LB MINIMUM COURSES OF STUDY. SECONDARY SCHOOLS. HP V Minimum Courses of Study PREPARED FOR THE High Schools and Academies of Vermont BY A COMMITTEE OF THE Vermont Schoolmasters' Club COMPOSED OF JOHN L. ALGER, F. J. SAGENDORPH, A. E. TUTTLE, W. A. BEEBE, W. P. ABBOTT, ISAAC THOMAS, C. H. MORRILL, MASON S. STONE, Prescribed for trie High Schools of Vermont and Issued by the Department of Education. JULY 1. 1907. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, STATE OF VERMONT, MONTPELIER. INTRODUCTORY LETTER. FELLOW TEACHERS: The following program of subjects, prepared for the secondary schools of the State by a Committee appointed therefor by the Vermont School- masters' Club, was constructed and is prescribed for the purpose of carry- ing into effect the High School Law of 1906. Both law and program are designed to render a positive and definite service, first, by fixing a standard for admission to and completion work ; second, by insuring an approximate uniformity in performance work. It is not intended that the individuality of any school shall be impaired, but that certain fundamental subjects of the various courses shall be thoroughly taught and that the schools shall be standardized through the performance of the work prescribed. Not only should each school maintain its individuality in the non- essentials, but greater opportunity should be given pupils to individualize themselves. Heretofore courses have been constructed too largely for the few, and pupils have b^en required to fit themselves to the schools; here- after it is hoped that the schools witf fti themselves to the pupils and that the scope of worV of; each school will be sufficiently broad to give every pupil the best possible opportunity to find himself. As a great majority of advanced pupils do not pursue courses beyond the secondary schools, the question is, how can these advanced pupils be best fitted for their life work. A correlative question is, how can more elementary pupils be allured to take advanced instruction and thus become better fitted for life. These two questions can best be answered by incorporating in the secondary schools more work of a practical or industrial nature. This means the science of te f of/ of agriculture and the arts and crafts. Probably nothing could be more bene- ficial to the students of the secondary schools than an opportunity to- discover earlier and more definitely their aptitudes and abilities. If prep- aration for life is an important function of the high school, then a larger opportunity should be given the student body of the secondary schools in order that each may find out the vocation for which he is especially fitted. Not only does industrial training furnish the individual pupil with a body of useful knowledge and a cultivation of his motor activities, but it devel- ops his powers of observation, reasoning and judgment, cultivates his creative and executive abilities, and trains him in self-control and accuracy. Industrial education appeals to parents and pupils as something sensible and practical, and it will afford a field in which unscholastic pupils can work to great advantage. A feeling is rife today that there is a lack of wholesome respect for law and constituted authority, that adherence to old-time principles has become somewhat loose, and that a high standard of personal conduct is not generally observed in social and commercial life. Recently the National Educational Association in its Declaration of Principles made a pronounce- ment concerning the weak regard of the youth of today for wisdom, order, duty, and responsibility. If there is prevalent any tendency of this character it behooves school, men to be more vigilant and active toward its correction. The secondary school course marks the transition from youth to young manhood and womanhood; it is the most critical period of life, one requiring the keenest discernment and diplomacy of action. It is the period in which a definite effort should be made to fix principles and fashion purposes, for young men and women are especially susceptible at this time to the invitation to service and nobler life. The supreme function of the secondary school is to make young men and women intelligent, useful, and upright. Instruction in the various subjects of a course will make them intelligent, industrial education will help them to be useful, and the inculcation of right princi- ples will aid them to be upright, and in each school these means of devel- opment should be kept in view. Believing that the high service and character of the secondary schools of the State will be maintained, and trusting that the law and the program of studies may meet the ends desired, I remain, Very sincerely yours, MASON S. STONE, Superintendent of Education. 