"To neglect the care of food supplies is to expose one's self to being defeated without fighting." Vegetius, "De Re Multari," Book III., Chapter XXV. THE PROVISIONING OF THE Modern Army in the Field BY BRIGADIER-GENERAL HENRY G. SHARPE, Commissary General; United States Army/ REVISED AND REARRANGED BY CAPTAIN FRANK A. COOK, Commissary U. S. A., Aisistant to the Commissary General. 1909 HUDSON PUBLISHING Co. Kansas City, Mo. NOTE. Upon my suggestion, Captain FRANK A. COOK, of the Sub- sistence Department, undertook a revision of "The Provis- ioning of the Modern Army in the Field." It was his idea, in the revision, that by additions to the text and rearrangement of the subject-matter he could bring the volume up to date and make it adaptable for use as a book of reference, or a military text-book for schools, there being no American work which included a summarization of the varied and extensive literature on the subject. It is thought he has done the work well, and deserves full credit for the care, in- telligence, and thoroughness which the revision indicates. HENRY G. SHARPE, Commissary General, U. S. Army. INTRODUCTION. In an age of such great activities as the present, and when so many books are being published, there should be some justification for adding to the number. The fact that in this country practically no books have been published on this important subject would seem to in- dicate that the public and the service are both indifferent to the matter, except spasmodically when attention is drawn to it by reports of suffering. Periods of peace afford no oppor- tunities for practical experience, and indifference to a subject indicates lack of familiarity, and this because the incentive to study and preparation has not been made imperative. This study, when pursued, must include all wars in all countries, and especially in our own. The principal object of this small treatise is to give some idea of the difficulties of provisioning troops in the field, and also with the sincere hope that upon a fuller appreciation of these difficulties a greater number of thoughtful men may be induced to devise measures to overcome them, and at the same time ameliorate, if they cannot prevent, the suffering and horrors of war. 334662 PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. The principles underlying the feeding of fighting armies have been absorbed by the writer during two years of duty in the Office of the Commissary General of the Army. During this period the facilities of a splendid library, presented to the Office by General Sharpe, and the privilege of free intercourse and discussion with him on the subject, have afforded the writer exceptional opportunity for acquiring some correct knowledge of the particular branch of the military service in which the Office is interested. FRANK A. COOK, Captain, Commissary, U. S. Army, Assistant to the Commissary General. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 26, 1908. CONTENTS. Page, INTRODUCTION, ...... 9 MOBILIZATION AND CONCENTRATION, . . . 18 PLAN OF OPERATIONS, . . . . .19 BASE OF OPERATIONS AND OF SUPPLY, ... 20 PLANS FOR SUBSISTENCE, . . . . .20 CHARACTER OF SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES, . . 21 INITIAL SUPPLY AT THE BASE, . . . .23 EMERGENCY RATIONS, ..... 24 RESERVES OF OVENS AND COOKING APPARATUS, . . 24 LINES OF COMMUNICATION, .... 25 RATIONS CARRIED BY AN ARMY, . . . .27 RENEWAL OF SUPPLIES, . . . . . 28 NUMBER OF WAGONS REQUIRED, . . . .29 DEPOTS ON THE LINES OF COMMUNICATION, . . 29 RAILROADS AND AUTOMOBILES, . . . .30 UTILIZING THE LOCAL RESOURCES, . . . 31 STATISTICAL DATA, ...... 32 METHODS OF OBTAINING SUPPLIES LOCALLY, . . 34 PURCHASES CONTRIBUTIONS, . . . -34 REQUISITIONS BILLETING, .... 35 FORAGING, ....... 38 DUTIES OF SUBSISTENCE OFFICERS, - . 39 THE MEAT SUPPLY, ...... 41 FRESH BREAD, ...... 42 ACCOUNTABILITY PAPER WORK, . . . .43 INTRODUCTION. With the exception of Thiers, historians have devoted but little attention to the question of subsistence of armies in cam- paign, and it is difficult to find of record more than bare state- ments to the effect that an army has suffered from lack of food or that the special means for obtaining it had provided an ample supply. Explanation as to why the food supplies failed to reach the troops, or the details of the manner in which they were successfully collected, are lacking. Military writers on the continent of Europe, have, how- ever, long recognized the importance of the subject. The work of BALL YET,* published in 1817, followed a few years later by the extensive treatises of Odier and Vauchelle, were practically the beginnings of what has become a vast literature on the subject of subsistence of armies in the field. The French have always been the leaders in this line of literature, yet, in spite of this interest in the subject and the attention they had de- voted to it, their defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 and 1871 may be attributed in no small degree to the complete failure of their supply service. This fact may be discouraging to the student of questions of supply; it did not discourage the French. Realizing their deficiencies, they made a determined effort to correct them, and, to aid them in the improvement of their system, they caused to be translated into French every military work of value published in foreign countries. From the best of their own and foreign writings on the subject of supply they have succeeded in evolving a system the equal, if not the superior, of any among the armies of Europe. So impressed by its per- * " De la Constitution de 1' Administration Militaire en France," Paris. io The Provisioning of the Modern Army. fection was Sir CHARLES DILKE, after witnessing the maneuvers of the French Army in 1891, that he wrote, in the Fortnightly Review for November of that year, an article on "The French Armies," in which he stated: "Germany has this year lost that uncontested supremacy in Europe which she enjoyed for twenty years." The maneuvers of 1891 were held in a designated portion of the country, the arrangements being made in advance with great elaborateness. While the system of subsisting the troops in the field in those maneuvers was a great success, the officers of the French Intendance realized that in war they would not have the opportunity to make such elaborate preparations be- forehand for the subsistence of troops in any particular region, and in the maneuvers of 1903 a new and greater problem was given the French supply officers to solve. The place of the maneuvers was not made known until just before the date set for the concentration of the troops, which consisted of two army corps, and then the Intendance was obliged to subsist those arrny corps from the resources of the country in which they operated. It was done in an entirely successful manner. With practice like this prior to the Franco-Prussian War, in connection with the theories of supply with which the French were already familiar, it is doubtful if they would have suffered the humiliating defeat which still rankles in the hearts of the French people. The English have written comparatively little on the sub- ject of subsistence of armies in the field, but that they are alive to the importance of it is clearly shown by the complete success of their supply system in the South African War. This success may be attributed largely to the organization in the British Army in 1888 of an Army Service Corps. "A Digest and Analysis of Evidence taken by the Royal Commission on the War in South Africa" states, page no: "There are only two branches of the immense administration concerned in the work of taking the troops to the seat of war and of maintaining them there which came in for unqualified commendation, both as to The Provisioning of the Modern Army. n the adequacy of their supplies and the capacity with which they were administered. One was the transport by sea, the other the supply of food on land." Page 249 : "The transport by sea to South Africa from the United Kingdom and the Col- onies of a force much larger than any which had ever crossed the seas before in the service of this or any other country affords a remarkable illustration not only of the greatness of British maritime resources, but also of what can be done when careful forethought and preparation is applied to the object of utilizing rapidly in war instruments which are in peace solely engaged in the purpose of civil life. If the same forethought had been applied throughout, there would have been little criticism to make with regard to the South African War." Page 228: "The evidence shows that both in method of distribution and in quality the supply of food was one of the most successful features in the South African War. Lord KITCHENER said (1901) : 'I consider that the soldier was better fed than in any previous campaign. Complaints were few and far between, and the majority were of a trivial nature, which speaks well for the sufficiency of the ration and the general quality of the food supplied.' Lord METHUEN said (14,312) : 'I never recollect the food supply and so on being better, or so good as it was in this campaign, from the beginning to the end. I have not one word to say against it.' Evidence to the same effect was given by numerous witnesses." Nothing could better illustrate the importance or the re- sult of careful study in time of peace of the art of subsisting armies in war than the contrast afforded by England's success in South Africa and her miserable failure in the Crimea half a century before. Sir CHARLES DILKE, writing in the United Service Magazine (London) for April, 1890, said: "The last considerable war in which we were engaged was that fought out in the neighbor- hood of Sevastopol. It was a war which called less than usual for special cleverness on the part of those responsible for in- telligence and for movements. There were no great marches, 12 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. no skillful maneuvers in the open field at long distances from the base. Our most advanced posts in the Crimea were never a full day's march from the sea, and it would have seemed to be a simple task to provide for the army in the field. Yet the whole of our plan utterly broke down. The horses of the cav- alry and artillery were destroyed by doing common transport work, for which they should never have been used; and the army of the richest nation in the world, commanding the seas, starved almost within sight of its own ships for want of proper arrangement as to food rotted for lack of sanitary provision and, from the absence of that care which is the business of a general staff, became a wreck of itself. Before and since, the character and endurance of officers and men kept the fragments together, and whatever pride we now take in remembering the struggles of the campaign is a pride in the endurance of the race when suffering the most unmerited and unnecessary hard- ships from want of brain direction. Carelessness at home in time of peace had to be atoned for by magnificent courage and dogged determination on the part of the soldier, at the cost of many lives. The miserable inquiry as to the conduct of the Crimean War brought into the national mind in a dim way the necessity for some sort of staff training, and caused the estab- lishment of a Staff College, which has, on the whole, done much good." The Civil War in the United States was fought from 1861 to 1865 with a larger number of troops engaged than had ever before been in the field. We find the following remarks made by Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War, in his annual report for 1865, in speaking of the Subsistence Department and of the manner in which the troops were subsisted in the field: "During the war this branch of the Service never failed. It answers to the demand and is ever ready to meet the national call." President LINCOLN, during a visit to Richmond early in 1865, is reported to have said to an officer of the Subsistence Department: "Your Department we scarcely hear of. It is The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 13 like a well-regulated stomach : works so smoothly that we are not conscious of having it." General DE CHANAL, of the French Army, who visited the United States in 1864, being sent by the French Government to observe the operations in the Civil War, says, in his book entitled "The American Army in the War of Secession," page 200, in speaking of the Subsistence Department: "It would be difficult for a commissariat service to work more smoothly and certainly than does that of the American Army, especially as that army is unable to live upon the country and must carry all its supplies." BARATIER, writing on the same subject, says: "If, from the military point of view, we cannot always admire the con- duct of operations, we are nevertheless struck with the vigor and breadth of the views which directed the organization and maintenance of numerous armies, always supplied with im- mense means of action; we are likewise forced to praise the persistence displayed in the use of certain methods, especially pertaining to the matter of supplies."* The voluminous reports published by the Government in what are known as the "Rebellion Records" contain nearly all the military correspondence on file in the War Department concerning the Civil War in the United States; and it is a sig- nificant fact that hardly any reference is made to the operations of the Subsistence Department. The vast mass of literature that has been published rela- tive to this war since its close has been concerned mostly with descriptions of battles, and, with the exception of General Sherman, no American military writers have made any ex- tended reference to the workings of the Subsistence Depart- ment during that war; nor has any systematic treatise on the provisioning of armies in the field ever been published in the *A. BARATIER, Sous-Intendant Militaire, "I/ Art de Ravitailler les Grandes Armees," p. 47. Cf. "Puissance Militaire des Etats-Unis d' Amerique d'apres la Guerre de la Secession, 1861-1865," P ar F- p - Vigo- Roussillon, Ancien Eleve de 1'Ecole Polytechnique, etc., Paris, J. Dumaine, 1866, p. 65. 