UC-NRLF SB E74 141 THE NEW BIBLE GIFT OF NEWOLOGY (I WILL GIVE NEWLIFE TO ALL) THE NEW BIBLE (PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY) NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE The New Word of God to Man For the Redemption of Humanity From Poverty, Disease and Death CREATING The Newlife of Health Happiness and Prosperity With Key to Immortality Eternal Youth and Beauty CONTAINING The Old and The New The Good and The True I N A L L Science and Scripture Philosophy and Religion ALL IN ONE AND ONE IN ALL NEWOLOGY, THE LOST WORD COMPLETE IN 100 BOOKS Convenient and Uniform Size 6 by 5 Inches NEWOLOGY EMBRACES The New Conception of Truth FROM THE NEW AUTHORITY TO THE NEW ZENITH The Alpha and Omega The Beginning and End The First and The Last NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Being Issued In 100 Books, $1 Each. SPECIA'L EDITIONS NEWOLOGY GUIDE $1.00 NEWOLOGY ABRIDGED $5.00 NEWOLOGY COMPLETE $10.00 THE GREAT NEWOLOGIST NEWOLOGY THE NEW BIBLE ACCORDING TO THE REV. DR. N. N. NEW Discoverer of Newology Founder of Newtianity Bishop, The New Church Newological Institute TO BE READ BY ALL PEOPLE Head Office Newology Board The New Church Newology Building San Francisco, Cal., U. S. A. European Office L. N. Fowler & Co. 7 Imperial Arcade Ludgate Circus, E. C. London, England NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE The Congress shall have power: To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for Limited Times to Authors and Inventors the Exclu- sive Right to their Respective Writings and Discov- eries. ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, 1913 By Dr. N. N. New, D. N. IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS Entered at Stationer's Hall, London, England. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This, however, does not preclude the reader or speaker from commenting upon the Subject of New- ology as contained in the contents of this book or any of the One Hundred volumes covering the gen- eral Theme of Newology as a whole, provided, always, that due credit be given the author and dis- coverer with each quotation or reference thereto. THE NEWOLOGY PUBLISHERS TO ALL NATIONS, GREETING: Who earnestly desire to improve in Newology, and all who are seeking to benefit and elevate humanity generally, and upon whose loyalty, genius and valor, as Newtians of the future, the world confidently relies for the preserva- tion of its institutions, and for the advancement and glory of The New Civilization, NEWOLOGY Is respectfully inscribed by one who desires to enlist the active co-operation of all people in the hope that by the Newological light, many may be inspired to attain NEWTIANITY The Newlife on Earth. And. in so far as an Author can show faith, confidence, love, hope, trust, honor, respect, reverence, adoration, devotion and worship by the thot of dedication, with all his heart, he now shows to The New Discovery of his soul, THE NEW GOD To whose Inspiration the Author is indebted for his Newological power in overcoming error, poverty, age, dis- ease and death with the Newology of health, happiness, prosperity, longevity, immortality, eternal youth and beauty. And the pre-eminent service of all Newtians and NEWOLOGISTS In elevating Newology to its present high standard, and the incomparable aid they have rendered him in the pre- sentation of the subjects treated in his Newological work: His days are constant to one ideal That in the ripeness of the new way Newology shall make the Newlife real And Newtianity usher in the new day. 274470 THE ALPHABETICAL NAMES AND ORDER O F THE BOOKS OF NEWOLOGY THE NEW BIBLE THE NEAV AUTHORITY THE NEW AGE THE NEW BODY THE NEW BIRTH THE NEW BEING THE NEW CAUSE THE NEW CHRIST THE NEW CHURCH THE NEW 7 CITIZEN THE NEW CAPITAL, THE NEW CULTURE THE NEW CREATION THE NEAV COVENANT THE NEW CONCEPTION THE NEW CIVILIZATION THE NEW COMMANDMENT THE NEW CONCENTRATION THE NEW DISPENSATION THE NEW DOCTRINE THE NEW DISCOVERY THE NEW ERA THE NEW EARTH THE NEW ETHICS THE NEW EDUCATION THE NEW EVOLUTION THE NEW ETERNITY THE NEW" FOOD THE NEW FAITH THE NEW FREEDOM THE NEW GOD THE NEW GLORY THE NEW GOSPEL THE NE VV GOVERNMENT THE NEW HOPE THE NEW HOME THE NEW HEART THE NEW HEALTH THE NEW HEAVEN THE NEW HEALING THE NEW HISTORY THE XEW HUMANITY THE NEW HAPPINESS THE NEW IMMORTALITY THE NEAV JOY THE NEW KINGDOM THE NEW KNOWLEDGE THE NEW LAW THE NEW LOVE THE NEAA 7 LOGIC THE NEAV LABOR THE NEAV LIFE THE NEAV LIGHT THE NEAV LONGEVITY THE NEAV LITERATURE THE NEAV MAN THE NEAV MIND THE NEAV MESSAGE THE NEAV MEDICINE THE NEAA 7 MARRIAGE THE NEW MINISTRY THE NEAV NAME THE NEAV NATION THE NEAV NATURE THE NEAV OLOGIST THE NEAV PEACE THE NEAV POAA ER THE NEAA r PRAYER THE NEAV POLITICIAN THE NEW PHILOSOPHY THE NEAA T PROFESSION THE NEAA^ PROSPERITY THE NEAA 7 PSYCHOLOGY THE NEAA 7 QUESTION THE NEAV RACE THE NEAV RELIGION THE NEAA 7 REVELATION THE NEAA 7 SOUL THE NEAV SPIRIT THE NEAA 7 SCIENCE THE NEAA 7 SOCIETY THE NEAV SCRIPTURE THE NEAV SALA 7 ATION THE NEAV STATESMAN THE NEAV THOT THE NEAA 7 TRUTH THE NEAV TIDINGS THE NEAV THEOLOGY THE NEAV TEMPERANCE THE NEAV UNIVERSE THE NEAV VISION THE NEAV A 7 IRTUE THE NEAV VOICE THE NEAV WILL. THE NEAV WORD THE NEAV WOMAN" THE NEAV AA T ISDOM THE NEAV XENIUM THE NEAA T YEAR THE NEAV YOUTH THE NEAV ZENITH PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NFWOLOGY 5 PUBLISHER'S INTRODUCTION NEWOLOGY. The first creature in the work of the days, was the light of sense; the last was the light of reason, and His Sabbath work ever since is the illumination of His spirit. This is the work of Newology, and hence: 1. "He breathed the Newological light upon the face of matter and the confused chaos immediately changed to measurable space and order. 2. Then He breathed the Newological light into the face of man and the confused, unorganized con- dition assumed distinct and orderly form; and 3. Still He breathes Newological light in the face of His chosen, changing chaos to cosmic con- sciousness and Newological intelligence." GREAT NEWOLOGIST. And who are His chosen in this Newday of Newology? The Newlife of Newtianity? Who? Save he who proffereth him- self in his work, as herein doth the author. Dr. N. N. New, the Great Newologist, thinker, student and writer, in his proffer of Newology to the world of Newtianity, the inspiration and culmination of New- ological Science, establishing Newtianity, the New- life of humanity on earth. DAWN OF NEWOLOGY. Before the dawn of NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Newology, the dying cry of the king of literature, the great Goethe, who mourned: "More light. Oh Lord, more light, had dreamings of Newology with light that doth trample on our days: "Oh Thou Newological dawn, Rare is the new-burst of song, Grand is the exultance of thot And never was volume yet writ, But its subtle suggestion is newer. The secret that clasps it is truer; The strain that proceeds it is sweeter, And the meaning outmasters the meter. " NEWTIANITY. Wonderful days these, giving us so much and asking for more, and in response, from the Angel City and the Empire of The New Civilization, comes the voice of Newology, The New-Science of God to Man, proclaiming Newtian- ity, The Newlife of humanity, the spirit of which shall soon reach every city, village and hamlet in every land and clime of this great round world, and touch, as by magic, the consonant chords in the souls of a waiting people, when the beautiful New- tian prophecy of long ago shall be true: " Newology is the fountain spring, Newology the Newlife will bring; Newology all tongues shall sing, Newology in all lands shall ring." PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 7 ORIGINAL THINKER. Twenty thousand years ago, possibly longer, during the Golden Age, before the Fall of man, when all men lived by the Newological Law of Correspondence and held di- rect communion with God, The Newologist sat in the solitude of the mountain, desert, forest and plain, in the profoundest abstraction, endeavoring to think out the Newological problem of human ex- istence. Aristotle, Berkley, Comte, Hegel, Kant, Plato, Socrates and others, adown the centuries have been seeking a solution to the problem of im- mortality in the body. Akin to the ancient seers, isolating himself from the world, seeking silence and solitude, surcease from busy humanity, New- ology has its studious sage, its wanderer thru the field of thot, its searcher for an endless life. And so our Great Newologist, quietly seated in mental abstraction so profound that for years he was uncon- scious of all physical environments, even oblivious to heat and cold, rain and storm, noise and con- fusion, sleep and exercise, hunger and thirst, until at last in the most glorious moment of his life, he dis- covered Newology by which he is now to redeem humanity from all the ills of the past. NEWO AND NEWL The Discovery of New- ology by the founder of Newtianity may be set down as the greatest event of modern times, and com- pletely upsets all the old systems of science, philos- 8 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Love Peace NEWO The Spirit The Mind The Life Made New Perfected Newologized Knowledge Wisdom Truth Health NEWI The Body The Man The I Am Made New Glorified Newtianized Youth Beauty Newologist, The New Soul PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 9 ophy and religion. Thru Newology, the basis of which is the Newo, and the result of which is the Newi, man, the finite, at once finds himself in tune and touch with God, the Infinite, when he may live in perfect ecstatic joy perpetually. NEWOLOGICAL FOUNTAIN. The Newoiog- ical Fountain of human progress and the highest point in all civilization is based upon the sacred principle that Newtianity is a life, and therefore must begin with a new birth, ye must be born anew, and a Newbirth means a Newlife and hence the name, Newology, which inspires the Newlife; there- fore, Newtianity is the spread of The Newlife: " Since neither now nor yesterday began These thots, have been ever, nor yet can A man be found who their entrance knew." AUTHOR AND HIS WORK. It is but natural for persons who read Newology to desire some knowledge of the life of the author, and especially of the long course of intellectual labor by which he contributed so largely to the literary treasures of the world with particular reference to the cause which called forth the production of his pen, Newology. YOUTH AND MANHOOD. The author, a scholar and Newtian gentleman, was born in the Empire of New York. The boy was educated by a governess and private tutor, both of whom were 10 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE cultured and spiritual minded and strove in their work to be worthy of their calling. The author is a fine specimen of Newtian manhood of Quaker birth, tall, erect and distinguished-looking, weighing over two hundred pounds and is well proportioned. He once said in a burst of confidence: "I wanted to pick out the largest task in sight, the larger the better, and so I chose the redemption of man from all ills to which humanity is heir." BLONDE HERCULES. The author belongs in a class by himself. Physically he is a blonde Her- cules, with square, massive shoulders, huge arms and legs, smooth-shaven face, almost boyish in gen- eral aspect. His eyes are a keen gray, overtopped with blonde silken eyebrows. His attire is usually a complete suit of white broadcloth, including frock coat and well-creased trousers. He greets you with a smile. He is opposed to everything that savors of death. He would revise every dictionary and cast from their pages every word symbolical of the end- ing of life. The words ancient, old, dead, dying. fading, sorrow and pain should never be spoken, and to the mouths of Newologists, such utterances are tabooed. Talk of prolonging life. Think of living forever. Believe that you will exist perpetu- ally. Get ready to live forever. HIS OWN WORKS. The true poem is the poet's mind, the finest poetry is the poet's experi- PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 11 ence, and every man is the son of his own works. Thus Newology is the mind, the experience and in- spiration of the poet in prose, the Great Newologist, declaring: "Every man's imagination hath its friends, its ideals and pleasant would life be with such com- panions even as the poet exclaims: "My life is the poem I would have writ, And I would both live and utter it." WORD OF NEWOLOGY. The word Newology made a lasting impression upon the author's mind, and its daily beauty he cherished in his own life. He sought more light and found Newlife, new light for the soul's life. Newology grew upon him until he longed to give it to the world in a beautiful and more enduring form, which led to the preparation and delivery of a Lecture on Newology, when a young man yet in his teens, which was pronounced by the critics as the ablest effort upon the opportu- nity and destiny of man, and his response: "If I have done well, it were that:" "The mind is not finely touched Until the fine issues are blessed." WORD PICTURE. The author later spent many years in advanced study, travel and research; when a youth his attention was attracted by a word pic- ture of Newology in the scripture of old: 12 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE "And he showed me Newology, A pure river of water of life, Clear as crystal proceeding Out of the Throne of God; And in the midst of the street And on either side of the river Was there the tree of Life, Which bear twelve manner of fruit And yielded her fruit every month; And the leaves of the tree were For the healing of the nations. " SON OF AN AUTHOR. Newology is the out- growth of The Newlife Science written by the au- thor's father, the Rev. J. F. New, and later given to the world by the son, Dr. N. N. New, in his father's name at his personal request. This book had a phe- nomenal circulation, having gone in large numbers to every country on the globe and the isles of the sea, and thus paved the way for the introduction of Newology thruout the world. TRUE WORK. Newology commends the au- thor for, there is one case wherein a man may com- mend himself with good grace; and this is the com- mending virtue of another, especially if it be such virtue whereunto himself pretendeth: "How near to God is what is new Which we no sooner see; PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 13 When the new words outward true Our Newtian senses be." LEADERSHIP. When a man whose ability as an author is only exceeded by his authority and power as a discoverer, and his fame and reputation as a leader and lecturer, selects the most sublime subject of which the human mind can conceive, Newology, and gives it his best efforts we may readily expect, as a result, an important contribu- tion to the world's best literature, for Newology is Newlife upon which gift humanity may live: "Not what we give but what we share, For the gift without the giver is bare, Who gives himself, his alms feed three, Himself, his hungering neighbor and me." IMMORTALITY IN BODY. Newology! what a theme for inspiration, for study and research, for the imagination and pen of the author. Samuel Johnson said: "The chief glory of any people arise from its authors ; honor to the men who bring honor to us; glory to the country, dignity to character, re- lease from vacuity, wings to thot, knowledge to things, precision to principles, sweetness to feeling, happiness to fireside and talent and power to hu- manity: "Gracious Author: flattered by the world, The new world, which knew talents rare." 14 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE NEWOLOGY ENDURING. A friend, writing to the author, said: "When Newology is placed on sale, you will be rewarded for your work. If its sales are equal to its merits and value to humanity, it will require millions of copies to supply the de- mand; it should be in every home in the land. Every volume will endure and profit a great people like unto itself; could they speak they would tell of the intellect, the tact, the labor, the patience, the midnight oil and the sleepless nights they have cost; and, last, but not least, of the pure and noble man- hood of the author. And even so far our letters are ourselves: "And back of the gift stands the giving, For the deed is outdone by the doing, None but an author knows his cares Or feels the weight he bears. " WINNING HONOR. The winning of honor is but the revealing of man's virtue and work without disadvantage, and all honor, the author has won in authorship, revealing his worth in his work, Newol- ogy, the life-work of a Newi from adolescence to golden prime, and thus the temple of character has been building a structure fair: " Still thru our paltry stir and strife, Glows down our wished-for Ideal, And longing moulds in clay with life Newology carves the marble Real." PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY IS PRACTICAL IDEALS. Newology, elaborated by the author, embodies his thot, his study, his medi- tation, his inspiration, his ideals for a Newologist is he, yet practical, perforce, and a dreamer, of course, else there was no point in being practical, for it is only by ideals that things are put upon the market of realities, a practical idealist, that his dreams may come true, and altho his work has sur- passed his fondest hopes, we hear him say: "Oh Thou Newology, The Newlife in thee is found; Let Newology be man's chief glory, And truth and wisdom shall abound. Newology, so pure and holy, Chief est of man's earthly store, Come and claim it as thy own And thou shalt happy be evermore. " NEWOLOGY INSPIRING. Newology is the gift of inspired prophecy. No library is complete with- out Newology. There is a rude strength and even- ness in the book which is unusual; every volume is good. There is vigor and virility in the book, charg- ing like a storm thru its pages. The author has a strong command of expression, the action is always rapid and the portrayal of character vivid, real and intensely human, all of which make the author the greatest idealist today and the most complete indi- 16 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE vidualist the world has ever known, which insures him a permanent place in the hearts of the people. STAGE OF NEWOLOGY. It hath been said: "Books will speak plain when counsellors blanch, therefore, it is good to be conversant with them, es- pecially those who have been actors upon the stage of Newology." It hath been said: "Thank God for good books, inspiring books. If I worship anything on earth, it is a good book." Newology is a good book, an inspiring book, a Newtian book worthy of a place in every home and office. It is : "The Mightiest of the mighty means, On which the arms of Progress leans. " GREATEST REFORMER. Newology is full of wealth, wisdom and worth, of the greatest reformer of the age, touching every department of knowledge, tersely told, in the author's own inimitable style, making Newology a name to conjure with in the world of letters: "Mind is the man, I claim the whole desert, The mind's vigor, to the immortal part." NEW CIVILIZATION. In the inspiration and development of Newology, the author gleaned from great sources, reading from the words of those "who have lived," consulting more than a thousand of the world's greatest authors and writers who have writ- ten well upon Newological subjects which would PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 17 round out man's life and prepare him to enter the new heaven and the new earth, here and now. The author has laid the foundation upon which to build The New Civilization, giving in Newological epit- ome, the written Word of Newology, which must ever remain the highest conception of sublime truth: "Of all the acts in which the wise excel, Nature's chief masterpiece is writing well.' 1 CLASSICAL QUOTATION Classical quota- tion is the parole of literary men all over the world. And altho in an era which would recognize no mas- ters, when writers strive so keenly to be original, when quotations may have decayed as an art, the author takes pleasure in quoting, for as skipping is a fine art in reading, so writing or speaking without quotation, among scholars, even at this age of the world's history, is a vain thing. And after all: "A thot tho oft expressed Is his who says it best." LORD OF LITERATURE. The author, tho given to the vanity of writing without the aid of quo- tations, a word or an idea, it is but the obeisance of a gentleman of the intellect to the lords of literature: 11 Lords of learning who upraised mankind, From being silent brutes to singing men." FLOWERS OF TRUTH. Charmingly has he culled the flowers of truth because it filleth the New- 18 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE ologist ; carefully he has collaborated and should the captious critics cavil and call him a plagiarist, col- laborator of words and thots extant, an aeon of time, the author, with the sweet salt of his humor unfail- ing, might rise to the occasion with the reflection that even so was Childe Harold in the pocket dic- tionary until the poet's genius found its words and put them into rhyme, yet it is more easy to be crit- ical than correct: " Authors are partial to their wit, 'tis true, But are not critics to their judgment, too?" GREAT MEN. Great authors, like great men, are distinguished more for their range and extent of knowledge and wisdom than by their originality! yet valuable originality does not consist in unlike- ness to other men. The highest object of the critic is not to censure, but to disengage excellencies: "And you my critics, in the checkered shade, Admire new light thru the hole you made." FAILURE OF CRITICS. Great Newo genius and Newi power, one would say, consists not in be- ing original, but in being receptive. But again the critics. You know who the critics are! They are the men who have failed : Newology is here ; to scoff at it is futile; to ignore it is folly; it is significant and should be studied and understood; it did not come to destroy the old systems, but to establish a PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 19 new one to meet the present needs of society, state and nation. "Dear Auditors we might as soon Seek roses in December, ice in June, Constancy in wind, or corn in chaff, Or any other thing that's false, Before you trust in critics. " IMMORTALLY NEW. Newology is both old and new, yet it is as true as new and as old as Time. It is the great Principle of Truth from God to Man running thru all Science, Scripture, Philosophy and Religion, and hence the author has written what has never been said before: "To serve thy generation, this thy mind; Written in water swiftly fades thy name; But he who loves human kind, Does a work too good for fame." NEWOLOGIZED INTELLIGENCE. The au- thor, with the prerogative of the scholar, has New- ologized the moving intelligence that has moved the world, drawing from the life of the peers of Time and Thot, Newtians in every rank of life seek- ing the Newo and the Newi; from the prince to the peasant, amid writers he has consulted ; from the cul- tured idealist to the stern realist, from the editor, philosopher and dreamer to the unlettered muse, for views concerning Newology. And brilliant are 20 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE the author's pages with intellectual jewels, sparkling as new truths and fine, while flowers of thot and poetry are everywhere to poetize the prose of New- ology. The author has opened the world's treasury of talent and given munificently to his fellowmen: "All the chosen coin of fancy Flashing out from many a world; All the charm of all the muses, Often flowering in a single word." BROKEN THRU BOUNDS. Newology recog- nizes the Scripture, but has broken the old theology bounds, interpreting the old systems, however, in the most spiritual and intellectual style. The author has given humanity a book that meets all needs and is fast making an impression upon the whole world. Newology is the greatest discovery since the days of the Nazarene and the greatest epoch-making book of the last ten thousand years: What will science do with it? What will philosophy do with it? What will religion do with it? What will the church do with it? Yea! What will you do with it? MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Newology em- braces a great system of drugless medicine and bloodless surgery which has for its object the heal- ing and health of the body as well as the mind and PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 21 prosperity of the soul. It hath been said: "Be- loved, I wish, above all things, that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prosper- eth." Therefore, Newology gives all who wish to study for the ministry two courses, namely: 1 . The Newological Course in Drugless Medicine and Bloodless Surgery; and 2. The Newological Course for the Training of Teachers and Ministers for the Newological Profes- sion and Promulgation of Newology. 