293976 MINIMUM COURSES OF STUDY FOR THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF VERMONT. Reported by the Committee of the Vermont Schoolmasters' Club and Authorized by Chapter 45 of the Public Statutes. CLASSES OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. First Class, a school having one or more four-year courses and at least three teachers. Second Class, a school having one or more three-year courses and at least two teachers. Third Class, a school having one or more two-year courses. Fourth Class, a school having one or more one-year courses. ^CONDITIONS GOVERNING APPROVED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 1. Secondary school teachers must be college graduates or holders of first grade teacher's certificates. 2. The length of the school year shall be at least thirty-six weeks. 3. The minimum number of recitations shall be as indicated in th- courses prescribed hereafter. 4. The admission requirements shall include all the work prescribed by law for the elementary schools. 5. The length of a recitation for classes of less than ten must be at least thirty minutes ; for classes often or more, forty minutes. 6. The work in each subject must include the amount specified in the minimum courses which follow. 7. The work of each course must be performed as indicated hereafter; but the order may be modified with the approval of the Superintendent of Education. 8. Not more than one-half of the laboratory time shall be credited as recitation time. 9. Each principal must furnish the Superintendent of Education, at the beginning of each scholastic year, a certified statement of the courses adopted by his school, the class of school maintained, and, at the beginning of each term, a program of recitations. It is recommended that 1. A language once begun be continued throughout the course, or at least for two years. 2. The Spanish language be given a place in our schools. 3. When it is evident that a review of an elementary subject is needed, the subject be given incidentally and in addition to the regular course. 4. Drawing, music, vocal culture, penmanship, and industrial training, including manual arts and elementary agriculture, should be presented whenever possible. 5. The equipment for teaching sciences conform to the prescribed list so far as practicable. 6. Pupils already enrolled in courses be not required to change their courses. A Minimum Program of Studies by Years and by Courses. Latin Course. English 3 Algebra 5 Ancient History 5 Latin 5 r EAR. English 3 Geometry 5 Latin 5 One of the following, Modern Language 5 Med. and Mod. History 5 Commercial Arithmetic and Botany 5 YEAR. English 3 Latin 5 Two of the following, Modern Language 5 Physics 5 Adv. Algebra and Solid Geometry, 5 FOURTH YEAR. English 3 Latin 5 Review Mathematics 3 Two of the following, Modern Language 5 2d Modern Language 5 Physics 5 Chemistry 5 Teachers' Course 5 Classical Course. FIRST YEAR. FIRS- English Algebra Ancient History Latin 3 I 5 / 5 / 5 I SECOND YEAR. SECC English Geometry Latin Greek 5 On Jj THIRD YEAR. 1 English Latin Greek Modern Language 3 C 5 5 THIS I FOURTH YEAR. I English Latin Greek Modern Language Review Mathematics 3 TV 5 I 5 I 5 ; 3 6 English Course. Commercial Course. FIRST YEAR. English 3 Algebra 5 Ancient History 5 Physical Geography and Advanced Physiology or Botany 5 SECOND YEAR. English 3 Geometry 5 Two of the following, Med. and Mod. History 5 Modern Language 5 Com. Arithmetic and Botany 5 THIRD YEAR. English 3 Modern Language 5 Two of the following, Physics 5 English History and Com- mercial Law 5 Adv. Algebra and Solid Geometry 5 FOURTH YEAR. English 3 Modern Language 5 Two of the following, Am History and Civics 5 Chemistry 5 Astronomy and Geology 5 Teachers' Course 5 FIRST YEAR. English 3 Algebra 5 Ancient History 5 Commercial Geography and Correspondence 5 SECOND YEAR. English 3 Geometry 5 Bookkeeping and Commer- cial Arithmetic 5 One of the following, Med. and Mod. History 5 Modern Language 5 THIRD YEAR. English 3 Stenography and Typewrit- ing 5 Eng. History and Commer- cial Law 5 One of the following, Physics 5 Modern Language 5 Adv. Algebra and Solid Geometry 5 FOURTH YEAR. English 3 Adv. Stenography and Typewriting 5 Adv. Am. History and Civics 5 One of the following, Chemistry 5 Astronomy and Geology 5 Modern Language 5 While this outline is intended to be suggestive rather than compulsory, and has not included all the possible or desirable electives, it is expected that it will serve as a definite guide to all Vermont High Schools and Academies