Jr. Carpets, Linoleums, Oil Clotks, Window Cornices, and Shades, Lace Curtains, Lambrequins. HENRY DINWOODEY, ' 123S to 1244 First Sotitli Street,' 8A.I.T LAKE CITY. A (T'v. ~e<2) ^Sr- O N A. * : *&&* MANUFACTOEI Nj"*b* '' ' ^v- c\^ x \ Jr^ ,\& G ^ ^ 320 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Matufacturers and Jobbers in Clothing and Furnishing Goods, BOOTS; SHOES, HATS, BLMKETS, ETC. . Og Q J Soc i Sta r , v Provisions and Produce, Crockery and Glassware, Tinware and Stamped Ware, Heavy and Shelf-Hardware, Stoves, Grates and Ranges, Tools and Implements, Stationery and School Books, Motions, Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Rubber Goods, Leather and Findings. Pure Drugs and Medicines, Wines and Liquors, Etc., Etc. v cwb e IN ALL aUALlTIES and of LATEST STYLES. PAPERS HANGINGS OF NEWEST DESIGNS Duck Suits, Overcoats and Overalls. Utah Directory Advertisements. Silt Lake Surgical & Hedical Institute oOo THE SPECIAL PROVINCE of this Institute is the treatment of ALL DEFORMITIES of the Body and Limbs, such as Curvatures arid Distortions of the Spine, Crooked Feet, Legs, Arms and Hands, Paraly- sis, Diseases of the Bones and Joints, Piles and Fistula (without the knife), Catarrah, Rheumatism, Lung Diseases, Tumors, Cancer, Neuralgia, Nervous Diseases, Hernia (Hupture), Dyspepsia, Liver Troubles, Diseases of the Kye, Ear and Throat. Diseases of Females, Private and all other Chronic Diseases. ITS FACILITIES are superior to anything that can be found in the Great West. In the offices of the Institute is the Largest and most romplete ELEC- TRICAL APPARATUS* for the treatment of Diseases in the West. Oallor Address SALT LAKK SURGICAL AND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 139 Main St., next door above Jones' Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah. PROVO LUfflBE^iFuTLOiNGlE PLANING MILLS, A FULL STOCK OF DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, PICKETS AND ALL, KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL, GLASS and ENAMEL PAINT. Agents for the STAR PORCELAIN LINED WOOD PUMPS. Orders by Mail promptly filled. H. H. CLUFF, Sup't. PROVO LUMBER AND BUILDING COMPANY. IFIROVO OIT1T. 1. 1 Utah Directory Advertisements. OO-, Successors to W. W. Bartlett & Co. Manufacturers of SPRING BEDS | MATTRESSES. No. 236 MAIN STREET, Next to Clift House, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. KAHN BROTHERS, Wholesale Dealers in JIB* A Large and Complete Line of TOBACCOS and CIGARS of which we make a specialty. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. No. 113 & 115 East Temple Street, ILiAJKIIE! H. S. KEEDALL, Proprietor. Rear of 211 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. LOCAL and COUNTRY TRADE Supplied -AT- BOTTOM RATES. THE UTAH DIRECTORY, FOR 1883-84:. Published by J. C. GRAHAM & CO., CONTAINING THE A. ls IE .A-ZLsTID OOOTJ^^TI OF EVERY RESIDENT IN SALT LAKE CITY. AND A Complete Business Directory of every City and Town in Utah TOGETHER WITH A COMPENDIUM OF GENERAL INFORMATION. J. C. GRAHAM & CO., PRINTERS, 28 and SO First South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by y. C. GRAHAM &> CO., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington^ D. C. Utah Directory Advertisements. Central Railway, THE PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, Is Standard Guage, and running through the centre of Utah affords to travellers a safe, speedy and pleasant route to all the principal towns and cities of Utah, and is the only line running to Southern Utah. The Equipment is First Class, the Road Bed Solid, and Fast Time is Made. THIS POPULAR LINE Makes close connection with THE UNION PACIFIC at Ogden for Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and all points East. CONNECTS AT OCDEN With the CENTRAL PACIFIC for Sacramento, San Francisco, and all points on the Pacific Coast. Also with UTAH and NORTHERN R'Y for all points in Northern Utah, Idaho and Montana. PASSENGER TKAINS BUN DAILY BETWEEN SALT LAKE AND OGDEN and BETWEEN SALT LAKE and SOUTH. j&$~ For information relative to Freight and Passage apply at GENERAL OFFICES, MAIN STREET. JOHN SHARP, JAS. SHARP, F. COPE, Gen'l Supt. Asst. Gen'l Supt. G- F. & P. Ag't. This work opens with a general Name-Directory of Salt Lake City; after which follow a Guide Book, a Compendium of useful information, and a Digest of the Commercial Laws of the Territory. Next in order is a Business Directory of Salt Lake City, followed by that of the smaller towns in Salt Lake County. The more important and larger counties of the Territory are then given, and these are succeeded by the remaining Counties in alphabetical order, with every town in the respective Counties in the same order, giving, however, the precedence to the County seats in said Counties. VI Utah Directory Advertisements. THE PROVO nr Manufacture the Largest and Best Line of To be Found in Utah. Their Goods are better for the prices than Imported Woolens. These goods can be found at retail at nearly every retail store in the Territory, and at wholesale at the FACTORY, PROVO CITY, -AND- Special attention given to the Trade. They are always in the Market for WOOL an pay the highest prices in Cash. JAMES DUNN, Supt. PREFACE. take no little pleasure in presenting this work to the public. It is the largest of the kind ever published in Utah, and embraces a vast amount of information of intense interest to bankers, merchants, tradesmen and the general readers in this Territory, and adjacent Territories and States. Every effort has been exerted to make it correct, relhble and complete; and the publishers pride themselves in their suc- cess in these respects. The necessity for such a Directory is evident to every ob- serving resident of the Territory, and it will fill a want much and long experienced in our growing and prosperous commu- nities. In addition to a complete Directory, we have added a Guide Book, and a Digest of the Commercial Laws of Utah, which will enhance the value of this work as a handy book of varied and useful information. We need not mention the difficulties we had to overcome in compiling, making and com- pleting a work of this character. Utah Directory Advertisements. EXCELSIOR Meat "WNI Markets cwb Keep Constantly on hand the Choicest of Veal, Sausage, Headcheese. Etc. and sell at prices that Courtesy to Customers Guaranteed. Hotels and Boarding Houses Furnished. ALL ORDEFS PROMPTLY FILLED. Special Attention given to Orders by Mail. Send in your Orders and have your Meat Delivered. Cash Paid for Hides and Pelts. BULLOCK & SMOOT, Proprietors. Centre St., Provo City, Utah, Abbreviations 17 Fillmore* 262 ( Mill Creek 221-^ Adamsville 247 Fish Creek 278 j Mill Creek post-omce..257 Alpine City 231 j Fort '1 hoi nberg 278 Millville 25J Anna 210 ! Fountain Green 20X ' Mineisville 249 Alta 221 I Fremont 205 ! Moab 257 American Fork 231 1 FrUco 218 j Mona 200 Anabella 272 i Garden 200 i Monroe 273 Ashley 275 | Glen wood ^72 | Morgan County 264 Auroia 272 | Go.-hen 2>3 ! Morgan City 204 Leaver County 217 | Grat'ton 2(il j Mountain Meadow 277 Beaver City. 247 j GnuHsville 274 I Moroni 20'J Bear Liver city 250 ! Greenville 248 Mount Pleasant 20 ( ^ Benjamin 233 j Greenwich 205 I Nephi 259 Bellevue 277 | Guide Look 179 to 197 | Newton 253 Big Cotton wood 221 Gunnison 209 j New Harmony 201 Bingham 22L Harrisvhle 246 i North Ogden 24t> Box Klder County 249 lleber 278 I Ogden 237 Biigham City 249 Hillsdale 258 Ophir 275 Bountiful 255 lloldeii 2^3 j Uiderville 201 Blake i ity 250 ! i iomansville 233 | nuray 275 Biinton 221 i Hooper 240 j Panguitch 258 Browns Park 275 ' Iluntington 250 j Paradise 251 Bin rville 272 ! litTntsviiie 240 Paragon ah 259 Cache County 20! j Hyde Paik 253 Paiowan 258 Castle Dale 250 i Hyrum 253 j Park (.ity 271 Cayune 250 j lion County 257 Payson 23i Cedar Fort 233 | Joseph 273 i eoa 272- Cedar City 258 j Juab County 259 PettyviUe 20!) Centre :;74 | Juab 200 Peterson's 20t Centreville 255 i Junction 205 Pine Valley 277 Charleston 278 i Kamas 270 I Piute County 201 Chester 207 ! Kanab 201 i Pinto 277 Clai kston .'53 j Kane County 201 Plain City 247 Club iiill 253 ! Kanosh 20;'. Pleasant Grove 23-3 Coalvilte.... 270 j kaysville 250 Plymouth 25') Coiinne 250 | Kelton 250 Portage 25') Crayuoii 204 j Kingston 205 ! Prativille 273 3 avis County 255 j Koo.hurem 205 j Price 257 iVseret 202 ! Laketown 200 | Promontory 251 Ueweyville 250 | Lao 2<>5 i Providence 25i Diamond City 200 j Leamington 203 i Provo City 225 Digest Commercial ! Leeds 277 Randolph 20t> Laws ol' Utah. ..198-202 Lehigh 233 Redmond 273 Dover 208 Levan 200 Lich County 20(> Draper : 221 I.ogan 252 Richfield 273 Kcho 270 Lynne 240 Richmond 251 j den 240 Aianli 207 ! Rockv ille 202 Jilsinore 272 Marysvale 201 | Salem 235 Kmeiy v ounty 250 Mayiield 2.9 | Salina 273 Ephruim 208 Meadow 20i ! trait Lake City Lusi- L i Lity ^74 ! Meadowville 200 ness iiirectory.. < .0,)-220 Kureka 200 I Mendon 2^")3 Salt Lake Lity Gen- Fairview, 20S ! Micidleton. 277 I eral 4-irectory ...17-173 Farmington 2 5 . Midway '^78 Sandy Station 22 J Fayette 2'KS \ Milioiu 249 Sanpete County 207 Fui-roii's City ibj j Miilard County 202 Santa claru 277 Contents. i^antaQuin 235 St.nrlrt.nnl 275 I Wales 270 Bcipio 263 St. George . . 276 Wftsatnh Conntv. ?7H Hcofield 257 Summit County Terrace 270 951 Wallsburgh 278 97-} Sevier County. 272 Wanship Silver City Silver Reef ...260 270 Thurber Tin tic 265 .. ..260 Wasatch Washington County. Washington. .223 .276 977 Blatersville Smithfleld BnowviUe Houth Cotton wood.. Bpanish Fork ...247 ...254 ...251 ...228 2?J5 Tooele County .... 274 TooeleCity Toqnerville TTintah County Uintah 274 261 275 247 Weber County ^i7 Wellsville. ^5* West Bountiful 25fl West Jordan . . . . 22? 7r fiprin^City 26!) Union 223 White Rocks Bprin " Lake 236 Utah County 225 Willard 951 }Sprin ir ville 236 Vernon 275 Windsor 233 St. Johns 275 Virgin Citv.... 262 Woodruff.... flJii S PERRY & CO., TJ O- O- 1 S T S, =^= SPRINGVILLK, UTAH. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED DAY AND NIGHT. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. JOEL GROVEK, Sup't. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS, Adkins Geo F 28 Denver Beer Hall 16 Joslin&Park . $v Ageair Frank & J Dinwoodey H, outside Kahn Bros 2 Fischer 121 front cover Kelly Bros. . . 82 Andersoij Scott 279 Dinwoodey Jas 9fi Kelsey Eli B 21) Arcade Restaurant 90 Armstrong & 13 utter- Donelsou Bros 220 Due O F.. 88 Kelsey & Puterbaugh..2J3 Lamb J S 22*1 field.../. 2021 Duiiford Geo altern- Larson John 30 Ashby Thomas, . . . 242 ate side lines Leaker David W 23 AxteJl Levi D8 Fardley B. . 42 Lepper Dr A 240 Barlow J M 38 Fardley Jas W 56 Lewis J S & Co 240 Barnes M 78 Earl L M 61 Lomax J D 51 Barnes & Davis, out- Eighteenth Ward Love J 2*0 side back cover Store . 279 Barratt Bros. . . IS Erb G S, outside back Lowell John W Wa- Booth DC 76 cover gon Company . 94 Booth v Brown 22H Bountiful Co-op Iu'n...257 Brisaeher S & Co 20 Evans & Spencer SC Evans David jr 228 Excelsior Flour Mills 222 Lynch &Cottrell 96 Manning John 24 Mason & Co 118 Brown Jas 42 Fxcelsior Meat Mark- Marshall & Royle 40 Bullock & Smoot 8 ets.. . 8 Bull's Head Meat Market 78 Farmers Exchange 224 Farrell Wm . 242 Meears Geo A, back of book Button & Boyan 40 Business Changes 13 First National Bank. ..226 Foote Jas E 2-^6 Meredith, Gallacher & Jones 50 C 12's *?26 Gem Saloon. 38 Merrill M . . . 38 California Brewery.... 76 Capital Saloon 232 Goldberg L, alternate foot lines Metropolitan Hotel 203 Morris Elias B. 32 Carroll li G & Son 224 Goldsbrouo'h Mrs Moss W J 7> Carter Chas W. . 42 Hlen. 230 Mulloy & Paul. ... 46 Carter Thos 64 Goldsmith & Co out- Myrick & Co 23 Chalmers Abe . 2<2 side front cover Naylor & Pike . 92 Chambers Jno G 242 Gold sticker M 78 Nekton Frank H & Co..40 Chapman & Whyt Soule I P& Co 2-74 Spencer & Kim ball 126 Startup M rsllagar. . . .224 VauAukin Dr 1W Vincent Ar Ostler 2'6 Waarener Henry 7(J Walker House, out- side back cover Walker Joseph OS Wardleiffh H c 2'J3 WarnockK, inside back cover ^'asatch Mills 78 Reed HA 42 Reed all Hs 2 Kichter Moritz 2'i-i Rock Island KH 15 Suit Lake Tribune 13 Halt Lake Herald tf Fait Lake Chronicle... 36 Salt Lake Grocer and Trade Journal 62 Salt Lake Foundry & Machine Co . ..41 Stevens \V H 2 2 Slubbs Teter 211 Srerry Territorial Enquirer.. .10!) Thompson Shurtliff2H Thomson's Real Es- tate Agency 2 X Thurman Samuel K .223 Tufts & Nystrom ) Tint's Pills 83 Williams A L 124 Williamson James 7) Woods & Hoffman 44 Wyalt & Forrester 4) ZC M I, in side front cover Salt Lake Livery and Transfer stables ... 46 Salt Lake Surgical & Medical Institute . 1 j?avi!le Geo 42 United Order Mer- (hitnt. Tailor*... _. 71 CO-OIF, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in No A complete line of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. trouble to order Special Gocds from E'ltst or }Vest. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. SSCplf IS NOW COMPLETE FROM STOGAS TO THK FINEST. - We ship our - Direct, and carry the most complete line in town. The Celebrated \ MONITOR AND CHARTER OAK STOVES Constantly on hand. Also a complete line of Iron and Hardware. We be- lieve in buying the best. Come one, come all and examine our goods. REED SMOQT, Sup't. Business Changes. xiii BUSINESS CHANGES. The following changes have taken place in Salt Lake City since compiling the Business Directory: Geo. Payne, Boot and Shoe Maker, removed to 218 Main Street. Thomson's Real Estate and Loan Agency, and contractors for sinking wells, removed to 137 Main Street. F. Crovvton, Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter, removed to Third South, between Main and First East Streets. Dr. Jas. R. VanAukfn's Dental Institute removed to corner Tenth East and Second South Streets. C. R. Savage's Art Bazar removed to 41 Main Street. The Photographic Department removed to Olson's new gallery, Commercial Street. R. Deighton & Co., Jobbers and Repairers, and Manufac- turers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, removed to Third South, between Main and First East Streets. H. B. Clawson, Dealer in Hides, Wool, Furs, Wagons, Ag- ricultural Implements, &c , removed to Old City Meat Market, West Temple, bet First South and South Temple Streets. DPIRO'VO OOOIP. IDIR/CrO- Full Stock of I'UKK rRirS AND 9IEDICINKS. CHOICE VATMKTY O? PAT3.VT AND PrOP^IETARY MEDICINES. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Fall Line of Stationery, School Bo As, Literary an 1 Scientific Works, Albums, &o GKO. Q. CORAY, Superintendent, iil^BBBBHBHHHP^ Has no equal Copper, Knives, for cleaning all kinds of Kitchen UtensHs, Tin, Bros-., or Forks, Crockery, Glassware, Bath Tubs, Paint, Oil lota, ;c., For Salo by all (Jro33M. TOILET It is offered as the onlv perfect soap for cleaning the skin. It will remove almost instantly any conceivable stain, leaving the skin white and smooth: pre- ve^ts chappTng ot^efther hands or face. Q. P. CULMEE & BEOS., Agonts Salt Lak9, OTIS S. FAVOR, Sole Western Agent t Chicago. Adds to the popularity of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE." The fact that it is the most Direct, SPREDY and COMFORTABLE route between the \V KST and KAST; that its Holling Stock is superb, consisting of Magnificent Day Coaches , Horton_JEleclining Chair Cars, Pullman Palace^Sleeping Cars, the world-famous^Dining^ars ; That all its principal connections are made in Grand Union Depots, and that it tickets and checks baggage to all points, keeps it in the lead, and the favorite lin& with those who travel either an business or for pleasure. I : -s "ALBERT LEA ROUTE" to Minneapolis and St. Paul, Passing through the most picturesque portions of Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota* receives the patropasre of all lovers of the beautiful. Get a Time-Table and Map and and examine carefully. Through Tickets can be purchased VIA Council Bluffs, Kansas City, Leavenworthf or Atchison. Jt. R. Vice-Prest. and Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Ticket and Pass. Agent. XVI Utah Directory Advertisements. iw, $12.00. c > . .00. The EXPONENT of the People's Right Larger Circulation Than All The Salt Lake Dailies Combined. JOHN KURD, GEORGE GRIMMINGER. AND Jfo/ COMMERCIAL 8T 9 Adjoining Idaho Bakery, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. OPENED JULY ^th, 1883. Our Beer, Wines and Liquors, will remind you of Ganibrinus Bachus & Co.; and about our Cigars, General ,Grant can give you full particulars by calling upon us. HURD G.UIMMINGER. Props. Best Team Harness made by W, L. Pickard, Salt Lake. a o CD m of % I d i i 5 PH HI Pk- QQ : ' O H 1 9 i i rH O -d CiVy Directory. SALT LAKE CITY DIRECTORY. bet between cor E.... ..corner East ..east side E. T Eaat Temple N North iis north side ne north east nw north west N. T North Temple res residenc 6 S South ss south side sw south west se south east ws west side S. T South Temple W. T West Temple W West Abrams L. S., green grocer, ss First North bet 2d and 3d West Abbey R. H., res North West cor 1st West and 4th South Ackerman J. H., printer, ns Garden bet Elm and Maple. Acomb John, Sr., farmer, ss 4th South bet 3d and 4th West Acomb John, conductor, ss 5th South bet 3d and 4th West Adams Joseph, laborer, North of 3d North 21st Ward Adams S. A. blacksmith, res ws 8th East bet 7th and 8th South Adams H. res ws 8th East bet 7th and 8th South Adams D. H. farmer, ne cor 8th South and 7th East Adams Ida, widow, ss 2d South bet 1st and 2d East Adams Charles, boards B R Exchange Adams John, carpenter, se cor Plum and Centre Adams W. carpenter se cor Plum and Centre Adams George, carpenter, se cor Plum and Centre Adams James, teamster, ns South Temple bet 1st and 2d West Adams John, res ws 4th West bet 3d and 3d South Adams Wm. fireman, es 5th West bet 1st and 3d North Adams D. C. commercial agent, boards Walker House Adamson Janet, widow, ns South Temple bet 7th and 8th East \ L. GOLDBEIIG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City. Handsome Double Buggy Harness at "W. L. Pickard's. e o c3 CD Q CD S. J2 i o o O *3 C/D AT <=*.-- WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. Nos. 123, 125, 127, 129, 131 MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY, We do all kinds of UPHOLSTERY and warrant our work. We make and handle AND MATTRBSSES of every description. Carry Feathers, Boys' Wagons and Children's Carriages O I h ^ on o 73 S- ? S- CD $ to CD CD Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. /^s Salt Lake City Directory. 19 Adamsoii Ihos., carpenter, ss South Temple bet 7th and 8th East * Adkins Win. ft. gardener, ss Wall bet Spruce and Fir , Adlard Jabez, laborer, ns 5th South bet 1st and 3d West j Admire S. J. res es West Temple bet 3d and 3d South ^ Afflick W. P. blacksmith, s.s North Temple bet 10th and llth East M Agramonte C. H. M'y mining mac. ss 6th South bet E Temple & 1st E M Aainstroii Ludwig, carpenter ws West Temple bet 1st and 2nd North SJ Ainsworth Thomas, laborer, ns 3d North bet 4th and 5th West ! ^ Aird John, res ns 1st North bet East Temple and 1st East Q Airmet John D. carpenter, sw cor E]lm and Prospect Albrend Jane A. widow, ws 5th West betj3rd and 4th North 2 Albrend Wm. F. gardener ws 5th West bet 3rd and 4th North 3 Albion James, 4 laborer, ws 2nd West bet 5th and 6th South Alcock John, machinist, ss 1st South bet 4th and 5th West Alder George A. clerk, ns South Temple bet 1st and 3d West Aldis Heber, harnessmaker,es4th East bet 1st South and South Temple td Alexander John, laborer, es 1st West bet 3d and 3d South Alexander Mrs. L. C., widow, ss 1st South bet 5th and 6th East Alexander Robt. painter, es 4th East bet 1st and 3d South H Alexander Wm. laborer, ss 2d South bet 4th and 5th West Alexander Henry, mason, es 5th West bet 1st and 2d South ?? Alf R. M .merchant, ns 5th South bet 1st East and East Temple j 32 Alford John, clerk ne cor Currant and Centre j pj Allen Thomas, carpenter, wu Garden bet 1st and 2d North Allen'Robt., merchant, cor 3d South and 8th East i M Allen Robert, peddler, ns 5th South bet 6th and 7th East Allen.Wm., carpenter, es Locust bet South Temple and Fruit Allen Wm. L. N., carpenter, se cor Fruit and Locust i ^ Allen John, laborer, es 5th West bet 1st and 3d South Allen Dr. J. F. (Moore, Allen & Co) ns 3d South bet E T and W T Allen Julia, widow, ns 4th South bet West Temple and East Temple Allen Mrs. Catharine, ns 2d North bet 7th and 8th West Allen C. E. teacher, se cor 3d South and 3d East Alley S. W. farmer, ne cor 4th South and 1st East Allison E. M. res ss 3d South bet East Temple and West Temple Aimer T. E., res es 2d East ;bet 3d and 3d South Alingram L. E., carpenter, ns South Temple bet 9th and 10th East Almond J. B. clerk, ss 2d South bet 1st and 3d West Alsworth Henry, shoemaker, ss 2d North bet 3d and 4th West Alt Jacob, res ws 3d East bet 3d and 3d South Alverson John, laborer, es 2d West bet 7th and 8th South Alvord Ervine T., res ns3d North bet 4th and 5th West Amy Elvira, widow, ws 1st East bet 1st and 3d South Anderberg E., carriage maker, ss 2d South bet 3d and 4th West Anderson Henry, laborer, es 8th East bet 2d and 3d South You can save 10 per cent by baying Clothing at L. Goldberg's W. L. FicJtard carries a full line of Trotting & Racing Goods if! REAL ESTATE, MONEY LOANING-, HOUSE RENTING AND COL- LECTING AGENT. Will search records for investigation of titles to realties, make out Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Wills, Agreements, &c., &c., on short notice. P. O. Box No. 363. Office Nos. 23 & 25 First South St., NOTARY PUBLIC. S. BRISACHER & CO., Proprietors. Nl EALS, at all Hours, 50 cents FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. No. 233 Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY. HAYNES & SON. Salt Lake City, Utah, WHITE HOUSE. BEST FAMILY HOTEL. MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Terms $2.00 per Day. Meals 50 Cents. A. POD LECH & CO. .Proprietors. ^ South Temple Street, bet. ist & 2nd West. Don't forget that Hardy Bros. & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Otoofs Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Pickarcl, Salt Lake. Salt Lake City Directory, 2 1 Anderson Henry J. teamster, es 8th Fast bet 3d and 3d South Anderson P., manufacturer, ss 1st South bet 8th and 9th Kast Anderson G. whipmaker, ns 5th South bet sd and 4th East Anderson Dr. W. F., res es 2d East bet 3d and 3d South Anderson W. E. res ns 1st South bet 3d and 3d East Anderson Sophie, widow, ns 2d South bet 3d and 4th East Anderson James, res ss East Temple bet 5th and 6th South Anderson Manning, clerk, boards White House Anderson James, laborer, ws 3d East bet 7th and 8th South Anderson Andrew, mason, ns 8th South bet 3d and 4th East Anderson A. farmer, es 2d East bet 4th and 5th South Anderson D. P. carpenter, ns Garden bet Walnut arid 1st East Anderson Catharine, widow, ss Centre bet Currant and Apricot Anderson C. G. laborer, ns 4th North bet 1st and 3d West Anderson James, printer, ss 5th South bet 3d and 3d West Anderson Wm., res se cor 5th South and 2d West Anderson W. N. moulder, ws 3d West bet 3d and 4th South Anderson James, moulder, ws 3d West bet 3d and 4th South Anderson Robert, blacksmith, sw cor^Prospect and Chestnut Anderson Robert, res ns Prospect bet Chestnut and'Walnut Anderson George E. photographer, ws Elm bet Bluff and Garden Anderson Mary A. widow, ws Elm bet Bluff and Garden Anderson Frederick (Anderson & Pomeroy) wsPine bet Bluff and Wall Anderson Samuel, es Commercial bet 1st and 2d South Anderson Hugh, ws E T bet N T and 1st North Anderson P. agent, ws West Temple bet North Temple and ls?t North Andre A. res 1st E. bet 1st and 2d South Andres J. A. res ns 3d South bet 3d and 4th East Andrew S. W. (Andrew Bros) ns 5th South bet 1st West and W T Andrew J. W. (Andrew. Bros) ns 5th South bet 1st West and W T Andrew Joseph F. (Andrew Bros);ns 4th South.bet W T and E T Andrew W. R. (Andrew Bros.) ns 4th South bet W T and E T Andrew Albert T. blacksmith ns 4th South bet W T and E T Andrew R. S. printer, ss 4th South bet 1st and 2d West Andrews A, K., foreman D &R G W boards Valley House Angell John O. carpenter, se cor Elm and Prospect Angell Lucinda, widow, ws 3d West bet 3d and 4th North Angell T. J. book-keeper, es 1st East bet 6th and 7th South Angell Truman O., architect, se cor South Temple and 7th Sout h Angell C. E. lumberman, ss 6th South bet East Temple and 1st Kast Ajagood Martin, es 2d East bet South Temple and 1st South Anson P. J. res se cor Oak and Garden Arbogast George, res 44 1st South Arbuckle James, res ws 9 East bet North Temple and 1st North Arbuckle James, butcher, ws 4th West bet 1st and 3d South L. Goldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City, California Lasso Saddles, W. L,. Fidaard, Salt Lake City. _ s -OF- 48 SECOND SOUTH STREET. P.O.Box 1017, SALT LAKE CITY. All kinds of Monumental Head Stones, Mantels, and Plumbers' Work done with Neatness aud Dispatch, Also Granite and Sandstone Work done at Low Prices. Italian, Vermont and Utah Marble. Prices as Low as the Lowest, and Work as Fine as any in the United States. $2 00 PER DAY, Cor. Main and Third South Streets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. S. C. EWINC, Proprietor. co" Call and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Shoemakers' Tools of all kinds, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake. Salt Lake City Directory. 23 Archer D. J. organ dealer, ss 2d South bet 2d and 3d South Archibald David, teamster, se cor Maple and Wall Argust Francis W. boot and shoe fitter, es 6th East bet 6th and 7th South Armond W. labo>er, es 5th West bet 1st and 2d South ARMSTRONG, T: G. Jr., merchant us 3d South bet 3d and 4th West Armstrong T. C., Sr., clerk, es 4th West bet 1st and 2d South Armstrong W. H. hackman, ws 4th West bet South Temple and 1st South Armstrong C. M. rector St. Paul's, ss 3d South bet 1st and 2d East Armstrong Thomas, laborer, ws Maple bet Wall and Prospect Armstrong Robt., engineer, ns 4th South bet 6th and 7th East Armstrong Francis, res ws 7th East bet South Temple and 1st South Arnold George, tanner, ss 3d North bet 1st and 3d iVest^ Arnold Mrs. Fannie D. ws 1st West bet South Temple and North Temple Arnold Joseph, laborer, es 10th East bet 1st and 2d South Arnold John, carpenter, ws 10th East bet 2d and 3d North Arnold George, teamster, es 3d West bet 1st and 2d North Arnold Orson P. supt. street railway, ws 3d East bet 1st and 3d South Arnot Henry, porter, ns North Temple bet 3d and 3d West Arthur Joshua, es West Temple bet 5th and 6th South. Appleby C. H. laborer, ws 4th West bet 4th and 5th South Appleby W. P. laborer, ns 1st North bet 5th and 6thiWest Appleby Mrs. S. B. ss 1st South bet 1st West and West Temple Asbridge M. W. carpenter, ns 3d North bet 3d and 4th West Ashman James, gardener, ws Oth East bet 3d and 4th South Ashman Mrs. W. widow, ns 5th South bet 7th and 8th East Ashtoii Edward, painter es 6th West bet 1st and 3d South Ashtoii Benjamin, stone cutter, es 6th West bet 1st and2d South Ashtoii J. W. machinist, es 6th West bet 1st and 3d South Ashtoii Edward T. builder, se cor 1st South and 6th West Ashworth Benjamin, merchant, se cor 7th South and 7th Kast Askew George, carpenter, es 8th East bet 8th and Oth South Asper W. carpenter ws Quince bet Plum and Currant Asper Wm. carpenter, ws Centre bet Pear and Cane Atchison Thomas, contractor, ns 3d South bet 1st and 3d Easl Atkins Edward, clerk, ws Locust bet South Temple and Fruit Atkins John C. res, nw cor Pine and Garden Atkins John, second hand dealer, ss 3d South bet 1st and 2d \V<-st Atkins Eliza, widow, ns North Temple bet 1st West and West IVmple Atkins George, builder, es Centre bet Pear and Cane Atkinson Harriet, widow, es West Temple bet 5th and 6th South Atley H. W. printer, ss 1st South bet 6th and 7th West Atwell W. agent, ss North Temple bet Oth and 10th Kast Atwell W, H. carpenter, sw cor North Temple and 13th Kast Atwood Milan, farmer, ns 2d South bet 1st and 2d*Kast Atwood A. T. gardener, ns 1st South bet 5th and 6th Kast Li. Goldberg- has the latest stock of Men's wear in S. L. City WALLIN'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Riders. GREAT WESTERN 1 TRUNK FACTORY ' I O ; O John Manning. JOHN MANNING, Proprietor. Having increased my facilities for making all kinds of \ o_ CD I am prepared to offer to all the largest and best assortment of Goods west of the Rocky Mountains. Country Dealers and Merchants will find it to their advantage and interest to call and ex- amine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. I am prepared to make everything in the from the smallest TOY TRUNK to the largest PACKERS and offer at retail Cheaper than the Cheapest, all kinds of goods in my line. Remember the place and call even if you don't want a Trunk. CD CD 3 Si Salesroom No. 64 Second South Street, Factory 172 and 174 First East Street, M ** Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Ladies Saddles in great variety at W. L. Pickard's, Salt Lake City, Utah, > | I Salt Lake City Directory. 25 r Jj| I ^ __ j <^ Atwood M. I), teamster, ns 1st South bet 5th and 6th East j _^ Aubrey Thomas, baker, res 60 1st South j ^ Auerbach S. H. (Auerbach Bros.) ss 3d South bet 1st East and E T Auerbach F. ( Auerbach Bros) 1st South bet/ Main and West Temple Auguson L. J. carpenter, ns 8th South bet 4th and 5th East Aukirt M. F. boards H. R. Exchange Austin L. S. civil engineer, es2d West bet North Temple and S T Austin Edward, manager London Bank,es 6th East bet 1st and 3d South A very Allen A., fireman ws 4th West bet 6th and 7th South A very Evan, shoemaker, ws 5th West bet 1st and 2d South Averill O. J., clerk third dis. court, boards Continental Aveson Robert,printer,es 9th East bet South Temple and North Temple Axtell Levi, billposter, ws4th East bet 5th and 6th South Axtoii John, clerk, ns Mountain bet Elm and Oak Ayland W. T. laborer, ns 2d North bet 10th and llth East Ayrton Win., gardener, ns 1st South bet 3d an cUthWest Babbitt Elizabeth, widow, MS 1st West 3d and 3d South Bee Jacob, carpenter, ws 4th East bet 4th and 5th South Bach J. H., clerk, iia 1st North bet 4th and 5th West Bachgreen Maria, widow, ns 2d South bet 1st and 2d East Bachman John A., laborer, es 5th West bet 1st and 2d South Bachman S. E. laborer, ws 6th West bet 1st and 3d South Bacon Wm. moulder, ws 2d West bet 3d and 3d South Badger Rodney, laborer, ws2d West bet South Temple and 1st South Badger Rodnev , res es Centre bet Pear and Cane Badly Mrs. E., Avidow, ws 10th East bet 3d and 4th South Badly Mrs. C., widow, ws 10th East bet 3d and 4th South Bagley Jno., res us 3d South bet 9th and 10th East Bailey T. C., civil engineer, ss 3d South bet 2d and 3d East Bailey John, grocer, sw cor 6th South and 1st West Bailey John H., merchant, es West Temple bet 5th and 6th South Bailey Mrs. Alice, widow, ss 31 South bat 10th and llth East Baylis Win., cabinetmaker, lie cor 8th East and South Temple Bain John, painter, ss 1st North bet 10th and llth East Bain Edward, laborer, ns North Temple bet 13th and 13th East; Baker T. J. res sw cor 1st West and 1st South Baker Mrs. Mary, res ns 4th South bet 1st West and West Temple Bakes Samuel, nightwatchman, ns 3d South bet 4th and 5th East Batam Alfred sw cor Oak and Mountain Baldwin J. K., carpenter, ne cor 5th West and 3d South Baldwin Jane A. widow, es 3d West bet 1st and 2d North Bale Joseph, res ns 8th South bet 2d and 3d East Ball E. S. boards Cliffc House L,. Goldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City, Henry Arthur's Boot and Shoe Uppers, W. L, Picfcard, Salt Lake City, Utah, s fc Best Stock of Hard Wood and Wagon Full Stock "of Extras and Eepairs Material in the West. Always on Hand. GENERAL AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED - ALSO - CHAMPION REAPERS, MOWERS & BINDERS Are the best, most reliable, and satisfactory Machines in the World. Made of Steel, Wrought and Malleable Iron. Q p TRIUMPH GRAIN DRILL. A perfect force feed Grain Drill and Grass Seeder. It is unequalled for Simplicity, Strength, Durability and Finish and has a perfect spring Hoe and reliable Land Measure. Self-operating. Any boy or girl that can drive a horse can rake with g i it as well as the strongest man. It is without doubt the BEST HAY \ RAKE IN THE WORLD. o | OLIVER CHILLED & MOLINE PLOWS, O I Q ! Of all sizes. These Celebrated Plows are in the hands of almost | every farmer in Utah, giving best of satisfaction. 9 SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to the Casaday Sulky Plow, that uses no Landside, making the simplest and lightest draft Plow in the World. The Moline Sulky for a steeljPlow, has no equal, being made almost en- j> tirely of Wrought Iron and Steel, is strong and durable, gj Also a Complete Stock of HARROWS. CULTIVATORS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE SHOVEL PLOWS, and Farm Implements of all kinds. Large and Complete Stock of Racine and Bain Spring Wagons on hand, which are without doubt the best Spring Wagons made. For Full Decriptive Circulars for any of the above goods, address i .1 S I SALT LAKE CITY OR OGDEN, UTAH Hardy Bros, & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Nobby Riding Saddles & Bridles, WX.. Pickard, Salt Lake * ' j I Salt Lake City Directory. 27 j 3 Ball John P. grocer, sw cor 7th South and 1st East Ball Henry, bookkeeper, ne cor Prospect and Locnst Ball S. F. laborer, ss 1st South bet 4th and 5th West Ball George, carpenter, es 5th West bet South Temple and 1st South Ball Wm. M. teamster, ws 9th East bet 1st and 3d South Ballard George, laborer, ws 1st West bet 4th and 5th South Ballard James, laborer, ws 1st West bet 4th and 5th South Ballard Wm. laborer, ws 4th West bet North Temple and 1st North Balser John, tentmaker, nw cor 1st South and 4th West Bnmberger J. E. (Bamberger & Co) ss 1st South bet 5th and 6th East Bamberger L. E., (Barnb-srger & Co.) ss 3d South bet E T and 1st E Bamberger Herman, (Bamberger & Co ) ss 3d South bet E T and 1st E Bamberger Moses, res ns 3d South bet 2d and 3d East Bane M. M receiver U. S. land office, ss 2d south bet 3d and 3d East Banker Platt, res ns 8th South bet 6th and 7th East Banks C. H. carpenter, ss 3d South bet 8th and 9th East Barbee W. T., mining, es 3d East bet 3d and 3d South Barfoot Sarah, widow, ns 1st North bet 8th and 9th East Barker Joseph, gunsmith, ne cor Ash and South Temple Barker Joseph, jr. laborer, lie cor Ash and South Temple Barker John, teamster, ss 5th South bet 5th and 6th East Barker Catharine, widow, ss 3d South bet 1st and 3d East Barker Almy brakesman, ss North Temple bet 6th and 7th West Barlen John, laborer, ns North Temple bet 1st and 3d West Barley John, laborer, es Walnut bet Prospect and High BARLOW J. M. dentist, ss 1st South bet 2d and 3d West Barnes John, mining, es East Temple bet 3d and 4th South Barnes James, builder, ns"3d North bet 1st and 2d West Barnes Wm. laborer, ss 5th North bet 1st and 2d West Barnes Henry, butcher, es Ash bet South Temple and Fruit Barnes Matthew, grocer, ns 3d North bet 1st and 3d West Barnes Mark, gardener, ss South Temple bet 6th and 7th East Barnett Joseph, clerk, ss 1st South bet 3d and 4th East Barney Royal, clerk, ss 3d South bet 5th and 6th East Barney L. G. mining, ns 3d South bet 6th and 7th East Barnum Charles D., res ss 1st South bet 3d and 4th West Barr George, (Barr & McTierny) es 4th East bet 1st South and S T Barrell H. C. clerk, nw cor High and Pine Barrell Elizabeth, widow, ws 3d West bet 5th and 6th North Barrell Charles, shoemaker, es Centre bet Plum and Apricot Barratt Matilda M. sw cor 4th East and 1st South Barratt C. R., (Barratt Bros.) ws West Temple bet 3d and 3d South Barratt I. M. (Barratt Bros.) se dor 4th East and 1st South Barrett Anna, widow, es 3d West bet North Temple and South Tempffe Barrett Mrs. F. res Wasatch Building L. Goldberg has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L*. City Cash paid for Hides, W<-*1 and Furs, W. L. Pickard, Salt Laie City, Utah. f R. R, EXCHANGE HOTEL, ^ j Opposite U. C. Depot, Salt Lake City, Utah, B. F. WHITTEMORE, Proprietor. Good Board and Room Accommodations! Board and Room si. 00 and #1.59 per Day. IVHE^LS 25 OE3STTS. Meals and Lunch Served at All Hours. Breakfast in time for early trains. The Bar is stocked with First-Class Goods. Wines, Liquors, Beers, Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Pipes, etc., Wholesale and Retail. W. I). Palmer. Wm. S. Martin, PALMER & MARTIN, General Agents for ENLARGING AND FRAMING PHOTOGRAPHS *v O to o o > I Particular attention given to Copying and Enlarging Old Daguerre- otypes, Tintypes, Photographs, etc. Portraits Finished in Indian Ink, Oil, Crayon or Water Colors. Prices Low and Quality of Work Unri- valled. Canvassers Wanted. " or ^^C'^, IIOUSmpl<* Brooks Charles, laborer, es 5th West bet S T and N T L. 3-oldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City, W. L. PicJtard carries a full line of Trotting & Hating Goodt l! PIONEER DENTIST OF UTAH, i Cor ist South and 3rd West Streets. P. O. BOX 58S. g U i 1272 Kimball Block. Manufacturer of i&> lot^ and other medicines for all ailments. O , Successor to W. S. CLAYS, U7 Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY. o : II. Deighton. H. W. Peighton. Manufacturers of & Dealers in TIN, SHEET IEON & COPPEB WARE. Special attention given to all kinds of Jobbing, Repairing, etc. Orders promptly filled. No. 47 Second South St., SALT LAKE CITY 3 " M, MERRILL, Proprietor. ai H J^ 1260 Reese Block, Ist South St., SALT LAKE CITY. t| PIQKER1WG BROS., |i Dealers in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Canned Goods, California and Utah Fruits and Vegetables, > Cigars and Tobacco. The famous Grizzly, boss -x-. Cigar. 5. Z M Second South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAA. j g Don't forget that Hardy Bros, & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Goofs Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Pickarcl, Salt Lake. i ^. , _ Salt Luke City Directory* 39 Brooks John, blacksmith es 5th West bet S T and N T Brooks Mary J., widow, es 5th West bet S T and N T Brooks J. G., res ss 3d South bet 1st East and East Temple Brooks E. J. clerk, ws 6th East bet 1st South and South Temple Brooks Philip B., carpenter, ws 6th East ber 1st South and S T Brooks G. F. merchant, nw cor 6th East and 1st South Brooksbank George, res wsjWest Temple bet 6th and 7th South Brooksbank Samuel, laborer, ns 3d South bet llth and 12th East Brough H. H. machini ;t, .- s 2.1 Nort'i bot 3 I a id 4th West Brough John, tailor, sw cor High and Pine Broughton J. second hand dealer, ns 1st South bet 1st West and W T Brow Catherine, widow, ns 31 South bet 3.1 and 4th West Brow B. P. teamster, ws 4th West bet l^tand 2d South Brown Annie M. widow, es 8th East bet 6th and 7th South Brown Charles, clerk, ss 7th South bet 7th and 8th East Brown A. H., bakery, es 7th East bet 4th and 5th South Brown John, carpenter, ss 4th South bet 5th and 6th East Brown Robert, miller, ns South Temple bet 7th and 8th West Brown Frank, carpenter, ws 3d West bet 6th and 7th South Brown Albert, carpenter, ws 3d West bet 6th and 7th South Brown. S. J. carpenter, nw cor 3d West and 7th South Brown W. (B. & Fried man) ss 3d South bet East Temple and 1st East Brown G. W. currier, ns Currant bet Quince and Centre Brown Arthur, lawyer, ne cor 3d South and 3d East Brown Charles, confectioner, ns 1st South bet East Temple and 1st East Brown James, laborer, ws 4th East bet 3d and 4th South Brown Mrs. James, ws 3d East bet bet 2d and 3d South Brown C. M. conductor, ws 3d East bet 1st and 3d South Brown Sarah L. widow, ns cor 3d East and 6th South Brown Alexander, clerk, nw cor 3d West and North Temple Brown Archibald, res 1st East bet 1st and 3d South Brown S. B., waiter, boards Walker House Brown Mrs. S. W. res es East Temple bet 6th and 7th South Brown John, laborer, ns North Temple bet 1st and 2d West Brown Mary A., \vidow, es 6th West bet 1st and 3d North Brown Adams C., engineer, es 6th West bet 1st and 2d North Brown James, gardener, ss 1st South bet 4th and 5th West Brown Wm. gardener, ns 4th West bet 3d and 3d West Brown Benjamin, harnessmaker, ns 3d South bet 1st West and W T Brown Wm. laborer, ss South Temple bet 6th and 7th West Brown Wm. bookkeeper, nw cor Pine and Wall Brown James, res ss South Temple bet 3d and 3d West Brown Sarah, widow, ne cor Oak and Fruit Brown S. W. K. clerk, ss 3d North bet 1st and 3d West Brown Wm. res ss 3d North bet 1st and 3d West You can save 10 per cent by baying Clothing at L. Goldberg 's WALLTX'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Riders. ; T :>hn C'unningtoii. Alexander Rogers. 5 ouisrisrzisra-Toisr & oo. e ! X Wholesale and Retail Dealers in | STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, PROVISION & MINERS' SUPPLIES * | HARDWARE MERCHANTS. / Builders' and Miners' Hardware, Blacksmiths' Tools, Iron, Steel, ^ Sheet and Galvanized Iron, Tin, Solder, etc. ,C Agents for Giant Powder, Oriental Blasting and Sporting' Powders, *Z Hooker Pumps, Howe Scales, etc,, etc. 5 Cor. MAIN and FIRST SOUTH SIS., , S-A.IL.T XJ^IKIIE CITY, Jervis Josliii. Boyd Park. JOSLIN & PARK, 3 t No. 150 MA]N STREET, W i SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, AND LEADVILLE, COLORADO. 2 i Fine Native Gold Jewelry of every description. * WTM vm ^ 7 ~ " TO TFf ffl rj , Manufacturers and Dealers in & ' MILLIJ1EKY,LJCE, HUMAN HM, &c. C 128 East Temple St., SALT LAKE CITY, UT .\H. ^ Thomas Marshall. Jonathan C. Royle. MARSHALL & ROYLE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. FRANK H. NELDEN &C 0., FINE BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND BINDERS. PUBLISHERS OF THE "OPERASCOPE \i>. 1222 2nd South St., bet. E. & W. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. WYATT & FORRESTER, ^ ; Centre Pieces and Brackets a Specialty. *t Basement Wasatch Building, Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY. w ' _ i >- Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise Saddlery and Saddlery-Hardware, Jobbed by W. L. Pickard. Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City Directory. 41 Brown Wm. clerk, ss 3d North bet 1st and 31 West Brown W. C. grocer, es 6th West bet North Temple and 1st North Brown Henry, clerk, ne cor Prospect and Spruce Browning J. A. bookkeeper, ss 3d South bet luckle & Son)ns 3d South bet 1st and 3d East Buckle J. tailor, es 7th East bet 4th and oth South Buckle George, bookbinder, ns 4th South bet 7th and 8th East Bucklyn George, laborer sw cor Wall and Chestnut Buckmaster John, (Chronicle Co.) ws 1st East bet S T and 1st South Buckwalter Henry, res ns 1st South bet West Temple and 1st West Budd George, carpenter, ws 6th West betS Tand N T Bult Robert, engineer, ns 3d No'th bet oth and Gth West Bull Hyrum. laborer, ws 1st P^ast bet 4th and oth South Bull Joseph, shoemaker, es 1 1th East bet 3d and 4th South Bull Joseph, sr. printer, ns 1st North bet 1st and 2d West Bull Joseph jr. (Bull & Callisten 1st North bet 1st and 3d West Bullock F. A. brakeman, ss South Temple bet 4th and 5th West Bullock Thomas, ss South Temple bet 4th and 5th West Bullock Edwin, mason, ss 1st North bet Gth and 7th West Bullock Edward, laborer, es 5th East bet 3d and 4th South Bullock John, gardener, ns 2d North bet Oth and 10th East Bullock Charles, laborer, ws 5th West bet S T and N T Bullow David, res nw cor 8th East and Gth South Bunting Mary Ann, dressmaker, ws West Temple bet 4th and 5th South Bunnell Esther, widow, ss 3d South bet 5th and 6th South Bunnell Isaac, bookkeeper, ss 3d South bet 5th and Gth East Burgess Mrs. E. A. es 3d East bet 3d and 4th South Burgess foshua, nightwatchmon, es 3d West bet 2d and 3d South Burke Peter, res Wasatch building. Burley William, laborer, nw cor 13th East and 1st North Burbitts Jesse, blacksmith, es 1st West bet 1st and 2d North Burbitts Wm. shoemaker, es 1st West bet 1st and 2d North Burg Andrew, harnessmaker, ws 8th East bet 3d and 3d South Burhance M. S. carpenter ss Gth South bet W T and E T Li. Goldberg has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L. City Nobby Riding Saddles & Bridles, W.1L. Pickard, Salt Lake JAS. BROWN. All kinds of Ornamental Cukes made to order. Confccted Caraway Seeds for sal } , No. CO 1st South Street, One door west of Iheatre. B. DESERET POTTERIES, Earthen Ware of all kinds. Orders promptly attended to. fst West, between 4 and 5 South TT^GK" ^ I Dealer in | STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Green Groceries, Poultry, Game and Fish in Reason, Flonr, Grain and Feed. Orders promptly filled. Free delivery to any part of the city. Telephone on the premises. GEORGE Manufacturer and Dealer in Jffitt Mla/lte lStL $42a(0i Slk^ No. 23 Second South Streat, SALT LAEB CITY, UTAH. A perfect and easy fit assured, of Best Material and Latest Style. Repairing made a specialty. HI. .A.. IR/IEEID, AUCTIONEER AND COMMERCIAL AGENT. Advances Male upon Consignments. Office and residence, West Temple, bet. 2 & '3 South. P. O. Box 991. ^ mr A ^ ^v ^n* A TO? ?FP FR* MB v *^ ^L> J-1M. ^neL ^S> o v^> & ^> ^^. Ua. Jll Jlia ^m ^D Palace Gallsry and View Emporium, Commercial Street, tvro doors south of Theatre Street, S' ia/^c Cf//, I'tnh. Phonographs, S3.0) per dozen, Card Views, 81.00 per dozen. Stereoscopic, 4:2.00 per dozen, Tin Types, 3, I and 7 for tfl.CO. Don't forget that Hardy Bros. & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Goo2s Henry Arthur's Boot and Shoe Upper?., W, L, Piclravd, Salt Lake City, Utah, i Salt Lake City Directory. 43 ' g Burk Dr L. dentist, ws iitli East bet South Temple and 1st South Burkina n Andrew, shoemaker, ss S T bet l-;t West and W T Burnham Lewis, carpenter, ns 31 South bet 8th and 9th East Burns Win. laborer, ssKth South bet l')th and UMi East Burns Robt., tentniaker, cs 4th East bet 21 and 3d South Burns R. jr. res ss South Temple bet East Temple and West Temple Burns John, barber, ws 3d East bet 2d and 3d South Burns J. W. res Wasatch Building *?i | j Burns John O. laborer, ws oth We stbot North Temple an 1 1-it North Burnett W. J. blacksmith, ws Locust bet Wall and Prospect Burnswood J. J. blacksmith, ss Oth South bet 4th and oth West Burr Agnes C. md, ss 3d South bet 1st West and West Temple Burrs John, laborer, es 2d West bet oth and 6th North Barries Walter, res us llth East bet North Temple and 1st North Burrows Mrs. M. J. milliner, ss 1st South bet W T and B T Bush P. W. res Wasatch Building Bussell James, res es 5th West bet 1st and 2d South Butter Frederick, mason, ns 2d South bet 3d and 4th East Butler T. C. ss Oth South bet 1st and 2d East Butler George, laborer, us South Temple bet 1st West and West Temple Butler Ellen M., widow, es ith East bet l \ Burton W. S. res sw cor l-?t South and 2d West Burton R. T. jr. surveyor, ws 21 West bet 1st and 2d South You can save lOper cent by baying Clothing at L. Goldberg's Shoe Leather & Findings, "W. L. Fiekard, Salt Lake City. I -^ ^- SALOON, -N^^*- I ! Shooting I Pleasure Garden PITTS & CO,, Proprietors, Three miles down the Slate Road. Headquarters for "VsTIXsTa- SHOOTERS, Pigeons and Traps always ready. i o o x* v ^^w i> z xr a and out door sports of all kinds. COME ONE AND ALL AND ENJOY YOURSELVES. SALT LAKE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO^ T. PIEKPONT, Superintendent. MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, MINING, MILLING AND HOISTING MACHINERY. Office and Works, 1 block south of U. C. K. 11. Depot, S. L. City, Utah. OQ EH O o PQ W, J. PHILLIPS, FIRST-CLASS AWB SHE MAMEffl. SECOND TO NONE. SOUTH COTTONWOOD, - - - UTAH Frank Hoffman. W. "W. Woods. WOODS &, HOFFMAN, p No. 50 2nd South Street, east of Wasatch Hotel. Call and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Ladies Saddles in great variety at W. L. Pickard's, Salt Lake City, Utah. SM Salt Lake City Directory. 4$ Burton J. H. architect , sw cor 1st South an 1 a 1 West Burton W. A . carpenter, ss 3d South bet 21 and 3d West Burton C. E. carpenter, ss 2 I South bet 21 and 3d West Burton Mrs. Susan, resss 2d South bet 3d and 3d West Burton Win. engineer, es 21 West bet 6th and 7th South Burton Elizabeth L., widow, ns North Temple bet 1th and 5th West Burton Joseph, res ss 21 South bet 1st and 2d West Burton John, carpenter, ne cor 6th South and 3d West Burton C. S. (Hardy Bros. & Burton) n* Fruit bet Walnut and 1st East Busath C. machinist, sw cor 5th South and 3d West Busby John, street car driver, ws 8th East bet*5th and|3th South Busby Andrew, plasterer, es 7th East bet 5th and 6th South Busby Andrew E., blacksmith, ss 5th South bet 7th and 8th East Busby John K., street car driver, ss 5th South bet 7th and 8th East Butcher Sophia, widow, ns 5th South bet 1st and 21 West Byner Harriet, widow, es 5th West bet 1st and 21 South Byadd Elizabeth, widow, ws West Temple bet 5th and 6th South By water George G. engineer, es 1st West betS T and N T Bywater Wm. laborer, ws Oak bet Wall and Prospect By water Willard W., carpenter, ws 1th West bet S T and 1st South Cattail Kichard J., res ss Prospect bet Beach and Cherry Gaboon Wm. F., res es 1th East bet 1st South and South Temple Cahooii Joseph, conduc or, es -1th East bet 1-jt South and South Temple Gaboon W. M., carpenter, es 1th East bet 1st South and South Temple Gaboon John F, carpenter, es Spruce bet Fruit and Garden Caine John T., recorder, ws Chestnut bet Fruit and Garden Calder D. G., clerk, ws 3d East South Temple and 1st South Calder. W W., clerk, ss South Temple bet 21 and 3d West Calder Wm. policeman, ws, W T bet N T and 1st North Calder D O., music dealer, sw cor Pine and Garden Calder Wm. policeman, sw cor Beach and Wall Calder Mrs Phoebe, nw cor West Temple and 3d South Caldwell Nancy, widow, es 6th East bet 4th and 5th South Caldwell Amos, shoemaker, ss 1st South bet 6th and 7th East Callister E., tailor, ss 1th South bet 1st West and West Temple Callister Jiio. E., (Callister ft Bull) ss 4th South bet 1st West and W T Calton Wm. laborer, es 8th East bet 8th and 9th South Campkin George, shoemaker, es 1st West bet 1st and 3d North Cameron David, laborer, ws 9th East bet 2d /ind 3d South Cameron Mrs. M. widow, ws llth East bet 3d and 3d South Cameron A. res es Fir bet Wall and Prospect Camomile John, laborer, es 3d East bet 1st South and South Temple Camp Wm. laborer, es 3d West bet 1st, and 3d North Camp Charles, machinist, ss 1st North bet 3d and 4th West Campbell W. S. mason, ws 3d East bet 7th and 8th South L,. roldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. Lu.City, First Prizes awarded at all Territorial Fairs, to W. L. Piciard, Salt Laic, MULLOY & PAUL A Si ca o LIVERY & TRANSFER STABLES, AND OMNIB'JS LINE, Nos, 1236-38 2nd S, St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Telephonic Connection with Hotels, and Orders Receive Prompt Attentirn. JOHN PETERSON, &M 33 I^IIR-ST SOTJTH STIR/ZEZET, P. O. Box 57), SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Mail orders promptly attended to. First class work guaranteed. Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroccos at Pielf ard's. 2 i Salt Lake City Directory. 47 Campbell Andrew, laborer, es 1st East bet 1st and 3d South Campbell Wm. laborer, ss South Temple bet 3d and Jth East Campbell Wm., conductor, es Oth East bet fith and 7th South Campbell Mary, widow, es West Temple bet 1st and 2d South Campbell Robert, laborer, ws 1M West bet North Temple aud 1st North Campbell James, laborer, ne cor Prospect and Elm Campbell J. W. mining, es 1st West bet 3d and 4th South Cnmpe John IT. draftsman, es Franklin Avc.bet 2d and 3d Sonth Canhan It. IT. laborer, ss 2d South bet 3d and 4th West Cannon A. M. jr., res us 7th South bet 1st and 2d East Cannon Thos. J. teamster, ws 2d East bet South Temple and 1st South Cannon Bowiuon, teamster, ns Gth South bet Oth and 10th East Cannon Angus M. sr., county recorder, ws 1st Wesi bet ST and 1st South Cannon Angus M, Sr., ns 1st South, bet 1st and 21 West Cannon George II, builder, ns 3d South, bet 2J and 3d West Cannon Albert, res ss North Temple, bet East Temple and West Temple Cniinoii Hiram, laborer, MS North Temple, bet 1st and 2d West Cantlon Michael (Cantlon & Sons) es llth East bet S T and 1st South Cantwell L S, butcher, es Quince, bet Plum and Currant Canmson Mary, widow, ws Commercial, bet 1st and 2J South Careless George, (Careless outh, bet 5th aiid Oth East Case Hi am, painter, es 5th East, bet 4th and rth South Case Eber, bookkeeper, ws 6lh East, bet 3.1 and 3d South Case A E, agent, ns 4th South, bet 7th and 8th East Casey Julia, widow, es West, Temple, bet 3,1 and 3d South CASTLE, DR. WILLIAM, us 3d South, bet 3d and 1th East Castle A W, carpenter, ns 1st South, bet 2 I and 3 1 West Castleton James, grocer, south-west corner Cherry and Garden Castleton Charles, carpenter, south-west cor High and Maple Castleton J W, clerk, ws Maple, bet 1'rospect and High Cater W. C, carpenter, ns 4th South, bet nth and 10th East Cavanangh Sydney, widow, es East Temple bet 4th and oth South Cederofr John, shoemaker, u; 4th South, between 10th and 11 h East Ceennegetter J W, baker, esTth West, bet l-;t South and South Temple Chadd M, green giocer, ns 1st South, bet West Temple & East Temple Checkctts R, laborer, ns _d North, bet 1st and 2d West Chew Henry K, res ss ,'U South, bet lit and 21 East Chalmis Maggie, widow, ws.jth We.>t, bet South Temple & North Temple Chambers George, res ss .th South, bet 1st East and East Temple Chamberlin Richard, carpenter, ss 5th South, bet 1st and 21 East Chamberlin J W, nurseryman, north-east err 2 1 South and Jth West Chamberlin J M, music teacher, ss 5:h South, be', lit and 2d East Chamberlin Thomas, ru.-> w> 4th West, bet -d and 3d South Chamberlin Henry, teamster, \\- 2 I South, bet 4th and .~>th East Chamberlin Amy, widow, es ,'th West, bet l^t South and South Temple Chambeilin Thomas T, carpenter, ws 21 East, bet 5th and 6th South Champneys T W, laundryir.an, ss 4th South, bet llth and 12i.li East Chandler George E, res ns 3.1 .~>uth, bet East Temple it West Temple Chandler Sarah Ann, ss 2d South, bet IPt.h and llth East Chandler George, butcher, ss 3 i South, bet 7th and 8th East Chapin E E, boards White House Chapman Joseph S, stonecutter, ns South Temple, bet llrh ct 12th East Chapman Welcome, laborer, es 4ib East, bet 1st South A South Temple Chapman Samuel, laborer, es 4th I'ast, bet 1st South and South Temple Chapman W, laborer, ns 3d South, bet 3J and 4th West Chapman Joseph, mason, ws Chestnut, bet Bluff and Garden Chapman Samuel, stone cutter, ss Fruit, bet Elm and Maple Charles Ebenezer, salesman, ss 2d S mth, bet 8th and Oth East Charlson Annie, widow, es 6th East, bet 1st and 2d South ! ^5 L. GOLDBKliG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City. Shoemakers 9 Tools of all hinds, W. L. rtcton-fl, Salt Lake. r O And Dealers in VALISES, TllA VELMNGBA OS and SA TCHKLS. FACTORY, one and one half block west of Continental Hotel P. O. BOX 7*6. S * ALT LAKE C|TY K KA NCU FA CTORY, MA IN ST., Oil 1) KN, V I A //. #* Special attention given to the manufacture of Pample Cases ^-o. Particular kinds of Trunks made to order at lowest rates. OrJers by mail prompt iy attended to. ; .S' REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Call and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Handsome Double Buggy Harness at W. L. Pickard's. 4^ ^4 1 2 ! Salt Lake C ty Dire. tory. c i g i Chase Mrs H W, ws 3d Fast bet 14 and 2d South Chase Mrs M J, widow, es 8th Kast, bet 8L!i arid Oth South Chase S A, laborer, ss 8th South, bet 7th and 8th Kast Chase, George A, laborer, es Oth Kast, bet 3,1 an 1 4th South Chase Emily, wiuo\\ , ss oth South, bet 1st alU 3 i Fast Chatten Jonathan. < nuineer. es 4th AVest, between 14 and 3d South Chattield George, laborer, esoth West, bet 1st South and South Temple Cheshire K, harness maker, cs 7th Kast, bet 4th and 5th South Chesuey .lames, stockman, ns -4th S mth, b t 14 West & West Temple Chisholm W, mining, ws 3d Fast, bet 3 ! and 3 I S:mth Child W B, gardener, w* '.ah Kast, bet 3 1 and 3,1 South Child Tlies B, bricklsiyer, ws Oth Fast, bet 3 1 and 3 I South Child Amanda S, widow, ws 3 I V-ast. bet 3 ! and ">d South Chislett Wm, (Stewart & rhislett), ns 3 I South, bot 5th and 6th East Chiistenseii Paul, res ss Centre, bet Currant and Apricot Christiansen Annie AI, widow, north-west cor rth Kast and 8th Sauth Christiansen A T, clerk, es Oak, bet Wall and Prospect Christiansen N.I, laborer, n.- 14, North bet lst:m 1 31 West Christiansen 11 L, shoemaker, south-east corner Beach and Fruit Christian.NOii Neils, sho3maker, ws Pine, bet U'all ana i'rospeci Christophersen Martin, gaidener, south-oast coiiicr d uud ;tii 3oUi,u ClT/ 11 ALL, ss l>t South, bet 14 and 31 /.asc Claghoin Hubert, druggist, ns Fruit bei Cherry and Beach Clark L W, les e.> 3 i Kast, bet 1th and oth r>utuli Cktik Win, Clerk, es ^th i.ast, l>ei 31 and 3J .>outh Clark Joseph, mason, ws 5ih Mast, bet uliaiid otti South Clark George, barber, es :'*l West, bet 7th and 6(h South Clark John, merchant, ns 1st South, bet 31 ani iLii Wost Clark E G, res .Donaldson House 3d aeuth Clark J W, shoemaker, es 5Ui West, bet _d and 3d North Clark Hciiiy F, tailor, south-east corner i.each and High Clari\ Mrs rsophia, res es 5ih West bet South i'eaiple and North Temple Claik Frederick, shoemaker, ss North Temple bet 4th and -3th West Clark John W, shoemaker, ns Nortu 1'empie, bee ^th and 5th West Claik Jett', cook, northwest cor Garden and .vlaple Clark Wm, baker, ss 1st South, bet 14 ana 3 I East Ciitrk Marian, south-east cor Prospect and chestnut Clark 11 i>, carpenter, us 1-t North, bet 1st West and West Temple Clusby .iule, res \Vasatch building Clawson S H, dentist, ws 3d West, bet 14 and 2d South Clawsou Mis Emily, ws 1st East, bet South Temple and 14 East Clawson H H, merchant, south-east cor South Temple and 3d East Clawson 11 B jr, south- we;st cor lid East and lit South L. Goldberg has the largest stock of Men's wear iu S. L. City Eubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at PickarcVs. UTAH JOURNAL! Is published every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING, At Office, Coin T Main an 1 S x-ond Streets, The JOURNAL is the only paper published in Cache County, and represents the special interests of It and the northern part of Utah, as well as the adjacent Territories of Idaho and Montana. It has a large and increasing circulation, and is a first-class advertising medium. Sam- ple of publication furnished and rates for advertising made known on application. Terms lor Subscription (in ad- vance) $3.50 per year; $2.00 six months; $t.oo for three months. A FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING, BOOK-BINDING And Stereotyping Establishment in Connection, UTAH JOURNAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING Co,, PROPRIETORS, Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Ca^s & Clothing Best Team Harness made by W L. Pickard, Salt Lake. Salt Lake City Directory. 53 .' ^ Clawson Spencer, dry goods, es 1st East, bet 1st South'and S jufch Temple Clawson Hans, laborer, ws 3rd West, bot 5th and 6:h S nith Clawson, John II, bralceman, ns North Templs, bet 5th anJl 6:,h West Cl lys \V S, res southwest c^r Oth South an:l lit West Clayton John, res northwest cor BluTand Oak Clayton Prof, geologist, es East Temple bat S rath Temple A 1st South Clayton A, re> ns North Temple, bet 1st \Vjth East, bot 1th and 5th South Coggle Heber, laborer, ws West Temple, betTthand 8th South Cohn Louis, (Colin Bros) ne cor Pine and Fruit Colin Alexander, ('John Bros) ne cor Pine and Fruit Cohn W S, res \\ asatch Building Cohn John, res nsSth South, bet 2:id and 3rd East Cohn Henry, (Cohn & Co.) us 3rd South, bet E.ist Temple and 1st East Colbath L A, mining expert, es 5th East, bet 1st South ,t South Temple Co/bath John S, laborer, es L'nd West, bet 1st and 2nd North Colbrook Miss Nellie, milliner, es West Temple, bet 4th and 5th South Cole George, grave digger, ss 3d North, bet 9th and 10th East Cole Z S, gardt>u.;r, se cor 5th West and South Temple Coleman George, res us 1st South, bet Sad and 3rd East Collegiate Institute, es 2nd East, bet 1st and 2:id South Collett Richard, shoemaker, ws Apricot, bet Currant and Plum Colliu II F, lather, ss 2d South, bet 10th and llth East Colli-is Jlenry, boards Clift House Collinson M, ws 1st West, bet Till and Sth South Colquist C, (Colquist & Sorenson) es 2:id East, bet 5th and Oth South Combow Jerry, ne cor Gth South and 2nd West Condor Thomas, res sw cor 7th South and 1st West Condy Gibson, res ss Sth South, bet 2tid and 3rd West Condy Thomas, teamster, ss 5th South, bet 2nd and 3d West ! S 3 Condy G S, contractor, ws 3rd West, bet otn and 6th South T L. f olciberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City. W. L>. rirltard carries a full line of Trotting & Radii y Goods J. D. LOM AX, .A. T T O !R, 3ST E 3T .A.T 137 Main St., Sa.t Like City. IT. F . O- IR, ^ Y , No 6 First Sonth's St., Godbe Building. Don't forget that Hardj Bros. & Barton ha?e a well selected stock of Dry Goois Wrought Spanish Hits Spurs, W. L. Pickarcl, Salt Lake. i s, Salt Lake City Directory. 5 5 Congregational Church, ss 3M South, b^t Fast Temple & West Temple Conkling J (', ore sampler, ns 2nd South, bet 3rd and 4th West Connors Thomas, res es West Temple, bet 3rd and Ith South Conn *ley S !I, res Clift How, ws West Templ-. bet 3rd and 4th South Conn,?ll Wm, printer, ws West 'lemplo. bet 1st South & south Temple Connolly John, groec-, ss 3rd South. bt 1st and 2. id Fast Conrad R J, res s 2 id South, bctlith and lt Conrad Jasper, res ws 4th West, bet l.st and 2. id South Couroy.J L. res Wasatcli RuiMinir Contin vntal ! lotel , sw cor West Temple and lt South Conrs-l W. res es Trli W>?t, bet l-r .Mid I'nd Noith Cook Quintan, laborer, ns South Temple, bet 1 -Jth and 13th Fast Cook Wm X, blacksmith, ns South Temple, bt 12Mi and 13th East Cook C !I, blacksmith, ns Sou Mi Temple, ' >r i ;th and 13th East Cook Mrs W J, res ns 3rd South, bet 3rd and 4th East Cook Walter E, clerk, es 1st Fast, bet 2nd and .:rd South Cook Frederick J, laborer, n* 7th South, bet 2nd 3rd West C )ok \V S, (Kveui-iar Chro.ucle) ns .'{,-d South, bet Ith and -3th West Cook David, teamster, no co - -,th ".Vest a-i I 4th South Coo'c Wm, carpenter, sw cor Beach and High Cook Joseph H, baker, se cor I '.each an 1 Prospect Cook John, (Coo'c & Glatifleld) ws 2 vl West, b t 2'd and 4th North Cook W L, butcher, ws in 1 West, bet 3rd ai 1 4th North C( o i r U, butcher, w.s 3 id Wc*t, b?t 3rd an 1 4th North Coomb John, laborer, ss l;t North, bet ?rd an 1 Jth VVest Coombs George, p inter, e.s B-3ach, b3t FVuit an 1 Garden '."oombs Hiram, printer, es 7th East, bet 1th and oth South Cooper Charles, grocer, ns South Temple, bet Nt West & West Temple Cooper vVm, real estate agent, ws loper Wm, laborer, es 1st West, bet 4th and 5th South Copps Garrett, blac'csmith, ws Ith West, bet 3rd and 4th South C >rbitt Daniel, farmer, nw cor 5th East and 7th South Cordell Annie, widow, ws l*t East, bet 1st and 2nd South Co ker J F, clerk, ne cor 5th East and 3rd South Corless Henry, ns 7th South, bet East Temple and West Temple Corless Robert, teamster, ns 7th South, bet West Temple A East Temple C >rless Thomas, farmer, ss 7th South, bet West Temple & East Temple Corley David, laborer, es 1st East, bet 2 id and 3d South Corsey Mary, widow, ne cor 1st West and 2nd North *> "1 1 0w?V/ft> G*nnv9 uva noj; 79 WAIXIN'S PA TEXT STIRRUP, best for Bronelio Riders. , t Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Ranges, Cooking;, Parlor and Heating Stoves. AND HOT All! FURNACES. AGENT FOR HUB RANGES AND HEATERS TIN, COrrEIf AND SHKKT I It ON U'ORKER. TIN AND I33N PJDFIIT}, C?37Tim CtfTTESINS MADS A SP3CIAL2Y. Opoosite Walker House. No. 211 Main St. Salt Lake City. MANUFACTURER OF Plain and Fancy Candies and Pop Corn, B MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 95 COMMERCIAL ST. SALT LAKE CITY. IF. O 3R/ O W 03 O -IT , PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING. ALL KINDS OF PUMPS. ENGINES AND BOILERS, Put up in good running order. RUBBER F? O O P N <3 . , l^uton. Also sold t>y the square. ^ STEAM PIPES covered with non-conductor feltinjr. Also Water 1'ipes covered to prevent freezing, P. O. Box 9CO. Main Street, Salt Lake City. JAMES W. EARDLEY, -DEALER IN- CB H H !A O 73 d HH \0 ^ JH M a o | j Lumber, Lath, Pickets, Sash, Doors, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, 1 1 AND OTHER KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL \V. S. State Boad, bet, 3rd and 4th South, Salt Lake City, w ' ; Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise Saidlery and Saddleiy-Hard-Trare, Jobbed bj W. L. Pickard. Salt Late City. Salt Lake City Directory. 57 j j Cotta H E, res ns 2nd North, bet IHh and 11th East Cottam Catharine, widow, ws 5th West, bet North Temple & 1st North Cottam Alma, carpenter, uw cor 5th Wost and North Temple Cottam Heoer, teamster, nw cor ."ith West, and North Templo Cottam John, tanner, ws 6th West, bet South Temple and 1st South Cottle Joseph, clerk, us 1st South, bet -1th and 5th East Cotton Mary, widow, ss 5ih South, bet 21 and 3d East Cottrell L, (Lynch A: Cot.Trell) se cor Locust and Wall Cottrell Win, res ns 3d South, bet 5lh and Oth East Coulam Henry, carpenter, nw cor 1M South and 8th East Coulam George, carpenter, n-4 2 I South, bet 7th and 8lh East Coulam John, carpenter, se cor 7th East and South Temple Goulard Joseph, laborer, es 5th East, bet 7th and 8th South County Court Hou,e, ne cor '2d South and 2 1 We^t Coult James, plasterer, ws 7th East, bet 1st and 2nd South Coulter Fergus, (Daynes ct Coulter), ne cor 7th South and East Temple Coulton Wm F res ss 5th South, bet lth and Gth South Curly George, mason, ss 7th South bet East Temple and 1st East Curry lames, Salesman, ns 3d South bet East and West Temple Curtiss Charles, laborer, nw cor 8th South and 31 East Curtiss John T, laborer, ss South Temple bet ^1 and 3d East Curtin Catherine, widow, ns 21 South bet kl and 4th East Curtiss Theodore, res ss 7th South bet East Temple and 1st East Cuthbert John A, laborer, ss 4th south bet Gth and 7th East Cutler John C, agent, ss 1st South bet 3J and 4th West CUTLER JOHN (Cutler B.'os) green grower, n\v cor Prospect & Spruce Daft A. J, res ss 3d South bet R ist and West Temple Daft Sarah A, widow, ns5th S mth bet 1st East and East Temple Daggett E,ne cor South T< mple au 1 1st East Dahl C. A, (Dahl & Thompson) ss3 I South bet East Temple and 1st E Dahling Marshall, carpenter, cs Locust bet Prospect and High Dalamore Frederick, laborer, ns 3 I S mlh bet 1st We.st and West Temp Dale Hannah, widow, ws 4th East bet 5Mi and Oth South Dale Mary A, widow, ss 3d South bet 1st West and West Temple Dale John, res Wasatch Building Daley Win, res Donalson House Dallas S. B, Carpenter, es 1st West bei North Temple and 1st North Dallas S. C, carpenter, es lfe\j]J . O. Publishers of the Devoted to the interests of the RETAIL MERCHANTS OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, Published 1st of each month. $1.00 PER YEAR. g TERMS, Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroccos at Pickard's. 5* ; 8 j Salt Lake City Directory, 63 Banks Peter, laborer, es 4th West bet 1st South and South Temple Danks Win, res ss 3d North bet 1st and 2d West Dark Sydney (Dark and Fuller) ss 5th South bet 3d and 4th East Dark George, res es 7th East bet 5th and 6th South Darknell Beiijaman, laborer, se cor South Temple and 6th West Darling J. M, commercial agent, ns 3d South bet East & West Temple Darling A. F, commercial agent, ss 3d South bet East & West Temple Daniels D. L. clerk, ns South Temple bet 7th and 8th West Daniels Thomas, laborer, ss 1st South bet 3d and 4th West Dart Dr. J. M, physician, sw cor East Temple and 3d South Davidge Joseph, laborer, es 1st West bet 11 h and 5th North Davidson Daniel, res ss 4th South bet 5th and 6th East Davis John, tailor, ws 9th East bet 1st and 2.1 South Davis Thomas, brickmaker, es 12th East bet South Temple & 1st South Davis Edward, carpenter, ns 2d South bet Dth and llth East Davis G. B, bookkeeper, ss 1st, South bet 9th and 10th East Davis Wm. lather, es 10th East bet 1st and 2cl South Davis J. G, broker, ss 1st South bet 1st and 2d East Davis Emma N, widow, ss 3d South bet East and West Temple Davis Lorris, flour preserver, ss 6th South bet 3d and 4th East- Davis Wm. laborer, ns 1st South bet 2d and 3d East Davis George, grocer, es 1st East bet 1st South and South Temple Davis Elizabeth, widow, riw cor 1st South and 2d East Davis Robert, boards Colorado House Davis James, laborer, ws 1st East bet 5th and 6th South Davis E. W, merchant, ns South Temple bet 1st West & W T Davis D. L (Barnes & Davis) ns South ^emple bet 1st and 2d West Davis Elisabeth, widow, ss 1st South bet 6th and 7th West Davis Samuel F, laborer, sslst South bet 6th and 7th West Davis Albert, laborer, ss North Temple bet W T and 1st West Davis John, laborer, ws 8th West bet 1st North and North Temple Davis W. P, laborer, ws 8th West bet 1st North and North Temple Davis R, dentist, ne cor 5th South and 3d West Davis George H, res Donaldson House Davis Franklin, laborer, ws 5th West bet North and South Temple Davis Thomas, laborer, es 6th west bet North T and 1st North Davis John, laborer, es 6th West bet North T and 1st North Davis Thomas, clerk, Continental Davis Morgan, plasterer, es 7th East bet 5th and 6th South Davis Lewellyn D, res se cor 3d South and 4th East Davis Myron, laborer, ss 4th South bet 5th and 6th East Davis Heber, carpenter, es 1st West bet 1st and 2d North Davis Angus, teamster, ns Fruit bet Cherry and Peach Davis Wm, night watchman, ns Fruit bet Cherry and Peach Davis Mary, widow, ws Cherry bet Fruit and Garden . GOLDBERG, LEADING CL.OTHIER, Salt Lake City, ^h raid for Hides, ^.d and Fur:, W, L. F:c!rarl, Sa't Main Street, Sail Lake City, GUNS, PISTOLS & AMMUNITION Cut'ery, F:shir,g Tacl-lc. Blliard In piemen's, Cards and Sparing Gcsis Gar. eraQy, THE LARGEST STOCK OF CIGARS & CIGARETTES IN THE CITY, Pipes and Smokrrs Articles of Every- WHEN YOU ARt: IN THE CITY GIVE ME A CALL. Dealer in \hc Finest. Brands of Imported 1 Domestic Cigars, PIPES, TOBACCO AND ALL EECKEE-S' ASTICLES. MAIN STR KET, SA L T J.A KK CITY P. O. Box, 614. J. J. HAXtPm d Go. Wholesale and Retail Pea'ers in Mining Goods, Stoves, Tin Ware, Iron, Steel, Powder and Fuse. Also Manufacturers ol all kinds of TIN, SHEET IKON AND COPPER WORK. \ 133 Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY. | * Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise California Lasso Saddles, W. L. Piciiard, Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City Dircctoiy. 65 Davis Theopliil us, laborer, ss (Centre bet Currant and A;>ricot Davis Wm, st<,m cutter, ws 7th West hot Noith and South Tcmplo Davis ltd ward W, carpenter, cs 2:ul West, bet Noith Temple & 1st North Davis Edward, laborer, es 2nd West, bet North Temple & l>t North Davis Joseph, laborer, es 2nd \Voxt, bet North '] emple and 1st Noith Davis I) F, pattern maker, es 3:id West, bet North Temple & l?t Noith Davy Mrs Louisa, ns 8th South, bet 2nd and-'lrd West Davy 8, stone cutler, s\v cor Fruit and Chestnut Dawson Mrs Mary, ss 2. id South, bet l^t West and West Temple Dawson J W, janitor St. Murks, us 1st South, bet 1st and 2nd Vast Day Win W, clerk, ws 1 -;t Kast, bet 4lh and 5th South Day Mrs D, dressmaker, ns 1st South, bet Pt West and West Temple Day Hugh, res nc cor 5:h \Vest and South Temple. Day A R, teamster, ne cor oth \Ve.-t and South Temple Day Arthur, ns High, bet Chestnut and Pine Daynes John, (Daynes < Coulter.) '.vs Dak, bet South Temple and Fruit Paynes Mrs IHi/a, res es Oak, bet South Temple and Fiuit Daynes J J, res se cor Oak and Fruit Dean Joseph IT, stone cutter, es 2?;d West, bet f>th and fth North Decker Harvey, res ns 1st South, hot 1st West arid West Temple Decker Ohail ;s, res ns 1st South, bet 2nd and SJ:*d West Decker Mrs V, widow, ws 7th East, bet JJrd and 4tli South Decker Perry, sto -kman, e,5 ->rd West, bet North Temple and ls*t North Decker Lester, l.iboror, s^cor Htii South and 2;id Kast Decker Sarah, widow, ws 2 id 1'ast, bet 1st and 2 id South Deishton, 11 J, bookkeeper, ss South Temple, bet 8!h and 9th East Deighton Hubert, mcreliant, ws Oth T'a-t, bet 1st and 2nd South Pelamore W, ss o'rd S,ulh, hot I-"a-4 Temple and West Temple Dell W, laborer, es 2nd Ka-?T, bet 5th and Gth South Dclouch Disirc, laborer, ws :i;-d Kast, hotord and 4th South Denhalter Chas, manufacturer, ns -lib South, bet 2nd and 3rd East I e'iny ('has, printer, ss 1 ;t South, bet 7th and St.h l"'ast Cent G J, grocer, in South Temple, bet Oth and ] :th Kast Denver and Rio Grande Depot, svr cor 2 ul South and f)th West D ppe William, laborer, ns lend South, betSth and Oth East PCMT Wm II, carpenter, es ^rd West, bet North Temple and 1st North f- I Derrick Alfred, laborer, s\v cor 2nd South and 6th I-.'ast i Derrick Z W, machinist, s\v cor 2nd South and Oth East ^" ; I 'erri: k 7, T. pattern maker, ws (ith East, bet 1st and 2nd South -, j Noseret University, nc cor 2nd West and 1st North .. i Deseret Hos]>ital, ws fith l-'ast, bet 1st South and South Temple ! Pevaughn John, engineer, boards Uail^oad 1'xchange .^2. 1 Powy H F, carpenter, ws Fast Tern} 1 \ l;et, Tth and t'th South "> ! l)3wey Mrs O F, nw cor W T and Isr NoHh i Dewey J II, caipenter, ns 1th South, bet 2nd and 3rd East ! ! I ! [ 5 L. GOLDlil-:UG 9 LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City, 9 Shoemakers' Tools of all kinds, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake. ' SALT LAKE HERAUX An Independent Journal, THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF UTAH. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAIL.Y HERALD, - $10.50 per year, postage paid SEMI- WEEKLY HERALD, - 3.50 " WEEKLY HERALD, (8 pages), - 2.00 " ' ' " HERALD JOB OFFICE! Th* Most Complete Establishment in Utah, Does the Neatest Work, In the Shortest Time, At the Lowest Prices! Orders by mail carefully and promptly filled and satis- faction guaranteed. ^5) We make a Specialty of ( JUSTICES' BLANKS, MINING BLANKS, PROBATE BLANKS, Etc. Our stock of I e^al Blanks is gotten up after the most approved form in use, and is the most complete in the Territory. THE HERALD BINDERY 05 g Is prepared to do all kinds of Binding. ^ Call and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Handsome Double Buggy Harness at W. L. Pickard's. Salt Lake City Directory. 67 Dewey Albert, res ns 1th South bet 2d and 3d East De Gray Alfred, moulder, es 7th East, bet 1st and 2nd South DeKay Wm, bookkeeper, es 1st West, bet 1st and 2nd South De Mott Bergen, res sw cor 3rd South and 5th East Dibble Philo, laborer, es 2nd West, bet 2nd and 3rd South Dick John, laborer, ss South Temple, bet 1st West and West Temple Dick James, laborer, ss South Temple, bet 8th and 9th East Dickert Ferdinand, U S surveyor, es 1st West, bet S T and N T Dickman Joseph, laborer, ws 3rd West, bet 3rd and 4th North Dickson W H, attorney, ss South Temple, bet 7th and 8th East Dickson H A, clerk, ws 10th East, bet 2nd and 3rd South Diehl Christopher, barber, ns 2nd South, bet 5th and 6th East Dignan Emma, widow, es 2nd West, bet 4th and 5th South Dimmock G. res ns South Temple, bet 1st West and West Temple Dinwoody Mrs Anna, ws 1st West, bet 3rd and 4th South Din woody Mrs Ellen, res ws 1st West, bet 3rd and 4th South DINWOODEY H, furniture, es 1st West, bet 3rd and 4th South Dinwoodey James; restaurant, ws West Temple, bet 5th and 6th South Dix Owen, res ns 1st South, bet 2nd and 3rd East Dix Wm, laborer, es 5th West, bet 1st and 2nd South Dobson Thomas, night watchman, ss 2nd South, bet 2nd and 3rd West Dolberg C F, boards Clift House Dooley J E, banker, es 3rd East, bet 1st South and South Temple Doman Edward, chimney sweep, ws 3d West bet 7th and 8th South Don Dr. M, ns 1st South bet 1st West and West Temple DONELSON C. M. Jr, (Honelson Bros) ss 2d South bet 3d and 4th East Donelson C. M, ns 21 South bet 1st and 21 East DONELSON J. R, (Donelson Bros) ns 2,1 South bet 7th and 8th East Donelson House, ns 2d South bet 2d and 3d East Donelson C. M, Prop. Donelson House Donaldson Charles T, carpenter, es 1st East bet North and South T Donkin James, waiter, ns 2d South bet llth and 12th East Donkin Thomas, laborer, ws 12th East bet 1st and 2d South Donkin Chas, laborer, ns 2d South bet llth and 12th East Donnelly Joseph, cook, ws 2d West bet 5th and 6th South Doremus Abraham, civil engineer, es 2d West bet 1st and 2d North Dosier Thomas, res Donelson House Dougall W. B, supt Des Tel Co, ws W T bet S T and N T Douglass Dr George, ss 1st South bet 3d and 4th East Doull George Dunbar, architect, ss South Temple 7th and 8th East Lover Joseph, mason, ns 1st North bet 12 and 13 East Dowden Edwin, clerk, ns 1st North bet 1st and|2d West, Dowding John, tailor, ns 2d South bet 9th and 10th East Dowling W T, blacksmith, sw cor 3d East and 3d South. Downing J J, res ss 2d South bet West Temple and East Temple L. Goldberg has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L*. City Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. M rs ZE3I O IE 3 J"OSFJ?EL WALKER, (Late manager of Doscrot Wagon and Carriage Co.) MANUFACrUllKll OF CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, Etc., Etc. P ! fi| Carriage, Wagon and Blacksmithing Work d I Done in a Satisfactory manner. CARRIAGE PAINTING- AND TRIMMING A SPECIALTY. ill's r.CAC, Chrcc-frcrths of Elcci South of Sheatr, - - - SALT LAIS CITY ICE. ICE. ICE, 54 and 56 Second South Siroet, SALT LAKE CITY. K A T, :: i : s IN HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES' Whips, Spurs, IZ wishes, Curry-combs, Etc. All Work Guaranteed and sold at Bottom Prices. I ^^ 72 SECOND SOUTH ST33ET. P. 0. Bos 136, SALT LAKE CITY. I * HH ' _ ' Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine sto& of Boots & Shoes, Eais, Caps & Clothing ^* Best Team Harness made by W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake. Sa.'t Lake C.ty Directory. 69 Drury Thomas, laborer, so cor Clv^i ry and Fruit Drake* lloiace, surveyor, cs 5th East bet 1st and 21 South Drake Cyrin II, farmer, cs r>th East b?t 1st anofSJ South Drake Hiram, fa im -DISCS oth East bet I;tand2d South Driver Mrs G W, res es Oth Eaot 'Id an 1 (til Soutli Drucc Henry, enslaver, us :Jd Norih b :t ?id and 4th West Druco Chas., carpenter, ns \\ \ North bet 3d and 4th West Drucc John, carpenter sc cor 5th TU^t and 1st South Drucc John A, carpenter, ss 1st South bet oth and GUi Fast Duckworth Joseph, blacksmith, \vs6 h West bet 1 ;t and 2d North DuiTln Gourde, laborer, cs GJi Fast bet Oth and 7th South J'uke J J, clerk, cs">th Fast bet 'kl and -Jth South Duke Harry T. teller \V. F. A fo v es Fast Temi 1? bet 4th and 5th South Durnar Walter, laborer, ss Fruit bet Kim and Maple Dinner Win., re.y n\y cor High and Elm Dunbar D. C, Herald O.fiuo,s\v cor Gar' Sen and Kim Dunbar David, .Herald (>i-ice, sw cor G.trdcn and F^m Dunbor Mrs. Hannah, no cor Fir and Garden Dunbar ISu ;').]; :v>.,! Ison i'louss Dune in James, es ith :>i--L b^tOfchsind 7th South Duncasoji David M, bbtcksmith, sw cor 1st South and fith West Dn n ford George, res ns South Tcmpl-c bet l^t v\'est and West Temple Dunford Geor.5c II, clerk, sw cor West Terrn-le and l^t North Dunford George, merchant, sw c >r S/uth r ie;nple bet Gth and 7th East D-.nri Dani >:, blacksmitli, sv'd N.. -ih boL '> 1 and 4t!i West ])uieui!ei- James, laborer, v/s III Fast bet Till an-1 Mb South 1 uniford f \ : ,w:ird h , ier.l osUit:^ agent, ns Wall bet Maple and Elm Durniord Arthur J, carpenter, nw cor rUufl'and Locust Durns Fhurlrs, cleilv, e> "d \Vcst bet 6th and ?th South Durnville James, res ss Glh South bet lid and :kl \V r est Durr William, janitor, FS 1st North bet I'd and 3d West Duval A. porter White II<.u-o 1. -\v\ -or James, i-tat ionnr, ns Xorth Temple bet 1st Wand West Temple Dye !?. W, baibcr, nslst South bet 1st and 2J Fast Dye U< best, ilorist, nw cor Oalc and Fruit Dyer V\'m C, engineer, s? 1st Noitb bet od and 4th West Dyet W, laborer, s< Oth South bet ^1 and 4th West Dykeman John, carpenter, ss ?d North bet 5th and Gth West D'Shciniug II J, (D Bros) ws l>t West bet 4th and 5th North K. Eardley James, res ss 7th South bet Fast and West Temple 3'ardley James, im ivhaiit, es Fast Temple bet Gth and 7th South Eardley Bedscn, potter, ws 1st West bet 3d and 4th South Eardley Mary A, res es 2 1 West bet Jd and 4th South L. "roldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City W. JD. PicJtard carries a full line of Trotting & Racing Goods VfUKff Second Hand Goods & Commission Agency General Merchandise Haniiod on Commission. G~> and 07 SECOND SOUTH STREET, In connection with above WHOLESALE and RETAIL BUTCHER SHOPS. Cattle Dealer & Cattle Handled on Commission. 75 and 77 SECOND SOUTH STREET. JAMES S. r *| BOTANIC/XL PHYSICIAN, Corner Ninth East and Third South Streets, P. O. Box 727, - - Salt Lake City, Utah. UNITED ORDER MERCHANT TAILORS, ESTABLISHED 1874 First Class Suits Made to Order, From $25 and Upward, Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 30 Main Street, opposite Z. C. M. I. We carry full Lines of FRENCH, ENGLISH, SCOTCH & DOMESTIC GOODS. = I SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Don't forget that Hardy Bros. & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Goois Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake. Salt Lake City Directory 71 Earl Jane, widow, wsOth East bet 4th and 5th South Earl Edwin W, laborer, ws 9th East bet -1th and oth South Eail Alfred W, engineer, ws Oth East bet 4th and 5th South EARL L. M, tobacconist, sw cor Bluff and Elm Earl M, tailor, sw cor Bluff and Elro Earll Joseph, res es llth East bet 6th and 7th South Earll Henry, gardener, ws 1st West bet 7th and 8th South Earll A. H, agent D. & R. G. W, es 5th West bet 1st and 3d South Eby John, laborer, ns 2nd North, bet 10th and llth East Eccles W, res es 7th West, bet North Temple and 1st North Eccles Andrew, stone cutter, es 7th West, bet North Temple & 1st North Eckly Emil, carpenter, ns 7th South, bet 7th and 8th East Eckman John, tailor, nw cor Summit and Fine Eddington Wm, grocer, ws West Temple, bet bth and 6th South Eddington Wm J, teamster, ws West Temple, bet 5th and 6th South Eddington James, dork, ws West Temple, bet 5th and 6th South Eddington Wm, ss North Temple, bet Oth and 7th West Edgington Frank, laborer, sw cor North Temple and 12th East Edgington Walter W, expressman, ws 8th East, bet 1st and 2nd South Eddons Mrs J, res es West lemple, bet 3rd and 4th South Edgar W, engineer, ns 1st South, bet 4th and 5th West Edgar W, laborer, ns 1st South, bet 4th and 5th West Edgerly Jsson, car pouter, ss (>th South, bet East Temple and 1st East Edlar Larzo, gardener, es 1'th East, bet 13rd and 4th South Edmunds J M, dentist, ss 2nd South, bet 10th and llth East Edmunds Francis, cooper, ns 5th South, bet 7th and 8th East Edmunds Wm, wait, r, ss Prospect, bet Chestnut and Pine Edmunds Robert, w.v'ter, sw cor Pine and Prospect Edmunds Joseph, waiter, ss South Temple, bet 2nd and 3rd East Ed sail M E, reporter, P.; West Temple, bet 1st and 2nd South Edward AleAando r, nw cor Plum and Centre Edward Wm, res ws West Temple bet fith and 7th South Edwards John, res es 5th West bet 1st and 2d South Edwards Thomas, laborer, es 5th west bet 1st and 2d South Edwards David, laborer, es 5th West bet 1st and 2d South Edwards Charles, rex cs 7th East bet 2d and 3d South Edwards John, laborer, es 7th East bet 2d and 3d South Edwards S D, mining, ns 3rd South, bet 6th and 7th East Edwards James, bricklayer, ss 4th South, bet 5th and 6th East Egan Wm M, res es 2nd West, bet 2nd and 3rd North Eighteenth Ward School, ne cor South Temple and 1st East Eighth Ward School, ns 4th South, bet 1st and 2nd East Ekker Arnold, res ss 2nd North, bet 6th and 7th West Elder J B, res ss 2nd South, bet 1st and 2nd West Eldredge H S, banker, ss 1st South, bet 2nd and 3rd East i You can save 1O per cent by baying Clothing at L. Goldberg'? WATXTN'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Kroii^io Riders. II NO PAINTER CAN MIX " 6 X , With the Purest Material, A 'Hotter Paint than C TJ L IMI 313 35^ ' S ENAMEL REfiDY MIXED! We 9 re now prepared to take Orders for 1 IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ^ Before contracting for your Paint Material; or for Painting, be sure you consult with G. F. CULMER & BEOS, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. We will always more than Compete in Price. Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full lias of General Merchandise Saddlery and Saddlery-Hardware, Jobbed by W. L. Pickari Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City Directory. 73 Eldredge Kuth, widow, ws 4th West, bet North Temple and 1st North Eleventh Ward School, sw cor 1st South and 8th East Elggreeri A F, carpenter, es 3rd West, bet North Temple and l^t North Kliason O, jeweler, nw cor Ash and Bluff Ellerbeck Jarncs, res ne cor Bluff and Maple Elleibeck T W, supl. gas works, RS 1st North, bet 1st and 2nd West Ellis N M, boiler maker, ns 3rd North, bet 4th and 5th West Ellis James, laborer, ns High, bet Oak and Elm Ellis E O, agricultural implements, boards White House Ellis G S, carpenter, ss South Temple, bet 9th and 10th East Ellis G H, carpenter, ss South Temple, bet 9th and 10th East Ellis G E, carpenter, ss South Temple; bet 9th and Uth East Ellis Joseph, painter, es 4th West, bet 3rd and 4th Svuith Ellis Ebenezer, laborer, es 3rd West, bet 3rd and 4th North Elsmore Martha, widow, ss 1st North, bet 5th and 6th West Elvers Carl, res ws 2nd East, be 2nd and 3rd South Emery Elizabeth, widow, ws 7th West, bet North. and South Temple Emery Isaac A, clerk, ws 7th West, bat, North and South Temple Emery David S, clerk, ws Gth West, bet 2nd and 3rd North Emms John, laborer, ss 5th South, bet 7th and 8th East Emory George 11, laborer, es 8th West, bet North and South Temple Empy N A, merchant, sw cor South Temple and 2nd East Engler Adam, res ns 1st South, bet West Temple and East Temple Engler Gus. res ws West Temple, bet 2nd and 3rd South English II, boards Clift Eouse English Andrew, res nw cor 9th East and South Temple Englestrom A O, laborer, es 4th East, bet Gth and 7th South Ensign Horace, clerk, s.s 3rd Sout-h, bet 2nd and 3rd East Ensign Samuel, carpenter, ss 3d South, bet 2nd and 3rd East Ensign S L, quarry man, ss3rd South, bet 2nd and 3rd East Ensign L. A, farmer, ns 3rd South, bet 2nd and 3rd P"ast Ensign Kufus, farmer, ne cor 3rd South and 2nd East- Ensign J C, carpenter, es 2nd East, bet 2nd and 3rd South Entwistle Edwin, res ws (5th West, bet 1st and 2nd North Eppler J W, mining, ns South Temple, bet Gth and 7th East Erb G 8, proprietor vValker House Erickson Annie E, widow, ns South Temple, bet 9th and 10th East, Erickson Job, sw cor 7th East and 6th South Erickson GP, shoemaker, ss 5th South, bet 4th and 5th East Ericson Peter, carpenter, es West Temple, bet 7th and 8th South Ericson James, moulder, ns 5th South, bet 2nd and 3rd East Ericson John, res ne cor 2nd East and 5th South Ericson Ernma A, widow, es 6Lh West, bet North and South Temple Ervin Robert, clerk, es 1st West, bet Gth and 7th South Ervine Robert, res ws 3rd East, bet Gth and 7th South L. Goldberg- has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L.. City 10 Nobby Biding Saddles & Bridles, W.L. Pickard, Salt Lake SILVER IRON WORKS <((( Will Furnish )))>- IE0I WOBK AID MAGHI1EEY For Mining, Milling and Smelting Works. Railroad and Steamboat Work, MAIN ST., - - Next to Clift House. SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. 1 WASATCH MILLS OF 881. My new mills, the Finest in Utah, are now in operation, and am prepared to till all orders for mi On Short Notice and at Low Prices. IEITJS:L:E:R,. WHITE COTTAGE STORE UNION BLOCK, No. 71 Second Sout'a Street.. P. O. BOX 739. FSA. f-J IV Er****., F*iropri -tor, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco, Dry Goods and Fancy Goods, Third North Street, bet. 1st and 2d West, SALT LAKE CITY. ZERUBBABEL SNOW, BULL'S HEAD MEAT MARKET, Opposite Walker House, No. 193 Main Street. Prorr.pt Delivery, M. GOLDSTICKER, Prop. Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroccos at Pielrard's. |.J I Salt Lake City Directory, 79 s; Fifth Ward School, sw cor 3d West and 7th South Finch Thomas, fireman, ss 3d North bet 3d and 4th West Fink C. K, res es 3d West bet 2d and 3d South Fink I. M, clerk, boards White House Firemen's Hall, ss l^t South bet lit and 2d Eist P'irst W German Silver, Nickel or Black "Walnut, with Improved Metal Corners. Any Shape, Size or Description of Show Case made to Order. Over 200 Cases on Hand to Select From. Prices Guaranteed Lower Than from Abroad And quality of work warranted. 20, 22, 24, 28 and 30 First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY. !* Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise California Lasso Saddles, W.L. Fickard, Salt Lake Cit~ Salt Lake City Directory. 8 1 Foote Frank, assay er, es E T bet 4th and 5th South Foote E, S, res es 3d East bet 2d and 3d South Forbes G. M, bookkeeper, ss 2d South bet 6th and 7th East Forbes James, laborer, ws 10th East bet 6th and 7th South Forbes Ann, res ws 10th East bet 6th and 7th South Forbes " r m, laborer, ss 3d South bet 1st West and West Temple Ford R. H, res ns 1st South bet 7th and 8th East Ford George, carpenter, ws Elm bet Wall and Prospect Ford John, res ss Prospect bet Beach and Cherry Foresman W. G, res se cor 2d West and North Temple Foreman F. L, res ws 2d West bet South Temple and 1st South Foreman Joseph, agent, ws 2d West bet South Temple and 1st South Forrester George, plasterer, ws 4th East bet 5th and 6th South Forrester John, plasterer, ws 4th East bet 5th and 6th South Forsell Theodore, teamster, ne cor Fir and High Forster John, engineer, ns 1st North bet 9th and 10th East Forsyth James, engineer, ns North Temple bet 2d and 3d West Foster H. H, scroll sawyer, ws West Temple bet 3d and 4th South Foster Andrew, carpenter, sw cor 4th South and W T Foster W H. scroll sawyer, es West Temple bet 6th and 7th South Foster Amelia, widow, ws 8ih West bet 1st North and North Temple Foster Amelia, widow, ns 3d South bet 2d and 3d West Foster C, carpenter, boards R. R. Exchange Foster Hannah, widow, ws 3d West bet 1st and 2d South Foster Wm. R, farmer, ws 1st .East bet 4th and 5th South Fouchs Edgar, laborer, es 1st East bet 6th and 7th South Foulger John, tailor, ne cor Beach and Fruit Foulger H. J, clerk, ne cor Garden and Beach Foulger Wm, bookkeeper, es 9th East bet South Temple and 1st South Fountain Peter, gardener, ns South Temple bet 6th and 7th West- Fourteenth Ward School, ss 1st South bet 1st West and West Temple Fourth Ward School House, sw cor West Temple and 7th South Fowdo/i Thomas, res es llth East bet 6th and 7th South Fowler Wm, chimney sweep, ws Fir bet Wall and Bluff Fowler Wm. H, carpenter, es East Temple bet 7th and 8th South Fowler Dr. Allen, boards Walker House Fowler James, stone cutter, ns Plum bet Centre and Quince Fowler Henry, clerk, ws Fir bet Wall and Prospect Fox P, boards Clift House Fox M. C, mining, ns South Temple bet 1st and 2d East Fox Jessie W, city surveyor, ss 2d South bet 1st and 3d West Fox Jesse, surveyor, ws West Temple bet 1st South and South .Temple Francis Thomas, laborer es 6th West bet North T and 1st North Francy George, laborer, ss 7th South^bet 1st West and West Temple j ^ Frank D. O, clerk, ns 2d South Jbet 1st and 2d East ] | L. GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City. U Shoemahers 9 Tools of all hinds, ir. L. richard, Salt Lahe. A. H. KELLY. G. B. KELLY. I I ra BLANK BOOK MAKERS MANUFACTURING STATIONERS. IBOO-ECS ^]RI3SrTED ^.IsTID To any Pattern, at EASTERN PRICES. BTTSIIfcTIBSS ^E El Will consult their intete^ts by having their work done in their own town. Main Street, Call and see Eardj Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Handsome Double Buggy Harness at W. L. Fickard's. I 5s Salt Lake City Directory. 83 Franklin W m , harness maker, ns 2d South bet 4th and 5th West Frantzen Andrew, grocer, n.s 2 I South bet East Temple and 1st East Frantzeii Mary, glove factory, ss 1st South v*et E T and 1st East Frazer Elsie, widow, ss '3A South bet 7th and 8th East Frazy Charles, boards H 11 Exchange Free John r, real estate agent, ne cor Locust and f ruit Free Sarah, ns Bluff bet Locust and Maplo Freebairn Archibald, laborer, ns 7th South bet 3d and 4th West Friedman (Friedman and Brown) ns 3d South bet E T and 1st East Freehold John, laborer, es 4th East be.t >th and 7th South Freeman J. M, es 1st West bet 4th and oih South Freeman John H, res ws 8th East bet, 5:h and 6th South Freeman Nathan, ss 1st South bet 8th and 9th East Freeman Harry, res es 2d East bet 2d and 3d South Freeman Harry, cook, boards White House Frees James P, merchant, ss '2d South bet 7th and 8th East French C. L (Dunbar Rarton k Co) ns Garden bet Oak and Elm Frevvin Alfred, laborer, ss 1st North bet 4th and 5th West Fritsch A, clerk, White House Froiseth B. A. M, mining engineer, ns 6th South bet E T and W T Frost Edwin, blacksmith, es 2 1 East bet 3d and 4th South Frost Catherine, widow, se cor 3d South and 2J East Frost W. H, bookkeeper, ns 4th South bet 1st and 2d West Fry George, blacksmith, es West Temple hot 1st South and S T Fry Elizabeth, widow, ns 3d South bet 2d and 3d West Fuge Albert, res ns ">th South bet 1st and 2d West Fullmer E. i?, stone cutter, ss4th Smith bet 3d and 31 West Fuller W. I), clerk Union Exchange boards Valley House Fuller Frank, laborer, ws 4th West bet 6th and 7th South FTLLEIl W (Dark & Fuller) se cor Dth East and 4th south FULLER'S HILL, se cor Dth East and 4th South Fullmore H. O, fanner, ws 2d West bet 4th and 5th South Full more David, stone cutter, ws 2d West bet 4th and 5th South Fullmer D.iv.d E, stons cutter, ws 4th Wost bat oth an 1 6th South Fulton James, mining, es 3d West bet 3J and 3d South Furduff James, engineer, ws 2d West bet Oth and 7th South Furinan D H, builder, ss 1st South bet 1st West AWT Furman IT. V, ss 21 South bet 2J and 31 West Furster John P, grower, ss 2d South bet East Temple and 1st Esst Fyson II. E (Smith & Fyson) ns 2 I South bet 7th and 8th East G. ,S2 Gable Frederick, printer, sw cor 3rd North and 2nd West Galighcr W G, mining expert, boards Walker House Gallagher Peter, boiler maker, ws 4th West, bet 1st and 2nd South L. Goldberg has the largest stock of 3Ien's wear in S. L. Git y Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Fickard's. b^ S. W. DABKE. WM. FULLER. Real Estate I Loan Agents, o NOTARIES PUBLIC. Local and Foreign, Money Loaned on Real Estate or Collateral, PBOPEETY RENTED, LEASED OB SOLD. Insurance Agency. Fire Insurance. TITLES EXAMINED and ABSTRACTS PREPARED, Deeds and Transfers Promptlyly Made Out. LAND OFFICE BUSINESS ATTENDED TO. OFFICE, In Swaner & Co.'s Jewelry Store, next door South of Jen- | nings & Sons, Salt Lake City* P. O. BOX 551. Eardy Bros. & Burton cany a fine stock of Boots is Shoes, Eats, Caps & Clothing Best Team Harness made by W, L. Piokard, Salt Laka Salt Lake City Directory. 85 c/T Oullacher James I, manufacturer, ss Centre, bet Currant and Apricot Gallacher Janet, widow, ss Centre, bet Currant and Apricot Gallacher Wm, cook, ss 6th South, bet 3rd and 4th East Gallafent David, Butcher, ns 1st South, bet 4th and 5th East Gallefent Sarah, widow, ss 2nd South, bet 7th and 8th East Gal land B F, laborer, es 6th West, bet 1st and 2nd North;' Gange Thos E, tailor, ns South Temple, bet 12th and 13th Bast Gant J M t carpenter, ns 4th South, bet 6th and 7th East Garbitt George, laborer, ss 6th South, bet West Temple th East, bet 4th and oth South Giliett T W, assayer, ws oth East, bjt l*t anl 2nd south Gillett John A, carpenter, ss tth South, bjt 1th and 5th Ea^t Gillett G, farmer, sw cor 4th East and 1th -outh Gillicorn, Esther J, widow, ss South Temple, bet oth and ft'i West Gilliland S C, commercial agent, ss oth South, bet E T and lit East Gillmili Win, clerk, ws 1st West, bet 4th and oth South Girarcl Thomas, clerk, es 3rd East, bet oth and fall South Gilson J W, mining, es 1st West, bet 1st and 2nd South Gilson Harriet, widow, es 1st West, bet 1st and 2nd South Giltenswaji Charles J, shoemaker, es 1st West, bet S T and 1st South Glade John, confectioner, sw cor Mountain and Spruce Glanfiel.d John. (Cook \- Glann'eld ws 1st \Ves% bet S T and 1st South Glass J 15, res ws West Temple, bet 2nd and 3rd South Glcason Mrs Eli/abeth, sw cor 2nd East and Gth South Gleasoii Elijah M, sw cor 2nd East and Gth South Gle iso'.i Arnasa L, laborer, sw cor M E iu an 1 (Lh South Glenn Mrs. Lavinia, res ss Gth South bet la and 21 West Glenn J. C, res es 1st West bet 1st and 2d South Glenn H. L, res es 1st West bet 1st and 2d ^outh Glenn Alexander, merchant, ws 1st Westbet5th and Gth S mth Glover Betsy C. W, widow, ns Mountain bet Locust and M.iple Godb3 \V. S, (t'iodbe, L'itts & Co), in 1st South bet Gth and 7th East Godbe Mrs Rosina, ssrrentre bet Currant and Apricot Godbe Anthony, mining, ns 2d North bat 21 and 3,1 West Godbe Mrs C. I, res es l^t East bet 1st South an 1 South Temple Goddard Joseph, cl3rk, ns 3d South bet 5th and Gth East Goddard B. II, insurance agent, ns 3d North bet 1st and 2d West Goddard George, res ns 2d South bet 2 1 and 3d East Godfrey G. L, commissioner, boards Continental God in H, carpenter, ns l->t South hot 2.1 anl 3 I W^st Goldberg L, clothier, ne cor 3d South and 3d East You can save 1O per cent by buying Clothing at L. Goldberg' 9 WAIXIN'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Riders. 5 TTFTT^ HD ^f) 01 Bft Are extracted from Vegetable products, combining in them the Mandrake or May Apple, which is recognized by physicians as a substitute for calomel, possessing all the virtues of that mineral without its bad after effects. AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE They are incomparable. They stimulate the Torpid Liver, invigorate the Nervous System, and give tone to the Digestive Organs, creating perfect di- gestion and thorough assimilation of food. They exert a powerful influence on the Kidneys and Liver, and through these organs remove all impurities, thus vitalizing the tissues of the body and causing a healthy condition of the AS AN ANTI-MALARIAL REMEDY They have no equal; and, as a result, act as a preventive and cure for Billious, Remittent, Intermittent. Typhoid Fevers, and Fever and Ague. Upon the healthy action of the Stomach depends, almost wholly, the health of the human race. DYSPEPSIA IS THE BANE Of the present generation. It is for the cure of this disease and its attend- ants. Sick Headache. Nervousness, Despondency, Constipation, Piles, etc., that TUTT'S PILLS have gained such a wide-spread reputation. No remedy has ever been discovered that acts so speedily and gently on the digestive organs, giving them tone and vigor to assimilate food. This being accom- Slished, of course the Nervous System is braced, the Brain is nourished, and tie Body robust. Being composed of the juices of plants extracted by powerful chemical agencies, and prepared in a concentrated form, they are guaranteed free from anything that can injure the most delicate person. A noted chemist, who has analyzed them, says, "there is more virtue in one of TUTT'S PILLS than can be found in a pint of any other. We therefore say to the afflicted: "Try this remedy fairly; it will not harm you. You have nothing to lose but will surely gain a Vigorous Body, Pure Blood, Strong Nerves and a Cheerful Mind." ADVICE TO THE AGED. Age brings with it infirmities of the body Our bodies need repairing and strengthening as much as the houses we live in. Old persons are all, more or less, subject to constipation, weakness of the stomach, bowels, kid- neys and bladder. lu these cases the strengthening and nutritious qualities of TUTT'S PILLS are wonderful. Their use will stimulate the sluggish bowels, giving natural discharges without straiaing or griping when at stool; cause the kidneys and bladder to perform their functions as in youth. Every dose will add vigor and strength to these debilitated organs. In Dr. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS the dyspeptic, the bilious, the debilitated, and the nervous will find the most genial restorative ever offered to the suffering invalid. PRICE 25c. a Kox. Office 35 Murray Street, Hew York. Dr. TUTT'S MANUAL of Valuable information and Useful Receipts will be mailed free on application. Is a I* Fickard, Salt Lake City. l\ NAYLOR cfc PIKE | (Successors to NAYLOR BROS.) Carriage I Wagon Builders, A gents for CELEBBATED f ABM, AND HA.LJT SPRING WAGJO1VS, Grand Detour Sulky and Hand Plows, Gorham Seeders and Cultivators, Grain and Seed Drills, Sulky Hay Rakes, FEED GTJTTEES, CHILLED PLOWS, HAEEOWS, Etc. JLnd StoeJe of Extras for the Same. Dealers in Eepair all kinds of Vehicles and Farming Implements. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Call and examine our Stock before you Buy. NAYLOR & PIKE, First East Street, between First and Second South, SALT LAKE CITY. Call and se Ear dj Bros. * Burton's complete stock of Staple * Fancy Groceries Ladles Saddles in great radety at W. L Piciard's, Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake City Directory. 93 Groves W. H, dentist, ss 1st South bet West Temple and 1st West Grow Theodore M, carpenter, ns 3d North bet 4th and 5th Went Grow Henry, carpenter, ss Centre bet Currant and Apricot Grow Henry, carpenter, nw cor 3d West and 3d North Grow J. S, carpenter, nw cor 3d West and 3d North Grundhead J. L, salesman, es 9th East bet South Temple and 1st South Grunland N. J, merchant, se cor 3d West and 1st North Gudgel Mrs L, dressmaker, ws East Temple bet South T & 1st South Guentherodt J. J, manager R. G. Dunn & Co, es W T bet 1st S and S T Guisberger A, res es West Temple bet 4th and 5th Sou th Guiver Benjamin, teamster, ns 1st South bet 5th and 6th West Guiver Golden, butcher, ss North Temple bet 13th and 13th East Guiver George, laborer, ns North Temple bet 13th and 14th East Guiwitch Albert, res nw cor 6th South and East Temple Gundecker George, res ns North Temple bet 1st and 3d West Gunn John, tinsmith, ss High bet Oak and Elm Gunn Benjamin, painter, ss Prospect bet Locust and Ash Gunn Alfred, car driver, es llth East bet 1st and 2d South Gunn John, gardener, se cor 6th East and 1st South Gurstner Joseph, tailor, es 8th East bet 1st South and South Tempi* Guslin Charles, res ss 5th South bet 2d and 3d East GUSTAVESON C. G, harnessmaker, es 8th East bet 3d and 3d South H. Habish James, barber, ns 3d South bet 1st West and West Temple Haddock John, laborer, es 7th West bet North Temple and 1st North Haddock Benjamin, laborer, ws 6th West bet 3d and 3d North Hadley Mary A, widow, res ns 7th South bet 1st and 3d West Hadley George, blacksmith, ss 2d South bet East T and 1st Eawt Hadley Dr. James R, es 1st West bet 1st and 3d South Hagen Rudolph, commercial agt, boards White House Hagell John, baker, ss 1st South bet East Temple and 1st East Hagman John, tailor, ss 3d North bet 3d and 4th West Hagren Henry, cook, ws East Temple bet 7th tjnd 8th South Hagrin John, cook, ns 3d South bet 3d and 3d East Hague Angle, widow, ws Franklin ave bet 3d and 3d South Hague James, clerk, ss 3d South bet East and West Temple Hague Arthur, mason, es 1st West bet 7th and 8th South Hague John, builder, es 1st West bet 7th and 8th South Hague Leonard, carpenter, ss Garden bet Maple and Locust Haight Fulton, res es West Temple bet 5th and 6th South Haight Maggie, widow, ws 4th West bet 3d and Sd North Haines Hyrum, boiler maker, ws 3d West bet 5th and 6th North Hair John, laborer, es 9th East bet North and South Temple Hair Nicholas, laborer, es 9th East bet North and South Tempi*- L. Goldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. IN City First Prizes awarded at all Territorial Fairs, to W. L. Picted, Salt f . Loi ell (Successors to John W. Lowell.) General Agents for FISH BROTHERS' FARM, FREIGHT & SPRING WAGONS, BUGGIES AND PHAETONS, McCormick Reapers, Droppers and Mowers, Self -Binding Harvesters, JoJm D odd's Celebrated Hay Rakes, J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company* s Threshers and Horse Powers, Saw Mills and Engines, Including the Celebrated Also their Headers. THE AVEEY GANCJ, SULKY & WALKING PLOWS, The J. I. Case Plow Co's Sulky & Walking Plows. Hay Presses, Cider and Cane Mills, Evaporators, Steel Barb Fence Wire, Wagon Stock, Hardwood Lum- ber, Planet Jr. Cultivators, Drills, Etc. Scrapers, Tents, Harness, &raiing Plows, Contractors' Supplies, Etc. Send for Price List to l&e Ie&& We Ikewell Wagon H0*V Salt Lake, Ogden, of Dillan, Montana. * ' Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Eats, Caps & Clothing Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroccos at Pielf ard's. Salt Lake City Directory. 95 Hair James, laborer, es 9th East bet Noijth and South Temple Hailstrom Ann, widow, ns 1st South bet 21 and 3d West Hakeman George, laboier, ss 6th South bet 9th and Dth .East Halbert Wm, carpet weaver, ws 7th East bet 2d and 3d South Halbert Henry, butcher, ws 7th Kast bet 3d and 3d South Halbert Arthur, trunk maker, ws 7th East bet 2d and 3d South Hall Phillip, carpenter, es 5th West bet 2d and 3d South Hall Joseph H, laborer, ss 2d South bet 4th and nth West Hall Mrs. E. J. ns South Temple bet 5th and 6th West Hall James B, manufacturer, ss South Temple bet 5th and 6th West Hall Joseph, carpenter, iiw cor Walnut & Wall Hall L E, agent, es 1st East bet South Temple and North Temple Hall Frank, engineer, es 1st East bet 1st and 2d South. Hall H A, lawyer, ws 1st West bet South Temple and 1st South Hall Celma, widow, nslst North bet 10th and llth East Halpin J J, (H & Co) ns 3d South bet East Temple and 1st East Halstrom C R, harnessmaker, ns 3d South bet 1st and 2tl East Halsett Anton, pedler, es 3d East bet 4th and 5th South Halstrom Mrs Christina, widow f ns 1st South bet 9th and 10th East Hamer Samuel, blacksmith, ws 5th West bet 1st and 2d North Hainer Mrs Sarah, ws res, 5th West bet 1st and 2d North Hamer Elizabeth, widow, res 5th West bet 1st and 2d North Hamill Martin, painter, ns 2d South bet 4th and 5th tfast Hamill Paul, painter, es 4th East bet 1st and 2d South Hamill Samuel, res ne cor 3d South and 4th East Hamilton A N, editor Tribune, Clift Row, ws W T bet 3d & 4th South Hamilton W H, painter, se cor 2d West and North Temple Hamilton Dr J F, ns 1st South bet 4th and 5th East Hamliii George, ss Plum bet Centre & Quince Hampton B G, harnessmaker, ws 7th East bet South Temple A 1st 8 Hampton Benjamin, mining, es 4th East bet 1st & 2d South Hampton Mrs Helen H, lie cor Garden & Elm Hamptou B Y, res se cor Elm & Wall Hancock Phillip, laborer, ns 3d North bet 4th and 5th West Hancock John, mining, sw cor 3d West & 2d North Hanes Charles W, clerk, ws 1st East bet 1st South and South Temple Hanford John, laborer se cor Mountain & Elm Hanks E M, teamster, es 4th West bet 3d & 4th South Hanks T V, candy maker, ns 1st South bet 1st West & West Temple Hanks Harriet, widow, ns 2d South bet 4th & 5th East Hannibal Peter C, iiight watchman, se cor 6th East & 2d South Hannibal, W II upholsterer, ss 2d South bet 6th and 7th East Hansen Hans, shoemaker, es 5th East bet 7th & 8th South Hansen James, milkman, ws 5th East bl 6th and 7th South Hansen James P, laborer, ws 5th East bet t$th & 9th South L, GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City. Cash paid for Hides, Wwl and Furs, W, L Flclcard, Salt Lai City, Utah. f ! Deseret Carriage and Wagon Shops, 9 # J ^ & KIVIGHT, All kinds of^- Carria-ffe, Wagon, Black smithing If or/, Carriage Painting and Trimming, And all kinds of Repairing in our Hue will be done in first-class style. -c- ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. ~o- North Side Second South Street, between First and Second East Streets. 6 JAS. DINWOODEY, \ ARCADE! RESTAURANT AND OITST:E;R, HOUSE >r Well*, Fftrgo's Hank, Salt Lake City. Everything of the Best. Prices Reasonable, H O ; S. T. JONASSON. E. D. HOGE. LAW OFFICE Wasatch Building, Rooms 14 and 15,. P. <). BOX, 572, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, &G Agents for the CALDWELL FARM AND SPRING 'WAGONS, For Utah, Idaho and Montana. CARRIAGES AND HARNESS- Dealers in AU Kind* of Hardwood and Wayon Material, California Victor Mowers, l*l(vu)8 and Farm Machinery , Etc. First East Street, bet. First and Second South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hardy Bros. & Burton cany A full line of General Merchandise California Lasso Saddles, W. L. Piekard, Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City Directory. 97 Hansen Maggie, widow, ns 7th South bet 5th and 6th East. Hansen N, laborer, ws 4th East bet 7th & 8th South Hansen Mrs. H, ws 4th East bet 7th & 8th South Hansen C, cook, bds White House Hansen Peter, painter, se cor Maple & Bluff Hansen Wm L, jr, machinist, ns North Temple bet 1st & 3d West Hansen C, mining, bds White House Hansen Frank, engineer, ss 6th South bet 4th and 5th West Hansen J, cook, ss 6th South bet 3d and 4th East Hansen Otto, laborer, ss 3d South bet 1st & 2d East Hansen Peter E, res ss 7th South bet 3d and 4th East Hansen H P, farmer, ss 7th South bet 3d A 4th East Hansen Win, clerk, es Vine bet 1st North & Currant Hards James, engineer, ns 3d South bet 5th & 6th East Harding Thos, clerk, ns 3d South bet 6th and 7th East Hardrnan Abraham, teamster, ssOth South bet 3d and 4th West Hardman Isaac, laborer, ne cor 7th South and 2d West Hardman George, laborer, es 2d West bet 6th and 7th South Hardy C H, res ns 1st South bet 5th and 6th South Hardy C W, res ns 1st South bet 5th & 6th South Hardy Rufus, se cor South Temple and 4th East Hardy Leonard W, res se cor 2d South & 4th East Hardy L G, merchant, es 4th South bet 3d & 3d East Hardy George, res se cor2d South & 4th East Hardy Isaac, herbalist, ss South Temple bet 1st West and W T Hardy Harvey, mining, ws 1st West bet South Temple & N T Hardy Wm, waiter, ns cor West Temple and 3d South Hardy JohnF, commercial agent, es West Temple bet 3d & 4th South Harkness M H, lawyer, ss North Temple bet East Temple & W T Harkness J B. blacksmith, es 1st East bet 5th and 6th South Harkness Robert, lawyer, ns South Temple bet 1st & 3d East Hark well Elliot, dairyman, ws 6th East bet 1st and 2d South Harmon Joseph, laborer, ws 5th West bet 1st and 2d South Harmon Edward, res ne cor 8th West & 1st North Harmon David, farmer, ns North Temple bet 8th & 9th West Harmon Charles, res ws 6th West bet North Temple and 1st North Harmon W, teamster, ws 6th West bet North Temple & 1st North Harmon Isaac, teamster, sw cor 6th West & 2d North Harmon Chas S, shoemaker, ws 7th West bet South Temple & N T Harmon George, teamster, ws 7th West bet South Temple & N T Harper Susan, widow, ws 2d East bet South Temple and 1st South Harper T E, grocer, ss 4th South bet 6th and 7th East Harper George, gardener, ne cor 7th South & 4th West Harrington James, laborer, ws 1st West bet South Temple & N T Harris Thomas, stonecutter, ws Vine bet 1st North & Currant o o o o EX) CD a CD L CD I! W to? GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City. 13 SJioemakers* Tools of all kinds, W. J">. rickard, Salt Lake. o. IF\ ZDTJ:E, FLORIST, SEEDSMAN, AND PRESERVER OF FRESH FLOWERS, Two IS locks North of Valley House, - - Salt Lake City, Has a great variety of Greenhouse, Bedding and Basket Plants > a Large Stock of Garden Seeds in Bulk, Pure and Fresh, joo kinds of Flower Seeds, Everlasting Floivers^ Ornamental Grass <5r* Baskets, ALL FLORAL DECORATIONS MADE TO ORDER. Fresh Flowers Preserved Cheap and Perfect. FRUIT TREES, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS. Orders by Mail, Express and Telephone promptly attended to. Catalogue free to all customers, new and old. AXTTCLL, (Successor to Joseph Graham) m \ THEATRICAL AND CITY BILL POSTER. VM | Only Licensed Bill Poster. Distributing Programmes, Circulars, Etc. WORK DONE PUNC2 UALL Y AND WELL. uth bet 3d & 4th East Hedberg A L, (H & Ferstrom) res Wasatch Building Hedger Geo, musician, ss South Temple bet Oth and 10th East Hedges J H, res ss 3d South bet 1st West & West Temple Hedquist Alexander, shoemaker, ne cor Mountain & Spruce Heffron Clara, widow, ss 6th South bet 3d & 4th West Heii John, res ss 2d South bet P^ast Temple & 1st East Heiiies Lewis, broker, ss 3d South bet 1st & 3d East Heineau M, barber, 192, East Temple Heiss S A, mail agent Utah Southern, ws West Temple bet 3d& 3d S Held James, jeweler, se cor Wall & Spruce Hemmeiiway Nephi, se cor 6th South & 1st West Hemmenway Mrs Elvira, se cor 6th South & 1st West Hempstead Mary V, widow, sw cor East Temple & 1st North HEMAN J H, ns 1st South bet West Temple & 1st West Henderson Thos, laborer, es 10th East bet 2d & 3d South Henderson Mrs M, widow, ws 9th East bet South Temple & 1st South Henderson Mary, widow, ws 3d East bet 6th & 7th South Henderson David, clerk, ss 5th South bet 1st East & East Temple Henderson W, bds Clift House Hennifer A H, carpenter, ne cor 9th South A 4th East Hennifer W, barber, ws 3d East bet 3d & 3d South Henry John, engineer, ss 8th East bet 1 ?t South and South Templo Henry Sarah, widow, ws 4th West bet North Temple and 1st North Hensch J C, plumber, ss South Temple bet 7th and 8th East L. Goldberg, the only Clothing; Manufacturer, S. I* City WALIJN'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Riders. f COUGH SYRURf: The Finest Preparation in the World for curing all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. M 1 1 Grown Wonderfully to Popularity in 1882, Consumption in 1875, 2% Gross, Consumption in 1 882> - - 1,115 Gross. All Dealers are hereby authorized to refund the Purchase Money in every case where a cure is not effected, or at least relief afforded and Satisfaction Given. Should be kept in Stock by every dealer in Drugs or General Merchandise, and should have a place in every home, camp and hospital. < Address all Orders toji G. P. CULMER & BROS. , B ?H g j Z 0. Mi I, Drug Department, Salt Lake Oity, Hardy Bros. & Burton cany a full line of General Merchandise Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake. Salt Lake City Directory. 103 HEUSSEK J, gunsmith, 94 and 93 Commercial Hepworth John, sr, (H & Sons) ne cor 6tb South & East Temple Hepworth John, jr, (H & Sons) ns 8th South bet East Temple & 1st East Hepworth Thomas, butcher, sslst North bet (5th & 7th West Hepworth Samuel, butcher, ss 1st North bet 6th & 7th West Hepworth John, coal dealer, ss 2d South bet East Temple le & West Temple Hicks Edwin, laborer, nw cor 9th South & 5th East Hicks Evaline A, widow, ws 5th East bet 8th & 9th South Hicks Joseph, carpenter, ns 9th South bet 4th and 5th East Hicks Ann, widow, es 5th East bet 3d & 4th South Hicks James M, laborer, ris 8th South bet 5th & 6th Fast ! Higbee Judith H, widow, ss 1st North bet 4th & 5th vVest Hirschman Moses, res ns 4th South bet West Temple and 1st West Higgins Jane, widow, ws 3d East bet 7th & 8th South Higgins C W, eclectic physician, ss 2d South bet W T & E T Higham Thomas, gardener, es Maple bet Fruit & Garden Higson John, mining, ss 4th South bet 2d t 3d West HILL HARRY J, manager Deseret Tel Office, ss 1st S bet 6th and 7th E Hill Mrs Flora S, music teacher, ns 1st South bet 2d and 3d West Hill A N. jr, machinist, es 2d West bet 2d & 3d South Hill Mrs Margaret, es 2d West bet 2d & 3d South Hill S H, paymaster Utah Cen, es 2d West bet 1st & 2d South Hill John, laborer, ss 7th South bet 2d & 3d West Hill Henry, laborer, ss 2d South bet 4th & 5th West Hill J W, Indian interpreter, es 2d West bet 5th & 6th North Hill Jonn, shoemaker, es 4th West bet 3d & 4th North Hill Chas W, clerk, se cor 7th West & North Temple Hill John W, machinist, ss 1st North bet 3d & 4th West Hill Thomas, fireman, ss 1st North bet 3d & 4th West Hill A N, laborer, ws 5th West bet 2d A 3d North Hill H C, supt Horn Silver, bds Continental r~ i You can save 10 per cent -by-buying Clothi IF. Ju. ricJcard carries a full line of Trotting & Hating Goods DR. C. W. NUNN, VETERINARY SURGEON All persons who reside in the country and have Sick Horses and Cattle, by sending to me the symptoms, pulse, etc, I will send medi- cinef, with full instructions, by return mail. All Operations Skillfully Performed. Ringbones and Spavins a Specialty. A 1 so Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of the Celebrated Black Oils, and wrapped up with each $1 00 Bottle the best Recipe for Colic in Hores and Cattle, which is worth $59 to anyone. ~T AGENTS WANTED, Address all Orders to XDr, C. T*T. 3STTJ-2STlNr 7 ""V. S., 1272 Kimball Block, P. O. BOX 967, - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. W. DEVEY & EAGLE WORKS, ALPINE, Utah Co., Utah Territory, Manufacturers of the ALPINE TCBULAR IRON WHEEL-BARROW. For Farmers and Miners, Patented Sept. 19, 1882. We manufacture four sizes, as follows: No. 3, suitable for Farmers, weighing about 45 pounds. No. 4, suitable for Miners and Smelters, with box made of No. 16 guage iron, weight about (>5 pounds. No. 5, same size as No. 4, with extra strong box, made of No. 14 guage iron. No. 6, a large barrow suitable for carrying coke, charcoal and other light material, holding from three to four bushels. All warranted to have STEEL AXLES and CASE HARDENED EYES* an d to be superior to any other barrow in the market. Any size and weight made to order. Also manufacturers of Iron Tubular Singletrees and Plow Stretchers, which are lighter and stronger than wood. Harness Rings, Buckle , Toggles, Cockeyes, Open Links, Wagon Bow Staples, Clevises and all kinds of wrought iron goods. Z. C. M. 1. Salt Lake City andOgden, sole agents for our wheel barrows. lon't forget that Hardj Broi* ft Burton hay t a well selected itock of Drj Gfoodi Saddleiy and Saddlery-Hardware, Jobbed by W. L. Pickari Salt Lake Citj. Salt Lake City Directory. 105 Hill George E, farmer, ns 8th South bet 6lh & 7ih East Hill A S, res ws East Temple bet 3d & 4th South Hill Rev S M, nw cor 2d South & 4th East Hill Herrmaii (H & Trevvhela) res 2)5 East Temple St Hill Mary A, widow, ss2d South bet 3d | Hunter Richard, laborer, ns 3d South bet 6th and 7th East j Hunter J A, chief justice, ns 1st South bet 5th and 6thEast L. 3-oldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City First Prizes awarded at all Territorial Fairs, to W, L, Pickard, Salt Lakt. ROOK SPRINGS, THE ONLY RELIABLE MARKET FOR Lump, Assorted, and Egg Coal. Large stock always on hand, and full stock guaranteed, REDUCTIONS IN COAL ROCK SPRINGS. Per ton, by car load ............ $6.00 Per ton, at yard .............. 6.50 Per ton, delivered ..... . ........ 7.00 RED CANYON. Per ton, by car load ..... ....... 3-5 Per ton, at yard ........ . ..... 4.00 Per ton, delivered ......... * . . . 4.50 WEBER. Per ton, car load ............. $4.50 Per ton, at yard .............. 5.25 Per ton delivered ............ . 6.00 Office: Corner Second South and Main, Wasatch Building. A. GOULD, Agent. Hardy Bros. & Burton cany a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroccos at PieVard's. imm WH~* ^,^ ^^J ^., ^^,J. . * . - Hunter Stephen, res se cor 6th South and East Temple Hurberson Hugh, teamster, ss 1st South bet 3d and^4th West Hurd Wm,"bailiff, es 8th East bet 4th and 5th South Hurskins Archibald, sr, tailor, ns Fruit bet Locust and Maple Hurskins Archibald, jr, plasterer, iis Fruit bet Locust and Maple Hurst Emma, widow, ws 3d West bet 3d and 4th \ North Husbands C T, engineer, es 5th West bet 2d;"aiid 3d North Hutchins Joseph, laborer, ns 3d South bet 2d and 3d West Hutchins Susan, widow, ns 3d South bet 2d and 3d West Hutchison John, painter, ss 4th South bet 10th and llth East Hutchison John, gardener, nw cor 6th South and 7th East Hutchison J B, (H & Busby) ss 2d South bet 1st and 2d East Huxley Phillip, res ss 4th North bet 2d and 3d West Huxley Phillip, jr, bookkeeper, ss 4th. North bet 2d and 3d West Huxley W H, carpenter, ss 4th North bet 3d and 3d West Huxley Mrs Clarissa, res sw cor 5th North and 2d West Hyde Frank, clerk, ns North Temple bet West Temple &]*Eastj Temple Hyde A E, clerk, ns North Temple bet West Tern pie >ndj. East J^Temple Hyde Charles W, res es 1st West bet 3d and|4th South Hyde Mrs E L, res ws 1st East bet 2d and 3d South Hylander Hans, sheemaker, ws Pine bet Bluff and Wall Hyrup Andrew, carpenter, ns 5th South bet 3d and 3d East I, I O O F Halls, 146 East Temple and Oeseret Building Illingworth Wm, manufacturer, nslst Soutn bet 8th and 9th East Ilmer Herman, upholsterer, es3d East bet 3d and~4th South Ilmo E H, laborer, bdsjWhite House Inebuit Frederick, laborer, es llth East bet 3d and 4th South Ingberg Elof, carpenter, ns 2d South bet 7th and t 8th T East Inglis J S, agt "Blue Line," bds WalkerTHouse Ingham Charles, laborer, ss GtlrSouth bet 2d and 3d West Ingram W H, carpenter, es 9th East bet South Temple and 1st South Ingstrom John, cabinet maker, ws-2d East bet 2d and*3d South Inkin John, shoemaker, ne cor South Temple and 1st West Internal Revenue Office, 141, East Temple Ireland E A, U S Marshal, ns 1st South bet 2d and 3d West Ireland Kate E, widow, ws 3d East bet'lst and 2d South Irish C B, res ws East Temple bet South Temple and 1st South Irons John, teller McCornick's bank, es 1st East bet 1st South and S T Irvine W, laborer, ss 3d South bet 4th 2nd 5th West Irvine R H, coal agent, ss 3d South bet 4th and 5th West Irvine John, laborer, ss South Temple bet 6th and 7th West Irvine George, merchant, nw cor 6th South and 4th West ,[ L. GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City. Cash paid for Hides, Wool and Furs, W. L. Picfcard, Salt Lake City, Utah. I THE PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY CARRIERS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, FREIGHT AND TREASURE TRANSPORTED WITH SAFETY AND DISPATCH AT REASONABLE RATES. COMMISSIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. PURCHASES MADE AND GOODS FORWARDED BY EXPRESS. t^ 3 AGENCIES THROUGHOUT UTAH. ** No. 75 Main Street, Salt Lake City. FRANK H. HYDE, F. C. GENTSVH, Agent. Asst. Stipt. T. J. ALMY, SECRETARY. UTAH EASTERN RAILROAD. COMPLETED FROM COALVILLE TO PARK CITY, THENCE TO SALT LAKE CITY. THAT PORTION FROM PARK CITY TO SALT LAKE CITY WILL PROBABLY BE COMPLETED THIS SEASON. General Office: 1237 First South Street, Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise California Lasso Saddles, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City Directory. 113 -5 ' Irving Joseph, res ss 1st South bet 2d and 3d East Irving Joseph, laborer, ws 3d East bet 6th and 7th South Irwin Frederick, clerk, ws 1st East bet 1st South and South Temple Isaac John P, mason, ns 1st North bet 6th and 7th West Isaac John R, mason, ns 1st North bet 6th and 7th West Isom Alfred, upholsterer, sw cor Maple and Wall Ivesom Soren, farmer, ne cor 7th South and 3d East Iverson Ludwig, clerk, ss 6th South bet 3d and 4th West J. Jack James, clerk, nw cor 5th East and 2d South Jackman A R, res ws 2d West bet 1st South and South Temple Jackson S B, teamster, ns 3d South bet 6th and 7th East Jackson F P, res ws 3d East bet 3d and 4th South Jackson Alfred, waiter, res Wasatch Building Jackson Thomas R, painter, es 4th West bet 1st and 2d South Jackson Thomas, painter, se cor High and Oak Jackson Smeles, laborer, ws Maple bet High and Mountain Jackson Ellen, widow, ws Locust bet Wall and Prospect Jacobs Joshua, res sw cor llth East and 1st North Jacobs J F, res Wasatch Building Jacobs H C, clerk, res Wasatch Building Jacobs Z, conductor, se cor West Temple and 1st North Jacobson W, gardener, ns 5th South bet 3d and 4th East Jacobson A C. waiter, es 1st East bet 1st and 2d South Jacobson Mary, widow, es Franklin ave bet 2d and 3d South Jacobson Ann M, widow, ne cor 5th South and 1st West Jacobson Erastus se cor Chestnut and Wall Jacobson Hans, waiter, boards White House Jaiuque Jules M, marble cutter, ws 3d West bet 3d and 4th South Jaiuque Arnold J, bookkeeper, ns 6th South bet 3d and 4th West James John, plumber, es West Temple bet 5th and 6th South James Wm, clerk, ss 3d South bet East and West Temple James Mary, widow, es 5th West bet 1st and 2d South James David, boiler maker, ns 3d South bet 6th and 7th West James J D, jeweler, ws West Temple bet 1st and 2d South James D W, plumber, ws West Temple bet 3d and 4th South James David, plumber, sw cor 3d South and West Temple James Richard S, laborer, ns Prospect bet Beach and Ash James Sylvester, gardener, ns 8th South bet 8th and 9th East James Sarah A, widow, ne cor 4th South and 7th East James Thomas, carpenter, es 7th E^st bet 3d and 4th South James W F, mining, ws West Temple bet 1st and 2d South Janney Thomas A, res ns 2d North bet 4th and 5th West Jaques John, clerk, ss South Temple bet 5th and 6th East ia oxiav3 T i 'oaggcrioo 15~~ Shoemakers 9 Tools of all kinds, W. L. Pichasd, Salt LctJce, ; W i $ OGKDEIfcT, Daily, $8.OO per Annum. Semi-Weekly, $5. SO per Annum. FIRST CLASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER. A SPLENDID ADVERTISING MEDIUM. ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS FOR PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING. ,, E. H. ANDEKSON, Business Manager. Call and see Sard? Bros, k Burton's complete stock of Staple l&Fancj Groceries Handsome Double Buggy Harness at W. L. Pickard's. Salt Lake City Directory. 115 ! ~ Jay Wm. carpenter, sw cor Oak and Garden Jefferds H M, boards White House Jeffrey Albert, mason, ns 3d South bet 2d and 3d West Jeffreys J R, tinsmith, se cor Chestnut and Wall Jeffs Ephraim, engineer, se cor 4th North and 6th West Jeffs Mrs Emma, es 3d West bet 3d and 4th North Jeffs Wm, jr, laborer, ns 3d North bet 5th and 6th West Jeffs Wm, sr, engineer, ss 3d North bet 5th and 6th West Jefsky Ferdinand, laborer, ne cor 1st West and 3d North Jelich John, res ss North Temple bet East Temple and 1st East Jenkins Thomas, stockraiser, ss 6th South bet East and West Temple Jenkins Wm, carpenter, ss South Temple bet 1st West and West Temple Jenkins J W, harness maker, ws 4th West bet 2d and 3d South Jenkins S W, upholsterer, es 3d West bet 3d and 3d North Jennens B W E, commercial agent, ns 3d South bet 2d and 3d East Jennings Jamei, butcher, ne cor 6th South and West Temple Jennings B W, bookkeeper, es West Temple bet 5th and 6th South Jennings T W, merchant, sw cor Fruit and Walnut Jennings William, mayor, ns South Temple bet 3d and 3d West Jensen J J, laborer, es9th East bet 3d and 3d South Jensen I. shoemaker, es 9th East bet 5th and 6th South Jensen C, cook, es 9th East bet 5th and 6th South Jensen Mariah, widow, ss 5th South bet 8th and 9th East Jensen Jacob, gardener, ss 5th South bet 8th and 9th East Jensen Neils, res es 4th East bet 6th and 7th South Jensen Soren, laborer, ws 5th East bet 7th and 8th South Jensen Jens, res ss 5th South bet 3d and 4th East Jensen James, farmer, ws 4th East bet 6th and 7th South Jensen Peter, laborer, ws 2d East bet 2d and 3d South Jensen Henrietta, widow, ws 4th West bet 5th and 6th South Jensen S S, watchman, ws Canyon road Jensen Christina, widow, es 2d West bet North Temple and 1st North Jensen Andrew, editor Morganstjern Jensen Stephen, laborer, es 1st East bet 3d and 4th South Jensen Christina, widow, es 1st East bet 3d and 4th South Jensen Pere, laborer, es 1st East bet 3d and 4th South Jeremy John, laborer, ws 5th South bet South Temple and 1st South Jeremy Thomas D, gardener, nw cor 6th West and South Temple Jeremy David, res ne cor 5th West and 2d North Jesher Thomas, plasterer, es llth East bet 3d and 4th South Jesher Geo (Jesher & Brady) ns North Temple bet 14th and 15tfc South Jesher Wm, laborer, es 7th East bet 2d and 3d South J.esher George, brickmaker, es 7th East bet 4th and 5th South Jessen A, civil engineer, ss South Temple bet 5th and 6th East Jewett Frederick, laborer, es 1st East bet 3d and 3d South Li. Goldberg- has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. I* City Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. f | MASON & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, BALUSTERS, NEWELL POSTS, MOULDINGS, LUMBER. LATH, RED AND WHITE SHINGLES, REDWOOD, LUMBER, GLASS, ETC, CEDAR POSTS, CALIFORNIA AND NATIVE FINISHING LUMBER. Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfac- tion guaranteed. MASON & CO. Yard, South Temple, Between First and Second West Streets, SALT LAKE CITY. C. ZFIIE^ST SOTJTIH: STIR.IEIET, & fe I Two doors East of Deseret Bank, I SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. lardy Bros. & Burton cany a fine stock of Boots It Shoes, Hats, Gaps It Clothing Best Team Harness made by W, L. Pickard, Salt Lake. N I *W Salt Lake City Directory. 117 Jewish Synagogue, nw cor 3d South and 1st West Jimson John, res es 3d East bet 3d and 3d South Johanson John, laborer, ss 4th South bet 11 th and 13th East Johannson Mrs S, widow, ws 3d East bet 3d and 3d South John David, mason, ss 3d South bet 9th and 10th East Johnson C W, harnessmaker, ws 9th East bet 3d and 3d South Johnson Elizabeth, widow, ws 9th East bet 2d and 3d South Johnson, Richard M, teamster, ws 9th East bet 3d and 3d South Johnson Maria A, widow, ns 4th South bet 6th and 7th East Johnson J S. mining, ss 2d South bet 6th and 7th East Johnson Mrs Carrie, es 4th East bet 1st and 3d South Johnson John, es 4th East bet 6th and 7th South Johnson Susan, widow, es 5th West bet 1st and 3d North Johnson Pete, engineer, ss 2d North bet 3d and 4th West Johnson Neils, organbuilder, es 3d West bet North Temple and 1st N Johnson A J, res es 3d East bet 3d and 3d South Johnson Daniel, laborer, ws 3d East bet 3d and 4th South Johnson James H, farmer es 3d East bet 7th arid 8th South Johnson Canute, laborer, ss South Temple bet 3d and 3d East Johnson Swen, laborer, ss 3d S^uth bet 2d and 3d East Johnson A J, shoemaker, ss South Temple bet 2d and 3d East Johnson Catherine, widow, es 1st East bet 1st and 3d South Johnson F M, mining, ws 1st East bet South Temple and 1st South Johnson John, grocer, ws Franklin ave bet 3d and 3d South Johnson Otto, laborer, ss South Temple bet 1st West and West Temple Johnson Samuel, carpenter, es 2d West 5th and 6th South Johnson Elizabeth, widow, ss South Temple bet 1st West and West T Johnson A M, agent, ss 3d South bet 1st and 2d West JonhsonJEliza, widow, ws 2d West bet 6th and 7th South Johnson L C, clerk, uw cor 3d West and 3d South Johnson Margaret W, widow, nw cor 3d West and 3d South Johnson Samuel, tailor, ns Wall bet Oak and Fir Johnson H D, res es Elm bet Wall and Prospect Johnson F L, builder, nw cor Maple and Wall Johnson Alfred, laborer, es 3d West bet 5th and 6th North Johnson Andrew S, clerk, ns 3d South bet 1st West and West Temple Johnson Joseph W, res ns 3d South bet 1st West and West Temple Johnston C J, mining, ws 6th East bet 1st and 3d South Jones Ephraim, bricklayer, ws 9th East bet 3d and 3d South Jones Hopkin, mason, es 9th East, bet 2d and 3d South Jones Thomas, mason, ss 3d South bet 8th and 9th East Jones Wm L, bookkeeper, se cor 8th East and South Temple Jones T C, brushmaker, ss 4th South bet 7th and 8th East Jones Wiley, laborer, ne cor 7th South and 7th East Jones T R, banker, es 5th East bet 1st South and South Temple L. Goldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L, City WALLIN'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Riders. G, F, CULMER & BRO'S SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. OVER 600 SIZES CONSTANTLY. IN STOCK, CONSISTING OF WINDOW GLASS. PLATE GLASS, PICTURE GLASS, ENAMELED GLASS, GROUND GLASS, STAINED GLASS, BENT GLASS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We invite opportunities to estimate on any size job from a hot bed to a Church or Cathedral for Glass alone, or for Glass glazing or painting. 22, 24, 28 and 3O First South Street, S-A.IDT Xj^IECIE CITY. Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full lino af General Merchandise Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. Li. Pickard, Salt Lake Salt Lake City Directory. 119 Jones Harwood, teamster, ss 1st South bet 6th and 7th East Jones Mary, widow, sw cor 6th West and 3d North Jones Elizabeth, widow, ns 1st North bet 6th and 7th West Jones Sarah A, widow, es Vine bet 1st North and Currant Jones John T, res se cor Maple and Bluff Jones Evan, laborer, ns 2d South bet 3d and 4th East Jones D R. clerk, res Wasatch Building Jones N V, assistant tax collector, nw cor 2d South and 2d West Jones Charles B, teamster, ns 2d South bet 4th and 5th West Jones Mary E, widow, ns 3d South bet 4th and 5th West Jones B, blacksmith, ns 5th East bet 1st South and South Temple Jones John R, laborer, ns 1st South bet 5th and 6th West Jones Frank, plasterer, ss South Temple bet 5th and 6th,West Jones Wm, plasterer, ss South Temple bet 5th and 6th West Jones George, laborer, ss 1st South bet 6th and 7th West Jones Thomas, res es 7th West bet 1st South and South Temple Jones Letitia, widow, ss 4th South bet 3d and 3d West Jones Jane, widow, ns 7th South bet 3d and 4th West Jones Owen G, laborer, ss 5th South bet 3d and 4th West Jones W H. carpenter, ns 3d South bet 3d and 4th West Jones Wm R, dyer, nw cor 3d South and 3d West Jones Wm, jeweler, ne cor 4th North and 6th West Jones Thomas G, farmer, es 6th West bet North and South Temple Jones T, mining, boards Valley House Jones Mark, engineer, ws 4th West bet 1st and 2d North Jones Marcus E, botanist, ss 5th South bet 1st West and West Temple Jonason S J , lawyer, ns 4th South bet East and West Temple Jordon T, boards Clift House Jorgenson F C, gunsmith, ns 6th South bet 4th and 5th West Jorkison Ooly, carpenter, ns 3d North bet 3d and 4th West Josephite Mission Chapel, ss 2d South bet 3d and 3d East Judges L W, clerk, ss 4th South bet 10th and llth East Judge John, res es 1st West bet 2d and 3d South Judson Benjamin, physician, ns 4th South bet 13th and 14th East Juiijklin Gabriel, laborer, ws 3d East bei 2d and 3d South Juvenile Instructor, ns South Temple bet 1st and 3d West K. Kahn Samuel (Kahn Bros) sw cor 6th South and East Temple Kahn Emanuel (Kahn Bros) sw cor 6th South and East Temple Kaighn M M, lawyer ss 5th South bet 1st and 2d East Kammeroth Pelentin, taiior, ns 7th South bet 7th and 8th East Karrick L C, mining, ss South Temple bet 6th and 7th East Katz Michael, carpenter, ss 3d North bet 1st and 3d West You can save 10 per cent by buying Clothing at L. Gal dberg's W. L. Pickard carries a full line of Trotting <& Racing Goods ~\ v TOMB STONES, m^^m^m^'^m MONUMENTS, ^X^' *1* F A I JT Y ^^r\ PLASTER CENTER PIECES ,i\\ outh bet 8th and 9th East Keddiiigton E W, widow, es 8th East bet 4th and 5th South Keddington Mary A, widow, es 8th East bet 4th and 5th South Keel' Cornelius, boards Clift House Keeler Clarance, tel operator, es West Temple bet 1st and 3d South Keets J P, paperhanger, ns 6th South bet 1st East and East Temple Keisler Frederick, sr, millwright, es 3d West bet North and South Tern Keisler Jacob, laborer, es 3d West bet North and South Temple Keisler Christian, ns South Temple bet 5th and 6th East Keissler E A, agricultural implements, ws W T bet 3-1 and 3d South Kelly John B, bookbinder, ws 1st West b^t 4th and 5th South Kelly John J, mason, ws 1st West bet 4th and 5th South Kelliker Catherine, widow, esSth East bet 3d and 3d South KELLOGG J K. commercial agt. es 1st East bet North and South Temp Kelly Wm B, res ss 5th South bet East and West Temple Kelly John, watchman, nw cor 1st South and 3d West Kelly A H, (Daniel Dunne & Co.) res es Centre bet Plum and Apricot Kelly Geo. B. (Kelly Bros.) res cor First West and 3d North Kelsey Geo (E B Kelsey & Co) ne cor Maple and High KELSEY ELI B, real estate agent, ws East Temple bet3d and 4th South Kelsey Lewis S, res ws 3d East bet 3d and 3d South Kelso A W, res ss 5th South bet 1st and 2(1 West Kelson J H, clerk, ss 31 South bet 8th and 9th East Kelson Wm, shoemaker, se cor 8th East and 2d South Kcmmerly Susanah, \\ idow, ws 7th East bet 6th and 7th South Kendall Mrs Emma, ss 1st South bet Istand 3d East Kendall Owen, boards White House Kendall Alfred F, res ss 3d South bet 6th and 7th East Kendall H, cook, ss 3d South bet 1st and 2d East Kendall James, carpenter, ss North Temple bet 8th and 7th West Kendrick Thomas, painter, ns 1st South bet 2d and 3d West Kenersly J H, carpenter, es Centre bet Pear and Peach Kenersly Henry, res ne cor Plum and Centre Kenersly Wm, nw oor Currant and Centre Kennedy Daniel, painter, ns 3d South bet 1st and2d East Kennelly James M, laborer, ns 6th South bet 5th and 6th East 5 Kenyer Thomas, res ss 3d South bet 3d and 3d East , ' L*. Goldberg* lias the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L. City 39 Nobby Riding Saddles & Bridles, W.L. Fickard, Salt Lake Salt Lake City Directory. 123 j ^ Kerr J W, stockman, ws 1st \Vest bet 3d and 3d South Kershaw S F, clerk, ws 9th East bet South Temple and 1st South Kershaw Alex, stonecutter, es West Temple bet 7th and 8th South Kersly Frederick, contractor, ns 7th South bet 1st West and West T Kessler, L, firema n, ws 3d West bet 1st and 3d North Ketchum L R, cattledealer. boards Valley llouso Keyser Ruth, widow, ws 3d East bet 4th and 5lh South Keyser Aaron, (Keyser & Moritz) ns 6th South bet 9th and 10th East Kiddle W W, cutter, es Quince bet Plum and Peach Kilburn Moroni, laborer, ss 2d North bet Oth and 7th West Killgore Jemima, widow, ss Centre bet Currant Apricot Kilpack George, res ws East Temple bet 7th and 8th South Kilpatrick Benjamin, brakesman, ws 3d West bet 1st and 2d North Kimball Christina B, widow, ns 1st North bet East Temple and 1st East Kimball Moroni, laborer ss North Temple bet East and West Temple Kimball Jeremiah, laborer, ss North Temple bet East and West Temple Kimball Preciiida, widow, ws 3d West bet 1st and 3d North Kimball Edgar V, dentist, es 13(h East bet fith and 7ih South Kimball F D, res nw cor l-5t South and 3d West Kimball Mrs M C, ws 3 1 West bet 1st and 31 South Kimball John IT, laborer, ss North Temple bet East Temple and 1st E Kimball Charles S, commercial agt, ws East Temple bet N T and 1st N Kimball H B, res es East Temple bet North Temple and l^t North Kimball AH, clerk, es East Temple bet North Temple and 1st North Kimball Hyrum. res es East Temple bet North Temple and 1st North Kimball Mary, widow, nwcor 1st West and 1st North King E J, blacksmith, ne cor 5th South and 4th East King C H, builder, ne cor 6th Fast and 3d South King Fdward. moulder, sw cor 2d So.ith and 3d West King John, reses 1st West bet 1st and 2d North Kingdom Elizabeth, widow, ws 4th West bet 3d and 4th North Kingdom Joseph W, laborer, ws 4th West bet 3d and 4th North Kingdom John, miller, sw cor 4th North and 4th West Kinghorn Alexander, engineer, es Cth East bet Gth and 7th South Kino H D, waiter, boards NVhite House Kingsbnry Joseph C, res se cor 3d East and 2d South Kingsbury Pi of J T, ss 2d South bet 3d and 4th East Kinsey Kuth, widow, es Fast Temple bet 7th and 8th South Kirby Win J, res ns oth South bet 5th and Oth East Kirk W, teamster, ns 1 ;th Fast bet North Temple and 1st North Kirk Samuel, laborer, ns 3d South bet 1st and 2d West Kirk Arthur H, plasterer, ws 1st West bet 7th and 8th South Kirkham Wm, carpenter, ns Cth South bet 1st Fast and East Temple Kirkman John, bookkeeper, ns 4th South bet 1? and llth East Kirkpati ick Moses, lawyer, ss 4th South bet East and West Temple Don't forget that Hardy Bros. & B'iricn hare a well selected stock of Dry Goo^s Henry Arthur's Boot and Shoe Uppers, W. L. Piclrard, Salt Lake City, Uta&. -A., Office: 27 Main Street. d J AGENT FOR SALT LAKE CITY FOR - o Anthracite and Pleasant Valley Coals H - AND - (JQ DQ Colorado BlacksmUhint/ C?al. W TELEPHONE CONNECTION. THE ANTHRACITE M T7*QTJALS in all respeets the best Pennsylvania Coals. This coal is P i the cheapest fuel in use. In ordinary stoves it will go twice as far, flj and in hard coal stoves three times as far as any soft coal. Never rjj slacks, and is absolutely free from soot, smoke, dust and dirt. 2 I n ordering, please state No. wanted. No. 1 adapted to furnace and large cannon stoves. No. 2, or Egg, for grates or ordinary heating stoves. ^ No. 3, or Stove, for ranges, cooking and small heating stoves. No. 4, or Nut, for Base Burners. No. 5, or Small Nut, same as No. 4. . ,of We are prepared to make to order all the popular QQ styles of SADDLE TREES, and at reasonable prices. 1 Will re-cover, or replace broken Horns. C"t* FRANK AGEAIR and JOE FISCHER. 2nd South Street, in alley back of City Stables. I & You can save 1O per cent by buying Clothing at L.Goldbwg'g Shoe Leather & Findings, "W. I* Piokard, Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Directory. 125 o O Kipple Phillip, res ns 1st North bet East Temple and 1st East Komish Wm, laborer, ns 4th South bet 1st West and West Temple Knapton W T, baker, es Gth West bet 1st South and South Temple Knecht Emil, laborer, es 9th East bet Gth and 7th South Kneusseii Mrs, widow, ns 3d South, bet 10th and llth East Knight Mrs E, ns North Tomple bet 13th and 14th Souh Knight John, wagoiimaker, ns 1st South bet 5th and Gth East Knight Charles, farmer, es 3d West bet 7th- and 8th South Knight R J, shoemaker, sw cor Spruce and High Knight Wm, shoemaker, ws Spruce bet Mountain and High Knight Joseph, laborer, es 3d West bet 3d and 4th North Knight Oswell, farmer, ns 4th South bet 4th and 5th West Knowles Charles S, gunsmith, ss 5th South bet 1st East and East T Kiiox Wm, carpenter, ss nth South bet 1st and 3d East Knuckleby Mrs Cerina, res ws 1st West bet North and South Temple Kunkle S, laborer, ws 13th East bet 1st South and South Temple Kunkle Frank, mason, ss 3d South bet 7th and 8th East L, Laddick Ruth, widow, es 2d West bet2d and 3d South Laidlaw Mary A, widow, ns 2d North bet llth and 13th East Lake Silas r, laborer, se cor 8th West and 2d North Laker Edward, gardener, ss 3d South bet 8th and 9th East Lamb Mars ilia, widow, ws Vine bet 1st .North and Currant Lambert C J, res ws 1st West bet 3d and 4th South Lambert George G, res ns 5th South bet 1st West and West Temple Lambourne Alfred, artist, ns High bet Elm and Maple Lambourne W R, se cor Prospect and Fir Lambourne Wm, (L & Son) es Fir bet Wall and Bluff Lambourne C A( L & Son) es Fir bet Wall and Bluff Lambourne George, tinsmith, swcor 3d West and 5th North Lamont Robert, laborer, es Gth West bet 1st South and South Temple Lampson A B, blacksmith sw cor North Temple and 1st West Lancaster Orson, laborer; ns 3d South bet 5th and Gth East Lancaster .Mary, widow, es 5th East bet Gth and 7th South Lander Wm, res ss 3d South bet East Temple and West Temple Lane P, laboror, bds White House Laney Hiram, res ns Gth South bet 8th and 9th East Laney Sarah A , widow, ns Gth South bet 8th and 9th East Laney G C. gardener, es 8th East bet 5th and 6th South L muth bet 2 1 and 31 East Lawpon James, blacksmith, ws 21 West bet North Temple and 1st N Leach James, farmer, sw cor 7th South and 5th East Leavitt John, ns South Temple bet 1st West and West Temple Lonvitt Julian, machinist, ns 1st North bet 5th and 6th West Le Baron Benjamin, painter, se cor 3d West and 1st South Ledell A, carpenter, ns Prospect bet Cherry and Beach > i L?e J II, cabinet maker, e.s 21 West bet 5th and 6th South s | Lee John, laborer, sw cor 3d North and 21 West o O Sardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & ftlorroccos ut Picfetirri's. 128 Salt Lake City Directory. c Leeker David W, butcher, ss 1st South bet nth and 7th East Lees James, bookkeeper, ns 3d South bet 5th and 6th East Lees John, res nw cor 5th West and 4th North Lees Josiah, teamster, ns 4th North bet 5th and 6th West Lees John, butcher, ws 5th West bet 3d and 4th North Leffler J M, miller, ws 9th East bet 8th and 9th South Leggett W, gardener, sslst North bet 8th and 9th East Leggett Elizabeth, widow, ss 1st North bet 8th and 9th East Leggett W,jr. gardener, ss 1st North bet 8th and 9th East Leinbar Emily, widow, es 2d East bet 2d and 3d South Leland H, cook, ns3d South bet 10th and llth East Lenham Thos, wood turner, ns 1st South bet 7th and 8th East Lennan J C, mining, es 1st West bet 1st and 21 South Lennell Henry, sr, laborer, ws 4th West bet 5th and 6th Lennell Henry, jr, moulder, ws4th We.%t bet 5th and 6th South Lenzi M, painter, ns 21 South bet 3d and 4th Fast Leonard James, waiter, ws 6th East bet 2d and 3d South Leonard Kev Delaren, ss 5th South bet 1st and 21 East Leslie Thomas, laborer, ss South Temple bet 1st West and W T Leslie Thomas, tanner, es 1st West bet North Temple and 1st North Levander Gustave, laborer, es 1st East bet 1st and 21 South Lever H S, bookkeeper, es 1st East bet 2i and 3d South Leveridge 11 S, laborer, es 1st East bet 5th and 6th South Leviberg Jacob, tobacconist, ns South Temple bet 1st and 21 East Levy Samuel, tobacconist, ns 3d South bet 1st West and W T Lewis Sarah, widow, se cor 3d South and 7th. East Lewis Thomas, plasterer, es Poplar Av b3t 6th arid 7th South lowis Frederick, machinist, ns 6th South bet 4th and 5th West Lewis W, res ns 2:1 South bet 6th and 7th West Lewis James S, shoemaker, ns 1st South bet 5th and 6th West Lewis Walter J, printer, ns South Temple bet 6th and 7th West Lewis S H, lawyer, ns 3d South bet East Temple and 1st East Lewis T P, boilermaker, ws 4th West bet 14 and 2d South Lewis John S, es Vine bet 1st North and Currant Lewis Catharine, widow, es Vine bet 1st North and Currant Lewis Harriet, widow, es Pine bet Fruit and Garden Lewis George, laborer, es 7th West bet North Temple and 1st North Lewis, Hannah, widow, es 7th West bet North Temple and lt North Lewis Mrs H A, res ws West Temple bet 21 and 3d South Lewis T B, teacher w.s Spruce bet Bluff and Wall Liberal Institute, es 2d East bet 1st and 2d South Lidridge John, operator, ss 2d South bet 3d and 4th East Liebes S, bds Walker Hous? Linfield Webster, merchant, es \Vest Temple bet 1st and 23 South Lingle J W, roofpaiuter, ss 1st South bet 4th and 5th East GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City, Cash paid for Hides, Wool and Furs, W., L. Picfcard, Salt Lake City, Utah. _ Salt Lake City Directory. 