing fixed, absolute, or certain about the plaintiff's right to receive any moneys in any year under the provi- sions of the will. If the trustees elect that the whole amount of the income of the one-sixth is necessary for the support of the testator's granddaughter as she grows older and as her expenses increase, the plaintilf gets nothing. His right is extinguished. To call such a right property or capital, or the equivalent thereof, within the pro- visions of the act of 1913, would be unreasonable. Further consideration of the character or legal status of the moneys received by plaintiff may be helpful. If the will had pro- vided that the income of this one-sixth of the Brady estate, during the first year after his death, should be paid to the plaintiff, and the income thereafter appropriated to the support of his granddaughter so far as necessary, and the balance accumulated for her benefit, would any one contend that the payment to the plaintiff in the one year was income within the meaning of the act of 1913? If the tes- tator in his will had provided for such payment during the first two years after his death, would any one contend that the moneys paid to the plaintilf during the two years was income within the meaning of the act of 1913? "Would it not be clear that this was property acquired by bequest or devise by the plaintilf, the value of which is provided by subdivision B of the act of 1913 to be not taxable as income? Does the fact that the plaintiff received a portion of the income of this one-sixth for three years under the act of 1913, and may receive it longer, change its character from capital to income under this act? Under no cir- cumstances can it last longer than fifteen years, the granddaughter being six years of age. It may cease immediately. From the foregoing it must be determined that there is no pro- vision of the Income Tax Law of 1913 by which it can belield that the moneys received by plaintiff during these years 1913, 1914, and 1915 are income and taxable. While ithe moneys received by plain- tiff are income as to the estate, they are not income as to the plaintiff. As to him, they are the property acquired bv bequest or devise, and therefore not taxable. It was not until 1916 that any provision was made in the income tax act for a tax upon the income of estates, aa 448 MILES r. SAFE DEPOSIT AND TKUST CO. [ciIAP. VII. Avell as a tax upon the income of persons. By the amendment of 1916 (Act Sept. 8, 1916, c. 463 [Comp. St. § 6336a et seq.]) it was pro- vided for the first time that the income of estates or of any kind of property held in trust shoukl be taxed to the estates. Merchants' Loan & Trust Co. v. Smietanka, 255 U. S. 509, 41 Sup. Ct. 386. The Congress, while making this amendment, also eliminated from the Income Tax Law that provision of subdivision B in the act of 1913 which provided that an income tax should be levied upon the income received by persons from property acquired by gift, jjequest, devise, or descent, but not upon the property itself. It may then be presumed, in the light of this amendment, that the legislative intent in 1916 was to cover the defect, if it may be termed such, and to change the statute to include cases similar to the one in question not before included. Its insertion indicates that Congress at least was doubtful whether the previous act included income of estates. United States v. Field, 255 U. S. 257, 41 Sup. Ct. 256; United States v. Bashaw, 50 Fed. 749, 754, 1 C. C. A. 653. In view of this holding that the moneys received by the plaintiff are not income within the meaning of the act of 1913, it is not neces- sary to pass upon its constitutionality. The demurrer is overruled. MILES V. SAFE DEPOSIT AND TEUST CO. Supreme Couet of the United States. 1922. [Reported I Bull. Int. Rev. 25, 352.] Pitney, J. Defendant in error, a corporation organized under the laws of Maryland and authorized to act as guardian, was on January 30, 1919, appointed by the orphans' court guardian of Frank R. Brown, an infant, whose father had died intestate about a year before. The son as next of kin became entitled to 35 shares of the stock of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, and they were trans- ferred to defendant in error as such guardian, and still are held by it in that capacity. At that time the capital stock of the insurance company issued and outstanding consisted of 20,000 shares of the par value of $100 each. Later in the year the company, under statutory authority, increased its capital stock to 40,000 shares of the same par value. The resolution of the stockholders sanctioning the in- crease provided that the right to subscribe to the new issue should be offered to the stockholders at the price of $150 per share, in the pro- portion of one share of new stock to each share of stock held by them ; subscriptions to be payable in installments and the directors to have power to dispose of shares not so subscribed and paid for in such manner as they might determine to be for the best interests of the company. In July, 1919, defendant in error, pursuant to an order of the orphans' court, sold the subscription right to 35 shares owned by its ward for $12,546.80, equivalent to $358.48 per share. The SECT. IV.] MILES l'. SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST CO. 449 Commissioner of luternal Kevenue, holding that this entire amount was income lor the year, under the provisions of the Act approved February ^4, 1919 (eh. 18, 40 Stat. lO.'^T), assessed and plaintilf in error collected a tax amounting to $l,i;JU.T7 by reason of it. De- fendant in error, having paid this under protest and unavailingly appealed to the Commissioner, claiming that none of the amount so received was income within the meaning either of the Act or of the sixteenth amendment, brought this action against the collector to recover the entire amount of tax so assessed and paid. The case was tried before the District Court without a jury on stipulated facts and evidence. Plaintilfs extreme contention that the subscription riglit to new stock and also the proceeds of the sale of the right were wholly capital and not in any part subject to be taxed as income, was overruled upon the authority of Merchants' Loan & Trust Companv V. Smietanka ('355 U. 8. 509), then recently decided. The trial court, in the second place, held that, of the proceeds of the sale of the subscription rights, so much only as represented- a realized profit over and above the cost to plaintiff of what was sold was taxable as income. In order to compute the amount of the profit, the court commenced with the value of the old shares prior to authorization of the stock increase, which upon the basis of evidence contained in the stipulation was taken to be what they were assessed at by the United States for purposes of the estate tax at the death of the ward's father, viz, $710 per share, and added the $150 necessary to be paid by a stockholder or his assignee in order to obtain a share of the new stock, making the cost of two shares (one old and one new) $8G0 and half of this the cost of one share. The sale of the subscription rights at $358.48, the purchaser to pay the issuing company $150 per share, was treated as equivalent to a sale of the fully-paid shares at $508.48 each, or $78.48 in excess of the $430 which represented their cost to plaintiff; and this dif- ference multiplied by 35, the number of shares or rights sold, yielded $2,746.80 as the gain realized out of the entire transaction. Upon this the court held plaintiff to have been properly taxable, and upon nothing more ; no income tax being assessable with respect to the 35 shares still retained, because although they were considered worth more, ex-rights, than the $430 per share found to be their cost, the difference could not be regarded as a taxable profit unless or until realized by actual sale (273 Fed. Eep. 822). To review the final judgment entered pursuant to the findings and opinion, which sus- tained only in part plaintiff's demand for a refund of the tax paid, the collector of internal revenue prosecuted a direct writ of error from this court under section 238, Judicial Code, because of the con- stitutional questions involved. There is but one assignment of error, based upon a single excep- tion, which denied that plaintiff was entitled to recover anything whatever; hence the correctness of the particular recovery awarded is not in form raised ; but the trial judge, having the complete facts before him, almost of necessity passed upon them in their entirety in order to determine, according to truth and substance, how much 450 MILES V. SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST CO. [cHAP. VH. of what plaintiff received was, and how much was not, income in the proper sense; as is proper in a case involving the application of the sixteenth amendment (Eisner i'. Macomber, 252 U. S. 189, :^06; United States v. Phellis, November 21, 1921, 257 U. S.