3. The first course is a great system of science, philosophy and religion, and 4. The second is a great system of drugless healing and bloodless surgery that must soon be- come known in all lands, and while this knowledge is being disseminated, the subject should certainly receive the attention of our people at home where its triumphs have been so marked. DRUGS A FAILURE. Do the professional and layman ever stop to think that drugs are a failure: 1. If drugs cure or prevent disease, the drug doctor would no longer grow old, decrepit, dis- eased and die. 2. If drugs and tonics cure or prevent scalp troubles, the druggists and barbers would all have a great head of hair; and 3. Drugs are foreign to the human system, and, therefore, should never be used for any purpose. 22 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE SCRIPTURE AUTHORITY. Thruout Newol- ogy the author has made reference to the Scripture as authority and source of illustration, thus render- ing more impressive the thot to be conveyed, and like unto his Elder Brother, Jesus, quotes the New- ological truth freely from both the Old and the New Testament, the Newology of which is the ever renew- ing flower of antiquity that runs thru all Bibles and all truth wherever found: "For out of old fields, as men saith, Cometh all new- corn from year to year, And out of old books, in good faith, Cometh the new science that men yearn. " NEWOLOGY HYPOTHESIS. It is a Newolog- ical truth perpetually illustrated, that accumulated facts lying in disorder begin to assume order when an hypothesis be thrown among them. One hun- dred books have been written and therein the au- thor seems to have remembered, Quotations are of two kinds: 1. Those to be acknowledged, 2. Those to be adroitly hidden, 3. Extensive quoting of names, especially in the poetical quotations, should be omitted: "For poems read without a name, We justly praise or justly blame; And critics have no partial views PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 23 Except they know whom they abuse. And since you provoke not their spite, Depend upon it their judgment might/' PERPETUAL HEALTH. The author has fa- vored us with here and there an original verse or couplet, with a beautiful paraphrase or short extract from memory or in his own language. And here within the covers of One Great Book is contained a liberal education, to say nothing of its spiritual im- port, which when understood will bestow perpetual health, youth and beauty upon the races. Newology is none other than man's normal life as he shall some day know and live it: " Things we long for, that we are For one transcendent moment/' PRACTICAL EDUCATION. Newology is a profound book, a wonderful book, a startling book, a marvelous book, with graphic word pictures of the Newlife of health, happiness, prosperity, longevity, immortality, eternal youth and beauty, yet it is a pathetic book, for it shows how small, how incap- able, how insignificant is the greatest mind without a knowledge of Newology. Its real value to the thinker, orator, preacher, teacher, writer, and hu- manity at large cannot be told until it has redeemed mankind and the final roll is called in The New Civ- ilization. A conscientious, faithful study of New- 24 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE ology will give anyone the essentials of a scientific, philosophic, religious and practical business educa- tion, even tho he cannot devote but a few moments a day to its interpretation. INBORN OF GOD. Newology, like unto time, space, matter, thot and infinity, never had a begin- ning and can never have an end. It began with God, which was in the beginning, always was and ever will be; therefore, Newology holds the truth and defines it well. The multiplicity of Newological Science, Scripture, Philosophy and Religion has be- come so great that everything must be reduced to extracts, yet withal, the reader cannot fail to see that Newology is inspired, the inborn life of God: "Give what thou hast, without thee we are poor, And with thee rich, take what thou wilt away." NEWTIAN BEING. Readers may be classed into an infinite number of divisions; but an author is a Newtian being who for the same reason that he Newologizes, one must consequently Newtianize another, and therefore, Newology, when under- stood, pleases all and saves all. SCRIBE OF NEWOLOGY. The author of New- ology is but a scribe, or translator of truth, amid his radiant ideas, graced with all the charm of words, is found a simple statement of the author; written with prophetic pen. It is: "The past is written history, PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 25 the present is unwritten, which will become the his- tory of the future; the future will be what the un- written history of the present makes it. The past was the present in the time of our forefathers; the present will be the past to The New Civilization of the world: "God who crowns the dying ages, Bids us serve the great Today. M BOOK IS THE MAN. The only reality is New- ology. Ah! Thot, the labor of the brain, Newology, the triumph of the soul. Both thinker and Newolo- gist do we find in the author of Newology and founder of Newtianity. He has met many of the great ones of earth and still the whole world is call- ing to him so insistently that he feels he must obey. "And there is no gift like grace of mind, No graciousness like that of hearts kind." SPEAKS WITH AUTHORITY. Again, ideal thot is immortal Newology, the rose of joy, and joyously has the author written. Tho the tears of the author do not always signify grief, yet sincerely our author has spoken with voice from the heart, it will contrive to reach other hearts; all arts and au- thorcraft are of small amount to that. Yes, "Speak to the heart and man becomes suddenly virtuous:" Newology is written and shall remain, Nor be erased, nor written o'er again; 26 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE The Newological word belongs to thee, Take heed and ponder when it shall be. LOOK AND WRITE. Newology is the Science of Meditation. Once when as a Newtian considering his life-work, altho with means and leisure, the twin opportunity of man, there came to the author a voice saying: "Look into thine heart and write, Yes, into Life's deep stream; All forms of sorrow and delight All solemn voices of the night That soothe thee or affright, Be these henceforth thy theme. " BECAME FAMOUS. The author has recently become famous, because of his discovery of Newol- ogy and the oneness of all science, scripture, philos- ophy and religions of the world ; his ideal is a height that is majestic; his is a breadth that is inspiring; his is a strength that is rugged; his is a presence that is imposing; his is a mien that is prophetic; his is a figure that is heroic ; his is the best in our national life; his authorship is a memorial as imposing as his personality and work; his influence has passed be- yond our own boundaries and his discovery is now of world importance: "And so he who runs may read, And better still, sow the seed. PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 27 Whatever in Nature is thine own, Floating in air or pent in stone, Shall cross the continent and sea, And like thy shadow follow thee." PUBLIC SANCTION. Newology should be adopted as a textbook for use by students in schools, colleges and universities of every grade. If adopted by national governments as the international text- book on life, health, happiness, prosperity and lon- gevity, it would do more to destroy sin, crime, pov- erty, war, disease and death in all lands and climes than all the books of the last thousand years: "This above all, to thine own self be true, And it must follow as the night the day, Thou canst not be false to the new For old was new and new is true for aye." INSPIRING MESSAGE. Newology is the most inspiring message of the ages. It hath been said: "And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire." This is Newology: There are depths of love we cannot know, Till the Fountain of Newology we see, There are heights of joy we cannot reach, Till we meet in the Fountain of Newology. 28 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE OPEN BOOK. "And he had in his hand a little book open; and he set his right foot upon the earth and said, 'Go and take the little book. Take it and eat it up; and it shall make thy mind bitter, but it shall be in thy soul sweet as honey.' ' Take Newol- ogy, study it, ponder it, obey its teachings and it will indeed be sweet to thy taste and heal thee, but murmur not if you find its digestion bitter, for it will heal you of all ills to which thou art heir, with a cure that removes the cause: When a great thot strikes upon the brain And glows the cheek, it removes the pain. INCEPTION OF NEWOLOGY. The inception of Ne wo logy reaches so far back into the past as al- most to be lost in obscurity. Men of all time seem to have possessed an inherent prescience and pre- monition of Newological immortality, eternal youth and beauty. Men reaching higher, groping blindly in spiritual gloom have clasped "God's right hand in the darkness" to receive "more light and inspira- tion" until Newology has given an everlasting in- sight for all future generations; thus a legacy, as it were, from a spiritual Lord we have received : "Thru all time one increasing purpose runs Thots of men widen with the progress of suns." NEWOLOGY INCLUSIVE. Newology is all in- clusive. It embraces everything from the thot that PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 29 floats in yonder sunbeam to the activities of the uni- verse of God. Newology is the immortal life, pure and high, yet to be reached by souls not high, even as all life is but another name for spiritual evolution, so it is with the Newtian. O, how many have wit- nessed suffering souls, care-worn and earth-drawn, suddenly receive inspiration and strength thru a visi- tation of the spirit breathed by Newology. Thru its words the Power and the Spirit are felt and then follows "the peace that passeth all understanding." NEWOLOGICAL M I N D. The Newological mind has its own method and every great soul its own motive, and with intelligence complete, with purpose made clear to raise the standard of life and living thru spiritual culture, the author commands his auditors: Newology is the inspiration of the whole, To try man's strength and educe the soul. GOSPEL OF NEWOLOGY. Newology is the gift of God by which we may live scientifically and thereby grow in love, power, strength and knowl- edge of the truth that makes men free, so that ac- cording to your needs it is done unto you. NEWTIAN PHILOSOPHY. The Newtian Phil- osophy is offered to all those who find their creeds weighed in the balance and found wanting. The Newologist makes it a rule of life to help his 30 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE brother, man, find God and thus satisfy the long- ings of the immortal soul. What a beautiful thot: What a sublime ideal ! What a magnificent concep- tion of righteousness. THE NEW BIBLE. The Newological day has come. We can hear, its peaceful march in the East and the West, the North and the South of every land, where it is uniting humanity to God with links of gold set with diamonds of Newology. It teaches the clarity of thot, sanity of purpose, purity of living, law and justice to all: " Within this blessed volume lies The mystery of all mysteries, And happiest he of human race, To whom the Lord has given grace, To read, to love, to hope, to pray, To lift the latch and force the way." MAN DIVINE. Newology teaches that Jesus, our Elder Brother was divine, and so are all men divine, but many fail to express the divinity of which they are a part. Newology is an inspiration for the elevation of humanity to an immortal sphere of divine existence. It is replete with practical knowledge, education, culture and ethics. It is a book of science, scripture, philosophy and religion, the living flower of thot, new and old: PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 31 "Then to side with truth is noble, When we share her wretched crust, Ere the cause bring fame and profit And 'tis prosperous to be just. Then it is the brave man chooses While the coward stands aside, Till the multitude makes virtue, Of the faith they had denied. " DIVINE GUIDANCE. Newology has instruc- tion and guidance for readers of all ages, from the child just lisping its first lesson to the college grad- uate; from the man of letters who "tossed books in his childhood" to the unlettered and uneducated; from the spiritually minded and intellectually high bred to the unconcerned and dull; for the gentle and the fair, from maid to matron, there are fine thots and Truths. And to those of the Newtian, there is length of vision, a broader horizon upon which the soul's intellectual eye may dwell. Without reserva- tion the author has written advocating the supe- riority of the mental, spiritual and bodily life, and oh who would lose: "Tho full of pain, this intellectual being, These thots that wander thru all eternity. " SURVIVES YEARS. The living voice teaches but Newology survives the years. The author in the course of a full life, living near to humanity's heart 32 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE and feeling the pulse of the people has developed a genius of approach to the hearts and minds of men thru words, hence he has a care of his words, whether written to remain for the eye to rest upon or spoken and let fall to flower in the soul, himself heeding, as thy words are, thy affections shall be esteemed; and as thy deeds and thy affections, thy life shall be: "The work wherewith the gold is wrought, Adds yet a richness to the gold; Who lacks the art to shape his thots, I hold Were little poorer if he lacked the thot. The statue's slumber were unbroken still; In the dull marble, had the hand no skill? Disparage not the magic touch that gives The formless thot whereby it lives. " PRINTED PAGE. Newology, epitomizing the Newlif e, often has its beginning in the inspiration of the printed page, or under the sound of the human voice; hence, again the author's responsibility in sending forth Newology, giving therein the Newlife of the future, tersely telling How to live it, and showing that the old order changeth, yielding place to the new: Give man the new and true, And he will surely live it thru. PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 33 PSYCHOLOGICAL MOMENT. The author re- membering Emerson's advice "to wait until your book is an hundred or at any rate twenty-five years old" has heeded the admonition, believing himself that it were well for an author to withhold his best efforts until there shall come a demand for it, his words being: "Give me peace and patience to see, Knowing my own shall come to me." PUBLIC DEMAND. The author has withheld his work from the public until hearing a cry from the heart of the world, for Newtianity, the Newlife on earth, as embodied in Newology; however, it is with no small degree of hesitancy, even tho he has been inspired with a new vision and a new book, that the author has consented to meet the generous pub- lic demand for the publication of Newology, but it is believed that now is the psychological moment for his message to go to mankind, in part which is : 1. Newology cannot be improved, but 2. Men's views and estimate and comprehension and understanding of Newology may be indefinitely improved; therefore, Make Newology circle with the winds, But herald all reverence before her. THOT IS THE MAN. Newology is the author's sole literary production and he may well rest his 34 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE reputation upon this great work of just One Hun- dred Volumes, and inasmuch as he has demon- strated that The Thot is the man, the book is but the record of the author: There is a tongue in every thot that woos, Which woos man to be wise, and not in vain. BOOK OF THE HOUR. We are admonished to Beware of the reader who has mastered but one book! Even so if you have only a few books let one book be Newology complete and respect the writer who has written but one book. And reverence the Newologist who keeps faith with his ideal, is true to a principle, science of the conscience, "as it were." Then read with care the One Book by the Great Newologist, ranking the author amid the first in a strenuous era of authorship when the writing of books is without end. More than masterpiece of wood-painting all fragrant with flowers of the pen, embodying The Newology of Newtianity: Words of Newology spoken Thrill the passing hour; Written, they inspire the ages. AUTHOR WITH VISION. I know not what gave birth to the drama of the ideal in his soul, but his vision of Newology came from his love of God. He is an author with a mission, his object being to uplift his fellowmen prefaced with the plea that if he PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 35 as a Newtian in speculative belief should fall beneath the challenge of life, as do other men, he will arise with renewed strength for further battle. Newology is a tender message and transcendental to the toiler and the thinker in substance saying, believe as thou livest every sound which is spoken over the round world that thou oughtest to learn, will vibrate on thine ear. Every proverb, every book, every word, that belongs to thee shall return thru open, winding passages: "The meekest flower that blows can give, Thots that often lie too deep for tears. " NEWOLOGY OF LOVE. The Newology which cometh from thy great and tender heart shall lock thee in fond embrace, because the heart in thee is heart of all. Then let every man learn the revela- tion of Newology, The New Science of God to man which teaches: 1. That Newology is life, love and truth, 2. That the highest dwells within man, 3. That the source of nature is in God, 4. That man is love if duty be there, 5. That man lives, moves and exists in God, 6. That in God a thousand years is as a day, 7. That a day is as a thousand years to man. HOUSEHOLD WORD. Newology is fast be- coming a household word. The author is the great- 36 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE est idealist alive today ; his creations storm his pages ; he believes that all he is and earns belongs to God and freely gives it to the cause of humanity; to him every man is his brother and every woman his sister. His method combines the exactness of the scientists, the reason of the philosopher and the meditation of the religionist with the dream of the poet and the vision of the prophet; his books are beautiful and in elegant English, his advanced ideals as shown in these books and so convincingly presented are at once novel and instructive, and always hold the at- tention of the reader; his books are not made from other men's ideas, but like all original thinkers his thots, coming from events along the pathway of an inspirational life, are all his own; Newology will transform the lives of millions of men and women and put billions to thinking: "The Real drinks music from ideal thot, And earth but avenues the gate to G-od." NEWOLOGY ANIMATES. Newology shows that the unity of the Newo and Newi of man is not an organ, but a soul that animates and exercises all the organs; is not a function like the power of mem- ory of calculation, of comparison, but uses these as hands and feet; is not a mere faculty, but a light; is not the intellect or the will, is the vast background of our being, in which we live, an immensity not pos- PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 37 sessed and cannot be possessed. Then great is the Newo, the Newi. It is no flatterer, it is no follower; it never appeals from itself, but always believes in God. Newology looketh steadily forward, creating a world always before, and leaving a world always behind. It has no dates, nor rites, nor persons, nor specialties, nor men. BEAUTY IS IMMENSE. Newology knows only the Newologist, the new soul, the complete man. All else is idle thots and words. Thus, to learn New- ology, and revere it, as the ancients said, "its beauty is immense," man will come to see that Newology is the perennial miracle which the Newo thru the Newi worketh a new soul: " There is no great and no small, To the Soul that knoweth all." CALLING OF LETTERS. The invention of a specific thot gave birth to language. Cadmus, the Phoenician, invented an arbitrary mark for a spe- cific vocal sound, and thus the alphabet consisting of twenty-six letters was invented. Then the twenty- six letters and ten punctuation marks and pauses be- came the material equipment whereby the word of Newology might give a new language of love by which man can talk with God. CALLING OF NEWOLOGY. In the literary land-marks of the world none will shine brighter 38 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE than Newology. Science has done many things for the elevation of humanity, but it has never done more than when it gave Newology to humanity. It will mark a distinct epoch in all science, scripture, philosophy, religion and literature. And here is an added joy and consolation to know that the Calling of Newology adds length of years, thus giving one an opportunity to write his name high upon the Scroll of Fame as well as in the hearts and sentiments of his people. Again, when Newo bespeaks Newi, then the soul understands! Dutifully the author has spoken and written according to the Newological conception of truth, coming to earth with the part- ing command to brighten the world with his gifts and talents, which he would do with words and works, "rejoicing with those who rejoice," and teaching those who weep to laugh, for, Nature has been good in her gifts to him, and the fair Goddess Fortune has smiled upon him: "Give to the world the best you have, And the best will come back to you; So let this truth in thee ascend, And live Newology to the end." GIFT OF GIVER. Appreciating that where much is given much will be required, that the gift without the giver is bare, the author has given gen- erously, his time, his talent, his study, his lectures, his wealth, withal himself, the grand in soul, and PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 39 perennial miracle which the soul worketh." New- ology serves for delight, for ornament, and for abil- ity. Newology maketh a full man, a ready man; an exact man: nay, there is no state nor sphere it cannot reach. POWER TO DO. The power to do good is the lawful end of aspiring, and good thots toward men, are little better than good dreams, unless they be put into practice; and that cannot be without power and place as the vantage ground of time and tide; thus he has proffered Newology in his works: "Man is his own star, and the soul that can Render an honest and perfect man, Commands all light, all influence, all fate, Nothing to him fails too early or too late. Our acts our angels are, for good or ill, Our fatal shadows walk beside us still. " STUDY OF DIVINITY The study of divine in- spiration, spiritual and material, withal the study of God, have wrought Newology, which contains the most scientific and practical thot of the hour, being a finished product of the newness of all life. New- ology is not the light effort of the leisure moment, of the dilettante aspiring to the aristocracy of intellect, or for ephemeral fame. Nor is it the work of the world-be man of letters who would enter the em- pire of letters thru vain glory. 