14 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. United States, except one elementary book on ''The Art of Subsisting Armies in War," published in 1893, an d the book of which this is a revision. The explanation of this would seem to be that the operations of the Subsistence Department during the Civil War were conducted so smoothly, as pointed out by President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton, that the im- portance of the matter has been entirely overlooked. Following the Civil War frequent operations on the plains against hostile Indians led to erroneous notions as to the ease of subsisting armies. American officers in those operations obtained most excellent training in the duties of a cavalry screen of an advance guard of a modern army, but nothing more. Such officers, when drawing lessons from their personal experiences, may be disposed to think that all wars can be made somewhat after the fashion in which the operations were conducted against the Indians, when very small bodies of troops, rarely numbering over a few hundred, had to be sup- plied; and when of necessity, as the operations took place in a country devoid of provisions, all supplies had to be taken with the command. This fact must account for the impossible or- ders relating to transportation and rations published during the American War with Spain and their dissimilarity to those published at the close of the Civil War after the armies had been for four years in the field. The lack of Civil War litera- ture, or other American literature relating to subsistence, and the erroneous lessons drawn from the personal experiences of officers on the plains, combined to produce practically a failure of the supply departments of the American Army in the War with Spain, which failure, had the war been of greater mag- nitude, might have resulted in a national disaster. After the formation of a General Staff and the establishment of a War College, the subject of supplies in war began to receive in the United States the consideration it demands. Many of the famous captains of the past have recorded in their writings the great importance which they consider should be given to the subject of the subsistence of troops in the field . The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 15 Frederick the Great even made the assertion that the art of conquering is lost without the art of subsistence. In his " Memoirs and Instructions" he often goes into considerable detail, showing the care that should be exercised by a com- mander to insure the subsistence of his troops in the field. He has likewise incorporated this same subject in his poem on "The Art of War." During the Peninsular War the Duke of Wellington was necessarily so much occupied with the question of food and supply that he humorously used to say that he did not know that he was much of a general, but that he prided himself up- on being a first-class commissariat officer. (MAURICE, "War," P- 25.) Military writers on the continent of Europe have pointed out that the failure of provisions is the greatest deprivation that can occur to an army; that it destroys discipline when it is most necessary, and that it can ruin the very best army in a short time. This is clearly shown in "Memoirs of Baron de Marbot," page 439. During the campaign in Portugal, a French sergeant, wearied of the misery in which the army was living through lack of provisions, persuaded about a hundred men to desert and become marauders. The sergeant gained the expressive, if contemptuous, name of "Marshal Stockpot," and his band became so bold and impudent that the French commanders were compelled to detach a force to storm their stronghold and exterminate them. A few quotations from great commanders and famous military writers will serve to close this Introduction, which is written in an attempt to impress upon the reader the importance of the subject that is treated by this book : "The art of conquering is lost without the art of subsistence." Frederick the Great. "The art of subsisting a body of men in the field is among the most difficult." Jomini. Quoted by Lewal in " Etudes de Guerre," p. 4. "It is frequently a more difficult task than to direct certain opera- tions." General Foy, in "Etudes de Guerre," p. 4. 1 6 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. "Famine is more cruel than steel, and starvation has ruined more armies than have battles." MontecucuH, in "Etudes de Guerre'' p. 5. "The misfortune of lacking food and forage is the greatest that can befall an army, for it destroys discipline at a time when it is most nec- essary, and it may in a short time ruin an army." Guvion Saint-Cyr, in "Etudes de Guerre," p. 6. " A commander-in-chief expends, in our day, more thought in assuring subsistence to his troops than for any other purpose, and his best-laid plans are constantly being opposed and their effect lost through the lack of timely issues." Marmont, "Esprit des Institutions Militaires," Chapter V., p. 105. "Without regular issues of supplies nothing is possible. Their im- portance equals and even surpasses that of the plans of battle themselves. Before marching comes existence, and this requires food. Before fighting, supplies must be provided. After the battle the wounded require our care. The renewal of subsistence constitutes one of the gravest preoccupations of the military commander. It is a vital and decisive question, which he must not for a moment neglect, for success depends upon its observance." Lewal, "Etudes de Guerre," p. 5. "The difficulty of finding food for an army is one of the greatest difficulties of war. How is it that the most distinguished generals, who have seen their combinations fail in consequence of it, have not found its solution?" Marmont, "Esprit des Institutions Militaires." "In an army the commander is either all or nothing; unless he can control the auxiliary services, he will certainly be controlled by them. He must be either master or servant. There can be no other alternative." Lewal, "Etudes de Guerre," p. 18. "Nothing, in fact, that may contribute to the success of operations can be considered as beneath the rank or genius of the commanders." Thiers, "Consulat," Hi). 4. "Mobility and power of action in an army depend upon a proper balance between its numerical strength and the available resources of the seat of war. Beyond a certain number, the strength of the army is but a load that crushes it. The want of food and forage strikes at discipline and hampers military operations. It must in a brief period weaken an army, particularly when it is engaged in making a long retreat." "Me- moires Militaires du Lieutenant-General Comte Roguet" Tome IV., p. 641. "Men brought together in large numbers have wants; the talent to satisfy those with order, economy, and intelligence forms the science of administration." "Esprit des Institutions Militaires," by Marechal Mar- t, Chapter IV., p. 122. "Companion and sister of tactics, administration often anticipates The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 17 and always aids, but never hinders it." Odier, "Cours d' Etudes sur I' Ad- ministration Militaire" Vol. IV., p. 298. "The great strategical movements of armies have depended always upon their means of obtaining food and warlike supplies." Colonel Mau- rice, "War," p. 13. "An army is a city flung down suddenly in the country, each day moving, each day requiring fresh alterations in the arrangement by which food is conveyed from the producer to the consumer. Yet this portion of the Art of War one of the most important, if not the most important re- ceives but scant notice. 'War is the art of being the strongest at any given place,' and that portion of the Art of War that keeps the greatest number of bayonets in the ranks is surely not to be despised." Home, "Precis of Modern Tactics" p. 186. "An army must be fed, and many people rarely consider the mag- nitude of the operation. The action of an^army in the field, its marches and its battles, the lists of killed and wounded, are what chiefly strike the eye of the looker-on; when a man is killed or wounded, or even when he is taken prisoner, his loss is chronicled; but the man is just as much lost if he dies or is invalided from want of food or medical aid. We read of so many guns and standards captured; but^who notices the losses from privations and hardships? Yet the losses^from the latter causes far out- weigh those from the former." Home, "Precis of Modern Tactics" p. 186. "The feeding of an army is a matter .of the most vital importance, and demands the earliest attention of f the" general entrusted with the campaign." General Sherman, "Memoirs" Vol. II., p. 389. THE SUBSISTENCE OF MODERN ARMIES IN WAR. MOBILIZATION AND CONCENTRATION. Before an army takes the field two distinct operations have to be effected namely, the mobilization and the concentra- tion. Mobilization is the act of putting troops in a state of readiness for active service in war. Concentration is the act of bringing together the mobilized troops at threatened points or at convenient points for taking the offensive. The important advantages of assuming the initiative in a campaign have been so often illustrated in history that most of the great nations of the earth now have definite detailed plans for the mobilization of their armies. "In 1859 it took thirty-seven days for France to collect on the River Po a force of 104,000 men, with 12,000 more in Italy. In 1866 the Prussian armies (220,000 in number) were placed on the frontiers of Saxony and Silesia in a fortnight ; and in 1870 Germany was able to mobilize her forces in nine days, and to send in eight days more, to the French frontier, an army of 400,000 soldiers and 1,200 guns."* "The system of mobilization of the German Army, the most complete there is, is no new operation; it dates from the 3d of April, 1809, an d ever since then, when any change has been effected in the organization, a corresponding modification in the mobilization has been introduced. Notwithstanding that in 1870 some corps had completed their mobilization in seven days, and were able to commence moving toward the frontier on the eighth day, the German Staff is striving to re- *VoYLE, "A Military Dictionary," third edition, p. 260. 18 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 19 duce this interval of time, small indeed as it is, by one or two days."* The construction of elevated roads in Berlin necessitated a complete change in the German plan of mobilization so as to gain a few hours in the execution of that operation. Proper plans for mobilization include the storage at con- venient points of a reserve of supplies and necessary arrange- ments for increasing the personnel of the supply departments, in order that the greater demands of the mobilized army may be promptly met. The methods of subsistence during the pre- paratory period of mobilization and concentration will not differ materially from those used in time of peace, but such changes as may be necessary in the application of those meth- ods to meet the new conditions should be elaborately planned as a part of the scheme of mobilization. It is only when the period of active operations has been entered upon that the serious problems of subsistence begin. PLAN OF OPERATIONS. As stated by YONDER Goorz ("The Conduct of War, "page 97), "A complete plan for enterprises in the field is impossible, because we have to reckon with the independent will of the opponent." It is, however, highly important that definite ideas be formed as to the object of a campaign, a fixed purpose, to the consummation of which the energies of the commander must be persistently directed. It is stated that Napoleon I. has made the assertion that he never had a plan, yet we see that all his undertakings were directed from the beginning at some large and definite object. A plan of operations can state what we desire to do and, with the means available, hope to accomplish, but the separate movements and enterprises to be undertaken to accomplish the object cannot be arranged in advance. The farthest range of a detailed plan can generally *FuRSE, "Mobilization and Embarkation of an Army Corps," p. 2. See also Bronsard von Schellendorf, "The Duties of the General Staff," Vol. II., p. 109. 20 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. not extend beyond the concentration. Thereafter much must depend upon the result of the first serious encounter with the enemy. But always the great general purpose must be kept in mind. BASE OF OPERATIONS AND OF SUPPLY. Consideration of a general plan of operations involves the selection of a base. Colonel MACDOUGAL, in his "Theory of War," explains that the base of operations is "the point, line, or district from which an army starts and from which all its reinforcements and supplies proceed when it is committed in a campaign. It may be a single town; it may be a frontier line of any length, or a line of sea-coast, if the army possesses the command of the sea; or it may be a district or a county, having breadth as well as length. Whatever be its nature, it must be such that the army retreating upon it, in case of disaster, shall, on reaching it, find succor and safety." JOMINI, in his "Precis de 1'Art de la Guerre," published in 1839, says: "The base of operations is most generally that of supply, though not necessarily so, at least as far as food is concerned, as, for instance, a French army upon the Elbe might be subsisted from Westphalia or Franconia, but its real base would certainly be upon the Rhine." However, at the beginning of a campaign it is difficult to conceive of conditions which would result in the establishment of one base from which the army is to proceed and another base from which supplies are to be forwarded to it. Assuming, then, that the bases of operations and supply are coincident, it is evident that the base must be selected not only with reference to the military operations that are to pro- ceed therefrom, but also so that it, as well as the army beyond it, can be sustained by all the resources of the country. PLANS FOR SUBSISTENCE. The general plan of operation and the base having been decided upon, it becomes the duty of the Subsistence Depart- The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 21 ment to sketch out a plan of the measures which will have to be taken to insure the regular provisioning of the army. It must be shown how subsistence affairs are to be administered, the personnel required, the amount and character of the stores to be accumulated at the base, and the preparations that must be set going to furnish them and to renew the supply. Beyond the base, the plan of supply, like the plan of operations, cannot be arranged in detail. Much will depend upon the course of events and