— ), and in order to review the judgment, it will be proper for us to analyze the reasoning upon which it was based. It is not in dispute that the Hartford Fire Insurance Company is a corporation of the State of Connecticut and that the stock increase in question was made under authority of certain acts of the legisla- ture and certain resolutions of the stockholders, by which the right to subscribe to tiie new issue was offered to existing stockholders upon the terms mentioned. It is evident, we think, that such a distribu- tion in and of itself constituted no division of any part of the accu- mulated profits or surplus of the company, or even of its capital; it was in eifect an opportunity given to stockholders to share in con- tributing additional capital, not to participate in distribution. It was a recognition by the company that the condition of its affairs warranted an increase of its capital stock to double the par value of that already outstanding, and that the new stock would have a value to the recipients in excess of $150 per share; a determination that it should be issued pro rata to the existing stockholders, or so many of them as would pay that price. This privilege of itself was not a fruit of stock ownership in the nature of a profit; nor was it a division of any part of the assets of the company. The right to subscribe to the new stock was but a right to par- ticipate, in preference to strangers and on equal terms with other existing stockholders, in the privilege of contributing new capital called for by the corporation — an equity that inheres in stock ownership under such circumstances as a quality inseparable from the capital interest represented by the old stock, recognized so uni- versally as to have become axiomatic in American corporation law. Gray v. Portland Bank, 3 Mass. 364; Atkyns v. Albree, 12 Allen, 359, 361; Jones v. Morrison, 31 Minn. 140, 152-153; Eidman v. Bowman, 58 111. 444, 447; Humboldt Driving Park Association v. Stevens, 34 Neb. 528, 534; Electric Co. v. Electric Co., 200 Pa. 516, 520-523, 526; Wall v. Utah Copper Co., 70 N. J. Eq. 17, 28, et seq.; Stokes V. Continental Trust Co., 186 N". Y. 285. Evidently this in- herent equity was recognized in the statute and the resolution under which the new stock here in question was offered and issued. The stockholder's right to take his part of the new shares, there- fore — assuming their intrinsic value to have exceeded the issuing price — was essentially analogous to a stock dividend. So far as the issuing price was concerned, payment of this was a condition pre- cedent to participation, coupled with an opportunity to increase his capital investment. In either aspect, or both, the subscription right of itself constituted no gain, profit, or income taxable without appor- tionment under the sixteenth amendment. Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U. S. 189, is conclusive to this effect. But in that case it was recognized (p. 212) that a gain through sale of dividend stock at a profit was taxable as income, the same as SECT. IV.] MILES V. SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST CO. 4^1 a gain derived through sale of some of the original shares would be. In that as in other recent cases this court has interpreted " in- come" as including gains and profits derived through sale or con- version of capital assets, whether done by a dealer or trader, or casually by a nontrader, as by a trustee in the course of changing investments. jMcrehants' I^oan & Trust Company v. Smietanka, 255 U. S. 501), 51;-5l^0. Hence the District Court rightly held defendant in error liable to income tax as to so much of the proceeds of sale of the sub- 6(!ription rights as represented a realized {jrofit over and above the cost to it of what was sold. How the gain should be computed is a matter of some contention by the Government in this court; but it admits of little doubt. To treat the stockholder's right to the new shares as something new and independent of the old, and as if it actually cost nothing, leaving the entire proceeds of sale as gain, would ignore the essence of the matter, and the suggestion can not be accepted. The District Court proceeded correctly in treating the subscription rights as an inci-case inseparable from the old shares, not in the way of income but as (•ai)ital; in treating tiie new shares if and when issued as indistinguishable legally and in the market sense from the old ; and in regarding the sale of the rights as a sale of a portion of a capital intorost that included the old shares. What would have happened had defendant in error decided to accept the new shares and pay the issuing price instead of selling the rights is of no consequence; in that event there would have been no realized profit, hence no taxable income. What resulted or might have re- sulted to defendant in error's retained interest in the company, de- pending upon whether the purchaser exercised his right to subscribe or allowed it to lapse, or whether in the latter event the stock was sold by the directors, is of speculative interest only. Defendant in error resorted to the market for the sale of a part of its capital in- terest, concededly sold at an advance over cost, and what the profit actually was is the sole concern here ; not whether it might have been more or less, nor whether the purchaser disposed of the stock to advantage. That a comparison of the cost at acquisition and the selling price is proper under section 202(a) of the Act (40 Stat. 1069), where, as here, property was acquired and sold within the same taxing year, we understand to be conceded. Under the stipulation, the court below was warranted in finding $710 per share to have been the fair market value of the old stock when turned over to the guardian, and treating this as its cost to the trust. Tt was proper to add to this the $150 required to be paid to the company and treat the total as the cost to plaintiff of each two shares, one of which was to pass to the purchaser. This in essence is the method adopted by the Treasurv Department in the case of a sale of dividend stock, in Regulations 45, 1920 edition, article 1547, which reads: Art. 1.'i47. f^nJp of aforl- rprewpd ns (JiviclpnfJ. — Stock in a cor- poration received as a dividend does not constitute taxable income to 452 MASSEY V. LEDEKER. [CHAP. VII. a stockholder in such corporation, but any profit derived by the stockholder from the sale of sucli stock is taxable income to him. [Following Eisner v. Macomber, supra.] For the purpose of ascertain- ing the gain or loss derived from the sale of such stock, or from the sale of the stock with respect to which it is issued, the cost (used to in- clude also, where required, the fair market value as of March 1, 1913) of botli the old and new shares is to be determined in accordance with the following rules: (1) Where the stock issued as a dividend is all of substantially the same character or preference as the stock upon which the stock divi- dend is paid, the cost of each share of both the old and new stock ■will be the quotient of the cost, or fair market value as of March 1, 1913, if acquired prior to that date, of the old shares of stock di- vided by the total number of the old and new shares. . . . That the averaging of cost might present more administrative difficulty in a case more complicated than the present, as where the old shares were acquired at different times, is not a sufficient ground for denying the soundness of the method itself. Various suggestions, more or less ingenious, as to how the profit ought to be computed, made by counsel for defendant in error and by an amicus curiae, have been examined and found faulty for reasons unnecessary to be mentioned. Upon the whole, we are satis- fied that the method adopted by the District Court led to a correct result. Judgment affirmed. MASSEY V. LEDEEER. District Couet of the United States. 1921. [Reported 277 Fed. 123.] Thompson, District Judge, This is a suit "brought against the defendant, as collector of internal revenue for the First District of Pennsylvania, to recover the sum of $21.31, being the amount of additional income tax alleged to have been unlawfully assessed against the plaintiff for the year 1917 under Eevenue Acts Sept. 8, 1916, and Oct. 3, 1917 (Comp. St. 1918, 6336^a et seq.), and paid under protest to the defendant. The facts are as follows: In February, 1918, the plaintiff filed with the defendant a return of his taxable income for the year 1917. Of his gross income, the sum of $8,880 was received as interest on bonds of certain corpo- rations containing covenants, varying in form, but to the same effect, agreeing to pay to the bondholder interest at the prescribed rate without deduction of taxes imposed under any law of the United States. The normal tax of 2 per cent upon the income thus derived was $1 77.60, which was accordingly so assessed by the Commissioner of Internal Eevenue, and withheld and paid under the provisions of title 12, § 1205, subd. (c), of the Eevenue Act of October 3, 1917, SECT. IV.] MASSEY V. LEDERER. 