PyCCKO-AHrJIIHCKIE r' b PASrOBOPbl. I RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH PHRASE BOOK, SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR THE USE OF TRADERS, TRAVELERS AND TEACHERS. By AGAPIUS HONCHARENKO. } SAN- FRANCISCO: A. ROMAN & COMPANY, ^ 17 MERCER STREET, NEW YORK. 1868. NEW BOOKS PnUJSHKl) HY A. ROMAN & COMPANY, Booksellers, Publishers and Stationers, 417 and 419 Montgomery Street, San Francisco; MAY WENTWORTH's f'AiRY TALES FROM GoLD LAND, The Bcenes of most of these Tales are laid in California. A handsome 16mo, Illustrated 100 Legal Titles to Mining Claims and Water Rights in California. By Gregory Yale, Counselor at Law. 8vo., sheep '. 7 50 SuLPHURETS. What they are, how Concentrated, how Assayed, and how Work- ed, with a chapter on the Blow-Pipe Assay of Minerals. By Wm. Barstow, M. D. 12mo., cloth ' 1 00 Distillation, Brewing and Malting. By J. McCulloch. 12mo., cloth 1 00 The Financial Economy of the United States. By J. Alexander :^erri8, A. M. 12mo., cloth 1 m Tennent's Nautical Almanac for the Pacific Coast. Paper r>0 Our publications are for sale by booksellers pfcneraliy. and sent post-paid on receipt of price bv A. ROMAN & OO. PyCCKO-AHrJIHCKIE PASrOBOPU. RUSSIAN ANB ENGLISH PHRASE BOOK, SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOB THB USE OF TRADERS, TRAVELERS AND TEACHERS. By AGAPIUS HONCHARENKO. SAN FRANCISCO: A. ROMAN & COMPANY, 17 MERCER. STREET, NEW YORK. 1868. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, Bt a. ROMAN AND COMPANY, In the Clerk's oflBce of the District Court of the United States for the District of California. PRINTiuD I5Y CUBEUY k CO. STEREOTYPED IJY FAULKNER h SOX, f36 Market Street. 411 Clay Stw-cet. SA NCROFT LIBRARY ^-2^ 1005^3 PREFA.OI1;. Our relations with the coasts of Asiatic Russia are but just commenced, and must ^row to be more and more important with every year ; and for every purpose of amity and com- merce a knowledge of the Russian language must be of the greatest advantage to the Americans of the Pacific Coast. '1 lit Kiissian language is easy, and full of delicate and rich forms. The literature has already many noble works to boast of, and its future is full of promise. To assist in spreading the knowledge of this tongue we have established the first Russian press ever set up in America. Our work may be considered as the commencement of an intimate union with Siberia, that land of undeveloped riches ; and for its practical value in business and social life we respectfully submit our volume to the intelligent public. THE AUTHOR. San Francisco, March, 1868 HpeAHCJOBie. Moa cHJBHua Btpa, b-b rpa4ymyH) cy4B6y — e4iino- 4ymHofi paGoTbi — CuOHpaKa ii AMcpHKanua, no6y4HJH nocTaBHTL 34tcB nepBbiil pyccKifi cTaHOKt. PyccKiH HSUKh H pyccKaa JHTepaTypa, no cBocH B03BbimeHH0CTH, paBIIOCIUBHBl CB 4pyrHMH UHBHvIH- SOBaHHBlMH Hapo4aMH. CoSHaBaa BTO, CIHTaiO He06X04HMBlM'B, nOJOvKHTB Haiawio rqoeno4aBania pyccKaro asbiKa b'b AMepiiKt. 4-ia cero 4'fe-iaeM'B cie H34aiiie, bb KOTopoM'B iiane- MaTaeMB: pyccKyio a36}TA CQ s S g OS w 9 DS~ ■fc; « s cq S a; < 1 § t^ 1^ fcfl C5 >-> C3 -P s g bQ d r4 bQ 05 J^* d ft -^ -5i Ph ^^ 6 d ^ fiuiiH. BeixiH, old; Beiuie; BeTiuafimiii. 14 JIUSSIAN GRAMMAR. EXAMPLE OF DECLINATION. SINGULAR. MASCULINE. N". 4o6pbiH good G. 4o6paro D. 4o6p9My Ac. 4o6pi>ifi — aro Ab. 4o6pbiM'B P. 4o6poM:B N. 4o6pbie G. 4o6pbix'L D. 4o6pbiM'b Ac. 4o6pbie — 'biXTi Ab. 4o6pbiMH P. 406pblX'B 4o6paa 4o6pofl 4o6poii 4o6pyK) 4o6poH) 4o6poft PLURAL. 4o6pbifl 4o6pbix'b 406pblM'b 4o6pbifl— 4o6pbiMii 406pbIX'B 4o6poe 4o6paro 4o6poMy 4o6poe 406pblM'B 4o6poM:b 4o6pbm 40 6 p NX'S 406pblM'b bixt 4o6pbia 406pblMH 4o6pbix:b III. PEONOUN. All pronouns are divided into eight principal classes : Personal, Reflexive, Possessive, Demon- strative, Interrogative, Indefinite, Relative and Definite. Pronouns are again divided, according to their signification and form, into Substantive and Adjective. RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. 15 Substantive personal pronouns : Sing. N. fl, I. G. MeHfl, of me. D. Mut, to me. Ace. wena, me. Ab. MHOK), me. P. 060 MHt. Plur. N. mbi, we. G. HBCB, of us. D. naMX, to us. Ace. Haci&, us. Ab. HaMH, us. P. Hac^, us. IV. NUMEEALS. They are divided into four classes, viz : Car- dinals, Ordinals, Multiples and Fr actionals. Numerals, like pronouns, are divided, accord- ing to their signification and form, into Substan- tive and Adjective niunerals. V. VEKB. Verbs are divided into the following classes : — Active, Passive, Middle or Reflexive, Neuter-Re- flexive and Neuter. They have two forjus of Conjugation : Regular and Irregular. Regular. — Infinitive : HanciHaib, to fill. Indi- cative mood — Present tense: fl Hancinaio, I fill ; Tbi HanciHaeiiib , thou fiUest ; oh'b Hano.iHfleT:B, he fills , Mbi HanojiiacM'B, we fill ; bu iianOjiHaeTe, you fill ; OHH HanojuaiOT'B, they fill. Imperfect tense: I 16 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. fl HanojHflji'B, I filled. Future tense: H 6747 na- nojHaTb, I will fill. Imperative tense: HaiiOjiiiaH, fill. Present participle : HanojHaiomifl and Hano.i- Haa, filling. Perfect participle : HancmcH^B and HanaiHiiBiuiB, filled. This brief sketch of the Russian Grammar prepared by the AUTHOR, is to show the American scholar, that the language is quite easy. Scholars in reading Russian dialogues will perceive the delicacy and richness of the language. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. THE WEATHER AND THE SEASONS. We shall have rain. By4eT:B AO^Ah. Budet dojd. I am quite wet. H o6moki. la obmok. It rains. 405K4b mOTlt. Dojd cdat. It rains fast. H4eT'L ciubHbiH 4oac4b Edat selnee dojd. I am completely drenched. It is windy. il Becb npoMOK:b. la ves promok. It has left off raining. 4oac4b npome.j'L. Dojd proshel. The wind blows high Btiepx cuAem. Vieter selen. A dreadful snow-storm. yjKacHaa Bbiora. Uzasnaia wiuga. BtTpeno. Vietreno. The wind is getting up. BtTepx no4HHMaeTCfl. Vieter podnimaetsia. The wind has changed. BtTep'b nepeMtHHJca. Vieter peremenelsia. A chiling blast. CaMufl xoj[04Hbiii Btiepx. Samee cholodnee vieter. 18 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Snow-drift. Meie^ib, Meie^Hua. Metel, meteletsa. The dust is flying very much. ITu.ILIIO. Pelno. It snows. Sneg edet. It is hot. 3CapK0. Zarko, I feel warm. Mat HcapKO. Mnie zarko. A sharp, bleak north- wind. Pt3KiS ctBepiibiH Btiep^B. Riezkee severnee vieter. Dew is falling. OaAaeTi poca. Padaet rosa. The snow is melting away. CHiri TaeT^B. Sneg taet. It is bitterly cold to-day. OqeHb X0.I04H0 cero4Ha. Ochen cholodno segodnia. I am cold. Mflt X0.I04H0, H 03a6i. Mnie cholodno, ia oziab. The heat is insupportable. The sun is burning, scorching. /Kapt HecHOceHi. Cojiune acHcei^by neqeii. Zar nesnosei. Solntze zjet, pechet. The atmosphere is hazy, Bo34yx'& TyManeHTi. Vozduch tumanen. The thunder rolls. FpoM-L rpeMHT:^ Grom gremet > RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 19 Oh, how hot it is. Ax's, KaKX acapKO, Ah, kak zjarko. The weather is stormy. Bypiio. Bumo. A thunderbolt has fallen. Mo.ih1h y^apiijia. Molnca udarila. The thunderstorm has<5cascd. Fpoaa npouua. Groza proshla. SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER. The trees begin to be decked with leaves and blossoms. 4epeBba noKpueaiOTca JHCTbaMH n UBtiaMH. Derevia pokrevaiutsia les- tiame € plodame. The country-people are going again about their agricultural labors. 3eMjie4'b^buu npHHHwaiOT- cfl onaiL 3a cbok) no^e- BjK) pa6oTy. Zemledielci prinimaiutsia opiat za svoiu polevuiu rabotu. The trees have borne The gardens are perfumed much fruit. with the fragrancy of flowers 4epeB:fl npHHeciHMuo- Ca4bi nanojiHeHbi sana- ro MOAOB'B. XOMTi UBtlOB-B. Derevia prencsle mnogo Sade napolnane zapachamo plodow. tcvietow. 20 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. The crop will be plentiful. 3faTBa 6746x1 6oraTa. Jatva budet bogata. The grapes have failed. BHHorpa4'B He ypo4HJCH. Venograd ne urodelsia. The wine will be dear. BiiHO 6y4eTt 4oporo. Veno budet dorogo. It treezes. MopOSHTl. Morozct. It freezes very hard. TpecKyniFi Mopo3:&. Traskuchee moroz. The river is frozen ^ver. PtKa cxa^a. Kieka stala. Warm yourself. norptfliecB. Pogrcetcs. I am quite stiff, benumbed with cold. The days are very short. 4hH OqeHb KOpOTKH. Dne ochen korotke. The trees are covered with rime. 4epeBba noKpuiw nHeejii. Derevia pokrete enaem. Winter draws near, is at hand. HacTynaeit sima. Nastupaet zema. One can slide without danger. Mo5KHO Kaiaibca no Jib4y. Mozno katatsia po Idu. My nose is frost-bitten. a CeOt 03H06lUt HOCT^ Ya sebie oznobcl nos. The heat is increasing. TenjiOTa yBejn»inBaeTca. Teplota uvelechevaetsia. I am extremely sensible to cold. fl qpesBbiqafiflo saSoK'L. Ya chrezuichaeno zyabok. In Russia one can scarcely do without a fur cloak. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 21 n Becb oixkuentji'b Bt Poccin He mojkho o6oH- ot:b CTj/Kn. thcl Geat uiyGu. Ya ves ociepeniel ot W Rossec iie mozjuo oboeetes Btuze. bez sbube. It is well sitting near the An inundation is apprehended, fire-side. ITpiaTHO rptibca y orna. Boaica HaB04HeHiff. Preyatno hretsia u ognia. Boiatsya navodneniya. Thus far, we have given in English words, the exact pronunciation of the Russian. But we think it no longer necessary to write out the pronunciation, as the English scholar, can by spending three hours with a Russian, learn the pronunciation correctly, which with the few pages abeady written, will give all necessary instruction. TIME. The sun rises. It is quite dark. CdHue BocxoAHTi. Bee tgmho. It is day-light. The moon rose. CetTjio. Mtcam noAHiiMaeTca. 22 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DTALOGUES, It will soon be niglit. CKopo HacTaneT'B iiohb. The sun is setting. CojHue 3axo4HT:B. It is night. TenepB (jhcl) kohl. In the evening, in the night. Be'iepOM'L, HO^LK). A month hence. ^epesB Mtcau'R. Half a year ago. nojro4a TOMy Ha3a4'B. Wliat is the day of the month ? KoTopoe micjio cero- 4Ha? The' seventh. Ce4Moe, Last year. Bb npome4iiieM'B ro4y. Every minute. Ka'/K4yK) MHHyxy. The moon shines. J[yHa CBtXHT'B. Half-moon. IIojLyMtcaqie. The day after to morrow. riocji saBipa. The other day. He 4aBH0. Every day. BcflKoii 4eHb. Every other day. Ha 4pyrott 4eHb. To morrow T^ill be a holy- day. 3aBTpa 6y4eT^ npa34HHq- Huft 4elib. Instantly. Cefi qacB, TomacB. To day is my birth-day. fl cero4Ha HMaHUHHiiK'B. My birth-day. 4eHb Moero po;K4eiiia. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH PTALOGUES. 23 MONTHS. January. jTuly. ffneapb. lK)Ah. February. August. Oeepa^ib. ABrvCT'B. March. September. MaprB. CeHTflSpb. April. October. • Aiipt-ib. 0KTa6pB. May. November. Mat!. Hoa6pb. June, December. IlOHb. 4eKa6pb. THE DAYS OF THE WEEK. Sunday. Thursday. BocKpeceHbe. ^TBepri. Monday. Friday. IIoneA'fc^bHHK'B. IlflTnnua. Tuesday. Saturday. BlOpHHK-b. Cy66oTa. Wednesday Cpe^a. 24 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. FEASTS. Christmas. P05K4eCTBO XpiICTOBO. New Year. HoBbifi ro4'B. Lent. IIOCT'B. Palm Sunday. Bep6Hoe BOCKpecenj&e. Good Frida}^. BejHKaa naiHHua. Easter. CBtxjoe BocKpeceme. Pentecost. 4yxoB^ 4eHB. Trinity Sunday. TpoflUHH'B 4eHB. Ascension Day. BosHecenie. Midsummer day. HBaHOB^b 4eH . THE How old are you ? Ckojelko BaMl jtT^. I am thirty years old. Mnt Tpiuuaxb witTrB. I am older than you. il BacB cxapiue. You are rather young. Bbl 04eHb M0J04bI. How old is your sister ? KoTopbifl ro4'B BaiiieH AGE. He is still a bachelor. Owh eme xo.iocT'b. My eldest brother is married. Crapuiifi dpaTi JKeinuca. He is but six years old. Emj TO.ibKO mecTb witxi. He does not look his age. Cero He bh4H0. His brother is of age. Bpax'B ero coBepuieHiio RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 25 cecxpHut ? He enjoys a green old age*- Owh eme 6o4puii cia- pHKt. Both sexes. Mj^cecKiH H areHCKia A man. My>K4Hiia. A woman. JKenmnHa. A cMd. 4HTfl. A boy, a lad. Ma.ibqHKi, OTpoKi. New-married people. Mo.i04bie cynpyrH. Are your parents still alive ] JKhbm jih eme Bamn p04HTej[H ? Does your father still live 1 HChbi m eiue saui^b oieut ? jifeieHi. He is at the point of death. Ohx npH caMofi cMepxii. npH KOHqHHt. A youth. K)H0ina, Mo.io4oft nejo- BtKl. A girl. ' ^tBHita. An old maid. Ciapaa 4'bBHua. Betrothment. , 06pyqeHie. The marriage. 3CeHHTb6a. A widower. B40Beu'B. I have three sons and two daughters. y MeHH XpH CHHa H 4Bt 40HepH. They are near relations. Ohh 6iH3Kia po4CXBeH- HllKH. 26 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. How many children have you? CKOjibKo y Bac'bA'kTePL ? The ancestors. IIpe4KH. The descendants. HOTOMCTBO. The pedigree. Po40cjoBHoe 4epeB0. The grandmother. EafiyiuKa. The nephew, the niece. IIjeMaHimKi, n^eMan- HHua. He is the very pictnre of the mother. Ohi Becb Bi MaiymKy. The cousin: 4B0K)p04Hblfi 6paT5. The son in law. 3flTb. The daughter m law HcBtcTKa. God mother. KpecTHaa Maib. Foster mother. BocnHTaiejbHHua, KopMH- jiHiJia. GETTING UP. Awake ! IIpOCHHTeCb ! Get up ! BcTaBaflie. It is time to get up. Ilopa BciaBaib. Are you still asleep 1 Bbi eme cHHTe? Are you not yet awake 1 Bbi eme ne npocHy.iHCb? It is broad day. y^Ce CO BCtM'b CBtTJO. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOOUES. 27 You have got up very early, I think. Kaaceica mo bu o^ieHb paHO BciajH. How did you sleep last night ] KaKi cna^in bbi npom- jiyiO HOHB? I have not closed my eyes ; I did not sleep a wink. fl He coMKHyj^b Tjia3% BO BCK) H04B. The more one sleeps, the more one likes to sleep. ^bwh fiojLuie cniiuiL, TtMX fioJBiue xoieT- ca cnaTB. I have been awake the whole night. fl UpOCllA^A'b utjiyiO H01B 6631 CHa. I was fast asleep when you came. n KptnKO cnajB, Kor4a Bbl npHUIJH. When I am in the country, I always get up at sunrise. Ha Aait fl Bcer4a Bcxaio CBB0CX040M'B COAUU,a. I shall soon be ready, have the kindness to step into my cab- inet. a cKopo 6y4y roTOB'B, noTpyAHTecB boMth BB MoH KafiHHera DEBSS. Dress quickly ! I shall not be long in dressing. 04tBafiTecB cKopte. H He 4o^ro 6y4y 04*- BaTBCfl, 28 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOaUES. Where is my dressing Bring me a clean white gown 1 shirt. r4t MoB xaJaTS^m^a^ IIo^aH MHt 'iHCTyio py- poKx). fiaiiiKy. Here is the basin with Give me some water ta rinse fresh water and the wash- my mouth. ball. Bora JoxaHKa cb ihc- 4^8 mh* bo4M BunoJioc- TOK) B040H), H MUJIO. KaTJb pOTB. Wash your face and hands. Your hands are very dirty. YMoHTe 0664 pyKH h Bamn pyKH ohghb rpfl3- jiHUe. Hbi. Dry them with this towel. Have you cut your nails ] BwTpHTG HXTi dTUWh OfiptsaJH j!H Bbl BaUlH nojioTeHuoMB. hofth ? You do not comb your hair. I must shave myself. Bw He npHiecbiBaeTe Mnt Ha4o6Ho BufipHTS- BaiUHX'B BO.lOCOB'B. CH. I will put on boots. Have you cleaned them 1 a xoHj Ha4'bTB canorH. BbimicTHJiB jh tu hx% ? Have you got my blue It is torn, coat scoured 1 BbiqHmeHo JH Moe ch- Oho paaopBana Hee DjiaTbe? RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 29 Put on your coat. This coat suits you very well. Ha4T>nBTe Bame n^aTBe. 3to n.iaTBe BaM-B ohghb npHCTaJo. It fits you admirably. Brush my hat. 9to BaMB Hpe3BBmaHno Bumhcthtg mok) iiunny. This hat suits you well. You are plainly and properly dressed 9Ta nuana BaMi k:b Bm oAtTu npocTo h hhc- mixy. TO. You dress yourself with Put my toilet in order. . much taste. Bbi oA^BaeTecB co bkj- IIpHroToBB moB ySopHbiii COMB. CTOJHKB. This lace won't do. Let the lace go a little. dToTb mnypoKi He ro- Cnycra ne Miioro cny- AHTca. poK-B. Look, if my neck-kerchief Fasten it with a pin. is straight behind. IIoCMOTpH, npflMO .111 npHKO.lH GG. CH4HTB KOCHHKa MOfl CB 3a4H. 30 RUSSLiN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. You prick me. It is not well pinned. Tu Mena KOJeiUB. Ona He xopomo npHKo- JOTa. Pull up my sleeves. Put on my necklace. SaBopoTH MHt pjKaBa. Ha^tHB mh* Moe 05Kepe.iBe. Give me my ear-rings. Have you done dressing ? IIoAafl MHt cepBrH. Kohimh jh bbi Baui'B ydop'B ? GOING It is time to go to bed. nopa~€naTB JoacHTBca. I am sleepy. Mnt xoieTCH cnaTB. Warm tlie bed. Harptil nocTe.iB. Pull off your coat. Chhmhtg Baine MaTBe. Help me to get out of my coat. TO BED. I do not like sittmg up late. R He .ih)6jh) BeHepo^rB AOATO CH^tTB. Is my bed made ? HociaHa jh Moa nocTeJB ? Undress yourself ! PaS^tHBTOCB I Pull off your shoes and stock- ings. CnHMHTe 6aiiiMaKH h hjjku. Tell the servant to undress the children. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 31 rioMorH Mnt CHHTB CKaHCH c^yjKaHK'b, ^To6'h njaTBe. oiia pa34'b^a 4tTeH. Are you well covered up ? I shall cover myself up war mer. Xopouio Ml Bu no- H no^yime noKporocB. KpujH ce6a ? Put out the light. I shall not neglect it. IIoracH CBtny. C^ymaio. THE HUMAN RACE. The soul is immortal. He is a man of genius. 4yiiia 6e3CMepTHa. His brother has a strong constitution. Ero epara KptoKaro cjoacenia. He is the first of honest men. Ont caMuH qecTHMfl HeJOBtK'B. He lords it Oh^b fioapnTCff. 3to yMHuH le.ioB'feK'B. He is a man of the old stamp. Oh'b qe.ioBtK'B pt4KoB lec- THOCTH. He is a good-natured man. 9to 4o6pocep4eHnMtt mg- JOBtK'B. He has a stately gait. Ohi rop4HTca. 32 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. He is a poor wretch. Owh 6t4HflK'S. What a serious and sedate air. KaKoH cTeneHHuH h BaJKHuM HeJOB'bK'B. He is a perfect scholar. Ont npeyqeHwB qejo- BhKh. He is a jovial companion, Owh BeCGjIBiaK^B. He is a silly man. Owh OHGHB npocTB. It is very low with him. Ohb pasopHJCfl. A man not to be depended upon. Hena^e^KHbiH qe.ioBtK'B. He is a confounded liar. Ohi jmeTTi 6e3CTbUHo. She is a perfect, brilliant beauty. 9to 6j!HCTaTe.iBHaa KpacaBHua. He is in easy circumstances. Owb 40CTaT0HeH'B. What a cold countenance. KaKofi X0J04HMfi, HGMyBC- TBHTeJLHUS HeJOBtKt. He is exceedingly witty. Ohb qpesMtpHo .ocTpo- yMGHl. He is a wrong-headed man. OhB KpHBOTOJKi. He is a very studied rascal. Ohb npeBe.iHKi8 njyTB. He is a sharper. Owh MOmeHHUKB. What a sad grumbler. 