40 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE LOGICAL IMPRINT. The works of the author bear the logical imprint of the scholar, one for whom studies have served for ability as well as for delight and ornament, for deep to a scholar's scope hi the lore of books and of life is the author. And if genius be, as has been defined, the infinite capacity for tak- ing pains, then the author's genius, commends him thruout, for glowing it is, never touching a dull topic but to illumine it, rendering insignificant things sig- nificant, science of the universe, treading the winding way of life, always seeing God's smile: "In every star's august serenity, And rapture of the flaming rose." ETERNALLY NEW. Newology is eternally new and the answer to all the ages, yet as old and tried as Time. A great theme and immortal, approached and touched upon by master minds since men began to think and desire and doubt, but still to believe in immortality in the body. "Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire, this yearning after im- mortality?" APPEAL TO HUMANITY. Each book com- mends the author's genius in his appeal to humanity; what we call genius as distinguished from talent or learning or accomplishment, is really the power of strong appeal to the masses of mankind. Men vary, a sage said, according to the swiftness of their re- PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 41 sponse to the Infinite. Newology bespeaks the au- thor's power and persuasion, a gentleman of char- acter and culture, of erudition, a reader of thot and of people, withal educated in the university of life and read from the copious volume of mankind; while a philosopher altho not the closet-bred, but of men and affairs in the world and of the world : " Whose prose is truth by wisdom taught The graceful vehicle of virtuous thot." THOTS ARE THINGS. Thots are things, king- doms without enclosures, for the muse must make free. Anterior to thot is the idea, and then action prompted by talent bright. And so the spirit of Newology should enter into state and national legis- lation, the prison reform, the business world and in- ternational life. ART OF THINKING. Newology is the compli- ment of economical science, and the art of thinking and living well, upon a high plane, for the individ- ual, the family, the state, and nations. It is fine ethics and true handmaid to divinity and religion. And the student of Newology who reads the books, will acquire much inspiration. The man who, after reading these volumes, cannot become enthusiastic over Newology, has no poetry in his soul, and the little hope of turning a new leaf, for they come as near being a word picture of immortality as we shall find on these shores. 42 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE NEW AND TRUE. To take up an ideal new and true and evolve a great science therefrom which has to do with the life and destiny of mankind, were the work of genius, and its two gifts, the thot and the utterance for, ever was the "pen mightier than the sword" purveyor of the literary, powerful weapon of the soul: ' 'Newtian of thot, the world holds him dear, Bless him, crown him, speed his career. " OLD AND YOUNG. Newology ranks as a worthy companion to the Old and the New Testa- ment. The author has written well for the old and the young. The author says: "I would write for young people, and for those who never mean to grow old, who wish for plentiful life; Newlife that shall not only be rich and joyous but true, pure, hon- orable, noble and reverent. I would show what such life is, here and now. I would teach life, love, health, happiness, prosperity longevity, immor- tality, eternal youth and beauty of man." ENRICH HUMANITY. Newology is well ap- pointed to be read by all people as a book on life. The habitues of home as well as the frequenters of the drawing room might find their mind "disturbed, delighted, raised, refined," by selections from New- ology, its author ranking among the authors of the ages. A beautiful gift book it is and the most ap- PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 43 propriate gift of life. Whoever encourages a large reading of Newology has done much to ennoble and enrich the human race: "The greatest gift the hero gives his race, Is to have been a Newtian hero of peace. " PULPIT THEME. Newology is the result of an extended investigation, being a new series of books upon a subject old, yet new and concerning which the author has well defined and original views, every volume being complete, pertinent and pointed, as well as scholarly and searching. One of the most startling achievements of Newology is the author's definition of The New God. His views of The New Christ are comprehensible and forcibly presented. His interpretation of Newology and Newtianity, thruout are broad, reverent and inspiring. This is typical of his entire series all of which are imbued with the true spirit of Newology and the world's ideal at his highest and best. IMMENSE MOMENT. Newology is of immense moment to all and particularly to the student of biology, theology, psychology, and all interested in the present and future state. Newology, now a pul- pit theme of moment, is to be touched with trench- ant pen by sacred and profane writers alike, as the time demands, according to the evolution of New- ological truth and action. 44 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE NEWOLOGICAL TRUTH. Praise is the reflec- tion of the Newi, but it is the Newo which giveth the reflection. And praise we must, since we admire the author as a creator possessing Newological truth, spiritual power; largeness of mind; gentleness of wisdom; epigrammatic strength; delightful diction, never separated from thot; poetic flavor of mas- terly prose; and with all his Newtian art of combin- ing enlargement and entertainment for Newological gifts, has he, rendering him the Newologist com- mended by James Russel Lowell: "The utterance of the true orator must not merely nestle in the ear by virtue of their music, but in the heart and life by virtue of their meaning." TRANSCENDENTAL ESSENCE. The author is the creator and embodiment of Newology so tran- scendental in essence and power that the world will stand amazed at the wonderful simplicity of his con- ception of truth in the light of Newology and will prove "the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." "Time the old god, invests all things With honor, and makes them white." NEWTIAN IDEAL. How often Newology has been as an arrow of conviction to the hearts of the careless and unconcerned, going straight home to the soul, proving "like apples of gold in pictures of PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 45 silver." The author's variety and versatility, his education and erudition, elegant with charm of man- ner in delivery, rendering him the Newtian ideal on the Newological theme, unique and incomparable, in the great problems of life. All should read New- ology. May there be no waiting, the longer the pity: "Awake, begin, no fear, let joy thy work endow; Nowhere so good as here, no time so good as now." DAUGHTERS OF EARTH. The author is not so lost in language as to forget that "words are the daughters of earth and that deeds are the sons of heaven, while it hurteth not the tongue to give fair words" concerning him "whose deeds some nobler poems should adorn." And even as inward grace is outward beauty, so the man behind the book is more a hero then the man behind the gun, then what con- cerning the hero herewith: "How near to God is what is good, New words gladden so many a heart. " NEW PHILOSOPHER. The great Newologist, in personal as well as mental gifts being highly fa- vored, and fortune's favorite for fair and debonair is he, inheriting that Newtian type of manhood so dis- tinguished in American history: "So every life, as it is most pure, And hath the Newological light; So in the fairer body doth procure 46 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE To habit in, and more fairly light, With cheerful grace and amiable sight, For, of the mind, the body form doth take, For mind is form, and doth the body make." WORKMAN OF WORDS. Newology makes the author the greatest workman in words in the English language, and establishes for all time the sovereignty of Newology and the sovereignty of God. It teaches success in life and makes salvation an essence of true peace and love. NEWTIAN HERO. The Newtian Hero would be his own ancestor, first as Newological thinker and philosopher, pioneer in the deep mines of truth de- clining the favor of fortune and of ancestry while superior to society with its twin consorts, wealth and leisure, turning from an ignoble world as the in- herently noble nature will turn, returning to its own nobility because it must. And thus the man of whom we write, convert to The New Civilization, with his message to the oncoming new humanity, "man my brother, man my workers: " Life's not resting, but moving, Let our lives be deed on deed/' WORLD OF THOT. In a world of thot, doubt is cheap, but Newology the intellectual thing, so in an era of action perfunctoriness is cheap and action is the noble thing; and even so today the man who PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 47 does the small things excellently, "is the worshipful man." Thus, the author is an instructor of man in: First: The nature of life, Second: The method of life, and Third: The object of thot and life. NEWTIAN FAITH. The author has a purpose strong to implant true principles and fine, for as the nurse leaves her heart's love in the body of the in- fant, so does the author leave his precepts and his principles in the soul of his people. And what say those eager-hearted who have sat in his inner court and received from him; whose souls have flowered under his tutelage? They proclaim their preceptor both a scholar and a saint! a scholar of gentle birth, a saint of the Newtian faith: Voice his science, true as gold, Help it onward, loud the story tell. Welcome to thee, Newtian household, The Newologist doeth all things well. NEWTIAN POWERS. The author, never a dreamer, or mere man of leisure, devoted his first years mainly to study, travel and reading, thot and intellectual pleasure. Once a poet in prose was he, to whom the world, landscape, life and love, furnish tender themes for material expression. Now looking out upon life is he with the Newology of rare souls, which means making the most of destiny, of good 48 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE gifts, while writing, lecturing, working, finding in his work the joy that man gets from the strenuous use of Newtian powers, the realization of himself: He thot not to win life from strife apart, The right of God to claim him from the start. He thot not to succeed thru paths of ease Tho he could rest in morn and then appease! LIFE WORK. The author realized that "a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth," and chose Newology for his life-work, because he believes Newology the most valuable of all work, enabling man to get and give the Newlife and make plain and pleasant the way to immortality. And "blessed is he who has found his work, let him ask no other blessedness:" A boy to each duty so faithful and true, A man in life's work, a Newologist too, Kept ever to purposes, honest and pure, His motto, Newology must ever endure, Honor untarnished and record unstained: The faith of the people he worthily gained; For everyone knew he was noble and true, That his good name was destined to fame, This was his watchword, lofty and true, Serve others as you wish others serve you. OLD THEORIES. The religion and custom of the parseeists, theologists and others have come and PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 49 filled their missions in a time when something was much needed, and now, Newology has come in a time like this as the conscious and permanent unifier and successor of them all, the utopia of science, phil- osophy and religion, the consummation and crown- ing plan of the ages. CONSCIOUS STONE. The inception of New- ology, the object of which is the elevation of hu- manity to a higher sphere of life, health and im- mortality, is due to the insight, personal power, and attractive eloquence of the author; its rapid growth to wide dimensions is now clear evidence that it is meeting a deep and widespread need among all peoples. He is an author who dreams of the days to come, and sees visions of the things that are to be: "An author, himself he would not be, Himself from God he could not free; He builded better than he knew, The conscious stone to beauty grew." PARTAKER OF NEWOLOGY. Newology em- braces all good. It is the stateliest view of God's science to man, for if man be partaker of Newology he shall be partaker of God's glory and likewise, if man be partaker of Newology and glory, he shall also be partaker of God's rest and peace in the Newo, the Newmind, the Newi, the Newbody, the Newologist, the New-Soul, here and now. 50 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Therefore, if man be partaker of God's divinity and infinity, wisdom and intelligence, he shall also be partaker of Newology, and forever enjoy God's truth and love, health and wealth, happiness and prosperity, longevity and immortality, eternal youth and beauty in the new heaven and the new earth. GATEWAY TO HEAVEN. In the words of Cicero, "Newology is the food of youth, the delight of all age; the ornament of prosperity, the refuge and comfort of adversity; a delight at home, and no hinderance abroad and companions by night and by day." Job, who lived 2300 years after the crea- tion of the world exclaimed: "Oh, that my words were now written! Oh, that they were in a book!" "That which is new makes us have no need, When the Newlife has been lived in deed." STYLE OF AUTHOR. Newology is written with the eloquence of the author who is speaking in- stead of writing. It will help many readers over the perplexities that now stand in the way of a practical application of life, health, happiness, prosperity, longevity and immortality: "Then study this treasured volume, The book or volumes of thy choice; And lend to the rhyme of the author, The Newtian beauty of thy voice." PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 51 GATEWAY TO LIFE. Newology is the Father of beginnings and perpetual life in action. It is eternal, everlasting and without beginning or end. It includes all time, eternity and immortality. It is the gateway of life, love and being and proffers Newtianity, The Newlife, The Newtian man, the deed of the thinker, and the Newologist of character, more than mere master of many phrases: "More than lover, lord or language, More than songs of works and days." PUBLIC DISCOURSE. It is indeed interesting to note that in Newology the author has preserved in each book as nearly as possible the style of public discourse, thus retaining the inspiration of the orator and increasing the value of the entire work many fold. The readers who have had the pleasure of hearing the author will be able to recall from written word the voice and gesture of the speaker and thus the man and his message of Newlife will continue to live in the minds and hearts and homes of a great people. The child's life is much according to his education, inclination and culture; his discourse and speech according to his learning and infused opin- ions, but his deeds are the consummation of all : Thou art teaching Newology mother, Thou art training me up, so high; Showing me the science of father 52 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE And telling me why I need not die. All heavenly joy is coming now With it there is no earthly sigh It has loosed the band of bondage And now I shall never, never die. And in a thousand years from now, When I look back across the years; How good it will seem to have sown, Without reaping the tares and tears. BACHELOR IDEALIST. The author and prime figure in The Newological Movement, like unto our beloved St. Paul is a brilliant bachelor, without her- aldry of wealth or pomp or power, he has builded the greatest idealist alive today, a Newologist high in favor and grade with a crown of many beautiful stars o'er his future grand road: "Ah! It was not in vain I saw him again In the wide halls of a great people dear, Closing his lecture there was in his gesture The Newtian success and good cheer; And in every theme, he pictured a gleam Of the Coming Newological Scene. " ORATOR OF NEWOLOGY. Dryden said: "We could not allow him an orator who had the best thots, and who knew all the rules of rhetoric, if he had not acquired the art of using them." He is presided over by the Mind, stamped with the potent PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 53 of Divinity, and bears the torch of that peculiarly vital theory of the relation of Newology to life! He is without whim, fear or prejudice; rebukes our faint hearts and gives us courage like unto the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. Divinity and depth describe him, the man of imagination, ideals, ethics, eradication, while simplicity, earnestness and beauty are the chief characteristics of his style, with the patrician mark of fluency. As an orator he has the art of expressing in addition to having much to ex- press. He commences in a soft, conversational tone and travels over the path of Newology with a deep, rich melodious voice, step by step without a break, swaying his audience with an eloquence ideal until the climax is reached, his words seeming to reach re- ceptive souls as if for noble ends were entrusted to him, "words, wings of the immortal man": "There is a charm in delivery, a magical art, That thrills like a kiss, from the lips to the heart. It is the glance, expression, the well-chosen word, By whose magic the depths of the spirit are stirred. The smile, mute gesture, the soul-stirring pause, The eye's sweet expression that melts while it awes The lip's soft persuasion its musical tone Oh, such were the charms of that eloquent one!" LIVE FOREVER. Altho the author of New- ology has written an hundred books, the greatest 54 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE number ever written by a single man, yet his mind is clear, his step light, his judgment correct, his strength a tower, his appearance youthful, and has work laid out for a thousand years ahead, demonstrating the truth that a thousand years is not a long period in the life of an immortal soul destined to live millions of years. Thousands who admire the intellectual power and expanding human sympathies of the author will send out an enlarged hope that his useful career, so well begun may span a thousand years as in the lives of the apostles and prophets. MORNING OF LIFE. A man taking so strong a lead in the morning of life, is sure to come out strong in the finish, and shows that times, manners and men are changing fast and the vigor of New- ology is rapidly claiming its own. WHAT'S IN A NAME? The oft repeated ques- tion. What's in a name? is again attracting the attention of the world. And why ? The Discoverer of Newology, has completed One Hundred Books on Newology, The New-Science of God to Man, this being the greatest number of books ever written by a single author. INSPIRATION NAME. Altho Newology is not named for the author, yet thousands of persons will be interested in knowing that he attributes much of PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 55 his inspiration in the Newological work to his name, an ever constant reminder of the newness of life. INFLUENCE CAREER. Persons' names hav* a great influence on their careers, and the masses rate this influence much below its real value, and far below the former estimate of it. Indeed people take a less serious view of personal names than has been common with our forefathers: "A name can lead a child to earth Or lift him upward to the newbirth." PUBLICISTS INTERESTED. It is not surprising that publicists interested in Newology, The Newlife on Earth, have constantly cautioned parents to exer- cise their best judgment and discretion in naming their children. The occasion is momentous and a warning needed. The nomenclature of children is an opportunity for guiding the child into wisdom's ways where all his paths are peace. PARENT'S RESPONSIBILITY. No parent has the moral right to shift the responsibility of giv- ing his offspring a Newtian name as safeguard for the future conflicts of life and the Promulgation of Newology, the scientific truth of all ages, past, pres- ent and future, and divinely authorized by the Deity as the working basis of man. ALWAYS WEAR WHITE. The Newo and New! seek white. The author says, "it is a crime to 56 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE wear dark apparel as it breeds evil, error and retro- gression in the mind. Black is indicative of sin, poverty, disease, despair and death. Therefore, let your garments always be white, that is, always wear white or light. White is the prime principle of life, purity and immortality. I believe there should be a universal law making it a crime for any person to go attired in black." WHY DIE. The author has well said: "Why die? It is a stupid blunder and not a necessity of our lives. Why grow old, when immortal youth is our rightful eternal heritage. I have discovered Newology, the secret of eternal youth and beauty. I offer to everyone who accepts Newology, not a hundred, but a thousand years of perfect health, happiness, prosperity, longevity and eventually im- mortality in the body. I expect to live until I have accomplished the salvation of humanity, mind and body, the soul, the complete man, until the last mortal is saved and made immortal by the principles of Newology:" " Every day is a new beginning Every morn I am a man made new." COMPREHENSIVE STUDIES. The author vis- ited many countries, and made a study of all the great religions of the world, including a comparison of the strength and weakness, the success and fail- PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 57 ure of Buddhism, Confucianism, Mohammedism and Christianity as compared with Newtianity, when a vision came unto him and a voice from heaven say- ing: "Write, for these words are true and faithful/ 9 when he threw to the four winds, thousands of pages of manuscripts, as so much waste paper, and at once commenced to write from inspiration of the Holy Spirit as angel voices gave new words of Holy Writ, and in less than a year, Newology, consisting of One Hundred Volumes, was completed ready for publication to the world. NEW CIVILIZATION. It is of interest to note here that only one of the books at a time came to the author as a vision of The New Civilization in which he is to play so important a part in the great- est drama ever enacted in the history of the world's evangelization, and so we are reminded to: "Lift not the veil that God hath drawn Till thou hast strength to look upon." DAILY, SUNDAY THEME. Newology, now a daily and Sunday theme was largely written in the sub-conscious state, the only recollection being a dream of the night, yet when the manuscripts were found they were in the author's own hand writing, and at other times the books were dreamed in ser- monic style and reproduced verbatim et literatim. FIRST ADDRESS. This is the man of whom it 58 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE is said, has the distinguished honor of having deliv- ered the first Address on Newology, when a boy in his teens, taking for his theme Newology. This small beginning by a young man, was the first lec- ture ever delivered on Newology, The Newlife of man, while today it is the daily and Sunday theme in many pulpits in two continents, and is possibly the most quoted subject in the world today, and so: "The spirit of the world doth wait, But Newology opens wide the gate, To meet the majestic joyful state, The New Church, be thou not late: Thou New Church, God calls to thee, Anoint thine eyes, look up and see; And be thou no longer deaf and dumb: Thou Newology, this call is thine, Arise and shine! arise and shine !" NEWOLOGICAL SPIRIT. The Newological Spirit, the pulse of which is now being felt around the world, is the most distinguishing mark of all the centuries past. The most momentous work and the most significant movement of the last thousand years of human progress, and the most vital discovery to the human race is the establishment and practice of Newology in healing all ills of humanity. NEWOLOGICAL MOVEMENT. The Newo- logical Movement is one of the most mighty forces to visit the nations of the earth and will ere long PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 59 hold an important place in the greatest spiritual char- acter of the individual, the Newo and the Newi of all humanity, and revolutionizing the daily life of millions of souls. WORD MADE FLESH. A great man speaks the words that rouse them that hear and his words are made flesh and dwell among us even to the