453 amending subdivision (c) of section 9 of the Revenue Act of Septem- ber 8, 1916 (Comp. St. 1918, § 6336i), by the corporate obligors of said bonds. In September, 1919, the pluintitf was notified by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue that, upon an office audit of his income tax returns for 1917, the said amount of $1TT.G0 payable by the several corporations under the tax-free covenants of the said bonds was " in the nature of additional income to bondholder," and was subject under the Revenue Acts of 191G and 1917 to additional taxes of '5. In the course of its opinion the court said : " In this view the so-called inheritance tax of the State of New York is in reality a lim- itation upon the power of a testator to bequeath his property to ■whom he pleased; a declaration that, in the exercise of that power, he shall contribute a certain percentage to the public use; in other words, that the right to dispose of his property by will shall remain, but subject to a condition that the State has a right to impose. Certainly, if it be true that the right of testamentary disposition is purelv statutory, the State has a riglit to require a contribution to the jniblic treasury before the bequest shall take effect. Thus the tax is not upon property, in the ordinary sense of the term, but upon the right to dispose of it, and it is not until it has yielded its contribution to the State that it becomes the property of the lega- tee." And the court went on to say: "That the tax is not a tax upon the property itself, but upon its transmission by will or by descent, is also held both in New York and in several other States." We find no case in the subsequent decisions of the New York Court of Appeals in which that court disclaims the constniction placed by tlie Supreme Court of the United States on the New York decisions. 468 PKENTISS V. EISNER. [CHAP. VH. or in any way qualifies or overrules the proposition that the " tax " under the Isew York law is not one upon the property, but is one upon the right to dispose of it by will or by descent. In the absence of such a decision it seems to be our duty to follow the law as it is laid down in the Perkins case, unless there can be found in the New York statute in force, when the present tax was laid, some sub- stantial difference from the statute in force when that case was de- cided in the particular now being considered. If such a difference exists we have failed to detect it, and learned counsel have failed to point out in what it consists. The New York Court of Appeals in 1919, in Matter of "Watson, 226 X. Y. 38-4, 399, the court, in discussing a provision in the New York inheritance tax law imposing a tax upon the transfer of prop- erty at the time of death which had not theretofore paid any tax, local or State, said: "The beneficiary has no claim to the property of an ancestor except as given by law, and, if the State has a right to impose a tax at all upon the passing of property, the transferee takes only what is left after the tax is paid." The opinion quotes at page 396 from the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the matter of Penfield, 216 N. Y. 163, 167, 1915, that under the New York law the inheritance tax is not upon the prop- erty but upon the right to dispose of it. There is not one word of criticism, not one word of dissent, and not the slightest suggestion of disapproval of that proposition anywhere in the opinion. In matter of Penfield, supra, the New York court declares what it had several times before stated, that " the transfer tax is not a tax upon property, but upon the right of succession to property." The language of the statute is that the tax is " due and payable at the time of the transfer " ; that is, at the death of the decedent. It accrues at that time. Now a succession tax is a tax upon a transfer of property in gen- eral and as such is distinguishable from a legacy duty, which is a tax upon a specific bequest. Under the New York law the succes- sion tax creates a lien upon the estate of the decedent at the moment of his death. The right of the State to the amount of this lien at- taches at that time and it must be paid before the transferee, legatee, or devisee ever gets anything, and the executor or administrator is personally liable for the tax until it has been paid. Under such a law we do not see that the transferee pays the tax. In stating this conclusion we have not overlooked what was said in the matter of Gihon, 169 N. Y. 443, 447, where it is said that "though the ad- ministrator or executor is required to pay the tax, he pays it out of the legacy for the legatee, not on account of the estate. The re- quirement of the statute that the executor or administrator shall make the payment is prescribed to secure such payment, because the Government is unwilling to trust solely to the legatee." The fact, however, remains that if a legacy left \>y a will is $10,000 and the executor has paid to the State on its account a tax of $500 and then has turned over to the legatee $9,500, the legatee has received not $10,000 but $9,500, and the legatee has been enriched only to SECT. IV.] UNITED STATES V. WOODWARD. 469 the extent of the amount which he has himself received, and he has not paid tlie tax nor has it been paid by his authority, nor by any- one representing him. The payment has been made by the personal representative of the deceased, and in making it he has acted under authority of the statute. As was said by Judge Gray in Matter of Swift, 137 N". Y. 77, ""What lias tlie State done, in efl'oct, by the enactment of this tax law? It reaches out and appropriates for its use a portion of tlie property at the moment of its owner's decease; allowing only the balance to pass in the way directed by the testator, or permitted by its intestate law." We admit that the New York cases on the subject of taxable transfers are confused and not always clear and consistent. But until the New York Court of Appeals authoritiitively states that the law of Xew York is not what the Supreme Court of the TTnitod States said it was in the Perkins case, this court has no alternative but to hold that the New York transfer act does not impose a tax on a legatee's right of succession which is deductible in her income tax return. The legacy which the plaintiff herein received under the will of her fatlier did not become her property until after it had suffered a diminution to the amount of the tax, and the tax that was paid thereon was not a tax paid out of the plaintiff's in- dividual estate but was a payment out of tlie estate of her deceased father of that part of his estate which the State of Xew York had appropriated to itself which payment was the condition precedent to the allowance by the State of the vesting of the remainder in the legatee. Judgment affirmed. UNITED STATES v. WOODWARD. Supreme Court of the Uxited States. 1921. [Reported 256 U. 8. 632.] Van Devaxter, J. This is an appeal from a Judgment in favor of the executors of Joseph H. Woodward, deceased, for money claimed to have been erroneously exacted from them as a tax on the income of his estate while in their hands. The testator died December 15, 1917. The revenue act of 1916^ "imposed upon the transfer of the net estate of every decedent"' dying thereafter a tax which it called an " estate tax." The act fixed the amount of the tax at a named percentage " of the value of the net estate," made the tax a lien upon the " entire gross estate," required that it be paid " out of the estate " before distribution, declared that it should "be due one year after the decedent's death," charged the executor or administrator with the duty of pa3ang it, and declared that the receipt therefor should entitle him to a credit for the amount ' Ch. 46.3. Title IT. 30 Stat., 777; ch. 150. Title III, 39 Stat., 1002; ch. 63, Title IX, 40 Stat., 324. 470 UNITED STATES V. WOODWARD. [CHAP. VII. in the usual settlement of his accounts. Under that act these execu- tors were required to pay an estate tax of $-189,834.07. The tax be- came due December 10," 1918, and they paid it February 8, 1919. Shortly thereafter the executors made a return, under the revenue act of 1918,' of the income of the testator's estate for the taxable year 1918 and claimed in the return that in ascertaining the net in- come for that year the estate tax of $489,834.07 should be deducted. The Commissioner of Internal Kevenue refused to allow the deduc- tion and assessed an income tax of $165,075.78 against the estate. Had the deduction been allowed there would have been no taxable net income for that year and no part of the $105,075.78 would have been collectible. Tayment of that sum, as so assessed, was pressed on the executors and they paid it under duress. Then after taking the necessary steps to entitle them to do so, they brought this suit in the Court of Claims to recover the money thus exacted from them. The sole question for decision is, was the estate tax paid by the executors, and claimed by them as a deduction in the income tax return for the year 1918, an allowable deduction in ascertaining the net taxable income of the estate for that year ? The Court of Claims held that it was. The solution of the question turns entirely upon the