9koH 6pK)3ra. He is a drunkard. Oin> nBflHHua. She carries herself like a queen. y Hea djaropoAHBifi cTaHB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 33 She has an engaging air. y neH njtnflFomiH bh4'b. Slie has a fair set of teeth. y Hea npeKpacHua 3y6u. She draws all hearts to her. Ona UA'buneT'h cep^ue Bcfexi ji04eH. Sho is now prettier than she ever was. Ona npeKpacHte, ne- TKQAVL Kor^a Au6o. She is near sighted. y Ilea MyTHua r.ia3a. She paints an inch thick. Ona cJiHiuKOMt pyMa- HHTCa. She is well-shaped. Ona xopofflo cio^ena. She has a dimple in each cheek. y nea aMOHKH na meKaxi. Is she fair or dark 1 Bi.ioKypa ^h ona, \uu 6pK)- HOTKa. She is rather corpulent. Ona oHGHh TOJECTa. Her face is pock-marked. Ea JHUo HspuTo ocnoFO. She affects the air of a. prude. Ona ciHrnKOMt MceMamiTca. She has a bad character. She is melancholy. Ona ^eiiiuHna 3J[o6- Ona BecBMa neqa^Bna. naro iipaBa. The forehead. The eyes. AoC'b, Tjiaaa. 34 RUSSIAN AND ENGLfSH DIALOGUES. The mouth. The lips. PoTX. ry6M. Wrinkles. The palate. MopmHHU. He6o. The flesh. The beard. T*Jo. Bopo4a. The whiskers. The mustache. BaKeH6apAM. Ycu. The neck. The throat. Ulea, FopJO. The hack. The arms. CnHHa. PjKH. The shoulders. The knee. IIjieTO. Kojiteo. The Hails. The fist. HorTH. Ky.iaK'B. The toes. The stomach. IlaJtBUu Ha Horaxt. HCe.iy/ioK'B. The five senses. Feeling, touch. IlflTB HJBCTBt. Omymenie, osflsanie Tho sight. Hearing. 3ptHie. Cjyx'B. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 35 Smelling. The taste. 06oHaHie. BKyex. The spirit. Reason. 4yxT>. PaayMi, jwb. Thought. Judgment. MWCJB, Pa3cy40K'B. Will. Imagination. Bo.ia. Boo6pa5KeHie. Temper. To laugh. TeMnepaMeiiTt, CwbHTbCH. To weep. To whistle. IIjaKaTB. CBHCrbTB. HEALTH. Good day, Sir. How do you do, Sir? 34paBCTByfiTe ! KaKi Bw no5KHBaeTe ? I hope, I see you well ? I am well, I thank you. Bee .IH BU 340pOBU ? IIoKopHo 6jaro4apK), a 340pOB'B. Perfectly welL How is your father. Sir ? a Bi iiaiLijHmewb 340- 34opoB^ JM Bam:B OaTioni- pOBLt. Ka? 36 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. So so, middling. IIo Ma.ieHBKy. And your mother? A Bama MaTyiiiKa ? She is in low spirits. Ona He b'B 4yxt. She is obliged to keep her room. Ona He Buxo4HT:b m'b KOMHaTU. What ails you, Sir ? %0 Ch BaMH? You look rather poorly, Bbi oHeHL 6.i'b4HH. He is half dead. Ont no.ijMepTB'B. It is all over with him. Ohi nponaji. His wounds are healing. PaHH ero sa^KHBaioTi. Eather poorly. He TaKl TO 340pOB'B. She must keep her bed. Ona Bt nocTe-it. I sincerely regret it. Kpaflne co^a.itio. I am very sorry to hear it. 9to MHt O'leHB npHCKop6- HO. Is anything the matter with you ? He 6oJhnu .ih bh ? My eyes are inflamed. y MeHfi rjaaa BocnaJieHw. He is worse. Emj cTaJo xyjKe. Do not fear, he will soon recover his health. He CoflTecB, oh'b no- npaBiiTca. Are all your family well ? Bee Jin Bame ceMeficTBo 34opoBo ? RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 37 rhank God, they are all well. CviaBa Bory, Bct b-b 406p0M'B 340pOBB'b. He has had the measles. y nero 6bi.ia Kops. Is your lady in good health ? 34opoBa .iH Baina cynpyra ? She has got a cold. Ona npocTy4H.iacB. How is your good old grandfather ] KaK-L noJKHBaeT'B Bamt 4o6pui1 4'b4yiuKa ? His strength begins to fail him. Ciuu ero yMeHBOiaiOT- CH. I wish you a speedy re- covery. n Hce.iaK) BaM'B cKoparo BU340pORieHiff, How is little Tom ? KaKt noJKHBaeT'B namiv Ma- .leuBKiH 0oMa ? He feels a great deal better to day. EMy ropa34o Ajmno cero 4Ha. The physician has cured her. .leKapB j\emLJLT> ee. She coughs the whole night. Ona BCK) noHB KaiujneT'B. His health is but delicate. Ero 34opoBBe omghb cja6o. He has been rather gouty of late. Oh-b 04ep5KHM'B no4arpoK). Good bye, Sir. IIpomaiiTe ! I 88 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Patient. Bo-ILHUtt. Prescription. PeuenTt, Diet. 4i3Ta. A cold. npocTy4a. Palpitation of the Iieart. Bieiiie cep^ua. Gout. no4arpa. Consumption. CyxoTKa. Cramp. Cy4opra. Plague. A wart Bopo^aBKa. Medicine. tIeKapCTBO. A chemist. AnxeKapB. Lint. Kopnia, Cough. KaineJiB. A fever. jHXopa4Ka. Dysentery. KpoBaBuH noHocb. Apoplexy. IlapaJHHB. Swoon. 06MOpOKB. A com. Mo30JIS. To bleed. HyCKaTB KpOBB. BREAKFAST. Is breakfast ready ? Breakfast is on the table* ToToBB AH 3aBTpaicB ? 3aBTpaKB no^aiiB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 39 Have yoii breakfasted, Sir ? Not yet. 3aBTpaKa.JH jh bu yjKe ? HtTi eme. Pray, do me the honor to come and take a cup of tea with me. With pleasure. • C4'b^afiTe Mnt hgctb Ct y^oBOjiBCTBieM'B. BUnHTB CO MHOK) qauiKy qaio. I am thirsty I am very hungry. Mnt nHTB xoieTCJJ. il oMenB roJOAeHB. I have a good appetite. You come in the nick of time. y Mena xopoinifi ane- Bw npniii.iH oieHB KCTaTn. THTB. What shall I offer you ? Do you prefer coffee or tea ? %o Mory a BaMB npe4- ^to npHKaacexe, Ko*e hjih JIO^HTB ? laio ? I should thank you for a I will make the tea. cup of tea. noaca.iyfiTe nnt laniKy il c^t^aio naii. HaK). 40 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Bring tlie tea-pot, the um and the canister. IIpHHeCH IMHt CaMO- Bapi, qaflniiKi h naii- HHuy, Pour out the tea. Pa3.iHBaSTe laM. I like strong tea II .iH)6.iK) KptnKia laii. No, it is black tea. HtTi, 9T0 lepHuii qaii. I prefer coffee. il npe4noiHTaH) Ko*e. It is excellent. Ko*e npeBocxoAHuii. Is it sweet enough ? /JOBOJIBHO JH C Ja40K'B ? Cut some more slices of bread. Hap^JKBTe eme xjitCa. The water boil& Eilrcady- B04a KHnHTB. The tea is very weak. %fi o'leHB cjia6'b. Is this green tea ? 9to seJieHbiH qafi ? Your tea is getting cold. Barn's Hafi npocTbiBacT'B. Is this strong enough ? 4obojIBHo m oh:b KptnoKX ? It is genuine mocha. 3to nacToamia mokckIH Ko*e. Take some sugar. Bo3BMHTe caxapy. Give me some bread and butter. IIoMcaviyBTe MHt XJtCa cb MaCIOMB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 41 You have excellent fresh I shall ask you for oysters, if butter. you please. y BacB npeBocxoAHoe IIo^ajyHTe Mnt ycTpnu'B. cBt/Kee Macjio. Help yourself. B03BMHTe. May I help you to some more ? He yro4no .«h BaivrB eme He MHoro. dinner. Lay the cloth. HaKpoH cTdi. Place the chairs round the table. IIoCTaBB CTyJBa BO- Kpyr-L cTOjia. Pray be seated. CAt^aHTe MiuocTB, ca- 4HTeCB. I will thank you for a little. IIo3Kaj[yMTe MHt He Araoro. Let us have napkins. no4aB caj*eTOK:B. A cover is wanting here. 34tcB He AOCTaeTi npn- 6opa. Will you take some soup ? He yroAHo An BaMB iie MHoro cyny ? I will carve this beef. II paaptjKy btj roBfl4HHy. 42 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Do you like beef? He yro4Ho mi Bant roBa^HHu ? May I give you a little fat 1 XoTHTe Ml 5KHpHblH KyCOK:B ? A little of each. He MHoro Toro h 4py- raro. It is very tender. Ona oHeHL MarKa. May I trouble you for a little gravy ? IIo;Kaj[yiiTe MHt He MHoro coyca. Take some vegetables. BoSBMHTe 3eJeHH. I am much afraid of the bones. il CJHIIlKOM'b 60K)CB KocTeii, I shall thank you for a little slice. 4aHTe MHt KjcoHeKh. A little lean if you please. 4afiTe MHt He TaKB ^KHpnuH KyCOKB. This beef is excellent. 9to oTJiHiHaa roBa^HHa. This roast beef is overdone. 9to ^KapKoe nepencapeHo. This gravy is too highly sea- soned. B'b dTOWh COyct CJHIUKOM'B MHoro npHnpaBB. Yes, I like it very much. 4a, a oieHB mo6a}o ee. Then take a piece of eel. Bo3BMHTe KycoHeKB yrpa. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 43 You drink nothing. Bbi He nBGTe. Pray, taste this Burgundy. OTBt^aiiTe npomy BacB, 3Toro Byp6oHCKaro. This wine is excellent. Bhho 3T0 npeBocxoAHa t Ladies, your health. Bame 34opoBLe, cy^a- pUHH. John, change the plates. IlBaH-B nepeMtHH Ta- pe.iKH. This pear is of a choice species. BoTi rpyniH npeKpac- Haro BKyca. No, I thank you ; I can eat no more. noKopiitame 6.iaro4a- pK), MH* He B03M0»- Ho 6oJ[te KyiuaTB. I will keep to Sherry. II nBK) XepecB. How do you find it ? KaK^B Bu ero HaxoAnre ? You do not fill your glass.. Bu He HandHaeTe Bamero CTaKana. You do me much honor. Sir. Bh MHi 4'b^aeTe MHoro qecTH. Serve up the dessert. IIoAaft AecepTi. Will you not take some of this pastry, orof these sweetmeats ? He B03BMeTe m\ nHpoJKHaro H KOH^eKTOB-R, You are a poor cater. Bhi oHeHB xy4oS 'fc40irB, 44 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. I beg your pardon, I have eaten You do not eat anytliing. a great deal. Bh Himero ne KymaeTe. HsBHHHTe, a MHoro t^i. Well then, let us rise from dinner. Clear the table^ Hy, rocno^a, BCTa- y6epHTe co CTo.ia. HeM^-Te HS-B 3a cTOJa. SUP Will you take your supper with us 1 He yro4Ho Jin Bawh OTySKHHaTB C% HaMH ? I shall not. BoBce He 6j^. Bread and cheese will do. Xjltfit Ct CbipOM^B 40- CTaTOHHM. Here is the salad-dish. Bot:b cajiaTHHKB. PER . With all my heart, if you do not stand upon ceremonies. OveHB OXOTHO, eCMl Bbl He 6y4eTe uepeMo- HHTBCa. Do not make any particular preparations for me. C4'b^aHTe naMB qecTB cb HaMH OTyJKHIiaTB. Prepare the salad. IIpHroTOBBTe caJiaTB. Get it well seasoned. njjHnpaBTe ero xopomo. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 45 It is not well cleaned. Have you put salt to it ? Ohi He xopomo bu- Hocojiuh xn bu ero ? MUTt. There is no salt in it. B-B neM-B HtTB COJIH. Bring wine-glasses and tumblers. IIpHHeCH piOMKH H CTa- Kanu. The candles bum dimly. CBtmi XJAO CBtTflTt. It is time to go. BpeMfl pasoSTHCB. Permit me to accompany There is but little pepper in il . Bb hgm^ Ma^o nepuy. I like your small beer bcttei fl npe4noqHTaK) Bauie Jier- KOe DHBO. Snuff the candle. CHHMHTe CO CBiHH. No, I must go home. HtTB, fl AOA'iKeJI'h B03Bpa- THTBCa 4OM0H. Give me leave to light you. Il03B0JBTe MH* nOCBtlHTB BaMB. you to the door. IIoSBo^BTe BacB npo- B04HTB 40 ABepeS. Well, then, I wish you Farewell, until we meet again safe home. IIpomaiiTe, 6y4BTe 4o cBHAama. 