third and fourth generation, perhaps forever. "And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth." Thus we hear the author: And in my flesh shall I see God: "But what care I for words Unless they rouse them that hear, Thus they become flesh so dear And dwell among us without fear." NEWOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. In establish- ing the Newological Institution the founder had no precedent to guide him, for this is the only institu- tion of the kind in the world. The leader prepared an Extensive Course in Newology, teaching the New- life, of which approximately a million were distrib- uted among Newthot people going to every country on earth where the English language was spoken: Many are the hearts weary and sad Longing for The New Science of God. AUTHORITY OF NEWOLOGY. After the lapse of two thousand years, the inauguration of 60 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Newology, the scientific basis of the new dispensa- tion, the oncoming Newological Reign, and the es- tablishment of The New Civilization, the New Heaven and the New Earth here and now, to some, may seem strange. Indeed, a new gospel for the redemption of hu- manity from ills, age, sin, poverty, disease and death with the Newology of life, health, happiness, prosperity, longevity, immortality, eternal youth and beauty, may well prove phenomenal to the multi- plied millions of earth who have so long been in bondage, yet would seek freedom and liberty of mind, body and soul thru its teachings. NEW HUMANHY. Newology is divinely au- thorized as The New-Revelation of God to Man. It is not wholly new to humanity but will make a new humanity. When the author was inspired to write Newology he gave utterance to the old and the new, in all science and scripture, philosophy and religion. It is a continuation of Divine Inspiration going "forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty," and hence it is called The New Bible, the spiritual correspondence of the Old and New Testament. NEW INSPIRATION. We are told in Divine Inspiration to "Speak Thou the Things that Become Sound Doctrine," which is but a prophecy of the PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 61 oncoming age of Newology to meet the new condi- tion of things mentally, morally, physically and spir- itually, including theology, religion, medicine, hu- manity and divinity, as well as education, finance, politics, statesmanship, longevity and all that rounds out the life of an immortal soul on earth and pre- pares it for a higher state of existence. NEW BIBLE. A New Bible after the lapse of twenty centuries may seem phenomenal, yet when you think of the wonderful truth, that man is created in the image and likeness of God, endowed and commissioned to create a new heaven and a new earth; when you think that man is created but little lower than the angels, commissioned with full au- thority, dominion and power to govern and rule the world, all that is in the air, on the earth, in the sea and the earth beneath and all that in them is; when you realize that man may be master of all he sur- veys ; time and space, disease and health, sorrow and happiness, age and youth, life and death, and may have immortality thru all eternity, Newology be- comes a perfectly natural result of a perfectly natural cause and is accepted and revered by all as divinely instituted and authorized of God. Newology is the prophecy of long ago, Behold I make all things new: "God spoke once, yea twice of old, Newology thrice He hath told, 62 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Old things have passed away, And Newology has come for aye." COMING QUESTION. Newology is the coming question that will eclipse all other questions of the centuries. It is indeed a noble book before which the world will stand amazed. It will be welcomed by all and reach the highest point yet attained in the his- tory of civilization. Millions of all nations will own, read and love Newology. And when you think that man is inspired today the same as in the days of our forefathers, Newology ceases to be a phenomena, and appears as natural and reasonable as the revela- tion and inspiration, science and scripture, philos- ophy and religion of the Old and New Testaments, a perfectly natural result of a perfectly natural cause. BIBLE OF FUTURE. Newology as The New Bible of the Future will mean a Book of Authority. It is a sacred book, an inspired book, hence a book of authority, and happily for humanity, it has been styled The New Bible. The doctrine of Theology is: I believe, but the Science of Newology is: I know. Newology is truth and a knowledge of it is power. Applied Newology is wisdom to use that power in every department of human and divine existence. Newology applies to all things of the spiritual and natural man: 1. To the Word of Newology with its interior PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 63 and symbolic sense hidden within God as shown in all good: The heavens declare the glory of God by day and night unto night uttereth speech thereof. 2. The Newological principles of Newlife, health, happiness, prosperity, longevity, immortal- ity, eternal youth and beauty of man. 3. The social, scientific, religious, political eco- nomical, commercial and industrial life of man. 4. The New Church, by the aid and use of New- ology, is enabled to guide and instruct the children of men so that they may step out of the darkness into the light, where the air is pure, the sky clear and their vision of the new heaven and the new earth eternally enlarged. 5. Newology shows that criminality, like in- sanity, is no longer a crime, but a disease that can be healed and permanently cured. 6. In Newology "Mercy and Truth are met to- gether and Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other." And so science and religion have met and scripture and philosophy agree. 7. Newology is the science of divinity which shapes our ends. It teaches that all men are equally entitled to the full and free exercise of religion ac- cording to the dictates of their own conscience. NEW REVELATION. Until recent years it was generally believed that all the revelation to man concerning his religious relationship to God had al- 64 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE ready been revealed to him in the Old and the New Testaments, and that the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures by the Church was forever final and con- clusive. But thanks be to God, He inspires men to- day the same as in the days of the Prophets and the Apostles if we will but hear His voice. Newology is the sacred writings belonging to The Truth of Newtianity to be proclaimed to all the world thru The New Church as the center of action. REVELATION OF NEWOLOGY. The Au- thority of Newology, The New Revelation of God to Man, is Divinely authorized. The author wrote Newology by means of his own hand and brain, yet it was inspired by a High Intelligence, the same as in the days of the Prophets and Apostles. The Spirit directed him to write the book, and he wrote as the spirit gave him utterance. The angels guided him and light fell upon the pathway of his soul, so that the book of Newology might be plain, clear, logical, comprehensive, scientific and convincing. And if there is anything that is a man's very own it is the work and product of his own hand and brain, touched by the Infinite. LOGICAL ORDER. The One Hundred Books came to the author in logical order, in the form of visions, sometimes during his waking and at other times during his sleeping hours, but in every case PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 65 this vision was a positive Revelation of Intelligence, knowledge and wisdom touched by the Infinite, thus : "The night time of the body Became the daytime of his soul, He loved the blessed Lord, And gained the heavenly goal." UNIVERSAL SAINTHOOD. Newology makes motherhood sainthood and every man feel that he is an ambassador of God, the Father. Newology means universal, and was applied to the Newtian religion because it is intended to be preached to the world, and not to any special race or races of men. The Glories of the Earth shall be made New, the wilderness and the solitary places shall be glad- dened with Newology; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Newology shall be given unto all humanity and, the excellency of Newtian- ity shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excel- lency of our God in all men. LAUGH AT AGE. The author is certain that he has discovered the secret of how to laugh at old age, and how to exist not only for a hundred, but for a thousand years without pain, evil or sickness. He has discovered a great vital truth, and his aim is to awaken the world to a mighty force with which it is yet unacquainted. He wants to prepare man for a 66 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE thousand years of healthy life, and the recipe he orders is nothing more or less than a strict adher- ance to Newology. It certainly deserves more than a passing notice. It is the fruitful outcome of a highly intelligent and well- developed mind. The author is altogether a very remarkable man, who ap- pears as if he were in his twenties. Newology will attract the attention of the world's most famed theologists and be welcomed by all who desire to know fully all that is new and true. The author uses Scripture as proof that men of abstemious hab- its have lived for centuries and is emulating these patriarchs. This announcement, so boldly made by the author many years ago, is now being advocated by many of the most aspiring minds, namely: " There is absolutely no reason why That a human being should ever die." LAST WORD. The author has said the last word in regard to the growing movement known as Newthot. Newology is a scholarly effort and is widely talked of. There is no gainsaying the fact that the civilized people of the world are beginning to think more of themselves than they did in the past. Questions that have been left to theologians and scientists only, are now being discussed by stu- dents in our high schools, colleges and universities, and this question of whether life can be extended by right living is arousing vital interest. PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 67 MEDICAL PHYSICIANS. Newology is in the hands of persons of education and character and whose sincerity of purpose cannot be questioned, even tho it contains the most startling revelations before which the world will soon stand amazed and wonder why not this truth long ago. Physicians the world over are united in the opinion that a Newol- ogist will live longer than a Non-Newologist. Why, then should it not be possible by the use of Newol- ogy to extend existence still further? Has anyone ever found out how many years we ought to live? Is not death a mistake that can be corrected? As expense must be watched in business, so human en- ergy must be controlled if man would overcome dis- ease and death. This, Newology does: Then come light of immortal birth Come with thy gifts of precious worth. ACHIEVEMENT OF NEWOLOGY. Newology enables man to achieve what man can conceive. This transcendental state is gained by placing him- self enrapert with the Newo, the new mind, the finite with the Infinite, by which man may readily gain the Newi, the new body. The Newo is the first fruits of Newology, which in turn produces the Newi, the new man glorified and made perfect in the flesh, the Newologist. When the principles of the Newo and the Newi are understood, the Newologist, the soul, the whole 68 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE mind and body become harmonious and "in our flesh we see God." This leads us to the Newolog- ical principles: 1. To love is the first law of the Newo, 2. To live is the first law of the Newi, 3. To Newtianize and immortalize the Newo and Newi is the first and final law of the Newologist, the soul or whole man, and 4. The Newi can exist only in the realm of the Newo, which can be maintained only by "the re- newing of the mind." Therefore, if you fail not thou art a Newologist. CHOSEN PEOPLE. Happily for the genera- tions yet unborn that God centered his whole atten- tion, at least for a moment on Newology, when he gave it Newbirth, and instilled the Newlife principles of Newology among men. And so God instituted the Newo and the Newi and made Newologists his chosen people to redeem humanity. The author has made the world his debtor; if he had given mankind Newology only, it would place him among the world's immortals: Oh Thou Newo, so true The Newi, Newlife in you, Thou art the truth anew, The Newologist to dare and do. NEW CHURCH. The New Church is an inter- PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 69 national drama for the unity of all religions, the keynote of which is more co-operation and less church competition, and is already destined to as- sume large proportions in every land and clime. Newology, the stone which the builders rejected, is the chief cornerstone of a building not made with hands, eternally in the heavens of God's children, and upon the Rock of Newology it is building The New Church and the gates of error, poverty, disease, age and death shall not prevail against it, for upon a greater foundation can no man build. LECTURESHIP. In order that the world may gain a correct understanding of what Newology teaches, The New Church will maintain a Lecture Board, composed of men and women graduates, who by reason of their experience and understand- ing of Newology, are qualified to speak with author- ity divinely given. Happily for humanity, Newol- ogy has been named The New Bible, not by the author, but by public sanction of a large and grow- ing constituency of a great people: And so Newology takes its way, The first act is already past; The next shall close the dramatic day, Time's nobliest offspring is His last. WAR NO MORE. The conflict of war, the rav- ages upon land and sea, criminal courts, divorce 70 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE suits and suicidal graves, if remembered at all, will be mentioned only as some of the historical happen- ings of the Dark Ages of the World before the ap- pearance of Newology, and the enlightenment of mind, and the liberty of the body, will have taken on a new birth and the freedom of an immortal soul. The dawn of the New Day, The New Heaven and The New Earth is at hand when there shall be in reality but two classes of people on the earth, New- ologists and Non-Newologists. And so Newology continues to grow "out of the mouths of babes and sucklings," adown the centuries to the latest poster- ity, when the new heaven and the new earth shall reign supreme and all people shall be Newologists, when the world shall be ruled by love, and crime, war, poverty, disease and death will be unknown, save as a part of the history of the dark ages, before Newology was known: "The God of Newology is writing yet, And all humanity's brilliant wit, Cannot strike out a single line of it, Nor all error erase a single word of it." OLD AND NEW. Newology stands for the spiritual correspondence of truth in the old and new of all ages. The Old and New Testaments, form- ing the English Bible, the Companion of Newology, is a wonderful collaboration of sixty-six books, not PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 71 being made by any one man at any one time, but forty men, and twenty centuries, bringing it to its present state of perfection. SCRIPTURE OF NEWOLOGY. Herein we find that Newology is a continuation of inspiration au- thoritatively and divinely given for the redemption of man. Therefore we learn: 1. That the Holy Spirit used forty authors and hundreds of translators, linguists and scholars in writing the Old Bible, consisting of sixty-six books. 2. That one author was used in writing New- ology, The New Bible, consisting of One Hundred Books, possessing wonderful beauty and strength, inspired of God. 3. That Newology is a continuation of Divine Inspiration from God to Man for the redemption of humanity from age, poverty, disease and death. 4. That twenty centuries were used in bringing the English Bible to its present state of perfection. 5. That less than half a century was used in writing Newology when all the original manuscripts of many years were thrown away. 6. That Newology was rewritten by the power of inspiration and brought to its present state of perfection in one year; and 7. That Newology is the Newo and the Newi, 72 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end of all science and scripture, philosophy and religion for the restoration of all life, health, happiness, prosperity, longevity, immortality, eternal youth and beauty, peace on earth and good will to all men. BIBLE OF NEWOLOGY. During the centuries of the battle of Newology with babel there has appeared The Jewish Bible, The Brahman Bible, The Mohammedan Bible, The Conf ucion Bible, The Buddist Bible, The Catholic Bible, The Douay Bible, The Geneva Bible, The Hindu Bible, The Nature Bible, The Baptist Bible, An American Bible, and now as the final consummation and perfection of the Newlife of all nations, peoples and tongues, New- ology comes as the interpretation and explanation of them all, the gateway to immortality and panacea to all ills to which humanity is heir: This is the fruit of Newology true Untainted by ill word, deed or thot Gratefully we read it thru and thru, This is the truth we long have sought. STANDARD OF LIFE. And finally, the world has in the author, the Newtian, the Newologist, 'the Newological thinker in God's fair task garden, who would raise his standard of life, with the high hope that his followers may dip their sword in heaven and cause many to lead victorious lives with tri- PUBLISHER'S GUIDE TO NEWOLOGY 73 umphant entry into the beautiful City of God, the new heaven and the new earth: The New God, Newologizes you The Newtians, admire you The Newologists, approve you The Idealists, Newtianize you The Immortalists, salute you The Educators, immortalize you. NEWTIANITY. Thou brave Newologist of God, thou hast written the Message of Life and Love for The New Civilization, in words thy own, that speak to the hearts of humanity in wondrous ways, and multiplied millions of voices from many lands and climes shall cry unto thee for the Newology of Life, and this shall be thy reward: "The ideal shall be made real to thee," when innumerable awakened souls of earth responsive shall proclaim The New- ological Word to all future generations of the world. Thou art the Great Newologist sent of God for the Promulgation of Newology and the final redemp- tion of His people who shall say: I, too, Newology was taught, To Newologize my mind; The Fountain of Newtian thot Shall Newtianize all mankind! 74 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE CHAPTER 1 THE NEWOLOGICAL NEOLOGY NEOLOGIST. The publishers would state that it is not often given to man to become a Neologist for the introduction of new words or new senses of old words into the English language in the form of his individual name, as the root and basic word ; this distinction, however, has come to the Author of Newology in interpreting The New- Word of God to Man. The author hath written: " Gifts, there are many, but my gift is single, My words, my books are the fruits of me." ILLUSTRATION. France has supplied several instances where authors have introduced new words to explain Neology, among them M. Guillotine, who invented a new method for shortening human life and whose name stands for the quick dispatch of life. The Author of Newology has lent his name to a new method of prolonging life, and has thereby added several nouns, a verb and several adjectives to the English language and the world of literature. The aims of the two methods, however, are widely different. "To guillotine" means to shorten life, but "To Newtianize" is to give Newlife and lengthen and immortalize it: CHAPTER 1, THE NEW NEOLOGY 75 Newology adds years to your life; And the Newlife to your years; Newology keeps your mind in health, And your soul in perfect peace. NEW WORDS. The publishers take pleasure in presenting the author's glossary of new words intro- duced to explain the Neology of Newology. These definitions may be condensed and briefly stated as follows: NEW. The state of being new, as a new dis- covery; to anoint, make or be born anew. The Scripture, including the Old and New Testaments, were once New, the great truth of which has become the beautiful truth of Newology for the redemption of humanity. In this sense, Newology is a New- Science, philosophy and religion, being the unity and oneness of all science, philosophy and religion. NEWOLOGY. The Infinite Creator of the Uni- verse. The New- Word of God to Man. The power of creating and the science, art, use and application of that power in all departments of life. Newology is the new science of knowing thyself, and the wis- dom of attaining unto perfection of mind, body and soul, the result of which is the Newo, the new mind, the Newi, the new body and the Newologist, the new soul endowed with immortality, eternal youth and beauty, all crowned with everlasting glory. 