OWLEDGE o RSAL ACEA IN NICK OF TIME PERSONAL,SQCIAL AND GOVERNMENTAL dcknow/edgment and Dedication GIFT OF The President's Office - . . N. D. Sickels The Panaceist "I AM THAT I AM This is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations" THE TRUE, THE BEAUTIFUL, THE GOOD "Man Know Thyself" AND Final Era Science of Government THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA IN NICK OF TIME Intellectual Determination of Unity and Perfection THE ONLY COMPLETE EXPLANATION OP THE GOLDEN RULE FIRST PROCLAMATION OP THE GOLDLESS RULE ENNOBLING FREE-WILL-LESS TRUTH ENTHRONING HEALTH AND JUSTICE 1919: By Nelson Dwight Sickels Born of Nelson and Amanda icieJ o ' j " Waterloo, Wis., U. S. A., Martfi 25ih,'l8&i V ' Moved to Iowa in 1870: A Cali^rflian Sinjce J3S9 ALSO EDITOR OP Nature's Divine Science A 600-PAGE TREATISE OP VITAL CONCERN 1915 This invaluable work requiring 30 years of mathematical reasoning from CAUSE AND EFFECT, is The Panacea or Cure-All-sought for ages by sages; was finally perfected by . the fortunate discovery of THE LAW OF HUMAN NATURE 1 / ' Copyright, 1919, by N. D. SICKELS Entered at Library of Congress ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Also International copyright being secured SICKELS & LINDQUIfr-T Business publishers of The Universal Panacea, In Nick of Time 71. Address all communications in regard to the work or for purchase of books, as above N. D. SICKELS J. W. LINDQUIST As to Who did the printing of this book See next to the last page * * THE BIG FOUR * * MY UNFORGETTABLE FRIENDS E. DRYDEN H. C. FITZKE C. M. IRVING J. W. LINDQUIST MAY THEIR LIVES BE PAINLESS Whose Names are Written In the Book of Nature NIVERSALLY EXTENDED"^ HIS DUE: I can by no means omit to state that Mr. J. W. Lindquist was the generous financial backer of publishing this work; and not only in hearty acknowledgment of sincere grati- tude on my part, but in behalf of Humanity in whose interest the treatise is written, most earnestly thank and exalt him for the kindly and timely deed: Which seems to have been done with the keenest of pleasure, solely for the world of good that he firmly believes will quickly and ever increasingly accrue. The writer bespeaks that some day at least, the ever righteous heart of Mankind will syn- chronously throb in his praise as mine cannot fail to do while it lasts. With pleasure, N. D. SICKELS. 67:1 S LIFE OF- MAN + THE LAW: The greatest degree of pleasure attainable with the combined relative experience in action, is at all times precisely expressed by each individual * Nature's Books ever being accurately balanced to date * LOVE OF SELF BIRTH OF THE FINAL ERA "KNOW THYSELF" Life Law of Human Nature Death ILLUSTRATED INVIOLABLE THE CLIMAX OF NATURAL SCIENCE SIN-LESS AND BLAME -LES CAUSE AND EFFECT DIRECTION AND REFORMATION TELLS THE STORY EVOLUTION OR ASCENSION VS. DEVOLUTION OR DESCENSION NATURAL LAW is universal and eternal; therefore, must equally encompass construction the attribute of RIGHT, and destruction the process of WRONG; hence, the complete and undefilable circle. LOVE or WILL, the hub and all-inclusive impulse guided by ex- perience, is accurately denned as SELF-SATISFACTION; thus, The Greatest Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act, concisely ex- plains the inviolable law of our being. Thl Chart Will Greatly Asit in Understanding th Work. 334 WORDS SUGGESTIVE OF CONTENTS Cosmos: Ether: Matter: Actio-Materia: Time: Space: Infinite! Finite: Ions: Atoms: Molecules: Chemistry: Nature: Evolution: Devolution: Involution: Range: Cause: Effect: Action: Reaction: Conservation: Automobile: Principle: Laws: Gravity: Electric- ity: Suns: Stars: Planets: Crystal: Protoplasm: Cells: Light: Heat: Energy* Things: Beings: Creation: Eternal: Ephemeral: Jeho- vah: Gods: Theology: Devils: Miracle: Animals: Child: Youth: Wo-m-an: Body: Soul: Self: Egoism: Deification: Origin: Capac- ity: Omniscience: Heaven: Hell: Purgatory: Sin: Fall: Redemp- tion: Salvation: Damnation: Revelation: Inspiration: Intuition: Sleep: Dreams: Visions: Imagery: Belief: Faith: Spirit: Spir- itism: Spirits: Spiritualism: Spirituality: Materialism: Fear: Bible: Christ: Christianity: Prayer: Church: Religion: Conver- sion: Theism: Worship: Iconoclasm: Agnosticism: Atheism: Idolatry: Suggestion: Expectancy: Concentration: Hypnotisation : Realization: Facts: Fancy: Life: Mind: Consciousness: Men- tality: Reason: Sanity: Death: Right: Wrong: Intelligence: Growth: Ignorance: Decay: Good: Evil: Superstition: Barbarism: Fermentation: Environment: Telepathy: Influence: Education: Independence: Interdependence: Opinion: Philosophy: Science: Art: Morals: Ethics: Heredity: Law: Lawmakers: Lawing: Property: Wealth: Monopoly: Greed: Need: Poverty: Sorrow: Money: Debts: Payment: Homes: Rent: Interest: Taxes: Fi- nance: Business: Utilities: Production: Distribution: Competi- tion: Cooperation: Exchange: Abundance: Waste: Brokerage: Worry: Marriage: Divorce: Eugenics: Prostitution: Degrada- tion: Temperance: Intemperance: Amusements: Travel: Family: Society: Societies: Sociology: Cults: Fraternities: Civility: Snob- bery: Pleasure: Distress: Capital: Labor: Wages: Strikes: Lock- outs: Drones: Slackers: Derelicts: Paupers: Tramps: Trusts: Failures: Panics: Pensions: Donations: Success: Master: Serv- ant: Slavery: Freedom: Toil: Service: Play: Joy: Health: Dis- ease: Sickness: Therapeutics: Doctoring: Healing: Doctors: Healers: Psychology: Physiology: Psycho-Physics: Drugs: Medi- cine: Dosing: Vitality: Longevity: Pain: Pleasure: Happiness: Fittest: Slickest: Survival: Suicidal: Suicide: Harmony: Discord: Construction: Destruction: Incentive: Love: Altruism: Selfish- ness: Hate: Will: Experience: Schools: Mutts: Critics: Reform: Panacea: Immaturity: Maturity: Satisfaction: Indifference: Gain: Loss: Parental: General: Government: Monarchy: Democ- racy: Aristocracy: Bureaucracy: Anarchy: Socialism: Bolshe- vism: Personal: Social: Municipal: State: National: Interna- tional: Racial: Intellectual: Scientific: Suffrage: Economics: Patriotism: Strife: War: Heroes: Red Cross: Politics: Politi- cians: Statesmen: Officers: Courts: Judges: Lawyers: Teachers: Preachers: Lying: Cheating: Graft: Gambling: Thievery: Quar- reling: Fighting: Murder: Man: Prosecution: Censure: Punish- ment: Imprisonment: Execution: Responsibility: People: Crime: Criminology: Past: Present: Future: Result: Compulsion: Peace: Millennium: Perfection: Destiny: Etc. Endless: SIMPLE: CORRECT: COMPLETE: ESSENTIAL: KNOWL- EDGE: READ THE INDEX THEN ALL UNPREJUDICEDLY. READ- -INDEX- -FIRST SUPREMELY IMPORTANT SECTION I 10 PAGES THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA NEITHER IMITATES OR IGNORES: DIS- TINCTIVE AND INCLUSIVE OF ALL OTHER BASIC WORKS: THE OLD BUT NEW PAN-MAN- GOD-LAWNOW. Strictly Scientific : Nothing Occult or Omitted : The Acme of Simplicity and Practicality: Essential Knowl- edge In Nick of Time : Final and Ready. THE GOLDLESS RULE OF LIFE This book cannot be fully forecast: The shortest adequate index that can be compiled, is the entire work : Like the Bible, it often repeats and extends salient points in varying forms. A complete reference as with many concordances, would exceed the volume. 'Tis THE UNI- VERSAL PANACEA, or complete final constructive science of life. A line of Natural Principle potentially limitless : Void of opinion or missing link Personal, Social, Eco- nomical and Governmental Globe-wide and Cosmic. The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth. The result of tireless unbiased reasoning from Cause and Effect of Right and Wrong. Its value can- not be estimated except in many fold extension of Human Pleasure and Life which it insures. Veritably the climax of justice and uniform benefit THE ONLY PRINCIPLE THAT CORRECTLY SOLVES EVERY PROBLEM. riii THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA WRONGS OF EXISTING METHODS FULLY EXPLAINED AND WHAT IS RIGHT CLEARLY PROCLAIMED. 'TiS THE BOOK OF NATURE ABOUT LIFE AND DEATH EVER BALANCED TO DATE AT ANY TIME OR PLACE. EVER LAW ABIDING THE TAP ROOT, AND CLEARLY INTELLECTUAL THE RIPE FRUIT. IT DEMANDS ADMISSION TO EVERY BRAIN AND IS NEVER DENIED DESPITE YEA OR NAY, PER INVIOLABLE LAW. THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA OR CURE-ALL MARKS THE DEATH OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA AND BIRTH OF THE FINAL ERA EVOLUTION ASKS NO ONE'S CONSENT TO ITS METHOD OF UNITING, PERFECTING AND HARVESTING THE RACE : THE PROCESS AND RANGE OF NATURAL VOLUTION CLEARLY EXPLAINED. THE MILLENNIUM COMPLETE SATISFACTION OF FULL MATURITY AND WELCOME DOOM. THE BIRTH, YOUTH, TRIALS, FINAL SPLENDOR AND ETERNAL REST OF NATURE'S BEST; AS AGAIN, AGAIN AND AGAIN EVERYWHERE FOREVER AND EVER. EVERY CONCLUSION REACHED BY MATHEMATICAL REA- SONING FROM PROVEN ABSOLUTE BASIS. EVERY STATE- MENT OF THE FOREGOING AND FOLLOWING WILL BE FULLY INDORSED BY EVERY NORMAL READER OF THE COMPLETE WORK, REGARDLESS OF FORMER CONVICTIONS: THE TREATISE IS NO MORE "MERELY THE OPINION OF THE WRITER ' ' THAN OF THE READER ; SCIENCE BEING PERSON AL- OPINIONLESS. The work is divided into FOURTEEN SECTIONS OR CHAPTERS: The titles or headings were chosen more as names than to indicate the context ; for the captions are only a slight hint as to what follows in any instance ALL HAVING A FUNDAMENTAL APPLICATION UNIVERSAL. INDEX ix While most any chapter alone especially JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION, gives at least a somewhat general ex- planation of the principle involved; yet, a clear under- standing of no phase much less of all, can be gleaned from less than a careful reading of the entire work anyhow twice throughout. The first time for the pur- pose of * * catching-on " to its wholesome frankness, added wealth of basic truths and unstinted scope. Then again and again for more and more clearly grasping its simple oneness and almighty importance to SELF One for All and All for One, EXACTING HARMONY AND FREEDOM FROM LIBERTY; NEVER IGNORING CAUSE AND EFFECT. The work will not at first please "sensitives"; that is prejudiced or unbalanced people, who may judge it merely by a statement and some cherished dogma just the class that needs its counsel the most ; but will be at once and ever increasingly appreciated by every normal- minded person clear seekers of bed-rock truth : Prac- tically all will quickly yield, however. Of course, when judged by conventional ideas and methods, the facts and process will AT FIRST seem strange even somewhat impracticable, if not galling; other- wise, it would not be the long sought PANACEA: For self-evidently as we cannot at once retain and rid our- selves of an evil, the cure exacts a corresponding change cannot both eat the pudding and keep it: So, all fair minded readers will patiently bear this in mind until THE FINAL ERA SYSTEM is given a full and unbiased consideration THEN IT WILL GREATLY PLEASE. There's not a thinking person on earth who does not know that there is much woefully wrong with the affairs of mankind, and earnestly desires a complete correction ; who would not be glad to learn how ALL may be righted and lend a helping hand TO A PLAINLY COM- PLETE AND CORRECT METHOD. Now, as such is precisely what this work declares x THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA and fully undertakes; and too, as success hinges solely on its being unbiasedly read from cover to cover; TO BE JUDGED AFTER INSTEAD OF BEFORE A COMPLETE UNDER- STANDING merely a square deal: It is therefore confi- dently hoped, the essential will be readily accorded by a great majority of the people; that after a proper hear- ing their judgment will be good : For each must render a decision, primarily, in regard to LIFE AND PLEASURE AT LEAST FAR MORE ABUNDANT THAN NOW, VS. THE USUAL UNTIMELY DEATH FOR SELF AND PROGENY the all-in- clusive problem involved. 'TlS NOT A MATTER OF MERE DOLLARS, BUT A DO RE- VIVAL OF TRUE AND DUE SURVIVAL. THE OBJECT IS, A COM- PLETE REFORM SOLELY BY LIGHT, INSTEAD OF COLDLY CON- FORMING WHOLLY TO MIGHT: CIVILIZATION VS. FER- MENTATION. MAN in the final, being the pith and all-inclusive object under discussion; HIS COMBINED NATURAL FUNC- TIONS are very carefully examined and correctly made the basis and structure. The Key-note, therefore, is PRACTICAL PSYCHO-PHYSICS; a simple but complete and easy to understand treatise, ever attuned to the uniform uplift of HUMAN MIND AND BODY clearly proving that the Socratic Oracle "MAN KNOW THYSELF/' is the acme of wisdom. The work being entirely void of personality and the writer by no means posing as an exemplary charac- ter, much less a trained diplomatic composer ; the bottom and structural FACTS alone regardless of whom they prod, ever being sought and as pointedly recorded as the scribe is capable of: The reader is, therefore, most earnestly beseeched to bear patiently with its ever severe frankness. All duly broad minded people will quickly become sufficiently absorbed in the transcendental problem in- volved, as to overlook the unusual earnestness and un- conventional method of presenting the solution. INDEX xi SECTIONS OR CHAPTERS I VII, INDEX: A frank acknowledgment of its inadequacy, as such. II 1, PREFACE: A brief statement in regard to many attempts to produce THE PANACEA : Slight fore- cast, etc. Ill 7, REQUISITE OF THE PANACEA: A clear and constructive explanation of what must be accomplished by the work, or soon become a narrowly- heard-of failure; very important to read carefully as serialed: DEMONSTRATION OF INTERDEPENDENCE. IV 17, MATERIA-ENERGY OR ACTIO-MA- TERIA Matter-in-Action : Final basic solution of SPIRIT, SPIRITUALITY, SPIRITUALISM, LIFE, MIND, ENERGY, HEAT, LIGHT, TIME, SPACE, SUNS, ELECTRICITY ; THE ETHER, COSMIC CHEMISTRY, MATTER, ETC. ; potentially limitless. V 33, JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION, for the First Time Exactly Explained. LOVE AND THE WILL at last fully and clearly defined the most important basic problem to precisely understand. PSYCHIC-PHENOMENA : EVERY PHASE OF THEOLOGY SCIENTIFICALLY SOLVED not mere ridicule. Marriage, divorce and eugenics: Eco- nomics, Government, etc. This chapter is beyond the power of a short statement to indicate either as to scope or importance. VI 92, DEFINITION AND FUNCTION OF LOVE : A greatly helpful extension of Chap. V. Many illustrative facts. VII 105, PSYCHO-PHYSICAL: The simplicity of WHAT is TRUE: The tendency to shy at Facts and cling to Fallacy its inestimable injury to all, and though clearly condemned by Scripture and Reason, xii THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA often stubbornly ignored by the " righteous. " Basis and structural facts in physiology: Vivid comparison be- tween THINGS Or BEINGS and COSMOS Or NON-THING, etc. An extremely unique and instructive chapter. VIII 114, TELEPATHY-SUGGESTION: Not at all as usually discussed, but as CAUSE AND EFFECT or feeling and conforming to the distant near and remote. Clearly establishing NATURAL INTERDEPENDENCE for weal or woe of one and all : The Key to Life and Death RELENTLESS, ESCAPELESS. IX 134, CAPACITY OF MAN: RANGE OF EVOLUTION, ETC. A great many salient problems dealt with broadly instructive. Many will consider this the uniting link of the Work heretofore missing. X 150, CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY at last completely solved. THE PROBLEM is ALL-INCLUSIVE : So, after reading the preceding chapters which is essen- tial, THIS SECTION if patiently and carefully studied throughout, will serve as the most profound sensation and awakening imaginable to any thoughtful person. The first and greater part of the chapter will seem some- what irrelative and haranguey but not finally so : Read as here directed thoroughly, to and including the few closing climaxal pages, or cheat yourself and others of A COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF ALL-EMBRACING RIGHT AND WRONG for the first time ever fully explained: Cause, Effect and Cure of Disease, etc. XI 207, FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT: This chapter deals with NATURAL CAUSE AND EFFECT as va- riously manifested through THE HUMAN BEING Per- sonal, Social, National and Racial or EVOLUTIONAL AND FINAL GOVERNMENT. A ver}' unusual and important treatise. A due understanding of it, however, depends INDEX xiii on having carefully read the previous divisions INVALU- ABLE AS A BASIC GUIDE. XII 247, A CHAPTER FROM NATURE'S DIVINE SCIENCE the complete work, concisely but clearly discussing a great many problems; making this book complete except as to detail arrangement and workings of government, which though requiring con- siderable space to duly explain, is very simple and prac- ticable. The basis of INTELLECTUALISM minutely told; its alluring advantages to both Capital and Labor, as to everyone else: The Congress of Scientific Interpreters of Natural edicts. The Wisdom and Justice of Nature's exactions saliently illustrated. This, A Treatise of Scientific Suggestions. SLAVERY, GOD AND GOLD, etc. XIII 292, CAN IT BE DONE? Explaining the seeming planet-like barriers in the way of duly realizing the ' ' ecstatic dream, ' ' and how they may be fully, surely, and quickly overcome quite easily. Establishment and Maintenance of THE FINAL ERA UNTO THE HOUR OF DOOM, ETC. THE ULTIMATE CONDITION AND FATE OF THIS MANLY FAMILY REGARDLESS OF DOGMATIC IGNORANCE: EXPLA- NATION OF PSYCHIC-PHENOMENA EXTENDED: NATURE MAKES NO MISTAKE, etc. XIV 304, THERAPEUTICS: Nearest Possible Personal Panacea, with a reminder introduction. Pres- ent and Possible Conditions of Man Compared. The Law impelling Good and Evil. The Psychology of Health, and of Decline. Detailed Suggestions on How to Per- sonally Regain or Maintain Unusual Good Health. A Great and Costless Medicinal General Remedy. The only Reasonably Sure Cure for Internal Cancer, Syphilis, Consumption, etc. Diatetics: How to Make Wholesome Coffee and Tea. The Godhood of Manhood. Final Warning, Truth and Advice provocative of a Broad and Indelible Smile: AMEN. xiv THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Among the practically endless problems in detail or basicly solved by the work, are : First of importance is THE LAW OF HUMAN NATURE basis of all, con- cisely and precisely explaining our every PSYCHO- PHYSICAL any and every, ACTION. Also the subsidiary or specific LAW OF HYPNOTISM : General Explanation of Cosmic Principle, etc., etc. The work deals with every phase of CAPITAL AND LABOR, EDUCATION, MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, EUGENICS, PROSTI- TUTION, GENERAL MORALS all exactly solved beyond suc- cessful contradiction: FLAWLESS IN REGARD TO FINANCE clearly explaining the only possible and practical way by which EVERY PERSONAL AND PUBLIC DEBT MAY ALL AT ONCE BE FULLY AND SATISFACTORILY PAID without the exchange of a dollar, and MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO EVER CONTRACT ANOTHER. All questions of LAW, LEGISLATION. RELIGION, SIN, ETC., as completely answered as two halves of the same thing equal the whole. Every phase of PROP ERTY RIGHTS, HOMES, RENT, TAXES, INTEREST, MONOPOLY, BUSINESS, PRICES, COMPETITION, PRODUCTION, DISTRIBU- TION, TRAVEL, POLITICS, OFFICERS, GENERAL SERVICE, LYING, CHEATING, GRAFT, THIEVERY, GAMBLING, LAND QUESTIONS, INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS, DISCORD, STRIFE, ARMIES, WAI7. ETC., scientifically dealt with. Every problem fully, correctly and forever settled, beyond a possible reasonable dispute to those who thor- oughly, earnestly and open-mindedly consider the pro- posed method ; for the essentials as associatively shown, are supported by Each Throb of Nature including the united desire of every sane person : Even clearly show- ing how sickness may be quickly and entirely avoided, and a fully satisfying life enjoyed by practically every person : YET, THAT OUR LIVES ARE INTER-LOCKED NONE ESCAPING THE CONDITION OF ANY OTHER COMPELLING UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD FOR LIFE OR DEATH; ABSOLUTE. The system would render every person regardless INDEX xv of who or where, greatly more care-free and better pro- vided for in every respect for all generations, than the wealthiest or most powerful can now command. Yet, every change required and condition necessary to maintain, is the very climax of simplicity and prac- ticability immeasurably more-so than any system now in vogue; precisely what every RACIAL-CELL most ear- nestly craves INSURING UNIVERSAL JOY AND CONTINUAL PEACE OF HUMAN BEINGS ON EARTH OUR ONLY POSSIBLE HOME SWEET HOME. 'Tis plainly shown that there is not a single "VERY DIFFICULT" obstacle to over-come; that if properly un- dertaken, THE FINAL ERA WOULD BE IN FULL SWING PRAC- TICALLY AT ONCE effected by mutually playful service and unsurpassable benefits. Instead of this being "a pipe dream," its full and quick realization is CERTAIN; for the essential facts are very easy for any one to clearly see when duly studied, but The Incentive is -EVERY LIFE IS AT STAKE- Answer this: In the case of LIFE vs. COIN, which will win Where EACH must Choose Between an easy to understand and obtain, UNIVERSAL Survival or Sui- cidal System? 'Tis convincingly shown that man has and may live an average of near 1000 years; also just why he does not now do so: How we surely can and soon will unitedly understand the simple facts involved and act accordingly. NOT ONE STATEMENT OF THE ABOVE CAN BE REFUTED. The Universal Panacea is ready and Dispute- less : Invaluable. 'Tis naught but a true interpretation of Cosmic Principle, by a thoroughly competent Natural Scientist WHIMLESS AND INEXORABLE. When duly understood, constitutes a complete and correct basic education: So, xvi THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA richly worthy of repeated studious and unbiased read- ing. WORTH MORE To MANKIND THAN A CONTINENT OF EARTH. NOT SCHOLARLY BUT PROFOUND. REMEMBER ! Being a picture of the Great and Final Change, will be seriously misunderstood by reading less than the entire work PROM FIRST TO LAST CONSECU- TIVELY. o HEALTH- In the final analysis, The Treatise is entirely on How to Obtain and Retain Fullness of Human Life. NO DICTIONARY REQUIRED Except in an occasional droll sentence, this work in every instance, so simply and clearly explains just what is meant, that anyone can fully understand any and every principle or problem discussed. Even unusual words are avoided as much as possible, and when re- quired are at once qualified so as to make their meaning pointedly and broadly plain. All real scholars will be patient with such, for THE TREATISE IS INTENDED NOT MERELY FOR A FEW, BUT FOR EVERY CLASS OF THE MASS TO QUICKLY AND DULY COMPRE- HEND : Yet Will Serve as a Life-long Study of Ever In- creasing Interest and Profit. The Detail Explanation Has Been Greatly Extended Since This Index Was Prepared. PREFACE SECTION II 6 PAGES Self-evidently there is something frightfully wrong with practically every affair of man, in which all thoughtful people are deeply interested and would gladly lend a helping hand to completely correct, if such were clearly possible; for certainly nothing could be more generally beneficial. The Universal Panacea has ever been sought because the reasoners of all ages have firmly believed that such were possible. In fact, there have been a great many attempts made to discover and explain the Cure- All. Every reform measure is an effort in that direction. The endless codes of legislation and ethics are each a batch of more or less conflicting social edicts of the kind in mind. Probably The Bible is the most pronounced and per- sistent example ever produced in the keen rivalry of guides for man. The libraries are burdened with all sorts of opposing works, each having much the same pur- pose in view, combinedly constituting a vast maze of mind befogging theories, religions, politics, laws, near- science, etc. ; yet all are blindly followed by a few unto hordes of fanatical promoters, ever cunningly if not viciously striving for supremacy. Every National Constitution is naught but a differ- ent powerful dictum of the sort, which are often patriot- ically defended by their respective subjects unto bitterly waged social and sanguinary civil, international and world wide wars. Self-evidently no two can be right, and as none have ever filled the bill of affording even local unity and comfort, it is equally certain that ALL ARE ROTTEN AT THE CORE AND ELSEWHERE MIGHTY SORE. THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Such] illustrations of proposed and partly enforced "n^cafeu^res: te;Vdire.eting and correcting heterogeneous wriggle, wrangle, jangle, tangle, strife and war of faith, belief, opinion, interests, authority, etc., could be cited until many volumes were filled with facts we all know; for such now literally constitute the warp and woof of the affairs of man the world over. Hence, as to such, the foregoing will here suffice. Yet, strange is it not ! The Real Universal Panacea was suggestively pointed out ages ago in three words < ' MAN KNOW THYSELF. ' ' The meaning and method of which being complete in four words TEACH MAN BASIC TRUTH: Again the object and solution is broadly explained with ten words MAN MUST HAVE AND DO WHAT IS BEST FOR HIM; while the in- dividual and general guide is complete in THE GOLD- LESS RULE, with fourteen words IT IS TO THE WELFARE OF SELF TO TREAT ALL OTHERS WITH HEALTHFUL CARE. Even The Inviolable Natural Law of Our Being, is concisely explained with only nine words THE GREATEST RELATIVE PLEASURE IS SELEC- TIVE OF EVERY ACT. Thus, with only FORTY SIMPLE WORDS we have re- corded five harmonious expressions which, separately or combinedly were they logically followed, would estab- lish and maintain " Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Man." As personal observation and history amply verify, man has ever been easily led, individually and collec- tively, to believe and do "any-old-thing" good or bad, even unto acting as trigger and target for belching can- nons, there being no limit to the credulity and submission of childish minds. Yet as life is normally sweet, were the same fac- ulty HUMAN MENTALITY, which is potentially limitless, PREFACE 3 UNIFORMLY cast solely in the mold of ESSENTIAL BASIC PRINCIPLE, very easy to do, by due training as to tht inevitably respective effect of RIGHT and WRONG thinking and doing on SELF AND OTHERS ; the result would quickly and permanently crystallize into such a mutually self- protecting bulwark of KNOWLEDGE, as to be infinitely more invulnerable than the fortress Rock of Gibraltar or any Dreadnaught of Steel. Hence, solely upon and of FUNDAMENTAL KNOWL- EDGE OF GOOD promotive of happiness and life, and EVIL conducive of misery and death, is it possible to COMPLETELY UNIFY AND PERFECT MANKIND. It will therefore be easy to furnish conclusive proof that instead of any MILITANT GOVERNMENT, much less some weird GOD, SAINT, RELIGION or so-called PHILOSOPHY, having the power of HUMAN SALVATION; that A FULL PORTION OF PLEASURE AND LIFE for individuals, sect, state or any generation of THE RACE, is attainable solely perforce of UNIFORMLY ENDOWING MANKIND WITH A COM- PLETE UNDERSTANDING OF INVIOLABLE NATURAL LAW: Thus, EDUCATIONALLY INDUCING SANITY our need, quest and destiny. Which, alas though requiring radical change in ideas, ways and means, we shall later clearly see is perfectly feasible and would correct every evil unto permanently establishing an INTELLECTUAL ADMIN- ISTRATION OF CONSTRUCTIVE NATURAL LAW, AS THE SIMPLEST AND PROPER WORLD-WIDE GOVERNMENT FOR MAN THE PANACEA AND CLIMAX. We shall learn that it requires but little unbiased study of the basic facts involved, to clearly realize that THE BIRTH OF THE FINAL ERA or inception of the Millen- nial Generations is near at hand ; constituting merely the Natural heading out, ripening and harvest of A TER- RESTRIAL EVOLUTIONARY CROP which is indefinitely re- peated on earth and elsewhere by The Infinitely Extend- ing and Eternal Cosmic Automobile. 4 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Of course, precisely in harmony with the inexorable process of Nature when duly understood, THE PANACEA, must be FLAWLESS IN PRINCIPLE, RANGE, SIMPLICITY, PRACTICABILITY AND BENEFIT. A PERFECT EXPLANATION OF GOOD AND EVIL Right and Wrong or Intelligence and Ignorance: INSURING A UNIFORM FULLY SATISFYING BODILY LIFE OF MAN ON EARTH UNTO MATURITY increas- ing longevity many folds: OTHERWISE 'TIS A FALSE PRE- TENSE. The writer has a complete treatise of the momentous problem in manuscript, entitled NATURE'S DIVINE SCI- ENCE, which will soon be published in a volume of about six hundred pages clearly explaining in detail every basic question : The fundamental principle of THE PANA- CEA, however, is concisely stated and explained by this PRIMER edition, which is essential to first carefully and unbiasedly read. JUDGE AFTER INSTEAD OF BE- FORE A COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING. THOMAS HUXLEY one of the few great thinkers, advised "Sit down before a fact as a little child, be prepared to give up all preconceived notions, follow humbly to wherever and whatever abysses Nature leads or you shall learn nothing." HERBERT SPENCER SAID "There's a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument and which cannot fail to keep man in ever- lasting IGNORANCE: This principle is CONTEMPT PRIOR TO EXAMINATION." This "swan song" of the duly renowned Spencer judging by his own bitter experience, seemed logically true to him, as indeed it has and does to many other noble radiators of light : For the readers of the follow- ing will be the first people of this cycle of earthly evolu- tion to learn that THE WAY OF SALVATION FROM IGNOB- is easy and near at hand PREFACE I EDUCATION INSTEAD OF DEGRADATION INTENDED The one idea I desire to here strongly emphasize is, that the epithet IGNORANCE is always principally in- stead of personally applied in this work ever educa- tionally in place of degradationally implied. That harshest of all words is quite often used, and sometimes where it could be avoided, were it not for the fact that this is primarily a discussion of RIGHT the issue solely of INTELLIGENCE, and WRONG born wholly of IGNORANCE. So while it is the only word that exactly fills the bill wherever used ; still it is kindly hoped that by continually reminding the reader of its repulsive character, he or she may thereby be impelled to lend a badly needed hand to eradicate the fountain of all hu- man ills from our make-up OFFENSE NEVER BEING OTHERWISE INTENDED. Perhaps the picture is a truer likeness of the writer who is by no means exceptionally wise or a saint, than any one else. It is hoped at least that the coat will fit none any better ; but if perchance it does, that they will find it of more benefit to rid themselves of the unbecom- ing garment than to be angry at a friend for pointing out its defects. In reality as all broadly thoughtful readers will quickly comprehend, instead of belittling man, this work reads due exaltation into his character and faculties; refutes the widely applied stigma, that "Man is a wriggling and wrangling worm of the dust," by clearly showing that he is potentially "The Climax of Nature's Handiwork, " proving conclusively that he is not and cannot be a SINNER nor a LIAR ; that if properly treated, instead of acting like a "dog or swine" trampling "that which is holy under his feet and rending the giver," he not only desires, but always could have under- 6 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA stood that which is really holy, and would be duly grate- ful to the giver. In other words, this work is man's true friend, and must be so considered by all those who read it openmind- edly; 'Tis even severely kind: Remember: NATURAL SCIENCE is NEVER LESS THAN UNIVERSALLY PERSONAL. A SINCERE AND URGENT SUGGESTION The writer fully acknowledges as every thoughtful reader must, that this is either the most far-reaching BENEFICIAL or DETRIMENTAL work for the human race to study and understand, EVER PRO- DUCED : That if its teachings are TRUE, then every- one who is fortunate enough to gain an early knowledge of its contents, should promptly lend their every possible support to its circulation and broad understanding- shout its tidings by means of word, lecture, print and financial boost without stint. While if it is FALSE, then such people would be a sneak to every worthy impulse of a human being, if they did not exert an equally virile energy to have it quickly and fully suppressed. One of these ALTERNATIVES is unquestionably the case, and clearly calls for a corresponding action by every reader immediately after having attained a com- plete and unbiased comprehension of the wonderful problem involved. NONE CAN URGE THIS MORE EARNESTLY THAN THE WRITER. REQUISITE OF THE PANACEA SECTION III 10 PAGES The Universal Panacea can have no limit or flaw in principle: Should the slightest phase of human affairs fall outside or be incorrectly dealt with by the method involved, the work would be a failure : And too, it must be the climax of simplicity, practicability and uniform benefit: These requisites singly and combinedly, are the crucial and proper test of the CURE-ALL of which there can be but ONE process, for Nature never does the same thing in different ways. THE PANACEA must be inspired and conceived by the flawless constructive coalescing of eternal FATHER TIME and infinite MOTHER SPACE solely per the constit- uent medium of Actio-Materia Cause and Effect, unto the birth, perfection and death of MAN or MICROCOSM the climax of Nature's handiwork; the function and acme of Material Science born of co-related and classi- fied FACTS OF EXPERIENCE. The Real Universal Panacea will infinitely tran- scend in importance, any and all other works ever pro- duced ; to which, indeed, all else will be rapidly made to conform, and can never be surpassed. It will constitute the hub upon which all wrong will be righted and right extended to the limit THE NATURAL GUIDE OF MANKIND TO PERFECTION. Individuals or a few may be continually deceived in regard to much ; many for a long time in regard to some, but not the entire race forever in regard to any vital problem. The potentially omniscient human mentality will in due time, somehow detect even the slightest flaw in the process of its life and completely correct the error. t THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Hence, as humanity seeks COMPLETE SATISFACTION IN PERFECTION, no defective guide will long be endured: This is conclusively shown to be true by the constant change of ideas and things not absolutely SCIENTIFIC or constructively perfect, which must continue until the final goal obtains. Every mentality instinctively even if unwittingly, recognizes the all-inclusive cosmic principle of CAUSE and EFFECT, and inevitably asks the why and process of every thought or act : If the real cause is unknown, the mind will deductively image or create a propellant from the totality of personal relative experience whether it be right or wrong; education being entirely based on ENQUIRY of causes and storing corresponding IMAGES of effects true or false. Generally now-a-days, however very few being able, constructive thinkers, the explanation of some sup- posed authority as to the cause and effect of observed events for a while at least, satisfies a great many ; but not the few who continue to investigate, here and there striking BED-ROCK-FACTS, defying further progress: A small percentage of these here and there discovered basic principles by means of hard and long fought battles, are spread broadcast and gradually seep into the lives of the great unthinking throng. While this process of progress or growth is very slow, history proves that it is equally sure; for there is practically no end to the dying, dead and buried, for- merly exceedingly vigorous theories, philosophies, so- called science, panaceas, bibles, religions, laws, policies, constitutions, methods, institutions, systems, states, na- tions and GODS galore. The principal trouble has generally been in build- ing from an erroneous BASIC CAUSE, which of course even though the deductions therefrom be logical, which owing to frequent injection of switching wedges of ex- REQUISITE OF THE PANACEA 9 perience is seldom the case, would result in correspond- ing error. In the few cases where the start has been from the correct basis, either the deductions have been defective or far from sufficiently broad with here and there a discordant and tilting "whim" injected; which of course contorts the structure and lands all such any- where but right. Many, however, begin practically without any foun- dation, like starting to build a house from the fourth story up; as it were mansions in the sky. Still more are based on mere visionary personal whims, and thou- sands conform to public opinion as a net with which to catch votes or suckers' dollars. Then comes REVELATION in every contortion, tongue and color of ink, from the bottomless pit to the floorless, roofless and walless heavens each having a band of defenders and clans of defamers crisscrossly warring unto death. Every one of these efforts, however, including their suppressors regardless to which angle of the compass they point, are seeking precisely the same end THE DUE SATISFACTION OF BETTER CONDITIONS FOR SELF ; in the final PLEASURABLE LIFE MORE ABUNDANT. Now then, The True Panacea or Cure- All, must fully encompass and SATISFACTORILY CORRECT every phase of all this tremendous hodge-podge of conflicting gore in store, and add an infinity more of genuine lore ever the climax of vital science or universal good. Indeed there must not be one person on earth who would not fully agree with and gladly conform to every requirement of THE REAL PANACEA when duly under- stood, and the requisite understanding must be natural, self-evident and self-sustaining when intelligently pre- sented. No less than every whit of such is THE INEVITABLE TEST WHICH THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA MUST FLAWLESSLY STAND, OR IT IS NOT. 10 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Like the rules and process of mathematics, THE BASIS AND STRUCTURE MUST BE PERFECT AND POTENTIALLY COM- PLETE IN PRINCIPLE. The Panacea must not only accurately define RIGHT and WRONG fearlessly enthroning the former and de- throning the latter, but utilize all wrong in the promo- tion of right making the best of the worst; ever con- structive and wasteless, forgetless and regretless: Must prevent need, strife and pain, by insuring universal plenty, peace and a full portion of happy human life. Verily! Teach Man The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth, is THE REQUISITE OF THE PANACEA. For instance using political Socialism the broad- est and best effort to date, as a contrast example, it would be fatal to narrow THE PANACEA to the slightest CLASS- CONSCIOUSNESS, or to use merely a few prominent fea- tures from near center of the structure of human affairs as all-important or the basis ; on the assumption, mainly, that people can understand only a little at a time : For the fact is, the first thing that is clearly understood in regard to all such feeble minded efforts is, THAT THEY ARE SERIOUSLY DEFECTIVE; each "scab" seeing a few dif- ferent of the great many glaring omissions and errors, and at once savagely engage their rival ' ' mono-maniacs ' ' in a royally fought million sided battle; under a com- mon banner, however, OF SINCERE LOYALTY TO TRUTH which everyone doggedly assert they monopolize; each in the final though their chain may have many a miss- ing link and otherwise defective, are HONEST. The fact is, nearly every reform that is needed with which to perfect mankind, has for a long time been sep- arately but earnestly fought for by various bands of promoters here and there: The human mind has long since been nearly perfect, but like a machine with its separate parts accurately cast in different factories, they REQUISITE OF THE PANACEA 11 are worse than useless till duly assembled into a working whole ; and until thus put together each part seems freak- ish to all but the master builder: Yet when at last in harmonious co-operation, any one can at a glance see the utility of each part and their combination: And yet, even if only one part is defective, the machine is com- paratively worthless until perfected which also it seems that any one should clearly understand. Furthermore, most people also realize that the utility and life of any machine depends mainly on each part being in practical accord with the whole, and that one part is as essential as the other in the combination of interdependence. This is everywhere duly conceded ex- cept in the great HUMAN-RACE machine, where it is equally true and vastly more important to fully under- stand and abide by than anywhere else: The fact is, however, " SCIENCE " has in a true sense, ever been MAN-LESS like a Hamlet-less Hamlet THE NUCLEUS LEFT OUT. Indeed, Nature declares by its every throb that HARMONY is the elixir of life, and that DISCORD is the virus of death individually or racially considered: Hence, the business of The Panacea must primarily be, to efficiently establish and maintain perforce of unsur- passable benefits, world-wide social and economic har- mony ; which includes every psycho-physical affair of in- dividual and associated man without a missing link. Now then, concisely referring to the work in hand While exacting and providing for absolute equality in the treatment and condition of mankind, it would work as much benefit to the so-called "upper crust " as for the lower. j When understood, there's not an INTELLIGENT wealthy person on earth who would object to the exac- tion Of A COMPLETE CONFISCATION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY, and who tinder the conditions herein provided, would 13 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA not gladly conform thereto ; for it fully explains a per- fectly feasible system for perpetually providing every essential of IDEAL life to each, and every person alike; even much that the wealthiest cannot now command FOB ALL GENERATIONS. In short, it would take away everything that is cumbersome or detrimental, and sup- ply every possible need; and too, it is the only method ever devised that would inevitably, completely and satis- factorily do this THE ONLY POSSIBLE WAY. It conclusively shows how all exchange of work and commodities between individuals as well as MONEY or other mediums of trade, may be simply and entirely elim- inated thereby working inestimable universal benefit; even AT ONCE astonishing as it may seem, COMPLETELY SETTLES EVERY PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEBT ON EARTH, AND MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO EVER CONTRACT ANOTHER: In fact, it flawlessly deals with every conceivable personal, social, state or international problem of finance and eco- nomics GREATLY BENEFICIAL TO ALL. It furthermore suggests a far more generally satis- factory, practical and superior moral and ethical code than any religion or process of law ever conceived. Any- how as anyone must realize when fully understood, the system would not only insure universal plenty, peace and happiness, but an extension of IDEAL BODILY SPIR- ITUALITY OR LIFE, comparatively unto immortality. EVERY PHASE OF PSYCHIC PHENOMENA is FULLY AND CLEARLY EXPLAINED, AND CONSTITUTES THE BASIS OF CON- CLUSIONS THE NUCLEUS OF ALL BEING MAN, AND THE LAW OF HIS NATURE THE INERRANT GUIDE. Above all, it unquestionably lays the accurately scientific basis so long sought and badly needed upon which to forever righteously settle the frightful problem Of CRIMINALITY DISPUTELESS JUSTICE: Precisely DITTO in regard to INSANITY. It outlines an ideal government and basis for chooi- REQUISITE OF THE PANACEA 13 ing the best possible officers entirely doing away with politics and possibility of graft ; also entirely eliminates domineering personal or class authority, class-conscious- ness, parties, sects, etc. insuring HARMONY. It deals perfectly with the great problems of Educa- tion, Marriage, Divorce, Prostitution, Eugenics, and Woman Suffrage ; righteously solves Socialism and every contention between Capital and Labor entirely doing away with Rent, Profit, Interest, Taxes, etc. ; even sug- gesting a strictly scientific basis for knowing just how much work each and every person should do absolutely eliminating drudgery, being in the prevailing sense, A WORKLESS SYSTEM; also fully and satisfactorily settles "The King of Terrors" ANARCHY. The Railroad, Banking and other weighty problems in turn most humbly fall in line; likewise the Temper- ance and Tobacco questions, Health, Religious problems, Panics, Hard-times, Swindling, Booms, etc. ; as well as the intricate problems of Law and Lawing, Child Slav- ery, Poverty, Food Adulteration, Stealing, Lying, Sin, Competitions, Murder, War, etc., etc. In fact being rooted in indisputable all-inclusive principle of nature and the structural logic being perfect, it INEVITABLY deals ideally scientific with every conceivable individual, social and governmental problems BEING PRACTICAL AND FINAL; yet, not dogmatic courting correction where proven to be wrong. THE PANACEA can be fully tested by the following process. We will say for instance, that one desired an exact solution of ECONOMICS and nothing else: The Panacea is the only work ever produced that will fill the bill in every respect. Then say that one wishes to know the precise method of getting at the truth of CRIMINAL- ITY and nothing else: Again The Panacea must be the guide. Then should some one want to know just wha.t is right in regard to MAJHU^GE and nothing else: One* 14 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA more The Panacea must be consulted. And yet there may be some who would like to know the exact truth in regard to GOD and nothing else : Still The Panacea is the only work to be relied on. Thus we may select any problem that one can think of Government, Insanity, Therapeutics, Astronomy, Farming, War, Politics, Amusements, Art, Cosmology, Psychology, Evolution, Finance, Religion, Science, Tem- perance, Dietetics, etc., etc. no matter what, The Uni- versal Panacea will ever be the only complete and true instructor. In other words, The Panacea must be IN BASIC PRIN- CIPLE and finally in detail, just as applicable to one sub- ject as another; complete and perfect in regard to any and all problems of every person, family, community, nation or race, at any time or place. Like "The Wan- dering Jew," THE BOOK OP NATURE herein called The Panacea, must go on and on and on everywhere forever EVER SIMPLE, TRUE AND GOOD. While this book covers a great area in principle the entire field, and is illustrated by dealing with many specific problems, yet by no means pretends to be The Panacea in detail; which, however, must be born of precisely the same fundamentals. In the academic sense the writer is entirely un- schooled wouldn't know a grammar from an algebra, but can parse every phase of Cause and Effect of right and wrong to a ' c frazzle, ' ' without the use of a symbol or occult letter; which not only includes every academic curriculum but completely corrects them which we shall see is THE GREATEST NEED ; f or solely and wholly TEACH MAN THE TRUTH IS THE PANACEA. This work was mainly written at odd times within about TWELVE months, under the most peculiar combina- tion of painful embarrassments and ennobling pleasure. The original intention was to publish a fifty to sixty page REQUISITE OF THE PANACEA 10 pamphlet exposing the frightful error of THEOLOGY clearly and completely explaining the natural laws and facts which absolutely disprove that hoary mental mon- strosity the principal basis and support of our present delirium; much of what was prepared on that subject, however, has been crowded out, but enough left to clearly, fully and finally settle that heretofore perplex- ing problem. This work is, therefore, merely a batch of rapidly written articles on fundamental principles coarsely constructed, but with every word firmly rooted in irre- futably logical cause and effect, from THE CORRECT BASIS MAN AND HIS NATURAL IMPULSE. As the articles have been left just as first written, the explanation and basic principle is scattered throughout the work, superimpos- ing proof upon proof as to the correctness of the gen- eral premise and conclusions while discussing various phases of the all-inclusive problem of HOW TO UNIFY AND PERFECT MANKIND. Probably the most important features dealt with in detail by this book are FIRST, THE LAW OF OUR BEING; then, FINAL SOLUTION OF LOVE, THE WILL, GOD, SPIRIT, HYPNOTISM, TELEPATHY OR INTERDEPENDENCE; RANGE OF EVOLUTION; CAPACITY AND DESTINY OF MAN; ECONOMICS; CRIMINALITY, INSANITY, PROPER GOVERNMENT AND HOW TO UNIFORMLY PREVENT PAIN AND PREMATURE DEATH. This, however, is but an elaborate introduction or primer to a 600 page work all ready for the press, filling in the niinutisB omitted herefrom which will be published soon as circumstances permit: In principle, however, this work is complete, and plainly suggestive of ALL. . The writer is a common-place "worldly" plodder much the same as millions of other thoughtful people. The work was born of a perfectly trained brain in basic fact and logic ; and THE NATURAL SEEKING OF THE GREAT- EST RELATIVE PLEASURE UNDER PERSONAL CONDITIONS 16 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA JUST AS ALL OTHERS ARE DOING each from a different premise, which could and should be CORRECT AND RACI- ALLY UNIFORM ALL THAT IS NEEDED. THE RESULT MUST BE UNITY AND PER- FECTION OF MANKIND. DIRECTION Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good" INCENTIVE Insures every person a full portion of happy life OPPOSITION- IGNORANCE the harshest word ever spoken because it means DEATH Either Truth or Error Proves It TAKE YOUR PICK FOR WEAL OR WOE "Let Us Reason Together*' EARNESTLY CLASS-CONSCIOUSNESS, STRIFE, DISTRESS AND PREMA- TURE DEATH, can be entirely abolished only by PERFECT- ING THE SCIENCE OF LIVING, clearly proving INEVITABLE INTERDEPENDENCE OF MANKIND; when HARMONIOUS CO-OPERATION being essential to any one's enjoyment of supreme happiness and life, all will gladly unite in flaw- less support of the common cause. THIS WORK MUST DO THAT OR FAIL MATERO-ENERGY OR ACTIO- MATERIA MATTER-IN-ACTION- ENERGY, HEAT, LIGHT, TIME, SPACE, SUNS, ELEC- TRICITY, ETHER AND BASIC CHEMISTRY: SPIRIT, SPIRIT- UALITY, SPIRITUALISM, MIND AND LIFE. MATTER, ETC., LIMITLESS. CHAPTER IV 16 PAGES There has been a continual wrangle about SPIRIT and MATTER. Many contend that all is spirit ; others that all is matter; some that "The" Universe is composed of an equilibrium of spirit and matter, etc. In fact, there are all sorts of theories, but little knowledge in regard to this basic problem ; which many seem to think is the de- ciding factor in the ever fierce contention between SPIR- ITUALISM AND MATERIALISM. So while 'tis not the only key to that problem's solution, yet the real fact involved is of transcendental interest and importance : And so, let 's examine 'er care- fully. In 1789, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier of France, en- deavored by exhaustive experiments to destroy matter, and after finding it impossible, formulated "The Nat- ural Law of Persistence of Matter" which has since been "CHEMICALLY" confirmed millions of times, and now the said LAW is rightly considered the King-Pin of exact science. In 1842, Robert Mayer of Germany like- wise tried to destroy energy, and after failing to do so, declared that Persistence of Energy is a Natural Law; which without being understood, has also been gen- erally conceded the world over. 18 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Then, as it had been conclusively proven that matter and energy are inseparable, Ernest Haeckle of Germany combined the two under the caption of "The Law of Substance. ' ' Others have pointedly explained that anyhow both must be material, for self -evidently nothing less could exist at all. In the final analysis, however as I shall quite clearly show, the word ' ' immaterial ' ' is naught but a vague comparative term ; for its identical substance- like ghosts in the light of day or reason, entirely fades away. In other words, when duly examined, it is found that "immateriality" is generally unwittingly used to denote the extremely delicate section of materiality that is beneath the power of our coarser senses to "SEE"- constituting the so-called subjective realm, capable of being "SEEN" or examined, mentally only; which in the absolute, is the only process of seeing or understand- ing even a mountain "OBJECTIVE" and "SUBJECTIVE" also being comparative or degreeal terms regarding nervous reactions to the stimuli of experience. For instance: In the same comparative sense, we speak of "cold," while scientifically there is no cold- all being heat materia-energy ; yet, without comparative terms, we could not express the varying degrees. The same is true in regard to LIGHT and DARKNESS all is light, or vice versa if you please, for regardless of terms used our faith, belief, opinion, etc., THE PACTS EVER REMAIN THE SAME. These degreeal terms are very extensive. We speak of psychology the "micro and mento" section of physiology ; yet in the sense of there being a distinctive substance of MIND human, deific, mortal, immortal or otherwise, it does not exist. Mentality here concisely explained, consists of the continuitive or as- sociate actions of minute parts of the nervous system MATERO-ENERGY OR ACTIO-MATERIA 19 neuro-chemical image building; which is caused to va- riously act by the influence of corresponding combined immediate and stored, personal experience impinging and moulding forces from without : The precise mechan- ism of which being elsewhere greatly extended herein, and fully explained under PSYCHO-PHYSICS in my larger work. So that psychology even in the so-called sub- jective realm, is but a comparative or degreeal term, denoting when duly understood, the finer section of physiology or functions of the nervous system. I have also conclusively shown herein further on, that the ' 'stuff" or " juice" ELECTRICITY, is unscientific, for in the sense of its being a specific much less an all- inclusive element or substance, it does not exist ; for 'tis fully proven to be no more or less than a definite rate of IONISTIC MOTION merely a distinct section of their very wide range of function, a close kin to MENTALITY; each ever transmitting their modes from " battery" to " bat- tery" of ACTION, by aid of ETHERIC WAVES the "elec- tric" and "mental" vibrations being prominent me- diums of reciprocal Cause and Effect as quite clearly explained herein when discussing the equilibrial conse- quences Of UNIVERSAL TELEPATHY. The spectroscope records no MENTAL ELEMENT, neither does it of ELECTRICITY: For instance, the spec- trum of an electrified bar of platinum spells PLATINUM not electricity. "The" Cosmos is a flawless chemical or ACTIO-MATE- RIA mechanism of immeasurable LIFE ACTION, knowing nothing of DEATH or REST, nor loss or gain at any place or time. The growth and decay of finites ephemeral THINGS, constitute the very life's blood of "the" infinite or eternal NON-THING : 'Tis like the tire at the opposite points from the hub of a whirling wheel, it must travel precisely in opposite directions at the same time in order to feed itself. Thus an exact equilibrium of the infinite 20 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA is everlastingly maintained by an ever precisely equal birth and death of finites. Yet, there can never be two or more things or beings exactly alike; for the reason based upon The Law of Impenetrability, it is impossible for more than one body to occupy the same place at the same time, ever forcing each into at least a trifle different environment, to which they must exactly conform ; even individuals ever under- going change therefrom. Now then, let's more pointedly examine as to MAT- TER AND SPIRIT and see which it is that obtains or if there are both. The basic substance of COSMOS we will call ETHER ; in regard to which as we shall see, there is nothing bet- ter known ; for indeed, ALL is ETHER in greatly varied states of manifestation: The name, however, is of no consequence, for the facts we are seeking would remain the same regardless of name or our opinion. Anyhow, we will say that the prime, basic or mother element is an absolute solid homogeneity; that is to say, consisting throughout precisely the same without interstices or pores non-contiguous. This we will say whatever it may be, is the all-inclusive building material of "The" Universe: Monism tracing "ALL" TO ONE SUBSTANCE called "THE ETHER" in Science, being fully established. Now then, owing to its inherent nature, this in TIME AND SPACE, beginningless and endless substance ever being in a state of intense activity ALIVE, contin- ually causes tremendous pull, push and commotional strain here and there MAINLY IN SUNS, which create an infinity in number of very minute whirling vortices similar in principle to rings of smoke or whirlpools in air and water, to form in definite sizes OP ITSELF ' ' like ' ' bits of ice in water, EACH EVER REMAINING COMPLETELY SUBMERGED IN THE FRICTIONLESS MOTHER ELEMENT : The ?, being born of ether, when * ' destroyed ' ' by DISCORD, dissolve into the "parent" substance. MATERO-ENERGY OR ACTIO-MATERIA 21 These ACTIVE specks of "BOUND ETHER" we will call IONS "ELECTRONS" being a misleading name, or THE UNITS of which science truly declares that the wonderful objective panorama of Nature all observable THINGS from THE ETHER in its prime state up, is composed. Similar size and whirl of IONS per influence of af- finity for their kind, form into definite families called ATOMS "the elements of chemistry," and the smallest organisms of the organic or heterogeneous kingdom about 90 in number now being positively known. These atoms each composed of many ions swinging about a mutual center in various orbits as the planets of all solar systems do, EVER CREATE BY THEIR TREMENDOUS PULL FROM A COMMON HUB, THE TENDENCY OP AN ABSO- LUTE VACUUM; WHICH IN TURN CAUSE A CORRESPONDING CENTRIPETAL FLOW OF ETHER, AND A LIKE MIGHTY COM- MOTION AT THE PIT CREATIVE OF IONS, AND OF THEIR SEETHING AGGREGATE COMBINATIONS, THE EXTREMELY ACTIVE OR LUMINOUS BODY WHICH WE CALL THE SUN WHETHER CONSTITUTING "THE HUB" OF A FAMILY OF IONS OR PLANETS : Such being a new and correct explanation ; for Nature never does "the same thing" in two or more ways regardless of proportions. The inflowing "pressure" of ether CALLED GRAVITY also heretofore unexplained, not only hold the "chicks" in place and regulate their orbits but CAUSE THE SUN TO GROW ; while the titanic convulsions at the pit or of THE SUN thus created and maintained, cast IONS out in space, continually feeding and causing the IONS, PLANETS OR ' * CHICKS ' ' TO GROW in size, and their distance apart also resulting therefrom, to increase; till finally they interfere with neighboring similar organization, when the weaker system breaks up and collides reduc- ing the UNITS to nebula and THE ETHER. Then again and again, ETERNALLY growth and decay volution or in- volution, holds sway, per inherent CAUSE AND EFFECT OF 22 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA ACTIO-MATERIA COSMOS: The Facts at Last. Every organism from IONS up, has a constant in-flow of ether, and each are likewise RADIO-ACTIVE ever at once grow- ing and decaying. The ATOMS in turn combine also per affinity for their near relatives, in groups of families, and each of these combinations or CONSTELLATIONS, we call MOLE- CULES the smallest ENMASS; of which there are many grades, and of which compound organisms the great superimposing world is composed gas, air, water, crystal, planets, suns; protoplasm, cells, vegetation, fish, reptiles, birds, animals ; and of their combination MAN. Thus we have clearly seen that "THE" UNIVERSE is composed of ONE SUBSTANCE ever in its prime state or bound into X-IONS, Y-ATOMS, Z-MOLECULES. Now then, let's examine the foregoing a little. We started with an absolute SOLID, poreless sub- stance THE ETHER, which forms into various size and whirl of IONS; these into families of ATOMS, which fur- ther assemble into MOLECULES and then into all sorts of more complex actio-materia organisms, ending with MAN ' ' The Microcosm. ' ' And all the way up, each particle of BOUND ETHER even those constituting ORGANIC MAN, has been found to be snugly submerged in the mother ele- ment; every opening of each organism being completely filled chuck-a-block solid, by the permeating ether, leav- ing not the slightest f ' empty ' ' space for anything else be it SPIRIT, MIND or whatnot, to possibly occupy. In other words, we have found an absolutely solid Universe limitless in time and space, composed of ONE substance; ever by interchange per medium of growth and decay of FINITES, maintaining the BOUND and BOUNDLESS States Of INFINITE COSMOS OR UNIVERSE. Now is this all-inclusive ONE SUBSTANCE SPIRIT or MATTER ? We have found that "ALL" regardless of nature MATERO-ENERGY