statutory provisions under which the two taxes were severally collected. The act of 1918, by sections 210, 211, and 219, subjects the net income "received by estates of deceased persons during the period of ad- ministration of settlement" to an income tax measured by fixed percentages thereof; by sections 212 and 219 requires that the net income be ascertained by taking the gross income, as defined in section 213, and making the deductions named in section 214, and by section 214 makes express provision for the deduction of " taxes paid or accrued within the taxable year imposed (a) by the authority of the United States, except income, war-profits and excess-profits taxes." This last provision is the important one here. It is not ambiguous, but explicit, and leaves little room for constniction. The wordsof its major clause are comprehensive and include every tax which is charged against the estate by the authority of the United States. The 'excepting clause specifically enumerates what is to be expected. The implication from the latter is that the taxes which it enumerates would be within the major clause were they not expressly excepted, and also that there was no purpose to except any others. Estate taxes were as well known at the time the provision was framed as the ones particularly excepted. Indeed, the same act, by sections 400-410, expressly provides for their continued imposition and enforcement. Thus their omission from the excepting clause means that Congress did not intend to except them. The act of 1916 calls the estate tax a "tax" and particularly de- nominates it an " estate tax." This court recently has recognized that it is a duty or excise and is imposed in the exertion of the taxing power of the United States. New York Trust Co. v. Eisner ( — U. S. — ) . 1 Ch. 18 Title II, §§ 210-214, 219. 1405, 40 Stat., 1062-1067, 1071, 1151. SECT. IV.] UNITED STATES V. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. 471 It is made a charge on the estate and is to be paid out of it by the adiiiinistrator or executor substantially as otlier taxes and ciiarges are j)aid. Jt becomes due not at the time of tlie decedent's death, as suggested by counsel for the (iovcrnment, Imt one year thereafter, as the statute plainly provides. It does not segregate any part of the estate from the rest and keep it from passing to the administrator or executor for j)urposes of administration, as counsel contend, but is made a general charge on the gross estate and is to be paid in money out of any available funds or, if there be none, by converting other proi)erty into money for the purpose. Jlere the eslate tax not only "accrued," which means became due, during the taxable year of 1!)18, but it was paid before the income for that year was returned or required to be returned. When the re- turn was nuule the executors claimed a deduction by reason of that tax. Wo hold that under the terms of the act of 1!)18 the deduction should have been allowed. Judgment affirmed. UNITED STATES r. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. United States District Court, inio. "^ [Reported 260 Fed. 333.] Garvin, J. This action is submitted to the court for determi- nation upon an agreed state of facts. It appears that the defend- ant, an insurance company incorporated under the laws of the State of Connecticut, was subject to pay annually during the years 1!)0!J, 1910, and lUll, with respect to the carrying on and doing of its business, the excise tax imposed by section 38 of tiie act of Congress approved August 5, 190!), and was subject in all respects to the pro- visions of that section. On or before March 1 in each of these ^ears the defendant dulv made its return to the collector of internal revenue in the proper district in tlie form prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Rev- enue as required by said section, which returns showed that the net income of the defendant for each of these three years exceeded $5,000. On or about June 1 of the years 1910, 1911, and 1912 an excise tax under said act was duly assessed against the defendant for the years ending December ,31, 1909, 1910, and 1911, respectively, said tax being 1 per cent on the net income of the defendant. The tax was in each case paid as assessed. When the defendant hied its return showins: its net income for the year ending December 31, 1909, it deducted $479,025 as "taxes paid during the year ending December 31, 1909, imposed under authority of the United States or States and Territories thereof." Of this sum it is conceded that $409.9fi7.36 was lawfully deducted. It is claimed by the plaintiff that defendant should al.'^o have paid a tax of 1 per cent on the remainder, $69,637.64, i. e., $696.56. Of the latter sum defendant admits liability to the extent of $227.62, leaving $468.96 472 rXITED STATES V. AETXA LIFE liNSUKAXCE CO. [CIIAP. VII. in dispute. The amount admitted for 1910 is $343.17, $413.41 being in dispute. For 1911, $543.28 is admitted, $527,60 being in dis- pute. These sums in dispute represent taxes paid by various corpora- tions upon shares of their stock owned by defendant, which taxes were imposed during the several years 1909, 1910, and 1911 by the State of Connecticut under chapter 54 of the public acts of 1905. The deductions allowed a corporation by the act of August 5, 1909, include " all sums paid by it within the year for taxes imposed under authority of the United States or of any State or Territory thereof, or imposed by the Government of any foreign country as a condition to carry on business therein." The taxes in question were not paid by the "defendant, but in its behalf by other corporations. While it is true that "a statute providing for the imposition of taxes is to be strictly construed, and all reasonable doubts in respect thereto resolved against the Government and in favor of the citi- zen " (Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. v. Herold, 198 Fed. 199, and cases therein cited), no doubtful meaning is here involved. The language of the act is clear and explicit. The allowable deductions in the case of a domestic corporation are plainly set forth. Deductions allowed from gross income in the case of a domestic corporation : Second. Such net income shall be ascertained by deducting from the gross amount of the income of such corporation, joint stock company or association, or insurance company, received within the year from all sources (First) all the ordinary and necessary expenses actually paid within the year out of income in the maintenance and operation of its business and properties, including all charges such as rental or franchise payments, required to be made as a condition to the con- tinued use or possession of property; (Second) all losses actually sustained within the year and not compensated by insurance or otherwise, including a reasonable al- lowance for depreciation of property, if any, and in the case of in- surance companies the sums other than dividends, paid within the year on policy and annuity contracts and the net addition, if any, required by law to be made within the year to reserve funds ; (Third) interest actually paid within the year on its bonded or other indebtedness not exceeding the paid-up capital stock of such corporation, Joint stock company or association, or insurance com- pany, outstanding at the close of the year, and in the case of a bank, banking association or trust company, all interest actually paid by it within the year on deposits ; (Fourth) all sums paid by it within the year for taxes imposed under the authority of the United States or of any State or Territory thereof, or imposed by the Government of any foreign country as a condition to carry on business therein ; (Fifth) all amounts received by it within the year as dividends upon stock of other corporations, joint stock companies or associa- tions, or insurance companies, subject to the tax hereby imposed. SECT. IV.] UNITED STATES V. AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. 