upon the resources of the theater of war. We should in peace tabulate and keep up to date the resources of all countries that are likely to become theaters of war, but it is wrong in principle to place any reliance, in the preliminary ar- rangements, upon our tabulated data. If, upon penetrating the enemy's country, it is found that its resources can be utilized, then the flow of supplies from the rear can be stopped; but the supplies must nevertheless be at the base, lest the resources upon which we have counted fail. During the preparatory period, then, supplies must be ac- cumulated and stored at various depots at the base, the amount to be stored depending upon the strength of the command and being independent of the probable resources in the theater of operations. This is practically all that can be done by the supply departments prior to the opening of a campaign, except that in time of peace, whether or not war is in sight, elaborate plans should be perfected for the organization of the service at the base and along the lines of communications, statistical data should be collected, and general regulations should be promulgated and mastered relative to the utilization of the local resources. CHARACTER OF SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES. A ration is the daily allowance of food for one man. The subsistence supplies to be stored at the base will consist largely of the articles composing the national ration. The composition of the ration is governed by the national dietary, and varies in most countries according to the nature of the service to be per- 22 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. formed. It is a principle of dietetics that the greater the amount of muscular exertion the more nutritive must be the food consumed. So that the soldier in war should, theoreti- cally, have a better ration than when in garrison; but with large modern armies this principle has to be ignored, for the problem of the subsistence of such armies is practically a trans- portation problem only. The larger the ration the greater the amount of transportation required, and the greater the trans- portation the less the mobility and consequently the efficiency of the troops, for rapidity of movement is one of the essentials of success in war. Accordingly, we find that nations hava adopted as the ration for campaigns one consisting of the most essential components of the peace ration, selected with refer- ence to their portability, keeping qualities, and nutritive value. The less essential components are omitted entirely, and the quantities of the components used are reduced to the minimum consistent with affording a fair amount of nourishment. While the campaign ration is the one intended to be issued habitually in active service, it is recognized that opportunities' will not be infrequent for increasing the issue to the full peace ration or even to a greater extent by means of supplies procured in the theater of operations or by shipments from the rear when the army is stationary. There should, then, be stored at the base not only a liberal supply of campaign rations, but also an assortment of other stores ready for shipment forward to the fighting army when- ever opportunity occurs, and for issue to the sick and at sta- tions occupied by inactive forces. Upon the chief commissary at the base devolves the important duty of making a wise se- lection of these extra stores and an approximate estimate of the amounts required. Their issue to the fighting forces during any lull in the operations when transportation is available should be made with liberality, without strict adherence to the letter of the law. The commissary officer who hesitates to as- sume responsibility will surely be a failure. The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 23 INITIAL SUPPLY AT THE BASE. The amount of supplies to be stored at the base will depend upon the number of troops and camp-followers to be supplied, but it would be an inexcusable lack of foresight to limit the amount by the actual requirements as computed. The com- plete uncertainty of war forbids it. The possible necessity for the prompt sending forward of heavy reinforcements before supplies can be collected for them, the loss of a supply train, the deterioration of stores, the capture, perhaps, of thousands of prisoners who must be fed, and other contingencies impossible to foresee, render it imperative that the depots at the base be stocked with a most liberal reserve of stores. VON DER GOLTZ, in "The Nation in Arms," page 373, says: "He who, according to directions, calculates the needs of an army in the field in pounds and provides for it according to the most careful dispositions, certainly will scarcely ever run the risk of a portion of the supplies he has furnished being spoiled. But the army will suffer by this arrangement. Two and three times as much as an army needs'must be supplied, if it is to be kept from want; double and treble in respect to the good quality of the provisions, double and treble of the quantity." And in the same book, page 374, CLAUSEWITZ is quoted as follows : "The strength to endure privation is one of the noblest virtues in a soldier, * * * but this privation must be merely temporary, caused by the force of circumstances, and not the result of * * * a parsimonious abstract calcula- tion of absolute necessity." From May i until August 12, 1864, the daily average number of rations forwarded from Chattanooga to Sherman's Army, which numbered 105,000 effective men and 30,000 civil employees, was 412,000 rations more than three rations for every man that left Chattanooga on that campaign. (Sv- MONDS, "The Report of a Commissary of Subsistence," pages 130 and 158.) 24 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. EMERGENCY RATIONS. An emergency ration, as its name implies, is a ration in- tended to be used only on emergent occasions. It is a reserve ration, carried habitually by the soldier, who is not permitted to open it except by order of an officer or in extremity. The emergency ration has been referred to as "a substitute for nothing." Its greatest usefulness is on the firing-line, when, separated from their supplies, and with their regular rations consumed, the troops can, by using it, prolong the battle for twenty-four to thirty-six hours. The principal requirements of such a ration are that it be light in weight, of small volume, put up in a package of suitable shape for carrying in the haver- sack, capable of being eaten without any preparation requiring the use of fire, and readily procurable in large quantities in time of war; and it must provide sufficient nourishment to maintain the strength and vigor of a man for one day. It is the duty of commanding officers to see that every man has an emergency ration when starting on a campaign. The Subsistence Department must store and maintain a reserve of these rations at the base and push forward a supply of them to depots within reach of the troops, with a view to the prompt issue of another ration when one has been consumed. RESERVES OF OVENS AND COOKING APPARATUS. Field bakeries are provided for in most of the large armies of the world, and for such armies it is important that a reserve supply of ovens and apparatus pertaining thereto be stored at the base, available for replacing those worn out or lost in the service. Likewise a reserve of apparatus for cooking should be stored at the base, although individual cooking must generally be resorted to during the progress of a campaign. However, at the base, at depots along the line of communications, at hospitals, at permanent stations occupied by portions of the field army, and even at the front during inactive periods, such The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 25 cooking apparatus comes in play. Cooking by organizations permits the employment of trained cooks and the preparation of more elaborate and palatable meals than is possible when each man cooks for himself. Moreover, it conduces to the con- tentment of the men and gives them more time for rest. Cook- ing by organizations rather than by individuals has always been the rule in the United States Army, but the reverse is true in most European armies. This probably accounts for the present enthusiasm of the German Army over their recently adopted rolling kitchen. On account of the necessity of reducing the transportation of modern armies to the minimum, it will seldom be practicable or wise to carry cooking apparatus, even rolling kitchens, along with an army as a part of its authorized impedimenta. But a supply of cooking outfits should nevertheless be stored at the base, ready for shipment from there to such portions of the army as can use them. LINES OF COMMUNICATION. The supplies carried by armies are renewed either from the country invaded or by shipments from the base. The latter is the principal source of supply, and a commander is com- pelled, therefore, to maintain, at all periods of the operations, an uninterrupted connection with it. This connection is nec- essary, not only to enable him to draw his reinforcements and supplies therefrom, but also that he may return to it from the army everything which is likely to impair its mobility. The routes by which this connection is kept up, be they rail, water, or road, are termed the "lines of communications."* *Cf. Clarke, "Lectures on Staff Duties." p. 52. Wolseley, "The Soldier's Pocket-book for Field Service," fifth edition, p. 150. Pierron, "Strategic et Grande Tactique," Tome I., p. 323; also see "Ordinance of the King of Prussia," dated July 20, 1872, given in the same volume, p. 333. Von Schellendorff, "The Duties of the General Staff," Vol. II., p. 237, et seq. Von der Goltz, "The Nation in Arms," p. 377. 26 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. Along the lines of communication there will alway s be two streams flowing in opposite directions : one of supplies and reinforcements from the base to the army; the other of the sick, the wounded, prisoners, captured arms, trophies, un- serviceable supplies, etc., from the army to the rear. To feed and provide transport and accommodations for the detachments of men and animals passing along the line, without interfering with the transit of supplies to the army, is no easy matter. The multifarious requirements cannot evidently be looked after by the commanding general of the troops in the field, but must be committed to the charge of an experienced officer, subordinate to the commanding general, with a sufficient staff of officers and clerks to assist him. This officer is usually des- ignated as the "general, of communications." His charge ex- tends from the base of operations to the most advanced depot of supplies, inclusive. The functions of the subsistence officer on his staff are to keep the base depots stocked with food, to furnish it to troops or others entitled to it moving or stationed along the line of communication, and to push it forward to within reach of the army in the field. His duties, it is seen, can be stated in a simple manner, but the performance of them requires adminis- trative ability of a high order. Baratier, "L/Art de Ravitailler les Grandes Armees," p. 156, et seq- Goodrich, "Report of the British Naval and Military Operations in Egypt in 1882," p. 208. Home, "Precis of Modern Tactics/' pp. 193 and 194. Furse, "The Organization and Administration of the Lines of Com- munications in War,' the entire book. "Etudes sur le Service des Etapes, d'apres les Renseignments Per- sonnels Recueillis pendant la Guerre de 1870-1871," par un officier de 1'Inspection Generate Bavaroise des Etapes. NAPOLEON to his brother Joseph (Kaiserslautern, September 24, 1808) : "According to the laws of war, every general w r ho loses his line of communication deserves death. By 'line of communication' I understand that line on which are the hospitals and hospital supplies, munitions of war, food supplies; where the army may be reorganized and regain, after two days' rest, its morale, which it may have lost through an unforeseen accident." Pierron, "Strategic et Grand Tactiqtie," Vol I., p. 20. The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 27 RATIONS CARRIED BY AN ARMY. An army starting from the base takes along with it several days' supplies of rations, the number depending somewhat upon the nature of the service to be performed. Most nations fix the minimum number of rations to be carried by their arm- ies, and allot to various units the necessary number of wagons or other transportation required to carry this minimum number, relying upon the theater of operations to furnish additional transportation if circumstances render it necessary to carry more rations. The rations with which an army starts from its base are distributed : 1. On the man or horse; 2. In wagons or other transportation attached to small units; 3. In wagons following each division, far to the rear. It is apparent that soldiers themselves should habitually carry at least the current day's rations; they should be to this extent independent of transportation, so that in the event of an unexpected encounter or a day's continuous march there need be no delay caused by the necessity of bringing up wagons and making issues. This principle is universally recognized, though the number of rations prescribed in various armies to be carried by the soldier varies. Another important considera- tion is the reduction of transportation effected by the soldiers carrying rations themselves. Consider two opposing armies of 1,000,000 men each, one of which requires the men to carry two days' rations, while the other seeks to relieve them of this burden and provides wagon transportation for all of its rations. The latter will require no less than 2,500 more wagons drawn by 10,000 mules. The problem of transportation for immense armies is a serious one, and nothing can be neglected that will reduce the amount required. When combat is probable, the rations in the wagons at- 28 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. tached to the units should be emptied into the men's haver- sacks and be refilled from the trains far in rear before the army proceeds to the encounter, for it is a serious thing to expose a supply train to capture by the enemy or to bring it up to the vicinity of troops in action. Their movements would be ham- pered, and great confusion would result in the event of a reverse and necessary retreat. The wagons following in the immediate rear of