OR ACTIO-MATERIA 23 or organization is composed of "IT," whatever "IT" may be. So now first, thoughtfully and honestly ask your- self for instance, is WATER, EARTH, ROCK, IRON or MAN, etc., composed of MATTER OR SPIRIT? Are they MATERIAL OR IMMATERIAL? In other words, do they fill or con- stitute space ? Do THEY EXIST ? Is THERE ACTION, IP so WHAT ACTS? The Spiritists or All-Is-Mind-ists answer these ques- tions by saying, being subject to the coming and going growth and decay process, not specifically everlasting entities changeable ; being transitory, etc., they are not THE REAL. Yet, we have seen that THE MATTER of which they are composed though ever undergoing a change of manifestation, is declared and universally recognized under The Natural Law of Persistence of Substance, to be INDESTRUCTIBLE; which logically means ETERNAL EX- ISTENCE. So, even in that sense, they are at once completely non-suited. Yet, REALNESS by no means implies limit- less in duration of being as an entity, but THAT WHICH is constituting or occupying space regardless of class or duration of sameness. Space is correctly defined as EXTENSION OP MATTER, and Time as THE MOVEMENT OR CHANGE OP MATTER: Hence, to do away with matter would obliterate TIME AND SPACE. Which, indeed, would be a noteworthy trick for a sane person ; but, alas, such is nothing at all for the Spiritists and All-Is-Mind-ists or IMMATERIALISTS : Nothing for them to wipe out IN- FINITE COSMOS, ETERNAL LAW, ETC. Descartes avowed, ' ' I THINK, THEREFORE, I AM " ; this made him famous. Yet, perhaps, we can find out more definitely; let's see. What is meant when prop- erly dissected, by the word SPIRIT ? Is it REALNESS, or is it merely a term denoting THE FUNCTION OR ACTION OP SUBSTANCE ? Isn 't it always used 24 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA FUNCTIONALLY? We Speak of a SPIRITED child ; SPIR- ITED horse; SPIRITED fire; SPIRITED wind; SPIRITED cam- paign; SPIRITED discussion; SPIRITED THINGS; SPIRITED E-MOTIONS, etc., each ever denoting a mode or associa- tion of ACTION' or LIFE : Fire, ardor, enthusiasm, vivacity, enterprise even ardent .SPIRITS and the like : personal or Class IDIOSYNCRASY. And yet, let's examine into the final analysis, for this is not only very interesting and instructive, but ex- tremely important to have completely and correctly solved not by dreams but with FACTS. Now then, say we have a single ION or a combina- tion of MATTER IN ACTION : Would not the movement or motion and inertia constitute ENERGY, FORCE, SPIRIT OR LIFE in each of their respective simplest proper mean- ing? Remember that THE NATURE OF MATTER is BEGIN- NINGLESS AND ENDLESS ACTION RESTLESS. Would not even THE VIBRATIONS which the ever AC- TIVE IONS create while submerged in the Mother Element, constitute SPIRITED ether in its simplest and various modes? Even, would not the seething ACTIVITY of the constituent minute parts of ANY ORGANISM especially of MAN, constitute the all-inclusive and proper meaning Of SPIRITUAL, ACTIVE OR LIVING THINGS OR BEINGS? Yea, verily, isn't the kick of a mule or a dog fight even that of WAR, somewhat SPIRITED? Do not the Spiritualists regardless of brand, time or place, always speak of THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST and GOD or THE DEVIL, in the sense of what they DO or impel others to DO? Even so of departed SPIRITS, ANGELS, E-GO-S, IMPS, ELFS and their ILK? CAN SPIRIT OR SPIRITS BE MOTION-LESS? Are not ACTIONS promotive of LIFE, the SPIRIT OP INTELLIGENCE OR SANITY; and ACTIONS conducive of DEATH, THE SPIRIT OF IGNORANCE OR INSANITY? ARE "DEAD" BODIES SPIRITUAL OR SPIRITED, AND WHY NOT? MATERO-ENERGY OR ACTIO-MATERIA 25 PRINCIPLE a rule of ACTION, is of NATURAL LAW classified phases of SPIRITED MATTER. Hence, without matter-in-action no Cause and Effect. Can SPIRITUALITY whether good or bad, be naught but a phase of INTELLECTUALITY the neuro-chemical reflex ACTION resulting from combined relative personal experience? FAITH "the SUBSTANCE OF THINGS hoped for; the evidence of THINGS not seen." Heb. 11; 1, is entirely in material terms. In fact when understood, can the words SPIRIT, SPIRITUAL, SPIRITUALITY, even SPIRITUALISM, etc., be used in any other sense or no sense, other than to denote simple or organic MOVEMENT, ACTION OR LIFE OF MATTER ? Try it and see for yourself. Now, can anyone doubt that the widespread pious dogmatic contention, that MATTER is A DELUSION and that ALL is SPIRIT even that a medium of spirit in REALNESS exists at all, is other than THE SPIRIT OF DEPLORABLE IGNORANCE ? And should not such a frightfully discord- ant and debasing superstition ignorance of basic facts, be GOVERNMENTALLY wiped from the brain of man- kind instead of as now, promoting it? Could any other single reform be of more general benefit, justified or urgent? Can't you clearly trace every wrong religious, political, economic, legal, criminal, trickery, governmental, personal, social or whatnot even if it may seem smart and profitable to the doers, to its true common source IGNORANCE? Try it thoughtfully and unprejudicedly. Remember that in the final analysis, NO ACT IS WRONG UNLESS IT IS CONDUCIVE OF DEATH MURDEROUS AND SUICIDAL, AND VICE VERSA: Such even being THE ABSOLUTE PARTING OF THE WAYS BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL. Therefore, the most important words in any language; indeed, the ALL-INCLUSIVE MEANING TO MAN- KIND, is locked up in the two phrases of speech, INTEL- LIGENCE the way of LIFE, and IGNORANCE the way of DEATH: REMEMBER THIS. 36 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA AND too forget it not, that NO THOUGHT OR DEED CAN AVOID BEING ONE OF THESE WAYS never including both : They repel each other as do the opposing poles of a magnet. And yet, just think if you can, that EVERY THOUGHT OR DEED IS EITHER MURDEROUS OF ALL OTHERS AND SUICIDAL Or PROMOTES THE SURVIVAL OF ONE ? S FEL- LOWS AND SELF there being no blanks, THOUGH THE DOER AND A WORLD OF INTERDEPENDENTS KNOW IT NOT. We have found that there is but ONE SUBSTANCE, which in science is called THE ETHER ; that SPIRIT being merely a term denoting the function of substance, does not in REALITY exist: Hence, that ALL is MATTER MA- TERIAL : As to name applied, is like SPIRIT OF NO-MAT- TER, except to denote varying phases of ACTION. Still yet, as MATTER is EVER IN ACTION spirited or spiritual, energetic or ALIVE: As it were, motion and substance never being divorced combinedly eternally obtaining ; hence, MATTER in turn also denotes SPIRIT, etc. This calls for a concise phrase to at once signify its qual- ity and function; which is precisely indicated by the hyphenated synonym expressions MATERIA-EN- ERGY or ACTIO-MATERIA ; either of which greatly facilitate a quick and precise comprehension of the very important fact involved. Thus, we have learned that with ACTIO-MATERIA 01 Matter-in-action, "the" Universe is easily and com- pletely defined UNDERSTANDINGLY. And yet, WHAT is MATTER? This is what Ernest Haeckle the supreme scientist, dubs "The Riddle of the Universe ' ' : So, at which, too, let 's take a squint. We understand solely by means of comparative rela- tion ; hence, define wholly by use of relative or so-called synonym and antonym terms, expressions, etc. There- fore, knowledge is said to be entirely comparative or relative. Now then, the fact of there being only ONE all-em- MATERO-ENERGY OR ACTIO-MATERIA 87 bracing substance, it must, therefore, constitute THE ABSOLUTE having no relatives, synonyms or antonyms: Hence, MATTER is MATTER which is complete and final ; except, we may point to any one or more specific mani- festation and correctly say that, they each or combinedly spell MATTER; which though the process be infinitely extended, could all be simmered to the all-inclusive state- ment of simply MATTER is ACTIO-MATERIA or MATERIA- ENERGY, eternal and ubiquitous ether LIFE, MIND OR WHATNOT. Now, having completely knocked out SPIRIT, let's pay our respects to SPIRITS derisively called SPOOKS, for we now have exactly the requisite data in mind with which to at last DO THEM JUSTICE. In the first place, it is avowed by each of the many kinds of Spiritualists that, ALL SPIRITS ARE COMPOSED OF SPIRIT, AND THAT THEY ABIDE IN THE SPIRIT LAND, etc. HENCE, AS THERE is NO SUCH STUFF, IT is SELF-EVIDENT THERE CAN BE NO SUCH THINGS OR PLACE. However, as many declare them " ETHEREAL," and that they roost in its heavenly realm, let 's see about that too. We have found THE ETHER in its boundless state, is not only an absolute solid homogeneous substance, but limitless in extent; that is not made up of contiguous parts as all ORGANIC beings or things are ; that it has no interstices or pores, nor periphery. In other words, the mother element in its prime condition, is ever FORM- LESS, not even having a surface at any place no out- side; being limitless and shapeless. So again self-evi- dently, nothing more or less than THE SPIRIT OF IGNO- RANCE could be made of such THINGLESS truck; for they could have NO FORM, ORGANISM, IDENTITY OR LIMITATION : In fact, could be NOTHING which, alas, is exactly correct. This is why the THEOSOPHISTS postulate finer, finer and still finer realms of THE IONS though it is fully 28 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA proven that IONS THE COMPONENTS OF ATOMS, ABE BORN OP AND DISSOLVE INTO ETHER, for they must have such with which to build their various grades of ORGANIC CELESTIAL EGOS. They had sense enough to clearly see that THE PRIME ETHER COULD NOT BE MADE TO FILL THE BILL. So, as THE NATURAL OR SCIENTIFIC SIDE IS FULLY KNOWN TO BE SPOOKLESS, they were compelled to split the already in- finitesimally small ION into many parts which YOGAS readily dreamed out, in order to have suitable material of which to build ghosts and spook heavens : Which they say is an extension of science, but which is clearly known to be no less than a shameful EXTENSION OF DUPES ; liter- ally born of UNHOLY DREAMS by the process of CONCEN- TRATION OR HYPNOTIZATION extensively practiced by "going into the silence" and "listening to the wee- small voice," etc., INDUCING REALIZATION OF EXPECTATION precisely the same system that is employed by EVERY THEO-SPIRITUALISTIC CULT none cxcepted. Which are alike maintained by HOLY FRIGHT and DELIGHT WITH SCHEMERS AT THEIR HEAD Delusion, Threat and Bribe as the cudgel. But alas, "HERE'S THE AX" CUT OFF THE HEADS AND TEACH THEIR DUPES THE TRUTH : COMPULSORY, UNI- FORM SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION IS THE ONLY REMEDY, AND SHOULD BE DONE WITHOUT DELAY. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE is ATHEISTIC "God is Eternal Principle," one minute; and THEISTIC "All is Divine Mind," the next. Just think of a religious sect declar- ing that "God is All and All is God" aping Spinoza, who said "Nature is God and God is Nature" which Haeckle laconically refers to as " polite atheism ' ' ; but in this the master was wrong, for IGNORANCE cannot be polite. "Eternal Principle," of course, is the very quintessence of Atheism, for, self-evidently, it obviates "creation" and "guidance." For instance, NATURE MATERO-ENERGY OR ACTIO-MATERIA 29 ALWAYS REPEATS ITSELF IN PRINCIPLE, BUT NEVER IN ACTS OR THINGS, is the PRINCIPLE upon which this book is writ- ten as all Natural Science should be. Christian Science of ERROR, and many other cults its colts, declare that, "ALL is MIND" ; that in the final "THERE is NO MATTER," then notwithstanding "ALL is GOD," etc., divide MIND into MORTAL and IMMORTAL camps, with the further inspired declaration, in effect, that the immortal section knows nothing of the mortal phase while the lesser seems to know all about the greater, making the MORTAL omniscient and the IM- MORTAL a comparative Mutt SILLY, is it not ? Even, the Eddyites strenuously affirm "NO SUGGESTION OR HYP- NOTISM USED," and makes it stick with hoards of o-o-o; yet, absolutely nothing else can be found in their shop. However frankly, C. S. is by far the best FAITH DOPE in the market 12 :30 A. M. Nov. llth, 1918, the very hour that Los Angeles is celebrating CLOSE OF THE WORLD WAR the result of J. C.'s unguessable parables. Strange, indeed, it did not keep on FOREVER and it will UNLESS !! * * * Read this work THOUGHT-fully. The fact is as before stated, precisely as with SPIRIT, there is no MENTAL DIRECTIVE AGENCY OF MATTER ; as it were the emanating essence of a Creative God or Cremative Devil : Nor any mind of the kind that is pe- culiar to Man comparable to gas, air hot or cold, steam or the ether; either mortal or immortal except in IGNORANCE OF THE FACTS INVOLVED. We have seen that infinite space is an absolute solid of ETERNAL ACTIO-MATERIA nothing else being necessary or possible. What we call MENTALITY in a broad sense, is the recognition of the seemingly purposeful sequence of CAUSE AND EFFECT accomplishments, which gradually GROW by dint of experience and The Law of Main- tenance SELF-PRESERVATION, CROSS-BREEDING, etc., into more and more complex co-related organisms of ACTIVITY 30 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA called INTELLIGENCE, and which must reach its highest expression in PERFECTED OR OMNISCIENT MAN DESTINY. Which means THE RIPENING AND HARVEST OF AN EVOLU- TIONARY CROP ON EARTH. Then IN PRINCIPLE, again and again EVERYWHERE, ETERNALLY. While this work absolutely disproves even the slight- est possibility of there being a God, Devil, Heaven, Hell or so-called Spiritual life of any kind or degree; it on the other hand as completely proves that the PERFECT EXISTENCE so extensively and fervently believed in and striven for, may in a far more agreeable sense, be fully realized by each and every person in the ONE body on earth, than it was ever DREAMED of as being possible in the hoped-for CELESTIAL PERSISTENCE. Truly, we may as well doubt that the Earth Is Bound. Not only such, but it clearly shows that THE HUMAN RACE IS NOW IN WHAT MAY BE QUITE APTLY CALLED THE PURGATORIAL CONDITION, OR PAINFUL STATE OF IGNORANCE conducive of strife, disease and early death ; that the HEAVENLY CONDITION OR DELIGHTFUL STATE OF INTELLI- GENCE promotive of peace, health and FULLY SATISFY- ING LIFE, is obtainable only by supplanting IGNORANCE WITH INTELLIGENCE; and that foremost in the essential steps in attaining the ideal state is, TO CLEAR EVERY MIND OF THE CELESTIAL LIFE SUPERSTITION regardless of phase or degree, transferring that tremendous retarding force to a boost of the ALL-IMPORTANT TERRESTRIAL UNDERTAK- ING. In other words, transfer the great energy from the brake to the pulling power ; from error to truth ; from strife to peace. The time for this very desirable and finally inevi- table great change is at hand the most beneficial work immediately confronting mankind; so be intelligently diligent for EVERY LIFE is AT STAKE. Note carefully the five words next preceding this sentence, for they exactly explain THE WHY of this work. By Clearly Proving MATERO-ENERGY OR ACTIO-MATERIA 81 INTERDEPENDENCE OP HUMAN LIFE, will Quickly Untangle Class-Conscious Wrangle. -PEKHAPS- The reader may greatly profit by ever keeping the following significant biblical statements comparatively in mind: **THUS SAITH JEHOVAH** 1 'Behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah ; not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt : which my covenant they broke, although I was a husband unto them, saith Jehovah. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel AFTER THOSE DAYS, saith Jehovah: I WILL PUT MY LAW IN THEIR INWARD PARTS, AND IN THEIR HEART WILL I WRITE IT; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE. AND THEY SHALL TEACH NO MORE EVERY MAN HIS NEIGHBOR, AND EVERY MAN HIS BROTHER: SAYING, KNOW JEHOVAH, FOR THEY SHALL ALL KNOW ME, FROM THE LEAST OF THEM TO THE GREATEST OF THEM, SAITH JEHOVAH, FOR I WILL FORGIVE THEIR INIQUITY, AND THEIR SIN WILL I REMEMBER NO MORE." JEREMIAH 31:31-35. "THIS IS THE COVENANT THAT I WILL MAKE WITH THEM AFTER THOSE DAYS, SAITH THE LORD : I WILL PUT MY LAWS ON THEIR HEART, AND UPON THEIR MIND ALSO WILL I WRITE THEM; THEN SAITH HE, AND THEIR SINS AND THEIR INIQUITIES WILL I REMEMBER NO MORE. NOW WHERE REMISSION OF THESE IS, THERE IS NO MORE OFFER- ING FOR SIN." HEBREWS 10:16-19: Gideon's version. "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil : I the Lord do all these things. ' ' ISAIAH 45 :7. "And Jehovah said unto him, Who hath made man'g mouth? or who maketh a man dumb or deaf, or 32 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA seeing or blind ? is it not I, Jehovah ? ' ' EXODUS 4 :11. ' ' Lead us not into temptation. ' ' ' ' Lord 's Prayer. ' ' The above passages were found after practically every word of this book was written ; yet had they been taken from the start as a text, the result would have been the same. In the mentally rich early days, NATURAL CAUSE AND EFFECT not being understood, JEHOVAH was unwittingly created to fill the CAUSAL requirement. THE DAY THOSE LOGICALLY CLEAR SEERS OBSERVED IN THE DIS- TANCE, is NOW DAWNING Thus sdith Almighty Science. Though written thoughtless thereof, several earnest and quite scholarly Christians who have carefully read the manuscript, strangely declare : ' ' This work is in per- fect accord with 'The Holy Book' " when both are cor- rectly understood. Is IT ? If " SCRIPTURE is THE SCIENCE OF LIFE" they must agree should they not? BE CARE- FUL. Some theists even doggedly insist that the writer is inspired: NONSENSE! There is not even a hint in the first five books or chapters of The Bible the so-called Mosaic Laws, etc., supportive of individual existence beyond the grave ; but much to the contrary. "The Christ Ideal" is rejected by the Jews, mainly, because it's largely CELESTIAL pointings do not fit their entirely TERRESTRIAL findings: Yet owing to visions dreams, many Hebrews believed in a future life, but that was aside from their basic teachings. They have ever consistently resented the supplant- ing of their manly system by a blind sentiment ; besides THE MESSIAH their reinstator of THE LAND, has not yet come NOT EVEN HAVING THE SLIGHTEST COINCI- DENT HISTORY OF JESUS CHRIST, His record having been wholly prepared apeing other SAVIORS AND RELIGIONS, about 100 years after that date. JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION FOR THE FIRST TIME PLAINLY, EXACTLY AND COMPLETELY EXPLAINED Many phases of PSYCHIC PHENOMENA clearly discussed LIMITLESS IN SCOPE AND IMPORTANCE -LOVE- The Inexorable Natural Principle and Its Application to the Affairs of Man -WILL- CHAPTER V 59 PAGES God- Almighty, what a problem! Just think of the "gall" a person must have to unqualifiedly assume to CLEARLY AND EXACTLY EXPLAIN in comparatively few words, WHAT GOD is, HIS FUNCTION AND DOOM ; who, The Good Book declares, "in the beginning * * created the heavens and the earth"; that eternal omniscient, omni- present and omnipotent I AM: The enigma that has heretofore baffled the people of all grades throughout the ages. History and personal experience tell us of heathen or pagan idolaters, theists, deists, pantheists, agnostics, atheists and isms galore all sincere mere believers in their ever-changing convictions ; some individuals having experienced many of the practically endless phases of worshipping the sun, thunder, mountains, idols, snakes, beasts, SAVIORS, JEHOVAHS and fearing DEVILS, of variety, attributes and number beyond our ken. In fact, none have ever been without A GOD and as will later be clearly explained and understood, in the true sense now seldom recognized, NO PERSON CAN EVER BE 84 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA GODLESS: AND THAT IT is IMPOSSIBLE TO WORSHIP OTHER THAN THE REAL GOD. Thus with facts and seeming contradictions the sub- ject opens. 'Tis a problem of such transcendental concern as to have begat not only more fanatical thought, talk, deeds, and pages of doubtful lore, but of mixed pleasure and pain, say nothing of " scientific theory/' than all else combined; a question, therefore if possible, that should be completely solved and universally explained without mincing of words or unnecessary delay. IF THEISM IS TRUE, IT SHOULD BE EDU- CATIONALLY ENTHRONED IN EVERY BRAIN; BUT IF FALSE, IT SHOULD LIKEWISE BE EN- TIRELY WIPED FROM OUR THOUGHTS. Freedom of conscience like its at once parasitic and supporting dogmas, is AN ALMIGHTY SNARE AND DELU- SION ; for heading thousands of other debasing errors it maintains, it gives license to THE BRIDE OP HEAVEN AND THREAT OF HELL, the most powerful organized system of degrading slavery and wrangle known to man or that can possibly be conceived. This will be clearly proven and THE ONLY REMEDY duly explained. Hence, as space is scarce and the theme of para- mount import, "let us reason together" "proving all things," largely from universally known relative facts, that our conclusions may automatically anchor to self- evident eternal truth. In the continuous world-wide discussion of the mo- mentous problem, however, the BELIEVERS have ever had by far the best of the DIS-BELIEVERS, who in turn have had even more advantage of the sissie DON 'T-KNOWERS : For self-evidently, it is far better to have even a mere belief as a prop to life, than just a DIS-BELIEF in an- other's weak support. But, confessed BLANK IGNORANCE and INDIFFERENCE combined, in regard to CAUSATION, LIMITATION and DESTINATION OF SELF AND THE RACE, IS the limit "by Jove." JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 80 In other words, it is painful to BELIEVE, sickness to disbelieve, death to DON'T KNOW OB CARE and HEALTH TO KNOW about any vital question ESPECIALLY AS TO THE TRUTH OR ERROR OP THEOLOGY. Mere religious iconoclasm blank discouraging ridi- cule of other's devout FAITH, now extensively indulged in by many who are far more ignorant than those at whom they sneer, is SHAMEFUL AND SHOULD NOT BE TOL- ERATED : For no one has a moral right anyhow in such supreme matters, TO TAKE MORE THAN is GIVEN. In other words, IF THIS WORK DOES NOT ABSOLUTELY DISPROVE THEOLOGY, the writer is the first to acknowledge that it ought to be suppressed; while IF IT DOES, then Theology should be wiped out : This seems to be fair ALLOWING SALIENT FACTS AND PERFECT LOGIC TO CON- STITUTE THE EVIDENCE AND JUDGE IN THE CASE. A Square deal only is asked and will be given. 'Tis a subject of such mighty and vital importance whether TRUE OR FALSE, that demands HANDS OFF NO TRIFLING ! ! In the sense that, IF 'TIS TRUE no one should be allowed to even question it much less ridicule and sneer at the SACRED FACT : While IF NOT TRUE, then to even think of it should make a brass monkey ashamed, and TO SPEAK OF IT ought to be considered THE MOST DEGRADING ACT KNOWN TO MAN. And too, as theology is either TRUE or FALSE as THE FACTS in regard to any and every FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEM are ever easy to completely learn, THIS BY FAR MOST IM- PORTANT QUESTION FOR MANKIND TO CORRECTLY UNDER- STAND, SHOULD BE FLAWLESSLY SETTLED AND EVERY PER- SON COMPELLED TO FULLY RECOGNIZE THE FACTS INVOLVED, WITHOUT AN HOUR'S UNNECESSARY DELAY. This precisely proper exaction, THE CHURCH WILL FIERCELY FIGHT. Kemember that in all such questions EVERY FACT MUST BE ON THE SIDE OF RIGHT, AND NO FACT ON THE SIDE OF WRONG: On the side where ONE FACT can be 36 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA found, all relative facts will precisely fit and NONE on the other; for NO FACT can be be made to support AN ERROR. In still other words, IP THEOLOGY CAN CLEARLY SHOW THAT EVEN ONE FACT SUPPORTS THAT c 'DOGMA "- which as yet has not been done, then every fact would gracefully fall in line to support its kind, AND VICE VERSA. Such is ever EXACTLY THE CORRECT TEST employed by EXACT NATURAL SCIENCE, in proving as to the TRUTH AND ERROR of every important problem ; which includes every affair of man THEOLOGY BEING LEGITIMATELY WITHIN ITS SCOPE. This rule is stated here, not merely to test THEOLOGY by, but to test every problem dealt with by this work of which there are HUNDREDS all associated in FUNDA- MENTAL PRINCIPLE. The Truth void of prejudice or opinion, ever being sought. Now then as will a little later become clearly ap- parent, without intent of the slightest reflection on any person, sect, creed or general belief AS is EVER THE CASE IN THIS WORK, in the strictest impersonal or SCIENTIFIC sense, I shall first of all record the only single word that precisely and completely explains what constitutes each and every phase of " extrinsic'* GOD ever conceived by the mortal or if you please, immortal mind of man; then prove it to the very hilt by flawless and indubitable evidence EVER AS CLEAR AS TWO HALVES OF A THING EQUAL THE WHOLE; firmly establish every step by dis- puteless facts and logic. 'Tis naught but THE PROPER NAME for that crude and struggling state of HUMAN MENTALITY, rightly termed IGNORANCE: Which, alas, correctly spells DEVIL and the full range of their frightfully debasing co- partnership ; as it likewise does every other WRONG or actions promotive of DEATH. Furthermore, such is as well exactly the attributes of INSANITY. IGNORANCE and INSANITY, therefore in the final JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 37 analysis, are synonymous terms, alike when asserted, constitute phases and degrees of murder and suicide, which will be instructively discussed later on. We shall first clearly see, however, that GOD and IGNORANCE are always ONE AND THE SAME. While it is generally believed there are many NAT- URAL LAWS, there is in fact but ONE THE ALL-INCLUSIVE COSMIC PRINCIPLE that is universally recognized and usually spoken of as CAUSE AND EFFECT action and re- action are equal, eternally conserving Cosmic Life; of which each subsidiary expression such as "The Law of Gravity," "The Law of Inertia," "The Law of. Fall- ing Bodies," etc., are relative integral parts. These apparently diverse phenomena being here and there sep- arately recognized and their respective phases explained by the so-called "Laws of Nature"; which is accom- plished by widely observing that A CERTAIN CAUSE in- variably produces A CERTAIN EFFECT, and that A CERTAIN EFFECT never occurs independent of a CERTAIN CAUSE MATTER EVER IN DEFINITE CAUSE AND EFFECT ACTION, broadly spelling conservation. Basic problems should, therefore, be considered in the light of "The Law of Persistence of 'Materia-En- ergy' : formulated in 1789, after exhaustive experi- ments by Lavoisier of France the founder of modern chemistry; since thoroughly verified millions of times and now universally recognized as the keystone of exact science declaring the indestructibility and inconstruc- tibility from a void, of actio-materia. That is to say As something to nothing cannot run; Of nothing something could not come. In other words That which is ever was and cannot be destroyed. An Eternal Vital Cosmos, automatically employed. It is thus quite clearly shown that Cause and Effect are Each an Equal Cause and Effect. That the Natural chain is Endless without a defect. 38 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Again, we may quite conclusively state the case in tht following sylogistic rhyme Cosmos being Eternal, Change by Cause and Effect; Hence, all GODS are delusions, is precise logic you bet. In other words, "The" Universe being beginning- less no creation, and all change resulting from inher- ent energy, what has ' * God ' ' ever done t Why as we have plainly seen, 'tis impossible to think except in terms of MATTER; even ENERGY, SPIRIT, MIND, LIFE, etc. in the sense of being ' 'IMMATERIAL "- or in REALNESS exist at all, are delusions: The varying reciprocal organic MOVEMENT or ACTION of substance- different phases of PHENOMENA being designated by a name, fully accounting for all such. As it were THERE IS NO LIFE, MIND, SPIRIT, ELECTRICITY, OR ENERGY specifically as such, but as MATTER is EVER IN ACTION, we call different modes and complications of THE ACTION- LIFE, MIND, SPIRIT, ENERGY, ELECTRICITY, etc. This is why I formulated the hyphenated synonyms ACTIO-MATERIA and MATERiA-ENERGY, either of which being handy phrases with which when understood, to ever fully and concisely express the quality and func- tion of MATTER. In fact, exactly define "THE ALL" or "IT," for COSMOS is MATTER-IN- ACTION INFINITE IN TIME AND SPACE: ETERNAL. The beginnmgless and end- less meaning of the word "ETERNAL" is all-important to clearly and forgetlessly grasp. So, while my "poetry" may be bad, the inevitable inference spells death to the dogma of DEIFIC CREATION, PRESERVATION, DIRECTION, INTERVENTION and the like the essential attributes of A GOD except in blank IMAG- INATION OR FORGETFULNESS of self-evident, axiomatic FACTS and proven ETERNAL COSMOS. And yet, let's veritably clinch these spikes, to which as we shall presently see, there is not a single excep- tion; which logically constitutes absolute proof of a JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 88 GODLESS ETERNAL CAUSE AND EFFECT UNIVERSE the only possible automobile or perpetual motion. Indeed, it is not only self-evident and axiomatic by ever speaking of "THE ETERNAL LAW OF NATURE," that every EFFECT has an exactly commensurate natural CAUSE for time and space ad infinitum. Verily, as such words as IF, WHY, BECAUSE, HENCE, THEREFORE, REASON, etc., amply indicate, we are unable to think in any other terms which include every phase of HUMAN FUNCTION, for cause and effect rules everywhere supreme : To ASK THE WHY OF AN OCCURRENCE IS TO SEEK THE NATURA.L CAUSE EVEN IF NOT SO UNDERSTOOD. Not merely every human being, but the lower ani- mals are clearly cognizant of a cause for every effect whether understood or not. 'Tis not only a universal faculty but a necessary postulate of mentality, impelled by the impetus of SURVIVAL avoidance of pain. Hence, when a person is IGNORANT of the true Natural cause of any observed effect, they inevitably resort to a CREATOR of some kind ; either such as they have been specifically taught, or must IMAGINE a propellant exactly in accord with the reflex of combine relative personal experience the basis of reason or judgment, regardless of degree of development; and of course, every conclusion must either be TRUE OR FALSE in regard to the facts. Experience the only teacher, ever being somewhat or greatly different, however, results as we know, in all sorts of WARRING ideas and actions; which under a proper study of UNIVERSAL TELEPATHY explaining IN- TERDEPENDENCE, we shall learn is at present THE CAUSE OF UNIVERSAL DEATH OF HUMAN BEINGS at Only a fraC- tion Of THE POSSIBLE UNIFORM SPAN OF LIFE; which has been the case if The Bible is true as it mainly is when understood, since a very early period of the race. The present general condition is such an ALL-EN- GULFING AND SUICIDAL FACT, that it far transcends even 40 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA the average bright mind to more than vaguely realize; while most people have been so thoroughly benumbed by its overwhelming and relentless grasp, as to impel them to snap, jeer and sneer like maniacs at any attempt AS IN THE INSTANCE OF THIS WORK, to even SUggCSt a process by which the fiendish trance of DEATH may be duly transformed into a fiesta of LIFE: THUS THE SOLE OBJECT OF THIS TREATISE IS CLEARLY SET FORTH. Nearly everybody has noted that, one of the first things a child does soon as old enough to observe and speak is, to ask in regard to "THE CAUSE OF" actions of which they are IGNORANT; for instance Mamma, what makes the bread rise ? And they are told of saleratus or baking powder, heat, etc. a GODLESS process. But when the kid ventures the query Mamma, what makes the grass grow, the sun shine, as to the cause of rain or such ; and if the mother is IGNORANT in regard to such as most people now are, and devout, she solemnly answers GOD, my child. Which, of course were the youngster to finally acquire a scientific education as all should, would be found untrue ; as in every such instance throughout the possible range of experience which is practically limitless, must be learned to be the case. This is pointedly illustrated by an incident in re- gard to the masterly five-volume work "Mecanique Celesta," by the duly renowned Cosmologist Pierre Laplace, which Napoleon carefully read, then earnestly asked "Marquis, WHERE is GOD?" To which the "superman" calmly replied "Sire, I HAD NO USE FOR HIM"; yet the entire range and process of Nature had been quite accurately dealt with: Humboldt said after completing his similar great work "I found no God ' ' : The same in effect, has been earnestly avowed by a great many of the ablest mediums of science: Remember this. And so it is, GOD or IGNORANCE always take back- JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 41 ward strikes precisely apace with the forward march of GENUINE NATURAL SCIENCE; until finally conflicting superstition shall vanish and THE TRUTH without a missing fact or flaw in connecting logic which never disagree, will reign supreme THE QUEST AND DESTINY OF MAN: Harmony means LIFE. The Human Brain extending throughout the body, with the dominant ganglion main nerve associat- ing or switching mechanism in the cranium, has poten- tially unlimited capacity for accurately recording and reflecting every impinging influence, by a perfect method of indelible neuro-chemical IMAGE BUILDING a process of variously associating the intricate nervous system in action ; as in our thoughts, dreams or visions, condition, deeds, etc. ; ever constructing at least some- what different PERSONALITIES, perforce of the diverse and continually changing compound of INDIVIDUAL EX- PERIENCE which it unerringly does. The ALMIGHTY BUILDER Cause and Effect, ever being obeyed playing no favorites in the mistakeless game of perpetual cosmic internal flux of inherent actio-materia SPIRIT, ACTION, OR LIFE OF MATTER : Many phases of the higher organic action being called INTELLIGENCE. The all-important science of psychology was not in the slightest understood till less than one hundred and fifty years ago; of which very few even of prominent psychologists, have any basic knowledge unto this day. The Bible hasn't the word BRAIN in it, nor is its functions referred to. It is said that Christ "shooed" legions of evil spirits from the Gerasene demoniac and into a drove of swine, causing them to rush down unto death in the sea. So, as The Prophets of old were IGNORANT of the furtive Natural Law that, DEVOUT CONCENTRATED BELIEF AND EXPECTANCY, CONSTITUTE THE EXACT PROCESS OF AUTO-HYPNOTIZATION AND THE DIRECTING AGENCY; nor 49 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA understanding as to their wonderful IMAGE BUILDING mental faculty, thus fully employed; much less in re- gard tO THE OMNIPOTENT BASIC PRINCIPLE OF CAUSALITY inherent in materia-energy, they should, therefore, be excused for honestly BELIEVING in the SEEMINGLY living and commanding JEHOVAH of their vivid DREAMS OR VISIONS and more wakeful REASONING; for, THE IMAGE employing every essential faculty, precisely paid the bill Of THEIR TEACHINGS AND CAUSATIVE REQUIREMENTS JUSt as Spiritualistic and similar phenomena does today; with general appearance, modes of action, speech, color, environmental setting and variety or number EVER PRECISELY AS THUS UNWITTINGLY ORDERED ; the inevitable result of corresponding CONCENTRATED EXPECTANCY which is ever obeyed whether constructive or destructive TRUE OR FALSE. Such IMAGERY is unlimited, ranging from minor fancy to SEEING, HEARING, SMELLING, TASTING, or va- riously FEELING ANY-OLD-THING, unto fervent ecstasy, pain, pleasure, ghosts, mansions in the sky, heavens and hells; many even "dreamally" enjoying an opera without missing a note, incident, scene or face ; also em- braces, travel, business, war, etc. including precisely correct TIME AND SPACE. For instance: just think of NIGHTMARE, DELIRIUM TREMENS, WITCHCRAFTERY, HYP- NOTIC PHANTASM, PREMONITION, ETC. Covering every possible phase of realistic and poetical IMAGERY; even the most lucid of wakeful REASONING being naught else BROADER REACTION TO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Yet, when asked WHAT ACT THEY PERSONALLY KNOW OF THAT GOD EVER DID, nearly all quickly answer "He converted and saved me." Then when asked what con- verts others to ATHEISM, they shout "THE DEVIL. " And yet, it is perfectly obvious that the wonderfully varying " CONVERSIONS " are alike the result of EXPERIENCE AND TRUST, for people have by the same general process, JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 43 been persuaded into all sorts of fantastic beliefs and faiths; each FROM SNAKE WORSHIP TO CHRISTIANITY INCLUSIVE, feeling the same convincing ecstatical emo- tions when "RE-BORN" and living in "THE SPIRIT" of their "DIVINE CONVICTIONS." Which with many, how- ever, is progressively changed as varied dominant in- fluences dictate, until they finally sail into the serene haven of NATURAL SCIENCE and firmly anchor to the bedrock of CAUSE AND EFFECT at once FREED FROM ERROR AND SECURELY BOUND BY TRUTH. INSPIRATION is EASILY THE CHAMPION LIAR AND MEDIUM OF VICE ; for, being an exact reflex of compound relative personal experience much never having been conscious resulting in strange combinations or im- pulses ACCOUNTING FOR "INTUITION," nor combinedly ever alike, CANNOT PRECISELY REPEAT ITSELF : And, emi- nent authorities truly affirm that, "CRIMINALS" are gen- erally guided by "INTUITIVE HUNCHES" inspired by the same general process as "saints," and that these varying phases are ever at war. In fact, it is plainly evident that, ENNOBLING SPIRIT- UALITY IS NAUGHT BUT ENTHRONED INTELLECTUALITY and VICE-VERSA; for every impulse or action is WITHIN THE RANGE AND FUNCTION OF MENTALITY: If not, how could any such be known? Can one know the slightest about anything NOT WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THEIR MEN- TAL FACULTIES? Many of these unfortunates, however, earnestly declare that such is possible WHILE EXPLAIN- ING THEIR EXPERIENCE which " PROVES" IT TO THEIR THOUGHTLESS SELF: Ever doggedly clinging to a mon- strous wrong is RIGHT. If all such is within the possible faculty of mentality as explaining the phenomena proves that it is, then why is it not its function? Does not FEELING reaction to stimuli or EXPERI- ENCE constitute the Natural phenomena of mentality 44 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA good or bad? Nothing is more certain than it does. Has not JOY AND PAIN the same medium of expression? Of course, no one ever saw God except by IMAGE BUILDING FAITH, much less personally know of an act he ever did other than spook belief performed; for the good and sufficient reason as we will a little further on clearly see, that "MAN MADE GOD IN HIS OWN IMAGE, EN THE IMAGE OF MAN MADE HE HIM." In fact, man has solely the faculty of PSYCHO- PHYSICAL IMAGERY. REASON which includes every phase of mentality from seeing ghosts and DREAM- INGLY READING THE "AKASHIC RECORD" by YOGAS, to CORRECT SCIENTIFIC DEDUCTION inclusive, is naught but COMPOUNDING THE COMPOUNDS OF EXPERIENCE, INTO COM- PLEX CHAINS OF IMAGES the all-inclusive function being practically infinite. . Indeed, PSYCHOLOGY is merely the micro-extension of PHYSIOLOGY combinedly studied under the caption of PSYCHO-PHYSICS: which means, UNITY OF ONE'S VITAL FUNCTIONS: ALL-INCLUSIVE in the final ALL PHYSICAL. RIGHT AND WRONG scripturally unexplained and seldom if ever scientifically defined never fully hereto- fore, is concisely but definitely indicated as follows: Cosmically speaking "ALL" is EVER PERFECT decay be- ing Natural as growth, resulting in NO LOSS OR GAIN. PERSONALLY, however, craving to live, broadly consid- ered THAT WHICH PROMOTES LIFE Constructive of SELF, IS INTELLIGENT OR RIGHT: While THAT WHICH IS CON- DUCIVE OF DEATH destructive of SELF, is IGNORANT OR WRONG: SURVIVAL Or SANITY VS. SUICIDAL Or INSANITY: GOD and DEVIL, etc. Remember that in the final, SELF INCLUDES THE RACE. Right and Wrong is extensively discussed under the caption of CRIMINOLOGY AND IN- SANITY. Even alas, it is plainly evident that IN NO RESPECT CAN ETERNAL NATURE CONSTITUTE THE ESSENTIAL AT- JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 45 TRIBUTES OF A CREATOR AS IN THE BEGINNING, OR GUIDER AND PRESERVER OR DESTROYER capable of answering or ignoring prayer, etc. as extensively affirmed; for " PANTHEISM" is the very quintessence of ATHEISM. The advocates of that ' ' Nature is God and God is Nature, ' ' are either very light in the upper story or cowardly atheists OF THE SAME ILK. Cause and Effect is not in the conventional sense, INTELLIGENT; nor is it impelled by apriori DESIGN, PUR- POSE, etc. ; but is as it were, brainless, thoughtless, sightless and heartless or GODLESS; YET CHANGELESS FUNCTION OF ETERNAL COSMIC ACTIO-MATERIA ; AN EX- HAUSTLESS INVOLUTIONAL FOUNTAIN OF EQUILIBRIAL LIFE FREE-WILL-LESS. Cause and Effect resent the "Goo" epithet with its every throb; for COSMIC CREATION, INTENTION OR DES- TINY, ETC., is untrue. Now you pitiable victims of FREE WILL EDUCATION the Basis and Support of Every Wrong, it ought to do you some good to consider the following SYLLOGISTIC FOR- MULAS exact logic, which is ever considered the con- quering guns of Natural Science. "Sin is the transgression of THE LAW:" The Law of Nature is UNTRANSGRESSIBLE ; Therefore, SIN is SELF-EVIDENTLY A MYTH. Nature is PERFECT CANNOT SIN: Man is a true factor of Nature; Therefore, MAN is EVER SINLESS. Nature is ETERNALLY TRUTHFUL: Man is a reflex of CAUSE AND EFFECT ; Therefore, 'TIS IMPOSSIBLE FOR MAN TO LIE. NATURE TOLERATES NO LIBERTY : Man is an obedient child of Nature ; Therefore, FREEDOM NEVER OBTAINS. 46 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Nature is FREE-WILL-LESS BLAMELESS : MAN IS INTEGRALLY A PART OF NATURE ; THEREFORE, MAN is IRRESPONSIBLE. WRONG the child of IGNORANCE, is NOT SIN: So- called CRIME is but the reflex of SOCIAL SLIME ; hence, in- stead of PUNISHMENT, the victims deserve kindly and humble public EDUCATIONAL TREATMENT even if con- finement be necessary, as A DUE APOLOGY for self-evi- dent neglect from the standpoint of personal or social benefit and justice. While the following statement will be generally condemned and considered the climax of wanton EGOTISM, SELF-CONCEIT OR VANITY; yet waiving the deeper object to be clearly seen toward finish of the book entirely aside, every word is already fully proven though the world knows it not : That, the writer is the broadest and most accurate expounder that ever lived and cannot be surpassed in KNOWLEDGE OF FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE his only unusual accomplishment, for as merely this treatise will prove to most of its readers, every jot and tittle of such has been ABSOLUTELY SOLVED none remaining the slightest occult : And too, every conclusion has been reached per the proper method of mathematical reasoning from Cause to Effect and vice versa of relative demonstrated facts Whimless as Eter- nal Natural Law. Whether such be regarded as mere "cheek'* or otherwise, this statement is riskily inserted here, first because IT is TRUE ; second as a slight example of what the human brain is capable; third as a basis upon which to strongly assert THE FULLY PROVEN FACT, which hereafter should be profoundly heeded: That THE SYS- TEM OF FREE WILL AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, AS IN AUTHORITATIVELY ADDING PUNISHMENT FOR WRONG DO- ING, IS CONDEMNED BY EVERY VITAL THROB APPROVED BY NONE: That " legal " or any other punishment of no JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 4T matter what degree, is born of the same condition that causes individual wrong doing which it seeks to correct ; and which is completely explained by the word and re- sult of IGNORANCE : Some will here close the book pro- moting rot of the millions now in cells, to righteously assert their disgust of the writer and SELF-MEEKNESS. And yet, as the public is always not only vastly older and augmented by a multiple of millions for associate council, but the victims parent and main source of im- pulse, its density and repulsiveness of IGNORANCE thus horribly expressed, is thereby proportionately increased. Indeed, 'tis naught but punishment of SELF ; like pluck- ing out one's own eye for mischievous flirtation, or chop- ping off your own hand for grasping the object of theft SHAMEFUL. This "savage" statement is fully proven in the chapter disposing of CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY no vital problem ever having been more fully solved. And yet, THE CHURCH at once the parent, support and creature of the atrocious DOGMA FREE WILL, the basis of all such, poses as the GATE-WAY OF SALVATION ; for without PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, there would be no more logical foundation for THE BRIBE OF HEAVEN AND THREAT OF HELL than there is for mansions and angels in the sky. FREEDOM, FREE WILL, FREE MORAL AGENCY, LIBERTY, ETC., ARE ABSOLUTE DECLARATIONS OF NATURAL ANARCHY ANTI- SCIENTIFIC, MANKIND 's BASIC ERROR THE SOURCE OF EVERY WRONG AND SHOULD BE EDUCATION- ALLY BANISHED FROM THE THRONE OF HUMAN ENDEAVOR, WITHOUT AN UNNECESSARY HOUR'S DELAY. This may be peevishly contradicted, but not one fact ever has or can be produced even tending to refute either the letter or spirit of THESE ALMIGHTY TRUTHS. Even from the standpoint of "POLICY" the VAST INJURY INFLICTED exactly parallels THE IGNORANCE AND PERVER- SION OF FACT, personal and public benefit, justice, etc. ; for Nature will be done, ever proclaiming that INTELLI- 48 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA GENCE spells LIFE and IGNORANCE spells DEATH RACIALLY EFFECTIVE : Study TELEPATHY. IGNORANCE the tap root of DEATH, by no means can be made to produce a complete tree of LIFE, except as an exemplary repulsive state to studiously avoid. Which can be thoroughly accomplished solely by UNIFORM SCIENTIFIC PRECEPT AND A LIKE ELIMINATION OF PERSONAL CONTACT WITH DEGRADING INFLUENCES, ACCOMPANIED BY EVERY ESSENTIAL MEANS FOR LIVING AN ENNOBLING LIFE which some day at least will constitute the sole func- tion Of GENERAL GOVERNMENT. Of course, those who have been VICIOUSLY EDUCATED under the threat of HELL from which social and gov- ernmental PUNISHMENT has mainly been born and main- tained, cannot at first agree to this NATURAL JUSTICE; yet, they are not to be condemned, for a person is ever an exact reflex of their EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE. That teaching, however, is the basis of every wrong known to man and will some day be universally so recognized and acted upon. This will be clearly understood before a due reading of the work in hand is completed. SCIENCE AND THEOLOGY NEVER SHAKE HANDS, for they are exactly as antagonistic as TRUTH AND ERROR CONSTRUCTION and DESTRUCTION, which they respectively champion. Many of the vast unthinking throng kept so mainly by dogmatic church teachings, are led by the persistent frantic efforts of theologians to prove that THEOLOGY is in harmony with SCIENCE, to sincerely be- lieve that they really agree; to which scores of white- livered self-dubbed scientists more or less assent and greatly promote generally because it pays in DOLLARS; yet, often from dense IGNORANCE there being very few all-round genuine SCIENTISTS. No one can blame the theo-wolf for endeavoring to cover his nakedness with a fleece of the real lamb; but you may bet that none but skunk-lambs ever lend their JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 49 disguise in betrayal of purity, peace and truth. Moral cowards disgrace even Coward Morals. Genuine Natural Science has not one word in sup- port of any doctrine advocative of CREATION aside from the cosmic function of change from one state or mani- festation to another, as the result of eternal inherent actio-materia cause and effect; which in turn knows nothing of Gods, Devils, heaven, hell, angels, imps or any of the long train of kindred superstitions except to completely disprove all such. Any assertion to the contrary regardless of source, may in the final be en- tirely accredited to IGNORANCE man's only FOE. Even what we call INTELLIGENCE is clearly and com- pletely traced to CAUSE and EFFECT or REACTION OF MAT- TER TO IMPINGING STIMULI, which grows in co-related complications of actions in proportion to the extension of ORGANIZATION OF ACTIO-MATERIA ; and its scope will be fully reached in PERFECTED MANKIND; OMNISCIENCE complete knowledge of Nature's process, being the po- tential faculty of every NORMAL HUMAN BEING there being comparatively very few incompetents born even now; and when THE MARRIAGE RELATION is PERFECTED as hereafter concisely explained, coupled with PROPER GENERAL CONDITIONS, there will be none at all except from occasional " accident"; for every human seed regardless of race, color or place, is normally endowed with the potency of developing if afforded proper en- vironment, UNTO PERFECTION, requiring at least A MIL- LENNIUM OF BLISSFUL LIFE OF ALL. The great majority of religionists confuse ethics with theology, which preachers cunningly blend so as to make their dupes believe that they are not only one and the same, but monopolized by the church. While as a matter of fact, all worthy ETHICS is purely the issue of Cause and Effect Natural Science terrestrial and manly: Theology proper, being confined to the bribe of heaven and threat of hell celestial and beastly. 50 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Every word of Science revokes theology and pro- motes ethics: Every word of theology provokes sci- ence and revokes ethics. THEOLOGY is IGNORANCE; SCI- ENCE is INTELLIGENCE. "Nuff Sed" for the thoughtful, others are hopeless. Now, while by far the strongest evidence against theology is yet to be presented ; still, there is no reason- able question but what the foregoing by use solely of PACTS AND PERFECT LOGIC, has already beyond a shadow Of a doubt COMPLETELY DISPROVED THEOLOGY : And Still, the writer desires to be thoroughly understood, that IF ANY ONE CAN PRESENT EVEN ONE PROVEN FACT SUP- PORTIVE OF THEOLOGY, that this work will at once be en- tirely reduced to ashes, and not another word will be spoken or written by the scribe, except in sincere praise of the mighty cause. So PRODUCE THAT FACT OR QUIT YOUR DIRTY WORK SHOULD BE THE EARNEST DEMAND BY EVERY PERSON. NOW WE SHALL NOTE THE MOST IMPOR- TANT AND FAR REACHING BASIC FACT EVER POINTED OUT TO MANKIND IRREFUTABLE AND INVALUABLE. A ready understanding of which will be much clearer, by duly associating a study of THE CHART illus- tration to be found in front of this book. LOVE the monarch of our impulses heretofore inscrutable, is precisely defined as SELF-SATISFAC- TION Egoistic Unto Deification: Hence, *THE GREAT- EST RELATIVE PLEASURE IS SELECTIVE of EVERY ACT,* DlUSt concisely state THE INVIOLABLE LAW OF HUMAN FUNCTION. Such a statement is merely an accurate definition far as it reaches, of a specific subsidiary phase of the all- inclusive Natural Principle of Cause and Effect. Such a law however, must be all-embracing, unbreakable and undefilable in its realm. JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 51 For instance illustrative of the problem involved, SELF-PRESERVATION AND SELF-DESTRUCTION are each at once broken by the other each forming only a semi-expression of THE INEXORABLE LAW that is fully defined as SELF-SATISFACTION. SELF-PRESERVATION may, therefore, be correctly con- sidered as a definite expression of INTELLIGENCE, RIGHT, SANITY, ETC. the Section of GROWTH: Just as SELF-DE- STRUCTION inerrantly points to IGNORANCE, WRONG, IN- SANITY and such the section of DECAY: While SELF- SATISFACTION INCLUES BOTH. This as we shall see, is universal yet ever INDI- VIDUALLY CONSIDERED. Science always being at once PERSONAL AND UNIVERSAL. For instance: We pray and prey for SELF; seek pleasure and avoid pain for one's own SATISFACTION not for the sake of others or God, nor to merely cheat a Devil. JEHOVAH declares "I am a JEALOUS God;" "work for the GLORY of God," etc. the only declaration of complete or absolute monopoly. The incentive of The Golden Rule "* * * As YE WOULD THAT THEY SHOULD DO UNTO YOU, ' ' is likewise en- tirely SELF-CONSIDERATE. Can anyone even imagine a more keenly SATISFYING experience than it must have been for "The Only Be- gotten Son" at the behest of his Father and God of all, to play the role of SAVIOR to do so much good ? Indeed, in Luke 24 :26, we read ' ' Ought not Christ to have suf- fered these things, and to enter into his GLORY ? ' ' Was it SACRIFICE? Even, could it be painful or SELF-DENIAL FOR A GOD TO DO HIS DUTY? A true Mother's LOVE is the very acme of noble PLEASURE. Lovers are each fairly BEWITCHED WITH ECSTASY. Properly mated husband and wife are mutually SATISFIED. 52 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Improperly mated couples impelled by THE GREAT- EST PLEASURE under the circumstances, remain together or separate ; ever following the line of LEAST PAINFUL. Jealousy is born of ENVY : Mourning also of DEPRIVA- TION. Propagation of the species affords the SWEETEST OP JOY. The giver and taker of every gift are alike impelled by GRATIFICATION both SELF-COMPENSATIVE: Yet, "it is more BLESSED to give than to receive" merely a differ- ence of degree. We are proud of doing good and ashamed of doing bad. VITAL KNOWLEDGE is ALMIGHTY BECAUSE IT ENCOM- PASSES ALL PLEASURE. Many stake their own life for the mad SATISFACTION of killing another person: Even suicide is entirely the result of for some INSANE reason, PREFERRING to be dead than alive : Such, alas, often becoming a staid and irresistible mania with many life being painful when compared with the DESIRE for death. SELF-PRESERVATION the expression of SANITY, is also wholly rooted in and the acorn of SELF-SATISFACTION. We buy and sell for PROFIT: Labor solely for the FRUIT of our toil. MONEY SERVES ONLY AS A MEDIUM IN THE PROCESS OF SATISFYING ONE*S CRAVING WHETHER GOOD OR BAD. Even GLORIOUS PATRIOTISM born of dung-hill an- cestors and maintained solely by IGNORANCE OF INTERDE- PENDENCE, is but madly asserting "OUR DIVINE RIGHT." The Complete Law of Our Being *THE GREAT- EST DEGREE OF PLEASURE ATTAINABLE WITH THE COMBINED RELATIVE EXPERI- ENCE IN ACTION, IS AT ALL TIMES PRECISELY EXPRESSED BY EACH INDIVIDUAL * NA- TURE'S BOOKS EVER BEING ACCURATELY JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 53 BALANCED TO DATE* : Signifies intense SELFISH- NESS. Thus every act exactly indicates one's fitness in attainment for the occasion, or degree of INTELLECTUAL development: That is ever unerringly reflects the compound of personal experience having the slightest bearing on the action FREE-WILL-LESS. Man is, therefore, literally an INFINITELY COMPLEX NEURO-CHEMICAL REFLEX ACTING MECHANISM NOT RE- SPONSIBLE. These pregnant facts now inevitably give birth to the last of the TWIN ENIGMAS of the ages, by clearly showing that in reality LOVE and WILL are ONE; that EVERY ACT IS FORCED BY THE WILL OF LOVE PER EDICT OF THE INVIOLABLE NAT- URAL LAW LOVE OF SELF, which Darwin sug- gestively called " Survival of the Fittest." Therefore, SACRIFICE or SELF-DENIAL and ALTRUISM are SCIENTIFICALLY UNTHINK- ABLE. This in turn absolutely proves that none other than SELF is the UNFORSAKABLE LORD-GOD, which every human being ever has and always will sin- cerely WORSHIP and EXALT to the utmost of their ability: That, literally and invariably, I AM IT and THOU ART NIT dividing no honors. Indeed, "GOD IS LOVE" OF SELF: UNQUALIFIEDLY ATHE- ISTIC. "I said, Ye are gods " 82nd Psalm, 6th vs. * ' Ye cannot serve God and mammon. ' ' Matt. 6 :24. Absolutely! The all-inclusive word is spelled with ONE LETTER I. So as proven in Chapter VIII, to "KNOW THYSELF" involves others and SOLVES THE RID- DLE OF AGES OLD ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE ; EVEN 'TIS PLAINLY EVIDENT THAT, " SELF-MADE GOD IN HIS OWN IMAGE, IN THE IMAGE OF SELF MADE HE HIM ' ' ANTHROPO- MORPHISM BEING EXACTLY CORRECT: I, AM GOD. To thoroughly understand this, one must be careful 54 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA not to get the cart before the horse ; that is mistake the effect for the cause ; the act for the incentive ; the result for the motive: Remember that the cause, incentive or motive; the why or reason for an act, must ever be en- tirely SELF-CENTERED merely, however, as the medium of transmission ; for, an act always involves PAST induc- tion, PRESENT deduction, and FUTURE production, combinedly constituting NOW. Thus it is plainly and positively proven that * * The ' ' Universe is GODLESS. Nothing is more easily or com- pletely KNOWN, nor AS GOOD TO KNOW: INTELLIGENCE ever spells harmony and life ; IGNORANCE that of discord and death. Yet, with the same few words it is thoroughly estab- lished that, LOVE AND THE WILL are not only ONE AND THE SAME, but purely A NATURAL PSYCHO-PHYSICAL FUNCTION: Which in turn, entirely disproves "THE THEORY" OF AN INDWELLING IMMATERIAL AND IMMORTAL MONITOR OR SOUL. This at once wipes the old slate clean, and gives us the essential SCIENTIFIC BASIS upon which to Unify and Perfect THE RACE : NEW AND TRUE : Verily as we shall clearly see, solely FREEDOM FROM ERROR CAN KEEP MAX FROM PAIN AND PREMATURE DEATH. All other discoveries combined sink into oblivion when compared to the potential value of these OMNI- POTENT FACTS: They are easily worth a continent of earth. By absolutely proving MAN FREE-WILL-LESS requiring a scientific guide, will quickly supplant IGNOR- ANCE with INTELLIGENCE: That is rapidly do away with all human strife or death conducing influence, and usher in THE FINAL ERA the perfecting or Millen- nial Generations of Peace on Earth, Good Will toward MAN; the MICROCOSMIC "LORD OF ALL I SURVEY," Or CH- max of Nature's Handiwork. THE FINISH, or RIPENING AND HARVEST OF A PLANETARY EVOLUTIONARY CROP. Such JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 55 being the acme of eternally recurring process of Cosmos : The end of THIS RACE, which compared with its past existence, being near at hand as further on indubitably shown. Indeed, we may truly and very instructively ob- serve that SELF-SATISFACTION SANELY expressed in ef- forts to acquire, grow or live the dominant impulse of SELF-PRESERVATION, IS THE CAUSE OF DEVELOPMENT: Plence, to do away with SELFISHNESS would prevent EVO- LUTION and supplant DEVOLUTION ; revoke ELEVATION and invoke DEGRADATION. In other words, ALTRUISM, SACRI- FICE OR SELF-DENIAL means decay and death. MAN EVER SEEKS THE VITAL PLEASURE OF ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, that he may avoid DISCORD the virus of death, and conform to HARMONY the elixir of life. Hence, AS THE GODS AND DOGMAS OF IGNOR- ANCE has led him far astray EXCEPT AS AN ESSENTIAL LESSON IN TRIALS AND PAIN, let us now heed the abundant warning and logically follow the inference of EXPERIENCE including the old but newly found "LAW OF EXPEDI- ENCE," and learn the result. For as Nature makes no mistake, IT MUST BE JUST WHAT is NEEDED TO INDUCE THE GOOD WE DESERVE AND DESIRE; THE EXTENSION OF OUR LIFE AND HAPPINESS, THE UTMOST. Just, comparatively a few words more in this sec- tion, however, before taking up THE COARSER ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF LIFE. The very touchstone and most ridiculous assump- tion of the "spiritualized" and "sanctified" individ- uals; the final or bedrock assertion they always fling at a "heretic" is, that while it is impossible for "the spirit- ual" to understandingly explain their exalted state or "EXPERIENCE" to a "MATERIAL" person; yet, that GOD has prepared a distinctive way by which "whomsoever will may come" by that route only, and "drink of the water of life freely," and "KNOW THEY ARE SAVED." 