UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO LIBRARY ravfca LJU MANUAL OF SCIENTIFIC TERMS. MORRISON AND GIBB, EDINBURGH, PRINTERS TO HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY O.TFICE. A MANUAL OF SCIENTIFIC TEEMS: pronouncing, (JHtgtnolostcal, antt CHIEFLY COMPRISING TEEMS IN BOTANY, NATURAL HISTORY, ANATOMY, MEDICINE, AND VETERINARY SCIENCE: WITS AN APPENDIX Of SPECIFIC NAMES. Designed for ttye use of Junior fHrttcal Stuitnts, ano otfjtrs stooging one or otjjer of tfrese Sciences. BY REV. JAMES AUTHOR OF ' THE ETYMOLOGICAL AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, THE HANDY ENGLISH WORD-BOOK, AND COMPLETE DICTIONARY APPENDIX,' ETC. Etiitimi. IS' EDINBURGH: MACLACHLAN AND STEWART. LONDON : SIMPKJN, MARSHALL, & CO. 1885. CONTENTS. PAGE Preface, . vii The Sounds of c and g, x Sound Symbols used in the Re-spellings, . . x Tables of Abbreviations, . . . xi The Terms of Manual, 1 Specific Names, . - 448 Prefixes, with Examples, . . .. . . . , 470 Postfixes, with Examples, . . .. ,. . . . 480 Abbreviations of Medical Terms, . .. . .. . . 483 Nomenclature of Classification, ...... 488 PREFACE. THE increasingly numerous class of learners and junior students in our higher class schools and colleges, as well as of general readers, experience the want of a ' Manual of Scientific Terms ' specially suited for the particular stage of their studies. The present work is an attempt to furnish such Lists of Terms in Botany, Natural History, Chemistry, Anatomy, Medicine, and Veterinary Science, as may be met with in the student's ordinary text-books, and in the current literature of the day. No attempt has been made to supply an exhaustive vocabulary. The selected words have been taken from the more popular text-books ; and the definitions are very generally given in the language employed in them, though often simplified. The Author feels assured that the special end in view, in the preparation of the present work, has been best served by making this legitimate use of such text-books ; for the language and phraseology employed in his text-books must become familiar to the student in the course of his studies. The general terms in Botany will be found a pretty exhaustive list. All the names of Orders, and generally Sub- orders, as found in Balfour's Manual of Botany r , have been inserted. Only, however, such names of genera and species are given as have some noteworthy particulars or qualities affirmed of them. The list of Latin Anatomical terms will be found a very full one ; but only such compound terms are given as are deemed most useful, inasmuch as the Latin compounds are now very often laid aside, and their English equivalents employed instead. The terms in Natural History, Chemistry, Medicine, and Veterinary Science, will be found in sufficient numbers to meet ordinary requirements. Each term is followed by its re-spelling in simple phonetic characters, and accented, while the syllabication employed is that laid down in the Author's Handy English Word-Book and Complete Dictionary Appendix. 1 - By using these methods, the pronunciation has been indic- ated with very great precision. A system of re-spellings with the view of indicating the correct pronunciation of scientific terms was much needed, for the pronunciation of many of them sadly puzzled most persons, and i Edinburgh : W. P. Nimmo. vii viii PREFACE. even scientific men were frequently not agreed as to the correct pronuncia- tion of many terms which they were constantly using ; indeed, they were not unseldom inconsistent with themselves in the pronunciation of many scientific terms. The endeavour is here made, and it is hoped not unsuccessfully, to settle the pronunciation of terms in regard to which there has hitherto been no certain agreement. Where the pronunciation of a term has been fixed by usage, such of course has been retained. In every case, the analogy of the English language, and the etymology of the term, has been considered in fixing its pronunciation. The student must particularly remember that the symbols ( w ) here employed to indicate English pronunciation regard the quality of the vowel-sounds only, and not quantity, as in Latin and Greek. Hence it often happens that the root-words, or Latin words within the brackets, may have such a symbol as (J) 9 while the corresponding syllable in the Latin word, re-spelt for pronun- ciation, may have the symbol (-), and vice versa. The student or learner should, in the case of a difficult or uncertain word, enunciate aloud each syllable of the re-spelling, distinctly and firmly, pronouncing each syllable and word repeatedly, always taking care to place a halt or stress on the accents marked thus (' or '). By such practice, the pronunciation of the terms will be well and correctly done ; and repetition, first slowly, and then more rapidly, will tend to fix their pronunciation in the memory. The re-spellings is an important feature in this work, and its importance will readily be seen and understood. The table of sound symbols on page x, should be care- fully studied. The root-words or etymologies, and Latin words with literal meanings and their quantities, are placed within brackets. It is of great import- ance to exhibit the primary meanings of the terms by means of root- words, and the simpler forms of Latin terms. A root- word not only exhibits the origin of a particular term, but very frequently supplies a key to the primary meanings of a large number of other related terms. In the case of specific and anatomical terms, the meaning of each Latin word is given clearly and literally. In the study of Botany, Anatomy, and Geology, specific names are apt to be misunderstood. At any rate, to the learner and young student, they are often mysterious and puzzling. Accordingly, a con- siderable list of the second names of the binomials, used as specific names, has been given by way of an Appendix, beginning on page 448. In order to smooth the way to many not over familiar with Latin, or entirely ignorant of that language, the list of specific names has been prefaced by a short introduction ; and a considerable number of examples of Latin nouns and adjectives have been declined, marked for pronunciation, and defined. This will be found no less useful to the student in the study of anatomical terms. PREFACE. IX Following the specific names, there will be found a pretty full list of prefixes, including those used in connection with scientific terms. The list of postfixes contains only the common terminations of scientific terms. These are not only explained, but also illustrated by examples. In the examples the roots are printed in black letters, and the prefixes and postfixes in italics, A list of abbreviations in use by medical practitioners, with their unabbreviated forms and meanings, concludes the work. Students or learners are recommended to use the present work before commencing their special studies, or, at least, in the earlier stages of them, as a daily lesson-book. Let a certain portion be accurately com- mitted to memory daily, or frequently, and the very great advantage of such a course will be seen and felt on its accomplishment, for by so doing students will attain a competent knowledge of the spellings of the terms, their pronunciation, their root-words, and their definitions. Equipped with this knowledge, they will be able to follow the lectures and instructions of their teachers and professors both with freshness and intelligence. In short, by a little hard work to begin with, their after-studies will become very much more pleasant and profitable. Though great care has been exercised in the preparation of the work, it is scarcely to be expected that it will be free from error. It is hoped, however, that errors will be unimportant, and few in number. The Author has here to acknowledge the deep obligation under which he lies to G. W. Balfour, Esq., M.D., E.R.C. P., of Edinburgh, and to Alexander Morison, Esq., M.D., of Canonbury, London, for many excellent suggestions. The whole proof sheets were carefully read by Dr. Balfour, and a similar service was rendered by Dr. Morison on the MS. Of course, the suggestions and corrections made by these gentlemen chiefly regarded terms in those departments of science with which they were most conversant. The Author also gladly acknowledges similar favours from other friends. While thus gratefully acknowledging his obligation to these gentlemen, and other friends, it must be distinctly understood that the Author is alone responsible for any deficiencies which may be found in the work. The Author of this compilation now submits his work to the judgment of professional men, and the general public, and he will be glad to learn that their judgment in regard to the objects of the work, as well as the manner of its execution, is a: favourable one. EDINBURGH, 15th March 1879, THE FOLLOWING GENERAL RULES AS AFFECTING THE PRONUNCIATION OF A LARGE CLASS OF WORDS HAVING C OR g AS ONE OF THEIR ELEMENTS, CANNOT BUT PROVE USEFUL TO THE READER IN CONSULT- ING THE FOLLOWING PAGES. See list in English Spellings and Spelling Rules, p. 70. * I. c is generally pronounced as Tc (1) when followed by one of the vowels a, 0, u, as in 'cake,' 'becoming,' 'concuss'; (2) when followed by a consonant, except h, as in 'accord,' 'clime'; (3) when it terminates a word, as in 'physic,' 'music/ * zinc.' c is generally pronounced s when it comes before one of the vowels e, i, y, as in 'avarice,' 'cipher,' 'fancy.' II. g is generally pronounced as dj before e, i, y, ce, as in 'page,' 'pageantry,' 'rage,' 'origin,' 'oxygen,' 'regent,' 'pugilism,' 'rugae,' 'monogyn.' g is generally 'hard (1) when it comes before the vowels a, o, u, as in ' prefigure, ' ' regulate, ' 'organ,' 'regard,' 'legume,' 'rigorous'; (2) when it comes before any consonant, except h t as in 'progress,' 'quagmire,' 'pugnacious'; (3) when it terminates a word, as in ' rag, ' ' ring, ' 'rung, ' ' strong. ' i Edinburgh : W. P. Nimmo. THE SOUND SYMBOLS USED IN THE RE -SPELLINGS FOR PRONUNCIATION IN THE STUDENT'S MANUAL OF SCIENTIFIC TERMS. a, a as in mate, fate, fail, aye. ou,ow,em;asinnoun, bough, cow. a, a mat, fat. oi, oy, oy boy, soil. a, d far, calm, father. u, ew, u pure, due, few. a, aw, ctiv awl, fall, law. c, s acid, cell, face. e, ee, e mete, meet, feet, free. c, k cone, colic, tract. e, e met, bed. ch, tsh chair, larch, church. e, e her, fern, heard. ch, sh chemise, drench, match. i, I pine, height, sigh, tie. ch, Tc chaos, anchor, scholar. i, i pin, tin, ability. g, g game, gone, gun. o, 6 note, toll, soul. g, i George, gem, gin. 0, d o, oo, 6 not, plot. move, smooth. g, dg, dj th, ih judge, ledge, rage, thing, breath. o, oo, do , woman, foot, soot. tfe, ih there, breathe. NOTE. Among well-educated people, in Scotland at least, I seems to have two sounds 1. I in its proper name-sound, as in sigh, try, high, my, tie, liar, bye, hire, sire. 2. ei forming a sound resulting from the combined sounds of e and i, as in height, pine, mine, sight, write, white, flight, fright, might, trite. COMMON ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE WORK. a. or adj. adjective. nat. hist., . natural history. anat. , anatomy. neut., . neuter. anc., ancient. nom., . nominative. bot., botany. obj., . . objective. chem. , dim., chemistry, diminutive. ornith., . palaeon., ornithology. . palaeontology. E., . East. path. , pathology. en torn. , entomology. pert, . . pertaining. far. , . farriery. phren., . . phrenology. fern., . feminine. phys., . . physiology, physics. gen., . gender, genitive. plu., . . . plural. geol., geology. poss., . possessive. hort. , horticulture. pref., . . prefix. instr. , instrument. S., . South. masc., masculine. sing., . . singular. med., medicine. superl., . . superlative. min., mineralogy. surg. r , . surgery. N., . North. W., . . . West. n., . noun. zool., . zoology. ABBREVIATIONS OF PROPER NAMES, FORMING NAMES OF LANGUAGES, WHICH DESIGNATE ROOT-WORDS. Ar., . Arabic. Icel. r . . Icelandic. AS., . Anglo-Saxon* It., . . . Italian. Celt., Celtic. L., . . . Latin. Chin. , Chinese. mid. L., . Latin of the Middle Dan., Danish. Ages, late Latin, or Dut, Dutch. Latin not classical. Eng., English. Norm. F., Norman French. F., . French. Old Eng.,. Old English. Gael., Gaelic. Sans., . . Sanscrit. Ger., German. Scot., . . Scotch. Gr., . Greek. Sp., . . Spanish. NOTE. For Abbreviations of Medical Terms, see page 483. THE STUDENT'S MANUAL SCIENTIFIC TERMS. ABA abaxial, a., ab-alcs'i-al (ab, from, and axial), not in the axis ; in bot. , applied to the embryo which is out of the axis of the seed : abaxile, a., db'dks'tt, in same sense. abbreviated, a., db-brev't-dt-Zd, also abbreviate, a., ab-brev'i-dt (L. ab, from; brevis, short), in bot., applied to one part when shorter than another. abdomen, n. , ab-ddm'$n(L. abdom- en, the belly from abdo, I con- ceal), the lower belly : abdom- inal, a., ab-dom'm-al, belonging to the lower belly. bbdticent, a., db-dus'ent (L. ab- ducens, leading away or from), separating ; drawing back : ab- ducens, n. , db-dus'enz (L. ), applied to the sixth cranial nerve, which, distributed to the external rectus muscle, turns the eyeball out- wards ; hence it is called the ab- ducens oculi, 61c f -ul-l (L. oculi, of the eye). abduction, n., ab-duk'-shun (L. ab, from; duco, I lead, ductus, led), the act of drawing away from ; the movement of a limb from the median line that is, the middle line of the body ; see ' median line. ' abductor, n., tib-dtikt&r (L. ab- ductor, that which draws out- ABE wards), a muscle that draws a limb or part outwards : abductor indicia manus, m'-dis-is mdn'-us (L. index, an index, indicis, of the index ; and manus, the hand, manus, of the hand), the muscle that puts outwards the index finger of the hand : abductor min- imi digiti, mtn'-lm-i didf-tt-l (L. minimus, the least; digitus, the finger), the abductor of the least finger ; the muscle that draws away the little finger from the ring finger : abductor minimi digiti pe3i8,ped'-is (L. pes, a foot, pedis, of a foot), the abductor of the least finger of the foot ; the muscle that draws the little toe away from its neighbour: abductor oculi, 8-ul-l (L. oculus, the eye, oculi, of the eye), the muscle that extends or expands the eye: abductor pollicis manus, pol'-lis-is man'-us (L. pol- lex, the thumb, pollicis, of the thumb ; manus, the hand, manus, of the hand), the muscle that draws outwards the thumb of the hand : abductor pollicis pedis, p%d f 4s (L. pes, a foot, p$dis, of a foot), the muscle that extends the thumb or great toe of the foot. aberrant, a., db-er^dnt (L. ab, from ; errans, wandering, gen. errantis), departing from the reg- ABI $ ulartype: aberration, n.,a&-r-a- shun, a disordered state of the intellect ; any deviation from the usual and natural appearance. Abies, n., ab'-l-ez (L. abies, the silver fir, abietis, of the silver fir), the fir tree ; a genus of trees : AbietinesB, n. piu., ab'-i-et-in'-e-e, the sub-order of the Coniferse or cone -bearing family, including the fir and spruce : abietic, a., ab'-i-et'ik, belonging to the fir tree : Abies picea, pis'-e-a (Gr. peuJce, the pine or pitch tree), the silver fir which furnishes turpen- tine : A. balsamea, bal-sam'S-a (L. balsameus, balsamic from balsamum, balsam), a species which produces Canada balsam ; balm of Gilead fir : A. Canadens- is, kan f 'd'dens f -is (from Canada), hemlock spruce, which furnishes a balsam : A. excelsa, ek-sels'a (L. excelsus, lofty, high), the Norway spruce, producing Bur- gundy pitch: A. nigra, mg'-ra (L. niger or nigra, black), the black spruce, from which, and other species, spruce beer is made. abiogenesis, n. , ab'-i'd'jen'es'is^?. a, without ; bios, life ; genesis, origin, source), the doctrine that living bodies may be evolved from inorganic matter ; spon- taneous generation. ablactation, n., ab'-lakt-d'sliun (L. ab, from ; lacto, I suckle from lac, milk), weaning of a child from the breast. ablation, n. , ab Id' shun (L. abldtum, to take or bear away from ab, from or away; latum, to carry or bear), a taking away ; the re- moval of a part from a body by excision, extirpation, or amputa- tion. ablepsia, n., a-bleps'i-tf, also a- blepsy, n., a-bleps'-t (Gr. a } with- out, not; blepo, I see, blepso, I shall see), want of sight ; blind- ness. abluent, n., a., ab'ld-ent(L. abluo, I wash off or away from ab, from j ABR luo, I wash, luens, washing), a substance which carries off im- purities ; same as 'abstergent 'and 'detergent': ablution, n., db-W- shun, a cleansing or purification. abnormal, a., ab-ndrm'dl (L. ab, from ; norma, a rule), anything out of the usual or natural course ; irregular. abomasum, n., db'-om-dz'-um, also abomas'us, -dz'us (L. ab, from ; dmdsum, tripe, the paunch), the fourth cavity of the stomach of ruminant animals, as the cow. aborticide, n., ab-ort'-i-sld (L. ab- ortus, an untimely birth ; ccedo, I kill), the destroying of the foetus in utero to effect a delivery : abortion, n., ab-tir'shun (L. ab- ortus), expulsion of the foetus before its time ; miscarriage ; in bot., the incomplete or non-forma- tion of a part : abortive, a., db- ort'w, not come to maturity; treating disease with the view of arresting its further development ; barren. abrachia, n., a'brdk'-i-a (Gr. a, without, not ; Gr. brachion, L. bracJdum, the arm), imperfect de- velopment, or entire absence of the arms. abranchiate, a., a-brang'-ki-dt (Gr. a, without ; Gr. brangchia, L. branchice, the gills of a fish), destit- ute of gills or branchiae ; without lungs : abranchiata, n. plu. , a- brdng'ki-dt'd, animals which have no apparent organs of respiration, as the earthworm and leech. abrasion, n., db-rd'shun (L. ab y from ; rdsus, scraped), a partial rubbing off or tearing of the skin. abrupt, a., ab-rupt' (L. ab, from ; ruptus, broken), appearing as if broken or cut off at the extremity : abruptly-acuminate, a., -ak-um f > in-dt (L. acumen, a point), having a broad extremity, as a leaf, from which a point arises : abruptly- pinnate, a., -pin'-ndt (L. pinna, a feather or fin), having two or more leaflets attached to each ABS M side of a central rib without a terminal or odd leaflet. abscess, n., db'ses(L. abscessus, an abscess from abs, from or away ; cessum, to depart), a gathering of humour or pus in some part of the body. abscission, n., ab>sish'un (L. ab, from ; scissum, to cut, scissus, cut), in surg. , a cutting off or re- moval of a part ; the premature ending of a malady ; in bot., a cutting off; the separation of seg- ments or frustules : abscissa, n. , ab-sis'-sa, a part of the diameter of a conic section the plurals are abscissas, db - sis'sdz, and abscissae, db-si/'Se. absinthe, n., ab'-sinih (L. absin- thium, Gr. absinthion, worm- wood), a strong alcoholic liqueur, highly flavoured with a tincture of wormwood : absinthian, a., db'smth'i'dn, of the nature of wormwood, or pert, to it: ab- sinthiated, a., impregnated with wormwood : absinthate, n., db' smth'-at, combination of absinthic acid with a base : absinthic, a., belonging to absinthium ; denot- ing an acid obtained from it : absinthin, n. , the bitter principle discovered in absinthium : absin- thium, n. , db sinth'4- urn, the name, in the pharmacopoeia, of the artem- is'ia absinthium : absinthism, n., the symptoms produced by the excessive use of the liqueur absinthe. abstergent, a., n., db-sterf-ent (L. abstergens, wiping dry from abs, from or away ; tergeo, I rub off), cleansing; a medicine that cleanses from foulness or sores. abyssic, a., a-bis'-ik (Gr. abussos, without a bottom from a, with- out, not ; bussos, a bottom), appliec to the earths which form the bottoms of ancient seas. Acacia, n., ok a'-shi-d (L. acacia, a thorn), a genus of Oriental trees , the Egyptian thorn ; gum arabic, Ord. Leguminosae, Sub-ord. Mini' ACA osse : Acacia tortilis, tdrttilis (L. tprtllis, twined, twisted) : A. Arab- ica, ar-ab'-ik'd (from Arabia) ; A. vera, ver'd (L. verus, real, genu- ine) ; A. gummifera, gum-if-Zr-a (L. gummi, gum ; fero, I bear) ; A. albida, dl'-bid'd (L. albidus, whitish), and other species, yield the gums or gummy substances known as gum Arabic, gum Sene- gal, East Indian gum, etc. : A. cate- chu, ktit'e-ku, or M^g-sAoo(saidto be from Japanese kate, a tree ; chu, juice), an Indian shrub, which furnishes a kind of catechu, is used for tanning, and a powerful astringent : A. formosus, f6rm- 6z'-us (L. formosus, finely formed, handsome from forma, shape), a species supplying the Cuban timber called sabicu. Acalephse, n. plu., dttdl-ef'-Z (Gr. akalephe, a nettle), a name ap- plied to thejelly-fishes, sea-nettles, and other radiate animals, from their power of stinging : acaleph- oid, n., atf-dl-ef'-dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), an animal resem- bling a jelly-fish or sea-nettle, etc. : acalephous, a., dk-dl-ef'-us, be- longing to a nettle ; belonging to the Acalephre. Acanthaceae, n. plu., dk'dnth>d'- se-e (Gr. akantha, a spine), the Acanthus family, an order of her- baceous plants, chiefly tropical : Acanthus, n., dk-dnth'us, a genus of plants ; bear's breech: Acanthus mollis, mol'-lis (L. mollis, pliant, supple), a species the leaves of which, with their sinuated lobes, are said to have given origin to the capital of the Corinthian pillar : acanthaceous, ok '-antii-a'- shus, also acanthine, a., armed with prickles : Acanthocephala,n. plu. , dk'dnth'.o-sef.dl-d (Gr. kephale, the head), a class of parasitic worms in which the head is armed with spines : Acanthometrina, n. plu., dk-dnth'.o>met''rin'a (Gr. metra, a womb), a family of pro- tozoa characterized by having rad- ACA iated siliceous spines : Acanth- opterygii, n. plu., dKdnih'tip'tr- idj'i-i (Gr. pterugion, a winglet or fin from pterux, a wing), a group of bony fishes with the spinous rays in the front of the dorsal fin. Acarina, n. plu., ak'-ar>in'a (L. acarus, Gr. akari, a mite), a division of the Arachnida of which the cheese mite is the type : acaroid, a., ak'-ar-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling the ac- arus or louse : Acarus, n. , ak'ar-us (L.), a genus of insects which in- fest the skin : Acari, n. plu. , akf- ar-i; Acaridse, n. plu., ak-ar'-id-e, the systematic name for such in- sects as the mite, the tick, the water mite, etc. acaulis, a., ak-awl'is, acaulous, a., ak-awl'-us, and acauline, a., ak'dwl'-m (Gr. a, without; Gr. Jcaulos, L. caulis, a stalk), with- out a stalk ; steuiless : acaules- cent, a., aktdwl'Zs'ent, having a shortened stem; denoting the non-development of the growing axis : acaulosia, n. , ak'a/wl-dz'i-a, the non-development of the stem of a plant. accelerator, n., ak-sel'-er-at'-or (L. accelero, I hasten forward from ad, to ; celero, I hasten, celer, swift), a hastener forward ; that which causes to move faster : accelerator urinse, ur-ln'-e (L. accelerator, a hastener ; urina, urine, urince, of urine), the acceler- ator of urine ; a muscle of the penis whose action propels the urine ; when it does the same for the semen, it is called the ejacul- ator seminis. accessorius, n., ak-ses-sor'-i-us (L. accessus, a coming to, an approach from ad, to ; cessum, to go), denoting any muscular append- age which assists the action of a larger muscle ; denoting two nerves of the neck: ac- cessorius ad sacro-lumbalem, ad sdk'-ro lum-bdl'Zm (L. t AGO ad, to; sacro, sacred; lumbalem, accus., lumbalis, nom., pert, to the lumbus or loin), de- noting the muscle which acts as an assistant to the sacro-lumbalis, consisting of muscular slips which pass from the lower six to the upper six ribs, near their angles : accessorius obturatorii, oV>tur- at-or'-i'l (L. obturator, a stopper up of a cavity, obturatorius, pert, to the stopper up of a cavity, obturatorii, gen. from obt&ro, I stop up), the accessory or assistant of the ob- turator applied to a muscle or nerve which assists, or is an appendage to, the obturator : accessorius pedis, p%d f -is(L. pes, a foot, p%dis, of a foot), an accessory muscle of the foot, arising from the under surface of the os calcis by two heads, and assists to bring the line of traction of the flexor tendons into the centre of the foot. accouchement, n., ak-kdosh'mong (F. accoucher, to deliver from coucher, to lay down ; L. ad, to; colloco, I lay in a place), lying in child-birth ; the act of parturition : accoucheur, n. , d&koosh-er' ', a surgeon who at- tends women in child-birth ; a man -midwife ; an obstetrician : accoucheuse, n., ak'-kobsli-dz' , a female who practises midwifery ; a midwife. accrescent, a., ak-lcres'^nt (L. ad, to ; crescens, growing), denoting plants continuing to grow and increase after flowering. accrete, a. , ak-lcreif (L. ad, to; cret- um, to grow), grown together : accretion, n. , aTc-kresh'-un, the act" of growing by increase ; growth by external addition to new matter ; in surg. , the conjunc- tion of parts naturally separate. accumbent, a., ak-kumb-ent (L. accumbens, lying on from ad, to or on ; cubo, I lie down), lying on ; supine ; prostrate ; in ACE 5 bot. , applied to the embryo of the Crueiferse when the cotyledons lie on their edges ; applied to the folded radicle: accument, a., ok- um'-Znt, in bot., lying against another body. acephalia, n., cis'-Z-fdl'-i-a (Gr. a, without ; kephale, the head), the condition of a monster without a head: acephalous, a., ds-ef-al-us, not possessing a distinct head. Aceracese, n. plu., ds-er-d'sZ-e (L. deer, a maple tree), the maple family, including the syca- more and Scotch plane tree : Acer, n., ds'er, a genus of trees, for the most part beautiful and of con- siderable size : Acer saccharinum, sak'-kdr-in'-um (L. saccharon, sweet juice, sugar), the sugar maple of America: aceric, a., dS'er'-ik, denoting an acid found in its juice. acerose, a., ds'er-oz, and acerous, a., ds'-er-us (L. deer, sharp- pointed, dceris, gen.), having a sharp point; narrow and slender. acervuli, n. plu., ds-Zrv'-ul-i (L. dsc&rvus, a heap), in bot., small heaps or clusters. acetabulum, n., ds'-et-ab'-ul-um (L. acetdbulum, a sucker, a vinegar cruet, a cup-shaped vessel), the cup-shaped socket of the hip- joint ; the socket of the innom- inate bone which receives the head of the femur ; one of the cup- like sucking discs on the arms of the cuttle-fish: acetabula, n. plu. , as'-et'db'ul'd, the sockets of the hip-joints ; the suckers of the cuttle-fishes : acetabuliform, a., as'-et-ab-ul'-i-ftirm (L. forma, shape), in the form of a cup. acetic, a., as-Ztf-ik (L. acetum, vinegar), denoting an acid ; vine- gar: acetate, n., ds'-et-at, the combination of acetic acid with a salifiable base. acheilary, a., a-kil'-dr-i (Gr. a, without ; cheilos, a lip), in bot., having the labellum undeveloped, as in some orchids. ACH achene, n^dk-en'-e', alsoachaenium, n., tik'Sn't'tim; achasnia, plu. (Gr. achanes, not gaping, not opening the mouth from a, not; chaino, I yawn or crack, as ripe fruit), a monospermal seed-vessel which does not open or crack, whose pericarp does not adhere to the seed: achenodium, n., dk^en- od'i-tim (the Latinised suffix, ode, signifying 'fulness of), a fruit composed of many achsenia. Achillis tendo, ak-il'.lis tZnd'-o (L. tendo, a tendon ; Achillis, of Achilles), the vulnerable tendon or part in the heel of Achilles ; the united strong tendon of the gastrocnemius and solseus muscles. achinienes, n., akf-i-men'ez (a word of unknown meaning, originally given by Dr. Patrick Browne), an elegant and free-flowering genus of plants, Ord. Gesneracese. achlamydeous, a., ak'-ldm'id'e'US (Gr. a, without ; chlamus, a loose warm cloak), in bot., having no floral envelope ; denoting naked flowers : Achlamydeaa, n. plu., dk'-ldm'id^e'e, the class of naked flowers having only the essential organs and no floral envelope. acholia, n., d'kol'i-d (Gr. a, with- out ; chole, bile), absence or defici- ency of bile, occurring in acute atrophy of the liver. Achras, n., dk'-rds (Gr. achras, a species of wild pear tree, its fruit), a genus of trees of the sapotacese or sapadilla family, some of which yield edible fruits. achroma, n., ak-rom'-a (Gr. a, without ; chroma, colour), a defici- ency in the colour of the skin : achromatic, a., d&rdm-dtfik, free from colour ; applied to lenses which show objects without any prismatic colours ; achromatism, n., dk-rftm'dt'izm, the state of optical instruments which show objects without prismatic colours : (Gr. opsis, sight), incapacity of ACI distinguishing colours ; colour blindness. acicular, a., as-i&ul-ar (L. dcus, a needle, acicula, a little needle), in shape like a needle ; having sharp points like needles : acic- ulus, n., as'ik'-ul'us, in bot., a strong bristle ; a little spike. acinaciform, a., ds'in-as't-fdrm (L. acmdces, a short sword, a sabre ; forma, shape), shaped like a sabre or scimitar : acinacifolious, a., as'-in-as-i-fdl'-i'tis (L. folium, a leaf), having leaves shaped like a sabre or scimitar. acinus, n., ds'-m-us (L. actnus, a berry, a stone or seed in a berry, acini plu.), in bot., one of the pulpy drupels forming the fruit of the raspberry or bramble ; in surg., small granulations of the liver and similar bodies : acini- form, a., ds-m'-i-form (L. forma, shape), having the form or colour of a clustered fruit, as the raspberry. acne, n., dk'ne (Gr. a, intensive; kneo, I scrape or gnaw), an erup- tion of hard inflamed tubercles often appearing in youth, gener- ally on the neck, face, shoulders, and breast, sometimes lasting for years so called in allusion to their appearance : acne rosacea, rdZ'ds'e'd (L. rosdceus, of or pert, to roses), the ruddy uneven nose of some who indulge in the excessive use of alcoholic liquors. aconitum napellus, ak-on-lt'-um ndp'U f 'lus (Gr. akonilon, the poisonous herb monk's-hood, ak- ontion, a small dart from akon, a dart, as darts were dipt in its poisonous juice ; L. napellus, diminutive of ndpus, a turnip), the plant monk's-hood, friar's-cap, wolfs -bane, or helmet -flower, which contains a narcotic alkaloid, one of the most deadly poisons known : aconite, n., ak'-on-lt, the common name for aconitum napel- lus : aconitine, or aconitia, ak-on' U'in, or -isUi-d, the alkaloid of ac- onite forming its active principle. 6 ACR Acontotheci, n. plu., tik-tin-ttitU %'Si (Gr. akon, unwilling; tithemi, I put or place), a family of intest- inal worms. Acorns, n., ak'dr-us (L. acorus, Gr. akoros and akoron, the sweet-scented flag), a genus of plants ; the sweet flag, which has an aromatic odour combined with a bitterish acrid taste : Acorus calamus, kdl'-dm-us (L. calamus, a reed), the systematic name of acorus : Acorese, n. plu., dk'dr'-e-e, the sweet flag tribe. acotyledon, n., d&8t-tt-Sd'-fa (Gr. a, without; kotuledon, a seed lobe), a plant whose embryos or germs have no seed lobes : acotyledon- ous, a., dk'-ftt'tt-ed'oii'us, having no seed lobes. Acrita, n., dk'rit-d (Gr. akr'dos, confused), the lowest division of the animal kingdom, in which the organs are supposed to be combined confusedly with the other parts ; synonym of proto- zoa. acrobrya, n. plu., dk'ro-bri'd (Gr. akros, at the highest point ; bruo, I bud forth or germinate), a plant in which the growth is formed by additions in an upward direction ; synonym of acrogens. acrocarpi, n.plu.,dk'-rd'kdrp'i (Gr. akros, at the highest point ; kar- pos, fruit), mosses having their fructification terminating the axis: acrocarpous, a., d&rfrkdrp'- us, having the fructification ter- minating the axis. acrogens, n. plu., dk'-ro-jZnz (Gr. akros, at the highest point ; gennao, I produce), those plants which increase by growth at the summits or growing points, and whose stems do not materially increase in bulk, as the stems of ferns : acrogenous, a., dk-rddf- %n-us, increasing by growth at the summit or growing point. acromium, n., ak-rom'-i-um, also acromion, uk-rom'-l-tin (Gr. ACR alcros, high, extreme ; omos, a shoulder), the projecting or outer part or process of the scapula or shoulder : acromial, a., ak-rdm'- i>dl, of or belonging to the ac- romium : acromiales cutanei, dk-rom'-i-dl'-ez ku-tdn'-Z-i (L. acromiales, plu., pert, to the acromium ; cutanei, plu., belong- ing to the skin), designating those nerves which pass over the acromium, and are thence dis- tributed to the skin: acromio, dk'rom f 'i'd, indicating connection with the acromion : acromio- clavicular, kldv-iktul'dr (L. clavis, a key), denoting the art- iculation at the shoulder of the outer end of the clavicle in the acromion process of the scapula ; also denoting two ligaments of the scapula and clavicle, named re- spectively the ' superior ' and the 'inferior.' acropetal, a., ak-rop'et-dl (Gr. akros, at the highest point ; L. peto, I seek), in bot., seeking the summit ; applied to the develop- ment of lateral shoots from an axis. acrospire, n.,dk f -ro- spir(Gr. akros, the summit ; speira, a spiral line), the first shoot or sprout at the end of a germinating seed : acro- spore, n., dh'-ro-spor (Gr. spora, seed), a spore borne on the summit of a thread. actea, n., dk-te'd, or actsea race- mosa, dk-te'd ras'em'dzf-a (Gr. aktaia, the elder tree ; L. race- mosus, full of clusters, clustering), in med. , the black snake-root, black cohosh or bugbane, a sedative used in the treatment of rheum- atism, Ord. Ranunculacese. actinenchyma, n . , akt'-ln Zng'kim - a (Gr. aklin, a ray ; engchuma, an infusion), in lot., cellular tissue having a starlike or stel- late form. actinism, n., tikt'-m'fam(Gr. aktin, a ray), the chemical action of sunlight: actinocarpous, a., dkt< m-d'kdrp'-us (Gr. karpos, fruit), ACU having trophosperms radiated like the rays of fruit : actinograms, n. plu., act-in'- o- grams (Gr. gramma, a letter), the results recorded by the actinograph : actinograph, n., dkt-m-d-grdf (Gr. grapho, I write), an instru- ment for recording the quantity of actinism present : actinog- raphy, n., -rdf-t, a description of the rays of light : actinoid, n., akt'-ln-oyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), resembling a ray : actin- ology, n., akt r -in>ol'-6'jl (Gr. logos, discourse), the doctrine of the rays of light : actinomeres, n. plu., akt'in-omf-er-ez (Gr. meros, a part), in zool., the lobes which are mapped out on the surface of the body of the ctenophora by the ctenophores, or comb -like rows of cilia : Actinosoma, n., dkt'm- o-som'-d (Gr. soma, a body), the entire body of any actinozoon, whether simple as in the sea- anemones, or composed of several zooids as in most corals : Actino- zoon, n., dkt r >in>6'Zd'dn, Actino- zoa, n. plu., -zo'd (Gr. zoo n, an animal), the division of the Cselenterata, of which the sea- anemones are the type. aculeate, &.,ak-ul'-e'dt(L. aciileus, a prickle or thorn from dcus, a needle), having prickles or sharp points: aculeiform, a., aTc r 'Ul-e f 'l- form (L. forma, shape), formed like a prickle or thorn : aculeus, n., ak'ul'-e-us, a prickle forming a process of the bark only, as in the rose : aculei, plu., ak-uV-e-l. acuminate, a., ak-um'-m-dt (L. acumen, a point, acummis, of a point), in bot., drawn out into a long point ; tapering : acuminif- erous, a., ak-um'in-if-er'us (L. fero, I bear), in zool., having pointed tubercles : acuminulate, a., dk''Um'in f -ul'dt, having a very sharp taper-point. acupressure, n., ak-u-presh'-ur (L. ticus, a needle ; pressum, to press), the employment of needles ACU instead of ligatures for arresting hsemorrhagefroma cut or wounded vessel, by pressing a needle through it and pinning it against an adjacent tissue or bone. acupuncture, n., ak'u-pungk'tur (L. acus, a needle ; punctum, to prick or puncture), a method of lessening pain in a diseased part, as in neuralgia, by running into it one or more long fine needles. acute, a., ak-ut' (L. acutus, sharp, pointed), in bot., terminating gradually in a sharp point. acyclic, a., a-sik'-tik (Gr. a, with- out ; Eng. cyclic), without a cycle or circle. ad deliquium, ad de-ttk'-wi-um (L. ad, to ; deliquium, a want or defect), to fainting a direction in medicine given for venesection. adduction, n., ad-dukf-shtin (L. ad, to ; ductus, led), the act of moving towards ; the move- ment of a limb towards the median or middle line of the body. adductor, n., ad-duct'- or (L. ad- ductor, that which draws to- wards from ad, to ; ductus, led), a muscle that brings one part to wards another : adductor brevis, brev'is (L. brZvis, short), the name of a muscle which brings one part towards another, so called from its shortness : adductor longus, l$ng'-gus (L. longus, long), a muscle which brings one part towards another, so called from its length : ad- ductor magnus, mag'-nus (L. magnus, great), a muscle, so called from its size, which brings the thigh inwards and upwards : adductor minimi digiti, min'-im-l didf-it-i (L. minimus, the least, minimi, of the least ; digitus, a finger, digiti, of a finger), the adductor of the little finger ; the deepest of the muscles of the little finger, which arises from the unciform process and the annul- ar ligament: adductor pollicis 8 ADI manus, pSl'lis-is man'-us (L. pollex, the thumb, pollicis, of the thumb ; manus, the hand, manus, of the hand), the adductor of the thumb of the hand ; the muscle that draws inwards the thumb of the hand : adductor pollicis pedis, p&d'-fe (L. pes, a foot, pedis, of a foot), the adductor of the great toe or thumb of the foot ; a muscle arising from the bases of the second, third, and fourth meta- tarsal, which draws the great toe inwards. Adelarthrosomata, n. plu., d-del- ar-thro-sd'm'at-a (Gr. adelos, hidden ; arthros, a joint ; soma, a body), in zooL, an order of the Arachnida, comprising the harvest spiders, the book scorpions, etc. adelphous, a., ad-Zlf-us (Gr. adel- phos, a brother, a blood relation), related; having an affinity ; in com- position, a union of filaments. adesmy, n., a-des'-mi (Gr. a, with- out ; desmos, a bond or ligament), in bot., a break or division in an organ usually entire. adherent, a., ad-her'e'nt (L. ad- hwrens, cleaving or sticking to, adhcerentis, gen. from ad, to ; hcereo, I stick), in bot., denot- ing the union of parts that are normally separate, and in differ- ent verticils, as the calyx when united to the ovary : adhesion, n., dd-hezh'un (L. ad, to ; hcesum, to stick), a union of parts of any body by means of cement, glue, growth, etc. ; in surg. t the reunion of parts that have been severed. adiantum, n., ad'-i-ant'tim (Gr. adianton, the herb maidenhair from adiantos, not moistened ; so called from the belief that they will remain dry, though plunged among water), maidenhair, an eleg- ant species of ferns with beauti- ful leaves: Adiantum capillus Veneris, kap-il'-lus vZn'-e'r-is (L. capillus, hair ; Venus, goddess of love, vZneris of Venus), systematic ADI name for adiantum : Adiantum pedatum, ped-at'-urn (L. peddtus, furnished with feet from pes, a foot, pedis, of a foot), this species, and the preceding, furnish the syrup of Capillaire, particularly the latter. adipose, a., ad'ip-os (L. adiposus, fatty from adeps, fat), denoting the fatty tissue which exists more or less throughout the body : adipocere, n., dd'-ip-ti-ser' (L. cera, wax), a fatty substance of a whitish grey colour, into which animal flesh and fat is often changed when buried in moist ground ; grave wax : adip- osis, n., ad'-tp-oz'-is, great fatness or obesity of the human body : adiposus panniculus, ad'ip-dz'us pan-niJc'-ul-Us (L. panniculus, a small piece of cloth from pan- nus, a cloth or garment), the deep layer of fat in horses and other animals which raises the skin and gives the appearance of roundness and plumpness. adnate, a., cid'ndt (L. ad. to; natus, born), in bot., applied to an organ united to another through- out its length, as the stipules in the rose ; adhering to other parts. adnexed, a., ad-nekst' (L. ad, to; nexum, to bind or tie), in bot., reaching to the stem only, as in the gills of Agarics. ad pondus omnium, dd ptind'us dm'ni'um (L. ad, to ; pondus, weight ; omnis, all, omnium, of all), to the weight of the whole ; in med., indicating the pro- portion of an ingredient in a prescription. adpressed, a., ad-prest' (L. ad, to; pressum, to press or squeeze), in bot. , closely pressed to a surface, as some hairs ; pressed close to anything ; also spelt appressed. aduncate, a., dd-ungk'-at (L. ad- uncus, hooked), in bot., crooked; bent in the form of a hook. adventitious, a.,ad''V%n'tish'>us(L. ad t to ; ventum, to come), come I AFF to accidentally; in bot., applied to organs produced in abnormal positions, as in roots arising from aerial stems ; unnatural, acci- dental, or acquired. -ZEgle, n., eg'le(L. ^Egle, a Naiad, daughter of Jupiter from aigle, brightness), a genus of shrubs producing fragrant flowers, Ord. Aurantiaceee : JEgle marmelos, martmel-os (Portg. marmelo, a quince), a species which yields an excellent fruit, much used in dysentery. aerophytes, n. plu., dr'-o-fitz (Gr. aer, air ; phuton, a plant), plants which grow entirely in the air. aeruginose, a., e-rdodf-m-oz (L. ceruginosus, copper- rusted from cerugo, copper rust), verdigris- green, or copper rust. JBsculus, n., Zs'kul-us (L. esca, food), a genus of large showy trees, Ord. Sapindacese: -ZEsculus hip- pocastanum, hip'-po-hast'-an-urn (Gr. hippos, a horse ; Gr. Icast- anon, L. castdnea, the chestnut- tree), the horse-chestnut, recom- mended as a febrifuge, seeds sometimes used for coffee : -53. ohioensis, 6 -hi' 8 -ens' is (after Ohio, a State of U. States, Amer.), the buck-eye, or American horse-chestnut, leaves and fruit said to be poisonous. aestival, a., %s>tlv'-al (L. cestiva, summer quarters), produced in summer; pert, to summer: aes- tivation, n., Zs'tiv-d'shun, the arrangement of the unexpanded leaves of the flower in the flower- bud which burst in summer; opposed to vernation, the arrange- ment of the leaves of the bud on a branch which burst in spring. afferent, a., df-fer-^nt (L. a/ero, I bring or convey a thing to a place from ad, to ; fero, I carry), in anat., conveying from the surface to the centre. affinity, n., af-fin'-it-i (L. affinis, bordering on, related to from ad y to ; Jinis, an end), relation j AFF 10 ALA agreement ; in chem., combining power of bodies ; in bot. , relation in all essential organs. affusion, n., af-fuzh'un (L. ad, to ; fusum, to pour), the act of pouring a cold or warm liquid on the whole body or a part of it from some elevation, as a remedial measure in many diseases ; in chem., the pouring water on a substance to cleanse it. agamic, a., dg-dm'ik (Gr. a, with- out ; gamos, marriage), in zool., applied to all forms of reproduction in which the sexes are not directly concerned : agamous, a., dg'dm- &s, in bot. , applied to plants with- out visible organs of fructification; cryptogamous : agamo - genesis, n., dg'-dm-o-jen'eS'is (Gr. genesis, generation, origin), the power of non-sexual reproduction. Agaricacese, n. plu., ag-ar'-ik-af* se-e (Gr. agarikon, touchwood, a mushroom), the Ord. of plants now called Fungi : Agarics, n. plu., dg-dr'-tks, the edible mush- rooms of this country : Agaricus campestris, ag-dr'ik-'uskdm'pest' ris (L. agaricus, an agaric ; cam- pestris, pert, to a level field), the common mushroom of this country : other edible species are, A. deliciosus, de-lish'-i-oz'-us (L. deliciosus, delightful from de- licice, delight) ; A. Georgii, jorf- i'l (L. Georgius, George, Georgii, of George) ; A. procerus, pro-str'- us (L. procerus, high, tall), eaten abroad, though considered poisonous in Britain ; and A. prunulus, proon'-ul-us (L. dimin- utive ofprunum, a prune), said to be the finest species of mushroom: A.oreades, or>e'ad'ez(L.Oreades, mountain nymphs); A. coccineus, kdk-sin'8-tis (L. coccineus, of a scarlet colour from coccum, a scarlet colour); and A. personatus, per'son-dt'tis (L. personatus, pro- vided with a mask, counterfeited), species of Fungi which, being developed in a centrifugal man- ner, form fairy rings : A. clearing, ol'-e'dr'-i-us (L. oledrius, belong- ing to oil from oleum, oil) ; and A. Gardner!, gardener -I (Latinised proper name, Gardneri, of Gard- ner), these, and other species, give out a sort of phosphorescent light. agathophyllum aromaticum, agl dth-o-fil'-lum dr'-dm-at'-ik-tim (Gr. agathos, good, pleasant ; phutton, a leaf ; Gr. aromatikos, L. aromaticus, fragrant), the clove nutmeg of Madagascar ; an orna- mental tree. agave, n., ag'-av or ag'av-e (Gr. agauos, admirable), the American aloe, from the juice of which the alcoholic liquor pulque is made the systematic name is Agave Americana, ag'-av-e dm-^-ik-dn^ d: Agavese, n. plu., dg'tiv-e'e, one of Lindley's four tribes into which he divides the Amaryllidaceae or Amaryllis family. agglomerate, a., dg-glom^er-dt (L. agglomero, I heap up), heaped up ; crowded together. agrimony, n., dg'ri-md'ne (from alangium, its name in ALA 11 ALG Malabar), a family of tall orna- mental trees. alaria esculenta, al-ar'i-a fe#t& Vnt'ti, (L. alaria, on the wings, winged ; esculenta, edible, good to eat), the winged esculent ; one of the Algae or seaweed family. albescent, a., alb-Zs'-ent (L. albesco, I grow white), growing white. albicant, a., alb -ik- ant (L. albico, I am white), growing more whitish ; somewhat white. albino, n., alb-in'-d (L. albus, white), persons with white skin and hair, eyes of a pink colour, and extremely sensitive to the light, who yet may have other- wise perfect health : albinism, n. , alb'-in-ism, a condition of the hair wanting in any positive colour ; a pale condition in a plant. albumen, n., alb-um'-en (L. album- en, the white of an egg from albus, white), the nutritious farinaceous matter stored up with the embryo; the perisperm or endosperm ; one of the proxi- mate principles of animals and plants ; the white of the eyes ; white of an egg : albuminous, a., dlb-um'm-us, having the nature of albumen : albuminoid, a., alb- um'-m-oyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), resembling albumen : albuminose,n., -m-oz, the soluble portion of fibrin : albuminuria, n., alb f 'Um'in'Ur'i'a (albumen; Gr. our on, L. urlna, the urine), a diseased state in which albumen may be detected in the urine ; a term indicative of the presence of albumen in the urine. alburnum, n., al-bur'-ntim (L. alburnum from albus, white), the soft white substance between the inner bark and the true wood ; the outer young wood of a dicotyledonous stem. alcohol, n., al'-ko-Ul (Ar. al, the ; kohol, the impalpable powder of antimony with which the Orientals stain their eyelids, a pure extract), spirits of wine ; distilled spirits highly rectified ; a product of the vinous fermentation : absolute alcohol, in med., the pharmac- opceial name for 'rectified spirits'; alcoholata, al'kd-hol-dt'a, dis- tillation of alcohol with aromatic substances : alcoholate, n., -at, a salt containing alcohol : alco- holise, -Iz, to convert into alcohol : alcoholisation, n.,- fa- a' shun, the art of rectifying spirits of wine till it is absolutely pure : alcohol- ism, n., al'-kd'hol'izm, the symp- toms produced by over-indulgence in the use of alcoholic liquids. alder, n., awld f -er (AS. air, Ger. etter), the common name for the A Inus glutinosa. Aldrovanda vesiculosa, ald'rov- and f -a ves-ik'-ul-oz'-a (after the Italian botanist A Idrovandus ; veslcula, a little blister, a vesicle), a curious aquatic plant found in the south of Europe, distinguished by its whorled cellular leaves or floating bladders, Ord. Drosera- cese. aleurites lactifera, al'-ur-it'-ez lakt- if'-er-a (Gr. aleurites, made of wheaten flour, in allusion to the farinaceous substance which covers the whole plant from aleuron, wheaten flour; L. lac, milk, lactis, of milk ; fero, I carry), the green lac tree of Ceylon : aleurites triloba, trl'-lob-a (Gr. treis, three ; lobos, a lobe), the candle-nut tree, yielding an oil by expression, is purgative, and used by artists, Ord. Euphorbeaceae. Alga, n., alg'-d (L. alga, seaweed), a herb or weed growing in the sea or on the shore: Algse, n. plu., dlj'e, the Seaweed family, an Ord. of plants growing both in salt and fresh water also called hydroph- yta: algology, n., al-gol'-d-jl (Gr. logos, discourse), a treatise on the algse, or seaweeds ; the study of seaweeds. algaroba-bean, al'gar-ob'a, also carob, kar'-ob (Ar. al, the ; yar- oba* a bean tree), the common ALH 12 ALL name for the pod of the Ceratonia siliqua, supposed to have been the locusts of St. John Baptist, used occasionally for feeding horses; the name of the tree itself, found in S. of Europe and Palestine. Alhagi Maurorum, dl-hadf-l mawr-or'-urn (Ar. alhaji, the camel's thorn ; Mauri, the Moors or Mauritanians, Maurorum, of the Moors), the camel's thorn, from the leaves and branches of which a sweet secretion or kind of manna exudes in hot weather, Ord. Leguminosae, Sub-ord. Papilionacese. alhenna, n., dl-hen'na, or henna, n., Mn'nd (Ar. al, the ; hinna, henna), the Arabic name for the Lawsonia inermes, a tropical shrub, the leaves of which are used by Asiatics for dyeing the nails, etc. of an orange hue. Alismaceae, n. plu., dl'zs-md'-se-e (Gr. alisma, the water plantain), the water plantain family, an Ord. of plants growing in flowing or stagnant water : Alismese, n. plu., dl-is'me-e, a Sub-ord. : Alisma, n., dl-is'-md, a genus: alismaceous, a., dl'-is-ma'shus, having an arrangement of parts as in the water plantain family. alkali, n., dl'-kdl-i, alkalies, plu. (Ar. al, the ; gall or kali, the glass wort, the plant from which soda was first obtained), the oxides of certain metals, as potas- sium, sodium, calcium ; a sub- stance which has properties the reverse of an acid, and which combines with an acid so as to neutralise it and form a salt ; an alkali changes vegetable dyes, renders oil miscible with water, and possesses greater solubility than an earth: alkalifiable, a., -fl f -d'bl (L. fio, I am made), convertible into an alkali : alkal- ine, a., alk'-al'ln, having the properties of an alkali : alkalin- uria, n., dlk'-dl-in-ur'.i'd (Gr. ouron, L. urma, urine), an alkaline condition of the urine : alkaloid, n., dlfcdl-dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), a vegetable principle which acts chemically like an alkali, as quinia, strychnia, morphia: adj., resembling an alkali. Allamanda, n., dl^ldm-dnd-d (after Professor Allamand of Leyden), a handsome and free-fl oweringgenus of plants: Allamanda cathartica, kdth-drt f 4k'd (Gr. kathartikos, purifying or cleansing), a species, a native of Ceylon and Java, an infusion of whose leaves is both emetic and cathartic. allantoic, a., dl'-ldnt-o'-ik (Gr. alias, a sausage, allantos, of a sausage), of or pert, to the allan- tois: allantois, n., dl'-ldnt-o'-is, a membranous projection near the hinder part of the embryo, continuous with the intestinal cavity, the lower part within the embryo becoming the bladder, and the upper denominated the urachus; the allantoid mem- brane: allantoid, a., al'-lant-dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resem- bling a sausage ; denoting one of the membranes of the foetus com- municating with the bladder and containing the foetal urine : Allant- oidea, n. plu., dl'ldnt-dyd'-e-d, the group of vertebrata in which the foetus is furnished with an allantois, comprising the Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals : allantoin, n., al'dnt-6 f -m, a white crystal - lisable acid obtained from the allantoic liquid. alliaceous, a., til'-li-d'-shus (L. allium, garlic), pert, to the allium or garlic family; having a smell like garlic. allium, n., dl'-lt-um (L. allium, garlic), a genus of plants, com- prising the onion, leek, garlic, shallot, and chives, etc., Ord. Liliacese : Allium sativum, sat' iv'um (L. sativum, sown or planted), garlic, whose bulb is used as an irritant, stimulant, ALL J and diuretic: A. cepa, sep'd (L. ccepa, an onion), the onion : A. porrum, pdr'-um (L. porrum, a leek), the leek. allopathy, n., dlldp'-dth-i (Gr. allos, another ; pathos, suffering, disease), that mode of medical practice which consists in the use of drugs to produce in the body a condition opposite to the disease to be cured ; opposed to homoe- opathy, which professes to cure diseases by remedies which in a state of health would have pro- duced similar symptoms of dis- ease. allotropism, n., al-lot'rtip-ism (Gr. allos, another ; trope, change, conversion), the existence of the same body in more than one usual condition, and with different physical characteristics, as sul- phur, which is bright-yellow and brittle in one state, and when melted at a high temperature it becomes dark and extremely ten- acious: allotropy, n., al-ltit'rdp-i, same sense as allotropism : allot- ropic, a., dl'-lot-rop'-ik, of, or pert. to. Alnus, n., dl'nus (L. alnus, the alder tree), a genus of timber trees thriving best on the banks of rivers and in moist situations : Alnus glutinosa, gldif-ifi-oz'-d (L. glutinosus, gluey, glutinous from gluten, glue), the common alder, the wood used for underground purposes, and its charcoal in the manufacture of gunpowder : A. incana, in^kdn'-d (L. incdnus, quite grey, hoary), the bark of the species used in Kamtschatka in the preparation of a kind of bread, Ord. Betulacese. Aloe, n. , dl-o'-e (Gr. and L. aloe, the aloe, bitterness), a genus of plants, Ord. Liliacese, various species of which produce the drug called aloes : aloes, dl'oz, the inspissated juice of various species of the aloe, chiefly the Aloe Socotrina (from Sdcdtra), and Aloe spic- > ALS ata, spik'dt'd (L. spicatus, fur- nished with spikes), usually called Socotrine aloes, sdk'dt-rin dl'-oz : A. dichotoma, dl-Mt'-dm-d (Gr. dicholomos, cut into halves from dicha, doubly ; temno, I cut), an arborescent species of S. Africa, 30 feet high, called the Quiver tree : A. vulgaris, vulg-dr'-is (L. vulgaris, common, vulgar), from E. and W. Indies, and the source of the Barbadoes aloes : aloetic, a., dl'-o-et'-ik, also aloetical, a., -Ik'dl, applied to a medicine which contains a large proportion of aloes: AloinesB, dl-d-m'-e-e, for Aloe, the aloe tribe: aloe, a., al'6, applied to the trees, Ord. Lili- acese : aloin, n., dl-o'-in, the active principle of aloes. alopecia, n., dl'-o-pe'-shi-d (L. al- opecia, the fox sickness or mange from Gr. alopex, a fox), the fox evil or scurf; any kind of baldness. Aloysia, n., dl'-O'is'i-d (in honour of Maria Louisa, a queen of Spain), a genus of plants, Ord. Ver- benacese : Aloysia citriodora, sit'- ri'6d'6r''d (citrus, the citron tree), the sweet-scented verbena or lemon plant. Alpinia, n., dlp'$n' ; i'a(ateYAlpini, an Italian botanist), a genus of plants, Ord. Zingiberacese : Alpinia officinarum, df-fls'in- dr'-um (L. officlna, a workshop, a laboratory, officinarum, of workshops), a Chinese plant, the root stock of which constitutes the Galangal root of commerce, having the same properties as ginger : A. Galanga, gdl-dng'-gd (a supposed Indian name), sup- plies a similar rhizome. alsinaceous, a., dl'sm-d'shus (Gr. alsis, leaping, jumping, in refer- ence to the intervals between the petals ; or alsos, a grove or shady place, in reference to usual places of growth ; alslne, chickweed), denoting a polypetalous corolla, in which there are intervals be- ALS tween the petals, as in chick- weed : Alsinese, n. plu., al-sm'8-e, a tribe of plants of which the Alsine media, al>sln'-e med'-i-a (L. medius, midst, middle), com- mon chickweed, is the type, Ord. Caryophyllacese. Alsodese, n. plu., dl-sod^-e (Gr. alsodes, blooming, woody), a tribe of the Violaceae or violet family: Alsodeia, n., dl'so-di'd, a genus of plants, Ord. Violacese. Alstonia, n., dl-ston'-i-d (after Dr. Alston of Edinburgh), a tribe of plants of the Ord. Apocynaceae : Alstonia scholaris, skal-dr'-is (L. schola, a school), a species used in India as a tonic. Alstromeria, n., dV-strdm'er^d (after Alstromer of Sweden), a tribe of beautiful plants of the Ord. Amaryllidacese. alterative, n., dwlt'er-dt'iv (L. alter, another), a medicine which is supposed to alter the condition of the blood and tissues without producing any apparent evacua- tion : adj., having the power to change or alter without sensible evaeucation. alternate, a., dwU-Zrn'dt (L. alter o, I do everything by turns ; alt- ernus, one after another), in lot., arranged at different heights on the same axis, as leaves or branches which stand out singly and by turns with those of the opposite side : alternate genera- tion, a mode of reproduction among the lowest animal types, in which the young do not re- semble the parent, but the grand- parent. alternipinnate, &.,alt'$rn'i-pin'ndt (L. alternus, one after another ; pinna, a wing), in bot., applied to leaflets or pinnse which are placed alternately on each side of the midrib, and not directly opposite to each other; also called * altern- ately pinnate.' Althsea, n., al-fhef-a (L. althcea, Gr. althaia, the wild mallow 14 AMA said to be from Gr. althos, a cure, a remedy), a genus of tall free- flowering plants, so called from the medicinal qualities of some of the species, Ord. Malvaceae : Althsea officinalis, of-fts'-m-dl-ts (L. officinalis, officinal from officina, a workshop), the marsh mallow, employed medicinally as a demulcent and emollient : A. rosea, roz'-e-a (L. rftseus, pert, to roses from rosa, a rose), the hollyhock, which yields fibres and a blue dye. alumina, n., dl-dm'-in-d (L. alum- en, alum), the clay, loam, or other substance from which alum is obtained ; pure alumina is an oxide of the metal aluminum. alveolsB, n. plu., dl-ve'-ol-e (L. alveus, a hollow, a cavity from alvus, the belly, the abdomen), in bot., regular cavities on a surface, as in the receptacle of the sunflower: alveolate, a., di- ve' 81- at, deeply pitted so as to resemble a honey-comb ; having little hollows or cavities : alveoli, n. plu., dl-ve'ol-i, the sockets of the teeth: alveolar, &.,al-ve f '6l-ar, and alveolary, a., -dr-i, connected with the alveoli or sockets of the teeth: alveus, n., al f >ve-us, in anat., tubes or canals through which a fluid flows, generally the enlarged parts : alvine, a. , al'vin, belonging to the belly, stomach, and intestines ; the fseces or dung are termed alvine discharges. amadou, n., amf-ad-6 (F.), German tinder; a substance resembling doeskin leather, prepared from a dry leathery fungus found on old ash and other trees. amalgam, 11., am-al'gam (Gr. liama, together ; gameo,! marry), a compound formed of mercury with any other metal. Amanita muscaris, dm 'dn-iif-d mus'kdr'-is (Gr. amanltes, a mushroom ; muscarium, a fly-flap, the hairy parts of plants from musca, a fly), a species of fungus, AMA 15 AMH used as a means of intoxication | in Kamtschatka, Ord. Fungi: amanitin, n., dm'dn-U'm, the poisonous principle of fungi. Amaranthacese, n. plu., am'ar- dntli-d'-se-e (Gr. amarantos, L. amaranthus, unlading from Gr. a, not ; maraino, I parch or wither in reference to the length of time some of them retain their bright colours), the Amaranth family, an Ord. of plants : Amar- anthus, n., dmf-dr'dnth'us, also Amaranth, n., dm'dr'dnth, a Sub-ord. of the Amaranth family, among which are, * prince's feather, ' ' my-love-lies-bleeding, ' and ' cockscomb : ' amaranth- aceous, a., dm'dr-dnth-d'shus, having an arrangement of parts as in the amaranth : amarantous, a., amf-ar-ant'-us, undecayirig ; unfading. Amaryllidacese, n. plu., am'ar>il' li-dd'se-e (Amaryllis, a country girl celebrated by Virgil, the Latin poet), the Amaryllis family, an Ord. of beautiful bulbousplants : AmaryllesB, n. -p\u.,dm'>dr'tt'le-e, one of the tribes of the Amaryllis family; the snowdrop, the daffo- dil, and many other ornamental garden plants belong to this Order. amaurosis, n., am'-aJwr-o^-is (Gr. amaurosis, the act of rendering obscure from amour os, obscure), imperfect vision or total blind- ness, due to paralysis of the optic nerves, arising from various causes : amaurotic, a., drnf-a/wr- ot'*ik, pert, to the partial blind- ness or loss of sight produced by paralysis of the optic nerves. amblyopia, n., dm'bli-Sp'i-d (Gr. amblus, blunt, weak ; dps, the eye), impaired or weakened vision ; obscurity of vision ; incomplete amaurosis. ambrina anthelmintica, dm-brm'd dnth'el-mmt'ik'd (not ascer- tained : Gr. anti, against ; hel- miw, a tape-worm), a plant of the Ord. Chenopodiacere, which yields a volatile oil, used in the cure of worms. ambulacra, n. plu., am'-bul-d^ra, (L. ambulacrum, a walking- place from ambulo, I walk up and down), the perforated spaces in the crusts or plates of the Echinodermata, through which are protruded the feet, by means of which locomotion is effected by them : ambulacriform, a., -dk'ri'fftrm (L. forma, shape), having the form and appearance of ambulacra : ambulatory, a., at'-^T'l, formed for walking. ambustio, n., dm-bust'i-d (L. am- bustio, a burn), a burn or scald : ambustial, a., dm-bust'i-dl, pro- duced by a burn. amenorrhoea, n., dm'en'dr-re'd (Gr. a, without; men, a month; rheo, I flow), the absence or re- tention of the usual flow of the menses. amentum, n., dm-ent'-um (L. amentum, a leathern thong), in bot. , a catkin or imperfect flower hanging somewhat like a rope or cat's tail, consisting of an axis covered with bracts in the form of scales: amenta, n. plu., dm-ent'd: AmentifersB, n. plu., am^nt-lf- er-e (L. fero, I bear), a family of fossil plants, bearing amenta : amentiferous, a., -er-us, denoting plants having amenta or catkins : amentaceous, a., dm'ent>d'shus, having amenta or catkins. ametabolic, a., d-met'-a-bdl'-ik (Gr. a, without; metabole, change), applied to insects not possessing wings when perfect, and which, therefore, do not pass through any marked metamorphosis. Amherstia, n., dm-hers'ti-d (in honour of the Countess Amherst), a tribe of plants of the Sub-ord. Csesalpineae, and Ord. Legum- inosse, plants profusely orna- mented with pendulous racemes of large vermilion - coloured blossoms. AMM 16 AMO ammi copticum, am'-mikopt'tk-tim (Gr. ammos, sand, in reference to the soil best adapted for its growth), a plant of the Ord. Umbelliferse ; the Ajowan, or Omam, a condiment of India. ammonia, n., dm-mon'-l-d (Am- mon, the Libyan Jupiter ; after the place where first found, and where his temple stood), a trans- parent, pungent gas ; the volatile alkali ; spirits of hartshorn, a substance used in medicine and the arts : ammoniac, a., dm -mon i- ok, also ammoniacal, -i'-dk-dl, and ammonic, a., dm-mMik, pert, to or possessing the pro- perties of ammonia; pungent: ammonium, n., am-mori'-i-urn, the supposed base of ammonia : sal-ammoniac, n., the common name for chloride of ammonium : ammoniacum, n., amf-mdn-i'-ak- um (because the tree was sup- posed to grow chiefly at Ammon), the pharmacopoeial name of a gum resin from the north-east of India, exuded from the 'Dorema ammoniacum,' also called am- moniac, or gum-ammoniac: am- monio with the terminal o which indicates the leading in- fluencing power in a compound. Ammophila, n., am-mof-il-a (Gr. ammos, sand; phileo, I love), a genus of grasses which constitute bent and marram of the British shores, Ord. Graminese : ammoph- ila arenaria, dr'-en-fir'-i-a (L. arendrius, belonging to sand from arena, sand), one of the bents of the sea-shore, the roots forming a network among the sand: ammophilous, a., am-mof- il-fts, loving sand. amnesia, n., dm-nezh't-d (Gr. a, without ; mnesis, memory), an affection of the brain in which the memory is impaired ; want of memory : amnesic, a. , dm- nez'ik, caused by loss of memory. amnion, n., dm'm-dn (Gr. amnion, a vessel for receiving the blood of animals in sacrifice), the internal membrane of the ovum which completely envelopes the embryo, and contains the water surround- ing the ' foetus in utero :' amnios, n., dmf'Ui'Os, in bot., the fluid or semi-fluid matter in the em- bryo-sac : amniota, n. plu., dm'- m-ot'd, the group of the vert- ebrata in which the foetus is furnished with an amnion, com- prising reptiles, birds, and mam- mals : amniotic, a., am'-ni-ot'-ik, pert, to the amnion : amnitis, n., am-nit'-is, inflammation of the amnion. amceba, n., am-eh'-a (Gr. amoibos, doing in turn, exchanging), in zool., a species of rhizopod, so called from the numerous changes of form which it undergoes : amoebiform, a., am-eh'-i-form (L. forma, shape), resembling an amceba in shape : amoeboid, a., am-eb f 'dyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), amoebiform ; resembling the movements of amoeba. amonmm, n., dm-om'-um (Gr. a, without ; momos, a blemish, having a supposed allusion to the qualities of some of the species as counterpoisons), a Sub-ord. of plants, Ord. Zingiberacese, the cardamoms of commerce, consti- tuting the seed of several species ; the Grains of Paradise are the seeds of one of the species: am- omeous, a., dm'dm'&'US, having an arrangement of parts as in the amoma : Amomum cardamom- urn, kdrd'-dm-6m'iim (Gr. kard- amomon, an aromatic . plant ; kardamon, a kind of cress), sup- plies the round cardamoms of Java, Siam, and Sumatra : A. aromaticum, dr'-dm-at'-ik-wri (L. aromaticus, aromatic, fragrant), the Bengal cardamom : A. max- imum, maks'im-tim (L. maximus, greatest), another Java species fur- nishing a kind of cardamom : A. melegueta, mel-fy'-u-et'-d, Grains of Paradise, or Melegueta pepper. AMO 17 AMP amorphous, a., am-8rf'us (Gr. a, without ; morphe, form or shape), having no regular structure or definite form : amorphism, n., dm-drf'izm, a condition of shape- lessness : amorphophyte, n., -o-fit (Gr. phuton, a plant), a plant that has irregular or anomalous flowers. amorphozoa, n. plu. , am-orf'dz-d'a (Gr. a, without ; morplie, shape ; zoon, an animal), a name some- times used to designate .the sponges : amorphozous, a., dm'- drj-Gz'us, designating animals without determinate shape. ampelidese, n. plu*, dm'p$l-id'$-e (Gr. ampelos, the vine plant ; ampelis, a small vine, ampelidos, of a small vine), the vine family.; also called the 'Vitacese': am- pelopsis, n., dm'pel-ops'-is (Gr. opsis, appearance), certain plants which resemble the vine ; the Virginian creeper, cultivated as a climbing plant. amphiarthrosis, n. ,dm'f$-dr'thrdz' is (Gr. amphi, about, on .both sides ; arthrosis, articulation from arthron, a joint), a mixed articulation with obscure and limited motion, of \yhich we have examples in the limited motion of the vertebrae. amphibia, n. plu., dm-fib'i-d, also amphibians, n. plu., -l-dnz (Gr. amphi, both, on both sides ; bios, life), animals that can live either on land or in water, as frogs, newts, and the like, which have gills when young, but breathe air directly when in the adult state : amphibial, a., and amphibian, a., pert, to: amphibious, a., -i-us, able to live on land or in water. amphicaelous, a., dm'-fi-sel'-us (Gr. amphi, on both sides ; koilos, hollow), applied to vertebrae which are concave at both ends. amphicarpous, a., am'-fi-karp'-tis (Gr. amphi, both ; Jcarpos, fruit), possessing two kinds of fruit. amphidiscs, n. plu., dm'-fi- disks (Gr. amphi, on both sides ; diskos, L. discus, a quoit, a disc), the spicula which surround the gemmules of Spongilla, and re- semble two toothed wheels united by an axil. amphigamse, n. plu., dm-yig'-dm-e (Gr. amphi, on both sides ; gamos, marriage), a Sub-ord. of the ; 0rd. Hepaticse, plants whose fructification is unknow r n, and which may therefore be of both sexes: amphigameous, a., dm-fi- gdm'-e'US) designating plants whose fructification has not yet been ascertained. amphigastria, n. plu., dm'fi-gas' tri'd (Gr. amphi, both ; g aster, the belly), the scale-like stipules of mosses. amphigenous, a,, dm'fidf-en-us (Gr. amphi, both ; genndo, I produce), applied to Fungi when the hymenium is not restricted to any particular surface. amphioxus, n., am'-fi-Sks'-us (Gr. amphi, on both sides ; oxus, sharp, pointed), the lancelet, a little fish, which itself alone con- stitutes the Ord. Pharyngobran- chii. amphipneusta, n. plu., dm nust'-d (Gr. amphi, on both sides ; pneusis, breathing, res- piration), applied to those am- phibians which retain their gills along with their lungs, through life : amphipneustous, a., -nust'- us, having both branchiae and lungs as organs of respiration. amphipoda, n. plu.,, am-fip'tid-d (Gr. amphi, on both sides; pous, a foot, podos, of a foot), an Ord. of Crustaceae which have feet on both sides, directed partly for- wards and partly backwards, as feet for both walking and swim- ming i amphipodous, a., dm- fip'-od-us, having feet on both sides. amphisarca, n., dm'-fi-sdrlc'-d^T. amphi, on both sides ; sarx, flesh, sarkos t of flesh), an inde- AMP 18 AMY hiscent multilocular fruit with a hard exterior, and pulp round the seeds in the interior, as in the Baobab : amphisarcous, a., -mrV- us, fleshy or pulpy on all sides. amphistoma, n., am-fis'-tdm-a (Gr. amphi, on both sides; stoma, a mouth, stomata, mouths), a genus of the Entozoa having a cup at each extremity by which they adhere to the intestines : amphistomous, a., drn'/is'-tom-us, belonging to the amphistoma : amphistomum conicum, Ic6n'-ik> um (Gr. konikos, belonging to a cone from konos, a cone), a parasite met with in the stomachs of the ox and sheep : A. crum- eniferum, krdm'Zn-if'er-'iim (L. crtimena, a bag ; fero, I carry), a parasite of the ox: A. explanatum, eks'-plan-at'-um (L. explandtum, to flatten, to spread out), a para- site of the ox found in the liver : A. truncatum, trungk-dt'um (L. truncdtus, cut or lopped off), a parasite of the cat. amphitropal, a,, amfitfrtip-al (Gr. amphi, on both sides ; trope, a turn, a change), in bot., having an ovule or embryo curved on itself, with the hilum in the middle. amphora, n., am'-for-a (L. and Gr. ), an ancient wine vessel of an oblong shape, with a handle on each side of the neck : amphoric, a., am-fdr'ik, belonging to or shaped like an amphora: am- phoric resonance, the peculiar clang which may accompany any of the ordinary auscultatory phen- omena when resonating within a large cavity. amplexicaul, a., am-pUks'-ik-awl (L. amplector, I embrace ; caulis, the stem), in bot., embracing the stem over a large part of its cir- cumference, as the base of a leaf. ampulla, n., am-pobl'-la (L. am- pulla, a bottle for liquids, narrow at the neck, and bulging out in the middle), in anat., the trum- pet - mouthed portions of the semicircular canals of the internal ear ; any part having the same shape; in ch em., a bellied vessel; in bot., a hollow leaf:ampullaceous, a., amf-pool'ld'-shus, like a bellied bottle or inflated bladder. Amygdalese, n. plu., am'-ig-dal'-e-e, also called ' Prunese ' (Gr. amug- dale, also amugddlos, the almond tree, the nut), a Sub-ord. of the Rosaceae, chiefly remarkable from the presence of hydrocyanic acid in their kernels, leaves, and flowers : amygdalae, n. plu., am- ig'-dal-e, the tonsils, the rounded lobes at the sides of the vallecula on the under surface of the cere- bellum : amygdalate, n. plu., am-ig'-dal-dt, made of almonds : amygdalic, a., am'ty'dal'ik, of or belonging to the almond ; ob- tained from amygdalin : amyg- dalin, n., a white crystalline substance obtained from bitter almonds ; the peculiar action of Synaptase on amygdalin, produces hydrocyanic acid also found in bitter almonds : amygdaloid, a., am-ig'-dal-oyd, and amygdal- oidal, a. (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), almond-shaped: Amyg- dalus, n., am-ig'-dal-tis, the almond tree, the A. dulcis, dul'> s$s (L. dulcis, sweet), yielding the sweet almond ; and the A. amara, am-dr'a (L. amdrus, bitter), the bitter almond. amylaceous, a., am'-il-af-shtis (Gr. amulon, L. amylum, starch), pert, to or resembling starch : amylene, n. , am'-il-en, a substance obtained from fusel oil distilled with chloride of zinc : amylic, a., am-il'-ik, obtained from starch : amyloid, &.,am'-ll'dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling starch : amyl, n., am'il, the hypothetical basis of a series of compounds, comprising ' fusel oil ' : amyl al- cohol, an oily, colourless liquid, with a peculiar odour, and burn- ing, acrid taste ; fusel oil. AMY 19 Amyridaceae, n. plu., arti'ir-ld-af- &-e (Gr. a, intensive ; murrhis, a sweet-scented plant, murrkidos, of a sweet-scented plant), an Ord. of plants, now referred to Ord. Bur- seracese, which see ; the balsam trees : Amyridesa, n. plu. , am'tr- wf-e-e, a Sub-ord. : Amyris, n., am'ir-is, a genus : Amyris toxifera, ttiks-if'er'd (L. toxic- urn, poison ; fero, I bear), a species said to be poisonous. anabasis, n., an-ab'-as-is (Gr. anabasis, an ascent,, progress from ana, up ; baino> 1 go, I ascend), in med., the increase of a disease or paroxysm ; Anabasis ammodendron, am'-mo-den'-dron (Gr. ammos, sand ; dendron, a tree), a peculiar leafless shrub of Khiva. Anacardiaceae, n. plu., an'-d-Tcard- i-af'i&'Q (Gr. ana, similar to ; kardia, the heart so called from the form of the nuts of some of them), an Ord. of trees and shrubs; the cashew nut family, some of which bear edible fruits, as the mango,, and many of them furnish gum resins in much re- quest for varnishes and dyes : Anacarddum, n., an'-a-hard'-i-urn, a genus of plants : Anacard'ium occidentale, dk'si-d8nt'dl''& (L. ocddentalis, western), the tree which furnishes the cashew nut, remarkable for its large succulent peduncle supporting the fruit or nut: anacardiaceous, a., an'a- kdrd-i-af'Slius, having an arrange- ment of fruits as in the anacard- ium. Anacharis, n., an-alc'-ar-is (Gr. ana, without; charis, grace, beauty), an aquatic plant, Ord. Hydrocharidacese, which exhibits under the microscope the rotation of protoplasm in its cells. Anacyclus, n., an'-a-silc'-lus (Gr. anthos, a flower; kuldos, a circle alluding to the rows of ovaries placed around the disc), a genus of hardy annuals, of the Sub-ord. ANA Corymbiferse, Ord. Composite : Anacyclus pyrethrum, plr-eth'- rum (Gr. pur, fire), the pellitory of Spain, an irritant, and pro- moting the secretion of saliva, properties depending on the presence of a volatile oil. Anagallis, n.,an'a-gal'lis (Gr. and L. anagallis, the plant pimpernel from ana, up, through ; gala, milk from its property of coag- ulating milk), a genus of plants, Ord. Primulacese, flowering plants whose flowers are meteoric that is, open always only during good weather and at particular hours, so as to act as hour glasses and weather glasses: anagallis arv- ensis, arv>ens'is (L. arvensis, field inhabiting from arvum, a field),, the plant called 'the poor man's weather-glass,' or * shepherd's weather-glass,' whose flowers open about 8 A.M., but only in fine weather ; the scarlet pimpernel. anaemia, n., an-emf-i-d (Gr. a, without; haima, blood), diminu- tion in the amount of the blood ; the condition arising from such diminution : anaemic, a., dn>em'' lie, without blood. anaesthesia, n., an'-es-ihez'-i-a (Gr. anaisthesia, the want or loss of feeling from ana, with- out; aistkesis, sensation),, the loss of feeling or sensation induced by the inhalation of an etherial vapour; or due to organic or functional disease of the nervous system ; also, in same sense, an- aesthetics, n. plu., an'-es-thU'.iks: the agents which take away sensibility from a part, or from the whole system, by acting on the nervous system, are numerous, but those usually employed are such as, opium, ether, chloroform, aconite or aconitia, and bella- donna. anallantoidea, n. plu., tin'dl-la.nt' oyd'-e-a (Gr. an, without ; and allantoidea, which sec), the gvoi^> ANA 20 ANA of vertebrata in which the embryo is not furnished with an allantois. analogue, n., dn f -dl-6g{. analogue from Gr. ana, similar to ; logos, ratio, proportion), an object that has a resemblance to, or corre- spondence with, another object; a part or organ in one animal which has the same function as another part or organ in a different animal : analogue regards simil- arity of function, noniologue, identity of parts: analogy, n., dn-al'd-ji, resemblance between one thing and another in some points; in anat., the relation of parts of a different nature, which, however, perform similar functions: analogous, a., an-al'- dg-us, applied to parts of a differ- ent nature which perform the same or similar functions ; in bot. , applied to a plant'Which strikingly resembles one of another genus so as to represent it. Anamirta cocculus, an'-am-irt'-a kok f -ul'US (not ascertained : coccus, a berry; cocculus, a little berry), a plant of the Ord. Menispermacese, whose fruit, called Cocculus In- dicus, is extremely bitter ; its poisonous seeds were formerly employed to give bitterness to beer and porter. anamniota, n. plu., an-am'ni-ot'a (Gr. an, without ; amnion, a vessel for receiving the blood of an animal in sacrifice; see'amnos'), the group of vertebrata in which the embryo is destitute of an amnion. Ananassa sativa, an'-an-as'-sa sat- iv'-a (said to be from nanas, the Guiana name ; L. sativus, that is sown or planted), a species of the Ord. of trees Bromeliaceae, producing the well-known Ananas, or Pine-apples. anantherum, n., tin'an-ther'-um (Gr. ana, without; antheros, flowery, blooming), filaments with anthers. anarthropoda, n. plu. , an'-ftr-tlurop'- tid-d (Gr. an, without; arthros, a joint ; pous, a foot, podos, of a foot), that division of annulose animals in which there are no articulated appendages. anasarca, n., an'ci-sdrk'a (Gr. ana, through ; sarx, flesh, sarkos, of flesh), watery effusion into the cellular tissue; dropsy of the exterior of the body. anastatica, n., an'-as-tat'-ik-a (Gr. anastatikos, pert, to a recovery from anastasis, a rising up, a re- covery), the rose of Jericho, Ord. Crucilerse, the stalks of which, however curled and dry, will re- turn to their original form when immersed in water. anastomose, v., an-as'-tftm-oz (Gr. anastomosis, the formation of a mouth or aperture from ana, through; stoma, a mouth), to unite one vessel to another, as the mouth of a vein to that of another ; to inosculate : anas- tomosis, n., an-as'-tom-oz'-is, the union of the branch of a vessel with another from the same trunk, or from other trunks ; in bot., union of vessels ; union of the final ramifications of the veins of a leaf: anastomotic, a., tin-its' t8m-6t f -ik, pert, to anastomosis. anastomotica brachialis, an'-a- stom-ot'-ik'a &ra (Gr. anei- mon, naked), an ornamental genus of ferns having a naked inflores- cence, Ord. Filices. Anemoneaa, n. plu., (Gr. anemos, the wind), a sub- order of the Ord. Ranunculaceee : Anemone, n.,dn-$m'dn-e, a genus of plants, many of the species of which inhabit elevated windy places : anemone, n., dn-Zm'-dn-e, the wind flower: anemophilous, a., dnt&m-df'il-us (Gr. philos, loved), applied to plants fertilized by the agency of wind: Anemone nemorosa, nemf-or-oz^d (L. ne~ morosus, pert, to a grove from nVmus, a grove), a plant found in woods in Britain. aner, an'er, andro-, an'dro- (Gr. aner, a man, andros, of a man), in bot., terms in composition denoting 'male' or 'stamen.' Anethum, n., dn-eth'um (L. aneth- um, Gr. anethon, dill), a genus of plants, the seeds of which are used as flavouring agents by cooks and confectioners, and in med. as a carminative: A. graveolens, grdv'e-ol-enz (L. graveolens, strong - smelling), common gar- den dill ; see ' fennel ' in Diet. aneurism, n., dn'-ur-izm (Gr. aneurusma, the dilatation of an artery from ana, throughout ; eurus, broad), a tumour filled with blood, which communicates directly or indirectly with an artery, and arises from a rupture, a wound, an ulcera- tion, or from the simple dilata- tion of an artery ; also applied to enlargement or dilatation of the heart: aneurismal, a., dn'iir 'formal, pert. to. NOTE. An aneurism is an abnormal dilatation in the course of a vessel due to degeneration of its coats (true aneurism) ; or to the rupture of one or more of these coats (false aneurism) ; or from excessive anas- tomosis (aneurism by anastomosis). When applied to tte heart, aneurism signifies a circumscribed pouch caused by the breaking down of a limited portion of the heart- wall. anfractuose, a., dn-frakt'u-oz (L. . anfractus, a tortuous or circuitous ANG 23 route), in bot. , wavy or sinuous, as the anthers of gourds and cucumbers. Angelica, n. , an -jel^k-d(L. angelus, an angel, from its supposed angelic virtues), plants whose roots have a fragrant, agreeable smell, and bitterish, pungent taste, Ord. Umbelliferae. angienchyma, n., dn'ji-eng'kim-a (Gr. anggeion, a vessel ; engchu- ma, an infusion from engchuo, I pour in), in bot., vascular tissue in general : angiocarpous, a. , an'- ji-o-karp'-us (Gr. karpos, fruit), applied to lichens having fructi- fication in cavities of the thallus, and opening by a pore; hav- ing seed in a vessel : angio- spermous, a., dn'ji-d-sperm'us (Gr. sperma, seed), having seeds contained in a seed vessel : angiosperms, n. plu., dn'jt-o- sperms (Gr. sperma, seed), the great mass of flowering plants, so called because the seeds are usually enclosed in a seed vessel or pericarp : angiospor- ous, a., an'-ji-ds'-pdr-us (Gr. spora, seed), applied to crypto- gamic plants having spores or seeds contained in a theca or sporangium, that is, in a spore case or seed vessel : Angiosporae, n. plu., dn'ji-ds'pdr-e (Gr. spora, seed), a sub-class nearly corre- sponding with the sub - class Acotyledons of the sub-kingdom Cryptogamous plants, having a certain amount of vascular tissue, and sporangia or thecse containing spores. angina, n., an-jin'-a (L. angina, quinsy from ango, I choke or strangle), a general term for dis- eases in which a sense of suffoca- tion is a prominent symptom : anginal, a., an-jin'-al, alsoangin- ose, a., dn'jin-dz, pert, to angina: angina pectoris, p&kt''tir*te (L. pectus, the breast, pectoris, of the breast), a distressing malady, in which a most excruciating pain ANI is felt in the chest, with a feeling of strangulation, and a terrible sense of impending death. angularis faciei, dng'ul-dr''isfas'- i-$i (L. angularis, angular from angulus, an angle ; fades, the face), the angular artery of the face, which forms the termination of the trunk of the facial, and ascends to the inner angle of the orbit. angustiseptse, n. plu,, ang'gust- i-s&pi'-e (L. angustus, narrow; septum, partition), those fruits or seed vessels which have their partition in their narrow diameter : angustiseptate, a., dng'-gust'i* sZpt'-at, having the partition of the fruit or seed vessel very narrow. anhydride, n., an-hld'-rid (Gr. an., not, without; hudor, water), in chem., a body destitute of water: anhydrous, a., an-hld'-rus, con- taining no water. Anigosanthus, n., dn'i-goz-dnth' us (Gr. not ascertained ; anthos, a flower), a genus of plants so called from their long con- spicuous scapes upon which the flowers are raised, Ord. Hsemo- doracese. anise, n., an'is (L. anlsum, Gr. anizon, anise), an annual plant whose seeds have an aromatic smell, and pleasant, warm taste, furnishing an aromatic oil : anise - seed or aniseed, the seed of the plant ; the Pimpinella anisum. anisos, an-is'd's (Gr. anisos, un- equal), in composition, denoting 'unequal:' anisomerous, a., an'- t'Sdrn'Sr-us (Gr. meros, a part), unsymmetrical. anisostemonous, a., tints' ds* tern'- on- us (Gr. anisos, unequal; sterna, the stamen of a plant, the warp of a web), having stamens neither equal in number to the floral envelopes, nor a multiple of them : anisostemopetalous, a., an-is-d- sffimf'd-pet'dl'us (Gr. sterna, a stamen; petalon, a petal), naving ANN stamens unequal in number to the divisions of the corolla: anisos- tomous, a., an'-is-os'tom-us (Gr. sfoma, a mouth), having unequal divisions of a calyx or corolla. Annelida, n. plu., dn'nel'id'd or an-nel'td-d, also annelids, n. plu. , dn'nel-tdz (L. annellus, a little ring; Gr. eidos, resemblance), those creatures that have their bodies formed of a great number of small rings, as the earth-worm, forming one of the divisions of the Anarthropoda. annotinus, n., dn-nM-in-us (L. annotmus, a year old from annus, a year), a year old ; that produces seed and dies within the same year in which it germinated: also annual, a., and annualis, in same sense: annotinous, a,, tin-not' m- us, showing last year's shoot by a visible point of junction. annulus, n., an' nul-us(L. annulus, a ring), in bot., applied to the elastic rim surrounding the sporangia of some ferns; the cellular rim on the stalk of the mushroom, being the remains of the veil; any circular opening resembling a ring : annulate, a. , dn'-nul-dt, also annulated, a., an' nul-dt-ed, composed of asuccession of rings : Annularia, n. plu. , an' nul'dr'-i-d, a genus of fossil herb- aceous plants, having whorls on the same plane with their stems : Annuloida, n. plu., dn'nul-oyd'd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), the sub- kingdom comprising Echinoderm- ata and Scolicida: Annulosa, n. plu. , dn'nul'Oz'd, the sub-kingdom comprising the Anarthropoda and the Arthropoda or Articulata ; in all, the body is more or less com- posed of a succession of rings : annulus ovalis, &vdl'ie(L. ovdlis, oval), inanat., the prominent oval margin of the foramen ovale. anodyne, n., dn'-od-ln (Gr. an, without ; odune, pain), any medic- ine which relieves pain. Anomoura, n. plu., an' dm- or' d, 4 ANT also anomura, n. plu., an'om-6r'-& (Gr. anomos, irregular; oura, a tail), a family of crustaceans characterized by their irregular tails, of which the 'hermit crab' is the type. Anonacese, n. plu., dn'on-d'se-e (from anona or menona, its native Banda name), the custard apple family, an Order of ornamental trees and shrubs : Anona, n., an- on' a, a genus of trees, com- prising for the most part fruit- bearing plants : Anona muricata, mur-tk-dt'ti (L. muricdtus, shaped like the murex shell, pointed); A. squamosa, skwdwm-oz'd (L. squdrnosus, scaly from squama, a scale) ; and A. reticulata, re- tik'ul-dtf'd (L. reticuldtus;, net- like, reticulated from rete, a net), are the species which furnish the custard apples^ the sweet sops, and the sour sops of the East and West Indies : A. cherimolia, ker'i-mol'i'd (Sp. chirimoya, a custard apple), furnishes the cherimoyer, a well-known Peruv- ian fruit. Anoplura, n. pla.,an'd-pl6r'd (Gr. anoplos, unarmed; oura, a tail), an Order of apterous insects. anorexia, n., dn'o-reks'i-d (Gr. an, without; orexis, a longing for, eager desire), want of appetite . also anorexy, n., dn'o-reks-i. Anoura, n., dn-6r'd (Gr. a, with- out; oura, a tail), the order of Amphibia, comprising frogs and toads, in which the adult is destit- ute of a tail; also called Bat- rachia: anourous, a., an-dr'us, tailless. antacid, n., ant-as'id (Gr. anti, against ; L. acidus, sour), any medicines, as the alkalies and alkaline earths, which counteract the formation of acids in the system. antenna, n., tin-ten' na, antennae, plu., dn-ten'ne (L. antenna, a sail-yard), the jointed feelers or horns upon the heads of insects ANT 25 ANT and Crustacea : antennules, n. plu., an'ten'nul-ez, the smaller pairs of antennae in the insects and Crustacea. anterior, a., dnt-er'i'er(L. anterior, former, that which lies before), before ; in front : anterior ligament, a ligament that lies in front or before another : anterior superior, the higher point of two situated anteriorly or in front see the separate words ; in bot., part of a flower next the bract, or in front; same as inferior when applied to the parts of the flower in their relation to the axis. anthela, n.,dnth-el r -d (Gr. anthele, a little blossom from anthe, a blossom), the cymose panicle of the Juncacese or Rush family ; a cluster of inflorescence, particul- arly on rushes, whose branches are widely expanded. anthelmintic, n., dnth'el-mmt'ik (Gr. anti, against; helmins, a tape-worm, helminthos, of a tape- worm), a medicine given for de- stroying or expelling intestinal worms. Anthemis, n., dnth'Zm-is (Gr. anthemon, a flower, a blossom so called from its great production of flowers), a genus of plants of the Sub-ord. Corymbifene, Ord. Compositse: Anthemis nobilis, ntib'-il-is (L. nobills, famous, re- nowned), the chamomile, whose flowers are odoriferous and yield a volatile oil; the flowers are much employed in various ways medicinally : A. tinctoria, tingk- tdr f -i-d (L. tinctoria, dyeing, or belonging to a dyer), a species which supplies a yellow in dyeing. anther, n., anth'er (Gr. antheros, flowery, blooming from anthos, a flower), the head part of the stamen of a flower containing the pollen or fertilizing dust. Anthericese, n. plu., dnth'er-is'8-e (Gr. antherix, a stalk, antherikos, of a stalk), a tribe of plants of the Ord. Liliacese ; the Asphodel tribe: Anthericum, n., dnth-er' Ik-urn, a genus of plants com- prising some beautiful species. antheridium, n., dnth'-er-id'-i-um, antheridia, plu., dnth'-er-id'-i-d (Gr. antheros, flowery; eidos, resemblance), male organs in cryptogamic plants, frequently containing moving filaments analogous to spermatozoa of animals: antheriferous, a., tinth'- er-tf-er'US (L. fero t 1 bear), bearing anthers. antherozoa, n. plu., dnth'e'r-o-zo'd (Gr. antheros, flowery; zoon, an animal)) the spiral filaments or molecules having vibratile appendages discharged from the antheridia; the moving filaments in the antheridium of a flowerless plant: antherozoids, n. plu., dnth-'er f '6-zdydz (Gr. eidos, re- semblance), same sense; minute bodies which exhibit movements in the antheridium. anthesis, n., dnth-ez'-is (Gr. anthos, a flower), the opening of the flower; the production of flowers. anthistiria, n. plu., tinth'-fa-ttr'-l'd (Gr. anthesteria, the feast of the flowers), the kangaroo grass of Australia; satin grass; Ord. Graminese. anthocarpous, a., dnth'-o-kdrp'us (Gr. anthos, a flower ; karpos, fruit), formed, as a certain class of fruits, from a number of blossoms united into one body; applied to multiple, polygynoecial, or confluent fruits, formed by the ovaries of several flowers. Anthocerotese, n. plu., anth-os^ er-tit'e-e (Gr. anthos, a flower; keras, a horn from the horn- like form of the theca), the third of the three sections of the Ord. Hepaticse : Anthoceros, n. , dnth' ds'er-os, a genus of small frond ose plants, so called from the horn- like form of the theca. anthocyane, n., ant/i'-d-sl'-an-e^r. anthos, a flower; kuanos, dark- blue, sky-coloured), the supposed ANT 26 ANT blue colouring matter in flowers of that hue. anthodium, n., dnth-od^i-iim (Gr. anthodes, flowery from anthos, a flower; eidos, resemblance), the common calyx which contains the capitulum or head of flowers of composite plants. anthophore, n., anth'o-for (Gr. anthos, a flower ; phero, I carry), a stalk supporting the inner floral envelopes, and separating them from the calyx : anthophorous, a., dnth'df'or'tis, bearing many flowers. anthosperm, n., dnth*d-spe'rm (Gr. anthos, a flower ; sperma, seed), coloured matter in the cells of certain fronds. anthotaxis, n., dnth'-o-tdks'is (Gr. anthos, a flower ; taxis, arrang- ing), in bot., the arrangement of the flowers on the axis. anthoxanthine, n., dnth'-tiks-dnth'- in (Gr. anthos, a flower ; xanthos, yellow), the supposed yellow colouring matter in flowers of that hue. anthrax, n., dnth'rdks (Gr. anth- rax, a live coal), a carbuncle ; a local suppuration which may be idiopathic, or may accompany other diseases as diabetes, or malignant fevers such as the plague, etc., common also in the lower animals as well as in man: anthracoid, a., dnth ddm'm-al'is (L. abdomen, the belly), the abdominal aorta, the direct continuation of the thoracic aorta: aorta thoracica, th6r*as' ik-d (L. thorax, the breast, the thorax, thordds, of the breast), the thoracic aorta, the continu- ation of the arch of the aorta, extending from the lower border of the fifth to the twelfth dorsal vertebra. aperient, n., ap-er'-i-ent (L. aperiens, opening),, a medicine that opens the bowels: adj., gently purgative. aperispermic, a., ap-er'i-sperm'ik (L. aperio, I open; sperma, seed), in bot.. 9 without separate albumen. apetalous, a., a-pet'-al-us (Gr. a, without ; petalon, a leaf), hav- ing no petals ; monochlamyde- ous. Aphaniptera, n., af-an-ip'ter-a (Gr. aphanes, unseen, not ap- parent from a, not, phaino, I snow ; pteron, a wing), an order of insects, comprising fleas, apparently without wings : aph- anipterous, a., af-an-ip'-ier-us, apparently without wings. aphasia, n., a-fa'-zhi-a (Gr. aphasia, inability to speak from a, not, and phdo, I speak), am- nesic loss of speech from loss of memory of words ; ataxic loss of speech from loss of co-ordinatiou APH 28 APL of the muscles involved in articul- ate speech. Aphelandra, n. plu., df-el-dnd'-rti (Gr. apheles, simple, artless ; aner, a man, andros, of a man), a genus of plants, Ord. Acanth- aceae, some of the species of which are cultivated for their showy flowers. aphonia, n., d-fon'$-d(Gr. aphonia, want of voice from a, without; phone, voice), loss of voice. aphthse, n. plu., df'-the (Gr. aph- tkai, ulcerations inside the mouth from apto, I inflame), small white ulcers on the tongue, gums, palate, etc.; thrush: aphthous, a., df-thus, pert, to thrush; having aphthae or blisters on the skin or mucous membranes : aphthaphytes, n. plu., af'-tha- fits (Gr. phuton, a plant), the mould or fungi that gives rise to aphthae in the human species : aphthoid, a., df-thoyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling aphthaB. Aphyllantheaa, n. plu., af-il- dnih'-e-e (Gr. a, without; phullon, a plant ; anthos, a flower), a tribe of plants, Ord. Liliaceae ; the grass-tree tribe, having a rush-like habit, and membranous imbricated bracts: Aphyllanthes, n. plu., af f 'il-dnth f -ez, a genus of plants, having stems like a rush, and bearing on their summits little tufts of flowers. aphyllous, a., df-il'-lus or df'-il-lus (G. a, without; phullon, a leaf), in bot., destitute of leaves : aphylly, n., df-il'li, the suppres- sion or want of leaves. apical, a., dp'-ik-dl, also apicilar, a,, dp-isf-il-dr (L. apex, a tip or extremity, apicis, of an ex- tremity), relating to the pointed end of a cone-shaped body; at the apex; in bot., often applied to parts connected with the ovary. apiculus, n., dp-ik'ul-us, also apiculum, n., -til-urn (L. apic- ulus, a little point from apex, a tip or point), in bot., a terminal soft point springing abruptly: apiculate, a., dp-ik'-ul-dt, pert, to an apiculus, apillary, n.. dp'il-ldr-i (Gr. a, without; L. plleus, Gr. pilos, a felt cap), the suppression or want of the upper lip of a flower, Apios tuberosa, ap'-i-os tub'-Zr-dz'-d (Gr. apion, a pear ; apios, a pear tree; L. tuber, a protuberance, tub$ris, of a protuberance), a plant, of the Sub-ord. Papilion- aceae, and Ord. Leguminosae, whose roots are used as an article of food in America, Aplacentalia, n. plu., dp'-lds-%nt> dl'-i'd (Gr. a, without; Eng. plac- enta), the section of the Mam- malia, including the Didelphia and Monadelphia, in which the young is not furnished with a placenta : see ' placenta. ' aplanatic, a., dp'-ldn-atl (Gr. aplSos, single ; peri, round about; stoma, a mouth), in bot., a term applied to those mosses which have the mouth of their thecae naked, or which have a single peristome : aploperis- tomatous, a., dp'-lo-per'-i-stdm'- dt-us (Gr. stoma, a mouth, stom- dtos, of a mouth), having a single peristome, or composed of only one row of teeth. aplostemonous, a., dp'ld-si&m' tin-us (Gr. aplotis, single ; Gr. sfemdn, L. stamen, the upright APL 29 APO threads in an ancient loom which stood upright, while the same is now placed horizontally; a warp), in hot. , a flower with a single row of stamens. Aplotaxis, n., tip'-lo-tttlcs'-te (Gr. aplotis, single; taxis, order), a genus of plants of the Sub-ord. Cynarocephalse, Ord. Compos- itse, found in Cashmere, said to be the ancient Costus, used medicinally and for incense. apiioea, n., ap-m'-a (Gr. apnoia, without the power of breathing from a, without; pneo, I breathe), absence of respiration; suffocation. apocarpous, a., ap'o-Mrp'-us (Gr. apo, from ; karpos, fruit), having the ovary and fruit composed of numerous distinct carpels ; applied to fruits when their carpels are either quite separate, or only partially united. Apocynacese, n. plu., ap'-os-m- af>&-e (Gr. apo, from; kuon, a dog), the Dog-bane family, an order of plants many of which are poisonous, and not a few bear handsome flowers : Apocyn- uxn, n., ap'8sf>in-um, a genus of plants, so called as believed by the ancients to be fatal to dogs if eaten by them. Apoda, n. plu., ap'dd-a (Gr. a, without ; pous, a foot, podos, of a foot), applied to those fishes which have no ventral fins; the footless Cseciliae amongst the Amphibia: apodal, a., ap'tid-al, also apodous, a., ap'-dd-us, having no feet; without ventral fins which in fish correspond to legs and feet among animals : apodia, n., d-pod'-i-a, the absence of feet. apodema, n. plu., ap-tid'em-a" (Gr. apo, from; dema, a cord, a bond ; demata, cords or bonds), certain appendages on the bodies of Articulata giving attachment to muscles, or articulating with wings and the like ; apcdemata, n. plu., ap'od'Zm'at-a, certain chitinous septa which divide the tissues in the Crustacea. aponeurosis, n., ap-on'ur-dz'is, aponeuroses, plu., -oz'ez (Gr. aponeurosis, the end of a muscle from apo, from or at ; and neuron, a nerve, a muscle), the extremity of a muscle where it becomes a tendon ; the fibrous sheath of a muscle or investment of a part. apophyllous, a., ap'-d-fil'lus (Gr. apo, from; phullon, a leaf), in bot., applied to the parts of a single perianth whorl when they are free leaves. apophysis, n., ap-of'-is-is (Gr. apo, from ; phuo, I grow), in anat. , a process or protuberance on the surface of a bone, generally at the ends; in bot., a swelling at the base of the theca in some mosses ; any irregular swelling oil the surface : apophysate, a. , ap-df'is-dt, having a swelling at the base. apoplexy, n., ap'-d-plelcs'-i ^Gr. apoplexia, stupor from apo, from ; plesso, I strike), stupor, or an unconsciousness like that produced by felling an ox : apo- plectic, a., ap'-d'plekt'-ik, pert, to, NOTE. Many diseases of the brain produce this symptom. As those earliest recognised were accom- panied by effusion of blood, the term has been irregularly applied to affections of other organs ac- companied by effusion of blood into their tissues, as pulmonary or splenic apoplexy, though these are unaccompanied by stupor. apostrophe, n., ap'Os'-trof-u (Gr. apo, from; strophe,^ a turning), in bot., the collection of proto- plasm and chlorophyll grains on the walls of cells that are adjacent to other cells. apothecium, n., dp-d'the'-slu-tim (Gr. apotkeke, L, apotheca, a storehouse from Gr. apo, from; the/ce, a box or chest), the rounded shield-like fructification APP 30 ARA of lichens, forming a receptacle for the reproductive bodies or spores: apothecia, n. plu., dp-o- the'-shi-a. appendices epiploicse, dp-pen^ dis-ez Zp'-ip-lo'-is-e (L. appendix, an addition, a supplement j Gr. epiploon, the omen turn), the epiploic appendage ; masses of i'at attached by pedicles along the free border of the intestines, which support the intestines : appendix vermiformis, verm'-i- fdrm'-is (L. vermis, a worm ; forma, shape), a small portion of the caecum which hangs down in a worm-like shape in the centre of the abdomen remark- able for no known use. NOTE. The enormous caecum of many of the lower animals is, in man, dwindled to a worm-like sac which has received this name. appendiculate, &.,dp'p%nd' ! ilf-ul'dt (L. appendicula, a small append- age), having a little appendage, as the scaly appendages of corollas, or found at the base of certain filaments. applanate, a., ap' plan- at (L. ad, to ; plandtus, made flat from pldnus, level, flat), in bot., flattened out ; horizontally ex- panded. apposite, a., ap'p8z-it (L. ad, to ; positus, placed or put), in bot., having similar parts similarly placed, as side by side : appositi- onal, a., dp'-poz-'isli'-un'dl, in algae, having two branches lying side by side, partly uniting as to appear a compound branch. appressed, a., dp-prest' (L. ap, for ad, at or to ; pressus, pressed, kept under), in bot., denoting leaves which are applied to each other, face to face, without being folded or rolled together. Aptera, n. plu., dpt'-er-d (Gr. a, without ; pteron, a wing), a di- vision of insects characterized by the absence of wings in the adult condition : apterous, a. , dpt f >er* us, without wings : apteryx, n., dpt'-Zr-iks (Gr. pterux, a wing), the wingless bird of New Zealand, of the Ord. Cursores. aqua fortis, dV-wdfort'-is (L. aqua, water ; fortis, strong), strong water, the popular name for 'nitric acid:' aqua regia, redj'-i-d (L. regius> royal), a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, so called from its power of dissolv- ing gold, the king of metals. AquifoliaceaB, n. plu., dk'-wifol- I'ds'-Z-e (L. aquifolium^ the holly tree ;. aquifolius, having sharp or pointed leaves from acus, a needle, and folium, a leaf), the Holly family, an Order of evergreen trees or shrubs : Aquifolium, n. , dkf'Wi'foV-i'Um, the common holly, indigenous to Britain, forms ex- cellent fences. AquilariaceaB, n. plu., dlc'-wil-dr- i-ds'8-e(L. aquila, an eagle from the genus being called eagle-wood in Malacca), the Aquilaria family: Aquilaria, n. plu., dlc'-wil-dr'-i-d, a genus of evergreen shrubs, com- prising the eagle-wood, aloes- wood, and lign-aloes. arabin, n., dr'-db-m (from Arabia, where the gum -producing trees abound), a substance familiarly known as gum-arabic or gum- senegal ; the kind of gum which is soluble in cold water. AraceaB, n. plu., ar-ds'-Z-e (L. arum or aros, Gr. aron, the plant arum or wakerobin), the Arum family, whose general prop- erty is acridity. Arachis, n., dr'-ak-ls (Gr. a, with- out ; rhachis, a backbone or spine), a genus of plants of the Sub-ord. Papilionaceae, and Ord. Leguminosae, having only one species, the Arachis hypogaea, earth, subterranean from hupo, under ; gaia, the earth), a singul- ar plant that bears no branches, and has the strange power of forcing the fruit or pods as they AHA increase in size into the earth, where they ripen their seeds, usually called the underground kidney -bean or ground-nut ; an oil is expressed from their ends, used for cramps in India, and occasionally as a substitute for cod-liver oil in medicine. Arachnida, n. plu., ar-ak'-md-a (Gr. arachne, a spider, a spider's web), a class of the Articulata, comprising spiders, scorpions, and ticks: arachnitis, n., dr^dk- nlt f 'is, inflammation of the arach- noid membrane ; sometimes ap- plied to the inflammation of the membranes of the brain : arach- noid, a., dr-ak'-noyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), applied to a mem- brane of the brain ; in bot. , ap- plied to fine hairs so entangled as to resemble a cobweb. AraliacesB, n. plu., ar-al'i'ds'-Z-e (aralia, an American word), the Ivy family : Aralia, n. plu., dr- dl'-i-d, a genus of the above, one species of which has fragrant and aromatic roots which are used in America as a substitute for sarsa- parilla : araliaceous, a., dr-dl'i- d'-shus, pert, to the Aralia. Aranthocephalis, n.,dr-dnth'd'Sef'- dl-is (probably Gr. arachne, a spider ; antlios, a flower ; kephale, the head), an Order of intestinal parasites ; the armed worms. araucaria, n. plu., dr r -aur'kdr'i-d (araucanos, its name in Chili), the Norfolk Island pine, famed for its size and for its wood : araucarites, n. plu., dr-dw- kdr-Uz, the fossil wood whose structure is identical with the living araucaria. arbor vitae cerebelli, drb'tir vlt'e sZr'8-bel'li (L. arbor, a tree; vitce, of life ; cerebelli, of a small or little brain), the tree of life of the brain ; the foliated or arborescent appearance presented by either hemisphere of the cerebellum when a vertical section is made through it: arbor vitse uterinus, 31 ARC ut'Vr'in'iis (L. uterinus, uterine), the uterine tree of life ; the appearance of branches from the stem of a tree presented by the folds on the interior of the * cer- vix uteri. ' arborescent, a., dr'-bor-Zs'ent (L. arborescens, growing into a tree from arbor, a tree), branched like a tree. Arbutus, n., dr'-but-us (L. arbutus, the wild strawberry or arbute tree), a genus of plants, Ord. Ericaceas : Arbutus unedo, un'-ed-o (L. unedo, the arbute or straw- berry tree said to be from unus, one, and edo, I eat), the straw- berry tree, so called from its fruit resembling a strawberry ; the fruit is not agreeable, but a wine is prepared from it in Cor- sica: arbutean, a., dr-but'e-dn pert. to. archangelica, n., drk'-dn-jel'-ik-a (Gr. arcJws, chief, and angelica, from its supposed virtues), the botanical name for the Angelica plant and root. archegonium, n . , drk^i-gon^i- um (Gr. arche, beginning; gone, seed), in bot., the young female cellular organ in cryptogamic plants ; the early condition of a spore case. Archencephala, n. plu., drk'Zn* sZf'-dl'd (Gr. archo, I command, I rule over; engkephalos, the brain), Owen's name for his fourth and highest group of Mammalia, comprisingman alone. archil, n., drtsh f -il (Fr. orcheil: Sp. orchilla from Sp. roca, a rock), a rich purple colour, ob- tained from the lichen Koccella tinctoria, found growing on the rocks of the Canaries and other islands. archisperms, n. plu., drk'-i-spermz (Gr. archos, chief; sperma, seed), another name for gymnosperms. arciform, a., drs f -i'f8rm (L. arcus, a bow ; forma, shape), applied in the medulla oblongata to some ARC 32 ABJ of its fibres which emerge at the anterior median fissure, and form a band which curves round the lower border of the olivary body, or which passes transversely across it, and round the sides of the medulla. Arctium, n. , drk'ti-um (Gr. arktos, a bear in reference to its rough, bristly fruit), a genus of plants of the Sub-ord. Cynarocephalse, Ord. Composite: Arctium lappa, ldp'-pd (L. lappa, a bur), the burdock, which is bitterish, and has been used in the form of in- fusion as a substitute for sarsa- parilla. Arctostaphylos, n., drk'to-sldf-il- 8s (Gr. arktos, a bear ; staphule, a grape in allusion to the rough taste of the fruit), a genus of plants, Ord. Ericaceae : Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, uv'-a- ers'-i (L. uva, a grape -berry ; ursi, of the bear), the bearberry, whose fruit is used as an astring- ent: A. glauca, gldwk'a (L. glaucus, bluish grey), the man- zanita plant, which covers the mountains of California with a thick brushwood. arcuate, a., drk'-u-dt (L. arcus, a bow), curved in an arched man- ner like a bow. arcus senilis, drk'-us s&n-ll'is (L. arcus, a bow, an arch ; senilis, aged), the arch of the aged; a circular, opaque appearance round the margin of the cornea of aged persons, usually affecting both eyes. ardellas, n. plu., dr-aWle (Gr. arddlos, dirty, foul from ardo, I sprinkle), small apothecia of certain lichens, as Arthonia, having the appearance of dust. Areca, n. plu., dr-ek'-d (Indian name), a genus of plants of the Ord. Palime: Areca catechu, kat'e-shdo (said to be Japanese kate, a tree; chu, juice), an eleg- ant palm producing the betel nut, and an extract of an astring- ent nature like catechu : Are- cinese, n. plu., ar'-e-sm'-Z-e, the first of the five tribes into which the Ord. Palmse is divided. arenaceous, a., ar'en-a'-shus (L. arena, sand), composed of grains of sand ; having the properties of sand. areola, n., tir-ettlti, (L. dredla, a small open place, a small garden bed), the small coloured circle round the nipple, or a pustule: areolae, n. plu., dr-e'-dl-e, small interstices of cellular or other tissues ; little spaces on the area or surface; the spaces between the cracks in the lichens : are- olar, a., ar-e'-dl-ar, of or like an areola: areolate, a., dr-e'-ol-dt, in bot., divided into distinct angular spaces. Arethusa, n. plu., dr f -%>tliuz'd (after a nymph of Diana's, who was changed into a fountain), a genus of plants, Ord. Orchidacese: Arethusa bulbosa, bulb oz'- d (L. bulbus, a bulbous root), a plant which has a large fine lilac flower terminating each stem. arillus, n., dr-tt'-lus, also aril, n., dr'-il (Fr. arille, an arillus ; Sp. arillo, a small hoop from aro, a hoop ; L. aridus, dry), the exterior coat of a seed which drying falls off spontaneously : arillate, a., dr-il^ldt, having an aril: arillode, n., ar'-il-lod (Gr. eidos, resemblance), an extra covering of the seed ; the 'arillus' proceeds from the placenta, as in the passion-flower, the 'arillode' from the exostome, as in the mace of the nutmeg. arista, n., ar-ist'-a (L. arista, the beard of an ear of corn), a long pointed process, as in barley and many grasses ; an awn : arist- ate, a., dr-istmat'd (Gr. arthron, a joint; sterigma, a joint), jointed Sterigmata, which see. articular, a., drt-ik'-ul-er (L. artic- ulus, a joint), relating to the joints : articulation, n., drt-ik- ul-d'shun, the particular mechan- ism by which the bones are united to each other in the skel- eton : articular surfaces, the peculiar gristly surfaces of bone joints : articularis, a., drt>ik'- ul'dr f -is, relating to joints ; ap- plied to the arteries branching off from the popliteal : Artier 1- ata, n. plu., drt-ik'-ul-at'-c, a division of the Animal king- ART dom, comprising insects, centi- peds, spiders, and crustaceans, which are characterised by the possession of jointed bodies or jointed limbs ; the Arthropoda, which is the term now more usually employed : articulated, a., drt'lk'-ul-dt-U, jointed ; having parts separating easily at some point : articulo morti?, drt'ikf'ut'6 mort' (L. articulo, in a joint, in point or moment ; mors, death, mortis, of death), at the point of death ; about to die. Artiodactyla, n. plu., drtfi-o-dak' til- a (Gr. artios, exactly fitted, even ; daktulos, a finger or toe), a division of the hoofed quadru- peds, in which each foot has an even number of toes, as two or four. Artocarpese, n. plu., drt'o-kdrp'e-e (Gr. artos, bread; karpos, fruit), a sub-order of the. Ord. Moracese : Artocarpus, n., a genus of trees, producing the breadrfruit, and flowers in dense heads: Artocarpus incisa, m-slz'-a (L. incisus, notch- ed, indented), the well-known bread-fruit tree, which furnishes an abundant supply of food in trop- ical countries, besides furnishing many other materials for domestic use : A. integrifolia, m-teg'-ri- fdl'i'O, (L. integrifolia, entire leaved from integer, entire, un- divided; folium, a leaf), the Jack or Jaca tree, the fruit of which attains a large size, weighing sometimes 30 Ibs., but is inferior in quality to the bread-fruit so called from its having entire or undivided leaves. Arum, n., ar f -um (L. drum ; Gr. dron, supposed to be an ancient Egyptian word, the plant wake- robin), a genus of plants, Ord. Aracese : Arum maculatum, mdkf-ul-dt''Um (L. maculatum, stained, spotted), the plant cuc- koo-pint or wakerobin ; the species of Arum with spotted leaves, and 35 ARY poisonous, but yet from the rhizome of which Portland sago is prepared : A. dracunculus, drdk-unk'-ul'US (L. dracunculus, a small serpent), the plant drag- on's wort, and many-leaved Arum, which is extremely acri- monious : A. esculentum, &s&- ul-en&um (L. esculentum, fit for eating), a species of Arum used as a pot herb in the West Indies. aryteno, ar'it-en'o (Gr. arutaina, a pitcher in animals, the open- ing of the larynx with the aryt- enoid cartilages, bearing a resemblance to a pitcher with a spout), denoting connection with the arytenoid cartilages: aryten- o - epiglottidean, a., ep'-i-glot- tid^e-dn (Gr. epiglottis, a little tongue from epi, upon; glottis, the mouthpiece of a wind instru- ment, glottidos, of the mouthpiece of a wind instrument from glotta, the tongue), applied to the ligamentous and muscular fibres enclosed by a fold of mucous membrane which are stretched between the sides of the epiglottis and the apex of the arytenoid cartilages : aryteno- epiglottideus, ep'-i-glot-tid'-e-us, 'superior' and 'inferior, ' designat- ing delicate muscular fasciculi, the former rising from the apex of the arytenoid cartilage, and the latter from the arytenoid carti- lage, just above the attachment of the superior vocal cord : arytenoid, a., ar'-it-en'-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling the mouth of a pitcher : arytenoid cartilages, two cartilages, each having a pyramidal form, situated at the upp'er border of the cricoid cartilage, at the back of the lar- ynx : arytenoid glands, the muciparous glands found along the posterior margin of the aryteno - epiglottidean fold, in front of the aryteno-cartilages : arytenoideus, n., ar'4t-en'dyd'* e>us t applied to a single muscle ASA 36 ASC filling up the posterior concave surface of the arytenoid cartil- ages. asafcetida, n., as'- a -f Mid- a (L. asa, a gum suggested to be a corruption of the Persian name anguzeh', L. foetidus, fetid; Arab. asa, healing), the stinking healer, a fetid gum resin, being the con- crete juice of the plant Narthex asafoetida, or Ferula narthex, a plant found in Persia and Afghanistan, and also from Ferula Persica, and Scorodosma foetidum ; Ord. Umbelliferse. Asagrsea, n. plu., as'-a-gre'-a (in honour of Dr. Asa Gray), a genus of plants, Ord. Melanthacese : Asagrsea officinalis, of-fis'-m-aVis (L. officina-lis, officinal from of- ficlna, a workshop, a laboratory), a plant, a native of Mexico, whose fruit is called Cevadilla, used in the preparation of Veratria, which is employed in cases of neuralgia and rheumatism. aiarabacca, n., fa'-ar-a-bak'-M (from Asarum, wild spikenard, but origin unknown), the name given to the powdered leaves of ' Asarum Europseum, ' used as an acrid emetic, Ord. Aristolochia- cese. Asarum, n., as'-ar-um (L. asarum, Gr. asaron, hazel-wort, wild spikenard), a genus of plants, Ord. Aristolochiacese : Asarum Europseum, ur^-op-e'-um (L. Euro- pceum, belonging to Europe), a plant whose powdered leaves form an acrid emetic, and w r hose powd- ered leaves and roots enter into the composition of cephalic snuffs : asarin,, n., as'-ar-in, an active crystalline substance obtained from the plant: Asarin Canad- ense, kan'-ad'ens'-e (L. Canad- ensis, belonging to Canada), the wild ginger plant, or Canada snake-root, used as a spice in Canada. Ascaris, n., ask'-ar-is (Gr. askaris, a long round worm in the bowels, askaridos, of a long round worm), a genus of intestinal worms : Ascarides, n. plu., ask-ar'-id-ez, the intestinal thread - worms : Ascaris lumbricoides, lum'brik- oyd'-ez (L. lumbricus, a maw- worm from lumbus, a loin ; Gr. eidos, resemblance), the Ascarides, which resemble the earth-worm ; a worm found in the small intest- ine of man, and probably in the ox : A. megalocephala, meg'- al'd'Sef'al'a (Gr. megalos, great, large ; kephale, the head), the large-headed Ascarides, the intest- inal worms of the horse, ass, mule, etc., found in the small intestine, sometimes in stomach and large intestine : A. mystax, mis'taks (Gr. mustax, the upper lip, the moustache), the lipped or hairy worms ; the intestinal worms of the cat, lynx, tiger, etc., also of man : A. marginata, mdrj'fa'&f'd (L. margindtus, furnished with a border), the in- testinal worms of the dog, found in the small intestine : A. suilla, su-il'-la (L. suillus, belonging to a swine from sus, a swine), the intestinal worm of the pig. ascending, a., ds-send'-mg (L. ad, to ; scandens, climbing), in bot., applied to a procumbent stem which rises gradually from its base ; applied to ovules attached a little above the base of the ovary ; rising erect from the ground and forming a curve. asci, n. plu., as'-si {Gr. askos, L. ascus, a cavity or bladder), small membranous cells or bags which contain the sporules of crypto- gamic plants : ascidium, n., as* sid'-i-tim, ascidia, n. plu., as* sid f 'i'a((xY. askidion, a little bag), in bot. , pitcher leaves ; a form of leaf in which the stalk or petiole is widely and deeply hollowed, and closed by the blade as by a lid ; in zool, an order of shell-less molluscs, having the appearance of small leathern pouches or ASC 37 ASP paps, found in the sea on rocks, old shells, etc., as a pap-like, gelatinous substance : Ascidioida, n. plu., ds-sid'-i-oyd'-d (Gr. eidos, resemblance), a class of molluscous animals which have often the shape of a two-necked bottle ; synonym of * Tunicata : ' ascigerous, a., as-idj'-er-us (L. gero, I bear), producing asci. ascites, n. plu., as-slt'-ez (Gr. askos, a bag, a leathern bottle), dropsy of the abdomen ; a morbid accumulation of serous fluid in the cavity of the peritoneum. Asclepiadace89, n. plu., ds-klep'-i' dd-d'-se-e (Gr. Asklepios, L. jEscidapius, a celebrated anc. physician), the Asclepias family, an Order of plants : Asclepias, n., dS'klep f 'i-ds, a genus of plants : Asclepias tuberosa, lub'er-oz'a (L. tuberosus, having fleshy knobs), the butterfly weed or pleurisy root, a cathartic and diaphoretic : A. curassavica, kur'ds-sdv'ik-d (pro- bably L. cura, healing, cure from euro, I care for ; sudvium or sdvium, a mouth), wild ipecac- uanha : A. Syriaca, sir-l'-ak-a (of or belonging to Syria, or con- nected with it), found in Canada, a very odoriferous plant when in flower sugar is made from the flowers, and the cotton from its pods is very soft and silky. ascospore, n., dsk'd-spor (Gr. askos, a bag ; spora, a seed), spores borne within asci. asexual, a., a-sZks'-u-al (Gr. a, without ; and sexual), applied to modes of reproduction in which the sexes are not concerned ; having no apparent sexual organs. asiphonate, a., d-slf^n-at (Gr. a, without ; siphon, a siphon), not possessing a respiration tube or siphon ; applied to a division of the lamellibranchiate molluscs. asparagus, n., ds-pdr'-dg-us (L. asparagus, Gr. asparagos, the plant asparagus), a well-known plant, whose turios or young shoots, sent up from the under- ground stem, are cooked and eaten : asparagine, n., tis-pdr'-a-jm, the active principle of asparagus : Asparagese, n. plu., ds'-pdr- ddf-e-e, the Asparagus tribe of plants, Ord. Liliacese. aspect, n., dsf-pekt (L. ad. to, at ; specto, I look), in anat., look ; appearance. asperity, n., ds-p^it-i (L. asper, rough), in boL, roughness, as on the leaves of the Ord. Boragina- cese. Asperula, n., ds-per'til-d (a dimin- utive of L. asper, rough), a genus of plants, Ord. Rubiacese : Asperula odorata, da'-tir-atf-d (L. odoratus, that has a smell from odor, smell), woodruff, a plant which gives out a pleasant frag- rance when dry. Asphodeleae, n. plu., as'fd-del'-e-e (Gr. asphodelos, asphodel, a plant sacred to Proserpine), a genus of plants, Ord. Liliacese, the flowers of which cannot be surpassed : as- phodel, n., as '/6-del, the day-lily, called also king's-spear. asphyxia, n., ds-fiks'-t-d (Gr. a, without ; sphuxis, the pulse), the temporary or permanent cessa- tion of the motions of the heart and respiration, as in drowning and suffocation ; a curious mis- nomer for 'suffocation,' in which the pulse never ceases while life lasts : asphyxiated, a., ds-fiks'- i- at -3d, suffocated as by hanging or drowning. Aspidium, n., ds-pid't-um (a dim- inutive from Gr. aspis, a shield, aspidos, of a shield), a genus of ferns, Ord. Filices : Aspidium filix mas, fil'-iks mas (L. filix, a fern ; mds, a male), the male shield-fern, used for tape-worm. Aspidosperma excelsum, as'pid-0' sperm'a ek-sels'um (Gr. aspis, a serpent, aspidos, of a serpent; sperma, seed), a Guiana tree, re- markable for the sinuous arrange- ment of its wood, which gives the Asr 38 ATA stem a deeply-fluted appearance, Ord. Apocynacese. Asplenium, n., as-plen'i-um (Gr. a, without; splen, the spleen, from its being believed to remove disorders of that organ), a genus of plants, Ord. Filices; spleenwort. assurgent, a., fa-serf tint (L. as- surgens, rising up- from ad, to ; surgo, I rise), in bot., rising up- wards in a curve. Asteliese, n. plu.. d-steV-i-e-e (Gr. a, without ; sleleckos, the trunk of a tree, a stem), an Order of plants now included in the Ord. Simil- acese: Astelia, n., d-stel'-i-d, a genus of preceding; the plants have grass-like leaves yielding fibres, natives of New Zealand;, Tasmania, and S. Amer. : Astelia Solandri, Sol and' ri (after Sol- andra, a Swedish botanist), the tree flax of New Zealand. AsteraceaB, n. plu., dst'-er-a'-se-e (Gr. aster> a star), an Order of plants bearing compound flowers, now included in the vast Ord. Composites : Aster, n., ast a (Gr. a, not, without; taxis, order from tasso, I put in order), want of co- ordination in the movements of a limb or organ, as * locomotor ataxia ; ' want of co-ordination in the movements of the arms or legs, or both, depending upon fascicular echrosis of the posterior column of the spinal cord : ataxic, a. , inco-ordinate : ataxic aphasia, loss of speech, from want of co-or- dination of the muscles employed in articulate speech. atheroma, n., dth'-$r-6m'd (Gr. or L. atheroma, a tumour filled with matter ; Gr. athdra, a pap made of meal), fatty calcareous de- generations in the body ; a curdy tumour: atheromatous, a., aih'- er'dmf'dt'US, containing matter of the nature of atheroma. atherosis, n., ath'-Zr-dz'-is (a word formed from Gr. atherdma, a tumour), chronic inflammation of the internal coat of the arteries. AtherospermaceaB, n. plu., ath'Zr- o- sperm- of- sZ-e (Gr. ather, the awn or beard of an ear of corn ; sperma, seed the seeds being furnished with awns), the plume nutmeg family, an Order of plants: Atherospenna, n., ath'er- 6'Sperm'a, a genus of plants of preceding Order : Atherosperma moschatum, rnds-Tcdt'-um (mid. L. moschdtus, having a smell like musk from moschus, musk ; Gr. moschos, a sprout, a shoot), a native of Australia, the bark of which resembles sassafras in flavour, atlas, n., at'-lds (Gr. Atlas from a, intensive ; tlao, I bear, I sus- tain in the Greek mythology, a giant who bore up the earth upon his shoulders), the top joint of the neck bones which support the globe of the head ; the first vertebra of the neck. atlo-axoid, a., atf-lo-aks'-oyd (Eng. atlas, the first vertebra of the neck; Eng. axis, the second vertebra of the neck; Gr. eidos, resemblance), applied to the two pairs of ligaments which connect the atlas with the axis of the vertebrae. atonic, a., a>t$n f -ik (Gr. a, with- out; tonos, a tone), debilitated: atony, n., at'-8n4 t debility; muscular weakness. atrabiliary, a., dt'-rd-biM-dr-i (L. ater, black ; bills, bile), melan- cholic; hypochondriac. atractenchyma, n., at'-rak-ten'- kim-a (Gr. atraktos, a spindle, a distaff; chumos, juice, sap), in bot., tissue composed of spindle- shaped cells. Atriplex, n., dM-pttks (L. ater, black ; plexus, plaited, twisted), a genus of plants, Ord. Chenopod- iacese: Atriplex hortensis, h$r- tens'-is, garden Orach or wild Spinach. atrium, n., dt'rt-um (L. atrium, a front hall), the great chamber or cloaca into which the intestine opens in the Tunicata. atropal, n., dt f -rop-dl (Gr. a, with- out; tropos, a turning), in bot., an ovule in its erect position. Atropese, n. plu., at-rdp'8-e (Gr. Atropos, in anc. mythology, one of the Fates, whose duty it was to cut short the thread of life), a Sub-ord. of the Ord. Solonacese : Atropa, n., dt r -rop-d, a genus of plants : Atropa belladonna, b^l'* Id-dMnd (see * belladonna '), deadly nightshade, a highly poisonous plant : atropia, n., dt-rop'-i-a, and atropin, n., dt'-rdp-m, a highly poisonous alkaloid extracted from the root of the 'Atropa belladonna,' form- ing its active principle : atropism, n., at'rop-izm, the symptoms pro- duced by the frequent medicinal use of belladonna. ATR 40 AUR atrophia, n., at-rof'i-a, also at- rophy, n., at'rof-i (Gr. a, with- out ; trophe, nourishment from trepho, I nourish), a wasting away of the body or of an organ with or without apparent cause, and accompanied by impairment or destruction of functions: atropic, &.,dt-rtip'-tk, wasted; defectively nourished; in bot., abortion and degeneration of organs. atropous, a., at' r tip -us, andatropal, a., at'-rop-al (Gr. a, without ; trope, a turning), in bot., the ovule with foramen opposite to the hilum ; an ovule having its original, erect position ; syn. of 'orthotropous ' and 'orthotropal.' Attalea, n., at-tal'-e-a (L. Attains, a king of Pergamos renowned for his wealth ; attalicus, woven with gold, magnificent), a fine genus of beautiful, ornamental palm trees, attaining a height of from 10 to 70 feet, Ord. Palmse : Attalea funifera, fun-if-er-a (L. funis, a cord ; fero, I bear), a palm whose fruit is known by the name of ' Coquilla nuts, ' and the hard pericarps furnish material for making umbrella handles, etc. attenuation, n., at't&n'u'd'shun (L. attenudtus, weak, reduced from ad, to ; tennis, thin), a term employed in homoeopathy to denote the dilution of drugs.' attollens aurem, at-tol'-Znz dwr'em (L. attollens, lifting up on high ; auris, the ear, aurem, ac.), rais- ing up the ear ; a muscle which raises the ear : attrahens aurem, at''tra>h$nzdwr''em(L. attrahens, drawing towards ; aurem, the ear), drawing towards the ear ; a muscle which draws the ear forwards and upwards : retrahens aurem, re'-trd-henz dwr'-Zm (re- trahens, drawing back; aurem, the ear), drawing the ear back ; a muscle which draws the ear back; the preceding three small muscles are placed immediately beneath the skin around the external ear, and, though their names express energy, they are rarely active in man. Aucklandia costus, divk'land'i-a kost-us (Auckland; Gr. kostos, L. costum, an Oriental aromatic plant), another name for 'Aplo- taxis lappa,' found in Cashmere, said to be the anc. Costus, the root having been celebrated for its virtues. Aucuba, n., awk'-ub-a' (name of the shrub in Japan), a genus of plants, Ord. Cornacese, fine hardy shrubs : Aucuba Japonica, jd-pSn'ik'a (Japtinicus, of or belonging to Japan), a shrub having beautifully blotched and variegated leaves. auditory, a., dfod'-tt-dr-t (L. auditor, a hearer from audio, I hear), pert, to the sense of hear- ing. aura, n., dwr'a (Gr. and L. aura, the air), a peculiar sensation which sometimes gives warning of a fit of epilepsy. aural, a., dwr'-al (L. auris, an ear), pert, to the ear and its diseases. AurantiacesB, n. plu., dwr-an'-ti-d'- se-e(mid..Ij.auranlium, the orange from aurum, gold, in allusion to its colour), the Orange family, many of the species bearing well- known excellent fruit : auran- tium, n., dwr-an'shi-um (L.), the orange. aurella, n. plu., dwr-el'la (L. aurellum, a dimin. from aurum, gold), the chrysalides of some Lepidoptera, from their exhibiting a golden lustre. auricle, n., dwr'i-kl (L. auricula, the ear flap from auris, the ear), the outside ear, which pro- jects as a circular flap from the side of the head ; an ear-like appendage ; two muscular cavities of the heart, so called from their resemblance to the ear of a dog, named respectively the right and AUR 41 AVE left : auricled, a., tiwr'-t-kld, having ears or ear-like appendages : auricula, n., awr-i^ul-d, showy garden flowers see ' Primula : ' auricular, a., dwr-tk'-ul-dr, pert, to the ear ; applied to the ear- shaped cavities of the heart : auriculate, a., dwr-ik'-ul-dt, in bot., having ear-like appendages ; applied to leaves with lobes or leaflets at their base : auricularis magnus, dwr-ikf-ul-dr'-is mag'nus (L. auricularis, auricular from auricula, the external ear ; mag- nus, great), a name designating the largest nerve of the ascending branches of the cervical plexus : auriculo-temporalis, awr-ik'ul'd- t$mp'or-dl f 'is (L. tempordlis, be- longing to time from tempus, time), the auriculo-temporal, designating a nerve lying immed- iately in front of the ear, and close to the temporal artery : auriculo- ventricular, -v%n trik f - ul-dr (L. ventriculus, a little belly, a ventricle of the heart from venter, the belly), of or be- longing to the great transverse groove separating the auricles of the heart from the ventricles, or the orifice forming the communic- ation between these chambers. aurist, n., awr'-ist {L. auris, an ear), one skilled in the cure of diseases of the ear : auriscope, n., awr'i'slcop (Gr. skopeo, I see), an instrument which covers the auricle for ascertaining the con- dition of the internal ear and its auscultation, n., aws'lcult'a'shun (L. auscultatio, a listening to with attention from Gr. ous, L. auris, an ear ; L. cultus, used or exercised), the method of dis- covering the extent and seat of [ any disease by listening with ' the ear alone (immediate ausc.), or through an instrument called a 'stethoscope' (mediate ausc.). autonomous, &.,dw'tdn''dm-us (Gr. autonomos, governed by their own laws from autos, self; nomos, a law), in bot., said of plants which are perfect and complete in them- selves. autophagi, n. pln.,dw-tdfi, in bot., arising from the axis of a leaf; in anat., designating an artery which commences at the lower border of the first rib, and terminates at the lower border of the tendons of the 'latissimi dorsi' and 'teres major' muscles ; designating parts that belong to the axilla or armpit : axillary plexus, in anat., the brachial plexus, formed by the last three cervical and first dorsal nerves : axial skeleton, the whole ver- tebrae of the body, extending in a line from the top of the neck or atlas, to the bottom of the trunk. I AZY axis, n., dks'is, axes, plu., dies' ez (L. axis, Gr. axon, an axle-tree, a pole), in bot., the central por- tion of the plant from which the plumule and radicle are given off; the central organ bearing buds ; the common stem or main body of a plant ; in anat., the second, cervical vertebra, so called as forming the pivot upon which the atlas and head rotate : caeliac axis, the first trunk given off by the abdominal aorta : thyroid axis, a short trunk arising from the subclavian artery : axis cylinder, the central portion or axis tract of a nerve. Azalea, n., az-dl'$-a (Gr. azaUos, dry, parched, in allusion to the dry habitat of the plant from azo, I dry or parch), a genus of plants, Ord. Ericaceae, univers- ally admired for their white, orange, purple, scarlet, and variegated flowers : Azalea In- dica, m'-dik-d (L. Indicus, of or from India), a greenhouse plant of great beauty; A. Pontica, p8ntf>ik-a (L. Pontus, the Black Sea), is supposed to have been the plant whose flowers yielded the poisonous honey noticed by Xenophon in the retreat of the 10,000 : A. procumbens, pro- kumf-bZnz (L. procumbens, lean- ing or bending forwards), grows on the mountains of Scotland and in the Arctic regions. azote, n., tiz'ot (Gr. a, without; zoe, life), nitrogen gas, so called because it will not support the respiration of animals : azotic, a., aZ'Qtf'ik, ^pert. to azote ; fatal to animal life: azotised, a., az'ot- Izd, containing nitrogen or azote. azoturia, n., az'-ot-ur'-i-a (Eng. azote ; Gr. ouron, L. urlna, urine), an excess of urea in the urine ; a disease of animals aris- ing from a too rapid disintegra- tion of tissues, or a de-fective assimilation of food. azygos, n., az'-ig-os (Gr. a, with- BAG 43 BAL out; zugon, a yoke), a general name applied to muscles, arteries, veins, bones, and other parts that have no fellow or corre- spondent part but in anat., the ordinary meaning and application of the term is more or less a mis- nomer : azygous, a., dzf-ig'tis, single ; without a fellow : azygos processus, pro-s^s'-us (L. pro- cessus, a going forward, a pro- gression), a process of the sphenoid bone: A. uvulse, uv'-ul-e (L. uvula, a little cluster, a little grape from uva, a cluster, a grape), a muscle of the uvula, but really a pair of muscles : A. vena, ven'd (L. vena, a vein), a vein formed by the union of the lower inter- costal veins of the left side. NOTE. There are two 'azygous veins . ' the greater and the lesser, one on the right side, and the other on the left of the spine, forming a system of communication between the inferior and superior vena cava. There are also two 'azygous arteries,' one to each knee-joint. The term is only strictly applicable to the rostrum or central spine of the sphenoid bone, which is a true 'azygous process.' bacca, n., ba&a (L. bacca, a berry), in hot. , a unilocular fruit having a soft outer skin which covers a pulp amongst which the seed is immersed: baccate, a., bdk'-dt, designating pulpy fruits in gener- al; fleshy: bacciferous, a., bdk> sif f >$r'US (L. fero, I bear), bearing or producing berries : baccifonn, a., bdk'-si-form (L. forma, shape), having the form or shape of a berry. bacilli, n. plu., Ids-iUl (L. bdellium, a small staff or wand), in bot., the narrow plates of diatoms: bacillar, a., bas'-il-ldr, resembling rods ; somewhat club- shaped. bacterium, n., bdk'ter'i-tim, bac- teria, n. plu., bak'ter'-t-a (Gr. baktenon, a rod, a walking-stick), microscopic, staff - shaped or pointed filaments which are re- garded as one of the earliest forms of organic life, abounding in animal fluids in a state of decomposition, but their real nature has not yet been ascer- tained: bacteroid, a., baMt%r>dyd, resembling the bacteria. bactridium, n.> bak-trid'-i-um (Gr. baktron, a cane, a staff; eidos, resemblance), a genus of the Ord. Fungi, found on the horizontal surfaces of old stumps : bacter- idia, n. plu., bak'-ter-id^-a, a term applied to certain straight motionless bodies found in the blood of animals labouring Under malignant pustules. baculiform, a., bak-ul^-fdrm (L. baculum, a staff; forma, shape), in bot. , applied to rod-like bodies in the reproductive organs sphser- oplea: baculiferous, a., bak^-ul- if f -ef'US, bearing canes or reeds. BalanidaB, n. plu., bal-an n. plu., bal'dn- tif'O'r'd'sZ'e (Gf. balanos, an acorn; phoreo, I bear or carry), the Balanophora order, having root - parasites and peculiar fungus-like stems: Balanophora, n., bal'-an-df-tir-d, a genus of plants. balaustia, n., bdlawM-d (Gr. balaustion, a pomegranate flower), the fruit of the pomegranate ; an indehiscent inferior fruit, with many cells and seeds, the seeds being coated with pulp : balaus- tine, n., bdl-dws'-tin, the wild pomegranate tree. baleen, n., bdl-en' (L. balcena, a whale), the horny plates which occupy the palate of the true or 'whale-bone' whales. balm, n., bdm (Fr. baume, balm ; Gr. balsamon, L. balsamum, balsam), a fragrant plant; any BAL 44 BAR ointment that soothes: balsam, n., bdl'-sam, a soothing ointment of an oily nature. Balsaminacese, n . plu., bal'sam- wi-a-se-e(Gr. balsamon, ii.balsam- um, balsam), the Balsam family, an Order of plants consisting of lofty trees abounding in balsamic juices: Balsamina, n., bal'sam- In'-Gb (balassan, the name given by the Arabs), a genus of above Order: balsam, n., btittstimi, a beautiful and popular annual of our gardens, with its white, red, pink, purple, lilac, and finely variegated carnation-like flowers ; the juice with alum used by the Japanese to dye their nails red. Balsamodendron, n., bal'sam-d- den'dron (Gr. balsamon, balsam; dendron, a tree), a genus of plants, Ord. Burseracese, which yield a fragrant balsamic and resinous juice, often used as frankincense and in medicine ; Elimi is pro- duced by one species : Balsamo- dendron myrrha, mir^rd (L. myrrha, Gr. murrha, myrrh), a shrub of Abyssinia, the source of the officinal myrrh, a bitter aromatic gum resin, anciently used as frankincense : B. Afric- anum, df-rik-an'-um (L. Afrk- anus, belonging to Africa), pro- duces the resin bdellium : B. Gileadense, gil'-e-ad-ens'-Z (L. Gileadensis, belonging to Gilead), the celebrated balsam called Balm of Gilead. Bambusa, n., bam-buz'-a (bambos, the Indian name; Malay, bambu), a genus of plants, Ord. Graminese, including the bamboo- cane : Bam- busa arundinacea, ar-und'-in-af- se-a (L. arundinaceus, pert, to or like a reed from arundo, the reed-cane), the bamboo; a siliceous matter which accumulates in the joints of the stalks is called Tabasheer. banana, n., ban-dn'd (Spanish name), a herbaceous plant and its fruit, differing from the plantain in having its stalks marked with dark purple stripes and spots, and the fruit shorter and rounder ; the systematic name is Musa sapientum, Ord. Musacese. bangue, n., bang ; see 'bhang.' Banisteria, n., ban'is-ter'-i-a (after the botanist Rev. J. Banister], a genus of plants of beautiful foli- age, Ord. Malpighiacese. Banksia, n., bank'-si-a (in honour of Sir Joseph Banks), a genus of plants, Ord. Proteaceae, so called because they present great di- versity of appearance, the clustered cone-like heads of the flowers having a remarkable appearance. banyan, n., ban'yan (Sans, punya, holy, sacred), the Indian fig tree, Ficus Indicus, which attains to an immense size. baobab, n., bd'-db-ab (probably from a native name), a tree of Senegal, Monkey-bread, one of the largest known trees the Adansonia digitata. Baphia, n., baf-i-d (Gr. baphike, the art of colouring or dyeing), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Csesalpiniese, which yield ringwood : Baphia nitida, nit^d'd (L. nitidus, shining, glittering), camwood. Baptisia, n., bap-tizh'-i-a (Gr. baptizo, I dip or immerse from bapto, I dye)j a genus of orna- mental border plants, Ord. Legum- inosse, Sub-ord. Papilionacese : Baptisia tinctoria, tink-tor'-i-d (L. linctorius, of or belonging to dyeing), a plant that gives a blue dye; the wild indigo of the United States. Barbadoes, a., bdrb-dd'-oz, of or from Barbadoes, one of the West India islands : Barbadoes tar, a mineral tar, a species of naphtha, found naturally in Barbadoes : Barbadoes aloes, the inspissated juice of the Aloe vulgaris, the most active form of that drug, im- ported in gourds from Barbadoes. BAR 4 barbate, a., bdrb'dt (L. barba, a beard), in bot., bearded; having tufts of hair-like pubescence : barbs, n., bdrbs, hooked hairs: barbed, a., bdrbd, terminating in the sharp shoulders of a hook or arrow -head: barbula, n., bdrb'-ul-d (L. diminutive, a little beard), the teeth of the peristome of mosses. barilla, n., bar-il'la (Sp. barrilla, the plant glasswort; barrillar, the ashes of the plant), a crude soda extracted from the ashes of the plants Salsola and Sali- cornia, found growing in salt marshes on the Mediterranean and other shores, Ord. Chenopod- iacese. bark, n., baric (Dan. baric, IceL borkr, bark), the outer cellular and fibrous covering of the stem, called the Cortex: bark-bound, a., having the bark too firm or close. Barosma, n., bar-os'ma (Gr. barus, heavy ; osme, smell), a genus of plants, so called from the powerful scent of their leaves: Barosma crenulata, kren'-ul-dftd (L. crenulatus, slightly notched from crena, a notch), as also B. serratifolia, ser-rdt^i-foV-i-d (L. serratus, saw-shaped from serra, a saw ; folium, a leaf), and B. betulina, bet'ul-m'd (L. betula, the birch), the leaves of these and other species are used in medicine under the name of 'buchu,' and contain a yellowish oil having a powerful odour. Barringtonise, n. plu., bar'ing- ton'-l-e (after Harrington), a tribe of plants of the Ord. Myrtacese, having a fleshy, one-celled fruit : Barringtonia, n., barring -ton'-i- a, a genus of plants, many of which yield an aromatic, volatile oil. baryta, n. , bar-lt'-a, or barytes, n. , bar'it'-ez (Gr. barutes, weight, heaviness from barus, heavy), the heaviest of all the alkaline earths. BAS basal, a., bds f -dl, also basilar, a., bas'-il-dr (L. and Gr. basis, the foundation), in bot., attached to the base of an organ usually the embryo when situated at the bottom of the seed : basal pla- centa, pld'Sent f 'd (L. placenta, a cake), in bot. , the placenta at the base of the ovary j in anat. , the placenta at the base of the uterus : basilar, a., in anat., at the base, bottom, or foundation of a part ; applied to several bones ; also to a process of the occipital tons, and to the artery running over it. basidium, n. , bds-id' en-tort a (L. tomentum, a stuffing for cushions ; Sp. torn- entoso, pert, to tow or horse- hair), a plant whose dried leaves and young buds are prescribed in dysenteric affections : B. variegata, var^i-eg-at'-a (L. variegdtum, to make of various sorts and colours), a plant, the bark of which is used in tan- ning leather: B. racemosa, ras'-Z- moz'a (L. racemosus, full of clus- ters, clustering from racemus, a cluster of grapes), a plant whose bark is employed in making ropes. Beaumontia, n., bo-mon'shi-d (in honour of Lady Beaumont), a magnificent Indian climber, hav- ing splendid foliage and festoons of enormous funnel-shaped, white flowers. bebeeru, n., beb-er'6, also bibiru, n., bib-er'6 (bebeera, the green- heart tree, a supposed native name ; Latinised name, bebeerlna), the bark of the green -heart, a large tree 60 feet high found in British Guiana, whose wood is imported for shipbuilding : bebeerin, n., bZb-er'in, a vegetable alkaloid found in bebeerina, possessing tonic and other properties. begass, n., be-gas' (an American word), sugar - cane after being cut and crushed ; called megass and trash in the West Indies. BEG Begoniacese, n. plu., (after Begon, a French botanist), the Begonia farnity, an Order of plants : Begonia, n., bZ-gon'-i-a, a genus of plants, having showy pink, white, or yellow flowers, and handsome succulent leaves, great favourites with cultivators : Be- gonia obliqua, tib-lik'wa (L. obliquus, slanting, oblique), a species said to have purgative roots, and is sometimes called wild rhubarb: B. gemmipara, jem-ip'-ar-a (L. gemma, a bud ; pario, I bring forth), a species from the Himalayas, which has gemmae in the axils of the stipules. belladonna, n., bel-la-ddn'nd (It. bella, beautiful ; donna, lady from its use as a cosmetic by the ladies of Italy), an extract of the leaves of the deadly nightshade, a valuable narcotic in small doses, but a deadly poison if exceeded, remarkable for its power, in certain doses, of dilat- ing the pupils of the eyes : Atropa belladonna, atf-r dp -a(Gr. A tropos, one of the three Fates, whose duty it was to cut the thread of life in allusion to its deadly effects), the systematic name for belladonna, is one of our most active indigenous poisons, Ord. Solanaceae, Sub-ord. Atropese. Bellis, n., bel'-tis (L. bellus, pretty, charming), a genus of plants, Ord. Compositse, including the common daisy : Bellis perennis, per-Zn'-ms (L. perennis, that lasts the whole year through, never- failing fromper, through; annus, a year), the always charming ; the common wild daisy of our fields and hills ; in Scotland called the Go wan : B. fistulosa, fist'-uloz'a (L. fistulosa, full of holes, porous), the red daisy of our gardens : B. hortensis, h&rt-ens'is (L. horten- sius, belonging to a garden from hortus, a garden), the common red daisy : B. prolifera, prd-tif- %r>a (L. proles, offspring ; ftro, 47 BET I bear), the striped daisy, bearing abnormal buds. benzoin, n., bZn'zd-m (said to be from Ar. benzoah; Sp. benjui, benzoin), a concrete, balsamic exudation obtained by incisions from a tree of Sumatra and Borneo the Sty rax benzoin ; also called benzoe, and vulgarly benjamin: benzoic, a., ben- zo r -ik, denoting an acid obtained from benzoin, vulgarly called benjamin flowers : benzoinum, n., ben'-zo-in'-um, the pharma- copoeial name for * benzoin. ' BerberidacesB, n. plu., ber'-bZr-i- daf-se-e(L. berberis, the barberry ; Ar. berberi, wild), the Barberry family, an Ord. of plants : Ber- beris, n., ber'b$r-z8, a genus of plants : Berberis vulgaris, vulg- ar'-is (L. vulgaris, general, common), the common barberry tree, the bark and stem of which are astringent, and yield a yellow dye ; the fruit contains oxalic acid, and is used as a preserve : B. lycium, lisli'-l-um (Gr. lukion, a thorny tree of Thessaly ; Lycia in Asia Minor, where found), a tree which affords a medicinal extract in much repute in ancient times, and still in India, chiefly for ophthalmia : berberin, n., ber^ber-in, an alkaline substance obtained from the root of the barberry shrub. Bertholletia, n., berthdr'4s (L. vulgaris, common), the common beetroot of our gardens and fields ; also called B. campestris, kam-pest'ris (L. campestris, belonging to a field), field beet or mangold- wurzel. betel-nut, betfl (F. betel, Sp. betel), the fruit of the Areca catechu, an elegant palm from 40 to 56 feet high ; the powdered nut is used for tape-worm, and as an ingredient along with Piper-betle in the stimulating Eastern mastic- atory pan or betel. Betulacesa, n. plu., bet'-ul'd'-sZ-e (as if a Latin word batula f a stroke from bdtuo, 1 strike, I beat ; betu, said to be Celtic name of the birch), the Birch family, an Ord. of trees* consisting of the various kinds of birch and alder : Betula, bet'-ul-a, a genus of birch trees, in the sap of which a saccharine matter exists : Betula alba, alb' a (L. albus, white), and B. glutinosa, gloot'm-oz'd (L. glutinosus, gluey, glutinous), the common birch, the oil from the bark of which gives the peculiar odour to Russia leather : B. papyracea, pap'ir-a'se-a (L. papyrus, the paper reed), the canoe birch, whose bark is em- ployed in making boats in North America : B. lenta, lentf-a (L. lentus, tough, hard), the black birch of America, called also 'mountain mahogany :' B. bhaja- paltra, badj'd'paU f >r<% (an Indian name), a tree whose bark is used in India in the manufacture of paper. bhang, n., bang, and bangue or bang (Sans, bhangga, hemp), a plant, the Cannabis Indica, Indian hemp, used in India for intoxica- tion, in some parts, the dried larger leaves and seeds of fruit ; in others, the whole plant dried after flowering, and the tops and tender parts of the plant dried. bi-acmninate, a. (bis, twice), two- pointed with the points diverg- ing. bi-articulate, a. (bis, twice), two- jointed. biceps, n., bleeps (L. biceps, having two heads from bis, twice ; caput, the head; bicipitis, of having two heads; biclpites, plu.), in anat., a muscle that divides into two portions, or that has two distinct origins; applied to a muscle of the arm and of the thigh: bicipital, a., bl-sip^t-al, having two heads or origins; pert, to the biceps muscle : bicipital groove, the groove in the bone through which the biceps muscle passes : biceps anconeus, bi'seps an'-kon- e'-us (L. biceps, two-headed ; L. ancon, Gr. angkon, an elbow), the double-headed muscle at the elbow which assists in extending the fore -arm : b. femoris, fem'-or-is (L. femur, the thigh, femtiris, of the thigh), the two-headed muscle of the thigh; a large muscle of considerable length, situated on the posterior and outer aspect of the thigh, arising by two heads : b. flexor cubiti, fleks'-or Mb'-it-i (L. flexor, that which bends; cubitus, the elbow, cubiti, of the elbow), the double-headed muscle that bends the elbow : b. flexor cruris, kroor'is (L. crux, the leg, cruris, of the leg), the two-headed muscle which assists in bending the leg. bicuspid, a., bi-kusp'id (L. bis, twice ; cuspis, a spear, a point, cuspidis, of a spear), having two points; applied to teeth that have two fangs or points, as the first two molars on each side of the jaw; in bol., ending in two points, as leaves. bidental, a., bi-dtnt'-al (L. bis, twice ; dens, a tooth, dentis, of a tooth), having two teeth: bi- BIE 49 BIL dentate, a., bi-d$nt'-dt, in bot., having two tooth-like processes. biennial, a., bi-Zn'm-al (L. bien- nium, the space of two years from bis, twice; annus, a year), continuing or lasting throughout two years; applied to plants which do not bear flowers and seed till the second year, and then die: n., a plant that stands two years, and then dies. bifarious, a., bi-fdr'i-us (L. bi- fdr'ms, two-fold, double from bis, twice ;fari, to speak, to say), in bot., placed in two rows, one on each side of an axis. bifid, a., ttf'ftd or blf-td (L. Vtftdus, cleft or divided into two parts from bis, twice ; fidi, I cleft or split), forked ; cleft in two ; opening with a cleft, but not deeply divided. biflex, a., U'-fleks (L. bis, 'twice; flexus, bent, curved), in the sheep, designating a canal between the digits, so called from the peculiar curve which it takes ; also called the * interdigital canal. ' bi-foliate, a., bi-fol'-t-dt (L. bis, twice ; folidtus, leaved), in bot., applied to compound leaves 'hav- ing two leaflets : bi-follicular, a., bl-ftil'ik'-ul-ar (L. bis, twice; folliculus, a small bag or sack), in bot., having a double follicle. biforine, n., bif'dr-m (L. bifdris, having two doors from bis, twice ; foris, a door), in bot. , an oblong raphidian cell, having an opening at each end. bifurcate, a., bi-ferk'dt (L. bis, twice, double ; furca, a fork), in bot. , forked ; divided into two as a fork into its two branches : bifurcation, n., bi'ferk-d'-shun, a division into two branches. bigeminate, a., U-j$m'4n at (L. bvjugus, yoked two together from bis, twice ; jugum, a yoke), applied to a compound leaf having two pairs of leaflets. bikh, n., 'bik; bish, n., bish; or nabee, n., nd*be', native names for the powerful East Indian poison extracted from the root of Aconitum ferox. bi-labiate, a., bi-ldb'-t-dt (L. bis, twice; labium, a lip), in bot., having -the mouth of a tubular organ divided into two parts; two- lipped. bi-lamellar, a., bi-ldmi-fldr f >a (L. longus, long ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), a species producing abundance of flowers and handsome blue berries. bilobate, a., bl-lob'at, also bilobed, a., bi'-lobd (L. bis, twice; Gr. lobos, the ear-flap), having two lobes ; two-lobed. bilocular, a., bfrldk'ul-ar (L. bis, twice ; I6culus y a little place), in bot., containing two cavities or cells. bimanoiis, a., bl-m&n'us (L. bis, twice ; manus, the hand), having two hands, applied to man only : Bimana, n. plu., bi-man'a, the Order Mammalia, comprising man alone. binate, a., bin'-dt (L. bini, two by two), growing in pairs ; double ; applied to a leaf composed of two leaflets : binary, a., bin'dir>i, in chem., containing two units ; in anat., separating into two, and again into two. bi-nucleate, a., 'bl-nuk'-U-at (L. bis, twice ; nucleus, a small nut), having two nuclei. biogenesis, n., bi'-o-fen'-es-is (Gr. bios, life ; genesis, origin), a term employed to express the mode by which new species of animal life have been produced; the doctrine that all life springs from ante- cedent life ; in bot., the produc- tion of living cells from existing living cells of a similar nature. biology, n., bi-ol'ti-jt (Gr. bios, life ; logos, discourse), the science which investigates the phenomena of life, both animal and veget- able. bioplasm, n., bi'd-plazm (Gr. bios, life ; plasma, what has been formed, a model), the physic- al basis of life ; the material through which every form of life manifests itself : also proto- plasm, in same sense. biparous, a., bip'tir-tis (L. bis, double ;. pario, I bring forth), having two at a birth ; in bot. t applied to a cymose inflorescence, in which an axis gives rise to two bracts, from each of which a second axis proceeds, and so on. bipartite, a., bip'-art-lt (L. bis, twice ; partUus, divided), in bot. , divided into two parts nearly to the base.. biped, n., W-p'ed (L. bis, twice ; pes, a foot, p&dis, of a foot), an animal having two feet : bipedal, : a., bip'-Zd-al, having two feet ; walking upon two legs. bipinnate, a., bl-pm^nat (L. bis, twice; pinna or penna, a feather), having a leaf or frond growing from a stem, itself divided into leaflets and ranged in pairs; having leaflets in pairs. bipinnatifid, a., bi'-pin-naM-fid (L. bis, twice ; pinna, a feather ; Jindo, I cleave, fidl, I cleft), in bot., having pinnatifid leaves, BIP 51 BLA the segments of which are them- selves pinnatifid. bipinnatipartite, a., bl'-pm-nat-i- pdrt'-U (L. bis, twice ; pinna, a feather ; partitus, divided), differing from pinnatifid in hav- ing the divisions of a pinnatifid leaf extending to near the mid- rib. biplicate, a., Hp'-lflc-at (L. bis, twice; plicdtum, to fold), in bot., having two folds or plates. biporose, a., bi-por'-dz (L. bis, twice ; L. porus, Gr. poros, a pore), in bot., having two rounded openings. biramous, a., bi-ram'us (L. bis, twice ; ramus, a branch), applied to a limb divided into two branches, as in the limbs of the Cirripedes. bi-septate, a., bl-sept'dt> (L. bis, twice ; septum, a* fence, an en- closure), having two partitions. bi-serrate, a., bi-ser'dt (L. bi&,. twice ; serratus, saw-shaped),, in bot., having serratures whichi are themselves serrate. bi-sexual, a., bi-seks'-u-al (L..bis, twice, and sexual),, in. bot., male and female organs in the same flowers. bismuth, n.,, bismuth (Ger. wisz- muth, bismuth from wisz, white, and muth, lively), a hard, brittle, yellowish or reddish-white metal, used in the arts ;, used in medi- cine in two forms (1) the sub- nitrate,. (2) the carbonate of bis- muth. bistort, n. , bis'tdrt (L. bis, twice ; tortus, twisted), the root of the plant Polygonum bistorta, so called on account of its double twist, is a powerful astringent ; snake weed. biternate, a., bi-tern'dt (L. bis, twice ; terni, three by three), in bot., having a leaf divided into three parts, and each division again divided into three parts. bivalve, n., bi'-v&lv (L. bis, twice ; valvce, folding doors), a shell con- sisting of two plates or valves, as in the mussel or oyster ; in bot., a seed case or vessel of a similar kind. biventer cervicis, bl-vent'8r serv> is'-is (L. bis, twice, double ; venter, the belly ; cervicis, of the neck from cervix, the neck), the double-bellied muscle of the neck ; a muscle of the upper and back part of the neck, formed by a large fasciculus of the 'complexus' or ' trachelo-occipitalis, ' remark- able for consisting of two fleshy bellies with an intermediate tendon. Bixacese, n. plu., biks-a'-sZ-e (bixa, the name in S. America), the I Arnatto or Anatto* family, an Order of plants, many of which yield edible fruits : Bixe, n. plu.,> biks^e^e, one of. the four tribes of the Order : Bixa, n., biks'-a, a genus of plants of the Order : Bixa orellana, dr-Zl'-dn-d (Sp. orellana, arnatto or arnotto),. a plant,, the reddish pulp sur- rounding whose seeds yields the red colouring matter known as * arnatto, ' used to give a reddish tinge or colour to butter, cheese, etc. blain, n., bldn (AS. blegen, Dut. or Dan. blegne, a boil or pimple), among cattle, a malignant car- buncle in the mouth, and especi- ally on the tongue ; also called glossanthrax, blastema, lit, llas-ternf-a (Gr. blastema, a sprout, offspring- from blastano, I bud, I germin- ate), the axis of an embryo ;. the rudimental element of tissues ; an obsolete term for protoplasm. blastocolla, n.,.Uasttd-kol'-la (Gr. blastos, a bud.; kolla, glue), in bot., a gummy substance coating buds. blastoderm, n., blast'o-derm (Gr. blastos, a bud ; derma, skin), the germinal disc or spot which forms on the egg in the early stage of incubation : blastoderm- BLA 52 BOR ic, a., blast'-o-derm'-ik, of or be- longing to the blastoderm. Blastoidea, n. plu., blast- oyd'-Z-a (Gr. blastos, a bud; eidos, re- semblance), an extinct Order of Echinodermata : blastostyle, n., Uasl'-d-stil (G-r. stulos, a column), certain columniform zooids in the Hydrozoa which are destined to bear generative buds. blebs, see 'bulk.' Wetting, n., UtMng (Gr. bletos, thrown, wounded ; L. bliteus, tasteless, hard), the change that occurs in the pulp of a fruit after being kept for some time, and -from which a sour fruit becomes soft, edible, and pleasant. Blighia, n., btig'4-a (after Captain Bligh, who carried the breadfruit to the W. Indies), a plant which produces the Akel fruit, whose succulent arillus is used as food, the fruit being as large as a goose's egg, Ord. Sapindaceae. Bcehmeria, n., 'be-mer^i-d (in honour of Bcehmer, a German botanist), a genus of plants, Ord. Urticacese : Bcehmeria nivea, niv'-frd (L. niveus, snowy from nix, snow), a plant which supplies fibre for Chinese grass cloth, also the Rhea fibre of Assam. Boldoa, n., b8l*dd'-a (after Boldoa, a Spanish botanist), a genus of plants, Ord. Choniniiaceae : Bol- doa fragrans, fraf-granz (L. fragrans, emitting a smell), an aromatic tree of Chili whose leaves contain an essential oil. Boletus, n., bol-et'us (Gr. bolites, L. boletus, the boletus, the best kind of mushroom from bolos, a mass or lump, in reference to its massy or globular form), a genus of fungi found in woods, pastures, and on old trees a curious pro- duction whose species are succul- ent; the Chinese eat fungi largely, and prefer the Boleti to the Agar- ics : Boletus granulatus, gran'- ul'dt'-us (L. grdnulum, a little grain from granum, a grain); B. subtomentosus, tom'en-toz'-us (L. sub, a less or inferior degree ; tomVntum, a woolly flocks) ; and B. edulis, td-ul'-te (L. edulis, eatable), are all edible, and the last excellent when cooked. bolus, n., bol'-us (Gr. bolos, a mass or lump), a medicinal round mass, larger than a pill. Bombacese, n. plu., Wm-ba'-se-e '(L. bombyx, cotton, in allusion to the wool in the pods), a tribe of plants of the Ord. Steruliaceae, having hermaphrodite flowers and palmate or digitate leaves : Bombax, n., btim'-baks, a genus of plants, named 'silk-cotton trees: ' Bombax ceiba, se-ib'-a, (Sp. ctiba, the silk-cotton tree), the silk- cotton tree ; the cotton, having no cohesion in its fibres, can only be used for stuffing cushions and chairs, and similar domestic pur- poses. Boraginacese,n. plu., bor- adf-in- sg-e(Sp. borrdja, borage; borago, a corruption of L. cor, the heart, and ago, I bring so called from the nourishing qualities of the Elant), the Borage or Bugloss imily, an 'Order of plants which are generally mucilaginous and emollient : Boraginese, n. plu., bo^-adj-m'-fre, a Sub-order : Borago, n., bdr'dg f -o, a genus of plants having succulent stems : Borago officinalis, df-fts'-m-dl'is (L. officinal), borage, which has been 'Used as a remedy in pectoral affections, and otherwise em- ployed. borax, n., bor^aks (Ar. baurac, a species of nitre), a salt in appear- ance like crystals of alum, a com- pound of boracic acid and soda; used as a domestic remedy for children whose mouths are sore, and for various antiseptic pur- poses. Boronia, n., bor-on'-i-a (after Boroni, an Italian), a pretty and interesting genus of New Holland plants, Ord. Rutaceae, which BOS are remarkable for their peculiar odour. Boswellia, n., boz-w%l'-li>d (in honour of Dr. John Boswell, of Edinburgh), a genus of trees, Ord. Burseracese, several of whose species are called Olibanum or frankincense trees, and inhabit the hot and arid regions of Eastern Africa and Southern Arabia, producing fragrant juices and resins which in their dry state are used as frankincense, especially the extract called' Olib- anum ; the chief species are Boswellia Carterii, kdr-ter'4-i (after Carter)-, B. Bhau-Dajiana, bdw-dddj'i'dn'd (from native Indian names); B. Frereana, frer'-e-dn'-d (after Frere); B. thurifera, thur-if'-Zr-d (L. thus, incense, frankincense, thurts, of incense ; fero, I bear). bot, n., b$t, or bots,, Wtz (Fr. bout, end; Ger. butt, a short, thick thing), a worm which in- fests the intestines of horses, being the Iarva3 of the horse gad- fly said to be so called, 'bout,' 'bot,' or 'end-worms,' because, after passing through the intes- tines, they hang for some days upon the margin of the funda- ment beneath the tail, where they occasion inconvenience and distress, and first attract atten- tion. botany, n., btit'dn-i (Gr. btitane, a herb or plant), the science which treats of plants, their structure, functions, properties,, and habits, and their classification and nomenclature. bothrenchyma, n. , bo'th-rVng'-Mm-d (Gr. bothros, a ditch or furrow; engchuma, anything poured in, an infusion), dotted or pitted vessels with depressions inside their walls. Bothriocephalus, n., loth'-ri>o> sef'-dl-us (Gr. bothrion, a little ditch, a little pit; kephale, ahead), a genus of intestinal worms: I BRA Bothriocephalus latus, lat'-us (L. Idtus, broad), the pit-headed tape-worm, a Continental form chiefly infesting Switzerland and Russia, the germs of which are conveyed, through water : B. cordatus, Jcdr-ddt'-us (L. cordatus, heart-shaped), a species infesting the lower animals. Botrychium, n., btit-rik'i'um (Gr. botrus, a, bunch of grapes; cheo, I pour out, I scatter), a genus of ferns, so named from the form of their fructification, much like a bunch of grapes, known by the name of 'moon-worts,' Ord. Filices : Botrychium virginicum, ver-jin'ik'Um (L. virginicum, pert, to a virgin), the largest American kind, and named the 'rattlesnake fern' from these rep- tiles abounding where they grow. botrytis, n., Wt'-rit-is (Gr. botrus, & bunch of grapes), a genus of fungi, whose little round seeds or seed vessels resemble a bunch of grapes: Botrytis bassiana, bds- si'dn'-d (after J3assi r ,of Bologna), the fungus which produces the disease in the silkworm called ' muscardine. ' bougie, n., bd'-zhe or boo-zhe' (Fr. bougie, a wax candle or taper), a long slender instrument made of elastic gum, wax, or metal, for assisting in the removal of ob- structions in the oesophagus, urethra, rectum, etc., or in the treatment of stricture. Bovista, n., bd-vist f -d (a Latinised form of its German name, . bofist), a genus of fungi, characterised by the enormous size they attain, from 18 to 23 inches in diameter: Bovista gigantea, jig'-dnt-ef-d (L. giganteus, of or belonging to the giants fromgigantes, the giants), a very large and quickly-growing fungus, which has increased from the size of a pea to that of a melon in a single night. brachia, n..plu., brak'-i-d (L. arms}* two prominent white bands which BRA ( connect the two pairs of optic lobes on each side with the 'thalamius opticus' and com- mencement of the optic tracts: brachialis, a., brak'.i-dVis (L. brachialis, pert, to the arm from brachium, the arm), pert, to 'the arm : brachialis internus, m-tern a (Gr. 'brachion, the arm ; f pous, a foot, podes, feet), a class or tribe of the Molluscoida, often called 'lamp-shells,' which poss- ess two fleshy arms continued from the sides of the mouth : brachiopodous, a., brak'i-dp'- dd'US, having arms in place of feet and legs. brachium, n., brak'i-um, brachia, plu. (L. the arm), the upper arm of vertebrates. Brachychiton, n., brakf-i-kit'tin (Gr. brachus, short ; chaite, head of hair, the mane of a horse), a genus of plants having fine flowers and short stellate hairs : Brachychiton populneum, pop-ul'nZ'Um (L. populneus, belonging to the pop- lar from populus, the poplar tree), the poplar bottle tree of Australia. Brachyura, n. plu., brak'-i-tir'-d (Gr. brachus, short ; oura, a t BRA tail), a tribe of the decapod Crustaceans having short tails, as the crabs. bracteae, n. plu., brdktf-e-e (L. bractea, a thin plate of metal), bracts or floral leaves : bract, n. , brdkt, a floral leaf, a leaf more or less changed in form, from which a flower or flowers proceed : bracteate, a., brakt'e-dt, also bracteated, a., -dt-ed, applied to flowers having bracts : bracteoles, n. plu., brcikt'-e-olz (L. brdcteola, a thin leaf of gold, dim. of bractea), small or secondary bracts at the base of separate flowers, between the bracts and flowers : bractlet, n. , brdkt'-let, a bracteole. Bradypodidae, n. plu., brad'>f> pod'-id-e (Gr. bradus, slow ; podes, feet), the family of Eden- tata, comprising the sloths. branches, n. plu., brdnsh'-'es (It. branco, F. branche, a branch ; It. branca, the claw of a beast), in bot., principal divisions of an axis or stem ; a bough ; in anat. , the principal division of an art- ery or nerve: branchlets, n. plu., bransh'lets, little or secondary branches. branchiae, n. plu., brdngkf-i-e (Gr. brangchia, the gill of a fish), the gills of a fish, respiratory organs adapted to breathe air dissolved in water: branchiate, a., brdngk'- i-dt, possessing gills or branchiae: Branchifera, n. plu., brangk-if. %r>d (Gr. phero, L.fero, I carry), a division of gasteropodous Molluscs having the respiratory organs mostly in the form of distinct gills: Branchio-gasterop- oda, brangk'4- d-gdst'8r - op'-od d, another name for Branchifera : branchiopoda, n. plu., brangk'-i- op'od-d, also branchiopods, n. plu., brang'i'd-p6ds (Gr. pous, a foot, podes, feet), Crustacea in which the gills are supported by the feet : branchiopodous, a., brdngk f -i-op f -6d'US, gill-footed. branchiostegal, a., BRA 55 BRO teg'dl(Gr. brangchia, a gill; sfego, I cover, I conceal), among many fishes, having a membrane sup- ported by rays for covering and protecting the gills ; having a gill covering. brand, a., brand (Icel. brandr, Ger. brand, a fire-brand), in bot. , denoting certain parasitic fungi which produce a scorched or burnt appearance on the living leaves of a tree. Brassicaceas, n. plu., bras' si-ka' s$-e (L. brassica, W. bresych, cabbage said to be in allusion to the bunchy top), an extensive Order of plants, more commonly called Cruciferse : Brassica, n., bras'-sik-d, a genus of the Ord. Cruciferse. ; many of the common culinary vegetables belong to this Order, as cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, radish, cress, etc..: Brassica oleracea, dl'gr-d'sg-d (L. olera- ceus, herb-like from olus, a kitchen herb), the original species, whence all the varieties of cabbage, cauliflower, brocoli, and savoys have been obtained : B. rapa, rdp'-d (L. rdpum, a turnip), the common turnip : B. campestris, kdm-pest'-ris (L. campestris, be- longing to a level field from campus, a field), the source of the Swedish turnip : B. napus, ndp'us (L. napus, a species of turnip), rape or cole-seed, which yields colza and carcel oils : B. Chinensis, tshin-ens'is (mod. L. Chinensis, pert, to China), the plant which yields Shanghae oil : B. nigra, nig'rd (L. nigra, fern, black), a plant, the seeds of which furnish table-mustard. braxy, n., braks'4 (said to be from AS. breac, a rheum ; AS. broc, Icel. brak, disease, sickness may be connected with the root of brake and bracken, as indicating the nature of the ground where the disease prevails), chronic diarrhoea or dysentery among sheep ; in Scotland, a general term applied to diseases of sheep of the most opposite character. Bray era anthelmintica, brd-er'-a dnth'.Zl'mintf.ik'ti (Gr. antl, against ; helmins, a worm), the flowers of a tree of Abyssinia which have been found effective in Tsenia or tape -worms ; the drug Kousso or Cusso. bregma, n., br'eg'-md (Gr. bregma, the fore - part of the head from brecho, I moisten or wet), the top of the head ; the two spaces in the infant's head where the part of the bone is the longest in hardening. Brevilinguia, n., brZv'-t'ttng'gwt-ti (L. brevis, short,; lingua, the tongue), in zooL, a division of the Lacertilia. Brevipennatae, n. plu , brVv'-i-pen- ndtf'6 (L. brevis, short ; penna, a wing), a group of the natatorial birds : brevipennate, a., brev'-i- pVn'ndt, sliort-winged. brevissimus oculi, br&V'fe'tin-fo ok'ul'i (L. brevissimus, very short from brevis, short ; oculi, of the eye), the * obliquus inferior, ' from its being the shortest muscle of the eye. Bromeliaceae, n. plu., brdm-el'i-d' se-e (after Bromel, a Swedish botanist), the Pine-apple Family, an Order of plants, natives of the warm parts of America : Bromel- ia, br 6m- el' i- a, a genus of plants, the woody fibres of many of which are used in manufactures : Bromel- ia pinguis. pmg'-gwis (L. pinguis, fat), a species used as a vermifuge in the \V. Indies. bromine, n., bromf-m (Gr. bromos, a carrion smell, a stench), a red elementary liquid of offensive odour, obtained from sea-water, salt-springs, and sea-weed, used extensively in medicine in the form of bromic acid, and its derivative hydrobromic acid. Bronms, n., brom'us (Gr. bromos, wild oats), a genus of plants, Ord. Graminese : Bromus purgans, BRO 56 BRY perg'dnz (L. purgans, clearing or cleaning out), and B. cathart- icus, kath'drtf'ik-us (Gr. kath- airo, I clean or purge), grasses which have purgative properties. bronchus, n., brdngk'-us, bronchi, plu., brftngk'-i', also bronchia, n., ortingk'i'd, bronchise, plu., -i-e (Gr. brongchos, the windpipe), the two tubes that branch oft from the bottom of the trachea or wind- pipe, by which the air is con- veyed to the lungs : bronchial, a., brdngk'i-al, pert, to the bronchi: bronchiole,, n., brdngF-i-ol, a small bronchial tube : bronchitis, n., brongk'itf-is, the inflamma- tion of the lining membranes of the bronchial tubes : bronchio- cele, n., brongkti-d'Sel (Gr. kele, a tumour), an enlargement of the thyroid glands, known in Alpine regions as goitre, and in England as Derbyshire neck : bronchot- omy, n., brongk-dt'om-i (Gr. tome, a cutting), the operation of making an opening into the air passages ; when the larynx is cut, the operation is termed ' laryngotomy, ' and when the trachea, 'tracheotomy:' bronch- ial breathing, a term applied to the sound, resembling that pro- duced by blowing, through tubes, which replaces the normal, vesic- ular, respiratory murmur, when the ear is applied over a solidified portion ot lung : broncophony, n., brftngk'ftf'On-i (Gr. phone, sound), the peculiarly distant resonance of the voice heard in similar circumstances to preced- ing ; the muffled and indistinct speech of any one labouring under a bronchial affection. Brosimum, n., broz'im-um (Gr. brosimos, eatable, nutritious in allusion to their eatable fruit), a genus of plants, Ord. Moracese : Brosimum utile, ut'-il-e (L. utile, profitable), the cow tree, whose juice can be employed as a substi- tute for milk: B..aubletii, a/fob.- lesh't'i; the snake-wood or letter- wood of Demerara: B.alicastrum, al f -ik'astf-rum,& tree which yields bread-nuts, nutritious and- agree- able when boiled or roasted. Broussonetia, n., brds'-on-esh'-i-cl (after Broussonet, a French naturalist), a genus of ornamental and fast-growing trees, Ord. Moracese: Broussonetia papyrif- era, . p&p'ir $?