collecting tuitions from the various towns of the State. The course in English is quite definitely outlined on the following pages. For other subjects, no formal statement concerning the amount of work to be accomplished has been attempted here. It is sufficient to say that the schools should meet the requirements of the College Entrance Examination Board in the subjects which they attempt to teach. A most excellent outline in History has been prepared by the N. E. History Teachers' Association and may be obtained from D. C. Heath & Co., Boston. The questions used by the College Entrance Examination Board may be obtained from Ginn & Co., Boston. , Every high school teacher should have a copy of Document No. 25, of the College Entrance Examination Board, address Post Office, Sub-Station 84, New York City, price ten cents, and of the Report on College Entrance Requirements, Dr. Irwin Shepard, Winona, Minn., price twenty-five cents. MINIMUM COURSE IN ENGLISH Prior to entrance upon a secondary school, it is expected that the following books will be read : 1. Song of Hiawatha, Longfellow. 2. Evangeline, Longfellow. 3. Courtship of Miles Standish, Longfellow. 4. Robinson Crusoe, DeFoe. 5. King of the Golden River, Ruskin. 6. Sharp Eyes and other Essays, Burroughs. 7. The Spy, Cooper. First Year. The general purpose of teaching literature in the first year is to arouse an interest in reading, to teach how to read and what to read, and to develop the power to form vivid mental pictures. The general purpose of the work in writing themes is to secure facility with some degree of accuracy. To this end, students should write many compositions. The criticisms of the teacher should give practical help in showing how best to express an idea as well as in teaching the use of correct forms. 8 GRAMMAR. The analysis of sentences and the application of the principles of grammar in composition. Punctuation and capitalization. Short themes throughout the year. READING. Irving : Sketch book, at least five selections. Whittier: Snowbound, and Songs of Labor (selections). Macaulay : Lays of Ancient Rome. Shakespeare : Merchant of Venice. Kingsley : Westward Ho ! or Cooper : Last of the Mohicans. Homer: Odyssey (Palmer's Translation.) Second Year. AMERICAN LITERATURE. Develop power to discriminate and compare literary types and values and stimulate a finer feeling for literature. Some formal text-book required. Short themes, both oral and written, throughout the year. Secure clearness of thought. Give practice in defining terms. Study paragraph structure with respect to unity, coher- ence and emphasis. Continue the study of grammar and give practical help wherever needed in teaching spelling and punctuation. READING. Lowell : The Vision of Sir Launfal. Scott: Ivanhoe and Lady of the Lake. Longfellow : Tales of a Wayside Inn. Hawthorne : The House of Seven Gables. Shakespeare: Midsummer Night's Dream. Mrs. Gaskell: Cranford. Third Year. COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC. Some formal text required. Short themes of various types throughout the year. Develop power to express ideas with simplicity, accuracy and fullness. Continue the study of the paragraph. Give a systematic review of the principles of English grammar. 9 READING FOR 1908. Shakespeare : Merchant of Venice. The Sir Roger de Coverly Papers. Irving : Life of Goldsmith. Coleridge : The Ancient Mariner. Tennyson : Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine and the Passing of Arthur. George Eliot : Silas Marner. AFTER 1908. Shakespeare : As you Like It and Julius Caesar. Franklin : Autobiography. Goldsmith : Deserted Village. George Eliot : Silas Marner. Dickens : A Tale of Two Cities. DeQuincey : Joan of Arc and the English Mail Coach. Coleridge : The Ancient Mariner. Fourth Year. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Some formal text required. Continue the study of Composition and Rhetoric. Teach students to work from a definite outline. READING FOR 1908. Shakespeare : Julius Caesar and Macbeth. Milton: Lycidas, Comus, L'Allegro and II Penseroso. Burke: Speech on Conciliation with America. Macaulay : Essay on Addison and Life of Johnson. AFTER 1908. Shakespeare : Macbeth. Milton: Lycidas, Comus, L'Allegro and II Penseroso. Burke : Speech on Conciliation with America or Washington : Farewell Address Webster : First Bunker Hill Oration. Macaulay : Life of Johnson or Carlyle : Essay on Burns. 