GIFT OF / / / BY TWO WORKERS STARUGHT PUBLISHING CO. 2130 Vista Del Mar Ave. HOLLYWOOD LOS ANGELCS CALIFORNIA COPYRIGHT 1918 STARLIGHT PUBLISHING Co. KROTONA OCTOBER 1918 DEDICATED TO THE PARENTS or THE COMING RACE 392672 (AND THE SAME PUBLISHERS) AWAKEN. CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT! CONTENTS PREAMBLE PAGE THE SPIRIT OF THE UNBORN 11 THE COMING RACE., 13 THE PLEA FOR PURITY PURITY FROM PoMHJ PASSION 21 PURITY FROM CRIME 31 PURITY FROM POISON 47 PURITY FROM PETTINESS 55 PURITY OF SOCIAL CONDITIONS 67 PURITY OF EMOTIONS 81 PURITY OF THOUGHTS 91 EPILOGUE THE PRESENT RACE AND THE NEW 105 UNIVERSAL LOVE 119 PERFECT PURITY ... 123 ERRATUM ON PAGE 107. REPLACE LINES 17 TO 19 BY; In My Race, 'giving' will be the general expression of the people's selflessness; it will be their keenest joy. PREAMBLE / am the Spirit of the Unborn. I come to plead for better bo- dies, in which I wish to live. THE SPIRIT OF THE UNBORN I am the Spirit of the Unborn ! I am the Spirit of all the unborn children of all the world. I am their sum total. Each one of them is a particle of Me. I come to call upon the parents of today and of tomorrow, with a plea for Purity. But not alone to those do I direct My call. For in younger people, too who know not yet if they ever will be parents there is impurity which, by its subtleness, hampers My true expression. And not only to the living is My plea, but to the dead as well. For in their future shall they live again on earth; and in their earth life may become parents. 11 Hence: to all I speak. To all humanity My Voice goes out. Still your desires and listen to My Voice! THE COMING RACE I am here to beseech you to prepare for Me, the Spirit of the unborn children of the Coming Race. I am the One and only One who repre- sents them all. For I am He who is in the heart of all. In behalf of the children of the New Race shall I speak in this book: especially for their sake is the Purity required for which I plead. Never shall one of them become the child of any parent who is not in every way pure. You, who do not wish to purify your- selves you may still beget children if you so desire; but you will have to be satisfied It with whatever child may come to your home : to the impure parent no pure and highly evolved child can ever again be born. Into the home of you who are impure and selfish can come only the ones who have not reached the stage where they can form a part of the New Race! But not to you, O parents who are pure and unselfish, will anyone ever come who is not worthy of yourselves. Never shall you give birth to a child which is not all that can be expected of the Future Race all that is to be realized by it. Only if the parents of the present race will purify their bodies and their habits, their emotions and their thoughts, can I, in My new bodies, express those qualities which will make the earth a heaven, and life an eternal bliss. I the Spirit of the Unborn have come to call together the parents of the New Race! The time is nigh in which to divide the 14 people of the world into those who are pre- pared to establish My New Race, and into those who are not yet ready. I come! And listen, ye who long for beauty in your children: once more I call! THE PLEA FOR PURITY He, still impure, shall not despair. He, who is pure, shall not despise. He, who but strives, stands closer to the gateway which admits to My New Race, than ail who having seemingly attained still criticize and condemn. PURITY FROM PASSION Over the world of men over the cities, and wherever men have made their homes there hangs a cloud, a muddy, viscid, astral cloud of sensuality. Looking out over the earth from My pure spiritual realm, I see the globe enveloped in a red-brown-colored fog which men have emanated. From hour to hour seems the foul mist to be growing thicker, its sickening stench ever more pernicious caused by the continuity of sensual actions, sensual talk and sensual thoughts of men. Into that cloud / must descend t Through that almost impassable barrier I, Spirit of the Unborn, must go to find new incarnation! How tarnished by its filthy stain before I reach the earth can you expect Me to find adequate bodies, fit for My pure expression, fit for the Coming Race? Watchfully am I waiting for possibilities to incarnate in purer bodies, conceived by parents who live in purity .... even though married. Marriage the sacred bond of love, to which I looked for an opportunity to find bodies created in purity what have men made of it? It has been desecrated, de- graded into an institution of legalized im- morality, debased by habitual seeking of carnal satisfaction. This must be changed, if you want Me to come ! Only in pure bodies can I take birth /, the Spirit of the Race of the Future. Creative power should be used by you for My sake: that I may find new bodies, in -22 which to manifest the best and highest that is in Me! Creative energy is the godliest part of you ; in it lies not alone your semblance with the Divine, but your own Divinity! Therefore : abuse it not! What have you done with it? What are you doing with it? Answer these questions to yourself, in per- fect honesty. I know the answer without your telling Me ; for from My World I can observe the most hidden facts in yours. That you yourself may think, and for your- self may know, and not rush thoughtlessly along in the customary rut .... this is the purpose of My asking you : Can I come to you, and find in you the Purity which for My full expression I do so urgently need? Or will the atmosphere around you, too, suffocate Me? Am I too personal, too rigorous in the way in which I tear the bandages from a filthy sore on present humanity .... even if not on you? Stop listening to Me, if you wish. But then: never complain about the con- sequences of your indocility, of your persis- tence in willful ignorance. And know : / see I see every act of yours, of past and pres- ent .... and of future possibilities, too. And it is because I see a probability of your carefully considering these words of your living up to them that I find it worth My while to come and speak to you, just in the way I do. / see! And what are the acts that I have to look upon? Waste of creative energy, by old and young .... even by the very young! Whose fault is this? Who is to blame for the alarming spread of self-abuse and im- morality amongst young children ? Your fault, O parents, who are not living My Purity! Your fault, O men and women, -24 all you of mature age, who fill the atmos- phere with emanations of your impurity. On others it reacts, what you send forth in acts, emotions, thoughts. And tender youth is ex- tremely sensitive; by it your influence is the most readily caught. You are the ones to blame ! You, who have children do you remem- ber with what motive you have called them forth? Was it with thoughts of love for those who might come to you ? Or thought- lessly, ruled by your passion, in sense-grati- fication? And as, within its sanctuary, the body was being builded have you respected the sac- redness of its development? Or is it true in your case, too: that many an illegitimate was conceived in greater love and in greater purity than the children of you who scorn? Born of sin of 'the sin against the Holy Ghost', as it has been rightly called most children grow up, breathing in and absorb- ing the baneful influence of the (be it ever so hidden) sensuality in acts and thoughts of their surroundings. Thus, sensuality is stimulated in them. Uncautioned for who will caution them? lacking true knowledge about the most vital things, they are permitted to indulge in fatal, secret sins. As a result: the weaklings, seeking what they call 'pleasure', in a prostitution of them- selves and of others .... All at the cost of Me! For wherever they go, the cloud of sen- suality becomes always darker, and more im- penetrable. Wherever they go, there is no place for Me! Their very exhalations would tend to smother Me. And, sad to say: the greater part of to- day's humanity are they! Therefore, I call and call, and call again for greater Purity. But very few there are who seriously listen. And fewer still are they who are willing to enlist in My army, which with in- tense determination will work for Purity preparing the way for Me, the Spirit of the 26 Unborn. Patiently am I watching for rents in the stifling cloud which anyone can make who strives for Purity. Each one who tries can, to begin with, stop adding new material to the hideous, qualmy cloud. Each one who goes on striving, can become like a little sun, a radiating center of luminous Purity, and pierce that ghastly cloud. From My World I cannot shatter it; for it is a hopeless task to cleanse and purify where men continually sully. But whenever anyone in your world tries, / see it, and rejoice and to him goes My help. And with My help his strength will grow, enabling him to make an opening through which I can come down to find un- hampered expression .... be it in his chil- dren, or, if possible: in him! I, the Spirit of the New Race, have come to plead with you: not only that in those who are yet to be born you shall offer usable instruments for Me but that in you your* self, I with My qualities, may find expres- sion; in order that you, too, may be worthy to be chosen for the Coming Race! I plead for Purity in every possible way. In the first place : for purity of sex life for a pure use of all creative powers, for creation only. Stop wasting your divinest energy in self- gratification of the lowest, coarsest kind! Transmute it, when not needed for the crea- tion of new bodies, into the power of creat- ing uplifting words, ennobling thoughts, with which to help the world. Apply your generative powers to the regeneration of your own bodies. Then can I, the Spirit of the New Race, be born within you! To men and women, and to all young peo- ple is My call, My plea for Purity! Help Me, each one of you. Become a ray of spotless Purity, around which the cloud of sensuality cannot remain in exist- ence. Passion the cause sown in the past, re- suiting now in painful child-birth, endless physical disorders and mental abnormalities is going on to cause still worse afflictions .... till it is conquered. Passion is the abnormally stimulated divine impulse grown beyond control by vicious habit, by continued undue thought. You are its slave because you yourself have given it a power over you. Do not place the blame on your Creator for it all! You have yourself developed this natural force into an artificial abnor- mality. Now, you yourself will have to con- quer it. This, you each one of you must do, before you will be ready to receive Me. Where you wish Me to come and build a body, even the sowing of the seed should take place without passion. Just as the pleasure of intoxicants, and of strongly seasoned food, is apt to naturally vanish when a person purifies his ways of living and of thinking so will the passionate satisfac- tion of sexual intercourse entirely fall away from him who travels on the road towards perfect Purity. 