1 29 | g Lillianstorn Louisa, widow, ss North Temple bet 9th and 10th East Lindsay John G, laborer, es 4th East bet 4th and 5th South Lindsay John S, actor, ws 1st West bet South Temple and N T Lindsay L W, machinist, es 6th West bet North Temple and 1st North Lindsey Mrs Bethiah, sw cor Fruit and Beach Linehardt Godfrey, res se cor Walnut and Prospect Linn Carl, music-teacher, ns 1st South bet.lst West and West Temple Linnow A P, laborer, es Centre bet Pear and Cane Linquist Victor, laborer, es Walnut bet Bluff and Wall LINDSLEY DR E, physician, ss 3d South bet West Temple and E T Linsley N E, mining, es 3d East bet 1st and 2d South Linstron Christine, widow, se cor 5th Sonth and 5th East Lipman Morris, clothier, ns 5th South bet East Temple and W T Lippman Joseph, mangr Chronicle, 99 East Temple Lippman G, commercial agent, res ss 3d South bet 1st and 3d East Little Edward, merchant, es 7th East bet 1st South and South Temple Little Feramorz, res sw cor 1st South and 2d East Littie James, res sw cor 1st South and 3d East Little George, ss 6th South bet 1st and 3d East Little Mrs Emma H, res ss 3d South bet 1st and 3d West Little Thomas K, laborer, ss 3d South bet 1st and 3d West Littleford Seth, laborer, se cor South Temple and 7th West Littlewood Joseph, carpenter, es 5th West bet 1st and 3d North Littley George, laborer, ws 3d West bet 6th and 7th South Livingston Wm, laborer, ns 3d South bet 9th and 10th East Livingston Elizabeth, widow, se cor 8th East and 4th South Livingston Charles, es 7th East bet 1st and 3d South Livingston Thomas, laborer, ns Fruit bet Maple and Elm Livingston J C, res ne cor Fruit and Elm Livingston J C, jr. blacksmith, ne cor Fruit and Elm Livingston Mrs Annie, res ne cor Fruit and Elm Livingstone Morris, v e s es West Temple bet 3d and 4th South Livingstone N E, mining, es East Temple bet 7th and 8th South Ljormau Annet, widow, ss South Temple bet 1st West and W T Llwellyn H E, jaborer, sw cor 7th West and 3d North Lloyd F A, shoemaker, ns 1st South bet llth and 12th East Lloyd Thos, laborer, es llth East bet North Temple and 1st North Lloyd John P, res ws 9th East bet 3d and 4th South Lloyd John, shoemaker, ss South Temple bet 3d and 3d East Lloyd W T, painter, ns 1st South bet 4th and 5th West Lloyd W J, shoemaker, ns 1st South bet 4th and 5th West Lloyd John H, painter, ne cor 5th West and 1st South Lloyd W, laborer, es 5th West bet 1st and 2d South Locke J M, boards Walker House Loder E W, clerk, ss 4th South bet 4th and 5th East i *4 Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise 17 California Lasso Saddles, W. L. Piokard, Salt Lake City. 130 Salt Lake City Directory. Loder, ED, clerk, boards Valley House L ollin John, res ns 4th South bet 1st and 2d West Lomax J D, lawyer, ss 6th South bet East Temple and 1st East Long John, laborer, es 6th East bet 4th and 5th South Long Elizabeth S, widow, es 2d East bet 1st and 2d South Long Sophia, widow, es 2d East bet 1st and 2d South Long Wm, porter White House Londberg John C, carpenter ws 2d West bet 5th and 6th North Longmore Wm, tailor, ns South Temple bet 10th and llth East Lonnen Wm, nightwatchman, es 3d West bet North Temple and 1st N Loomis L V, mining, ss Currant bet Centre and Apricot Loslee Chas, ss 6th South bet 10th and llth East Love Henry* blacksmith, ns 4th South bet 4th and 5th West Love John, teamster, ss 4th South bet 4th and 5th West Love David, laborer, se cor 5th West and 4th South Love David, jr, fireman, es 4th West bet 5th and 6th South Lovendale Theodore, printer, es 7th West bet 1st and 2d South Lovendale NeUie, widow, ws 6th East bet 1st South and South Temple Loveridge Ledro, carpenter, ws 12th East bet 4th and 5th South Lovesy John, teamster, ss 3d South bet 7th and 8th East Lovesy Edmund, carpenter, es 6th East bet 3d and 4th South Lovett Mrs E S, res es 9th East bet 7th and 8th South Lovett Wm, res ss South Temple bet 5th and 6th East Low George A, wagondealer, se cor 1st South and 3d East Lowe Arthur J, clerk, ns 2d South bet 3d and 4th East Lowe James A, land agent, ns 3d South bet 3d and 4th East Lowe John, laborer, ns 5th North bet 1st and 2d West LOWELL JOHN W, manufacturer, ns 3d South bet 4th and 5th East Lowrey T A, carpenter, ss 4th South bet 2d and 3d West Lowrey Robert, carpenter, ss 3d South bet 1st West and West Temple Lucas J L, grocer, es 2d East bet 6th and 7th South Lucas J, butcher, nw cor Garden and Ash Lucas George, laborer, ns 2d South bet 3d and 4th East Luce Cheney, wheelwright, ns North Temple bet 7th and 8th West Lucy C A, barber, ne cor 1st West and 2d South Luff Harry, carpenter, ne cor Fir and Bluff Luff George T, carpenter, sw cor Wall and Oak Lufkin George W, farmer, nw cor 2d South and 4th West Luman A, cattledealer, boards Valley House Lundborg Annie, widow, es 1st East bet 1st and 2d South Lundgren Peter, teacher, sw cor 7th East and 1st South Lundgren John, res es 1st West bet 3d and 4th North Lundgren L, laborer, es 1st West bet 3d and 4th North Lunn H C, machinist, es 4th East bet 6th and 7th South Lunn John, laborer, ws 12th East bet 4th and 5th South L. GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City Shoemakers' Tools of all kinds, W. L. PicJcard, Salt Lake. 6 Salt Lake City Directory, 131 Lunquist U S, carpenter, es 3d East bet 4th and 5th South Lutz Frederick, res nw cor 5th West and 1st North Lyman C W (Utah Forwarding Co) ss 1st South bet 2d and 3d East Lynch W, gunsmith, es 2d East bet 6th and 7th South LYNCH J T, postmaster, ss 2d South bet 1st and 2d East Lynch Elizabeth R, widow, es 1st East bet 3d and 4th South Lynch Wm, stonecutter, ss 7th South bet East Temple and 1st East Lynch W F, porter Walker House LYNCH & COTTRELL, wagon & carriage dealers, 1st East bet 1st & 2d S Lyne Walter, broker, es 6th East bet 2d and 3d South Lyngberg Frederick, laborer, ss 1st South bet 6th and 7th East Lynn S J, res ws 4th East bet 1st South and South Temple Lyon Mathew T, laborer, es 10th East bet 6th and 7th South . Lyon T A, res 1st South bet 4th and 5th East Lyon J D, plasterer, ws 5th East bet 2d and 3d South Lyon Mary Ann, widow, es Oak bet Fruit and Garden Lyon John, tinsmith, ws Spruce bet Bluff and Garden Lyon John, res nw cor Garden arid Oak Lyon David, printer, nw cor Garden and Oak Lyon Wm, stonecutter, nw cor Garden and Oak Lyon Albert, farmer, ns 1st North bet 3d and 4th West M. Mackenzie David, clerk, nw cor 6th South and West Temple Mackintosh D J, agent, ns 1st South bet 2d and 3d East Mackintosh W W, clerk, ns 1st South bet 2d and 3d East Mackintosh T J, auditor Utah Central, ws Walnut bet Bluff & Garden Mackey S T, mining engineer, Clift Row ws West Temple bet 2d& 4th S Mackley Sarah, widow, ns South Temple bet 6th and 7th West Madison George, painter, 2d North bet llth and 12th East Madison P C, laborer, sw cor 6th South and 6th East Madson P W, furniture dealer, ns 3d South bet West Temple and E T Madsen J ouisa, widow, ns 1st South bet 1st West and West Temple Mad sen N P, clerk, ws 4th East bet 4th and 5th South Madsen P, laborer, ss 1st South bet West Temple and East Temple Mahoney Miss Abbie, ne cor West Temple and 4th South Maiben Henry, druggist, ws Canyon Road Mair Mary, widow, se cor 4th East and 5th South Makin W, teamster, ws West Temple bet 6th and 7th South Mallen F, es 4th East bet 2d and 3d South Mallen James E, policeman, ne cor 6th South and 8th East Mallen Samuel, builder, es 4th East bet 2d and 3d South Maltese Salvator, merchant, ss 3d South bet 3d and 4th East Manchli Linette, laborer, ns 3d South bet 9th and 10th East Call and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Handsome Double Buggy Harness at W. L. Fickard's. 132 Salt Lake City Directory. Manderson Louisa, widow, es 2d East bet 5th and 6th South Manning Thos, carpenter, es 9th East bet South Temple and 1st South Manning Harry, laborer, ss Prospect bet Spruce and Fir. MANNING JOHN, trunk manufacturer, ss 3d South bet E T and 1st E Mantripp James, laborer, es 9th East bet 1st and 2d South Man waring George, agent, ss 3d North bet 5th and 6th West Marcroft Hiram laborer, ws 1st West bet 7th and 8th South Marcroft Robert, laborer, ns 8th South bet 3d and 3d West Marcroft John, res ns 8th South bet 2d and 3d West MARGETTS P, liquordealer, ws 1st West bet South Temple and N T Margetts Phillip, jr, clerk, es 3d West bet 5th and 6th North Margetts R B, brewer, ns 3d North bet 3d and 3d West Margetts R M, brewer, ns 3d North bet 3d and 3d West MARRIER BROS, Palace Bath House, 105 and 107 Commercial Marrier Lewis (M Bros) es Commercial bet 1st and 3d South Marrier Clement, (M Bros) Commercial bet 1st and 2d South Mark J R, shoemaker, ws 3d East bet 4th and 5th South Mark Minnie, widow, ns 4th North bet 1st and 3d West Marks S R, res ss 3d South bet 1st and 3d West Marks A, general merchandise, ns 1st South bet West Temple and E T Marsden C T, drayman, ss 7th South bet 3d and 3d West Marsden James, drayman, ns 7th South bet 3d and 4th West Marsden Ellen, widow, es 7th West bet 1st and 3d North Marshall Dr S, res ns 6th South bet 3d and 3d East Marshall Thomas, (Marshall & Royle) ws 4th East bet 1st and 3d South Marshall J A, (Hall & M) res ws 1st East bet South Temple and 1st S Martin Andrew F, res sw cor Mountain and Elm Martin Lewis, mining, se cor Chestnut and Bluff Martin Thomas, tinner, ss 4th South bet 4th and 5th East Martin W S, (Palmer & M) sw cor Frankiin Ave and 3d South Martin John, boards R R Exchange Martin Abraham, clerk, es 3d East bet 3d and 4th South Martin Anthony, tinsmith, es 2d East bet 4th and 5th South Marthing W E, boards Clift House Marthini Chas, upholstere-, ws Com bet 1st and 3d South Maroden James, drayman, es 3d West bet 8th and 9th South Marvin John, tinner, es 9th East bet South Temple and 1st South Mason George, tanner, ns 2d North bet 1st West and Quince Masonic Hall, 143, East Temple Masonic Library, 143, East Temple Masters Joseph, laborer, ws 4th East bet 6th and 7th South Masters Elizabeth, widow, ss 7th South bet 3d and 4th East Matheney W D, mining, ss 3d South bet 5th and 6th East Mattison L B, agricultural implements, es 3d East bet 3d and 3d South Mather Miss Helen, dressmaker, ss 2d South bet East T and West T Li. Goldberg has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. Ii. City Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. i : -" Salt Lake City Directory. *33 M < Hi 1 o 4 Mather J S, mining, boards Valley House Mather John O, carpenter, es 3d West bet 3d and 4th South Matheson John, blacksmith, ss South Temple, bet 1st West and W T Mathison Hannah C, widow, ss 2d South, bet 8th and 9th East Mathews Elias G, pub. Commercial, ws W T, bet 3d and 4th South Mathews Richard, printer, ns North Temple, bet WT and 1st West Mathews Thomas, teamster, ss 1st North, bet 4th and 5th West Mathews Mrs Ruth, ws 3d West, bet 2d and 3d North Mathews Joseph, mason, ws 4th West, bet 3d and 3d North Mathews John, carriage painter, nw cor Cherry and Bluff Maxfield James, laborer, ns 7th South, bet 1st and 2d West Maxwell James, brickmaker, ns 3d North, bet 13th and 13th East Maxwell Wm, clerk, ws Locust, bet Fruit and Garden Maxwell J L, nurseryman, ns 5th South, bet 3d and 4th East Maxwell George R. lawyer, sw cor 3d East and 2d South May F J, butcher, ns Fruit, bet Spruce and Pine May John, res ws Spruce, bet Fruit and Garden May Frank (May & Gemmil) es Chestnut, bet Bluff and Garden Mayberry A, boards Clift House Maycock Thomas, farmer , ws 3d East, bet 6th and 7th South Maynes Joseph, clerk, sw cor Ash and Bluff Maynes J, widow, sw cor Ash and Bluff Maynes John, clerk, ns Garden, bet Locust and "Ash Meadows Charles, gardener, es 5th East, bet 3d and 4th South Meadows Isaac, teamster, ns North Temple, bet 6th and 7th West Meads Arthur, laborer, ss 6th South, bet 10th and llth East Meads Nathan, laborer, es 8th East, bet 3d and 3d South Meakin J P, agent, se cor 1st East and 6th South Medhurst Frank, agt French mining co. se cor S T and 5th East MEEARS GEO A, liquors, res ss 2d South, bet 2d and 3d East Meeks John, res nw cor 4th East and 3d South Mellon John, mason, ns 1st North, bet 4th and 5th West Mellon Joseph H, teamster, ne cor 5th West and 1st North Melquist Edwin, locksmith, ns 5th South, bet 3d and 3d East Mercantile Agency, R G Dunn A Co, Room 5, Deseret Bank building Meredith C B, teamster, es 4th East, bet 3d and 3d South Meredith O R, (Meredith Gallacher & Jones) res 3d W, bet N T & 1st N MERUILL M, saloon, res ns North Temple, bet West Temple and 1st W Merrill Margaret, widow, es 1st West, bet 1st and 2d North Merrill Fannie M, widow, es 1st West, bet 1st and 3d North Merwin A B, agent, ss 3d South, bet 1st West and West Temple Meserlu Jacob, ns 6th South, bet 10th and llth East Metcalf Mathew, laborer, ns 6th South, bet 9th and 10th East Methodist Episcopal Church, ns 3d South, bet 1st East and B T Michael Henry, laborer, ss 2d North, bet 8th and 9th West Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Best Team Harness made by W, L. Fickard, Salt Lake. 134 Salt Lake City Directory. __ I H i Michaelson James M. carpenter, ss 3d South, bet 6th and 7th East Michalson Rasmus, res ss 7th South, bet 3d and 4th East MICHAELIS EDWARD, Notary Public, Surveyor General's Office Microft Joseph, laborer, ss 8th South, bet 3d and 4th West Middlemus Jane, widow, se cor 5th South and 3d West Midgley J G, (Midgley & Son) res es 5th East, bet 3d,and 4th South Midgley Joshua, (Midgley & Son) es 5th East, bet 3d and 4th South Mikesell H W, stone mason, ns South Temple, bet 10th and llth East Mikesell A By-school teacher, ns South Temple, bet 10th and llth East Mikesell H A jr, laborer, ns South Temple, bet 10th and llth East Mikesell A W, carpenter, ns South Temple, bet 10th and llth East Milbert Melvin, res es 2d East, bet 4th and 5th South Miles O P, clerk, ss 3d South, bet 1st East and East Temple Millard Wm, shoemaker, ne cor Chestnut and Garden Millard H W. commission agent, ws West Temple, bet 3d and 2d South Millard Mariah, widow, es 3d East, bet 7th and 8th South Millard Charles, laborer, ns 1st South, bet 3d and 3d East Miller Robert P, blacksmith, ns 6th South, bet 8th and 9th East Miller J H, news dealer, ns 1st North, bet 9th and., 10th East Miller Ebenezer, carpenter, ns 3d South, bet 10th and llth East Miller Mrs Elizabeth, widow, ns 3d South, bet 9th and 10th East Miller A P, expressman, ns6th South, bet 9th and 10th East Miller Augusta, widow, ss North Temple, bet 10th and llth East Miller J C, sadler, es 5th East, bet 4th and 5th South Miller John, laborer, ne cor 6th South and 3d West Miller W C, mining, ss North Temple, bet 1st and 3d West Miller Wm, 80 First South Street Miller John F, (Davis, Howe & Co.) ws 1st West, bet 1st and 2d North Miller L B S, clerk, ws West Temple, bet 2d and 3d South Miller Eliza, widow, ns 3d South, bet 3d and 4th East Miller Rev G D B, ws 4th East, bet 1st South and South Temple Miller H M, agent, boards Continental Miller August, (Miller Bros) ns 1st South, bet East and West Temple Miller Alfred, (Miller BrosjTis 1st South, bet East Temple and W T Miller T, mining, ns 1st North, bet East Temple and 1st East Miller Frederick, laborer, ns 1st North, bet 4th and 5th West Miller Robert, baker, ne corner Mountain and Ash Miller John, gardener, ns Prospect, bet Elm and Oak Millett Mrs A E, widow, es 5th East, bet 1st and 3d South Milligan Joseph, laborer, ws Vine, bet 1st North and Currant ^ ! Millman Mrs Mary, res ss 4th South, bet 1st West and West Temple MILLS WM. GILL, Attorney-at-Law, ws 1st West, bet 4th ond 5th South c/) i Mills Wm, mason, ss 3d South, bet 9th and 10th East > Milner L J, laborer, ns 1st South, bet 6th and 7th West ; I Milner Francis, blacksmith, ns 1st South, bet 6th and 7th West I L. Goldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City WAULIN'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Riders Salt Lake City Directory. 135 Miner Willis, lawyer, ns 3d South, bet 1st West and West Temple Minkler Mary R, widow, iis South Temple, bet 4th and 5th West Mitchell Susan, widow, ns North Temple, bet 7th and 8th West Mitchell A, stone cutter, ns North Temple, bet 7th and 8th West Mitchell Mrs Catherine, ns North Temple, bet 7th and 8th West Mitchell Brigham, laborer, ns North Temple, bet 7th and 8th West Mitchell Frederick, blacksmith, ws 7th West, bet N T and 1st North Mitchell Zadick C, stone cutter, sw cor 7th West and 3d North Mitchell F A, sec Home Coal Co. ws llth East, bet 1st and 3d South Mitchell Mrs Sarah, widow, ss 1st South, bet 10th and llth East Mitchell Elizabeth B, widow, ss 7th South, bet 7th and 8th East Mitchell Brigham H, blacksmith, ss 7th South, bet 7th and 8th East Mitchell Ezekiah, tinner ss 7th South, bet 7th and 8th East Moody Margaret, widow, ns 1st South, bet 3d and 3d East Moore Thomas, hackman, sw cor 1st South and 4th West Moore J W, res es 3d West, bet North Temple and South Temple Moore Geo W, harness maker, ws East Temple, bet N T and 1st North Moore Wm, shoemaker, ss North Temple, bet 10th and llth East Moore Lewis, res ss Oth South, bet 4th and 5th East Moore John, brick maker, ss 4th North, bet 4th and 5th West Moore C H, mining, ws 4th East, bet 2d and 3d South Moore C, residence, ss 1st South, bet West Temple arid East Temple Moore P J, laborer, ws 2d East, bet 1st and 2d South Moran Emma, widow, ss Prospect, bet Beach and Cherry Morf Annie, widow, ns Wall, bet Locust and Maple Morgan J M, res es 1st West, bet 1st and 3d South Morgan Thomas, laborer, ws 5th West, bet 1st and 2d South Morgan Mary, widow, ns 3d South, bet 6th and 7th West Morgan J R, clerk, ss 3d South, bet 3d and 4th West Morgan F W, manufacturer, ss 3d South, bet 3d and 4th West Morgan Robt J, laborer, ns 2d South, bet 4th and 5th East Morgan John, nw cor Prospect and Beach Morgan Evan, laborer, nw cor Prospect and Beach Morgan D J, plasterer, ns 3d North, bet 1st and 2d West Morganson James, shoemaker, es 4th East, bet 5th and 6th South Moriarty John, telegraph operator, boards White House Moritz M, expressman, ss 3d South, bet West Temple and East Temple Morley Harley, teamster, ne cor 5th West and 3d North Morris Ann, widow, es 9th East, bet 3d and 3d South Morris Mrs L, widow, ss 4th South, bet 9th and 10th East Morris Thomas, res ns 3d South, bet Oth and 10th East Morris Mrs C, widow, ss 3d South, bet 9th and 10th East Morris Robt, gardener, es 10th East, bet 2d and 3d South Morris David, laborer, ws llth East, bet 3d and 3d South Morris Elizabeth, widow, ns 4th South, bet 6th and 7th East Son't forget that Hardy Bros- & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Goods Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake. !> h IB 136 Salt Lake City Directory. < \ Morris Isador, res ns 2d South, bet 4th and 5th East Morris Elias, mason, ws 3d West, bet 3d and 3d South Morris Hugh C, plasterer, ws 5th West, bet South Temple and N T Morris K P, cashier U C, nw cor 7th West and 1st North Morris Thomas, stone cutter, se cor 7th West and 1st North Morris Mrs H C, es Quince, bet Plum and Currant Morris Edward, clerk, es 1st West, bet 4th and 5th North Morris Joseph, (Morris Bros.) ss 2d South, bet 2d and 3d East Morris George, mason, se cor 1st West and 3d North Morris George, laborer, ss 5th South, bet 1st and 2d East Morris Lavinia, widow, se cor North Temple and 8th West Morris Mrs Sophia, ss South Temple, bet 1st West and West Temple Morris T C, painter, ss 1st South, bet 4th and 5th West Morris Nancy, widow, ss 1st South, bet 4th and 5th West Morrisey M, laborer, ws 4th West bet 4th and 5th South Morrison Charles, res ss 7th South, bet East Temple and 1st East Morrow Wm, painter, se cor Plum and Quince Morse W C, painter, ss 3d South, bet 1st and 2d West Morse Chas, laborer, ws 10th East, bet South Temple and 1st South Mortison L C, engineer, ns 3d South, bet 1st East and East Temple Mortison John P, plasterer, ns 5th South, bet 2d and 3d East Mortinson Martin, laborer, ss 3d South, bet 1st and 3d East Mosier George, butcher, ss 1st South, bet 5th and 6th West Morton C, laborer, es 1st West, bet 4th and 5th South Morton E B, res Wasatch Building Morton T F H, farmer, se cor 7th South and 3d East Morton W B, laborer, ss 4th South, bet 1st West and West Temple Moss Joseph, sadler, ns 4th South, bet 9th and 10th East Moss W J, harness maker, es 9th East, bet South Temple and 1st South Moss Thomas, harness maker, es 10th East, bet South Temple and N T Moulton Mrs Annie, res 1st East, bet 6th and 7th South \ j. Mountford John, boiler maker, ss 3d South, bet 4th and 5th West Moyle James, stone cutter, ne cor 1st South and 5th West Moyle Mrs Elizabeth, ws 5th West, bet 1st and 3d South i *^ Muir John, res ns 5th South, bet 4th and 5th East QQ ? p. Q Q F O Muir Thomas, laborer, ne corner Garden and Maple -- Mulhall Robert, nw corner South Temple and Ash Mulhall Wm, bookkeeper, ns 2d South, bet 4th and 5th East Mulhall Charles, cabinet maker, ws 1st West, bet 4th and 5th North Mulheim Henry, res ns 6ih South, bet East Temple and West Temple Mulholland David, carpenter, ne cor 7th East and 1st South Mulholland Anna, widow, ne corner Beach and Wall Mulkay Wm, laborer, es 7th East, bet 4th and 5th South Mulloy T F, (Paul & Mulloy) ws 1st East, bet 3d and 4th South Mumford E T, carpenter, nw cor Bluff and Pine Rf F QQ You can save lOper cent by buying Clothing at L.Goldbtrg'e Cash paid for Hides, Wool and Furs, W, L. Pickard, Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake City Directory. 137 Munson H, musician, ns 3d South, bet 3d and 4th East Murisoii Frederick I, agent, ns 3d South, bet 3d and 4th East Murdock D L, clt-rk, es 3d East, bet 6th and 7th South Murphy Dr J J, res sw cor Oak jrid Mountain Murphy J D. laborer, es 8th East, bet 1st South and South Tempie Murphy Edmund H, (Auer & Murphy) ns 1st South, bet 4th and 5th East Murphy Brigham, laborer, es 1st West, bet 7th and 8th South Murphy Elizabeth, widow, ns 8th South Murray Eli H, Governor, ws West Temple, bet 4th and 5th South Murray M K, head waiter, Walker House Murrell Dr J A, ns South Temple, bet 1st and 3d West MUSEUM, John Tadnnm, manager, ss South Temple, bet ET and W T Musser A M, clerk, ns 7th South, bet 7th and 8th East Musser A M, res ss 5th South, bet 3d and 3d East Mounteer James, res ss 1st North, bet llth and 13th East Muzzell John, laborer, ns 5th South, bet 5th and 6th East Myer T A, salesman, ns 2d South, bet 9th and 10th East Myer Christian, tailor, ne corner High and Pine Myers Charles, laborer, es 1st East, bet 3d and 3d South Myers Mrs Ann, res se cor 4th South and 4th East a McAllister Alvira M. widow, ns South Temple, bet 6th and 7th West gj$ McAllister John, civil engineer, ns 5th South, bet 3d and 3d East ; ^ McAllister Ellen H, res se cor 3d East and 6th South McAllister D M, bookkeeper, ns Centre, bet Currant and Apricot McArthur Heman, mason, ss 2d South, bet 3d and 3d East | g McBride John, lawyer, es 1st West, bet 2d and 3d South McCallister M H, ticket agent U C, ns North Temple, bet 4th & 5th West McCardell Henry, laborer, ss 3d South, bet 3d and 4th West McCarl James, res es 5th West, bet North Temple and 1st North McClary Win, shoemaker, ns High, bet Spruce and Pine C McClellaii Mrs Ellen, ss 4th South, bet 1st West and West Temple McClellan Edward, res ss 7th South, bet 2d and 3d East McComber w'c, res ss 1st South, bet 2d and od West McComsey Smith, sw cor 4th West and North Temple McConnell John, mining, ss 3d South, bet 1st and 3d West McConnell George, res ss 6th South, bet 3d and 3d East McConnell F R, agent U P R R, ss 1st South, bet 5th and 6th East McConnell G, machinist, ns 1st South, bet 2d and 3d West McConiiolly H B, res Wasatch building McCord James, laborer, es 9th East, bet South Temple and 1st South McCorkindale Hugh, mining, es Pine, bet Bluff' and Wall | f McCornick W S, banker, ws 1st East, bet 3d and 3d South ' . McCoy Hezekiah, res ss 6th South, bet East Temple and 1st East ; ft McCray Alexander, tailor, ns 3d South, bet 6th and 7th East ; ^ McCray John, blacksmith, ws West Temple, bet N T and 1st North Z Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise California Lasso Saddles, W. L. Piokard, Salt Lake City. 138 Salt Lake City Directory. McCrea W, res ns 3d South, bet 2d and 3d East McCullough John, laborer, nw cor Fruit and Maple McCurdy W N, laborer, ns 4th South, bet East and West Temple McCurdy Solomon, lawyer, ws 4th East, bet '3d and 4th South McDonald H, plasterer, ns South Temple, bet 7th and 8th West McEvers Wm B, carpenter, nw cor Pine and Garden McEwan Thomas'laborer. ws 3d West, bet 4th and 5th South McEwan Henry, printer, ns 3d South, bet 3d and 4th East McEwan R C, printer, ns 6th South, bet 3d and 4th West McEwan H H, clerk, ns Bluff, bet Chestnut and Walnut McEwan R, printer, ss 1st South, bet West Temple and East Temple McFarland Andrew, tailor, sw corner Garden and Locust McGowan Elizabeth, widow, ns 1st North, bet 10th and llth East McGraw C, es Franklin Ave, bet 3d and 3d South McGregor' Wm, stone cutter, se cor 8th South and 4th East McGregor Mack, laborer, se cor 8th West and 1st North McGregor J, mining, boards Continental McGuffie Fames, res ns 3d South, bet 4th and 5th East Mclntire Violet S. widow, es West Temple, bet 1st and 2d South Mclntosh R, mining, es West Temple, bet 3d and 4th South Mclntyre Thomas, clerk, sw corner Fruit and Locust Mcllhenny Dr S S, ss 3d South, bet East Temple and West Temple McKay Samuel, aviarist, ns 3d South, bet 10th and llth East McKay Robert, weaver, ns 2d South, bet 10th and llth East McKay Wm, lawyer, ns 3d South, bet 5th and 6th East McKean Henry, tailor, ns 3d South, bet 1st and 2d East McKeaii Mrs Elizabeth, ws 4th West, bet 1st and 2d North McKean Theodore, sheriff, sw corner 4th West and 1st North McKee Frank E, ss 3d South, bet 1st and 3d East McKendrick David, shoemaker, es 1st East, bet 5th and 6th South McKimmins Mark, liveryman, ns 3d South, bet East and West Temple McKissney Hugh, ss 3d South, bet 7th and 8th East McKnight James, lawyer, ns 3d South, bet 9th and 10th East McLaughlin r m, carpenter, ws West Temple, bet 4th and 5th South McLaughlin E, mining, ss North Temple, bet 3d and 3d West McLean G A. engineer, es 9th East, bet 3d and 4th South McLean Ann, widow, ws 5th East, bet 1st South and South Temple McMahon P J, laborer, ws 13th East, bet North Temple and 1st North McMaster Wm A, jr. street car driver, ws 9th East, bet S T and 1st South McMaster W A, grocer, ws 9th East, bet South Temple and 1st South McMaster H, Register Land Office, ss 1st South, bet 5th and Oth East McMicken James, cattle dealer, boards Valley House McMillan H G, clerk 3d District Court, ws 3d East, bet S T & 1st South McMillan Rev D J, ns South Temple, bet 6th and 7th East McMillan J D. boards Clift House | St -7 GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City Shoemakers 9 Tools of all kinds, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake. Salt Lake City Directory. 1 39 McMurrin Jason sr, res nw cor 6th South and 1st East McMurrin Mrs Janet E, ns 6th South, bet 1st East and East Temple McMurrin Joseph, res ss 6th South, bet East Temple and 1st East McNeice Rev U G. res ns 3d South, bet 2d and 3d Fast McTierney James, ws West Temple, bet 1st and 2d South McVeigh Frank, res ss 5th South, bet 1st and 2d East McVicker John, assay er, ws 3d East, bet South Temple and 1st South McQueen Wm, res es 4th East, bet 2d and 3d South N. Napper John, bookkeeper, ns Wall, bet Fir and Spruce Nash John, tailor, ss North Temple, bet 2d and 3d West NATHAN S J, clothier, boards White House Naylor Charles, bricklayer, ws 6th East, bet 3d and 3d South Nay lor George, blacksmith, ns 3d South, bet 3d and 4th East Naylor Alice, widow, ws 3d East, bet 1st and 2d South Naylor W, wagon maker, nw corner 3d South and 3d .East Naylor George, hackman, ws 3d East, bet 1st and 2d South Nebeker George, farmer, se cor 3d North and 4th West Nebeker Marian L, res es 4th West, bet 2d and 3d North Nebeker John, farmer, ns 2d North, bet 3d and 4th West Nebeker John L, laborer, ws 4th West, bet 4th and 5th North Neder Phillip, res nw cor 3d East and 7th South Needham E, es 3d East, bet 4th and 5th South Needham Arthur A, ss 5th South, bet 1st and 2d East Needham John, grocer, es 1st East, bet 3d and 4th South Neodham Mrs E, ws 1st West, bet 5th and 6th South Needham Mary A, widow, ns 4th North, bet 5th and 6th West Needham Jarnes, clerk, ws West Temple, bet 6th and 7th South Needham Thomas, res ws West Temple, bet 6th and 7th South Needham Geo J, clerk U P R R, ns 6th South, bet W T and 1st West Needham James, clerk, es West Temple, bet 3d and 4th South Needham Wm A, es West Temple, bet 3d and 4th South Needham Alice, widow, es West Temple, bet 3d and 4th South Neil George, laborer, ss 2d South, bet 1st and 3d East Neil Win C, manufacturer, es Centre, bet Pear and Cane Neil Cyrus, laborer, ws 2d West, bet North Temple and 1st North Neil Mary M, widow, ss 1st North, bet 1st West and West Temple Neilson Annie J, widow, ws West Temple, bet 1st and 3d North Neilson John R, shoemaker, ws 3d East, bet 3d and 4th South Neilson John, laborer, ws 3d East, bet 3d and 4th South Neilson Johanna, widow, ws 3d East, bet 4th and 5th South Neilson F C, plumber, ws 5th East, bet 8th and 9th South Neilson H P, laborer, ws Vine, bet 1st North and Currant Neilson P A, laborer, ws Vine, bet 1st North and Currant Call and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Handsome Double Buggy Harness at W. L. Fickard's. 140 Salt Lake City Directory. Neldon W H, res ws 1st East, bet 2d and 3d South Nelen R F, clerk, ns Bluff', bet Spruce and Pine Nelson L J, grocer, ss 5th South, bet 3d and 4th East Nelson Wm, editor, ss3d South, bet East Temple and West Temple Nellis R H, carpenter, ss South Temple, bet 3d and 3d East Nesbitt H W, clerk, ns Garden, bet Chestnut and Pine Nesbitt Wm H, res ne corner Bluff and Oak Nesbitt H W, clerk, es 4th East, bet 5th and 6th South Neslen Wm F, clerk, ns Garden, bet Pine and Spruce Neslen Samuel, carpenter, ws Pine, bet Bluff and Garden Nesmith Andrew, moulder, ws 4th West, bet North Temple & 1st North Ness John , shoemaker, ss 4th South, bet 9th and 10th East NEVADA RESTAURANT, S Brisacher & Co. prop's, es E T bet 2 & 3 S Nevy Samuel, upholsterer, nw cor Bluff and Beach Nevy S P, clerk, sw corner Bluff and Locust Newall James, baggage master, ss 5th South, bet 4th and 5th East Newbold Joseph, laborer, ns 3d North, bet 9th and 10th East Newland George, nw corner West Temple and 4th South NEWMAN & REED, 76 Saloon, 72 1st South Street Newman Elizabeth, widow, ss 5th South, bet 1st West and West Temple Newman Stephen J, carpenter, es 5th West, bet South Temple & N T Newman Mary A, widow, ns North Temple, bet 6th and-7th West Newman W J, clerk, ns North Temple, bet 6th and 7th West Newman Stephen A, (Newman & Reed) ss 1st South, bet 1st East A E T Newson W G, pressman, ss 2d South, bet 7th and 8th East Newson W D, painter, nw cor 9th East and 3d South Newson Charles, res 3d North, bet llth and 13th East Newton James, gardener, ws 7th East, bet 3d and 4th South Newton H R, teamster, ws 7th East, bet 3d and 4th South Newton Dr S E, ns 3d South, bet 1st and 3d East Newton John, carpenter, es 2d West, bet 3d and 4th North Newton Samuel, mason, nw cor 5th North and 1st West Neyer James, cutter, es 2d East, bet 3d and 3d South Nichols Henry, builder, ns 1st South, bet 2d and 3d West Nicholson D F, bookkeeper, ss 2d South, bet 3d and 3d East Nicholson John jr, res ss Prospect, bet Walnut and Chestnut Nicholson John sr, res ss Prospect, bet Walnut and Chestnut Nicholls J R, mining, se cor North Temple and 3d West Nicholls John, cook, ss 4th South, bet 5th and 6th East Nicholls Joseph, shoemaker, es 5th Kast, bet 5th and 6th South Nichrist August, shoemaker, es 6th East, bet 6th and 7th South Niece E R, bookkeeper, es 3d East, bet 1st and 3d South Nighbower A, res es 3d East, bet 3d and 3d South Nineteenth Ward School, sw cor 2d West and 4th North S j Ninth Ward School, sw cor 4th South and 5th East ! L. Goldberg- has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L*. City Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. W *J Salt Lake City Directory. 141 Vest, bet North Temple and 1st North Parry Edward, clerk, es 7th West, bet North Temple and 1st North PARSONS THOMAS, Soda Water Works, Commercial Street Parsons A, clerk, ss 3d North, bet 3d and 4th West Parsons John H, carpenter, ss 3d South, bet 7th and 8th East Jon't forget that Hardy Bros. & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Goods Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, VV. JL. Pickard, Salt Lake. |s I 144 Salt Lake City Directory. Parsons M K, land attorney, ns 3d South, bet 5t?I and 6th East Partoii F J. mason, ss 4th South, bet llth and 12th East Pascoe F A, (Pascoe A Son) ns 2d North, bet 1st West and Quince Pascoe F J P, mining, ns North Temple, bet 1st and 3d West Paten K T, res 1st North, bet 1st and 3d West Patterson S A, res 3d South, bet 1st and 3d West Patrick Robert, res ws Chestnut, bet Bluff and Wall Patten Henry, harness maker, ss gd Korth, bet Vine and 1st West Patterson Ftobert, res ns 1st South, bet 7th and 8th East Patterson S, ss 3d South, bet 3d and 3d West Patton T C, grocer, ns 1st South, bet 1st and 3d East Paul James P, carpenter, es 9th East, bet 6th and 7th South Paul Adam M, mining, es 3d East, bet 3d and 4th South Paul vVm, architect, nw corner Garden and Locust Paul Wm, jr, architect, es 1st East, bet North and South Temple Paul gamuel, (Paul & Mulloy) ns 3d South, bet 5th and 6th East Paxman Mrs Susan, ss 1st South, bet 1st West and West Temple Payne Wm, res Donelson House Payne Mrs Harriet, ss 5th South, bet 1st West and West Temple Payne James, merchant, ss South Temple, bet 5th and 6th East Peacock James, laborer, svv cor High and Oak Peck K K, boards Clift House Peck Joseph A, blacksmith, ns North Temple, bet 1st and 2d South Pendergrast M S, boards Walker House Pendleton A J, blacksmith, ns 6th South, bet 4th and 5th East Pendleton Abraham, res ns 6th South, bet 4th and 5th East Pendleton A M, blacksmith, ns 6th South, bet 4th and 5th East Penrose C W, editor Deseret News, ws 9th East, bet 2d and 3d North Perkes Henry, res sw cor 7th East and South Temple Perkes Wm H, bookkeeper, es Centre, bet Plum and Apricot Perkins Levi, clerk, ss 4th North, bet 4th and 5th West Perkins W L. mason, ns 4th North, bet 4th and 5th West Perkins John, laborer, ss North Temple, bet 4th and 5th West Perkins G W, laborer, ns 1st North, bet 1st West and West Temple Perry James, mason, es Poplar Ave, bet 6th and 7th South Perry Ann, widow, ws 4th West, bet 4th and 5th North Perry George H, boiler maker, se cor 1st North and 5lh West Peterdam James, res ss 7th South, bet East Temple and West Temple Peters Frederick, broom maker, ne corner Mountain and Fir Peters J J), res es W T est Temple, bet 1st and 2d North Petersen Ole B, laborer, ns 1st South, bet 3d and 3d East Petersen A, music teacher, es Franklin Ave, bet 3d and 3d South Petersen E J, merchant, ss 2d South, bet 1st and 2d East Petersen Carl, res 7th South, bet East Temple and 1st East Petersen Swen, tailor, ws Pine, bet Wall and Prospect You can save lOpvr cent by buying Cloihiity at L. Goldberg 9 ? SJioem alters 9 Tools of all 7fiiids, W~ 7>- PicL'asd, S Peterson A, tailor, nw cor Elm and Wall I *. Peterson Samuel, farmer, ws 4th East, bet 7th and 8th South Peterson Andrew, carpenter, es 3d West, bet North Temple and 1st North | 22 Pettigrew Wm, harness maker, ws 8th East, bet 5th and 6th South Pettigrew J K, commissioner, boards Continental Pettit O H, clerk, ne cor 4th South and 5th East Pettit Brower, farmer, es 4th West, bet 1st and 2d South Petty John G, laborer, ss 2d South, bet 6th and 7th East Petty Charlotte E, widow, ss 3d South, bet 6th and 7th East Pettit Edward I, gardener, ss 3d South, bet 6th and 7th East Phelps Henry, commission merchant, ws WT, bet 1st South and S T Phelps Polly, widow, se cor 2d West and 2d North Phippen S S, mining, es 6th East, bet 2d and 3d South Phillips A. J, mining, ws Qih East, bet 1st South and South Temple Phillips Evan, laborer, ns 8th South, bet 4th and 5th East Phillips Levi, plumping, es 5th East, bet 4th and 5th South Phillips Wm J, shoemaker, es 5th East, bet 4th and 5th South Phillips John G, ns 4th South, bet 1st and 3d East Phillips, M C, tobacconist, ss 3d South, bet 1st and 2d East Phillips Samuel, boards Clift House Phillips T) M, laborer, ns North Temple, bet 4th and 5th North Phillips W G, policeman, ne corner Bluff and Elm Phillips Wm, engineer, ss High, bet Elm and Maple E* Phillips Samuel, res Donelsoti House Phillips James, teamster, ws 5th West, bet North and South Temple Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Mcrcham1 : a< 19 Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroccos at PieUard's. 146 Salt Lake City Directory. ' Phillips Skidmore, widow, ns 3d South, bet 3d and 4th East Philps Parah, widow, ws 1st West, bet 4th and 5th North Phippen J W, harness maker, ns South Temple, bet 4th nd 5th West Pickard W L, harness maker, ne cor 3d South and 3d West Pickering Arthur, res es 7th East, bet 2d and 3d South Pickering Sarah, widow, ss 6th South, bet 2d and 3d East Pickering Willard, nw cor Beach and Wall Pickering Henry, laborer, ws 3d West, bet 3d and 4th South Pickett Catharine, widow, ns 6th South, bet 2d an 1 3d East Pickett Frank, bookkeeper, ws 2d West, bet 1st arid 2d South Picking David, laborer, es 1st West, bet North Temple and 1st North Pickle Thomas, plasterer, ss 4th South, bet 3d and 3d West Picknell Urban, farmer, es East Temple, bet 6th and 7th South Pickrienn Elizabeth, widow, ss North Temple, bet 14th and 15th East Pierce Joseph W, gardener, ss 6th South, bet 9th and 10th East Pierce Isaac R, mason, sw cor 9th East and 5th South Pierce Charles, tinner, es 4th East, bet 4th and 5th South Pierce John, farmer, ne corner 7th South and West Temple Pierce Moroni, laborer, es West Temple, bet 6th and 7th South Pierce Asby, ws 1st East, bet 2d and 3d South Pierce John, res ws Franklin Ave, bet 3d and 3d South Pierce Susannah, widow, ws 3d West, bet oth and 6th North Pierce G M, stationer, ss East Temple, bet 5th and 6th South Piercy Jacob, stonecutter, es 2d East, bet 6th and 7th South Pierpont Thomas, sr, machinist, es 3d West, bet N T and 1st North Pierpont James, machinist, es 3d West, bet N T and 1st North Pierpont Thomas, supt machine shop, ss 1st South, bet 2d and 3d West Pierpont John, machinist, ws 3d West, bet 3d and 3d South Pierson W J, res ss 4th South, bet 7th and 8th East Pierson Henry, engineer, ns 4th South, bet 7th and 8th East Pierson Thomas K, cutler, ns 4th South, bet 7th and 8th East Piersoii Olivar, bh cksmith,ws7th East, bet South Temple and 1st South Pierson Wm, hosiery, es 2-1 West, bet 3d and 4th North Pierson J, tinner, ss 4th North, bet 1st and 2d West Pike John L, (Naylor & Pike) ss Centre, bet Currant and Apricot Pike John vV, printer, ne corner 3d North and 1st West Pillock W, merchant, sw cor 4th South ani 9th East Pinney Wrn, carpenter, es 2d West, bet 4th and 5th North P.tt R C, yard master U C, ns North Temple, bet 1st West and W T Pitt W H, laborer, ns 1st North, bet 5th and 6th West Pitts W H, (Godbe, Pitts & Co) es E T, bet 5th and 6th South Pitts Thomas, brick maker, ns 7th South, bet 4th and 5th West Pitts Joseph, contractor, ss 5th South, bet 3d and 4th West Pitts Edward, es 4th West, bet 3d and 4th South Pitts Wm, ve ternary surgeon, ws 4th West, bet 4th and 5th South L. GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City Henry Arthur's Boot and Shoe Uppers, W. L. Picliard, Salt Late City, U;aa t Salt Lake City Directory. 147 , t Pitts B jr, res se cor 1st West and 3d S >uth Plant Joseph, pedler, ws 2d East, bet 5th and Oth South Platt Francis, harness maker, ws 3d East, bet 1st and 2d South Platts P, mason, es Quince, bet Plum and Curraut Platts John, mason, es Quince, bet Plum and Currant Platts Charles, plumber, es Quince, bet Plum and Currant Platts George, butcher, es Quince, bet Plum and Currant Platts Orson, mason, es 1st West, bet 'Id and 3d North Player Charles W jr, carpenter, ss 4th North, bet 5th and 6th West Player Mary, widow, es 1st West, bet North Temple and 1st North Player Nancy, widow, ws 5th West, bet 1st and 2d North Player Wm W, stone cutter, ss 2d North, bet 6th and 7th West Player C W, stone cutter, ns 2d North, bet 7th and 8th West Player Joseph, laborer, ws 5th West, bet 4th and 5th North Podlech August, prop'r White House Poll F 11, carpenter, ns 4th South, bet 9th and 10th East Poll W F, butcher, ns 4ih South, bet 8th and 9th East Pollard Joseph, carpenter, ws 6th West, bet South Temple riage maker, se corner Prospect and Spruce Pynchon J H, auditor Utah Central, boards Walker House Pyper Mrs J T, widow, us 6th South, bet llth and 21 ih East Pyper Robert, janitor city prison, ws 12th East, bet 5th and 6th South Pyper James M, clerk, ws 9th East, bet 2d and 3d South Pyper Christiana D, widow, es 4th East, bet 1st South and S T L. Goldberg- has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L,. City Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. j I Salt Lake City Directory. 149 2 o Quipps Elizabeth, widow, es 6th West, bet 1st and 2d North Quinn George, wood carver, ss Fruit, bet Ash and Beach Quail John, res ss 4th South, bet 1st and 2d West R. Rabton W, clerk, ss 3d South, bet 1st West and West Temple Raddon Harry, painter, ws 2d East, bet South Temple and 1st South Raddon Thomas, laborer, sw cor Mountain and Oak RalFael Morris, laborer, es llth East, bet 3d and 4th South Raffle Thomas, stone cutter, ws 8th East, bet 1st and 2d South Kager Prof Wm, ws 1st West, bet South Temple and 1st South Ramsey John, laborer, ws 2d East, bet 6th and 7th South Ramsey A, commissioner, boards Continental Ramsden Peter, laborer, ws East Temple, bet 7th and 8th South Randall Mrs M E, teacher, ns 1st South, bet 1st West and West Temple Randall Jarnes, pedler, ss 7th South, bet 2d and 3d West Randall B Y, baker, ss Fruit, bet Elm and Maple Raads Hyrum, laborer, es Maple, bet Wall and Prospect Rands George, gardener, ss 7th South, bet 1st and 2d West Rankin Alexander, laborer, es 2d West, bet 1st and 2d North Ilansohoff N S, res.ss 5ih South, bet East Temple and West Temple Ransohoff S, res ss 5th South, bet East Temple and West Temple Ransom Alfred, es 6th West, bet South Temple and Nortn Temple Raiitz Samuel, laborer, ns 4th South, bet 6th and 7th East Rasmussen Neil, laborer, es 9th East, bet 2d and 3d South Rasmussen Peter, laborer, ns 3d South, bet 9th and 10th East Rasmussen N, bookkeeper, es 8th East, bet 7th and 8th South Rausher A, ss 2d South, bet 3d and 3d West Rawlings Edward, carpenter, ws Apricot, bet Currant and Plum Rawlings J S, Shoemaker, nw comer High and Maple Rawlins James, shoemaker, ws Citron, bet Currant aud Plum Rawlins Wm, shoemaker, ws 3d East, bet 4th and 5th South Rawlins C F, mining, ss 3d South, bet 1st West and West Temple Raybould George H, carpenter, es West Temple, bet 6th and 7th South Raybould B G, bookkeeper, es West Temple, bet 5th and 6th South Raybould Caroline, widow, ws West Temple, bet 5th and 6th South Raybould W F, s.ationer, ws West Temple, bet 5th and 6th South Ray by W, laborer, ns 7th South, bet 4th and 5th West Raymond W L, res ne corner 2d West and 2d North Ray ben Samuel, ss 5th South, bet 1st East and East Temple Read Samuel G, news agent, ns 1st South, bet East Temple & 1st East Read John, res ns Wall, bet Pine and Chestnut i f Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Shoe Leather & Findings, W. Lu Piokard, Salt Lake City 150 Salt Lake City Directory. Reading John, florist, es 3d East, bet 2d and 3d South Reamer Mary A, widow, ss 1st South, bet 1st and 2d West Reamer Theodore A, carpenter, es 7th West, bet 1st South and S T Reed Charles, mining, nw corner 1st South and 5th East Reed John W, harness maker, es 4th East, bet 4th and 5th Soutli Reed Robert, pedler, ss North Temple, bet 9th and 10th East Reed James, laborer, se corner Beach and Wall Reed James, res ss Is I South, bet 3d and 4th West Reed H A, action eer, ws West Temple, btt 2d and 3d South Reed George W, business manager Tribune, sw corner Ash and Garden Reed James G, laborer, ws 6th West, bet South Temple & North Temple Reed John, baker^ws 7th West, bet 1st and 2d North Reed John, clerk, sw corner Locust and Prospect Reese George K, farmer, ws 4th East, bet 7th and 8th South Reese George K, jr, laborer, ws 4th East, bet 7th and 8th South Reese John, blacksmith, ns 6th South, bet 3d and 4th East Reese John, blacksmith, ws 5th East, bet 5th and 6th South Reese Isaac, res ws 1st West, bet 4th and 5th North Reese Hannah, widow, ws 1st West, bet 4th and 5th North Reese E M, res nw coruer 3d North and 1st West Reeve H A, clerk, ss 3d South, bet 7th and 8th East Reeves F H, painter, ns 5th South, bet 2d and 3d West Reggel Louis, res ss 5th South, bet 1st and 2d West Reggel Samuel, res ss 5th South, bet 1st and 2d West Reid Joseph, carpenter, ws 3d West, bet 2d and 3d South Reid Mrs Lizzie, es 1st West, bet 1st and 2d South Reid Peter, carpenter, ne corner 3d West and North TemDle Reinsimar Peter H, blacksmith, es 3d East, bet 5th and 6th South Reinsimar John M, clerk, es 3d East, bet 5th and 6th South Reno H, carpenter, boards R lilroad Exchange Renshaw John, basket maker, ns 1st North, bet 13th and 14th East Renshaw T O, basket maker, ns 6th South, bet 4th and oth West Reppeto H D, res ws 3d East, bet 3d and 4th South Reynolds Walter, res ns Wall, bet Beach and Ash Reynolds George, clerk, ws Spruce, bet Wall and Prospect Reynolds Mary A, nw corner Spruce and Wall Reynolds John, gardener, ss 3d South, bet 5th and 6th East Reynolds Andrew, merchandise, es 1st West, South Temple & 1st South Rhime Giddeon, res ns 5th North, bet 1st and 2d West Rhinestrom E, clerk, ns 3d South, bet East Temple and 1st East Rhodes G, clerk, ns 3d South, bet East Temple and 1st East Rhodes Wesley A, laborer, ss 1st South, bet 6th and 7th East Ribbach Frederick A, bookkeeper, ss 1st South, bet E T and 1st East Rice Daniel, res Wasatch Building Rich Adam, laborer, ws 4th East, bet 5th and 6th South >oldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City Saddlery and Saddlery-Hardware, Jobbed by W, L. Pickari Salt Lake City. Lake City Directory. 1 5 i Rich L C, res Wasatch Building Rich John, laborer, ws 9th East, bet 8th and 9th South Rich David P, res ns 4th North, bet 3d and 3d West Rich Charles C, res sw cor 1st West and 3d North Rich Frederick C, res sw cor 1st West and 2d North Rich W L, res ns 3d North, bet 4th and 5th West Rich Amasa M, ns 3d North, bet 4th and 5th West Richan Win, tinsmith, ns Prospect, bet Fir and Spruce Richards George A, druggist, ns Fruit, bet Walnut and 1st East Kichards Mrs Charlotte F, ns Fruit, bet Walnut and 1st East Richards Mrs Sarah, ne corner Pine and Bluff Richards Levi W, res es Pine, bet B^uff and Wall Kichards John G, ws 7th East, bet 6th and 7th South Richards D>* Joseph, ss South Temple, bet East and West Temple Richards Dr H J, ss South Temple, bet East and West Temple Richards E S, es Cantre, bet Plum and Apricot Richards Henry, clerk, es West Temple, bet 2d and 3d South Richards Philip, mining,' boards Valley House Richardson James S, manufacturer, ss 3d South, bet 6th and 7th East Richardson I M, res ws 1st West, bet 4th and 5th South Richardson Darwin, farmer, sw corner 3d South and West Temple Richardson W H, clerk, ss 21 South, bet 1st West and West Temple Richy J B, res ws 3d East, bet 3d and 4th South Ricketts W H, laborer, es 1st East, bet 1st and 3d South Ridd Wm, carpenter, ws 4th West, bet 4th and 5th North Ridd Wm B, laborer, ws 6th West, bet 3d and 4th North Riddle Anna, widow, ns 5th South, bet 2d and 3d West Riddle John, tailor, es 9th East, bet South Temple and 1st South Riddle Joseph, laborer, ns 4th North, bet 5th and 6th West Rideout E N, blacksmith, ws 8th East, bet 6th and 7th South Ridgdale George, tailor, ns 3d South, bet 4th and 5th East Hldges A jr, carpenter, ws 3d West, bet 3d and 4th North Ridges Joseph H, builder, ss 3d North, bet 3d and 4th West Rigby Maria, widow, ws West Temple, bet 4th and 5th South Rigby Wm, farmer, ns 4th South, bet 1st West and West Temple Riggs O H, commission merchant, es 3d West, bet North & South Temple Riley A T, res ss 4th South, bet 3d and 3d East Riiey A J, bookkeeper, ss 4th South, bet 3d and 3d East Riley W, painter, ss 3d North, bet Vine and 1st West Riley Wm, res ws 1st East, bet 3d and 4th South Riley George, ss 1st South, bet 1st and 2d East Hi tig wood Charles, laborer, ss 3d South, bet 8th and 9th East Rinjwood Wm, res es Elm, bet Wall and Prospect Riser Henry, watchmaker, ws 3d West, bet 3d and 4th South Risley Joseph, calsominer, ws East Temple, bet N T and 1st North Son't forget that Hardy Bros. & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Gtoodi Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake """* 2 ! i$2 Salt Lake City Directory. Risley Joseph S, conductor, ws East Temple, bet N T and 1st North Risley Thomas B, conductor, ws East Temple, bet N T and 1st North Riting C, laborer, ss South Temple, bet 1st West and West Temple Riter J D, merchant, es 3d East, bet 3d and 4th South , . Riter Rebecca, widow, es 3d East, bet od and 4th South \> Riter S W, conductor U & N R R, es 3d East, bet 3d and 4th South Ritermark Hilda, widow, ns 1st South, bet 3d and 3d East O Rivers L W, commercial agent, ns 2d South, bet 2d and 3d East RIVERS BROS, Wall Paper and Picture Frames, 212 & 214 Main Street Roach M, clerk, D A R G, boards Continental Roach D B, res Wasatch Building Roadway John, brickmaker, es 13th East, bet South Temple & 1st South Roanstate Charley, tailor, ns Mountain, bet Spruce and pine Roanquist C F, blacksmith, ne corner Mountain and Pine Robbins John, shoemaker, es Chestnut, bet Wall and Prospect Roberts Boliver, mining, ss 1st South, bet 2d and 3d East Roberts John J, teamster, ws 3d West, bet 6th and 7th South Roberts J D, res ws 3d West, bet 7th and 8th South Roberts Griffith, machinist, ws 6th West, bet South Temple & 1st South Roberts Amelia, widow, ns 1st South, bet 5th and 6th West Roberts J W, engineer, es 6th West, bet 1st South and South Temple Roberts Samuel, printer, es Fir, bet Prospect and High Roberts Thomas, laborer, es 7th West, bet North Temple and 1st North Roberts Thomas S, printer, ss Fruit, bet Beach and Cherry Roberts Byron, ne corner 3d East and 1st South^ Robertson James, laborer, ss South Temple, bet 3d and 3d East Robertson John, laborer, es 8th East, bet 6th and 7th South Robbins John H, carpenter, es East Temple, bet 7th and 8th South Robbins Phoebe A, widow, es 2d West, bet North and South Temple Robinson Charles, grocer, es 5th East, bet 7th and 8th South Robinson Arthur, shoemaker, es 5th East, bet 7th and 8th South Robinson Mrs N K, widow, ne cor 5th East and 3d South Robinson Wm, carpenter, ws Pine, bet Bluff and Wall | B Robinson T, laborer, ws 3d West, bet 4th and 5th North : g> Robinson John, pedler, ss 3d North, bet 5th and 6th West Robison Elizabeth, widow, sw cor bth North and 1st West j R; Robison Henry, shoemaker, sw cor 5th Nortn and 1st West Kocca Lewis, porter, ss 5th South, bet 3d and 3d East Rock Jacob, yardmaster, D & R G, ss 1st South, be't 6th and 7th West Rockett Kobert, manufacturer, ss North Temple, bet 8th and 9th East Rockledge T C, res sw cor South Temple and 5th East ttockwell Christiana, widow, es 1st West, bet 1st arid 3d South Rodgers Charles, carpenter, ns Garden, bet Ash and Beach Bodgers Wm, laborer, ns Garden, bet Ash and Beach Rogers Alexander, merchant, ws 4th East, bet 1st and 3d South I You can save 1O per cent by buying Clothing at L. Goldberg'* Nobby Riding Saddles & Bridles, W.L. Pickard, Salt Lake _. , Salt Lake City Directory, 153 Rogers L B, clerk, Clift Row, ws West Temple, bet 3d and 4th South j a Rogers Orson, clerk, ws 8th East, bet 3d and 3d South j ^ Rogers Charles, res ss 7th South, bet Oth and 7th East j J Rogers James, tinner, cs 7th East, bet 2d and 3d South j ^ Rolfe Benjamin, carpenter, ws 3d West, bet 1st and 3d North Rolfson R, carpenter, es East Temple, bet 5th and 6th South Rolfson G F, clerk, es East Temple, bet 5th and 6th South Rollins J S, lawyer, ns 4th South, bet 1st and 3d East Rolla A H, justice of the Peace, iiw cor 3 1 North and 1st West Rolla A E, res iiw corner 3d North and 1st West Rolla Caroline C, widow, es 1st West, bet 3d and 3d North Rolla Elizabeth A, widow, es Centre, bet Pear and Cane Rolla Julia C, widow, ns 3d North, bet 4th and 5th West Rolla J A, laborer, se cor 5th North and 2d West Roman Catholic Cathedral, ws 3d East, bet South Temple & 1st South Romerili Charles, shoemaker, ss Fruit, bet Maple and Locust Romney Joseph G, builder, ws Fir, bet Wall and Prospect Romney George, (Taylor, Latimer & Co) ne cor Spruce and Bluff Rood Mrs M A, res ss 1st South, bet 1st West and West Temple j J"? Roscoe Carl, laborer, sw cor 5th West and North Temple j Roscum Johu. carriage maker, ss -jd South, bet 8th and Oth East Rose Win, carpenter, es West Temple, bet 6th and 7th South Rose Stephen, res ns South Temple, bei 1st West and West Temple Rose George, teamster, es 7th East, bet 5th and 6th South Rose F W, builder, es West Temple, bet oth and 6lh South Rosenhelm Phillip, ns 3d South, bet 5th and 6th East Kosi er W A, agent, es 8th East, bet 5th and Oth South Ross John L, agent, es 1st West, bet 1st and 3d North ^ Ross Sarah E, widow, ss Fruit, bet Elm and Maple Ross Richard, res Wasatch Building Kotch Edward, boards Clift House Roundy Adalbert, (Little & Roundy) ne cor 1st South and 5th East Roundy Mrs E D, ns 1st North, bet 3d and 4th West Rowden Robert, engineer, ns South Temple, bet llthand 13th East Rowe W P, butcher, es West Temple, bet 4th and oth South Rowe W H, res ns Garden, bet Pine and Spruce Rowe Mary, widow, ss 1st North, bet 3d and 4th West Rowland Hall School, ne cor Fruit and Walnut Rowland Benjamin, laborer, ss 3d South, bet 4th and 5th vVcst Royle J C, (Marshal & Roylc) ns 1st South, bet Oth and 7th East Kuban John, clerk, ns 1st South, bet West Temple and East Temple ^ Ruben James, shoemaker, my cor 4th South and East Temple Rudisill Kev LA, res ss 4th South, bet 1st West & West Temple Rudy John 13, res ws 4th West, bet 2d and 3d South | Rudy Henry, res ws 4th West, bet 3d and 3d South '4 Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Mercliandis 20 Ladies Saddles in great variety at W. L. Pfcliara's, Salt Lake City, Utah, 154 Salt Lake City Directory. Huff E W, merchant, ss 3d South, bet 1st East and East Temple Ruti Jacob, shoemaker, se cor Ash & Prospect Rugg J I', res ne cor 4th West and 3d South Rumel John H, plasterer, ns 1st South, bet 3d and 3d East Kumel Win, plasterer, ns 1st South, bet 3d and 3d East Rumel J H, jr, agent Ut*h Central, ss 1st South, bet 3d and 3d West Rumfield H S, ss South Temple, bet 8th and 5)th East Kuper Win, laborer. \vs Fir, bet Mountain and Summit Rusk Lewis L, laborer, ss 3d South, bet 6th and 7th East Rush J R, butcher, es 1st East, bet 1st and 3d South Rush Edward, plumber, ns 1st South, bet 3d and 3d West Rush M L, carpenter, boards Railroad Exchange Rushton S, laborer, ne corner 3d West and 3d North Rushton R, res ns 5th South, bet 1st and 2d West Rushton Edwin, builder, ss 5th South, bet 2d and 3d West Russell George, carpenter, es 3d East, bet 4th and 5th South Russell Dr Wm, ns South Temple, bet West Temp e and 1st West Russell J M, watchmaker, ss 2d South, bet 5th and 6th East Russell H W, engineer, ns 5th South, bet 8th and 9th East Russell Samuel, res ws 4th West, bet South Temple and 1st South Russell E, es 3d East, bet 4th and 5th South Russell Joseph, (Russell th East, bet 5th and 6th South SALT L\Ktf fllB \TIiH, n\v corner 1st -South and First East Sampson H T, mining', ns 3d South, bet 21 and 3d East Sampson Ricard 13, printer, ws Oth East, bet 1st and 2d South ,- ainuelson F, painter, ws 4th East, bet 7th and 8th South Sanders James W, bookkeeper, ws Gth East, bet 3d and 4th South Sanders W C harness maker, es 4th East, bet 1st and 2d South Sanders Wm, clerk, se corner Bluff and Ash SANDERS, AIRS JAMES, Groceries, 125> First South Street Sanderson Christian, carpenter, ns 4th South, bet 1-st and 21 East Sanderson James, tailor, nvv corner Mountain arid Pine Sands John It, (IJechtol & Sands) ws 1st East, bet 3d and 4th South Saniger John, shoemaker, north of 3d North, 2lst Ward Sciiasom Chatles, clerk, se corner Pine and Garden Saul E P, carpenter, ns South Temple, bet Gth and 7th West Sargent F L, res ss 5Ui South, bet 1st arid 2d East Saunders Dennis, carpenter, ris 4th South, bet 13th and Uth East Savage Herbert, carpenter, ns 2d South, bet 4th and 5th East Savage C li, photographer, se corner Spruce and Garden Seville James, clerk, ns Prospect, bet Pine and Chestnut Saville George, shoemaker, ws Chestnut, bet Wall and Prospect Saville Jessie, bricklayer, \vs West Temple, bet 7th and 8th South Savory Uenj L, res ws 2d East, bet 1st and 2d South Sayers Rath V, widow, ss 21 South, bet 3d and 4th East Sayers John, res ss 21 South, bee 7th and 8th East Scanland J Al, editor, boards Walker House Scappatura Antonio, stono cutter, ss Garden, bet Spruce and Pine Schettler Paul A, res ne corner 1st South and 4th East S^henh.ilcs Edmund, cnginaer, es 7th West, bet 1 it South and S T Scheib John P, cabinet maker, ss South Te;nple, bet 3d an I Uh East Schorield Henry, carpenter, ns 4th South, bet 1st anl 2d Wost Schonberg Henry, printer, es 1st West, bet 1st and 31 North Schonfelt Edward, clerk, ss North Temple, bet 4th and 5th West Schooley II II, carpenter, ns 1st South, bet 1st and 2d West S^hoppe Frederick E, tinsmith, ws 1st West, bet 1th and 5th South Schuler Joseph, res ns 3d South, bet 1st and 2d West SchiUte August, clerk, ss 5th South, bet East Temple and W T Schuttlor B H, clerk, ns Wall, bet Walnut and Chestnut Sehulter Win, plumber, ns lit North, bet 1st West and West Temple Schulter John, plumber, ws 3d. West, bet 1st and 2d North Sch \vabo 11, bank clerk, boards Continental Call and see Hardy Bros, b Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries WALLJN'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Riders. 