76 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE NEWO. The Newo is the new mind, usually lying dormant in man, which in reality is the uni- versal Prince of newness; the consciousness of im- mortality in the body; the entity or vital principle of life as expressed thru the mind and body. The life principle that awakens the Newi, the new man. The science of the innerself. NEWI. The Newi is the new body resultant from the Newo in man, the Apostle of the Newlife; the bishop of man's soul; the conscious ego; the science and conscious knowledge of the powers and func- tions of man. The New Use of the Newo. NEWBIRTH. The Newbirth is the beginning of The Newlife; the origin of the anointed life; the potency of the mystic union of a divine spirit with the spirit of God. If you would live the Newlife, "ye must be born anew." NEWLIFE. The newlife is based on the sacred scientific principle that Newology produces Newlife and therefore must begin with a newbirth and a newbirth means the living of a Newlife on earth here and now. Physical Immortality. NEWTIAN. An adherent of Newology; one born of Newtian parents; a belief characteristic to the teachings of Newology, as the science or doctrine of Newology. The term also applies to one who accords in the principles of Newology as a profession CHAPTER 1, THE NEW NEOLOGY 77 in alleviating human pain. A Newologist is often denominated a Newtian, the term Newologist hav- ing been used in a professional sense. NEWTIANIZE. The act of converting to New- ology; the process of changing from the old to the new; to Newtian, christen, name or set apart to the cause of Newology; to adopt the belief or character of a Newtian; to change to a Newtian. Use. NEWTIANITY. Newtianity is the system of re- ligion and practice, based upon Newology as The New-Science of God to Man, which teaches The Newlife on earth and eventually the complete im- mortality of man, body and spirit, that man is one with God and may live contemporaneously with Him in the new heaven and new earth. Use. NEWOLOGICAL. Newological is an adjective derived from the noun Newology. It pertains to Newology or the Newness of life, the New-Science of God to Man, religion and divine things; as the Newological treatise; the Newological Institute; The Newological Reformation; The Newological Church; The Newological Guide; The Newological Science; The Newological Man; The Newological Woman; The Newological Citizen and The Newological Spirit. NEWTHOT. Newthot is the act, art and science of thinking correctly. It is the exercise of the mind in any of its higher forms; consideration, cognition, 78 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE meditation, reflection and serious thot. Newthot may be an idea or mental conception whether an opinion, intention, imagination, contemplation, at- tention, deliberation, circumspect reflection, judg- ment, purpose, fancy, concern, care or soliciting. Behold I thot; behold I discovered Newology, the jewel of truth and pearl of great price; behold now I know the New Revelation of God to man for the redemption of humanity from error, poverty, dis- ease and death. The wrong use of the power of thot is indeed most dangerous, while the right use of this, the great- est power of man, is most ennobling. The Newo is the element of thot and knowledge in the ego and the new relation which it implies and provides in the creation of the Newi. Newthot is a word of modern origin, having ref- erence to Newology as a science, philosophy and religion, but it is only an element of it, yet it tends toward Newological truth. NEWLONGEVITY. The Newlongevity is that branch of Newology which teaches the complete im- mortality of humanity. Man is a two-fold being, consisting of body and spirit which forms the soul (or whole) of man, therefore in truth, man is im- mortal in his entirety. It hath been said, "Man is not born to die," and Jesus, the Newological En- sample, says: "The last enemy to be destroyed is CHAPTER 1, THE NEW NEOLOGY 79 death." This branch of Newology treats of the first and final cause of all ignorance, error, evil, sick- ness, disease, poverty, death and all that maketh a lie, including their cure and prevention. NEWTIANDOM. The entire body of Newtian believers, including the professional Newologists; the whole body of Newthot people thruout the world who represent, teach, preach, practice or stand for Newology, the New-Science of God to Man, em- bracing the Newological Conception of Truth, lead- ing to the Newlife on Earth, being the Old and the New, the Good and the True in all Science, Philoso- phy, Scripture and Religion. NEWOLOGIST. As the Newo is a new mind and the Newi is a new body, so the Newologist is a new soul, coming from the unity of the Newo and the Newi. Therefore, a Newologist is one learned in the Science of Newology; one who advocates and proclaims the doctrine of Newology; one who conforms, lives, teaches, preaches and practices Newology as a science; the state or quality of be- ing an adherent of Newology; a Bachelor; Master or Doctor of Newology. NEWOLOGIZE. The word Newologize is de- rived from the root word, Newology, and means to render Newological; to apply to divinity; to re- duce to a system of Newology, the new order of life, representing in the region of the intellect what 80 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE religion represents in the heart; the Newologized Science of God, and revealed truth of life and love. Newology Newologizes the mind which in turn New- tianizes the body, producing love and peace, truth and health, wisdom and knowledge: 1 . To Newologize the mind is to create and per- fect a new mind in you, when it becomes the Newo with power to create the Newi; 2. To Newtianize the body is to build and create a new body, purified and glorified, when the body becomes the Newi, and 3. The union of The Newologized mind, the Newo, and the Newtianized body, the Newi, be- comes a Newologist, a new soul, perfected in God. APPROPRIATE TITLE. Many years ago the Discoverer of Newology, ventured to propose an appropriate name or general title for the individual member of that large and growing number of per- sons who advocate the study of Newology, practice its principles, proclaim its teachings and devote their lives to its observance and advancement. Fin- ally the author recommended the word Newologist, which has proven both beautiful and euphonious and is rapidly assuming an important place in the Eng- lish vocabulary, there being approximately twenty million Newologists, and the present outlook would indicate that this number will be increased to many million within the next decade. CHAPTER 2, THE NEW PROPHECY 81 CHAPTER 2 THE NEWOLOGICAL PROPHECY WORD OF PROPHECY. The author's father, the Rev. J. F. New, a sincere man of Quaker par- entage and author of The Newlife Science, when writing in the Bible on the day of the birth of his son, Dr. N. N. New, gives this prophetic vision of the Newological future. He said in part: "My surname is New, thy father's gift to thee; My son protect it true, in remembrance of me." NEWOLOGIST. Thy name is N. N. New, for unto the Newtians a son is born and unto the World a Newologist is given and Newology shall rest upon thee, and thou shall be called The Great Newologist. APOSTLE OF NEWLIFE. When thou seekest to be reborn into Newology, thy Father's business, New shall mean to thee, the psychic newness of life, the Newo or living principle in man, The Newlife. BISHOP OF SOULS. Thy surname shall signify more to thee than a mere title by which thou shalt be known to the future generation of the world, yea, the Bishop of many souls, giving them the Newo, a new mind, and the Newi, a new body, a new heaven and a new earth, a Newlife of Newthot: 82 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Newology meets every human need, Let us teach the new and true indeed, In Newology there is no creed To live the Newlife we sow the seed. NEW WORD. Thou shalt demonstrate the real- ity of the Newo and the Newi, and shall prove to all posterity that Newology is the New- Word of God to man, for the redemption of humanity: "Old things have passed away, And all things have become new." WRITE NEWOLOGY. "And he said unto me, write, for these words are true and faithful: Newol- ogy shall be given to all people, kindred and tongues and by its saving power, the word shall be made flesh, and every finite son and daughter of the Infinite One may live forever. CONCEPTION OF TRUTH. May it please God that Newology shall embrace the correct Newo- logical conception of truth and love in: Men- tal Science, Newlife and Newthot, Health and Healing, Drugless Medicine, Bloodless Surgery, Oc- cult and Psychics, Logic and Metaphysics, Sug- gestive Therapeutics, Education and Culture, Psy- chology and Theology, Humanity and Divinity, So- ciology and Justice, Jurisprudence and Law, Politics and Government, Capital and Labor, Industry and CHAPTER 2, THE NEW PROPHECY 83 Nationalism, Citizen and Statesman, Newtian and Newologist, Temperance and Economics, Civilization and Salvation, Christianity and Newtianity, Happi- ness and Prosperity, Newlongevity and Immortality, Eternal Youth and Beauty. SONS AND DAUGHTERS. Thou shalt be the Leader of the Newological Movement of all Na- tions, until health, happiness, prosperity, longevity and immortality shall have come to all the world. ESTABLISH NEWTIANITY. May Newology establish Newtianity and demonstrate to all poster- ity the needlessness of error, poverty, age, disease and death, and that heaven is here and now: Then pray earnestly for Newology, Just Newology, its banner unfurled, There are millions to read Newology It is fast going into all the world. SPREAD OF NEWOLOGY. Thou shalt offer Newology to all future generations, and thru thy Leadership, The Newologist shall spread the New- Word of God to man to all nations of the earth: To all the world with love, Newology, surely brings, Glad tidings of great joy, With healing in its wings. 84 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE PROMULGATE NEWOLOGY. Thou shalt be the Promulgator of Newology, and the Leader of The New Civilization, and go into all the world and preach Newology to all the children of men: "Thou, My son, so long as time endures, Shalt surely make the whole world yours. " SONS OF GOD. Thou shalt institute the glori- ous science, philosophy and religion of Newology for the salvation of the two-fold man, the Newo and the Newi, for "we are the sons of God/' and may live contemporaneously with Him, ever enjoy- ing perfect health, eternal youth and beauty: The Newo is truly form And doth the Newi make. NEW NAME. Thou shalt demonstrate the Newological Principle, that every man is Christ in- sofar as he lives the Newlife, for it hath been said, upon him that overcometh: "I will write the name of my God I will write upon him a new name." ONE WITH GOD. Man, the finite, is one with God, the Infinite, and, therefore, he may develop the infinite in all that pertains to the enlargement of power and perfection in himself, even unto im- mortality in the body: CHAPTER 2, THE NEW PROPHECY 85 Judge not Newology thy God hath given, Till thou hath new strength from heaven, And when thou hath Newology true Thy body shall grow strong and new. THE NEW CHURCH. Thou shalt be the founder of The New Church of Newology to fill the void of Theology, for the old churches must either widen their doors to Newology or close them, and with all the failures of Theology for a thousand years in building up as many creeds and dogmas, none of which agree, it is better to supplant the Theological Church with The New Church. Many things have been said unto you; ye were not able to bear them then, but I say unto you now, Newol- ogy hath come to the children of men; he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches; to him that overcometh: I will make him a pillar in the temple, I will make him a pillar of Newology. NEWOLOGICAL REVELATION. Newology is the stateliest view of God's Relevation to man; therefore, if man be partaker of Newology he shall likewise be partaker of all good. Theology as a science, is a misnomer and can no longer be considered The True Science of God and, therefore, it is left for Newology to bring man to 86 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE his own, the Paradise of Newtianity, and the New- life of humanity, when the world shall be ruled by the power of love, and war, poverty, crime, age, sin, disease and death will be no more: Oh, thou Newological day, Thou shalt never pass away. MAN'S MISSION. I have come that you may overcome. Man's mission is not finished on earth until he has overcome age, disease, poverty, death and all that maketh a lie. "The last enemy to be destroyed is death." Jesus overcame "all manner of disease," death, hell and the grave, and He says: "The works that I do shall ye do And greater things shall ye do." YOUTH AND BEAUTY. Man should live here in the enjoyment of perfect health until his mission is finished on earth, and then in the twinkling of an eye, corruption put on the white robe of incor- ruption, mortality, the new robe of immortality, and the complete man, the Newo, the new mind, and Newi, the new body, and the Newologist, the new soul, glorified and made perfect in his holy, purified state, shall immediately ascend to the home of his nativity, and thus demonstrate that heaven is not by way of the grave. CHAPTER 2, THE NEW PROPHECY 87 Immortality, eternal youth and beauty, is man's rightful heritage, and age, disease and death are but stupid blunders and not a necessity of our lives. IMMORTALITY. Owing to the false teachings of the ages, I may not be able to consummate and demonstrate immortality in the body, thus complet- ing my mission during my sojourn here, yet I have one consolation in the words of our Lord : "You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ap- pointed you that you should bring forth fruit and your fruit shall remain. And as the Father hath sent me, even so I send you." Therefore, I ordain thee and set thee apart as Doctor of Newology, that The Newological Ideal may become real. Newology, The New Joy, is giving A Newlife to The New God of mine, Newology, The New Son, is rising, To build The New Church of Thine. 88 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE CHAPTER 3 THE NEWOLOGICAL MOVEMENT NEW VISION. I have prayed earnestly as to whether I should let Newology go to press. In the hush of night, when the Angel City was in slumber, and all the earth was still, I could not sleep, for my soul was filled with awe. I thot of the horror, the misery, the shame and the pain that error, poverty, disease and death were claiming thru ignorance and superstition of humanity. SIGHTS AND SCENES. And as I could not sleep, I continued to think, and finally it seemed I could hear the wail of pain, the sobs of the sorrow- ing, and the cries of the sick and dying, rising up from many lands. I tried to brush the vision aside and resolved to go to sleep and seemingly passed off into a peaceful slumber, but in a few moments I was startled from my couch of repose and was again wide awake, when I beheld many sights and scenes known and unknown: "And sure the Eternal Master found, His single Talent well nigh employed/' NEW CLIMES. I looked again and beheld the beautiful landscape of many climes, and there came swelling up before me the homes of many cities. CHAPTER 3, THE NEW MOVEMENT 89 villages and hamlets in many lands where the sinful and sick were racked with pain, and where thou- sands of babes in their mothers' arms, and children lay dying on account of error, poverty and disease: NOT A DREAM. I said to myself, "Can all this be true?" I was still wide awake, but tried to believe it only a passing dream of the night. I looked again and beheld millions of broken hearts, where the wail of the widow and the fatherless arose in multiplied thousands of homes, and a voice: "I will have a purer gift, There is no smoke in the flame Newology and prayers uplift Life and love without a name. Give all to God; obey your heart; Friends, kindred, days, Plans, credit and the muse, But Newology not refuse!" BACK OF CANVAS. I could not tell you all, but I could hear the cry of the afflicted and suffering coming up from all the earth. I could hear multi- plied millions of souls, lying upon beds of pain, cry- ing in despair for help. And there all alone, in the hush of night, I wept bitterly, yet well I knew that: "Back of the canvas that throbs, Into the statue that breathes, 90 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Under the joy that is felt, lie The crowning of glory revealed. The painter is hinted and hidden; The soul of the sculptor is bidden; The infinite issues of feeling, The glory that crowns the revealing. " SPIRIT OF NEWOLOGY. It was near morn- ing. I arose in The Spirit of Newology and kneeled by my bed and prayed for the sick and dying: "Oh Lord, is it to be so in the land, Thou hast given us in which to dwell? " UNIVERSE OF GOD. I dressed and walked out under the beautiful canopy of heaven and looked up into the universe of God with its more than two hundred and fifty million revolving worlds. I beheld the beautiful stars; I looked up into the glorious ladder of light, the milky way. I beheld the cross where galaxy after galaxy of starry glory, cheered me as I strolled on and on: "I gave thot and thru that thot of mine, All found themselves supreme, divine! Fed, clothed, and crowned forevermore." THRONE OF NEWOLOGY. Again, I looked up and beheld the Pleadies, the great center of all the universe, the center of the heavens around which all the suns of the great universe of God revolve, CHAPTER 3, THE NEW MOVEMENT 91 and wondered if the center of the Throne of Newol- ogy was there. I stopped and listened, and again I heard the cry of the sorrowing and the dying. And there, all alone, as I gazed up into the universe of God, I thot of the ill smitten humanity, and a voice cried out from heaven: "I lived and atoned to de- stroy disease and death as well as sin, and that by Newology all ills of humanity shall be healed:" "I knelt and wept, my ideal to see, The Newlife, the real had come to me." SACRED PROMISE. And at that very moment, comfort and peace came to my heart, and again looking up into the universe at what I thot might be the Throne of God, I promised Him that I would give Newology to all the world and so it is: "Newology, not death, for which we pant, Newology whereof our minds are scant, It is Newology yea, fuller life we want To build the human body into the saint. " JOY OF NEWOLOGY. Again and again is my heart pained when I think of the error, poverty, dis- ease and death; when I think of the sorrow and agony coming up from thousands of weary beds of pain in all parts of the earth, until I have cried out: "How long, O Lord, how long?" and my aching heart, broken with the weight of human grief, sin, 92 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE pain and despair, I cry, I weep, I mourn, but withal, the ministry of Newology is a joy unconfined : "So runs my dream, what am I? An infant crying in the night; An infant crying for the light And without language but a cry." NEW HEART. I have learned the joy of glad- ness. Newology gives life in its beauty: youth is its treasure; health is its being and happiness its home. Newology brings joy and the joy of the Lord is my strength. The New Heart ever leaps with un- bounded joy. And now as I think that what I have said on Newology during the best years of my life, feeble tho it be, shall be used of God to bless and help my fellowman, a holy thrill of joy runs thru my heart and soul. But returning to my story: As the stars faded out of the Eastern sky and the glo- rious light of day dawned in the distant horizon, I entered my home in the City of Angels and there fell upon my knees and resolved upon my earthly pilgrimage, promising God to go forth from day to day offering the Message of Newology, The New- Word of God to man, for the redemption of the multitudes of all nations: "Like unto an armed knight Appointed to the battlefield, CHAPTER 3, THE NEW MOVEMENT 93 With this world will I fight- And honor shall be my shield. " BLESSED WORK. Newology is a blessed work and I pray God to give it acceptance in the hearts of many souls. Let us not mis-spend our time gazing up into heaven, for "This Newology, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall come in like manner as ye have seen Him go up into Heaven." I shall work, I shall sing, I shall pray, ever dreaming the harvest home lies near. I shall open the beautiful gate of Newology that leads to the redemption of the Newological body and the salvation of the immortal spirit. And the gates of ill shall not prevail against it. I shall sow the seed of Newology, the health and healing of the body and the salvation of the soul, the complete man. I shall open the door of The Newlife to many: Newology! The Newlife lease, How I have longed for thee; When shall the old life cease And the Newlife set men free. HOLY OF HOLIES. Newo! Newi! There is a holy law that can create in man the holy of holies. This is Newology. I believe that Newology is a mani- festation of Newlife. I believe that God dwells in His people and, therefore, I am one with God. I believe in the power that is, Omnipotent, Omniscent and Omnipresent, which makes for love and right. 94 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE NEW XENIUM. The New Church is The New Xenium, the new gift of God to strangers in a strange land. I believe in The New Church of the living God, the church of the deed and not the church of the creed. I believe that there is a great reformation coming, an awakening of men, a revival of Newology. I hear it on every hand, and before another decade I expect to see this world shaken with the greatest Movement the world has ever known, the influence of which will extend around the globe, and result in The New Civilization: "A glory shines across the coming years, The glory of a race grown great and free; It was seen by poets, sages, saints and seers, Whose vision glimpsed the dawn that is to be." WORLD MOVEMENT. And God being my helper, I shall enter upon a world-wide movement. I may sow in tears, but I shall reap in joy. I shall sow The New- Word of Newology with my own life that others may reap the Newlife and immortality: So, I go forth sowing, ever bearing precious seed, That all men may reap, who sow to humanity's need; That all nations may join my own Newlife Haven, And obey the spirit call of our Lord in heaven; That all men may en joy the fruitage of the Newbirth, And peace and good will to all men enrich the earth, When Newology shall be the song thru all eternity, And Newtianity, the bliss of an endless immortality. CHAPTER 4, THE NEW THEME 95 CHAPTER 4 THE NEWOLOGICAL THEME NEW THEME. Newology is my theme. I can- not tell what others may think of it, but to me it is grand, it is sublime, it is all you or I could wish for on earth or hope to enjoy in heaven. In its treat- ment the good, the great, the wise of all ages have been my daily companions. My work has been de- lightful, if not perfect. I have silently, but happily, spent the days, weeks, months and years of my life with the great prophets, writers, poets, thinkers, idealists, luminaries, philosophers and religionists of the centuries past. NEW SCIENCE. If I err in the science I have chosen for my guide, I admit my captivation by its truth, power and beauty. If I err, it is in the field of light, knowledge and wisdom. If I aspire, it is a glorious daring, and rather than fall with the doubtful theories of atheists, agnostics, deists, free thinkers, infidels, unbelievers and skep- tics who have thrown away the jewel of truth for something, they know not what, the blind leading the blind, I am content to cheat myself with Newol- ogy, The New Science of God to man for the re- demption of humanity from error, poverty, disease, age and death. 96 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE If Newology be nothing but a delusion, then I err with men of virtue who drank deep at the fountain from whence all perfection flows. NEW GOD. If I err, it is with one whose pure philosophy only taught him to adore its source. If I err, it is with one who loves his God. If I err, it is with one whose warm love of genuine liberty was never chilled into rebellion with its author. If I err, it is with one who loves his brother man. If I err, it is with one too wise not to know his weakness and too philosophic not to trust in God. If I err, it is with one of grateful piety. If I err, it is with one who loves his Lord. If I err, it is with one who walked with God. If I err, it is with one whose star-lit spirit dispels the darkness of the night that he may ascend to the home of his nativity. NEW VISION. If I err, it is with one who knows the value of a New Vision of the Newlif e. If I err, it is with one who saw a new heaven and a new earth, the holy city, New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. If I err with the Prophets, I err with men of ex- cellent knowledge and wisdom. If I err with the Apostles, I err with men of mani- fold spiritual graces. CHAPTER 4, THE NEW THEME 97 If I err, it is with one whose mind is like unto the bird of morn, soaring out of sight on angel wings. If I err, it is with one who knows in whom we have eternal life, youth and beauty. If I err, I err with more than a thousand authors and prophets in all ranks and conditions of life, fraught with all the learning of the past and almost prescient with the knowledge of the future. RELIGION OF NEWOLOGY. Therefore, with seers like these, even if all the cowardly submit to error, I, my brethren, will obey the religion of Newology. I shall be true to my God and console myself in the happy contemplation of the blessed spirits who labored before me in this same holy cause. With these as my teachers, so far as in me lies, I will abide by their righteous precepts, love the Science of Newology, practice its mandates, re- vere its sacred mysteries and admire the beauties of Newology. And he who taketh it away, steals my guide from youth, my shield from manhood, my crutch from age, and is worse than a thief and robber. CONFIDENCE IN GOD. Give me Newology as the basis of my confidence in the witnessing of God, my Creator, Father and Preserver, who giveth me knowledge and wisdom to do whatever my hand findeth to do for the redemption of humanity 98 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE that the ransomed of Newology shall return, and come with singing unto Newtianity, where everlast- ing joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing flee away. WINGS OF SOUL. I find that when I cannot speak with the great spiritual family of humanity, words come to me most opportunely and the pen becomes mightier than the sword. A conversation may be carried on in words and books may be built in words. A great system or structure may be erected in words and thus by continuity of words we may build a capital theme. We may add to a word, but cannot take an iota from it. Ah, words, wings of the immortal soul that carry Newology thru all eternity. NEW AND OLD. I was once asked to name the brightest and saddest words, the words that give the greatest amount of pleasure and produce the greatest amount of pain, and I gave the word New as the most beautiful and bright, and the word Old as the most sad and pathetic in all the world. And so, the word Newology awakens the deepest thot, life and love and carries with it the most in- teresting idea ever coined since the spoken word be- gan among men. It quickens the pulse to things brighter and thrills the heart to the pursuit of duty. It stands above and beyond all other words, for it CHAPTER 4, THE NEW THEME 99 is of God, making the perspectives of the land of Newtianity most beautiful and bright to behold, where we may look down thru the midst of the vistas on the cycles of eternity. KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. In the Name of the Most High and Almighty Prince of Newness, by whose Inspiration, Grace, Power, Truth and Pro- tection, I am perpetually sustained, I write The New- o logical Message of life and immortality unto you and all posterity. I offer you Grace, Mercy and Peace, which Almighty God, the Father of all mercies bestows upon His people, accompanied by The Newlife of Health, Happiness, Prosperity, Longevity, Immortality, Eternal Youth and Per- petual Beauty. May The New God, the Creator of heaven and earth and all that in them is, bless New- ology in creating a new heaven and a new earth, a new humanity and a new civilization, that I may give unto His keeping multiplied millions of New- ologists every year as the centuries roll on, and all for the felicity of man, the happiness of humanity, the good of The New Church and the everlasting glory of God, and the establishment of His King- dom upon the earth in which every man, every son and daughter of God shall be a new Christ and reign forever. 