&& (L. papyrus, the paper reed ; fero, I bear), the paper mulberry ; the outer bark is used in China and Japan in the manufacture of a kind of paper, the juice as a glue in gilding leather and paper, and the bark produces a fine white cloth. bruit, n., brd'i (F. bruit, noise, din), applied to various sounds heard in auscultation in disease of the thorax or its organs. Bruniaceae, n. plu., br6n f -i-a'se>e (after Brun the traveller), the Brunia family, an Ord. of plants. Brunoniaceae, n. plu., brdn-dn'-i-d'- s&e (after Dr. Robert Brown), the Brunonia family, an Order of plants. bruta, n., brdt'-a (L. brutus,. dull, stupid), used to designate the mammalian order of the Edentata. Bryaceaa, n. plu., bri-a'se-e (Gr. bruon, moss, seaweed from bruo, I bud or sprout), another name for theMusciorMoss family, so called because the germination of the seed commences on the plant ; flowerless plants known as ' urn mosses.' bryology, n., bri'til'-ti-ji (Gr. bruon, moss ; logos, discourse), the study of the division of mosses ; same as ' muscology. ' Bryonia, n.,brl-dn^i'd(L. bryonia, Gr. bruon, bryonia, a kind of herb from Gr. bruo, I abound, I bud, so named from its abun- dance),, a genus of plants, Ord. Cucurbitacese : Bryonia alba, alb'-a (L. albus, white), a plant, a powerful purgative, used in medic- ine ; also B. dioica, di-dyV>& BRY 57 BUR (Or. dis, twice ; oikos, a house, in allusion to the flowers with stamens, and those organs bear- ing seed growing on different plants), supposed to be the same as B. alba ; bryony or wild vine ; white bryony, applied to the root : bryonin, n., &ri-#n-lfo, a yellowish-brown bitter substance obtained from the root. Bryophillum, n., bri'd-fil'-um (Gr. bruo, I grow ; phullon, a leaf), a genus of curious plants, Ord. Crassulacese, so named in allusion to the circumstance that a leaf lying on damp earth emits roots, and throws up stems : Bryophil- lum calycinum, Edl'f-sin'-um (Gr. kalnx, a flower- cup or calyx, kaluJcos, of a flower-cup), a plant remarkable for producing ger- minating buds at the edges of its leaves. bryozoa, n. plu., 'brl'-oz-o'-a (Gr. bruon, moss, seaweed ; zoon, an animal), a synonym of * polyzoa. ' bubo, n., buf-bo, buboes, n. plu., bu'-boz (Gr. bonbon, the groin), an inflamed lymphatic gland, common in the groin : bubono- cele, n., bu-bdn'o-sel (Gr. Jcele, a tumour), a rupture in which the intestines break down into the groin ; incomplete inguinal her- nia. buccal, a., buk'al (L. bucca, the cheek), belonging to the cheek or mouth, as buccal arteries: buccal membrane, the lining membrane of the mouth : buccales, n. plu. , buk'kdl'ez, the arteries, veins, nerves, etc. of the cheeks. buccinator, n., bu&sfn-dt'br (L. buccina, a kind of trumpet), one of the two broad thin muscles of the cheeks which act during the process of mastication, and in blowing wind instruments. bulb, n., bulb (L. bulbus, a globular root, an onion), in anat., resembling bulbous roots; in bot., a leaf-bud with fleshy scales, of a globular shape, growing on the soil or partly in it, as the onion : bulbi, n. plu., bulb'i, bulbs: bulbil, n., bulb'-tl, also bulblet, n., bulb' let, separable buds in the axil of leaves, as in some lilies : bulbose, a., bulb'os, having the structure of a bulb. bulbus olfactorius, bulb'-us diydkt- or'i-us (L. bulbus, a bulb ; olfact- on'ws,.pert. to smelling), the part of the olfactory nerve which swells into an oval enlargement or bulb: bulbar, a., pert, to a bulb, generally used in med. to qualify a peculiar form of paralysis due to disease of the medulla oblongata and its imme- diate surroundings. bulla, n., bid' la, bullse, plu., buttle (L. bulla, a water-bubble), the blisters or large vesicles appearing on the body in some forms of skin disease ; blebs : bullous, a.,, bul'lus, pert, to bullse. bullate, a., Wl'-lot (L. bulla, a bubble), having elevations like blisters ; puckered as- in the leaf of a Savoy cabbage. bunion, n., bun'-yun (Fr. bigne, a knob rising after a knock ; Icel. bingh, a heap ; Gr. bounion, a bulbous root from bounos, a mound),, a subcutaneous swelling frequently found on the inner side of the ball of the great toe, or it may be elsewhere. Bunium bulbocastanum, bulb f '8'kast f -an-um (Gr. a bulbous root from bounos, a mound; Gr. bolbos, L. bulbus, a bulb; Gr. kastanon, L. castdnea, a chestnut) ; also B. flexu- osum, fleks-u-oz'-um (L. flexus, bent), two species of plants of the Ord. Umbelliferse, the tubers of which are eaten under the name of pig-nuts or earth-nuts. Burro anniacese, n. plu., 6er-ma/i- m-a'-se-e (unascertained), the Burmannia family, an Order of tropical weeds allied to the Orchids. BUR 58 CAC bursa, n., bersa (after John, Earl of Bute], a splendid genus of flowering plants, Ord. Legum- inosse: Butea frondoso, frond- 6z f -o (L. frondosus, leafy from frons, a leaf), the Dhak tree of the East Indies, yields a product similar to Kino, and has bright orange-red petals, and a black calyx: B. superba, su-pertta (L. superbus, proud), yields with the preceding a beautiful dye, and roots can be made into strong ropes. ButomaceaB, n. plu., but'dm-d's&e (Gr. bous, an ox; temno, I cut), the flowering Rush family, an Order of plants: Butomus, n., but' dm- us, a genus of aquatic plants which receive their name because they are said to cause the mouths of the cattle to bleed who crop them: Butomus umbellatus, um-bH-dt'-us (L. umbella, a little shadow from umbra, a shadow), the flowering rush, a beautiful British aquatic plant. buttocks, n. plu., but'-tb'ks (Dut. bout, the leg or thigh of an animal), the protuberant part of the body behind ; the seat. Buxus, n., buks'us (L. buxus, the box tree, boxwood), a genus of hardy evergreen shrubs, much valued for its close, hard wood, so useful in the arts, Ord. Euphor- biacese : Buxus sempervirens, s&mp-er''Vir'$nz (L. semper ', al- ways ; virens, flourishing), the bark of this species is said to be alterative, and its leaves bitter and purgative. byssaceous, a., bis-sd'shus (Gr. bussos, L. byssus, fine flax), resembling or consisting of fine thread-like filaments : byssiferous, a,, bis-sif'-Zr-us (L. fero, I bear), producing or bearing a byssus: byssoid, a., Us'-soyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling very slender threads like a cobweb: byssus, n., bis'sus, the silky fila- ments by which the common mussel and other bivalve mol- lusca attach themselves to other objects, or to the sea bottom. Byttneriacese, n. plu., Ut'-ner-t- d'-se-e (after Buttner, a German naturalist), the Byttneria and Chocolate family, an Order of shrubs, some bearing showy .flowers, others, as the Theobroma cacao, producing the Cocoa of the shops. cachexia, n., ka-k%ks f -i-a (Gr. kakos, bad; hexis, habit), a viti- ated or deranged condition of the body: cachexia aquosa, a- kwozt a (L. aquosus, abounding in water from aqua, water), a dropsical disease of sheep. Cactaceae, n. plu., kak-td'-sV-e (Gr. kaktos, L. cactus, a prickly plant), CAD 59 CAL an Order of succulent herbs, natives of tropical America ; the Cactus or Indian Fig family, many species yielding edible fruits, as the prickly pear : Cactus, n., kakt'-us, a genus of plants; the melon thistle. cadaveric rigidity, kad>av'$r-lk rtdj-id'-tt-i (L. cadaver, a dead body), a term designating the stiffness or rigidity of the body which ensues shortly after death : cadaveric hyperaemia, hi'per- em'4-ob (Gr. huper, over, above ; haima, blood), usually termed 'post-mortem hypostasis/ the livid discoloration on the body after death, caused by the gravi- tation of the blood. caducibranchiate, a., Md-us'-t- brangk'4-dt (L. caducus, falling ; brangchia, gills of a fish), having branchiae or gills which fall off before maturity is reached. caducous, a., kad-uk'-us (L. caducus, falling), in bot., falling off very early, as the calyx of the ' poppy ; applied to parts of an animal which fall off and are shed during its life. csecal, a., sek'-al (L. ccecus, blind), pert, to the csecum ; having a blind or closed end : csecum, n., sett-tim, a tube which terminates in a blind or closed end ; a little sac formed in the course of the intestines ; the part of the large intestine situated below the entrance of the ileum also called intestinuin esecum, m'tes-tin'um (L. intestmum, the bowel or gut). CaesalpinieaB, n. plu. , serf al-pm-l'^e (after Caxalpinus, physician of Pope Clement vni.), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, among which there are many plants which furnish purgative remedies : CaBsalpinia, n. , ses'- al'pin'-i'ti, a genus of plants : Csesalpinia coriaria, k6r-i-dr f 'i-d (L. ctiridrius, pert, to leather from corium, leather), a species whose curved pods, under the name of Divi-divi, are used for tanning : 0. brasiliensis, brdz* il'4'$ns'is (L. formative from Portug. braza, glowing embers ; Old-Eng. brasil, of a bright red in allusion to its colour), a tree which yields .the Brazil wood of commerce : C. echinata, $ktm> dt'a (L. echlndtus, prickly), famishes Pernambuco wood : C. sappan, sap -pan' ', furnishes the sappan-wood of Scinde. Caesarian section or operation, ses-dr'-t-an (L. Ccesdrmnus, of or belonging to 'Caesar said to be so named after Julius Gcesar, who was brought into the world in this manner.; probably only an adaptation tof L. ccesus, cut), the operation of cutting into the womb in order to extract the foetus. caesious, a., sezh'i-us (L. ccesius, bluish-gray, cat-eyed), bluish- gray ; having a fine pale blue bloom. caespitellose, a., ses'-pU-eV-loz (L. ccuspes, turf, sod), a diminutive of csespitose : caaspitose, &. ,ses f -pit- oz, growing in little tufts ; tufted, Calamus, n., kdl'am-us (Gr. kalamos, L. calamus, a reed, a reed-pen), a genus of plants, Ord. Palm 8e, holding the middle place between the grasses and palms : Calamus draco, drd-6 (L. draco, Gr. drakon, a species of serpent, a dragon), one of the rattan palms in Sumatra and Borneo, whose resin is one of the substances called * dragon's blood' : C. scipionum, sip-i-on'- um (L. scipio, a staff carried by persons of distinction), a plant whose thinner stems go under the name of * rattans'; also C. rotang : C. rudentum, rd-denf- um (L. rudens, a rope, rudentis, of a rope, rudentum, of ropes), the common or cable cane, a native of the East Indies, etc., growing sometimes to the length of 500 feet. CAL 60 CAL calamus scriptorius, kdl'dm-us skrip'tor^i'US (Gr. kalamos, L. calamus, a reed, a reed-pen ; scriptorius, for writing), that part of the floor of the fourth ventricle of the brain, the con- figuration of which resembles the point of a pen. Calathea, n., kdl'-dtU-ef.a (Gr. kalathos, L. caldthus, a wicker basket, a cup), a genus of plants, Ord. Marantacese, interesting and ornamental: Calathea zebrina, zeb-rm'd (Sp. zebra, It. zebro, a zebra), a plant, so called from its peculiar striped leaves and velvety asj ect. calathiform, a., kdl-dtli'i-fo'rm (L. caldthus, a basket, a cup ; forma, shape), in bot., hemi- spherical or concave, like a bowl or cup : calathium, Ml'-dth'i'tim, in same sense as 'capitulum* and ' anthodium. ' calcaneum, n., kdl-kdn'-Z-um (L. calcdneum, the heel from calx, the heel), in anat., the os calcis, or largest bone of the foot, pro- jecting downwards and backwards to form the heel : calcaneo- cuboid, a., kdl-kdn'$'d-kub f 'dyd (Gr. Jcubos, a square ; eidos, re- semblance), an articulation in which the calcaneum is united to the cuboid bone by a synovial joint and ligaments : calcaneo, indicates a connection or articula- tion with the heel. calcar, n., kdttkdr (L. cakar,. a spur), a projecting hollow or solid process from the base of an organ ; in zool., the spur of a rasorial bird; the rudiments of hind limbs in certain snakes : calcarate, a., kal'-kdr-dt, having a spur or spurs: calcar avis, di/'is (L. avis, a bird, or 'of a bird'), the spur of the bird, a curved and pointed longitudinal eminence on the inner side of the floor of the cerebrum; also called * hippocampus minor. ' Calceolaria, n., (L. calceolus, a small shoe, in allusion to the form of the corolla), a favourite genus of plants, Ord. Scrophulariaceae, which contain some very showy species ; some of the species used in dyeing : calceolate, a., kdl>se'> 8l> at, having the form of a slipper, applied to the hollow petals of orchids, and of the calceolaria. calculus, n., kdl f -kul-us (L. calculus, a small stone), a stony concretion in any gland or organ: calculi, n. plu., kdl f -kul-i t small stony concretions. Calendula, 11., kdl^nd'-ul-d (L. calender, the first days of the Koman month, the calends), a genus of showy plants, flowering almost every month : Calendula oflicinalis (L. offitindlis, officinal), the common marigold. calice, n., k&l'-ts-e or Ml'-te (L. calix, a cup ; calicis, of a cup ; calice, in or with a cup), the little cup in which the polype of a coralligenous zoophyte is con- tained. Callitris, n., kdl'.it-ris (Gr. kalos, beautiful; thrix, hairy), a beauti- ful genus of trees, growing 20 or 30 feet high, grows best south of the tropics, Ord. Coniferse, Sub-ord. Cupressinese : Callitria quadrivalvis, kwdd'-ri-vdlv'-u (L. quadrus, square from quatuor, four ; valvce, folding doors), the Arar tree, supplying a solid resin called 'sandarach' or 'pounce, 'used instead of blotting-paper to dry the ink by strewing it over MSB. callosity, n.,M-&s'&-(L. callosus, thick-skinned from callus, hard, thick skin), a horny hardness on the skin ; in bot., a leathery or hardened thickening of a part of an organ: callus, n., kdl'-us, same sense ; new bony matter, formed to unite the fractured ends of a bone ; in bot., a protuberance on the surface arising from the swelling of cambium cells : CAL 61 CAL callous, a., kdl'us, hard, indur- ated. Calluna, n., kdl-l6n'-d (Gr. kalluno, I make beautiful), a genus of plants, Ord. Ericaceae : Calluna vulgaris, vulg-dr'-is (L. vulgdris, common from vulgus, the multi- tude), ling or common heather, which has astringent qualities; used commonly for brooms. calomel, n., Ml'8>m&l (Gr. kalos, beautiful ; melas, black ; rather meli, honey), a mild preparation of mercury, chemically known as the sub-chloride of mercury. Calonyction, n., Ml'-Vn-iTc'-ti-dn (Gr. kalos, beautiful; nux, night, nuktos, of night), a genus of plants, Ord. Convolvulaceae, so called because they open their flowers at night : Oalonyction speciosum, spes'-i-dz'um (L. speciosum, full of beauty or dis- play from species, look, view, a sort), a plant with large white blossoms, which flowers at night, and has received the name * moon- plant. ' Calophyllum, n., Jsti&d-fffitim (Gr. kalos, beautiful ; phullon, a leaf), a genus of large-growing timber trees, Ord. Guttiferse or Clusiaceae ; Calophyllum calaba, kaV-ab'd (calaba, native name), the calaba tree, which yields the resin 'tacamahaca:'C.inophyllum, In'-O'fil'-tim (Gr. Is, a fibre, sinew, mos, of a fibre ; phullon, a leaf), a species from the seeds of which a useful oil is obtained. Calotropis, n., kdl-8Mp>w (Gr. kalos, beautiful ; tropis, a keel, the bottom of a vessel), a genus of plants, Ord. Asclepiadiacese, so called in allusion to the keel of the flowers : Calotropis procera, prd'Ser'a (L. procerus, high, tall), also C. gigantea, jiy'-dnt-e'.d (L. giganteus, belonging to the giants), the bark of whose roots furnishes the substance called 'mudar'; the essential principle mudarine gelatinises on being heated, and becomes fluid on cooling. calumba, n., kdl-um'bd (Colomba, Ceylon, whence obtained ; ka~ lumb, the name in Mozambique), the root of Jateorhiza palmata, from East Africa, an infusion or tincture of which is used as a pure bitter tonic, the bitter crystallisable principle being called 'calumbin.' calvarium, n., kdl-vdr'-i-um, cal- varia, plu. (new L. from L. calva, the scalp without the hair; calvus, bald), the roof of the skull. Calycanthaceae, n. plu., kal'ik- anth-a'sV-e (Gr. kalux, a calyx ; anthos, a flower), the Calycanthus family, a small Order of beautiful early - flowering shrubs, whose flowers are aromatic : Calyc- anthus, n., kdl'-ik-dnth'-us, a genus of plants, so called in al- lusion to the colour of the calyx : Calycanthus floridus, fl^r'-id'US (L. floridus, flowery, gay), the Carolina or common American calycanthemy, n. , kdl'-ik.dnth'.em-t (Gr. kalux, a flower-cup; anthem- on, a flower), the conversion of sepals into petals either wholly or partially; the insertion of the corolla and stamens into the calyx : cal / ycanth / emous, a., -Zm-us, having the sepals wholly or partially converted into petals; having the corolla and stamens inserted into the calyx. CalyceraceaB, n. plu., kdl-fe'-Zr-d'- se*e (Gr. kalux, a flower-cup, kalukos, of a flower-cup), a small Order of herbaceous plants in- habiting S. America. calyces, see * calyx.' CalyciflorsB, n. plu., kdl-is'-i-jldr'>e (Gr. kalux, L. calyx, a flower- cup ; L. flordlis, floral from Flora, the goddess of flowers), a sub-class of the Ord. Ochnacese : calycifloral, a., kdl-ts'.i-Jldr''dl, applied to those plants where the CAL petals are separate or united, and the stamens are inserted directly on the calyx. calycine, a., Ml'-is-ln (L. calyx, a flower- cup, calycis, of a flower- cup), of or belonging to a calyx or flower- cup: calycoid, a., kdl' ik-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling a calyx. Calycophoridse, n. plu., Ml'-ilc-o- fSr'-id-e (Gr. kalux, L. calyx,, a flower-cup; phoreo, I bear or carry), in zool.,. an Order of the Hydrozoa, so called from pos- sessing bell- shaped swimming organs. calyculus, n.,, kal-ik'-ul-us (L. calyculus, a little flower-cup, a bud from calyx, a flower-cup), an outer row. of leaflets at the base of the calyx giving rise to a double or calyculate calyx ;. also calycle, n., katti'kl, in same sense: calyculate, a,.,kdl-$k'ul'dt, applied to flowers which appear as if they possessed a double calyx; a ring or outer covering of bracts appearing to form a distinct whorl of themselves. calyptoblastic, a. Ml'ip'-td'hlast'-ik (Gr. kaluptos, covered ; blastos, a sprout or bud), in zool., desig- nating the Hydrozoa in which the nutritive or generative buds possess an external receptacle. calyptra, n., kal-ip'-tra (Gr. kal- uplra, a covering, a veil), the outer covering of the sporangium of mosses; the hood of a moss theca: calyptrate, &.,kal-ip'trdt,. hooded. calyptrimorphous, a., kal'ip'-tri' mdrf-us (Gr. kaluptra,& covering; morphe, shape, form), in bot.,. applied to ascidia or pitchers that have a distinct lid. calyx, n., kdl f >iks, calyces, n. plu., kdl'-is-ez (Gr. kalux, L. calyx, a flower- cup ; Gr. kalukos, L. calycis, of a flower-cup), in bot., the outer envelope or whorl of a flower, the inner being called the corolla; in zool., the cup-shaped 62 CAM body of the vorticella, or of a crinoid; in anat., calyces, short funnel-shaped tubes in the kidneys, into each of which one or more of the papillae of the renal substance projects. cambium, n., Jcam'bi-um (new L. cambium, nutriment ; L. cambio, I change), a viscid glutinous substance formed in spring be- tween the bark and the new wood of exogens,. the supposed matter for new layers of wood and bark. Camellia, n., Mm-eM-a (after Kamel or Camellus, a Moravian Jesuit), a genus of plants whose species are universally prized for their beautiful rose-like flowers, and dark -green shining leaves : Camellia Japonica, ja-ptin'-ik-a (L. Japonicue,, of or belonging to Japan), the species from which the cultivated varieties are chiefly obtained: C, Sasanqua, sas-sang'* kwd, the Sasanqua tea, is culti- vated for its flowers, which are used to impart fragrance and flavour to other teas: C. oleifera, dl'.&'tf.&r.d (L. oleum, oil;/ero, I carry), yields a valuable oil. CampanulaceaB, n.plu., kam-pan'- ul-d'-se-e (L. campanula, a little bell from cdmpdna, a bell), the Harebell family,, an Order of plants, chiefly herbaceous : Cam- panula, n. , kdm-pan'-ul-a, a genus of plants so called from the re- semblance of its corolla to a bell: Campanula rapuncula, rap* ungk'-ul'd (dim. of L. rdpum, a turnip), a species whose roots and young shoots are used for food: campanulate, a.,, kam-pdn'-ul-dt, having the shape of a little bell, as in the flower of the harebell. Campanularida, n. plu., Mm- pdn'-ul-ar'-id'd (L. campanula, a little bell), an Ord. of hydroid zoophytes. Camphora officinarum, k#m'fbr<& df-fis f 'm'dr''Um(&}). alcanfdr, cam- phor; L. camphora, camphor ; CAM officlna, a workshop, a laboratory, ojficmdrum, of workshops), a tree, 6rd. Lauracese, which chiefly produces the camphor of the shops, a native of China, Japan, and Cochin- China, obtained from the wood by distillation and sublimation: camphorated, a., Icdm'f&r-dt'Zd, impregnated with camphor. camptotropal, a., Mmp-tdt'-rdp-al (Gr. kamptos, flexible, bent; tropoSy a turn from trepo, I turn), in bot., having curved ovules when the portions on either side of the line of curvation are equal. campulitropal, see ' campylot- ropal. ' campylospermse, n. plu., kdmp' il-d-sperm'e (Gr. Jcampulos, bent, curved; sperma, seed), seeds with the albumen curved at the margins so as to form a longitud- inal furrow : camp'ylosperm'ous, a., -sperm'us, having the albumen of the seed curved at the margin, thus forming a longitudinal furrow. campylotropal, a., Jtttmp'U'tit'' rdp-al, also camp'ylot'ropous, a., -rSp'US (Gr. kampulos, bent, curved; tropos, a turn), in bot., having a curved ovule when the portions on either side of the curvation are unequal ; having a curved ovule, with the hilum, micropyle, and chalaza near each other. canaliculus, n., TcdMlW-ttt-tte,. canaliculi, n. plu., -ikf-ul-i (L. candliculus, a water channel from candlis, a pipe, a channel), a term applied to the minute canals of bone, and to the pas- sages which carry away the tears: canaliculate, a., Jctin'-al- W-ul'dt, channelled ; having lon- gitudinal grooves or furrows. canalis, n., kdn-dl'-is (L. candlis, a pipe), a small duct or canal in the human frame for the trans- mission of nerves, arteries, etc., 63 CAN which have received names from their discoverers, as the canals of Fontana, Gartner, Havers, Nuck, Hunter, Petit, Sylvius, etc. , while others are so called from their position, as the following: Canalis centralis modioli, s$nt rdl-is modf-l'Ol'l (L. cenlralis, central, middle; mddwli, of the nave of a wheel), the central canal of the modiolus ; in the ear, one of the many small canals of the modiolus, larger than the rest, running from the base to the centre : Canalis membranacea, mem'bran-ds'e'd (L. membrdndcetis, belonging to skin or membrane), the mem- branous canal of the ear : C. reunions, r&un'-i-enz (L. re, again ; uniens, uniting), a small duct of the ear rendering the cavity of the canalis continuous with that of the saccule : C. spiralis modioli, splr-dV-is (L. spirdlis, coiled, twisted from spira, a coil, a twist), the spiral canal of the modiolus ; a small canal of the ear which winds around the modiolus : C. arteriosus, drt'erlt-ozf-us (L. arteriosus, pert, to an artery from arteria, an artery), the arterial canal : C. venosus, veri'dz'us (L. venosus, full of veins from vena, a vein), the venous canal; see 'Ductus arteriosus. ' cancelli, n. plu., Icfoi-s&ttll (L. cancelli, a lattice, a grating), the lattice-like texture of the internal bone : cancellate, a., kan'Sel'ldt, having an appearance like lattice- work ; in bot., composed of veins alone, or of lattice-like cells : cancellous, a.,. Ican-s&l'-lus, pert, to the net-like tissue, or lattice- work of the inner bone. cancrum oris, hank'-rum or'is (L. cancrum, a cancer from cancer, a crab ; os, a mouth, oris, of a mouth), a very rare but danger- ous form of gangrenous stomatitis, usually commencing in the cheek, CAN ( and occurring among children from two to thirteen years of age. Candollea, n., kdn-dtt'-te-d (after Decandolle of Geneva, an eminent botanist), a beautiful genus of plants, Ord. Dilleniacea?. CanellaceaB, n. plu., kan'-el-d'-se'-e (L. canna, a reed, a cane), the Canella family, an Order of plants of the West Indies, very aromatic : Canella, n., kdn^tta, a genus of plants, so called from their bark being rolled like cinnamon, valu- able and ornamental trees: Canella alba, dlb f 'd (L. albus, white), a tall tree yielding the canella bark, or white cinnamon, and likewise several kinds of oil. canescent, a., kdn-es'%nt (L. cdnescens, growing white or hoary), in bot., hoary; somewhat approaching to white. canine, a., kdn>in' (L. canis, a dog), designating the eye-teeth ; in mammals, the four teeth which immediately adjoin the incisors, two in each jaw ; resembling a dog in qualities or structure : canine madness, rabies. CannabinaceaB, n. plu., kdn'nd- bin^d'se^e (Gr. kannabis, L. cannabis, hemp), the Hemp and Hop family, an Order of herbaceous plants: Cannabis, n^kan'-ndb-is, a genus of plants : Cannabis sativa, sat-w'a (L. sativus, fit to be sown or planted), an herbaceous plant yielding the valuable fibre called hemp : C. Indica, m'dik-d (L. Indicus, Indian), a hemp plant used in India to produce intoxication Bhang is made from the larger leaves and fruit dried ; Gunjah or Ganja consists of the whole plant dried after flower- ing ; Haschisch or Qinnab, among the Arabs, is made from the tops and tender plants dried : cannabina, n., kdn f -nd'bin f 'd, medicine made from Cannabis Indica. Cannaceaa, n. plu., Tcdn-nd'se-e \ fc CAO (L. canna, a reed or cane), the Arrowroot family, an Order of plants, also called Marantacese : Canna, n., kdn'nd, a genus of plants containing much starch in rhizomes and roots, and producing abundance of bright flowers at all seasons, the seeds of cannas being round and black, and known as ' Indian shot ' : Canna coccinea, kok-sin'8-a (L. coccirieus, of a .scarlet colour from coccum, scarlet); C. achiras, dk-ir'ds (Gr. a, without ; cheir, the hand; from W. L); C. edulis, %d-ul f 'is (L. edulis, eatable), three species of canna from which the arrowroot called ' tous le mois,' td le mwd, or St. Kitts' arrowroot, is obtained : C. iridi- flora, ir'-id-i-flor'-d (L. iris, the iris or sword lily, iridis, of the 'iris.; Flora, the goddess of flowers), the most splendid flowering plant of the cannas. cantharis, n., kdnth'-dr-is, canth- arides, n. iplu.,kdnth'ar'$d-ez(GT. kanthdris, L. cantharis, a species of beetle ; Gr. kantharidos, L. cantharidis, of a beetle), the Spanish fly, so called, collected chiefly in Hungary, and is used in making blistering plasters, etc. ; a weak tincture is occasionally employed as a stimulating wash for promoting the growth of the hair. canthus, n., also kanthos, kanth'* tis, -8s (Gr. kanthos, the corner of the eye), the angle or corner of the eye, respectively named the outer and inner angles : canthi, n. plu., kdnth'-l, the corners of the eye. canula, n., kdn'-ul-d (L. canula t a little reed from canna, a reed), a metallic or elastic tube used for surgical purposes, as for removing a fluid from a tumour. caoutchouc, n., kdo'-tshdok (a native Indian word), india-rubber, the dried juice of various tropical plants, such as Urceola elastica.. CAP 65 CAP and Vahea gummifera, Ord. Apocynaceae ; also many o f the Artocarpus tribe, Ord. Moracese, furnish caoutchouc. capillaire, n., kap-tl-ldr' (F. capillaire, capillary, maidenhair), a syrup, prepared from Adiantum pedatum, or Canadian maiden- hair. capillary, a., Mp'tt-lar-i (L. capillus, hair), in bot., filiform or thread-like ; hair-like. capillitium, n., Mp'-il'lisli'i-tim (L. capillitium, the hair collect- ively), the threads or hairs of puff-balls ; in prescriptions, the hair of the head as, abraditor capillitium, 'let the head be shaven.' capitate, &.,Mp'-tt-at (L. capitatus, having a head from caput, the head), in bot., having a rounded or pin-like head, as on some hairs ; having a globose head : capitellum, n., Jcdp'tt-el'-um (L. capitellum, a dim. of caput), in anat., a rounded process or knob supported on a narrower, called its neck ; in bot. , the seed-vessel or head of mosses. capitulum, n., kdp-it'ul-um (L. capitulum, a little head from caput, the head), in bot., a flattened, convex, or slightly concave receptacle covered with flowers, having very short pedicles or none, as in the dandelion, daisy, and other composite flowers ; in some lichens, a stalk bearing a round head or knob ; in same sense, Anthodium and Calathiuin ; in anat., a process of bone, same as capitellum ; a protuberance or round head of bone, fitted into the concavity ot another ; in zool., the body of a barnacle, from its being supported on a stalk : capitula, n. plu., kdp-U'ul-a, small heads or knobs: capituliform, a., Mp'-U-ul'i-fdrm (L. forma, shape), having the appearance of a small head or bud. E Capparidaceae, n. plu., Mp'-dr-id- a'se-e (Gr. Tcappdris, L. cappdris, the caper tree, the caper ; Ar. algabr, the caper), the Caper family, an Order of herbaceous plants which have stimulant qualities, also called 'capparids': Capparis, n., Tcdp'-dr-is, a genus of plants, found chiefly in warm countries : Capparese, n. plu., kdp-par'-e-e, a Sub-order, having baccate fruit ; Capparis spinosa, spin-oz'-d (L. spmosus, thorny, prickly from spina, a spine), a species, the flower-buds of which furnish capers. capreolate, a., kdp'-r&d'l-dt (L. cdpreolus, the small tendrils of vines from cdprcea, a tendril), having tendrils, like vines. caprification, n., Mp'-ri-fik-a'- sliUn (L. caprificare, to ripen figs by the stinging of the gall-fly from caper, a he- goat, and flcus, a fig), a process of accelerating the ripening of fruit by punctur- ing or by insects, particularly of the cultivated fig. CaprifoliacesB, n. plu., Icdp'ri-f8l> i-a'sZ-e (L. cdprcea, a tendril ; folium, a leaf), the Honeysuckle family, an Order of plants, many of which, as the elder and honey- suckle, have odoriferous flowers: Caprifolium, n. ^ap'-ri-fol'-i'tim, a genus of favourite climbing plants, including the common honey- suckle so called from the climb- ing and twining habit of the plant. Capsicum, n., Icaps'-ik-urn (L. capsa, a chest or case for fruit, in allusion to the fruit being con- tained in the pods), a genus of plants, Sub-ord. Solanese, and Ord. Solanacese, the different species of which furnish Cayenne pepper and chillies, natives of hot climates : Capsicum annuum, an'nu-um (L. annutis, annual from annus, a year), the plant from which capsicum and Cayenne or Guinea pepper are obtained : CAP 66 CAR C. fastigiatum, (L. fastigiatus, pointed at the top fromfastigfum, a projecting point), name for same plant and its products as preceding : C. f rutescens, frdt $s enz (L. frtitex, a shrub or bush, fruticis, of a shrub), a shrubby plant which along with preceding supplies bird-pepper : C. baccatum, bdk- at'-urn (L. baccatus, furnished with berries from bacca, a berry), yields a globular fruit, furnishing cherry or berry caps- capsula circumscissa, serW urn- sis'- d (L. capsula, a little chest from capsa, a chest or box ; circumscissus, torn or cut off around), in bot., a capsule opening with a lid ; a pyxid- ium. capsule, n., kdpsf-ul (L. capsula, a little chest), in anat., a mem- branous bag enclosing an organ ; in bol. , a dry seed-vessel opening by valves, teeth, or pores ; in cJiem., a small shallow cup : capsular, a., kdps'ul-er, relating to a capsule ; hollow ; full of cells : capsular ligament, %< d-ment, a little loose bag at a joint which contains the peculiar liquid for its lubrication : caps- uliferous, a., kdps'-ul'ifter-us (L. fero, I bear), bearing caps- ules. caput, n., kdp'ut (L. caput, the head), in anat., a rounded proc- ess supported on a narrower part called its neck : caput caecum coli, k&pt&t koto (L. ccecus, blind ; Eng. colon, the great gut), a blind sac about two inches and a half in length, situat- ed at the upper extremity of the great gut. caramel, n., Mr'aw-^(F.), burnt sugar, chiefly used for colouring wines and brandies; a black por- ous substance obtained by heat- ing sugar to about 400. carapace, n., kdr'-d-pds (Gr. kara- bos, a crustaceous animal like the crab), the crustaceous and horny coverings of certain classes of animals, as crabs and lobsters, the tortoise, etc.; the protective shield or case of certain of the Infusoria. carbon, n., kdrb'tin (L. carbo, a coal, carbonis, of a coal), pure charcoal, exists pure only in the diamond : carbonate, n., Icdrb'- 8n-at, a compound formed by the union of carbonic acid with a base. carbuncle, n., IcdrbJbng&l (L. carbuncUlm, a little coal from carbo, coal), a gem ; an intense inflammation occupying the whole thickness of the skin with- in a limited area : carbuncular angina, see * angina ' ; a disease of pigs, chiefly characterized by difficulty of breathing and pain- ful inflammatory swellings around the pharynx and larynx. carcerule, n., kdr'-ser-ul, also carcerulus, n., ktir-ser'ul>us (L. dim. from career, a prison, a gaol), in bot., a dry, indehiscent fruit, with the carpels adhering around a common axis, as in a mallow. carcinoma, n., Icdr'sin-owi'-d (Gr. karkinoma, cancer, karkinomatos, of a cancer from karkinos, a crab-fish), cancer: carcinomatous, a., Mr'sm-ow'a-#s, pert, to cancers. cardamoms, n. plu.,kdrd'dm'o'mz (Gr. kdrddmomtin, an aromatic plant, spice), oval trivalvular capsules containing seeds, fur- nished by various species of Amomum, Elettaria, and Ken- ealmia ; much used in giving colour and pleasant flavour to medicines. cardia, n., kdrd'-i>d (Gr. kardia, the heart), the opening which admits the food into the stomach : cardiac, a., kdrd'-i-dk, pert, to the heart ; invigorating the heart, as by stimulants : n., a medicine CAR 67 CAR or cordial which animates the spirits: cardiac polypus, p8l'* ip-tis, a pre-mortem coagulation of the blood within the heart : cardialgia, n., Mrd'-i-dlj'i-d (Gr. algos, pain), pain in the stomach; heart-burn : carditis, n., Mrd- It'is, inflammation of the tissues of the heart. Carduus, n.,kdrd f 'U'%s(Ij. carduus, a thistle), a genus of plants, Ord. Composite, Sub-Ord. Cynaro- cephalse, which includes the various species of thistle : Card- uus benedictus, IZn'e-dikt'-us (L. ben&dfatus, commended, praised), the blessed thistle, formerly used as a stomachic. carex, n., Mr'-eks, carices, n. plu., kdr'-is-ez (L. carex, reed-grass), a genus of plants, Ord. Cyperacese : Carex arenaria, dr'-en-dr'-i-d (L. arendria, a sand-pit from arena, sand), C. disticha, dist'>$k>& (L. distichus, consisting of two rows), C. hirta, hertf-d (L. hirtus, rough, hairy), have been used under the name German sarsaparilla ; some of the carices, having creeping stems, bind together the loose moving sand ot the sea-shore. Caricese, n. plu., Icdr-is'-Z-e (origin unknown said to be from Cdria in Asia Minor, where cultivated), a tribe of plants, Ord. Papayacese : Carica, n., lcdr f >ilc-d, a genus of plants: Carica papaya, pdp-d'-yd, the Papaw tree, which yields an acrid milky juice, and an edible fruit. carices, n. plu., see 'carex.' caries, n., Tcdr'-i-ez (L. caries, rottenness), ulceration or rotten- ness of a bone, caries having the same relation to bone which ulceration has to soft parts, as in a decaying tooth : carious, a. , kdr f 'i'us, affected with caries. carina, n., kdr'ln r -d(L. cdrlna, the bottom of a ship, the keel), the two partially united lower petals of a papilionaceous flower, as in the lower petals of pea-flowers, which have a keel-like shape : carinal, a., Mr-in'-dl, said of the aestivation when the carina includes the other part 01 the flower: carinate, a., Mr -in' at, keeled. cariopsis, see 'caryopsis.' Carludovica, n.,kdr f 'l6>d$v'ik'a (in honour of Charles iv. of Spain and his queen), a genus of plants, Ord. Pandanacese : Carludovica palmata, pdl-rndt'-d (L. palmdtus, marked with the palm of the hand), a plant from whose leaves Panama hats are made, a valuable industry. carminative, n. , Mr-min'-dt-w (It. carmmare, to card wool, to make gross humours fine and thin by medicine from carmen, a card for wool), remedies which relieve flatulence and alleviate colicky pains, as on the supposed old medical theory of humours. Carnivora, n. plu., Mr-niv'or-d (L. cdro, flesh, carnis, of flesh ; voro, I devour), the flesh-eating animals, an Order of the Mam- malia: carnivorous, a., Mr -HIV'- dr-us, feeding upon flesh. carnose, a., Mr-noz' (L. carnosus, fleshy from cdro, flesh), fleshy ; having a consistence resembling flesh : carnosity, n., Mr-ntis'tt-i, a small fleshy excrescence. carotid, n. or a., Mr -tit' id (car- .otldes, plu., a modern L. or Gr. formative from Gr. Tcaroo, I stupefy, from the idea of the ancients that by these arteries an increased flow of blood pro- duced sleep or stupor ; said also to be a Latinised formation from Gr. Icara, the head ; ous, the ear, otos, of the ear, from the con- nection of the arteries with the face and ear; more likely, from Gr. Tear os, deep sleep, because compression of them was sup- posed to produce sleep, hence they were also called 'arterise soporiferse'), one of the two large arteries of the neck, subdivided OAR 68 CAR into the 'external carotid,' sup- plying the face and head, and * internal carotid, ' which divides into the interior and middle cerebral arteries, supplying the anterior and part of the middle lobes of the brain. carpel, n., Icdrp'el (Gr. karpos, fruit), the name of one or more modified leaves forming the pistil of a plant when formed of a single leaf, then pistil and carpel are identical; one of the parts which compose the innermost of the four sets of floral whorls into which the complete flower is separable ; also called * carp- idium': carpellary, a., kdrp-el- Zr-i, belonging to a carpel. carpoclonium, n., kdrp'o-klon't- um (Gr. karpos, fruit ; klonion, a small branch or shoot), in bot., a free spore case in certain Algae. carpogonium, n., Mrp'o-gon'-i-um (Gr. karpos, fruit ; goneus, a parent, or gune, a woman), in bot. , in certain Fungi, the twisted end of a branch of Mycelium, forming the female organs. carpology, n., karp-ol'-o-ji (Gr. Jcarpos, fruit ; logos, discourse), the part of botany which treats of the structure of fruits and seeds. carpophaga, n. plu., kdrp-fy'-ag-a (Gr. karpos, fruit ; phago, I eat), fruit-eating animals, a section of the Marsupialia: carpophagous, &.,kdrp-of -tig-us, living on fruits. carpophore, n., Mrp'o-for (Gr. karpos, fruit; phoreo, I carry or bear), in bot., a stalk raising the pistil above the whorl of the stamens. carpos, n., kdrp'd's (Gr. karpos, fruit), fruit ; in composition, assumes the form carpo. carpus, n., Mrp'us (Gr. karpos, Latinised form carpus, the wrist), the wrist: carpal, a., kdrp'-dl, belonging to the wrist : carpo- metacarpal, a., kdrp'-o karp'al, pert, to the hand and wrist, excluding the fingers. Carthamus tinctorius, kdrth'tim-us tink'tor r -i'US (said to be a corrup- tion of the Latinised Arabic name quortum, to paint ; L. tinctorius, belonging to dyeing), a species of plant, Ord. Composite, whose dried flowers constitute saftiower or bastard saffron, which yields a pink dye. cartilage, n., kdrt'il-ddj (L. cartil- dgo, gristle), gristle ; a whitish elastic substance, such as is at- tached to bones, but softer than bone: cartilaginous, a., kdrt'il- adj'm-us, consisting of gristle in- stead of bone ; hard and tough : cartilagines alarum nasi, kdrt-il- adj'-in-ez dl-dr'-um ndz'-i (L. cart- ildgo, gristle ; did, a wing ; ndsus, a nose), the cartilages of the wings of the nose ; the lower lateral cartilages of the nose, having a peculiar curved form : c. laterales nasi, lat'er-dl'ez (L. later dies, adj. plu., lateral), the lateral cartilages of the nose ; the upper lateral cartilages of the nose, situated in the upper part of the projecting portion of the nose : c. minores nasi, min-or'-ez (L. minor es, adj. plu., lesser), the lesser cartilages of the nose ; two or three cartilaginous nodules connected with the ascending process of the upper maxilla also called c. sesamoidese nasi (Gr. sesamon, fruit of the sesame; eidos, resemblance in allusion to their shape of seeds or nodules): cartilago nictitans, kdrt-tt-dg'o mkt'-it-anz (L. nictitans, winking), a small cartilage contained in the inembrana nictitans, which see : c. triticea, trit-is'-Z-a (L. trlticeus, wheaten from trlticum, wheat), the wheat-shaped cartilage ; a small oblong cartilaginous nodule connected with the lateral thyro- hyoid ligaments. Carum, n., kdr'um (said to be so called as coming from Caria, in CAR Asia Minor; It., F., Scot. Oarvi; Span, alcaravea, caraway seed), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbellif- erae, sometimes called Apiacese: Carum carui, kar'-u-i (the Latin- ised form of Gr. karuon, a nut, signifying ' of a nut'), the species which produces the seeds or fruit known as ' caraway seeds, ' which furnish a volatile oil, and are carminative and aromatic. caruncula, n., kdr-ungk'-ul'd, also caruncle, n., Icdr'-ungk-l (L. caruncula, a little piece of flesh from caro, flesh), a small fleshy excrescence, diseased or natural, as the comb of a cock ; in bot., a fleshy or thickened appendage of the seed: carunculate, a., kdr- ungk'ul-dt, having a fleshy ex- crescence or protuberance: car- uncula lachrymalis, Idk'-rim-dl'-is (L. lachrymalis, belonging to the tears from lachryma, a tear), the lachrymal fleshy excrescence; a spongy-looking reddish eleva- tion, formed by a group of gland- ular follicles, situated in the in- ternal cavity of each eye : carunc- ulaB myrtiformes, kdr-tingk'ul-e mert'-i-ftirm'-ez, plu. (L. myrtus, a myrtle ; forma, shape the myrtle being sacred to Yenus), the myrtle-shaped fleshy excres- cences ; small rounded elevations near the vaginal orifice. Carya, n., kdr'i-d (Gr. karuon, a nut ; karua, a walnut), a genus of plants, Ord. Inglandacese, yielding edible oily nuts : Carya alba, alb'-a (L. albus, white), a species which yields the American hickory nut. Caryocar, n., kdr-i'dk-dr (Gr. kar- uon, a nut), a genus of fruit- bearing trees so called because the fruit of the species contains edible nuts, Ord. Ternstrcemi- acese : Caryocar butyrosum (L. butyrosum, pert, to butter from butyrum, butter), a tree which yields the Sonari or butter-nuts. Caryophyllaceae, n. plu., kdr'i-d' 69 CAS fil-a's&'e (Gr. karuon, a nut; phullon, a leaf), the Chickweed and Clovewort family, an Order of plants, including the clove- pink or carnation and its numer- ous varieties : Car'yophylla'- ceous, a., -af-shus, belonging to the clove tribe ; having a corolla in which there are five petals with long, narrow, tapering claws, as in many pinks. Caryophyllus, n., kar^-d-fil'-us (Gr. Jcaruon, a nut; phullon, a leaf), a genus of plants, Ord. Myrtacesfc so called from the flower-bud being round like a nut: Caryophyllus aromaticus, dr'-om'dt'-ik'us (L. aromdticus, aromatic, fragrant), a tree origin- ally of the Moluccas, whose dried flower-buds in the form of nails constitute the cloves of commerce. caryopsis, n., kdr'-i-ops'is (Gr. Tcaruon, a nut ; opsis, sight, ap- pearance), a dry, one-seeded, in- dehiscent fruit, having the endo- carp adhering to the spermoderm ; a seed having the pericarp so in- corporated with itself as to be in- separable from it, as in grains of wheat, maize, and other grasses. Caryota, n., Icar'-l-dtid (Gr. karu- otoi, dates of the palm), a genus of palm-trees, Ord. Palmse : Caryota urens, ur'-enz (L. urens, parched, dried up), a species of palm from which sago, as well as sugar and a kind of wine, are pro- cured. cascarilla, n. ,MsKar-$-a(Sp. casc- arilla, thin bark from cascara, bark), the bark of several species of Croton, as 'Croton eleuteria,' 'C. cascarilla, 'and ' C. eleutheria, ' used in med. as a tonic and stimulant. Casearia, n., kds^-dr^-d (after Casearius, a botanist), a genus of plants, Ord. Samydacese, some of which are bitter and astringent. casein, n., Tcds'>&m (F. caseine, casein from L. cdsZus, cheese), the cheesy portion obtained from CAS 70 CAT the curd of milk; a substance procured from milk, animal flesh, or vegetables. cashew, n., kash lU'd'-se-e (kassuwaris, native name in allusion to the resemblance of the leaves to the feathers of the cassowary), the Beef-wood family, an Order of Australian trees or shrubs with filiform branches and toothed sheaths in place of leaves : casuarina, n., Tcds'-U'dT'in'-d, the Cassowary tree, yielding excellent timber, having somewhat the colour of raw beef, whence the name Beef-wood. cataclysm, n., katf-a-klfam (Gr. kataklusmos, inundation from kata, down, and kluzein, to wash), a deluge. catacorolla, n., ka^d-kor-o^a (Gr. kata, down, upon), in bot., another corolla, formed inside or outside the first one. catalepsy, n., Tcdt'-d-Ups-i (Gr. katalepsis, a seizing or grasping from kata, down ; lepsis, a seiz- ing), a peculiar disease in which motion and sensation seem to be suspended ; a trance : cataleptic, a., Mt'-d-lept'-ik, pert, to cata- lepsy. catalysis, n., &&(&&& (Gr. katal- usis, disbandment, destruction from kata, down ; lusis, a loosen- ing), in chem., the influence which induces changes in the composition of substances by their mere contact with another body or power. catamenia, n., kat-d-men^i-d (Gr. katamenios, monthly from kata, down ; men, a month), the monthly discharges of females. cataphyllary, a., #&/tf4fir-f (Gr. kata, down ; phullon, a leaf), applied to the leaves of a plant when they are mere scales; having the leaves enclosed in buds by perules, or on a root-stock by scales. CAT 71 CAU cataplasm, n., Mt'-d-pldzm (Gr. kataplasma, L. cataplasma, a poultice from Gr. kata, down ; plasso, I form), a poultice or plaster. cataract, n., kdt'-dr-akt (Gr. kat- araktes, L. cataracta, a waterfall from Gr. kata, down ; rhaktos, a precipice), a large body of water rushing and falling over rocks ; in med., a disease of the eyes in which the vision becomes im- paired or destroyed, due to opacity of the crystalline lens. Catarhina, n., IcdMr-ln'-d (Gr. kata, down ; rhines, nostrils), in zool., a group of the Quadrumana, characterised by twisted or curved nostrils placed at the end of the snout: catarhine, a., kat'-ar-m, of or belonging to. catarrh, n., kat-dr' (L. catarrhus, a catarrh from Gr. katarrhed, I flow down from kata, down ; rheo, I flow), a nasal catarrh, a disease well known by its pro- ducing a running or flow of mucus from the nostrils, caused by ex- posure to sudden alternations of temperature ; catarrhal affections may implicate either the skin or mucous membranes ; they are mainly characterised by their superficial and spreading charac- ter, but do not necessarily aug- ment the secretions of the part affected : catarrhus sinuum front- alium, kat-ar'-us sm'u-um front- dl'i-um (L. sinuum, of curves from sinus, a curve, a hollow ; frontalium, gen. plu. offrontdlis, pert, to the front), the catarrh of the frontal sinuses, the sinuses being the hollow spaces in the bones which communicate with the nostrils. catechu, n., kat'Z-shoo, also cutch, n., kobtsli (said to be from Japanese cate, a tree ; chu, juice), the heart wood of the Acacia catechu, an Indian shrub which contains much tannin, and is a poweriul astringent. catenulate, a., Js&t-Zn'-ul-dt (L. catena, a chain), put together like the links of a chain. Catha, n., kath'-a (a native Arab- ian name), a genus of plants, Ord. Celastracese: Catha edulis, ed-til'-is (L. edulis, eatable from edo, I eat), a species, the young shoots of which furnish the Arabian drug called 'kat,' used as a stimulant. cathartic, n., kath-drttik (Gr. kathairo, I clean or purge), a medicine which purges, as senna, castor-oil, etc. : adj. purgative. Cathartocarpus fistula, n., katli'drt'-d-kdrp'.us fist'.ul-a (Gr. kathairo, I clean or purge ; karpos, fruit ; fistula, a hollow reed, a stalk), a species of Sub-ord. Csesalpiniese, whose indehiscent pod contains a laxative pulp. catheter, n., kdth^t^r (Gr. kath- $ter, that which is let down, a probe from kathiemi, I let down), a curved tube of silver, india - rubber, or gum - elastic, employed for drawing off the urine from the bladder : cath- eterism, n., kcith-erfer-fam, the art or operation of introducing a catheter. catkin, n., kat'-km (after the domestic cat, and kin, little), a kind of flower, long and slender, resembling a cat's tail, as in the willow or hazel, the birch, etc.; same as Amentum. cauda equina, kdwd'-a e-kwm'-a (L. cauda, a tail ; equinus, be- longing to a horse from equus, a horse), the horse-tail; the bundle or brush of nervous cords termin- ating the spinal marrow in man ; the corresponding part in lower animals. caudal, a., ka/wd'dl (L. cauda, a tail), pert, to a tail, or a tail-like appendage: caudate, a., kdwd'at, having a tail or feathery append- age : caudicle, n., kcfoa'tic-l, also caudicula, n., kawd-ikf-ul-a, a small membranous process CAU 72 CEC supporting a pollen mass in orchids. caudex, n., Icawd'Zks (L. caudex, the trunk or stem of a tree, caudicis, of a trunk), the axis of a plant ; the stem of a palm or of a tree-fern : caudex ascendens, aS'sVnd'enz (L. ascendens, ascend- ing), the trunk or stem above ground : c. descendens, de-send^- &nz (L. descendens, descending), the root, being the stem below ground. caul, n., kdwl (AS. cawl, !\ cdle, a kind of little cap), the membrane which sometimes covers the head and face or greater part of the body of a child when born, and consisting of the amniotic mem- branes ; a netted membrane covering the lower intestines; the omentum. caulescent, a., kawl-es'ent (L. caulis, a stalk or stem), growing up into a stem ; having an evid- ent stem. caulicle, n., Tcawl'ik'l, also cauliculus, n., Jcdwl-ik'ul-iis (L. cauliculus, a small stalk from caulis, a stalk), a stalk connecting the axis of the embryo and the cotyledons ; the part of the axis which intervenes between the collar and cotyledons. Caulinia fragilis, Ica/wl-m'-i-a fradj'-il-is (L. caulis, a stem ; fragilis, easily broken, brittle), one of the plants in which protoplasmic rotation has been observed, Ord. Naiadacese or Potamese. caulis, n., Tcawl'is (L. caulis, a stalk), the stalk or stem of a plant ; an aerial stem : cauline, a., kdwV-ln, belonging to a stem or growing immediately upon it : cauline bundles, fibro-vascular bundles on a stalk which do not pass into leaves: caulinary, a., kawV-in-Zr-i, belonging to the stem or growing immediately from it same as ' cauline. ' caustic, n., kawst'-ik (Gr. kaustikos, having the power to burn), a sub- stance which possesses the prop- erty of corroding any part of a living body by its chemical action one of the mildest cauteries is the nitrate of silver or lunar caustic : cautery, n., Jcdiut'er-i, any sub- stance or agent employed for firing and searing any superficial part of the living body; potential cautery designates the various forms of caustic applications ; actual cautery consists in a rod or knob of iron heated to a dull red or white heat according to the effect desired ; galvanic cautery is applied by means of wires heated by a galvanic battery : cauterisation, n. , kdwt'- erdz-a'shun, the act or eftect of burning or searing a living part. cavernous respiration, a peculiar hollow sound, as that produced by blowing into a wide-mouthed glass vessel, heard by auscultation over a large dry cavity in a lung: cavernous tissue, in hot., any tissue consisting of layers or groups of cells with cavities between them. cavicornia, n. plu., Icav'-i-lctirn'i-a (L. cavus, hollow ; cornu, a horn), ruminants whose horns consist of a central bony core surrounded by a horny sheath. Ceanothus, n., se'-an-dth'-us (said to be from Gr. keanothos, a kind of thorn; keanthos, a kind of thistle), a genus of plants, often spiny, Ord. Rhamnaceae : Ceanothus Americanus, am>%r'-ik'an'>us, a plant whose leaves have been sometimes used in America as a substitute for tea, the roots used as an astringent. Cecropia, n., se-krop'$-a (after Cecropia, the citadel of Athens, named in honour of Cecrops, king of Attica, whose legs were fabled to have been serpents), a genus of trees, Ord. Moracese, having peltate leaves, and CED 73 CEL attaining a height of 30 feet : Cecropia peltata, pVlt-at'-a (L. peltdta, armed with a small pelt- ata, or small half-moon-shaped shield), the Trumpet-wood, so called from the hollowness of its stem and branches, which are used for wind instruments, the fibrous bark being used as cordage. Cedrelaceae, n. plu., sed'rel-d'se-e (Gr. kedros, L. cedrus, a cedar tree), the Mahogany family, an Order of trees having an aromatic fragrance: Cedrela, n., sed-rel'-a, a genus of trees : Cedrela febrif- nga, f%b-rif'ug>a (L. fZbris, a fever ; fugo, I drive away), a species whose bark is used for the cure of intermittent fevers, and the wood is sometimes called * bastard cedar. ' Cedrus, n., sed'rus (Gr. k$dros, L. cedrus, the cedar tree), a genus of cedar trees found on theCedron, Judaea, whence it is said the name, Ord. Coniferse, very valu- able for their timber : Cedrus Libani, lib'-an-l (L. Libanus, Leb- anon, a mountain of Syria), the Cedar of Lebanon : C. deodara, de'-od-ar'd (said to be from Hind. deva, a deity ; dara, timber ; Sans, div, heaven), the Deodar or Himalayan Cedar. Celastracese, n. plu.,seZ'&s^ra'sg-e (Gr. kelas, a winter's day, the fruit remaining on the tree all winter), the Spindle-tree family, an Order of small trees or shrubs, having sub-acrid properties, and the seeds of some yielding a useful oil: Celastrea3, n. plu., sel-as'> tre-e, a tribe or Sub-order: Celas- trus, n., sel'Cis'-trus, a genus : Celastrus nutans or paniculatus, nut r -dnz or pan-ik'ul-dt'us (L. nutans, nodding, tottering ; pan- wuldtus, tufted), two species which are said to be of a stimul- ating nature : C. venenatus, vm r -m>at'-us (L. venendtus, fur- nished with poison from v$nen- um, poison), this, as well as other species, are said to be poisonous. cell, n., sU (L. cetta, a store- room), in bot., one of the minute globules or vesicles composing cellular tissue ; a small cavity or hollow part : cellular, a., sU'*ul- dr, composed or made up of cells : cellule, n. , sel'-ul, the very minute cells or vesicles composing the leaves of mosses and other plants: cellulose, n., sU'-ul-oz, the sub- stance of which cell walls are com- posed, constituting the material for the structure and growth of plants ; a similar material in animal tissue : cellular tissue, tissue formed by the union of minute globules or bladders, named 'cells,' 'cellules,' 'vesi- cles,' or 'utricles.' Cellulares, n. plu., sel'ul-dr'ez (L. cellula, a small storeroom from cella, a hiding-place), a Sub-class of the Ord. Hepaticse, plants which are acotyledons, and en- tirely composed of cellular tissue, having no distinct axis, and their leaves no stomata ; also called 'cryptogamous,' and ' acotyled- onous ' plants. Celosia, n., sel>dz'i-a (Gr. kelos, dry, burnt), a genus of plants, Ord. Amaranthacese, some of which appear as if they were singed : Celosia cristata, Icrist- at'-a (L. cristatus, crested from crista, a tuft or crest), the plant cockscomb. celotomy, n., sel-ot'-dm-t (Gr. kele, a tumour ; tome, a cutting, a section), the operation for re- moving the stricture in strangul- ated hernia. Celtidese, n. jalti., *&#&? (said to be from celtis, an old name of the lotus), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. IJlmacese: Celtis, n., sZlt'-fo, a genus : Celtis occidentalis, tiktsid-gnt-dl'is (L. occidentalis, western occidens, the west), the nettle-tree or sugar-berry, which has a sweet drupaceous fruit. CEN cenanthy, n. , sen-dnth'-t (Gr. l&nos t void, empty ; anthos, a flower), the absence of stamens and pistils in flowers. centrifugal, a., s^nt-rif-ug-dl (L. centrum, the centre ; fugio, I flee), tending to go away from the centre ; in bot., applied to the inflorescence in which the flower- ing commences first at the centre : centripetal, a., sent- rip' %t-al (L. peto, I seek), tending to the centre ; in bot. , applied to that inflorescence in which the flower- ing commences first at the cir- cumference or base, centrum ovale cerebri, sent'rum &v-al'-e ser'eb-ri (L. centrum, the centre ; ovale, oval from ovum, an egg ; cerebri, of the brain), the oval centre of the brain, called respectively, minus, mint us, little, and majus, mddf-us, great, being an oval central mass of white cerebral matter of the hemisphere of the brain. Cephaelis, n., sef-ct-eUs (Gr. Jcephale, the head, the flowers being disposed in heads), a genus of plants, Ord. Rubiacese, which furnish important articles to the Materia Medica ; Cephaelis ipecacuanha, tp^-MJc-u-dn^d (a native Brazilian word), the plant whose roots yield the ipecacuanha, extensively employed in medic- ine. cephalagra, n., se/'dttdg-rd (Gr. Jcephale, the head; agra, seizure), acute pain in the head, either from gout or rheumatism : ceph- alalgia, n., sef'.al-alft-a (Gr. algos, pain), headache; continuous pain in the head. cephalic, a., sef'dl'*ik(&?. Jcephale, the head), pert, to the head ; pert, to a disease or affection of the head : cephalo, sef-dl-o, denoting attachment to or con- nection with the head : cephalo- branchiate, a., brdngJc^i-dt (Gr. brangchia, a gill), carrying gills upon the head ; applied to a 74 CEP section of the Annelida : cephal- oid, a., sef'-dl-m/d (Gr. eidos, resemblance), in bot. t capitate or head-shaped. cephalophora, n. plu., s&f'-ti,l-8f. dr-d (Gr. Jcephale, the head ; plwreo, I bear, I carry), a name for those Mollusca which have a distinct head ; more usual term is 'encephala.' Cephalopoda, n. plu., eef-dl'bpt od-d (Gr. kephale, the head ; podes, feet), a class of the Mol- lusca in which there is a series of arms around the head, as in the cuttle-fishes : cephalopodous, a., sef'dl'Op'od'US, pert, to those animals which have the feet or arms arranged around the head, or the head between the body and the feet, as in cuttle-fishes. Cephalotaxus, n., sef'-dl-d'tdM-us (Gr. Jcephale, the head ; L. taxus, a yew), a genus of plants, Ord. Coniferse, Sub-ord. Taxinese, handsome coniferous shrubs and trees, which have the habit of the yew. Cephalotese, n. plu., se/'-dl-dt'S-e (Gr. Jcephalotos, having a head or top), an Order of plants accord- ing to some, and by others in- cluded under the Ord. Saxifrag- acese : Cephalotus, n. ,sef{dl-dt'us, an anomalous apetalous genus of the Ord. Saxifragacese, of which there is only one species : Cephal- otus follicularis, fol-^ul-a^is (L. folliculus, a little bag inflated with air, a little bag from/o//is, an air-ball), a native of S.W. Australia, having leaves arranged as a rosette at the top of the rhizome, one kind having the true ascidia or pitchers. cephalo - thorax, n . , sef'dl 6- tlwr'dks (Gr. JcepJiale, the head ; thorax, the chest), the anterior division of the body, composed of the coalesced head and chest, in many Crustacea and Arachnida. cephalotomy, n., sef-dl-dt'Sm^ (Gr. kephale, the head; tome t a CER cutting), the art or operation of dissecting or opening the head. Ceradia, n., s$r>dd f -i'd (Gr. Jceras, a horn so called from the horn- like appearance of the branches) ; called also Ceradia furcata, ferk- dt'd (L. furcdtus, forked from furca, a fork), a peculiar plant, having the appearance of a shrub of coral spreading its short leather-coated branches upwards like a candelabra, a native of dry, sterile places in the S. and W. of Africa, yields a resinoid sub- stance called sometimes African "bdellium. ceramidium, n., ser'am'id'i'um (Gr. keramis, a tile, a copying stone, keramidis, of a tile ; ker- amion, an earthen vessel, a jar), a pear-shaped capsule or pitcher with a terminal opening, and a tuft of spores arising from the base, as seen in some Algae: cer- amium, n., s$r'dm'i'Um, an ex- tensive genus of sea-weeds, so called from their numerous pear- shaped capsules, Ord. Algae or Hydrophyta. cerasin, n., ser'as-in (Gr. kerasos, L. cerasus, the cherry tree so called from Cerasus of Pontus, in Asia), that part of the gum of the cherry, the plum, and almond trees, insoluble in cold water: Cerasus, n., ser'aS'US, a valuable genus of fruit trees, Ord. Eosacese : Cerasus laurocerasus, la/wr f '0'Ser'- as -us (L. laurus, a laurel tree ; cerasus, the cherry tree), the cherry laurel, the common bay laurel an oil in large quantities exists in the young leaves, giving to the water distilled from them poisonous qualities: C. avium, av'4-um (L. dvium, of birds from avis, a bird), the cherry of the birds, the common cherry, used in the manufacture of kirschen- wasser, cherry-brandy, literally cherry-water : C. Occidentalis, ok'-si-dent-al'.is (L. Occidentalis, western from Occidens, the 75 CER West), used for flavouring Noyau; the kernels of the cerasus give flavour to Ratafia, Cherry -brandy, and Maraschino. cerate, n., ser'-at (L. ceratum, overlaid with wax from cera, wax), an ointment or unguent in which wax forms a chief in- gredient: cerated, a., ser-dt'ed, covered with wax. ceratiasis, n., ser'-dt-l'-as-fe (Gr. keras, horn), the growth of hard horny tumours : ceratitis, n. , s&r'dt-U'is, inflammation of the cornea. ceratium, n., ser-a'-shi-um (Gr. keration, a little horn), in bot., a long one-celled pericarp with two valves, containing many seeds attached to two placentae, which are alternate with the lobes of the stigma, as in Glaucium and Corydalis; a genus of minute Fungi, so called from the plants resembling small horns, found on dead wood. cerato, ser'dt-6 (Gr. keras, a horn), in composition, expressing a connection with the corriua of the hyoid bone, or with the cornea: cerato-genesis, jen'Zs-is (Gr. gennao, I beget), the forma- tion or production of horn. Ceratonia, n., se^d-ton'-i-d (Gr. keratia and keratonia, the carob tree from keration, a little horn, a pod), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Csesal- piniese : Ceratonia siliqua, sil'-i* kwd (L. sittqua, a pod of legum- inous plants, the carob), a pod known as the Algaroba bean; the carob tree, locust tree, or St. John's bread so called from the mistaken idea that the pods were John the Baptist's food in the wilderness. CeratophyllaceaB, n. plu., sW-at* o-ftt-ld'-sfre (Gr. keras, a horn; phullon, a leaf), the Hornwort family, an Order of plants : Ceratophyllum, n., ser^at-a* fil'-lum, a genus of plants, so CER named from the petals being so cut as to resemble stags' horns : ceratophyllous, a., s&r'-dt-o-ftt'- lUs, horn-leaved. Cerbera, n.,ser'6gr-a(L. Cerberus, the three-headed dog of Pluto, whose bite was poisonous), a genus of plants, Ord. Apocyna- cese, generally poisonous : Cerbera Ahouai, d'hd f 'i(Ahouai, an Indian name), a plant whose fruit, con- tained in a nut, is deadly poison. Cercarise, n. plu., ser-kdr'-i-e (Gr. kerkos, a tail), a genus of infusory animalcules ; a remarkable genus of intestinal parasites, so called because in one stage of their existence they have a rudder tail: cercsB, n. plu., ser^-se, the feelers which project from behind in some insects. cercidium, n., ser-sid'i'um (Gr. kerkos, a tail), in bot., tail-like roots of some Fungi. cercomonas, n., serk-dm^n^ds (Gr. kerkos, a tail ; mdnos, single, solitary), a minute animalcule having a tail-like prolongation : cercomonas urinarius, ur'-m-ar'- i> us (L. urindrius, urinary from urina, urine), a minute intestinal parasite in the urine of animals, frequently in the fresh urine of the horse. cere, n., ser (L. cera, wax), the naked space found at the base of the bills of some birds. cerealia, n. plu., ser'-e'dV-i-a (L. ceredlis, pert, to Ceres, or to grain from Ceres, the goddess of corn and fruits), the different grains used for food ; also called cereals, n. plu., ser'-i-dlz : cerealin, n., ser'-^-dl'in, the nutritious or flesh- forming principle in flour. cerebellum, n., ser'eb'el'lum (L. cerebellum, a small brain from cerebrum, the brain), the hinder or lower part of the brain : cereb- ral, a., ser'&b-ral, pert, to the brain: cerebria, n. plu., ser-eb' rz-a, mental derangement: cer- ebriform, a., s^r-eb'-ri-form (L. 76 CER forma, shape), having an ap- pearance like brain matter; desig- nating a form of cancer : cerebric, a., ser-eb'rflc, denoting one of the peculiar acids found in the fatty matter of the brain. cerebro, ser'-eb-ro (L. cerebrum, the brain), a prefix indicating a connection with the cerebrum or brain : cerebro -spinal, an ad- jective indicating connection or association with the brain and spine, as ' cerebro-spinal ' axis : cerebrum, n., ser'-gb-rum, the brain proper. Cereus, n., ser'-$-us (L. cer&us, waxen, pliant, soft), a very beautiful genus of plants, Ord. Cetacese, many of which show a tendency to spiral development : Cereus flageUiformis, fl&dj.&'.tt- fdrm'is (L. fldgellum, a whip, a vine-shoot; forma, shape), one of the species in which setse, spines, and hairs have a tendency to arrange themselves spirally : Cereus grandiflorus, grand't- flor'-us (L. grdndis, great, grand ; florus, having flowers from flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), one of the plants remarkable for only flowering at night, expanding its flower about 10 P.M., and lasting only for the night ; other two night - flowering plants are C. M'DonaldiaB, wiSfcWw^W^'^the Cereus of M 'Donald, and C. nyc- ticalus, nik-tik'-al-us (Gr. nux, night, nuktis, of night; kaleo, I call or summon), the plant that summons in the night; plants which flower only at night. ceriferous, a., ser -if '%r -us (L. cera, wax ; fero, I produce), in bot. , bearing or producing wax : cere- ous, a., ser'-e-us, like wax ; waxen. cernuous, a., sern f -u-us (L. cernuus, bending or stooping with one's head to the ground), in bot., hanging down the head ; nodding, pendulous. Ceroxylon, n., ser-dks'il-d'n (L. cera, wax ; Gr. xulon, wood, CER timber), a palm tree which yields wax, forming a coating over its trunk, Ord. Palmse. cerumen, n., s$r-um'%n (L. cera, wax), the wax of the ear secreted by ceruminous glands: cerum- inous, a., ser-umf-m-us, of or belonging to the cerumen. cervical, a., serv-ik^dl or sen/'ik-dl (L. cervix, the neck, cervicis, of the neck), connected with the region of the neck : cervical vert- ebrse, n. plu., vert f -eb>re (L. vertebra, a joint), the seven bones of the spine of the neck : cervico, serv'ik'-o or serv'ik'd, denoting connection or association with the region of the neck proper, or simply with a neck: cervix, n., sen/'iks, the neck : cervix cornu poster ioris, korn'u post-cr'-i-or'-is (L. cornu, a horn ; posterioris, of posterior), the neck of the posterior horn ; a part of the grey substance of the spinal cord : cervix femoris, fern' or -is (L. femur, the thigh, femdris, of the thigh), the neck of the thigh bone between the head and the trochantes: c. uteri, ut'er-i (L. uterus, the womb, the matrix), the neck of the womb. cervicalis ascendens, serv'-ik-at'-is as-end?-enz(L. cervicdlis, belonging to the neck from cervix, the neck ; ascendens, ascending), the muscle which forms the continu- ation of the accessorius upwards into the neck. cestoidea, n. plu., stist-oyd'e-d (Gr. kestos t a girdle ; eidos, ap- pearance), an old name for Tseni- ada, a class of intestinal worms with flat bodies like tape ; tape- worms: cestoid, a., sest f -dyd, pert, to the cestoidea or tape- worms. Cestraphori, n. plu., cest-raf-or-l (Gr. kestra, a military weapon ; phoreo, I bear), a group of Elas- mobranchii, represented by the Port Jackson shark. Cetacea, n. plu., set>d'shi-a (Gr. 77 CHA ketos, L. cetus, a whale), the Order of the Mammals comprising the whales and dolphins : ceta- ceous, a., set-d'-shus, pert, to the whale kind. Cetraria, n. plu., set-rar'-i-a (L. cetra, a short shield or buckler), a genus of lichens: Cetraria Islandica, ls>land'4k-a (L. /*- Idndica, of or belonging to Iceland), Iceland moss, a lichen which contains a nutritious matter called lichen-starch or lichenin: cetrarin, n., set'rdr-m, the bitter principle existing in Iceland moss. Chserophyllum, n., ker'-d-fil'-lum (Gr. chairo, I am glad, I rejoice ; phullon, a leaf), a genus of plants so called from the pleasant smell of the leaves : Chserophyllum bulbosum, bulb-oz'um (L. bul- bosus, bulbous from bulbus, a bulb), bulbous chervil, which is used like carrots. ch.setognatha, n. plu., ket'og- ndth'-a (Gr. chaite, horse-hair ; gnathos, the cheek or jaw bone), an Order of the Anarthropoda, having only one genus, the oceanic Sagitta. chaffy, a., tshaf-i (AS. ceaf, Ger. kaff, chaff), in bot., covered with minute membranous scales. Chailletiacese, n. plu., kil'le'shi- af-se-e (after Challlet, a Swiss botanist), the Chailletia family, a small Order of trees and shrubs: Chailletia, n.,Jcil-le'shi'd, agenus: Chailletia toxicaria, tdks '4 - kar'4- a (Gr. toxikon, L. toxicum, poison in which arrows were dipped), a species whose fruit is poisonous, known in Sierra Leone as rats- bane. chalaza, n., M-az-a(Gr. chalaza, hail, a small tubercle resembling a hailstone), in bot., the disc-like scar where the nourishing vessels enter the nucleus of the ovule : chalazse, n. plu., kdl-dz'e, in an egg, two spirally twisted bands having a pyramidal slope, one at CHA 78 CHE each end, the apex adhering to the yolk, and the base to the white or glair : chalazion, n., lctil'da>l'8n t a little tumour on the edge of the eyelid, so called from its supposed resemblance to a hailstone. Chamselaucise, n. plu., Mm'-e- law'-si-e (Gr. chamai, upon the ground; and said to be lauchis, a poplar), fringe myrtles, a tribe of the Ord. Myrtacese, heath-like plants with fragrant foliage, and opposite dotted leaves : Chamse- laucium, n., kdm''$'ldw f -8l'&m, a genus of plants. Chamserops, n., Mm-e'-rops (Gr. chamai, upon the ground ; rhops, a thicket, a twig), a handsome genus of palms, so called from their lower growth : ChamsBrops humilis, hum'tt-ls (L. humttis, lowly, small from humus, the earth, the ground), the only European species of palrn. chancre, n. , shang'ker(Fr. chancre, a sore), a venereal ulcer or sore : chancroid, n., sMntf-kroyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), a venereal ulcer having a soft base. channelled, a., tshdn'-n&ld (L. candlis, a pipe for water), hollowed out like a gutter. CharacesB, n. plu., Mr-d'-se-e (Gr. chairo, I am glad), the Chara family, an Order of curious water-plants : Charas, n. plu., Jcdr'-az, also Charge, n. plu., kar^e, a genus of water-plants which grow in stagnant water ; some of them have their stems encrusted with carbonate of lime, and are used for polishing plate ; in others not so encrusted, the movement of rotation in the protoplasmic matter of the tubes is well seen. charpie, n., sMrp'-e (Fr. charpie, lint compress), the fine flock ob- tained by scraping linen rags or lint ; a coarse kind of lint or tow, used for absorbing blood, matter, and the like. Chavica, n., sliav-ik'-a (native name), a genus of plants, Ord. Piperacese, natives of the hottest parts of the world : Chavica Roxburghii, rdlcs-berg'-i-i (Rox- burgh, a county of Scotland), a plant which supplies long pepper : C. betle, bet' I (Sp. betle, the betel-nut), the leaf of betel pepper, which is chewed with the areca nut in the East, as a means of intoxication : * Piper' is the common systematic name for 1 chavica. ' Cheiroptera, n. pin., Icir-op'ter-a (Gr. cheir, the hand; pteron, a wing), the Order of Mammals comprising the bats and the bat kind: cheiropterous, a., kir-opl ter-us, pert, to the bat kind. Cheirostemon, n., Icir'-S'Stern'on (Gr. cheir, the hand ; stemon, a stamen), a genus of plants, Ord. Sterculiacete, so called from having five stamens, and the filaments united at the base : Cheirostemon platanoides, plat' dn-oyd'-ez (L. plains, broad, wide ; Gr. eidos, appearance), the hand - plant of Mexico, so called from its five peculiarly- curved anthers, which resemble a claw or the human hand. chelae, n. plu., Icel'e (Gr. kele, a claw), the bifid claws or pincers terminating some of the limbs in such Crustacea as the crab, lobster, etc.: chelate, a., kel'-at, having chelae or two cleft claws. chelicerse, n. plu., kel-is'er-e (Gr. kele, a claw ; Jceras, a horn), the prehensile claws of the scorpion. Chelidonium, n., Icel'-i'don'-i-wn (Gr. chelidonion, the celandine from chelidon, a swallow), a genus of plants, Ord. Papaveracese, possessing narcotic properties ; an orange-coloured juice : Cheli- donium majus, mddf'&s (L. mdjus, great), celandine, which yields an orange-coloured juice, and is said tohaveacrid properties. Chelonia, n. plu., kel-on'-i-ti, (Gr. CHE 79 CHI chelone, a shell, a tortoise), an Order of reptiles which comprise the tortoises and turtles : chelon- ian, a., hel-on'-i-an, pert, to anim- als of the tortoise kind : chel- onobatrachia, n. phi., kel-dn'o-ba- trdk'i-d (Gr. batrdchos, a frog), sometimes applied to the Anoura, comprising frogs and toads. Chenopodiacese, n. plu., k&n'd'p8d' i-d'se-e, also Chenopods, n. plu., Tcen'o-pddz (Gr. chen, a goose, chenos, of a goose ; pous, a foot, podes, feet), the Goosefoot family, an Order of plants, so called in allusion to many of the species having leaves resembling the webbed feet of the goose : Cheno- podium, 11., kZn'd'pdd'i'Um, a genus comprising several culinary herbs : Chenopodium bonus Henricus, bdn'iis hen-rik'-us (L. bonus, good ; Henricus, Henry), English mercury, the seeds of which are used in the manu- facture of shagreen : C. quinoa, kwin'o-a (unascertained), a plant which grows at a great eleva- tion, whose seeds are used in Peru as food by the name of * petty rice, ' the leaves as spinach, and which contains much starch and oil : C. erosum, e-roz'-um (L. erosum, to eat away, to corrode), the Australian spin- ach : C. tomentosum, tom'-en-tod tim (L. tomentosum, covered with a whitish, down-like wool from tdmentum, a woolly pubescence), the tea plant of Tristan d'Acun- ha and Inaccessible Island : some of the Chenopodiums emit a very fetid odour. Chiasma, n., ki-az'ma (Gr. chias- mos, a marking with the Gr. letter , a cut crosswise), in anat., the central body of nervous matter formed by the junction and the crossing of the inner fibres of the optic nerves, which go to opposite eyes, the outer fibres proceeding direct to the eye on the same side. chigoe, n., tshig'o (of Peruvian origin ; Sp. chico, small), a pain- ful sore beneath the epidermis of the toes or part of the feet in warm countries, caused by the entrance of flea -like insects of the same name the systematic names being 'pulex penetrans,' and 'pulex irritans': chigger, n., tsliig'-ger, another spelling of 'chigoe.' Chilognatha, n. plu., J&l'bg-ndth''ft (Gr. cheilos, the lip, the snout of an animal ; gnathos, a jaw), an Order of the Myriopoda : Chilopoda, n. plu., kll-op'od'O, (Gr. podes, feet), an Order of the Myriopoda. Chimaphila, n., kim-af-il-a (Gr. chelma, a storm, frost ; phileo, I love), a genus of plants, Ord. Ericaceae, plants which are green in winter, and are ornamental and medicinal : Chimaphila umbellata, urnf-bel-ldtta (L. um- belldtus, bearing umbels from umbella, a sunshade), a North American plant, the winter - green, the only bitter tonic which is also diuretic. Chimonantlms, n., Idmttin-dnth' us (Gr. cheimon, winter ; anthos, a flower), a genus of plants, Ord. Calycanthacese, which flower in the winter- time, and the flowers have a delightful fragrance. China, Jcin-a, or China nova, nov f -d (It. china, Sp. quina, china; Swed. kinabark; L. novus, new), the German name for Peruv- ian or Jesuits' bark ; various kinds of cinchona bark. chiragra, n., kir-dg'-ra (L. chir- dgra, Gr. cheiragra, gout in the hand from Gr. cheir, the hand ; agra, a seizure), gout in the hand. chiretta, n., kir-et'ta (a corruption of the systematic name chir ay ta from Tamil, shayraet), a name for the whole plant, in- cluding the flowers and roots, of Agathotes chirayta, found in CHI Northern India, very bitter, and is an esteemed and slightly laxat- ive tonic : Chironia, n., kir-on'- I'd, a genus of plants, Ord. Gentianacese. chiropodist, n., Hr-op'od-ist, (Gr. keiro, I clip or pare ; podes, the feet), one who extracts corns and removes bunions ; a corn and wart doctor. chitine, n., kU'Jn (Gr. chiton, a coat of mail), the peculiar chem- ical substance, nearly allied to horn, which forms the covering of many of the Crustacea, insecta, etc.: chitinous, a., kit'-in-us, con- sisting or having the nature of chitine. ChlsenaceaB, n. plu., kle-nd'sZ-e (Gr. chlaina, a gown or cloak), a small Order of trees or shrubs found in Madagascar. chlamys, n., klam'-is (Gr. chlamus, L. chlamys, a coat, an upper garment, chlamydis, of a coat), in bot., a covering, the floral envelope : chlainydeous, a., klam-id'e-us, pert. to. ChloranthacesB, n. plu., klor'- anth-a's&e (Gr. chloros, green ; anthos, a flower), the Chloranthus family, an Order of plants esteemed in tropical countries for medicinal properties: Chloranth- us, n., klor>anth''US, a genus of curious plants : Chloranthus officinalis, of-fts'-in-aMs (L. offic- Ina, a workshop), a species which is aromatic and fragrant : chlor- anthia, n., ktir'&nth'f-d, also chloranthy, n., klor-anth'-i, a vegetable luxuriance consisting of a bunch of leaves into which the floral organs of a flower have been converted. chlorine, n., Iclor'm (Gr. chloros, grass-green), a greenish - yellow gas, possessing great power as a bleacher : chloride, n., klor'-id. chloroform, n., klor'-o-form (so called because it consists of one atom of formyle and three atoms of chlorine), a clear, transparent, 80 CHO watery-looking liquid, produced in the crude state by distilling rectified spirit from off chlorinated lime, usually called chloride of lime, remarkable for its property of producing insensibility to pain when inhaled ; also called the * perchloride of formyle. ' chlorofucine, n., kldrto-fus'in^f. chloros, grass-green ; Gr. phukos, L. fucus, the plant alkanet, the red colour from the same), a clear, yellow-green colouring matter. chlorophyll, n., Mor-o-fU (Gr. chloros, grass-green ; phullon, a leaf), the green colouring matter of plants, chloros, n., klorto's (Gr. chloros, grass-green), in composition, chloro-: chlorosis, n., Idor-oz'-is, a loss of colour ; a diseased state in which the skin assumes a sallow tint, its most prominent phenomenon being a spansemic condition of the blood, with diminution of the red corpus- cles : chlorotic, a., klor-ofiik, pert, to or affected with chlorosis. Chlorosporeae, n. plu., klor'-o -sport e-e (Gr. chloros, grass-green ; spora, a spore), a Sub -order of the Algae, plants growing in the sea, fresh water, or damp situa- tions, and usually of a grass-green colour. Chloroxylon, n., klor-oks'-il-on (Gr. chloros, grass -green ; xulon, wood), a genus of fine timber trees, Ord. Cedrelacese, so named from the deep yellow colour of the wood: Chloroxylon Swietenia, swet-en f 'i-d (after Swieten, a Dutch botanist), a species which produces satin-wood, and a kind of oil. cholagogue, n., Tcol'-a-go'g (Gr. chole, bile ; agogos, a leader), a medicine which acts on the liver, and 'increases the flow of bile. choledochus, a., Jctil-Zd'ok'tis (Gr. chole, bile ; dechomai, I receive), denoting the common bile duct, CHO 81 CHO conveying bile both from the liver and the gall-bladder into the duodenum. cholepyrrhine, n., kol'^-pir'-rin (Gr. chole, bile; purrhos, red), a yellow substance in the bile. cholera, n., hotter -a (Gr. cholera, a water gutter from the roof of a house ; L. cholera, the gall, bile from chole, bile ; rheo, I flow ; or Gr. cholas, the bowels), a disease characterised in its severer forms by rice - water vomiting and purging, of the two kinds, British and Asiatic, the latter is terribly fatal : cholera morbus, morb'iis (L. morbus, sickness, disease), British cholera, a vomiting and purging, rarely fatal to adults : cholera maligna, mal-ia'-no, (L. malignus, malignant), Asiatic cholera. cholesteatoma, n., Jc8l'$st'-e-at> omf-d (Gr. chole, bile ; steatoma, tallow, a swelling resembling fat from stear, fat), an encysted tumour consisting almost entirely of cholesterin packed in spherical masses, and surrounded by a somewhat dense capsule : chol- esteatomatous, a., kol-Zstte- at- om' at -us, pert, to or consisting of an encysted fatty tumour. cholesterin, n., kSl-est'-er-m (Gr. chole, bile ; stear, fat, steatos, of fat ; or stereos, hard, solid), a white fatty matter found in the blood, brain, and bile, but chiefly in the bile. cholicele. n., ktil'-i-sel (Gr. chole, bile ; kele, a tumour, a swelling), the gall-bladder when unnaturally distended with bile. cholic, a., k8l o|/G?-&(Gr. eidos, resemblance), de- noting an acid obtained from bile. cholochrome, n., kol'-o-krom (Gr. choll, bile ; chroma, colour), the colouring matter of bile ; bili- phsein. F Chondodendron, n., ktin'-dd-dZn- dron (unascertained ; Gr. den- dron, a tree), a genus of plants, Ord. Monospermaceae : Cnondo- dendron tomentosum, tom r -%n'> tdz'iim (L. tomentosum, woolly, downy from tomentum, a woolly pubescence), a species found in Peru and Brazil, whose stem and root furnish 'Pareirabrava,' used in chronie inflammation of the bladder. chondrin, n., ktin'-drin (Gr. chon- dros, a grain, a clot, cartilage), a substance, a kind of animal gelat- ine, found in cartilages, fungous bone, and the cornea : chondro- glossus, lion'-drd - glos'-sus (Gr. glossa, the tongue), a muscle, being simply one of the three fibres of the hyo-glossus muscle running to the tongue : chon- droma, n., kou'drom-d, a growth of cartilage from bones ; a cartilag- inous tumour : chondrosis, n., kdn-droz'-is, a diseased conditkm or formation of cartilage. chondrus crispus, kon'drus krisp'- Us (Gr., chondros, a clot, cartilage; L. crispus, curled, wrinkled), a name frequently given to carra- geen or Irish moss; its system- atic name in America. chorda, n., kord'-a (Gr. chorde, L* chorda, a gut, a string, a chord), a cord ; a tendon ; a col- lection of fibres : chorda dorsalis, dor-sdl'is (L. dorsalis, pert, to the back from dorsum, the back), the linear condensed structure which appears in the foetal de- velopment immediately below the cerebro-spinal groove : c. tympani, timf-pdn-l (L. tym- panum, a drum, a tambourine, tympani, of a drum), the chord of the tympanum, a branch of the facial nerve which crosses the tympanum to join the gustatory nerve: chordae tendineae, plurals, k#rd'-e tgnd-m'-Z-e (L. Undo, a tendon, tendmis, of a tendon, tendineus, belonging to a tendon CHO 82 CHR from lendo, I stretch out), the tendinous chords of the heart which connect the carneae col- umnse to the valves guarding the auricular orifice. chorea, n., Icor-e'a (Gr. choreia, a dance), St. Vitus's dance; a disease attended with irregular and involuntary movements of the voluntary muscles, except when asleep, occurring mostly in the young. chorion, n., Tcor'-i-on (Gr. chorion, skin or leather), in anat., the external membrane investing the foetus in the womb; in bot., a fluid pulp composing the nucleus of the ovule in the earliest stage : choroid, a., ktir'-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling the chorion; denoting a highly vas- cular membrane : n., the mem- brane of the eye, situated between the sclerotica and the retina. chorisis, n., kor'is-is (Gi: chorizo, I separate), in bot., separation of a lamina from one part of an organ, so as to form a scale or a doubling of the organ : chorisa- tion, n., kdr''fa'd''Shtin, in same sense. Choristosporei, n. plu., lcor-ist'6- spor'e-i (Gr. choristos, separate, distinct; spora, a seed), a Sub- order of Algae, consisting of rose or purple - coloured sea weeds, with fronds formed of a single row of articulated cells. chroma, n., Icrdm'-a (Gr. chroma, colour), colour; in composition, chromo-: chromatism, n., Icrom'- at-izm, also chromism, n., krom' $zm, in bot., an unnatural colour- ing of plants and leaves. chromatometer, n., kr dm' at- 8m' Zt-er (Gr. chroma, colour, cTirom- dtos, of colour ; metron, a measure), a measurer of colours, especially as applied to plants. chromatophores, n. plu., krom-at'- 6-forz (Gr. chroma, colour, chromatos, of colour; phoreo, 1 carry), little sacs containing pig- ment - granules, found in the integument of cuttle - fishes : chromatophorons, a., krom'dt- ty'-dr-fts, containing or secreting colouring matter. chromatosis, n., krdm'dt-oz''is(GT. chroma, colour), constitutional discoloration. chromogen, n., krdm'-d-jen (Gr. chroma, colour ; gennao, I pro- duce), a vegetable colouring matter, acted upon by acids and alkalies to produce red, yellow, or green tints : chromule, n. , krom- til (a diminutive of Gr. chroma, colour), the colouring matter of flowers; the colouring matter of plants except green. chrysalis, n., Tcris'al-is (Gr. chrus- allus, L. chrysalis, the gold- coloured chrysalis of the butter- fly from Gr. chrusos, gold), the second stage in the state of such insects as the butterfly, the moth, etc., so named as sometimes ex- hibiting a golden lustre ; some spell chrysalid, Tens'- al-id. Chrysanthemum, n. , kris-anth'$m- um(Gr. chrusos, gold; anthemion, a flower, a blossom), a genus of plants, Ord. Compositse, Sub-ord. Corymbiferse, so called alluding to some of the flowers being yellow ; the numerous species are exceedingly beautiful : Chrys- anthemum carneum, kdr'ne-um (L. carneus, fleshy from cdro, flesh, carnis, of flesh), a species, the flowers of which are said to destroy fleas. Chrysobalanese, n. plu., lcris'6' bal'dn'-8-e (Gr. chrmos, gold ; balanos, an acorn), a Sub-order of the Order of plants Rosacese, this Sub-order being chiefly nat- ives of tropical parts of Africa and America : Chrysobalanus, n., kris'd'bdl'dn-us, a genus of plants, the species bearing the common edible fruits, rasp- berries, strawberries, brambles,' apples, pears, plums, cherries, quinces, almonds, peaches, etc. CHR 83 CIO Chrysophyll, n., kns'-o>fll (Gr. chrusos, gold; phullon, a leaf), the golden - yellow colouring matter in many plants and their flowers : Chrysophyllum, n., kris'-ft-fil'-lum, a fruit - bearing genus of plants, Ord. Sapotacese, the under surface of the leaves having dense hairs of a bright yellow colour : Chrysophyllum Cainito, kln-lt'o (a native name), a species which yields the fruit star-apple, chrysops caecutiens, kris'ops se- ku'-shi-enz (Gr. chrusops, gold- coloured from chrusos, gold, ops, the eye ; L. cceculiens, blinding from ccecus, blind), an African fly which attacks horses' eyes and blinds them. churrus, n,, kur'rus or tshur'rus (native name), the Indian variety of the hemp plant, having a marked resinous varnish on its leaves ; a resinous extract from the Indian hemp or 'canna- bis.' chylaqueous, a., kll-ak'-we-us (Gr. chulos, juice, humour ; L. aqua, water), in zool, applied to a fluid consisting partly of water taken in from the exterior, and partly of the products of digestion which occupy the body cavity in many Invertebrates ; applied also to the special canal sometimes existing for its conduction. chyle, n., kll (Gr. chulos, juice), a white or milky fluid separated from the substances digested in the stomach, and conveyed into the circulation of the blood by the lacteal vessels: chylifio, a., kll'if-ik (L. facio, I make), pro- ducing chyle ; designating a part of the digestive apparatus of insects ; applied to one of the stomachs, where more than one is present : chylous, a., Ml' #s, pert, to or full of chyle : chylification, n., klMf-lk-a'- sliun, the process of making chyle from food : chyliferous, a., kil-if'er'Vis (L. fero, I bear), bearing or carrying chyle. chyli receptaculum, IcU'i res'ep- tak f 'Ul'Um (L. formative, chyli, of chyle ; L. receptdculum, a magazine, a receptacle), the re- ceptacle or reservoir of the chyle, a triangular dilatation of the thoracic duct, commencing in the abdomen. chylopoiesis, n., klV-o-poy-ez'-is (Gr. chulos, juice ; poieo, I make ; poiesis, a making or forming), the process of making chyle from food : chylopoietic, a., Jcil'o- poy-Zt'ik, making or producing chyle ; belonging to the stomach and intestines; same meaning as * chylification ' and * chylific,' but more correct in their formation. chyme, n., klm (Gr. chumos, juice, moisture), the pulpy mass of digested food before being changed into chyle: chyme mass, the central semi-fluid sarcode in the interior of the Infusoria : chymif- erous, a., klm-if'-er-us (L. fero, I bear), containing or bearing chyme : chymification, n. , Idm-if' ik-d'shun, the process of changing into chyme. Cibotium, n., sib-d'shi-uni (Gr. kibotos, a chest, a casket), a genus of ferns, Ord. Filices* so named in reference to the form of the indusium : Cibotium barom- etz, bar'-om-etz (a Russian name), a fern called the Scythian or Tartarean lamb, because, prepared in a particular way, it resembles a lamb. cicatricula, n., sik'at'rik'ul-a (L. dim. of cwdtrix, a mark or scar), the scar left after the falling of a leaf ; the hilum or base of the seed ; the point in the ovum or egg in which life first shows itself: cicatricose, a., sik-at'-ri- koz, marked with scars or cicat- rices: cicatrix, n., sik'at-riks, the scar or seam that remains on the skin after a wound has skinned over and healed. CIC i CichoraceaB, n. plu., slk^or>d f 'Se>e (Gr. kichorion, L. cichdrium, succory or endive), a Sub-order of the Ord. Composites, most of the plants of which yield a milky juice, and are bitter and astring- ent : Cichorium, n., sik-dr'-i-um, a genus of plants : Cichorium endivia, en-div'-i-a (F. endive, a salad), a species, the blanched leaves of which constitute endive : C. intybus, in'tib-us (said to be from L. in, in ; tubus, a tube from the hollow form of its stem), the succory or chicory, cultivated for the sake of its root, used for mixing with coffee when roasted and ground, or used alone as coffee : cichoriaceous, a., sik-or f - i-a'shus, having the qualities of chicory or wild endive. Cicuta, n., sik-ut'-a (L. cicuta, the plant hemlock), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbelliferse : Cicuta virosa, vir-oz'-d (L. virdsus, slimy, poisonous from virus, slime, poison), water-hemlock or cow- bane. cilia, n. plu. , sil' i-a (L. cilium, an eyelid with the hairs growing on it ; cilia, eyelids), the hairs on the edge of the eyelids ; hairs on the margin of any body ; thin hair-like projections from an animal membrane which have a quick, vibratory motion in insects only microscopic ; in bot. , short stiff hairs fringing the margin of a leaf: ciliary, a., sil'-i-er-i, belonging to the eye- lids or cilia : ciliate, a., sil'-i-at, also ciliated, a., sil'-i-at^d, pro- vided with cilia ; fringed. ciliograda, n. plu., sil'-i'd-grdd'-d (L. cilium, an eyelid with the hairs on its margin ; grddior, I walk, grddus, a step), animals that swim by means of cilia same as 'Ctenophora:' ciliograde, a., siV-i'd-grad, swimming by the vibratory motion of cilia. Cinchonese, n. plu., sin-kon'e-e (after the wife of the Conde del I CIN Cinchon, a viceroy of Peru, who was cured of a fever by the Peruv- ian bark, 1638), a Sub-order of the Ord. Kubiacese: Cinchona, n., sin'kon'd, a genus of trees and* shrubs, various species of which furnish Peruvian or Jesuit's bark, growing abundantly in Tipper Peru : Cinchona Condaminea, k6n / 'dd'min f -e-d (after De la Con- damin, a celebrated navigator); C. calisaya, kdl'-is-a'-yd ; C. succirubra, sW-si-rdb'-rd (L. succus, juice, moisture ; ruber or rubra, red), are the three species which furnish the pharmaceutical bark ; about twelve species fur- nish the commercial bark, and for the manufacture of quinine, which the pharmacopoeia, how- ever, directs to be prepared from the yellow bark, the C. calisaya, and C. lancifolia: cinchonin, n., sin f -koii'in, also cinchonia, n., sin'kon'-i-d, an alkaloid obtained from cinchona bark : cinchonism, n., sin'kftn-izm, a disturbed condition of the general health by overdoses and too frequent use of quinine. cincinnus, n. , sin-sin'-us, or cicinus, n., sis-in'-us (Gr. kiklnos or kikin- nos, a lock of hair, a curled lock), applied to the hair on the temples; in bot., an inflorescence; a scorp- ioid cyme. cinclides, n. plu., sin-klid'ez (Gr. kingklis, a lattice, a grating), apertures in the column walls of some sea anemones, which prob- ably serve for the emission of the cord-like craspeda. cinenchyma, n.,sin'eng'Mm-a (Gr. kineo, I move; engchuma, an in- fusion), in bot., laticiferous tissue formed by anastomising vessels ; applied to laticiferous vessels of plants on account of the granules contained in the 'latex' exhibiting certain movements under the microscope: cinenchymatous, a., sm'eng-kim''dt tir (L. minor, less or lesser), a second and lesser circle of anas- tomosis ending in small veins : c. tonsillaris, ton'sil-ldrfis (L. tonsilldris, belonging to the ton- sils from tonsilis, shorn, cut, or clipped), the tonsillar circle ; a kind of plexus formed by some branches of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve around the tonsil : c. ven- osus, veri'dz'us (L. venosus, full of veins from vena, a vein), an anastomatic venous circle sur- rounding the base of the nipple. circumduction, n., serk'um-duk'' shun(L. circum, around -,ductum, to lead), a slight circular motion which the head of a long bone describes in its socket, caused by the movement of the extremity of a limb describing a large circle on a plane said of the movements of the shoulder and hip-joints. circumferential, a., serk'-um-fer* en'shdl (L. circum, around iferens, carrying, ferentis, of carrying), pert, to the circumference ; n., a marginal fibro- cartilage attached around the lip of the cotyloid cavity as seen in the hip-joint. circumflexus, n., serk'-um-Jiek^us (L. circum, around ;flexus, bent), bent circularly ; circumflex ; applied to certain vessels and nerves from their course : circ- umflexus palati, pal-at'-i (L. paldtus, the palate, palati, of the palate), a broad, thin, ribbon- like muscle of the palate. circumscissile, a., serMum-sfa'-il (L. circum, around ; scissum, to cut), cut round in a circular manner, as in seed vessels open- ing by a lid. circumscription, n., serk'-um,' skrip'shun (L. circum, around ; scriptus, written), limitation ; the periphery or margin of a leaf or other organ. Cirrhipedia or Cirripedia, n. plu. , sirtri'ped'i'd (L. cirrus, F. cirrhe, a lock, a curl ; p$des, feet), a Sub-class of Crustacea, having curled, jointed feet: also, in same sense, Cirrhopoda or Cirropoda, CIR 86 CLA sir-r8p'8d-a (Gr. pous, a foot, podes, feet): cirropodous, a., sir* rdp'tid'us, having filaments or cirri arranged in pairs on the abdomen, forming a sort of feet or fins. cirrhose, a., sir'-roz, also cirrhous, sir'-us (F. cirrhe, L. cirrus, a lock, a curl), having or giving off tendrils : cirrhus, n., sir'-us, also cirrus, n., slr'-Us, a tendril; a modified leaf in the form of a twining process : cirrhiform, a. , sir'-riform (L. forma, shape), having a tendril-like shape : cirrhi or cirri, n. plu., sir'4, in bot.> tendrils ; in zool., tendril-like appendages, such as the feet of barnacles and acorn shells ; the lateral processes on the arms of theBrachiopoda: cirrif'erous, a., (L.fero, I carry), also cirriger- ous, a., sir-idj^r'its (L. gero, \ carry), carrying cirri. cirrhosis, n., sir-roz'is (Gr. kirrhos, tawny-coloured), a pathological condition consisting of an excess- ive formation of fibrous connect- ive tissue, which conduces to various secondary changes ; a diseased state of the liver, in which it becomes smaller and firmer than usual, known commonly as ' hob-nailed ' or ' gin-drinker's liver.' Cissampelos, n., sis- am' pel- 8s (Gr. kissos, ivy; ampelos, a vine), a beautiful genus of stove climbers, Ord. Menispermacese : Cissam- pelos ovalifolia, tiv-al'-i-fol'i'a (L. ovdlis, oval ; fdlium, a leaf, folia, leaves); alsoC. Mauritiana, mdw'rish'i'dn'a (after Prince Maurice of Nassau), species which are tonic and diuretic. Cissus, n., sis'-sus (Gr. kissos, ivy), a genus of climbers, Ord. Ampel- idese or Vitacese : Cissus cordata, kord-dt'-a (L. corddtus, heart- shaped), and C. setosa, set-ds'd (L. setosus, full of coarse hairs or bristles from seta, a bristle), species the leaves of which are said to possess acrid properties : C. tinctoria, tink-tor'-i-a (L. tinctorius, belonging to dyeing), a species whose leaves and fruit abound in a green col- ouring matter, which on expos- ure becomes blue, used as a dye for cotton fabrics. Cistacese, n. plu., sist-a'sV-e (Gr. kistos, the cistus or rock rose), the Rock Rose family, an Order of shrubs or herbaceous plants : Cistus, n., sist'us, a genus of plants, many of which yield a resinous balsamic juice : Cistus Creticus, kret r rik, the substance which gives the pleasant acid flavour to oranges, lemons, and most other fruits: citron, n., stt'ron, the fruit of the citron tree : citrine, a., sii f 'Tln, like a citron ; yellow-green. cladanthi, n. plu., kldd-anth-i (Gr. klados, a tender branch, a twig ; anthos, a flower), in bot., flowers which terminate a lateral branch in mosses. cladenchyma, n. plu., klad-eny'' kim-d(Gi\ klados, a tender branch; engchuma, an infusion), tissue CLA 87 OLE composed of branching cells, as in some hairs. sladocarpi, n. plu., klad'-o-kctrp'-i (Gr. klados, a tender branch ; karpos, fruit), in bot. t mosses which produce sporangia on short lateral branches. cladocera, n. plu., klad-8s'$r-& (Gr. Uddos, a branch, a twig ; keras, a horn), an Order of Crus- tacea having branched antennae. cladodium, n., klad-od^i-um (Gr. klados, a tender branch), in bot., a plant that has flattened out branches, as in the butcher's broom and some cacti. Cladonia, n., klad-dn'.l-a (Gr. klados, a tender branch), a genus of lichens: Cladonia rangiferina, ranj'if'^T'wf'Gb (Lap. and Finn. raingo, the reindeer ; ferinus, of or belonging to a wild beast), the lichen upon which the rein- deer feeds. cladoptosis, n., klad'-dp-toz'-is (Gr. klados, a branch ; ptosis, a fall), in bot. , the fall of branches, as in Thuja, Taxodium, etc. Cladosporium, u.,klad'd'Spdr''i'iim (Gr. klados, a branch ; spora, seed), a genus of minute fungi, having the sporules attached to the branches, mostly found on old decaying wood : "Cladosporium herbarum, herb'tir'-urn (L. herba, grass, an herb, herbarum, of herbs), the minute fungi which cause the disease in silkworms called 'gattine, ' which is a corruption of ' catkin,' from its appearance. clathrate, a., klath'-rat (L. datliri, a trellis, a lattice), in hot., latticed like a grating. claustrum, n., kldwst'rum (L. claustrum, that which shuts off, a lock, a bar), a thin lamelliform deposit of grey matter in the cerebrum. rlavate, a., kldv'dt (L. cldvdtus, club - shaped from cldvus, a cudgel, a club), club-shaped ; be- coming gradually thicker towards the top: claviiorm, a., klav'-i- f6rm (L. forma, shape), same sen seas preceding: clavellose, a., kldv'el-loz, having club-like proc- esses. Claviceps purpurea, kldt/'i-s&ps per-pur'-fra (L. cldviceps, club- headed from cldvus, a club ; cdput, ahe&d;purpur%us, purple- coloured), a species of fungi pro- ducing the disease called 'ergot/ which attacks rye and other grasses. clavicle, n., klav'-ik-l (L. cldvicula, a small key from cldvis, a key), the collar-bone, so called from its supposed resemblance to an ancient key. clavula, n., klav'ul-a (L. clavula, a little nail from cldvus, a nail), in bot. t the receptacle of certain fungi. clavus, n., kldi/-us (L. cldvus, a nail), a corn or callosity : clavus hystericus, his-ter'-ik-us (Gr. hus- terikos, L. hystericus, pert, to the womb, hysterical from Gr. hits- tera, the womb), an acute pain in the head, having the feeling as if a nail were being driven into the part, occurring in hysterical persons. claw, n., kldw (Dut. klauwe, a ball or claw ; F. clou, a nail), in bot., the narrow end or base of some petals. Claytonia, n., kld-tdn'-i-& (after Clayton, an American botanist), a genus of very pretty plants, Ord. Portulacacese : Claytonia tuberosa, tub'er>dz'a(L. tuberosus, having fleshy knobs from tuber, a bump, a knob), a species of plants whose roots are eaten in Siberia. cleido-mastoid, a. , Idld'-o-mast'-oyd (Gr. kleis, a key, or the clavicle, kleidos, of a key ; Eng. mastoid, nipple-like, as on the breast), one of two muscles which are attached inferiorly to the anterior surface of the sternum, and the inner third of the clavicle. Clernaiide83, n. pl CLE 88 CLU (Gr. klema, a vine branch, klem- dtos, of a vine branch ; L. clem- atis, the clematis, clematidis, of the clematis), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Ranunculacese: Clem- atis, n., kl&m'-dt'is, a genus of highly ornamental, and for the most part, climbing plants, so called because most of the species climb like the vine : Clematis recta, rekt f >a (L. rectns, straight, upright) ; C. flammula, flam'-ul-d (L. flammula, a little flame from flamma, a flame), two species, the leaves of which have been used as vesicants. Cleomese, n. plu., Ide-om'&e (Gr. kleid or kleo, I close or shut), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Cappar- idacese: Cleome, n., kle-om^e, a genus of very pretty free-flowering plants, so called alluding to the parts of the flower ; some species are very pungent, and are used as substitutes for mustard: Cleome dodecandra, ('.rd (Gr. dodeka, twelve ; aner, a man, andros, of a man), a species whose root is used as an anthel- mintic. Clerodendron, n., kler'-d-den'-drd'n (Gr. kleros, a share, a lot ; den- dron, a tree), a beautiful genus of plants, Ord. Yerbenacese, so named from the uncertain medic- inal properties of the species ; the leaves when bruised are em- ployed to kill vermin on cattle in India : Clerodendron Thomsonae, torn' son- e, and its variety C. Balfourianum, bal-foor'i'dn'-um (Thomson, Balfour), are beauti- ful climbing plants, from the contrast between their scarlet flowers and white calyx. destines, n. plu., kles'-tin-ez (Gr. klestos or kleistos, shut or closed), in bot. , cells containing raphides. Clianthus, n., kli-anth'us (Gr. kleos or kleios, glory, renown ; anthos, a flower), a genus of plants so called in allusion to the noble appearance of the species, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Papilion- aceae. clinandrium, n., klin-and'-ri-um (Gr. kline, a bed ; aner, a man, andros, of a man), in bot., the part of the column of orchideous plants in which the anther lies : clinanthium, n., klm-anth't-um (Gr. anthos, a flower), a common receptacle, assuming a flattened, convex, or concave form, bearing numerous flowers, as in the head of the daisy. clinical, a., Idin'-ik-al, sometimes clinic, a., klm'-ik (Gr. Mine, a bed), pert, to a bed ; applied to the instruction of a teacher to students of medicine at the bed- side of the patient, or from notes taken by a teacher at the bed- side : clinoid, a., Idin'-dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling a bed or parts of a bed ; applied to processes of bone of the sphenoid bone bearing a resemblance to the knobs of a bed. clitoris, n., kltt'-or-is (Gr, kkitorls, the clitoris from kleio, I shut), a small elongated body in the female, corresponding in conform- ation and structure to a diminut- ive penis : clitoritis, n., klit'-or- It-is, inflammation of the clitoris. cloaca, n., kld-akf-a (L. cloaca, a common eewer), the common cavity into which the intestinal canal and the ducts of the gener- ative and urinary organs open, and from which they discharge their contents, as in some Inverteb- rates, as among insects, and in many vertebrates, as among dom- estic fowls. clonic, a., kldn'-ik (Gr. kltinos, tumult), denoting a convulsion with alternate contraction and relaxation. ClusiaceaB, n. plu., kldoz'i'd'se-e (after Charles de VEcluse, a botanist, 1609), an Order of beautiful trees and shrubs, yield- ing resinous juices, known also as Guttiferse or Guttifers, or the CLY Gamboge family: Clusia, n., Icldozh I- a, a very ornamen tal gen u s of trees, remarkable for the mode in which they send out advent- itious roots : Clusia flava, fldv'-d (L. fldvus, golden - yellow), a species whose fruit, called also wild mango or balsam tree, yields a yellow juice like gamboge. clypeate, a., Idip'-Z-dt (L. clype- atus, furnished with a shield from clypeus, a shield), in bot., having the shape of a shield : clypeifonn, a., klip'e-i-ftirm (L. forma, shape), shield-shaped, as the carapace of the king-crab : clypeus rugulose, klip'-Z-us rug'- ul'dz (L. clypeus, a shield ; a dim. of L. ruga, a plait or wrinkle), a shield or horny covering full of wrinkles. clyster, n., klist^er (Gr. Muster, a clyster from kluzo, I wash), an injection into the bowels by the anus. cnidaB, n. plu., nid'-e (Gr. Jcnide, a nettle, because it stings from knao, I excite itching), the urticating cells, or thread cells, which give many coelenterate animals power to sting. coagulum, n., ko-dg^ul-um, coag- ula, n. plu., ko-dg'-ul-a (L. codg- tilum, curdled milk), clot of blood ; the curd of milk ; a thick- ened or fixed mass of a liquid. coarctate, a., ko-drfctdt (L. coarc- tdtum, to press together), in bot., closely pressed ; enclosed in a case or covering in such a manner as to give no indication of what is within, as in the transformation of insects: coarctation, n., led'* drk-ta'shun, the act of straiten ing or pressing together, as in strictures of the intestine or urethra. cocci, n. plu., ktik'si, see 'coccus. coccidium, n., kdk-sid'i-um (Gr kokkos, a seed, a kernel; eidos resemblance), in Algae, a rounc conceptacle without a pore anc containing a tuft of spores : coc 89 COC codes, n. plu., k$k'k8d>ez, round protuberances like peas. ^occoliths, n. plu., ktik'-ktiJtiks (Gr. kokkos, a berry ; llthos, a stone), minute oval or rounded bodies, found either free or attached to the surface of cocco- spheres, probably of vegetable origin. Coccoloba, n., kok'-kd-ldb'-d (Gr. kokkos, a berry ; lobos, a lobe), a genus of plants, Ord. Polygonaceae : Coccoloba uvifera, uv-if'8r-d (L. uvifera, bearing grapes from uva, a grape ; fero, I bear), the sea-side grape, so called from the appearance of the fruit, which yields an astringent substance called Jamaica kino. coccospheres, n. plu., ktik'kd-sfers (Gr. kokkos, a berry; sphaira, a sphere), spherical masses of sarc- ode, bearing coccoliths upon their external surface. cocculum, n., kdk'-ul-um (coccus, a L. formative from Gr. kokkos, a berry, a seed, a scarlet colour ; L. coccum, the berry of the scarlet oak), in bot., a seed cell which opens with elasticity : Cocculus, n., ko&ul'us, a genus of plants, Ord. Menispermacese, remarkable for their medicinal virtues, so named because most of the species bear scarlet berries : Cocculus In- dicus, m'-dik-us (L. Indicus, be- longing to India), the fruit of the Anamirta cocculus, which is ex- tremely bitter, and the seeds con- tain a poisonous narcotic principle, called Picrotoxin ; the pericarp yields a non-poisonous substance called Menispermin : coccus, n., kok'-us, and coccum, n., kok'-um, cocci, n. plu., kdk'si, portions of the dry elastic fruit of many of the Euphorbiacese, which separate with great force and elasticity in order to project their seeds: Coccus cacti, kok f 'U8 kdk'-ti (coccus, the scarlet-colour; L. cacti, of the cactus), the name of the cochineal insect, which feeds upon cactuses; coo 90 C(E the female insect when dried con- stitutes the cochineal of com- merce. coccyx, n., kftk'-siks (Gr. kokkux, the cuckoo, imitation of its cry, a crest, kokkiigos, of the cuckoo; L. coccyx, the cuckoo, coccygis, of the cuckoo), the terminal por- tion of the spinal column in man, commonly consisting of four rudi- mentary vertebrae, so called from its resemblance to a cuckoo's beak or bill: coccygeal, a., kok-sidf- e-dl, connected with the coccyx : coccygeus, a., kSk-sidj^-iis, ap- plied to a muscle consisting of a thin, flat, and triangular sheet of fleshy and tendinous fibres con- nected with the coccyx. cochlea, n., ktikf-U-ti, (L. cochlea, a snail ; Gr. kochlias, a cockle, a snail with a spiral shell), in anat., the most interior division of the internal ear, consisting ex- ternally of a tapering spiral tube : cochleate, a., k8k r -le-dt, twisted like a snail shell. cochlear, n.,M;'^-ar(L. cochUar, a spoon, cochledris, of a spoon from cochlea, a snail shell), in bot., a kind of aestivation, in which a helmet-shaped part covers all the others in the bud : coch- leariform, a., ktik'-te-dr'i'fd'rm (L. forma, shape), shaped some* what like a spoon. Cochlearia, n* plu., ktiktle'dr'-i-a (L. cochlear, a spoon), a genus of plants, the leaves of which are hollowed like the bowl of a spoon, Ord. Cruci ferae : Cochlearia offic- inalis, of-fis'-in-dl'-is (L. officina, a workshop), the common scurvy- grass, used as a stimulant: 0. Armoracia, dr'-mor-d'shi-d (Ar* morica, Brittany, the district of France from Which first brought), the horse-radish, which has irrit- ant and also vesicant properties. Zocoinese, n. plu., k^k'-o-in^e (Prtg. coco, an ugly mask to frighten children, so named from the monkey-like face at the base of the nut), the Cocoa-nut tribe, a Sub -order of trees, Ord. Palmae, which consist of the oil-bearing palms : Cocos, n. , k8k'-6s, a genus of palm trees, including the cocoa- nut tree : Cocos nucifera, nu-sif- er-d (L. nux, a nut, niicis, of a nut; f&ro, I bear), the coco or cocoa-nut palm, the most useful in the world for its various products : cocoa, n., kok'-o, the very large nut of the cocos palm; also the name given to the fruit of the Theobroma cacao, which is of the size of a kidney-bean, and when dried and ground into powder, and variously prepared, is sold under the names cocoa and choco- late. codeia, n., IM-ftd or Wd-^yd, also kodein, n., k6d*etin (Gr. kodeia, a poppy head), an alkal- oid, one of the active medicinal principles of opium. codonostoma, n. plu., ktid'-fa*t& tom-d (Gr. kodon, a bell ; stoma, a mouth), the aperture or mouth of the disc of a medusa, or of the bell of a medusiform gonophore. Ccelenterata, n. plu., sel-en'-ier-at'-d (Gr. koilos, hollow ; enteron, a bowel or gut, entera, entrails), in zooL, the Sub-kingdom com- prising the Hydrozoa and Actin- ozoa, used instead of the old term Eadiata. cceliac, a., sel^dk (Gr, koilia, belly), pert, to the cavity of the belly : coeliac passion (passion, suffering), another name for colic : ccelitis, sel-U'-fot abdominal in- flammation* ccelosperm, n., sel'd-sperm, coalo- sperni88,n. plu., seV-o-sperm'-e^i'. koilos, hollow; koilia^ the belly; sperma, seed), seeds with the al- bumen curved at the ends. coenenchyma, n., sen'Vng'kim'd (Gr. koinos, common; engchuma, an infusion, tissue), the calcareous tissue which unites together the various corallites of a compound corallum. CCE 91 COL coenoecium, n., sen-e'sfii-tim (Gr. koinos, common ; oikos ) a house), in zool., the plant-like structure or dermal system of any polyzoon; another name for * polyzoary ' or ' polypidom. ' coenosarc, n., sen'-d'Sdrk (Gr. koinos, common ; sarx, flesh), the common organized medium by which the separate polypites of compound hydrozoa are con- nected together. ccenurus, n., sen-ur^us, ccenuxi, n. plu.,sew-wr-(Gr. koinos, common; our a, tail), intestinal Worms, con-* sisting of cystose bladders, each of which contains several animals grouped together, and adhering to its sides : ccenurus cerebralis, ser'eb-rdl'is (L. cerebralis, be- longing to the brain from cereb- rum, the brain), the brain ccen- urus ; the disease sturdy in sheep, caused by coenuri. ccerulescent, a., ser'-ul-'es'Znt (L. c&ruleus, dark-blue, sky- coloured), of a blue or sky-blue colour. Coffea, n M Icof-fef-a (Ar. kawah, Sp. cafe, coffee), the coffee trees, a genus of Very ornamental trees, Sub-ord. Coffese, kdf-fe'e, which furnish important articles of materia medica, Ord. Rubi<- aceae : Coffea Arabica, dr-db f 'ik-d (Arabica, from Arabia), the tree and its varieties which furnish the coffee of commerce, said to be a native of Caffa in Arabia : caffein, n., kafit'>is, inflammation of the colon. colica dextra, kftl'-ik-a deks'tra, (L. colicus, pert, to the colic from Gr. kolon, the great gut ; L. dextra, right), the right colic, an artery which arises about the middle of the mesenteric artery : c. media, med'-i-a (L. medius f middle), the middle colic, an COL 92 COL artery which arises from the upper part of the mesenteric artery. collateral, a., M-lcft'-tr-al (L. con, together ; Idtus, a side, lateris, of a side), in bot., placed by the side of another, as in some ovules. Collemaceae, n. plu., kSl'-U-maf'Se-e (Gr. kolle, glue), a small Order of flowerless plants, intermediate between the Algae and Lichens, bearing the thallus of an alga and the fruit of a lichen : Collema, n., Tc6l-lemf-d, a genus of Lichens, all the species of which are gelatinous. collenchyma, n., ktil-l$ng'kfm>a (Gr. kolle, glue ; engchuma, an infusion, tissue), in bot., the sub- stance lying between and uniting cells. colleters, n. plu., T&llet'-trz (Gr. Icolletos, glued or cemented to- gether from kolle, glue), in bot. , glandular hairs on the leaves of a bud producing f blastocolla. ' colletic, a., kdl-let'-tk (Gr. kollet- ilcos, L. colleticus, sticky, gluey from Gr. kolle, glue), of the nature of glue ; gluey. collodion, n., k8l-ldd'$-8n (Gr. kolle, glue; eidos, resemblance), a solution of gun-cotton in ether and spirit: colloid, n., Wl'-ldyd, in chem., an inorganic compound having a gelatinous appearance ; a substance which cannot diffuse through organic membranes ; op- posed to a 'crystalloid, ' which does readily diffuse itself so : colloid cancer, a soft, jelly-like form of cancer. Colloinia, n., MJom'-t-d (Gr. kolle, glue, referring to the glutinous seeds), a genus of plants, Ord. Polemoniaceae. collum, n., WV'lum (L. collum, a neck), in bot. , the part where the plumule and radicle, or root and stem, unite. collyrium, n., kdl-li'/'^um (Gr. kollurionj an eye-salve), a lotion or wash for any part of the body, latterly applied chiefly to a wash for the eyes ; an eye water. kasia, the root of the Egyptian bean), a genus of plants, Ord. Araceae : Colocasia esculenta, fok f -ul'$nt'-& (L. esculentus, fit for eating from e sea, food), a species which has edible corms or bulbs, which are called Eddoes and Cocoes in the W. Indies. colocynth, n., kdl'd-smth (Gr. kolokunthis, the wild or purging gourd), the pulp of a kind of gourd, common in many parts of Asia ; the bitter apple, which is a powerful purgative. colon, n., kol'on (Gr. kolon, L. colon, the great gut), the large intestine, from the caecum to the rectum. coloquintida, n., ktil'-o-kwint'td-a (the Latinised form of the Fr. coloquinte, colocynth), the bitter globular fruit, the pulp of which constitutes the medicinal colo- cynth ; see ' colocynth ' ; the Cucumis colocynthis, Ord. Cucur- bitaceae. colostrum, n., Ictil-o'st'rum (L. colostrum, the first milk of anim- als after delivery), the milk first secreted in the breasts after childbirth. colotomy, n., Ico'l-o't'-orri'i (Gr. kolon, the colon or great gut ; tome, a cutting), an operation for opening the bowel in the left loin, to remove an obstruction in the lower part of the intestine. colpenchyma, n., Ictil-peng'Tcim-a (Gr. kolpos, the fold of a garment ; engchuma, an infusion, tissue), in bot., tissue composed of wavy or sinuous cells. Corubrina, n. plu., kftl'-U'lrm'-a (L. coluber, a snake), in zool., a division of theOphidia: colubrine, a., Jctft'-u-brin, pert, to serpents; having the appearance of a serpent, columba, n., kdl-um'-bd, or cal- umba, n., kdl-um'-bd (from Col- COL 93 COM omba, in Ceylon), the root of the plant Cocculus palmatus, or Menispermum palmatum, an excellent tonic. Columbacei, n. plu., ktil'-tim-bd'&'i (L. columba, a dove), the division of rasorial birds which include doves and pigeons. Columbine, n., kdl'um-bin (L. columbinus, dove-like from col- umba, a dove ; may be only column, and bine from AS. bin- dan, Icel. binda, to bind, as in woodbine), the common climbing plant Aquilegia vulgaris, Ord. Ranunculaceae. columella, n., kWtim-til'-ld (L. columella, a small column or pillar from columna, a column), the central column, as in the sporangia of mosses ; an axis which has carpels arranged around it ; the central axis round which the whorls of a spiral univalve are wound ; the central pillar found in the thecse of many corals : column, n., koV-um, the solid body formed by the union of the styles and filaments in some plants ; the cylindrical body of a sea anemone. columella cochlese, kdZtim-Wld kokf'le-e (L. columella, a small column ; cochlea, a spiral shell, cochleae, of a spiral shell), the central pillar round which turns the spiral tube of the ear. Columelliacese, n. plu., kol^m- Zl'li-d'se'-e (after Columella, a Spaniard), a small Order of ever- green shrubs and trees: Columel- lia, n., k^l'-iim-^V-U'd, a genus of evergreens. columnse carnese, k$l-ftm'-n& kdr'- ri&'e (L. columnce, columns ; carnece, fleshy from caro, flesh, carnis, of flesh), the fleshy col- umns or pillars ; the irregular rounded muscular bands on a great part of the inner surfaces of the ventricles of the heart : columnsB recti, rekt'i (L. rectum, the rectum, recti, of the rectum from rectus, straight), the larger folds of the rectum. Colutea, n., kdl-ut'-Z-d (Gr. kolout- ea, a kind of tree which dies if mutilated ; L. colutea, a pod-like kind of fruit), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. PapilionacetB : Colutea arbores- cens, dr'-bdr-fe''^ (L. arbores- cens, growing into a tree from arbor, a tree), the bastard or bladder senna, whose leaves are used abroad to adulterate the true senna. coma, n., kom'a (Gr. koma, a deep sleep), a kind of stupor, deep sleep, or insensibility ; a deep lethargic sleep from which the person cannot be awakened : comatose, a., k8m'at>oz, excess- ively drowsy ; lethargic. coma, n., kom'a (L. coma, Gr. kome, the hair of the head), tufts of hairs terminating certain seeds ; bracts or tufts as at the summit of a pine - apple : comose, a., kom-oz', furnished with hairs, as the seeds of the willow. CombretacesB, n. plu., ktimtbret' a'-se-e (combretum, said to have been a Latin name for a climbing plant), an Order of climbing plants: CombreteaB, n. plu., ktim* toet'-e-e, a Sub-order: Combretum, n., kdm-bretf-um, a genus. comes nervi ischiadici, kom'-ez nerv'-l is'-ki^d'-is-i (L. comes, a companion ; nervus, a nerve, nervi, of a nerve ; ischiadicus, that has hip-gout from ischias, hip-gout), the companion of the ischiadic nerve ; a branch of the sciatic artery : comes nervi phrenici, fren'-is-l (L. phremcus t belonging to the diaphragm from Gr. phren, the diaphragm), the companion of the phrenic nerve ; a very slender but long branch of the phrenic artery which accompanies the phrenic nerve. CommelynacesB, n. plu., kom> mel'-in-af'Se-e (after Commelin, a COM 94 CON Dutch botanist), the Spider- wort family, an Order of plants, some of which have fleshy rhizomes which are used for food : Com- melyna, n, , kdm'mel-in'd, a genus of very handsome plants. commissure, n., kom-mish'-obr (L. commissura, a knot, a joint from con, together; missus, sent), the place where two parts meet and unite ; the point of union "between two parts that meet closely: commissural, a., kom- mish'-dor-al, connecting together; applied to nerve - fibres which unite different ganglia, complanate, a., kom'-pldn pres'-dr, a muscle which com- presses the parts on which it acts : compressorium, n. , Mm' pr%S'6r r >i'Um, that which com- presses or fixes ; a compressor. Conantherese, n. plu., ktin'dnth- er'-e-e (Gr. konos, a cone ; Eng. anther from Gr. antheros, L. anther a, flowery), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Liliacese, so called because their anthers are united into a cone ; the stemless herbs of Peru and Chili : Conanthera, n., k$n'anth-er f 'a, a genus. conarium, n,, kon-ar'i-um (Gr. konos, L. conus, the fruit of the ftr), in anat., a small reddish body, about the size of a small cherry-stone, in the cerebrum, called also the ( pineal body ' or 1 gland, ' concatenate, a., ktin-k&tftn-fit (L. con, together ; catendtus, chained from catena, a chain), chained together. concentric, a., ktin-s&nt'.rik (L. con, together ; centrum, the middle point), in bot., having a common centre. conceptacle, n., kdn-sept'-a-kl (L. conceptaculum, a receptacle), in bot., a hollow sac containing a tuft or cluster of spores ; the thecee of ferns. concha, n., kdngk'a (Gr. kongche, L. concha, a shell), the external ear, by which sounds are collected and transmitted through the modiolus to the internal ear. Conchifera, n. plu., kongk-if^er-a, also Conchifers, n. plu., kongk- if-ers (L. concha, a shell; fero, I bear or carry), an extensive class of bivalve shell-fish, including the oyster, mussel, cockle, and scallop ; a synonym for *lam- elli - branchiate : ' conchiferous, a., kongk-ij'er'US, producing or having shells : conchiform, a., kongk f 'i-form (L. forma, shape), having the shape of a shell. concolorate, a., kon'kol'or'dt, also concolorous, a., kon-kdl'-or-us (L. con, together ; color, colour), similar in colour. concrete, a., kong'kret (L. con, together ; cretum, to grow), united in growth; growing to- gether : concretion, n., kon- kresli'-un, a mass formed by the CON 95 CON union of various parts adhering to each other. concussion, n., kon>kush'un (L. concussio, a shaking from con, together ; quassum, to shake), in med., a severe shattering or injury of some internal organ in consequence of a fall, or heavy blow. conduplicate, a., Ic8n-du'-plik-at (L. con, together ; duplico, I double from duo, two ; plico, I fold), doubled ; folded upon itself. condyle, n., kon'dil(Gr. kondulos, a knuckle, a knob), in anat., a protuberance having a flattened articular surface ; condyles, n. plu., the articular surfaces by which the skull articulates with the vertebral column : condyloid, a., kon'-dil-dyd (Gr. eidos, re- semblance), resembling a condyle. cone, n., kon (Gr. konos, L. conus, a cone), the scaly fruit of the fir, pine, etc. conenchyma, n., kon-eng'-kim-a (Gr. konos, the cone of the pine ; engchuma, an infusion, tissue), tissue composed of conical cells, as in the form of hairs. Conferva, n., kon-ferv'-a, Con- fervas, n. plu., kon-ferv'e (L. confer veo, 1 grow together), a very extensive and interesting genus of Algse, having branched cellular expansions, and nutritive and reproductive cells, often dis- tinct and separate so called on account of their coherence in a branched linear or lateral expan- sion : Confervacese, n. plu. , kdn' ferv'd'se-e, a Sub-order of flower- less water-plants of the simplest structure, of various colours green, olive, violet, and red : Conferva crispa, krisp'-a, (L. crispus, crisp, curled), the water- plant called "Water - flannel, forming beds of entangled fila- ments which enclose pentagonal and hexagonal spaces : conferv- oid, a., ktin-ferv-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), formed of single rows of cells, as in the Confervse; having thread-like articulations. confluent, a., kdn'fldo-Znt (L. con, together ; ftuens, flowing), in bot., gradually uniting in the progress of growth. congenital, a., kon-jen'U-al (L. congemtus, born together from con, together ; genitus, brought forth, produced), existing from birth, as a disease or some de- formity. congested, a., Ic6n-jest f -ed (L. con- gestus, pressed together from con, together ; gestum, to carry), in bot. , heaped together ; in med. , having an unnatural accumula- tion of blood : congestion, n., kon-jest'-yun, an unnatural collec- tion of blood in any part or organ of a body. conglobate, a., kdn'-glob-dt (L. conglobdtum, to gather into a ball from con, together ; globus, a ball), in the shape of a ball or sphere. conglomerate, a., kftn^glom'-er-dt (L. conglomeratum, to roll to- gether from con, together ; glomero, I wind into a ball or heap), in bot., clustered together ; applied to a gland composed of various glands or lobules with a common excretory duct ; denot- ing a stony mass composed of sandstone and various pebbles. conglutinate, a., kon-gldbt'-in-at (L. conglutindtus, glued or cem- ented), glued together in heaps ; united together as by a tenacious substance. conia,n. plu., kon't'a(Gr. koneion, L. conium, hemlock), the active principle of hemlock, consisting of a volatile oleaginous alkali, which acts as an energetic poison : tJonium, n., Tcon f -i-um, a genus of plants, Ord. Umbelliferse : Conium maculatum, mak'-til-atf-tim (L. maculdtum, to spot, to stain from macula, a stain), the plant hemlock, probably the * koneion ' CON 96 CON of the Greeks, and 'cicuta' of the Romans. conidia, n., ktin-id'-i-d (Gr. konis, a nit, the egg of a louse, flea, or bug, konidos, of a nit), in bot., the peculiar spores in fungi which resemble buds : conidiiferous, a. , ktin'id'i'if'er-us (L. fero, I bear or carry), producing or bearing conidia. ConifersB, n. plu., kdn-if'er-e, also Conifers, n. plu., kon'$f-ers (L. conus, a cone;/ero, I bear), the cone-bearing family, a very ex- tensive Order of trees having four Sub-orders: coniferous, a., kon- tf-er-us (L.fero, I bear), produc- ing or bearing cones. coniocyst, n., kan'-i-d-sist (Gr. konis, dust, a nit ; kustis, a bladder), in bot., spore cases resembling tubercles. Ooniomycetes, n., kdn'i-o-mi'Set'-ez (Gr. konis , a nit, dust ; mukes, a fungus, a mushroom, muketos, of a fungus), a Sub -order of Fungi, in which the flocci of the fruit are obsolete or mere peduncles. coniothalameaa, n. plu., kon'i-8- thdl'dm^e (Gr. kdnis, a nit, dust ; thaldmos, a bedchamber, a nest), a Sub-order of lichens ; pulverulent lichens. Conirosters, n. plu., kon'i-rost'-ers (L. cdnus, a cone ; rostriim, a beak), in zool., the division of perching birds with conical beaks. conium, kon'-i'Um, see 'conia. ' conjugate, a., kon'-joog-at (L. con- jugatum, to unite from con, to- gether ; jugum, a yoke or bond), paired; joined by pairs : conjuga- tion, n., kon'jdog-d'shun, the union of two cells in such a way as to develop a spore : conjugate spirals, in bot. , whorled leaves so arranged as to give two or more generating spirals running par- allel to each other. conjunctiva, n., kSn'-jtinkt-iv'-a (L. conjunctivas, fastening to- gether from con, together; jungo, I joiii), the fine sensitive mem- brane which covers the front of the eyeball, and lines the eyelids. Connaraceae, n. plu., kon'-ndr-a' se-e (Gr. konndros, a species of tree), the Connarus family, a small Order of tropical trees and shrubs, some bearing handsome flowers, and others edible fruits : Connarus, n., kon'-ndr'tis, a genus of trees and shrubs. connate, a., kdn-ncUf (L. con, to- gether j ndtus, born), in bot., having two leaves with their bases united ; having parts united in any stage of development, which are normally distinct. connective, n., kdn-nZkt'w (L. con, together; necto, I tie), in bot., the fleshy part which connects the lobes of an anther. connivent, a., kdn-nlv^-ent (L. con- nivens, winking or blinking), in bot., having two organs arching over so as to meet above, as petals; converging. conoid, a.,kon-dyd', also conoidal, a., kftn-dyd'-dl (Gr. konos, a cone; eidos, resemblance), shaped like constipation, n., kd (L. constipdtum, to press closely together from con, together ; stipo, I press together), sluggish action of the bowels ; difficult expulsion of the hardened fseces. constricted, a., kon-strikt'-td (L. constrictus, drawn or bound to- gether), in bot., tightened or con- tracted in width, as if tied with a cord: constrictor, n.,k8n-strikt'or, in anat., a muscle which draws together or contracts an opening of the body, as the pharynx. consumption, n., kdn'Siim'shtin (L. con, together; sumptum, to take) a gradual and general wast- ing of the body from diseased lungs, or other cause ; phthisis. contagion, n., kon-tddj-Hn (L. con- tagio, contact, touch), the com- munication of disease by contact or touch. CON continuous, a., l&n-tfttfafa (L. continuus, uninterrupted), in bot. , without joints or articulations. contorted, a., kon'tort'-$d (L. con, together; tortus, twisted), in lot., twisted regularly in one direction applied to a form of {estivation : contortive, a. , k$n>t$rtfiv, applied to the parts of a single whorl placed in a circle, each exhibiting a torsion of its axis. contortuplicate, a., ktin'ttir-tup'- Ilk- at (L. contortus, twisted ; plicdtum, to fold), in bot., twisted and folded in plaits. Contrayerva or Contrajerva, n., kon'-tra-yerv'-a (Indian - Spanish, contrayerva fromcontra, against ; yerva, poison, as supposed to be good against poison), the plant whose root yields the Contrayerva root of commerce, Ord. Moracese. contusion, n., kon-tu'zhun (L. con- tusum, a bruise from con, to- gether ; tusus, beaten), a form of injury caused by heavy pressure or a sharp blow without any ex- ternal wound ; a bruise : contused wound, when, in addition to the injury of the soft parts, the skin is broken. conus arteriosus, Icon' us drt-er'-$- oz'us (L. conus, a cone ; arteria, an artery), the arterial cone; a smooth, conical prolongation of the left ventricle upwards, from which the pulmonary artery arises. convergent, a., kSn-verf-Znt (L. con, together; vergens, bending, turning), in bot., applied to ribs of leaves running from base to apex in a curved manner. convolute, a., kon'vdl-dt, also con- volutive, a., ktin'-vo'l'dtfiv (L. con, together ; volutus, rolled), in bot., having a leaf in a bud rolled upon itself; rolled up laterally so as partially to embrace each other. Convolvulaceae, n. plu., kon-vdlv'- ul-a'-sV-e (L. convolvulus, the plant bindweed from con, together ; volvo, I roll), the Convolvulus or G 97 COP Bindweed family, an extensive Order of twining shrubs and herbaceous plants, having gener- ally an acrid juice in the roots, which is purgative : Convolvulus, n., kftn'v6'lv''Ul'Us, a genus of plants so called from their twin- ing .or winding habit : Convolv- ulus scammonia, skdm-mon'-i-d (Gr. skammonia, L. scammonia, the plant scammony), a species the root of which yields a gummy resinous exudation : C. sepium, sZfii-um (L. sepium, the internal shell of the cuttle-fish), a species which yields a spurious kind of scammony : C. batatas, bat'titfas (a Spanish or Mexican word), a species which yields the sweet potato or yam, used as food in tropical countries : C. scoparius, skop-dr'i-us (L. scoparius, of or belonging to a broom ; scopce, a bunch of twigs, a broom), yields the oil called Rhodium. convulsions, n. plu., kdn-vul'-shuns (L. convulsw, a convulsion from con, together; vulsum, to pluck or tear away), violent and involuntary contractions of certain muscles of the body, as in fits. copaiba, n., ko-pab f -a, or copaiva, n., kd'pav f 'd (Sp. and Portg.), an oleo-resin or turpentine, obtained from various parts of S. America ; a balsam. Copaifera, n., ko-paf'-er-a (copaiba, and L. fero, I bear), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub- ord. Csesalpiniese : Copaifera Jacquinii, jak-win'-i-l (after Jacquinia, a botanist of Vienna), the copaiba of Jacquinia: C. Langsdorfii, langs-dorf-i-l (of Langsdorff) ; C. bijuga, bidf-ug-a (L. bijugus, yoked two together from bis, twice ; jugum, a yoke) ; C. multijugus, mult-tdj'-ug-tls (L. multus, many ; jugum, a yoke) ; C. Martii, mdr'shi-i (L. of the month of March) ; C. Guianensis, gwi'-an-ens'-is (of or from Guiana}; C. coriacea, kdr'-e-a'ac-ti, (L. cori- COP 98 COR dceus, leathery from cormm, skin, hide), are species which yield the balsam of copaiba. Copepoda,n., kdp>$p'dd'd(Gj:.kdpe, an oar ; podes, feet), oar-footed animals, an Order of Crustacea. coprolite, n., k6p f -r6-lit(Gi. kopros, dung ; lithos, a stone), the petri- fied dung of animals, chiefly of saurians. Coptis, n.,kop''tis (Gr. kopto> I cut), a genus of plants, so called in allusion to the division of the leaves, Ord. Ranunculacese : Cop- tis teetae, tef-te (a native name), a pretty species, the rhizome be- ing used in India as a bitter tonic.- coracoid, a. , k8r'ak-oyd (Gr. koraks, a crow, korakos, of a crow, crow's; eidos, shape, likeness), applied to a process of bone of the shoulder- blade, so named from its resem- blance to a crow's beak ; one of the bones of the pectoral arch in birds and reptiles : coraco brach- ialis, kdr^dk-6 brdk'-t-dl'.is (Gr. koraks, a crow ; L brachidlis, pert, to an arm from brdchium, an arm), the muscle of the arm connected with the coracoid proc- ess ; a muscle connected with the coracoid process and inserted into the humerus or arm bone. coralliform, a., Hr-aW/oVm (Gr. korallion, L. cordlium, red coral ; L. forma, shape), also coralloid, a., kftr'-al'loyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), resembling coral : coral- lum, n., JcQr-al'ltim, the hard structure deposited in the struc- tures of the Actinozoa, called coral : corallite, n., kor'dl-lU, the portion of a corallum secreted by a single polype : coralliginous, a., Icor'-al-lidf-en'tis, producing a corallum: coralline, a., kdr'-al-tin like or containing coral: Coral- lina, n., kor'-al'lin'-a, a genus of plants resembling a coral, Ord. Algse : Corallina officinalis, of- f&-m-dl'ts(L. officinalis, officinal), one of numerous species considered vegetable, which are reckoned animal by many. Corchorus, n., kork'tir-tis (Gr. Jcore, the pupil of the eye ; koreo, I cleanse, I purge), a gemis of plants, Ord. Tiliaceae : Corchorus capsularis, kdps f -ul-dr f 'is (L. caps- uldris, pert, to a capsule from capsula, a little chest), a species which in India furnishes the jute used in making coarse carpets and gunny bags : C. olitorius, til'-it-or'-i-us (L. olitorius, belong- ing to vegetables from olitor, a market gardener), Jew's mallow, the leaves of which are used as a culinary vegetable : C. pyriformis, pir'-ifdrm'-is (L. pirum, a pear ; forma, shape), a species in Japan which furnishes fibres. corculum, n., k6rk f -ul>&,m (L. corculum, a little heart from cor, the heart), in lot., a name for the embryo. cord, n., kord (L. chorda, Gr. chorde, a string, a gut), the string or process which attaches the seed or embryo to the plac- enta. cordate, a., Jctird'-dt (L. cor, the heart, eordis, of the heart), heart- shaped ; having the broad, heart- shaped part next the stalk or stem : cordiform, a. , kSrd^-fdrm (L. forma, shape), a solid body having the shape of a heart : cordate-hastate, a., -hdst'-dt (L. hasta, a spear), of a shape between a heart and a spear: cordate- sagittate, a. , -sadj-it'-dt (L. sagitta, an arrow),, of a shape between a heart and an arrow-head: cord- ate-ovate, a., -ov'dt (L. ovdtus, shaped like an egg), of a shape between a heart and an egg. Cordiaceae, n. plu., kdrd'-i-d'-sZ-e (after Cordus, a German botanist), the Cordia family, an Order of trees, some of which yield edible fruits: Cordia, n., kord'-i-a, a genus of plants : Cordia myxa, miks'd (Gr. muxa, mucus, mucil- age); also C. latifolia, lat'-l-JoU-a COR 99 COR (L. ldtu.9, broad ; folium, a leaf), are species whose succulent, mucilaginous fruits are known by the name of Sebesten plums. Cordyline, n., k8rd'-il-in'-3 (Gr. kordule, a club, a bump), a genus of ornamental shrubs, Ord. Lili- acese : Cordyline Australis, dws- trdl'fa (from Australasia), the plant Ti of New Zealand ; also C. Banksii, banks'i-i (of Banks after Sir Joseph Banks], are species which yield fibres. coriaceous, a., kor'-i-d'-shus (L. corium, skin, hide), consisting of or resembling leather ; tough ; leathery. Coriandrum sativum, Ttor'-l-and'- rum sat'iv'-um (L. coriandrum r Gr. koriannon, the coriander from Gr. koris, a bug, alluding to the smell of the seed \ L. satlv- us, fit to be planted), a plant yielding seeds which are a warm and agreeable aromatic, Ord. llmbelliferae.. CoriariacesB, n. phu, Icor'-l-ar-i- d's&'e (L. corium, skin, hide), the Coriaria family, an Order of plants: Coriaria, n., kdr'i-dr'-i-a, a genus of plants : Coriaria myrtifolia, mert'.i-fdl'-i>a (Gr. murtos, the myrtle tree ; L. folium, a leaf), a species whose leaves have been employed on the Continent to adulterate senna; used for dyeing black and tanning, and with sulphate of iron makes a dark blue : C. ruscifolia, rus'-i- fdl'-i-a (L. ruscus, a probable adaptation of Russo-colore, from its colour), the Toot or Tutu plant of New Zealand the seeds and young shoots are poisonous. corium, n., Tcdr f -l-um (L. corium, skin), the cutis vera or true skin, consisting of a fibro-vascular layer ; called also the * derma, ' and is covered by the epidermis or scarf skin. conn, n., kdrm (Gr. Tcormos, a trunk, a log), the thickened or bulb-like solid base of the stems of plants, such as in the Colchicum and Arum : cormogenous, a., kdr-mtidf-en-us (Gr. gennao, I produce), having a corm or stem: cormus, n., korm'-us, same as * corm. ' Cornacese, n. plu., korn-d'-se-e (L. corneus, belonging to cornel- wood from cornu, a horn, as the wood is thought to be hard and durable as horn ; cornus, the cornel cherry tree), the Cornel family, an Order of trees, shrubs, and herbs: Cornus, n., korn'-us, an ornamental genus of plants ; the cornel tree: Cornus florida, fldr f 'id-a (L. floridus, flowery) ; and C. sericea, ser-is'e-a (L. sericeus, silky from sZrica, silks), species used in America as tonics and febrifuges : C. mascula, mdsk f - ul-a (L. masculus, male), a species whose fruit is used for food; the red-wood of Turkey, from which the Turks obtain the dye for their red fezes: C. sanguinea, sang* gwin'-Z-a (L. sanguinZus, of blood, bloody from sanguis, blood), a ries whose seeds furnish oil : Suecica, su-Zs'-ik-a or sw$s'- ik-a (L. Suecia, Sweden), a Scotch species whose fruit is said to be tonic: cornel, n., korn'el, a tree yielding small edible cherries; the dog -wood tree. cornea, n., Icorn^-a (L. corneus, horny from cornu,. a horn), a horny transparent membrane forming the front part of the eyeball also called the cornea pellucida, pel-lds'-id-a (L. pel- lucidus,, transparent): c. opaca, o-pak'-a (L. opdcus shady, dark), the hinder part of the eyeball,, which, is opaque and densely fibrous ; also called the 'sclerotic coat. ' corneous, a., Icfon'-e-us (L. corn- &us, horny from cornu, a horn), in bot., having the consistence of horn ; horny : corniculate, a. , (L. cornicula, a COR 100 COR little horn), having a horn-like cornicula laryngis, Icorn-ik'-ul-a, lar-mf-is (L. corniculum, a little horn-^from cornu, a horn ; Gr. larunx, the upper part of the windpipe, larunggos, of the wind- pipe), the little horns of the larynx ; two small cartilaginous nodules of a somewhat conical shape &t the summits of the arytenoid cartilages. cornu, n., ~korri-u (L. eornu, a horn), a horn : cornua, n. plu., k8rn''U'd, horns : cornus, see under 'cornacese :' cornute, a., korn'-ut, horn - shaped : cornu Ammonis, dm-mon-is (of Am- mori), the horn of Ammon, a long white eminence on the brain, indented or notched so as to present some resemblance to the paw of an animal ; called also ' pes hippocampi. ' corolla, n., kor-ftl'ld (L. corolla, a small wreath or crown), in bot. , the second whorl of leaves in a flower, commonly the most bril- liantly coloured, the separate pieces of which are called ' petals' : corollifloral, a., kdr-M'.li-flor'.&l (L. flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), applied to those plants that have the united petals placed under the ovary, and the stamens either borne by the petals, or inserted independently into the torus : corolliflorse, n. plu. , kdr- ol'-li-flor'-e, all plants that have the calyx and corolla present, the corolla gamopetalous, hypog- ynous, usually bearing the stamens: corolline, a., kfrr'Ql'Un, of or belonging to a corolla. corona, n., k6r-6n f -d (L. corona, Gr. korone, a garland, a wreath), in bot., a corolline appendage between the corolla and stamens; cup -like or in rays, as the crown of the Daffodil ; in anat., the upper surface of the molar teeth. corona glandis, ktir-on'-d gldnd'-ls (L. corona, a crown ; glans, an acorn, a gland, glandis, of an acorn), the crown of the gland ; the elevated margin or bean of the glan penis. coronal, a., kor-on'-al (L. corona, a crown, a wreath), in anat., pert, to the crown of the head : coronary, a., koY-on-cr-l, encircling like a crown : coronate, a., ktir'-tin-dt, having little crown -like emin- ences : coronet, n., kdr'on-Zt, a little or inferior crown : corona radiata, rdd'i-at'a (L. radidtus, furnished with rays from radius, a staff, a ray), an assemblage of radiating fibres in each hemisphere of the cerebrum that may be com- pared to a fan: coronula, n. plu., K&r-on'ul-d, little crowns ; small calyx-like bodies ; borders sur- rounding the seeds of certain flowers. CoroniUa, n., k^on-il'-la (L. corona, a crown, referring to the arrangement of the flowers), an. "interesting genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Papilion- aceae : Coronilla varia, vdr'-i-a (L. varius, changing, varying), a species which acts as a narcotic poison: C. emerus, em'$r-us (Gr. emeros, not wild, cultivated), the leaves of this and preceding are sometimes used to adulterate senna. coronoid, a., kdr'-Sn-oyd (Gr. cor- one, a crow, the beak of a crow ; eidos, resemblance), in anat., applied to a process of the large bone of the fore-arm, so named from its being shaped like the beak of a crow : coronoid fossa, ffts'sd (L. fossa, a ditch), a depression on the head of the ulna. corpus, n., kftrp'tis (L.), a body: corpora, n. plu., kdrp'-dr-a (L.), bodies : corpus albicans, alb'ik- dnz (L. sing.), corpora albicantia, alb'-ik-an'-shi-a (L. albicans, being white from albus, white), two round white eminences, situated COR 101 COR behind the tuber cinereum, and between the crura cerebri : corpora amylacea, dm'il-d'se'd (L. amyl- dceus, belonging to starch from amylum, starch), minute, mostly microscopical, bodies, formerly believed to consist of starch, but of unknown chemical composi- tion, found in various organs : c. cavernosa, Icav'-er'noz'-a (L. cav- ernosus, full of cavities ; cdvus, hollow), the principal part of the body of the penis, consisting of two cylindrical bodies placed side by side, closely united and in part blended together : c. geniculata, jgn-iMul-dtf-d (L. geniculdtus, having knots from geniculum, a little knot), two little masses of grey matter, about the size and shape of coffee beans, placed on each side of the genu of the optic tract of the cerebrum, and named respectively the * ex- ternum ' and * internum * : c. quadrigemina, Icw6tf'rf>j%rnftn'd (L. quddrigce, a set of four from quatuor, four ; geminus, twin or twin-born), four rounded emin- ences separated by a crucial depression, arid placed two on each side of the middle line of the cerebrum : c. striata, stri'dt'd (L. stridta, a fluted shell), two large ovoid masses of grey matter, situated in front and to the outer side of the optic thalami, in the cerebrum. corpus callosum, Wrp'-us leal-lot' um (L. corpus, a body ; callosus, thick-skinned from callum, hard thick skin), a thick layer of medullary fibres passing transversely between the two hemispheres of the brain, and forming their great commissure : corpus dentatum, dent-dtf-um (L. dentdtus, toothed, having teeth), an open bag or capsule of grey matter,. the section of which pre- sents a dentated outline, in the cerebellum ; also called 'ganglion of the cerebellum': c. fimbriatum, fim'.bri'dt'.um (L, fimbridtus, fibrous, fringed from jimbrice, fibres, threads), a narrow, white, tape-like band situated immedi- ately behind the choroid plexus in the cerebrum. corpuscle, n,, Jctirp-usk'-l (L, corp- usculum, a little body from corpus, a body), a small body ; a particle : corpuscula tactus, Icdrp-usTc'-ul-a tdkt'-us (L. corpusc- ula, corpuscles ; tactus, , touch, tactus, of touch), . the touch bodies, or tactile corpuscles; min- ute bodies having the appearance of a miniature fir-cone, with great tactile sensibility, found in the skin of the hand and foot, and some other parts : corpusculated, a., k^rp-usK-ul'dt'-ed, applied to fluids which, like the blood, con- tain floating solid particles or corpuscles. Correa, n., Wr-re'd (after Corrcea, a Portuguese botanist), a genus of shrubs, Orfl. Rutacese, re- markable for their gamopetalous corollas. corrosive, z,.,.lcor-roz'-w (L. con, together; rosum, to gnaw), con- suming ; wearing away : corrosive sublimate, sub'-lim-at (L. sublim- dtum, to lift up on high), a very poisonous preparation of mercury; the perchloride of mercury. corrugate,, a.,, kdr'.rdog-dt, and corrugated, a., T&r'-rdog-dt'-ed (L. corrugdtum, to make full of wrinkles from con, together ; ruga, a wrinkle), in bot. 9 crumpled; wrinkled. cortex, n., Tcort'-Zlcs (L. cortex, bark, corticis, of bark), the bark of trees: cortical, a., Jcdrt-zk-dl, belonging to the bark : corticate, a., Icdrt'-ilc'dt, covered with a layer of bark ; resembling bark : cortical layer, in zool., the layer of sarcode enclosing the chyme mass, and surrounded by the cuticle, in the Infusoria : cortic- olous, a., Mrt-ik'-dlUs (L. colo, 1 dwell, I abide), growing on COR 102 COS bark ; also applied to that por- tion of the kidney which lies be- tween the cones and the surface of the organ. cortina, n., Icftrt'ln'-d (L. cortina, the tripod of Apollo, a veil), in bot., the remains of the veil which continue attached to the edges of the pileus in Agarics : cortinate, a., wrtftn-dt, like a cobweb in texture. Corydalis, n., Mrtt-ddZts (Gr. korudallis, the bulbous fumitory; koruddlos, the lark), a beautiful genus of plants, Ord. Fumari- acese, so called because the spurs of the flowers resemble the spurs of the lark : Corydalis bulbosa, Mlb-ozf.a (L. bulbosus, full of bulbs from bulbus, a bulb), a species whose tubes have been used as a substitute for Birth- worts in expelling intestinal worms : corydaline, a., Jcor'i- ddl'in, resembling the flower of the corydalis. Corylacese, n. plu., kdr't'ld'-sV-e (L. corylus } Gr. korulos, a hazel or filbert tree ; said also to be de- rived from Gr. korus, a helmet, koruthos, of a helmet, in reference to the calyx enwrapping the fruit), the Nut family or Mast- worts, an Order containing such timber trees as the oak, beech, and chestnut; the Order also called the Cupaliferse : Corylus, n., korltt'US, a genus of trees, chiefly cultivated for the sake of their fruit : Corylus Avellana, dv f -el'ldn f 'd (L. Avellanus, belong- ing to Avella, a town of Campania near which hazel trees were numerous), the species which produces the hazel-nut, with its involucral appendage. corymb, n. , Tc6r f -im (Gr. korumbos, L. cdrymbus, the top, a cluster), in bot., an inflorescence in which the lower stalks are longest, and all the flowers come nearly to the same level: CorymbifersB, n. plu., kdr'>tm-bif>&r-e (L.fero, I bear), the second of the three sections into which Jussieu divides the Compositse, included under the section Tubuliflorse of De Can- dolle: corymbiferous, a., kfr/'im- bif'er'tis, bearing a cluster of flowers in the form of a corymb also in same sense, corymbose, a., kdrtim-boz. Coryphineae, n. plu., kdr'-if-tn'-Z-e (Gr. koruphe, the top, the sum- mit), a Sub-order or tribe of palms, Ord. Palmse ; the talipot and date palms : Corypha, n., kor'if-a, a beautiful genus of palms, from 15 ft. to 150ft. high. coryza, n., kdr-iz'a (Gr. koruza, mucus of the nose), an inflam- matory affection of the mucous membrane lining the nose, re- sulting in an increased defluxion of mucus : coryza gangrenosa, gang' grew,- 6z' a (L. gangrcena, a cancerous ulcer), malignant catarrh, in which there is a dis- charge of ichor mixed with blood, and accumulations of pus in the nasal sinuses. Coscinium, n., kos-stn'-i-tim (Gr. koskinon, a sieve), a genus of climbing plants, Ord. Menisperm- acese, so called in allusion to the cotyledons being perforated : Coscinium fenestratum, fen'-es- trdt'um (L. fenestrdtum, to fur- nish with openings), a species which supplies a false calumba- root containing much berberine. costa, n., Icost'-a (L. costa, a rib, a side), a rib; the mid-rib: costse, n. plu., Jstistfe, in bot., the prom- inent bundles of vessels in the leaves ; in zool., the rows of plates which succeed the inferior or basal portion of the cup among Crinoidea ; vertical ridges on the outer surface of theca among corals: costal, a., kost'al, con- nected with the ribs : costate, a. , ktist'dt, provided with ribs ; having longitudinal ridges. costo, Icdst'-o (L. costa, a rib, a side), denoting muscles which arise from COT 103 ORE the ribs : costo-clavicular, denot- ing a ligament attached inferioiiy to the cartilage of the first rib near its sternal end : costo-sternal, applied to the ribs united to the sternum : costo-vertebrae, the ribs arising from the vertebrae or back- bone. cotunnius, n., Ictit'tin'nt-fy, also liquor cotunnii (after first de- scriber), the perilymph, a limpid fluid secreted by the lining mem- branes of the osseous labyrinth -of the ear. cotyledon, n., Jcdl'il-ed'tin (Gr. kotuledon, the socket .of the hip joint, a cup-like hollow from kotule, a hollow), in bot., the temporary leaf, leaves, or lobes of the embryo of a plant which first appear above ground ; in anat., applied to the portions .of which the placentse of some animals are formed: cotyloid, a., k6t f -ildyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), a deep cup-shaped cavity in the os in- nominatum ; the acetabulum. couch, v., kowtsh (F. coucher, to lay down), in med. , to 'depress or remove the film called a cataract which overspreads the pupil of the eye : couching, n. , kvwtsh'-ing., the operation itself. coup-de-soleil, n.., koo'de'-so'l-el' (F. coup, stroke ; de, of ; soleil, the sun), sunstroke ; a dangerous disease produced by exposure of the head to the rays of the sun, almost wholly confined to tropical countries. crampons, n. plu., kram'-ptinz, (Dut. krampe, F. crampon, hooks, claspers), in bot., the adventiti- ous roots which serve as fulcra or supports, as in the ivy. cranial, a., krdn'i-al (Gr. krdnion, Mid. L. cranium, the skull), of or pert, to the cranium or skull : craniology, n., kran'.i-Wo-ji (Gr. logos, discourse), a treatise on the skull: craniotomy, n., kran'-i- dt'dm-t (Gr. tome, a cutting), the operation of opening the skull, sometimes rendered necessary in effecting delivery : cranium, n., krdn''i-um, the bony or cartilag- inous case containing the brain. craspeda, n. plu., krdsp^ed-d (Gr. .kraspedon, a border, a tassel), the long cords, containing thread cells, which are .attached to the free margins of the mesenteries of a sea anemone. Crassulaceae, n. plu., 1cras'ul-&s&e (diminutive of L. iwassus, solid, thick, in allusion to the fleshy leaves and stems), the Houseleek or Stoneerop family, an Order of succulent herbs and shrubs of considerable ibeauty, found in the driest and most arid situations, where not a blade .of grass or a tuft >of moss could live : Crassula, n., Icrds'-ul-a, a genus of succulent plants: Crassula profusa, pro- fuz'-a <(L. profusus, spread out, -extended); C. lactea, lakt'-e-d (L. lactZus, containing milk, milky from lac, milk) ; and C. juarg- inata, mdrf-in-atf-a (L. marg- indtum, to furnish with ;a border), are species in the leaves of which there are two kinds of stomata, one scattered over the leaves, and the other, very minute, raised ,011 discs arranged in a row within the margin of the leaf. cratera, n., krat-er'-a (.. crater a,, a -wine-cup from 'Gr. krater, a cup), in bot., a cup-shaped recep- tacle: crateriform, a., krat-er-i- ftirm (L. forma, shape), cup- shaped; concave: Craterina, n., Itrat'-er-ln'-a, a genus of parasitic insects : Craterina hirundinis, hir- und f 'in-i8 (L. hirundo, a swallow, hirundmis, of a swallow), a species found upon swallows. crease, v., kres (Breton or Prov. F. kriz, a wrinkle, a tuck in a garment), in far., to groove around the outer circumference of the iron shoe of a horse : creasing, n., kres'mg, the art of grooving an iron horse-shoe whicli marks the line where the nails GRE 104 CHI are to be placed; also called 'ful- lering. ' creasote, n., kr&&*>8t t also cre- osote, n., Icre'-os-ot (Gr. kreas, flesh; zozo; I preserve), an oily, colourless liquid, with a charac- teristic smell, obtained from wood or coal tar. creatine or creatin, n., kre'-dt-m (Gr. kreas, flesh, kreatos, of flesh), a substance in the form of colour- less transparent crystals, obtained from flesh of different animals, as sheep, oxen, fowls, fish : creat- inin, n., kre-dt^m-m, an alkaline substance in the form of prism- atic crystals, procured chiefly from the urine. cremaster, n., krVm-dstf-Zr (Gr. kremao, I suspend ; kremdmai,. I am suspended, I hang), a muscle which draws up or suspends the testis in males : cremasteric, a., kr%m''dst-er f -ik, pert, to the cremaster muscle ; applied to a fascia. cremocarpj n,, krVm'o-kdrp (Gr. kremao, I suspend ; karpos, fruit), the fruit of the Umbellif- erse, consisting of two one-seeded carpels, completely invested by the tube of the calyx. crenate, a., kren-dt (Mid. L. crena, a notch), in bot., having a series of rounded marginal prominences ; having convex teeth, as on the margin of a leaf : denature, n.,. krZn'dt-ur, a di- vision or notch of the margin of a crenate leaf ; a notch in a leaf or style : crenulate, a., kren'- ul-dt (dim. of crena), having the edge slightly or minutely notched. crepitant, a., IcrZp'it-ant (L. crepitans, creaking or crackling gen. crepitantis), crackling : crepitant rale, rdl (F. rale, a rattling in the throat), a fine crackling sound heard in respira- tion, caused by the passage of the air through mucus in the bron- chial tubes : crepitation, n., Icrtp'U-d'shftn, a small, sharp, crackling noise, as of salt when thrown on the fire ; a rubbing of hair, a similar sound heard in inspiration' at the commencement of pneumonia. crepuscular, a., krZp-ftsk'ul-er (L. crepusculum, twilight, dusk), applied to animals which are active in the dusk or twilight. CrescentieaB, n. plu.,r2s'gg>i-^'g-e (after Crescenti of Bologna), a Sub-order of trees, whose fruit is woody and melon-shaped, Ord. Bignoniacese : Crescentia, n., IcreS'Sen'-shi'd, a genus of hand- some trees, some of them having edible fruits : Crescentia. Cujete, kudj-et'-& (from Jamaica), also called C. cuneifolia, kun'e-i* fol f 'i-d (L. cuneus, a wedge ; folium,, & leaf), the calabash tree of tropical America, the hard pericarps of whose melon-like fruit are used as cups and bottles. crest, ,n., Icrest (L. crista, the tuft or plume on the head of birds), an appendage to fruits or seeds having the form of a crest. cretaceous,, a., kret-a'-shtis (L. creta, chalk), composed of chalk ; chalky ; in bot. , chalky- white : creta preparata, kret'-d prep'-ar- at'd (L. prepardtus, prepared), a medical preparation of chalk. cretinism, n., kret'm-fam (F. Cretin, one of certain inhabitants of the Alps and other mountains, remarkable for their stupid and languid appearance), a peculiar kind of idiocy, attended with goitre and other malformations, with arrest of development, especially of the skull, which prevails in districts about the Alps and other mountains : Cretin, n., kret'in, one of the deformed idiots of the Alpine and other mountainous regions : in the Pyrenees they are called cribriform, a., krib'rl-fdrm (L. cribrum, a sieve ; forma, shape), 105 CRO pierced with small holes like a sieve ; perforated : cribrose, a., krib'roz, same sense. cricoid, a., krik'-oyd (Gr. krik'-ds, a ring ; eidos, resemblance), shaped like a ring : crico-aryten- oid, krikf-d-ar-ittZn-oyd, applied to articulations which are sur- rounded by a series of thin cap- sular fibres, and connected with the bases- of the arytenoid cartil- ages; crinite, a., krin'-it (L. crlnis, the hair), in bot., having the appear- ance of a tuft of hair ;. bearded. crinoids, n. plu., krin'-oyds, also crinoidea, n. plu., krin-oyd'-Z-a (Gr. krinon, a lily ; eidos, re- semblance), in zool., an Order of Echinodermata, including forms which are usually stalked, and which sometimes resemble lilies. Crinum, n., Tcrm'-tim (Gr. krinon, a lily), a fine genus of bulbous plants, Ord. Amaryllidacese, hav- ing many of the species very beautiful, and producing delight- fully fragrant flowers in large umbels. crisis, n., krls'is, crises, n. plu., krls^ez (L. crisis, Gr. krisis, a decision), that important stage of some diseases which may eventuate in recovery or death. crisp, a., krisp (L. crispus, Old F. crespe, curled), in bot., having an undulated margin : crispate, a., krisp'dt, irregularly curled or twisted: crispation, n., krisp -a'- shun, in anat., the permanent shrinking of a tissue. cristate, a., krist'dt (L. crista, a crest), in bot. , crested ; tufted : crista frontalis, kristf-dfrdnt-aV-is (L. frontdlis, belonging to the forehead from frons, the fore- head), the frontal crest ; a ridge of bone on. the inner surface of the frontal bone of the skull : c. galli, gaV-ll (L. gallus, a cock, galli, of a cock), the crest of the cock, or cock's crest j a ridge of bone in the skull which rises into a thick process of the ethmoid bone. Crithmum, n., krith'>mum (Gr. krithe, barley), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbelliferse, so called in allusion to the singularity of the seeds : Crithmum maritinmm, mar-it'-im'tim (L. maritimus, be- longing, to the sea from mare*, the sea), the samphire, found growing abundantly on the rocks near the sea, is used as a pickle. Crocodilia, n. plu., krdk'-dd-tt'.t-a (L. crocodilus,. Gr. krokodeilos, a crocodile),, a well-known Order of reptiles. Crocus, n., krok'us (L. crocus, Gr. krokos, Gael, crock, red), a well- known and much admired genus of early spring plants, Ord. Iridacese : Crocus sativus, sat- lv f 'US (L. sativus, that is -fit to be planted), a species which furnishes the colouring material called saf- fron: C. autumnalis, a/w'-tum- nal'>is (L. autumnalis,. autumnal from autumnus, autumn); and C. odoms, dd-or'-us (L. odorus, sweet-smelling from ddor, scent, smell), are species also supplying saffron. crotaphyte, n., krtit'-a-fU (Gr. krotaphos, a temple of the head), the temporal, muscle, which fills the temporal fossa and extends itself over a considerable part of the side of the head. Crpton, n., krotf-dn (Gr. krtiton, a tick, with reference to the re- semblance of the seeds), a genus of plants, Ord. Euphorbiacese : Croton tiglium, tlg'-ll-um (an Indian word), an Indian and Asiatic shrub, from whose seed croton-oil is expressed, inter- nally the oil acts as an irritant purgative, externally it produces pustules: C. Pavana, pav-an'-a (unascertained); also C. Roxburg- ii, r&ks-berg'-i'i (L. Roxburgii, of Roxburgh in Scotland), species which yield purgative oils : C. CRO 106 CRU Malainbo, mal*amb f -o (unascer- tained), yields a tonic bark : C. eleuteria, el'-u-ter'-t.a (L. and Gr. eleutheria, freedom, liberty), pro- duces cascarilla bark, also called sea-side balsam or sweet wood, used as a tonic and stimulant : C. pseudo-china or niveuxn, sud f '0-kln f 'd or mv'8-um (Gr. pseudes, false, lying; china, Ger. name for Peruvian bark ; L. nlveus, snowy), produces copalchi bark, used as a tonic. croup, n., Jcrdp (Icel. Jcropa, Scot. roup, to cry), an inflammatory disease of the trachea, chiefly occurring in early childhood, attended by very noisy breath- ing : croupous, a. , krdp'tis, pert, to croup ; fibrinous. crown, n. , krown (W. crwn, round, circular; Gael. crfan, a boss, a garland ; L. corona, a crown), in bot. , the short stem at the upper part of the root of perennial herbs. Crozophora, n. plu., kroz-df-ftr-a (Gr. krossos, a pitcher, a pail ; phoreo, I bear), a genus of plants, Ord. Euphorbiaceae : Crozophora tinctoria, tmkt-dr f 4-d (L. tinct- orius, belonging to dyeing from tinctus, dyed), furnishes a purple dye called turnsole, which be- comes blue on the addition of ammonia. CrucifersB, n. plu., krds-if'er-e (L. crux, a cross ;fero, I bear), the cruciferous or Cresswort family, an Order of herbaceous plants, comprising many of the common culinary vegetables, as cabbages, turnips, radish, cress so called from having the four petals of the flowers arranged in the form of a cross: cruciferous, a., krds- if'er-us, having flowers arranged in the form of a cross. cruciform, a., kr6s'i>form (L. crux, a cross, crucis, of a cross ; forma, shape), in bot., like the parts of a cross, as in flowers of Ouciferse ; arranged in the form of a cross ; also cruciate, a., krdsh'i'dt, same sense ; said of a flower when four petals are placed opposite each other and at right angles: crucial, a., krdsh'- i-dl, applied to certain ligaments of the knee which cross or inter- sect each other somewhat like the letter x. cruor, n., Icr6 f -or (L. cr&or, blood, cruoris, of blood), the soluble coloured ingredient of blood, separable into two substances, globulin and haematin. crura, n. plu., krdr'-d (L. crus, the leg, cruris, of a leg, crura, legs), the legs ; parts of the body which resemble legs ; in bot., divisions of a forked tooth : crus cerebelli, krus ser'-Zb-Zfa (L. cerebelli, of the cerebellum); the leg of the cerebellum : crura cere- belli, the legs of the cerebellum : crura cerebri,, ser'Zb-ri (L. cereb- rum, the cerebrum), the legs or pillars of the brain ; terms de- noting parts or divisions of the brain, so called from their ap- pearance : erural, a., kr6r'-al, pert, to the legs or lower limbs : crureus, a., Mr-e'tis, in anat., applied to one of the extensor muscles of the leg, arising from the thigh-bone and inserted into the knee-pan. crusta, n., krust'-a (L. crusta, skin, bark), in bot., the frosted appearance on the fronds of some lichens. Crustacese, n. plu., kr&st'd'-se-e also Crustaceans, n. plu., krust- d'se-ans (L. crusta, skin, bark), the articulate animals, comprising lobsters, crabs, etc., which have a hard shell or crust, which they cast periodically : crustaceous, a., also crustose, a., krust'-oz, pert, to the Crustacea ; of the nature of crust or shell ; in bot. , hard, thin, and brittle; applied to lichens hard and expanded like a crust ; having the appear- ance of hoar-frost. CRU 107 cue crusta petrosa, Icrust'a p&l-rdz'-a (L. crusta, skin, bark ; petrosus, very rocky from Gr. and L. petra, a rock), a rocky crust ; the layer of true bone which invests the root part of the teeth, or the part not protected by enamel. Cryptocarya, n., kript'o-kdr'-i-a (Gr. kruptos, hidden ; karua, a walnut alluding to the fruit oeing covered), a genus of shrubs, Ord. Lauracese : Cryptocarya moschata, mtis-kdt'-a (Mod. L. moschdtus, having a smell like musk from Arsib.mosch or mesk, musk), a species which produces the Brazilian nutmegs. cryptogamia, n., lcript'o-gdm'i-a\ (Gr. kruptos, hidden, concealed ; gamos, marriage), a general name i applied to all the lower orders of plants which have no apparent 1 or true flowers, such as mush-; rooms, lichens, mosses, seaweeds, and ferns : cryptoganwms, a., kript-tig'am-us, having their organs of reproduction obscure : cryptogamic, a., kript'-o-gam'-ik, in same sense as cryptogamous. cryptorchismus, n., kript'tir-kfa' mus (Gr. kruptos, concealed; orchis, the testicles), the reten- tion of the testes in the abdomen. cryptos, a., Icript'-ds (Gr. kruptos, concealed, hidden), concealed ; not readily observed ; in compos- ition, crypto-. cryptostomata, n. plu., kript'o- sttim'at-a (Gr. kruptos, hidden ; stoma, a mouth, stomdta, mouths), circular nuclei on the surfaces of some algse. crystalloid, a., Tcrist'-al-oyd (Gr. krustallos, L. crystallum, ice, rock crystal ; Gr. eidos, resemb- lance), crystalline ; resembling crystal; in bot., applied to a portion of the protoplasmic sub- stance of cells having a crystal line form. ctenocyst, n., ten'o-sist (Gr. kteis, a comb, ktenos, of a comb ; kustis, a bag, a bladder), the sense organ in the ctenophora : ctenoid, a., t&n'dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), having the appear- ance of a comb ; applied to those scales of fishes the hinder marg- ins of which are fringed with spines having the appearance of a comb : Ctenophora, n. plu., i&n-of-or-a, (Gr. phareo, I bear), an Order of Actinozoa, including sea creatures which swim by means of bands of cilia arranged in comb-like plates ; also called ctenophores, n. plu., ti&nf-d-fdrz. Cubeba, n., ku-beb iv f -us (L. sativus, that is fit to be planted), the cucumber : C. colocynthis, kol'-d-smth'-is (Gr. kolokunthis, the wild gourd), a species which yields the globular fruit ' coloquintida ' or 'bitter- cue 108 CUP apple, ' the pulp of which is the j colocynth of medicine. Cucurbitaceae, n. plu., leu-kerb'- it-d's'e-e (L. cucurbita, a gourd), the Cucumber family, an Order of plants, many of which are drastic purgatives : Cucurbita, n., leu- kero-it-a, a genus of plants : Cucurbita citrullus, sit-rul'-lus (new L. citrullus, the Sicilian citrul or water-melon plant), the water-melon, prized for its cool, refreshing juice : C. pepo, pgp'd (L. p$po, a large melon, a pump- kin ; peponis, of a pumpkin), the white gourd : C. maxima, males'- im-d (L. maximus, greatest), the pumpkin or red gourd : C. melo-pepo, mel'-d-p%p'-d (L. melo, a melon ; pepo, a pumpkin), the squash : C. ovifera, ov-if'-er-a (L. ovum, an egg ; .fero, I bear), the egg gourd, or vegetable marrow : cucurbitaceous, a., leu-kerb'-it-d'shus, resembling a gourd or cucumber. cudbear, n., Md'bdr (after Sir Cuthbert Gordon),, a purple or violet colouring matter obtained from a lichen Lecanora tartarea. culm, n.,. k&lm (L. culmus, a stalk, a stem), the stalk or stem of corn or grasses, usually hollow and jointed: culmicolous, a. , leul-mik'-ol-us (L. colo, I clothe or dress), growing on the culm of grasses. Cuminum Cyminum, leum-ln'um sim-ln'-um (L. cuminum, Gr. cumlnon, cumin the systematic name being made up of a repetiti- on of the same word in its L. and Gr. forms), cumin, a plant, Ord. Umbelliferse, whose seeds have a very peculiar odour and bitter aromatic taste. cuneate, a., leun'-e-dt (L. cunedtus, pointed like a wedge from cun- eus, a wedge), shaped like a wedge standing upon its point ; wedge- shaped : cuneiform, a., kun'e-i- ftirm (L. forma, shape), same sense as ' cuneate. ' cuniculate, a., leun-ile'-ul-dt (L. cuniculus, a rabbit burrow), having a long pierced passage. Cunoniese, n. plu., lcun'on-l'l sin'-e-e (L. cupressus, the cypress tree), a Sub- order of trees, com- prising, the cypress and juniper, Ord. Coniferae: Cupressus, n., lcup-r%s r -8U8, a genus of handsome evergreen trees : Cupressus sem- pervirens, sem-pe^vlr^nz (L. semper, always ; virens, verdant), the common cypress tree, which yields a durable wood, supposed to be the gopher wood of the Scriptures. cupula, n., Icup'ul-d (L. cupulus, a little cup from cupa, a cask, a cup), the cup of the acorn, formed by an aggregation of bracts : cup- CUP 109 CUT ule, n., kup f -ul, a part of a fruit surrounding its lower part like a cup, as an acorn; a cupula: cupuli- form, a., kup-ul'4-fdrm (L. forma, shape), shaped like the cup of an acorn. Cupuliferse, n. plu., kup'-ul-if'-er-e (L. cupula, a little cup, a cupule; fero, I bear), the Nut family, an Order of trees, including the hazel and the oak ; also named CcrylacesB, n. plu., kdr'-il'd'-s^-e: cupuliferous, a., kup'-ul-if-er-us, having or bearing cupules. Curculigo, n., /cer'kul'ig'6 (L. curculio, a corn worm, a weevil), a genus of pretty herbaceous plants, so called from the seeds having a process resembling the beak of the weevil, Ord. Brom- eliaceae. Curcuma, n., kerk-um'-a (Ar. Icur- Jcum), a genus of plants, Ord. Zingiberacese : Curcuma longa, Iting'gd (L. longus, long), a species which furnishes Turmeric, a yel- low lemon powder used as a dye- stuff, employed medicinally as a carminative, and enters into the composition of curry powder : curcumin, n., JcerJc-um-m, the yellow colouring matter of tur- meric : Curcuma angustifolia, ang'gust f 'i'fol f 'i-d (L. angustus, narrow, contracted ; folium, a leaf), a species which furnishes the East Indian arrowroot : C. zerumbet, zer-um'-bet (from the East Indies), and C. leucorhiza, tt'-ktir-iz'-a, (Gr. leukos, white ; rhiza, a root), yield a starch similar in kind to East Indian arrowroot. Cursores, n. plu., kers-or'-ez (L. cursor, a runner from curro, 1 run), an Order of birds formed for running swiftly, and destitute of the power of flight, as the ostrich and emu. curvembryeaB, n. plu., kerv'-Zm- bri'8-e (L. curvus, bent, crooked Gr. embruon, an infant in the womb), plants which have theii embryos curved: curvembryonic, a., kerv-%m''bri'8n'ik, having the embryo curved. Uuscutese, n. plu., Ms-&w'e-e(said to be a corruption of Gr. kadutas, a Syrian parasitical plant ; Arab. chessuth or chasuth), a Sub -order of the Ord. Convolvulaceae : Cus- cuta, n. , kus-kut'-a, a genus of curi- ous parasitical plants producing abundance of sweet-scented flowers in autumn : Cuscuta epithynmm, S'ptth'fm-'&m (Gr. epithumon, L, epithymon, the flower of a species of thyme from Gr. epi, upon ; thumon, the herb thyme), the dodder or scold weed, a parasitic plant ; this and other species have acrid purgative properties. cusparia, n., kus-pdr'-i'd (a native name), a name given to the bark of the Galepea cusparia, Ord. Rutacese, which is used as a tonic and febrifuge ; called also * Angostura bark. ' cuspidate, a., kusp'id'dt (L. cusp- is, point of a spear, cuspidis, of the point of a spear), in bot., gradually tapering to a sharp stiff point; in zoo/., furnished with small pointed eminences or cusps : cuspis, n., kusp'-is, also cusp, n. , kiisp, a spike, somewhat thick at the base, and tapering gradually to a point. cuticle, n., kuwk-l (L. cuticula, a little skin from ctitis, the skin), the thin exterior coat of the skin; in zooL, the pellicle which forms the outer layer of the body amongst the Infusoria ; in bot., the thin layer that covers the epidermis : cuticular, a., kut-ik^ ul-ar, belonging to the cuticle or outer surface : cutis, n., kut'-is, the true skin ; the inferior layer of the integument called skin ; in bot., the peridium of some fungi: cutis vera, kut'>is ver f -d (L. verus, true), the true skin, the sentient and vascular texture, which is covered and defended by the insensible and non-vascular CYA 110 CYC 'cuticle'; also called 'derma' or 'corium.' cyanic, a., sl-an'-ik (Gr. kuanos, dark-blue), denoting the blue appearance which a patient has in certain diseases ; in bot., denoting a series of colours in plants of which blue is the type, and which do not pass into yellow, comprising ' greenish -blue, blue, violet-blue, violet, violet-red, and red' : cyanide, n., si'an-id, a salt which is a compound of cyanogen with an elementary substance : cyanogen, n., si-an'-d-fen (Gr. gennao, I produce), a gas with an odour like crushed peach leaves, which burns with a rich purple flame, and is an essential ingred- ient in Prussian blue : cyanosis, n. , sftan-dz'-is, a diseased condition arising from a defect or malforma- tion in the heart, characterised by blueness of the skin, markedly in the hands, tip of nose, and ears ; also called 'morbus cser- uleus. * Cyathea, n., sf-atfi-^d (Gr. kuath- os, L. cyathus, a cup), a genus of fine tropical ferns, Ord. Filices, so named from the cup-shaped form of the indusium : Cyathea medullaris, med'-ul'ldr'-is (L. medulldris, belonging to or hav- ing the nature of marrow from medulla, the marrow), the ponga of New Zealand, which furnishes a gum used as a vermifuge. cyathiform, a., si-ath'-i-ftirm (L. cyathus, a cup ; forma, shape), shaped like a cup ; resembling a cup: cyathoid, a., sl'-aih-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), having the appearance of a cup ; cyathi- form : cyathus, n. r si'ath-us, the cup -like bodies in- marchantia or liverworts. Cycadacese, n. plu.,. sik'-ad-d'sV-e (Gr. Tcukas, a kind of palm ; new L. cycas, a kind of palm, cycados, of a palm), the Cycas family, an Order of trees and shrubs with cylindrical trunks : Cycas, n., sik'-as, a genus of trees and shrubs which yield much starchy matter along with mucilage : Cycas revoluta, rtv'-dlooM (L. revolutum, rolled back from re, back or again ; volvo, I roll); also C. circinalis, sers'm-dl'-ts (L. circindlis, encircled, whorled fcomcircmus, a pair of compasses), are species from whose stems a kind of sago is made, and a clear transparent gum exudes from them : cycadaceons,. a., slk'-ad- a'shiis, pert, to the Cycads or Cycadacese. Cyclamen,, n., sikf-lam-Zn (L. eye- larnlnos, Gr. kuklaminon, the plant sow-bread from Gr. kuk- los, a circle), a pretty bulbous genus of plants, Ord. Primulacese, having round leaves, the principal food of the wild boars of Sicily, hence its common name. CyclanthesB, n. plu., sik-lantJi'e-e (Gr. Icuklos, a circle ;. anthos, a flower), a Sub-order of the Ord. Pandanacese, having fan-shaped or pinnate leaves : Cyclanthus, n., sik-lanth'-tis, a genus of plants. cycle, n., sik'l (Gr. Tcuklikos, L. cyclicus, circular from Gr. kuk- los, a circle),, in bot., the turn of a spiral as of a leaf so arranged : cyclic, a., sikf-lik, also cyclical, a., sik'lik-al, arranged in a circle round an axis ; coiled up. cyclogens, m plu., sik'lo-fens (Gr. kuklos, a circle ; gennao, I pro- duce), a name given to exogenous plants, in consequence of exhibit- ing concentric circles in their stems : cyclogenous, a., sik-lddf- en-tis, having concentric woody circles. cycloid, a., sikf-ldyd (Gr. kuklos, a circle ; eidos, resemblance), in zool., applied to those scales of fishes which have a regularly circular or elliptical outline with an even margin. cyclosis, n., sik-ldz'-ts (ldr'-is (L. tonsillce, the tonsils in the throat), quinsy, a troublesome affection, consisting of inflammation of the tonsils and adjacent parts of the fauces : c. trachealis, trak'-e-dl'is (L. trachedlis, belonging to the trachea or windpipe), croup : c. parotidea, par-ot'id-e'-a (Gr. para, about ; ous, the ear, otos, of the ear), mumps ; another name for ' parotitis. ' Cynanchum, n., si-nang'kum (Gr. kuon, a dog; angcho, I strangle, in allusion to its poisonous qualities), a genus of plants, Ord. Asclepiadacese : Cynanchum monspeliacum, mdns'pel'i'ak'um (after Mont- pellier, in France), a species which furnishes Montpellier scammony. cynarocephalaa, n. plu., sm-dr'd- sef'dl-e (Gr. kuon, a dog ; kepJiale, a head), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Compositae, which are usually tonic and stimulant : Cynara, n., sin'-ar-a (Gr. kuon, a dog), a genus of plants, so called in allusion to the spines of the involuerum: Cynara cardunculus, kdrd-ungk'-ul'US (L. cardunculus, a diminutive of carduus, a thistle), the cairdoon, a species resembling the artichoke, whose blanched stems and stalks are eaten : C. scolymus, skdl'tm-us (Gr. skolumos, L. scolymos, an edible kind of thistle), the arti- choke, the root of w r hich the Arabians considered an aperient. cynarrhodon, n., sm-dr'-rod-dn (Gr. kuon, a dog ; rhodon, a rose), applied to the hips or fruit of dog-roses, and roses in general. Cynodon, n., sin'tid-tin (Gr. kuon, a dog ; odous, a tooth, odontos, CYN 112 CYS of a tooth), a genus of grasses, Ord. Graminese : Cynodon dactul- on, dakt'ul-dn (Gr. daktulos, L. dactylus* a finger, a sort of muscle), a species from whose roots a cooling drink is made in India ; is used in mucous dis- charges from the bladder. Cynoglossum, n., sm'-d-glos'siim (Gr. kudn, a dog ; glossa, a tongue), a genus of plants, Ord. Boragiiiacese, so called from their leaves resembling dogs' tongues, hence the common name 'hound's tongue ' ; the species are pretty border plants. Cynomorium, n., sin'o'mdr'i'iim (Gr. kudn, a dog ; L. morion, a narcotic plant, nightshade), a genus of plants, Ord. Balanophor- acese, which are root-parasites and tropical : Cynomorium coc- cineum, ktik'Sin'e-um (L. coc- cineus, of a scarlet colour from coccum, the berry of the scarlet oak), grows in Malta and Sardinia, and was long celebrated for arresting haemorrhage ; usually known under the name of Fungus Melitensis, after Melita, the old name of Malta. Cynosurus, n., sin'oS'tir'-us (Gr. kudn, a dog ; oura, a tail), a genus of grasses, Ord. Graminese, so called from its resemblance to a dog's tail, hence the common name, ' dog's-tail grass ' : Cynos- urus cristatus, krist-at'-us (L. cristdtus, crested, tufted from crista, a tuft on the head), esteemed one of the best fodder grasses in Europe. Cyperacese, n. plu., stp'$r'd's%-e (Gr. kupeiros, a kind of rush, the water-flag), the Sedge family, an Order of grass-like herbs, which do not supply nutriment to cattle : Cyperus, n., sip-er^us, a genus of sedges growing in water or in moist situations : Cyperus papyrus. pap-lr'-us (L. papyrus, Gr. papuros, the paper-reed), the Papyrus of the Nile, the cellular tissue of which was used in the manufacture of paper: C. Syriacus, sir-i'-ak-us (from Syria), differs from the C. pap- yrus in having the leaves and floral clusters drooping: C.longus, Idng'-gus (L. longus, long), a species whose roots have been used as bitter and tonic remedies : C. odoratus, dd'-dr-dt'us (L. odor- dtus, sweet-smelling from odor, a smell, scent), a species whose roots are aromatic : C. esculentus, %sk'ul-ent f -us (L. esculentus, ed- ible 'from esca, food), supposed to be the flag of the Bible. cyphellse, n. plu., sif>el'-le (Gr. kuphella, things which are hol- low, cups from kuphos, crooked, bent), in bot., urn-shaped soredia on the under surface of the thallus of some lichens : cyphellate, a., sif'ettlat, having minute sunken cup-like spots, as the under sur- face of the thallus of Sticta. cypsela, n., sip'sel-a (Gr. kupsele, a hollow, a chest), the inferior, monospermal, indehiscent fruit of Compositse ; an achsenium. Cyrtandrese, n. plu., ser-tand'-rZ-e (Gr. kurtos, crooked ; oner, a man, andros, of a man), a Sub-order of the Ord. Bignoniacese, having their fruit succulent or capsular, or siliquose and two-valved : Cyr- tandra, n., ser'tand'-ra, a genus of plants. cyst, n., sist, also cystis, n., msf-is (Gr. kustis, a bladder), in animal bodies, a bag containing morbid matter ; a sac or vesicle ; in bot. , a sub-globose cell or cavity : cystalgia, n., sist-al'-ji-a (Gr. algos, pain, grief), pain in the bladder : cystic, a. , sist'-ik, pert, to or contained in a cyst ; pert, to the gall-bladder: cystica, n. plu., sist'-ik-a, the embryonic forms of certain intestinal worms, as tape- worms. Cysticercus, n., sistf-i-serk'us (Gr. kustis, a bladder ; kerkos, a tail), an embryo tapeworm which, in CYS 113 DAC this stage, inhabits the flesh of various animals according to its species, and which consists of a head and neck like those of a tapeworm, from which, however, a vesicular appendage hangs down ; the tailed bladder- worm : Cysti- cercus cellulosae, stil'-ul'dtfe (L. cdlulosus, having cells), a species of tailed bladder-worm found in the substance of the heart of the pig ; the embryo of the tseriia solium : C. pisiformis, pls'i- form'-is (L. pisum, a pea ; forma, shape), a species found in the rabbit : C. tenuicollis, t^n^u-i- kdl'lis (L. tennis, thin; col- lum, the neck), a species about an inch long with a very small head: C. cucumerinus, kuk-um'* Vr-in'-us (L. cucumis, a cucumber, cucumeris, of a cucumber), a species of bladder- worms found in the rabbit: C. fasciolaris, fas'* si-ol-dr'-is (L. fascidla, a small bandage from fascia, a bandage), a species of bladder-worms found in the rat and mouse : all the preceding, and many others, are the embryos of the different species of tapeworm. cystidium, n. ,sist-id'>i- wm,cystidia, n. plu., sist-id'-i-a (dim. of Gr. kustis, a bladder), in bot., sacs containing spores ; a kind of fructification in fungi, cystitis, n., sist-lt'-is (Gr. kustis, a bladder), inflammation of the bladder : cystirrhoaa, n., sist'-tr- re'-a (Gr. rheo, I flow), a discharge of mucus from the bladder. cystocarp, n.,sist'd'kdrp(Gr. kustis, a bladder ; karpos, fruit), the re- ceptacle in which the spores are ultimately formed in Floridese, a Sub-order of seaweeds. cystocele, n., sist'o-sel (Gr. kustis, a bladder ; kele, a tumour), hernia of the bladder: cystodynia, n., sist f '6-dln f 'i'd (Gr. odune, pain), pain in the bladder. cystocestoid, a., sist'-d-sest'-dyd (Gr. kustis, a bladder; kestos, a girdle; H eidos, resemblance), applied to intestinal, cystose parasites having flat bodies. cystoid, a., sist'oyd (Gr. kustis, a bladder ; eidos, resemblance), re- sembling a cyst: cystose, a., slst f ' oz, containing cysts. cystolith, n., sist'-o-lith (Gr. kustis, a bladder ; lithos, a stone), a cell containing numerous crystals, usually lying loose, as in the leaf of Ficus. Cytisus, n., sit'-is-us (Gr. kutisos, the bean trefoil tree), a very orna- mental genus of trees and shrubs, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Papil- ionacese : Cytisus scoparius, skop- ar'-i-us (L. scoparius, a broom to sweep with), a species whose broom -tops are used as a diuretic: C. laburnum, lab-ern'-um (L. lab- urnum, the laburnum tree or shrub), the laburnum tree, the seeds and bark of which are nar- cotic. cytoblast, n., sU'd>bldst(Gi\ kutos, a vessel, a cell ; blastano, I bud), the nucleus of animal and vegetable cells: cytoblastema, n., sit'6- blast'em'a, the viscous fluid, or formative material, in which animal and vegetable cells are produced, and by which they are held together ; protoplasm. cytogenesis, n., slt'-o-jen'-es-is (Gr. kutos, a vessel, a cell ; genesis, origin), the development of cells in animal and vegetable structures : cytogenetic, a., sit'-o-jen-et'tk, pert, to cell formation : cytog- enous, a., sit-oaf-en-us, having connective tissue : cytogeny, n., sit'ddj f -^n'i, cell formation. Cyttaria Darwinii, sU-tdr'i-d ddr- wln'4'l (Gr. kuttdros, the cell in the comb of bees), a species of fungi named in honour of Darwin, found on the bark of the beech, globular, and of a bright yellow colour, and which the natives of Tierra del Fuego eat. Dactylis, n^ :. daktulos, 114 BAR L. dactylis, a finger), the cock's- foot grass, a genus of grasses, Ord. Graminese, so called from the fancied resemblance of the head to fingers. daedalenchyma, n., ded'dl-eng'- kim-a (Gr. daidaleos, skilfully wrought, variegated ; engchuma, an infusion, tissue), tissue com- posed of entangled cells, as in some fungi. Dalbergieae, n. plu., dal'berj-i'e-e (after Dalberg, a Swedish botan- ist), a tribe of plants, Sub-ord. Papilionacese, Ord. Leguminosse : Dalbergia, n., ddl-berfi-a, a genus of plants : Dalbergia sissoo, sis'sd'd (a native name), an Indian forest tree, valued for its wood. daltonism, n., ddwlt'tin-fam, colour blindness ; a condition of the eye in which the individual can- not distinguish one colour from another, so called from Dr. Dalton, the chemist, who suffered under this defect. Dammar, n., ddm'ar (a native name), a very handsome genus of trees, Ord. Conifene, from a species of which, it is said, liquid storax is obtained : Dammar Australia, dws-trdl'is (L. Aus- trdlis, Sou them from Aicster,ihe South), the Kawri pine of New Zealand, which yields a hard resin : D. Orientalis, or'-i-Vnt- dl-is (L. Orientalis, Eastern from Oriens, the East), a species called the Amboyna pitch tree, also yielding resin : white Dammar, Indian copal or gum animi, used in India as a varnish, is obtained from Vateria Indica. dandelion, n., ddn'-dt-ltftin (F. dent, tooth ; de, of ; lion, lion), a well-known plant having a yellow flower on a naked stem, and deeply-notched leaves; yields a milky juice, used medicinally ; the Taraxacum Dens Leonis, Ord. Composite. dandriff, n., ddn'drif, also dan- druff, n., dan'drtif (Bret, tan, F. teigne, scurf; W. drwg, bad, evil), a disease of the scalp, char- acterised by quantities of little scales on the skin ; pityriasis. Daphnse, n. plu., ddf'ne (Gr. and L. Daphne, the daughter of the river god Peneus, changed into a laurel tree), a Sub-order of the Ord. Thymelseacese, having her- maphrodite or nearly unisexual flowers : Daphne, n., daf'ne, a genus of handsome dwarf shrubs, mostly evergreens : Daphne mezereum or mezereon, mez'er- ef-um or -e'dn (said to be Pers. madzaryoun), the bark of the root and branches used in decoc- tion as a