1 2 I 156 Salt Lake City Directory. Schwartz Chas. boards Railroad Exchange Schuyler John, laborer, es 1st East, bet 21 and 3d South Scofield C W, mining, boards Walker House Scott Joseph S, painter, ns South Temple, bet 8th and 9th East Sjott George M, (G M .Scott & (Jo) ne cor 6th East and 1st South S/ott W, laborer, es 1st East, bet 1st South and South Te.nple S.^aoG Frances, widow, ws (>th East, bet lit S.nifch and South Temple Sijrace Edward, baker, ws Oth East, bet 1st South and South Temple Scribner Daniel, ss 3d South, bet 4th and 5th East Soroggie Archibald, iiw cor 6th South and 3d East Se.il Charles, laborer, es 7th West, bet 1st and 2,1 North Seal Joseph, laborer, ns 1st North, bet 6th and 7th West Seal llyrum, laborer, ss 2d North, bet 6th and 7th West Seal John, laborer, ss 3d North, bet 6th and 7th Wesi, Seaman J W, laborer, es Maple, bet Wall and Prospect Seaman Rachel, widow, ns Wall, bet Ash and Locust Seaman George, laborer, iiw corner Ash and Wall Seaman W F, boards White House Search C H, res Donelson House Seariser George jr, shoemaker, ws 5th West, bet 1st and 3d North Searl Heber, laborer, ss 61 h South, bet 9th and 10th East Searl John C, gardener, es 8th East, bet 5th and 61 h South Sears Isaac, merchant, sw cor 3d South and 8th East Sears Septimus, res ss 1st South, bet 1st and 2d West Sears Mrs Mary A, ss 1st South, bet 1st and 2d West Sears Nathan, (Sears & Liddell) es B3ach, bet South Temple and Fruit Sebree Howard, res sw cor 5th South and East Temple Sebree C H, res sw cor 5th South and East Temple Second Presbyterian Church, lie corner 2d South and 3d East Second Ward School, ns 7th South, bet 4th and 5th East Saigel Saul, res es 5th East, bet 1st South and South Temple Soigel Henry, res ss 5th South, bet East and West Temple Seigel Joseph, (Goldsmith A Co) ws 3d East, bet 2d and 3d South Selander Julius, tailor, es5th West, bet North Temple and 1st North Self Rebecca, widow, es 3d West, bet 6th and 7th South Seller J D, carpenter, ns 1st South, bet 3d and 3d West Sellers Wm, laborer, es 9th East, bet 6th and 7th South Selbrs James, ss 3d South, bet 8th and 9th Kast Selley Wm, laborer, ss 2d North, bet 6th and 7th West Sells Elijah, lumber merchant, so corner 2d South and 3d West Sermon J S, telegraph operator, ns 2d South, bet 1-st and 3d East Senior Edwin W, clerk, ss 1st North, bet 4th and 5th West Senior Frederick, clerk, ws 7th West, bet North and South Temple > i Seventh Ward School House, ns 5th South, bet W T and 1st West ; Seventeenth Ward School, ss 1st North, bet W T and 1st West L. Goldberg- has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L. City California Lasso Saddles, W. L,. Pickard, Salt Lake City. J j Salt Lake City Directory. 1 5 7 M ! . w I Sewell S J, res se cor 3d East and 2d South Seybolt Geo L, post office inspector, es 6th East, bet 1st and 2d South Shade Wm, res ws 3d past, bet 3d and 3d South Shaffer John, farmer, ns 2d North, bet 4th and 5th West Shaffer Orson W, laborer, ne corner 5th West and 3d North Shaffer John, tinsmith, ss 1st >outh, bet 1st and 2d East Shank John F, tailor, es Pine, bet Wall and Prospect Shanks Joseph, tailor, es 4th East, bet 4th and 5th South Sharp John, supt U C, ns South Temple, bet 4th and 5th East Sharp Margaret, widow, ns South Temple, bet 5th and 6th East Sharp John, jr, lie cor South Temple and Fir Sharp James, asst supt U C, us South Temple, bet 3d and 4th East * Sharp Lorenzo, clerk, es 1st West, bet 1st South and South Temple Sharp Mrs Annie, ne corner Fir and Fruit Sharp Lee J, lawyer, es Pine, bet Bluff and Wall Sharp Wm, coal agent, nw corner 5th West and North Temple Shiiuglmessy M, boards Walker House Shaw Thomas, laborer, ns 2d North, bet 4th and 5th West Shaw Joseph, laborer, ns Currant, bet Quince and Centre Shaw Luke, gardener, ss 4th North, bet 5th and (3th West Shaw O B, painter, ns North Temple, bet 1st and 3d West Shaw John, laborer, nw cor 5th West and 3d North Shaw Mary, widow, nw corner 5th West and 3d North Shean Patrick, laborer, es 3d West, bet 3d and 4th South Shocks Kenjamin, lawyer, ws West Temple, bet 3d and 3d South Sheets John A, laborer, nw cor 2d South and 6lh East Sheets A F, res es 3d East, bet 3d and 4th South Shell John, laborer, ss Oth South, bet 10th and llth East Shell G 13, mining, ne cor 1st West and Tv.orth Temple Sheliath Gus, clerk, ns 2d South, bet 3d and 3d East Sheln uirdiiie James, res ss 3d South, bet 3d and 3d East Shepaid Wm, teamster, ss 8th South, bet 3d and 4th West Shephard George, laborer, ns Pium, bet Centre and Beet Shepard John, teamster, sw cor Ash and Wall Shei iff John, stone cutter, ne corner Wall and Maple Sherlock James, merchant, ns 1st South, bet 4th and 5th East Shearman W H, druggist, ns 3d South, bet Cth and 6thEast Shettler B A, es Walnut, bet Wall and Prospect Shettler 13 H, banker, nw corner South Temple and Pine Shelton 11 C, pressman, ws 3d West, bet 3d and 3d South SheHon George, laborer, es l.st West, bet 2d and 3d South Shelton R, news agent, es 1st West, bet 2d and 3d South Sherwood Charles W, shoemaker, ss 3d South, bet 7th and 8th East Sherwood Charles, tailor, ss 3d South, bet 7th and 8th East Shiil George, farmer, es 5th West, bet 1st and 2d South ' <<* Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Shoemakers' Tools of all kinds, W. L. rickard. Salt Lake. N 158 Sttlt Lake City Directory. \ ^ Shill Samuel, laborer, es 3d West, bet 3d and 4th South Shiner J W, printer, ns 21 South, bet 3d and 4th East Shingleton Stephen sr, laborer, se cor Oth West and 2d North Shingleton Stephen jr, laborer, se cor 6th West and 2d North Shipp Dr Ellis K, res ws 7th East, bet Fouth Temple and 1st South Shires Sarah, widow, ss 5th South, bet 1st East and East Temple Shoebridge E B, clerk, se corner 1st Houth a..d 2d West Sholes R II, res se corner 5th South and West Temp e Sholdebrand John, clerk, es 2d West, bet North Temple and 1st North Shook Elizabeth, widow, nw corner 3d West and 4th South Shore James, blacksmith, nw cor Prospect and Ash Short M B. stone mason, ns Sd South, bet 9th and ll>th East Shorten John, mason, ss 5th North, bet lit and 2d West Showell Georgn, expressman, es 9th East, bet 1st and 3d South Showell Wm, stockman, ws 3d East, bet 4th and 5th South Shreeves A G, laborer, ws 1 Jth East, bet 3d and 4th South Shupp Charles F, carpenter, ns 2d South, bet 4th and oth East Siddoway John, carpenter, ns~th South, bet 7th'and 8c.li East Silver Joseph, laborer, ss 3d South, bet 5th and 6th East Silver W J. engineer, ss North Temple, bet West Temple and 1st West Silver Hyrum, machinist, es Centre, bet Pear and Cane Silver Joseph A, machinist, ws 1st West, bet 5th and oth North Silverwood Charles E, bookkeeper, es 4th West, bjt 1st and 21 Njrth Sirnms J, laborer, es 2d West, bet North Temple and 1st North Simons F, (Simons Bros) ns 3d South, bet East Temple and 1st East Simons J, (Simons Bros) ns 3d South, bet East Temple and 1st East Simmons Nathaniel, res ss Oth South, bet 10th and llth East Simmons Joseph, laborer, ns 6th South, bet 10th and llth East Simmons Benjamin, carpenter, ns Oth South, bet 10th and llth East Simmons Thomas, shoemaker, ns 1st South, bet 8th and 9th East Simmons Henry, res es 8th East, bet 1st South and South Temple Simmons Joseph F, notary public, nw corner Fir and Prospect Simmons Frederick W, clerk, nw corner Fir and Prospect Simmons A B, clerk, uw corner Fir and Prospect Simmons Harriet, widow, ns Prospect, bet Fir and Spruce Simmons Joseph, laborer, ss 4th South, bet 1st and 21 West Simmons L, res ne corner 1st South and 21 West Simmons (Stayner & Simmons) ns Fruit bet Elm and Oak Simmons Jose} h, stone cutter, nw corner 6th West and 1st North Simttkins W S, brickmaker, ws Uth East, bet 1st South and S T Simpson J W, (>impson & Son) ns South Temple, bet 1st W r est and W T Simpson Francis, contractor, ws 4th West, bet 6th aud 7th South Simpson Martin, laborer, es 4th East, bet Oth and 7th South Simpson George, plasterer, es 7th West, bet South Temple and N T Simpson Kobert, engineer, es Oth West, bet North Temple & 1st North L. "3-oldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L, City Best Team Harness made by W, L. Pickard, Salt Lake. Salt Lake City Directory. 159 Sirrine Emma, widow, es West Temple, bet 21 and 3d South Sixth Ward School, ws 3d West, bet Ith and 5ih South Sixteenth Ward School, lie corner 4th West and 1st North Skaggs E M, boards Clift House Skerry S W, forema* Z C M I, boards Valley House Skid more Samuel, mechanic, es 9th East, bet 2d and 3d South Slack Mary, widow, ss 1th South, bet 3d and 3d West Slade Emily, widow, es 7th East, bet 4th and 5th South Slale G W, ws 5th East, bet 2d and 3d frouth Sleater llobert G, printer, es 8th East, bet 21 and 3d South Slater W L, carpenter, ns 5th South, bet 1st and 2d West Slater F, shoemaker, ns Currant, bet Centre and Apricot Sleman Samuel, laborer, ws 7th East, bet 21 and 31 South Sloan R W, reporter, se corner Chestnut and Garden Smedley W E, insurance agent, Clift Row, ws W T. bet 3d and 4th South Smith Ellen, dressmaker, ws Sth East, bet 7th and 8th South Smith Martha, widow, ws 8th East, bet 7th and 8th South Smith Henry, plasterer, ss 7th South, bet 9th and 10th East Smith Ferdinand, musician, es Oth East, bet 6th and 7th South Smith Wm, ss 4th South, bet 1 *th and llth East Smith Mrs C P, widow, ns 2d Noith, bet 9th and 10th East Smith .1 M, rea estate agent, as 3d South, bet 7th and 8; h East Smith Joseph, teamster, ns 1st South, bet 7th and 8:h East Smith L B II, dairyman, sw corner 7th East and 4th South Smith W J, res es Oth Hast, bet 1st South and South Temple 9mith Jacob, laborer, es 6th East, bet 1st South and South Temple Smith Mary, widow, es 4th East, bet 1st South aril South Temple Smith Amanda widow, ns 1st South, bet 4th and 5th East Smith Win, laborer, res ns 4th South, bet 4th and 5th East Smith Hyrum J, teamster, ns 5th South, bet 4th and 5th East Smith Samuel, dairyman, sw corner Sth South and 6Lh East Smith Edward J, clerk, ns 3d South, bet 3d and 4th East Smith Dr A K, res es 3d East, bet 3d an 1 4th South Smith George A, ss South Temple, bet East Temple and 1st East Smith Jane, widow, es West Temple, bet 7Lh and 8th South Smith T J, merchant, ws 3d East, bet 3d and 4th South Smith W S, shoemaker, ws 3d East, bet 6th and 7th South Smith J W, plumber, boards Railroad Exchange Smith J Y, policeman, se corner 3d- East and Oth South Smith Joseph Y, mining, nw corner 4th Sauth and 1st East Smith F K, res ns 3d South, bet 21 and 3d East Smith Andrew, policeman, se corner 7th South and 3d East Smith A'exander, res ss 6ili South, bet East Temple and 1st East Smith Andrew, policeman, ns 6Jh South, bet 1st East and East Temple Smith Albert, butcher, ws 2d West, bet 4th and 5th South Son't forget that Hardy Bros. & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Gooii First Frizes awarded at all Territorial Fairs, to W. L. Piclzard, Salt Lafct, I 1 60 Salt Lake City Directory. Smith Mrs Sarah F, res ns South Temple, bet 1st West and W T O Smith John G, drayman, ws 1st West, bet 4th and 5th South I $ Smith Emma, widow, ns 6th South, bet 1st and 2d West ' ^ Smith Peter, laborer, ws 4th West, bet 6th and 7th South ' W Smith George, engineer, us 1st South, bet 3d aiid^d West Smith W W, laborer, ss 3d South, bet 1 stand 2d West Smith John Henry, res ws West Temple, bet North and South Temple Smith John G, moulder, ss 1st South, bet 3.1 and 3d West Smith Robert R, : butcher, PS 1st North, bet 4th a. id 5th West Smith George, engineer, ss 1st North, bet 7th and 8th West Smith Arthur, res ns 2d South, bet 3d and 4th West Smith J G, carpenter, es 4th West, bet 1st South and South Temple Smith A B, clerk, ws Maple, bet South Temp e and Fruit Smith W, shoemaker, es Quince, bet Plum, and ..'urrant Smith Fewson, civil engineer, se corner Bluff' and Locust Smith John M, moulder, ss Centre, bet 1st North aiiJ Currant Smith S W, mining, boards Walker House Smith George S, mining, boards Valley House Smith James W, mining, boards Valley House Smith Henry, seedsman, ws 5th West, bet North Temple and 1st North Smith Jane S, basket store, ns 1st South, bet East and West Temple Smith Joseph F, res ws 3d West, bet North Temple and 1st North Smith Mrs Sarah E, res ss 1st North, bet 3d and 3d West Smith S T, res ws West Tem^lo, bet North and South Temple Smith Elias, probate judge, ss North Temple, bet W T and 1st West Smith Elias A, teller Deseret bank, ss N T, bet W T and 1st West Smith Rudolph, res ss North Temple, bet West Temple and 1st West Smith Charles, clerk, ns 1st North, bet East Temple and 1st East Smith Walter, laborer, ws Oth West, bet Nortn Temple and 1st North Smith Cluules, shoemaker, ws West Temple, bet N T and 1st Nor ill Smith Thomas M, tanner, sw corner 5th West and 3d North Smith George O, carpenter, ss 7th South, bet 1st West and W T Smith Elizabeth, widow, ss 3d North, bet 5th and 6th West Smith J P, carpenter, es 1st West, bet 3d and 4th South Smith Albert, carpenter, es 1st West, bet 3d and 4th South Smith Win, gardener, es 1st West, bet 4th and 5th South Smith John, farmer, ne corner 3d South -md 1st West Smith W S, grocer, fruits, &c, 8 First South Street Smith Kdwar 1, boards White House Smithers George, machinist, ns 1st North, bet 1st West and W T Smithers James, ns 1st North, bet 1st West and West Temple Smyth Richard, hatter, es Pine, bet High and Mountain Snarr James T, merchant, ns 6th South, bet 3d and 3d West Snarr D, merchant, es 3d West, bet 1th and 5th South Snarr James, street car driver, ss 6th South, bet 3d and 4th West You can save 10 per cent by bayuiy Clot/tiny at J Shoe Leather & Findings, W. L. Piokard, Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Directory. \ 6 1 SORENSON ^ Spayd Henry, laborer, ss South Temple, bet 1st West and W T p Spayd Elizabeth, widow, ss South Temple, bet 1st West and W T 5*7 Spears Harrison, blacksmith, ws 7th East, bet 4th and 5th South Spears Adam, police magistrate, ns 5th South, bet 7th and 8th Kast Spears Adam, jr, res ns 5th South, bet 7th and 8th East fc * Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise 21 tH-makers 9 Tools of all Jcimls, W. L. FicJtasd, Salt Zaire. I _ _ 1 162 Salt Lake City Directory. ' J^ C23 (N 3" Spears Alfred, blacksmith, ns 5th South, bet 7th and 8th East Spears George, 'aborer, se cor 5th South and 7th East Spears Mrs Sarah, nw corner 8th East and 6th South Spears Orson, teamster, ne corner 6th South and 7th East Spears James, laborer, ss South Temple, bet 3d and 4th West Speed Wm, laborer, ns 8th South, bet 2d and 3d West Spence X, painter, ns 8th South, bet 7th and 8th East Spence John, laborer, es 9th East, bet 2d and 3d South Spencer Emma, widow, es 5th East, bet 3d and 4th South Spencer J D, tailor, es 2d East, bet 2d and 3d South Spencer Mrs S F, res es 1st East, bet 1st South and South Temple Spencer John D, clerk, ns South Temple, bet E T and 1st East Spencer Henry, (Evans & Spencer) ws 5th East, bet 1st South and S T Spencer C V, Spencer House, ws 1st East, bet 2d and 3d South Spencer Mrs Sarah J, ns 7th South, bet 1st West and West Temple Sperry II M, mason, ws Citron, bet Currant and Plum Sperry Harrison, farmer, ss 6th South, bet 1st and 2d West Spicer Win, barber, ns 2d North, bet 5th and 6th West Spiring Emma, widow, ss North Temple, bet W T and 1st West Sprague E T, lawyer, ws 2d Fast, bet 2d and 3d South Sprague Dr Samuel L, res ws 1st East, bet South Temple and 1st East Sprague S L jr, deputy marshal, ws 1st East, bet 1st South and S T . Sprague D O, res Donelson House Springer C, ws 1st West, bet South Temple and 1st South >-* Springer Ben, boards White House Sprowl Frank, expressman, ss 1st South, bet 8th and 9th East Spry Phillip, tailor, se corner 5th West and 2d North S [uires John, barber, se corner Fir and Garden Squires John, barber, ss 6Lh South, bet 7th and 8th East Stageman Mrs S, widow, ss South Temple, bet 1st West and W T Staley Frank, laborer, es 1st East, bet 21 and 3d South Stamford Cyrus, res ns South Temple, bet 4th and 5th West Stamford Stephen, gardener, sw cor oth West and South Temple Stanley Frank, baker, es 2d West, bet 6th and 7th South Starling James, res ss 5th South, bet 3d and 4th East Starling John, laborer, ne corner Prospect and Beach Starmer W R, cook, ss 6th South, bet 5th and 6th East Staton J F, laborer, ne corner 7th South and 7th East Stay Joseph, gardener, ws Oth East, bet 7th and 8th South Stay Joseph H, (Woodbury & Stay) ns Oth South, bet 1st and 2d West Stayner W, (Stayner & Simmons, ns Fruit, bet Elm and Oak Stayner W C, res ns Garden, bet Oak and Elm Steel A, manufacturing, ns 8.h South, bet 8th and 9th East Steers W, bricklayer, ns 21 North, bet 8th and 9th Ea^t Steiiel A, drayman, ns 5th South, bet 1st and 2d West i S L. GOLDBKUG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroccos S Salt Lake City Directory, 163 S Sterling James D, laborer, es 6th East, bet 6th and 7th South Sterling \V S, res es 2d East, bet 1st and 2d South Sterman Joseph, us 3d South, bet 3d and 4th East Stevens Mrs Mary, ws 5th East, bet 5th and Oth South Stevens L S, us 4th South, bet East Temple and West Temple Stevens J W, carpenter, es 1st East, bet 1st arid 2d South Stevens Thomas D, gardener, ns 5th South, bet 1st and 2d West Stevens Frederick, plasterer, ss 6th South, bet 3d and 4th West Stevens J E, music teacher, sw corner 2d South and West Temple Stevens Andrew, carpenter, ns 2d South, bet 4th and 5th East Stevenson W H, clerk, es 4th East, bet 4th and 5th South Stevenson Joseph F, ns 7th South, bet 1st and ?d East SJevenson Christian, laborer, ws 4th East, bet 7th and 8th South Stevenson Mrs M L, widow, ws 1st West, bet South Temple & 1st South Stevenson Edward, res ws 1st West, bet 1st and 2d South Stevenson C S, mining, se corner Pine and Prospect Steward Joshua, teamster, es 4th East, bet 2d and 3d South Stewart J S, (Stewart & Chislett) ws 4th Eiast, bet 1st and 2d South Stewart Louis, laborer, es 21 West, bet North Temple and 1st North Stewart Daniel, res ne corner 6th West and 3d North Stewart Wm, laborer, ns 3d North, bet 5th and 6th West Stockdale Amelia, widow, es 4ih West, bet 5th and 6th South Stokes Jane, widow, se corner 7th South and 3d West Stokes Christopher, ws 2d West, bet 5th and 6th North Stokes Kedding, mason, es West Temple, bet 3d and 3d South Stone H J, clerk Continental Stone Wm, gardener, ws West Temple, bet^2d and 3d South t Stonehousky Andrew, laborer, ss *th South, bet Oth and 10th East Q Stowell E M, stockman, ws 2d West, bet 2d and 3d South Q otratford H S, clerk Walker House Strattoii H H, boards Clift House y Strebeck P S, tailor, ws West Temple, bet North Temple and 1st North p Strickland Mrs H, widow, ss 2d South, bet 7th and 8th East Stringlellovv Samuel, ss 6th South, bet 1st and 2d East Stringi'ellow George, ss Oth South, bet 1st and 2d East Si/ rock John, laborer, ns 1st North, bet 1st and 2d West of Stromberg James S, tailor, ws Franklin Ave, bet 2d and 3d South *~ Strong J T, jeweler, ns 4th South, bet 8th and 9th East p Strong Alice, widow, ns 4th South, bet 8th and yth East Strong Hiram, teamster, ns 4th South, bet 8th and Oth East ' 4 Strong Sarah, widow, ne corner 8th East and 4th South p Stucher Magdaloiia, widow, es 6th East, bet Oth and 7th South Sugdcn Joshua, laborer, ws 12th East, bet South Temple and 1st South Sugden Win, carpenter, sw corner 4th South and 1st East S Summoihays J W, laborer, ss North Temple, bet 4th and 5th West Call and see Hardy Bros, & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Grocer! Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. 164 Salt Lake City Directory. Summerholden Samuel, ss High, bet Oak and Elm Summerlot Charles, res ws 1st West, bet 3d and 4th South Sunbeck John, res ne corner Mountain and Pine Sundberg A F, carpenter, ss 5th South, bet 2d and 3d East Sunderland Wm, machinist, ns 5th South, bet 4th and 5th East Sullivan Wm B, agent, boards Valley House Sutherland J G, lawyer, ss South Temple, bet 1st and 2d West Sutherland Ed-P, ss South Temple, bet 1st and 2d West Sutherland Fenton H, ss South Temple, bet 1st and 2d West Salt Lake Surgical Institute, 139 East Temple Street Swain Robert, mason, es llth East, bet 3d and 4th South Swain Robert, mason, ss 2d South, bet 8th and 9th East Swain Cnarles, cook, se corner 5th East, bet*5th and 6th South Swan James, builder, ss 3d South, bet 3d and 4th West Swan George, sec'y U C R R, boards Valley House Swan Douglass, bookkeeper, ns North Temple, bet 2d and 3d West Swan Ed, stockraiser, sw cor High and Elm Swaner E J, jeweler, ws Dth East, bet 3d and 4th South Swaner A J, jeweler, ws 10th East, bet 3d and 4th South Swaner Mrs Emma, widow, ws Dth East, bet 3d and 4th South Swanser Andrew J, shoemaker, ns 6th South, bet 8th and 9th East Swarenson Andrew, tailor, ns 5th South, bet 2d and 3d East Swift Wm, t^unster, ss 4th South, bet 9th and lOth East Sylvester E E, printer, boards Clift House Symons Helenora, widow, es 2d East, b3t 4th and 5th South Symons C W, (Fox & Symons) ns 5th South, bet 6th and 7th East St Glair Peter, ss 7th South, bet 1 it and 2 1 E.ist St Mark's Academy, ns 1st South, bat 1st and 2d East St Mark's Hospital, nw cor 3d South and 5th East St Mark's Episcopal Church, ns 1st South, bet 2d and 3d East St Mary's Academy, ws 1st West, bet 1st and 2d South T. Tadnum John, mason, ne corner Garden and Ash Taft Harriet, widow, ss 3d South, bet 4th and 5th East Taggart J P, M D, ss 2d South, bet 1st West and West Temple Tall George, blacksmith, sw corner 6th West and North Temple Tall John W, laborer, ss North Temple, bet 6th and 7th West Tall George S, laborer, ns 8th South, bet 4th and 5th West Talty Wm, boards White House Tame Alfred, harnessmakar, sw cor Chestnut and Wall Tate John, res ns 3d South, bet 2d and 3d East Taufer Lewis, laborer, ws 12th East, bet 3d and 4th South J J Taufer Henry* bricklayer, ws 12th East, bet 3d and 4th South - j L. Goldberg- lias the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L. City Henry Arthur's Boot and Shoe Uppers, W. L. Plclrard, Salt Lake City, Titan, Salt Lake City Directory. 165 c Taylor Jabez W, carpenter, es 7th South, bet 1st and 2d East Taylor Wm, harnessmaker, ns 4th South, bet 9th and 1 )th East Taylor John B, plasterer, es llth East,' bet 3d and 4th South Taylor John, teamster, es llth East, bet South Temple and 1st South Taylor Jos W, teamster, ns South Temple, bet 12th and 13th East Taylor C B, butcher, ns North Temple, bat llth and l>th East Taylor John, (Taylor & Son) es 5th East, bet 31 and 4th South Taylor Abraham, grocer, ns 3d South, bet 4th and 5th East Taylor Edward, es 7th East, bet 31 and 4th South Taylor-Elizabeth, widow, ss South Tempb, bet 7th and 8th East Taylor Isabella, widow, ws 3d East, bet 3d and 4th South Taylor Joseph W, es West Temple, bet South Temple and 1st South Taylor Joshua, ss 2d South, bet 1st and 2d East Taylor Joseph E, undertaker, ns 1st South, bet 21 and 3d East Taylor John, President* of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day S>iints, res sw corner South Temple and 1st East Taylor John, ws Franklin Avenue, bet 2d and 3d South Taylor Stephen, ws 1st West, bet South Temple and 1st South Taylor Thomas E, laborer, ns South Temple, bet 1st West and W T Taylor Mary C, widow, es 2d West, bet 2d and 3d South Taylor Thomas, res es 2 f West, bet 1st and 2d South Taylor V A, teamster, us 1st South, bet 6th and 7th West Taylor Ann. widow, ss North Temple, bet West Temple and 1st West Taylor Wm, machinist, us 3d West, bet 1st and 21 South Taylor Martha, widow, se corner Mountain and Fir Taylor Edward T, mining, ws Ash, bet South Temple and Fruit Taylor Thomas, merchant, es 3d West, bet South Temple and N.T Taylor Stanley, hackman, se corner North Temple and East Temple Taylor Jane, widow, es 1st West, bet 6th and 7th South Taylor Harry, carpenter, es Maple, bet Bluff and Wall Taylor George H, lumber, ns 3d South, bet 1st West and West Temple Taylor W B, boards White House Taylor Wm W, clerk, es 1st West, bet 1st South and South Temple Taylor Mrs Sarah H, es Is West, bet 1st South and South Temple Taylor George J, coroner, es 1st West, bet lit South and South Temple Taylor Edward, manager Deseret News, es 1st West, bet 1st South & S T Taylor Henry, es 1st West, bet 1st South and South Temple Taylor Hyrum, es 1st West, bet 1st South and South Temple Taysum Andrew J, plasterer, ne corner Garden and Oak Paysum Rolla G, bookkeeper, ne corner Garden and Oak Taysum Alonzo T, ne corner Garden and Oak Teakle Thomas, sr, carpenter, ss 1st North, bet 7th and 8th West Teakle Thomas jr, clerk, ss 1st North, bet 7th and 8th West Teasdale George, ns South Temple, bet 6th and 7th East Teasdale George E, ns South Temple, bet 6th and 7th East Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Fickard, Salt Lake. 1 66 Salt Lake City Directory. Teasdel S P, merchant, ns South Temple, bet 3d and 4th East Temperance Reform Hall,ns 2d South, bet East and West Temple Tenth Ward School, sw corner 4rh South and 8th East Territorial Library, es East Temple, bet South Temple and 1st South Territorial Auditor, es East Temple, bet South Temple and 1st South Territorial Recorder Marks & Brands, es E T, bet S T and 1st South Terry Ann, widow, ss 4th South, bet 6th and 7th East Tester Charles, laborer, ws Apricot, bet Currant and Plum Thackrah George, clerk Utah Commission, boards Stearns' Thatcher G W, merchant, ns South Temple, bet 1st and 2d East Thatcher Moses, ss North Temple, bet Fast Temple and 1st East Thide Harmon, ns 1st South, bet 5th and 6th West Third Ward School, ns 7th South, bet 1st and 2d East Thirkill Ellen, widow, sw corner Ash and Fruit Thirteenth Ward School, ns 2d South, bet 1st and 2d East Thomas Mary, widow, ss North Temple, bet 10th and llth East Thomas John, clerk, ss 3d South, bet 4th and 5th East Thomas Prof C J, res ss South lemple. bet 2d and 3d East Thomas Thomas F, policeman, nw cor Ash and High Thomas Thomas, laborer, ne corner Summit ami Ash Thomas Arthur L, sec'y Utah Ter. ws W T, b<*t 2d and 3d South Thomas R K, res es 1st West, bet 4th and 5th South Thomas Samuel, laborer, se corner South Temple and 6th West Thomas Mary, widow, ws West Temple bet North Temple and 1st N Thomas Thomas, laborer, ss 1st North bet 6th and 7th West Thomas George, Blacksmith, es 5th West bet 2d and 3d North Thomas Thomas P, mason, ns 2d North bet 1st west and Quince Thomas John, tailor, es 7th West bet 1st and 2d North Thomas Daniel, tailor, es 7th west bet 1st and 2d North Thomas E Thomas, ne cor 1st North and 7th West Thomas Elizabeth, widow, es 1st West bet 4th and 5th South Thomas Thomas, shoemaker, ws 6th we.st bet North Temple>nd 1st N Thomasson P O, clerk, sw cor High and Chestnut Thomasson John, res Wasatch Building. Thompson Orson, printer, es llth East bet 6th aud 7th South Thompson Sarah, res es 10th East bet 2d and 3d South Thompson N, res Wasatch Building Thompson Elizabeth, widow, es 4th East bet 1st South and South T Thompson Nelson, clerk, ws 5th West bet 1st and 2d North Thompson Wm. A, laborer, ns 6th South bet 4th and 5th West Thompson Wm, shoemaker, ws 3d West bet 1st and 2d South Thompson John, tailor, sw cor 5th South and 3d West Thompson Mansill, teamster, ws 4th West bet 4lh and 5th North j J Thompson Dr J D, boards Walker House - Thompson Mercy R, widow, nw cor 2d West and North Temple : I,, yoldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City Cash raid for Hides, TOicl and Furs, W. L. Picliard, Salt Lake City, Utah, Salt Lake City Directory. 167 Thompson Mary J, widow, nw cor 2d west and North Temple Thompson John, laborer, es 3d West bet 3d and 4th North Thompson A, boards Clift House Thompson J, boards Clift House Thorn Wm, farmer, ns 6th South bet West Temple and 1st West Thorn M, pedler, ws 1st East bet' 1st and 21 South Thorn Joseph W, laborer, es 21 West bet 7th and 8th South Thornburg B F, upholsterer, sw cor 4th East and 5th South Thornblood O C, grocer, ss 2d Soath bet 1st and 2d East Thornstruff August, painter, es 7th East/ bet 1st South and South T Thornton Charles, laborer, ws West Temple bet North Temple and IstN Thorp Lydia, widov% nw cor Wast Temple and 1st South Thorp August H, carpenter, es 9th Bast bet 7th and 8th South Thorup John T, clerk, es 9th Kast bet 7th and 8th South Thortip H F K, carpenter, ss 8th South bet 7th and 8th East Thum M C, mining, boards Continental Thurgood George, na cor Pine and Prospect Tibbitts Sarah, widow, se cor 7th South and 5th East Tibbitts James, laborer, se cor 7th South and oth East Tibbs Peter, engineer, ss 1st South bet 4th and 5th West Tingtine Olof. tailor, es 21 West bet North and South Temple Tingur John, shoemaker, es 2d West bet North Temple and 1st North Tillits Lavinia, widow, ns 2d South bet 1st West and West Temple Tilt Richard, clerk, ne cor 9th East and North Temple Timms Wm, manufacturer, sw cor 13th East and 2d North Timms W J A, carpenter, nw cor 9th East and 3d North Timpsoii John H, laborer, ws 5th West bet 1st and 2d North Tipto.i Kobert, gardener, ss 4th South bet 3J and 4th East Tisdell E W, boards Walker House Titt William, res es West Temple bet 3d and 4th South Tomney P, (Tornney & Miller) 81 First South Tonics Ann, widow, se cor 1st North and llth East Toone Mrs. Emma, res nw cor Spruce and Garden Toone John, labore-, e ; Oak bet. Bluff ann Garden Toronto Joseph B, teacher, se cor Walnut and Fruit Toronto Joseph, res se cor Walnut and Fruit Toronto Annie, widow, es Walnut bet Bluff and Wall Tovey Wm H, clerk, ss Prospect bet Fir and Oak Townsend James, res Warm Springs Tracy F W, laborer, ws 9th Kast bet 8th and 9th South Travis E J, res ns 1st South bet 1st and 2 1 East Travis O J (Travis & Co) ws 1st West bet 3d and 4th South Tregoning J H, mining, boards Walker House Trehearn Wm, laborer, esOth West bet Island 2d South Tremaine Joseph, teamster, ss South Temple bet 5th and 6th East Son't forget that Hardy Bros- & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Gooff fP. L. PicJcard carries a full line of Trotting & Racing Goods 1 68 Salt Lake City Directory. Treniaine W H, machinist, ss South Temple bet 5th and 6ih East Tresscott W S, tanner ami currier, ns3d South bet 1st West and W T Treseder Mrs C M, widow, es 5th Fast bet 1st and 2d South Trewick Nichols, mining, ss Centre bet Currant and Apricot Trewick John, laborer, es 1st Fast bet 1st and 2d South Triplett George, cabinetmaker, nw cor Oak and Mountain Tripp R B, lawyer, sw cor 3d West and North Temple Tripp F L, expressman, nw cor Prospect and Fir Trojan O E S, printer, boards Valley House Tromp Benjamin, tailor, ss 5th South bet 7th and 8th East Trott Robert, gardener, ss 1st South bet 4th and 5th Fast Troxsler Frank, waiter, ns Oth South bet 7th and 8th East Trumbo Mrs Mary, res ss South Temple bet 1st and 2d East Tryer K M, porter, ns 7th South bet 2d and 3d West Tucker Henry, salesman, ns 1st South bet 9th and ICth East Tucker Stephen, farmer, ss 8th South bet 4th and 5th East Tucker S F, carpenter, nw cor 4th West and 3d South Tucker Samuel S, carpenter, es 1st West bet 2d and 3d South Tucker Wm, res ns 1st North bet East Temple aud 1st East Tuckett H A, confectioner, ss 1st South bet 8th and Oth East Tuckfield Chas B, manufacturer, es 2d East bet 4th and 5th South Tuckfield Joseph (Tuckfield & Son) es 1st East bet 5th and 6th South Tuckfield Mrs Elizabeth, ^s North Temple bet 2d and 3d West Tuft Elvira, Colorado Hou^e, se cor 3d South and 2d East Turnbaugh John B, laborer, ws 12th East bet South Temple and 1st S Turn bell Frank, farmer, ns7th South bet 2d and 3d West Turnbloom L E, tailor, ws Franklin ave bet2d and 3d South Turnbridge George, mason, ns 2d South bet llth and 12th East Turpin Joseph, laborer, ss 5th Nortn bet 1st and| 3d West Tullidge Edward, editor, ss 1st South bot 1st West and West Temple Tullidge John (Tullidge & Bow ring) es 1st West bet 3d and 4th South Tupper John, electrician, boards Walker House Tuttenham Wm, builder, se cor Ash and Wall Tut tie Daniel S, bishop, ss 1st South bet 4th and 5th East Tuttle Mary A, widow, ss 4th North bet 4th and 5th West Tweeder Dorothy, widow, es Maple bet Bluff and Garden Twelfth Ward School ss 1st South bet 4th and 5th East Twentieth Ward School ns Garden bet Spruce and Fir Twenty-first Ward School, ns Fruit bet Ash and Beach Twitchell Luther, ns 3d North bet 1st and 3d West Twomley Howard, printer, ws 1st Vast bet 1st and 2d South Tyler Mrs C L, dressmaker, ws Fast Temple bet 3d and 4th South T>ler George, penitentiaiy guard, ns 6th South bet 10th and llth East Try on Henry, artist, boatds Valley House Tryon Spencer, artist, boards Valley House You can save 10 per cent by buytny Clothing at L.Goldbrrg'? Shoe Leather & Findings, W. L,. Piokard, Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Directory. 169 ~ _____ _ x IT- 5 U S Land Office, ss ad South, bet East and West Temple Underbill S E, notary public, ss 1st South, bet 1st West & West Temple >> Underwood Annie, widow, s.s 3d North, bet 1st West and Quince : __5 Unger Sarah M, widow, es 5th West, bet 1st and 2d South ^ Uric James, blacksmith, cs 3d West, bet 3d and 3d South * Utah Central Depot, nw corner South lemple and 3d West ! rj Utah and Nevada Depot, ne corner South Temple and 4th West : * Utah Central offices, sw corner 3d West and North Temple v. !| Vagalon David, artist, ws 4th East, bet 6th and 7th South ; ^ Vahlert J, boards Clift House \ Valentine, Christina, widow, ws 4th West, bet S T and 1st South Valentine George ,_ res ss 1st South, bet 9th and 10th East ! ** Valley House, sw corner West Temple and South Temple X Vance Elizabeth, widow, ss 5th South, bet East and West Temple Vane J H, clerk D & R G R'wy, boards White House J Varnes James A, real estate agent, ws 7th East, bet 3d & 3d South * Varney Samuel, pedler. ws 4th West, bet South Temple and 1st South ; ^ Vansteeter Joseph, es 1st West, bet 1st and 2d North j * Vetter Theodore, surveyor, ss 4th South, bet 6th and 7th East j * Vetler L F, (U G Da.-iii & Co) es West Temple, bet 1st South and S T ! ~ Vier Wm, butcher, ws 1st West, bet 7th and 8th South ^ Vigleney W E, brickmaker, ws 1 >th East, bet South Temple & 1st South % Vine George, plasterer, ss 2d South, bet 9th and 10th East ** Vincent John, clerk, se corner 4th West and 2d North ^ Vincent Herman, laborer, ws 4th East, bet 5th and 6th South Vincent Thomas, green grocer, ws 4th East, bet 1st South and S T Vincent Milo, clerk, ss 4th North, bet 5th and 6th West Vincent Frederick, teacher, ss 3d South, bet llth and 12th East Vincent James, clerk, ss 3d South, bet 6th arid 7th East Vincent H F, es 4th East, bet 3d and 3d South Vinson C H, boards Clift House Vogel Herman, brewer, es 5th East, bet 5th and 6th South Voss Willis, ws East Temple, bet 7th and 8th South VAN AUKIN, DH JAMES R, dentist, ns 1st South, bet 4th & 5th East 8? Van Cott Waldemar, teacher, sw corner 7th East and South Temple Van Dam Herbert, es ->d West, bet oth and 6th South -, Van Dasen B B, mining, ss 5th South, bet 1st West and West. Temple ; p Van Enschut J H F, mining, ws 1st West, bet 5th and 6th South Van Horn J H, chief clerk Continental Van Horn H C, laborer, sw corner 6th South and 1st East Van Houghtou Peter, carpenter, se corner Maple and Fruit H Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise 23 $/tocnia7ters> Tools of all Jcinds, W.. JO. riclwsd. Salt Lake. 170 Salt Lake City Directory. Van Praag H A, mining, 180 East Temple Street Van Streetar H, ws 5th West, bet South Temple and North Temple Van Tassell James, carpenter, es 8th East, bet 6th and 7th South Van Trott Otto, bookkeeper, es 1st East, bet 2d and 3d South VanValkenberg Emma, widow, ws 3d West, .bet 2d and 3d South VanValkenberg J D, ss 5th South, bet 1st and 2.1 East Van Zile P T, lawyer, ss 3d South, bet 1st East and East Temple Von Trott O, boards Clift House W. Wade Alexander, carpenter, ss 7th South bet 3d and 4th East Wadland Andrew, laborer, es 1st West bet South Temple and 1st South Wanner Henry, brewer, nw cor 1st South and 4th East Wagner C, laborer, ns 5th South bet 3d and 4th East Wagner J, boards Clift House Wagstaff W, gardener, ns 7th South bet 5th and 6th East Wakeman Thomas, laborer, us 5th South bet 5th and 6th East Walk Henry, clerk, se cor 3d East and 6th South Walker W, weaver, iis 8th South bet 7th and $th East Walker Sylvester, gardener, ss 6th South bet 8th and 9th East Walksr David, res ns 4th South bet 5th and 6th East Walker W S, bookkeeper, iis 5th East bat 1st South and South Templ e Walker David, mason, es Itii East bet 4th and 5th South Walker Joseph, res ns 3d South bet 3d and 4th East Walker George, wheelwright, ss 7th South bet 3d and 4th East Walker Albert, laborer, ss 7th South bet East Temple and 1st East Walker Joseph, laborer, es 5th West bet 1st and 2d South Walker David, laborer, ns South Temple bet 6th and 7th West Walker House, ws East Temple bet 3d and 3d South Walker Samuel S, clerk, Clift row, ws West Temple bet 3d & 4th South Walker S S, (Walker Bros) ws East Temple bet 4th and 5th South Walker D F, (Walker Bros) ns 5th South bet East and West Temple Walker M H, (Walker Bros) ws Kast Temple bet 4th and 5th South Walker J II, (\\ alker Bros) sw cor 4th South and P^ast Temple Walker Henry W, laborer, ns 3J North bet 6th and 7th West Wallace C'W, porter, es 3d East bet 5th and 6th South Wallace George, merchant, ws 5th East bet 1st and 2d South Wallace Mrs Frank, ws 1st West bet South Temp.'e and 1st South Wallace Henry, clerk, se cor 4th South and 3d West Wallace George B, farmer, es 2d West bet North Temple & 1st North Walls Thomas, peddler, es Oak bet Bluff and Garden Walsh John, teamster, es llth East bet 6th and 7th South Walsh Oliver, merchant, ss 4th South bet 3d and 3d East Walsh Henry, plasterer, ss 1st North bet 5th and 6th West Walters Henry, shoemaker, ns 3d North bet 8th and 9th West : O GO CD" CI .Q" o r CD CD" il i* g s- L. GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City Sole Leather, Freiicli Kip, Calf & Morroccos at PicVard*s. S Salt Lake City Directory. 171 ^ Walters Harry, teamster, ss 1st North bet 4th and 5th West j g- Walton W, laborer, ss 3d South bet Gth and 7th East Wanbss J, dairyman, ws 3d West bet 8th pnd 9th South ] _ Wandless Charles, tinsmith, ws 1st West bet 5th and Gth South y Wannberg W A, furniture, es P ne bet High and Prospect Ward Emery, res Wasatch Building Ward Ann, widow, ws 4th lv est bet South Temple and 1st South Ward Thomas, res ss 2d North bet 7th and 8th West Wardell Miorton, res sw cor 8th East and Gth South Wardrobe John', carpenter, ns 1st South' bet 2d and 3d East Warbrobe Abraham, carpenter, ss Wall bet Pine and Spruce Wardrobe John, se cor Pins and Wall | * Wardrobe James M, carpenter, ss 2d South bet 4th and 5th East Warner August, res ns Gth South bet 1st East and East Temple Waring George, res ws Pine bet Bluff' and Garden I hj Warnock Robt, agr implements, ns 1st South bet l*t and &l East j grj Warren Kate, widow, es West Temple bet 3d and 4th South I ~ Warwood John, engineer, ws 1st West bet South Temple a-nd N T Washington Ziriah, widow, ss 5th South bet 2d and 3d East < GO Wassmer John, carpenter, es 9th East bet 6th and 7th South Waters W, laborer, es West Temple bet 1st and 3d South j j-^ Watford Frederick, teamster, ss 3-1 North bet 3d and 4th West ; Hrj Water Tall Tohn, general merchandise, ws West Temple bet 5th & 6th S M Wat kin :;, Edwin, shoemaker, ns 5th South bet 3d and 4th East M Watmough Mary A E, widow, es Quince bet Plum and Currant j ^Q Watson George, res ws 3d East bet 3d and 3d South Watson Mrs Ellen, res ws 4th West bet 5th and Gth South I + Watson James C, policeman, ws 4th West bet 5th and Gth South j Q Watson James, brakesman, es 5th West bet 1st South & South Temple I (p Watson Kobert, laborer, es 5th West bet 1st Sonth and South Temple P Watson Mrs Margaret, res es 5th West bet 1st South and South Temple j y Watson Alexander, laborer, es 5th West bet lit South and South Temple ' p Watson Alexander, teamster, ws 3d West bet 4th and 5th South Watson Alexander sr, contractor, ws 3d West bet 4th and 5th houth Watson W, teamster, ws 3d West bet 5th and 6th South Watson John, teamster 31 West bet 5th and 6th South r/2 WaUon 11, mining, es 3d West bet 4th and 5th South ~ Watson Hugh, printer, ns 5th South bet 3d and 4th West p Watson Mary, widow, us 5th South bet 3d and 4th West Watson Thomas K D, wheelwright, ws Pine bet High and Prospect Watson James, (Watson Bros) ws* Quince bet Plum and Currant p Watson J B, painter, es 6ih West bet 3d and 4th North Watson Joseph M, es Quince bet Plum and Currant Watts L, blacksrnUh, es West Temple bet 5th and Gth South Watts Thomas, res ss 1st South bet West Temple and East Temple Call and see Eardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. O 172 Salt Lake City Directory. Way man John, res es East Temple bet 6th and 7th South Weaver \Vm, clerk, ws 6th East bet 1st ana 2d South Webb Mrs Ellen, res ns 1st North bet 8th and Oth East Webb C G, res ss 3d South bet 4th and 5th East Webb F O, clerk Utah Cen, es oth West bet 1st South and South Temple Webb W F, carpenter, ns 1st South bet 2d and 3d West Webber T G, sec and treas Z C M I, ws West Temple bet2d & 3d South Webley Frederick, printer, ws 7th West bet 1st and 2J. North Weigert A, res Wasatch Building Weihe W, musician, ns 3d North bet2d and 3d West Weiler Joseph, dairyman, nw cor East Temple and 7th South Weiler Jacob, farmer, ns 7th South bet 1st and 2d East Weiler E M, farmer, ss 7th South bet East Temple and 1st East Weinell John, miller, ns 2d South bet 1st and 2d West Weir Frederick, laborer, ss 5th South bet 4th and 5th East Welkin C H, res se cor 7th East and Oth South Wells Annie, rds ris 4th South bet Oth and 10th East Wells Ferris, teamster, ss 1st South bet 6th and 7th East Wells Daniel H, res se cor South Temple and East Temple Wells Daniel, laborer, boards R K Exchange Wells J F, editor Contributor, ns 3d South bet 3d and 4th East Wells Hannah, widow, ns 3d South bet 3d and 3d East Wells Mrs Emeline, editor Exponent, es 1st East bet 2dand 3d South Wells H M, res ns South Temple bet 5th and 6th East Wells Phares, carpenter, ss South Temple bet 4th and 5th East Wells Mrs Sarah G, res ss North Temple bet 2dand 3d West Wenner U G, lawyer, ns South Temple bet 6th and 7th East Went worth W E, stonecutter, ss 4th South bet 10th and llth East Wesley Dr John, res ss 6th South bet 2d and 3d East WESMEli i Weston Sarah L, widow, ns North Temple bet 1st West and West Temp Westwood W G, shoemaker, ws 10th East bet North and South Temple f i L. Goldberg- lias the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L. City CD Henry Arthur's Boot and Shco Uppers, W, L. Piclrsrd, Salt Lake City, Ucan, | 5 Salt Lake City Directory. 