100 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE CHAPTER 5 THE NEWOLOGICAL DAWN NEW GUIDE. Newology marks the beginning of time, the creation of man, the duration of eternity and the immortality of humanity. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the begin- ning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. This Word, truth, life and light is The New God of Newology." NEWOLOGY GREATER. "The works that I do shall ye do also, and greater things shall ye do, because I go to the Father to intercede for you:" WHY NEWOLOGY. The following reasons ex- plain why Newology has come for the redemption of humanity from error, poverty, disease and death : 1 . Newology is greater than knowledge, 2. Newology is greater than wisdom, 3. Newology is greater than education, 4. Newology is greater than culture, 5. Newology is greater than theology, 6. Newology is greater than science, 7. Newology is greater than scripture, 8. Newology is greater than philosophy, CHAPTER 5, THE NW DAWN 101 9. Newology is greater than religion, 10. Newology is greater than literature, And last, but not least, Newology is all of these, one in all and all in one, being the old and the new, the good and the true in all truth, life and love. Newology has come not to destroy the old sys- tems but to fulfill the prophecy of (1) The New Heaven, (2) The New Earth, (3) The New Human- ity and (4) The New Civilization. NEWTIANITY CREATE R. Newology has dawned upon the world as The New Religion. It shows that while all religions of the past have been recognized as essentially divine, there can be but one true religion. The credentials of the divine origin of Newology are to be found in the lives of the Newologists who live it. Thru Newology the old intolerance is disappearing, and a new system of religion has come for the redemption of man. Therefore, it is important that we turn our atten- tion to the science, scripture, philosophy and re- ligion of Newology, and compare Newtianity with The Comparative Religions of the whole world: 1. Newtianity is greater than Brahmanism, 2. Newtianity is greater than Buddhism, 3. Newtianity is greater than Confucianism, 4. Newtianity is greater than Christianity, 5. Newtianity is greater than Eddasism, 6. Newtianity is greater than Judaism, 102 .NEWOLOGY THE NEW BIBLE 7. Newtianity is greater than Mohammedanism, 8. Newtianity is greater than Monotheism, 9. Newtianity is greater than Pantheism, 10. Newtianity is greater than Polytheism, and 11. Newtianity is greater than Zoroastrianism. NEW SYSTEM. Newtianity, the Religion of Newology, is indeed greater than the Ancient, Me- dieval and Modern systems of religion. Newtianity is the beginning of a new epoch in history, a new day in the aeons of eternity and a new reign of the Most High. To briefly summarize and compare Newtianity with the Ancient, Medieval and Modern religious systems of the world, the science, scrip- ture, philosophy and religion of Newtianity, based upon Newology, is higher than the old religions known as : Arm enianism, Americanism, Assy rianism, Brahmanism, Buddhism, Babyloniaism, Babism, Christianity, Confucianism, Danteism, Eddasism, Egyptianism, Ethicalism, Evolutionism, Englandism, Greekism, Humanityism, Hinduism, Hittiteism, Irvingism, Indianism, Judaism, Koranism, Latinism, Modernism, Mohammedanism, Monotheism, Mor- monism, Mithraism, Moralism, Nationalism, Nature- ism, Newthotism, Nonconformism, Orthodoxism, Pantheism, Protestantism, Paganism, Parseeism, Polytheism, Quakerism, Romanism, Secularism, Scandinavianism, Slavonicism, Shintoism, Spinzoa- ism, Sikhism, Swedenborgianism, Sufiism, Spiritual- CHAPTER 5, THE NEW DAWN 103 ism, Skepticism, Taoism, Teutonicism, Theism, The- ology ism, Theosophyism, Universalism, Unitarian- ism, Vedaism and Zoroastrianism. COMPARATIVE SCIENCE. Newology is a Comparative Science as well as philosophy and re- ligion of the highest order, and is demonstrable to the highest possible degree: Newology creates atoms of life. Theology creates atoms of death. Newology creates atoms of immortality. Theology creates atoms of mortality. Newology creates atoms of health. Theology creates atoms of disease. Newology creates atoms of light. Theology creates atoms of darkness. Newology creates atoms of braveness. Theology creates atoms of humiliation. Newology creates atoms of love. Theology creates atoms of hate. Newology creates atoms of harmony. Theology creates atoms of discord. Newology creates atoms of bliss. Theology creates atoms of sadness. Newology creates atoms of Newlif e. Theology creates atoms of despair. Newology creates atoms of happiness. Theology creates atoms of sorrow. 104 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Newology creates atoms of success. Theology creates atoms of failure. Newology creates eternal youth. Newology creates immortal beauty. THE NEW GOD. The New God is the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. Remember the for- mer things of old, for I am God and there is none else; I, even I, am the Lord and beside me there is no Saviour. The New God who has existed from the foundation and creation of all worlds is the only living and true God. The New God is Newology Personified, the mind Newolcgized, and made perfect, the body Newtian- ized, immortalized and glorified. And, therefore, it is the understanding of God that makes Him The New God to man and inspires humanity on and on to the newness of all life and truth in Himself, for time and eternity, worlds without end. I am the first, and I am the last, and beside me there is no God. This is The Newological God. NEWOLOGY. The Newological Faith is: 1. Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man; 2. The Leadership of God thru Newology; 3. The progress of man onward and upward. Newology is calling, it is morning, Do thy work, make thy life sublime The New Birth, The Newlife ringing: The New G-od buildeth all men Divine. CHAPTER 6, THE NEW STUDY 105 CHAPTER 6 THE NEWOLOGICAL STUDY STUDY OF NEWOLOGY. No profession is learned until we have made a careful study of New- ology. It is every student's duty to: 1. Learn the truth of Newology. 2. Learn the teachings of Newology. 3. Commit the subject to memory. 4. Transmit the Science to others. 5. Keep a volume of Newology with you. 6. Believe that God wrote it to you. 7. Check and mark it freely when necessary. 8. Study and commit a portion of it daily. 9. Ask God to open your eyes to its truth, and 10. Ask God to help you grasp its full meaning. HOW TO STUDY. In the study of Newology the student should master the principles by the Law of Correspondence between the divine and natural, connecting the physical with the spiritual, beginning with the seed, blade, ear and stalk: 1. The seed or new birth; 2. The blade or sign of new birth; 3. The New Birth, the ear of corn, The Newlife; 4. The full stalk or the Newo and the Newi, and 5. The Newologist or the new soul, man per- fected and glorified, Newologized and Newtianized. 106 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE In the study of Newology you should learn: 1. The place where it was written. 2. The time at which it was written. 3. The people to whom it was written. 4. The purpose for which it was written. 5. The person by whom it was written. 6. The importance of Newological wisdom. 7. The value of Newology to yourself. 8. The importance of Newological knowledge. 9. Value of Newology in the destruction of evil. 10. The Newology in the construction of good. NEW BIRTH. There are three means of grace leading to the new birth of man and glory of God: 1 . The word by which Newology sanctifies man. 2. Study the Science of Newology, to find God. 3. When the Newology of God to man is born anew in you it shall live and abide forever. 4. Pray the prayer of Newology by which man may grow in grace, the knowledge of the truth. 5. Man is also bidden to watch and pray lest he enter into temptation and lose his powers. 6. The power of song is one great means of conversion to the God of Newology, and 7. Therefore, sing your praises to the Most High that you may grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth in God by which humanity may be freed from the bondage of poverty, disease and death with the Newlif e of Newology. CHAPTER 6, THE NEW STUDY 107 USE OF NEWOLOGY. The Newological means of grace should be used in the right proportion: 1. If a man reads the Word of Newology and does not pray silently or audibly or go into the silence, he may become puffed up with knowledge, without the love that buildeth the Newologist. 2. If a man prays without reading the Word of Newology, he shall be ignorant of the Newological Will of God and become fanatical and mystical in his mind and subject to every wind that blows. 3. If a man reads the Word of Newology and prays, but does not sing The New Song of New- ology, he falls short in one of the great means of grace and salvation in glorifying God. 4. Therefore, sing and speak and pray the gos- pel, science, philosophy and religion of Newology. 5. The man who does not commune two hours a day, has lost between sunrise and sunset two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes, no reward is offered, for they are gone forever. 6. The study of Newology is one of the greatest privileges offered to the children of men. 7. Newology is a Divine Guide to the precious Treasury of Love sublime by which man may dis- cover his divinity and relationship to God. NEW BEING. Newology makes it possible to reap the fruit of the past struggles of man, and demonstrates the next great step in the progress of 108 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE civilization. It makes straight the way for man to stand forth in his glory, a beautiful Newologized mind, a Newtianized body, a Newologist with a radiant spirit. It brings physical, mental and spir- itual well-being to all: 1. By establishing the Fatherhood of God, and brotherhood of man to man. 2. By teaching women to no longer be drudges and slaves for miserable wages. 3. By teaching all children to lead beautiful, glad and happy lives. 4. By destroying old age, poverty, sorrow, pain, disease and death. 5. By laying the foundation of health, happi- ness and prosperity that leads to paths of peace, power and plenty. 6. By enabling all to realize the highest possi- bilities of mind, body and soul. 7. By conserving the energy, faith, poise, char- acter, personality and self-mastery. 8. By using the will, power of desire, thot and mentality, in the conscious, subconscious and su- perconscious realms of man. 9. By concentration, attainment, dominion, joy, suggestion, physical, mental and spiritual healing. 10. How to enter the New Heaven and the New Earth here and now, so as to get the inspiration, the uplift and glory in an endless life. CHAPTER 7, THE NEW DAY 109 CHAPTER 7 THE NEWOLOGICAL DAY NEW DAY. The Intemperance of humanity is the greatest evil of today, save personal purity alone, but in Newology we have found a remedy, not only for intemperance but for all evils to which humanity is heir. This is The New Dawn of New- ology. It is all inclusive. It is temperance, purity, sincerity and loving kindness to all men. It makes temperate husbands, temperate fathers, temperate mothers, temperate brothers, temperate sisters, temperate wives, yea, a temperate people worthy of the name. This is The New God in Humanity. NEW MAN. The New Man is not an animal, nor a specie of any being or kind lower than him- self, but is a son of God, and is no longer consid- ered an animal, nor a descendent of any creature lower than himself at his highest and best. The New Man, The Newologist, and The Newtian minded have discerned the solemn truth, that the New Man, The Newologist, is created in the image and likeness of God, but little lower than the angels, with full dominion over all the earth, and power to attain unto the Most High. WHAT OF NEWOLOGY? Newology having 110 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE been established as the greatest science in all the world, The New-Science of God to Man, the only question that remains is: Are you interested? Columbus said the world was round and offered to prove it, but the people were not interested. Sheldon invented the first automobile and was stoned on the street because of it the people were not interested. Just think how humanity for hun- dreds of years has been cheating itself thru the use of this time-worn phase: "Oh, well it is new, And perhaps it is true; It may help the diseased, But, I am not interested !" LOOK AGAIN. But let us look again. You had best be interested or you will soon be num- bered with the sinful, the sick, the sad, the dying, the dead and the damned. Time and eternity are one, just begun. There are but two roads thru eternity : 1. The first is by way of perfect life, health, happiness, prosperity, longevity, eternal youth and beauty, all of which, establish immortality in the body. 2. The second is by way of error, poverty, dis- ease, death, hell and the grave, and it is for you to say what your life shall be. You can make it CHAPTER 7, THE NEW DAY 111 grand. You can make it noble. You can make it sublime. You can make it what you will wish it had been as the ages of eternity roll, but it depends on Newology. TRIUMPHANT LIFE. The Triumph of The Newological Reformation is indeed phenomenal. Not a day goes by that the application of the prin- ciples of Newology to the affairs of every-day life does not produce wonderful results. And so New- ology will live unhurt amid the wreck of time and the crash of worlds, when: The critic of yesterday Will in silent awe return, To praise the coming day And fill its golden urn! NAME NEWOLOGY. The very Name New- ology is an inspiration to all the world; an inspira- tion that is a spirit of enthusiasm and progress; an inspiration that awakens in the mind of every soul who hears the magic word. It is the spirit of the Newlife in humanity seeking its own. GROWTH OF NEWOLOGY. How wonder- ful it is to feel that we are a part of the wonderful growth of the Science, philosophy and religion of Newology; to feel that we are an instrument in its development, its advancement and progress, to 112 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE know that we are putting the best part of our lives into the Newological Movement that is daily, hourly, becoming the greatest reformation of time, is a sat- isfaction that the Newologist feels and expresses in his acknowledgment to God. PUBLIC POSITION. I am not a candidate for public office. I am an aspirant for but one position, a home in The New Civilization, where I may enjoy eternal youth and beauty, a candidate for my right- ful eternal heritage, a crownship for the new heaven and the new earth, all crowned with the endless smiles of immortal glory. BACHELOR OF NEWOLOGY. I am single, not of choice; my time is well occupied as Leader of The Newological Movement, a Reformation that is already world-wide in its scope, and has for its object the elevation of all humanity to a higher sphere of physical and spiritual existence. And, therefore, have little time to serve my country in the capacity of any special office within the gift of my countrymen, even tho it were the honored distinction of president of this great republic. NEW TEMPERANCE. I am not a presidential candidate ; however, should this great people choose to make me president of the United States, I would strike all intemperance a daring blow. If in the course of human events, God should call me, thru CHAPTER 7, THE NEW DAY 113 His chosen few, to the presidential chair of this great nation, I promise Him now, that I would wipe intemperance off the map of this great country, and more completely, too, than did our lamented Lin- coln the slavery question, and that in less than four years. LIQUOR QUESTION. I will destroy the liquor traffic and every canteen on land and sea and rele- gate every government endorser of it, high or low, to the rear ranks of political oblivion, there to re- main, until they are called to their reward, "where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched." PRACTITIONER. I teach, preach and prac- tice Newology for the redemption of humanity. All my study and work encircles Newology. "This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are be- fore, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling in God. To this end I was born and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto Newology. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice." SEEKING FAME. I am not seeking fame, nor political preferment; however, in passing I would say: I am not a politician, I am not a candidate for earthly office, yet it is a great honor to be President of the United States. I am a Newologist and Au- 114 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE thor of Newology, the greatest science in all the world, a science that is to redeem humanity from destruction, and therefore, I care not for future fame. I would rather teach the nations of the earth Newol- ogy than be ruler over them all, even tho they were all united into one great kingdom and I was king of them all, all in one and one in all: 4 * The re was a morn when I longed for fame, There was a noontide, when I passed it by, There is an eve, when I think not fame, Its substance and its being to deny; For if men bear in mind great deeds; The Name of Him that wrought the writ Nay: should they leave alone to die? They change the deed that first ennobled it!" TIME FOR ACTION. The churches must unite upon a common ground. The doors of the churches must be widened to Newology or closed forever. The eternal God has a work to be accomplished which must be done within, or without, the pale of the church, and it is for the churches to decide whether they shall bear the new message of New- ology or let it pass once and for all time into other channels. NEW ZENITH. The New Church of Newology is The New Zenith of The New Heaven and The New Earth for the redemption of humanity. God de- CHAPTER 7, THE NEW DAY 115 mands the work shall be done, the Holy Spirit in- spires it, humanity requires it, and the sacred priv- ilege of the churches toward The New Church, must be lost and pass into other hands, unless the unity of the churches and religions are consummated soon. It is a sacred trust, and let us hope this sacred privilege shall not pass to other hands. NEWOLOGIST. The Newologist is one who has discovered God; to him, The New God, and one with God, the Father of all. He is the highest creation of God on earth, but little lower than the angels of light. The Newologist has attained unto the Newo; the new mind, and the Newi, the new body, the former perfected and the latter glorified. Some of the characteristics of a Newologist are: The Newologist loves Newology and his God; himself and neighbor; his parents and children; his friends and strangers; the old and the young; his profession and country; his duty and truth; life and health; happiness and prosperity; longevity and im- mortality; eternal youth and beauty. Therefore: The New Church has been founded, Building that Newology may shine, The New Heaven to be established, That The New Earth may be Thine. 116 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE CHAPTER 8 THE NEWOLOGICAL INSPIRATION NEW LITERATURE. There are two kinds of literature sacred and profane. These have been before the world for thousands of years. Sacred literature is inspired of God, while profane litera- ture is the work of men searching outward. The New Religion of Newology does not come very often; but when it does come it lives with the ages. The profane books come often, but die in their youth. Newology, which becomes the Gospel of the future and the Religion of the world, comes only once in approximately twenty centuries, and, best of all, it comes at a period when most needed. Newology drops down upon us with an alarming fearlessness. It consults neither man nor books; former theologies, doctrines, philosophies, sciences and theories are wholly ignored by it, yet it makes an orbit of its own. It ignores dates and chronol- ogy, yet its favorite themes are the affairs of worlds, yea, the Science of God, and man, and angels. It is like a World's Congress that has set in judgment and forever settled some international question of concern to all future generations of earth. SACRED BOOK. Newology did not fall down from the sky out of the windows of heaven, with CHAPTER 8, THE NEW INSPIRATION 117 God's signature already attached to it, nor has the human race inherited any other gospel in that way, but any book which imparts a knowledge of the Newlife and destiny of man, and unfolds the char- acter, nature and personality of God, and the beauty, wonder and glory of His creations, is a good book and a blessing to the world: And thus by Newology, a soul like thine, Shall be transformed by the touch divine. 2,000 YEARS. And then the world moves on for another score of centuries with millions of au- thors writing books, daily, hourly, and again at the end of two thousand years all is in confusion and few know what to think, believe, or what has been satisfactorily explained and proved, and again comes the sacred book of Newology, like an international court of the world, and forever settles all matters for another stretch of two thousand years, which leads to the advancement, the elevation, the spir- itual improvement of all peoples, nations, languages and tongues for more than forty generations. And so, the best any book or Bible can do is to guide man back to himself where the air is pure, the sky clear and his vision forever enlarged, where he shall find himself created in the image and likeness of God. This cycle is the beginning of the 2000-year reign of Newology. 118 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE NEW DAY. The Newologists shall be non-flesh eaters; they shall teach the nations of the earth to war no more and will do unto others as they would have others do unto them. They shall found a new government, which will be wholly unlike any other government in existence, and which shall, at no dis- tant day, become international in character and eventually a world-government, which will be ruled, controlled and governed wholly by love, when it shall be said of all men, of every human soul: "Greater love hath no man than Newology." NEW LAW. When the Newological law, the great law of love, controls all men, then we shall have the millennium dawn; then all men, the high, the low, the rich, the poor, having united on a com- mon level and having put an end to caste, all, with one accord, will love one another, and the nations of the earth will learn to war no more; their swords shall be beaten into ploughshares, and their energies will no longer be wasted in building warships and gathering armies and navies. GREAT AWAKENING. I believe that the world is awakening rapidly to the Science of New- ology. I believe that the dictionaries of the future will not contain the words sin, poverty, disease nor death. They are now being used more in the past tense than ever before in history, and thus, Newol- CHAPTER 8, THE NEW INSPIRATION 119 ogy, The Science of God, is teaching man to over- come all ills to which humanity is heir: Death is a stupid thing For life it cannot bring. DIVINE WILL. With the establishment of New- ology, the marching of armies and soldiers will cease, and navies sail no more. Life, reputation, humanity, love, marriage and all things will be sa- cred and all men will live in harmony with the Di- vine Will. There will be no more poor people on the earth, and no more children crying for want of shelter, food and raiment. Materiality will give way to spirituality; sin, poverty, disease, murder and crime, impurity and political scheming will be un- known, and all men will be brethren. There will be no more libel, slander and assaults from ambush, and the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and the eagle shall no more devour the dove, and Newology shall be the healing balm of all the world. CAPITAL AND LABOR. When Newology is fully established, riots and mob violence will be no more, and the strife between capital and labor will have ended. Oh, glorious dawn of the new day! There will be no more human slaves, money kings or peasants and the classes now styled, the high, the low, the rich, the poor, will worship God at the same shrine in one great Church of Newology. 