56 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA So, while the process is elsewhere more broadly ex- plained, let's also here give that ever being made par- ticularly powerful nonsense, a little special attention; for 'tis the last Gibraltar behind which the " saved and blessed" defiantly take refuge. The said " OCCULT" process of salvation, has always and everywhere been precisely the same GOD ever being INSCRUTABLE as delusions always are except to THE SANE at least on the point that may be in question: VIRILE PACTS, HOWEVER, ARE EVER EASY TO EXPLAIN AND UNDERSTAND BY ANY NORMAL PERSON. The "sinner" in quest of "THE TRUTH" is told by the "FAITH-FULL" whether an IDOLATER, ZOROASTER, BUDDHIST, MOHAMMEDAN, JEW, CHRISTIAN, SPIRITUALIST or whatnot, that in order to personally "REALIZE" their teaching no matter what it may be, "is TRUE," they "must give up all SELF-ASSERTION and prostrate themselves at the throne of grace in an humble mode of sincerely 'EXPECTING' that 'THE SPIRIT' will in all due time if the devotion is persisted in, be fully be- stowed and realized." They point out that Christ said "pray ye always," THUS "ask and ye shall receive," etc. Now, lo! and behold!! There's not a competent scientist on earth who does not know that, if such a process is SINCERELY PERSISTED IN by no matter whom, they would as surely REALIZE THEIR EXPECTATION re- gardless of what brand of FAITH or phase of EXPECTATION it may be, as a person would be sure of getting wet by falling from a balloon in mid-ocean. For, THE SYSTEM IS THE MOST PERFECT METHOD OF INDUCING AUTO-HYP- NOTIZATION INCLUDING THE DIRECTIVE AGENCY, THAT CAN BE CONCEIVED: This is of ALL-EMBRACING IMPOR- TANCE in all such phenomena, to clearly understand. CONCENTRATION the abandonment of normal reason, being exactly the method and explanation of JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 57 H YPNOTIZATION ; while THE EXPECTANT FAITH in the teachings involved, orders precisely the FEELING, ACTIONS OR IMAGES that will be EX- PERIENCED all at once or by degrees as the con- dition of the subject ripens: Will in time, however, produce any phenomena desired: Rappings, planchet writing, materialization, etc. ANYTHING. This in principle, is invariably the process and result with every cult known ; each person ' l proving for self" if so desired, that no matter what they believe, is SPIRITUALLY TRUE. But, as no two ever have precisely the same understanding or faith and expectancy each subject's unerring personal guide, their " EXPERIENCE" always correspondingly disagree BRINGING ON SAVAGE DISPUTES AND WARS BETWEEN WIDELY DIFFERING PHASES OF THE SAME GENERAL PHENOMENA. Many of these victims IGNORANT of the cause and effect, drift from cult to cult and corresponding PROV- ING EXPERIENCES ever induced by EDUCATION, CONCEN- TRATION AND EXPECTATION. Nothing could be TRUER, EASIER OR BETTER TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THAN THESE SIMPLE FACTS. Sensitive children and people are often telepathically controlled MEDIUMS. The process of hypnosis is universal, ranging by an infinity of degrees from the simplest of wakeful think- ing to rigid catalepsy sound or dreamless natural sleep being the only completely relaxed or DE-HYPNOTIZED state. The Law is *A PERSON IS EVER HYPNOT- IZED PRECISELY TO THE DEGREE OF THEIR CONCENTRATION, AND DIRECTED BY THE EX- PECTATION OF EDUCATION.* When lucid, we logically pass from one state of hyp- nosis to another very rapidly which is a faculty that is extremely rare in a broad sense; for, most people are "bound" by all sorts of fantastic " dogmas" beliefs, 58 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA faiths, whims, opinions, methods, HABITS, etc. ; finally, SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE, is the Natural and INDESTRUCT- IBLE DOGMA, OB "DEAD" STATE OP HYPNOSIS. In other words when fully analyzed KNOWLEDGE MEANS THE RIPENED OR GROWTHLESS AND DEAD STATE WHEN DECAY MUST ENSUE. Thought is confined to the "GREEN" or "GROWING" condition, for it is composed entirely of ENQUIRY to ACQUIRE, thinking being impos- sible in regard to what is KNOWN. For instance, one can repeat but cannot "growingly" think of "TWO HALVES OF A THING EQUAL THE WHOLE" which is the case in regard to all KNOWLEDGE. Hence, Omniscience Means Extinction or Personal Death. Knowledge is dead, ex- cept as associated with IGNORANCE never employed in any other way ; but as we ever earnestly seek the Natural Death of Maturity the acme of ideals, it is always em- ployed to gather more and more of its kind NOT OTHER- WISE BEING PLEASURABLE. We constantly think, labor and associate with others for gain acquirement, in the final of KNOWLEDGE ; and of which we are ever glad when not corrupted as now by false mediums of trade, TO FREELY ADVISE OR HELP OTHERS; for each instinctively realize our INTERDEPEND- ENCE IN THE PROCESS OF GROWTH AND MUTUAL DOOM just as do the cells of one's body combinedly making a brave fight for LIFE UNTO DEATH: No different than anything else. There are only two causes of death DISCORD during the process of growth, and MATURITY which can fully accrue as the result of continued vital harmony. Thus, as HARMONY is the elixir of life, and DISCORD is the virus of death, THE PATH OF SAFETY AND SUPREME PLEASURE is made known: NOTHING is EASIER OR BETTER TO KNOW THAN THIS SIMPLE FACT. As later clearly explained, the world of human be- ings averaging less than one-thirtieth of a second apart, JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 59 are even more intimately associated and mutually de- pendent by means of relentless mediums of equili- brium, than are the cells of a body; NONE LIVING OR DYING INDEPENDENT OF ANOTHER: Every thought, deed and condition, being immediately interchanged and in- delibly recorded for weal or woe; now being nearly all DISCORDANT, is the main cause of premature death. Hence, as man has potentially a mental capacity of growing unto knowing the entire process of Nature which ranges from THE ETHER TO AND INCLUDING PER- FECTED HUMANITY, we may live IF HARMONY is MAIN- TAINED as 'tis easily possible to do, UNTO OMNISCIENCE ; when there being nothing more to learn or acquire, DEATH would ensue from RIPENING COMPLETE HEALTH OR SANITY, as painless and regretless as the decay of fully ripened fruit REQUIRING A UNIFORM FLAWLESSLY HAPPY LIFE OF FULLY ONE THOUSAND YEARS. The possible long- evity being far beyond the several early generations spoken of in The Bible ; and in THE FINAL ERA owing to perfected methods of maintaining HARMONY, MAN-GOD or THE LORD OF NATURE for this plane or cycle, will FULLY RIPEN AND VANISH. FOR PERFECTION, ALAS, MAY BE RETAINED SOLELY BY COSMOS eternal growth and de- cay of THINGS, being the LIFE process of the CHANGELESS NON-THING. SUCH, VERILY! IS THE DESTINY OF MAN --AND DEATH TO "OMNISCIENT GOD": When ALL is KNOWN, thought enquiry or growth, must cease. We thus learn that HYPNOSIS is a universal and mighty phenomena, and should be thoroughly under- stood; for like every great force such as air, water, fire, steam, gas, electricity, mentality, etc., it may be used equally for good or evil. And too, the PROPER constructive, or IMPROPER destructive, using of the mighty natural forces, marks the all-important PARTING OF THE WAYS, correctly termed "INTELLIGENCE" right, 60 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA good, sanity, etc. THE WAY OF LIFE, and " IGNORANCE*' wrong, bad, insanity, etc. THE WAY OF DEATH. We see this wonderful phenomena running riot often unto frenzy, in DREAMS visions, intuition, inspira- tion, revelation, fantasy, opinions, whims, cranks and lunies; business, politics, religion, etc., etc., and COMPE- TITION. All of which being properly classified under the caption of DEVITAL PSYCHIC PHENOMENA induced mainly by corresponding erroneous teach- ings. These distinctive links of the great chain of DEATH individually and by sects or schools, each de- voutedly believing they are right and FIGHTING for supremacy SURVIVAL, churn our ENVIRONMENT into a WARRING caldron of influence, that DIGS AN UNTIMELY GRAVE FOR EVERY HUMAN BEING No One No\V Living More Than One-tenth of the Possible Uniform Span of An Ever Joyous Life ; and WHAT LITTLE EVEN THE MOST FORTUNATE SUCCEED IN HOLDING TOGETHER BY DINT OF CONTINUAL STRIFE, IS COMPARATIVELY CONSIDERED, NOT WORTH HAVING. The Frightful Condition This Work Seeks to Entirely Correct. Which is a fact that is unwittingly acknowledged by nearly all, by most people frantically " seeking a heaven, way over there, in the SWEET bye and bye;" where it is "HOPED" "THE INJUSTICES OF THIS LIFE WILL AT LAST BE RIGHTED" at least MOSTLY IN HELL! Yet perhaps, SOME IN PARADISE? "Glorious" pros- pects. The Complete Correction, however of "injustice/' is confined solely to MATERIAL SCIENCE THE DREAM OF VITAL PSYCHIC PHENOMENA, broadly induced by uni- formly teaching harmonious constructive FACTS, and pro- viding a corresponding system enabling each person to LIVE TRUE THERETO AS ALL MOST EARNESTLY DESIRE: HENCE, THERE is NOTHING BETTER OR EASIER TO DO : This will be fully proven to every unbiased reader. JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 61 As many are painfully aware, there is a vast num- ber of sincere and good people PITIABLY IGNORANT OP PSYCHIC PHENOMENA AND THEIR OWN DEPLORABLE CONDI- TION, who often look competent scientists squarely in the face; who know more bed-rock truth about so-called SPIRITUALLY in a minute than all those combined who believe themselves literally baptized in its gore have as yet learned, or by their process of CONTINUAL AFFIRMA- TION OF ITS ERRORS, could ever learn to understand. Yet, they unblushingly tell the savants that they must be "BORN AGAIN" at least "UNTO THE SPIRIT," before being duly qualified to even intelligently discuss, much less authoritatively advise in their SCIENCE-LESS case. They unwittingly not only conceitedly and de- fiantly, but with an air of "BLESSED AND SAVED" exalta- tion, serenely tell their vastly superiors in knowledge of the problem involved, that "THE SPIRITUAL CAN ONLY BE SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED," etc. As it were, that a mania can be explained only by the maniac while under the influence, nor be duly understood by anyone not enjoying the same delightful condition: Being, indeed, a Holy Feeling that is quite unrealizable except by "PERSONAL EXPERIENCE." Which, alas, as personal experience is always different, clearly indicates UNUNI- FORM ABNORMALITY THE EXACT FACT: No tWO "IN- SPIRED" exactly the same except per method. 'Tis precisely like it would be as in fact often occurs, for a seriously MAD patient to tell a renowned alienist that insanity can be sanely explained only by the insane; that the Doctor himself must first become and be at the time insane, in order to be capable of understanding and correctly discuss or treat insanity. These devout people though at first indignantly rebellious, deserve and WOULD QUICKLY APPRECIATE PROPER GOVERNMENTAL EDUCATION, which should not be delayed ; nothing is more urgently needed or timely. 62 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA It might even help some, however, to here further explain. Tis evident that when being in its midst owing to trees, one cannot see the forest: Nor a city, because of the houses. Insects and animals that ever live under ground, never see the earth. Fish and others of their abode cannot see the water. Man and creatures of his realm, see not the air. For much the same reason being ever submerged in and permeated by it, THE PRIME ETHER is unseeable by any, except by THE EYE OF SCIENCE broad and clear mental vision induced by ample relative evidential facts. Yet more to the point in mind, veritably " living and moving and having their being" therein and there- of, few, indeed, duly realize the density of prevalent IGNORANCE. This, however, involves a somewhat dif- ferent phase; which can be precisely illustrated by re- ferring to those different in degree only, of whom it is said that owing to variously induced defect of their brain, THE INSANE KNOW IT NOT who are mainly at large; which is extensively discussed in the chapter on CRIMINOLOGY AND INSANITY X. Verily today, "truth is far stranger than fiction; hence, more often spoken in a joke than otherwise to avoid giving offense. 'Tis generally believed that glibness and loud talk indicate KNOWLEDGE ; that ABSOLUTE TRUTH, HOWEVER, is UNKNOWABLE; which in every instance is precisely the reverse of FACT. For instance, practically the entire race has been madly shouting about GODS, DEVILS, HEAVENS, HELLS, ANGELS, IMPS, GHOSTS, ETC., for thou- sands of years ; yet, THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH about all such is completely summed up with the one word IGNORANCE. This blunt statement of absolute FACT, doubtless, will greatly anger many people as the truth at present generally does. The fact is, SANITY the lonesomest and most valu- JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 63 able craft afloat, is ever sought as an object of attack by no end of hellish sharks and "subs," determined on sinking it into their bottomless pit in which they gen- erally ingloriously succeed. Hence, GREAT THINKERS ARE PEW OR KEEP FROM VIEW; thus maintaining the rule of BRUTE MIGHT instead of THE LIGHT OF RIGHT : SHAMEFUL BEYOND MEASURE. Our world-wide beloved Lincoln said in effect that "the Nation cannot long endure half 'free' and half slave" which was practically true : It is more literally true, however,' that ESSENTIAL BASIC SCIENCE cannot duly obtain and maintain with MAN * * free ' ' and all else ruled by Cause and Effect ; half ALTRUISTIC and half SELFISH, etc. ; for all such is not only a libel on the INERRANT UNI- VERSAL NATURAL LAW, but an insult to every INTELLIGENT person : Even an untutored child might know that any such could be born and maintained solely of IGNORANCE the source of strife, for Nature admits of no such or any other contradictions. Neither are the deceptions necessary or desirable in vital problems, for the pur- pose of expressing antithetical degrees or phases of a specific phenomena ; for invariably a WARRING misunder- standing must as experience proves, be the result. So, in regard to all such we should ever TEACH THE PLAIN TRUTH: In fact, we certainly have had enough of UN- BEARABLE GUESSES IN UNGUESSABLE PARABLES, etc. Teach Man The Truth is The Panacea. For instance : just try to estimate the debasing con- glomerate IGNORANCE expressed and STRIFE that has been brewed from the BELIEF in a rule of PART GOD, PART DEVIL, PART MAN, PART NATURAL CAUSE AND EFFECT. Why, nothing could be more perversive of correct reasoning, nor promotive as we personally observe and history vividly portrays, of more deplorable WORLD-WIDE CRISS- CROSS vicious WRANGLE AND WAR. And too, it's only making a bad matter worse by "conferring" the honor 64 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA of ruling wholly on MAN whether it be MONARCHISTIC, ARISTOCRATIC, BUREAUCRATIC OR DEMOCRATIC form of gov- ernment ; for CAUSE AND EFFECT the real I AM, which THROUGH IGNORANCE OF CAUSALITY IS CALLED JEHOVAH IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, is indeed, 4 ' A JEALOUS GOD ' ' tolerat- ing ' ' NO OTHER GODS ' ' or neglect, to which even haughty man must acknowledge "THY WILL NOT MINE BE DONE," in due humble obedience. Thus, not only saith but doth THE ETERNAL COSMIC MONARCH OF MATERIA-ENERGY man's inevitable guide unto weal or woe, despite IGNOR- ANCE THEREOF. Indeed, solely to this INEXORABLE AND INEXHAUSTIBLE POWER may we rightly or otherwise look for EXACT JUSTICE squirm and squeal as we may. Man is a medium tool, not the source of power HE is RULED. In all due time quite near at hand, we shall clearly learn per medium of varying degrees of PLEASURE, how to gather the wheat constructive or INTELLIGENT PLEAS- URE, from the chaff destructive or IGNORANT PLEASURE, imbibing the VITAL, and avoiding the VILE. In other words, through the monitor of contrasting PAIN and JOY, man shall soon as THE SAVING POINT OF FREE-WILL- LESS-NESS is clearly seen, quickly and uniformly conform to SANITY self-preservation, under the ALL-POWERFUL INFLUENCE OF KNOWING that, DISCORD means premature death for ALL, and that solely by HARMONY may ANY mature when ALL would. They may and shall learn the great lesson completely expressed in six words, that DISCORD DON'T PAY and HARMONY DOES PAY: Class- consciousness is race suicide. Everybody will be taught to understand and abide by THE GOLDLESS RULE *IT IS TO THE WELFARE OF SELF TO TREAT ALL OTHERS WITH HEALTFUL CARE.* The acme of wisdom is to live right EVER CONSTRUCTIVE. The Panacea, therefore, exacts that MAN be thus duly imbued, and afforded precisely the correct opportunity to LIVE IT. JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 65 Every human being white, black, yellow or mixed, will ever be thoroughly trained to duly realize the vital necessity to SELF, for each to flawlessly exemplify solely CONSTRUCTIVE LIVING; that we are equal dependents on helpful co-operation ; that we live nor die by self alone, but ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE ; that SUCH AND NONE ELSE constitutes the full range from Alpha to Omega inclusive, of SALVATION TRUTH. That, THE ONLY PROPER FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT IS, TO UNIFORMLY ENDOW EVERY FACTOR OF THE RACE WITH THE GUIDING KNOWLEDGE OF THIS OMNIPOTENT PRINCIPLE: Mainly discussed under TELEPATHY. NATURE KNOWS NO FREEDOM, nor self-denial; there- fore, exact science its explanation, can have no use for such words as may, should, liberty, permission, license, ALTRUISM, SACRIFICE, etc. all such having an ANARCH- ISTIC tendency, which ever have and would admit of CLASS-CONSCIOUSNESS AND CHAOS IN HUMAN AFFAIRS: Hence, *MAN MUST HAVE AND DO WHAT is BEST FOR HIM.* And too, note carefully that "HAVE" precedes "DO" in this greatest sentence ever formulated for mankind to observe and that MUST is preceded only by MAN. UNIFORM EDUCATIONAL COMPULSION OF EXACT JUS- TICE FREEDOM FROM LIBERTY OF VITAL LOSS, IS THE SIMPLEST, MOST POWERFUL AND PRACTICAL GOVERNMENT THAT CAN BE CONCEIVED ; BECAUSE IT IS EXACTLY CORRECT JUST WHAT EVERY PERSON WANTS when duly taught the facts involved. Teach Man What is Right and Afford Him an Op- portunity to Do it, and He Will Never Do Wrong ; for, As There is Nothing Better to Conceive, INFINITE SELF- ISHNESS WOULD NOT PERMIT IT. Therefore, *TEACH MAN THE TRUTH* is THE PAN- ACEA;* FOR, PRODUCTIVE EXERCISE AND INTERDEPENDENCE THE ESSENTIALS OF LIFE WORTH WHILE, IS THE ACME OF TRUTH AND DESIRABILITY. 66 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA The Golden Rule "Do Unto Others as Ye Would that They Should Do Unto You" ever solely a personal guide and corresponding influence unto weal or woe according to one's condition or the way they ''see things," can be rendered duly constructive only by properly endowing each person with exact knowledge of ESSENTIAL BASIC PRINCIPLE, AND THE MEANS OK HAVINci AND DOING EXACT RIGHT which each would then do, BE- CAUSE IT WOULD PAY SELF : Thus uniformerly transform- ing the effect of THE GOLDEN RULE INTO THE GOLDLESS RULE compare them. SUCH A RULE WOULD BE STABLE, for it would do away with NEED AND WANT between which there is NOW a vast difference, but would THEN BECOME the same; for when learned TO KNOW WHAT is RIGHT the best that's possible for SELF and getting it, NOTHING MORE COULD BE DESIRED: thus completely satisfying INFINITE SELFISH- NESS: Hence, PRAYER WOULD BE SILLY as it is now. Yet, the condition just depicted is precisely reversed to that of now, as are the delusions of celestial HI AND HELL; which, however, are the possibility that will surely descend from "on high" and combine in a RKAI. EARTHLY PARADISE ever so vividly foretold by desire, faith or IMAGES. SUCH IS MAN 'S DUE AND WILL SOME DAY ACCRUE : IT IS UP TO YOU AND I TO DO. *EVERY-THING OR BEINGS are produced of and con- form to ENVIRONMENT, and are ever obedient to their parent. This influence alike called EXPERIENCE OR EDUCATION, is manifest first in PSYCHO-PHYSICAL GROWTH, and finally in every instance by INDIVIDUAL DEATH dis- organization or decomposition back to their source. The process and function of EXPERIENCE is the im- pelling of the nervous system to assume an association of actions, corresponding to the dictates of impinging forces regardless of class, variety or extent: EXPERI- JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 67 ENCE AND EDUCATION personal Cause and Effect, are EQUAL AND SAME which greatly vary, however, with different individuals. The single or co-operative action of the nerves thus effected is permanent the basis of MEMORY. These reflex actions which grow in complication and phases to correspond with the extension and class OF EXPERIENCE singly, sectionally or combinedly, consti- tute FEELING OR CONSCIOUSNESS rightly spoken of as REACTION TO STIMULI ; which self- evidently is the PSYCHO- PHYSICAL phenomena that is called MIND, and which when extended into varying and more or less associated CHAINS OF ACTION, constitutes what is termed MENTALITY, THINKING OR REASON covering every degree, NORMAL OR ABNORMAL FUNCTION AND CONDITION OF OUR BEING.* Thus with only a few words, the entire range of the most perplexing problem that has ever confronted man to solve, is simply, entirely, correctly and clearly ex- plained. Indeed, Nature is never complicated or occult when understood. DEATH MEANS; that absolute and everlasting extinction of CONSCIOUSNESS reaction to stimuli, which results from a disorganization of the co-operative parts that are necessary to the ORGANIC ACTION, SPIRIT, ANIMA- TION OR LIFE OF A PERSONALITY somatic vitality or func- tion of THE BODY SOUL: Hence, as the constituent MATTER does not cease to exist, the ORGANIC ACTION, SPIRIT, ANIMATION, LIFE Or ACTIO-PHYSICAL COMBINATION THE PERSONAL SPIRITUALITY OR INTELLECTUALITY, is precisely what and all that DIES a reversal of prevalent belief. In other words, DEATH OF AN ENTITY ensues as the result of stopping the systemic or co-relative ACTION of its requisite organs; the MATERIA-ENERGY though changed by decomposition, transmutation, reorganiza- tion, etc., into other manifestations finally back to the 68 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA ether, is thus EVER ENTIRELY CONSERVED. While from such there is NO COSMIC LOSS OR GAIN, the PARTICULAR IN- DIVIDUALITY is EXTINCT except in the memory of the living. The personal organic spirit or action dies, while the matter remains and forms into other things. MAN- MICROCOSM, is "THE SOUL OR WHOLE" OP NATURE, and will fight for life until its modes in TIME actions, and SPACE extension, is fully expressed in SELF. As has been explained but should be here repeated, there are only two causes of DEATH : Which are, DISCORD during the necessary period for completion of GROWTH; and MATURITY that may duly accrue solely from practical HARMONY during the required time to fully develop and RIPEN, the attainment with MAN, of OMNISCIENCE: Which, were HARMONY essential to the completion of construction, ever maintained as 'tis easily possible to do, EVERY PERSON would fully attain; when DEATH then caused by no further possible growth, would ensure void of pain or regret, in spite of THE DEVIL or GOD either. OMNISCIENCE SPELLS THOUGHT-LESS- NESS DEMENTALJZATION. Yet, none can know better than the writer does, that at first IGNORANT SELFISHNESS, born of deeply rooted perverse teaching mainly Holy Fright and Delight, the most potent cause of early death, will prompt a prreat many to ignore or savagely condemn these self-evident REAL SALVATION TRUTHS. Some not realizing the ALMIGHTY POWER OF LOGICAL REASONING FROM PROVEN FACTS, will MADLY consider such as a DEVILISH effort to thwart their God and Hope of Heaven : Even, alas, per- sist in BLANKLY BELIEVING that they may go to A CELESTIAL PARADISE, despite CONCLUSIVE evidence of there being no such place. They will while left solely to individual "choice," unwittingly MAINTAIN HELL ON EARTH, WHERE A GENUINE HEAVEN WOULD QUICKLY OBTAIN were it not for the sav- JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 69 age strife continually engendered by MULTIFORM IGNOR- ANT SELFISHNESS diverse warring superstition, man's only foe ; hence, the duty of government to correct. Such, indeed, is deplorable; and the only possible antidote consists of UNIFORM EDUCATION IN INTELLIGENT SELFISHNESS mankind's only friend: HARMONY vs. DISCORD. NATIONS WILL NEVER CEASE FIGHTING WARS UNTIL IGNORANCE the cause of strife and premature death, is dethroned. "YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE" from WRONG, but not from RIGHT being merely a desirable supplanting of IGNORANCE by INTELLIGENCE, the ABSOLUTE MONARCHS in their respect- ive realms DECAY UNTO DEATH or GROWTH UNTO FULL LIFE, there being literally NO ESCAPE OR FREEDOM Cause and Effect of Materia-Energy, Ever Ruling Supreme: HEED YE THIS. Nor is belief in God, Devil, Heaven, Hell, etc., con- ducive of HAPPINESS, and Atheism of WRETCHEDNESS as claimed, but QUITE THE REVERSE. Of course now-a-days, DOMINANT FANATICAL IGNORANCE, often makes CONFIDENT NATURAL INTELLIGENCE sorely feel its merciless heel. Yet, the writer has heard hundreds of ATHEISTS earnestly thank fortune, for having been delivered from their former constant and frightful uncertainty, as to whether HEAVEN OR HELL was to be the portion of them- selves, relatives and friends; often finally being imbued by the heartless bribe and threat teachings, with BLISS- FUL indifference as to the fate of all but SELF benumb- ing our Natural interest in others, MAN'S GREATEST NOR- MAL PLEASURE. Indeed, no SCIENTIFIC ATHEIST would trade places with a Hellistic Theist for the world. Fools only not well founded Atheists, would exchange their broad- gauge REASON mankind's highest possible attainment, 70 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA for such ''TREASON TO REASON" dogmatic narrow creeds. No Religion dogmatic belief in uncanny death, can as thoroughly satisfy even a partially sane person, as FEARLESS AND LOGICAL THINKING FROM NATURAL CAUSE TO EFFECT THE TRUE PROCESS OF HAPPINESS AND LIFE WORTH LIVING. This is self-evident because IT is TRUE. Nor is it possible as " Billy" Sunday logically asserts, there could be a HEAVEN unless there is a HELL ; for there could be NO SALVATION without probable DAMNATION, any more than there could be PLEASURE without possible PAIN the delusions being born of the actual. While it is fully realized that many will feel a personal and class affront at this discussion of THEOLOGY : Yet, not one word of the work is intended, nor when properly understood, can be personally applied only so far as it may be educational. Nothing is more strongly contended herein than that the teaching and arbitrary declaration of liberty, free- dom of conscience or PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, is THE BASIS OF ERROR exempting all from personal blame for their belief. Which while affecting everyone person- ally and should be so considered making them even more careful of their own conduct and treatment of others, is intended at least, to be a purely SCIENTIFIC OR IMPERSONAL discussion of an all-inclusive and all-im- portant fundamental problem; true or false, beneficial or detrimental alike to one and all; being impartial SCIENCE CLASS-CONSCIOUS-LESS, or mere personal asser- tion CHAOS-NESS, which solely the facts involved may correctly decide void of mere belief or PERSONALITIES. The reader may have by this time begun to realize, that this work is not merely of the "GOD-KILLING" CLASS, for in the first place there are none to kill; nor is it "A SUSTAINING HOPE" CRUSHER, for the sole object is to INDUCE MISGUIDED HUMANITY TO EXCHANGE ITS REAL HELL JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 71 AND FALSE HEAVEN FOR A GENUINE PARADISE fully ex- plaining the why, ways and means for doing so, GIVING INFINITELY MORE THAN IS TAKEN. This is by no means as heretofore has always been the case, merely a one-sided effort to either knock the props from THE TRUSTFUL leaving them to wallow in the mire worse off than before ; nor of the opposing class, Who THREATEN ALL THOSE WITH HELL THAT DARE BE DOUBTFUL OF SOME DOGMA. No, the writer detests all such, and has devoted over thirty years and his every cent to the cause of LEARNING THE TRUTH THAT IS SUPREMELY GOOD FOR ALL, ever void of the slightest prejudice except that solely FACTS be compiled to clearly point out THE RIGHT. No word in this work is intended to be other than SEVERELY KIND ; which it is believed all thoughtful people regardless of their opinion as to its merits, will readily accord. VERILY, INTENDED AS A BLESSING INSTEAD OF A CUSSING ; which the writer is sure will at least some day be universally so considered and the result. As to when in a great measure, for YOU, it's up to YOU and YOU and YOU. I 'm doing my best, DO YOURS ! NOW ! ! RIGHT NOW ! ! ! The difference in effect of PERSONAL CONDEMNATION enforcing the dogma of FREE WILL, and solely CON- DEMNATION OF WRONG intelligent dissection and selec- tion of CAUSE AND EFFECT, is no less than respective UNI- VERSAL DAMNATION OR SALVATION. The tap-root of EVIL is, therefore, herein fearlessly exposed, in hopes that it will be carefully and promptly scrutinized, recognized and sterilized ; thus making the best of the worst. Hence, as THEOLOGY and its immediate diverse issue of superstitions are the parent and support of the dogma FREE WILL the fountain and flood of pus, they are, therefore, inevitably attacked combinedly, as powerful sustainers of the DEGRADING PRINCIPLE, instead of the 78 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA IRRESPONSIBLE PERSONAL media of manifestation; like properly curing a disease by removing its cause. THEOLOGY of which RELIGION is its diverse expres- sion, has ever been the primal method of dealing with the ALL-INCLUSIVE PROBLEM OP LIFE ; the all-important phase of mentality that permeates and basicly controls every affair of man, which must at least be clearly exposed be- fore practically any factor of the intricately entwined system of livelihood can be perfected. Hence, the basic snare and delusion is herein broadly, impartially and earnestly considered; for the venerable and tenacious enemy of science must be entirely removed, or its degrad- ing influence will remain a powerful obstacle in way of IGNORANCE PROMOTER, to weaken or wreck our possible and deserved fortune: EVEN A SLIGHT COM- PROMISE WOULD BE A MIGHTY MISTAKE. The main trouble is, nearly every person with the devout intention of enforcing their version of RELIGIOUS DUTY, narrow their consideration of the stupendous prob- lem, to their own efforts to do RIGHT : That is, mainly, to CONVERT OTHERS TO THEIR FAITH. Instead of viewing its world -wide and historical aspect of diversity and struggle as the proper basis of judgment, they sim- mer it down to a purely SELF-EXPERIENCE or home affair : Verily ! EVER BEING DOGMATICALLY ANCHORED TO A PER- SONAL OR CREED CONSCIOUSNESS. They seem to forget or are indifferent to the venomous fact that, everybody else is doing the same "WILL OF GOD," each from a different standpoint; and that it takes many large volumes including The Bible, to depict only a fractional account of the repulsive methods and result say nothing of ITS DIRECT ISSUE The World At War RIGHT NOW. And yet, these mainly are the people who will sav- agely denounce THE NATURAL LAW OF SELF-SATISFAC- TION ; for up to date it has been merely the Godly virtue JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 73 of SELF-SANCTIFICATION and salvation, by the humble process of "SURVIVAL OF THE SLICKEST": ALTRUISM EVER WITH A VENGEANCE Hell for You Who Belie ve Not as I DO ! Godliness. AND YET, we have clearly seen that INFINITE SELF- ISHNESS MUST BE OUR SAVIOR OR HUMANITY IS FOREVER LOST: Which, however as Nature makes no mistake, will not fail us. But alas, the mill of time grinds slow and fine requiring supreme patience TO UNDERSTAND INTERDEPENDENCE AND FREE-WILL-LESS-NESS THE DE- SIRABILITY OF CO-OPERATION AND KINDNESS. As before stated, there is literally a UNIVERSAL SAL- VATION difference between PERSONAL CONDEMNATION, and merely the CONDEMNATION OF WRONG of which the vic- tim is only the unfortunate medium of expression. PER- SONALITY is wholly the product of EXPERIENCE. Many so- called purely mental phases of abnormality, being far more contagious and dangerous than is small-pox. For instance, labor, tuberculosis, travel, religion, science, etc., are each a true factor of the usually much restricted term EDUCATION which in this work is properly used synonymous with EXPERIENCE, either of which include any and every factor of one's impinging ENVIRONMENT, and the TOTALITY accrued from the instant of personal CONCEPTION to incident of date, is the influence that inerrantly moulds PERSONALITY thought, speech, acts, habits, health, sickness specific and general idiosyn- crasies, finally death ; each ever manifesting an accurate reflex of their EDUCATION or EXPERIENCE : PURELY the EF- FECT of an exactly commensurate CAUSE. Every faculty and facility being ACQUIRED, and a corresponding reac- tion REQUIRED correctly spells IRRESPONSIBILITY. *MAN NEVER HAS AND CANNOT DISOBEY THE LAW OF HIS BEING.* Hence, to CONDEMN or COMMEND a person for their acts, is as silly as it would be to condemn a lion for kill- 74 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA ing a fawn when hungry, or to commend the brute for tenderly playing with the mate of its prey immediately after being filled ; except to instructively condemn WRONG and commend RIGHT are each potent EDUCATIONAL influ- ences for GOOD. More vitally stated WE SHOULD ALWAYS CORRECTINGLY BUT IMPERSONALLY CONDEMN WRONG the virus of death, and PERSONALLY COMMEND RIGHT the elixir of life: CONSTRUCTIVE EDUCATION vs. DOGMATIZA- TION STAGNATION Or DEGRADATION AND BRUTALIZATION THE DAMNATION OF SALVATION. PERSONAL PUNISHMENT in way of PAIN con- ducive of death, and REWARD in way of PLEASURE promotive of life, are the inerrant Natural monitors that are ever precisely commensurate with every deed and need, insuring normal development were they not cor- rupted as is now generally the case and should be care- fully prevented: PAIN is NATURE'S CRY OF IGNORANCE! Hence as clearly indicated by THE LAW, The Great- est Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act ever seeking the best even of the worst; self-preservation, therefore, is evidently by the process of making an INTEL- LIGENT, that is a right or constructive choice of every action: Which in turn basically points out THE GOLD- LESS RULE. IT IS TO THE WELFARE OF SELF TO TREAT ALL OTHERS WITH HEALTHFUL CARE, for it has been plainly shown that "NONE LIVE or DIE by SELF ALONE, but per the influence of EXPERIENCE mainly derived from FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS : Inevitable co-operation. Indeed, we may learn of others but not of self REASON being the reflex of compound EDUCATION. Hence, to authoritatively or otherwise ADD PUNISH- MENT TO THE NATURAL CONSEQUENCE OF AN ACT IS WRONG : And hence, the officious PERSONAL CONDEMNATION prac- ticed by The Church IN THE NAME OF GOD is the primal cause of UNIVERSAL DEGRADATION A BRUTALIZATION THAT HURTS DEVITALIZING. JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 75 Preacher-Priests and even such holy-frights as " Billy" Sunday, are liberally paid and loudly extolled for not only branding a great many people as FOOLS, but threatening them with EVERLASTING HELL as the conse- quence of what they loudly denounce as IGNORANCE. Christ is worshiped notwithstanding his * ' Give not that which is holy unto DOGS, nor cast your pearls before SWINE" * * * bitter exclamation of disgust. Which leads us to believe that when P. T. Barnum said ' * The people love to be hum-bugged, ' ' he was right. Even, ' ' get the money or knock 'em dead," is now very extensively practiced and respected ; not only by the business high- waymen, but by the meek and lowly save-men within the sacred shrines of the holy of holies. Yet as history clearly proves by many a similar case, the expounder even of THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, that man is A FOOL for kotowing either to priests, heaven or hell ; and that in the final no man is an unappreciative DOG OR HOG of really "holy" ideas or precious things: And yet, BE IT so, the teacher of such will for a time be heartlessly trampled under foot and rended, by many of whom he earnestly seeks to serve even unto proving them potentially capable of OMNISCIENCE ever worthy of corresponding happiness and span of life; even in- deed, of suggestively preparing the way therefor IGNOR- ANCE GENERALLY BEING HARD TO DISLODGE AND ALWAYS VICIOUS. Lamentably, it is widely believed that "WHERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS IT IS FOLLY TO BE WISE ; ' ' for, actually, what people don't know not only hurt the ignorant greatly and mainly, but is ever a corresponding world- wide very injurious influence on those who do know. The embarrassing fact involved, however, is enough to make the credulous believe that a whipped dog enjoys instead of dreads his master : Also deters the wise from expounding the truth to avoid the serpent's fangs: 76 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Indeed, the volume of TRUTH, BEAUTY AND GOODNESS thus crushed is beyond measure. Just think if you can of the wonderful benefit that would accrue, were the vast means that is now being em- ployed to promote IGNORANCE, transferred to boost IN- TELLIGENCE : Why, it would result in GENUINE SALVATION within one year of every person on earth. 'Tis a fatal mistake to believe that the present frightful condition of mankind can be corrected merely through the medium of finance and stomach economics. All such efforts are like starting to construct a building from the third story up; comparable to " mansions in the sky" FOUNDATION-LESS, BRAIN-LESS AND SUCCESS- LESS: For SELF MAN, His Nature, The Will or Ruling power, IS THE PROPER BASIS. Likewise, every other specific and general reform scheme, admitting of the slightest personal or clique MONOPOLY AND COMPETITION IN LIVELIHOOD OR SOCIAL IN- EQUALITY in the final, must successfully fail; bequeath- ing a great loss to the promoters and maintainers, till from repugnance they are changed. Indeed, no method admitting of CLASS-CONSCIOUSNESS OF CLASH-CONDI- TIONS OF VAST-CONSEQUENCES CAN HEREAFTER LONG EN- DURE : FOR THE LOVE OF LIFE MUST SOON CONQUER THE INFLUENCE CONDUCIVE OF PREMATURE DEATH. Even, alas; neither can the desired HARMONY obtain from either of the much flaunted systems as now ex- pounded, of SOCIALISM or DEMOCRACY each being "a cart before the horse." Their " similar ideals," how- ever, may in a slight measure be the RESULT but not the source of UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENT DETERMINATION OF CONSTRUCTIVE LIVING, SOLELY PER EDICT OF NATURAL CAUSE AND EFFECT the Simplest, only Perfect and Proper Government for MAN : Which, though when nar- rowly viewed by IGNORANT SELFISHNESS seems chaotic and unjust, is ETERNAL TRUTH RULING SUPREME how- JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 77 ever we continue to DREAM, SCHEME AND SCREAM, instead Of GLEAN THE CREAM, CLEAN AND SERENE. Even which, alas, per force solely of INTELLIGENT SELFISHNESS, will some day completely obtain FREE FROM STAIN DESPITE DISDAIN OF FACTS THAT ARE PLAIN. Verily, by such only may we Correct and Direct the Neglect and Defect, or Perfect Derelict Effect in every Respect of INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, SOCIETY AND NA- TIONS ; ever keeping AFFAIRS AND THE RACE without Ex- cept, by mere dint of Exact Fact Intact Bright, Com- pact and Content. Indeed, LIGHT and RIGHT are MIGHT and DELIGHT: Even LIGHT is Right and Might and Delight, yet QUIET. So, the QUAINT last words of poet GOETHE "give us more LIGHT," was a prayer of BRIGHT SIGHT Right, Might, Delight the Blight of Night : We may live and die it, though it has neither Life or Death being PRIN- CIPLE a rule of action : NONE CAN BUY IT BUT ALL MUST TRY IT. YET, GET IT TRUE OR IT WILL GET YOU : THE UNI- VERSAL PILOT IMPARTIAL AND ETERNAL CAUSE AND EFFECT OF MATERIA-ENERGY, UNTO A FRUITFUL LIFE OR YOUTHFUL DEATH.* THE LAW OF RIGHT Or LIFE is COMPLETE AND IN- HERENT IN MAN : LOOK THERE.* While the complete work a book of near six hun- dred pages, thoroughly and clearly explains in detail EVERY BASIC PRINCIPLE OF COSMOS AND AFFAIRS OF MAN WITHOUT A MISSING LINK, only that in regard to MARRIAGE will be briefly sketched here ; merely as an illustration of how perfect "THE BOOK OF NATURE'* has ever pointed OUt THE WAY OF LIFE when understood, AS IT MAY BE EXACTLY IN EVERY REALM. NATURE OUR TRUSTWORTHY GUIDE, KNOWS NO FREEDOM; therefore, EVERY FIT PERSON MUST MARRY mates of their own choice if well chosen, at the proper age WHEN NATURE CALLS FOR UNION. OF SEXES, after being specially educated for that most im- 78 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA portant function in life, UNDER CAREFUL SUPERVISION OP THE GOVERNMENT; and every child though left in care of parents, would ever be amply provided for FROM THE COMMON STOREHOUSE, and under the watchful eye of the all-protecting guardian. The government would, there- fore, be THE PARENT OF PARENTS tolerating neither ignorance or neglect: A PROCESS OF INERRANT INTEL- LECTUAL SELECTION. However, as the union of sex is A NATURAL IMPULSE OF DUE VIRILITY; therefore, a staid aversion thereto would be considered ample evidence of an abnormal or diseased state, and a perfect bar to the person's mar- riage. Hence, coercion must be limited to promoting psycho-physical health broad inducive education. Thus mutual affinity would constitute a burglar- proof key to each wedlocked home with parental nature as the sole and sufficient bond. Would not this completely settle every phase of the great problem of MARRIAGE PROPER MATING, EUGENICS, DIVORCE, AND THE SCARLET SOCIAL EVIL, etc. ? Why. of course it would, and it is the only solution. There would then be every incentive for marriage health, home, plenty, contentment, etc.; SUBLIME HAPPINESS. Especially when each union was guarded by proper education and ample ennobling amusement, including world-wide travel every essential of the best. While all FIT would be impelled by LIGHT AND HEALTH to properly marry which would then mean practically all, yet none others need apply; for " SAFETY TO ALL FIRST" is the proper motto for government which must have its root in the production of perfect children and joyful families. Why! ill-mating, unhap- piness and divorce would then be comparatively un- known ; while the children would be ideal nothing lack- ing for making them so, REVERSING THE VILE CUSTOM AND RESULT OF TODAY. JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 79 There Literally Could be No Scarlet Social Evil. Thus we have laid a proper foundation for ever maintaining every man, woman and child at once SEPARATELY AND COMBINEDLY provided with every es- sential of a truly happy life in an ideal "HOME SWEET HOME": Nature's noblest and loveliest estate THE BASIC ESSENTIAL. A woman once asked the writer what CONSTRUCTIVE VITAL SCIENCE records as being correct in regard to the problem of MARRIAGE ; and after the foregoing was con- cisely explained, she warmly said: "I permit no one else to dictate as to how my children shall be brought up. ' ' Then I added that, NO ONE ELSE should have that right, nor would THE GOVERNMENT unless the treatment accorded was INJURIOUS to the children, parents and others; when due correction would be promptly com- pelled. Then she said, well WHAT WOULD ANY WORTHY MOTHER SAY? Which in principle EDUCATIONAL DIRECTION AND CORRECTION where needed only, would ever be the ample methods employed in every affair of life INSURING FREE- DOM FROM LIBERTY OF VITAL LOSS TO ANY. Would such people EVER RECEIVING NO MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR EXACT DUE, shrink from doing their bit; when only just sufficient PRODUCTIVE EXERCISE to maintain perfect health would be required OF EVERY- BODY, to forever maintain their ennobling condition? THINK IT OVER but don't show your ignorance by com- paring such conditions and people with the state of af- fairs and "slackers" of today. Anyone ought to realize with but a moment's thought that, where each including women, were specially learned to know how to maintain perfect health THE ALL-INCLUSIVE PROBLEM, and provided with every means of doing so including 3 to 4 hours, 5 days a week, 10 months a year of ennobling productive exercise 80 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA a serfless dual benefit, THERE COULD BE PRACTICALLY NO SICKNESS OR IMMATURE DEATH. Dining would then be mainly a public service, ever of the best unadulterated food properly prepared and served ; nothing is more needed. Every person would ever be clothed in the best for the requirement, that combined wisdom and efforts could produce nothing shoddy: No waste of any na- ture allowed intelligence is never wasteful. Every service would be in the interest of all: Yet all would ever be in faithful service OP EACH making every person "LORD AND MASTER OP ALL i SURVEY, MY RIGHTS THERE ARE NONE TO DISPUTE" ABSOLUTELY, FOR SELF AND PROGENY. Each may then in deed and in truth exclaim as did Monte Cristo in fiction, "THE WORLD is MINE!" AND ADD ALL ARE MY CONTENTED SERVANTS; each far surpassing in learning and possession OP EVERY ESSENTIAL FOR AN IDEAL LIFE, any monopolist Or potentate that has ever lived FOR ALL GENERATIONS. And too, all must be INTELLIGENT PLEASURE the elixir of life. Yet, some will say THERE WOULD BE NO INCENTIVE OP ACTION ; This, however, is not only possible but will some day be done : for THE INCENTIVE is SUPREME HAPPINESS AND COMPLETE LIFE FOR ALL. Judge not by what has been or the present, as to what is possible under vastly different conditions. This, of course, is very difficult for most people, who are trained to "live" by "LOOKING BACKWARD" instead of FORWARD ; their eyes ever being in the back of their head in place of facing the future. To them if it hasn't beec done ' ' NO USE ' ' : These block-heads decry every pro- gressive endeavor. They think of THE NATURALISTIC PROCESS OF LIFE as indeed it has ever been taught, in the sense of retro- JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 81 grading to caves, roots and herbs, instead of evoluting to palaces and modes of living suitable to developed man. Their saints and heroes are dead and with God "way over there, ' ' where they HOPE to some day also go when they finally MUST "give up the ghost." They are not to blame, for such has been suckled from MOTHER CHURCH. Nothing digs more early graves, however, than this continual emulation of dead fools and prattle of death : For, ' ' AS A MAN THINKETH AT HEART so is HE, ' ' is an inexorable Natural law. They are dead but unfor- tunately not buried, still it can be done. In such a government all personal authority hav- ing been eliminated, and in its place THE CONSTRUCTIVE LAWS OF NATURE promoting TRUTH and inhibiting ERROR, being enthroned as the sole ruling power ; officers from bottom to top serving merely as mediums of classi- fication and general dissemination of essential knowl- edge ; society would be simply a gigantic school of prac- tical science with but the one incentive of action ; that of insuring the highest possible uniform attainment, exact equality of opportunity, justice and reward; or, as it were, the much-talked-of UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD. This grand condition can be effected in no other way than by uniformly and thoroughly teaching the world of people THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, that HUMAN BEINGS ARE INEVITABLY INTERDEPENDENT ; that no One On earth can possibly enjoy A DULY HAPPY AND SPAN OP LIFE while there is even one other person on the globe that is the slightest defective and not fully in line of enjoying the same BIRTH-RIGHT OF SUPREME GODHOOD ; that Nature automatically enforces a very close world-wide equilib- rium. With this TRUTH fully understood as it may and should be the world over, without an unnecessary hour's delay; every member of the great family would then BUT NOT BEFORE, cheerfully and faithfully do the part 82 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA corresponding to their ability whatever that may be, in the all-important necessity of continually keeping the ALL-INCLUSIVE COMMON STORE-HOUSE in which each are equally interested, AMPLY FACILITATED AND SUPPLIED: Study as to EQUILIBRIUM OR INTERDEPENDENCE mainly in Chapters VIII and X. Can any one give more than a lifetime of faithful service regardless of class, to mankind? Can anyone get more for such a service, than every- thing that would constitute AN IDEAL LIFE? Are they not rightly inseparable? SHOULD NOT EACH RECEIVE AND DO PRECISELY THIS? SHOULD YOU NOT EARNESTLY ASSIST IN ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING THIS VERY SIMPLE BUT ABSOLUTELY PER- FECT CONDITION? This system completely abolishes all CLASS-CON- SCIOUSNESS, as broadly administered EXACT RIGHT must do. The method that admits of the slightest of such is conclusive proof of its defectiveness, inadequacy and in- stability. The proper and possible system must please every person precisely the same, and be beyond possible improvement; for the great human race is on a forced march for perfection and will not only detect the slight- est error in its mode of living, but insist on all such being corrected until the final goal is reached: Evolution exacts this, and it will be done. We have seen all sorts of suggestions and trials rejected and abandoned, as will be the case in future till the chaff is completely removed. THEN AND NOT TILL THEN SHALL THERE BE " PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TO- WARD MAN." Shall we accomplish this mainly by means of social and bloody war repulsive example, as slow advancement of the past has been won, or by timely and far more effectual and agreeable precept? Illustrative: Will the RICH welcome INTELLECTUAL- ISM? Let's see here, concisely: Much more on the sub- ject further on. JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 83 There are people now, whose individual wealth amounts to far more than the total of any city of 500,000 population on earth; for instance, exceeding the com- bined assessed money, personal and real property valu- ation of Los Angeles ; which is sufficient evidence to con- demn any system that makes such possible individuals being blameless. However, let's suppose that it was clearly shown to the wealthy even the richest and most powerful, that with their assistance which is essential, there could be a national or world-wide thoroughly practical co-oper- ative government established, with the stable Law of Nature as the sole ruling power; which would abso- lutely insure every person regardless of whom or where, the loftiest education it is possible for the com- bined experience of mankind to impart vastly tran- scending the most advanced of today : That it would fur- nish everyone with an ideal home, family and associates of the same noble qualities: That without exception, each would be supplied with other essentials of plenty and joy such as the best of food, clothing, amusements and world-wide travel : That their health would be pro- tected in every way that devoted associated wisdom can devise : That not only need any person have the slight- est worry or care and their family be likewise amply provided for throughout life, but that their progeny for all generations, would ever receive at least an equally desirable treatment. That owing to far superior learning and uniform application of solely constructive living, coupled with a corresponding knowledge of destructive influences and means of avoiding them combinedly promotive of har- mony and happiness of the race : That as an inevitable result of ever constructive universal peace and endeavor, the average length of life would be extended many folds, with every minute thereof greatly augmented in real- 84 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA ization of vital truth, beauty and goodness ; taking noth- ing from any except such as is now the source of care, anxiety, burden, disease, misery and early death, while supplying a great range of essentials that money cannot now command: What must THE INTELLIGENT wealthy or not, say to such a proposition ? So, when it is clearly proven AS IT is UNDER THE HEADING OF TELEPATHY and elsewhere, establishing be- yond a possible doubt the inevitable interdependence for life or death of mankind, that TRUE RICHES or the power tO live AN IDEAL LIFE depends On ALL OTHERS ENJOYING A FULL PORTION OF LIKE CONDITIONS, each will eagerly lend their every possible assistance to accomplish the uni- versally desired end INFINITE SELFISHNESS MUST so EXACT WOULD IT NOT? WlLL ANY REJECT LIFE MORE ABUNDANT? Be careful, however, not to judge by the SAVAGERY of today : THINK OF THE DIFFERENCE. Who would not exchange troublesome and fickle fortune, their dense ignorance, agony of continual anx- iety, disease and early death, for the perpetual care-free real wealth of sublime intelligence, munificence and prac- tical certainty of a much longer and happier life for themselves and descendants ? WOULD ANY SANE PERSON ? Does so-called riches hopelessly bereft its possessors of reason ? It may have such a grievous effect on some, but surely 'tis not the case with all. Why as most peo- ple will at once fully realize when the full range of the problem is clearly brought to their attention, GENUINE WEALTH CONSISTS OF CONSTRUCTIVE VITAL EXPERIENCE, which fictitious individual MONOPOLY universally cur- tails, for NONE LIVE OR DIE BY SELF ALONE: This is proven. Indeed though before concisely referred to, unless specifically pointed out, very few would discern the won- derful fact, that were people duly trained as 'tis easily possible to do, to realize that their interest is best JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 85 served BY HAVING NO MORE OR LESS THAN JUST WHAT is NEEDED FOR AN IDEAL LIFE ; then by being continually so provided for, each would desire only what they get NEED AND DESIRE BECOMING THE SAME. Think of this carefully: UNIVERSAL ATTAINMENT OF THE HIGHEST IDEAL. By contrasting such a happy condition with the present state of repulsive greed, it may awaken A SANE DESIRE FOR OUR NEED. VERILY, 'TIS THE ONLY POSSIBLE PROCESS OF FULLY SATISFYING INFINITE SELFISH- NESS. Each ever realizing they are enjoying the best that is known. Oh, no ! We don 't need RATIONALISM ! The fact is the one who says no, needs it the most. Therefore, man should be subjected to HAVE AND DO JUST WHAT is BEST FOR AN IDEAL LIFE. Personal Liberty Spells Suicide. The combined wisdom and wealth of the world should be the resource of every person. That's just enough, and no one need be satisfied with less. IT'S EVERY ONE'S DUE IN SPITE OF THEMSELVES. Now, while a complete solution of every basic prob- lem could be added, we will briefly consider just one more before the concluding paragraph of this section; which don't amount to much but might interest some just at this time. Of course, this system would wipe out all Armies and Navies: Legislation and Courts would be obsolete: Prisons abolished and Asylums rendered mighty scarce : Politics and Graft forgotten : The nonsense of Elections no more: Competition, Monopoly, Labor and Capital problems; Strikes, Lockouts, Rent, Profit, Interest, etc., all forever settled. Churches turned into Sunday Schools of Science, with the Converted Preachers as Teachers. No Gambling in any of its many forms; Thievery, Burglary or such could not obtain no incen- tive: CERTAINTY vs. CHANCE for "all is a gamble to- day" especially as to LIFE AND HAPPINESS. 