10 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST FOR HOME READING. (Required.) First Year. (Any Four.) Hans Brinker. (Dodge) The Pilot. (Cooper) Old English Ballads. (Armes) Here ward. (Kingsley) Second Year. Marmion. (Scott) The Deer Slayer. (Cooper) Tom Brown at Rugby. (Hughes) Old Curiosity Shop. (Dickens) Third Year. Quentin Durward. ^ Scott) Kidnapped. (Stevenson) The Mill on the Floss. (Eliot) The Scarlet Letter. (Hawthorne) Morte D'Arthur and Enoch Arden. Fourth Year Lorna Doone. (Blackmore) Henry Esmond. (Thackeray) A Winter's Tale. (Shakespeare) Ninety-Three. (Hugo) Tales of a Traveler. (Irving) Treasure Island. (Stevenson) Captains Courageous. (Kipling) Green Mountain Boys. (Thompson) (Any Four.) The Alhambra. (Irving) Pilgrim's Progress. Parti. (Bunyan) A Man without a Country. (Hale) Puck of Pooks' Hill. (Kipling) The Dark Arrow. (Stevenson) (Any Four.) Prose Tales. (Poe) The Tempest. (Shakespeare) Ben Hur. (Wallace) Macaulay's Lord Clive. (Tennyson) (Any Four.) Macaulay's Warren Hastings. The Marble Faun. (Hawthorne) Kenilworth. (Scott) Childe Harold. (Byron) David Copperfield. (Dickens) APPARATUS FOR TEACHING PHYSICS. It is Recommended (1) That in classes of less than six no laboratory work in Physics be given and that demonstrative apparatus for the teacher's use only be furnished. (2) That in schools in which laboratory work in Physics is to be given, the course include 35 experiments to be selected from the following 11 list, in the ratio of 13 in Mechanics ; 2 in Sound ; 6 in Heat ; 6 in Light ; 8 in Electricity. (3) That the experiments to be performed determine the minimum apparatus necessary^ for each pupil. Suggested experiments are marked with a star, thus *. MECHANICS AND HYDROSTATICS : * 1. Weight of unit volume of a substance. * 2. Lifting efiect of water upon a body entirely immersed in it. *3. Specific gravity of a solid body that will sink in water. *4. Specific gravity of a block of wood by use of a sinker. 5. Weight of water displaced by a floating body. 6. Specific gravity by flotation method. * 7. Specific gravity of a liquid ; two methods. * 8. The straight lever ; first class. *9. Center of gravity and weight of a lever. * 10. Levers of the second and third classes. 11. Force exerted at the fulcrum of a lever. 12. Errors of a spring balance. 13. Parallelogram of forces. *14. Friction between solid bodies (on a level). 15. Coefficient of friction (by sliding on incline). LIGHT : * 16. Use of photometer. * 17. Images in a plane mirror. * 18. Images formed by a convex cylindrical mirror. *19. Images formed by a concave cylindrical mirror. * 20. Index of refraction of glass. 21. Index of refraction of water. *22. Focal length of a converging lens. 23. Conjugate foci of a lens. 24. Shape and size of a real image formed by a lens. 25. Virtual image formed by a lens. MECHANICS : 26. Breaking-strength of a wire. 27. Comparison of wires in breaking tests. 28. Elasticity: stretching. * 29. Elasticity : bending ; effect of varying loads. *30. Elasticity: bending ; effect of varying dimensions. 12 31. Elasticity: twisting. 32. Specific gravity of a liquid by balancing columns. '33. Compressibility of air ; Boyle's law. 34. Density of air. 35. Four forces at right angles in one plane. 36. Comparison of masses by acceleration-test. 37. Action and reaction : elastic collision. 38. Elastic collision continued : inelastic collision. HEAT 39. *40. *41. *42. *43. *44. *45. 46. Testing a mercury thermometer. Linear expansion of a solid. Increase of pressure of a gas heated at constant volume. Increase of volume of a gas heated at constant pressure. Specific heat of a solid. Latent heat of melting. Determination of the dew-point. Latent heat of vaporization. SOUND 47. Velocity of sound. *48. Wave-length of sound. *49. Number of vibrations of a tuning-fork. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM : *50. *51. *52. *53. *54. *55. *56. 57. 58. 59. *60. 61. Lines offeree near a bar magnet. Study of a single-fluid galvanic cell. Study of a two-fluid galvanic cell. Lines of force about a galvanoscope. Resistance of wires by substitution : various lengths. Resistance of wires by substitution : cross sections and multiple arc. Resistance of Wheatstone's bridge : specific resistance of copper. Temperature coefficient of resistance in copper, Battery resistance. Putting together the parts of a telegraph key and sounder. Putting together the parts of a small motor. Putting together the parts of a small dynamo. 