3AOpOBU. 46 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. The cloth. A napkin. CKaTepTJB. Ca.i*eTKa. A knife. A fork. HOHCHITB. BH.iKa. A spoon. The sugar-basin. J^OJKKa. CaxapHHua. Brown bread. The crumb. ^epHbiii xatCt. MaKHIIlB. The crust. Home-baked bread. KopKa. 4oMamHia xjit6t, Dry bread. Cabbage-soup. ^epcTEbiH XA'h6%. IUh. Smoked beef. Salt meat, salt pork, Konqenaa roBa4HHa. OoJlOHHHa. • Beefs tongue. Cutlets. UShlKh. KoTJGTbl. Mutton-chops. Pork. BapaHBH KOTjieTU. CBHHHHa. Mutton. Omelet. BapaHHHa. flnqHHUa. Pancake. Potatoes. Ejhhu. KapTo*eJB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 47 Beans. Onions. Bo6bi. JjKb. Cabbage. Radishes. KanycTa. PtABKH. Spinage. Cauliflower. UlniinaT'B. HBtinaa KanycTa. Sour-krout. Rice. , KHCJ[aa KanycTa CapaiHncKoe nmeiio Buckwheat. Vermicelli. TpeHHxa. Jianma. Flour. Horse-radish. MyKa. Xptnt. Artichokes. Parsley. ApTHHIOKH. HeTpyiiiKa. Garlic. Lemons. ^eCHOK^B. JlmiOHM. Olives. Cherries. Mac-iHEU. Bhiuhh. Melons. Figs. 4wnH. BHnnua aro4W. Prunes. Chesnuts. ^epnociHBU. . KaiiiTanu. Almonds. Oranges MHHAa.«B. AnejBCHHU. 48 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGCES. Cake. Biscuit. nnpori. CyxapH. Brandy. Claret. Bo4Ka. Bop40HCKOe BHHO, Hung^ary wine. Cocoa. BenrepcKoe bhho. KaKao. THE HOUSE. Are you the porter of this Can you show it me ? house ? Th An ^BOpHHK'B 3TOro 40Ma? I like this entrance very much. BX04'B MHt OieHB Hpa- BHTCH. The ground floor and the second story are let. HHHCHiB H BTOpoft 3Ta>K:b 3aHflTW. MoJKeuiB Jin mh* noKaaaxB ero? Have you many inmates 1 Mnoro ah y BacB TKUAb- UeB'B. That wicket there leads to the bath. 9Ta MaJGHBKaa 4BepB Be- AOT'b BB Kyna^iLHio. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 49 Where are the stables and Ilere at the bottom of the first coach-houses ] yard. r4'b KOHIOIllHH H CapaH ? 34'bCB Ha KOHUt 3Toro 4Bopa. Let us- see the furniture. It is very rich but old-fashion- ed. nocMOTpHMi Me6e.iB. Ona BecBMa Coraia, no cTapoM04Ha. Is there a well in the Yes, Sir, the water is very good, yard? HtTt jn Ko.i04e3a Ha Ectb, cy4apB, B04a bi 4Bop'b ? HeMB OHGHB xopouia. Well, the bargain is con- When do you mean to take pos- cluded. session of your lodgings ? Xopomo, TO Mw CO- Kor4a bu 4yMaeTe nepe- oacHM. CpaTBca bb Bame hchjbg. I will come to-morrow Every thing will be ready, morning. fl npiB4y saBTpa no Bee 6746x1 roTOBo. yTpy. The main building. The back part. TjaBHoe cTpoenie, 3a4Hee eipoenia The gateway. The street door. B-h^SAh. BX04'B. 50 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. The lock. The key. 3aM0KB. K.iioqB. A bolt. The bell. 3aABH3KKa. Sbohokb. The hall, saloom Closet. 3ajia. ^jfaHt. The stove. The wash house. De^Ka. HpaHeMHaa. A balcony. The shutters. BaJKOH'B, CTaBHH. A looking glass. A cushion. SepKaJo. no4ymKH. A eandl'^stick. A basket. UoACBbnBum. KopSHHa. A carpet. Curtains. KoBepx. SanaBtcKU. A broom. A pot. BtHHKl. FopmeK'B. A bucket. A pitcher. Be4po. KpyHCKa, Coals. Ashes. YrojiB. 3o^a. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 51 A VISIT. Come in ! BoHahtg ! I thank you, I am not tired. rioKopHtfime 6jaro4a- pH), fl ne ycTa.i'B. Permit me to present you Mr. N. HMtK) qecTL npe4CTa- BHTL BaMX rocnoAH- Ha H. How long have you been in this country ? 4aBH0 JH BW Bl 34*01- HeMt Kpaio ? What news is there ? What is the news of the day i %o HoBaro ? MTo Hunt pa3CKa3UBaK)TX. War is spoken of. FoBopaT'B o BoHnt. Pray be seated, Sir ; here is a chair, sit down. CAt^afiTe 040.i3KeHie, ca- 4HTeCB, BOTTi CTy.It. We have not seen you at home for a long time. YjITB CKOjIBKO AtTTi BaCB He BH4H0. He 18 an old friend of mine. Mw ch HMMTi cTapwe 3na- KOMUe. Do you intend to make any stay with us ? 4o.iro Ml BW iiaMtpenu npoCuTB 34tcB ? What do they speak of in town 1 ^To roBopaTi BB ropo4'b ? He was turned out of his place. Ero yBciHjiH oTb Cjiy»6u. 52 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. I am very sensible to Good bye, Sir. I give you my your kind attention. respects. B.iaro4apK) Bact 3a DpomaiiTe, Moe nomenie. BHUManie. THE GARDEN Let us take a turn in Your garden is in the best the garden. order. DofueM-B nporyjflTBca Baui'B ca4B bb iiaHjyq- no ca4y. iiieMB nopaAKt. Your gardener is praise- worthy. Come and see these flowers. Bami Ca40BHHK'B 40- HoCMOTpHTe Ha 3TH UBtTW. CTOXBaJGHl. The roses are already in They are beautiful. blossom. Ohh qy^ecHW. Po3w yjK'B UBtTyTt. How do you call these This is a pink, the other is a flowers ? ranunculus. KaKB HasoBcTe bu BoTt bto rBoa^HKa, a 4py- 3TH UBtTbi ? roH paHyHKyjix, RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 53 My sister is making a wreath for lierself. Moa cecTpa n-ieTeTi Ce6t BtHKH. Who has picked this rose ? Kto copBaJi cm posy. How thick the plums hang. KaKoe MHOJKecTBo CJHB'B. Let us go and look at the vegetables. IIoH4eM'L OCMOTpiIM'B oBomn. Let us sit down on the greetisward. Ca4eMi Ha TpaBy f4epH'B). This plant takes root. 3to pacTtnie nycKa- eT-B KopenBa. The shell. Illejyxa. How sweet this little flower smells. KaKX MFMo naxneT-B ceii UBtTOHeKl. Where is your nursery ? V/it Baiii'B *pyKTOBwH ca^'B ? The grapes of this country have renown. BHHorpaA'B Bl pTOft 3eMJH cjiaBeHi. Wliat a number of cabbages. KaKoe MHoacecTBo KanycTtr. The grass is closely cut. TpaBa KopoTKo oTptaana. There is a fine alley of poplars. BoTi npeKpacnaa Tonoje- Baa a.ijea. A vine-branch. BHHorpaAHaa joaa. 64 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. The oak. The beech. 4y6i. ByKX. The willow. The weeping-willow. IlBa. BaBH.ioHCKaa Bepfia. The cedar. The palm. Ke4p'B. na.iBMOBoe 4epeBo. The laurel. The lemon-tree. JaBpoBoe 4epeBo. Jhmohhog 4epeBo. A water-melon. A cherry. Ap6y3X. BnuiHa. The cherry-tree. The chestnut-tree. BnuiHeBoe 4epeBo. KaniTaHOBoe 4epeBo, A fig-tree. An olive-tree. CMOKOBHHUa. MacJHHa. A rose-tree. A pomegranate. Po30Bwa KycT:B. FpaHaTHoe r6aoko. Poisonous plants. Hops. fl40BHTbia pacTtaia. XM-hJB. Flax. Peony. JeKh. nionia Mignonette. Sun-flower. Pe3e4a. 1104COJHeHHHK'B. Crown imperial. Rosemary. UapcKiK Btnem. PoCMapMH'B. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 55 THE COUNTRY. I shall set out to-morrow I have hired a summer-lodg- for the country. ing. fl t4y saBTpa B'b ^e- II HaHfljii jtTHiOH) KBap- peBHK). THpy. The village lies in the midst of the wood. I like mountain scenery. 4epeBHa jieacHTi cpe4H H oieHB .ik)6jIK) ropncTua atca. cTpanu. There is a fine mansion. Shall we cross this field? BoT-B npeKpacHuH 6ap- nepeH4eM'B mi Mpea-B 3To cKiit Aowb. ? The banks of the river are Let us go towards the river. delightful. EfoH^eMt Kh ptK*. Bepera ptKH npe.iecTHu. How pure and beneficial I hope the change of air will the country air is. entirely re-establish my health. KaK-L 'jHCT'b H 6.iaro- Ha^tiocB mto nepeMtiia TBopeHB cdBCKiH B034yxa BoacTaiio- B034yX'B. BHTX MOe 340pOBBe. Are you skilled in hus- bandry ? A little. 3naeTe jh bu ce.iBCKoe He MHoro. xoaaficTBo. 56 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Every thing on this estate yields a plentiful crop. 3to noMtcTBe Aaera ndHuii 4oxo4'B. 'Tis a very pleasant walk. 3Ta nporyjKa BecBMa npiaTHa. A plain. PaBHHHa. A bush. KyCTapHHK'B. A chain of mountains. Xpe6eTB ropi. The top. BepiiiHHa ropw. A vine-yard. BHHorpa4HuB-caA'B. A village. 4epeBHa. A sheep-cot. OBiapHa. A village inn. Ka6aicB. The avenues of this park are magnificent. Amqii BTaro napKa npe- .leCTEU. A vale, valley. 4o.lHHa. A forest. Poma. A mountain. Fopa. A rock. CKaja. A desert. IlycTbiHa. A lake. Oaepo. A cottage. XH^KHHa. A mill. MtJiBiiHua. A flock of shc('p. CTa4o oBeuTi. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 57 A herd of cattle. CTa40 6bIK0KB. Agriculture. SeMwiGAt-iie. A bee-liive. Wax. BoCKl. The cattle feed on that meadow. CKOTHHa nacGTca na dToyrh Ajrj. A great many birds perched upon that tree. Mho^KGCTBO UTUlXh cbAO Ha cie 4epeBo. The bird is moulting. IlTima .iHHaeT'B. The sparrows begin to build. Bopo6BH HaiHHaiOT'b BHTB rntsAa. A drover. Ck0T0B04'B. An acre. 4ecaTHHa seM^H. Honey. Me4'B. A driving- way. npots'/Kaa 4opora. He was attacked by a wild beast, by a beast of prey. Ha Hero nanaj'B xhiuhuB 3BtpB. The birds have pecked at that fruit IIthuu noKjieBa.iH 3TH n.io4w. The eagle is a bird of prey. Opej'B ecTB XHmnaa niHua. See that flight of starlings which is passing there. IIocMOTpHTe-Ka, TaM-B je- THTB cTaa cKBopueBi. 58 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DTALOGaES. It is an amphibious animal. Dto 3eMHOB04Hoe ;kh- BOTHoe. The dog barks. Co6aKa jaeTX. The horse neighs. J[oma4B p'yKGT'b. The bear grumbles. Me4B'fe4B BOpMHT'B. The cat mews. KoiUKa MayMHTt. The raven croaks. BopoHX rapKaeTt. The cock crows. ntTyxt nOGTl. The geese cackle. rycH KpaKaiOT'B. The pullets peep. Uim.iaTa nnmara. The serpent hisses. 