86 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Police, Sheriffs, Constables and their ilk would be useless as such. Swindling Booms, Insurance, Huxters, Advertising and so on would be out of date. Poorhouses, Tramps, Poor relation, Beggars and the like, would at last be "on easy street." Pensions and Donations scorned. All Fraternal Societies absorbed by the Uni- versal Brotherhood. All Nations Combined and Sub- Governments wiped out. All law books used solely for fuel. Tobacco, Intoxicants and Drugs largely aban- doned, etc., etc. Trusts, Hard times and Failures could gray no more hairs. Wrangle over property would be all settled. No Prices to Mark up or down. Prostitution for lucre im- possible, for lust improbable. No more worry about fu- ture welfare of children. Shame and disgrace born of condemnation, a disease of the past. Anger born of personal responsibility and censure, would cease. Sin, correctly known as a superstition. Lying the fruit of schemes, business, fear, ignorance, etc., practically wiped out. Fear, "the only thing to fear" except wholesome dread of wrong-doing, a potent medium of early death would be reasonless. Suicide what for? Sickness would hardly be known. Immature death very, very seldom. IGNORANCE? No. INTELLIGENCE? YES. SAL- VATION? No. SAVED? YES. WHO? ALL! None of the above mentioned great reforms, nor hundreds of others equally as urgent that would be set- tled all at once by this system, is the one or group that was in mind to be given a little special attention in clos- ing this section. BUT, as follows THERE BEING NO MONEY NOR OTHER MEDIUM OF TRADE, NO INDIVIDUAL EXCHANGE OP WORK OR COM- MODITIES NO PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OP ANY NATURE : EVERY REQUIREMENT OF GOVERNMENT BEING SUPPLIED BY THE PEOPLE, WHO IN TURN WOULD EACH EQUALLY DRAW THEIR EVERY NEED PROM THE COMMON STORE-HOUSE No taxes JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 87 would be required, would there, if so for what ? No one could owe, pay or collect a debt could they ? WOULDN 'T IT SETTLE EVERY DEBT ON EARTH AND MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO EVER CONTRACT ANOTHER? Can they be paid in any other way? No Collector would ever rap at a door would there ? Is it worth while ? Think it over. Can't you see that the present exceedingly compli- cated militant system is composed of a great batch of far worse than useless institutions employing millions and millions and millions of people at duties that could and by all means should be done away with, and the energy transferred to needed production of necessities of life? Thus relieving the man with the hoe and machine of fully three- fourths of his burden; yet ever producing ample and being a wonderful benefit to all concerned: Is not what each and all want practical ? Many will ask what would replace the institutions and systems thus wiped out? Why! Nothing but a world-wide school of practical science, with TEACHER LEADERS ever chosen by AN AUTOMATIC COMPETITIVE MERIT SYSTEM, as heads of every department and under- taking, from bottom to top. EXCEEDINGLY SIMPLE AND CO-OPERATIVE compared with the intricately complex, disconnected machine of today. It is a matter of elimi- nation, not addition VITAL PRACTICALITY. The great system of schools would be headed by a CONGRESS of great minds; graduated "when in full blast," with the highest honors from the next lower schools; and the compiled lore ever simple and prac- tical, reflected on every person; by books, journals and one day's schooling a week for every person throughout life. Every person in the world would receive and be taught to fully understand the same FUNDAMENTAL PRIN- CIPLE at the same time. Thus ever keeping them in per- fect accord on the highest attained basis of thought in 88 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA regard to every essential of life. EVER SCIENTIFIC NO PERSONAL OPINION OR DICTATION ALLOWED. With such a system in full swing everybody being thoroughly versed in basic science and veritably forced BY LIGHT TO HAVE AND DO WHAT IS BEST FOR THEM, for what would anyone pray? While there would scarcely be a person on earth that would do so, yet if any should so desire, their home " closet" would be precisely the proper and the only place where such a "holy show" could be staged; for while there would be all sorts of public gatherings and societies in those days, the basic principle underlying all congregations must conform to the great general influence EVER PROMOTIVE OF PLEASURE AND LIFE. Such a system would quickly transform mankind into an exceedingly vigorous and happy band of veri- table Gods and the earth into a genuine paradise as their playground. Every day would be a practical holiday for enjoying all sorts of ennobling pleasure that would romp everywhere supreme without a pain, fear or care ; with slackers unknown : DON 'T YOU BELIEVE IT ? Again you are warned judge not by affairs of today which can breed nothing but discontent, "slackers" and DEATH. Could anything be more feasible or desirable? It has now been not only positively proven that Theology is naught but a mind and social wrecking fraud, but that no religion compares with Natural Science, as a medium for the uplift of mankind. So it is quite proper to record in concluding this division, that NATURAL SCIENCE the ultimate truth, constituting the final absolute dogma, is the only basis upon which all may and some time will COMPLETELY AGREE ON FUNDA- MENTALS leaving the great superstructure of PERSONAL EXPERIENCES AND CORRESPONDING VASTLY DIFFERENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS AS THE EVER INTERESTING AND IN- JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 89 STBUCTIVE MEDIUM OF SOCIAL INTERCOURSE, precisely as it mainly is today except that such would be greatly purified, augmented, equalized and harmonized. Thus, quickly and permanently bringing the race to at least a very high degree of ACCORD AND ATTAINMENT the essen- tial Of a HAPPY AND LONG LIFE TO ANY OR ALL. Humanity is on a forced march for THE ALMIGHTY TRUTH; all encompassed by HOW TO UNIFORMLY MAIN- TAIN PSYCHO-PHYSICAL GROWTH UNTO COMPLETE MATUR- ITY ; thus suggestively solving the question "WHAT CONSTITUTES A SUCCESSFUL LIFE? so often asked but heretofore never correctly answered even in theory much less by ATTAINMENT, except "GET THE MONEY" the fiendish moloch that will some day be slain. THE GREAT BATTLE FOR LIFE HAS EVER BEEN FIERCELY RAGING making, seemingly, an infinity of mistakes ; yet not so, for all such were essential to FINAL SUCCESS or they would not have occurred, for NATURE MAKES NO MISTAKE. Complete Contrast Example of Pain Being a Necessary Evil. The time has arrived, however, when a halt must be made; and no longer allow the race to be divided and side-tracked at various way-stations, merely at the cap- rice of seemingly again, SELF-APPOINTED TOM, DICK and Harry hold-up conductors, wrecking the train or switch- ing the road, while on the journey for vital lore. Such attempts as all know, have ever been very successfully made, seriously fooling some people here, other people there, and many people elsewhere; even at times all the people somewhere: Yet, NEVER ALL THE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. So, as conditions are ever grow- ing brighter collectively, the day is not far off when NO PEOPLE WILL BE FOOLED ANYWHERE. Thus, as mankind's intellect cannot cease the great work before its rightful destiny is fully reached, it will continue the unfoldment by the Natural process of ever 90 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA more and more selecting INTELLIGENT PLEASURE, until in all due time, SELFISHNESS sanely expressed solely by SELF-PRESERVATION the cause of evolution, will ENTIRELY ELIMINATE PREMATURE DEATH OF HUMAN BEINGS. In other words, there is now literally no end to AUTHORITATIVE periodicals, books, individuals, families, societies, schools, religions, laws, corporations, kings, states, nations, etc., galore ; each more or less conflicting with all others not one on earth correct : Ever Discord, Strife, War and Early Death the result. As man knows only what he learns from a tremend- ous hodgepodge of wild and vile bile ; and each learns a different lesson which they endeavor to enforce: So, is it any wonder that humanity has ever been in such an uproar resulting in the present wholesale murder ? Why, the problem is simple enough to entirely solve. All mankind needs to completely UNIFY AND PERFECT IT IS, A CORRECT AND UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED AND TAUGHT CODE OF BASIC PRINCIPLE promotive of harmonious thought and endeavor. And now, ask yourself can anything less than CON- STRUCTIVE VITAL SCIENCE fill the billT And too, remem- ber that no more or less than such is all this work is earnestly pleading to have done. To do away with all PERSONAL, SECT, COMMUNITY, STATE, NATIONAL OR HUMAN AUTHORITY : Supplanting all such with One for All and All for One, at once PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL OR IMPAR- TIAL NATURAL EDICTS. History tells us of all sorts of opinions, religions, laws, institutions, nations, kings and gods, that have been quashed all for good of man ; and there is no doubt but what all such now extant will meet the same fate with a greatly added benefit. EVERY FORWARD STEP THAT EVER HAS OR IT is POS- SIBLE TO MAKE, MUST ACCRUE SOLELY BY EDUCATION whether from virile precept or vile example, as the proc- JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION 91 ess of social evolution: So, as we now know how to quickly attain the all-round pleasurable and wonderfully beneficial climax, why stick to the slow and painful WHY WAIT? Think it over profoundly, then act effectually EVER OBEDIENT TO THE LAWS OP YOUR COUNTRY; AUTO- MATICALLY ADOPTING THE FINAL ERA SYSTEM AS EDUCA- TION RIPENS SUITABLE THEREFORE. HELP DISTRIBUTE THIS WORK, FOR TEACH MAN THE TRUTH IS THE PANACEA. Government can and should compel uniform basic understanding of vital truth, all that is needed to insure HARMONY the elixir of life : PLAIN FACTS IMPEL AGREE- MENT. THUS ENTHRONE RIGHT AS LAW. ORIGIN OF MAN 100 Words- Environment in the sense here used, is the source only of moulding diverse personalities incapable of changing a specie regardless of variation or time in- volved. Species are created solely by crossbreeding of distant relatives of the same genera that are capable of producing progeny. While environment could never transform an anthropoid ape into a human being ; yet by the crossing of extreme "bloods" of that genus one or both now doubtless extinct, their offspring could possibly be and probably is the hybred MAN: Thus creating a poten- tially infinite system of nervous reactions to experience, The Climax of Nature's Handiwork FINIS. THERE 's NO MISSING LINK UNLESS 'TIS THE EXTINCT APE-S. In the absolute, crop after crop eternally follow- ing or overlapping another in endless space and place, Man has thus ever existed; hence in this sense, had no origin. DEFINITION AND FUNCTION OF LOVE ADDENDUM CHAPTER VI 13 PAGES "LOVE IS THE FULFILLMENT OF THE LAW." Never having been trained to understand or duly value basic principle, a great many people will at first stick up their nose at what they consider is the trifling thing of PROPERLY DEFINING LOVE. Many will even be- lieve this is an effort to disprove that phenomena, and sneer at the idea. It will probably be the exception who at once comprehend that instead of this being an at- tempt to disprove that wonderful impulse, it is herein unrefutably shown that LOVE is THE ALL-INCLUSIVE FUNC- TION; that every thought or act is the result of experi- ence and guided by love SELF-SATISFACTION. Heretofore, however, love has been universally con- sidered as ALTRUISTIC self denial or others-considerate ; while herein 'tis shown to be ENTIRELY SELF-CONSIDER- ATE; that while every act is born of EXPERIENCE, SELF- SATISFACTION IS EVER THE INCENTIVE OF DOING OR CHOICE guided by one's condition and alternatives of the instant or incident. Instead of denying the function, it is clearly proven to be the undethronable tzar of our nature. And yet, even many who concede that the explanation of the phenomena is correct, will not understand the mighty importance of the finding. FURTHERMORE, most people will at first cringe at the idea of considering love as ABSOLUTELY SELFISH, be- oause owing to long reverse training, such would seem DEFINITION AND FUNCTION OF LOVE 98 to deprive it of all worthy INCENTIVE, SENTI- MENT, SWEETNESS, ETC. They forget that the phenomena whatever its nature may be, is not of itself the slightest basically ef- fected by our accurate study, definition and due appli- cation nor by IGNORANCE OF THE FACTS; for regardless of name or our understanding of A NATURAL PRINCIPLE, it will ever be the same. They also overlook the signifi- cant fact that while a multiple of thousands have tried, it has never been fully explained before; and that back of so many varying efforts and the never ending en- nobling and ignobling thought and actions ascribed to it, there must be A MIGHTY POWER worthy of careful scrutiny and heeding: Nor have they surmised that perhaps this seemingly inscrutable but ubiquitous,, ever feelable, yet unseeable materially spiritual tickling some- thing, might some time and somehow be all utilized for good instead of as now mainly for bad, were it fully understood. Not a whit of such nor of the endless more of the kind has anyone ever thought a reasonable think in re- gard to "the blamed thing"; all such heretofore being occultly smothered, and pronounced "THE INSOLVABLE MYSTERY. ' ' "Salvation depends on doing away with SELFISH- NESS, is the yelp that has encircled the globe in every direction billions of times and is just now at high speed on the home stretch : Yet, no person can ' ' stick a pin ' ' in a place where selfishness has even been scratched ; for SELF-SATISFACTION ever has, still does and always will rule supreme endless as time and space, for good LIFE, or evil DEATH, of SELF. Indeed, who dare crown SELFISHNESS AS KING in the face of such reversely taught and generally understood SALVATION COMMANDMENTS as "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself," "Love is the Fulfillment of the Law," "God 94 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA is Love, ' ' etc. ? Not much ! for each have ever been too busy striving to obey the " ALTRUISTIC EDICTS" mainly by threatening others with hell, solely FOB THE SELFISH PURPOSE OF GETTING "ME" INTO HEAVEN, not for God's sake but entirely for SELF-SATISFACTION. Probably the strongest and plainest evidence that love is keenly selfish, is the fanatically SELFISH clinging by most people, to THE CHERISHED DOGMA OF ALTRU- ISM, regardless of absolute proof that it is wrong and in- estimably injurious; for it generally HURTS to openly acknowledge and correct an error except by slow de- gree, which puts a cinch break on individual and social progress. WILLING GRASPERS OF GREATLY ADVANCED FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH BEING VERY SCARCE, FOR IT FRIGHT- ENS THEM. In other words true to the law, a person always clings to what they have until FEELING sure that in some way, they are making a profitable trade ; and owing to having been reared in darkness many are afraid of the light ; fearing HARM TO SELF pure and unescapable EGOISM OUR NATURE AND SAVIOR. Therefore, all cautious people will at first sneer at a "cold blooded scientist" for "monkeying" with LOVE merely for the purpose of in some way learning just what "the darned THING-LESS truck is" and does, or what it is not while ever keeping right on being ; any- how try to find out why and how nothing can actually do everything, and then some: EXAMINE AS TO ITS ROOT, TRUNK, BRANCHES AND FRUIT. One can tackle anything they choose, and before getting through with the job they will find that LOVE controls all the stock including their reason for tackling it, ever catering to SELF-SATISFACTION. LOVE- HATE, EXPRESS AUTOMATIC ANALIZATION OF ONE'S FEELING OF EXPERIENCE. So, as it is not only mixed up with but veritably DEFINITION AND FUNCTION OF LOVE 95 dictates the course of every thought and coarser action, it would seem that nothing could afford greater PROFIT OR SELF-SATISFACTION, if possible than to get thor- oughly acquainted with the supremely "high mucky- muck"; for 'tis said that the ruler of all things is none other than GOD-ALMIGHTY to which exact logic fully assents can't help it don't you know. 'Tis the cause Of EVOLUTION, CREATOR, MAINTAINER AND DESTROYER OF VARIED "WORLDS" this "extravagant" statement you will acknowledge to be literally true before a reading of the book in hand is finished. Now then, while fooling with this LOVE-STUFF, which LORDS it over our every wriggle, we inevitably come to the conclusion that IT FULLY CONSTITUTES THE WILL. Hence, strangely astonishing is it not, that it has taken hundreds of billions of people each ever inherently piloted solely thereby, thousands of years to learn THE ALL-IMPORTANT FACT that none other than ROYAL SELF has ever all at once been literally and wholly the em- bodiment of the inseparable and unforsakable TRINITY OF LOVE WILL GOD: The Man-God-Soul of Nature A MICROCOSM, or Minute Universe : MAN the climax of Nature's handiwork, is THE TRUE AND ONLY GOD impos- sible to surpass, capable of OMNISCIENCE. Notoriously, the entire race has ever been singly and combinedly all at once mad and glad at this unseeable dictator, many even quite frankly insisting judging by their own experience and accounts of others, that GENU- INE LOVE AFFAIRS are generally unfit for the eye of the world; while others frantically aver that a certain spiritual brand is the only kind worthy of public dress- parade. Thus now-a-days nearly everybody stake their wad on a wheel of certain misfortune FROM THEIR TOTAL IGNORANCE OF THE ALMIGHTY FACT INVOLVED. It has elsewhere been so thoroughly proven that, THE GREATEST RELATIVE PLEASURE IS SELECTIVE OF EVERY 96 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA ACT, concisely states THE INVIOLABLE LAW OF OUR BEING as it does of all others; that SELF-SATISFACTION is an accurate and complete definition of LOVE, that it would be supererogation to further discuss that phase of the problem here: Nor any other than WHETHER THE TRUE MEANING AND FUNCTION OF LOVE ROBS IT OF "WORTHY INCENTIVE, SENTIMENT, SWEETNESS, ETC.," for if it does, Nature has made a serious mistake and this work is a delusive snare. There is a twin-peak mountain-like obstacle, edu- cated for thousands of years into the very marrow of the race ; which are as interdependent as are heaven and hell which they maintain ; and which will at first bias prac- tically every person's judgment in considering this SUPREME BASIC PROBLEM precisely as they corrupt every other affair of man, to which we must first warn- ingly invoke attention. THEY ARE THE FALSE STANDARDS OF GOD AND GOLD. Even The Bible declares that "The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil," and REASON an infinitely superior authority, declares that GOD is mainly the creature thereof, then crisscross and vice versa : MAN the correct basis, now always being side- tracked or run over by these usurping MUTUALLY DE- PENDENT DUAL MONARCHS OF DEATH. READER, you will always do well to remember and strenuously enact one saving principle; that is YOU CAN 'T HIT AN EVIL an influence conducive of death, TOO HARD, NOR BOOST A PERSON regardless of their actions, TOO HIGH. Always sift evil from personalities, then CON- DEMN THE VICE AND COMMEND THE VICTIM-S, doing both by constructive reason. "Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man." JESUS John 8:15. For instance, if you can prove this work to be IN PRINCIPLE untrue, you would be an "ignorant coward" if you did not BROADLY EXPLAIN WHEREIN IT is WRONG TO THE WRITER AND THE PUBLIC. If this work won 't stand DEFINITION AND FUNCTION OF LOVE 97 the last degree of unbiased scrutiny, then it should be BURNED IN THE CRUCIBLE OP REASON, while the scribe who is certainly very sincerely doing with all his might what he considers is right, would as fully deserve A THOROUGH BUT KINDLY EDUCATIONAL CORRECTION; which would be thankfully received and if proven, frankly acknowledged. If this work is IN PRINCIPLE INCORRECT, it would be worse than to cold-bloodedly murder many thousand people, were it widely circulated ; and yet, the composer would not be to blame, would he? Which is the case in every instance of doing good and evil, whether with your perverse education it is seen in that way or not study the chapter on CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY, UNDER- STANDINGLY. Remember, that the arbitrary laws of no land makes an act inherently RIGHT OR WRONG, much less A PERSON OF FACT RESPONSIBLE for what they do; for those quali- ties are beyond the possible dictation of man. He may learn and abide SOLELY BY CONSTRUCTIVE NATURAL EDICTS OR DRIFT DOWN STREAM, but cannot in the final, create or dethrone such FOR POSSIBLE WEAL OR WOE. They are of fact THE VERY QUINTESSENCE OF ETERNAL BASIC PRINCIPLE OF WHICH GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTIVELY COMPOSED INSTEAD OF SEEMINGLY IG- NORED BY " TRYING" TO SUBSTITUTE THE REVERSE, AS NOW: Which is infinitely more silly than it would be for a fly to try to push the earth from its orbit about the SUn, for IT CORRECTLY SPELLS UNIVERSAL SUICIDE IN COM- PARATIVE YOUTH ; NATURAL PRINCIPLE NEVER BEING FAZED. Of course this is a subject not one in a million can at first duly grasp, barred till they study it quite broadly, by their reverse training. Indeed, it requires more of a leap in proper IMAGE BUILDING constructive thinking, than it would have been for the "stone-age- man" to understand the possibility of a city like New 98 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA York, steamships, railroads, printing press, electricity, aeroplanes, sub-marines, etc. And yet, with comparatively little PROPER training, ANYONE including the ' * stone-age-man ' ' even in his day, could and would quickly and gladly, completely grasp the full range of ESSENTIAL FUNDAMENTAL PRIN- CIPLE pointing out the only perfect process of duly pleasurable life, and CHEERFULLY ABIDE THEREBY WERE THEY RIGHTLY TAUGHT AND THE MEANS PROVIDED FOR LIV- ING TRUE THERETO ; LOVE OF LIFE WOULD SO EXACT. In fact, the snobbishly schooled of today who must first unload their lordly trash, would be distanced by the wildest Bushman or Hottentot and children who would quickly " catch-on" and go on to THE TRUE NOBILITY OF EQUALITY AND SUPER VIRILITY. Indeed " Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not : for such is the kingdom of God," is the truest of truisms. As to the " learned" of today it could be aptly said "THEY ARE WISE TO DO EVIL, BUT TO DO GOOD THEY HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE." SCHOLASTICISM NOW, OFTEN EN- THRONES IGNORANT SELFISHNESS Or CLASS-CONSCIOUSNESS SUICIDAL. The human being regardless of when, race or place has ever been thus fully capable otherwise he would not have been human; that is, UNTIL THEY ARE WRECKED BY FALSE EDUCATION of whom there are many today who will point themselves out by their fighting such as this SELF-EVIDENT AND PROVEN BASIC FACT: The perversely educated are the most hopeless. DIFFERENCE OF ENVIRONMENTS EXPERIENCE OR EDU- CATION, from the instant of conception to the incident occurring the sole and sufficient influence that molds varying PERSONALITIES, fully accounts for the vastly diverse grades of people as it ever has and will, down all historical or unknown time this has been thor- oughly demonstrated time and again. DEFINITION AND FUNCTION OF LOVE 99 Notwithstanding it is herein clearly explained where "Mutts" come from wrecking environment, and the complete remedy proper conditions from the in- stant of conception, yet many a "Mutt" will warningly shout that, ' ' INTELLECTUALISM could never obtain be- cause Of Mutts" WHO THUS REASON-LESS-LY OPPOSE IT: BEWARE OP THE FINISHED OR SNOBBISH ERUDITE AND CRITIC, FOR THEY ARE NOT ONLY ETHICALLY SICK BUT TECHNICAL INSTEAD OF PRACTICAL. This will make the kind in mind assert their opinion of this work with com- pound SILENCE OR VIOLENCE: "The people be damned" saith he. Yet, this work asks no person to accept the prin- ciples involved unless it can maintain itself flawless and stainless against all comers, which it heartily invites ON A SQUARE DEAL ; and it may be laid down as literally true that any work which is not cheerfully open to the crucial test of INTELLIGENT CRITICISM, is a snare and delusion. Constructive Natural Science veritably the voice of Cause and Effect ; ever impersonal, opinionless and impartial, can neither ask nor grant quarters: AND ONLY SUCH AS STANDS THE CRUCIAL TEST OF REASON, IS A FIT GUIDE FOR MAN. Make this universal and you will make no mistake : "SACRED" or hands-off DOGMAS, or any other "let me alone" whim personal, sect or state, whose doors are closed to the eye of reason, prima facially acknowledge their error, weakness and unfitness as a basic guide. NOTHING CAN BE MORE SACRED THAN TRUTH FREE- DOM FROM ERROR, WHICH WILL MAINTAIN ITSELF AGAINST ALL COMERS, IF GIVEN A GHOST OF A SHOW IN A "FREE" FIGHT FOR LIFE: 'TIS EASILY THE CHAMPION. AND TOO, EVERYBODY AT LEAST BELIEVE THEY ARE ITS DEFENDER; AND IN THE FINAL, THERE IS NOT A PERSON ON EARTH WHO WOULD NOT BE PLEASED TO KNOW IF THEY ARE WRONG AND WHAT IS RIGHT IN REGARD TO ANY AND EVERY 100 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA VITAL PROBLEM. EVERY PERSON IS MAKING THE BEST THEY CAN EVEN OP THE WORST; FOR THE GREATEST RELATIVE PLEASURE IS SELECTIVE OF EVERY ACT, FROM THE STORE- HOUSE OF EXPERIENCE NOW MAINLY BAD. Now let's finish the discussion of LOVE from this basis, and see whether Nature robs its child of any glory : JUST A FEW ILLUSTRATIONS WILL SUFFICE. Could you knowingly, richly enjoy the company of another who does not enjoy yours, unless for some grim reason you enjoy even their paint Is there due sweetness in personal care of her chil- dren, when the mother hankers to be at "the club"? Yet, which did the choosing between the alternatives of home and social duties, the greater or lesser relative pleasure ? The above questions are asked for the purpose of testing your power to consciously reason accurately from a complication of causes to their confluent effect. In the science of logic when diverse relative ex- perience coalesce and may lead us astray, we need a definite understanding of Natural Law as rules in mathematics, with which to force a correct conclusion. It has taken thousands of years for the entire race to here and there trace and clearly understand some of the essential stable principle which in all due time will constitute our inerrant guide unto unity and perfection. In the meantime however, we have been compelled by the same force to chaotically enact conflicting and ever changing experimental personal opinions and com- munity laws as our temporary guide which are always incorrect, for Natural Law is at once Personal-Opinion- less, impartial, universal, eternal and inviolable. But remember that NATURAL EDICTS both kill and preserve: So beware ! The difference between the cause and effect of the two svstems both of course from the fountain of DEFINITION AND FUNCTION OF LOVE 101 Nature, may be aptly compared, for instance as in Galveston, the use of water in the construction and de- vastation of a city; or as in San Francisco, the use of fire in the building and destruction o a, $ity ;.- but raor,f: exactly and broadly to the point, is 'the : Use of man and education to the betterment or detriment o&sraP-pft^n: competition or co-operation; war ' or 'peace 7 suicrdal 1 or survival, etc., of which IGNORANCE and INTELLIGENCE are the terminological and phenomenal parting of the ways respectively WRONG AND RIGHT. Now then by applying the same line of questioning to no matter what thought or act, one will discover that for some obvious reason, the answer must ever be the same as in the following examples. In helping a friend or even a stranger from some predicament of distress, which would you consider the more exalting INCENTIVE, SENTIMENT, SWEETNESS, ETC. on your part or for the beneficiary to consider, that you did it in a spirit of PLEASURE OR PAIN? That it was A SACRIFICE OR PROFIT at heart to you? Should you rescue a drowning or burning person at great risk to self, would you want the one helped or the world to believe that the act was impelled by an ENNOBLING good, or iGNOBLiNG bad, impulse? An act of PLEASURE or PAIN? Self-Gratifying or Self-Galli- fying? Do you want your wife and children to consider that it is a JOY and PROFIT to do for them ; or a DRUDGERY and REPULSIVE or LOSS to do right and your duty? Should such a service ROB SELF? Do you wish to be considered duly proud of being honest and a general good citizen, or as ashamed of it? What's the incentive? Are you or should you be elated or dejected over being successful in any undertaking or generally in life ? How much genuine pleasure would any worthy 102 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA sweet-heart or wife get out of the attention of a man or vice versa, were that attention, etc., known to be rendered solely for themselves not reciprocally en- joyed, all self-denial or sacrifice on the part of either? Why do you ^xact "appreciation" of the beneficiary and. others : for rendering assistance, unless you duly i'eel- that remunerative exaltation is your due? Is the Natural Law of "Self-Compensation a fakeT Do we serve or contribute to those we like ENJOY, unless the benefit they ENJOY reflects JOY ON SELF? Or, contribute in thought or deed to those we hate REPUL- SIVE, except in ENJOYMENT of affording them pain? Which is the sweetest to SELF TO HELP OB REVENGE? Will other than IGNORANCE accuse NATURE of having op- posing or changing edicts? Do we "LOVE" or DO FOR OUR MOTHER, unless for some or many reasons, SHE or THE ACT reflects pleasure on SELF ? Would you want Mother to believe otherwise ? Is not THE GREATEST RELATIVE PLEASURE the line of least resistance in "choosing" between alternatives, and, therefore, AUTOMATIC? Should doing good be considered a sacrifice? And do we not always in some way seek "benefit" from wrong doing? Try to point out where DOING RIGHT broadly pro- moting life, could be correctly considered IGNOBLE OR A LOSS except in terms of the false standard MONEY: Or, where DOING WRONG conducive of death, can be properly classed as NOBLE other than from the same corrupting influence. Nor, aside from burning hundreds of thousands at the stake and threatening everybody with the torture of hell, etc. FOR THE GLORY OF GOD AND POWER which the big G. AND G. CO. confer, support and control, does any injury to fellow-beings reflect glory on the doer, unless the mind is depraved from conditions directly traceable to the twin-peaks of misery and death. DEFINITION AND FUNCTION OF LOVE 103 in their treacherous and rocky world-wide range. CRUSH THE INTER-LINKED HELLISH ERRORS, BUT SAVE THE BLAMELESS PEOPLE. Indeed, try as you may leaving the dual despoil- ers of TRUE NOBILITY aside, and you will learn that no worthy INCENTIVE, SENTIMENT, SWEETNESS, ETC. ; no sane MOTIVE for any act other than is encompassed by SELF- ESTEEM, can be found. Even, indeed, by allowing the VULTURE PIRATES to do their worst which is hideous beyond the power of words to depict, SELF-SATISFACTION the monarch of our nature, ever true as gravity to which its " ATTRAC- TION" is analogous, cannot be dethroned. This precisely in accord with the all-embracing Cosmic Principle of Cause and Effect, logically declares that MAN is IRRESPONSIBLE; against which there never has been nor will be an iota of contradictory FACT; no other principle being or can be more thoroughly estab- lished. Indeed, THE IRRESPONSIBILITY OF MAN is now so absolutely proven, that any attempt to hereafter other- wise treat any member of the human race, should be sternly considered as no less than MURDEROUS IGNORANCE. In other words vicious INSANITY. We may now RIGHTLY ASSERT THAT ALL WRONG DO- ING OR SO-CALLED CRIMINAL DEEDS ARE THE RESULT OF CORRESPONDING INIMICAL INFLUENCE TO WHICH THE VIC- TIMS HAVE BEEN SUBJECTED ; and that the correct remedy is, TO HELP THE UNFORTUNATES BY A GREATLY IMPROVED SYSTEM OF KINDLY TREATMENT AND TRAINING, THAN IS NOW ACCORDED THEIR FELLOW INSANE Confining them when necessary; while broadly extending the same cor- rective treatment to the general social influence causing such a grievous effect. CAN ANYONE BE RIGHTLY BLAMED FOR OBEYING THE LAW OF THEIR BEING ? The same facts brand every person who dares threaten another with HELL, as an unfit teacher, if not 104 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA dangerous to be at large ; and would transfer HEAVEN TO EARTH where it belongs. And too, SUCH WOULD EXTEND THE AVERAGE LENGTH OP HUMAN LIFE MANY, MANY FOLDS WITH EVERY MINUTE THEREOF CORRESPONDINGLY AUG- MENTED IN VITAL PLEASURE FOR EACH AND ALL ALIKE. Indeed, THE WILL OF LOVE is mankind's supreme discov- ery TIMELY. Even such is but a slight hint of the good that WILL ACCRUE PROM CORRECTLY UNDERSTANDING AND GUIDING LOVE; which cannot be otherwise done, for PROGRESS is BASED ON TRUTH NOT ERROR. These irrefutable basic facts, rightly exact governmental attention. Now my cringing friend, you may have what's left in way of INCENTIVE, SENTIMENT, SWEETNESS, ETC., in the Deadly Phantom of ALTRUISM, SACRIFICE OR SELF-DENIAL. Thus at last, it is clearly and positively shown that SELF is the real GOD, whom every person ever has and always must worship and exalt to the utmost of their ability; and that none can have any other god. Interdependence, however, exacts UNIVERSAL BROTHER- HOOD OP GODS. "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there! for, behold, THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU" St. Lllke -17:21. "MAN KNOW THYSELF." PSYCHO-PHYSICAL NATURE IS SIMPLE AND VOID OF MYSTERY. Things or Beings vs. Cosmos or Non-Thing WHAT ELECTRICITY IS NOT Cringing at Facts and Clinging to Fallacy. CHAPTER VII 9 PAGES When occult or hard to understand, rest assured regardless of problem being considered, that the theory or process if not both, is wrong; for when correctly dealt with, no phase of ACTIO-MATERIA CAUSE AND EFFECT is at all difficult for any normal person to fully and clearly recognize. Of course, it is impossible for anyone to "find" what does not exist or understand an error though earnestly espoused, except as IMAGED by the deranged brain-s; while that which is may always be easily seen or grasped when duly pointed out. Yet, strange is it not even if the facts are plain and simple as the nose on one's face as they generally are, the majority of people persistently avoid the easy to see, and dogmatically coddle the weird of fancy. And too, they are mainly of the class who heedlessly read "Let us reason together," thus, "prove all things and hold fast to that which is good"; then, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free," etc. In- deed, while these basic admonitions are widely ignored, they pointedly give real salvation advice; for nothing could pay better than to unbiasedly reason together, that we may learn and abide by THE TRUTH. Lamentably, however, few there are who enter into discussions for the purpose, mainly, of LEARNING instead TEACHING; a great majority being ashamed to change their BORROWED OPINION the primal cause of DOMINANT IGNORANCE: Yet, while 'tis always profitable to TEACH, 106 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA IT ENRICHES SELF FAR MORE TO LEARN, FACTS ; f Orget HOF neglect not this "hint," for every reader's capacity for tolerance, fair-play and progress will be thoroughly tested by this UNBIASED TRUTH SEEKING WORK. In the process of developing from pristine ignor- ance to the present state of semi-intelligence, the race has gradually changed its ideas on many basic problems : Such as, prior to Magellan 1522, the earth was gen- erally believed to be flat: Prior to Ilarvey 1628, spirit instead of blood was supposed to flow in our arteries and veins : Prior to Drs. Rush and Peniel about 1795, it was sternly affirmed that the "queer" were possessed of demons instead of being insane a notion that is still quite prevalent with only the name variously disguised : Prior to Copernicus 1543, all believed in the "geo- centric theory" the earth to be "CENTRAL" and prac- tically all of Nature. Even not long ago TOMATOES were considered poisonous, etc., etc. every notable advance- ment having been viciously opposed by superstition, "stand-patters," ethics and interests. Yet, now basically speaking, the process of Nature is scatteringly, quite fully understood by broad and unbiased students, though scarcely scratched by the gen- eral public; a great majority still being savage "knock- ers" of every "new-fangled idea" especially when affecting their personal religion, politics, pocket, custom, etc., OFTEN REGARDLESS OF SELF-EVIDENT PARAMOUNT ERAL INTEREST; even thoughtless of murderous and suicidal consequence of clinging to dogmas. A great many having been trained to "beware of false prophets," refuse to listen, or read progressive writ- ings ; and if perchance a new field is occasionally entered, it is with great caution and a set determination of dis- avowal : THE PERSONAL AND GENERAL INJURY FROM SUCH CANNOT BE OVER-ESTIMATED, for the standard of its measurement is entirely in terms of quality and quan- tity of pleasure and life to one and all. MENTALITY implies THINKING, which in turn indi- cates ENQUIRY to ACQUIRE or GROW; and its source is PSYCHO-PHYSICAL: ELECTRICITY 107 ever from WITHOUT, effected by the impingement or in- fluence of environment near and remote. This extrin- sic cause of beings' SENSATION MENTALITY OR PEELING, is always INDELIBLE while the entity obtains; that is, makes lasting " impressions " or changes in the arrange- ment if not volume, of constituent parts a STORAGE process: Hence, its confluent association with the IM- MEDIATE stimuli that brings it into function, accounts for PERCEPTION and MEMORY, REASONING, etc. EVER AN EXACT COMPOUND REFLEX OP ONE'S RELATIVE EXPERIENCE from the instant of conception to and including the incident of THINKING or DOING, whether for weal or woe INTELLIGENT OR IGNORANT. Thus we plainly see that the mentality, reason, sen- sation, or FEELING of a creature, is not AUTOMATIC but in the final, IMPELLED from without, precisely in obedience to THE NATURAL PRINCIPLE OP CAUSE AND EFFECT under the subsidiary Law of Survival of the Fittest struggling for existence; the process being completely explained by The Universally Personal Nat- ural Law, *The Greatest Degree of Pleasure Attainable With the Combined Relative Experience in Action, is at All Times Precisely Expressed by Each Individual * Nature's Books Ever Being Accurately Balanced to Date.* Each of the immediately above concisely explained so-called PSYCHIC functions really nothing but the finer specific organic doings of ACTIO-MATERIA, are peculiar solely to THINGS OR BEINGS; none being an attribute of COSMOS as such, which having no outside or impinging forces, being an ETERNALLY EXISTING AUTOMOBILE from inherent MATERIA-ENERGY, 'tis though a seeming anom- aly, OMNISCIENT Or SENSELESS and REASONLESS MINDLESS : That is while possessed of " all "-power, cannot acquire or expire grow and decay. Even as 'tis elsewhere clearly shown, when an entity arrives at OMNISCIENT as every Human race finally does, it becomes COSMIC, common or homogeneous, THOUGHTLESS AND EXTINCT as a specific quantity or quality. 108 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA SELFISHNESS, ever warringly oppose each THING or BEING generally fighting for survival, against all others; thus while continually destroying one-another, the process spells LIFE instead of death to COSMOS ; which in turn being unopposed, is not as with constituent parts, subject to The Law impelling when ignorant of co-operative benefits, the contest for SELF-PRESERVATION. THE WEIGHT OF ANY-THING at first one-sidedly de- fined, is its " specific gravity" as the The Earth's influ- ence of attraction. WEIGHT merely another name for GRAVITY, however, implies mutual affinity of two or more creatures, always regardless of intervening space, pre- cisely according to the Newtonian Law, " Every body attracts every other body in proportion to their mass, in- versely to the square of their distance apart" its power never otherwise fluctuating or being overcome. Hence, as THINGS or BEINGS, entities, bodies, creatures or what- not regardless of size, shape, place or function calling them what you like, are each an integral factor of UNI- VERSE or COSMOS: Infinity having no surface or outside no further space, substance or such being possible, there can be nothing else near or remote, to attract "it"; therefore, "The" Universe must be void of GRAV- ITY or WEIGHT precisely THE REVERSE OF ENTITIES. In the final analysis there being no "all," COSMOS is not AN ENTITY; the positive article "THE" "The" Universe, "The" Cosmos, "The" World, etc. as with the pronoun "IT" or such, are, therefore, always figur- atively used. COSMOS being limitless in time and space sizeless, shapeless, weightless, growthless, wasteless. etc., is "a" NON-ENTITY always different from "its" ever changing component parts, regardless of their di- mensions, conditions or attributes. The foregoing will it is hoped, amply suffice as a firm basis upon which to understandingly but concisely and pointedly extend the antithetical comparison be- tween PSYCHO-PHYSICAL: ELECTRICITY 109 THINGS or BEINGS and COSMOS or NON-ENTITY RELATIVE AND COMPARATIVE Have Beginning and Ending Sensation reaction to stim- uli Form and Dimensions " Individual Life and Death " Weight subject to gravity Center and Circumference Desire, Purpose and Destiny Heaven and Hell pleasure and pain Can Lose or Gain Think learn, acquire or grow " Be divided Are Ephemeral decay and die " Dependent on Environment " Finite "comparatively" a mote " Ignorant learnable " Reasonable reaction of ex- perience " Free-Will-less subjected " Subject to Cause and Effect " Right or Wrong growing or decaying " Maintained by the Will of Love Self is God regarding none other ABSOLUTE AND INCOMPARABLE Beginningless and Endless Void of Stimuli and Sensation Formless and Dimensionless Eternal Vital Non-Entity Wanting in Gravity or Weight All-less no cent, or circum. Entirely free from such Pleasureless, Painless perfect Cannot Lose or Gain Thoughtless or Growthless Indivisible Eternal Life dis-ease-less "Independent" no environment Infinite limitless Omniscient un learnable Reasonless void of experience "Absolutely Free" unsubjected Never Caused or Effected Eternal Perfection Will- or Loveless eternal auto- mobile Selfless, Godless regardless of any LIVING without beginning or ending the quality of TIME, and everywhere present the quantity of SPACE, INFINITY never having any more or less power super-strength or weakness, could not INCREASE or DIMINISH just the reverse of FINITES. Verily, a thing or being any subordinate or ele- mental part of Nature, must ever be considered as of fact they inevitably function, precisely contrary to COSMOS, UNIVERSE OR WORLD. Beings are Ephemeral, Cosmos is Eternal. Things continually fluctuate, Cosmos is changeless. Entities are heterogeneous porous, con- tiguous, etc., Cosmos is homogeneous poreless or non- contiguous. Vital knowledge must conform to these mighty FACTS: Sneering disbelief is suicidal and change them 110 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA not. TRUTH, INDEED, IS STRANGER AND STRONGER THAN FICTION: THOUGH CRUSHED TO EARTH WILL RISE AGAIN FOR THE GOOD OF MAN. VERILY "The Mark of the Beast" is IGNORANCE o ELECTRICITY : Now lest some may surmise that we need to shy at any fundamental question, and as ELECTRICITY is one of the Gibraltars of mystery, we will give that boogabear just a few broad-side charges of un-common-sense ; merely for the fun of seeing another "inscrutable problem," easily solved. Of course, "it can't be done," but let's see. The trend of so-called science or camouflage philos- ophy is, to consider ELECTRICITY the basis of ALL or that unfindable, undefinable and unthinkable whatnot, of which everything or expression is composed. They glibly assure us that "ALL is ELECTRICITY" but when asked what that means ; after again declaring that it implies EVERYTHING they give up the ghost. We have found that the only condition of Nature that is not subject to gravity having no weight, is THE ETHER in its prime state ; That each THING or bound state of ether, attracts every other THING exactly proportionate to their mass inversely to the square of their distance apart. Hence, IN ORDER TO BE OTHER THAN PRIME ETHER ELECTRICITY MUST HAVE WEIGHT. Magnetism is said to be the cross-rays of electric action: Whether that explanation be correct or er- roneous, it here matters not; for anyhow it is close enough akin to the "stuff" of our enquiry to suffice as an introductory illustration. Now, suppose we have ONE charged steel magnet- just ONE that is "LOADED" or magnetized, and that we PSYCHO-PHYSICAL: ELECTRICITY 111 have a thousand or a million more no matter how many, all just like THE ONE except that they are not charged mere bars or "horseshoes" of steel. Now say that we weigh them separately The ONE by itself and the others all together, on the most deli- cately sensitive and accurate scale. Now then, by briskly rubbing the ONE charged magnet against each of the unloaded ones, we may by this process charge ALL with equal strength as THE ONE : Yet, we would find when finished, that the ONE not only retains its full magnetic strength and weighs no less, but that all the others weigh no more than before being thus charged. The ONE has lost nothing not even any magnet power, while the thousands of others though having gained no weight, have each acquired a strength of magnetism fully equal to THE ONE. Now what has happened 1 Why, it is simple enough to clearly see, that by rubbing the charged or "elec- tronically active" magnet against the others, the tc CON- TACT" inevitably transmitted its IONISTIC motion to the uncharged ones; which being of "permanent hard- ness" the particular rate and arrangement of action is retained. Hence, magnetism is merely a specific mode of chemical AFFINITY for its kind of the opposite, as male and female; or vice versa LOVE AND HATE; SE- LECTIVE : Being a very high rate in the final analysis, of ionistic motion NOT OF ITSELF AN ELEMENTAL SUB- STANCE. Then again for instance, we will take a new or un- charged automobile "cell," which when "electrified" will drive a machine a hundred miles; place it on an accurate scale and "fill 'er full of juice"; Yet when "charged to overflowing," it weighs exactly the same as before having been loaded. The same phenomena as in the magnet example has occurred ; the ELECTRIC IONISTIC MOTION created by the dynamo FRICTION, has been transmitted by the connect- ing particles of the wire to the storage cell, which takes on and retains a like motion in its constituent parts. 118 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA 4 ( 1 Non-conductive " materials simply cannot assume the ELECTRIC ionistic, atomistic and molecular movement, which they could if composed as 'tis widely believed all substance is, of ELECTRICITY: Which, the universally equal reciprocity of ETHER, exactly illustrates. The electrified wire carries no " juice," but the IONS, ATOMS AND MOLECULES "bunt" one another by a * * CUSHION ' ' MEDIUM OF ETHER, into a like infinitely rapid succession of actions. A " wireless" station say at Honolulu, by means of a strong BATTERY and the operator's ''fingering," sets up a tremendously intense intermittent electric motion in its "soft" projectal wires, and the constituent ions beat the permeating and surrounding ETHER into corre- sponding undulations JUST AS IN MENTAL AC- TION, causing etheric waves, which travel at the rate of LIGHT 186,324 miles a second; and when these vibra- tions come in contact with other wires "in tune" with the one sending them forth, they cause an exactly corre- sponding rate of action its IONS, ATOMS AND MOLECULES yet precisely less and less intense in proportion as the distance increases from the propellant station : Which not only explains the principle involved in wireless tele- graphy, but as we shall elsewhere more clearly see, is a prominent phase of UNIVERSAL TELEPATHY. There is nothing transmitted from one station to another hundreds of thousands of miles apart, for the "ETHERIC WAVES" are mere RESILIENT QUIVERS not a stream but SAME AS THE PHENOMENA OF LIGHT, or in principle the same as the vibrations carried by a log, when struck by an ax. Every motion is A DEGREE OF HEAT, of which the electric action is no exception: Electricity is heat but heat need not be of the electric class. Electricity, therefore, being merely a specific grade of basic motion, "may be found any place top of a mountain or bottom of the sea," wherever its rate is caused or "picked up," as the result of corresponding FRICTION or REQUISITE CHEMISTRY but not otherwise; PSYCHO-PHYSICAL: ELECTRICITY 113 for it is not of itself a NATURAL substance BUT AN IN- DUCED SPECIFIC RATE OF ACTIO-MATERIA Same as light, heat, mentality, sound, etc. ; and like all such kindred phenomena, has various modes or degrees of power : 'Tis a phase of activity to which a large section, but by no means all matter can conform except in slight degree : In the final, however, Mother Nature is ever more or less reciprocal "throughout" its infinity of degrees, time and space of relative things or beings. However, were a copper wire electrified that is, its ionistic parts set in electric motion; has the wire ceased to be copper and become a body of electricity? Does electricity as such, cast any spectrum rays? Is there any particle of bound ether that may be properly called electricity? Is not the word "electron" mean- ing a basic unit of matter, a misnomer and misleading? THINK IT OVER if necessary. This short article is inserted, mainly, to not only clearly show that Nature when understood, is ever the climax of simplicity, but as a strong factor in prov- ing that the premise of this work is flawless in the broadest possible sense. Several able electricians have carefully read this concise definition of electricity, and without an excep- tion, have pronounced it a complete solution of the per- plexing problem as to what electricity is, and what it is not precisely the same in principle as MIND, SPIRIT, LIFE, etc. Indeed as shown by many illustrations in this work, the explanation is not only in perfect harmony with PSYCHO-PHYSICAL PHENOMENA, but no fact has ever been produced, even tending to disprove it; hence, no grounds for dispute. IP THIS DEFINITION IS NOT TRUE, WE HAVE NO SCIENCE. COULD ANY CRITICISM OF MAN'S IGNORANCE OR WRONG DOING BE MORE PRONOUNCED THAN THE THREAT OF HELL? IS THAT SEVERELY KIND? TELEPATHY SUGGESTION CAUSE AND EFFECT ESTABLISHING THE INTERDEPENDENCE OP MANKIND PARAMOUNT This division is here greatly abridged, but it is believed that sufficient evidence is presented to convince any thought- ful person, that every claim made is literally true. In my larger work near one hundred pages are devoted to tracing the INTERDEPENDENCE OF HUMAN BE IN OS from recip- rocal IONS to the inevitable interchange of every thought, word, act and condition of the race WITHOUT AN OCCULT IDEA OR MISSING FACT. Note carefully, however, the much pointed evidence besides this chapter having a direct bear- ing on the subject elsewhere recorded CHAPTER VIII 20 PAGES The Sea That Floods or Ebbs The Tide of Our Life. TELEPATHY-SUGGESTION essential to COR- RECTLY understand, like LOVE AND THE WILL are one and the same ; yet, by generally being treated separately and greatly restricted in scope, each are shorn of their mighty importance and, therefore, considered of slight consequence or the whim of cranks : NEITHER UNITEDLY UNDERSTOOD NOR SEPARATELY UNITED. The fact is, however, they constitute THE MEDIUM OP EQUILIBRIUM OR NATURAL SOCIALISM precisely synonymous in relation, scope and influence to CAUSE AND EFFECT, of which they are not merely factors, but THE ALL-ENCOMPASSING SAME WITH ANOTHER NAME: Hence, OMNIPOTENT. In treating them separately, it is like dealing with MATTER and ENERGY as independent of one another, instead of ACTIO-MATERIA : Or SPIRIT, MIND, LIFE, ETC., as being basically different, in place of each TELEPATHY OR CAUSE AND EFFECT 115 fully constituting the other PHASES OF MATTER IN ACTION. Therefore, as the meaning of TELEPATHY is generally understood as "FEELING AND CONFORMING TO THE DIS- TANT," and as that is exactly THE FACT essential to clearly bring out, we will "let'er go it alone" for 'tis necessary here to be concise. Owing to being composed of inherent MATERIA- ENERGY admitting of no loss or gain, COSMOS is AN ETERNAL AUTOMOBILE; and as we shall see, NO FACTOR IS INDEPENDENT OF ANOTHER. For instance: The Law of Gravity "Every Body regardless of size or where, exerts its influence on all others in proportion to their mass, inversely to the square of distance apart," NOT ONLY PRECISELY IL- LUSTRATES BUT CONSTITUTES A TRUE FACTOR OF TELEPATHY. COSMOS harmonious reciprocal world, is entirely composed of THE UBIQUITOUS ETHER, which in its prime or homogeneous state, is the medium of light, electric, MENTAL and other VIBRATIONS, and which resiliency like quivers in gelatin, traverse SPACE extension of mat- terAbound and free," at the rate of over 186,300 miles a second more than 7% times around the earth, ever conveying an equilibrial and moulding influence TELEPATHY. By use of prisms we dissect the slightest STAR-RAY thousands of "light-years" astray, and accurately learn of what the extremely remote SUNS are composed TELEPATHY. A receiving station of wireless telegraph by the same medium etheric waves, FEELS ITS DISTANT RELA- TIVE and faithfully records or conforms to its message TELEPATHY. HUMAN BEINGS ever of the same nervous mechan- ism and precisely attuned akin to electric batteries, 116 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA and TELEPATHICALLY speaking, range in distance from "within each other's AURA," to a trifle over 1/15 of a second apart averaging 1/30, about the same in time per the ETHERIC medium of transmission, as THE CELLS IN ONE'S FOOT ARE SEPARATE FROM THOSE IN THE HAND, by their NERVE connection nerves being a far inferior process of communication. Hence, owing to this finally, ALL-EMBRACING ETHERIC MEDIUM OF UNITING, THE HUMAN RACE COnsti- tutes fully as intimately associated body as do THE CELLS OF A PERSON ; and there is no possible bar to the SOCIAL- ISTIC RELATION; for each THING OR BEING are composed of, permeated between the elements of organizations, and connected by THE SLEEPLESS, IMPARTIAL AND RE- LENTLESS "PARENTAL" SUBSTANCE. TELEPATHY is more clearly recognized, however, by its effect through OUR COARSER SENSES OF FEELING hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, etc. : All of which being at once reflected and racially distributed in the manner above concisely explained. Each sensation ever being consciously or sub-consciously recorded by an ex- tension of change in the nervous association into IN- DELIBLE IMAGES sort of storage and reflex-acting bat- tery, precisely corresponding to the building experience ; which you should note, accurately accounts for MEMORY. These oft recurring combinations of RE-ACTIONS which we call MIND, MENTALITY, THOUGHT OR REASON, are wholly the product of EXPERIENCE OR TELEPATHY the feeling or conforming and reflecting THE DISTANT: Of which influence always individually different, by far the greater or delicate part is ever recorded and re- flected SUB-CONSCIOUSLY; so that nearly all of such is CONSCIOUSLY UNRECOGNIZED except in general PSYCHO- PHYSICAL CONDITION, creative of precisely corresponding diverse PERSONALITIES for weal or woe : The combina- tion, therefore, often resulting in strange mentality TELEPATHY OR CAUSE AND EFFECT 117 seemingly independent of experience; hence, widely but erroneously believed to be INTUITION Angelic or Deific Intervention, etc. Thus in a single paragraph it is quite clearly and indubitably shown that we RECIPROCALLY "live and move and have our being" in harmony with the WITH- OUT infinite in extent; COMPOSED, MAINTAINED AND DE- STROYED SOLELY THEREBY: And that the all-important factor of the "HOME ENVIRONMENT" is composed of FELLOW BEINGS having precisely the same basic or neuro-chemical organisms. Ever being far more per- fectly connected or co-operative and INTERDEPENDENT than a "Battery of Ley den Jars." So that we are con- stantly and inseparably, CONFLUENTLY INTERLINKED by an intricate medium of FEELING AND CONFORMING TO NEAR AND REMOTE JOYS, SORROWS, HEALTH, SICKNESS and whatnot, of a WORLD OF FELLOWS now mostly war- ring in some way UNTO UNTIMELY DEATH. Thus we catch merely a glimpse of NATURE'S RE- LENTLESS AND PITILESS ENFORCEMENT OF UNITY FOR WEAL OR FOR WOE selfishly so considered by MAN, struggling for LIFE; the result being indifferent to COSMOS which can neither lose or gain from its ceaseless harmony of factional discord. Indeed, except by the "in GOD we trust" for PER- SONAL salvation, it has for a long time been recognized that man is a product and subject of environment; but strange is it not, THE ABSOLUTE INTERDEPENDENCE OF PEOPLE has never heretofore been clearly shown; and will still be fought by "SELF-RELIANT" braves, as though factors of nature could in the slightest be FREE AND IN- DEPENDENT OF CAUSE AND EFFECT NEAR AND REMOTE. Such, however, is inevitably the product of dense IGNO- RANT SELFISHNESS the blameless green fruit that with due care may be enriched unto ripening though now unwittingly suiciding. 118 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA It is elsewhere clearly explained that, THERE ARE ONLY TWO CAUSES FOR DEATH ; DISCORD during the neces- sary time for growth, and MATURITY which would ac- crue only when man attains OMNISCIENCE. THEN there being nothing more to learn or mentally ACQUIRE no further possible growth essential to life, man would die regretless, painless and natural as the falling of leaves in autumn; REQUIRING HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF BLISSFUL UNITY a happy and vital degree of DISCORD. Such is human possibility, and as NATURE MAKES NO MISTAKE, will be the destiny of mankind as the ripened, harvest and finish of an earthly evolutionary crop. Then, again, again and again, eternally EVERYWHERE. PERFECT HARMONY OR QUIET WOULD BE A STATE OF ABSO- LUTE ZERO the extinction of actio-materia or COSMIC LIFE; hence, impossible UNTHINKABLE EVEN LOCALLY. The sole chance for PERSONAL FAVOR, rests wholly in the varying difference of each one 's totality of LOCAL en- vironmental influence accruing from the instant of con- ception to the time or incident that may be in consider- ation, which is often sufficiently variant and powerful to make a vast difference in conditions, methods, personali- ties and length of life under prevalent conditions. Immediate personal experience affects SELF vastly more than all others combined; for while every experi- ence is at once fully and indelibly recorded and entirely reflected to the outer world effecting all others with a true likeness thereof in proportion to their distance away much as sound decreases as the distance from the center of action increases; yet, by far the greater part of it radiating personal experience, is ever "lost" in space. Were it not for the decrease as distance apart increase, and the "loss" in space: THE COMBINED WORLD- WIDE MENTAL FORCE WOULD KILL EVERY PERSON ON EARTH IN A SECOND GRIND THEM TO DUST. TELEPATHY OR CAUSE AND EFFECT 119 And yet, while immediate personal experience af- fects SELF vastly more than all others combined when reflected, ALL OTHERS COMBINED AGGREGATING A MUL- TIPLE COMPOUND OP OVER 1,600,000,000 influences ceaselessly at work, all of an insidious sub-conscious na- ture, affects EACH SELF on an average for weal or woe, MANY TIMES MORE THAN DOES IMMEDIATE OR LOCAL influ- ence. THE LONG LIVED " FIRST GENERATIONS" SPOKEN OF IN THE BIBLE, WERE LARGELY EXEMPTED FROM SUCH. Now try and think of THE WORLD OF PEOPLE each one at war with most of others on practically every line of thought and coarser action religion, politics, busi- ness, family, personal fads, worry, distress, disease, etc. ; COMPETITIVE STRIFE of the most vicious character, in every conceivable way unto world-wide sanguinary war, churning our environment into an unthinkably mad condition WHAT DO YOU THINK THE RESULT MUST BE? LENGTH OF LIFE DECREASE AS PEOPLE AND DISCORD INCREASE. WHY, were it not for the great improvement in some ways such as sanitation, quality of food, increase of general enlightenment, etc., the deadly force would now-a-days slay most people in the cradle; as, indeed, IT DOES DIG A GRAVE FOR EVERY PERSON IN YOUTH COM- PARED WITH THE POSSIBLE AVERAGE LENGTH OF LIFE. As to this, there is not one FACT TO DISPUTE. And too, EVERY INIMICAL INFLUENCE COULD BE ENTIRELY AND QUICKLY CORRECTED were it promptly and earnestly undertaken along the line suggested by this work THE ONLY POS- SIBLE WAY. There is not the slightest doubt but what every pulse throb of world-wide mankind is instantly em- bodied in each person's RECORD OF HUMAN EVENTS FOR LIFE OR DEATH, thus maintaining a reasonably close gen- eral equilibrium when taking into account the average length of life and variance of local environments. The 120 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA difference of personal experience in times of due har- mony, would cause only a fractional variation when compared with the greatly extended average length of human life; practically none when proportionately com- pared with the great difference in variations of today. The basic process is the effecting of IONISTIC EQUILIBRIUM the units of objective nature, per the connecting medium of their mother element; but as in the final they constitute "all" objectivity, COSMOS harmonious world, is thus eternally regulated EQUILIBRIALLY. We are constantly blessed by this at once very simple and wonderful basic phenomena. LIGHT AND HEAT is caused by the seething IONS beating THE ETHER in which they are ever snugly submerged, into LUMINIFEROUS light, and ACTINIC heat, rays; which come to us from the SUN in about eight and one-third minutes. It takes the nearest other star about four years to send us a message, and others many hundred folds of that time ; but they never cease to come just the same: PHASES OP COSMIC TELEPATHY CEASELESS INTER- CHANGE OF CONDITIONS. THE HEAT OR MENTAL VIBRATIONS OF A PERSON IS INTENSE, we can distinctly feel them when close to one another; which is caused precisely the same as in the sun and stars. The constituent IONS of our seething body beating upon the permeating ether, ever send their reciprocal message to the outside world even unto the sun and stars, and ESPECIALLY TO EACH OF THEIR OWN KIN. Don 't you believe it f Well, whether you do or not it is literally true just the same ; and there is never a slight in this CEASELESS AND HONEST NATURAL SOCIABIL- ITY OF HUMAN BEINGS SNOBBERY BEING CONFINED SOLELY TO IGNORANCE WHICH ISN'T EVEN SKIN DEEP, EXCEPT IN THE CHURCH WHERE IT SEEMS TO BE DYED IN "THE SOUL" THAT DON'T EXIST. REMEMBER THAT RADIATING TELEPATHY OR CAUSE AND EFFECT 121 HEAT OF OUR BODY IS MENTAL WAVES, and that "THE AURA" is the large near-by WAVES OR VIBRATIONS. Of course, were the gauntlet of facts involved of which there are literally no limit, recorded by volumes, still many who know practically nothing of the subject though they may be publicly teaching it, would pick up a point here and there precisely of the same prin- ciple, that is not specifically dealt with, and point it out as "THE DEFECTIVE LINK"; which is the case in regard to all such problems and people. No subject has been more abused than TELEPATHY mainly by teachers who claim to know all about it. They generally have all sorts of THEORIES, but practically no facts. They tell us often for a snug fee, that TELE- PATHY may be sent direct from one person to another independent of all the rest, and that it RETAINS ITS FULL FORCE REGARDLESS OF DISTANCE; that "when in-tune or rapport," people may and often do consciously TELE- PATHICALLY CONVERSE; even very accurately diagnose and treat disease regardless of distance, of which they otherwise know nothing, etc., solely by their "SPIRITUAL GIFT OF TELEPATHY" often disguised as INTUITION, of which duplicity there is no limit. Some cults and many people teach and practice REVENGE AND EXECRATION UNTO EXECUTION they hope, by means of what is called "MALICIOUS ANIMAL MAG- NETISM," ETC. telepathically administered: It is said that Mrs. Stetson of New York worked the game on "Mother-Eddy" and got ex-communicated for it ? Of course all such is mere "moon-shine" of hazy night. Telepathic force in the sense of "MIND TRANS- FERENCE," always decreases in potency as the distance increases, precisely at the same ratio as does light and heat its sister phenomena; exactly in principle as does gravity; or like sound and water waves: Just as does electric vibrations. 