13 MATERIAL FOR LABORATORY WORK IN BIOLOGY. FOR EACH PUPIL. A lens with some kind of standard, Price $1.00 to $10 00 Scalpel, .35 Forceps. .40 Scissors, .35 and up Pipette, dropper, .03 Dissecting needles, (2) .03 Watchglass, .03 Plain glass fingerbowl or its equivalent, .10 and up Blotter, rules, etc. Materials for a Group, Two or Four. One or more compound microscopes, $26.00 and up Box of glass slides, .50 Box of cover glasses, .50 6 bottles with droppers. $ .12 to .50 2 funnels, .10 6 preserve jars, y 2 pint, .30 to .50 6 " "1 pint, .30 to .50 6 test tubes, .02 Test tube rack. One or more sets of permanent mounts to show structures, 3.00 and up. (If the teacher has the material, these can be made at home, but that would mean more outlay.) Section razor, $1.00 to $1.50 Alcohol or gas flame lamp; tin, earthen and glass dishes, as the teacher needs them. Glycerin. Alcohol. Formalin. Vasalin. Iodine. Potash, etc., etc. Much botany may, of course, be taught without laboratory work. 14 CHEMICAL APPARATUS For Each Student. MINIMUM. Beakers, No. 2 and No. 3. *Blow Pipe, 8 inch. Bottles, wide mouth for collecting gases (3) . Bunsen burner or blast lamp. Burner, fish tail attachment. Crucible, porcelain. Evaporating dish, No. 1. File, small triangular. *Flask, 250 cc. Forceps, steel 4 inch. Funnel, ground stem 3 inch. Glass plate, 4x4 inches. *Pneumatic trough. /H 2 S0 4 . HC1, \ Reagent bottles, blown glass labels, \HNO 3 , NH 4 OH./ Ring stand, iron, 3 rings. Test tubes (6) %" x 6". (2)l"x8". (2) %" x 3". Test tube rack. " brush, holder. *Thistle tube. Watch glasses (2). Wire gauge 4x4 inch asbestos center. *1 for every two students. GENERAL EQUIPMENT FOR CLASS OF TEN. MINIMUM. Balance to carry 100 g. sensitive to 1 c. g. Balance weights 100 g. to 1 g. Graduates, (1) 1000 cc (2) 50 cc. Mortar " wedgewood " acid proof. Magnet. Glass tubing 6mm. soft, 5 Ibs. Rubber tubing (for connections) rubber stoppers. Glass rod. 1 Ib. Filter paper, 1000 sheets (10 packages). 15 CHEMICALS, (FOR CLASS OF 10). Acid, Hydrochloric com'], 18 Ibs. " Nitric, " 14 " " Sulfuric, " 27 " " Acetic, " 5 " Alcohol, ethyl, 1 qt. Aluminum chlorid, 1 oz. Ammonium carbonate, 4 oz. chlorid, 1 Ib. " hydrate, 12 Ibs. nitrate, 8 oz. Antimony, chlorid, 1 oz- Arsenic, chlorid, 1 oz. " trioxid, 1 oz. Barium, chlorid, 4 oz. Bismuth nitrate, 1 oz. Boneblack, 1 Ib. Borax, 8 oz. Cadmium chlorid, 1 oz. Calcium chlorid, (fused), 1 Ib. Calcium fluoride, 8 oz. Carbon disulfid, 6 Ibs. Charcoal, 10 pieces V x V x 4 (about). powdered. 1 Ib. Cobalt nitrate, 4 oz. Copper scraps or turnings, 8 oz. Copper oxid (black), 8 oz. Copper sulfate, 1 Ib. " chlorid, 8 oz. " nitrate, 4 oz. Iron chloride (ferric) , 4 oz. " sulfate (ferric), 8 oz. " " (ferrous), 8 oz. " sulfid, 5 Ibs. Lead nitrate, 8 oz. " oxid (litharge), 1 Ib. Litmus, cubes, 1 oz. " paper 100 strips red and blue each. Magnesium sulfate, 2 oz. 16 Manganese chlorid, 1 oz. dioxid, 1 Ib. Mercuric oxid, 1 Ib. Mercurious chlorid, 2 oz. nitrate, 2 oz. Mercuric chlorid, 2 oz. Nickel nitrate, 1 oz. Parafin, 1 Ib. Fosforous, 8 oz. Potassium chlorate, 1 Ib. " bromid, 4 oz. " carbonate, 4 oz. " nitrate saltpeter, 1 Ib. " iodid, 4 oz. " chromate, 4 oz. " dichromate, 8 oz. " alum, 4 oz. " permanganate, 4 oz. hydrate (stick.) 1 Ib. Silver, nitrate, 2 oz. Sodium, metalic, 1 Ib. " carbonate, 1 Ib. " bicarbonate, 1 Ib. " hydrate. 1 Ib. " hydrogen fosfate, 8 oz. " nitrate, 4 oz. " nitrite, 8 oz. " silicate (water glass), 4 oz. Sulfur, 1 Ib. Tin granulated, 8 oz. Zinc granulated, 2 Ib. " sulfate, 2 oz. " chlorid, 2 oz. Sugar, lime, salt, starch and marble. 17 LAWS RELATING TO SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Instructions for Advanced Pupils in High Schools and Academies of Vermont. For the purpose of this chapter, a High School shall be a school of any one of the folio wing classes: First class, a school of e in ion. vears > course or courses ; second class, a school of three years' course or courses ; third class, a school of two years' course or courses ; fourth class, a school of one year course or courses. The course or courses of instruction in each school in any one of the four classes shall begin immediately at the completion of an elementary course of nine years ; each school shall be considered a single school, in and for which a single register shall be kept and returned according to law; and each shall be maintained at least thirty-three weeks in the school year and shall be taught by a teacher or teachers of competent ability, of good morals and legal certification; and, in each, instruction shall be given in English ( language and literature, higher mathematics, history, natural science and, I in schools of the first and second class, ancient and modern languages ; and \ instruction may be given in political, social, moral and industrial sciences, commercial subjects, ancient and modern languages, music and physical culture, and in the fine and mechanical arts. The course or courses and subjects of study for each school shall be prescribed by the Superintendent of Education, and each school