3Mt)a mnnHTX. Do you hear the buzzing of the beetles i CjwmiiTe .III iKyHCJKaiiie HCyKOBl. The sheep bleat. Obum CwieaT'B. The wolf howls. Boj^ BoeTt. The lion roars. JleBT» peBera. The eagle cries. Opewll KpHMHTt. The frogs croak. vlaryiiiKH KBaKaioT'B. The doves coo. ro.iy6H BopKyioTi. Vhe sparrow chirps. Bopo6eii MMpiiKaeTX. The mouse whistles. MbiuiB nnuj.HT'B The bees buzz. riqcviw JKyHCJKaT'B. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 59 TRAVELING. When do you mcau to I shall start for Paris to- set out ? morrow. Kor4a Bbi 4yMaeTe il tAy saBTpa Bt IlapHyK-B. txaTB ? No Sir, some important business Is it a journey for pleasure ? calls mc there. 4-ia yBecejeiiia 4'b^a- Htx'B cy4apB, a t4y Ty4a eie Ml Bu 3Ty no- no Ba/KiiuM'L 4'bJaM'B. 'b34Ky. I hope you will be back shortly. Ha4'bK)CB ^To bm cko- po 6y4eTe na3a4'B. As soon as I shall have dispatched my business. JnuiB TOwiBKo ynpaB- .IIOCB Ch CBOHMH 4*- jiaMH. How many days are re- quired to come to . . . ? Ckojbko 4iie.1 iia4o6- Ho, qTo6bi npitxaTB Bl — V How soon will you come back ? Kor4a BU 4yMaeTe bo3- BpaTHTBca ? How far is it from here to N.? CkOjIBKO BepCTB OTCI04a 40 n.? I will travel by post. il 'b4y nomoFo. 60 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Are there any rivers to be crossed ? Ha4o6Ho Ml nepe- npaBjHTBca Mpeai ptKH. The roads are but— in- different. 4oporH He OieHB XO poniH. Are there any mountains to pass ? HyacHo .iH npotsjKaTB ipeat ropw? They are tolerable. Ohh nopa^OHHw. Are there any g^ood inns on the road ? ECTB Jin Ha BTOM'B TpaKTt xopomia rocTUHHHUw ? They are impassable in winter. 3HMOFO OH* HenpOX04HMU. The country is quite flat. CxpaHa coBctM^ n.iocKa. What is the fare ? Ckojbko Ha4o6Ha MaraiB 3a MtCTO. Have you put my luggage Send some one for my baggage. up ? npHUl.IHTe MHt ^eJlO' y.l05KHJH JlU BM MOH BGIUH ? BtKa hto6t> OKh cnech MOH BemH. Is the trunk well fastened ? Yes, the cords are very tight. KptnKo .iH npHBaaan-B 4a, BepeBKH ohghb npiiTa- MeMOAaHi ? iiyTbi. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 61 Well then, good-bye, gen- tlemen, rocno4a, Hce^aH) BaMX CHacTanBaro nyTH. Are you comfortable in your seat ? Yao6ro AH Bbi cH4HTe ? Do you object to smok- ing? He 6e3noKOHT'& mi Bact TaCamibiH 4wm'b? Not in the least. I am perfectly at my ease. IIh Ma.10. II xopouio CHyKy. 1*11 be very glad of enjoy- ing your company. Bame ofimecTBo m^i Mena CyAeTi BecBMa npiaTHo. Several times. IltcKOJBKo paa-B. Drive on (all right), postboy! flMmiiK-B nomejx (ciynaH) ! Would you allow me to stretch my legs a little. n03B0j!LTe Mllt npOTflliyTB He MHOrO HOFH. Is this parcel in your way ? He 6e3noKOHT'B jin Baci 3Ta cBa3Ka. You do not in the least incon- venience me. Bbi Mena hh Majo lie 6e3- noKOHTe. Have you ever been over this part of the country? 06'Bt3?KaJH JiH BU yace ciio cTpany. I know the road perfectly. fl coBepmeimo snaio btot-b TpaKTi. 62 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. What do they call the hamlet on that hill ? KaKt HaawBaeTca 4e- peBna Ha tomx npn- ropKt ? Where do we stop for dinner, supper ? r^t Mbl OCTaHOBHMCa o6'b4aTB, yjKHHaTB ? About half a mile. Okojo uoajmum. How far have we gone already ? CkojIBko Mbl npotxaJiH ? What a fine landscape ! KaKoH npeKpacHuB BH4'B. I will let the window down. a onymy okho. The postboy drives fast. flMiUHK'L t/ieTi npo- BODHO. Where shall we spend the first night ? r4t Mu npoBe4eM'B nep- ByK) HOHB ? Is it far to the next stage ? 4aJ[eK0 JH eme 40 cTanuiH. Do they change horses there? nepeMtHaioTt jiii TaMt jeo- ma4ea ? We have already travelled two stages. Mu yjKe npotxa.!!! 4B'b cTaHuiH. The dust is very annoying. Uujib oMeHB HenpiflTHa. What are we stopping for ? SaitMB 5Ke Mbl ocTaiio- BHJHCB ? We are sticking in a hole. Mbl yBJi3JM B'B rpa3H. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 63 Riding in a coach fatigues We have been jolted in this me excessively. coach. fl yacacHo ycTaJt ot'B Oia KOJacKa iiact oqeiiB 4oporM. TpHCJa. The coach will be off again in a minute. Let us step in again. 4H.iH'/Kaiic'B ceHqacL we Ca4eM'B onaiB bi Ko.iacKy. oTnpaBHTca. We will try and take a Awake us when any thing nap. remarkable occurs. nonpo6yeM'B aacHyTB. Pa36y4H nact ko.ib cKopo yBH4HmB IltMTO saMt- MaTe.iBHaro. Wake up, gentlemen ! rouse up ! we are at B. Do we alight here ? npocHHTecB rocno4a, BBiB4eM'L mi mu 341>cb ? BOTX H 40'bxaJH. Get the carriage ready Can I take my luggage with directly. me ? BeJH TOTX lacx chhtb Mory jh bsatb moh Beiuii noKjan^y cb KapeTW. co mhoio ? 64 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. THE SCHOOL. To what school do you go ? I go to the Grammar School. B'B KaKOM-B Bu y qiuHmt ? il B-B rHMHaaiH. It is said to be a very Who gives the elementary in- good school. struction ? CKasbiBaioT'B HTo sTo Kto y^HT'L nepBbiMt Haia- caMoe jyqiiiee jmi- JiaMt ? He is a professor of elocution. He also professes mathematics. OB'S npo*eccopsPH- Ohb yiHTB TaK5Ke MaTe- TOpHKH. He instructs very well. OH'B yHHT'B OHQRb XO- pomo. His method is excellent. Ero MeT04a npeBoc- ' xo4Ha. Why has he not learned it? SaqtM-B oHi He bw- ymwb ero. MaTHKt. He gives a solid instruction. Ohb ymiT'B ocHOBaTe.iBiio. He does not know his lesson. Oh-b He 3HaeT:B cBoero ypoKa. He is somewhat lazy. Oh'B HeMH0>KK0 jtUHBB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 65 Do you understand the passage ? Read it again. IIoHHMaeTe Jin bu 3To %TaHTe ero-CHOBar isrfccTo. I cannot find the word in the dictionary. Can you apply the rules ? H Tie Mory iiaBTH 3Toro MoJKCTe au bu npH.i05KHTB CjioBa Bt cJOBapt. npaBHJa ? I do not understand them. Shall I explain them to you? H Hxt ne noHHMaK). Xothtg a BaMt hxi fsi- aCHFO. There are several mis- takes in your exercise. Be so kind as to correct them. B-B 3ToH 3a4aMt ecTB C4'b^aHTe mhjoctb, hc- pa3.iHqnua omH6KH. npaBBTe hxi. The teacher has given me much to do. Say your lesson. yqiiTe.iB MHt ivnioro CKa3UBaa cboB ypoK^. 3a4awi'B. What are you reading ? I read the newspaper. Hto MHTaOTG BW ? fl HHTaK) ra3CTW. 66 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Read this letter to me. Read a little slower. npoHHTaiiTe MHt 3To ^TaHie no rame. DHCBMO. Read low, aloud. Spell this word. ^HTaHxe THXo, rpoMKo. CK.ia4biBaHTe 3To cjobo. Try to decipher the letters. Have you read this book ? CMOTpHTe He MOJKGTe ^HTaJH AVL BU 3T0 COHHHe- jIh bw ero pa3o6paTB. Hie. I only turned over the leaves. I have read the book through. fl oHoe T0.1BK0 nepe- fl npo'iHTa.ii Bce 3To co- qwHenie. You are always poring over You are always reading. your books. Bm Bce iHTaeTe. Bu Bce cH4HTe Ha4'B khh- raMH. WRITI N G. Can you lend me a sheet What sort of paper do you of paper ? want ? AIoaceTe .ih bm 040jI- KaKofi yro4Ho BaMt 6y- 5KHTB MHt AUCTOKb MaFH ? 6yMarH, RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 67 Some post-paper. no«:TOBoH 6yMarH. Whom do you write to ? K-L KoMy nnmeTe bu ? I wrote it in great haste. II iiacKopo HanHca.i'B. I will write it at leisure. }I iianHiiiy ero Ha cbo- 604*. You must hold it so. 4ep*/KHTe ero boti TaKi, I like steel pens better. fl jyqme .1106.110 cTa^B- HUfl nepBH. Erase this word. BuiepKHHTe dTOCJlOBO. I have a letter to write. Mnt Ha4o6Ho nncaTB hhcb- MO. I am answering the letter of my father. fl oTBtMaio Ha nHCBMo 6a- TIOIUKH. Write this properly. HanHmnTe 9To KaKi cjib- Ayevb. Hold your pen well. 4ep5KHTe xopomeHBKo Ba- me nepo. You do not write straight. Bu nnmeTe He npaMo. This paper blots. 9Ta 6yMara npoTeKaeii. This word is not correctly spelled. 3to cjobo nncano ne iic- npaBHo. 68 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Here you have made a mistake. Bu oimifijHCB. Toil liave not yet signed it. Bm ero eme He no4- niicajH. Did you take a copy of it 1 CnajH m bh ch Hero CnHCOKX. Are there any letters for me? Htra jiH micewh ko MHt? Writing materials. IIoTpefiKocTH nncBMa. A ream. Ciona 6yMarH. The seal. IleHaTB. A ruler. tlHHeHKa. A note. 3anHCKa. I have finished my letter. H KOHqHJB MOe nHCBMO. Seal this letter. SaneqaTaiiTe 3to ohcbmo. You must pay the postage. Bbi 3a Hero 3an.iaTHTe. A letter to be left till called for. IIhcbmo ocTaB.iaeMoe na noHTt 40 npiicbUKH. A writing book. TeTpa^B. A cover. KoHBepTB. A pencil. KapaH^amx. A pen-knife. nepOHHIIIIBlft nOHCIIKt. A love letter. jK)60BH0e nUCBMO. i RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 69 A memoriaL 3anHCKa. A postscript. noCTCKpHnTl. Caligraphy. ^iHCTonHcanie* A margin. Ilojie. The signature. no4nHCB. A line. CTpoiKa. To have fair, a round hand. IlMtTfc xopomiii nonepK'L. A copy. IIponHCB. THE BOOKSELLER. What is there new in liter- I wish to purchase some books. ature ? ^To noBaro Bi jIHTg- il Hce^aj-B 6bi KynHTB KHuri. paTypt ? Have the kindness to mark Here are the works you re- the books which suit you. quest. SaMtTBTe KHHrH KOTO- BoT'B COHHHGHifl KOTOpUH pua BaM'B noHpaBflTCfl. Bu TpefiyeTe. I should wish to have a Wliat sort of binding do you copy of — . wish ? Ilo'^ajyHTc uwk 3K3eM- KaKoH nepen.ierB BaM'B njapi — . yro^eH'B? 70 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Have you got the memoirs Don't they think of re-printin g ofB.? them? IbfteTe JiVL Bbi 3a- He 6y4yTt ah oHoe bhobb HHCKH B — a ? neHaiaTB. Book trade. KHH5KHaa ToproBjia. The fetationer TopryiomiH 6yMaroK). The printer. Tnnorpa^qHK'B. A counterfeit. IlepeneMaTbiBaHie. The censure. UeHsypa. The translation. nepeBOATB. The cover. 