122 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Near-by people especially children mainly from the mentality of parents when close or within their "AURA," often being CONSCIOUSLY affected ; those at a dis- tance being affected less, less and less as they are farther away. Yet, none are ever slighted and no favoritism shown: The phenomena is illustrated by "WEIGHT" under CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY. PERSONAL TREATMENT, therefore independent of others, is nonsense except that some generous "guy" often pays the bill in dollars, while all the rest get a dose just the same. The only difference is, if "the guy" knows that a certain "psychic pill" is coming and SORELY wants it, he will do the job himself, that is manufacture or IMAGE and "swallow his own pill" that is seldom sent except in way of dun-bill; which, however, is generally paid with praise of "psyche-doc" FOR A CURE EFFECTED ENTIRELY BY SELF. In Other words, "the DISTANT patient BELIEVES they are being CURINGLY treated; thus, constructively think or IMAGE himself or herself WELL, is always the case if effected at all as by "presto-change" they often are. For, not only "as a man thinketh at heart so is he" is a nat- ural law, but ' ' distance lends enchantment ' ' for the req- uisite CURATIVE FAITH: HEALING SELF BY ASSUMING AND MAINTAINING A "HEALTHFUL" PSYCHO-PHYSICAL AT- TITUDE : LIVING ONE 'S EARNEST DESIRE. Some will say that TELEPATHY has practically noth- ing to do with such and many other cases of "HEALING" ; that they are properly classed under the caption of SUG- GESTION. Yet, is not SUGGESTION an influence from THE DISTANCE to which the recipient CONFORMS, merely a name for another section of the same general phe- nomena ? However in the last analysis, does or can anyone CURE SELF? If they can, then FREE WILL is true. So, let's see. TELEPATHY OR CAUSE AND EFFECT 123 Does a child at time of birth know how to cure itself if sick, or about anything else? Don't they have to learn by experiencing INFLUENCES FROM WITHOUT ? Why, even early nursing is accurately traced to chemical af- finity as is ever the case with hunger or inclination to eat ; which, however, is a phase of mentality so we must go still further. But alas, are not the constituent parts of a child or grown person entirely assembled from EN- VIRONMENT ? Hence, it is self-evident that every whit of our PSYCHO-PHYSICAL being is not only a product of, but at all times subject to the WITHOUT even REASON being nothing but the reflex of COMPOUND EXPERIENCE. And to entirely cut off environment would almost instantly kill any person. So that, SELF is of SELF absolutely help- It is literally a fact that, WE CAN LEARN OF OTHERS BUT NOT OF SELF ; hence, MUST LEARN HOW TO CURE SELF if accomplished at all, of ENVIRONMENT. Which alas, is the one all-encompassing problem as yet unsolved by any or all though ever singly and variously studied ; resulting solely in now having merely thousands and thousands of THEORIES. Every person having learned a different lesson, has A THEORY of doctoring or healing call it what you like, cherished as THEIR OWN; which though entirely acquired, we are each ever changing in compound by addition and inter-changing. The fact is, even if one knows "THE SECRET'' of how to live A PERFECT LIFE, it could not be alone accom- plished ; for we have seen that Nature insists on a reason- ably close world-wide equilibrium; that "none may live or die by self alone," but "one for all and all for one" ; that none may enjoy a full portion of pleasure and life, until ALL DO. And too, whine and squirm as we may NATURE WILL BE DONE. The reader may now begin to realize that if one 134 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA desires to live, the basic duty is to lend a helping hand in perfecting environment mainly fellow beings, the source of individual life ; for exactly in proportion as we are helpful to others, are any GOOD TO SELF. Hence, The Goldless Rule IT is TO THE WELFARE OF SELF, TO TREAT ATJ; OTHERS WITH HEALTHFUL CARE, should not Only quickly become a world-wide basic TRUISM, but as broadly exemplified. Which would be the result, if duly taught and corresponding opportunity afforded to live accordingly FOR ALL CRAVE HEALTHFUL LIFE MORE ABUNDANT. This is very simple, yet TEACH MAN THE TRUTH is The Panacea, and there is no other. These FOUR WORDS completely and inerrantly point out the sole process by which every person may quickly learn and do that which no one to date ever has or can alone learn and do ; that is ALL AT ONCE LEARN BY LIVING A COMPLETE LIFE : Then, Man Would Have and Do What is Best for Him LIFE. We have seen that the entire human race has ever been trying, but has failed to learn HOW TO CURE DISEASE there now being millions of THEORIES, and it is certain that should the present system of study be extended a million years longer, it could not be learned; because THE PROPER PROCESS IS TO PREVENT DISEASE HAVE NONE TO CURE: DOCTOR-LESS. Sickness is a degree of death a coupon from life. Teach every person the desirability and how to keep well affording them due opportunity to live it, and none would get sick THE PLEASURE OF LIFE would pre- vent it. In harmony with teachings and practice in general, PSYCHO-PHYSICAL CONDITION or the problem of health, is now pinched to a consideration of SELF from the belief of being INDEPENDENT; except that many have learned to keep out of the same room occupied by some phases of sickness. Born of SAVING ONE SOUL AT A TIME the uicidal doctrine. TELEPATHY OR CAUSE AND EFFECT 125 No one now-a-days pays any serious attention to the sick and much other generally injurious distress of their neighbors; much less of THE WORLD OF FELLOW BEINGS, ALL IN A GRIEVOUS STATE. Each believe themselves ex- empted, though at all times THEY each without an ex- ception, are sick as a result thereof unto the brink of a grave; for 'tis now impossible to find a completely healthy person on earth. The "physical giant" will deny this, yet his puny wife is frequently left a widow; the same is true of "mental giants," for health is spelled PSYCHO- PHYSICAL EQUILIBRIUM, and born of A WORLD-WIDE HAR- MONIOUS ENVIRONMENT as yet unknown. A completely healthy person is precisely what most people worship as GOD; as indeed, SUCH A MIGHTY BEING would be consid- ered by most of his fellows, could one be found AS, VERILY, WOULD BE THE FACT. When THE FINAL ERA gets in full swing, THERE WILL NOT BE A DOCTOR ON EARTH; for each will be taught NOTHING ELSE BUT HOW TO MAINTAIN PERFECT GROWTH UNTO MATURITY when man will die from COMPLETED instead of DEPLETED strength. "A GREAT DREAM THIS," which were it found in The Bible, would be dubbed PROPHESY. It is neither, however, but merely perfectly logical deduction FROM KNOWN RELATIVE FACTS INEVITABLE. The Bible llOW- ever, tells us that Death is the last enemy that will be overcome. And yet, many will fearfully shy at the "no- doctor" idea and affairs; ignoring the fact that every person would then not only be a far superior "doctor" to any now alive, but vitally interested in keeping their fellows in PERFECT CONDITION with SELF-CONSIDERATION as an ample fee and guarantee of rendering faithful service in the very rare "accidental" cases. Scarcely a tooth could become impaired, but those that might, would be immediately repaired BY GOLD-LESS DENTISTS. 126 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Supplanting the universal disease of lucre, with a uni- form wealth of health. Yes, indeed, when duly scrutinized, we find that TELEPATHY feeling and reflecting the distant, is naught but a trunk study of CAUSE AND EFFECT as related to the HUMAN BEING; which means ITS ENTIRETY for man is a microcosm or minute universe limited solely to the complete range of cosmic processes. Not a fact can be produced that in the final contradicts this, and every human seed is potentially capable thereof; though up to date each have been greatly shorn of victory by vary- ing degrees of DISCORD, the slayer of youth. But man is a conqueror and will yet overcome his enemy, pre- cisely as The Bible predicts: Which records of several early generations as having lived an average of near 900 years. Many will declare this is not true; at least, for instance, that pre-historic man could not have accom- plished the like: Yet, generally they are the ones who point out The Bible as ' ' the greatest work ' ' ; WHICH is A FACT though much of it was written by PRE-HISTORIC MAN. Verily! The Bible when understood, is won- derful ! ! Now DREADFUL ! ! ! It is generally believed that we have "FIVE SENSES," while of fact there is but ONE FEELING OR REFLEX ACTION, which fully accounts for every psycho-physical function. Were the SPECIFIC SENSES ENUMERATED see- ing, hearing, smelling, tasting or FEELING, would have to be extended to each of the MILLIONS of peripheral cells ; for each one has its distinctive work to do which none other can perform. Yet, each cell does its bit in sensing, associating and reflecting its distinctive portion of the outside world directly and indirectly near and re- mote: SUCH BEING OUR AMPLE TOOLS: Each person hav- ing precisely attuned receiving and sending "CELLS": The coarser SENSES being adapted to recording local influences. TELEPATHY OR CAUSE AND EFFECT 127 We now-a-days hear some one say practically every hour "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE WHAT OTHERS THINK " on any subject; just as though merely the thinking of people regardless of nature or number, is of no consequence to one-another ; though each are con- tinually bombarded by an intricately complex com- pound of way over 1,600,000,000 " thinks "every one a bulls-eye shot for weal or woe, with the latter now being a "sure-thing" 100 to 1 bet winner. They say, "THINK WHAT YOU PLEASE RIGHT OR WRONG, IT DON'T HURT ME," ETC. Such practically without limit, indifferent TOLERANCE of our most deadly foe, is born of the DOGMAS "FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE," "FREE WILL," "LIBERTY," "FREE-MORAL-AGENCY," "THE RIGHT OF PERSONAL OPINION," "FREE SPEECH," "INDE- PENDENCE," ETC. the coterie of basic doctrinal edicts of death. And yet, note the " consistency " The Church declares for "FREE-MORAL-AGENCY" with one breath, and with the next sends all those to eternal hell who do not kneel in humble obedience to its DOGMAS. The State "guarantees" LIBERTY AND FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE with one breath, and with the next sends "many" of its "FREEMEN" to prison who break any of its millions of conflicting laws A FEW BEING ABOVE CODE BUT NOT NATURAL MODE. We declare for THE RIGHT OF PERSONAL OPINION, FREE SPEECH, TOLERANCE, ETC., with one breath, and "blow the light out" of all those we can, for trying to do so the next. These are all-at-once, phases of TELEPATHY feeling and conforming to the distant IGNORANCE INSANITY, SUICIDE AND MURDER are they not? Wrangle, strife and war one minute, DEATH THE NEXT continually con- stitute our troublesome coming, painful short stay and dreadful going does it not? 128 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Yea ! Verily ! ! Were it not that MAN the climax of Nature's handiwork, is both fearfully, wonderfully and toughly constructed capable of living indefinitely if well treated, HE COULD NOT STAND THE PRESENT CON- DITIONS AN HOUR; AND WILL NOT TOLERATE IT A MINUTE WHEN HE AWAKES FROM HIS HIDEOUS NIGHTMARE WILL HE? In the meantime, however as ever in the past, THE GODLY PEOPLE will Continue tO CONDEMN, TORTURE AND MURDER any and all of those who have partially awak- ened and attempt to arouse the rest : DOING RIGHT NOW BEING THE MOST PAINFUL AND DANGEROUS WORK KNOWN TO MAN isn't it? And is not such even grimly feeling and conforming to environment? Now do you understand that man is somewhat sub- ject to FEELING THE DISTANT near and remote, and CONFORMS THERETO? Do you realize that each person PSYCHO-PHYSICALLY, most accurately conforms to all they read or in any way SEE, HEAR, TASTE, SMELL, ETC., that is indelibly FEEL regardless of their opinion of it ; that this is proven by their ever accurate MEMORY mainly sub-conscious, thereof; THAT SOLELY THIS DIVERSE INFLUENCE is WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR THE VASTLY VARYING PERSONALITIES every iota of difference between people from the instant of conception to the incident of DEATH ; that HEREDITY in the sense of transmitting peculiarities with the seed, is A FAKE; that these "SPECIAL FEATURES" are trans- mitted solely by HEREDITY OF ENVIRONMENT instead ; that the seed is ever perfect CAPABLE OF DEVELOPING INTO A PERFECT BEING IF THE ENVIRONMENTS ARE PERFECT ; that the seed has solely and entirely to do with maintaining the species, and that environment has solely and entirely tO do with MOULDING PERSONALITIES FOR WEAL OR WOE? That SPECIES ARE CREATED SOLELY BY CROSS-BREEDING IN THE FINAL ALSO AN ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECT? That all TELEPATHY OR CAUSE AND EFFECT 129 teachings to the contrary is born solely of ignorance; that Nature never has varying processes for specific doing ? Now do you understand the OMNIPOTENT POWER and corresponding importance of correctly understanding TELEPATHY feeling and conforming to ENVIRONMENT? That, if we don't utilize it for CONSTRUCTION, it will effect our DESTRUCTION? And that THE PARTING OF THE WAYS is precisely indicated and explained by INTELLI- GENCE the way of LIFE; and IGNORANCE the way of DEATH individually regulated by THE RACE and vice versa? THAT BASIC HARMONY SPELLS FULLNESS OF LIFE THOUGH THE PEOPLE HAVE GREATLY INCREASED. It would seem that we have now examined suffi- cient of salient points to convince any person that man is a product and creature of environment. That while he is a Natural Machine transcending the power of words to describe, he is nevertheless, AS FREE-WILL-LESS AND DEPENDENT ON THE ELEMENTS AS A TREE; AND TO WHICH MUST BE ADDED THE ALL-IMPORTANT FEATURE OF HUMAN INTERDEPENDENCE: A more pronounced and easy to see INTERDEPENDENCE OF KINSHIP than can be found elsewhere in Nature. And too, this is precisely as it should be ; FOR MAN HAS THE POWER OF CONFORMING BY UNDERSTANDING, KNOWLEDGE THEREOF BEING THE IM- PELLING FORCE UNTO LIFE, AND VICE VERSA: Hence, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" FROM UNTIMELY DEATH, thus "overcome THE enemy" BY THE REACTION OF UNDERSTANDING. Man 's craving for life fully accounts for the vitality and popularity of The Bible even as fantastically inter- preted. To live is the very acorn of Self-Satisfaction: And A FULL PORTION OF PLEASURE AND LIFE IS NOT ONLY THE TREE AND FRUIT, BUT THE ACME AND COMPLETION OF OUR CRAVINGS A RESULT THAT MAY ACCRUE SOLELY BY UNDERSTANDING; WHICH IN TURN MEANS BECOMING A 180 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA MICROCOSM OB MINUTE UNIVERSE: Thus, man may live an eternity A FLAWLESS CIRCLE From "Mother to Mother" Ether. Merely a psycho-physical growth unto maturity THE INEVITABLE RACIAL DESTINY. Just so long as people believe they are FREE AND INDEPENDENT of one-another and afforded an oppor- tunity to at least seemingly promote their personal PLEASURE AND LIFE, even at a loss in kind to their fellows, they will unwittingly do so to the limit of their power ; verily unto UNIVERSAL MURDER AND SUICIDE. But would as earnestly do the reverse, WERE INTERDEPENDENCE FULLY UNDERSTOOD INFINITE SELFISHNESS EXACTS IT. INTERDEPENDENCE IS TRUE OR CAUSE AND EFFECT IS FALSE.* "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail." A Universal Knowledge of This Could Not Be Valued With Dollars. LIGHT THE BEACONS OF WELCOME TO THE FINAL ERA OF UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD BY DISTRIBUTING THIS WORK. JUST THINK OF THE FOLLOWING SCIEN- TIFICALLY PROBABLE FACTS: "And Methuselah lived a hundred eighty and seven years, and begat Lamech; and Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat sons and daughters; and all the days of Methuselah were NINE HUNDRED SIXTY AND NINE YEARS; and he died." Gen. 525 to 28. This was doubtless in the age when there were FEW people on earth, and so even if local environment were not HARMONIOUS, the DEVITAL influence was a mere TELEPATHY OR CAUSE AND EFFECT 131 bagatelle when compared with the nearly 1,700,000,000 continual death dealing DISCORDANT INTER-LINKED BAT- TERIES OF TODAY. Human beings now live an average of less than 35 YEARS much the same the world over an ever exact equilibrium when difference of personal or local en- vironmental influences are taken into account. Children are now ON AN AVERAGE, left entirely PARENTLESS at an age of less than 15 YEARS long before they should have been born. Man is about the only creature that ON AN AVERAGE fails to live unto physical maturity of its offsprings, which in the instance of Methuselah was 187 years, and yet he lived unto the 5th generation if each of his progeny begat at the same age. The first 10 generations lived an average of 85iy 2 years : The second 10, over 317 years : NOW less than 35. SOMETHING is WRONG WHAT is IT? ALL PUS MUST BE AT ONCE SLOUGHED OFF Just so long as it is widely believed that DOLLARS OR INDIVIDUALS may be "King," the WAR for supremacy will continue to grow in lowly cunning and savagery the basic impulse of INFINITE SELFISHNESS exacts it. But when it is uniformly understood that naught other than FULLY HAPPY LIFE is worth while; yet which none can enjoy till all others do, will dollars, power and strife lose their charm, and NO ONE BE LESS THAN A TRUE AND DUE LORD OF NATURE also per dictum of the supreme guide SELF-SATISFACTION. Individuals, Religions, Politics, Business, Capital and Labor and Nations, may persevere in the wrangle and fighting till every person is reduced to^a hopeless idiotic runt as they are fast becoming: Yet, the war must continue so long as INDIVIDUALISM is in the slightest 133 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA recognized by any great number as being a fact. While, soon as THE TRUTH OF INEVITABLE INTERDEPENDENCE is uniformly understood, man will at once start and rapidly advance on his glorious journey of PEACE AND FULLNESS OF LIFE. Hence, THE SAVING POWER does not at all adhere in "Give us more work and the full product thereof "; nor in "Master and Slave"; nor in "Capitalistic Democracy"; nor in "A Concert Prowess of Bully Nations"; nor in "The Christian Doctrine of Saving One Soul at a Time"; nor in anything but A UNIFORM TEACHING THAT MANKIND IS INTERDEPENDENT, AND THAT SOLELY BY HARMONY MAY ANY HUMAN BEING LIVE A FULLY HAPPY LONG LIFE THE ACME OF INCENTIVE TO ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON. Hence, vital wisdom emphatically demands that every person, party, sect, and nation shall at once and forever stop their brutish competition, and unite in TEACHING MAN THE TRUTH OF FREE-WILL-LESS HUMANE CO-OPERATIVE DEPENDENCE. In still other words: Comparatively speaking "WAR has slain its billions, but SOCIAL AND BUSINESS STRIFE have each slain their TENS of billions ! ' ' And that none of which can cease their heartless slaughter, until CLASS-CONSCIOUS RESPONSIBILITY OR BLAME, and the pos- sibility of PERSONAL EXALTATION at the expense of others from between individuals to that of international clash at arms, is CORRECTLY REALIZED BY ALL as no less than UNIVERSAL SUICIDE IN YOUTH the fruit solely of corresponding world-wide vicious IGNORANCE OF THE PLAIN FACTS INVOLVED. Teach this Truth, and man will at last harvest his FULL DESIRE : ALL. SUICIDAL vs. SURVIVAL We will clearly and exactly illustrate both, of how by a process of IGNORANCE we are committing race sui- TELEPATHY OR CAUSE AND EFFECT 133 cide, and by INTELLIGENCE we may insure fullness of life to all concerned; each self-evidently, per influence of the unescapable NATURAL LAW OP SELFISHNESS. We will imagine, for instance, that two people are stranded on a desolate island in mid-ocean, hopelessly lost to balance of the world where the conditions of life are as follows: FIRST: We will say that each fully believes con- trary to fact, that one could make out were the other not there, but that both could not survive. Would not SELF- ISHNESS impel either of them especially if trained in INDIVIDUALISM, to slay the other soon as necessary and opportunity was afforded even if they had ever been truest of friends ? SECOND: That these same two had ever been the bitterest of enemies, but finding themselves stranded to- gether on an island where two could survive but one could not; yet if either were harmed or should die, the other must at once suffer likewise. Now would not this knowledge of INTERDEPENDENCE cause each to protect the other just as earnestly as SELF, and WHY? Is not THE EARTH actually that island and humanity those two people? Think it over! if necessary. DID YOU DULY NOTICE the appalling world- wide "home" death rate during the war, and that the scourge of "FLU" in this instance, followed imme- diately after as is always the case with epidemics dur- ing and after great conflicts; even including the Eski- mos, Bushmen, Hottentots, etc. who could have other- wise known little or nothing of the vicious affair? IS HUMANITY INTERDEPENDENT? THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OF MISERY OR ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF HAPPINESS, TELLS THE TALE. CAPACITY OF MAN: RANGE OF EVOLUTION POLITICIANS, STATESMEN, PUBLIC, ETC. A WIDE PRO AND CON ILLUSTRATIVE DISCUSSION OF THE PROBLEM SOME VAGUELY STATED NECESSITATING THOUGHT, CONCISE AND PRECISE CHAPTER IX 16 PAGES It is now generally taught and believed that THE CAPACITY OP MAN is FINITE. So that when compared with "GOD THE INFINITE," he is merely "a wriggling and wrangling worm of the dust." We shall quite clearly see, however, it is easily proven that EVERY NOR- MAL PERSON regardless of time, race, place or station IS POTENTIALLY ENDOWED WITH AN INFINITE MENTAL CAPACITY. Lower tribes of animals THE FINITES, compare with MAN THE INFINITE, in degree of function, about as the lower ganglions of our nervous system do, to their dominant factor THE BRAIN. Evolutionarily considered, the subordinate families constitute the minor organs, and HUMANITY when perfected, an accurate recapitulation or MATURE FRUIT OF THE TREE OF LIFE; that any normal person may basically, easily learn ALL. For instance : ANY PERSON MAY KNOW THE PROCESS AND RANGE OF NATURAL CHANGE EVERYWHERE IN PRIN- CIPLE THE SAME, CONCISELY EXPLAINED AS FOLLOWS : ONLY CONCLUSIONS BEING HERE GIVEN but are fully proven in my larger or MYSTERY-LESS work: Ample for a clear understanding, however, being herein illustrated. CAPACITY OF MAN: RANGE OF EVOLUTION 135 THE ETHER or all-embracing prime substance, is an ABSOLUTE HOMOGENEITY OR SOLID in the sense of being particleless and poreless: Which owing to inherent ACTION energy, spirit, mind or LIFE; movement of in- numerable large and small bodies, etc., is constantly in uneven pressure, commotion or STRAIN; thereby pro- ducing MAINLY IN SUNS, an endless quantity of infin- itesimally small whirling vortices OF ITSELF, called IONS the units of the organic kingdom. Which in turn progressively unite per influence of affinity, into ATOMS, then MOLECULES and the wonderfully more com- plex objective superstructure ever composed of ETHER bound into X-IONS, Y-ATOMS, Z-MOLECULES, till finally after an extremely long time and line of intricate but definite cross-breed compounding of relative things or beings, the climax of growth is reached in THE NEURO- CHEMICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE HUMAN ORGANISM lim- ited in capacity only by completely sensing and reflect- ing EVERY COSMIC FUNCTION: That is EMBODY OMNIS- CIENCE IN SELF. Thus MAN is quite properly, axiomat- ically dubbed "the climax of Nature's handiwork,'* "a microcosm minute universe, etc." AT ONCE infinite in simplicity, complexity and capacity. In other words, periodical EVOLUTION OR GROWTH OF A COSMIC CROP the range of changed manifestation, may properly be said to start from ABSOLUTE SIM- PLICITY the infinitely extended HOMOGENEOUS mother element, AND ENDS WITH THE INFINITELY COMPLEX HETEROGENEOUS REFLEX ACTING ORGANISM OF PERFECTED MAN each being fully encompassed by the other and unextendable. NOTE SPECIALLY, that the range is from ABSOLUTE TO INFINITY both final : From ABSOLUTELY SIMPLE TO THE INFINITELY COMPLEX. Hence, Nature's eternal play of internal change or GROWTH AND DECAY, is self -evidently confined to "cycles" 136 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA or "planes" of FROM THE ETHER TO MATURED MANKIND AND RETURN which it indefinitely repeats. The SUPER- BEINGS elsewhere in "The" Universe, ever varying in appearance and modes of doing, per strict obedience mainly, to the dictates of THEIR DIFFERENT LOCAL EN- VIRONMENTS. We have thus taken a quick but quite comprehen- sive peep at UNIVERSALITY, merely as a starter to illus- trate that any normal brain can easily grasp the entire ways and means of Nature even unto "KNOW THY- SELF" TO BE IT. We will now take a peek at what THE BRAIN OF MAN HAS DONE AND is DOING even surmise of its coming events, JUST TO SEE WHAT WE MIGHT BE IF WE WOULD AND WILL BE THOUGH WE WOULD NOT for evolution asks no one's consent. Just for instance: As extensively illustrated by IN- DIVIDUALLY prepared Histories of Science, Encyclo- pedias, Dictionaries, History, Imagination, etc., encom- passing every realm of REALITY and FICTION unto VISIONS OF HEAVENS, HELLS, ANGELS, IMPS AND SUCH precisely the same as in DREAMS of which all the like are largely born ; yet as we have just seen, many indi- vidual brains HAVE and any normal brain can easily encompass the entire range. That is any normal per- son MAY as many have, mentally accomplish a complete recapitulation of not only the combined PSYCHO- PHYSICAL doings of the race for all time as known, but then sweep on into imagination WITHOUT LIMIT and never strain a nerve, for his possible capacity hasn't even been scratched. He travels in space and time without limit and would reach the end of both regardless of how remote IF THERE WAS ANY. He does or may understand every throb of from the smallest to the largest even unto "that" which is neither large or small yet encompasses CAPACITY OF MAN: RANGE OF EVOLUTION 137 both, beginningless, endless, shapeless, gainless, lossless, weightless and DEATHLESS COSMOS. Well, we have already mentioned just a little of ONE MAN'S capacity, got him going some though as yet scarcely started on the journey he can and must finish. We also find that he even does or may EMBODY every other animal, insect, tree, shrub, thing and their every function. FOB HE EITHER DOES OR MAY UNDERSTAND, that is IMAGINE OR CONSTRUCT IN SELF REMEMBER AND EXPLAIN, EVERY FEATURE OF THE WHOLE BUNCH ; then of as much more ALL SORTS OF FICTION, SPIRITS, DEVILS. GODS, etc., that don't exist. Indeed, "MAN is A WHALE" both of fact and jest though there are a few who haven't as yet found it out. Some tell us, for instance, that MAN'S EYE is IN- FERIOR TO THOSE OF A CAT, because they can see both night and day; that an eagle can see a squirrel on the earth from their flight when five miles above far out- doing that faculty of man, etc. Yet the fact is though man be entombed in the blackest cavern of earth, he may not only see the cat playing with its mouse o 'night, but leap on beyond the eagle to the distant starts seeing their " chicks"; then dissect the eye of cat and eagle unto weighing every atom and understanding their func- tion. Such, however, is still belittling even a fractional part of any HUMAN BEING'S POSSIBLE INFINITE SIGHT. However, lest some may still surmise that "the writer" is not yet quite omniscient as many will cor- rectly protest, he will anyhow venture to add, that IF ANYONE WILL EXPLAIN TO HIM SOMETHING THEY DON'T KNOW AND HE CAN'T KNOW THEN HE WILL DO THE SUI- CIDE ACT AT ONCE ; AND YET HE DOESN *T FEEL IN SERIOUS DANGER, FOR THE TRIFLING REASON, WHATEVER COULD BE EVEN THOUGHT OF MUCH LESS EXPLAINED, THEY KNOW OR COULD UNDERSTAND AS MAY ANY ONE ELSE BE IT TRUE OR FALSE. HOW CAN ONE TELL THAT WHICH THEY 188 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA DON'T KNOW? CAN A PERSON KNOW AND NOT KNOW OP SOMETHING AT THE SAME TIME PART OR ALL, AS IT MAY BE? COME NOW YOU KNOW NOTHING, TELL us SOME- THING YOU DON 'T KNOW : TRY IT ! For instance : I don 't know how many stars there are both explains what I do and if there is a definite number, might know : Or, "I know there is a God" implies that man may know the fact involved. Those who believe that some peoples' knowledge in any respect, is above any other normal person's un- derstanding with a little study, has another "belief a-coming"; for the adage "what one person has done another can do," is universal were all normal as they may be. The hardest of all for one person to understand of another is, THEIR COMPLICATED IGNORANT WHIMS of which there is no limit ; but they are finally quite prop- erly understood and "taken with a dose of salts." The easiest to understand when occasionally found, is THE TRUTH none being beyond the capacity of any normal ten year old child; and too as 'tis always natural and good, THEY LIKE IT, while the "rough stuff" makes them sick. This there now being so much "rough stuff" and so little TRUTH, precisely accounts for EVERYBODY being sick and claimed by the grave before even A TENTH of possible life has been lived. Indeed, CONSTRUCTIVE VITAL TRUTH is such a scarce and curious commodity now-a-days, that it is generally scoffed at when encountered; which accounts for your "smile" at the above ALL-ENCOMPASSING AND IMPORTANT ABSOLUTE TRUTH in regard to the possible longevity of man proven by perfect logic from combined relative facts, which is proof equal to its having been done. Yea, verily ! While practically no one seems to know it, it is never-the-less a literal CONSTRUCTIVE TRUTH, that this is the age of climax DEVHIZATION vile competition, in- CAPACITY OF MAN: RANGE OF EVOLUTION 139 stead of CIVILIZATION virile coordination, and will some day be rightly so considered A GLORY-LESS DISTINCTION. And too 'tis easy to understand: Even that such cor- rectly spells universal premature death. *Those who ENSLAVE their fellows for PROFIT, wouldn't do it were it known that they IN-GRAVE them- selves as a FORFEIT.* The foregoing twenty words were their ALMIGHTY TRUTH duly realized, are more powerful for GOOD, than all prisons and armies are for BAD; and "that is going SOme" THE BRAIN WINNING THE GAME. Primarily the brain just grows, and were it kept void of "telling" experience, would soon reach maturity and die. Such, however, is impossible, and with the slightest of image building influence will deductively construct a universe for itself to precisely conform there- to large, small, true or false. EVERY PERSON HAS A UNIVERSE all there is to them, which indicates that he will finally fully understand the process of COSMOS. Were a healthy child reared at the bottom of a light- less well and learned solely in basic FACTS he would COMPLETELY AND PERFECTLY IMAGE THE MODES OF COS- MOS; BUT WERE THE PREMISE DEFECTIVE, HIS MENTAL WORLD MUST PRECISELY CORRESPOND. While the deduct- ive power is unlimited, it is always guided by logically SELECTING THE GREATEST PLEASURE SELF-AGGRANDIZE- MENT, FROM THE STORE HOUSE OF RELATIVE EXPERIENCE WHETHER FOR WEAL OR FOR WOE: EDUCATION NOT IN- HERENT KNOWLEDGE, EVER BEING THE INHERENT PILOT; PERFECT LOGIC often from shifting basis, EVER ITS PROCESS. "Illogical" reason is caused by the here and there injection of tilting or distorting wedges of relative experience. This experience is wonderfully varied and now mainly erroneous precisely indicated by the endless 140 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA clash, of personal and class impulses unto occasional world-war and ceaseless social upheaval. PUBLIC OPINION is IRRESISTIBLE the maker and breaker of Nations galore, as of people by the billions it scores SOCIAL INTERDICTION BEING DEFYLESS. From this we catch a glimpse of both combined and chaotic PSYCHO-PHYSICAL force of man, FOR GOOD OR EVIL TO SELF one and all. There is nothing that a POLITICIAN caters to more as his guide, than PUBLIC OPINION ; nor anything that a STATESMAN caters to less except to guide it. Between which there is more difference than betwixt an Indian with his "ear to the ground" when tracking his prey, and a scientist with his mind aflame noting the melody of cosmos. THERE is NOTHING THE PUBLIC NEEDS MORE THAN \ SCIENTIFIC BASIC GUIDE. It starts nothing but rows and never stops one. If a reform is needed, it's the last to find it out and give even a MAJORITY consent. It has never yet agreed on any subject. On a score of opposing "platforms" all made of rotten planks, it votes nearly a tie the same day ; which has been see-sawing and hee- hawing for hundreds of years without any improve- ment. It's at war all the time at home and most of the time abroad. It 's a mob one minute and a slob the next. It crushes every truth and boosts every ruse. The minority is generally nearest right, and its wisdom grows toward the tail until we find individuals the in- ventors, discoverers, reformers and doers, whom the public either crush or is slow to follow. Its business is to take every pill ground from the mill and pay every bill. It is suspicious of every thinker, whose love it knows is only pity. It is pulling at all times toward every point of the compass the heart being a zero vacuum. It is led by God, Devil, spooks, preachers, cranks, grafters and saloon keepers ; and FOLLOWED ONLY CAPACITY OF MAN: RANGE OF EVOLUTION 141 BY POLITICIANS which would snap the chain-lightning snake at every link. Verily ! ' ' my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err. ' ' Isaiah 3 ; 12. While the foregoing "is no lie," yet were it not explained would convey a wrong impression. The public is composed of individuals, each earnestly doing what their vastly diverse catch-as-catch- can experience leads them to believe is RIGHT IN THE FIERCE COMPETITIVE BATTLE FOR LIFE, WHERE "EACH ARE NOW FOR SELF AND THE DEVIL FOR THE REST. ' ' PERSONAL SALVATION IS THE KEYNOTE AT CHURCH, HOME, SOCIETY, BUSINESS, COMMUNITY AND STATE. The primal necessity is to "get the money," then "honor" if possible; finally after having UNWITTINGLY "RAISED HELL," PIOUSLY SEEK GLORY IN HEAVEN "WAY OVER THERE" TO AVOID EVERLASTING AGONY ; every step being not only erroneous but promotive of universal strife, misery and early death : Oh No, The Public Don't Need a Guide. The belief has grown to a venerable truistic proverb that "EVERY QUESTION HAS TWO SIDES" multiplied by thousands, and that "EVERY PERSON HAS A RIGHT TO THEIR OWN OPINION" in the wrangle by hundreds of millions; that "EACH MUST WORK OUT THEIR OWN RE- DEMPTION" IN A WORLD OF FIERCE COMPETITION. YET, TRUE HISTORY WILL SOME DAY RECORD THE FACT THAT EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS FACED THE OVERWHELMING FOE WITH CREDIBLE COURAGE AND ALL THEIR MIGHT; EACH USING EVERY GRAIN OF THEIR DAMPENED POWDER OF EX- PERIENCE, IN DEFENCE OF THEIR BIRTHRIGHT TO LIVE AS TERRESTRIAL GODS THAT THEY ARE : SUICIDAL EFFORTS TO LIVE. There never has been and cannot be a human slacker Nature admits of no drones, for every factor of the flawless cosmic machine must precisely fill its niche and do their part in the eternally changing dance Of life : NO DERELICTS WHETHER FOR GROWTH OR DECAY OF SELF. Ua THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Man isn't to blame, for he ever faithfully reflects solely the compound of experience. He now simply be- lieves, that is perfectly reacts to the "bull-con" of FREEDOM; now being veritably ENSLAVED TO THE VILE DOGMA OF LIBERTY, PERSONAL SALVATION, RIGHT TO ONE'S OWN OPINION, ETC. in seeming defiance of Universal Cause and Effect, Interdependence, etc. being con- sciously ignorant thereof. He sincerely responds to the prevalent assertion that there are two sides to RIGHT with its full chest and face ever to the light all aglow with life: As he does, that there are two sides to WRONG with its hollow chest and face ever in the dark hovering o'er the grave. Can an idea or act be both right and wrong when it must be one or the other? Can one when the balance is struck, be growing and decaying at the same time 1 Can one have "FREE SPEECH" when every utterance is im- pelled and guided by education? Don't we disagree be- cause of our different understanding, and are not variant ideas born of corresponding diverse learning? Can one effect their own "salvation" with solely the tools of compound experience now-a-days leading mainly to "damnation?" Has one the right to personal opinion regardless of quality, which is entirely "bor- rowed" and instantly divided with all others UNLESS IT BE GOOD? Indeed AS ONE CAN LEARN OF OTHERS BUT NOT OF SELF reason being merely the confluent reflex of one's relative experience, is there any PERSONAL opinion? Finally; even, can these PERSONAL CESS-POOLS cherished as "MY OPINION" ever forced on all others, be fundamentally desirable ; or other than THE TRUTH OF ERROR INSANITY AND SUICIDAL? TRY TO REASON OUT THE FOLLOWING ALL-IMPORTANT, DISCONNECTED AND VAGUELY PUT QUESTIONS : ANYONE CAN CORRECTLY DO SO BY THINKING UNBIASEDLY. Can a person affect TRUTH? Doesn't TRUTH affect CAPACITY OF MAN: RANGE OF EVOLUTION 143 a person? Can a person affect ERROR? Doesn't ERROR affect a person? Then isn't ERROR TRUTH? So in the final analysis cosmically considered, is there any ERROR? Doesn't Cause and Effect rule supreme in- cluding every act of man? Yet desiring to live, isn't that which is conducive of our death ERROR? And would not any psycho-physical action promotive of our life, be TRUTH TO us ? So, as man same as does every other thing or be- ing, makes a fight against all else to maintain SELF isn't that impulse rightly called SELFISHNESS? Isn't in- telligence or life the greatest PLEASURE, and, therefore, The Law The Greatest Eelatiye Pleasure is Selective of Every Act, PRECISELY CORRECT? While it generally SATISFIES best to live, yet to many for varying grim reasons, it's a GREATER PLEASURE to die, hence, SUICIDE; even by now seeking mainly of IGNORANT PLEASURE, don't nearly all unwittingly SUICIDE by degrees? And yet AS NONE BUT THE INSANE EVER SUICIDE, ISN'T IGNO- RANCE AND INSANITY THE SAME? Doesn't The Natural Law, however, plainly and completely cover both SANITY intelligent pleasure promotive of life, and INSANITY ignorant pleasure conducive of death? Now then, AS THE GREATEST RELATIVE PLEASURE SELECTED FROM EACH ONE'S STOREHOUSE OF EXPERIENCE GATHERED FROM THE INSTANT OF CONCEPTION TO THE INCIDENT OF ACTION, IS MERELY AN ACCURATE REFLEX OR IMPULSE THEREOF ; IS it not of almighty importance TO INTERDEPENDENT HUMAN- ITY as to what INDIVIDUAL experience consists THE MEDIUM OF EVERY THOUGHT OR ACT? This being Self- evidently the case is FREE WILL A FACT? Are not our lives for weal or woe interlinked? DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU ARE READING OF THE LIFE AND DEATH WARRANTS THAT ARE BEING CONTINUALLY SERVED ON YOU? TRULY, THAT YOU NEVER HAVE AND NOR DUE EXECU- 144 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA TION? THAT THEY FULLY ACCOUNT FOB YOUR EVERY PSYCHO-PHYSICAL ACTION AND CONDITION, REGARDLESS OF WHIM ALSO BORN THEREOF? Furthermore, don't you know that you are now being summoned mainly to the grave, and that all such could be quickly changed for a uniform life and pleasure extension policy? And that all this depends on your combinedly speaking, understanding of the need? That you will inerrantly do accordingly action ever being the index of sanction or rejection automatically expressing ONE'S DEGREE OF LIGHT? We have seen that the politician has his ear to the ground noting your rumble and grumble to follow, and it 's through the medium of him THE NATIONAL GOVERN- MENT, that a uniformly correct understanding may be quickly effected; hence, BEWARE OF MERE " INDIAN" HUNTERS OF VOTES. The Public taker of the pills and payer of the bills, can have no other desire than to do what is right, and always does the best it knows. But instead of hav- ing a trustworthy standard guide, it is misled by all sorts of corrupt pilots; whom it now reflects as in the fore- going grotesque word-picture, drawn in the spirit of KINDLY TRUTH ; which though seemingly much belated, is a friendly and timely warning. This work explains the throb of nature, near as the Writer can depict with words regardless of person, sect, custom or condition. No person, clique or sect can rightly be blamed or praised, yet each person must gain or lose by what takes place no matter as to when or where. WHEN ATJ, is KNOWN, HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE NOTHING TO REGRET OR FORGIVE, FOR ALL IS PERFECT NA- TURE ; WHAT HAS BEEN IS THE BASIS OF WHAT IS POSSIBLE. BLAME NO PERSON BUT SHIELD NO WRONG, MAKING THE BEST OF THE WORST IS RIGHT AND WOULD QUICKLY GIVE CAPACITY OF MAN: RANGE OF EVOLUTION 145 MAN HIS DUE. To LOSE CONFIDENCE IN ONE PERSON IS TO DISCREDIT THE RACE AND OUR COSMIC SOURCE BELITTLING OF ALMIGHTY'S CLIMAX. The Truth to us is KNOWL- EDGE OF HOW TO LIVE, Teach man such is real salvation. World wide reform unto perfection WITH SELF AS THE DEMIGOD, has been the dream and effort of millions even of all to the extent of their opportunity; culmi- nating in practically endless social philosophies, science, nations, constitutions, laws, conquerors, religions, saviors and gods of every hue, compound, shape and dimension OF ERROR, that the dream of brain can de- pict: Yet, each have done their best for the time- being. Each have had their bands of defenders and clans of defamers, battling unto slaying each other ; nearly all now being numbered with the dead, while the few survivors are fast departing to add failure of their kind to the at last united bands and clans in the silent land. Such must ever be the prompt fate of family dis- cord, for solely the harmony of home is the elixir of duly happy long life A LOGICAL PLEA FOR A UNIFORM CORRECT GUIDE: Indeed! "A house divided against itself can- not stand. " Man is impelled by the pleasure of truth to stem the tide of miserable error, and will continue his march through the surges of fate, till he closes the fountain of death and opens the floodgate of life. THERE NEVER WAS AND CANNOT BE A SLACKER IN THE CAUSE OF RIGHT, FOR IN THE FINAL ALL ARE PROTESTERS IN THE CURSE OF WRONG EACH DECLARING SELF CORRECT AND FIGHTING THEREFOR. OF ABSOLUTE FACT THOUGH INTELLIGENCE IS LOYAL AND IGNORANCE A TRAITOR, THE NATURAL INTEN- TION OF EVERY PERSON IS FLAWLESSLY CONSTRUCTIVE: SO ALL THAT'S NEEDED is A UNIFORM PERFECT GUIDE. Give Man Due Light and He Will Do Right With All His Might. 146 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA MAN being infinitely selfish with a happy long life as a basic ideal, always does the best he can with the tools of experience including opportunity his only guide, FOB SELF regardless of others. So, when di- rected WRONG the way of death, owing to INTERDEPEND- ENCE, all are correspondingly effected. While were each impelled RIGHT the way of life, both SELF AND A WORLD OF COMPANIONS would reap the desired crop. This is inexorable and universal; and if duly heeded as it should be without delay, WOULD CORRECT EVERY EVIL UNTO PREVENTING PREMATURE DEATH. These Are Al- mighty Truths. Others are regarded by each as it were, solely as prominent factors in way of playthings or benefits, and inerrantly treated according as from association and circumstances they reflect varying degrees of pleasure on SELF; precisely as with everything else under THE LAW The Greatest Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act PERSONAL EXPERIENCE BEING THE STORE- HOUSE FROM WHICH THE SELECTION IS MADE: Hence, teach man the fact of INTERDEPENDENCE and others will be protected. Every person is as obedient to these laws for weal or woe, as would be a featherless sparrow to the savage currents, gravity and its own feeble efforts, at the pit of a cyclone. 'Tis indeed, the very nucleus of science. When this is duly heeded, RIGHT will come to stay and all WRONG will float dead in its wake as though at once struck by the keel, rudder and propeller of the cosmic ship of life BUT NOT BEFORE. The failure policy has ever been to cater to PUBLIC WRONGS instead of leading the public to cater to its own RIGHTS. Nothing is stronger than Public Opinion, except The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth; which everybody must acknowledge would be a policy of supreme success for public opinion, and CAPACITY OF MAN: RANGE OF EVOLUTION 147 gladly unite on as the one sure means of ever crushing all IGNORANCE that ventured near its broad highway of uniform pleasure and life. Thus only may the two strongest forces be quickly united in ONE GRAND FINAL ASCENT. Just think of it if you can, that the one and only power that is required and will some day alone consti- tute THE GOVERNMENT OP MAN is now entirely left out. Namely, UNIFORM DUE TRAINING IN THE PROPER PROCESS OF LIFE HOW TO KEEP WELL HOW TO PREVENT PREMA- TURE DEATH OF SELF: Which fully includes How to Regain Health. Hence, this work constitutes THE ACME OF PREVENTIVE THERAPEUTICS THE CORRECT METHOD. Such includes every phase of proper government rendering THOU SHALT AND THOU SHALT NOT, and the long train of militant enforcements superfluous for PERFECT HEALTH is the very climax of every person's desire UNSURPASSABLE. Government is defective precisely to the degree of its failure to train its factors in the all-inclusive art of HOW TO KEEP WELL ; all else should be made to conform to this one supreme object. For, indeed, "What profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his life?" And too in order to be a complete success, as pointed out by THE LAW OF OUR BEING The Greatest Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act ; EACH MINUTE MUST BE REAL JOY, BEAUTY AND GOOD FINISHED STYLE. This doesn't mean that everybody will then in the ANARCHISTIC sense, lawlessly do what they "bull-head- edly" please; for there will be A SIMPLE BUT PERFECT NATURAL LAW ABIDING SYSTEM by which every essential endeavor will be inerrantly directed, and every person impelled solely by due intelligence, healthful energy, etc., to be pleased with doing their co-operative part of WHAT is RIGHT FOR SELF AND OTHERS ; to fully realize and exemplify the fact that ALL ARE FOR ONE AND ONE FOR 148 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA ALL in the game of life; that a perfect sequence and harmony of PRODUCTIVE EXERCISE is necessary to the en- joyment of a possible mature life for any. While people can never have exactly the same experience, and, therefore, always have a wholesome variance of thought; yet, as each may ever be taught precisely THE SAME UNDERLAYING PRINCIPLE which ever remains unchanged, they may thereby always be in- duced to think PRINCIPALLY in perfect harmony on UNI- FORMLY HAVING AND DOING NO MORE OR LESS THAN WHAT is BEST FOR THEM all that's needed. For instance, owing to " accidental' ' imperfect training, some may occasionally do WRONG that which is injurious to self and others; yet were THE FACT duly understood that ALL ACTIONS good or bad, are the direct reflex of one's relative personal experience THE ALL-IN- CLUSIVE PRINCIPLE INVOLVED, the enactors of wrong would be pitied and as unfortunate victims, properly treated, instead of narrow condemnation and punish- ment ; thus removing the cause of serious effect at once curing and preventing. "Accidental" means Ignorance for Nature broadly, makes no mistake. Will the true message of life be received by even a partially sane people, as would a song by a class of deaf-mutes in the dark? Is it like going to the grave for a partner to dance? Is it love's labor lost? The writer thinks not : For while it strikes and stings as a cobra, it cures its own bite then extends the life awak- ened unto the goal that none can think beyond. And too, did it do a whit less, it should and would be deaf, dumb, dead and unlovable to ALL DEFECT BEING EXCUSE- LESS AS A BASIC GUIDE AT THIS TIME WHEN EVERY FACT ESSENTIAL TO COMPLETE HAPPINESS AND LIFE IS KNOWN. THUS WE GLIMPSE THE RANGE, POWER AND GLORY OF NATURE'S BEST. CAPACITY OF MAN: RANGE OF EVOLUTION 149 Will add in conclusion, however as this section is primarily intended to illustrate the capacity of human mentality, that the reader has already easily understood a great range of the heretofore " UNKNOWABLE " problems ; and that when a complete reading of the work is finished, the entire scope of so-called occult phases of Nature or God if any so foolishly insist, will have been as easily grasped. In fact, there is nothing unknowable to any willing person with reasonably unbiased study. NOT AN IOTA THAT CANNOT BE PROVED BEYOND A POSSIBLE DOUBT TO ANY NORMAL BRAIN, and which ALL MUST be required to clearly grasp as 'tis possible if they try. MAN ALREADY KNOWS ALL, HAPHAZARDLY DIS- TRIBUTED. ALL THAT'S NEEDED is, TO COMPILE AND EN- DOW EACH WITH BASIC PRINCIPLE; AND PRESTO-CHANGE FROM DISCORD TO HARMONY. SALVATION IS COMPLETELY DEFINED BY THE CONDITION EXPRESSED WITH ONE WORD HEALTH, EVEN UNTO OMNISCIENCE. FREEDOM FROM LIBERTY IGNORANCE OR ERROR MONOPOLY, OPPRESSION, STAGNA- TION, CLASS-CONSCIOUSNESS, NEED, VICE, DISCORD, DISEASE AND PREMATURE DEATH THE UNIFORM EDUCATIONAL IMPELLING COMPLETE HUMAN LIFE PSYCHO PHYSICAL HEALTH LIBERTY "W falsely acclaimed as W FREEDOM NATURAL ANARCHY IS IMPOSSIBLE MAN'S GRAVE SLIP WHO IS SANE AND HOW MUCH? #MAN* BE YOUR OWN JUDGE *LAW* CRIMINOLOGY First read the statement in regard to this division in the index. CHAPTER X 57 PAGES INSANITY HAS NEVER BEEN DEFINITELY DEFINED, BE- CAUSE ITS LIMITATION HERETOFORE, WAS UNKNOWN; BESIDES THERE HAS BEEN NO STANDARD FOR RIGHT AND WRONG TO JUDGE BY: THE WILL A MYSTERY, ETC. While this work precisely fits and solves any and every vital problem AS THE TRUE PANACEA MUST, yet there is no other subject to which it is more directly applicable than to so-called CRIMINALITY. Each word and sentence between or on its covers has a specific bear- ing thereon, for every human affair has an intimate relation to RIGHT the highway of life, and WRONG the sure-way of death; respectively championed by INTELLI- GENCE AND IGNORANCE each in turn with back to the other and leading their way unto sunrise or sunset OF MAN. So, it would be superfluous to add much to the al- ready abundant treatment of the ever at once hoary, youthful, anguishing and perplexing question that is bruising the skin and crushing the heart of our being. There are a few scientific sentiments, however, that should be raised from the dead and given eternal life in thought and deed of NATURE'S BEST; for, as no human being can afford to wrong their fellows nor would they WERE THE TRUTH KNOWN, no effort should be spared to CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 151 guide them aright. Hence, the following may not be amiss. First, let's each look into the mirror a while. Some one, some time, some where, some how re- corded the at once right and wrong and catchy ditty, that "there is so much bad in the best of us, so much good in the worst of us, that it behooves each of us to judge not the rest of us. ' ' Which is laudable sentiment but deplorable science, for THERE is NO BAD IN ANY OP us: IT'S JUST YOUTHFUL IGNORANCE, that's all. The truth is WHEN ALL IS KNOWN THERE WILL BE NOTHING TO REGRET OR FORGIVE : ALL IS PERFECT NATURE : WHAT HAS BEEN is THE BASIS OF WHAT is POSSIBLE United and Perfected Humanity. We should go the limit when moving to RIGHT ever pressing the collar, but when stuck in WRONG balk ! Smash the breeching and right about face : Desert fail- ure and enlist in success: DETHRONE DOGMA AND EN- THRONE REASON : Stop ! THE FALL OF DEATH, AND START ! THE BALL OF LIFE ; THEN KEEP IT ROLLING EVER ON THE LEVEL FOR YOU AND ME. As solely "doing others" now seems practical, the vital bliss of doing with fellows is seldom duly enjoyed. PERSONAL SALVATION OR DAMNATION has been the curse of man. Saviors have all made the one mighty mistake of trying to save humanity ONE SOUL AT A TIME. Christ was. the basic failure teaching that SELF ALONE may reach the deathless shore: Which is generally be- lieved by the motley crew of the leaky craft he set afloat, and they struggle unto the death of all for the only life preserver aboard ; while UNITED EFFORT WOULD STOP THE LEAK AND SAVE THE CREW : For We Inevitably Are Our Brother's Keeper, and neither prison dungeons nor moltent hell THE RESULT OF THAT DOCTRINE, is a fit abode for any one though crazed thereby. Now before recording a few warm blanket truths in 152 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA regard TO CRIMINALITY, let's lay on the bed a couple or so of clean white sheets of cold facts and a pillow of down-life, upon which to rest our holy bodies and heads ABOUT INSANITY, while discussing the cause and plight of millions of our bedless, blanketless, sheetless, pillow- less, cheerless, friendless and hopeless fellows. May be by doing so, SELF will be more clearly understood AS A BASIS TO MORE JUSTLY JUDGE OP THE GOOD-RIDDANCE TO THE GOD-RIDDEN : FORSAKEN. Just a few sleepless thoughts will suffice to impel the deadless to quickly and clearly grasp the facts in- volved; the lifeless being mindless, sightless, shameless and helpless. Of course it is difficult to readily induce many people to primarily consider SELF except as reflected in the mirror they call OTHERS where it is often sav- agely CONDEMNED. They forget as we have elsewhere plainly seen, that all any ever see is WITHIN. For in- stance: How could this book concisely dealing with practically every phase of basic vital principle, have been written, except that the writer first potentially acquired every fact and idea involved? The reader will do well to note in connection herewith that one of the prominent sentences of this book is i LEARNED THIS OF YOU HU- MANITY, THE CLIMAX OF NATURE'S HANDIWORK, TO WHOM IT BELONGS. Yet, probably this might properly be con- sidered by far the most "ORIGINAL" work of the class ever produced ; for the writer is not only nearly void of " schooling, " but an extremely meager reader never having read a standard work on a single subject involved pageless of history; seldom even slightly perusing newspapers ; not a book or pamphlet being at hand ex- cept an academic dictionary, during its composition. Nor are the few quotations known to be correct other than in inference to which many people who know the facts would testify. Every whit of the work is THE CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 153 PRODUCT OF UNBIASED, FLAWLESS AND TIRELESS REASONING, from a comparatively few basic facts. Indeed, THE AL- MOST TOTAL LACK OF SCHOOL TRAINING OR A MISLEADING GUIDE, IS THE SECRET OF ITS WHEN COMBINED, SIGNAL COMPLETENESS AND SUCCESS. Even alas, the principal difficulty ahead of the work is, that it far transcends the SPOILED faculty of most ' ' SCHOLARS ' ' to understand. On an average, THE UNTUTORED NORMAL PERSON will grasp its potentially complete scope, importance, and perfec- tion the quickest. Even any child soon as they under- stand the meaning of words, will readily comprehend its ever simple and perfectly natural process and inevitable conclusions : CERTAINTY OF FINAL SUCCESS. The writer even has prepared, probably the only perfect work in detail of principle, on PSYCHO-PHYSICS ; yet, does not know the name of a bone or nerve ; and the same is true in regard to therapeutics. Indeed, the com- plete work covers every phase of Nature from THE ETHER TO PERFECTED HUMANITY inclusive, without a missing or defective basic link MAINLY PRINCIPLE, SOME DETAIL FOR ILLUSTRATION. In concluding this "spasm" it may be well to add that, in THE FINAL ERA there will be no public school; for as all grown people will have acquired COMPLETE FUNDAMENTAL LORE, children will learn same by their ever instructive and ennobling association with older folks ; practical experience while physically developing : Which will then require a much longer time, growth now being forced to maturity by withering conditions caus- ing corresponding precocious development and decline; as is often exemplified with grass, grain, vegetables, trees, stock and among ourselves. Puberty will not at- tain in the time of perfecting humanity, till a person is at least seventy years old, and the after life will be as long in proportion. Yet as intellectual instead of carnal impulses would constitute the supreme pleasures, 154 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA children will be fewer than now ever regulated to simply replenish the fully populated earth. And "IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT" DURING THE MILLENNIUM, WHICH WILL BE FULLY KNOWN IN ALL DUE TIME, THERE WILL BE NO CHILDREN EXCEPT ALL WILL HAVE ATTAINED AND REMAIN IN CHILDISH BLISS THE HEADING OR RIPEN- ING STATE, AS WHEAT IN THE MILK OR ACORN DURING GROWTH, TILL THE HOUR OF RACIAL OMNISCIENCE OUR DOOM. Even such was learned entirely of those whom the scribe consulted not, but now sallies to reflectively teach as is the province of every one. Thus on will roll the fadeless scroll unto the final child to read in full, of the human tree he is the ripened fruit: ALL EMBODIED IN SELF MAN BEING THE SOUL OF COSMOS. Such is the prophesy of sanity far more reliable than history. Visions from Real Cause to Effect bespeak of fact. Yea, Verily ! Life can duly attain only by first cor- rectly sensing the future from the dead and discarded past. As it were, we must first build "mansions in the sky," else they will never replace the hut. Hence, "let the dead bury their dead:" That is avoid defects of the past ; ideal the future void of repeating has-beens. Many serious mistakes have been made, but none worse than living them over time and again the parent of grave digging fear. No adage is more fallacious or deadly than that "history must repeat itself"; for it never has and cannot except as memories anchor us to sunken derelicts and degradation. Nature can repeat itself only in principle as a modern dwelling does a wigwam and perfect man will transcend the bushman ; and in which it sets a correct example. In no other place does Nature look back except per medium of foolish man, and even there as a whole it 's on the forward march in perfect line with evolution. CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 155 Ancestor worship has been the most rapacious of pitfalls for man the principal support of gods, saviors, demons, heavens, hells, angels, saints, heroes, etc. No person alive or dead of history or fiction sacred or pro- fane, is a fit ideal for any one. Should Father and Mother be our model ? Ask any worthy parent whether they desire their children to be like them or better, and see what they say. Which of the family do the parents admire most the " chips of the old block "-head, or the blockless chip? The proper way to honor father and mother is to live an example of which they would be proud, even unto emulation. Is the Christ Ideal exemplary? The Son of God's life should have been a model both in precept and ex- ample, if any. Of course, if we find that it was not, we shan't blame him, for no one is blamed in this work not even any of the many gods, much less any of their still more numerous saviors wrong alone being con- demned: So, Christ shall be no exception. Only, it would seem that if the example was not perfect, he had better remained a carpenter. Of course, we will most respectfully treat him with all due deference to the exalted title of The Only Be- gotten Son of God-Almighty, and not be severe : Merely examine as to the general example and RESULT even "white-wash" his trial much as reasonably possible at that. We shall not question The Bible biography of "The Savior;" that The Almighty was His Father; that His Mother was The Blessed Virgin Mary ; that Christ just like all saviors except Mohammed, was a bastard. That he was born in a barn ; sought as a child by "the powers that be, " to be slain ; thus driven from His Native land. That about thirty years of His history is a blank. Never married and left no progeny. Associated with and fol- lowed then as now, almost entirely by the unlearned. 156 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Taught solely in unguessable parables, and then called the people dogs and swine for not understanding him. His works were largely that of miracles, such as science declares were impossible except as sleight-hand tricks delusions. Hungered for forty days, tempted by the Devil. Obliged to steal and eat raw corn, purloined an ass for his steed, and had no place to lay his head. Prayed in agony unto sweating blood that the cup of which he was sent to drink, might pass from him. Be- trayed by a disciple. Crucified by a mob between two thieves. Miraculously raised from the dead. Said to have been in constant fear while doing the work travel- ing from one hiding place to another. Didn't leave the slightest written message. Denied by his own people the Jews, as being The Savior, etc. Not one word was recorded in history or otherwise in regard to Him or of any of His disciples, within about one hundred years of the time of his " death and ascension. ' ' Completely proven in a hundred ways as never hav- ing lived. Yet "The Ideal" mainly from being mis- understood, has been the greatest failure ever known, except to pit practically every man and woman against their brothers and sisters burning hundreds of thou- sands at the stake in His name. Created thousands of rival sects to continually fight each other in His name. Caused hundreds of bloody wars, both sides in His name. The basis of more falsehood than any other cause. Parted Millions of husbands and wives ; the source of un- countable suicides and insane. And we still have a Christian Civilization left to examine as to its sanity, insanity and brutality. We might add that it is GENERALLY BELIEVED that Christ taught Free Will, Self-denial, Altruism, hell, personal salvation, mysticism, miracles, war, etc., etc. But what's the use of mentioning any more, for "BY CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 157 DESCRIBABLY HORRIBLE CHRISTIAN WORLD. Now I venture to candidly ask the weary reader judging by the general result and not by mere personal opinion though that is just what is the trouble and always will be, if the Christ Ideal is exemplary? In other words, could or would you live it as generally espoused by the church. Has, can or will any one ever do so? Can't you see that the impossibility, unreal- ness and vileness of the character is just what dazes ignorance into awe admiration? The same as with God and the bribe of heaven and threat of hell? Did you ever think of the fact that each as conventionally understood, are impossible for the infinite mind of man to grasp in degrees of horror ? And that such alone ac- counts for their mighty effect for evil ? Need any ask further proof of the sinister process of The Church than is expressed at its behest, by its fanatical dupes' contemptuous refusal to listen, read or consider reasonable evidence on the question; while yet ever strenuously endeavoring by every cogent trick, bribe, threat and execution within its terrible power, to force everybody to wallow in its mire? Doesn't this look as though it fears to let THE LIGHT OP REASON filter in or out of its portals? NEED THE TRUTH RESORT TO SUCH? Don't you think that " FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE" with nearly every person ENSLAVED by an unthinkably intricate army of warring preachers and other pro- moters, continually driving the hideous bribe and threat to the very marrow of hundreds of millions of half or fully crazed brains, is the most stupendous mistake one can possibly imagine? Should such an almighty power for universally early and awful death be allowed? Should the people be permitted to remain in "blissful ignorance" of such dire consequences, when there is no 158 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA question but what they would "go mad with joy," were the truth educationally forced upon them? Should not every thoughtful person and especially THE GOVERN- MENT, lend every effort to quickly end all such murder- ous and suicidal processes ? Why, if thus undertaken as by all means it should be, the hellish nightmare could be potentially wiped out the world over, in one day. The facility for reaching the world of people by tele- graph and newspapers, is now practically instantaneous. Every pulpit should be closed or their occupants com- pelled to explain the mighty error AT ONCE. Holy fright and delight kill many times more than armies that fight. Such alone would at least double the average length of life, and degree of happiness of this generation. Yet, only a slight start would have been made on the essential reforms that alone would quickly effect. These ' ' extrav- agant" statements will be fully proven in this chapter. Now after explaining a few more of the thousands of realistic specters which most people could see were they to carefully scrutinize the mirror reflection, we will further examine INSANITY, and conclude this section in regard to "CRIMINALITY" its exact solution and cure. The first haphazard discussion, however, being essential to a full understanding of the latter : Read thoughtfully for EVERY LIFE IS AT STAKE. But little will be here said on the subject of PATRIOT- ISM the huge Moloch that has grown out of legitimate SELF-DEFENSE; but it is a subject on which many books the size of this could be very profitably written in righteous condemnation the vile hydra-headed social beast. Yet, a hint-like attention should be herein re- corded. SELF-DEFENSE, the legitimate process of the impulse Survival of the Fittest, which is broadeningly ex- plained in this work by the concise statement The CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 159 Greatest Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act; the full Law of Selfishness or Self-defense being *The Greatest Degree of Pleasure Attainable with the Combined Relative Experience in Action, is at All Times Precisely Expressed by Each Individual *Na- ture's Books Ever being Accurately Balanced to Date.