shall conform thereto. An educational institution legally incorporated and providing instruction equivalent to that of a High School of any class shall be an Academy. MAINTENANCE OF HIGH SCHOOLS. A town shall maintain a High School, or furnish higher bee* JOJ7. \lowns i ns t ruc tion for its advanced pupils as follows: The to Maintain, etc. Board of School Directors shall, at an expense not to exceed eight dollars a term or twenty-four dollars a year for each pupil, unless the Board of School Directors is authorized by vote of the town to pay a higher tuition, provide and arrange for the instruction of advanced pupils in a High School of an incorporated district or an Academy within the town, or in the High Schools or Academies of other towns within or without the state. If a town does not maintain a High School of the first class, the Board of School Directors shall provide and arrange for the instruction of the advanced pupils of the town, for the remaining years 18 necessary to complete the course or courses of study in a High School of the first class, in a High School of an incorporated district or Academy within the town, or in the High Schools or Academies of other towns within or without the state. QUALIFICATIONS OF PUPILS. Sec JOJ8 Whenever a pupil demands the payment of his tuition in a High School or Academy of another town or district as am nat on* provided by this chapter, the superintendent of such town or district of which the pupil is a resident shall hold an examination, as provided in the following section, for determining his qualifications for entrance into such school. Said superintendent shall procure papers for such examination from the Superintendent of Education, conduct the exaraina- a iination t - Qn ^ &n ^ shall forward the results thereof to the examiner of teachers of county in which the pupil resides, and, by and with his advice, determine the qualifications of such pupil. o 1020 ^ town shall not be required to pay the tuition of any L' fe'l'tv f T pupil under the provisions of this chapter until said for T iti n pupil is found qualified to enter such school by the town superintendent and the examiner of teachers as provided in the preceding section. The provisions of this and the two preceding sections shall not apply to pupils already in such school. STANDARD OF HIGH SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. ~ iM4 The Superintendent of education shall, on request, deter- '* , , mine and establish the standard of any High School or Superintendent to ,._ . _ ., , . t Academy and the qualifications of a pupil for receiving A . higher instruction as provided in this chapter. An inter- ested person may appeal to said superintendent, whose decision shall be final, from the action of the Board of School Directors in regard to the High School or Academy designated for attendance or the tuition to be paid for advanced instruction. No person shall be deprived of such instruction by reason of age. DUTIES OF TOWN CLERK. /% ^^ e Town Clerk, in case pupils are provided with higher *~ \ . ^ instruction under the preceding sections, shall, annually, on or St tisti before the first day of June, furnish the Superintendent of Education, on a blank to be supplied by him, a certified state- ment of the name, age, and attendance of each pupil, the school attended, 19 the amount of tuition paid for each pupil for the school year ending March thirty-first preceding, and the aggregate amount so expended, not exceed- ing twenty-four dollars per pupil per school year. Said superintendent shall forthwith transmit such statement to the state treasurer. APPROPRIATION. ~. , . r The State Treasurer shall, annually, on or before the tenth day of July, pay to the several towns which have paid tuition for advanced instruction, according to the provisions of this act, sums as follows, according to and based on tuition not exceeding twenty-four dollars per pupil per school year; to towns having raised and expended for current school expenses during the preced- ing school year, excluding state school tax, interest on the United States deposit fund, and expenditures for new buildings, forty per cent, or more of their grand lists, a sum equal to one-fourth of the amount expended for tuitions ; to towns having raised and expended fifty per cent, or more of their grand lists, a sum equal to one-half the amount so expended ; to towns having raised and expended sixty per cent, or more, a sum equal to three-fourths of the amount so expended ; and to towns having raised and expended seventy per cent, or more, a sum equal to the amount so expended. 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