06BepTKa. Writing paper. IlHCMaa 6yMara. A pamphlet. Bpomiopa. The characters. JlHTepu. The publisher. Ha^aTeJL. The book-binder, IIepen.ieTMHKX. The author. CoiHHHTe.IB. A stereotype edition. H34aHie cTepeoranHoe. Manuscript. PyKonncB. The title-page. SarjaBHbiH jhctx. Printing paper. THnorpaCKaa 6yMara. Parchment. nepraMeHT:b. Morocco. Ca^BaHX. A tract. MaaeHBKoe coiMHenie. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 11 COM I have bought a hat. il cefit uuany. I bought it iu this shop. n ec KynHJ'B BX 3ToH jaBKt. How much did it cost you ? ^Ito BaMt 3T0 CTOHTl ? That is not dear. Dto He 4oporo. I have made a good bar- gain. R cAt.ia.i'B xopomyK) noKynKy. He must sell at a loss. Ohx 40J[HceH'B npo4aTs CB ydWTKOMl. At what price does he sell it? KaKX 4oporo oh'B 9To npo4ae'rB ? You paid too much for it. Bu 3T0 CjIHUIKOM-B 40- poro 3anjiaTH4H. MERGE. Where did you buy ? r4t BU ee KynH.iH ? This shop has many customor.'^^ Bi 9ToH jaBKt MHoro no- KynaTe.ieH. What did you pay for it ? CkoJLKO Bbl 3an.I0TIUH? It is a moderate price. 9to yMtpeHHaa utna. I got it very cheap there. a 34*05 COUICICa 40B0jIBH0 xopomo. How much did he charge you ? CK0.1LK0 OH'B noTpefio- Baa-B? I bought it at two dollars a yard. fl 3T0 KjnuA'h 4Ba 40.iJapa apiIlHH'B. That is an exorbitant price. 3to neofiUKHOBGHHO 40- poro. 72 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. This jewel cost liim fifty dollars. Dtot'l aJMa3:B eMy cto- HTX naTBAecaTB 40^- jiapoBi. He has overcharged you for these goods. Ohi aanpocHjii cjIhiu- KOMl 3a 9TH TOBapH. I got it for half the price. il Kynn.i'B 9T0 aanojo- BHHy utnw. 1 bought it at a public sale, fl Kyniu'B 3T0 CTB ny6- jiHHHaro Topra. I paid dear for that favor. H 4oporo aanjaTH.i'b 3a 9Ty MH.IOCTB. That sells very well. 9to xopoiuo pacKy- naeTca. It is too dear for me. 9to 4^a Meiia cJUiuiKoMt 4oporo. I bought it upon trust. il 3T0 Kynmj'b B-B AOJin. 1 bought it at first hand. a KynHJB 9T0 H3'B nepBOH pyKH. He buys things at the wholesale price. Ohb noKynaeTt cb rypTo- Bofl npo4a5KH. He sells for ready money. Ohb npoAaeT^b Ha ihctmh 4eHBrH. The goods met a rapid sale. 9th TOBapW HMtJH fitlCTpUi pacxoA'B. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 73 He has splendid shawls exposed for sale. Owh BucTaBHj'B npe- KpacnwH majiH Bi npo4aJKy. He has received a fresh supply. OhH nOAJHVLMi HOBblH npHB03t TOBapOB'B. How much do you charge for that ? %o npocHTe Bu 3a 3To ? It is a set price. 9to ptuiHTeJBHaa utaa. I don't exact H He sanpaiiiHBaK) ^hiu- Hflro. It bears a high price. Utiia BToMy TOBapy BUCOKa. They are selling off. Ohh npoAaioTt Ha pac- n.iaTy. Will you deal with me ? OkOHMMM-B JH MU 3T0 4*^0 ? How much do you ask for it ? CkoJBKO Hy^CHO MHt BaMl 3a BTo 3anj[aTHTB. I sell it under the regular price il 3T0 npo4aio 3a 66314*- HOKX. I cannot give it you for less. il He Mory BaM-B 3To ycTy- HHTB 4emeBje. It will retain its value. Ohx 4epHCHTca bi i^tnt. 74 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. It is fluctuating in price. UtHU B03BWmaH)TCfl, yMGHBIIiaiOTCfl. He stood higgling for a penny. Owb ToproBaJica o ko- nefiKt. I will pay you in advance. R BaM'B 3an.JaMy Bne- pe4'B. Payable by installments. IIjaTHTB no cpoKaM-B. He has discharged his debts. OH'B JUASiTVlXh CBOH AOATU, I have spent my money. fl BW^a.i'B 4eHBrH. He paid me with ingrat- itude. Owb san.iaTHji'B MHt He6jiaroAapHocTiK). If you will let me have it for a dollar. EcjIh 6bi Bu ycTynH.iH MHt 3a AOJ.iap'B. He has cheapened this cloth, this horse. Owb ToproBa.i'B bto cyKHo, cIk) JiomaAB. To pay down. n^aTHTB Ha.aimHblMH 4eHB- raMH. He has paid a bill. Ohb yn.iara.i'B no cieTy. He is quit with me. Ohb pacKBHTa.ica co mhok). I will pay myself. a caMB ce6i 3anj[04y. He shall pay for his folly. Ont 4oporo ujonwr'b 3a CBOK) TjiynOCTB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 75 It cost me much time. 9to ctoiuo mh* MHoro BpeMeHH. He pays me with fine speeches. Oh-b oTAtwiuBaeTCfl .lac- KOBWMH CIOBaMH. At any cost. Bo HTO 6U TO HH CTOJO. To my cost. Ha MOH CMGTB. He owes me ten dollars. Oh-b AOAmewb MHt 4e- caTB AO-LiapOBX. He is in debt to me. Ont MoH 40J[>KHHK'B. It is the duty of my office. 9to MOa 40J['/KH0CTB. I have some to spare. y Mena ecTB .mniHee. He is too saving. Oni ciHuiKOM'B 6epe»- .IHBt. How much trouble it costs him. CKO.IBKO eMy 3TO CTOHTB. He pays dear for it. 9to ctoht-b eMy fio.iBinnx'B 4ener'B. That is too expensive. 9to OHGHB y6uT0HH0. He owes every body. OhI BCflKOMy AOA^KQWh. So much is still owing. Bbi 40.I5KHW eme cto.ib- KO-TO. I owe him nothing. fl eMy HHiero iie AOJi^em*. He lives from his savings. OH'B^cHBeT'B c6epe;KeiiieMi. I save very much by that. 9to m^ Mena Cojbuioc c6epe>KeHie. Save something for a rainy day. BeperH 4eHe5KKy Ha qep- HuH 4eHB. 76 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. He lends money at interest. Owh 4aerB AensrH bb pOCTt. Can you advance me this sum. Mo»eTe Ml Bbi 4aTB mh* ciio cyMMy Bnepe^t. I borrow of a friend. fl 3aHHMaH) y Moero 4pyra. He is my security. Ont nopyKOK) 3a Mena. He is good security. 9to Ha4e*A*Haa nopyKa. I warrant it good. il BaMX pyqaiocB. The percentage is very high. POCTB OHeUb BUCOKb. Give me your single bond. 4aSTe MHt TO.IBKO poc- nHCKy. He is always borrowing. Oh-b fieanpecTaHHo aann- MaeTB. I give my word for him. il oTBtqaK) 3a iiero. Do you guarantee it ? OTBtnaeTe jh bu 3a 3To. He must find bail. OhB 40J[5KeHB HMtTB no- PHRASES IN COMMON USE. Who is there ? It is I. Kto TaMB ? 9to fl. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 77 Is it really you ? IIpaB^a JH, 1T0 3T0 BU ? Here I am. Sot's h. How many are there of you? Cko^bko BaCB? I am well here. Mh* 34tCB XOpOfflO. Are these your horses ? 3to Mi Bamn JomaAH. What day is this ? KaKoW y nacB cero^Ha 4enB? Who are they ? Kto ont TaKOBu ? That is true. 3to npaB^a. Once for all. Oahii'B pasi iia Bcer^a. It is not probable. 9to He BtpOflTHO. It is he. 9to OWh. There she is. BoTh oHa. There were twenty of us. HacB 6hiAo ABaAUaTB neJio- BtK-B. It is good being here. 34'bcB xopomo, Becoio, Yes, they are. 4a, Joma4H moh. It is Thursday. Cero4Ha ^eTBepTOKi. What is that? %o aTo TaKoe ? You are right. Bw npaBu. Is that all ? 3to Bce. I will have it so. il XOMy HT06'b 3T0 CWJO TaKi. 78 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. It is absolutely necessary. It is not necessary. 9to Heo6xo4HMo. 9to He hj^ho. It is not amiss. It is all the same to me. 9to He 4ypHo. Mnt Bce paBHo. I am above it. It is best so. il npeBume aToro. 9to Jiymne Bcero. That is quite as well. Every day is not Sunday. 9to CTO.IB »e xopomo. He BcaKiH 4eHB npasAHHKX. That is a different thing. Is it long since 3to 4pyroe 4*^0. ^^-bho Jin ? I am here these three days. There is no such thing. n 34'feCB TpH 4Ha. TaMl 3TOrO HtT'B. There will be enough for There is nothing for you. me. 3Toro 4^fl Mena 6y4eT'B 34*0^ 4^a Bact HHiero 40B0JIBH0. HtTB. There is room enough for This is the reason why I did it. two. 34'bcB 40B0.IBH0 MtcTa BoTB noHeMy h aTo 04*- 4^a 4Byx'B. ja.iB. There were great festiv- After the concert there was a ities. ball. TaMi 6bUH 6oAbmin nocit Konuepxa fibut yBecejenia. fia.i'B. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 79 That house is his. Ceii Aoyvh eMy npii- Ha4Je>KHTi. He is an honest man. en's qecTHbiH ^eJlOB'kKh, How happy should I be ! KaKb 6u a 6bi.ii cwacT- AUB%1 I have a house of my own. fl HMtK) CBOH 40M'B. It is his own property. 9to ero co6cTBeHHoe HMtnie. He has got money. y Hero ecTB 4eHBrH. He used to have many friends. y Hero 6ujo MHoro 4py3eH. I am entirely yours. il BaM-L coBepmenno npe- 4anx. Such is man. BoTb KaKOBl CBtTB. It is to be presumed. Mo5KHo no^araTB. Who owns this house 1 KoMy npHHa^^eSKHT'B STOTt AOWh, He has an estate. y Hero ecTB noMtcTBe. I have not enough money about me. Co MHOK) He AOBOJBHO Aenon. He has neither house nor homo. y Hero ntTB nacTOfliuaro HCHJHIUa. 80 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. I have a mind for walking. Mh* xoHeTca ryjaiB. How many horses have you got ? CkowIBKo y BacB joma- 4eH? I must speak with you. Mnt Ha4o6Ho roBo- pHTB Ct BaMH. Every one has his own way. y BCflKaro CBOH npH- BUHKU. Where are you going ? Ky4a BM H^eTe ? I am going home. fl H4y AOMofl. Which way ? Ky^a? Go straight along. CxynafiTe npaMo. You have a fair opportunity. Bu HMteTe yAo6nuti cjyHaii. I have two. y Mena hxi ab*. I have not much time. y Mena He MHoro Bpe- MeHH. Every body has his peculiar whims. y BcaKaro cboh cjafiocTH* Where are you going so fast 1 Ky4a H4eTe bw TaKX cKopo ? Where shall we go to ? Ky^a noBAeM-B mu ? This way, that way. CiOAa, Ty4a. Go up stairs, CiynafiTe BBepxB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 81 Will you go with us ? I shall go along with you. noH4eTe ^H Bu cb HaMH ? il noH4y ch BaMii. They go into the country. We shall go on foot. Ohh 00447x1 Bi 4e- Mu noH4eM'B ntiuKOM'B. peBHK). I shall not go far. fl noH4y He 4a^eKo. We went to the park. Mu nouiwiH Bi napK^B. • Go your way. yfiHpaHTecB. Get you gone ! CiynaiiTe ! Will you go there ? H4eTe AVL Bbi Ty4a. I shall go there to-day. He is going to school. Ont H4eT'B Bi lUKOjy. You arc out of the right way. Bu c6n.iHCB ct 4oporii. He stood in my way. Ohx Mtma.i'B MHt npoBra. Go there. no4H Ty4a. He is going there. Owh H4eT'B Ty4a. I will go there directly. n noH4y Ty4a cero4HH. fl ceHiacB Ty4a H4y. Do not go there ] Is he gone ? . Pa3Fb BU Ty4a HeH4eTe? Yme^'B .ih oHt ? He is going away. He has made oflP. Ont yxo4H'rB. Owh Bufipajca 0TCK)4a. It is time to go. Do you often go there ? riopa yiiTH. %CTo .ih bu TaMx fiuBaeTe ? 82 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. They go in troops. Onii luyTB TojnoH). What are you going to do ? %o Bu 6y4eTe 4'bJaTB ? I shall go out now. fl BUll4y. He is out. Owh BwrneJCB. I come from home. fl H4y HSt 40]Via. On my way home. Kor4a a meA'h 40Mofl. Come along. Hy no4HTe-5K'B. Come here. n04HTe CK)4a. There he comes. BoTl H OHl. Does he come alone ? 04HH'B AVI OWh H4eT'B. Why do you come so late ] 3a H'kwb npHX04HTe BU TaKt n034HO ? What were you going to say ? %o BU xorfcjH cKasaTB. Will you go out to day? Bufueie ah bu cero4Ha? He is just gone out. Oh'B tojbko mto Bumej'B. Where do you come from ? 0TKy4a BU H4eTe ? When I came home. Kor4a a npnmej'B 40M0H. Come home with me. Il04HTe KO MHt. He is long in coming. Ont 40Jro Hefi4eTB When will he come ? Kor4a oHt npiH4eTB. I see him come. fl BHJKy OWh UAQTh. What did he come about ? 3a H'bu'h OWh npiime.i'B? Has the mail arrived ? EfpHiiua An noma. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 83 Come back as soon as pos- sible. BosBpaiuafiTecB no- cKopte. Did he come home ? Bo3BpaTiuca An owb 40Moa ? He ran away. Ont yOtraeTi. It cannot be avoided. 9to lie HSSt/KHO. I will follow you. JI 04*4710 3a BaMH. He will soon follow us. Oh'b cKopo sa HaMH uocAbAjeTb. Bring me your book. IIpHHecHTe MHt Bamy KiiHry. The bearer of the letter. no4aTe.iB nHCBMa. Fetch a candle. IIpHnecH cBtny. I'll be back in a moment. il cKopo BosBpamycB. I shall dine out to-day. il cero4iia oC'b4aK) 110 40Ma. Time flies away. BpeMa jieTHTB. Follow me. C.it4yHTe 3a miioh). You must come along with m3 Bu noc.i'b4yeTe 3a mhok). Let us follow his examj)lc. CA'bjiyeMi> ero npiiMtpy. What news do you bring ? KaKin hobocth iiMteTe bu. Bring it back. OTnecHTe 3To iia3a4'B. I will go for him instantly. fl cefliacL noB4y 3a hhmb. 84 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Send for him. Bring me my horse. IIonuHTe 3a hhmi. IIpHBeAHTe MHt jfoma^B. I cany it about me. She is in mourning. il nomy 9To cb co6ok). Ona iiociit'B Tpaypt. To give a toast. He bears friendship for him. IIhtb 3a 34opoBBe. Ohi ki ne^iy HMteiL 4py5K6y. Tie up that parcel. Tie that knot a little harder. CBflHCHTe aTOTt naKeTX. CxaHHTe 730.11 no Kptn^e. Do not throw it away. My heart beats. He BBifipocBTe 3To. y Mena cep4Ue 6BeTca. Strike the iron while it is hot. The fire broke out in that room. KyH /Kejitso, noKa B'b stoH KOMHait 3aropt- ropaio. JOCB. Better to bend than break. Let me alone. Jyqiiie ycTynnxB, ne OcTaBBTe Mena B'B noKot. ^e.iH Bpe4'B nojyHHTB. Let that alone. I have left it upon my table. 4OBOJBHO STOrO. a OGTHBlWb 3T0 Ha CTO.!*. He left word. I must leave you. Oil's OCTaBH.l'B npHKa3'B. il AOATKeWb BaCB OCTaBHTB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 85 I dropped my watch. lie fell from his horse. il ypoHiLi'B CBOH qacu. Oni yna-i-B cb Joma4H. See that every thing is It was ready, at hand. ready. %o6bi Bce 6uAo roToBo. 3to 6uao totobo, 0041* pyKOK). Open the door. Shut the door. OiBopHTe 4BepB. 3aTBopHTe 4BepB. The door is locked. Lock up your money. 4BepB 3anepTa. CnpaiBie Bamn 4ciiBrH. Did you see him ? It is evident. BH4tjn ^H Bbi ero ? 9to 0HeBH4H0. See if he is come. See who is there. IIoCMOTpHTe, npHUie.l'B IIoCMOTpHTe, KTO 3T0. JIH OHX. As you see. Did you not notice it ? KaKX BH4HTe. HenpHMtTIUH .1H bbi 3T0 ? I could not get sight of That is seen at a distance, him. fl He MorB ero BH4'bTB. 9to H34aJH BH4no. Look nearer at it. Well, we will see. BarjaiiHTe Ha 3To no Hy, nocMOTpHMi. 6jH5Ke. 86 RUSSIAN AND ENQLISH DIALOGUES. I foresaw this event. fl npe4Bn4'bJ'B 3To co- 6uTie. Look up. IIocMOTpHTe BBepxt. What do you think of it ? %o BM 4yMaeTe 06% aTOMl. He thinks. Emj Ka»eTcff. That appears well to me. Mnt Ka/KGTca 9To xo- pomo. He will not hear any thing. Owb He xoHeT'B nnqero cJbimaTB. Pray, tell me. CKa^KHTe MHt, c4'b^aH- Te 040.i5KeHie. Who said it? Kto cKasa.j'b 3To ? Look here ! CMOTpH. Do you see that lady ? BH4HTe All BM 9Ty 4aMy ? It appears so to me. Mnt TaKi Ka5KeTca. If he thinks fit. E»ejH oH-B 3a 6jiaTo pa3- Cy4HT'&. Listen to me. CjymaftTe Mena. It is a thing unheard of. 9to He cJuxaHo. What are you going to say? %0 BU XOTHTe CKaSaTB. Who has told you so ? Kto BaMi 3To ? RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 87 As I told you. It is said. KaKX fl cKaaa.i'B BaMi. FoBoparB. That is to say. If I may say so. To ecTB. TaKB cKaaaTB. What do you think of that ? Tell mc what is the matter. %o Bu 4yMaeTe oGb CKaJKHieMnt 6110^1x4*^0. STOMB. You need only to speak a word. You don't say so! BaMx ocTaeTCfl cKaaaiB Bb npaB4y jlh ? TOJBKO C.I0B0. Speak your mind. Speak freely ! OSxflBHTe Bame Mntnie. FoBopnTe oTKpoBenno. It is the common talk. You may say what you please. TaK'B roBopflT'B Bct. FoBopHTe HTo yro4no. Did you speak with them. Be quick. FoBOpHJH m BH CB FoBOpHTG KOpOTKO. HHMH ? You talk strangely. He is a tell-tale. Bu OHGHB cTpanno ro- Ohb nepecKaauBacTB Bce. BopHTe. 88 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Has nobody asked for me ? Ask his name. Hhkto Mena He cnpa- CnpaimisafiTe y Hero nun. miiBa.i'B ? Your friend has inquired He has asked after your for you. health. Bami 4pyr'B BacB cnpa- Ont ocBt40Mj[ajca o Ba- rnHBaeTX. lueMi s^opoBBt. This is a strange question. I will ask you a question. 9to CTpaHHbiH BonpocB. H BaMi npe4-io5Ky BonpocB. Wliat answer did he give you ? What is your name ? M[to oTBtqa.i'B owb KdiKb Bame HMa ? BaM'B? My name is George. What do you call that ? Mena 30ByT:B Feop- Kara naaoBeie bu 3To ? rieM'B. Call my servants. Are you calling me ? no30BHTe MOHXt ciy- Bw 30BeTe Mena ? ;KHTejieH. Call him back. What is cried about the street ? IIoaoBHTe ero Ha3a4'B. ^to KpHHaTi iia yjHut ? RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 89 You have been misin- Tlie notice came in too late formed. Bu HMteTe o6'B axoMi neBtpiiua iiSBtcTiH. I have received intelligence from the best authority. fl nojiymwh AocTostp- Hoe H3BtcTie. Il3BtcTie O TOMX npniiLio CJHUIKOM'L n03AIlO. I advised him of it. fl coo6miu'B GMy 061 STOMl. Do not take it amiss. He npHHUMafiTe 3To B'B 4pyryK) cTopony. He is in the secret. Ohi BHaeT'B TaHny. It makes a fine show. 3to HMteTi npcKpac- HUH BH4'B. He will take lessons from you. Oh-b 6y4eT'B 6paTB y BacB ypoKH. In my opinion. Ho MOGMy MIltHlK). I take it well. fl npHHHMaio 3T0 b:b xopo- myio cTopony. Keep your counsel. XpaHHTe Taiiny. He taught me writing. On-B HayMH.i'B jighh nHcaTB. Be advised. C.i'h4yfiTe MOGMy coBtTy. May I trouble you for it ? CMtlO Ml CnpoCHTB BaCB ? 90 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Pray be so kind. Ilpomy BacB, noTpy- AHTecB. I assure you. YBtpaK) BacB. On my honor. KaK-B lecTHwS qejio- BtKX. I grant that he is right. il C03HaK)CB Bt TOMl, HTo oHi npaBX. That is all I can promise. 3to Bce 1T0 a Mory ofitmaTB. Do as you are bid. 4'bJiaMTe to, mto BaM'B Be.iaT'B ^tjaTB. By way of comparison. CpaBHHTeJ[BHO. You are greatly mistaken. Bbl 5KeCT0K0 06MaHBI- BaeTecB. What did he ask of you 1 IGMl npOCHjH OHl BaCB ? To be sure. Be3i coMHtnia. 1 cannot assert it. H He Mory yTBep5K4aTB 3Toro. He promised me that he would come. Oh'B 4a.l'B MHt CJOBO 6UTB. He has given his word. Oh'B 4aJ'B cJOBo. I am equal to him. fl GMy paBGHX. He cannot be blamed for it. Ero neAhSfi bhhhtb. He is easily deceived. Ero JEGFKO 06MaHyTB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 91 •ANCRAFT LIBRARY They have imposed upon you. Be quiet. BacT. o6MaHyjH. 3aMo^HHTe. Keep your peace. I am looking for my hat. Mo.i«iHTe. fl Hmy mofo m^iany. I will consider it. I thought of it. fl no4yMaK) 061 stomi. fl no4yMaj'B 061 aTOxMi. Do you doubt it ? He called it in question. He y5Ke.iH bu comh*- Oh:5 coMHtBaJca Bi dTowb. BaeiecB. I have quite forgotten it. It is quite out of my mind. fl coBepiiienno 3a6bij['B 9to bwiUwIo y Mena hsi ofit BTOMX. naMaxH. Do you know him ? I know him by sight. Snaeie m bu ero ? fl SHaio ero no BH4y. I have been long acquainted I will make you acquainted with him. with him. Mw ch HMM-B cTapue H noariaKOM.iFO BacB cb 3HaK0MWe. HHM'B. He knew me by my voice. We recognized him immedi- ately. Oh'B ysHaJii Mena no Mm ero toti qaci yanajn. rojocy. 92 RUSSIAN AND ENOLISH DIALOGUES. If I had known it. Eciii 6m h 3T0 snaxh. Don't you know it ? Pa3Bt BU 9Toro He 3HaeTe. Take my word for it. IIoBtpBTe MoeMy cioBy. I depend entirely upon you. a coBepmeHHo noja- raiocB na Bact. You will come, I hope. HaAtiocB MTo Bw npiH- 4eTe. I did not expect it. a He O'/KH^aJ'B 9Toro. I will wait till he comes. il HCAy ero. What do you want me to do? %0 XOTHTO Bbl HT06'h n cA^-ia.i'B? You will learn it to-morrow. Bu yaiiaeTe bto 3aBTpa. I believe you. II BtpK) BaM*B. How can I believe that ? KaKt Mory a 3T0My noBt- pHTB. He has been trusted with it. EMy 9T0 BBtpHwIH. She still has hopes Ona He .iHmH.iacB eme . Ha4e5K4Bi. That drives him to despair. 9to ero npHBeJo B'b oT^a- flHie. Shall I stay for you ? O^HAaTB All Mnt BaCB ? He intends to set out to- morrow. Oh-b xoMeT-B aaBTpa bbi- txaTB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 93 He does all he can. That may he, Owh CAt^aeTt B03M05K- Dto MOHCeX'B 6bITB. Hoe. You shall have all that you I will have it so. wish for. II xoiy MToCt TaKi BaMX 4a4yT'B Bce lero c4'b^a.iH. SKGjiaeTe. He docs not know his own mind. He wishes me well. Oh-b He 3HaeTB lero Oh:b ace^aeTi Mnt AoCpa. XOHeTl. She bears ill will against me. He longs for it. Ona }Ke.iaeTB mh* 3Ja. Okb cTpacTHo Hce.iaei'B 9Toro. I wish you all happiness. I should like to know. H 3Ke.iaH) BaMB BcaKaro Mnt xoioTca snaTB. 6.iarono^yMia. It cannot be. How should it be possible ? 9to He B03M0»H0. KaKX 3T0 B03M05KHO. I can do nothing in that You have great power over affair. him. H HHHero He Mory ca*- Bu HMteie HaA'B hiimb aaxB B-B BTOMB cjy^at. CoJBUiyK) ciuy . 94 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. It may happen. 3to Mo»eTB ciyHHTca. I can bear it no longer. II He Mory 60.1*6 CHO- CUTB. The newspaper has been suppressed. FaaeTa aanpemena. She acts just as she ought. Ona At^aeTt tohho to HTO ^Owl/KHa A'kJl2iTh. He does not behave as he ought. Owh He Be^eTi ce6a KaKX Ha/X-ie^HTX. What do you resolve upon ? Ha MTo ptmaeTecB bw ? He cannot make up his mind. Ohi He 3HaeT:B Ha hto ptuiHTBca. I have a great deal to do. /I HMtK) MHoro pa6oTbi. It is very possible. 9to OieHB B03M0»H0. I have taken the liberty. a OCMt.lHBaiOCB. He is obliged to do it. Ont o6a3aH'B 9To c^t^aTB. It ought to be so. 9to 40JLHCH0 6blTB TaKB. I was compelled to do it. Meiia npHHyAHJH kb 9T0My. What do you intend to do 1 %o npe4nojiaraeTe bu ^t^aTB ? There is nothing settled as yet. Eme HHHTo He ptmeHo. I am busied about it. il aanaTB 9Thmb. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 95 What do you intend by that? %o paayMteTe bu I will get it done. a BOAK) 9T0 C4'bjaTB. What shall I do with it ? ^TO MHt Ch BTHM-B 4*" JiaTB? What harm have I done you? ^To a BaMi c4'b^aj['B ? Give us something to eat. 4afiTe HaMi KymaxB. Give him ever so little. 4aS eMy ckojbko hh- 6y4B. He gave it back to him. Oh-l oT4a.i'B eMy 3To. Take without ceremony. EepHTe fiesB uepe- MoeiH. It is on purpose. 3to c4'bJaiio ch naMtpe- nieMB. He did not know what to make of it. Oh^ He SHaeT-B »jto 4'b^aTB CB STHMl. Would you do this ? Bbi 3T0 c4'b^a.iH 6hk ? What is that to you ? KaKoe BaMi 4*^0 ? You must give me more. Bh 40J5KHU MHt 6o.iBme 4aTB. Give me my change. 0T4aHTe MHt ocTaJBHoc. I shall return you two-fold. fl BaMi B03Bpamy B4Boe. I accept your invitation. il npHHUMaK) Bame npn- rjameHie. 96 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Take him along with you. BepHTe ero ex co6ok). He took my hand. Ohi BSfl.i'B Mena 3a I love your brother with all my heart. fl oT'B Bcero cep4Ua jiK)6.iK) Bamero 6paTa. He fell in love with her. Otb npHCTpacTHJca Kb HeH. I do not like it. 9to mh* He HpaBHTca. I make very much of him. H ero BucoKo utnio. Be not disheartened. He yHUBaHie. Do not be angry. He cep4HTecB. Why are you weeping ? Hewb n.iaieTe bw ? 1 am very sorry. Mnt 3T0 oHQUh majih. Accept what is given to you. BepHTO TO MTO BaMt 4aK)T'L. Take it at the top. M Bo3LMHTe 3T0 cBepxy. ■ I like him very much. il ero oHeHB mo6jiio. I am no friend to such things. H He AK)6A}0 9T0. I am greatly displeased with it. Mnt 9T0 o'leHB HenpiaTHo. He makes a wonder of every thing. Ohx y4HBJaeTca BceMy. I recover myself a little. fl ycnoKOHBaiocB He MHoro. What do you complain of. Ha MTo JKajyexecB bu ? She weeps with sorrow. Ona njaneTB otb tockh. I am heartily glad of it. 9to cepAeiHo Mena pa- AyeTB. RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 97 It is very amusing. 3to oHQiih npiaxnoe saHHTie. It ie very ridiculous, 3to OHGHB CMtuiHO. You played me a trick. Bw cwrpaJH co mhok) lUTyKJ. You are a pretty fellow indeed. Bbi npaBo, npe3a6aBnbi. You arc a naughty fellow. Bu HGJOB'bK'B fieat bo- cnHTania. Idleness is an inlet to all vices. IIpaa/mocTB ecTB MaTB nopOKOB'B. The wind is tolerably fair. Btiepx nonyTeH'B. Let us go down to the cabin. CoH^eMB B'B KaioTy. It amuses me very much. 3to mchh 04enB 3a6aB- jiaeT'B. I was merely joking. fl T0.1BK0 myxiu'B. He is a joker. 3to myTi. A joke. 9to uiyTKa. He abuses every body. Oh-L CpaHIIT^B BCtx-B. Home is home though it be ever so homely. BcflKOMy cBoH Aoyrb mhji. There we are, on board. TenepB mu Ha Where is my place t r4i MOe MtcTO ? 98 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. Let us go on deck. B3ofl4eMib na na.«y6y. The sea is rough. Mope oieHB Bo.iHy- eTCH. Are you subject to sea- sickness 1 CKjIOHHM AVI BU Kh MOpCKOii 6o.lt3HH. Is the mouth of the harbor safe? y406eH'B J!H BX04'B B-B raBaHB ? Navigation. MopenjaBanie. A squadron. DcKa^pa. A pilot. •louMaHi. A ship. KopafijB. A frigate. peraTB. It is the captain. 3to KaniiTaH-B. The rolling of the vesb me sick. Kojiefianie Kopafijia MHt HaBu4HT'B TOlllHOTy. The sea is calmer. Mope cTaJo THUie. I think, I see the shore. Mnt KaaceTca mto 6eper:B. A fleet. ^JOTB. An admiral. A^MUpaJL-B. A sailor. MaTpoct. A man of war. BoeHHwB Kopa6j[B. A corvette. KopBeTB. BH5Ky RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. 99 A brig. Bpiiri. A gun-boat. KaHoiinpcKaa uiJiionKa. A lif(-1)oat. CnacnTo.iBiioe cy4Ho. The hold. TpiOMl. A mast. MaMTa. An oar. Beaio, rpe6^o. The cable. KanaTi. A flag. OaarB. The stern poop. KopMa. The cabin. KaioTa. Ballast. BaJJiacTi. A schooner. UJKyna. A boat. Jo4Ka. A yacht. flxTa. The deck. na.iy6a. The nidder. KopMiuo. An anchor. flnopB. The ropes. BepeBKH. A compass. KoAfflacB, The prow. Hoci. A port-hole. HopTB. A cargo. FpySTi. 100 RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH DIALOGUES. To spring a leak TeHB. A light-house. MaHK'B. A dock. Landing. BbirpysKa. To caulk. KoHonaTiiTB. To strike the sails. CHiniaTL napyca. A cannon. IlymKa. A musket PjHxBe. A carabine. KapafiiiHt. A bomb. BoMfia. To run a ground. Pa36iiTBca. Dry dock. Kopa6e.iBiiaa Bep*B. The wet dock. IIpncTaHB. Loading. rpy/KGiiie. To hoist the sails. no4naTB napyca. Sea fight. MopcKoe cpaHceiiie. Great gun. Ta;KeJoe op3^4ie. A pistol. DuCTOJeTB. A mortar. MopTHpa. The match. ^HTIUB. THE END. JOHN G. HODGE & CO. IMI'OHTKKS AND WHOLESALE W A W H ® W W ik^ a^i ^aii^uui^ ^1? Southwest Cor. of Sacramento St. The Gold Medal of the Mechanics' Institute of 1863, awarded to this Factory. SAN FRANCISCO Fl®mt)©f W@@li)m iP@.©t@»l^j Incorporated. Capital, • $300,000. Blankets, Cassimeres, Flannels, FLANNEL OVERSHIRTS, AND FLANNEL UNDERWEAR. President, F. P. SALOMONS. Trustee, A. BLOCK. Secretary, A. BONDY. M A N AG E R , 316 Sacramento Street. HECHT BRO'S & CO. IMI'OKTKRS iXI) MANUFACTURERS OP Nos. 213, 215, 217 and 219 BATTERY STREET, >&.m Wi^ SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Boston Eubbcr Boot & Shoe Company, AND FOR BUCKINGHAM & HECIIT'S J^- Orders Promptly and Faithfully Executed. -» B. C. HORN & CO. IMPORTERS OF HI iTaum %Mmm3t^ ^D AGENTS FOR Virginia Manufactured FHOIsTT STUEET Corner of Clay, sj^ir wmAm©iB©Q>, A. WASSERMANN & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, Pay the highest prices for all kinds of 6ICI3VS ANI3 FURS. Will also make liberal Cash Advances on all Consignments made through them to their houses in London and New York. j^.TVAs^sERM:ANrjsr & co., SAX FRANCISCO. HUTCHINSON, KOHL & CO., SUCCESSORS TO THE OP ALASKA TERRITORY, H. M. HUTCHINSON, WM. KOHL, LOUIS SLOSS, A. WASSERMANN, LOUIS GERSTLE, LEOPOLD BOSCDWITZ. Principal Office 425 Sacramento Street, SAN FRANCISCO. JvPogeBS W OLESALE DRUGGJ^ , R. H. Mcdonald & co. WHOLESALE DEALEKS IN mm. Ujm i.]fij Patent Medicines, Sole Agents for Tilden & Go's Preparationp. Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Supporters and Elastic Stockings of every description. The largest and most complete stock of Dental Goods on the Pacific Coast. Corner Pine and Sansome Streets, A. Roman & Co., 417 and 419 Montgomery Street, SAN FRANCISCO, Have consiaiitiy (111 Iminl and for fuilo, at the lowest rat/^s, the larpfev* • ' nookH on the Paeifle Coast, tnibracinx Sinnddrd and Miscellaneous Wor^ks, School find College Text Books, Theological and Religious Works, Mediad and Scientific Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Gift Books and Photograph Albums, ALSO A CHOICIO ASSORTMENT OF STATIONERY. Nkw Books UKci:ivKn by kvkky Stk.\mku. Books Imported to order at the shortest notice, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. ROMAN & CO., Booksellers, Puldisliers and Stationers