29 The Coming Race, rising above the domi- nation of the senses, will know no pas- sion; it will have acquired and live that purer, greater love which seeks no bodily gratification. Only for love's sake, for the love of the yet unborn, will the New Race fulfill nature's most holy function giving to the to-be-incarnated souls the highest it can give, Free yourself from passion 1 Thus will you help yourself, as well as help Me. For with every step you take towards greater Purity, a greater joy abun- dant, pure, and lasting joy awaits you. PURITY FROM CRIME Freedom from crime I want, wherever I come down! Not alone from what you at the present time think of as crime but from what I, the Spirit of the New Race, consider to be such. Acts that are now called criminal are but the coarsest instances of what is criminal in My terminology. Millions of people now will disagree with Me, But all will share My viewpoint .... when they themselves are ready to become members of the Race of the Future when they have climbed to where they can mani- fest Me. As long as you are of a different opinion, you are not quite ready for Me ! As long as you go on killing, or have creatures killed for you you cannot be ac- cepted in My soon-coming Race. I need bodies, unstained by bloodshed, un- blemished in every way. Nor may there be a trace of cruelty in the hearts in which I shall be born ! No slaughtering shall there be where / go 1 For slaughtering, even for food, is a break- ing of My Law which is the Law of Love. You, who think it necessary because you do not think; you, who do not like to think about it because you like it so much; you, who fill your stomach with corpses for fear of becoming one know this: that the soul of every creature which is killed by, or for you, sets up an obstacle on the road between you and Me ! No matter what you are devouring: be it meat or fish or fowl I consider you a crim- inal, your food impure and foul. 32 Think/ Think how you value life's manifestation in yourself. So does each thing that lives! Think of the wondrous structure which na- ture has built up even in the smallest crea- ture which you unnecessarily, as many a one can prove are chewing as a food. Think! Think yourself now into its con- sciousness. Look through its eyes those beautiful, pure eyes, through which Life (which is God) looks out into the world. Feel the death blow that strikes it if it is not tortured by pitiless proceedings, such as being slowly bled to death, or boiled or skinned alive .... in order that your palate may be tickled by more 'delicious' food ! Then feel its fear and hatred against humanity which do go out into the atmos- phere and must react on man, in the form of suffering. Much of your suffering against which you are rebellious, and which you call unjust may be the consequence of your own slaughtering in the near or distant past. 33 Know : there is no injustice in the universe ! What comes to you, you have caused; what you now do to others, by deed or word or thought, will react on you, some time. You say, you never kill but have it done for you ? Then, twofold is your crime ! First, you are guilty of the death you cause; and thoughtlessly, I suppose you encour- age cruelty in some of your fellowmen, im- pelling them to deeds for which they, in their future, have to suffer. Both will react on you! I know your reasoning: something must be destroyed to keep your body fed. But in your power it is, to bring destruction down to the less evolved things to cause less, ever less suffering. Even the killing of the vegetable kingdom can be avoided, if you will it so : when your compassion grows and takes that in. For on the fruit of assiduous plants man can exist. It is for you to expand your love; so will you find that without slaughtering, you yet can 34 No you need not fear that cattle and game will be so plentiful (when not killed off by you) that they will overrun your gardens and your cities and your homes. Nor will they take your food. Love, as the basis of your attitude and ac- tions, will never bring ill to you. Love is the basis of Creation, the fundamental Law of the whole universe. Where love is lived, this Law itself is set in motion to adjust con- ditions and to harmonize all things. Vwisectionf I shudder when I think of it! How is it possible that man could be so misled by mental fallacies, that he commits even indulges in this scientific crime? Man in your hands was placed the care of the dumb, defenseless creatures, to lead them, lift them up to a more highly evolved stage. They are your younger brothers all of one family in the Creator's mind. You stand accused of crime I For you have not alone enslaved, ill- treated, and exploited the helpless ones for selfish purposes but starved, and frozen alive, sliced, ripped and sawed, burned, baked and butchered, scalded and scalped God's living creatures. Unscrupulously dabbling in the blood and agony of sentient, sensitive beings, you have caused excruciating pain by the cowardly and cursed practice of vivisec- tion. Instead of older brothers, loving guides, you have been vicious brutes and monstrous torturers. This still goes on! Pity the poor 'little ones' who, by the thousands, serve the experiments. But, after all, have more pity on those deluded beings who make the experiments! For the effects of their willful cruelty will be terrible. No one can keep from them what after death, and in other lives on earth they shall experience. All acts re- act such is the Law. By their own fright- fulness, they have stored up great cause for suffering. This must work out on them that they, by suffering, may learn to spare, -3 and to protect all things that live. Have pity on them! But do not dodge your own responsibility. For you yourself have helped are helping yet, I fear to strengthen and encourage the vivisector in his inhuman deeds. By your own cruelty be it of ages past you have created, in super-ethereal matter, thought entities, which, gathered together, intensify the experimenter's horrible inclina- tions. Then, by your approbation, or by protesting only half-heartedly, or by indif- ference on this vital point, you are partakers of the crime. Do you approve of vivisection, because you think (erroneously though it be) that it helps to cure disease? Remember then: pain and disease result from a breaking of the Law, and cannot be overcome by break- ing the Law again. The cosmic Law of Love and Justice cannot be evaded. Perhaps you still believe that vivisection may help to prolong your life, or that of those near and dear to you. But even if 37 this were true and possible : / would rather have no bodies than such as are kept alive at the cost of suffering of whatever- creature it be! This viewpoint must be y-ours, if you wish to side with Me ! Your laws forbid murder and yet you murder murderers . ... by law! Only dis- torted brains can deem this logical ! But human laws and brains both lack perfection, both still lack Purity. When I, in the children of the Future Race, am born, there will be purer brains, and no laws, but : the Law i. e. : the Law of Love. They will live by this Law, and need no man-made laws. And they will know .... more than you now can know. But even you should know : that in a crim- inal the owner of the body is diseased; the entity within is the one who commits the crime, using the body as its instrument. You may kill the body but the man him- self lives on. You liberate the man who, after the execution, is much more dangerous than he ever was before. For filled with revenge and hatred, in addition to other wrongs he will go on spreading, unchecked in any way, his ominous influence. Caught in the body, you can limit the de- praved actions of the indwelling entity, con- trol it, better it. Thrown out of its physical vesture, beyond human control, it gravitates towards those who have similar vicious pro- pensities inciting them to villainous acts, using them as its tools, its mediums for re- venge. Thus, legalized murder makes more mur- derers. Therefore, again: kill not not even crim- inals. Their death does not help you nor does it help them. Restrain their actions, while you cure their souls. Treat them as patients, for they are morally sick. Their souls are young young as your own once was and weak, and 39 ignorant. Give them of your own wisdom, of your own moral strength. Apply the Law of Love! If you really are the older, more highly evolved one, your duty is to help, to guide, to teach, to love. But if you continue to exe- cute and despise .... you are not yet far evolved above the criminal. You are then yourself guilty of a lack of understanding and of love from which results all crime. No hunting can there be be it for fash- ion's sake or as a sport where I shall man- ifest. Whoever does it, or causes it to be done, commits a serious crime against My moral code, which is wholly based on love. Your furs which you are so fond of, be- cause they .... cost so much (their price was the suffering and the life of animals, which, indeed, is far too much!) ; your feathers, torn from slain (oft only injured birds, whose nests of young are left to starve that you may go about with a fashionable' hat; the skin of unborn bodies, cut from the mother's womb to give your hands soft cov- ering .... the very sight of all this hurts every cell in Me; and where such things are worn, I needs must stay afar. Do you not realize that such ornaments are laden with a curse and that each one who touches them for greed's or vanity's sake will be subjected to its fatal influences? Do you not realize that your adornment is detestably distasteful in the eyes of anyone who as I can see and sense the pain and anguish attached to it? You, many of you on the ground of moral principles, of tenderheartedness would never think of doing with your own hands what you allow others to do for you. But you are just as guilty if only of a lack of love, which counts heavily with Me as the one who does the killing, for your ill- chosen means of comfort and satisfaction. Killing for sport, for amusement, is an atrocious thing incomprehensible to all the children of the Race that is to come. Did you ever saunter through field or forest, on a lovely day when the deep blue of the sky, the golden sunshine on the trees and foliage, the fresh green grass and shrubs work as an inspiration? Could they 'in- spire' you then: to go and kill something? Did you ever come across the bloody trail of a wounded animal, or find a dying creature, shot, but not killed outright by hunters, wantonly 'sporting 7 ? Or did you see an animal caught in the iron jaws of a cruelly squeezing trap, and see its agony, its desperate efforts to regain its liberty? Could you then go and kill kill these life- loving creatures who, like yourself, enjoy the happiness of existence in the realms of bounteous nature? Could you still go, de- stroying these unsuspecting, living things just for the sake of boasting about the num- bers you had killed? Then go and do those things, if you can- 42 not resist the longings which make you thirst for murder and for blood. But do not think that where / am, you ever can come near. The joy and beauty of the New Race will be protected from your influence for your mere presence would defile its Purity. Even hunting beasts of prey will not be done by those who aspire to form a link with Me. Such creatures are the outcome of your own cruelty. As, in the past in lives long past you trained domestic animals to help you on your hunts, you have evolved those species which you yourself now fear. You have imbued them with your cruelty. Beast preys on beast .... because man taught him so. All murderous instinct in all crea- tures is of human origin! Great is the guilt of rnao towards the ani- mal kingdom. When will he be willing to expunge his debts, and by deeds of mercy and of kindness obliterate his outrageous transgressions? Man was, and is, the one discordant note in nature's symphony the one dark blot on the work of the Creator. Man has become a menace to the consummate fulfilment of God's plan. Yet is he meant to be and still destined to be its most glorious culmina- tion. To him was given .