173 Westwood Thomas, gardener, ss 1st North bet 5th and 6th West Wetzell John, shoemaker, ns 3d South bet 4th and 5th East Whale Chrrles, laborer, ns 1st North bet 1st and 2d West Wharburton James, jr, blacksmith, es 8th East bet 7th and 8th South Wharburton Joseph, brickmaker, ns 7th South bet 7th and 8th East Wheeler J G, res ns 4th South bet 1st and 2J. West Wheeler Wm, laborer, ns 7th South bet 5th and Gth East Wheeler R H, clerk ss 1st South bet 3d and 4th West Wheelhouse Frank, res ns 7th South bet 2d and 3d West Wheelock R P, res ss oth South bet East Temple ar d West Temple Whipple N W, sr, lumberman, ns 3d North bat 4th and 5th West Whipple N W, carriagepainter, es 5th West bet 3d and 4th North Whist John, laborer, ws 1st West bet 4th and 5th North Whist John, jr, shoemaker. \vs 1st West bet 4th and 5th North White Wm (White & Son, es 4th West bet 1st and 2d Korth White Dr I, res es 1st East bet South Temple and 1st South White Elizabeth, widow, sw cor Cherry and Prospect White George, harnessmaker, ns Garden bet Elm and Maple White John, laborer, ws East Temple bet 7th and 8th South " White E M, clerk, ns2d South bet 2d and 3d East White W H, laborer, es 1st West b -t 1st and 2d South White A C, carpenter, Wasatch Building White W W, carpenter, ws 9th East bet 2d and 3d South White Sarah M, widow, ws 7th East bet 2d and 3d South White John, res es 6th Elastbet 7th and 8th South WHITE COTTAGE STOKE (M Barnes, Prop) 19th Ward White House, sw cor 2d South and East Temple Whitehead George A, res nw cor 3d East and 1st South Whitehead Leo S, patternmaker, ws 1st East bet 4th and 5th South Whitehead James, ros ss 4th North bet 5th and 6th West Whitehill W B, carpenter, es 3d East bet 3d and 4th South Whiting Wm, mason, es 5th East bet 5th and Gth South Whitney M B, bookkeeper, ss 3d South bet 2d and 3d East Whitney H K, clerk, ss North Temple bet East Temple and 1st East Whitney Mrs Ellen res ss North Temple bet East Temple and 1st East Whitney Warren, painter, ws 1st East bet 1st and 3d South Whittaker George, res ss 3J South bet 1st West and West Temple Whittaker Isaac, farme-, ns 1st North bet 4th and 5th West Whittaker Zenus, laborer, ss 1st North bet 3d and 4th West Whittaker Henry, shoemaker, ns South Temple bet 1st West and W T Whittemore Richard, typewriter, (E G Dunn & Co) ss 2d S bet 2d & 3d JE Whittemore B F, prop li R Exchange Whittemore Charles, res ss 2d South bet 1st and 2d East Whittenber C P, carpenter, ne cor High and Elm Whittey Wm, gardener, es Fir bet Prospect and High '<< Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L.. Pickard, Salt Lake. 1 74 Salt Lake City Directory. o O Whittle John, liveryman, ws 1st East bet 6th and 7th South Whitworth Jeffrey, grocer, es 2d West bet 5th and 6th North Whitworth A tk in sou, manufacturer, ws 3d West bet 5th and Gth North Whitworth Sarah widow, sw cor Ash and High Whytock James, laborer, es West Temple bet 1st South and South T Wiekel John W (Wickel & Son) ws 3d East bet Gth and 7th South Wickens James, carpenter, ss 1st south bet 7th and 8th East Widerberg Mary, widow, ns Garden bet Elm and Maple Widdison Robert, blacksmith, es Gth West bet 3d and 3d North Widlison James, blacksmith, S3 cor 6th West and 3d North Widdison Wm, laborer, ws Gth West bet 1st and 21 North Wiggell Eli, wheelwright, es 7th East bet 3d and 4th South Wilcox M E, bookbinder, ws 9th East bet South Temple and 1st South Wilcox Walter E, nightwatchrnaii, ns2d South bet 1st and 2d West Wilcox branklin A, clerk, ss GLh South b3t E ist and West Temp'.e Wilcox Mrs Amanda H, res ss 31 North bst 3d and 4th West Wilcox T J, clerk, es Fir bet Fruit and Garden Wild Arthur, clerk nw cor Cherry and Fruit Wilder E B, mining engineer, ns 4th South bet Gth and 7th East Wilding George, laborer, ns 2d North bet 7th and 8th West Wilkes Edmund F, es 4th East bet 1st and 3d South Wilkie Samuel, blacksmith, nc cor 8th South and West Temple Wilkins Mary, widow, es -1th East bet 5th and 6th South Wilkius J It, es 1st west bet 1st and 2d South Wilkins Mrs Sarah A, ws West Temple bet 7th and 8th South Wilkinson W H, clerk, ns 3d South bet 1st and 31 West Wilkinson John C, clerk, ws West Temple bet 4 7th and 8th South Willamount Mary, widow, ws 3d West bet 1st and 31 South Willard H A, res es 4th East bet Gth and 7th South Willard Miss L L, arti.st, ws West Temple bet_31 and 3d South Willes W, merchant, ns Wall bet Oak and Fir Willey Christian, tailor, ws 5th West bet Gth and 7th South Williams Samuel, manufacturer, ns 3 a South bat 9th and l)th East Williams 13 R, teamster, ws 3d East bet South Temple and 1st South Williams K B, res ss North Temple bet 9th and nth East Williams Walter W, cabinet maker, ns 2d North bet 9th and 10th East Williams W, laborer, ns 7th South bet 7tn and 8th Fast Williams Emma H, widow, se cor 8th East and South Temple Williams A E, laborer, ss South Temple bet 7th and 8th Fast Williams Edward, gardener, ws GLh East bet 3d and 4th South Williams Henry F, lawyer, es 5th East bet 4th and 5th South Williams Thomas V, bookkeeper, se cor 5th East and 31 South Wil'iams John, mason, ns 1st South b n t 3d and 3d East Williams Thomas J, stonecutter, es 7th West bet North Temple & 1st N Williams Susannah, widow, sw cor 3d East and 3d South roldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City ,ih raid for Hides, ^c! and Furs, W. L. Pic!iar3, Salt Lalie City, Utah. Salt Lake City Directory. 175 Williams T S, expressman, ws 3d East bet 3d and 3-1 South Williams F, drayman, es 1st West bet 7th and 8th South Williams Ann, widow, es 31 West bet 1st South and South Temple Williams W D, clerk, es 1st West bet South Temple & North-Temple Williams David, milkman, es 8th West bet North Temple & 3d North Williams W N, contractor, West Temple bet South Temple and N T Williams A. L, co.-il ag?nt, ws 3d West bat 3d and 4th South Williams D I, mason, ws 6:h West bet North Temple and 1st North Williams Evan farmer, ws 6th vVest, bet North Temple and 1st North Williams P L, lawyer, sw corner Fruit and Fir Williams Richard .1, clerk White House Williams John, laborer, ss 1st North, bet 7th and 8th West Williams Joseph S, blacksmith, se corner Beach and Bluff Wilkinson Wm, merchant, nw corner,lst West and 3d South Wil iamson John A, laborer, es 1st East > bet 5th and Oth South Williamson Dr J M, nw cor 5th South and 1st East Williamson J, es West Temple, bet 5th and 6th South Willis Ann, widow, ss South Temple, bet 4th and 5th East Willoushby John, grocer, ws 10th East, bet South Temple & 1st South Wilson Mrs Isabe la, nw corner 7th East and 3d South Wilson Mary E, widow, es 4th East, bet 5th and 6th South Wil- 01 J B, agent, es 3A Easl, bet 3d and 4lh Sauth Wilson Thomas K, clerk, ns -ith South, bet 21 and 3d East Wilson I, shoemaker, ws East T ;mple, bet 7th and 8th South Wilson Chas, butcher, ss 1st South, bet 1st and 3d East Wilson II E, mining, es 1st East, bet 1st South and South Temple Wilson Binjamin, laborer, us 3d North, bet 13th and 13th East Wilson Henry, watchmaker, es Garden, bet 1st and 3d North Wilson W, mason, es 6th East, bet 1th and 5th South Wilson James T, gardener, ns 8th South, bet 5th and 6th East Wilson James B, teacher, ns 8th South, bet 5th and 6th East Wilson Frank, laborer, es Oth East, bet 6th and 7ih South Wilson W W, lawyer, se corner Fruit and Chestnut Wilson W J, carpenter, ws 4th West, bet South Temple and 1st South Wilson James, laborer, ws Oak, bet Wall and Prospect Wilson Jno K, builder, ws 3d West, bet 1st and 2d South Winburg Miss Josephine, dressmaker, es 4th East, bet 3d and'Sd South Wimley Amanda, widow, ns South Temple, bet 4th and 5th West Winberg A A, editor Bikuben, ws Franklin Ave, bet 2d and 3d South Winberg Mrs Andrine, es 1st West, bet 4th and 5th North Winder John R, es 3d East, bet 1st South and South Temple Winpgar Mary, widow, nw corner 3d West and North Temple Winegar Win, res es 5th West, bet 1st and 31 North Winegar Annie M, ws 5th West, bet 3d and 4th North Winegar Alvin, carpenter, ns 3d North, bet 5th and 6th West m i Son't forget that Hardy Bros- & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Gooii W. Ju. ricTcard carries a full line of Trotting & Racing Goods 1 76 Salt Lake City Directory. Winkless Joseph, mason, ss Gth South, bet 3d and 4th West Wise John C, waiter, ss 2d South, bet 1st and 2J West Winslow J H, chief clerk Walker House Winter Thomas, drayman, nw corner 5th South and 2d West Winters George, ne corner Commercial and 2d South Winters George, res 1st East, bet 1st and 2d South Winters George W, carpenter, ns 1st South bet 2d and 3d West Winters Timothy, se cor 7th South and 4th West Winters Thomas W, sw cor 7th South and 4th West Winters G H, clerk, ns 3d North bet 4th and 5th West Wiscom John, agent, ws Maple bet South Temple and Fruit Wiscom Mrs JC, widow, es Maple bet South Temple and Fruit Wiscom W, clerk, es Maple bet South Temple and Fruit Wiscom Walter J (Ireland & Co) sw cor Maple and Prospect Wiscom George A, clerk, es Spruce bet Prospect and High Witherall J, postalclerk, U C, es West Temple bet 6th and 7th South Withers J C, harnessmaker, es 1st West bet 4th and 5th North Witzell W A, carpenter, ns 6th South bet 3d and 4th West Witzell Erastus, carpenter, ns Gth South bet 3d and 4th West Witzell E M, carpenter, ne cor 6th South and 4ih West Witzell Owen, agent, es Franklin ave bet 2d and 3d South Wollcott Henry, stoncutler, es 1st West bet 2d and 3d South Wolfe S H, stonecutter boards Valley House Wolton Mark, artist, se cor Prospect and Oak Wolz Frederick, clerk, sw cor Cherry and Wall Woodbury W M J (Woodbury & Stay) nw cor 6th South and 1st West Woodbury Thomas H (\Voodbury & Stay) ns Gth South bet 1st and 2J W Woodbury Thomas H, jr, laborer, ns 6^h South bet 1st and 2d West Wood Henry, Supt D & H G W, boards Continental^ Wood F, laborer, boards R R Exchange Woodford Ebenezer, merchant , ws 5th East bet 1st and 2d South Woodman J H, bookkeeper, ws 2d East bet 2d and 3d South Woodmansee Joseph, clerk, ws West Temple bet 2d and 3d South Woodmansee David, shoemaker, ws East Temple bet 7th and 8th S Woodmansee Joseph, clerk, ns 3d South bet 1st and 2J West Woodruff Wilford, res West Temple bet 1st South and South Temple Woods W B, clerk, ws West Temple bet 5th and Gth South WOODS JAMES A, merchant, ne cor Gth South and 3d East Woods James C, teacher, ns 5th South bet 8th and 9th East Woods Harriet, widow, es 5th East bet Gth and 7th South Woodward T O, clerk, (G M Scott & Co) Woodward C H, carpenter, es 4th East bet 5th and Gth South Woodward Samuel, es 5th East bet South Temple and 1st South j g Woolley A H, clerk, es 3d East bet 4th and 5th South ; Q Woolley T H, mining, es 3d East bet 4th and 5th South You can save 10 per cent by buying Clothing at L.Goldberg'f* WATjMN'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Riders. Q \ Salt Lake City Directory. 177 R Woolley S A, farmer, es 3d East bet 4th and 5th South Woolley A M, res es 3d East bet 4th and 5th South Woolley Wm, farmer, ss 4th South bet 3d and 4th East Woolley A D, bookkeeper, ss 4th South bet 3d and 4th East Woolley M S, clerk, Locust bet Fruit and Garden Woolley Edmund, shoemaker, sw cor 7th South and East Temple Woolley Mary A, widow, ss 2d South bet 1st and 2d East Woolley Ann E, widow, se cor 3d South and 2d West Woolley Wm, laborer, ns 7th South, bet 4th and 5th West Woolsey W A, mining, ss 4th South, bet 3d and 3d West Wooster S H, mining, boards Valley House Workman Joseph, paper hanger, sw corner 6th South and 3d West Workman H, cabinet maker, ns 1st West, bet South Temple & 1st South World Caleb, res ns North Temple, bet 3d and 3d West World J T, ns North Temple, bet 3d and 3d West World Harry, clerk, ns North Temple, bet 3d and 3d West Worthen Walter, mason , nw corner 3d West and 3d North Worthen Heber,' mason, nw corner Walnut and Wall Worthen John, mason, es 2d West, bet North and South Temple Worthing Henry, mason, es 3d West, bet North and South Temple Worthing John, mason, es 3d West, bet North and South Temple Worthing Henry, mason, es 10th East, bet 7th and 8th South Worthing Amanda, widow, es Oak, bet Wall and Bluff Worthington S, cattle dealer, boards White House Wright Wm, teamster, es 6th East, bet 6th and 7th South Wright George, laborer, se corner 7th East and 4th South Wright Robert, gardener, ws 3d East, bet 5th and 6th South Wright George, mason, sw corner 6th South aud 3d East Wright Caleb,-farmer, ss 6th South, bet 1st and 3d East Wright J D, es 1st West, bet 1st South and South Temple Wright Chas R, machinist, es 1st East, bet 6th and 7th South Wright Frank, mining, ss 3d South, bet 1st and 3d West Wright Hannah, widow, es 7th West, bet 1st South and South Temple Wright Robert, ss 1st North, bet 8th and 9th West Wright A R, ss Prospect, bet Fir and Oak Wright Heber, es West Temple, bet 1st and 3d North Wright Isaac, laborer, es West Temple, bet 1st and 3d South Wyath H M, carpenter, ns 6th South, bet 1st West and West Temple Wyatt James, plasterer, ss South Temple, bet 7th and 8th East Wylie Alexander, bookkeeper, es West Temple, bet 1st and 2d South . Yager Hiram, blacksmith, ns 7th South bet 3d and 4th East ^ Yeages B S, carpenter, ws 4th West bet North Temple and 1st North Yates Margaret, widow, ne cor 6th West and South Temple V flardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Mercliandiis 24 Saldlery and Saddlery-Hardware, Jobbed by W. L. FickarcL Suit Lake City, 178 Salt Lake City Directory. Yearian VY H, (Yearian &Co) ns 3d South bet 1st and 3d West Yearsley David, inorchan,t es 1st West 'oet North Temple and 1st North Yoder Abe, laborer, es 1st I'ast bet Sd and 3d South Young G M, res Wasatch Bui 'ding Young Royal B, agent, es l ast Temple bet -1th and 5th South Young J O, agent, es Ea-t Temple bet 4th and 5th South Young Mrs M V, res ss outh "i'emple bet Fast Temple and W T Young Mrs Margaret, na Oth South bet West Temple and 1st West Young -Loreni E, widow, ns 1st North bet 1st West and West Temple Young D C, res ss North Temple bet Fast Temple and 1st East Young A C, bookkeeper, esls Ea-t bet South Temple & North Temple Young .John W, cont.v ct >r, es 2d West bet North Temple and S T Young Brigham, res s South temple bet 1st and 2d East Young L H, res ns * outh Temple bet 1st and 3d East Young B S, bookkeeper, res ns -'outh Temple bet 1st and 2d East Young H O, U S mes enger. re- us South Temple bet 1st and2d East Young Geo C, res ns South Temple bet 1st and 2d East Young Jane A, widow, secor P.ne and Bluff' Young AlJales, lawyer, nw c r Fruit and Fir Young Mrs Jane C, res ns North ! emp'e bee West Temple and E T Young J C, res es Centre bet Plum and Apricot Young L D (L D & A Young) ns 1st outh bet 2d and 3d West Young Amelia, widow, sw cor South Temple and 1st West Young Nathan, expressman, ws 1st East bet 5th and 6th South Young Heber, bookkeeper, ns South Temple bet 1st and 2d East Young LeGrande, attorney, ns South Temple bet 1st and 2d East Young Mrs Clara, es 1st East bet 1st South and South Temple Young John C, res ss 2d South bet x'd and 3d East YOUNG DR. SEYMOEL-: B, ws 4th East bet 1st South and South Temp Young Brigham H, res ws 3d East bet 1st and 2d South Young Isaac, brakesman, ws Hcl East bet 1st and 2d South Young John M, teacher, ss 3d South bet 8th arid 9th East Young Sarah, widow, ss 3d South bet 8th and 9th East Young H[ O, merchant, ss South Temple bet 8th and 9th East Young Mrs Phoebe C, res ws 5th East bet 5th and 6th South Youngberg Charles, upholsterer, ws Franklin ave bet 3d and 3d South Youngberg Caroline, widow, ss 3d South bet 1st and 2d East Youngdale Christina, widow ss South Temple bet 1st West and W T Youngdale Willard, musician, ss South Temple bet 1st West and W T Yowell Mrs Lizzie, ss 1st South bet East and West Temple Zachariah Hulda, ss South Temple bet 1st West and West Temple Zeidler Wm, ss 2J South bet "d and 3d East Zeigler Samuel, waiter, boards Walker House ZION'S SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, 63 East Temple L. GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroccos at Pu;l'arrs. >M ' ; s G-TJUDS! BOOK, TOGETHER WITH A COMPENDIUM OF GENERAL INFORMATION, &c. This Territory is one of the oldest belonging to the United States. The tread of the white man, for the purpose of settlement and the per- rnancy of modern civilization, first echoed in it in July, 1817, when a company of pioneer Americans rested their weary limbs and ended their searching pilgrimage, finding a home which they hoped to make permanent in the wilderness of these uncultured valleys. It is situated between latitude 37 and 42 N, and longitude 100 and 111 W. It is . u bounded on the N. by Idaho Territory, N. E. by a portion of Wyoming Territory, E. by the State of Colorado, S. by Arizona Territory c.nd W. by the State of Nevada. Its general length, N. and S. is about 325 miles, and its breadth 300 miles, giving a superfices of 34,476 square miles, or 54,064,640 acres. It is an immense basin from 4,000 feet to 5,000 feet above sea level, surrounded by mountains which at some points attain the altitude of 8,000 to 12,000 feet. Utah is divided into two un- equal parts by the Wasatch mountains running from N. E. to S. W. The country East of the Wasatch range is more rugged and mountain- us than the portion West of it, and has a greater number of rivers* which mostly flow through steep canyon gorges. The country West of the Wasatch has a number of disconnected valleys, running generally Northerly and Southerly, bounded by low mountains. The South East part of the Territory comprises large and undulating plateaus Nearly all the rivers of Utah, especially the Western part, empty into Great Salt Lake, and have no outlet to the ocean. In the Eastern part , QJ the waters flow into Green River, thence into the Colorado River and the Pacific Ocean. The aspect of the Territory is varied in its appearance, consisting of lofty mountains, picturesque and sublime; valleys rich in soil and productive in all kii?ds of cereals, fruit and plants; rivers full of life and supplying cheering draughts to the parched land ; and lakers of beauty and clearness, mirroring the heavens on their bosoms. The mountains are ever green with the foliage of the living trees on mil- O lions of acres, and white in the winter, having caught the snows to j et Call and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Cfrocerle-f Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake 1 80 General Information. cover their heads from the cold blasts of the frosty atmosphere, to melt into cheering dr nights, leaping through the canyons in the Spring to revive the thirst.> earth. In the bosoms of the mountains are hidden the riches of the earth, ail gold, silver, lead, copper, iron, antimony, mica, sulphur, salt, and c j.il in abundance are brought out to enrich the world, and benefit oar people annually. Not only are Utah's mount tins the depository of vast and untold riches, its land productive and generous, its air pure and salubrious, its streams full of life and its climate clear, elastic and healthful, em- bracing a choice variety, suited to the many human temperaments ; but the Great Salt Lake is most attractive and wonderful. Fed by the various large streams of fresh water, its water is strongly impregnated with salt, and has no visible outlet Its length is about 8) miles and its breadth 3J miles; but its periphery is very irregular; the surface, however, covers about 2, i')0 square miles. It is said by some writers that no animal life exists within its waters, but this we think is not correct, for nearjthe margin a low state of organic life has been fre- quently observed called by some artemia aaiina. This lake is 4,218 ft above sea level ; and it is dotted over with nine islands, the largest of which is 16 miles in length, a few of them rising 3,OJO feet out of the lake. During the summer season tens of thousands of persons visit its shore and bathe in its delightful and wholesome waters. An analysis of the water made in 1877, by Surgeon Smart, U. S. A., showed an imperial gallon to contain about 21>^ ounces of saline mat- ter, being about fourteen per centum, as follows : Common Salt 11.735 Lime Carbonate 016 Lime Sulphate 073 Epson Salt 1.123 Chloride of Magnesia 843 Percentage of Solids 13.790 Water 86.210 100 It compares with other saline waters, thus: WATER. SOL IDS. Atlantic Ocean 1)6.5 3.5 Mediterranean Sea 96.2 3.8 Dead Sea 76. 24. Great Salt Lake 86. 14. It was known to exist in 1869, but only by the uncertain description gathered from the Indians by Baron La Hortan. Col. J. C. Fremont in 1842, floated on its waters in his India-rubber punt, the first, likely, in this generatioiijof man that glided over its surface. In 1850, Capt. Stansbury explored its shores and Islands, and gave an interesting and particular description of it to the world. Utah began to be the home of civilization in 1847, when a band of 163 American citizens L. Goldberg has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L,. California Lasso Saddles, W.L. Pickard, Salt Lake City. td General Information. 1 8 1 - i ' Sardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots to Shoes, Hats, Caps ft Clothing First Prizes awarded at all Territorial Fairs, to W. L. Pickard, Salt Lab?. 182 Salt Lake City. ished, peculiar to this faith, for the private administration of ordin- ances and endowments, said to affect the living and the dead. This is not open for services to the public or mixed audiences. The auditori- ums of the public preaching of the work, and teaching of the Saints consist of tabernacles in the larger towns and meeting houses one meeting house, at least, being in every Ward throughout the Territory, presided over by a bishop and two counsellors, or assistant-bishops. The Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Congregationalists and Methodists have houses of worship and organizations in many places, and are act- ively engaged in disseminating the principles of their faith in doing good, in endeavoring to lead men and women to God, and in estab- lishing schools and academies. The Baptist church has hitherto been the most unsuccessful of all the Christian churches, but lately has shown a praiseworthy persistence in obtaining a position among the churches. The Sabbath day is becomingly respected everywhere, not only as a secular day of rest its original purpose but to listen to spir itual teachings and duties consequent on the position and condition of the people, from the lips of those who feel the responsibility of lead- ing mankind to walk the divine path to eternal life. Kail roads intersect and run parallel with each other to the four car- dinal points, and communication with distant parts is easily made ac- cessible. Previous to the completion of the Pacific Railways, the imports of the Territory, from the most careful computation, were near 12,000 tons yearly, with trifling exports. But the imports and exports, since the Union Pacific and Central Pacific and Utah Central Railroads were completed in 1839, have increased to the enormous amount of 125,000 tons annually the classes of goods, produce, minerals and machinery, incidental to the growing wants of an increasing community, and the patrons of the comforts, wants, tastes and luxury of our advanced civ- ilization, and valued at near 23,030.000. All the advantages of modern civilization are amongst us, and the blessings, comforts and luxuries of the world are laid in our lap speed- ily at low figures and deliciously fresh. SALT LAKE CITY. Salt Lake City is the capital of Utah Territory; and as Paris is said to be France, so it may be said of Salt Lake City, that it is Utah. All its interests, commerce, arts and developments are centered here. Its inhabitants represent all the nationalities that are elsewhere found within its borders. The Legislature meets here, and the chief presiding authorities of its popular church reside here; and most of the schemes and measures, organized for the welfare of the whole, originate and are organized in this cosmopolitan city. L. Goldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S, L. City Ladies Saddles in great variety at W. L. Piokard's, Salt Late City, Utah. Salt Lake City. 183 It is situated in the northeast corner of Salt Lake valley and county, at the western base or slope of a spur of the Wasatch range of moun- tains, running westerly to the river called the Jordan, and about 12 miles east from the southeast corner lines or shores of the Great Salt Lake. The northeastern and eastern wards of this city extend on the bench lands or plateaus of the mountains. It is 4,32') feet above the level of the sea, surrounded on the east by a range of mountains, their rugged and irregular apices ranging from 8,000 to 11,000 feet above the sea level or from 2,009 to 7,000 feet above the level of the city, rising abruptly from the gently inclining slopes that mark the bench lands. The mountains on the northern boundary ap- pear much lower and more regular in formation. The west mountains or Oquirrh range of the valley are comparatively lower than the east- ern, but are about 12 miles south by west of the city. It is located at latitude 40. 46' OS," north and west Greenwich longitude 112 03' 08," the variation of the magnetic needle at the base meridian being 16 32' East. The city is laid out in square blocks containing ten acres each, in the original nineteen bishops' wards; nine of these blocks forming such a ward to the number of seventeen wards; but the 19th ward comprises many more of these blocks. The 13th, 20th and 21st wards contain blocks of 5 acres each. The streets run east and west, and north and south, of course, intersecting at right angles. The streets of the 19th ward are 132 feet wide each, with sidewalks of 23 feet wide included. The streets of the other wards are narrower as the blocks are smaller. On nearly each side of each street is a narrow channel, through which flow the limpid waters of City Creek, Red Butte or Emigration Canyon, according to the location of those waters. Shade trees are planted by the sides of these narrow streams, which are grate- ful to the pedestrians who tread the distant localities. The water flow- ing so freely, is used for irrigation purposes, for gardens aiid orchards throughout the city. The land of the city is cultivated largely in the seasons, every house having its little lot and generally orchard, so that, in the early summer, from the high or bench land, the whole city looks like one vast orchard with bloom and flower, and full of fragrance. The streets are named from the Temple block, north and south, east and west the Temple block being the south-east block of the 17th ward. The streets, in the 20th and 21st wards are named after fruit as Pine, Chestnut etc, and Mountain streets, and are narrower. The population of Sait Lake City in 1389 was 2),000, and is now about 22,000. The city has a very efficient and energetic fire department ; has extensive water works, whose mains are laid through the principal streets, with a good supply of pure water for culinary purposes and protection from tire. The Salt Lake Gas Company has pipes laid along many streets; and several stores and street corners hold up the JQ | grand electric light to the benighted pedestrians. Son't forget that Hardy Bros- & Burton have & well selected stock of Dry Gtooif Nobby Riding Saddles & Bridles, WX. Fickard, Salt Lake 1 84 Salt Lake City. The horse-car railroad company have lines laid from the north- west of the city to the south-east, and from north-east to south-west. The lines centre al the square of the streets, intersecting at the Deseret Bank, Emporium, Kimhall & Lawrence and Godbe blocks corners, run- ning in eight different directions, leaving the double line between the Emporium and Godbe's corners every half hour, as well as from the terminus of each line. These cars are well patronized by the public, and the wonder now is, that the large city could do without them so long. So popular have they become, that new routes are in contempla- tion, and the older ones are lengthening. There are several PLACES OF INTEREST Throughout the city, which invite the visits of strangers, and public buildings of note which attract tourists and sight-seekers. The Tem- ple block is about the most noted. It is a square of ten acres, sur- rounded by a wall 10 feet high, built of adobes, but plastered, and with a coping of well cut stone, having a broad gate in the centre of each of the north, south, east and west walls. This block contains several buildings erected, and in course of erection, in connection with the worship and practices of the Latter-Day Saints. THK TEMPLE, In course of erection, is situated on the eastern part of the block, its main entrance, about 25 feet from the wall, directly in the centre, be- tween north and south walls. It is 2CO feet in length, east and west, and 100 feet wide. The foundation is laid 16 feet below the surface of the earth, and is 16 feet in thickness, built of a reddish quartzite, very hard and durable. This foundation is built on the most scientific principles, in the reversed arch plan, so that the vast weight of the great walls may be distributed equally. The walls built on this foun- dation are 9 feet 9 inches broad. They are of light-colored gray gran- ite, once part of the eternal wal's of the everlasting Wasatch Moun- tains, and taken from Little ( ottonwood Canyon, a distance of 18 miles southeast from the city, brought thither, formerly by oxen, but now by rail. On the 14th day of February, 1853, the ground for the Temple was consecrated, and on the 6th day of April, 1853, the corner stones were laid with solemn and imposing ceremonies. The walls are now (1883) raised about 60 feet from the ground, and will be, accord- ing to the elevations and ] Ian, 100 feet high. They are 6 feet 6 inches thick but will terminate at 5 feet. This structure is of elegant design and fine proportions, and will bean unique and remarkable building. Three towers will be erected on each end ; east and west, the centre ones of which will stand higher than its fellows, rising to an altitude of 200 feet. A circular stairway in each will wind around a column 4 feet in diameter. From the pres- ent appearance of its walls, and the drawings and elevations published, You can save 1O per cent by buying Clothing at JL. Goldberg's Henry Arthur's Boot and Shoe Uppers, W, L. Picliard, Salt Late City, Utau, Salt Lake City. 185 J this edifice will be a marvel of beauty, strength and solidity. The work has already cost upwards of $3.000,000, and, it is estimated, cannot be fin- ished at less than $10,000,000. It is not designed for public divine services, but for ceremonies peculiar to the Latter-Day Saints' faith, such as washings, anointings, baptisms, ordinations, sealiugs, prayer circles and other rites, both for the living and the dead. These ceremonies are now being celebrated in THE ENDOWMENT HOUSE, Which is situated on the same block, until the Temple is completed and dedicated. This house, a plain square building of adobes, may be considered as a temporary and miniature temple internally. Conspicuous to the eyes of the spectator in glancing over the city, from any elevated position, is THE TABERNACLE. This is erected on the same block, directly west of the Temple. It is a remarkable piece of architecture, iii the form of an ellipse or oval, its transverse diameter being 233 feet and its conjugate 133 feet, in the inside, being 70 feet in height from floor to ceiling. On its 46 pillars made of red sandstone, rests its huge roof, rising dome-shape, in form of a vast ogee or cyma reversa, without the support of pillars, having one single span from end to end and from side to side. This roof is ten feet through, made of heavy lattice work, bolted together in the most skillful and mechanical manner. A spacious gallery is erected inside, occupying about three-fourths of the sides, the west end being occupied by the rostrum; this, alone, capable of accommodating 3,750 persons. The whole building is said to be capable of seating 13.452 persons* There are twenty doors to this edifice, most of which are nine feet wide, and the full congregation can effect an exit in one and a half minutes. In the west end of the interior is the rostrum, the rows of seats in the centre being graded for the occupancy of the official authorities of the church, from the President to the Bishops. At the rear of the ros- trum is the grand organ, and at the sides, in front of which, are seats for a choir of a hundred singers. This organ when constructed was the largest instrument built in America, and is now the third largest in the United States. This instrument was wholly built by Utah artisans from material obtained here, with the exception of the metal pipes. These pipes number nearly three thousand, the largest of which is two feet square and thirty-two feet long. It is thirty feet deep by thirty feet wide, rising fifty-eight feet to the summits of the great towers. It has three manuals, great and swell, heavily filled. Its tone and volume are full and the edifice, so large in its proportions, enable its power to be appreciated and felt. j j +4 ___ ! Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise 25 Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. 1 86 Salt Lake City* The next building that strikes the eye is THE SALT LAKE ASSEMBLT HALL, Also erected on this block. It is well-built of granite, squared and pointed, and presents a good substantial appearance. It is 12) fee long by 68 feet broad, the walls rising 33 feet to the square. The central spire is 136 feet in height from the ground and the walls are ornament- ed by twenty graceful minarets, each 21 feet high. From floor to ceil- ing is 40 feet, and a broad gallery encircles the entire hall. The ceiling is adorned with historical and biblical studies in fresco. At the west end stands a lino organ and seats for the choristers. It will seat about 3,500 worshippers, and, being only used for winter and evening meet- ings, it is comfortably heated and lighted. The walls are calsomined in tints, the wainscotting and seats are well grained and the whole in- ternal finish is elaborate and tasteful. This hall cost about 130,000 and presents a pleasing appearance. THE THEATRE Is situated on the corner of First South and First East streets. It is built of rock and adobe, with a handsome granite finish, rather after the Doric style, having massive cornices and fluted pillars, and is an imposing building to the eye. It is 175 feet long and 80 feet wide, and from floor to ceiling is about 40 feet high. It is substantially built and the stockholders are determined to make it commodious, tasteful, useful and safe. The stage is 62 feet deep by 32 feet at the proscenium, fully furnished with scenery (some of which display the finest art and im- agination and best skill,) traps and properties. This theatre has an orchestra, parquette, dress circle, three upper circles and four private boxes two of the latter on each side of the proscenium. It will seat about 1,500 persons comfortably and is well furnished. It is tastefully and elaborately finished, presenting in its ample lighting a rich ap- pearance. In all its appointments in dressing rooms, orchestra, stage mechanics and property rooms it is equal to any theatre on the con- tinent. At the suggestion, and by the instructions of the stockholders, of (his grand building, the managers are making many improvements and decorations, as rapidly as possible, throughout its entire interior; and they purpose to expend on it no less a sum , altogether, than $60,000. It is a theatre that the West, and especially Utah, may be justly proud of. Some of the most talented and famed artists of America and Eu- rope have strutted their brief hours upon this stage, and comedians of all comicalities and variable abilities have lived their mimic lives, with corresponding applause and laughter, here also. The theatre is leased by the popular dramatic caterer and sucessful and talented promoter of genuine, entertaining and pure public amusements, Mr. J. H. Haverly, Esq., of Chicago. Messrs. H. B. Claw- son, John T. Caine and David McKenzie are the careful, wise aud judi- cious managers. L. GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City Ca-sh paid for Hides, Woo! and Furs, W L. Pickard, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 5> IS j Salt Lake City. 187 ft P l THE CITY HALL, Built at a cost of $70,000, stands on the south-east corner of First East and First South streets, about 16) feet obliquely from the theatre. It is 60 feet square, two stories high, constructed of red sandstone, and is surmounted with a clock tower. It contains offices for all the city functionaries, from Mayor to Watermaster, including a room for Al- derman's or Justice's courts as well as a Council chamber for the City Fathers to deliberate therein. The Territorial Legislature meets here to enact laws and discuss bills bienially. The City Prison stands at the rear of this hall and is also built of red s tndstone, constructed so that criminals may not cut through the cement. It is strongly made, costing about $40,000. THE COUNTY COURT HOUSE Is situated on the north-east corner of the intersection of Second West and Second South streets. It is a large square building of two stories, with a deep basement consisting of several rooms used as cells for county prisoners. The foundation and basement are of rock, the walls 5 | of adobe, plastered. The county officials, namely, the Probate Judge, Clerk, Sheriff, Recorder and Assessor and Collector, have offices on the floor of the first story. A large, well-lighted, furnished and com- modious court-room, with jurors' rooms, cover the second story. It is kept in good order and repair, clean and airy. It cost about 23,000. THE CHUKCHES. As we have said, the Latter-Day Saints meet on Sunday mornings and afternoons in the Tabernacle during summer, and in the Assembly Hall during the latter part of spring, fall and winter. In every Bish- op's ward in the city they also hold meetings every Sunday night, either in the school-house of the ward or in a chapel or hall dedicated for that purpose. John Taylor and his counselors preside over the whole church, but at the Tabernacle or Assembly Hall the Presidency of the Salt Lake County Stake preside. In each ward meeting, the II 2? CD Q s_ o us cr CO o o O ^ I bishop and his two counselors preside. Over this stake of Zion, Elders Angus Cannon is President and D. O. Calder and Joseph E. Taylor his counselors. THE EPISCOPALIANS Have a neat cathedral, named St. Mark's, built of red sandstone, solid and substantial, with little or no ornamental work on the interior. It is comfortably furnished with pew?, and the chancel is neat and pre- sents an imposing ecclesiastical appearance. Bishop D. S. Tuttle is Rector and the Rev. N. F. Putnam and the Rev. G. D. B. Miller are as- sistants. During the year an addition was built to the Cathedral on the east side, in which is a magnificent organ and room for the choir. It is quite attractive and an improvement to the interior. Son't forget that Hardy Bros* & Burton hava A well selected stock of Dry Goodi ShoemaJters 9 Tools of all kinds, W. L. PicJcard, Salt Lake. 1 88 Salt Lake City. This Cathedral is situate on First South street, between Second and Third East streets, north side. This body of Christians has also a very neat and imposing church, called St. Paul s, on the south-east corner of East Temple and Fourth South streets. It is well fitted up for worship- pers, and displays the usual chancel, table and desks for the clergy. Rev. Mr. Armstrong is minister. THE EPISCOPAL METHODISTS Have a fine large church, built of good brick, cruciform in style, with stained glass windows, of scriptural designs, The church is two stories high, the lower story having good, well lighted and ventilated school- rooms and parlors. The Rocky Mountain Seminary is held in these. In the upper story is the large auditorium, well seated and comfort- able. A good and large organ is erected to the left of the platform or desk. The Rev. T. c. IlifT is pastor of this church. THE ROMAN CATHOLICS Have a good brick building called St. Mary Magdalene. It is pleasrtnt- ly situated on Second East between South Temple and First South Sts., west side. It is neatly furnished and commodious, and the altar is imposing and characteristic of the worship of the old faith. The Rev. father Scanlan is pastor, assisted by Rev. Mr. Keiley. THE CONGREGATIONALISTS Worship in a neat, plain building on Third South street, between East and West Temple streets, south side. It is built substantially of adobe, but its interior is suitable and comfortable for the worshippers and hearers. The Rev. F. T. Lee is pastor. THE PRESBYTERIAN Church is erected on the north-east corner of Second East and Second South streets. It is built of lumber, Gothic windows, a larger and a smaller tower, of good proportions and comfortable. The basement is built of red sandstone, which is occupied as class rooms and for prayer and business meetings in connection with the church. The Rev. R. G. McNiece is the pastor. THE RE-ORGANIZED CHURCH Of the Latter-Day Saints have a small neat brick building, as a chapel, a little east of the south-east corner of Second South and Second East streets. This is sometimes called the "Josephite" church. Elder Joseph Luff is the presiding officer under the authority of Elder W. W. Blair, one of the Twelve Apostles of that organization. THE BAPTIST CHURCH. The Baptists have no church building, but meet in Pendleton's ^! Hall, west of the Walker Opera House. They have an organization, t j and hold services every Sunday, conducted by G. Morse, M. D., until a L. Goldberg has the lafg-est stock of Men's wear in S. L. Citj Best Team Harness made by W, L. Pickard, Salt Lake. j* | Salt Lake City. 189 d O i pastor is elected, and in the absence of Rev. D wight Spencer, President l-^ of the Baptist Mission in Utah. They purpose building a suitable ; Q church during the present year. ! C^ THE LUTHERANS i d Meet in St. Mark's Schoolroom, and have service every Sunday. The < jj hearers are principally Scandinavian and German. Rev. Mr. Hill is | Q pastor. j O THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL j H ! OQ Church, for Scandinavian services, meet in the parlors of the Methodist Episcopal Church on Sunday and Friday evenings. \ GQ THE LIBERAL INSTITUTE Is a fine square building, situated north of the Presbyterian Church. Is used for public lectures, especially on Spiritualism, Secularism and other subjects not generally treated on in churches. Public meetings, political and social, are held in. it. It was built by the out-comers from Mormonism, and supplies a want felt in all cities where a free an I lib- eral element exists. It i.s well lighted an I pi tinly furnished, and com- fortable at all seasons. EDUCATIONAL. Not only is there a public schoolhouse in every Bishop's ward in the city, organized and sustained to impart a rudimental education, but there are several excellent institutions and edifices devoted to the teaching of the higher branches of learning. These institutions are presided over by scholarly gentlemen, of high attainments and exten- sive erudition ; their marked ability, for the noble and generous work, place them in the front ranks as educators, all graduates of rioted uni- | , versities. THE DESSRET UNIVERSITY. | ' This institution has no permanent building at present, but one is t? in course of erection which will be suitable and commodious. We are sorry to learn that by some unfortunate misunderstanding with His Excellency, the Governor of the Territory, the progress of the building was arrested by his refusing to sign, at the last session of the Territor- ial Legislature, an economical appropriation for its completion. It is to be hoped that no such calamity may befall it next session, which will meet in January, 1884. At present the students convene in a large building near Union Square. It has an average attendance of 2')0, is well supplied with mathematical, philosophical and chemical appar- atus, has a valuable cabinet of minerals and curiosities, and has a I p library of standard and miscellaneous works, consisting of 2,600 vol- | {*?* umes. Professor J. W. Park, M. D., is principal, assisted by Prof, Tor- ! onto and Prof. Kingsbury. It is partially supported by fees, but the O Legislature appropriates $5,000 annually towards its support, provld- c-t 3ardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats ? Gaps & ClotMng Wrought Spanish 13its & Spurs, VV. lu Pickard, Salt l^ake. 190 Salt La 1 ; c City. ing that it gives a year's course of normal teaching to forty representa" j live students from different parts of the Territory. progress of the pupils in manners, moials and ability is marked. THE SALT LAKE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. This school is conducted and supported by the Presbyterian Church. It was organized eight years ago, and has at present about 2 JO pupils. Though under the charge of this Christian body, it is unseciarian, yet moral training is not overlooked, being distinguished for its moral and intellectual progress and worth. Prof. J. M. Coyner, Ph. D., an earnest and devoted educator, is Superintendent, assisted by talented and learned teachers, graduates of the best colleges in the United States. This body of Christians have opened free schools in other parts of the city, where all who apply will receive the beneiit of a free tuition. They are in charge of educated and experienced teachers. SALT LAKE ACADEMY Is connected with the Congregational Church in Utah, but under the protection of the New West Educational Association. It convenes, at present, in Independence Hall; but an elegant building, nearly fin- ST. MARK'S SCHOOL. This educational institution was opened in 1867, and is under the auspices of the Protestant Episcopal Church. It has an average at- tendance of 350 pupils, classified in e'even grades, having an efficient tutor over each grade. The school in some departments is held in St. Mark's school, a large two-story building, with good light and commo- dious rooms, situated nearly opposite the City Hall ; other depart- ment meet in the basement of the Cathedral, and still other classes in Rowland Hal!, in the 18th Bisho '.< Ward. This hall was built i i 1381, was the gift of Mrs. Benjamin Rowland of Philadelphia, bestowed pnd erected in memory of her late husband. The whole is under the su- pervision of Rt. Rev. Bishop D. S. Tattle, of the Diocese of Utah, and Idaho. Rev. G. D. B. Miller is Principal, assisted by a corps of profi- cient professors and tuto"rs. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Is conducted by the Roman Catholic Church, under the care of the 4 'Sisters of Charity." It is large and commodious, pleasantly situated pt 9 H-". i of tb t? CD GQ W H 03 8 GQ H on First West, between First and Second South streats, west side. The grounds are ample, and under the supervision of the devoted and self- j ^0 sacrificing "Sisters," arc neat and tastefully kept. It has 110 young lady pupils, boarders, and 150 day pupils, trom this and adjacent ter- ritories. On the same grounds and nearly adjoining, is St. Joseph, ?3 conducted under the same thoughtful direction of the Sisters, and is characterized with good discipline and moral and intellectual train- ing. The Revs. Father Scanlan and Keiley being constant visitors, the Q CD O u p B -t-. o 02 I I Call and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries SftocmaJcers* Tools of all Jcinds, W L* JPicJcasd, Salt Luke. i i Salt Lake City. \ 9 1 ished, called Hammond Hall, in the Ninth Ward, will be opened in a few weeks for its use. It will be classified in the several grades of study and will possess every advantage which mark similar Institu- tions in the Eastern States. Prof. E. Benner is Superintendent, and is assisted by professors and tutors of high standing, superior ability and great professional experience, which make them successful and respected. Other schools, in connection with this movement, are or- ganized in several wards of the city, where all applicants may receive instructions free, under teachers of peculiar efficiency. THE SALT LAKE SEMINARY Is organized under the care of the Methodist Episcopal Church, situat- ed on Third South, between East Temple and First East streets, north side. ]t convenes in the ground story of the church edifice. The sem- inary is in a prosperous condition, and the oversight of the acting prin- cipal, Prof. T. W. Lincoln, assisted by able and experienced teachers. It is purposed to have a college grow out of this seminary. The Wo- man's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church patronizes this institution, and it is expected that this year there will be erected a large building on the grounds for the boarding of pupils. The sum of 5,000 has been raised already in the East for that purpose, by the society, and nothing shall detract from its being as excellent an institution as means and ability can accomplish. THE HEBHEWS Have erected in this city, corner of First West and Third South streets, a handsome, cheerful and commodious school house, open for all coin- ers, especially for the sons and daughters of the members of that church. Private schools are common in the wards, and are well patronized' The ladies and gentlemen devoted to this work are persons of distinc- tion and are much encouraged in the good enterprises. The citizens of Salt Lake City are universally interested in the ed ucation of their children, and year after year greater facilities are of- fered for the acquisition of the broadest, highest and complete culture that these institutions can afford. Most of the teachers are graduates from the best colleges, and not a few from the ormal department of Deseret University. BENEVOLENT SECRET SOCIETIES. These institutions are very popular in the city, not only are they esteemed for the charitable uses for which they are organize 1, bat they collect together a number of men of high standing in morals, and of vigorous health. The spirit of the institutions is broad and liberal, and the duties and objects are very generously and faithfully executed, L. Toldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City Shoe Leather & Findings, W. Lu Pickard, Salt Lake City l] 192 Salt Lake City. THE FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, Or Free Masons, have a Grand Lodge, organized January 16th, 1872, which meets the second Tuesday in November annually, governing seven subordinate lodges, three of which a?e organized in Salt Lake City as follows : THE WASATCH LODGE OF A. F. & A. M. NO. I. Regular meetings the second Friday in each month, at Masonic Hall 011 East Temple street. MOUNT MORTAH LODGE, NO. II. Regular meetings the second Monday in each month, at Masonic Hall. ARGKNTA LODGE, NO. III. Regular meetings the first Tuesday in each month, at Masonic Hall. In connection with Free Masonry, though not governed by the Grand Lodge, yet members must be associated w.th some subordinate lodge, are UTAH ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO. I. Regular convocations the first Wednesday in each month at Ma- sonic Hall. And the UTAH COMMANDERY NO. I. Knights Templar, regular conclaves the first Thursday in each month at Masonic Hall. THE MASONIC HALL Is beautifully furnished, and comfortable as a lady's parlor. The ceil- ing is elaborately furnished with paintings illustrating the several de- grees of Masonry, and incidents in connection w r ith the history and degrees of the mystic tie. THE GRAND LODGE Of Masons has a large room fitted up comfortably as a library and reading room, open to the public daily, free, for reading and circula- tion. The library contains about 6,000 volumes, and periodicals from the most important cities of the Union. THE ODD FELLOWS. This excellent order has rooms beautifully fitted up in the stories over the Deseret National Bank, In Salt Lake City they have three lodges. UTAH LODGE, NO. 1. Meets every Thursday at 7. 