different small units are variously designated and will here be referred to as "troop trains," suggesting their proximity to the troops. Those following far in rear of the divisions will be called the "supply columns." RENEWAL OF SUPPLIES. The continuity of the supply is habitually assured by the following method of procedure, which, of course, must be varied by circumstances : At the close of each day rations are issued from the troop trains to the men to replace those con- sumed during the day. The emptied wagons renew their sup- plies locally, or return half a day's march to the rear to meet a section of the supply train with rations, or await the arrival of the section, according to circumstances. If the rations are obtained from the section of the supply train, the emptied wagons of that section renew their supplies locally or return to the rear to refill. Because of the vast amount of transporta- tion required for a modern army to carry even its minimum of supplies, it is now generally admitted by the best authorities that operations cannot, as a rule, be safely or successfully con- ducted at a greater distance than two days' march from the source of supply that is, the supply trains should never be required to move more than a two-days' march away from the troops to renew their supplies. Also, since the wagons of the troop trains should be with their units, always available to participate in a movement, however unexpected, they should never be separated from the troops by more than half a day's march. The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 29 NUMBER OF WAGONS REQUIRED. The number of wagons required to supply an army from the rear increases rapidly as the distance from the source of supply increases. The COMTE DE PARIS has furnished a re- markable calculation on this subject; he has shown that an army of 100,000 men with 16,000 animals, to move ten days' march from its base, would require 10,975 wagons of 2,000 pounds capacity each, drawn by 65,850 mules. He points out the impossibility of dealing with this number of wagons, and states that even if the distances be kept, the train would cover no less than 108 miles, which would be more than the whole length of the ten days' march.* A calculation by a different method to show the number of wagons required by an infantry division consisting of 21,178 men and 7,785 animals, moving five days' march from its base and operating there, appears in the May- June (1909) number of the Journal of the Military Service Institution, in an article entitled, "Subsisting Our Field Army in Case of War with a First-Class Power." The conclusion reached is that the train must consist of 654 four-mule wagons, each of 2,500 pounds capacity.f DEPOTS ON THE LINES OF COMMUNICATION. If the army has advanced more than a two-days' march from the base, requisitioned wagons must be sent forward from there to within two days' march of the troops with a day's supply for the emptied section of the supply train. On ac- count of the difficulty that will generally be experienced in supplementing the regular supply-wagons of an army by the necessary number of local wagons to carry forward each day a day's supply, it will ordinarily be found necessary to halt the army after it has proceeded two days' march from the base, or *See Home's " Precis of Modern Tactics," pages 187 and 188. fSee Appendix. 3 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. at most three, until a depot of supplies can be established farther to the front. Accordingly, we shall find, after an army has proceeded a distance from the base, a series of depots established along the lines of communications, about two days' march apart, the one farthest to the front being known as the "advance depot," and those between that and the base depots as "intermedi- ate depots." The advance depot should be within two days' march of the army. RAILROADS AND AUTOMOBILES. Evidently the same difficulties of transportation will be ex- perienced in moving supplies from the base to the advance depot, thence to the army, as in moving them directly from the base to within reach of the supply trains of the army; and the best authorities have therefore come to the conclusion that the lines of communication of large modern armies must be rail- road lines, or occasionally navigable waterways, along which depots must be pushed as the army advances, and operations at any great distance from such lines of supplies will be im- practicable on account of the difficulty of providing supplies by any other means. The automobile may be developed into a most useful means of transportation for the supplies of an army, but au- tomobiles can never replace railroads, and it seems probable that as the art of war and the art of subsisting armies continue to progress a corps of trained railroad constructors and oper- ators must constitute an important part of the supply depart- ments of modern armies. "In a country with numerous lines of railway and vast quantities of rolling stock ready at hand there are immense possibilities of attack and defense, provided it possesses com- petent military force. Great bodies of men and material can be moved over extreme distances at very brief notice by a vig- orous government, directed by the necessary skill and ability." Holabird, "Transportation of Troops and Supplies." The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 31 "It is thus evident that railways have become the true military roads of an army and that their location in the future will have a determining influence on the plans of campaign adopted." Michie, "American Military Roads and Bridges." "All countries have not adopted modern improvements, and in many railways either do not exist or are too few in number; but even in the most advantageous case, where these improved means of transportation are plentiful, an army re- quires also other means of transport on account of the constant shifting of direction of military operations, the destruction of railway lines by a retreating enemy, and the necessity to dis- tribute the stores which the railways only carry in bulk." Furse, "Military Transport," p. 2. UTILIZING THE LOCAL RESOURCES. In the petty wars of a great nation, occurring as they often may in a barbarous or barren country, dependence must be placed almost entirely upon supplies from the base; conse- quently such wars are oftotj prolonged simply because the dif- ficulties of supply render rapid movements impossible, but the modern wars of two great nations will seldom, if ever, take place in regions devoid of resources, and that army which, re- lying upon its base for supplies, fails to make use of those re- sources will infallibly be beaten by the one that uses them. On the other hand, to place exclusive reliance upon what can be obtained in the theater of operations would ordinarily be fatal, for the supplies of no country are limitless, and two of our immense modern armies operating in zones of limited area would soon exhaust the country round about and must then of necessity draw supplies from the rear. Armies continually on the move, tapping fresh supplies, might live'on a productive country, but concentrate them for action and in a few days the available local supplies are exhausted. It is therefore necessary at all times, even in rich countries, to continue to push the advance depot along, regardless of the amount of supplies that the army is obtaining from the inhab- itants. The best plan of supply, then, is to live on the country if practicable, keeping, however, the advance depot stocked and 3 2 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. conforming it to the movements of the army. French regula- tions, published in an order dated January n, 1893, state the principle as follows : "The country will be drawn upon as if nothing can be forwarded from the rear, but at the same time the trains and supplies will be organized at the rear as if nothing can be ob- tained from the country by the army." In practice, the local resources will furnish most of the supplies when an army is spread out or moving; but when concentrated or stationary, the supplies must come from the rear. STATISTICAL DATA. In order to be able to take full advantage of the resources of a country, we should, in time of peace, make a careful study of the local wealth of such countries as may become theaters of war. Statistical tables should be prepared and kept up to date. As relating to subsistence, the data compiled should show the principal productions of the country, the distribu- tion of the available resources, the importance of the last harvest, the kind and number of cattle and sheep in the country, the number, capacity, and location of flour-mills and bakeries, the means of transportation, railways, steamboats, and or- dinary roads, the number of inhabitants, the character of the imports and exports. The necessity of considering the ex- ports from a country in connection with the resources is well illustrated by the invasion of Lombard y in 1859 by the French Army. As large quantities of wheat were grown in that country, it was thought the local resources would largely suffice to provide subsistence for the troops; but it was found that the wheat had been almost entirely exported, wheat bread not entering into the ordinary diet of the people, and in con- sequence the French Army suffered greatly from lack of food. To supplement the statistical tables of a country we should note the most convenient foreign markets in the vicinity of each country from which we might make shipments to better The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 33 advantage than from the home country. It must be remem- bered, however, that food supplies intended for the army are contraband of war. The plan of campaign may often be influenced by consid- erations of the resources of the country, for the line of opera- tions should, when practicable, lead through populous and fer- tile districts. The line of operations having been selected, supply officers moving along that line can often be materially assisted in making their requisitions, if supplied with detailed information regarding the resources. A knowledge of the re- sources will also effect shipments to the base. A hundred years ago NAPOLEON reprimanded his Chief of Staff, as follows: "I think it ridiculous to send flour from Metz and Nancy to Donauwerth ; by this means we shall end by getting nothing at all; the country will be overrun with transport, and enor- mous expense will be incurred. I will have none of these measures. It would have been far simpler, in so rich a country as Germany, to get what was wanted by purchase. In twenty- four hours you might have collected as much flour and wheat as you could have wished. I beg of you, Daru [the Commissary General], to make it clearly understood that it is my intention to bring nothing from France that can be procured in Ger- many."- -"The Line of Communications ," Furse, p. 91. Prior to the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871, Germany seems to have been the only nation to have devoted any con- siderable attention to the important subject of statistics; and it may be assumed that during that war that nation made full use of her knowledge of the resources of France, for it is stated that one-third of her supplies of food and forage were obtained in that country. While no attention had been paid to this subject in the United States until the present decade, SHERMAN states, in his "Memoirs," that he had in his possession, prior to his starting on the expedition that made him famous, detailed information as to the resources of the various counties of Georgia. It is well to reflect upon this bare statement of his. The French are now fully alive to the importance of this sub- ject. Their statistical data relates to all matters affecting sup- 3 34 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. plies and is 'systematically kept up to date and in great detail, and applied practically at her maneuvers. METHODS OF OBTAINING SUPPLIES LOCALLY. Supplies may be procured locally in three ways: 1. By purchase; 2. By requisitions; 3. By foraging. PURCHASES CONTRIBUTIONS. The first is the preferable method, for the main thing is to obtain the supplies. By offering highly remunerative prices, the cupidity of producers and dealers will cause them to bring forward all their reserves. Expense is of secondary considera- tion when the destiny of a nation is at stake. We can compel inhabitants to disgorge, but the proceeding is unpleasant; we incur the hostility of the people; delays will occur; and hidden stores may not be discovered. Moreover, if demands are made and the local authorities or the inhabitants refuse to comply with them, considerable embarrassment might result. We can, of course, arrest and punish the offenders; we can destroy public property, and seize what supplies we need if we can find them; but we can ordinarily get more supplies with less delay by the commercial transaction of peace-times simple purchase. Cash payments facilitate the supply, and if available cash is not at hand, contributions of money with which to make purchases may be exacted from the local authorities. Demands for money will generally be found more satisfactory than requisitions for supplies in kind, for the collection is less difficult and the hostility of the inhabitants is not so apt to be incurred ; also they bear upon the people in proportion to their financial means. Contributions of money, moreover, are now recognized as one of the justifiable means of causing an enemy's country to feel more keenly the rigors of war, and may be levied on a town or community as a punishment. Contribu- tions are not refunded. The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 35 REQUISITIONS BILLETING. Requisitions are demands for necessary supplies or services made on the inhabitants, through their civil authorities. When money is demanded, requisitions are called ''contributions." Requisitions differ from purchases in that the buyer fixes the price. They were first employed by Washington and so named by him in the War for Independence, and have since been uni- versally recognized as a legitimate and useful method of ob- taining supplies. Indeed, HOME, in his "Precis of Modern Tactics," page 182, says: "War cannot be maintained without requisitions on the people." And on the same page he quotes CLAUSEWITZ as saying : " Regular requisitions are undoubtedly the simplest and best method of feeding an