diaphoretic in cutaneous and syphilitic affections, in large doses acts as an irritant poison, and the succulent fruit is poison- ous : D. gnidium, nid'-i-um (gnidia, ancient name of the laurel), the spurge flax or flax- leaved daphne, bark has been used in medicine : D. Alpina, dip-in' a (Alpinus, from the Alps), a dwarf olive tree, said to be purgative : D. cneorum, ne-or'-um (Gr. kneoron, a kind of nettle, a species of daphne), a beautiful species, having similar properties to the D. mezereum : D. Pontica, pont'ik'd (L. Ponticus, pert, to the Black Sea from Pontus, the Black Sea), a spurge laurel, hav- ing diaphoretic qualities : D. laureola, lafor-e'-d-& (L. Iaur8- tilus, a small laurel from laurea, a laurel tree), the spurge laurel, bark used in medicine, the berries are poisonous to all anim- als except birds : daphnein, n., daf'-ne-m, the neutral crystalline principle contained in the D. mezereum. Darlingtonia, n., ddr '-ling- ton' i-d (after Dr. Darlington, of America), a genus of the Ord. Sarracenia- cese, pretty plants from the Piocky Mountains. darnel, n., ddrn'el (Prov. F. dar BAR 115 DEO nelle ; Lith. durnas, foolish as in intoxication), a weed among corn, supposed to induce intoxic- ation ; the grass Lolium temul- entum, said to be poisonous, but erroneously. dartos, n., dart'-tis (Gr. dartos, the fleshy coat covering the testes from d&ro, I nay), a thin layer of loose, reddish, musculo- cutaneous tissue, forming the tunic of the scrotum : dartoid, a., ddrt'-oyd, resembling the dartos. Datiscacese, n. plu., dat'-is-kd'-se-e (origin unknown), the Datisca family, an Order of herbaceous plants : Datisca, n., dat-is-a, a genus of hardy herbaceous plants, some of which are bitter : Datisca cannabina, kan'-d-bln'o, (Gr. Icannabis, L. canndbis, the hemp), a species said to have purgative qualities. Datura, n., dat-ur'a (a corruption of Arabic name tatorah), a genus of plants, Ord. Solanacese, Sub- ord. Atropeae, many of the species of which are powerfully narcotic : Datura stramonium, stra-m6n''i'Um(L. strdmen, straw, strammis, of straw, so called from its fibrous roots), the thorn apple, so called from its prickly capsule ; the leaves and seeds are used as narcotics, and in the form of powder and tincture as anodynes and antispasmodics, the leaves are smoked for asthma : D. Tatula, tdf-ul-a (1ST. American word) ; D. Metel, met'81 (from Asia) ; D. sanguinea, sang- givm'8-a(L. sangmn$us, of blood from sanguis, blood), the red thorn apple ; D. ferox, fer'-oks (L.ferox, wild, fierce) : D. fastu- Q&&,fdst r -U'6 i z f 'a (new L. fastuosus, pert, to pride from fastus, arrogance, pride), are species which have properties similar to D. stramonium : D. alba, alb'-fi, (L. albtis, white), the white- flowered Datura, whose leaves and seeds are used in India as sedative and narcotic. Daucus, n., ddwk'us (Gr. daukon, a kind of wild carrot), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbelliferse : Dauc- us carota, kar-ot'-a (mid. L. carota, a carrot), a species pro- ducing the esculent root, the common carrot ; from this and other species is made the Ajowan or Omam, a condiment of India. Davailia, n.,ddv-al'li-a (in honour of Davall, a Swiss botanist), a genus of very beautiful ferns : Davailia Canariensis, kan-ar'-l- ens'-is (new L. Canariensis, of or from the Canary Islands), a beautiful species of fern, whose root-stock, covered with coarse brown hair, very much resembles a hare's foot, hence the name ' hare's-foot ' fern. decandrous, a., dek-dnd f -rus (Gr. deka, ten ; aner, a male, andros, of a male), in bot., applied to a flower that has ten stamens. decapoda, n. plu., dek-ap'-od-a (Gr. d%ka, ten ; podes, feet), a section of the Crustacese which have ten ambulatory feet; the family of cuttle-fishes, having ten arms or cephalic processes. deciduous, a., de-sid'-ii-us (L. de- ciduus, that falls down or off from de, down ; cado, I fall), not perennial or permanent ; applied to parts which fall off or are shed during the life of the animal ; in bot. , falling off after performing its functions for a limited time ; applied to trees which lose their leaves annually. declinate, a., dek'lm-dt (L. dec- lino, I turn aside, 1 bend from de, down; clino, I lean), in bot., directed downwards from its base ; bent downwards or on one side. decoction, n., de-kdk'-sTitin (L. decoctus, a boiling down from de, down ; coctus, boiled or baked), the extraction of the virtues of any substance by boiling it in BEG 116 DEG water; the fluid in which the substance has been boiled. decollated, a., dZ-Ul'-lat-ed (L. decolldtum, to behead from de, down ; collum, the neck), applied to univalve shells, the apex of which falls off in the course of growth: decollation, n. } de-ktil- Id'shfm, the separation of the head from the trunk. decompound, a., de'-Wm^pownd (L. de, down, from ; and Eng. compound), in hot., applied to a leaf cut into numerous compound divisions. decorticate, a., de'-kd'rt'ik-dt, also decorticated, a., -dt'$d (L. de- corticdtum, to deprive of the bark from de, down, from ; cortex, bark), deprived of the bark or cortical layer : decortication, n., de-kdrt'ik-d'shun, the operation of stripping off bark. decumbent, a., d$>ktvmb'-Vnt (L. decumbens, lying down from de, down ; cumbo, I lie), in bot., lying flat along the ground, but rising from it at the extremity. decurrent, a., d8>kur>rent (L. de- currens, running down from a higher point from de, down ; currens, running), in bot., ap- plied to leaves which adhere to the stem beyond their point of attachment, forming a sort of winged or leafy appendage, as in thistles. decussate, a., de'lcus'sat (L. de- cussdtum, to divide crosswise, as in the form of an x), in bot., applied to opposite leaves crossing each other in pairs at right angles; v., to cross or intersect in the form of x: decussation, n., dttt- tiS'Sd'shun, the intersection or crossing of lines, etc. in the form of an x ; union in the shape of an x or cross : decussative, a., de- kus'sat-iv, formed in the shape of a cross. dedoublement, n., de-dub'-l'ment (L. de, down ; Eng. double) ; also deduplication, n. ? de-dup'-lik-a'- shun (L. de, down ; Eug. duplic- ation), the act of doubling down ; in bot., the separation of a layer from the inner side of a petal, either presenting a peculiar form, or resembling the part from which it is derived ; chorisis which see. defecation, n., def'-eTc-a'-shun (L. defcecdtum, to cleanse from dregs, to refine from de, down, from ; fcex, dregs or refuse matter, feeds, of dregs), the act of discharging the faeces from the bowels ; the re- moval of the lees or sediment of a liquid. defervescence, n., def'erv'^s'e'ns (L. defervescens, ceasing to boil, cooling down from de, down ; fervesco, I become hot), in med., the fall in the temperature in a patient, when convalescent from an acute disease. definite, a., def-in-tt (L. definltum, to limit from de, down, from ; finis, an end), in bot., applied to inflorescence, when it ends in a single flower, and the expansion of the flower is centrifugal ; having the number of the parts of an organ limited and not ex- ceeding twenty. deflexed, a., dZ-flekst' '(L. deflexum, to bend or turn aside from de, down ; flexum, to bend, to curve), in bot., bent in a continuous curve. defoliation, n., de-foV-i-af-shun (mid. L. defolidtum, to shed leaves from de, down ; folium, a leaf), the fall or shedding of the leaves of plants. degeneration, n., de>jen'er>d'-shtin (L. degenerdtum, to depart from its race or kind from de, down ; genus, race, kind, generis, of a kind), a gradual deterioration in a part of a living body, in the whole living body, or in a race ; in bot., a deterioration of growth or development in a part, as when scales take the place of leaves. deglutition, n., deg'-lo'tish'-un (L. de, down; glutio, 1 swallow), the DEH 117 DEM act of swallowing food after mastic- ation. dehisce, v., de-his' (L. dehisco, I split open, I part asunder from de, down, from ; hisco, I open, I gape), in bot., to open or part asunder, as the seed -pods of plants . dehiscence, n. , de- his' 8ns, the mode of opening an organ, as of the seed vessel and anther, generally along a determinate line : dehiscing, a., dS-htittng, splitting into regular parts. Delesseria, n., d&l'e'S'Ser'i-a (in honour of Delessert, a French Dotanist), a beautiful genus of mostly deep-green Algae, found in the ocean and on the sea-shore. Delima, n., d&l-im'a (L. delimo, I file or shave off from de, down ; limo, I file), a genus of very fine climbing plants, Ord. Dilleniacese, so called from their leaves being used for polishing. deliquesce, v., del'-i-lcwes' (L. deli- quesco, I dissolve from de, down; liqueo, I am fluid), to melt or become liquid by attracting moisture from the air : deli- quescent, a., dZl'-i'Tcwes'-Znt, lique- fying by contact with the air : deliquescence, n., del'i'kwes'Zns, the melting by absorbing moisture from the air, as certain substances do. delirium, n., d&lir'-i-tim (L. de- lirium, madness), that condition of the mind in acute disease in which the mind wanders, result- ing in incoherent speech : de- lirium tremens, trem'-enz (L. tr$mens, shaking, quivering), temporary insanity accompanied with a tremulous condition of the body and limbs, a disease of habitual drinkers : d. traumatic- urn, trdwm-at'ik'tim (Gr. traum- alikos, L. traumdticus, fit for healing wounds), a similar disease which may follow serious accidents or surgical operations. delitescence, n., del'it-es'Zns (L. delilescens, lying hid from de, down ; latescens, hiding one- self), in med., the period during which morbid poisons, as small- pox, lie hid in the system ; the sudden termination of an inflam- mation. Delphinium, n., cfel-fln't-tim (L. delphin, a dolphin from a sup- posed resemblance in the nectary of the plant to the imaginary figure of the dolphin), a genus of showy plants, Ord. Ranunculaceae: Delphinium staphysagria, stcif'i- sdg'ri-d (Gr. staphis, a dried grape ; agria, belonging to the country, rustic), the plant Staves- acre, whose seeds are irritant and narcotic, used for destroying vermin : D. glaciale, glas'i'dl'& (L. gldcidlis, icy, frozen), a species which grows at the height of 16,000 feet on the Himalayas : D. ajacis, adj-ds'is (from Switzerland); and D. consolida, Icon-sdl'-id-a (L. consftlido, I make very solid or firm from cow, together; solidus, whole, complete), two species universally grown among border annuals ; the latter is regarded as a simple astringent. deltoid, a., delt'-oyd (the Gr. letter A, called delta ; eidos, resem- blance), shaped somewhat like a delta ; triangular in the outline or section ; denoting a large, thick, triangular muscle, which forms the convexity of the shoulder, and pulls the arm directly outwards and upwards ; deltoids, n. plu., also deltoides, n. plu., d<-oyd'ez : deltoid liga- ment, the internal lateral liga- ment of the ankle joint, consist- ing of a triangular layer of fibres. dementia, n., de-men'shi-a (L. dementia, the being out of one's mind from de, down ; mens, the mind), that form of insanity in which the powers of the mind gradually fade away, or become a perfect blank : dementia senilis, sen-ll'-is (L. senilis, aged, senile), the loss of intellect in old age. DEM 118 DEO demodex folliculorum, d&ntftid-Zfa f6l-li-uldr f -um (Gr. demos, fat ; dex, a worm that devours wood ; L. folliculus, skin, follicle, fol- liculorum, of skins), the worm- like parasite found in the hair follicles of the human skin, especi- ally those on the side of the nose. demulcent, a., de-muls'ent (L. demulcens, stroking down from de, down ; mulcens, soothing gently), softening ; mollifying : n., a medicine which softens or mollifies. dendriform, .a., dend'riform (Gr. dendron, a tree ; L. forma, shape), also dendroid, a., d^nd^royd (Gr. dendron, a tree ; eidos, resem- blance), and dendritic, dend-rit'-ik, branched like a tree ; arborescent. Dendrobium, n., d^nd-rob'-i-um (Gr. dendron, a tree ; bios, life), a splendid genus of orchidaceous plants, Ord. Orchidacese, the species being generally found upon trees in the places of their natural growth : Dendrobium nobile, ndb'-tl-V (L. nobtlis, famous) ; D. chrysanthum, kris-dntUum (Gr. chrusos, gold; anthos, a flower) ; D. Gibsoni, gib-son'-i (Gibsoni, of Gibson) ; D. fimbriatum, fim'- brl-dt f >um (L. fimbriatum, fringed from fimbrice, fibres, threads) ; D. densifloruni, dens f -i-Jldr^um (L. densus, thick, dense ; Jlorum, shining, bright), are a few species unsurpassed in the beauty of their flowers. dengue, n. , deng'gd (in the British West Indian Islands, this disease was called dandy, in reference to the stiffness and restraint it gave to the limbs, afterwards translated by the Spaniards into their dangue, meaning prudery, fastidiousness, from its similarity of sound), a violent and singular form of fever and rheumatism which is an occasional epidemic in tropical regions. dens prolifer, dens prol'-if-er (L. dens, a tooth ; proles, offspring ; fero, I bear), a tooth growing apparently on a parent tooth : dens sapientise, sdp'-i-en'-shi-e (L. sapientia, wisdom, sapientice, of wisdom), the tooth of wisdom, or the wisdom tooth, the last molar in each range of teeth, so called from its late appearance through the gums. dentate, a., dZnt'-at (L. dentdtus, having teeth from dens, a tooth), in bot., toothed ; having short triangular divisions of the margin: denticulate, a., d&nt-iTtf-ul-at (L. denticuldtus, furnished with small teeth), having very small tooth- like projections along the margin: denticulations, n. plu., dlnt-ik'- ul-a-shuns, very small teeth. dentine, n., dent f >in (L. dens, a tooth, dentis, of a tooth), the principal mass or foundation of the body and root of a tooth, resembling very compact bone, though not identical with it in structure. dentirosters, n. plu., dent'i-rdst'- ers, or dentirostres, n. plu., -rost'-rez (L. dens, a tooth, dentis, of a tooth ; rostrum, a beak), the group of perching birds in which the upper mandible of the beak has its lower margin toothed dentirostrate, a., dent'i-rdsf-rdt, having the beak like a tooth. denudate, a., dZn'-ud-GA (L. denud- dtum, to lay bare, to make naked from de, down; nudus, naked), in bot., having a downy or hairy surface made naked: denudation, n., den f -ud>a f >shtin, the act or state of being laid bare or made naked. deobstruent, n., de'tib'-siroo-^nt (L. de, down ; obstruens, building anything for the purpose of stopping the way, gen. obstru- entis], any medicine supposed to be able to remove an obstruction in a part of the body, such as enlargements, tumours, etc. deodorant, n., dt-od'-or-dnt (L. DEP 119 BER de, down ; odorans, giving a smell to from odor, a smell, good or bad), a substance which puri- fies the air and removes noxious vapours or gases which may be injurious to human life: deod- orise, v., de-od'dr-iz, to dis- infect : deodorisation, n., de-8d'- dr-lz-d'shun, the art or act of depriving of odour or smell. depilation, n., dep'-il-d'-shun (L. depildtum, to pull out the hair from de, down ; pilus, a hair), loss of hair, naturally or by art : depilatory, a., de-pil'at-dr-i, having the quality or power of removing hair : n. , any ointment or lotion to take off hair without injuring the skin. deplanate, a., d$p*ldn'&t (L. de, down ; pldndtum, to make level), in bot., flattened. deplete, v., de-plet' (L. depletum, to empty out from de, down ; pleo, I fill), to reduce in quantity by taking away : depletion, n., de-pie' shtin, the act of emptying ; the act diminishing the quantity : depletives, n. plu., de-pletf-ivs, substances calculated to diminish fulness of habit. depressed, a., de-prZst' (L. depres- sum, to press or weigh down from de, down ; pressum, to press), in bot. , applied to a solid organ having the appearance of being flattened from above down- wards : depression, n., dZ-presh'- tin, a hollow ; the hollow formed by the fractured portion of the cranial bone. depressor, n., d$-pres'sor (L. de- pressum, to press or weigh down), applied to certain muscles which draw down the parts on which they act : depressor alse nasi, de-pres'sor al'e ndz'i (L. depres- sor, that which depresses : dla, a wing, alee, of a wing ; ndsus, the no^e, ndsi, of the nose), a short radiated muscle whose fibres are inserted into the septum and back part of the ala of the nose : depressor anguli oris, ang'gul>i 6r f -is (L. angulus, an angle, an- guli, of an angle ; os, the mouth, oris, of the mouth), a triangular muscle arising from its broad base from the external oblique line of the lower jaw, and passing upwards into the angle of the mouth. depurant, n., d&p'ur-dnt (L. de- purans, purifying or cleansing from de, down ; purus, clean, pure), a medicine supposed to be capable of purifying the blood : depuration, n., dep'ur-d'shun, the act or process of freeing from impurities ; the cleansing of a wound. derma, n., derm'a (Gr. derma, a skin, dermatos, of a skin), the true skin; see 'cutis vera' : dermal, a., derm'al, belonging to or con- sisting of the true skin : dermat- oid, a., derm'at-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling the skin : dermatitis, n., derm'-at-U'- is, inflammation of the skin : dermatogen, n., derm-at'ti-jgn (Gr. gennao, I beget, I produce), the outermost layer or covering of the skin in plants which be- comes the epidermis. Dermatodectes, n. plu., derm'at- o-dek'-tez (Gr. derma, skin, der- matos, of a skin; deletes, a biter), a genus of parasites of the horse, ox, and sheep, so called because they simply bite and hold on to the skin. dermoid, a., derm'oyd (Gr. derma, skin; eidos, resemblance), resem- bling skin ; dermatoid : dermoid papilla, pap-il'-la (L. papilla, a nipple), in surg., a small emin- ence, covered with a skin-like substance. dermosclerites, n. plu., derm- 8s' kl&T'tt'-ez (Gr. derma, skin ; skier os, hard), masses of spicules found in the tissues of some of the Alcyonidse. dermo-skeleton, n., derm'-o-ske'l' et-dn (Gr. derma, skin ; Eng. BES 120 DEU skeleton), the hard integument which covers many animals, and affords protection to them, mak- ing its appearance as a leathery membrane, or as shell, crust, scales, or scutes. descendens abdominis, dti-send'- $ns ab-domf-m-is (L. descendens, descending ; abdomen, the belly, abddminis, of the belly), the muscle that supports and com- presses the abdomen : descendens noni, non'-l (L. nonus, ninth, noni, of ninth), applied to a branch of the ninth pair of nerves of the neck. desiccation, n., dZs'-ik-a'sliun (L. desiccdtum, to dry up from de, down ; siccus, dry), the act of making quite dry ; the state of being dried: desiccant, a., des'-ik- ant, drying : n. , a medicine that dries a sore : also desiccative, a., des-ik'at'W, in same sense. Desmidiese, n. plu., des'-mid-l'-Z-e (said to be from Gr. desmos, a bond, from the parts cohering when in a state of dissolution), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Con- jugatse, of the great combined Ord. Algae or Hydrophyta : Des- midium, n., des-mid'-i-um, a genus of minute green Algse, found in summer in still waters : Desmidise, n. plu., des-mid'-i-e, minute fresh-water plants of a green colour, without a siliceous epidermis. Desmodium, n., des-mod't-um (Gr. desmos, a bond, having reference to the stamens being joined), a genus of plants, Sub- ord. Papilionacese, Ord. Legum- inosfe : Desmodium gyrans, jir f > dns (L. gyrans, turning round in a circle), the Gorachand of Bengal, a sensitive plant, whose compound leaves are in constant movement, in jerks, oscillatory movements, or movements up- wards and downwards, and which also exhibit a remarkable irrita- bility : D. gyroides, jir-oyd'-ez (L. gyrus, Gr. guros, a circular course ; eidos, resemblance) ; D. vespertilionis, vesp'er>til'i> on'-is (L. vespertllio, a bat, vespertili- onis, of a bat from vesper, the evening), are species which ex- hibit similar movements : D. diffusum, dif'fuz f >um(L.diffusum, to pour or spread out from dif, asunder ; fundo, I pour), a species affording a fodder plant. desquamation, n., des f >kwam-a'- shun (L. desqudmdtum, to scale or peel off from de, down ; squama, a scale), the act of throwing off in scales, as tho skin ; the separation of the scurf-skin in the form of scales, layers, or patches. desudation, n., des'-ud-a'sliun (L. desudo, I sweat greatly from de, down ; sudo, I sweat), a profuse sweating. detergent, n., d$>terf-Znt (L. detergens, wiping off from de, down ; tergeo, I wipe clean), cleansing: n., a medicine that cleans wounds, ulcers, etc. determinate, a., de-term'-in-at (L. determindtum, to border off, to bound from de, down ; terminus, a boundary), in bot., having a definite or cymose inflorescence ; the opposite of ' effuse. ' detrusor urinse, de-trdz'or ur-in'e (L. detrusor, that which forces away from de, down ; trudo, I thrust ; urlna, the urine, urince, of the urine), the external musc- ular coat of the bladder, which expels the urine. deuterozooids, n. plu., dut'er-o* zo'-oyds (Gr. deuteros, second ; zoo'n, an animal ; eidos, resem- blance), those zooids which are produced by germination from zooids. Deutzia, n., dutz't>a (after Deutz of Amsterdam), a genus of very ornamental plants, Ord. Phila- delphacese : Deutzia scabra, skab'-ra (L. scaber or scabra, rough, scabby), a species which DEV 121 DIA has a scurfy matter on its leaves, which are used for polishing in Japan. development, n., d$-v$l'8p'm&nt (F. developper, to unfold), the progressive changes taking place in living bodies until maturity is reached ; increase ; growth : theory of development, the pro- gressive advancement of life from its lowest types as they first appeared on the earth, or are supposed to have first existed, up to those highest forms of life now existing on the earth, as contra- distinguished from acts of direct creation ; evolution. devitalise, v., de-vlt'-til-iz (L. de, down ; Eng. vitalise), to deprive of vitality or life, as the part of an animal body. dewlap, n., dvf-lap (Dan. dog-lcep, dew-sweeping ; Prov. Sw. dogg, Dut. douw, dew ; Dan. Icep, a flap), the loose skin which hangs down from the neck of an ox. dextral, a., deks'tral (L. dextra, the right hand), right hand, or to the right hand ; denoting the direction of the spiral in the greater number of univalve shells. dextrine, n., debs' trin (L. dexter, right, on the right hand), a gummy matter into which the interior substance of starch globules is convertible by dias- tase, and by certain acids, so called from turning the plane in polarized light to the right hand. dextrorse, &.,deks-trors' (L. dexter, to the right ; versus, turned), directed towards the right. diabetes, n., di'd-bet'ez (Gr. dia- betes, a siphon fromdia, through; baino, I go), a disease charac- terised by passing an immoderate quantity of urine, with great thirst and general debility : diabetes insipidus, m-sip'-ld-us (L. insipidus, unsavoury from in, not ; sdpw, I taste), diabetes in which the urine is limpid and devoid of sugar : d. mellitus, mel-llt'-us (L. mellitus, tasting like honey from mel, honey), diabetes in which the urine is sweet, and contains sugar. diacetate, n., di-as'-et-at (Gr. dis, twice; Eng. acetate), an 'acetate 7 is a combination of acetic acid with asalifiablebase; a 'diacetate' is an ' acid acetate, ' or a combina- tion of two parts of acetic acid with a salifiable base : diacetate of lead, sugar of lead ; commonly called ' acetate of lead. ' diachaenium, n., di'd-ken'i-um (Gr. dis, twice; Eng. achcenium), fruit composed of two achsenia united by a commissure to a com- mon axis ; same as ' cremocarp. ' diachylon, n., dl-ak'-il-ftn (Gr. dm, through, by means of ; chulos, juice), an adhesive plaster, formerly made from expressed juices, now made of an oxide of lead and oil ; litharge plaster. diachyma, n., dl-dJc^m-d (Gr. dia, through ; chumos, a fluid, juice), the cellular tissue of leaves oc- cupying the space between their two surfaces. diadelphous, a., dl'-a-delf-us (Gr. dis, twice ; adelphos, a brother), having stamens in two bundles united by their filaments. diagnosis, n., di'dg-noz'is (Gr. diagnosis, a judging power or faculty from dia, through ; gig- nosko, I know), the art of distin- guishing one disease from another. dialycarpous, a., til'-al-i-Mrp'-us (Gr. dialuo, I part asunder ; kar- pos, fruit), in bot., having a pistil or fruit composed of distinct carpels: dialypetalous, a., di'dl-fr pet-dl'US (Gr. petalon, a leaf), having corollas composed of sev- eral petals : dialysepalous, a., di'al-i'Sep'al'US (Eng. sepal), having a calyx composed of separ- ate sepals ; also diaphyllous, a. , dl-df f -il'lus (Gr. phullon, a leaf), in same sense. dialysis, n., di-dl'is-ts (Gr. dialusis. DIA 122 DIA a dissolving or dissolution from dia, through ; luo, I loose), in chem., a process of analysis of a liquid by diffusion through or- ganic membranes, or such artificial septa of organic matter as parch- ment - paper ; the separation of crystallisable from uncrystallisable substances, a septum allowing the passage of the former and not of the latter ; in hot. , the separation of parts usually joined. diandrous, a., di-and'-rus (Gr. dis, twice ; aner, a male, andros, of a male), having two stamens, as a flower. Dianthus, n., di-anth'us (Gr. dios, divine ; anthos, a flower having allusion to the fragrance and beautiful arrangement of the flowers), a very beautiful and ornamental genus of plants, Ord. Caryophyllacese, containing some of the most prized flowers we possess, such as clove-pink and carnation : Dianthus caryophyl- lus, ~kar'4>o-fil r -lus (Gr. karuon, a nut ; phullon, a leaf in reference to the shape of the flower-buds), the clove -pink, or clove gilly- flower; sometimes used in making a syrup. Diapensieae, n. plu., di'a'p%ns-l'$'e (Gr. dia, through ; pente, five alluding to flowers being five cleft), a Sub-order or tribe of plants, Ord. Hydrophyllacese. diaphanous, a., di-a/'-an-us (Gr. dia, through ; phaino, I show), allowing light to pass through ; nearly transparent. diaphoresis, n., dl^d-for^ez'-is (Gr. diaphoresis, a carrying through, perspiration from dia, through ; phoreo, I carry), an increase of perspiration : diaphoretic, n. , dfra-fdr-et'-ik, a medicine which increases perspiration. diaphragm, n., di'-a-fram (Gr. diaphragma, a partition wall from dia, through ; phrasso, I hedge or fence in), the midriff; the large muscle which forms the partition between the abdominal and thoracic cavities, also called the 'phren' or 'septum trans- versum'; in bot., a dividing mem- brane or partition : diaphragm- itis, n., di'-a-fram-it f >w, in- flammation of the diaphragm. diaphysis, n., dl-df-is-u (Gr, di- aphusis, the state of growing between or through from dia, through ; phuo, I produce), the central point of ossification for the shaft in the long bones ; in bot., the prolongation of the in- florescence. diapophysis, n., di'-a'ptif'-is-is, diapophyses, n. plu., -pdf'is-ez (Gr. dia, through ; apophuo, I send out shoots, I sprout), in anat. , the upper transverse proc- ess of a vertebra, as the dorsal transverse processes, and the posterior parts of the cervical transverse processes. diarrhsemia, n., di'dr-rem'-t-a (Gr. dia, through; rhed, I flow; haima, blood), among cattle, a disease characterised by breaking up of the blood, ecchymoses, and secre- tions tinged with blood. diarrhoea, n., dl'-ar-rM (Gr. diarrhoia, a violent purging from dia, through ; rheo, I flow), a purging or flux ; frequent loose evacuations from the bowels. diarthrosis, n., dl'-ar-tliros'-ls (Gr. diarthrosis, a separation or division by joints from dia, through ; arthron, a joint), in anat., a connection of two joints admitting of motion between them, which includes the greater proportion of the joints of the body : diarthrodial, a., di'^ar- thrdd''i-al, of or belonging to diarthrosis. diastase, n., di'as-tds (Gr. dias- tasis, a standing apart, separation from dia, through, asunder ; histemi, I cause to stand), a pecul- iar azotised principle which has the property of converting starch into sugar : diastema, n., di'as- DIA 123 DIG tem'd, a gap or interval, especially between teeth. diastole, n., di-as'tol-e (Gr. dias- tole, separation from did, through, separation ; stello, I set or place), the dilatation or open- ing of the heart after contraction; the contraction is the ' systole. ' diathesis, n., di-ath'-Zs-is (Gr. diathesis, a disposing or putting in order from dia, through ; tithemi, I put or place), a peculiar state or condition of body, which predisposes an individual to a disease or a group of diseases. Diatomacese, n. plu., dl'-a-tom-O!- se-e, also Diatoms, n. plu., dl'-at- 6ms (Gr. diatome, dissection, division from dia, through, asunder; tome, a cutting the filaments being divided into joints), an Order or tribe of Algae, which are provided with siliceous envelopes, the fronds consisting of frustula or fragments united by a gelatinous substance, and which inhabit still waters and moist places : Diatoma, n., dl-dt- dm- a, very minute species of Algse, found in the sea, and ditches, at all seasons : diatomine, n., di-dt f >om-in, a buff-coloured sub- stance found in diatoms, which conceals the green colour of the chlorophyl. Dibothria, n. plu.,dz-bdthri-um de-sip'i-ens (L. decipiens, en- snaring), a parasitic worm infest- ing the small intestine of the cat: d. serratum, ser-rdt^um (L. ser- ratus, saw-shaped), a parasitic worm infesting the small in- testine both of the dog and fox. Dibranchiata, n. plu., di-brdngk' i-dt'-a (Gr. dis, twice, double ; brangchia, the gills of a fish), the Order of Cephalopoda in which only two gills are present, as in the cuttle-fishes : dibranch- iate, a., di'brdng&i-dt, having two gills. dichasium, n., di-kdz'i-um (Gr. dichdso, 1 divide into two), in bot., a form of definite inflores- cence in which each primary axis produces a pair of opposite lateral axes, each of which produces a similar pair. dichlamydeous, a., dikf-ldm-id'- e-us (Gr. dis, twice, double ; chlamus, a cloak, a garment), in bot., having a calyx and corolla ; having two whorls in the flowers. dichogamous, a. , di- kog' dm - Us (Gr. dicha, in two parts ; gameo, I marry), applied to plants in which the stamens and stigmas of the same flower do not reach maturity at the same time. Dichopetalum, n., dik'-d-pM-dl-tim (Gr. dicha, in two parts ;petalon, a leaf), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbelliferee, one of whose species in Victoria has five petaloid sepals. dichotomous, a., dik-St'tim-us (Gr. dichotomos, cut in two from dicha, in two parts ; tome, a cut- ting), in bot. , having the divisions of a stem always in pairs ; furcate or forked : dichotomous cyme, a definite inflorescence in which the secondary axes are produced in pairs, each one ending in a single flower : dichotomy, n., dik-6t f - om-i, a mode of branching by constant forking. diclesium, n., dl'kle^-i-um (Gr. diklis, twice-shutting from dis, twice ; kleid, I shut), a small, dry, indehiscent pericarp, having the indurated perianth adherent to the carpel, and forming part of the shell ; a fruit composed of an indehiscent, one-seeded pericarp, invested by a persistent and in- durated perianth, as in 'mirab- ilis. ' diclinous, a., di-ldln'-us (Gr. dis, twice ; kline, a couch), in bot., having the male and female organs in separate flowers ; unisexual. DIG 124 DIF dicoccous, a., di-ktiKk&s (Gr. dis, twice, double ; kokkos, a berry, a kernel), having two capsules united, one cell in each ; split into two cocci. dicotyledonous, a. , di'-kfc il-ed'. dn-us (Gr. dis, twice; Eng. cot- yledonous), in bot., having two lobes, seed-leaves, or kotyledons : dicotyledon, n., di'-kot'tt-ed'-on, a plant whose seed consists of two lobes. Dicranum, n., di-lcran'-tim (Gr. dikranos, having two heads, cloven from krdnion, the skull, having reference to the divisions of the teeth of the capsule), a fine genus of mosses, Ord. Musci or Bryaceae, many of whose species form broad masses of turfy vegetation. Dictamnus, n., dik-tamf-nViS (Gr. diktamnos, L. dictamnum, the plant dittany of Crete), a genus of very ornamental plants, Ord. Kutacese, which emit a strong odour : Dictamnus fraxinella, fraks'-iU'el'-lcb (L. fraxmus, the ash tree, alluding to its leaves resembling those of the ash), the false dittany, whose leaves, when rubbed, emit a fine odour, some- what resembling that of lemon peel; this and other species abound so much in volatile oil, that, it is said, the atmosphere around them becomes inflammatory in hot, dry, and calm weather. dictyogens, n. plu., dik-tl'-o-jens (Gr. dilctuon, a net ; gennao, I produce), a great class of plants which have a cellular system, the latter consisting partly of elastic spiral vessels : dictyogenous, a. , dik'ti-d'dj'en'US, applied to mono- cotyledons which have netted Didelp'hia, n. plu., di-dtif-M (Gr. dis, twice ; delphus, the womb), the subdivision of Mammals com- prising the Marsupials. Didymocarpese, n. plu., did'-lm-o- karp'e-e (Gr. didumos, two-fold, twin; karpos, fruit in allusion to the twin capsules), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Bignoniacese, having succulent or capsular fruit : Didymocarpus, n., did'-im* d-kdrp'u#, a genus of pretty plants : didymosis, n., did'im* oz'is, in bot., two united; union of two similar organs. didynamous, a., did-m'am-us (Gr. dis, twice, double ; dunamis, power), in bot., having two long and two short stamens. Dielytra, n., di-el'.U-ra (Gr. dis, twice, double; elutron, a case, a sheath), a genus of herbaceous plants, Ord. Fumariacese, the base of whose flowers is furnished with two sheath-like spurs. diencephalon, n., di'en-sej'al'd'n (Gr. dia, through, between ; eng- kephalon, the brain), the second of the divisions of the anterior primary vesicle of the brain. Diervilla, n., dtfer-Mlti, (after Dierville, a French surgeon), a genus of plants, Ord. Caprifolia- cese. dietary, n., di'Zt-ar-i (Gr. diaita, L. diceta, mode or place of life, means of life; F. di&te), a sys- tematic course or order of diet with the view of maintaining the body in perfect health: adj., re- lating to diet: dietetics, n. plu., dl'-H-et'-iks, that branch of medic- ine which relates to the regula- tion of diets in sickness and health. diffluent, n., dlf-jloo^nt (L. diffluens, dissolving from dis f asunder; fluo, I flow), in bot., dissolving ; having the power to dissolve. diffract, a., dif-frakt' (L. di/ractvs, broken in pieces, shattered from dis, apart, asunder; fractus, broken), in bot., broken into dis- tinct areolse separated by chinks. diffuse, a., dif-fus' (L. dijfusus, spread abroad from dis, asunder; fusus, poured or spread), widely spread; in bot t) spreading irregul- DIG 125 DIL arly : diffusion, n., dif-fuzli'-un, in chem. , the property of becom- ing uniformly mixed. digastric, a., dl-gast'-rik (Gr. dis, twice ; gaster, the belly), having a double belly applied to a muscle of the lower jaw. digestion, n., di-jest'-yun (L. di- gestio, the dissolving of food, di- gestionis, of the dissolving of food), the changing of the food in the stomach into a substance called chyme, preparatory to its being fitted for circulation and nourishment. digit, n., didf-tt (L. digitus, a finger), a finger or toe : digital, a., didf-it'dl, pert, to or re- sembling a finger: digitate, a., didf-tt-dt (L. digitdtus, having fingers), branched like fingers ; in bot., having a compound leaf composed of several leaflets at- tached to one point; digitate- pinnate, applied to a digitate leaf with pinnate leaflets. Digitalis, n., dtdj'-tt-al'-fc (L. digitalis, of or belonging to the finger from digitus, a finger, in reference to the flower having some resemblance to a finger), a genus of plants, Ord. Scrophul- ariacese, the most of whose species are showy flowers : Digit- alis purpurea, per-pur^e-d (L. purpureus, purple-coloured from purpura, a purple colour), fox- glove, the most important medic- inal plant of the Order, the seeds and leaves of which are employed in the form of powder, tincture, and infusion : digitalin, n., dzdf- U-dl f 'in, a crystalline principle which contains the active proper- ties of digitalis : Digitalis levig- ata, lev'ig-dt'-d (L. levigdtus, softened, macerated well) ; D. grandiflora, grdnd'i-Jldr'>d (L. grandis, high, grand ; jtos, a flower, floris, of a flower); D. lutea, lootfe-d (L. luteus, yellow, of the colour of the plant lutum) ; D. tomentosa, tdm'Zn-tdz'-d (L. tomentosus, downy from tomen- turn, a stuffing for cushions, a flock of wool), are other species which have similar properties : digitali- form, a., didf-it-atf-i-form (L. forma, shape), having a shape like the corolla of digitalis. Digitigrada, n., didj^it-i-grdd'-a (L. digitus, a finger ; gradior, I walk), a subdivision of the Car- nivora : digitigrade, a., didj'U- i-grdd, walking upon the tips of the toes, and not upon the soles of the feet, as the cat, the weasel, and the lion. digitipartite, a., didf-it-i-part'-it (L. digitus, a finger; partUus, divided in allusion to the five fingers of the hand), in bot., ap- plied to a leaf with five divisions extending to near the base ; also called ' quinquepartite. ' digynous, a., didf-m-us (Gr. dis, twice; gune, a woman), having two styles or pistils. dilamination, n. , di-ldrn'm-d'shtin (L. dis, asunder ; lamina, a blade), in bot., the separation of a layer from the inner side of a petal, either presenting a peculiar form, or resembling the part from which it is derived; also called * deduplication ' and ' chorisis. ' dilatation, n., dll'-at-af-shun (L. dilatdtus, enlarged, amplified from dis, asunder ; Idtus, wide), a spreading or extending in all directions: dilatator, n., dtl'-tit- at'-or, a muscle that dilates or expands a part : dilatator naris, nar'-is (L. naris, the nose, of the nose), one of two muscles which, expand the nose, or widen tha nostrils. dill, n. , dil (AS. dile, anise ; Swed. dill, Prov. Dan. dull, still, quiet), the seeds of an aromatic plant, the Anethum graveolens, belong- ing to the Hemlock family, whose distilled oil or prepared water is used as a soothing medicine in maladies accompanied with flatul- ence. DIL 126 DIO Dilleniacese, n. plu., dil-ttn'i-d' \ s$-e (after Professor DUlenius, of Oxford), the Dillenia family, an Order of trees and shrubs of con- siderable beauty, some yielding fruit, others producing fine timber: Dillenia, n., dil-ten'-i-a, a genus of very elegant shrubs when in flower. diluents, n., dil'u-Znts (L. dilutus, washed away, weakened from dis, asunder ; lutus, washed), in med., remedies made use of to quench thirst, or to make the blood thinner and cooler, such as toast-and- water, barley-water, etc. Dimerosomata, n. plu., dim'er'd- sdm'-at-a (Gr. dis, twice ; m$ros, a part ; soma, a body, somdtos, of a body), an Order of Arachnida, comprising spiders, so called from the marked division of the body into two parts, viz. the cephalo- thorax and abdomen. dimerous, a., dim-er^us (Gr. dis, twice ; m&ros, a part), in bot., composed of two pieces ; having parts arranged in twos. dimidiate, a., dim-id'-i-at (L. dim- ididtus, divided into halves from dimidium, the half), applied to an organ when the one half is smaller than the other half; split into two on one side, as the calyp- tra of some mosses ; applied to the gills of Argarics when they proceed only half-way to the stem. dimorphic, a., di'mdrf'tktfld. dis, twice ; morphe, shape), having two forms of flowers, differing in the size and development of the stamens and pistils, as in Primula and Linum : dimorphous, a. , dl- mdrf'us, assuming different forms in similar parts of a plant : di- morphism, n., di*morf''fam, the occurrence of the same species of plant in two or three different states. dimyary, a., di-ml'dr-i (Gr. dis, twice; mudn, a muscle of the body), closed by two muscles ; applied to those bivalve molluscs which have their shells closed by two adductor muscles. dioecious, a., di-e'-shus (Gr. dis, twice ; oiTcos, a house), in zool., having the sexes distinct, applied to species which consist of male and female individuals ; in bot., having staminiferous flowers on one plant, and pistiliferous flowers on another plant : dioecia, n. plu. , di-e'-shi-a, a class of plants having male flowers on one plant, and female on another : diceciously- hermaphrodite, a., having herm- aphrodite flowers, but only one of the essential organs perfect in a flower. Dion, n. , di'-dn (Gr. dis, twice ; oon, an egg from each scale bearing two ovules), a remarkable genus of Mexican plants, Ord. Cycadacese: Dion edule, ed-ul'8 (L. edulis, eatable), a species which yields a kind of arrowroot in Mexico. Dionsea, n. plu., dl'-on-ef-a (Di- onoea, Venus, being a patronymic from Dione, the mother of Venus ; Dione, a name of Venus herself), a genus of curious plants, Ord. Droseraceae: Dionsea muscipula, muS'Sip f -ul'd (L. muscipula, a mouse-trap from mus, a mouse ; capio, I take), Venus's fly-trap, a North American plant, having the laminae of the leaves in two lobes, the irritable hairs on which being touched cause the folding of the lobes and thus entrap flies. DioscoreacesB, n. plu., di^ds-Jcdr^^ d'-sft-e (after Dioscorides, a famous Greek physician), the Yam tribe, an Order of twining shrubs, natives of tropical countries : Diascorea, n., dl'-ds-Jcdr^e-d, a genus of climbing plants cultiv- ated in tropical climates for the sake of its roots, which are called yams, and are used in the same way as potatoes : Dioscorea alata, al'dtf-d (L. dldtus, furnished with wings) ; D. sativa, sat-iv'a (L. satlvusfit to be sown or planted); DIG 127 DIP D. aculeata, ak-ul^-dM (L. acuUdtus, thorny, prickly from aciil&us, the sting of a bee), are the species which produce the tubers called Yams, used as potatoes. Diosma, n., di-os'md (Gr. diosmos, transmitting odours from dios, godlike ; osme, smell), a genus of very beautiful heath-like shrubs, Ord. Rutaceae. Diospyros, n., di-ds'-pir-tis (Gr. diospuros, the fruit that caused oblivion from dios, godlike ; puros. wheat, fruit ; or piiren, a kernel, a berry), a genus of orna- mental and very valuable timber trees, Ord. Ebenacese, remarkable for the hardness and durability of their wood : Diospyros lotus, lot' us (Gr. lotos, L. lotus, the water-lily of the Nile), a species which is said to have produced the fruit which caused oblivion : D. reticulata, re-tik'ul-dt'd (L. reticuldtus, made like a net from rete, a net) ; D. ebenum, eb'$n-um (L. ebenus, the ebon-tree), along with other species furnish ebony, which is the black duramen of the tree : D. virginiana, verj-in' i-dn'-d (L. virgmeus, belonging to a virgin from virgo, a virgin), the persimon tree, yields a fruit, sometimes called the date-plum, which is sweet and eatable when ripe, especially after frost, and the bark has been employed as a febrifuge : D. kaki, kdk'i (a native name), the Keg fig of Japan, the fruit resembling a plum : D. em- bryopteris, ^m-bri-dp'ter-is (Gr. embruo, an embryo ; pteris, a fern from pteron, a wing), yields a succulent fruit, the pulp of which is astringent and very glutinous: D. qusesitus, kwes-U'us (L. quces- Itus, sought out, select), a species which supplies the Coromandel wood of Ceylon. dipetalous, a., dl-ptt'-cil-us (Gr. dis, twice petalon, a petal), having two petals. diphtheria, n., dif-ther'-i-d (Gr. diphthera, skin, leather), a dis- ease characterised by the forming of a leathery, false membrane on a diseased surface ; a disease of the pharynx and tonsils, so named, having a croupous, false mem- brane : diphtheritis, n., dif-ther- It'ts (itis, inflammation), same sense as * diphtheria ' : diphther- itic, a., dtf'-ther-tt'.ik, pert, to diphtheria. diphyodont, n., dif-i'-V-dtint (Gr. dis, twice ; phuo, I generate ; odous, a tooth, odontos, of a tooth), one of the Mammals which have two sets of teeth. diphyozooids, n. plu., dif-l'd-zd' oyds (Gr. dis, twice ; phuo, I generate ; zoon, an animal ; eiclos, resemblance), detached reproduct- ive portions of Calycophoridse, an Order of ocean Hydrozoa. diplecolobesB, n. plu., dip'le-ko- lob'-e-e (Gr. dis, twice ; pleko, I twine, I plant ; lobos, the lobe of the ear), in bot., cotyledons twice folded transversely. diploe, n., dip'-lo-e (Gr. diploe, a fold), in bot., the cellular tissue surrounding the vessels of the leaf, and enclosed within the epidermis sometimes called the 'diachyma' and 'mesophyllum'; in anat., the network of bone tissue which fills up the interval between the two compact plates in the bones of the skull : diploic, a., dip-Id' ik, of or pert, to the diploe. diploperistomi, n. plu., dip'-ld* per-is'tdm-i (Gr. diploos, double ; peri, about ; stoma, a mouth), mosses which have a double per- istoine : diploperistomous, a. , dip'-lo-per-is'tdm-us, having a double peristome. diplostemonous, a., dtp' Id-stem' tin-us (Gr. diploos, double; stem- on, the thread called the warp, stemtinos, of the warp from his- temi, I cause to stand, the ancient looms being upright), in bot., DIP 128 DIR having a double row of stamens, often double the number of the petals or sepals. diplotegia, n., dip'-lo-tedf-i-a (Gr. diploos, double ; t$gos, a cover- ing), in bot., an inferior, dry seed vessel, usually opening by valves or by pores, as in Cam- panula ; sometimes applied to a double covering, as a calyx and an epicalyx. Diplozygise, n. plu., dip'-lo-zidj'i-e (Gr. diploos, double ; zugia, the hornbeam, a tree having a smooth grey bark, ridged trunk, and very hard, white wood from zugon, a yoke, the wood being fit for the yokes of cattle), a section or Sub- order of trees, Ord. Umbelliferse ; also the name of a genus. Dipnoi, n. plu., dip'-no-i (Gr. dis, twice ; pnoe, breath), an Order of fishes represented by the Lepid- osiren, which has twofold respir- atory organs, both gills and true lungs. Dipsacacese, n. plu., dips' ak- a' s$-e (Gr. dipsakos, the fuller's thistle said to be from dipsa, thirst, their hollow leaves holding water to satisfy thirst), the Teazel family, an Order of plants : Dipsacus, n., dips'-dk-us, a curi- ous genus of plants : Dipsacus sylvestris, sil-vest'-ris (L. sylvest- ris, woody from sylva, a wood), the plant Venus 's bath, so called from the water contained in the hollow leaves being considered good for bleared eyes ; some of the species are considered febrif- ugal : D. fullonum, ful-lon'-um (L. fullo, a fuller, fullonis, of a fuller, fullonum, of fullers), a species the head s c of which are called fuller's teazel, from their spiny bracts being used in dress- ing cloth : D. pilosus, pU-dz'-ite (L. pilosus, hairy, shaggy from pilus, a hair), a very pretty flower- ing species. dipsomania, n., dips f -o>man'4-cL (Gr. dipsa, thirst ; mania, mad- ness), the irresistible longing for alcoholic liquors, either developed or innate in some men and women. Diptera, n. plu., dip'-Mr-a (Gr. dis, twice ; pteron, a wing), an Order of insects having two wings : dipterous, a., dip'ter-us, having two wings, or two wing -like appendages : Dipteraceae, n. plu. , dip'-ter-a'-se-e, an old term for Dipterocarpacese, which see. Dipterix, n., dtp'-tZr-tics (Gr. dis, twice ; pterux, a wing, the two upper lobes of the calyx, appearing as wings), a genus of ornamental trees, Sub-ord. Papiliouacese, Ord. Leguminosse : Dipterix odorata, od'-or-dt'a (L. odordtus, sweet - smelling ; 8dor, scent, smell), a species, the fragrant seeds of which are known as Tonka or Tonquin beans, used in giving a pleasant scent to snuff. DipterocarpacesB, n. plu., dip'-tZr- 6'kdrp-d'se-e (Gr. dis, twice ; pterux, a wing ; karpos, fruit), the Sumatra camphor family, an Order of handsome ornamental trees abounding in resinous juice: Dipterocarpus, n., dip'-ter-o- kdrp'us, a genus of trees, various species of which yield a substance like balsam of copaiva : Diptero- carpus laevis, lev'-fs (L. Icevis or ttvis, light, not heavy) ; D. an- gustif olius, any gust'-i-fol'-l- us(L. angustus, narrow ; fdlmm, a leaf) ; D. turbinatus, terV-m-dtf-us (L. turbindtus, cone-shaped from turbo, a whipping-top); D. hisp- idus, hisp'-id'tis (L. Tiispidus, shaggy, hairy); D. Zeylanicus, zi-lan'ik-us (Zeylan, Ceylon), are species which yield wood oil. Dirca, n., derk'a (Gr. Dirka, a fountain, in reference to the natural habitat of the plant), a genus of little shrubs growing in the marshes of N. America, Ord. Thymelseacese : Dirca palustris, DIR 129 DIS pal-tist'rfe (L. palustris, marshy from pdlus, a swamp or marsh), the K". American leather wood, a species whose bark is used for cordage, and the twigs are made into ropes and baskets, the fruit is said to be narcotic. diremption, n., dir-em'shun (L. diremptus, separation or division), in bot.j the occasional separation or displacement of leaves. Disa, n., dlz r >a (origin of name un- known), a genus of interesting tuberous - rooted plants, Ord. Orchidiacese : Disa grandiflora, grund r 'l'jl6r r 'OL (L. grandis, large, great ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), a species found on Table Mountain in marshes : D. ferru- gme&,fer'-d6'jm'e>a (L. ferriigm- eus, of an iron-rust colour from ferrugo, iron-rust) ; also D. tenui- folia, t8n'-U'f>fdl''i-& (L. tenuis, thin ; folium, a leaf), are species found in same place at an elev- ation of 3582 feet. Dischidia, n., dis-kid'-i-a (Gr. dis, twice ; schizo, I split), a genus of ornamental plants, Ord. Asclep- iadacese: Dischidia Rafflesiana, rcLf-fles'-i-an'-a (after Sir /Stam- ford Raffles), an Indian climber whose pitchers are formed by the lamina of the leaf, and have an open orifice into which the root- lets at the upper part of the plant enter, thus probably furnishing a fluid for the nourishment of the upper branches. disciform, a., dis'-i-ftirm (L. discus, a quoit ; forma, shape), in the form of a disc ; flat and circular. discocarp, n., disk'o-kdrp (Gr. diskos, a disc; karpos, a fruit), applied to a collection of fruits in a somewhat globose receptacle. discoid, &.,disk f -oyd, also discoidal, a., disk'dyd'-al (Gr. diskos, a disc; eidos, resemblance), in the form of a disc ; disciform ; round, or having a convex face ; applied to the flosculous or tubular flowers of Composite. Discomycetes, n., disk' o -mis' %tis (L. tuba, a trumpet ; forma, shape), a species found in the duodenum of the cat; see 'Gamgee.' Dodder, n., dod'-der (Ger. dotter, the dodder ; Irish, dodd\ a bunch), curious leafless parasitical plants, whose slender, entangled, thread- like stems run over other plants and often smother them; the genus is Cuscuta, Ord. Convolvul- acese : Cuscuta Europsea, attacks thistles, oats, etc. : C.spithymum, found on heath, furze, etc. : C. epilinum, attacks flax : C. trifolii, is the pest of clover fields. dodecagynous, a., dod'-Zk-ddf-m-us (Gr. dodeka, twelve; gune, a woman), having twelve pistils : dodecandrous, a,.,dod<8k-dnd''rus (Gr. aner, a man, a male, andros, of a man), having twelve stamens. dolabriform. a.- do-ldb'-ri-fdrm (L. ddldbra, an axe ; forma, shape), in bot., shaped like an axe. dolichocephali, n. plu., dWfk-o- sef'al-i, also dolichocephalia, n. plu., ddl'.ik.d's8f'dl'.i'a (Gr. dol- ichos, long; kephale, the head), in anat., a monstrosity in which the head is unnaturally long, in a direction from before back- wards ; a term applied to a long- headed race of cave-dwellers who inhabited Britain in prehistoric times; dolicocephalic, a., dol'-ik* d-sef-al'ik, long-headed or long- skulled. Dorema, n.,dor-ew'a(Gr. dorema, a gift), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbelliferse, which produce gum ammoniac, natives of Persia; Dorema ammoniacum, .. am'-on-l* dk-um (Gr. Ammon, Egyptian name of Jupiter, whose temple was in the sandy deserts of Libya, where the tree grew), a tree which yields ammoniac, a fetid gum resin; the tree yields resin, gum, and volatile oil, all used- medicinally. dorsal, a., ddrs'-dl (L. dorsum, the back), pert, to the back, as the dorsal fin of a fish ; in bot. , ap- plied to the suture of the carpel which is farthest from the axis ; fixed upon the back : dorsiferous, a., ddrs-tf'Zr-us (L,few, I bear), applied to ferns which bear fructification on the back of their fronds : dorsum, n., ddrs- um, the part of the carpel farthest from the axis ; dorsal surface, in anat., the back or posterior, as distinguished from the ventral or anterior surface : dorsal vertebraa, the bones in the spine of the back, twelve in number. dorsales pollicis, do > rs-al'ezpo'l f 'liS' is (new L. dorsdlis, dorsal from L. dorsum, the back; pollex, a thumb, pollicis, of a thumb), in anat., the dorsal arteries of the thumb ; two small arteries which run along the sides of the dorsal DOR aspect of the thumb : dorsalis indicia, ddrs-dl'ts m'-dis-is (L. index, anything that points out, the forefinger, indicis, of the fore- finger), a small branch artery which runs along the radial side of the back of the index finger : dorsalis hallucis, 'hal'-us-is (new L. hallux, the great toe, hallucis, of the great toe from L. hallex, the great toe, said to be from Gr. hallomai, I leap, as being , chiefly employed in leaping), an artery along the outer border of the first metatarsal bone, and at the cleft between the first and second toes: dorsalis pedis, ved'is (L. pes, a foot, p%dis, of a foot), the dorsal artery of the foot. dorsibranchiate, a., dtirs't'bra'ngk'- i-dt (L. dorsum, the back ; Gr. brangchia, gills of a fish), in zool., having external gills at- tached ito the .back. dorsi-lumbar, a., d$rs'i-l&mb'>ar (L. dorsum, the back, dorsi, of the back; lumbus, a loin), a small 'off-se(t from the lumbar plexus nerve. Dorstenia, n., dtir-slm'-i-a (after Dorsten, a German botanist), a genus of very curious plants, Ord. Moraceae, having a slightly con- cave, broad receptacle, bearing numerous flowers : Dorstenia contrayerva, ktin'tra-yerv'-a (L. contra, against ; yerba, the native name for mate" or Paraguayan tea, so called as esteemed good against poison); D. Houstoni, hows' tdn-i (after Houston)] D. Brasiliensis, brdZ'iV'i'ens'-is (of or from Brazil), are species which furnish the contrayerva root of commerce, used as a stimulant, tonic, and diaphoretic. dossil, n., dtis'sil (F. dousil, a peg or tap to draw off liquor from a cask; Ger. docke, a bunch), a small portion of lint made round, or in the form of a date, to be laid on a sore. douche, n., ddsh (F. douche, a 2 DRA shower bath), a bath given by a jet or stream of water poured from above on some part of the body. Dracaena, n., dra-sen'-a (Gr. dra- kaina, a she-dragon), a genus of trees, Ord. Liliacese, whose inspis- sated juice is said to become a powder like dragon's blood ; they often branch in a dichotomous manner, and attain large di- mensions: Dracaena draco, drak'-o (Gr. drakon, L. draco, a species of serpent), a species which, with others, yields an astringent resin called dragon's blood : D. termin- &lis, term-in-dl'is (L. terminalis, terminal from terminus, a 'boundary, so called because planted in India to make bound- aries), a -species which in Java is considered valuable in dysenteric affections : Dracontium, n., drd- kon'-shi'Um, a genus of plants, so called 'because the stems are spot- ted like the skin of a snake, or from the appearance of its root : Dracon- tium fcetidum,/&-ftZ'&ra (L. fozt- idus, fetid, stinking), the skunk cabbage, which exhales a very fetid odour, and the powdered root used as an antispasmodic : D. pertusum, ver'tuz'um (L.per- tusus, perforated from per, through, thoroughly ; tusus, beaten), a very acrimonious plant, the fresh leaves used by the Indians over dropsical parts to produce vesications : D. poly- phyllum, pol'l-fil'-lum (Gr. polus, many; phullon, a leaf), a species whose prepared root in India is supposed to possess antispas- modic virtues, and to be a remedy in asthma. dracunculus, n., drd'kun-ul-us (a diminutive of Gr. drakon, a serpent), the Guinea -worm, the adult female of a nematode para- site, a worm which burrows beneath the skin of the legs and feet of human beings in certain limited intertropical districts of Asia and Africa. DRA 133 DUO drastic, n., drast'-ilc (Gr. drastikos, active, vigorous from drao, I do or act), a purgative whose action is somewhat rapid and violent: adj., acting violently. dropsy, n., drftps'-i (L. hy drops, Gr. hudrops, the dropsy ; Gr. hudor, water ; ops, the eye the word formerly spelt hydropsy], an unnatural accumulation of fluid in the cellular tissues, or in other cavities of the body. Droseraceaa, n. phi., dros'-er-d'-se-e (Gr. droseros, dewy from drosos, dew), the Sundew family,, an Order of herbaceous plants grow- ing in damp places : Drosera, n., drds'8r-d, a genus of herbaceous plants, having acid taste combined with slight acridity, and the leaves furnished with red glandular hairs, discharging from their ends drops of a viscid acrid juice in sun- shine hence the name Sundew or 'Ros solis,' rtis sol'-is, dew of the sun ; some Droseras yield a dye, and their leaves fold upon insects that touch the hairs : DrosophyUum, n., drtisf-o-fil'-lum (Gr. phullon, a leaf), another genus of the same family. drug, n., drug (F. drogue, a drug; But. droog, dry), a general name for all medicinal substances. Drupacese, n. plu., drd-pd'-se-e (L. drupa, Gr. druppa, an over-ripe wrinkled olive), the almond- worts, an Order of trees and shrubs, now included under the Sub-ord. Amygdalese or Prunese, of the Ord. Rosacese, which bear such stone fruits as the cherry, plum, peach, etc.: drupe, n., drdp, a fleshy or purple fruit without valves, and containing a hard stony kernel; a stone fruit : drupaceous, a., drdp-af-sJius, con- sisting of or producing drupes : drupel, n., dr6p'-el (a diminutive of drupa}, a small drupe; a fleshy or purple fruit containing many small stony seeds, as the rasp- berry and blackberry. Dryandra, n., drl-and'-rd (after Dryander, a Swedish botanist), a genus of splendid plants nearly allied to Banksia, Ord. Proteacese. Drymis, n., drlmf-is (Gr. drumos, a forest, a grove), a genus of plants, Ord. Magnoliacese : Drymis Winter!, wmt'-er-i (after Captain Winter), also called D. aromatica, ar'-dm'at''ik-a (L. aromdticus, Gr. aromatikos,. aromatic, fragrant), a species brought by Captain "Winter from the Straits of Magel- lan, 1578 ; yields "Winter's bark ; has been employed as an aromatic stimulant. Dryobalanops, n., dri'd-bal'-an-tips (Gr. drus, an oak tree ; bdldnos, an acorn), a genus of trees, Ord. Dipterocarpacea? : Dryobalanops camphora, Mmf-tir-a (F. camphre, Ar. kafur, Gr. kaphoura, camph- or), also called D. aromatica, ar'dm'at''ik-d (L. aromdticus, aromatic, fragrant), a tree which furnishes camphor oil, while solid camphor is found in the cavities of the wood, but only after the tree attains a considerable age. ductus ad nasum, dukt'-us ad ndz'-um (L. ductus, a leading or conducting ; ad, to ; nasus, the nose), a duct to the nose ; the nasal duct descending to the fore part of the lower meatus of the nose : ductus arteriosus, art- er'4'Oz f 'US (L. arteriosus, full of arteries from arteria, an artery), a short tube about half an inch in length at birth which unites the pulmonary artery with the aorta, but becomes obliterated after birth: d. communis choledochus, Icom-murf-is kol-ed'dk'US (L. corn- munis, common ; Gr. chole, bile ; doclios, holding or containing from dechomai, I receive), the common bile duct, the largest of the ducts, conveying the bile both from the liver and the gall- bladder into the duodenum : d. cysticus, sist'-ik-us (Gr. kustis, a bladder, a purse), the cystic or DUL 134 DYS excretory duct which leads from the neck of the gall-bladder to join the hepatic : d. hepaticus, 'he-pat'-ik-us (Gr. hepatikos, affect- ing the liver from hepar, the liver), the hepatic duct, formed by the union of the biliary pores, and proceeds from the liver to the duodenum : d. lachrymalis, Idk^ri-mdl'-fo (L. lachrymalis, lachrymal from Idchryma, a tear), the lachrymal duct ; the excretory ducts of the lachrymal gland : d. thoracicus, thor>as f > ik-us (Gr. thorax, the breast, thordkos, of the breast; L. thorax, thordcis}, the great trunk formed by the junction of the absorbent vessels. dulcamara, n., dulJc'dm-dr^d (L. dulcis, sweet ; amarus, bitter), a common British hedge-plant, called * bitter-sweet ' or ' woo.dy nightshade, ' from the root ,when chewed first tasting bitter, and then sweet ; the Solanum dulca- mara, Ord. Solanaceae : dulca- marine, n., dul&d-mdr'in, an extract from the plant, dumose, a., dum-oz' (L. dumosus, covered with bushes from dumus, a thorn-bush), full of bushes ; having a low, shrubby aspect. duodenum, ,n., du'-d-den-um (L. duodeni, twelve each), the first portion of the small intestines im- mediately succeeding the stomach, which in man is about eight or ten inches in length : duodenal, a., du'ti'den'-dl, connected with or relating to the duodenum. Dura-Mater, n., dur'd-mdt'-er (L. durus, hard ; mater, a mother), the semi-transparent outer mem- brane which invests and protects the brain and spinal cord. duramen, n., dur-dm'-Zn (L. dur- amen, hardness from durus, hard), the inner or heart wood of a tree. Durio, n., dur^l-o (from duryon, the native Malay name for the fruit), a genus of trees, Ord. Sterculiacese : Durio zibethinua, zW-Wi'ln'-us (said to be from Arab. zobeth, civet), the tree which pro- duces the fruit called durian, or civet durian, in the Indian Archi- pelago ; the fruit is about the size of a man's head, and con- sidered the most delicious of Indian fruits, though of a very fetid odour. Durvillea, n,, dur-viV-U-d (after D'-Urville), a genus of sea-plants, Ord. Algse : Durvillea utilis, ut'U-is (L. utilis, useful), one of the large - stemmed species of Algae. dynamics, n. plu., din-am' iks (Gr. dunamis, power), that branch of .mechanics which investigates the effects of forces not in equilibrium .but producing motion : dynam- ometer, n,, dm'am-dm'Zt-er (Gr. metron, a measure), an instrument for measuring the muscular power of men and animals. dyscrasia, n., dis-krazti-d (Gr. duscrdsia, a bad mixture from dus, an in separable particle, denot- ing 'with pain,' 'with difficulty,' * badly ' ; krasis, a mixture), a morbid or bad state of the vital fluids. dysentery, n., dist, the black duramen of the species Diospyros reticulata and ebonum. ebracteate, a., Z-brak'-te-dt (L. e, from ; bracffia, a thin layer of wood), in bot. f without a bract or floral leaf. eburnation, n., eb'-er-nd'-shun (L. ebur, ivory), an ivory-like con- dition of bone arising from dis- ease, chiefly in connection with rheumatoid arthritis. Ecballium agreste, ek-bdl'li-Um dg-r$st'& (Gr. ekballo, I cast out, I expel ; L. agrestis, belonging to the fields), or Ecballium offic- inarum, tif-ftf-fa-drtfim (L. offic- ma, the shop, qfflcindrum, of the shops), the wild or squirting cucumber ; the latter is the officinal name of the Momordica elaterium, Ord. Cucurbitacese. ecchymosis, n., Zk'-i-m&ztts (Gr. ek, out of; chumos, juice), livid spots or blotches on the skin arising from an escape of blood into the connective tissues of the skin, as may be caused by a fall or blow, or resulting from disease ; a bruise. Eccremocarpus, n., $k'kr$-mo' kdrp'&s (Gr. ekkremes, hanging down ; karpos, fruit), a genus of ornamental climbing plants, Ord. Bignoniacese, so called from the pendant character of its fruit : Eccremocarpus scaber, skdb'-Zr (L. scaber, rough), a commonly cultivated species. ecderon, n., ekf-der^n (Gr. ek, out deros, skin, hide), in zool, the outer of the two layers of that part of the skin called 'ectoderm/ corresponding to the * epidermis ' in man, into which it shows a tendency to break up. ecdysis, n., Zk'dis-ts (Gr. ekdusis, the act of stripping, an emerging), a shedding or moulting of the skin. echinate, a., Wc-ln'dt or Wc'm-at (L. echindtus, prickly : from Gr. echinos, L. echinus, a sea-urchin, a hedgehog), covered with prickles like a hedgehog; prickly: echinus, n., Zk-in'us, a sea-hedge- hog ; the prickly head or top of a plant. Echinocactus, n., ^k-in'o-kak'-tus (L. echinus, a hedgehog ; cactus, the cactus), a genus of spiny plants, Ord. Cactacese, of great beauty and interest: Echinocactus viznaga, mz-ndg'-a (vizndga, a carrot-like ammi), a species which attains large dimensions. Echinococcus, n., 8&in'>#%?*, Echinococci, n. plu., ek-m'6-kdk' si (Gr. echinos, a hedgehog ; kok- kos, a berry), the larval form of a minute tapeworm of the dog, the Tsenia echinococcus commonly called ' hydatid ' ; known by many other names, as Echinococ- cus hominis, hdrn'-in-is (L. homo, man, hommis, of man), a species which infests man ; and E. veter- inorum, vet'-gr-m-or'tim (L. veter- inorum, of beasts of burden), a species which infests cattle, etc. Echinodermata, n. plu., Zk-in'-d' derm' at- d (Gr. echinos, a sea- hedgehog; derma, skin), a class of animals comprising sea-urchins, star-fishes, etc., most of which have spiny skins : Echinoidea, n., eTc'-in-dyd'-Z-a (Gr. eidos, resemblance), an Order of. animals which comprises sea-urchins. Echinorhynchus, ,n., Zk-lri'-d-rmglf- us (Gr. echinos, a hedgehog ; rungchos, a snout, a beak), a genus of intestinal worms : Echinorhynchus gigas, jig' as (L. ECH 136 ECY gigas, a giant)^ a parasite which infests the intestines of the pig. echinulate, a., ek-in'-ul-dt (dim. of L. echinus, a hedgehog), possessed of small spines or prickles. Echites, n. plu., ek-it'ez (Gr. echis> a viper,, from its smooth, twining shoots), a beautiful genus of ever- green twiners, Ord. Apocynacese : Echites scholaris, skdl-dr'-is (L. scholdriS) scholarly from schola, a school), a species used in India as a tonic : E. antidysenterica, ant'-i'dis-en'tWiTc-a (Gr. anti, against; dusenterikos, one wha has the dysentery), a species said to be astringent and febrifugal. Echium, n., ekf-i-um (Gr. echis, a viper), a pretty genus of shrubs, Ord. Boraginacese, whose seeds are said to resemble the head of the viper. eclampsia, n.., ek-lamps'-i-a (Gr. eklampsis,. a shining forth from ek, forth; lampein, to shine), a convulsive attack, so termed from its suddenness. ecraseur, n., ek'-raz.-dr' (F. from ecraser? to crush, to grind), a surgical instrument for removing tumours by a combined process- of crushing and tearing, attended by much less bleeding than cutting out. ecstasy, n., ek'stas-% (Gr. ekstasis, change of state from ek, out; stasis, standing, state), intense nervous anclemotionalexcitement, in which the functions of the senses are suspended, and which is frequently accompanied by rigid immobility of one or more series of muscles. ectasis, n., ek'tas*is (Gr. ektdsis,. extension), the dilated condition of an artery, as in aneurisms, or of a vein, as in varices ; usually applied to the dilatation of small blood-vessels. ecthyma, n., Vk'thlm'-ci (Gr. ek- thuma, an eruption), a skin disease consisting of large, circular, raised pustules, sur- rounded by livid, purplish zones. Ectocarpus, n., Zk'td-Mrp'us (Gr. ektos, outside; karpos, fruit), a genus of dark - green marine plants, Ord. Algae, whose thecse are not enclosed, hence the name. ectocyst, n.,. %k'to>s$st (Gte ektos , outside; kustis, a bladder),, in zool., the external investment of the coenoecium of a polyzoon. ectoderm, n., ek'-to-derm (Gr. ektos, outside; derma,, skia), in z&ol.,. the external integumentary layer of the Coelenterata, corre- sponding to- the- epidermis in man ; the outer or upper layer of cells into which the blastoderm is divided after the completion of the segmenting process.. ectopia, n., ek-tdp'i-a (Gr. ek,, out of; topos, place), the displacement of a part : ectopia cordls, ktird'is (L. cor, the heart, cordis, of the heart), the displacement of the heart, in which the heart is situ- ated outside the chest at birth : e. vesicse, vZs-i'se (K vesica, the bladder, veslcce, of the bladder), a deficiency in the abdominal wall of the bladder, in which the bladder appears as a red surface on which the ureters open. ectosarc, n., Zk'to-sdrk (Gr. ektos, outside ;. sarx, flesh,, sarkos, of flesh), in zool., the outer trans- parent sarcode-layer of certain rhizopods, such as the Amoeba. ectozoon, n., ek'-to-z&tin, ectozoa, n. plu., Vlc'to-zo'-a (Gr. ektos, out- side ;. zodn, an animal,, zod, animals), animal parasites which attach themselves to the skin of the human body, as 'the itch insect,.' fc the louse/ * the chegoe,' and 'the Guinea worm.' ectropion, n., %k>trop r >l'0n, also ectropium, n., -i-um (Gr. ek, out ; trepo, I turn), a disease in which the eyelids are everted. ecyphellate, a., e-sif'el-ldt (Gr. e, for ex or ek, without ; Eng. ECZ 137 cyphellate), in hot., not having minute sunken cup-like spots. eczema, n., e&zem-d (Gr. ekzesis, an eruption on the skin from ek, out; zeo, I boil), a catarrhal affection of the skin, which may be an erythema, a vesicle, a pustule, a fissure, etc.., and has received various names accordingly, as ec- zema chronicmn, krtin'ik-um (Gr. chronos, time),, chronic eczema; also psoriasis; a chronic inflam- mation of the skin,, associated with some thickening,, and the formation- of cracks and fissures ; popularly, the disease in horses is called 'rat tails, ' from' the elev- ated patches of scabs on the- back part of the limbs : e. im- petigjnodes^ im'-pet-idf-in-dd'-ez (L. impetigo, a skin disease, im- petigmes, skin diseases),, the eruption in dogs suffering from, red mange ;. grocer's, itch : e. rubrum, roob'rum (L. rubrum, red), the common red mange of smooth terriers and greyhounds;, the eruption of vesicles occurring on an inflamed skin : e. simplex, sim'pleks (L. simplex, simple, un- mixed), one of the mangy affec- tions of dogs ; 'humid tetter v in man: e. solare, solace (L. Solaris, belonging to- the sun from sol, the sun), an eruption on the skin from the effects of the sun or heated air in summer ;, heat spots: eczematous, a., ek- zem'at'US, of or belonging to the disease eczema. Edentata* n, pirn, e^nt-af-d (L. e, without ; dens, a tooth* dentes, teeth),, an Order of Mammalia,, so called because destitute of front or incisive teeth: edentate, a., e-dent'-at, without front teeth;, deprived of teeth: edentulous, a., e-den^ul'^s, toothless; ap- plied to the mouth of an animal without dental apparatus; ap- plied to the hinge of the bivalve molluscs. Edriophthalmata, n. plu., ed'-ri* EJA (Gr. hedraios, sitting, sedentary from hedzo, I sit; ophthalmos, an eye), the division of the Crustacea in which the eyes are not supported upon stalks : edriophthalmous, a., -thal'mtis, having immovable sessile eyes. efferent, a. ,. ef'fer-Znt (L. ef for ex, out \.ferO) 1 bear or carry), con- veying from or outwards ; carry- ing from the centre to. the periph- ery: n., a vessel which carries outwards, distinguished from afferent,, which means- ' conveying into or towards* ' effervescence, n. , ef'fer-ves'sZns (L, efferrvesco, I boil up or over)> the frothing or bubbling up of liquids from the generation and escape of gas. effloresco, 1 blow or bloom as^ a flower), a mealy-like substance which covers certain minerals when exposed to the influence of the atmosphere; the conversion of a solid substance into a powdbr. effluvium, m, ef-fl6v't-um (L. effluvium, a. flowing out from ex, out; fluo, I flow),, the invisible vapour arising from putrefying matter or from diseased bodies. effusion, n., ef-fuzh'-un (L. effusus, poured out or forth from ex^ out; fmus, poured),, the act of pouring a liquid into, or over;, what is poured out.. egranulose, a., &gran'ul>oz (L. e, without; Eng. granulose} r inbot., without granules. EhretiacesB, m plu., e'r'esh'. plu., e-jak'-ul-at- 6r'-ez, the two muscles which sur- round the bulb of the urethra. EL.E 138 ELE Elaeagnaceae, (Gr. elaios, the wild olive; agnos, the 'agnus castus' or chaste tree), the Oleaster family, an Order of trees and shrubs usually covered with silvery stellate hairs : Else- agnus, n., We-tig'-ntis, a genus, several species of .which bear edible fruit : Elseagnus arborea, dr-bor'> $*d (L. arbtirZus, treelike from arbor, a tree) ; E. conferta, k$n- fert'a(Ij. confertus, thick, dense); andE. Orientalis, or r 'i-%nt-al'-is(Ij. Orientalis, Eastern from oriens, the rising sun), species which yield eatable fruit, the latter a dessert fruit called 'zinzeya': E. parvifolia, pdrv^-fol^-d (L. parvus, little; folium, a leaf), yields an edible fruit, has highly fragrant flowers, and abounds in honey. ElseocarpesB, n. plu. ,%l'e-o-kdrp'$'e (Gr. elaios, a wild olive ; karpos, fruit), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Tiliacese, whose fruit has been compared to an olive : Elaeo- carpus, n., Zl'-e-d-kdrp'-us, a very beautiful genus of plants, the bark is used as a tonic. Elseodendron, n., ^V-e-o-d'end'-r^n (Gr. elaios, a wild olive ; dendron, a tree), an ornamental genus of plants, Ord. Celastraceae. Elais, n., %1-af-is (Gr. elaia, an olive tree), a genus of palm trees, Ord. Palmse, from the fruit of which the natives of Guinea ex- press an oil as the Greeks do from the olive, hence the name : Elais Guineensis, gin'-e^ns'is (from Guinea, in Africa) ; and E. melan- ococca, mel'-an-o-lcdk'.Jca (Gr. melan, black; ^kokkos, a seed, a berry), species of palms from whose fruit the palm-oil imported from the "W. Coast of Africa is obtained. Elaphrium, n., el-a/'ri-tim (Gr. elaphros, light, of no value), a genus of ornamental trees, Ord. Burseracese, whose wood is of no value : Elaphrium tomentosum, tdm''%nt'dz'ii,m (L. tomentum, a stuffing for cushions), yields the Indian Tacamahac, a balsamic bitter resin. Elasmobranchii, n. plu., Zl-as'-md- brangk'-i-l (Gr. elasma, a plate of metal; brangchia, the gills of fish), an Order of fishes, including the sharks and rays. elaterium, n., Zl''.i.tim (L. elaterium, Gr. elaterion, the juice of the wild cucumber from Gr. elater, a driver), the sediment from the expressed juice of the squirting gourd or wild cucumber, which is a powerful drastic purg- ative : elaterin, n., %1-at'er-m, the active principle of elaterium : elaters, n. plu., U'-at-ers, elastic, spirally - twisted filaments for dispersing spores, found with spores in liverworts, etc. Elatinaceae, n. plu., el'-at'tn-a'se-e (Gr. elate, a pine tree, from the supposed resemblance of the leaves of some of them to thoss of the pine), the Water-pepper family, an Order of marsh plants found in all parts of the world : Elatine, n., el-dt'm-e, a genus of curious little aquatic plants. elecampane, n., el'&'kdm-pdn' (F. enule-campane; L. inula helenium from Gr. Jielenion, a plant said to have sprung from Helen's tears), the common name of Inula Helenium, whose root has stimulant and aromatic qualities. electrode, n., Z-letttrod (Gr. elek- tron,. amber; hodos, a way), the direction of an electric current ; the extremities of the conductors through which the electric current enters or quits a body. electuary, n., Z-lek'-tu-er-t (mid. L. electudrium, a confection from Gr. ek, out ; leicho, I lick), a medicine made up as a con- fection with honey or sugar. elemi, n., H'-em-l (F. elemi, but probably a native word), a resin- ous substance from several species of trees, brought from Ethiopia ELE 139 EMB in masses of a yellowish colour, from species of Canarium com- mune and balsamiferum, Ord. Burseracese. elephantiasis, n., tl'Z-f&n'ttffe-te (Gr. elephas, an elephant, ele- phantis, of an elephant), a disease of the skin, in whicli it becomes thick and rugose ; the disease chiefly affects the lower limbs, and depends on different causes. Elettaria, n., &&&**& (elettdri, a Malabar word for the lesser cardamom), a genus of plants, Ord. Zingiberacese : Elettaria cardamomum, kdrd'am'dm'um (Gr. karddmdn, a kind of cress), the species which yields the Malabar cardamoms, the fruit being ovoid and three - sided : E. major, mddf-dr (L. major, greater), a variety, formerly so called, growing in Ceylon. eleutheropetalous, a.,, $l-doth'-$r-d' pU'-al-tis (Gr. eleutheros, free ; petalon, an unfolded leaf), in bot., polypetalous : eleutherosepalous, a., -s$p'dl'U8 (a simple arbitrary conversion of petalon into sepalon), polysepalous. elixir, n., %-liks'ir (Ar. el iksir, the philosopher's stone), a refined spirit ; a medicine supposed to be particularly efficacious. ellipsoidal, a., WKp-dfdM (I* ellipsis, Gr. elleipsis, an ellipsis, an omission ; Gr. eidos, resem- blance), nearly oval in shape. Elodea, n., Zl-od'e-d (Gr. elodes, marshy, boggy), a ^genus of aquatic plants, Ord. Hypericacese. elutriation, n., e'ldt'ri-d'sh'tin (L. elutridtus, washed out from e, out of; lutus, washed), a process of washing for separating the finer particles of a powder from the coarser; also for separating the lighter earthy parts of metallic ores. Elymus, n., Wfm-fa (Gr. eluo, I cover or wrap up), a genus of plants, Ord. Graminese : Elymus condensatus, Itfn'-d&ns-df-fta (L. condensdtus, made very dense- from con, together ; densus, dense, close), the bunch-grass of Cali- fornia, an early fodder-grass in Britain : E. arenarius, ar'Zn-dr- I'tis (L. drendrm, a sand-pit), this species, and Ammophila arenaria, form the 'bent* and * marram ' of our own shores. elytrum, n., &l'U-rum, elytra, n. plu., WU.r& (Gr. elutron, a covering or sheath), the hard wing-sheaths of beetles ; scales or plates on the back of the sea- mouse, Aphrodite : elytriform, SL.^l'^ri-fdrm (L. forma, shape), in the form of a wing-sheath : elytrine, n., W-U-rtn, the sub- stance of the coriaceous wing- sheaths of such insects as beetles. emarginate, a., %-mdrj'm-dt (L. emargindtus, deprived of its edge from e, out of ; margo, the extremity or margin), in bot., having a notch at the end or summit, as if a piece had been cut out. embolism, n., %m'b$l-fam (Gr. embollsma, a patch ; embdlos, what is thrust or put in from en, in ; ballo, I throw or cast), the plugging or blocking of an artery by any migratory foreign body, as an air bubble, an oil globule, a blood clot, or a granule of fibrin e ; also called embole, %m'-bol-e: embolon, n., Vrn'-btil'tin, the clot or other matter which, carried into the circulation of the blood, produces an embolism. embrocation, n., em'brok-d'shun (Gr. embroche, a steeping, an embrocation), the act of bathing and rubbing a diseased part with a liquid medicine ; the mixture so employed. embryo, n., Zm'-brt-d' (Gr. embruon, an infant in the womb from en, in ; bruo, I shoot or bud), the first rudiments of an animal or plant ; in bot., the young plant contained in the seed : embryo- EMB 140 EMP buds, nodules in the bark of the beech and other trees : embry- ogeny, n., &n'.brt-8dj'-&n-t (Gr. gennao, I produce), in bot., the development of the embryo in the ovule : embryogenic, a., -jen'ik, of or belonging to : embryo-sac, same as embry- onary sac, which see. embryology, n., &m'ji (Gr. embruon, an infant in the womb ; logos, discourse), the study of th formation of the embryo; the anatomy whieh traces the development of the creature from the impregnated ovum. embryonary, a.,. Zm-bri'-on-er-i (Gr. embruon^ an infant in the womb), rekting to the embryo ;. rudimentary : embryonal, a.,. em-bri'dn-al, same sense : em- bryonary sac, in bot., the cell- ular bag; in which the- embryo is formed. embryotega, n., Zm'-bri-otty-a (Gr. embruon, an infant in the womb ; tegos, a covering), in bot., a process or callosity raised from the spermoderm by the embryo of some seeds during germina- tion, as in the bean. emergent, a.,e-raer/'e?i (L.emergo., I rise up, I come forth from e, out of ; mergo,. I plunge or dip) y rising out of ; in bot., protruding through the cortical layer. emersed, a., e-merst f (L. e, out of; mersus, plunged or dipped), in bot. , protruded upwards. emesia, n., em-es'-i-a,. also emesis,. n., em'es-is(GY. emesia, an inclin- ation to vomit ; emesis, the act of vomiting), the act of vomiting.. emetic, n., e-met'-ik (Gr. emetiJcos, that causes vomiting from emeo, I vomit ; L. emetica, an emetic),, a medicine or other agent which produces vomiting : adj., that causes vomiting : emetin, n., emf-et-in, the active principle of ipecacuanha. emiction, n., V-mlUshtifr (L. e, out of; mictus, made water), the discharging of urine ; what is voided by the urinary passages. eminentia collateralis, 8m'm-en'> sM-d kol- lat'-Zr-dl'-is (L. eminentia, a prominence ; collateralis, col- lateral from con, together ; Idtus, a side), a smooth eminence between the middle and posterior horns of the cerebrum. emmenagogue, n., Zm-mm'-a-gog (Gr. emmena, the menses from en, in ; men, a month ; ago, I lead, I bring), a remedy supposed to promote the menstrual dis- charges. emollient, n., e-mffili-ent (L. emolliens, making soft from e, out of; mollis, soft), a liquid remedy meant to soothe a part and diminish irritation, when applied externally. Empetraceae, n. plu., Zm'-pe't-rd'-sZ-e (Gr. 8mpetros, growing among rocks from en, in, among; petra, a rock), the Crowberry family, an Order of heath-like shrubs, bearing small sub-acid berries : Empet- rum,. n.,. ^m-pet^rum, a genus of heath-like shrubs, so called from the character of their place of growth : Empetrum nigrum, nig- rum (L. nigrum, black), the black crowberry, common in the mountainous parts of Northern Europe. emphysema, n., %m'fis-em'a (Gr. emphusema y a puffing up, in- flation from en, in ; pliusao, I blow), the distension of a tissue with air ;. a disease of the lungs in which the air cells become un- duly distended, and ultimately ruptured : emphysematous, a., em'-fis-em'-at-us, characterised by an abnormal distension of the air in the lungs, or by the presence of air as the result of injury or decomposition in a tissue. empiricism, n., %m-pir'is-izm (L. empirici, Gr. empeirikoi, ancient physicians who followed a system based on practical experience alone), practice in a profession EMP 141 END founded on experience alone, as opposed to experience based on scientific knowledge ; the practice of medicine without a medical education ; quackery. emprosthotonos, n., Zm'pros'thtit'- 6n-6s (Gr. emprosthen, in front ; teino, I bend), a form of tonic convulsion in which the patient is thrown forwards, as occurs in some cases of tetanus. empyema, n., %m'pi-&n'& (Gr. empuema, a purulent discharge from en, in ; puon, pus), a collection of purulent matter in the pleural cavity. emulsin, n., e-muls'-m (L. Zmtilsus, milked out, drained out from e, out of; mulgeo, I milk), a nitrog- enous compound found in certain oily seeds, as in almonds : emul- sion, n., e-mul'shun, a smooth liquid for softening; a cough mixture ; a bland fluid medicine having a milky appearance, pro- duced chiefly by the combination of an oily substance with water and an alkali. emunctory, n., e-mtingk'-ter-i, emunctories, n. plu., -ter-%z (L. emunctus, wiped or blown, as one's nose), a part of the body where anything excrementitious is collected or separated in readi- ness for ejectment. enarthrosis, n., en'-ar-thros'-is (Gr. enarthros, jointed from en, in; arthron, a joint), a ball-and- socket joint, like the shoulder and hip, allowing motion in every direction. enation, n., %>naf-shun (L. endtus, grown or sprung up from e, out of; ndtus, born), the changes produced by excessive develop- ment in various organs of plants; the growth of adventitious lobes. Encephalartos, n., %n'-sef-dl-drt'-6s (Gr. engkephalos, that which is in the head from en, in; kephale, the head ; artos, bread), a genus of trees, Ord. Cycadacese, whose various species are known by the Hottentots under the general name 'bread-tree.' encephalitis, n., Zn'-sef-al-lt'-is or %ng f -kef-dl-lt''is (Gr. engkephalos, that which is in the head, the brain from en, in; kephale, the head), inflammation of the brain: encephaloid, a., %n-sej'-dldyd or %ng-kef f - (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling the materials of the brain. encephalon, n., %n>sef-al-8n or eng-kef'-dl'On (Gr. engkephalos, the brain from en, in ; kephale, the head), the whole contents of the cranium ; the brain : enceph- alous, a., %n-sef-dl>tis or Vug-kef-, possessing a distinct head, applied to certain of the molluscs : encephalocele, n., Zn'-sef-til'd- sel or Zng'-kef-al'* (Gr. kele, a tumour), a congenital condition in which, owing to a de- ficiency in the cranial walls, a portion of the brain and its membranes are protruded; also called * hernia cerebri.' enchondroma, n., $n'-k8n-drdm r -d (Gr. en, in; chondros, cartilage), a tumour somewhat smooth on its surface, essentially consisting of cartilaginous structure. encipient, n., %n-sip'-i-ent (L. en, in; capio, I take), a palatable vehicle in which cattle may take a medical preparation, such as bruised coriander seeds. encysted, a., en-sist'-ed (Gr. en, in; kustis, a bladder), enclosed in a bag, sac, or cyst ; consisting of cysts: encystation, n., Vn'-stet* a'-shun, the transformation under- gone by certain of the Protozoa, when they become motionless, and surround themselves with a thick coating or cyst. endecagynian, a., Zn'd&k-fi-fln'- i- an, also endecagynous, a., Zn'-dZk-tidf-m-us (Gr. hendeka, eleven; gune, a woman), in bot., having eleven pistils. endemic, a., Zn-dtm'-ik (Gr. en, in ; demos, a people), peculiar to END 142 END a district or to a certain class of persons; applied to a prevalent disease arising from local causes, as bad air or water : n., a disease prevailing in a particular locality, or among a particular class of persons : epidemic is an infectious or contagious disease attacking many persons at the same time, but of a temporary character ; while an endemic is due to local conditions, and is always more or less permanent in a district. endermic, a., tin-dermf'tit (Gr. en, in ; derma, skin), applied to the method of using certain medicines by injecting them under the skin. enderon, n., en'der-dn (Gr. en, in; deros, skin), in zool., the inner of the two layers of that part of the skin called * ectoderm' or * epidermis-' ; see 'ecderon.' endocardium, n., en'do-kdrdfytim (Gr. endon, within ; kardia, the heart), the membrane lining the interior of the heart : endocard- itis, n., en'-do-kdrd-U'is (L. itis, inflammation), the inflammation of the membrane lining the in- terior of the heart. endocarp, n., Vn'-do-Tcarp (Gr. endon, within ; karpos, fruit), in bet., the membrane which lines the cavity containing the seeds, as in the apple ; the stone or shell which encloses the seed or embryo, as in the plum. endochrome, n., en'-do-krom (Gr. endon, within ; chroma, colour), the colouring matter of cellular plants, exclusive of the green ; the cell contents of Algae. endocyst,n., Zn'-do-sist (Gr. endon, within ; kustis, a bag or cyst), in zool., the inner membrane or integumentary layer of a poly- zoon. endoderm, n., %n' do-derm (Gr. endon, within ; derma, skin), in zool., the inner or lower of the two layers of cells into which the blastoderm is divided after the completion of the segmenting process : endodermic, a., %n'-do* derm'ik, of or belonging to the endoderm. endogenas, n. plu., Zn-dodf-$n-e, also endogens, n. plu., Zn'-do-jens (Gr. endon, within ; gennao, I produce), "that division of the vegetable kingdom, as palms, grasses, rushes, and the like, whose growth takes place from within, and not by external concentric layers, as in the ' exogens ' ; also called Monocoty- ledons : endogenous, a., &i dtidj'-en-tis, increasing by internal growth. endolymph, n., Vn'-dd'ttrnf (Gr. endon, within ; L. lympha, a water-nymph, water), the liquid contained within the membranous labyrinth of the ear. endometritis, n., $n* %t>er (Eng. endosmosis ; Gr. metron, a measure), an instr. to show Endosmose and Exosmose, consisting of a bladder of syrup attached to a tube and plunged into a vessel of water. endosmose, n., Zn'-dds-moz, also endosmosis, n., en'-dds-moz^is (Gr. endon, within ; osmos, a thrusting, impulsion), that prop- erty of membranous tissue by which fluids of unequal densities, when placed on opposite sides of it, are enabled to pass through and intermix. endosperm, n., Zn'-do-sperm (Gr. endon, within ; sperma, seed), in bot., albumen formed within the embryo-sac : endospermic, a. , %n'do-sperm''ik, of or belonging to endosperm. endospore, n., Zn'dd'Spor (Gr. endon, within; spora, seed), the inner integument of spores: endo- sporous, B,.,en'dd-spdr'us, applied to Fungi which have their spores contained in a case. endosteum, n., en-dos'-te-um (Gr. endon, within ; osteon, a bone), the medullary membrane, a fine layer of highly vascular, areolar tissue within the bones. endostome, n., Zn'd8-stom (Gr. endon, within ; stoma, mouth), in bot., the passage through the inner integument of an ovule. endothecium, n., ^do'the'-shi-tim (Gr. endon, within ; theTce, a box), in bot., the inner lining of the anther cells. enema, n., en-em'-a, enemata, n. plu., en-emf-at-a (Gr. eniemi, I cast or throw in), a medicine or preparation of food thrown into the lower bowel ; injections ; clysters. enervation, n., 3n'erv-d's7i%n (L. enervatus, having the nerves and sinews taken out from from e, out of ; nervus, a nerve), a weak state of body or nervous debility arising from nervous disorders ; the state of being weakened. enervis, n., e-nerv'-is (L. enervis, nerveless from en, out of; nerv- us, a nerve), in bot., without nerves or veins. enneagynian, a., $n'-ne-fi'jm'i'an, also enneagynous, a., en'ne-adf- m*us (Gr. ennea, nine ; gune, a woman), in bot., having nine pistils. enneandrous, a.,, %n'n$-and'rus (Gr. ennea, nine ; aner, a male, a man, andros, of a male), in bot. , having nine stamens. enostosis, n., en''tis>toz'is (Gr. en. in ; osteon, a bone), a bony tumour growing inward into the medullary canal of a bone ; see * exostosis. ' ensiform, a., Vn^i-form (L. ensis, a sword ; forma, a shape), in the form of a sword, as the leaves of Iris ; sword-shaped. enteric, &., Zn-ter'-ik (Gr. enttron, an intestine), belonging to the intestines: enteritis, n., Zn'tZr* it'-is, inflammation of the intest- ines, especially of the small intestine : enterocele, n., en-tZr'- O'Sel (Gr. kele, a tumour), a hernial tumour containing in- testine. enterorrhosa, n., Zn'-ter-d're'a (Gr. enteron, an intestine ; rheo, I flow), an abnormal increase of the secretions of the mucous glands of the intestines. enterotomy, n., %n f >&,r-ot'-om4 (Gr. enteron, an intestine ; tome, a cutting), an operation on, or dissection of, the intestines. enterozoa, n. plu., Zn'-ter-o-zd'a (Gr. enteron, an intestine ; zocw, an animal), a general name fol ENT 1 44 EPE the intestinal parasites which infest the bodies of animals. enthelmins, n., e'n-the'l'mins (Gr. entos, within ; helmins, a worm), an intestinal worm. entire, a., Zn-tir' (F. entier, whole, complete ; L. integer, whole), in bot., having no lobes or marginal divisions. entomic, a., en-tomf-ik (Gr. en- toma, insects), pert, to insects : entomoid, a., en'-tom-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling an insect : entomology, n., $n- tom-ol'-o-ji (Gr. logos, discourse), the history and habits of insects : entomophaga, n. plu., en'-tom- of-ag'O, (Gr. phago, I eat), the section of the Marsupials which live chiefly on insects : entom- ophagous, a., Zn'tdm'fif'dg'US, chiefly subsisting on insects. entomophilous, a., en'-tdm-of'-il'iis (Gr. entoma, insects ; philo, I love), in bot., applied to flowers in which pollination is effected by insects. entomostraca, n. plu., &i-0W'#s' trdk-d (Gr. entoma, insects ; os- trakon, a shell), in zool., a division of the Crustacea covered with a delicate membranaceous shell, of which the water-flea may be looked on as the type they are chiefly fresh- water, and usually microscopic : entomos- tracous, a., en'tom'os'trdk'us, enclosed in an integument, as an insect. entophyte, n. , Vn'-to-fit, entophyta, n. plu., en-tof'it'd (Gr. entos, within ; phuton, a plant), veget- able parasites which exist within the body, found in some diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and alimentary canal ; plants growing within others : entophytic, a. , Zn'to-fit'-ik, developing in the interior of plants and afterwards appearing on the surface, as fungi. entozoon, n., en'-to-zo'-Sn, entozoa, a. plu., Zn'-to-zo'd (Gr. entos, within ; zob'n, an animal), animal parasites which infest the interior of the bodies of other animals : entozoology, n., Zn'-to-zd-ol'-d-ji (Gr. logos, discourse), a discourse or treatise on internal parasites. entropion, n., en-trop-i-dn (Gr. en, in ; trope, a turning), the inversion or turning in of the eyelashes; entropy, n., Zn'-trop-i, dissipation of energy. enuresis, n., Vn'-ur-fyf-te (Gr. en- oureo, I make water from en, in ; ouron, urine), incontinence or involuntary escape of the urine. envelope, n., Zn'-vel-op (F. envel- opper, to fold up), a wrapper; an investing integument : floral envelopes, in bot. y the calyx and corolla. enzootic, a., &&#{ (Gr. en, in ; zodtdkos, bringing forth living animals from zoo'n, an animal ; tikto, I bring forth), applied to diseases peculiar to a district among the lower animals: enzootic haematuria, an endemic disease causing bloody urine among animals. Epacridacese, n. plu., %p'dk'-rid> ds'-e'-e (Gr. epi, upon; akros, the top, from the species found on hill-tops), the Epacris family, an Order of small shrubs and trees, allied to Ericaceae, which represent the heaths in Australia : Epacrese, n. plu., %p'dk'-re*e, a tribe or Sub- order: Epacris, n., ep'*dk-ris, a genus of very elegant greenhouse plants. epanody, n., /?-cm'#c?-(Gr. epan- odos, a return from epi, upon ; ana, up; hodos, a way), in bot., the return of an irregular flower to a regular form. epencephalon, n., Zp'-Zn-sef'dl'&n (Gr. epi, upon ; engkephalos, what is in the head, the brain), one of the five primary divisions of the brain, including the cere- bellum, pons varolii, and the an- terior part of the fourth ventricle : epencephalic, a., EPE 145 EPI situated over the contents of the head, or the brain. epenchyma, n., Zp-eng'-kim-a (Gr. epi, upon; chumos, juice), in bot., the nbro-vascular tissues. ependyma, n., %p-en'-dim*a (Gr. ependuma, an outer or upper tunic from epi, upon ; enduma, clothing), the delicate epitbeli- ated structure which lines the canal of the spinal cord and the cerebral ventricles : ependyma ventriculorum, v$n-trik''Ul-dr'um (L. ventriculus, the belly), the ependyma of the ventricles, the epithelial membranes lining the ventricles. Ephedra, n. , ef-ed-rd (Gr. ephedra, a sitting, the plant horse-tail), a genus of curious plants, Sub-ord. Gnetacese, Ord. Coniferse, whose berries are eaten in Russia, and by the wandering tribes of Great Tartary. ephelis, n., %f-el'is (Gr. epi, upon; helios, the sun), sun - burn ; freckles. ephemera, n., $f-$m'$r'& (Gr. epi, upon; hemera, a day), a fever which runs its course in a day : ephemeral, a., $f>em'8r>dl, ap- plied to flowers which open and decay in a day. ephippium, n., ef -ip'-pt-um (Gr. ephippeion, a saddle from epi, upon ; hippos, a horse), the deep pit in the middle of the superior surface of the sphenoid bone, so called from its shape. epiblast, n.', tp'-t-bldst (Gr. epi, upon ; blastos, a shoot), an abortive organ in the oat, sup- posed to be the rudiment of a second cotyledon. epibiema, n., ep'-t-blem'-a (Gr. epi, upon; blema, a wound), an imper- fectly formed epidermis covering the newly formed extremities of roots, etc., being, as it were, the tissue which first covers wounds. epicalyx, n., tp't.ldl'ifo (Gr. epi, upon; Eng. valyx), the outer K calyx, consisting either of sepals or bracts, as in mallows. epicarp, n., Zp'-i-kdrp (Gr. epi, upon ; karpos, fruit), in bot. , the outer coat or covering of the fruit. epichilium, n., ^p'-i-kil^um (Gr. epi, upon or above; cheilos, a lip), in bot., the label or terminal portion of the articulated lip of orchids. epicline, n., ep'-i-klln (Gr. epi, upon; 'Mine, abed), in bot., the nectary when placed on the re- ceptacle of the flower : epiclinal, a., ep'-i'ldln'-al, seated on the disc or receptacle. epicondyle, n., ^4-lM-dll (Gr. epi, upon; kondulos, the elbow- joint), the protuberance on the external side of the distal end of the os humeri or shoulder-bone. epicorolline, n., %p'-i-kt)r'-6l'lin (Gr. epi, upon; Eng. corolline), in bot. , inserted upon the corolla. epicranium, n. f Vp'-i-kran'-i-ftm (Gr. epi, upon ; Icranion, the skull), the scalp or integuments lying over the cranium : epi- cranial, a.^p'-i-kran'-i-al, applied to the muscle which extends over the upper surface of the cranium uniformly from side to side, with- out division. epidemic, a., ty'-i-dem'-ik (Gr. epi, upon; demos, the people), pre- vailing generally ; affecting great numbers: n., a disease univers- ally prevalent in a district or country. Epidendrum, n., Zp't-dend'-rum (Gr. epi, upon; dendron, a tree as usually found growing on branches of trees), a very exten- sive genus of ' epiphytes,' Ord. Orchidacese, many of which are deserving of culture for the beauty and delicious fragrance of their flowers: Epidendrum frigidum, fridj'-id-um (L.frlgidus, cold), a species in Columbia, at an elevation of 12,000 or 13,000 feet, covered with a sort of varnish. epidermis, n., Zp'-i-derm'-is (Gr. EPI 146 EPI epi, upon; derma, skin), the scarf or outermost layer of the skin ; in bot., the cellular layer covering the external surface of plants, the true skin of plants: epidermoid, a., tip'-i-derm'-dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), like the epidermis: epidermic, a., Zp'-i- derm'-ik, pert, to the epidermis. epididymis, n., ^p'-i-dld'-lm-is (Gr. epi, upon ; didumos, a testicle), a long, narrow, flattened body lying upon the outer edge of the posterior border of the testis. epigseous, a., ep'-idj-ef-us, or epig- ffial, a., ep'-idj-e'-al (Gr. epi, upon; ged or ge, the earth), in bol., growing on the ground or close to it. epigastric, a., tp'-l-gfatf-rtit (Gr. epi, upon; gaster, the belly, the stomach), pert, to the upper part of the abdomen: epigastrium, n., Zp'-i-gast'-ri-um, the upper and middle part of the abdomen, nearly coinciding with the pit of the stomach. epigeal, a., ^.p'-i-je'-al (Gr. epi, upon; ge, the earth), in bot., above ground, applied to cotyled- ons ; synonym of epigaeal and epigseous, which see. epiglottis, n. , Vp'i-glStf-tls (Gr. epi, upon; glottis, the mouth of the windpipe from glotta, the tongue), the valve or cartilage that covers the upper part of the windpipe when food or drink is passing into the stomach: epi- glottitis, n., ep''i-gl8t-tit'4s, in- flammation of the epiglottis. epigone, n., Z-pig'-on-e (Gr. epi, upon; gone, seed, offspring), in bot., the cellular layer which covers the young seed-case in mosses and the liverworts: epi- gonium, n., ep'-i-gdn'-i-um, in same sense. epigynous, a., Vp-idj'-ln-us (Gr. epi, upon; gune, a female, a woman), in bot., above the ovary and attached to it. epihyal, a., tpfah&8l (Gr. epi, upon; Eng. hyoid, which see), applied to a considerable portion of thestylo-hyoid ligament, which is sometimes converted into bone in the human subject, and is in animals naturally osseous. epilepsy, n., ^p'-l-Ups'-i (Gr. epi- lepsia, a seizure, the falling sick- ness from epi, upon ; lambano, I seize), a disease characterised by a sudden loss of consciousness, and convulsions of greater or less severity: epileptic, a. , Zp'-i-lept'-ik, affected with falling sickness : epileptoid, a., Vp'-t-ttptdyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling epilepsy. Epilobium, n., tp'.i>ldb'.i-um (Gr. epi, upon ; lobos, a lobe), a genus of plants, Ord. Onagracese, so called from the flowers having the appearance of being seated on the top of the pod ; many of the species are very ornamental. Epimedium, n., ^p'-i-med^um (Gr. epi, upon ; Media, an anc. country), a genus of elegant little plants, Ord. Berberidacese, which were said to grow in Media. epimera, n. plu., ep^i-mer'-a (Gr. epi, upon ; meros, the upper part of the thigh), the parts lying immediately above the joints of the limb, as the ' epimera ' or side segments of the lobster : epimeral, a., %p'i'mer'dl, applied to that part of the segment of an articulate animal which lies immediately above the joint of the limb. epinasty, n., ep'i>nast'i (Gr. epi, upon ; nastos, pressed together, stuffed), in bot., the nutation of bilateral, appendicular organs, when the growth is most rapid on the inner or upper side. epipetalous, a., &p I grow), part of a bone separated from the shaft in early life by gristle, which finally becomes ossified to the main bone. epiphyta, n. plu., ^p'-i-fit'-a, also epiphyte, n., 8p'i'fU, epiphytes, n. plu., -fltz (Gr. epi, upon ; phuton, a plant), vegetable par- asites found on the skin of the humanbody, forming very trouble- some skin affections ; plants attached to other plants, and growing suspended in the air ; a plant which grows on another plant, but not nourished by it : epiphytal, a., Zp'i-fU'al, growing upon another plant. epiploon, n., t-ptp'-lti-fa (Gr. epiploos, the caul from epi, upon ; pled, I swim), the omen- turn or caul ; a portion of the peritoneum or lining membrane of the abdomen, which covers in front, and as it were floats or sails on the intestines : epiploic, a., Zp'-ip-l&ilc, also epiploical, a., -lo'-fk-al, of or pert, to the epiploon or caul. epipodia, n. plu., Vptipdd'-l*d (Gr. epi, upon ; pous, the foot, fjodos, of the foot), the muscular lobes developed from the lateral and upper surfaces of the ' foot ' of some Molluscs : epipodite, n., Z-pip^od^lt, a process developed upon the basal joint of some of the limbs of certain Crustacea : epipodium, n., ep'-.i-pod^i-um, a disc formed of several knobs or epirreology, n., Vp-ir'-re-oV-o-ji (Gr. epirrhed, I flow upon or over from epi, upon ; rheo, I flow ; and logos, speech), that branch of natural history which treats of the influence of external agents on living plants. episepalous, a., ep'i-sep'dl-us (Gr. epi, upon ; Eng. sepal), in hot., growing upon the sepals. epispadias, n., ty'-i-spad'-i-as (Gr. epi, upon ; spao, I draw), a term applied to a malformation of the wall of the bladder and adjacent parts ; one whose urethral orifice is on the upper part of the penis. epispastic, a., ep'-i*spast f -ik (Gr. epi, upon ; spao, I draw), applied to substances, ' epispastics, ' which excite the skin and cause blisters, such as Spanish flies. episperm, n., %p'4-sperm (Gr. epi, upon; sperma, seed), the external covering of the seed. episporangium, n., Zp'-i-spor-anf. 1-um (Gr. epi, upon ; spora, a seed ; anggos, a vessel), an in- dusium overlying the spore cases of certain ferns, as Aspidmm. epispore, n., %p''i>sp6r (Gr. epi, upon ; spora, a seed), the outer covering of some spores. EPI 148 EQU epistaxis, n., ep'-is-taks'-is (Gr. epistazo, I cause to drop or trickle down, epistaxo, I shall cause to drop down from epi, upon ; stazo, I drop), haemor- rhage or bleeding from the nose. episterna, n., ^p'-i-stern'-a (Gr. epi, upon ; sternon, the breast- bone), the lateral pieces of the dorsal arc of the somite of a Crustacean : episternal, a., $p'- i-stern'-al, situated on or above the sternum or breast-bone. epistome, n., ep-is f -tdm-e (Gr. epi., upon ; stoma, a mouth), a valve- like organ which arches over the mouth in certain of the Polyzou. epistrophy, n., Zp-is'-trtif-i (Gr. epistrophe, a turning about, con- version from epi, upon; strophe, a turning), in bot., the reversion of a monstrous or variegated form to a normal one ; a mode of dis- tribution of protoplasm and chlorophyll granules on free cell- walls under the action of light. epithallus, n., Kpfctttt&i (Gr. epi t upon ; thallos, L. thallus, a young shoot or branch), the cort- ical layer of Lichens: epithalline, a., Zp'-i-thattlin, growing on the thallus. epitheca, n., ep'4-thek'a (Gr. epi t upon ; theJce, a sheath, a box), a continuous layer surrounding the thecse in some corals externally : epithecium, n., ep'-i-the'shi-um, the surface of the fructifying disc in certain Fungi and Lichens. epithelioma, n., %p r -i-thel f -i'dm'a (formed from epithelium, which see), epithelial cancer, occurring on tegumentary or mucous sur- faces, the lips and cheeks being the parts most commonly affected by it. epithelium, n., ^p'-l-fhel'-i-um (Gr. epi, upon ; thele, the nipple, or thallo, I grow), the layer of cells forming the surface of all the internal membranes of the body of the same nature as epidermis, but much finer j in plants, a finer epidermis having thin cells filled with colourless fluid, and lining the ovary, etc. : epithelial, a., tp'i-thel'-i-al, pert, to or formed of epithelium : epitheliated, a., Zp'-i-thel'-i-at-Zd, covered with the delicate lining called epithelium, as a serous cavity, a membrane, etc. epitrochlea, n., ep'-i-trdtflg-a (Gr. epi, upon; trochilia, L. trochlea, a pulley, a roller), in anat., the inner condyle of the humerus. epizoon, n., %p f 'i'Zd r -8n t epizoa, n. plu., Zp'-i'Zo'-a (Gr. epi, upon ; zodn, an animal), animals which are parasitic upon other animals, infesting the surface of the body; a division of the Crustacea which are parasitic upon fishes; opposed to ' entozoon ' and ' entozoa. ' epizootic, a., tp'-i-zo-Zt'-ik (Gr. epi, upon ; zob'n, an animal), applied to diseases prevailing among animals, corresponding to 'epi- demic ' diseases among men. epulis, n., %p f -ul-is (Gr. epi, upon; oulon, gum), a tumour of the gum, often connected with a carious tooth. equinia, n.,e-lciu ! in f >i>a, alsoequina, n., V'kwin'-a (L. equinus, of or belonging to ahorse from equus, a horse), glanders and farcy, a contagious disease peculiar to the horse and mule, but capable of transmission to man. Equisetaceae, n. plu., Vk'-wi-se-taf- s$-e (L. equisetis, the plant horse- tail from equus, a horse ; seta, hair), the Horse-tail family, an Order of plants found in ditches, lakes, rivers, and damp places, so called in allusion to the fine hair- like branches : Equisetum, n. , elc'wi'Set'-um, the only known genus of the Order ; from the quantity of silicic acid contained in them, some of the species are used in polishing mahogany : Equisetum hyemale, hl f -em-dl f -e (L. hiZmdlis, of or belonging to winter from hiems, winter), a EQU 149 ERI species, often called Dutch rushes. equitant, a., Vk'-wi-tant (L. equi- tans, riding), in bot., having leaves folded longitudinally, and overlapping each other without any involution. erect, a., frr&kt' (L. erectus, raised or set up), in bot., having an ovule rising from the base of the ovary ; having innate anthers, that is, anthers attached to the top of the filament: erectile tissue, %-r%kt'-il tish'-u t in anat., a peculiar structure forming the principal part of certain organs which are capable of being ren- dered turgid or erected by dis- tension with blood : erector, n., %-rekt f '8r, a muscle which causes a part to erect or set up. ergot, n., er'-gtit (F. ergot, cock's- spur), a diseased state in the grains of rye caused by the fun- gus Claviceps purpurea, appearing as a black-looking protuberance or spur from the ear, hence the name 'spurred rye'; in anat., a name given to a curved and pointed longitudinal eminence on the inner side of the floor of the cerebrum ; also called ' calcar avis,' the bird's spur : ergo tin, n., e^got-m, the active principle of ergot, principally used for hypodermic injection to arrest hsemorrhage : ergotism, n., er'-gdt'fam, the effect sometimes produced in the individual who eats rye bread containing ergot. Ericaceae, n. plu., r'-M'sg-e (L. 8ricceus, of heath or broom from L. $rice, Gr. erelke, heath, broom), the Heath family, an Order of shrubs or herbaceous plants : Ericeaa, n. plu.. er-is'8-e, a Sub- order, including the true heaths with naked buds, and the rho- dodendrons with scaly conical buds : Erica, n., $r-ik'd, a genus comprising a large number of very beautiful and interesting plants, mostly natives of the Cape of Good Hope : Erica cinerea, sm-er'-Z-a (L. cirierZus, ash- coloured from cinis, ashes), and E. tetralix, tet'-rdl-iks (L. and Gr. tetralix, the heath plant), are common in Britain : E. Mackaiana, mak'-i-an'-a (after the discoverer), and E. Mediter- ranea, med'i-ter-rdn'e'-d (after the sea so called), are peculiar to Ireland : E. ciliaris, stt'i-dr'is (L. cilidris, ciliary from cillum, an eyelid), and E. vagans, vagi dnz (L. vagans, wandering about), are two species common to Eng- land and Ireland. Eriobotrya, n., tr'-i-o-bd'M'd (Gr. erion, wool ; botrus, a bunch of grapes), a genus of plants, Ord. Rosacese, Sub-ord. Pomese, whose racemes are very woolly : Erio- botrya Japonica, jd-pSn'-ik-d (Japonfous, of or from Japan), yields the Japanese fruit loquat. Eriocaulon, n., Vr'-i-o-lcawl'-Sn (Gr. erion, wool ; kaulos, a stem or stalk), a genus of very interesting plants having woolly stems, Ord. Restiacese : Eriocaulon septang- ulare, s$pt'dng'gul-dr''$ (L. sept- anguldris, seven - angled from septem, seven ; angulus, an angle), a native of Britain and Ireland. Eriogonum, n. , er'-i-dg'tin-um^r. erion, wool ; gonu, the knee), a genus of pretty plants having their stems woolly at the joints, Ord. Polygonaceae, Sub-ord. or Tribe EriogoneaB, n. plu., er () gon* & -e. Eriophorum, n., er'-#/ t '#r-#ra (Gr. erion, wool ; phoreo, I bear), a genus of interesting plants, Ord. Cyperacese, whose seeds are covered with a woolly substance, found in boggy situations ; the species are called * cotton-grass. ' Eriospermeae, n. plu., er'-l-o* sperm'-fre (Gr. erion, wool ; sperma, seed), a tribe of plants, Ord. Liliacese, the stemless plants of S. Africa whose seeds are ERO 150 ERY covered with long silky hairs : Eriospernmm, n., r- i-o- sperm'- ftm, a genus of Cape bulbs, orna- mental when in flower. eroded, a., $r-6d'ed, also erose, a., $r-6z' (L. erodo, I consume or eat away ; erosus, consumed or eaten away), in bot., irregularly toothed as if gnawed. Errantia, n. plu., Zr-ran'-sM-a (L. errans, wandering, -errantis, of wandering), an Order of Annelida, distinguished by their great loco- motive powers. erratic, a., tr-rat'-ik (L. erraticus, wandering about from erro, 1 wander), in med., showing or having a tendency to spread. eructation, n., e'-ruk'ta-slmn (L. eructatus, belched out ^from e, out of ; ructatus, belched), the act of belching wind or foul air from the stomach, often a sign of indigestion. erumpent, a., %-rump f >$nt (L. e, out of; rumpens, breaking, rumpentis, of breaking), in bot., showing prominence, as if burst- ing through the epidermis. Eryngium, n., fr-mf-i-urn (L. eryngion, a species of thistle ; Gr. erugglon, the plant eryngian said to be from erengo, I belch), an extensive genus of extremely ornamental and beautiful plants, Ord. Umbelliferse, some species of which are said to be good against flatulence : Eryngium campestre, Mm-p^st'-r^ (L. cam- pestris, belonging to a field from campus, a field), and E. marit- inmm, mar-it'-im-tim (L. marit- imus, belonging to the sea from mare, the sea), are species whose roots are sweet, aromatic, tonic, and diuretic : Eryngo, n., %r- ing'-o, the sea holly, growing abundantly on almost every sea- coast ; a name for either of pre- ceding, particularly the latter. erysipelas, n., Vi^i-sip^l'ds (Gr. erusipelas, a red eruption on the skin from eruthros, red ; pella, skin), an acute, diffuse, and specific inflammation of the skin, which frequently involves the subcutaneous cellular tissue ; the Rose ; St. Anthony's fire : erysipelatous, a,.,er'.i.sip-8l', eruptive ; of or resembling ery- sipelas : erysipelacea, n. plu., Vr'-i'Sip-Zl-a'-se-d, a class of dis- eases, such as erysipelas, small- pox, measles, and scarlet fever. erythema, n., Zr'ith-em'd (Gr. eruthema, redness from eruth- aino, I make red), a superficial redness of the skin ; a form of eczema : erythematous, a., %r'4- themf'dt'us, having a superficial redness of some portion of the skin : erythema nodosum, ntid- 6z'-um (L. nodosum, full of knots from nodus, a knot), a form of erythema attended by an erup- tion of red oval patches, chiefly on the lower limbs, most common in young women : e. intertrigo, m'-ier-trig^o (L. inter- trlgo, a chafing or galling from inter, between ; tero, I rub), applied to those inflammations of the cutaneous surface arising from the friction of one part of the skin against another ; irritation of the skin from discharges flowing over it: e. paratrimma,^ar^a^rim'ma (Gr. para, near to, side by side ; trimma, what has been rubbed or bruised from tribo, I rub or bruise), a form of erythematous inflammation due to pressure or rubbing, such as arises in horses from saddles or collars. Erytlmea, n., tr'-i-thre'-d (Gr. eruthros, red from the colour of the flowers), a genus of pretty plants, Ord. Gentianacese : Erythrsea centaurium, sent-aw 1 /- i-um (Gr. Tcentaurion, L. centaur- eum, the plant centaury), the common centaury, whose flowering cymes are used as a substitute for gentian. Erythrina, n., ^I'thrln'd (Gr. eruthros, red, from the colour of ERY 151 EST the flowers), the coral flower ; a genus of splendid plants, with fine large leaves, and brilliant scarlet or red flowers, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Papilion- acese : Erythrina monosperma, mdn'o-sperm'a (Gr. monos, alone; sperma, seed), a species which yields gum lac : erythrine, n. , erti'thrm, in great part or wholly red. Erythronium, n., ^r^-thrdn^'um (Gfr.eruthros,ied. from the colour of the leaves and flowers), a genus of handsome, dwarf - growing plants, Ord. Liliacese: Erythron- ium Americamim, dm-er'ik-dn' um (from America), a species whose root is used as an emetic : E. dens caninus, denz kdn-in'-us (L. dens, a tooth ; caninus, be- longing to a dog from cdnis, a dog), the dog-tooth violets, whose roots have been used in colic and epilepsy. erythrophyll, n., tr'.t-thro-ftl (Gr. eruthros, red ; phullon, a leaf), the red colouring matter of leaves, indicating change and low vitality in them. ErythroxylaceaB, n. plu., Wt- thrdks'tl-a's%-e (Gr. eruthros, red; xulon, wood), the Erythroxylon family, an Order of shrubs and trees, chiefly from W. Indies and S. America, whose species have tonic, purgative, and narcotic properties : Erythroxylon, n., trtf-thro'ks'-tt-Sn, a genus of trees whose wood is of a bright red colour, and yields a dye : Ery- throxylon coca, kok'-d (a Spanish name ; Gr. kokkos, a seed, a kernel), a plant whose leaves are used by the miners of Peru as a stimulant, and which are chewed with a small mixture of finely-powdered chalk ; the com- mon name for the prepared leaves is * coca ' or ' ipadu. ' Escalloniese, n. plu. , esk'dl- lon-i'V-e (in honour of Escallon, a Spanish traveller in S. Amer.), a Sub-ord. of the Ord. Saxifragacese : Escal- lonia, n., esk'dl-ldn'-i>d, a genus of plants whose species are very fine evergreen greenhouse shrubs: Escallonia macrantha, mak- ranth'-a (Gr. makros, of great extent, high ; anthos, a flower), and E. rubra, roo&rd (L. ruber, red), are grown in the milder parts of Britain. eschar, n., esk'dr (Gr. eschdra, a hearth, a scab), a crust or scab on a part, produced by burning or caustic : escharotic, a., esk'dr- tit'-ik, having the power to sear or burn the flesh : n. , any powerful chemical substance which, when applied to the body, destroys the vitality of a portion of it. Eschscholtzia, n., esh-shdUzf-i-d (after Eschscholtz, a botanist), a genus of plants, Ord. Papaver- acese, natives of California, etc., some species of which produce beautiful yellow flowers ; the dilated apex of the peduncle resembles the extinguisher of a candle. Esculapian, a., Zsk'ul'dp't'dn (L. ^Esculapius, Father of medicine), pert, to the healing art ; med- ical. esculent, a., Vsk'ul'ent (L. esculent- us, fit for eating from esca, food), good as food for man : n., something that can be eaten, and good for food. esparcet, n., es-pdrs'$t (F. esparc- et, Sp. esparceta), a green crop, something like the leguminous plant sainfoin. essence, n., es'-sgns (L. essentia, the being of any thing; F. essence), the concentrated odour of a plant, occurring in any part, procured by distillation with water. estivation, n., Zs'-tw-a'-shun (L. c&stiva, summer quarters), in bot., the disposition of the parts of the perianth in the flower-bud; the arrangement of the unexpanded leaves of the flower-bud which burst in summer as opposed to 152 BUG vernation, the arrangement of the leaves of the bud on a branch which burst in spring. etserio, n., e-ter'-i-o (Gr. etairia, fellowship, society), the aggregate drupes which form the fruit of such as the strawberry and bramble. ether, n., eth'er (L. cether, Gr. aither, the upper or pure air), a very light, volatile, and inflam- mable liquid, obtained from alcohol and an acid by distil- lation. ethmoid, a., Vih'-moyd, also eth- moidal, a., Wi-mdyd'-al (Gr. ethmos, a sieve ; eidos, resem- blance), in anat., a sieve -like bone which projects downwards from between the orbital plates of the frontal bone, and enters into the formation of the cranium ; the bone of the nose which is perforated like a sieve for the passage of the olfactory nerves. ethnography, n., ^th-ndg'rdf-i (Gr. ethnos, a race, a nation; grapho, I write), an account of the origin, dispersion, connection, and characteristics of the various races of mankind. etiolation, n., et'-i-ol-a'shiin (mid. L. etioldtus, blanched, deprived of colour : F. ttioler, to grow up long-shanked and colourless, as a plant), in lot, the process of blanching plants by excluding the action of light; absence of green colour : etiolated, a., et'4' ol-atf-Zd, blanched; deprived of colour. etiology, n., et't-ffi-ti-ji (Gr. aitia, a cause ; logos, discourse), in med. , the doctrine of causes, particul- arly with reference to diseases. Eucalyptus, n., uttaUp'-tus (Gr. eu, well; kalupto, I cover), a genus of tall, handsome, fast- growing plants, Ord. Myrtacese, so called from the limb of the calyx covering the flower before expansion, which afterv arls falls off in the shape of a lid or cover; the species yield an astringent matter used for tanning ; some of the species constitute the gigantic gum trees of Australia : Eucal- yptus amygdalinus, am-ig'-dal- in f 'US (L. amygdalinus^ of or made from almonds from amyg- dala, an almond), an Australian gum tree which attains the height of 400 feet : E. mannifera, mdn-mf'%r'ti, (Eng. manna; L. fero, I bear), a species which fur- nishes a saccharine exudation resembling manna : E. globus, glob' Us (L. gltibus, a ball, a sphere), the blue gum tree, or fever gum tree, furnishes good timber, an astringent bark, and a fragrant oil : E. dumosa, dilm- oz'a (L. dumosus, bushy from dumus, a thorn bush), a species on whose leaves is found a saccharine substance mixed with cellular hairs, produced by the attacks of a species of insect : E. perfoliata, per'-foli-at'-a (L. per, through; foliatus, leaved from folium, a leaf), a handsome species, having hoary, bluish foliage, and a neat growth of the branches : E. resinifera, r^in- if-er'O, (L. reslna, resin; f$ro, I produce), the brown gum tree of New Holland, yields an astringent, resinous - like sub- stance, called 'kino,' which ex- udes from incisions in the bark as a red juice, a single tree pro- ducing as much as sixty gallons : Eucalypti, n. plu., uk'-dl-ip'-tl, a general name for all the species of Eucalyptus. Eugenia, n., U'jen'-i-a (in honour of Prince Eugene of Savoy), a very ornamental and highly use- ful genus of plants, Ord. Myrt- acese : Eugenia caryophyllata, k&r'.f.d'ftl'C&d (Gr. karuon, a nut; phullon, a leaf), yields the cloves of commerce ; also called Caryophyllusaromaticus: E. pirn- enta, pim-Zntf-a (Sp. pimiento, Indian pepper), a tree of the W. EUL 153 EOT In dies and Mexico, producing pim- ento, allspice, or Jamaica pepper ; also called Pimenta officinalis, which see : E. acris, dk f >ris (L, deer or acris, sharp, pointed), a species used for pimento : E. jambos, jdm'bds (corrupted from schambu, the Malay name for one of the species) ; and E. Malac- censis, mal'-ak-sZus'is (from Malacca), are species which pro- duce the rose apples : E. cauli- flora, Icdwl f -i>jl6r / >d (L. caulis, a stem ; florus, shining, bright from /os, a flower); and E. ugni, ug'nl (ugni, a probable Chili name), species which produce fruits, the former eaten in Brazil, the latter in Peru. Eulophia, n., u-lof^d (Gr. eu* lophos, having a splendid crest), a very pretty genus of tuberous- rooted plants, Ord, Orchidiacese, so called in allusion to the la- bellum bearing elevated lines or ridges : Eulophia herbacea, herb-d'sZ-a (L. herbdcZus, grassy from herba, grass); and E. campestris, kam-pZst'-ris {L. campester or campestris, of or belonging to a level field from campus, a plain), are species pro- ducing from their tuberous roots, in common with other orchid- aceous plants, a substance called salep, which forms an article of diet for convalescents. Euonynms, n., u-dn^m-Us (Gr. euonumos, of good name, but, by a euphemism, unlucky, hurtful from eu, well; ondma, a name), spindle-tree, a genus of orna- mental shrubs, Ord. Celastracese; some species present a very showy appearance when the fruit is ripe : Euonynms tingens, tinj'-$nz (L. tingens, dyeing, colouring), a species whose bark yields a yellow dye, used in marking the tika on the forehead of Hindoos : E. Europseus, ur'-op- ef>us (L. Europceus, belonging to Europe), the young shoots, when charred, are used to form a par- ticular kind of drawing pencil ; its fruit and inner bark are said to be purgative and emetic. Eupatorium, n., up'-at-or'-i-urn (Gr. eupatoricn, agrimony from eupdtor, well-born), a genus of plants, Ord. Compositse : Eupat- orium ayapana, a'-yd-pan'-a (a Brazilian native name), a power- ful sodorific, has been used to cure the bites of snakes: E. perfoli- atum, per-fol f 'i-at f -um ("L. per, through ; foliatus, leafy from folium, a leaf), a species yielding a tonic stimulant, used as a sub- stitute for Peruvian bark. Euphorbiacese, n. phu, u-forb'-l- af-sb-e (in honour of Euphorbus, an ancient physician), the Spurge family, an Order of trees and shrubs, often abounding in acrid milk; many species are poisons, others medicinal, some contain starch for food, some dyes, and others furnish wood highly use- ful in the arts, as boxwood : Euphorbia, n., u-ftirtti-a, an ex- tensive genus of plants, many of which abound in a milky, caustic juice, and others irritant resins : Euphorbia ipecacuanha, ip'-%- kak'U-an'a (in S. America a word denoting simply a vomiting root), a species whose root has been em- ployed as a substitute for ipecac- uan: E. antiquorum, antfik-wor'- tim(L. antiquorum, of the ancients from antlquus, ancient); and E. Canariensis, kan-dr'-t-e'ns'is (of or from the Canary Islands), with some other fleshy species, produce the drug euphorbium : E. nereifolia, ner^e-i-fdU-d (L. Nereus, a sea-god ; folium, a leaf), the juice of the leaves used in India as a purge and deobstruent: E. thymifolia, tlm'-i-foV-l-d (L. thymum, thyme ; folium, a leaf), leaves and seed used in India for intestine worms : E. tirucalli, tlr'-u-kal'-li (an Indian name), a species whose fresh acrid juice is EUP 154 EVE used in India as a vesicatory : E. heptagona, hZpt'd-gon'-d (Gr. hepta, seven ; gonia, an angle), is said to furnish the Ethiopians with a deadly poison for their arrows: euphorbium, n., u-fdrb'- t-um, the inspissated milky juice of certain species of euphorbia, a violent irritant, whether applied internally or externally : Eu- phorbium lathyris, lathf-ir-is (Gr. lathtiris, a plant of the spurge kind), caper spurge, has caihartic properties : E. pilosa, pil'dz f -d (L. pilosuS) hairy, shaggy); and E. palustris, pal- ust'-ris (L. pdluster and palustris, marshy, swampy from pdlus, a marsh), species, the roots of which are used as purgatives, and are said to be useful in hydrophobia : E. phosphorea, fds-fdr'-g-a (Gr. phosphtiros, L. phosphorus, the light-bringer, the morning star from Gr. phos, light ; phoreO) I bear), a species whose milky sap is said to emit a peculiar phosphorescent light. Euphrasia, n., u-frdz'-i-d (Gr. euphrdsia, gladness, joy), a genus of interesting plants, Ord. Scroph- ulariacese : Euphrasia officin- alis, 8f'fis'.in>dl f -is (L. officinalis, officinal from officina, a work- shop), eye-bright or euphrasy, so called because formerly used in ophthalmia. Euryale, n., ur'i'al-e(GY. Euruale, one of the Gorgons), a genus of handsome Water-plants, whose fine large leaves float on the surface of the water, Ord. Kymphseacese. Euryangium, n. , ur'-i-anj-l-um (Gr. eurus, broad ; anggos, a vessel), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbell- iferse : Euryangium sumbul, sum'bul (an Eastern name), the sumbul root, brought to this country in large pieces like huge bungs, a nervin stimulant said to be employed in Germany and Russia with success against cholera. Eustachian tube, us-tak't-dn (after Eustacliius, its discoverer), in anat. , a tube or canal extending from behind the soft palate to the tympanum of the ear, to which it conveys the air : Eustachian valve, a fold of the lining mem- brane of the right auricle of the heart, supposed to assist in the proper direction of the foetal blood current. Eustrongylus, n., te'tr&ngm%nt (L. excrementum, that which passes from the body from ex, out of ; cretus, separated), the matter dis- charged from animal bodies after digestion; faecal evacuation: ex- crementitious, a., eks'-kre-ment- ish'-uS) consisting of fsecal matter evacuated from an animal body. excrescence, n., eks-kres'ens (L. excrescentia, morbid excrescences on the body from ex, out of; crescens, growing), a preter- natural growth on any part of the body ; in bot. , a gnarr or wart on the stem of a tree. excreta, n. plu., <6k8-kr$tf-& (L. excretus, carried off or discharged from the body by stool or urine from ex, out of; cretus, separ- ated), the natural secretions or discharges which are thrown off from the body, as from the bowels, the bladder, or by perspir- ation; also excretions, n. plu., Zks-kre'' shuns, in same sense. excurrent, a., tks-kur'-rent (L. ex, out of ; currens, running), in bot. , running out beyond the edge or point ; central, as the stem of a fir with branches disposed regul- arly around it. exfoliation, n., Vks-fdZf-df-shtin (L. ex, out of ; folium, a leaf), EXI 156 EXO the separation of a scale or dead portion of bone from the living. exindusiate, a., Vks'-m-duz'-i-at (L. ex, out of; indusium, a shirt), in bot., not having an indusium. exintine, n., Vks-ln'-tin (L. ex, from ; intus, within), in bot. , one of the inner coverings of the pollen grain. exogens, n., %ks'6>jenz (Gr. exo, without ; gennao, I produce), that division of the vegetable kingdom in which the plants grow by additions to the outside of the wood in the form of annual concentric layers, as in the oak, ash, elm, etc. the 'en- dogens ' being those whose growth is from within outwards : exog- enous, a., eJcs-ddf-Zn-tis, growing or increasing in size by annual additions to the outside : exog- enae, n. plu., ^ks-ddf-en-e, an- other name for exogens. Exogonium, n., eks'-d-gdn't-um (Gr. exo, without ; gonu, the knee), a genus of plants, Ord. Convolvulaceae : Exogonium purga, perg'-a (L. pur go, I clear or clean out), the jalap plant, a native of the Mexican Andes, whose roots, in size and shape from a walnut to a moderately- sized turnip, form the officinal part ; used in the form of powder and tincture as an active irritant cathartic. exomphalos, n., eks-timf-al-fts (Gr. exo, without ; omphalos, a navel), umbilical hernia ; the protrusion of the intestine through the um- bilicus. exophthalmos, n., Vks'tif-thal'-rnds, also exophthalmia, n., -thal'-mi-a (Gr. exo, without, outside; oph- thalmos, the eye), great promin- ence of the eyes, in which the individual has a marked and peculiar stare : exophthalmic, a., -thal'-mik, of or pert, to exoph- thalmia. exopodite, n., eks-op'-od-lt (Gr. exo, outside ; pous, a foot, 2 j odos } of a foot), in zool., the outer o: the two secondary joints int( which the typical limb of a Crust- acean is divided. exorhizal, a., eks'd-riz'al (Gr. exo, outside; rhiza, a root), in bot., applied to those plants whose roots in germination proceed at once from the radicular extremity of the embryo. exoskeleton, n., eks'-o-skel'-Zt-dn (Gr. exo, outside ; skeleton, a dry body or skeleton), the external skeleton, constituted by a hard- ening of the integument; also called dermo-skeleton. exosmose, n., Zks'-d's-moz, also ex- osmosis, n., 'eks'-d's-moz'-is (Gr. exo, outside ; osmos, a thrusting, an impulsion), the passing out- wards of a fluid through a mem- brane from the inside; the passing inwards from the outside being called endosmose. exospore, n., Zks'-o-spor (Gr. exo, outside ; spora, a seed), the outer covering of a spore : exosporous, a., Vks-os'-por-tis, having naked spores, as in fungi. Exostemma, n., Zlcs'-O'StZm'-mti (Gr. exo, outside ; stemma, a crown alluding to the exserted stamens), a genus of plants, Ord. Rubiacese, whose species yield various kinds of false cinchona bark, which do not contain the cinchona alkalies : Exostemma floribundum, fl$rw (L. exutus, drawn out or off), in bot. t applied to seeds wanting the usual integu- mentary covering. exuviae, n. plu., eTcs-uv'-i-e (L. exuvice, that which is laid aside or taken off from the body), the cast off parts of animals or plants, as skins, shells, etc. : exuviation, n., ZTcs-uv'-i-d'-shun, the process by which animals and plants throw off their old coverings or shells and assume new ones, as serpents their skins, and Crust- acea their shells. Fabaceaa, n. plu., fab-d'-s^e (L. fdba, a bean ; connected with Sansc. bhac, Gr. phagein, to eat, to devour), Lindley's Order of the Pea and Bean tribe, now called Leguminosse : fabaceous, a., fdb'd-shus, of or like a bean. facial, &.,fd f 'shi'al (L.facies, the face), the parts of the face, as opposed to the cranial parts of the head. faeces, n. plu. , fes'ez (L. fax, dregs or sediment, feeds, of sediment), the excrement or contents of the bowels ; sediment or settlings : faecal, a., fek'al, relating to ex- crement. Fagopyrum, n.,fag'6-plr'um (Gr. fegos, L.fdgus, the beech-tree from phdgo, I eat ; Gr. puros, wheat), the genus of buckwheat plants, so called from the seeds being three-cornered like beech- nuts, Ord. Polygonacese : Fago- pyrum esculentum, te&ul-tntfum (L. esculmtus, full of food from esca, food), and F. tataricum, tat-ar'ik'Um (probably, of or from Tartary), species of buckwheat whose seeds are used as food. Fagus, n., fdg'-us (L. fdyus, Gr. fegos, the beech tree from Gr. phdgo, I eat), a genus of hand- some ornamental timber-trees, Ord. Cupuliferae or Corylaceae, so called as the nuts of the beech tree were used in early times as food: Fagus sylvatica, stlv-dt'* ik-d (L. sylvdticus, living in the woods from sylva, a wood), is the common beech tree : F. Forsteri (after Forster, a botan- ist), the evergreen beech of S. America : F. antarctica, dnt-drk'- tik- a (new L. antarcticus, southern from Gr. anti, opposite ; arlc- tikos, northern), a species of beech found in the Antarctic regions. fairy-rings, n. plu., fdr'-i-rings, scorched-like circles, or circles of greener grass, found frequently in pasture-lands in Britain, pro- duced by a peculiar mode in the growth of several species of Agarics. falcate, a., fdW-dt (L. falcaius, scythe - shaped from falx, a reaping-hook), in bot., bent or shaped like a reaping-hook; crescent-shaped : falciform, a., fals'-ifdrm (L. forma, shape), in same sense; shaped like a reap- ing-hook. Fallopian tubes, faUop'4-an tubz (after Fallopius, their discoverer), hollow canals forming appendages to the womb and ducts of the FAL 159 FAS falx cerebelli,/aftfo strtfrltl'-li (L. falx, a reaping-hook ; cerebellum, a little brain), in anat., a small triangular process of the dura mater received into the indent- ation between the two lateral lobes of the cerebellum behind : falx cerebri, ser'eb-ri (L. c&reb- rum, the brain, c&rebri, of the brain), a strong arched process of the dura mater, which descends vertically in the longitudinal fissure between the two hemi- spheres of the brain so named from its sickle-like form. Family, n., fdm'il-i (L. familia, a family or household; J.famille), the systematic name for the group above a Genus and below an Order; often used in a loose and general sense for Kind, Tribe, or Order. farcy, n., fdrs'i (It. farcina, F. farcin), a disease allied to glanders. farina, n., fdr-ln'-d (L. farina, meal from far, grain), meal or flour ; the dust or pollen of plants: farinaceous, a., far'-m- af-sUus, mealy; having the tex- ture or consistence of flour ; chaffy: farinose, a., fdr^m-oz, in bot., covered with a white, mealy powder. fascia, n.,fa^si-d, fasciae, n. plu., fds f 'Si>e (L. fascia, a bandage, a swathe), a surgical bandage ; a membranous lamina of a variable extent and thickness, investing and protecting as a sheath a delicate organ of the body : fascia dentata, dent-at'-d (L. dentdtus, toothed from dens, a tooth, dentis, of a tooth), a serrated band of grey substance in the lower boundary or floor of the middle or descending cornu of the cereb- rum: f. lata, Idt'-d (L. latus, broad), a broad, dense, fibrous aponeurosis, which forms a uni- form investment for the upper part of the thigh: f. obturator, '-dr (L. obturo, I stop up; obturator, that which stops up), a fascia which descends and covers the obturator interims muscle : f. palmar, palm'-ar (L. palmdris, a hand's- breadth from palma, the palm, the hand), a strong aponeurosis on the palm of the hand : f. plantar, pldnt'-ar (L. plantdris, belonging to the sole of the foot from planta, the sole), a fibrous membrane on the sole of the foot, stronger and thicker than any other. fasciated, a., fds'-si-at-ed (L. fascia, a bandage), bound with a bandage ; in bot., having a stem flattened out ; having several leaf- buds united in growth so as to produce a branch presenting a flattened appearance : fasciation, n., fds'-si-a'shun, the act or manner of binding up diseased parts ; in bot., the union of branches or stems in growth presenting a flattened appear- ance. fascicle, n., fds'-ik-l, also fascic- ulus, n., faS'ik'-ul-us (L. fascic- ulus, a small bundle homfascia, a bandage), a little bunch; a cluster; in anat, a bundle of muscular fibre: fascicled, a., fds'ik>ld, also fasciculated, a., fds'ik f -ul>at-ed, the bunches or bundles proceeding from a common point ; arranged in bundles: fasciculate, a., fas-Ik' ul-dt, and fascicular, a., fas-ik'- ul'dr, in same sense as fascicled : fasciculus, n., fds-ik'ul'us, in bot.., a small collection of nearly sessile flowers, forming a dense, flat-topped bunch, as in the sweet-william; same sense as fascicle: fascicular tissue, in bot. t a tissue lying inside another tissue, in which the growth pro- ceeds at one or both ends, so as greatly to elongate it. fasciculi grzciles, fas-Mul-l grds'- il-ez (L. fasciculus, a small bundle, fasciculi, small bundles ; gracilis, sing., graciles, plu., FAS 160 TEL small, slender), t wo narrow white cords placed one on each, side of the posterior median fissure of the medulla oMongata: f. ter- etes, ter'et-ez (L. ieres, rounded off, teretis, gen., ttretes, plu,), two bundles of white fibres mixed with much grey matter in the medulla oblongata : fasciculus cuneatus, kun'-l'.'at'us (L. cune- atus, shaped like a wedge from cuneus, a wedge I, the part of the posterior column of the cord which belongs to the restiform body of the medulla f. uncinatus, tin'-sin-arttis (L unclndtus, fur- nished with hooka from uncus, a hook), a white bundle of fibres seen on; the lower aspect of the hemisphere, the more superficial being curved. fistigiate, a., fas-tidf-i-at (L, fastlgium, a projecting ridge from fastlgo, I slope up to a point), in bot. 1 having a pyramidal form, from the branches being parallel and erect, as the Lom- bardy poplar ; nearly parallel and pointing upwards. Fatsia, n,, fats' fail (a native Chinese name), a genus of plants, Ord. Araliacese : Fatsia papyrif- era, pdp'^r-tf-Zr-d (L. papyrus, the paper-reed, paper ; f&ro, I bear), a species from whose pith the Chinese prepare the celebrated rice paper. fauces, n. , fdws'ez (L. fauces, the upper part of the throat ; faux, sing., the throat), the upper part of the throat, from the root of the tongue to the entrance of the gullet: faux, n..,fdwks, in bot., the throat or constricted part of a flower. fauna, n., fdwn'd (L. Faunus, one of the gods of the fields or woods), all the animals peculiar to a country, area, or period ; * flora ' denotes all the plants. favella, n., fdv>%l'-ld, favella, n. plu., fdv-el'-le (L. favilla, hot cinders or ashes), in bot. t a kind of conceptacle among Algae ; eon- ceptacular fruit in certain Algae : favellidium, n., fdv^l-M^-um, favelUdia, n. plu., -IM-i-a, spherical masses of spores con- tained in capsules ; a favella immersed in the frond of Algae. favus, n., fav'-us (L. fdvus, a honeycomb), a parasitic disease of the skin produced by the Aehorion Schbnleinii ; a form of ringworm : favose, a,, and faveolate, a., honeycombed. feather- veined, a., f%ikf>er-vand, in bot., applied to a leaf having the veins running from the mid- rib to the margin, at a more or less acute angle : feathery, a., feih'er-i, having hairs which are themselves hairy. febrile, a., ftb'-rtl (L. febris, a fever; F. febrile, pert, to a fever), pert, to a fever; indicating fever; '- feverish: febricula, n., ul-d (L. febricula, a slight fever), a fever characterised by its short duration and mildness of symp- toms : febrifuge, n., feb'ri-fudj (L. fugo, I drive away), any medicine which mitigates or removes a fever, as quinia, bark, and arsenic. fecula, n., also fsecula, n.,f$-ul'd (L.fwcula, salt of tartar deposited from urine from fcex, dregs or sediment), a powder obtained from plants and their seeds, etc., by crushing and washing them and allowing the matter to settle : feculence, n., fZ&ul-Zns, in phar., any substance settling from turbid fluids : feculent, a., fek'-ul-ent, abounding with sedi- ment or excrementitions. fecundation, n., fek'-und'Of-sliun (L. fecundus, fruitful, fertile), the act of making fruitful ; state of being impregnated : fecundity, Ti.,feJc'und-tt-z, fruitfulness ; the power of producing or bringing forth young. felo de se, fel'-o de se (mid. L., a FEM 161 FES felon upon himself), a suicide ; in law, one who commits a felony by suicide. female flower, fem'al flow'r, in bot. y a flower producing pistils only. femur, n. , fem'ur (L. f$mur, the thigh, f&moris), one of the thigh- bones ; one of the two largest and longest bones of the body : femoral, a., fem'tir-dl, pert, to the thigh : femoral condyles, the rounded eminences at each end of the thigh-bones; f. region, the thighs ' region ' simply denoting any artificial division of the body, as 'chest/ * abdomen,' etc. fenestra, n.,/8n-&^r# (L.fenest- ra, a window), in anat., applied to two small openings in the petrous portion of the temporal bone : fenestra ovalis, ov-dl'-fo (L. ovalis, of or belonging to an egg from ovum, an egg), in the ear, a reniform opening, leading from the tympanum into the vestibule : f. rotunda, rot-und'd (L. rtitunduSy wheel - shaped from rota, a wheel), an oval aperture placed at the bottom of a funnel-shaped depression lead- ing into the cochlea : fenestrate, a., fen-est'rdt (L. fenestrdtus, furnished with openings or windows), in hot., having open- ings like a window ; having small perforations. fennel, n. , fWr&l (L. feniculum, fennel ; AS. feonel), an umbellif- erous plant of various species; one is cultivated as a pot herb, and for its seeds and an essential oil ; systematic name is Foeniculum vulgare, fen-ik'ul-um vulg-dr'-8 (L. vulgdris, general, ordinary from vulgus, the people); also F. dulce, duls'8 (L. dulcis, sweet), sweet fennel, Ord. Um- belliferse. Ferns, n. , fernz (AS. fearn, fern ; Swed. fara, to go applied to events produced by diabolic art), a family of cryptogamic plants, usually with broad feathery leaves or fronds, Ord. Filices ; the fern or male shield-fern (Asplenium filix mas) is a remedy of very great value in the treatment of tape-worms. Feronia, n.,/3r $*# (L. Feronia, an old Italian goddess of plants), a genus of fruit-bearing plants, Ord. Aurantiacese : Feronia ele- phantum, el'e-fant'um (L. ele- phantus, an elephant), a species from which is procured a gum, like gum-arabic ; a genus of ticks infesting the horse and the ass, etc. ferruginous, a^fer-rddf-m-us (L. ferrugmeus, of the colour of iron rust from ferrum, iron), im- pregnated or coated with oxide of iron ; chalybeate ; applied to medicines having iron for their active principle ; in bot., rust- coloured. Ferula, n., fer'-ul-a (L. ferula, the plant fennel-giant, a rod for punishment), the giant-fennels, a genus of plants, Ord. Umbellif- erse : Ferula galbaniflua, gal'- ban-i-fld'a (L. galbdnum, the resinous sap of an umbelliferous plant in Syria ; fluo, I flow) ; also F. mbricaulis, roob'-rl- kdivl'fa (L. ruber, red ; caulis, a stem), are species which pro- duce the gum-resin galbanum, consisting of resin, gum, and a volatile oil, used as an antispas- modic and emenagogue : F. Pers- ica, Pers f -iJc-a (L. Persicus, of or from Persia), a plant whose leaves are very much divided, yields an inferior sort of asafoetida, consist- ing of a resinous and gummy matter with a sulphur oil, used as a stimulant, antispasmodic, and anthelmintic. Festuca, n., ftet-u&& (old F. festu, a straw ; L. festuca, the young shoot or stalk of a tree), a genus of plants, Ord. Graminese : fescue, n.,f$sk'u t a sharp-pointed FET 162 FIC kind of grass : Festuca flabel- loides, flab'-el'loyd'-ez (L. flabel- lum, a fly-flap ; Gr. eidos, resem- blance), the Tussac grass of the Falkland Islands, which, though tender enough for animal food, attains a height of five or six feet ; festucine, a., fest-u'-sm, of a straw colour. fetlock, n., fWMk (Dut. vitloJc, Swiss, Jiesloch, the pastern of a horse ; Ger. Jitze, a bundle of threads), the tuft of hair growing a little above the back part of the hoof of a horse ; the joint on which such hair grows. Feverfew, n.,fev-er-fu (F. fievre, L. febris, a fever ; fugdre, to put to flight), a herb good against fevers ; the plant Pyrethruni parthenium, which is aromatic and stimulant. libra primitiva, fib'ra prim'-it- w'-d (L. flbra, a fibre, a band ; primitivus, that which is first or original from primus, first), the primitive band in the nervous system : fibrse vel processus ar- ciformes, vel prd'sZs'-sdos drs'i- form f -ez (L. vel, or ; processils, processes ; arciformes, a. plu., shaped like a bow from arcus, a bow ; forma, shape), the arciform fibres or processes, a set of superficial white fibres on the forepart and sides of the medulla oblongata. fibril, n., fW-ril (a dimin. of L. fibra, a fibre), a very minute or ultimate fibre : fibrillsB, n. plu., fib-ril'-le, in bot., the thread-like divisions of roots : fibrillation, n., fib'rtt-ld'shun, the state or condition of becoming fibrils, or in appearance like fibrils : fibril- lose, a., fib'-ril-loz, in bot., covered with little strings or fibres : fibrillous, a., flb'r&lfo, consisting of or formed of small fibres : fibrin, n., fib'rin, a peculiar substance found in animals and vegetables, which forms fibres and muscular flesh ; a substance formed in the act of coagulation of the blood by the union of fibrinogen, a body peculiar to intercellular fluid, with a fibrinoplastic substance termed paraglobulin, derived from the cellular structures of the body : fibrinogen, n., fib-rin'o-j%n (Gr. gennao, 1 pro- duce), one of the two substances which produce fibrin, the coag- ulum in hydrocele fluid, in serous fluids, and in blood, the other substance being named 'globulin': fibrinogenous, a., fW-rm-odf- $n-us, denoting a substance found in a hydrocele fluid, etc. ; pro- ducing fibrin : fibrinoplastic, a. , fib'rm-o-pldst'ik (Eng. plastic), denoting one of the ingredients which produce fibrin ; also de- noting globulin : fibrinoplastin, n. , -pldst'-m, another name for glob- ulin ; a substance supplied from the blood : fibroid, a. , fib'-royd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resem- bling simple fibre in structure ; denoting a tumour in which the cell elements have assumed the appearance of fibres : fibro-cellul- ar, in bot., tissue composed of spiral cells : fibrous, a., fib'-rtis, composed of numerous fibres : fibro - vascular tissue, a tissue composed of mixed vessels, con- taining spiral and other fibres. fibula, n., fib'-ul'O, (L. fibtila, a buckle), the outer and smaller bone of the leg, so named as being opposite the part where the knee- buckle was placed when these were worn ; the part cor- responding to the ulna in the fore-arm. Ficoidese, n. plu., fik-oyd^-e (L. ficus, a fig), the Fig-marigold and Ice-plant family, an Order ot plants, the greater part found at the Cape of Good Hope some are used as food, others yield soda : ficoidean, &.,fzk-dyd f -Z-dn, having an arrangement of parts as in the fig plant. FIG 163 FIM Ficus, n., fitftis (L. ficus, the fig tree and its fruit), an extensive genus of plants, Ord. Moraceae : Ficus Carica, kar'-ik-a (L. Car- icus, of or from Caria ; Cdricj,, a Carian-dried fig), the common fig mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, consisting of a succulent hollow receptacle, en- closing numerous single-seeded carpels, called a ' syconus ' : F. Indica, in'-dik-a (L. Indicus, of or from India), the banyan tree of India, whose juice is some- times used in toothache, and bark as a tonic : F. australis, dws-trdV'is (L. australis, south- ern), a species which can live suspended in the air for a long time : F. religiosa, re'lidf-i-ozf-d (L. religiosus, pious, religious from religio, religion), the pippul tree, or sacred fig of India : F. elastica, e-ldst'-ik-a (mid. L. elasticus, It. elastico, elastic), a species which produces a large amount of caoutchouc, as also a few others : F. sycomorus, sik'-o- mor'-us (L. sycomoros, a mulberry tree), probably the sycamore of the Bible, whose wood is said to be very durable : F. racemosa, ras'e-mdz'd (L. racemosus, full of clusters), a species which is slightly astringent, and the juice of the root a powerful tonic. filament, n.,fil f -d-ment (L,filum, a thread), a thread ; a fibre ; in bot., the stalk supporting the anther ; a thread-like substance formed of cells placed end on end : filamentous, a., fW'&m&ntf'fa, denoting a string of cells placed end to end ; thread-like ; bearing filaments: filiform, SL.,fil f -i'fdrm, slender like a thread. Filaria, n., fil-dr'-i-d (L.filum, a thread), a genus of parasitic worms : Filaria bronchialis, brong'-ki-dV-is (new L. bronchialis, bronchial from Gr. brongchos, the windpipe), a species once found in diseased bronchial glands : F. immitis, im-mlt'is, (L. immitis, not soft, rough, fierce), a parasite of the dog, found in the heart : f . lachrymal- is, lakf-rim-dV-is (L. Idchryma, a tear), a parasite of the horse and ox : F. Medinensis, med'-in-ens'-is (Medina, in Arabia, where fre- quently met with), the Guinea worm, a parasite met with chiefly on some parts of the shores of Africa, which penetrates the skin of the feet and legs, causing pain- ful symptoms : F. oculi humani, ti&iU'i hum>dn'*l (L. oculus, the eye; humdnus, human), the fil- aria of the human eye, a species discovered in the surrounding fluid and in the crystalline lens : F. papillosa, pap'-tt'loz'd (L. papillosus, having many small nipples from papilla, a nipple), a parasite of the horse, ox, and ass, found in the globe of the eye : F. sanguinis hominis, sdng'gimn-is hdm'm-ts (L. sang- uis, blood, sanguinis, of blood ; homo, man, hommis, of man), the filaria of the blood of man ; a parasite found in the blood of man, usually in connection with elephantiasis of the skin, and a milky state of the urine (chylous urine) : F. tripinnulosa, tri- pin'-ul-o'zf'd (L. tris, three ; pin- nula, a little wing), a parasite of the dog, found in capsule of crystalline lens. Filices, n. plu., /#&& (L.ftlix, a fern, filices, ferns), the Fern family, elegant, leafy, herbaceous plants, which in tropical and mild climates become large trees. filum terminale, fll'-urn term'in- al''% (L, termindlis, terminal from terminus, a bound, a limit), the terminal thread or ligament ; the central ligament of the spinal cord. fimbria, n,, fim'-bri-a, finibrise, n. plu., fim'-bri-e (L. fimbrice, threads, fringe), in anat., any FIN 164 FLE structure resembling a fringe : firnbriated, a., flm'-bri-aM, fringed at the margin. finger and toe, a diseased form of turnip growth, in which the bulbs are divided into two or more forks. first intention, the healing up of a cut or wound without suppur- ation. fissile, a., fis'-sil (L. fissilis, that may be split from jissus, cleft or split), having a tendency to become split or divided. fissilinguia, n . , fis'-si- ting'gwi' a (L. fissus, cleft ; lingua, the tongue), a division of Lacertilia having bifid tongues. fission, n. , fish'un (L. fissus, cleft or split), in zool., multiplication by means of a process of self-div- ision ; in bot., the division of an organ which is usually entire : fissiparous, a., fis-stp'ar-us (L. pario, I produce), applied to the multiplying or increasing certain animal forms by the self-division of the individual into two or more parts, each of which becomes a perfect creature, similar to the parent original ; in bot. , propag- ating by a division of cells ; div- iding spontaneously in to two parts by means of a septum : fissipara, n. plu. ,fis-sip f -ar'd, aname applied to those creatures which propag- ate by spontaneous fission : fissi- paration, n., fis'si-pdr'd'shun, the act or process of propagating by spontaneous fission, as among the Infusoria and Polyps, etc. Fissirostres, n. plu^fis'si-rd's'trez (L. fissus, cleft ; rostrum, a beak), a Sub - order of the perching birds. fissura palpebrarum, fis-sur'-a, palp'Z'brdr'um (L. fissura, a cleft, a chink ; palp$bra, the eye- lid, palpebrarum, of the eyelids), the fissure of the eyelids ; the interval between the angles of the eyelids. fissure, n., fisti>uT (L. jissura, a cleft or slit; F. fissure), a straight slit in an organ for the discharge of its contents ; a slit or cleft. fistula, n., fist'-ul'd (L. fistula, a hollow reed), a narrow channel or tube leading to a cavity con- taining matter or dead bone, or communicating with the intest- inal canal or other cavity, and lined with a membrane wilich secretes a puriform fluid ; a deep narrow u]cer or sore ; fistular, a., fist'-ul-ar, also fistulous, a,.,fist- ul-us, having the nature of a fist- ula ; in bot., hollow like the stem of grasses. flabelliform, &. , flab-el'-li-fdrm (L. fiabellum, a fan ; forma, shape), in bot., shaped like a fan; plaited like a fan. flaccid, a., flak'sid (L. flaccidus, flabby, withered), soft and weak; wanting in stiffness. Flacourtieae, n. plu.,/a'oor.^.e (in honour of Flacourt, a French botanist), a tribe of shrubs or small trees, Ord. BixaceaB : Fla- courtia, fla-boor'-shi-a, a genus of ornamental fruit trees or shrubs, some bearing edible fruits, and others useful in medicine : F. ramontchi, ra-mon'tshi (a native name), a species from Madagascar, bearing leaves and fruit similar to those of a plum. flagellum, n., fla-jel'lum (L. fla- gellum, a whip, a scourge), in bot., a runner ; a creeping stem, bearing rooting buds at different points, as in the strawberry ; the lash -like appendage exhibited by many Infusoria: flagelliform, a., fia-jettlifd'rm (L. forma, shape), tapering and supple like a whip : flagellate, a.,fid'jel'ldt, in same sense ; having a long lash-like appendage. flavescent, &.,fidv-$s'$nt (L. flav- esco, I become golden-yellow), in bot., growing yellow : flavicant, &.,flav'>ik-ant, yellow. fleam, n., flem (F. flamme, a lancet ; Dut. vlieme, a sharp- FLE 165 FLO pointed thing, a lancet), an instrument used for bleeding horses and cattle. flex, v.,fleks (L.flexus, bent), to extend the leg upon the thigh or upon the pelvis: flexing, bend- ing: flexed, flekst, bent: flexes, it bends. flexion, n., flek'shun (L. flexus, bent), the bending of a limb, as opposed to 'extension,' the stretching out of a limb : flexor, n. , fleks f -6r, a muscle which bends or contracts a part of the body, and is opposed to 'extensor,' a muscle which extends a art. flexor carpi radians, jieks'-or icarp-i rdd'-i-al'-is (L. flexor, that which bends or contracts ; carpus, a wrist, carpi, of a wrist ; radius, the rotatory bone of the fore-arm), the radial flexor of the wrist ; the muscle which bends the hand and assists to turn its palm towards the ground: f. carpi ulnaris, ul-nar'-is (L. ulna, the large bone of the fore-arm), the ulnary flexor of the wrist ; the muscle which assists in bending the arm : f. longus digitorum manus, Idng' gus didf-it-or'-urn man'-us (L. lon- gus, long; digitus, a finger or toe, digitorum, of fingers or toes ; manus, a hand, manus, of a hand), the long flexor of the fingers of the hand ; the muscle which bends the joint or phalanx of the fingers: f. sublimis perf- oratus, sub'lwi f -ls perf'-or'at'-us (L. sublimis, high ; perfordtus, bored through), the high perfor- ated muscle, so named from its being perforated by the tendon of another flexor, the 'flexor pro- fundis'; the muscle which bends the second joint or phalanx of the fingers. flexuose, a.,/es-w-oz, orflexuous, a., fleks'-U'tis (L. flexudsus, full of windings, tortuous from flexus, a turning, a winding), in bot., having alternate curvations in opposite directions ; bent in a zigzag manner. flexure, n., flZks'ur (L. flexura, a bending or winding), a joint ; the part bent ; a curvature. flocculent, a., flok'-kul-Znt (L. floc- culus, a small lock of wool from floccus, a lock of wool), having the appearance of flocks or flakes; adhering in flocks or flakes : floc- culence, n.,fl6k f -kul>ens, the state of being in flocks or flakes ; ad- hesion in flocks : flocculose, a. , fldk'kul-dz, woolly ; like wool : flocculus, n.,fl8kf'kul-us, in anat. , a prominent tuft or lobule, sit- uated behind and below the middle peduncle of the cere- bellum. floccus, n., fldtekus, flocci, n. plu., fl$k''Si (L. floccus, a lock of wool), a tuft of hair terminating in a tail ; woolly hairs or threads ; woolly filaments with sporules in Fungi and Algae : floccose, a. , flok-koz', covered with wool-like tufts. flora, n., flor'-a (L. Flora, the goddess of flowers from flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), plants peculiar to a country, or to a geological era ; the opposite, 'fauna,' signifies the animals peculiar to a district : floral, a., fl6r'-al, pert, to flowers ; in bot. , seated near the flower, and about the flower-stalk : floral envelopes, the calyx and corolla : florets, n. plu., flor'-ets, the little flowers collected into a head in composite plants. Florideas, n. plu., flor-id'e-e (L. floridus, flowery from flos, a flower), a Sub-order of Algse ; rose or purple coloured sea-weeds, with fronds formed of a single row of articulated cells, or of several rows ; also called ' Rhodosporese, ' or ' Choristosporei. ' flosculous, a., fltisk'-ul-us, and floscular, ^./flosk'-ul-ar (L. flosc- ulus, a little flower from flos, a flower), in bot., applied to the FLO 166 FOR tubular florets of Composite : floscule, n., fldsk'-ul, the partial or lesser floret. floss, n., fids (It. floscio, Pied. flos, drooping, flaccid ; F. flosche, weak, soft ; Bav. floss, loose, not fast), a downy or silky substance found in the husks of certain plants. fluctuation, n., fl&&tii-&+h&n (L. fluctuatus, moved like a wave from fluctus, a wave), the wave- like movement, when there is any accumulation of fluid in a part, felt by manipulation. fluorine, n., fid'-or-m (L. fluo, I flow ; fluor, a flowing so called from being used as a flux), an elementary substance first found in fluor-spar. flux, n. , fluks (L. fluxus, a flow, a flux), an abnormal discharge of fluid matter from the bowels or other part. foetor, n,, fet'-8r (L. fcetor, a stench), a strong offensive smell. foetus, n,, fet'-us (L. fcetus, filled with young, pregnant), the young of animals in the womb, or in the egg after assuming a perfect form : foetal, a., fet'-al, pert, to the foetus: fcetation, n., fet-af* shun, the formation of a foetus : foeticide, n.,fet'i-sid (L. ccedo, I kill), the killer of a foetus. foliaceous, a., /6#-a'7i#a (L. folidcZus, like leaves from folium, a leaf), leafy ; having the form or texture of a leaf : foliar, a., fol'-i-ar, pert, to or growing upon leaves : foliation, n. , fol'-l- a'- shun, the leafing of plants ; the manner in which the young leaves of plants are arranged in the leaf-bud. foliicolous, a., fdV-U^ol-us (L. folium, a leaf; colo, I dwell), growing on leaves: foliiferous, &.,fdl f 'i-if'$ (L.fero, I bear), leaf -bearing; also spelt foliferous, foliola, n.,fol'i'-M-&, and foliole, n., fdl f >i>ol (new L. folffilum, a little leaf fromfoUnm, a leaf), a leaflet: foliolose, a., fol'-t-Sl-dz, consisting of minute leaf - like scales. follicle, n.,/o& (L. folliculus, a small bag or sac inflated with air homfollis, a bag or bellows), a little bag ; a cavity ; in bot. , a seed-vessel opening along the side, to which the seeds are at- tached, as in the pea : follicular, a., fol-lik'-ul-ar, also folliculous, a., fol'lik'-ul-us, having follicles, or producing follicles. fomes, n., fom'-ez, fomites, n. plu., fom'-it-ez (L. fomes, touch- wood, fuel, fomites, touchwoods), porous substances capable of ab- sorbing and retaining contagious matter (probably germs) ; woollen cloth and wood are said to be excellent ' fomites, ' fontanelles, n. plu., f8n'tan-elz f (F. fontanelle, the meeting of the seams of the skull from F. fontaine, L. fons, a fountain so called from the pulsations of the brain, perceptible at the anterior fontanelle, as of a rising of water in a fountain), four spaces in the skull, opposite the angles of the parietal bones, which remain un- occupied by bone after the osseous wall has been formed elsewhere. NOTE. The smaller spaces at the in- ferior angles of the parietal bones are of little consequence, and are filled in soon after birth. The anterior fontan- elle between the anterior and superior angles of the parietal bones, and the superior angles of the ununited frontal segments, is of great importance to the accoucheur in determining the posi- tions of the child during labour. The anterior and superior fontanelles are generally not wholly filled in till the second year. foramen, n.,/or-am-ew, foramina, n. p\i\., for dm' m- a (L. foramen, an aperture or opening from foro, I bore), in anat., a small opening such as may be made into a substance by boring; in bot. , the opening in the coverings of the ovule: foramen obturator, FOR 167 FOS ol>'-tur-alf'6r (L. foramen, an aperture or opening ; obturator, that which stops or closes up), an oval opening in both sides of the large bone that ends or closes up the trunk ; the large oval interval between the ischium and the pubes : f. thyroid, ihlr'-oyd (Gr. thureos, a shield ; eidos, resemblance), one of the two openings of the shield- like bones which terminate the trunk ; same as ' foramen obturator ' : f . caecum, sek''Um (L. ccecus, blind), a small opening which terminates below the frontal crest of the skull : f. commune anterius, kom-mun'8 ant-er'i'US (L. communis, com- mon ; anterior, that which is placed before from ante, before), the anterior common foramen, an opening under the arch of the fornix: f. commune posterius, ptist-er'i'US (L. posterior, that which is placed behind from post, behind), the posterior common foramen, an opening be- tween the middle and the post- erior commissure of the brain : f. incisivum, in'-sis-iv'-urn (L. incisivus, of or belonging to the incisor teeth from inclsus, notched, indented), the incisor foramen ; the opening immedi- ately behind the incisor teeth : f. magnum occipitis, mag'num dJc-sip'it-is (L. magnus, great; occiput, the back part of the head, occipitis, of the back part of the head), the great foramen of the occiput ; the great opening at the under and fore part of the occipital bone: f. ovale, dv-dl'e (L. ovdlis, an oval), the oval foramen or aperture between the auricles of the foetal heart; an oval aperture between the tym- panum and the vestibule of the ear: f. rotundus, rot-und'-us (L. rotundus, round, circular), the round or triangular aperture of the internal ear. Foraminifera, n. plu., for-am'-m- if'er-a (L. foramen, an aperture ; fero, I carry), an Order o Proto- zoa having shells perforated by numerous pseudopodial apertures; many-celled organisms : foramin- iferous, a., fdr'am'in-if-er-us, having many chambers or holes. forceps, n. plu., for'seps (L. for- ceps, a pair of tongs, as ifferriceps from ferrum, iron ; capio, I take), a kind of tongs of various sizes and shapes, used by surg- eons, and by anatomists and accoucheurs : forcipate, a. , fdr'- sip'dt, in oot., forked like pincers. formication, n., form'-ik-af-shun (L. formica, an ant), a sensation resembling that caused by ants creeping on the skin. Fornasinia, n.,fdr'naS'in'-i'a (not ascertained), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub - ord. Papilionaceae: Fornasinia ebenif- era, eb'-en-if-er-a (L. ZbZnus, the eben tree, ebony ; fero, I bear), produces a kind of ebony, a papilionaceous plant found in Catfraria. fornix, n., forn'-iks, fornices, n. plu., ftirn'is-ez (L. fornix, an arch, fornicis, of an arch), an arched sheet of white longitudinal fibres, which appears partly in the floor of both lateral ventricles of the brain, situated beneath the corpus callosum ; in bot., arched scales in the orifice of some flowers : fornicate, a. , forn' ik-dt (L. fornicdtus, arched), arched. fossa, n., fos'sa, fossae, n. plu., fos'-se (L. fossa, a ditch ; fossus, dug), in anat., a little cavity or depression in a bone ; any depres- sion in the human body : fossa cystis fellesB, sist'-is fU'-le-e, (Gr. kustis, a bladder, a pouch ; L. felleus, pert, to the gall from fel, the gall-bladder), the fossa of the gall-bladder, a shallow oblong cavity on the under sur- face of the right lobe of the liver FOS 168 FRA for the lodgment of the gall- bladder: f. hyaloidea, htf&l-dfyd' e-d (Gr. hualos, glass ; eidos, resemblance), a cup-like depres- sion on the anterior surface of the vitreous humour containing the crystalline lens: f. innominata, m-ndm f -in-dif'd (L. in, not ; nom- indtus, -named), in the external ear, a ^narrow curved groove between the helix and antihelix : f. lachrymalis, laW-rim-cLl'-is (L. lachryma, a tear), a depression in the frontal bone of the cranium for the reception of the lachrymal- gland : f. navicularis, nav-i^ul- dr'-is (L. ndvicula, a boat from ndvis, a ship), a depression separ- ating the two roots of the anti- helix ; a depression on the floor of the urethra ; a small cavity within the fourchette ; f. ovalis, 6v-dl'is (L. ovalis, oval), an oval depression situated above the orifice of the inferior vena cava : f. scaphoides, sMf-oyd'-ez (Gr. slcaphe, a little boat ; eidos, resemblance), another name for ' fossa navicularis. ' fossil, n.,ftis'-stt (L.fossus, dug), any remains of plants or animals dug out of the earth's crust changed into a stony consistence: adj. , dug out of the earth : fossiliferous, a., (L. fero, I bear). Fothergilla, ^.Jo Dr. FotJiergill, of London), a genus of beautiful shrubs, whether in leaf or flower, bearing pretty, sweet-scented flowers, Ord. Ham- amelidacese. founder, n.,fownd'-er (L.fundus, F.fond, the ground or bottom), a diseased state of the plantar region of the foot in the horse, generally both fore-feet, produc- ing lameness. fourchette, n.,/o5r-s/^' (F. four- chette, a fork), a small transverse fold, just within the posterior commissure of the vulva ; the bone in birds formed by the junction of the clavicles ; the wishing-bone in a fowl. fovea, n.,fov'$-d, fovese, n. plu., fov'8-e (L. fovea, a pit, a depres- sion), in anat., a slight depres- sion ; in bot.j a depression in front of a leaf of some Lycopod- iacese, containing the sporangium : foveate, a., fov'-e-dt, also fov- eolate, a., fov-e'-M-dt, having pits or depressions called fovese or foveolse : foveola, n., f6v-& til-it (L., a little pit), in bot., little pits or regular depressions. foviUa, n., fov-tt'-Ut (L. foveo, I nourish), in bot., the matter con- tained in the grains of pollen, consisting of minute granules floating in a liquid. fracture, n.,frdkt f >ur (L.fractura, a breach, a fracture fromfractus, broken), a broken bone : simple fracture, the breaking of a bone without the injury of the skin or adjacent soft parts : compound fracture, a broken bone with a wound through the skin and muscles, and exposure of bone : comminuted fracture, a bone broken into several small frag- ments : compound comminuted fracture, a bone broken into several small fragments, together with injury of the soft parts, whereby the bones are visibly exposed, or are accessible to the probe. frsenum, n., fren'um, fraena, n. plu.,./rew-a (L.frcenum, a bit, a curb), in anat., a part which checks or curbs ; a membranous fold which keeps an organ in position : fraenulum, n. , fren'ul- um (dim. of frcenum), used in same sense : fraanum linguse, ling'gwe (L. lingua, a tongue), the curb of the tongue ; a fold at the under surface of the tongue when short or too far forward in infants, they are said to be tongue-tied. Francoaceae, n. plu., frdng-6'd'- s$-e, also Francoads, n. plu., FRA 169 FRIT f r angle'- o> ads (after Franco, a botanist of the 16th century), an Order of herbaceous plants with- out stems, natives of Chili; the species regarded in Chili as cool- ing and sedative, and their roots are used to dye black ; the Order is sometimes included under the Ord. Saxifragacese : Francoa, n., frangk'd'-a, a genus of plants beautiful when in flower. Frankeniaceae, n. plu.,frangk-en'- t-d'-sfre, or Frankeniads, n. plu., frangk-en'-i'ads (after Frankenius, of Upsal, 1661), the Frankeniad family, an Order of herbaceous plants : Frankenia, n., frangk- en' t'd, a genus of beautiful ever- green shrubs or herbs, said to be mucilaginous and slightly aromatic. Frasera, n., fraz-er'-d (after Fraser, a collector of N. American plants), a genus of curious little plants, Ord. Gentianacese : Fras- era Walter!, wdlt'&r-i ( Walter, a proper name; Walteri, of Walter, a Latinised spelling), a species sometimes called the American calumba, found in the morasses of N. America; the root is said to furnish an excellent bitter. Fraxinella, see 'Dictamnus.' Fraxinus, n.,fraks f -m'US (L.frax- mus, an ash tree), a genus of trees, Ord. Oleacese: Fraxinus excelsior, ek-sels'i-fir (L. excelsior, loftier from excelsus, lofty), the common ash, whose tough, elastic wood is much used by coachmakers, wheelwrights, and implement makers ; the 'weeping ash ' is a pendulous variety ; the wood of the roots is beautifully veined ; for 'manna ash,' see 'Ornus.' freckle, n., frtttt (Icel. frekna, Norse yfaj&r, freckles; Ger. fleck, a spot), congenital pigmentation of the rete mucosum, the spots being the size of split peas or less, occurring on the skin beneath the clothing, as well as on the skin when exposed to light ; lentigo ; also minute coloured specks often seen on the skin, generally the face ; any small discoloured spot ; ephelis. Freycinetia, n., fra'sm-ef-shi-a (after Captain Freycinet, a French circumnavigator), a genus of ornamental tree-like plants, some having a climbing habit, Ord. Pandanaceae : Frey- cinetia Banksii, ~banks'-i>l (after Sir Joseph Banks), the kie-kie or screw pine of New Zealand, whose fleshy bracts, called ' taw- hara,' are eaten by the natives, and made into a luscious jelly by the colonists. Freziera, n., friz'-wr'-a (after Frezier, a French traveller), a genus of tall ornamental trees, Ord. Ternstroemiacese : Freziera theoides, ihe-oyd'-ez (fhea, the tea-plant; Chin, tshd, Russ. tshai, tea ; Gr. eidos, resemblance), a species whose leaves are used as tea in Panama. Fritillaria, n., frit'41'lar'.i-a (L. fritillus, a dice-box, a chess-board, alluding to the chequered sepals of the flowers), a genus of plants, Ord. Liliacese, having singular and showy flowers : Fritillary, n., frit'-il'tir-i, the name of a common showy garden flower. frond, n., frond (L. frons, a leaf, frondis, of a leaf), the peculiar leafing of palms and ferns ; the union of a leaf and branch : frond- escence, n., frond -Zs'sgns (L. frondesco, I shoot forth leaves), the time or season of putting forth leaves ; the conversion of petals or other organs into leaves : frondlet, n., frdnd'-lZt, a little frond : frondose, a., frdnd>dz', having a foliaceous or leaf-like expansion. frugivorous, a., frd'jiv'or'tis (L. frux, fruit, frugis, of fruit ; voro, I devour), applied to animals that feed upon fruits. frustules, n. plu., frustf-ulz, alsc frustula, n. plu.,/r#s^w-a (dim. FRU 170 FUM of L. frustum, a fragment), in bot., the parts or fragments into which certain sea -weeds, the diatoms, separate : frustulose, a., frust'-ul'dz, consisting of fragments. frutex, n., fr6t'.$ks (L. frutex, a shrub, fruticis, of a shrub), in hot., a shrub: fruticose, a,.,fr6tf ik-oz, shrub-like : fruticulose, a., fr6t-ik f 'Ul-dz, a dim. of fruticose ; somewhat shrub-like ; slightly shrubby: fruticulus, n., frdt-ifc ul-us, an under shrub not ex- ceeding the length of the arm. FucacesB, n. plu., fu-kd'-s&e (L. fucus, the rock - lichen ; Gr. phukos, the plant alkanet, sea- weed), a Sub- order of Algse, brown or olive coloured plants, growing chiefly in salt water, consisting of cells which unite so as to form various kinds of thalli ; the brown sea-weeds or sea- wracks, some of which are eatable, and others possess med- icinal properties : Fucus, n., fuk'-us, a genus of sea-weeds : Fucus bacciferus, bdk- sifter -us (L. bacca, a berry ; fero, I bear), the Gulf-weed, eaten as a raw salad, and pickled : F. digitatus, didj'-it'dt'us (L. digitatus, having fingers or toes from digitus, a finger), the sea-girdle and hangers, growing on stones and rocks in the sea near the shore: F. edulis, %d'Ul f 'is (L. edulis, eatable from edo, I eat), the red dulse, eaten raw or broiled : F. esculentus, esk'-ul-ent'-us (L. esculentus, fit for eating from esca, food) ; and F. fimbriatus, fim'-bri-dt'-us (L. fimbriatus, fibrous, fringed from fimbrice, fibres, threads), edible sea-weeds or daber locks : F. natans, ndif-dns (L. natans, swimming, floating), the sea lentil, said to be useful in dys- uria : F. palmatus, palm^dtf-us (L. palmatus, marked like the palm of a hand from palma, the palm of the hand), the handed fucus or dulse, eaten raw or cooked : F. pinnatifidus, pin'- nat'if'id'US (L. pinna, a feather, a wing ; findo, I cleave, fidi, I have cleft), the pepper dulse, eaten as a salad, is warm like cresses : F. saccharinus, sak'kar- in'-us (L. saccharum, Gr. sakchar- on, sugar), the sweet fucus or sea- belts growing on stones and rocks; leaves sweet, which exude a sugary substance when dry : F. vesiculosus, ves-ik'-ul-oz'-us (L. vesicula, a little blister, a vesicle), the plant bladder-fucus, sea-oak, or sea- wrack. Fuchsia, n^fii'shi-a (after Fuchs, a German botanist), a very beautiful and well-known genus of shrubs, of numerous species ; some of the garden varieties are exceedingly beautiful, Ord. Ona- graceae. fucoxanthine, n., fuk'o-zanth'm (Gr. phukos, the plant alkanet, sea-weed ; xantJios, yellow), a colouring matter of the Xantho- phyll group, found in Melano- sporese. fugacious, &.,fug-d r 'Slius(L.fugax, swift, fugdcis, of swift from fugio, I fly), in bot., falling off early, as the petals of Cistus ; evanescent. fuliginous, a., ful-idj'm-us (L. fullgo, soot, fuliginis, of soot), sooty ; in bot., smoke-coloured, or brownish -black. fulvous, a. , fulv'us (L. fulvus, of a deep yellow), tawny yellow ; of a saffron colour. FumariacesB, n. plu., fum-dr'i'd'- s%'e (L. fumus, smoke, from the smell of some of the species, or from the effect of the juice upon the eyes being the same as smoke), the Fumeworts or Fumitory family, an Order of herbaceous plants, said to be bitter and diaphoretic in their properties : Fumaria, K.,fum>dr'-i-a. a genus of plants: Fumitory, n. , fum'-it- or -i (fumeterre, a French name FUN 171 FITS for the genus from L. fumus, smoke ; terrce, of the earth), the English name for the genus. fundament, n., fund'-a-mZnt (L. funddmentum, groundwork, basis from fundo, I lay the found- ation), the lower part of the rectum ; the anus ; the seat of the body : fundus, n., fund'tis (L. the bottom of a thing), the base or lower part of an organ which has a neck or external opening : fundal, a., fund'al, pert, to the fundus. fungous, a., fung'us, having the character or consistence of Fungi: fungosity, n., fung-fts'-i-li, a soft excrescence: fungiform, &.,f unf- it-form (L. forma, shape), having the shape of a fungus ; like a fungus : fungoid, a., fung'-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), like a fungus ; fungiform : Fungus hsematodes, hem'-at-od'ez (Gr. haima, blood; eidos, resemblance), a variety of soft cancer in which the tumour is large and of rapid growth, composed of soft cancerous tissue mixed with large clots of blood : F. vinosus, vin-oz'-us (L. vlnosus, having the taste of wine from vinum, wine), a dark- coloured fungus which vegetates in dry cellars where wine, ale, porter, etc. are kept. Fungus, n., fung'tis, Fungi, n. plu., funj'4(L. fungus, a mush- room or toadstool), a mushroom or toadstool ; the Mushroom family, an Order of plants ; in surg., the unnatural forma- tion of flesh about an ulcer, com- monly called 'proud flesh.' funiculus, n., fun-ik'-ul-us, also funicle, n., fun'-ik-l (L. funic- ulus, a slender rope from/wms, a cord), the umbilical cord con- necting the hilum of the ovule to the placenta ; a cord-like ap- pendage by which, in many cases, the seeds are attached ; in anat., a number of nerve- fibres enclosed in a tubular sheath forming a slender round cord of no determinate size. fur, n.,fer (Goth.fddr, a sheath ; Icel. fdtkr, Sp, forro, sheath, lining), soft, thick hair on certain animals ; a layer of morbid mat- ter, resembling fur, indicating a diseased state. furcate, a., ferk'-dt (L. furca, a fork), branching like the prongs of a fork : furcation, n., ferk-d* shun, the branching like a fork : furculum, n., ferk'ul-'iim, also furcula, -n.,ferk'ul'a (L.furcula, a forked prop, a dim. of furca, a fork), the v- shaped bone of birds, formed by the united clavicles ; the merry-thought ; in anat., the middle one of the three deep notches of the inanu- brium, or thickest part of the sternum. furfur, n., fer'fer (L. furfur, bran), scales like bran ; dan- driff: furfuraceous, a,,/er-/e'r-a- shus, scurfy or scaly ; covered with a meal-like powder : furfur- ation, n., fer'fer-d'shun, the state of suffering from scurf or scaliness of the skin. furunculus, iLjfur-ungk'-ul-us (L. furunculus, a petty thief, a boil from fur, a thief), a boil or small tumour having a central core, and suppurating imperfectly: furuncular, a., fur-ungk'ul-ar, of or belonging to a furunculus. fuscous, a., fusW'US (L. fuscus, dark, dusky), in bot., blackish- brown, or darkish-brown : fus- cescent, a., fus>s$s'ent, tending to a darkish brown. fusel oil, n., fuz'%1 (Ger. fusel, bad or poor brandy), an alcohol or volatile oil of a nauseous and irritating odour, contained in a greater or less quantity in all forms of crude spirits, and to which substance bad spirits owe their noxious qualities ; found only in minute quantity in fine wine spirits ; it is also spelt fousel. FUS 172 GAL fusiform, a. , fuz'-i-form (L.fusus, a spindle ; forma, shape), shaped like a spindle ; tapering at both ends. Galactodendron, n., gal-akt'o- dend'-rtin (Gr. gala, milk, gal- aktos, of milk ; dendron, a tree), a lofty-growing tree, called the cow-tree because its milky juice is used as a substitute for milk ; also called Brosmium utile, Ord. Moracese. galactophorous, a., gal'-aJct-tif- 6r>&s (Gr. gala, milk, galaktos, of milk ; phoreo, I carry), con- veying milk or white juice ; applied to certain ducts or canals in the mamma which convey the milk to the summit of the mammilla. galangal, a., gal'-an-gal (native name ; Sp. galanga, a species of the arrowroot), applied to a dried root brought from China, having an aromatic smell and a pungent bitter taste, formerly used in medicine ; the root - stock of Alpinia officinarum, Ord. Zingib- eracese. Galanthus, n., gal-ant'ti-us (Gr. gala, milk ; anlhos, a flower, alluding to the milk - white flowers), a genus of plants, Ord. Amaryllidaceae : Galanthus niv- alis, nw-al'-is (L. nivdlis, of or belonging to snow from nix, snow), the common snowdrop : G. plicatus, plilc-at'-us (L. plic- atus, folded), a larger and finer species of snowdrop, native of the Crimea. galbanum, n., gdlb^dn-iim (L. galbanum, Gr. chalbane, the resin- ous sap of a Syrian plant), the resinous gum of an umbelliferous plant imported from India and the Levant. galbulus, n., galb'-ul-tts (L. galb- ulus, Sp. galbulo, the nut or little round ball of the cypress tree), in bot., a modification of the cone, where the apex of each carpellary scale is much enlarged or fleshy, so that collectively they form a round, compact fruit. gale, n., gal or gal f -% (probably Norse galen, angry, mad; or Icel. gala, to sing from its supposed medical qualities ; F. gale], the Myrica gale ; the gale, Scotch myrtle, or bog myrtle, a native fragrant bush, common to marshy grounds and damp heaths in Britain, Ord. Myricaceae. galea, n., gal'-Z-a (L. gdlea, a helmet, a headpiece), in bot., a sepal or petal shaped like a hel- met: galeate, a., gaV-e-at, shaped in a hollow vaulted manner like a helmet. Galiese, n. plu., gal-i'$-e (Gr. gala, milk from the flowers of one of the species being used for curdling milk), one of the three series or Sub-orders into which the Ord. Rubiacese has been divided ; also named 'Stellatae,' because they have verticillate leaves : Galium, n., gal'-i-tim, a genus of plants, common weeds. galipea, n., gatti-pe'd (a native name; Sp. galipot, white frankin- cense), a genus of plants found in Venezuela, Ord. Rutacese : Gali- pea cusparia. kus-par'-i-d (L. cus- pis, a spear; but not ascertained); also G. officinalis, df-fis'm>al'.is (L. officinalis, officinal from officina, a workshop), plants which supply the Angostura bark, used as a tonic and febrifuge. gall, n., gdwl (AS. gealla, gall ; geakw, yellow ; Ger. galle, gall ; gelb, yellow), a bitter, yellow- ish - green fluid secreted by the liver ; bile : gall-bladder, n., a small pear - shaped sac which receives the bile from the liver : gall - stone, n., a concretion formed from the gall. gall, n., gdwl, also gall-nut (L. galla, F. galk, the oak-apple; It, galla, a bubble, an oak-gall), hard, round excrescences on the Quercus infectoria, caused by the punctures, GAL 173 GAN and deposited eggs, of the Diplo- lepis Gallse tinctorise, etc. : gallic, a., gal' lik, denoting an acid obtained from gall-nuts. gall, v., gdwl (F. galler, to fret, to itch ; It. galla, scab ; Icel. galli, a fault or imperfection), to injure or break the skin by rub- bing : n., a wound in the skin produced by rubbing. Gallinacei, n. plu., gal'-ttn-H'sZ-l (L. galllna, a hen, a fowl), that section of the Order of Rasorial birds of which the common fowl is the type ; sometimes applied to the whole Order. galvanism, n., galv'-an-izm (after Galvani, the discoverer), electric- ity developed from the chemical action which takes place from certain bodies placed in contact, as different metals ; often applied to the body as a remedial agent, especially in the case of nervous diseases. 