473 If it had been the intention to permit such a deduction as defend- ant urges, the act would have provided tlmt there be included '* all sums paid by it or in its behalf within the year." Defendant relies upon a decision by the Treasury Department rendered March 24:, 1916, reading in part: You are advised that when a' corporation pays taxes for its stock- holders, such payments represent a portion of the earnings of the cor- poration, which instead of being distributed to tbe stockholders in the form of dividends is used in payment of taxes which the stockholders individually owe. Should you instead of paying the taxes, pay over this sum to the stockholders, the stockholders would be required to return the amount as income received, and would then be entitled to deduct the same under the item of taxes paid during the year. Under the excise tax law a stockholder which is a corporation is en- titled to deduct from gross income all dividends received from an- other corporation subject to tax, and therefore is entitled to deduct as a dividend that portion of the earnings of the corporation in which it owns stock, which is represented by the stockholder's tax. For the years 1909 to 1912, inclusive, therefore, the corporation which is a stockholder will be entitled to an additional deduction on account of the taxes paid for it by the corporation issuing the stock, for the reason that it produces the same result as if the corporation owning the stock was required to return as income for these years the full amount of the dividend, including that portion of the divi- dend diverted to pay tax, and then took credit as a deduction for this entire amount under the item of dividends received from other corporations, and also took credit for the amount of taxes paid imder that item. Under the income-tax law, however, a corporation is not entitled to deduct from gross income dividends received from other corporations. Consequently if it claims the benefit of deduct- ing from gross income taxes paid for it by another corporation it must include such amount in income as the deduction counterbal- ances the receipt. As you, the stockholder in this case, did not re- turn as income the amount in question, you are not entitled under the income-tax law to deduct the same. The claim on account of the tax assessed for the year 1913 is accordingly rejected, and you will find inclosed notice of demand for payment of this tax. The claim for the abatement of the additional tax assessed for 1912 has received favorable consideration for the reason above stated. This decision points out that a corporation making a claim such as is advanced by defendant must have included in its return as income the taxes which were paid in its behalf by other corporations. No such return was made by defendant herein, therefore the decision is not in point even if it were controlling on the court. There was no refusal or neglect to make a return within the mean- ing of the act and therefore no penalty will be allowed. Judgment for plaintiff for $2,52If.0Jt, with interest from June 9, 1915. 474 MENTE V. EISNER. [CHAP. VII. MENTE V. EISNER.. Circuit Couet of Appeals. 1920. [Reported 266 Fed. 161.] Waed, Circ. J. Section II, subdivision 2 B, of the act of Oc- tober 3, 1913, provides tliat in computing net income for purposes of normal tax there shall be allowed as a deduction "... Fourth: Losses actually sustained during the 3'ear, incurred in trade or aris- ing from fires, storms, or shipwreck and not compensated for by in- surance or otherwise." Mente, a member of the firm of Mente & Co., engaged in the busi- ness of manufacturing jute bags, and bagging, cotton bags, and materials for covering cotton bales, filed his income returns for the year March 1 to December 31, 1913, and for the whole year of 1914. He had for some three years been buying and selling cotton on the cotton exchange for his individual account, in no way connected with the business of Mente & Co., and he deducted from his gross income in each year losses sustained in the year resulting from these trans- actions as " losses incurred in trade." Eisner, as collector of internal revenue for the third district of the State of jSI'ew York, assessed an additional tax upon these de- ductions, which Mente paid under protest, taking an appeal to the Commissioner of Internal Eevenue under sections 3220 and 3228, United States Revised Statutes, and the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury in pursuance thereof, who rejected his claim. Thereupon Mente began this action against Eisner, as collector, to recover the amounts so paid with interest and costs. T. D. 2090, dated October 14, 1914, reads: Loss, to be deductible, must be an absolute loss, not a speculative or fluctuating valuation of continuing investment, but must be an actual loss, actually sustained and ascertained during the tax year for which the deduction is sought to be made. It must be incurred in trade and be determined and ascertained upon an actual, a completed, a closed transaction. The term "in trade'' as used in the law is held to mean the trade or trades in which the person making the return is engaged ; that is, in which he has invested money otherwise than for the purpose of being employed in isolated transactions, and to which he devotes at least a part of his time and attention. A person may engage in more than one trade and may deduct losses incurred in all of them, provided that in each trade the above requirements are met. As to losses on stocks, grain, cotton, etc., if these are in- curred by a person engaged in trade to which the buying and selling of stocks, etc., are incident as a part of the business, as by a member of a stock, grain, or cotton exchange, such losses may be deducted. A person can be engaged in more than one business, but it must be clearly shown in such cases that he is actually a dealer, or trader, or manufacturer, or whatever the occupation may be, and is actually engaged in one or more linos of recognized business, before losses SECT. IV.] COHEN V. LOWE. 47 i> can be claimed with respect to either or more than one line of busi- ness, and his status as such dealer must be clearly established. Both parties havin*;^ moved for the direction of a verdict. Judge Grubb directed a verdict in favor of the defendant. We think tiiat the language "losses incurred in trade" is cor- rectly construed by the Treasury Departiucnt as meaning in the actual business of the taxpayer as distinguished from isolated trans- actions. If it had been intended to permit all lo.sses to be deducted it would have been easy to say so. Some eU'ect must be given to the words "in trade." There is an inconsistency in making profits derived from such transactions a ])art of the taxpayer's gross income and on the other hand allowing him no deduction for losses. But tax laws are not required to be perfect or even consistent. It must be determined from the facts in each case whether or not the losses claimed to be deducted have been incuned in a business. In this case the court must be taken to have found as a matter of fact that these transactions in 1913 and 1914 did not constitute a business. Such a finding is binding upon us. Judgment affirmed. COHEN V. LOWE. United States District Court. 1916. [Reported 234 Fed. 474.] Grubb, J. Gentlemen of the jury, this is an action by the plaintiff, Mr. Cohen, who has paid the income tax for the year 1913, to the Government on the Government basis, and claims that he paid in excess of what the law would have required him to pay, and, therefore, has brought this suit to recover back the excess. There are three items on which he claims he overpaid the Govern- ment when he made the payment on the income tax; two of them are matters of law as to whicli there is no question of fact, and which do not require consideration of the jury at all, but require the de- cision of the court without a jury; the other one depends upon a question of fact, and not upon a question of law, and is therefore properly determinable by a jury, with instructions from the court. The plaintiff is suing to recover that excess from the Government, having already paid the tax under protest. The item which requires your decision relates to the amount of depreciation in the building that he owned at No. 320 West Eighty-fourth Street during the tax year of 1913. The law requires him to pay a tax on the net income derived from that building, and it allows him, as a deduction from the amount of net income which he receives, among other things, this deduction : A reasonable allowance for the exhaustion, wear, and tear of property arising out of its use or cmployinent in th(^ business, not 476 COHEN V. lowe. [chap. vir. to exceed, in the case of mines, 5 per cent of the gross value, at the mine, of the output for the year for which the computation is made, but no deduction shall be made for any amount of expense of re- storing property or making good the exhaustion thereof, for which an allowance is or has been made. So the question to be submitted to you for decision arises under the provision of law allowing that deduction. There is no question that the plaintiff was entitled to a deduction for wear and tear of this building, and the Government allowed him, I believe, 3 per cent — he claims 5 per cent — and the question for you to determine is whether he is entitled to any greater allowance for depreciation over and above what the Government allowed him, which is 3 per cent. The burden would be upon him reasonably to satisfy you from the evidence that he was entitled to an allowance of an amount greater than 3 per cent in order to obtain that allowance because, as I say, he is the plaintiff asserting the claim. You will see from the lan- guage of the law itself that the allowance is for wear and tear when it relates to a building and exhaustion when it relates to mines or property of that kind, but wear and tear when it relates to a build- ing; that means the physical deterioration that a building suffers during the tax year; it does not include the depreciation in value due to a loss in rental value, because of modern buildings going up with better facilities than