army and are the only system that can serve as the basis of modern war." It is thought that Home and Clausewitz both intended to convey by these statements only the fact that subsistence from depots alone is impracticable in modern war; that supplies must be obtained also from the inhabitants. They appear to have used the word "requisitions" in a broad sense, overlooking the dis- tinction that should be made between purchases, requisitions, and foraging. Requisitions should be made on printed forms and, if practicable, in the language of the country; and if supplies are received on requisitions and not paid for upon delivery, a printed receipt should be given to the civil authority to whom the requisition is presented. Requisitions may be made for cooked meals, in which case the civil authorities may assign soldiers to the various house- holds in proportion to the numbers composing the families of the same. If the soldiers are also quartered in the same houses, they are then said to be "billeted" upon the inhabitants. In the enemy's country billeting upon the inhabitants may fre- quently be resorted to to advantage, especially by the inde- pendent cavalry, which, if dependent upon trains, would lose their mobility, and which must, to be efficient, live almost 36 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. wholly upon the resources of the country. The advantages of billeting are that it gives the men a good opportunity to rest; they are provided with a varied meal; the food supplies of all kinds in the country are more completely utilized, and it is an economical method of supply. The disadvantages are that it causes great dispersion and separation of the different units composing the army, and, except in thickly settled countries, obliges a command to spread out over too large a portion of the country to obtain subsistence. The men, moreover, live in the kitchen, and are apt to demand, either by force or in other ways, more supplies than they are entitled to. Further- more, many indignities are likely to be shown the female por- tion of the inhabitants of the country, as their natural pro- tectors are, in many instances, enrolled in the ranks of the enemy's army. In addition, this method may lead to oppres- sion on the part of the troops if they are not treated as liberally as they consider they should be, and it will provoke frequent disputes if more is demanded from the inhabitants than they should justly be expected to furnish. The dispersion of the troops prevents the officers enforcing strict compliance with orders, and is subversive of discipline. Requisitions may often be necessary in the home country in a defensive war, though straight purchases can generally be made and are greatly to be preferred. The same holds true in the country of an ally. To enforce requisitions in such a country is a delicate operation, requiring the exercise of tact, judgment, and diplomacy. The whole subject should be a matter of mutual understanding between the two governments. Even in an enemy's country, requisitions should never be im- posed in too arbitrary a manner. Before making any exactions, an estimate should be formed of all the resources which the in- habitants can be made to surrender without subjecting them to serious want. ' ' These demands should be imposed and apportioned with judgment and moderation, taking into consideration the popu- lation, the geographical situation, the nature of the products, The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 37 the richness of the country, and also, when possible, propor- tioning the extent of the demands to the grievances of the con- querors. To ravage a country, you reduce the inhabitants to misery, to despair, flight, and then you not only deprive your- self of their favorable cooperation, but, on the day of reverse, you will find these same men implacable and cruel enemies." Vauchelle, "Cours d' Administration Militaire," Vol. III., p. 9. Private property and the person of the peaceable inhab- itants who are citizens of the occupied territory should be re- spected, as war is waged against a state, and not against individuals. The same rule applies to neutrals who reside in the country, but this does not exempt them from the burden of the requisi- tions or contributions. The occupying army can hardly be ex- pected to stop to inquire whether certain stores are owned by a citizen of the enemy's country or by a foreigner, a neutral, resident there ; such neutral by residing in the enemy's country has received a certain amount of security and protection from its government, and should therefore bear his full share of the burden imposed upon it by the war. Some English subjects residing in France in 18701871 maintained that they were exempt from the requisitions im- posed by the Germans. The English courts decided that they could not claim special protection for their property or exemp- tion from the military requisitions and contributions to which they would be subject together with the inhabitants of the place where they resided or where their properties were located. (FERRAND, "Des Requisitions Militaires," p. 27.) The method of subsistence at the front will always be de- termined by the commanding general, according to circum- stances. If local resources are to be utilized, it will ordinarily be found best to conduct negotiations through the civil au- thorities if they can be found, regardless of whether purchases or requisitions are to be made, and the best plan is to tell those authorities what the army requires, requesting them to inform the merchants of the requirements, that liberal cash payments will be made, and that the supplies should be at some desig- 38 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. nated central place at a stated time, when the purchase will be consummated. In the event of a disposition on the part of the authorities not to cooperate with the army in the trans- action, then the formal requisition should be served upon them , and such force as may be necessary should be used to compel compliance with the demand. FORAGING. Foraging is the collection of supplies from the inhabitants by impressment, without the assistance of the local ciml authori- ties. Foraging is resorted to when there is not time or oppor- tunity to address the civil authorities, or when they show a dis- position not to assist in the procuring of supplies by requisition or purchase, or when the inhabitants are distinctly hostile or obstructive in short, when, in the opinion of the commanding general, this arbitrary method would be productive of better results than any other. SHERMAN states, in his "Memoirs," Volume II., page 183, that his system of foraging was indis- pensable to his success in his march through Georgia; that the country was sparsely settled, with no magistrates or civil au- thorities who could respond to requisitions. And yet Sher- man's method, successful though it was and in line with the methods of the Confederacy and with the practice of nations up to that time, could not be applied in its entirety in a future war. Under Article 52, Hague Convention, July 29, 1899, re- specting laws and customs of war on land, supplies in kind procured from the inhabitants must be, as far as possible, paid for in ready money; if not, their receipt must be acknowledged. Sherman forbade the giving of receipts, although he authorized officers in charge of foraging expeditions, if they thought proper, to give written certificates of the facts. See Special Field Orders, No. 120, November 9, 1864, quoted in Sherman's "Memoirs," Volume II., page 176. In his "Memoirs," Volume II., page 182, SHERMAN de- scribed his method of foraging as follows: "Each brigade commander had authority to detail a com- The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 39 pany of foragers, usually about fifty men, with one or two commissioned officers, selected for their boldness and enter- prise. This party would be dispatched before daylight with a full knowledge of the intended day's march and camp; would proceed on foot five or six miles from the route travelled by their brigade, and then visit every plantation and farm within range. They would easily procure a wagon or family carriage, load it with bacon, corn-meal, turkeys, chickens, ducks, and everything that could be used as food or forage, and then re- gain the main road, usually in advance of their train. When this came up, they would deliver to the brigade commissary the supplies thus gathered by the way." The difference between requisitioning and foraging is clearly indicated in the following extract from General SHER- MAN'S letter of February 24, 1865, to General Wade Hampton: "Of course, you cannot question my right to 'forage on the country.' It is a war right, as old as history. The manner of exercising it varies with circumstances, and if the civil au- thorities will supply my requisitions, I will forbid all foraging. But I find no civil authorities who can respond to calls for forage and provisions, therefore must collect directly of the people." "Supplemental Report of the Joint Committee in the Conduct of the War," 1866, Vol. /., pp. 331 and 332. DUTIES OF SUBSISTENCE OFFICERS. To properly supply subsistence for an army in the field re- quires a thorough knowledge of the different methods that can be used and an ability to select the best methods to meet the conditions prevailing. Upon the chief commissary of an army devolves the important duty of keeping his commander in- formed of the state of subsistence supplies, and making per- tinent suggestions for the improvement of the service. His duties are wholly administrative. He should not be accounta- ble for funds or stores, but should devote his whole time to the large questions of supply, leaving the details to his subordin- ates. Under instructions of the commanding general, he di- rects when, in what manner, and to what extent the country invaded shall be exploited to collect supplies, designating the 40 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. zones of supply for each division. His duties keep him with his commander, but he must exercise, by means of reports from subordinate commissaries and such inspections as he can make, such supervision over subsistence affairs as may be necessary to secure efficiency. The duties of the chief commissary of a division are like- wise largely administrative. He should have money accounta- bility and should be liberally supplied with cash, but should not be burdened with accountability for stores. He is re- sponsible for the continued supply of the number of days' ra- tions designated to be kept in trains and on the persons of the troops. He has immediate charge of the levying of subsistence supplies in the theater of operations, assigning to brigades their zones of supply, and transmitting to brigade commissaries the instructions of his commander concerning the collection of supplies and paying and accounting for them. He will or- dinarily make payments himself for supplies purchased or requisitioned in the enemy's country, but may, if circum- stances render it desirable, furnish necessary funds to brigade commissaries to enable -them more readily, by payments of cash on delivery, to obtain needed supplies. In such case, if requisitions are to be made, he should generally furnish brigade commissaries with uniform schedules of prices. Supply trains of divisions are, so far as subsistence sup- plies are concerned, under the supervision and control of di- vision chief commissaries; but as these officers must of neces- sity be near their commanders in order to properly administer subsistence affairs, they should be allowed the necessary as- sistants for duty with the train. Cavalry operating far in advance of the army or independ- ently on the flanks will seldom be able to connect with the supply-trains of the army. Such supplies as they must take with them should be carried on pack-mules. A most active and intelligent commissary should be assigned to such cavalry with ample authority and cash to procure supplies. The com- missary with the advance cavalry will often be able not only The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 41 to procure supplies for immediate use of the cavalry, but also to make requisitions for or purchases of larger quantities to be ready for the army upon its arrival. THE MEAT SUPPLY. If beef cattle can be procured locally, full advantage should be taken of the opportunity; but to drive beef cattle on the hoof after an army, as the source of its meat supply, is an obso- lete, objectionable, and now unnecessary expedient. The ob- jections are many and are set forth in French, German, and Swiss official reports and by numerous celebrated military au- thorities in Europe. The " Dienstanweisung fur den Schlacht- ereibetrieb und den Viehtransport " ("Regulations for the Slaughtering and Transport of Animals"), states that pigs, calves, and cattle, ready for killing, cannot undertake long marches, and that they can only be moved long distances over- land by means of box- wagons. The "Regulations" lay down the distance that oxen can march in a day as 20 kilometers on the average, provided that there are two rest-days in each week and that the animals are well fed and looked after. Oxen and pigs will therefore have to be left behind when troops are continually advancing, and cannot, as a rule, be used in such circumstances for supply purposes. Any attempts to make the animals march farther might easily lead to the out- break of all sorts of diseases. These animals have but little stamina; when they have to endure much physical exertion and are badly looked after and are insufficiently fed, they die and their carcasses poison the air. The conditions under which sheep can be forwarded are much more favorable. "The Reg- ulations for the Slaughtering and Transport of Animals" gauge their average marching powers at 30 kilometers per diem. Ac- cording to this, their rate of movement is approximately the same as that of the troops. Flocks of sheep could therefore be driven along and made use of for feeding purposes. General SHERMAN states, as a result of his experiences in the Civil War in the United States: "In my opinion, there is 4 2 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. no better food for man than beef cattle driven on the hoof, issued liberally, with salt, bacon, and bread." Military stu- dents cannot afford to ignore any conclusions of General Sher- man's, but they must bear in