3-amassia, n., gam-as'-si-a (a native name), the Gamass or Squamash, a genus of plants, Ord. Liliacese : Gamassia escul- enta, tek f -ul'<&n&& (L. esculentus, eatable, esculent from esca, food), a plant whose root bulb is used as food, and is called by the Indians of N. America ' biscuit- root. ' Jambier, n., gam'-bi-Zr, orGambir, n., gam'bir (from Gambler, East Indies), an astringent drug, and used as a substitute for catechu, obtained from the Uncaria gam- bier, Ord. Rubiacese. gamboge, n., gam-bddj' (from Cambodia, in Asia), a yellow or greenish kind of resin, used as a pigment, and in medicine as a powerful purgative. gamogastrous, a., gam'-d-gas'trtis (Gr. gamos, marriage, union ; gaster, the belly, an ovary), in bot., applied to a pistil formed by a union of the ovaries more or less complete, while the styles and stigmata remain free : gam- opetalous, a., gam'-d-pZt'al-us (Gr. petalon, a leaf), having a corolla formed by the union or grafting together of several petals, so as to form a tube ; monopetal- ous: gamosepalous, a., gam'-o- sep'-dl-us (sepalon, an adapted word, formed from Gr. petalon), having a calyx formed by the union of several petals ; mono- sepalous : gamophyllous, a., gam'-d-fil'-lus (Gr. phullon, a leaf), having one leaf or mem- brane ; monophyllous. ganglion, n., gdng'gli-dn, gangli- ons, n. plu., -tinz, or ganglia, n. plu., -li'd (Gr. gangglion, a little tumour under the skin near the sinews), in surg., a turn our in the sheath of a tendon ; a mass of nervous matter containing nerve cells and giving origin to nerve fibres; a nerve centre: ganglionic, a., gang'gtt'dn'tk, relating to ganglia ; applied to collections of nucleated nerve cells which are centres of nervous power to the fibres connected with them ; in bot., a swelling in the mycelium of some fungi : gangliated, a., gdng f -gli-dt'$d, having ganglions ; intertwined : gangliform, a. , gdng'-gli'f6rm (L. forma, shape), having the form of a ganglion : ganglioma, n., gdng'-gli-omf-d, a glandular or ganglionic tumour : ganglion intercaroticum, In'-ter* kdr>6t r -ik'Um (L. inter, between, amidst ; new L. caroticus, carotid from Gr. karoo, I throw into a deep sleep), a large ganglionic body placed on the inner side of the angle of division of the common carotid artery : g. thyr- oideum, thir>d^d^-um (new L. thyroldeus, resembling the shape of an oblong shield from Gr. thureos, a shield ; eidos, resem- blance), the smallest of the cerv- ical ganglia, placed on or near the inferior thyroid artery. gangrene, n., gang'-gren (L. gan- grcena, Gr.ganggraina, a gangrene GAN 174 GAS from Gr. graino, I eat or gnaw), a condition of some soft part of a living body causing mortification and death of the part : gan- grenous, a., gang'gren-us, show- ing a tendency to gangrene ; having the character of gangrene: gangrena senilis, gang-gren'-d s&i'ittis (L. senilis, aged, senile), the gangrene which occurs in aged people from imperfect nutri- tion of a part, due to a diseased condition of the supplying blood- vessels. ganoid, a., gan'-oyd (Gr. ganos, splendour; eidos, resemblance), applied to an Order of fishes, living and extinct, having angular scales, composed of horny or bony plates covered with a shining enamel : Ganoidei, n. plu., gdn- dyd'-e-i, an Order of fishes. gapes, n. plu., gdpz (AS. geap, wide ; AS. geapan, Icel. gapa, to gape ; Gael, gab, a mouth), a fatal disease among poultry and birds, in which they open their mouths wide and gasp for breath, caused by the presence of the parasite sclerostoma syn- gamus in large numbers in the trachea, or partially developed in the lungs. Garcinia, n., gdr-sin'i-a (in honour of Dr. Laurent Garcin, a traveller), a valuable genus of fruit-bearing trees, Ord. Guttif- erse or Clusiacese : Garcinia morella or pedicellata, mdr-el'ld or ped'-i'Sel-ldt'-a (It. morello, dark, blackish ; F. morelle, the night - shade ; L. p%dicellus, a foot - stalk), a dioecious tree, with laurel - like foliage and small yellow flowers, found in CUmboja, Siam, etc., produces gamboge: G. pictoria, pik-tor'-i-a (L. pictorms, pictorial from pictor, a painter); and G. Travan- corica, trdv'dn-kor'tk-a (from Travancore, India), also furnish gamboge, which in commerce is received in the form of pipe, roll, lump, or cake gamboge : G. elliptica,e/-Z^^-a (L. elliptfaus, oval from ellipsis, an oval), a species producing a kind of gamboge, called 'coorg': G. man- gostana, man'- g 8s -tan'- a (Malay mangusta), a tree which bears the mangosteen, an E. Indian fruit, one of the finest known, re- sembling a middle-sized orange, filled with a sweet and highly- flavoured pulp. Gardenia, n., gdr-den'i-d (after Dr. Garden of Charleston, America), a splendid genus of plants, producing sweet-scented flowers of various colours, Ord. Eubiacese. gargle, n., gdrg'l (F. gargouiller, to gargle, a word imitative of the sound produced ; gargareon, the throat), a liquid medicinal preparation, used for washing the mouth and throat : v. , to wash the mouth and throat by gargling the liquid up and down in them. Garryaceae, n. plu., gar'-ri-a's&e (after Nicholas Garry, of Hudson's Bay Company), a small Order, or rather Sub-order, of shrubs, with opposite leaves and pendulous amentaceous racemes of flowers, included in the Ord. Cornacese : Garrya, n., gdr f -ri-d, a genus of ornamental shrubs, similar in ap- pearance to Viburnum, and a great botanical curiosity: Garrya elliptica, el'lip r >tik-d(Lt. ellipticus, oval from ellipsis, an oval), a species which has unisexual flowers, and is prized for its peculiar silky catkins. Gasteromycetes, n., gast'-er-o-mi- set'-ez (Gr. gaster, the belly ; mulces, a fungus), a division of the Fungi in which the hymenium is enclosed in a membrane, the spores being scattered over it in sets of four, as seen in puff-balls. Gasteropoda, n. plu., gast'-er-tip'- dd-d (Gr. gaster, the belly ; podes, feet), an Order of molluscous animals which have their feet GAS 175 GEL along the belly, or a ventral muscular disc adapted for creep- ing, as in the periwinkle. Gasterothalameae, n., gast'-Zr-d- tlial'drnf-e-e (Gr. gaster, the belly; thalamos, a bed-chamber, a receptacle), a section of the Lichens having the shields always closed, or opening by bursting through the cortical layer of the thallus, the nucleus containing the deliquescing or shrivelled sporangia. gastric, a., gast'-rik (Gr. gaster. the belly or stomach), relating to the belly or stomach in man ; popularly applied to certain forms of fever : gastric juice, the fluid in the stomach which acts as the principal agent in digestion : gas- tritis, n., gast-rit'is, inflamma- tion of the stomach: gastro, gast'ro, signifying, related to, or connected with the stomach. gastricolse, n. plu., gast-riWift-e (Gr. gaster, the belly ; colo, I inhabit), intestinal parasites, being the larvse of certain flies, found in the intestines of various animals. gastro-cephalitis, gast'-ro-sef-al It'-is (Gr. gaster, the belly ; Tcephale, the head), inflammation of the stomach with excitement of the brain and head. gastrocnemius, n., gast'-rtilc-nemf- i-us (Gr. gaster, the belly; Tcnerne, the leg), the muscle or muscles which principally form the calf of the leg, and whose office it is to extend the foot ; this muscle is also called ' gemellus superior. ' gastrodynia, n., gast'-rd-din'-i'a (Gr. gaster^ the belly ; odune, pain), a painful affection of the stomach. gastro - enteritis, gasf-ro - %n f -fer- lt f -is (Gr. gaster, the belly ; en- teron, an intestine), inflammation of the stomach and small intes- tines. gastromalacia, n., gast'-rd-mal-d' shi-d (Gr. gaster, the belly ; L. malacus, Gr. malakos, soft to the touch, tender), a softening of the stomach, due to the action of the gastric juice on the coats of the stomach after death. gastrorrhoaa, n. , gast'rtir-re'a (Gr. gaster, the belly ; rheo, I flow), catarrh of the stomach, attended with the discharge of abundant mucus. gastro-splenic, a., gast'-rd-splen'-ih (Gr. gaster, the belly ; splen, the spleen), pert, to the stomach and spleen. gastrula, n., gast-rdl'-a (a dim. formed from Gr. gaster, the belly), a name applied to the developmental stage in various animals, in which the embryo consists of two fundamental membranes, an outer and an inner, enclosing a central cavity. gattine, n.,gat'tm (a corruption of catkin ; It. gattino, a kitten), a disease in silkworms caused by the fungus Cladospor- ium herbarnm, so called from the dead caterpillars presenting the appearance of a kind of pas- tille, as the disease ' muscardine ' has that of a little cake. Gaultheria, n., gdwl-ther^i-d (after Gaulthier, a botanist of Canada), a genus of ornamental shrubs, Ord. Ericaceae : Gaultheria pro- cumbens, pro-lcumf-benz (L. pro- cumbens, leaning forward, bending down); and G-. shallon, shal'ldn (name in Amer.), furnish suc- culent and grateful berries which yield a volatile oil. gelatine, n., jel'at-m (F. gelatine, It. and Sp. gelatina, gelatine ; L. gelatum, to congeal), the prin- ciple of jelly ; animal jelly ; gelatinous, a., jet-at'-m-us, re- sembling or consisting of jelly ; having the consistence of jelly. gelatio, n., jel-a'-shl-o (L. geldtio, frost), frostbite as it affects man: gelation, n., jel'of-shun, the rigid state of the body in catalepsy, aa if frozen. GEM 176 GEN gemelli, n. plu., /&&# (a dim. of L. gemini, twins), the names of two muscles, named respectively the 'gemellus superior 'and 'gem- ellus inferior,' see 'gastrocnem- ius.' geminate, a.,/8f?ifti-ai (L. gemini, twins ; gemindtus, doubled), in lot., growing in pairs ; same as ' binate. ' gemma, n., j$m'-ma, gemmae, n. plu. , jem'me (L. gemma, a bud ; gemmce, buds), in bot., a bud ; leaf buds as distinguished from flower buds ; reproductive buds found in liverworts ; the buds produced by any animal, whether detached or not : gemmate, a., j&mtmdt, having buds : gemmation, n., jem-md' shun, the development of leaf buds ; in zool., the process of producing new structures by budding : gemmiferous, a., jem- mif^r-us (L. fero, t bear), bearing buds : gemmifonn, a., fim'-mi'ftirm (L. forma, shape), shaped liked a bud : gemmip- arous, a., jem-m^p'-ar-us (L. pario, I produce), in bot., repro- ducing by buds ; in zool., giving origin to new structures by a process of budding. gemnmle, n., fem'mul (L. gem- mula, a little bud from gemma, a bud), in bot., the first bud of the embryo ; same as * plumule' ; in zool, the ciliated embryos of many Ccelenterata ; the seed-like reproductive bodies or spores of Spongilla. genera, see ' genus. ' generation, n., jen'&r'd'shun (L. generdtum, to beget, to engender from genus, a race or kind), production ; formation : gener- ative, &.,jen'-er-dt'iv, that gener- ates or produces. generic, pert, to a ' genus. ' genestade, n., jen'-Zs-tdd (a cor- ruption of L. genista or genesta, the broom plant), an enzootic disease of cattle, sthenic hsema- turia, due principally to the astringent principle of the plants and young trees which animals eat ; so called in France as due to animals eating the plant Genist- ica Hispanica, his-pan'-ik-a (of or from Hispania or Spain) : Genista, n., jtn-tetf-ct (called in F. plantegenet), a plant from which the Plantagenets took their name: Genista tinctoria, tinglc-tor'-i-a (L. tinctorius, belonging to dyeing from tingo, I dye), a dye-plant, formerly known as ' dyer's green- weed ' or ' dyer's broom. ' genial, a., j&n'-i-al (Gr. geneion, the chin), of or belonging to the chin : genio, jen'i-o, signifying in compounds a connection with the jaw : genio-hyo-glossus, hi-o- glos'>sus (Gr. letter v, upsilon, or Eng. u; glossa, the tongue), a thin, flat, triangular muscle, so named from its triple attachment to the jaw, the hyoid bone, and tongue : genio-hyoid, hi'-oyd, (Gr. eidos, resemblance), a narrow, slender muscle situated immed- iately beneath the inner border of the mylo-hyoid. genitals, n. plu., flthf-tt-tila (L. genitdlis, serving to beget from gigno, I beget), the parts of an animal which are the immediate instruments of generation. genito-crural, a., jen'it-d-krdr f -al (L. genitdlis, serving to beget from gigno, I beget), applied to a nerve which belongs partly to the external genital organs, and partly to the thigh : genito indicates connection with the genital organs. Gentianacese, n. plu., j8n'shi-an- af'SQ'G (after Gentius, the anc. king of Illyria who first proved its virtues), the Gentian family, a well-known Order of plants, principally herbaceous, distrib- uted over nearly every part of the world, prized for their beauty ; many exhibit great variety of colours, have a bitterness in their GEN 177 GER roots, leaves, and flowers, used as tonics : Gentianese, n. plu., fin' shi-an'e-e, a tribe of the Order : Gentiana, n,, jen'sht-dn'-d, an extremely beautiful genus of plants : Gentiana lutea., ldot'8-a (L. lutum,, a plant used in dyeing yellow), a species whose root is principally used in medicine, found at a high elevation on Pyrenees and Alps, produces showy yellow flowers, and the root yellow internally : G. punc- tata, pungk-tat'-a (L. punctdtus, punctured from punctum, a puncture, a sting) ; G. purpurea, per-pur'8-d (L. purpureus, purple-coloured from purpura, a purple colour) ; and G. Pannon- ica, pan-ntin'-ik-a (L. Panndnia, an anc. country of Turkey), are species whose roots- are often mixed with the root of G. lutea : G. kurroo, Icur-rd' (a native name), a species of the Himalayas having similar properties : G. campestris, kdm-pest-ris (L. cam- pestris, pert, to a level field from campus, a flat field) ; and G. am- areUa, am'-dr-eV-ld (a dim. of L. amdrus, bitter), British species which have also been used as bitter tonics. genu, n., fin'u (L. gZnu, the knee), the knee or bend of the corpus callosum. genus, n., fin' Us, genera, n. plu., jen'-er-d (L. genus, birth, race, g&n$ris, of a race), that which has several species under it ; a group next lower to an Order ; a Species is one of the group called a Genus, while accidental differ- ences in species give rise to Varieties ; we have accordingly in natural history, the Order, the Genus, the Species, the Variety, while to indicate minor differences we have often groups called Sub- orders, Sub -genera, Sub-species, and Sub-varieties ; see * Species. ' Geoffroya, n., jef-froy'.a (after M . Geo/roy, author of Materia Med~ M ica. died 1731), a genus of trees, Ord. Leguminosae, Sub-ord. Pap- ilionacese : Geoffroya superba, su'perb'd (L. superbus, excellent, splendid), a species whose fruit, called Umari, is much used by the inhabitants of Brazil, etc. geotropism, n., je-ot'-rop-izm (Gr. g$d, the earth ; trope, a turning, a change), in bot., the influence of gravitation on growth. Gephyrea, n. plu., jef-ir'-Z'd (Gr. gephura, a mound or dyke), a class of the Anarthropoda, com- prising the spoon - worms and their allies. GeraniaceaB, n. plu.^r-aft^-a'sg-e (Gr. gerdnos, a crane, in allusion to the long beak-like prolongation of the axis), the Cranesbill family, an Order of plants which are as- tringent and aromatic : Gerani- um, n., fir-an'-i-tim, a genus, some of whose species produce very handsome flowers : Geranium maculatum, mak'-ul-at'-um (L. maculatus, spotted, speckled from macula, a spot), a species whose root is called ' alum root, ' from its being a very powerful astringent : G. oblongatum, 06- long-gat'-urn (L. oblongus, rather long, oblong), the yellow geran- ium, whose root-stock is used by the natives of Namaqualand, S. Africa, as an article of food ; G. B/obertianum, rob-ertf'i'dn'-um (from Robert, proper name), a species used in K. "Wales in nephritic complaints. germ, n., firm (L. germen, the bud of a tree, a young twig), that from which anything springs; the rudiment of an undeveloped new being: germ-cells, the cells or nuclei which contain active germinal matter or protoplasm ; germ-mass, the germinal matter or protoplasm ; the materials prepared for the future form- ation of the embryo : germen, n., firm'-Zn, in bot., a name for the ovary : germinal, a. , firm' GES 178 GIZ pert, to a germ : germinal vesicle, in bot. and zool., a cell contained in the embryo sac from which the embryo is developed ; the small vesicular body within the ovum or the yolk of the egg : germination, n., jerm'in-af-shun, the first beginning of vegetation in seed ; the first act of growth. Gesneracese, n. plu., gte'-nZr-a'-se-e (after the botanist Gesner, of Zurich), the Gesnera family, an extensive Order of little, soft- wooded herbs or shrubs, generally possessing considerable beauty, natives chiefly of the warmer regions of America : Gesnera, n. , g$s'n$r-a, a genus whose species are very handsome plants. gestation, n., gest-a'-shun (L. gest- dtio, a bearing or carrying from gesto, I bear or carry), the period during which females carry the embryo in the womb from con- ception to delivery ; the state of pregnancy. Geum, ge'-um (Gr. geuo, I give to taste, I entertain), a genus of ornamental plants, Ord. Kosacese, distinguished by astringent and tonic qualities : Geum urbanum, erb'dn'um (L. urbdnus, belonging to the city or town from urbs, a city), the common and water avens; andG. rivale, rw-dl'e (L. rivalis, belonging to a brook from rlvus, a small stream), have been employed as tonics and as- tringents, and for efficacy have been compared to Cinchona: G. coccineum, kok-sm'-8-tim (L. coc* emeus, of a scarlet colour from coccum, the berry of the scarlet oak), an extremely handsome species. gibber, n., gffi-l&r (L. gibber, crook-backed, hunch-backed ', gib- bus, hunched, humped), in bot., a pouch at the base of a floral envelope: gibbosity, n., gib -bos i-ti, a round or swelling promin- ence ; in bot., a swelling at the base of an organ : gibbous, a., gtb'biis, swollen at the base; having a distinct swelling at some part of the surface. gid, n., gid (a corruption of giddy, unsteady, alluding to their totter- ing gait ; Norse gidda, to shake, to tremble), the disease called ' sturdy ' among sheep, caused by parasites on the "brain, viz. the Coenurus cerebralis. GilliesiaceaB, n. plu., gtl-ltztt-a'- s$-e (after Dr. Gillies, of Chili), the Gilliesia family, an Order of herbs with tunicated bulbs, grass- like leaves, and umbellate, spath- aceous flowers : Gilliesia, n., gll- liz'-i-a, a genus of the Order. gills, n. plu. , gilz (AS. geaflas, the chaps, the jaws ; Swed. gel, a jaw, the gill of a fish), the organs of breathing in fishes, forming reddish fibrous flaps, or fringe- like processes, placed on both sides of the head ; in bot., the thin vertical plates on the under side of the cap of certain Fungi. ginger, n.,jmf-er (F. gingembre, L. zingiber, ginger), the under- ground stem or rhizome of the Indian plant Zingiber officinale, also named Amomum zingiber, Ord. Zingiberaceae, used as an aromatic stimulant. gingivse, n. plu., jin-jiv'-e (L. gin- glva, a gum), the gums ; a dense fibrous tissue, very closely con- nected with the periosteum of the alveolar processes, and covered by a red mucous membrane : gingiv- itis, n., jm f -jiv'it f 'is, inflammation of the gums. ginglymus, n., gtng f -gttm"&8 (Gr. gingglumos, the hinge of a door, a joint), in anat., a joint which allows motion in two directions only, as the joint of the elbow and the lower jaw : ginglymoid, a., ging'-glim-oyd (Gr. eidos, re- semblance), resembling a hinge. gizzard, n., giz'zerd (F. gtsier, a gizzard; Prov. F. grezie, a gizzard from gres, gravel), the strong muscular division of the stomacS GLA 179 GLA in fowls, birds, and insects ; the crop. glabella, n., gtitb-Wld (L. gldbel- lus, without hair, smooth dim. from gldber, smooth), in anat., the triangular space between the eyebrows ; the nasal eminence lying between the superciliary ridges. glabrous, a., gldb'rus (L. gldber, without hair, smooth), in bot., smooth ; devoid of hair. glacial, a., glaf-slii'dl (L. glades, ice), consisting of ice ; frozen : glacial acetic acid, the strongest acetic acid, so named from its crystallizing in ice-like leaflets at the ordinary temperature of 55. Gladiolus, n., glad-i'ol-us (L. gladiolus, a small sword from glddius, a sword), an extensive genus of plants, consisting chiefly of beautifully flowering bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope, Ord. IridacesB ; in anat., the second piece of the sternum, con- siderably longer, narrower, and thinner than the first piece. gladius, n., glddius (L. glddius, a sword), the horny endoskeleton or pen of certain cuttle-fishes : gladiate, a., glad'i-dt, in bot., shaped like a short, straight sword. glair, n., gldr (F. glair e, white of an egg; Scot, glair or glaur, mud or slime), the white of a raw egg; any viscous transparent substance \ resembling it: glairy, a., gldr'-i, like glair ; slimy. gland, n., gland (L. glans, an acorn, glandis, of an acorn), organs of manifold forms and structure which perform the functions of secretion, or when ductless are believed to modify the composition of the blood, found in all parts of the body ; a similar combination of ducts or vessels in plants ; an organ of secretion in plants con- sisting of cells, generally on the epidermis ; wart-like swelling on plants : glans, n., glanz, in bot., the acorn or hazel nut, and such like, which are enclosed in bracts; the nut-like extremity of the penis. glanders, n. plu., gland' erz (old F. glandre, a swelling of the glands ; L. glans, an acorn), a malignant contagious disease of equine animals capable of being conveyed to man, which primarily affects the mucous membranes of the nose, and is accompanied by a starchy or gluey (fibrinous) discharge. glandule, n., gland' ul, also gland- ula, n., gland' ul'd (L. glandulce, the glands of the throat, dim. of glans, an acorn), a small gland or secreting vessel : glandular, a., gland'ul' ar, consisting of or pert, to glands ; in bot., applied to hairs in plants having glands on their tips: glandulse ceruminosse, gland'ul' e ser-drn'm-oz'-e (new L. cerumen, the wax secreted by the ear from cera, wax), the cerum- inous glands; the numerous small glands or follicles which secrete the ear-wax. glaucium, n., gldws'i-um (Gr. glaukos, a colour between green and blue), a genus of very pretty plants, Ord. Papaveracese. glaucoma, n., gldwk-dm'-a (Gr. glaukoma, a certain disease of the eye from glaukos, blue -grey or sea-green ; L. glaucoma, an ob- scuration of the crystalline lens from glaucus, bluish-grey), a dis- ease of the eye giving to it a bluish or greenish tinge : glauc- ous, a., gldwkf'US, of a sea-green colour ; in bot. , covered or frosted with a pale-green bloom : glauc- escent, a., gldfos-'es f >sent, having a bluish-green or sea-green appear- ance. Glaux, n., gldwks (Gr. glaukos, blue-grey or sea-green), a very pretty genus of plants, so called in allusion to the colour of the leaves, Ord. Primulacee : Glaux GLE 180 GLO maritima, mar-U'im-a (L. marit- imus, maritime from mare, the sea), a species having the corolla abortive, and the calyx coloured. gleba, n., gleb'a (L. gleba, a lump of earth, a clod ; glebula, a small clod), the spore-forming apparatus of Phalloidese : glebulae, n. plu., gUb f 'Ul-e, crumb-like masses. gleet, n., glet (F. glette, the froth of an egg ; low Ger. glett, slip- pery), a slimy or glairy discharge from a wound ; the thin humour as the result of gonorrhceal dis- ease. Gleichenieae, n. pin., glik'gn'i'e-e (after Baron Gleichen, a German botanist), a Sub-order of the Ord. Filices, having the sori dorsal, and the sporangia opening vertic- ally : Gleichenia, n., glik-enfoft, a genus of pretty ferns. glenoid, a., gttn'oyd (Gr. glene, the pupil of the eye, a socket ; eidos, resemblance), in anat., applied to a part having a shallow cavity, as the socket of the shoulder joint : glenoid fossa, fd/'Sd (L. fossa, a ditch), the socket of the shoulder joint : glene, n. , glen'e, the hollow part of a bone ; a socket. glioma, n., gll-dm'a, gliomata, n. plu., gli*6m'at-a (Gr. glia, glue), a tumour peculiar to the brain and similar nervous structures, generally the former ; a tumour very nearly allied to the sarcoma, consisting of primitive cells re- sembling those of the insterstitial substance of nervous structure. globate, a., glob f -dt (L. globdtus, made round from globus, a ball), globe-shaped: globoids, n. plu., glob'-oyds (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), non-crystalline, clustered granules enclosed in grains of aleuron : globose, a., glob-oz' (L. globosus, round as a ball), having the form of a ball ; spherical : globosity, n., gldb-os'tt-i, the quality of being round. Globularia Globularia, n., glob'-ul-ar'-i-a (L. globulus, a little ball from globus, a ball), a very handsome genus of plants, Ord. Verben- aeese, so named from the pro- duction of the flowers in globose heads. globule, n., glob'-ul (L. gldbulus, a little globe from globus, a globe), a very minute particle of matter in a round form ; in bot. , the male organ of the Chara : globulin, n., gldb'-ul-m, the albuminous matter which forms the principal part of the blood corpuscles; in bot., the round, transparent granules formed in the cellular tissue, which constit- ute fsecula : globulus, n., glftb'- ul-us, the round deciduous shield of some lichens. globus hystericus, glob' us hist-Zr'- ik-tis (L. globus, a ball ; hyster- icus, Gr. husterikos, pert, to the womb, hysterical from hustera, the womb), in hysteria, the sen- sation of a ball rising up in the chest and throat ; the hysterical b.ll. glochidiate, a., glo-kid'-i-at (Gr. glochis, the angular end of any- thing, as of an arrow from glox, the awn or beard of grain), in bot., applied to hairs on plants, the divisions of which are barbed like a fish hook. glomerate, a., gl8m'er-dt (L. glomeratus, gathered into a round heap from glomus, a ball or clew of thread), gathered into round heaps or heads. glomerule, n., glomf-er-ul, also glomerulus, n., glom-er'-ul-us (dim. of L. glomus, a ball or clew of thread), a head or dense cluster of flowers ; the powder- ing leaf lying on the thallus of lichens : glomerulus, n., glom- eruli, n. plu., gldm-er'ul-i, gran- ulous cells, being the result of the transformation of other cells, either of normal or pathological formation, as in the case of mucus or pus corpuscles; in bot.. GLO 181 GLY powdery masses on the surfaces of some lichens: glomeruliferous, a., glftm'er'-ul-if'&r'US (L.fero, I bear), in bot, "bearing clusters of minutely - branched, coral like excrescences. glossanthrax, n., gifts' san-thraks (Gr. glossa, the tongue; anthrax, burning coal), among cattle, a dis- ease characterised by a develop- ment of malignant carbuncle in the mouth, especially on the tongue. glosso, glfts'-so (Gr. glossa, the tongue), a prefix in compounds denoting ' attachment to or con- nection with the tongue' : glosso- pharyngeal, far'm-je'dl (Gr. pharungx, the gullet), a nerve connected with the tongue and pharynx : glossitis, n., glfts-sU' is, inflammation of the tongue : glossoid, a., gifts' oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling the tongue : glossology, n., gifts- sftl' o-ji (Gr. logos, discourse), the explanation of the special terms used in any science : glottis, n. , glftt'tis (Gr. glotta or glossa, the tongue), the narrow opening at the upper part of the windpipe at the back of the tongue : glot- titis, n., glot'tU'is, inflammation of the glottis. Gloxinia, n., globs-tri'i-a (after the botanist Gloxin, of Colmar), a splendid genus of plants, worthy of extensive cultivation, Ord. Gesneracese. glucose, n., gl6-koz' (Gr. glulcus, sweet), grape sugar ; the peculiar form of sugar which exists in grapes and other fruits ; also found in animals, as in the blood ; also excreted by the urine in Diabetes mellitus. glume, n., gldm (L. gluma, the husk of corn), the husk of corn or grasses formed of flaps or valves embracing the seed : glumaceous, a., gldm-d'shus, resembling the dry, scale-like glumes of grasses : glumiferous, a., gl6m>if'er>us (L.fero, I bear), bearing or producing glumes : glumelle, n., gldm-el, or glum- ellule, n., gldm-el'ul, the inner husk of the flowers of grasses ; the palea or fertile glume of a grass : glumellaB, n. plu., gl6m- el'le, a plural used to denote the palese or fertile glumes of grasses. gluten, n., gldt'en, also glutin, n., gldt'in (L. gluten, paste or glue), a tough substance obtained from wheat and other grains : glutenoid, a., gldt'-Zn-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resem- bling gluten or allied to it. gluteus, n., gl6t-e'us (Gr. gloutos, the buttock or hip), one of the three large muscles which form the seat: they are named respect- ively gluteus maxim us, mdJcs' im-tis (L. maximus, the greatest), which extends the thigh, and is the largest ; g. medius, med'i-iis (L. medius, the middle), which acts when we stand, and is the second in size ; and g. minimus, min'-im-us (L. minimus, the least), which assists the other two, and is the third in size : gluteal, a., gldt-e'al, pert, to the buttocks. glycerine, n., gtis'-e'r-in (Gr. gluk- us, sweet), the sweet principle of oils and fats : glyceric acid, glis-er'ik, an acid produced by the action of nitric acid on glyc- erine : nitro - glycerine, mt'-ro- glis'er-m, a powerful blasting oil, and very dangerous explosive agent, prepared by the action of nitric and sulphuric acids on glycerine: glycogen, n. , gliJc'6-jen (Gr. gennao, I produce), a sub- stance formed by the liver, and capable of being converted into grape sugar, or into glucose. glycocholic, a., glikf-8-lMfk (Gr. glukus, sweet ; chole, bile), de- noting an acid obtained from the bile of the ox and other animals. Glycyrrhiza, n., glis'-er-riz'-a (Gr. i, sweet ; rhiza, a root), a GLY 182 GON genus of plants, Ord. Legumin- osae, Sub-ord. Papilionacese, the sweet, sub -acrid, and mucilagin- ous juice of whose roots is used as a pectoral : Glycyrrhiza glab- ra, gldb'rd (L. glaber, without hair, smooth), the plant which yields liquorice root, used med- icinally as a demulcent : G. ech- inata, Vlc'-m-at'-a (L. echinatus, set with prickles, prickly) ; and G. glandulifera, gland'-uL-tf-er-ci (L. glandulce, glands ; fero, I bear), also possess a sweetness in their roots and leaves : glycyr- rhizin, n., glfo'-fo-riz'tn, or glyc- ion, n., gtts'i-dn, the peculiar sweet principle in the roots and leaves of the Glycyrrhiza, and other papilionaceous plants ; liquorice-sugar. gnathic, a., nath'-ik (Gr. gnathos, the cheek or jaw bone), belonging to the cheek or superior maxilla : gnathites, n. plu., nath-U'ez, in zooL, the masticatory organs of the Crustacea : gnathitis, n., ndth'i&id, inflammation of the jaw : gnatho, ndth'o, a prefix in compounds indicating connection with the jaw. gnaurs, n. plu., ndwrs, better spelling gnar or gnarr, ndr (Dut. knarren, to growl; Swed. knarra, to creak ; knorla, to twist or curl), excrescences or warts on the stem of a tree. Gnetacese, n. plu., net'd r 'S^-e (from gnemon, a native name), the Joint-firs, an Order of small trees or shrubs, some species bearing eatable, fleshy fruit : Gnetum, n., net'um, a genus whose seeds in India are cooked and eaten, and the green leaves are used as spinach. gnomonicus, n., nnt*#9{3;*& (Gr. gnomon, the pin or style of a dial), in bot., applied to a stalk which is bent at right angles. goitre, n., goyt^r (F. goitre, a wen), a large tumour or swelling on the fore part of the neck, prevalent chiefly in Alpine dis- tricts. Gomphocarpus, n., gdrn'/o-kdrp'- tis (Gr. gomphos, a peg, a club ; karpos, fruit), a pretty Cape genus of plants, Ord. Asclepiad- acese : Gomphocarpus frnticosus, frdt'-i'Tcozf-fis (L. fruticosus, shrubby from frutex, a shrub), the silk plant of Madeira. Gompholobium, n., gtimffd*l6tfl* urn (Gr. gomphos, a peg, a club ; lobos, a pod), a splendid genus of New Holland plants, Ord. Leg- uminosse, Sub-ord. Papilionacese, having club- or wedge-shaped pods : Gompholobium uncinat- um, tin'sin'tit'tim (L. uncindtus, furnished with hooks from uncus, a hook), a species which has poisoned sheep in Swan River Colony. gomphosis, n>, gSm-fdz'is (Gr. gomphoS) a peg, a wedge), in anat. , a form of joint in which a conical body is fastened into a socket, as the teeth in the jaw. Gomphrena, n,, gdm-fren'a (Gr. gomphos, a club, from the shape of the flowers), a genus of plants having round heads of purple and w r hite flowers, Ord. Amaranth- aceae : Gomphrena globosa, glob- oz'-a (L. globosus, round from gltibuS) a ball, a globe), the Globe amaranth, gonangium, n., gdn-an'-ji-um (Gr. gonos, offspring ; anggeion, a vessel), the chitinous receptacle in which the reproductive buds of certain of the Hydrozoa are produced. gongylus, n., g$ncf.jil>tis, gongyli, n. plu., gong'-jU-l (Gr. gonggulos, round), in bot., round, hard bodies produced on certain Algae, which become ultimately de- tached, and germinate ; same as * gonidia. ' gonidia, n. plu., g8n-fd'>t-a (Gr. gonos, offspring, seed ; eidos, resemblance), green germinating cells in the thallus of lichens GON 183 GRA immediately beneath the sur- face. goiioblastidia, n. plu., gdn'o'blast- id'-i-a, (Gr. gonos, offspring ; blastidion, a dim. of blastos, a bud), the processes which carry the reproductive receptacles or ' gonophoresj ' in many of the Hydrozoa. gonocalyx, n., gdn'-o-kdl'iJcs (Gr. gonos, offspring ; kalux, a cup), the swimming-bell in a medusi- form gouophore; the same struct- ure in a gonophore which is not detached. gonophore, n., gon^d-for (Gr. gonos, offspring ; phoreo, I bear, I carry), in bot., an elevated or elongated receptacle bearing the stamens and carpels in a promin- ent and conspicuous manner ; in zool., the generative buds or receptacles of the reproductive elements in the Hydrozoa, whether these become detached or not. gonorrhea, n., g^n'-dr-re'-a (Gr. gonorrhoia, a gonorrhea from gone, semen ; rheo, I flow), the discharge of a purulent or muco- purulent fluid from the inflamed mucous membranes of the gen- erative organs, the result of in- fection, and highly contagious ; urethritis : gonorrheal, a., gtin'- tir-re'al, pert, to : gonorrheal ophthalmia, inflammation of the eye from the contact of gonorrheal matter. gonosome, n., gdn'd-sdm (Gr. gonos, offspring ; sdma, body), a term applied to the reproductive zooids of a hydrozoon. gonotheca, n., gdn'-o-thek'.a (Gr. gonos, offspring ; theke, a chest, a case), the chitinous receptacle within which the gonophores of certain of the Hydrozoa are pro- duced. gonus, gon'-tis (Gr. gdnu, the knee), and gonum, gon'-um (Gr. gonia, a corner or angle), in bot. , words in composition signifying either 'kneed' or 'angled,' the o short when the former, and long when the latter ; pofygdnum, many-kneed ; tetragonum, four- angled. Goodeniaceae, n. plu., go6d'$n-i- af-se-e (in honour of Dr. Good- enough, Bishop of Carlisle), the Goodenia family, an Order mostly of herbaceous plants, of Australia and S. Sea Islands : Goodenia, n., good-en'-i-a, a very elegant genus of plants : Goodeniese, n. plu., gdod'-Zn-i'-e-e, a Sub-order. Gossypium, n., gbs-sip'-i-um (L. gossypion, the cotton tree said to be from Ar. goz or gothn, a soft substance), a highly valuable genus of plants comprising the various species of cotton plants, cotton being nothing more than the collection of hairs which surround the seeds, Ord. Malv- aceae : Gossypium Barbadense, bdrb'a-dZns'e (of or from Barba- does), the species which yields the best cotton, the Sea Island, New Orleans, and Georgian cot- ton : G. Peruvianum, per-6v'-i- dn'-tim (new L. Peruvidnus, of or from Peru) ; and G. acuminatum, ak-um''in'dt f >um (L. acummdtum, pointed, sharpened from acum- en, a point), species which furnish the S. American cotton: Gr. herb- aceum, herb-d'se-tim (L. herbdce- us, grassy from herba, grass), the common cotton of India; the Chinese Nankin cotton : Gr. arboreum, dr-bdr^^'um (L. arboreus, pert, to a tree from arbor, a tree), the Indian tree cotton. gout, n., gowt (L. gutta, a drop from the old medical theory which attributed all disorders to the settling of a drop of morbid humour upon the part affected ; F. goutte, a drop, the gout), a well-known painful disease of the joints. gracilis, n., gras'-il-is (L. gradlis, slender), the name of a long, thin, GRA 184 GRE flat muscle of the thigh, which assists the ' sartorius. ' grain, n., gran (L. granum, grain of corn ; F. grain), the fruit of cereal grasses ; the smallest weight, so named as supposed to be of equal weight with a grain of corn : grains of Paradise, the seeds of ' Amomum malegueta. ' Grallatores, n. plu., gral'-ld-tor'-ez (L. grattator, he that goes on stilts from grallce, stilts), the Order of the long-legged wading birds. Graminege, n. plu., grdm-tn'8-e, also Graminaceae, gram'-in-d'-sZ-e (L. grdmineus, pert, to grass from grdmen, grass), the Grass family, an Order of plants form- ing the most important in the vegetable kingdom, as furnishing the chief supply of food for man in the cereals, etc. , and herbage for animals : graminaceous, a., fjram'in'd'shus, pert, to grass ; like grass: graminivorous, a., gram-in-iv'tir-us (L. voro, I de- vour), feeding or subsisting on grass. Granatum, n., gran-at'-urn (L. granum, a grain), the pomegran- ate, so called because full of seed; see ' Punica granatum. ' granivorous, a., grdn-w'8r>u3 (L. granum, grain ; voro, I devour), living upon grains or other seeds. granule, n., grcin'ul, granules, n. plu., gran'-uls (dim. from L. granum, a grain), minute par- ticles of matter, either organic or inorganic ; in bot., minute bodies varying greatly in size, having distinct, external, shadowed rings or margins, the external edges of which are abrupt : granular, a. , gran'-ul-er, also granulose, a., gran'ul'dz, consisting of grains or granules; resembling granules: granulated, a., gran'-ul'dt-Zd, roughish on the surface ; com- posed of granules : granulations, n., grdn'-ul-d'-sMns, the small, soft nodules of a florid red colour which appear on the surface of healthy healing wounds or ulcers : granula-gonima, grdn'-ul-d-gtin' im-d (L. granula, a little grain ; Gr. gonimos, having the power of generating), clusters of spherical cells filled with green granular matter, seated beneath the cor- tical layer in lichens. Gratiola, n., grat-tidl-d (L. gratia, grace, favour, the grace of God from their supposed med- icinal virtues), a genus of pretty free - flowering plants, Ord. Scrophulariacese : Gratiola offic- inalis, df-fis'-m-dV-is (L. offic'm- alis, officinal), the plant hedge- hyssop, bitter and acrid, formerly called 'Gratia Dei,' the grace of God, from its efficacy as a medicine. gravel, n., grdv'%1 (It. gravella, F. gravelle, sand), small stony concretions formed in the kid- neys, which, when passed, form a gravelly kind of sediment in the urine ; the disease thus caused. gravid, a., grav'id (L. gravidus, pregnant from grdvis, heavy), pregnant; heavy or great with child. grease, n., gres (F. graisse, It. grascia, grease), a disease in horses, consisting of inflammation of the skin at the back of the fetlock and heels, on which pus- tules form, yielding a fetid, pur- ulent discharge. Gregarina, n., grZg'dr-ln'-d (L. gregarius 9 belonging to a herd or flock from grex, a flock), one of the Gregarinidae, greg'dr-m'-id-e, a class of the Protozoa. Grevillea, n., grev-il'l&d (after Greville, a patron of botany), a handsome genus of New Holland plants, Ord. Proteacese: Grevillea robusta, rd-bust'd (L. robustus, oaken from robur, an oak tree), the silver oak. Grewia, n., gr6'i-d (in honour of Dr. Grew, the botanist), a genus GllO 185 GUL of plants, Ord. Filiaceae, having elm-looking leaves : Grewia mic- rocos, mik'rolC'OS (Gr. mikros, little ; Tcosmos, a world); and G. Asiatica, azUi-at'-ik-a, (from Asia), species whose fruits are agreeable, and are largely em- ployed in making sherbet in N.W. India : G. oppositifolia, dp'pdz'-it-l'fol^'a (L. oppositus, placed before or opposite ; folium, a leaf), a species whose fibres are used in making paper. groin, n., groyn (F. groin, snout of a hog), in the human body, the depressed part between the belly and the thigh. grossification, n., gros'-si-fik-a'- shun (L. grossm, thick ; facio, I make), in hot., the swelling of the ovary after impregnation. Grossulariacese, n. plu., gros'-u- Idr-$'d's8'e (mid. L. grossula, a gooseberry ; grossulus, a small unripe fig from grossm, an un- ripe fig), the Gooseberry and Currant family, natives of temperate regions, and many yield edible fruits. grumous, a., grdm'-us (L. grumus, a little heap or hillock), clotted ; knotted ; in bot. , collected into granule masses. Guaiacum, n . , gwa'-yd'lcum or gwd> ya'-kiim (Sp. guayaco, S. Amer. gua- iac, the name of the tree), a genus of lofty ornamental trees, Ord. Zygophyllacese : Guaiacum offic- inale, of-fis'm-al'-e (L. offidnalis, officinal), a beautiful W. Indian tree, whose wood, lignum vitae, is prized for its hardness, yields the resinous substance known as guaiac or gum-guaiac, gwl'dk or gwaf-yak, the gum and wood used medicinally as a stimulant and diaphoretic : G. sanctum, sangkf- turn (L. sanctus, holy), a species which also yields gum-guaiac. guano, n., gdo>dn'6 or gwdn'6 (Sp. guano or huano from Per- uvian huanu, dung), the vast accumulations of the droppings of sea-fowls found on islands on the coast of S. America, much used as a manure. guaranine, n., gwdr^dn-in (after a tribe of American Indians so named), a bitter crystalline sub- stance obtained from the Guarana bread or Brazilian cocoa, identical with caffeine. guard, a., n., gdrd (F. garder, to keep ; It. guardare, to guard), in bot., applied to sister cells bounding a stoma, formed by bipartition of a mother cell ; in zool., the cylindrical fibrous sheath with which the internal chambered shell of a Belemnite is protected. Guatteria, n., gwdt-ter'-i'd (after Guatteri, an Italian botanist), a splendid genus of plants, Ord. Anonacese : Guatteria virgata, verg'dt'd (L. virgdtus, made of twigs or osiers from virga, a twig), a species yielding the lance-wood of commerce. gubernaculum, n., gobb'-er-ndlff-ul- um (L. gubernaculum, a helm, a rudder from guberno, I steer), a conical-shaped cord, attached above to the lower end of the epididymis, and below to the bottom of the scrotum. Guilandina, n., applied to naked fruit, that is, fruit having no pubescence or floral envelope around it ; applied to lichens having fructifications in the form of a scutellate, cup-shaped, or linear thallus. gymnogen, n., jim'-nti-jtin (Gr. gumnos, naked ; gennao, I pro- duce), a plant with naked seeds, that is, seeds which are not en- closed in an ovary; a gymno- spermous plant. Gymnolaemata, n. plu., jim'-no- lemf'dt'd (Gr. gumnos, naked; laimos, the neck or throat), an Order of the Polyzoa, having the mouth devoid of the valvular structure known as the epistome. Gymnophiona, n. plu., jim-nqf' i-on'-a (Gr. gumnos, naked ; ophis, a serpent, ophws> of a serpent), the Order of the Amphibia com- prising the snake-like Ctecilise. Gymnosomata, n; phi*, jlmf-no- s8m f >dt-d (Gr. gumnos, naked ; soma, a body, somdtos, of a body), the Order of Pteropoda which have not the body pro- tected by a shell. gymnospermous, a. , jim'no-sperm'- us (Gr. gumnos, naked; sperma, seed), having naked seeds, or seeds not enclosed in a true ovary, as Conifers: gymnospermsB, n. Tp\\L.,j%m'nd'Spdrm''e, alsogymno- sperms, n. plu., -spermz, mono- GYM 187 GYR chlamydeous or aehlamydeous plants differing from Exogens in having naked ovules ; ovules de- veloped without the usual integu- ments. jymnospore, n., jim'-nd-spdr (Gr. gumnos, naked; spora, seed), a naked spore: gymnosporous, a., -spor'-us, pert, to : gymnosporae, n. plu., jim-no-spor'-e, the class of plants having naked spores. jymnostomi, n. pln^jim-n^tdm-l (Gr. gumnos, naked; stoma, a mouth), mosses without a peri- stome, or naked mouthed : gym- nos'tomous, a., -tom-us, naked mouthed; without a peri stome : Gymnos'tomum, n., -tdm-urn, a numerous genus of plants, grow- ing in tufts and patches of various colours, found in almost every situation, Ord. Musci or Bryacese, so called in allusion to the open orifice of the theca. gynandrophore, n., gin- and' ro -for (Gr. gune, a female ; aner, a male, andros, of a male ; phoreo, I bear), in bot,, a column bearing stamens and pistil. gynandrous, a., gfa'&nd'rfo (Gr. gune, a female; aner, a male, andros, of a male), having stamens and pistil in a common column, as in orchids* gynantherous, a., gm'anth'er-us (Gr. gune, a female ; anther os, "belonging to a flower from anthos, a flower), having the stamens converted into pistils. aynerium, n., gln-er'-l-um (Gr. gune, a female; erion, wool), a genus of plants, Ord* Graminese ; the pampas-grass, covering the vast plains of S. America, very ornamental in the flower-garden : Gynerium argenteum, dr-jent'- e-um (L. argenteus, silvery), the pampas-grass of the Cordilleras. gynizus, n., gin-iz'-us (Gr. gune, a female, a pistil; hizo, I cause to sit, I seat), the position of the stigma on the columns of orchids. gynobase, n., gm'o-bdz (Gr. gune, a female ; basis, a base), in bot. , a central axis, to the base of which the carpels are attached ; a fleshy receptacle bearing separate fruits : gynobasic, a., gin'-6> bdz'ik, having a gynobase. Gynocardia, n., grn'o-kdrd'-i-a (Gr. gune, a female; kardia, the heart), a genus of plants, Ord. Bixacese : Gynocardia odorata, tid'or-dt'd (L. odordtus, scented from odor, smell, scent), a species, called Chalmugra seeds, from whose seeds an oil is ex- pressed, used in India for the cure of leprosy and various cutaneous diseases. gyncecium, n., gin-e'sM-um (Gr. gune, a female; oiJcos, a house), in bot., the female organ of the flowers ; the pistil. gynophore, n., gtfrc-o/or (Gr. gune, a female ; phoreo, I bear), in bot. , a stalk supporting the ovary ; in zooL, the generative buds or gonophores of Hydrozoa contain- ing ova alone, and differing in form from those which contain spermatozoa. gynostegium, n., gm'o-stedj'z-um (Gr. gune, a female, a pistil ; stego, I cover), the staminal crown of Asclepias. gynostemiutn, n., gin'-o-stem'Z'tim (Gr. gune, a female, a pistil ; stemon, a thread, a stamen), a column in orchids bearing the organs of reproduction ; the united stamens and pistil of orchids* gyrate, a.> jir'-dt (Gr. guros, L. gyrus, a ring, a circle), winding or going found as in a circle ; turning in a circular manner : gyration, n.,jir-d'shun, a turn- ing or whirling round ; rotation as in cells : gyri, n. plu., jir'-i, in the cerebrum, the numerous smooth and tortuous eminences into which the grey matter of the surface of the hemispheres is moulded. ! Gyrencephala, n. }>\\\. t ji/>Zn>sef* GYR 188 al-d (Gr. gurtio, I curve or bend ; engkephalos, the brain), a section of the Mammalia, in which the cerebral hemispheres are abund- antly convoluted. Gyrocarpeas, n. plu., fir'-d-Mrp' e-e (L. gyro, I turn round in a circle ; karpos, fruit), a Sub- order or tribe of the Ord. Com- bretacea?,, so called in allusion to the fruit moving in the air : Gyrocarpus, n., jir'o-kdrp'tis, a genus of very ornamental plants. gyroma, n.Jlr-dm'd (Gr. guromd, a circle from guros, round), the annulus or ring around the spore- case of ferns. gyrophora, n., jir-df^r-a (Gr. guros, a circle ; pJioreo, I bear in allusion to the disc of the shield), a very interesting genus of plants of the Lichen family, found growing chiefly upon ex- posed rocks, Ord. Lichenes ; several species of Gyrophora constitute the Tripe -de-roche, on which Franklin and his companions existed for some time. gyrose, a., jir-oz' (Gr. guros, a circle), in hot, turned round like a crook ; folded and waved. habit, n., hob' it (L. habitus, state of the body, dress), in bot., the general external appearance of a plant: habitat, n., haV-U-at (L. habitat, it inhabits), the natural locality of an animal or plant ; the situation, district, or country inhabited by an animal or plant in its wild state. Habrothamnus, n., hab'-ro-tham'- niis(Gr. habros, graceful, elegant; thamnos, a shrub, a thicket), a genus of elegant greenhouse plants, bearing pannicles of flowers in profusion, Ord. Solan- acese. haemal, a., hem'*al (Gr. haima, blood), connected with the blood or blood vessels ; applied to the arch under the vertebral column which encloses and protects the organs of circulation. Haemanthus, n., hem-anth'-us (Gr. haima, blood ; anthos, a flower in allusion to the colour of the flowers), a genus of fine bulbous plants, Ord. Amaryllidacese : Haemanthus toxicarius, t6ks'-ik- dr f -i'Us (Gr. toxikon, poison), a species whose root is poisonous. haBmapoiesis, n., hem'-a-poy '-ez't (Gr. haima, blood ; poiesis, the making or forming of a thing), the production or formation of blood : haemapoietic, a., hem'-a- poy-et'ik (Gr. poietikos, making, effecting), making or producing blood. haemapophyses, n. plu., hem'-a,' pdf'is-ez (Gr. haima, blood; Eng. apophysis), in anat., the parts projecting from a vertebra which form the haemal arch. haematemesis, n., hem'a-tem'%s-\ (Gr. haima, blood, haimatos, of blood ; emeo y I vomit), a vomit- ing of blood. haematin, n., hem'at-in (Gr. haima, blood, haimatos, of blood), the colouring matter resulting from the decomposition of haemoglobin by heat : haematine, n., hem'-at'in, the colouring matter of logwood : haemat- oidin, n., htm'-at-dyd'm (Gr. eidos, resemblance), the blood crystals found as a patho- logical production in old extrav- asations of blood : haematitis, n., hemf-at-lt'-is, inflammation of the blood : haematinuria, n., hem' at'in-ur'i-a (Gr. ouron, urine), a condition of the urine in which it contains hsematin. haematocele, n., hem-atio-sel (Gr. haima, blood, haimatos, of blood; kele, a tumour), a tumour formed by an effusion of blood from the vessels of the testis or its cover- ings, or of the sprematic cord ; any tumour consisting principally of blood, e.g., 'pelvic haemato- cele.' H.EM 189 H^EM laematocrya, n. plu., h&n'-ftt'tik' ri-d (Gr. haima, blood ; kruos, cold), applied by Owen to the cold - blooded Vertebrates, viz. the Fishes, Amphibia, and Rep- tiles : haematocryal, a., hem' at- ftk'ri-dl, cold blooded. isematoidin, see 'hsematin.' isematoma, n., hem'dt-om'a, haematomata, n. plu., hem' at- om' dt-d (Gr. haima, blood, haim- dtos, of blood), a kind of tumour formed from an effused blood mass resulting from a hsemor- haematometra, n., hem'-dt-d-met'ra (Gr. haima, blood, haimatos, of blood ; metra, womb), an accum- ulation of menstrual blood in the uterus, which becomes thick, black, and tarry, and often causes great dilatation. Saamatopinus, n., hem'dt-op'in'tis (L. hcematopus, Gr. haimdtopous, a blood foot from Gr. haima, blood ; pous, a foot, podos, of a foot), a genus of animal para- sites: Haematopinus asini, as'-m-l (L. asinus, an ass), the louse of the ass, sometimes found on the horse : H. eurysternus, ur'is- tern'us (Gr. eurusternos, having a broad breast from eurm, broad ; sternon, the breast), the louse of the ox : H. piliferus, 2ril-if f -er-us (L. pilus, hair ; f$ro, I carry), the louse of the dog, but not common, also found on ferrets : H. stenopsis, stZn-dps'-is (Gr. stenos, narrow; opsis, sight), the louse of the goat : H. suis y sii'-is (L. sus, a swine, stiis, of a swine), the louse of the swine, occurring on it in great num- bers : H. vituli, mt'-ul-l (L. vitu- lus, a calf), the louse of the calf. haematotherma, n. plu., hem' a- td'themmf-a, (Gr. haima, blood; thermos, warm), the warm- blooded Vertebrates, viz. Birds, and Mammals : hsematothermal, a., -therm' al, hot blooded. Haematoxylon, n., hem'-at-tiks'tl-tin (Gr. haima, blood, haimdtos, of blood; xulon, wood), a genus of trees, Ord. Leguminosse, which furnish dyes : Hsematoxylon Campechianum, Mm -petsh'i- an' tim (from Bay of Campeachy, where largely obtained ; Sp. campeche, logwood), the log- wood tree, or Campeachy wood of commerce, the inner wood of which is used both as a dye and an astringent: hsematoxylin, n., hem'at-oks'il-in, the colouring principle of logwood, chiefly used for staining preparations for microscopic purposes. hsematuria, n., hem'-at-ur^i-a (Gr. haima, blood; ouron, urine), a discharge of urine containing blood. haemin, n., hem'm, also called ' hydrochlorate of hsematin ' (Gr. haima, blood), a crystalline deriv- ative from haemoglobin, which forms a most delicate medico-legal test of the presence of blood. Haemodoracese, n. plu., hem'o- dor-a'-se-e (Gr. haima, blood; doron, a gift), the Blood-root family, an Order of plants, so called from the red colour of their roots, used for dyeing: Haemo- dorum, n., hem'd-ddr'um, a genus of ornamental plants. haemoglobin, n. , hem'd-glob'm (Gr. haima, blood; L. globus, a ball), a red colouring matter which infiltrates the stroma of the blood corpuscles, and which may be decomposed into an albuminous substance called * globulin, ' and a colouring matter called ' hsematin ' ; also haemat- oglobulin, n., hem'dt-d-glob'ul- m. haemoptysis, n., hem-tip'-tis-is (Gr. haima, blood; ptuo, I spit), a coughing up or expectoration of blood. haemorrhage, n., hem'-Sr-rddj (Gr. haimorrhagia, a flowing of blood from haima, blood ; rhegnumi, 190 HAR I burst forth), a discharge of blood from the lungs, nose, or intestines, or an effusion of blood into the brain, arising from the rupture of one or more blood vessels ; any bleeding : haemor- rhagic, &.,hem'or-radj'ik, pert, to or consisting of haemorrhage. haemorrhoids, n. plu., h&m'-b'r- royds (Gr. haima, blood ; rheo, I flow ; eidos, resemblance), piles, consisting of tumours, situated at or near the anus, varying in size from a pea to a pigeon's egg, and consisting essentially in a dilated and varicose condition of the hsem- orrhoidal veins : hsemorrhoidal, a., hem'-or-rdyd'-al, pert, to piles. hsemothorax, hem^o-thor'-alcs (Gr. haima, blood ; thorax, the trunk of the body), applied to the pleural sac filled with blood, or with a fluid of a sanguineous character, which undergoes various secondary changes and degenera- tions in which the surrounding tissues are also involved. Halesia, n., hal6z', andhamous, a., hdm'us (L. hamus, a hook), in bot. , having the end hooked or curved. hamular, &.,ham'ul-ar (L. hamul- us, a little hook from hdmus, a hook), in anat., having a hook- like appearance ; having small hooks: hamulose, a., ham'-ul-oz', in bot., covered with little hooks: hamulus, n., ham' til-its, in bot. t a kind of hooked bristle ; in anat. , a hook-like process : hamulus lachrymalis, lak'-ri-mdl'-ts (L. lachrymdlis, lachrymal from lachryma, a tear), the lachrymal hook-like process. harmonia, n., hdr-mon't-a (Gr. HAS 191 HEL harmtinia, a joining together from harmozo, I fit together), in anat., a form of articulation in which there is neither serration of the edges of the bones nor interposed cartilage, and in which of course there is no movement. hastate, a., hast'-dt (L. hasta, a spear), shaped like a halbert, applied to leaves; applied to a leaf with two portions of the base projecting more or less com- pletely at right angles to the blade. haulm, n., also halm, n., hdwm or ham (Ger. halm, F. chaulme, straw), the stem or stalk of grain ; the dead stems of herbs, as of the potato. haunch, n., hdwnsh (F. hanche, the hip ; old H. Ger. hlancha, the flank), the hip; that part of a man or quadruped which lies be- tween the last rib and the thigh ; a joint of mutton or venison. haustellate, a., haws-Ml'ldt (L. haustellum, a sucker from haurio, I draw water), provided with suckers, applied to the mouths of certain Crustacea and Insecta : haustorium, n. , haws- tor'-i'um (L. haustor, a drawer), the sucker at the extremity of the parasitic root of the dodder ; the root-like sucker of the ivy, etc. haw, n., haw (AS. haya, Ger. hag, a hedge, an enclosure), the berry of the hawthorn ; the mem- brana nictitans, or third eyelid of birds and quadrupeds. heart, n., hart (AS. heorte; Goth. hair to; Sans, hardi; Gr. kardia, the heart), the central organ of the circulation, which, by alternate contracting and ex- panding, sends the blood through the arteries, to be again received by it from the veins. hectic, a., htMtik (Gr. hektikos, pert, to habit of body from hexis, habit of body), constit- utional ; habitual : hectic fever, a peculiar form of remittent fever, the result of exhausting disease. hectocotylus, n., hek'to-Jcot'il-tis (Gr. hekaton, a hundred ; kotulos, a cup), the metamorphosed re- productive arm of certain of the male cuttle-fishes. Hedera, n., hed'er-a (L. hZdera, the plant ivy), a genus of ivy plants, Ord. Araliacese: Hedera helix, hel'-iks (Gr. helix, anything twisted, a fold; L. helix, a kind of ivy), a species of ivy whose succulent fruit is emetic and purgative: hederaceous, a., lied'- er-a'-shus, of or pert, to ivy. Hedysamm, n., hed'-is-dr'-um (Gr. hedus, sweet), a genus of very handsome flowering plants, pro- ducing racemes of beautiful pea- flowers, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub- ord. Papilionacese : Hedysarum gyrans, jlr'anz (L. gyrans, turning round in a circle), a species which exhibits a remarkable irrit- ability in its leaves; the Gora- chand of Bengal. Heimia, n., him'i-a (after Dr. Heim, a celebrated physician of Berlin), a genus of plants very pretty when in blossom, Ord. Lythracese : Heimia salicifolia, sal-is'-i-fol'-i-a (L. salix, a willow tree, sallcis, of a willow tree ; folium, a leaf), a species said to have diaphoretic properties, and by the Mexicans considered a potent remedy in venereal dis- eases. Hekistotherms, n. plu., he-Ms'-to- thermz (Gr. hekistos, very little ; therme, heat), plants of the arctic and antarctic regions, and the higher regions of mountains in temperate climates, such as Mosses, Lichens, Coniferse, etc., which can bear darkness under snow, and require a small amount of heat. Helianthemum, n., heV-i-dntJi'-em' um (Gr. helios, the sun ; anthem- on, a flower in allusion to the yellow flowers), a genus of showy. HEL 192 HEL free-flowering plants, including some of the prettiest little shrubs in cultivation for rock-work, Ord. Cistacese. Helianthus, n., hSM'toUh'-ti* (Gr. helios, the sun; anthos, a flower so called from the brilliant colour of the flowers, or from the erron- eous belief that the flowers al- ways turned towards the sun), a highly ornamental and extensive genus of plants, producing large heads of beautiful flowers, Ord. Composite, Sub-ord. Corymbif- erse : Helianthus annuus, an'- nu-us (L. annuus, that lasts a year from annus, a year), the common sunflower, whose seeds contain a bland oil, and when roasted have been used as a sub- stitute for coffee : H. tuberosus, tub'-ftr-dz'-us (L. tuberosus, full of humps or swellings from tuber, a hump), the Jerusalem or Giras- ole artichoke, whose roots are used as substitutes for pot- atoes. helicine, a., heV-ls-tn (Gr. h$lix, anything twisted, a fold, helikos, of a twisted thing), in anat., applied to certain arteries con- nected with the penis which assume a convoluted or tendril- like appearance ; winding ; spiral. helicis major, liel'4s-%s mddf-or (L. helix, a fold, ivy, helicis, of a twisted thing ; major, greater), the greater (muscle) of the helix ; applied to a narrow, vertical band of muscular fibres on the anterior margin of the helix : li. minor, min'or (L. minor, less or lesser), the lesser (muscle) of the helix ; applied to an oblique fasciculus attached to the part of the helix commencing from the bottom of the concha; see 'helix/ helicoid, a., hel'ik-dyd, also helicoidal, a., hel'.tk-oyd'.al (Gr. helix, a twisted thing ; eidos, resemblance), twisted like a snail shell, applied to inflores- i cence : helicoid cyme, a cyme in which the flowers are arranged in a continuous spiral round a false axis. helicotrema, n, , IMl'-flc -a- trem'-d (Gr. helix, anything twisted ; trema, an opening, a hole), in anat., a small opening placed at the apex of the cochlea of the ear. Helicterese, n. plu., h$l'dl'is (L. officinalis, offic- inal); H. niger, nldj f -er(L. mger, HEL 193 HEM black), the Christmas rose; H. fcetidus, fet'-id-us (L. fcettdus, stinking, fetid); H. viridis, vir- id-is (L. viridis, green), are species which act as drastic purg- atives ; powerful cardiac sedat- ives; some of them were used in ancient times in cases of mania : Hellebore, n., hel'-le-bor, the common name of several of the species; the Christmas rose or flower; still employed in medicine. helminthoid, a., Ml'-minth-oyd (Gr. helmins, an intestinal worm ; eidos, resemblance), worm-shaped; vermiform. hemelytra, n. plu., Mm-el'-it-rd (Gr. hemi, half ; elutron, a sheath), among certain insects, wings which have the apex mem- branous, while the inner portion is chitinous, and resembles the elytron of a beetle. hemeralopia, n., Mm^r-a-ldp'-i-a (Gr. hemera, day ; the latter part of doubtful formation, usually referred to Gr. ops, the eye, or opsomai, I see ; the 1 may be introduced for the sake of eu- phony), day vision only ; night blindness ; intermittent amaur- osis, in which the person is able to see only in daylight : hemer- alops, n., hem^T'd'lops, one afflicted with night blindness. Hemerocallide89, n. plu., hem'Zr- d'kal'lid'&'e (Gr. hemera, a day ; kallos, beauty), a Sub-order of the Ord. Liliacese, the Day lily tribe : Hemerocallis, n., h$m'$r- d'kal'-lis, an ornamental genus of flowering plants, whose beautiful flowers last a day ; the day lily. heinicarp, n., h&m'i-karp (Gr. hemi, half ; karpos, fruit), in bot. , one portion of a fruit which spontaneously divides into halves. hemicrania, n., hVm't'krdn'i-a (Gr. hemi, half ; kranion, the skull), pain confined to one side of the head ; brow ague. N hemicyclic, a., hZm'i-sik'lik (Gr. hemi, half; Eng. cycle), in bot., applied to the transition from one floral whorl to another when it coincides with a definite num- ber of turns of the spiral. Hemidesnms, n., hem'i-d$z'mus (Gr. hemisus, a half ; desmos, a bond, a tie, in allusion to its filaments), a genus of pretty climbing plants, Ord. Asclepiad- acese : Hemidesmus Indicus, in'- dik-us (L. Indicus, of or belong- ing to India), a species whose fragrant roots are used in Madras as a substitute for sarsaparilla, under the name ' Country Sarza. ' hemimetabolic, a., Itim'-i-mU-a- bol'-ik (Gr. hemi, half; metabole, change), applied to insects which undergo an incomplete meta- morphosis. hemiplegia, n., he'm'i-pledf-i'a (Gr. hemi, half; plege, a blow, a stroke), a paralysis of one lateral half of the body. Hemiptera, n. plu., hZm-ip'tZr-ti, (Gr. hemi, half ; pteron, a wing), an Order of insects which have sometimes the anterior wings hemelytra : hemipteral, a. , hem- ip'-ter-al, also hemipterous, a., hem-ip'tttr'tis, having the upper wings partly coriaceous and partly membranous. hemisphere, n., h&m'-i-sfer (Gr. hemi, half ; sphaira, a globe), in anat., applied to each lateral half of the brain. hemlock, n., hem'ldk (AS. hem- leac), an indigenous plant which possesses sedative properties, and is employed both internally and externally; the Conium macul- atum, Ord. TJmbelliferse. hemp, n., hemp (Dut. hennip, Ger. hanf, Icel. hanpr, hemp), a plant which yields the valuable fibres or threads of the same name ; the Cannabis sativa, Ord. Cannabinacese, a species of hemp used in India under various HEN 194 HER names as a narcotic and intoxic- ant. henbane, n., lien'-ban (Eng. lien, and bane), a poisonous wild British herb, possessing narcotic properties, and used in medicine, so called from its being supposed to be poisonous to domestic fowls ; the Hyoscyamus niger, Ord. Solanaceee. henna, n., hen f >na, also called alhenna (Ar. hinna], a tropical shrub, whose powdered leaves made into a paste are used in Asia and Egypt in dyeing the nails, etc. an orange hue ; the Lawsonia inermis, Ord. Lyth- racese. hepatic, a., liep-at'-ik (Gr. hepat- ikos, affecting the liver from hepar, the liver), belonging to the liver; applied to a duct conveying the bile from the liver ; having a liver-like colour and consistency : hepatitis, n., hep'-at-M'-is, in- flammation of the liver : hepat- isation, n., hep'-at-iz-a'shtin, a diseased part having the appear- ance of liver ; the second stage of pneumonia. Hepaticse, n. plu., hep-at'ts-e (Gr. hepatikos, belonging to the liver from hepar, the liver), the Liverwort family, an Order of plants the lobes of whose leaves have been compared to the lobes of the liver: Hepatica, n., hep- at'-ik-a, a genus of pretty plants, producing abundant flowers, Linnsean Ord. RanunculaceaB. hepato-cystic, a., hep-at'-d-sist'-ik (Gr. hepar, the liver ; kustis, a bladder), applied to small ducts passing from the liver to the gall-bladder ; pert, to the liver and gall-bladder. heptagynous, a., hVp-tadf-in-us (Gr. hepta, seven ; gune, female), in bot. , having seven styles. heptandrous, a., hZp-tand'-rtts (Gr. hepta, seven ; aner, a male, man), in bot. t having seven stam- ens, herb, n., herb (L. herba, F. herbe, grass, vegetation), a plant with an annual stem, as opposed to one with a woody fibre : herba- ceous, a., herb-a'shus, applied to green succulent plants which die down to the ground in winter ; having annual shoots ; applied to green - coloured cellular parts : herbarium, n., herb-dr'-i-urn, a prepared collection of dried plants. hermaphrodite, n., her-maf'rdd-U (Gr. Hermes, the god Mercury; Aphrodite, the goddess Venus), a living creature which is neither perfect male nor female ; in bot. . a plant which has the male and female organs, that is, stamens and pistil, in the same flower. hermodactyle, n., herm'-d-datf-til (Gr. Hermes, Mercury ; daktulos, a finger that is, the finger of Mercury), a species of colchicum, famous among the ancients for diseases of the joints ; probably a species of Colchicum Illyricum, or according to others of C. variegatum, Ord. Melanthacese. HernandiesB, n. plu., her'nan-di'* %-e (after Hernandez, a Spanish botanist), a section or Sub-order of the Ord. Thymelseaceae : Her- nandia, n., her-nan'-di-a, a genus of elegant and lofty-growing trees, whose bark, young leaves, and seeds are slightly purgative : Hernandia sonora, s&n-dr'a (L. sonorus, sounding ; Sp. sonora, a musical instrument), a species, the juice of whose leaves, it is said, is a powerful depilatory, destroying hair without pain. hernia, n., hern'-i-a (L. hernia, a rupture ; Gr. hernos, a branch, a sprout), the displacement of any viscus, or part of one, from its own cavity into an adjoiningspace: hernia cerebri, s%r'eb'ri (L. cer- ebrum, the brain), the hernia of the brain ; a protrusion of a por- tion of the brain and its mem- branes. HER 195 HET herpes, n., herp'-ez (L. Tierpes, a spreading eruption on the skin from Gr. herpo, I creep along), a skin eruption consisting of clusters of vesicles upon an in- flamed base : herpes labialis, lab'- i-dl'is (L. labialis, pert, to a lip from labium, a lip), herpes occurring on the upper lip : h. zoster, zost'er (Gr. zoster, a girdle or belt), a variety of herpes also called * shingles, ' which is of neurotic origin. hesperidium, n., hZs'-per-id'-i-tim, (L. Hesperus, Gr. Hesperos, Hes- perus, western in allusion to such fruit coming from the west of Europe), a fruit such as the orange, lemon, shaddock, in which the epicarp and mesocarp form a separate rind, the seeds being embedded amongst a mass of pulp. heterocephalous, a., hei'$r'd'Se'f / - dl-us (Gr. heteros, another ; Tceph- ale, the head), in bot., having some flower - heads male, and others female, on the same plant. heterocercal, a., het'-er-Q-serk'-al (Gr. heteros, another ; kerkos, a tail), applied to fishes having unequally lobed tails, as in the sharks and dogfish. heterochromous, a., he't'e'r-o- krom f 'US (Gr. heteros, another ; chroma, colour), in bot., having the central florets of a different colour from those of the circum- ference. heterocysts, n. plu., hetfer-o-sists (Gr. heteros, another; Tcustis, a bag), in bot., colourless large cells, incapable of division, occurring at intervals in the threads of Nostochinese. heterodromous, a., JiU^r-od'-rom* us (Gr. heteros, another, different; drdmos, a course), in bot., hav- ing spirals running in opposite directions ; running in different directions, applied to the arrange- ment of the leaves when these follow a different direction in the branches from that pursued in the stem. hetercecium, n., hZt'-Zr-e'-shi-tim (Gr. heteros, another, different; oikos, a house), applied to the potato fungus, so named on the supposition that it exists as a parasite on some other plant be- fore it attacks the potato, and so the potato fungus has received various names accordingly : heteroecism, het'-Zr-e-sizm, the state or condition of a parasitic fungus, which is found in one stage of development on one body, and in another stage of development on quite a different body. heterogamous, a., he'tler-tig'-dm-us (Gr. heteros, another, different ; gamos, marriage), in bot., having the essential parts of fructification on different spikelets arising from the same root ; having hermaph- rodite and unisexual flowers on the same head, as in Compositae ; heterogamy, n., het'e'r-o'g'am-i, a change in the function of male and female flowers ; the state in which the sexual organs are arranged in some unusual manner. heterogangliate, a., hZt'er-o-gang'- gli'dt (Gr. heteros, another, different ; gangglion, a little tumour under the skin), in zool. , having a nervous system in which the ganglia are scattered and unsymmetrical, as in the Mol- lusca. heterogeneous, a., he't'gr'd-jen'e'' us (Gr. heteros, another, different; genos, birth, race ; genndo, I generate, I produce), of a differ- ent kind or nature ; confused and contradictory: heterogenesis, n., hZt'-Zr-o-fin'-es-is (Gr. genesis, origin, source), the doctrine that certain organisms are capable of giving origin to others totally different from themselves, and which show no tendency to revert HET 196 HEV to the parent form ; spontaneous generation, in which living cells are supposed to be produced by inorganic matter. heterologous, a., &tt$rdjp&9 (Gr. heteros, another, different ; logos, speech, appearance), in anat. , applied to growths which, originating in the development of indifferent formative cells, end in developing a tissue diverse from the matrix, as cartilage in the testicle, etc. ; a synonym of ' heteroplastic. ' heteromerous, a., he't'-e'r-Sm'-Zr-us (Gr. heteros, another, different ; rrieros, a part, a portion), in bot., applied to lichens where the thallus appears stratified by the crowding of the gonidia into one layer, and the hyphse form two layers ; in zool., applied to the coleopterous insects which have five joints in the tarsus of the first and second pairs of legs, and only four joints in the tarsus of the third pair : Heteromerans, n. plu., het'-er'tim'-er-anz (Gr. meros, the upper part of the thigh), coleopterous insects whose legs have a different structure one from another. lieteromorphic, a., het'-Zr-o-mtirf- ik (Gr. heteros, another, different; morphe, shape, form), differing in form or shape ; in bot, , having different forms of flowers as re- gards stamens and pistils, these being necessary for fertilization, as in Primula : heteromorphism, n., hZt'er-d'md'rf'izm, a deviation from the natural form or struct- ure: heteromorphous, a., hZt'er- o-m6rf'US, having an irregular or unusual form : heteromorphy, n., h&'er-d-mdrf'i, deformity in plants ; heteromorphism. Heterophagi, n. plu., het^r-df^a-ji (Gr. heteros, another; phago, I eat), those birds whose young are born in a helpless condition, and which require to be fed by the parents for a longer or shorter period ; birds that are foster- parents to young birds of a differ- ent kind, as to the young of the cuckoo. heterophyllous, a.. Ut'-er-o-fiVlus (Gr. heteros, another; phullon, a leaf), in bot., presenting two different forms of leaves : hetero- phylly, n., hMttr-frftftt, the variation in the leaves of plants in external form. heteroplastic, a., hZt'-er-d-plast'-ik (Gr. heteros, another ; plastikos, formed, fashioned from plasso I form), in anat. , applied to those growths which are unlike the tissues from which they take their rise ; syn. of ' heterologous, ' which see. heterorhizal, a., hZt'-er-o-riz'-cil (Gr. heteros, another, different ; rhiza, a root), in bot., having rootlets proceeding from various points of a spore during germin- ation ; rooting from no fixed point. heterosporous, a., li < et'-er-d'Spor'>us (Gr. heteros, another; spora, spore, seed), in cryptogamic plants, having both microspores and macrospores on the same in- dividual, as in Selaginella. heterotaxy, n., het'$r-d-taks'i (Gr. heteros, another; taxis, arrange- ment), in bot., the deviation of organs from their ordinary posi- tion. heterotropal, a., het^r-St-rdp-dl (Gr. heteros, another, different; tropos, a turn, manner from trepo, I turn), in bot., lying across ; applied to the embryo of seeds when they lie in an oblique position; applied to the ovule when it is so attached to the placenta that the hilum is in the middle, and the foramen and chalaza at opposite ends, thus becoming transverse. Hevea, n., h6v&d (not ascer- tained), a genus of plants, Ord. Euphorbiacose : Hevea Brasili- ensis, braz-tt Ww'-fc (of or from HEX 197 HIP Brazil), the Para rubber tree, which yields caoutchouc. hexagonenchyma, n., heks'-a-gon- eng'-kim-d (Gr. hexagonios or hexagonos, six-angled; engchuma, an infusion from chuma, tissue, juice), cellular tissue which when cut in any direction exhibits a hexagonal form. hexagynous, a., hZks-ddf-m-us (Gr. hex, six; gune, female), in bot. , having six styles or pistils. hexandrous, a., h$ks-an'-drtis (Gr. hex, six ; oner, a man, andros, of a man), having six stamens, as a flower. hexapetalous, a., h^ks^d-p^-dl-tis (Gr. hex, six ; petalon, a petal), in bot., having six petals or flower leaves: hexapetaloid, a., h^ks f -d'pet f 'dl'dyd (Gr. eidos, re- semblance), having six coloured parts like petals. hexapod, n., heks'-d-pSd (Gr. hex, six; pous, a foot, podos, of a foot), a creature possessing six legs, as insects: hexapodotis, a., heks'dp'dd-us, having six legs. hibernacula, n., hib'-er-nak'-ul-d (L. hibernacula, winter quarters), a name applied to the leaf buds, as the winter quarters of the young branches ; the winter quarters of a wild animal, or of a plant. Hibiscese, n. plu., Jiib-is'-se-e (L. hibiscum, Gr. hibiskos, a species of wild mallow), a Tribe or Sub- order of the Ord. Malvaceae : Hibiscus, n., hib-is'-kus, a genus of plants producing showy flowers of a variety of colours in the species : Hibisca rosa-sinensis, roz'-d-sln-ens'-is (L. rosa, a rose; Sinensis, Chinese), a species pos- sessing astringent properties, used by the Chinese to blacken their eyebrows and their shoes : H. esculentus, esk'-ul-ent'-us (L. esc- ulentus, good for food from esca, food), whose fruit, from its abundant mucilage, a common ingredient in soups of hotter climates, under the name Ochro and Gombo : H. cannabiuus, kan-ncib'm-us (L. canndbmus, of or belonging to hemp from L. cannabis, Gr. kannabis, hemp), produces the Sunnee-hemp of India, yields a fibre like jute : H. mutabilis, mut-db'-il-is (L. mutdbilis, mutable from muto, I change), a species which re- ceives its name from the changing colour of its flowers, varying from a pale rose to a pink colour. hiccough and hiccup, n., hik'-up (Dut. huckup, F. hoquet, hic- cough ; Dut. hikken, to sob), a very troublesome affection, due to a short, abrupt contraction or convulsion of the diaphragm. hickory, n,, hik f '8r>i (not ascer- tained), a nut-bearing American tree, whose wood possesses great strength and tenacity ; the Carya alba, Ord. Inglandacese. Hieracium, n., hi^er-af'Si'tim (Gr. hi&rax, a hawk said to be so called because eaten by the hawk, or its juice used by it for sharp- ening its sight), an extensive genus of pretty flowering plants, adapted for rockwork, Ord. Com- positse. hiera picra, hi'-Zr-a pl-rd (Gr. hieros, sacred ; pikroa, bitter), a popular remedy for constipation, known by the name 'hickory pickory, ' consisting of a mixture of equal parts of canella bark and aloes. hilum, n., hlV-um (L. hilum, a speck, a little thing), the eye of a seed ; the scar or spot in a seed indicating the point where the seed was attached to the peri- carp, as the dark mark at the one end of a bean ; in zool., hilum or hilus, a small fissure or aperture ; a small depression. hip, n., hip (Dut. heupe, Norse hupp, the flank, the hip), the projection caused by the haunch bone and its covering flesh ; the upper fleshy part of the thigh. HIP 198 HIR Hippoboscidas, n. plu., hip'po bos'id-e (Gr. hippos, a horse ; bosko, I feed), a family of dip- terous insects, belonging to the Viviparous section of the Ord. Diptera, generally known by the name ' forest flies : ' Hippobosca, n., hip'po'bftsk'-a, a genus of in- sects which live upon quadrupeds and birds : Hippobosca equina, frkwin'-d (L. equmus, belonging to a horse from equus, a horse), the horse fly. hippocamp, n,, hfptpd-Jc&mp) also hippocampus, n., hlp'pd-kdmp'* us (Gr. hippos, a horse ; Jcampto, I bend or curve ; hippokampos, L. hippocampus, the sea-horse), the sea-horse, a fabulous monster; a small fish of singular shape, with head and neck like a horse, called the Pipe-fish or Sea-horse; in anat, , one of the two convolu- tions of the brain resembling a ram's horn or the shape of a sea- horse, named respectively hippo- campus minor and hippocampus major, that is, the lesser and greater hippocampus. Hippocratese, n. plu., Mtf-pQ-ler&t e-e (after Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, and one of the fathers of botany), a Tribe or Sub- order of the Ord. Celastraceae : Hippocratea, n., hip'pd-krdt'e-a, a genus of mostly climbing shrubs with very minute flowers : Hippocratea comosa, kom-oz'd (L. comosus, hairy from coma, the hair of the head), yields nuts which are oily and sweet. Hippomane, n., hip'pom'dn-e (Gr. hippomdnes, furious with desire, a plant which is said by the ancients to have driven horses mad if eaten by them from hippos, a horse ; mania, mad- ness), a genus of plants, Ord. Euphorbiacese: Hippomane man- cinella, man'siri'&l'ld (mod. L. mancinella, It. mancinello, the manchineel), the manchineel tree, growing 40 or 50 feet high in the W. Indian islands, yields a milky juice very acrid and poisonous, which applied to the skin excites violent inflammation and ulceration. hippopathology, n., Up'. po- path* M'-ti-ji (Gr. hippos, a horse ; Eng. pathology), the doctrine or de- scription of the diseases of horses ; the science of veterinary medic- ine. Hippophae, n., hip-pof'-d-e (Gr. hippos, a horse ; phdo, I destroy, in allusion to the supposed poison- ous qualities of the seed), a genus of ornamental trees, Ord. Elseag- naceae : Hippophae rhamnoides, ram-noyd'-ez (Gr. rhamnos, the white thorn; eidos, resemblance), the sea buckthorn, furnished with sharp spines, fruit eaten, and has been used as a pre- serve. hippophagy, n., hip-pdf'-a>ji (Gr. hippos, a horse ; phago, I eat), the practice of eating horse flesh : hippophagi, n. plu., htp-ptif'.&'ji, those who eat horse flesh. hippuria, n., hip-pur'-i-d (Gr. hippos, a horse ; ouron, urine), an excess of hippuric acid in the urine : hippuric, a., liip-pur'-ik, denoting an acid ; a constituent of the urine, obtained in greatest abundance from the urine of horses or cows ; said to be also found in the blood of herbivora. Hippuris, n., hip-pur'-is (Gr. hip- pos, a horse ; oura, a tail), a genus of curious aquatic plants, growing best in marshy places, so called from the stem resem- bling a mare's tail arising from the crowded whorls of very narrow, hair-like leaves ; Ord. Halorage- acese. hirsute, a., her^-sut (L. hirsutus, rough, hairy), covered with long, stiffish hairs, thickly set ; hairy. Hirudinea, n., her&s-is, also histogeny, n., his-ttidf-Zn-i (Gr. histos, a web, a tissue ; genndo, I produce), the origin or formation of organic tissue : histogenetic, a., higo-lcrom'> Us (Gr. hdmos, alike ; chroma, colour), having all the flowerets on the same flower-head of the same colour. homodromous, a., hom-tid'-rim-us (Gr. htimos, alike ; dromos, a race-course), in bot., running in the same direction, as spirals, or leaves on the stem and branches. homoeopathy, n., hdm'-e-d'p'ath-i (Gr. homoios, similar, like ; pathos, suffering), a mode of treating diseases by the adminis- tration of medicines capable of exciting in healthy persons symptoms closely similar to those of the disease for which they are given; a theory of medical practice opposed to that commonly known as Allopathy. homogamous, a., hom-tig'-am-iis (Gr. homogamos, married to- gether from homos, alike, similar ; gamos, marriage), in bot., applied to composite plants having the flowers of the capitula all hermaphrodite. homogangliate, a., hdm'o-gang'- gti-at (Gr. homos, like; gangglion, a knot), in zool. , having a nervous system in which the ganglia are symmetrically arranged. homogeneous, a., horn'o-jen'-e-iis (Gr. homos, like; genos, kind), of the same kind or nature ; having a uniform structure or substance ; opposed to ' hetero- geneous. ' homologous, a., hdm-81'og'US (Gr. homdlogos, using the same words, of the same opinion from homos, like, similar; logos, speech, ap- pearance), having the same ratio or proportion ; constructed on the same plan, though differing in form and function; in anat., having a growth like normal tissues of the body, as opposed to 'heterologous'; in chem., applied to analogous bodies whose com- positions differ by a constant difference : homologue, n., hdm''5>l8g, correspondence or equivalence of certain organs; a part in one animal which strictly represents a part in a different animal, as the arms in man, the wings in birds, and the pectoral fins in fishes : homology, n., hom-dV'd'ji, affinity dependent on structure or the essential corre- spondence of parts ; the identity of parts which are apparently distinct; similarity of structure of different parts, as between the upper and lower limbs, exhibiting a community of plan. homomorphy, n. , hom'-d-mftrf-i (Gr. homos, like, similar ; morphe, shape, form), in bot., the con- dition of the Compositse when the disc florets assume the form of ray florets ; the fertilization of the pistil by the pollen from its own flowers ; self-fertilization : homomorphic, a. , hdm'd-m8rf'-ik, having the pistil fertilized by the pollen from its own flowers : homomorphous, a., hom'-d-mor/'- us, in zool., having a similar ex- ternal appearance or form. homoomerous, a., hom'6'dm'er-us (Gr. homoios, like, similar; meros, a part), in bot., applied to lichens where the gonidia and hyphse in the thallus appear about equally mingled. homopetalous, a., hom'o-pVt'al'tiS (Gr. homos, like ; petalon, a leaf), in bot., having all the petals formed alike ; having all the florets alike in a composite flower. homotropal, a., hom-fa'-rop-al (Gr. homos, like; tropos, a turning), in bot., having the same general direction as the body of which it forms a part ; applied to the HOM 201 HUM slightly curved embryo when it has the same general direction as the seed. homotype, n., hom'-o-tlp (Gr. homos, like, similar ; tupos, form, a type), that part of an animal which corresponds to another part ; correspondence of parts which lie in series, as the hones of the foot with those of the hand : homotypy, n., hom-dt'ip'i, the state or condition of such correspondence : homotypic, a., hom'-o-tip'-ik, pert, to ; homol- ogous. honey-suckle, n., hun'-l-suH-l (Eng. honey, and suckle), a well- known climbing plant and flower ; the common name of the plants of the genus Lonicera, Ord. Caprifoliaceae ; honey-suckle is sometimes applied to meadow clover, Trifolium pratense; the French honey-suckle is Hedy- sarum coronarium. Honkeneja, n., hdng'kgn-e'ja (an Iceland word), a genus of plants, Ord. Caryophyllacese : Honkeneja peploides, pep-loyd'-ez (Gr.peplos, a covering, a robe; eidos, re- semblance), a species which has been used as a pickle, and in Iceland as an article of food. hops, n. plu., hftps (Ger. hopfen, Dut. happen, hops), a climbing plant whose seeds or flowers are employed in imparting bitterness to beer and ale ; the Humulus lupulus, Ord. Cannabinacese. hordeolum, n., hdrd-e'-dl-um (a dim. of L. hordeum, barley), in- flammation of one of the meib- omian glands in the margin of the eyelid, so called from its likeness in size and hardness to a small barley-corn ; the stye. Hordeum, n., hdrd'Z-Hm (L. hordeum, barley), a genus of the cereal grains, the barleys and barley grasses, Ord. Gramineee : Hordeum vulgare, vulg-ar'% (L. vulgaris, general, common), common barley : H. hexastichum, h%ks>ast f -ik>um (Gr. hex, six ; stix, order, rank, stichos, of order or rank), bere or bigg, a variety of barley. horehound, n., hor'-hownd (AS. hara-hune from har, hoary, grey ; hune, consumption), a native wild plant, supposed to act as a tonic and ex- pectorant, but not now used by physicians ; the Marrubium vulgare, Ord. Labiata. horn-beam, n., horn'-bem (Goth. haurn, horn; Ger. baum, Dut. boom, a tree), a tree whose wood is white, hard, and heavy, hence its name ; the Carpinus betulus, Ord. Cupuliferse or Corylacese. horse-chestnut, n., the ^Esculus hippocastanum, Ord. Sapindaceae. horse-radish, n., the Cochlearia Armoracia, Ord. Cruciferae : horse-radish tree, the Moringa pterygosperma, Ord. Moringaceae. hortus siccus, Jiort'-us sik'-kus (L. hortus, a garden ; siccus, dry), in bot. , a collection of dried plants preserved between paper or in books ; a herbarium. hospitalism, n., hds'pit-al-izm (L. hospitalis, hospitable from hospes, a guest), the prejudicial influences of large hospital build- ings upon sick residents, es- pecially when the patients are numerous; the subject of hospital construction. houseleek, n., hows'-lek (Eng. house; Icel. laukr, a leek), a well-known herb, the Sem- pervivum tectorum, Ord. Crassul- acese. Hoya, n., hoy'-a (after Thomas Hoy, a botanist and gardener), a genus of plants, Ord. Asclepiad- acese, which bear very handsome waxy flowers : Hoya carnosa, kdr-noz'd (L. carnosus, fleshy from cdro, flesh), the wax-flower, so named from the peculiar aspect of its blossoms. humerus, n., hum f -er-us (L. hiim- Zrus, the shoulder), the arm from HUM 202 HYB the shoulder to the elbow; the bone of that part, consisting of two parts, the scapula and the clavicle: humeral, a., hum'er-al, pert, to the shoulder. humifuse, a., humf-i-fuz (L. humus, the ground ; fusus, spread), in bot., spreading over the surface of the ground ; procumbent. HumiriacesB, n. plu., hum'-ir^-d' s$-e (formed probably from Umiri, where found), the Humiriads, an Order of plants of Brazil, which some place as a Sub-order under the Ord. Meliacese : Humiria, n. , hum-tr'-i-a, a genus : Humiria floribunda, flo^i-Mud'-a (L. flos, a flower, floris, of a flower ; abundans, abounding), a species whose trunk, when wounded, yields a liquid yellow balsam, called balsam of Umiri : H. bal- samifera, bal'-sam-if-tr-a (L. balsamum, balsam ; fero, I bear), yields a balsam used for perfumery and in medicine. humor or humour, n., humf-or (L. humor, fluid of any kind, moisture ; F. humeur), any moisture or fluid of the body except the blood ; certain parts of the eye which abound in fluid: humoral, a., hurn'or-al, pert, to the fluids of the body or proceed- ing from them ; in med. , applied to that doctrine which ascribes all diseases to a degenerate or disordered state of the fluids of the body : aqueous humor, the watery matter which fills the space in the forepart of the eye- ball between the cornea and iris. Humulus, n., hum'ul-us (L. humus, the earth, the ground), a genus of creeping plants, Ord. Cannabinacese, constituting the well - known Hop, extensively cultivated in some parts of England, so named as it creeps along the ground if not sup- ported: Humulus lupulus, loop'- ul'iis (dim. of L. lupus, a wolf), the common hops, the strobili of the female plants of which constitute the hops ; employed as a tonic and narcotic in the form of extract, infusion, and tincture. humus, n., hum'-us (L. humu*, earth, soil), vegetable mould, the product of decayed veget- ation. Hura, n., hur'-a (S. Arner. name), a genus of plants, Ord. Euphorbi- acese: Hura crepitans, Jcrep'it-anz (L. crepitans, creaking, crack- ling), the sand-box tree or monkey's dinner-bell, the juice of which is very acrid ; the numerous parts of its fruit, when dry, separate from each other with great force. husk, n., husk (Dut. hulsche, the covering of seeds), the external covering of many fruits and seeds ; the pericarp. Hyacinthus, n., hi'-a-smth'us (L. Hyddnthus, Gr. Huakinthos, a beautiful youth, beloved by Apollo, and accidentally killed by a blow of his quoits, and from whose blood the flowers sprang ; the blue iris, corn-flag, or gladiol- us of the ancients), a beautiful and well-known genus of bulbous plants, Ord. Liliacese : Hyacinth- us orientalis, dr'-i-ent-dl'is (L. orientdlis, oriental from orient, arising), the hyacinth, a popular spring flower having numerous garden varieties and various colours of flowers. hyaline, a., hi'al-in (Gr. hualos, glass), consisting of or resembling glass ; in med. , clear and of a slight consistence like a jelly ; in bot., transparent or colourless : n., a substance which originates the cell-nucleus, or the part where the cell-nucleus appears : hyaloid, a., hl'-al-dyd (Gr. eidos, re- semblance), like glass ; trans- parent : n. , an extremely thin and clear membrane. hybrid, n., hi'-brid (L. hybrida, a hybrid, a mongrel from Gr. HYD 203 HYD hubris, a wanton act, an outrage), an animal or plant the produce of different kinds or species ; a plant resulting from the fecunda- tion of one species by another : adj., having the origin or char- acter of a hybrid : hybridisation, n., hl'brid'$z-d'shun, the act of rendering hybrid. hydatids, n. plu., hid'&t-idz. and hydatides, n. plu., hld-at'-id-ez (Gr. hudatis, a vesicle, hudatldos, of a vesicle from hudor, water), little vesicles or bladders, with fluid or semi - fluid contents, found in the bodies of animals in a state of disease, and containing the larval forms of parasites : hydatid mole, the product of a morbid pregnancy consisting of bunches of mucoid vesicles, having a general resemblance to clusters of grapes. Hydnocarpus, n., hld'nd-kdrp'us (Gr. hudnon, a tuber ; karpos, fruit), a genus of small trees, Ord. Bixace?e : Hydnocarpus venenatus, ven'-Zn-at'us (L. ven- enatus, poisonous fromvenenum, poison), a species which produces a fruit of the size of an apple, which the Cingalese use to poison fish ; the seeds contain an oil used medicinally. Hydnora, n., hld-nor'-a (see Hydnum), a genus of root parasites having a fungus-like aspect, Ord. Cytinacese: Hydnora Africana, af'rik'dn'a(Africdnus, of or from Africa), a parasitic flowering plant of very singular construction, which attacks the roots of the Cistus, some succulent Euphorbiaceae, and other plants. Hydnum, n., hid'-num (Gr. hud- non, a mushroom), a genus of mushrooms, Ord. Fungi : Hyd- num coralloides, kdr'dl-oyd'ez (L. corallum, Gr. korallion, red coral), a species of mushroom which are eatable, found under the trunks of trees in moist situa- tions. hydra, n., Jdd'rft (Gr. hudra, L. hydra, the hydra, a water snake; Gr. hudor, water), a water snake; a fabulous monster serpent hav- ing many heads, slain by Her- cules ; a fresh - water polype : hydraform, a., hid'ra'form (L. forma, shape), resembling the common fresh -water polype or hydra in form. hydragogue, n., hid^ra-gftg (Gr. hudor, wa,ter ; ago, I lead), a medicine which produces copious watery stools. Hydrangese, n. plu., hld-ranj'Z-e (Gr. hudor, water; anggeion, a ves- sel, a capsule), a Sub-order of the Ord. Saxifragacese : Hydrangea, n., a genus of plants, pretty when in flower, so called from the capsules of some of the species appearing like a cap : Hydrangea Thunbergii, tun- berj'i'i (after Thunberg, a celeb- rated traveller and botanist), a species whose leaves furnish a tea of a very recherche character, bearing the name Ama-tsja in Japan. hydranth, n., hld'ranth (Gr. hudra, a water serpent ; anthos, a flower), the polypite or proper nutritive zooid of the Hydro- zoa. hydrargyrum, n., hid-rdrj'Jr-'&m (Gr. hudrarguros, fluid silver from hudor, water ; arguros, silver), quicksilver or mercury : hydrargyria, n. plu., hld'-rdr- jir'i-a, one of the ill effects of mercury applied locally : hydrar- gyriasis, n., hid-rdr'-jir-i'-as-is, a disease produced by the abuse of mercury. Hydrastis, n., hld-ras'tis (Gr. hudor, water), a genus of plants growing in moist situations, Ord. Kanunculaceae : Hydrastis Can- adensis, kdn'-dd-Zntfta (of or from Canada), a species whose yellow roots are used as a tonic ; yellow root. hydrate, n., hid'-rat (Gr. hudor, HYD 204 HYD water), a compound containing a definite proportion of water chem- ically combined : hydrated, a., htd'rdt'8d, combined with water in definite proportions : hydra- tion, n., htd-rd-sh'&n, the act or state of becoming chemically combined with water. hydraulic, a., hid-rdtffKtk (Gr. hudor, water ; aulos, a pipe), relating to the conveyance of water through pipes ; worked by water : hydraulics, n. plu. , hid- roJwl'-iks, the science which treats of the application of the forces influencing the motions of fluids; the art of raising, conducting, and employing water for practical purposes. hydrencephalocele, n., hid'-r$n- s%f'al''d'Sel (Gr. hudor ', water ; engkephalon, the brain ; kele, a tumour), a tumour occasioned by hernial protrusion of the mem- brane of the brain and the fluid contents of the cranium, through a deficiency in the latter. hydro, hid r -rd, and hydr, hid'-r (Gr. hudor, water), prefixes in scientific terms denoting the presence, action, or quality of water ; denoting the presence of hydrogen : hydro-carbon, kdrtf 8n (Eng. carbon), a compound of hydrogen and carbon ; a term usually applied to bitumens, mineral resins, and mineral fats which are composed of hydrogen and carbon in varying propor- tions: hydro-carburet, n., hid'-ro- kdrb'ur'et, a compound of hydro- gen and carbon ; hydro-carbon. hydrocaulus, n., hid'-rd'kdwl'-us (Gr. hudra, a water serpent ; kaulos, a stem), in zool., the main stem of the coenosarc of a hydrozoon. hydrocele, n., lild'-ro-sel (Gr. hudor, water ; kele, a tumour), dropsy of the testicle ; a collec- tion of serum in the external or serous covering of the testicle. hydrocephalus, n., hid'-rd-sef'-ul- Us (Gr. hudor, water ; kephale, the head), a disease chiefly char- acterised by an accumulation of serous fluid in the central cavities of the brain, and frequently a result of tubercular disease ; dropsy or water in the head : hydrocephalic, a., hid'rd'Sef'dl' ik, relating to or connected with hydrocephalus. HydrocharidaceaB, n. plu., hid'-ro- kar'-id-d'se'-e (Gr. hudor, water ; charis, grace, beauty), the Frog- bit family, an Order of floating or aquatic plants found in vari- ous parts of the world : Hydro- charis, n., hid-rd'k'ar'is, a genus of pretty aquatic plants, forming one of the prettiest ornaments of our still waters. hydrochlorate, n., hld'-rd-kld^-at (Eng. hydrogen and chlorine], a compound of hydrochloric acid with a base : hydrochloric, a. , hid'rd'kldr'ik, consisting of a combination of hydrogen and chlorine; denoting an acid known, also as muriatic acid and spirit of salt. Hydrocotyle, n., hid'>ro-kdt'il>e (Gr. hudor, water ; Tcotule, a hollow, a cavity), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbelliferas : Hyd- rocotyle Asiatica, dzh'i-at'-ik-a (of or from Asia], a species used in medicine: H. vulgaris, vul- gar'-is (L. vulgaris, general, common), a curious little native Umbellifer, called Pennywort, having round peltate leaves, growing in marshy situations, and reported injurious to sheep. hydrocyanic, a., lild'-rd'Sl-wnf-ik (Gr. hudor, water; kuanos, dark- blue), denoting an acid consisting of hydrogen and cyanogen ; Prussic acid : hydrocyanate, n. , hid'-rd'Si'-an-at, a compound of hydrocyanic acid with a base. hydrocysts, n. plu., hld f -r6-sists (Gr. hudra, a water serpent ; kustis, a bladder, a cyst), in zoo/. , curious processes attached to the HYD 205 HYD coenosarc of the Physophoridse, and termed feelers. Hydrodictyon, n., hid'-ro-dik'ti-tin (Gr. hudor, water ; diktuon, a fishing-net), a genus of plants, Ord. Algae or Hydrophyta, so named from the reticulated struc- ture of the plants : Hydrodictyon utriculatum, ut-rik'-ul-at'-um (L. utriculus, a small skin or leathern bottle), a species called 'water net, ' which has the appearance of a green net composed of filaments enclosing pentagonal and hexag- onal spaces. hydroecium, n., hid-re'shi-um (Gr. hudra, a water serpent ; oikos, a house), the chamber into which the coenosarc in many of the Calycophoridse can be retracted. hydrogen, n. , hid'ro-jen (Gr. hudor , water ; gennao, I produce), a metal which, in its gaseous form, is the lightest of all known bodies, producing water when combined with oxygen : sulphuretted hydrogen, a com- bination of hydrogen with sulphur, producing a gas having a smell like rotten eggs, found as a constituent of mineral waters. Hydroida, n. plu., hid-royd'-a (Gr. hudra, a water snake ; eidos, re- semblance), in zool, the sub- class of the Hydrozoa which com- prises the animals most nearly allied to the hydra ; in geol. , an extensive genus of zoophytes. hydrometra, n., hid'ro-met'ra (Gr. hudor , water ; metra, womb), an excessive secretion and accum- ulation of fluid within the cavity of the uterus. hydronephrosis, n., hid'-rd-ntf- roz'is (Gr. hudor, water ; nephros, kidney), dropsy of the kidney, caused by any permanent obstruc- tion of the ureter. hydropathy, n., hid-r8p'>ath-i (Gr. hudor, water ; pathos, feeling), the water cure : hydropathic, a. , hid'- ro -path' ik, relating to the water care. hydropericardium, n., hld'-ro-ptr- i'kdrd'i-um (Gr. hudor, water ; peri, round about ; kardia, the heart), an eifusion of serum into the sac of the pericardium or membrane enclosing the heart ; dropsy of the pericardium. hydrophobia, n., hld'-rd-fob'-l-a (Gr. hudor, water ; phobos, fear, dread), a disease occurring in the human being after being bitten by any rabid animal, characterised by an aversion to water, and more or less general convulsions. Hydrophyllacese, n. plu., Jild'-ro- fil'la'-s&e (Gr. hudor, water ; phullon, a leaf), the Hydro - phyllum family, an Order of trees and herbaceous plants, many of which have showy flowers, and some have glandular or stinging hairs : HydrophyllesB, n. plu., hld'-ro-fim-e, a Sub-order : Hyd- rophyllum, n., kSd'-rG-fti'-ltim, a genus. Hydrophyllia, n. plu., hid'rd-fiV* li-d (Gr. hudra, a water snake ; phullon, a leaf), in zool., over- lapping appendages or plates which protect the polypites in some of the oceanic Hydrozoa ; also termed ' bracts. ' Hydrophyta, n. plu., hld-rof-tt-a (Gr. hudor, water; phuton, a plant), the Sea-weed family ; the Algse or cellular plants found both in salt and in fresh water : hydrophyte, n^hid'rd-ftt, a plant which lives and grows in water only. hydrorhiza, n., hid'-ro-rlz'-a (Gr. hudra, a water snake ; rhiza, a root), in zool., the adherent base or proximal extremity of any hydrozobn. hydrosoma, n., hld^rd-som'd (Gr. hudra, a water snake ; soma, body), in zool. , the entire organ- ism of any hydrozoon. hydrosulphuret, n., hid'-rd-sul/' ur-H (Eng. hydrogen and sul- phur], a compound of hydro- sulphuric acid with a base : hyd- HYD 206 HYM rosulphuric, a., hld'-ro-sul/'Ur'- ik, pert, to or derived from hydrogen and sulphur. hydrotheca, n. plu., hid'-ro-iheMti (Gr. hydra, a water snake; theke, a chest), in zool., the little chit- inous cups in which certain polypites are protected. hydrothorax, n., hld'-rd-thdr'-aks (Gr. hudor, water ; thorax, the chest), a dropsical accumulation of fluid in the pleural sac ; water in the chest. Hydrozoa, n. plu., hid'-rd-zo'-d (Gr. hudra, a water serpent ; won, an animal), in zool., gelat- inous, oblong, or conical polypes organized like the hydra ; the class of the Ccelenterata com- prising animals constructed like the hydra. hydruria, n., hid-rdr'-i-a (Gr. hudor, water ; ouron, urine), an excessive secretion of limpid, watery urine. hygiene, n., hity-en' (L. Hygeia, Gr. Hugeia,ihe goddess of health), that department of medical prac- tice which treats of health, its preservation, restoration, and maintenance. hygrometer, n., M-gr&mf-t$ns'>is (L. pratensis, growing in meadows from pratum, a meadow), a species of fungi, called the Herefordshire truffle. hygroscope, n., hi'-grd-skop (Gr. hugros, water, moisture ; sTcopeo, I see or view), an instrument to show the moisture or drynessofthe air: hygroscopic, a., M'-grd-skopt ik, pert, to ; applied to moisture not readily apparent. hymen, n., him'-en (Gr. humen, a thin membrane; Gr. Humen, L. Hymen, the god of marriage, the son of Bacchus and Venus), the valvular fold of membrane which protects the virginal vagina : hymeneal, a., him'en'e'al, pert, to marriage. Hymensea, n,, him'8n-e'a (Gr. Humen, L. Hymen, the god of marriage), a genus of trees, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Csesalpin- ieae, whose species are highly ornamental, so named from its two leaflets : Hymenaea Courbaril, kdr'bar-il (unascertained), the West Indian locust tree ; the pods supply a nutritious matter, its inner bark is anthelmintic, and the plant yields a kind of resin called Anime. hymenium, n., him-en'i-um (Gr. humen, a membrane), in bot., that portion of the fructification of a fungus in which the sporules are situated, usually more or less a membranous expansion ; the part which bears the fructification in Agarics : hymenial, a., him- en'-i-al, belonging to the hymen- ium: hymenicolar, a., him'-Zn-itt ol-ar (L. colo, I inhabit), in bot., inhabiting the hymenium. Hymenomycetes, n., him^n^d- mi'Set f *ez (Gr. humen, a membrane; mukes, a fungus), a division of the Fungi in which the hymenium is naked; the spores appear in sets of four, borne on distinct sporo- phores, as seen in mushrooms. hymenophorum, n., Mnt<6n'8f-or* urn (Gr. humen, a membrane ; phoreo, I bear), in bot., the structure which bears the hymen- ium. HymenophylleaB, n. plu.,him f -en-o- fil'-tt'G (Gr. humen, a membrane; HYM 207 HYP phutton, a leaf), the Filmy Fern tribe, a Sub-order of the Ord. Filices or Ferns. Hyinenoptera, n. plu., &im'&idp t$r-a (Gr. humen, a membrane ; pteron, a wing), an Order of insects characterised by the possession of four membranous wings, as in bees, ants, etc. Hymenothalamese, n. plu., himf- (^n-d'thdl'dm^e-e (Gr. humen, a membrane ; thaldmos, a nest, a receptacle), a section or Sub-order of the Lichens, characterised by their open shields, and the nuc- leus bearing the sporangia on their surface. hymenulum, n., him'tin'-ul-ftm (a dim. from Gr. humen t a mem- brane), in bot., a shield containing asci. hyo, hi'-o, a prefix denoting con- nection with the hyoid bone : hyoid, a., hi'-oyd (the Greek letter v, upsilon, from the shape of the bone ; eidos, resemblance), . the U - shaped bone situated between the tongue and the larynx : hyoglossus, n., hi'-d- gld/'Sus (Gr. glossa, tongue), a flat quadrate muscle, arising from the whole length of the great corner of the hyoid bone and the tongue. Hyoscyamus, n., hi'-fa-si'-tim-fa (L. hyoscyamus, Gr. huoskuamos, henbane from Gr. hus, a hog ; kuamos, a bean, in allusion to the fruit being eaten by swine), a genus of plants, Ord. Solanacese : Hyoscyamus niger, nldf-er (L. niger, black, dark), henbane, a biennial poisonous plant, with dingy yellow flowers, exhibiting beautiful purple reticulations, and having hairy viscous leaves ; a tincture of henbane is often used as a mild narcotic, and its oil is an energetic poison : hyoscyamia, n., hl'-8s- sl-am'i-d, an alkaloid obtained from hyoscyamus, to which the plant owes its narcotic properties. hypanthodium, n., hip'-an-thod'-i' um (Gr. hupo, under ; anthos, a flower), a fleshy receptacle en- closing the flowers, as in the fig ; the receptacle of Dorstenia, bear- ing many flowers. hypersemia, n., hip'er>em'-i'd (Gr. huper, over ; haima, blood), an excessive accumulation of blood in a part of the body ; a local or partial excess of blood. hyper sesthesia, n . , hip'- er-ez- the'- zhi-d (Gr. huper, above, over ; aisthesis, perception, sensation), excessive or morbid sensibility, as intolerance of light, sound, etc. hypercatharsis, n., hlp'-er-kath- drs'-is (Gr. huper, above, over ; kathairo, I purge), excessive purging of the bowels. Hypericaceae, n. plu., hip'-er-fr kaf-s&e (Gr. hupereikon, the plant St. John's wort from ereike, heath, heather), the Tutsan or St. John's wort family, an Order of plants distributed very gener- ally over all parts of the globe, which yield a resinous coloured juice, having purgative properties and resembling gamboge: Hyper- icum,n.,hip'er^ik-um, an extens- ive genus, most of whose species produce showy plants: Hypericum connatum, kdn-ndt'-um (L. con- ndtus, born with from ndtus, born), a species from which a gargle for sore throats is prepared in Brazil : H. hircinum, her sin 1 '- Urn (L. hirclnus, of or from a goat from hircus, a he-goat), a species having a fetid odour : H. laxiusculum, laks'-i-usk'-ul-tim (L. laxus, wide, loose ; juscul- um, juice), a species, a de- coction from whose leaves is esteemed a specific against the bite of serpents in Brazil : H. perforatum, perf-6r>at'-um (L. perfordtus, bored or pierced through), St. John's wort, much esteemed by the ancients as an anodyne. HYP 208 HYP hyperostosis, n., (Gr. huper, over ; osteon, a bone), an unnatural growth or projec- tion from a bone ; same as * exos- tosis. ' hyperplasia, n . , hlp'-er -plas'-i- a (Gr. huper, over ; plasso, I form), the excessive multiplication of the elements of a part. hyperpyrexia, n., hip'er-pir-eks' i-d (Gr. huper, over ; Eng. pyr- exia), the temperature of any body when over 106 F. hypertrophy, n., hlp-er'-trdf-i (Gr. huper, over ; trophe, food, nourishment), excessive growth of a part ; an increase of size in the healthy structure of an organ, due to increased exercise or nutrition, as in the arms of a blacksmith, or in the limbs of an athlete; in bot., enlargement of organs. hypha, n., hif'-a, hyphas, n. plu., hlf-e (Gr. huphe, weaving), the filamentous tissue in the thallus of lichens : hyphal, a., hif-al, pert, to a filamentous tissue. Hyphasne, n., hlf-en'% (Gr. huph- aino, I weave), a genus of orna- mental palm trees, Ord. Palmae : Hyphaene thebaica, the-bd'ik'd (L. Thebaicus, of or from Thebes, in Egypt), the doom-palm of Egypt, whose pericarp has the taste of gingerbread, and is used as food. hyphasma, n., hif'az'-ma, (Gr. huphe, weaving), in bot., a web- like thallus of Agarics ; the mycelium of certain fungi ; same sense as ' hypha. ' Hypnum, n. , hip'num (Gr. hupnon, moss or lichen), the most extensive genus among mosses, Ord. Musci or Bryacese, known by their prostrate, pinnated, bright green branches. hypocarpogean, a., hip'o-kdrp'o- jein (Gr. hupo, under ; xanthos, yel- low), a peculiar organic compound found in the fluid of the spleen, and in very small quantity in muscle. Hypoxidacess, n. plu., hip tiles'- id- a'-se-e (Gr. hupo, under ; oxus, sharp-pointed referring to the base of the capsule), the Hypoxis family, an Order of herbaceous and usually stemless plants, some having bitter roots, and others edible tubers : Hypoxis, n., hip -(Iks' is, a genus of plants, natives of warm countries. hypsometry, n., hips'dm'$t'ri (Gr. hupsos, height ; metron, a meas- ure), the method of ascertaining HYP 210 ICH heights by the barometer, or by boiling water : hypsometrical, a., hips'tirrfet'rik'Cil, pert. to. hypsophyllary, a., ltfpaf-d>fflf>l&r?l (Gr. Tiupsos, top, summit ; phul- lon, a leaf),, in bot., applied to leaves which are bracts. Hyptis, n., hip'tis (Gr. huptios, lying on the back with the face upward from hupo, under), a genus of shrubby plants, Ord. Labiatse,. so called because the limb of the corolla is turned on its back : Hyptis membranacea, m$m'brdn-a's&-a (L. membrdna, skin or membrane), a species which attains the height of 20 or 30 feet in Brazil. Hyracoidea, n. plu., Tiirt-ak-oyd'- 8-a (Gr. hurax, a shrew ; eidos, resemblance), an Order of the Mammalia with the single genus Hyrax : Hyrax, n., hir'-alcs, the rock badger of the Cape : hyraceuxn, n., hir-ds'e-um, a substance resembling castor in smell and properties, obtained from its urine. hyssop, n.,, his'sop (Gr. hussopos, L. hyssopus, hyssop), a garden plant having an aromatic smell and pungent taste, formerly used as a stomachic : Hyssopus, n., his-sop'-us, a genus of plants, Ord. Labiatse: Hyssopus officin- alis, of-fis'-in'ol'-is (L. offitindlis, officinal), the common hyssop; the hyssop in Scripture is sup- posed to be a species of caper, Capparis J^gyptiaca. hysteranthous, a., Mst'-Zr-anth'tis (Gr. husteros, coming after ; anthos, a flower), in bot., expand- ing after the flowers have opened, as leaves. hysteria, n., his-te^i-a, also hys- terics, n., his-ter'iks (Gr. Jiuster- ikos, caused by the womb from hustZra, the womb), a nervous disease or affection, not altogether peculiar to women, and not necessarily connected with the womb or ovaries, but due to an imperfectly balanced mental and moral system : hysteric, a., his'ter'ik, and hysterical, a., Jife't&r'tik'dl, affected with or liable to hysterics. Hysterophyta, n. plu., his'ter-of'- it- a, also hysterophytes, n. plu., his-ter'.o-fUz (Gr. hustera, the womb ; phuton, a plant), another name for the order Fungi ; plants living upon dead or living organic matter,, as the Fungi. Iceland moss, is'land m8s (moss from Iceland], the Cetraria Islan- dica, Ord. Lichenes, a lichen used as a demulcent and tonic in the form of a decoction or jelly, found chiefly in northern regions, and used in. Iceland and Lapland as food. ice plant,, is plant, the Mesembry- anthemum crystallinum, Ord. Ficoidese or Mesembryacese, a plant remarkable for the watery vesicles which cover its surface, having the appearance of particles of ice. ichor, n., ikf-or (Gr. ichor, matter, gore),, a thin, watery, humor-like whey flowing from an ulcer : ichorous, a., ik'tir-us, like ichor; ichthyic, a., flAtU-flc (Gr. iclithus, a fish), relating to fishes: ich- thyoid, a., iK'thi'dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling a fish : ichthyology, n., ttftht-b'&o''ji (Gr. logos, discourse), that branch of zoology which treats of the structure, the classification, the habits, and the history of fishes : Ichthyomorpha, n. plu., ikf-thl' d'-mdrf'-a (Gr. morphe, shape), an Order of Amphibians, called also Urodela, comprising the fish- like newts : Ichthyophthira, n. plu., ik'-thi-of-thlr'-a (Gr. phtheir, a louse), an Order of Crustacea comprising animals which are parasitic upon fishes : Ichthyops- ida, n. plu., tJc'-thi-d'ps'.id-a (Gr. opsis, appearance), the primary ICH 211 ILE division of Vertebrata, comprising fishes and amphibia. ichthyosis, n., W'tM-wf-fo (Gr. ichthua, the dried rough skin of the dog - fish from ichthus, a fish), a cutaneous disease in which the skin is dry, harsh, and rough, and apparently too tight for the body ; a form of the disease in which dry, hard, greyish or slate - coloured scales appear on different parts of the body. icosandria, n. plu., ik'-Ss-andf-ri-a (Gr. eikosi, twenty ; hedra, a seat, a basis), plants which have twenty or more stamens inserted on the calyx : icosandrous, a., iktd'S'dnd'rus, having twenty stamens. icterus, n., ik'-t^r-us (Gr. iJcteros, L. icterus, jaundice), jaundice : icterus neonatorumi, ne'-o-nat-or'' um (Gr. neos, new, fresh ; L. natorum, of the new-born from ndtus, born); the jaundice of the new-born ; yellow gum in new- born infants.. idiocy, n., id'i-ds-i (Gr. idiotes, a private individual from idios, proper, peculiar to oneself), a form of insanity where the mind from the first is imperfectly de- veloped, and remains permanently in this undeveloped state : idiot, n., id'-i'Ot, a human being more or less defective in regard to his mental or moral powers. idiopathy, n., td'-Wp'.&tM (Gr. idios, peculiar; pathos, suffering), a morbid state or condition not dependent on or caused by any other: idiopathic, a., &%'$ frpfttht ik, not depending on any other disease ; arising without any apparent exciting cause ; the opposite of * sympathetic. ' idiosyncrasy, n., td'i-d-stng'-krfo'i (Gr. idios, peculiar ; sungkrasis, a mixing together), an unusual peculiarity of an individual in consequence of which he is affected in a different manner from the majority by one or several influences; that condition of mind or body commonly known as 'antipathy.' idiot, see 'idiocy.' Idiothalameae, n. plu., id'-i-d-thal- dm'e-e (Gr. idios, peculiar ; thal- amos, a receptacle), a section of the Lichens, having their shields closed at first and open afterwards, containing free spores in a nucleus composed of the gelatinous re- mains of the paraphyses and sporangia : idiothalamous, a., id'-i-o-thdVam-us, possessed of a colour or texture differing from the thallus in lichens. Ignatia amara, ig-naf-slii-a dm- art a (St. Ignatius; amdrus, bitter), St. Ignatius's bean, pro- ducing strychnia ; also called Strychnos Ignatia. ileo, zl'8-o, denoting connection with the ileum, or some relation to it: ileo-csecal, se&dl (L. ccec- us, blind), applied to two semi- lunar folds of mucous membrane found at the termination of the ileum in the large intestine, forming the division between the caecum and colon. ileum, n., tt'e-tim^ (L. and Gr. ileos, a severe kind of colic from Gr. eileo, I turn or twist), the lower portion of the small intest- ine, so called from its numerous convolutions: ileus, n., tf**to, an obstruction in the bowels accompanied by vomiting, pain, and fever ; intussusception of the bowels; iliac passion. Hex, n., il'eks (L. ilex, a kind of oak), a genus of elegant trees and shrubs, having evergreen prickly foliage, Ord. Aquifoliacese : Ilex aquifolium, dk-wi-fol'i-um (L. dcus, a needle ; fdiium, a leaf), the common holly, indigenous in Britain ; the leaves and bark are said to possess tonic and febri- fuge properties, and its berries emetic and purgative: I. Para- guensis, pdr r 'd-gw%ns''ls (of or from Paraguay), a species which. ILI 212 IMP furnishes Yerba mate, or Paraguay tea : I. vomitoria, vowf-it-or'-i-d (L. vomitorius, that provokes vomiting), a species from whose leaves the black drink of the Creek Indians is prepared. iliac, a., il'-l-ak (L. and Gr. ileos, a severe kind of colic from Gr. eitto, I turn or twist: L. ilia, the flanks, the entrails), pert, to the ileum, or to the bone called ilium : iliac passion, a vomiting of bilious and faecal matter in consequence of obstruction in the intestinal canal ; colic : iliac regions, the sides of the abdomen between the ribs and the hips : iliac crest, an eminence on the ilium resembling lines, but broader and more prominent: iliacus, n.., il'i'-ak'Us, a flat radiated muscle which fills up the whole of the internal iliac fossa : iliacus interims, m*tern' us (L. internus, that which is within), a muscle situated in the cavity of the ilium : iliacum os, another name for the 'os innomin- atum,' which see : ilium os, il'-l* tim os (L. ilia, the flanks ; os, a bone), the large, partly-flattened bone, forming the principal part of the pelvis, and entering into the composition of the hip-joint : ilia, n. plu., M'-i-d, the flanks, the loins ; the part extending from the lowest ribs to the groin: ilio, il'-i'O, a word denoting con- nection with the ' iliacum os. ' Hicine8B, n. plu., tl'i-stn'fre (L. ilex, a kind of oak, iticis, of an oak), the Holly family, an Order of plants, now generally called Aquifoliacese. mecebrese, n. plu., iV-U-sW-r^-e (L. ill%c$bra, an attraction, an allurement ; plants so named by Pliny), a section or sub-order of plants, Ord. Paronychiacese: Illec- ebrum, n., &*4Jo bes-il'-i-ti, a deficiency of mental and moral powers ; a state short of idiocy. imbibition, n., im'-bib-tsh'tin (L. imbibo, I drink in from im, in- to ; bibo, I drink), the action by which the passage of a fluid, or of gaseous matters, is affected through dead and living tissues ; endosmosis. imbricate, a., trn'-brik-at, also im- bricated, &.,-dt'ed(L. imbricatum, to form like a gutter tile from imbrex, a tile), in hot., having parts overlying each other like tiles on a house ; in zooL, applied to scales or plates which overlap one another like tiles : imbric- ative, a., im'bri&dt>fo, over- lapping at the edge : imbricated aestivation, in bot., the parts of the flower-bud alternatively over- lapping each other, and arranged in a spiral manner. immarginate, a., im-mdrf-zn-dt (L. im, not; margo, a border, marginis, of a border), in bot. t not having a border or margin. impaction, n., im-pak'shun (L. impactus, driven into from im, into ; pango, I drive), a disease in cattle, sheep, horse, fowls, etc., a fatal case of indigestion in which the food becomes closely impacted in the stomach ; be- IMP 213 INC coming hard and dry, it is in- capable of digestion, and the animal shortly dies ; the stomach staggers. impari-pinnate, a., im'par-i-pin' ndt (L. impar, unequal ; pin- natus, winged), unequally pin- nate ; a pinnate leaf ending in an odd leaflet. Impatiens, n., tm-pa'sM-Zm (L. impdtiens, that will not endure, impatient), a genus of very beauti- ful and singular plants, Ord. Balsaminaceae, so named from the elastic valves of the capsules bursting when touched, and throwing out the seeds with great force. mperf orate, a., im-per'-for-at (L. in, into ; per, through ; fordtus, bored), not bored or pierced through ; without a terminal opening. impetigo, n., tm'-ptt'lg'-o (L. im- petigo, a scabby eruption from impeto, I attack), a skin disease, characterised by clusters of pus- tules which run into a crust ; pustular eruptions: impetiginous, a., tirfp&t-fdf'fa-tis, having the nature of or pert, to impetigo. impregnation, u.Jm'preg'nd'shun (L. im, in ; prcegndtus, preg- nancy), the act of impregnating or rendering fruitful ; fertilisa- tion. impressio colica, im-pres'st-o ktil'- ik'd (L. impressio, an impression; colicus, of or pert, to the colic), the colic impression ; a shallow impression in front on the under surface of the right lobe of the liver. inanition, n., tn'an-isli'un (L. indnis, empty), starvation ; a condition brought about by bad food, or food deficient in quan- tity. inarching, n., in-drtsh'-tng (L. in, into ; arcus, a bow ; arcuo, I bend like a bow), a mode of grafting by bending two growing plants towards each other, and causing a branch of the one to unite to a branch of the other. inarticulate, a., m'-dri-ik'-til-at (L. in, not ; articulatus, furnished with joints), in bot., without joints or interruption to con- tinuity. incanescent, a., Mfeff**8ffoiitt (L. incanescens, becoming grey or hoary), in bot. ,. having a grey or hoary appearance. incised, a., m'Sizd' (L. inclsus, cut into from in,, into ; ccedo, I cut), in bot., cut down deeply : incision, n., in-sizhf-un, a division of several tissues of the body, generally by a sharp-cutting in- strument : incisive, a., in'Sl^w having the quality of cutting; situated near the incisor teeth, or relating to them : incisors, n. plu., in'Slz'*drs, the four front teeth both in the upper and lower jaws, for cutting, dividing, or tearing the food before chewing or masticating it : incisura, n., m r -siz-ur'>a, a cut, gash, or notch. included, a., m-kldd'-Zd (L. in- cludo, I shut up or in), in bot., having the stamens enclosed within the corolla, and not pushed out beyond its tube. incompatibles, n.^m^kdm-pat'i-bls (L. in, not ; Eug. compatible), in med., remedies which when mixed together destroy each other's effects, or materially alter them. inconspicuous, a., Wktin-spik'-u- us (L. in, not ; Eng. conspicu- ous), in bot., small in size ; not easily observed. incontinence, n., fa>lcon'tito'$M (L. in, not ; continens, keeping within bounds), want of restraint in the sexual appetite ; inability to restrain natural discharges. incrassate, a., m-krds'sdt (L. in, into ; crassus, thick, dense), thickened : incrassation, n., in'kraS'Sd'shun, the act of thick- ening. INC 214 IND incubation, n., tn' hub >d' shun (L. incubdtuSj lain or rested upon from in, on ; cubo, I lie down), in med., the period during which a contagious disease lies latent before showing itself : incubus, n., tn'-kub'tte (L. incubus, the nightmare from incubo, I lie upon), the nightmare ; any oppressive -or stupefying in- fluence. incumbent, a., in-ktirn'Mnt (L. incumbens, leaning or lying upon from in, on ; cubo or cumbo, I lie down), in bot., applied to cotyledons with the radicle on their back. incurvate, a., tn-kerv'-dt (L. in- curvdtus, bent or curved from in, into ; curvus, bent, crooked), in bot. t curved inwards or up- wards. incus, in., in'US (L. incus, a smith's anvil), a small bone of the ear, so called from its sup- posed resemblance to an anvil. indefinite, a., ln-dtf-fa*U (L. in, not; Eng. definite), in bot., hav- ing an inflorescence with a cen- tripetal expansion ; having more than twenty stamens ; having numerous ovules and seeds ; generally denoting uncertainty, or without limit. indehiscent, a., &i'-dt>h&8%nl (L. in, not; dehisco, I open, I gape, dehiscens, opening, gaping), in bot., not opening ; having no regular line of suture ; applied to fruits such as the apple, which do not split open. independence, n., fo/-d&'p&nd'-$ns (L. in, not ; Eng. dependence), in bot., the separation of organs usually entire. indeterminate, a., $n'- de-term' in> at (L. in, not; Eng. determinate), in bot., unlimited ; indefinite. index finger, m'-d'elcs fing'-ger (L. indico, I point out ; index, an informer), the forefinger, being that employed in pointing at an object. indicator, n., In'-dik-at'-or (L, indicatus, pointed out), in anat. t the muscle which extends the forefinger ; the extensor indicis. indigenous, a., m-didf-^n-us (L. indigZna, a native, born and bred in the same country or town), not exotic or introduced, applied to plants ; an aboriginal native in a country. indigestion, n., m'-di-j$st'yun (L. indigestus, confused, disordered), a derangement of the powers of digestion ; a painful or imperfect change of food in the stomach ; dyspepsia. indigo, n., in'-dlg-o (F. indigo from L. indicus, Indian), beautiful blue dye, procured by fermentation from various species of Indigofera : Indigofera, n. , in'-dig-of-Zr-a (Eng. indigo; L. fero, I bear), an extensive genus of elegant plants, Ord. Legum- inosse, Sub-ord. Papilionacese, most of whose species produce indigo, chiefly Indigofera tinc- toria, ftngk'tor-i'd (L. tinctorius, belonging to dyeing from tingo, I dye), also from I. anil, an'-il (Arab, annil, the indigo plant); I. caerulea, ser-dl'-Z-a (L. ccerul- eus, dark -blue); I. argentea, dr-jZnt'e-a (L. argentZus, made of silver from argentum, silver), and many others ; the powdered leaf of I. anil has been used in hepatitis. indumentum, n., in'-du-mentf-iim (L. indumentum, a garment from induo, I put on), the plumage of birds; in bot., a hairy covering. induplicate, a., tn-dup'-lik-at (L. in, in ; duplicdtus, doubled), in bot., having the edges of the sepals or petals turned slightly inwards, in aestivation ; having the margins doubled inwards. induration, n., in'-dur-d'-shun (L. indurdtus, hardened from in, into ; duro, I harden), the hardening, or process of harden- IND 215 INF ing of a part ; the hardening of tissues around a part formerly diseased. indusia, n., m-dutf-i-a, indusiae, n. plu., -%& (L. indusium, a shirt, a woman's under garment from induo, I put on), the cases or coverings of certain insects: indusium, n., m-duz'-i- tim, in bot., the epidermal cover- ing of the fructification in some ferns ; a collection of hairs so united as to form a sort of cup, and which encloses the stigma of a flower. indutive, a., tn-dutf-w (L. indutus, a putting on from induo, I put on), in bot., applied to seeds which have the usual integument- ary covering. inequilateral, a., m'^wi-ldt^er-al (in, not ; Eng. equilateral), having the two sides unequal, as in the case of the shells of the ordinary bivalves ; not having the convolutions of the shells lying in the same plane, but obliquely wound round an axis, as in the Foraminifera. inembryonate, a., fa*&rrt,'M'&H-&t (L. in, not; Eng. embryo], in bot., having neither embryo nor germ. inenchyma, n., In-frig'-ldm-a (Gr. ines, a fibre ; engchuma, what is poured in, juice, tissue), in bot., cells in which there is a spiral elastic fibre coiled up in the in- side, the cells generally consisting of membrane and fibre combined. inequivalve, n., fn-ek'wi-valv (L. in, not ; Eng. equivalve), a valve consisting of two unequal pieces or valves. inermis, a., m^erm'ts (L. inermis, unarmed), in bot., unarmed ; without prickles or thorns. infection, n., m-fVk'shun (L. in- fectus, tainted, dyed from in, into ; facio, I make), the act by which poisonous matter or ex- halations produce disease in a healthy body ; see ' contagious. ' inferior, a., m-fer'-i-or (L. inferior, lower from inform, beneath, below), in bot., growing below, as when one organ is below another ; applied to the ovary when it seems to be situated below the calyx, and to the part of a flower farthest from the axis ; below, lower, inner, as opposed to 'superior,' 'which signifies above, upper, outer : inferior extremities, the legs as the lower parts of the body. infiltration, n., In'-fil-traf-sli&n (L. in, into ; Eng. filtration), the act or process of passing into the textures of a body ; the liquid or substance which has so entered. inflammation, n. , m'flam'md'shun (L. inflammo, I set on fire from in, in or on ; flamma, a flame), redness and heat in some part of the body, accompanied with pain and swelling; the succession of changes which occurs in a living tissue when injured, provided its structure and vitality are not de- stroyed. inflated, a., tn-flat'Zd (L. infldtus, blown into, swollen), in 'bot., puffed out ; distended. inflexed, a., in-flelcst' (L. inflexus, bent, curved), in bot., curved or bent upwards and inwards. inflorescence, n., m'-fldr-es's&ns (L. inflorescens, beginning to blossom from in, in or on; fioresco, I blossom), a flowering or putting forth blossoms ; the mode in which the flowers are arranged on the axis. influenza, n., in'fldo-Znz'a (It. influenza, influence ; L. influens, flowing into), a specific epidemic fever, chiefly attacking the lining membrane of the nose, larynx, and bronchial tubes, and lasting from four to eight days. infra-costales, n. plu., iflf-fra- kost-al'-ez, also infra-costals, n. plu., -Mst'alz (L. infra, under- neath, below; costa, a rib), in anat., small bundles of fleshy and tendinous fibres, which vary INF 216 INN in number and length, arising from the inner surface of one rib, and inserted into the inner surface of the first, second, or third rib below: inf r a -maxillary, a., -males'- ll'lar-l (L. maxilla, the jaw), situated under the jaw,, as certain nerves : infra-orbital, a. , -drb'-it - dl (L. orbitum, the orbit), situated underneath the orbit, as an artery: ihfra-scapularis, a. , -skap'- ul'CLr f 'is (L, scapula, the shoulder- blade), situated underneath the shoulder-blade : infra-spinatus, a., -spin*at f 'US (L, spindtus, the spine from spina, a thorn), situated underneath a spinous process ; designating a muscle situated beneath the spine of the scapula, and inserted into the humerus. infundibulum, n., tn'fun*dib'- til-urn, infundibula, n. pin., -dib'Ul'd (L. infundibulum, a tunnel or funnel), in anat., a name given to various parts of the body which more or less re- semble a funnel ; in zool. , a tube formed by the coalescence or apposition of the epipodia in the Cephalopoda ; known also as the ' siphon ' or ' funnel ' : infundib- uliform, a., in-fun'-dib-ul'-i-form (L. forma, shape), funnel-shaped. infusion, n., in-fuzli'-un (L. in, into ; fusus, poured, infusift, a pouring into), the operation of steeping a substance in hot or boiling water in order to extract its medicinal or other qualities. infusoria, n. plu., m'-fuz-or'-i-a (L. infusus, poured into, crowded in from in, into ; fusus, poured), very minute animal organisms, or animalcules, inhabiting water containing decaying vegetable or animal matter, so named from their being obtained in ' infusions ' of vegetable matter that have been exposed to the air ; a class of Protozoa: infusorial, a., m'fuz- or'-i-al, pert, to the infusoria ; obtained by infusion : infusory, a., tn-fuz'-ftr-i, applied to a class of animalcules obtained in in- fusions ; containing infusoria. ingesta, n k plu., in-fcstf-a (L. ingestus, poured or thrown into), things taken in> as food into the stomach; substances introduced into the digestive organs. inguinal, z.^ng'-gwin-alCL. inguen, the groin, ingumis^ of the groin), pert, to the groin ; connected with the groin or situated upon it. inhumation, n., in'-hum^d'shUn (L, in, in or into ; humus, the ground), the act of burying or placing in the ground ; a method of digesting a substance by bury- ing the vessel containing it among dung or warm earth. inject, v., in-jekt' (L. injectus, thrown or cast into from in, in- to ; jactus, thrown), to throw into: injected, a., m'jekt'ed, applied to a dead body, or a part, whose vessels have been filled by a composition forced into them : injection, n., in-j%k'-shun, the act of throwing or forcing a liquid into the vessels of a dead body ; the coloured liquid so thrown or forced into such vessels; a clyster, or method of administering rem- edies of various kinds, and of even feeding the patient by injecting medicinal or nutrient fluids into the lower bowel : hypodermic injection, a method of injecting various medicinal solutions beneath the skin by means of a syringe to which a hollow needle is attached. innate, a., m'-nat (L. inndtus, in- born, natural from in, into ; ndtus, born), in bot. 9 adhering to the apex ; attached to the top of the filament, as anthers : innato- fibrillose, In-natd-ftb'-ril-lfa' (L. fibra, a filament), clad with ad- herent fibrils. inner aspect, in anat., the inner appearance of a bone or a part. innervation, n., m'nerv-d'shun (L. in, into; nervus, a nerve), that INN 217 INS ul-dt'a (L. in, not, without ; operculum, a lid), in zool., the division of pulmonate ' Gasterop- oda ' in which there is no shelly or horny plate to close the shell when the animal is withdrawn within it : inopercular, a., in'-o- perk f -ul'dr, without an operculum or lid, as certain univalve shells. inoscinic, a., In'-oS'Sin'-ik (Gr. is, fibre, lnos r of fibre ; kineo, I disturb, I change), applied to an acid obtained from muscular fibre : inoscinate, n.,. in-ds'-sin- at, the combination of inoscinic acid with a salifiable base. inosculation, n., In-fts'-knl-af-shun (L. in, into ; osculatus, kissed from osculum, a little mouth), the union, as two vessels in a living body ; in bot., grafting or budding. inosite, n., wf-tis-U (Gr. is, fibre, inos, of fibre), a saccharine prin- ciple obtained from the juice of flesh, which is not susceptible of alcoholic fermentation : inosuria, n., in'6s-uir / -$'& (Gr. oureo, I make water), the same substance when found in morbid urine. insalivation, n., m-sal'-iv-af-shun (L. in, into ; sallvatio, a filling with saliva from salivo, I spit out), the process of mixing the saliva intimately with the food during mastication. insane, a., in-sdn' (L. insanus, unsound in mind from in, not ; sdnus, sound), deranged or unsound in mind : insanity, n., lU'San'-tt'i, unsoundness of mind; the state of mind which in- capacitates for the proper man- agement of property, or which renders the patient more or less an object of public danger ; lunacy. Insecta, n. plu., tn-sZlclf-a (L. insectus, cut into, insecta, things cut into from in, into ; seco, I cut), the class of articulate animals commonly known as insects, which commonly under- INS 218 INT go transformations; a small creep- ing or flying animal, as the fly, bee, etc. , whose body appears cut or almost divided into parts : In- sectivora, n. plu., In'-s^kt-w'-or-a (L. voro, I devour), an Order of Mammals, such as the hedgehog and the mole, which live chiefly on insects : insectivorous, a., in f 'Sekt'iv f 'dr'Us, living upon insects. Insessores, n. plu., in'-ses-sor'-ez (L. insessus, seated or perched upon from in, on ; sedeo, I sit), the Order of the perching birds, who live habitually among trees : insessorial, a., m^ses-sor^i'dl, pert, to the perching birds. insolation, n., m'-sol'df-sh/un (L. insoldtus, placed in the sun from in, into ; sol, the sun), exposure to the sun's rays for drying or maturing, as fruits, drugs, etc. ; sunstroke. inspiration, n., in'-splr-a'-shUn (L. inspiro, I blow or breathe into from in, into ; spiro, I breathe), the act of drawing air into the lungs. inspissate, v., m-spis'-sat (L. in, into ; spissdtus, made thick), to thicken, as a fluid by evaporation : inspissated, v., in-spis'sdt-ed, thickened, as juice by evapora- tion : inspissation, n., m-spis> sd'shtin, the operation of render- ing a fluid thicker by evapora- tion. insufflation, n., Zn'stif-jld'shtin (L. in, in ; suffidtus, blown up, puffed out), the act of blowing gas or air into a cavity of the body. integument, n., m-teg'u'mgnt (L. integumentum, a covering from in, in ; tego, I cover), the cover- ing skin, membrane, shell, etc., which invests a body ; in hot. , the external cellular covering of plants. intention, first, n., 'm'tZn'shtin (L. intentus, stretched out, extended), applied to a wound which heals without suppuration. interaccessorii, n. plu., tn'.ter-tik'. seS'Sd'/'i-i (L. inter, between ; accessus, a coming to, an approach), another name for the muscles * inter-transversales. ' interambulacra, n. plu., m'>% am'-bul'd&rd (L. inter, between ; ambulacrum, that which serves for walking), in zool, the unper- forate places which lie between the perforate places, or * ambul- acra' in the shells or crusts of the sea-urchin and cidaris. interarticular, a., fa'-Mr-art-titt ul-dr (L. inter, between ; artic- ulus, a little joint), in anat., a term applied to the cartilages which lie within joints ; applied to certain ligaments, as that within the acetabulum. intercalate, v., m-ter'-kal-dt (L. intercalatum, to proclaim that something has been inserted among from inter, between ; calo, I call), to insert or place between: intercalated, a., -dt-ed, interposed ; placed 'between : intercalary, a., m-er-M-ar', in bot., applied to the growth of cell-wall, when a new deposi- tion takes place in such a man- ner that an interposed piece of cell - wall from time to time appears. intercellular, a., tn'-ter-sZl'ul-dr (L. inter, between ; cellula, a little storehouse), in bot., lying between the cells, or the cellular tissue. intercostal, a., in'ter-co'st'al (L. inter, between ; costa, a rib), in anat., lying between the -ribs. interdigital, a., tn'-ter-didjttt-dl (L. inter, between ; digitus, a finger), in anat., situated between the fingers ; pert, to the spaces between the fingers. interfoliar, a., m'-tir-foU-ar (L, inter, between ; folium, a leaf), in bot., situated between two opposite leaves. interlobar, a., in'-ter-lob'-ar (L. inter, between; Gr. lobtis, a lobe), INT 219 situated between the lobes of organs. interlobular, a., In'-ter-lW-ul-dr (I i. inter, between ; lobulus, a little lobe), situated between the lobules of organs. intermaxillae, n. plu., in r -ter>maks> il'-le (L. inter, between ; maxillce, the jaws), the two bones which are situated between the two superior maxillse in vertebrata ; also called * prsemaxilke ' : inter- maxillary, a., -il'-lar-l, situated between the maxillary or jaw- bone. intermission, n., fn'-ter-mfeh'-un (L. inter, between ; missus, sent), theperiod that intervenes between the end of one paroxysm of ague, and the beginning of the next ; also called apyrexia, dp'-ir-tics' l*a (Gr. a, without, not ; pur- esso, I have a fever from pur, fire). intermittent, a., in'-ter-mit'-tent (L. inter, between ; mittens, sending), ceasing at intervals : n., a specific fever occurring in paroxysms, and characterised by a cold, a hot, and a sweating stage, followed by a period of complete absence from fever ; ague. interneural, a., In'-tir-nur'-dl (L. inter, between ; Gr. neuron, a nerve), situated between the neural processes in spines ; applied to the sharp dermal bones in certain fish which sup- port the rays of their fins on the upper or neural part. internode, n., in'-ter-ndd (L. in- ternodum, the space between two knots or joints from inter, between ; nodus, a knot), in a plant, the part of the stem lying between two nodes or leaf buds : internodia, n. plu., -nod'i-a, in anat., the digital phalanges, or fourteen joints of the fingers and thumb. inter-osseous, a., in'-ter-tis'sV-us (L. inter, between ; os, a bone, INT belonging to a bone), a name applied to muscles situated between bones, as those between the metacarpal of the hand : inter-osseus membrane, n., the inter - osseous ligament which passes obliquely downwards from the ridge on the radius, or small bone of the arm, to that on the ulna, or large bone of the arm. inter-peduncular, a., in'-ter-ped' ungk r 'Ul'dr (L. inter, between ; mid. L. peduncidus, a little foot), in anat., applied to a lozenge- shaped interval of the brain, situated immediately behind the diverging optic tracts, and between them and the peduncles of the cerebrum. interpetiblar, a., in f -ter-p&t'4>$l-ar (L. inter, between ; petiolus, a little foot -from, pes, a foot), in bot. t situated between the pet- ioles or basis of opposite leaves. interrupted, a., in'-ter-tipt'-ed (L. interruptus, separated by breaking or rending), in bot., having the usual continuity of a part destroyed : interruptedly pin- nate, a., having a pinnate leaf in which pairs of small pinnse occur between larger pairs. interspinal, a., m'ter-spin'-al, also interspinous, a., -spin'-us (L. inter, between ; spina, a spine), in anat., inserted between the spinous processes of the vert- ebrae : interspinales, n. plu., -spln-dl'ez, short vertical fasciculi of fleshy fibres, placed in pairs between the spinous processes of the contiguous vertebrae. interstaminal, a., $n'ter'Stam'-in> dl (L. inter, between ; Eug. staminal), in bot., an organ placed between two stamens. interstitial, a., m'ter'Stish'al (L. interstitium, distance or space between from inter, between ; sisto, I stand), pert, to or con- taining interstices ; occupying the interstices of an organ. inter-transversales, n. plu., in' INT 220 INU ter-trans'vers'dl'-ez (L. inter, between ; transversus, lying across, transverse), small muscles situated between the transverse processes of the vertebrae, devel- oped most in the cervical region : inter- transverse, a., trdns-vers, applied to a few, thin-scattered fibres, interposed between the transverse processes. intertrigo, n., m'-ter-trlg'-o (L. intertrlgo, a fretting or galling of the skin from inter, between; ttro, I rub), a local condition of the skin, called 'chafe' or * fret, ' consisting in redness and excoriation of a part of the skin, caused by friction. interval, n., in'ter-val (L. inter, between ; vallum, a wall), the period of time comprised between the beginning of one paroxysm of ague and the next, that is, the intermission and the preceding fit. intervertebral, a., m'ter-vert'-eb- ral (L. inter, between ; Eng. vertebral), in anat., situated between the joints of the ver- tebrae or spine. intestines, n., tn-test'inz (L. intestlnus, inward, hidden from intus, within), the long canal or tube which extends from the stomach to the anus, different portions of it having different names (1) part nearest the stomach, the * duodenum, ' about twelve inches long ; (2) the 'jejunum,' about two feet long ; (3) the 'ileum,' several feet in length which three portions make up the small intestines ; the large bowel or large intestine, as the continuation of the small intestines, commences in the right iliac region of the abdomen, as the ' caecum, ' and after a large curve it ends at the anus. intextine, n., in-teks'-tin (L. intus, within ; Eng. extine), in lot, , one of the inner coverings or mem- branes of the pollen grain, situated between the extine and the exintine. intine, n., In'-tm (L. intus, within), in bot. , the inner covering of the pollen grain. intrafoliaceous, a., tn'-tra-fol'i-a'- shus (L. intra, within ; folium, a leaf), in bot., situated within the axil of a leaf so as to stand between the leaf and the stem. intralobular, a., m'tra-lob'-ular (L. intra, within ; Eng. lobular), situated within lobules or little lobes. intrarious, a., m'trdr'-i-tis (L. intra, within), in bot. , applied to the embryo when it is surrounded by the perisperm on all sides except its radicular extremity. introrse, a., tn-trtirs' (L. intror- sum, within), in bot., turned inwards or towards the axis of the part to which it is attached ; opening on the side next the pistil, as some anthers. intussusception, n., tn-tus'-sus- sep'-shun (L. intus, within ; susceptus, taken or catched up), an invagination of a portion of the bowel, somewhat resembling the finger of a glove half turned inside out ; the act of taking foreign matter into a living body. Inula, n., m'-ul-a (L. inula, the plant elecampane), a genus of plants, Ord. Composite, Sub- ord. Corymbiferae, which are generally bitter, and some have an aromatic odour : Inula Helen- ium, Ml-en'-i-ftm (after the celebrated^-ZTefe/i of ancient Troy), elecampane, whose root has stimulant and expectorant qual- ities : Inulin, n., m'-ul-m, a white amylaceous matter, analo- gous to starch, found in the roots and tubers of I. Helenium. inunction, n., m-ungk^sJiUn (L. in, in ; unctus, smeared), the act of rubbing into a part of the surface of the body an ointment con- taining some remedial agent. INV 221 IPO invaginate, v., tn-vadf-in-dt (L. in, into ; vagina, a scabbard, a sheath), to operate for hernia, in which after reduction, the skin is thrust into the canal by the finger of the operator, and there retained by sutures, etc. till adhesion ensue : invagina- tion, n., m-vadf-m-af'sTiun, the operation for hernia as above, also sometimes applied to intus- susception. invermination, n., In-verm'-m-af- shun (L. in, in ; vermino, I have worms), the diseased condition of the bowels caused by worms. inversion, n., m-ver'-shun (L. inversus, turned bottom upwards from in, in ; verto, I turn), said of an organ which is com- pletely or partially turned inside out, as the womb : inverted, a., fa'Vert'ed, in bot., having the radicle of the embryo pointing to the end of the seed opposite the hilum; having the ovules attached to the top of the ovary. invertebral, a., m-vert'eb-rai (L. in, not ; vertebra, a joint in the backbone), without a vertebral column or spine bone : inverteb- rate, n., m-vert'-tib-rat, an animal having no spinal bone : adj. , destitute of a backbone : invert- ebrata, n. plu., m-vert'-eb-rat'-a, the animals that are destitute of backbones and an internal skelet- on. invohicels, n. plu., in-vo'l'-us-'els (F. involucelle, an involucel ; L. involucrum, a wrapper), in bot., the collection of bractlets, or a sort of leaves, surrounding a secondary or partial umbel or flower head ; secondary involu- cres. involucre, n., m'-vold'-kr (L. in- volucrum, a wrapper from in, into ; volvo, I roll), in bot., a collection of a sort of leaves round a cluster of flowers, or at some distance below them ; the layer of epidermis covering the spore cases in ferns : involucral, a., m''Vdl'6 f 'kral, belonging to the involucre. involute, a., $n'vol-6t, also invol- utive, a. , tn'vtil-dltiv (L. involutus, in wrapped, enclosed from in, into ; volvo, I roll), in bot., hav- ing the edges of leaves rolled inwards spirally on each side. involution, n., m'-vol'd'-shun (L. involutus, in wrapped from in, into ; volvo, I roll), the return of an organ or tissue to its original state, as the womb after having expelled the child. iodine, n., i'-od-ln (Gr. lodes, re- sembling a violet in colour from ion, violet ; eidos, resemblance), a solid elementary substance of a greyish-black colour, obtained from marine plants, sea water, etc., whose vapour is of a beauti- ful violet colour ; applied ex- ternally, it acts as an irritant : iodide, n., if-od-ld, a direct com- pound of iodine with a base : iod- ism, n., i'-od-izm, a morbid con- dition sometimes arising from the continued use of iodine, or some of its preparations. lonidium, n., i'-on-id'i-um (Gr. ion, a violet ; eidos, resemblance), a genus of plants, Ord. Violaceae, some of whose species are used in S. America as substitutes for ipecacuan. ipecacuanha, n., ip'&kak-u-an'a, also ipecacuan, n., ip'-Z-kak'-u-dn (Brazilian or Portuguese), the root of a S. American plant, the * Cephaelis ipecacuanha, ' used in med. as an emetic, etc., belong- ing to the same Order, the Rubi- acese (Linn. Ord. Cinchonaceae), which yields the Peruvian or cinchona bark. Ipomoea, n., ip'-om^'-a (Gr. ips, a worm which infests the vine ; homoios, like, so named from its habit of creeping round other plants like a worm), a most beauti- ful genus of climbing plants, Ord. Convolvulacese : Ipomoea purga, IRI 222 ISC perg'd (L. purgo, I cleanse, I purify), the Jalap plant, a native of the Mexican Andes, whose root tubers in powder, or as a tincture, is an active irritant cathartic ; also called Exogonium purga : I. Jalapa> jdl-cip'-d (Xalapa,. in Mexico, where it grows abund- antly), a species which yields Mechoacan root, having purgative properties : I. Orizabensis, dr-iz' ab-$ns'is (in Brazil), supplies a kind of Jalap, the Purgo Macho of the Mexicans : I. simularis, sim'ul'dr'is (L. simulo, I make like), a species which furnishes Tampico Jalap : I. Horsfallise, htirs-fdwl'li'e (unascertained), a species admirably suited for training to a trellis, having beautiful bright scarlet flowers. Iridacese, n. plu., ir'-id-d'sZ-e (Gr. iris, the rainbow, the flag, iridos, of the rainbow), the iris or flower- de-luce family, an Order of herb- aceous plants, so called in.allusion to the variety and beauty of the flowers : Iris, n. , Ir 'is, a genus of plants^ a great favourite in the flower garden : Iris Germanica, ye>'raa^'$-r/(oforfrom Germany); I. pallida, pal' lid- d (L. pallidus, pale, pallid); I. florentina, flor'-ent-in'-a (L. Morentinus, Florentine from Florentia, Florence), are species the root stock of which yields orris root which has a pleasant odour like violets, and an acrid taste, arising from the presence of a volatile oil: I. pseudacorus, sud-dlc'- or >us (Gr. pseudes^ false ; akoros, the sweet flag), the yellow water flag found in marshes, etc. , whose seeds have been used as a substit- ute for coffee. Iridsea, n., ir'id-e'd (L. iris, the rainbow, the flag), a genus of the Algse : Iridsea edulis, Vd-ul'te (L. edulis, eatable), an edible species of Algse. iris, n. , Ir '4s (L. iris, the rainbow, the flag), the coloured circle which surrounds the pupil of the eye ; a structure partly vascular, partly muscular, loaded with pigments, stretched before the lens of the eye, separating the anterior from the posterior chambers ; in lot*. , see under ' Iridacese : ' iritis,, n., ir-it'is, inflammation of the iris of the eye. Irish Moss, or Carrageen, the Sphserococcus crispus, also called Chondrus crispus, one of the Algse which supplies a nutri- tious article of diet. irrigation, n., ir'-ri-ga'-shtin (L. irrigatus, watered, irrigated), a medical treatment of an- injured or inflamed part in which cold water or a cooling lotion is made to drop continuously on its surface. irritant, n i? ir'it-dnt (L, irritus, not ratified or settled), a substance which, applied externally or internally, gives rise to a greater or less degree of inflammation. Isatis, n., is-dt'is (Gr.. isazo, I make equal),, a genus of plants, Ord. Cruciferse, so called because it is believed by its simple applic- ation to destroy all roughness of the skin : Isatis tinctoria, tmgk- tor'-i-a (L. tinctorius,. belonging to dyeing), woad which, when treated like indigo, yields a blue dye : I. indigotica, m'-dig-dt'ik-d (L. indigo, a blue colouring matter), the Tein - Ching, or Chinese indigo.. ischium, n., isk'i-um (Gr. ischion, the hip), the hip-bone a spinous process of the os innomatum : ischial, a., isk'i-dl, pert, to the hip-bone : ischial tuberosity, n., the round knob of bone forming that part of the ischium on which we sit ; also called tuber-ischii, n., tuo'er-isk'i'i (L. tuber, a hump) : ischialgia, n.,isk'i-dlj'i-d (Gr. algos, pain), pain in or near the hip : ischiatic, a., isk'i-dt'ik, of or pert, to the hip : ischio, ISO 223 ISO isk'i-o, attachment or connection with the ischium. ischuria, n., isk-ur'i-a, also ischury, n. , uk'ur-i (Gr. ischo, I stop or retain ; ouron, urine), the suppression or stoppage of urine : ischuretic, n., isk'-ur^-ik, a medicine adapted to relieve ischuria : adj. , having the power or quality of relieving ischuria. isidoid, a., is'-id-oyd (isidos, re- sembling coral from Gr. isos, equal, similar ; eidos, resem- blance), in bot., covered with a dense mass of conical soredia, as the surface of lichens : isidiose. a., iS'id'-i'dz, having powdery, coralline excrescences : isidiif- erous, a., iS'id f 'i-if-er-us(L.fero, I bear), having isidiose excres- cences: isidium, n,, iS'fd'i'tim, coral-like soredia on the surface of some lichens. isocheimal, a., is^d'Tclmf-dl, also isocheiminal, a., -lclm'>ln>dl (Gr. isos, equal, similar ; cheima, winter), of the same winter temperature; applied to imagin- ary lines drawn through places on the earth's surface which have the same mean winter temperature. isochomous, a., is-dMtim-us (Gr. isos, equal, similar ; choma, a heap, a mound), in bot., applied to branches springing from the same plant, and at the same angle. IsoetacesB, n. plu., is'-d'et-d'se-e (Gr. isos, equal ; etos, a year the plants being the same throughout the year), the Quill- wort family, an Order of plants, generally included under the Ord. Lycopodiacese : Isoetes, n., s-o- Zt'-ez, a genus of curious little aquatic plants, found in some lakes in this country ; moss-like plants, intermediate between ferns and mosses. isomeric, a., Is'd-m&r'-ik (Gr. isos, equal ; meros, a part), formed of the same elements in the same proportions, but having different physical and chemical properties : isomerism, is-om'-er-izm, identity in elements, but with difference of properties : isomerous, a., iS'8m''%r-us, in bot., having each of the organs of a flower composed of an equal number of parts. Isonandra, n., is'on-and^ra (Gr. isos, equal ; aner, a male, andros, of a male), a genus of trees, Ord. Sapotacese : Isonandra gutta, gut f -td (L. gutta, a drop), the source of the Gutta Percha, a kind of caoutchouc,, used largely in the manufacture of articles of daily use. Isopod, n., is'o-pod; Isopoda, n. plu., iS'dp'-od-a (Gr. isos, equal; podes, feet), an Order of' Crust- acese in which the feet are like one another, and equal : isopod- ous, a., iS'dp'-od'US, having legs alike, and equal. isosporous, a., is-fa'por-us (Gr. isos, equal; poros, a pore), in bot., applied to cryptogamic plants which produce a single kind of spore, as ferns : isosporese, n. plu., is'ds'por'e-e, those ferns, * Ophioglossacese, ' and ' Equis- etacese,,' which produce a single kind of spore, which in its turn gives origin to a prothallus furnished with chlorophyll and roots, and capable of independent existence. isostemonous, a., Is'-os-Urnf-on-us (Gr. isos, equal ; stemon, a thread or stem), in bot., having the stamens and petals equal in number ; having the stamens and floral envelopes the same in the number of their parts, or in the multiples of the parts. isotheral, a., ts-d'th' (Gr. isos, equal, similar ; theros, summer), passing through places on the earth which have the same summer temperature. isothermal, a., is'-o-therm'al (Gr. isos, equal ; thZrme, heat), having the same mean annual temperat- ure ; applied to imaginary lines ISO 224 JAS connecting all places on the earth which have the same mean tem- perature : isotherm, n., is'-o-therm, one of those lines. isotropic, a., Is'-o-trop'-ik (Gr. isos, equal ; tropos, a turning), applied to the condition of ' fibrils ' which singly refract light ; the condition of ' fibrils ' which doubly refract light is called anisotropic, an'-is- o-trop'-ik (Gr. anisos, unequal ; tropos, a turning). issue, n., ish'-u (F. issu, born, sprung ; Norm. F. issir, to go out), an artificially - produced wound, kept raw and open that there may be a constant flow of pus from the surface. isthmus, n., ist'-mus (L. isthmus, Gr. isthmos, an isthmus), in anat. , the narrow intervening or uniting portion of organs : isthmic, a., fattmflt, of or pert, to an isthmus : isthmus favici\im,fdw'shi'um (L. fauces, the upper part of the throat, faucium, of the upper part of the throat), the space between the soft palate and the root of the tongue. itch, n., itsh (AS. gictha, an itch- ing, a scab), a very troublesome skin disease produced by the presence of the Acarus Scabiei, or itch parasite. iter ad infundibulum, U-er ad m' fund-ib'ul'um (L. iter, a path, a way ; ad, to ; infundibulum, a funnel), the passage between the third ventricle of the brain and infundibulum: iter a palato ad aurem, a pal -at'- 6 ad dwr'em (L. a, from ; paldtum, the palate ; auris, the ear), the passage from the palate to the ear; the Eustach- ian tube : iter a tertio ad quartum ventriculum, ler'shi-d dd kwawrt'-um vent-rik'ul'um (L. tertius, a third; quartus, a fourth; ventriculus, a ventricle of the heart), the passage between the third and fourth ventricles of the brain ; the aqueduct of Sil- vius. Ivory Palm, or vegetable ivory, the hard albumen of the ' Phyt- elophas Macrocarpa, ' used in the same way as ivory. ivy, n., iv'i (AS. ifig; Ger. epheu, ivy), a well-known evergreen climbing plant ; the common ivy is theHedra Helix, Ord. Araliacese. Ixia, n., iks'-i'd (Gr. ixia and ixos, the mistletoe, bird lime), a genus of very handsome plants when in flower, Ord r Iridacese, so named from the viscous nature of some of the species : ixous, a. , ilcs'us, having bird lime ; viscous : Ix- odea, n., iks-dd'-Z-a, the ticks, usually parasitic, on domestic animals, occasionally on man, Ord. Arachnida. jactitation, n., jaMtit-a'shun (L. jactitio, I cast or toss to and fro), a tossing about the body ; uncon- scious movements of a patient in the delirium of a fever. jaggery, n., jatf-ger-i (an Indian name), a coarse dark sugar ob- tained from the cocoa-nut, and other palms, which when fer- mented produces arrack. jalap, n. ,jal'-ap (Xalapa in Mexico, where found; F. jalap), the dried root of the plant Exogonium purga, also called the ' Ipomcea purga, ' Ord. Convolvulacese, which in the form of powder is much used in medicine as a brisk purg- ative. Janipha, n., jdn-i/'-a (from Janip- aba, the Brazilian name), a genus of interesting plants, Ord. Eu- phorbiacese : Janipha Manihot, m&n'l'&t (a Brazilian name), a shrub much cultivated in tropical countries for its produce of starchy matter, made into Cassava bread: J. Iseflingii, Uf-lin'-jl-l (unas- certained), a variety whose amyl- aceous matter is used as food under the name * Sweet Cas- sava' ; ' tapioca ' is obtained from the starch of the Bitter Cassava. Jasminaceae, n. plu., jds'mm-dl JAT 225 JUG se>e (Arabic name gasmtri), the jasmine or jessamine family, an Order of plants, much esteemed from the delicious fragrance emitted by several of the species, from which an essential oil is obtained, natives of the tropics : Jasminum, n., jas-mln'-um, an elegant and familiar genus of plants : Jasminum officinale, #/ JW'fn-dl'8 (L. afficindlis, officinal); J. grandiflorum, grand'-i-flor'-um, (L. grandis, great, large ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower) ; J. odoratissimum, dd'or-at-is'sim- tim (L. odoratissimum, very frag- rant from odordtus, sweet smel- ling, fragrant); and J. sambac, samf'bak (a native name), are species from which the essential oil of jasmine is procured : J. angustifolium, dng-gust^i-fol'-i- tim (angustus, small, narrow ; folium, a leaf), a species whose bitter root, ground small, and mixed with powdered Acarus calamus root, is considered good in India as an external application for ringworm : Jasmine, n. , jds f - min, the English name for the genus ; also spelt Jessamine. Jateorhiza, n., jat'-Z-o-rlz'-a, (Gr. later, a physician ; rhiza, a root), a genus of plants, closely allied to Cocculus, Ord. Menispermacese : Jateorhiza palmata, pal-mat'-a (L. palmdtus, marked with the palm of the hand from palmus, the palm of the hand), a plant of East Africa whose root, known as Calumba root, is used in the form of infusion or tincture, as a pure bitter tonic. Jatropha, n., jale (L. juncus, a rush, and probably ago, I move, I drive), a Sub-order of the Ord. Alis- macese or Water- Plantain family, found growing in ponds and marshes with minute green flowers ; some resemble rushes, others are floating plants. Jungermanniese, n. plu., t /^?i^-^e>- mdn-nl'-e-e (after Jungermann, a German botanist), the Scale mosses, a Sub- order of plants, Ord. Hepaticse : Jungermannia, n., jung'-ger-man'm-d, a genus of plants, usually found in little patches upon trees or rocks, or in damp places on the earth. Juniperus, n., jdn-ip'-er-us (L. juniperus, the juniper tree), a well-known genus of shrubs, Ord. Coniferse : Juniperus communis, kom'mun'is (L. communis, common), the common juniper whose berries are used in the manufacture of Hollands or gin, and medicinally as a diuretic, as well as an oil procured from them: J. Sabina, sab -In' a (L. Sabinus, Sabine, because employed by the Sabine priests in their cere- monies), the plant Savin, the young branches and leaves of which contain an active, volatile oil, used as an anthelmintic and emenagogue : J. Bermudiana, ber-mud'i-dn'd (of or from Ber- muda}, a species whose wood furnishes Pencil Cedar : juniper, n., j6n f 'ip>er, the English name of the 'J. communis.' Justicia, n., jus-tish'i>a (after Justice, a Scotch botanist), an extensive ornamental genus of flowering plants, Ord. Acanth- acese ; a deep-blue dye is obtained from a species in China. jute, n , jdt (an Indian name), the fibres of the ' Corchorus capsularis ' and 'C. olitorius,' extensively used in the manu- facture of coarse cloths and cordage, and in mixing with other fibres in finer cloths. Kalmia, n., leal' mi- a (after Kalm, a Swedish naturalist), a genus of very handsome hardy shrubs, Ord. Ericaceae, some of whose species are poisonous and nar- cotic. kamela, n., Tcam'-'el'd (Bengalee kamala), bright - red, semi- translucent, resinous glandules covering the surface of the tricoc- cous fruit of Rottlera tinctoria, Ord. Euphorbiaceae, an Indian tree, used as a remedy against the tapeworm. kelis, n. , kel'te (Gr. belie, a stain, or chele, a claw or talon), another name for keloid; a disease of the KER 227 ERA skin, presenting a cicatrix-like appearance : keloid, n., kel'-ofyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), a dis- ease, consisting of an indurated mass putting forth processes at its edges resembling crab's claws. keratin, n., ker'dt-m (Gr. keras, a horn), the substance of the horny tissues : keratode, n. , kZr r -at'Q(L (Gr. eidos, resemblance), the horny substance making up the skeletons of many sponges : keratosa, n., ffirl&t-oz'-d, the division of sponges having the skeleton composed of keratode : kerato-cricoid, k^dt-o-krik^dyd (see 'cricoid'), a short slender bundle of muscle arising from the cricoid-cartilage. kidneys, n., Ud'-mz (Old Eng. kidnere, the kidneys from Old Eng. quid, Icel. koidr, Scot, kyte, the belly ; Old Eng. nere, Ger. niere, the testicles, kidneys), literally the testicles of the belly; two oblong flattened bodies lying behind the intestines of an animal, which secrete the urine. Kigelia, n., kig'81-i'a (kigelikeia, the negro name), a genus of African trees, Ord. Bignoniacese : Kigelia pinnata, pin-nat'd (L. pinnatus, feathered, winged from pinna, a wing), a tree yielding excellent timber in Africa, its long pendent fruit when roasted is there used as an external applic- ation for rheumatic complaints : K. Africana, df f -rik-an f 'd (of or from Africa), a species whose bark is used on the Gold Coast for dysentery. kind, n., kind, another name for 4 genus, ' which see. kingdom, n., kmg'dttm, one of the three great divisions of nature, animal, vegetable, and mineral. kinic acid, kln'ik (from kina-kina, a name for cinchona), an organic acid found in the bark of various species of cinchona, principally yellow and pale Peruvian bark. kino, n., kin'-d (an Indian name), the concrete exudation from Pterocarpus marsupium, a tree of the Indian forests, Ord. Legum- inosse, which forms a very power- ful astringent ; ' P. erinaceus ' furnishes African kino. kirschwasser, n., kersh'vas'ser (Ger. cherry water from kirsche, cherry ; wasser, water), cherry- brandy, an alcoholic liquor dis- tilled from a variety of Cerasus aviuni, Ord. Rosacese, the sweet black cherry. kleistogamous, a., klist'dg'dm-tis (Gr. kleistos, closed ; gamos, marriage), in lot., having the fertilisation effected in closed flowers, as certain grasses. kleptomania, n., klep'*to*man f 'i'a (Gr. klepto, I steal ; mania, mad- ness), a morbid impulse or desire to steal or appropriate. knaurs, n. plu. , naswrs, or gnaurs, n. plu., ndwrs (Dut, knarren, to growl ; Swed. knorla, to twist, to curl), a hard woody lump pro- jecting from the trunk of a tree, as in the oak, thornbeam, etc. kombe, n., kdm'-be (native name), the famous arrow poison of 8. Africa, furnished by the Stroph- anthus kombe, Ord. Apocyn- aceae. koochla, n., kdtsli'-la (native name), the poison-nut tree of the Malabar and Coromandel coasts ; the 'Strychnos nux - vomica,' Ord. Loganiacese. koumiss or kumiss, n., kdm'is (Russ. kumys), a sparkling drink obtained by the Kalmucks, by fermenting the whey of mare's milk ; may also be made from cow milk. kousso, n., kows'-so, also kusso, n., kus'-sd (native name), the flowers of an Abyssinian tree, used in that country as a remedy for tapeworm ; the produce of Brayera anthelmintica, Ord. Rosacese. Krameria, n., kram^er^i-d (after Kramer, a German botanist), KRE 228 LAC a genus of ornamental shrubs, Ord. Polygalacese. : Krameria triandra, tri-and'rd (Gr. treis, three ; aner, a male, a stamen, andros, of a male), a Peruvian plant which furnishes Rhatany- root, employed as an astringent in haemorrhage and mucous dis- charges, and its infusion of a iblood-red colour has been em- ployed to adulterate port wine : K. , cistoidea, sist-dyd'-Z-a (Gr. kiste, a box or chest ; eidos, resemblance), a Chilian plant 'W'hiqh yields a kind of rhatany. ikreatin, n. , see ' creatin. ' ;labellum, n., lab-el'-lum (L. Idb- ,ellum, a little lip from labrum, .3. lip), in bot., one of the divisions ,of .the inner whorl of the flower of Orchids ; the lip or lower petal of an Orchid, etc, : label, n., lab' el, the terminal division of the lip of the flower in Orchids. ,labia, labial, see 'la Mum.' labia cerebri, lab'-i-d ser^eb-rl (L. labia, lips ; cerebri, of the cereb- rum), the margins of the hemi- spheres of the brain which overlap the Corpus .caUosum. labiate, a., Idb'-i-at (L. labium, a lip), lipped; in bot., applied to irregular gamopetalous flowers, with an upper and under portion separated more or less by a gap ; having two unequal divisions : Labiatse, n. plu., Idb'i-at'e, the Labiate family, an extensive Order of plants, in general frag- rant and aromatic. Labiatiflorse, n. plu., labti-itt>l- flor'-e (L. labium, a lip ; floreo, I blossom ; Flora, the goddess of flowers), one of the great sections into which De Candolle divides the extensive Ord. Composite, characterised by hermaphrodite flowers divided into two lips. labium, n., lab'-i-urn (L. labium, a lip), in bot., the lower lip of a labiate flower j in zool. , the lower lip of articulate animals : labia, n. plu., lab'-i-a, the two divisions of irregular gamopetal- ous flowers separated by a hiatus or gap. laboratory, n., lab^r-dt-or'-i (F. laboratoire, a laboratory ; L. labor, labour), a druggist's shop ; the workroom of a chemist. labrum, n., lab'-rUm (L. labrum, a lip), the mouth cover, or lip-like shield of an insect's mouth ; the outer lip of a shell ; the upper lip of articulate animals, as the ' labium ' is the lower lip. Laburnum, n., lab-ern'um (L.), a beautiful ornamental shrub, the ' Cy tisus laburnum, ' Ord. Legum- inosa3, whose seeds are acrid and poisonous. labyrinth, n., l&b'>tr.fnth(L. lab- yrinthus, any structure with many winding passages), the internal ear, consisting of three parts the vestibule, the semicircular canals, and the cochlea so named from the complexity of its shape. laccate, a., Idk'-kat (Ger. lack, It, lacca, a varnish; F. laque, a rost or ruby colour), in bot., appear- ing as if varnished, or lik< sealing-wax. Lacertilia, n. plu., Ids'-er-til'i-c (L. lacerta, a lizard), an Order o: Reptilia, comprising the lizards and slow-worms. lacertus, n., Ids-ert'-us, lacerti, n, plu., Ids-ertf'l (L. lacertus, tht muscular upper part of the arm), a packet or bundle of muscular fibres enclosed in a membranous sheath ; another name for ' fas- ciculus. ' lachrymal, a., lak'-rim-dl (L, lachryma, a tear), pert, to tears generating or conveying tears. lacinia, n., las-iri-i-a, lacinise. n. plu., Ids-in'i-e (L. lacinia, tht lappet or flap of a garment), calycine segments, as in th violet : laciniate, a., Ids-in'i-df. also laciniated, a., Ids-in'-i-at-ed, in bot. , irregularly cut into narrow LAC 229 LAG segments; fringed; also laciniose, a. , las-m'-i'dz, fringed : laciniolate, a., Ids-m'-i-til-dt (dim. of lacinia), having very minute lacinise : lacinula, n., las-m'-ul-a (dim,), the small inflexed point of the petals of TJmbellifers. Lacistemaceje, n. plu., las-is'titm,' Of-sZ-e (probably Gr, lakistos, torn, rent, from the appearance of the shrubs), the Lacistema family, an Order of small trees or shrubs, natives of warm parts of America: Lacistema, n., las'-is-ternf'^ a genus. .acquer, n,, lak'er (F. laque, rose or ruby colour; Pers. lac, lac; Sp. lacre, sealing - wax), a varnish from shell-lac ; the hard black varnish of Japan is procured from Stigmaria verniciflua, Ord, Anacardiacese. lactation, n., lak-taf-shun (L. lac- tatum, to contain milk, to suck milk from lac, milk, lactis, of milk), the period of suckling a child ; the act of giving milk : lacteals, n. plu. y lak'te-als, min- ute vessels or absorbents which arise in small conical projections of the mucous or lining membrane of the intestines, whose function is to absorb the various soluble portions of the digested food or chyme as it passes along the intestinal canal : lactescence, n. , Iak>t8s'&ns, a milky colour : lac- tescent, a., lak-tes''8nt, producing milk ; in bot., yielding a milky juice : lactic, a., Idk'tik, pert, to milk ; of or from milk or whey, as ' lactic acid ' : lactiferous, a". , tdk-tyier-fa (L. fero, I bear), bearing or producing milk or milky juice : lactin, n., Idk'tm, sugar of milk : lactometer, n. , lak-tdm'%t'er (Gr. metron, a measure), an instrument for ascertaining the quality of milk. Lactuca, n., IdTc-tukf-a (L. lactuca, a lettuce from lac, milk ; from their milky juice), a genus of plants, Ord. Composite, Sub order Chichoracese : Lactuca sat- iva, sat'iv'-a (L. satlvus, that is sown or planted), the common lettuce, from which a milk - like juice exudes when broken : L. virosa, vir-oz'-a (L. virosus, slimy, fetid from virus, slime, stench), the wild or strong- scented lettuce ; the ' Lectuarium ' or lettuce opium is the inspissated juice of this and preceding, used for allaying pain and inducing sleep : lactucin, n. , Idk'tm'm, the active principle of the wild lettuce. lacuna, n., ldk-un'>d, lactinse, n. plu., lak-un'-e (L. lacuna, a hole, a cavity), in bot., a large space in the midst of a group of cells ; a depression ; a blank space ; in anat., minute recesses or cavities in bone: lacunar, a., Idk-un'ar, pert, to or arising from lacunae : lacuna magna, mdg'na (L, mag- nus, great), in anat., a large and conspicuous recess situated on the tipper surface of the Fossa navic- ularis : lacunose, a., Idk'iin-oz', furrowed or pitted ; having cavi- ties, lacus lachrymalis, ldk'-us lak'-rlm* dl'-is (L. lacus, a basin, a tank; lachrymalis, pert, to tears from lachryma, a tear), the tear-lake ; a triangular space situated between the eyelids towards the nose, into which the tears flow. ladanum, n., Idd'an-um, or lab- danum, n. , lab'dan-um (L. ladan- um, a resinous juice), a resinous matter obtained from the genus * Cistus, ' chiefly from the species ' Cistus creticus, ' Ord. Cistacese. Laemodipoda, n. plu., lem'o-dip'- fid- a (Gr. laimos, the throat ; dis, twice ; podes, feet), an Order of Crustacea, so named from having two feet placed so far forward as to be, as it were, under the throat. IsevigatTis, a., see 'levigatus.' Lagenaria, n., ladf%n>ar'>i>a (L. lagena, a bottle), a genus of plants, Ord. Cucurbitacese, so named LAG 230 LAM from the bottle - shaped fruit of some of the species : Lagenaria vulgaris, vulg-ar'-ls (L. vulgdris, common), the Bottle Gourd, the hard covering of whose fruit is used as a vessel or flask for con- taining fluid. lageniform, a., Iddj-en'i-form (L. lagena, a bottle, a flask ; forma, shape), in bot., having a shape like a Florence flask. Lagerstrcemia, n., Idg'-er-strem'-i-a (after Lagerstrcem of Gottenburg), a very splendid genus of plants, Ord. Lythracete: Lagerstroamia reginsB, re-jln'-e, (L. reglna, a queen, regince, of a queen) ; and L. indica, m'-dik-a (L. indicus, of or from India), produce flowers in panicles of a pale rose colour, gradually deepening to a beautiful purple. Lagetta, n., ladj-Ztfta (name in Jamaica), a genus of plants, Ord. Thymelaeacese: Lagetta lintearia, lmtf-8'dr'i'a (L. lintedrius, of or pert, to linen from lintZum, linen cloth), a species whose inner bark, cut into thin pieces and macerated, assumes a beautiful net-like ap- pearance, and is called lace-bark. lambdoidal, a., lam-doyd'-al (Gr. letter A, called lambda; eidos, resemblance), having the form of the Greek letter A. lamella, n., ldm>%l'ld, lamellae, n. plu., lam-81'le (L. lamella, a small plate or loaf from lamina, a plate), thin plates or scales, as those composing shells or bones ; in bot., the gills of an Agaric ; the flat divisions of the stigma. Lamellibranchiata, n., ldm'el>fo brdng'-ki'dt'-d (L. lamella, a small plate or scale ; Gr. brangchia, gills), the class of Mollusca, com- prising the ordinary bivalves, which have lamellar gills : lam- ellibranchiate, a., -brdng'ki-dt, having gills in symmetrical semi- circular layers : Lamellirosters, n. plu., lam'.Zl'lt-rdst'.ers (L. rostrum, a beak), the flat-billed swimming birds, such as ducks, geese, and swans : lamellirostral, a., -r6st f -ral, having the margins of the back furnished with plates, as ducks and geese. Lamiacese, n. plu., lam'-i-d'sg-e (Gr. laimos, the neck, the throat, in allusion to the shape of their flowers), an extensive Order of plants, now named 'Labiatre,' which see : Lamium, n., Idm'i- tim, a genus of plants. lamina, n., lam* in a, laminse, n. plu., lam'in>e (L. lamina, a plate or leaf), a thin plate or scale ; a thin layer or coat lying over another ; the horny and sensitive folds by which the hoof wall is attached to the deeper - seated parts ; in bot., the blade of the leaf ; the broad part of a petal or sepal : laminated, a., lam'-m-at- $d, consisting of plates or layers disposed one over another : lam- ination, n., ldm f 'in-d f -shun, ar- rangement in layers : lamina cinerea, stn-er'-Z-a (L. cirierZus, ash-coloured from cinis, ashes), in anat., a thin layer of grey substance extending backwards above the optic commissure, from the termination of the corpus callosum to the tuber cinereum : lamina cribrosa, krib'rozf-a (L. cribrum, a sieve), a sieve-like layer formed by the sclerotica at the entrance of the optic nerve, pierced by numerous minute open- ings for the passage of the nerv- ous filaments : lamina spiralis ossea, splr-al'-is tis'se-d (L. spir- alis, spiral ; osseus, like bone, bony), a thin bony process pro- jecting from the modiolus, con- sisting of two thin lamella} of bone. Laminaria, n. plu., Idm'tn-dr'i-a (L. lamina, a plate, a leaf), a genus of Ord. Algae, so named from the flat blade-like form of the fronds, which have stalks of considerable size : Laminaria digitata, dldg'' it-at'a (L. digitatus, having LAM 231 LAR fingers or toes from digitus, a finger or toe), tangle, an esculent sea- weed, dried portions of which, from its property of absorbing moisture and thus increasing in bulk, are employed for the dilat- ation of narrow canals and apert- ures in dissections : L. sacchar- ina, sd&kar-m'a, an esculent sea -weed, from which a sweet extract is obtained, in Iceland. laminitis, n., Iam f 'in'lt f 4s (L. lam- ina, a thin plate of metal), in- flammation of the layers of the stomach, as in the horse. lampas, n., lam'-pas (Gr. lampas, a torch, a fiery meteor), among horses, the swelling of the gums and palate incidental to dentition, a term in use among horsemen. lanceolate, a., Idns'e-til-dt (L. lancWldtus, armed with a little lance or spear from lanc$a, a lance or spear), having the form of a lance-head ; narrowly ellip- tical, and tapering to both ends. lancet, n., Idns'&t (F. lancette, dim. from lance, a lance), a small, sharp, two-edged knife, used by surgeons. lancewood, n., lans'-wood, a wood furnished by the Duguetia quiter- ensis, Ord. Anonacese. lancinating, a., lans'-in-at-ing (L. lancea, a lance), piercing or seeming to pierce with a sudden shooting pain. lansium, n., lans'-l-um (from native name), a genus of plants, Ord. Meliacese, which yields the Lansa, Langsat, or Ayer-ayer, a yellow fruit highly esteemed in the East. Lantana, n., lan-tdn^d (unas- certained), a genus of shrubs, Ord. Verbenacese, having an agreeable aromatic perfume, some of whose species are used as tea. lanuginous, a., Idn-udj'm-us, also lanuginose, a., lan-udj'm-dz (L. lanugmosus, woolly, downy from Idnugo, a wool -like produc- tion, down), in bot., woolly ; covered with long curled, inter- laced hairs: lanugo, n., lan-ug'-o, the fine down or hair which covers the human foetus during the sixth month. Larch, n., Idrtsh (L. and Gr. larix, It. larice, the larch), a forest tree, the Larix Europsea, Ord. Coniferse, also called Abies larix ; the American larch Abies pendula. lardaceous, a., Idrd-d'shus (L. lardum, F. lard, lard), resem- bling lard or bacon. Lardizabala, n., Idrd'iZ'ab'al'a (after Lardizabala,of S. America), a genus of hardy creepers, Ord. Berberidacese, which yield good edible fruit in Chili. Larix, n., lar'-iks (L. larix, the larch), a genus of forest trees, Ord. Coniferse, Sub-ord. Abiet- inese : Larix Europsea, ur'-op-e'-a (pert, to Europe), the larch. Larkspur, n., Idrk'-sper (lark and spur), a plant with showy flowers, usually of a vivid blue, genus Delphinium, Ord. Eanuncul- acese. larva, n., Idrv'-a, larvsB, n. plu., larvae (L. larva, a ghost, a mask), an insect in the caterpillar or grub state after it has emerged from the egg. laryngismus, n., lar'-lng-jfa'-mtts (Gr. larunggismos, shouting, vociferation from larungglzo, I bawl out with open throat), a false or spasmodic croup, called ' child crowing, ' from the crowing inspiration by which it is charac- terised ; a spasm of the glottis ; also laryngismus stridulus, strid'- ul'US (L. stridulus, a creaking or hissing), same meaning as pre- ceding ; due to destructive dis- ease of vocal apparatus. laryngo, n., lar-ing'-go (Gr. lar- ungx, the upper part of the wind- pipe), a word indicating connec- tion with the larynx. laryngoscope, n., Idr -ing'- go -shop (Gr. larungx, the larynx ; skopeo, LAR 232 LAT I view or see), an instrument for j exploring the larynx and upper part of the windpipe, consisting of a small reflecting mirror on a slender stem, upon which rays of artificial light may be thrown from another mirror : laryngot- omy, n., larking -gStf-tim-i (Gr. tome, a cutting), the operation of cutting into the larynx to permit breathing in cases of obstruction. larynx, n., Idr'-inks (Gr. larungx, the upper part of the windpipe, larunggos, of the upper part, etc. ), the upper part of the trachea or windpipe, and concerned in mam- mals in the production of vocal sounds : laryngeal, a., Idr'-ing- je'dl or lar-ing'-gZ-al, pert, to the larynx: laryngitis, n., larking- jit' is, inflammation of the larynx : laryngo-tracheotomy, lar-ing'-go- trdk f -e -ot'-om-l (see 'tracheotomy '), the operation of opening the air- passage through the cricoid cartilage and upper ring of the trachea. Lasiandra, n., Ids'-i-and'-rd (Gr. lasios, hairy ; aner, a male, andros, of a male), an elegant genus of shrubs, Ord. Melastom- acese, having hairy stamens, and producing large purple blossoms in panicles. latent, a., latf-$nt (L. Idtens, con- cealing, hiding, Idtentis, of con- cealing), not visible or apparent ; in bot.j applied to buds that remain in a dormant state. lateral, a., lat'er-al (L. laterdlis, belonging to the side from latus, a side, IdtZris, of a side), arising from the side of the axis ; not terminal : lateralis nasi, ldtf-er> dl f -is ndzf-i (L. ndsus, the nose, ndsl, of the nose), the lateral of the nose; an artery derived from the facial as that vessel is ascend- ing along the side of the nose. lateritious, a., lat'&r'ish'-us (L. later, a brick, a tile, lateris, of a brick or tile), resembling brick dust in colour. latex, n., Idt^ks (L. latex, a liquid or juice, laticis, of a liquid), in bet. , a granular or viscid fluid contained in laticiferous vessels. LathrsBa, n., Idth-re'-a (Gr. lath- raios, secret, private), a genus of curious little root-parasites, fur- nished with white fleshy scales in the place of leaves, Ord. Orobanchacese, so named as being found in concealed places : La three a squamaria, skwom* dr f -i'd (L. squama, a scale), the tooth-wort, parasitical upon the roots of hazels, cherry laurels, and other trees. Lathyrus, n., ldth'>ir-us (Gr. lath- uros, a kind of small vetch or pulse), a considerable genus of handsome plants when in flower, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Papil- ionacese : Lathyrus cicera, sis'- er*a (L. cicera, pulse from cicer, the chick-pea); also L. aphaca, df'-dk-d (L. aphaca, Gr. aphaka, a kind of pulse), possess narcotic qualities in their seeds, etc. ; the seeds of the latter pro- duce intense headaches if eaten in quantity : L. tuberosus, tub'er- oz'-us (L. tuberosus, having fleshy knobs from tuber, a protuber- ance), a species whose roots produce wholesome food : L. odoratus, od'-Sr-dtf-us (L. odor- dtus, scent, smell), the sweet-pea of our gardens : L. sativus, sat- iv'-us (L. satwus, sown orplanted), the Gesse or Jarosse of the S. of Europe whose seeds are eaten. laticiferous, a., lat'-i-sif-er-us (L. latex, a liquid, juice, laticis, of a liquid ; fero, I bear), conveying latex, or elaborated sap ; having anastomising tubes containing latex. latiseptsB, n. plu., lat'-i-sep'te (L. latus, a side, lateris, of a side ; septum, a partition), in bot. t cruciferous plants which have a broad septum in their silicula. latissinms dorsi, n., lat-is'-sim-us dorsal (L. latissimus, very broad LAT 233 LEO from latus, "broad ; dorsum, the back, dorsi, of the back), a flat muscle, situated on the back and side of the lower part of the trunk, which moves the arm backwards and downwards, or which brings forward the body when the hand is fixed, latrines, n. plu., IdMnz (F. latrines, a privy), a privy ; neces- sary conveniences or privies on a large scale. laudanum, n., Idwd'-an'tim (L. ladanum, the resinous substance from the plant Cistus creticus ; said to be formed from L. laude dignum, worthy of praise, from its soothing qualities), a prepara- tion of opium in spirits ; tincture of opium. Lauracese, n. plu., lawr-a's&.e (L. laurus, a laurel tree), the Laurel family, an Order of noble trees and shrubs, natives of the tropics in cool places, generally aromatic and fragrant, the species producing cinnamon, cassia, and camphor : Laurese, n. plu., ldwr'8'e, a Sub-order of the true laurel trees : Laurus, n., Idwr'^us, a handsome and interesting genus of plants : Laurus nobilis, ntib'- il-is (L. nobilis, famous, renowned), the common sweet bay ; the Vic- tor's laurel whose leaves were used to crown the conquerors in the Olympic games; the common bay or cherry laurel is the ' Prunus, or Cerasus lauro-cerasus, ' whose fresh leaves are employed in med- icine, also called * cherry laurel. ' Lavandula, n., ldv-and'ul-d (It. lavanda, the act of washing, lavender from Idvo, I wash, alluding to the uses made of its distilled water), a genus of plants, Ord. Labiatse, much esteemed for the fragrance of their flowers : Lavandula vera, ver'a (L. verus, real, genuine), yields the best oil of Lavender : L. latifolia, lat'.i-fdl'-i.d (L. latus, a side ; folium, a leaf), furnishes spike-oil : L. stoschas, stek'as (Gr. stoichas, a species of lav- ender), a species of the S. of Europe, which also supplies an oil : Lavender, n., lav'&nd-er, an odoriferous plant, the Lavand- ula vera, an under shrub having linear grey leaves, and close spikes of bluish flowers, from which the essential oil of lav- ender is distilled ; ' lavender ' is tonic, stimulant, and carminative. Lawsonia, n., Idw-son'i-a (after Dr. Isaac Lawson), a genus of ornamental trees, Ord. Lythracese, producing flowers in panicles or racemes : Lawsonia inermis, m> ermf'is (L. inermis, without weapons, unarmed), produces the * Henna' or 'Alhenna' of the Arabs, used in Egypt for dyeing orange. laxative, a., lalcs'-at-iv (L. laxus, loose, open), a medicine which gently opens the bowels ; an aperient. laxator tympani, Idles- at' 'or timf- pdn-l (L. laxdtus, stretched out, extended ; tympanum, a drum, tympani, of a drum), the major, a muscle that arises from the spinous process of the sphenoid bone, etc., and is inserted into the head of the malleus of the ear ; the minor arises from the upper and back part of the ex- ternal meatus of the ear, both of these muscles are by some anat- omists regarded as ligaments. leader, n., led'er (Icel. leida, to lead), a popular name for a tendon ; in bot., the terminal or primary shoot of a tree. Lecanora, n., letf-an-or'-a (Gr. lekane, a dish, a basin, in allusion to the form of the shields), a genus of Lichens comprising some valuable plants : Lecanora tartarea, tdr-ta^e-a (L. Tartdr- lus, belonging to the infernal re- gionsfrom Tartarus, Tartarus), a species which supplies the dye Cubear. LEO Lecidea, n., le-sid'$-a (Gr. a basin, a saucer ; eidos, resem- blance), an extensive genus of Lichens found at all seasons of the year. lecotropal, a., UTc-oif-rop-dl (Gr. leJcos, a dish ; trope, a turning), in bot., shaped like a horse-shoe, as some ovules. 