the old building' had; that is not the idea. The idea is the amount of physical loss or deterioration that the building suffers during the tax year — that, of course, is a narrow question. It depends upon what you believe would be the life of the building, the length of life, the number of years that the build- ing would remain in a condition to be habitable for the uses for which it was constructed, not merely how many years it would stand without being condemned and torn down, but how many years, in your judgment from the evidence, it would remain so as to be habitable for the general purposes for which it was constructed — that is, in this case, for use as an apartment house. That would be the life of the building, and when you arrive at that you could readily ascertain the amount of annual depreciation that the build- ing would suffer, because it would be fair to assume that the de- terioration would have accrued over the life of the building, and the average amount of deduction each year for depreciation would cover the annual percentage. The parties have agreed that you might render your verdict in the form of a special verdict ; that is, by determining what, if any, per- centage over and above the 3 per cent the plaintiff is entitled to for depreciation. If he has not reasonably satisfied you from the evi- dence that he is entitled to any percentage over the 3 per cent, then you can just bring in a verdict on that issue for the defendant, the Government, because they have already allowed him 3 per cent. If you are reasonably satisfied from the evidence that the plaintiff is entitled to more than 3 per cent, then the parties have agreed that SECT. IV.] COHEN V. LOWE. 477 you should render a verdict for the plaintiff in the form of per- centage; that is, what percentage it would be over 3 per cent that you lind the plaiutiii' is entillod to, and your verdict in that event might be at any figure between ;j and 5 per cent. It is admitted that the plaintitf claims oidy 5 per cent. So you are to determine here two questions: In tlie first place, wiiether there is any excess pvcr 3 ])er cent allowable for the build- ing during the tax year of 1!J13. If you fail to be reasonably satis- fied from the evidence that there is any excess, then you will return a verdict for the CJovernment, the defendant in this case. If you are reasonably satisfied from the evidence that the allowance made by the Government was too small, then it would be your duty to return a verdict indicating what your belief from the evidence is as to the proper rate of depreciation which should be allowed him, if it should be in excess of 3 per cent, and return that verdict. As I say, it is conceded that the plaintiff does not claim he is entitled to more than 5 per cent for depreciation; the law itself mentions 5 per cent, but that only relates to exhaustion of mines by taking the ore out of it ; it has no limitation or effect on this question of depreciation on a structure. As to the evidence, you heard the testimony read to you of the two witnesses, 'Mr. Kempner and Mr. Cohen, the plaintiff, and you heard Mr. Oarbcr, a witness for the Government, testify orally. Those are the witnesses whose testimon}^ you are to consider as re- lating to the question of the amount of depreciation properly allow- able for the use of this building during the tax year of 1913. Look at them with the idea of making up your proper judgment as to what the life of the building would be, in years, and how much, on that basis, it would be proper to allow each year for depreciation and when you arrive at that you have arrived at the matter sub- mitted to you for your decision. I have some requests to charge which I will read to you along with what I have already said, they being part of the law of the case. These requests are asked by the Government: You are instructed that the only deduction for depreciation of this building to which plaintiff' is entitled on his income-tax return is a reasonable allowance for the exhaustion, wear, and tear of the building, arising out of its use as an apartment house, and no de- duction shall be made for any amount of expense of restoring the building, or making good the exhaustion thereof, for which an al- lowance is otherwise made by you, or has already been made by the Commissioner of Internal Tfevenue; you shall allow no deduction for any amount paid out for permanent improvements or better- ments made to increase the value of the building. Of course, what he has spent out for repairs, he has already taken off by only returning the net income, so that that naturally is not considered under this deduction, which is an additional deduction after the net income is arrived at. You are further instructed that the words '* exhaustion, wear, and tear of the building, arising out of its use as an apartment house," 47s yASTTVTT.T.-R^ CHATTANOOGA & ST. L. RY. V. U. S. [ciIAr. VIIo contemplate only depreciation of the physical property itself, irre- spective of outside iniiuences on its value, or its adaptability to the use originally intended, or to the environments in which it finds itself after a period of years. You are further instructed that plaintiff is not entitled to any allowance for depreciation by reason of the decrease in the rental value of the building or by reason of a decrease iii the income de- rived tiierefrom. You are further instructed that plaintiff is not entitled to any allowance for depreciation by reason of the decrease in the value of the building, arising from its lack of modern improvements and from its antiquity in that respect caused by the advance in the art of constructing apartment buildings with modern and up-to-date improvements, arrangements, and conveniences. Mr, ^Matthews. 1 would also ask your honor to instruct the jury that it is to be assumed in this case, since the ordinary wear and tear improvements were made to the building in 1913, that such would be the case throughout its life. The Court. I think that is true, gentlemen of the jury. The life of the building is to be measured upon the basis of the owner of the building keeping it in proper repair during the future as well as during the tax year. Just return your verdict in the shape of a percentage you agi'ee on, if any, over and above the 3 per cent ; if you do not agree to any percentage above 3 per cent, then just bring in your verdict for the defendant. Take the case, gentlemen. (Whereupon the jury retired, and rendered a verdict in favor of the defendant.) Mr. Kaye. I should just like to ask the question whether the jury considers 3 per cent an adequate allowance. The Foreman of the Jury. Yes, sir. NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA & ST. LOUIS EAILWAY CO. V. UNITED STATES. Circuit Court of Appeals. 1920. [Reported 269 Fed. 351.] Xnappen", Circ. J. This case is before this court a second time. In substance it is this: In June, 1916, the United States, under the direction of its Commissioner of Internal Kevenue, brought suit to recover from defendant an excise tax of 1 per cent claimed to be due from it for each of the years 1909 and 1910, under section 38 of the revenue act of August 5, 1909 (36 Stat. 11, 112, ch. 6), which makes every corporation to which it applies "subject to pay annually" a special excise tax of 1 per cent on its net income, to be (If'tcrminefl by deducting from gross income, among other SECT. IV.] NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA & ST. L. KY. r. U. S. 479 things, operating expenses, losses sustained, " including a reasonable allowance for depreciation of property," interest on indebtedness, and taxes. The declaration alleged the filing by defendant with the Commissioner of Internal ifeveiiuc, on February 25, 1910, and Feb- ruary 21, 1911, respectively, of returns of its net income for the respective years 1909 and 1910; that both returns were incorrect as to the amount of defendant's income, that for 1909, in that it in- cluded, as an item of deduction from gross income, an alleged charge of $26,000 to expenses, which was not a necessar} expense actually paid out of income in the maintenance and operation of its business and properties; those for both years, in that thev included charges to depreciation of roadway amounting to $249,024.54 for the year 1909 and $239,229.70 for the year 1910, which were not charged against the capital valuation of the roadway on its books and were not reasonable allowances for depreciation of roadway within the meaning of the act; that the three items named were disallowed by the Commissioner of Internal Kevenue and held by him to be in- correctly charged ; and that they were in fact not correct and proper deductions from gross income; and that the total amounts so de- ducted, which should have been included as net income in said re- turns, were for the year 1909 $2T5,024.54 and for 1910 $239,229.70; that the defendant was thus indebted to the United States and sub- ject to pay an income tax of 1 per cent upon the amounts stated ; that it had failed and refused to make payment and that the alleged taxes were thus due from defendant and payable by it to the United States. The railway company demurred to the declaration upon grounds, so far as now important, (a) that the Government could not recover an excise tax in advance of an assessment by the Commissioner of Internal Eevenue, and (b) that the railway company, having made its returns and paid the assessments made by the commissioner, could be made subject to no further obligation unless the commis- sioner should discover some item to be false within three years from March 1 of the year succeeding the calendar year for which the re- turn is made. The trial court sustained the demurrer. This court reversed that action, and remanded the case for further proceedings and trial (249 Fed. 678). The railway company then pleaded nil debet to each of the two counts of the declaration, together with special pleas to each count, raising the identical questions which had before been presented by its demurrer to the Government's declara- tion. The Government's demurrers to these special pleas were sustained by the District Court, on the authority of this court's de- cision. Upon trial by jury there were verdict and judgment against the railway company for $5,142.50, being 1 per cent upon the amount of the three items in question. This writ is to review that judgment. 