^//-consciousness, the power of thought, to use for the unfoldment of his divine qualities. Greatly abused has he the godlike gift that was bestowed upon him. But in the future he will attain to SELF- consciousness and know all Life as One. Then will he undo the evil that in the past he did. Then will he learn to love all, as he loves himself now. Yes even vermin, even what you call 'pests' ! They are the outcome of your hatred, of human evil thoughts. Think not that just by 'killing' you can free yourself from them. Your own thoughts live in them. And those will take new forms with venom intensified, caused by the horrid feelings with which you still can kill. These are the facts, known to the ones who fully know the Law facts, visible in subtler realms, invisible to man, who is blinded by self-made obstacles of ignorance and sin. Study and live the Law. Then will you know and see! Your envy and your ill-temper; your greed and mercilessness; your stinging criti- cism; your own uncleanliness; your secret ugly thoughts which you have been sending out so superabundantly from day to day, and almost every hour all these instill into ver- min the very qualities that make them a nui- sance to you. Destruction of the forms will not destroy the thoughts which are essential to the ver- min life. But you must stop your hatred, your fear, your unkind thoughts. Only by purer thoughts- only by thoughts of love can you eradicate the power which, in the past (be it only yesterday) you have stirred up by your own loveless thinking. Sages and even ordinary human beings have proven that: no beasts or vermin bother those who live the Law of Love . that is: who love all Life. Some day, you will know as / know: that the One Life is manifest in all. To kill is to rob Life of its form which, after all, is: robbing God of a form for His expression. All Life is He. Life, the mysterious power that man can never control, is the Divine Itself the One Reality in all, in you, in Me. PURITY FROM POISON Why do you all or almost all eat poisons, and drink them, breathe them, and inject them into your own blood ? Just because others do it? Through thoughtless habit? To please your physical senses? For fear of sickness and of death? To seek forgetfulness from troubles and from boredom ? Or, for what other reason ? None of these motives appear very sound to Me. None of these could influence the spiritually evolved, who seek the Purity which the New Race will have. To that Race, not only will the present use of poisons seem the greatest folly but the arguments for their use Avill be quoted 47 as proof sufficient of the lamentable state of moral and mental development of today's humanity. The lack of individual convictions; the giddy-headedness; the willing submission to the rulership of bodily wants and won'ts; the ignorance about the continuity of con- scious existence; the weakness of attempting to elude life's lessons all these are proofs of a young stage of evolution, which has to be outgrown before admission into the Com- ing Race can be obtained. No poison will impair the Purity of that enlightened Race! Meat is it necessary for Me to tell you that it is poisonous .... in addition to the fact that crime is attached to it? Not only are the animals frequently dis- eased; not only do you make a grave-yard of your own digestive organs, and thus pollute your body with the decaying remnants of cadavers; but also is their blood the carrier of animal qualities: by eating meat you build 4$ those into you. You strengthen animalism in yourself, which you are intended to out- grow. And the anger, fear and hatred which fill the animals as they are slaughtered these go into their blood .... and poison you. > It makes you irritable, emotional and rest- less; stirs up your passions; sets up a thirst for fiery drinks and spices. All kinds of reasons there are hygienic, physiological, economical, ethical, occult why you should not eat meat. Read, if you like, the 'pros' for swallowing it and also read the 'cons'. Then (without worrying about your shape of teeth or the length of your intestines) look around, and see the convincing fact: that many live quite joyously without it. But above all this, bethink what I now say : no blood may pass the lips of those in whom I shall manifest! And not a single creature shall be allowed to die or suffer for their sake. Alcohol .... yes, taken in quantity you all agree that it is detrimental. But you should also know that every drop of it is poisonous. Whether gulped down the throat as liquor, or carefully apportioned as a medicine, sniffed up in perfume, or rubbed into the skin, natural or camouflaged, or when de- natured it is always injurious to moral and to mental as well as to physical health. And every bit of it its faintest odor in the at- mosphere draws undesirable entities who make the world around you impure. In this way, too, it is poison for yourself, and for those who are close to you. It may briskly stimulate, inciting wit, quick action, and a sensation though deceptive of feeling extremely well. It acts like a flaring fire : a brilliant display .... fol- lowed by desolation. In reality it dulls. Dulls brain capacity. Dulls the keen sensitiveness of the nerves. Dulls the ability of judging sensibly. Dulls the digestive powers. Dulls muscular vigor. BO Dulls moral stamina. Dulls clear vision. Dulls practically every organ. Most harmful of all : it dulls even when taken in minutest quantities those organs which, in latent potentiality, contain man's power of superphysical vision; and more than that: of spirituality. Long discarded and unused put, and kept out of operation by man's own impurity these organs will be revived in the children of My Race. Only by Purity not alone from alcohol, but from all passion and poison can they regain their true function. What has been said of alcohol, applies to opium, morphine and other drugs. And even to tobacco. For nicotine is poison albeit that some can smoke, and live a hun- dred years. Tobacco soothes which is to say : it stupe- fies emotions, nerves and mind, and all those faculties which are also affected by the use of alcohol. Although not criminal like eating meat, 61 not tending towards crime like using alcohol smoking, in one way, is more apparently objectionable than either. The smoker, with his pernicious habit, pollutes the atmosphere to the disgust and danger of the health of those around him. First with his smoke, and afterwards with his breath and nauseous, evilly magnetic emanations, he makes him- self an offensive nuisance. The disregard for the interests of others, by which the smoker proves his utter selfish- ness this in itself would make it quite im- possible for any member of My Future Race to smoke. The most dangerous group of poisons though scientifically prescribed are vaccines, serums and all those obnoxious things which you allow to be injected, infecting your very blood. This superstitious practice, this dan- gerous medical craze, is the most ludicrous fallacy of science run amuck. Wild tribes (how foolish!) look most reverently at the dances and performances of their Vise 1 medicine man. Your ancestors (how stupid!) submitted most trustfully to the crude bloodletting operations by their Vise' medical men who eagerly applied it to whatever ailed the crowd. You now (how .... what?) most con- fidingly permit your medical faculty to let putrid, septic matter contaminate your blood. Worst of all, these serums themselves products of disease have been obtained at the cost of suffering : by vivisectional experi- ments on animals, and occasionally on men ! For this, more than for any other reason, the practice of inoculation stands in the New Race condemned! There, disease will be prevented. Not by absorbing poison, or by injecting pus but by sane and sanitary living; by purity of food, of every deed, of thought. Only by Purity! It is habits senseless habits you arc ad- dieted to. They poison your existence, spoil your pure joy of life. By your habits thoughtless habits you have built up the instincts and the cravings of your body which demand obedience of you. You have become slaves of habit, in- stead of masters of destiny! By habit you do all you do. By habit you slur through life grasping all passing pleas- ures .... instead of winning that great and permanent joy which comes with Purity and freedom from the rulership of habits. My Race will have entirely risen above the poisonous dominion of restricting growth- impeding habits! PURITY FROM PETTINESS You, Gods-to-be you, who would know that you are God, if you but knew your SELF .... what are you yet but tiny tin-gods on a homemade pedestal ? Hollow at that, both base and statuette; inside them naught but choking air with which you inflate your self. It would be amusing .... if it were not so pitifully petty, if pettiness were not the key-note of your lives ! Please note : it is not your neighbors that I have reference to but decidedly to the pettiness in you. Review your days. Consider carefully the motives for each deed. Weigh on a balance all your selfish- ness: all that you did to please and glorify 56 your own personality. And on precision scales measure out your love : all that you did for others, in perfect selflessness. (I hope you will find a pair sufficiently sensi- tive.) Compare the two results. Then say whether you would still blame Me, if I stated that your whole life seems petty. How, in the mornings, do you get up ? Just sluggishly, because your shop, your office, your routine work needs attention? Or sometimes gleefully, when you look for- ward to an agreeable happening: a trip, a party, or a present, some special profit, or the visit of someone that will give joy to you? Did you ever greet the daybreak buoy- antly, filled with the thought of what this day may enable you to do for others' sake? To lessen pain, to impart happiness, to help with all the means that you have at your disposal not alone by what you