120 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE BOOK OF LIFE. Newology is the demonstra- ble science, the gospel of truth, the philosophy of life and the religion of God. When a book reveals information of things we know not of, and gives us a method of proving that information to be true, it is a sacred book, and, therefore, entitled to its place as a volume of the sacred literature. New- ology does not add to or take away a single word of Divine Inspiration already written. It is not a destroyer of old systems of religion, but a revealer of a new one, builded by The New Church, adapted to The New Civilization wherein every man is his brother's keeper, and willing to go into all the world and proclaim Newology to a dying humanity. TIMES LIKE THIS. Therefore, it is with a full sense of responsibility and no little pride that I pre- sent the science, philosophy and religion of Newol- ogy to the world. If what I have said is not all purely Newology, it possesses this merit, it is the result of a careful study and long consideration of Newological Inspiration, demonstrating, the great scientific truth, that man has long since been buried in the grave of oblivion and that Newology is the Power of God unto salvation of body and spirit, by which we shall rebuild him into a man divine. New- ology has come in times like these as a light in the darkness to free humanity from bondage of ignor- ance, fear and superstition and make all men free CHAPTER 8, THE NEW INSPIRATION 121 indeed. They that overcometh I will give power over the nations; they shall be clothed in white rai- ment and I will give them a new name in the Book of Newology. NEWTIAN LOVE. And thou Newology, vir- gin of The Newlife, prophesied by the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles, before thou wert born, what love, what labor, what anxiety, what care and what sorrow has there been during these two thousand years to bring to preserve and to protect thee from those who would slander, defile and defame thee. MILLION OF FOLLOWERS. Oh, that Newol- ogy may keep The Newologist free from all fear that would overwhelm The Newlife in the building of a new humanity! May it have multiplied mil- lions of earnest followers who shall be faithful on earth to the God of love, life, truth and The New- tianity of righteousness, who shall inherit a blissful immortality and everlasting felicity. Thou Newtian, thine hour has come, This is the time, the way, the day; Come seek Newology as I have done, Come live The Newlife all the way. 122 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE CHAPTER 9 THE NEWOLOGICAL ORDER NEW ORDER. The old systems of religion are a misnomer and cannot be considered, in this en- lightened day, the truth of God, and, therefore, we must turn to Newology as a science, philosophy and religion to bring man to his own. God is Order, and order is heaven's first law; therefore: The old order changeth true And giveth place to the new. BASIS OF NEWOLOGY. Newology is founded upon the following Newological principles: 1. Newology is nearer to God than the old sys- tems of science and scripture. 2. Newology is dearer to God than the old sys- tems of philosophy and literature. 3. Newology is a wider view of God than the old systems of theology and religion. 4. Newologists have a greater understanding of God than theologists. 5. Newologists have a greater faith in God than theologists. 6. Newology teaches that man is one with God. 7. Newology teaches that only one is Master, the God within you. CHAPTER 9, THE NEW ORDER 123 8. Newology builds its structure on the au- thority of God and His creations. 9. Newology trusts no authority but the heart and mind of God and His handiwork. 10. Newology teaches the complete immortal- ity of man, body and spirit; and, 11. Newology teaches the personality of the God within you. SCRIPTURE. The Scriptures were written in an era of the world's history when the people were not very far advanced in spirituality, civilization, educa- tion, culture and cosmic consciousness, and now at the dawn of Newtianity on earth, Newology has come to give man immortality, eternal youth and beauty in the body. WORD OF GOD. Newology, The New-Word of God to Man, is for the first time given to the world in permanent book form. The basic prin- ciples upon which The Newological Word is based are as follows: 1. God is, and Newology is the Subject and Science, revelation and scripture, philosophy and religion of God to Man for the redemption of hu- manity. 2. Man, being one with God, possesses the Prin- ciple of immortality and can live forever. 124 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE 3. Man is inspired today the same as in the days of the prophets and the apostles. 4. That error, sin, poverty, disease, death and the grave may be overcome by the Newological life of health, happiness, prosperity, longevity and im- mortality here and now. 5. Newology is the spirit of God and speaks of the things of God: "The unnatural man receive th not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him ; neither can he know them, be- cause they are spiritually discerned." 6. Newology, the old and the new, the good and the true in all science, scripture, philosophy and re- ligion, speaks unto all men who have risen above the folly, fear, prejudice and superstition of the dark ages before Newology was known, and "have a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto they do well that they take heed, as unto a light that shine th in a dark place, until the Day Star arise in man." 7. The work of God is not for a day or any certain specified period in the world's history, but for all time and eternity: "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life; and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books accord- ing to their works." This is the book of Newology. 8. Humanity has at last risen to the higher plane CHAPTER 9, THE NEW ORDER 125 of spiritual comprehension, consciousness and un- derstanding, and now begin to grasp the greater meaning of "the newness of life, the spirit of all truth and the truth shall make you free." 9. Even the disciples after a close companion- ship with Jesus, the Newological Ensample, were not ready to receive the whole truth, and he said unto them: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you unto all truth, for He will not speak of Himself, but what things soever He shall hear, these things shall He speak." 10. The Newological Conception of truth brings man into that Spiritual consciousness of his oneness with the Infinite, when he conceives and discovers for the first time, that man is created in the image and likeness of God, that he is not born to die; that he is immortal. And he rises up to the importance of Newology and declares, "I shall not die, but live; that the last enemy to be destroyed is death," and "he that keepeth my word, Newology, and my say- ings, Newtianity, shall never see death." NEWOLOGIST. Man is a two-fold being consisting of two great component parts, the Newo and the Newi, described as follows: 1. The Newo is the mind, the spirit, the life, the God, the Infinite and the intelligence of the soul, and 126 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE 2. The Newi is the body, the physical form composed of the matter, the mind, the spirit, the life, the God, the Infinite and the intelligence of the soul. 3. The union of (1) the Newo and (2) the Newi constitute the Newologist, the soul of man. 4. The word soul is the spiritual name for man, meaning the whole, the soul, the complete man or individual being, which, in its completeness and at its best, is in reality immortal in its entirety. 5. Newology shows that faith without works is dead. Man cannot live by faith alone, but by the Newology of God to man which worketh in him. 6. That the soul, the man, that sineth shall die or live according to his knowledge, wisdom and use of Newology. 7. The Newo of man is the basis, foundation, center and power of thot, and when used in contra- distinction to the Newi, is that which thinks, per- ceives, reasons, desires, feels, remembers and wills. 8. The Newo in man embraces the whole intel- lectual and rational faculty in man; that is, the psychological power of man which conceives, chooses, judges and understands, including the en- tire Newological nature, spiritual and physical. The Newo does not include the soul, but it is often called the soul and is a part and portion of it, the complete man, however, being the soul. 9. The Newo in contradistinction to the Newi, is CHAPTER 9, THE NEW ORDER 127 the mental, rational, spiritual and immortal part in man which renders him, in truth, an intellectual, re- ligious, divine, immortal soul. 10. Man is one with God, and, therefore, the Newo has its center in the Infinite. The Newo is the seat of all life, love, spirit, learning, knowledge, truth and wisdom, the vehicle of individual personal existence and the immortal, animating, surviving, vital force and energy essential to the individual Newi, with power to Newtianize the body and thus make the soul, the Newologist, immortal in the highest conception of truth. NEWOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES. Thus we learn from the foregoing Newological facts and principles: 1. The Newo is the name which includes, em- braces and expresses the combined thot, mentality and intelligence of the Newtianized, spiritualized mind and consciousness of man. The letter "o" in the word Newo indicates the most perfect state of perfection attainable and stands for the perfected mind, the new mind, the soul, rounded out in its wonted symmetry. "O" among the ancients was a mark of triple time from the truth that the ternary, or number 3, is the most perfect of numbers and properly expressed by a circle the most perfect of characters. It stands for the union of principle one and two, father and mother, which produces prin- ciple three, the child, the I am. 128 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE 2. The New! is the name which includes, em- braces and expresses the material body or substance of man in his Newological state. The letter "I" in the word Newi stands for the I am, the Living body, the Individual, the bodily Ego, the Individuality and Personality of man. The I as the third principle is made vertical, and wherever found is always straight, else it is not, for it cannot exist save in its perfected state; and 3. The Newologist is the unity of the mind and body in its Newtianized, perfected, glorified state when it becomes free from all error, poverty, age, disease and death in which the body becomes new and immortal and represents the soul, the whole, the mind, the ego, the life, the spirit, the God, the Infinite of man in which he lives, moves and has his being: That man needs Newology we must confess, The Newp he must have for bodily success; The Newi with God must be in harmony, When the soul will have put on immortality. CHAPTER 10, THE NEW FOUNDATION 129 CHAPTER 10 THE NEWOLOGICAL FOUNDATION MIND OF GOD. Newology contains new wards of inspiration of the mind of God, a narration of the future state of man, the plan of salvation of the body, as well as the spirit, the happiness of saints and the redemption of sinners. Its doctrines are true, its precepts are holy, its words are binding, its history is correct and its decisions are immutable. Be wise and read it, believe its teachings to be safe, and practice its precepts to be holy. It contains comfort to cheer you, food to support you, medicine to heal you and light to direct you on your pathway to heavenly glory. It is the Newtian's charter, the pilgrims staff, the soldier's sword, the traveler's map, the pilot's compass, and the Newologist's guide. It will lead men out of the wilderness, restore paradise on earth, open the windows of heaven and estab- lish The New Civilization here and now. NEW GROUNDS. Newology stands on en- tirely new grounds and gives the basis of a great system of Science, Religion, Medicine, Humanity, Divinity, Education and Politics, wholly at variance with what is taught in the Theological Academies, Literary Colleges and Universities of the world. But during the past quarter of a century, many wise men 130 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE have turned in the direction of Newology and freely assert that its doctrine is the beginning of a new sys- tem of Science, Religion, Medicine, Education and Politics, that it will change the materiality of the world to the oncoming stage of Newtianity, a Spirit- uality that will change Republics, Kingdoms and Empires in a day. Newology has elicited almost universal praise as being the long looked for dis- covery to give light upon the scientific, yet unsolved problems of life, including the nature of life, the method of life, and the purpose of life, heaven and immortality: He that is not with me is against me, But he that is with me is forevermore. ORIGIN OF MAN. Many scientists, philoso- phers and sages of the past have searched the world for the origin of man by the process of evolution; some have gone deeply into the cell theory of atoms with the faint hope of discovering the source of man; some philosophers have chased man back to the protoplasm and there deserted him; some au- thors have endeavored to prove that man began away down in the insect sphere of existence; some have tried to prove that one animal is produced thru another specie, but every scientist, every philosopher and every author has invariably left out the neces- sary facts to prove their argument, the connecting CHAPTER 10, THE NEW FOUNDATION 131 link, and piteously failed to prove in the least de- gree that there is no God, and that Newology is not the true Science of God to Man for the redemption of humanity, from error, poverty, disease, despair and death with The Newlife of Health, Happiness, Prosperity, Longevity and Immortality in the body. Newology is the nutrition and expression of real re- ligious life. I am a Newologist, because that liberty of thot and life, which is highly essential to health and happiness, is found in Newology. GOD IN MAN. Newology teaches humanity the recognition, manifestation and realization of the God in man, his oneness with the Infinite, and his power to live contemporaneously with Him in the immortal spheres of his existence. The Newologist begins with practical idealism and graduates from plane to plane, from sphere to sphere, from height to height until he shall reach that state of purification where death ceases to be a phenomenon, when the complete man, body and mind, may be changed in the twinkling of an eye, corruption take on the new robe of incorruption, mortality the white robe of immortality thus making his mission and transition complete when man may immediately ascend to the next sphere of his existence. ETERNITY OF NEWOLOGY. The eternity of Newology may be compared to a bird that once every thousand years takes from the great ocean, a 132 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE single drop of water, until the ocean bed might be- come dry; and, at like intervals, one by one, remove the grains of sand which form the seashore, the eter- nity of Newology, beloved, would have just begun. NEW THEORY. The New Science of Newology presents the theory of the complete immortality of man, body and spirit, and all science is bound by the immortal law of honor to face every problem, fairly presented to it, Newology holds that if man is immortal in part, he is immortal in whole, for God does not do work by halves, and therefore, no other science, philosophy or religion can demonstrate oth- erwise. Newology excludes no man from divine mercy. The God of Newology is the friend of labor. It shows the true religious character of man. It causes the good and the true in man to immediately come to the surface and at once declare the divinity of humanity, and man's oneness with God. NEWOLOGICAL CALL. Newology tells the true life-story of every man bom into the world, and unites all humanity in the calling of the "Father's business." It gives Newlife to all, happiness to all, success to all, longevity to all, labor to all, and is the Ne wo logical Call to "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls": CHAPTER 10, THE NEW FOUNDATION 133 To Newology, men are coming, To Newology, your place is here, To Newology, men are clinging, Men of faith and women fair. STRENGTH OF MAN. Newology does away with all guess work. It heals the body and saves the soul. It teaches the way to cure all disease to which humanity is heir and removes the industrial ills of the race. It is the sure way to life, health, happi- ness, prosperity and length of days. If a man is young it teaches him how to stay young, and if by the mistakes of life, he has grown old, it teaches him how to become young and strong again. Thru the science and understanding of Newology man should have greater vigor, greater capacity, greater power, greater intelligence, and greater brilliancy at one hundred than at thirty. BLOOM OF WOMAN. A woman should retain the bloom of health forever and forever, and grow more beautiful every day. Newology gives you power to remove every sin and everything in your life that keeps you from being at your best and en- ables you to live a happier and better life and keeps you from growing old and withering away to die: Woman shall rejoice all the way Living at dawn of the new day. 134 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE PERPETUAL HEALTH. Newology has made many startling discoveries of which the old-time scientist never dreamed. The Newological Medi- cine is a complete reversal of all preconceived notions of medicine. It demonstrates that life can be prolonged indefinitely without resort to drugs, druggists or drug stores. Newology is indeed the most wonderful scientific discovery of any age, and the greatest of all knowl- edge that can be clearly disclosed. Some of the Newological Truths have heretofore been clearly known, while others have been closely guarded. IMMORTAL YOUTH. Newology has discov- ered man's oneness with God and demonstrate the truth that a conscious co-operation with God in the re-construction of the human body is the great secret of immortal youth and beauty, the heritage and birthright of every child born into the world. In this sacred secret, which has so long lain dor- mant, until the discovery of Newology, lies both the science and the power of man's living forever. By this secret of perpetual youth, altho man dies every tick of the clock, yet he is being reborn every mo- ment of his life, and this power gradually elim- inates bodily age from the consciousness, and when this is done man may live forever. CHAPTER 10, THE NEW FOUNDATION 135 UNDERSTANDING. The Newologist reaches the central thot and cannot be diverted from the central point of his purpose in life. When in a de- bate or social argument or friendly discussion he cannot be diverted from the main central point of thot ever knowing that Newology embraces think- ing and living, seeing and hearing, feeling and tast- ing, smelling and being, minding and doing, and, above all, recognize the old and the new, the good and the true, from whatever source it may come, either in science or scripture, philosophy or religion, knowledge or wisdom, creation or inspiration. WISDOM OF NEWOLOGY. Newology is wis- dom. It teaches what to do next. Newology is skill. It teaches how to do the next. Newology is virtue. It teaches the right time, in the right way and in the right place, so he who runs may read and not err therein. To understand Newology is to gain the resurrection of a nobler and finer self. And so whatever thou art suffering today look upon it as but the crucifixion of some baser and lesser part of the old self now being changed to the new and true, and the enjoyment of an endless life. Thou art The Gfciide to my God, Thou Newological wisdom so fair; Thru Thee we have found the road, Thru Thee we would offer prayer, 136 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE CHAPTER 11 THE NEWOLOGICAL SYSTEM ALL MEN BROTHERS Thru the Newological teachings the marching of armies and soldiers will cease and navies sail no more. Life, reputation, humanity, love, marriage and all things will be sacred, and all men will live in harmony with the Divine Will. There will be no more children crying for shelter, food and raiment. Materiality will give way to spirituality ; sin, poverty, disease, murder and crime, impurity and political scheming will be un- known and all men will be brethren, for we are our brother's keeper. CRIME WILL CEASE. There will be no more libel, slander and assaults from ambush and the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and the eagle shall no more devour the dove. Riots and mob violence will be no more and the strife between capital and labor will have ended. Oh glorious dawn of the new day! There will be no more human slaves, money- kings or peasants and the classes now styled, the high, the low, the rich, the poor, will worship God at the same shrine in one great church; tariff, casts and aristocracy will disappear from the face of the earth and the human family shall then experience CHAPTER 11, THE NEW SYSTEM 137 and know what it is to be one with and live with God forever. RISE TO POWER. The Psychic, spiritual, men- tal and physical man is being developed thru the science of Newology as never before in the history of humanity. The Newological rise to power will put an end to disease and death, when the daily press announcements will no longer read : births, en- gagements, marriages and deaths, but rather births, engagements, marriages and life eternal, one grand life of immortal bliss, a life that has been forever freed from the ravages of pain, sorrow and disease, when the sting of death and the victory of the grave shall be no more. LETTERS OF GOLD. The word Newology is written on the judgment throne of God. It has been indelibly written in letters of gold by New- ologists in many lands and climes. Newology should glow in the beautiful language of love from the altar of every church on earth. It should be en- graved in letters of gold on the door of every home, on the door of every office, on the door of every bank, on the door of every store, and over the dome and portals of every legislative hall, for without the working activities of Newology and the inspiration it gives, either known or unknown, every door would soon be closed forever and desolation reign supreme in all the earth. 138 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE GOD IS ALL. Newology sets all of the old theories aside as man would cast so much paper in the waste basket. It stands pre-eminently high and firm on the foundation which no man can build ; that there is an All- Wise Creator of the Heavens and the Earth; that this Being is God, and that man is one with Him; that the God of Newology contains all things in His Infinite newness; that as a drop of water may exist in the sea, so man exists within God, the Great Ocean of Life, free from all ills, all pov- erty, all disease, all death and all that worketh and maketh a lie. God is All-Life, all Knowledge, all Wisdom, all Love, all Mind and all Intelligence, and every soul is one with Him, yet The God of New- ology is All in All, in Time and Eternity, and man lives, moves and exists in Him who is ever closer than breath and nearer than hands or feet: "The sun, the moon, the stars, The seas, the hills and plains, Are not these, Oh my soul, The vision of Him who reigns? Dark is the world to thee; Thyself art the reason why; For is He not all but that Which has power to feel, I am I? Glory about thee, without thee; And thou fulfillest thy doom, Making Him broken gleams, CHAPTER 11, THE NEW SYSTEM 139 And a stifled splendor and gloom. Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, And spirit with spirit can meet, Closer is He than breathing, And nearer than hands and feet." FAITH IN NEWOLOGY. An impartial esti- mate of Newology can be found to support the au- thority of the Scripture and The New Church. The Gospel of Newology may be neglected) but it can- not be understandingly disbelieved. It is founded upon the Rock of Newology, the power of God unto Salvation of man, body and spirit: Go, search, and you will find, The works of God most kind, All Newtian deeds are of mind, And every good comes from God. MEDITATION. It is indeed vain to say we have no leisure time for the things of Newology. The daily intervals of time, recreation and rest from necessary labor, together with the one day in seven in The New Civilization, allow us sufficient time for the cultivation of our ideals in the religion of New- ology. And "upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him." The one day in seven and the seven days in one, one in all and all in one, should 140 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE largely be set apart for Newological study and med- itation, and the Science of the Infinite One upon which all time, science and life is founded: " Every day is a Newlife true, Every morn is a world made new. ' ' COMING CHRIST. The coming of Newology, The New Christ, marked a new era; old things passed away and all things became new. The world is growing better and is destined to witness the com- ing of a New Christ, but the second coming will be both spiritual and physical. The Eternal Christ came the first time into man's vision on the plane of His senses, but the second time,, He is coming by lifting humanity up to His spiritual comprehension in both the physical and spiritual sense, in a glori- fied humanity. The New Christ involves "ye must be born again/' a new birth, a new creation, the dawning of a new day, The Newlife, a new king- dom, a new heaven, a new earth, and a new civiliza- tion worthy of the name, when my people shall no longer be destroyed for lack of Newology. Igno- rance is the curse of God, but Newology the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. Newology is a well- spring of life to him who hath it, and guards his tbots for they are heard in the very courts of God : "All the shadows growing deeper, Only prove the advancing light. " CHAPTER 12, THE NEW WORLD 141 CHAPTER 12 THE NEWOLOGICAL WORLD NEW GOVERNMENT. The Newologists shall be non-flesh-eaters; they shall teach the nations of the earth to war no more and shall do unto others as they would have others do unto them. They shall found a new government, which shall be wholly unlike any other government in existence and which shall at no distant day become international in char- acter and eventually a world-government which will be ruled, controlled and governed wholly by love, when it shall be said of all men, every human soul, "greater love hath no man than this." WORLD GOVERNMENT. Man with the aid of Newology will be able to direct, move and control humanity and eventually establish a world govern- ment which shall be ruled wholly by Newological love. Humanity has little conception of the great achievements that await the human race when the Newological thot shall rule the earth, the sea, the air, the weather, the cold, the fog, the wind and the rain, for "it hath not been shown what we shall be." MASTER OF NEWOLOGY. The mastery of Newology will make us what we will to do, dare and be. Man, having mastered Newology and with it, 142 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE the air, the sky and the changes of season on this earth, he will open up direct communication with the inhabitants of other worlds, when he will begin his higher intellectual life as a member of the races that people all the planets of the universe consisting of more than two hundred and fifty million revolv- ing worlds which shine out by night, each planet a mansion for the perpetual home of man, and thus demonstrate the prophecy of long ago that "In my Father's house are many mansions:" Newology is a creative force The New words of thot and deeds And from Newlife's vast resource, Thou canst draw for all thy needs. Newology is the fountain head, For all who would sow the seed; It is the foundation need, Yea, for all who would lead, It brings The Newlif e to all And is the last Newtian call. BALDNESS INTELLIGENCE. Within fifty years the hair on the heads of all the more intelli- gent men and women will have disappeared. The development of the mental and spiritual power of the human race will recede its hair. It is a Newolog- ical fact that the development of the brain in the scale of intelligence lessens the growth of the hair, not only on the head but the entire body. In fifty CHAPTER 12, THE NEW WORLD 143 years baldness of both men and women will be the fashion and for one to so much as show a wisp of hair will be a reflection on his intellectual standing. All races of people lose their hair as they grow white, intellectual and spiritual. After the races retrograded into ignorance and crime, they had great bushes of hair on their heads which is grad- ually disappearing as their intelligence increases. This Newological improvement and Newtian glorifi- cation of humanity will be predominant in the Cau- casian race as follows: 1. In the English speaking tongue, and 2. The French nationality who are brighter and quicker in intellect than many of the other races. THEORY SCIENTIFIC. Newology is demon- strative of the theory and scientific fact that: 1. The Newological sensations of today become the saneness and intelligence of tomorrow. 2. The hair is the last remnant of horns since the fall and rise of man. 3. The hair is indicative of materiality rather than spirituality in man and woman. 4. Man never originated from the monkey, or other species, but may retrograde into one as thou- sands have done. 5. Newology accepts evolution but only after its kind. A monkey cannot evolute into a man, but a man may evolute into a monkey. 144 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE 6. Evolution has been going on, upon this earth, approximately 100,000,000 years and during this time much can happen but only after its kind. 7. The inherent right of man is to elevate but not to retrograde. The Newologist doeth the works of Newology, and therefore abideth and liveth in God today and forever more. 8. Man lives largely thru the correct develop- ment of his brain cells. Therefore, we can live in- definitely, as long as we wish, let it be 100 or 1000 years or perpetually. 9. Man has approximately a billion brain cells at birth. This number is never increased, but if not developed many of them decay and die, until event- ually the man is dead, as no man can live without brain cells as the basis of bodily life. 10. Newology is for the rich in desire, wish and will to whom all riches belong, mentally, morally, physically and spiritually. Newology in man is a matter of development, pure and simple, and more, it is Newlife, love and truth to all who will. WEARING HAIR A CUSTOM. The fashion of wearing hair is already preceding its inevitable dis- appearance and finality. All men now wear their hair short and women have practically discarded wigs. The time will come when baldness will be universal and an actual criterion to one's mental and spiritual intellectuality as well as a sign of perfect CHAPTER 12, THE NEW WORLD 145 physical development. Men and women will not then be called bald, but will possibly have as much natural hair on the head as upon the hand. PERFECT PEACE. The Newologist ceases to contend. This is a blessed phase of Newology, be- cause the foundation of The Newlife of humanity can only be securely laid and all the subsequent edifice of Newtianity spring into being, in the midst of per- fect peace. Then as the sense of bondage goes, so far shall man's emancipation loosen until the soul is free. Newology is but the spiritual life, pure and high, yet to be reached by souls not high even as all life is but another name for spiritual and physical evolution, and growth of the Newologist. The in- carnation of the spirit of the Living God with power to aspire and attain the height of wisdom, the sub- conscious mind, the wisdom of the soul, as a work- ing knowledge of the immortal life, by which man may view the past, present and future state of hu- manity. Every man is a New Christ if he would but the heights of the deity aspire. NEWOLOGIST. I believe the Newologist, who puts on the immortal robe of Newology, is greater than the stars. Man's love for God is manifold and faithful, when Newology rules life, and moves the throne. My life is one with God and cannot be destroyed. And being one with God, I shall see the 146 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE salvation of my people. He has given me im- mortal life, and in the words of the Psalmist: "I shall not die, but live." A thousand years shall only whet my appetite for living ten thousand times ten thou- sand years, not sleeping in the tomb, where strange wild flowers around doth bloom or soft winds sigh- ing o'er its quiet home, but in the new heaven and the new earth. And so Newology shall redeem hu- manity from error, poverty, age, disease and death : " Thousands stand at the doorway today Watching and waiting with willing feet; Imploring someone to open the way, That they may join the service sweet. " LIGHT OF WORLD. Oh, Thou God of New- ology. Thou art the Master of the situation. Send, oh send a wave of Newology that shall sweep over this fair land as the winds glide over the sea, and move the strong arm that moves to Paradise. New- ology is the light of the world. It has shown the weakness of Brahmanism and Confucianism, and the strength of Newology. It has proved the failure of Mohammedanism and the success of the Newlife on earth, it has shown the darkness of Buddhism and made plain the light of Newtianity and is today supplanting the old religious systems of the world. And thus Newology removes all of the sin, the false and perverted understanding, the unnatural, the un- CHAPTER 1 2, THE NEW WORLD 147 true and unreal position of man's relation to God, for we know in part, and we prophecy in part, but now Newology is come, and that which is in part shall be done away; then we saw thru a glass darkly, but now face to face; then we knew in part, but now we shall know as we are known: "Oh, Newtianity! Newtianity! Who doth not crave for thee Who would not seek Newology Where they that love are free, Where loyal hearts and true Stand ever in the light, All raptured thru and thru In God's most holy sight." HEALING BALM. Newology is the healing balm for all the world. If you are suffering with sickness, search it for the antidote of health; if you are overcome with sorrow, find its antidote in joy ; if you are overcome with fear, perfect love casteth out all fear; if your strength is failing you, God is the Newological refuge and strength in every time of need; accept the Word of Newology as made for mind, body and soul the mortal and immortal and thus drink at the Newlif e-giving fountain. DAWN OF ETERNITY. Newology is the di- vinity of the immortal soul, being made manifest in man. God established Newology at the dawn of 148 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE eternity, and every Newologist is an integral part of that spiritual organization and holds his own inher- ent position according to his degree of Newology. HIGH COMMISSION. In the infinity of space, God gives every man a work to do, that no one else can do. When I came direct from the Throne of God I brought the High Commission with me to teach Newology to all the world until I had re- deemed humanity from every ill: We stand at the dawn of the Newtian day, The New Year, the new age of Newthot, Watching the change from the old to new, And the higher revealment it brought; New health and new happiness it taught, New Prosperity and longevity it wrought; The New Religion, the new faith begun, The Newbirth, the victory of Newology won, The New-Science, God's eternal love to man, The Newological Era, The New Race began, Newology, The New Gospel to man so free, Newology, The Newlife for all humanity, Newology, New Heaven and New Earth, Newology, New Civilization, brought forth, Newology, the Immortal youth in thee, Newology, the endless Newlife did see, The New Man, the mind and body set free, And beheld Newology thru all eternity. ALPHABETICAL INDEX 149 TABLE OF CONTENTS NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE ALPHABETICAL INDEX Alphabetical Names of Books 4 All Men Brothers 136 Address, First 57 All, God is : 138 Awakening, Great 118 Author and His Work 9 Appeal to Humanity 40 Age, Laugh at 65 Again, Look 110 Authority of Newology 59 Achievement of Newology 67 Animates, Newology 36 Apostle of Newlife 81 Authority, Speaks with 25 Author's Son 1 2 Author, Style of 50 150 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Authority, Scripture 22, 25 Art of Thinking 41 Action, Time for 114 Appropriate Title 80 Author with Vision 34 Always Wear White 55 B Brothers, All Men 136 Broken Thru Bounds 20 Back of Canvas 89 Became Famous 26 Bible of Future 62 Book of The Hour 34 Blonde Hercules 10 Balm, Healing : 147 Bachelor Idealist 52 Baldness Intelligence 142 Body, Immortality in 13 Book of Life 120 Book Is The Man 1 25 Bible of Newology 72 Basis of Newology 122 Books of Newology 4 Bachelor of Newology 112 Being, New 107 Bible, New 30, 61 Birth, New 106 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 151 Being, Newtian 24 Book, Open 28 Book, Sacred 116 C Canvas, Back of 89 Coming Christ 139 Critics, Failure of 18 Confidence in God 97 Commission, High 148 Career, Influence 55 Calling of Letters ^ 37 Capital and Labor 119 Calling of Newology 37 Call, Newological 1 32 Church, New 68, 85 Climes, New 88 Civilization, New 16, 57 Chosen People 68 Classical Quotation 17 Coming Question 62 Comparative Religions 101 Comparative Science 103 Comprehensive Studies 56 Conscience Stone 49 Conception of Truth 82 Crime Will Cease 136 Custom, Wearing Hair 144 152 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Dawn of Eternity 1 47 Daughters of Earth 45 Drugs a Failure 21 Divine Guidance 31 Divine, Man 30 Day, New ; 109, 118 Dawn of Newology 5 Dawn, New 109 Dawn, The Newological : 100 Dream, Not a 89 Demand, Public 33 Discourse, Public 51 Do, Power to 39 Divinity, Study of 39 Daughters, Sons and 83 Daily, Sunday Theme 57 Die, Why 56 Divine Will 119 E Earth, Daughters of 45 Eternity, Dawn of 147 Enrich Humanity : 42 Enduring, Newology 14 Establish Newtianity 83 Eternity of Newology 131 Education, Practical 23 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 153 Essence, Transcendental 44 First Address 57 Future, Bible of 62 Famous, Became 26 Failure of Critics 18 Failure, Drugs a 21 Followers, Million of 121 Faith in Newology 104, 140 Foundation, Newological 129 Faith, Newtian 47 Fame Seeking 113 Flowers of Truth 17 Flesh, Word Made 59 G God Is All 138 God, Confidence in 97 Guidance, Divine 31 Gift of Giver 38 Gateway to Heaven 50 God, Inborn of 24 God, Knowledge of 99 Gateway to Life 51 Gold, Letters of 137 Great Men 18 God, Mind of 129 154 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE God in Man 131 Guide, The Newological 100 Gospel of Newology 29 Growth of Newology Ill Great Newologist 5 Greater, Newology 100 Greater, Newtianity 101 Government, New 141 God, The New 96, 104 God, One With 84 Greatest Reformer 16 God, Sons of 84 God, Universe of 90 God, Word of 123 Government, World 141 H Humanity, Appeal to 40 Healing Balm 147 Hour, Book of The 34 Hercules, Blonde 10 Hair, Wearing, Custom 144 High Commission - 148 Humanity, Enrich 42 Heaven, Gateway to 50 Holy of Holies 93 Hypothesis, Newology 22 Heart, New 92 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 155 Humanity, New 60 Hero, Newtian 46 Health, Perpetual 23, 134 How to Study 105 Household Word 35 Honor Winning 14 His Own Works 10 I Immortality 87 Illustration 74 Idealist, Bachelor , 52 Immense, Beauty 37 Immortality in Body 13 Influence Career 55 Inborn of God 24 Imprint, Logical 40 Inspiring, Message 2 7 Immense, Moment 43 Inspiration, New 60 Immortality, New 19 Inception of Newology 28 Inclusive, Newology 28 Inspiring Newology 15 Inspirational, Name 54 Institution, Newological 59 Inspiration, The Newological 116 Intelligence, Newologize 19 156 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Introduction, Publisher's 5 Immortal Youth 134 Ideal, Newtian 44 Ideals, Practical 15 Interested, Publicists 55 J Joy of Newology 91 k Knowledge of God 99 L Leadership 13 Look Again 110 Laugh at Age 65 Life, Book of 120 Labor, Capital and 119 Letters, Calling of 37 Letters of Gold ... 137 Life, Gateway to 51 Logical Imprint 40 Lord of Literature 17 Lectureship 69 Liveforever 53 Life, Morning of 54 Law, New 118 Literature, New 116 Literature, Lord of 17 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 157 Love. Newolofifv of 35 m ^*OJ Love, Newtian 121 Logical Order 64 Liquor Question 113 Life, Standard 72 Life, Triumphant ... Ill Life Work 48 Last Word 66 Light of World 146 Look and Write 26 M Man, The Book Is ] 25 Man Divine 30 Million of Followers 121 Mind of God 129 Men Great 18 Man, God in 131 Most High 99 Meditation 140 Message Inspiring 27 Moment, Immense 43 Morning of Life 54 Man's Mission 86 Master of Newology 141 Man, New 109 Movement, Newological 58, 88 Mind Newological 29 158 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Man, Origin of 130 Moment, Psychological 33 Medical Physician _ _. 67 Medicine and Surgery 20 Man, Strength of 133 Man, Thot Is the 33 Movement, World 94 Manhood, Youth and 9 N New 75 New Birth 76, 106 New Being 107 New Bible, The 30, 61 New Church, The 68, 85 New Civilization, The 16, 57 New Climes 88 New Day 118 New, Eternally 40 New God, The 96, 104 New Government 141 New Humanity : 60 New Heart 92 New Immortality 19 New Inspiration 60 New Literature 116 New Longevity 78 New Law . 118 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 159 New Man 109 New Name 84 Newi and Newo 7, 8, 76 New and Old 70, 98 New Order 122 New Philosopher 45 New Revelation, The 63 New Science 95 New System 102 New Theory 132 New and True 42 New Temperance 112 New Vision 96 New Words 75, 82 Newlife 76 Newlife, Apostle of 81 Newthot 77 Name, Inspiration 54 Name, What's in a 54 Not a Dream 89 No More, War 69 New Xenium, The 94 New Zenith, The 114 Newology 5, 75, 100, 104 Newology, Animates 36 Newology, Achievement 67 Newology, Authority of 59 Newology, Basis of 122 160 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Newology, Bible of 72 Newology, Bachelor of 112 Newology, Calling of 37 Newology, Dawn of 5 Newology Enduring 14 Newology, Eternity of 131 Newology, Faith in 104, 140 Newology Greater 100 Newology, Growth of Ill Newology, Gospel of 29 Newology, Hypothesis 22 Newology, Inception of 28 Newology Inclusive 28 Newology Inspiring 15 Newology, Joy of 91 Newology of Love 35 Newology, Master of 141 Newology, Name Ill Newology, Orator of 52 Newology, Partaker of 49 Newology, Promulgate 84 Newology, Coming Question 62 Newology, Revelation of 64 Newology, Religion of 97 Newology, Scripture of 71 Newology, Spread of 83 Newology, Scribe of 24 Newology, Stage of 16 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 161 Newology, Study of 105 Newology, Throne of 90 Newology, Use of 107 Newology, Why 100 Newology, Wisdom of 135 Newology, What of 109 Newology, Write 82 Newology, Word of 11 Newological Call ..... 1 32 Newological Dawn 100 Newological Foundation 129 Newological Guide 100 Newological Institution 59 Newological Inspiration 116 Newological Movement, The 88 Newological Mind 29 Newological Neology 74 Newological Order 122 Newological Principle 127 Newological Prophecy, The 81 Newological, Question 62, 113 Newological Revelation 85 Newological, Study of 105 Newological Spirit 58 Newological System 136 Newological Truth 44 Newological Theme, The 95 Newological World, The 141 162 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Newologist 8, 79, 115, 125, 145 Newologist, Great 5, 81 Newologize 79 Newologized Intelligence 19 Neology 74 Neologist 74 Newtian 76 Newtian Being 24 Newtianize 77 Newtiandom :. 79 Newtianity 6, 73, 101 Newtianity, Establish 83 Newtian Faith 47 Newtianity Greater 101 Newtian Hero 46 Newtian Ideal 44 Newtian Love 121 Newtian Powers 47 Newtian Philosophy 29 Newtian, Question 62, 113 Newtian, Religion 97, 101 O Open Book 28 Old and New 70, 98 Old Theories 48 One With God 84 Original Thinker 7 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 163 Orator of Newology 52 Order, New 122 Order, Logical 64 Order, The Newologicai 122 Origin of Man 130 P People, Chosen 68 Public Demand 33 Public Discourse 51 Practical Education 23 Perpetual Health 23, 134 Practical Ideals 15 Publicists Interested 55 Psychological Moment 33 Principles, Newologicai 127 Physicians, Medical 67 Promulgate Newology 84 Partaker of Newology 49 Philosopher, New 45 Powers, Newtian 47 Prophecy, The Newologicai 81 Philosophy, Newtian 29 Public Position 112 Perfect Peace 145 Printed Page 32 Parents* Responsibility 55 Power, Rise to 137 164 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Promise Sacred 91 Public Sanction 27 Pulpit Theme 43 Power To Do 39 Prophecy, Word of 81 Picture, Word 11 Practitioner 113 Q Quotation, Classical 17 Question, Coming 62 Question, Liquor 113 R Religions, Comparative 101 Reformer, Greatest 16 Religion of Newology 97 Revelation of Newology 64 Revelation, Newological 85 Revelation, New 63 Responsibility, Parents' 55 Rise To Power 137 S Sacred Book 116 Scripture 22, 123 Scientific, Theory 143 Son of An Author 12 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 165 Style of Author 50 Scripture Authority 22, 123 Speaks with Authority 22, 25 Souls, Bishop of 81 Science, Comparative 103 Studies, Comprehensive : 56 Stone, Conscious 49 Study of Divinity 39 Seeking Fame 113 Sunday Theme, Daily 57 Sons and Daughters 83 Sons of God 84 Study, How to 105 Strength of Man 133 Surgery, Medicine and 20 Science, New 95 System, New 102 System, The Newological ... 136 Study of Newology 105 Study, The Newological 105 Scribe of Newology 24 Spirit, Newological 58 Scripture of Newology 71 Spread of Newology 83 Spirit of Newology 90 Stage of Newology 16 Sanction, Public 27 Sacred Promise . 91 166 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE Sights and Scenes 88 Sainthood, Universal : 65 Soul, Wings of 98 Survives Years 31 T Thinking, Art of 41 Time for Action 114 Title, Appropriate 80 Truth, Conception of 82 Transcendental Essence 44 Truth, Flowers of 17 Triumphant Life Ill Times Like This 120 Thot Is the Man 33 True, New and 42 Theory, New 132 Truth, Newological : 44 Throne of Newology 90 Theme, The Newological 95 Temperance, New 112 Theories, Old 48 Thinker, Original 7 Theme, Pulpit 43 Theory, Scientific 143 Thots Are Things 41 True Work 12 Thot, World of 46 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 167 U Understanding 135 Universe of God 90 Use of Newology 107 Universal Sainthood 65 V Vision of Author 34 Vision, New .... 96 W White, Always Wear 55 Work, Author and His 9 Woman, Bloom of 133 Work, Blessed 93 Will, Crime, Cease ... 136 Will, Divine .... 119 Why Die 56 Word Made Flesh 59 Word of God 123 World Government ... 141 Winning Honor 14 Wearing Hair, Custom 144 Word, Household 35 Works, His Own 10 Word, Last 66 World, Light of 146 Write, Look and 26 World Movement 94 168 NEWOLOGY, THE NEW BIBLE War No More 69 Why Newology 100 What of Newology? 109 World, The Newological 141 Wisdom of Newology 13S Word of Newology 11 What's In a Name? 54 Words, New 75, 82 Write Newology 82 Word of Prophecy 81 Word Picture 11 Wings of Soul 98 World of Thot 46 Work, True 12 X Xeniurn. The New 94 7 Y Years, 2000 117 Youth and Beauty 86 Youth, Immortal 134 Youth and Manhood 9 Young, Old and 42 Years, Survive 31 Z Zenith, The New : 114 THE END VB 12958