* Forget ye not this inviolable process of our being. We thus have the cause of every act clearly and fully explained before us, and note that SELF-DENIAL OR ALTRUISM plays no part. In fact, every meaning has to do entirely with SELF-CONSIDERATION absolutely ignor- ing all else, except as experience contributes essentials to THE i AM AND SHALL BE throughout a full or scant portion of life. Verily, as fully proven by many apt illustrations in the section on Jehovah and Causation and elsewhere, one never even considers anything but SELF other than as it may be applicable to SELF-SATISFACTION, in strict obedience to THE LAW as stated. This gives the "straight tip" that no obstacle should ever be placed in the way of PROMOTING SELF BET- TERMENT ; for our Nature speaks solely in terms of SELF. That we should never abridge SELF-ESTEEM; never even think of SELF-DENIAL for in the final, ALTRUISM is a myth: And yet the fact is "A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND." . WE should always teach and practice, as it were I can and I will ; I am equal to any other. In fact that i AM IT such being our basic Nature. Never curtail PERSONALITY but exalt each much as possible by a broad basic learning in INTELLECTUAL SELECTION OF THE BEST FOR SELF : That ' ' UNITED WE STAND, BUT DIVIDED WE FALL. ' ' This we found under the study of TELEPATHY, to be concisely explained and directed by The Goldless Rule IT IS TO THE WELFARE OF SELF TO TREAT ALL OTHERS 160 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA WITH HEALTHFUL CARE. Which in turn clearly calls for doing away with PATRIOTISM the key-stone of CLASS- CONSCIOUSNESS, BUSINESS STRIFE, etc., etc., CXCCpt aS applied to SELF which clearly calls for helping the race. Thus firmly establishing and maintaining UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD the exaction of flawless world-wide co- operation. This will probably suffice to lead the reader to realize that PATRIOTISM as now enforced by official edicts and generally reverenced, will in THE FINAL ERA be scornfully abolished UNITY BEING ESSENTIAL TO ALL : That "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF" is naught but SELF-DEFENSE. Even, alas for the good of all, each must have and do what is best for them IN SPITE OF SELF. The one al- mighty power alone must be forced on every person ; that is TO KNOW UNTO HAVING AND DOING NO MORE OR LESS THAN WHAT is BEST FOR SELF. Actions are ever a perfect index of what any one or the people KNOW. To think is but a slight degree of possible DOING as is the plan of a building or of perfect man. The dream, like an acorn, is but love 's labor mainly lost unless the oak of humanity is perfected. Yet the tree cannot mature unless the seed is correctly planted ; nor will either fail if given proper tools with which to do their part. Hence, TEACH MAN THE TRUTH AND GIVE HIM DUE CHANCE, spells success. But that is no more certainly true than is the reverse TEACH MAN ERROR, ETC. in- cluding opportunity, and he fails the result ever pre- cisely explaining the cause whether 'tis plainly obvious or not: Otherwise Cause and Effect the basis of Science, is a fake; cosmos a snare and man hopelessly lost. YET, DON'T BE DISCOURAGED READ ON TO THE LAST AND BEST. Many will anxiously ask, however. Is it possible for each and all to master such a wonderful subject! CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 161 Some will even be awe-stricken with the erroneous im- pression that each must study and pass credible exam- ination on knowing what they surmise would be a long list of basic details of man, social affairs and endless Nature; and shrink from such an undertaking as being impossible. The fact is, any child can learn the all-embracing basic guide in one minute THE GOLDLESS RULE, while as for detail this work contains practically every general principle involved and very much argument that would be superfluous, except as an introductory treatise where many, many times as much has to be torn down than built. The fact is, there is nothing to build. All that's needed is already known. The work consists entirely of thoroughly uprooting the tremendous forest of tangle- wood, old snags and poisonous methods that now smoth- eringly hide the truth. Why, to simply unfetter THE GOLDLESS RULE would at once restore man to OMNIS- CIENCE ; for he instinctively knows that IT is TO THE WEL- FARE OF SELF TO TREAT ALL OTHERS WITH HEALTHFUL CARE such, indeed, being naturally his greatest pleas- ure: Which is amply proven by the ever amiable asso- ciation of normal children and so-called savages when not corrupted and their simple needs are available. So, would other than an insanely corrupted person contend that any really intelligent human being would not do as well ? OMNISCIENCE in its truest sense means, TO KNOW HOW TO LIVE A FULL PORTION OF HAPPINESS, AND DOES NOT THE GOLDLESS RULE COMPLETELY DEFINE THAT PROCESS? CAN IT BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ANY OTHER WAY ? The great superstructure of knowledge which all may and will then acquire, would be merely a process of extending the bliss by intensifying it. Yet the lesser and greater de- grees would ever be in perfect harmony as a drop of water is with the ocean. 163 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Indeed owing to the suppressive and crushing con- ditions, there is now only a small fraction of our latent talent developed and used to the general benefit of hu- manity, that will be under the method of intellectualism safely piloting our ship of life clear of shoals. MAN is unrefutably THE LORD OP COSMOS OB GOD IF YOU PLEASE, and soon as he duly discovers his true identity, will proudly, justly and flawlessly resign as "monarch of all I survey. " Even, never has defiled his exalted place in nature ; though as the foolish prod- igal son that he is, has for a time been greatly shorn of his birthright and splendor. But having sown his wild oats, will soon abandon folly for the awaiting gowns, feast and blessing, befitting his rightful crown of glory: Ever guided by knowledge of constructive living MASTER-PULL. We have now examined many of the expressions that any person might have seen, had they carefully scruti- nized the mirror reflection that is so often given only a careless glance. Yet scarcely the hem has been touched of any SELF; that which the mighty hand of Nature cannot surpass when perfected vastly transcending the present state of any person. He has so far had a "square deal," as each desire and deserve; in which we promise to keep faith to the last. But here's one in court, poor fellow has done some- thing wrong ; and now at once the rest are all holy. But the writer THOUGH THE ACCUSED PLEADS GUILTY, is going to defend him ON CONSTRUCTIVE NATURAL PRIN- CIPLE. First in answer to the charge, it is claimed that if his accusers are guiltless then so is the prisoner for HE IS A TRUE REFLECTION OF THEM. So WHILE WE CONFESS HE HAS DONE WRONG, let the one among you who is not an accomplice testify first. CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 168 There being no witnesses, THE PRISONER is ACQUITTED short trial and exact justice for the first time in history. So, after the judge has duly apologized to the un- justly accused in behalf of the people, for inducing him to act so grievously injurious to himself and a world of companions, and has further explained what would have been right and best for all concerned to do under the circumstances of the inimical act, the brother is heartily bidden good cheer and promised that the wrong will be righted far as possible, by a more considerate treatment of him in future. The victim having been cured of his erroneous im- pulse by tender admonition as to the cause and effect of wrong, is invited to remain among his " friends " as stainless in his own and others' opinion as he now would be if coming home from a hospital and treatment for fever: Or precisely to the point, on being discharged from an asylum on being cured of insanity where he should have been confined and treated had not merely the court treatment effected a reasonably complete cure. The reader will do well to especially note that the unfortunate or prominent victim was not told to "GO AND SIN NO MORE ' ' ; f or while he had done very WRONG suicidal and murderous: Yet he did not SIN trans- gress the inviolable natural law, for the act was a pre- cisely lawful and inevitable reflex of corresponding mur- derous treatment or experience. Which, all-inclusive might be correctly explained as EQUILIBRIAL CAUSE AND EFFECT OR SOCIAL COMPENSATION. Furthermore having acted strictly in obedience with the unbreakable law as all ever do, and therefore BLAMELESS; he was not told to "GO" but invited to REMAIN among his friends for promised better treatment AS A BROAD EDUCATIONAL RESULT OF THE SORE EXPERI- ENCE ; the " blame " being rightly shouldered and cor- 164 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA reeled by all instead of one. The immediate plaintiff, who even under the present FREE WILL AND REVENGE system, are often equally or more culpable of the prin- cipals, ever taking their medicine from the same public bottle. Thus, CRIMINALITY AND INJUSTICE MAY ALL AT ONCE BE ENTIRELY WIPED OUT, and wrong doing even under the present insane system, reduced to the minimum; while promoting all lawyers, judges, politicians, legis- lators and their ilk, to the genial and prolific com- panionship of "The Man With The Hoe" greatly beneficial to themselves and their victims. THE EXACT JUSTICE OF THIS CASE WILL BE FULLY PROVEN, LATER ON. The writer once endeavored to engage an ex-judge lawyer in a discussion of PSYCHO-PHYSICS which had an important bearing on a case at bar in which we were mutually interested. The "Judge" at once frankly acknowledged that he was "completely out of court in the subject"; that "the law did not include any such guff; nor did jurists usually monkey with the doctors' business except to collect their bad debts and spare change," etc. When I asked him "by what authority are you then duly qualified to try and pass judgment on men?" The "Judge" promptly replied "by the law." And when asked "why shouldn't such treatment of man be left to doctors who understand them including judges who often only vaguely know the law?" "His Honor" at once dismissed the case by saying "evi- dently you're not a lawyer." This is almost verbatim what took place at Stockton, Cal., and in effect is occur- ring every hour in hundreds of "courts of justice." That "judge" might have got even "good and plenty," however, had he ventured the true rejoinder, that the average doctor knows only a mighty little more about man than do lawyers. Poor "homo" in- CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 165 eluding "Judge" and "Doc.," being as yet "squarely up against the real thing." Oh! joy. "Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy broth- er's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" "Judge not, that ye be not judged. "- MATT. 7 :3 and part of vs. 1. While we have already "got in" enough defensive evidence to acquit every prisoner COULD THEY GET A SQUARE DEAL, of being in fact "A CRIMINAL," all the trump cards are yet to be played. Let's take another sly peek in the mirror on the sub- ject of INSANITY, each if they dare, looking SELF squarely in the eye. This means the reader or listener personally, not some one in the asylum or whom you may think ought to be there unless it happens to be SELF. If it roils your temper or merely a smile, 'tis a center bull's-eye plunk. But if it enlists serious thought and corresponding effective actions, it is reasonable proof that you are not aboard the doomed craft perhaps ! As the limitation of insanity has never been de- scribed, nor Right and Wrong more than vaguely de- fined: Nothing whatever known of The Will: Love being a giggling mystery : The Law of Our Being never even dreamed of: Mind Declared Sacredly Occult: Life unthinkable: Spirit and Matter continually at war: Telepathy sneered at or fetishly bartered : Hypnotism, Dreams, Visions, Sleep, etc., shaking in the guess box. Man conglomerately ruled the world over by God, Devil. Spirits, Spirit, Mind, Fear, Delight, Law, Cannons, Hell, Heaven, Soul, Dreams, Schemes, Cranks, etc. So after all, if you should find yourself somewhat mixed in the following composite picture, don't feel at all ashamed or any to blame; for if you look close you'll also find A WORLD OF COMPANIONS IN THE SAME TITANIC BOAT, RACING FOR A DOLLAR GETTING RECORD WITH AN ICY TOMBSTONE JUST BENEATH THE PROW STRAIGHT AHEAD. Yet 166 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Of course, anyone who is not serious about such a matter would sneer at the freshly covered combined grave of their Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Wife and Child as is now often the case. Such a person, however, would say they are not crazy; but what do you think about it? And still far more important, what are you going to do about it? You certainly can do something your bit, can't you? And isn't that precisely what's required aboard a craft whose captain is bribed with pompous importance and dollars; and the crew all drunk on, and fighting over superstitions? ENSLAVED THEREBY! Don't be indifferent to such on the basis that you are wide awake and paddling your own canoe clear of ice-bergs; for remember they are mainly submerged, even entirely so to those who think thus. You're as much subject to the whims of that motley crew as is the rudder to the pilot of their ship. You came into this world without being consulted and will probably go out against your desire. Your body, breath, food, heat, light, etc., are assembled from environment. You obtain and keep clothing, home, associates, etc. ; even every dollar, power, etc., merely at the caprice of others as even the Czar and Kaiser recently learned : NONE LIVING OR DYING BY SELF ALONE BUT PER WORLD-WIDE INTERDEPENDENCE. No indeed instead of being independent, you will sink or swim along with that crew despite your canoe. Did you ever think of the fact that a person cannot boost SELF. How far does "SELF PRAISE" go? Even a fool can give the very wisest a far greater boost than the savant could himself except as his work is known to strangers. Christ learned this and said "a prophet is not without honor save in his own home." Distance in time and space alone leads enchantment and the longer the greater. Self brooks no immediate opposition except that which it cannot prevent, and then makes CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 167 the best it can of the worst The Greatest Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act. For instance : The writer once published a chapter of another work near 100 pages, and went out for a few days as a canvasser to sell it. It was found that to state who the author was sold him mighty quick with snubs and jeers. Not a friend volunteered to buy a book; and in regard to the many personally given away, not a compliment was received. While to those who were told during the short season of canvassing that the author was a distinguished FOREIGN scientist, the book was quite readily sold, and in each of the many instances when afterwards seen, they gave it unstinted detail praise as was the case by letter. None have been so reluctant to read, nor as quick to thoroughly con- demn the writer's work as his brothers, and noble de- ceased wife a blemishless woman. Yet the ingrained character of the scribe is faithfully depicted by this work which no relative or intimate acquaintance would deny. The almost universal method of today to "do the other fellow quick before he does you," is "unnatural" being wholly acquired by the long viciously com- petitive and hoarding or INDIVIDUALISTIC system; for comparatively little of such is found among normal chil- dren or savages where their actual need is available. An exceptional person here and there, however, is still found with the natural trait of getting the greatest pleas- ure from liberally sharing with others the essentials of life. When necessary, it is a genuine pleasure for a normal mother to go hungry in order to abundantly feed her children. The writer by long, broad and earnest thinking on the subject, has in a large degree reverted to the condition of getting no pleasure from anything that is not ennobling to self and the race having largely abandoned unsurpassed business ability and success 168 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA enduring the scoff of friends and censure of family ; has spent his all unto years of hunger, FOB THE ONLY GENU- INE PLEASURE OP DOING HIS BEST FOB OTHEBS even at the instant of this writing has less than three days' shelter or food in store. Which simply shows that there is nothing so foolish or wise that human beings cannot, has not or will not do IN QUEST OF SATISFACTION; the result depending entirely on one's totality of expe- rience. The Ked Cross Work probably at once suggests the broadest and best examples of man's acquired ferocity and native kindness. By heartless competition in many ways, millions are reduced to sickening want, and other millions opposed in pitiless war. Then with a noble general cry of pain, the more fortunate eagerly contribute billions to the relief of the crushed, groaning or down and out. Nothing could be a truer bill of indict- ment against the present system than the necessity of The Red Cross. Which in turn as clearly proves how world-wide tender of one another human beings would be, had they a chance to do so; such being at once a grewsome and promising picture. We have now examined just a few of the many ways in which the great body politic is continually doing such enormous wrongs that merely their gigantic proportions make them invisible to most people. The public wrongs are of stern fact so stupendous as to defy dissection and understanding, except in a blanket way. They include every so-called crime that any person ever has or can be convicted of and entombed or executed for; and too, the degree is ever multiplied beyond measure of which the comparison between a single murder and war is no unusual example. Now having laid a sort of an "eye-opener" basis upon which to at once clearly reason and understand as to the cause, effect and remedy of INSANITY and CBIMI- CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 169 NALITY, we will proceed to more pointedly examine them in the light of that NOTHING is MORE PRACTICAL THAN RIGHT; that man is the final and exemplary conqueror; and that NO VICTORY is WORTHY OP HIM EXCEPT TO ' ' OVER- COME EVIL WITH GOOD. ' ' That for the incomparably older and stronger public to condemn and mal-treat a puny individual for in a minute degree reflecting its precepts and example, is belittling to the might and possible right of humanity. That it is not only shameful injustice but a process of general misery, murder and suicide. That such can be naught but the deadly pus oozing from IGNORANCE the parent of every WRONG, and must be quickly treated by its only antidote, INTELLIGENCE the ennobling trade-mark of every RIGHT, or the result is sure to be swift and disastrous. The writer warningly advises the reader to be calm, strong and thoughtful, for he or she will shortly read the most far-reaching and wonderful, at once personal and general facts that it is possible for any one or the race to grasp; that which when duly understood will draw a distinct line between The Christian and Final Eras and this great change is now to very rapidly ensue. BE NOT ALARMED, FOR WHEN CORRECTLY ANALYZED 'TIS NAUGHT BUT THE LONG DESIRED MESSENGER OF GOOD CHEER AND INCALCULABLE FORTUNE, IN WAY OF SEVERELY KIND LIFE PROMOTING TRUTH; WHICK EVERY PERSON SHOULD MAKE AN EARNEST EFFORT TO CLEARLY SEE, AND INSTEAD OF ENDEAVORING TO REFUTE THE AT FIRST SHOCK- ING NEWS MAKING A BAD MATTER WORSE, EACH SHOULD GLADLY WELCOME THE SELF-EVIDENT GRIM FACTS OUR SAVIOR, WITH AN OPEN MIND AND HELPING HAND : We will lead to it by degrees. Remember that Nature never fails to back any and every FACT without a reserve of its omnipotent and eternal power ; so that regardless of whim, its will is ever 170 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA duly done right. Verily, forget it not! That, The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth, Can Alone be Mankind's Redeemer; that the only sure process of cure is, to fully recognize the disease and remove the cause making the best of the worst. First, note this carefully : Now-a-days owing to the dogma of personal responsibility, condemnation and punishment; the constructive process of Nature is en- tirely perverted. The dominancy of growth depends entirely on due recognition and remedy of PAIN decay, Nature 's timely warning of wrong doing, demanding im- mediate right about face unto PLEASURE growth. Yet, for a so-called criminal to plead guilty today, insures quick and sure punishment ADDING OP PAIN, INSTEAD OF RELIEF; thus naturally forcing nearly every wrong doer to not only deny, but to invent any and every possible defense in order to escape THE JUSTICE OF IGNORANCE. No normal person ever consents to punishment, for Nature's first and ceaseless edict is to EVADE the virus of death, which every person obeys to the best of their abil- ity AS REQUIRED BY THE IMPULSE OF SURVIVAL OR LAW OF LIFE SELFISHNESS. Every pleading of guilty even unto that of SIN, is for the purpose of abating or escaping far as possible the horror of PUNISHMENT disgrace, prison, noose, hell, etc., which process every person instinctively recognizes is RIGHT on their part and WHONG from the persecution standpoint ; for their nature yearns for PLEASURE. That is ever selects from the storehouse of experience THE LESSER DEGREE OF PAIN, precisely in obedience to the law. Thousands of people owing to perverted teachings mainly of the church, have been driven by THE PAIN OF CONSCIENCE, CRAZING FEAR, ETC., to deliver theni- selves to "THE JUSTICE" of prison and execution, AS THE LESSER OF THE TWO PAINS a grewsome "easing of conscience. " CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 171 Even suicide is ever caused by the seeking of LESS PAIN. This viciously enforced doctrine of FREE WILL the very quintessence of IGNORANCE, constantly fills every person with fear the magic grave digger FOR EVERY PERSON IN YOUTH : Sneers Change Not This Fact. It's the fountain of deception, dreams, schemes, trickery, blame, discord, war, etc. ; even of hypocrisy impelling the climax of Nature's handiwork to CHEAT himself into heaven TO EVADE THE FRIGHTFULLY PAINFUL THREAT OF HELL gradually frightened to death. Is man thus shown to be dishonest, disobedient and vile ? NEVER ! NEVER ! ! NEVER ! ! ! Does he lie ? IM- POSSIBLE ! IMPOSSIBLE ! ! IMPOSSIBLE ! ! ! Does he sin ? ! 00 !! 000 ! ! ! Can Nature be dishonest, disobedient, vile, a liar and sinful? Can its heir to the throne of glory be less than an obedient child? Point out if you can where any one of its multiple of billions of sons and daughters have ever disobeyed even so much as a jot or tittle, THE LAW OF NATURE. When you have done this and not before, may any one apply such epithets to man. Why! you might as well try to stop the tide. "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than a tittle of the law to fail" truly saith "THE BOOK." Treat man as this work suggests and none will ever again give occasion for being classed in any respect, as unworthy ; make the Law of His Nature ' ' the law of the land ' ' and he will never disobey ; for then it would be impossible, as it has been to disregard the same law in the past despite the bribe of heaven and threat of hell, censure, prisons, noose, laws, armies, etc. Not only such, but no one has ever disagreed with any other from that standpoint ; their nature ever being precisely the same and each flawlessly faithful thereto, have always been in perfect harmony on basic principle. Namely EACH HAVE DONE THE BEST THEY COULD 178 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA SELF UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES. If this is not true then Cause and Effect is a snare and delusion, and every known FACT UNTRUE. The trouble has all resulted merely from the SIMPLE ALMIGHTY FACT that, the circumstances, experience, education or environment call it what you like, of each have ever been sufficiently different to make them fight one another like cats and dogs in order for each to main- tain SELF; such being the inevitable result of catch-as- catch-can training, variously guiding associates under the same law; precisely like a pack of hungry wolves fighting unto death over a bone when with combined efforts they could quickly capture abundance of food for all such being even vile brutality. Ignorant man trained under the doctrine of IN- DIVIDUALISM, makes the most savage fight of any animal under The Law of Survival of the Fittest, EACH FOR SALVATION OF SELF. Man is the only animal, however, who can duly learn that by proper co-operation each may live a much longer and happier life than by competition; and will even- tually do so perforce of the same law. The wonderful change will result solely from uniform education in fundamental law and corresponding adjustment of HAVING AND DOING NO MORE OR LESS THAN WHAT IS BEST FOR EACH FOR ALL GENERATIONS: All very easy to ac- complish, and will now be rapidly done: SURVIVAL OF THE RACE AS FITTEST. The Nature of Man never has and cannot change an iota ; but experience, education or individual and general conditions our guide, ever has and will change until perfection of mankind is reached; which will accrue from the process of growth or evolution of human men- tality precisely the same as history records of the past; only, in future the development will be as much faster as our tools of experience are proportionately CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 173 more complete. THIS TREATISE SUPPLYING THE HERETO- FORE LACKING BASIC GUIDE FOR A SUCCESSFUL FINAL ERA LEAP. NOT THAT THIS WORK IS BY ANY MEANS PERFECT OR FINISHED EXCEPT IN CLEARLY EXPLAINING THE ESSENTIAL BASIC PRINCIPLE UPON WHICH TO QUICKLY, CORRECTLY, AND COMPLETELY CONSTRUCT A PLAY OF WHICH TO STAGE THE RIPENING ACT OF MAN. This is true because there is no vital problem that is not herein at least potentially solved beyond a possible improvement; which not only constitutes THE TRUE UNIVERSAL PANACEA OR CURE OF EVERY PREVALENT DEFECT from the slightest to the great- est inclusive, of personal, social and governmental psycho-physical ailments, but as clearly shows how to maintain normal growth unto the end PERFECTION OF THE RACE. Try to specifically point out where this is not true. In other words, THE PANACEA must fully and clearly contain the first, last and all intervening WORDS OF PRIN- CIPLE that may at any time or place be required by each as a correct basic guide of life ; and should this or any other work fail in the slightest degree of being such, it is a failure unto worthlessness ; for the like is now re- quired and completely possible. Nor will any less here- after, be long tolerated by the infinitely critical human brain. WHEN THE BASE is PERFECT AND NOT BEFORE, WILL SELF TAKE THE FINAL LEAP UNTO " PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TOWARD MAN": A correct and com- plete fundamental guide now being essential. Comparative : This work even more accurately and certainly points to the rapid final ascent of the race, than did The Law of Gravity to that of Astronomy ; or "the atomic theory" to that of chemistry. For as the basis for such is herein correct and complete, THE HU- MAN BRAIN an ever logical builder from the best prem- ises at hand, cannot now long neglect to fully utilize the available opportunity of completely satisfying its 174 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA highest possible ideal to which the ages ran, in behalf of man. The obstructing derelicts had best BEWARE ! Having examined a fringe of the results from not having such a guide in the past, but now for the first time being aware of the right method and what vital gems are easily within man's grasp, we will take a final look at just a few more phases of our present plight; for mind you well, that neither pleasure or life could be duly enjoyed until of pain and death a full taste is taken as a warning to henceforth avoid their field. Which in future, however, will be amply instilled by means of virile precept drawn from the vile example of the past as we now point to a drunkard as an adverse character and condition for a thoughtful child to profit- ably consider. When at last for the first time, the past will be properly and helpfully remembered; of no in- stance as a worthy example, but in repulsive precept inducive of future uplift EVER RESPECTING BUT NEVER REFLECTING EXCEPT BE EXCELLING THE DEAD. Every CVCnt is good at the time and place of its doing but no other, for the past is never repeated but ever defeated in the conquering march of evolution. Thus Cosmos sets a correct example for the climax of its handiwork ; always growing superior living from inferior dead an ascen- sion by survival of the fittest. Growth depends on SELF- ISHNESS ever preserving THE BEST. Let's not forget, however, that we are primarily considering the torment of insanity and torture of crim- inality, while veritably strangling of the miasma from their bog. Owing to ever being bathed in such, however, few readers will have noticed the clink of chains, iron bars and walls of flint caging nearly every sentence so far read nor the ravings depict by nearly every word; but as dawn of either the fatal day or era of light is now fast creeping on, we will take a hasty glance at that CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 175 which all should crave to forever leave behind and for- get, while struggling to escape the straight jackets, dungeons, death cells, fear of hell and tombs of prevalent violent ignorance. While it pains the writer to even record these severely rebuking truths, yet as many seem to have been so thoroughly enamored with the bribe, threat and re- venge system, as to fiendishly enjoy the ever increasing pall of agony and approach of general disaster. It there- fore behooves at least some one to earnestly shout alarm and light the beacons of imminent danger. 'Tis a cup, indeed, that invoketh prayer to touch not mine lips: Yet, "thy will, not mine, be done" ALMIGHTY CAUSE AND EFFECT OF ACTIO-MATERIA COSMOS. Thus with a crown of thorns and a burden a-cross mine heart the final essential task is approached WITH TRIUMPHANT PLEASURE: And though the spears that are cast unto the fullness of life be poisoned and re- turned by a mob who "know not what they do," into mine own side ; their brother will sleep in eternal peace as the result of duty well done without asking forgive- ness of those who inevitably reflected the murderous ignorance of their clan. *To SLAY ONE'S FELLOW is THE ACME OF DOING GOOD FOR EVIL. Were this understood, murder would entirely cease. The dead is harmed not : Further harm cannot be added to the slayer. To the dead, death has been overcome : The slayer will be overcome by death many times before death is overcome. This rule holds good PROPORTIONATELY, in minor offenses. For though blameless for ignorant actions, they record a life long sting whether of conscious or unconscious experience. NATURE EVER COMMENSURATELY PUNISHES IGNO- RANCE, AS A SPUR TO INTELLIGENCE: THIS AND NO MORE MUST BE ENDURED ; TO ADD THERETO IS WRONG.* 176 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA The foregoing mighty 100 words when duly understood, are only a factor of the following almighty 100 words. *BAS1S OF THE FINAL ERA OB WORLD CONSTITUTION. SELF-SATISFACTION being the all-inclusive or FIRST LAW OF NATURE and SELF-PRESERVATION its highest CX- pression; therefore being INFINITELY SELFISH, when duly realizing that man is an unerring product and re- flex a veritable SLAVE of immediate and stored ENVIRON- MENT of which humanity is the principle factor, each would eagerly lend every possible effort to purify the source, that SELF may be perfected and live long in the land. Thus, INTELLIGENT SELFISHNESS would insure a literal fulfillment of The Goldless Rule IT is TO THE WELFARE OF SELF TO TREAT ALL OTHERS WITH HEALTHFUL CARE:* IF THIS BE UNTRUE THEN ERROR IS RIGHTEOUS- NESS. History and present condition emphatically imply that mankind is misguided. The Catholic Church like- wise tacitly declares that The Bible is not a fit book for THE PEOPLE to read getting just one idea right, and thereby defeating its numerous rivals by just one point. The Bible is fit only for intelligent people to read A CHURCHLESS ATTAINMENT. Now we are prepared to understandingly examine the dire result of the dogma * ' Freedom of Conscience. ' ' That is THE CONSEQUENCE OF NOT HAVING A CORRECT AND UNIFORMLY TAUGHT STANDARD BASIS GUIDE OF JUDG- MENT. This brings us to a pointed consideration of the problems, "legally" and generally classified as INSANITY AND CRIMINALITY. The foregoing and following is but a fraction of what any one would find, were that image in the mirror fully dissected. But now having left the mirror f just before starting to inspect asylums and prisons, let's each sneak off to that way back, very dark and ever CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 177 locked room, and read awhile from the secret book; not to the closet where the family skeletons are kept, but to the sunless recess that is "holy" wholly unto SELF: And while there instead of reading too long, try to some- what justify SELF for what little has been silently read, by meditatively asking from the maney that might flood one's mind, the following blanket questions. I wonder how many there are who has not such as this secret dungeon of their own? How many would care to write their true history on the front wall of a church, without omitting a line or chapter here and there? Were all so-called crimes known and the law fully enforced, how many families would be exempted from having some one or more of the four father, mother, brother or sister, "behind the bars"? If every "crime" was committed that violently convulse a heart stayed only by cowardice, and sent to prison how many would be left at home? If the "criminals" now at large were to change places with those now caged, how many of the present victims would remain in prison? How many are there in prison were the facts known, who are actually innocent of what they were convicted? Were every hypocrite turned from church, how many vacant pulpits and pews of aching void would there be? If "God searches the heart" instead of court records and sends all sinners to hell, how many are there probably now in heaven ? etc. ? etc. ? etc. ? Let's for once clean our slates by a frank and full confession ; and so the writer leads off by pleading guilty to every charge directly or indirectly inferred. NEXT ! The fact is, however, no person in prison is really disgraced; but every "freeman" outside will be unless the awful wrong now being inflicted on the caged and outraged is not quickly righted : FOR YOU HOLD IN HAND COMPLETE AND FLAWLESS EVIDENCE OF EVERY PERSON'S ABSOLUTE INNOCENCE OF THE SLIGHTEST CRIMINAL 178 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA THOUGHT OB ACT WHETHER IN OB OUT OP PRISON RE- GARDLESS OP WHAT THEY DID OR MAY DO, AND THIS CAN- NOT BE REFUTED : For Nature Makes No Mistake NEVER SINS. How often do you suppose that any of merely the following mighty powerful veritably obsessing, imme- diate and stored influences, which now-a-days ever handi- cap each thought and deed of every person some much more than others, is duly taken into account in passing judgment of one person on another, or the spider church on its enwebbed fly; the python court on the fawn within its coils; the chief kid-napper warden on the children in his barred and watched den ? Namely- Prenatal abuse; heredity of environment; transmitted conditions of parental diseases and mental turbulence during gestation or " marking" congenital influences; laxated, impinged and defective nerves; improper food, clothing and sanitation ; disease, drugs, family rows, etc. ; elemental exposure; self-abuse; sexual excess; unfit literature; scant and perverse schooling; vile stories; superstitious bile; braggadocio; corrupting example; common ignorance; cruel sport; wanton killing of sub- creatures ; liquor, tobacco, etc. ; gossip ; business thiev- ery ; graft ; political trickery ; general deception and sus- picion ; inequality of opportunity ; general heartlessness ; over or under exercise ; competition ; disputes, fights, etc. ; financial frenzy ; necessity and power of money ; official power; personal swaggery; war, heroism, and. and, and of the kind without limit MAKING UP EACH PERSON'S DIRECTING ENVIRONMENT accruing with never a missing link of one's experience from the instant of conception to the incident of action the molder of every personality and action ! These are a few of the " INCENTIVES " or "CIRCUM- STANCES" that are ever entirely overlooked by official- dom, but ever reflected in thought, condition and deed, CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 179 by the victim the court and prisoner being ignorant thereof EVER DOPED WITH THE VIRUS OF FREE WILL. Why, general CONDEMNATION alone ranging in penalties from spitish hate to execution and threat of hell, is sufficiently powerful to kill every whale in the ocean, were it gauged to their kind; and would anni- hilate the human race were not man by far the toughest animal nature can produce capable of far outliving the whale, under ideal conditions. Simply the helplessness at time of birth, slowness of development and practically limitless capacity of man proves this. It will probably be of interest to some to note a specific result or two of these death dealing influences. So as the same problem is elsewhere extensively dis- cussed and we are here considering insanity, the illus- tration will be confined mainly thereto. Everybody has probably noticed that the seriously insane are generally very short lived and that a great many attendants including their doctors, also very often become violently insane and quickly succumb. The same is true in regard to all ailments for they are all PSYCHO-PHYSICALLY contagious ever transmitted to near and remote fellow beings no one ever being im- mune : Each at the same distance conforms to a like ex- tent, but being at the time of greatly varying conditions, THE CONSCIOUS result corresponds thereto. We will precisely illustrate the ACTUAL to that of CONSCIOUS " catching " of disease; and it's hoped the reader will "catch-on." Say that we have five balance scales. On the right side they are progressively held down by from one to five pounds: Now we place one pound in the left hopper of each, and No. 1 balances CONSCIOUS, and the others are proportionately nearer thereto. Put another pound in each of the others, and No. 2 balances CONSCIOUS, and the others just that much nearer. Put another pound in each of the rest and 180 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA No. 3 balances CONSCIOUS, etc., etc., until all resistance regardless of varying degrees to overcome would bal- ance or become conscious. Each "catching" the same amount at same distance from the center of action, and must eventually "come down." Each ever being pro- portionately weakened and just that much more subject to other phases or disease; for disease is all the same except of different degree, and becomes CONSCIOUS in corresponding variant cells of the body, with which all other cells also being the same of different degree, cor- respondingly SYMPATHIZE none escaping. Germs compound cells of virulent vegetable, may transmit their kind by contact. The virus of vaccine used in vaccina- tion, and serums, are systemic alteratives which while sometimes preventing or curing specific ailments, greatly reduce normal vitality and render the subject an easy victim to other expressions of disease. Drugs generally have much the same effect. DRUGS, SERUMS, VACCINES AND GERMS : BACTERIA ARE MAINLY SCAVENGERS. A duly healthy human being would be invulnerable to all such thoroughly immuned. We have dissected many phases of present human affairs and in no instance found them worthy of main- taining; and were the process indefinitely extended the same result would be inevitable. Wherever the ideal has been touched it was of conditions we now have not; yet which are infinitely more desirable and practical for man. Facts, indeed, are stranger than fiction : The at once strangest but inevitable fact under the conditions, however, will next be recorded. 'Tis of the real demon fountain of corruption from which all the foregoing, to- gether with a vast horde of relatives has been unspar- ingly spewed forth. While we have been discussing INSANITY as mani- fested in many of its prominent but heretofore not so classified phases: All such will a little further on be CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 181 clearly shown, however, to be merely varying degrees of that ALL-INCLUSIVE BIS-BASE diverse PSYCHO-PHYSICAL expression of discord, by means of CORRECT DEFINITION AND ILLUSTRATION AS TO ITS SCOPE. One of the great defects of much prevalent so- called science is especially in therapeutics, the great generas as with that of disease, is treated as it were, like taking a mile long snake and chopping it into a thousand sections and then treating each piece as a dif- ferent class of animal or thing instead of all snake with a little variation of spot on each joint. Psychology alone is slashed into more criss-cross wrangle than there are nerves which are practically endless in number. Then comes physiology, histiology, bacteriology, etc., etc., each reading like a bar-room row between a dictionary and immoral law. The treatises on diagnosis and Materia Medica make an encyclopedia look like thirty cents and the doctors look wise instead of being so. And yet there are hundreds of other cults, each having a slice of the same snake as long as it held out, but not so considered and treated ; the rest hanging on to a hunk of cat, dog, rat, weasel, frog or any old thing just so it's good bait for suckers, and now-a-days anything from hot air to old horse-shoes is good POR- COIN-DOPE in cases of FORLORN-HOPE vilely slashed and hashed snake. By the time these deceiving dissectors and doctors of man get through with him, one would think he was made up of a junk shop, sewer, barnyard, drugstore and busted bank, but he looks like a friendless corpse. Yes, this is all true except the snake was too short, and I for- got to mention that there are two suckers born every second "POOR DEVILS," there being limitless "practi- tioners" and "patients." Indeed, there is many a truth spoken in a joke, even plenty of them so great and true as to be otherwise un- 188 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA mentionable; that's why the life of mankind is turning unto yarns of Hindoo dreams and cobra tricks our bodies into mere garbage of pus from drugs and mental slush. Some tell us that sickness is all mental, others that it is all physical, and others that it 's sort of a cock-tail ; even many piously affirm that sickness and death is a fake for there's nothing to get sick or die which is just now the most successful sucker trap. The stern fact is, the more ridiculous an idea is, the better bait it makes: EVER ADDITION INSTEAD OP ELIMINATION OP PSYCHO-PHYSICAL POISON. Now these wonderful truths are not stated to be merely laughed at, but for serious consideration in con- nection with the stupendous problem under discussion. We have had no trouble in finding plenty of wrong to explain, but no right unless it 's of what we have not. The fact is, not one right social condition can be found. If even a single correct state of affairs can be shown, this work will be abandoned at once; for THE PANACEA can be built only upon a complete failure; when the race as a whole has reached its highest endurable state of discord. We have just clearly seen that the life of man is now being juggled with by various bands of quarreling clumsy clowns for nothing else in any instance except lucre. Yet the reader holds in hand a treatise, fully ex- plaining how it is easily and quickly practical to change the present veritable sucker and death trap, into a process of uniformly living a painless life unto many, many folds that it is possible for any one now to attain. Nothing ever accomplished by man is easier or more feasible than to convert the present warring scramble without a healthy person to its credit, into a world wide system of unity and perfection : BECAUSE IN THE FINAL, EVERY PERSON EARNESTLY DESIRES IT. CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 183 Well at last the time and place is reached when the shock evidence in the case is to be frankly recorded ; for no stone should be left unturned till we find the stealthy and heartless wretch that lures our best and all the rest unto an untimely grave. Now may be when found, he or she or it will be recognized as THE PARENT AND SUPPORT OF ALL OUR ILLS OF WHICH ALL ARE ILL, AND WHO IN YOUTH IT SLYLY KILLS. WOULD IT NOT BE LUCK WERE THAT TRUE AND WE COULD IN TURN ONCE FOR ALL BURY IT DEEP? We have just seen that no doctor knows the source or remedy of the frightful and seemingly never ending world-wide scourge; for none escape its hot breath and clammy hand. So as 'tis sort of in the air that this is about the right season and spot to catch the monster, let's be mighty careful and watchful lest the fox escape or get us first. Indeed, me wonders how the thing can look, or if with eyes or mind can look at all he who for so many years has daily slain his thousands of Nature 's best while yet at the mother's breast. Ah, but care me not if blind as death or can the sun out-see, should I these hands once on him rest, me swear his time of doom hath come. Even such is my vow, both then and now. Most people have often heard the statement that "nearly every one is at times insane on some subject." The writer has heard that remark many times and quite as often indignantly disputed. We shall now concisely but correctly and plainly ex- amine the all-important problem SEEK THE BOTTOM TRUTH IN REGARD TO IT FOR NOTHING CAN BE MORE DE- SIRABLE OR NECESSARY. HISTORICALLY: It is only the last few years that anything has been known about the function of the brain. The Hebrews believed the heart to be the organ of the soul which did the thinking and directing. Plato 184 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA had a vague idea that the brain had something to do with thought, but he hadn't the slightest conception as to why and the process : His suggestions, however, were ridiculed "out of court" by Aristotle, Hippocrates and their followers. THE BIBLE HASN 'T THE WORD BRAIN IN IT, nor is the brain as the seat of thought referred to, but other organs are. One of the psalmists says that his "reins" kid- neys, "instructed him in the night seasons." Another that * * The Lord trieth the heart and kidneys. ' ' Jeremiah heralded as the savant in knowledge of man in his day, said that the people "had the Lord in their mouth but not in their kidneys." Paul speaks of the "bowels of mercy," etc. Even way down in English history they wrote of "two fellows of the same kidney." Of course, as nothing of consequence was known about the function of brain until less than one hundred and fifty years ago, the parties who wrote and compiled The Bible much of it 100 to 300 years after The Christ "ideal" marks the beginning of this era, they conse- quently could say nothing about its importance, nor un- derstand the phenomena ; hence, the inevitable erroneous conclusions. They believed THE IMAGES OF their visions dreams, were inspired or real as the ignorant on the subject do today. The real difference between nerves and small cords which were alike called "tendons," was not known for near fifteen hundred years after the time of Christ. The insane were supposed to be possessed of demons. Didn't Christ cast evil spirits out of a queer one and into a drove of hogs ? So, what could they have known of the brain or nerves the intricate mechanism making all sentient creatures possible especially man; without an understanding of which no one can be sure of knowing much even of anything else. This alone shows how unreliable The Bible is AS A BASIC GUIDE. CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 185 Ye gods! did you ever read a chapter oil " Black Art or witchcraf tery " ? Libraries are jammed with books in regard to the centuries of the "holy fright." It 's enough to make an Indian 's hair curl ; which by no means is wiped out all spirit and spiritualistic phe- nomena being precisely the same of somewhat varied ex- pressions and degrees the change resulting from corre- sponding variation of teachings. It was not until about 1784 that Dr. Benj. Bush of Philadelphia, in this country; and 1795 when Dr. Phil- lippe Peniel of Paris, interested themselves in behalf of the insane, that the extremely mental deranged were not considered simply possessed of Devils chained in dungeons and atrociously punished. This was the birth of understanding the brain. The problem has been a very difficult one owing to the mainly incorrect way it has been studied. Even today its true function is not in the slightest generally recognized which includes most psychologists and alienists. The dogma of FREE WILL is still dominant in power ; the demon is still staunchly enthroned. The Soul, God, Devil, Spirit, Angels, Imps, etc., are all still in the minds of people firmly as ever. The violently insane only having been freed from execration, dungeons, hangmen and hell. The by far greater section of insanity, that of the so-called criminal if without plenty of " dough," are still "up against the real thing." Their God-like souls when praying or rich, are fa- vored, but the "demons" when stealing and poor, still bring the lash of condemnation, chains, death and threat of everlasting molten brimstone upon their tender backs. The idea of FREE WILL is the fiercest "spirit" this world has ever known, in fact it is the parent and support of all debasing plight, fright, fight, spite and might. 186 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA The dogma of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SIN has burned "The Lord only knows" how many thousands or millions at the stake, and caused billions to wither and rot in horrible prison cells. The fright of punishment and hell has kept the nerves of mankind on fire for thousands of years alone causing many times more premature death than all wars combined. Nothing kills more certain or painfully than fright, in fact it is the very fountain of middle age death. EVERY PRAYER is UTTERED BECAUSE OF FEAR. Man- kind is literally obsessed of it. It's the "crime" of the ages born of IGNORANCE. Man is now entirely ruled by fright instead of light, and every whit of it is rooted in the demon dogma of FREE WILL. Millions are today in tomb-like cells solely because of it. Everybody are frightened of and, therefore, filled with hell which dis- ease their brain and they literally "play hell." Every word of this is true as sun-light, and whether the reader and world of people are sane enough to see and correct the untellably horrible evil, it is true just the same none escaping its torture and untimely summons. If it is true, every person who reads this work or is otherwise made cognizant of the fact and do not use their every possible means to prevent further perpetra- tion of the awful world-wide outrage of reason and the condition of millions, is an accessory to an evil, which in comparison relegates all wars to the class of purring kittens. While if it is not true, then any person who would even attempt to put such as this work before the people, should it will be widely believed, be tortured unto death by a slow fire ; and then, indeed, the ' * eternal torment of hell would be too good for him." And too, one of these two alternatives must be the stern fact we seek. So, now by a fair and square trial of the case, we CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 187 will "once for all" put the blame for causing these ceaseless groans, and ever murdering humanity in youth, precisely where it belongs and "may The Devil have the carcass of the guilty is right" ? NOW FOB THE EVIDENCE AND DECISION IN THE SU- PREME COURT OF REASON. Of course no one could properly be classed as INSANE on any phase of their mental state where func- tioning intelligently or RIGHT. So every act that has or can be duly pronounced as being INSANE must be traced to PSYCHO-PHYSICAL WRONG DOING IGNORANCE. Hence, one's SANITY OR INSANITY ever hinges on their functioning to RIGHT OR WRONG. Self-evidently, therefore, it is necessary to first clearly establish just what always constitutes the true parting of the ways of RIGHT AND WRONG as a true basis of judgment, before even a correct start in consideration of the problem can be made. What constitutes RIGHT and WRONG the all-impor- tant basis of judgment, has never been more than vaguely understood or defined; in fact it is one of the great many aged conundrums which are mainly rele- gated to PERSONAL OPINION for solution admitting un- limited variation of premise for judgment, and corre- sponding diversity of conclusions; the result of which we constantly see in the way of STRIFE ranging from "friendly" arguments to vicious disputes, fighting, murder, prisons, noose, social or bloody war, etc., at all times the world over disagreement on practically every subject. The true basis of judgment is now stated as sort of mixture of The Bible, Law, Etiquette, Religious Con- victions, Custom, Class and Caste, Experience, etc., which not only greatly varies every mile the world over laws and local custom being greatly different in every town, state and nation, but each "free subject" under- 188 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA stands the conglomerate mass their own way TO WHICH THEY ADD A PERSONAL OPINION, THAT ALL ABE WRONG BUT SELF and " fight for their RIGHTS." This last is ever that supreme court of PERSONAL OPINION we call CONSCIENCE, which is now more gener- ally conceded to be the right guide than anything else. And yet, as each one's conscience is the product of per- sonal experience which in every instance is vastly dif- ferent, no two individual directing agencies ever being the same ; even alas, each conscience is constantly under- going change as dictated by varying combination of experiences as they accrue throughout life. Thus at a glance we clearly see how chaotic and generally unreliable the present conception of RIGHT AND WRONG is. And too, the basis of PSYCHOLOGISTS AND ALIENISTS for judgment of the same subject, is not much improved. While legally every person is expected to under- stand and conform to the law, the millions of accumu- lated edicts now vary at the rate of way over fifty thou- sand changes a year, which no lawyer or judge under- stands, nor in regard to which do any two ever agree; each case being " learnedly" contested by rival attor- neys, and judges continually reverse one another's decisions. There are alone thousands of more or less varying CONSTITUTIONS or basic laws, each forever undergoing change often by complete substitution. As to how Nations agree, the thousands of wars including the present skirmish with its 17,000,000 casualties and a total of near $500,000,000,000 in money and property loss say nothing of the many folds in kind that must accrue therefrom if this warning to change the system is not duly heeded, ought to suffice as convicting evi- dence in the case of our supreme institutions. A definite knowledge of what always constitutes CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 189 RIGHT AND WRONG has heretofore been handicapped by an equal poverty in understanding of The Will, Love, Telepathy or Cause and Effect, Hypnotism, Life, Mind, Spirit, Matter, Cause of Disease, etc., etc. Then above all, the essential basic guide in dealing with the vast range of PSYCHO-PHYSICS The Law of Human Nature, had apparently never even been dreamed of. So the reader may readily realize how utterly impossible it was with all of these directly associated phases of men- tality merely guessed at in a multiple of a thousand and one ways, for any one to correctly deal with the all- inclusive problem of insanity. This work, however, entirely clears the field, so that every problem is easily and fully understood. Which in turn furnishes for the first time, the proper basis upon which to correctly construct the great superimposing structure of social and governmental affairs of man. Heretofore, practically every phase of human af- fairs have been running riot much as mathematics would without definite rules as guides, or as astronomy did before The Law of Gravity was formulated, or as either would with many missing or misfit links in the process. Every calculation and conclusion must be incorrect and the confusion grow in proportion to number of problems involved just as we have found is the case with the general affairs and condition of the race. With these self-evident and mighty truths fresh in mind, it may impel the reader to at least partially realize the almighty importance of duly comprehending the following correct definition of RIGHT AND WRONG, and the concluding short discussion of INSANITY. Of course an understanding of the associate problems some of which having just been mentioned, must be gleaned from an explanation of them in other chapters of this work for it is impracticable to recapitulate them here. RIGHT AND WRONG are respectively suggestive of 190 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA GAIN AND LOSS primarily of LIFE. Hence, as COSMOS OR UNIVERSE can neither lose or gain decay of THINGS or BEINGS forever being Natural and Necessary as their growth, what we term RIGHT AND WRONG, therefore, is confined in the final solely to a consideration of SELF in the ever surging battle of Survival of the Fittest where each have a chance at gain or loss in life of SELF, which include the vast range of settings or tools thereof essen- tial tO the LIFE OF SELF. It seems strange that the basic problem of RIGHT AND WRONG has not heretofore been completely solved and the all-important fact universally made known ; for nothing is more self-evident or easier to understand- in a blanket way, than what at all times and under every circumstance clearly constitutes the basis thereof; for in the final none have more than the one problem of con- sideration THE LIFE OF SELF. This is why all religions based on various theories as to the extension of life, have ever found ready adherents regardless of how ridiculous they may be, and THE SOLE REASON WHY THE PRINCIPLE ESPOUSED BY THIS WORK CONCISELY EXPLAIN- ING THE FINAL TRUTH SOUGHT BY ITS MANY PREDECESSORS. WILL QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY SUPPLANT ALL OTHERS. AND TOO, SUCH BEING IRREFUTABLY THE CASE, is AN AMPLE REASON WHY THIS WORK SHOULD BE AT ONCE AUTHORITATIVELY PLACED IN EVERY PERSON 's HANDS ; AND EACH LIKEWISE IMPELLED TO STUDY SAME UNTO A COM- PLETE UNDERSTANDING OF THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED. THUS QUICKLY AND FIRMLY ESTABLISHING A CORRECT COMMON VITAL BASIS FOR GENERAL SOCIAL RELATIONS. NOTHING COULD BE MORE TIMELY OR IMPORTANT, AND AS IN THE FINAL EVERYONE IS CRAVING FOR THE TRUTH OR LIFE MORE ABUNDANT, NO OTHER DOING WOULD BE AS QUICKLY, THOROUGHLY AND LASTINGLY APPRECIATED EVEN BY THOSE WHO AT FIRST UNWITTINGLY OPPOSE IT, AS SUCH WOULD BE FINALLY HAILED BY ALL. CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 191 Those who promote this will be duly enshrined in the heart of man, while they who oppose the universally longed for uplift, will sink into ignominious oblivion; and THE DAY OF RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT OP SERVICE IS NEAR AT HAND ; EVEN SUCH WILL BE BORN OF UNDERSTAND- ING RIGHT AND WRONG, WHICH WILL NOW BE BROADLY DE- FINED, TEN WORDS WILL BASICALLY SUFFICE FOR EACH: As follows **PSYCHO-PHYSICAL INTELLIGENCE OR SANITY PEOMOTIVE OF LIFE, IS RIGHT.