have, but bv all that vou can be? This is how all My Children will arise : filled with that purest joy of self-forgetful- ness. If yours are other motives .... they are petty. What do you work for? Just for the daily bread of your own family? To add to your material posses- sions? To keep up or improve your social standing? To acquire for yourself a name, and maybe fame? Or, for the betterment of conditions for your fellowmen even if no salary, no write-ups in the papers, no recognition from any side results from it for you ? Is petty selfishness, or unreserved self- lessness your incentive? What have you a family for? What did you marry for? Just because you wanted happiness? Be- cause you thought of the pleasure and the comfort that it would bring to you? Even 67 with so-called love : did you not mostly con- sider the advantages that it would have for you? Do not pretend that you did it for love's sake, if in reality it was for self s sake, to accommodate the puny, selfish 'you 9 ! My Children will not be led by any such petty thoughts. Only unselfish reasons will guide their every step. As a result : a happi- ness that you with the utmost brain strain have no idea of. What are you eating for three, four, five times a day? Do you eat to live, and to be able to work better or do you work, and apparently only live, in order to eat better, more epicurishly? Are dinners and delicacies still desirable attentions to be offered to your friends by them again to be repaid to you? Do recipes for new dishes, for soups, pies and desserts still fill a large percentage of your daily talk and thought? Is your kitchen still your shrine room, the cooking stove the altar on which you bring offerings blood offerings at that to the highest you can worship? Is your stomach still the sun of your ex- istence, around which a system of numerous 'plan-eats' and *come-eats\ in dyspeptic dis- harmony, everlastingly revolves? Then, pettiness (I am sorry) is para- mount in you. Why do you dress in full or in half dress? To protect your body from weather in- fluences which can be done in graceful simplicity? Or: to parade; to make others think that you are somebody; to proudly revel in beauty which others can not have; to be admired; to excite jealousy; and to attract attention? If so go on, you slaves of fickleness and fashion. Do not let Me bother you. Con- tinue being petty; indulge in hats and haber- dashery, and expensive petty-coats. On you I need not count for the establishing of the glorious, free New Race! Why have you a religion, or a philosophy? Why do you go to church, or to religious meetings? Because your parents do? Because it is customary? Because it gives a splendid op- portunity to make acquaintances? To in- sure a reserved seat in heaven? Because a ceremony, or a well worded lecture, makes you feel through emotionalism exception- ally good? Because your concrete mind de- lights in definitions and speculations about vague and far-off things? None of these petty reasons seem plausi- ble to Me. Only as an expression of your inner divinity, as an irresistible desire to realize your inherent link with God thus only are religion or philosophy true values, instead of spurious shams. Your very virtues are, too frequently, SO petty vices in disguise. Some of you are so full of virtue that you make yourselves un- bearable, and, by your self-complacency, cause pain to others. True virtue never harms. You are very kind sometimes, when con- ditions are suitable, when you are in the right mood, when it may serve your special pur- poses. If you are truly kind, you are always kind, and make no distinctions. You are charitable on official subscrip- tion lists. You give liberally in order to gain, no matter what: love, friendship, recognition, satisfaction, gratitude. You are full of joy when everything goes well with you. You are humorous no matter whether it may hurt somebody's feelings, if people but call you smart. Your humor only humors your vain personality. You love to do your work perfectly in order to excel, to be considered more than others. You adore the beautiful, in music, in all art with the one wish: to have it for your own enjoyment and glorification. What your rival has, or has produced, can not be beautiful, of course, You long for spiritual development not that you may help others, but to be helped, in order to become more than your fellowmen not to serve the world, but to rule, and gain authority. / know your motives better than you do yourself. I shall not undervalue a single one of you. But you must know yourself: your little 'self first, with all its pettiness before you can know your SELF. Why do you talk and talk? About the weather; about your health; about your food; about your own affairs, and even about those of others; about peo- ple whom you know but usually do not know; and about all kinds of petty nothing- ness? Is it just a habit which you cannot stop? 62 Can you not grow beyond the stage of prat- tling children? It is worse than that: child's talk is innocent is yours always? When you gossip? When you repeat an unkind story about friends or strangers? Do you know their motives, all their difficulties, the lessons they have to learn, the struggles they have to fight? If you did, you would not speak about them in the way you do. Is there nothing better to be done than to indulge in this petty talk, talk, TALK? You waste your time, your energy your oppor- tunity to hear the wise and loving Voice of your true SELF. You do not even know that there is such a Voice ? Because you talk too much ! Be- cause you are always occupied with your petty little 'self and its material interests ! My children in the Coming Race will know and understand the Voice of SELF and readily listen to it. And then .... do not forget that sound creates. Speech is creative force. The man- ifested universe was actually created by the Logoic Word. So do your words create. Every word you utter, every noise you make, sets up vibration in the physical ether. Where does it stop and when? No- where and never! It goes out and out and on and on. Your chattering and jabber- ing disturbs the harmony of the whole uni- verse! And for eternity the origin of the dis- turbance can be traced back to you. Better be silent f than abuse this mighty creative force in senseless, thoughtless, use- less, aimless, endless talk! Why do you live and die? Do you think there is no reason for such events as birth and death? Do you think they are just 'happenings' ? Or do you not think at all? Do you only live because you cannot help it, and die without knowing why? Do you fear death, for fear of losing 'life', losing all your property, losing consciousness of 'self'? The time will come when vou will realize that your own life is eternal. Then will the 'self that petty, selfish 'self with all its separateness appear to you like an un- wieldy load that has been hindering your growth. Better shake that burden off while you are what you call 'living' : for death will not free you from it. t/w-self yourself. Then will you really and for ever, in unbroken consciousness live! Perhaps you think that though there may be a reason for life as well as death you are not supposed, not even allowed to know? You, man created in the likeness of the Almighty God do you think you can be like Him without omniscience? You are He in latency, in undeveloped powers. But by your pettiness you limit His expression ! Investigate! Think! Know! Unfold your latent powers ! Become almighty and omniscient! No expression of life is too in- significant nothing too great for your un- derstanding. There is no secret in the uni- verse that you are not to know/ Outgrow your pettiness! Throw off the chains which limit your SELF-expression : your trifling habits and imaginary duties, your thoughtless going-on along customary ways, your fear to differ from your surroundings, your fear of any- thing. All that belongs to 'self must go. Then and then only manifests the SELF. Set to work and do not despair. Even the biggest fool will evolve into a tool in the hands of the Great Architect, Who will finally express the glory of His Being through all His creatures. Hasten the process of your evolution. Thus will you speed the coming of My lofty, fearless Raccl PURITY OF SOCIAL CONDITIONS Unsolved social problems throw a black shadow upon present humanity : problems of capital and labor; of wealth and poverty; of child's and woman's welfare, and of destitu- tion of invalids and aged; of wages and working hours; of overwork and unemploy- ment; of vice and unutilized benevolence; of crime and charity; of hygiene and disease; of tenements and untilled land; of power for the few, and slavery for the many; of trusts and lack of trust; of money .... and lack of money! These problems are the weeds in what could be the enchanting, luxuriant garden of human civilization. But you have mistaken 7 them for the permanent growth. You have protected them instead of the superb vegeta- tion that you were intended to foster until they have smothered all the more delicate plants, which need full sunlight, need to be bathed in rays of Divinity. The weeds were easier to grow. Now they have grown above your heads thick as a forest and you begin to feel the chill that hangs in their shadow. You long for sunshine and try to trim and clip the gigantic weeds, in order that a little ray may penetrate to you. Do you contemplate cutting the plants, to get more warmth, more light? Be careful what you do! If the root remains, it will sprout again : your cutting will not help, until you pull out the root. That root is : selfish- ness! Not alone in others but in you! Clean out that little plot, which has been entrusted to you ! To clean those of all your neighbors is far too great a task : that is not expected of you. First clear your own and do it for their sake : that they may be able to enjoy the light thrown on your garden, 68 and the beauty of the tender plants of Love, with fragrant blooms of Purity that will take the place of weeds. Then seeing what you have done, and what you have attained they will soon fol- low your example, and readily accept your unobtrusive help. Ere long no weed will re- main. Its roots will be destroyed. And no more shadows will be cast by the outcome of selfishness upon the joy of being of the human race. Then will My Race spread out over the earth, abiding in those Gardens of selfless Love and perfect Purity, which you can now prepare. And you yourself by the power of your un-selfed SELF will belong to that sublime New Race, and, with the others, will enjoy the fruits of the prolific plants which you must now guard and cherish. I do not deal with each problem separate- ly. I shall not show you how to potter about, repairing leaks, replastering here and there, and covering with fresh paint soiled spots on your tottering building of civilization. Keep it up as best you can. Go on living in it .... until a new home shall be ready. Meantime : combine your efforts in erect- ing a New Building. Lay the foundation of an all-enduring