234 LEN Lecythideaj, n. plu., (Gr. lekuthos, an oil jar), a tribe or Sub -order of the Mystaceee, so named from the form of the seed vessels: Lecythis, n., IZs't-this, a genus of large trees of S. America, which furnish some of the nuts of commerce : Lecythis ollaria, dl>ldr'i-a (L. olldrms, of or belonging to pots from olla, a pot), a species producing large fruits, commonly known as Monkey Pots : L. usitata, uz'-lt- at'-a (L. usUdtus, used often), a species which produces the Sap- ucaia nuts, closely allied to Brazil nuts ; also called L. zabucajo, mUti-M'-yd (native name). Ledum, n., led'um (Gr. ledon, a species of Cistus), an ornamental genus of plants, Ord. Ericaceae : Ledum palustre, pdl-us^tre (L. pdluster, swampy), a low shrub called the Labrador tea. leeches, n. plu,, Utsh'Zs (Icel. Iceknir ; Goth, leiheis, a leech from Goth, leikinon, to heal ; Bav. lek, medicine), worm-like animals found in ditches and Rwamps, used to abstract blood from inflamed parts ; the 'Hirudo officinalis' and * medicinalis, ' Ord. Hirudinea, leek, see 'house-leek.' legume, n., teg-urn', also legumen, n., teg'Um'-%n(L. Ugiimen, pulse), a pod composed of one carpel opening usually by ventral and dorsal suture, as the pea; a dehis- cent two-valved carpel : legumin, n., ttg-umf-in, an essential prin- ciple of the seeds of leguminous plants, and of oily seeds ; casein : Leguminosse, n. plu., leg-umf-in- 6zf-e, the pea and bean tribe, an Ord. of herbaceous plants, shrubs, or trees : leguminous, a., leg* umf-m-us, pert, to the pea or bean tribe. Lemnese, n. plu., Umf-ne-e (said to be corrupted from Gr. lepis, a scale), the duckweeds, a Sub- order of plants, Ord. Aracese : Lemna, n., Um'na, the duck- weeds, a curious genus of plants, floating as scales or small shield- like bodies on water, forming a green mantle. lemniscus, n., Um-msUus (Gr. lemniskos, a coloured band or fillet), in ctnat., the fillet or bundle of fibres on each side of the peduncular system of the cerebrum. lemon, n., ttm'b'n (Sp. limon, Ar. laymon, a lemon), a fruit of an oblong form, the produce of the Citrus limonum, Ord, Auranti- aceae, whose juice is anti-scorbutic, and is used in the manufacture of cooling drinks, lens, n., lenz, lenses, n, plu., Unzf- es (L. lens, a lentil), in the eye, a doubly convex transparent solid body with a rounded circumfer- ence ; in an optical instrument a piece of glass of a convex, con- cave, or other shape for changing the direction of rays of light. Lentibulariaceae, n. plu., ttnt-ib'- ul-dr-t-d'se'e (L. lenticula, the shape of a lentil from lens, a lefltil), the Butterwort family, an Order of plants, so named from the lenticular shape of the air bladders on the branches of titricularia, one of the genera. lenticel, n., tenths- el (L. dim. of lens, a lentil, lenlis, of a lentil), in bot., a small process on the bark of the Willow and other plants, from which adventitious roots spring. lenticular, a., lent-ikf-uldr (L. lenticula, the shape of a lens from lens, a lentil, lentis, of a lentil), resembling a double con- LEN 235 LEP vex lens : lentiform, n., Unt'i- form, same sense. lentignose, a., Unt'ig-ndz f (L. lent- igndsus, full of freckles from lentlgo, a lentilshaped or freckly spot), in bot., covered with dots as if dusted: lentigo, n., l&nMgfo, a freckly eruption on the skin : lentiginous, a., Ignt-idj'm-us, freckly, scurfy. Lentisk, n., l&nt-lsk' (L. lentiscus, the mastich tree), the Pistacia lentiscus, Ord. Anacardiacese, a native of the Mediterranean coasts and islands, furnishes the concrete resinous exudation, called Mastich or Mastic. Leopard's bane, ttp'ardz ban, the Arnica Montana, Ord. Composite, Sub-order Corymbiferse, called also mountain tobacco, a plant which is an acrid stimulant, frequently applied much diluted to bruises, etc. Leopoldinia, n., le'-d-pold-m'i'ct (fern, of Leopold, after an empress of Brazil), a genus of fine palms of Brazil, Ord. Palmee : Leopold- inia piassaba, pi'-as-sab'-a (native name), a fibre used in manufac* tures under the name Piassaba. Lepidium, n., Up-id'-i-tim (Gr. lepidion, a small scale, a plant from lepis, a scale), a genus of plants, Ord. Cruciferse, so called in allusion to the scale-like shape of the pods : Lepidium sativum, sat-lv'um (L. sativum, that is sown or planted), the wellknown garden cress. Lepidocaryinse, n. plu., Up'-id-d- kdr f 'i-in f -e (Gr. lepis, a scale, lepidos, of a scale ; karuon, a nut), a Sub-order of trees of the Ord. Palmse: Lepidocaryum, n., l$p'id'6'Jcdr''i'um, a genus of the Palmse. Lepidoptera, n. plu., Up'-id-tip'- ter-d (Gr. lepis, a scale ; pteron, a wing), an Order of insects, comprising butterflies and moths, possessing four wings, which are usually covered with minute scales : Lepidopteral, a k , dp'-tZr-al, of or pert, to the Lep- idoptera. lepidote, a., ttp'id-dt (Gr. lepidotos, covered with scales from lepis, a scale), in bot., scurfy from min- ute scales ; covered with scales or scurf: lepidota, n. plu., lep'-id- ot'a, in zool. , an old name for the Ord. Dipnoi, which contains mud fishes. lepiota, n. plu., ttp'-i-ot'-a (Gr. lepis, a scale), in bot. t the annules of some Fungi. lepis, n., Up' is (Gr. lepis, a hair), a name applied to expansions of the epidermis in plants producing a scale or scurf whose surface is then said to be ' epidote. * lepra, n., lep'-ra (Gr. lepra, leprosy; lepros, rough, scaly), a term formerly applied to leprosy, now confined to a form of psoriasis, which see : leprosy, n., lep'-rtis'i, a disease of the skin of two kinds the tuberculated one, in which the surface is marked with tuber- cles, and the anaesthetic, in which there is a number of spots hav- ing no feeling: leprous, a., l&pl rus, affected with leprosy; covered with white scales, or with a white mealy substance : leprose, a., ttp'rdz, in bot., scurf-like. Leptosiphon, n., Up'-to-slf-on (Gr. leptos, thin, slender ; siphon, a tube), a genus of very elegant annuals, Ord. Polemoniacese, so named from the slenderness of the tube of the corolla. Leptospermese, n. plu., Up' to* sperm' 8- e (Gr* leptos, thin, slender ; sperma, seed), a Sub- order of the Ord. Myrtacese, having opposite or alternate leaves, usually dotted : Lepto- spermum, n., l&p' to sperm' um, a genus of the Myrtacese, having a neat foliage, and beautiful blossoms ; leaves of several species are used in Tasmania and Australia as tea : Leptospermuin lanigerum, lan-ldf-er-um (L. LES 236 LEV lanager, wool-bearing from lana, wool ; gero, I bear), a species whose leaves are used as tea. lesion, n., lezh'-un (L. Icesus, hurt), a hurt ; an injury ; a morbid alteration in a function or struct- ure. lethal, a., leth'-til (L. lethdlis, mor- tal from lethum, death), deadly; mortal. lethargy, n., Wt&r-ji (Gr. and L. lethargia, drowsiness from lethe, forgetfulness ; argos, idle), heavy, unnatural slumber; morbid drowsiness. lettuce, n., let'-tis (L. lactuca, a lettuce from lac, milk), a garden salad plant of various kinds ; the common lettuce is the Lactuca sativa, Ord. Compositse, Sub- ord. Cichoracese. leuchaemia, n., Idlc-em'-i-a (Gr. leukos, white ; haima, blood), a morbid condition of the blood ; the same as leucocythsemia, which see. leucin, n., M-in (Gr. leukos, white), a peculiar white sub- stance derived from nitrogenous bodies. leucocytosis, n., WS-rtt-faf-is (Gr. leukos, white ; kutos, a cell), an increase in the number of white corpuscles in the blood in several morbid as well as physiological conditions in the latter, after partaking of food for instance : leucocythsBmia, n., Idk'o-sith- em' i- a (Gr. haima, blood), the condition of the blood in which the white corpuscles are enor- mously increased in number. Leucodendron, n., Id&o-den'drdn (Gr. leukos, white ; dendron, a tree), a genus of splendid ever- green shrubs, having heads of yellow flowers, so called from their white leaves: Leucodendron argenteum, dr-jfytftWim (L. argent$us, made of silver from argentum, silver), the silver tree or AVitteboom of the Cape, having beautiful silky leaves, ( leucoderma, n., Idk'd-derm'a (Gr. leukos ; white ; derma, skin), a disease characterised by a mere discoloration of the skin, giving rise to no other symptoms. Leucojum, n., Idk-o'jum (Gr. leukos, white ; ion, a violet), a genus of hardy bulbs producing spikes of pretty white flowers, like the snowdrop, Ord. Amar- yllidacese : Leucojum vernum, vern'um (L. vernus, belonging to spring from ver, spring), the snow-flake. Leucopogon, n., IdTc'd-pog'tin (Gr. leukos, white ; pogon, the beard, the limb of the corolla being bearded with white hairs), a genus of plants, Ord. Epacrid- acese : Leucopogon Eichei, ritsh'- %-i (a proper name), a fruit-bear- ing plant of Australia called Native Currant. leucorrhcea, n., Idk'o'r-re'a (Gr. leukos, white ; rheo, I flow), the * whites,' a disorder frequently met with in women, and the result either of debility, or of inflammatory changes in the genital organs. leukaemia, n., Idk-em'i-a, see ' leuchsemia. ' levator, n., Ifo-at'-tir (L. levdtor, a lifter from levo, I lift up), in anat., a muscle which raises up a part ; the muscle which lowers a part being called ' depressor ' : levator anguli oris, antf-gul-l or'4s (L. anguli, of the angle, os, the mouth, oris, of the mouth), a muscle arising in the canine fossa, and inserted into the angle of the mouth : levatores costar- um, lev f 'at-dr'ez ktist-ar'-iim (L. costa, a rib, costdrum, of ribs), muscles which raise the ribs, levis, a., lev'is (L. levis, smooth), in lot., even : levigatus, a., Uv ty'tit'-us (L.), made smooth ; having a smooth, polished appear- ance : levigation, n., W-vj-af" shun, the reduction of a hard substance by grinding or rubbing, LIA 237 UL with the aid of a little water, to an impalpable powder. lianas, n. plu., li-dn'ds, or lianes, n. plu., ll-dnz' (probably a native name ; Sp. liar, to fasten), in bot., luxuriant woody climbers, like those met with in tropical forests. liber, n. , llb'er (L. liber, the inner bark of a tree, a book), the fibrous inner bark of trees or plants ; the endophloeum : libri- form, a., IW-rl-form (L. forma, shape), having the form of fibrous bark. lichen, n. , likf-tin or l&MVn (L. lich- en, a lichen), a skin eruption con- sisting of small pimples or papules, sometimes appearing in clusters, so named from its supposed resem- blance to lichens : lichenous, a. , lik'Zn-us, of or belonging to the skin eruption called lichen. Lichenes, n. plu., lik-en'-ez, also Lichens, n. plu., lik'-enz or litsh'- &nz (L. lichen, a lichen, llchenis, of a lichen ; Gr. leichen, the liverwort), the Lichen family, an Order of plants forming a thallus which is either foliaceous, crust- aceous, or pulverulent : lichenic, a., lik-en'-ik, pert, to lichens: lichenin, n., Uk'-en-m, the pecul- iar starch extracted from * Cet- raria islandica, ' or Iceland moss : lichenoid, a., tik'-tn-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), irregularly lobed, as the leafy lichens. lienal, a., li-enf-al (L. lien, the milt or spleen, lienis, of the spleen), of or pert, to the spleen : lienculus, n., ti-eng'-kul-us (L. dim.), a small or supplementary spleen. ligament, n., lig'-a-ment (L. liga- mentum, a band, a tie from ligo, I bind), the strong fibrous sub- stance which connects the ends of the moveable bones, and which sometimes protects the joints by a capsular envelope : ligamentum nucha3, nu'-lce (mod. L. nucha, the nape of the neck, nuchce, of the nape said to be from Arabic), the band of elastic fibres by which the weight of the head in Mam- malia is supported : ligamenta lata, plurals, tig'-a-ment'-d ldtsed-8n f -ik'um (from Chalcedon, a town of Bithynia), said to be the lilies of the tield of Scripture : L. auratum, dwr-dtf-um (L. auratus t overlaid with gold from aurum, gold), a lily of Japan having enormous white flowers, spotted with rich brown, and with numerous golden bands: L. pomponium, pom-pon'i-um (after Pompomus, an ancient geog- rapher), a species cultivated for its tubers in Kamtschatka as the potato in this country. limb, n., Urn (AS. Urn, a limb from lime, to join), the leg or arm of an animal ; in bot., the blade of the leaf ; the broad part of a petal or sepal. limbus luteus, lim'-bus I6t'-e-us (L. limbus, a border that surrounds anything ; luteus, golden -yellow ) , a yellow spot in the axis of the ball of the eye. lime, n., Urn (Ger. leim, a viscous substance; L. limus, slime, mud), a white caustic earth used with sand as mortar or cement, obtained by burning limestone, marble, chalk, etc. ; lime water, is used medicinally ; the Linden tree, Tilia Europsea, so called from the glutinous juice of the young shoots also said to be properly spelt ' line tree, ' from the fact of its bark being used for making cordage ; the fruit of the Citrus limetta. Limonia, n. , lim-on't-a (Gr. leimon, a green field from its colour; said to be Arab limoun, the citron), a genus of plants nearly allied to Citrus, Ord. Aurantiacese : Limonia laureola, Idwr-e'-dl-d (L. laureola, a laurel-branch from laured, a laurel), a species found near the summit of lofty mountains. Linacese, n. plu., lin-a'se-e (L. Imum, Gr, Imon, flax, lint), the Flax family, an Order of pjants which yield mucilage and fibre : Linum, n., lin'-urn, an ornamental genus of plants, many having showy flowers : Linacese grandi- florum, grandtt-Jldr'um (L. grandis, great, large ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), a linum of North Africa having beautiful crimson flowers : L. usitatissim- um, uz f 'U'dt-is f 'Sim'um (L. usitat- issimum, very common or familiar from usitdtus, common, familiar), the plant from the inner bark of whose stalk, after a process of steeping and breaking off the bark, the flax of commerce is procured ; from the mucil- aginous seeds, a demulcent and diuretic infusion is obtained: lin- seed oil, an oil obtained from the cotyledons of the seeds of L. usit- atissimum used extensively in med. , the arts, etc. ; the residue is made up into cakes, called oil- cake, for feeding cattle, and powdered receives the name lin- seed meal: L. catharticum, Mill- drt'-ik'tim (Gr. kathartikos, puri- fying or cleansing), a species which has purgative properties, the active principle being called linin, n., lln'-in : L. selaginoides, sel'-a-jm-oyd'-ez (seldgo, the up- right club moss ; Gr. eidos, re- semblance), esteemed a bitter and aperient in Peru. Linaria, n., Im-dr^i-d (L. linum, flax), a genus of annuals well adapted for rock-work, Ord. Scrophulariacese : Linaria vulg- aris, vulg-dr'ts (L. vulgdris, common), a species having five- spurred flowers instead of one- spurred : L. triornithophora, trl> 8r>nith>df.$r>a (Gr. tris, thrice ; LIN 239 LIQ ornis, a bird, ornithos, of a bird ; phoreo, I bear), the form of whose flowers bears some resemblance to three little birds seated in the spur. Linden, Im'd&n, or Lime tree, the Tilia Europsea, Ord. Tiliacese, from whose tough fibrous inner bark are manufactured Russian mats ; the bark is also called ' bast ' or ' bass. ' linea alba, lin'-e-d aW-d (L. linea, a line ; albus, white), a white line formed by the meeting of the tendons of the abdominal muscles, which extend from the ensiform cartilage to the pubes : linea aspera, as'per-a (L. asper, rough, uneven), on the femur, a promin- ent ridge extending along the central third of the shaft pos- teriorly, and bifurcating above and below : 1. quadrata, Icwftd- rdt f 'd (L. quadrdtus, square, four- cornered), a well-marked emin- ence passing vertically downwards for about two inches along the back part of the shaft of the femur : 1. splendens, splen'd^nz (L. splendens, bright, shining), a conspicuous, fibrous band running down in front over the interior medium fissure of the pia mater of the spinal cord. lineae semilunares, lin'-e-e sem'-i- Idn-dr'ez (L. linece, lines ; semi, a half; luna, the moon), two curved tendinous lines on each side of the linea alba : linese transversae, trdns-vers'-e (L. transversus, turned or directed across from trans, across ; ver- sus, turned), three or four narrow transverse lines which intersect the rectus muscle. linear, a., lin'e-ar (L. linea, a line), narrow ; line-like ; in bot., having very narrow leaves much longer than broad. ling, n., ling (Icel. ling, any small shrub), common heather, the Culluna vulgaris, Ord. Ericaceae. lingual, a., llng'-gwdl (L. lingua, the tongue), connected with the tongue : lingualis, n., ling-gwdl'- is, a longitudinal band of muscular fibres situated on the under surface of the tongue, which contracts the tongue and com- presses its point : linguiform, a. , ling'-gwi'form (L. forma, shape), in bot., shaped like a tongue also Ungulate, a., llng'-gul-at, in same sense. liniment, n., Im'-i-ment (L. lini- mentum, an ointment from linere, to besmear), a thick, oily, or other liquid substance, to be rubbed into the skin. Linnaea, n., lin-ne'-a (after Lin- nceus the illustrious naturalist), a genus of elegant little plants, natives of northern regions, Ord. Caprifoliacese : Linnaea borealis, bor^e-aftis (L. borZdlis, northern), the two-flowered Linnsea. linum, see 'linacese.' lipoma, n., lip-dm'-a, lipomata, n. plu., lip-Smf-dt-a (Gr. tipos, fat), fatty tumours or growths. Liquidamber, n., W-w^d-^m-ber (L. liquidus, liquid ; ambar, am- ber, alluding to the gum which exudes from the trees), a genus of ornamental hard trees, Ord. Hamamelidacese : Liquidambar orientalis, or'-i-ent-dl'-is (L. ori- entdlis, eastern from orior, I arise), a species which yields liquid storax, used as a remedy for scabies : L. altingiana, dl- tinj f 'i'dn f -d (after Ailing, a German botanist) ; L. Formosana, for'- mdz-dn'-d (of or from Formosa}-, and L. styraciflua, stir'a-si/'ld-a (L. styrax, a resinous gum, storax, styrdcis, of storax ; fluo, I flow), the sweet gum tree, the three preceding yield resins which are used as fragrant balsams. liquor, n., lik'-er (L. liquor, a fluid from liqueo, I melt), a fluid or liquid; a natural fluid or secretion of the body ; a watery solution ; an extract ; a spirituous fluid : liquor ammonias, dm-mon^i-e (L. LIR 240 LIV ammonia, of ammonia), a solution of ammoniacal gas in water: 1. cal- cis, kdl'-sis (L. calx, lime ; calds, of lime), lime-water : 1. Cotunnii, ko-tun'ni'i (first described by Cotunnius), a thin, slightly alb- uminous or serous fluid which separates the membranous from the osseous labyrinth in the vestibule and semicircular canals of the internal ear ; the perilymph : 1. pericardii, per'-i-kdrd'-l-i (new L. of the pericardium), a serous fluid contained in the pericardium : 1. sanguinis, sang'gwm-is (L. sanguis, blood, sangumis, of blood), the liquor of the blood ; the transparent colourless fluid part of the blood, in which the red corpuscles float during life : 1. seminis, sem'in-ts (L, semen, . seed, seminis, of seed), the trans- parent albuminous fluid contain- ing the seed. lirella, n., lir-tl'-la (dim. of L. lira, a ridge of land), in hot., the apothecia of lichens when they are linear, as in Graphidese : lirel- late, a., lir-rel'ldt, like a furrow also lirelliform, a., Mr -Wit- ftirm (L. forma, shape), formed like a furrow. Liriodendron, n., lir'-i-0'd%n'dro'n (Gr. leirion, a lily ; dendron, a tree), a genus of trees, Ord. Magnoliacese, whose flowers bear some resemblance to the lily and tulip : Liriodendron tulipifera, tuV-ip-lf-er-a (F. tulipe, a tulip ; Pers. tuliban, a turban ; L. fero, I bear), the tulip tree, marked by its truncate leaves, used as a febrifuge, the wood used in orna- mental and carved work. Listera, n., lister -a (after Dr. Lister, an English naturalist), a genus of curious little plants, Ord. Orchidiacese, in which the viscid mass of the rostellum bursts with force, allowing the pollinia to escape. lithate, n., lith'-dt (Gr. lithos, a stone), a salt formed by lithic acid with a base ; the red or pink, sandy deposit which settles from the urine on cooling, often found in dyspepsia also named 'urate': lithia, n., lith'-i>a, an alkali, allied in its properties to potass, used as a remedy in gout : lithic, a., lith'ik, a term equivalent to uric, which see : lithiasis, n., lith-i'-as-is, gravel or urinary cal- culi, deposits of solid elements in the parts of the urinary apparatus: lithocysts, n. plu., ltth'6-sists (Gr. kustis, a cyst), in zool, the sense organs or marginal bodies of such as the * Lucernarida ' : lithology, n., Wh-M'-ti-ji (Gr. logos, discourse), a treatise on the stones or calculi found in the body : litholysis, n., lith>8l f -is-is (Gr. lusis, a loosening or release), . the treatment for the solution of! the stone in the bladder. lithontriptic, n., liiti.$n-trip'-tik (Gr. lithos, a stone ; tribo, I grind i or wear by rubbing), a medicament supposed to act as a solvent ofl urinary calculi in the natural: passages. lithotomy, n., Itih-titf&m-t (Gr. lithos, a stone ; to me, a cutting), the operation of cutting into the bladder for the removal of a cal- culus or stone : lithotrity, n. , tith-ftt'ri'ti (L. tritus, bruised or ground), an operation in which the stone is crushed or broken, and removed without cutting. litmus, n., Utf-mus (Dut. lakmoes, an infusion of a lake or purple colour), a peculiar blue colouring matter extracted from lichens, the ' Rocella tinctoria, ' ' R. fuci- formis, ' and ' R. hypomecha, ' used as delicate tests for acids and alkalies, turned red by the former, and blue by the latter. liver, n., Uv'-er (AS. lifere; Ger. leber, the liver), the largest gland in the body, seated on the right side of the abdomen, below the diaphragm, one of whose func- tions is to secrete bile : liver LIX 241 LOO fluke, an animal parasite found in the liver, the ' Fasciola hepat- ica, ' common in the sheep, some- times met with in the human bocty. lixiviation, n., liks-W-i-af-shun (L. lixivius, made into lye from lix, lye), the operation or process of extracting alkaline salts from ashes by mixing or washing them with water, and then running off and evaporating the water. Loasacese, n. plu., lo'-as-af'S^-e, (origin unascertained), the Chili nettle family, an Order of plants of America, distinguished by their stinging qualities : Loasa, n., lo-ds'a, a genus, highly in- teresting from the beauty of their curiously formed flowers : Loasa placei, plas f '&i (unascertained), a species possessing powerful stinging properties. lobe, n., lob (Gr. lobos, the tip of the ear), in bot., a large division of a leaf or seed; a division of the anther ; a part or division of the lungs, liver, etc.: lobate, a., lob'-dt, divided into small lobes ; having lobes or divisions ; lobulse, n. plu., Idb'iil-e, or lobules, n. plu., Idb'Ulz, subdivisions of a lobe ; very minute lobes. Lobeliacese, n. plu., lo-betfi-d'se'e, also Lobeliads, n. plu., Iti-bel'i- adz (after Lobel, the French physician and botanist to James I.), the Lobelia family, an Order of plants in which acridity pre- vails more or less : Lobelia, n., IS-bel'-i-a, a genus of plants pro- ducing beautiful blossoms : Lo- belia inflata, m-flatf-ct (L. infldt- us, puffed up, inflated from in, into;/0, I blow), Indian tobacco, a native of North America, used medicinally, chiefly as a sedat- ive : L. longiflora, Idn'-ji-flor'-a (L. longus, long ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), one of the most venomous of plants : L. syphilitica, sif-U-U^k-a (Gr. sun, Q with ; phileo, I love : or sits, a swine ; philos, dear), a plant whose root is acrid and emetic : L. urens, ur'-enz (L. wrens, burn- ing), a plant whose milky juice is said to be vesicant : lobelina, n., lob'-el-in'-a, a volatile alkaloid obtained from the Lobelia in- flata. lobule, n., lob'ul (a dim. of Gr. lobos, a lobe, which see), a small lobe : lobulate, a., I6b'-ul'dt, divided into small lobes. lobulus, n., loV'Ul'Us (a mod. L. dim. of Gr. lobos, a lobe), a small lobe or division : lobulus auris, dwr'-is (L. auris, the ear, auris, of the ear), the lower dependent portion of the pinna of the ear : 1. spigelii, spi-jel'-i'l (after Spigel, a Belgian physician), a small lobe of the liver, on the left of the great lobe : 1. caudatus, lcdwd< dt'-us (mod. L. caudatus, tailed from L. cauda, a tail), the tailed appendage ; a small tail - like appendage to the lobulus spigelii : lobuli testis, loV-ull &s f >tis (L. testis, a testicle, testis, of a tes- ticle), the lobules of the testis ; the numerous lobules of which the glandular structure of the testis consists. lochia, n., lolc-i'-a (Gr. locheia, child-birth), the discharges from the uterus and vagina after child- birth while the mucous membrane is returning to its primary con- dition. lock - hospital, n., lok - htis'-pit-al (Dut. locken, Icel. loka, to shut, to fasten ; AS. loc, a place shut in : F. loquet, the latch of a door), a charitable institution for the treatment of venereal dis- NOTE. The origin of this name is much disputed. There seems to be but little doubt that the name was first applied to a leper or lazar-house in the sense, as given in the root-words, ' of being shut off or isolated from all others. ' The hospitals for venereal diseases, after the disappearance of leprosy from this LOO 242 LON country, appear to have replaced lazar- houses, or at least to have had the same name continued to them. We have also loke, a house for lepers ; and in Ger. lockern, to play the rake or libertine. lock-jaw, lok-jaw, the disease called ' trismus, ' in which the jaws become locked or closely joined together by the persistent contrac- tion of the voluntary muscles of the jaws. locomotor ataxia, n., Idlc'-d-mot'tir at- dies $ a ( L . loc us, a place ; motum, to move ; and ataxia, which see), the want of co-ordination in the movements of the arms, legs, or both, depending upon fascicular sclerosis of the posterior column of the spinal cord. loculament, n., lok'-ul-a-ment, also loculus, ii., lok'ul-us (L. loculamentum, a case, receptacle from loculus, a little place), in bot. , a cavity in the pericarp con- taining the seed called ' uni- locular ' with one cavity, and ' bi- locular with two cavities, and so on; one of the cells of the anther: loculicidal, a., lok'-ul-i'Sid'-al (L. ccedo, I cut), in bot., having the fruit dehiscing through the back of the carpels. locus coeruleus, lok'us ser-ul'8-us (L. locus, a place, a spot ; ccerul- $us, dark blue), in the fourth ventricle of the cerebellum, a small eminence of dark-grey sub- stance which presents a bluish tint through the thin stratum covering it : locus niger, nldj'6 (L. niger, black, dark), a mass of dark-grey matter in the cer- ebrum, situated in the interior of the crura : 1. perforatus, per'for dt'-us (L. perforatus, bored through), a whitish - grey sub- stance situated between the crura cerebri, and perforated by apert- ures for vessels. locusta, n., Idk-ust'a (L. locusta, a cray-fish, a locust), in bot., a spikelet of grasses formed of one or more flowers : locust tree, the Ceretonia siliqua, Ord. Legum- inosse, Sub-ord. Csesalpinieae. lodicule, n., lo an'-i-adz (after Logan, a botanist), the Nux Yomica family, an Order of plants possessing intensely poisonous properties, of which strychnos is an example : Logan- ieae, n. plu., Idg'-an'i'-e-e, a Sub- order : Logania, n., log-dn'-i-d, an interesting genus of shrubs producing their flowers in axillary or terminal branches. Lolium, n., lol'-l-um (L. lolmm, darnel, tares), a genus of grasses, rye-grass, Ord. Graminese : Lol- ium perenne, p$r'&n'-n& (L. per- ennis, that continues the whole year, perennial), the perennial rye-grass, an esteemed fodder- grass : L. temulentum, l&m'ul* ent'-um (L. temulentus, intoxic- ated), darnel grass, the supposed tares of Scripture, said to be narcotic. Lomentacese, n. plu., lorn'tint-a'- se-e (L. lomentum, bean meal), a Sub- order or division of the Cru- ciferse, founded on the seed vessels: lomentum, n., lom-ent'-um, a legume or pod with transverse partitions, each division contain- ing one seed: lomentaceous, a., Idm'$nt>d f -8hu8, furnished with a loment. longipennatae, n. plu., Ifafii'ptin* ndt'e (L. longus, long ; penna, a wing), in zool., a group of the natatorial birds : longipennate, a. , -pen'ndt, long - winged applied to birds. longirostres, n. plu., Idnj'i-rds'trez (L. longm, long ; rostrum, a beak), in zool., a group of the Wading birds, having long bills : longirostral, a., lonf-i-ros'-trul, long-beaked applied to birds. longissimus dorsi, Itin-jfe'sim-us LON 243 LUF dors' I (L. lonyissimus, very long from longus, long; and dor sum,, the back, dorsi, of the tack), the very long muscle of the back ; a muscle which extends the ver- tebrae, and raises and keeps the trunk of the body erect. longus colli, long'-gus kol'-ll (L. longus, long ; collum, the neck, colli, of the neck), the long muscle of the neck ; a long flat muscle on the anterior surface of the spine, which supports and bends the neck. Lonicerese, n. plu., lon'is-Zr f -e>e, (after Lonicer, a German botanist), a Sub-order of the Ord, Caprifoli- acese, which embraces the true honeysuckles : Lonicera, n. , I6n- is'er-a, a genus of very orna- mental shrubs. ophiostomate, a., lof'-l-fo'-t&m-at (Gr. lopheion, a ridge, a crest ; stoma, a mouth), in bot., having crested apertures or openings : lophophore, n., lof'-d-for (Gr. p?ioreo, I carry), in zool., the disc or stage upon which the tentacles of the Polyzoa are placed. Lophyropoda, n. plu. , lof-i-rop'-od-ci (Gr. lopheion, a crest, tuft of hair; oura, a,ta,il', podes, feet), a section of the Crustacea, embracing those which have cylindrical, or conical ciliated or tufted feet. Loranthaceae, n. plu., lor'-anth- af-se-e (Gr. loron, a thong; anthos, a flower, alluding to the long linear form of the petals), the Mistletoe family, an Order of shrubs, usually parasitical, and growing into the tissues of other vegetables, many in Asia and America having showy flowers : Loranthus, n., lor-antHus, a genus of parasitical plants in- cluding the well-known mistletoe: Loranthus tetrandms, i&t-ran' drus (L. tetrans, a fourth part), a species used in Chili to dye black. lorica, n., lor'ik>a (L. lorica, a coat of mail ; loricdtum, to cover with a breastplate of metal), the protective case with which certain Infusoria are provided : Loricata, n. plu., Idr'ilc'dt'-a, the division of reptiles, comprising the Chel- onia and Crocodilia, which are protected by an armour of bony plates : loricate, a., lor'tk-dt, covered with horny plates or scales ; covered by a shell or husk : lorication, n., lor'-ik-af- shun, the act of covering with a plate or crust for defence. Lotus, n., lot'-us (Gr. lotos, L. lotus, the lotus), an ornamental genus of leguminous creeping plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub- ord. PapilionacesB : Lotese, n. plu., lot'-e-e, a tribe of the Sub- order: Lotus or Lote-bush, n., lot, an Egyptian water-plant, sacred with theanc. Egyptians; the plant of the anc. classics, the ' Zizyphus lotus,' bein<* the true lotus of the ancients : Lotus corniculatus, Tc8r-mk r -ul'dt''US (L. corniculatus, horned from cornu, a horn); also L. major, mddj'dr (L. major, greater), are species sometimes sown with white clover, etc., in laying down permanent pastures. lubricous, a., Idb'-rik-us (L. lub- ricus, slippery), in bot. , smooth ; slippery. Lucernarida, n. plu., I6s r -er* r nar f ' id-& (L. lucerna, a lamp), in zool., an Order of the Hydrozoa. Lucerne or Lucern, n., I6s f -ern (F. luzerne), the Medicago sativa, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Pap- ilionacese, a well-known artificial grass, much cultivated as food for cattle. Lucuma, n., UlQa (the native name in Peru), a genus of fruit- bearing trees, Ord. Sapotacese : Lucuma mammosa, mam-moz'-a (L. mammosus, having large breasts from mamma, a breast), a species whose kernels contain prussic acid. Luffa, n., luff a (Arabic fouf), a LUH 244 LUS genus of plants producing a re- markable kind of gourd of a very disagreeable odour, Ord. Cucur- bitacese : Luffa Egyptiaca, e'-jlp- ti'dk'ti, (of or from Egypt), the towel gourd, its split fruit being used as a flesh brush. Luhea, n., 16 -h^ a (after Luhe, a German botanist), a genus of pretty plants, Ord. Tiliacese : Luhea grandiflora, grandf-l-fld^-a (L. grandis, great, large ; flos, a flower, /om, of a flower), a species whose bark is used in Brazil for tanning leather, and an infusion of whose flowers is used as an antispasmodic and expectorant. lumbago, n., lum-bag-o (mid. L. lumbago from Ij.lumbus, the loin or haunch), a form of chronic rheumatism, chiefly affecting the loins : lumbar, a. , lum'bdr, of or pert, to the loins: lumbar region, the lower part of the trunk : lum- bar vertebrae, the bones of the spine of the lower part of the trunk. lumbricales, n. plu., lum'bmk' al'-ez (L. lumbrlcus, an earth- worm), four muscles of the hand and foot which assist in bending the fingers or toes, so named from their resemblance to earth-worms : Lumbricus, n., lum'-brZk-iis, a genus of worms : Lumbricus terrestris, ter-rtstf-ris (L. terrest- ris, of or belonging to the earth from terra, the earth), the common earth-worm. lunate, a., I6n f -dt (L. luna, the moon), like a half moon ; cres- cent - shaped : lunar caustic (L. luna, old term for silver), nitrate of silver, used surgically as a caustic ; the Argenti nitras, or fused nitrate of silver, moulded into small sticks. lunula, n., Idn'-ul-a, lunulae, n. plu., Idn'-ut-e (L. lunula, a little moon from luna, the moon), a small portion of the nail near the root which is whiter than the rest, so named from its shape ; the thinner portions of the arterial valves of the heart. Lupinus, n., Idp-in'-us (L. luplnus, a kind of pulse), the lupine, a genus of very beautiful annual and herbaceous border flowers, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Pap- ilionaceaB : Lupinus albus, alb f >us (L. albus, white), a species extens- ively cultivated in S. Europe for forage, the seeds or peas being used as food after their bitterness has been removed by boiling. lupulin, n., I6p'*ul-in (L. lupulus, the hops from lupus, the hop- plant), the bitter aromatic prin- ciple of hops : lupulinic glands, a., I6p f -ul'in r 'ik, the name applied to the resinous glandular scales surrounding the fruit of the hop- plants, also called ' lupulin. ' lupus, n., Idp'us (L. lupus, a wolf), a general name applied to certain forms of obstinate inflammatory and ulcerative affections of the nose, cheeks, and lips, which often destroy soft parts, and cause much disfigurement, usually associated with scrofula, and occasionally with syphilis : ery- thematous lupus (see 'erythema'), a variety least troublesome, in which slightly elevated deep-red or livid patches appear on the skin of the nose or face, which increase and run together, forming large purple patches, sometimes becoming covered with thick crusts of scarf skin : lupus non- exedens, n5n>eks f -%d'$nz (L. non, not ; ex&dens, eating up, devour- ing), a variety of the disease in which there is no destruction of parts : 1. exedens, the most severe form of the disease in which the parts affected, usually the nose or lips, are destroyed. lusus naturae, n., I6z f -Us ndt-ur'-e (L. lusus, sport or freak ; natura, nature, naturce, of nature), a term applied to anything unnatural in an animal at birth, or in a veget- able production ; a monstrosity. LYO 245 LYG Lychnis, n., lik'nis (Gr. luchnls, a plant with red flowers, used in making garlands ; said to be from Gr. luchnos, a torch, from the "brilliancy of their flowers), an extremely beautiful genus of plants, Ord. Caryophyllaceae, some of which are said to be poisonous ; among the showiest and most beautiful are Lychnis chalcedonica, kdl'-sed-tin'-ik-a (of or from Chalcedon) ; L. fulgens, ful'genz (L. fulgens, flashing, shining) ; L. grandiflora, grand'* l-flor'-a, (L. grandis, great, large ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), and L. cseli rosa, sel'-i roz'a (L. cceli, of the sky ; rosa, a rose). Lycoperdon, n., lik'-o-perd'-on (Gr. lukos, a wolf ; p'erdo, I break wind, I explode backwards), the puff-balls, a genus of roundish tuber-like plants, which, when ripe, explode and emit their sporules like smoke, Ord. Fungi : Lycoperdon giganteum, jig'an- It'-urn (L. giganteus, of or be- longing to the giants from gigantes, the giants), the common puff-balls, found in pastures, and on the stumps of trees. Lycopersicum, n., lited-pers'-ik-urn (Gr. lukos, a wolf ; persikon, the orange or lemon tree ; persikoi, peaches), the tomatoes or love- apples, a genus of plants, cultiv- ated for the sake of their fruit, Ord. Solanacese : Lycopersicum esculentum, esk'-ul-Znt'-um (L. esculentus, fit for eating), a species whose fruit is the edible tomato or love-apple. Lycopodiaceae, n. plu., tttfo-p8d'- i-a'se-e, also Lycopods, n. plu., W&d'p&h (Gr. lukos, a wolf; pous, a foot, podes, feet, so named from the appearance of the roots), the Club-moss family, an Order of moss-like plants, intermediate between ferns and mosses, having chiefly creeping stems : Lycopod- ium, n., tik f -6'p6d r 'i'Urn, a genus of moss-like plants, some of which are emetic and cathartic; the powdery matter in the thecse is inflammable, and has been used under the name Lycopod or veget- able brimstone : Lycopodium clavatum, klav-at'-um (L. cldv- dtus, fastened or furnished with nails from cldvus, a nail), a species whose spores, in the form of a yellow powder, are used for dusting excoriated surfaces, and putting in pill-boxes to preserve the pills from adhesion to one another : L. giganteum, jig'an- te'um (L. giganteus, of or belong- ing to the giants), a species in whose ash potassium phosphate is found in large quantity. Lycopus, n., W-op-us (Gr. lukos, a wolf ; pous, a foot, podes, feet), a genus of plants, Ord. Labiatse, so named from the appearance of their leaves : Lycopus virginicus, ver-jw'-ik-us (L. virginicum, be- longing to a virgin from virgo, a virgin), the plant bugle-weed; and ]j. Europseus, ur'-d-pe'-us (of or belonging to Europe), the plant gipsy-wort, are used as astringents and sedatives. lycotropal, a., lik-dt'-rdp-al (Gr. lukos, the knocker of a door ; tropos, a turning), in bot., an orthotropal ovule curved like a horse-shoe. lyencephala, n. plu., ll^n-sef-dl-a (Gr. luo, I loose ; kephale, the head), Owen's primary division of mammals; the loose-brained implacentals. Lygeum, n., tidj-e'um (Gr. lugizo, I bend or twist ; lugds, a twig, a wand), a genus of plants, Ord. Graminese, so named from their flexibility ; grasses with rushy leaves, much used in Spain, etc., for baskets, ropes, nets, mats, etc. : Lygeum spartum, spdr'-tum (L. spartum, Gr. sparton, a plant of Spain from Gr. spartos, a rope or cord), a species yielding fibres, which are used in making paper and mats. LYG 246 MAO Lygodium, n., lig>od r -i-um (Gr. lugodes, flexible, pliant), snake's tongues, a climbing genus of ferns, Ord. Tilices, so named in allusion to the twining habit of the plants. lymph, n., limf (L. lympha, water), in animal bodies an alkaline, colourless fluid which fills the absorbents or lymphatics: lymphatics, n. plu., limf-at'iks, the minute absorbent vessels which carry lymph from all parts of the body, generally closely accompanying blood- vessels : lymphadenoma, n., limf'ad f 'e'nom f -a (L. lympha, spring-water ; aden, an acorn, a gland, adenos, of a gland), a disease in which there is a gradual and it may be great enlargement of the lymphatic glands of the body, also lymph- oma, n., Itmf-om'd. lymphosarcoma, n. , limf'd-sark' om'a (L. lympha, spring-water ; sarcoma, which see), medullary sarcoma of the lymphatic glands, which may be either round-celled or spindle-celled. lyra, n. , llr '-a (Gr. lura, a lyre), a triangular portion of the corpus callosum of the cerebrum, marked with transverse, longitudinal, and oblique lines : lyrate, a., lir f -dt, in bot. , applied to a leaf having a large terminal lobe, and several pairs of smaller lobes decreasing in size towards the base ; pin- natifid, having the upper lobe largest. Lythracese, n. plu., lith-ra'-sV-e (Gr. luthron, gore, black blood), the Loosestrife family, an Order of plants, so named in allusion to the purple colour of most of the flowers, many of the plants have astringent properties, some are used for dyeing : Lythrum, n., lith'-rtim, a genus of perennial and annual plants, the former of which are very handsome : Lyth- rum salicaria, sal'-i-ka^-i-cL (L. sdllx, a willow, solids, of a willow), the Loosestrife, or willow- strife, contains tannin and has been used in diarrhoea. mace, n., mas (L. mads, a spice ; F. mads), the arillus or arillode, being an additional covering of the seed of the tree Myristica officinalis, Ord. Myristicacese, commencing at the exostome, natives of Moluccas ; nutmeg and mace are used as aromatic stimul- ants and condiments, and in large doses are narcotic. maceration, n., mas f -er-af-sliun (L. maceratum, to soften by steeping from macer, lean, thin), the process or operation of softening, or extracting the soluble portion of anything by steeping in a liquid, as cold water : infusion is performed by pouring a hot or boiling liquid over a substance, as in making tea ; decoction, by boiling a substance in a liquid. Maclura, n., mak-ldr'-d (after Maclure, a N.American botanist), a genus of very ornamental trees, Ord. Moracese : Macluxa tinctoria, tink-tor'-i-a (L. tinctor- ius, of or belonging to dyeing from tin go, I dye), a species pro- ducing the yellow dye - wood called Fustic. Macrochloa, u.,mak'-rdk-ld'-a (Gr. makros, long ; chloa, green grass), a genus of plants having a long herbage, Ord. Graminese : macrochloa tenacissima, ten'-a- sis'-sim-a (L. tenadssimus, very tenacious or sticky from tenax, tenacious), Esparto or Spanish grass which yields fibres extens- ively employed in making paper, and mats, etc. Macrocystis, T\.,mak r -ro>sist'-is (Gr. makros, long ; kustls, a bladder), a genus of sea-plants, Ord. Algse: Macrocystis pyrifera, pir-if-er-d (L. pyrum, a pear ; fyro, I bear), one of the Algae or sea-weeds MAO 247 MAG which in the Pacific and Northern Oceans reaches the enormous length of from 500 to 1500 feet, so named in reference to the extremity of its frond, swelling out like a pear. Macrodactyli, n. plu., mak'ro- ddkf-til'l (Gr. makros, long ; dak- tulos, a finger), a group of the wading birds. macroglossia, n., maUro-glos'si-a (Gr. makros, long ; glossa, the tongue), an extraordinary hyper- trophic enlargement of the tongue, in consequence of which it pro- trudes from the mouth. macrophyllin, a., matf-rd-fil'lm (Gr. makros, long'phullon, a leaf), in bot. , having elongated leaflets. Macropiper, n., mak'rd-pip'er (Gr. makros, long ; pippul, a Bengali name), a genus of plants, Ord. Piperacese : Macropiper methysticum, meth-ist'ik-um (Gr. methusis, intoxication), the Kava of the S. Sea Islanders, used for preparing a stimulating beverage. macropodous, a., mak-rop'od-us (Gr. makros, long ; pous, a foot, podes, feet), in hot., having the radicle large in proportion to the rest of the body, as in the thickened radicle of a monocotyl- edonous embryo. macrospores, n. plu., mak'ro- sporz (Gr. makros, long ; spora, seed), the large spores of Lyco- pods, etc. : macrosporangia, n. , mdk'rd-spdr-anf'i-a (Gr. anggos, a vessel), the cells or thecse which contain macrospores. macrotherm, n., mak'ro- therm (Gr. makros, long ; therme, heat), same as ' megatherm, ' which see. Macrura or macroura, n., mdk- r6r'-d (Gr. makros, long ; oura, a tail), a family of decapod crust aceans having long tails, as the lobster, the shrimp, etc. : mac- rourous, a., mak-rdr'-us, having long tails. macula, n., mak f -ul-d, maculaa, n. plu., -ul-e (L. macula, a spot), a spot, as on the skin ; skin dis- eases characterised by too much or too little pigment in the parts affected, as in the case of moles and freckles, which arise from too much colouring matter in the skin : maculate, a., mdk'-ul-dt, stained ; spotted : macula crib- rosa, krib'Tdz'-a (L. cribrum, a sieve), in the internal ear, the minute holes for the passage of the filaments of the auditory nerve : m. germinativa, jerm'-in- dt-lv'-d (L. germino, I bud or germinate), the germinal spot, found in the vesicle of the ovum : m. lutea, lot'e-a (L. lutum, a yellow colour), the yellow spot, a part of the retina lying directly in the axis of vision. madder, n., mdd'der (AS. mad- dere), the root of the Rubia tinc- toria containing the colouring matters, madder purple, orange, and red, Ord. Rubiacese. Madia, n., mdd'i-d (Gr. mados, bald, smooth), a genus of rather handsome plants, natives of Chili, Ord. Compositse, Sub-ord. Corymbiferse : Madia sativa, sat- iv'-d (L. sativum,so\\n or plan ted), a species cultivated for the bland oil extracted from its fruit. Madrepore, n., mad'-rfrpor (F. madrepore from madrd, spotted ; pore, a pore), a genus of corals having numerous star - shaped cavities dotting the surfaces of its spreading branching form : mad- reporiform, a.,ma^-re-jr>or^^orm (L. forma, shape), perforated with small holes, like a coral ; applied to the tubercle of the Echinoderms by which their ambulacral system generally com- municates with the exterior. magma ; n., mag' ma (L. and Gr. magma, the dregs of an unguent), a crude mixture of an organic or inorganic substance in a pasty state ; a thick ointment or con- fection. MAG 248 MAL magnesia, n., mag-nesli'i-a (Mag- nesia, a country of Thessaly ; F. magnesie, magnesia), in the form of an oxide, is obtained by burn- ing the carbonate, which then ap- pears as a white powder having hardly any taste : sulphate of magnesia, Epsom salts, obtained from dolomite limestone, formerly from sea-water, or mineral-waters. Magnoliaceae, n., mag-ndl'i-a'se-e (after Pierre Magnol, professor of medicine at Montpellier), the Magnolia family, an Order of splendid trees and shrubs, bear- ing large showy flowers with fine glossy leaves, and possessing bitter, tonic, and often aromatic properties : Magnoliese, n. plu., mag'-ndl-i'e'-e, a Sub - order of shrubs and trees : Magnolia, n., mag-nol'i-a, a genus of plants, remarkable for their large odorif- erous flowers, and tonic, aromatic qualities : Magnolia glauca, gldwk'a (L. glaucus, bluish-grey), the Swamp Sassafras or beaver tree whose bark is used as a sub- stitute for Peruvian bark : M. Yulan,?/dZ'aw (probably of Chinese origin), a species with deciduous leaves, whose seeds are used in China as a febrifuge. Maize, n., mdz (from mahiz, a native word), Indian corn, the ' Zea mays, ' Ord. Graminese. Malachadenia, n., mdl'ak-a-den'' i-a (Gr. malache, a mallow ; denaios, lasting long), a genus of very singular plants, Ord. Orchid- acese : Malachadenia clavatus, Hav-at'-us (L. clavatus, furnished with clubs from cldva, a club), a plant having a very fetid odour resembling carrion. malacosteon, n., mtiK&Js-btf&'&n (Gr. malakos, soft ; osteon, bone), an abnormally soft condition of bone. Malacostraca, n. plu., mal'-ok-fts'- trdk-a (Gr. malakos, soft; ostrak- on, a shell), a division of Crust- acea, originally applied to the entire class because their shells were softer than those of the Mollusca : malacostracous, a., -trak-us, belonging to such Crust- acea as the shrimp, lobster, etc. malaise, n., mal-dz' (F. malaise, uneasiness), in med., an indefin- ite feeling of uneasiness; being ill at ease. malanders, n. plu., mal'-and-erz (F. malandres; It. malandra, malanders from male, badly ; andare, to walk), chaps or scabs on the lowest parts of a horse's legs ; sores on the inside of the fore- legs. malar, a., matter (L. mala, the cheek), pert, to the cheek. malaria, n., mal-dr'-i-a (It. male, ill, bad ; aria, air), exhalations from marshy districts which pro- duce fevers and ague: malar'ioid, a., -i-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling malaria. malic, a., maL'-ik (L. mdlum, an apple), of or from apples, as malic acid. malicorium, n., mal'-ik-dr'-i-tim (L. malicorium from mdlum, an apple ; corium, skin), the tough rind of a pomegranate. malignant, a., mal-ig'-nant (L. malignus, envious, spiteful from mains, bad), dangerous to life ; dangerous in symptoms ; malignant tumour, a tumour which though extirpated is sure to return, and probably diffuse itself more widely than before. mallenders, n. plu., see 'malan- ders. ' malleolus, n., mal-le'-ol-tis, mal- leoli, n. plu., mal-le'-ol-i (L. malleolus, a small hammer from malleus, a hammer), the ankle- bone, so called from its resem- blance to a mallet : malleolus externus, %ks-tern r -us (L. matte- olus, a small hammer ; externus, outward), the outward projection of the lower part of the leg-bone forming the ankle : m. internus, in-tern-us (L. internus, inward), MAL 249 MAN the inward hump at the ankle : malle'olar, a., -ol-dr, of or be- longing to the ankle. malleus, n., mdl f 'U-us(L. malleus, a hammer), one of the three movable bones, viz. the malleus, the incus, and the stapes, which traverse the tympanum of the ear ; the malleus consists of a head, neck, and three processes, so named from its fancied resem- blance to a hammer. Mallophaga, n. plu., mal-ldf-ag-a (Gr. maUos, a fleece ; phago, I eat), an Order of insects, mostly parasitic upon birds. Malpighian, a., mdl-pig'-i-cin (after Professor Malpighi of Pisa, the discoverer or first describer), designating certain globular structures in the spleen and kidneys : Malpighiaceae, n. plu., mdl'pig f 'i'd f -s^-e, the Malpighia family, an Order of trees and shrubs, many species being astringent : Malpighia, n. , mal- pig f >i-d, a genus of interesting plants : Malpighia glabra, glab'-ra (L. gldber, without hairs or bristles, bald) ; and M. punici- folia, pun'iS'i'fol'i-d (L. punicus, belonging to Africa ; folium, a leaf), are species whose fruit is called the Barbadoes cherry, used as a table-fruit : malpighiaceous, a., mfer (L. fero, I bear), one of the mammals : mammal, n., mamf-mdl, an animal which suckles its young : mammalia, n. plu., mam-mal'-i-d, or mam- mals, n. plu., mdmf-mdls, the great class of vertebrate animals which suckle their young by teats or nipples : mammary, a., mam'- mar -i, pert, to the breasts. manakin, n., man' d> kin, also manikin, n., man'-i-kin (F. mannequin, a layman, a manikin ; Eng. man and kin, literally, a little man), a figure on which a student may practise the applica- tion of bandages, and also the operations of midwifery. Manchineel, n., man'-tshm-el' (It. mancinello, Sp. manzanillo}, a large W. Indian tree, the Hippo- mane mancinella, Ord. Euphor- biacese, whose wood is hard, durable, and beautifully clouded, but whose sap is very acrid and poisonous, its application to the skin exciting violent inflammation followed by ulceration. mandibles, n., man'-di-lls (L. mandibulum, a jaw), the upper pair of jaws in insects ; applied to one of the pairs of the jaws in MAN 250 MAN Crustacea and spiders ; the beak of cephalopods ; the lower jaw of vertebrates. mandioc, n., mand'-t-dk, and manioc, n., mdn'-l-tik, spellings of ' manihot, ' which see. Mandragora, n., man-drag. hu, what is this? L. and Gr. manna), the hardened exudations from the barks of various trees,, which form mild laxatives ; ' Tamarix gallica, ' Ord. Tamar- icacese, produces Mount Sinai, manna; 'Alhaji maurorum,' Ord. Leguminosse, produces a kind of manna ; 'Ornus rotun- difolia,' ' 0. Europsea,' and other species of * Ornus, ' Ord. Oleacese, . natives of S. Europe, produce the common manna of the shops ; a kind of manna is produced from the larch and the cedar of Leb- anon : mannite, n., mdn'nit, the peculiar sweet principle of manna, called manna-sugar, which does not ferment; is found also in mushrooms and sea-weeds. mantle, n., man'tl (L. mantellum, a cloak), the outer soft integu- ment of the Mollusca, largely MAN 251 MAR developed and forming a cloak which protects the viscera; also called the ' pallium. ' manubrium, n., man-ub'ri-um (L. manubrium, a handle from mdnus, a hand), in anat., the upper piece of the sternum re- presenting the handle, having a somewhat triangular form ; the polypite suspended from the roof of the swimming-bell of a medusa, also from the gonocalyx of a medusiform gonophore in the Hydrozoa ; in bot., cells project- ed inwards from the centre of shields of the globule in Char- acese. nanus, n., man' us (L. manus, the hand), the hand of the higher Vertebrates. manyplies, n. plu., mWi-pllz, in Scot, moniplies, n. plu., mon'-i- pllz (Eng. many ; plies, folds), the popular name for the Omasum, or third part of the stomach of ruminants, so named from its numerous flaps or folds. larantaceae, n. plu., mar'-an-tob'- s$-e, also called Cannacese (after Maranti, a Venetian phy- sician), the Arrowroot family, an Order of plants containing much starch in the rhizomes and roots : Maranta, n., mar-an'tcL, a genus of interesting plants : Maranta arundinacea, ar'tind'-m-a'-sZ-a (L. arundindceus, pert, to or like a reed from arundo, the reed- cane); also M. Indica, md'-ik-a (L. Indicus, Indian), are species which produce the best arrowroot from their tuberous rhizomata. marasmus, n., mar-az'-mns (Gr. marasmos, decay, weakness), a wasting disorder of children ; emaciation or wasting ; atrophy. Marattiese, n. plu., mdr'-dt-ti'e'e, also Marrattia tribe, mdr-at'-ti-a (after Maratti, of Tuscany), a Sub -order of ornamental ferns, having their sporangia united in mass. anarcescent, a., mdr>ses'$nt (L. marccscens, pining away or decaying), in bot., gradually withering, but not falling off until the part bearing it is per- fected. Marcgravia, n., mdrk-grdv'i-a (after Marcgrave, a German bot- anist), a genus of curious shrubby and creeping plants, Ord. Tern- strcemiaceae or Tea family, which are occasionally furnished with bracts folded and united so as to form ascidia, containing a sweet liquid which attracts insectivor- ous birds, as in the Marcgravia nepenthoides, Hfy/'tnth-ofyd'-ez (Gr. nepenthes, a magic potion or drug from ne, not ; penthos, grief, sadness ; eidos, resem- blance); M. umbellata, tim'bel' lat'-a (L. umbella, a little shadow from umbra, a shade), a species whose stem, root, and leaves are regarded in the W. Indies as diuretic. MarchantieaB, n. plu^mdr'shan-ti'- e-e (after Mar chant, a French botanist), the Liverworts, a sec- tion or Sub-order of the Ord. Hepaticae, which have thecse col- lected in heads, found growing on the ground or on trees in damp, shady places, and have a leathery structure : Marchantia, n., mdr-shan'-ti-a, a genus of creeping plants, having green, cellular, fleshy fronds : Marchan- tia hemisph erica, hemf-i-sjer'-ilc'd (Gr. hemi, half; sphaira, a globe), a species recommended in dropsy. margaric, a., mdr-gar'-ik (Gr. margaron, a pearl), applied to an acid obtained by the action of potash upon cyanide of cetyl, and also obtained by saponifi cation. from vegetable wax, so named from presenting the appearance of pearly crystalline scales : mar- garine, n., trtdr'gar-m, one of the solid proximate principles of human fat. marginate, a., mdrf-m-dt (L. MAR 252 MAS tnargo, an edge, margtnis, of an edge), in bot., having a distinct edge or border of a different tex- ture to the body. Marrubium, n., mdr-rdb'i-um (L. marrubium, the plant horehound), a genus of plants, Ord. Labiatse : Marrubium vulgare, vul-gdr'% (L. vulgar is, common, vulgar), white horehound, a plant having bitter tonic properties, a popular remedy for coughs and asthma. Marsdenia, n., mdrz-den'-i-a (after Marsden, author of a history of Sumatra), a genus of interesting plants, Ord. Asclepiadacese : Marsdenia flavescens, fldv-Zs'enz (L. flavescens, becoming golden yellow), a plant suited for cover- ing rafters, pillars, and trellis- work : M. tinctoria, tingk-tor'-i-a (L. tinctorius, of or belonging to dyeing from tingo, I dye), a species yielding a dye similar to indigo. Marsileacese, n. plu., mdrtstt-Z-d'- s%-e (after Count Marsigli, of Bol- ogna), also called Rhizocarpese, n. plu., riz f -d'kdrp'-%'e (Gr. rhiza, a root ; Tcarpos, fruit), the Pepperwort family, creeping or floating plants found in ditches and pools, and are apparently a link between ferns and club- mosses: Marsilea, n., mdr-sil^'d, a genus of curious aquatic plants : Marsilea macropus, maJc^ro-pus (Gr. mahros, long ; pous, a foot), also called. M. salvatrix, salv-at'> riks (L. a saviour), the Nardoo plant of Australia, the sporo- carps of which have been used as food by travellers in that country. xnarsupium, n., mdr-sup (L. masticdtum, to masticate ; Gr. mastax, the jaw, mastakos, of the jaw), the process by which the food, when taken into the mouth, is chewed into small piecesby the teeth, andthoroughly mixed with the saliva : mastic- atory, a., md8t'4Tc-atf-8r-t, adapted, for chewing : n., a substance to be chewed to increase the saliva. mastich or mastic, n., mast'-ik (L. . and Gr. mastiche, an odoriferous gum from the mastich tree ; ; mastzchdo, I chew ; F. mastic), , a concrete resinous exuda- tion furnished by the Pistacia; lentiscus, Ord. Anacardiacese, the Lentisk, a native of the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean, Hsed as a masticatory for con- solidating the gums and cleans- ing the teeth ; it enters into the composition of varnishes. mastoid, a., mast'-dyd (Gr. mastos, a breast ; eidos, resemblance), nipple-like : mastitis, n., mast- it'-is, inflammation of the breast : mastodynia, n., mast'-o-dm'i-d (Gr. odune, pain), pain in the breast : mastosis, n., mast-oz'ts, an osseous tumour of the breast : mastoid process, the pointed portion of the temporal bone behind the organ of hearing, MAT 253 MEA ally found in the maw or stomach. maxilla, n., maks-il'la, maxillse, n. plu., -il'-le (L. maxilla, a jaw), in anat., a jaw-bone ; the inferior pair or pairs of jaws in the Arthropoda ; the upper jaw- bones of Vertebrates : maxillary, a., maks'-il-ler-i or mdks'tt', pert, to the jaw or jaw-bone. maxilliped, n. , maks-zl'li-ped, maxillipedes, n. plu., maks'-il- lip'-ed-ez (L. maxilla, a jaw ; pedes, feet), a jaw-foot ; the foot-like appendages of the mouth of a crab, a lobster, etc., which are converted into masticatory organs. maximum, n., maks'Zm'um (L. maximum, the greatest from magnus, great), a term denoting the greatest quantity of effect ; opposed to minimum, the least quantity of effect; and contrasted with medium, a middle or mean between those extremes. measles, n. plu., mez'lz (Dut. mceselen, measles from mcese, a spot, a stain), a disease mani- fested by a peculiar crimson rash on the skin, chiefly affecting children ; a contagious febrile disorder, forming one of the group of the exanthemata : measly, a. , mez'-li, having the character or appearance of measles applied to the eruptions of typhus ; in- fected with measles applied to pork which contains the parasite Cysticercus cellulosus. meatus, n., me-at'-us (L. meatus, a going, a passing), in anat., a natural passage or canal wider than a duct ; an opening leading to a duct or cavity : meatus auditorius externus, ajwd f >it-dr'- l-us eks'tern'-us (L. audUorzus, relating to hearing from audio, I hear ; externus, external), the external auditory meatus ; the aperture of the ear forming a short canal which leads into the cavity of the tympanum : m. MEG 254 MED urinarius, ur'tn-dr'-i-us (L. urin- drius, urinary from urlna, urine), the orifice of the urethra in both sexes: meatuses, n. plu., me'dtius-fa, those of the nares or nostrils, named respectively the superior, middle, and inferior. meconic, a., mek-dn'ik (Gr. mekon, a poppy, the ink-bag of the cuttle-fish), applied to a peculiar acid contained in the juice of Papaver somniferum, Ord. Papav- eraceae, and in its concrete milky juice called opium : meconate, n., mek'-dn-dt, a salt consisting of meconic acid and a base. meconium, n., mek-on'i-tim (Gr. mekdnion, L. meconium, poppy juice from Gr. mekon, the poppy, the ink-bag of the cuttle- fish), the inspissated juice of the poppy ; opium ; the first dark slimy discharge from the bowels of a newly -born infant. medial, a., medf-l-al (L. medius, the middle), in bot., along the middle: median, a., med'-i-dn, relating to or connected with the middle of anything : median line, n., an ideal line dividing a body longitudinally into two equal parts. mediastinum, n., med'i-as'tin''um (L. mediastinus, one standing in the middle, a servant from medius, the middle; sto, I stand), the space left in the median line of the chest by the non-approxim- ation of the two plurae, extend- ing from the spine to the upper surface of the breast-bone : med- iastinal, a., nied'-i-as-tin'al, of or connected with the mediastinum: mediastinum testis, tes'-tis (L. testis, of a testicle), a vertical process, from which is given off numerous septa, situated in the centre of a fibrous covering en- closing the body of the testis, called the ' tunica albuginea. ' mediate, a., med'-i-dt (L. medius, middle), middle; situated between two extremes : mediate auscult- ation, auscultation through a stethoscope opposed to ' immedi- \ ate auscultation,' an auscultation j made directly by the ear. Medicago, n., med'-ik-dg'-o (Gr. medike, name given by Dios- corides to a Median grass), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminl osse, affording some fodder plants : Medicago sativa, sat-iv'-a (L. sativum, sown or planted), the Lucerne, cultivated as green food : for horses and cattle: M. lupulina, I6p f 'ul'ln f '(t (new L. lupulus, the hop), the plant Nonsuch, intro- j duced into pastures along with : grasses and clovers, so named j from having the appearance of the hop in its floral capitules. medicament, n., med'fk-a-mZnt (L. medicdmentum, medicine, a drug ; medico, 1 heal or cure ; It. and Sp. medico, a physician), a substance given for curing a disease or a wound : medication, n., med'-ik-d'shun, the act or process of impregnating with a medicinal substance ; treatment by means of medicine : medicin- al, a., med-is f 'in-dl, having the properties of medicine ; used in medicine : medicine, n., med- is -in or med'-sin, a substance administered for the cure or mitig- ation of disease : medical juris- prudence, the applications of medical science to the determina- tion of certain questions in courts of law : medico-legal, pert, to law as aftected by medical facts. medick, n., med'-ik, same as * medicago, ' which see. medulla, n., med-ul'-la (L. m%d- ulla, the marrow, the pith from medius, the middle), the fat substance or marrow in the long bones ; the spinal cord ; the pith of plants ; the fibrous matter covering the petioles of palms : medullary, a., med-ul'lar-i, pert, to marrow or pith : medulla oblongata, db'hng-gdltd (L. oblonyus, long, oblong), the part MED 255 MEL continuous with the spinal cord within the skull resting on the basilar process of the occipital bone : m. ossium, os'-si-um (L. 05, a bone, ossium, of bones), the marrow lodged in the interior of the bones : m. spinalis, spin' al'-is (L. splna, the backbone), the spinal marrow or cord : med- ullary rays, in bot., the rays of cellular tissue seen in a transverse section of exogenous wood, and which connects the pith with the bark : m. sheath, in bot. , a thin layer of vascular tissue which surrounds the pith in exogenous stems : m. substance, the interior white portion of the brain or kidney : m. system, the marrow bones, and the membranes which enclose the marrow : med- ullated, a., med-ul'-lat-$d, applied to the nerve fibres which form the white part of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Medusa, n., med-uz'a, Medusae, n. plu., med-uz'-e (L. Medusa, in anc. mythology a beautiful woman whose hair was turned into snakes), an Order of Hydrozoa ; sea animals, usually called sea- blubber, sea-nettles, or jelly-fish, whose usual form is that of a hemisphere with a marginal membrane and many trailing feelers, so named from the sup- posed resemblance of their tentacles or feelers to the snaky hair of Medusa: medusiforni, a., m&d'Uz'-i-form (L. forma, shape), resembling the medusae in shape : medusoid, a., m&d- uz'-oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), like a medusa ; medusiform : n., one of the medusiform gonophores of the Hydrozoa. megaspores, n. plu., mZg'a-sporz (Gr. megas, great ; spora, seed), the larger kind of reproductive spores found in Lycopods : meg- asporangia, n., meg'-d-spor-dnf- I'd, same as * macrosporangia. ' tnegatherms, n. plu., meg'-d* thermz(Gr. megas, great; therme, heat), plants requiring a high temperature ; also called ' mac- rotherms. ' megistotherms, n. plu., mVdj-fat to-thermz (Gr. megistos, very great ; therme, heat), plants requiring extreme or a very high degree of heat. megrim, n., meg'-rim (F. mi- graine, megrim; L. hemicranium, half the skull), a neuralgic pain confined to one side of the head ; sick headache. Meibomian glands, ml-bom'-i-an (first described by Meibom'ms), glands situated upon the inner surface of the eyelids, between the tarsal cartilages and con- junctiva, presenting the appear- ance of parallel strings of pearls, about thirty in the upper cartilage, and somewhat fewer in the lower. meiophylly, n., mi'-of-ll'-li (Gr. 'melon, less ; phullon, a leaf), in bot., the suppression of one or more leaves in a whorl. meiostemonous or miostemonous, a., ml'-d-stem'-on-us (Gr. meion, less ; stemon, a stamen), in bot., a term applied to stamens less in number than the parts of the corolla. meiotaxy, n., ml'>o>talcs r -i (Gr. meion, less ; taxis, arrangement), in bot., the complete suppression in a plant of a set of organs, as the corolla or the stamens. melsena, n., mel-en'-a (Gr. melan, black), the discharge of matter, black like tar, from the bowels. Melaleuca, n., mel'-a-Uk'-d (Gr. melan, black ; leukos, white), a genus of greenhouse plants, Ord. Myrtacese, producing splendid flowers so named because the trunk is black, and the branches white : Melaleuca leucadendron, I6k f 'a*dend'-ron (Gr. leukos, white; dendron, a tree) ; M. cajuputi, kadf'U-put'4 (Malay caju-puti, white tree), species, particularly MEL 256 MEL the latter, whose leaves yield a volatile oil, called cajeput oil, of a green colour, a very powerful medicine ; the latter also named M. minor, min'>6r (L. minor, less). Melampyrum, n., mel'-dm-plr'-Um (Gr. melampuron, cow-wheat from melan, black \puros, wheat), a genus of plants, (3rd. Scrophul- ariaceee, one of whose species, Melampyrum arvense, ar-vZns'e (L. arvum, an arable field), is called cow-wheat, as being relished by cows. melancholia, n., mel'-an-lcol'i-a (Gr. melangcholia, black bile from melan, black; chole, bile), a variety of insanity characterised by dejection or depression of spirits. melanosis, n., mel'dn-oz'-is (Gr. melan, black), the deposition of black or dark-brown colouring matter in various textures and organs of the body ; the disease, melanotic cancer, in which tumours containing black pig- ment are developed : melanotic, a., mel'dn-til'ik, of or pert, to melanosis. Melanosporese, n. plu., mel'-an-o* spdr'-Z-e (Gr. melan, black ; spora, seed), a Sub-ord. of Algae of an olive-green or olive-brown colour, and cellulse of filamentous struct- ure, found in the sea. MelanthacesB, n. plu., m^V-anth- of-se-e (Gr. melan 9 black ; anthos, a flower in allusion to the dusky colour of the flowers), the Col- chicum family, an Order of bulbous, tuberous, or fibrous rooted plants having medicinal properties, and sometimes bearing pretty flowers : Melanthium, n., m%l-antli'4'tim, a genus of plants. melasma, n., mel-dz'-md (Gr. melasma, a black spot), a black spot on the lower extremities, especially of old people ; a disease in which is associated a peculiar degeneration of the supra-renal capsules with extreme cachexia, and a peculiar pigmentation or bronzing of the skin ; also called * Addison's disease. ' Melastomacese, n. plu., mel'ti' 8tom-d''se-e (Gr. melan, black ; stoma, the mouth), an Order of very beautiful trees, shrubs, and herbs, many bearing sweet eatable berries, so named from the fruit of some dyeing the lips black : Melastomeas, n., mel'-d-stom'-e-e, a Sub-order: Melastoma, n., mel-as'tdm^d, a genus of plants having very showy flowers : Mel- astoma elongata, e'long-gdt'-d (L. elongatus, made long from e, out ; longus, long), a species bearing large, beautiful flowers, varying from blue to purple and white. MeliacesB, n. plu., mgl'i-d'se-e (Gr. meiia, an ash tree), the Melia family, an Order of plants which are bitter, tonic, and astringent : Melia, n., mel f -i?ti, a genus of trees : Melia Indica or Azadirachta, md'-ik'd or dz-dd'- ir-dkt'd (L. Indica, of or from India ; Indian name), used in India as a febrifuge ; its fruit yields an oil much in household use, and as an antispasmodic ; its bark is tonic : M. azedarach, dZ'$d'dr-dk (an Indian name), native of China, an anthelmintic. Melilotus, n., mel'tt-ot'-us (L. mel, honey ; lotus, the lotus), the honey lotus, a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, the favourite haunts of bees ; the Melilot is cultivated as fodder for cattle. Melissa, n., mel-is'sd (Gr. mel- issa, a bee), a genus of plants, Ord. Labiatae: Melissa officinalis, ty-fis'-in'til'is (L. officinalis, officinal from officina, a work- shop), common balm. Melloca, n., m^l-lob'-a (unrs- certained), a genus of plants, Ord. Portulacacese : Melloca tuberosa, tub f -$roz'-d (L. tuber- osus, having fleshy knots from MEL 257 MEN tuber, a protuberance), a plant much cultivated in the elevated districts of Peru, Bolivia, etc., for its esculent tubers, which have been recommended as a substitute for the potato. Melocanna, n., mU'-o-kan^na (Gr. melon, an apple ; kanna, a reed), a genus of plants, Ord. Graminese : Melocanna bambusoides, bcim'- buz-oyd' ing'- go, denoting relation to, or connection with, membranes of the brain. meniscus, n., m&n-isTc'-us, men- isci, n. plu., men-is' si, or men- iscuses, n. plu., -us-ez (Gr. meniskos, a little moon from mene, the moon), a lens, concave on the one side, and convex on the other, having a sharp edge; in anat., an appearance resem- bling the new moon, applied to inter-articular fibrous cartilages, as the 'glenoid': meniscoid, a., m&n-isk'-oyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), having the shape of a watch-glass. Menispermacese, n. plu., m&n'-i' sperm- d'-s^-e (Gr. meniskos, a little moon ; sperma, seed), the Moon-seed family, an Order of MEN 258 MEP plants whose seed or fruit is kidney or half-moon shaped, hence the name : Menispermum, n., a genus of hardy plants, pos- sessing strong narcotic properties : menispermin, n., -sperm'm, a non-poisonous substance obtained from the pericarp of the Anamirta cocculus. menorrhagia, n., m^n f -6r-rddj f -i'd (Gr. men, a month ; menes, a woman's menses ; rhegnumi, I break or burst forth), an immod- erate flowing of the catamenia or menses. menses, n. plu., mZr'sSz (L. men- sis, a month), the monthly dis- charges of women. menstrual, a., men'stroo-al (L. menstrudlis, every month from mensis, a month), happening once a month ; lasting a month ; catamenial : menstruant, a., men'stroo-dnt, subject to monthly flowings : menstruation, n., m%n'strdo'a f 'shun, the periodical flow of the menses : menstruous, a., m&n'-strdb'US, pert, to the monthly discharges of women. menstruum, n., men'stroo-um, menstruums, n. plu., -stroo-umz, or menstrua, n. plu., -stroo-a. (L. menstruum, that which lasts or continues a month from mensis, a month), a solvent ; any liquor used in dissolving so named by the old chemists, because they supposed that the moon had a mysterious influence on the mak- ing of their preparations for dissolving metals, etc. mentagra, n., ment'-ag-ra (L. mentum, the chin ; Gr. agra, a seizure), a disease affecting the beard, moustache, whiskers, and inner part of the nostrils caused by minute fungi, or vegetable parasites at the roots of the hair ; Tinea sycosis. mentagraphyte, n., mVn-tag'-ra- fit (L. mentum,ihe chin; Gr. agra, a seizure ; Gr. phuton, a plant), crypto^amous plants, or mould, supposed to be the cause of the cutaneous disease mentagra ; synonym of 'mentagra.' Mentha, n., menth'-a, (from Menthe, a nymph, fabled to have been changed into mint by Pros- erpine in a fit of jealousy), the mints, a well-known genus of useful herbs, Ord. Labiatse, the species of which yield volatile oils : Mentha piperita, pip'-er* it'-a (L. piperltus, of or pert, to pepper from piper, pepper), peppermint, used as a carminat- ive and diffusive stimulant in flatulent disorders: M. pulegium, pul-edj'$'um (L. pulegium, flea- bane, pennyroyal from pulex, a flea, as the smell when burnt destroys fleas), pennyroyal ; M. viridis, mr'M-is (L. viridis, green), spearmint, both plants act like peppermint, but are less powerful. mentum, n., mZnt'um (L. merit- um, the chin), the basal portion of the labium or lower lip in insects. Mentzelia, n., mZnt-zel'i-d (after Mentzel, a botanist of Branden- burg), a genus of curious plants, Ord. Loasacese : Mentzelia hisp- ida, lilsp'-id'd (L. hispidus, shaggy, hairy), a Mexican herb said to possess purgative quali- ties. MenyanthesB, n. plu., men'i-dnth'- $6 (Gr. men, a month, oYmenuo, I show; anthos, a flower referring to the duration of the flowers), a Sub-order of the Ord. Geiitianaceae: Menyanthes, n., men'i-dnth'ez, a genus of plants : Menyanthes trifoliata, trX/oW-atM (L. tris, ihiee-, folium, a leaf), buck-bean, marsh-trefoil, or bog-bean, whose leaves are used as a substitute for Gentian. mephitic, a., mef'U^ik (L. meph- itis, a noxious, pestilential exhal- ation), offensive to the smell; noxious; deadly : mephitis, n., mef-U'is, or mephitism, n., mtf' MER 259 MES it-izm, any foul or noxious ex- halation generally applied to that caused by carbonic acid gas. merenchyma, n., mer^ng'-klm-d (Gr. meris, a part, a particle ; engckuma, what is poured in from en, in ; chetima, tissue : perhaps Gr. memo, I wind or twine round), in bot., cellular tissue composed of more or less rounded cells. mericarp, n., mer'-i*kdrp (Gr. meris, a part ; karpos, fruit), in bot., the half of the fruit of an umbelliferous plant, like the hemlock. merismatic, a., trier'-is-mat'-ik (Gr. merismos, division from meris, a part), in bot., taking place by division or separation, as into cells or segments. merispore, n., mer^i'spor (Gr. meris, a part ; spora, seed), in bot., a cell capable of germination, formed by the division of an ascospore or a basidiospore. meristem, n., m&r'i'Stem (Gr. meristos, separated, divisible from merizo, I divide into parts), in bot. t tissue formed of cells which are all capable of dividing, and producing new cells ; also called ' generative tissue.' merithal, n., mer^i-thdl (Gr. meris, a portion; thallos, a young shoot, a bough), in bot., a term used for * internode ' ; a term applied to the different parts of the leaf : merithalli, n. plu., m8r*i-lhal'3, the three principal parts of a plant the radicular merithal corresponding to the root, the cauline to the stem, and the foliar to the leaf. Merostomata, n. plu., mer'-d-stom'- at'd (Gr. meros, the upper part of the thigh ; stoma, a mouth), an Ord. of Crustacea in which the appendages placed round the mouth, and performing the office of jaws, have their free extremities developed into walk- ing or prehensile organs. Mertensia, n., mer-tens'-i-d (after Mertens, a professor of medicine at Bremen), a highly esteemed genus of plants producing brilliant flowers, Ord. Boraginaceee : Mer- tensia maritima, mdr-itf-im-d (L. maritimus, belonging to the sea from mar$, the sea), a species having the taste of oysters, hence called in Scotland the oyster plant. Merulius, n., mer-dol't-us (origin unknown: said to be a corruption of metullus, the original name from L. meta, anything of a con- ical or pyramidal form, so named from its shape), a genus of fungi, one of whose species causes the dry rot in wood: merulius lacry- mans, Idk^ri^mdnz (L. lacrymans, weeping, lamenting), the most destructive of the parasitical fungi, producing what is called the dry rot, and a pest to wood and wooden structures, sometimes penetrating thick walls and destroying the mortar and lath. MesembryacesB, n., m$s>em'-bri-d' se-e (Gr. mesembrm, mid-day), the Ficoidese or Fig-marigolds, and Ice-plant family, an Ord. of plants, natives of hot sandy plains: MesembryesB, n. plu., mes'-em- brl f -&e, a Sub-order having numer- ous conspicuous petals : Mesem- bryanthemum, n., mes-Zm'-bri- dnth'em'Um (Gr. cwitliemon, a flower), a genus of beautiful and well-known succulents : Meseni- bryanthenmm edule, $d-ul'-$ (L. edulis, eatable), the Hottentot- fig, whose leaves are used as an article of diet : M. crystallinum, krist-dl f 'lin>um (L. crystdlllnus, crystalline from crystallum, a crystal), the Ice-plant, remark- able for the watery vesicles which cover its surface, and which have the appearance of particles of ice: M. tripolium, tri-potti-tim (of or from Tripoli in Africa), has the property of expanding in a star- MES 260 MES like manner when in water, and closing when dry. mesencephalon, n., m&ftt*0$^4Z- on (Gr. mesos, middle ; engkeph- dlon, the brain), the middle primary vesicle of the brain, forming one of its principal structures, and comprising the Crura cerebri, the Corpora quadrigemina, and the Aqueduct of Sylvius. mesentery, n. , mfc$ntfrlj mesen- teries, n. plu. , -t&r'fa (Gr. mesos, middle ; enteron, an intestine), a membrane in the cavity of the abdomen which serves to retain the intestines and their appen- dages in their position ; a double fold of the peritoneum ; the vertical plates which divide the somatic cavity of a sea-anemone into chambers : mesenteric, a., mezf-en'terfik, of or belonging to the mesentery : mesenteritis, n. , m^z-en'-ter-lt'-is, inflammation of the mesentery. mesial, a., mezf-i-al (Gr. mesos, middle), in anat. , middle ; divid- ing into two equal parts : mesial line, an imaginary plane dividing, from top to bottom, the head, neck, and trunk into right and left similar halves. mesocsecum, n. , mez'o-sek'um (Gr. mesos, middle ; L. ccecum, a portion of the large intestines), in anat., a duplicature of the peritoneum at the posterior part of the caecum, which series to connect the back part of the csecum with the right iliac fossa. mesocarp, n., mez'-o-kdrp (Gr. mesos, middle ; kdrpos, fruit), in fat*, the middle layer of the pericarp or coat of the fruit. mesocephalon, n., m&tfo-sVf'-ftl-dn, or -Mf'-dl-on (Gr. mesos, middle ; kephale, the head), in anat., an eminence of transverse fibres above and in front of the medulla oblong- ata, below and behind the Crura cerebri, and between the lobes of the cerebellum ; also called the Pons Varolii. mesochilium, n., mez'-o-Jctt'i'tim (Gr. mesos, middle ; cheilos, a lip), in bot., the middle portion of the labellum of orchids. mesocolon, n., mez'-o-'kol'-on (Gr. mesos, middle ; Eng. colon), in anat., that part of the mesentery to which the colon is attached. mesogastrium, n., mez'-o-gas'-tri- um (Gr. mesos, middle ; gaster, the belly), in anat. , the umbilical region of the abdomen ; a sus- pensory band of the stomach in early embryonic life, subsequently converted into a sac, called the ' great omentum ' : mesogastric, a., m&z'-d-gas'-trik, that which attaches the stomach to the walls of the abdomen. mesophloaum, n. , i m&z f >o*fl&um (Gr. mesos, middle ; phloios, bark), in bot., the middle layer of the bark, situated between the liber and epiphlseum. mesophyllum, n. , m&z f -d-fil f >lum (Gr. mesos, middle ; phullon, a leaf), in bot., all the inner portion or parenchyma of leaves, situated between the upper and under epidermis. mesopodium, n., m%z'd'p6d'-i-um (Gr. mesos, middle ; podes, feet), the middle portion of the foot of Molluscs. mesorchium, n. , mez-tirk'i-um (Gr. mesos, middle ; orchis, a testicle), a fold of the peritoneum which, in the fifth month of foetal life, supports the testicle in its position in the lumbar region before it passes into the scrotum. meso-rectum, n., mez'-O'rek'tum, (Gr. mesos, middle ; Eng. rectum), a narrow fold of the peritoneum which connects the upper part of the rectum with the front of the sacrum. mesosperm, n., m&z'o-sperm (Gr. 'mesos, middle ; sperma, seed), in bot., the second membrane, or middle coat of a seed. MES 261 MET mesosternum, n., mez'-d'Stern'-um (Gr. mesos, middle ; sternon, the breast-bone), the lower half of the middle segment of the thorax in insects ; the middle portion of the sternum intervening between the attachment of the second pair of ribs, and the xiphoid cartilage. mesotherms, n. plu., m&'o-tkermz (Gr. mesos, middle ; therme, heat), plants requiring but a moderate degree of heat for their perfect development. mesothorax, n., mte'-d-thdr'-clks (Gr. mesos, middle ; thorax, the trunk, the breast), the middle ring of the thorax in insects. Mesua, n., mes'-u-d (after Mesue, an ancient Arabian physician and botanist in the eighth century), a genus of trees, Ord. Guttiferae or Clusiacese: Mesuaferrea,/er'r-a (L. ferreus, made of iron from ferrum, iron), a tree producing beautiful orange and sweet-scented flowers which, dried, are esteemed for their fragrance, and used in India in medicine, yields a hard and durable timber. metabolic, a., mWdWik (Gr. metdbole, change from meta, beyond ; ballo, 1 throw), pert, to change or affinity ; applied to chemical changes occurring in living bodies : metabolic force, vital affinity. metacarpus, n. , met'd-kdrp'us (Gr. meta, beyond ; karpos, the wrist), in anat., that part of the hand situated between the wrist or carpus and the fingers or phal- anges : metacarpal, a. , -kdrp'-dl, pert, to the metacarpus : meta- carpal bones, the five long bones which form the back of the hand externally, and the palm inter- nally : metacarpal phalangeal, fdl'dnj-e'dl(Gr.phalangx, a body of soldiers), pert, to the bones of the hand situated between the wrist and the fingers, so named from their arrangement, metamorphosis, n. tis-ls (Gr. metamdrphosis, a trans- formation from meta, beyond, change ; morphe, form, shape), a transformation ; in zool., the change of form which certain animals undergo in passing irom their younger to their fully- grown condition ; in bot. , the change of one organ into another, as petals into stamens, or stamens into pistils sometimes called metamorphy, n., met'-d-mdrf'-i. metaphery, n., met-df-er-i (Gr. meta, beyond ; phoreo, I bear), in bot., the displacement of organs. metaplasm, n., mZt'-d-plazm (Gr. meta, beyond, change ; plasma, that which has been formed, a model), the matter which gives the granular character to proto- plasm. metapodium, n., m$t f >d-pdd'i-um (Gr. meta, beyond, after ; podes, feet), the posterior lobe of the foot in Mollusca. metapophysis, n., m%t'd-p8f'iS'is (Gr. meta, beyond ; apophusis, a sprout, a process), the mam- millary processes, according to Owen. metasperms, n. plu., met'd-spermz (Gr. meta, beyond ; sperma, seed), in bot., another name for * angio- sperms ' : see under * angiocarp- us.' metastasis, n. , mZt'ds'tdS'ZS (Gr. meta, beyond, over ; stasis, a placing or sitting, a posture), a change in the seat of a disease ; in bot., the sum of the changes undergone by the products of assimilation of the cells in plants: metastatic, a., met'-d-stdt-ik, of or belonging to metastasis. metastoma, n., met-ds^tdm-d (Gr. meta, beyond ; stdma, a mouth), the plate which closes the mouth posteriorly in the Crustacea. metatarsus, n., met'd'tdrs'us (Gr. meta, beyond ; tarsos, the sole of the foot), the bones which lie between the tarsus or ankle and MET 262 MIC the toes, consisting of five long bones, which corresponds to the ' metacarpus ' of the hand : meta- tarsal, a., met'-d-tdrs'-dl, of or belonging to the metatarsus. metathorax, n. , mZt'-d'thdr'-dks (Gr. me ta, beyond ; thorax, the chest), the posterior or hinder ring of the thorax in insects. metencephalon, n., met'-en-sef'-dl- 6)i (Gr. m$ta, beyond ; engkepli- alon, the brain), the posterior primary vesicle of the brain, com- prising the medulla oblongata, the fourth ventricle, and the auditory nerve. xnetria, n., met'ri-d (Gr. metra, the womb), child-bed or puerperal fever : metric, a. , met'rik, of or belonging to the womb : metritis, n., met'Tit'is, inflammation of the womb : metralgia, n. , met-rdl'- ji>d (Gr. algos, pain, grief), also metrodynia, n., met-ro-din^-d (Gr. od-une, pain), pain in the womb : metrophlebitis, n., metf rO'flZb'ltf'is (Gr. phlebs, a vein $ phlebos, of a vein), inflammation of the veins of the womb. Metroxylon, n., mefrr8ks'il*6n (Gr. meter, a mother ; xulon, wood), a genus of trees, Ord. Palmae : Metroxylon laBve, letfe (L. Icevis, light), a species pro- ducing fine sago. Mezereon, n., ra&s'er-e'flw, see ' Daphnse.' miasm, n. , mi-tizm', also miasma, n., mi'dz'ma, more usually in the plu. : miasmata, mi-dz'-rndt-d (Gr. miasma, defilement), infec- tion or pollution in the air arising from diseased, putrifying, or poisonous floating substances : miasmal, a., mi-dz'mdl, contain- ing miasma : miasmatic, a., mi'* dz-mat'ik, pert, to miasma, or containing it. micrococcus., n., mik f -rO'kok f >us (Gr. mikros, small ; kokkos, a kernel), any minute form or organism supposed to have life; a genus of the Bacteria, the basis of all yeast formations, and the source of fermentations. microgonidium, n., mik^ro-gon- id'-i'um (Gr. mikros, small ; gonos, offspring, seed ; eidos, resemblance), in Alga3, a single small zoospore found in a germ- inating cell, formed at the expense of the contained plastic materials. micrometer, n., mlk-rtim'-Zt-er (Gr. mikros, small ; metron, a measure), an instrument for measuring microscopic objects. microphylline, n., mik^rd-fil- lin (Gr. mikros, small ; phullon, a leaf), a material composed of minute leaflets or scales. microphytes, n. plu., mik'ro-fitz (Gr. mikros, small ; phuton, a plant), microscopic plants. micropyle, n., mlk'-rd-pil (Gr. mikros, small ; pule, a gate), in bot., the opening or foramen of the ripened seed for the escape of the root of the embryo ; a minute pore. microscope, n., mik'ro-skop (Gr. mikros, small ; skopeo, I view), an instrument which enables minute objects, and those in- visible to the naked eye, to be seen distinctly : microscopy, n., mik-rtis'kdp'i, investigations by means of the microscope. microsporangia, n., mik'ro-spor- dnfi'd (Gr. mikros, small; spora, seed ; anggos, a vessel), in bot. t cells or thecse containing micro- spores. microspores, n. plu., mik'-ro-sporz (Gr. mikros, small; spora, seed), in bot. , small reproductive spores in the capsules of Lycopods ; applied to certain vegetable par- asites present in various cutane- ous affections also in same sense microsporons, n. plu., mik-rds ptir-tinz. microsporon furfur, fetffer (see microspore ; L. furfur, bran, scurf), a fungus, consisting of small globular sporules with MIC 263 MIM short branching thalli, just large enough to contain them, which, growing in the epidermis, produces the disease known as ' chloasma, ' or 'pityriasis versicolor.' microtherms, n. plu,, mi-ro- therms (Gr. mikros, small ; therme, heat), in bot., plants which re- quire only a small degree of heat to bring them to perfection. microzyines, n. plu., mtWro-zlmz (Gr. mikros, small ; zume, fer- menting matter), a general term for very minute organised par- ticles, which present themselves in liquids fermenting or under- going decomposition ; the minute organised particles which are supposed to be the contagious matter in zymotic diseases. midrib, n., mid'-rib (mid and rib), in bot., a large or central vein ; a continuation of the petiole. midriff, n., iM'-rff (AS. mid, middle ; hrif, entrails ; Dut. middelrift, the diaphragm), in anat., the muscular partition which separates the cavity of the chest from the belly ; the dia- phragm. migraine, n., mig>rdn' (a French corruption of hemicrania), the brow-ague ; a painful disorder generally on one side of the fore- head ; a megrim. Mikania, n., mile- an' I- a (after Professor Mikan, of Prague), a fenus of plants, Ord. Compositse, ub-ord. Corymbiferae : Mikania Guaco, gwdk'-o (from Guaco, S. America), a species which has been used to cure the bites of snakes. miliaria, n., miKi-d^i-d (L. mil- ium, a grain called millet), little vesicles or blisters on the skin, containing a sero - albuminous fluid, which is simply retained perspiration, so named as resembling millet seeds ; miliary fever, associated with excessive heat of skin : miliary, a. , mil'-i- ar-t, accompanied with an erup- tion resembling millet seeds. mimetic, a., mim-U'-ik (Gr. mim- etikos, imitative from mimos, a farcical entertainment, a mime), applied to organs or animals which resemble each other in external appearance, but not in characteristic structure ; appear- ing like imitations of others. Mimosese, n. plu., mim-6z'8-e (Gr. mimos, a mimic, an imitator), a Sub-order of Ord. Leguminosse, which yield gum in quantity, and whose bark is frequently astringent so named from many species mimicking animal sensi- bility in their leaves: Mimosa, n., mim-dzf-a, a genus of leguminous plants: Mimosa sensitiva, s&ntftt- iv''(i (L. sensus, the faculty or power of perceiving or feeling), and M. pudica, pud'ik'a (L. pudlcus, bashful, modest), are two species which are commonly called sens- itive plants. Mimulus, n., mtm'ul-us (Gr. mimos, a mimic), a genus of plants, Ord. Scrophulariaceae, many of which are showy so named from the ringent corollas of the species ; the two lamellae are irritable, and close when irritated : Mimulus guttatus, gut-tat'-us (L. guttatus, spotted, speckled from gutta, a drop), a species whose leaves are eatable as a salad: M. luteus, ldt'8'tis (L. lutZus, yellowish from lutum, a plant used in dyeing yellow), a species naturalised in many parts of Britain : M. moschatus, mos-kdt'us (mid L. moschatus , having a smell like musk from Ar. mosch, musk), a plant cultiv- ated on account of its musk-like odour. Mimusops, n., mim'-us-Sps (Gr. mimo, an ape ; ops, the eye, the countenance), a genus of orna- | mental trees, Ord. Sapotaceae so named from the fancied resem- blance of the flowers to the face MIO 264 MOL of a monkey : Minmsops elengi, &l'<6nj'-$ (E. Indies), a species yielding a durable timber in Ceylon, whose fruit, the Surinam medlar, is eaten ; its seeds yield an oil, and its flowers a perfume : M. hexandra, Mke-dndfi'8d- tint (Gr. monos, one ; plmo, I produce ; odous, a tooth, odontos, of a tooth), one of the Mammals in which only a single set of teeth is developed, that is, who never shed their teeth. lonoplast, n., mon'-o-plast (Gr. monos, one ; plastos, formed), a naked non-vasicular body ; an animal cell destitute of envelope : monoplastic, a,, mdn^d-pldst'ik, having one primary form, nonopodia, n., mMo-pod'-l'tiL (Gr. monos, one ; pous t a foot, podos, of a foot), a monstrosity having one foot only : mon/opod'ium, n., -pod'-i'Um, in bot., an elongated axis giving off lateral structures having a similar nature: mon'opod'ial, a. , -pdd'i-dl, applied to a kind of inflorescence ; race- tnonosepalous, a., (Gr. monos, one ; sepalon, a sepal), in bot., having the sepals which compose a flower united at their edges or margins so as to form a tube ; gamosepalous. monosis, n., mon-orf-is (Gr. monos, one, single), in bot. , the isolation of an organ from the rest* monospermous, a., mftn'-d- sperm'* Us (Gr. monos, one ; sperma, seed), in bot., one-seeded; applied to a fruit having only one seed : monosperm, n., m&n'o- sperm, a plant of one seed only. monostachous, a., md (Gr. monos, one ; stachus, an ear or spike), in bot., disposed or arranged in one spike only. monostomum, n., mdn-ds'tdmHm, monos'toma, n. plu., -ttim-tf, (Gr. monos, one ; stoma, a mouth), a species of Frematode worm having one sucker only. monothalamous, a., dm- Us (Gr. monos, one ; ihalamos, a chamber), possessing a single chamber only, applied to the shells of ' Foraminifera ' anc ' Mollusca. ' monothecal, a., mSn'-d'tliek'al (Gr. monos, one ; theke, a sheath or case), in bot. > having a single loculament. Monotremata, IL plu^ mMfr tr&m'at-a (Gr. monos, one ; trema, an orifice, an opening, trematos, of an opening), an Order of Mammals which have the intestinal canal opening into a ' cloaca, ' common to the ducts of the urinary and generative organs, as in the Duck-mole and the Echidna : monotrematous, a., m8n'6>tr%m'-at'us, having only one external opening or ' cloaca ' for urine and other excrements* MonotropaceaB, n. plu.> mon'-o* trop'QL f 'S&-e (Gr. monos, one ; tropeo, I turn), the Fir-rapes, a small Order of parasitic plants growing on the roots of fir-trees, several species of which are delightfully fragrant : Monotrop* ese, n. plu., mdn'd'trd'p'%'e, a Sub-order : Monotropa, n. , mdn* 8t'rtip-a, a genus of plants, so named because all their flowers are turned one way ; curious parasitical plants growing on the roots of beech and pine trees in shady moist places. monstrosity, n., mdn-strds'i-ti (L. monstrum, anything strange or wonderful), an unnatural pro- duction ; in bot., an abnormal development, applied particularly to double flowers. monticulus cerebelli, m8nt*$& ul'Us s$r'$b'$l'li (L. monticftlus, a small mountain from mons, a mountain ; cer$b$llum, a small brain), in anat., the little mountain of the cerebellum ; the central projecting part of the superior vermiform process. Moracese, n. plu., mor-a'sZ-e (L. morus, Gr. mor$a, a mulberry tree), the Mulberry, Fig, and Bread Fruit family, an important Order of plants : Morese, n. plu. , mor'8-e, a Sub-order of plants, comprising the mulberries and MOB 268 MOR figs : Morus, n., mor'tis, a genus of plants : Moms nigra, nig'rd (L. mger, black), the common black mulberry : M. alba, dlb'-d (L. albus, white), the white mul- berry, less esteemed than the black ; the leaves of both, especially the latter, are the favourite food of the silkworm, and the root of the white mul- berry is anthelmintic. morbid, a., m8rb'-id (L. morbus, disease, morbidus, sickly), diseased ; not sound and health- ful : morbidness, n., mdrb'id- n$ss, state of being diseased or unsound: morbific, a,, mdrb-if-ilc (L. facio, I make), causing disease ; generating a sickly state : morbid anatomy, the study of the alterations in the structure of the body, or a part, produced by disease, morbillous, a., mdrb-il'-lus (mid. L. morbilli, measles from L. morbus, disease), pert, to the measles ; measly : morbilli, n. plu., mdrb'il'-li, the measles. morbus cssruleus, morb'us s%r- obV-e-us (L. morbus, a disease ; ccerulZus, dark-blue, azure), blue disease, arising from a congenital malformation of the heart or its great vessels so named from the purple or livid colour of the skin : morbus coxarius, Tc^Tcs-dr'- %-iis (L. coxdrius, pert, to the hip from coxa, the hip), hip disease ; a scrofulous disease, nearly allied to white swelling. Morchella, n., mdr-k&l'ld (Ger. morchel, the morel), a genus of eatable fungi found on the ground : Morchella esculenta, &sJcf'Ul-ent'd (L. esculentus, fit for eating), an edible fungus: Morel, n., mdr-el', a genus of eatable fungi abounding with little holes, generally of the size of a walnut. mordant, n., mtird'dnt (L. mor- dax, biting, mordeo, I bite), a substance employed to give permanency or brilliancy to t dye ; any adhesive matter bj means of which gold leaf is madt to adhere to a surface. moribund, n. or a., mor'i-bund (L, moribundus, dying from mori, to die), in a state of dying. Morinda, n. , mor-ind'-a (corruptior of Morus indica, Indian mulberry), a genus of plants, Ord. Rubiaceae so named from the shape of theii fruit and native country : Mor- inda citrifolia, sit'-ri-fdl'i-a (L. citrus, a citron ; folium, a leaf), a plant whose root is employed in the East as a substitute for madder under the name Soor- anjee: morindin, n., mdr / -md-m, a peculiar colouring matter yielded by ' M. citrifolia. ' MoringacesB, n. plu., mdrting-grt s&e (from Muring r o, the native name in Malabar of the species), the Moringa family, a small Order of plants, some of which are pungent and aromatic : Moringa, n., mor-ing'-ga, a genus of plants: Moringa pterygosperma, ter'-i-go* sperm' d (Gr. pterux, a wing j sperma, seed), the Horse-radish tree whose seeds are winged, and. are called Ben-nuts ; from the seeds an oil is obtained, used by watchmakers ; the root is pungent: and stimulant, resembling Horse- radish. morphia, n., mdrf't-d, also morphine, n., mdrf'm (Gr. Morpheus, the god of dreams), one of the alkaloids contained in opium. morphology, n., morf-til'-o-jl (Gr. morphe, form, shape ; logos, description), that department of botany which treats of the forms that different organs of plants assume and the laws which regulate their metamorphoses, tracing their primary forms to the leaf as a type ; applied to animals in same sense : morphological, a., -ddf'ik'dl, connected with or relating to morphology. MOR 269 MUD norphosis, n., mtirf-dztis (Gr. morphe, form, shape), in bot., the order or mode of development in any organ of a plant. nortification,n. , m6rt f -if'ik-d f 'shun (mid. L. mortificare, to mortify from mors, death ; facio, I make), the death of a part of the living body : gangrene, the stage in which the part is hot, swollen, and livid, but not quite dead : sphacelus, that stage in which the part is cold and dead : mummification, dry gangrene in which an extremity is dry and shrunken, but not quite dead : sloughing is the state in which the dead, soft parts come away gradually from the living parts : necrosis, the death of bone : ramollissement, the destruction and breaking down of brain tissue. EHorus, n., see 'Moracese.' motor, n., mdt'-dr (L. motum, to move), that which gives motion : adj., in anat., producing a regul- ating motion, applied to certain nerves and muscles : motorial, a., mot-or'-i-al, giving motion: motor oculi, dk'-ul-i (L. oculus, the eye, oculi, of the eye), the motor nerve of the eye, the third cerebral nerve, which supplies nearly all the muscles of the orbit: motores oculorum, mot-dr'-ez d& ul'dr r >um (L.), the motors of the eyes : motory, &.,mdt f -6r-i, exciting or controlling motion. Moxa, n., moks'a (F. moxa, but probably of Eastern origin), the woolly leaves of the Artemisia Moxa, Ord. Composite, Sub-ord. Corymbiferse, used in China to form the inflammable cones or cylinders called 'Moxas,' which are employed as counter-irritants ; a small cone of inflammable matter, chiefly used in Eastern countries as a counter-irritant by burning it above on the skin supposed to be good in the cure of gout and other deep-seated pain. mucedinous, a., mH-sed^m-ns (Gr. mukes, a mushroom, a mould), in bot., like a mould. mucilage, n., mua'-il'ddj (F. muc- ilage from L. mucus, the dis- charge from the nose), a solution of gummy matter, as gum-arabic, in water j a slimy substance found in many vegetables : mucic, a. , mus'-ik, of or from gtnn: mucipar- ous, a., muS'ip'dl-us (L. colo, I inhabit), growing on mosses : muscoid, a., musk'oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resem- bling or belonging to moss : muscology, n., musk-dl'-ti-ji (Gr. MUS 272 logos, a discourse), the study of mosses, or a treatise on them, muscles, n., mus'-lz (L. musculus, a little mouse, a muscle of the body from Gr. mus, used in same sense), the organs of motion in the body forming what is termed the flesh, made up of bundles of fibres, by the contraction of which, under the influence of the will, the individual is able to perform various movements ; the middle part of a muscle is termed its belly, and its extremities its origin and insertion : muscular, a., muftkf-ul'ar, full of muscles ; performed by or dependent on muscles : muscular action, the motion of muscle either by contraction, or cessation of contraction, by which a part is moved, as a limb : involuntary muscles, those which contract and cease to contract independently of the will, as in the heart : voluntary muscles, those which move only in obedience to the will, as in any movement of a limb : muscular tissue, the fibrous or thready substance that makes up a muscle : musculi papillares, plurals, musk'ul-i pap f 'il'lar f -ez (L. musculi, muscles ; pdpilldris, belonging to the nipple from papilla, the nipple), a few bundles of muscular bands directed from the apex towards the base of the ventricle ; musculi pectinati, p\iiTvi[s,pect'in'dt'i (L. pectinatus, combed or carded from pecten, a comb), the muscular fasciculi, forming closely set reticulated bands in the appendix auriculae of the heart, presenting an appearance like the parallel arrangement of the teeth of a comb. musk, n. , mUsk (Gr. moschos, Ar. mesh, musk), a strong-scented substance obtained from the musk - deer inhabiting Central Asia, contained in a bag situated on the belly of the male, stimul- ant and antispasmodic. mttitard, n., m&st'-erd (Venetian mostarda, a sauce ; F. moutarde, mustard), a common condiment, the black is obtained from the seeds of 'Sinapis nigra,' while 'Sinapis alba' furnish white mustard, Ord. Cruciferse, both yield an oil, used as a rubefaciant or counter-irritant. muticotis, a., muf-ik-us (L. muticus, curtailed, docked, for mutilus), in bot., without any pointed process or awn. mycelium, n., ml-seV-i-um (Gr. mukes, a mushroom), the cellular spawn of Fungi; the rudiment- ary filaments from which fungi are developed. Mycina, n., mis -in' & (Gf. mukes, a mushroom, a mould), in bot. t a variety of Lichen shield, Mycoderma, n., mik'd'derm'-a(GT. mukes, a mushroom ; derma, skin), a genus of Fungi, peculiar species of which are developed in vinegar, yeast, and flour ; veget- able parasites which constitute the crust of Favus. mycology, n., milc-Sl'-d-fl (Gr. mukes, a mushroom ; logos, speech), the study of Fungi, or a treatise on them : mycorogist, n., -6'jist, one devoted to the study of the Fungi. mycrocysts, or microcysts, n.plu., mlk f -rd-sists (Gr. mikros, small ; kustis, a bag), in bot., swarm spores transformed from a plasmo- dium into cells with a cell-wall. myelitis, n., ml'-H-lt'-ls (Gr. mu$l- os, marrow), inflammation of the substance of the spinal oord, or of its membrane : myeloid, a., mi'Vl- oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), re- sembling marrow: myeloid tum- our, a tumour consisting chiefly of peculiar many-nucleated cells, like the marrow of bones. myelon, n., ml'-el-dn (Gr. muelos, marrow), the spinal cord of vertebrates: myelonal, a., ml- el- MYE 273 MYO tin-al, of or pert, to the spinal marrow. myentericus, n., ml^n-fer'-ik-us (Gr. mus, a muscle ; Znteron, an intestine), in anat., a name applied to a peculiar nervous plexus, rich in ganglionic cells, situated between the circular and longitudinal muscular fibres of the intestine. myitis, n., ml-itf-is (Gr. mus, a muscle), inflammation of a muscle : myocarditis, n., mi'-o- Icdrd-ilf'is (Gr. Jcardia, the heart), inflammation of the muscular substance of the heart : myodyn- ia, n., mi'-d-din'-i-a (Gr. odune, pain), pain in the muscles ; cramp ; also termed ' myosalgia. ' mylitta, n., mil-tt'td (Gr. mule, a mill ; mulitai, the grinders of the teeth), a genus of Fungi : mylitta Australis, a/ws-tral'-is (of or from Australia}, a species of Fungi, known in Australia as native bread. mylo, prefix, mil'-o (Gr. mule, a mill ; mulai, grinders), denoting connection with the muscles near the grinders : mylo-hyoid, a. (see ' hyoid '), a triangular muscle arising from the inside of the lower jaw between the molar teeth and the chin, which raises the hyoid-bone or depresses the jaw ; denoting a branch of the dental artery which ramifies on the under surface of the mylo- hyoid muscle. myography, n., mi-8g'-r&f't (Gr. mus, a muscle of the body ; grapho, I write), an anatomical description of the muscles. my oid, a., ml'-oyd, (Gr. mus, a muscle ; eidos, resemblance), composed of fibre cells or musc- ular fibres : myoides, n. plu. , mi-dyd f -ez, a thin sheet of musc- ular fibres on the neck see * platysma myoides.' myolemma, n., mi'-d-Um'-md (Gr. mus or mudn, a muscle ; lemma, a husk or rind), in anat., a tub- S ular sheath enclosing muscular fibre, consisting of transparent and apparently homogeneous membrane ; sarcolemma. myolin, n., mi'dl-m (Gr. mudn, muscular part), ithe fluid contents of the cells of which an ultimate muscular fibre is composed. myology, n., ml'dl'-o-ji (Gr. mus, a muscle ; logos, discourse), the doctrine of the muscles of the body ; myography. myoma, n., ml*dm'd (Gr. mudn, a muscle of the body, muonos, of a muscle), a fibrous tumour con- sisting of smooth muscular fibre. myopia, n., mi-dp't-d (Gr. mud, I shut or close ; ops, the eye), short or near - sightedness : myope, n., ml'-op, or myops, n., mi'dps, a near-sighted person. MyoporacesD, n. plu., ml'-d-pdr-a' se-e (Gr. muo, I shut ; poros, a pore), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Verbenaceae : Myopomm, n., mi'dp^dr'Um, a genus of pretty shrubs: Myoporumplatycarpum, pldtfi-kdrp'-jim (Gr.pldtus, broad, Jcarpos, fruit), a species of Aus- tralia, which exudes a saccharine matter from its stem. myosalgia, n., ml'-os-dlf-i'd (Gr. mudn, a muscle of the body ; algos, grief, pain), muscular pain ; cramp. myosin, n., mi'-ds-m (Gr. mus, a muscle), an albuminoid body extracted from muscular fibre. myositis, n., mi'-fa't^te (Gr. mudn, a muscle of the body), inflamma- tion of the muscles, same as ' myitis V; 'myosalgia,' which see. Myosotis, n., mtffa'dtfb (Gr. mus, a mouse, muds, of a mouse; ous, an ear, dtos, of an ear), a very beautiful genus of flowering plants so named from a fancied resemblance in the leaves, Ord. Boraginacese : Myosotis palustris, pdl'Us'tris (L. palustris, marshy from pdlus t a marsh), the forget-me-not. MYO 274 MYR myotome, n., mi-o-tom (Gr. mus, a muscle ; tome, a cutting), in anat. t the muscular section or segment of the skeleton : myot- omy, n.., mi'St'tim-i, the anat- omy of the muscles; the operation of dividing the muscles. myriapoda, n. vliL,mr''f-dp'-tid'& ) also myriopoda, n. plu., mir'-i- tip'tid-d (GY.murios, ten thousand; podes, feet), a class of Arthropoda, comprising the centipedes, which have numerous feet. MyricaceaB, n. plu., mir't-ka's&'e (Gr. murik t the shrub tamarisk), -the Gale family, an Order of plants : Myrica, n. , mfa'ik'a, a genus of plants, which are arom- atic, and yield resinous and oily matter : Myrica cerifera, ser'if- Zr-d (L. cera, wax;/m>, I "bear), a species whose fruit called wax- myrtle, bay-myrtle, or candle- berry, yields a greenish- coloured wax, used for candles : M. gale, gdl'*% or gal (old Eng. gale, Scot. gaul, Dutch or wild myrtle), Scotch or bog-myrtle, common in marshy grounds and damp heaths in Britain : M sapida, sap'-id-a (L. sapidus, tasting, savouring from sapto, I taste), a native of Nepaul and China, whose drupacious fruit is eaten. Myristicacese, n. plu., mir-ist'i- kd'-s&e (Gr. murismos, a be- sprinkling with perfumes from murizd) I perfume), the Nutmeg family, an Order of plants char- acterised by their acridity and aromatic fragrance : Myristica, n^mir-ist'-ik-a, a very^ interesting genus of plants : Myristica offic- inalis, 8f-ftoHn'd?>te (L. officm- dlis, officinal), also named M. moschata, mfoJc-dt'-d (mid. L. moschdtus, having a smell like musk from Ar. mosch, musk), M. fragrans, frdg'-ranz (L. frdg- rans, emitting a smell), or M. aromatica, dr'-dm-dt'ilc'd (L. aromdlicus, fragrant), the most important species, attaining 30 feet in height, producing a drup- acious fruit, the hard kernel of which is the well-known nutmeg; nutmegs yield a concrete oil : the mace, an arollode or additional covering of the seed, yields a fatty matter and a volatile oil both are used as aromatic stimul- ants and condiments : M. tom- entosa, t$m'$nt-6z'd (L. foment- um, a stuffing for cushions), the kernels of w^hose fruit are used as aromatics under the name of wild-nutmegs. Myrobalans, n., mir'tib'al-anz (L. myrobdlanum, the fruit of a species of palm from Gr. muron, perfume ; baldnos, an acorn), the fruit of Terminalia Belerica, used as an astringent, and in dyeing, and the manufacture of ink. myronic, a.,rar-on-(Gr. murtin, any odorous juice flowing from a plant from muro, I drop or flow), denoting an acid, one of the components of black mustard seed, existing in the seed as a potassium salt: myrosin, n., mir'-ds-in, an albuminous ferment, likewise contained in the seeds. Myrospermum,n. ^'mlr'-o-sperm'-^m (Gr. muron, any odorous juice from a plant from muro, 1 drop or flow ; sperma, seed), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Papilionacese, whose seeds and cells yield a strong- smelled balsam : Myrospennum PereirsB, p&r-er'-e (of or from Pereira], the balsam of Peru : M. toluiferum, tf#tf-tf$r*im (Tolu, and L. fero, I bear), yields the balsam of Peru both preceding are used as stimulant expectorants. Myroxylon, n., mtr-d'ks'fl'dn (Gr. muron, any odorous juice of a plant ; xulon, wood), another name for the genus Mono* spermum. Myrsinacese, n. plu. , mer^in-d^se-e (Gr. mursine, the myrtle tree), MYR 275 NAP the Myrsine family, an Order of plants : Myrsine, n. , mers'm-e, a genus of plants : Myrsine bif- aria, bif-ar'-i-a (L. bifarius, divided into two parts from bis, twice ; fdri, to speak), a species whose berries are said to possess cathartic properties. Myrtacese, n. plu., mer'ld'se-e (Gr. murtos, L. myrtus, a myrtle tree), the Myrtle family, an Order of plants, which comprise the myrtle, the pomegranate, the rose-apple, the clove, and many plants producing beautiful flowers : Myrtese, n. plu. , mer' te-e, a Sub-order of plants : Myrtus, n. , mer'tus, a genus : Myrtus pimenta, pim-Znt'-a (Sp. pimienta, pepper) r also called * Eugenia pimenta/ Pimento, Allspice, or Jamaica pepper, the berried fruit of a tree which is a native of the W. Indies and Mexico ; it contains an acrid volatile oil, and is sometimes employed as a stimulant and carminative : M. communis, Icom-mim'-is (L. cdmmunis, common), the common myrtle whose berries are used as food. myrtiform, a., mer'tifdrm (L. myrtus, myrtle ; forma, shape), having the shape of myrtle leaves or berries : myrtiformfossa,/&s-sa (L. fossa, a ditch), in anat., a depression on the facial surface just above the incisor teeth, also called 'incisive fossa.' myxoma, n . , miles dm' a, myxomata, n. plu., miks'om'dt-d (Gr. muxa, mucus, slimy substance), a tumour composed of mucous tissue : myx- oamoebae, n. plu., miks'd-dm-e'be (Gr. amoibos, changing), swarm spores of myxomycetes. myxomycetes, n., miles'- tim-i- set'- 'ez (Gr. muxa, a slimy substance ; mukes, a fungus), a group of Thallophytes without chlorophyll, so named as the members of the group form creeping masses of naked protoplasm, which send up spore-bearing sporangia, whose spores are formed along with, and in the interstices of, thread-like filaments of varying character (the capillitium). myxospores, n., miks'o-sporz (Gr. muxa, mucus ;. spora, a seed), the spores formed in the sporangia of the myxomycetes : myxo- sporous,. a., miks-ds'por-us, having myxospores, or pert, to them. nacre, n. , ndk'r (F. nacre, mother- of-pearl), the beautiful, iridescent substance forming the inner covering of the shell of the pearl mussel or oyster, also called 'mother-of-pearl': nacreous, a., ndk' re-Ms, having a pearly lustre; of the texture of mother-of- pearl. nsevns, n., nev'&s, naevi, n. plu., nev'l (L. ncevus, a mole on the body), congenital flat, or slightly elevated- structures, occurring principally on the skin of the lace, head, or neck, and composed of a plexus of the mere superficial vessels of the skin, which ceases to grow from the moment of birth more serious vascular tumours are sometimes included under this head ; a congenital spot or mark varying in its appearance : nsBVOse, a., nev-oz', freckled ; having congenital marks: nsevoid, a., nev'oyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), resembling a nsevus. NaiadaceaB, n. plu., nd'yad-d'-sZ-e, also called Potamese (Gr. NaiadZs, the Naiads or nymphs of the rivers and streams), the Naias or Pondweed family, an Order of plants living in fresh and salt water, one of the species of which is the lace-plant or lattice-plant of Madagascar, whose rhizome is used for food, and called the ' water yam ' : Naias, n., naf-yas, a genus of the Order. napiform, a., nap' if firm (L. NAR 276 NAT napus, a turnip ; forma, shape), turnip-shaped. Narcissus, n., ndr-sls'-sus (Gr. Narkissos, L. Narcissus, a man's name, a flower from Gr. narke, torpor, so called from the effect of its perfume on the nerves), a genus of favourite garden plants, Ord. Amaryllidacese, whose flowers grow upon a scape and have a cup at their mouth, including such species as Daffo- dils, Jonquils, and Tazettas, of soft and varied colours, and sweet scent : Narcissus pseudo-nar- cissus, sud'-o (Gr. pseudo, false), the Daffodil whose flowers are said to be poisonous : N. poeticus, pd'et'-ik'US (L. poeticus, poetical from poeta, a poet) ; N. jon- quilla, jting-kwil'ld (F. jonquille, one of the Daffodil species) ; N. odorus, od-or'-us (L. odor us, sweet - smelling from odor, smell) ; N. pseudo-narcissus ; N. Tazetta, t&z-U'.tti, (Tazetta, Spain), the bulbs of these and some other species are emetic. narcotic, a., ndr-kftt'-ik (Gr. nar- kotikos, having the power to benumb from narke, torpor), having the power of producing drowsiness, sleep, or stupor : narcotics, n. plu., ndr-kSt-iks, substances which procure sleep ; substances which may procure sleep by relieving pain : narcot- ism, n., ndr'kdt-izm, such effects as giddiness, headache, dimness of sight, partial stupor, produced by narcotic substances. Nardostachys, n., ndrd-Ss'tak-is (Heb. nard, Gr. nardos, spike- nard of the ancients; Gr. stachus, an ear, a spike), a genus of plants, Ord. Valerianacese : Nardostachys jatamansi, jatf a-'nians'-l (unascertained), the spikenard of the ancients, highly prized on account of its perfume. nares, n. plu., nar'-ez (L. naris, a nostril, ndres, nostrils), the openings of the nose, anterior and posterior ; the nostrils : septum narium, s&pt'-um nar'-t-um (L. septum, a fence, a wall ; narium, of the nostrils), the internal walls of the nostrils, chiefly formed by the central plate of the ethmoid bone and the vomer. Narthex, n., ndrth'eks (Gr. narth- ex, a plant resembling fennel), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbellif- erse : Narthex asafcetida, as'-a* fet'id-a (L. asa, a gum ; foztidus, fetid), a species which yields the asafcetida, a gum resin of highly offensive odour, much used in medicine. nasal, a., naz'-al (L. ndsus, the nose), of or pert, to the nose ; formed or affected by the nose : naso-, prefix, ndz'o, denoting connection with the nose. nascent, a., nas'ent (L. nascens, being in its birth, gen. nascentis from nascor, I am born), be- ginning to exist or grow ; in the moment of formation : nascency, n., nas'&ns-i, the beginning of production. nassology, n., nas-so'l f -6'-j ! t (Gr. nasso, 1 stuff; logos, discourse), the art of preparing specimens of animal bodies, or the art of stuffing them. Nasturtium, n., nas-ter'shi-um (L. nasus, the nose ; tor turn, to twist), Tropoeolum majus, Ord. Tropoeolacese ; the common Indian cress whose unripe fruit has been preserved and used as pickles. natant, a., ndtf&nt (L. natans, swimming, gen. natantis from nato, I swim), swimming; floating on the surface : natatores, n. plu., ndt'-at'dr'-ez, the Order of the swimming birds : natatory, a., ndt'-at-or'-i, formed or adapted for swimmimg. nates, n. plu., ndt'ez (L. nates, the rump, the buttocks), the prominent parts formed by the glutei muscles; the buttocks: nates cerebri, $%r f *$b-rl (L. cerebrum, NAT 277 NEM the brain, cerebri, of the brain), the anterior tubercles of the quadrigeminal bodies of the brain ; the posterior are called the 'testes.' natural selection, that process in nature by which the strongest, swiftest, etc., outlive, and take the place of the weaker, etc. ; the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life ; survival of the fittest. nausea, n., ndw'-zhe-a (L. nausea, Gr. nausia, sea-sickness from Gr. naus, a ship), a sensation of sickness, inclining to vomit. nautiloid, a., nawtf-il-oyd (Gr. nautilos, a nautilus ; eidos, re- semblance), resembling the shell of the nautilus in shape. navel, n., ndv'-el (Ger. navel, Dut. navel, Icel. nabli, the navel), the round depression in the centre of the lower part of the abdomen,, indicating the place of detach- ment of the umbilical cord after birth: navel string, the umbilical cord. navicular, a., nav-ik'ul-ar (L. navicula, a little ship from navis, a ship), hollowed or shaped like a boat. necrogenous, a., nVk-rddf-en-us (Gr. nekros, dead ; genndo, I produce), applied to cryptogamous parasitic plants which grow upon sickly and dead plants, and accelerate the death of the former. necrosis, n., rielc-roz'-is (Gr. nek- rosis, a killing, deadness from nekros, dead), the mortification and death of bone, but also applied to the death of other structures, the dead portions of bone are called 'sequestra'; dry gangrene ; a disease of plants marked by small black spots, followed by decay. Nectandra, n., n&k-tand'ra (per- haps Gr. neklos, swimming ; andros, of a male), a genus of trees, Ord. Lauracese : Nec- tandra Rodiaei, rdd'-t-e'-i (after Dr. Rodie, a botanist), a tree of British Guiana 60 feet high, yields Bibiru or Bebeeru-bark, the wood used in shipbuilding, etc. , under the name ' Green - heart ' : Nec- tandrine, n., nek-tand'rm, an alkaloid obtained by Dr. Douglas Maclagan along with Bebeerine from its bark : N. puchury, putshf- er-i (native name), a species whose cotyledons are imported from Brazil under the name Puchrim beans or Sassafras nuts. nectar,. n., nW-tar (L. nectar, Gr. nehtar, the drink of the gods, honey), the sweet secretions of flowers ; any abnormal part of a flower : nectary, n., nZk'tar-i, nectaries, n. plu., nZk'tdr-tz, those parts of a flower which secrete a honey-like matter : nectariferous, a., -if-er-us (L. (fero, I bear), having or bearing honey-like secretions. necto-calyx, n., ne^-td-TcdV-ilcs (Gr. nektds, swimming ; kalux, cup), the swimming bell or disc of a Medusa or Jelly-fish. Nelumbonese, n., nel'tim>ldn'Z-e (nelumbo, the Cingalese name), the Water - beans, a Sub - order of plants, Ord. Nymphseacese : Nelumbium, n., nel-urnf-bi-um, a genus of water plants : Nelumbi- um speciosum, spe'shi-ozn^d f 'i'dn'a (after Ken- nedy, a botanist), a tropical Australian species. Nephelium, n., ri&f-el'-i-um (Gr. nephelion, L. rieplietium, a plant, the burdock), a genus of plants, Ord. Sapindacese, so named from the fruit having a resemblance to the heads of a burdock : Neph- elium longan, Idng'-gan (native name), and N. litchi, tttshti (native name), species in China producing excellent fruit, named respectively Longan and Litchi ; the kernel of the Longan powdered is sometimes made into paper. nephria, n., nef'ri-a (Gr. nephros, a 'kidney), Bright's disease of the kidney: nephritic, a., rief-rit'-ilc pert, to the kidneys; affected with disease of the kidneys, or relieving the disease: n., a medicine for the cure of disease of the kidneys : nephritis, n. , nef-rU'is, inflamma- tion of the kidney: nephralgia, n., nef-ralf-z-a (Gr. algos, pain), pain in the kidney: nephroid, a., rief* royd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), re- sembling a kidney in form or structure. Nerium, n., ner'i-ttm (Gr. neros, humid, moist), a genus of plants, Ord. Apocynaceae : Nerium ole- ander, ol'Z-and'er (It. oleandro, a corruption of rhododendron), the common oleander, a poisonous Elant in all its parts ; the rose turel, or S. Sea rose : N. odorum, dd-or^um (L. odorus, sweet smel- ling from odor, smell), a species whose leaves, and bark of the root, are applied externally in India as powerful repellents. nervation, n., nerv-d'-shtin (L. nervus, a nerve), in bot., the character or disposition of the nerves of a leaf or other folia- ceous appendage : nerve, n. , nerv, in anat., one of the network of grey fibrous cords which are carried from the brain as their centre to all parts of the body, forming the organs of sensation and impressions ; in bot. , one of the fibrous bundles of the com- bined vascular and cellular tissue ramifying through leaves, etc., NER 279 NEU like veins and nerves in animals : nervine, a., nerv'-m, good for the nerves : n. , anything that affects the nerves : nervures, n. plu., nerv'urz, the ribs which support the membranous wings of insects. nervus superficialis cardiacus, nerv'us sup'er-fish-i'dl'is kdrd-i f - dk'US (L. nervus, a nerve ; super- ficidlis, superficial ; cardmcus, pert, to the stomach from Gr. kardia, the heart or upper orifice of the stomach), the superficial cardiac nerve, runs down the neck behind the common carotid artery : nervus cardiacus mag- nus, mag'-nus (L. magnus, great), the great cardiac nerve, descends on the right side, behind the common carotid artery, passing either in front of or behind the subclavian artery: nervus cardiacus minor, mln'-8r (L. minor, less), the less cardiac nerve, passes down behind the subclavian artery. neural, a., nur'dl (Gr. neuron, a nerve), connected with the nerv- ous system : neural arch, the arch of a vertebra which protects a part of the nervous system : neuralgia, n., nur-alf-i-a (Gr. algos, pain, grief), pains follow- ing the tracks of nerves. neurapophysis, n., nur'-a-po/'-fa-is (Gr. neuron, a -nerve ; apophusis, a projecting part, a sprout), the spinous process of a vertebra ; the process formed at the point of junction of the neural arches, which aids in forming the canal that protects the spinal cord. neurectomy, n., nur-^k'-tom-l (Gr. neuron, a nerve ; ek, out ; torrid, a cutting), the excision of part of a nerve. neurilercma, n.,nur'-$'tem'md (Gr. neuron, a nerve ; lemma, skin, bark), in anat., the delicate fib- rous sheath of a nerve, which may be easily separated in the form of a tube, from the fibres it encloses : neurilemmatous, a. , nur'l-lem'mat-us, connected with the neurilemma. neurin, n., nur'-m (Gr. neuron, a nerve), the matter which com- poses the nervous system : neur- itis, n., nur-lt f 'is, inflammation of a nerve : neuro-, nur'>d, indic- ating connection with a nerve or nerves. neuroglia, n., nur-tig'-li-a (Gr. neuron, a nerve ; glia, glue), a delicate form of connective tissue found in the eye, and in the interior of the nervous centres. neurology, n., nur-ol'-o-ji (Gr. neuron, a nerve ; logos, discourse), a treatise on the nerves; the doctrine of the nerves. neuroma, n., nur-om'a (Gr. neuron, a nerve), a tumour developed in the sheath of a nerve ; the true neuroma is com- posed of nerve-fibres, generally resembling those of the nerve trunk. neuropodium, n., nuT'-d-pod'-i-tim (Gr. neuron, a nerve ; podes, feet), the neutral or inferior divi- sion of the foot tubercle of an Annelid ; the ventral oar. neuroptera, n. plu., nur-d'p'-t'er-a (Gr. neuron, a nerve ; pteron, a wing), an order of insects char- acterised by four membranous wings with finely reticulated nerv- ures, as in Dragon-flies. neurosis, n., nur-oz'is (Gr. neuron, a nerve), a disease which depends on some perverted nervous in- fluence ; nervous affections or diseases in which sense or motion or both are impaired without any apparent local disease : neurotic, a., nur'Ot'-ik, seated in the nerves or pert, to them : n. , a disease of the nerves, or a medicine used for strengthening them. neurotome, n., nur'-d'tdm (Gr. neuron, a nerve ; tome, a cutting), the nervous section or segment of the skeleton ; a long, narrow, two-edged scalpel employed in dissecting the nerves: neuro tomy, NI0 280 NIT n., nQr'8tf$m*$ dissection of the nerves. Nicotiana, n.,niJc'dsh r&st'-ik-a (L. rusticus, rustic, country), species producing E. Indian,. Latakia, and Turkish tobacco : N, Persica, pers'-ik-a (of or from Persia], produces the finest Shiraz tobacco : Nicotina, nik'St-in'-a, or nicotin, n., nik r - fit-in, the peculiar oily - like alkaloid on which the active properties of the tobacco plant depends ; ' tobacco ' is used in medicine as a sedative in the form of infusion, tincture, or wine. nictation, n., nflc-id'-shUn, also* nictitation, n., nikf-ti>td f >shun (L. nictdtum, to make a sign with the eyes), the act of winking. nidulant, a., nid'ul-ant (L. nldul- us, a little nest from nidus, a nest), nestling, as a bird in its nest ; in bot. , embedded in pulp, as in a nest : nidtilaria, n. plu. , nid'ul-dr'i-a, a genus of Fungi, growing on rotten leaves, shav- ings of wood, bark, etc., having the appearance of cups, which contain egg - like seeds ; the myceliums of certain Fungi. nidus, n., nid'us (L. nidus, a nest), a place where parasites, worms, or insects lodge and lay their eggs .; a hatching place for infectious diseases : nidus hir- undinis, htr'&nd'fa'ls (L. lur- undo, a swallow, hirwndinif, of a swallow), the nest of the swallow; a deep fossa of the cerebellum, lying between the posterior med- ullary velum, and the nodulus and uvula. Nigella, n. , nig -el' la (L. nigellus, slightly black, dark from nlger, black); a genus of plants, Ord. Ranunculacese, so named from their black seed : Nigella sativa, sat'iv'a (L. satlvus, sown or planted), supposed to be the fitches of Scripture ; black cum- in and fennel flower, the black aromatic seeds of which are used in the East as a substitute for pepper : N. sativa and N. arven- sis, dr>v$ns'is (L. arvensis, field- inhabiting), are species whose seeds are employed in adulter- ating pepper : N. Damascena, dam f 'aS'Sm f 'd (L. damascenus, of or from Damascus); N. Bomana, rom-an'-a, (L. romdnus, of or from Rome)-, and N. Hispanica, liiS'pan'-ik'd (L. hispdnwus, of or from Spain), are species familiarly known by the name of Devil-in -a- bush. nigrescent, a., nig^rea^s^nt (L. nigrescens,. growing black from nlger, black), growing dark or black ;. approaching black : nig- ricant, a., nig'-rik-ant, becoming black. Nipa, n>., nip' a (native name in the Molluccas), a genus of trees, Ord. Pandanacese, species of which yield a kind of wine from their spadices : Nipa fruticans, frdt'-ilc-anz (L. friiticans, putting forth shoots from frutex, a shrub or bush), yields a fruit called the Atap in India. nitidous, a., nit'-id-us (L. nitidus, shining), in bot., having a smooth and polished surface ; glossy. Nitraria, n., nlt-rdr'-i-ci (L. nit- rum, Gr. nitron, a mineral alkali), a genus of plants, Ord. Malpig- hiacese, curious dwarf -growing shrubs, with flesh yleaves, natives of Central Asia and Northern Africa, NIT 281 NOR so named as first found near the nitre works of Siberia : Nitraria tridentata, trid'ent-dt'a (L. trid- ens, having three teeth or tines), a species found in the desert of Soussa near Tunis, is said to be the true Lotus- tree of the anc.. Lotophagi. nitre, n., mt'-er (L. nitrum, Gr. nitron, F. nitre, a mineral alkali)^ saltpetre or nitrate of potash, a crystalline substance having the appearance of salt, used extens- ively in the manufacture of gun- powder : nitrate, n.,. nit' rat, a salt formed by the union of nitric acid with a base, as nitrate of soda : nitrite, n., mt f -rlt, salt having knots or swollen joints: nodosity, n., ndd-tis'i-ti, a knot of wood in the bark of certain trees formed of concentric layers ; in surg. t a calcareous concretion found in joints in gout, etc. nodule, n., nod r >ul (L. nodulus, a little knot), in anat., the anterior pointed termination of the infer- ior vermiform process which projects into the fourth ventricle of the cerebellum ; in bot., any knot-like body ;. in geol., any irregular concretion of rock- matter collected around some central nucleus: nodulose, a., nftd'-ul'dz' ', in bot., applied to roots having thickened knots at inter- vals. noli-me-tangere, ndl'i-me-tanj' er-'e (L. noli, do not wish ; me, me ; tang ere, to touch), do not touch me ;. the deeply-ulcerating lupus. noma, n. ,, nomf-a (Or. nome, corro- sion from nemo, I corrode), a gangrenous form of stomatitis ; may also affect the labia pudenda, resembling gangrene of the mouth: nomae, n. plu., nomf-e, eating, corroding, or cancerous sores. non compos mentis,, non komp'os ment'-is (L. non, not; compos, able, possessed of ; mens, mind, mentis, of mind), not sound of mind ; not in his right senses ; incapable of conducting their own affairs owing to a morbid condition of intellect. norma verticalis, norm'd vert'-ik- dV-is (L. norma, a rule ; vertical- is, vertical from vertex, the top or crown of the head), the examination of skulls by looking perpendicularly down upon them as a method of comparing skulls of different races. normal, a. , norm'-al (L. normdlis, according to rule from norma, a rule), conforming to the usual standard ; adhering to the ordin- ary structure. NOS 282 NUC nosography, n., noz-tig'raf-i (Gr. nosos, disease ; grapho, I write), the scientific description of dis- eases. nosology, n., noz-ol'ti-ji (Gr. nosos, disease ; logos, discourse), the systematic arrangement of diseases ; in bot., the study of diseases peculiar to plants ; the branch of medicine which treats of the systematic arrangement of diseases: nosological, a., ndz'd- Itidj'-ik'al, pert, to : nosologist, n., noz'dl'd-jist, one skilled in the systematic arrangement of diseases. nosophyta, n., noz-of^U-d (Gr. nosos, disease ; phuton, a plant), a disease caused by the growth or development of such parasitic plants as Fungi, in an animal tissue. nostalgia, n., nost-dlf-i-d (Gr. nostos, return, especially home ; algos, pain), a violent desire to return to one's native country ; home- sickness. NostochinesB, n. plu., nds'-td'Hn'' 8-e (perhaps Gr. nostos, return, especially home; och$o, I bear or carry), a tribe or Sub-order of Algse, composed of moving filaments immersed in a gelatinous matter: Nostoc, n., ntis'tdk, a genus of Algse forming a kind. of mould ; one of the gelatinous, puckered, olive-coloured masses often found strewed on gravel and short grass after a few hours' rain. Notobranchiata, n. plu., not'-o- brdngk-i'dt'-a (Gr. notos, the back; brangchia, gills), a division of the Annelida, so named from carrying their gills upon the back. aotochord, n., not'-o-kdrd (Gr. notos, the back; dhorde, a chord), in zooL, a delicate fibrous band or rod developed in the embryo of vertebrates immediately be- neath the spinal cord, usually replaced in the adult by the vertebral column ; the ' chorda dorsalis. ' notoglossus, n., not f -o>gl$s'-us (Gr. notos, the back ; glossa, a tongue), a muscle of the tongue consisting mainly of longitudinal fibres, lying on the upper surface of the tongue, immediately beneath the mucous membrane ; the ' lingualis super- fieialis. ' Notopodium, n., notf-o-pod^-um (Gr. notos, the back ; podes, feet), in zooL, the dorsal division of one of the foot-tubercles of an Annelid ; the dorsal oar. NotorhizesB, n. plu., not'o-riz'-Z-e (Gr. notos, back ; rhiza, a root), a Sub-order of the Ouciferse, so named because in the plants the cotyledons are incumbent, and the radical dorsal, that is, applied ; to their back as in Shepherds' purses ; radicles on the back of the cotyledons : notorhizal, a., ndt'd'riz'dl, having the radicles in the embryonic plant on the back of the cotyledons. nucamentacesB, n. plu., nukf-d- m$nt'd''Se'e(~L.nucdmenta, things which hang down from trees in the shape of nuts, fir-cones, etc. ), in bot., one of the divisions of the Cruciferae founded on the seed-vessels : nucamentaceous, a., nuk'd-mZnt'd'shus, having a dry monospermal fruit, as certain Cruciferse ; producing nuts. nuciferous, a., nu-sif'-gr-us (L. nux, a nut, nucis, of a nut ; fero, I bear), bearing or producing nuts. nucleus, n., nuk'tt'us, nuclei, n. plu., nuk'-le-i (L. nucleus, a small nut, a kernel from nux, a nut), anything round which matter has accumulated ; the solid centre of any nodule or rounded mass ; the kernel of a nut ; the solid or vesicular body found in many cells ; the body which gives origin to new cells ; in zool. , the solid rod or band-shaped body found in the interior of many of the Protozoa, having sometimes NUC 283 NYM are said to be astringent, and the seeds contain a good deal of starch. nutation, n., nut- a' shun (L. nutdtio, a nodding ; niitans, a nodding or wagging the head), a constant and involuntary move- ment of the head in one or more directions ; in bot., the curvature in an organ of a plant, produced by the unequal growth of different sides. nutrition, n., nut-risk'-un (L. nutrio, I nurse or nourish), that function or process in a living body by which matter or food, already elaborated 'by organic actions, is converted into their different tissues, thus repairing waste and promoting growth. nux vomica, nuks vom'ik'd, (L. nux, all fruits that have a hard shell ; vomzcus, pert, to vomiting -from vomo, I vomit), the nuts or fruit of the Strychnos nux- vomica, Ord. Loganiacese, which contains the alkaloids strychnia and brucia, and is a violent poison ; a medicinal preparation made from it and highly poisonous. Nyctaginacese, n. plu., wttc'-t&dj* m-a'sfre (Gr. nux, night, nuktos, of night ; ago, I do, I act), a small Order of plants containing the -* Mirabilis ' or Marvel of Peru, a very showy plant whose flowers are very fragrant in the evening ; nearly all the plants of the Order have purgative qualities. Nyctanthes, n., rt&'titnth'-Sz (Gr. nux, night, nuktos, of night ; antJios, a flower), a genus of plants, Ord. Jasminacese : Nyc- tanthes arbor-tristis, drb'tfr-trfotf is (L. arbor, a tree ; tristis, sad), a tree valued on account of its fragrant flowers which expand at night, and fall off at the break of day. nymphsB, n. plu., nimf'e (Gr. numphe, L. nympha, a bride, a NYM 284 OBV nymph), two small folds of mucous membrane, one on each side of the vagina ; the labia minora. Nymphaeaceae, n. plu., nimf'e-a' se-e (L. nympha, Gr. numphe, a water nymph), an Order of floating plants having handsome flowers, and generally peltate leaves, some being bitter and astringent, others sedative : Nymphaea, n. plu., nimf'e-d, a genus of water-lilies : Nymphsea alba, aW-Oj (L. albus, white), the common white water-lily, a species whose rhizomes are better than oak-galls for dyeing grey, and are employed in tanning leather : N. lotus, lot'-us (Gr. lotos, L. lotus, the water-lily of the Nile), the Lotus Water-Lily, supposed to be the lily of the 0: T. nymphs, n. plu., nimfs (L. nympha, a maid), in? zool., the active pupae of certain insects. nystagmos, n., ms-tag'-mos (Gr. nustagmos, slumbering with nodding), an involuntary oscillat- ory movement of the eyeballs ; a condition of indistinct vision. obcompressed, a., (L. ob, reversed ; Eng. com- pressed), in bot., flattened in front and behind, not laterally. obcordate, a., db'kord'at (L. ob,. reversed ; cor, the heart, cordis, of the heart), heart-shaped, but inverted ; inversely cordate. obesity, n., ob-es'i-ti (L. obesus r fat, plump), excessive and un- healthy fatness ; corpulence. oblique, a., ob-lek r (L. obliquus, sidewise, slanting), deviating from straight line ; not parallel or perpendicular ; in bot., unequal- sided. obliquus descendens externus abdominis, ob-llk'wus de-send'-ens elcs-tern'us ab-do'm'm-is (L. obliquus, sideways, slanting ; descendens, descending or falling; externus, outward ; abdomen, the belly, abdominis, of the belly), the oblique descending outward muscle of the abdomen, which supports and compresses the abdomen, bends the body obliquely when the ribs are fixed, and raises the pelvis obliquely: obliquus auris, dwr'-is (L. auris, the ear, auris, of the ear), the oblique fibres of the ear, a small band of fibres ex- tending from the upper and back part of the concha of the ear to the convexity immediately above it. obovate, a., tib-ov'-at (L. ob, reversed ; ovdtus, egg-shaped), in bot., ovate, but having the narrow end downwards. obscured, a., tib-sMrd', also ob- scurate,. a., ob'skur-at (L. obscilrus, dark, with but little light), in bot., darkened; hidden, obsolete, a. , db'sol-et (L. obsoletus, grown out of use), in bot. , imper- fectly developed or abortive ; having any part suppressed. obstetrics, n. plu., Sb-steMlcs (L. obstetrix, a midwife from obsfoi I stand before or in the way), the art or science of mid- wifery ; the art of assisting women in< childbirth, and treating their diseases during pregnancy : obstetric, at, db-st&Mk, pert, to midwifery : obstetrician, n. , 8b f -stet-rish f -an, an accoucheur ; a midwife. obturator, n., Sb'tur-d^dr (L. obturo, I stop or close up), in surg., a, plug for closing an aperture; in anat., one of two muscles named respectively 'ex- ternus' and 'internus,' which move the thigh backwards, and roll it upon its axis. obtuse, a., db-tus' (L. obtusus, blunt), in bot. , having a rounded or blunt termination. obvallate, a., db-val'-ldt (L. ob, about ; valldtus, surrounded with a rampart), in bot., walled up, applied to certain Fungi. OBV 285 ODO bvolute, a., tib'-vdl-dt (L. obvol- utus, wrapped round from ob, around ; volvo, I roll), in bot., having the margins of one leaf alternately overlapping those of the leaf opposite to it. ccipitalis major, ftc-ttip'-lt-aX-lB mddf-or (L. occipitdlis, pert, to the occiput or back part of the head ; major, greater), the in- ternal branch of the posterior cord of the second cervical nerve : occipitalis minor, min'-or (L. minor, less), a superficial ascend- ing branch of the cervical plexus : occipito-frontalis, fronts-Is (L. frontdlis, pert, to the forehead from /rows, the forehead, frontis, of the forehead), in anat., applied to a pair of occipital, and a pair of frontal muscles, together with a thin aponeurosis, extending over the cranium, by the con- traction of which the scalp is drawn backwards and the eye- brows elevated. xiciput, n., ok'-sip-ut (L. occiput, the back part of the head from ob, against ; caput, the head), the bone forming the back part of the skull ; the hinder part of the head or skull the opposite part being named the sinciput : occipital, a., ftk-sip'-it-al, pert, to or connected with the back part of the skull. ocellated, a., os-Zl'-lat-td (L. ocellus, a little eye from oculus, an eye), in bot., having a broad round spot of one colour, with the spot of a different colour in the centre: ocelli, n. plu., 6s- $l'-li, in zool, the simple eyes of many echinoderms, such as Spiders, Crustaceans, and Mol- luscs. Ochnacese, n. plu., ok-naf-sZ-e (Gr. ochne, a wild pear), the Ochna family, an Order of plants, generally bitter, some used as tonics: Ochna, n., ok'-na, a genus of very ornamental plants, re- markable for the large succulent prolongation of the receptacle to which the carpels are attached. ochrea, n., also ocrea, n., dk'-re-d (L. ocrea, a covering to protect the legs, a boot), in bot., a tubular membranous stipule through which the stem seems to pass, as in Polygonacese : ochreate, a., tik'-re-dt, sheathed after the man- ner of a boot. ochroleucous, a., okf-ro-l6k'-us (L. ochra, ochre ; L. leucos, Gr. leukos, white), in bot., of a pale ochre colour. octandrous, a., tik-tand'-rtis (Gr. okto, L. octo, eight ; Gr. aner, a male, andros, of a male), in bot. , having eight stamens. octogynous, a., dk-tddj'm-us (L. octo, Gr. okto, eight ; Gr. gune, a female), having eight styles. octopod, n., ok'td'pod, octopoda, n. plu., tik-top'-od-a (L. octo, Gr. okto, eight ; pous, a foot, podes, feet), the tribe of cuttle-fishes with eight arms attached to the head ; a Crustacean or insect hav- ing eight feet or legs. octosporous, a., ok'-to-spor'-us or 6k-t6s f - (L. octo, Gr. okto, eight ; spora, seed), in bot., eight-spored. oculus, n., ok'-ul-us (L. oculus, an eye), in bot., an eye ; a leaf bud : oculist, n., ok'-ul-lst, a surgeon who practises only in diseases of the eye. Ocymum, n., tis'-im-tim (L. ocym- um, Gr. okimon, the plant Basil), a genus of plants, Ord. Labiate, the Lamiacese of Lind- ley ; the plant Basil, used as a culinary vegetable, and to flavour dishes. odontalgia, n., 8d'o'nt-alj f -i-a (Gr. odous, a tooth, odontos, of a tooth ; algos, pain), toothache : odontalgic, a., od'-ont-alj'-lk, pert, to toothache : n. , a remedy for toothache : odontology, n. , od f -$nt-$l r -o-ji (Gr. logos, dis- course), that branch of anatomy which treats of teeth. Odontoceti, n. plu., $d'8nt'-d-set'-l ODO 286 on> (Gr. odous, a tooth, odontos, of a tooth; Jcetos, a whale), the toothed whales, as distinguished from the whalebone whales* Ddontoid, a., 8d>ontfo$d (Gr. odous, a tooth, odontos, of a tooth ; eidos, resemblance), hav- ing the appearance of teeth ; tooth -like ; in anat., applied to a 'process/ tooth-like in shape, which forms the centrum or body of the first cervical vertebra (atlas), and springs from the second (axis). odontophore, n., od- tint' o -for (Gr. odous, a tooth, odontos, of a tooth ; phoreo, I bear), the tongue or masticatory apparatus of Gasteropoda and Pteropoda, etc. oedema, n., ed-em'a (Gr. oideo, I swell ; oidema, a swelling), the swelling caused by effusion of serous or inflammatory fluid into the loose areolar tissue lying under the skin or mucous mem- brane : cedematoid, a., ed-emf-dt- oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling cedema. (Edogonium, n., ed'o>gon'i>um, CEdogonia, n. plu., ed'-o-gon'i'ci (Gr. oideo, I swell ; gonos, off- spring alluding to the mode of reproduction), a genus of minute Algae, in which the greater part of the cells contain each a zoo- spore, provided anteriorly with a complete crown of cilia, and pro- duced without sexual intercourse, the zoospore germinating and giving rise to a new plant in the same way as a bud does : CEdo- gonium ciliatum, sil'i-dtf-um (L. ciliatum, having an eyelash from cillum, an eyelash), a species found attached to the leaves of aquatic mosses. (Enanthe, n., en-anth'-e' (Gr. oinos, wine; anthos, a flower so named from its odour), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbelliferse : (Enanthe crocata, krdk-dtf-a (L. crdcdtus, saffron yellow from crocus, saffron), a poisonous species called Hemlock-dropwort or Dead- tongue : er(L. oleaster, the oleaster from olea, the olive), the wild olive so named as much resembling the olive ; the Ord. Elseagnacese, called the Oleaster family, which see. olecranon, n., ol-ek'rdn-8n (Gr. olekrdnon, the point of the elbow from olenS, the elbow ; kranon, a helmet, the head), in anat., the projecting part of the upper end of the ulna, forming the back of the elbow : olecranoid, a., ol-ek'ran-dyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), resembling an elbow. OLE 288 OME olefiant, a., oW-fl'-ant (L. oleum, oil ; J'acio, I make), applied to a gas obtained by heating a mix- ture of two measures of sulphuric acid, and one of alcohol so named from forming an oily liquid, called Dutch liquid, when mixed with chlorine. oleic, a., 6l'-%4k (L. tittum, oil), applied to the oily acid resulting from the action of .linseed, or other oil, upon potash, or during the manufacture of soap : olein, n., dl'e-in, the pure liquid por- tion of oil and fat : oleo -resin, oV'Z-d-rez'm, the natural mixture of a resin and an essential oil, forming the vegetable balsams and turpentines. oleraceous, a., ol'-Zr-d'-shus (L. olerdceus, resembling herbs from olus, any garden herbs for food), having the nature and Dualities of pot-herbs ; used as an esculent pot-herb. oleum jecoris aselli, ol'&um jek f > dr-is as>H''li (L. dleum, oil;jecur, the liver, jectiris, of the liver ; as%ttus, a cod, as8lli, of a cod), the oil of the liver of the cod ; cod-liver oil. olfactory, a., tt-f&Mttr* (L. ol- factum, to smell, to scent from dl$o, I smell ; facid, I make), having the sense of smelling ; olfactory nerves, nerves emerg- ing from the brain, one on each side of the septum of the nose, which are distributed to the mucous membrane of the nares, and convey to the brain odorous sensations. olibanum, n., dl'ib'an-um (Ar. ol or al, the ; lubin, frankincense ; Gr. libanos, the frankincense tree), a gum resin of a bitterish taste, and aromatic, forming a frankin- cense procured from the stems of several species of the genus Bos- wellia, Ord. Burseraceae, inhabiting the hot and arid regions of eastern Africa, and south of Arabia. oligandrous, a., Wig-and'-rus (Gr. oltgtis, few ; aner, a male, andros, of a male), in lot., having less than twenty stamens. oligochaeta, n. phi., dl'-ig-o-Jcet'ti (Gr. oligds, few ; chaite, hair), in zooL, an order of Annelida, having few bristles or hairs, as in rthe earth-worms. oligospermous, a^dl'ig-d-sperm'- (Gr. olig$8, few ; sperma, seed), in bot. , having few seeds. olivaceous, a., ftl'-lv-af-slius (L. ollva, an olive), of a dusky- green or olive colour ; having the qualities of olives : olivary, a., dl'iv-ar-%, in the encephalon, a name applied to two prominent oval masses placed to the outer side of the pyramids, and sunk to a considerable depth in the sub- stance of the ' medulla oblongata, ' so called from their shape : olivile, n., 8l f 4v4l, a resinous exudation procured from the bark of ' Olea Europaea,' used as a tonic. omasum, n., dm-dMm (L. omas- um, bullock's tripe), the third -stomach, or manyplies, of rumin- ant animals ; the ' psalterium. ' omentum, n., om-Znt'-um (L. dm- entum, the membrane enclosing the bowels), a membranaceous covering of the bowels immedi- ately above the intestines, and enclosing more or less fat ; the caul: omenta, n. plu., om^nt^d, folds of the peritoneum, which proceed from one viscus to an- other, are three in number ; the great omentum, consisting of four layers of peritoneum, two of which descend from the stomach, one from its anterior, and the other from its posterior surface ; the lesser omentum, the duplic- ature of the peritoneum which extends between the transverse fissure of the liver and the lesser curvature of the stomach ; the gastro - splenic omentum, the fold of the peritoneum which connects the concave surface of OMO 289 OOG the spleen to the cul-de-sac of the stomach. omo-hyoid, a., om'-o-Tii'-oyd (Gr. omos, a shoulder ; and hyoid}, a muscle which passes across the side of the neck from the scapula to the hyoid bone, consisting of two fleshy bellies, united by a central tendon. omphalic, a., timf-al'ik (Gr. omphalos, the navel, or navel- string), pert, to the navel : omph- alocele, n., omf-dttd-sel (Gr. kele, a swelling or tumour), rupture or hernia of the navel : oniphalotomy, n., omf'-al-ot'-om-i (Gr. tome, a cutting), the opera- tion of cutting the umbilical cord or navel-string. Omphalobium, n., timf-d-lob'-i-urn (Gr. omphalos, a navel ; lobos, a pod), a genus of pretty plants, Ord. Connaracese : Omphalobium Lamberti, Idm-bert'-i (of Lambert, after Lambert, a botanist), a species said to furnish zebra- wood. omphalode, n., ^mf f >al'od, also omphalodium, n., timfial-od'-i' Urn (Gr. omphalos, the navel ; hodos, the way ; some say eidos, resemblance), in bot. t the central part of the hilum of a seed through which nourishing vessels pass : omphaloid, a., timf'-al-dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling the navel. omphalo-mesenteric, a., timfo- m&s'en-ter'ik (Gr. omphalos, the umbilicus or navel ; and mesen- teric), applied to vessels passing from the umbilicus to the mesen- tery at an early stage of the foetus, and forming the first developed vessels in the germ. OnagracesB, n. plu., on'a'gra^se-e (L. dnagrus, a wild ass), the Evening Primrose family, an Order of plants, whose species are common in gardens. Oncidium, n., tin-sid'-i-tim (Gr. ongkos, a swelling, a tumour), an extensive genus of very hand- T some plants, Ord. Orchidacese so named because the species have warts, tumours, or other excres- cences at the base of the labellum: Oncidium altissimum, alt-is'-sim. um (L. altissimus, very high from altus, high), a species which throws up from fifteen to twenty flower spikes, producing as many as 2000 flowers of a yellow colour spotted with brown : 0. lancean- um, lam^e-an'-tim (L. lancednum, having a lance from lancM, a lance, a spear), a much prized and singular flower : 0. nubigenum, nub -zdj < en-urn (L. nubtgZna, cloud- born from nubes, a cloud ; gemtus,})orii, produced), a species growing on the Andes at an eleva- tion of 14,000 feet: 0. papilio, pap'il'4>d (L. pdpilW, a butterfly), bears a striking resemblance to a butterfly on the wing. Onobrychis, n., tin-db'-rik-ts (Gr. onos, an ass ; brucho, I gnaw), a genus of plants, Ord. Legumin- osse, Sub-ord. Papilionacese, also called 'Sainfoin,' cultivated for the feeding of cattle. onychia, n., tin-tlc'-i-a (Gr. onux, a claw, a nail ; onuclios, of a nail), a disease of the nail ; a whitlow. Onygena, n., tin-idf-Zn-a (Gr. onux, a claw, a hoof; genos or gonos, off- spring), a genus of Fungi, many of whose species are found in autumn on the dung, feathers, and hoofs of particular animals. oogonium, n., d'dg-dn'-i-um, or dg-on'-i-um, oogonia, n. plu., d f 'dg-dn f -i'd (Gr. odn, an egg ; gonos, offspring), in bot., bodies which are reckoned as equivalent to archegonia or sporangia in Fungi, in which, after the action of the antheridia, a fertilized spore is formed, called an ' oospore ' ; a kind of ovarian sac containing spores, which become oospores or zoospores when set free : oogones, n. plu, O'Og'-on-ez, same as 'oogonia.' OOP 290 OPH oophoridium, n., d-of'-dr-id'-i-urn, oophoridia, n. plu., o-of'-dr-id' I'd (Gr. 65n, an egg ; phor%6, I bear), spore- cases of club mosses containing large spores (macro- spores) in their interior, which macrospores or megaspores have a cellular prothallium or endo- thallium in their interior bearing archegonia. oophoritis, n. plu., 6>oj'6r-itf-is (Gr. 68n, an egg ; phoreo, I bear), non-puerperal inflammation of the ovaries, which may be either fol- licular or parenchymatous. oosphere, n., o'-d-sfer (Gr. otin, an egg ; Gr. sphaira, L. sphcera, a globe, a ball), in bot., a germinal cell produced in the archegonia in Fungi. oosporangia, n. plu., d-ds'por-anj' I'd (Gr. don, an egg ; spora, seed; anggos, a vessel), in bot., sacs or spore-cases in some Algse. oospore, n., o'ds'por, oospores, n. plu. , 6'-8s'porz (Gr. don, an egg ; spora, seed), in bot., a fertilized spore in Fungi ; spores produced in an oogonium. ^otheca, n., d'-d'theWft, oothecae, n. plu., d'-o-thes'-e (Gr. oSn, an egg ; theke, a case), in bot. , some- times applied to thecse of Ferns. operculum, n. ,o -perk' til-urn, operc- ula, n. plu., O'perk'ul'd (L. operctilum, a lid or cover from operiS, I cover over), in bot., a cap, lid, or cover, as in certain seed vessels ; applied to the separ- able parts of the thecse of Mosses; in zool. , the horny or shelly plate, developed in certain Molluscs upon the hinder part of the foot, which close the aperture of the shell when the animal is retracted within it, as in the periwinkle ; the gill- cover, or bony flap, cover- ing and protecting the gills in many fishes : opercular, a. , o-perk'ul'cir, having a lid or cover ; of the nature of a lid or cover : Operculata, n. plu. , o-perk'-ul'dt'-a, a division of pulmonate Gasteropoda, in which the shell is closed by an operc- ulum : operculate, a. , o-perkf-ill- at, in bot. , opening by a lid ; having a lid or cover, as a caps- ule. Ophidia, n. plu., df-td'.i-a, also ophidians, n. plu., df-id'-i-ariz (Gr. ophis, a serpent ; dphidion, a small serpent), the Order of reptiles comprising the snakes : ophidian, a., of-id'-i-an, of or belonging to the Serpent Order. Ophiobatrachia, n. plu., of f 4-o- bdt-rdk'i'O, (Gr. ophis, a serpent, ophidwn, a small serpent ; bat- rdchos, a frog), applied, some- times, to the Order of snake- like Amphidians, as the Csecilise : Ophiomorpha, n. plu., df-i-d- m6rf'-d (Gr. morphe, shape), the Order of Amphibia which includes the Csecilise : ophiomorphous, a. , -morf-us, having the form of a serpent. Ophiocaryon, n., of-i-o-kar'-i-dn (Gr. ophis, a serpent ; karuon, a nut), a genus of plants, Order SapindaceaB : Ophiocaryon para- doxum, pdr'-d-doks'-um (Gr.pdrd- doxos, marvellous, strange), the snake-nut tree of Demerara so named from the embryo resem- bling a coiled-up snake. OphioglossacesB, n. plu., #/" o. glos-sd'se-e, also OphioglosseaB, n. plu., of't-d-glds'-se'e (Gr. ophis, a serpent ; glossa, a tongue), a Sub-order of the Filices or Ferns, distinguished by the absence of a ring to the spore-cases, and by the straight, not circinate, verna- tion of their fronds : Ophioglos- sum, n., of'i'd-glds'snm, a genus of Ferns called Adders' tongues so named from the resemblance of their leaves to an adder's tongue : Ophioglossumvulgatum, vulg'dt'um (L. vulgdtum, made common), the fern called Adders' tongue. Ophiuroidea, n. plu., tif'i'Ur'dyd' d (Gr. ophis, a snake ; oura, a OPH 291 OPU tail ; eidos, form), an Order of Echinodermata, which includes the Brittle -stars, and the Sand- stars. ophthalmia, n., df-thal'mi-ci (Gr. ophthalmos, the eye), inflamma- tion of any part of the eye, but generally restricted to the con- junction or thin mucous mem- brane which covers the front of the eyeball, and lines the inner surfaces of the lids : oph- thalmic, a., of'thcil'mik, pert, to the eye : ophthalmoscope, n. , of-tlial'-mo-skop (Gr. skopZo, I view), an instrument for ex- amining the interior of the living eye. opiate, n. , op'-i'tit (L. opium, Gr. opidn, opium, the juice of the poppy), any preparation or medicine for inducing sleep or quiet, which contains opium : opium, n., 6p''i"um, the concrete milky juice, which speedily hardens and becomes brown, procured from the nearly ripe capsules of Papaver somniferum, and its varieties, Ord. Papaver- acese ; a substance much used in medicine as a narcotic or anodyne. opisthocoalus, a., tip-isf'thd-sel'-us (Gr. 8pisthen, behind ; koilos, hollow), having the anterior trunk vertebrae concave behind, as in certain Crocodilia. opisthotonos, n., tiptfothti&tin-tis (Gr. opisthe, backwards ; teino, I draw or stretch), tetanic spasms by which the whole body is bent backwards. opium, see 'opiate.' opodeldoc, n., tip'tid'ffidfik (a word coined by Paracelsus), the soap liniment, consisting of hard soap, camphor, rosemary, spirit, and water. Opopanax, n., 8p>dp'.dn-aJcs (Gr. opopanax from opos, juice ; panax, the plant All-heal), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbellif- erse : Opopanax chironum, lar-on'-um (after Chiron, the son of Saturn, one of the fathers of medicine and botany), a plant, so named from the supposed virtue of the juice to cure all diseases : opopanax, a gum-resin procured from it, having a peculiar and disagreeable odour. opponens pollicis, op'pon'&nz p6V- lis'is (L. opponens t setting or placing opposite ; pollex, the thumb, pollicis, of the thumb), the opposing muscle of the thumb ; a muscle arising partly from the annular ligament of the wrist, and inserted into the thumb, which brings the thumb inwards as if to oppose the fingers : opponens minimi digiti, min'im-i didf-it-l (L. minimi, of the least ; digitus, the finger, digiti, of the finger), the opposing muscle of the little finger ; a muscle which moves the fifth metacarpal bone forwards and outwards, increasing thus the cavity of the palm of the hand. optics, n. plu., opt'iks (Gr. optikos, relating to sight from optomai, I see), the science which treats of everything that pertains to light or vision, and the construction of such instruments as telescopes, microscopes, etc. , in which light is the chief agent : optic, a., dpt'ik, relating to the sight, or the laws of vision ; visual : optic nerves, the second pair of nerves which proceed directly from the brain, one to each eye, and are the nerves of vision. Opuntia, n., tip-tin'-shi-a (from the Opuntii, the inhabitants of anc. Opus, a town, Locris, Greece, where found), an interesting genus of plants, Ord. Cactaceje, commonly called ' Indian figs ' or * prickly pears ' : Opuntia cochinellifera, l6otsti4n& (Sp. cochinilla, a wood - louse ; L. fero, I bear), one of the species on which the Coccus Cacti, cochineal insect, feeds. ORA 292 ORG ora serrata, or'-a sVr-rata (L. ord, extremity, border ; serrdtus, saw-shaped, serrated), in anat., the finely indented border which terminates the outer edge of the ciliary processes of the choroid. orbicular, a., drb-ik'ul-dr (L. orblculus, a small disk from orbis, a circle, a ring), in bot., having a rounded leaf with a petiole attached to the centre of it ; made in the form of an orb ; completely circular. orbicularis oris, tirb-ik'ul-dr'-fa or'-is (L. orbiculdris, circular from orbis, a circle ; 6s, a mouth, oris, of a mouth), the circular muscle of the mouth ; in anat., a sphincter muscle, elliptic in form, composed of concentric fibres, which surround the orifice of the mouth : orbicularis palpebrarum, pdlp^b-rdr'-um (L. palpebra, an eyelid, palpeb- rdrum, of eyelids), the sphincter of the eyelids : o. urethras, ur-eth'- re (mod. L. urethra, the urethra, urethrce, of the urethra from Gr. ouron, urine), the sphincter of the urethra. Orbiculus, n., orlW-ul-us (L. orUculus, a small disk from orbis, a circle), in bot., one of the circular bodies found in the cups of Nidularia, a genus of Fungi. orbit, n., Vrb'-it (L. orbita, a track, a path from orbis, a circle), one of the two cavities in the skull containing the eyeballs : orbital, a., drb'-tt-al, pert, to the orbits. Orchidaceaa, n. plu., orW4d>af'Se>e, or Orchids, n. plu. , orWidz (L. and Gr. orchis, a plant with roots in the form of testicles ; Gr. orchis, a testicle), the Orchis family, an extensive Order of plants, dis- tinguished by the peculiar forms of their flowers, etc., the flowers often resembling various insects, birds, and reptiles ; many of the species possess mucilaginous prop- erties, some are aromatic, and others antispasmodic and tonic : Orchis, n., drk'-is, a genus of these plants : Orchis mascula, rndsk'-ul-cL (L. masculus, male) ; 0. papilionacea, pdp-U^-on-d- se-d (L. pdpilid, a butterfly, pdpilwnis, of a butterfly) ; 0. mcrio, mor'i-d (L. morio, a dark-brown gem) ; 0. militaris, mil'-it-dr'-is (L. mllitdris, soldier- like from miles, a soldier) ; 0. coriophora, kor^-df-dr-d (Gr. Tctiridn, a coriander ; phoreo, I bear) ; 0. longicruris, lonj'4- krdr'is (L. longicruris, of the long leg from longus, long, longi, of long ; crus, a leg, cruris, of a leg), are species which yield Salep, an article of diet for convalescents ; the * 0. mascula ' is supposed to be the ' long purples ' of Shakespeare. orchitis, n., tirk-it'-is (Gr. orchis, a testicle), inflammation of the testicle. Order, n., Srd'er, a division of animals or plants above a Genus and below a Class ; a collection or assemblage of Genera ; see ' Genus. ' Oreodaphne, n., dr'.e-6-ddf'ne (Gr. oros, a mountain ; daphne, the laurel), a genus of plants, Ord. Lauracess : Oreodaphne opifera, dp'?f>er'd (L. opifer, aid-bringing from ops, aid, power ; fero, I bear), a species whose inner bark yields a large quantity of volatile oil. organ, n., org'-an (L. organum, Gr. organon, an instrument), in anat., a part of the living body by which some action, operation, or function is carried on ; in bot. , any defined subordinate part of a vegetable structure, as a cell, a fibre, a leaf, a root, etc. : organic, a., drg-dn'-ik, also organical, a., tirg-dn'ik-dl, pert, to or produced by living organs : inorganic, a., pert, to bodies without specific organs ; dead matter : organism, ORG 293 OHO n. , drg'an-izm, a body possessing | an organic structure : organic bodies, such bodies as possess life and sensation : organic disease, a disease marked by the altered structure of an organ : organic remains, the remains of organised bodies found in a fossil state in the crust of the earth. organogeny, n., drg'-dn-odf-en-i, also organogenesis, drg'dn-d-jen' &S'is(Gr. organon, an instrument ; gennao, I produce ; genesis, origin), in hot., the development of organs from their primitive condition : organography, n. , tirg'an'dg'raf'i (Gr. grapko, I write), in bot., the description or study of the structure of plants. organology, n., drg'an-dl'd-ji (Gr. organon, an instrument ; logos, discourse), that branch of physi- ology which treats of the organs of animals ; organography. Origanum, n., or-ig^dn-um (Gr. tiros, a mountain ; ganos, joy, delight), the Marjorams, a genus of well-known plants, Ord. Labiatse so named from the habitat of the plants : Origanum vulgare, vulg-dr'8 (L. vulgdris, common, vulgar), wild marjoram, which yields a stimulant, acrid oil, sold as oil of thyme : 0. majorana, madf-or-dn'-d (perhaps a corruption of L. amdrdcum, marjoram), the sweet or knotted marjoram : 0. onites, tin-U'-ez (Gr. tinitfo, the sweet marjoram) ; also called 0. dic- tamnus, dik-tam'nus (L. die- tamnus, the plant Dittany so named from growing abundantly on Mount Dicte in Crete), the Dittany of Crete, the pot-mar- joram : 0. heracleoticum, her'- d-kle-d't'ik'um (L. heracleoticus, of or pert, to Heraclea, a city of Pontus named after Hercules, where best produced), the winter sweet marjoram, all of which are similar in properties. ornithodelphia, n. plu. ; tirn'-fth-o- delf-i-a (Gr. ornis, a bird, orn- Uhos, of a bird ; delphus, a womb), in zoo/., the primary division of mammals, including the Monotremata. ornithology, n., ^n'-iih-ol'-o-jl (Gr. ornis, a bird, ornlthos, of a bird ; logos, discourse), that branch of natural history which treats of the form, structure, habits, and uses of birds. Ornus, n., tirn'&s (L. ornus, the wild mountain ash), a genus of the Flowering Ash, called also Manna Ash from yielding the substance called 'manna,' Ord. Oleacese : Ornus rotundifolia, rdt-und'i'fol'i'd (L. rotundus, round ; folium, a leaf) ; and 0. Europaea, ur'-op-e'-a (of or from Europe), yield the sweet exuda- tion called ' manna, ' but not the manna of the Israelites in the wilderness. Orobanchaceae, n. plu., or-o- bangle 'd f 'S6'6 (Gr. orobds, a vetch ; angcJw, I strangle, as supposed to kill plants on which they grow), the Broom - rape family, an Order of plants, generally astringent and bitter : Orobanche, n., dr'd-bdngk'e, the Broom - rapes, a genus of curious parasitical plants, so named from the ravages they are supposed to commit on the broom tribe : Orobanche rapum, rap'-iim (L. rdpum, a turnip), a species parasitical upon broom and furze : 0. ramosa, ram-dz'd (L. rdmosus, branchy, ramose), a species parasitical upon hemp : 0. rubra, r6b f >ra (L. ruber, red, ruddy), parasitical upon common thyme : 0. minor, min'dr (L. minor, less), parasitical upon red clover : 0. hederse, lied'-er-e (L. hedera, the plant ivy, hederce, of the plant ivy), parasitical upon the ivy : 0. elatior, el-dt'-i-dr (L. eldtus, productive, eldtior, more productive) ; and 0. aren- aria, dr^en-dr^-d (L. arenvrius, ORT 294 OS belonging to sand from arena, sand), are parasitic upon different species of Compositse, as Centaury, and Milfoil : 0. major, madj'-or (L. mdjdr, greater), a species powerfully astringent. orthognathous, a., dr-thdg'-ndth-Hs (Gr. ortkos { straight, upright ; gnatkos, a jaw), applied to the type of skull in which the jaw is overhung by the forehead ; having a vertical jaw. orthoplocese, n. phi., dr'-thdp-lo' se-e (Gr. orthos, straight ; pldke, a plait), in bot., applied to the Ouciferse which have conduplic- ate cotyledons. orthopnoea, n., dr'thdp-ne'-a (Gr. orthos, straight; pried, I breathe), that condition of the respiration in which the difficulty of breathing is increased by stooping, or on lying down, under which, there- fore, the patient has to sit more or less erect. Orthoptera, n. plu., dr-thdp'ter-a, also Orthopters, n. plu., dr- thop'-terz, and Orthopterans, n. plu., tir-thdp'ter-anz (Gr. orthos, straight ; ptZron, a wing, ptera, wings), an Order of insects which have their two outer wings dis- posed in straight folds when at rest, as the grasshopper and house- cricket : orthopterous, a., dr-thdp'ter-tis, pert, to ; folding the wings straight. orthospermse, n. plu., tir'-tho- sperm'-e (Gr. orthos, straight ; sperma, seed), in bot., seeds which have the albumen flat on the inner face, neither involute nor convolute. orthostichies, n. plu., or-tlM-tik- iz (Gr. orthos, straight ; stichos, a series, a row), in bot., applied to the several vertical rows formed by the leaves in a spiral phyllotaxis. orthotropal, a., tir'tkdt'-rCp-al, also orthotropous, a., dr-thdt- rdp'us (Gr. orthos, straight ; tropos, direction from trepo, I turn), in boi., having the embryo in a seed lying straight towards the hilum or eye, as in the bean ; having the ovule with foramen opposite to the hilum. Oryza, n., dr-iz'a (Gr. 6ruza, rice), a genus of the cereal grains known by the common name * rice, ' Ord. Graminaceae ; the name by which rice was known to the anc. Greeks and Romans : Oryza sativa, sat-lv'a (L. sativus, that is sown or planted), the common rice of commerce. OS, n. , ds (L. os, a bone, dssis, of a bone, dssd, bones), a common prefix in anatomical terms denoting ' a bone': osseous, a., ds'se-us, composed of or resem- bling bone: osseous tissue, n., the substance of which bone is composed : os calcis, ds Mls'is (L. calcis, of the heel from calx, the heel), the bone of the heel : os femoris, dsfem'dr-is (L.fem- dris, of the thigh from femur, the thigh), the thigh-bone : os humeri, ds lium'-^r-l (L. humZri, of the shoulder from htimerus, the shoulder), the shoulder-bone ; the large bone of the arm extending from the shoulder to the elbow: os ilium, n., osU'-i'um (see 'ilium'), the haunch-bone, forming part of the pelvis : os in- nominatum, bs m-norn'm-af-tim (L. in, not ; nomen, name), the unnamed bone; a bone consisting of three parts (1) the ilium or haunch-bone, (2) the ischium or hip-bone, and (3) the pubis or share-bone : os ischium, ds isM i-um (see * ischium '), the hip- bone forming part of the pelvis : os magnum, ds mag'-num (L. magnus, great), the largest bone of the carpus, occupying the centre of the wrist : os pedis, ds ped'is (L. pMis, of a foot from pes, a foot), the large bone of the foot : os pubis, n., ds pub'-is (L. pubis, of the pubes from pubes, the pubes), the bone of the pubes ; the share-bone osc 295 OST forming part of the pelvis : os sacrum, 8s sacrum (L. sacrum, sacred), the bone which forms the basis of the vertebral column; see ' sacrum, ' and ' pubis. ' oscula, n. plu., dsk'ul-a (L. osc- ulum, a little mouth from os, the mouth, oris, of the mouth), in zool., the large apertures by which a sponge is perforated ; the suckers with which Tseniada are provided, as in Tape- worms, and Cystic-worms. osmose, n., tis-moz', also osmosis, n., os-mdz'fc (Gr. osmos, a pushing influence), the tendency of fluids and gases of different kinds and densities to become diffused through a separating membrane when placed in contact with it ; the action produced by this tendency : osmotic, a., tis- mdt'ik, pert, to or having the nature of osmose ; see * exos- mose ' and * endosmose. ' OsmundeaB, n. plu., fa-m&nd'-fre (after Osmund, who first found or used it), the Royal or Flowering Fern tribe, a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Filices : Osmunda, n., 6s - mund'a, a genus of ornamental ferns : Osmunda royalis, rdy- cLl'-is (mod. L. regdlis, royal from L. rex, a king), the Osmund royal, whose roots are said to have emmenagogue virtues. osseous, see under ' os.' ossicula, n. plu., fc-sik'.ul-a (L. ossiculum, a small bone from tis, a bone, tissis, of a bone), small bones ; used to designate hard structures of small size, as the calcareous plates in the in tegu- ment of the Star- fishes ; ossicles : ossicula auditus, dwd-tt'-us (L. auditus, the sense of hearing, audtttis, of the sense of hearing), the three small bones of the ear malleus, the outermost, is attached to the membrana tympani ; stapes, the innermost, is fixed in the fenestra ovalis ; the incus, the third or middle, is connected with both by articular surfaces. ossification, n,, ds'-si-fiTc-af-shun (L. os, a bone, tissis, of a bone ; facio, I make), the changing of any soft part of an animal body into bone or bony -like matter : ossified, a., os' si-fid, converted into bone, or a substance like it : ossific, a., os-stf'-ik, bone- forming: ossific dyscrasia, a morbid condition accompanied by bony outgrowths in various parts of the body : see ' dyscrasia. ' osteal, a., ost'8-dl (Gr. dsteon, a bone), belonging to bone: osteine, n., dst'e-m, osseous substance or bony-tissue : ostitis, n., dst-it'fe, the inflammation of bone. osteoblasts, n. plu., dst-e'd- blasts (Gr. dsteon, a bone ; blastos, a bud, a sprout), the granular corpuscles or cells which cover in a dense layer the osteogenic substance, and lie in its meshes, constituting the formative element of that class of bone not developed from cartilage. osteo - chondroma, dst'e-o-lcon- drom'd (Gr. dsteon, a bone ; chondros, cartilage), a name applied to cartilaginous tumours. osteoclasts, n. plu., dst-e' 6 -blasts (Gr. ost$dn, bone ; Jclastos, broken, fractured), large com- pound or giant cells, formed in the absorption of bone, and believed to be essential agents in the process of such absorp- tion. osteo-dentine, n., dst'e-o-dent'm (Gr. dsteon, a bone ; dens, a tooth, dentis, of a tooth), the substance forming the teeth of vertebrate animals, and covered by the enamel ; a substance intermediate in structure between dentine and bone. osteogen, n., dst-e'd-je'n (Gr. dsteon, a bone ; gennao, I pro- duce), the soft, transparent matter in bone which becomes changed OST 295 OTI into bony tissue : osteogenetic, a., 8st'&'d'j%n-et'ik, denoting the soft, transparent substance in bone which becomes ossified : osteogeny, n., fa&fr&dfi&n-I, also osteogenesis, n., tist'-g-'d-jen'-et-is, the formation or growth of bone. osteoid, a., ost'&oyd (Gr. dsteon, a bone ; eidos, resemblance), like or resembling bone ; denoting a class of tumours growing from bone, which themselves contain bone. osteology, n., fotf&W8>jt (Gr. osteon, a bone ; logos, discourse), that part of anatomy which treats of the skeleton or bony fabric of different animals ; comparative anatomy. osteoma, n., fetf-from'-a (Gr. 8st- e$n, a bone), an adventitious growth, consisting of a purely bony mass, set upon a bone, form- ing with it an organic whole ; an exostosis. osteomalacia, n., fist'-Z-d-mal-dk'- I'd (Gr. ostedn, bone ; malakos, soft), a diseased softening of the bone. osteomyelitis, n., ft&6*mg&4* is (Gr. osteon, bone ; muelos, marrow), inflammation of the red osseous medulla, and of the pulp contained in the cancelli of spongy bone. osteophyte, n., fot-tf-d-ftt (Gr. ostedn, bone ; phtitds, planted, grown from phud, I produce), a term denoting a great variety of bony growths which are formed, for the most part, in an inflam- matory exudation ; * exostoses ' may be regarded as outgrowths from bone, while ' osteophytes ' seem only to be produced under the influence of a bone, often resulting, e.g., from ossification of the exudation derived from the adjacent hypersemic vessels. osteoporosis, n., dst'8-6-pdr-oz'-is (Gr. ostedn, bone;_poms, a callos- ity), a diseased state of bone which presents an increase of size of the bone-cells, and a con- sequent diminution of density, the surface of the bone being at the same time irregular and por- ous: osteoporotic, a., tist'-frd-por- dt'-ik, of or pert. to. ostiolum, n., fat-i'-dl'tim (L. ost- wlum, a little door), in bot., the orifice through which spores are discharged ; the mouth of a perithecium. ostitis, n., fot'itis (Gr. ostffin, bone), a form of bone inflamma- tion, which in its second stage passes on to hardening or sclerosis, or else to suppuration : osteoid, a., tist'&oyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), having the appearance of bone. ostium abdominale, dst'i-urn ab- dSm'-in-al'-e (L. ostium, a door, an opening from 6s, a mouth ; abdomindlis, pert, to the abdo- men), the orifice at the fimbriated extremity of the Fallopian tube : ostium uterinum, ut'-er-ln'-um (L. tiferinus, uterine), the orifice at the uterine extremity of the Fallopian ttibe. Ostracea, n. plu., ost>ra r -sli$-a, also Ostraceans, n. plu., ftst-rd'- sM-anz (L. ostred, an oyster), the family of Bivalves of which the oyster or ' ostrea ' is the type. Ostracoda, n. plu., dst'TaJc'dd-a (Gr. dstrakon, a shell), an Order of small Crustaceans enclosed in bivalve shells : ostracoid, a., ost'-rak-oyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), having the nature of shell. otic, a., tilf-ik (Gr. ous, the ear, otos, of the ear), pert, to the ear; employed in diseases of the ear : otitis, n., ot'ltf'is, inflammation of the ear, the position of which is indicated by the adjectives externa, media, and internet, : otoconia, n., o^o-Un'-i-d (Gr. Ictinia, dust), a small mass of calcareous particles or crystals of carbonate of lime, found in the membranous labyrinth of the ouv 297 ovo ear : otoliths, n., titfo-ltihs (Gr. lithos, a stone), the calcareous bodies connected with the sense of hearing, even in its most rudimentary form ; otoconia : otorrhcea, n. , tit'-dr-re'-a (Gr. rhed, I flow), a purulent discharge from the ears: otalgia, n., dt>dlj'i-a (Gr. algos, pain), pain of the ear; ear-ache. Ouvirandra, n. plu., dv'-ir-and'-ra (Polynesian ouvi, a yam, and rano, water), a most singular genus of aquatic plants, Ord. Naiadacese, whose leaves are without parenchyma, and consist of merely open network : Ouvir- andra fenestralis, fen'-est-rdl'-is (L. fZnestrdlis, pert, to a window or opening from fenestra, a window), has peculiar skeleton - like leaves, and is the lace plant or lattice plant of Madagascar, whose rhizome is used as food under the name of water-yam. ovary, n., ov'-ar-i (Sp. ovario, F. ovaire, an ovary ; L. ovdrium, an ovary from ovum, an egg), the part in the body of a female animal in which the eggs or first germs of future animals are lodged ; a hollow case in plants which encloses the young seeds : ovarian, a., dv-dr'i-an, of or relating to the ovary : ovarian vesicle or capsules, the gener- ative buds of the Sertularida : ovariotomy, n., dV'dr f 'i'6t f '6m>i (Gr. tome, a cutting), the opera^ tion for removing the ovary : ovaritis, n., ov'ar-tt'is, inflam- mation of the ovaries: ovaralgia, n., ov'-dr'dlf'i-d (Gr. algos, pain), pain in the ovaries, ovate, a., dv'-dt (L. ovdtus, shaped like an egg from ovum, an egg), in bot., having the shape of an egg, as in an egg-shaped leaf whose broader end is next the petiole or axis ; elliptical, being broadest at the base : ovate- lanceolate, a., a lanceolate leaf, somewhat ovate. ovenchyma, n., ov-eng'-Hm-d (L. ovum, Gr. don, an egg ; Gr. engchuma, an infusion, an injec- tion from Gr. en, in ; cheuma, anything poured out, tissue), in bot. , the tissue of plants composed of oval cells. ovicapsule, n., ov'-i-Tcdps'-ul (L. ovum, an egg ; capsula, a chest), the internal tunic of a developed Graafian vesicle of the ovary. oviduct, n., otf-i-dukt (L. ovum, an egg ; ductus, led), the duct or tube by which the semen is led to the ova ; the passage for the eggs in animals : oviferous, a., ov-if- %r>us (L.fero, I bear), or oviger- ous, a., dV'idj'Zr-us (L. gero, I bear), egg-bearing, applied to such animals as spiders, which carry about with them their eggs after exclusion from the body of the parent : oviform, a., ov'-i- form (L. forma, shape), egg- shaped : oviparous, a., ov-ip'-ar- its (L. parid, I produce), pro- ducing by eggs, which are hatched after exclusion from the body of the parent. oviposit, v., ov'-i-pftz'-it (L. ovum, an egg ; positum, to place), to lay eggs: oviposition, n., ov'-l- poz-ish'-un, the laying or deposit- ing of eggs : ovipositor, n. , ov'4' poz'-lt'Or, the organ possessed by some insects by whose means the eggs are placed in a position favourable for their develop- ment. ovisac, n. , ov'4'Soik (L. ovum, an egg ; saccus, a bag), the egg-bag or membrane which connects in one mass the eggs, spawn, or roe of crustaceans and many insects; the cavity in the ovary contain- ing the ovum. ovoid, a., ov'oyd (L. ovum, an egg ; Gr. eidos, resemblance), having an egg-shape : n. , a solid having an ovate figure. ovoviviparous, a., dv'-d-viv-ip'ar- us (L. ovum, an egg ; vlvus, alive ; parid, I produce), applied ovu 298 OXY to certain animals which retain their eggs within their bodies until they are hatched. ovule, n., ov'ul, also ovulum, n., dv'ul'tim, ovula, n. plu., ov'ul'Ci (dim. of L. ovum, an egg), in bot., the young seed contained in the ovary ; the body borne by the placenta of a plant, which gradu- ally changes into a seed ; ovula, in anat., certain serous vesicles found in the structure of the ovarium. ovum, n., ov'tim (L. ovum, an egg), the germ produced within the ovary, capable, under certain conditions, of being developed into a new individual ; one of the small cellular bodies in the ovary which, after impregnation, is developed into the future em- bryo. oxalate, n., tiks'^al-at (L. oxdlis, a kind of sorrel), in chem., a salt of oxalic acid : oxalic, a., 8ks-dl' %k, pert, to sorrel, or procured from it : oxalic acid, a dry, poisonous acid, chiefly manufac- tured from wood sawdust. Oxalidacese, n. plu., oks'al-id-a'- s&e (L. oxdlis, a kind of sorrel from Gr. oxus, sour, acid), the Wood-sorrel family, an Order of plants often acid in their proper- ties ; some have large, tuberous, edible roots; some bear grateful fruit ; while the leaves of others are highly sensitive, which last include sensitive plants : Oxalis, n., dks'dl-ts, a genus of plants of numerous species, well worthy of cultivation : Oxalis acetosella, as'-et'O-sZl'la (dim. of mod. L. acetosa, the sorrel or sour-dock from L. acetum, vinegar), common wood-sorrel, so named from its acid taste, contains binoxalate of potash, often called salt of sorrel ; the plant has been used as a refrigerant and antiscorbutic : 0. sensitiva, sZns'-it-w'-a (L. sensit- ivus, discerned by the senses from, sentiti, I discern by the senses), a species which has sensitive leaves : 0. crenata, kren-dtf-d (L. crendtus, notched - from crend, a notch) ; 0. esculenta, Zsk'-ul-Znt'-a (L. esculentus, fit for food from sca, food); and 0. Deppei, d&p'pt-l (mod. L. Dep- pel of DeppZus), are species which yield tubers, used as a substitute for potatoes. Oxycoccus, n., dlsafcMKkfa (Gr. oxus, sour, acid ; kokkos, a berry), a genus of plants, Ord. Vaccinia- cese, which include the cranberry : Oxycoccus palustris, pdl-ust'ris (L.palustris, marshy fromptilus, a marsh), the common cranberry, a native plant, producing crimson acid berries : 0. macrocarpus, md&rd-kdrp''&8 (Gr. makros, great ; karpos, fruit), the American cranberry, which bears larger berries. oxyde, or oxide, n., tiks'id (Gr. oxus, sour, acid ; oxos, vinegar), a compound of oxygen without the properties of an acid, as the rust of iron : oxidise, v^oks'id-iz, to convert into an oxide also in same sense oxygenise, v., tiksf-fa j8n-iz' : oxydation, n., dks'id-a'- shun, the operation or process of converting a body into an oxide : oxygen, n. , oks'-i-jen (Gr. genn&o, I generate or produce), that elementary gaseous body which gives to air its power of support- ing respiration and combustion, and which by its union with hydrogen forms water ; a colour- less, tasteless, and inodorous gas, which exists in the atmosphere in the proportion of twenty-one parts, to seventy- nine of nitrogen, by measure. oxymel, n., tifatt'mSl (Gr. oxus, sour, acid ; meli, honey), a mix- ture of vinegar and honey. oxytocic, a., tf&s'ft &?