30, p. m., in rooms over G. M. Scott & Co's store, on East Temple street. SALT LAKE LODGE NO. 2. o. F. Meets every Friday at 7,30 p. m., over Deseret Bank. JORDON LODGE NO. 3, O F., Meets every Monday at 7:30 p. m., over Deseret Bank. Besides these are lodges of^Knights of Pythias, Temples of Honor, You can save 1O per cent by buying Clothing at L.Croldberg's W ALTON'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Rider*. ~ td ; Suburban Attractions. 193 cj Knights of Honor and Good Templars lodges organized and in ex- cellent order, meeting regularly at their several balls and rooms. NEWSPAPER OFFICES. There are four daily papers issued in the city "The Deseret F.ve- ning News," "The Salt Lake Daily Herald" (morning issue,) "The Salt Lake Daily Tribune" (morning issue) and "The Evening Chronicle." Besides these are several weekly and monthly papers, namely the * k Bikuben," (Scandinavian) a weekly* the "Woman's Exponent," a bi-weekly, the "Juvenile Instructor," a bi-weekly, the "Rocky Moun- tain Christian Advocate," a monthly religious paper, the ''Utah Commercial," a monthly, the "Contributor," a monthly, ^Tfce Deseret Home," a monthly, and "Tullidge's Quarterly." The public are always apprised of the various amusements that are open by the daily publication of the "Salt Lake Theatre Programme," and the ^Operascope." THE vVALKER OPERA HOUSE. This beautiful structure is situated a few yards west of the Walker Bros' Bank, and was erected in 1882 by that firm. It has a fine, impos- ing front, and an attractive appearance. Two stories and a lofty base- ment appear in front. One store on each side of the large and com- modious doorway, and the stories above are occupied by Knights of Pythias and other benevolent societies. The Opera House is a mag- nificent building,.165 feet long, 67 feet wide, and 60 feet from floor to ceiling. The interior is highly ornamented and gorgeously decorated, having a pleasing effect on all who enter. It has a large stage, supplied with fine scenery and the necessary machinery, traps and properties, making it effective for all demands. The drop scene is a beautiful work of art, and the fancy sketch above the scene on the permanent wall is very pleasing. It has a parquette, dress circle, two upper cir- cles, and three private circles each side of the proscenium. It has also a spacious orchestra, and every appointment necessary for a desirable theatre. It is pretty, commodious and very popular, not being sur- passed by any house west of the Rocky Mountains. The proprietors will make it in every way a desirable place for the lovers of the divine art. It is under the able, careful and generous management of Dr. D. Banks McKenzie and is often engaged or given for the popular Sunday evening lectures, through his influence and urbanity. SUBURBAN ATTRACTIONS. WHERE TO DRIVE. It is a most pleasant drive to start from Main street through to the north-eastern portion of the city and, after passing along the elevated c* u^ Sardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Ladies Saddles in great Tariety at W. L. Picfcard's, Salt Lake City, Utah. i *> -:. 104 Suburban Attractions. * i -"^ f^ streets of the north bench, to descend again to South Temple street at a point near the eastern limits of the city. Continue thence due east, ascending to the eastern bench, and a short drive of a little more than a mile brings you to FORT DOUGLAS. This delightful fort is the principal military post in Utah. During the last few years it has been entirely rebuilt, and the old log barracks and weather-board quarters have been replaced by stout and comfort, able buildings of a pink sandstone that forms the bluffs overlooking the camp. The officers' residences have been arranged in a handsome crescent at the head of the level parade ground, and afford a splendid view of the neighboring city and the whole broad and magnificent valley. The post is under the command of Col. Alexander M. McCook, an officer of the Sixth Infantry, a large portion of his regiment being statiored here. Driving through the fort and past the military ceme. tery, the traveller will enjoy thepleasant hill and dale country beyond; especially as he will speedily be brought up short at WAGNER'S BREWERY. This tine property possesses interest aside from the sparkling bev- erage which we will admit to be its chief attraction. It is one of the largest breweries in the west, is orderly and clean and produces beer of excellent quality. Being about 4 miles from the city, it offers a good turning point in a pleasant drive. The road home can be varied adinfi- nitunt, and can be made to take in FULLER'S HILL. Take either the llth Ward or 1st Ward cars, starting from the "Em- porium" corner every .half hour. Ask the driver to put you off at Ful- ler's Hill. Here can be found all kinds of out-door games, swings, cro- quets, etc., including a camera obscura. The prettiest view of Salt Lake City can be had from Fuller's Hill, and the gardens are well worth visiting. They can be reached by an easy carriage drive. Another drive is to take the State road for two and one-half miles southward, turn the next corner for the east, next corner for the south driving as far as Winder's farm; then turn again to the east and the traveller will soon reach CALDER'S FARM. This pleasant resort is between four and five miles from the city. It is cool, verdant and delightful. There is a large lake with boats' swings, groves, etc. Admission 25 cents. The traveller can vary his return home by coming through the fields, avoiding the State road and leaving it to the west. Still another drive is to go due north from the Walker House over the hill to the Warm Sulphur Baths. On the way, a charming view of the city and surrounding country is obtained from a commanding L. GOti>BERG, LEADING CI.OTHTKR, Salt Lake City First Prizes awarded at all Territorial Pairs, to W. L. Picfeard, Salt Lab*. Suburban Attractions. 195 point of view. The drive may be continued over a moderately inter- esting road*, along the base of the Wasatch mountains, past the Hot Spring lake to the Hot Springs themselves, which, although more pic- turesque, differ in no wise from those at the Baths except by their in- creased heat. They are 3% miles from the city. WHEKE TO WALK OB RIDE. It is, of course, very evident that a horseman or a pedestrian, if he be a good walker, can go to any of the places above mentioned. There are, however, other interesting routes accessible to him that the driver cannot well reach. After going a block north of the Temple, on Main street, strike for the hill on the right and pursue the wagon road that winds along the edge of City Creek canyon, to the top of ENSIGN PEAK. This is a rounded knoll, easily accessible, whose summit isl,2DOfeet above the city. From this elevated position, a most magnificent range is visible. On a clear day, Mount Nebo, the highest peak of the Wa- satch, 90 miles due south, can be seen. The view extends to almost an equal distance to the north. Westward, it takes in nearly all of the Great Salt Lake, with its islands, and affords a glimpse of the Great American desert. The summit of Ensign peak is not more than two miles north of the city, and it is of peculiar historical interest. It is said that years before the pioneers first saw this valley, it had been seen in a vision by the Prophet, Joseph Smith, who saw the *' Standard of Zion" unfurled on this same Ensign peak. Hence its name. A more difficult and extended mountain climb is to the summit of BLACK MOUNTAIN, Whose top can be seen, covered with pines, north east of the city. It appears rather a hazardous attempt on horseback, but the writer and many others have climbed these steeps in that manner more than once and have been amply repaid by the extraordinary magnificence of the view. To attempt it, gain the ridge of City Creek canyon on the hills above the 23th Ward bench and from thence take a natural and easy trail almost to the summit. A little climb, and as the top is neared, a lovely view of enormous range bursts on the adventurer's as- tonished gaze. We shall not attempt to describe it. It takes in scores of miles in every direction and gives at once a comprehensive panor. ama of the region. The summit is about 8,500 feet above and 5 miles north-east of the city. Those who prefer a walk or ride that involves less climbing, will find a charming road up the canyon of City creek, north of the city. Entering Eagle Gate, the road gains beauty at every step until it cul- minates at a point about 8 miles north of the city. The road is good for horsemen and is traveled constantly by wagons; but is not suitable for pleasure driving, being somewhat rough. r , lon't forget that Hardy Bros- & Burton hava A well selected stock of Dry Gtoodf California Lasso Saddles, W.L. Pickard, Salt Lake Citj. || 196 Pleasure Resorts. ^' 1 j<< PLEASANT RESORTS. BIG COTTON WOOD CAN YON. A most pleasing summer trip, which can be made in from three days to a week, is an excursion on horseback to the series of small lakes at the head of Big Cottonwood Canyon, in the Wasatch Moun- J?Q tains. The direction from the city is south-east and the round trip is Q one of about fifty miles. At the canyon head, in summer, Mr. Brighton has a hotel, affording good accommodation, or the margin of Trout Lake. The visitor can here spend a few days very pleasantly, away j QQ from the dust and heat of the city, among swarthy pines and eternal ! ^ snows. Short walksor rides of a few miles can be made in several i J3 directions to advantage, the most pleasing being that to Lakes Phoebe, j P* Mary, Martha and Katrina, which lie linked among the highest peaks. ' Q They are surrounded by scenes of surpassing beauty and grandeur that ; [ij call forth the highest sentiments of admiration. \ ty LITTLE COTTONWOOD. This canyon contains also some fine natural scenery, bat cannot \ ~ boast of such picturesque views as its more formidable neighbor. Its JQ summit is more easily reached, however, being connected by rail M from this city. From Alta, the terminus of the road, a trail of six Q miles over the divide, leads to Brighton's above mentioned. A good \ <^ trip for a party of horsemen is to go up one canyon and down the M other, making a trip of about seventy -five miles, lasting four or five i QQ days, and taking in some of the best scenery our mountains afford. : ^ PARLEY'S PARK. A third mountain jaunt is up Parley's Canyon, anothe r pass whose ! Q entrance is in the sari) e direction as the others but only about seven Q miles distant. It leads to Parley's Park, about twenty-five miles from here, on the eastern side of the range seen from the city. A good wagon O or buggy road extends all the way, and the attraction in the Park is 2 good fishing and hunting, pleasant drives and good fare at Kimball's *A Hotel. A daily stage connects this resort with the city. AMERICAN FORK CANYON. j Take the 7 a. m. Utah Southern train to American Fork, a village thirty-four miles south of this city, in Utah Valley Fare $1.80. From this point will be obtained a splendid view of Utah Lake, a beautiful sheet of fresh water 235 miles square At the town put yourself under the guidance of Eiobert Kepperneck, proprietor of the '* American Fork House," and from him hire horses, or any other conveyance, for the roads are first-class, and visit the famous American Fork Can- yon which has been justly termed the Yoseinite of Utah. It is the j OQ 8" o wildest and most picturesque defile in northern Utah, and is one long | You can save lOper cent by buying Clothing- at L. Goldberg's Nobby Riding Saddles & Bridles, WX. Pickard, Salt Lake ' C* Pleasure Resorts. 197 M series of natural wonders. u Towers, battlements, shattered castles ^5 and the images of mighty sentinels," a writer says, "exhibit their outlines against the sky. Rocks, twisted, gnarled and distorted ; here a mass like the skeleton of some colossal tree which lightning had ^j wrenched and burnt to fixed cinder; there another, vast aud over- M hanging, apparently crumbling and thereatening to fall in ruin." The I .. most striking portion of the pass is included in the first twelve miles K from the town and expedition would enable the sight-seer to return in g time to take the home train which leaves American Fork City at 4.34 \ ~j p. m. Other trips can be made in various directions, but we have pointed j GO out the more interesting of the mountain scenery surrounding the ' city. ; ^ GREAT SALT LAKE. | H Probably the most interesting feature of this entire region, certain- j ly the most famous, is the Great Salt Lake itself, which is, at its near- VI i est point, about nine miles distant from the city, but, owing to the marshy character of its shores it is not easily accessible at this point. The easiest methods of communication are either by the Utah Western Railway, or the Utah Central, the former running westward to Lake Point, Garfield and Black Rock, the latter northerly to Lake Shore. Bathing in Salt Lake is a most novel and pleasing experience. It is impossible to sink, Hie water is so dense and buoyant. The con- stant tendency, however, is for the head to go under, while the feet re- main at the surface. But, with very little practice, men, women and children grow accustomed to its peculiarities, and during the warm summer months, resort to it in great numbers daily, and find in its waters a great source of exhilaration and refreshment. The surround- ings of the lake on its southern extremity are picturesque; but at other points the shores are a picture of utter desolation. FISHING AND HUNTING. The canyon streams that surround the city are always, in season, well stocked with trout, and are annually the resort of professional and amateur anglers. It is useless to particularize, for City Creek, Parley's, Mill Creek, Big and Little Cottonwood, American Fork and Provo Canyons all have their quota of the finny tribe. Those nimrodswho are contented with small game will find their quarry on the plains over Jordan river, in the fall of the year. Hares and jack rabbits are there in abundance. In the oak brush around the neighboring foot hills are prairie chickens; and higher in the mountains are pine hens. Larger game, such as deer, is rare, although in early winter they are frequently seen in goodly numbers in the mountains. Bears actually infest the mountains in the north-eastern and some other portions of the Territory. *4 1 ? ttardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise O 2- Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroccos at Piekard's. DIGEST OF COMMERCIAL LAW OF UTAH. COMPILED BY S. W. DARKE A CO, ACTIONS. Actions for the recovery t>f real estate or interest therein, or for the determination In any form of such right or interest; or for injury to real property; for the partition thereof, for the foreclosure of a mort- gage or other lien ; must be brought in the county in which the land or some part thereof is situated. In all other cases the action shall be tried the county where cause of action originated or in which the defend- ants or any one of them may reside at the commencement of the ac- tion; or if none of the defendants reside in the Territory, or if residing in the Territory the county in which they reside be unknown to the plaintiff, the cause may be tried in any county which the plaintiff may designate in the complaint. ARRESTS. No arrest in civil cases except when the defendant is about to leave the Territory with intent to defraud creditors; when the property on which action has been brought to recover possession has been concealed or disposed of; when the defendant has been guilty of a fraud in con- tracting the debt ; when the defendant has fraudulently converted to his own use money or other property of which he had charge. ATTACHMENTS. By filing bond of not less than two hundred dollars, nor exceeding the amount claimed, the plaintiff may have an attachment against the property of the defendant, both real and personal, and debts due defendant, except such as are exempt from execution. CLAIMS AGAINST DECEASED PERSONS. All claims not presented within ten months after the first publica- tion of the notice of the executors shall be forever barred ; except when at time of publication the claim be not then due ; or if it be con- tingent it may be presented within ten months after it became due or absolute ; or when the claimant had no notice by reason of not be- ing a resident of the Territory, it may be presented any time before a decree of distribution is entered. Sail and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Saddlery and Saddlery-Hardware, Jolted by W. L. Picfcard. Salt Lake City. i . Digtst of Utah Laws. 199 o O 03 CORPORATIONS. All corporations for mining, manufacturing, commercial or other industrial pursuits must be organized under the general laws of the Territory. CONVEYANCES By deed must be signed by the person from whom the estate or in- terest is intended to pass, or his lawful agent or attorney, and by one or more credible witnesses, and must be acknowledged or proved and recorded in the office of the recorder for the county in which the estate is situated. Every conveyance of real estate not recorded is void as against any subsequent purchaser in good faith, and for a valu- able consideration, of the same real estate or any portion thereof, where his conveyance is first duly recorded. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Proof or acknowledgments of any conveyance of real estate made in this Territory must be taken before and certified to by some judge or clerk of a court having a seal, or some notary public or county recorder, or by a justice of the peace of the county where the convey, ance is executed and to be recorded. When any of these officers are authorized by law to appoint a deputy such acknowledgment or proof may be taken by any such deputy in the name of his principal. A married woman may convey any of her real estate, or any interest therein by conveyance thereof, executed, acknowledged and certified to, in the same manner as other persons. DEPOSITIONS. Depositions must be taken in this Territory before a judge or clerk of a court, or a justice of the peace or notary public. Notice of the time and place of examination must be served iipon the adverse party. Such notice must be at least five days, except the judge of the court giving the order to take the deposition shall for a cause shown pre- scribe a shorter time. TESTIMONY. A person against whom judgment has been rendered upon a con- viction for felony, unless pardoned by the Governor, or unless the judgment has been reversed on appeal, cannot appear as a witness. A husband cannot be a witness for or against his wife, nor a wife for or against her husband; nor can either during the marriage or after- wards, be, without the consent of the other, examined as to any com- munication made by one to the other during the marriage. This rule does not apply to any action or proceeding brought by one against the other, DIVORCE. The Probate courts have jurisdiction in divorce and alimony, and actions must be brought in the court for the county in which plaintiff . f oldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L. City Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake -H 3 200 Digest of Utah Laws. resides. The petition for a bill of divorce must be in writing, upon oath or affirmation. The courts may decree divorces from the bonds of matrimony for any of the following causes: impotency of the defend- ant at the time of marriage; adultery committed subsequent to mar- riage, wijlful desertion for more than a iyear; habitual drunkenness subsequent to marriage; conviction lor felony; inhuman treatment and neglect to provide common necessaries. No right of dower exists in this;Territory. FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES. Every conveyance of any real estate or interest in lands, or the rents or profits of lands, and every charge upon lands, or the rents or profits thereof, made or created with intent to defraud prior or subsequent purchasers thereof for a valuable consideration, unless ac- companied by an immediate and actual change of possession, is void as against such purchasers. All deeds ot gift, all conveyances, trans- fers or assignments, verbal or written, of goods, chattels or things in action made in trust for the use of the person making the same, is void as against the creditors existing or subsequent of such person. Every contract for the sale of any goods, chattels or things in action, for the price of three hundred dollars or over, is void unless a note or memo- randum of such contract be made in writing and subscribed by th e parties to be charged therewith, or unless the buyer shall accept or re- ceive part of such goods, or the evidences, or some of the things in ac- tion; or unless the buyer shall at the time pay some part of the pur- chase money. EXECUTIONS. Executions may issue from courts of record withirj three years from the rendition of judgment, and any property sold on an execution may be redeemed within six months after sale on paying the purchaser the amount of his purchase with six per cent, interest in addition, together with any assessment or taxes the purchaser may have paid thereon. The folio wing properly is exempt: chairs, tables, desks and books to the value of $100; necessary household, table and kitchen furniture; wearing apparel; one bed and bedstead and the necessary bedding for every two members of the family; provisions and fuel for sixty days; the farming utensils and implements of husbandry; two oxen, horses or mules, and their harness; one cow and calf for every five persons in the family, with their food for sixty days; and one cart or wagon; the tools of a mechanic; the instruments and chests of a surgeon, phys- ician, surveyor or dentist, with their professional libraries; the law li- brary of an attorney and the libraries of clergymen; the tent or cabin ^i | of a miner, and necessary tools used in mining not exceeding $400, and j provisions for sixty days; the team and cart or wagon of a person who . | earns his living by their labor, aud their food for sixty days; the horse, ^ | harness and vehicle of a physician, surgeon or clergyman; the sewing 5 ! machine in actual use by the debtor or his family. If the debtor be the L. Goldberg 1 has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L. City Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Fickard, Salt Lake. Digest of Ltah Laws. 201 3 head of a family, a further exemption is made of five sheep and their wool for every person in his family; two hogs and three pigs, and the necessary food for them for sixty days; all flax raised by the family, and the manufactures therefrom for their own use; the earnings of snch debtor by his personal services for sixty days next preceding the levy to the amount of $100; a homestead not exceeding in value $1,000, and $25} for each other member of the family. No property owned by non-residents is exempt, JURISDICTION. Justices' courts have jurisdiction: where the amount involved does not exceed SWO; in an action arising on contract for the recovery of money; in an action for damages for injury to the person or property, or for taking or detaining personal property; in an action for a fine, penalty or forfeiture; in an action upon a surety, bond or undertaking, or in an action to recover possession of personal property, and of suits for the collection of taxes; in actions for the possession of lands or ten- ements when the relation of landlord and tenant exists. Probate courts have jurisdiction in. all matters relating to the settlement of th -i estates of decedents; in matters of guardianship and in granting divorc" es and alimony. District courts have jurisdiction in proceedings quo ivarranto^ mandamus, in all suits or proceedings in chancery, in all ac- tions at Jaw in which the sum or value of the thing in controversy shall be 1300 or upwards; in all controversies where the tit.e, possession or boundaries of land or mines or mining claims shall be in dispute* whatever their value; in suits for divorce and of habeas corpus. The Su- preme Court has jurisdiction in all cases of appeal and proceeding in error from the District Courts. LIENS. Any person who shall, under contract from the owner, or his agent, ' of any building or other improvement, perform any labor upon or fur- nish any material for the construction or repairing of such building or improvement, shall have a lien upon such building or improvement .and tha right of possession of the ground upon which the same is situ- ated, with right of way to and from the same. Any sub-contractor, journeyman or laborer employed in the construction or repairing of any building or improvement, or in furnishing any material for the same, may give the owner notice in writing, setting forth the amount of his claim and the service rendered for which his employer is indebt- ed to him and that he holds the owner responsible for the same, where- upon the owner of the building or other improvement shall be liable for the claim if indebted to the employee for the amount; if not, then for the amount due from him to the said employee at the time the no- tice was given. All baggage, goods and effects of every person board- ing or lodging at a hotel, inn or boarding house, shall be subject to the lien of such hotel, inn or boarding-house keeper. Sales of such effects must be at public auction. g UH ' __ Bardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & SlotMns 27 Shoemakers 9 Tools of all kinds, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake. 3 ! 202 Digest of Utah Laws. 5 5 LIMITATIONS. possession thereof. Actions upon judgment or decree of court must be brought within five years. Actions upon any contract, obligation or liability founded on a written instrument must be brought within four years. Actions upon an open account for goods or merchandise must be brought within two years. Green Groceries, Poultry* Game a_nd Fish in season, Flour, Grain and Feed. Bof Orders promptly rilled. Free delivery to any part of the city. Telephonic connection. 70 FIRST SOI Til STRfciET, opp. Salt Lake, Theatre. OKCA.S, F. "WEBBER, Successor to W. S. CLAYS. CANNED GOODS, CALIFORNIA AND UTAH FRUITS VEGETABLES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 85T The Famous GRIZZLY, Boss 5c. Ci^ar. ~^a 33 Second South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Dealers in Staple & Fancy Groceries, * Actions to enforce mechanics' or laborers' liens must be brought within one year from the completion of the work. Actions for the re | covery ot real property, or the possession thereof, must be brought j Q within seven years from the date of losing such real prapeity or the | H I. o. epanciffisr. Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, ' 239 MAIN STREET, Salt Lake City, Utah. T. C. Armstrong, Sr. E. L. Buttcrfield. ARMSTRONG & BUTTERFIELD, Real Estate. Loan and Collection Agents. Notaries Public and Insurance Agency. 1330 Kimball Block, First South St., Opp. Continental Hotel, SALT LA KB: CITY. ' 55 CQ ^ ^ 9 o L. GOLDJBKKO, LEADING CLOTIIfKR, Salt JLake City, Best Team Harness made by W, L. Pickard, Salt Laka METROPOLITAN HOTEL, Corner West Temtile and, Third South Streets- SALT LAKE CITY* OPENED JUNE 1ST, 1883. e Hmevicftt) i - - - tJ Everything Srictly First Class. $2.OO to $2.5O per day. I,. SIMONS, Proprietor. Jas. Thomson. C. J. Thomson. THOMSON'S Real Estate and Loan Agency. HOUSES RENTED & COLLECTIONS MADE, Money Loaned on Real Estate and Collaterals. ALL, BUSINESS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. No. 1233 First South Street, west of Main, P. O. Box 951, SALT LAKE CITY. Contractors for sinking Common or Flowing Wells. Bad water curbed out. All kinds of pumps and Windmills for sale. 9on*t forget that Hardy Bros- 4 Burton hua * well selected stock of Dry Goo If Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Fickard's. |f; ESTABLISHED 1852. Lloyd Tevis, President, San Francisco. I J. PJ. Dooly, Agent, H. Wadsworth, Treasurer, " Salt Lake City. Capital $6,25O,OOO. Surplus $2,045,465. WelLs, Fargo & Co's Bank, EXCHANGE, BANKING AND EXPRESS CO. San Francisco, (Parent Bank) - - H. Wadsworth, Treasurer. New York, 65 Broadway, (Branch Bank) - H. B. Parsons, Agent. Virginia, Nevada, - " " C. C. Pendegast, Agent. Carson City, Nevada, - * " - H. L. Tickner, Agent. London, England, - <* - Eives & Allen, Agents. A regular banking Business transacted. Foreign and domestic ex- change bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of ores and bullion. Returns for collections promptly made at current rates. H. J. Grant. B. S, Young. B. H. Goddard. Successors to CR AWT & CLAYTON, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS. THE LARGEST INSURANCE AGENCY IN UTAH. We represent none but First Class Companies &^" Ihe best is always the Cheapest. Office, Room 5 Hooper & Eldredge Block, Main Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. HEAD OUR LIST. IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. FFRE COMPANIES. Cash Assets. Ins. Co of North America of Phila., (over) $ 8,800,000 Home Insurance Co, of New York, 7,000,000 Phoenix Irsurance Co. of Hartford, 4,3 JO ,000 Hartford Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, " 4,000,000 German American Ins. Co. of New York, Pennsylvania Fire Ins. Co. of Phila., Niagara Fire Ins. Co. of New York, Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Company of Liverpool and London, Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York, The Mutual is the Largest Life Insurance Company i 3,4UO,000 2,-0(),OuO 1,700,000 12,000,000 91,700,000 i the World. THOMPSON & SHURTL1FF, Proprietors of the DEXTER LIVERY, PEED AND SALE STABLE. 26 to 34 Second South St. SALT L.AKE CITY. UTAH iO All orders promptly attended to. Telephone. ' You can save 1O per cent by buying Clothing at L. Goldberg'* Shoemakers' Tools of all hinds, W, L. Pickasd, Salt SALT LAKE CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY, c H AGRICULTURAL IMPLEM'NTS ASSEMBLY KOOMS,CHUttCHES & WAHD MEETING HOUSES. Clawson II B, cor Mam & S T | Hopper A& Co 1 E bet , 1 & 2 S , C a.stle Hall, Walker Opera House Johnson A J & Co IB bet 1 & 3 S cisler's Hall, es E T bet 2 & 3 S Lowe Geo A, 1 tL, bet I Mam ; Masonic H all, ws E T bet 1 & 2 S Pac i n r9 J V : i ? on >^ Implement Co, j Methodist Episcopal Church, ns 3 1 E bet 1 & 2 S $ k e t E T Commercial Puzey H, Olive bet Commercial A I E Salt Lake Shoeing Shop, Olive St Speirs Bros, 118 Commercial BLANK BOOK MANUFACTUR- ERS. De^eret News Pub Co, cor M & 1 S Graham J C & Co, 28-D lut S S L, Herald Pub Co, tV>-&7 Main Kelly A H & Bro. 14 MIS Main Tribune Pub Co, 2 S bet M & 1 W IJ . BLUEING MANUFACTURERS, rt ; Snell Jno W, cor 2 S & 1 E BOARDING HOUSES. B3nites L, 57 '2d S Crosier Mrs J, {)') Commercial Don olson C M, 113 2 S bet 1 & 3 E Greenig I), ss 1 S bet I & 2 E Green \vald A,ns:Jbet M & 1 E Hallender Jno l^, 1:21 (Jo nmorcial Humphreys Mrs J G, 1 E bet 2 &3rf BOILER MAKERS. Haynes & Son, S T bet 1 & 2 W BOOK BINDERS. Deseret News Pub Co, cor M & 1 S Graham J C A Co, 28-80 1st S Kelly A H & Bro, 114-146 Main S L Herald Pub Co, 65-67 Main Tribune Pub Co, 2 S bet M & 1 W BOOKS & STATIONERY. Dwyer James, 76 Main Juvenile instructor Office ST bet 1 &2 W Parry Jos Hyrum, 18 Main PeirceG M, Id) Main llaybould \V F, Io2 Main Savage C It, 12-14 Main . ZC MI, 23-31 Main BOOT & SHOE BLACKS. Jackson Edward J, 133 Main BOOT & SHOE DEALERS. I (See also Boot & Shoe Makers.) Davis GeoW, 74 Main Dunford Geo, 1)1 Main Gronlund N J, cor 2 W & 1 N Hooper W J, 48 2d S Jennings Thos W, 86-88 Main Paine Geo, I tf 1st S Reilly EO, I'.U Main ! Spencer & Kim ball, 14') Main I Walker Bros, cor Main & 2 S Young L 1) Geo, U50 1st S Rawlings J s. 10 Main Riser GC,1M6 1st S Saville Geo, 2) 3d S ru L.. Goldberg, the only Clothing; Manufacturer, S. L.City Cash paid for Hides, Wicl and Furs, W. L. Picfcard, Salt Lake City, Utah, 208 Salt Lake City Business Directory. Sherwood C W, 53 1st S Smith T G- M, 30 2d S Snelgrove E, 31 2d S Solomon Bros & Gold, 70 Main Spencer & Kimbali, 140 Main Thomas Thos, cor 1 W & S T Tingey Jno, 2 W bet N T A 1 N Wetzel Jno, 3 S bet 4 & 5 E Whittaker Henry, S T bet WT & 1\V Woodrnansee I), 12H> 2d S Zion C MI, 1223 1st S BOWLING ALLEYS. Alt Jacob, 99 Main Petersen W, 1225 1st S Poll W, 4 S cor U E Howe WPt 232 Main Smith J H, S T near IT C B K Depot Thurgood Geo, 20'Main White & Sons, 63-6) 2d S White & Sous, 12 >7 1st S Williamson Jas, 75 2d S Wood Wm, 1223 LstS CABINET MAKERS. Engstrom P. Commercial bet 1 & 2S CALCIMINER3. BRASS WORKS & FOUNDERIES. Simpson & Son, S T bet WT & 1 W Silver W J, N T bet 1 & 2 W BREWERIES. Keyser & Moritz, 87-89 Main Utah Ale & Porter Brewery cor 2 W&2N Wagner Henry, 17-19 2d S BRICK MANUFACTURERS. Braby Robt, 1 Ward BROKERS. Butterfleld Ed L, 4 S bet M & 1 W Gillespie J K, 200 Main Rehrman & Co, 64 2d S Saddler & Gates, 137 Main Watters I, cor 1 S & Main BROKE RS STOCKS, KloecknerF, 1222 2dS Rehrman & Co, 61 2d S BRUSH MAKERS. Miles W H, 148 Commercial BUTCHERS & MARKETS. BenitesL,752d S Butler J E, 2 S bet 4 and 5 E Cook & Glanneld, 123-3 1st S Gallafent David, cor 2 S A 1 E Goldsticker M, 193 Main Guiver & Pap worth, 7J 1 S Hayes Win, cor 2 W & 1 N Hepworth Jno. 234 Main Hepworth Thos & Sons, 1231 1st S Jennings I & J, 38 1st S Jennings James, west oi'Clk't Hse Leaker L> W, 1 S bet 7 &8 E CANDY FACTORIES. Arbogast Geo, 44 1st S Connelly Jno, 3 S bet 1 & 2 E Gardner R, 58 Main Harris Jno, 95 Commercial Stearns H O, 100 Main CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. (See Contractors & Builders.) Burton C E, cor 2 S &3 W Ellis Geo S, 223 Main Mortenson L C, 69 3d S CARPET DEALERS. Dinwoodey Henry, 1238-1244 1st S Walker Bros, cor Main & 2 S CARPET WEAVERS. Furster J B, 68 2d S Hurlbert Wm, 59 1st S CIGAR FACTORIES. Levy Samuel, 151-153 Main CIGARS & TOBACCO. Burns,! B, 123 Main Carter Thos, 137 Main Culmer G F & Bros, 20-22-28-30 1st S Evans & Spencer, Walker Opera House Evans & Spencer (branch \ 1 door North of PO Harris Ed. 121st S Leviberg J,13(j Main Levy Samuel, 151-153 Main Mulsh J, 134 Main Martin & Wright, C6 1st S Olsen C M, 2 Sbt-t 1 & 2 E Pratt H, 1-1 Main L. Goldberg- has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L. City California Lasso Saddles, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City Business Directory. 209 CLOTHING-RETAIL. Auerbach F & Bro, 121-133 Main Barton & ( (>, 13--W 1st S Goldberg L, 105-167 Main Goldsmith & Co, 145 Main Jennings Thos VV, 80-88 Main Lipinaii W H, 155-157 Main Nathan Samuel J, 131 Main Reilly E 0, 170 Main ' WaldronKS,4J Main Walker Bros, cor Main &. 2 S Z C M I, 33-11 Main CLOTHING-WHOLESALE. Goldberg L, 165-167 Main Goldsmith & Co, 145 Main Walker Bros, cor Main & 3 S Z C M I, 33-31 Main COAL. Central Pacific Coal & Coke Co, Office 183 Main Cowling P C, 119 Commercial Furster J B, 68 3d S Gould A brain, Wasatch Build'g cor Main & 3 S Hepworth Jos, ) 2d S A L Williams, agt Pleasant Valley Coal Co, 2 S fiistdoor E of Main Snell Jiio W, cor 1 E & 3 S COFFEE & SPICE MILLS. RufFE W, 53-55 1st S COF FEES WHOLES A LE. (See Co (tee & Spice Mills, also Teas.) CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM. Arbogast Geo, 44 1st S Griffith D J, 1&2 1 1st S I Hopwood Mrs E, 64 Main I New York Confectionery, 11)0 Main j Stearns H O, Walker Opera House I CONTRACTORS & BUILD PIUS. (See Carpenters & Builders.) ! Burton C E, cor 2 S A 3 W i Grow Henry, Temple Block 1 Morris E, Ib Main ; Pitts Watson & Co, S L City i Potter Bros, 36 Commercial Thomson Jas & Co, 12>3 1st S COOPERS. Lang N J, cor 1 E & 3 S CRACKER WORK'S. Reedall H S, es rear of Main bet 2 & 3S CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. Alff Rudolph, 12) Main j Bailey & Son, 171 Main ! Cartwright Jno, ws 1 E bet 5 J Commercial COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Phelphs HE, cor I S & 1 W Smith W O, 8 1st S WhittakerMrs S H,S 1 bet W T & 1 W Williamson Jas, 67 2d S CONFECriONERS. Arbogast Geo, 44 1st S Arnold H, & Main Brown Jas, 691st S Culrner G F & liros, 28-30 1st S Hopwood Mrs E, 64 Main McDonald Jno, 223 Main N Y Confectionery, 1M Main Stearns H O, Walker Opera House j Skidmore H B, I Sopp Continental Hotel I DAKCINO ACADEMIES' Sheldon's Dancing Academy, 1350- DENTISTS. I Chapman & Whytock, Walker Opera House j Clawson SB, 49 Main ! D.imuixl A B, 12) Mala i Klmumls J M, 12711st S i Slurp & Taylor, S T bet E T A 1 E I Van Aukin Dr, opp 12th Ward School House i * 1 e/f ffardy Bros. & Burton carr7 a fine stock of Boots is Shoes, Hats, Caps & ClotMn j 28 Saddlery and Saddlery-Hardware, Jobbed by W. L, Fickari Salt Lake City. it *i I! O CO Q_ 210 Sail Lake City Business Directory. DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS. Graham Jno C & Co, 28-30 1st S DRAUGHTSMEN, ' jfe i Campe Jno H, Surveyor Genl's Gillette E,Wasatch Build'g Hirschvogel Jos, Wasatcli Ruilcrg I^inton F S, Surveyor Genl's o Jice Posse Kntit, 101 Main Solomon Ernest, Surveyor Genl's office Schulte Gustave, Surveyor Genl's office Vetter Theodore, Surveyor Genl's office | Backwalter Mrs H S, 1 S bet \V T & 1 Cole Mrs fc Miss Mallet, i', 2d S Gudgell Mrs L, 1 E b-t 1 & 2 S Lapham Mrs M G, 1241 1st S Marsh Mrs L, 6 E bet 4 & 5 S Mather Helen, 1248 2d S McDaniels Mrs M, 152 M lin Sloan Mrs P L, cor 2 S & I i<] Sorenson Miss C, se cor 3 ^ & 2 1 Swenson Miss Julia, us 4 S bet Mn & 1 W Taylor Mrs J A,N T bet W T & 1 in w! Galligan fno, 1270 14 S Gronlund N J, cor 2 W & 1 N Hardy Bros A Burton, 25 & 28 Alain Jones J W, 54 1st S Marks A, 1375 1st S Mayues Edward. 4 Godbe corner Paxman Mrs S & -Son , 1 S'bet 1 & 2 W Keilly EG, 170 Main Teasdel S P, ws Main bet 1 & 2 S Waldron K S, 46 Main Walker Bros, cor Main & 2S Woodford E, cor 2 S & 4 E ZC Ml, 23-31 Mai 11 DRY GOODS (Wholesale.) Bates, Reed & Cooley (of N Y,) agency 4 Hooper & El dredge Blk Clawson Spencer, 53-55 Main Jennings Wm & Sons, cor Main & 1 S Van Norman C R (for Bates, Jieed & Cooly) 4 Hooper & Eldredge Blk Walker Bros, cor Main & 2 S Z C M I, 2J-31 Main DYERS. Bruce Robt, 1 E bet 1 & 2 S ELECTRIC LIGHT DRUGGISTS (R3tail.) Bevan & Hoyer, 32 1-st South Godbe, Pits Main GAS LIGHT CokPANIES. FLORISTS & SEEDSMEN. Armstrong T C, 8t 1st S Due O F, 2 blocks N of Valley Hse Keadiug Jao, cor 2 S & 2 E FLOUR MILLS. Armstrong F, N T bet E T & 1 E Husler Geo, Salt Lake City FLOWERS. PRESERVED. Davis Ii, 5 S bet 5 & 6 E Due O F, 2 blocks N of Valley Hse FOUNDERIES & IRON WORKS Davis, Howe & Co, cor N T & 1 W Dunne D Co, cor 2 S A 1 \V Plerpont T, Supt S L Foundery & Machine Co, 3 W bet 1 & 2 S' Filver AVm J, N T bet W T & 1 W Tuckfield & Son, 1 E bet 5 & 6 S FRUITS. Cutler Bros, 1247 1st Fo^th 1'urnt & Trimble, 37 1st South Lucas .1 1., ^8 1st Sonlh I.-yrilM rg F O, 40 & 42 1st South Smith W *, 8 1st South Thorn M, 1 East bet i & 2 South i j Salt Lake City Gas Light Co, near U C Depot GENERAL MBSE (Retail), Allen Mrs. L, 69 2d South Bailey & Sou, 174 Main bames& Davis, 106 & 108 Main Barnes M, 3 North bet 1 & 2 West Browning E T & 5 1 South Cart vv right Jno, W T bet 5 & 6 S Clark, EJ dredge & Co 47 & 49 Main ! Cunniugton & Co, cor Main & 1 S Davis Geo W, 74 Main pcnelson Bros, !H- Main D'Miemiug Bros, 1 VV bet 4 & 5 N Ed uing i oil Win & Sons, 1777 79 1 S Eleventh Ward Co-op Store, cor 1 South & 7 East Fifteenth Ward Co-op, T C Griggs, supt, 1 S bet 2 & 3 W First Ward Co op Store, cor 7 S & 7E Groiilurid N J, cor 2 W & 1 N Hardy Bros & Burton, &>& 28 Main | Jennings Win & ir-ons, cor M & 1 S ISeedham Mrs Sarah, es 1 E bet Pearson \Vm, 2 W 19 Ward Peterson J A, 3 S bet 1 & 2 i3 Piatt Alice J, cor 4 M & ti H Keilly .hJ U, 170 Main hadler Wm, 62 Main Salisbury P> ct F J , cor 2 S & 3 W Simons v\ r T & Won, tii 2 S feixih Ward Co-op Store ws 2 W bet 4 & 5 K Snell JL o VV, cor 2 S & 1 E Toasut;! S P, ws M bet 1 & 2 S 'letitti Ward (_o-op Store, 8 E bet 4 A 5S Thirteenth Ward Co-op Store, 71-73 Maiu t->t Twelfth Ward Co-op Store, ss 2 S bet 4 &5 ill Twentieth Ward Co-op Store, cor S T & Fir Don't forget that Hardy Bros. & Barton ha?a & well selected stock of Dry 3oo:> "Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. T^. Pickanl, Salt T>al6 1st S rieinau. M, 192 Main HAIR GOODS (Human.) Button & Boyan Mmes, 128 Main Clinton Mrs rtmma, 12561st S Wilkinson Mrs vV B, 1232 1st S : HARDWARE AND STOVES. Jennings Win & Sons, cor Main & IS Madsen P W & Co, 68 Main Schoppe F E, 211 Main Scott Geo M & Co, 144-148 Main] Walsh O S, cor 1 S & 1 W Z C M I, 23-31 Main HARNESS AND SADIE KY.; Cheshire Reuben, oO 2d S Christensen N C A Bro, 76 2d S Gustaveson C J, 68 2d S Jenkins J W A Sons, sw cor S & I E Moss W J, 163 1st E Mower Geo W, 2* 2cl S Pickard W L, 18 2d 8 Platt F, 3S2d S Sander W C, 62 2d S HATS AND CAPS. Auerbach F & Bro, 124-13 > Main Barton A Co, 12*6 1st S Cottle vfe Mullet fc. 176 Main Dunford Geo, 104 Main Reilly EG. 170 Main HORSE MARKETS. Faust H J, 21 1st S HOTELS. i Clit't House, S C Ewing !prop, cor Main & 3 S \ Continental Hotel, G S Erb prop, cor 1 S & W T j Metropolitan Hotel, L Simons prop, cor W T & 3 S Overland House, W A Pitt prop, 222-2 i6 Main Railroad Exchange Hatel, B F Whittemore prop, op U C depot Valley House, A C Brixeii prop, cor S T & 1 W Walker House, G S Erb prop, \vs White House, Podlech A Co props, sw cor Main & 2 S ICE DEALERS. Heil Jno, 51-63 2d S ILLUMI MATING OILS. Dull J, agent Continental Oil and Transportation Co, es 3 W bet 1 &2S INSURANCE AGENTS. Anderson Hugh, 130 Main Armstrong A Butterfleid, 1280 1st S Darke S W & Co, 90 Main Grant H J & CO, 49 Main Hyms Louis, 111 Main Smedley W E, over London Bank White &Snell, 32 2d S INTERPRETERS. Hemau J H, 1 S opp Continental flardy Bros, & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise Ladles Saddles in great variety at W. L. Pickard's, Salt Lake City, a O ! (D 214 Lake City Business Directory. O I CQ ! a jg" O i CQ j ^ i O .2* 3 O O OQ 1V011Y GOODS, Levy Samuel, lol-l">3 Main JEWFLERS & WATCHMAKERS. Asmussen Carl C, W-02 Main Broadbent Jno. S T bet '1 & 2 W KiiasonOL. D: 2 Main Harvey A, 6! 1st S James D .1, 12 fl 1st S Jensen J S, i;0 Main Jones Wm, 02 1st S Joslin & Park, 15) Main Polarski Peter, 4<> 1st S Reiser Henry, 21 1st S Smith N, 4 1st, S S wanner E J & Co, Main KNITTING FACTORIES. Luke Geo A & Co, Oo 1st S Pearson Win, 2 W, l!) Ward LABELS. Graham J C & Co, 23-30 1st S LAMPS. Little, Roundy & Co, 54 Main LAND AGENTS. Bailey & Parsons, 1222 2d S Bine M M, 1222'M S Bird & Lowe, 12222(1 S Me Masters H, 12^21 S Stayner & Simmons, 59 Main 1; S Land Office, 1.22 2d S LAUNDRIES. Hong Hop, 71 3 South Judels Mary, I Kast bet 2 &3 South Shun Shuin, 102 Commercial LI BRA K) ES A N D READ1 NG ROOMS. Masonic Library, 1U Main Territorial Library, -Hooper & El- ! dredge Building Uni versi'ty Library, ne cor 1 N & 2S j LIME (Mfgisaiid Dealers.) Snell Jno W, coi 2 South &1 East | LrOT T OHf=J (Retail). (See Saloons,) 1 LIQUORS (Wholesale). Pinney Robt & Co, 27 & 29 2 South Meears Geo A, 11, 13 & 15 2 South Ph'ko E & Co, successor to Eerd Fabian & Co, 205 Main Tufts & Ny strom, 87 & 89 Main St LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Booth D C, 1 East bet 2 & 3 South Faust H J, zi i south McKimmins Mark, 1S4-190 Main Mulloy & Paul, ss 28 bet Maiu & W T Rand C A 21 1 South Shaisse Thos, 2 S bet Main & 1 \V Thompson & Sh.irtliff, 24- > ><)2S Wickel Jno, Commmercial bel & 2 South bet 1 LODGING HOUSES. (See Boarding Houses ) LUMBER DEALERS. Eardley Jas W, \vs State Road bet 3 & 4 South Mason & Co, 8 T bet 1 & 2 W Sells E, 1 S bet W T & I W Sierra Nevada Lumber Co 3 W bet ST &1 8, S J Lynn, Sup t Taylor. Romney & Armstrong, cor ST&2W MACHINE SHOPS. (See Foundries and Iron Works.) MARBLE WORKS. Brown Wm,cor Main & 3 S Morris E, 18 Ma in My rick & Co, 48 2d S Peterson Jno, 33 (st S MARKETS. (See Butchers & Markets & Fish & Oyster Markets ) MERCHANT TAILORS, Anderson Samuel, 139 Commercial Baumgarten Jos F, 91 Main Bo.ssha.rd & Co, [ S opp Continental Hotel Buckle & Son- 195 Main I lawman Jno, 12182 South Iledberj? & Fernstrom, I door S of P.O'Main Sail and sse Hardy Bros. & Burtcn's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroceos at Piel'tird' Salt Lake City Business Directory. 215 Johanson Aaron 2 S bet 1 & 2 E Johanson S & Co 181 Main Ivrause N, 2 S ber, 1 & 3 E Larson Jn >. I'M) 1st S Longraore W, i 2m 1 st S Olsen EG, <>37 Min Paxman M rs S & So n, 1 bet 1 2 W SproatC, 592JS S Taylor J no & Son, 187 Main Th imiing Jno, 10!) Commercial United Order Merchant Ts y !ors, 30 Main MILLINERS.. Burrows Mrs, 125S 1st S Button & Boyan Mjves, 128 Main Cole brook JS T< 56 Main Dye MrsC E, 48 Main Madsen Mrs E, ns 1 S bet Main & 1 E Rurnel Mrs A, 85 1st S Simons Bros, 12221st S Wilkinson Mrs VVB, 12 '2 1st 8 MINING EXPERTS. Pollo-k & Wright, 3 S bet 2 & 3 W Wright Frank, o S bet 2 & 3 W MIXING OFFICES. Atlas Mining Co, 64 2d S Bellevue, Idaho, Mining Co, Jno A Hunter pres, 95 Main Bradley Jas F, 99 Main Cariboo Mining Co, 1 E bet I & 2 S Conqueror Min Co, 1 E bet 1 & 2 S Empire Mining Co, 1223 2d S Groesbeek N .t Sons, 15 \V 7 asatch Bid Horn Silver Mining Co, over Deser- et Bank Iron Chief Mining Co, 1X3 Main Last Chance Con Min Co, 183 Main Overland Mining Co (of Wood Riv, Idaho) J C Conklin p res, 95 Main Sampson Silver Min'g Co, 183 Main Silver Mountain Min Co, 183 Main Sunday Mining Co, 1 E bet 1 & 2 S Uintah Mining Co, 18J Main MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS. Calder David O, 72 Main Careless & Croxall 1234 1st S Daynes & Coalter, 57 Main Daynes Jno, 6;> Main Gray John C, 1 E bet 1 & 2 S Young Bros, 37 Main MUSIC BANDS. Coach Whip String Band, 1216 2d S MUSIC TEACHERS. Andre A, 1 E bet 1 & 2 S NEWSPAPERS. Contributor, 15 Main Deseret Evening News, cor Main &ST Juvenile Instructor, S T bet 1 & 2 W Operascope, 12:2 2d S Rocky Mountain Christian Advo- cate, llJU Main Salt Lake Evening Chronicle, 99 Main Salt Lake Herald, 05-67 Main Salt Lake Theatre Programme, 2*-30 1st S Salt Lake Tribune, (publlished ciaily and weekly) ns2d S bet Main & W T Women's Exponent, (published semi-monthly) cor Main & S T NOTARIES PUBLIC. Armstrong & Butter field, 1280 I S Barnett J, 130 & 182 Main -Blandin Chas F,83 Main Darke S W & Co, 90 Main Diehl Christopher, 12!) Main Michaels Edward, at Surveyor General's Office, 49 Main Stayner & Simmons, 59 Main Sutherland E P 49 Main Underbill S E, 121 Main OCULISTS. Pratt R B, M D, cor 1 S & Main OILS. Dull J, Agt Cont Oil & Trails Co, 3 W bet 1 & 2 S OVEKALL MANUFACTURERS. Z C M 1 1 S bet Main & W T ORE AND BULLION BUYERS. Hanauer A, 133 & 132 Main Scott & Anderson, 178 Main Goldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. I* City WALLIN'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Riders. 216 // Z o i Business Directory. 