selflessness; raise the walls of a protective love ; and decorate with unde- filable purity. Provide, for all alike, the fur- nishings of brotherly thoughts and joy. Then move and leave behind your trash of social problems: you will have neither place nor use for them. Keep the old structure as a museum, with relics of a queer and foolish past. No one will ever want, or need to live in it again; provided: you do your share in helping to construct the new edifice provided you join the workers who are preparing the world for the beauteous New Race. Problems exist only for the ones who are still ignorant. To Those Who guide human evolution to the Teachers of the child hu- manity your social problems do not any 70 more exist. Once having solved them for Themselves, They know. Why then, do They not come and help you solve them? Would it help a child in school, if the teacher solved its simple little prob- lems of arithmetic? It would be easy for the teacher but would it train the child? Would, in that way, the child develop the qualities and the capacities for the purpose of which the problems are laid before it? Wise teachers watch the children loving- ly, rejoicing when a pupil, by his own exer- tion, has solved a problem. Then they ad- vance that pupil, and give him harder prob- lems until the school years are over, and the children graduate. Thus do the Teachers of the present race consider social problems. They have laid them before you that you, in solving them, may develop your inherent powers/ You must work them out, without the Teacher's help. In the meantime, I am waiting for you to 71 graduate. For graduation from this race means admission into Mine : into that il- lumined Race, into which all can be born. But I cannot wait indefinitely! I cannot wait for all those who are lazy, who would rather play than work at the problems, who try to evade the training, and who seem to believe that the purpose of the tasks is to make life miserable ! Only those who apply themselves cheer- fully, glad of the training which will enable them to do better work, later those only can be candidates for My Coming Race. I have come to help them to hasten their promotion. A hint is all that I can give. But it contains the key to the solution of all difficulties. Listen, you who seriously struggle with your problems, anxious to solve them: LOVE is the key that will open the secret chamber the chamber of the human heart where you will find the ever-present solution which will make all problems vanish from your ex- istence. 72 Take that key. But remember: it works only if it is handled with immaculate Purity! Until you have discovered that Love is the only key to the solution of your prob- lems, your lessons have not been learned: you cannot graduate. As you refuse, life after life, to learn you are handed over to a private Teacher Who never fails. Strong, patient, forgiving, compassionate, filled with the one desire to help you to grow towards greater happiness, towards the Future Race and with a per- fect knowledge of your failings and your possibilities, this Teacher takes you in hand. You may not like the method but it is the greatest help that could be given you. The name is : Suffering. No greater and more loving Teacher ever was than Suffering! Unfailing are the ultimate results. When nothing else brings out love and compassion 78 your own suffering does. It makes you understand what others feel; it makes you feel with others, thus sowing the seed of Love. Not always does this grow immediately. It may have to drill its way through a crust of stony ground ere its tiny shoot be- comes visible on the surface. And Suffering may have to help, to break the ground and loosen it, and keep it soft. This Teacher the liberator of the Di- vine in man continues to bear with you, with your obstinately clinging to selfish inter- ests .... until you have learned the les- son: unburdened yourself from 'self, be- gun to live in the SELF. Pain is the shortcut towards liberation towards a conscious realization of Life and Light divine. It is the dark tunnel through which all must pass to reach the land of un- fading beauty, of eternal youth and bliss. As you advance into the tunnel, the dark- ness deepens: no beam of light behind, no glimmering ahead; the air is heavy; you ?4 awkwardly grope about to find your way; you fear a cave-in; you are near exhaustion, and bitterly complain. Go on, go on ! Listen to the sounds ahead. They are the cries of ecstasy of those ap- proaching the opening at the end, and who begin to see what you can not yet see: the colors and the splendor of a light such as they have never seen, which will be yours for ever, once you arrive there. Listen again: footsteps coming towards you, glad voices calling you. It is they who have had a glimpse, and now come back to encourage you, to cheer you, to share their joy with you. For they have seen the light of the new era which only instils joy, when it is shared with others, with all who can be reached. There is another way to the valley of blithe felicity. It is a long and weary way, zig-zagging across high mountain tops, through fields of never melting snow. A lonely road which is full of dangers: where avalanches threaten, where one easily loses his path, freezing to death in solitude. Some try that road; but they either become lost, or, eventually, return to pass into the tunnel. No human creature ever reached his goal, except by going through the Tunnel of Suf- fering! All is well! All that is, is well as it is, and for the good of everyone concerned. But that is not ex- cluding the fact : that it might and will be better. Are you not yet convinced that in a uni- verse ruled by Love of which the Almighty Ruler is Love itself there can be no injus- tice? Even the greatest suffering, as well as the slightest unpleasant experience, is self-at- tracted. Not as a punishment, laid upon you by the wrath of an avenging Power; but as the natural reaction of your own actions, of your own stubborn refusal to learn life's les- sons, your continued seeking to serve the 'self, instead, and at the cost, of SELF. Perhaps you are conclusively aware of this fundamental truth: that nothing is unjust, and that to every creature is meted out only a well-deserved share of evil as well as good. You may have this wisdom at hand, and freely make use of it ... whenever others are in trouble, in sorrow, in serious difficul- ties. But when some disappointment thrusts itself upon you .... where is your wis- dom then? You are provoked and angry, worried, unnerved, upset and call what- ever strikes you: unwarranted, undeserved, unjust! You are blinded by the 'self . Wake up; take your own medicine, with the impersonal wisdom of the SELF. Suffering and every blow that you ascribe to fate is medicine, of your own making. You brewed it by your past deeds; it is yours every drop of it. But by the Ones Who guide your evolution, it is lovingly applied to cure you .... from your self! Hence: all is well. Even the misery of your present social conditions .... as long as they remain as they are. But: things will not be as well with you as you wish them to be, as long as you have not exhausted every means whereby to alleviate your brother's suffering from whatever cause that be ! Things cannot be what you call 'well,' as long as you still need a repeti- tion of the same lessons until you have learned brotherliness and compassion. Outer conditions are the outcome the mirrored picture of inner qualities. This counts for individuals as well as for a race. You, in your world of unrealities, try to remodel the ephemeral reflections your so- cial conditions by some sketching and some painting on the surface of the mirror. Do you not see the originals your inner quali- ties as the things that should be changed to improve their own reflection? The change for better can only come from 7S within from within yourself. First purify yourself then will conditions change. This is not a selfish way nor a self-cen- tered one. For, to succeed, you must rid yourself of 'self; and, void of 'self how could there be a question of selfishness? As you purify yourself, you grow from 'self to SELF towards unity with all. And then you cannot help loving and helping all. Further: your own perfection helps to per- fect the whole of humanity just as each ad- ditional light helps to dispel the darkness in a dimly lighted hall. A difference in evolutionary standpoint, in spiritual development, in brain capacity, in physical strength, in health, in ability along definite lines and even in possessions will probably always exist. But in the Coming Race, in a loving mu- tual understanding, no one will cause an- other's suffering: the greatest joy of every- one will be to use all that he is and has for the giving of joy to others. There will not TO be the misery of poverty neither the curse of selfishly used wealth. Your money values do not count with Me : heart values are the only things worthy My consideration. With all your millions with all the world's treasures you cannot bribe Me to come. But where a pure heart is un- folding SELF though in its humbleness and lack of brilliancy unnoticed by most of you there am I attracted. There is the New Race coming into expression. There dawns the wider consciousness which will bring a perfect solution of all problems, of all mys- teries. The only mystery which you need to solve is: the realization of the Oneness of all life. LOVE will solve it and therewith ail your problems. PURITY OF EMOTIONS What a whirling and twirling in the super- ethereal substance of your body, and in your atmosphere! Invisible to you, perhaps? But there nevertheless as a result of your excitability, your uncontrolled emotions, your restlessness. Learn to see. Then watch the turbulent motions of the fine matter on which emotions are impressed. Watch the disturbances, set up in the earthly atmosphere by the hurry and the struggle and the nervosity of modern life. Watch the superphysical conditions of a city, of noisy traffic, of a celebrating crowd. Then, too, of your own home. And of your- self! 81 But you are not emotional, are you? You are wonderfully balanced. You can read in the daily papers, without being in the least stirred, about battles raging where thousands are killed and maimed .... but none you know are there; about destruction of facto- ries .... in which you have no shares; about cataclysms and calamities .... all far away from home; about murders, hold- ups, etc not in your neighborhood. But on the next page is a paragraph .... look again .... can that be right? A slump in your best stocks? Your candi- date exposed? A rumor about some scandal in your family? Or your name honorably mentioned .... so terribly misspelled that nobody will know it is you? But that is more than anyone can stand! Now watch the at- mosphere ! What an agitation .... when your din- ner is somewhat late, when the soup is over- seasoned, the coffee served cold! You try to keep your poise ; but from a gloomy face, you emanate muddy torrents which darken the