& (Gr. oxus, sharp ; tdkfo, childbirth), pro- moting delivery: n., an agent which promotes delivery. Oxyuris vermicularis, oks'i'iir'is OZM 299 PAL vei-m-ik'-ul'dr'-is (Gr. oxus, sharp, rapid ; oura, a tail : vermiculdris, pert, to a worm from vermis, a worm), a minute, white, thread- like parasitic worm, of separate sexes, the male about one- and - half - line in length, the female five or six : oxyurides, n. plu., dks'-i-ur'-id-ez, the thread- worms. ozsena, n., tiz-en'd (L. ozcena, Gr. ozaina, an offensive ulcer in the nose from Gr. dze, a stench), an offensive discharge from the nose, arising from various causes. ozone, n., oz'on (Gr. tizo, I emit an odour), a supposed modification of oxygen, existing both in air and water, developed by electrical action in thunderstorms, etc. , and which emits a peculiar odour: ozonised, a., oz'-dU'lzd, charged with or containing ozone. Pacchioni glandulse, pdlc'-M-on'-i gldnof-ul-e (mod. L. Pacchioni, of Pacddonus, an Italian ; glandulce, glandules), the bodies or glands of Pacchionus, their first describer ; numerous small pulpy - looking elevations, generally in clusters, upon the external surface of the dura - mater, coinciding with corresponding depressions on the inner surface of the skull. Pachydermata, n. plu., patf-i- dermf-dt'd (Gr. pachus, thick ; derma, skin, dermatos, of skin), the thick-skinned animals, an old Mammalian Order, to include such animals as the rhinoceros, the hippopotamus, and elephant : pachydermatous, a. , paWi-derm'' dt-us, thick - skinned : pachy- dermia, n., pdJcf-i-derm'-t'd, a thickened state of the skin : pachymeningitis, n., pok'-i-men mg-jit'is (Gr. meningx, a mem brane, meninggos, of a membrane), inflammation of the dura-mater. Pacinian bodies, pd-sin'-i-dn (after Pacini of Pisa), certain small oval bodies, like little seeds, found, in dissecting the nerves of the hand or foot, attached to their branches as they pass through the sub-cutaneous fat on their way to the skin. Paeonia, n., pe-on'-i'd (after the physician Pceon), a fine genus of plants, Order Ranunculacere, much valued for their large, varied, and richly-coloured flowers, some varieties having double blossoms resembling large double roses : Pseonia albiflora, dlb'-i-flor'-d (L. albus, white ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), a species whose fleshy roots, cooked, are sometimes eaten by natives of N. Asia. pagina, n., pddf-in-d (L. pagma, a page or leaf), in bot. , the surface of a leaf ; any flat surface. palaeontology, n., pal'e-6nt*6l'6-ji (Gr. palaios, ancient ; onta, beings ; logos, discourse), that science or sub-division of geology which treats of the plants and animals found fossil in the crust of the earth. palaaophy tology, n. , pal'-e 8f'-zt - ol'- O'jl (Gr. palaios, ancient ; phuton, a plant ; logos, discourse), that branch of palaeontology which treats of fossil plants. palaeozoic, a., patfe-d-zo^k (Gr. palaios, ancient ; zoe, life), in geol., applied to the lowest divi- sion of stratified groups in which the earliest known forms of life appear. palate, n., pal'-at (L. paldtus, the palate), the upper part or roof of the mouth, consisting of two parts, the hard in front, and the soft behind ; in bot. , the projecting portion of the under lip of person- ate flowers: palatal, a., pattdt-dl, applied to numerous glands which lie between the mucous membrane and the surface of the bone : palatine, a., pdl'-dt-m, same sense as ' palatal ' ; contained or situated within the palate, as nerves or glands : PAL 300 PAL connected with the palate : pal- ato-glossus, gl6s f -sus (Gr. glossa, the tongue), a muscle which passes between the soft palate and the side of the base of the tongue. palea, n.,pdl f >8'a(L.palea, chaff), in bot., the small scale-plates, like chaff, in the receptacles of some composite flowers ; the part of the flower of grasses within the glume: paleaceous, a., pdl'8-d'- shus, resembling chaff ; covered with membranous scales like chaff. palisade tissue, pal'-is-ad' ttsMu (F. palissade, a stake, a hedge- row of trees ; L. palus, a pole), in bot., chlorophyll cells elongated in a direction vertical to the sur- face of the leaf, lying beneath the hypodermic layer in the leaves of Cycadacese and Coniferse. Paliurus, n., pal'-l-wr'-fts (L. pall- urus, Gr. paliouros, Christ's thorn), a genus of very handsome plants, Ord. Rhamnacese: Pali- urns aculeatus, d-kul'e'dt'us (L. acul&dlus, thorny, prickly), Christ's thorn, common in the hedges of Judea, supposed to have formed the crown of thorns put on our Saviour's head. pallescent, a., pal-les's%nt (L. palfaco, I grow pale), in bot., growing pale: pallid^ a., pal'-lid (L. pattidus, pale), of a pale, un- decided colour. pallial, see 'pallium.' palliobranchiata, n., pdV-U-o- brang''M'dt'a (L. pallium, a mantle ; Gr. brangchia, gills of a fish), the old name for the 'Brachiopoda,' founded on the assumption that the system of tubes in the mantle constituted the gills : palliobranch'iate, a., -ki-dt, having gills developed from the mantle. pallium, n., pal'li'tim (L. pallium, a mantle, a cloak), the fleshy covering lining the interior of the shells of bivalves : pallial, a., pal'li-al, pert, to a mantle or cloak : pallial impressions, the impressions or lines left in the shells of bivalves by the muscular margin of the mantle : pallial shell, a shell contained within the mantle, such as the bone of the cuttle-fish. palma, n. , pal'ma (L. palma, Gr. palame, the flat of the hand), in anat., the palm or flat of the hand : palmar, a. , pal'mar, of or relating to the palm of the hand ; denoting two muscles of the hand : palma ris longus, pal* mdr'-is I6ng'-gus (L. palmdris, relating to the hand ; longus, long), a muscle arising from the inner condyle of the os humeri, finally fixed to the roots of all the fingers, and forming a flexor of the wrist : palmaris brevis, br%v'' is (L. br$vis, short), a thin quad- rilateral muscle, placed beneath the integument on the ulnar side of the hand, and inserted into the skin on the inner border of the palm of the hand, which con- tracts the skin of the palm. Palmae, n. plu. , pal'me (L. palma, the palm of the hand), one of the most interesting and valuable Orders of plants of the vegetable kingdom: palmate, a., pal' mat (L. palmdtus, marked with the palm of the hand), in bot. , having the shape of the open hand with the fingers apart, as in some leaves ; having leaves divided into lobes to about the middle : Palma Christi, Tcrist'-i (L. Christ- us, Christ, Christi, of Christ), a palm from whose seeds Castor- oil is expressed : palmatifid, a., pal-mat'-i-fid (L. findo, I cleave ; fidi, I have cleft), having a leaf divided so as to resemble a hand ; same as ' palmate. ' palmatipartite, a. , pal'mat-i- part- it (L. palmdtus, marked with the palm of a hand; partltus, divided, shared), in bot., applied to a simple leaf having the sub- PAL 301 PAN divisions extending considerably more than half-way to the base ; cut nearly to the base in a pal- inate manner : palmi-nerved, a. , pal'-ml-nervd, having the veins of the leaves arranged in a pal- mate manner. Palmellacese, n. plu., pdl f >mel-la'- s&-e (Gr. palma, a shaking, a vibration), a Sub-order or tribe of Algse, composed of more or less rounded cells in a gelatinous matrix, as seen in the plant Red- snow : Palmella, n., pdl-m$l'la, a genus of plants comprising minute species found in marshy places, so named from their jelly- like nature. palpation, n., palp -a' shun (L. palpdtw, a stroking from palpo, I stroke or touch gently), exam- ination by the sense of touch ; the mode of examining the phys- ical condition of any part by the touch. palpebrse, n. ipln.jpdlp'e'b-re (L.), a Latin word signifying the eye- lids : palpebral, a., pdlp'-eb-rdl, pert, to the eyelids. palpi, n. plu. , palp'-l (L. palpo, I stroke or touch gentty), the feelers of insects, attached to the head : palpiform, a. , pdlp'-i-fdrm (L. forma, shape), having the form of palpi or feelers. palpitation, n., palp'-it-af-shfAn (L. palpitatw, a frequent and rapid motion from palpo, I stroke gently), an unnaturally rapid beating of the heart, obvious to the feeling of the individual, caused by disease, fear, or bodily exertion. palsy, n., pdwl'-zi, the common name for ' paralysis,' which see. paludal, a., pal'ud'-dl (L. palm, a swamp, paludis, of a swamp), of or pert, to marshes or swamps. pampiniform, a., pam-pm'-t-fdrm (L. pampmus, a tendril ; forma, shape), resembling a vine tendril. tpanacea, n., pdn'-d>se'-d (L. pana- cea, Gr. panakeia, a herb sup- posed to have power to heal all diseases from Gr. pan, all, and akeomai, I heal or cure), a pro- fessed remedy for all diseases ; a universal medicine. Panax, n., pan'-aks (Gr. pan, all ; dkos, a cure, a remedy), a genus of plants, Ord. Araliacese, a species of which yields the famous Ginseng root of the Chinese, used as a stimulant : Panax quinque- folium, kwm'-kwe-fol'-i'um (L. quinque, five ; folmm, a leaf), a plant possessing qualities resem- bling those of the Ginseng. pancratic, a., pdn-krdt'ik (Gr. pan, all; kratos, bodily strength), excelling in bodily strength or gymnastics : Pancratium, n., pdn-krd'shi-um, a genus of hand- some bulbous plants, Ord. Amaryllidacese, so named from their supposed medicinal virtues. pancreas, n.,pdn'-kr&-ds (Gr. pan, all ; kreas, flesh), a fleshy gland in the abdominal cavity in front of the spine, and behind and below the stomach ; the sweet- bread of cattle : pancreatic, a. , pan'-kr$-dt f -ik, denoting a fluid secreted by the pancreas or sweet- bread : pancreatin, n., pdn-kre^ dt-in, an albuminoid principle present in pancreatic juice which has the property of converting starch into sugar. Pandanacese, n. plu., pdn'ddn-af- s$-e (said to be from pandang, a Malay word meaning 'conspicu- ous '), the Screw-pine family, an Order of plants nearly resembling palms : Pandanus, n. , pan-dan'- Us, a genus of plants whose species are remarkable for their aerial roots, with large cup-like spongioles : Pandanus candelab- ra, kdnd'&l-db'-rd (L. candelab- rum, a branched candlestick), the chandelier tree of Guinea, so called from its mode of branch- ing. pandemic, a., pan-d&m'-ik (Gr. pan, all ; demos, the people), a PAN 302 PAP term to designate a disease spread over a whole continent, or several contiguous countries, such as cholera or influenza. panduriform, a., ptin-dur'-i-form (Gr. pandoura, L. pandura, a musical instrument with three strings ; L. forma, shape), in bot., applied to the leaves of plants shaped like a fiddle. panicle, n., pan'-i-kl (L. panicula, a tuft on plants), in plants, a tuft or bunch of flowers or seeds, dense and close as in Indian corn, spreading or scattered as in oats, and in other forms ; the down on reeds : paniculate, a., pan- Ikf'Ul-at, having the flowers in panicles ; having branches vari- ously subdivided. Panicum, n. , pan'-ilc-Um (L. panis, bread), a useful genus of grasses, Ord. Graminese : Panicum milia- ceum, mtt'i'd'se-um (L. milid- c$us, of or pert, to millet from milium, millet), millet, frequently sown for feeding poultry, and used as a substitute for rice : P. arborescens, dr'bdr-es'&nz (L. arborescens, growing into a tree from arbor, a tree), a species whose culm is little thicker than a goose's quill, and which yet attains the height of the loftiest forest tree. panification, n., pan'-lf-ik-af-shun (L. pdnis, bread ; facio, I make), the changes by which the dough is converted into bread. panniculus adiposus, pan-ik'-ul-us ad f 'ip'Oz'm (L. panniculus, a flap or piece of cloth, a rag; adiposus, fatty from adeps, fat), the adipose tissue, forming a consider- able layer underneath the skin, together with the sub-cutaneous areolar tissue : panniculus car- nosus, kdr-noz f -us (L. carnosus, fleshy from caro, flesh), a fleshy covering ; superficial muscle, or muscular bands, investing the greater part of the bodies of quadrupeds. panspermism, n., pan-sperm'-izm (Gr. pan, all ; sperma, seed), in bot., the universal diffusion of germs throughout the atmos- phere. Papaveraceae, n. plu., pap-av'-Zr* d'se-e (L. pdpdver, the poppy, papdvZris, of the poppy), the Poppy family, an Order of plants possessing well-marked narcotic properties : Papaver, n., pap-dv'- er, a genus of plants : Papaver somniferum, sdm-mf-er-um (L. somnifer, sleep - bringin g from somnus, sleep ; fero, I bring), a species, and its varieties, which produce opium, a concrete milky juice procured from its nearly ripe capsules the most import- ant active principle in opium is the alkaloid called * morphia ' ; other crystalline principles found in it are 'codeia,' 'narcotine,' 'thebaia,' and 'meconine,' etc. : P. rhoeas, re'-as (Gr. rhed, I flow, referring to its juice flowing from incisions), the red corn poppy or corn rose, whose petals are used in pharmacy, chiefly for their col curing matter : papaveraceous, a., pap-av'&r'd'shus, resembling the poppy or pert, to it : papav- erous, a., pap-av'-er-us, having the nature or qualities of the poppy. Papayacese, n. plu., pdp^a-yd^se-e (said to be from Malay papaya), the Papaw family, an Order of plants : Papaw tree, or ' Carica Papaya,' yields an acrid milky juice, and an edible fruit. Papilionaceas, n. plu., pap-il'-t- dn-d'se-e (L. pdpilid, a butterfly, pdpilwnis, of a butterfly), a Sub- order of the Order Leguminosse, whose species have frequently beautiful showy flowers : papili- onaceous, a., pap-il'-i-tin-d'shus, resembling a butterfly ; applied to plants, as the pea, from the butterfly shape of their flowers. papilla, n., pap-il'>ld, papillae, n. plu., pdp4L f 'le (L. papilla, a PAP 303 PAR small pimple, a nipple), the minute elevations found on the tongue, the palm, or the surface of the fingers, etc., being the terminations of the nerves, pro- ducing the sense of taste and feeling ; a minute soft prominence; in bot., soft, superficial glands : papillary, a., pdp'-il-lar-i, pert. to a nipple, or to the papilla? : papillate, a., pap-U'ldt, also papillose, a., pdp f -il'loz f , in bot., covered with fleshy dots or points, as the stems of certain plants ; warty : papillated, a., pap'-il- Idl-ed, same sense as preceding ; covered with small nipple-like prominences. papilloma, n., pap'-il-lornf-d, pap- Ulomata, n. ip].\jL.,pap'U'ldm'at-d (a new L. formation from pap- illa, a teat or nipple), papillary growths, also called epidermic and epithelial tumours, from their seat in the body, which constitute a well-marked class of new forma- tions, of which warts and callosities of the skin are minor instances. pappus, n., pdp'-pus (Gr. pappos, L. pappus, the woolly, hairy seeds of certain plants), in bot., the hairs at the summit of the ovary or achene in Composite, consist- ing of the altered calyx ; the feathery crown on many single- seeded seed - vessels : pappose, a., pdp-poz', downy, as the ripened seeds of the thistle, the dandelion, etc. papula, n., pdp'-ul-d, papulae, n. plu., pap'-ul'e (L. papula, a pimple), a pimple ; a solid eleva- tion of the true skin of minute size: papule, n., pap'-ul, papules, n. plu., pdp f -ulz, same as preced- ing ; any small pimple : papular, a., pap'-ul-dr, also papulous, a., pdp'-ul'&s, covered with papulae or pimples ; pimply. papyraceous, a., ptip'-fr-d'-shtia (L. papyrus, Gr. papuros, the paper plant), in bot., paper-like in texture. paracentesis, n., par'- d' sent -ez'-is (Gr. para, side by side ; kented, I pierce), the operation or art of perforating a part of the body to allow the escape of a fluid, usually called * tapping ' : paracentesis abdominis, ob-dom'-in-is (L. ab- domen, the belly, abdommis, of the belly), the paracentesis of the abdomen ; the operation of tap- ping the abdomen : paracentesis thoracis, thor-ds'is (L. thorax, the breast, the chest, thordcis, of the chest), the operation of tap- ping the chest. paraglobulin, n., par'-a-gldttul' in (Gr. para, beside, close to ; and Eng. globulin), a substance derived from the cellular struc- tures of the body ; a form of globulin. paralysis, n., par-dV-is-is (Gr. par- almis, a loosening at the side, rlsy from para, beside ; luso, shall loose), a loss of motion, or sensation, or both, depending on central or local disease ; it is local or general, partial or com- plete, and includes hcemiplegia, a paralysis affecting one lateral half of the body, while paraplegia means paralysis affecting the body transversely, and may involve all four extremities : locomotor ataxy, a form of disease causing in-coordination of movement, and depending upon sclerosis of the posterior column of the spinal cord : see ' motor ataxy ' : par- alysis agitans, ddf-tt-dnz (L. agitans, putting in motion), shaking palsy. paralytic, a., par'-dl-it'-iJc, affected with, or inclined to, paralysis. parametritis, n., par'-a-met-rit'-is (Gr. par a, beside ; metrd, the womb), inflammation by the side of the uterus, that is, in- flammation of the sub -peritoneal connective tissue. paranemata, n. plu., par'-a-ribm'* dt-d (Gr. para, beside, close to , nema, a thread, nemtita, threads), PAR 304 PAR in bot., the filaments found along with spores in the fructification of many Algae. paraphyses, n. plu., par -of 'is- ez (Gr. para, beside, about ; phud, I grow), jointed or continuous filaments occurring in the fructi- fication of Mosses and other Cryptogams ; abortive petals or stamens. paraplegia, n., pcir'a-pledf-i-a (Gr. para, beside, close to ; plege, a stroke), paralysis of the body transversely, affecting both sides ; see under ' paralysis. ' parapodia, n., par'- d- pod' I- d (Or. para, beside ; podes, feet), the unarticulated, lateral, locomotive processes, or foot tubercles, of certain of the Annelida. parapophyses, n. plu., par'a-pdf' 18' ez (Gr. para, beyond ; apoph- usis, a process), in anat., the processes which extend outwards, or outwards and downwards, from the body of the vertebrae in fishes ; a name given to the transverse processes of an ideal typical vertebra. parasite, n., pdr'ds-it (Gr. paras- itos, one who eats at another's expense at table), in bot., a plant which grows upon another plant, and obtains nourishment from its juices ; an animal or vegetable which lives in or upon another animal, affecting the skin, hair, intestinal canal, or almost any internal organ : parasitic, a., pdr'-ds-it'-ik, growing in or upon, and deriving support from another animal or plant : parasitism, n. , pdr'-ds'it'izm, the condition of a parasite. paraspermatia, n. plu., par'd- sperm-d'shi-d (Gr. para, beside ; sperma, seed), in bot., bodies resembling spores, found in some Algap.. parastichies, n. plu., par'a-stik'$' ez (Gr. para, beside ; stichos, a row, aline), in bot., the secondary spirals in a phyllotaxis. paregoric, a., par'Z-gSr'-ik (Gr. paregoria, consolation, allevia- tion), a name applied to a com- pound tincture of opium, of which there are two forms, En- glish and Scotch, the latter con- taining more than twice as much opium as the former ; assuaging pain. pareira, n., par -ir eng'-lcim-al, also parenchymatous, a., par'&ng-Mm'dt'Us, pert, to or resembling parenchyma ; spongy; full of pith. ParidesB, n. plu., par-id'e-e (L. par, equal from the regularity of their parts), a tribe or Sub- order of the Ord. Trilliacese : Paris, n. , par' is, a genus : Paris quadrifolia, kwdd'.ri-fdl'.i'd (Par- is of the Homeric mythology; L. quadrus, square ; folium, a leaf), the herb paris or 'true-love,' is narcotic, and the juice of the berries has been used in inflam- mation of the eyes. parietal, a., pdr-l'-^t-dl (L. paries, a wall, parletis, of a wall), in anat., constituting the sides or walls applied to a large flat bone on each side of the head ; in bot. , growing from the side or wall of another organ applied to the placentas on the wall of the ovary : parietes, n. plu. , pdr-i'et' ez, in anat., the enclosing walls of any cavity in the body ; in PAR 305 PAR lot., inside walls, as in an ovary, or fruit. parietin, n., pdr-i'-Ztnn (L. pari- es, a wall, parish's, of a wall), a yellow colouring matter found in * Parmelia parietina, ' Ord. Lich- enes, also called ' Chrysophanic acid' ; see 'Parmelia.' parietosplanchnic, a., pdr-l'-U-o- splangk'mk (L. paries, a wall, parietis, of a wall ; splangchna, bowels or entrails), denoting one of the nervous ganglia of the Mollusca, which supplies the walls of the body, and the viscera. pari-pinnate, a., pdr r -i-pin f -ndt (L. par, equal ; Eng. pinnate), in bot. , having a compound pinnate leaf, ending in two leaflets. Paritium, n., par-ish'-l-^m (par- Iti, said to be its Malabar name), a genus of plants, Ord. Malvacese : Paritium elatum, el-at'tim (L. eldtus, productive), a species whose bark furnishes the Cuba bast : P. tiliaceum, til'-i-a'-se-um, (L. tilidc&us, pert, to the Linden tree from tUia, the Linden or Lime tree), the pariti of Malabar, yields a fibrous bark, which is made into fine matting, cordage, pack-thread, etc. Parmelia, n., par-mel'-i-a (L. parma, Gr. parme, a small round shield ; Gr. hello, I en- close), a genus of Lichens, found on rocks, trunks of trees, etc., several of which are used in dye- ing : Parmeliar parietina, par- I'-H-ln'-d (L. paries, a wall, parl- Vtis, of a wall, so named from the places of their growth, as old walls, etc. ), a species produc- ing ' parietin, ' which see. Parmentiera, n., par'-m&n'tl'Zr-d (Sp. paramento, ornament), a S. American genus of plants, Ord. Bignoniacese, bearing peculiar, fleshy, cylindrical fruit : Par- mentiera cereifera, ser'-g-if-Zr-a (L. cerZus, waxen from cera, wax ; fero, I bear), a species found in Panama, called the U Can die -tree, whose fruit, often four feet long, somewhat resemble yellow wax candles : P. edulis, ed-ul'-ts (L. edulis, eatable from edo, I eat), a species whose fruit is eaten by the Mexicans. Parnassia, n.,pdr>nds f -si'd (Mount Parnassus, the fabled abode of the gods, and therefore of grace and beauty), a genus of elegant plants, Ord. Hypericacese : Par- nassia palustris, pal-us'-tris (L. pdluster or palustris, marshy from pdlus, a marsh), Grass of Parnassus, has remarkable, gland- like bodies between the stamens. paronychia, n., pdr'-on-ik'-l-d (Gr. paronuchia, a whitlow from para, beside ; onux, the nail), a whitlow or felon. Paronychiacese, n. plu., pdr'8n> ik f -l'd f 'S&-e (Gr. para, beside ; onux, a nail, a claw), the Knot- wort family, an Order of plants having a slight degree of astring- ency : Paronychia, n., pdr'-on- ik'i'd, a genus of plants, so named as supposed to cure whitlow. parotid, a., pdr-ot'-ld (Gr. parotis, a tumour under the ears, parot- Idis, of a tumour under the ears from para, beside ; ous, the ear), applied to two glands, one on each side, just below and in front of the ear, which secrete a great portion of the saliva, being most active during the process of mastication : parotitis, n. , par'* ot-lt'-is, inflammation of the par- otid glands ; mumps. parovarium, n., par'-d-var'-i-urn (Gr. para, beside ; ovdrmm, an ovary), a group of scattered tub- ules lying transversely between the Fallopian tube and ovary. paroxysm, n., pdr'-8ks'izm (Gr. paroxusmos, excitement, exas- peration from para, beside ; oxunein, to sharpen), a recurrence of the symptoms of a disease at equal or unequal intervals ; a recurring increase and exacerba- tion of a disease. PAR 306 PAT parthenogenesis, n., pdrth'Zn-d- j&n'&S'is (Gr. partkenos, a virgin; genndo, I produce), the repro- duction of plants or animals "by ovulation, yet without the immediate stimulus of the male principle ; in bot., the produc- tion of perfect seed with em- bryo, without the application of pollen. partite, a., pdrt'-U, also parted, a., pdrt'Zd (L. partltus, divided or shared), cut down to near the base, the divisions being called ' partitions. ' parturition, n. , pdrt'-ur'ish'tin (L. parturio, I bring forth), the act of bringing forth, or of being delivered of young : parturient, a., part-urgent, bringing forth, or about to bring forth young. Passifloracese, n. plu., pas'si-flor- of'Sb-e (L. passid, a suffering, passion, passus, suffered ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), the Passion-flower family, an Order of plants, so named on account of a fancied resemblance in the flowers to the appearance of the wounds of Christ, as the nails, blood, and pillar, presented at Calvary : Passiflorese, n. plu., pas'si-flor'-Z-e, a tribe or Sub- order, forming climbing plants : Passiflora, n., pas'-si-fldr'-a, an interesting and elegant genus of plants: Passiflora edulis, Id-ul'-is (L. edulis, eatable) ; and P. laur- ifolia, Idwr f -i aitis (L. quadrus, square from quatuor, four; angulus, a corner), a species whose roots are emetic and powerfully narcotic : passiflorin, n. , pas'si-jlor'-in, the peculiar and active principle of preceding. passive, a., pas'-sw (L. passus, suffered), applied to a morbid condition in which there is no special activity manifested ; de- noting a failure of nutritive and formative powers of a part ; "denoting the result of another morbid change in some organ or tissue on which its own tissue is dependent, e.g., passive con- gestion or regurgitation of blood from a weak heart. pastil, or pastille, n., pas-til' (L. pastillus, an aromatic lozenge), an aromatic or medicated sugar- drop or lozenge ; a composition of aromatic resins, in the form of a small cone, burnt to clear and perfume the air of a room with its smoke. Pastinaca, n., past'-tn-dlc'-a (L. pastindca, a carrot ; pastmum, a kind of dibble), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbellifera, so named from their shape : Pastinaca sativa, sdt-iv'a (L. sativus, sown or planted), the parsnip, a well- known culinary vegetable. patagium, n., pat-adf-i-urn (L. patdgium, an edging or border of a dress), the expansion of the integument by which bats, flying squirrels, etc., support themselves in the air. patella, n., p&t-%l'-l& (L. patella, a small pan or plate), in anat., the knee-cap or pan, the place where it moves upon the os fem- oris being called ' trochlea ' ; a sesamoid bone developed in the tendon of insertion of the great extensor muscles of the thigh ; in bot., a round or convex sessile apothecium in Lichens : patellar, a., pat>U'>lar, of or pert, to a patella. patent, a., pdt'Znt (L. patens lying open), in bot., spreading widely ; expanded. pathetic, a., p&fo-U'-fk (Gr. path- Ztilcos, liable to suffering from pathos, suffering), the fourth nerve, being the motor of the superior oblique muscle of the eye, which turns up the eye, hence the name. pathognomonic, a., PAT 307 FED "YiMik (Gr. pathos, feeling, suffering ; gnomon, one that knows), designating a character- istic symptom of a disease ; dis- tinctive : pathognomy, n., path- og'-ndm-i, the science of the signs by which the passions are in- dicated. pathology, n., path-Si' o-ji (Gr. (pathos, suffering ; logos, dis- course), that part of medicine which treats of the nature of dis- eases, and their causes and symp- toms : vegetable pathology, in bot. , the study of the functions of plants when vitiated by disease. patulous, Si^pdt'-nl'US (L. patulus, standing open from pateo, I lie open), in bot. 9 slightly spreading open. Paullinia, n., pa/wl-in'i-a (after S. Paulll of Copenhagen), a genus of plants, Ord. Sapindacese, many of whose species are poison- ous : Paullinia sorbilis, sdrb'-il-is (L. sorbilis, that may be sucked or supped up from sorb$d, I suck up), a species from whose seeds Guarana bread, or Brazilian cocoa, is prepared : P. pinnata, pin>nat''(i (L, pinnatus, winged, feathered from pinna, a feather), a species which exhibits anomal- ous exogenous stems. paunch, n., pdwnsh (F. pause, L. pantex, the paunch, the belly), the belly and its contents ; the largest stomach of a ruminant. pectic, a., peM-ik (Gr. pektos, coagulated, curdled), denoting an acid obtained by a small addition of potash to pectine, existing in many vegetable sub- stances : pectate, n., pekt'at, a salt of pectic acid : pectine, n,, p'ekt'-m, the gelatinising principle of fruits and vegetables. pectinate, a., peWm-at (L. pecten, a comb, pectmis, of a comb), comb-like, applied to the gills of certain Gasteropods ; in bot., divided into narrow segments like the teeth of a comb. pectineus, n., ptkt'-m-e'-us (L. pecten, a comb or crest, pectmis> of a comb), a flat, quadrangular muscle, arising from the pectineal line of the os pubis : pectineal, a,., pZU'-m-e'-al, or ptikt-inty-al, of or pert, to the pectineus : pect- ineal line, a line forming a sharp ridge on the pubic bone of the pelvis. pectoral, a., pekt'-dr-al (L. pectus, a breast, pectorls, of a breast), connected with or placed upon the chest ; good for the chest or lungs : n., a medicine to relieve complaints of the chest : pectoral fins, the two fore fins near the gills of a fish : pectoralis major, pekt'-8r>al r 'is mddj'or (L. major, greater), a broad, thick, triangular muscle, situated at the upper and fore part of the chest,, in front of the axilla : pectoralis minor, mln'tir (L. minor, less), a thin, flat, triangular muscle, situated at the upper part of the thorax, beneath the pectoralis major. pectoriloquy, n,, pZkt'-or-il'd'kwt (L. pectus, the breast, pectftris, of the breast ; loqul, to speak), the apparent issuing of the voice from that part of the chest to which the ear or stethoscope is applied. pectosic, a., pekt-ozf-ik, another name for ' pectic, ' which see. pectus, n., peM-us (L. pectus, a breast), the breast ; the thorax or chest, pedal, a,, pM'al (L. peddlis, of or belonging to a foot from pes, a foot), connected with the foot. pedate, a., pZd'at (L. pedatus, footed from pedes, feet), in bot., having divisions like the feet ; ho.ving a palmate leaf of three lobes, the lateral lobes bearing other equally large lobes on the edges next the middle lobe: pedatifid, a., pU-dtf-i-fid (L. findo, I divide), in bot. t applied to a leaf whose parts are not entirely separate, but divided as a pedate one ; having the FED 308 PEL divisions of the lobes extending only half-way to the midrib : pedatinerved, a., ped-at'-i-nervd (L. nervus, a nerve), in bot., having the veins of a leaf arranged in a pedate manner : pedati- partite, a., pM-at'-i-part'-it (L. partitus, divided), in bot., having the venation of a leaf pedate, and the lobes almost free : pedatisect, a., ped-at'i-sekt (L. sectus, cut), having the veining of a leaf pedate, and the divisions of the lobes extending nearly to the midrib. pedicel, n., ped r -is>e,l (L. pediculus, a small foot-stalk from pes, a foot), a small, short foot-stalk of a leaf, flower, or fruit ; the foot- stalk or stem by which certain lower animals are attached : pedicellate, a., ped'-is-el'-lat, sup- ported by a pedicel. pedicellarisB, n. plu., p%d r -i-sel- ldr f 'i-e (L. pedicellus, a louse), certain singular appendages found in many Echinoderms, attached to the surface of the body, and resembling a little beak or forceps supported on a stalk. pedicle, n.,ped'i'kl (see 'pedicel '), a little stem ; a pedicel. Pedipalpi, n. plu., ped'i-palp'-i (L. pedes, feet ; palpo, I feel), an Order of Arachnida, comprising the scorpions, etc. : pedipalpous, a., p$d'i'palp'us, having feelers in the form of pincers, or armed with two claws, as the scorpions. peduncle, n., ped-ung-l (L, ped- tinculus, a little foot, a foot- stalk from pes, a foot), in bot., a stem or stalk which supports one flower or fruit, or several ; in zool., the muscular process by which certain Brachiopods are attached ; the stem which bears the body in barnacles ; in anat., applied to different prolongations or appendices of the brain ; the constricted attachment or neck of a tumour : pedunculate, a., ped- Unglc'ul-at, having a peduncle ; growing on a peduncle. pelagic, &.,p$l'ftdj'ik (Gr. pelagos, the sea), growing in many distant parts of the ocean ; inhabiting the open ocean. Pelargonium, n., pel'ar-gon'i-tim (Gr. pelargos, a stork, a crane), a favourite and extensive genus of beautiful plants, Ord. Gerani- aceae, so named from the fancied resemblance of their capsules to the head and beak of a stork : Pelargonium triste, trist'8 (L. trislis, sad, mournful), a species whose tuberous or moniliform roots are eatable. pellicle, n., peV-li-Tcl (L. pellicula, a small skin from peliis, skin), a thin skin or film ; in bot., the outer, euticular covering of plants. pellitory, n., p$l'-lft-tir>t (Sp. pelitre, the pellitory of Spain), a plant from Spain, the ' Anacyc- lus pyrethrum ' or ' Anthemis pyrethrum y ' Ord. Compositse, Sub-ord. Corymbiferse, whose root is an irritant and sialogogue. peloria, n^pel-or'-i-a (Gr. pelorios, monstrous from pelor, a mon- ster), in bot., the five -spurred ' Linaria vulgaris,' instead of one - spurred, thus becoming symmetrical so named as its first discovery was deemed mar- vellous ; the reversion of an irregular flower to the regular form: pelorisation, n., pel'-or- iz-a'sJmn, the act or process of the reversion of a flower, usually irregular, to the regular form. pelta, n., p<'ti, (L. pelta, a target), in bot., the target-like apotheciuin of certain Lichens, the peltidea, pelt-id'-e-a, without a distinct exciple : peltate, a., pZlt'-at, shield-like ; fastened to the stalk by a point within the margin : peltate hairs, hairs which are attached by their middle, or nearly so. pelvis, n., pelv'is (L. pelvis, a PEM 309 PEN basin), in anat., the bony cavity which contains the organs of generation, and made up of the * two ossa innominata, ' the 'sacrum,' and the * coccyx' ; the basal portion of the cup of crinoids ; the expanded part of the ureter which joins thekidney: pelvic, a., p&tflk, of or relating to the pelvis : pelvic extremity, the lowest part of the pelvis at the fork : pelvic cellulitis, sH'-ul- lt'-is (L. cetta, a store-room ; itis, inflammation), an inflammatory symptom of the cellular tissue which surrounds the bladder and womb. pemphygus, n., p&mf'-lg-us (Gr. pemphix, a blister, pemphigos, of a blister), in med., an eruption of bulla on the skin of various sizes. Penseaceaa, n. plu., pZn'e-d'-sZ-e (after P. Pena, an early botanist and author), the Sarcocollads, or Sarcocol family, a small Order of evergreen shrubs : Penaeeae, n. plu., p$n'e'8-e, a Sub-order: Penaea, n., p^n-e'-a, a genus of plants : Pensea sarcocolla, sdrlc'- o-kdl'.la (Gr. sarx, flesh ; Mia, glue), a species which with others is supposed to yield the fum-resin called Sarcocol, used y the Hottentots in dressing wounds. pendulous, a., pVnd'-ul'tis (L. fendtilus, hanging from pend%6, hang downwards), in bot., inclined so that the apex is pointed vertically downwards ; applied to ovules which are hung from the upper part of the ovary. penicillate, a., pen'-is-il'-tat (L. penicillum, a little tail, a painter's brush), in bot. , pencilled ; having a tufted stigma resembling a camel-hair brush, as in the nettle ; bordered or tipped with pencil-like hairs. Penicillium, n., pln'-is-il'-ll-urn (L. penicillum, a painter's brush or pencil), a genus of plants, Ord. Fungi, so named from the form of their filaments: Penicillium glaucum, gld/wJc^um (L. glaucux, bluish-grey), one of the most common moulds occurring in organic infusions, on books, etc. penis, n., pen'-is (L. penis, a tail), the male organ of generation. penniform, a., p&n'ni-Jvrm (L. penna, a feather ; forma, shape), resembling the plume of a feather ; having the appearance of the feather of a pen. penninerved, a., pen'-ni-nervd (L. penna, a feather ; nervus, a nerve), having ribs running straight from the midrib to the margin ; having veins disposed like the parts of a feather. pentacoccous, a., p&ntf&'kiftfiis (Gr. pente, five ; Icokkos, a kernel), splitting into fine cocci ; having five grains or seeds. Pentadesma, n., pZntf-a-dZztmd (Gr. pente, five ; dZsme, a bundle, a bunch), a genus of handsome, lofty-growing trees, Ord. Guttif- eree, which have their stamens disposed in five bundles : Penta- desma butyracea, but'ir>ds't-a (L. butyrum, butter), the butter and tallow tree of Sierra Leone, so named from the solid oil furnished by the fruit. pentagonal, a., p&nt-ag'-o'n-al (Gr. ptnte, five ; goriea, a corner or angle), in bot., having five angles with convex spaces between them. pentagynous, a., ftnt-adj'fa'fa (Gr. pente, five ; gune, a female), in lot., having five styles. pentamerous, a., p$nt-am'-8r-us (Gr. pente, five ; meros, a part), in bot., composed of five parts ; having its different whorls in fives, or multiples of that number; in zool, having five joints on the tarsus of each leg : pentamera,n. plu., pent-am'Zr-a, a section of the beetle tribe having five joints on the tarsus of each leg. PEN 310 PER pentandrous, a., (Gr. pente, five ; aner, a male, andros, of a male), in bot., having five stamens, as a flower : pentangular, a., -ang'-gul-ar (L. angulus, an angle or corner), having five angles : pentapet- alous, a. , -pet'-dl-us (Gr. petalon, a leaf), having five petals : pentaphyllous, a., -fiV-lus (Gr. phullon, a leaf), having five leaves : pentasepalous, a., -sgp- dl'tis (Eng. sepal), having five sepals. Pentastoma, n. pl\i.,p%nt-as'ttim-d (Gr. pente, five ; sttima, a mouth, st&mtita, mouths), a genus of parasitic worms having five mouths or openings : pentastom- ous, a., pent'as'-tom'US, having five mouths or openings. pepo, n., pep'o, peponida, n. plu., pep-8n'-%d'd (L. p$po, Gr. pepon, a large melon, peponos, of a large melon), a succulent, one-celled fruit, with seeds borne on three parietal placentas, which comprise the fruit of the Melon, Cucumber, and other Cucurbitacese. pepsin, n., pips'-in (Gr. pepsis, a digesting, a cooking from pepto, I digest), the digestive principle secreted by the stomach, used as an aid to promote digestion, and obtained chiefly from pigs' and calves' stomachs : peptone, n., ptp'-ton, a compound resulting from the action of pepsin, along with greatly diluted hydrochloric acid, on albuminous substances : peptic, a., pep'tik, relating to or promoting digestion. percurrent, a., per-kur'rent (L. per, through ; currens, running), in bot. , running through from top to bottom ; extending throughout the entire length. percussion, n., per-ktish'-un (L. percussus, thrust or pierced through ; percussffi. a beating or striking), the art of ascertaining the physical condition of inter- nal organs by tapping the parts over them with a plessor, which may be the finger (immediate percussion); or by rapping with any plessor upon a pleximeter of ivory, etc. , placed over the part (mediate percussion). perenchyma, n., pfr-eng'-kim-a (Gr. pera, a sac ; engcliuma, what is poured in, an infusion ; cheuma, tissue), in bot., cellular tissue containing starchy matter. perennial, a., per-Zn'-ni-dl (L. perennis, that lasts the year through from per, through ; annus, a year), lasting through the year ; flowering for several years. perennibranchiata, n. plu., ptir* Zn'ni-brdngk'l-dtf-d (L. perennis, that lasts the year through ; Gr. brangchia, gills), those Amphibia in which the gills are permanently retained throughout life : per- ennibranchiate, a., -brting&i'dt, having the gills remaining throughout life, as certain Amphibians. Pereskia, n., pgr &&'# (after Plereslc, a botanist of Aix in Provence), a genus of grotesque and ornamental plants, Ord. Cetacese : Pereskia aculeata, ok- ul'-e-dt'*a (L. aculedtus, thorny, prickly), a species which pro- duces the Barbadoes gooseberry, used as an article of diet in "W". Indies. perfoliate, a., per-fdl f >i-at (L. per, through ; folium, a leaf), in bot. , applied to a leaf having the lobes of the base so united as to appear as if the stem ran through it. perforans, a., perf-or-dnz (L. perforo, I pierce through, perfor- ans, piercing, perfordtus, pierced), a muscle, so named from its perforating the tendon of the flexor sublimis: perforatus, a., perf f >6r'dt f 'U8, a muscle, so named from its tendon being perforated by the tendon of the flexor profundus. PER 311 PER pergamentaceous, a., perg'-a-ment- d'shus (L. pergamena, parch- ment), of the texture of parch- ment. perianth, n., p&r'-l-anili (Gr. peri, around ; antlws, a flower), in bot., a general name for the floral envelope ; the external floral whorls which surround the stamens and pistil in this sense including calyx and corolla. periblem, n., per'-i-blZm (Gr. periblema, clothing, a cloak from peri, around ; ballo, I throw), in lot., a collection of layers of cells beneath the der- matogen out of which the cortex arises. pericambium, n., per'-i'lcamf-bi-um (Gr. peri, around ; new L. cam- bium, nutriment ; L. cambid, I change), in bot., the outer layer of the plerome. pericardium, n., per'-i-hard'-i-urn (Gr. peri, round about ; kardid, the heart), the membranous bag which surrounds and encloses the heart : pericardiac, a., p'er'-i' kdrd'i-ak, of or pert, to the pericardium : pericarditis, n., p'er'-i-kdrd-it'-is, inflammation of the membrane which surrounds the heart. pericarp, n., pZr^i'kdrp (Gr. peri- karpion, the covering of seed from peri, around ; karpos, fruit), the part of the fruit immediately investing the seed ; the covering, shell, or rind of fruits : pericarpial, a., p$r f 4- kdrp'-i-al, of or pert, to a peri- carp. perichsetium, n., p^r'-i-ke'-shi-tim (Gr. peri, round about ; chaite, long loose flowing hair, as of the mane of a horse), the leaves that surround the base of the fruit- stalk of some mosses: perichsetial, a., per'i'ke'shi-al, pert, to the perichsetium. perichondrium, n., p'er'i>'k8nd'-r ! t< urn (Gr. peri, round about ; chondros, cartilage), in anat., a fibrous membrane which covers cartilages. pericladium, n., p^r'-i-ldad'-l-um (Gr. peri, round about ; klados, a branch), in bot. , the lowermost clasping portion of sheathing petioles ; the large sheathing petiole of Umbelliferse. periclinium, n., per'i-klm'i-um (Gr. peri, round about ; kline, a bed), in bot., the involucre of composite flowers. pericranium, n., per'i'krdn'$-um (Gr. peri, round about ; kranion, the skull), the fibrous membrane which goes round or invests the skull, and corresponds to the periosteum of other bones. periderm, n., per'-i-derm (Gr. peri, round about ; derma, skin), in bot., the outer layer of bark ; the stratified cork envelope which replaces the epidermis in parts of vigorous growth ; in zool., the hard cuticular layer which is developed by the Coanosarc of certain of the Hydrozoa. peridium, n., per-id'-i-urn (Gr. perideo, I wrap round), in bot., the coat immediately enveloping the sporules of the lower tribes of acotyledons ; a covering, as of a puff-ball : peridiola, n. plu. , p%r f -id'i f '8l'a (L. dim. of peridium), a number of small peridia inclosed in a general covering. perigastric, a. , pZr'-i-gasMk (Gr. peri, round about ; gaster, the belly), in zooL, applied to the cavity which surrounds the stomach and other viscera, corresponding to the abdominal cavity in the higher animals, perigone, n., p&r'i-gon (Gr. peri, round about ; goneus, a parent ; gune, a female), a floral envelope; a synonym for perianth, especially when reduced to a single floral whorl : perigonium, n. , pbr'*i> gdn'-i-um, a barren flower in mosses having involucral scales. perigynium, n., per'-i-jin'-i-urn (Gr. peri, round about ; gunt t a PER 312 PER female), in bot., the covering of the pistil in the genus Carex ; the membranous perianth of sedges : perigynous, a., pZr-idf- iri'tis, growing upon the calyx, or some part which surrounds the ovary in a flower ; applied to corolla and stamens when attached to the calyx. perilymph, n., p&r'i-limf (Gr. peri, round about ; L. lympha, water), the clear fluid secreted by the serous membrane which lines the osseous labyrinth of the ear. perimetritis, n., p^r'-i-met-rU'-is (Gr. peri, round about ; metra, the womb), the inflammation of the peritoneal covering of the uterus, usually involving neigh- bouring parts. perimysium, n., per'$-mlz'i-um (Gr. peri, round about ; mus, a muscle), an outward investment or sheath of areolar tissue, which surrounds an entire muscle, and sends partitions inwards between the fasciculi, furnishing to each of them a special sheath. perinseum, n., per'-m-d'-Urn (Gr. perinaion, the part between the anus and the scrotum from peri, round about ; naid, I inhabit), the region of the lower part of the body, having the anus at its centre, bounded in front by the genitals, and at the sides by the inner surfaces of the thighs : perinaeal, a., per'-m-e'al, of or pert, to the perinseum. perineurium, n., p^r'-i-nur'-i-um (Gr. peri, round about ; neuron, a nerve), the coarser sheathing of the nerves, and nervous cords the general term for the sheathing being ' neurilemma. ' periodontal, a., per'i-d'ddnt'al (Gr. peri, round about ; odous, a tooth, odontos, of a tooth), applied to the lining membrane of a tooth-socket : periodontitis, n., p%r'4'd-d6nt'it''is, the inflam- mation of the lining membrane of a tooth-socket. periosteum, n., p (Gr. peri, round about ; osteon, a bone), the fibrous sensitive membrane immediately covering the bone, which performs an important part in its nourish- ment : periosteal, a,.,p'er'-i'6sl''$'dl, pert, to or connected with the periosteum : periostitis, n. , p$r'- i'6st'lt f 'i8, inflammation of the covering membrane of the bone. periostracum, n., pZr'-i-dst'-rak'u (Gr. peri, round about ; ostrakon, a shell), in zool, the layer of epidermis which covers the shell in most of the Mollusca. periphery, n., pe'r-if'-fr't (Gr. periphereid, a circumference from peri, round about ; phero, I carry), in bot., the outer stratum of cells in a cylindrical frond : peripherical, a., p%r f -i'f%r f -ik>al, of or pert, to a periphery ; in bot., having an embryo curved so as to surround the albumen, following the inner part of the covering of the seed. periplast, n. , p%r f -i-plast (Gr. peri, round about ; plasso, I mould), in zoo?., the inter cellular substance or matrix in which the organised structures of a tissue are em- bedded. Periploca, n., ptr-ip'-lok-a (Gr. peripldke, a plaiting, a coiling round from peri, round about ; pleko, I twine), a handsome genus of plants, Ord. Asclepiadaceae, so named from the habit of the species : Periploca Mauritiana, maw-risK-i-an'-d (after Prince Maurice, of Nassau), a species, the source of the Bourbon Scam- mony, and a purgative : P. Graeca, grek'-a (of or from Greece}, a hardy climbing plant, valuable for covering naked walls. peripneumonia, n.,p$r4p'-nu-mon' i' a (Gr. peripneumonia, inflam- mation of the lungs from peri, round about ; pneumon, a lung), inflammation of the lungs ; pneumonia. PER 313 PER perisarc, n., pWi-sdrk (Gr. peri, round about ; sarx, flesh), a general term for the chitinous envelope secreted by many of the Hydrozoa. perisome, n., pZrti-sdm (Gr. perl, round about ; soma, body), the coriaceous or calcareous integu- ment of the Echinodermata. perisperm, n., p&r'-i'Sperm (Gr. peri, round about ; sperma, seed), in lot., the innermost envelope of the seed ; the albu- men or nourishing matter stored up with the embryo in the seed : perispermic, &.,p$r'i>sperm''ik, of or pert, to the perisperm. perispheric, a., pe'r'i-sfer'ik, also perispherical, a., -sf^-ik-dl (Gr. peri, round about ; sphaira, a sphere), having the form of a ball ; globular. perisporangium, n., p$r'$-8pdr- dnf'i-um (Gr. peri, round about ; spora, seed ; anggos, a vessel), in bot. 9 the indusium of ferns when it surrounds the Sori. perispore, n., petfi-spor (Gr. peri, round about ; spora, seed), the membrane or case surrounding a spore ; the mother^cell of spores in Algae. Perissodactyla, n. plu,, p%r>is'sd- ddWttt-d (Gr. perissos, uneven ; daktulos, a finger), the hoofed quadrupeds, or TJngulata, in which the feet have an uneven number of toes. peristaltic, a., p$r f -i-8t<'>ik (Gr. peristaltiJcos, drawing together all round from peri, round about ; stello, I send), applied to the peculiar worm-like motion of the intestines by which their contents are gradually forced downwards ; circular contraction from above downwards. peristome, n., p^is-tom (Gr. peri, round about ; stoma, a mouth), in lot., the ring of bristles or toothed fringe situated around the orifice of the seed- vessels in mosses ; the opening of the sporangium of mosses after the removal of the calyptra and operculum ; in zool., the space between the mouth and the mar- gin of the calyx in Vorticella, or between the mouth and the tentacles in a sea-anemone ; the lip or margin of the mouth of a univalve shell : peristomatic, a., p&T'te'-ttim'&tiiki of or pert, to a peristome ; in bot. 9 having cells surrounding a stoma. perithecium, n., per'-i-tlie'-shi-tim, perithecia, n. plu.,p&r'i-the'shi-d (Gr. peri, around ; theke, a box or case), in bot., the envelope surrounding the masses of fructi- fication in some Fungi and Lichens ; a hollow conceptacle in Lichens, containing spores, and having an opening at the end, peritonaeum, or peritoneum, n., pVr'-i'tpn-e'-um (Gr. peritonaion, what is stretched round or over from peri, round about ; teino, I stretch), a serous and smooth membrane which lines the whole internal surface of the abdomen, and envelopes more or less com- pletely the several parts of the viscera, retaining them in their proper places, and at the same time allowing them to move freely when required: peritoneal, a., per''i>ton-e''dl, of or pert, to the peritoneum : peritonitis, n., p^i'ton'lt'-iSf inflammation of the peritoneum. peritropal, a., pe'r-it'-rtip-al, also peritropous, SL^pe'r-it'-rdp-us (Gr. peri, round about ; trope, a turn- ing), in bot., applied to the axis of a seed perpendicular to the axis of the pericarp to which it is attached. perityphlitis, n., ptr'-t-ttf-lU'-fs (Gr. peri, round about ; tuphlos, blind), inflammation around the caecum. perivascular, a., (Gr. peri, round about ; L. vasc- ulum, a small vessel), applied to canals which surround and en- PER SH PES close the blood-vessels of the brain and spinal cord ; also called * lymph ' channels, from their containing lymph. perivisceral, a., per'-i-vis^r-dl (Gr. peri, round about; L. viscera, the inwards), in zool. , applied to the space surrounding the viscera. poronate, a., p$r'8n-dt (L. peron- dtus, rough - booted), in bot., thickly covered with woolly mat- ter, becoming powdery or mealy externally. peroneal, a., pZr'-tin'e'-al (Gr. perdne, the fibula or small bone of the leg), in anat>, belonging to or lying near the fibula, as certain muscles connecting it with the foot. peroneus longus, per'*$n-e'6v f 'i-dn (of or from Peru], the popular name for various species of Cinchona, Ord* Kubiacese, growing abundantly in Upper Peril: see * Cinchonese.' pes accessorius, p'es ak'seS'Sdr'-i'tis (L. pes, a foot; accessonus, acces- sory or assistant from accessus, an approach), a white eminence or cerebral convolution placed between the hippocampus major and minor : pes anserinus, tins'* $r'in'us (L. anserinus, pert, to a goose), the goose's foot, forming the temporo-facial, and the cerv- ico -facial division of the facial nerve, having numerous out- spreading branches : p. hippo- campi, hip'-po-Mmp'-i (Gr. hip- poS) a horse ; kampto, I bend or curve), a number of rounded elevations with intervening de- pressions at the lower extremity of the lateral ventricle of the brain, so called as presenting a resemblance to the paw of an animal. pessary, n., pts'sar-i, pessaries, n. plu., pes'-sar-iz (It. pessario, F. pessaire, L. pessum, Gr. pesson, a pessary), supports or medica- ments for intravaginal use. pestle, n., pest'-l or pes'-l (L. PET 315 PHA pistillum, the pestle of a mortar), any heavy article for pounding and mixing substances in a mortar: pestillation, n., pZst'il- laf'Shun, the act of pounding in a mortar. petal, n., pVt'al (Gr. petalon> a leaf), in ktf, the leaf of an ex- panded flower; one of the separate parts of a corolla or flower : petaline, a., pH'-al-ln, of or pert, to a petal : petalody, n,, pet-al'- dd-i (Gr. eidos, resemblance), a state in which sepals become coloured like petals ; the conver- sion of parts of the flower into petals : petaloid, a., petal- oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), having the appearance or colour of a petal ; in zooL, shaped like the petal of a flower : petaloidese, n. plu. ,p$tftil'dfyd''%-f) a term applied to a sub-class of plants whose flowers have usually a perianth consisting either of verticillate leaves, or of a few whorled scales, in the former case sometimes separable into calyx and corolla, and often coloured, petechiae, n. plu., %&$&%$ (It. petecchie), in med., purple or dark-red spots which appear on the skin when there is much dis- order in the blood, as in fevers of a malignant type : petechial, a., pU'etf'i'al) of or connected with diseases having the characterist- ics of petechise, as 'petechial plague. ' petiole, n., petrol (L. petiftluS) a little foot from pes, a foot), in bot., the footstalk of a leaf con- necting the blade with the stem : petiolar, a., p$t'i'dl'ar t also petiolary, a., p^t-i'dl-dr-i, pert. to or growing on a small stalk ; having a stalk or petiole : petiol- ate, a., pZt-i'.dl-dt, growing on a petiole : petiolule, n., pet-i'-Sl-til, the stalk of a leaflet in a com- pound leaf. PetiverieaB, n. plu., pWl>v%r>i'%> (after Petivtr, a London apothe- cary), a Sub-order of plants hav- ing erect seeds, Ord. Phytolac- cacese: Petiveria, n., pZt'iv-er' i' a, a genus of ornamental plants: Petiveria alliacea, aKli-a'-sZ-a, (L. allmm, garlic), the guinea- hen-weed, so named from these animals being partial to it. Petroselinum, n^p^rd-s (Gr. petros, a rock ; parsley), a genus of plants, Ord. llmbelliferse : Petroselinum sat- ivum, sat'iv'um (L. sativum, that is sown or planted), common parsley. petrous, a., p&'rtis (L. petrosus, full of rocks faoiQ-petra, a stone), hard ; stony ; in anat. , applied to a dense, solid mass of bone, forming a part of the temporal bone ; designating a ganglion situated in the lower border of the petrous portion of the tem- poral bone : petrosal, a, p^t-rdz- dl t in same sense as ' petrous ' ; the ear-capsule bone in a fish : petrosal nerve, a branch of the Vidian nerve : petro - occipital, p^t'-rd - tik'Sip'-it'Cilt connected with the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and with the occipital bone. phsenogamous, . a., f en-tig' am-tts (Gr. phaino, I show, I manifest ; gamoS) marriage), in bot t > having conspicuous flowers. Phseosporese, n, plu.,ye*0-spor'g-e (Gr. phaioS) dusky; spora t seed), in bot^ a division of Melano- spore?e, or olive-colottred sea- weeds, which possess zoospores ; Algae having an olive-green or olive -brown colour, and cellular or filamentous structure, phagedaBna, n., fadj''8d>en'>a (Gr. phago t I devour, I gnaw), a variety of ulceration wnich de- stroys the tissues more rapidly, and to a greater extent, than ordinary forms of ulcer ; gan- grenous ulceration. phaiophyll, n. Jl^o-fll (Gr. phaios, brown ; phullon, a leaf), a group PHA 316 PHA of colouring matters in the leaves of plants, comprising various browns, soluble in water. phalanx, n., fdl'-anks (Gr. phal- anyx, a line of battle, a battalion, phalanggos, of a line of battle), in anat. , a term applied to one of the small bones of a finger or toe, thus, a finger or toe has three phalanges: phalanges, n. plu., fdl'dnj-ez, in bot., bundles of stamens ; stamens divided into lobes like a partite or compound leaf ; in anat. , the bones of the fingers or toes, so named from their regularity, as soldiers in the ranks : phalangeal, a. , fal'- dn-je'dl, pert, to the bones of the fingers or toes, which are arranged in rows. Phalaris, n., fdl'dr-ts (Gr. phal- dros, white, brilliant), a genus of plants, Ord. Graminese, so named from their shining seeds : Phal- aris Canariensis, kan-dr'-i-ens'is (new L., of or from the Canary Islands), the source of the com- mon canary-seed given to birds. phanerogamous, a., fdn'Zr-tig'' dm- us (Gr. phaneros, manifest ; gamos, marriage), applied to plants having conspicuous flowers, containing pistils and stamens opposed to cryptogamic ; same as phsenogamous : phanerogam, n., fdn-er'Sg-dm, one of the plants which have conspicuous flowers. pharmaceutic, a., fdrmf'ti'Sut'-ik, also pharmaceutical, a., -sut'ik- dl (Gr. pharmakeus, a druggist ; pharmdkeia, the using of medic- ine), of or relating to pharmacy, or to the art of preparing medic- ines : pharmaceutics, n. plu., -sut'iks, the science of pharm- acy, or of preparing medicines : pharmaceutist, n., fdrm'd-sut'> ist, one who practises pharmacy, or prepares medicines; an apothe- cary : pharmacy, n., farm 'ds-%, the art of preparing and preserv- ing substances to be used as medicines; the occupation of a druggist : pharmacopoeia, n., fdrm'-dk-o-pe'-yd (Gr. potto, I make), a book which contains authorised directions for the selection and preparation of sub- stances to be used as medicines. pharmacognosis, n., farmed- kdg> noz'is, also pharmacognosy, -&&/ ndz'-i (Gr. pharmdkon, medicine ; gnosis, knowledge), the knowledge of drugs or medicines, their properties and operations ; the branch of Materia Medica which treats of simples, or unprepared medicines. pharmacology, n..,fdrm'-dk'8l'>d-jt (Gr. pharmakon, medicine; logos, discourse), a term used for Materia Medica ; more particul- arly the study of the action of drugs in the body. pharynx, n., fdi-'inks (Gr. phar- ungx, the gullet or windpipe), the muscular pouch forming the back part of the mouth, and shaped like a funnel, terminating in the oasophagus or gullet : pharyngeal, a. , fdr'm'je'-dl, pert, to or connected with the pharynx : pharyngitis, n. , fdi< m-jitfis, inflammation of the pharynx: pharyngotomy, n., fdrtfag-glMdm* (Gr. tome, a cutting), the operation of making an incision into the pharynx : Pharyngobranchii, n. plu. , fdr mg f 'g6'branglc f 'i'i (Gr. brangchia, gills), an Order of Fishes com- prising only the Lancelet. PhaseoleaB, n. plu.,/az'g-6Z-g-e (L. phaselus, an edible bean-pod, a light boat in the shape of a pod), a tribe of the Sub-ord. Papilion- acese, so named from the fancied resemblance of the pods : Phas- eolus, n., fdz'e'til'us, a genus, mostly climbing plants, compris- ing the different varieties of kidney-bean, the flowers remark- able for the keel terminating in a twisted point : Phaseolus mulliflorus, muU'-i-Jldr'us (L. PHE 317 PHL multus, many ; flos, a flower, Jtoris, of a flower), the scarlet- runner ; and P. radiatus, rdd'-i- at -us (L. radiatus, rayed from radius, a ray), are species whose roots are poisonous : P. vulgaris, vulg-ar'-is (L. vulgaris, common), the common French or kidney- bean, or Haricot. phelloderni, n., fel'-lo-derm (Gr. phZllos, the cork-tree ; derma, skin), in bot., the suberous cort- ical layer of epidermis formed on the inside of the cork Cambium : phellogen, n., f&l'-lo-jZn (Gr. gennao, I produce), the cork Cambium. phenic acid,/#/i'& (Gr. phaino, I show), carbolic acid ; the hyd- rated oxide of phenyl ; a product obtained chiefly from coal - tar : phenyl, n. J^-ll, a radical hydro- carbon. PhiladelphacesB, n. plu,, fil'-a- delf-d'se-e (Gr. philos, dear, beloved ; adtlpho, a brother), the Syringa family, an Order of plants: PMladelphus, n., - fffi&- delf'US, a genus of handsome shrubs, producing elegant blos- soms, having the appearance and smell of orange blossoms, but more powerful : Philadelphia coronarius, Jcdr^on-dr^'Hs (L. cftrondrius, of or belonging to a wreath from corona, a crown or wreath), the Syringa or Mock- orange, whose flowers have a strong orange odour, due to the presence of an oil. phlebectasis, &., fieb'%k'>taz*is, also phlebectasia, n., jteb'ek-tdzf-i-a (Gr. phleps, a vein, phlebos, of a vein ; Zktasis, extension), dilat- ation or varicosity of a vein, or of part of a vein. phlebitis, n., tfgft-ttffe (Gr. phUps, a vein, phlebos, of a vein), prim- ary inflammation of a vein, which may be either acute or chronic : endophlebitis, n., %n'-do>fl%b'it r >is (Gr. endon, within), inflammation cf the inner coat of a vein : mes- ophlebitis, n., mZs'-o-fleb-U'-ts (Or. mesos, middle), inflammation in the middle coat of a vein : peri- phlebitis, n., per f >i'fl&b-it'.is (Gr. peri, round about), inflammation of the outer coat of a vein : phlebotomy, n., fleb'ttfdm-i (Gr. tome, a cutting), the operation of opening a vein to take blood from the body. phleboidal, a., fleb>oyd'>al (Gr. phleps, a vein ; eidos, resem- blance), in bot., applied to mon- iliform vessels ; having the appearance of vtins. phlebolithes, n. plu., fleb'-o-lltliz (Gr. phleps, a vein ; lithos, a stone), concretions, termed vein- stones, which are found free in the cavity of the vessels, formed of concentric laminae. phlegm, n., flem (Gr. phlegma, inflammation, phlegm from phlego, I burn), the bronchial mucus ; the thick, viscid matter discharged by coughing : phleg- matic, &.,fleg>mat-ik, abounding in phlegm ; sluggish ; heavy. phlegmasia dolens, fify-math'-i-d dol'&nz (Gr. phlegma, inflamma- tion ; L. ddlens, suffering, pain), white leg ; inflammation of the veins and absorbents of the leg, often follows fevers, abortions, etc. phlegmon, n., fleg'-mtin (Gr. phlegma, inflammation), a cir- cumscribed inflammatory swel- ling, with increasing heat and pain, and tending to suppuration ; an inflammatory tumour : phleg- monous, a..,fleg'mdn-us, inflam- matory ; burning. Phleum, n., fief-urn (Gr. phleos, an aquatic plant), a genus of agricultural grasses, Ord. Gram- inese, remarkable for the close, cylindrical form of their spike- like panicles : Phleum pratense, prat'Zns'e (L. prdtensis, growing in meadows), the Timothy or cat's-tail grass, early and pro- ductive, and freely introduced into pasture-lands. PHL 318 PHO phlceum, n.,fle'um, also phloem, n.,/em (Gr. phlows, the bark of a tree), in lot., the cellular portion of the bark, found immed- iately beneath the epidermis ; the least portion of a fibro-vasc- ular bundle, consisting at first of succulent thin- walled cells. phlogiston, n., flodj-ist f -6n (Gr. phlogistos, burnt, set on fire from phlego, I burn), according to the theory of Stahl, a supposed prin- ciple or pure fire fixed in inflam- mable bodies, as distinguished from fire of combustion : phlog- istic, a. , fltidj'tetf'ik, partaking of phlogiston ; inflammatory. phlorizin, n., flor'-iZ'in (Gr. phloios, bark ; rhiza, a root), a white crystalline substance ob- tained from the bark of the roots of apple, pear, cherry, and plum trees, giving to the bark its bitter astringency: phloretin, n., flor'-et-ln, a substance procured from phlorizin by dilute acids : phlorizein, n., fltir'-iz-e'-tn, a gum - like substance obtained from it by the action of oxygen and ammonia. Phlox, n.,floks, Phloxes, n. plu., floks'iz (Gr. phlox, a flame), an extensive genus of elegant, favourite plants, Ord. Polemoni- aceae, so named from the appear- ance of the flowers, presenting lively red, purple, or white colours. phlyctaena, n., fliTc-ten^a (Gr. phluktaina, a vesicle), a small vesicle, containing a serous fluid : phly ctenoid, a., folk-ten'- oyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), bearing a resemblance to phlyc- taena. Phoenix, ii.,fen'iks (Gr. phoinix, a palm tree), a genus of noble palm trees, Ord. Palmes, which includes the date : Phoenix dact- ylifera, dakt^ilif-er-d (Gr. dakt- ulos, a finger ; L. fero, I bear), a lofty -growing palm of Arabia and Upper Egypt, having leaves from six to eight feet long, from which many articles of domestic use are procured, as food, cloth- ing, house-building, fibres and thread, ropes, and juice as wine : P. farinifera, fdr^m-if-er-d (L. farina, meal ; fero, I bear), a species which contains a farinace- ous, nutritive substance in the heart of the stem : P. sylvestris, sil'Vest'-ris (L. silv'estris, woody from silva, a wood), produces the date sugar of Bengal. phoranthium, n., fdr-anth'-i-um (Gr, phor$6, I bear ; anthos, a flower), in bot. , the receptacle of composite plants. Phormium, n., formf-i-Um (Gr. phormds, a basket), a genus of very useful plants of New Zealand, etc., Ord. Liliacese, so named from the use made of it by the natives : Phormium tenax, ten'aks (L. tenax, holding fast, tenacious), the New Zealand flax, from which fibres are procured. phosphate, n., f8s'-fat (Gr. phos, light ; phoreo, I bear), a combina- tion of phosphoric acid with a base : phosphatic, a., fos-fdtfik, pert, to phosphate : phosphide, n - ftitfffd t a combination of phosphorus with a metal. phosphorus, n., fos'-for'&s (Gr. phosphoros, light-bringer from phos, light ; phoreo, I bear), an elementary substance of a wax- like consistency, highly inflam- mable, always luminous in the dark in its ordinary state, obtained from bones : phosphorescence, n., ftis'-fdr-Vs'-fas, the state of being luminous without sensible heat : phosphoric acid, an acid prepared from phosphorus by oxidation by means of nitric acid. phosphuret, n., f6s'-fur>%t (Eng. phosphorus; L. uro, I burn), a combination of phosphorus with a combustible body, or a metallic oxide : phosphuretted, a., fds'* fur-Zt'-Zd, combined with phos- phorus. PHO 319 PHY photophobia, v.,fdt'-o-f6W>ct (Gr. phos, light, photos, of light ; phob$o, I dread), a dread or intolerance of light, a symptom common to many diseases of the eye. phragma,n.,/ra<7-ma, phragmata, n. plu.,frdg'-mat-d (Gi.phragma, a fence or partition), in bot., a transverse division or partition in fruits ; a spurious dissepi- ment. phraginacone, n., frdg^md-kon (Gr. phragma, a fence or parti- tion ; konds, a cone), the cham- bered portion of the internal shell of a Belemnite. phrenic, a., fren'-ik (Gr. phren, the heart or parts about it, phrenos, of the heart), of or pert. to the parts about the heart ; the name of the nerve arising from the third, fourth, and fifth cervical nerves, which acts as motor of the diaphragm : phrenitis, n., fr&n,* it'-is, inflammation of the brain or its membranes ; delirium : phrenetic, a.,/rgn-&^fc, liable to violent sallies of mental excite- ment : n., a person occasionally wild and erratic. phthiriasis, n., thtr-i'-fa-ts (Gr. phtheiridsis from phtheir, a louse), a diseased condition in which lice are bred on and infest the body ; cutaneous invermina- tion. phthisis, n., this'ts (Gr. phthisis, a wasting frompJithw, I consume or waste away), pulmonary con- sumption, or wasting disease of the lungs, also called phthisis pulmonalis, p&l'-mtin*&l'-1to (L. pulmo, a lung, pulmonis, of a lung), pulmonary phthisis: phthis- ic, n., tfatik, a wasting away; a person affected with phthisis : phthisical, a., tUik- <, belonging to phthisis ; consumptive : renal phthisis, scrofulous wasting of the kidney. phycochrome, n.,fiMd>krdm (Gr. phukos, sea - weed ; chroma, colour), the colouring matter in Lichens, and in the lower Algae. phycocyanine, n., fik'-o-sl'-an-in (Gr. phukos, sea-weed ; kudnos, blue), in bot., the red colouring matter characteristic of Floridese. phycoerythrine, n., fik'-d-er'-ith* rin (Gr. phukos, sea - weed ; eruthros, red), in bot., the red colouring matter, soluble in water, found in Floridese. phycology, n., fiTc-Wti-ji (Gr. phukos, sea- weed ; logos, dis- course), the study of Algae or Sea-weeds. phycophseine, n.,/zKo/e'm (Gr. phukos, sea- weed ; phaios, brown), in bot. , a reddish-brown substance found in Algae. phycoxanthine, n. , fitto-zanth'-in (Gr. phukos, sea- weed ; xanthos, yellow), in bot., the same as 'diatomine,' which see under ' Diatomaceae. ' phylactolsemata, n. plu., fil-ak'- tO'lem'-at-a (Gr. phulaktikos, having the power to guard from phullasso, I guard ; laimos, the throat), the division of the Polyzoa in which the mouth is provided with the arched valvular process, called the * epistome. ' phylla, n. plu.,/$-/a (Gr. phullon, a leaf), in bot., the verticillate leaves which form the calyx or external envelope of the flower. phyllaries, n. plu., fll'-lar-iz (Gr. phillur%a, a certain tree or shrub from phullon, a leaf), in bot., the leaflets forming the involucre of composite flowers. phyllocysts, n. plu., fil'lo-sists (Gr. phullon, a leaf; kustis, a cyst), the cavities in the interior of the hydrophyllia of certain Oceanic Hydrozoa. phyllodium, n., fil-lpd'.i'tim (Gr. phullon, a leaf; eidos, appear- ance), in bot., a leaf-stalk developed into a flattened ex- pansion like a leaf: phyllody, PHY 320 PHY n., fil'-lod'i, the change of an organ into true leaves ; the substitution of true leaves for some other organ : pkylloid, a., flUoyd, like a leaf: phyUoids, n. plu., fil'-loydz, leaf - like appendages to the stems of Algse. phyllogen, n., fiV-lo-jen (Gr. phullon, a leaf ; gennad, I pro- duce), in bat., the single terminal and central bud from which leaves are produced in Palms, and many herbaceous plants ; also called a ' phyllophor. ' phyllolobese, n. plu. , fil'-lo-lob'-fre (Gr. phullon, a leaf; lobos, a lobe), in bot., cotyledons green and leafy. phyllomania, n., filul''is (L. edulis, eatable), the Cape gooseberry. physic, n., flz'-ik (Gr. phusikos, conformable to nature from phusis, nature), the science or knowledge of medicine ; the art of healing diseases ; a remedy for disease ; a medicine : v., to treat with medicine : physical, a., fiz'ik-al, pert, to nature, or natural productions ; pert, to the body or material things : physician, n., fiz4sh f 'an, one legally qualified to prescribe remedies for external or internal use in disease, as distinguished from a surgeon : physicist, n., fiz'-iS'ist, one skilled in the natural sciences or physics : physics, n. plu., fiz'-iks, the science which treats of the PHY 321 PHY properties of matter, the laws of motion, and the phenomena of nature ; natural philosophy. physiognomy, n., fiz'-i>og'n8m'$ (Gr. phusis, nature ; gnomon, one who knows ; gnome, opinion), the art of determining the char- acter and dispositions of a person by an examination of the features of the face ; in bot. , the general appearance of a plant, without any reference to its botanical characters; physiognomic, a., fiz f 'i'6g-ndm f 'ik, of or pert. to. physiology, n., fkfctl'4-jl (Gr. phusis, nature ; logos, discourse), the science which treats of the vital actions or functions per- formed by the organs of plants and animals ; the science which treats of the history and functions of the human body, and its several parts and structures. physometra, n. , ftz^d-metfrd (Gr. phusdo, I inflate or distend ; metro,, a womb), an accumulation of air in the uterus which causes an enlargement of the abdomen. Physomycetes, n., ffa'd'mi'Set'ez (Gr. phusa, a bladder ; mukes, a fungus), a division of the Fungi in which the thallus is floccose, and the spores are surrounded by a vesicular veil or sporangium, as in bread-mould. Physophoridse, n. plu., fiz'd-for' id-e (Gr. phusa, an air-bladder ; phor&o, I bear), an Order of Oceanic Hydrozoa. Physostigma, n., fiz'd-stig'ma (Gr. phusdo, I inflate or distend ; stigma, a mark, a brand), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub- order Papilionacese : Physo- stigma venenosum, vln'-en-oz'-um (L. venenosus, very poisonous), a plant having a remarkable hooded stigma, yields the Calabar Ordeal Bean, which causes con- traction of the pupil of the eye, is a violent poison. Phytelephas, n., fu-ffitf-fo (Gr. phuton, a plant ; elephas, ivory), a genus of plants, Ord. Palmse : Phytelephas macrocarpa, mak' ro-kdrp'd (Gr. mdkros, great ; karpos, fruit), the ivory palm, whose hard albumen is used in the same way as ivory. phytochlor, n., fit'o-klor (Gr. phuton, a plant ; chlortis, green), the green colouring matter of plants ; chlorophyll. phytoderma, n.,fit'd'dermf'a (Gr. phuton, a plant ; derma, skin), any fungus or vegetable parasite growing on the skin : phytoderm- ata, n. plu., -dermf-dt'O,, skin diseases caused by fungi. phytogenesis, n. , ftf-fcjfytt&'fo (Gr. phuton, a plant ; genndo, I produce), the development of the plant. phy tography , n.,ftt-d'g'raf'i( Gr . phuton, a plant ; grapho, I write), the description of plants. phytoid, a., flt'-oyd (Gr. phuton, a plant ; eidos, resemblance), resembling a plant ; plant-like. Phytolaccacese, n. plu.,/^-6-a&- kd'se-e (Gr. phuton, a plant ; L. lacca, a plant, otherwise un- known ; Ger. lack, Pers. lac, a rose or ruby colour), the Phyto- lacca family, an Order of plants whose species have frequently much acridity, and some act as emetics or purgatives : Phyto- laccece, n. plu., fU^d-lak^se-e, a Sub-order or tribe : Phytolacca, n., flt f -d'lak f 'kd, a genus said to be so named from their red juice: Phytolacca decandra, dek-dnd-rd (Gr. deka, ten ; aner, a male ; andros, of a male), the common poke, whose succulent fruit yields a red juice which has been used as a remedy in cases of chronic syphilitic pains, and the plant yields much potash. phytology, n., fUW-fajt (Gr. phuton, a plant ; logos, discourse), the science of the vegetable kingdom ; the study of plants ; botany. phy ton, n., fit'-8n (Gr. phutwi, a PHY 322 PIL plant), in lot., a rudimentary plant, as represented by a leaf. phytophagous, a,.,fit-df-ag'US (Gr. phuton, a plant ; phago, I eat), plant-eating ; herbivorous. phytozoids, n. plu., flt'o-zo'-idz (Gr. phuton, a plant ; zodn, an animal ; eidos, resemblance), in bot., peculiar bodies, rolled up in a circular or spiral manner, in the cellules of the antheridia in Hepaticse and Mosses, which exhibit active movements at certain periods of their existence, and thus resemble animalcules ; Spermatozoids, or Antherozoids. phytozoon, n., fit'-o-zo'dn (Gr. phuton, a plant ; zodn, an animal, zoa, animals), a plant-like anim- alcule, or one living in the tissues of plants : phytozoa, n. plu., ftt'o-zo'-a, in bot., moving filaments in the antheridia of Cryptogams. pia-mater, n., jn'-a-mat'-er (L., kind mother), a delicate, fibrous, and highly vascular membrane, which immediately invests the brain and spinal cord. pica, n. , pik'-a (L. and It. pica, a magpie, hunger), an appetite to eat or drink things unusual, such as coal, earth, etc. ; a depraved appetite. Picrsena, n., pik-ren'-a (Gr. pikros, bitter), a genus of plants, Ord. Simarubacese : Picrsena excelsa, ek'Sels'-a (L. excelsus, elevated, lofty), a lofty forest tree of Jamaica, whose wood forms the Quassia of the shops, used in the form of an infusion and tincture as a slightly narcotic tonic, and anthelmintic. picromel, n., pik'-rom-el (Gr. pikros, bitter ; meli, honey), a peculiar sweet bitter substance found in bile. picrotoxin, n., pik'-TO'tolcs'-m, also picrotoxia, n.^pik'-rd'toks'-i-a (Gr. pikroSj bitter ; Gr. toxikon, L .toxic- urn, the poison in which arrows were dipped), a crystalline, poison- ous, narcotic principle, forming the active bitter ingredient in the berries of the Cocculus Indicus : picrotoxic, a., pitf-rd-tdks'-ik, of or pert. to. pigment, n., pig'ment (L. pig- mentum, a paint from pingo, I paint), any colouring matter wherever found ; the term is mainly applied to colouring matter in certain positions of the body, as in the inner layer of the choroid. pileate, a., pil'$-dt (L. pilous, a close-fitting felt cap), in bot., having a cap like the head of a mushroom : pileus, n., pll'-e^tis, in bot., the cap-] ike portion of the mushroom, bearing the hymenium on its under side : pileoli, n. plu. , pil-e'-ol-l (dimin. ), little pilei, several usually pro- ceeding from the same common stem. pileorhiza, n., pil'V-d-riz'-a (Gr. pileds, a cap ; rhiza, a root), in bot. , a covering of the root, as in Lemna ; a cap found at the end of some roots. piles, n. plu. , pilz (L. pila, a ball of anything), a popular name for a disease of the veins at the extremity of the rectum, assum- ing a knotted or clustered form around the anus called bleeding piles when there is a discharge of blood from them, and blind piles when there is none ; haemor- rhoids. pili, n. plu., pil-i (L. pilus, hair), in bot., fine slender hair-like bodies covering some plants : piltform, a., pil'-i-form (L. forma, shape), having the form of hairs : Pilocarpus, n., plV-o* kdrp f -us (L. pilosus, hairy ; Gr. karpos, fruit), a genus of plants, Ord. Rutacese : Pilocarpus pen- natifolius, pen-ndt'-i-fdl'-i-us (L. penna, a feather ; folium, a leaf), used as a sudorific and siala- gogue : pilocarpine, n., pil'-o* hdrp'm, the active principle of PIL 323 PIN preceding, and a powerful siala- gogue : Pilocarpus jaborandi, believed to be a different plant, but possessing similar physio- logical effects. pilidium, n., ptt-ldtt-tim (Gr. pileos, a cap ; eidos, resemblance), an orbicular lichen-shield. pill, n., pil (L. pila, a ball), a medicine made up in the shape and size of a pea, to be swallowed whole : pillule, n., pll'-ul (L. plluld, a little ball), a small pill. pilose, &.,pil-dz' (L.ptlosus, hairy, shaggy from pilus, a hair), in bot., covered with long, distinct hairs ; abounding in hairs, Pimenta, n., pima (Gr. pistdkia, the Pistachio nuts), a genus of plants, Ord. Anacardi- acese : Pistacia vera, ver'-a (L. verus, real, genuine), the Pistacia or Pistachio nut - tree, extens- ively cultivated in Syria and the East, and in the South of Europe ; the green-coloured, oily kernels are used as food : P. terebinthus, t8r'$ -Until' Us (L. tertibinihus, the turpentine tree), a tree, a native of the S. of Europe, of N. of Africa, and of the East, which yields a resinous substance called Chian or Cyprian turpentine, and has diuretic and excitant properties : P. lentiscus, lent-islc'-us ( L. lentiscus, the mastich tree), furnishes the concrete res- inous exudation called Mastich or Mastic, which see. pistil, n., ptetfil (L. pistillum, a pestle ; F. pistil], in lot., the seed -bearing organ, occupying the centre of a flower, consisting of an upper part or stigma, a central part or style, and a lower part or ovarium, containing the young seeds, called ovules: pistillary, a., pist f -il-lar>i, con- nected with or pert, to a pistil : pistillate, a., pistf-il-lat, having a pistil applied to a female flower or plant : pistillidium, n., pist'-il'lld'-i-um (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), an organ in the higher Cryptogams having female sexual functions : pistilliferous, a. ,pist f >il* if-^r-us (L. fero, I bear), having a pistil without stamens, as a female flower ; same as 'pistillate ': pistillody, n., pist-Wdd-i (Gr. eidos, resemblance), the change of any organ of a flower into carpels. Pisum, n., piz'tim (L. pisum, the pea), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Papilion- acese : Pisum sativurn, sat-iv'-tim (L. sativus, that is eaten), a hardy annual producing the com- mon pea. pitch, n., pttsh (Ger. peek, Gr. pitta, pitch), the officinal variety, termed Burgundy Pitch, is the resinous exudation from the spruce- fir, used as a plaster. pitcher, n. , pitsh'er (F. picket, It. pitero, an earthen pot), in a plant, a leaf which has the petiole or leaf - stalk expanded into a vase-like form, the blade being attached as a lid : Pitcher- plants, the genus Nepenthes. Pittosporacese, n. ])lu.,ptt'td-spdr- d f -s~e>e (G. pitta, pitch ; spora, seed), the Pittosporum family, an Order of plants, so named because the seeds are covered with a resinous pulp : Pittospor- um, n., pit-os'pd'r'Um, a genus of very handsome shrubs, having glossy foliage and pretty flowers. pituitary, a., plt-u'-it-ar-l (L. pituita, slime, phlegm), that secretes or conveys phlegm or mucus: pituite, n., pit'-ii-it, phlegm or mucus : pituitary gland, a gland situated on the lower side of the brain, supposed by the ancients to secrete the mucus of the nostrils : pituitary membrane, the fine membrane lining the nostrils. pityriasis, n., pit'-i-ri^as-is (Gr. pituron, scurf or bran), a skin PLA 326 PLA disease, exhibiting a slight red- ness of limited portions of the skin, on which small, thin scales are formed and fall off called dandrijf when it affects children : pityroid, a., p&tr-fyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), bran or scurf-like. placenta, n., plds-ent'-a (L. placenta, a cake ; Gr. plaJcous, a flat cake), a flat, round body formed in the womb during pregnancy, and serving to connect the circulation of the mother and child coming away a few minutes after delivery, it is commonly known as the after- birth ; in bot, the cellular part of the carpel bearing the ovule : placentary, n., plas-8nt'dr-i, in bot. , a placenta bearing numerous ovules : placenta!, a., plas-Zntf-al, pert, to the placenta : n., a mammal having a placenta : placentation, n., plds'Znt-d'shun, in bot., the manner in which the seeds are attached to the pericarp ; the manner in which the placentas are developed. placoid, a. , plakf-oyd (Gr. plax, a plate, plakos, of a plate ; eidos, resemblance), applied to the irregular bony plates, grains, or spines found in the skin of various fishes, as skates, rays, dog-fish, and sharks : n., an Order of fishes. plagiostomi, n. plu., pladfi-os'- tom-l (Gr. plagffis, transverse ; stoma, a mouth), the Sharks and Rays in which the mouth is transverse, being placed on the under surface of the head. Planarida, n. plu., plan-ar'id-a (Gr. pianos, wandering), a Sub- order of the Turbellaria. plantse tristes,n. plu., plant' e trist' ez (L. plantce, plants ; trfalis, sad, melancholy, tristes, plu.), melancholy plants, so named because they expand their flowers in the evening only, as some species of Hesperis, Pelargonium, etc. Plantaginacese, n. plu., plant- adj'm-d'se-e (L. plantdgo, a plantain from planta, the sole of the foot, from the leaves lying flat on the ground), the Ribwort family, an Order of plants having radical ribbed leaves, and the species are frequently bitter and astringent : Plantago, n., plant- dg'o, a genus of plants, usually called Plantains : Plant- ago maritixna, mar-it'-im-a (L. marltimus, belonging to the sea from mar&, the sea), a species found on the sea-shores, and on the highest mountains in Scot- land : P. major, madf-tir (L. major^ greater), the Way-bred, which follows the footsteps of man in his migrations, the spiklets are used for feeding birds : P. decumbens, d&'ktim'* b$nz (L. decumbens, lying down), a native of Egypt, India, etc., whose seeds are used to form a demulcent drink in diarrhoea. plantar, a.,pldnt'ar (L. plantdris, belonging to the sole of the foot from planta, the sole of the foot), pert, to the sole of the foot : plantaris, a., plant- dr'is, applied to a muscle arising from the external condyle of the femur, and which extends to the foot. plantigrade, a., pldnt'4-grdd (L. planta, the sole of the foot ; gradior, I walk), placing the sole of the foot to the ground in walking: n., an animal that does so, as the bear. planula, n.,plan'-ul-d (L. pldntila, a little plane from pldnus, flat), the oval ciliated embryo of certain of the Hydrozoa. planum temporale, pldn<&m t$mp'- dr-dl'8 (L. pldnus t plane ; temptirdlls, lasting but for a time), the temporal plane ; the parietal part of the temporal ridge of the skull, which bounds a surface somewhat flatter than the rest, forming part of the temporal fossa. PLA 327 PLE plasma, n. , plaz'ma (Gr. plasma, a thing moulded or formed, a model), the colourless fluid part of the blood in which the cor- puscles float ; liquor sanguinis. pi asmodium, n. , plds mod'-i- urn (Gr. plasma, a thing moulded or formed ; eidos, resemblance), in hot., a membranous protoplasmic body, formed by the coalescence of swarm spores in myxosporous Fungi. plastic, a., plast'ik (Gr. plastikos, suitable for being fashioned or formed from plasso, I form or mould), having power to give form to matter : plastic element, an element which contains the germ of a higher form : plastic force, the force which gives to matter a definite organic form. plastron, n., plast'-rtin (Gr. em- plastron, a plaster ; F. plastron, a breastplate), that part of the bony covering of turtles and tortoises, etc., which covers the lower or ventral portion. Platanaceas, n. plu.,/a'a?i-a'sg-e (Gr. platanos, L. pldtdnus, the plane tree from Gr. platus, wide, broad), the Plane family, an Order of trees so named from their wide-spreading branches : Platanus, n., pldt r -an>us, a genus of plane trees : Platanus orient- alls, dr'i-ent-dl'is (L. orientdlis, eastern), the Oriental plane, having broad palmate leaves like the sycamore : P. occidentalis, d&si'dent-dl'is (L. occidentdlis, western), and P. acerifolia, as'- ^'f'i'fol r -i'd (L. ace?-, the maple tree ; folium, a leaf), are cultiv- ated as showy trees under the name of Planes. Platyelmia, n. plu., plat'-i-Wmi-a, (Gr. platus, broad ; helmins, an intestinal worm), the division of the Scolecida, comprising the Tapeworms. Platylobeaa, n. plu., plaf.i-ldb'.t-e (Gr. platus, broad ; lobos, a lobe), in bot., a general name for the tribes Pleurorhizeae and Noto- rhizeae, meaning that the cotyled- ons are plane or flat : platy- phyllous, a., plat'-i-fil'-us (Gr. phullon 9 a leaf), in bot., broad- leaved. Platyrhina, n. plu., plat'-i-rin'a (Gr. platus, broad ; rhines, nostrils), a group of the Quad- rumana : platyrhine, a., plat'- i>rin, broad-nosed ; applied to the new-world monkeys, which have their nostrils separated from each other by a broad septum. platysma myoides, pldt-is'mti mi- oyd'-ez (Gr. platusmos, enlarge- ment ; mus, a muscle ; eidos, re- semblance), a pale-coloured, thin sheet of muscular fibres, extend- ing over the front and sides of the neck, and lower portions of the side part of the face, which assists in drawing the angle of the mouth downwards and out- wards ; it is the sole remains in man of the ' muscular pannicul- osus, ' or skin muscle, of animals. Plectranthus, n., pttlc-tranth'-us (Gr. plektron, a cock's spur ; anthos, a flower), a genus of plants, Ord. Labiatae, so named' in reference to the shape of the flowers: Plectranthus graveolens, grav-e'-dl-enz (L. gravetilens, strong - smelling), the Patchouli plant of the East Indies, used as a perfume, and yields a volatile oil of a yellowish-green colour. pleiomazia, n., pli'-d-mdzh'-i-a (Gr. pleion, more ; mdzds, the breast), an excess in the number of mammas, rarely observed in men, more commonly in women. pleiomorphy, n., pli'd-mtirf-f (Gr. pleion, more ; morphe, shape), in bot., the renewed growths in arrested parts of irregular flowers; pleiotaxy, n., pli'-o-taks'-l (Gr. taxis, arrangement), the multi- plication of whorls: pleiotrachese, n. ylu.,pli'.o-trdk'-e-e(GT:.tracheia, the windpipe ; trachus, rough), numerous fibres united togethe^ PLE 328 PLE as in the banana, and assuming the aspect of a broad riband ; spiral vessels with several fibres united. plenus, a., plen'-us (L. plenus, full), in bot., double, when applied to the flower. pleospora, n., ple-ds'-por-a (Gr. plZtis, full ; spora, a spore, seed), another name for * Cladosporium herbarum,'a disease in silk worms, caused by a Fungus. plerome, n., pler^om (Gr. pler- oma, fulness, completion), the state of being filled up or com- pleted ; in bot., the central portion of the primary meristem immediately enclosed and over- arched by the periblem. plessor, n., ptts'-6r, also plexor, n., pleks denz (L. scandens, climbing), are two species whose roots when fresh are most energetic blister- ing agents, the latter in San Domingo being called * Herbe-du- diable.' plumbism, n., plum'-bizm (L. plumbum, lead), the condition of an individual whose system has been brought under the influence of lead poison, as plumbers and painters. plumose, a., pl6m-oz' (F. plume, L. pluma, a feather, a small, soft feather), in bot., applied to hairs or plants that have branches arranged like the beard on a feather ; feathery. plumule, n. , pldm'-ul (L. plumula, a little feather), in bot., the rudi- mentary or first bud of an embryo, usually enclosed by the cotyledons. plurilocular, a. , pldr'i- l$k r >ul- dr (L. plus, more, pluris, of more ; loculus, a little place), in bot. 9 having several divisions contain- ing seeds, as the orange and lemon ; many-celled : pluripart- ite, a., pldr'-i-pdrtf-it (L. partitus, parted or divided), having an organ deeply-divided into several nearly distinct portions : pluri- PLU 330 POD septate, -s&pt'dt (L. septum, a hedge), having many septa. pluteus, n., plot'&'US (L. pluteus, a pent-house, a shed), the larval form of the Echinoidea. pneumatic, a., nu-mat'-ik (Gr. pneuma, air), pert, to air, or air- breathing organs ; filled with air: pneumatica, n., nu-mat f -ika, a diseased state of the respiratory functions ; an agent that acts on them : pneumatics, n. plu. , nu- mat'-iks, the science which treats of the mechanical properties of air, and of similar elastic fluids : pneumatocele, n., nu-mat'-d-sel (Gr. kele, a tumour), a tumour or distension filled with air : pneu- matocyst, n., nu-mat'6-sist (Gr. kustis, a cyst), the air-sac or float of certain of the Ocean Hydrozoa : pneumatophore, n., nu-mat'd- for (Gr. phore'd, I bear), the proximal dilatation of the coeno- sarc in the Physophoridse which surrounds the pneumatocyst. pneumatosis, n., nu'mat-oz'is (Gr. pneuma, air, breath, pneumatds, of air), in med., a windy swelling. pneumogastric, a., nyf-mo-gast'-rik (Gr. pneumon, the lungs; gaster, the belly), of or pert, to the lungs and stomach ; denoting the principal nerve of the stomach, which extends over the viscera of the chest and abdomen, and regulates the functions of respiration and digestion ; also called 'vagus' from its wide distribution. pneumonia, n., nu-mon'-i-a, also pneumonitis, n. , nil'-mon-it'-is (Gr. pneumon, the lungs), in- flammation of the lungs : pneu- monic, a., nu-m6n r 'ik, pert, to the lungs ; pulmonic : n. , a medicine for affections of the lungs. pneumo-skeleton, n., nu'mo-skel' H-ftn (Gr. pneumon, the lungs ; Eng. skeleton], the hard structures connected with the breathing organs of certain animals, as the shell of Molluscs. pneumothorax, n., nu'mo-thdrl aks (Gr. pneumon, the lungs ; . thorax, the trunk of the body), a condition in which there is air in the cavity of the pleura, produc- ing collapse of the lungs, in which state the patient is unable to use the lung on the affected . side. poculiform, a. , polc-uV-i-form (L. poculum, a cup ; forma, shape), in hot., cup-shaped. podagra, n., p8d'-ag-ra (L. and 1 Gr. podagra, gout in the feet from pous, a foot, podes, feet ; agra, a seizing), gout in the feet: podagric, a., pod-tig' rik, pert, to the gout ; gouty. podetium, n., p8d-e'shi-um, pod- etia, n. plu., pod-e'shi-a (Gr. pous, a foot, podes, feet), in bot., . a stalk-like elevation, simple or 1 branched, rising from the thallus in some lichens : podetiiform, a. , pdd-esh'i'i'fdrm (L.forma, shape), , resembling a podetium. podocarp, n., pdd'o-Mrp (Gr. . pous, a foot, podos, of a foot ; . kdrpos, fruit), in bot., a stalk supporting the fruit: Podocarpus, n., pdd'o-kdrp'us, a genus of! plants, Ord. Conifers : Podo- carpus totarra, tot-ar'ra (New Zealand name), a species which supplies good timber in New Zealand. podogynium, n., pdd'o-jin^-um (Gr. pous, a foot, podos, of a foot ; gune, a female), in bot. , a fleshy and solid projection serving to support the ovary. podophyllum, n., pod'-d-flV-lum (Gr. pous, a foot, podos, of a foot ; phullon, a leaf), the Duck's Foot, a genus of plants, Ord. Eanunculaceae : Podophyllum peltatum, pelt-at-um (L. peltdtus, armed with a small half-moon- shaped shield from pelta, a shield), the May Apple, employed in America as a purgative and cathartic : P. emodi, em'-od-l (a probable native name), an Indian POD 331 POL species bearing a similar fruit : podophyllum, n., the dried underground stem of the P. pelt- atum, known also as the American May Apple, or Mandrake : podo- phyllin, n., pod'-o-filf-lin, a resin extracted from P. peltatum, also called * vegetable mercury ' from its influence on the liver. podosperm, n., p8d'-d-sperm (Gr. podes, ropes at the corners of a sail ; sperma, seed), in bot., the filament or thread by which the ovule adheres to the placenta ; the funiculus. Podostemaceae, n. plu., ptid'o- 8tem-a f 'S$'e (Gr. podes, ropes at the corners of a sail ; stgmma, a garland or wreath), the Podo- stemon family, an Ord. of aquatic plants which flower and ripen their seed under water, and their ashes furnish salt : Podostemon, n., ptid'd'Stem'on, a genus of floating plants, with the habit of Liverworts or Scale Mosses, poephaga, n., pd-ef'-ag-d (Gr. poe, grass, herbage ; phago, I eat), in zoo/., a group of the Marsupials. pogon, n., pog'tin (Gr. pogon), in bot., a beard. Pogostemon, n. , pdg'-d'Stem'd'n (Gr. pogon, a beard ; stemon, the thread or warp of a web, a stamen), a genus of plants, Ord. Labiatse : Pogostemon suavis, swatf-is (L. sudvis, sweet, pleasant) ; also P. Patchouly, pat'-tshdl-i (native name), the Patchouly plant of the East Indies, used as a per- fume, and yields a volatile oil of a yellowish green colour. polarity, n., p6l-ar<$'ti (L. polus, the end of an axis ; Gr. polos, a pivot on which anything turns), that property of bodies, or par- ticles of all kinds of matter, whicli causes them, when at liberty to move freely, to arrange themselves in certain determinate directions to point, as it were, to given poles. Polemoniacese, n. plu. , i-d'se-e (L. polemonm, Gr. pott- momon, Greek Valerian said to be from Gr. pol&mds, war, as kings quarrelled and made war for the honour of the discovery of its virtues), the Phlox family, an Order of plants, many of which have showy flowers, and are commonly cultivated : Pole- monium, n., pol'e'mdn'i'tim, a genus of plants : Polemonium coeruleum, sZT-ul'-e-tim (L. ccer- tilZus, dark-blue, cerulean), Greek Valerian, or Jacob's Ladder, has bitter properties, esteemed by Russians as useful in hydrophobia when its leaves are applied as poultices. pollen, n., pol'-ttn (L. pollen, fine flour), in bot., the fecundating or fertilising powder contained in the anthers of flowers, and afterwards dispersed on the stigma : pollen cells, the cavities of anthers : pollen tubes, the thread - like tubular processes developed from the pollen grains after they have become attached to the stigma : pollen mass, or pollinia, n., pol-lm'-i-a, an ag- glutinated mass of pollen, occur- ring in some orders of plants, as in Orchids : pollination, n. , pol'- lin-d'shun, the conveyance of the pollen from the anthers to the stigma in Angiosperms, or to the nucleus in Gymnosperms : pollinodium, n., p8l'lm>6d'>i-um (Gr. eidos, resemblance), another name for the * Antheridium, ' which see. pollex, n. , pMtt&c* (L. pollex, the thumb), the thumb in man ; the innermost of the five normal digits of the anterior limb of the higher vertebrates. polyadelphous, a., p&l'U'&d'&lfl'&s (Gr. polus, many ; adelphos, a brother), in bot., having stamens united by their filaments so as to form more than two bundles ; having stamens in many bundles. POL 332 POL polyandrous, a^ptil'i-and'-rus (Gr. polus, many ; oner, a male, andros, of a male), having more than twenty stamens, as a flower. Polyanthes, n., pW>t-&nth'-& (Gr. polus, many ; anthos, a flower), a genus of showy garden flowers, Ord. Liliacese : Polyanthes tub- erosa, tub-^r-oz^d (L. tuberosus, having fleshy knots from tuber, a protuberance), the tube-roses, prized for their fragrance, and beauty of their flowers. Polyanthus, n., ptil'-i-anth'-us (Gr. polus, many ; anthos, a flower), a favourite garden flower, a variety of the Primrose, Primula vulgaris, Ord. Primulaceae. polycarpic, a., ptil'-i'Tcarp'-ik, also polycarpous, a., ptil'i-kdrp'-tis (Gr. polus, many ; Icarpos, fruit), in hot. , having the carpels distinct and numerous, each flower bearing several fruit ; applied to plants which flower and fruit many times in the course of their life. polychroite, n., pdl'i-krd'U (Gr. polus, many ; chrdizo, I colour), the yellow colouring matter of Saffron, which exhibits a variety of colours when acted upon by various re-agents, and is totally destroyed by the action of the solar rays: polychrome, n., pol^-Tcrom (Gr. chroma, colour), a substance obtained from the bark of the horse-chestnut, and from quassia-wood, which gives to water the quality of exhibiting a curious play of colours when acted upon by reflected light. polycotyledon, pd'l'-i-ko't'il'ed'-dn (Gr. po f us, many ; kotuledon, a hollow vessel), a plant the seeds of which have more than two lobes : polycotyledonous, a. , -il- ed'tin-us, applied to an embryo having many cotyledons, as in Firs ; having more than two cotyledons or seed-lobes : poly- cotyledony, n., pdl'-i-ktit'-il-ed'- dn-%, an accidental increase in the number of cotyledons. Polycystina, n^pWi-sist'-tn-a (Gr. polus, many; Jcustis, a bladder), an Order of Protozoa with foram- inated siliceous shells. polydipsia, n., pBM-dtptfW (Gr. polus, much ; dipsa, thirst), excessive thirst. polyembryony, n., ptil'-i-Vm-br* 8n'i (Gr. polus, many ; embruon, an embryo), in bot., an increase in the number of embryos in a seed : polyembryonic, a., -bri- tin'-ik, having more than one embryo. Polygalacese, n. plu., ptil'-i-gal'd* s$-e (Gr. polus, much ; gala, milk), the Milkwort family, an Order of plants, generally bitter, their roots yielding a milky juice: Polygala, n., p8l-ig'dl>a, , an extensive genus, all whose species are showy : Polygala i senega, sZn'&g-d (of or from. Senegal), the Senega or Snake- - root, used in large doses as an emetic and cathartic, in smaller 1 doses as a stimulant, sudorific, . and expectorant, named snake- root as a supposed antidote to the bite of the rattlesnake : polygalic acid, polity- dl'ik, an. acrid principle obtained from it. polygamous, a., pdl-ig'dm-us (Gr. polus, many ; gamds, a marriage), in bot., bearing hermaphrodite flowers, as well as male and female flowers, on the same plant. Polygonacese, n. plu., ptiftf*ff8n& a'-s&e (Gr. polus, many ; gonu, . the knee), the Buckwheat family, an Order of plants, so named from the numerous joints of the stems, have astringent and acid properties : Polygonese, n. plu. , ' a tribe or Sub- order : Polygonum, n., pol-ig'- tin- urn, a genus of plants : Polyg- onum bistorta, bis-ttirt'-a (L. bis, twice ; tortm, twisted), a species whose root or rhizome, which contains much tannin, some galic acid, and some starch, is a powerful astringent, so POL 333 POL called from its double twist: P. hydropiper, hid'rd'pip'er (Gr. hudor, water ; L. piper, pepper), the water-pepper, whose leaves are acrid and vesicant : P. tinc- torium, tmgk-tdr'i-um (L. tine- torius, of or belonging to dyeing from tingo, I dye), a species yielding a blue dye : P. aviculare, dv-ik^ul'dr^ (L. aviculdris, be- longing to the aviculd, a small bird), a species whose frnit is emetic and purgative : P. cymos- um, sim>oz f 'Um (L. cymosus, full of shoots from cyma y the young sprout of a cabbage), a species on the Himalaya, used as spinach. jolygynia, n. plu., pol'-i-jin'-i-a (Gr. polus, many ; gune, a female), plants which, have several dis- tinct styles : polygynous, a., pol-idf-in-us, having many pistils or styles. X)lygynoecial, a., pftl'-i-jin-e'shi-al (Gr. polus, many ; gune, a female; oikos, a house), in bot., having multiple fruits formed by the united pistils of many flowers. )olymerous, a., pol-im'-er-us (Gr. polus, many ; mortis, a part), composed of many parts. polymorphic, a., po'l'-i-mo'rf'ik, also polymorphous, a., -mftrf'US (Gr. polus, many ; morphe, form), assuming various forms or shapes: polymorphy, n., pdl'-i-mtirf'i, the existence of several forms of the same organ on a plant. polynucleated, a., pol'-i-nuk'-lb-at- $d (Gr. polus, many ; L. nucleus, a kernel), containing many nuclei. [K)lypary, n., pol-ip'-ar-t, also polyparia, n., pol'-ip-aM-a (Gr. polus, many ; L. parid, I pro- duce), coral, so called because produced by polypes ; the hard chitinous covering secreted by many of the Hydrozoa. polype or polyp, n., pol r -ip y polypes, n. plu., poli.dtd (L. fdstigidtus, pointed at the top from fast- rum, a projecting point), and dilatata, dil'-dt-dt'-a (L. dilat- dtus, spread out, enlarged from dlldto, I spread out), are species which are called the Lombardy Poplars : P. nigra, nlg'-rd (L. ntger, black), and P. balsam- ifera, bdl'sdm-if'&r-d (L. bal- sdrmim, balsam ; fero, I bear), are species whose buds, covered with a resinous exudation, called Tacamahac, are said to be diuretic and antiscorbutic ; Pop- lars secrete a saccharine substance called ' Populine. ' pore, n.,pdr (Gr. poros, L. porus, a passage or channel), a very minute opening or interstice, as in the skin : poriforai, a., por'-i- form (L. forma, shape), resem- bling a pore : porifera, n. plu., pdr'if'$r-a (L.fero, I bear), the Foraminifera or Sponges, from their numerous openings or pores : pore - capsules, in hot., dry dehiscent capsules, splitting by the detachment of small valves from the pericarp, as in Papaver : porous vessels, in bot., pitted or dotted vessels. porrect, a. , por-rokt,' (L. porrectum, to reach out or extend), in bot., extended forward, as to meet something. porrigo, n., pdr'rig'-d (L. porrlgo, the scurf), formerly applied to any affection of the head where there were scabs. porta, n., ported (L. porta, a gate), in the liver the transverse fissure where the 'vena portse' divides into two principal branches : portal, a., port'-dl, pert, to the system of the 'vena portse' of the liver : portal vein, the vein which receives the venous blood on its way from the stomach, spleen, and intestines, carrying the blood on to the liver to be distributed through that organ. portio dura, por'shi-6 dur-d (L. portid, a portion ; durtis, hard), the facial nerve, is the hard portion of the seventh pair of cranial nerves, and forms the ' motor nerve ' of all the muscles of expression in the face : portio mollis, mtil'lis (L. mdttis, soft), FOR 336 PR.E the auditory nerve, is the soft portion of the seventh pair of cranial nerves, and forms the special nerve of the organ of hearing. Portulacacese, n. plu., port'-Hl-ok' af-sb-e (L. porto, I carry ; lac, milk), the Purslane family, an Order of plants, so named from their juicy nature : Portulaca, n., port'ul-dk'd, (L. portiildca, purslane), a genus of plants : Portulaca oleracea, dl'-e'r-d'se-d (L. olerd&us, herb - like from olus, a kitchen herb), common Purslane, used as a potherb from its cooling and antiscor- butic qualities. porus opticus, por'us tipt'ik-us (Gr. poros, a pore ; optikos, relating to the sight), the round disc where the optic nerve expands, and having in its centre the point from which the vessels of the retina branch. posology, n., poz-dl'd-ji (Gr. posos, how much ; logos, dis- course), the branch of medicine which treats of quantity or doses: posological, &.,pdz'dl'odj'ik'dl, of or pert, to quantities or doses in medicine. post-anal, a., post-dn'dl (L. post, after or behind ; anus, the fundament), situated behind the anus : post-oesophageal, a., eS'Oj'-adj-ef'dl (Gr. oisophagos, the gullet), situated behind the gullet : post-oral, or'-al (L. os, a mouth, 6m, of a mouth), situated behind the mouth : post-pharyn- geal, a., situated behind the pharynx. posterior, a., pdst-er'i'd'r (L. posterior, hinder from posterns, coming after), coming after ; hinder ; in bot., applied to the part of the flower next the axis same as Superior : posteriors, n. plu., the hinder parts of an animal. posticse, n. plu., post'is-e (L. posticus, behind), in bot., a name applied to anthers when they open on the outer surface ; same as ' extrorse, ' which see. PotamesB, n. plu., p^t-amf-e-e (Gr. potdmos, a river), the Naias or Pondweed family, an Order of plants ; another name for ' Naiad- acese,' which see : Potamogeton, n., pb't'am'ddj'et'd'n (Gr. geiton, bordering, contiguous), a genus of plants whose species mostly grow wholly in water : Potamogeton natans, nat'-dnz (L. ndtans, swimming), a species whose roots are said to be eaten in Siberia. potass, n., ptit-as' (potassa, a. Latinised form of potash; F. potasse, potashes), the hydrated. oxide of the metal potassium, , or kalium, much used in medic- ine : liquor potassae, lik f >6r pot-as'-se (L. liquor, a fluid ; potassce, of potassa), a solution of potass, a colourless and very acrid fluid, prepared from car- bonate of potass by adding quicklime. Potentilleae, n. plu., pot'.ent-tt'-le-e (L. potens, powerful, potentls, of 1 powerful), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Rosacese, so named from the supposed medicinal qualities of some of the species : Potentilla, n., pot^nt'il'-ld, a genus of; plants : Potentilla tormentilla, , tor'-ment'iV-ld (L. tormentum, pain or torment), a species whose root was supposed to relieve pain in the teeth, also tonic and astringent. prsecipitate, n., pre-sip'it-dt (L. prcecipito, I throw down head- long), any substance thrown down, from its state of solution in a liquid, to the bottom of a vessel, generally in a pulverised form. prsefloration, n., pre'-flor-a'shun (L. prcB, before ; flos, a flower, fldris, of a flower), another term for ' aestivation ' : praBfoliation, n., pre f -f6l-i>a'.sliun (L. folium, PR.E 337 PHI a leaf), another name for ' verna- tion. ' prae-molars, n. plu., pre-mol'arz (L. pre, before ; moldres, the grinders), the molar teeth of Mammals, which come after the molars of the milk-set of teeth, and occupy the same places ; the bicuspid teeth in man : prae- oesophageal, a. , situated in front of the gullet : prsa-sternum, n., the anterior portion of the breast- bone, extending as far as the point of articulation of the second rib. praemorse, a., pre-mftrs' (L. prce- mdrsus, bitten into from prce, before ; mdrsus, bitten), in bot., applied to a rhizome or root terminating abruptly, as if bitten off. Prangos, n., prang'- gos (a native name), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbelliferse : Prangos pabulari a, pab r -ul-ar f >i'a (L. pdbuldrius, belonging to pabulum, food for man or beast), a plant of S. Tartary, an excellent fodder for cattle. pre, as in premolar, etc., see under 'prse.' precordium, n., pre-hord'-i-urn, precordia, n. plu., -i-d (L. prce, before ; cor, the heart, cordis, of the heart), the region of the chest which lies in front of the heart ; parts about the heart : precordial, a., pre-kord'i-al, of or relating to the precordia. preformative, a., pre-fdrm'-at-iv (L. prce, before, in front ; Eng. formative), in anat., applied to the fine, pellucid, homogeneous membrane which covers the entire pulp of the tooth. prehensile, a., pre-hens'-il (L. prehendo, I lay hold of, prehensus, laid hold of), adapted for seizing or laying hold, as the hands in man, or the tails of some monkeys: prehension, n., pre- Mn'shun, a seizing or grasping, as with the hand. Y prepuce, n. , prep'us (F. prtpuce, the prepuce ; L. prceputmm, the foreskin), the membranous or cutaneous fold covering the 'glans penis ' ; the foreskin. presbyopia, n., pres'bt-op'-i-a (Gr. presbus, old ; dps, the eye), a defect of the eyesight, generally met with in advanced life, in which the lens is so flattened that the near point of vision has receded to beyond eight inches, instead of being at three, as in early life. prescription, n., prfrskrlptsh&n (L. prce, before ; scriptus, written), a written statement by a phys- ician or surgeon, in which he directs what medicine or medicines are to be taken by a patient, the dose, and how often. pressirostres, n. plu., pr$s'>%-rd*tl rez(L. pressus, flattened; rostrum, a beak), a group of the grallator- ial birds, having a compressed or flattened beak : pressirostral, a., -rtJstfral, pert. to. prevertebral, a., pre-vert'-Zb-ral (L. prce, before ; Eng. vertebral), situated immediately in front of the vertebrae. prickles, n. plu., prWkh (Dut. prik, a stab or prick ; low Ger. prikken, to pick or stick), in bot. , sharp conical elevations of the epidermis, of a nature similar to hairs. primary, a., prim'-ar-i (L. primus, the first), first in place, rank, or importance ; in bot., applied to the principal division of any organ : primaries, n. plu., prim'- dr-iz, the stiff feathers or quills in the last joint of the wing of a bird : primine, n., prim'-m, the first or outermost covering of an ovule. primordial, a., prim-ctrd'-i-al (L. primdrdium, first beginning from primus, first ; ordior, I commence), elementary; original, in bot., earliest formed ; applied to the first true leaves given off PRI 338 PRO by the young plant, also to the first fruit produced on a raceme or spike: primordial utricle, in bot. , the lining membrane of cells in their early state : p. vesicle, the elementary ovule of animals. Primulacese, n. plu., prim'ul-d' s$-e (L. primulus, the first, dim. from primus, first), the Primrose family, an Order of plants, among which acridity more or less pre- vails : Primula, n., pmm'ul-d, a genus of showy garden flowers, so named as being a very early flowering plant : Primula auric- ula, wwr-ik'-ul-a (L. dim. from auris, the ear), a yellow plant, native of Swiss Alps, from which all the fine forms of auriculas are derived : P. veris, ver'is (L. ver, spring, veris, of spring), the Cowslip, the flowers of which are said to be narcotic : P. elatior, Sl-at'-i-tir (L. eldtus, productive, eldtior, more productive), the Oxlip : P. vulgaris, vulg-dr^-is (L. vulgaris, common, vulgar), the Primrose : P. farinosa, far r > in'Oz'-ci (L. farinosus, mealy from farina, meal), the Bird's- eye Primrose : P. Scotica, skdt'- iJc'd (of or from Scotland], the Scottish Primrose. princeps cervicis, prm'seps serv- is'-is (L. princeps, the first, chief; cervix, the neck, cervicis, of the neck), applied to the large branch artery (arteria princeps cervicis) which descends along the back part of the neck, and divides into a superficial and a deep branch. Pringlea, n., prmg-gle'a (after Sir John Pringle, who wrote on scurvy), a genus of plants, Ord. Cruciferse : Pringlea antiscor- butica, an'-ti-skor-but'-ik-a (Gr. anti, against ; mid. L. scorMtus, the disease scurvy), the Kerg- uelen's-land cabbage, so named from its properties. Prionium, n., pri-dn'i-um (Gr. prion, a saw), a genus of plants, Ord. Xyridacese : Prionium palmita, palm'tt-a (L. palmcs, a young branch, palmitis, of a young branch), the Palmite, a remarkable, aquatic, juncaceous plant of S. Africa, having a very thick stem. prismenchyma, n., priz-meng^ kirn' a (Gr. prisma, a prism ; engchumos, juicy ; cheuma, tissue), in bot., tissues formed of prismatic cells : prismen- chymal, a., -kim-al, of or pert, to. probang, n., pro-bang' (from probe, and bang, in the sense of pushing), a slender piece of whalebone, with a piece of ivory or sponge at the extremity, used for pushing bodies down the gullet or ossophagus into the stomach, or for ascertaining the permeability of that passage. probe, n., prob (L. probo, I test or try), a small, slender rod for examining a wound, ulcer, or cavity. proboscis, n., prob-fa'sis (L. proboscis, Gr. proboslcis, a trunk), the snout or trunk of an elephant; the spiral trunk of Lepidopterous insects ; the projecting mouth of certain Crinoids ; the central polypite in the Medusse : Probos- cidea, n. plu., prob'-ftS'Sid'-fra, the Order of Mammals comprising the Elephants. procambium, n., pro-lcam'bi'tim (new L. cambium, nutriment ; L. cambio, I change), in bot., the prosenchymatous, complete, cellular tissue of a future fibro- vascular bundle ; see * cambium/ process, n., pros'-es or pros'-Zs (L. processus, an advance, process from pro, forward ; cessum, to go or move along), in bot., any prominence, projecting part, or small lobe ; the principal divisions of the inner peristome of Mosses ; in anat., a projecting part of a bone ; any protuberance: processes of bone, in anat., the eminences on the surfaces of PRO 339 PRO bones, which are of various kinds, and named accordingly, such as : ieads, processes, round in form, which belong to the moveable articulations or joints ; condyles, processes which are broader in one direction than in the others ; mpressions, irregular eminences, not much elevated ; lines, unequal eminences, long, but not very prominent ; crests, eminences resembling lines, but broader, and more prom- inent ; prominences, prominent elevations, rounded, broad, and smooth ; tuberosities, elevations, rounded and rough ; spinoKs processes, have the form of a spine ; styloid, resemble a style or pen ; corocoid, resemble a crow's beak ; odontoid, resemble a tooth ; mastoid, resemble a nipple. procidentia uteri, pros'-id-en'slii-a ut'-er-l (L. procidentia, a falling down from pro, forward ; cado, I fall ; Uterus, the womb, uteri, of the womb), the prolapse or falling down of the womb ; the protrusion of the uterus beyond the vulva. procoalous, a., pro- set' us (Gr. pro, before, forward ; Tcoilos, hollow), applied to vertebrae, the bodies of which are hollow or concave in front. procumbent, a., pro-kumb'-ent (L. procumbens, leaning forward), prostrate ; in lot. , lying upon or trailing along the ground. proembryo, n., pro-em'-bri-d (Gr. pro, before ; Eng. embryo), in bot. , a free cell in the embryonal vesicle, which divides into eight cells by vertical and transverse septa, constituting together a short cylindrical cellular body ; the first part produced by the spore of an acrogen in germinating ; a prothallus. profunda corvicis, pro -fund'- a serv-is'is (L. profundus, deep j cervix, the neck, cervlcw, of the neck), the deep artery of the neck ; the deep cervical branch of the subclavian artery : pro- funda femoris, f em' or -is (L. femur, the thigh, fem6ris, of the thigh), the deep artery of the thigh ; the deep femoral artery. proglottis, n., pro-glottis (Gr. pro, for ; glotta, the tongue), the generative segment or jo:'nt of a tapeworm : proglottides, n. plu. , pro-glot'-tid-ez, the sexually free and mature segments of Tsenia solium. prognathous, a., prdg-natli'us, also prognathic, a., prog-nath'ik (Gr. pro, before ; gnathos, jaw, the cheek), having prominent or projecting jaws, as in the Negro and Hottentot. prognosis, n., prog-novf-ls (Gr. prognosis, foreknowledge from pro, before ; gignosko, I know), the foretelling the result of any disease, based upon a considera- tion of its signs and symptoms. progressive atrophy, see ' atrophy,* a gradual and systematic advanc- ing atrophy of muscles ; fatty degeneration. progressive locomotor ataxia, a disease characterised in walking by the peculiar gait, as that of a drunken man, arising from the loss of the faculty of co-ordination of the limbs, and harmonising the movements of independent parts ; see ' locomotor ataxia. ' prolapse, n., pro-laps', also pro- lapsus, n., pro-laps'-us (L. pro- lapsus, sliddeu or fallen down), in surg. , a protrusion or falling down of a part, especially the gut or womb, so as to become partly ex- ternal and uncovered : prolapsus ani, an'-l (L. anus, the fundament), an affection analogous to invagin- ation, in which a fold of the mucous membrane comes down, or in which both the mucous and muscular tunics descend, forming PRO 340 PRO a tumour of a sausage or pyriform shape : prolapsus uteri, ut'-er-i (L. ut$rus, the womb), the pro- trusion of the womb at the vulva, or below its natural level in the pelvic cavity. prolegs, n. plu., pro'ttgz (L. pro, for ; Eng. legs), the fleshy pedi- form organs, often retractile, which assist various larvae in their movements ; the false abdominal feet of caterpillars. proliferous, a., pro -lifter -us (L. proles, offspring ; fero, I carry), in bot., bearing abnormal buds ; having an unusual development of supernumerary parts, as when flower-buds become viviparous, or when leaves produce buds : prolification, n., pro-llf-ik-af- shun, the condition in which the axis is prolonged beyond the flower, and bears leaves, ending in an abortive flower-bud, as in the Rose and Geum. pronation, n., pr on- of- shun (L. pronus, hanging downwards, stooping), in anat., the act by which the palm of the hand is turned downwards, with the thumb towards the body ; the position of the hand so turned : pronator, n., pron-dtftir, one of the two muscles used in the act of turning the palm downwards : pronator teres. ter'-ez (L. teres, a taper), a muscle which rolls the radius inwards, together with the hand : pronator quadratus, kwdd-rdt'-us (L. quadratus, square), a small flat quadrilateral muscle, extending transversely across the front of the radius and ulva : prone, a., pron, prostrate; lying flat on the earth. pr'opagulum, n., prdp-ag'ul'um (L. propdgo, the slip or shoot of a plant, offspring), in bot., an offshoot or germinating bud attached by a thickish stalk to the parent plant ; a runner end- ing in an expanded bud : pro- pagula, n. plu., prop-tig'-til-a, powdery grains of the soredia of Lichens. prophylactic, a., prof4lak'>tik (Gr. prophulaktikos, preservative from pro, before ; phulasso, I preserve), in med., defending from disease; preventive: n., a medicine which preserves against disease. propodium, n., pro-podium (Gr. pro, before ; podes, feet), the anterior part of the foot in Molluscs. proptosis, n., prtip-toz'-ts (Gr. proptosis, a falling down or forwards from pro, before ; ptosls, a fall), a protrusion of the eyeball. proscolex, n., pro-skol f >eks (Gr. pro, before ; skolex, a worm), the first embryonic stage of a tape- worm. prosencephalon, n., pros'-en-sef'* til-tin (Gr. pros, before ; engkeph- alon, the brain), one of the five fundamental parts of the brain, comprising the cerebral hemi- spheres, corpus callosum, corpora striata, fornix, lateral ventricles, and olfactory nerve ; the cerebrum proper in fishes. prosenchyma, n., prds-eng'-kim-d (Gr. pros, before, addition ; engcli&o, I pour in ; cheuma, juice, tissue), in bot., fusiform tissue forming wood ; tissue formed of elongated pointed cells: . prosenchymatous, a., pros'-eng* kim'-at-us, of or pert, to prosen- chyma. Prosobranchiata, n. plu., pros'5' brang-ki-dt'-a (Gr. proso, in front, in advance of ; brangchia, gills of a fish), a division of Gasteropodous Molluscs, in which the gills are situated in advance of the heart. prosoma, n., prd-somf-d (Gr. pro, before ; soma, a body ; somdta, bodies), in zool., the anterior part of the body. prostate, a., prds'-ldt (Gr. pros- tates, one who stands before PRO 341 PRO from pro, before ; stasis, a set- ting or standing), applied to a pale, firm, glandular body, re- sembling a horse - chestnut in shape and size, which surrounds the neck of the bladder and commencement of the urethra : prostatic, a., prd-stat'$k, of or pert, to the prostate gland : prostatitis, n., pros' tat-tt-is, the inflammation of. protandrous, a., prdt-and'-rus(GY. protos, first ; aner, a male, andros, of a male), in bot. , having stamens reaching maturity before the pistil. Proteaces9, n. plu., pr^^'d'-se-e (L. Proteus, a self-transforming sea-god), the Protea family, an Order of plants, so named from their great diversity of appear- ance: rrotea, n., prot^-a, a genus of magnificent evergreen shrubs, producing peculiar flowers : Prot- ea mellifera, mel-Uf-er-d (L. mel, honey, mellis, of honey ; jfero, I produce), the sugar-bush, a species so named from the honey furnished by its flowers : P. grandiflora, grand'-i-flor'-a (L. grandis, great ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), a species whose bark, called "Wagenboom, is used in diarrhoea at the Cape. protenchyma, n., prot-gng'-kim-a (Gr. protos, first ; engcheo, I pour in ; cheuma, juice, tissue), in bot., the fundamental tissue out of which by differentiation other tissues arise. prothallus, n., prd-thdl'lus, also prothallium, n., pro-ihal'-ll-um (Gr. pro, before ; thallos, a sprout), in bot., the first results of the germination of the spore in the higher Cryptogams, as ferns, horse-tails, etc! prothorax, n., prd-thdr'aJcs (Gr. pro, before ; thorax, the chest), in zoo/., the anterior ring of the thorax of insects. Protococcus, n.,prdt'o-kdk f ''us (Gr. protos, first ; kokkos, a berry), a genus of Algae : Protococcus nivalis, mv-dl'is (L. mvdlis, of or belonging to snow from nix, snow), and P. viridis, vir^id-is (L. viridis, green), are species which occur in red and green snow. protogynous, a., proi-tidf-m-us, also proterogynous, a., prot'er- 6df'ln-us (Gr. protos, first ; gune, a woman), in bot., having the pistil reaching maturity before the stamens. protophyte, n., prot'o-fit (Gr. protos, first ; phuton, a plant), a production lowest in the scale of the vegetable kingdom : prot- ophyta, n. plu., proi-fif'-it-a, the lowest division of plants. protoplasm, n., prot'6-plazm, also protoplasma, n., prot'd-plaz'ma (Gr. protos, first ; plasma, what has been formed, a model), in bot., deposits upon the inner walls of the cells of cellular tissue, from which the cell-nuclei are formed ; the elementary basis of organised tissues : protoplast, n., prot'o-plast (Gr. plastos, formed), the thing first formed ; a first formed nucleated cell in an organised body. protopodite, n., prdt-tip'8d-it (Gr. protos, first ; pous, a foot, podes, feet), in zool., the basal segment of the typical limb of a Crust- acean. protospores, n. , prot'o-sporz (Gr. protos, first ; spora, a seed), in bot., the spores of the first gen- eration. protovertebraa, n. plu., prot'-d* vert'-eb-re (Gr. protos, first ; and vertebrce), the primitive vertebrae of early foetal life, appearing early as dark spots, soon forming quadrangular laminae on each side of the chorda dorsalis, which, however, do not coincide with the permanent vertebrae. protoxide, n., prot-oks'-id (Gr. protos, first; and. oxide), mchem., a compound containing one PRO 342 PSE equivalent of oxygen combined with one of a base, that is, the first oxide, and so of numerous other words similarly formed. Protozoa, n. plu., prot'o-zo'-a, also Protozoans, n. plu.,_pro^o-zo-awz (Gr. protos, first ; zoon, an animal), the lowest division of the animal kingdom, apparently occupying a sort of neutral ground between animals and vegetables : protozoic, a., prot'-o-zo'-ik, be- longing to the Protozoa ; con- taining the first traces of life : protozoon, n., prot'-o-zd'on, also protozoan, n., -zo'dn, one of the Protozoa. proventriculus, n., prfafenMM ill-its (L. pro, in front of; ven- triculus, the stomach from ven- ter, the belly), the cardiac portion of the stomach of birds. proximal, a., proks'-im-al (L. proximus, next, nearest), toward or nearest, as to a body or centre; in zool, applied to the slowly- growing, comparatively - fixed extremity of a limb, or of an organism : proximal part, the part toward or nearest. proximate, a., proks'im-dt (L. proximus, nearest), nearest ; immediate : proximate cause, that which immediately precedes and produces the effect, though not the only operating cause ; opposed to 'remote or immediate ' : proximate principles, in chem., distinct compounds which exist ready formed in animals, as albumen, fat, etc., and in veget- ables, as sugar, starch, etc. pruinose, a., pr6 r -in-oz f (L. prum- osus, full of hoar-frost from pruina, hoar-frost), in bot. , covered with glittering particles, as if fine globules of dew had been con- gealed upon it. Primus, n., pr6n f -us (L. prunum, a plum), a genus of plants, Ord. Rosaceae : Prunus domestica, ddm-est'-ik-a (L. domesticus, of or belonging to the house from dtimus, the house), the Plum tree and its varieties, which, when dried, constitute prunes : P. laurocerasus, Idior'd'Ser'-dS'US (L. laurus, the laurel ; cerdsus, the cherry tree), the Cherry- laurel, or common Bay -laurel, have been used as anodyne and hypnotic remedies: P. Lusitanica, Idz'-it-an'-ik-a (Lusitania, old name for Portugal), the Portugal laurel, cultivated as an evergreen: P. spinosa, spln-oz'-a (L. spmos- us, thorny, prickly from splna, a spine), the Sloe, whose leaves have been employed to adulterate tea. prurigo, n. , pr6r-lg f -o (L. prurigo, an itching, prurid, I itch), a skin disease characterised by intolerable itching : pruritus, n., prdr-it'-us (L. pruritus, an itch- ing), itching, forming the main symptom of the disease prurigo. prussic, a. , prus'-ilc (from Prussia), applied to a deadly poison or- iginally obtained from Prussian- blue, existing in the laurel, and in kernels of various fruits prepared commercially from prussiate of potass j hydrocyanic acid. psalterium, n., sdwlt-er'i'um (L. psalterium, a stringed instr. of the lute kind), the manyplies or third cavity of the stomach of a ruminant animal ; in anat. , a part of the brain, consisting of lines impressed on the under surface of the posterior part of the body of the fornix. psammoma, n., sdm-mom'a (Gr. psammds, loose earth, sand), a tumour usually found in the brain and its appendages, whose characteristic feature is the occurrence of calcareous matter, or * brain sand, ' in the centre of small concentric lobules. pseudembryo, n., (Gr. pseudes, lying, false ; and embryo), the larval form of an Echinoderm. PSE 343 PSY pseudobranchia, n., i'd (Gr. pseudes, false; brangchia, gills of a fish), in certain fishes, a supplementary gill, which, receiving arterialised blood only, does not assist in respiration. pseudo-bulb, n., sud'o-bulb (Gr. pseudes, false ; and bulb), in bot., a swollen aerial of many Orchids, resembling a tuber ; a bulb in appearance only. pseudocarp, n., sud'o-kdrp (Gr. pseudes, false ; karpos, fruit), in bot., applied to such fruit as the strawberry, in which other parts are incorporated with the ovaries in forming the fruit. pseudohsemal, a., sud'-6-hemf>al (Gr. pseudes, false ; haima, blood), in zooL, applied to the vascular system of the Annelida : pseudo-hearts, certain contractile cavities connected with the arterial system of Brachiopoda, formerly looked upon as hearts : pseudo- navicellse, n. plu., nav'-i-sel'-le (L. nawcula, a little ship from ndvis, a ship), the embryonic forms of the Gregorinidse, so named from their resemblance to the ISTavicula. pseudopodium,n. ,sud'-o-pod'-i-um, pseudopodia, n. plu., sud'-o- pod'4'O, (Gr. pseudes, false ; pous, a foot, podes, feet), in bot., the leafless prolongation of the leafy stem in Mosses, bearing the spor- angium ; inzoo^., the extensions of the body-substance which are put forth by the Rhizopoda at will, serving for locomotion and prehension : pseudopodial, a. , sud'd'pdd'i-al, of or pert. to. pseudospermous, a., sud'-d'Sperm'- us (Gr. pseudes, false ; sperma, seed), in bot., bearing single seeded seed-vessels, resembling seeds, as in Achenes ; having a false seed cr carpel. pseudova, n. plu., sud-ov'-a (Gr. pseudes, false ; L. ovum., an egg), the egg-like bodies from which the young of the viviparous Aphis are produced. Psidium, n., sid't-um (Gr. psidias, so named by the anc. Greeks), a genus of fruit-bearing plants, Ord. Myrtacese : Psidium pyriferum, pir-if'e'r'um (L. plrum, a pear ; fero, I produce) ; and P. pomifer- um, pom-if-er-um (L. pomum, an apple ; fero, I produce), species which produce the pulpy edible fruits called Guavas : P. Cattle- yanum, kat'-l-yan'um (after William Cattley, an English patron of Botany), has a fruit of a fine claret colour, bearing some resemblance in consistence and flavour to the strawberry. psoas, n., so'-as (Gr. psoa, the loins), in anat., applied to two muscles of each loin, lying along the sides of the lumbar vertebrae, viz. the psoas magnus, mdg'-nus (L. magnus, great), and the p. parvus, parv'-us (L. parvus, little), the great psoas, and the little psoas. psoriasis, n., sor-i'-as-is (Gr. psor- iasis, the being itchy or mangy from psora, scab, itch), a dry, scaly disease of the skin, charac- terised by slightly raised red patches, covered by white, shin- ing, opaque scales : psora, n. , sor'-a, the itch ; a rough scali- ness of the skin: psoric, a., sor^ik, of the nature of itch : n., a remedy for itch. psychology, n., si-kol'-o-ji (Gr. psuche, the soul ; logos, a word), the doctrine of man's spiritual nature ; the science conversant about the phenomena of the mind, or of the conscious subject : psychical, a., slk'-ik-al, relating to or connected with the soul, spirit, or mind. Psychotria, n., sik-ot'-rl-a (Gr. psuche, the soul, life ; iatreia, healing), a genus of plants, Ord. Rubiacese, so named in reference to the powerful medical qualities of some of the species: Psychotria PTB 344 PUB emetica, gm-&?&4 (L. an incitement to vomit), the large black striated Ipecacuanha, in- ferior to true Ipecacuanha : P. cephaelis, sef'-a-el'.is (Gr. kephale, the head, their flowers being disposed in heads) ; and P. Eandia, rand'-i-a (after /. Rand, a London botanist), species which act so violently as to produce poisonous effects. pteridographia, n., ter'-id-d-graf- i-&, also pteridography, n., ^ td-fyrfy-i (Gr. pttrte, the ferns ; grapho, I write), a treatise on Ferns. Pteris, n., Ur'-is (Gr. pterux, a wing), an ornamental genus of Ferns, so named in allusion to the appearance of the leaves, Ord. Filices : Pteris aquilina, ak'wil- in'a (L. aquila, an eagle), the well known bracken of this country: P. esculenta, Zsk'-ul-ent'-d (L. esculentus, fit for eating from esca, food), a species occasionally used as food in different countries. Pterocarpus, n. , ter'-d-Mrp'-tis (Gr. pt$r$n, a wing ; karpos, fruit), a genus of plants, mostly fine ornamental trees, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Papilion- acese, so named from their pods being girded with broad wings : Pterocarpus erinaceus, gr-m-d- tfc-tis (L. ermacZus, a hedgehog), African Kino, used as a powerful astringent : P. marsupium, mar- sup'-i-um (L. marsupium, a pouch, a purse), a tree of the Indian forests yielding the con- crete exudation called ' Kino ' : P. santalinus, san'-tal-m'us (Ar. zandal), yields the red sandal- wood, used as a dye : ptero- carpous, a., ter'd'hdrp'-us, having winged fruit. Pteropoda, n., &r*#p#&4 (Gr. pti&rtin, a wing ; pous, a foot, podos, of a foot), a class of the Mollusca which swim by means of fins attached near the head : pteropodous, a., wing-footed ; having a wing- shaped expansion attached near the head for swimming. pterygo, ftr'-ig-o (Gr. pterux, a wing), a prefix denoting attach- ment to, or connection with, the pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bone : pterygoid, a., t&r'-ig-dyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), in anat. t applied to the wing-like processes of the sphen- oid bone. ptosis, n., toz'is (Gr. ptosis, a falling), paralysis of the upper eyelid, which falls and covers the eye, the patient being unable to open the eye except by means of his fingers. ptyalin, n., ti'-al-in (Gr. ptuZldn, saliva), a ropy organic matter, being the active principle of saliva: ptyalism, n., tl'-al-lzm^ an increased and involuntary flow of saliva. puberty, n., pub'ert-i (L. pub- ertas, the age of maturity from pubes, of ripe age, the privy parts), the age at which persona are capable of begetting, or bearing children ; maturity : pubes, n., pub'ez, in anat. t the external part where the generat- ive organs are situated, which at puberty begins to be covered with hair : pubic, a., pub'-lk t pert, to or connected with the pubes : pubic arch, drtsh, the bony arch formed over the con- cave border of the pelvis : pubis os, pub'-ls tis (L. pubis, the pubes, or of the pubes ; os, a bone), the pubic or share-bone, forming part of the os innominatum : OS symphysis, simf'-zs-is (Gr. sum- phusis, a growing together), the connection of the bones forming the pubic arch : pubescence, n., pub '$s' 8ns (L. pubescens, reaching the age of puberty, ripening), the state of puberty ; in bot. , the downy substance on plants : pubescent, a., pub>l&$rtf, arriving PUB S45 PUN at maturity; in lot., covered with soft hair or down. NOTE. Although pubes is the correct Latin nominative, and pubis the genit- ive, late Latin authors have written pubis for pubes, and accordingly we now find both pubes and pubis used in the nominative, and pubis the genitive. pubo-, pub'-d (L. pubes, the signs of manhood, the privy parts), of or connected with the pubis os or share-bone : pubo-femoral, f&ml tir-al, applied to a ligament which enters into the formation of the capsule of the hip joint : pubo - prostatic, prd'Stat'-ik, ap- plied to the anterior ligaments of the bladder. pudendum, n., pud-end'um, pud- enda, n. plu., pud'Znd'a (L. pudendus, of which one ought to feel ashamed frompudeo, I am ashamed), the external organs or parts of generation ; the labia majora ; the vulva : pudendal, a., pud'$nd'al, applied to a branch of the small sciatic nerve ; pert, to the pudenda. pudic, a., pud'-ik (L. pudlcus, shamefaced, modest), pert, to the pudenda or private parts ; applied to arteries, nerves, and veins connected with the gener- ative organs. puerperal, a., pu-er f >p%r-al (L. puerpera, a woman in child-bed from puer, a child ; parw, I bring forth), relating to or following child-birth ; applied to a fever coming after child-birth. pulex irritans, pul f -%ks ir-lt'-am (L. pulex, a flea, pullcis, of a flea ; irritans, exciting, inflam- ing), the common flea, a torment common to men and animals : PulicidsB, n. iplu., pul-ts'id-e, the genus or group of insects which comprises the fleas. Pulmo-gasteropoda, pul'-mo-gasi'- Zr'dp'dd'O, (L. pulmo, a lung, pulmonis, of a lung ; Gr. gaster, the stomach ; Gr. pous, a foot, podos, of a foot), in zool., a division of the Mollusca, com- prising those creatures which breathe air directly by means of a pulmonary sac or chamber ; also called Pulmonifera, pW!m8n4f* %r-a (L. fero, I bear) : Pulmon- aria, n. plu., pul'mon-dr'-i'd, a division of Arachnida which breathe by means of pulmonary sacs : pulmonate, a., pul'mon^df, possessing lungs : pulmograde, a., pul f -mo-grdd (L. gradi, to walk), having a lung-like move- ment ; moving by the alternate expansion and contraction of the body, especially of the disc, as in the case of the Medusae : pulmon- ary, a., pul'-mftn-ar'i, pert, to or affecting the lungs. pulsation, n., puts -of- shun (L, pulsattim, to beat, to strike ; pulsus, a beating), the beating or throbbing of the heart, or of an artery ; vibration : pulse, n., puls, the beating or throbbing of an artery, perceptible to the touch, and caused by the action of the heart. pulverulent, a., pul-v$r6z r -a,&]Q puncta cruenta, PUN 346 PUS krd-ent'a (L. punctus, a sting, a point ; vasculum, a small vessel ; cruentus, stained with blood), in anat., the numerous minute red dots, produced by the escape of blood from divided blood- vessels, which stud the surface of the white central mass of the cerebrum : punctum lachrymale, pungk f -tum lak'rim-dl'e (L. punctus, pierced, punctured ; ( lachrima, a tear), a small j aperture which perforates each papilla of the papilla lachrymale: punctum caecum, sek'-tim (L. ccecus, blind), a point in the retina from w T hich the optic nerve fibres radiate, so named because insensible to light : p. vegetationis, vcdy'St-a'-shi-on'-is (L. vegetdtio, a quickening, vegetation, vegetdtionis, of a quickening), in bot., the point of vegetation or growth in a plant. punctate, a., pungk r -tdt, also punctated, a., pungk'-tdt-ed (L. punctum, a point, a small hole), in bot. , having the surface covered with small holes or dots ; dotted. Punica, n., pun'-ik-a (L. pumcus, of or from the Pceni or Carthag- inians], a genus of plants, Ord. MyrtaceaB : Punica granatum, gran-at'iim (L. grdndtus, having many grains or seeds from grdnum, a seed ; granatum, a pomegranate), the pomegranate tree, which produces dark scarlet flowers, used as an astringent, and the rind of the fruit and the bark of the root used as anthelmintics, especially in tape- worm. pupa, n., pup'-a, pupae, n. plu., pup'-e (L. pupa, a doll or puppet), the third or last state but one of insect existence the first being the egg, the second the cater- pillar, the third the pupa or chrysalis, and the fourth or per- fect insect state the imago. pupil, n., pup'il (L. pupilla, a little girl from pupa, a girl, a doll ; It pupilla, the eye-ball), the opening in the iris of the eye through which the rays of light pass to the retina. purgative, a., perg'-at-w (I/. purgo, I purify), having the power of evacuating the bowels : n., a medicine that causes frequent evacuations of the bowels. purples, n. plu., pvrp'-lz, also called ear-cockles, or peppercorn, a disease affecting the grains of wheat, in which the grains be- come first of a dark-green, and ultimately of a black colour, caused by the animal parasite vibrio trilici, or eel of the wheat. purpura, n., perp'-ur-a (L. purp~ ura, the shell-fish which yields purple), a disease accompanied by an eruption of spots on the skin called petechise, or patches called ecchymoses, caused by haemorrhage into the skin, and which vary in tint from bright red to violet : purpuric, a., perp'tir'-ik, denoting an acid of a purple colour, obtained from excrement of the boa-constrictor, and also from urinary calculi ; of or pert, to purpura : purpuric fever, a fever occasionally accom- panying purpura. purulent, a., pur'ul-ent (purul- entus, full of corrupt matter frompiis, the viscous matter of a sore ; puris, of the matter of a sore), consisting of pus or corrupt matter : purulence, n. , piir'-ul' ens, the formation of pus or matter : pus, n., pus, the fluid matter contained in abscesses, and discharged from the surfaces of ulcers and granulating wounds, healthy pus being of a white or pale-yellow colour : ichorous pus, the foetid and dirty fluid dis- charged from foul and unhealthy ulcers, or from abscesses in those of a vitiated constitution. pustule, n. , pust'ul (L. pustula, a blister or pimple from pus, PUT matter from a sore), a small elevation of the skin or cuticle containing pus : pustular, a., pust'ul-dr, covered with or re- sembling pustules : pustula mal- igna, pust'ul-a mdl-ig'nd (L. mdlignus, of an evil nature), anthrax or carbuncular fever. putamen, n., put-dm'en (L. put- amen, a pod or shell), in bot., the hard endocarp, or bony stone, of some fruits, as the peach. putrid, a., put' rid (L. putridus, decayed from putris, rotten), rotten ; corrupt : putrid fever, formerly applied to typhus fever, but now used to designate any very bad form of scarlet or typhus fever, or small-pox. pyaemia, n., pi-em' i- a (Gr. puon, pus ; haima, blood), a disease supposed to be due to the intro- duction of pus into the blood, or of some morbid poison is often accompanied with inflammation of one or more veins, and the formation of abscesses in other parts of the body than those originally affected ; blood poison- ing. pycnide, n. , pik'md-e (Gr. puknos, dense), a wart-like, minute, cel- lular, reproductive body in the thallus of Lichens : pycnidia, n. plu., pik-nid f -i-d, cysts containing stylospores, found in Lichens and Fungi. pyelitis, n. , pl'-til-U'fa (Gr. puelos, a basin, a trough), a disease of the kidney, in which pus is formed in that organ, or in the ureter. pylorus, n., pil-dr'us(Gi\ puloros, a gate-keeper from pule, a gate), the lower and right hand orifice of the stomach leading to the intestines: pyloric, a., pil-or'-ik, pert, to the pylorus. pyramid, n., pir'dm-id (L. pyr- dmis, a pyramid, pyramidis, of a pyramid of Egyptian origin), a conical and laminated projection on the under surface of the cereb- PYR ellum ; a small conical eminence on the posterior wall of the tympanum : pyramidalis abdom- inis, pir'dm-id-dl'-is db-ddm'-in-is (L. the pyramidal of the abdom- en), a muscle arising from the pubes, which assists the lower part of the rectus : pyramidalis nasi, ndz'-i (L. ndsus, the nose, ndsi, of the nose), a muscle of the nose ; also applied to the conoidal division of the kidney, seen in the section of that organ. pyrena, n., pir-en'd, pyrenae, n. plu., pir-en'-e (Gr. piiren, the kernel or stone of fruit), in bot. t stony coverings of the seeds, as in the medlar ; the putamen : pyrenous, a., pir-en'us, full of fruit stones. pyrenocarpous, a., pir-en'-d-Mrp'* us (Gr. puren, the stone of fruit ; karpos, fruit), having fructifica- tion, like certain Lichens. Pyrethrum, n., pir-eth'-rtim (L. pyrethrum, Spanish chamomile ; Gr. pur, fire), a genus of plants, Ord. Composite, Sub-ord. Corym- biferse ; the pellitory of Spain, whose roots, hot to the taste, are used in medicine : Pyrethrum parthenium, pdrth-en'i-um (Gr. parthenos, a virgin), common feverfew, is aromatic and stimul- ant. pyrexia, n., pir-eks'i-a, pyrexiaa, n. plu., pir-^ks'-i-e (Gr. puretos, a fever from pur, fire), fever, or the febrile condition ; febrile diseases. pyriformis, a., pir8ks'>il-in, also pyroxyle, n., pir-8ks'-il (Gr. pur, fire ; xulon, wood), gun-cotton ; any explosive substance obtained by steeping a vegetable fibre in nitric or nitro-sulphuric acid, and afterwards carefully washing it among pure water, and drying it: pyroxylip, a., ptrttiks.Mtk, applied to a product of the destructive distillation of wood, as wood-naphtha. Pyrrhosa, n., pir-roz'a (Gr. pur- rhos, red, fiery), a genus of plants, Ord. Myristicaceae : Pyr- rhosa tingens, tmj'Znz (L. ting- ens, dyeing), a species which furnishes a red pigment. Pymlaria, n., pir'-ul-dr'-t-a (un- ascertained), a genus of plants, Ord. Santalacese : Pymlaria ole- ifera, oV-e-if^r-d (L. oleum, oil ; fero, I produce), Buffalo tree or oil nut, whose large seeds yield a fixed oil. Pyrus, n., plr'-us (L. pyrum, a pear ; pyrus, a pear tree), a genus of plants, Ord. Rosacese, Sub-ord. Pomese : Pyrus malus, mdl'iis (L. malus, an apple tree), the native species of the Apple, from which the cultivated species have been derived by grafting: P. communis, lc$m>mun f -is (L. ctim- munis, common), the native species of the Pear : P. Cydonia, sid'dn'-i'a (from being a native of Kydon, in the island of Crete), the Quince, also called ' Cydonia vulgaris ' : P. sorbus, sftrb'us (L. sorbus, the sorb or service tree), the Service tree : P. aria, dr-i'-a (Gr. derios, lofty), the White Bean tree : P. aucu- paria, dwk'u'pdr'-i>d (L. aucu- pdrius, having the power to catch birds from aucupor, I go a bird - catching from avis, a bird ; capio, I take), the Moun- tain Ash or Rowan, from whose fruit a jelly is made. pyxidium, n., piks-id'-i-tim (L. pyxis, Gr. puxis, a box), in bot., a fruit dividing into an upper and lower half, the former acting as a kind of lid. quadratus, n., Jcwdd-rdt^us (L. quadratics, squared), the name of several muscles, so called from their square or oblong shape : quadratus femoris, fZm'-or-is (L. femur, the thigh ; femoris, of a thigh), a muscle at the upper part of the thigh, which moves the thigh backwards: q. lumber um, lum-bdr'-um (L. lumborum, of the loins or haunch from lumbus, the loins or haunch), a muscle con- nected with the haunch bone, and inserted into the last rib, which inclines the loins on one side : q. menti, ment'-i(L. mentum, the chin, menti, of the chin), a muscle which depresses the lower lip. quadriceps, n., kwo'd'rt'Seps (L. quadriceps, having four heads or tops from quatuor, four ; and caput, the head), a collective designation for four muscles of the thigh, so named from their similarity of action, they are, the rectus femoris, the vastus externus, the vastus internus, and the crurceus. quadrifarious, a. , 'kwod'-ri-fdr^i-us (L. quadrifarius, fourfold from quatuor, four), in bot., in four QUA 349 QUE rows ; proceeding from all the sides of the branch. quadrifid, a., kwod'ri-fid (L. quadrifidus, four - cleft from quatuor, four ; findo, I cleave), in lot., four-cleft; cut down into four parts to about the middle. quadrifurcate, a., kwtidlrf'ferKdt (L. quadrans, a fourth part ; furca, a two-pronged fork), in bot., doubly forked ; divided into two pairs: quadrijugate, a., kwod-ridf-ug-dt (L. jugum, a yoke), in bot., a compound leaf with four pairs of leaflets. quadrigeminous, a., JnoOd^ri'fSm^ m-us, also quadrigeminal, a., -jem'-in-al (L. quadrans, a fourth part; gemini, twins), four-fold ; having four similar parts : quad- rifoliate, a., kutid'-rt-fdl'-t-at (L. folium, a leaf), in bot., having four leaflets diverging from the same point : quadrigeminal bodies, four neighbouring emin- ences on the upper surface of the ' pons varolii ' in the brain. quadrilocular, a., kw8d'ri'ldk'ul' dr (L. quadrans, a fourth part ; loculus, a little space), in bot., having four cells or chambers : quadripartite, a., Icwod-rip'-drt-it or kw8d'ri'pdrt'it (L. partltus, divided), deeply divided into four parts. Quadrumana, n. plu., kwdd-rdm' dn'd (L. quadrans, a fourth part ; manus, the hand), the Order of Mammals which have four hand-like extremities, as in the monkey tribe : quadrum'an- ous, a., -an-us, having four hands. qualitative, a., Icwol'it-at-w (L. qudlUas, a quality or property from qudlis, of what sort or kind), in chem. analysis, intended merely to determine the nature or quality of component parts of any compound. quantitive, a., Icw&n&U-iv (L. quantltas, greatness from quant- us, how great), relating to quan- tity ; in chem. , having regard to the quantity of the ingredients in any given compound. quaquaversal, a. , kwd'kwa-vers'-dl (L. quaqua, on every side ; vers- us, turned), dipping on all sides ; directed every way. quarantine, n., kwor'-an-ten (It. quarantina, quarantine; L. quad- raginta, forty), the time during which a ship arriving from an in- fected port, home or foreign, must refrain from communicating with the shore, except under medical control, and at a fixed place ; originally extending over forty days, but now much more re- stricted. quartan, a., Icwdwrt'-an (It. and L. quartana, the quartan ague ; L. quartus, fourth), occurring every fourth day, applied to a form of ague. quartine, a. , kwdwrt'-m (L. quart- us, the fourth), in bot. , the fourth coat of the ovule, which is often changed into albumen. Quassia, n., kwdsh'-t-ti (after a negro, Quassy, who first dis- covered its qualities), a genus of plants, Ord. Simarubacese : Quassia aniara, dm-dr f -d (L. amdrus, bitter), a tall shrub of Guiana, etc., which originally yielded Quassia wood; the Quassia of the shops is obtained from Picraena excelsa, a large forest tree of W. Indian islands ; used in medicine in infusion and tinc- ture as a tonic and anthelmintic, frequently mixed in beer for hops, against the law : quassin, n., kwfo'in, the bitter crystalline principle of Quassia. quaternate, a., kwtft-ern''&6 (L. quaterni, four each from quat- uor, four), arranged in fours ; in bot., having leaves growing in fours from one point. queasy, a., kwez'i (Icel. quasa, to pant ; queisa, colic), sickish at stomach ; squeamish : queasi- QUE 350 QUI ness, n., kwez'-i-rie's, nausea; inclination to vomit. Quercus, n. , kwertf-us (L. quercus, an oak tree), a highly important genus of trees, Ord. Cupuliferse or Corylacese : Quercus peduncul- ata, ped-ungk f -ul-at''d (L. ped- unculus, a little foot from pes, a foot, pedis, of a foot), the Common Oak, containing much tannin, and used as an astringent: Q. sessiliflora, ses'stt'i-flor'a (L. sessilis, fit for sitting upon, low, dwarf ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), a British species, having sessile fruit, and yields best tim- ber : Q. SBgilops, edj'il'dps (L. cegilops, an oak with edible fruit), a species whose acorn cups, called Valonia, are used by dyers : Q. infectoria, m'f8k-tdr-i>d (L. in- fectorms, that serves for dyeing from inferior, a dyer), a native of Asia Minor, producing galls which are used as powerful astring- ents, and in dyeing, tanning, and making ink : Q. suber, suff- er (L. suber, the cork tree), a species whose bark constitutes cork : Q. tinctoria, ting tor' i- a (L. tmctorius, of or belonging to dyeing from tingo, I die), the Quercitron, whose bark yields a yellow dye : Q. ilex, il'-Zks (L. Ilex, the holm oak), the Ever- green Oak. QuilaieaB, n. plu., Jcwil-i'Z-e (Spanish), a Sub-order of the Ord. Kosacese: Quilaia, n., Icwil- i'-ti, a genus of plants : Quilaia saponaria, sap'-on-tir'-i-a (L. sdpo, soap, sdponis, of soap), a species whose bark, as well as that of other species, is used as a sub- stitute for soap. quinary, a., kwin'ar-i (L. quini, five each from quinque, five), in bot., composed of five parts, or of a multiple of five : quinate, a. , kwln'dt, in bot., applied to five similar parts arranged together, as five leaflets coming off from one point. quincunx, n., Icwing'kungks (L. quincunx, five - twelfths, an arrangement in five from quin- que, five ; uncia, a twelfth part), in bot., the arrangement of the leaves of a bud into five, of which two are exterior, two interior, and the fifth covers the interior with one margin, and has its other margin covered by the exterior : quincuncial, a. , Tewing" kun'-shi'dl, arranged in quincunx. quinia, n., kwin-i'd, or quinine, n., kwin f 4n (Sp. quina, Peruvian bark), the most important con- stituent of Cinchona bark, largely employed in medicine, chiefly in the form of the sulphate, as an antiperiodic and antipyretic : quinicine, n., kwln'-is-in, an alkaloid resembling quinia and quinidine, from either of which it may be prepared : quinidine, n., kwin'-id-in, an alkaloid found in quinia: quinism, n., kwm'izm, the appearances produced by much overdosing with quinia, or its salts. NOTE. antiperiodic, n., tin'* ti-per'* I'Od'-ik (Gr. anil, against ;periddos, a circuit), a remedy which removes the periodicity of disease : anti- pyretic, n., dn'ti-pir-Zt'ik (Gr. anti, against ; puretos, fever), a medicine for inflammation ; adj., antiphlogistic. quinquecostate, a. , kwing'kwt,' kSstf-dt (L. quinque, five ; costa, a rib), in bot., having five ribs on the leaf. quinquefarious, a., kwmg'-kwV-fdr'- i'US (new L. quinquefdrius from L. quinque, five), in bot., in five directions ; opening into five parts. quinquefid, a., kwmg'-kwe-fid (L. quinque, five ; fidi, I have split, findo, I split), in bot. t five-cleft ; cut into five parts as far as the middle : quinquelocular, a., kwing f 'kw^-l6kf'Ul'dr (L. loculus, a little place or cell), in bot. , hav- ing five cells, as a pericarp : 351 QUI quinquepartite, a. par I' it, or hiving -kwep'- art -it (L. partltus, divided), inbot., divided deeply into five parts. quinsy, n., kunn'-zi (corrupted from F, squinancie, quinsy ; L. cyn- anche, a bad kind of sore throat), suppurative inflammation of the tonsils and adjacent parts of the fauces or back part of the mouth. quintine, n., Ivmnt'-in (L. quintus, the fifth), in lot., the fifth coat of the ovule ; the embryo sac. quotidian, a., kwdt-id'i'an (L. quotididnus, every day from qud'tus, how many ; dies, a day), occurring every day, or returning daily, though not at the same hour, as an ague: n., a particular form of ague. rabies, n., rab'-i-ez (L. rdbiez, madness), canine madness ; an obscure disease, probably result- ing from congestion of the central nervous system: rabid, a., rob'- Id, affected with canine madness, or pert, to it : hydrophobia is supposed to follow the bite of a mad dog, but it is doubtful if rabies is inoculable. race, n., rds (F. race, It. razza, race, family ; old H. Ger. reiza, a line), in bot., a permanent variety ; a particular breed. raceme, n., ras-em' (L. racemus, the stalk of a cluster of grapes), in bot., an inflorescence having a common axis or stem bearing stalked flowers, as in the hyacinth, the currant, etc. : racemation, n., ras''%m-d f 'Shun, a cluster, as of grapes ; the cultivation of clusters : racemose, a., ras'em- 6z, bearing flowers in racemes or clusters. rachis, n., ratf-is (Gr. rhachis, the spine or back-bone), in bot., the part of a culm which runs up through the ear of corn ; the stalk or axis bearing the flowers in plants ; in zooL, the vertebral column: rachitis, n., rak-it'-is, RAD the diseased state of the bones called rickets ; inflammation of the spine : rachitic, a. , rdh-itf-ih, pert, to the muscles of the back ; rickety. radial, radiant, see radius. Eadiata, n. plu., rad'i-dt'a (L. radmtus, furnished with spokes), one of the lowest divisions of the animal kingdom, whose parts are disposed around a central axis, like the star-fish, the animals formerly so included are now placed under separate sub-king- doms, as Coeleriterata, Echino- dermata, Infusoria, etc. : radiate, a., rdd'-i-dt, in bot., disposed like the spokes of a wheel ; belonging to the Radiata or rayed animals. radical, a., rad'-ik-al (L. radix, a root, radlcis, of a root), in bot., pert, to or arising from the root ; applied to leaves close to the ground ; clustered at the base of a flower stalk : radicle, n. , rod'* ih-l, the young root of the embryo ; small rooting fibres : radicular, a., rad-iWul-ar^ of or pert, to the radicle : radicular merithral, mer-Uh'-ral (Gr. meros, a part ; thallos, a young shoot), in bot. , the part corresponding to the root. B/adiolaria, n. plu., rdd'i'dl'dr'i'O, (L. radius, a staff, a beam or ray), a division of the Protozoa. radius, n., rdd'i-us (L. radius, a spoke, a ray), the small bone of the forearm, which chiefly forms the wrist joint, and carries the thumb, so called from its fancied resemblance to the spoke of a wheel ; in bot. , the ray or outer part of the heads of Composite flowers : radio-carpal, rad'-l-o- Mrp'-al, applied to the joint at the wrist uniting the radius with the carpus : radio-ulnar, ul f -ndr, applied to the joint at the point where the radius and ulna unite, as at the wrist or the elbow : radial, a., rad'-i'til, of or pert, to the radius : radial aspect, an RAF 352 RAN aspect towards the side where the radius is placed: radialis indicia, rdd'4'dl-te in'-dis-is (L. radmlis, radial ; index, the forefinger, m- dicis, of the forefinger), the radial artery of the forefinger of the hand, runs along the radial side of the index finger : radiant, a. , rdd'-i-ant, in lot., having flowers which form a ray -like appearance, as in Umbelliferse, and Viburn- um. BafflesiaceaB, n. plu., s$-e (after Sir Stamford Baffles), an Order of singular flowering Fungi: Kafflesia, n., raf-flezli'4-a, a genus of gigantic parasites, the perianth being sometimes three feet in diameter, and capable of holding twelve pints of fluid : Raffiesia patma, patf-ma (un- ascertained), a species em- ployed in Java as an astringent and styptic : R. Arnold!, dr> nold'-l (alter Arnold, a botanist), a species weighing sometimes more than 14 Ibs., parasitic on Cissus Augustifolia. rale, n. , rdl (F. rale, a rattling in the throat), every kind of noise attending the breathing in the bronchia and vesicles of the lungs different from the sound of the breathing in health ; also called ' rhonchus. ' ramal, a., rdm f >al (L. ramus, a branch), in lot., belonging to branches ; growing on a branch or originating on it. ramenta, n., ram-Zntf-a (L. ram- enta, scrapings, shavings), in bot. , the thin, brown, leafy scales with which the stems of some plants, especially ferns, are covered : ramentaceous, a., ram'-ent-af- shus, covered with ramenta or scales. ramification, n., ram'-i-fiTc'd'shun (L. ramus, a branch ; fado, I make), in bot. , the subdivisions of roots or branches ; the manner in which a tree produces its branches j in anat., the issuing or spreading of small vessels fron a large one. ramollissement, n., ram''0l>l\ ment (F. ramolUr, to soften ; L. mollio, I soften), in anaL, a dis- eased condition of a part of the body in which it becomes softer than natural, usually limited in its application to the nervous system. ramose, a., rdm-oz', or ramous, a., rdm'us (L. ramus, a branch), in bot. , producing branches ; very much branched: ramus, n., rdm'- us, in anat., each half or branch of the lower jaw or mandible oi vertebrates, of a quadrilateral form ; the thin, flattened part of the ischium : rami, n. plu., rdm''i, the two parts into which the pubes is divisible, namely, a horizontal and a perpendicular ramus : ramulus, n., ram'ul-us, a small branch : ramulous, a., rdmf-ul'US, having many small branches. ranine, a., rdn'in (L. rdna, a frog), a continuation of the ling- ual artery which runs along the under surface of the tongue: ranula, n., rdn'-ul-a (L. rdnulus, a little tongue), a tumour situated below the tongue, of a bluish colour, and cystic. Ranunculacese, n. plu., rdn-Ung' kul'a'-s&'e (L. ranunculus, a little frog from rdna, a frog), the Crowfoot family, an Order of plants having narcotico - acrid properties, and usually more or less poisonous : Ranunculese, n. plu., ran'-ung'Tcul'-e-e, a tribe or Sub-order of plants : Ranuncul- us, n., ran-ung'kul'US, an extens- ive genus of plants, so named as found in moist places frequented by frogs: Ranunculus sceleratus, stl'-Zr-dt'-us (L. sceleratus, pollut- ed); R. Alpestris, alp-estfris, (new L. Alp'estris, of or from the Alps)-, R. bulbosus, bulb-oz^us (L. bulbosus, bulbous from bulbus, a bulb); R. gramineus, RAP 353 REG gram-in'Z-tis (L. grdmineus, grassy from grdm&n, grass); R. acris, Ctk'-ris (L. deer, sharp, masc. ; dcris, sharp, fern. ) ; and R. flammula, flam'-mul-a (L. flam- Tfiula, a little flame from flam- ma, a flame), are species which are all acrid, the acridity entirely disappearing by drying : R. rep- ens, rep'-enz (L. repens, creeping); R. aquatilis, dk'-wat>il'.ts (L. aqudtilis, growing in or found in or near water from aqua, water); R. lingua, ling'-gwa (L. lingua, a tongue); R. ficaria,/i&- dr'-i-a (L.ficdrius, belonging to a fig from ficus, a fig), are species which are bland. raphe, n., rdf-e (Gr. rhaphe, a seam), in bot., applied to parts which appear as if they had been sewn together ; in seeds, the channel of vessels which connects the chalaza with the hilum ; in umbelliferous plants, the line of junction of the two halves of which their fruit is composed ; in anat., the raised seam-like line which runs along the perin- seum to the anus. raphides, n. plu., raf-id-ez (Gr. rhaphis, a needle, rhaphidos, of a needle), in bot, minute crystals, like needles, found in the tissues of plants: raphidian, a., rdf-id- i'dn, pert, to the raphides. Raptores, n. plu., rap- tor' ez (L. raptores, robbers from rapto, I plunder), the Order of the birds of prey. rash, n., rash (It. raschia, itch- ing), an eruption in the skin. Rasores, n. plu., raz-or'-lz (L. rdsores, scrapers), the Order of the scratching or scraping birds, as common fowls. ratitse, n. plu., rat-It' e (L. ratlt- us, marked like a raft from rdtis, a raft), cursorial birds which do not fly, and have there- fore a raft-like sternum without a median keel. rattles, n. plu., ral'-lz (Dut. rat- Z elen, 'to make rattling sounds), the noise in the throat caused by the air passing through the mucus filling the air passages, which often precedes death. re-agent, n., re-ddj'ent (re and agent), in chem., a substance emplo} 7 ed to detect the presence of other bodies. receptacle, n., r$-s$pt'a-kl (L. receptaculum, a magazine or storehouse from re, back; capio, I take), in bot., that part of the fructification which bears or receives other parts, as the ex- panded top of the peduncle of a dandelion, the inner surface of a fig, etc. ; a chamber in which secretions are stored. receptaculum chyli, re'sfy'tdtful' 'Urn kll'-l (L. receptaculum, a magazine or storehouse ; chylum, a Latinised form of Gr. chulos, juice or humour, L. chyli, of juice), a small chamber or cavity lying in the abdomen behind the aorta, and in front of the second lumbar vertebra, which receives the chyli from the lacteals of the intestine, and various lymphatics : recep- tacula seminis, sem'm-is (L. sem&n, seed, seminis, of seed), the receptacles of the semen ; organs in earthworms which re- ceive the male reproductive fluid: receptaculi arterise, dr-ter'i-e (L. arterice, arteries), the arteries x of the receptaculum, see ' arteria. ' receptive spot, re-sept'-iv, in bot., the point in the oosphere of ferns where the antherozoids effect an entrance. reclinate, a., re-Uln'-dt (L. reclln- dtus, bent back, reclined), in bot., curved down from the horizontal; having the leaves folded longi- tudinally from apex to base in the bud: reclination, n., rek'-lm* of- shun, in surg., an operation for the cure of cataract. recrudescence, n., re r 'kr6'dea's'$ns (L. recrudescens, breaking out again from re t again ; crudesco, REC 354 REF I become hard), in bot., the reproduction of a young shoot from the tip of a ripened spike of a seed. rectembryesB, n. plu., rVk'-tZm-bri'- e-e (L. rectus, right ; embruon, the foetus), in bot. , the embryo straight in the axis of the seed. rectification, n., rVk'-ti-fik-d'-sliun (L. rectus, right ; factus, made), in chem., the repeated distilla- tion of a spirit in order to make it finer and purer: rectify, v., rek'-ti-fi, to refine or purify a sub- stance by repeated distillations. rectinervis, a., r$k'tm'erv'is (L. rectus, straight ; nervus, a nerve), in bot., straight and parallel veined ; also rectinervate, rek f - tinker v f -dt. rectiserial, a., rek'ti-ser't-al (L. rectus, straight ; series, a row), in bot., disposed in a rectilinear or straight series applied to leaves. rectivenius, a., f$##*tdf|f*l (L. rectus, straight ; vena, a vein), straight and parallel veined ; same as ' rectinervis'; also rectivenous, a., rek'ti-ven'-us. recto, r%kf-td (L. rectus, straight), of or connected with the rectum : recto -uterine, a., -ut'er-m, the posterior ligaments of the uterus : recto - vesical fascia, vVs'ik'dl fas'- si- a, a fascia which lies be- tween, and connects the rectum and urinary bladder. rectum, rek f -tum(L. rectus, straight), the third and terminal portion of the large intestine ending at the anus, so named because formerly supposed to be straight, which it is not: rectus, n., rekf-tus, in bot., applied to the stem and other straight parts of plants ; in anat. , a name for several muscles of the body, which are so called from the rectilinear direction of their fibres : rectus femoris, rek'- tils fZmf-o'r-is (L. femur, the thigh, femdris, of the thigh), a muscle arising by two heads from the ilium and acetabulum, and inserted into the patella, which extends the leg, etc. : rectus abdominis, rek'tus tib-dti-m'-m-is (L. abdomen, th e abdomen, abdom- mis, of the abdomen), a muscle which begins at the pubes, and is inserted into the three lower true ribs, and the ensiform cartil- age ; it pulls down the ribs in respiration, etc. : rectus cruris, rek'-tus krdr^is (L. crus, a leg, cruris, of the leg), the straight muscle of the leg ; a muscle which extends the leg in a powerful manner by the inter- vention of the patella like a pulley. recurrent, a., re-kur^r^nt (L. recurro, I return, I recur from re, back ; curro, I run), return- ing from time to time ; seeming to return or reascend towards the origin ; applied to tumours which return after removal. recurved, a., r&-kervd' (L. re, back ; curvus, crooked), in bot. , bent backwards. reduction, n., re-duMshun (L. re, back ; ductus, led), in surg., the operation of restoring dis- placed parts to their natural position. reduplicate, a., rZ-dup'-lflc-dt (L. reduplicdtus, redoubled from re, again ; duplico, I double), in bot., applied to a form of aestiva- tion in the edges of the sepals or petals, which are turned out- wards ; also reduplicative, a., -dt-w. reflexed, a., re-jlekst' (L. re, back ; flexus, bent), in bot., curved backwards. refrigerant, n., re-fridj'$r-ant (L. refrigero, I make cool or cold from re, back ; frlgus, cold, coolness), a medicine which cools or abates heat : refrigeration, n. , re-fridj'Zr-d'shun, the lowering the temperature of a body : refrigerator, n., re-fridfer-dt-Qr, a vessel for cooling liquids. 