mind that the Civil War was fought over forty years ago, during which period frozen meats and canned meats have made their appearance in the com- mercial world, and their preparation has been perfected to such an extent that in future wars they will surely be used to the exclusion of cattle on the hoof. FRESH BREAD. The supply of fresh bread to troops in the field is an im- portant matter that has received full consideration by Eu- ropean armies, most of which have a field bakery column at- tached to their supply trains. The local resources will seldom be able to supply more than a limited quantity of bread to an occupying army, so that if soft bread is to be furnished, it must be obtained from large bakeries established at the base, or from bakeries accompanying the supply column. To ship bread from the base will soon become impracticable as the army ad- vances, and the bakery column thus becomes a necessary ad- junct of an army in campaign. Even with a bakery column, it will often be necessary to issue hard bread to the troops; but hard bread, on account of its indigestibility, will, if used as a steady diet, soon ruin the best of stomachs, so that advantage should be taken of every possible means of supplying fresh bread to troops in campaign. The bakeries are usually established in rear of the supply train, near the advance depot. They should never be located nor the column moved so far to the front as to interfere with the mobility of the army; this is in accordance with the prac- tice in European armies. Habitually, all the ovens of a fighting division work together, or if a division marches in several col- umns, the division bakery column should be similarly divided, NOTE. See Appendix for a discussion of the disadvantages in the use of cattle on the hoof. The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 43 and when organizations are detached for any purpose from their divisions, their share of bakery wagons should go with them. If provision is made for a field bakery column, the details of its operation can, in practice, be worked out by the sub- sistence officers in charge. Detailed regulations should not be adopted, for the reason that the conditions of service will so vary depending upon the local supply of bread, flour, or wheat, the length of the line of communications, the means of transportation available, the rapidity of the movements of the troops, the propinquity of the enemy, and other considera- tions that much must always depend upon the judgment of the commanding generals and their subsistence officers. ACCOUNTABILITY PAPER WORK. In time of peace a well-organized supply department has no occasion for rush, and the tendency of thoughtless officials is to prescribe a system of accounting so rigid and exacting as to impair the efficiency of the army if continued during war. To expect officers, when war comes, to burst suddenly all this red tape of accountability and assume the responsibility of prompt action, is not a logical sequence of such a system of training. The aim should be, then, during peace to develop a simple plan of accounting susceptible during war of still greater sim- plification, and officers should be trained by theoretical and practical study in adapting the peace system to the conditions apt to obtain in war. Armies are maintained for the double purpose of discouraging war and undertaking it, and as the maintenance of large armies in peace, as well as in war, is an expensive proposition, it is undoubtedly justifiable and nec- essary to keep careful watch of public funds and property; but in war the red tape must be freely cut, else the supply officers must neglect their main duty, which is to feed the troops, in order to devote their time to the preparation of elaborate accounts. 44 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. England's regulations contemplate that accountability shall cease at the advance depot, and the supply officers with the army are thus enabled to devote their time to their real business. Supplies proceeding from the advance depot are dropped as issued, and those collected locally and turned over to the troops or trains are reported to the advance depot for the necessary accounting. APPENDIX. 1. EXPEDITIONS BEYOND THE SEA, . . 46 2. EMBARKATION AND DISEMBARKATION FOR WAR, . 52 3. THE NUMBER OF WAGONS REQUIRED IN FRONT OF ADVANCE DEPOT, . . . . -59 4. DISADVANTAGES IN THE USE OF CATTLE ON THE HOOF, 80 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY, . . . . 93 EXPEDITIONS BEYOND THE SEA. "Expeditions beyond the seas are all those enterprises in which large bodies of troops are conveyed in ships to a distant country, there to be landed to undertake military operations." Furse, "Military Expeditions Beyond the Seas," Vol. I., p. 2. "An expedition across the sea differs from other military operations, inasmuch as an army does not step over a frontier or advance from a se- lected base of operations, but is thrown into a hostile country, and all the combatants, materials, and stores have to be conveyed thereto from a distance in ships. Operations of this nature demand very thorough preparations, for, unless everything which relates to the number of troops, to the amount and assortment of war materials and stores, and to the quantity of provisions is carefully calculated, there is a risk of finding the means inadequate for the accomplishment of the object we have in view." Idem, p. 84. In former times skill in handling and directing considerable bodies of men was thought to be possessed only by those who were connected with the profession of arms, and the French philosopher Helvetius was then probably justified in asserting that "Discipline is the art of inspiring soldiers with more fear for their own officers than they have for the enemy." In the commercial and manufacturing activities of modern times vast numbers of men are employed, and to direct them successfully a knowledge of how to handle, discipline, and control men is necessary. Modern business enterprises comprise every pos- sible sphere of human activity, from the manufacture of the most delicate tissue for an infant's wear to the construction of the most stupendous works of engineering and the most for- midable weapons of destruction. War also is a business that of fighting and requires the application of business methods and principles, just as any other business does. The supplies necessary for an expedition and the troops comprising the same may be represented by a large department store and its customers. A business man first constructs his store, next organizes his force of employees, procures and ar- ranges his stock, and then announces his readiness to receive customers. The business of conducting a military expedition beyond the sea can and should be executed in like manner. 46 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 47 This discussion presumes that the command of the sea has been either temporarily or permanently gained by the Navy. It is not to be supposed that an expedition will be dispatched to make a landing at a place where the enemy has previously ar- ranged defenses and concentrated a force to prevent the landing. The command of the sea being assured, if a landing cannot be effected at one point, it can be at some other, and therefore business methods can be closely followed. The preparation in peace for an expedition beyond the sea will include a profound study of the local resources of the country to be invaded, of the character of the harbors of same, the depth of water therein, whether adequate wharves are in existence or sufficient lighters are available, whether railroads run to the port, and the local means of transportation; and in particular this preparation should include compilation of full data of the size and number of vessels which can be utilized to transport the troops and stores, and the number of men, horses, wagons, guns, and stores that can be carried on each. The port of embarkation should be arranged beforehand, and an adequate depot with proper number of clerks and laborers established there. The Japano-Russian War shows that the preparation for war should turn to advantage all the ordinary devices of modern social and commercial life.* In all cases of expeditions beyond the sea there are four distinct phases viz., i, the embarkation; 2, the voyage; 3, the disembarkation; and 4, the subsequent operations. *M. C. SULLIVAN, writing in The Electrical Review (New York, July i, 1905), says: "One of the most remarkable events that has occurred in the world's history is the battle of Mukden remarkable because it was the mightiest land battle ever fought, and startling because no victory was ever won by such scientific methods. Feats were accomplished by the Japanese never before contemplated in war, and which had been previously declared by military experts to be impossible. The success of the victorious forces was almost entirely due to the skillful use of what is to-day considered to be one of the most ordinary and commonplace among electrical instru- ments -the telephone. ' ' From the sub-divisions of each portion of the army telephone lines were run to a portable switchboard, and from the various switchboards trunk-lines were run to headquarters several miles to the rear. Thus. the parts of each portion of the army were made to correspond with the sub- scribers of a telephone sub-station in a large city, the headquarters being analogous to the central station, to which all of the subsidiary stations are connected bv trunk-lines." 48 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. A transport, in a military sense, is a vessel capable of con- veying a military unit fully equipped in all particulars and ready to take the field and engage in active campaign when disembarked. To ship troops to invade a country in any other manner is as absurd as it would be to dispatch a naval fleet without guns or ammunition, with the expectation that these latter would be brought by other vessels and mounted on the war-ships when the enemy's fleet cleared for action. In the British Army the amount of tonnage required to embark each unit of an army corps is carefully computed and published for the guidance of officers. The estimate is given in PURSE'S "Military Expeditions," Volume I., pages 210 to 215, inclusive. Such data should be computed and published for each of the military units of the country, the calculation being based upon the rule that each unit is to be embarked fully equipped with horses, wagons, etc., to take the field. Secrecy in such matters is only harmful and results in some officers not being informed fully of the duty required of them. On the other hand, it would be unwise to announce openly what vessels were available and the number of men, horses, wagons, and horse-boats each could carry.* The vessels selected as transports are assembled at the port of embarkation and there equipped to receive the men, horses, and wagons. Facilities for providing suitable hot meals for the men while on the voyage must be provided. An athletic trainer will not permit his squad to get out of condition when travelling to participate in a contest, and the condition of men who are to engage in a contest for the supremacy of their country should be as carefully guarded. Each vessel must be provided with supplies for the troops assigned thereon sufficient to last for at least ten days after landing, and with horse-boats and launches for landing the horses and stores. *"In assigning the troops to the different transports, it is an ad- mitted principle that, if possible, each transport should carry a complete unit with its regimental transport and baggage, or, if this cannot be done, that, at any rate, the portion of the unit carried should be complete with baggage, ammunition, equipment, stores, and regimental transport, so that it may be ready to land and act without reference to the remainder of the regiment or battery." Clarke, "Staff Duties," p. 177; cf. Furse, "Military Expeditions," Vol. I., p. 277; cf. Furse, "Mobilization and Em- barkation," p. 195; and Furse, "Military Transport" p. 157. "Testimony shows that the vessels were not loaded systematically. A battery with its guns and horses would be placed on one vessel and its The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 49 Materials, stores, and provisions, other than those em- barked with the troops, must be shipped in the order in which they will be needed at the point of debarkation. It is a gen- eral principle that those things which are required first on landing should be loaded last. The transports having been fitted and the stores shipped, the troops are brought to the port and each command placed aboard the transport to which it has previously been assigned. The British Admiralty has ascertained that the maximum force which could be moved by sea at one time, without seri- ously interfering with trade or injuriously affecting the question of food-supply for England, is one army corps, a cavalry di- vision, and the line of communication troops in all 53,000 men, 20,000 horses, and 2,600 vehicles. (RoTHWELL, " Convey- ance of Troops by Sea. ") " Taking the ships which happened to be available at a given date, and appropriating them by name to the troops of the ist Army Corps, the cavalry division, and the line of communication troops, the transport authorities at the Admiralty obtained the following results: 134 ships, with a gross tonnage of 457,112 tons, would be required." Clarke, "Staff Duties," p. 169. This represents the maximum effort which the greatest maritime power in the world is capable of making. Consider- ing the limited mercantile marine of other nations, the diffi- culties of transporting large armies across the sea will be apparent. ammunition on another. The Second, Seventh, and Seventeenth Regular Infantry were each divided up and portions in each case sent on three different vessels." Report of the Commission to investigate the conduct of the War Department in the War of the United States with Spain, Vol. I., p. 135- "The First and Third Squadrons of the Sixth United States Cavalry were assembled at San Francisco the latter part of June, 1900, with orders to sail on the Grant July ist to Nagasaki, there to receive orders for the Philippines or for China. About 250 horses had been sent to Vancouver to go on a horse-boat from there; the remaining horses left San Francisco July ist on two horse-boats." # * * # Twenty-five sets of the horse equipments of my troop had gone with that number of men to Vancouver with the horses of my troop and were to go on the horse-boat from there. When the order was received to place the remainder of my horse equipments on one of the horse-boats sailing from San Francisco with the horses of the other troops, I endeavored to get it changed. * * * For some reason this change was not allowed, and I sailed with my horses on one boat with part of the horse equipments, the rest of the equipments on another, and seventy- five of my men on a third." "Troop 'M,' Sixth Cavalry, in the Chinese Relief Expedition of 1900," Journal U. S. Cavalry Association, July, 1904. 