1. Upon the present hearing, counsel for the railway company in support of its special pleas, overruled below, has again argued at great length the questions presented to and considered by this court under defendant's demurrer to the Government's declaration. All 480 ^-ASHVlLl-E, CIIATTA^-OOGA & ST. L. KY. V. U. S. [cilAI'. VII. of these questions, which relate equally to the special pleas, were, upon careful consideration, decided by this court against defendant's contention. It is unnecessary here to repeat the grounds of that de- cision, which sufficiently appear from our published opinion (249 Fed, 678). The argument now advanced sheds no additional light upon the subject. We content ourselves with saying that we find no reason to depart from our former conclusions. The assignments of errors numbered 1 to 5, inclusive, are accordingly overruled. 2. The remaining assignments relate to the refusal to direct ver- dict for defendant, to the charge as given, and to the refusal of certain of defendant's requested instructions. A consideration of the criticisms relating to the charge will aid in determining whether there was a case for the jury. Defendant conceded on the trial that the deduction of the $26,000 item in its return for 1909 was not authorized. The court accord- ingly properly instructed that the Government was entitled to a verdict for at least $260.00 on this account. The substance of the charge otherwise was that the question of fact to be determined was merely whether tlie deductions made bv defendant in its excise tax reports for the years 1909 and 1910, viz, $249,024.54 for the former year, and $239,229.70 for the latter year, were in whole or in part reasonable allowances for depreciation of roadway during those respective years; that if such allowances were reasonable the Government is not entitled to recover ; that if they were not reason- able the Government was entitled to a verdict for 1 per cent of the amounts improperly deducted. The jury was specifically instructed to consider, first, " the depreciation, either physical or functional, in the value of those parts of the roadway which have not been re- paired or renewed or replaced," and, second, " what has been the effect of the repairs, renewals and replacements that have been made to other parts, and determine whether, after you strike a final bal- ance at the end of the year, the roadway is of greater or less value, or of equal value, than or to that which it was at the beginning of the year"; and that if it should be found "that the value of the road- way, its actual value, is as great at the end of the year, after these repairs and replacements have been made for which credit has been given as an expense deduction, then there is no depreciation in value of . . . the roadway, within the meaning of the statute"; but that "if after making such repairs, replacements and renewals in the different units of the roadways it should be found that some parts have been made more valuable by the putting in of new parts in place of worn-out parts, yet the depreciation in the rest of the road- way, in the deterioration, obsolescence, etc., of other units which have not been charged, and so little done in repairing and replac- ing that at the end of the year, taking it as a whole, the depreciation in value has exceeded the repairs, replacements and renewals, so that it is worth less than it was ... to that extent the railway is entitled to a deduction of 1 per cent." The first specific criticism to the charge is that depreciation was made to depend upon the relative value of the roadway "in dollars SECT. I\. J NASHVILLE, CIIATTANOOOA 10 in .June, 1911; for 1911 in June, VJ12; for 1912 in June, 191.5. Nu claim U)r a refund of any of these payments was made until April 30, 1915, and then the claim was in general terms — " For amounts paid hy it in tiixes which, through lack of informa- tion as to requirements ol" law or hy error in computation, it may have paid in excess of the amount legally due.'' This claim was rejected suhsequent to the institution of this suit, which was commenced on Fehruary H, 1910. This statement shows the right of the claimant plaiidy harred by its failure to appeal to the Commissioner of Internal iicvenue, Re- vised Statutes, ;j'-i'^G, [this is fundamental, Kings County Savings Institution v. Blair, IIG U. S. 200] and also by its failure to institute suit within two years after the cause of action accrued. Revised Statutes, 3227. The claimant contends that the amended returns filed by the Com- nissioner of Internal Revenue were not amendments or modifications of the original returns, but were based upon a different principle and, within the scope of Cheatham el al. v. United States, 92 U. S. 85, constituted new assessments from which appeals were taken in time. But they are denominated "amended returns," and, while in deal- ing willi the same items the basis of computation was in some cases varied, in each case the purpose and effect of them was to increase the payment which the claimant was required to make under the law, and the payments made on the original returns were credited on the amount computed as due on the returns as amended. The inapplicability of Cheatham et al. v. United States, 92 U. S. 85, is obvious, and the contention that the filing of the amended returns constituted the beginning of new proceedings, which so su- perseded the original returns as to release the claimant from its entire failure to observe the statutory requirement for review of the latter, is so unfounded that we cannot consent to enter upon a de- tailed discussion of it. Tliis conclusion renders section 14 of the act of Congress of September 8, 1916 (39 Stat. 772), inapplicable. It results that the judgment of the Court of Claims is modified and as so modified affirmed, and the case is remanded to that court for proceedings in accordance with this opinion. UNITED STATES v. SAN JUAX COUNTY. District Court of the United States. 1922. [Rrported 280 Fed. 120.] Neterer. Uist. J. The San Juan Canning Company, an in- solvent corporation, is indebted to the United States by reason of income tax and penalties for year 1917. On the 28th of 508 UNITED STATES I'. SAN JUAN COUNTY. [CHAP. VII. ]\ray, 1921, after demand and refusal to pay, a warrant of distraint was levied upon the personal property of the canning company, located in San Juan County, and sale advertised for June 15, 1921. Thereafter, the sheriff of San Juan County levied upon the property to collect the State and county taxes for years 1918, 1919, 1920, and advertised the property for sale June 10, 1921. On application of plaintiff the restraining order was issued and served upon the sheriff. The issue now for determination is the priority of the claims. The plaintiff claims that under section 3466, Revised Statutes (6372 C. S., Act of March 3, 1797), the United States has priority. The county contends the contrary and cites United States v. Nichols, 4 Yeates (Pa.), 251, where the court at page 259 says: The rights of the General Government to priority of payment, and the rights of individual States, are contemplated as subsisting at the [same] time, and as perfectly compatible with each other. This only can be effected by giving preference to each existing lien, ac- cording to its due priority in point of time. I know of no other mode whereby the several conflicting claims can with justice be pro- tected and secured. The Constitution of the United States, Article VI, provides: This Constitution and laws made in pursuance thereof shall be the supreme law of the land in every State, and the judges shall be bound thereby. Section 8, Article I, of the Constitution empowers the Congress to list and collect taxes, duties, etc., which shall be uniform throughout the United States. The Supreme Court in United States V. Snyder, 149 U. S. 210, at 214, says: The grant of the power and its limitation are wholly inconsistent with the proposition that the States can by legislation interfere with the assessment of Federal taxes. In Murray s v. Hoboken Land & Improvement Company, 18 Howard, 281 : The power to collect and disburse revenue, and to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying that power into . effect, includes all known and appropriate means of effectually col- lecting and disbursing that revenue, unless some such means should be forbidden in some other part of the Constitution. Section 3186, R. S. (5908 C. S.), provides: If any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay same after demand, the amount shall be a lien in favor of the United States from the time it was due until paid, with the interest, pen- alties, . . . that may accrue in addition thereto upon all property and rights to property belonging to such person. The lien, however, is not valid against the judgment creditors, mortgagees, etc., unless notice is filed in the clerk's office of such SECT. IV.] UUEST V. LEDEEEK. 