whole house. What horrid streaks in your aura, splashes of miry hues .... when you 'enjoy' low emotional music, or a passionate opera which you like to call 'art' ! Or when read- ing obscene stories, or exchanging vulgar jokes. Such pastimes are to your emotions, what salted pretzels are to the lining of the throat : artificially, they excite a thirst, a longing for satisfaction, entirely unnatural. If only you could see what a chaos you create by your applause, your yells, your screajns, and unnecessary noises! They go fairly well with bull-fights, with Indian war- dances, with feasts of savages, orgies of un- couth brutes. At the present time they should not in the Coming Race they cannot find a place! Why permit them in your children, en- courage them in colleges and schools? Why do you, you yourself, go on with most of them? Because you like emotion? And do not care to know about nature's finer forces? Because you are too much filled with what you call 'pleasure', to seek the nobler pleas- ures of the Race that I shall bring? Emotion and excitement could you live without these ? Without your dinner parties, your theatres and shows; your tension about new quotations, your chance for special gains; your shopping, and selecting unneeded things at sales; your friendly (?) naggings and quarrels with your nearest relatives; your chats about the 'latest' (quite confidentially, of course) ; your numberless appointments (all important, to be sure) ; and even your disappointments . . . .? Days would seem dull and dreary, if you had to miss these things. They are the stimu- lants that keep you going the spices, with- out which your life would be tedious indeed! You have not yet transmuted your emo- tions. You are still negative. You are still being lived by outer influences instead of positively living a life ruled by yourself, by the SELF from within ! What then ? What can replace these things, which are now so coveted and without which existence seems insipid. ... to you who do not know? Fear not. Life will not be prosaic where / can mani- fest. I prompt no long-drawn faces; no yawns of irksomeness; no faintness; no de- pression; no attacks of melancholy. These are themselves the outcome of your emo- tionalism unwholesome as it is. They will all be discarded when / come. What is the song of birds to one who is totally deaf? What, a glorious sunset to the blind or spiritually blinded? Can Kaffirs grasp an artist's ecstasy? Could you make them understand, while they still lack the needed faculties? Neither, perhaps, will it be possible to make the enrapturing joy of My exalted Race comprehensible to you .... as long as you lack Love and Purity. All your emotional pleasures will be looked upon as playthings, with which a young humanity with its childlike conscious- ness once amused itself. Are you not longing for an expansion of your knowledge, for a capacity to be thrilled by now unknown manifestations of life around and within you ? Or would you, like some children, rather cling to your toys? Toys are quite useful as long as the mind is weak. But if kept too long, they form obstacles to further growth. So does the unchecked play of your emotions : it hinders your unfoldment My Children will acquire that wider con- sciousness, which brings with it a compre- hension, now undreamt of, of other worlds than yours; and a capability to approach the cosmic consciousness, at present vaguely sensed by only very few. This cosmic con- sciousness is as far above your own, as yours is beyond that of the atoms of which your body is composed. Expand your consciousness by purifying your emotions. Help it to grow, to take in more and more until, finally, it will be cosmic. As it unfolds, you will begin to real- ize the unity of all and that brings love for all :of all, for all. Then comes the happiness that never can be disturbed, and which makes all work a joy. The Coming Race will live in the greatest joy: the joy of giving joy the purest of pure emotions. Emotion must not be killed but it should be purified, transmuted, kept under strict control .... under the control of SELF. Balance must be acquired but not: indif- ference. Balance is controlled emotion. Destroyed emotion is indifference. Have you compassion? Do you weep with those who weep, and suffer with those who suffer? And, in another hour, do you laugh with those who laugh, and giggle with those who giggle? Then, even your com- passion is but a play of your emotions. Become compassionate 1 Learn to under- stand the cause of suffering. Look with the greatest love with understanding love upon the sufferers. Without yourself being swept by your emotions: will to help. In- tuitively you will know how. Console. Re- lieve. Instruct. And bring good cheer. Help all you can. Respond to every call of those who suffer. But never lose control of your emotions. Thus will you show true compassion and balance .... without indifference. Be ever more sensitive without being sentimental. Not: sensitive about things that bother you! Offenses or neglects, unkindnesses, ill- luck, losses, annoyances will not affect you any more when you purify and master your emotions. But: sensitive for others, so that you may understand and respond immediately to the needs of your surroundings. This selfless sensitiveness will naturally develop with the growth of pure emotions. The New Race will be super-sensitive yet not emotional. The higher sensitiveness will open up the sensory organs to numberless new impres- sions : to natural phenomena, in the existence of which you now scarcely believe because $8 you are blind and deaf, your organs still unfit to respond to a greater range of vibrations. Things, now unseen, will become visible to My Children : colors of indescribable beauty and brilliancy will loom up before their eyes. The harmony of the spheres will become audible in music, free from the limitations of physical instruments. Perfumes, delicious and pure, will be found to fill the air. Things, long heedlessly overlooked, will fascinate man by their color, sound and scent. Immeasurable treasures will Nature reveal in limitless abundance to the Children of the New Race. That is: to you if you prepare for it, if you purify your emotions. PURITY OF THOUGHTS What would you do? If you could see the thoughts of everyone around you what would you do? Be glad you do not see them ! Those con- cerning you might seriously disturb your self- sufficient complacency. And an unsuspected knowledge of the thoughts of others about their business and their private affairs might lead you to a selfish abuse of such secret in- formation. Yet : you will see them when you come into My Race ! But by that time you will have lost all touch of selfishness. If every thought of yours could be seen by other people what would you do ? Would you want them to be seen ? Would you dare to have them seen? I fear, you are often glad in your conviction that others can not see. But : all will see your thoughts, in the New Race! If your every thought no matter on what subject, however definite or vague could now be seen by Those Who (though invisible and perhaps unknown to you) are guiding and teaching you, helping your evolution, preparing you to become eligible candidates for My noble, peerless Race .... what would you do? They do see them ! And so do /. It is upon the quality of your thoughts more than upon anything else that you are judged by Them. Essentially upon your thoughts your very growth depends. The amount of Love and Purity that you put into your thoughts that will decide whether you can pass into the Future Race. 92 Your every thought is watched even the faintest impulse of a thought is noted. And every occurrence even the slightest incident in your every-day life Is utilized as a test: to see what kind of thought it will arouse; for nothing and no one should have the power to bring out undesirable thoughts in you. The result is automatically registered, in- delibly : each thought sets up vibrations in superphysical matter, impressing upon it an ever-lasting record, which is an open book to Me. Many a page is soiled, unworthy, most often worthless. In vain I look for definitely pure and worthy, loving and constructive thoughts which will help to bring humanity nearer to the day on which I can manifest in the magnificent New Race ! How does your record stand? What will you do to make it better? What are you adding from hour to hour? What will you do ? You doubt My words? That does not change the fact: that I do 93 sec all your thoughts. Even your most secret thoughts are not hidden from Me. Even merely passing ones are noticeable to Me. I see them, even before you have put them through the process of shaping them in your brain 1 For, in the spiritual realms where I dwell thoughts, all your thoughts, are pal- pable, tangible things. Thoughts are things real things things that you have created/ In your little material world of deceptive appearances, you judge each other almost ex- clusively by the clothes you wear. And by a shrewd selection of your garments, you try to convince others that you are, what you are not. But to My eye you wear quite another cloak! You are surrounded by the forms, created by your thoughts. That is the garb which you make for yourself, into which you weave every thread, draw every design, frame every pattern. That is the apparel which shows what you really are. And what an object it presents, of most of you! A shapeless, slovenly bundle of dirty rags, of unattractive, muddy colors, patched and pinned together without any apparent plan, with far too many "I's" and grasping hooks and full of holes and gaps, showing the emptiness of your existence, your lack of thought. Such is the attire in which you show your- self to Me and to all those who can see. In the New Race all will see. But none will enter it, who have not changed their robe making it presentable and pleasing to the clear-seeing eye. None but those who have purified their thoughts, and ensouled them with love, will be admitted into My Race of the Future. By your thoughts you create your own fu- ture : what you think, you will be/ By concentrated thought you create a form of what you wish to become. After this pat- tern, if you make it strong enough, you your conditions and your body will be shaped. This is a dangerous knowledge. For you want things selfishly. Your desire is to be rich, or famous : to shine, to stand out above your fellows in power, wealth, learning, or artistic ability. And you want even spiritual- ity .... only to be more than others. Therefore, a practical knowledge of the creative power of thought is being withheld from you. You would utilize it for selfish purposes. And so you would retard your evolution and that of humanity, of which each one of you is an integral part. You would intensify the hampering influence of the 'self and thus prevent the coming into expression of the SELF. Once you are selfless once you are less a slave to your paltry little 'self you will learn how to create instantaneously and visi- bly by thought. This, the