50 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. Debarkations of a large force in a foreign country are of rare occurrence, and few officers study the complicated meas- ures connected with the undertaking. Of recent years the British Government has endeavored to give officers and men some practical experience in this matter during peace. In the British maneuvers of 1904, the fleet consisting of ten vessels, gross tonnage of about 71,000 tons, moved from Southampton and disembarked the troops at Clacton. Ten transports car- ried 559 officers, 11,139 men, 2,701 horses, 61 guns, 315 ve- hicles, 4 motors, 108 bicycles, and 54 horse-boats, and the ma- neuver demonstrated that this fighting force could, under fa- vorable conditions, be disembarked in 10 hours, and in 24 hours sufficient transports could be landed to keep it in the field for about three days. In this movement the allowance was about 3 tons per man and a little over n tons per horse.* As it will be necessary to establish a depot at the sea-base, it is advisable to assign one or more vessels for the purpose of transporting the stores. On this vessel should be sent the officers who are to be in charge of the depots, together with their clerks and laborers, and necessary mechanics and ma- terials to construct landing-places and temporary depots. Agreements should be made with a competent railroad con- structor to build a narrow-gauge railway at the base, and a vessel should be assigned to transport his men and material. A narrow-gauge railway known as the Decauville Patent Port- able Railway is suitable for this purpose.! The vessels having been loaded and the necessary horse- boats, lighters, and steam launches provided to accompany each, the convoy sails, escorted by the navy. Upon arrival at *The following is now accepted as the allowance of tonnage, based on most recent experiences in war, of which any data is now available. For voyages over seven days in duration and carrying three months' supplies for the command : Per man, 2f tons; Per horse, 8 tons. For voyages not over seven days and carrying one month's supplies: Per man, 2^ tons; Per horse, 6} tons. The above, of course, is based upon the infallible rule that units must be embarked complete in all particulars, including transport, horses, etc., and fully equipped for active service. fThe advantages obtained by the use of such a railway are well de- scribed by A. Perot, Sous-Intendant Militaire de 2e classe, in his work en- titled "Emploi du Chemin de Fer a voie de Om. 60 pour le Ravitaillement des Troupes." The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 51 place of debarkation, the officer appointed to command the base should land first, together with his staff and the guard as- signed to the base. Arrangements to provide suitable landing- places should be constructed, and when all is in readiness, the landing officer indicates what troops are to be landed, and as they reach the shore each unit is at once marched to the place assigned for its bivouac, which must be removed from the base. No troops are permitted to loiter at the base and none allowed to enter the limits of same without authority. Before disem- barkation the troops are provided with field rations for several days and with one or more emergency rations. If several landing-places are available, the troops and stores can be dis- charged at the same time. Markers are established to indicate where each variety of stores is to be placed, and the stores are received and properly arranged by the clerks and laborers of each department. It is now known that practically the first articles unloaded by the Japanese at Chemulpo, in 1904, were small railway trucks, which were at once made use of in moving the stores from the landing-places. After the stores, troops, guns, horses, and wagons have been unloaded in this systematic manner, the command will be prepared to enter upon active campaign fully equipped with everything essential and with strong morale, induced by the knowledge that everything needed for their comfort and efficiency has been amply pro- vided and systematically arranged at the base. That the fore- going is not an ideal, but a perfectly feasible, manner of ef- fecting a debarkation is evidenced by the accomplishment of the Japanese at Chemulpo, in 1904, and represents an or- derly, systematic, and business-like manner of conducting war, made possible by elaborate preparation of all the detail s in time of peace. EMBARKATION AND DISEMBARKATION FOR WAR.* "EXPEDITION OF UNITED STATES TROOPS FROM TAMPA TO DAIQUIRI, IN CUBA, JUNE, 1898. "(Compiled from 'The War with Spain,' by H. C. LODGE, and 'Main Features of the Spanish- American War/ by Rear- Admiral PLUDDERMANN, Imperial German Navy.) "In the spring of 1898 it was determined that a force of 15,000 should be despatched from Tampa, under General Shafter, to take part in the operations against Santiago. On the yth of June orders were issued for an immediate embarka- tion, and, to use the words of an historian of the war, 'Then was displayed a scene of vast confusion. The railway tracks were blocked for miles with cars filled with supplies tightly shut up with red tape, at which men, unused to responsibility and to the need of quick action, gazed helplessly. The cars not only kept the supplies from the Army, but they stopped movement on the line, and hours were consumed where minutes should have sufficed in transporting troops from Tampa to the port. Once arrived, more confusion and widening of the area of chaos. No proper arrangement of transport no allotment at all in some cases, and in others the same ship given to two or three regiments. Thereupon much scrambling, disorder, and com- plication, surmounted at last in some rough-and-ready fashion, and the troops were finally embarked.' PL C. Lodge, 'The War with Spain.' "On the i4th of June, after several false alarms of attack by Spanish torpedo-boats, the United States fleet got under way and crept towards its destination at about eight knots an hour the limit of speed of many of the old steamers which had been chartered as transports. On arrival at Daiquiri, which *From a gold medal prize essay by Lieutenant-Colonel C. E. D. TELFER-SMOUvETT, 3d Bn. South Staffordshire Regiment; published in the Journal of the Royal United Service Institution (London), April, 1905. 52 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 53 had been selected as a landing-place, it was discovered that the transports were provided with one lighter only for the dis- embarkation of horses and guns, and no launches. The one available landing-stage was but partially floored, and there were no materials or tools available for its repair or for the construction of other stages. "Every boat and launch, even from the iron-clads block- ading Santiago Harbor, was requisitioned for the service, and by the splendid efforts of the American blue-jackets, greatly aided by a spell of exceptionally fine weather, the infantry were got on shore during the first day of the disembarkation; two men, however, being drowned. In the absence of lighters or flats, horses and mules had to swim to shore, being simply hoisted out of the transports and lowered into the ocean; moreover, as there were no ordinary boats available to guide them to land, some fifty animals swam out to sea in the con- fusion and were drowned. Under the circumstances, it is not remarkable that the disembarkation of horses, guns, and stores was not completed for many days. The number of animals was very limited, as, owing to the omission to fit up a sufficient number of vessels for their transport, most of the cavalry horses had to be left behind at Tampa. The landing of provisions was effected with such slowness that the troops from the outset had to be placed on reduced rations; and throughout the dis- embarkation there was great confusion on the landing-place, which was congested with the men and stores, as no officer had been detailed to assume control there, or to act as base commandant. "The disembarkation was practically unopposed, as the few Spaniards in the neighborhood of Daiquiri appear to have fled as soon as the American men-of-war opened fire. German authorities, however, are of the opinion that as the rocks reached close to the sea, and afforded many places screened from the fire of the war-ships, 300 determined men, although they might not have been able to frustrate the landing entirely, could certainly have inflicted very severe loss on the invaders. Great friction appears to have arisen between the military au- thorities and the officers of the transport steamers. 'The latter had only their own advantage and that of the ships' owners in view, and did not pay the least attention to the wishes and plans of the officers of the troops. The greater part of the time they kept at a distance of from three to twenty miles from the shore, * * * and if at times they did assist 54 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. in unloading their cargoes, they would return to sea as fast as possible as soon as fire was opened ashore!' (Rear- Admiral PivUDDERMANN.) Even when the landing had at last been com- pleted, the Army was w r anting in mobility through the defi- ciency of land transport. "Bearing in mind that the force engaged had been sent forth by one of the most powerful and most enlightened nations in the world, and that the descent took place at the close of the nineteenth century, it would certainly appear that the landing at Daiquiri is a unique illustration of the fact that even the most splendid resources cannot compensate for the absence of a well-established organization carefully prepared and tested in time of peace. "The miscalculations and errors, which resulted not from individual incapacity for all accounts bear testimony to the zeal and enthusiasm of American sailors and soldiers but from an entire lack of pre-existing and established system, would have brought disaster to the very gates of the great Republic if its forces had been pitted against an enterprising foe. The forces of the United States have been without the schooling of war for thirty four years; but it is not too much to say that the state of affairs depicted could not possibly have arisen if the theory and practice of the combined action of fleets and armies had been established before the encounter with Spain as a recognized branch of naval and military arts." "WAR BETWEEN JAPAN AND RUSSIA, 1904. "(Compiled from the official dispatches and from the letters of the newspaper war correspondents.) "One of the most detailed descriptions which has been published, on the authority of eye-witnesses of reliability, is that of the first disembarkation of the war, carried out at Chem- ulpo by a Japanese army consisting of 20,000 men, with 2,500 horses, several batteries of field-guns, together with an enor- mous mass of stores, estimated at 100,000 tons. "On the night of the 8th February an advanced guard of 2,500 infantry was disembarked at a small existing jetty. On the 1 3th February, the Russian war- vessels Variaq and Korietz having been destroyed at Chemulpo by Admiral Uriu's squad- ron in the intervening time, two Japanese transports arrived, carrying no troops, but filled with supplies and having Army The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 55 Medical Corps details and about 1,000 coolies for the land trans- port service. With the coolies came a carpenter corps of 100 men, each carrying his box of tools, and also an equal number of Army blacksmiths. These were detailed to put up a blacksmith shop close to the head of the landing jetty, and some of the carpenters proceeded to lay a cleated wooden roadway up the rough stone landing, to facilitate the disembarkation of horses and artillery. "The Medical Corps of 300 hundred men came ashore in charge of the supplies for their own department : small trunks, weighing about 100 pounds each, containing necessaries for 'first aid' to the wounded, etc. The coolies were engaged in landing a vast bulk of military material, and nothing seems to have been forgotten. The Army authorities appear to have trusted in no way to local supplies. The advanced transports also brought 4 steam launches, 100 flat-bottomed boats, and 6 tank water-boats rigged with hand -pumps. During the next few days, under the direction of the Japanese military engineers, temporary landing-piers were erected, adjoining the permanent stone jetty. "Wooden floats, which had arrived in sections in the trans- ports, were put together, and cleated gangways were placed across and between them, forming a continuous floor with rail- ings from the channel to land. Korean junks were also to some extent utilized in a similar manner. Whilst these stages were in progress supplies were coming ashore continuously. Some of the difficulties attending the landing at Chemulpo can be appre- ciated when it is understood that the mean rise and fall of the tide is thirty feet, and that for a considerable portion of each twenty-four hours mud flats, in many cases miles in extent, lie on either side of the narrow channel available for lighters and launches. The currents run like a mill-race. (All that can be said in favor of Chemulpo Harbor is, that it was better as a landing-place than the neighboring coasts.) On the i6th Feb- ruary seven transports anchored in the harbor and immediately proceeded to land men and horses. The flat-bottomed boats were taken alongside, the horses raised in slings, and lowered into them, each boat carrying five animals and bearing a trans- port departmental flag, giving its number and the number of the landing-float to which it was to go. On arrival at the float, each horse-boat was brought up broadside on; the troopers, holding the horses' heads, leaped up onto the floats, and the horses made the three-feet or four-feet jump from the bottom 5 6 