** **PSYCHO-PHYSICAL IGNORANCE OR IN- SANITYCONDUCIVE OF DEATH, IS WRONG.** The Natural Law under which we function *The Greatest Degree of Pleasure Attainable With the Com- bined Relative Experience in Action, is at All Times Precisely Expressed by Each Individual* Nature's Books Ever Being Accurately Balanced to Date,* in- clude the doing of both RIGHT AND WRONG; for *The Greatest Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act* THAT OF INTELLIGENCE BEING CONSTRUCTIVE AND THOSE OF IGNORANCE EVER DESTRUCTIVE EXPERIENCE CONSTITUTING THE INERRANT GUIDE OF IMPULSE, ALIKE FOR WEAL OR WOE RESULTS. We have found that INTELLIGENCE or RIGHT the function of SANITY, is the elixir of LIFE ; and that IGNO- RANCE OF WRONG the process of INSANITY, is the virus of DEATH. In other words, that INTELLIGENCE AND RIGHT OR SANITY ARE SYNONYMS each spelling LIFE MORE ABUNDANT. While IGNORANCE AND WRONG OR INSANITY ARE SYNONYMS each impelling DEATH EQUALLY DOMI- NANT. STUDY THIS BY ASSISTANCE OF THE CHART. Elsewhere Chapter V, it is plainly shown that SELF-PRESERVATION is the SEMI-NATURAL LAW OF SANITY, HEALTH, CONSTRUCTION, EVOLUTION, ETC., while SELF- DESTRUCTION the other half, embraces INSANITY, DIS- 192 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA EASE, DESTRUCTION, DEVOLUTION, ETC. which together constitute the full Law of SELF-SATISFACTION stated just above. By quite an extensive explanation under the cap- tion of JEHOVAH AND CAUSATION, Love and The Will are correctly shown to combine in THE WILL OF LOVE, and ever directed by The Law under which we inexorably function for good or evil. It is also plainly shown in the section expounding Universal Telepathy really Cause and Effect or FEELING AND REFLECTING THE DIS- TANT, that the world of human beings are even more EQUILIBRIALLY INTERDEPENDENT than are the cells of one's body. Then it is made equally evident that DIS- CORD the result of ignorance or insanity and vice versa as with Cause and Effect, is the basis of disease and sole cause of premature death, which now slays every person in infancy when compared with POSSIBLE UNI- FORM LONGEVITY; while in turn it is proven in the chapter on The Capacity of Man, that were HARMONY intelligence or sanity, duly maintained as herein com- pletely proven it is easy to do, HUMAN BEINGS ARE CAPABLE OF ATTAINING OMNISCIENCE or complete knowl- edge of Nature's process also made plainly manifest under The Range of Evolution, requiring at least one thousands years of blissful INTELLIGENT, RIGHT, SANE OR HARMONIOUS LIFE. Thus by a catenation of a few salient and supremely important facts, it is made obvious that man is as much the creature of Cosmic Principle as is the going and coming of comets. In truth, no further evidence is re- quired by any competent scientist to prove that MAN is IRRESPONSIBLE, than is inherent in the all-inclusive and inviolable Natural Principle of Cause and Effect ACTION AND REACTION ARE EQUAL, the absolute proof of ETERNAL CONSERVATION OF WHAT IS; that CREATION as "in the beginning," is a myth. CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 193 It is generally conceded that SUICIDE is AN ACT OF INSANITY ; which is a fact not only clearly shown by the foregoing, but so often heretofore proven, that it would be more imposition than information to further discuss that phase of the problem here. Which, however, cor- rectly implies that any and every act that is inimical to life is a degree of suicide and, therefore, A LIKE DEGREE OP INSANITY forget this not, for it will a little later reappear as a broad-side battery of machine guns charged with thunder-bolts. One of the first difficulties we found was, that the problem of insanity had no reliable basis, which has al- ready been furnished by definitely establishing the exact parting of the ways of RIGHT AND WRONG by clearly seeing that they respectively champion LIFE AND DEATH Or INTELLIGENCE AND IGNORANCE Or HARMONY AND DISCORD ; TRUTH AND ERROR, GOOD AND BAD, etc., etc. It is also a fact that the problem of insanity has been seriously defective from not knowing its limita- tions; but we likewise found that immense section of links buried in the base; for we have absolutely proven that IGNORANCE AND INSANITY ARE ONE AND THE SAME; THAT THEY ARE SYNONYMOUS IN MEANING AND ALIKE IN EFFECT ; THAT THEIR RANGE IS THAT INFINITY OF DEGREES FROM PERFECT HEALTH TO THE GRAVE; THAT A PERSON IS INSANE PRECISELY TO THE DEGREE OF THEIR IGNORANCE AND VICE VERSA ; AND THAT EACH DEGREE IS A LIKE FACTOR OF SUICIDE. This of course applies as indicated by the Law, to the portion of possible attainments that is PSYCHO- PHYSICALLY IN ACTION both conscious and unconscious. Such as is still in the native state as with the dormant section of children's condition and many inexperienced grown people, is NEGATIVE; but that which has been brought into action is ever POSITIVE for good or evil each personality or general psycho-physical condition 194 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA in any one's case, being NATURE'S BOOK BALANCED TO DATE: Each even the "negatives" however, are con- stantly being sub-consciously moulded for weal or woe by the influence of all others which they reflect. Consciousness at any one time even if all during life is combined in the consideration, represents but an infinitesimally small section of the phenomena that may rightly be classed as mentality; for only a minute frac- tion of any one's experience ever becomes "dominant," except as a slight constituent pigment of many composite pictures that flit to the observed screen. Consciousness compared to experience, is quite aptly illustrated in principle and proportion, by thinking of ONE compared with the many thousands of distinctively different pic- tures that are separately but very rapidly thrown in duly associated succession upon the screen in the make- up of an all-evening's moving picture play: Only, that the exhaustless storehouse of experience is to that of an incident of consciousness with its penumbra or vig- nette, as the ocean is to a drop of water each drop occasionally rising to the top and for an instant along with an infinity of others, forms the surface ; yet, regard- less of where any drop may be, it does its pro-rata part in all that the great sea accomplishes SAME AS "DROPS" OP EXPERIENCE. For instance, an inveterate smoker, drunkard, "drug fiend" or such, may detest their vile habit unto consciously cursing it and "swearing off" a thousand times; yet, until the great subconscious realm votes a majority of its stock in agrement to quit, its will is done and consciousness must cheerfully or shamefully as the case may be, abide thereby. And yet, consciousness and subconsciousness are not two different minds, but one and the same ever interchanging places and combina- tions. A multiple of millions of people have had these experiences of whom the writer is one, and probably CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 195 the reader is another. The fact is, this mind literally constitutes a person EVERY WHIT OP IT IN EVERY IN- STANCE HAVING BEEN ACQUIRED. The foregoing not only illustratively explains many knotty questions, but clearly shows how relentlessly many people who are neither legally or generally con- sidered insane or criminals are impelled to evil doing, often through life unto death, ever against their ear- nest desire ENTIRELY BY INFLUENCES FROM WITHOUT. In fact, nearly every person is now afflicted with from one to many of these more or less injurious habits from which they sincerely long to be free. Indeed, it would be hard to find a person who cheerfully clings to any bad habit most of them openly acknowledge their "foolish weakness." IN OTHER WORDS, MANY ARE CONSCIOUSLY SANE WHILE BEING SYSTEMICALLY " CRAZY AS LOONS " ACTIONS EVER SPEAKING LOUDER THAN WORDS. A little ways back we were gazing in the mirror, and some may surmise that we haven't left it at all. But lest others have forgotten SELF, we will presently all-at- once do the grand stunt of GENERAL SELF-INTROSPECTION. If anything was ever proven beyond a possible doubt, then THE SAMENESS OF IGNORANCE AND INSANITY HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AS A FACT. Indeed, it IS Self-evi- dent that a person is insane precisely to the degree of not knowing or doing what is right. For instance, if a person cannot clearly see from merely what has been pointed out, that ignorance and insanity are not simply twins, but one and the same, they are convicted on the very first count of being insane ; FOR THEY ARE NOT TWO THAT LOOK ALIKE, BUT ONE THAT LOOKS LIKE TWO. And too, it is a deadly disease that can be completely cured only by the entire race first duly recognizing its true character and then uniformly taking a corresponding dose of INTELLIGENCE OR SANITY its only possible anti- dote ; for we have elsewhere plainly seen that it is con- 196 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA tagious from any part of the globe : Furthermore, that it is the basis and structure of every disease known or possible to be known to man ; and that it now digs a grave for every person in infancy. Now then, all those who do not from this clearly see that such is a literal fact, prove themselves insane on this the second count. This being true, all those who "DULY REALIZE THE FACTS INVOLVED" and do not promptly lend a liberal helping hand in the urgent task of wiping out the world-wide scourge, are hypocrites; which in the final means that they really don't see it and are, therefore, doubly insane on that point; for there never was a hypocrite or slacker genuine Natural Scientist: Nor will any dominantly sane person know- ingly contribute to murder and suicide, but will resist both with all their might. Now we will put on THE GENERAL INTROSPECTION CRUCIAL TEST. Many phases of disagreement have already been noted, but for the purpose of more clearly and forcibly showing how general the discord is, and its mighty effect for evil; we will suppose that a "free speech " or "thought exchange" debating society of say one thou- sand average class of people are assembled, for the dis- cussion of various vital problems of the day. Before the subjects are given out, however, a few all-important points should be clearly gotten in mind. Namely, that THERE is NEVER MORE THAN ONE CORRECT ANSWER TO ANY QUESTION OF LIFE, THAN THERE IS TO A PROBLEM IN MATHEMATICS. In other words, of two or more answers or opinions in regard to any subject, ALL MUST BE WRONG BUT ONE, even if any is right which is now seldom the case. Then again we should bear in mind that even if a given person is right on a given question, that the same party may be wrong in regard to others. Try to get this CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 197 proper basis of calculation thoroughly fixed in mind, for we shall soon have occasion to use them in deciding the most important problem for the human race to clearly understand. Also as a factor of the same subject, it is especially urgent to realize that, THERE is NO PROBLEM OF LIFE AS ILLUSTRATED BY THIS WORK, WHICH CANNOT NOW BE EASILY, PLAINLY, EXACTLY, COMPLETELY AND QUICKLY SOLVED. And that as thoroughly proven in the chapter on The Capacity of Man, any normal person may readily comprehend any and every question of the entire range when correctly explained. That THE RACIAL SUICIDAL TROUBLE WHICH STRAINS THE CAPACITY OF MIND TO FULLY COMPREHEND, ALL ARISES FROM THE OMNIPOTENT FACT OF THERE NOW BEING NO CORRECT AND UNIFORMLY TAUGHT BASIC GUIDE; THAT MAN IS NOW TAUGHT AND, THEREFORE, BELIEVES THE ERROR OF INDE- PENDENCE, INSTEAD OF THE TRUTH OF INTERDEPENDENCE ; THAT HIS EDUCATION IS NOW BY THE PROCESS OF CATCH-AS- CATCH-CAN CATCH-ON-OR-BE-DAMNED, INSTEAD OF BEING PROVIDED WITH ONLY-AND-FULLY-THE-BEST ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE. Now we will open the debate PRECISELY AS IT is EVER GOING ON THE WORLD OVER. 1st, Theology, in its endless phases: 2nd, Spiritualism, without limit: 3rd, Religion, in its countless modes: 4th, Politics, with its million sides and no top or bottom : 5th, Government, of more kinds than weeds : 6th, Law, beyond the scope of mind to scan : 7th, Ethics, measured only by the number of human beings: 8th, Business, in phases equaled only by the capacity to scheme: 9th, Disease, of expressions too numerous for names: 10th, Doctoring, by schools, cults and fads that shame the power of figures: Then each in many contortions Money, Wealth, Monopoly, Capital and Labor, Trusts, Economics, Poverty, Land, Shelter, Taxes; Family problems, Marriage, Divorce, Eugenics, Style, Education, Drones; Society, Societies, 198 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA Sociology, Philosophy; Community, Town, City, State, National, International and Racial Problems; Official Graft, Crime, Vice, Gambling; About Love, The Will, Life, Mind, Spirit, Freedom, Slavery, Food Questions; Right and Wrong, Insanity, War, Death, and, and, and LITERALLY STOPLESS. Now then, while merely this list of words is quite dry and meaningless: Yet let's see. Suppose the one thousand people were to meet and discuss one or more of these problems daily for say five years, would they ever come to an agreement on any subject ? The writer once regularly attended a much smaller debating club for near ten years where mainly the same people took part all the time, and at the end they disagreed more on fully nine-tenths of the scores of subjects discussed than at the start. Not even any two ever come to an agreement on a single question NOT HAVING A SCIENTIFIC BASE TO BUILD FROM, while on all such problems the entire club would quickly come to a unit agreement A TRUE BASE EVER INSURING HARMONY. But the point most urgent to clearly see is IF THERE IS ONLY ONE RIGHT TO ANY QUESTION, HOW MANY COULD BE RIGHT IP ANY AT ALL, IN THE CLUB OF ONE THOUSAND DEBATERS WHERE NO TWO EVER FULLY AGREE ON ANY SUBJECT? AND NEXT FIGURE OUT IGNORANCE AND INSANITY BEING THE SAME, HOW MANY OF THE ONE THOUSAND AVERAGE CLASS OF WORTHY CITIZENS, ARE SANE AND HOW MUCH ON MOST OF SUCH AS THE VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS THAT ARE MENTIONED ABOVE? COULD THERE BE MORE THAN ONE IF ANY AT ALL ? Now can you answer the question asked at the head of this chapter? You certainly ought too readily and cor- rectly : READ IT. Now note very thoughtfully. It is not only self- evident, but this work proves beyond possible refuta- tion, that THERE ARE ONLY TWO CAUSES OF DEATH WHICH CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 190 ALSO MEANS DISEASE AND SICKNESS ITS FORE-RUNNERS ; DISCORD during the time required for growth, and MA- TURITY which can fully attain only in a REASONABLY HARMONIOUS ENVIRONMENT. Verily, DIS-CORD Spells DIS- EASE and DE-STRUCTION DE-COMPOSITION. It is also clearly shown by this work that when sub- jected to duly harmonious environments, man is easily capable of and would mature at OMNISCIENCE requiring fully one thousand years of continually blissful life of the race. It is also shown by this work just how the essential condition may be easily, surely and completely established and maintained that would insure the at- tainment of maturity. Indeed, there is not a missing factor or a flaw in the principle or calculation involved, and being in perfect accord with widely observed Nat- ural Phenomena, the stated conclusion is doubtless cor- rect, and will in all due time be the destiny of this earthly evolutionary crop of which man is the ripening process or CLIMAX OF NATURE'S HANDIWORK. EVEN as Nature never bluffs, 'TIS CERTAIN AS HAVING BEEN DONE as, indeed, it doubtless has been on earth and other planets of Cosmos, an inestimable number of times. The immediate foregoing even the general infer- ence of this work, is more certainly correct than the esti- mate that Halley's Comet will again "round the sun" in 1987; for the comet is subject to "capers" from unforeseen influences on its journey, while the principle backing any specific or general solution and blanket forecast herein made, is not subject to capers ; therefore, ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN INEVITABLE. Now we will illustratively note just a few expres- sions of insanity, which heretofore have not been so classified. Were the complete phases mentioned as IGNORANCE is the fountain of every WRONG, it would take a book many times the size of this to contain a one word record of each. However, note the following speaking in terms of today. 200 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA GENERAL PSYCHO-PHYSICAL SICKNESS every phase of illness. GENERAL SUPERSTITION every phase of theo- spiritualism. Disputes: Anger: Fighting: War: Crime lying, cheating, graft, stealing, murder, etc. Punish- ment: Liquor, tobacco, drug and such habits. Lewd vices: Excesses: Improper dietetics: Un cleanliness : Pro- fanity: Drugism: Jealousy: Mourning: Envy: Personal Condemnation: Indifference: Heroism: Individualism: Freedom of Conscience: Personal Responsibility: Sus- picious fear: Class-consciousness: Competition: Oppres- sion: Monopoly: Business or Profiteering: Finance: Militant government and laws: Patriotism: Precocious and Unscientific education, etc., etc., etc. any personal or combination of thought or action that is inimical to the life of any one or all of humanity, is insanity pre- cisely to the degree of its conduciveness of death, or is suicidal. The bottom fact is, the race is yet in the milk, green, ignorant, insane or youthful and growing state ; gradu- ally and by sudden great strides, emerging therefrom toward sanity or maturity THE RACIAL END. This will take several ever greatly lengthening generations after entering THE FINAL ERA RULE OP NATURAL CONSTRUCTIVE PRINCIPLE, before inception of the final perfect genera- tion that will uniformly attain OMNISCIENCE. When food for thought or growth having been exhausted the essential to human life, mankind together with all ter- restrial proto-organic life will succumb, as Natural and inevitable, painless and regretless, as the decay of fully ripened fruit the result of MATURITY OR PERFECT HEALTH instead of DISEASE as during period of growth. This might properly be called THE AGE OF FERMENTA- TION OR DISCORD, basically preparatory for THE FINAL ERA OF CIVILIZATION OR ACCORD respectively distinctive as SAVAGERY IS TO SAGACITY. The writer has for vears made a careful studv of CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 201 his many acquaintances, people seen on the street, in audiences and elsewhere, for the purpose of calculating from a broad personal viewpoint, as to the general PSYCHO-PHYSICAL condition of the people. The investi- gation has been extended some by resort to statistics, etc. This has been at once a very interesting, instructive and painful study, for it is very difficult to find a person who is not plainly more or less nervous, sick and at least occasionally doctoring the great majority being "JUST so AS TO BE AROUND. ' ' They are all mixed up in no end of trouble personal afflictions, family difficulties, social complications, financial or religious wrangle, politics, business strife, etc. So that, meet no matter who no matter where, and if they do not at once complain of some personal ailment, they will of something or many affairs that are wrong. 'Tis ever in regard to some or all of schemes, dreams or pain they explain; and each look it in every fiber of their being the strain in most cases being near the point of breaking. MOST DEATHS ARE DURING INFANCY, NONE LIVING BEYOND YOUTH INSANITY. In this we find the source of disease and early death NOT OF A FEW, BUT UNIVERSAL. And just as corrup- tion of body must find vent in way of boils, etc., the body-politic is relieved by the process of social, business and bloody wars; ever keeping the scissors busy clip- ping coupons of life from every person, soon leaving nothing but a worthless stub ; even form after form of nations thus "give up the ghost": GOD, DOLLARS AND PREMATURE DEATH ARE SYNONYMS TO MAN. It would seem that anyone should quickly realize that in such we find the fountain of universal suicide; that as each one's condition is ever instantly inter- changed with every other person on earth in proportion to distance apart, the wonderful capacity of the human organism is thus NOW ever completely wrecked in 20* THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA youth; never even getting well started on its possible journey of life NEVER. Conversely: Were the en- vironments duly healthy as 'tis easily possible to have, each would augment the vitality of all others, while ALL would insure the safety of each. SUCH is THE FLAWLESS SOCIALISM OF NATURE UNESCAPABLE. To Sneer at these facts is IGNORANCE, not bravery. Now having established beyond possible refuta- tion, THE CAUSE OF EVERY PSYCHO-PHYSICAL AND INSTITU- TIONAL DEFECT from the slightest pain to wars, suc- cession of vile governments and universal premature death; this chapter will be concluded by suggesting among other items, the remedy that should be promptly applied covering merely the problem of this section. It was strongly inferred for a while that CRIM- INALITY would be mainly discussed, but as all such has completely vanished as INSANITY developed and envel- oped it, the central problem remaining to be disposed of is WHAT CAN AND SHOULD BE DONE WITH THE THOU SANDS AND THOUSANDS OF UNFORTUNATE VICTIMS OF SERIOUS MISUNDERSTANDING, THAT ARE NOW BEING MAL- TREATED IN CLAMMY DUNGEONS THE WORLD OVER Radi- ating Centers of Death. When properly considered and dealt with from the standpoint of exact individual and social justice, or in regard to the welfare of every one or all, there is just as much Natural right to CONDEMN, PUNISH, DESPISE, AND OTHERWISE MAL-TREAT THE INMATES OF ASYLUMS, AS THOSE IN PRISONS; FOR THEIR MALADY IS PRECISELY THE SAME OF DIFFERENT DEGREE ONLY, MANY EXTREME CASES OF INSANITY, HOWEVER, NOW BEING IN PRISONS INSTEAD OF ASYLUMS. Of course, there is a vast difference in the psycho- physical condition of prisoners : So, as they are now ALL AT ONCE FULLY ACQUITTED OF CRIME, AND PUNISHMENT ENTIRELY WAIVED; their treatment should be based CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 803 wholly on their condition and probable future actions, instead of what they did except as each one's past be- havior may have a legitimate bearing along with their present condition, on their probable future demeanor even under vastly improved social conditions. The length of each prisoner's sentence should all at once be changed to an INDETERMINATE PERIOD WITH A PROVISION THAT ANY ONE IN CONFINEMENT SHOULD BE DISCHARGED AS SOON AS PSYCHO-PHYSICALLY FIT TO BE AT LARGE "WITH A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH." Probably fully one-half of the "patients" including every class of convictions and length of terms, could be quickly gotten into proper condition and duly dismissed who the great majority of all others would rapidly follow; safety however, requiring some to remain indefinitely. Every prison should be rapidly remodeled much as necessary, and furnished for homelike comfort; and converted into the highest possible class of scientific industrial and psycho-physical training schools includ- ing all kinds of enlivening amusements and social func- tions among inmates and with the visiting public. These schools should be largely conducted by grad- uate ex-inmates and the ablest patients in training. The basic study should be THIS TREATISE, OF WHICH AS A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING OF THE PRINCIPLE HEREIN IN- VOKED, WOULD BE NECESSARY BEFORE ANY COULD BE SAFELY DISCHARGED; EACH STUDENT SHOULD, THEREFORE, BE FURNISHED WITH A BOOK TO STUDY AND KEEP EX- PLAINING THE CAUSE, EFFECT AND REMEDY OF ERROR SUPERIMPOSED BY A WEALTH OF ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AS A GENERAL GUIDE FOR THE ENNOBLEMENT OF LIFE THE TRUTH. Nothing more pointedly or forcibly confirms the general premise of this work than THE FACT, that a world of people have throughout the past been dominantly educated to believe in and support THE DOGMA OF FREE 204 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA WILL personal responsibility, and in the corresponding "JUSTICE" of individual condemnation, damnation, sal- vation, etc. as the case may be; ever diametrically against their all-inclusive interest LIFE. So it is self- evident that, when properly endowed with THE ELIXIRAL TRUTH involved, they will quickly and firmly unite in its support. Hence, as practically every prisoner is doped with the same virus, they generally believe them- selves guilty even in many instances unto braggingly agreeing with the world at large, that they "got off easy," etc. Their real salvation, therefore as with humanity in general, INHERES BASICALLY AND STRUCTUR- ALLY IN CLEARLY UNDERSTANDING THE PLAIN TRUTH AND BENEFIT OF FREE-WILL-LESS INTERDEPENDENCE OR PSYCHO PHYSICAL CO-OPERATION. The food, clothing, general care and attention should ever be that which is befitting a worthy citizen ; and when consistent with their case, the students should be allowed a reasonable privilege to go and come as they choose upon their personal honor much the same as soldiers now are; thus ever by extending all due trust and confidence, imbue the victims of error with a like consideration of themselves and others. No more disgrace should be considered attached to such a treatment than is now associated with having been in a hospital for the cure of fever; and anyone treating a student with disrespect, should be subjected to the same confined PRODUCTIVE AND EDUCATIONAL. SERV- ICE as the one they maligned therefor. To a credible extent it has already been learned that mauling children at home and in schools always augments instead of causing youths to repent their mis- chief: Even many have discovered that censure and degradation of grown relatives and acquaintances is very detrimental to all concerned. Some phases of "legal criminality" as with juvenile cases, have been very CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY 205 beneficially somewhat tempered by official trust, confi- dence and leniency. SAVAGE BRUTALITY REMAINING LARGELY TO THE CREDIT OP PURELY MILITANT GOVERNMENT. Yet it is correctly recognized by all observing people, that every vicious act is nought but planting the seed of madness in fertile soil, from which UNDER THE INER- RANT NATURAL LAW OF COMPENSATION, a full Crop in kind is gleaned on time. Indeed, precisely as the fact that "KIND WORDS NEVER DIE" has become a world wide proverb, so could it be as truistically acclaimed that CRUEL DEEDS EVER BREED JUST THE REVERSE OF NEED. Concluding : Just think far as you can, of merely an item or two of relief that EXACT JUSTICE would afford. The Present System not only brands every victim as a cur and punishes them with crushing cruelty, but it always ruins and pulls a score or more of relatives and friends into the bottomless pit with them ; often causing sleepless pain unto speedy death of parents, brothers, sisters, wives, children and friends. Yet even such is but a fraction of the general economic, social and psycho- physical loss that is constantly accruing from the brutal system in vogue. Nor should it be forgotten that NO WAYWARD PERSON OR RELATIVE WOULD EVER TRY TO EVADE THE EVER HELPFUL ADMINISTRATION OF CONSTRUCTIVE TRUTH : Thus entirely removing the spy, prey and try or fry system ; would do away with the likes of fiendish " posse" man hunts. In fact, police and soldiers would then give up their arms and scandal at last must lose its charm. Yea, Verily! Were Justice Enthroned, There Could Be No Wayward, and The Average Happiness and Life Would Unroll by Many, Many, Many Folds UNTO THE FINAL GOAL. Verily ! It is to the Welfare of Self to Treat All Others with Healthful Care COSMIC PRINCIPLE ADMITS OF NO EXCEPTION. 206 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA TEACH MAN THE TRUTH IS PANACEA, SAITH NATURE. TO THINK IN TERMS OF CONSTRUCTIVE ACTION IS RIGHT : No person can reasonably doubt that INTELLECTUALISM would quickly and greatly extend the average length of human life. All clear minded peo- ple will readily concede that it logically affirms the pos- sibility of living at least 1,000 years ; and that every day of THEN would be worth a year of now. Yet even so, some being fit only for forty years of agony in the wilderness not for the promised land of milk and honey, will decry and belittle the precious prize that is easy to win : Which is conclusive proof that THE PARENT OP MURDER AND SUICIDE IS IGNORANCE OR INSANITY. Should we merely laugh and ignore or tolerate such ? Wisdom bids mankind to unite, for there is nothing to lose but untimely death and a full life of pleasure to gain. HARMONY is SURVIVAL : DISCORD is SUICIDAL FOR- GET NOT THIS UNIVERSALLY-SELF PRIMAL FACT FOR LIFE OR DEATH. "Blessed Are The Merciful: For They Shall Obtain Mercy/' AN EXTENSIVE AND STUPID ERROR Many people argue that it was by having considered "Lunar Months" as years that "The First Generations" are said to have lived to such great ages. Yet, in many instances there are statements as clear and complete as Gen. VII :11: "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the .--cventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." Noah lived nine hundred and fifty years. If Adam entered "Paradise" marriage, at 70, he lived just 1,000 years. FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT DEALING MAINLY WITH BASIC NATURAL PRINCIPLE CHAPTER XI 40 PAGES This is the all-inclusive problem, so while space in such as this work will not permit of an extensive dis- cussion of the great question, it would be seriously de- fective without at least a suggestive outline of the proper system. Probably most people will at first be curious to know what is meant by Natural Government, and further as it is often herein declared that ALL is NATURE and that CAUSE and EFFECT ever rules supreme, etc., how we may have more or less of that which already consti- tutes everything; or how can we turn pure Nature into pure Nature, and as a result have something different in kind or degree? And some may even laconically object at least to having any more of what we have. As it were, how could a man lift himself over a fence by his boot- straps ? How is it if Natural Law is inexorable and man equally as subject thereto as a feather in the nucleus of a cyclone is to the currents of wind, that we have any say or power in the matter at all ? So what 's the use of all this hullabaloo about an affair we can neither stop, start or change? Some will even point out the fact that it is herein declared that man is not responsible; that he is even just as much subject to the Natural Law of Inertia as a stone: That is to say no one can solely of their own power at any time or place, start, stop or change the condition of self. So that being the case, how can any one, a few, many or all, have the slightest necessary in- 208 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA fluence in bringing about the desired uniform right about face, from methods conducive of misery and premature death, to a Science promotive of a full measure of life? Anyhow, of what would the main features of such a government consist? And, what is the influence that will establish and maintain it? Few, indeed, will at first realize that the questions potentially answer themselves. Why of course, if all is Nature which no think- ing person doubts, then whatever is done, must be the result of Nature's ACTIONS which we see going on at all times: And as we have elsewhere clearly shown that, with eternal ACTIO-MATERIA matter in action, all such is fully explained. So while a man cannot directly lift himself over a fence by his boot-straps ; Yet as man is a factor of Nature, if he can by any means get over a fence, then Nature lifts itself over the fence Cosmos being an eternal actio-materia automobile. But some might suggest that man can jump or climb over: Which only shows that Nature can jump and climb do "any old thing." Yet where did man get the power enabling him to jump or climb, etc. t He was not consulted about being brought into human life; his growth and maintenance is entirely by means of a purely chemical construction of parts assem- bled from without. He is born without the slightest knowledge, and gradually learns solely by dint of experience even rea- soning being naught but compounding the compounds of previously acquired or stored experience one can learn of others but not of self; he must eat, drink, breathe, etc. to replenish wasting tissue and keep the fire of life ablaze sunshine being a prominent essential of health, all material and influence necessary to vital man having an environmental source : Finally must die despite an unstinted fight to live, or suicide because of some grim FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 808 circumstance rendering life to the individual unendur- able. Such is a brief history of every human being, which clearly explains the source of his power all acquired; that in the final same as the rock, he is ever obedient to even the law of inertia which is generally applied solely to so-called dead bodies. This shows that man is naught but a very complex neuro-chemical or psycho- physical actio-materia cause and effect organism; that his every function is the result of cosmic MATERIA-ENERGY not the slightest responsible. In fact, to entirely shut out the extrinsic world would cause practically instant death. Indeed, man is purely a mechanism of Nature, and ever does precisely that which combined experience exacts guided solely by "The Greatest Relative Pleasure Selecting Every Act" Purely Reflex Action. This shows that man is ever a creature of an iner- rant guide varied only by difference of local environ- ments personal experience, which is universally recog- nized. Superstition or IGNORANCE calls this impelling force God and Devil: Science proves that 'tis nothing more or less than the result of ceaseless change, caused by the inherent property of Cosmic Materia-Energy in the conventional sense * ' a blind force ' ' ; for being eter- nal 'tis not the result of a perpetrator. Yet it is chance- less and innately embodies the process to which we ascribe the faculty of mental sight even unto the con- struction and function of MAN the climax of Nature's handiwork, in whom its entire process is flawlessly re- capitulated; which is proven by the fact as we have elsewhere plainly seen, that potentially man has the faculty Of OMNISCIENCE A MINUTE BUT PERFECT COSMOS. Yes, ALL is NATURE to which nothing that is pos- sible is impossible. Yet with all its power it cannot accomplish an impossibility cannot perform miracles. 210 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA For instance, it could not point out the beginning or ending of time or space, because each are self-evidently limitless void of such. It can't tell of a Universal creative and ruling God, nor of an actual celestial heaven, angels or the like, because there are no such beings or place. For the same reason it has not and can not exhibit the so-called etherial or imponderable in- dwelling soul. And yet it has constructed untold bil- lions of human brains which believe they have seen, and in many ways seemed to experience all these things. Hence, as nature constitutes and does all, 'tis even re- sponsible for these at least apparent delusions. So as 'tis natural for the human mind highest possible neuro- chemical reaction to stimuli, to seek the cause of ob- served actions, it is inevitable that we enquire as to the why and process of such the reason unto what is to be the result. And alas, Nature is right now asking the questions and answering them; for as ALL is NATURE, such as this work or any other occurrence must be its function, as it was in the past to explain the same thing in many different ways youthful or growing "inspira- tion" deductions, ever from different basis, being APPARENTLY the champion liar. Of course in the final analysis Universality being beginningless, no purposer or design could be possible no such why. The Cosmos simply can't help doing what is done such being the result solely of eternal inherent ACTIO-MATERIA. Hence, even if much seems to be wrong, Nature cannot be considered wilfully bad. Yet let's examine as to the outcome and then judge of its quality, or "wisdom" if you please. We have herein discussed this wonderful problem in many different ways all to the same purpose, which is evidently essential at this time, or it would not be done ; for Nature makes no mistakes. No doubt 'tis necessary to diversely rub in the facts in order to impel the essen- FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 211 tial right about face movement of man from darkness unto light. Evidently something strenuous must be done just at this time or Nature would not have all at once staged the world's greatest war and the first in- structions on how in future to prevent all such, along with every lesser strife and destruction selfishly con- sidered. And too, both have been in preparation for about thirty years, and back of that for " eternity. " Nature has called all such in the past PROVIDENTIAL^ but now it simply says ACTIO-MATEBIA CAUSE AND EFFECT both the truth, for Nature never lies. Every jot and tittle regardless of seeming error, contradiction, discord or cruelty of nature, always constitutes an indispensable factor in the flawless maintenance of life an infinite extension of perfect parts in precisely their right place and ACTION: No MISTAKE, BLUFFING, QUITTING OR SLACKERS. We constantly see the great machine diligently at work on all hands, we feel it surging within our throb- bing bosom, ever crying AVOID PAIN; and its merciful dictum is never disobeyed, for The Greatest Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act. Nature never wastes energy or does anything in vain; so this eternal monitor to AVOID PAIN, must be of tremendous importance, deserving of very careful study and intelligent heed and its place in the * ' scheme ' ' the reader will do well to especially note as we proceed. Self-evidently, as pain is the virus of death and pleasure the elixir of life, the inviolable edict is the cause of growth or key-stone of our being and power to remain while we do ; the cause of evolution. This all-powerful impulse is not lavished merely on favorites, for its pulsation is equally felt and obeyed by all FROM DIFFERENT ANGLES OF IMPRESSIONS, a COnflu- ence of total relative personal experience from concep- tion to the incident, ever being the greatly varying 212 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA selective agency of every thought, or act whether resulting in CONSTRUCTION or DESTRUCTION, for cos- MICALLY considered it makes no difference. This personally considered, omnipotent force is concisely yet precisely explained in the following NAT- URAL LAW *THE GREATEST DEGREE OP PLEASURE ATTAINABLE WITH THE COMBINED RELATIVE EXPERIENCE IN ACTION, IS AT ALL TIMES PRECISELY EXPRESSED BY EACH INDIVIDUAL* NATURE'S BOOKS EVER BEING ACCURATELY BALANCED TO DATE.* Which should here be "extended" by The Law of Hypnosis *A PERSON IS EVER HYPNOTIZED AND DIRECTED EX- ACTLY TO THE DEGREE OF THEIR CONCENTRATION AND EX- PECTATION.* This is universal sound Natural sleep being the only fully relaxed or de-hypnotized state, rigid catalepsy the highest degree of CONCENTRATION or HYP- NOTIZATION: Science or Knowledge alone considered, is DE-MENTALIZATION. Complete Science Full Knowledge of Nature's Process, spells death. While the former LAW includes the latter, they combinedly quite clearly show even without further explanation, that man is ever as thor- oughly subject to the confluent influence of stored and immediate experience, as a falling apple is to gravity, atmosphere, etc. Some may be led to more clearly realize this all- important point, by studying the following familiar biblical quotation and ITS CORRECT EXTENSION ' ' Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" FROM ERROR, BUT NOT FROM TRUTH; being merely a de- sirable change of MASTERS. In other words, while error often holds its victims spellbound, it is impossible to FREE a person from TRUTH when fully understood, and FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 213 none could so desire. Verily, it is ever self-assertive despite whims in regard to the facts. Indeed, TEACH MAN THE TRUTH is THE PANACEA genuine vital Science being naught but self-sustaining or Natural dogma THE WAY OF LIFE UNTO PAINLESS, REGRETLESS AND RIGHTEOUS DOOM OF SELFNESS. No fact has ever been more clearly established, nor as important to fully understand and heed, than the central truth that FREE WILL is A MYTH ; that veritably, NATURAL CAUSE AND EFFECT ' ' THY WILL BE DONE. ' ' The Greatest Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act, ever being an unavoidable perfect process of making accurate choice of one's proper niche in Nature. And too, we have seen under the concise discussion of TELEPATHY and elsewhere, that every thought or act is CAUSED by and EFFECTS an infinity of time and space, involving both past and future ; that world wide human beings are even more interdependent than are the cells of one's body; that indeed though at present the all- important fact is generally unknown, we are each un- avoidably our brother's keeper none living or dying by self alone; that pleasure and pain or harmony and discord are TELEPATHICALLY distributed throughout man- kind, within 1/15 of a second ; thus every throb of each person becomes a common heritage for LIFE or DEATH. It would seem that the foregoing veritable life and death FACTS are sufficiently clear and powerful to at once remove the MOUNTAIN OF IGNORANCE and cast all such into the sea ; but not so, for it is held by an anchor that has been sinking in the mud for thousands of years with its tentacles reaching every affair of man. Exactly the reverse is now being not merely taught but forced by custom, the law, theology and canon into every person. Few, therefore, take heed of what tomor- row will bring on earth, for under such perverse basic doctrines, life is hardly worth living, and most people 214 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA are generally too busy preparing for heaven or hell the most powerful influence of death, to give vital affairs due heed; for "As a man thinketh at heart so is he" is A NATURAL LAW. Those who expect to live seldom die young, while those who expect soon to die seldom live to be old. Doctors' edicts, the last sacrament, prepara- tion for death, etc., kill many times more than war: FRIGHT or FIGHT, singly or combinedly spell DEATH ; but FIGHT FRIGHT, by forgetting it, spells LIFE: Man in- stinctively realizes the " IN JUSTICE" of premature death. Holy fright has killed billions of bodies but never saved a soul : Yet owing largely to perverse teachings and misunderstood dreams, 'tis the "HOPED" for me- dium of "JUSTICE." Request a million devout people to allow themselves to be killed and each will refuse, yet through IGNORANCE all will commit suicide by fighting to get the green fruit of heaven, we rot before ripening on earth. The present system of education is so frightfully perverse, discordant and hopelessly defective, as to have utterly destroyed most people's faculty of clear pro- spective IMAGINATION, or power to vividly anticipate future events and conditions much less prepare to avoid evil. Even if made to quite clearly understand that unless the trend of affairs are quickly and greatly changed, they must soon personally suffer dire conse- quences : Still, if not at the very time suffering unusual pain therefrom, most people will laconically reply in effect by word and deed "let tomorrow take heed of itself, for sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof," etc. Few, indeed, carefully consider, plan and prepare for the future on earth ; they generally wait till hungry before fighting for food, and till dying to fight for life, when if necessary, they would give their all for either THE FRUIT OF ADVERSE EDUCATION AND CONDITIONS INDIFFERENCE BEING ABNORMAL: DEVtTAL. FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 215 While it is widely realized that a great general change of affairs should in some way be effected, most people are getting disgusted at the ever increasing fran- tic cry for diverse PIECE-MEAL reforms ; for the thought- ful have observed that while such has been going on for time immemorial, conditions are continually growing from bad to worse, until today practically the entire world is " civilly" and internationally entangled in the most savage war the great brain of man can wage. The result of each person, sect and nation trying to save SELF INDIVIDUALISM. None seem to realize that Nature never changes its methods: All have long since learned that pruning always makes a tree more thrifty and productive : Hence, no wonder that the PIECE-MEAL REFORM pruning of THE TREE OF EVIL has thus gradually developed its full strength and yield. Mother Nature thus warns her chil- dren that no less than A TAPROOT CURE-ALL is REQUIRED TEACH MAN THE TRUTH IS THE PANACEA ALL THE TRUTH NOT PART ; AND TOO, ALL AT ONCE TO ALL AS ONE. For instance, no means by which future wars could be prevented has yet been suggested, say nothing of the vastly greater undertow of evil the source of all clash at arms. Some have talked of general disarmament, as though under the present system maintained solely by brute force, such were possible. Disband the armies to- day of which police, etc., are a powerful factor, and the entire world would be a field of pillage and "civil" war tomorrow. Armies cannot be permanently dismissed except under a Scientific Government guaranteeing that EVERY PERSON MUST HAVE AND DO NO MORE OR LESS THAN WHAT IS BEST FOR THEM FOR ALL GENERATIONS. This and noth- ing less will precisely satisfy every person : When, and not till then, can strife the source of universal pre- mature death, be prevented. The truth and nothing 216 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA less than the truth can accomplish this. Such, however, is the destiny of Man in the near future or later TIME WILL TELL WHEN. As elsewhere fully and clearly proven harmony is survival : Discord is suicidal. Hence, were it impos- sible for all to quite uniformly understand and conform to the truth, all should unite in supporting, for instance, some ONE brand of Theological Dogma ; for self-evidently it is of paramount importance to every person regard- less of station, that we have HARMONY. But as the hu- man mind is on a forced march in quest of FINAL AND COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE, no phase of theology a rank error, can hold more than a few of the people at any particular time, for they generally drift from one dogma to another each ever fighting all others in defense of the last; thus ever dividing the ranks into hundreds of hostile camps, each sect and person insisting that MY religion and none other could save mankind, the foun- tain of racial suicide discord or war being mankind's most heartless foe. The people can never all be brought to continually support any error. The duly immortal Lincoln said in effect, that "You can fool all the people part of the time, some people all the time, but cannot fool all the people all the time." Genuine Natural Science being void of flaw or foolishness, when uniformly understood as it quickly may be if governmentally required, would hold all the people all the time, for unquestion- ably all the people want the truth all the time ; thus the true and only basis of unity and perfection is found. Most people are as yet sufficiently ignorant to be- lieve and assert that "SCIENCE is CONTINUALLY CHANG- ING." They point to the PACT that much of what was once "CONSIDERED" scientific is now "CONSIDERED" un- scientific; so they say it is not likely that what we to be science today will be "CONSIDERED" FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 217 nonsense tomorrow? They pick up such sturdy guides as Darwin, Huxley, Spencer, Tyndale, Newton, Haeckle, and other great SCIENTISTS, and point out many asser- tions they made, which are now ' t CONSIDERED ' ' erroneous ; then curl a scornful lip at ETERNALLY FLAWLESS CAUSE AND EFFECT NATURAL SCIENCE. Such people have not learned that GENUINE SCIENCE HAS EVER BEEN, and will always remain " written" EXACTLY CORRECT IN THE CHANGELESS BOOK OF NATURE cosmic process, which even its noblest of early students did not exactly understand, and so here and there unwittingly misquoted their worthy and enchanting study. No man can change or write science into cosmos, but eternal changeless change will in all due time im- print flawless constructive vital science into man: In- deed, such is inevitably its mission with complete suc- cess near at hand. The cosmic process may be plainly seen in GROWTH AND DECAY OF THINGS ; in INVOLUTION AL PLANEH OR CYCLES. From the ION to MOLECULE; from PROTOWA to LARVA, PUPA Or CHRYSALIS and On tO CATER- PILLAR VCORN tO OAK; EGG to FISH, REPTILE, BIRD, BEAST and MA., ; IGNORANCE to INTELLIGENCE. As elsewhere clearly shown, from MOTHER ETHER to and including PERFECTED HUMANITY and return, is the all-embracing change of state that ever takes place in the endless forest of Nature; which in principle it in- definitely repeats but never defiles or transcends in- finity not being subject to injury or extension. From ABSOLUTE SIMPLICITY The Ether, to INFINITE COMPLEX- ITY Perfected Man, being UNEXTENDABLE. The changing condition that is of especial interest, however, is the growth of IGNORANCE UNTO INTELLIGENCE OF MAN. Just as we all see individuals grow from in- fancy to Maturity and Death, so history records part of a similar development of the race. Furthermore, we shall eventually learn that as yet we have seen only the 218 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA part of a possible individual that corresponds to the part we know of the race, for individuals constitute the race, which in turn as proven under the caption of TELEPATHY, mainly control the destiny of its individual factors nature ever being reciprocal: ACTION AND RE- ACTION ARE EQUAL, spells cause and effect as it does CONSERVATION OP COSMOS. Man as yet is in the state of CHILDISH IGNORANCE, making the best he can of the worst the primitive state of want, strife and early death : A sufficient record of the frightful experiences of the race is being faithfully recorded for future guidance, just as individuals in- evitably record in ' ' Memory ' * their youthful experiences for similar use AS FOOD FOR THOUGHT AND GROWTH OF KNOWLEDGE. Individuals both thrive and die CELLULARLY mainly by degrees, just as the race does. IN FACT, THE RACE is NATURE'S CHILD, of which individuals are mere cells; the condition of each racial ORGANIC-CELL being immediately and unavoidably transmitted and con- formed to by all others in proportion to distance apart same as in our body; which owing to the present practically uniform ignorance of this climax of vital facts, many will now consciously doubt, yet which ALL MUST "subconsciously" heed; which however, will finally be duly understood and heeded, resulting in con- structive co-operation the essential of HUMANE con- ditions and a full portion of possible life. We have learned from a relative concatenation that Nature's process is nothing but precisely reciprocal growth and decay : Hence, as the human being is still in the chrysalis state, the transition to maturity must also be a process of growth broadly called evolution. We have noted prominent features of vital change, which though plain to see, is not as clear to understand as, for instance, the growth of mechanics, growth of business, FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 219 growth of architecture, growth of nations, growth of war, etc., all merely an index to the growth of Mentality and Science as yet COMPETITIVELY employed. The human race has grown from the womb and pro- tection of its lemurian ancestors, by a process of sur- vival of the fittest, to a credible conquest of cosmic re- source practically all essential basic material now being CHAOTICALLY acquired and employed. The present condition might be aptly compared to having all the separate parts of. a watch, printing press, thrashing outfit, battleship, etc., thrown together in a heap, from which to construct the respective perfect ma- chines except that it is a vastly greater task. The es- sential material with which to fashion THE FINAL ERA OF REAL CIVILIZATION is already mined and cast, ready for assembling into a world-wide humane machine of unity and perfection. Nature has made no mistake in first laying a flaw- less foundation of ERROR when viewed by intelligent man desiring to live, upon which to superimpose by contrast, PERFECT MAN the climax of cosmic handiwork. The basis now being FINISHED the "wild oats" all hav- ing been sowed, Mother gladly bids her faithful, tired and wiser children to cease the disagreeable night work and unite in a long day of triumphant joy just as with maturely thoughtful individuals. The breakfast of bountiful milk and honey is ready for ALL come and partake as ONE that you really are, is the cheerful salute at millennial dawn : The result of ever clinging to the GREATEST PLEASURE LIFE. But alas, in answer to the world-wide frantic ques- tion WHO WILL THEN GOVERN? Nature calmly replies, I HAVE EVER DONE WELL AND SHALL NEVER CEASE IN DOING SO : I AM YOU I AM. Indeed, Nature precisely in modes reflecting the experience of man, ever has, does, and always will rule 320 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA void of dethronement or mistake the universal and eternal monarch that already has millions of subjects who are led by the light of right near as they know and are allowed by the dominant social force to practice, instead of driven by merely the might of fight: The fruit Of AVOIDANCE OF PAIN. None but IGNORANCE would presume to rule even self, only as a whiff of smoke in a gale may proclaim it- self KING. The so-called rulers are ruled, and no one knows or will acknowledge this more fully than " rulers" who speak from experience. Nature detests strut and pretenders; hence, history emphatically explains that pretentious and pompous rul- ing is generally a job of vainglorious suicide from within or without thrones : NEARLY ALL KINGS AND GODS HAVE HAD THEIR DAY, AND THOSE STILL ENTHRONED WILL SOON BE DETHRONED, AND CONSTRUCTIVE CAUSE AND EF- FECT UNIVERSALLY ACCLAIMED. You are a child of Nature, your brain is ever within its womb ; IF WORTHY OF LIFE you will use that brain and plain facts in an effort to merit the grand prize PLEAS- URABLE LIFE MORE ABUNDANT; the result will fully ex- plain whether you are fit for growth or decay Nature's books ever being accurately balanced to date. The race is ruled for weal or woe of itself by the accumulation of experience good or bad EDUCATION, and a corresponding reflex of psycho-physical influence ; each one's condition counts mainly to self, yet from which none other escapes. Nature individually ex- pressed, is ever dependent and reciprocal I learn of you and all others, you learn of me and all others, but no one learns of self. It is therefore, of course, mighty important to you what I learn; hence, it is equally im- portant to you and me what others can teach by word or psycho-physical impulse. This is the all-encompass- ing question and solution of life worth living for any FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 221 one and all; so study it unto a broad and clear under- standing. 