355 REG regeneration, n., (L. re, again ; genero, I beget), the renewal of a portion of lost or removed tissue. regimen, n., redj'i'm&n (L. regi- men, direction from rego, I rule), in med., the strict regula- tion of diet and habits, with the view of preserving or restoring health. region, n., redj'un (L. rZgio, a boundary line), a definite space on the surface of the body, or a division of the organs, as abdom- inal region, gluteal region, etc. regma, n., reg'ma (Gr. rhegma, a rupture), in bot., a seed vessel, the two valves of which open by an elastic movement, as in Euphorbia. regurgitation, n., rfrgefytfadfyh'toi (L. re, again ; gurges, a raging abyss, a stream), the act of flowing or pouring back by the same orifice or place of entrance ; the natural and easy vomiting of food by infants. rejuvenescence, n., r$-j6v'-en-Zs' s$ns (L. re, again ; juvenesco, I become young), a renewal of youth : rejuvenescence of a cell, in bot. , the formation of one new cell from the whole of the proto- plasm of a cell already in exist- ence. relapse, n., r~e-laps' (L. relapsus, sunk or fallen back from re, back ; lapsus, a slipping), a re- turn of a disease after convales- cence : relapsing fever, a con- tagious disease, characterised by one or more relapses after ap- parent convalescence, chiefly met with as an epidemic in periods of scarcity and famine ; also called ' famine fever. ' relaxation, n., re'laTcs-a'sJiUn (L. re, back ; laxo, I loose or slacken), in med., a lessening of the normal and healthy tone of the body. reliquiae, n. plu., re-Wf-wl-e (L. reliquice, the remains), the REP remains of the dead ; in bot. 9 the remains of withered leaves attached to the plant ; in path- olotjy, the permanent evidence of past morbid processes. remittent, a., re-mit'-ent (L. re, back ; mitto, I send), in med., applied to diseases whose symp- toms alternately diminish and return : remittent fever, a mal- arious fever, having irregular repeated exacerbations, known also by various other names, as 'jungle fever,' * bilious fever,' etc. renal, a., ren'al (It. renale, renal ; L. renes, the kidneys), relating to or connected with the reins or kidneys : reniform, a., ren'z-form (L. forma, shape), in shape like a kidney. rennet, n., ren f -riet (Ger. rennen, to run ; Dut. runnen, to curdle), an infusion of the inner mem- brane of a calf's stomach, used for coagulating milk. repand, a., rep'-and (L. repandus, bent backwards, bent up from re, back ; pandus, bent), in bot., applied to a leaf when its mar- gin is undulated, and unequally dilated. repent, a., rep'-ent (L. repens, creeping, repentis, of creeping), in bot., lying flat upon the ground, and remitting roots along the under surface.. replicate, a., r^p'-lik-at (L. rVplic- dtus, folded or rolled back from re, . back ; plico, I fold), in bot., doubled down so that the upper part comes in contact with the lower. replum, n., rep'-lum (L. replum, a door-cheek, the leaf of a door), in bot., a longitudinal division in a pod formed by the placenta, as in Cruciferse ; the persistent por- tion of some pericarps after the valves have fallen away. Reptilia, n. plu., rep-ttt'-t-a (L. reptilis, a reptile from repto, I crawl), the class of the Vertebrata RES 356 RET comprising the tortoises, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, etc. ResedacesB, n. phi., rVs'-ed-d'se-e (L. rVseda, a plant ; rZsedo, I calm, I heal), the Mignonette family, an Order of plants : Reseda, n., r%s-ed'a, a genus of plants, so named because con- sidered hy the anc. Latins as good for bruises : Reseda luteola, I6t'&6l'>(i (L. lilteolus, yellowish from lutum, a plant which dyes yellow), the plant Weld, which yields a yellow dye : R. odorata, dd'dr-dt'a (L. odordlus, having a smell or perfume from odtir, scent, smell), the fragrant mignonette of our gardens. resolution, n., rZs'-dl-u'-shun (L. re, back ; sSlutus, loosed), in med., the dispersion or disappear- ance of a tumour, or inflammatory process. resonance, n., res' tin- ans (L. r%s- tinans, resounding or re-echoing from re, back ; stino, I sound), the property of certain parts of the body to transmit sound, usually of the voice, which may either be normal, exaggerated, or impaired. respiration, n., rVs'-pir-af-shtin (L. resplro, I respire from re, back; spiro, I breathe), the process by which the air enters and emerges from the lungs, thus effecting the aeration of venous blood : respirator, n., r'es'pir-dt-o'r, an instrument worn over the mouth by those of weak lungs, or having a liability to colds, in order to warm and dry the inspired air : respiratory, a., res-pir'-at-tir-i, pert, to or serving for respiration : respiratory murmur, the con- tinuous sounds heard in ausculta- tion, produced, by the air entering into, and being expelled from, the lungs in a healthy state. RestiacesB, n. plu., rtetti-cfafre (L. restis, a rope, a cord), the Restio or Cord -rush family, an Order of sedge -like plants, so named because used for cordage at the Cape : Restio, n., r$st'-i>d t a genus of plants having tough, wiry stems, used for making baskets and brooms. restiform, a., rVstf-i-fdrm (L. restis, a rope ; forma, shape), having the form or appearance of a rope. resupinate, a., r&sup'in-at (L. rtsuplndtus, bent or turned back from re, back ; suplno, I bend backwards), in bot., so turned or twisted that the parts naturally the undermost become the upper- most, and vice versd; turned upside down. rete, n., ret'e (L. rete, a net, a snare), a net ; network : rete mirabile, mir-ab'-il-'e (L. mirdbile, wonderful), in anat., an arrange- ment of blood-vessels at the base of the brain of quadrupeds : r. mucosum, muk-oz'-um (L. mile- osus, slimy, mucous), the soft under-layer of the epidermis or scarf - skin, which gives the colour to the skin : r. vasculosum testis, vask f -ul'dz f >um tesl'is (L. wascul&ms, pert, to a small vessel from vasctilum, a small vessel), the vascular net of the testicle ; the close network of tubes lying in the substance of corpus Highmorianum, along the back part of the testicle. retention, n., r8'ten'sh%n (L. refentio, a holding back from re, back ; terieo, I hold), the undue holding back of any natural excretion, as the urine or sweat. reticulate, a., rZ-tik'-ul-at, also reticulated, a., -dt-Zd (L. re- ticuldtus, net-like from retic- tilum, a little net), in bot., having distinct veins or lines crossing like network : reticular, a., rfrtik'-ul-ar, having interstices like network : reticularia, n. plu., rZ-tik'-ul'dr'-i-a, those Prot- ozoa, such as the Foraminifera, in which the pseudopodia run RET 357 RHA into one another and form a net- work : reticulum, n., re-tik'-ul' um, the second stomach of the ruminant animal, often called the honey-comb bag, from the numerous polygonal cells which cover its surface ; in bot. , the debris of cross-fibres about the base of the petioles in. palms. retiform. a., ret'-i-ftirm (L. rete, a net ; forma, shape), having the structure of a net. retina, n., ret'm-a (L. rete, a net), one of the coats of the eye, resembling fine network, which receives the impressions resulting in the sense of vision : retinitis, n., r&'m'it'is, inflammation of the retina. retinaculum, n., retf-in-ak'-ul-um (L. retinaculum, a holdfast, a band), in bot., the viscid matter by which the pollen -masses in Orchids, etc., adhere to a pro- longation of the anther : retin- acula, n. plu., r^m-aJc-'Ul-d, in anat., bands which hold the tendons close to the bones of the wrist, ankle, etc. ; the fold of membrane continued from each commissure of the ilio-csecal and ilio- colic valves round on the inner side of the caecum. retinervis, a., ret'-m-errf-is (L. rete, a net ; nervus, a nerve), in bot., having reticulated veins or nerves ;< also called retivenius, a., ret'4'Ven f 'i-us (L. vena, a vein). retractor, a., r&traJct'-fo (L. re- tractus, withdrawn from re, back ; tractus, drawn), a name for those muscles which, by their contraction, withdraw the parts to which they are attached. retrahens aurem, re,'-tra>h%nz dwr'$m (L. retrahens, drawing back ; auris, nom., the ear, au- rem, obj., the ear), the smallest of the three muscles placed immediately beneath the skin around the external ear ; see 'attollens aurem.' retro-peritoneal, a., ret'-rd-per'-fr tdn-e'-al (L. retro, back; Eng. peritoneal), a name for the layer of tissue which forms the parietal portion of the serous membrane of the abdominal cavity, con- nected loosely with the fascia lining the abdomen and pelvis ; also called * sub-peritoneal. ' retro-pharyngeal, a., ret'ro-far'* in-j&al (L. retro, behind, back- ward ; Eng. pharyngeal), pert, to the parts behind the pharynx ; denoting an abscess formed at the back part of the pharynx. retrorse, a., re-tr firs' (L. retrorsum, backwards from retro, back- wards ; versus, turned), turned or directed backwards. retuse, a., re-tus' (L. rZtusus, blunted), in bot.^ having the extremity broad, blunt, and slightly depressed ; appearing as if bitten off at the end. revohite, a., r%o'>6l-6t, also revol- utive,. a., rVv'-til-dt-iv (L. revol- utus, revolved from re, back ; Volvo* I roll),- in bot., rolled backwards from the margins upon the under surface, usually applied to the edges of leaves ; having the edges rolled back spirally in vernation. Rhabdophora, n. plu ly rab-dtif- dr-a (Gr. rhabdos, a rod ; phoreo, I bear), a name for the Grap- tolites, because they commonly chitinous rod or axis supporting the perisarc. hacnitis, r ah -it -is, \ rhi but the former see 'rachitis/ is the proper Rhamnaceae, n. plu., ram-nd'-sZ-e (Gr. rhamnos, the white-thorn), the Buckthorn family, an Order of plants, many of which have active cathartic properties : Rhammis, n. y ram'-nus, a genus of plants : Rhamnus catharticus, kMh-drtf&'ti* (Gr. kathartikos, purifying or cleansing), common or purging Buckthorn, whose black succulent berries are used RUE 358 RHI as a hydragogue cathartic in dropsy, and whose greenish juice, mixed with lime, forms the colour called sap - green : R. I break, so named from the brittleness of its branches), Black Alder, is emetic and purgative, the wood supplying charcoal for gunpowder, and crayons for artists : R. infectorius, m'fek- tor'-i-us (L. infectorius, that serves for dyeing from infector, a dyer), a species whose berries are called French berries, and have been used for dyeing : R. dahuricus, da-ur'-ik-us (native name), produces a red - wood, called by the Russians 'Sandal- wood': R. chlorophorus, klor- df-tir-tis (Gr. chloros, green ; phorZo, I bear) ; and R. utilis, ut'-il'is (L. utilis, useful), are species from which the Chinese prepare their beautiful green dye, Lo-kao, called in this country Chinese Green- Indigo. rheum, n., rdm (Gr. rheuma, that which flows from rheo, I flow), the increased secretions of the mucous glands caused by a cold. Rheum, n. , return (Rha, old name of river Volga, from whose banks originally brought), the Ehubarb plant, a genus of well-known plants, Ord. Polygonaceee : Rheum officinale, 8f-fte'4n-al'% (L. offfo- indlis, officinal, by authority officlna, a workshop), the officinal rhubarb plant, originally from Thibet : R. palmatum, pal-mdt'- um (L. palmdtus, marked with the palm of the hand), at one time considered the true rhubarb plant R. undulatum, ftn'-dul* dt f -um (L. unduldtus, undulated from unda, a wave), a species which yields much of the French rhubarb : R. compactum, Jctim- paJct'um (L. compactus, pressed from con, together ; pactus, driven in), a species also yielding French rhubarb, but cultivated in Britain for its acid petioles : R. rhapontieum, ra-pont'-ik-um (Rha, old name of river Volga ; L. ponticus, of or relating to the Pontus or Black Sea), a species used in France and Britain as R. compactum : R. hybridum, hl'brid'Um (L. hybridus, of or pert, to a hybrid from hybrida, a mongrel, a hybrid), common rhubarb, cultivated in Germany for its root, and in Britain for its stalks : R. leucorhizum, Id&dr* iz'-um (Gr. leukos, white ; rkiza, a root), a Siberian and Altai species, said to yield imperial or white rhubarb ; rhubarb contains raphides of oxalate of lime, along with tannin, gallic acid, resin, and a peculiar yellow coloured principle called 'rhubarberin'; rhubarb is employed as a cath- artic, astringent, and tonic. rheumatism, n., rdm'-at-km (L. rheumalismus, rheum, catarrh from rheuma, a watery fluid), a painful disease affecting the muscles and joints, causing swelling and stiffness : rheum- atic, a., rdrn'tit'-ik, pert, to or affected with rheumatism : rheum- atoid, a., r6m'at-dj/d (Gr. eidos, resemblance), having the appear- ance of rheumatism : rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic disease of the bones and joints, having a great resemblance to rheumatism, but is really a different disease. NOTE. This is that form of rheumatism which cripples and deforms. It may attack all the joints, but has no tendency to shorten life. rhinal, a., rln'-dl (Gr. rhin, the nose), of or pert, to the nose : rhinalgia, n., rm-alf-i-d (Gr. algos, pain, grief), pain in the nose : rhinoplastic, a. , rln'o- plast'ik (Gr. plastilcos, suitable for being fashioned or formed), an operation by which a piece of skin can be taken from a healthy part of the body and placed on a RHI 359 PJIO part injured or destroyed a nose partly destroyed has thus been made presentable : rhinoscope, n.,rln'd'skdp (Gr. slcopeo, I view), an instrument, consisting of an adapted oval or circular mirror, by which the back part of the nostrils may be examined : rhinoscopy, n., -tis'Jcop-i, the examination of the back parts of the soft palate, the nose, etc. , by means of the rhinoscope. Bhizanths, n. plu., rlz'anths (Gr. rhiza, a root ; anthos, a flower), in bot., same as 'rhizogen,' which see ; a class of plants occupying a position between the flowering and non-flowering species., n. plu., riz'-iU'e (Gr. rhiza, a root), in bot., minute fibrils on the under surface of the thallus of some lichens, by which they adhere : rhizinose, a., rlz- iri'dz, having root-like filaments or rhizinae. rMzocarp, n., riz'o-lcdrp (Gr. rhiza, a root ; karpos, fruit), in bot. , applied to Marsilea, as pro- ducing spore-cases on root-like processes : Rhizocarpese, rlz'-o- kdrp'8-e, the Pepperwort family, another name for the 'Marsile- acere,' which see : rhizocarpous, a., rlz'-d-Tcdrp'-us, having peren- nial roots and annual stems. Rhizogens, n. plu., riz'-o-jenz (Gr. rhiza, a root ; gendo, I produce), a class of plants growing on the roots of other plants.; such plants as Rafflesia, which consist of a flower and root only : rhizogen, a., producing a root and a flower only: rhizoids, n. plu., rlz'-oydz (Gr. eidos, resemblance), the root -like outgrowths of many Algae. rhizomes, n. plu., rlz'omz, also rhizomata, n. plu., riZ'dm'at-a (Gr. rhizomd, a root, a race), in bot., thick stems running along and partly underground, and sending forth shoots above and roots below ; filamentous bodies attaching foliaceons lichens to their supporting substance. Rhizomorpha, n., riz'-o-morf-d (Gr. rhiza, a root; morphe, form), a genus of Fungi, so named from the appearance of the plants, whose species have the property of giving out a sort of phosphor- escent light, found in cellars and coal mines : rhizomorphoid, a. , riz'6-m8rf r >dyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), root-like in form. Rhizophaga, n. plu., riz-of-dg-d (Gr. rhiza, a root ; phago, I eat), a group of the Marsupials : rhiz- ophagous, a., rlz-of-ag-us, living or feeding on roots. Rhizophoracese, n. plu., riz'o* for-af-sb-e (Gr. rhiza, a root ; phoreo, I bear), the Mangrove family, an Order of plants whose bark is often astringent, and is sometimes used in dyeing : Rhiz- ophora, n., riz-tif'tir-d, a genus of remarkable trees of tropical countries, whose branches throw 6ut roots freely, the roots descend- ing into the mud : Rhizophora mangle, mdng'-gl (Malay, mangle, the mangrove), the Mangrove, forms thickets at the muddy mouths of rivers, the tree having the appearance of being supported on many stalks. Rhizopoda, n. plu., .rlz-op'-dd-d (Gr. rhiza, a root ; pous, a foot, podos, of a foot), the division of Protozoa comprising all those capable of emitting pseudopodia. rhizotaxis, n., rlz'-o-taks'-is (Gr. rhiza, a root ; taxis, a putting in order), in bot., the regularity in the arrangement of roots; also rhizotaxy, n., riz'd'tdlcs'-i. Rhododendron, n., r$df>6*d6tid f - r6n (Gr. rhodon, arose; dendron, a tree), a genus of handsome, elegant, and showy shrubs, Ord. Ericaceae : Rhododendron chrys- anthum, Icris-anth'-um (Gr. chrus- os, gold ; anthos, a flower), a Siberian species, whose poisonous, narcotic qualities are well-marked. EIIQ 360 RIB Rhodosporeae, n; pliu, rod'o- spdr f '$-e (Gr. rhodon, a rose ; spora, seed), a Sub-order of Algae, constituting rose or purple- coloured sea-weeds, with fronds formed of a single row of articul- ated cells, or of several rows of cells combined into a- flat expan- sion. Rhodymenia, n., rod'-i-men'-i-a (Gr. rhodon, a rose ; humen, a thin membrane), a genus of sea plants, Ord. Algae : Rhodymenia palmata, pdl-mdt'a (L. palmdtus, marked with the palm of the hand), the sea - weed called Dulse. rhomboid, n., rimf-boyd (L. rhom- bus, Gr. rhombos, a magical wheel ; eidos, resemblance), a four-sided figure having its oppos- ite sides equal, but its angles not right angles : rhomboideus, n., rdm-bdyd'e'US, the name of two muscles,. * rhomboideus minor ' and *r. major,' which are placed parallel to one another, and are separated only by a slight in- terval ; the rhomb oidei extend obliquely from the spinous pro- cesses of the lowest cervical, and some of the upper dorsal vertebrae, to the base of the scapula. rhonchus, n., r&ngk'-tis (L. rhon- chus, Gr. rhongchos, a snoring), a wheezing, snoring, sibilant, chirp- ing, or whistling sound, usually low-toned, produced in the air passages by the narrowing of their calibre, heard on auscultation. Rhus, n., rus (Gr. rhousios, red- dish-brown ; rhous, a tree whose bark and fruit are used in tan- ning), a genus of plants, Ord. Anacardiaceae,. the fruit and leaves of some species becoming a reddish - brown in autumn : Rhus toxicodendron, ttiks'-ik-o* dend'-ron (L. toxicum, Gr. toxikon, poison ; Gr. dendron, a tree), Poison-oak, found in N. America, leaves used in medicine as a stim- ulant, and, like other species, yields an acrid milky juice : R. radicans, rad-ik'anz (L.rddicans t striking or taking root),. Poison- ivy or Poison -vine : R! venenata, vVMn-dt'-a (L> vZnendtus, fur- nished with poison from vemn- um, poison), Poison-sumach, or Poison-elder, possesses acrid, pois- onous properties : R. coriaria, ktir'i'dr'-t'd (L. coridrius, belong- ing to leather from corium, leather); R. typhina, ftf-in'-a (Gr. tuphe or tiphe, spelt or German wheat); R. glabra, gldV-ra (L. glaber, smooth, without hair), are species which are extensively used in tanning, and their fruit is acid : R. cotinus, IcSt'-m-us (L. cdtmus, a shrub yielding a purple dye), called wig-tree inFrance, from the hairy appearance of its abort- ive pedicles, yields the yellow dye-wood Toung Fustic : R. suc- cedanea, sutf-sZd'dnfoa (L. snc- ceddn$us, that supplies the place of something), the species whose fruit produce Japan-wax, imported from that country : R. vernicif- era, vern'-is-if'-er-a (L. verno, I spring, I bloom ; fero, I bear), a small Japanese tree, yielding the famous lacquer so extensively employed by the inhabitants of that country. rhythm, n., rithm (Gr. rhuthmos, measured motion), the harmony and due relation which exists between the different movements of an organ in health: rhythmic, a., rith'-mik, also rhythmical, a., ritli'mik-al, denoting the regular healthy discharge of the functions of an organ, as- the pulsations of the heart. rib, n., rib (Dut. ribbe, a rib, a beam), in anat., one of the curved bony hoops or bars of the thorax which protect the lungs, the heart, etc. ; in bot., the central longitudinal nerve or vein of a leaf: true ribs, the seven ribs which are attached to the sternum or breast, bone, as distinguished RIB 361 ROB from the five false ribs, which are not so attached ; the last two false ribs are called floating ribs, because they are not attached to anything in front. Ribesiacese, n. plu., rib-ez'-i-a'-se'e (ribes, an Arabic name for an acid-leaved species of Rheum), the Gooseberry and Currant family, now more usually called * Grossulariacefle,' which see: Rib- es, n. , rlb'-eZ) a genus of plants : Ribes gross ularia, gr8s f 'Ul'dr f 'i'0, (mid. L. grossula, a gooseberry ; L. grossulus, a small, unripe fig), the various kinds of Gooseberry : R. rubrum, rdb-rum (L. rubrus, red, ruddy) ; and R. nigrum, nig- rum (L. niger, black), the Red and Black Currants, the latter possessing tonic and stimulant properties. Ricinus, n., ri^-in-us (L. rlcmus, the tick of the sheep, a plant), a genus of plants, Ord. Euphor- biacese so named from the shape of its seeds : Ricinus communis, kSm-mun'-is (L. communis, com- mon), a species from whose seeds castor oil is expressed, also called ' Palma Christi' see under 'Pal- mes.' rickets, n. plu. , rikf-Us (Gr. rhach- Itis, disease of the spine from rhachis,^ the spine), a constitu- tional disease, characterised chiefly by a curvature of the shafts of the long bones of the arms* and legs, and enlargement of their articular extremities the result of defici- ent appropriation of earthy principles by their structures. rictus, n., rikt'-us (L. rictus, the mouth wide open), in bot., among labiate or lipped corollas, the condition of the lower lip pressed against the upper, so as to leave only & chink between them, as in Frogsmouth. rigescent r a., ri-j$s' stint (L. riges- cens, growing stiff or numb ; gen., rigescentis], in bot., having a rigid or stiff consistence. rigor, n., rig'-dr (L. rigor, stiff, ness, rigidity), a sudden cold- ness with involuntary shivering, symptomatic of the beginning of a< disease, especially a fever : rigor mortis, morl'is (L. mors, death, mortis, of death), the stiffening of the body after death. rima, n.,.rim'& (L, rima, a cleft, a crack), in anat.,. a cleft; an elliptic interval : rima glottidis, gl6t f -tid-is (Gr. glottis, the open- ing of the windpipe, glottidis, of the opening of the windpipe from glotta, the tongue), the narrow aperture of the glottis. rimose, a., rim>oz r (L. rimosus, full of cracks from rima, a cleft, a crack), in bot., marked by chinks or cracks, mostly parallel, as the bark of a tree : rimulose, a., rim'-ul-oz, having small marks or chinks. ringent, a., rmf'ent (L. ringem, opening wide the mouth), in bot., applied to a labiate flower in which the upper lip is much arched, and the lips are separated by a distinct gap.. ringworm, n., rmg'-werm, a skin eruption, caused by the action of a vegetable parasite, occurring chiefly on the scalp and arms, and upper part of the chest, is very contagious. risorius, a., riz-or'l-us- (L, risor, a laugher, risoris, of a laugher ; risus, laughter),, the smiling muscle ; denoting a muscle of the cheek, consisting of a narrow bundle of fibres, which arises in the fascia over the Masseter muscle : risus Sardonicus, sdr* d6n''$lC'US (Sardinia, where first seen, from the effects of eating a species of ranunculus there grow- ing), a singularly convulsive grin or laugh,, observed in cases of 'Tetanus.' Robinia, n., r^b-in'-i-a, (after Robin, an old botanist of France), a genus of plants remarkably ROC 362 ROS handsome when in flower, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Papilion- acese : Robinia pseudo-acacia, sud'-o - ak'kd'-slii'd (Gr. pseudes, false ; Eng. acacia), a species often cultivated in Britain, as the locust tree, producing a durable wood. Roccella, n., rM-sVl'-ttt (Port. roccha, a rock, so named from its habitat), a genus of plants, Ord. Lichenes : Roccella tinct- oria, tinglct-or'-l-a (L. t'mctorius, of or belonging to dyeing from tingo, I dye), from the Canaries ; R. fuciformis, fus'-i>f$rm'is (Gr. phukos, L. fucus, sea-weed, rock- lichen ; L. forma, shape) ; arid R. hypomecha, hip-omf-ek-d (un- ascertained), are species which furnish valuable dyes, under the name of Orchil or Archil, the general name of the dye being Litmus. Rodentia, n. plu., rod-Vn'sht'ci (L. rodens, eating away, gnawing ; gen. rodentis), an Order of the Mammals, so named from the habit of gnawing or nibbling, as the rat, the rabbit, etc. : rodent, a., rod'Znt, gnawing: n., one of the gnawers : rodent ulcer, a malignant form of ulceration, allied to cancer, generally on the upper part of the face. root, the subterranean or descend- ing axis of a plant : root-cap, in bot., a mass of tissue, covering as a helmet the punctatum veget- ationis of a root : root-sheath, the coleorhiza : root-stock, the rhizome of a plant. Rosaceae, n. plu., roz-a'se-e (L. rosa, Gr. rhodon, a rose), the Rose family, an extensive Order of plants, well known for their beauty, fragrance, and grateful products, such as the strawberry and blackberry : Rosa, n., roz'a, a genus of plants unrivalled for the fragrance and beauty of its flowers : Rosa spinosissima, spin- d-sis'-sim-d (L. splnosus, thorny, prickly from splna, a thorn), the very thorny rose ; the species from which the varieties of the Scotch roses have been derived : R. canina, Jcan-in'a (L. cdnlnus, of or pert, to a dog from cdnis, a dog), the Dog-rose, is beat into a pulp after the hairy achenes have been removed, and used, sweetened, as an acidulous re- frigerant and astringent : R. Gallica, g&lf-lflc-a (L. galticus, of or pert, to the Gaul from Galli, the Gauls or French), the red, French, and Provence rose, whose petals are employed, in the form of infusion, as a tonic and slight astringent : R. centifolia, sentf-i- fol'-i-d (L. centum, a hundred ; ftitium, a leaf), the petals of the hundred-leaved or Cabbage-rose, and its varieties : R. Damascena, dam'-aS'Sen'-d (of or from Damas- cus), the petals of the Damask- rose ; R. moschata, m6sk-dt'-d (mid. L. moschdtus, having a smell like musk from Arabic mosch, musk), the petals of the Musk-rose, and others, are employed in the production of rose-water, and the oil or attar of roses: rosaceous, a., roz-a'shus, arranged in a circular form, as the petals of a single rose. rose, n., roz (L. rosa, a rose), the popular name in Scotland for Ery- sipelas, so named from its colour : roseola, n., roz-e'Sl-d (mid. L. ros- eola, a little rose), inmed., a rose- coloured rash of several varieties. rosette, n., roz-et' (F. rosette from L. rosa, a rose), in bot., a cluster of leaves disposed in close circles. Rosmarinus, n., rds'-mar-m'-tis (L. ros, dew ; mdrlnus, belonging to the sea from mar$, the sea), a genus of pretty shrubs, so named from their maritime habitat : Rosmarinus officinalis, df-fzs'm- aV-is (L. officmalis, officinal, by authority from offlclna, a work- shop), Rosemary, whose flowering ROS 363 RUB tops famish an oil which is tonic, stimulant, and carminat- ive, much used in perfumery, as in the composition of Eau-de- Cologne and Hungary-water. rostel, n., rtistf&l, also rostellum, n., rCat-Zl'ltim (L. rostellum, a little beak from rostrum, a beak, a bill), in boL, that part of the heart of a seed which descends and becomes the root ; a peculiar body in Orchids, bear- ing the glands of the pollen mass, with its viscid balls attached ; in anat., a beak-shaped process : rostellate, a., rdst-eV-ldt, having a small beak, or little elongated neck. rostrate, a., rost'rdt (L. rostrum, the bill or snout of an animal), in anat., having a process re- sembling the beak of a bird; in bot. , furnished with beaks ; hav- ing a long, sharp point: rostrum, n., rdst'rum, the beak, or suctor- ial organ, formed by the append- ages of the mouth in certain insects ; the frontal spine of the Crustacea ; in anat. , a triangular spine in the middle line of the anterior surface of the sphenoid bone of the skull ; 'the reflected portion of the bend or genu which the 'corpus callosum' forms in its course. rotate, a., rot-atf (L. r8tdtum, to turn a thing round like a wheel from rtita, a wheel), in bot., having a regular gamopetalous corolla, with a short tube and spreading limb : rotation, n., rot-d'shun, in anat., the revolv- ing motion of a -bone round its axis ; in bot. , the internal circula- tion of the fluids in the cells of plants: rotate-plane, or rotato- plane, rot-at'-o-, in bot., wheel- shaped, and flat, without a tube : rotation of gy ratio a, in bot., a peculiar circulation of the cell sap, as seen in characese, and others. rotator, n., rot-dt'-dr (L. rotdtum t to turn a thing round like a wheel from rota, a wheel), in anat., a muscle which gives a circular or rolling motion to a part : rotatory movement, a movement which is circular : rotatores spinae, rdt'at-or'-ez spln'e (L. splna, the spine or 'backbone), the rotators of the spine ; eleven pairs of small .muscles, eleven on each side of the spine, each pair passing from the transverse processes of one vertebra, and inserted into the vertebra next above : rotatoria, n. plu., rdt'at-or'i-a, has the same sense as B/otifera, which Rotifera, n. plu., rdt-if-Zr-a (L. rdta, a wheel; fero, I carry), a class -of the Scolecida, micro- scopic animals, characterised by a ciliated trochal disc : rotiferous, a., rdt-if-er-us, having or bearing organs like wheels. Rottlera, n., rdt'.lZr-a (after Dr. Bottler, a Dane), a genus of plants, Ord. Euphorbiacese : Rottlera tinctoria, tingk-tor^i-a (L. tinc- torms, of or belonging to dyeing from tingo, I dye), a small tree of Abyssinia, India, etc., whose ruby-like glands on its fruit are brushed off, and the powder administered for tape- worm. rotula, n., rot'-til-a (L. rtitula, a little wheel from rota, a wheel), in anat., the patella or knee- pan, situated at the front of the knee-joint. rubefacient, n., rdb'-Z-fd'shi-ent (L. ruber, red ; facio, I make), in med., an irritant substance which, applied to the skin, gives rise to heat, redness, etc., as if there existed a slight local in- flammation, as a mustard poultice, useful in dissipated, slight local pains. rubeola, n., rdb-e'dl'Ci (L. ruber, red), applied to measles, now restricted to an eruptive disease presenting the characters of both. RUB 364 RUM measles and scarlet fever : rubel- oid, a., rdU-el-dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), resembling the eruptive disease rubeola. Rubiaceae, n. plu., rdb'-i-a'se-e (L. ruler, red in allusion to the colour of the roots), the Madder and Peruvian Bark family, an Order of plants possessed of tonic, febrifuge, and astringent properties, and which furnish important substances to the materia medica : Rubia, n. , rdb'-i-a, an interesting genus of plants : Rubia tinctoriav tingle- tdr^-i'd (L. tinctorius-y of or be- longing to dyeing. from tingo, I dye), a species whose root is the Madder of commerce, which contains three colouring matters, viz. madder purple, orange, and red : R. nmnjista, mun-jisl'-a (native name), also called R. cordifolia,. Urdf-i-foV-l-a (L. cor, the heart, cordis, of the heart ; fdlzum, a leaf), another species from which similar dyes are obtained: rubian, n., rdb'-f-dn, an intensely bitter, amorphous, yellow substance procured from Madder. rubiginose, a., rdb-idj'-in-oz (L. rublginosus, abounding in rust from riibigo, rust), in bot., of a brownish-red tint; having the colour of rust. Rubus, n., rdb'us (L. rubus, a bramble-bush), an extensive and interesting genus of plants, com- prising the rasp, black, and dewberries, etc., Ord. Rosacese : Rubus idsBus, id-e'-us (unascer- tained), the Easpberry and its varieties : R. chamsemorus, Mm-e-moV'&s (Gr. chamai, on the ground ; mdrea, the mulberry tree), a species whose fruit is acid and pleasant, known as the Cloudberry, so named from the high situations where found. rudimentary, a., rdd'-i-mZnt'-ar-t (L. rudimenfum, a first attempt or trial), in bot. , an early stage of development ; in an imperfectly developed condition. Ruellia, n., rd-Mli-a (after John Ruelle, a French botanist), a genus of pretty flowering plants, Ord. Acanthacese : Ruellia aniso- phylla, an- is' 6 >fil'> la (Gr. amstin, anise ; phullon, a leaf), a species whose style exhibits a peculiar irritability ; a deep - blue dye, called 'Room,' is obtained from a species of Ruellia. rufescent,. a,, rdf-Vs'sent (L. rufesco, I grow red from rufus, red), in bot., becoming reddish- brown : rufous, a., rof'-us, of a red-brown colour, ruga, n., rdga (L. umbrdculum, a thing that furnishes shade from um- bra, a shade ; few, I bear), the Fan Palm or Bull Palm of the W. Indies. sac, n., sale (L. saccus, a sack), in anat., a sac, bag, or pouch : sac of the embryo, in bot., the sac of the nucleus within which the embryo is formed : saccate, a., sak'-kdt, forming a bag or sac, seen in some petals ; in the form of a bag : sacciform, a., satf-si* fdrm (L. forma, shape), like a bag. Saccharum, n., scuk'-kar-ftm (Gr. saccharon, a sweet juice, sugar), a valuable genus of grasses, Ord. Graminese : Saccharum Sinense, sin-ens'-Z (L. Sinenis, Chinese from Sina, China), the species in China which yields sugar: S.viola- ceum, m^ol-af'Se'^mi (L. vi8ldcus 9 violet-coloured from viftla, the violet), the W. Indian sugar-cane : S. officinarum, df-fts'-m-dr'-urn (L. officina, the workshop, officindrum, of workshops), the common sugar- cane. SAC 3G6 SAL saccule, n., sak'-ul (L. sacculus, a little bag from saccus, a bag), a little sac ; a cyst or cell : sac- cular, a., sak'ul-ar, of or pert. to a little sac or cyst : sacculus laryngis, Idr-mf-is (mod. L. lar- ynx, the upper part of the wind- pipe, laryngis , of the larynx ; Gr. larungx), the little pouch of the larynx ; a membranous sac, conical in form, placed between the super- ior vocal cord, and the inner sur- face of the thyroid cartilage. sacrum, n., sak'rum (L, sacer or sacrum, sacred), in anat., the bone which forms the termination or basis of the vertebral column, also called os sacrum, the sacred bone : sacral, a. , sdk'ral, of or pert, to the sacrum : sacral aspect, the appearance towards the region where the sacrum is situated : sacro, sdk'ro, denoting parts connected with the sacrum: sacro - coccygeal, kdk'wdj-e'dl (see * coccyx ' ), a name for two ligaments, the inferior, con- sisting of a few irregular fibres, the posterior, of a flat band of ligamentous fibres of a pearly tint: sacro -iliac, il'-i-ak (L. ilia, the flank, the entrails), applied to the joints which con- nect the sacrum with the ilium : sacro-lumbalis, lum-bdl'is (L. lumbalis, pert, to the lumbus or loin), a large muscle which passes from the ilium to the lower ribs : sacro -sciatic, si-at'-ik (L. ischia, the hip-bones, of which sciatica is a mere corruption), applied to the ligaments connected with the ischium or hip-bone. Sigeretia, n., sadj-er-eshf-i'd (after Sageret, an eminent French agriculturist), a genus of plants, Ord. Rhamnaceae : Sageretia theezans, tliez'-anz (a native name), a plant whose leaves are used as a substitute for tea by the poorer classes in China, sagittal, a., scidj-if-tdl (L. sagitta, an arrow), arrow-like ; resembling an arrow : sagittate, a., sadj-tf* tat, in bot., shaped like the head of an arrow : sagittal suture, in anat., the suture which unites the parietal bones of the skull. Saguera, n., sag'-u-er'-a, andSagus, n., sag' us (sagu, Malay name for various palms), genera of the Ord. Palmee : Sagus farinifera, far'm-if'Zr-a, (L. farina, meal ; fero, I bear), a native of Malacca ; and Saguera sacharifer, sdk- Tcar'-if'Zr (L. saccharum, sugar ; fero, I bear), found in the eastern islands of the Indian Ocean, are Sago Palms, which produce fine sago. sal, n. , sal (L. sal, salt), a common prefix among the older chemists, denoting a compound having definite proportions of an acid with an alkali, an earth, or a metallic oxide : sal-ammoniac, muriate of ammonia; a compound of ammonia and hydrochloric acid : sal-mirabile,, mir-ab'il-e (L. mirabilis, wonderful), Glaub- er's salt ; sulphate of soda : sal- prunella, prdn-el'-la (Ger. prun- elle from L. pruna, a burning or live coal), a name given to nitre when fused and cast into cakes or balls: sal-volatile, vol-at' il-e (L. voldtilis, winged, swift), the volatile salt ; the popular name for ammonia, and popularly pronounced sal-vol'dt-il. Salacia, n., sal-a'-si-a (in Roman mythology, Salacia, the wife of Neptune), a genus of plants, Ord. Celastraceae : Salacia pyriformis, pir'-i'form'-is (L. pyrum, a pear ; forma, shape), a species which produces an eatable fruit about the size of a Bergamot pear, a native of Sierra Leone. salcus spiralis, salk'us sptr-dl'-is (L. salcus, a furrow ; spirdlis, spiral from splra, a coil, a spire), a grooved border which terminates the ' limbus laminae spiralis ' of the cochlea. SalicacesB, n. plu., sal'ik'd'-se-e SAL 367 SAM a (L. pur- ptireus, purple); and S. helix, hettflcs (Gr. helix, a winding or spiral body), are species of willow whose bark yields a crystalline bitter substance called salicin, sdl'is-m, used as an antipyretic, and tonic, has also wonderful anti- rheumatic properties : S. frag- ilis, yields a saccharine ex- udation : S. Babylonica, bW-il- Sn'-ik-a (of or from Babylon), the weeping willow : S. arctica, drk'-tik'd (new L. arcticus, of or from the north from Gr. arktos, a bear, the north) ; and S. polaris, pol'dr'-is (L. polaris, of or pert, to the pole from pdlus, the pole), are species which extend to the Arctic regions : S. herbacea, herb'd'se-d (L. herbdceus, grass- green from herba, a herb, grass), a small creeping willow, abundant on the Scotch mountains : sali- cylic acid, sal'-i'Sil'-tk, an acid obtained by the action of fused potassa on salicin. saliva, n., sal-lv'-d (L. saliva, spittle), the frothy fluid which gathers in the mouth, and which, when discharged from it, is called spittle: salivine, n., sal-iv'-m, a peculiar animal extractive sub- stance obtained from saliva : salivary, a.,sa^ft>ar-, secreting or conveying saliva : salivation, n., sdl'-iv-d'-shun, an increased flow of saliva in the mouth, with swelling of the mucous membrane, generally caused by the action of mercury. salpinx, n., sal'-pingks (Gr. sal- pingx, a trumpet), in anat., the Eustachian tube, or channel of communication between the mouth and the ear : salpingitis, sal'- ping -jit'- 'is, inflammation of the Eustachian tube ; inflamma- tion of the Fallopian tubes. Salsola, n., sal'sol-a (L. salsus, salted, salt), a genus of plants found chiefly on the sea-shore, Ord. Chenopodiacese, many yield- ing kelp and barilla. SalvadoracesB, n. plu., salv'-ad-or' d f -se-e (Sp. Salvador, a saviour), the Salvadora family, an Order of plants acrid and stimulant, and some like mustard : Salvad- ora, n., salv'-ad'or'-a, a genus of plants : Salvadora Persica, pers f - iJc-d (of or from Persia), supposed by some to be the mustard tree of Scripture. Salvia, n., saltfi-d (L. salvo, I save, alluding to the healing qualities of sage), an extensive genus of extremely showy flower- ing plants, Ord. Labiatse: Salvia officinalis, $f-fis'in-dli>a (L. sanguis, blood, sanguinis, of blood, the plants yielding a red juice when broken), a genus of plants, Ord. Papaveracese: Sang- uinaria Canadensis, kdn'-dd-Zm'- is (new L. Canadensis, of or pert. to Canada), the plant Blood-root or Pucoon, has emetic and purg- ative properties : Sanguisorba, n., sdng'-gwi-sorb'-a (L. sorbeti, I suck up), a Sub-order of plants, Ord. Rosacese, some of whose species were supposed to be powerful vulneraries. sanitary, a., sari-lt-ar-l (L. sdritt- as; health from sdnus, sound in body), a term applied to any measures taken for the preserv- ation of health ; pert, to ar- rangements connected with the prevention of disease : sanatory, a., san'dt-dr-t (L. sdndtum, to heal, to restore to health from sdnus, sound in body), a term applied to any measures taken for the restoration of health after it has been lost; pert, to arrange- ments connected with the cure of disease : sanitary thus applies to preventive measures : sanatory applies to curative measures : sanatorium, n., sdn'at-dr'i-um, places to which persons may retire for a time for the benefit of their health: sanitarium, n., sdn f 'it'dr f 4-um, sanitaria, n. plu., -dr'4-a, places where a high state of health may be maintained, as hill stations for troops in tropical climates. sanitary and sanitarium, see under ' sanatory ' : sanity, n. , sdn'41'% (L. sanitas, health), a sound state of mind. Santalacese, n. plu., sdntf-dl-d's^-e (L. sandalis, a species of palm tree ; Ar. zandal}, the Sandal- wood family, an Order of plants, some are astringent, others yield a perfume : Santalum, n. , sdnt'. dl-um, a genus of trees : Santal- um album, aW'Um (L. albus, white), and other species, yield Sandal-wood, which is used med- icinally, and as a perfume : S. Persicari, pers'-ik-dr'-i (new L. Persicdrum, Persia), the Sandal- wood of Persia ; a dwarf kind of Australian Sandal -wood, whose bark furnishes an amylaceous food. santonin, n., sant'on-m(GT. sant- dnion, w T ormwood), a crystalline substance obtained from the un- expanded flower-heads of certain species of Artemisia, especially A. Santonina, a good remedy for round worms ; wormseed. saphena, n., soften' a (Gr. saph- enes, clear, manifest), in anat., a name of two conspicuous veins SAP 369 SAR of the lower extremities, extend- ing from the knee to the ankle and foot ; also applied to a nerve in same region : saphenous, a., saf'en'us, applied to superficial veins and nerves of the thigh and leg. sapid, a., sap' id (L. sapidus, having taste from sapio, I taste), tasteful ; that affects or stimulates the palate : sapidity, IK, sdp'id'i-tl, taste ; the quality of affecting the organs of taste. Sapindacese, n. plu., sap'm-dd' se-e (L. sapo-mdicus, Indian soap from sapo, soap ; indicus, of or from India), the Soapwort family, an Order of plants, many yield edible fruits, others are poisonous : Sapindus, sap-m'-dus, a genus of plants whose species contain a saponaceous principle : Sapindus saponaria, sap'on-dr'- I'd (L. sapo, soap, saponis, of soap), a species whose berries, called soap berries, are used as a substitute for soap in the West Indies : sapindaceous, a., sap'm- dot shite, of or pert, to the Sapin- dacese. sapodilla, n., sap'-od-il'la (Sp. sap- otilla), a tree and its fruit, native of W. Indies and S. America, whose wood is a fancy wood. Saponaria, n., sap'on'tir^i-a (L. sapo, soap, saponis, of soap), a genus of plants, Ord. Caryophyl- lacese, which produce some very beautiful species : Saponaria offic- inalis, df-fis'-in-dl'is (L. officindl- is, by authority from officina, a workshop), a species whose leaves are said to produce a lather like soap when agitated in water, and equally efficacious in removing grease spots : saponine, n., sap'- tin-in, a peculiar, poisonous sub- stance existing in many of the species of the Order : saponify, v., sap'8n'-i-fi(L.facio, I make), to convert into soap : saponifica- tion, n., sdp-dn'i'fik-d'shun, con- version into soap. Sapotacese, n. plu., sap'-ot-d'-se-e, or Sapota plums, sap-6t'-a (sapota, a W. Indian name of several fruits), the Sapodilla family, an Order of plants, many yield edible fruits, some an oily matter, while others act as tonics, astringents, and febrifuges. Saprolegnieae, n. plu., sdp'-rf-Ug* m r >%-e (Gr. sapros, putrid; legnon, a fringe or border), a Sub-order of the Algae, colourless, aquatic, filamentous plants growing on decaying organic matter : sapro- phytes, n. plu., sap'-rd'fltz (Gr. phuton, a plant), plants growing on decaying vegetable matter. Sarcina, n., sdr'sm-d (L. sarcma, a package), a genus of Fungi or minute Cryptogamic plants, some- times found in vomited matter : Sarcina ventriculi, vVn-trik'-ul-i (L. ventriculus, the belly), the Sarcina of the belly, nuclei or cells placed in close opposition, forming organisms found in the vomited contents of the stomach in many morbid conditions, and occasionally in other parts ; also named Sarcinula ventriculi, sdr- sinful- a (L. sarcinula, a little package). sarcocarp, n., sark'-o-Tcdrp (Gr. sarx, flesh ; Icarpos, fruit), in lot., the fleshy part of certain fruits, usually that eaten ; also called ' sarcoderm, ' which see. sarcocele, n., sdrkam (unascertained), is emollient, and used in India to bring tumours to a head. scala media, skal'-a med'-i-a (L. scala, a ladder ; medms, internal, middle), the middle ladder ; a lad- der-like canal in the cochlea of the ear : scala tympani, tim'-pan-i (L. tympanum, a drum), the ladder or staircase of the drum ; a canal in the cochlea of the ear : s. vestibuli, vVs-tib'-id-i (L. vestib- tilum, a fore-court, an entrance), the ladder of the vestibule, a canal in the cochlea of the ear communicating with the vestib- ule. scalariform, a., skal-ar'-i-form (L. scala, a ladder ; forma, shape), ladder-shaped ; in bot., applied to vessels or tissue having bars like a ladder, as seen in ferns. scald-head, skald (Dan. skolde), the common name for porrigo and eczema : scalds, n. plu., burns. scalenus, n., sJcal-en'us (Gr. skal- enos, oblique, unequal), a group of muscles on each side of the neck, which bend the head and neck, named scalenus posticus, post-iltf-us (L. posticus, that is behind) ; s. medius, med'4>us (L. m&dius, middle) ; and s. anticus, ant-ik'-us (L. dntlcus, that is before). scales, n. plu., skdlz, in bot. 9 rudimentary or metamorphosed leaves. scalp, n., skdlp (L. scalpo, I cut, I carve ; Dut. schelp or schulp, a shell), the skin and subcut- aneous tissues of the top of the head on which the hair grows. scalpel, n., skalp'-el (L. scalpellum, a scalpel from scalpo, I carve, I scrape), in anat., a knife used in dissecting, and in surgical operations : scalpelliform, a., skdlp-'el f 'U'f6rm, in bot., shaped like the blade of a scalpel. scalpriform, a., skalp'-ri-fdrm (L. scalprum, a knife or chisel ; forma, shape), applied to certain teeth which have cutting edges, as in the incisors of the Rodents : scalprum, n. , skalp'rtim, the cut- ting edge of the incisor teeth. scammony, n., skam'-mtin-^ (L. scammonia), a gummy resinous exudation, used as a drastic purgative, and obtained from the root of the Convolvulus Scam- monia. scandent, a., skand'Znt (L. scand- ens, climbing, scandentis, of climbing), in bot., climbing by means of supports, as a plant upon a wall or rock. Scansores, n. plu., skan-sor'-ez (L. scansorms, of or for climbing from scansum, to climb), the Order of the climbing birds : scansorial, a., skan-sdr'-i-al, climbing ; formed for climbing. scape, n., skdp (L. scapus, Gr. skapos, a stem, a stalk), in bot., a naked flower-stalk bearing one or more flowers arising from a short axis, as in the cowslip and hyacinth: scapiform, a., scap'-i- form (L. forma t shape), resem- bling a scape. scaphognathite, n., skaf-og'-nath' it (Gr. skdphe, a boat ; gnathos, a jaw), the boat-shaped appendage of the second pair of maxillae in the Lobster, whose function is to spoon out the water from the branchial chamber. scaphoid, a. , skaf'-oyd (Gr. skaphe, a boat or skiff; eidos, resem- blance), resembling a boat : n., in anat., one of the bones of the carpus, and also one of the tarsus. scapula, n., skap'ul-a (L. scapula, the shoulder - blade from Gr. skdphe, a skiff, from its hollow- ness), the shoulder - blade ; the SCA 373 SCI shoulder-blade of the pectoral arch of Vertebrates ; the row of plates in the cup of Crinoids : scapular, a., sMp'-ul-dr, of or pert, to the scapula : scapulary, n., skap'ul-dr-1, a broad bandage with two flaps passed over the shoulders. scar, n., skdr (Gr. eschara, the scab on a wound ; Dan. skaur, a notch ; F. escarre, a scar), a mark left by a wound that has healed ; a cicatrix. scarf-skin, n., skdrf-sTcin (Bav. schurffen, to scratch off the outside of a thing ; see ' scurf ), the outer thin integument of the skin ; the cuticle ; the epi- dermis. scarification, n., sTcdr^i-fik-af-shun (L. scarifico, I scratch open), in surg., the act of cutting the cuticle or external skin only, with a lancet, as to draw blood from the minute vessels only, or to permit the fluid to escape in the case of dropsy. scarious, a., skdrlf-us (F. scar- ieux, membranous ; Eng. scar), in bot. , having the consistence of a dry scale ; having a thin, dry, shrivelled appearance. scarlet fever, skar'-lU fev'-er (F. ecarlate, It. scarlatto, scarlet), an acute febrile disease, characterised by a scarlet rash upon the skin, and a sore throat, often with swellings of various glands : scarletina, n., skdrum (L. sedes, a seat), a genus of plants, Ord. Crassulacese, found growing upon stones, rocks, walls, and roofs of houses, admirable for ornamenting rock-work: Sedum acre, ak'rZ (L. acris or acre, biting, sharp), the biting Stone -crop, having acrid properties. segment, n., seg'm&nt (L. seg- mentum, a piece cut off from seco, I cut), in bot., the division of a frond : segmentation, n. , s$g f >m%nt-d f -shun, the division or splitting into segments or por- tions : segmenting, n., sey-menl' SEG 377 SEM ing, splitting into segments or divisions. segregate, a., seg'r%g>at (L. seg- rfydtum, to set apart, to separate from se, aside ; gregarZ, to collect into a flock), in bot., separated from each other ; hav- ing no organic connection though frequently associating together. Selachia, n. plu., sel-ak'-i-d, also Selachii, n. plu., seldk'-i-i (Gr. seldchos, a cartilaginous fish), the Sub -order of Elasmobranchii, comprising the Sharks and Dog- fishes. SelaginacesB, n. plu., s&l-adf-tn- d''S$-e (L. seldgo, a plant resem- bling the savin tree, gen. seldg- Inis), a small Order or group of herbaceous or shrubby plants, nearly related to the verbenas also called Globulariacese : Sel- ago, n., sZl-ag'-o, a genus of pretty plants: Selaginella, n., sel-adj'in-Zl'la, a genus of plants, Ord. Lycopodiacese. sella Turcica, sU'-ld terlslk-d (L. sella, a seat; Turcicus, of or from Turkey), the part of the sphenoid bone supposed to resemble a Turkish saddle ; also called sella equina, ^k'Wln'-d (L. equinus, pert, to a horse); and s. sphen- oides, sfen-oyd'-ez (Gr. sphen, a wedge; eidos, resemblance), a deep depression of the sphenoid bone which lodges the pituitary body. 3emecarpus, n., sZm'-e-kdrp'-ua (Gr. semeion, a mark or sign ; karpos, fruit), a genus of plants, Ord. Anacardiacese, the black acrid juice of whose nuts is used by the natives in marking cotton cloths: Semecarpus anacardium, an'-ob-kcLrd'-i-um (Gr. ana, like ; kardid, the heart), the marking nut tree which supplies the Sylhet varnish. semen, n., sem'&n (L. semen, seed from sero, I sow), the seed of animals; the fluid secreted in the testicles; seminal, a., sZm'm- radical ; in bot., applied to the cotyledons or seed-leaves, or to portions of the generative appar- atus. semi-amplexicaul, a., sem'4-dm pteks'-ik-awl (L. semi, half; Eng. amplexicaul), in bot., partially clasping the stem. semi-anatropal, a., s^m'-i-an-at'* rop'dl (L. semi, half; Eng. anat- ropal), in bot., half-anatropal applied to ovules. semi-flosculous, a., 8%m''i-fl6*k f >ul* us (L. semi, half; Eng. fioscul- ous), having the florets ligulate, as in the Dandelion. semi-lunar, a., semf'i-ldn^dr (L. semi, half; luna, the moon), having the form of a half moon : semi-lunar cartilage, two plates of cartilage situated around the margin of the head of the tibia. semi-membranosus, a., s$m f 4-memf' brdn-oz'-us (L. semi, half ; mem- brana, skin or membrane), half- membranous ; one of the muscles of the thigh which bend the leg so named from the flat mem- brane-like tendon at its upper part. seminiferous, a., sem'-in-lf-^r-us (L. semen, seed ; fero, I bear), secreting and conveying the seminal fluid ; in bot. , bearing seed. semi-nude, a., s&m't-nud' (L. semi, half ; Eng. nude), in bot. , having the ovules or seeds exposed, as in Mignonette. semi-penniform, a., s&m r -i'p&n''ni' form (L. semi, half; penna, a feather ; forma, shape), in anat., applied to certain muscles bearing some resemblance to the plume of a feather. semi-spinalis, a., semf'i-spin-dl'is (L. semi, half; spina, a spine}, in anat. , applied to the muscles which connect the transverse and articular processes to the spinous processes of the vertebrae : semi- spinalis dorsi, dors'-l (L. dor sum, the back, dorsi, of the back), half -spinal muscle of the back ; SEM 378 SEP consists of thin, narrow fasciculi, interposed between tendons of considerable length: s. colli, "kol'-li (L. collum, the neck, colli, of the neck), the half - spinal muscle of the neck, thicker than the preceding. semi-tendinosus, a., t&m'-i-tZnd'-tn' oz'us (L. semi, half ; tendo, I stretch), half-tendinous ; one of the dorsal muscles of the thigh, which arises from the tuber ischii, and is inserted in the tibia. Sempervivum, n..,sem'-per-viv'>um (L. semper, always; vivo, I live), a genus of plants, Ord. Crassul- aceje so named from the well- known tenacity of life of the house-leek, one of the species : Sempervivum tectorum, Mlc-torl um (L. tectum, a house, tectorum, of houses), the common house- leek, having thick fleshy leaves arranged in the form of a double rose, commonly met with on the tops of out-houses and cottages, said to possess cooling properties ; S. glutinosunij gldt'm>oz'um (L. glutinosus, gluey from gluten, glue), a species whose fresh leaves are employed by the fishermen of Madeira to rub their nets with, after being steeped in an alkaline liquor, thus rendering them as durable as if tanned : S. caespit- osus, ses f 'pit-6z f 'US (of or pert, to a turf from ccespes> a turf, a sod cut out), a species which exhibits a wonderful vitality, growing after being kept dry for eighteen months. Senecio, n., s^w-e'sM-o (L. senex, an old man), a genus of plants, Ord. Composites, remarkable as being the most extensive in point of species in the vegetable king- dom, so named from their naked receptacle resembling a bald head : Senecio vulgaris, vulg-dr f >is (L. vulgdris, common, vulgar), the plant groundsel : S. Jacobsea, jak'-ob-ef-a (from L. Jacobus, James), the ragwort or ragweed : S. cineraria, sm^r-ar'-i'd (L. cin$res, ashes, from the soft white down on its leaves), extens- ively used in planting flower- beds for the sake of contrast also called S. maritima, raar*$' im-d (L. maritimus, of or belong- ing to the sea from mare 1 , the sea). Senega, or snake root ; see ' Polyg- alacese. ' Senna, see under ' Cassia. ' sensorium, n., sens-or'-i-um (L. sensus, perception from sentlo, I discern by the senses), the central seat of sensation, or of consciousness, supposed to be in the brain ; the organ which receives the impressions made on the senses : sensorial, a., s&m* dr'-i'cil, of or pert, to the sensor- ium : sensory, a., sens'-dr-i, hav- ing direct connection with the nerves of sensation: n,, in anat., those parts of the neural axis with which the sensory nerves are connected. sepal, n., s&p'-al (a term invented by the change of the pet in Gr. petalon into sep, thus making sepalon; L. sepes, a hedge or fence), in bot., one of the leaf- like divisions of the calyx or cup which encloses the corolla or blossom of a flower: sepaloid, a., sep'-al'dyd (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), having the appearance of a sepal: sepalody, n., sVp-al'-od'i (Gr. hSdos, a way), the conversion of petals, or parts of the flower, into sepals. sepiostare, n., s$p'i> os>tar' , also sepiostarium, n., s&p f 'i-os>tar'4> Urn (Gr. sepia, the cuttle-fish ; tistZon, a bone), the internal shell of the Sepia, usually called the cuttle-bone. septa, and septate, see ' septum. * septemfid, a., s&p'-ttm-fid (L. sep- tem, seven ; fidi, I cleft), in bot., having seven divisions in a leaf, extending about half-way through it: septempartite, a., sep'-tZrn- SEP 379 SER pdrt'-it (L. partltus, divided), having seven divisions in a leaf, with radiating venation, which may extend to near the base. septenate, a., stp-ten'-at (L. septeni, seven each), in bot., having parts in sevens; applied to a compound leaf with seven leaflets coming off from one point, septic, a., s$p'-tilc (Gr. septiJcos, that causes putrefaction from sepo, I make putrid or rotten), having the power to promote putrefaction : septicity, n., sep* tis^i-ti, the tendency to promote putrefaction : septicaemia, n. , s$p'- ti-sem'i'a (Gr. haima, blood), an acute disease, resembling pyaemia in its general characters, supposed to be caused by the absorption into the blood of putrid matter from the surface of a wound or ulcer ; also called ichorrhaemia, i'6r-remf'i'd (Gr. ichor, corrupted matter ; haima, blood), and septic pyaemia. septicidal, a., stp'-ti-sid'-dl (L. septum, a partition ; ccedo> I cut or divide), in bot., applied to seed vessels which open by divid- ing through the septa or partitions of the ovary : septifragal, a., s$p-tif'rag-al(L.frango, I break), in bot., applied to a dehiscence which takes place along the lines of suture, the valves at the same time separating from the dissepi- ments, which are not subdivided. septum, n., s$p> any partition separating a body, as a fruit, into two or more cells in the direction of its length ; separating partitions across, or in the direction of its breadth, are called phragmata; in anat., the membrane or plate separating from each other two adjacent cavities or organs ; one of the partitions or walls of a chambered shell : septate, a., 8%p'-tat, separated or divided by partitions : septulum, n. , sep'>tul> I Urn (dim. of septum), a division between small spaces or cavities : septulate, a., sep'tul-dt, in bot., having spurious transverse dis- sepiments : septula renum, ren* um (L. septula, partitions; renes, the kidneys, renum, of the kid- neys), the prolongations sent inwards of the cortical substance of the kidneys: septum lucidum, Ids'-id-tim (L. lucidus, full of light, clear), one of the partitions which separate the lateral ven- tricles of the brain from each other : septum nasi, naz f >i, also septum narium, war'-i-tim (L. nasus, the nose, nasi, of the nose ; naris, the nostril, narium, of the nostrils), the cartilaginous partition separating the nostrils : s. pectiniforme, pek'-tm-i-form'-Z (L. pectin, a comb;/prma, shape), a partition which divides incom- pletely the cavity of the ' corpus cavernosum ' into two lateral portions; s. posticum, p6st*lk'-um (L. postlcus, posterior), a partition separating the sub - arachnoid space on the dorsal surface of the cord: s. scroti, skrot'-l (L. scrotum, the scrotum, the cod), the par- tition which separates the two testes of the scrotum : s. trans- vereum, trans -ver^iim (L. trans- versus^ transverse), the diaphragm, a membrane which separates the thorax from the abdomen ; the partition separating the cerebrum from the cerebellum ; a certain incomplete partition of the semi- circular canals of the ear. sequela, n.> sZk-wel'-a (L. sequela, a result or consequence), a dis- eased state of the body following on an attack of some other disease. sequestrum, n., sek-west'-rum (L. sequestrdtum, to remove, to separate from anything), a dead portion of bone which separates from the sound part. sericeous, a., ser-ish'-us (L. seric- us, silken from Seres, a people of Eastern Asia, the Chinese), in SER 380 SET lot., covered with fine, close- pressed hairs ; silky. serolin, n., s$r'd-lm (L. serum, whey ; dleum, oil), a peculiar fatty matter found in the blood. serous, a., serous (L. s$rum, whey), watery ; like whey : serosity, n., s$r-8s'$-tt, the watery part of blood when coagulated : serous membrane, in anat., a closed membranous bag having its in- ternal surface moistened with serum, and lining some cavity of the body which has no outlet : serum, n., ser'-um, the thin watery substance like whey which separates from the blood when coagulation takes place. ssrpentiform, a., serp-Znt'-i-ftirm (L. serpens, a serpent, serpentis, of a serpent ; forma, shape), resembling a serpent in shape : serpentary, n., serp'ent-dr-z, the Virginia snake-root, the 'Aristo- ]ochia serpentaria,' an infusion and a tincture of whose roots are used as stimulants. ssrrate, a., sZr'rat, or serrated, a., sZr'rat-Vd (L. serrdtus, saw- shaped from serra, a saw), in bot., notched on the edge like a saw, as a leaf: biserrate, a., bl- ser'-rdt, having alternately large and small teeth on the edge : serratus magnus, ser-dt'us may' nus (L. magnus, great), in anat., the great saw-shaped muscle of the lateral thoracic region, aris- ing by fleshy serrations from the upper ribs, and inserted into the whole length of the scapula : ser- ration, n., s&r-rd'shun, a form- ation resembling a saw : serrul- ate, a., ser'ul-dt (L. serrula, a little saw), having very fine notches like a saw: serrature, n., s%r / -rdt-ur, a saw-like notching on the edge of anything. Sertularida, n. phi., serf-id- dr' id-ct (dim. of L. sertum, a wreath of flowers), an Order of the Hydro- zoa : Sertularia, n. plu., serf-til- ar'-i-ci, a genus of compound tubular Polypes, in which the cells are arranged on two sides of the stem, either opposite or alternate. serum, see under 'serous.' sesamoid, a., ses'-am-oyd (Gr. sesamon, the grain sesame; eidos, appearance), in anat., applied to one of the small bones formed at the articulations of the great toes, and sometimes at the joints of the thumbs. Sesamum, n., sZs'am-um (Gr. sesamon, L. sesdmum, the sesame, an oily plant), a genus of plants, Ord. Bignoniacese : Sesamum orientale, 6r f -i-ent-al f -e (L. orient- dlis, eastern), a species producing Teel seeds, which yield a bland oil, used in adulterating oil of almonds. sessile, a., sts'sil (L. sessUis, of or pert, to sitting from sedeo, I sit), sitting directly upon the body to which it belongs without a support or foot-stalk, as a sessile leaf ; sitting close. seta, n., set'- a, setse, n. plu., set'e (L. seta, a thick, stiff hair), in bot., a bristle or sharp hair ; the bristle -like stalk that supports the theca, capsule, or sporangium of Mosses ; the awn or beard of grasses which proceeds from the extreme of a husk or glume ; the glandular points of the rose, etc. ; in zool., bristles or long stiff hairs, as on caterpillars, or the Crustace- ans : setaceous, a., sZt-d'shus, re- sembling a bristle ; bristle- shaped : setiferous, a., set-if-Zr-us (L.fero, I bear), also setigerous, a. , set'idf- er-us (L. gero, I bear), producing bristles ; supporting bristles : seti- form, a., set' i-f firm (L. forma, shape), having the shape of a bristle: setose, a., set-oz', set or covered with bristles ; bristly. Setaria, n. plu., set-dr'i-a (L. seta, a bristle), a genus of plants, Ord. Graminese, whose involucrum is bristly : SetariaGermanica, germ* an'-ik-a (L. Germanicus, of or SET 381 SIM from Germany}, a species which yields German millet. seton, n., set'n (It. setone, a seton ; L. seta, a bristle), in surg., an artificial discharge of matter occasioned by the introduction of some foreign body, such as horse hairs, fine thread, or a pea, under the skin. setuliform, a., sZt-ul'-i-form (L. setula, a little bristle from seta, a bristle), in bot. , thread - like : setulose, a., sg^wZ-oz', resembling a little bristle. shaking palsy, ' paralysis agitans, ' which see. sheath, n., sheth (Ger. scheide, Icel. skeidir, a sheath), in bot., a petiole when it embraces the branch from which it springs, as in grasses : sheath - winged, having cases for covering the wings, as in many insects. shingles, n. plu., sMng'-glz (L. cingulum, a girdle), the popular name for herpes -zoster, an erup- tive disease, characterised by groups of vesicles on an inflamed base, these groups usually follow- ing the course of a nerve. Shorea, n., shor^e'd (after Sir I. Shore), a genus of plants, Ord. Diptero - carpaceae, consisting of large resinous trees which produce terminal panicles of sweet-smelling yellow flowers : Shorea robusta, rob-ust f 'd (L. robustus, of oak- wood, hard), native of India, supplies the valuable timber called Sal, and yields the Dhoom or Dammar pitch, used for incense in India. sialagogue, n., sl-dl'dg-o'g (F. sialagogue from Gr. sidlon, saliva ; ago, I lead), a medicine which increases the flow of saliva. sibilant, a., sib'-il-dnt (L. sibilans, hissing), making a hissing or whistling sound : sibilant rhon- chus (L. rhonclim, a snoring), low whistling sounds, produced in the smaller bronchial tubes during inspiration or expiration when their calibre is diminished. sigmoid, a., sig'-moyd (the Gr. letter 2 or s, called Sigma; eidos, resemblance), curved like the Greek letter Sigma ; in anat. , applied to several structures of the body ; in bot. , curved in two directions, like the letter S, or the Greek s. silica, n., sil'ik-a (L. silex, a pebble, sllicis, of a pebble), the earth of flints ; a substance con- stituting the characteristic in- gredient of a great variety of minerals ; an inorganic element of plants : silicate, a., sil'ik-dt, a salt of silicic acid : silicated, a., sil f -ik>at'$d, combined or impreg- nated with silica: siliceous, a., sil'ish'-us, partaking of the nature and qualities of silica ; composed of flint. silicle, n., sil'-i-kl, also silicula, n., sil'ikf'Ul'd, and silicule, n., Mfk'Ul (L. silicula, a little pod from siliqua, a pod or husk), a short pod with a double placenta and replum ; a siliqua as broad as long: siliculose, &.,sil'i-ul'6z, bearing silicles ; bearing husks. silique, n., sil'-ik, also siliqua, n., mi'-ik-wd (L. siliqua, a pod or husk), in bot., a pod-like fruit, consisting of two long cells, divided by a partition, having seeds attached to each side, as in the seed-pods of the cabbage, turnip, and wallflower : siliquose, a., sll'-ik-woz, bearing siliques : siliquiform, a. , sU-iktwi-fdrm (L. forma, shape), shaped like a silique. Simarubacese, n. plu., sim-dr / -ub- d'-se-e (Simaruba, the native name in Guiana), the Quassia and Simar- uba family, an Order of plants, which are all intensely bitter : Simaruba, n., sim-dr'-iib-d, a genus of valuable plants from their medical properties : Simar- uba amara, dm-ar'-d (L. amarus, bitter), a species the bark of SIN 382 SIP whose root is used as a bitter tonic and astringent, especially in advanced stages of diarrhoea and dysentery, found in Cayenne and W. Indies also called S. officinalis, &f-jtf>fa-AKte(L. o/ic- mdlis, by authority). Sinapis, n., sin* dp' is (L. sindpis, mustard), a genus of plants, Ord. Cruciferse : Sinapis nigra, nlg'ra (L. niger, black; nigra, fern.), a species whose seeds furnish table mustard, and which contain a bland fixed oil, a peculiar bitter principle, and myronic acid : S. alba, alb'-d (L. albus, white), a species furnishing white mustard, and containing more fixed oil than black mustard, is cultivated as a salad : sinapin, n. , sin-dp'-m, or sinapisin, n., sin-ap'-is-m, a principle in ' S. alba ' analogous to myronic acid, found in 'S. nigra': sinigrin, n., sm'-ig-rin, a crystal - lisable substance found in mus- tard : sinapism, n., sin'ap~izm, a poultice of which mustard is the basis. sinciput, n., sin'si-p&t (L. sinciput, the fore part of the head from semi, half ; caput, the head), the forepart of the head, the back part being called the occiput. Binistral, a., sin'-is-lral (L. sinis- tra, fern. , on the left hand ; sinis- ter, masc.), left-handed; applied to the direction of the spiral in certain shells when they turn to the left: sinistrorse, a., sin'-is- trdrs', in bot., applied to a spiral directed towards the left. sinuate, a., sm'u-dt, also sinuated, a., sin'-u-dt'&d (L. sinudtum, to swell out in curves from sinus, a bent surface, a curve), in bot., cut so as to have a broken and wavy margin, as the margin of a leaf: sinuous, a., sin'-U'US, tortuous ; having a wavy or flexuous margin, as a leaf. sinus, n., sln'us, (L. sinus, a bent surface, a curve), in anat., a cavity in a bone wider at the bottom than at the entrance ; in surg., an elongated cavity con- taining pus ; a dilated vein or blood receptacle ; in bot. , a groove or cavity; the indentation or recess formed by the lobes of leaves : sinuses, n. plu., sin'uz-es, hollows or cavities, as in the bones, or in the dura - mater : sinus pocularis, pdk'ul'dr'-is (L. poculum, a cup or goblet), a cup- like cavity in the male urethra- leading into the prostatic vesicle : s. rhomboidalis, rdrnf-bdyd-al'-is (L. rhombdides, a rhomboid from L. rhombus, a rhombus, and Gr. eidos, resemblance), a lozenge- shaped cavity at the hinder ex- tremity of the medullary canal : s. terminalis, term.'-fa-a$b (L. termindlis, terminal from term- inus, a boundary), a venous canal encircling the vascular area in the embryo : s. urogenitalis, ur- o-jen-it-dl'is (Gr. ouron, urine ; L. g$mtdlis, generative), a sinus situated in front of the termina- tion of the intestine forming a separation, which produces a dis- tinct passage for the genito- urinary organs, formerly opening into a cloaca : s. venosus, ven- oz'us (L. venosus, full of veins from vena, a vein), the main portion of the auricles of the heart, as distinguished from the auricular appendages : osseous sinuses, cavities in bones con- taining air : venous sinuses, hollows in the membrane of the dura - mater of the brain, which contain blood serving the purpose of veins. siphon, n., sif-tin (Gr. siphon, L. sipho, a hollow reed or tube), a bent pipe or tube whose arms are of unequal length, chiefly em- ployed to draw off liquids from casks, etc. ; applied to the re- spiratory tubes in the Mollusca, and to other tubes of different functions : siphonium, n., sif-onl i- um t a bony air- tube in some birds. SIP 383 SMU Siphonia, n., slf-on'-l-a (Gr. siphon, a tube), a genus of plants, Ord. Euphorbiaceae, so named from the use made of their exudation : Siphonia elastica, n., Z-last'-ik-a (mid. L. elasticus, elastic), a species which contains much caoutchouc, and supplies the bottle india-rubber. Siphonophora, n. plu., sif'tin-of'- or-d (Gr. siphon, a tube ; phorZo, I bear), a division of the Hydrozoa: Siphonostomata, n. plu., slf-on- ds-tdmf'dt'd(GT. stoma, a mouth), a division of the Gasteropodous Molluscs, in which the aperture of the shell is not entire, but has a notch or tube for the emission of the respiratory siphon. siphuncle, n., sif-ung'-kl (L. siph- unculus, a little pipe from sipho, a tube), any small tube or tubular passage ; the tube - like perfora- tion which passes through the septa and chambers of such shells as the nautilus, the ammonite, etc. ; the tube which connects together the various chambers of the shell of certain Cephalopoda : Siphunculoidea, n. plu. , sif-ung< Tcul-oyd'-e-a (Gr. eidos, resem- blance), a class of Anarthrop- oda. Sirenia, n. plu., str-en'i-d (L. siren, Gr. seiren, a siren), an Order of Mammalia, comprising the Dugongs and Manatees. sitiology, n., sit'-i-ol'-o-ji (Gr. sltos or sltion, bread ; logos, a dis- course), the doctrine or considera- tion of aliments ; dietetics. Sium, n., sl'-um (Gr. seid, I quiver, from its motion in the water), a genus of plants, Ord. Umbelliferae, which thrive best in very moist soil : Sium sisar- mn, sis'-dr-um (Gr. sisdrdn, L. siser, a plant with an esculent root, skirret), a species whose succulent roots were formerly esteemed in cookery, under the name of * skirret.' slashed, a., sltisht (an imitative word), in bot., deeply gashed; divided by very deep incisions. slough, n. , sluf (AS. slog ; Icel. slog, anything cast off or thrown away), the dead structure of flesh that separates from a wound, or during mortification. smegma, n., smeg'md (L. smegma, Gr. smegma, a detergent, soap), the white substance often seen upon the skin of new-born infants : smegma preputii, pre-push'4-l (L. prceputmm, the foreskin or prepuce, prceputii, of the foreskin), the secretions of Tyson's glands which surround the base of the glans penis. Smilacese, n. plu., smil-a'se-e (L. smllax, bindweed, smildcis, of bindweed), the Sarsaparilla fam- ily, an Order of plants having mucilaginous and demulcent prop- erties : Smilax, n. , smil'dks, a genus of plants, the roots of various of the species constituting sarsaparilla or sarza, as the fol- lowing Smilax officinalis, of-fis'- m'CiV-is (L. officinalis, by author- ity, officinal); S. medica, m$d'- ik-d (L. medicus, medical); S. syphilitica, sif-tt-tt'-ik-d (new L. suphiliticus, of or pert, to syph- ilis); S. papyracea, pdp'-ir-af'Se-d (L. papyrus, the paper reed) ; and S. Brasiliensis, brdZ'il'.i-Zns'-is (of or from Brazil), the roots of all of them are mucilaginous, bitterish, and slightly acrid ; sarsaparilla is used in decoction and infusion as a tonic and alter- ative, in cachexia, and syphilis : S. China, tshin'd (of or from China}, a species which yields the china-root, used as a remedy in syphilis. smut, n., smut (Ger. schmutz, dirt, mud), a powdery matter, having a peculiarly foetid odour, which occupies the interior of dis- eased grains of wheat and other cereals, caused by a parasitic fungus called 'Uredo caries' or 'fbetida' also called 'bunt,' 'pepper-brand,' SNTJ 384 SOL or 'blight '; a sooty powder, hav- ing no odour, found in oats and "barley, caused by the parasitic fungus ' Urego segetum ' also called 'dust-brand.' snuffles, n. plu., snuf'-h (Dut snu/den, to breathe through the nose), obstruction of the nose through mucus. soboles, n., stib'-dl-ez (L. soboles, a sprout, a shoot), in bot. , a creep- ing underground stem. socia parotidis, so^shi-d pdr-ot'id' is (L. socia, a companion j par- otis, a tumour near the ears, parotidis, of a parotis), in anat. , a small detached portion of the parotid gland, which occasionally exists as a separate lobe, just beneath the zygomatic arch. SDda, n., sod'- a (Ger., Sp. soda), an alkali obtained from the ashes of certain sea-plants, or from common salt : liquor sodae, lik'dr sod'-e (L. sodce, of soda), the liquor of soda, that is, a solution of caustic soda, made by heating carbonate of soda with slaked lime : carbonate of soda, the proper name of soda as above, used chiefly for cleanliness, and soap-making: bicarbonate of soda, is only slightly alkaline, and not caustic, used in the preparation of effervescing drinks, and in making 'medicinal soda-water': sulph- ate of soda, Glauber's salt, found in certain mineral waters, and in sea-water : sulphite of soda, im- portant for its sulphurous acid : nitrate of soda, a very deliques- cent salt, used in making the arseniate of soda or nitric acid, and as a manure : phosphate of soda, a tasteless purging salt, obtained by adding to a solution of bone earth in sulphuric acid, carbonate of soda to neutralisation : chlorinated soda, a combination of soda and chlorine, constituting a bleaching solution : citro-tar- tarate of soda, a substance which in the granulated form is com- monly called 'citrate of magnesia': sodium, n., sod'i-um, the metallic base of soda, soft, of a silvery lustre, and lighter than water : chloride of sodium, common salt : soda-water, an effervescing beverage, containing a weak solu- tion of bicarbonate of soda, and highly charged with carbonic acid gas. Solanacese, n. plu., sol'dn-a's^e (L. solanum, the plant night- shade), the Nightshade family, an Order of plants, often possess- ing narcotic qualities, some species having these qualities so highly developed as to become poisonous, contains the potato and tobacco plants : Solaneae, n. plu., sdl'dn'-8>e, a Sub-order of plants: Solanum, n., sol-an'um, an extensive genus of plants, many having a showy, ornamental appearance : Solanum dulcamara, dulk f 'dm'dr''d (L. dulcis, sweet ; amdrus, bitter), Bitter-sweet or Woody Nightshade, has diaphor- etic properties, a decoction of the twigs useful in certain cutaneous diseases, and the scarlet berries are not poisonous : S. nigrum, nig'rum (L. nigrum, black), a species whose black berries have been used in tarts, but the plant is a virulent poison : S. tuberos- um, tub^er-oz-um (L. tub$rosus, having fleshy knobs from tuber, a protuberance), the well-known Potato plant, producing nutritious, starchy tubers : S. melongena, m^l'dnfen'd (Gr. melon, an apple; g%nos, birth, production), yields the Aubergine, an edible fruit ; the mad apple : S. laciniatum, Ifoln'l-alf'iim (L. lacmiatus, jagged, indented from laclnia, a flap, a lappet), the Kangaroo apple, eaten in Tasmania : S. ovigerum, ov-idf-%r-um(L. ovum, an egg ; gero, I bear), produces the fruit Egg apple : S. vescum, v$s&nm (L. vescus, small, feeble, fine), the Gunyang of Australia, SOL 385 SOR used as a potato : S. indigofera, In'-dig-oj'^r'd (indigo, and L. fero, I produce), cultivated in Brazil for the sake of its indigo- dye : S. gnaphalioides, nof-dl'i- o&d'ez (Gr. gnaphdlwn, the plant cudweed ; eidos, resemblance : gnaphaldn, soft down), the juice of the fruit used by Peruvian ladies to tint their cheeks: S. saponaceum, sap'-tin-as'-i-urn (L. sdpondceus, of or pert, to soap from sdpo, soap), a species whose fruits are used in Peru instead of soap to whiten linen : S. margin- atum, mdrj'-tn-af'tian (L. marg- indtus, furnish with a border from margo, an edge, a border), employed in Abyssinia for tan- ning leather : solania, n., sdl-dn' i'Gb, a white alkaloid substance, highly poisonous, obtained from S. dulcamara, greened potatoes, and other species of Solanum also called solanin, n., sdl'an-m, and solanina, n., stil'-dn'in'd. solar, a., sottar (L. sol, the sun, soils, of the sun), in anat., hav- ing branches or filaments like the rays of the sun: solar plexus, pUks'-us (L. plexus, twisted), a great network of nerves and ganglia, situated behind the stomach, which supplies all the viscera in the abdominal cavity. soleaform, a., stft-e'd-fdrm (L. sol&a, a sandal ; forma, shape), in bot., slipper-shaped. Solenostemma, n., sol- en' o- stem'- md (Gr. solen, a tube ; stemma, a garland, a wreath), a genus of plants, Ord. Asclepiadacese : Sol- enostemma argel, ar'-jel (may be connected with Sp. argel, Algiers), a species whose leaves are used to adulterate Alexandrian senna. soleus, n., stil-e'us or sol'-frus (L. totta, a sandal, a sole-fish), in anat., a muscle of the leg shaped like the sole-fish ; also called * gastrocnemius internus. ' Solidungula, n. plu., sdl'-td-ung'- ul-d, also Solidungulates, n. plu., 2 B ul'dtz (L. solidus, solid; ungula, a hoof), the group of hoof quad- rupeds, which comprises the horse, ass, and zebra, having each foot a single solid hoof only ; also called ' Solipedia. ' solution, n., sol- 6' shun (L. solil- tum, to loose ; solvo, I loose, I melt), a liquid which contains one or more solid substances diffused throughout it ; in bot. , the separation of whorls which are usually adherent : solution of continuity, in surg., the accidental separation of connected parts : solvent, n., solvent, a fluid in which a solid may be dissolved ; anything which can dissolve or render liquid another. somatic, a., som-dt'ik (Gr. soma, a body, somdtos, of a body), connected with the body: somat- ocyst, n., som-dt f 'd'Sist (Gr. kustis, a cyst), a peculiar cavity in the ccenosarc of the Calycophoridse : somatomes, n. plu., som'-dt-omz (Gr. tome, a cutting), the verteb- ral segments of the body: somat- otomy, n.. ) som^dt'dt f 'dm-i t another name for anatomy: somite, n., somf-lt, a single segment in the body of an articulate animal. sophisticate, v., sof-istf-ik-dt (Gr. sophistikos, fallacious from soph- 8s, skilful, artful), to adulterate ; to debase by something spurious or foreign : sophistication, n., sof-ist'-ik-d'-shun, adulteration. soporific, a., sop'-or-if-ik (L. sopor, a heavy sleep ; facio, I make), that has the quality of inducing sleep : n., a medicine which causes sleep. soredia, n., sor-ed'-i-a (Gr. soros, a heap or pile), in bot. , powdery cells on the surface of the thallus of some Lichens: sorediferous, a., sdr'-$d if'-fr-us (L.fero, I bear), bearing soredia. Sorghum, n., stirg'um (from Sorghi, its Indian name), a genus of plants, Ord. Gramineae : Sorghum vulgare, vulg-ar'-& (L. SOR 386 SPE vulgdris, common), Guinea Corn. sori, n. phi., sor f >l (Gr. soros, a heap, a pile), in bot., the patches of fructification on the back of the fronds of ferns : sorus, n. sing., sor'tis, in bot., a cluster of sporangia in ferns : sorosis, n., s6r'6z f >is, a kind of fleshy fruit, resulting from the consolidation in one mass of many flowers, as in the pine-apple. Soymida, n., sdym'id-a (its native name), a genus of plants, Ord. Cedrelacese : Soymida febrifuga, fZb'Tif-ug'd (L. febris, a fever ; fugo, I drive away), the Rohuna of Hindustan, a kind of mahogany whose bark is a useful tonic in in- termittent fevers, and in typhus. spadix, n., spdd'-iks, spadices, n. plu., spdd-ls f ~ez (L. spadix, a palm branch broken off together with its fruits, a date or nut- brown colour ; spddlds, of a date or nut-brown colour, etc.), in bot., a form of inflorescence in which the flowers are closely arranged around a thick fleshy axis, and the whole wrapped in a large leaf, called a spathe, as in the arum : spadiceous, a. , spad- ishf'US, of a clear reddish-brown colour, resembling a spadix. spanaemia, n., span-em'-i-a (Gr. spanos, scarce ; haima, blood), a diseased condition of the blood, characterised by a deficiency in its red globules ; the opposite condition to plethora : spansBmic, a., spdn-Zm'-ik, having the prop- erty of impoverishing the blood ; having an impoverished or thin state of blood. spasm, n., spdzm (Gr. spasmos, L. spasmus, a cramp, a spasm), the violent and uncontrollable action of a particular set of muscles : spasms are of two sorts, tonic and clonic ; in tonic spasms (see 'tonic') the muscles of a part contract violently, and remain rigid and immovable during a shorter or longer interval, inde- pendent of the will ; in clonic spasms (see 'clonic') there are regular alternations of sudden contractions and relaxations ; in common language, spasms are grips and violent internal pains, dependent on indigestion or con- stipation : spasmodic, a., spdz- mdd'-ic, of or pert, to spasms. spathe, n. , spdth, also spatha, n. , spdth'a (L. spatha, Gr. spathe, a broad blade or flat piece of wood), in bot., a large membranous bract, or kind of leaf, forming a sheath to cover a spadix ; a calyx-like sheath, found as a covering in numerous flowers : spathed, a. , spdtht, having a spathe or calyx like a sheath : spathaceous, a., spdth' d'-shtis, having the appear- ance and membranous consistence of a spathe : spathellae, n. plu. , spath'$l'le(L. dim.), small spathes surrounding separate parts of the inflorescence : spatnose, a., spath-oz', resembling a spathe. spathulate, a., spath'ul-dt (L. spdthula, a broad piece, a spoon), in bot. , spoon-shaped ; applied to a leaf having a linear form, enlarging suddenly into a rounded extremity. spawn, n., spawn (Bav. span, Dut. spenne, milk drawn from the breast), the cellular axis of Fungi, on which ultimately the fructification is developed ; the mycelium of frogs, etc. species, n., spesh'-ez (L. species, a particular sort from specio, I look at, I behold), a group of individuals alike or identical with each other that is, the indi- viduals having no permanent or marked difference an accidental or minor difference in an individ- ual being termed a variety; an assemblage of individuals having characters in common, and com- ing from an original stock or protoplast, as in a field of wheat : specific, a., spZs'tf'-ik (L. facto, SPE 387 SPE I make), that designates the species or constitutes it ; in the binomial nomenclature of plants, etc. , applied to the second name, or the name which follows that of the genus, which double name constitutes the name of the species or individual as distinguished from the genus : specific centre, a term used to express the particular place upon which each species had its origin, and from which its individuals became diffused: specific character, the circumstances distinguishing one species from every other species of the same genus : specific name, see ' specific ' : specific remedy, a particular remedy found usually curative or alleviative of a partic- ular disease. spectrum, n., spZk'trtim, spectra, a. plu., 8p&K'trd (L. spectrum, an appearance, an image), the image of something seen after the eyes have been closed ; the pris- matic colours formed in a darkened :hamber by permitting a ray of sunlight to pass into it through a prism a spectrum may be formed from a ray proceeding from any luminous body, as from a star or a planet : spectrum analysis, the act or art of ascer- taining the character and com- position of luminous bodies, or of non-luminous bodies when in a state of combustion, by causing a ray of light from the body desired to be so analysed to pass through a prism, each substance in the spectrum having its own characteristic system of lines. jpeculum, n., 8p$tful>ti,m (L. speculum, a mirror from specio, I look at), in surg., an instrument for keeping open more perfectly certain apertures of the body, in order that their interiors may be attentively examined. jpeiranthy, n., spir'dnth-i (Gr. speirdo, I coil or curl ; anthos, a flower), in "hot., the twisted growth of the parts of a flower. sperm, n., sperm (Gr. sperma, seed, spermdtos, of seed from speiro, I sow), animal seed: sperm cell, a cell which impregnates, as opposed to a germ cell, which has been impregnated : spermo- derm, n., sperm' d-derm (Gr. derma, skin), in bot., the outer covering of a seed : spermaceti, n., sperm'd-set'i (Gr. ketos, L. cetus, any large fish, a whale), a white, brittle, semi-transparent substance obtained from the head of the sperm whale, and from sperm-oil : spermatic, a. , sperm- at'ik, pert, to or consisting of seed or semen ; seminal : sperm- atic cord, a cord made up of the vessels and nerves which pass to and from the testis. spermagones, n. plu., sperm- dg' on-ez (Gr. sperma, seed ; gonos, offspring), reproductive bodies in the form of very minute hollow sacs, found on the thallus of Lichens ; capsules or cysts in Lichens, Fungi, etc., containing spermatia. spermarium, n., sperm-dr'i-um (Gr. sperma, seed), the organ in which spermatozoa are produced : spermatia, n., sperm- of- slii-d, in bot. t motionless spermatozoids in the conceptacles of Fungi, sup- posed to be possessed of fertilising power. spermatheca, n., sperm' d-theJc'-d (Gr. sperma, seed ; theke, a re- ceptacle), a receptacle or sac in which ejected semen is stored up, as among some insects. spermatic, see under * sperm.' spermatophore, n., sperm -at' 6 -for, spermatophores, n. plu., -forz, or spermatophora, n. plu. , sperm' at-of'-dr-a (Gr. sperma, seed ; phoreo, I bear), in anat., cases of albuminous matter in which the bundles of spermatozoa are packed. spermatozoon, n., sperm'dt^zo' SPE 388 SPH tin, spermatozoa, n. plu., -so -a, (Gr. sperma, seed ; zob'n, an animal), one of the filamentary bodies developed in the semen, consisting of an enlarged extremity called body, and a vibratile fila- mentary appendage called tail, which are essential to impregna- tion : spermatozoids, n. plu. , sperm- at' d'Zoydz (Gr. eidos, re- semblance), in anat., same sense as spermatozoa ; in bot. , moving filaments contained in the anther- idia of Cryptogams, supposed to possess a fecundative power also known as phytozoa, and anthero- zoids. spermoderm, see under * sperm. ' spermogone, n., sper-mo'g'-on'e, an inaccurate spelling for ' spermag- one,' which see. sphacelus, n., sfas'el-us (Gr. sphakelds, gangrene), that stage in mortification in which the part is dead and cold ; see ' morti- fication ' : sphacelate, v. , s/*as' el- at, to affect with gangrene ; to decay and become carious, as a bone : sphacelation, n. , sfas'el- d f -shiin, the process of becoming gangrenous. sphseraphides, n. plu., sfer-df- id-ez (Gr. sphaira, a globe ; rhaphis, a needle, rhaphidds, of a needle), in bot., globular clusters of raphides, or globular aggrega- tions of minute crystals, as found in phanerogamous plants. sphserenchy ma, n . , sfer eng'-kim a (Gr. sphaira, a globe ; engchuma, juice, tissue from engcheo, I pour in), in bot. , tissue composed of spherical cells. Sphseria, n. plu., sfer'i-a (Gr. sphaira, a globe), an extensive genus of very minute plants, Ord. Fungi, found at all seasons on many decaying bodies, such as leaves, fir cones, trunks of trees, etc. : Sphaeria Sinensis, sm-ens'is (Siriensis from Sina, an old name ot China}, a species found on a caterpillar, which constitutes a celebrated Chinese drug : S. Eob- ertsii, rdb-erts'i-i (after Roberts, a botanist), a species developed on larvse in New Zealand : S. Taylori, tdlor'-l (after Taylor, a botanist), a species found on an Australian caterpillar : S. sobolif- era, sdb'-8l-if>er>d (L. stiboles, a sprout, a shoot ; fero, I bear) ; S. entomorhiza, ent'-d-mdr-riz'd (Gr. entomd, insects ; rhiza, a root) ; S. militaris, mil'-it-dr'-is (L. militaris, soldier-like from miles, a soldier), are species which grow on animals. Sphserococcus, n., sfer'o-WWk%s (Gr. sphaira, a globe ; kokkos^ a seed or fruit), a genus of sea- plants, Ord. Algae : Sphserococ- cus crispus, krisp'us (L. crispus, curled, wrinkled), Carrageen or Irish Moss, which supplies a nu- tritious article of diet: S. lichen- oides, lik'-Qn-oydf-ez (L. lichen, the lichen ; Gr. eidos, resemblance), Ceylon Moss, also used as an article of diet : S. cartilaginous, kdrt''il-ddj'm'8-us (L. cartildgin- %us, cartilaginous from cartil- dgo, cartilage), a species of Algae, used as a substitute for the edible swallows' nests. Sphaeroplea, n. plu., sfer-b'p'le-a (Gr. sphaira, a globe ; pUo, I swim), a genus of plants, Ord. Algse, in one of whose species, SphaBroplea annulina, an'-ul-ln'd (L. annulus, a ring), the cells produce stellate spores, which in spring first divide into two, then into four or eight parts, becoming zoospores ; the zoospores swim about, then fix themselves and give rise to young Confervse ; see ' baculiform. ' Sphagnese, n. plu., sfag'rie>e (L. and Gr. sphagnos, a kind of fragrant moss), a Sub-order of bog mosses, Ord. Musci or Bry- acese, aquatic plants with spirally imbricated leaves : Sphagnum, n., sfdg'ntim, a genus of Musci, whose species are found in bogs SPF 389 SPI at all seasons, and have nerveless leaves of a singularly whitish colour: sphagnous, a., sfag'-ntis, pert, to bog moss. sphalerocarpum, n., sfdl'-Zr-o- kdrp'-um (Gr. spJiattros, unsteady, faithless ; karpos, fruit), in bot., a small indehiscent, one-seeded fruit, enclosed within a fleshy complex pericarp. sphenoid, a. , sfen'oyd, also sphen- oidal, a., sfen-oyd'-al (Gr. sphen, a wedge, sphenos, of a wedge ; eidos, resemblance), wedge-like, as applied to a bone of the skull, which wedges in and locks together most of the other bones : spheno, sfen'-o, indicating con- nection with the sphenoid bone : spheno-maxillary, maks'-il-lar-i, in anat., applied to a fissure and also to a fossa. spheroid, n., sfer'-oyd (Gr.sphaira, a globe ; eidos, resemblance), a round body or solid figure not perfectly spherical : spheroidal, a., sfer'dyd'-al, having the form of a spheroid. sphincter, n., sfmgtf-ter (Gr. sphingkter, that binds tightly or contracts from sphinggo, I bind tight), in anat., a muscle which contracts or shuts an orifice or opening which it surrounds : sphincter ani, an'-i (L. anus, the anus, dm, of the anus), the sphincter at the distal end of the rectum : s. vesicse, v%s>is f -e (L. vesica, the bladder, veslcce, of the bladder), the sphincter muscle at the mouth of the bladder : s. oris, or'-is (L. os, the mouth, oris, of the mouth), the sphincter muscle of the mouth, etc. sphygmograph, n., sfig'-mo>graj (Gr. sphugmos, the pulse ; grapho, I write), an instrument, consisting of a combination of a delicate spring and lever, which, when applied over an artery, traces the form of the pulsations on a slip of paper or a bit of smoked glass. spicate, a., splWat (L. spka, an ear of corn), in bot., having a spike or ear, as of corn : spicula, n. plu., spik'ul-a (L. splculum, a little sharp point), in bot. , little spikes ; pointed, needle - shaped bodies : spicular, a., spik'ul>ar, having sharp points : spiculum, n., splk'ul'Um, in anat., a small pointed piece of bone, or other hard matter: spicule, n., spik'ul, a minute, slender granule or point; a spikelet. Spigelia, n., spi-jel'i-a (after SpigeliuSy a botanical writer, 1625), a genus of plants, Ord. Loganiacese, having showy flowers when in blossom: Spigelia Mari- landica, mdr'-i-ldnd'-ik-a (pro- bably from Maryland), a species whose root, the Carolina Pink -root, is used as an anthelmintic in the United States: S. anthelmia,a^A,' Zl'-mi'ti (Gr. anti, against; elmins, a tapeworm), the Guiana Pink- root, used in Demerara as an anthelmintic, and which possesses narcotic qualities. spike, n. , spik (L. spica, an ear of corn ; Swed. spik, a nail), in bot., an inflorescence consisting of numerous flowers, sessile on an axis or single stem, as in the wheat and lavender : spikelets, n. plu., spikf>l$ts, in bot., small clusters of flowers, forming second- ary spikes or locustse of grasses. spina bifida, spin'-a bif'id-a (L. splna, the spine ; bifidus, cleft into two parts from bis, twice ; findo, I cleave or split), a con- . genital swelling situated over some part of the spine, generally in the region of the loins, due to the deficient or arrested growth of the posterior arches of one or more vertebral bones : spina ventosa, vent -fa' a (L. ventosns, full of wind from ventus, the wind), a morbid condition of bone in which the cellular struct- ure between the external and internal walls of a bone are ab- SPI 390 SPL normally distended into a cavity, which may contain air. Spinacia, n., spln-d'si-a (L. spina, a thorn), a genus of plants, Ord. Chenopodiacese, so named from their prickly fruit : Spinacia oleracea, $l'>$r-d's$'a (L. olerdce- us, herb- like from olus, a kitchen herb), spinach, a well-known pot- herb: spinaceous, a., spin-d'-shus, pert, to spinach, or to the species of the genus, Spinacia. spinalis cervicis, spln-dl'is serv- is'4s (L. spinalis, spinal ; cervix, the neck, cervicis, of the neck), the spinal muscle of the neck, consisting of a few irregular bundles of fibres, arising from the spines of the fifth and sixth cervical, and inserted into the spine of the axis : spinalis dorsi, dtirs'i (L. dorsum, the back, dorsi, of the back), the spinal cord of the back, a long narrow muscle placed at the inner side of the longissiinus dorsi, and closely connected with it. spine, n., spin, also spinus, n., spines (L. spina, a thorn, a spine), the vertebral column or backbone, so called from its series of thorn-like processes ; in bot., an abortive branch with a hard sharp point : spinal, a., spin'al, of or relating to the backbone : spinal column, the connected vertebrae of the back : spinal cord, the greyish-white matter lodged in the interior of the spinal column or backbone : spinal meningitis (see under * meninges '), inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord : spinitis, n., spln-tt'is, inflamma- tion of the spine. spinescent, a., apfti-gfCa&if (L. spina, a thorn), bearing spines : spinose, a., spln-oz', also spinous, a., spines, full of spines; thorny; spinescent. spinneret, n., splri-ribr-Zt (Icel. spinna, Ger. spinnen, to spin), among certain insects, an organ with which they form their silk or webs, as spiders and cater- pillars. spiracle, n., splr'-a-ld (L. spirdcti- lum, an air-hole from spiro, I breathe), the breathing pores, or apertures of the breathing tubes of insects ; the single nostril of the hag-fishes; the blow-hole of cetaceans. Spiraeeaa, n. plu., splr &'$ (Gr. speirdo, I wind round or about), a Sub-order of the Ord. Rosacese : Spiraea, n., splr -e' a, an extensive genus of handsome plants in flower, among which is the frag- rant-blossomed Meadow-sweet. spiral, a., splr'al (L. splra, Gr. spelra, a coil, a fold), winding like a screw : spiral vessels, in bot., vessels which have spiral fibres coiled up inside tubes. spirillum, n., splr-U'-ltim, spirilla, n. plu., spir'tt''la (L. splra, a coil, a fold), in bot., moving filaments in the antheridia of Cryptogams ; spermatozoids ; in phys., organisms in the blood of persons suffering from relapsing fever. spiroid, n. , splr'-oyd (Gr. speira, a coil, a fold ; eidos, resemblance), resembling a spiral : spiroidea, n. plu., splr'd^d^a, spiral vessels see 'spiral': spirolobese, n. plu., splr<6''ldb'$'e (Gr. lobos, a lobe), in bot., Cruciferse which have the cotyledons folded trans- versely, and the radicle dorsal. Spiroptera, n. plu., splr-dp'ter-a (L. splra, a coil, a convolution ; Gr. pt%r$n, a wing), a genus of intestinal parasites whose species are found in various animals : spiropterous, a., splr-Sp^r'US, in anat. , having a spiral tail with membranous wing - like expan- sions. splanchnic, a., splangk'mk (Gr. splangchnon an entrail), in anat. , belonging to the viscera or entrails ; applied to three sym- pathetic nerves which supply SPL 391 SPO fc parts of the viscera, named re- spectively the greater, the lesser, and smallest : splanchnica, n. >lu., splangMnik'ti, medicines or bowels ; diseases affecting the bowels : splanchnology, n., splangk-nift'ti-ji (Gr. logos, dis- course), in anat., that branch of anatomy which treats of the organs of digestion, the organs of respiration, the urinary organs, and the organs of generation : splanchno-skeleton, splangk'no- sk&l'8t'dn, in zool., the hard structure occasionally developed in connection with the internal organs or viscera. spleen, n., splen (L. and Gr. splen, the milt or spleen), a spongy viscus near the large extremity of the stomach, on the left side of the abdominal cavity, is supposed to be connected with the lymphatic system; the spleen was formerly supposed to be the seat of melancholy, anger, and vexation. splenculus,n. ,spUnk f -ul'tis, splenc- uli, n. plu., sptenk'-ul-i (dim. of L. splen, the milt or spleen), in anat., small detached, roundish nodules, occasionally found in the neighbourhood of the spleen, and similar to it in substance ; supplementary spleens. splenial, a., splen' i-al (L. spleni- um, a plaster, a patch, a splint), in anat. , applied to a bone of the skull in certain vertebrata ; de- noting an osseous plate connected with the mandible of a Reptile. splenic, a., spUn'-ik (L. and Gr. splen, the milt or spleen), of or belonging to the spleen : splenitis, n., splen-it'ts, inflammation of the spleen : splenic apoplexy, congestion and extravasation of the spleen, occurring suddenly in plethoric animals, but may occur from any cause : splenic fever, a malignant and highly contagious disease of cattle : splenisation, n., spten'-iz-a'-shun, a change produced in the lungs by inflammation, giving to them the appearance of the substance of the spleen. splenius, a. , splen'-i-us (L. and Gr. splen, the spleen ; L. splenium, a patch or pad), a muscle of the back, so named from its having the form of a strap which binds down the parts lying under it : splenius capitis, Tcap'-it-ls (L. cdput, the head, capitis, of the head), one of the two dividing branches of the splenius muscle, which arises from the spines of the seventh cervical and two upper dorsal vertebrae : splenius colli, kdl-li (L. collum, the neck, colli, of the neck), the other dividing branch of the splenius muscle, attached inferiorly to the spinous processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth dorsal vertebrae. splint, n., splint (Ger. splint, a pin or peg), a thin piece of wood or metal, generally padded with a soft material, two or more pieces being employed in the case of fractures, or severe sprains, to bind the parts together, and keep them in absolute rest, the better to permit the healing powers of nature to effect a cure : splint-bone, the fibula, or small bone of the leg, so called from its resemblance to a surgical splint. Spondias, n., sp6n'di-as (Gr. spon- dias, a kind of wild plum), a genus of plants, Ord. Anacardi- acese, so named from the appear- ance of its fruit : Spondias birrea, btr'r&-a (from a native name), supplies an edible kernel in Abyssinia and in Senegal, the fruit is employed in the prepara- tion of an alcoholic drink : S. dulcis, dtils'is (L. dulcis, sweet), a native of the Society Islands, whose fruit, the Wi, is compared in flavour to the pine-apple : S. lutea, Idt'-Z-a (L. lilteus, golden- yellow from lutum, a plant used SPO 392 SPR in dyeing yellow); S. mombin, mo'mf'bin (unascertained) ; S. tub- erosa, tub f -%r-dz f -a (L. tuber osus, having fleshy knots from tuber, a protuberance), are species pro- ducing fruits called Hog-plums, peculiar in taste, chiefly used to i'atten swine ; the leaves of 'S. mombin ' are astringent, and the fruit laxative ; and the fruit of 'S. tuberosa' is employed in fevers: S. mangifera, man-jif'-Zr'ti (L. mango, .the mango fruit ; fero, I yield), yields a yellowish-green fruit, eaten in India, and used as a pickle in the unripe state : S. venulosa, vZn'ul-dz'a (L. venul- osus, full of veins from vena, a vein), has aromatic astringent properties. Spongida, n. plu., spunj'id>a (L. spongia, Gr. sponggia, a sponge ; Gr. eidos, resemblance), a division of the Protozoa, known as sponges: spongioles, n. plu., spunj'i-olz (dim. ole), also spongelets, n. plu., spunj'e>letz (dim. lets), in bot., the cellular extremities of young roots, constituting the absorbing parts of the roots : spongiose, a., sp&nj'i-dz', having a spongy texture : spongy, a., spunj'*l, full of small cavities or concelli. spongiopiline, n., spunf-i-8p'tt-in (L. spongia, a sponge ; Gr. pilSs, felt ; L. pilus, hair), a useful and efficient substitute for a poultice, consisting of a mass of felted shreds of wool and sponge with an india-rubber backing. sporadic, a., spor-M'-ik (Gr. spor- adikos, dispersed, scattered from speiro, I sow seed), scattered ; applied to diseases which occur in single and scattered cases ; opposed to 'epidemic,' and 'en- demic ' ; in bot. , applied to plants confined to limited localities. spores, n. plu., spors, also spor- iiles, n. plu., spor'ulz(GT. spora, a seed), in bot. , the minute grains in flowerless plants which perform the functions of seeds, as in Ferng and Club mosses ; cellular germ- inating bodies in Cryptogamic plants ; in zool. , the reproductive gemmules of certain sponges : spor- aceous, a., spor^d'tntis, convert- ible into spores : sporangium, n., spdr'dnfi-um, sporangia, n. plu. , spor-dnf-i'd (Gr. anggos, a vessel), hollow, flask-shaped organs, like ovaries, found in Cryptogamic plants, containing spores ; spore- cases : sporangium, n., a spore- case producing spores in the centre : sporangiferous, a. , spor'- dn-jif-er-us (L. fero, I bear), bearing or producing spores : sporangioles, n. plu., spor-dnfi- olz (dim. ole), very minute spor- angia. spore-sacs, n. plu., spor-saks' (spore and sac), in zool., the simple generative buds of certain Hydrozoa, not having the medus- oid structure developed. sporidium, n., spor-w-l-tim, spor- idia, n. plu., spor-id'-i-a (Gr. spora, seed ; eidos, resemblance), in bot., a cellular germinating body in Cryptogamics, containing two or more cells ; reproductive cells produced within asci or sporangia. sporocarp, n., spor^o-kdrp (Gr. spora, seed ; karpos, fruit), in bot., the ovoid sac containing the organs of reproduction in Marsileacese : sporophore, n., spdr'-o-for (Gr. phorZo, I bear), in bot., a stalk supporting a spore; in plu., filamentous processes supporting spores in Fungi. sporophyllum, n., spor'-dj'iV'lftm, sporophylla, n. plu. , spor'-o-ftl'-la, (Gr. spora, a seed ; phullon, a leaf), in bot., small leafy lobes, which contain tetraspores. sporozoid, a., spor-o-zdyd (Gr. spora, seed ; eidos, resemblance), in bot. , a moving spore furnished with cilia or vibratile processes. sporules, see ' spores. ' sprain, n. , sprdn (old F. espreindre, SPU 393 STA to press, to strain ; probably only a corruption of Eng. strain, to squeeze), a sudden and excessive strain of the muscular fascia, tendons, or ligaments. spur, n., sper (AS. spura, Ger. sporn, Gael, spor, a spur), the same as ' calcar ' : spurred, a. , sperd, same as ' calcarate ; ' see ' calcar. ' squama, n., skwam'a, squamae, n. plu. , skwam'-e (L. squama, the scale of a fish or serpent), in bot., a scale ; a part arranged like a scale, as tracts on the receptacle of Compositse : squamseform, a. , sTcwam'-e-fdrm (L. forma, shape), scale-like : Squamata, n. plu., slcwam'dt'-a (L. squdmdtus, scaly), the division of Reptiles, among which the integument develops horny scales, while there are no dermal ossifications : squamate, a., skwdm f -dt, scale-like ; scaly. squama occipitis, skwam'-ci dk-sip' it-is (L. squama, a scale ; occiput, the back part of the head, occip- itis, of the back part of the head), in anat., a region of the occipital bone. gquamo-parietal, a., skwdmf-5-par- l f -%t-al, one of the three sutures at the side of the skull which is arched : squamo-sphenoidal, a. , sfen-oyd'-al, the outer portion of an irregular suture, occurring be- tween the outer extremity of the basilar suture and the spheno- parietal : squamo-zygomatic, a. , zig^dm-dt^ik, a suture which forms a centre of ossification in the foetal skull. squamose, a., skwam-oz', and squamous, a., slcwdm'-us (L. squama, a scale), in bot., covered with scales ; squamate ; in anat., applied to a portion of the tem- poral bone : squamosal, a. , skwdm- 6z'-al, in anat., applied, in the lower vertebrata, to one of the bones of the skull. squamulse, n. plu., slcwam'-ul-e (dim. of L. squama, a scale), in bot., minute membranous scales, occasionally occurring in the flowers of grasses : squamulose, a., skwdm'ul'dz' ', having minute scales. squarrose, a., slcwtir-roz' (mid. L. squarra, roughness of the skin ; squarrosus, covered with scurf), in bot., covered with projecting parts or jags, as leaves ; having scales, small leaves, or projections, spreading widely from the axis on which they are crowded. Stachytarpheta, n. , stak'-i-tdrf-et'-a' (Gr. stachus, an ear or spike of corn ; tarpheios, thick, dense), a genus of plants, Ord. Verbenacese : Stachytarpheta mutabilis, mut- ab'il-is (L. mutabilis, changeable), a handsome, ever-flowering shrub, whose leaves have been imported from S. America to adulterate tea ; it is also used for tea. Stackhousiacese, n., stdk-howz'Z* af-sb-e (after Mr. Stackhouse, a British botanist), the Stackhousia family, an Order of plants of Australia : Stackhousia, n. , stak* howzf-i-d, a genus of plants. staggers, n. plu., stag'gerz (Dan. staggre, Prov. Ger. staggeren, to stagger), a disease in horses and cattle attended with reeling or giddiness. Stagmaria, n., stag-mar'-i-a (Gr. stagma, a fluid, a liquor), a genus of plants, Ord. Anacardiaceae : Stagmaria verniciflua, vern'is* i-fld'-a (F. vernis, mid. L. vernix, varnish ; L. fluo, I flow), a species which is the source of the hard black varnish called Japan Lac- quer. stamen, n., stdm'Vn (L. stamen, the standing thing, as a thread from the distaff, or the warp in the upright looms of the ancients from sto, I stand), in bot., the male organ of the flower, situated within the petals, and consisting of stalks or filaments, and anthers containing pollen : staminal, a., stam'm-alj of or pert, to a stamen : STA 394 STE staminate, a., stamf>in>at, also staminiferous, a., stam'-in-if'-Zr- 'Us (L. fero, I bear), bearing stamens ; applied to a male flower, or to plants bearing male flowers. staminidia, n. plu., slam'-in-id'-l-d (L. stamen, a stamen, stdmmis, of a stamen), in bot., same as ' Antheridia,' which see. staminodium, n.^stamf-in'od^i'^m, staminodia, n. plu., -od'-i-a (L. stamen, a stamen ; htfdos, a way), in bot., rudimentary or abortive stamens ; stamens which become sterile by the degeneration or non-development of the anthers : staminody, n., stamen- od'-i, the conversion of parts of the flower into stamens, either perfect or imperfect. stapedius, n., stap-ed'-i-Hs (mid. L. stapes, a stirrup), in anat. , a small muscle inserted into the neck of the stapes posteriorly : stapes, n. , stdp'ez, a stirrup-like bone of the middle ear, forming the third and innermost bone of the chain ossicles, stretching across the middle ear. Stapelia, n., stap>el'4-a (after Dr. Stapel, of Amsterdam), an extens- ive genus of plants, Ord. Asclep- iadacese, having a grotesque ap- pearance, and singularly beauti- ful star-like flowers, often having a fetid odour, and hence called carrion-flowers, as they attract blow-flies, which deposit maggots on them, and these by their move- ments are alleged to cause fertil- isation of the plants. StaphyleacesB, n. plu., 8tftf-tt'.e-a'- s'e-e (Gr. stdphtile, a grape, a bunch), the Bladder-nut family, so named from the flowers and fruit being disposed in clusters : Staphylea, n., stqf'tt-e'a, a genus whose species have inflated blad- der-like pericarps. Staphyloma, n., stdf-il-om'd (Gr. staphtile, a grape), an unnatural protrusion of the tunics of the eye-ball ; a protrusion of a portion of the sclerotic. stasimorphy, n., stas if-er'd (L. sebum, tallow, fat ; fero, I bear), the tallow tree of China, used in making candles, and the plant also yields a bland oil. stipate, a., stlp'dt (L. stlpdtus, crowded or pressed together), in bot. , pressed together ; crowded : stipation, n., stip-d'-shun, an accumulation in the cavities or tissues. stipe, n., stlp (L. stipes, a stock, a stalk, stlpitis, of a stalk), in bot., the stern of palms and tree- ferns ; the stalk of fern fronds ; the stalk or stem bearing the pileus in Agarics : stipels, n. plu., stip'elz, small leaflets at the base of the pinnules of com- pound leaves : stipitate, a. , stip f * it- at, in bot. , supported on a stalk; stalked : stipitiform, a., stip-it'-i- form (L. forma, shape), resem- bling a stalk or stem. stipule, n., stip'-ul (L. stipula, a stem, a stalk), in bot., a leaflet at the base of other leaves, hav- ing a lateral position, and more or less changed in form or texture ; a process developed at the base oi' a petiole : stipulary, a., sttp'ul* ciT'l, in bot., occupying the place of stipules, such as tendrils : stip- STO 397 STB ulate, a., sttp'ul-dt, furnished with stipules. stole, n. , stol, also stolon, n. , stol'dn (L. stdlo, a twig or shoot spring- ing from the stock of a tree), in bot., a lax trailing and rooting branch, given off at the summit of the root, and then turning downwards and taking root at intervals ; in zooL, one of the connecting processes of sarcode in Foraminiferse ; also the processes sent out by the coenosarc of certain Actinozoa ; the connecting tube among the social Ascidians. stoloniferous, a., stol'-tin-if'-er-us (L. stdlo, a shoot from the stock of a tree ; fero, I bear), in bot. , having creeping runners, which root at the joints ; see ' stolon. ' Stomapoda, n. phi., stowi-ap'tid-d (Gr. stoma, the mouth ; pous, the foot, podes, feet), an Order of Crustaceans, which have thoracic or true feet in connection with the mouth. stomata, n. plu., sttim'at-a, and stomates, n. plu., stom'dtz (Gr. stdma, the mouth, stomata, mouths), in bot., minute openings in the epidermis of plants, especi- ally in the leaves: stomatitis, n., stom'-at'it'-is, in med., inflamma- tion of the mouth. stomatode, n., stSm'-at-od (Gr. stoma, a mouth ; hodos, a way), in zooL, possessing a mouth, as in the so-called stomatode Proto- zoa. stool, n., stdl (L. stdlo, a shoot, a sucker ; Ger. stulil, a stock ; Manx sthol, a sprout or branch), in bot., a plant from which layers are propagated by bending down some of its branches to the ground in order to permit them to root in the earth ; the root or stump of a timber tree which throws up shoots. storax, see 'Styrax.' stramonium, see 'Datura.' strangulated, a., strang'guldt'-Zd (L. strangulo, I throttle), in bot., contracted and expanded irregul- arly : strangulation, n. , strang! gul-d'-sliun, a forcible obstruction of the air passages ; the condition of any part or organ too closely constricted : strangury, n., strang'-gur-i, difficult and painful urination. stratum baeillorum, stratum bak'- sil'6r'-um (L. stratum, a layer ; bdellium, a small rod or wand, baeillorum, of small rods), the external columnar layer of the retina, consisting of innumerable thin rods placed vertically side by side like palisades, and of larger bodies interspersed, named cones. Strepsiptera, n. plu., str$p>sipl ter-d (Gr. str$pho, 1 twist; pteron, a wing), an Order of insects in which the anterior wings are represented by twisted rudiments: strepsipterous, a., -ter-us, having the first pair of wings represented by twisted rudiments : Strepsi- rhina, n. plu., streps'i-rm'd (Gr. rhis, the nose, rhinos, of the nose, rhines, nostrils), a group of the quadrumana ; also called Prosimise. stria, n., strl'-a, strise, n. plu., stride (L. stria, a furrow, a chan- nel), in bot., a narrow line or mark : striae, lines or streaks on the surface of a body : striated, a. , strz'dt-ed, marked or impressed with thread - like lines : stria terminalis, term'-m-til'-is (L. term- indlis, terminal), the terminal streak ; in anat. t a narrow whit- ish band running along the inner border of each corpus striatum of the brain : striaa longitudin- alis, Idnf-it'ud'm'dl'-ez (L. longit- udindlis, longitudinal), longitud- inal streaks ; in anat. , two white tracts, placed close to each other, in the corpus callosum of the brain. stricture, n. , strilct'-ur (L. strktus, drawn together, bound or tied tight), in med., a spasmodic or STR 398 STR morbid contraction of any passage of the body, generally applied to the contraction of the urethra, or channel by which the urine passes from the body. strigee, n. plu., strldfe (L. striga, a row or ridge left in ploughing ; strtgce, ridges), in bot., little, upright, unequal, stiff hairs, swelled at their bases : strigose, a., strlg-oz', covered with sharp ridged hairs. strobila, n., strob'-il-a (Gr. strdbtl- os, a top, a fir cone), in zool., the adult tapeworm with its gen- erative segments ; also applied to one of the stages in the life of the Lucernarida. strobile, n., strtib'tl, also strobilus, n., strtib'il'US (Gr. strSbUos, L. strdbilus, anything shaped like a top, a cone), in bot., a multiple fruit in the form of a head or cone, as in the hop and pine. stroma, n., strom-a (Gr. stroma, anything spread out for resting, a stratum), in anat., the sub- stance or tissue which forms a foundation or basis, or affords mechanical support ; in bot. , the arborescent or cup-shaped recep- tacle containing the perithecia in large numbers, as in certain Fungi. strombuliform, a., strdm-bul'i- ftirm (L. strtimbus, a kind of spiral snail-shell ; forma, shape), in bot. , twisted in a long spire. Strongyle, n., strdnf-tt, or Strong- ylus, n., 8trohj'-&-&8, Strongyli, n. plu., strtinj'zl'i (Gr. strdnggul- os, round, globular), a genus of internal parasites found in the heart and kidney: Strongylus gigas, gig' as (L. gigas, a giant), a formidable large round worm, of a blood-red colour, which in- fests the kidneys : S. armatus, drm-atf-us (L. armatus, armed), the needle-worm. Strophanthus, n., strof'&nth'-fa (Gr. strophanthos, a twisted thing, a cord ; anthos, a flower), a genus of very beautiful shrubs, Ord. Apocynacese, the segments of the corolla being long, narrow, and twisted: Strophanthus kombe, Ic6mb f -e (native name), furnishes the kombe arrow poison of S. Africa: S. hispidus, hisp'-id>tis (L. hispidus, shaggy, hairy), supplies an arrow poison in W. Africa. strophioles, n., strdf-i-olz (L. stropkitilum, a small wreath or garland), in bot., cellular bodies not dependent on fertilisation, which are produced at various points on the testa of seeds ; swollen fungus-like excrescences on the surface of some seeds about the hilum : strophiolate, a., strdf'i'dl'dt, having little fungus-like excrescences around the hilum. strophulus, n., strdf'ul-%s (Gr. strophZo, I turn), red-gum, a simple form of skin eruption occurring in infants. struma, n., strdm'a (L. struma, a scrofulous tumour), a diseased state, having, with other charac- teristics, a tendency to a swelling of the glands in various parts of the body ; a scrofulous swelling or tumour ; in bot., a cellular swelling at the point where a leaflet joins the midrib : strumous, a., strdm'us, scrofulous. StrychneaB, n. plu., strik'ri&*e (L. strychnus, Gr. struchnos, a kind of nightshade), a Sub-order of the Ord. Loganiacese : Strychnos, n., stri&nds, a genus of valu- able plants from their medicinal properties, which, however, are highly poisonous : Strychnos Nux-vomica, nuJcs-vom'-ik'a (L. nux, a nut; vomicus, of or pert, to vomiting), the poison-nut or koochla, which supplies Nux- vomica, obtained from the seeds ; all parts of the plant are intensely bitter, especially the seeds and bark : S. Ignatia, ig-naf-slil-a (after St. Ignatia), St. Ignatia's STU 399 STY bean, or * Ignatia amara ; S. col- ubrina, kwUb-rin'-d (L. ctiluber, a serpent); S. lagustrina, lag'-us- trin'-a (unascertained), snake- wood, are other species from which strychnia is obtained : S. Tieute, ti>utf-2 (a native name), the source of a Java poison called 'Upas Tieute': S. toxifera, ttiks- tf'-Zr-a (L. toxicum, poison ; fero, I bear); andS.Guianensis,^m'aw- %ns'4s (of or from Guiana), species which are supposed to yield the Hoorali or Ourari poison of Guiana : S. potatorum, pdt'at- or^-um (L. potdtus, a drinking, a draught), called clearing-nut, and used in India for purifying water; and S.pseudo-quina,sMc'o-&M;Mi'a (Gr. pseudes, false ; Sp. quina, Peruvian bark), are used as tonics and febrifuges, and do not possess the characteristic poisonous qual- ities in large quantities : strych- nia, n., 8trtttnt*&, one of the alkaloids contained in the seeds of S. Nux-vomica : strychnic, a., strik'-nik, denoting an acid ob- tained also from the seeds: strych- nism, n., strik'-nizm, the toxical symptoms induced by the use of strychnia. stupe, n,, stup (L. stupa, Gr. stupe, tow), in med., flax, or a cloth, dipped in a warm medica- ment and applied to a sore, a wound, or part ; a fomentation : stupa, n., stup'a, in bot., a tuft or mass of hair, or fine filament, matted together: stupose, a., $tup-6z', in bot., having a tuft of hair ; composed of matted fila- ments. stupor, n., stup'tir (L. stuped, I am stupefied), that state of partial insensibility often preceding coma. sturdy, n., sterd'-i (Gael, stuird, a disease in sheep), a parasitic disease of the brain of sheep, characterised by dulness and stupor stye, n., sti (Icel. stigje, low Ger. &tieg t a pustule at the corner oi the eye), an inflamed pustule in one or other, or both, eyelids. style, n., stll (L. stylus, a stake, a pale), in bot., the stalk inter- posed between the ovary and the stigma ; the prolongation of an ovary bearing the stigma : styli- form, a., stitti-form (L. forma, shape), pointed in shape. StylidiacesB, n. plu., stil'idoyd (see * hyoid '), a ligament, consisting of a thin fibrous cord, which extends from the point of the styloid process to the lesser corner of the hyoid bone ; a small branch of the facial nerve : stylo-mastoid, mast'-oyd (see 'mastoid'), the small branch given off by the posterior articular artery, which enters the stylo-mastoid foramen in the temporal bone ; a foramen in the temporal bone : stylo- maxillary, maTcs''il-lar'i (see ' maxilla, ' a jaw), a ligamtfit con- sisting of a strong thickened band of fibres connected with the cervi- cal fascia, and which separates the parotid from the sub-maxillary gland : stylo-pharyngeus, far" ing^ge'-us (Gr. pharungx, the pharynx), a muscle arising from the styloid process of the temporal bone, and passing to the side of the pharynx. STY 400 SUB styloid, a., stll'oyd (Gr. stulos, a style, a column ; eidos, resem- blance), in anat., shaped like a style or pen, applied to such processes as the ulna and temporal bone. stylopod, n., stll'd-pod, also stylo- podium, n., stil'o-pod'-i'um (Gr. stulos, a style, a column ; pous, a foot, podos, of a foot), in bot., a fleshy disc bearing the styles in Umbelliferse : stylospores, n. plu., stll f '6'Spdrz((ji. spora, seed), the spores borne upon a stem ; the spore-like bodies borne on a cellular stalk in the Picnides of Lichens. styptic, n., stip'-tik (L. stypticus, Gr. stuptikos, astringent), a sub- stance which arrests local bleeding, such as cold water and ice, and astringents. Styracacese, n. plu., stir'ak-d'-sZ'e (L. sty rax, Gr. sturax, a resinous gum, storax), the Storax family, an Order of plants, which possess, in general, stimulant, aromatic, and fragrant properties: Styracese, n. plu., stir-d'se-e, a tribe or Sub-order : Styrax, n., stir'-uks, a genus of handsome flowering and useful plants : Styrax ben- zoin, ben'zo-m (said to be from Ar. benzoah), a lofty tree which yields the concrete balsamic ex- udation called Benzoin, used as a stimulant expectorant, and for fumigation and incense : S. offic- inale, df>fu''-8 (L. o/icin- dlis, officinal, by authority from officlna, a workshop), a tree of Syria and Arabia, the source of the balsamic resinous substance called Storax, employed as a pectoral remedy. Bub-acute, a., sub-alc-ut' (L. sub, under, and acute), acute in a moderate degree ; neither acute nor chronic. snb-anconeus, a., sub'-ang-kdn'-V- tis,OT -ang'ktin'e'us (L. sub, under ; L. ancon, Gr. angkon, the curvat- ure of the arm, the elbow), a small muscle consisting of one or two slender fasciculi, which arise from the humerus, and pass to the elbow-joint. sub-arachnoid, a. , sub'-ar-alc'-ndyd (L. sub, under, somewhat, and arachnoid}, in anat., a space between the arachnoid and pia- mater ; the space which the visceral layer leaves as a loose sheath around the spinal cord. sub- calcareous, a., somewhat calcareous. sub-caudal, a. , beneath the tail. sub-central, a. , nearly central, but not quite. subclavian, a., sub-lclav'-i-an (L. sub, under ; cldvis, a key ; clavic- ula, a small key, the collar-bone), in anat. , lying under the clavicle or collar-bone, as an artery or a vein : subclavius, sub-Tdav'-i-us, a long thin spindle-shapedmuscle, placed in the interval between the clavicle and the first rib. subcrurius, n., sub'kror'i-us (L. sub, under ; crus, the leg, cruris, of the leg), a small band of muscular fibres extending from the lower part of the femur to the knee-joint. subcutaneous, a., sub'-kut-dn'-Z-us (L. sub, under, and cutaneous), situated or placed immediately under the skin or cutis. suberate, a., sub f -er>dt (L. suber, tlie cork tree, suberis, of the cork tree), in chem., a salt formed by suberic-acid with a base : suberic, a., sub'Zr'ik, pert, to cork ; applied to an acid produced by the action of nitric acid on cork and fatty bodies : suberous, a., sub'%r>us, in bot., having a corky texture ; applied to the epiphlceum or external layer of bark. sub-genus, somewhat less than a genus, formed by grouping certain species which happen to agree more nearly with each other in some important particulars than do the other species of the genus: sub-order and tribes consist of SUB 401 SUB certain genera more nearly allied in particular characters than others : sub - class consists of certain orders having general characters more nearly allied than the others. subiculum, n., sub-ik'ul>um (L. subiculum, an under - layer), in bot., the filamentous mycelium of certain Fungi; the Hypothal- lus. sub-involution, n., sub-m'-vol-u'- shun (L. sub, somewhat, and involution), the state or condition of the womb when it does not return to its usual size after delivery, but is somewhat larger and heavier. subjacent, a., sub-jds'%nt (L. sub, somewhat, beneath ; jacens, ly- ing), lying under or on a lower situation, though not exactly beneath. subject, n., s&b'ftkt (L. subjectus, laid or placed under), in anat., a dead body for dissection : sub- jective, a., sub-jelct'-iv, derived from one's own consciousness, in distinction from external or objec- tive observation : subjective sen- sations, sensations which originate in the brain. sublimation, n., sub'-lim-d'shun (L. sublimdtus, lifted up on high from sublimis, high), the opera- tion of bringing a solid substance into the state of a vapour by heat and condensing it again. aublingua, n., sub'lmg'-gwa (L. sub, somewhat ; lingua, the tongue), a tongue-shaped organ : sublingual, a., sub-lmg'gwal, situated under the tongue. siblobular, a., sub-ltib'-ul-dr (L. sub, somewhat ; Gr. Itibos, the tip of the ear ; mid L. Idbulus, a small lobe), small veins of the liver on which the lobules rest, and into which the intra-lobular veins pour their blood. Biibmaxillary, a., sub-maTcs'-il-ldr-i (L. sub, under ; maxilla, a jaw), placed under the jaw ; applied to 2c a ganglion connected by fila- ments with the gustatory nerve ; a gland next in size to the parotid, situated immediately below the base and the inner surface of the inferior maxilla. submental, a., sub-mZntf-dl (L. sub, under ; mentum, the chin), situated under the chin ; applied to an artery and a vein running beneath the chin, submucous, a., sub-muk'-us (L. sub 9 under, and mucous), applied to a coat of the small intestine, connected more firmly with the mucous than with the mus- cular coat, between which two it is placed. sub-occipital, a., sub'-tik-sip'tt-al (L. sub, under, and occipital), applied to a branch of the first spinal nerve which runs under the back of the head, sub-pedunculate, a. , sub'-p&d* tingWul-dt (L. sub, under ; ped- tinculus, a little foot, a foot stalk), supported upon a very short stem. sub-peritoneal, a., sub-per'-it-tin* e'-al (L. sub, under, and periton- eal), in anat., a layer of areolar tissue, distinct from the abdom- inal fasciae, by which the parietal portion is connected loosely with the fascia lining the abdomen and pelvis. sub-scapularis, n., -sJcap'-ul-dr'-is, sub - scapulares, plu., -sMp'al dr^ez (L. sub, under ; scapula, the shoulder-blade), a muscle arising from all the internal surface of the scapula, and in- serted into the humerus, which muscle pulls the arm backwards and downwards: sub - scapular, a., -sMp'ul'dr, denoting the large branch of the axillary artery aris- ing near the lowest margin of the scapula : sub - scapularis fossa, ftis-sd (L. fossa, a ditch), a shallow depression on the anterior surface of the scapula. subserous, a., sub-ser'-us (L. sub, SUB 402 SUL under, and serous), applied to the connective tissue "beneath the serous membranes. sub-sessile, -s%s'-il (L. sub, some- what, and sessile), in hot, nearly sessile ; almost without a stalk. substantia cinerea gelatinosa, sub -stan'-sUi- a sm-er'-e 1 - a jel- at'-in oz f -a (L. substantia, a substance ; ciri&reus, ash-coloured ; mid. L. gelatinosus, gelatinous), the grey matter, of a peculiar semi-trans- parent aspect, in the back part of the posterior horn of the spinal cord : substantia spongiosa, sp&nj'i-dz'a (L. spongwsus, spongy, porous), the remaining and greater part of the same grey matter. subulate, a., sub'ul-dt (L. subula, an awl), in bot., shaped like a cobbler's awl. succedaneum, ri..,su'S'ed'dn''$'Um (L. succedarieus, that which sup- plies the place of something from sub, under ; cedo, I go), that which is used for something else ; a substitute ; an amalgam for filling teeth : succedaneous, a. , su&secl-dn'$-us, supplying the place of something else : caput succedaneum, Icap'-ut (L. caput, the head), a puffy tumour of the infant scalp, produced during parturition. succisus, a., suk-siz'-us(L. succisus, lopped off), in bot. , abrupt, appear- ing as if it were cut off ; premorse. succulent, a., suk'kul-Znt (L. succus, juice or moisture ; F. succulent), in bot., having juicy and soft stems and leaves ; soft and juicy. sudamens, n. , sud-drnf^nz (L. sudo, I sweat or perspire), minute vesicles, containing fluid, appear- ing abundantly on the chest in cases of rheumatic fever and other diseases, accompanied by profuse perspiration. sudorific, n., sud^dr-tf-ik (L. sudor, sweat ; fado, I make), a remedy which causes and pro- >tes perspiration ; a diaphoretic-; doriferous, a., sud'-tir-if-er-us, motes j sudo bearing or conveying sweat. suffrutex, n., suf'-frdt-eks (L. sub, under ; frutex, a shrub, fruticis, of a shrub), in bot., an under- shrub, not exceeding the length of the arm : suffruticose, a., suf* frdt'ik-oz, shrubby underneath ; having the characters of a small shrub. sulcate, a., sulk'-at (L. sulcus, a furrow), in bot., furrowed or grooved ; having a deeply furrowed surface : sulciform, a., suls'i'form (L. forma, shape), furrowed ; same as sulcate. sulcus, n., sulkf-us, sulci, n. plu., suls'i (L. sulcu*, a furrow), in anat., a groove on the surface of bones, and other parts ; the depressions which separate the convolutions of the brain : sulcus frontalis, frdnt-dl'is (L. frons, the forehead, the front, frontis, of the front), a groove which lodges the commencement of the longitudinal sinus. sulphate, n., sulf-dt (L. sulphur, brimstone), in chem., a salt formed by sulphuric acid with any base, as sulphate of lime : sulphur, n., sulf-er, one of the elementary substances, occurring as a greenish-yellow, brittle, solid body, crystalline in structure, of a peculiar odour when rubbed, burns with a bluish flame, and emits most suffocating fumes ; employed in medicine in two forms sublimed sulphur, and precipitated sulphur or milk of sulphur: sulphuret, n., sulf'nr> &t, a compound of sulphur with hydrogen, or with a metal : sulphuretted, a., sulf'-ur-e't'tZd, combined with sulphur : sulph- uric, a., sulf-ur'-ilc, pert, to or obtained from sulphur : sulph- urous, a., sulf'-ur-us, containing or resembling sulphur : sulphuric acid, a powerful acid formed by one equivalent of sulphur com* SUP 403 SUP "bined with three of oxygen, much used in the arts and medicine ; popularly named oil of vitriol: sulphurous acid, an acid forming the fumes evolved from sulphur when burned in air : sulphuretted hydrogen, a gas having the fetid odour of rotten eggs, composed of one equivalent of sulphur and one of hydrogen. supercarbonate, n., sup'-$r'lcdrb f ' on- at (L. super, above, in excess, and carbonate), a substance which holds the greatest quantity of the carbonate which can be held : superphosphate, n., -f6s'fdt (see ' phosphate '), any substance con- taining the greatest quantity of phosphoric acid, which can com- bine with the base. supercilia, n. plu., sup'-er-sil'-i-a (L. super, above j cilium, an eye- lid, cilia, eyelids), the eyebrows, consisting of two arched emin- ences of integument, which sur- mount the upper circumference of the orbit on each side, and support numerous short, thick hairs: superciliary, a., -stl'-i-ar-l, situated above the eyebrow. superficialis colli, sup'-erfish-i-al'' is Tcol'-li (L. superficialis, super- ficial ; collum, the neck, colli, of the neck),, in anat., the super- ficial plexus of the neck, being a branch of the cervical plexus, arises from the second and third cervical nerves. superior, a., sup-er^er (L. sup- erior, higher. from super,. above), in bot., placed above another organ applied especially to in- dicate the position of the ovary with respect to the calyx ; in anat. , higher ; more elevated. supertuberation, n., supper 'tuWZr- af'Shun (L. super, over, above ; tuber, a hump or excrescence), in bot., the growth of young potatoes from old ones still attached to the shaw and growing. supervolute, a., sup'-er-vol-ut' , also supervolutive, a., -vol-ut'-w (L. super, above, over ; vtrtutus, rolled or twisted), in bot., having a plaited and rolled arrangement in the bud ; rolled upon itself in vernation. supine, a., sup-In' (L. supinus, bent or thrown backwards, lying on the back), lying on the back, or with face upwards : supinate, a., sup'-in-at, in bat., leaning or inclining with, exposure to the sun : supination, n., sup'-in-af- shun, in anat., the movement of the arm by which the palm of the hand is turned upwards ; the opposite is called pronation : supinator, n.,. sup'-in-at'-or, a muscle which turns the palm of the hand upwards : supinator brevis, brev'is (L. brevis^ short), a broad muscle, of a hollow cylindrical form, and curved round the upper third of the radius: supinator longus, long'- gus (L. longus, long), the most superficial muscle on the radial side of the forearm, passing from the humerus to the radius. suppository, n., sup-pdz^U-dr-i (L. suppositus, placed under from sub, under ; pono, I place), a solid medicinal agent for intro- duction into the rectum. suppression, n., sup*presli f >un (L. suppressuS) held or kept back from sub, under ; pressus, pressed), in bot. , the complete non-develop- ment of organs ; in med. , arrest of a normal secretion. suppuration, n., sup'-pur-af-shun (L. suppuratus, having matter gathered underneath from sub, under ; pus, the white and viscous matter of a sore), the matter formed in a sore ; matter or pus : suppurative, a., sup'pur-atfiv, tending to suppurate : n., a medicine or application whieh promotes the formation in a sore of pus. supra-acromial, sup'-ra - ak-rom' %>al (L. supra, on the upper side or top ; suptrus, upper, on high ; SUR 404 swi and acromiaT), the name of an artery, and also of a nerve lying above the acromium of the artery : supra-clavicular, a., TdaV'ikf'Ul-ar (see ' clavicular '), applied to two branches of nerves arising from the third and fourth cervical nerves : supra-decompound, def> kdm-pownd (see 'decompound'), in bot., very much divided and sub-divided : supra - maxillary, maks'il'lar'i, or maks-il'-lar-i (see ' maxillary '), applied to a branch of the facial nerve passing over the side of the maxilla to the angle of the mouth : supra-renal, -ren'al (see ' renal '), situated above the kidneys : supra-spin- atus, spln-at'-us (L. splna, a spine ; splndtus, the back-bone), a muscle situated above the spine of the scapula, and inserted into t"ie humerus, which raises the arm, etc. : supra-spinous, spln'-us (see ' spinous '), applied to the superior and smaller division of the posterior surface of the scapula ; designating the liga- ments which connect the spines of the vertebra : supra-sternal, stern'al (L. sternum, the breast- bone), designating a branch of the cervical nervous plexus : supra- trochlear, trok'-le-ar (L. trochlea, a pulley), applied to a branch of the ophthalmic nerves, which is prolonged to the inner angle of the orbit, close to the point at which the pulley of the upper oblique muscle is fixed to the orbit. Bural, a. , sur'-al (L. sura, the calf of the leg), in anat., pert, to the calf of the leg. surculus, n., serk'ul-us (L. sure- tilus, a young twig, a shoot), a shoot thrown off underground, and only rooting at its base ; a sucker from the neck of a plant beneath the surface. suspended, a., sus-pend'ed (L. sub, under ; pend$o, I hang), in bot., applied to an ovule hanging from a point a little below the apex of the ovary: snspensor, n., sus* pens'-or, in surg., a band to sus- pend the scrotum ; in bot., the cord which suspends the embryo, and is attached to the radicle in the young state: suspensory, n., suS'pensf'OT'i, anything which suspends or holds up : suspensor- ium, n., sus'-pens'dr'-i-um, the apparatus by which the lower jaw is suspended to the upper jaw. sustentacular, a., sus'-ten-tak'-ul-ar (L. sustentaculum, a prop, a sup- port), applied to a kind of con- nective tissue which serves as a supporting framework to the peculiar elements and nourishing blood-vessels of certain organs and textures : sustentaculum li- enis, li-en'-is (L. lien, the spleen, lienis, of the spleen), the support of the spleen ; a fold of peritoneum extending from the diaphragm to the colon : sustentaculum tali, tdl'i (L. talus, the ankle-bone, tali, of the ankle-bone), the sup- port of the ankle-bone; a flattened process which projects inwards near the anterior extremity of the os calcis. suture, n., sut'-ur, also sutura, n., sut-ur'a (L. sutura, a seam from sutum, to sew or stitch), the method of keeping the parts of a wound together by sewing, etc. ; the line of junction of two parts which are immovably con- nected together ; the line where the whorls of a univalve shell join one another ; an immovable articulation of bone, as in the bones of the skull ; in bot., the line of junction of two parts : sutural, a., sut'-ur-al, in bot., ap- plied to that form of dehiscence or separation of fruits which takes place at the sutures. Swietenia, n., swet>en'$-a (after Swieten, a Dutch botanist), a genus of interesting and valuable plants : Swietenia mahagoni, ma-hay'on-i (a native name), a SWI 405 SYN species which supplies the well- known mahogany wood. swimmerets, n. plu., swim'-rnVr-Vts (from Eng. swim), the limbs of the Crustacese which are adapted for swimming. syconus, n., siKtin'fa (Gr. suk8n, a fig), in hot. , a multiple succul- ent hollow fruit, as in the fig ; a fruit, such as the fig, which en- closes the fruits: sycosis, n., sik-oz'is, a parasitic disease of the hair follicles of the chin or upper lip. sympathy, n., sim'path-% (Gr. sumpatlieia, conformity of feeling from sun, together ; pathos, suffering), that influence or cor- respondence which arises in one part of the body from the exist- ence of disease or irritation in another part, as the headache of indigestion, the pain in the right shoulder in disease of the liver, or the affection of one eye from disease of the other: sympathetic, a., simlpath'Zt'ik, dependent on sympathy or irritation ; in anat. , applied to a system of nerves consisting of one or more ganglia, or a series of them ; the sympath- etic nerves are, in man, chiefly disposed in plexuses, as the car- diac, the solar, and the hypo- gastric, etc. Bymphysis, n., simf-iS'is (Gr. sumphusis, a growing together from sun, together \phuo, I grow), in anat., the union of bones by an intervening cartilage, so as to form an immovable joint, or only slightly movable. Symplocarpus, K..,simf'plo-~kdrp'us (Gr. sumploke, a connection, an intertwining; karpos, fruit), a curious genus of plants, Ord. Aracese, bearing large handsome leaves : Symplocarpus fcetidus, fet'-id-us (L. fcetidus, stinking), the skunk-cabbage, has a very disagreeable odour, the rhizomes and seeds have been employed as antispasmodics. Symplocos, n., sim'-pldk-tis (Gr. sumploke, a connection), a genus of plants, Ord. Styracacese, some of whose species are used as dyes, others as tea : Symploceae, n. plu., sim-plos'-fre, a Sub -order or tribe. sympodium, n., stm-pod'-i-urn (Gr. sun, together; pous, a foot, podes, feet), in anat., a monster foetus having its feet grown together ; in bot., in forked branching, when the primary axis consists of the bases of consecutive bifurca- tions or branchings : also called pseudaxis, n., sud-ahs'-is (Gr. pseudes, false, and axis), a false axis. symptom, n., sim'ttim (Gr. sump- toma, what happens with another thing from Sim, together ; ptoma, a fall), a token or mark which indicates disease, and specifically the kind of disease. NOTE. Strictly speaking, a symptom is evidence of disease appreciable only by the patient (subjective), in contradistinction to signs or objective evidence. synacme, n., sin-ak'me (Gr. sun- akmdzo, I flourish at the same time with another), in bot., the condition of stamens and pistils when they reach maturity at the same time. Synandrae, n. plu., sin-and'-re (Gr. sun, together ; aner, a male, andros, of a male), in bot., a div- ision of gamopetalous Dicotyled- ons, having the carpels unequal in number to the parts of the other whorls, while the stamens are synantherous. SynanthersB, n. plu., stn-antli'-Zr-e (Gr. sun, together, with ; anth- eros, flowery from anthos, a flower), in bot., a name sometimes given to the Order of plants Composite : synantherous, a., sin-anth^er-us, having anthers united so as to form a tube round the style. synanthous, a., sin-anth'-tis (Gr. SYN 4( sun, together ; anthos, a flower), in bot., having flowers united together : synanthy, n., sin- anth'%, the adhesion of several flowers. synaptase, n., sm'-ap-tdz (Gr. sun- aptos, joined, united from sun, together ; apto, I connect or tie to), a substance called emulsin, a nitrogenous compound, found in certain oily seeds, as in almonds : synapticulsB, n. plu., sin'-ap'tik'-ul-e (dim.), transverse props, sometimes found in corals, extending across the loculi like the bars of a grate. synarthrosis, n., sin'drth'roz'is (Gr. sundrthrds, connected by a joint from sun, together ; arth- ron, a joint), in anat., a union of bones without motion, or but little motion. syncarpium, n.,sin-kdrp r -i-tim (Gr. sun, together ; karpos, fruit), in lot., an aggregate fruit having the carpels of a multiple ovary formed into a solid mass, with a slender receptacle : syncarpous, a., sin-kdrp'us, having the car- pels united so as to form one ovary or pistil : syncarpy, n., sin'kdrp4, the accidental adhesion of several fruits. synchondrosis, n., sm'hon-droz'is (Gr. sun, together ; chondrds, cartilage or gristle), in anat. , the connection of bones by means of a plate of cartilage, as the * sacro- iliac-synchondrosis. ' synchronous, a., sm'kron-us (Gr. sun, together, with ; chronos, time), occurring at the same time ; simultaneous. syncope, n., sin'-lcop-V (Gr. sung- ktipe, a cutting, a shortening from sun, together ; ~kopto, I cut off), partial or total loss of con- sciousness from temporary failure of the normal action of the heart. syngenesious, a., sin'-jZnkdmp'-i (L. hippocampus, a sea-horse from Or. hippos, a horse ; kampto, I bend or curve), the taenia of the hippocampus ; a narrow white band running along the inner edge of the eminence, hippo- campus major, of the lateral ventricles of the brain : t. semi- circularis, s%m f 'i-serka-kd'- shi-dn, the operation of forming a new nose, first performed by Taliacotius, a celebrated Chinese surgeon, who flourished about the beginning of the Christian era. talo-scaphoid, tal'-d-skaf.dyd (L. talus, the ankle - bone, and scaphoid), a membranous band of fibres, situated on the dorsuin of TAL 408 TAR the foot, extending from the extremity of the astragalus to the scaphoid bone. talus, n., tdl'-us (L. talus, the ankle-bone, a die), in anat., the ' astragalus, ' which see. Tamaricacese, n. plu., tdm-dr'-l- kd'se-e (said to be after the river Tamaris, now Tambro, near the Pyrenees, on whose banks they grow : L. tamarix, the tamarisk), the Tamarisk family, an Order of plants, which have a bitter astringent bark, some yielding a quantity of sulphate of soda when burnt : Tamarix, n. , tarn'- dr4ks, a genus of very elegant shrubs: Tamarix Gallica, gal' ik'CL (L. gallicus, of or from Gal- lia or Gaul) ; and T. mannif- era, mdn-nif^r-d (L. manna, manna ; fero, 1 bear), are species which yield the saccharine sub- stance Tamarisk, or Mount Sinai manna, caused by the puncture of an insect, the coccus manniparus : T. Orientalis, or'i- ent-al'is (L. tirientdlis, eastern from ortor, I arise), a species of N. "W. India, which furnish galls, used for oak-galls. Tamarindus, n. , tam'-dr>md'.us (Ar. tamar-hindi, the Indian date), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosae, Sub -order Caesal- pinieae : Tamarindus Indica, ind'-ih-d (L. indicus, of or from India), the Tamarind tree, from whose pericarp a laxative pulp is procured, forming a delicious confection. Tanacetum, n., tan'-as-et'tim (F. tanaisie, the tansy, said to be a corruption of Gr. athanasia, im- mortality), a genus of plants, Ord. Composite, Sub-Ord. Corym- biferee : Tanacetum vulgare, vulg-dr'-Z (L. vulgdris, common), the Tansy, whose leaves have stimulant, antispasmodic proper- ties, containing also a bitter resin, and an aromatic volatile oil. Tanghinia, n., tang-hm'-l-ti (tang- hin, a Madagascar name), a genus of remarkable plants, Ord. Apocynacese : Tanghinia venen- ata, ven'Vn-dtf'd (L. venendtus, furnished with poison from venenum, poison, a potion), a plant, the seeds of which, called Tangena nuts, supply the famous Tanghin poison, formerly used in Madagascar as an ordeal for criminals, and for witchcraft : Tanghin, n., tang'-hm, the poison so called. tannic, a., ttin'ik (F. tan, Bret. tann, oak, bark of oak ; Ger. tanne, a fir tree), denoting a peculiar acid found in oak bark, and more abundantly in gall nuts, very astringent, converting the skins of animals into leather : tannin, n. , tdn'm, another name for tannic acid, a powerful anti- septic or preservative from putre- faction. tapetum, n., tdp>&f-tim (L. tapete, or tapetum, a carpet), in anat., a silvery layer forming the lining on a greater or less extent of the back part of the choroid mem- brane of the eye, instead of the usual dark pigment in fishes and many mammals. tape-worm, see 'taenia.' taphrenchyma, n., taf-reng^Tcim-a (Gr. tdp/irds, a trench, a pit ; en, in ; cheuma, juice, tissue), in bot. , pitted vessels ; * bothren- chyma,' which see. tapping, n., tapping (from Eng. tap), the surgical operation of removing fluid from the body, as in dropsy ; paracentesis. tap-root, in bot., a conical root with branches striking off from it. Taraxacum, n. , tar>aks'.a1c-um (Gr. tdrdxis, a disorder of the bowels from tarasso, I disturb), a genus of plants, Ord. Composite, Sub- ord. Cichoracese ; taraxacum dens-leonis, d^ns'le-on'-is (L. dens, the tooth ; led, the lion, leonis, of the lion), dandelion, TAB 409 TEG whose roots yield a milky juice, and has been used as a diuretic and alterative ; the root is pre- pared and mixed with coffee as chicory is, or is often used alone medicinally : taraxacine, n., tar- ak^-GLS'ln, a bitter crystalline principle obtained from the dandelion. tarsus, n., tdrMs (Gr. tarsos, the sole of the foot, or its upper surface, also the edge of the eye- lid), that part of the foot to which the leg is articulated, the front of which is called the instep; a thin layer of cartilage in the substance of each eyelid : tarsi, n. plu., tdrsti, the articulated feet of insects : tarsalia, n. plu. , tdrS'dV'i-d, the bones of the tarsus: tarsal, a., tdrs'-al, pert, to the instep : meta-tarsus, n., m%t'*a'tdrs f -us (Gr. meta, beyond, and tarsos), the front of the foot between the tarsus and the toes : tarso-meta-tarsus, the single bone in the leg of a bird, produced by the anchylosis of the lower and distal portion of the tarsus with the meta - tarsus : tarso - meta- tarsal, pert, to an articulation of the tarsus with the meta-tarsus. tartar, n., tdrf-dr (F. tartre, Sp. tartaro, tartar; mid. L. tart- drum), a whitish saline substance, tartrate of potass, which, in the form of a crust, gathers on the sides of casks and vats containing wine ; a white crust which gathers on the teeth of man : tartareous, a., tart-ar^Z-us, in bot., having a rough and crumbling surface : tartaric, a., tdrt-dr'-ik, of or from tartar ; denoting an acid found in tartar, and in the juice of grapes and other fruit : tartar emetic, or tartrate of antimony, a prep- aration of antimony, which is a powerful emetic and depres- sant. taurocholic, a., tdwr'-o-lco'l'-ilc (Gr. taurds, a bull ; chdle, bile), denoting an acid procured from the bile of the ox, and found in quantity in the bile of man. Taxinese, n. plu., taks-in'-Z-e (L. taxus, the yew tree ; Gr. taxis, an arrangement, the leaves being arranged on the branches like the teeth of a comb), the Yew family, a Sub-ord. of plants, Ord. Conif- erse : Taxus, n. , tdks f >us, a genus of ornamental trees : Taxus bac- cata, b&k'kdt'a (L. bacca, a berry, baccatus, furnished with berries), the Yew, forming a valuable tim- ber tree ; it yields resin, and its leaves and berries are narcotico- acrid. taxis, n., taks'-is (Gr. taxis, order, arrangement), the process by which parts which have left their natural position in the body are reduced or replaced by the hand without the aid of instru- ments. taxonomy, n., taks-MSm-l (Gr. taxis, an arranging ; nomtis, law), the department of natural history which treats of the laws and principles of classification : tax- onomist, n., tdks-tin'dm-ist, one skilled in these laws and principles of classification. Tectibranchlata, n. plu., &M-tl- brdng'ki'dt'd (L. tectus, covered ; Gr. brangchia, gills), an Order of Molluscs having the branchiae or gills covered, or partly covered, by the mantle. Tectona, n., Mk>t8n'>& (from its native name tekka), a genus of valuable timber trees, Ord. Ver- benacese: Tectona grandis, grand'- is (L. grandis, great), the Teak tree of India, whose wood, very hard and durable, is used for shipbuilding. tegmen, n., teg'm&n (L. tegmen, a covering), in bot., the second covering of the seed. tegmentum, n., teg-ment^um (L. tegmentum, a covering), in anat., the upper part of the main body of the peduncular fibres of the cerebrum : tegmenta, n. plu., TEG 410 TEN in lot., the scaly coats which cover leaf-buds. tegument, n., ieg r -um-%nt (L. teg- umentum, a covering), any natural covering or envelope : tegument- ary, a., teg^um^nt-dr-i, connected with the tegument or skin. tola, n., tel'-a (L. tela, a web), in anal., applied to any web-like tissue : tela choroidea, kor-vydf- %-d (Gr. chdritin, skin or leather ; eidos, resemblance), the choroid web ; in anat., the membrane which connects the two choroid plexuses of the two sides -of the cerebrum together. teleangiectasis, n., K#g-^/-f*g# tas-is (Gr. tele, distant, remote ; anggeion, a vessel ; elcteino, I distend), the expansion of the remote vessels ; a disease of the capillaries, called ' aneurism by anastomosis,' or 'erectile tumour'; a congenital affection, presenting a cutaneous swelling of a circum- scribed form. Teleostei, n. plu., tel'-e-fct'-Z-i (Gr. teleios, perfect ; ostecn, bone), the Order of the Bony-fishes. teleutospores, n. plu., tel-ut'o- sporz (Gr. teleute, an end, a con- clusion ; *pora, seed), the spores of the preceding generation -; long two-celled spores ending the vegetation of Puccinia, and begin- ning a new generation in spring. telson, n., telson (Gr. telsSn, the end, extremity), the last joint in the abdomen of Crustacese, form- ing a supposed segment without appendages. temporal, a., temp'-or-al (L. tempordlis, lasting but for a time from tempus, time, tempSris, of time), pert, to or relating to the temples, as the temporal bone, the temporal arteries, etc. : temp- oro-facial, temp'-tir-d-fash'-i-al (L. fades, the face), the larger of the two temporal branches of the facial nerve : t. maxillary, maks' tt'ldr-l, or^maks'tt'-lar>t, applied to the articulation of the lower jaw by its condyle on each side with the smooth surface of the temporal bone ; one of the veins of the head : t. parietal, par-l- Zt'dl, a suture which joins the temporal and parietal bones of the skull. tendo Achillis, tended ak-il'-lls (F. tendon, L. tendo, a tendon, the end of a muscle from tendo, I -stretch; Achillis, of Achilles), the tendon of Achilles, a strong tendon which is inserted into the heel, so called from the heel having been the only vulnerable part in Achilles, from a wound in which in battle he died. tendon, n., tend'dn (F. tendon, L. tendo, the end of a muscle, a tendon from tendo, I stretch ; Gr. tenon, a tendon from teino, I stretch), a fibrous cord at the extremity of a muscle, by which the muscle is attached to a bone : tendon of insertion, the part of the tendon by which a muscle is attached to a bone : tendon of the biceps (see * biceps '), the tendon at the end of the biceps muscle. tendril, n., tendril (F. tendron, the tender shoot of a plant ; old F. tendrillon, a tendril: L. tener, tender), the twisting claws of a climbing plant by which it at- taches itself to an object for sup- port. tension, n., ien'-shtin (L. tensus, drawn tight), the act of stretching or straining ; the state of being stretched to its full length : tensor, n., tenser, a muscle which stretches any part : tensor palati, pal-at'-i (L. paldtum, the palate, paldti, of the palate), the tensor of the palate : t. tarsi, tdrs'i (Gr. tarsos, the edge of the eyelid, the sole of the foot), one of the small muscles of the eyelids : t. vaginae femoris, vadj-in'e fern'tir-is (L. tensor, a stretcher; vagina, a sheath, vdg- ince, of a sheath ; and/gmwr, the thigh, femoris, of a thigh), a TEN 411 TER muscle which assists in the adduc- tion of the thigh, also assisting to some extent in its rotation in- wards. tentacle, n., ttntfti-kl, tentacles, n. plu., tent'-d-klz, also tentacul- um, n., t$nt'dJc'ul-um, tentacula, n. plu., -ul-d (newL. tenidctilum, a feeler from L. tento, I handle or touch), slender flexible organs proceeding from the heads of many smaller animals, used for the purpose of feeling, exploring, prehension, or attachment, etc., as in snails, insects, crabs, etc. : tentacular, a., tint-aMul-dr, re- sembling the feelers of a snail. tentorium, n., t^nt-or^i-um (L. tZntormm, a tent from tendo, I stretch), an elevated part in the middle of the dura-mater, declin- ing downwards, and correspond- ing in form with the upper surface of the cerebellum ; also called tentorium cerebelli, sZri&b'Zl'i, a roof of dura - mater thrown across the cerebellum. tenuirostres, n. plu., ifatft't-rfet'' rez (L. GSnftfa, slender; rostrum, a beak), a group of the perching birds, characterised by their slender beaks : tenuirostral, a. , -rtistf-rdl, slender-beaked. Tephrosia, n., ti$f-r6zft-& (Gr. t$phroSj ash-coloured), a genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosss, Sub- order Papilionacese, so named from the colour of the foliage of some species : Tephrosia Apol- linea, &p'til>ttn'-Z-4i(L. Ap8llm$us, of or pert, to Apollo], a specixjs whose leaves are purgative, and occasionally mixed with senna : T. toxicaria, tdW-Hc-ar'-i-d (Gr. toxihon, L. toxicum, poison in which arrows were dipped), a species whose leaves and branches, well-pounded, and thrown into a river, powerfully affect the water, and intoxicate the fish ; cultiv- ated in Jamaica for its intoxicat- ing qualities, teratology, n., Wr'-fa-Wd-fi (Gr. t$ras, a sign or wonder, terdtos, of a sign or wonder ; logos, dis- course), that branch of physiology w r hich treats of malformations and monstrosities in animals or plants. tercine, n., tirs'n (F. tercine, L. tertius, the third), in bot., the third coat of the ovule, forming the covering of the -central nucleus. teres, n. , ter^ez (L. ttires, long and round, tapering as a -tree), the name of two muscles, the teres minor (L. minor, less), and the teres major (L. major, greater), arising from the scapula aid inserted into the humerus. terete, a., ter-et' (L. t&res, taper- ing as a tree, tZretis, of tapering as a tree), in bot., nearly cylind- rical ; having the transverse section nearly circular, tergum, n., terg^um (L. tergum, the back), among insects, the upper surface of the abdomen ; the dorsal arc in a somite. Terminalia, n. plu., term'-in-dttt-a {L. terminus, an end), a genus of plants, Ord. Combreta-cere, -so named as having the leaves in bunches at the ends of the branches : Terminalia bellerica, MlUr f 'iTc-a (Sp. beUrico, the fruit myrobalan), and T. chebula, Mb'- til'd (native name, E. L), whose fruit, known as Myrobalans, is used as an astringent ; the fruit and galls used by dyers : T. cat- appa, Jcdt-dp'-d (native name, E. L), a species whose seeds are eaten as almonds ; the leaves and bark yield a black pigment, form- ing an Indian ink : T. angusti- folia, dng>gust'.t*fol'.frd (L. ang- ustus, narrow ; folium, -"a leaf), a species yielding a milky juice, which, dried, is fragrant, and is used as a kind of incense : Term- inaliese, n., term^m-dl'^-e, a tribe or Sub-order, ternary, a., tern'dr-i (L. ternus, three each), threefold ; having TEB 412 TET parts arranged in threes : ternate, a., tern'- at, having compound leaves consisting of three leaflets ; arranged by threes. Ternstrcemiace89, n. plu., tern'- strem-i-d'sZ-e (after Ternslro'm, a Swedish naturalist, 1745), the Tea family, an important Order of plants, yielding the various kinds of tea : Ternstroemia, n., tern-strem'4'a, an interesting genus of plants. tertian, a., ter'sht-an (L. tertfus, the third), occurring every third day, as a fever. test, n., test (L. testa, a shell), in zooL, the shell of Mollusca, thus sometimes called testacea, test- a'-sZ-a: testa, n., tested, testsa, n. plu., fest'e, in bot., the outer covering of the seed ; the shelly covering of certain animals : testaceous, a., tfot'a'shtia, having a hard, shelly covering. testes, n. plu., test'-ez (L. testis, a witness), the organs in male animals which produce the semen or generative fluid ; the testicles. testicles, n. plu., test'ik-ilz (L. testicnim, a testicle, dim. of test- is], the two male organs of gen- eration : testiculate, a., test-ilc'- ul-dt, in bot., having two oblong tubercules, as the roots in some Orchids. Testudinaria, n., t$st>ud'-tn-dr'.t-a (L. testudo, a tortoise, testudmis, of a tortoise), a genus of curious and interesting plants, Ord. Dioscoreacese, so named from the outside resemblance of the roots* : Testudinaria elephantipes, Zl'-Zf- dntflp'z(L. elephas, an elephant, elephantis, of an elephant ; pes, a foot, pedis, of a foot), the Tor- toise plant, or elephant's foot, of the Cape, so named from its peculiar, thickened stem. tetanus, n., tZt'an-us (L. tetanus, Gr. tetdnos, a stiffness or spasm of the neck from Gr. teino, I stretch), a diseased condition, characterised by painful and rigid contraction of the voluntary muscles, aggravated from time to time by very severe spasms ; named traumatic tetanus when it comes on after wounds, and idiopathic tetanus when the symptoms exhibit themselves without any manifest cause : tet- anic, a., t&'&n'-tic, pert, to or affected by such symptoms as occur in tetanus ; of or pert, to tetanus. Tetrabranchiata, n. plu., fetf-rd* brangk-i'dt'a (Gr. tetra, four ; brangchia, gills), an Order of the Cephalopoda, characterised by havingfour gills : tetrabranchiate, a., -%'dt, having four gills. tetradynamous, a., tet?ra-dm'-am' us (Gr. tetra, four ; dunamis, power), in bot., having four long stamens arid two short, as in Crueiferae. tetragonous, a., fet-rag'-tin-us, also tetragonal, a., tet-rdg^n-dl (Gr. tetra, four ; gonm, a corner), in bot., having four angles, the faces being convex : Tetragonia, n. , tet'-ra-gon'-i-d, a genus of plants, Ord. Ficoidese or Mesembryacese : Tetragonia expansa, eks'pans'd (L. expansus, spread apart, ex- panded), a species called New Zealand spinach. tetragynous, a., fet-radf-in-us (Gr. tetra, four ; gune, a female), in bot., having four carpels or four styles. tetramerous, a., tet-ram'Zr-us (Gr. tetra, four ; meres, a part), in lot., composed of four parts, or in fours, or in multiples of four. tetrandrous, a., tZt-rdnd'-rus (Gr. tetra, four ; aner, a male, andros, of a male), in bot., having four stamens. Tetranthera, n.,i$f-r&nth*8r'-fl, (Gr. tetra, four ; anthertis, flowery), a genus of plants, Ord. Lauracese : Tetranthera laurifolia, lawr'-i' fdl'i-a (L. laurus, the laurel ; fdlium, a leaf), a species whose leaves and branches abound in a TET 413 THE viscid juice, and the fruit yields a solid, rank-smelling fat, used for making candles. tetrapetalous, a., tZt'-ra-pZt'al-us (Gr. tetra, four ; petdldn, a leaf), in bot., containing four distinct petals, flowers, or leaves. tetrapterous, a., tet-rdp'-tZr-us (Gr. tetra,, four ; pte'rtin, a wing), having four wings. tetraquetrous, a., t&frd'k&tfritt or tU-rakf-trus (Gr. tetra, four ; L. quadra, a square), in hot., having four angles, the faces being con- cave ; see ' tetragonous. ' tetraspore, n., tU'-ra-spor (Gr. tetra,, four; spora, a seed), among the Algae, reproductive bodies composed of four spores or germs: tetrasporous, a., tet'ra,'spdr / -tis, bearing tetraspores. tetrathecal, a., ttt'-ra-thetfal (Gr. tetra, four ; theke, a case), in lot., having four loculaments or thecse. tetter, n., tetter (Icel. titra, to tremble ; Ger. zitter, a tetter), a skin-disease, often appearing on the face and side of the mouth ; herpes. Thalamiflorse, n. plu., thdl'dm-l- flor'-e (L. thalamus, a receptacle ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), in bot., a Sub-class of the class of plants Dicotyledones or Exog- ense: thalamifloral, a., thdl'-dm- i-flor'dl, and thalamiflorous, a., -Jldr'-us, having the petals and stamens inserted on the thalamus or receptacle. thalamium, n., thal-am'-i-urn (L. thalamus, a receptacle), in hot., the layer of reproductive cells in the apothecia of Lichens : thal- amus, n., thattam'tis, the recep- tacle of a flower. thalamus opticus, thdV-dm-Us op'- ilk-US, thalami optici, plu., thal'-am-i tip'-tis-i (L. thalamus, a bedroom, a receptacle ; opticus, optic), the posterior ganglia of the brain, which are of an oval shape, and rest on the correspond- ing cerebral crura, which they in a manner embrace. Thalassa-collida, n. plu., thdl-ds' d-kol'-lid'd (Gr. thalassa, the sea ; Jcolla, glue), a division or group of Protozoa. thalline, n., thdl'-m (Gr. thallos, L. thallus, a young shoot or branch), in bot., of the same sub- stance as the thallus : thallodal, a., thdl'fid'dl, in same sense. Thallogense, n. plu., thdl-lodf-en-e (Gr. thallds, a young shoot; gZntis, birth, genndo, I beget), a Sub- class of Cryptogamic plants : thal- logens, n. plu., thdl'lo-je'nz, also thallophytes, n. plu., -fltz (Gr. pJiutdn, a plant), plants producing a thallus ; plants bearing their fructification on. a thallus ; also thallophyta, n. plu., thdl-df-U-a, in same sense. thallus, Ti.,thdl'lus, also thallome, tlidl'.l8m-Z (Gr. thdllds, a young shoot, a frond), in bot.,& solid mass of cells, consisting of one or more layers, usually in the form of a flat stratum or expansion, or in the form of a lobe, leaf, or frond ; any structure having no morpho- logical distinction of stem and leaves, and from which true roots are absent ; the vegetative system of Lichens. Thea, n., thef-d (new L. thed, the tea plant said to be from tcha, the Chinese name for tea), a genus of valuable plants, Ord. Tern- strosiniacese : Thea viridis, vir' %d-is^ (L. viridis, green), the species artificially cultivated in Britain ; but there is said to be only one species, the diiferent teas depending upon their mode of treatment, and their prepara- tion for the market : T. Bohea, bo-he'-d (said to be from Buoy or Booij, a mountain in China), the common black tea, also called T. Cantoniensis, Jcdn>tdn'-t-$ns''is (of or from Canton) : T. Assamica, ds-sdm'-ilc'd (of or from Assam], the Assam tea-plant : theine, n., THE 414 THR ike' in, a bitter principle found in tea. tlieca, n., thek'-a, thecse, n. plu., thes'e (Gr. theke, a sheath or case), the case containing the reproduc- tive matter in some flowerless plants; spore cases of Mosses, and such like plants ;. in anat., an organ or a part enclosing another, or which contains, something : thecaphore, n., thek'd-for (Gr. phoreo, I bear), in hot., the roundish stalk on which the ovary of some plants is elevated : thec- asporous, a., thek-ds'-pdr-fa (Gr. spora, seed), applied to Fungi which have their spores placed in thecae : theciferous^ a., thes- if'er'us (L. fero, I bear), bearing thecse or asci. Thecosomata, n. plu., thek'8-sdm' at- a (Gr. theke, a sheath ; soma, a body, somattis, of a body), a division of Pteropodous Molluscs, in which the body is protected by an external shell. thenar, n., then'dr (Gr. thZnar, the palm of the hand), in anat., the fleshy mass which forms the ball of the thumb, consisting of four muscles: thenal, a., then'al, pert, to or connected with the thenar. Theobroma, n., the'-o-brom'-d (Gr. thZtis, a god ; broma, food), a genus of plants, Ord. Bittneriacese : Theobroma cacao, kak-a'-o (said to be from Mexican cacanatl), a species producing the seeds or beans which are the chief ingred- ient in chocolate, and from which the best cocoas are wholly manufactured : theobromine, n. , the'6'brom'in, a crystalline prin- ciple, analogous to caffeine, ob- tained from the cacao beans. Theophrasta, n., the'-df-rdst'-a (after Theophrastus, the father of natural history), a genus of plants, Ord. Myrsinaceee : The- ophrasta Jussisei, jus'st-e'-i (after Antoine de Jussieu, a botanist of Paris), a prickly -leaved shrub, called Coco in St. Domingo, whose seeds are eatable, and made into a kind of bread. therapeutic, a., ther'-ap-ut'ik, also therapeutical, a., -tic-til, (Gr. tJierapeutikos, having the power of healing from therapeuo, I heal), pert, to the healing art ; curative : therapeutics, n. plu., -ut'iks, that department of medic- ine relating to the discovery and application of remedies for the cure of diseases. thorax, n., thor'-aks (L. and Gr. thorax, the breast, defensive armour for the breast), the chest; that part of the trunk situated between the neck and the ab- domen, containing the heart, lungs, etc.: thoracic, a., thdr>a ik, of or relating to the thorax : thoracic duct, the common trunk of nearly all the lymphatic vessels of the body, which conveys the great mass of the lymph and chyle into the blood. thrombus, n., thr&m'-b&s (Gr. thrombos, a clot of blood), in surg., a plug formed in a vessel during life, or some time before death, generally in veins, but may occur in an artery, or even in the heart : thrombosis, n. , thrtim'bdzsis (Gr. thrdmbosis, a curdling or coagulation), the process of the coagulation of blood in the vessels during life. thrum-eyed, a., thrum-id' (Ger. trumm, a short, thick piece), in bot., having short styles in flowers, as when the stigma does not appear at the upper part of the tube of the corolla, as seen in Primula. thrush, n., thr&sh (a corruption of Eng. thrust, a breaking out), an affection of the intestinal tract, usually met with in child- ren, as a result of imperfect nutrition, and recognisable by the appearance of white specks and patches in the mouth and throat, which on examination THU 415 TIB are found to consist of a vegetable fungus, viz. the Oidium albicans. Thuja, n., thu'-ja (Gr. thutin, in- cense, perfume), a genus of aromatic plants, Ord. Coniferse, Sul -ord. Cupressinese : Thuja articulata, drt-fkf-ul-at'.tf, (L. articuldtus, furnished with joints, distinct), the Arar tree, which supplies a solid resin called Sandarach or Pounce, used to strew over MRS. : T. occidentalis, dkf'Sid-ent'dl'is (L. occidentdlis, western), the common Arbor vitse of gardens so named from its supposed medicinal qualities : T. orientalis, or'-i-Znt-dl'-is (L. ori- entdlis, eastern), a species also cultivated : Thus, thus (L. thus, or tus, incense), common frankin- cense, yielded by Finns palustris and P. tseda, Ord. Coniferse. Thymelseacese, n. plu., thim-We-d'- se>e (L. thym$lcea, the flax-leaved Daphne plant), the Daphne family, an Order of plants, the bark of many of which is acrid and irritant, and the fruit is often narcotic ; see ' Daphne. ' thymus, n., ihlmf-us (Gr. thumdn, a fleshy excrescence on the skin), a temporary organ of childhood, consisting of two lateral lobes, placed partly in the neck, and extending from the fourth costal cartilage upwards, as high as the border of the thyroid gland ; it attains its full size at the end of the second year, after which it gradually dwindles, and almost disappears at puberty. thyro-, thir f -o, and thyreo-, thlr'-$-d (Gr. thuretis, a shield), a prefix in anatomical terms denoting con- nection with the thyroid cartilage : thyroid, a., thlr'-dyd (Gr. eidos, resemblance), applied to one of the cartilages of the larynx, so named from its shield-like form ; applied also to a glandular body lying in front of this cartilage, or to the arteries supplyingthe part ; denot- ing the large bone at the bottom of the trunk, from its shield-like shape : thyro -arytenoid, -ar'it'en'- oyd, a ligament, consisting of a thin band of elastic tissue, attached in front to the angle of the thyroid cartilage below the epiglottis, and named the superior or false vocal cords : inferior thyro- arytenoid, two strong fibrous bands, each consisting of a band of yellow elastic tissue, attached in front to the depression between the two alse of the thyroid cartil- age, and behind to the anterior angle of the base of the arytenoid, and named the inferior or true vocal cords. thyrohyal, a., tftfrto-A&B (Gr. thureos, a shield, the U-shaped bone ; see 'hyo'), applied to two ossifications of the hyoid in the lower vertebrata ; homologue of the larger horn of the hyoid bone in man. thyrsus, n., thers'>us, also thyrse, n., thers (L. thyrsus, Gr. thursos, a stalk, a stem), in bot., a species of inflorescence ; a very compact pannicle, as the flowers of the lilac, or as having the appearance of a bunch of grapes. Thysanura, n. plu., this'an>ur'a (Gr. thusanoi, tassels, fringes ; our a, a tail), an Order of Apterous Insects: thysanurous, a., this'* dn'Ur^uSj having fiing'd tails. tibia, n., tib'-i-d (L. t-na, a pipe or flute), the larger of the two bones of a leg, so called from its supposed resemblance to an ancient flute the upper part resembling the expanded or trum- pet-like end, and the lower the flute end ; the shin - bone : tibialis anticus, tib'-i-dl'is ant- ilf-us (L. tibialis, of or pert, to the shin-bone ; anticus, in front), the fore part of the tibial muscle ; one of two muscles of the tibia which bend the foot by drawing it upwards, etc.: the other is tibialis posticus, tW-l-dl'-is pdst- ik'us (L. posticus, behind the TIC 416 TOM back part), the back part of the third muscli. tic, n., tik, the common and short name for tic douloureux, ttk dob'loor'6' (F. tic, a spasm; dou- loureux, painful), that form of neuralgia affecting specially the fifth or sensory nerve of the face. tigellus, n., tidj^Uus, tigella, n., tidj-md, and tigelle, n., ttdj-W (new L. tigellus from F. tigelle, from F. tige, a stem), the por- tion of the embryo between the radicle and cotyledons; the young embryonic axis : tigellary, a., tikjj'&ldr-l, having the sheathing portion of a leaf incorporated with the stem. Tiliaceae, n. plu., til'-i-a'-se-e (L. Him, the lime or linden tree), the Lime tree family, an Order of plants, many possessing mucilag- inous properties, others furnish cordage : Tilia, n., til'-i-a, a genus of lofty, ornamental trees : Tilia Europaaa, ur'-op-e'-a (of or from Europe), a species whose inner bark, called bast or bass, is tough and fibrous, and is made into Russian mats. Tillandsia, n., til -land'- si- a (after Tillands, a physician and pro- fessor), a genus of interesting epiphytal plants, Ord. Bromeli- acese : Tillandsia usneoides, &s ne-oyd'-ez (achneh, the Arabic name for lichens ; Gr. eidos, re- semblance), a species which has the appearance of the Beard moss, and is used for stuffing cushions, etc. ; Tillandsias are hung from balconies in S. America as air- plants. tinea, n., tin f -$>a (L. tinea, a gnaw- ing worm), a general name for parasitic disease of the scalp ; pustular inflammation at the eye- lashes : tinea sycosis, sik-oz'is (Gr. silken, a fig, a fleshy tumour on the eyelids), a pustular in- flammation affecting the roots of the hair of the eyelashes, beard, etc. Tinospora, n., ttn*ttfptir-& (L- tinea, a gnawing worm; Gr. spora, seed), a genus of plants, Ord. Menispermacese, consisting of climbing Indian shrubs, having extreme vitality: Tinospora cord- ifolia, kdrd't'/dl'-i-d (L. cor, the heart, cordis, of the heart ; fol- ium, a leaf,/o&a, leaves), a species whose young shoots are used as emetics : T. cordifolia, and T. crispa, krisp'-d (L. crtspus, curled, wrinkled), species from which a bitter principle, called Guluncha, is obtained, considered a specific for the bites of poisonous insects and for the cure of ulcers ; ad- ministered also as a diuretic and tonic in fever, and also for snake- bites. tissue, n., tishf-u (F. tissu, woven from F. tisser, L. texere, to weave), in anat. or bot., the minute elementary structures of which organs are composed, whether of animals or of plants. tobacco, n., to-bak'-ko (tabaco, Indian name for the pipe or tube in which they smoked, and trans- ferred by the Spaniards to the plant itself ; Sp. tabaco, F. tabac), an annual plant, Order Solan- acese, having dingy-red, infundib- uliform flowers, and large viscid leaves ; employed medicinally as a tincture, infusion, and wine, its oil is one of the most deadly of known poisons, acts medicinally as a sedative. Toddalia, n., Md-dal'l-a (a native Malabar name), a genus of plants, Ord. Xanthoxylaceae: Toddalia ac- uleata, ah-uKe-at'-a (L. aculedtus, thorny, prickly), a prickly, climb- ing plant of the Indian peninsula, etc., whose root furnishes a pun- gent aromatic, used in the cure of remittent fevers. tomentose, a., tom'-ent-oz' (L. tomentum, a stuffing for cushions), in bot., covered with hairs so close as scarcely to be discernible; having a whitish down like wool : TOM 417 TRA tomentum, n., tom-ent'um, in bot., the closely matted hair or downy nap covering the leaves or stems of some plants ; in anat., the minutely-divided vessels on the surface of the brain, having a very flocculent appearance. tomiparous, a., tdm-ip'-ar-us (Gr. tome, a cutting ; tomos, a slice ; L. pario, I bring forth), in bot., producing spores by division. tone, n., ton (Gr. tonos, a stretch- ing, a tension), the state of the body in regard to the healthy performance of its animal func- tions : tonic, a. , ton'-ik, imparting vigour to the bodily system : n., a medicine or agent which imparts vigour and strength to the body ; a stomachic : tonicity, n., ton-is'- it-i, a state of healthy tension of muscular fibres while at rest. tonsils, n. plu., tons'-ils (L. tons- illce, the tonsils of the neck from tonsilis, shorn or clipt), two oblong glands situated on each side of the fauces at the base of the tongue : tonsillitis, n. , tons'-il- lt'-is, inflammation of the tonsils, a form of sore throat : tonsillitic, a., tons'-il-lit'-ik, related to or connected with the tonsils. topical, a., top'-ik-al (Gr. topikos, pert, to a place from topos, a place), in med. , pert, to an exter- nal local remedy, as a poultice, a blister, and the like. torcular Herophili, tork f -ul-dr her- of-tt'l (L. torcular, a wine-press ; Herophili, of Herftplillus), the wine-press of Herophilus ; the confluence or common point to which the venous sinuses con- verge, which are contained in the several processes or folds of the dura-mater of the brain. tormentil, n., tor-ment'-tt (L. tor- mentum, torture, anguish), the root of the Potentilla torment- ilia, Ord. Rosacese, used as an astringent : tormentilla erecta, tore-oom>i, (Gr. tracheia, the windpipe ; tome, a cutting), the operation of making an opening in the windpipe. tragicus, a., tradf-ik-tis (Gr. tragds, a goat), a short, flattened band of muscular fibres, situated upon the outer surface of the tragus, the direction of its fibres being vertical : antitragicus, a. , ant'-i'tradf-ik-us, this muscle arises from the outer part of the * antitragus, ' which see. Tragopogon, n., trag'd-pog'.on(GT. tragos, a goat ; pogon, a beard), a genus of ornamental plants, Ord. Compositse, Sub-ord. Cichor- acese, so named from the long silky beard of the seeds : Trago- pogon porrifolius, por'-rl-fdl'-i-us (L. porrum, a leek ; fdlium, a leaf), a species whose root pro- duces Salsify, and is called the ' oyster plant ' in America. tragus, n., trdg'-us (Gr. tragos, a goat), a small pointed eminence in front of the concha of the ear, and projecting backwards over the meatus, so named because generally covered, on its under surface, with a tuft of hair resembling a goat's beard. trama, n., trdm'a (L. trdma, the woof or filling of a web), in bot. , the central tissue of the lamellae of gill-bearing fungi. trance, n., trans (old F. transi, fallen into a swoon ; F. transe, a swoon ; L. transeo, I pass over), a cataleptic condition of the body of peculiar symptoms. transudation, n., trans'*ud'd f -shun (L. trans, through ; sudo, I sweat), the act or process of a fluid or vapour oozing through a porous substance or tissue. transversalis abdominis, tranz'- vers-dV-is ab-dom'-in-is (L. trans- versdlis, lying across, directed crosswise from trans, across, TEA 419 THE versus, turned; abdomen, the lower belly, abldmmis, of the lower belly), the transverse muscle of the abdomen, a muscle so named from the direction of its fibres, is the most internal flat muscle of the abdomen, and sup- ports and compresses the bowels : trans versalis cervicis, serv'is^is, or colli, kdftli (L. cervix, the neck, cervicis, of the neck ; collum, the neck, colli, of the neck), the transverse muscle of the neck ; a muscle on the inner side of the longissimus dorsi, arising by long tendons from the summits of the transverse proc- esses of the dorsal vertebrse (3-6), and inserted into the five lower cervical vertebrae. transversus auriculae, transfers' us dwr-ik'-ul-e (L. transversus, directed across or athwart from trans, across, versus, turned ; aur- icula, the external ear, auriculce, of the external ear), a muscle placed on the cranial surface of the pinna of the ear, consisting of radiating fibres partly tendinous, partly muscular : transversus pedis, ped^is (L. pes, a'foot, pedis, of a foot), a narrow, flat, muscular faciculus, stretched transversely across the heads of the metatarsal bones, between them and the flexor tendons : t. perinsei, p$r'- w-e'-i (Gr. perinaion, the space between the anus and the scrot- um : new L. permceum, the perin- eum, perincei, of the perinseum), a narrow muscular slip, which passes more or less transversely across the back part of the perinseal space. Trapa, n., trdp'-a (an adaptation of L. tribulus, a caltrop, a kind of thorn), a genus of aquatic plants, Ord. Myrtacese, the fruit of some of the species being fur- nished with four spines : Trapa natans, ndt'anz (L. natans, swim- ming), the water-chestnut, which is eaten : T. bicornis, U-korn'-is (L. bicornis, having two horns from bis, twice, cornu, a horn), a species remarkable for its horned fruit, which is edible : T. bispin- osa, bls'pin'ds'-a (L. bis, twice ; spinosus, full of thorns), a species whose seeds are large and edible, largely cultivated ; in the East, Singhara nuts. trapezium, n., trdp-es'i-um (Gr. trapZzffin, a small table or coun- ter), in anat., one of the wrist- bones ; a bone of very irregular form, situated at the external and inferior part of the carpus, between the scaphoid and first metacarpal bone : trapezius, n., trap-ez'-i-us, a broad, flat, tri- angular muscle, immediately beneath the skin, and covering the upper and back part of the neck and shoulders : trapezoid, n., trap'ez-oyd (Gr. eidos, re- semblance), the smallest in the second of the wrist- bones, having a wedge-shaped form. traumatic, a,, trdwm>at'-ik (L. traumaticus, Gr. traumdtiktis, fit for healing wounds from Gr. trauma, a wound), applied to symptoms arising from wounds or local injuries : n., a medicine for the cure or alleviation of wounds. trefoil-tendon, a., tref-dyl (L. trifolium, three -leaved grass from tres, three ; ftilium, a leaf : and tendon], in anat., a strong aponeurosis, forming the central andhighestpart of the diaphragm, consisting of three lobes or alse ; also named 'central tendon,' 'cordiform tendon,' or 'phrenic centre.' Tremandraceae, n. plu., trVm'an* draf-se-e (Gr. trema, a pore ; aner t a male, andrds, of a male), an Order of Heath-like shrubs of Australia. Trematoda, n. plu., trim-at'-dd-d (Gr. trema, an opening or pore, tremdtos, of an opening ; eidos, resemblance), in zool., an Order TRE 420 TRI of Scolecida, intestinal worms comprising the fluke-worm, which are furnished with suctorial pores : trematode, n., trem'dt'dd, one of the Trematoda or sucking worms. tremelloid, a., tremf-el-dyd (L. trVmulus, a shaking, a quaking : Gr. tremo, I tremble ; eidos, resemblance), in bot., jelly-like in substance or appearance. trepan, n., tr$p*dn'(Gt. trupanon, a borer, an auger ; F. trepan), a circular saw employed for remov- ing portions of the bone of the skull, when the skull is injured. trephine, n., tref*en' or tr%f'4n (also from Gr. trupandn, a borer, an auger), an improved circular saw, with a moveable centre pin, now used instead of the trepan for perforating the cranium, and removing circular pieces of bone from it. triadelphous, a., tr^dd-eir-us (Gr. treis, three ; addphos, a brother), in bot., having stamens united in three bundles by their filaments. triandrous, a., trl-and'-rus (Gr. treis, three; oner, a male, andros, of a male), in bot., having three stamens in a flower. triangularis sterni, trl-ang'-gul* dr^is sternal (L. trmnguldris, triangular ; sternum, the breast- bone, sterni, of the breast-bone), in anat. , a thin plane of muscular and tendinous fibres, situated upon the inner wall of the front of the chest. tribe, n., trlb (L. tribus, a tribe from tris, three), in bot., a group of genera more nearly related in particular characters than others under the same Order ; a division between Order and Genus. Tribulus, n., trW-ul-us (L. trib- #/ws,an instrument of four prongs, a caltrop), a genus of plants, Ord. Zygophyllacese, having each car- pel of the species armed with three or four prickly points: Tribulns terrestris, ter-resMs (L. terrZstris, terrestrial from terra, land), a prickly plant of the East, found in Palestine; the supposed thistle of the New Test. triceps, a., tri'-s&ps (L. triceps, having three heads from tris, three ; caput, the head), having three heads: n., the three-headed muscle : triceps extensor, tri'* seps ekS'tVns'or (L. extensor, that which extends or stretches from extensus, stretched out), the name of several muscles which extend a limb: t. extensor cubiti, Mb' ft -I (L. cubitum, the elbow or bending of the arm), the stretch- ing muscle of the arm having three heads ; a muscle arising by three heads from the scapula, and from the humerus, and inserted into the olecranon : t. e. cruris, Icrdr'-is (L. cms, a leg, cruris, of a leg), the stretching- out muscle of the leg having three heads ; this muscle extends the leg, and consists of the three parts, 'vastus externus, ' * vastus internus, ' and 'crureus,' which see: t. longus adductor femoris, Iting'gus ad- dukt'-dr fem'or-is (L. triceps, three-headed ; longus, long ; ad- ductor, that which brings one part towards another ; femur, the thigh, femdris, of the thigh), the long triceps adductor muscle of the thigh-bone. Trichadenia, n. , tri-ad-en'i-a (Gr. thrix, hair, trichos, of hair ; aden, an acorn), a genus of plants, Ord. Bixacese : Trichadenia Zeylan- ica, zl-lan'-ilc'a, (of or from Cey- lon), a large tree of Ceylon, called Tettigass, which yields an oil used for burning in lamps, etc. trichiasis, n., trik-i'-as-is (Gr. thrix, hair, triclids, of hair), a disease of the eye in which the eyelash turns in upon the eyeball and produces irritation. Trichilia, n., triTc-iKi-a (Gr. tricka, in three ways or parts), a genus of plants, Ord. Meliaceae, having three-lobed stigmas, and their capsules three-celled, and three- TRI 421 TRI valved: Trichilia speciosa, sp&sh'- i-ozf-a (L. spZciosus, showy, hand- some), a secies from whose fruit a warm, pleasant-smelling oil is procured, valued in India for chronic rheumatism and paralytic affections, applied externally : T. emetica, em-et'-ik-a (Gr. Zmetikfts, L. Vm&tica, an incitement to vomit), the Koka of the Arabs, a large tree, the fruit possesses emetic properties ; mixed by the Arabians with the perfumes with which they wash their hair ; also used for itch. Trichina, n., trittin-a, Trichinae, n. plu., trlk'-in'Q (Gr. trichinos, made of hair from thrix, hair), animal parasites found in the muscles of the human body : Trichina spiralis, spir-dl'-is (L. spiralis, spiral from splra, a twist), a parasite of the human body, a bisexual and viviparous worm: trichiniasis, n., trik'-ln>l'> as-is, a formidable febrile dis- ease, caused by the presence in large numbers of Trichinae in the body, due to eating trichinous pork. Trichocephalus dispar, trik'-o-sef' al'tis dis'-par (Gr. thrix, hair ; kephale, the head ; L. dispar, dissimilar), a thin filiform paras- itic worm, found chiefly in the csecum and large intestines : Trichocysts, n. plu., trik'o-sists (Gr. kustis, a cyst), peculiar cells found in certain Infusoria. trichogynium, n., trW-d-jln'-i-tim, also trichogyne, n., tritf-o-jm (Gr. thrix, hair, trichos, of hair ; gune, a female), in bot., among the red sea-weeds, called Rhodo- spermese or Floridese, a peculiar hair-like body surmounting a cell, which, after fertilization, is transformed into the cystocarp; a long, thin, hair-like, hyaline sac, forming a receptive organ for the spermatozoids. trichome, n., trik'-om (Gr. thrix, hair; F. trichome), in bot., any structure originating as an out- growth of the epidermis. trichophore, n., trik'-d-for (Gr. thrix, hair ; phoreo, I bear), in bot., the cellular body supporting the cystocarp, among some Flor- idese ; a group of cells from which the trichogynes spring. Trichophyton tonsurans, trik'dft it -on tons >ur' tins (Gr. thrix, hair ; phuton, a plant; L. tonsurans, clip- ping or pruning), a fungus, gener- ally seen as spores, which affects the hair and skin, producing ringworm on the scalp, and the eruption, 'herpes circinatus,' on the body. tfichotomous, a., trik-tit'-om'tis (Gr. triche, in three parts ; tome, a cutting), divided into three parts; in bot., divided suc- cessively into three branches : trichotomy, n., trik-ot'om't, division into three parts. tricoccous, a., tri-kdk'us (Gr. treis, three ; kokkos, a kernel), in bot., having three one-seeded cells ; applied to a fruit having three elastically dehiscing cocci. tricostate, a., tri-kost'dt (L. tris, three ; costdtus, having ribs), in bot., having three ribs ; having ribs from the base. tricuspid, a., tri-kusp'-id (L. tris, three ; cuspis, a point, cuspidis, of a point), having three summits or points : tricuspidate, a. , tri* Msp'-id-at, having three long points. tridactyle, a., tri-dak'-til (Gr. treis, three ; daktulos, a finger), having three fingers. tridentate, a., tri'dent'dt (L. tridens, having three teeth gen., trzdentis from tris, three; dens, a tooth), in bot., having three tooth-like divisions. trifacial, a., tri-fash'-i-al (L. tris, three ; fdcies, the face, the sur- face), a name for the fifth cranial nerve, forming the great sensitive nerve of the head and face. i trifarious, a., trl-fdr'-i-fts (L. tri- TRI 422 TRI fdrius, of three sorts or ways, triple), in bot. , in three rows. trifid, a., trtffid (L. trtftdus, cleft in three parts from tris, three ; fidi, I have cleft), in bot., thrice cleft, midway to the base. trifoliate, a., trl-foV-i-dt, also tri- foliolate, a., tri-fdl'-i-ol-dt (L. tris, three ; fdlmm, a leaf), in bot. , having three leaves or leaflets growing from the same point. Trifolium, n., trl-foV-l-um (L. tris, three ; folium, a leaf), an extensive genus of plants, Ord. Leguminosse, Sub-ord. Papilion- aceae, known as clovers or trefoils, and having trifoliolate leaves : Trifolium pratense, prat-ens'-e(L. prdf&nsis, growing in meadows), the common red clover : T. repens, rep'-Znz (L. repens, creeping), white Dutch clover the sham- rock of Ireland: T. Alpimim, alp'in'um (L. Alplnus, of or from the Alps}, a species from whose leaves and roots the peculiar sweet principle called Glycyrrhiz- in is obtained : T. incarnatum, fn'>kdr*9dtftbn (L. incarndtus, clothed in flesh from in, in ; carndtus, fleshy from caro, flesh), an annual species ; the carnation clover. trigonal, a., trig'dn>al, also trig- onous, a., trig'on'tis (Gr. treis, three ; goma, an angle, a corner), in bot. , having the parts arranged in an alternating manner, as in the lily ; having three angles with three convex faces ; applied to stems. trigone, n., trty'on-e, ortrigonum, n., tri'gdn'-um (Gr. trigonds, a triangle from treis, three ; gonia, an angle), a triangular, smooth surface without rugae, immediately "behind the urethra! orifice, the apex of which is directed forwards. trigynous, a., tridf-m-us (Gr. treis, three ; gune, a woman), in bot., having three carpels or three styles. trijugate, a., tri'-jd6g-dt (L. tris, three ; jiigum, a yoke), in bot., having three pairs of leaflets. trilamellar, a., tri-lam'-el-lar (L. tris, three ; lamella, a small plate of metal), in bot., applied to a compound stigma having three divisions flattened like bands. Trilliaceae, n. plu., tril r >U-d'>s&e (L. trilix, triple-twilled, trillcis, of triple - twilled), the Trillium family, an Order of plants, some acrid, others narcotic : Trillium, n., tril'-li'um, a genus of plants, so named from the calyx having three sepals, the corolla three petals, the pistil three styles, and the stem three leaves : Trillium cernuum, sern'-u-um (L. cernuus, stooping or bowing for- ward), a species whose rhizome is used as an emetic ; the juice of the berries with alum gives a blue colour. trilobate, a., trl-lob'-at (Gr. treis, three ; lobos, a lobe), having three lobes. trilocular, a., trl-lok^ul-ar (L. tris, three ; loculus, a little place), in bot., having three cells, or loculaments. trimerous, a., trim' er 'Ms (Gr. treis, three ; mZros, a part), in bot., composed of three parts, as a flower ; having its envelopes in three, or multiples of three. trimorphic, a., trl-morf-ik (Gr. treis, three ; morphe, form, shape), in bot., taking three forms of flowers in one species, each on a different plant, and having stamens and pistils. trinervis, a., tri-nerv'-is (L. tris, three ; nervus, a nerve), in bot., having three ribs springing to- gether from the base. trioacious, a., trl-e'sM-us (Gr. treis, three ; oikos, a house), in bot. , producing male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers, each on separate plants : triceciously- hermaphrodite, another name for trimorphic. TRI 423 TRI tripartite, a., trtp'art'U (L. tris, three ; partitus, divided), in bot., parted into three divisions nearly to the base. tripetalous, a., tri-p^t'-al-us (Gr. treis, three ; petaldn, a leaf), in bot. , having three petals or flower leaves, as a corolla. tripinnate, a., trl-pin'-nat (L. tris, three ; pinna, a feather), in bot., divided three times in a pinnate manner, as a compound leaf; having the pinnae of a bipinnate leaf again pinnate : tripinnatifid, a., tri'-ptn-ntittifld (L. findo, I divide, fidi, I have divided), having a pinnatifid leaf with the segments divided twice in a pinnatifid manner. triplicostate, a., trip'Il-kdst'dt (L. triplex, threefold ; costa, a rib), in bot., having three ribs pro- ceeding from above the base of the leaf. triploblastic, a., trip'-lo-blastf-ik (Gr. triplo'os, threefold ; blastos, a germ), in zool., having ova in which the blastoderm separates into three parts. triquetrous, a,, triTc-et'-rus, also triquetral, a., trik-et'ral (L. triquetrus, three-sided), in bot., having three angles with three concave faces ; in anat., three- sided, or three-cornered, as a bone : ossa triquetra, 6s'-sa trik- et'-ra (L. 6s, a bone, ossis, of a bone), supernumerary ossicles found in a great number of skulls, interposed between the cranial bones, like islets in the sutures, and of irregular shape. trisepalous, a., tri-sep'-al-us (L. tris, three ; Eng. sepal), in bot., having three sepals, as a calyx. triseptate, a., trl-sepff-at (L. tris, three ; septus, hedged or fenced in), having three partitions or septa in an ovary or fruit. trismus, n., triz'-mus (Gr. trizo, I gnash), a tetanic spasm affecting the muscles of the jaw j lock-jaw : trismus neonatorum, n% -on' at- or'- um (new L. ri&ondtorum, of the newly born from Gr. neos, new ; L. ndtus, born), a form of tetanus attacking infants within a few weeks after birth, characterised by congestion of the spinal arach- noid, with an effusion of blood or serum into its cavity also called t. nascentium, nas-sen'- shi-um (L. nascens, being born, nascentium, of those born) : t. traumaticus, trowm-at'-ik-us (Gr. traumdtikos, fit for healing wounds from trauma, a wound), tetanus, attacking at all ages, arising from cold or a wound. tristichous,a., trlst'-lk-us (Gr. treis, three ; stichos, a row), in bot., in three rows. triternate, a., tri-tern'-dt (L. tris, three ; terni, three each), in bot. , divided three times in a ternate manner. Triticum, n., trit'-ik-um (L. trlt- icum, wheat from trltus, a rub- bing or wearing), the most important genus of the Order Graminese, producing the cereal grains : Triticum vulgare, vulg- dr'$ (L. vulgdris, common), wheat : T. aestivum, est'iv'um (L. (Kstlvus, pert, to summer), the varieties of spring wheat : T. hybernum, hib-ern'-um (L. hybernus, pert, to winter, wintry), the varieties of winter wheat : T. spelta, spelt'-a (AS. spelt, Ger. spelt or spelz, grain, wheat), spelt, an inferior kind of wheat, grown on the Continent, in the Bible called rye : T. compositum, Icom* pdz^it-um (L. compositus, placed or laid together), Egyptian or mummy wheat : T. repens, rep' $nz (L. repens, creeping), couch- grass, or quitch-grass: T. jun- ceum, jun>s8-um (L. juncZus, made of rushes from juncus, a rush), a species used in mucous discharges of the bladder. tritozooid, n., trit'-o-zo'-dyd (Gr. trittis, third ; zoo'n, an animal ; TBJ 424 XRU eidos, resemblance), in zoo?., a zooid of the third generation. trituration, n., trit'-ur-a'shttn (L. tritura, a rubbing or wearing out), the act of reducing a sub- stance to a fine powder by rub- bing. trivial names, tritf-1-al ndmz (L. trividlis, that may be found every- where from trivium, a cross- road), the names added to the names of genera, which double or binomial names constitute the names of species, as Triticum, the generic name of certain cereals, while Triticam vulgare is the specific name of one of the genus, viz. common wheat : see Appendix on Specific Names. trochal, a., trok'-al (Gr. trochos, a wheel), wheel - shaped applied to the ciliated discs of the Rotifera. trochanter, n., trok-ant'er (Gr. trochanter, a runner from troch- ao, I roll or run round), one of the two processes or prominences at the upper part of each thigh- bone, named respectively the major and the minor; they receive the large muscles which bend and extend the thigh, and turn it upon its axis, thus form- ing, as it were, a shoulder to each thigh-bone : trochanteric, a., troK-ant-Vr'-ik, of or pert, to the trochanters. trochar, n., trdk'dr (F. trocar, a trocar ; trois-quarts, three-fourths from L. tris, three ; quartus, the fourth), a surgical instrument for taking off fluids from parts of the body, as in dropsy, so named from its triangular point. trochlea, n., trok'le-a (L. trochlea, a case containing one or more pulleys ; Gr. trochos, a wheel), a pulley - like cartilage through which the tendon of the trochleary muscle passes : trochlearis, n., trd'U'dr f >is, one of the projec- tions of bones over which parts turn as ropes over pulleys : troch- lear, a., rtf&?fiMfr, shaped like a pulley : trochleary, a. , tr8k'-!