03 O ; ^} -d i 10 o 03 JH 0) 3 03 CD 14 O A o o o M Hi PAINTERS. Cra croft T & J, ns4 S bet 7 & S E Midgley J H, 20 & 22 2d South Midgley & Sons, 1220 2 South Morris \V C, 1 W bes S T & 1 S Scott & Graham 80 Main Tullidge & Co, 209 Main PAINTS AND OILS. Culmer G F & Bros, 20-22-28 oO 1st S Sears & Liddle, 26 1st S 1u Hidge & Co, 209 Main PAPER HANGERS. Linwoodey Henry, 1^8-1241 1ft S Rivers Bros, 212-214 Main '\ ullidge & Co, 209 Main PATENT MEDICINES. Sicilian Joseph, 2 S bet 3 & 4 E PHOTOGRAPHERS. Carter Chas W. 93 'Commercial Fox & Symons, 154 Main Hoyt Mrs Fanny, 1 Sbet E 0 Main Hasford E, 3 S bet 1 & 2 E Higgins Pr, 1858 2 South Judson Benjamin, (Homedpathist) 10 Main ' Lindsly V, 1244 2 South Murphy Jesse J, M D, M Main Newton S E, M I), ns 3 S bet 1 & 2 E Rock m a n M , 20 5 M a i n Salt Lake Surgical & Medical In- stitute, 139 Ma in Schock W IT, 178 Main Taggart . J P, Room 15 8- r > Kimball Block Thompson J D, 172 Main White i, :20 Main PICT (THE FR A M KS . Hivers Bros. 212 & 214 Main Savage C K, 12 & 14 Ma in PLANING MILLS. ' Taylor, Koinney & Armstrong, cor ! ST & 2 W PLASTEKEKS. Coult James, 7 F.bet 1 & 2 S MarsbWm, 6 K bet 4 & 5 S i Odell & Son, 1 S opp Continental : Wyatt &. Forrester, \Vasatcb Bui ing (basement) I'LL'MBEKS AND GAS FITTERS : Crov ton F, 3 Sbet Main & 1 E Hecscb & Fllerbeck, 3S Main James I avid, 09 Main POST OFFICE. i Jno T Lynch, es Main bet 2 & 3 S POTTERIES. Eardsley B, 1 W bet 4 & 5 S POWDER COMPANIES. i Safety Nitro Powder Co, Julian Sonntag agent, 189 Main PRINTING OFFICES. Chronicle Ollice, 5^9 Main j Deseret News, ne cor S T & Main Graham J C & Co, 28-30 1st S > Juvenile Instructor, S T bet 1 & 2 W ! Neklon Frank B & Co, 1222 2d S Paviy Jos H, IS Main j ft L Herald, 05-67 Main ! Star Printing Co, 170 Main I Tribune Office, 2d B bet Main & 1 W PRODUCE. (See Grain and Produce.) PROVISIONS. (See Groceries and Provisions..) PUBLISHERS. Grab am J C & Co, 28-30 1st S QUEENSWARE. Johnson Jno, 53 2d S I 1.. Goldberg lias the lurjfcst stock of Men's wear In S. L. Citj Shoe Leather & Findings, W. L,, Pickard, Salt Lake City O a OQ of fi o (D 03 fi H PH CD OQ w o w OQ 6 a Salt Lake City Business Directory. RAIL ROAD OFFICES. California Short Line Railway Co, 185 Main Centra! Pacific R R Co, agent's of- fice es Main next London Bank Chicago, Milwaukie & St Paul R R, traffic office, 8 2d S Denver & Rio Grande R R, sw cor Main & 2 S San pete Valley R R Co, 183 Main Utah Central, R R Co, 79 Main Utah & Faster n K K, Kirn ball Blk Utah & Nevada R R, Kirnball B.Ik U P R R, se cor Main & 2 S REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Anderson &Porneroy, 139-132 Main Arm.strong & Uutterrield, 128) 1st S Cooper Bros, 4 Groesbeck Build'g 55 S Dai ke S W & Co, 90 Main GilleepieJK, 3)0 Main Groesbeck N & Sons, 45 Wasatch Bnttd'g Kclsey Bll B, 23-25 1st S Rehrman & Co, i V, bet 1 & 2 S Thomsons Real Estate Agency, 1235 1st S White & Snell, 32 2d S RESTAURANTS. Arbogast Geo, 41 1st S Aubrey Thos, 60 1st S Benites L, 57 2 S Bi issacher & Co S, 233 Main Clark Jeff A, 13-15 2d S Clasby J T, 147 Main Crosier Mrs .J, 9) Commercial Dinwoodey .las, l')9 Main Grice F H, 135 Main Griffith's Restaurant, 1227 1st S Hallender .Jno F, 121 Commercial Hop wood Mrs E, 6i Main Hughes Jerry, Hot Springs Pacific Dining Parlors & Restaur- ant 2 S G doors E of Main Stearns H K, 1235 2d S, Walker Opera House SAFES & SCALES. Clawson H B, S T bet Main & 1 W Snell Jno W, cor 2 S & 1 E SALOONS. Alt Jacob, 99 Main Auer & Murphy, 18 1st S Barnhart & Stahl, cor 2 S & Com niercial Barr & lidwards, 132 Main liechtol & Sands, Main St Binnoy Robt & Co, 27-29 2d S Bruce C W, 3 S near Main Campbell & Decker, State Road (Farmers Ward) Causey & Kuare, 117 Main Clasby J F, 147 Main Erickson.Jno, 162d S Ewing & Fallon,cor Main & 3 S Gray N P & Co. Godbe Build'g Harvey EC. 182 Main Hill & Trewhela, 1223-1216 2d S Hogle Bros, 15 {Main Eeviberg J, 1 Main Lollin Jno, 111 iVlain Mat get ts Phil, 1252 1st S May & Gem mi 11, 64 1 S Meears Geo A, 11-14-15 2d S Merrill M, 126) 1st S Morton & Tufts, 10 1st S Nelson C T, State Road, (Farmers Ward) Newman & Reed, 72 1st S Ordner Louis & Jones, 1233-1212 2dS Pitts & Co, State Road (Farmers Ward) Pod lech A, cor Main & 2 S Russell J E S, Itt Main Smith Frank, 78 1st S Tomney Peter, cor 1 S A 1 E Tufts & Ny strorn, 87-89 Main St Uebel Albert, 17-19 2d S Webber Chas F, 139 Main Whitehead G A, 2 S bet Main & IE Whittemore B F, near R R Depot Williams Jno A, 173 Main Youngberg S V, 111 commercial Youngberg & Schade, 55 2d S SALT MANUFACTURERS, Jeremy & Co, se 6 W & N T Snell John W, cor 2 S & IE SAMPLING WORKS. (See Smelters & Sampling Works.) SAUSAGES. Taylor Frank D, Public Dealer SCHOOLS & COLLEGES. District Schools. Each ward has School and Meeting House. (See Assembly Rooms AC.) Free School No. 1, ws 1 E bet 1& 2 S Salt Lake Academy, ss 3 S bet E & WT Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise 2J Shoemakers' Tools of all kinds, W. L,. Pickard, Salt Lake. J? fN O a i 3C > 3 A SM fc p Q 218 O i Business Directory. Salt f ake Collegiate Institute, es 2 Ebetl&2S St Mary s Academy, ws 1 W bet 1 &2 S St Mark's School, ns I S bet 1 & 2 E Rager's Seminary, ns 1 S bet 1 & 2 W University of Deserel, ne cor 1 N &2 W SECON I) HAND STORES. ^astelo Frank, 100 Commercial Brooksbank Geo. 2^1 Main Broughton C J, IS opp Continent- al Hotel Butler Thos, .1 S n 1 W Duncan Mrs M A, 1 S bet Main & 1 K Mad sen Hans, Commercial bet 1 & 2S Madsen Louisa, 51 1st S Maltese S, 22i Main Sate Geo, 1 K bet 2 & 3 S Sterling James, 1 E bet 1 & 2 S Williamson .las, 67 2calcr in Frnils, Vegetables and Choice Centre Street, I'HOVO CITY, UTAH. 2FIoneer Centre St., PttuVO CiTV, UTAH. Cakes, Pies, Bread and Confectionery. All kinds of Summer Drinks. .T. 9. LAMB, Proprietor. ID. IF 1 . BARBER. Centre Street, - - Provo City, Utah. THE FINEST AND M()T COMPLKTE RAHBKR SHOP IN THK < ITY. HOT AND COLD BATHS. ATTOR NEY-AT-LAW. OFFTCF, Ce itreStr't, late Enquirer Office, PHTTO CITY, UTAH. A. O. Smoot, pres. 'ohn Sharp, Vice Pres. \V. H. Dusenberry, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. PROVO CITY, UTAH. Paid in Capital, $5O.OOO. Buy and Sell Rxchnnreon princinal v.?iern nii'l Western Cities, r p* j Special attention paid to Collections. <3 J ! R?mittances matle at current rates or exchange. J. P. Booth. Gt'O. M. Brown. BOOTH & BROWN, Utond to all kinds of !>, j the Lund Office and bpfore th^ difff-rent de= an- me. ts of Government, promptly attended to. ^ OFFICE, COURT HOUSE, PRQVO GUT. UTAH. You can save JO i>vi' cent by buying (Jlotlting at J Wrought Spanish Kits & Spurs, W. T,. Pickard, Salt Lake ! 5 Utah County Business Directory. 227 PROVO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW. BOOTH ^ BOOT i J F, BKO.V'iS GKO M Dusonberry W H KVANS l),.TEl MILVFJU B SU THRU LAND A G Hutherland A O, Jr Til U UM AN SR BAKERS. Osterloh H R Shav Alexander BANKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WIL- SON H DUSONBERRY, cabh BAUBERS. CLUFF D F, Centre Sfc McMnrray (". P HAWLINGSHE button H D BASKET MANUFACTURERS Hind marsh T BLACKSMITHS. Douglass Wm, Mcsldruirt David Nelson C H Pec c Hdwin Sward An rust White lenry While T H & Bro Worsley John BOOKS & PRRIOI^ICAL AGTS. CHEEVEKH A BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Be a c amuel L'*wis Thomas Mpi'lrn-n .eoigo Morby T F s-niili Alfred Thii^-ou P Weutz P M Williams Alex BUTCHERS. Bullock & Srnoot Cook Luke I 'copies Co-op Meat Ass'n Ha'liday A HardinffR fctubbs Feter B KICK MAKERS. Reesley .1 F Cook, Huberts & Co CONFECTIONERS. Groneman August CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS. ! Henry G Carroll & Son COOPERS. Skinner H B CLOTHIERS. Provp Co-operative Institution, A iSingleton, manager DENTISTS, Flines R S TalmageJ J DEPUTY RECORDER, DANIELSJAMFS R DRUGGIST?. Oilman B iiiNESKS Provo co-op Drug Dep't, Geo Q, Coray, supt Sim mo is F H, Saoebridge CE FIRS INSURANCE. Green ha Igh A tlalliday V L FLOUR MILLS. HOOVER JOHN W Tanner Myron Scn't forget that Hardy Bros- & Barton ha?* a well selected stock of Dry QOO Sole Leather, French Kip, Calf & Morroccos I> c (M 1 .10 j o W f . 1, IPOIRT'RAIT G A LILIES "ST. Centre Street, Provo City, Utah. Branch Gallery at Payson. THE ONLY GALLERY IN THE CITY. PHOTOGRAPHS AND TIN TYPES TAKEN IN THE BEST STYLE OF THE ART. Enlarging and Copying a specialty. Keep on hand a fine assortment of Frames, Albums and Fancy Goods. oH. i&ri ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Special Attention Given to Collections. FROVO CITY, UTAH. Correspondence Solicited. -j j 03 O I ! 1 1 O o 3\ ATTORN F.Y-AT-LAW. PilOVO CITY, UTAH. Special Attention Given to Collections. ; August Gronemann, In ^'ill its Branches. HAWLEY HOUSE, Pleasant Grove, Utah. | ^ifte ovtEu pCacc to ac^ a/ LIVERY AND FEED STABLE CONNECTED. L. Goldberg has the largest stock of Men's wear In S. L. Citj Saddlery and Saddlery-Hardware, Jobbed by W. L, Picfcari Salt Lake City, Utah County Business Directory. 229 FURNITURE. Cluff, Booth & Co Jensen P C Taylor Geo GENERAL MERCHANDISE. C12'S Freshwater W & Son Gray W H & Co Greenhalgh A Harrison Mrs E Hindmarsh Thos Horton Mrs E JONES S S, Centre St Provo Co-operative Institution, Reed Smoot , supt Provo Mfg Co Mercantile Dep't STARTUP MRS HAGAR, Centre St STAHTIN THOMAS, Centre St STUBBS PETE It, Centre St West Branch Provo Co-op Inst, R C Kirkwood, supt Z C M I, (Provo branch) HOTELS. Denver & Rio Grande Hotel, at Station EXCELSIOR HOUSE, JOHN W DEAL, Prop'r Milner Mrs Provo House, Isaac Bullock, Prop'r PULSE PH EU MRS E C, Provo Hotel Main St JEWELERS. Muhelstein N Neilseu S JOB PRINTERS. Graham J C HARNESS & SADDLERY. BEE F F& CO LUMBER DEALERS. Provo Lumber, Manufacturing & Building Co, H H Cluff, supt PAXMAN W RH, Salesman LIME BUltNERS. Edwards Robert Jones & Keeler LIVERY STABLES. Davis H W, Orser Evert MACHINISTS. Carroll H G & Son Davis H W Poulsen H White T H & Bro NEWSPAPER. TERRITORIAL ENQUIRER, pub- lished every Tuesday and Friday afternoons, by J C Graham PHOTOGRAPHERS. DANIELS T E, JR, Centre st PAINTERS. Bowler John Dunn W F Jepseii Samuel Maiben Henry J Sielck J H PHYSICIANS. Hannberry Julius H usted S Miller W C Riggs John Simmons F H Shoebridge C E lalmage J J POSTMASTER ASSISTANT. McCAUSLINJ B RESTAURANTS. LAMB J S, Pioneer Lunch House, Centre St SAWYERS. ELLIOT ED STATIONERS. Felt Brothers Gray W H & Co Greenhalgh A Stationery Dept, Provo Co-op Inst C H Call and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries WATXTX'S PATENT STIRRUP, bost for ttrmiclio Riders. k ^ 91it5. 9ft. < 2). SlwtO-Md, fed hj -H rn { "' ?* MILLINERY, DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, Orders received by mail promptly attended to PAYSON CITY, UTAH. 8r o p H fi K JNO. C OSTLER, NEPIII, UTAH. Manufacturer and Importer of 32ji23!$33 Also a Large Stock of Morse Clothing, Bridles, Whips, etc., Guns and Ammunition. k Thomas Hill. James & Sons J,iddiard Samuel Liddiard Thomas SITUVEYOHS. Davin Thomas Stark Daniel Stewart A J Tanner J M TAILOHS. Ambroson II J C Hardy Charles NMlsen C W Singleton A TINNERS. Harrison YVm Martin Thomas Moore H J TOYS,. niNDMAUSH T \VOOLE:T MILLS. Provo Manufacturing Co, James Dunn, supt ALPINE CITY. Population about 273. Co-op Store, Gen' I Mdse Nash \V, Mill Dewey W & Son, Blacksmiths AMERICAN FORK. This active city has a population of about 2,010 consisting princi- pally of farmers. Thirty-three mil e.s from Sa't Lake City on the line of the U.C . R. R. Has a few good mines and quite a number of excel- lent prospects ii the cou se of development. Ranking business is mostly transacted through Salt Lake City and Provo. Adams Arza, Groceries Am H'ork 'o-op Merc in til o Tnst, \V B < nith. snot, G3ti i Store, Mill & Tannery Rate ri. Soda Watjr & Ic3 Cream t Votion* Rate Wm, \ tions Reunott A, Blacksmith Rir't Pran'<, Hrevvor lUJfty Lishsu liutcho)- Carter Fas, Millwright Chi- mian if. Live n I NEPHI, UTAH. You can save 1O per cent by buying Clothing at L.Goldberg'* Shoemakers 9 Toolp of all Jcinds, W~ L* Pichasd, Salt Lake. >si ' Uiah County Business Directory. 235 PLEASANT GROVE. A prosperous farming|town on thelJ. C. R. R., about eleven miles north from Provo. Population 1,400. ANDERSON S W, Cabinet Maker Newman F W. Blacksmith & Wag- Beers F, Gen'l Store & Produce oils CLARK BROS & CO, Gen'l Mdse Pierson Mrs B F, Millinery Driggs B W & Sons, Dry Goods & Pleasant Grove Co-op Institution, Notions J no Brown, mang'r, Gen'l Mdse Driggs & Co, Dry Goods A Notions Smith & Whittaker, Agricultural HAWLEY MRS ELLICE, Hawley Implements House & Livery Stable SALEM, Population of 300; small farming settlement. Salem Co-op Institution, A Engberg, Manager, G S SANTAQUIN. Population of 650 a farming town situated in the extreme south of Utah Co. Its resources consist also of considerable lumbering interests, Leetham Jno, Gen'l Mdse Santaquin Co-op Store, E Open- Riter LE & Co, Gen'l Mdse shaw, Supt SPANISH FORK Is an incorporated city of about 21,0)0 inhabitants, twelve miles south of Provo. It is one of the important towns of Utah County, and is growing steadily in wealth and influence, and with its vast agricultural re* sources is able to support a still larger population. As a manufactur- ing town it is destined to become important, and supports a solid cir- cle of active business men. Adamson Allen, Machinist Malcom, Thomas &Co, Gen'l Mdse Anderson James, Blacksmith McConigal H, Druggist Angus John, Flour Mill McKell R. Blacksmith Atwood C B, Brickmaker MellorJF, Shoemaker Banks William, Butcher Miller James, General Mdse Barney John, Physician Money Richard, Woodturner Bowen David, Blacksmith Monk Charles, Notary Public Brown Benton Flour Mill Moore John, Justice of Peace Chappel Joseph, Butcher Moore H, Shoemaker Chivrell Alma, Bootmaker Morgan J E, Rlacksmith Clark A, Tinner Morrison J E, Wagonmaker Cornaby Samuel, Apariaii Murray & Ainge, Saloon Creer William, Attorney-at-law Neilson A P, Painter Darger W H, Tailor Neilson R, Harness & Saddlery Dimiick T J, Stock Dealer Packett Charles, Cooper Evans T D, Gen'l Mdse Peterson S, Furniture Gardner Neils, Flour Mili RocKhill John, Gen'l Mdse & Post Hales G G, Constable Master Holdering & Evans, Shoe Factory Row r e John, Shoemaker i Son't forget that Hardy Bros- & Burton have a well selected stock of Dry Gtood* California Lasso Saddles, W. L, Piokard, Salt Lake City. i 236 Utah County Business Directory. Humble Henry, Blacksmith Shimmon R, Flour Mill JONES W R, Musical Mdse Spanish Fork Co-operative Insti- j p^ Jones J P. Tailor tution, W O Creer, Supt i r\ Jones L W, Shoemaker Watman C, Tinner j w Lawrence A T, Flour Mill Warren W J, Gen'l Mdse Oo Mad sen N P, Bootmaker SPRING LAKE. A small settlement midway between Santaquin and Payson. Popula- tion about 250. Johnson J F, Gen'l Mdse Soainhour Wm, Carpenter Johnson & Sons, Gen'l Store & Wilson G W, Carpenter Fruit Packers SPRINGV1LLE. An important incorporated city in Utah County, with a population of i |H about 2,500, with numerous manufacturing and mercantile institutions. Situated on the Utah & Pleasant Valley K. R, The principal pursuit of the settlers is fanning, the soil is very fertile and well adapted for this purpose and ranks this town as foremost in agriculture. Allsworth Jas, Boot & Shoe Mkr Reynolds Bros & Co,-Gen'l Mdse Bissell & Nelson, Millinery RO FLANGE MKS T, Millinery Crandall M P, Hotel Roylance Arnold, Boot & Shoe Mkr Dallin 'I hos, Grocer Sperry & Co, Druggists & Gen Mds P^vans J P, Tinner Springville Co-op Mercantile Insti- Groesbeck N H, Gen'l Store tution, T W Boyer, Supt Hendrickson Mrs A, Milliner Storrs & Crandall, Grist Mill Huntington N D, Post Master WHITEHEAD J, Jr. Manufacturer Packard N, Gen'l Mdse & Deaier in Gen'l Mdse Packard Bros & Co, Gen'l MJse WOOD L G, Accountant = 5 i YINCEMT fc OSTL.ER, **| EXCLUSIVE BOOT AND SHOE MERCHANTS i | LADIE'S AND GENTS' FINE BOOTS AND SHOES, 5j j And everything in the Boot and Shoe line. g g I HAND SEWED GOODS A SPECIALTY. 2^ i Main Street, between 4th and 5th, OGDEN. i _____________ _______________. _ . _ O | JAMES E. FOOTE, S i AGENT FOR THE COOPER WAGONS AND HAZARD POWDER. O | Dealer in BUGGIES, REAPERS, MOWERS, -^ | DRILLS, RAKES, etc.. HARNESS, SADDDES, BLANKETS, TENTS, I WAGON COVERS, Etc. L. Goldberg- has the larg-est stock of Men's wear in S. 1^. City Nobby Riding Saddles & Bridles, WX.. Fickard, Salt Lake ! 00 WEBER COUNTY. a K-| This county, which ranks as one of the most important of the Ter. ritory, was first settled in 1850, and its county seat,Ogden, incorporated the following year. It is bounded on the north by Cache and Box Elder Counties, on the east by Rich, on the south by Davis and Morgan Counties, and on the west by the shore of the Great Salt Lake. It con- ^ tains an area of nearly 600 squat e miles with a population variously es- {3 CD OQ W O M OQ ti mated at from 22,000 to 25,003. The county possesses fine agricultural facilities in its vast stretches of arable and pasture lands which are open to cultivation and are amp- ly supplied with water for irrigating purposes. Among her resources are her abundance of fine timber, a number of iron mines, and the Ogden and Weber Rivers that furnish abundant water power for milling and manufacturing interests. Weber County contains quite a number of towns besides Ogden City, most of them, however, being scattered farming villages. Those ranking most in importance are, North Ogden, Hooper Alma, Harrisville, Huntsville, Plain City, Slaterville and Uintah. Most of the area of the county is mountaneous in the extreme, em- bodying scenery that is romantic and sublime, Amid the snowy peaks are charming valleys, some of which con- tain settlements, while all furnish good pasture for the numerous flocks and herds. OGDEN. This is the second largest city in importance in the Territory. It is admirably located near the western base of the Wasatch range of mountains, at the junction of the Ogden and Weber River, which furnish more than enough requisite water power. The city has grown steadily until the population has now reached about 8,000 souls, Ogden has inherent the elements of prosperity being central in a highly productive agricultural region, containing also first-class manufacturing facilities. much interest to the exploring tourist. This city is more popularly termed the Jurction City, owing to the number of cross roads here, of the many lines of railroads which communicate with all portions of the globe. Adams L B, storage, commission Adams L R, (Guthrie, Dooley & & forwarding, 4th Street Co) 4th Street The natural beauties of the surrounding scenery are varied and of OQ hj c* I Sail and see Hardy Bros. & Burton's complete stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. H. C. WARDLEIGH'S MUSICAL MERCHANDISE <(( AND ) MAIN STREET, - OGDEN, CITY. JP. O. BOX 49. Brewery and Malthouse. MORITZ R1CHTER, Prop. Main Street, OGDEN CITY, Utah Ter. I2ST ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. IP. O. IBOIS 25. L. Goldberg has the largest stock of Men's wear in 8. Li. City First Prizes awarded at all Territorial Fairs, to W. L Pickard, Salt Lakb, Weber County Business Directory. 239 Alexander D, insurance, loan, real estate & collection agency, 4th Allen James, gen mdse, Main St Allen J X, M D, Main Street Allen S J, bookkeeper, Main St Anderson A C, clerk, Main St Anderson P, merchant tailor, 5th Arcade dining rooms, 4th Street Ashby Thos, boots & shoes, Main Bales Jno A, sadler, Main Street Ballinger A, real estate and loan agent, Main, bet 4th and 5th BANKS G M, Nevada Saloon. 4th Barnard &. White, lumber yard & planing mill, cor Wall & 4th BARRATT P BRCI V AL J, attorney at-law, notary public and col- lector, late asst U S District at- torney, es Main Street BECK WITH G, Hotel, cor Main and 5th Streets Beebe W S, dentist, Main Street Bergelin O W, tailor, Main Street Bishop Jno H, (Driver & Bishop) 4th Street Blackwell Chas, carpenter & buil- der, 4th Street Blackwell Jas, groceries, Main St Blackwell Jas, painter & decorator Main Street Blanchard H S, clerk, 5th Street Blomquist Jno, tailor, Main Street Bluth J M L, tailor, 5th Street Bond H M, (II M Bond & Co) 4th Bond H M & Co, groceries, 4th Bostwick Jno, clerk, 5th Street Bo wring Mrs M, millinery, Main BOYLE & CO, furniture dealers & upholsterers, es M, bet 4th & 5th Bozarth A L, barkeeper, 5th Street Brewer Mrs E, millinery, 5th Briggs James, farmer, beach Briggs Mrs E, farmer, bench Broome Hotel, A D Shakespeare, propr, cor Main and 5th Brown F G, operator U P Tel Co Brown Francis H, salesman, cor Pearl and 5th Browning Bros, gunsmiths, Main Bruesch Geo, saloon, 5th Street Bryan Scott, clerk Ido DivlJ PR'y Buchner Geo, with Cal'a Brewing Depot, Main, bet 4th and 5th Burns Wm, carpenter, 4th Street Burton, Herrick ss't supt Pullman Palace Car Co, Franklin Crandall J K, barkeeper, 4th and Franklin Crawshaw Henry, clerk E Street, bet 3d and 4th Crawshaw & Wilson, gen mdse, 4th Cross R W, bookkeeper, Main Curtiss F H. (Curtiss & Co) Main Curtiss & Co, hardware, . O. BOX 22. F. A. PUTERBAUGH. & GENKKAL Real Estate, Loan, Rent and Collecting Agents, OFFICE, Corner of Fourth and Young Streets, OGDEN, UTAH. SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. Deeds, Mortgages, Agreements, Leases, etc.. made L. >oldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. L* City Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Pickard, Salt Lako Weber County Business Directory. 243 Ingram Mrs S J, bdghouse, Main I O OF Hall 4th St Jenkins J W & Sons, harness & saddlery, Main bet 4th A 5th (See SL City) Jennings C P, photographer, Main Jewett David, clerk, 5th St Johnson M A, saloon A lodging house, 5th St Jones E A, carpenter 4th St Jones t red, butcher, 4th St Jones M (M D) physician 4th St Jones T W, merchant tailor & men's furishing goods, main bet 4th & 5th Junction City Hotel, G Buckwith, Propr, cor 5th Main Kay David, produce & grain, cor 5th & Main Keeney House, M H Beardsley, Prop'r RR Depot Kelley H W, saddler Main St Kelsey & Puterbaugh, real es- tate, loan & insurance a-gts, cor 4th & Young Kerr Geo A, cierk, Main Kershaw H A, plumber, Main bet 8d & 4th St Key cs Edward, saloon, 5th St Kiesel Fred J, groceries & liquors, 4th St Kiesel J, (A Dunham & Co,) 5th St Kimball Gen'l N, postmaster, 4th Kirnball & Heywood, attys at law 4th St Kimball J N, (Kimball A Hey- wood) 4th St Kuhri A & Bro, clothing. & gen'l mdse, Main cor 4th St Lambert Edwin, restaurant, Main Lambert J A, barber, Main St Lambert & Martin, Ogden Marble Works, 5th St Leaman R W W, bookkeeper, 5th Leonhardt Ed, carpenter, 4th St Lepper A D, (M D) bath house, 3d bet Main & Young Lepper Mrs A, 3d St Lewis Bros, notions Main St Lewis JS& Co, clocks & jewelry, Main St Lewis H D, 'J S Lewis & Co) Main Lewis J S, ( J S Lewis & Co) Main Lewis Sam'l (Lewis Bros) Main Llndblad Jno, tailor, Main St Lindsdale H S, carpenter, 4th St Lindsey Mark, varieties, 5th St Litchfield W D, clerk, Main St Lundstedt C, tailor, Main St Lowe Geo A, Schuttler wagons, spring wagons, agricultural im- plem'ts, steam engines &c,Main Lowell John W, wagon co, Main Maddock Jno, tailor, 4th St Maboii Mrs Emma, dressmaker & millinery, 5th St Maillot Louis, carnenter, 4th St MARKS, GOLDSMITH <& Co, clothing, gents furnishing & boots & shoes, cor Main ,t 4th St Marks J, (Marks, Goldsmith & Co) Pearl bet '3d & 4 May Henry, barber, 4th St McCarty & Minter,Bank Exchange Saloon, Main St McCarthy Nelson, saloon, Main St McCauley Capt C A H, assis't quar- termaster, Main St McDonald Jno, clerk Keeney House McEnti re W F, clerk, 4th & Main McFARLANE ARTHUR, cigars & tobacco, 5th St McFARL ANK ,P cigars & tobacco, 5th St McLennan J B, saloon, 5th St McNutt & Hurl but, whole drugs & Liqnors, 4th St McNutt J W, (McNutt & Hurlbut) 4th St Methodist Episcopal Church, Main Mill is J W, coal yard, 5th St Monson P, tailor, 5th St Morley Mrs Agnes, millinery, 5th Morley James, barkeeper, 5th St Morley Jos, Morley House, 5th St Morley Wm, barber, 5th St Moulding S, clerk post office Murphy J J, produce shipper, 5th -NILSON CHRISTIAN, butcher, Main St Newman H J, tinsmith, Main bet 5th & 6th St Nicholls Henry W, jewelry & no- tions, 5th St Odd Fellows Hall, 4th St Ogden Daily Herald, Main bet 4th &5th St Ogden Daily Pilot, cor Main & 4th Ogden Electric Light works, 4th above Main Ogden Market Co, produce & fruit cor Main & 4th Ohlson G A, tinner, Main St O'Neil M J, saloon, 5th St Ostler Oliver R, (Vincent & Ostler) Main St Packard T W, (Harrison & Pack- ard) 5th St Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise Shoemakers' Tools of all kinds, W. L. Fickard, Salt Lake. 244 Weber County Business Directory. !! ! 5s! s-g It * 81 I O o CO I Oli PARSONS BROS, stationery, book & school supplies, Main St PARSON A H, (Parsons Bros) Main ! PARSONS C H ,f Parsons Bros) Main 1 Payne Edwin, clerk, 5th St PEAKCE Wm, machine shop,Main i Peebles C L, drugs & medicines, Main St Pell ins Win, cigars & tobacco, cor j 4th & Main Pender Phil, barkeeper, 5th St Peterson W H, Union Hotel Bar PettJit S L,"conductor P P C Co, U , P Hotel PiersonB, tailor, 4th St Planz P H, barber, 5th St Post Office, Genl N Kimball, P M, 4th St . Post W E, cashier, 4th St Potter, Duryea & Co, whol jewelers, cor Main & 5th St Potter Ed H, (Potter, Duryea & Co) cor 5th & Main Presbysterian Church, 4th St Prcshaw S M, undertaker, Main bet 4th A 5th Preston Frank A, clerk, Main Preston , job printer Burnison W H, mine manager Boatright & Carver, livery & sale stable Cactus Mining Co, Allan G Camp- bell, president Clarke J W, saloon Carbonate Boarding House, H Reilly, propr Cactus Boarding House Dodds Bros, stock dealers, butchers Duggan Mrs L C, bakery Duggans S M, flour Feeney Daniel, saloon Fitzgerald & Hyan, saloon Frisco Banking Co, PL Orth, cash'r Frisco Mining & Smelting Co, C D Bigelow, president First South Extension H S M Co, P Ryan, manager Frisco Kestaurant, C Anthony, pro Fordonski David, tonsorial artist Grace Richard, blacksmith & wag- on shop Graham J M, saloon Grant J F & Co, gen'l merchandise Hagan R T & Co, notions Horn Silver Mining Co, H C Hill, manager Horn Silver M Co, gen'l mdse, AC Horn Silver Boarding House, H Barnes, proprietor Haynes W, saloon Hanaftn Mrs John, laundry Hop Lee, laundry Italian Marbie Co, J F Grant, Sec'y GREENVILLE Is a small town of 100 inhabitants, mostly engaged in farming mining. Miller D, general merchandise James & Angel, meat market Jones Miss B K, milliner and dress maker KING CHARLES S, Postmaster Kelley S D, saloon King Chas S & Co, gen'l mdse, ci- gars, tobacco and stationery Kennedy A, tonsorial artist Lammersdorf C, precious stones Lochrie P. attorney-at-law LaFayette Restaurant, C Mow, pro Lipscomb R S, justice peace & U S commissioner Latimer T H, assay er Malloy P A, saloon Meyerfleld Chas, saloon & shoe shop Minard J B, watchmaker Murray S, saloon Mahoney M, saloon Naglor R, watchmaker Orrick Wrn, b.acksmith & wagon shop Orth P L, Life & Fire Insurance Reher J C, saloon Rehnstrom John, merchant tailor Riley A, boarding house Rant Win L, assayer Ryan & Co, saloon Southern Hotel, M Mahoney, prop St James Hotel, Wm Haynes, prop Savior John, saloon Schmidt J, saloon Schmitt C, shoemaker Schwartz P, general store Smith John, livery Shwartz P. saloon Staples J R, furniture Southern Utah Times, Chas S King & Co, publishers St Louis Brewery,John Rehr, prop Sam Hing, laundry, Wo Hing Ching, laundry and Bardy Bros. & Burton carry a fine stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing W. L. Tickard carries a futt line of Trotting < Racing Good* i Box Elder County Business Directory. 249 MILFORD. A small town of about 300 inhabitants on the Utah Central Railroad GRANT B F, gen'l mdse & P M Smith ton House, hotel, Grant B F, saloon Stoddard House, hotel Grant Bros, forwarding & commis- Tanner B & Co, gen'l mdse sion merchants Whiteside & O'Connor, justices of Maher Stephen, saloon the peace fc notaries public Pioneer Drug Store, Godbe, Pitts Williams House, hotel & (Jo, proprietors MINERS VILLE Is a small agricultural settlement 18 west of Beaver City, with a popu- lation of about 450. Brower John, gen'l mdse 'Lightner Mrs M E, gen'! mds Clayton T R, wagon maker Lessiug Lewis, liquor dealer Clayton R K, blacksmith Moore Wm, gen'l mdse Croff L, blacksmith ROLLINS Jas H, Postmaster Ligntner A, liquor dealer Weeden Chas, shoemaker BOX ELDER COUNTY. This is one of the largest of the Northern counties. It is bounded by Cache County to the East, on the West by the Plate of Nevada, on the North by Idaho Territory and on the South by Weber and Toocle coun. ties and the Great Salt Lake. The Central Pacific Railroad enters this county a few miles north of Ogden and runs westward along the Lake shore to Nevada at the same point the Utah Central Railroad diverges to the northward passing through the county towards Cache. Quite a large district through the southwestern portion of the county is ren. dered blank by the Great American Desert, but to the northwest in the mountaineous districts are valuable mines of all descriptions and fine timber. That portion of the county basing the Wasatch mountains lays claim to the largest population, In this latter place the climate is extremely rnild and well adapted to raising fruits, cereals, small grain, buckwheat, rye, flax, &c. BRIGHAM CITY Is the county seat of Box Elder county , situated 22 miles north of Og- den with a population of about 2000. Booth, Corey & Co, gen'l mdse Bott J, marble works Bowring H E, saddlery & harness Brigham City Co-op woolen mills Horseley W & Co, gen'l mdse Kimdsen Bros, produce Neil sen J C, boots & shoes Neilsen J C, furniture Brigham City Co-op M'fg Institu'n Rosenbaum M I), gen'l mdse Christensen Rorgstrom, tailors Craighead W H, salt Hailing L, produce Smith Samuel, boots & shoes, Squires, Fosgreen and McMaster, builders GOLDBERG, LEADING CLOTHIER, Salt Lake City Cash paid for Hides, Wool and Furs, W. L. Picfcard, Salt Lake City, Utah. 3 I I | 250 Box Elder County Business Directory. BEAR RIVER CITY, Anderson N P, civil engineer Holmpren P O, b'acksmith Andreasen J, carpenter Jensen S F, carpenter Carlson J, blacksmith Tbomsen S, produce dealers Hanson J, gen'l mdse CORINNE Is an incorporated city located 6 miles south of Brigharn Cithapopula- tion of about 4CQ, mostly engaged in farming. Biehr & Dehler, brewery Kerr Jno W & Co, gen'l mdse, &c Campbell M E hotel Kuhn Adam & Uro, gen'l mdse Church F H, groceries, &c LeiwesJJ & ( o, groceries Earhart I), harness maker 1 orimer Mrs W, millinery Ellis Wm G, hotel & saloon Smith X H, gen'l mdse Grott C P, stock dealer Smith & Coil, gen'l mdse Guthrie J W, banker & forwarder Sfencer H W P, news dealer Kel'er J, produce, &c Walker Jno M, drugs DEWEYVILLE Is a farming settlement 15 miles north of Brigham City with a popula- tion of about 300. Dewey J C, gen'l mdse Marble & Dunn, gen'l mdse Dewej r J C jr, carpenter Twitchel Benjamin, variety store Howard Wm, books & stationery K ELTON Is on the Central Pacific Railroad , about 75 miles from Brigham City Population about 250. Barnes N E, blacksmith Malory B M, drugs. &c Ghaplow James, saloon Mercer & Pearce, saloon Conant Bros, forwarders Perkins F K, saloon Hagar Fred, saloon Kichling L B, saddler Holt S, agricultural implements Reinhardt .Julius, gen'l mdse Howell R, general store Toyer C W, saloon Hunt &, Loverin, corral Young J AV, blacksmith Lewis Jacob, gen'l mdse Young & Goss, saloon PLYMOUTH, A small farming settlement with some stock raising. Population about 100. Pierson H D, gun'l mdse Pierson & Sons, stock dealers PORTAGE. A settlement on the Malad river, 2 miles south of the Idaho line. Population about 300. Allen J & Son, gen'l mdse Hankly J B, brickmaker Anderson F N, jewelry & notions London Chas, blacksmith ANDERSON W N, drugs & med- Mason G S, dairy icines, justice of the peace, sur- Morris J S tailor geon dentist and postmaster Spencer L K, subscription agent Bailey F, carpenter Tiinms John, cooper Call and see Hardy Bros, & Burton's complete stoci of Staple & Fancy Gtroceriei Henry Arthur's Boot and Shoe Uppers, W, L, Pidrard, Salt Lake City, Utan Cache County Business Directory. 251 . i i Chandler J S, teacher Weaston W C, teacher Gibbs J D, merchant Yahn Chas, sheep herder Oibbs Chas, shoemaker Z C M I, gen'l mdse Hall C, teacher PROMONTORY Is 40 miles west of Brigham City, on the C P R R. It is a small settle, ment of about 2CO Inhabitants, composed principally of ranchers, for the herding and pasturage of large stock herds. King N M, hotel and general store SNOWVILLE. A small settlement of about 100 inhabitants. Crostifoson H, blacksmith Goodliffe Arnold, gen'l mdse EynowJno, wherlright Johnston O, carpenter TERRACE Is on the Central Pacific Railroad, about 110 miles west of Brigham City. Population of about 300. Allen H, saloon Jakins W M, salaon CAVE & H, gen'l mdse and P M Parry L W, gen'l mdse Grose W G, butcher VanNamee, hotel WILLARD. A seHlement of about 700 population, six miles south of Brigham City, mostly engaged in farming. Willard has excellent facilities for a permanent bathing resort, being located close to the Great Salt Lake. Anderson R H en Lewiston. Friiik & Blair, builders Robins D S, blacksmith Larson J M. notions Taylor Richard & Bro, builders Lewiston C-op Mercantile Insti'n HYDE PARK. Five miles north of Logan, population about 400, mostly farmers. Co-op Store, gen'l mdse, Win Daynes, supt HYRUM Is 8 miles south of Logan on the East bench. Population 700. Consid- erable business interests centered in the co-operative institution. A steam saw and shingle mill, two water power saw mills form some of the important features in this enterprising town, Allen Bros, gen'l mdse Thovesen & Hockanson, contra c- Kevans C H, postmaster tors and builders Jensen Hans, gen'l mdse United Order of Hyrum,gen'l mdse Swenson S L, flour mills & dealers in lumber, lath, &c MENDON Has a population of about 600, mostly farmers. It is situated on the Utah and Northern Railroad, seven miles west of Logan. Baker Albert, hotel Shelton Jno, blacksmith Co-op Store, gdn'l mdse MILLVILLE Is 4 miles southeast of Logan, population 500, consisting mostly of far- mers who are enterprising and prosperous. Biglow Jas O, postmaster Yeates Geo & Son, gen'l mdse Jessop Thos & Bro, gen'l mdse NEWTON Is 12 miles northwest of Logan, with a population of about 300 mostly farmers and stock raisers. Beck S N, painter Jensen Wm, stone mason Benson Peter, carpenter Newton Co-op Store, gen'l mdse Clark Amos, blacksmith W H Griffin, manager Hansen J N, butter and eggs Sorenson Hans, shoemaker L. Goldberg- has tlic largest stock of Men's wear in S. L. City Rubber and Gold Plated Carriage Harness at Pickard's. I 254 Cache County Business Directory. . PARADISE Is a town of 400 inhabitants, 11 miles south of Logan. Davenport Bros, lumber merchant Paradise Co-op Store, gen'l mdse Monteith A M, lumber & shingles PKOVIDENCR Is a suburb of Logan on the south. It has a population of 600, with school houses, meeting house and a fine theatre. For an agricultural district its equal could not be found. Bullock H, carpenter Hockstrauser R, gcn'l mdse Bullock .las, shoemaker Providence Co-op, gen'l mdse Campbell J H, saw mill Theura Fred, blacksmith RICHMOND Is an incorporated town and ranks as the second city in Cache county in population, which aggregates about 12 souls. The agricultural re- sources are excellent, BarrattJ, butcher Monson C H, planing mill Bates A Co, millinery and dress Alsten W H, physician making Pond Mrs R, milliner Christensen H B, painter Richmond C M Insti'n, gen'l mdse Griffin Thos, blacksmith Smith A S, shoe & harness maker Gouch J, machinery TRAVELLER C, furniture & gro- Rarrison ABA Co, gen'l mdse ceries and postmaster Hendricks W J), grist mill Traveller & Christensen, steam Hobson A N", gen'l mdse saw mill Lewiston Co-op Insti'n, gen'l rndse Whitehead. shoemaker Merrill M W, grist mill SMITH FIELD Is an incorporated town 8 miles north of Logan with a population of about 000. It is well adapted for farming and stock raising. The peo- ple engage in lumbering and various other manufactures. Cantwell James S, postmaster Smlthneld Manufacturing & Mer- Douglas William, gen'l mdse cantile Institution, manufac- Lutz Thos J, wagons, &c turers leather, shoes and har- Maek James, miller ness, dealers in gen'l mdse Momitzen Lars, brick maker Peterson Hans, shoemaker Weekes David, butcher Richardson Thos, gen'l mdse WELLS VI LLE. Near the southern extremity of Cache valley, 10 miles from Logan. It is one of the largest towns in the county, having a population of nearly 1100. The soil is rich and very productive. Brown Jos, p asterer Haslam J H, blacksmith Co-op Store, gen'l rndse Larson R H, notions, &c Co-op Butcher Shop Miner Levi, hotel D ARLEY WM F, postmaster Miller Samuel, carpenter Dock in Wm P, painter Walters Wm L, carpenter Duncan A, boots and shoes W hi ton Ellen, millinery 1 1 i i s Hardy Bros. & Burton carry a full line of General Merchandise WATJLTN'S PATENT STIRRUP, best for Broncho Riders. N* Davis County Business Directory. 255 O OQ of! CQ <3 . DAVIS COUNTY This county, the smallest, yet not the least in importance, has an area of about 250 square miles. It is located between Weber and Salt Lake counties on the north and south and is bounded on the east by the Wasatch Mountains and on the west by the Great Salt Lake. This county is very rich in agricultural resources. The Utah Cen- j I tral R. R. passes along the entire county through well tilled farms ! and bounteous orchards laden heavily with all kinds of fruits. Of the ! arable land contained in this county there is but little that is not con- 5 ! gtantly under cultivation. ft i FARMINGTON. *f The county seat of Davis County, is 18 miles north of Salt Lake j City on the Utah Central R. R. Its resources consist mainly of farm- ~S I ing and its residents are thrifty and prosperous. The population numbers about 1000 souls. Carrington J B, physician Obit D, blacksmith Clark K T, stock raiser Palmer Geo, tailor p. Clark T B, salt & coal Robinson J E, gen'l mdse Clawson G, wagon maker Itock Mill Earl J no, blacksmith Steed G H, stock raiser, grain &c Farmington Co-op Store, gen'l Steed A Bourne, gristmill mdse, F Coombs, supt Walker W, gen'l mdse & Drugs Mayfield W O, grain WhippJe W, saw mill North Cotton wood Mill Wood J no, gen'l store GO i BOUNTIFUL, HH Q A charming settlement of about 1,2'JO inhabitants somewhat scattered, the residents being mostly farmers. It lies about ten miles north from Salt Lake City. The title is very appropriate, for the sur- _ rounding soil is extremely bountiful in its yield of vegetables, fruits fl and cereas, and its residents are thrifty and prosperous. The town has one of the finest meeting houses in the territory. Birmingham Jas,geu'l mdse STAYNER MISS EMILY, music BOUNTIFUL CO-OP STOUE, gen'l Teaching mdse, A V CALL, supt Thomas & Schill, butchers Durden W, gen'l mdse THURGOOD JOHN, gen'l store CENTREVILLE. A prosperous farming town situated midway between Farmington and Bountiful at a point where the lake approaches nearest to the mountains. It is in the best of agricultural districts, and its popula- tion numbers about 500. Adams Jno, gen'l mdse Reeves W, agt pianos & organs Brandon T J, post master Simms Alex, flour &c Ceutreville Co-op Store, gen'l Winn J D, miller mdse, J Parish, manager L. Goldberg has the largest stock of Men's wear in S. L. Citj Saddlery and Saddlery-Hardware, Jobbed by W. L. Pickari Salt Lake City. i i 256 Emery County Business Directory. KAYSVILLE. An incorporated city, of about 1,500 inhabitants located about six- teen miles south of Ogden. The townsite is large and lies in a bright and sunny district where crops mature early. Alder Alfred, blacksmith Egbert Joseph, hotel Barnes J R, (of Barnes & Davis, S Lay ton Samuel, blacksmith L City) co-op store Major W D, Hour mill Barton Jno, undertaker & furni- Sheffield James, shoemaker ture Stewart & Tiiiguey, gen'l md^e Beasley Wm, saw mill Stewart Wm, shoemaker Bone Wm, shoemaker Stewart H, postmaster Co-op Mercantile Institution, gen'l Ward S, brick maker indse, Jno R Barnes, supt Weinal Jiio, Hour mill De Shazo & Lewis, builders Wil.iams E A, gen'l store WEST BOUNTIFUL Directly west and adjoining Bountiful with a population of about 15') inhabitants somewhat scattered. West Bountiful Co-op Institution, genlmdsejW SMuir, jr, supt EMERY COUNTY Located about 120 miles south of Salt Lake City. BLAKE CITY. Farrer Thos, postmaster Gamage J, restaurant Farrer Thos & Sons, gen'l rndse McCrosie Alex, saloon Farrer J T, gen'l mdse & saloon Welton Frank, restaurant CASTLE DALE. Boulden Jos, blacksmith Higgs Brigham, carpenter Childs A Reid, shingle mill Jewkes & Co, Pioneer Grist Mill Childs P A, wagon maker Jewkes, Reid & Co, sawmill Co-op Store, gen'l mdse, J W Seely .Tenker B S, molasses mills supt Reid J K, hides, furs &c, & p m Cox Edwin, wagon maker Scoyil & Co, saw mill Farmers Store, J K Reid, prop, Whitney Job H. blacksmith gen'l mdse & agricultural imple- ments CAYENNE. Smith P A, gen'l mdse & saloon HUNTINGTON. A coal mining district of limited population. Cordingley Wm, painter Johnson ME, post master Co-op Store, gen'l mdse Johnson Peter, carpenter Craridal H O & Co, saw mill Woodward James, cooper Howard Wm, blacksmith Bon't forget that Hardy Bros. & Burton hava A well selected stock of Dry Good* Shoemakers 9 Tools of all kinds, IF. L. Pickard, Salt Lake. Iron County Business Directory, 257 i ~ ^ ! MILL CKEFK. Holdaway L S, gen'l mdse & saw nii'l* M>AP. A. small farming town lately settled and not much advanced as yet. Peirce W A, post master Ta \ lor Norman & Co, gen'l mdse Pritchett W D & Co, gen'l mdse Taylor L 8, stock dealer PRICK. Birch Miss Isa, gen'l mdse Grame* F E, gen'l mdse 4 p in Birch J, gcii'l mdse WeK-h Jas, gen'l mdse SCOFIELD. Eccles D, manager saw mills Tucker & Thomas, managers saw Holdaway L S,gen mdse & liquors mill Tucker James, postmaster Williams 1.) & A L, gen'l mdse & Tucker & Hill, gen'l mdse & liquors supt coal mines Bountiful Co-operative Institution, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Farming Implements, Wagons, Ready Made Clothing and Everything Appertaining to a First Class Mercantile Establishment. A. V. CA LL, Superintendent. < n IRON COUNTY Stretches from one side of the territory to the other, bying bounded on the uorth by Beaver and Piute, and on the south by Washington and Kane counties. The eastern portion laps over the Colorado line. Tremendous deposits of iron are continually found in the county, and numberless coal claims with extraordinary large veins have been daily uncovered. Considerable prospecting for gold and silver and other metals has been thus far followed to a certain extent, however the hardy prospector will here find considerable unexplored territory in his untired researches for the precious boon. The county contains a large number of lumbering, flouring and other mills. The population is about 5,000. I* Goldberg, the only Clothing Manufacturer, S. I* City Hi Nobby Riding Saddles & Bridles, W.L. Pickard, Salt Lake L I 258 Iron County Business Directory. PAROWAN Is the county seat of Iron County, about '269 miles south of Salt Lake City with a population of 8)0. Farming, lumbering and shingle mak- ing are the important industries of its inhabitants. Anderson E M, post master Holyoak Wm, gen'l mdse Adams C, supt Co-op Store Lome G A, harness & saddle mk'r Benson Bros, gen'l mdse Marsden Wm; gen'l mdse Bentley Bros, carpenters & bulid's Orton Hid, boots & shoes Bott U, boots & shoes Parowan United Mf'g < -o, gen mds Benson B, lumber & laths Scogard N, cabinet maker < 'art w C, lumber & laths Tye J, photographer Cash II H, cabinet maker Ward E, blacksmith Frankland W II, cabinet maker Whitney Bros, blacksmith Fowler W, gen'l mdse Wilsock W, lumber & lath CEDAR CITY. Twenty miles south-west of Parowan with population of 830. The town has several steam saw and flouring mills, with first class coal a few miles up the canyon. Possesses a number of good solid brick resi- dences and buildings, continually on the increase in conformity with the progressive pursuits of this active town. Ashdown Geo, carpenter Lunt Henry, Hotel Bullock Bros, cattle raisers & deal- Leigh Sam'i furniture dealer ers Neison B, builder Cedar City Co-op Mercantile & Mfg Palmer K, blacksrni' h Institution Parry Rdward, stone mason Cedar City Sheep Asso'n, D S Me- Parry Jos M, carpenter Farlane, pres't, C J Arthur, sec'y Ross A K, cabinet maker & treasurer Root Lewis, painter Chatterley Jno, post master Urie Geo, blacksmith Corry Wm, blacksmith Urie Jno, stock raiser & dairy Casslett JOvS, builder Walker Thos, lumber dealer Dalley M A, school teacher Wood Geo, gen'l mdse HILLSDALE. Thirty miles east of Parowan. a small settlement; population about ^ j Johnson Seth, gen'l mdse Wilson G D & Sons, lumber g 2 | PANGUITCH, Located on the south fork of the Sevier River about thirty miles east of Parowan , with a population of about 600. Is a prosperous town and supports several manufacturing interests. -o | Bell Archie, gen'l mdse McEwan Mathew, gen'l mdse & o i Clark It G, sho a maker post master (-* I Cro>by Jesse, supt Co-op Store Myers Jno, blacksmith y\ Dodd' George, lumberman Norton Jno, blacksmith "To i Foy Martin, gen'J mdse Page J J, gen'l mdse ~ Houston las, lumberman Panguitch Co-op Store, gen'l mdse CL. Henrie Dan, harness maker Reynolds E, blacksmith j Marshall Jos, harness maker Sardy Bros. & Burton cany a fins stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats. Caps & Glotiung Wrought Spanish Bits & Spurs, W. L. Fickard, Salt Lake* Juab County Business Directory. 259 I PAR AGON AH. A farming settlement on the high road to St. George population 400. It is six miles north ofParowan, good range and extensive stock rais- ing forms the industry of the populace. Barton , 7 P, carpenter & p m Robinson Wni, blacksmith Barton S S, butcher Robinson J K, miller Horseley S P, mason Stones D, cobbler .* tinker Lund W, stone cutter Tapham Jno, gen'l mdse Owens T R, peddler Watts B, tanner JUAB COUNTY Is one of tfce central counties, being bounded on the north by Utah and Tooele counties, on the south by Millard County, and on the west by the State of Nevada. It was first settled at Nephi. In the eastern part of the country a large number of rich mines have been developed, prominent among which rank the monster mines belonging to the Mammoth Mining & Milling Company at Tintic, who have also erected large mills and smelters thus giving employment to thousands of men, and bringing the country into prominence as one of the greatest in importance which may furnish adequate resources sufficient to es- tablish numerous large and permanent towns. The county has an area of 100 square miles of the Oquirrh range of mountains. The climate is agreeable and healthy, the nights being cool in summer and the snow fall light in winter. NEPHI, The county seat of Juab County, is ninety-one miles south of Salt Laice City on the U. C. R. R. It has a population of 2,500, with its main sup- port of farming and stock raising. Nearby, is the lordly Mount Nebo, 12,000 feet in height, the cul- mination of the Wasatch Range, and one of the grandest peaks in America. Boules Thomas, butcher Bryan W A C, Fire Insurance Chalmers Abe, saloon First Prizes awarded at all Territorial Fairs, to W. L Picfcard, Salt 2C6 Rich County Business Directory. RICH COUNTY Located at the extreme north-east corner of the territory, bounded on the north and east by Idaho and Wyoming territories respectively, on 1 he south by Summit and on the west by Cache counties. Much of the area is mountaineous. Bear Lake is a beautiful sheet of water, clear as crystal, resting near lofty mountains, and well stocked with delicious trout. GARDEN. A settlement on the western shore of Bear Lake near the Idaho line. Population consists principally of farmers. Allred Byron H, wagons & ma- Cook Alonzo, grist mill chinery & postmaster Longhurst Chas T, merchant LAKE TOWN. Situated at the southern extremity of Bear Lake; population limited. Fine agricultural and grazing lands. Co-op Store, gen'l mdse Robinson George, postmaster Cheney J, geu'l mdse Walstrom O, blacksmith Hodges N M, grist mill MEADOWVILLE, A small farming settlement of limited habitation. McLean J, gen'l mdse RANDOLPH. A farming town of several hundred population. Jacobsen Olivus, saw mill & lum- Snowball Jno, postmaster ber South C & Sons, lumber merchants Jrnsen Bros, live stock dralers Tyson Mrs L, hotel McMinn E, live stock dealer Z C M I, J M Baxter, supt WOODRUFF. A settlement in Bear River Valley, twenty miles north of the U, P. R. R Limited population. Eastman A E & Co, gen'l mdse Putman & C, gen'l mdse Sardy Bros. & Burton carry a fino stock of Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps & Clothing Shoemakers 9 Tools of all Jcinds, W* L. PicJzasd, Salt Lake. San Pete County Business Directory. 267 SANPETE COUNTY. Sanpete is one of the most important counties in the Territory. It is bounded on the north by Wasatch and Utah counties ; on the west by MUlard and Juab, on the south by Sevier county, and 011 the east by the State of Colorado. The majority of the settlements are in the San pete valley, a tract of fertile land about 50 miles in length. Wheat and other cereals are produced in great abundance. The district is also well adapted to the raising of stock, the range being excellent and al- most limitless. MANTI The county seat of Sanpote is a flourishing city of about 2500 population , situated 133 miles southeast of Salt Lake City. Anderson A H, saw mill Anderson Wm, blacksmith Barton W, painter Braithwaite R, boot & shoe manfr Bybee R L, agricultural imple'nts Carleson F C, shoemaker Carleson G E, shoemaker Christopherson S, grist mill Coolidge O F, gen'i mdse Cramer C, furniture Davis H, surgeon Fox E W & Co, gen'l mdse Funk W D, sewing machines Greco E S, tin shop Grier Jno, rope maker Hall Richard, mason Hansen Mrs C, millinery Hanson S C, wool carder Harmon Bros, saw mill Henrie D, butcher Hoggan Jas, tailor Hoggan T A, carpenter Hougaard J H & Co, millers Hougaard Jno, photographer Jolley F M, sheep raiser Kenner F R, physician Kenner & Bench, shingle mill Kijar L C, harness manufacturer Ladies Co-op Store, gen'l mdse Larson N C, tailor Lowrie Jno, furniture, meat, live stock, wool & hides Madsen C, cabinet maker Manti C M Institution, gen'l mdse Wm T Reid, manager Marker Alma, hides & pelts Marker J P, wheelright Parry E L, mason Parsons H. carpenter Peacock H| fa 2 a* o o 278 Was ate k County Business Directory. |i WASATCH COUNTY g w j - Is bounded on the east by Colorado, on the south by Sanpete county, on the north by Summit county and on the west by Utah county. Throughout this county are promising indications for gold, silver and lead mines. In what is known as the Uintah reservation is some of the most pleasing country that Utah possesses, it being a series of val- leys, well watered and timbered with plenty of game and a fine range HEBER. This is one of the largest towns in the county ''and is peopled by a thrifty and industrious community numbering about 530 souls. Alexander Bros, furniture & gea'l Hatch A & Co, millers mdse Heber Co-op Store, gen'l mdse Duncan John, gen'l mdse Jerts M, gen'l mdse Earl B C, tinner Me Mull in A E, saw mill CHARLESTON Is a small farming settlement on Pravj river a few miles south of H Vo H- Co-op Store, gen'l mdse, N C Murdoch, proprietor FISH CREEK. *8 &* A farming settlement on the creek which bears it name, as yet oj limited population, located on the D ntftf< Hotel and Walker House,. Successors to Day & Co) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN MERCHANDISE. We call attention to our immense stock of I>iry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Queens ware, Glassware, Etc. We are prepared to offer special inducements on anything in our line WE GUARANTEE GOOD . GOODS AT Low PRICES. We Pay HIGHEST PRICES ibr all kinds of Produce Mail o, ?rs '> .e solicited and have prompt and personal attention. Ayentft fo ;*.< m6ia and Harvard Kicycles. Agents for Mme. Jtemorest's Reliable Patterns. 106