'Tis as deep and broad as MAN the universe ; for uniformly TEACH MAN THE TRUTH, is the process of life and there is no other : So BEWARE OF THE REVERSE. The almost universal opinion of this work will be to pronounce it " IDEAL JUST WHAT i WANT," for no thoughtful person could say otherwise ; but generally the next instant many will jeer at the idea while pointing scornfully toward a world of "mutts" whom they be- lieve could not or would not learn and conform; hence, at first conclude that "the ideal scheme is impossible." While of course, the present system can produce nothing but feeblemindedness, for if there is a defective cell in one's body, there cannot be one that is perfect which is the same racially considered: Yet there is far from as many hopeless cases as is widely believed. Gen- erally speaking, the most forlorn "mutts" are those who point the finger of scorn, and the quickest to understand and conform would be those they would defame. Delicately perfect brains are seldom capable of with- standing the PRESSURE of prenatal abuse, family rows, need, drug-dosing, business strife, war, etc., prover- bially being "TOO SMART TO LIVE;" hence, sooner or later give way to the survival of coarser fellows; yet, most of these who are not quickly killed outright, would rapidly respond to a constructive "come-back" influence, and pass their self-dubbed superiors in the race for true nobility : In fact, most of so-called mutts are naught but uncracked virile nuts. Nearly all miscalled criminals are those who un- wittingly enact a protest against misuse, and would as earnestly and bravely conform to and promote construct- ive or abuseless treatment which is clearly proven in the chapter on CRIMINALITY AND INSANITY. Indeed, such is the proper procedure toward all MISLED, or rather FORCED unfortunates now imprisoned. The present treat- 223 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA ment of the wayward being A SHAME ! SHAME ! ! SHAME ! ! ! born of and constituting HELL "Criminology" at last, however, is absolutely solved. Every conception of a child is perfect, otherwise the seed could not germinate and chemically construct a likeness of the parent ideally considered, all defects being the result of subsequent corresponding environ- mental influence; hence PRENATAL being the most plastic state, millions of irresponsibles have rotted in prisons and been hung, etc., because of "loving" mis- use and subsequent diverse abuse. Yet this awful fact has been ignored by other billions who have only partly escaped the same fate. With every fact singly and combinedly asserting the absolute FREE-WILL-LESS-NESS OF MAN, such horrify- ing treatment of fellow creatures would not be tolerated over a single night, were such not necessary as a basis for THEOLOGY damnation and salvation, the fiend in- carnate. Oh, Nature ! I implore thee to hurry in teach- ing these deluded hordes the truth! And the answer comes immediately "THE MORN is DAWNING" The Day of Reason will soon supplant the night of POLITICS AND SUPERSTITION. The good people of the church and "machines" simply don 't know this, that 's all ; for if they did, they would quickly wash their blood-stained hands and "SOULS." Indeed, IGNORANCE is the all-inclusive virus of DEATH, and INTELLIGENCE is its only antidote : TEACH MAN THE TRUTH IS THE PANACEA which is the rightful and sole duty of GOVERNMENT all that's needed. Convert churches into academies of Natural Science and preachers into teachers of truth which they crave to espouse; do this today and tomorrow warships will become palaces of educational pleasure, floating from port to port without a fort or court at which to report. The reader may now begin to realize that Nature FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 223 of which man is a true factor, may and shall grow merely by PROPER EDUCATION EXPERIENCE the avoid- ance of pain, into light : Which if rushed as it should be, could be made certain within a year, fully inaugurated within five years and THE FINAL ERA in full swing way inside of ten years every step being one of peace and glad tidings. MERELY TO GIVE THIS BOOK TO EVERY GROWN PERSON WOULD DO IT. The foregoing should suffice to clearly show that Nature Ever Rules and shall eventually declare UNIVER- SAL PEACE; for which it is now ready, or it would not have given birth to THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA crying in the wilderness of IGNORANCE TEACH MAN THE TRUTH. As for the general social system which will then prevail when compared with the present very intricate militant forms, it will be extremely simple. In fact there would be little or no resemblance between the pres- ent and future methods, except as INTELLIGENCE will superimpose IGNORANCE masterfully using it solely as a warning of frightful danger. Every law-book now extant would then be extinct. Legislation would be a foolishness of the past for natural edicts are eternal and discovered instead of covered. THE BOOK OP NATURE clearly explaining its Funda- mental Constructive Principle not much larger than this work, would be SCIENTIFICALLY compiled by a Con- gress of eminent Naturalists at first competitively se- lected from all parts of the world, then universally distributed and thoroughly taught to every person as the basic guide for personal and civic demeanor; thus quickly endowing each with precisely the same flawless, self-supporting UNIVERSAL BASIC KNOWLEDGE. After which the people would be regularly and uni- formly led by a perfect system of weekly printed and lecture instructions to uniformly reason logically from cause to effect in regard to all vital problems: Each 224 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA COMPELLED BY THE MIGHT OF LIGHT THAT'S RIGHT, to paSS a credible yearly qualifying examination in understand- ing the progress of basic knowledge : Thus avoiding any possible fundamental disagreement: EVER INTELLIGENT AVOIDANCE OF PAIN. These beautifully perfect home and academic in- structions in universal practical science, art, literature, etc., everywhere conducted precisely the same at all times regularly attended by every person, would re- place every phase of wrangling "educational" schools, sects and societies of today. Even children who should never be mentally forced during growth of the body- aside from home training by competent parents as all would then be, should receive their training midst the older, and the elder among the younger reciprocally blending youth and age into a common poise of happy vigor; thus making homes of schools and schools of homes. This great school would embrace every phase of practical science utilizing every thought, action, facility and product to the PSYCHO-PHYSICAL uplift of man converting the earth into one enchanting duly graded university. And too as clearly required by THE LAW OF HUMAN NATURE ever seeking pleasure THE ELIXIR OF LIFE, every phase of the world-wide ma- chine must, therefore, at all times and places be con- ducted so as to afford the climax of CONSTRUCTIVE JOY; thus convert the world into a perfectly equipped pro- ductive play-ground, entirely eliminating drudgery while utilizing every person about 3 to 4 hours, 5 days a week, 10 months a year throughout life, in the pro- duction of the essentials of ideal life equally shared by everyone and based on actual NEED for the develop- ment of PERFECT HUMANITY: Each person's PRODUCTIVE EXERCISE being just sufficient to promote PERFECT FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 220 HEALTH: Of course, the system would include every ennobling amusement and universal world-wide travel. It is not necessary to teach any person that GENUINE KNOWLEDGE is desirable, for everybody asserts with their every act that they want such : No person will seriously declare they do not wish to understand and conform to constructive truth for in the final analysis they do. Every sincere faddist believes they have the real thing. Even in such powerful cliques as THEOLOGY which thrives solely on FEAR and crushing opposition or thoughtfulness, the majority of its members are hypo- crites conforming merely for social and policy sake. From a very careful study of the facts, the writer is convinced that there are more complete ATHEISTS in the pulpit in proportion to their number, than in any other special walk of life ; that in the ordinary sense of under- standing, ministers of the gospel are the most continual liars, for as a general thing they don't believe in theol- ogy; yet, for the sake of survival and social standing they preach it. This statement is injected here both because the writer believes it is true and to show that we need not teach man to seek enjoyment, for the Greatest Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act. We seek KNOWLEDGE not merely because of its superior degree of intrinsic PLEASURE, but as an effectual means of acquiring and controlling other mediums of Pleasure which in the final analysis however, are one and the same; knowledge is pleasure and vice versa. We seek knowledge for pleasure and pleasure for knowledge. In other words pleasure is literally an embodiment of knowledge a process of selecting and recording EXPERI- ENCE. Hence, as our Nature ever promotes and seizes upon the greatest degree of PLEASURE or KNOWLEDGE attain- able with the combined relative experience in action even though unwittingly conducive of death, it is self- 226 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA evident that ALL THE GOVERNMENT THAT is REQUIRED, is to at all times and in all ways promote the HIGHEST POSSIBLE REALIZATION OF CONSTRUCTIVE PLEASURE the loftiest ideal of INTELLIGENT MAN ; which would perfectly blend EXPERIENCE, DESIRE AND NEED the only possible method of fully satisfying INFINITE SELFISHNESS: No duly enlightened person will forsake what is best for them. In other words every person would be made to pre- cisely understand THE FACT OF INTERDEPENDENCE, and just what is best for SELF and OTHERS THE RACE, and af- forded ample opportunity to fully live it true but noth- ing else evil being abolished by enlightenment. Thus we could have no inclination or convenience to do other than RIGHT: One for All and All for One THE ONLY WAY UNTO FULLNESS OF LIFE. Education would of course be seriously defective if it did not progressively teach each person from inher ent facts involved, just what they are best qualified to do and is needed in maintaining the great machine of pleasure and survival ; and you may be sure that every factor would ever be on the job with a full portion of brain, muscle, energy and good will ; anything less would be stultifying their highest ideal : And yet, each branch of affairs would ever be guided by the best qualified COMPETITIVELY SELECTED, TEACHER LEADERS. Why, no One now ever does wrong except per force of IGNORANCE and CIRCUMSTANCE. So none but IGNORANCE will suspect per- fected man of being a "SLACKER" in a world-wide con- quest of CHIVALRY and NOBILITY. Man is big as "The" Universe ; when forced to be a "DEVIL," as he now mainly is, he bravely responds, but if given a chance to be THE GOD that he is at heart, he will proudly and reliably FILL THE BILL there being no exception: MAN is SINLESS AND ASKS NO FORGIVENESS, but he does seek and will have not less than his rights. Yet, he is ever conceited and FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 227 stubborn: Had the ' ' ante-diluvians ' ' been told that their progeny would some day build and live in such cities as New York, of electricity, steam, aeronautics, printing press, photography, telescope, science, etc., they would have at once effectively used the flint hatchet on the dreamer's head, or sealed them in caves with beasts for inciting disloyalty. Such has been the case at every step of the ladder. Yet, here we are tiptoeing it on the top rung of scattered lore in discord. In their time, however, there was ample room for growth by the method of purely brutish sur- vival of the fittest ; which is not now true, and we must take to the mental tree or decay. Such is always the case with man; the rough experimental work only lays the foundation for the flight of logical deduction. The ground work of the race is now ready and the wings are poising for the final united soar unto universal conquest. Many individuals have attempted the journey and done remarkably well, proving that with a hearty union of efforts a glorious PSYCHO-PHYSICAL victory is sure. This unexpressibly great and desirable work though by far the easiest vast change ever contemplated if undertaken right, cannot be accomplished by other than the system herein suggested THERE BEING ONLY ONE METHOD OF RIGHT. It must come under the all- powerful and protecting influence of government; given every necessary attention and power rapidly as possible, which means quick and complete reform. Individuals, however, must first induce public demand, for experience teaches that politicians seldom venture to lead BROADLY CONSTRUCTIVE. The present world war was not only inevitable but a veritable GOD-send, as all wars have been ; for by the time it is over mankind will be so frightfully butchered and encumbered, that unless the great change is quickly in- augurated, a vastly greater conflict between the op- 228 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA pressed and oppressors will soon be upon the race such being otherwise inevitable. The people are becoming too intelligent to shoulder such a burden much longer for they now widely realize it is by no means necessary ; and no even partly sane person desires it. The people de- sire and will soon have "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, ' ' and those who endeavor to block the way had best beware. Of course it seems unjust that such a repulsive event was necessary to "cap-the- climax," but if it were not, such would not have oc- curred. While now viewed as a deplorable calamity, the roaring cannon of today will in the reasonably near future be rightly recognized as being at once a most befitting death-knell groan at the grave of IGNORANCE and a warning salute at the cradle of INTELLIGENCE: Natural GROWTH, GROWTH, GROWTH Natural: By the process of AVOIDANCE OF PAIN EDUCATION. Notwithstanding it is herein stated and in many dif- ferent ways reiterated, that the actual ruling power never has or ever will be changed ; that Nature ever has and always will rule supreme ; that no statement in this work can possibly be rightly construed as to even sug- gest that the real governing force should or could be changed in the slightest degree, except by the natural EDUCATIONAL process of growth from IGNORANCE to IN- TELLIGENCE; from mainly destruction to entirely con- struction ; from slavery to wrong unto a service of right ; from insanity to sanity DEATH UNTO LIFE. Yet, many will be horrified at the idea of any one daring to suggest, for instance, that the present system of governing the United States should give way to any other method regardless of merit. Some will even shout ANARCHY, when as a matter of fact this is the only con- sistent work that first, last and all the time declares for and stands firmly for LAW AND ORDER. While this is an uncompromising advocate of ANTI-VIOLENCE in the vital FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 229 affairs of HUMAN GOVERNMENT ; that every change should be made solely per the almighty force of due UNIVERSAL ENLIGHTENMENT; still many will at first persist in de- nouncing this work and the writer as advocating AN- ARCHY, SEDITION, TREASON, etc. Yet TEACH MAN THE TRUTH is all it says exacting freedom from evil by en- forcement of good for all. They forget that those noblest of Nature's sons who wrote and signed the duly reverenced Declaration of Independence, most unequivocally and emphatically declared that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; among those are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, de- riving their just powers from the consent of the gov- erned; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of those ends, IT is THE RIGHT OP THE PEOPLE TO ALTER OR TO ABOLISH IT, AND TO INSTITUTE A NEW GOVERNMENT, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them seems most likely to effect their safety and happiness. "Providence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed by light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolish- ing the form to which they are accustomed; BUT WHEN A LONG TRAIN OF ABUSES AND USURPATION PURSUING IN- VARIABLY THE SAME OBJECT, EVINCES A DESIGN TO REDUCE THEM UNDER ABSOLUTE DESPOTISM, IT IS THEIR RIGHT, IT IS THEIR DUTY; TO THROW OFF SUCH GOVERNMENT AND TO PROVIDE NEW GUARDS FOR THEIR FUTURE SAFETY." Such has been the patient suffering of all colonies, and such is now the necessity which should constrain 230 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA them to alter their present systems of government. The history of all militant governments, is a history of re- peated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object, the establishment of an absolute tyranny over people; to prove this let facts be submitted to a candid world. Indeed MAN SEEKS and may be trusted with THE TRUTH. No document ever written reflects the real spirit of the Declaration of Independence more than does this work, and no doubt but what every man who signed that transcendental avowal of principle in its day, were they alive to the accrued conditions of today, would as bravely and gladly sign and INTELLIGENTLY fight for the principles herein espoused THIS TIME BY MEANS OP BASIC PRINCIPLE INSTEAD OP THE SWORD. No document could be more in harmony with the spirit of the epoch making exclamation of President Wilson's "MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR DEMOCRACY!'* than this unerring guide unto the complete establish- ment thereof to which every heart throb echoes AMEN ! ! for INTELLECTUALISM can obtain only by EDUCAT- ING THE PEOPLE TO ADOPT IT. So THE PEOPLE are earnestly asked, why not NOW finish the job of fully enthroning exact right and justice, instead of falling back in the old rut inevitably leading to a repetition of the present realistic world wrecking tragedy? All that's needed is proper leadership, and it is NOW Oct. 20th, 1918. quite generally believed that Woodrow Wilson is precisely the right man, in the right place at the right time, and will at once earnestly enlist in the glorious cause. Mr. President, if you do, yours will ever rightly be a SUPER-FAME AS BROADCAST AS THE HEART OF HUMANITY. "Go to it" with all your match- less ability and humanitarian pretensions, and 'tis done practically over night ; when will dawn the day of your real usefulness and splendor. EVERY PERSON WOULD FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 231 QUICKLY VOLUNTEER UNDER YOUR LEADERSHIP; just glVC them a chance and see. They will ALL stick, however, only when "YOU GO THE LIMIT ON ALL BASIC PROBLEMS TO EXACT RIGHT. ' ' ANY PROMINENT PERSON OF MEANS COULD QUICKLY INSURE SUCH A RULE OP THE WORLD, WHO WILL CLEARLY ESPOUSE UNIVERSAL JUSTICE JUST WHAT EVERY- BODY WANTS; WHILE NO PARTLY RIGHT LEADER OR MERE POLITICIAN CAN EVER DO SO, FOR NEITHER ERROR OR INCOM- PLETENESS CAN HEREAFTER LONG BE HIDDEN. Now Mr. President or whomsoever it may concern, let's take just a slight peek at the inestimable good you could do. Of course we can not at once grasp even a millionth part of it; which is good, for if more were thrust upon us, many would go mad with delight. As a final salute however, on taking leave of this haphazard discussion, trying strange to say at this late date, to lead people to duly realize that NATURAL CAUSE AND EFFECT is ever the proper and only possible ruling power and progressing solely by avoidance of pain ; the reader is asked to especially study the following few paragraphs, for while the facts are simple as all genu- ine Natural Science always is when understood, the point in mind will plainly illustrate and solve the entire prob- lem, of HOW TO SURELY, QUICKLY AND PROPERLY ACCOM- PLISH THE GREAT CHANGE herein in principle, cor- rectly espoused: That is HOW TO QUICKLY AND UNI- FORMLY TEACH MAN THE TRUTH. Starting with an individual, we will suppose that the reader has carefully studied this work; which if extended to less than double the size, would clearly ex- plain in detail every basic essential for CORRECT GOVERN- MENT, UNTO FINAL PERFECTION OF HUMANITY. Now there is not one COMPETENT person on earth who, AFTER GRASPING A REASONABLY COMPLETE UNDER- STANDING OF THE PRINCIPLES AND RESULTS INVOLVED which could easily be done by any such a person by de- 233 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA voting an hour a day for a month or two at thoughtfully reading this book through two or three times and at- tending a few explanatory lectures, etc., who could do other than heartily support every principle involved; which is completely summed up by TEACH MAN THE TRUTH, Or, MAN MUST HAVE AND DO WHAT IS BEST FOR HIM. For instance since there is so much herein said on the subject, if THEOLOGY is true it should be completely proven and SCIENTIFICALLY installed in every brain ; but if it is not true then it is equally essential that every person should be SCIENTIFICALLY trained to avoid its pit- fall. It doesn't mean that any or all should be driven with cannons IN or OUT of THEOLOGY as that fanaticism has relentlessly done when in dominant authority, but by an infinitely more effectual power THE TRUTH, which is easy to completely LEARN; a process that should be applied to every phase of INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE INTEREST. Every person kowtows to God or laughs at the idea as a result of their understanding of the facts involved or DUTY TO SELF in the matter; in cases of error the complete facts and result are not fully seen. Each are ever seeking the truth and acting on the combined rel- ative evidence in personal store BLENDED BY CIRCUM- STANCES. Sufficiently prove the ultimate truth to any person and it is impossible for them to abandon it, for THE TRUTH is always of the highest possible IDEAL AND BENEFIT; the many APPARENT abandonments ever being forced by CIRCUMSTANCES. Hence, the truism "Con- vince a person against their will and they are of the same opinion still." For instance, millions of people profess theological belief, because of the overwhelming pressure of prevailing conditions as a DUTY TO SELF, FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 88 while detesting the essential hypocrisy. Yet, clearly prove to any hypocrite that theology is TRUE and they would at once EARNESTLY join the band ; while conversely prove to the most fanatical THEOLOGIST that GOD, DEVIL, HEAVEN, HELL, etc., are myths so as to make them un- derstand it, and they can't help to abandon the idea at least in their own mind, and will thereafter fight the error whenever and wherever CIRCUMSTANCES PERMIT. No person can help it, for man is on a forced march in quest of CONSTRUCTIVE TRUTH; those who deny this are among them who do not fully see THE TRUTH for in the final EVERY PERSON is HONEST. They often even enjoy being nailed to the cross, burning at the stake, facing cannons, etc., to prove it; so can other than IGNORANCE doubt that any would hesitate a moment to at once aban- don the errors of death and cling to LIVING TRUTH were they respectively proven and the infinitely better available? "Which could now be easily and fully proven to the entire "civilized" race inside of a year if prop- erly undertaken, for the essential facts are all available. Now then, we will say, for illustration at least, that you have carefully studied this work and found that in spite of your natural efforts to disprove it the proper way of arriving at ultimate truth while always giving FACTS due credit, that in principle it ever stands the crucial test; that it is self-evidently THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA, etc. ; and that every reasonably intelligent per- son who would do as you have give the work due con- sideration, must also come to the same conclusion try as they may to avoid it, for no FACT could be found to convict it of error or incompleteness THE REQUIRE- MENTS OF THE PANACEA. Such being the case you can't help giving it at least earnest "inward" approval; yet, being in a world where precisely the reverse is stanchly enthroned, you feel that it would best serve DUTY TO SELF to keep mum ; to even 234 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA 1 'outwardly" support "the powers that be" which of course you detest, but UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES such at least seems to be GOOD POLICY. You crave for the change AS YOU KNOW ALL OTHERS WOULD, could they in some way be brought to duly understand; THE MOST PROFITABLE ALTERNATIVE SELECTING EVERY ACT. You realize, however, that not one in a hundred could be quickly induced to PURCHASE the treatise and unbiasedly study the problems as you have; that it would take a long time by that process to enlist a suf- ficient number in the cause to exert the required power- ful influence to be of much benefit: Hence, purely for POLICY SAKE you "run with the wolves" while they feast on the flock of which you are one at heart, even often compelled to drink of "kindred" blood. Such is now the anguishing plight of millions, and too all this time you know that every "wolf" would by far rather be a "lamb," could they but KNOW THE TRUTH and it were SAFE; yet speak you dare not except under cover here and there IGNORANCE AND SAVAGERY BEING SYNONYMOUS. THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA, however, has an inherent right transcending all others, which is no less than THE RIGHT OF MAN TO THE PROTECTION OF TRUTH The Way of Life; hence, regardless of any person, sect or throne, it demands admission to every brain, and it will be heard. 'Tis therefore the duty, yea, the rightful func- tion of government, that it be promptly and unsparingly spread broadcast not only FREE, but EVERY PERSON DRAFTED TO ITS COLORLESS BANNER : Were it thus gOVCm- mentally promoted, THE DESIRED CHANGE WOULD BE IMME- DIATE. The night of ignorance has lost its charm, and the day of intelligence spreads forth its arms ALL THAT'S NOW NEEDED is A LEADER OF NOBLE INTELLIGENCE AND SOME MEANS. Why, we have just learned that even the heart of wolves long to be lambs, to feed upon bountiful sweet- FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 235 ness and meekness instead of blood ALL CRAVE FOR A LIFE OF TRUTH. Though individually each NOW do the best vastly different circumstances direct, and wage a credible fight in the present savage competition for survival ; yet, none have so far ever done more than to guard off a few vicious blows before being struck down in youth by the DEVIL OF IGNORANCE conquerable only by the LORD OF INTELLIGENCE both naught but CAUSE AND EFFECT OF EXPERIENCE OR EDUCATION. History and self-evident facts prove that while left to chaotic individual experience to make selection of guides, the choice is ever different none correct, and as each strive to enforce their haphazardly acquired "PERSONAL OR CLIQUE OPINIONS," the result is continual war ever to more or less detrimental degree. Even should one be able to fully learn ESSENTIAL TRUTH it cannot be practiced, much less widely espoused or en- forced except it be "backed" by considerable means hard to enlist. Hence, it is the dutiful function of GOV- ERNMENT to not only * ' PROVE ALL THINGS AND HOLD FAST TO THAT WHICH is GOOD" by unerringly sifting every basic problem through the meshes of Nature, but to uni- formly endow every subject with a full portion of IM- PERSONAL AND OPINIONLESS ELIXIR OF LIFE. TEACH MAN THE TRUTH THE PANACEA, WILL BE THE FINAL ERA PROCESS OF GROWTH THE CLIMAX : None but insane FOES TO SELF AND HUMANITY will deny this truth. GROWTH EVOLUTION, may and generally does fac- torially advance by sudden and great strides, not always slow as generally believed ; hence, even in its National or World-wide requirements, the tremendous transforma- tion from comparatively DENSE IGNORANCE to a uniform PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE of basic principle, may be quite thoroughly effected if properly undertaken, in a very short time ; even ONE YEAR is a sufficient period in which 236 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA to make a wonderful change of general understanding if governmentally promoted with the vim that such a supremely important cause richly merits; so THE FINAL ERA OF UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD could thus be effectually launched in from FIVE TO TEN YEARS. All that is re- quired if this work will not suffice, is to very carefully compile THE PANACEA and uniformly distribute it, re- quiring each to study and understand the principle in- volved ALL AT ONCE. Were PEACE AND LIFE promoted with the same vim that WAR AND DEATH is just now, WHAT WOULD BE THE RESULT? All the vast requisite change in ideas, customs and things would be made solely by purely the Natural process of selecting and uniformly endowing the people with proper directive education CONSTRUCTIVE VITAL SCIENCE: Mental development of individuals and the race, being as much a phase of evolution though often vastly and quickly accomplished, as is the long chain of terrestrial growth of general ORGANIC LIFE combinedly requiring hundreds of millions if not billions of years to produce and harvest a single planetary crop; which is all inclusive of the greatly varied phases and degrees of change slow, rapid, sudden and great leaps, as plainly observed in the growth of an evolutionary plane or cycle FROM THE ETHER TO AND INCLUDING PERFECTED MAN the Natural Process being more clearly explained in the section on CAPACITY OF MAN AND RANGE OF EVOLUTION. GOVERNMENT, rightly defined simply means PROTEC- TION, which in turn requires KNOWLEDGE THE SCIENCE OF MAINTAINING SELF humanity. This clearly exacts ONE ALL-INCLUSIVE HARMONIOUS SYSTEM; that which of its own perfection would prevent interference by any other process. There can be only ONE correct method ; yet, we now have thousands of more or less conflicting govern- ments International, National, State, County, City, Ethical, Custom, Religious, Social, Business, School, FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 237 Family, Individual, etc., etc. practically limitless, with- out one being perfect. And because of which, each are ever being changed; for man will sooner or later detect even the slightest error and endeavor to correct it in regard to any' of his affairs. The greatly varying constitutions show that for a long time man has realized that a dominant guide is necessary: Yet, there are ever many practically inde- pendent " subordinate" governments beneath the PROWESS of every Constitution; as it were, bands of human cats, dogs, wolves, foxes, skunks, hyenas, panthers, hogs and sheep herded by a hydra-headed, saber-tooth tiger ARMY: Literally PROTECTION with vengeance; 'tis now really PREVENTION Wrong, instead PROMOTION of uniform knowledge Eight. It would seem that anyone could instantly see the vast difference and know THE ONLY REMEDY. All that 's needed is a uniform government of RIGHT, LIGHT AND DELIGHT, to replace the brass buttoned and class-conscious UNIFORM-ED govern-less MIGHT, FRIGHT AND FIGHT: In other words, PROPER GOVERNMENT can obtain and maintain only by supplanting IGNORANCE, INSANITY, DIS- CORD, DEATH ; with INTELLIGENCE, SANITY, HARMONY, LIFE SIMPLE: Yet it means the increase of general happi- ness and length of life MANY FOLDS. And yet, some may ask WHAT is TRUTH ? Strange indeed, this simple question seems to have defied solution for many a century diplomatically evaded even by "Our Lord and Master." Yet, let's see concisely: Here as then discussed in its application to OUR LIFE. We must first understand that Cosmically or Uni- versally considered ALL is TRUTH; that which is cannot be false; eternal and mistakeless innate cause and effect ruling supreme WITHOUT AN ERROR, LOSS OR GAIN Growth and decay of FINITES being the process of main- taining INFINITY. , 238 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA This is not the case with INDIVIDUAL BEINGS for they must LOSE or GAIN, GROW or DECAY, LIVE AND DIE FLUCTUATE. That which is painful, injurious or DESTRUCTIVE OP SELF precisely in accord with the subsidiary natural edict "The Law of Survival of the Fittest" or SELF- ISHNESS, We Call DEVIL, BAD, EVIL, IGNORANT, INSANITY, WRONG, ERROR, FALSE Conducive of DEATH : LOSS. That which is pleasurable, beneficial or CONSTRUCT- IVE OF SELF per dictum of the same law, we call GOD, GOOD, VITAL, INTELLIGENT, SANITY, RIGHT, FACT, TRUTH promotive of LIFE : GAIN. SEE ! Clear and easy enough to understand, is it not ? Hence, TEACH MAN THE TRUTH is THE PANACEA even unto victory over premature death and conquest of happy long life ; at once quench- ing HELLISH IGNORANCE and irrigating HEAVENLY INTEL- LIGENCE ON EARTH. VERILY ! ! "Ye shall know THE TRUTH and THE TRUTH shall make you FREE" from PAIN, ERROR or DISCORD, the cause of premature DEATH, The ALL-INCLUSIVE FOE TO SELF AT LAST OVERCOME NONE OTHER THAN SELF EVER BEING CONSIDERED. "Survival of the Fittest" or SELFISHNESS, is un- questionably a Natural Law, therefore impossible to break; meaning that each dominantly sane factor of Nature from smallest to the largest in the range from ions to man inclusive, ever makes a fight solely to main- tain SELF; that assistance of others without exception, is ever born of the same motive that is employed in rais- ing a crop of potatoes or a hog for the benefit that ac- crues to SELF The Greatest Relative Pleasure Being Selective of Every Act. In other words, a squash, apple, turkey or child in the final analysis, is raised solely for the same reason THE SATISFACTION ACCRUING TO SELF, there being a difference of degree only. Yet, this and no other im- FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 239 pulse UNQUALIFIED SELFISHNESS, constitutes the com- plete and only possible saviour of man, and will finally effect THE SWEETEST UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD Or HAR- MONIOUS CO-OPERATION IMAGINABLE merely due uni- form KNOWLEDGE OF UNAVOIDABLE INTERDEPENDENCE will do it. And too, this can be effected solely between the units of humanity; for the reason that man is the only creature that can possibly be made to duly realize as all now soon will, THAT INDIVIDUAL LIFE WORTH LIVING, DEPENDS WHOLLY ON ALL OTHERS ENJOYING THE SAME BLESSING: That Each Person is an Unavoidable Sharer of Every Other Person's Condition for Weal or Woe; that INTELLIGENCE or HARMONY is promotive of LIFE, and that IGNORANCE or DISCORD is conducive of DEATH: That when all is RIGHT man will HARMONIOUSLY CO-OPER- ATE and finally live unto OMNISCIENCE requiring fully ONE THOUSAND YEARS to duly ripen : The average length of life from now on will increase by great leaps and bounds IF THE GOLDEN RULE OF GOD IS OVER-RULED. This is the easiest FACT to completely prove and uni- formly understand, and constitutes the all-inclusive in- centive for EACH TO EVER DO EXACTLY RIGHT WHEN SO FULLY TAUGHT AND AFFORDED THE NECESSARY OPPORTU- NITY TO DO IT ; THE DUTY OF GOVERNMENT TO ASSURE : IN- TELLIGENCE BEING ESSENTIAL, HENCE TEACH MAN THE TRUTH IS THE PANACEA. No one will ever be more fully aware than is the writer of how strange and silly such a system of society and government will at first seem to the average person ; nothing is now-a-days scarcer than BROAD SCIENTIFIC THINKERS WHICH CAN BE QUICKLY REVERSED. While most people are ever shouting "hurrah for freedom and liberty" merely an echo of insidious teachings THE ALL-INCLUSIVE ERROR ; they seldom notice that every act is dictated by custom, social and business ethics, millions of laws, courts, police, prisons, armies, 240 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA war, dogmas, heaven, hell, gods, devils, desire, need, personal and associated condition, etc., etc. ; The Great- est Relative Pleasure however, being Selective of Every Act Nature in the final, never admitting of dual methods. Of course, to a thinking person after the OMNIP- OTENT FACT has been duly brought to their attention, there can be nothing more self-evidently ridiculous than to even intimate that the all-powerful natural principle of cause and effect could on any occasion, time or place be set aside, and freedom or liberty even for an instant, substituted therefor. Yet owing entirely to perverse EDUCATION, the entire network of society and govern- ments have for thousands of years been wholly based on FREE-WILL; which the church has maintained by arbi- trarily declaring man to be A SPECIAL AND INDEPENDENT BREW BY GOD, from balance of nature giving him FREE MORAL AGENCY. This was originally born of observing the con- trast between PAIN AND PLEASURE LOSS AND GAIN OF LIFE AND DEATH; which being ignorant of the real cause, childish minds BELIEVED WAS PER DESIGN a process of PUNISHMENT and REWARD for DISOBEDIENCE Or OBEDIENCE of some sort of an ALMIGHTY CREATOR JEHOVAH, GOD-S, etc. all of course the result of NATURAL CAUSE AND EF- FECT. This concisely but accurately explains the origin Of BELIEF in GODS, DEVILS, HEAVEN AND HELLS. To which, however in order to understand the prevalent belief in FUTURE LIFE, must be added the phenomena of DREAMS or VISIONS really the same IMAGE BUILDING mental proc- ess, which very few even yet duly understand. Many apparently see and talk with relatives, acquaintances and others AFTER THEIR DEATH; even vividly seeing heaven, hell, flocks of angels, imps and whatnot in THE REALM seemingly BEYOND THE GRAVE. To such and the generally intense craving for a DUE PORTION OF LIFE, may FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 241 we reliably look for the origin of BELIEF in future or con- tinuation of being : Our sole function is TO PICTURE CON- DITIONS OF LIFE; THE BEST POSSIBLE TO CONCEIVE EVEN IN DREAMS, WILL YET FULLY OBTAIN IN THE BODY OF MAN ON EARTH. In other words, every GOD was born of IGNORANCE of general Cause and Effect, and FUTURE LIFE OF IGNOR- ANCE in regard to the Cause and Effect of DREAMS both old as IGNORANT MAN even lower animals being subject to DREAMS; but the "TWIN" BELIEFS are not always asso- ciated and never precisely the same for they are ever born of and progressively changed by VARYING EXPERI- ENCE and corresponding selections of THE GREATEST REL- ATIVE PLEASURE attainable therefrom our universal teacher and guide. No TRUTH CAN BE MORE FULLY OR CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED THAN ARE THESE ABSOLUTE FACTS in other chapters of this work THEO-SPIRITUALISM being at last completely solved, THE BASIC ESSENTIAL FOR MAN TO FULLY UNDERSTAND. Now then, as man craves to LIVE, and instinctively realizing that a COMPLETE PORTION of personal happi- ness and existence is not being had, and not heretofore knowing how to obtain it on earth where all primarily strive to remain, IGNORANT INFINITE SELFISHNESS has naturally sought "JUSTICE" through their gods, heavens and hells, "way over there" in "the sweet" or horrible "bye and bye." Heaven and hell together with their long train of "civil" rewards and punish- ments, are therefore maintained entirely by the DOGMA OF FREE WILL INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, the Child of and Essential to the Life of Churchology BASED ON SALVATION AND DAMNATION requiring ignorance of basic facts. We thus learn why this treatise, and all worthy fundamental works MUST ATTACK THEOLOGY, the parent and support of FREE WILL the basic error : For in the 242 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA final, all reform must arise through a correct under- standing of MAN and his source of actions which is generally and properly attributed to ' ' THE WILL TO DO. " If it is FREE not the inerrant reflex of relative experi- ence, then our present horrible system of personal con- demnation and punishment, etc., is right ; but if Natural Cause and Effect applies to man as every scintilla of evidence combine to assert it does, then FREE WILL is a murderous dogma and should be eradicated from the brain of man ; which means the complete downfall of every phase of THEOLOGY and SPIRITUALISM, and a FULLY SATISFYING EARTH LIFE ENTHRONED IN ITS PLACE just what every even partly sane person really craves : Free- will-less-ness exacting a correct guide. Furthermore, the Church ever has been and must continue so long as allowed existence, to be a bitter foe to unrestricted Scientific Education THE TRUE SAVIOR, for theology thrives solely on the reverse IGNORANCE of basic principle. It dogmatically postulates the climax of errors FREE WILL, then by threat of hell and bribe of heaven, forces its dupes to devoutly CONCENTRATE their faith HYPNOTIZES them, into a seeming realization of the assumption regardless of brand; pledging each to IGNORE REASON BORN OF DEMONSTRATED FACT even to defend their FAITH unto bitterly waged wars, which they have ever done: THE DOGMA OF FREE WILL is THE BASIS OF EVERY WAR. IGNORANCE has served its full purpose as a necessary example of A NIGHT OF HORROR upon which by contrast, to firmly establish a well-earned DAY OF PLEASURE Now Man's Due. Probably no important problem has ever been more thoroughly solved by man, than is the venerable wrangle between SPIRIT AND MATTER found explained under caption of ACTIO-MATERIA or MATERIA-ENERGY matter in FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 243 action: The Gibraltar of "spirituality" at last com- pletely and forever capitulates. Of course there is no "PUBLIC DEMAND" for THE PANACEA, and never would be UNTIL WIDELY AND COM- PLETELY EXPLAINED: Instead, the idea is "publicly" sneered at and generally pronounced an impossibility as all " new-f angle-ideas " ever have been. The move- ment of an arctic glacier is swift, indeed, compared with what public progress would be, were it not for the com- paratively few constructive thinkers whom the public call cranks and often torture unto death. The public is not merely conservative, but a cinch-break on PROG- RESS. This is why genuine DEMOCRACY direct rule of the people, is the most unwieldly and least desirable of any form of government. Yet as it implies that "each have their say," it serves as a very alluring phrase for politicians with which to catch the "sovereign" votes of their IGNORANTLY SELFISH constituents. What is needed is A RULE OF RIGHT, which the public really wants but learns last of all, and would never learn except for the persistent efforts of a few advanced doers. The public must always be thoroughly damned before there can be even a majority demand for the most self-evident neces- sary reform: Public education by the present system is very slow, for it has rightly learned to be "leary" of grafting schemes and cranks. Neither should any person or a few have the power to rule especially where responsible to the people until they are correctly informed ; for as such represent- atives always strive to maintain their power by cater- ing to votes, they reflect THE "STAND-PATTERS" OR SLOW- NESS OF PUBLIC OPINION. In fact, PUBLIC TENDENCY IS TO SLEEP, even to retrograde: All advance arises through the prod of a COMPARATIVELY FEW TRUSTWORTHY AND THOUGHTFUL WORKERS. That is why we have so many very poor and only a few very rich ; few inventors and 244 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA many slow imitators; still less in proportion of real SCIENTISTS expounders of ultra-constructive Cause and Effect ; nearly all being mere defenders of derelict super- stition and customs of ages old. YET THE PUBLIC WOULD PROMPTLY APPROVE THE PANACEA WERE IT DULY EX- PLAINED, FOR IT REALLY WANTS THE VERY BEST FORM OF GOVERNMENT OBTAINABLE; THUS IN SPIRIT DEMOCRACY MAY ATTAIN. Monarchy would be a good form of government WERE MONARCHS ALWAYS RIGHT, but as man is gener- ally IGNORANT and EVER SELFISH, Monarchy has, there- fore, proved a failure as all so-called MAN RULE ever must. Yet, mankind must have a government or guide, and will keep seeking for THE UNERRING PILOT until found and proven eternally profound THE CLIMAX OF GOOD IN NATURE FOR MAN, as can be the case only with CONSTRUCTIVE VITAL SCIENCE UNIFORMLY TEACHING HU- MANITY THE TRUTH, Or, JUST HOW TO UNITEDLY LIVE CORRECT. SCIENCE the voice of Nature if correctly reported as yet seldom broadly and connectively done, is ever PERSONAL-OPINIONLESS, the absolute and impartial TRUTH. Science however, has many phases the science of mathematics; the science of astronomy; the science of acting; the science of fiction, etc., etc. even the science of " lying": Yet, 'tis ever THE CORRECT ANSWER ob- tained by logical reason or doing from a definite premise whether true or false. Natural Philosophy is the seek- ing Of SCIENCE THE SPECIFIC TRUTH. Hence, CON- STRUCTIVE NATURAL SCIENCE MEANS A CORRECT TREATISE EXPLAINING JUST HOW TO UNIFORMLY MAINTAIN PERFECT HEALTH VITAL TRUTH. SUCH Uniform Constructive Intelligence, might quite properly be called DEMOCRATIC SCIENCE, and is probably close to what President Wilson meant when declaring for "Make the World Safe for FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT 245 Democracy." Anyhow, INTELLECTUALISM as in prin- ciple clearly explained by this work, constitutes THE ONLY PROPER AND STABLE GOVERNMENT FOR MAN, and will sooner or later completely supplant all other methods: For solely TEACH MAN BASIC TRUTH is THE PANACEA OR UNIVERSAL CURE-ALL. Which culminates in exemplifying THE GOLDLESS RULE IT IS TO THE WELFARE OF SELF TO TREAT ALL OTHERS WITH HEALTH- FUL CARE. 100 WORDS OF 100 PER-CENT *Every person, regardless of present conflicting theories born of corresponding diverse experience, are unwittingly striving for precisely the same condition FULLNESS OF HAPPY LIFE: So, were each brought to properly understand THE ALL-INCLUSIVE SCIENCE OF LIV- ING Of Which INTERDEPENDENCE AND CO-OPERATION are self-evident and proven basic factors, it will completely satisfy all and impel UNITED SUPPORT. To thus uniformly endow every person including due medium of expression, is THE SOLE DUTY OF GOVERN- MENT ; which is easy to do and all that is needed, to cor- rectly inaugurate and maintain THE FINAL ERA OF WORLD WIDE JUSTICE now sure to quickly obtain.* -100 WORD CHALLENGE TO SKEPTICS *The all-important and conclusive proof that THIS WORK is flawless and complete in principle ; that it fully accomplishes the laudable object undertaken, is THE IRREFUTABLE CLAIM THAT IT PLAINLY, SIMPLY, PRAC- TICABLY, ABSOLUTELY AND IDEALLY SOLVES at least baSlC- ally, EVERY VITAL AFFAIR OF MAN. No competent judge Of ' ' THE PROBLEM OF HUMAN REDEMPTION ' ' will Overlook, deny or decry this DECISIVE EVIDENCE. Indeed, none who are at all capable of duly understanding the ALMIGHTY PRINCIPLE AND SCOPE INVOLVED; THE SUPREME GOOD 246 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA HEREIN LOGICALLY POINTED OUT AS BEING EASILY AND QUICKLY WITHIN THE BEACH OF MANKIND, will even qUCS- tion THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA claim.* WILL OTHER THAN IGNORANCE OF SELF, ATTEMPT TO DEFILE RIGHT FOR MAN? DEATHLESS WARFARE Cosmos is defined as "Perfect World." So, how can any factor be imperfect? SELFLESS AND SELFISH LAW Man is ever defectless cosmically considered, But craving to live, defective when diseased. 1 VS. 1000 The writer once challenged a large gathering of ex- tremely critical people, to propound a fundamental ques- tion that could not at once be fully and clearly answered : and after a two hour DAILY meeting for about three months at which over a thousand questions involving practically every phase of basic problems had been ad- mitted as thoroughly explained none evaded: One of the regular attendants quite earnestly enquired : In as much as you seem to be a thorough master of basic prin- ciple potential omniscience, what then keeps you alive ? To which I replied: The Race is Man individuals being merely corelated cellular factors, none can become perfect or fully mature until ALL DO; that just as long as any one can learn or teach, NONE CAN DIE FROM COM- PLETENESS. Oh, I see, said he : Do You ? FROM NATURE'S DIVINE SCIENCE The Complete Work- How to Unify and Perfect Mankind o CHAPTER XII 45 PAGES NOW I AM GOING TO TAKE FOR MY TEXT THE LITERAL FACTS, THAT MAN IS INEVITABLY A SLAVE TO INFINITE SELFISHNESS. That, *The Greatest Relative Pleasure is Selective of Every Act.* That innately, man has no selective power of right and wrong. That ignorant pleasure conducive of death there- fore wrong, is natural as intelligent pleasure promotive of life and right. That EXPERIENCE is the only source of judgment. That the universal and inerrant LAW OF HUMAN NA- TURE is *THE GREATEST DEGREE OF PLEASURE ATTAINABLE WITH THE COMBINED REL- ATIVE EXPERIENCE IN ACTION, IS AT ALL TIMES PRECISELY EXPRESSED BY EACH IN- DIVIDUAL* NATURE'S BOOKS EVER BEING ACCURATELY BALANCED TO DATE.* Hence that every act exactly indicates one's fitness in attainments for the occasion, or degree of intellectual development; that is ever precisely reflects the com- pound of individual experiences having the slightest bearing on the action. That Man is literally an INFINITELY COMPLEX NEURO- CHEMICAL REFLEX ACTING MECHANISM NOT RESPONSIBLE 248 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA And with these facts as a basis, LET NATURE ANSWEB THE COMPLEX GOVERNMENTAL, SOCIAL AND INDIVIDUAL PROBLEMS, void of mere personal opinion. Well to start with, let's suppose that THE DOGMA OF FREE WILL or individual responsibility together with the present corresponding CRUELTY VINDICTIVE MILITANT GOVERNMENT, has been entirely eliminated, and in its place, MAN being a factor of nature and subject to the universal law of cause of effect ever inevitably conforming to and inerrantly reflecting combined per- sonal experiences whether good or bad, yet being a creature of practically infinite mental potentiality, therefore may by means of ever proper educational in- fluences, be developed precisely as desired into any con- dition or degree of psycho-physical perfection; even when compared with now, unto practical omniscience and immortality, as the reverse is also possible. EVERY WORD OF WHICH BEING A FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH. This man being an absolute slave to infinite selfish- ness, with no innate faculty of proper choice, irresist- ibly Calls for A GOVERNMENT OF INTELLECTUAL DETERMIN- ISM, or enforced general knowledge of right and wrong; being wholly an educational compulsion of universal righteous selection. A kindly enforced uniform development of true nobility the very antithesis to that of now ignobly en- slaving many for the false aggrandizement of a few. A GOVERNMENT OF INTELLECTUAL DETERMINISM Or INTELLECTUALISM, may be quite clearly illustrated by considering the vast accumulations of past EXPERIENCES and WEALTH, as having been carefully garnered and laid away in THE PEOPLE'S UNIVERSAL STOREHOUSE which we will call THE GOVERNMENT or rightful guardian and support of every individual. Where everything even much more than the total of what is now unequally monopolized by individuals, would then be equally owned and used by every one alike individual owner- ship being entirely unknown. Yet each while person- NATURE'S DIVINE SCIENCE 249 ally owning nothing, MUST ever have AMPLE of every life promoting essential even far more than it is pos- sible for children of model well-to-do parents, now to have. Consider the NATION or WORLD of people, as a gigan- tic ideal family ever harmoniously ruled by a prac- tically all-wise parent of inexhaustible wealth; whose government is wholly by the powerful influence of uni- versal highest possible grade of ennobling education in fundamental principles promotive of life and right, while also inhibiting every wrong by the might of light. Where the ruling power automatically obtains solely perforce of the bewitching fascination born of its own intrinsic righteousness, truth, uniform justice, plenty, etc. Where leadership could be gained or maintained only by an automatic process of periodical competitive examination, proving actual superior requisite attain- ments for such positions, and a faculty for uniformly reflecting same upon all those in charge. Ruling solely by teaching applicable laws of nature SCIENTIFIC. A universally helpful arrangement, whereby the stronger must exemplify their advanced ability by as- sisting the weaker. Literally a thoroughly scientific system, prac- tically embodying the potent fact that fit leadership can obtain or maintain only by genuine ability and fellow- ship. For in the first place, while water always seeks a common level, and merit IF NOT HANDICAPPED, will reach its proper height; yet when duly recognized as it then would be, that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link which in no place when averaged, is truer or more applicable than in the relations of human beings, and there being no other process of adjustment, the stronger must mend the weaker, as the only way by which their own aspiring power may be maintained or increased. Thus when properly understood, nature sternly exacts a high class of mutually helpful service, or none can greatly advance; and there is no possible way of evading its all-powerful edict, though most people now 200 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA think there is. That solely by noble fraternal relations, may any do much for SELF ; LENGTH AND HAPPI- NESS OP LIFE, BEING THE STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT. In such a government all personal authority hav- ing been entirely eliminated, and in its place the CON- STRUCTIVE LAWS OF NATURE promotive of TRUTH and inhibiting ERROR, being absolutely enthroned as THE RULING POWER officials serving merely as mediums of its proper classification and general dissemination; so- ciety would then be simply a gigantic progressive school of practical science, with but the one incentive of action, that of insuring the highest possible universal attain- ments, exact equality of opportunity, justice, service and reward: Or as it were, the much talked of UNI- VERSAL BROTHERHOOD. Every member of the great family MUST then do the part corresponding to their ability whatever that may be, yet receive exactly equal reward. Can anyone give more than a lifetime of reasonable service regardless of class, to mankind? Can anyone get more than everything that would constitute an ideal life for such service ? Should not each do and receive exactly this ? Is such a condition of affairs possible? Will you support such a system if it is f Would it not be the climax of achievements, even to roughly suggest THE ONLY POSSIBLE WAY by which that wonderful result may be surely, fully and quickly at- tained with the simplicity of TRUTH ? Yet I shall accomplish that wonderful feat includ- ing the head line, in the next JUST 100 WORDS. *BASIS OF THE FINAL ERA, OR WORLD CONSTITUTION. SELF-SATISFACTION being the all-inclusive or FIRST LAW OF NATURE, and SELF-PRESERVATION its highest ex- pression; therefore, being infinitely SELFISH, yet realiz- ing that man is an unerring product and reflex a NATURE'S DIVINE SCIENCE 251 veritable SLAVE of immediate and stored ENVIRONMENTS, of which humanity is the principal factor; we would eagerly lend every possible effort to purify the source, that SELF may be perfected and live long in the land. Thus, INTELLIGENT SELFISHNESS would insure a lit- eral fulfillment of THE ENNOBLING GOLDLESS RULE IT IS TO THE WELFARE OF SELF TO TREAT ALL OTHERS WITH HEALTHFUL CARE.* If this is not TRUTH, then ERROR is righteousness. Why! even the "Golden Rule" unwittingly, has its root wholly in SELFISHNESS; for its incentive is "AS YOU WOULD THAT THEY SHOULD DO UNTO YOU ' ' : Which verily, is the only possible motive of considerate be- havior toward others. NATURE, INDEED, MAKES NO MIS- TAKE ! Now, I fully understand that but a few will at all realize the tremendous meaning of those 100 words : The average person will read them flippantly as they would a line from a dime novel. Not having been trained to profound thought, few, indeed, can at first adequately dissect the single and combined meaning of these truly omnipotent words, which clearly suggest every essential factor and THE ONLY POSSIBLE WAY OF HUMAN DELIVER- ANCE. While man's infinite mental capacity can never ex- haust their latent meaning, I will however, concisely outline a few salient points ; which will probably suffice to at least set most readers to thinking the one essential and my earnest desire. I by no means intend to imply that the average per- son could not reason at least as clearly and deeply as myself, if they would only set aside prejudice and try, as all should and some day will far surpass as many now do in many ways. HERBERT SPENCER said, "THERE is A PRINCIPLE WHICH IS A BAR AGAINST ALL INFORMATION, WHICH IS PROOF AGAINST ALL ARGUMENT AND WHICH CANNOT FAIL TO KEEP MAN IN EVERLASTING IGNORANCE : THIS PRINCIPLE 252 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA is CONTEMPT PRIOR TO EXAMINATION." And he knew what was TRUE. We have learned that MAN IS INEVITABLY A SLAVE TO INFINITE SELFISHNESS, and THEREFORE NOT RESPONSIBLE. That seeking of pleasure is his only motive of action ; That while he craves to live, he has no innate faculty of choosing between pleasures promotive of life, and those leading to death ; That EXPERIENCE is his only guide regardless of result ; Therefore, that pleasures promotive of life, are in- telligent and right, while those leading to death are ignorant and wrong. Hence that man needs a guide. Now, we have also found, that Society vested in the archives of government, is or may be very old, strong, wealthy and wise ; therefore, should be guardian and support of the ever compara- tively very young, weak, poor and ignorant individual. That each MUST do their part and receive precisely the same, which MUST be every essential of an ideal life; hence, no incentive or possibility of distinction in service or reward nothing better conceivable. That there could be no personal opinion or author- ity, for THE CONSTRUCTIVE LAWS OF NATURE WOULD BE THE ONLY RULING POWER, ever educationally adminis- tered by the proven really fittest, in every relation of man: So that the very highest and best may be uni- formly reflected on one and all exactly alike. Every question being solved by inherent basic facts OPIN- IONLESS. Now, having got right down to the very bed-rock of human nature and requirements for exact equal oppor- tunity, service, reward and justice, we may proceed to ascertain whether NATURE'S DIVINE SCIENCE, or INTEL- LECTUALJSM, WOULD FULLY AND ALL-ROUND SATISFAC- TORILY FILL THE BILL OF COMPLETELY SATISFYING, UNIFY- ING AND PERFECTING SOCIETY. NATURE'S DIVINE SCIENCE 253 So I will again repeat, that should it be found in the slightest degree wanting, then as no less than every jot and tittle of such is worthy of a thought, cast it disdain- fully in a sewer, where all incomplete or defective relig- ions, theories, philosophies, science or what-not call them what you may, rightfully belong; for in the pos- sible light of today, none but the real or UNIVERSAL PANACEA is tolerable. While on the other hand, should it prove to be the long sought COMPLETE SCIENCE OF LIFE, then what sort of a man or beast can it be who would with-hold their hearty support, simply because of some one or few whimsical delusions? Yet, there will at first be hordes of just such " un- selfish*' devotees of superstition, though none can be so ignorant who cannot realize the general beauty and truth of such a complete science if duly examined. Nothing but IGNORANT selfishness will prevent any person after properly examining such a work, from at once lending their every effort to promote the great cause. Hence unless it's possible to point out an actual flaw in the principles involved, it righteously calls for combined support; but if a real defect is detected. I admit that the work should not only be disregarded but suppressed. Will any other system submit to such a crucial test? Yet it is the proper one: Barring only technical errors and the many detractions in the style of its presentation. Now, I have set the highest ideal mind can conceive to attain, or be lost by the exactions of my own explicitlv stated sense of right. Could any one do more? Will any one who may sally to criticise this work do as much for the substitute they might suggest? I think not, yet time alone can tell. While I prescribe no conditions by which this work may be judged except that it be first fully understood, and that the laws of nature shall constitute the court of appeals; therefore as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, it may even be sectionally considered : Yet 254 THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA 1 would suggest, that the proper method of passing upon its merits, is by what it would result in, and whether feasible as a whole ; for of course by that alone may it be rightfully judged. In fact with all fair minded peo- ple, the all-encompassing grand result will have a great influence on their judgment of constituent parts. And yet, unless the basis and calculation are correct, the result must likewise not only be erroneous and unstable, but not the desired truth. Therefore, every PRINCIPLE of the structure should singly and collectively stand the full test, or crumble together in a ruin ; Hence finally. NO MERCY IS ASKED. Of course, in a book of this kind, only a compara- tively few salient illustrations can be given ; for to spec- ifically answer every question would be to re-write the fundamental literature of the world. All that can be expected of this work, therefore, is to clearly and fully lay down and illustrate the principles involved ; so that by the same process any and all other problems may be solved. The immediately following examples, however, are but a few of the illustrations given many others being scattered throughout the book. Now, I have said that human nature suggests every essential reform, and exactly what is right; that if fol- lowed, would UNIFY and PERFECT MANKIND: That if I'm right, such ought to obtain; but if wrong, this work should be ignored. So without further parleying we will seek the outcome be that what it may. Let's first look into the LABOR PROBLEM. Now, the very bottom and all-inclusive principle underlying INTELLECTUALISM would be, that EVERY PER- SON MUST HAVE AND DO JUST WHAT IS BEST FOR THEM ; and that all the vast knowledge, wealth and power of the GOVERNMENT by which is meant ALL THE PEOPLE ruled by ETERNAL CONSTRUCTIVE PRINCIPLE, would be exerted to equally provide each individual with EVERY ESSENTIAL OF IDEAL LIFE NOTHING WHATEVER LACKING IN ANY INSTANCE. So that no one shall DO or HAVE a whit more or less NATURE'S DIVINE SCIENCE 255 than the combined wisdom and resources of mankind may find is essential, promotive of the highest possible degree of a healthful and happy long life; BOTH DOING and HAVING BEING COMPULSORY by a process of edu- cation. Therefore, each person should devote just sufficient time of every day when not engaged in likewise essen- tial purely educational and recreation duties, at PRO- DUCTIVE EXERCISE, in order to both maintain perfect health and the necessities of life; each consistent there- with, doing that for which they are best qualified say for three to four hours, five days per week, ten months each year, while able to do so throughout life. This as any person should fully realize, would not only afford every one EXACTLY THE REQUISITE HEALTHFUL EXERCISE, AND PRODUCE AMPLE of EVERY ESSENTIAL FOR UNIVERSAL IDEAL LIFE, but each would simply do precisely their proper part toward supplying a common storehouse, in which all are equally interested. By STOREHOUSE is meant, every factor or facility of livelihood that may be produced or used by any and all from eatables to railroads, etc. ; EVERYTHING in- cluding EDUCATION or what-not : ENTIRELY GOVERNMENT- ALIZED. There being no personally owned property not even SELF or the hat on one's head though ever having the best. There would be no masters or servants, no servitude of one to another; hence no drudgery; as well as over and under proper exercise for health would be entirely eliminated: BEING A WORKLESS YET DRONELESS SYSTEM. In other words menial and fagging, or degrading and unhealthy work, as well as equally detrimental idleness, would be no more having been fully supplanted by simply PRODUCTIVE EXERCISE, which ALL would be prop- erly educated to cheerfully and energetically do, as doubly beneficial PLAY productive of health and neces- sities of life ; therefore, ever the climax of pleasure. FOOLS only will ask, "Who would make" the peo- ple that such a system must produce,