&' dr'4, of or pert, 3o the trochlea : trochlear surface, the smooth surface of the trochlea. trochoid, a., trolc'-oyd (Gr. trochds, a wheel ; eidos, resemblance), conical, with a flat base, as the shells of Foraminifera. Tropaeolacese, n. plu., trop-e'-dl-d'- se-e (Gr. trdpaion, a trophy), the Indian -Cress family, an Order of plants, having showy flowers, and more or less pungency, used as a cress : Tropseohim, n., trop-e'-ol- urn, a showy genus of plants, so named from their leaves resem- bling a buckler, and their flowers a helmet : Tropseolum majus, mddf-us (L. major, and majus, greater), common Indian-Cress, or Garden Nasturtium, whose unripe fruit has been pickled, and used as capers : T. tuberos- um, tub'-er-dz'-um (L. tubZrosus, having fleshy knots from tuber, a protuberance), a species whose roots are eaten in Peru. trophi, n. plu., trdf'i (Gr. trophtis, rearing, nursing), the parts of the mouth in insects concerned in the acquisition and preparation of food: trophic, a., trtif-flc, connected with nourishment ; nourishing ; nutritious : tropho- some, n., trof'-d-sdm (Gr. soma, body), the collective assemblage of the nutritive zooids of any Hydrozoon. trophosperm, n., trof'o-sperm (Gr. trdphos, rearing, nursing ; sperma, seed), in bot., a name applied to the placenta. truncate, a. , tr&ngk'-dt, also trunc- ated, a., trungk'dt'ed (L. trunc- dtum, to maim, to mutilate from truncus, the bole or trunk of a tree), in bot., terminating very abruptly, as if cut off at the end ; in zool. , abruptly cut off, as univalve shells, whose apex breaks off, the shells thus becom- ing decollated: truncus, n., TRU 425 TUB trunyteus, in lot., the trunk or bole of a tree. truss, n., trus (F. trousser, to pluck up ; trousse, a "bundle ; L. tortus, a twisting, a wreath), a mechanical contrivance, usually for the support of parts concerned in abdominal rupture or hernia ; also for the support or for the prevention of the protrusion of any viscus. tryma, n., trim'-a (Gr. truma, a hole, an opening), in bot., a fruit resembling a drupe, as the walnut, having a coriaceous or fleshy epicarp, and roesocarp, one- celled and one-seeded ; a two- valved bony endocarp, having partitions on the inner concave surface, as the walnut. tuber, n., tub'-er (L. tuber, a hump, a knob or excrescence), in lot. , a solid fleshy mass attached to many fibrous rooted plants ; a thickened underground stem or branch, as the potato ; in anat., the rounded projection of a bone : tuber annulare, an'- nul-ar'-Z (L. dnnuldris, pert, to a ring from dnnulus, a ring), in (mat., another name for 'pons Varolii,' see under 'pons': t. calcis, Ical'-sis (L. calx, the heel, colds, of the heel), the large posterior extremity of the os calcis, or largest bone of the foot, presenting inferiorly two tubercles which rest upon the ground when walking: t. cinere- um, sm-er'-e-um (L. cmereus, ash-coloured from cinis, ashes), a layer of grey matter at the base of the cerebrum : t. cochlea, k6Jc f -le-e (L. ctichtta, a snail, cdchlece, of a snail), in the tym- panum of the ear, the first turn of the cochlea. tubercle, n., tub'-er-ld (L. tuber- culum, a small hump or pro- tuberance from tuber, a hump), a little tuber ; in med., a term of varied and wide application, generally a small tumour in any part ; a new growth, composed of primitive cells and nuclei, and having a tendency to caseous or calcareous degeneration; a morbid, yellow, or caseous material, gener- ally contained in cysts, of the size of a hemp seed, or of a, pea, or loose in the structure of organs ; in bot. , a swollen simple root, as in some Orchids ; in anat. , a small pro- tuberance, as the tubercle of the tibia: tubercled, a., tub'-Zr-ldd, in bot., covered with warts : tub- ercular, a., tub-erk'-ul-ar, full of small knobs or tubercles ; caused by tubercles ; applied to morbid matter at one time compact and yellowish, at another cal- careous, and sometimes becoming pultaceous, semi-fluid, and case- ous. tubercula quadrigemina, tub -eric* ul-a Jcwdd'-ri-jem'-m-a (L. tuber- culum, a small hump ; quadrans, a fourth ; gemini, twins), in anat., four rounded eminences in the cerebrum, separated by a crucial depression, and placed two on each side of the middle line, one before another also called ' cor- pora quadrigemina' : tuberculum pharyngeum, far'-in-je'-um (new L. phdryngeus, pert, to the pharynx), the tubercle from which the mesial band attaching the pharynx to the skull princip- ally springs. tuberculosis, n., lub-erMul'dzf-fe (L. tuberculum, a small hump), a form of fever accompanied by the formation of small bodies, called tubercles, in various tissues of the body : tubercular menin- gitis, a name given to the disease caused by the deposition of tub- ercles in the membranes of the cerebrum also called ' acute hydrocephalus. ' tuberous, a., tub'er>us (L. tuber, a small knob), in bot., connected into a bunch by rootlets, as in the potato : tuberosity, n., tub'-gr-ds'-i- ti, in bot., a kind of projection or TUB 426 TUR knob on a bone, generally form- ing an attachment to muscles. Tubicola, n., tub-ik'-dl-d (L. tuba, a pipe ; cdlo, I inhabit), the Order of Annelida which construct tubular cases, in which they pro- tect themselves : tubicolous, a., tub'ik'-dl-us, inhabiting a tube. tubular, a., tiib'-ul-ar (L. tubulus, a small pipe from tubus, a pipe), hollow and cylindrical ; in bot. , applied to the regular florets of Compositse. tubuli contort!, tub'-ul-l Icon-tort'-i (L. tubulus, a small pipe ; con- tortus, twisted), twisted or con- voluted tubules, which form the greater part of the cortical sub- stance of the kidneys : tubuli recti, rektf-i (L. rectus, straight), straight tubules ; a name applied to the seminal ducts of the testis when they assume a comparatively straight course also called * vasa recta ' ; also denoting the straight portion of the tubules of the kidneys, which convey the urine : t. seminiferi, sem'in-ij'Zr-i (L. semmifer, bearing semen from semen, seed ; fero, I bear), the small convoluted tubes in which the seminal fluid is secreted : t. uriniferi, ur'-m-if-er-l (L. urlmf- $r, bearing urine from urina, urine ; fero, I bear), the tubules which bear or collect the urine of the kidneys. tumour, n., tum'-er (L. tumor, a swelling), a morbid growth on a part of the body in the form of a swelling or enlargement; a growth which may either be innocent or malignant the former comprise * sarcomata,' or fleshy growths; the latter, true cancers, or * carcin- omata. ' tunica adiposa, tun'-ik-a ad'-ip-oz'a (L. tunica, a coating, a membrane ; adiposus, fatty from adeps, fat), loose areolar tissue, usually con- taining much dense fat, which assists in maintaining the kidneys in their position : tunica adven- titia, ad'.v%n-tish''i>a (L. advtn- titms, foreign from ad, to ; v$n- to, I come), the foreign or outside tunic ; the external coat of the arteries : t. albuginea, aW-U'jln'- %>a (L. albugineus, of a white appearance from albugo, the white of the eye), a strong cap- sule which encloses the testis proper: t. choroidea, Icor-oyd'-e-a (Gr. chorion, skin or leather ; eidos, resemblance), the choroid coat of the eye, consisting of a dark - brown membrane lying between the sclerotic and the retina : t. chorio-capillaris, Icor' t'd-kap'-il'ldr'-is (L. capilldris, pert, to the hair from cdpillus, the hair of the head), the inner part of the choroid coat of the eye, formed by the capillaries of the choroidal vessels: t. vaginalis, vadj f -in-dl f 'is (L. vaginalis, of or pert, to a vagina or sheath), a serous membrane whose visceral portion closely invests the great part of the body of the testis as well as the epididymis : t. vasc- ulosa testis, vask'iil-dz'a test'is (L. vasculosus, full of small ves- sels from vasculum, a small vessel ; testis^ the testicle), the vascular tunic of the testicle ; the vascular network, together with its connecting areolar tissue, which surrounds the testicle. tunicated, a., tun'4k-dt f -ed (L. tunica, an under garment, a membrane), in bot., covered by thin external scales, as the onion : Tunicata, n. plu., tun^ik-dt'-a, a class of Molluscoida, or headless Molluscs, which are enveloped in a tough, leathery case or test : tunicle, n., tun'-i-kl, a natural covering ; an integument. Turbellaria, n. plu., terb'-Zl-ldr'-i-d (L. turbellce, a bustle, a stir from turbo, I disturb), in zool., an Order of Scolecida, so named from the currents they cause in the water in which they exist. turbinate, a., terb'm-dt, also turb- TUR 427 TYP inated, a., terb'-in-at'-ed (L. turb- indtus, pointed like a cone from turbo, a whirl, a whipping-top), in bot. , in the form of a top ; conical, with a round base ; in anat., applied to certain twisted bones of the nasal and olfactory chambers. turio, n., tur'i'd (L. turio, the tendril, a shoot), in bot. , a young shoot covered with scales sent up from an underground stem, as in asparagus ; the early stage of a sucker when invested with leaf scales. turmeric, n., term'-er-ik (L. terra- merita, valuable earth), the branches of the rhizome or root- stock of the 'Carcuma longa,' Ord. Zingiberacese, reduced to a powder, of a lemon-yellow colour; see ' Carcuma.' TurneraceaB, n. plu., tern'-tir-d'sg-e (after Rev. W. Turner, an English botanist), the Turnera family, an Order of plants, natives of "W. Indies and S. America : Turnera, n., tern'-er-a, a genus of elegant plants when in flower : Turnera opifera, op-if-er-a (L. opifer, bringing power from ops, aid, power ; f$ro, I bear), an astrin- gent, used in Brazil for dyspepsia: T. ulmifolia, ul'-mi-foV-i-a (L. ulmus, an elm tree ; folium, a leaf), a species considered tonic and expectorant. turpentine, n., terp^nt-in (L. terebinthus, Ger. terpentin, the turpentine tree), a mixture of oil and resin obtained from various species of pine ; in the form called 'oil of turpentine/ used as a stimulant, diuretic, cathartic, and anthelmintic. Tussilago, n., tusl-lag'-d (L. tus- sis, a cough, as used in relieving coughs), a genus of plants, Ord. Composite, Sub-ord. Corymbif- erse: Tussilago farfara,/dr-/ar-a (L. ftirfarus, the white poplar, as its leaves resemble those of the white poplar), the plant colt's- foot, has been used as a demul- cent. tutamina oculi, tut-am'-in-a 616 ul'l (L. tutdmen, a defence or protection ; oculus, the eye, oc- uli, of the eye), the defences of the eye, a name applied to the eyelids. Tylophora, n., til-df-or-d (Gr. tul- os, a protuberance, a hardening ; phoreo, I bear), a genus of plants, Ord. Asclepiadacese, referring to its ventricose pollen masses : Tylophora asthmatica, ast-mat'- ik-d (L. asthmaticus, afflicted with shortness of breath from Gr. asthma, shortness of breath), an Indian plant, used instead of ipecacuanha. tylosis, n., ttl-wtis (Gr. ffiltis, a protuberance, a callosity), in med., a kind of ichthyosis or psoriasis of the tongue ; in bot., the development of irregular cells in the interior of pitted vessels, as in the Walnut, Oak, and Elm. tympanum, n., timf-pan-um (L. tympanum, Gr. tumpantin, a drum, a timbrel), the drum-like cavity which constitutes the middle ear, familiarly called the drum of the ear ; in bot., a mem brane closing the thecse in urn mosses: tympanic, a., twi-pan'-ik of or pert, to : tympanites, n. tlm'pan-it'-ez, also tympany, n., tlm'-pari'i, a flatulent distension of the abdomen, in which the bowels swell up and resound like a drum when percussed: tympan- itis, n., tim'-pan-it'-is, inflamma- tion of the lining membrane of the tympanum. tynea sycosis, see 'tinea.' type, n., tip (L. typus, Gr. tupos, a figure, an image), the perfect representation or idea of anything; the peculiarity in the form of a disease ; the primary model : typ- ical, a., tip-ik-dl, an individual having pre-eminently the charac- teristics of the species ; applied to a species or genus exhibiting TYP 428 ULN in a marked degree the charac- teristics of the order. Typha, n., tlf-a (Gr. tiphtis, a marsh, a fen), a genus of plants, Ord. Araceae, so named from j their habitat : Typha latifolia, j lat'-t-fol'-t'ti (L. Idtus, broad ;fdl- lum, a leaf), the Great Reed Mace, the pollen of which is so abun- dant and easily collected and inflammable, that it is used as Lycopodium spores : T. Shuttle - worthii, 8htittem'ik, of or pert, to uraemia : uraemic poisoning, same as uraemia, that is, when the secretion products of the kidneys are no longer carried out of the system, but remain in, and contaminate the blood. Urania, n., ur-an'i-a (Gr. ourdn- ifts, sublime, lofty from the stateliness of the tree), a genus of splendid plants, Ord. Musacese : Urania speciosa, spSsh^Gsfd (L. speciosus, full of beauty or display from species, look, view, a sort), the Water-tree of the Dutch ; the Traveller's-tree of Madagascar, so named from the great quantity of water which flows from its stem or leaf-stalk when cut across; the juice of the fruit used for dyeing. urates, n. plu., ur'-atz (Gr. ouron, mine), the most common of those deposits in the urine known as sand or gravel, usually of a pink or drab colour, and consisting of uric acid in combination with potash, soda, and ammonia: urate, n. , a salt of uric acid. Urceola, n., ers-e f -dl-d(L. urcedlus, a little water-pot), a genus of plants, Ord. Apocynacese : Urce- ola elastica, el-ast'-ik-a (mid. L. elasttcus, elastic), one of certain species which supply caoutchouc: urceolate, a., ers-e'ol-dt, shaped like a pitcher. urea, n., ur>e'-a (Gr. ourtin, urine), a nitrogenous substance forming one of the chief constituents of the urine : uric acid, ur'ilc, one of the constituents of urine. Uredo, n., ur-ed'-o (Gr. uro, I scorch or burn), a genus of microscopic Fungi, usually known as mildew and blight, and which give to the part of the plant infested by them a burnt appear- ance : Uredo fo3tida,/e^-a (L. fmtidus, fetid, stinking), the Fungi called pepper - brand, having a peculiar fetid odour, which attacks grain : U. segetum, seg'-et-um (L. Segetia, the goddess that protects the standing crops), the Fungus called smut, a sooty powder, having no odour, which attacks the flower of the grain : U. rubigo, rub'lg'-o (L. rublgo, rust, mildew), the Fungus called rust which attacks the leaves and chaff of the grain : U. caries, Mr' Z'ez (L. caries, rottenness, decay), one of the Fungi which cause smut or blight. ureter, n., ur-et'er (Gr. oureter, the passage through which the urine flows from ourZo, I make water), in anat., a narrow tube or duct passing down from each kidney, which conveys the urine into the bladder : ureteritis, n. , ur-et'Zr-itfis, inflammation of the ureter. uretliotomy, n., fir?&&*#?#m4(Gr. ourethra, the passage through which the urine flows ; tome, a cutting), the operation of opening the urethra. urethra, n., ur'tthf-ra (Gr. ouretli- ra, the passage through which the urine flows from our'eo, 1 make water), the tube which allows the passage of the urine from the bladder, and conducts the semen of the male : urethrit- is, n., ur'-eth-rlt'-is, inflammation of the urethra: urethral, a., ur- eth'ral, of or pert, to the urethra: uretic, n., ur-etf-ik, a medicine which increases the secretory URI 432 UST action of the kidneys : ureous diuresis, ur e'-us dl'ur* tz'is, amon g animals, a diuresis characterised "by a high colour of the urine, with a peculiar slimy character, and strong odour. uric, a. , see under ' urea. ' urine, n. , ur'-in (L. urina, Gr. our on, urine), the fluid secreted from the kidneys : urina cibi, ur'in'a sib'l (L. cibus, food, cibi, of food), the urine of food; the urine passed shortly after partaking of food : urina potus, pot'-us (L. potus, drink, potds, of drink), the urine of drink; the urine passed shortly after drinking freely of a fluid : urina sanguinis, sang'-gwin-is (L. sanguis, blood, sdngumis, of blood), the urine of the blood ; the urine passed after a fast, as in the morning : urinal, n. , ur In-dl, a vessel for receiving urine into ; a public or private place constructed for urinating in: urinary, a., ur'-ln-dr-i, of or pert, to urine: urinate, v., ur'> m-dt, to pass urine : uriniferous, a., ur^n-if-er-its (L.fero, I bear), carrying or conveying urine. Urodela, n. plu., ur'-o-del'-a, (Gr. ouron, urine ; delds, visible, ap- parent), in zool, the Order of the tailed Amphibians, as newts, etc. urohyal, a., ur'-o-hi'-al (Gr. oura, the stern, the tail ; hyoides, the hyoid-bone), in most fishes, the constituent bone of the haemal spine, extending backwards. uroscopy, n., ur-os'-kop-i (Gr. ourdn, urine ; skoped, I view), the determination of diseases from the inspection of the urine. Urticacesa, n. plu., ert'-ik-d'-se-e (L. urtica, a stinging nettle from uro, I burn), the Nettle family, an Order of plants : Urt- ica, n., ert-ik'd, a genus of plants, so named in reference to the stinging properties of most of the species : Urtica dioica, di-oyk'-d (Gr. dis, twice ; oikia, a house), the common stinging nettle, a very ancient textile plant, young tops in spring eaten when cooked as a vegetable, and a colouring matter is obtained from its roots : U. urens, ur'$nz (L. urens, burning) ; and U. pil- ulifera, pil^ulif^r-a (L. pilula, a little ball;/ero, I bear), are British species of stinging nettles, the last named having capitate female flowers, and the root is astringent and diuretic: U. crenulata, kren' ul'dt'a (mid. L. crVnula, a little notch) ; and U. stimulans, stimf' ul'anz (L. stimulans, pricking or goading on), Indian species, sting- ing powerfully : U. urentissima, ur''%nt'is f 'Sim'd (L. urens, burn- ing, urentis, of burning), an Indian species, stinging so power- fully as to be called Devil's leaf, sometimes causing death : U. cannabina, kan-nab'-m-a (L. canndbis, the hemp ; cannabmus, hempen) ; U. tenacissima, ten'as- is'sim-a, (L. t$nax, holding fast, tenacious, tendcis, of tenacious), are species which furnish fibres fit for cordage : U. gigas, jig'-ds (L. gigas, a giant), a species in Australia, was found to be 42 feet in circumference, forming a large tree. urticaria, n., ert'iJc-dr^i-a (L. urtica, a stinging nettle from uro, 1 burn), the nettle-rash, a troublesome cutaneous eruption, giving rise to a sensation similar to that felt after being stung by nettles : urticating cells, ert'ik' dt'ing, the Cnidse or thread-cells, by whose possession certain Ccel- enterata obtain their power of stinging : urtication, n., ert r -ik d'-slmn, the act of whipping a limb with nettles. ustulate, a., ust'-ul-at (L. tistuldt- um, to burn a little, to scorch), in bot. , blackened as if burned : ustulation, n., tist'ul'd'-tk&n, the process of roasting or drying moist substances to prepare them for pulverising. UTE 433 VAC uterus, n., ut'Zr-tis (L. titVrus, the wornb, the matrix), the womb or organ of gestation, situated in the cavity of the pelvis, between the bladder and the rectum : uterine, a., ut'-Zr-m, of or pert, to the uterus, or proceeding from it: uteritis, n., ut'&r-it'is, in- flammation of the womb : utero- gestation, ut'&r-o-, the period of pregnancy. utricle, n., utfrtik-U (L. utriculus, a small bag or bottle from ut$r, a bag or bottle made from an animal's hide), in bot., a thin-walled cell ; an air-bladder or cell ; a mem- branous one - seeded fruit ; in anat., the larger of the two sacs of the vestibular portion of the ear : utricular, a., ut-rik'-ul-ar, containing vessels like small bags : utriculus, n., ut-rik'ul-us, a kind of fruit with an inflated covering ; among Algse, any loose cellular envelope containing spores ; a little bladder filled with air, attached to certain aquatic plants: Primordial utricle, within the cell-wall, and distinct from it, a delicate membrane or film im- mediately inclosing the cell contents. Utricularia, n. plu., ut-rik'-ul-dr'' I'd (L. utriculus, a small bag or bottle from ul$r, a bag or bottle made from an animal's hide), a genus of plants, called Bladder- worts, Order Lentibulariacese, so named from the utricles or bladders connected with the leaves, in which there exists a mucous fluid having cellular pro- jections in the form of hairs : Utricularia nelumbifolia, nel> tim'bi'fdl'i'O, (said to be from Nelumbo, a Cingalese name ; L. fftlium, a leaf), a singular plant which grows in the water collected at the bottom of the leaves of a large Tillandsia in Brazil, even sending out runners and shoots, and possessing a flowering stem two feet long. 2 E Uvaria, n., uv'dr'i-a (L. uva, a grape), a genus of climbing plants covered with star-shaped hairs, Ord. Anonacese : Uvaria narium, ndr f -i-um (L.ndris,B,iiose,ndrium, of noses ; Gr. ndros, fluid), a species whose roots are fragrant and arom- atic, used in India for fevers and liver complaints ; by distillation yield a fragrant greenish oil : U. triloba, trU'db*a (Gr. treis, three; lobos, a lobe), a species contain- ing a powerful acid, the leaves are used as an application for boils and abscesses, and the seeds are emetic : U. febrifuge, feb'rif'ug>d (L. febris, a fever ; fugo, I drive away), a species to whose flowers the Indians ascribe febrifugal properties. uvea, n., utf-e-a (L. Uva, a grape), in anat., the posterior layer of the iris, which resembles the skin of a black grape. uvula, n., uv f -ul-a (L. uva, a grape ; old F. uvule), in anat., a muscular conical prominence pro- jecting from the centre of the soft palate, and hanging down like a tongue Scotticb, the pap of the hawse (Ger. Jials, the throat); a small projection in the cereb- ellum : uvula vesiese, v%s-is'e (L. vesica, the urinary bladder), a slight elevation of the mucous surface which projects from below into the urethral orifice of the urinary bladder. vaccination, n., vak'-sin-af-sliun (L. vaccmus, of or from cows from vacca, a cow), the process by which the cow-pox or vaccinia is introduced into the human system, as a powerful protection against an attack of the small- pox : vaccine, a., vdJ^-sm, of or pert, to vaccinia or vaccination : vaccinia, n., vak'Sin'-i-a, an eruptive vesicular disease, orig- inally of the cow, now intro- duced into the human system as a protection against an attack of VAG 434 VAL small-pox : vaccinin, n., vak'sm- in, the specific matter of cow- pox. VacciniacesB, n. plu., vaTc'Sin'-I'd'- s'e-e (L. vacclnium, the bilberry), the Cranberry family, an Order of plants, some are astringent, and others yield sub-acid edible fruits : Vaccinium, n., vale-sin'- i-ilm, a genus of plants : Vaccin- ium oxycoccus, dks'-i-kdk'us (Gr. oxus, acid ; kokkos, a berry) ; and V. macrocarpum, mdk'ro-kdrp'um (G. makros, great ; karpos, fruit) , are species which produce cran- berries : V. vitis-Idaea, vlt'-is-id- e'a (L. vltis, a vine ; idea, Idsean from Mount Ida of Crete), the Idsean vine ; the Red Whortle- berry or Cowberry, whose fruit or berries are often used instead of cranberries : V. uliginosum, ul-tdj'-m'd'zf'Um (L. ullginosus, full of moisture or wet from uligo, moisture),the Black Whortleberry, found in Alpine countries : V. myrtillus, mert-il'-lus (L. myrtus, the myrtle), produces the Bil- berry or Blaeberry. vacuolse, n. plu., valc-u'-ol-e, also vacuoli, n. plu. , -ol-l, and vac'- uoles, n. plu., -olz (L. dim. of vdcUus, void, empty), in bot., and animal histology, clear spaces of indefinite size and arrangement in the protoplasm of a cell ; in zool. , little cavities found in the interior of many of the Protozoa, caused by the presence of little particles of food ; clear spaces often found in the tissues of the Cceleriterata. vagina, n., vadj-in'-a (L. vagina, a scabbard, a sheath), the canal or passage which leads from the external orifice of the female genitals to the uterus ; in bot. , a sheath formed by the petiole around the stem ; a sheath : vaginal, a., vddj-m'-dl, pert, to the vagina ; resembling a sheath : yaginate, a. , vadf-in-at, sheathed; invested as with a sheath : vag- initis, n., vddf-in-U'-is, inflamma- tion of the vagina. vaginula, n., vadj-in'ul-a, also vaginule, n., vddj'm-ul (L. vag- inula, a little sheath from vagina, a sheath), in bot. t a sheath surrounding the basal portion of the Archegonium, in Mosses. vagus, n., vdg'-us (L. vagus, roaming, wandering), one of the three divisions of the eighth pair of cranial nerves having a more extensive distribution than any of the others. Vahea, n., va-he'a (probably Sp. vahear, to emit steam or vapour), a genus of plants, Ord. Apocynacese, which yield caoutchouc : Vahea gummifera, gum-mif'-er-ti (L. gummi, gum ; fero, I bear) ; and V. Madagascariensis, madf-a-gask'- ar>i'ens f 'is (of or from Madagasc- ar), are two large climbing shrubs or trees of Madagascar, yielding abundance of caoutchouc. Valerianaceaa, n. plu., val-er't-dn- d'-se-e (after the anc. Roman Valerius, who first used it ; or L. valeo, I am in health, from its virtues), the Valerian family, an Order of plants, which are generally strong scented or aromatic, some used as bitter tonics, anthelmintics, and anti- spasmodics : Valeriana, n., vdl' er f 'i'dn f -d, a genus of plants, most of the species being ornamental in flower borders : Valerianus officinalis, df-fis'm-al'is (L. officindlis, officinal, by authority from officlna, a workshop), the common medicinal Valerian, hav- ing a bitter, acrid taste, and peculiar odour, disagreeable in the dry state, prescribed for hysteria: Valerianus Celtica, sZlt'-ik-a (L. celticus, Celtic, pert, to Gaul), and others, possess similar prop- erties : Valerianella, n., vdl>erl i-tin-el'-ld (a dim. of valerian), a genus of plants : Valerianella olitoria, ol f 'it-or f 'i'd (L. dhtorius, VAL 435 VAR belonging to a kitchen gardener from tilitor, a kitchen gardener), a species whose young leaves are eaten as a salad, called by the French Mdche, and by the English Lamb's lettuce, and corn salad: valerianic or valeric acid, *1U*8rrcer^-a(after Vallisneri, an Italian botanist), a genus of aquatic plants, Ord. Hydrocharidaceae : Vallisneria spiralis, splr-al'-is (L. splrdlis, spiral from spira, a twist), a dioecious aquatic plant, the female flower developing along the spiral peduncle by which it reaches the surface of the water in order to receive the pollen ; Vallisneria. as well as Anacharis, show under the microscope the rotation of proto- plasm in their cells: VallisnerieaB, n. plu., val'lis'-ner !''%&, a tribe or Sub- order. valve, n., valv (L. valvce, folding doors, valvdtus, having folding doors), a cover or lid opening in one direction, and shutting in another ; in bot., one of the pieces into which a pericarp or fruit separates, when separating natur- ally ; in anat. , folds of membrane guarding certain orifices and channels: valvate, a., valv r -dt, in bot. , united or applied to each other by the margins only, as leaves in flower-buds or leaf-buds, the former being called valvate aestivation, the latter valvate vernation; opening by valves, like the parts of certain seed- vessels : valvular, a., valv'-ul-ar, of or containing valves : valvul- itis, n.jValv'ul'U'is, inflammation of valves. valvulae conniventes, valv'-ul-e kb'n'niv-Znt'ez (L. dim. volvulus from valvce, folding doors ; ctinnlvens, winking, connivZntes, plu.), in anat. 9 the permanent folds which exist in the lining membrane of the small intestine. Vanilla, n., van-il'-la (Sp. vainilla, a small pod or husk from vaina, a scabbard or sheath), a genus of delightfully aromatic plants, Ord. Orchidacese : Vanilla plani- folia, pldn f 'i'fol f 'i-d (L. pldmts, flat ; fdttum, a leaf) ; and V. aromatica, ar'-dm-at'-ilc-a, (L. dromdticus, aromatic, fragrant from aroma, a spice), two species whose fleshy pod-like fruit, as well as that of other species, constitute the fragrant substance called Van- ilia, employed to flavour confec- tionary, chocolate, etc. vapours, n. plu., vap'erz (L. vapor, steam, exhalation ; F. vapeur), a disease characterised by nervous debility and depres- sion of spirits ; hysteria. varicella, n., var'-is-el'la (a dim. from vdrldla, small-pox from varms, variegated, spotted), the chicken-pox or glass-pock. varices, n. iplu.,var'is-ez(L. vdrix, a dilated vein, vdricis, of a dilated vein, varices, dilated veins), dilatations of veins ; in zool, the ridges or spinose lines marking a former position of the mouth in certain univalve shells : varicose, a., vdr'-ik'dz, denoting veins in a permanent state of dilatation, with an accumulation of dark-coloured blood: varicocele, n., var'tk-d- sel f (Gr. kele, a tumour), a swell- ing of the veins of the scrotum ; also of the spermatic cord : varix, n., vdr'-iks, varices, n. plu., vdr f -is-ez, a dilatation and con- voluted state of the veins, accom- panied with an accumulation of dark-coloured blood, due generally to an obstruction of the current of the blood towards the heart. variety, n., var-i'-e't-i (L. varl&tas, diversity from varius, different, changing), a minor diiference, as in form, colour, size, etc., exist- ing in an individual of the same species, among animals or plants : VAR 436 VAS permanent varieties or races, permanent minor differences, among individuals of the same species, arising from cultivation and civilization, as well as from natural causes. variola, n., var-i'dl-a (dim. from L. varius, varying, spotted), the small-pox : variolous, a., var-i< dl-us, dotted with numerous small impressions like those of the small-pox ; relating to the small- pox : variolin, n., var-i'dl-m, the specific matter of small-pox. varix, see under ' varices. ' vasa aberrentia, vdz'a ab'>er>r&n r * ski' a (L. vas, a vessel, vasa, vessels ; aberrentia, participle, plu. , deviating from, wandering), in anat., long slender vessels connecting the brachial or axillary arteries with one of the arteries of the forearm : vasa afferentia, af'jer-%n'>shi'a (L. afftrens, bring- ing or conveying to ; afferentia, the plu. of the participle to agree with vasa}, lymphatics or lacteals which enter a gland also called, v. inferentia, in'-fer-Zn'- slii- a (L. infer ens, carrying or bringing into ; inferentia, plu.) : v. brevia, brVv'-i-a (L. brevis, short; brevia, plu.), from five to seven small blood-vessels which issue from the trunk of the splenic artery, and reach the left extremity of the stomach : v. efferentia, ef- fer'Zn'shi-d (L. Vfferens, bringing or carrying out ; %ff$r%ntia, plu. ), small vessels which are straight as they emerge from the testicle, but become convoluted as they proceed towards the epididymis, forming a series of small conical masses : v. lactea or chylifera, lakt'-t.a or Ulif-tr-a (L. lacteus, pert, to milk from lac, milk ; Gr. chulos, juice ; L./m>, I bear), the lacteals commencing in the coats of the intestines, and extending to the thoracic duct, in which they terminate : v. recta, rekt'a (L. rectus, straight), small straight blood-vessels lying between the uriniferous tubes of the kidneys and within the medullary sub- stance ; straight seminal ducts of the testicles, which pass through their fibrous tissue, and end in a close network of tubes : v. vasorum, vas-dr f -um (L. vasa, vessels, vasorum, of vessels), small vessels, both venous and arterial, on the coats of arteries, veins, and lymphatics, which serve for their nutrition : v. vort- icosa, vdrt'-ik-oz'-a (L. vtirticosus, full of vortices or eddies from vortex, a whirlpool), veins of the choroid coat of the eye, so named from their whorl-like arrange- ment. vas aberrans, vas ab'Zr-anz (L. vas, a vessel ; aberrans, wander- ing), in anat., a long narrow tube, or diverticulum, leading off from the lower part of the canal of the epididymis, and ending by a closed extremity : vas deferens, def'$r-$nz (L. deferens, bearing or carrying away), the excretory duct of the testis : v. spirale, splr-dl'e (L. splrdlis, spiral from splra, a fold, a coil), a small single or branched blood-vessel running along the under surface of the membranous zone of the internal ear. vascular, a., vask'-ul-ar (L. vase- tilum, a small vessel from vas, a vessel), consisting of or con- taining vessels, as arteries or veins ; connected with the circulatory system ; in bot. t applied to tissue somewhat long ; containing vessels like the tissue of flowering plants, as distin- guished from cellular. vasculum, n., vas&ul'&m (L. vascUlum, a small vessel from vas, a vessel), in bot., a pitcher- shaped leaf ; an Ascidium : vasc- uliform, a., vask'Ul'i-fd'rm (L. forma, shape), having the form of a pitcher or vasculum. vasiform, a., vas'i-fdrm (L. vas, VAS 437 VEN a vessel ; forma, shape), in pot., applied to a vegetable tissue called dotted vessels ; shaped like a blood-vessel. vaso-motor, vcls'-d-mot'-tir (L. vas, a vessel ; motdr, a mover from moto, I keep moving), applied to nerves which govern the motions, and regulate the calibre of the blood-vessels ; the nerve fibres supplying the muscular coats of the blood-vessels. vastus, n., vast' us, vasti, n. plu., vast'i (L. vastus, immense), a name applied to two portions of the 'triceps extensor cruris,' thus vastus externus, vdst'us eks- tern'us (L. externus, outward) ; and v. interims, tn-tem'fts (L. internus, inward), the names desig- nating a fleshy mass upon each I side of it : v. externus cruris, krur'-is (L. crus, the leg or shin, cruris, of the leg), the full name of the vastus externus. Vateria, n., vat-er r -i-a (aivc Vater, a German botanist), a genus of Indian trees, Ord. Dipterocarp- acese : Vateria Indica, ind'-ik'ti (L. Indicus, of or from India), a species which yields a gum resin, known as Indian Copal or Piney resin, used as a varnish, and in the manufacture of candles, and as incense ; in med. , used for rheumatic and other affec- tions. veil, n., val (old F. veile, a veil ; L. velum, a covering, a curtain), in bot., the partial covering of the stem or margin of the cap among Fungi ; also said of the indusium of ferns. vein, n., van (F. veine, a vein ; L. vena, a blood-vessel), in anat. , one of the vessels of the body which convey the blood back to the heart ; in bot. , one of the small branching ribs of a leaf. vellus, n., vel'-Lus (L. vellus, a fleece), in bot., the stipe of certain Fungi. velum, n., vel'um (L. velum, a vail), in zoo?., the membrane which surrounds and partially closes the mouth of the disc of the Medusae, etc. ; in bot. , the cellular covering of the gille of an agaric in its early state : velum inter- positum, m'-ter-pos'-fc-um (L. in- terpdsztus, a putting between, interposed), a vascular membrane reflected from the pia - mater, into the interior of the brain through the transverse fissure : v. pendulum palati, p^nd'ul-um pal-at'-i (L. pendulus, hanging down, pendulous ; pdlatum, the palate, pdldti, of the palate), in anat., the soft palate, a move- able fold suspended from the posterior border of the hard palate, forming an incomplete septum between the mouth and pharynx. velutinus, a., v$l'ut-in'us (mid. L. velutinus, velvety from L. vellus, a fleece), in bot., velvety ; applied to plants having a dense covering of short down like velvet : vel- utinous, a., vel-ut'in-us, having a velvety appearance. vena azygos major, ven'-d dz'fy-b's mddj'or(L. vena, a vein ; Gr. azug- os, unyoked; L. major, greater), in anat. , a vein on the right side of the body, commencing in the lumbar region : vena cava, Mv'd (L. cdvus, hollow), a name applied to each of the two large veins which convey the blood back to right side of the heart the vena cava inferior returning the blood from the lower limbs, and from the viscera of the abdomen and pel vis ; the vena cava superior returns the blood from the head, the neck, the upper limbs, and the thorax : v. cordis magna, kdrd'-is mag- nd (L. cor, the heart, cordis, of the heart ; magnus, great), the great cardiac vein which coils round the left side of the base of the ventricle, and returns the blood from the substance of the heart to the right auricle : VEN v. hemiazygos, (Gr. hemi, half; azugos, unyoked), the left or small azygos, a left intercostal vein, which crosses to join the main azygos near the seventh dorsal vertebra : v. portae, ptirt'-e (L. porta, a gate, portce, of a gate), the large vein which conveys the blood from the intes- tines into the liver, so named because it enters the porta or gate of the liver. vense basis vertebrarum, ven'e bas'-is vert'8b-rdr'>%m (L. vena, a vein, vence, veins ; basis, a base, or of a base ; vertebra, a joint, vertebrarum, of joints), the veins belonging to the bodies of the vertebrae ; comparatively large vessels or veins contained in the canals within the bodies of the vertebrae : venae comites, kom' zt-ez (L. c8m$s, a companion, c6m- ites, companions), two or more deep veins accompanying an artery and its branches, following the distribution of such arteries : v. cordis minimse, ktird'is miri- m-e (L. cor, the heart, cordis, of the heart ; minimus, least), the very small veins of the heart ; very small veins which open directly into the right auricle, and return the blood from the substance of the heart : v. Galeni, gdl-en^l (L. Gdlenus, a celebrated anc. physi- cian), two veins formed by the union of the minute veins of the choroid plexus of the brain : v. parvae, pdri/-e (L. parvus, little, small), the small or anterior cardiac veins ; several small branches of veins which com- mence upon the anterior surface of the right ventricle, and open separately into the right auricle of the heart. venation, n., vVn-d'-shun (L. vena, a vein), in bot. , the arrangement of the veins or framework in 438 VEH venery, n., &*<** (L. Venus, the goddess of love, vcnerls, of Venus), sexual intercourse : ven- ' ereal, a., ven-er^-al, pert, to or connected with sexual intercourse. venesection, n., ven'-Z-sek'-shtin (L. vena, a vein ; s'eco, I cut), the operation of bleeding from a vein, generally one at the head of the elbow. venous, a., ven'us (L. venosus, full of veins from vena, a vein), pert, to or contained in a vein. venter, n., v'enf-er (L. venter, the belly), applied to the part of the internal surface of the ilium, which presents anteriorly a large smooth concave surface, lodging the iliacus muscle : venter of the scapula, skap'-ul'Oi (L. scaptila, the shoulder-blade), the anterior surface of the scapula, presenting a broad concavity, called the sub-scapular fossa : ventral, a., v$ntf-ral, abdominal ; relating to the inferior surface of the body ; the opposite of dorsal ; in bot., applied to the part of the carpel nearest the axis, or in front. ventricle, n., vZnt'-rik-l (L. dim. ventriculus, the belly or stomach from venter, the belly), a small cavity in an animal body, as in the brain or heart ; applied to the cavities of the heart, which receive blood from the auricles : ventricose, a., v$nt'-rik>6z, dis- tended ; swelling out in the middle, or unequally on one side: ventricular, a., vVnt-rik'-ul- ar, pert, to a ventricle or small cavity ; bellied. Veratreaj, n. plu., ttfHH*r$ (L. verdtrum, hellebore : ver%, truly ; dter, black), a Sub- order of the Ord. Melanthacese : Veratrum, n., ver-dl'rum, a genus of elegant plants when in flower, so named from the black colour of the root : Veratrum album, alb'-um (L. albus, white), a species whose rhizome or roots, the white hellebore of the Greeks, is an irritant, narcotic poison : V. viride, vir r -1d-e (L. VER 439 VER vMdis, green), is an acrid, emetic, and powerful stimulant, followed by sedative effects : ver- atrin, n., ver-dt'rin, or veratria, n., vZr-at'-ri-a, an alkaloid, to whose presence is due the prop- erties of Veratrum, used as an emetic and purgative, and in gout : veratric acid, ver-dt'-rik, an acid found in the seeds of Asagrsea officinalis, formerly called Veratrum Sabadilla. Verbascum, n., verb-aslc'-tim (L. verbascum, lungwort, the plant mullein), a genus of strong plants, producing an abundance of showy flowers, Ord. Scrophul- ariacese : Verbascum Thapsus, thap'-sus ( Thapsus, said to be an island where it grew), a species whose woolly leaves are emollient, and slightly narcotic, used in some pectoral affections.; also called Great Mullein. VerbenacesB, n. ^\.\\..,verb f -^n'd r -se-e (L. verbence, the boughs or branches of laurel, or other sacred boughs), the Vervain family, an Order of plants, many of which are frag- rant and aromatic, some bitter and tonic, and some acrid : Verb- ena, n., verb-en' a, a genus of extremely beautiful and orna- mental plants in flower: Verbena officinalis, *f-f&fo-4&U (L. officinalis, officinal, by authority from officlna, a workshop), the Vervain, a sacred plant among the Greeks, and received from them the name Holywort : V. camsedrifolia, kam'ed'ri'fdV-i-d (Gr. chamai, on the ground ; Gr. drus, an oak ; L. fdlium, a leaf), a species from which the varieties of Verbenas of the gardens are chiefly obtained : V. Teucrioides, tuMri'dyd'-ez (after Teucer, its discoverer ; Gr. eidos, resem- blance), a species whose flowers have a delightful jasmine-like odour. Vermes, n., verm'ez (L. vermis, a worm, vermes, worms), employed in nearly the same sense as Annaloida and Anarthropoda. vermicular, a., verm-ik'-ul-ar (L. vermicUlUs, a little worm from vermis, a worm), of or pert, to a worm ; that resembles the move- ments of a worm : vermiculate, a., verm-i&ul-dt, also vermiform, a., verm'i'ftirm (L. forma, shape), resembling a worm ; shaped like a worm. vernation, n., vem-d'-shun (L. verndtio, a renewal from ver, spring), in bot., the arrangement of the nascent leaves in the leaf- bud. Veronica, n. , ver-on'ik-a (said to be a corruption of Arabic viroo-nikoo, beautiful remembrance ; It. and Sp. veronica), an extensive genus of plants, producing beautiful flowers, Ord. Scrophulariacese : Veronica officinalis, df-fis'in-dl'- is (L. o/icindlis, officinal, by authority from p/icina, a work- shop), a species whose leaves are bitter and astringent, sometimes used as tea. verrucaa, n. plu., vZr-rds'e (L. verruca, a wart, an excrescence, verrucce, warts), in bot., collec- tions of thickened cells on the surface of plants, assuming a rounded form, and containing starch and other matters : ver- ruc8Bform, a., vgr-rds'-eftirm (L. forma, shape), shaped like warts: verrucose, a., ver'-rdk-oz' , covered with wart-like excrescences. versatile, a., vers'at-tt (L. versdt- ttis, that turns round, moveable from verso, I turn much and often), in bot., attached by one point to the filament, and so very easily turned round, as an anther. vertebra, n., vertf-Zb-ra, vertebras, n. plu., vert'-eb-re (L. vertebra, a joint from verto, I turn), a bone of the spine or backbone, so called from its moving upon the adjoining one: cervical vertebras are those of the neck, and are seven in number: dorsal vertebrae VER 440 VES are those of the back, and are twelve in number : lumbar vert- ebrae are those of the loins, and are five in number: vertebral, a., vert'Zb-ral, pert, to the joints of the spine or backbone. vertebrate, a. r vert'-^eb-rdt, also vertebrated, a., vert^b-rdt'-Zd, having a backbone or vertebral column : Vertebrata, n. plu. , vert' eb- rat' a, the Division of the animal kingdom characterised by the possession of a backbone or vertebrae. : vertebra dentata, d&nt'dtfd (L. dentdtus, toothed from dens, a tooth), the second vertebra or axis, which forms a pivot on which the head with the first vertebra rotates : vert- ebra prominens, prdm'-m-enz (L. prommens, standing out, promin- ent), the seventh cervical vert- ebra, so named because being so long it is readily felt beneath the skin. vertex, n., vert'eks, vertices, n. plu., vert'-is-ez (L. vertex, that which revolves about itself, the top or crown of the head from verto, I turn), in anat., the top or crown of the head : vertical, a., verif-ik-al, perpendicular to the horizon ; standing upright. verticil, n., vertfw-il(L. verticillus, the whirl of a spindle, a little vertex from vertex, a whirl, the top), in bot., a whorl or form of inflorescence, having the flowers arranged in a circle around an axis: verticillate, a., vert-itf-il-ldt, having parts arranged in a whorl, or like the rays of a wheel ; vert- icillaster, n., vert'-is-il-last'-er (L. aster, a diminutive termination), a false whorl or verticil, formed of two nearly sessile cymes, placed in the axils of opposite leaves. vertigo, n., vert-ig'6 (L, vertigo,.*, turning or whirling round from verto, I turn about), giddiness, in which the patient feels that he is standing still, while the objects near him are running, round. verumontanum, ver-u-mSnt'-dn - urn (L. veru, a spit, a dart ; mons, a mountain, montis, of a mountain), in anat., a narrow longitudinal ridge of the urethra, formed by an elevation of the mucous membrane and its subjacent tissue. vesica, n., vVs-lk'a (L. vesica, the bladder), in anat., the urinary bladder: vesical, a., vVs-ik'-al, pert, to or in relation with the bladder: vesicant, n., ves'-ik-ant, any external application which can raise a blister on the skin, as Spanish fly, acetic acid, etc. vesicle, n., v'es'-ik-l, also vesicule, n., ves'-ik'ul (L. vesicula, a little bladder from vesica, a bladder), a small bladder-like blister on an animal body; a little sac or cyst; a small bladder-like cavity: vesicula, n., ves-ik^ul-d, in bot., composed of cells : vesico-uterine, ves f >ik'd-ut''er>in, applied to folds of peritoneum extending from the uterus to the urinary bladder: vesicula prostatica, pros-tat'-ik-a (Gr. prostates, one who stands before, a leader), a depression at the forepart of the verumontanum in its middle line : vesiculae seminales, ves-ik'ul-e sem^in-dl'-fo (L. semen, seed, semmis, of seed), the seminal vesicles in which the semen lodges. vestibule, n., vtst'ib-ul (L. vestib- ulum, a forecourt), a small oval cavity of the internal ear, forming an entry to the cochlea, etc.; a small cavity in the ventricle of the heart ; the angular interval between the nymphse. vestigium foraminis ovalis, vest- idf'i-umfdr-am'in-is ov-dl'is (L. vestigium, a trace, a vestige ; fdrdmen, an aperture, foraminis, of an aperture ; ovalis, oval from ovum, an egg), the vestige of the foramen ovale of the foetal heart, which indicates the original place of communication between the two auricles : vestigial, a., VET 441 VIN V&st'ldj'^&l, pert, to a trace or vestige ; applied to a fold of the pericardium. veterinary, a., vet^r-itn-ar^ (L. v$t&rindrt&8, belonging to beasts of burden from vetermce, draught cattle, or beasts of burden), pert, to or connected with the art of treating the diseases of domestic animals. vexillum, n., v&ks'il'-lum (L. vex- illum, a standard or banner), in bot. , the upper or posterior petal of a papilionaceous or pea flower : vexillary, a., veks'-il-lar-i, denot- ing a form of aestivation in which the vexillum or upper petal is folded over the other. vibices, n. plu., wb'is'-ez (L. vlbex, the mark of a blow or stripe, vibicis, of the mark of a blow), patches of haemorrhage, occurring in the skin in purpura; also known as ' ecchymosis '; called ' petechise ' when very small. vibracula, n., vib-rak'-ul-a (L. vibro, 1 shake, I quiver), long, filamentous appendages found in many Polyzoa. vibrio, n., rnb'-ri-d, vibriones, n. jAu, 9 vib''r$-dn'ez (L.vibro, I quiver or shake), minute thread -like animalcules found in many organic infusions. vibrissaa, n. plu., vib-ris'-se (L. vibrissce, hairs in the nose of man from wbro,I shake), hairs found growing at the entrance of the nostrils, and other outlets ; the whiskers in cats. Viburnum, n., mb-ern'um (L. viburnum, the wayfaring tree), a genus of elegant flowering shrubs, Ord. Caprifoliacese : Viburnum lantana, lant-dn'o, (the anc. name of viburnum), the pliant mealy tree, a species whose bark and berries are acrid : V. opulus, dp'ul* us (L. cpulus, a kind of maple tree), the Gueldres-rose,also called snow- ball, from its globular head of abortive leaves : V. tinus, tln'-us (L. tmiiSy a plant,, supposed V. tinus), a species, the Laurustinus of gardeners. ictoria,n.,w-6r'-a (after Queen Victoria of Britain and Ireland), a genus of noble aquatic plants, inhabiting the tranquil rivers of S. America, Ord. Nymphseacese, the seeds and root- stocks of many of the plants containing much starch, used as food : Victoria regia, redf-i-a (L. regius, royal), one of the largest aquatics known, its very large flowers have a fine odour. Vidian, a., vid'-i-an (after Vidius, a professor at Paris), a name applied to (1) a small branch of the inferior maxillary artery ; (2) a canal which passes through the sphenoid bone horizontally ; (3) a nerve arising from the spheno- palatine ganglion, and passing through the Vidian canal. villi, n. plu., vU'-l (L. villus, wool or hair, mill, hairs), in anat., minute projections on the mucous lining of the intestinal canal, which are made up of blood- vessels, nerves, and absorbents ; in bot., projections or papillae on the surface of the epidermis of a plant, when these assume an elongated or conical form ; jagged leafy processes, covering the stem, amongst the leaves : villose, a. , vtt-ozf, also villous, a., vU'-us, in bot., covered with long weak hairs or down ; in anat. , downy ; velvety: villus, n., vittus, in anat., one of the conical projec- tions of the mucous membrane of the small intestines. vincula accessoria tendinum, vingk'-ul-a ak'-ses-sor'-i-a tend'* m-um (L.. vmculum, a chain, a fetter ; accessorms, accessory, added from accessio, an increase, an addition ; tendo, a tendon, tendinum, of tendons), the acces- sory fetters of the tendons ; also vincula vasculosa, vask'-ul'dz'-ti (L. vasculosus, lull of little vessels from vasculum, a little vessel), VIO 442 VIT the vascular fetters or fibres are slender and loose bands, forming accessory fibres to the sheaths of the flexor tendons of the fingers. Violaceae, n. plu., vl^dl-af-s^e (L. vffila, the violet), the Violet family, an Order of plants, distinguished by the emetic prop- erties of their roots : Violeaa, n. plu., vi'dl'&'e, a tribe of plants : Viola, n., vl'ol-a, a genus of plants, esteemed for the beauty and scent of their flowers : Viola odorata, dd'-or-at'-a (L. odordtus, having a scent or smell from oddr, scent, smell), the sweet or March Violet, whose roots have been used. as an emetic, and the petals as a laxative : V. tricolor, tri'kdl'-dr (OL. tris, three; ctilor, colour), Heart's- ease, which, with other species, have been used as demulcent .expectorants ; all the cultivated varieties of the pansies have originated from V. .tricolor : V. canina, kan-m'a (L. canlnus, of or pert, to a dog from cams, a dog), said to be good in cutan- eous diseases. Viperina, n. plu., vip'%r-in f -a (L. vlpZrinus, pert, to an adder from vlpera, an adder, a snake), in zooL, a group of the snakes : viperine, a., vip'er-m, of or pert, to a snake. virescence, n., vtr-fotynz ((L. vir- escens, growing green), in bot.., the production of green in petals instead of the usual colouring matter : virescent, a., vir-Zs'sZnt, approaching a green hue. virgate, a., verg'dt (L. virga, a rod), in bot., long and straight like a wand. virus, n., vlr'-us (L. virus, poison), a morbid poison, as of an ulcer ; the agent which transmits infec- tious diseases. vis-a-fronte, vis' -a-frfait'-e (L. vis, strength, force ; a, from ; frons, the front, f route, from the front), in anat. , one of the forces, called the 'Aspiratory force,' which tend to produce a regular flow of blood ; in bot., the evaporation of the leaves, which assists the ascent of the sap in plants : vis-a-tergo, -terg'o (L. tergum, the back, tergo, from the back), in anat., the constant pressure from behind which causes the flow onwards of the blood towards the veins ; in bot., the pushing force from below upwards by which the ascent of the sap in plants is assisted, caused by the absorption of moisture by the rootlets : vis nervosa, nerv-vzf-a (L. nervosus, nervous from nervus, a nerve), the property of nerves by which they convey stimuli to muscles either directly or circuitously. viscera, n. plu., vts'er-a (L. Discus, a bowel, visc&ra, the bowels), in anat., the bowels, situated in the abdomen ; the contents of the thorax ; the con- tents of the cranium : viscus, n. , visk'-us, any internal organ of the body : visceral, a. , vis'-sZr-al, pert, to the viscera. viscous, a,, visWus (L. viscum, the mistletoe, a sticky substance called birdlime made from it), glutinous.; clammy, like bird- lime. Viscum, n., vislt'-urn (L. viscum, the mistletoe ; viscus, birdlime, from the sticky nature of the berries), a genus of plants, Ord. Loranthacese : Viscum album, alb'-tim (L. albus, white), the Mistletoe, a parasitic plant, chiefly found on apple trees, but was .esteemed most by the Druids when found on oaks. VitacesB, n. plu., vit-d'-s&e (L. vltis, a vine), the Vine family, an Order of plants, also named ' Ampelideas,' which see: Vitis, n., vlt'-is, a very valuable and interesting genus of fruit-bearing plants : Vitis vinifera, vin-if-^r-a (L. vinum, vine ; fero, I bear), the grape vine, whose unripe fruit vrr 443 VOL contains the harsh acid juice called verjuice, the leaves are astringent, and are used in diar- rhoea, its sap in France is the popular remedy for chronic oph- thalmia ; raisins are dried grapes : V. vulpina, vulp-m'-a (L. vulp- Inus, of or belonging to a fox from vulpes, a fox), a species which yields the fox-grapes .of Rhode Island. vitelline, n., vU-tl'-ltn (L. vitellus, the yolk of an egg), the album- inous substance of the yolk of eggs ; in bot., the colour of the yolk of an egg : adj., applied to a membrane which encloses the yolk of the ovum : vitellus, n,, vit-81'lus, in anat., the contents of the ovum ; in bot., the thickened sac within the nucleus which contains the amnios ; the embryo- sac, remaining distinct from the nucleus in the seeds, and forming a covering. viticula, n., vit-iUul-a (dim. of L. vltis, a vine), in bot., a trailing stem, as of a cucumber. vitiligo, n., mt'-ll-lg'-d (L. vttiligo, a cutaneous eruption, leprosy), a cutaneous disease, consisting of white patches on the skin, caused by loss of the usual colouring matter: vitiligoidea, vit f 'il-ig'dyd f > 2-a(Gr. eidos, resemblance), yellow patches sometimes met with round the eyelids, and elsewhere on the skin. vitreous, a., vitfr8-ti,s (L. vitr$u&, glassy, clear), applied to the glutinous, semi-fluid substance which fills up the central portion of the eye, and is quite transparent. Vitt89, n. plu., vit'-e (L. vitta, a band or fillet worn round the head among the ladies of anc. Rome), in bot. t narrow elongated receptacles of aromatic oil, occur- ring in the fruits of Umbellifers, appearing as brown dots between the pericarp and albumen in a transverse section of the fruit : vittate, a., vit'.at, striped. Vivianiacese, n. plu., s&-e (L. after Viviana, a botanist of Genoa), the Viviania family, an Order of plants of Chili : Viv- iana, n., viv f 'i'dn f 'a, a genus of very pretty plants. viviparous, a., riv-ip'-ar-iis (L. wivus, alive ; pario, I produce), in zool., bringing forth young alive ; in bot., producing young plants in place of seeds ; attached in some unusual way to the parent, as young plants. vivisection, n., wiv'-i-s^k'-shun (L. vlvus, alive.; sectus, cut), the dissection of an animal while living ; anatomical and surgical experiments on a living animal. Vochysiacese, n. plu., vtik-iz'-i-a'- se-e (from Vochy, the Guiana name of a species), the Yochysia family, an Order of plants, inhabiting tfhe warmer parts of America: Vochysia, n., v8k-iz'- i-d, a genus of plants, whose flowers are very sweet, and some yield a resinous juice. volar, a., vol'ar (L. vdla, the palm of the hand), a branch of the radial artery, arises near the place where the radial leaves the front of the forearm, and passes onwards into the hands. volubile, a., vdl-ub'-il-8, also vol'- ub-il (L. voluUlis, that turns itself round, twining from volvo, I turn .round), in bot., applied to stems, leaf-stalks, and the like, which have the property of twisting around some other body ; twining spirally. volute, a., vdl-ut' (L. volutus, turned round, twisted), in bot., rolled up or twisted in any direction : volution, n., vdl'ti'- shun, a spiral turn or wreath. volva, n., v8lv f *(i (L. volva, a wrapper from volvo, I roll or turn about), in bot., the invol- ucrum-like base of the stipes of agarics, which was originally the bag enveloping the whole plant ; a general wrapper in Fungi. VOL 444 WRI Volvulus, n., volv'-ul-tis (new L. vdlvulus, a little roll or wrapper from volvo, I roll or turn about), in surg., the passing of one portion of an intestine into another, commonly the upper into the lower part. vomer, n., vdm'-er (L. vomer, a ploughshare), in anat., the slender thin bone separating the two nostrils, so named from its fancied resemblance to a ploughshare. vomica, n., vom'-ik-a, vomicse, n. plu., vomf'ls-e, (L. vSmica, a sore, a tumour), in surg., the cavities formed in the destruction of the lungs ; the collection of purulent matter in the lungs, forming cavities, constituting one of the most constant and important of morbid changes in chronic phthisis. vulva, n., vulv'-a (L. vulva, a womb), the external and visible parts of the female genitals : vulv- ular, a., vulv'-ul-ar, pert, to, or in relation with the vulva. warts, n., wdwrts (Dut. werte, Ger. warze, a wart), in med. , dry excrescences of different forms, found on the skins of animals ; verrucse or papillary tumours ; in bot., firm glandular excrescences on the surfaces of plants. wen, n., wen (AS. wenn, a swelling, a wart), an encysted tumour, affecting the head, face, or neck. wheal, n., liwel (AS. walan, a wheal ; Goth, valus, Icel. volr, a rod, a stick), the raised streak on the skin left by a stripe, as with a cane ; red and white marks on the skin, seen in cases of nettle-rash. whites, n. plu., hwitz, the popular name for 'leucorrhrea,' which see. whitlow, n., hwit'-lo (Prov. Eng. whickflaw from Prov. Eng. whick, quick, alive ; Eng. flaw], a flaw or sore about the quick of the nail ; an abscess beneath the periosteum of the distal phalanx of any finger ; paronychia. whooping-cough, hdp'Jng- (a word imitative of the sound), an infec- tious disease, principally of child- hood, characterised by convulsive paroxysms of coughing, frequently fatal ; pertussis. whorl, n., hworl (Dan. hverre, to turn ; Dut. worwel, a whirl, an eddy), the spiral turn of a univalve shell ; any set of organs or appen- dages arranged in a circle around an axis ; leaves arranged in a regular circumference round a stem ; in bot., a verticil. wing, n. , wing, in bot. , one of the two lateral petals of a papilion- aceous flower ; the broad, flat edge of any organ : winged, a., wmg'ed, furnished with broad, membranous expansions, womb, n., wdm (AS. wamb, Icel. vomby belly, womb), the hollow organ in the female animal in which the young is conceived and nourished till birth. woorali, see 'wourali.* wornil, n., wern'41 (a diminutive of worm), the larva or maggot of an insect found on the backs of' cattle. wourali or woorali, n., wdr'al-Z (from a native name, ourari), an arrow poison prepared by the S. American Indians from the plant Strychnos toxifera, or S. Guianensis, Ord. Loganiacese. Wrightia, n., riM-ti, (after Dr. Wright, a Scotch botanist), a genus of plants, Ord. Apocynacese: Wrightia tinctoria, tingk-tor'-i-d (L. tinctorius, of or belonging to dyeing from tingo, I dye), a species from whose leaves an in- ferior kind of indigo is prepared : W. antidysenterica, ant'-i-dis'-en' ter'-ik-a (Gr. anti, against ; dus, badly ; entZra, the bowels), a species whose bark is the Conessi bark of the Materia Medica, valued as a tonic, a febrifuge, and in dysentery.' XAN 445 XYL canthelasma, n., zantlM-az'-ma (Gr. xanthos, yellow ; Plasma, a plate of metal hammered out), a disease of the skin characterised by yellow, slightly-raised patches, most common around the eyelids. lanthic, a., zanth'-ik (Gr. xanthos, yellow), tending towards a yellow colour: xanthine, n., z&nihtin, the yellow, insoluble, colouring matter in certain plants and flowers. Kanthophyll, n., zanthf-o-fil (Gr. xanthos, yellow; phullon, a leaf), the yellow colouring matter of plants. Xanthorrhaea, n., zanth'-or-re'a (Gr. xanthos, yellow ; rMo, I flow), a genus of plants, Ord. Liliacese, to which belong the Black-boy, grass-gum trees of Australia : Xanthorrhaea hastile, hast>ll f '% (L. hn^tlU, the shaft of a spear), the grass-tree of New S. "Wales, yields a yellow gum-like substance ; the leaves afford good fodder for cattle, and the natives eat the tender white centre of the top. Xanthoxylaceae, n. plu., zanth- &ks''il'a''S%-e (Gr. xanthos, yellow; zultin, wood), the Xanthoxylon family, an Order of plants, some of which yield a volatile oil, aromatic and pungent, some are diaphoretics, others febrifugal and tonic : Xanthoxylon, n. , zanth-dks'il'd'n, a genus of plants, from their pungency sometimes called peppers : Xanthoxylon fraxineum, fraks-m'-e'-um (L. fraxmZus, of ash - wood from frdxmus, the ash -tree), the prickly ash, acts as a sialogogue : A. caribsBum, kar'-ib-e'-um (of or from the Caribbean Islands'), W. Indian species having a bitter and febrifugal bark: X. piperitum, piptyr-it'-um (L. piperltus, of or pert, to pepper from piper, pepper), a Japanese species called Japan pepper : xanthopicrine, n., zanth'tip'-ik-rin (Gr. scanthos, yellow ; piTcros, sweet), the bitter principle secreted by many species of the Order. xeroderma, n., zer'-o-dermf-d (Gr. xeros, dry ; derma, skin), a skin which is dry, hard, and rough ; also termed ichthyosis, or fish- skin disease. xerophiles, n. plu., zer'-o-filz (Gr. xeros, dry ; phileo, I love), in bot. , plants which require a large amount of heat and but little moisture : xerophilous, a. , zVr-of- il-us, of or pert, to such plants, xiphisternum, n., zi^'Stern'-urn (Gr. xiphos, a sword ; sternon, the breast), in zool., the inferior or posterior segment of the sternum, corresponding to the xiphoid cartilage of human anatomy. xiphoid, a., zif-oyd (Gr. xiphos, a sword ; eidos, resemblance), in anat. , sword - shaped ; a term applied to the cartilage of the sternum. xiphophyllous, &.,zif'd-fil''lus (Gr. xiphwn, a corn flag from xiphos 9 a sword; phullon, a leaf), in bot. 9 having ensiform leaves. Xiphosura, n., zif^dz-ur^a (Gr. xiphos, a sword ; oura, a tail), an Order of Crustacea, charac- terised by their long, sword-like tails, as in the King-crabs. xylem, n., zil'-em (Gr. xulon, wood), bast-fibre or flax, procured from the inner bark of the stalk of Linum usitatissimum ; woody tissue. xylocarp, n., zil'-o-lcdrp (Gr. xulSn, wood; karpos, fruit), in bot., a hard and woody fruit : xylocarp- ous, a., zil'-d-kdrp'-tis, having fruit becoming hard and woody, xylophagous, a., zil-d/'dg-iis (Gr. xul6n, wood ; phago, 1 eat), eat- ing or feeding on wood ; in zool. , applied to certain Mollusca. Xylopia, n., zil'dp'-l-a (Gr. xulon, wood ; pikrtis, bitter), a genus of ornamental plants, Ord. Anon- acese, the wood of some species XYR 446 ZON being extremely bitter : Xylopia aromatica, ar'-om-dt'-ik-d (L. dromdticus, aromatic, fragrant from aroma, a spice), a species commonly called Ethiopian pep- per: X.glabra,^6-ra (L.glaber, smooth, without hair),, a species called Bitter-wood in W. Indies : X. frutescens, frot>$s'ens (L. frutex, a shrub or bush), a native of Cayenne, the seeds used instead of spices : X. grandiflora, grand' l-jlor'-a (L, grdndis, great ; flos, a flower, floris, of a flower), a Brazilian species, esteemed for its carminative fruits, and febrif- ugal properties. Xyridacese,. n; plu., zir'td-d'se'e (Gr. xurds, sharp, razor-like), the Xyris family, an Order of plants, whose leaves terminate in sharp points : Xyris, n. , zlr'is, a genus of plants. yaws, n. plu., yawz (African yaw, a berry), a contagious disease, common in Africa, characterised by eruptions resembling straw- berries. yeast, n. , yest (Ger. gascht, froth of beer ; AS. gist, yeast), the froth in the working of beer ; the matter which separates from a liquid during the vinous fermen- tation ; yeast itself consists of a mass of minute cryptogamic plants : yeast plant, the popular name for the fungus or vinegar plant called Penicillium glauc- Zamia, n., zam'i-a (L. zdmia, hurt, damage), a genus of very remarkable plants, nearly related both to ferns and palms, Ord. Cycadacese : Zamia pumila, pum f > U-d (L. pumilus, dwarfish, little), a species which supplies an amyl- aceous matter, has been sold as arrowroot: Z. tenuis, ten'-u-is (L. tenuis, thin, fine); and Z. furfuracea, fer'fur-d's^d (L. furfur, bran or husks of wheat), also produce a kind of arrow- root. ZanthoxyllacesB, n. p[u.,zdnt7i-dJcs{ tt-ld'se-e, see ' Xanthoxyllacese.' Zea, n., ze'-d (Gr. zeia, Sansc. zeva, a species of corn), a genus of plants, Ord. Graminese, so named in reference to the nut- ritive qualities of the plants: Zea mays, md'iz (the Indian name), maize or Indian corn. Zingiberacese. n. plu., zinf-ib^ d'se-e (Gr. zinggibvris, the ginger plant from a native name), the Ginger family, an Order of plants, whose seeds and roots possess aromatic, stimulant properties Order is also called Scitaminese : Zingiber, n., zmj'ib-er, a genus of aromatic plants : Zingiber officinale, dffte'm-dl'Z (L. offtc- indlis, officinal, by authority from ' officlna, a workshop), a species whose rhizomes constitute the ginger of commerce, imported from E. and W. Indies, roots used as preserves in their young state,, used as a carminative and tonic in powder, syrup, or tincture. Zizania, n., ziz-dn'-i-d (Gr. zizani- on, a weed growing among corn, darnel), a genus of plants, natives of America, Ord. Graminese : Zizania aquatica, dk-wdt'-ik-d (L. dqudticus, growing or found in water from dqua, water), a species which supplies a kind of rice in Canada. Zizyphus, n., ziz'if-us (L. zizyph- um, Gr. zizuphon, the jujube), a genus of pretty plants, Ord. Rhamnacese, the fruit of many being edible : Zizyphus jujuba, j6'-j6b-d (Gr. zizuphon, Ar. zifzuf, the jujube tree), a tree which supplies the fruit called jujube, and a kind of Scinde lac is found on it : Z. lotus, lot'-us (Gr. lotos, L. lotus, the lotus), the Lotus or Lote-bush of the classics. zona denticulata, zdn f -d dent>W- ul'dt f -d (L. zona, Gr. zone, a belt or girdle ; L. dZnticuldtus, furnished ZON 447 with small teeth from dens, a tooth), in anat., the toothed belt: zona glomerulosa, gldm-&r'iil-dz'd (dim. from L. gl8m$rosus, like a hall, round from gltimus, a ball), the outer layer of the cortical part of the supra-renal bodies : z. pectinata, n., p^kf-tm-at'-d (L. pecttndtus, combed from pectin, a comb), the comb-like belt ; the outer zone of the membrana basilaris: z. -pellucido,, pZl-lds'id-a (L. pellucidus, transparent), the i external covering of the ovum ; a thick, colourless, transparent envelope which surrounds the i substance of the yelk : z. reticul- s aris, r%t-ik''Ul-dr'>is (L. reticuldr- is, net-like from ret&, a net), the inner layer of the cortical part of the supra-renal bodies. zonate, a., zon
ibus to or with bites. LATIN ADJECTIVES. Latin adjectives have their terminations of the first and second declensions, or of the third only. Adjectives have their terminations masc., fern., or neut., and are always made to agree with the gender of the nouns which they qualify. The following adjectives are first declined in their separate declensions, and then with nouns. Every vowel is sounded as marked, except in the case of diphthongs. Albus, a., white. SING. MASO. albus, am, albo, ftlbum, y. dlbe, Ab. albo, G. D. A. FEM. alba, alba, (e) diba, (e) alb&m, dlbd, dlbd, NEUT. album, albl, dlbd, album, album, dlbd, white, of white, to white, white. white, with white. 452 THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. PLU. MASO. FEM. NEUT. K dlbi, albce, dlbd, white. G. dlbdrtum, dlbdris t of huge. D. Ingtnt'-l, A. ing^nt^m, IngZnt'i, ingent'Zm, ingZnt'i IngZns, to huge, huge. Ab. ing&ntfe or ingtnt'-i, etc., with huge. THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. 453 PLU. MASO. FEM. N. A. Y . fagfattfy, tngtnt'-es, -' ' G. D. Ab. in-g^n'-tium, mgent'.ib&s, in-g^n'-tium, huge, of huge, with huge. The following is one adjective and nouns in full, corresponding in gender, as an example : SING. N. dlbus dg$r, a white field ; alba pmnd, a white feather ; alWm c8r, a white heart. G. dlbl dgrl, dlbce pinnce, dlbl cordis, of a white field ; of a white feather ; of a white heart. D. dlbo dgro, dlbce pinnce, dlbd ctirdi, to a white field ; to a white feather ; to a white heart. A. album dgrum, dlbdm pinndm, album cdr, a white field ; a white feather ; a white heart. V. dlbe dg$r, dlbd pinna, album cdr, white field ; white feather ; white heart. Ab. dlbo dgro, dlbd pmnd, dlbo cdrde, with a white field ; with a white feather ; with a white heart. PLTJ. N. dlbl dgri, dlbce pinnce, dlbd ctirda, white fields ; white feathers ; white hearts. G. dlbdrum dgrorum, dlbdrum pinndrum, dlbdrum cSrd'ium, of white fields ; of white feathers ; of white hearts. D. dlbis dgrts, dlbis pinms, dlbis ctirdibus, to white fields ; to white feathers ; to white hearts. A. dlbds dgrfis, dlbds pinnas, dlbd ctirdd, white fields ; white feathers ; white hearts. V. dlbl dgri, dlbce pinnce, dlbd ctirdd, white fields ; white feathers ; white hearts. Ab. dlbis dgrls, dlbts pinniSj dlbis cdrdibus, with white fields ; with white feathers ; with white hearts. Latin adjectives, in grammars of that language, are usually inflected with only the masculine spelt in full, followed by the proper change of the terminations for the fern, and neut. In the subjoined list of the trivial or second part of specific names, which occur in the body of the present work, this plan w r ill be adopted, each word being followed by its English meaning ; of course, only the nominatives in the three genders are given. Trivial names often consist of nouns in any gender, which are made to do duty as indeclinable adjectives, that is, they remain unchanged in their terminations whatever the gender of the ' generic names ' may be ; as Triticum spelta, spelt, or an inferior kind of wheat. The trivial noun-adjective is frequently found in the genitive case, as Theophrasta Jusscei } that is, the plant * Theophrasta ' of Jussseus, the botanist. 454 THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. MASO. tic'.er, -ris, NETJT. -Um, -re, ces'tiv'-us, Af'-ric-dn'-Us, til-at'-Us, dlb'.ic-dns, tilb'-id-Us, tilb'.t.jldr'-Us, OR/.fa, til'-ct-Us, al'.li'dc'.e-Us, dlp-Zst'-ris, dlp-in'-Us, tilt-is'sim'Us, tim'-tir-WlUs, dm,' ar' Us, -a, a, -dps, -ti, -ti, ti, -tins, -ti, ti, ti, -d, a, -ris, -ti, ti, -ti, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -dps, -Um, -tins, - -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -re, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, of or pert, to southernwood. sharp. having a leaf like the maple tree. having slightly the taste of vinegar, having a taste like the sorrel. thorny ; prickly. pointed ; sharpened. having sharp, pointed leaves. the oak, bearing acorns. of or pert, to summer. of or belonging to Africa ; African. furnished with wings. growing white. whitish. having a white flower. white. of or like mallows. like garlic. of or from the Alps. of or from the Alps. very high. somewhat bitter. bitter. of or from America. dmf-m6'd^nd f -r6n, n., a tree growing among sand. -Um, yielding a gum resin ammoniac. dn'a-cdrd'i-Us, an-gUs'.ti-fdl'.i-Us, dn'-is.dt'.us, an-is'-d-phyl'-lus, tin'-nHl'in'-Us, tin'-nU'Us, ant'drct'.ic-tis, tinth'Vl'-mf-Us, dn'-ti'Sc6r-but'-iC'US, -d, tiph'-tiC'Us, tiq-uattiC'Us, (wtit) dq-udt^Us, (wat) dq^ul'foV'i'US, (wi) aq'.ml-m'.Us, (wil) dq'-uil-Us, (ml) Ar-db'.W'Us, dr-bor^-Us, dr'-btir-trfstis, drc'ttc-Us, -ti, -Um, of or from almonds. -ti, -Um, shaped like a heart. -ti, -Um, narrow-leaved. -a, -Um, of or like the anise plant. -ti, -Um, having a leaf like the anise. -ti, -Um, of the anise. -ti, -Um, of or like a ring. -ti, -Um, annual ; that lasts a year. -ti, -Um, found in the antarctic regions. -ti, -Um, that which expels worms. -a, -Um, good against worms. -Um, good against dysentery. -Um, good against scurvy. -ti, -Um, of a kind of pulse. -ti, -Um, of or pert, to Apollo. -ti, -Um, growing in water. -is, -e, growing in or found near water. -ti, -Urn, having needle-like leaves. -ti, -Um, of or like an eagle. -ti, -Um, of or pert, to an eagle ; dark-coloured* -ti, -Um, of or from Arabia. -$ns, -$ns, growing into a tree. a, -Um, tree -like, -fe, -e, the sad tree. -d, -Um, of or from the north. -d, -Um, adapted to sandy soils. THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. 455 MASC. dr-gtenfa'tis, ar'-is-tat'-us, Ar'-mor-dc'-i-us, tir'-om-dt'-ic-us, drt>ic''Ul-atf'US, dr-nnd''in-dc'(i'US, drv-ens'is, as'a'fc&t'-id'US, FEM. -d, -a, -d, -d, -d, NEUT. -urn, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -d, -um, As'-i-dt'ic-us, ds'-per-us, -d, -d, astk-mdt'iC'US, -d, duc'up'dr'-i'us, (a/wk)-d, dur-dt f 'US, (afar) ~d, dur-ic'-ul-us, (dwr) -d, du'tum-ndttis, (dw) -is, Av^l-lan'-us, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, dv-ic'-ul'drtis, civ'-i-us, -d, -Urn, -is, -e, -d, -um, . -, bdC'Cdt-us, -d, bdc'.cif-er, -cif^r-d, bdl'Sdm'-if-er, -if-Zr-d, bam''bus>6id r >is, (oyd) -is, Bdrb'.a-dZns'-is, -is, U-c6rn'-is, bi'fdr'.i-us, bij'ug-us, bis'pm-ds'ti bis-t6rt'-us t brZv'-is, brdn'-chi-dl'-is, bulb'ti-cdst'-an-us, bul'bos'-us, but'yr-dc'frus, but f -yr'ds f 'US, *, -is, -d, -d, -d, -d, -d, -d, -d, -d, -um, -Um, -um, -um, -e, -e, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -e, -e, -um, -um, -um, -d, -um, silvery. having a long ridged spine ; awned. of or from Brittany. aromatic ; fragrant. furnished with joints. having the nature of a reed. field-inhabiting. yielding a fetid gum resin. ascending ; growing upwards. of or from Asia. rough ; uneven. of or from Assam. good for those afflicted with asthma. having power to catch birds. overlaid with gold. having little ears. of or from Australia. autumnal. of or from Avella, a town of ancient Campania, where hard trees and nuts were numerous, pert, to avicula, a small bird, of or belonging to birds. of or from Babylou, furnished with berries or pearls. bearing berries. bearing or producing balsam. resembling the bamboo. of or from Barbadoes. praised ; commended ; blessed. of or from Bermuda. of or like the birch tree. having two horns ; forked. lasting two years. divided into two parts. yoked two together. doubly full of thorns. twice twisted. of or from the north ; northern. of or from Brazil. short. of or belonging to the windpipe. having a bulb like the chestnut. having a bulbous root. having the appearance or consistence of butter, as a product, full of a buttery substance. ccel'i-ros'-d, n., (sel) the rose of the sky. '-^ --'-- .d, -um, of or pert, to a turf. 456 THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. MASC. catty c-in'-us, (is) cdm-p^st'-ris, Cdn'.dd-tns f -is, Cdn'dr'-i'Zns'is, cdn'dZl'db'rus, cdn'in'us, FEM. 'TIS, -d, NEUT. -um, -re, -um, i, -um, I, -um, TL, -um, is, -e, cap'Tce'-us, (re) -d, -um, cdp f 'Sul-dr f 'is, -is, -e, cdrd'dm'dm'us, -d, -um, cdrd-unc'-ul'US, -d, -um, Cdr'-ib'bce'.us, (be) -d, -um, Cdr'-ic-us, -d, -Um, cdr'-i-es, n., rottenness; decay. cdm'e-us, -d, -um, cdr-nos'-us, -d, -urn, cdr-ot'-d, n., a carrot. cdrp'us, n., the wrist from Gr. cdrt'tt'dg'in'$-us, -d, -um, cdr'y'd'phyttlus, -d, -um, cds'ii'dr-in'-us, -d, -um, cdth'drt'iC'US, -d, -um, cdul'-i-flor'-us^Tcdwl) -d, -Um, cef-ib'd, n., in Spain, the silk-cotton tree. having a flower-cup. of or belonging to a field. yielding camphor ; like Camphor. of or from Canada. from the Canary Islands. like a branched candlestick. of or pert, to a dog. of or pert, to hemp. of or from Canton. pert, to a wild goat. having capsules. pert, to cardamon, a kind of cress. like a thistle ; pert, to the teasel. from Caribbean Islands. of or from Caria. having the appearance of flesh, of or like flesh. 'drptfts, n., fruit, of or like cartilage, having leaves shaped like nuts, pert, to the cassowary tree, purifying or cleansing, having bright shining stems. (dwr) -d, cep'-us, cer-e'if-er, cern'u-us, cVr-uV'Z'US, CMKcU-Qn', -um, -um, -um, -zs, -e, -d, -um, tf'-er-d, -um, -a, -um, -d, -d, chdm-cem'dr'us,(em)-ti, -um, , -um, -um, of or pert, to Gaul. pert, to the plant centaury. having a hundred leaves. having flowers disposed in heads. of or pert, to an onion. bearing wax. sloping or bending forwards ; with the face downwards. cerulean ; dark blue. of or from Chalcedon. low-growing and oak -leaved. growing on the ground, and appearing like the mulberry. cMc'd, n., tshi&d, the Indian name for a beauty ; a pretty girl. chined, n. , China ; from China. of or from China. of or belonging to Chiron, one of the fathers of medicine. bearing a red colour. producing golden-coloured flowers. like the chick-pea. pert, to the eyelids ; ciliary. having the colour of ashes. ash-coloured. encircled ; whorled. torn or cut off around. Chiri'$ns'is, -IS, -e, Chlr-on'-us, -d, -urn, chldr-oph'-dr-ts, -ts, e, chrys-dnth''us t -d, -um, cic'-^r-us, -d, -Um, cil'.t'dr'.is, -is, -e, ctn'Zr-dr'i-us, -d, -um, cin-Zr'e'US, -d, -um, cir'-cin-dKis, -is, -e, ciS-cum-scis'-sus, -a, -um, THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. 457 (sek) -$ns, ctil'd-cynth'is, (smth) -is, -d, MASC. FEM. NEUT. dst-8id f '$-us, (oyd) -d, -Um, resembling a box or chest. cU'ri-fol'-i-us, -d, -um, citron-leaved. citf-ri-d'dor'-us, -d, -Um, having the nature of the citron. cit-ruV-lus, n., the Sicilian water melon. cldv'dt'us, -d, -um, furnished with nails. cne'dr r >u8, (ne) -d, -um, like a kind of nettle. cdC'Cin'8'US, -d, -um, having a scarlet colour. ctic'cul-us, n. , a little berry from coccus, a berry. cCch'-fn-Wlif-er, -If-Zr-d, -um, bearing wood lice. -%ns, blinding. -e, pert, to the wild gourd. -um, of or like a serpent. -e, common. -um, like the hair of the head. -um, pressed. -um, composite. -um, made very dense. -um, thick ; dense. -um, rolled together. -um, cone-like. -um, born with. -um, made very solid or firm. -um, pert, to Paraguayan tea. -e, of or like red coral, heart-shaped, leaves shaped like hearts. cdl'ub'rin'-us, cdm-mun'-is t cdm-ds'iis, cdm-pact'us, cfin-fert'tis, -a, -d, -d, -d, -d, -d, *-d', c8n f 'trd>yerv f -us, -d, ctir f 'dl'loid'is, (loyd) -is, c8rd-dt'us, -d, -d, ctin-ndt'tis, cdr'-i-dr'i'US, ctir'.i'dph'.ftr'US, c6r-nic f -ul'dt f 'US 9 -a, c8rt'-ic>ds'.us, -tim, -fan, -um, -Urn, -urn, -urn, -Urn, -um, resembling leather. leathery. bearing corianders. having horns ; horned. having a wreath or crown. full of bark. cdst'us, n. , the Arabic name of plant Kasta, an aromatic plant. crds f -si'f6l f 'i'US, -d, -um, ', crVn'ul'dt'us, cr^p'-it-ans, Cret'-tc-tis, crisp'us, crist'dt'us, -a, -um, -dns, -dns, -a, -um, -d, -um, -d, -um,, -um, -d, -um, -d, -um, -d, -um, Cyd-on'-i-a, n.,'(std) a town in the island'of Crete.^ cym-os'us, (slm) -d, -um, producing many shoots. cryS'tal'-lin-us, cur f 'dS'Sdv f 'ic-us, having thick leaves, having notches, slightly notched, creaking ; crackling, of or from Crete, curled or wrinkled, having crests, saffron -yellow, carrying a bag. crystalline. having wedge -like leaves, healing ; curing. daC'tyl'-if-er, ddc'tyl-us, Dam' as -cent us, dZc-and'rus, -d, -d, , -um, bearing fingers. -um, of or like a finger. -um, of or from Damascus. -um, having ten stamens. 458 THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. MASC. de-cumb'Zns, d$ns' can-in' us, FEM. KEUT. -'ens, -ens, -a, -tim, de'.od-dr'-tis, -d, -um, de-sce'nd'e'ns, -ens, -%ns, dich-dt'dm-Us, (dilc) -d, -urn, Dic-tdm'nus, n., the plant dittany dif-fus'. -a, -a, -a, -a, -a, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, dil'at'dtfus, di-tiic'-us, (dylc) dist'tch-us, ddd'8c-and'-rus, ddm$st r -ic-us, drdc'o, n., a species of serpent. drac-unc'-ul-us, -a, -um, dul'cam'dr'.us, -a, -tim, dul'-ds, *is, -e, dum-os'-us, -&, -um, urn, fak'-in-at'-us, -d, -um, U-ul'-is, -is, -e, Vf-fus'-Us, -d, -um, E'-gyp-ti'-tic-us, (jiv) -d, -um, Z-ldst', -d, -um, Zl'.dt-er'-i-us, -d, -Urn, %l-dt'i'dr, -dr, -us, W-at'-us, -d, -Urn, el'-eph.ant'-ip.ts, el'-Z-phant'-us, 49, -d, -e, -um, el-lip'tiC'US, -d, -Urn, W- ting at' us, -d, -um, %m f -bry-8p f -t$r-is, -is, -e, em'Zr-us, -d, -um, %m-%t f -iC'Us -d, -um, Zn-div'.i-us, -d, -um, &nt'.$m-6-rhiz'-us, -d, -Um, e-pitk'ym'us, -d, -um, lying down, dog-toothed, having dense flowers, producing sacred timber, descending, cut in halves. from Dictty in Crete, spread out. having fingers or toes, spread out ; extended, having a double house, consisting of two rows, having twelve stamens, of or belonging to the house. like a small serpent. bitter-sweet. sweet. bushy ; abounding in bushes. bearing or producing ebony, of or like the ebon tree. %-quln'us, n. masc., er'4n-d f 'Ce-us, er'.ytli-rin'-us, %sc-ul'$nt'.us, Eur'-dp.ce'-us, (e) Zx-p&ns'us, Zx'pldn-at'.%s, prickly. that may be eaten. poured out ; shed. of or from Egypt. elastic. that drives out or expels. more lofty ; more productive. lofty; productive. like an elephant's foot. like an elephant in size. like an oval. made long. having a germ appearing like a fern, not wild ; cultivated. inciting to vomit. used as a salad. insect roots. like the flower of thyme, a horse ; 8-qmn'd, n. fern. , a mare. -d, -um, like a hedgehog. -d, -um, eaten away ; corroded. having a red colour. fit for food. of or belonging to Europe. more elevated ; loftier. elevated ; lofty. spread out ; expanded. spread out ; flattened. *, -d, -d, -dr, -d, -d, -d, -um, -um, -Um, -Us, -Um, -Um, -Um, fdb-dg'o, n., the bean caper. THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. 459 MASC. FEM. fdr'-fdr-us, -d, far -In' a, n., flour ; meal. fdr-m'.tf-er, -if-er-d, fdr'-in-os'-Us, fdst>ig'-i'dt'>Us, (idj) fast'.u-oMs, NEUT. -Um, pert, to the white poplar. -Um, bearing or producing food. -Um, mealy ; like meal. -Um, pointed at the top. -d, -Um, full of pride. -d, -Um, honeycombed. -d, -Um, driving away fever. -ix, -ix, fruitful; fertile. -is, -e, belonging to windows or openings. -d, -Um, furnished with openings -6x, -6x, wild ; fierce. -d, -Um, made of iron. f&r'rug-m''e'US, -d, -um, of an iron-rust colour. fl'Cdr f 'i-Us, -d, -Um, of or like a fig. fl'tin'tf'er, -if'-Zr-d, -Um, bearing hay. fil'-ix, n., a fern ; fil'-ix-mds, the male fern. fil'-Um, n., a string ; a cord. fim'bri'dt'us, -d, -um, fistf-ul'OS f 'Us, -d, -Um, fistf'Ul-Us, -d, -Um, fldb'.Zl-loid'.is, (loyd] -is, -e, fettix, f$n'-$S'trdttis, fZu'-Zs-trdt'-Us, fer'-dx, jftam'mul-us, flav'Vs'-c flav'-ns, -cens, -c$ns, Jlor'i-bund'us, jttr'-id-Us, " , (/) -d, -d, .d, F6r'-mds-dn'-us, fir-mos'-us, frag'-ilis, frag'-rans, -is, -d, -d, -is, -is, -um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, frax'-in^l'-lus, frig'id'tis, frond- 6s' tis t frdt-ts'-cZns, -d, -d, -d, -d, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -Um, -%ns, -%ns, -dns, -dns, -d, -Um, . (fus) -is, -e, fulg-^ns, -%ns, -%ns, fUl'lon f -i'Us, -d, -Um, fal'ldn'-um, n. plu., of fullers. fUl'-vus, -d, -Um, frut'iC'ds'us, - having fringes, full of holes ; porous, like a hollow reed, resembling a fly-flap, shaped like whips, appearing a little flame, becoming a golden-yellow, golden-yellow, bent. of or from Florence, abounding in flowers, flowery; gay. like fennel, fetid; stinking. having little bags inflated with air. of or from Formosa, finely formed ; handsome, strong. easily broken, sweet-smelling, very sweet-smelling, easily broken ; brittle, resembling the ash tree in the leavea of or pert, to ash wood- cold. abounding in leaves, like a shrub or bush, putting forth shoots, shrubby. shaped like sea- weed, flashing ; shining, pert, to a fuller. deep-yellow ; tawny. 460 THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. FEM. NEIJT. MASC. fun'-if-er, fur'Cdt f -us, -a, -#771, -a, Gib-son'.i, n., of Gibson. -, -um, -um, -um, -um, GU'.e-ad'Zns'-is, gldb'er, gland'ul'if'er, glauc'us, -e, glob'.us, glut'-in-os'-us, gnid f 'i-us, (nid) Grcecf-us, (greTc) gram'in'&'us, gran-at'-us, -ra, -Is, if-er-d, -um, -a, -urn, -a, -um, -a, ~um, adj. plu., a, grav-e'ol'Zns, -um, Gul'an-ens'-is, (gwl) -is, -e, Guin'e-ens'is^gwin) -Is, -e, gum'-ml-fer, -mif^r-a, -um, gut-tdt'us, -a, -um, gut'-tus, -&, -um, gyr'-ans, bearing cords or fibres. forked. having the appearance of bran. flowing with resinous sap. of or pert, to Gaul, producing buds, of or from Germany. gigantic. like a giant. of or from Gilead. without hairs or bristles. icy ; frozen. bearing glands. bluish-grey. round ; globular. of or like a globe. glutinous ; gluey. (oyd} like the plant cudweed. of or from the laurel, from its anc. name. of or from Greece, of or pert, to grass, having many grains or seeds, bearing large flowers, great. having little grains, very pleasing, strong-smelling. having the appearance of a gooseberry, of or from Guiana in America. of or from Guinea in Africa, bearing or producing gum. spotted ; speckled, drop-like ; in drops, turning in a circle. gyr-8id'-es, adj. plu., (oyd} resembling a circular course. h&9t*d# hast-il'-is, spear-like. like a spear shaft. , -a, -um, -is, -e, n. plu., (e) ivy plants. Is, -a, -um, after Helen of anc. Troy. hel'-ix, n., a winding or spiral body. h&m''is-p'h&r f 'iC'US t -a, -um, like a half globe. HZn-rictus, -a, -um, /tip-tag! on-us, -ft, -um, Htr>a,tfle'dt'-ic>us, -a, -um, herb'dc'-e-us, -a, -Um, herb-dr'-urn, n. plu., of herbs. hZx-find'-rus, -a, -um, T " " * - /yj\ ~ v :, (ik} -a, -um, of or pert, to Henry. seven-angled. of orpert. to Heraclea,acity of Pontus. grass-green ; herbaceous. having six stamens, having six rows or ranks. THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. 461 MASC. hir-cm'-us, hirt'-us, FEM. NEUT. -a, -um, of or like a goat. -a, -um, rough ; hairy. -a, -um, of or from Spain. -a, -um, shaggy ; hairy. 's, n., of a man ; hom'o, n., a man. hdrt'8ns'is, -is, -e, pert, to a garden. Htius'-ton'i, n., (hows) a proper name, of Houston. hum'il'te, -is, -e, lowly ; small. hy-bern'us, -a, -um, of or pert, to winter. hyb'rid'us, -a, -um, of or relating to a hybrid. Jiy f 'drd'lap f -ath'US, -a, -um, of or pert, to the water-dock. hyd'-rd-pip'er, n., a water plant having qualities like pepper. hy'-Zm-dl'-is, -is, -e, of or belonging to winter. hy'-po-gce'-us, (je) -a, -um, under the earth. hy-pfts'ttim'tis, -tis, -tis, situated under the mouth. H'-%x, n., the holm-oak. fa-cdn'-tis, -a, -um, hoary ; quite grey. ln f -cdr>ndt f 'US t -a, -um, clothed in flesh. in-cis'us, -a, -um, notched ; indented. In'diC'US, -a, -tim, of or from India. tn-dig'6f-er, -df^r-d, -um, producing indigo. in'-dig-tit'-ic-us, -a, -&m, producing a blue-colouring matter. in-erm'is, -is, -e, without weapons ; unarmed. $n'8n'-iC'US, jtin-quil'-lus, (kwil) ju'jub'US, lab-urn'-us, -a, lac>in''i'dt'-us, -a, Iac'rym>ans 9 -ans, -ans, lac'-tZ-us, -a, -um, lac'tif-er, -tlf-Zr-a, -um, lac-tuc'-a, n., lettuce. Idnc'Z-ce-fol'i'US, (e) -a, -um, lanc'frdn'us, -a, -um, lanc''$'6l'at''US, -a, -um, langs-dtirf-i'i, n., of Langsdorf, Ian'ig>er 9 -ig'er-a, -nm, -um t of or like the purgative plant jalap. -a, -um, of or from Japan. -a, -um, of or pert, to the jonquille, a daffodil species. -d, -um, of or like the jujube tree. -a, -um, like a rush or bulrush. -um, of or pert, to the laburnum, jagged ; indented, weeping ; lamenting, containing milk ; milky, producing milk. having lance-shaped leaves, like a lance or spear, lance-shaped, a botanist. wool-tearing ; like wool. 462 THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. MASC. FEM. NEUT. lap' pus, -a, -urn, having burs. Idt'-i-fdl'-i'US, -a, -um, having broad leaves. lat'is'sim'US, -a, -um, very broad or wide. ldur'8'fdl'i-U'S, (Idwr) -a, -urn, laurel- leaved. Idur-e'-d'l'US, (Idwr) -a, -Urn, pert, to a small laurel. ldur'd'Cer f 'aS'US, (ldwr)-d, -'Urn, pert, to the cherry laurel. Idx'-i'usc'-ul'us, (usTc) -a, -Urn, somewhat wide or loose. lent-isc'us, -a, -um, of or pert, to the mastich tree. ttnt'us, -d, -um, tough ; hard. leuc'd-dend'rb'n, n., (Idle) a white tree. leu'cd-rhiz'us, (16) -d, -um, having a white root. tev'ty'dt'-us, -a, -um, softened ; macerated well. lev'is, -is, -e, light ; not heavy. Lib'-an-i, n., of Mount Libanus, in Syria. lich'-Zn-oid'-is, (oyd) -is, -e, resembling the lichen. Im^gua, n. , (gwa) a tongue. lint'-e-dr'-i'US, -a, -urn, of or pert, to linen. Ifin'gi'Crur'is, -is, -e, having a long leg or limb. Idn'-gi-flor'-us, -a, -tim, having long flowers. Itin'gus, -a, -Urn, long. lot'-us, n., the water-lily of the Nile. Itic'id-us, ~a, -um, clear ; bright. lup'-ul-in'-us, -a, -um, of or like the hop plant. lup'ul-us, -a, -um, like a little wolf ; of or like the hop plant. Lus'-tt-an'-fc-us, -a, -urn, of or from Portugal. lut-e'-ol-us, -a, -um, yellowish. lut'-e-us, -a, -um, of a yellow colour. Lyc'4>us t -a, -um, of or from Lycia, Asia Minor. mac-ranth'-us, ~a, -um, having great flowers. mac f 'Td-cdrp f 'US, -a, -um, having very large fruit. mac''rd'pus, -a, -Urn, having long feet. mac'ul-dt'us, -a, -um, having spots or stains. Mdd f 'd'gdsc f 'dr'i'^ns r 'is,-is, -e, of or from Madagascar. mdj'tir, -$r, -us, greater. mdj'or-dn'us, -a, -um, flowing in Maius or May. maj'us, adj. neut. (see major), greater. mdl'-us, -a, -um, bad ; sour. mam-mos'-us, -&, -um, having large breasts. man'-gif-er, -gif^r-a, -um, yielding mango fruit. man'-nif'er, -nif-er-d, -um, bearing manna. mftr'-gin-dt'-us, -a, -um, furnished with a border. rnar'U'im'US, -a, -um, of or belonging to the sea. mar*sup'i'US, -a, -tim, having pouches. mdr'-ti'l, n., of the month of March. masc'-ul-us, -a, -um, male. Mdtir'ft f 4'dn''US,(ma/wr)-a,-um, after Maurice of Nassau ; or or from Mauritius. max'zm-us, -a, -um, the greatest ; the highest. med'zc-us, -a, -um, used in medicine ; medicinal. med^-us, -a, -um, middle; midst. THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. 463 MASC. FEM. NEUT. m&W&rtf*, -is, -e, mZl'dn-o-cdc'cus, -d, -um, m&l'ltf'er, -lif'er-d, -urn, mel f -6, n., a melon. -um, mZth-is'-tiC'USy -d, -um, MMZr-e'-us, -a, -um, niic'rd'kus, -d, -um, mil'-i'd'-ce-uSy -d, -um, mil r 'it'dr''is, -is, -e, min'dr, -dr, -us, miT'db'il'is, -is, -e, mol'-lis, -lis, -le, m6n'-d- sperm' us, -d, -um, M6ns f -pel-l f -dc'US, -d, -um y mdnt-dn'us, -d, -um, mor-Wlus, -d, -um, mor''i-6, and mor f - i-dn, n., a darl mandrake. moS'didt'-us, *, -um, inult- if-id us, -d, -um, mul'ti-flor'-us, -d, -um, mill- tifiug'USy -d, -um, mur'-iC'dt'-uSy -a. -urn. mus-car'-is, -is, -e, muS'Cip'ul'US, -d, -um, mut>ab'.il>is, -is, -t, myr'-rliGL, n., myrrh. my^ti'foV'i'US, -d, -um, myr-tll'-lus, . / ^>.. j.1 . -d, -um, . 4-1, ~ mys'tax, n. , the upper lip ; the moustache. myx'>a, n. , mucus ; mucilage. nap-%l'>lus, n., a little turnip. ndp'-us, n., a turnip. ndr'-is, n., a nose ; ndr'i-um, of noses. having the nature of marrow or pith. having a very large head. having black seeds or berries. producing honey. producing apples. producing intoxication. from a town or district of Persia. being a little world. of or pert, to millet. soldier-like. less. wonderful ; marvellous. pliant ; supple. one-seeded. from Montpelier in France. of or belonging to a mountain. dark ; blackish. smelling like musk. cleft or split into many parts. having many flowers. having many yokes. shaped like the nmrex shell ; pointed. of or pert, to flies, or to hair brooms. pert, to a mouse-trap. changeable. having leaves like the myrtle. pert, to the myrtle. ndtfdns, nel'Um f 'bi'fdl f 'i'US, -d, nem'tir'ds'us, -d, nep'$nth*8id'is, (dyd)-is, ner'.e'i'fdl'-i'USy -d, nlg'-er, -rd, nit' id -us, *d, niv-dl'ts, -is, niv'8-usy -d, a, -d, nov'us, -dm, swimming. -um, having a leaf like the nelumbo. -um, pert, to a grove. -e, producing a magic potion. -um, a sea-god leaf. -rum, black. -um, shining. -e, of or like snow. -um, snowy. -e, famous ; renowned. -um, full of knots ; knotty. -um, new ; recent. -um, cloud-born. -um, producing nuts. 464 THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES." MASC. FEM. NEUT. nut'dns, -dns, -dns, nodding ; tottering. nyc-tic'-al-us, -a, -um, night-calling. db'liq'-uus, (wus} -a, -um, oblique ; slanting. tib'-long-dt'-us, -d, -um, extended in length. tib'dV'dt'us, -d, -um, inversely egg-shaped. W-tus-dt'-us, -d, -um, blunted. tic'cid'Znt'dl'-ts, -is, -e, Western. tid'dr-dt'is'sim-us, -d, -urn, tid'or'dt''US, -d, -um, very fragrant, having a scent or smell. tid-or^us, -d, -um, sweet-smelling. tif'-fiC'in'd, n., a workshop. df'fic'-m'dl'-te, -is, -e, officinal ; by authority. dl'&'&nd'er, -%r-d, -um, a corruption of the rhododen* dron. dl-e'-if-er, -If'-tr-a, -um, bearing oil. dl'&r-dc'&'US, -d, -um, herb-like. til'tt'dr''i-us, -d, -urn, belonging to vegetables. til-ldr''i'US, -d, -um, of or like a pot. tin'it'es, plural of onitis, which see dn-it'is, -is, -e, dp'if-er, -if'tir-d, -um, belonging to sweet marjoram, bearing aid or power. tip'p8s'it'i'fdl''$'US, -d, -um, having opposite leaves. tip'-ul-us, n., a kind of maple tree. tir'-$l'ldn'd, n. (Sp.), arnatto. 8r'.i-Znt>dl'.is, -is, -e, of or from the East ; Eastern, oV'dl'-i'fdtti'US, -d, -um, having oval leaves. ov-dl'is, -is t -e, oval. ov-dt'us, -d, -um, egg-shaped. ov'if-er, -%f'-er-d, -um, bearing eggs. 6v f -ig>er, -fy'-Vr-a, -um, bearing eggs. dx'y'c8c f >cus, -a, -um, having acid berries. pab'ul'dr f 'i'US, -a, -um, producing food. pal'-Ud'US, -d, -um, of a pale or pallid colour. pal-mat'-us, -a, -um, pal-mit'-us, -a, -um, palm-leaf shaped, having young branches. pdl-us'tris, -is, -e, marshy ; swampy. pdn-itful-dt'us, -d, -um, having a tuft or panicle. pap-il'-i-d, n., a butterfly. pdp'tt'i-dn-dc''&'US, -d, -um, of or pert, to a butterfly. pdp'yr'dc'8-us, -d, -um, of or like the paper-reed. bearing a Daper-reed. pdp-yr'us, n., the paper-reed. par'-a-dfa'-us, -d, -um, marvellous ; strange. Pdr'.a-gu$nsus, -a, -um, per'tus'us, -a, -um, Per'Uv''i'dn'>us, -a, -um, phel-land'rus, -a, -urn, phel'-l6s, n., the cork tree. of or from Persia. perforated. of or from Peru. having leaves like the ivy. phdS'phor'e-us, -a, -um, phym'at-dd'-is, -is, -e, bearing or bringing light, affected with hard swellings. piC'tor'-i-us, -a, -urn, like a painting. pil'ds'-Us, -a, -um, hairy. pil'uV'if'er, -if-er-a, -um, bearing little balls. pirn ent'us, - a, - um, of or like Indian pepper. pin-ast'er, n., a wild pine. pin'e*us, -a, -um, of or like the pine. pin'-guis (gwis), -guis, -gue, fat. pin'-nat-if-id'Us, -a, -um, divided in segments in a feathery manner. pm-ndt'us, -a, -um, winged ; feathered. pip'-Zr-it'-us, -a, -um, of or pert, to pepper. pldn''i'fol f 'i'U8, -a, -um, having flat leaves. platf-an-oid'-es, plu., (oyd) having the appearance of the plane tree. pt&fy-cdrp'us, -a, -um, having broad fruit. pliC'dt'us, -a, -um, folded ; having folds. po-Ztf-ic-us, -a, -um, poetical. p6l-dr f >is, -is, -e, of or pert, to the pole. pol'-y-phyl'-lus, -a, -um, having many leaves. pdm'if-er, -if'-Zr-a, -um, bearing apples. P6n&iC'US, -a, -Um, of or from the Black Sea or Pontus. pdp-ul'n&'U8 t -a, -um, of or belonging to the poplar. pdr'-ri-fdl f 'i'US, -a, -urn, having leaves like leeks. por'-rum, n., a leek. prat-Zns'-is, -is, -e, prd'Cer'us, -a, -um, growing in meadows, high ; tall. prd'cumb'ens, -'ens, -ens, leaning or bending forwards. prd-fus'us, -a, -Um, spread out ; extended. prol'-if-er, -lif'er-a, -um, bearing offspring. prur'i'&ns, -ens, -%ns, itching ; producing an itching. prur-it'-us, -a, -um, itched. pseud- ac'-dr -us, (sud) -a, -um, of the false sweet flag. pseud'-d-clim'-a, n., (sud) false Peruvian bark. psit'-ta'Cin'-us, (sit) -a, -um, of or pert, to a parrot. pter'-ig'd'Spermf-fis,(ter} -a,-um, having winged seed. pub'ens, -%ns, -ens, exuberant ; juicy. pud-lc'-us, -a, -um, bashful ; modest. 2G 466 THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. MASC. FEM. NEUT. piil-eg'-i-us, -a, -urn, pum-il'-i-d, n., a dwarf; a pigmy. pum'il'US, -a, -urn, punc-tdt'us, -a, -um, -a, -um, -dns, -dns, -a, -urn, -a, -um, -a, -urn, d, -um, purg'-dns, pur-pur'8-us, pyr-eth'rus, pyr'-if-er, pyr'i-form'is, qudd-rdng'ul-dr'is, -is, quad- rat' us, -a, qudd'rt-fdl'i'US, -a, -um, qudd'rt-vdlv'is, -is, -e, quces-U'us, (Jcwes) -a, -urn, qmn'que-fdl'i'US,(kw$n) -a, -urn, rdc'em-os'us, * -um, rdd'i'dt'us, -a, -um, rdd-ic'ans, -an< s, -ans, Rdf'fles'i- an' us, -a, -Um, rdm-os'-us, -a, -um, Hand'-i-us, -a, -Um, rdng-if'^r-m'-us, -a, -um, rdp-unc'ul'us, -a, -um, rdp'us, -a, -um, rtict'us, -a, -um, r&gln'-a, n., a queen ; rfrgin'-ce, of a queen. -a, -um, royal. -a, -um, -um, ens, pert, to flea-bane or penny royal. dwarfish; little, having punctures, having African leaves, cleaning or clearing out. cleaning out ; purging, purple-coloured, of or like fire, bearing pears, shaped like a pear. having four corners ; four-square. in the form of a square. four-leaved. having square folding doors. sought out ; select. having five leaves. full of clusters ; clustering, having rays ; rayed, striking or taking root, after Sir Stamford Raffles, branchy ; ramose, after Rand, botanist, of or pert, to the reindeer, like a little turnip, of or like a turnip, straight. rZ-lig'i-os'us, re-pand'us, rep'ens, -ens, res-in'if-er, -tf-er-d, -um, -um, -um, -e, -urn, -as, sacred ; religious. bent backward ; turned up. creeping. producing resin. net-like ; reticulated. rolled back. resembling the white thorn. of or from the Rha or the river Volga. flowing as juice. belonging to a small stream or brook. of or like oak wood ; strong. of or from Rome. like a Chinese rose. like a rose. like marine dew ; rosemary. having round leaves. n. plu., (berg) after Roxburgh, a county of Scotland. roy-al'-is, -is, -e, royal. rub'er, -ra, -rum, red. rub'icf'6, n., rust ; mildew. rub'ri'caul'is,(Jcdwl) -fa, -e, having a red stem. rev'ol'ilt'us, -d, rhdm-ndid'is, (noyd)-is, Rhd-pont'-ic-us, rhce'ds, (re) riv-dl'is, rob'ust'us, JRom'dn'us t ros'd-sm-ens'is, ros'$>us, ros'mdr-m'us, rdt-und'.t'fdl', -as, -is, -d, -d, -um, -um, -um, -um, THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. 467 rus''Ci'fdl f 'i>%8 9 sab-in'a, n., employed by the anc. sdc-chdr'if-er, -d, -um, sac'-chdr-ln'-Us, -d, -um, sdc'cid'Or'Us, -d, -um, sdc'cif-er, -cif'-er'd, -um, sdg-itftd, n., an arrow. sdl'is'i'fol'i-us -d -um, sdlv'dt'-rix, n., a saviour. sdnc'tus, -d, -um, sdn'guin'e-us, (gwm)-d, -um, stint'-al'ln'-Us, -d, -um, sap' id -us, -d, -um, sdp'-i-ent'us, -d, -um, sdp'on-dcf-^'Us, -d, -Urn, sap'on-dr'-i-Us, -d, -um, sdrc'-o-kdl'-lus, -d, -Um, sdt'lv'-Us, -d, -Um, scdb'-er, -rd, -rum, scdm'mfin'iC'US, -d, -Um, ' scdnd-ens, -$ns, -ens, scel'er-dtfus, -d, -Um, schol-dr'-is, -is, -e, scip'-i-on'-Us, (sip) -d, -Um, scol'ym'Us, (im) -d, -Um, scdp'dr'-i'Us, -d -Um, Scotf-ic-us, -d, -Um, scut-dt'-Us, -d, -Um, seb', -tf'-er>d, -Um, sZg'-Zt-us, -d, -Um, seKdg-in-ffid'.is, (oyd) -is, -e, s&m'-per vir'Zns, -$ns, -ens, Sen' eg -us, -d, -Um, sem/'it-iv'us, -d, -um, sep'-i-us, -d, -um, sept'dng'ul'dr''$s, -is, -e, ser-ic'e-us, -d, -um, serp'ent'dr'-i'us, -d, -Um, ser'rat-i-fol'-i-us, -d, -Um, ses'-sil-i-fldr'us, -d, -Um, set-ds'us, -d, -Um, sil'-iq-uus (wus), -d, -Um, si7n f 'ul'dr''is 9 -is -e, Sin-ens'is, -$s, -e, sfo'oMf-er, -if'-er.a, -um, Stic'ot-rln'-us, -d, -um, FEM. NETJT. ~d, -urn, pert, to ropes ; like a rope. -a, -um, having leaves of the colour of the ruscus. -a, -urn, rustic ; country. Sabine priests, bearing or producing sugar, producing sweet juice, furnishing sacs or bags, bearing bags. leaved like the willow sacred ; holy. of or like blood. of or pert, to santal wood. tasting ; savouring. having a good taste. of or pert, to soap. of or like soap. producing flesh-glue. that may be sown or planted, rough ; scabby. like scammony. climbing. polluted. pert, to a school. like a staff, or a grape-stalk. like an edible kind of thistle. of or pert, to a broom. of or from Scotland. armed with shields. bearing fat or tallow. of or belonging to the goddess of standing crops. resembling the upright club moss, always flourishing or verdant, of or from Senegal. having the power of feeling, pert, to shell of cuttle-fish, seven-angled, silky. of or like a serpent, having saw-shaped leaves, having dwarf flowers, having coarse hair or bristles, having pods ; like the carob. making or looking like, of or from Sina or China, bearing sprouts or shoots of or from Socotra. 468 THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. MASC. FEM. NEUT. atim'nif-er, -nif'-ar-d, -urn, son- or' us, -a, -um, sorb'-il-is, -is, -e, spar' turn, n., a plant from Spain. spec'i'os'us, -a, -um, spellf-a, n., grain or wheat. spiC'df'US, -a, -urn, spin'-os-is'sim-us, -a, -um, spin-os'us, -a, -um, spir-dl'is, -is, -e, squdm>dr f '^'US, -a, -um, squdm-dtf-us, (skwdm) -a, -um, squdm'Os'us, -a, -um, stdph'ys-dg'ri'US, -a, -um, stim'-ul'dns, -dns, -cms, strdm-m'e-us, -a, -um, strdm-on'i'US, -a, -urn, -------- ^ v -a, -um, -um, -um, -rum, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -um, -urn, sudv'is, -is, sub'-er, n., the cork tree. sub'tSm'GTit'OS'USf ~^ 8UC'C&d'Ct?l'&''iis, m Ct, suc'-ci-rub'-er, -rd, suC'Cls'-us, -d, Su&s'-ic-us, (sw$s) -a, -d, -d, -d, -d, -d, syc'-o-mor'-us, syl'Vdt'ic-us, syl'Vest'-ris, Syr'i'dc-us, -d, -um, sleep-bringing. sounding. that may be sucked up or supped. of the sorb or service tree. full of beauty or display. furnished with spikes. very thorny or prickly. thorny ; prickly. spiral. bright ; shining. full of scales ; scaly. having scales. scaly. of or connected with country raisins. pricking or goading on. I having straw-like or fibrous roots. abounding with the liquid resinous gum storax. sweet ; pleasant. having an inferior pubescence. that supplies the place of something. having red juice. cut off or down. of or from Sweden. of or belonging to a swine. proud. after Swieten, a Dutch botanist. of the mulberry tree. living in the woods. woody. of or from Syria. tced'a, n. , (ted) the pitch-pine tree. Tar-tar'-i-us, tSn'-ac-is'-sim-us, ten'-dx, of or belonging to the infernal regions ; or from Tartary. -a, -um, holding very fast. -ax, -ax, holding fast. -a, -um, having thin leaves. -e, thin; fine. tenf-us, n., Latin name of a tree, unknown. tZr'-&b-inth'us, n., the turpentine tree. ' term'-in-dl'-is, tZr-rZst'ris, tet'-rdl-ix, ^ tZt-rcin'-drus, -is, -e, terminal or bounding, as planted for hedges in India. -is, -e, terrestrial. -ix, -ix, of or belonging to a heath plant. -a, -um, having four stamens. -y, -e, woven ; wrought. -#, -um, of or from Thebes in Egypt. THE TRIVIAL OR SECOND TERMS OF SPECIFIC NAMES. 4G9 MASC. FEM. NEUT. thur'zf-er, thym'-i-fdl'.i-us, -if'-er^d, -um, -a, -Urn, til''i'dc f '$'Us, -a, -um, tmC'tor't-us, -a, -um, ting'-ens, -%ns, -ens, To>bdc'>us, -a, -um, Tolu'-if-er, -$f'er-a, -um, tftm'-ent'ds'-us, -a, -Um, tons-ur'-ans, -dns, -dns, tdr'-mZnt'tl'-lus, -d, -um, t&rtttl-te, -is, -e, bearing frankincense. thyme-leaved. pert, to the linden tree. having the quality of dyeing. dyeing. of or from Tobago, W. Indies. bearing Tolu balsam. woolly ; downy. clipping or pruning. relieving pain or torment. twined ; twisted. producing poison for arrows. -a, -um, tox'ic-o-dgnd'ron, n., a tree that produces poison. tox''$f-er, -if'%r-d, -um, producing poison. trdum'dt r 'iC'US,(tra/wm} -a, -urn, trem'ens, trl-and'-rus, tri-col f '6r, trl'-dtnt-dt'-us, trl-fol'-i'dt'-us, tril'.ob-us, Tri-pol'-i-us, tru'-tfs, trunc-dt'iis, fit for healing wounds. -ens, -ens, shaking ; quivering. -a, -um, trembling. -d, -urn, having three stamens. -tir, -8r, having three colours. -a, -um, having three teeth or tines. -d, -um, three-leaved. -a, -um, having triangular heads. -a, -um, having three lobes. -a, -um, of or from Tripoli in Africa, to, -e, sad ; mournful. -a, -um, lopped off ; truncated. (e) -is, -e, shaped like a trumpet, -a, -um, having fleshy knots; having humps. -if'-Zr-a, -um, producing tulips. -d, -um, cone-shaped, -a, -tim, of or like spelt or German wheat. -d, -um, full of moisture. d, -um, having leaves like the elm. -d, -um, forming little shadows; bearing umbels. &m'-brdc>ul f 'if-er, -if-tr-a, -um, supplying a shade. un'cm-dlf-us, -a, -um, furnished with hooks. un'-dul'dt'-us, -d, -um, undulated ; like waves. un'-ed'd, n., the arbute or strawberry tree. tub'-er-os'-m, tul>ip'.if>er, turb'-tn'dt'-us, typh-in'-us, ul'ig'-in-os'-us, ul'.mi-fol'-i'US, urb-dn'us, fir'-ens, -urn, belonging to the city or town. parched ; dried up. very acrid or burning. very often used ; very common. used often ; common. useful ; profitable. having a small skin or leathern bottle. uv'a-urs''i, n., the grape of the bear. uv'-if-er, -if-er-a, -um, bearing grapes. us'-it'dt'-us, Ut'-tt'lS, ut>rtc'>ul-dt'.us, -a, -%ns, -a, -a, -a, -um, -um, -um, -e, -um, vdg'-ans, -dns, -dns, wandering about. 470 PREFIXES. MASO. FEM. NEUT. vdr'i-eg-dt'-us, vdr''i'dl-dr'is, a, -um, fe, -e, having various colours. diversified. vdr'-i'US, -a, -Urn, changing ; varying. ven'-en-dt'-us, a, -Urn, furnished with poison. v%n'-en'6sul-6s f >us t -a, -um, full of small veins. ver'-fe, -is, -e, pert, to spring ; n. , of spring. vern-ic'-if'er, vern'.ic-if-lu-us, -If'&T'a, -um, -a, -Um, bearing or bringing spring, yielding varnish. vern'-us, -a, -um, of or belonging to spring. versus, -a, -um, real ; genuine. vZsc'-us, -a, -um, small ; feeble ; fine. ves'ic'-ul'ds'us, -a, -um, having little vesicles. vZsp'er *til %' on' is, &. , of the animal called a bat. vln'i'fer, -if'er-a, -um, producing wine. vin-os'us, -a, -um, having the taste of wine. m'-ol-ac'-e-usy ~a, -um, violet- coloured. mrg-dt'us, -a, -iim, made of twigs or osiers. virg'm-i'dn'-us, -a, -um, pert, to a virgin ; of Virginia. virg-in'iC'US, -a, -um, virgin. vir'-id-is, 'is, -e, green. vir- dff-us, -a, -um, slimy ; poisonous. wt'-el-lin'-us, -a, -um, of a yellow colour. mif-is, n. , a vine. vol'.U-ans, -ans, -ans, flying to and fro. vom'-it'dr', -a, -um, that provokes vomiting. vul'gdr'-is, -is, -e, common ; vulgar. vul-gat'-us, -a, -um, made common. vulp'ln f -us t -a, -Um, of or pert, to a fox. z&b-rin'us, -ci, -um, striped like a zebra. zZy'lan'-fc'&s, (zl) -a, -urn. of or from Ceylon. PKEFIXES. NOTE. A prefix is a significant particle placed before a word, or a root, in order to modify its meaning. As the constituent part of a word, a prefix can be readily separated and defined. Note. In the examples the prefixes are printed in italics. In medical compound terms, a prefix is very frequently formed from an inde- pendent word, and made to end in o, followed by a hyphen, which prefix then indicates ' connection or association with,' or ' relation to,' the second term of the compound; thus, cerebro-spinal is an adjective which indicates ' connection or associa- tion with ' the brain and spine. The word-prefixes in o will be generally found in their proper places in the body of the work. Only a few omitted ones are given in the following list of prefixes. a (AS.), at ; in ; on : ahead, at the head ; asleep, in sleep ; aground, on ground ; aware = Beware (AS. ge). a, with its forms ab, abs (L.), from ; away from : avoid, to part from ; PREFIXES. 471 avert, to turn away from : absolve, to loose from : abstract, to draw from. a, also an (Gr. ), without ; not : abyss, a place without a bottom ; atheist, a man without God : a?iarchy, a society without a govern- ment ; anomalous, not similar : tonic, having tone ; atonic, without tone. ad, assuming for the sake of euphony the various forms of a, ac, af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, at, according to the commencing letter of the primitive or root (L. ), to ; towards : adhere, to stick to ; adduce, to lead to : ad becomes a before s, as in ascend, to climb to : ac before c, as in accede, to yield to ; accrue, to grow to : af before f, as in a/fix, to fix to ; a/fiance, to give faith to : ag before g, as in aggregate, to collect into one mass ; aggravate, to make heavy to : al before 1, as in allot, to apportion to ; allocate, to give a place to : an before n, as in awnex, to tie to ; announce, to tell to : ap before p, as in append, to hang to ; applaud, to clap the hands to : ar before r, as in arrive, to come to the shore ; arrange, to put into a row : as before s, as in assign, to allot to ; assist, to stand to : at before t, as in attract, to draw to ; attest, to bear witness to. adeno-, ad-en'-o (Gr. aden, an acorn, a gland), denoting connection with glands ; as ade?io-cele, a glandular tumour. al, al (Ar. ), an Arabic prefix signifying ' the ' ; or used to denote ' eminence ' or an * essence ' ; as alchemy, that is, al kimia, the secret art. am, amb, also ambi, and amphi (L. ambo, both ; Gr. amphi, about, on both sides), both ; round ; about : amputate, to cut off round about, as a leg : ambition, a going round : ambidextrous, using both hands as right : amphibious, able to live in both elements ; amp/iitheatre, a theatre on all sides ; ampAigens, plants which increase by growth on all sides. an, see a (Gr.). ana (Gr.), up; up through; back; again: anatomy, a cutting up through ; analogy, a reasoning back ; analysis, a loosening up through ; a?iachronism, a dating up or back : denoting also, through- out ; an increase or repetition ; see aa in medical abbrev. ante, in one case anti (L. ), before, in time or place : a?iechamber, a chamber before the principal one ; antecedent, going before : anti- cipate, to take before, to foresee. anti, also ant (Gr.), against; opposite: antidote, something given as good against ; aft^pathy, a feeling against : a^arctic, opposite the arctic or north. apo (Gr. apo ; Sans, apa, off, away), away ; from : apostasy, a standing away from ; apostle, one sent from. arterio-, dr-ter^i-d (Gr. arteria, an artery), of or connected with an artery ; as arferio-phlebotomy, blood-letting as by leeches, the scari- iicator, or lancet. auriculo-, dwr-ik'ul-o (L. auricula , the flap of the ear), denoting connec- tion with the ear, or with the auricles of the heart ; see under ' auricle.' be (AS. be, sometimes ge), to make ; to take from : be prefixed to a noun forms a verb, as in oecalm, to make calm ; 6edim, to make dim ; oe- friend, to act as a friend to ; 6ehead, to take the head from : be prefixed to a verb signifies 'about' ; over; for ; as oegird, to gird about ; oedaub, to daub over ; fospeak, to speak for : be as the first element in an 472 PREFIXES, adverb, a preposition, or a conjunction, signifies 'by or in* : betimes, in time ; oehind, in the rear of; oefore, in front of; because, by cause of. bi, also bis (L. bis, twice ; another form of dis), twice ; two ; double ; in two : bisect, to cut into two equal parts ; occipital, having a double head : biscuit, bread twice baked : bis becomes, for sake of euphony, bin, as in oinoxalate. brachio-, brak'-i-d (L. brachium, an arm), denoting a connection with the arm ; as brachio -cephalic, connected with the arm and head. broncho-, brdngk'o (Gr. brongchos, the windpipe), denoting relation to, or connection with, the brachea or windpipe ; as oroncAo-pneumonia, inflammation of the bronchia, and the substance of the lungs. bucco-, buk'ko (L. bucca, the cheek), denoting connection with the cheek or its muscles. calcareo-, kdl-kdr'8-d (L. calcarius, pert, to lime from calx, lime), having calcareous matter or lime in the composition of the compound ; as caZcareo-silicious, consisting of calcareous and silicious earth. carpo-, kdrp'o (carpus, a Latinised form of Gr. karpos, the wrist), denoting connection with the wrist ; as carpo-meta-carpal, pert, to the hand and wrist, including the fingers. cata, also cat, and cath (Gr. ), down ; downwards ; under ; against ; completeness : catacombs, hollow places underground ; catalogue, consisting of words put down as in a list : catechise, to speak down to others ; catoptrics, the science of light reflected downwards ; catli- olic, the whole, in completeness. chloro-, klotfo, also chlor-, klor (Gr. chloros, grass-green), denoting that chlorine is one of the components of the substance ; of a grass- green, or deep-yellow. chondro-, kdn'dro (Gr. chondros, cartilage), denoting connection with the cartilage ; as chondro - xiphoid, connected with the xiphoid cartilage. circum, also circu (L. ), around ; round about : circumference, that which goes round ; circumscribe, to write around, to limit : circuit, a moving or passing round. cis (L. ), on this side : cisalpine, on this side the Alps. cleido-, kleid'6 (Gr. kleis, a key, a clavicle, kleidos, of a key), denoting connection with the clavicle ; as c/doVcostal, connected with the clavicle and ribs. con, assuming the various forms co, cog, col, com, cor, according to the commencing letter of the word or root (L. cum, with), together ; with ; together with : concede, to yield together ; contract, to draw together : con becomes co before a vowel or h, as coalesce, to grow together ; coerce, to force together ; coherent, sticking together : cog before n, as connate, born together ; cognition, knowledge together : col before 1, as collect, to gather together ; collate, to bring together : com before m, b, or p, as commerce, a trading together ; combustion, a burning together ; compose, to put together : cor before r, as correct, to make straight with ; corrode, to gnaw together. contra, also its forms counter and contro (L. contra, F. contre, against), against ; in opposition to : contradict, to speak against ; counteract, to act against ; controvert, to contend against in words or writing. crico-, krlk f -o (Gr. krikds, a ring), denoting attachment to or connection with the cricoid cartilage ; as cnco-thyroid, denoting a membrane, PREFIXES, 473 forming one of the three ligaments which connect the cricoid and thyroid cartilages. cysto-, sis'if'd (Gr. kustis, a bladder), denoting connection with the bladder ; as c*/so-lithiasis, urinary calculus disease. dacryo-, dak'-ri-o (Gr. dakrfi, a tear, dakrtios, of a tear), denoting connection with the lachrymal apparatus ; as dacn/o-adenalgia, pain or disease of the lachrymal gland. de (L. ), down ; from ; separation : decide, to cut down ; degrade, to put a step down ; demand, to order from ; depose, to put down. deca, d$k r >a (Gr. deka), ten ; as decagon, a figure having ten equal angles and sides. dermo-, derm'o, dermat-, derm' at, and dermato- (Gr. derma, skin), denoting connection with the skin ; as dermafo-pathia, a suggested term for disease of the skin. deut-, dut, and deuto-, dut-o (Gr. deuteros, second), denoting * two ' or 'double, 'as the combinations of two equivalents of oxygen with a metal: dewtoxide, a substance in the second degree of oxydation, that is, a substance containing two equivalents of oxygen to one of another body. dia, dl f -d (Gr. dia, through from duo, two), two ; through ; asunder : dialogue, a conversation between two ; diaphanous, letting light through ; diameter, the measure through the centre. dis, dis, with its forms di and dif (L. and Gr. dis, twice, in two parts), not ; the opposite of ; asunder or apart ; two : disagree, the opposite of agree ; dispel, to drive asunder ; dispose, to place asunder ; disrelish, not to relish ; dissyllable, a word of two syllables ; disannul, to render null dis being only intensive : dis becomes di before s, v, etc., as disperse, to spread asunder ;" divert, to turn aside or apart : dif before f, as diffuse, to pour apart ; differ, to bear apart. dorso-, ddrs'6 (L. dorsum, the back), denoting connection with the back; as dorso-cervical, designating a region situated at the back part of the neck. duo-, du'-o (L. duo, two), denoting the second or duplicate ; as dwo-sternal, denoting the second bone or gladiolus of the sternum. dys, dis (Gr. dus, with difficulty, bad), an inseparable prefix, denoting badly ; with difficulty ; hard ; opposed to Gr. eu, well : d^/scrasia, an ill habit of body. e is a form of L. ex, and ec a form of Gr. ex, which see. electro-, e-lek'-tro (Gr. electron, amber), denoting connection with the phenomena of electricity or galvanism ; as etoro-biology, the doctrine which treats of the influence of electricity on life. en (AS. ; F. ), to make ; to surround : e/zable, to make able ; ewnoble, to make noble : en becomes em before b or p, as embezzle, to make as one's own what belongs to another ; employ, to make use of ; embrace, to surround as with the arms. en (F. en; L. in; Gr. en; AS. em, in), in ; on ; into : encage, to put into a cage ; enclose, to close in ; ewkindle, to set on fire : en becomes em before b or p, as e?ftbalm, to put into balsam ; embosom, to hold or enclose in the bosom ; empale, to drive a stake into : en or em from the Greek, and used as a prefix in words derived from the Greek, as ewdemic, on the people ; energy, work or power in : e?7iphasis, a speaking with the force of the voice on : some words are written indifferently with en or in, as enclose or ircclose. 474 PREFIXES. endeca-, %n'-d$k-a (Gr. endeca, eleven), eleven ; in L. undecim. endo-, en'do (Gr. endon, within), within or inwards ; as erafo-skeleton, an inner or internal skeleton. ennea-, Zn'nfra (Gr. enriea, nine), having nine ; in L. novem ; as ewieandrous, having nine stamens. ens, %nz (L. ens, being), any being or substance ; in chem., an essence containing the whole qualities or virtues of a compound substance. entero-, ew'ZeV-o (Gr. $nt$r$n, an intestine), denoting connection with the intestines ; as enterocolitis, inflammation of the small intestine and colon. epi, with its forms ep and eph (Gr. ), on ; upon ; during : ep is used before a vowel, eph with an aspirate, and epi before a consonant : epidermis, a skin upon a skin; eptaph, a writing upon a tombstone: epoch, a point of time fixed on : ephemeral, existence only upon a day. ex, with its forms e, ef (L.), from ; out ; out of: exhaust, to draw out ; expire, to breathe out : emerge, to rise out of : effect, to work out ; e/fulgence, a shining out. ex or ek, also ec (Gr. ), out ; out of ; from : exodus, a going out : ecstasy, a standing out of the body : eccentric, out of the centre. excito-, eks'Slt'-o (L. exclto, I stir up), denoting power to rouse or stimulate to action ; as exczfo-motory, the function of the nervous system by which the impressions conveyed to the brain result in muscular action without sensation or volition. exo-, eks'6 (Gr.), without : exotic, that which is introduced from with- out. extra (L.), on the outside; beyond; in excess; additional: extravagant, wandering beyond limits ; extfravasate, to let or force out beyond the proper vessel ; exZra-judicial, on the outside of ordinary court pro- cedure. ferro-,/e>-ro (L.ferrum, iron), denoting connection with iron ; as/erro- cyanic, denoting an acid compounded of cyanogen, iron, and hydrogen. fibro-, flb'ro (L. fibra, a fibre, a band), denoting a fibrous state of the substance; asj&ro-cartilage, a texture consisting of white, fibrous tissue and cartilage. for, sometimes fore (Ger. ver, Goth, fair, away), not ; against ; forth ; away : /o?*bid, to bid a thing away ; forget, to away-get ; ybrswear, to swear against : forego, to go without. fore (Ger. vor, before ; AS. for, for), before ; in front of : /oreordain, to ordain beforehand ; foretell, to tell before ; /oreground, ground in front. NOTE. The prep.yor and the prefixes for and fore are radically connected. gain (AS. ), against : gainsay, to speak against. gastero-, gas'ter-o, gastro-, gas'-tro, and gastr-, gas'tr (Gr. gaster, the stomach), prefixes denoting relation to, or connection with, the stomach ; as gastro-ceiph&litis, inflammation of the stomach and head. hsem-, hem, hsema-, hem' a, hsemat-, hem' at, and hsemato-, hem'at-o (Gr. haima, blood, haimatos, of blood), different forms, signifying blood; having a reference to, or connected with, blood : hcemalopia,, an effusion of blood into the ball of the eye ; a blood-shot eye : Aeemafometra, retention of blood in the womb. hemi-, hem'i (Gr. hemi, half), half ; in L. semi; as hemicx&uia,, pain on one side of the head only. PREFIXES. 475 hepato-, hep'at-o (Gr. hepar, the liver), denoting connection with the liver ; as hepato-cystic, denoting connection between the liver and gall-bladder. hepta-, hVp'ta (Gr. hepla, seven), seven ; in L. septem ; as heptagynous, having seven styles. hetero-, het'-Zr-o (Gr. Tieferos, opposite, different), denoting difference ; dissimilarity ; as /teterodromous, having spirals running in opposite directions. hexa-, lieks'a (Gr. kexa, six), six ; in L. sex ; as Aeceandrous, having six stamens. holo-, hol'-d (Gr. htilos, entire), entire ; complete ; as 7*ofopetalous, having entire petals. homo-, horn' 6, homoeo-, hdm-e'd (Gr. 7i8mos, alike ; homoid's, similar, like); homo signifies equality or sameness; homceo, similarity: homo- carpous, having all the fruits of a flower- head alike : ^omceomeric, having similarity of parts. hyper, hip'-er (Gr. huper), above ; over ; beyond : /w/perborean, beyond the north ; hypercritical, judging over-exactly. hypo, hip' 6 (Gr. hupo), under ; beneath ; indicating a less quantity : hypocrite, one who keeps his real character under ; hypotenuse, the line extended under the right angle : hyp, hip, slightness, or incom- pleteness, as hypalgi&, slight pain. iatro-, l-tit'-rd (Gr. mtros, a physician), denoting connection with the healing art ; as iatfrophysics, physics as applied to medicine. icos-, ik'-os, and icosi-, ilc'dz'-i (Gr. eiJcosi, twenty), twenty ; in L. viginti. ideo-, id'-e-o (Gr. idea, idea, abstract notion), denoting connection with ideas or mind ; as ideology, the science of ideas or mind. idio-, id''i>6 (Gr. idws, peculiar), denoting something peculiar to the person, thing, or part spoken of ; as idiospasm, spasm or cramp occurring in one part only. in, also its forms il, im, ir (L. in, in, within), in ; into ; on in verbs and nouns ; as include, to shut in ; mcision, a cutting into : in becomes il before 1, as illuminate, to throw light on : im before b, p, or m, as imbibe, to drink in ; import, to carry in ; immure, to put within walls : ir before r, as irrigate, to let water flow on : in sometimes becomes en see en 2. in, also its forms ig, il, im, ir (L. in, not), signifies 'not' before adjectives : incorrect, not correct ; incapable, not able to take : in becomes ig before n, as ignoble, not noble ; ignominious, not of a good name : il before 1, as illicit, not permitted ; i/liberal, not free or generous : im before m or p, as immature, not ripe ; imprudent, not prudent : ir before r, as irregular, not according to rule ; irreligious, not religious. infra, iri-frii (L. infra, beneath), denoting under or beneath, as iw/ra-orbital, situated underneath the orbit, as an artery. inter-, m'-ter (L.), between ; among or amongst ; in the midst : intercede, to go between ; interfere, to strike amongst ; interpose, to place amongst : intel, as in intelligence, understanding among. intro-, m'tro (L.), within ; into ; in : introduce, to lead within ; intro- mit, to send in. iod-, l-6d f , and iodo-, l-od'-o (Gr. lodes, resembling a violet in colour ; new L. iodium, iodine), denoting iodine as an element of a com- 476 PREFIXES. pound ; as iodofoxm, denoting a saffron-coloured substance containing iodine. irido-, ir'-id-o (L. iris, the rainbow, Iridis, of the rainbow), denoting connection with the iris of the eye ; as iricfo-dlalysis, an operation for an artificial pupil of the eye. iso-, is'o (Gr. isos, equal, similar), denoting equality, likeness, or similarity ; as isoeheimal, having the same, or a similar winter temperature. juxta, juks'-ta (L.), close to ; near to ; nigh : juxtaposition, a position close to. leuco-, Idk'-o (Gr. leukos, white), denoting ' whiteness ' ; as Zewco-derma, a cutaneous disease characterised by white patches on healthy skins. litho-, litti'-o (Gr. lithos, a stone), having reference to a stone, or a calculus ; as litholyste, the treatment for the solution of stone in the bladder. macro-, mak'-ro (Gr. makros, long), denoting largeness or length ; as macrocarpous, having large fruit. magneto-, mag -net' 6 (Gr. L., magnes, the loadstone, L. magnetls, of the loadstone), connected with magnetism ; as magneto-electricity, the electric phenomena produced by magnetism. medico-, med'tk-6 (L. medico, I cure or heal), denoting connection with medicine ; as medico-legal, pert, to law as affected by medical facts. mega-, meg' a, and megalo-, meg'dl>d (Gr. megas, great), large ; of great size ; as megatherium, a fossil creature of enormous size. mercurio-, mer-km^-i-o (L. mercurms, mercury), denoting a connection with mercury ; as mercuric-syphilitic, resulting partly from the effects of mercury, and partly from syphilis. mes-, mes, and meso-, mgz-o (Gr. mesa's, middle), denoting the middle ; as mesophlceum, the middle layer of the bark, meta, met'-a, also its form met (Gr.), beyond ; after ; over ; a change or transference : metaphor, that which carries a word beyond its usual meaning ; metamorphosis, a change of form : metonymy, that which changes one word or name for another related to it ; method, after a settled way. micro, mlk'ro (Gr. mikros, small), denoting of small size ; as micro- meter, an instr. for measuring minute objects under the microscope, mis (Goth, mis, implying error, separation ; AS. mis, defect), diver- gence ; error ; defect ; wrong : misapply, to apply wrongly ; mislay, to lay in a wrong place ; misbehaviour, ill-behaviour ; misconduct, defect in conduct. mon-, m8n, and mono-, mdn'o (Gr. montis, one, single), one ; in L. unus ; as mowandrous, having one stamen. muco-, muk'-o (L. mucus, nasal secretion), denoting connection with mucus ; as mwco-enteritis, inflammation of the mucous coat of the intestines. mult-, mult, and multi-, mult'i (L. multus, many, much), many in number ; much ; as mi^angular, having many corners or angles. myelo-, mi'$l*d (Gr. muelos, marrow), denoting connection with the brain or spinal marrow ; as m?/efo-meningitis, inflammation of the spinal cord, myo-, mi'o (Gr. mus, a muscle), denoting connection with a muscle ; as myocarditis, inflammation of the muscular substance of the heart. PREFIXES. 477 neo-, ne'-o (Gr. n%8s, new), recent ; new ; as neoplasm, a new formation or growth. nitro-, nit'rd, and nitr-, nlt'r (Gr. nttrtin, L. nttrum, a mineral alkali), denoting the presence of nitre, or nitric acid ; as m^Hfication, the process of converting into nitre. non-, non (L.), not ; reversing the sense ; as wow-ability, want of ability. ob, with its forms oc, of, o, op (L.), in the way of; against; out : ODJect, something cast in the way of ; o&solete, grown out of use : ob becomes oc before c, as in occasion, a falling in the way of : of before f, as in o/fend, to strike against : o before in, as in omit, to leave out : op before p, as in oppose, to place against : in bot. t reversed, or contrariwise, as o&compressed, flattened in front and behind, not laterally ; ooovate, inversely ovate. occipito-, ok'Sip'-it-o (L. occiput, the back part of the head), denoting connection with the occipital bone, or 'os occipitis' ; as occipifo-front- alis, a thin, flat muscle which arises from the transverse ridge of the occipital bone. oleo-, oZ-e-o(L. oleum, oil), combined with oil, or containing it; as oleo- albuminous, consisting of oil and albumen. omo-, ora'o (Gr. oraos, a shoulder), denoting attachment to, or connec- tion with, the scapula ; as omo-nyoid, denoting a muscle between the scapula and the hyoid bone. ortho-, orthf-d (Gr. ortlios, straight), straight ; upright ; as ortfAopncea, inability to breathe except in the upright position. osteo-, ost'e'6 (Gr. osteon, a bone), denoting connection with, or reference to, a bone ; as osteo-dentine, a substance intermediate in structure between dentine and bone. oxy-, oks'-i (Gr. oxus, sour, acid), denoting the presence of oxygen or an acid ; acute ; sharp : also assumes the forms oxi and oxu : as oxymel, a mixture of vinegar and honey. pachy-, p&Tc'-i (Gr. pachus, thick), thick ; dense ; as pac%-dermatous, having a thick skin. pan-, pan, pant-, pant, and panto-, pant'd(Gi. pan, all), all; everything: pandemonium, the place of all the demons : pantomime, a theatrical dumb show of all sorts of actions and characters. para, pdr^d, also par (Gr. para, by, along), side by side as if for com- parison ; like ; unlike ; contrary to : paradox, that which is contrary to received opinion : parody, a poetical composition, like in substance, but unlike in sense, to another. penta-, pent'a, and pente-, p%nt'-e (Gr. p%nfe, five), five ; in L. quinque; as pewtfaphyllous, having five leaves. per, with its form pel(L.), through ; thoroughly ; by ; for : perennial, lasting through the year ; perfect, done thoroughly : per becomes pel before 1, as in pellucid, thoroughly clear. peri, per'-i (Gr. ), round ; about : perimeter, the measure round about ; period, a way round. pharyngo-,/ar- 72^(70 (Gr. pharunyx, the gullet or windpipe), denoting connection with the pharynx or windpipe ; as pharynyo-gloa&al, pert. to the pharynx and tongue. phyllo-,/^'Zo"(Gr. phyllon, a leaf), a leaf; mL. folium; asp%#otaxis, the arrangement of leaves on the stem. platy-, pldt-i (Gr. platus, broad), broad j in L. lalus; as having broad leaves. 478 PREFIXES. pleuro-, pldr^d (Gr. pleura, the side), denoting connection with the pleura, a side, or a rib ; as pleuro&ynia,, rheumatic or spasmodic pain in the side. phiri-, pldr'-i (L. plures, many), many ; several ; as pZwnpartite, separated into many distinct divisions. pneumato-, num'at>o, pnettmo-, num'o, and pneumon-, num'-on (Gr. pneuma, air), connected with air or breath ; as pneumato-cyst, an air sac or float of certain Hydrozoa. podo-, pdd'o (Gr. pous, a foot, podos, of a foot), a foot or stalk ; in L. pes, a foot, peVZzs, of a foot ; as podoc&rp, a stalk supporting the fruit. poly-, pol f -i (Gr. polus, many), many; in L. multu-s; as po/yspennal, containing many seeds. post (L. ), behind ; after ; afterwards : postfix, that which is put after ; postscript, that which is written afterwards. prae or pre (L. prce), before ; priority of time, place, or rank : precede, to go before ; predict, to say or tell before. preter-, pretfer (L. prceter), beyond ; more than : preternatural, beyond the course of nature ; prefer-imperfect, more than imperfect. pro, with its forms por and pur (L. pro, for ; Gr. pro, before), for ; forward; forth: proceed, to go for ward; provoke, to call forth : por- tend, to indicate events forward : pursue, to follow forward. proto-, prot'-o (Gr. protds, first), first ; lowest ; in chem., a first degree of combination, as of oxygen with metals ; as protoplast, the thing first formed. pseud-, sud, and pseudo-, sud'd (Gr. pseudes, false), false or spurious ; as psewcfo-membrane, a false membrane. pyr-, per, and pyro-, plr'-o (Gr. pur, fire, puros, of fire), denoting re- lation to, or connection with, fire or heat ; as p^/rogenous, produced or formed by fire. radio-, radf-l-o (L. radius, a spoke, a ray), denoting connection with the smaller bone of the forearm ; as rac^o-carpal, applied to the joint at the wrist which unites the ' radius ' with the ' carpus. ' re (L. ), back or again ; anew or a second time : reaffirm, to firm again ; recommence, to begin anew. retro (L. ), back ; backward : retrospect, a looking back. rhino-, rln'-o (Gr. rhln, the nose, rhino's, of the nose), denoting connec- tion with the nose ; as rhino&yma,, pain of the nose. sarco-, sdr-6 (Gr. sarx, flesh), denoting 'flesh or fleshy' ; as sarcocarp, the fleshy part of certain fruits. sclero-, skUr f -o (Gr. skleros, hard), denoting hardness ; as sc?eroderma, a disease in which the skin hardens and indurates. se (L.), aside ; a separating from : secede, to go aside, to separate from; seduce, to lead aside. semi-, (L.), half ; in part : semicircle, half a circle ; in Gr. hemi, half. septem-, sept r -em (L. septem, seven), seven ; in Gr. hepta, seven ; as sepferanervine, having seven nerves. sesqui-, s^ifcwi(L. sesqui, more by a half), in chem., denoting that 1J equivalents of one constituent is united to one equivalent of another, or in the proportion of * three to two ' ; a whole and a half; as sesgui- carbonate, a salt composed of 1 J equivalents of carbonic acid and 1 equivalent of any base. sex-, s$ks (L. sex, six), six ; in Gr. hexa, six ; as sexdigitism, the con- dition of having six fingers on a hand, and six toes on a foot. PREFIXES. 479 sex-, sVJcs (L. sexus, sex, sexus, of sex), sex; as sexiferons, provided with sexual organs. sine (L. ), without : smecure, an office which has an income but not employment. stomato-, stdm'at'd, and stomo-, stom'o (Gr. stoma, the mouth), denot- ing connection with the mouth ; as tomato-gastric, connected with the mouth and stomach. stylo-, stil'-o (L. stylus, Gr. stiiltis, a column, a style or pen), denoting connection with the styloid process of the temporal bone ; as stylo- glossus, the shortest of three muscles which spring from the styloid process of the temporal bone, situated partly under the tongue. sub, with its forms sue, suf, sug, sum, sup, sus (L.), under; below ; beneath : sw&scribe, to write under ; subside, to settle under : sub becomes sue before c, as in ^cceed, to follow under or in order : suf before f, as in suffer, to bear up under : sug before g, as in suggest, to carry or lay under : sum before m, as in summon, to warn beneath or secretly : sup before p, as in ^pplant, to trip up beneath : sus before c, p, t, etc., as in msceptible, capable of being laid hold of beneath ; sw-spend, to hang beneath. subter (L. ), beneath ; under : subterfuge, a flying under or beneath. super, with its form sur (L.), above; over; in excess : superhuman, above human ; supersede, to sit or be above : super assumes the French form sur, as in surcharge, to charge in excess. syn, with its forms sy, syl, sym (Gr.), with ; together ; united : syntax, a putting together in order : syn becomes sy before s, as in system, that which is formed of parts placed together : syl before 1, as in syllable, several letters taken together to form a single sound : sym before b, p, or m, as in sympathy, feeling with another ; symbol, that which is thrown together with something else ; symmetry, state of having the parts of the same measure with. ter-, ter (L. ter, thrice), in chem., denoting three atoms of acid combined with one of base. tetra-, tet'ra (Gr. tetra, four), four ; in L. quatuor ; as tetragynous, having four carpels, or four styles. trachelo-, trak-el-o (Gr. trachelds, the neck), denoting connection with the throat or neck ; as ZracAefo-mastoid, a muscle which passes from the neck to the mastoid process of the skull. tracheo-, trdk'e-o (Gr. tracheia, the windpipe), denoting connection with the trachea or windpipe ; as fa'acAeo-bronchitis, inflammation of the trachea and bronchi. trans, with its form tra (L.), across; over; beyond; through: transact, to carry or drive through ; transgress, to go over or beyond : trans is contracted into tra, as in traverse, to turn or lie across. tri-, trl (L. Iris, Gr. treis, thrice), three ; in threes ; as n'adelphoii8, in bot. , having stamens united into three bundles by their filaments ; triangle, a figure of three sides and angles ; insect, to cut into three equal parts. ultra (L.), beyond ; on the other side ; extreme : w&ramontane, on the other side of the mountain. Tin (AS. un, a privative or negative particle), not ; the opposite of used in these senses before adjectives, or nouns derived from adjec- tives : unfruitful, not fruitful ; wifruiti'ulness, the state of not being 480 POSTFIXES. fruitful ; stable, not able : un before a verb signifies ' to deprive of; to undo ; wwdress, to take off clothes ; smcrown, to deprive of a crown : un is equivalent to the Latin prefix in when it signifies ' not ' : in and un are often used indifferently before adjectives see in. undecim-, un'dZs-im (L. undecim, eleven), eleven ; in Gr. endeJca. under (Goth, undar, Ger. unter, under), that which is less than right or ordinary ; lower in rank or degree ; beneath : underco&t, a coat beneath ; under-clerk, an inferior clerk. uni-, un'-l (L. units, one), one ; in Gr. mono ; as tmiparons, having only one at a birth. utero-, utter -6 (L. uterus, the womb), denoting connection with the womb ; as wfero-abdominal, pert, to the uterus and the abdomen. vegeto-, vedj'et-0 (L. vegetus, lively, vigorous from veged, I quicken), denoting connection with vegetable life; as vegeto-&nima,I, having the nature of both vegetable and animal life. viginti-, vldj-m'-ti (L. viginti, twenty), twenty ; in Gr. icosi. xylo-, zil'O (L. xulon, wood), denoting some connection with wood. POSTFIXES. A postfix is a particle, generally significant, placed after a word, or a root, to modify its meaning. Note. There are many postfixes or terminations which are not now significant. These are letters or syllables in present use which apparently serve only to lengthen the words, though once significant. The postfixes are placed in groups according to their signification. In the examples the root-parts are printed in black type, and the postfixes in italics. Those postfixes only are given in the following list which affect scientific terms. e, d'-se-e (L. dceus), in bot., a postfix which terminates the names of Orders ; as Droceracece, the Sundew family of plants ; Oxalidaceee, the Wood-sorrel family of plants. -aceous, d'-slius, and -ous, us, aceous denotes resemblance to a sub- stance ; as membranacecws, resembling a membrane, having the consistence or structure of membrane ; carbonaceous, partaking of the qualities or appearance of carbon : ous denotes the substance itself ; as membranous, belonging to, or consisting of, membranes. -adse, ad'-e, the same as idse, which see. -agoga, ag-og'-a, and -agogue, ag-og' (Gr. agogos, a leader from ago, I lead or drive), denoting substances which expel others ; as emmen- agogue, a medicine which has the power of promoting the menstrual discharge. -agra, ag'-ra (Gr. agra, a seizure), denoting a seizure of pain ; as podagra, gout of the foot. -algia, alj'i'd (Gr. algos, pain), denoting the presence of pain ; asnephr- algia, pain, or neuralgia, in the kidney : same as -odynia. -ana, an'a (L. anus}, denoting a collection of memorable sayings or loose thoughts ; as Johnsoniawa, a collection of the sayings, etc., of Johnson. -ate, at (L. dtus), in chem., a postfix which, substituted in the name of an acid ending in ic, expresses a combination of that acid with a POSTFIXES. 481 salifiable base; as nitrate of silver, that is, a combination of nitric acid with the salifiable base silver. -cele, sel (Gr. kele, a tumour), denoting a tumour caused by the protru- sion of some soft part ; denoting the swelling of a part ; denoting an enlargement by a contained fluid ; as enterocefe, abdominal hernia, containing intestine only. cle, kl, and -cule, kul, etc. (L. culus), denoting ' little' ; 'diminution' ; as animalczde, a very little creature : pilule, a little pill. -colla, kdl'la (Gr. kolla, glue), denoting glue, or a resemblance to it ; as sarcocoWa, flesh glue. -689, %>e, in bot. y a postfix terminating names of Sub-orders; as Phytol- accece, a Sub-order of the Order Phytolaccacese. -form,/#rra (L. forma, form, shape), denoting 'resemblance'; in Gr. id or ide; as fili/orra, having the form or shape of a thread. -f age, ftidj (L. fugo, 1 drive away or expel), denoting one substance which expels another, or a disease ; as febrifuge, a medicine which expels or cures a fever. -gen, j&n, -geny, j$ntt, -genesis, ftn'-Vs-fo, and -genous, jen'-us, etc. (Gr. genesis, generation ; gends, birth ; genndo, I produce), denoting ' production ' ; ' generation ' ; as organo<;e?iesis, or org&iLogeny, the production or generation of organs : c&prigenous, produced or generated by a goat. -graphy, graj'-i (Gr. grdpho, I write), denoting the description of a thing, either in writing or by means of diagrams ; as stimography, a description or history of vapours. -ia, I- a (L. iiis), a postfix which forms the termination of medical terms denoting ' a diseased state or condition ' ; as leucimia, a con- dition of the blood in which there is a deficiency of colouring matter ; dipsomania, a condition in which there is an irresistible longing for alcoholic liquors : also in bot., terminating many names of genera : -ious, i-us, the terminations of the adjectives formed from them. -ic, Ik (L. icus, Gr. ikos\ in chem., denoting the acid containing most oxygen, when more than one is formed; as nitric, sulphuric : mphys. and path. , expressing the condition of being excited ; see ode. Ida, id'- a, see ida9. -idaa, id f >e, -ads3, ad'e, and -ides, -idz (Gr. ides), a postfix signifying ' descent ' ; denoting a family or group exhibiting some points of likeness ; as c&nidce, the Dog family, including dogs, foxes, and wolves. -ide, id, and -ides, Idz (Gr. eidos, resemblance), a postfix of such terms as oxygen, chlorine, fluorine, and iodine, used to indicate combina- tions with each other, or with simple combustibles or metals, in pro- portions not forming acids ; as oxwZe of chlorine, chloride of sulphur, iodide of iron, etc. -idea, id'e-d, -idean, Zd'-fran, and -ideus, id'e'-us (L. ideus from Gr. eidos, resemblance), that which bears resemblance, or related to such ; as arytenoideara, dr-ilf'^U'dyd^-dn, pert, to that which is arytenoid or funnel-shaped. -ides, Idz, as if -eides and -oides, oydz (Gr. eidos, resemblance), a postfix preceded by o, denoting ' resemblance or likeness to an object ' ; as alkaloides, substances having a likeness or resemblance to alkaloids. -ides, see idse. 2H 482 POSTFIXES. -ine, in, or -in, In (L. inns], a common termination in chemical terms, but varying much in signification ; as hsematw, the colouring matter resulting from the decomposition of haemoglobin by heat : hssmatwe, the colouring matter of logwood : stearm, the solid fatty principle of animal fat : mulin, a modification of starch : e is now pretty generally omitted in the terminations of such words. -ine has been usually applied to the alkaloids produced from vegetable substances, and the compounds possessing the closest analogies to them ; as quinine, atropme, aniline, etc., but we now say quima. -ite, U (L. tins), a postfix which, in the name of an acid, substituted for ous expresses combination of that acid with a salifiable base ; as sulphite of potash, that is, a combination of sulphurows acid with the base potash. -ite, U (Gr. lithos, a stone), in geol., an abbreviation of lite, meaning * stone '; * resembling stone' ; as quartzite, granular quartz ; ammonife, a certain fossil shell. -itis, it'-is (Gr. iemi, I discharge, I set against), in med., a postfix in Gr. names of organs, denoting inflammation of the organ indicated, as cardies, inflammation of the heart ; laryngitis, inflammation of the larynx. -lite, lit (Gr. litJws, a stone), ingeoL, stone ; as mellite, honey-stone. -logy, lddf-i (Gr. logos, a word, a description), denoting a description of, or a treatise on, a subject ; as laryngology, a treatise on the larynx. -lysis, lis'-is (Gr. lusis, a loosening, a release), denoting ' a solution ' ; ' a resolution' ; etc. ; as parafysis, a loosening of nervous energy. -meter, met'er (Gr. matron, a measure), denoting * measure,' or * measurer ' ; as barometer, a measurer of weight. -o, a common terminating vowel of the first part of binomial compounds, denoting intimate ' connection or association, ' either friendly or hostile, or otherwise, with the second part ; thus, Anglo-Indian, that is, India as associated with, or influenced by England ; metallo-chemistry, the branch of chemistry which treats specially of metals. -ode, od (Gr. odes, excess or fulness), in med., denoting 'an unexcited condition' ; as tetanocfe, tetanus without excitability, as distinguished from tetanic, denoting the excited state of tetanus. -odes, ddz (Gr. odes, excess or fulness), in scientific terms, 'plenty or fulness' ; as hsem&todes, full of blood. -03cium, e'shi'um, and -oscious, e'-shus (Gr. oiJcos, a house or family), in bot. , denoting the arrangement of stamens and pistils in flowers ; as andrcecmm, the staminal organs : monceciows, possessing two kinds of unisexual flowers on the same individual. -ops, dps, -opsia, dps'-i-a, and -opia, dp'-i-a (Gr. ops, the eye, Spsis, sight), denoting connection with the eye and vision ; as myopia, short- ness of sight. -ous, tis, and -ose, 6z(L. osus], in cJiem., denoting that compound which has a smaller quantity of oxygen than the one which ends in ic ; thus, nitrous acid, the acid which contains a smaller quantity of oxygen than nitric acid. -pathy, ptith'i, and -pathia, pfith'-t'& (Gr. patfios, suffering, disease), denoting 'feeling or suffering with ' ; 'affection ' ; as deuterogamy, a secondary or sympathetic disease. -p.hore,/or, -phorum,/6r-#w, and -phorus,/c>r-#s (Gr. phtireo, I bear, ABBREVIATIONS. 483 I carry), denoting 'bearing' ; ' producing'; in L. fer and/erws; as galactojo// orous, milk-bearing. rhcea, re'a (Gr. rhoa, a stream from rhZo, I flow), denoting 'a discharge' ; as diarrAcea, a discharge from the bowels : the r is doubled after a vowel. scope, shop, and -scopy, skop't (Gr. sk8p$s, an inspector from skopW, I view), denoting examination ; indication, etc. ; as stethoscope, an instr. for assisting in the examination of the sound of the chest. tome, torn, -tomia, tom'-i-a, -tomy, tornf'i (Gr. tome, a cutting), denot- ing *a cutting ' ; 'incision ' ; as a>na,tomy, the art of cutting up a dead animal for scientific purposes. -ula, ul'd, -ule, ul, and -ulus, uf-us (L. ulus), diminution ; littleness ; as globule, a little globe. -uret, ur'-U (L. uro, I burn), denoting the combination of simple inflammable bodies with one another, or with a metal ; as sulph^re^, the combination of sulphur with an alkali or a metal; ipho&phuretted, combined with phosphorus, etc. ABBREVIATIONS USED BY MEDICAL MEN IN WRITING OUT PRESCRIPTIONS. The abbreviations begin with small letters, as the form in which they are usually found. Of course, when commencing a sentence, an abbreviation will commence with a large or capital letter. Only those in common use have been given. a or aa (Gr. ana), of each ; denotes that an equal quantity of each ingredient named is to be taken, abs. febr. (L. absZnte, absent ; febr$, fever), fever being absent ; in the absence of fever. add. (L. dddS, add), add ; also (L. addantur, they may be added), add ; let there be added. ad lib. or ad libit. (L. ad, to or at ; libitum, one's pleasure), at pleasure. admov. (L. admdve 1 , apply), apply ; also (L. admdvedt&r, it may be applied, or admovvantur, they may be applied), let there be applied. altern. horis (L. altZrnis, in alternate ; horns, in hours), in alternate hours ; every other hour, alt. noct. (L. alterms, in alternate ; ndcttbus, in nights), in alternate nights ; every other night. alvo adst. (L. dlvo, with the belly ; adstricta, with bound or pressed close), with the belly bound ; when the bowels are costive. aq. bull. (L. aqua, water ; bulliens, boiling), boiling water. aq. dest. (L. aqua, water ; destilldta, distilled), distilled water. aq. ferv. (L. aqua, water ; fZrvens, boiling), boiling water. aq. font. (L. aqua, water ; fontdna, of or from a spring), spring water ; also (L. aqua, water ; fdntis, of the fountain), the water of a spring. bib. (L. bibe), drink thou. bis ind. (L. bis, twice ; indffis, from day to day), twice a day. b. c. (L. balneum, a bath ; calidum, warm), a warm-water bath for the patient. b. m. (L. balnViim, a bath; mid. L. marice, of the sea from maria, 484 ABBREVIATIONS. the sea ; L. marls, of the sea from mare, the sea), a bath of sea- water ; a water bath. b. v. (L. balneum, a bath ; vtipdrosum, full of steam or vapour), a vapour bath for the patient. bull. (L. bulliat, it may boil, or bullidnt, they may boil), let it boil, or let them boil. cap. (L. capidt, he may take), let him take ; let the patient take. c. c. or c. (L. cucurbituld, the bitter gourd, a cupping-glass ; cruenta, bloody from cruor, blood), the cupping-glass with the scarificator. cochleat. (L. ctichleatlm, spirally, by spoonfuls from cochlea, a snail- shell), by spoonfuls. coch. ampl. (L. cdchledr'e, a spoon ; fimplum, large), a large spoonful. coch. infant. (L. ctichledr&, a spoon ; mfdntis, of an infant), a child's spoonful. coch. magn. (L. ctichledrV, a spoon ; magniim, large), a large spoonful. coch. med. (L. c8chledr$, a spoon ; medium, middle), a middling spoonful : coch. mod. (L. mtidicum, moderate), a moderate spoonful, that is, a dessert spoonful. coch. parv. (L. cdchttdre, a spoon ; pdrvum, small), a small spoonful. coq. (L. cfique, kok'we), boil thou. col. (L. cold), do thou strain or filter it : col. (L. coldtus), strained or filtered. colat. (L. coldtur, it may be strained or filtered), let it be strained or filtered : colet. (L. coletur, it may be strained or filtered), let it be strained or filtered : colent. (L. coUntur, they may be strained or filtered), let them be strained or filtered. color. (L. coloretur, it may be coloured), let it be coloured. comp. (L. cdmpdsitus), compounded. cong. (mid. L. congius), a gallon. c. n. (L. eras, to-morrow ; ndcte, in the night), to-morrow night : c. v. (L. eras, to-morrow ; vesper&, in the evening), to-morrow evening : eras mane (L. marie, the morning), to-morrow morning. cuj. (L. cujus, of which from qui, who), of which, cyath. thesB (L. cyatho, in a cup ; new L. thece, of tea from ihea, the tea-plant), in a cup of tea. cyath. vinar. (L. cyathus, a cup, a liquid measure ; vlnarius, of or belonging to wine from vinum, wine), a wine-glassful, det. (L. detur, it may be given from do, I .give), let it be given. dieb. alt. (L. diebus, on or in days from dies, a day ; alternis, on alternate), on alternate days ; every other day : dieb. tert. (L. tertus, on third from t$rtius, third), on every third day. dim. (L. dimidium), a half ; one half. div. in p. seq. (L. dividdtur, it may be divided ; in, into ; partes, parts from pars, a part ; cequdles, equal), let it be divided into equal parts. donee alv. bis dej. (L. dori&c, until ; dlvus, the belly ; bis, twice ; deficidtur, it may be thrown or cast down, it may be purged from de, down, andjacid, I tftrow), until the belly is twice evacuated; until two stools have been obtained, donee alv. sol. fuer. (L. donZc, until ; alvus, the belly ; soluta, loosened, unbound ; fuerit, it may have been), until the belly has been loosened ; until a stool has been obtained. ABBREVIATIONS. 485 dos. or d. (Gr. dSsis, that which is given from dtdtimi, I give), a dose, ejusd. (L. Zj&sdZm, of the same from id$m, the same), of the same, f. or fac. (L. fiat, it may be made, orfidnt, they may be made from fdcw, I make), let it be made ; let them be made. f. pil. xii. (L. fac, make thou ; pilulds, little balls; du8d%cim, twelve), make twelve pills. feb. dur. (L.febre, in or with the fever from/gftrfe, a fever; durdnte, with continuing), the fever continuing ; while the fever continues. ft. haust. or f. h. (L. fiat, it may be made ; haustus, a drink, a draught), let a draught be made. ft. mist. (L. flat, it may be made ; mlsturd, a mixture), let a mixture be made. f. s. a. (L. fiat, it may be made; secundtim, according to ; art$m, art), let it be made according to art. garg. (L. gargdrisma), a gargle. grana or gr. (L. grdnum, a grain, grand, grains), a grain ; grains. gtt. (L. guttd, a drop, guttce, drops), a drop ; drops : guttat. (L. guttdtim), by drops. h. s. or hor. som. (L. hord, at the hour ; somni, of sleep), at the hour of sleep ; on retiring to rest. ind. or indies (L. mdies, from day to day from in, into ; dies, a day), from day to day ; daily. inject. (L. injectw), an injection. lat. dol. (L. Idt&ri, on or to the side from Idtus, aside ; d8l$nti, to suffering or feeling pain from doled, I suffer pain), to the side which suffers pain. lot. (L. lotto, a washing, a bathing), a lotion. mane pr. (L. mane, at or in the morning ; primo, in the first), very early in the morning, manip., see under mis. mic. pan. (L. mica, a crumb, a morsel ; pdnis, of bread), a crumb or morsel of bread. niin. (L. minimum), a minim, the 60th of a drachm measure. mis. or misce (L. misc%, mix thou), mix : misce mensura (L. mensurd, by measure), mix by measure : inisce manipuhis (L. mdmpulus, a handful), mix a handful, mist. (L. mistura), a mixture, mitt, or mitte (L. mittg, send thou), send ; (L. mittdtur, it may be sent), let it be sent ; (L. mittantftfr t they may be sent), let them be sent. mod. praesc. (L. mddo, in the manner or way ; prcescrzpto, in praescribed or directed), in the manner prescribed, oct. or o. (L. dctdrius, a pint from octo, eight), a pint ; a pint of wine. omn. bid. (L. 8mn? 9 on every ; biduo, in a period of two days), every two days : omn. bih. (L. bihorio, in a period of two hours from bis, twice ; hor a, an hour), every two hours ; omn. hor. (L. hord, in the hour), every hour. omn. man. (L. dmni, on every ; mane, on the morning), on every morning : omn. noct. (L. ndcte, on the night), on every night. 436 ABBREVIATIONS. omn. quadr. hor. (L. timni, on every ; quadrant^, in a fourth part ; horce, of an hour), every quarter of an hour. P. B. (L. phdrmdcopceia, the Pharmacopoeia ; Britdnntce, of Britain), the British Pharmacopoeia. NOTE. Before the recent Medical Amend- ment Act, there used to exist separate Pharmacopoeias for London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, respectively. These are now merged into the one named above. P. U. S. is the Pharmacopoeia of the United States. pocal. (L. poculum}, a cup ; a tea-cup : pocill. (L. pocillum), a little cup. post sing. sed. liq. (L. post, after ; singulds, each ; sedts, seats, stools ; liqmdds, liquids), after each loose stool. ppt. or prep. (L. proepdrdta}, prepared ; made ready. p. r. n. (L. pro, on account of ; re, for or with a thing ; ndta, born), according as circumstances require ; occasionally. pulv. (L. pulvis, dust, powder), a powder ; (L. pulverizatus), powdered. q. s. (L. qudntum, as much as ; sufficidt, it may be sufficient), as much as may be sufficient. quaq. (L. qudqm, lcwa f -kw$), from every one : quisq. (L. quisquV, lewis'' Icwe), every one. quor. (L. quorum, of which (things) from quod, which), of which medicines or ingredients. I. (L. rMp%), takethou. NOTE. The $ with the down stroke is said to be simply an accommodation or corruption of the anc. heathen symbol 7/ > an invocation to Jupiter for his blessing on the formula as a curative agent : ][ is used also as the astronomical symbol for the planet Jupiter. red. in pulv. (L. r&ductus, brought or reduced ; in, to ; pulvVrtm, powder from pulvis, dust, powder), reduced to powder. repet. (L. rZp&dtur, it may be repeated), let it be repeated or continued ; (L. r$p&antti,r, they may be repeated), let them be repeated or continued. s. a. (L. secundum, according to ; art$m, art from ars, art), according to art. semidr. (L. s&midrdchmd, a half drachm from s%mi } half, and drachma], half a drachm. semih. (L. sZmihord, a half hour from s&mi, half; hora, an hour), half an hour. sescunc. (L. sZscuncia, one and a half uncise from s&sqwt, one half more ; uncid, a twelfth part, an ounce), an ounce and a half. sesquih. (L. sesquihord from sesqui, one half more ; fiord, an hour), an hour and a half. sign. n. pr. (L. siynetur, it may be marked or stamped ; or signa, mark thou ; nominZ, with the name from nomen, the name ; pro- pri6, with proper), let it be stamped or marked with its proper name, that is, no special directions are required. NOTE. The directions for the patient are always written in English, but for the druggist they are written in Latin. signat. (mid. L. signatura), a label. sing. (L. singulortim, of one to each from singull t one to each, single), of each. sol. (L. stilutid"), a solution. as. (L. semi}, half. ABBREVIATIONS. 487 at. or stet. (L. st$t, it may stand), let it stand ; (L. stVnt, they may stand), let them stand. sue. (L. succus), juice. sum. ( L. 0tim), take thou ; (L. sumat, he may take), let him take ; (L. sumdtur, it may be taken), let it be taken ; (L. siimantur, they may be taken), let them be taken ; (L. sumZndtis), to be taken. s. v. (L. spirittis, spirit ; vmosus, having the flavour or quality of wine), ardent spirit ; diluted spirited of wine : s. v. r. (L. spiritus, spirit ; wni, of wine ; r&ctiffadtus, rectified from rZctus, straight, right, and facio, I make), rectified spirit of wine : s. v. t. (L. spiritus vlnosus ; tibnuis, thin), diluted spirit; half and half spirit of wine and water. tinct. (L. lincturd), a tincture. troc. (mid. L. trochisctis, n. sing. ; trocMscl, n. plu.), troches or lozenges. vom. urg. (L. vdmitiorie, with . vomiting ; &,rgent$, with pressing or . urgent), the vomiting being troublesome ; when the vomiting begins. gr. is the symbol denoting a grain. 3 is the symbol denoting a scruple = 20 grains troy. 3 is the symbol denoting a drachm = 3 scruples, or = 60 grs. troy. is the symbol for an ounce troy = 8 drachms = 24 scruples = 480 grs. troy; also = 16th part of a wine pint ; or 20th part of an imperial pint. i means one of the quantity indicated by the symbol : ij = two of the quantity named : iij = three of the quantity named : iv = four of the quantity named : v = five of the quantity named : vj = six of the quantity named : vij = seven of the quantity named : ss. (for semi, half ) = half of the quantity named, and so on. Thus we have gr. vj = six grains ; gr. iij = 3 grains : 3j =. one scruple ; 3iij three scruples ; 3jss = one and a half scruples ; 3ij = two scruples : 3* v = f ur drachms ; SiJ 88 = two drachms and a half ; gj = one ounce : viij = eight ounces ; ss = half an ounce : i and j are symbols used in same sense as above, j always terminating. 0. (L. ocldriux, a pint), is a less common symbol, and denotes a pint, as Oj =: one pint ; Oij two pints ; Oss = half a pint. gtt. (L. gutta, a drop), as gtt. xx. = twenty drops. I. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT For Medical Prescriptions. 20 grains (grs. xx) = 1 scruple (3j). 3 scruples (3iij) = 1 dram (3J) = 60 grs. 8 drains (3 vi ij) = 1 ounce (Jj) = 480 grs. 12 ounces (xij) = 1 Ib. NOTE. For ordinary purposes the avoirdupois ounce and pound are used, but for prescriptions the above are still in use. NEW APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. 437^ grains =' 1 oz. 16 oz. = 1 Ib. 488 NOMENCLATURE OF CLASSIFICATION. II. LIQUID MEASURE For Water, Spirits, Wines, etc. 4 gills = 1 pint (pt. ). 2 pints = 1 quai u (qt. ). 4 quarts = 1 gallon (gal.), III. APOTHECARIES' FLUID MEASURE. 60 minims (mm.Lx) = 1 fluid dram (f.5J) 8 fluid drams (ff.5viij) = 1 fluid ounce (f.j). 20 fluid ounces (ff.gxx) = 1 pint (Oj). 8 pints (Oviij) = 1 gallon. 1 ounce of distilled water weighs 1 ounce avoirdupois. The pint and gallon are the same as the imperial pint and gallon. NOTE. m=l minim ; mm=:2or more minims : f=fluidj ff=2or more of the fluid thing named. NOMENCLATURE OF CLASSIFICATION IN THE VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL KINGDOMS. I. Species, an assemblage of individuals, resembling each other in their essential characters, and having a community of descent, comprising varieties and races. II. Genus, a group of species, possessing a community of essential details of structure. III. Family, a group of genera, agreeing in their general characters. IV. Order, a group of families related to one another by structural characters common to all. NOTE. Family and Order are often used synonymously, especially in botany. V. Class, a very large division, comprising animals or plants which are formed upon the same fundamental plan of structure, but which differ in the method in which the plan is executed. Sub-kingdom, a primary division of the animal or vegetable kingdom. Example of the Animal Kingdom. Sub-kingdom, Vertebrata, or vertebrate animals. Class, Mammalia, or animals which suckle their young. Order, Carnivora, or beasts of prey. Family, Canidce, or genera of the dog kind. Genus, Canis, the dog kind; as the dog, wolf, and jackal. Species, Canis familiaris, the dog and its varieties. The usual Sub-divisions in botany are I. Species. II. Genus. (1) Varieties. (1) Sub -genus or Section. III. Order or Family. (1) Sub-order. (2) Tribe. (3) Sub-tribe. IV. Class. (1) Sub-class. 14 3 1 5 Cente sn r~ I -*** VdUI f r-v VmtvjL For Reference Not to be taken from this room LIBRAR f" 7 "! |