509 county. Neither the State nor co'unty arc- judgment creditors, mort- gagees, or purchasers, lience are not affected by the provisions of section (5908 C. S.) 318G R. S. The power of taxation is an indispensable incident to sovereignty, and by 'the provisions oi' the Constitution and laws, a grant in favor of the United States is paramount in the event of the insolvency of the debtor. Section (G372 C. S.) 3-iGG R. S. : Whenever any person indebted to the United States is insolvent, or whenever the estate of any deceased debtor, in the liands of the ex- ecutors or administrators, is insufficient to pay all the debts due from the deceased, the debts due to the United States shall be first satisfied; and the priority hereby established shall extend as well to cases in which a debtor, not having sufficient property to pay all his debts, makes a voluntary assignment thereof, or in which the estate and effects of an absconding, concealed, or absent debtor are attached by process of law, as to cases in which an act of bankruptcy is committed. The Supreme Court in United States r. Fisher, 2 Cranch (GU. S.) 358, Justice Marshall for the court, said: This claim of priority on the part of the United States will, it has been said, interfere with the right of the State sovereignties re- specting the dignity of debts, and will defeat the measures they have a right to adopt to secure themselves against delinquencies on the part of their own revenue officers. But this is an objection to the Constitution itself. The mischief suggested, so far as it can really happen, is the necessary consequence of the supremacy of the laws of the United States on all subjects to which the legislative power of Congress extends. The United States is entitled to a decree. HURST V. LEDERER. Circuit Court op Appeals. 1921. [Reported 273 Fed. 174.] BuFFixGTOX, Circ. J. In this case, Marriott Ilurst. a taxpayer, sued Ephraim Lederer, collector of internal revenue, to recover back some $2,000 of taxes, alleged to have been illegally collected from him under protest and by duress of a warrant, distraint, and threat of sale. The alleged "illegality consisted in the fact as- serted bv Hurst that he had already paid the tax to the collector by a payment thereof made to one Wright, a deputy collector of Lederer, the collector. On the trinl. the court directed a verdict and jud.ffment in favor of Eederer and thereupon Hurst sued out this writ and assigned as error the direction of a perempton- verdict. Accordingly, the ques- tions involved are, first, whether there was proof to go to the jury 510 HURST V. LEDEKER. [CHAP. VII. on the issue of whether Hurst did actually pay the money to Wright, the deputy collector; and, second, whether the latter had authority to collect the money. Assuming, for present purposes, that there was evidence of actual pavment to the deputy collector and that that question should have been submitted to the jury, there yet remains the underlying and decisive question of the authority of the deputy collector to receive it and thereby bind Lederer, who, in point of fact, never did receive it. The proofs in the case show that on the last day the taxes were payable, Hurst telephoned to Lynch, a friend of his in the Post Office Department, which was in the same building with the col- lector's office, and inquired about the number of people who were then crowding that office to pay their delayed taxes. Lynch told him it was large, but that if he would come down, he (Lynch) would get him inside the railings. Hurst came down, and instead of taking a place with the people going up to the cashier's window and paying the cashier, Lynch and Hurst went inside, where the public was not admitted, and went to the desk of Wright, a deputy collector. There was a conflict in the testimony at this point as to whether Hurst counted out his money to Wright and the latter took it and carried it away, or whether Hurst counted it out to Lynch, the post-office messenger, who carried it over and put it in the desk drawer of Belts, another deputy, who was a field deputy in the district where Hurst lived. Hurst testified he had not known and never saw Wright before that day. Wright, who was called by Hurst as a witness, testified he was a deputy collector ; that he did not take Hurst's money, and had no authority to take it. He said he was taking affidavits and took Hurst's; that he saw some money; that Lynch took it and put it in an envelope ; that Lynch asked for Betts, who was the deputy "in charge of the district where Hurst's place was; " that he walked toward Betts' desk when told where it was, and that he started toward it with the envelope in his hand. Lynch's testimony was substantially to the same effect. He said he himself took the money and left it in Betts' desk drawer. No receipt was given by any one to Hurst for the money. No testimony was adduced by Hurst as to the authority of Wright to receive the money, and the only statutory authority cited to the court was the act of March 1, 1879 (ch. 125, sec. 2), printed in the margin.^ On the part of the defendant, the collector, I^ederer, testified that Betts, the district deputy, "had the northeast section of the city, in which Mr. Hurst's saloon was located." He testified the general * That each collector of internal revenue shall he authorized to appoint, hy an instrument in writing under his hand, as many deputies as he may think proper. . . . Provided, however, . . . Each such deputy shall have the like authority in every respect to collect the taxes levied or assessed vnthin the portion of the district assigned to him which is hy law vested in the collector himself, hut each collector shall, in every respect, he responsible, hoth to the United States and to individuals, as the case may be, for all moneys collected, and for every act done or neglected to be done, by any of his deputies while acting as such. SECT. IV.] IIUE.ST V. LEDEIIEE. 511 Tule of the ofTice was that "money paid in must be paid to the cashier"; that on the previous week tlie ca-shier had called his at- tention to the fact that parties were cuniiug U) ihe ollice and trying to have the deputies deviate from tlie order and he had made a posi- tive order realllrniing the rule. This suit being to recover taxes illegally collected, the burden of showing a previous payment rested on the plainliir, and ina.-niuch as the proof was that Lederer had never received the money and had never autliorized Wright to receive it for iiim, it is apparent llurst has not made out a case against Lederer, unless the law itself makes Lederer's aj)pointment of Wright deputy collector carry with it the right and authority to collect money. And it is liere that, in light of the proofs, the plaintiff's case fails, for he cannot justify his alleged payment to Wright hy the terms of the statute. That statute provides: " Each such deputy shall have the like authority in every respect to collect taxes levied or assessed within the portion of the district assigned to hi in which is by law vested in the collector himself." But the proofs show that Bctts was the deputy to whom alone it could be contended this language applied, and that Betts was the man Lynch and Hurst meant to reach. Unfortunately, they did not find Betts, and in his absence the cashier was the only per- son to whom Hurst could pay his money, so as to bind Lederer. Taking the most favorable view of the plaintiff's proofs as to what followed, it is apparent tliat Lederer was not in fault in any way, and that the loss that resulted to Hurst arose, not from any- thing Lederer did, or failed to do, but wholly from what Hurst did, or failed to do, and, where one of two innocent men suffer wrong, he must suffer whose acts or omissions caused the injury. \Vc are of opinion the record shows no error in giving binding instructions for the defendant. LAW LiBRARt UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES AA 000 594 046 5