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. of the boat to the floor of the temporary landing-stage without hesitation or accident. A correspondent counted twenty ani- mals landed in ten minutes, and one a minute would be a fair average, which was kept up for hours without cessation. Rice mats were thrown down to deaden the noise. At the same time two streams of men, fully accoutred, were pouring over two other temporary landing-piers, and the disembarkation of supplies was steadily maintained at the permanent stone jetty. Men and horses were rapidly marched to the adjacent railway station, where long lines of cars were in readiness to take them to Seoul. In spite of all difficulties, the whole force, together with an immense mass of stores, was thrown on shore in a space of barely a week without confusion or accident. At no time were the approaches to the landing-stages in the slightest degree congested, and all eye-witnesses affirm that men, horses, guns, and, above all, the immense bulk of 100,000 tons of bag- gage, were cleared away as if by magic. " I have dwelt somewhat at length on the foregoing, be- cause the details set forth give an almost ideal illustration of the perfection in the execution of naval -military operations which results on active service from methodical peace- training. "The descent was completed within a few days of the out- break of hostilities, and hence owed none of its success to the costly teaching of immediately preceding failures in the same campaign. "In the years preceding the struggle the Japanese had, as a part of their unostentatious preparations, carefully organized and practiced a thoroughly efficient system of disembarkation, and when the day of trial at last arrived, this difficult and com- plicated operation was carried out with the absolute precision which is usually associated with the carefully rehearsed pa- geants of the Military Tournament at Islington. "Everything was in its place, and every man knew what was required of him. "Ample appliances and labor were at hand for the con- struction of new stages and the repair of those in existence, and it was thus possible to mitigate confusion by appropriating special and separate landing-places for the disembarkation of men, horses, and stores, respectively. A sufficient supply of boats was also available; and although the resources of even Japanese ingenuity have not as yet apparently been able to hit upon any more expeditious method of getting horses out of transports than by slinging them, yet the precision and method The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 57 which have prevailed have rendered it possible for this and the subsequent debarkations, which have been a feature of the war, to be effected with a speed and freedom from untoward events hitherto unsurpassed. * * * ******** "It is possible that the prosperity which has attended the combined efforts of the fleets and armies of the Mikado may blind the general public in this country to the careful prepara- tion and sustained effort to which the remarkable success achieved has been entirely due; and may lead to the impres- sion that operations which have been carried through with such apparent ease cannot be difficult in themselves, that time and money need not, therefore, be devoted to the peace-rehearsal of such feats by our own forces, and that in the future, as in the past, we should fall back in such matters on the antiquated, dangerous, and costly policy of trusting to luck when an emer- gency arises. Now, there is no point which has made itself more clearly apparent than this: that up to the outbreak of hostilities the diplomacy of Russia had been very much in ad- vance of her warlike preparations; whilst as regards Japan the state of affairs was exactly opposite, her rulers having been wise enough to let the work of preparation keep pace with the words of diplomacy. The whole campaign, therefore, has been a splendid example of the triumph in combined naval and mili- tary operations of method and peace organization over illim- itable resources. "-But the lesson can be given in an even more concrete form than is afforded by the events of the present war standing by itself. If any man is inclined to doubt the correctness of the inferences drawn, let him carefully study the details of the Japanese disembarkation at Chemulpo, in February, 1904, and compare its features, one by one, with the similar operation which was carried through by the forces of the United States at Daiquiri, in June, 1898. The former episode was purposely selected for quotation in t he first part of this essay, because it is an example of a descent executed with admirable precision, within a few days of the outbreak of hostilities, and conse- quently too soon for it to have been possible for any lessons learned during the existing war to have been applied. The disembarkation at Chemulpo, therefore, was a product of peace- preparation, and of peace-preparation alone. "To fully realize the tremendous influence which national foresight may exercise as compared with numbers and wealth, 58 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. it should be borne in mind that the forces employed at Daiquiri were engaged in executing the mandate of a great State, whose resources exceed those of Japan by many millions, alike in popu- lation and money. Yet, as we have seen, whilst the most es- sential appliances, such as horse-boats, were denied to the brave men of the United States forces at Daiquiri, at Chemulpo, in spite of the comparative slenderness of the national resources, every detail, down to signboards for the Japanese troop-boats and landing-stages, and rice mats for the horses' feet, were at hand and constantly available. The disposition of the British nation, like that of the Americans before 1898, and of the Rus- sians up to 1904, has ever erred on the side of procrastination, where expenditure and preparation for national safety are con- cerned, and as a result, in almost every campaign, from the expedition to Carthagena in 1741 down to the present day, British sailors and soldiers, w r hen called upon to uphold the national honor, have been placed more or less at a disadvantage, owing to the lack of previous peace-preparation. Luck, sheer fighting power, the like unpreparedness of our opponents, have hitherto averted a catastrophe; but as years roll by the appli- ances for war become more complicated, and success is gradu- ally tending to depend rather on scientific and systematic train- ing than on personal courage. The immunity from disaster, therefore, which has hitherto attended our arms may, and probably will, fail us at a critical moment, if the object-lesson of Japanese foresight and Russian supineness be not taken to heart." THE NUMBER OF WAGONS REQUIRED IN FRONT OF ADVANCE DEPOT.* The present Field Service Regulations state that the num- ber of rations carried by a command will vary greatly, but that the following may be assumed as the minimum : 1. On the man or horse, one emergency ration and one field ration; 2. In the regimental trains, two field rations; 3. In the supply columns, three field rations. As to forage, each cavalry horse is required to carry a small reserve of oats about six pounds. Forage for artillery horses, for quick supply, is apparently not provided for. The regimental trains carry two days' oats, twelve pounds per day for horses and nine pounds for mules; and the supply columns three days' supply of oats. A proposed revision of the Field Service Regulations changes somewhat the above requirements and prescribes as the "normal" amounts to be carried: 1. By each man, one emergency ration, and in addi- tion, when combat is probable or the troops are liable to be separated from their baggage trains, each man starts with two haversack rations; 2. In the baggage trains, at least two field rations; 3. In the supply train, three field rations. On each cavalry horse, about six pounds of grain, and on each artillery carriage a small quantity. On the baggage trains, grain for two days; and on the supply train, grain for three days. As a compromise, the following is proposed as the mini- mum to be carried in campaign by every division of the army : RATIONS. By each man, one emergency ration and one * Extract from an article entitled "Subsisting Our Field Army in Case of War with a First-Class Power," published in Journal of the Mili- tary Service Institution of the United States, May- June, 1909. 59 60 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. haversack ration; in the troop trains, two haversack rations; in the supply train, three haversack rations. Total, six haver- sack rations and one emergency ration. FORAGE. By each animal or artillery carriage, one day's supply of oats (nine pounds per animal) ; in the troop trains, two days' supply; in the supply train, three days' supply. Total, six days' supply of oats. It is assumed that when the command is forced to use the emergency ration, the animals must subsist that day by grazing. Thus an army supplied as above can subsist seven days on the supplies accompanying it. It will be noted that it is proposed to substitute the new haversack ration for the field ration as the ration for campaigns. The desirability or necessity of the substitution will be demon- strated at the very outset of any campaign when one begins to figure on the amount of transportation required. The Field Service Regulations allot 81 wagons to the supply column of a division, prescribing that three days 1 field rations and three days' forage shall be carried therein. This number of wagons seems to have been adopted for no other reason than that the Germans have that number. It will be shown later that to carry even three haversack rations and three days' reduced supply of forage (nine pounds of oats per animal per day), more than twice that number of wagons will be necessary. As the field ration is half as heavy again as the haversack ration, it is estimated that 250 wagons instead of 81 would be required to a division if an attempt were made to carry along three days' field rations and three days' full allowance of grain. The num- ber of wagons required at the advance depot and along the line of communication would be correspondingly great, and there is no doubt that any army commander would see at once the ne- cessity of leaving behind such field luxuries as potatoes and onions, beans, jam, milk, etc., and settling down to the still difficult task of supplying even the practical haversack ration. It will be assumed, therefore, in the following discussion, that the haversack ration, and not the field, is to be carried by the men, by the troop trains, and by the supply train. Of course, when an army becomes stationary, it will often be practicable to supply it with more than the bare necessities, but it is folly to attempt habitually to do so. The proposed Field Service Regulations state that the men are required to carry rations (other than the emergency ration) only when necessary. As a matter of fact, it is always neces- The Provisioning of the Modern Army. 61 sary for them to carry rations. Home, in his " Precis of Mod- ern Tactics," page 178, in describing a movement of the Crown Prince's army during the Franco-German War, says: * * * When each column halted for the night at the places in- dicated in the orders, the head of the column did not halt there, with all the tail spread out along the road it had marched on, but each corps drew its tail up after it, and more or less formed a line of battle. Thus the roads were cleared, and it then became possible for the trains to advance with food. But it is manifest that if the soldier, having to march twelve to fifteen miles, and starting at 4 A. M., and probably not getting settled into his bivouac until 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon, had to wait for his food until the train arrived, he would be simply starved. Therefore, it follows that if troops are to be fed in the field, they must carry rations with them, and the rations consumed during the day must be replaced by the train during the night, so that the men shall move off the following day with the same number of rations as previously. Soldiers, if they are not to starve, must carry rations. No one who has considered this subject will question the truth of these words. * * *" It will be assumed, therefore, that each soldier carries a minimum of one emergency ration and one haversack ration. The trains accompanying the troops, following immedi- ately after various units, are designated by various names in foreign countries, and have had numerous designations in our own, as, for instance, regimental trains, baggage trains, field trains. As being more descriptive than any of these, the desig- nation " troop trains " is suggested and is used in this discussion. We will now proceed to determine by a series of diagrams just what can be accomplished in the way of supplying a divi- sion at different distances in front of the advance depot with food and forage, assuming that each man carries an emergency ration and a haversack ration, each horse or artillery carriage a day's supply of oats, each troop train two days' supply of haversack rations and oats, and the supply train three days' supply. We will assume first that a division is moved one day's march, say fifteen miles, from the advance depot, and that it is to operate there. Chart I. illustrates the method of its supply. The upper horizontal line represents the advance depot, the lower line is a day's march away. On the first of the month the army advances. During the first day's march, or after its com- pletion, the men consume the one day's rations which they car- ried in their haversacks. The troop trains arrive later and issue a day's rations to the men for use the next day. Late at night one section of the supply column arrives and issues a day's rations to the troop trains. The other two sections of the 62 The Provisioning of the Modern Army. supply column remain at the depot. On the second the empty section returns to the advance depot and the second section starts from there, arriving in the evening and issuing its rations to replace those consumed during the day. This movement is continued from day to day. The troops will therefore have three days' haversack rations with them at the beginning of each day, and the emergency ration. Two sections of the supply train pass each other every day, one going loaded, the Chart I- 5toln'<"'tt'o!, t>y ifs Q* Tram wh