Children of My Race will have learned to do. Their knowl- edge will be applied only for others 9 sake never for their own. 96 All of them will be artists in that new art : the making of exquisite thoughts, which everyone else, with the sense of clearer sight, will be able to enjoy. More beautiful than the greatest treasures of art, now kept in your museums and stored away in private galleries, will be their works produced by all, for all. Thought is the ultimate creative power. Sound creates in physical matter; but wise, thoughtful beings first consciously think they first consciously create by thought, in subtler matter, that which will serve as a model for their physical creations. The Great Power Who created the uni- verse, created it by thought before, by His spoken Word, He brought it down into physi- cal manifestation. If you consider yourself to be made in His image do as He did : and think .... before you speak. First in the realm of thought are made the archetypes for all things physical in the Macrocosm. So do you, by your thoughts, create the patterns for all that will occur in your future microcosm. Strong, definite, oft repeated thoughts build living entities even though you see them not. If you nourish them, and give them regular attention, they will do obedi- ently what you charge them to do. What- ever quality of hate or love, of healing or destruction you put into them, will be their motive power, their actual life force. Strong thoughts are rare and fortu- nately so : if there were many, the evil, grasp- ing, selfish ones would far outnumber the un- selfish. Such is the present race. But in the New, rid of all selfishness, all will know how to build beneficent, entrancing forms. You think no vitally harmful, no vio- lently hateful, not even essentially self-seek- ing thoughts, do you? Just a perpetual suc- cession of the smallest, faintest thoughts of personal criticisms, of personal dislikes, of trivial personal wishes .... are these your average thoughts? They may seem harm- less but they do not build a world in which / can manifest ! After all, they are more harmful than you now realize. These countless millions of diminutive vague thoughts, continually sent out by most of you, are by the Law that like attracts like drawn to each other. They strengthen one the other, forming what might be called : great reservoirs of force. These good or bad when filled to over- flowing, empty themselves upon humanity. Rarely is one containing love and kindness filled to the point where it is ready for dis- tribution. But frequently contents of a less enjoyable nature are poured out. Then comes catastrophe or epidemic, pestilence or war. All are of man's own making: result- ing from his thoughts. Each person receives what he himself has put in by the accumula- tion of his own thoughtless thinking, of his own unchecked thoughts. Not till you purify your thoughts will these horrors cease. Not till you leave all harmful elements, all selfish proclivities out of your thoughts, will suffering and sorrow be no more attracted by you. Not till determinedly you direct the pure power of your thoughts towards the helping of others, can I manifest in you. Not till there is Purity in your every deed, in your every word, and in your every thought will where you are the Coming Race be born. EPILOGUE Exalted and exultant beyond the most fanciful visions of today's idealists^ will be My radiant Race which soon will be established. THE PRESENT RACE AND THE NEW I am no dreamer , visualizing things as they might be ! I know what is to be I Behind some dreamers of Utopias I stood, inspiring them, guiding their thoughts that through their works the world might see the future, and exert its efforts to approach the day when I shall come to establish the New Race. My hints they worked out according to their viewpoint and used them to support that single fraction of the Truth which they had recognized. But now / speak Myself, with definite knowledge of what is planned to be of what already is in the Universal Mind, existing 105 even now in the highest realms of thought, which to My vision are more real than trees and stones to yours. I am not merely 'dreaming', when I speak of the Coming Race I, who am the Spirit of that Race I But on you, the people of today, on you it will depend when it will be established when, with its joy and peace, its splendor, its unequalled happiness, it will come down into physical expression. I, Spirit of the Unborn, have indicated in My Plea for Purify some of the changes, essentially needed in preparing the world, and yourselves, for the New Race. Now I shall synthesize the differences be- tween the present race and My Race of tomorrow. The keynote of the present race is: to HAVE ; that of the New : to BE. You try to obtain, be it for the benefit of yourself or for others, whatever of outer things may seem desirable. But no matter what you possess it can be lost again, and will be lost, sooner or later. Try to become help others to become, to build into themselves eternal qualities: the only things that never can be lost. Then will you help the coming of the New Race. The present race seeks to GRASP ; the New will live to GIVE. Large incomes, high positions, accumula- tion of private property, personal satisfaction that is what all the world is seeking in these days. 'Giving* is looked upon as 'sacrifice 1 , as 'renunciation* and whenever it is prac- tised, it is usually prompted by the hope of some return. In My Race, 'giving* will be the general ex- only things that never can be lost. Then will be their keenest joy. The watchword of the present race is: COMPETITION; that of the New will be CO-OPERATION. Beginning in your schools, the training is: to outrival the other student, in learning, in sport. And all through life this system is kept up: put others into the shade, compete. Life-poisoning competition has done its share in the plan of evolution: in helping to develop 107- the concrete mind. But this is not the highest that humanity can gain ! With the New Race comes transmuted com- petition : there, all will vie in giving others what they would most desire for themselves. Each, knowing that he shares the One Life with his brothers, will do his utmost for the common good. Without reserve, all will whole-hearted- ly co-operate. The present race is DESTRUCTIVE ; the New Will be CONSTRUCTIVE. Watch children: how almost without ex- ception they enjoy destroying things. Adults encourage them, and eagerly assist in destruc- tion of living things. The propensity is checked by rules of propriety, and, mainly, of police. By his injurious emanations, man has es- tranged the many ethereal, now invisible beings who exist and evolve alongside him. He has filled them with distrust, disgust. The New Race will be harmless and helpful to all that co-exists thereby regaining the kind assistance of the nature-spirits, who will beautify the world, accomplishing their joyous task before the purified eye of man. The elements themselves will co-operate with man, and will no more destroy by cyclones, earthquakes, floods, or fire, by extremes of heat 101 and cold what man has wrought. All these catastrophes are caused by man himself: result- ing from his destructive attitude towards nature, as well as from his thoughts. In the New Race, new inventions will utilize enormous powers which will be revealed in nature and in man; and these will be avail- able for great constructive work. They are still kept unknown, because under the control of a destructive race they would be dangerous. SEX-CONTRAST is a mighty factor in the present race ; in the New Race, SEX-EQUALITY will prevail. The mystification of the process of reproduc- tion; the secrecy attached to natural forms; unwarranted prudishness and pseudo ignor- ance ; the over-accentuation of sex difference in dress, in education, in mannerism all these promote furtive thoughts and stealthy whisper- ings concerning sexology fomenting sen- suality, refined as it may be. In My luminous Race, sex will be recog- nized as a minor incident. There will be little difference in dress, in expression even in char- acter : both sexes will more equally manifest the highest that is now in each. KNOWLEDGE, scientific knowledge, is the glory of the present race; but in the New, 109 WISDOM will be supreme. Science, however admirable, deals with the outer, with the phenomenal side. It is a slow, slow process towards the heart of things! Not from the outside in but from the inside out, is wisdom's way. Within is the One Life. Seek to know that! Turn your attention within yourself: you can find it there. That same Life manifests in others, and is the motive power in all nature's phenomena. Once you attain a realization of it which can be done by utmost Purity you know the cause, the how and why of every- thing: perfected wisdom will include all knowledge. The present race is led by INTELLECT; the Coming will be led by INTUITION. Intellectuality is the ability to conceive in- telligently the actualities in the world around you as far as they can be observed by your defective and imperfect instruments and organs of perception. It depends entirely upon im- pressions on the brain from the outside. Whereas intuition is tuition from within: it brings the unlimited, true knowledge of the SELF. When you completely open yourself to it, you will know all there is to know in the entire universe. For, in your SELF, you can share the no consciousness of all, and of the ALL in your SELF you are One with all. The present race has RELIGIONS; the New will have RELIGION. Religions are the garments in which the Di- vine has sheathed Itself in order to remain perceptible to the spiritually blinded eyes of human souls. And as the soul-eyes differed so has Divinity shown Itself in different cloaks. But true religion enables man to see through every garment, perceiving the Divine in Its Purity within: the Same in all manifesting not alone in Its garments of religions, but in everything, and everywhere. In the New Race, the true meaning of reli- gion: the reunion of man with God, will be fully understood and this reunion will be ac- complished by each one of My Children indi- vidually and directly without the need of doctrines, dogmas, rites or creeds. The present race is surrounded by UGLI- NESS; in BEAUTY will the New one be enveloped. Your standard of beauty is guided by cost and rarity: most of the articles you value for their 'beauty', you would not deign to look upon if they were cheap, if they could be possessed ill- by everyone. Your preference for the beauti- ful is, as a rule, a seeking of personal gratifica- tion and grossly selfish. In the New Race, art and beauty will be a result of inner purity instead of having for their aim, as they now do, the demonstration of outer superiority. It is beauty of the senses which is sought by the present race; but in the New, the beauty of the spirit will be predominant. Soul beauty will find expression in feature and in form, in gracefully rhythmic motions, in pleasing, melo- dious voices and in kind, loving acts. The beauty attained within will cause all outer ob- jects to be beautiful. Not by contemptuously shunning, not by repugnantly repelling from your presence all that is still ugly, can the beauty of My Race be gained : only by purifying, only by beauti- fying one's inner nature can it be acquired. When that is achieved, the uely can no more exist. Then, nature itself will be magnificent as it has never been because man will no longer interfere with the work of its agents. It will open up its hidden garners and spread its treasures of unexampled beauty over the earth. And the radiance of good cheer and of su- preme enjoyment will be on every face: on yours, when you will be reborn into My re- splendent Race or, on yours now, if you pre- 1J2 pare yourself to be selected as one of those who will lay the foundation for that Race. The present race stoops under a load of SUFFERING; the New, with lifted head, will reflect the light from heaven, which is the purest JOY. Stop causing your own misery by self-cen- teredness, by shutting off your 'self* from the joy-giving luminosity of the SELF! More radiant than the sun's beams is the SELF. Let it shine within you, and enlighten you filling with its great and imperturbable joy all the dark chambers in your being. It will do that if you cleanse the windows, and do not keep the shades and shutters of your selfish separateness closed. It will if you concen- trate your efforts, and thoroughly purify yourself. This is why I plead with you: that even now your suffering may be lightened, and that you may begin to know the all-surpassing joy in which the New Race will live. The present race is marked by SEPARATE- NESS; the New will be distinguished by UNITY. Each one now prides himself on what he has that others do not have and attention is given US exclusively to differences in possessions, in race, in dress, ability, political convictions and reli- gious beliefs. My Race seeks that which unites. And as each one will realize that he himself, that his own inner SELF, his Life, is God and that all else that lives is himself, because it is in essence the same SELF, the same Life, the same God none can any longer feel interests separate from those of others. Try to realize now: that you really are the others! The present race is ATTACHED; the New will be DETACHED. Attached to physical forms and formalities, to outer appearances, is present humanity. Even in its friendships, in its love, it clings to the matter side. The New Race will know the spirit side of all manifestation: it will deal with the eternal. Therefore, it will be detached, freed from the deceptive ties of temporary objects, freed from the fear of losing whatever it may have and hence free from all fear. The present race is PERSONAL; the New will be IMPERSONAL. Your personality is considered all-important: its wants, its wishes, its opinions, its interests, -414 its well-being these fill your life, your thoughts. As yet, it seems almost useless to speak to you of your Impersonality of the One SELF within yourself, which links you up with all! My Race will be free from the despotism of the selfish, personal 'self acknowledging alone the absolute supremacy of the selfless, and impersonal GREAT SELF. LIMITATION holds the present race in bounds; Mine, throwing off all shackles, will attain to LIBERATION. Imprisoned, vastly limited are you in your SELF-expression even if you know it not! Your selfishness restrains you; your materialis- tic intellect confines you ; your separative prin- ciples entomb the real 'You*. By subjugation of your 'self, unfetter your true SELF! Then you will triumph over every limitation and, as a member of My mighty Race, reach liberation from all ignorance, all suffering, all woe. Break away from the detention of the involu- tioning SELF in the manyness of 'selves' and consciously share the Oneness of the evolu- tioncd, liberated SELF! These few points of contrast indicate the trend of My New Race and what it will mean to you if you can enter it. Then you will realize that all the world is you. Then you will be at-one with every living creature, with everything that is : with sky and trees and ocean, with elements, with insects, birds and beasts, with fellowmen, with gods and, yes : with God. Then you will know that you are immortal that you have always been, and will never cease to be. Then you will consciously feel the power of God pass through you to others and pour out the divine Life in all its greatness and its glory over others. Then you will be aware that there is a never-ending unfoldment of Divinity in you, in ail; that a greater, and ever greater ex- pansion an unlimited succession of incom- parable and wonderful attainments lie before you. Then you will find yourself receptive to sensations, such as a little human soul can scarcely comprehend and in comparison with which all that is now considered 'hap- piness' sinks into nothingness. This is the promise for My triumphant Race! UNIVERSAL LOVE Love is the uniting power of the Great Cosmic Magnet. Whatever is, is a particle of that Magnet: apart from It yet always held bound to It by this inherent faculty of Love. Be it only manifest in the form of cohe- sion, of gravity, of chemical affinity it is the same uniting force of Love. Be it greed, or longing, or personal attraction it is the working of the same principle: a leaning towards unity with something else. It is true: many an atom seems sadly de- magnetized because by cold men- tality it has gone far away from the Great Magnet; because it has shrunk into the form 119 of a closed circle, keeping the current flowing within itself, wholly self-centered, loving only the own 'self. But every fragment gradually unfolds its inborn quality into pure self-forgetting, personal love. As it evolves its inner power, it is lifted up in the direction of its Source; so it will reach the point where the direct current of the Great Magnet is near enough to fill it with Its own original potency: of universal Love. Pure personal love is the ultimate accom- plishment of your race. When you enter into the stream of uni- versal Love, you enter into My Race. All personal love is limited, exclusive hence an imperfect demonstration of divine Love. But do not underestimate the value it has for you ; do not be misled by the fallacious thought : that you can rise above it by ignoring its exalting influence. Only by the perfecting of the highest personal love, can you be lifted up to where 120 the constant current of universal Love can touch and flow through^ you. Great personal love is gradually developed by memories of happiness , shared in the past with the beloved ones, strengthened through many lives, growing from selfish passion into wwselfish, pure be it still : personal love. While it evolves, one learns to share lov- ingly the sorrows of the beloved. Out of this, corn-passion grows by which the power is acquired to feel with, and in others, more and more. Both the compassion and the personal love must by your efforts be intensified, augmented to the highest attainable degree, in order to prepare you for the influx of the universal Love and, thereby, for My Race. Perfect, unlimited, all-inclusive is univer- sal Love. When it becomes manifest in you, all are as near to you as the dearest you love now. And it expands until, without distinc- 111 tion, you love all until you have fully real- ized that all are only One, that all are 'You*. Universal Love is not: the personal love, parcelled out in negligible minims to every creature not : personal love, diluted into in- different kindness for all, without brotherli- ness for any. It is: a new outpouring of Divinity in you; the acquisition of a wider conscious- ness, at the point where you can step out of the present race into My spiritualized Race where you can break the shell that limits full-grown humanity, in order to enter into the infancy of super-humanity. PERFECT PURITY For Purity for perfect Purity have I, the Spirit of the Unborn, been pleading with you, in order that My Race of a purified humanity may come into manifested exist- ence. Soon I shall select a few of you to estab- lish it in a secluded place where conditions will be ideally suitable. Some I have found who are ready; more I expect to find in the near future. But not until a sufficient number is prepared, can My Race be founded defi- nitely, as a segregated unit. I have therefore come to lay before you all those qualities which will be indispensable if you wish to join the early settlement of the New Race. Purity and Love are the fundamental needs not only for admission into My Race ; for in the course of time no one can progress very far without Love and Purity! The purity that I require is one, not only of deeds, but of every word and thought; and not only of your thoughts, but of your very being, of your whole nature ! So pure you must be, that not any influence from the outside can awaken an undesirable response in you. This may seem almost impossible for any- one of you to attain perfectly. But if you strive and refuse to be ruled, even for a single moment, by other principles than those of Purity and of Love then you will see improvement from day to day; and the ten- dency to yield to less worthy influences will rapidly lose its hold upon you. Thus will you become a candidate for My Race. 124 Has it no attraction for you? Does it ap- pear to you as if devoid of interest, monoto- nous, nonsensical, absurd? Only the nar- row-minded can thus misjudge what in the course of evolution in the growth of con- sciousness, of liberty, of joy still awaits them. All will attain some time. The choice 7 bring is this : will you grow willingly, helping the cosmic Law, and hastening evolution or blindly struggle on, unknowingly, even unwil- lingly, and remaining so much longer in the misery of your half-evolved stage ? I, the Spirit of the Unborn, have come to call for aspirants for the Coming Race I I am the Spirit of that Race and I am even more. I am the Spirit of the New Race and of all beings. I AM the SPIRIT! But I have spoken only in this one aspect: as Spirit of the Unborn because for their, as well as for your sake, the New Race must soon be born. 125 I have not called in vain ! I have not called without arousing some of you to the significance of what I have stated: that a New Race is about to be established. What I want every one to know what I have wanted you to know and understand all through this message is: that the Unborn of a New Ideal Race are ready for your world, when you are ready for them; that they will come, when you prepare their way; that they are waiting for purer bodies, for purer surroundings, for purer parents, and for purer Love ; that they will incarnate, as soon as you are pure; and that you yourself can enter My New Race when you steadily strive for perfect PURITY. I AM WAITING ! THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. REC'D LD flPR 9'65-fiPM LD 21-100w-12,'43 (8796s) 392672 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY