DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES RECLAMATION SERVICE Hydraulic and Excavation fables FOURTH EDITION . REVISED ANP ENLARGED WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19!7 UtlB NOTICE. It will be appreciated if errors found in these tables are reported to the United States Reclamation Service, Washington, D. C. PREFACE. The first edition of the Hydraulic and Excavation Tables was issued by the United States Reclamation Service in 1905. Later revised editions were issued in 1909 and 1913. While compiled in the first instance with a view to the requirements of the engineers of the Reclamation Service, the book has had a considerable circulation among other engineers engaged in similar lines of work. Most of the tables have been computed especially for this publica- tion and are available nowhere else in print. In order to make the series complete a few tables taken from other sources have been included, most of which have been extended or modified to conform to the conditions encountered on reclamation projects. In the present edition, several tables have been added and others have been expanded. A table of velocities for w~.oii has been computed, this value being indicated by experiments as being sometimes applicable to steel flumes of the smooth interior type. Tables of hydraulic functions for circular sections, horseshoe sec- tions, and semicircular flumes for various depths of water have been added, and the tables of functions of trapezoidal sections have been expanded by the inclusion of values by 2-foot increments between 20 feet and 32 feet bottom width. Two tables for discharge of sub- merged orifices are reprinted from the booklet "The Measurement of Irrigation Water," published by the Service. The tables for flow through pipes are new; those for wood stave pipe are based upon the formula of Mr. Fred C. Scobey, for pipes of other materials the Hazen-Williams formula is used. The table of velocity heads has .been expanded by the inclusion of an extended set of values for small heads. All reported errors have been checked and corrections made, and the thanks of the Service are extended to all those \vho by reporting errors or by making suggestions for improvement have cooperated in this revision . A continuance of this interest is earnestly sol icited ; all errors reported or suggestions made in the line of constructive criticism are welcomed, since it is only by the continued cooperation of users and publishers that the goal of an entirely reliable und adequate handbook can be attained. A. P. DAVIS, Director and Chief Engineer. WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. i, 1917. 3 37032.1 CONTENTS. EXPLANATION OP TABLES TABLE i. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness w.oio TABLE 2. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness w.oii TABLE 3. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness n~.oi2 TABLE 4. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness ?t ,013 TABLE 5. ^Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness w=.oi4 TABLE 6. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of rougliness w .015 TABLE 7. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness t?=.o2o. . ....... TABLE 8. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness ^=.0225 TABLE 9. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness ?? .025 TABLE 10. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness =.O30 TABLE n. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness ^=.035 TABLE 12. Area, wetted perimeter and hydraulic radius of partially filled horseshoe and circular conduit sections TABLE 13. Area in square feet, A, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of semicircular flumes for various values of freeboard in feet, F TABLE 14. Area in square feet, A , and hydraulic radius in feet, /', of rectangular channels TABLE 15. Area in sc|uare feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes }4 to T i HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. EXPLANATION OP TABLES. Tables i to n. Tables i to n give the values of the velocity of water in open channels computed from Kutter's formula: The values of , the coefficient of roughness, to be used in find- ing V., depend on the roughness of the materials forming the bed and banks of the channel, irregularities and imperfections 'in the bed or banks, the load of silt or detritus, curves, eddies, aquatic plants, and other conditions that tend to produce a retardation of flow. Experimental data on the subject are limited and the com- monly accepted values of n for specific conditions must be con sidered as mere approximations. These approximate values, based on a consideration of the data available, are as follows: .010 for clean, straight channels newly lined with planed boards carefully laid; neat cement plaster; glazed, coated and enameled surfaces in perfect order. ??=.on for construction as above but with alignment consisting of long tangents joined by gentle curves; clean, straight metal flumes of the smooth interior type carrying clear water and in perfect order. n .012 for clean, straight and regular channels of planed boards not in perfect order due to inferior workmanship or age; unplaned boards newly and carefully laid; metal flumes of the smooth in- terior type for water carrying a small amount of silt or with clear water and gentle curvature in alignment; concrete linings having steel trowled surfaces of 1:1 mortar carrying water practically free from silt; sand and cement plaster; best and cleanest brickwork. v .013 for clean, regular channels of concrete having steel troweled surfaces of 1:1 mortar with a small amount of gentle curvature in alignment or cany ing water with a small amount of silt; metal flumes of the smooth interior type having sharp curvature of used lor water carrying a large amotmt of silt. 9 10 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. n=.oi4 for clean, regular channels of concrete having wooden troweled or formed surfaces of good construction, the alignment consisting of tangents connected by gentle curves; unplaned hoards not in perfect order due to inferior workmanship or age. w=.oi5 for construction as in the preceding case but with sharp curvature or with deposits of silt on the bottom of channel ; straight and regular channels of ordinary brickwork; smooth stonework; foul and slightly tuberculated iron. n=.o2o for channels of fine gravel; rough set rubble; ruined masonry; or tuberculated iron; or for canals in earth, in good condition, lined with well-packed gravel, partly covered with sediment, and free from vegetation. w=.o225 for canals in earth in fair condition lined with sediment and occasional patches of algae, or composed of loose gravel without vegetation. K.O25 for canals and rivers of tolerably uniform cross section, slope and direction in average condition; the water slopes being lined with, sediment and minute algae or composed of loose, coarse gravel, w.oso for canals and rivers in rather poor condition, having bed partially covered with debris, or having comparatively smooth sides and bed but a channel partially obstructed with grass, weeds, or aquatic plants. n=.o35 for canals and rivers in bad order and regimen, having the channel strewn with stones and detritus or about one-third full of vegetation. Canals in earth with their channels half full of vegetation may have ^=.040, and when two-thirds full of vegetation may have ,= .050. In exceptional cases the value of n may reach .000. KXAMPLE: Suppose the surface slope of a stream at a gaging station is 0.00050, or the fall is >i foot per thousand feet (or 2.64 feet tO'the mile), the hydraulic radius (r) is 7.5 feet, and the con- dition of the stream is " in bad order and regimen. ' ' Then on page 45 for 11=0.035, slope=o. 00050 and r 7.5, we find the mean velocity to be 3.78 feet per second. Note. To find velocities for slopes other than those given in tills table, multiply the tabular velocity found in the column of "F 52.80" by ten times the square root of the slope. The velocity thus- obtained is accurate for slopes greater than 6 feet per mile, arid approximate for slopes greater than 4 feet per mile. HYDRA riJC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 11 Table 12. Table 12 gives the area, wetted perimeter and hydraulic radius of partially rilled horseshoe and circular conduit sections. Table ij. Table 13 gives the area and hydraulic radius of tlu- .commercial sizes of semicircular steel flumes flowing full and with various amounts of freeboard. Table 14. Table 14 gives the area and hydraulic radius of rec- tangular channels for various depths and bottom widths. Tub.les /5 to 20. Tables 15 to 20 give the top width, area, and hydraulic radius of trapezoidal channels for various center depths and bottom widths with side slopes of ^ to i, i to i, i$4 to i, and c to. i on both sides, with one side slope i to i and one side slope \y^ to i,. and with one side slope 2 to i and one side slope i> to i. Table 21. Table 21 gives the discharges in cubic feet per second over Cipolletti weirs and suppressed thin-edged rectangular weirs /or various lengths and depths of water on the crest. The formula from which this table is computed is Q^s.&LH*, where Q is the discharge in cubic feet per second, L the length in feet of the crest of the weir, and H the depth in feet of water flowing over the weir. The Cipolletti v/eir differs from the rectangular form in having side slopes of 4 vertical to i horizontal, instead of vertical sides. Its coefficient of contraction is unity and hence it3 discharge is more readily computed than that of the rectangular weir. vSince the discharge is proportional to the length of weir, the table tiiay be used for weirs of any length by multiplying some value taund in the table by the proper factor, or by moving decimal points and adding, but the tabular values are not accurate in case the head' is greater than one-third the length of the weir. EXAMPLE: Suppose the weir has a length of 345 feet and a depth of water on crest of 0.72 foot, the discharge would be equal to that of 3 weirs whose lengths are 300 feet, 40 feet, and 5 feet. On page 89, opposite figure ".72," in the column headed "Depth on crest," we have the following: 300 feet =617 second-feet. 40 feet (1-10 of 400 feet) 82. 3 second -feet. 5 feet (T-TOO of 500 feet)= 10. 28 second-feet. 345 feet 709. 58 second-feet. Table 22. Table 22 gives values oi Herschel's coefficient n for computing the discharge of submerged weirs. 12 HYDBAUIJO ANT> EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 23. Table 23 gives the discharge per foot of length over sharp-crested vertical weirs, without end contractions, of heights 2 , 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, and 30 feet, computed from Bazin 's formula. Although this formula is based on data obtained from experiments with heads not greater than 1.64 feet, discharges for heads of 4 feet and less com- puted thereby agree within 2 per cent with those obtained by use of the Fteley and Stearns formula. The discharge given by this table is corrected for velocity of approach and the head to be used is that observed 16 feet or more upstream from the crest of the weir. Tables 24 to 26. Tables 24 to 26 give multipliers to be applied to quantities in Table 23 to determine the discharge over broad-crested weirs of various types and dimensions. EXAMPLE: Suppose the discharge is to be computed over a weir of rectangular cross section that is 10 feet long, 12 feet high, 6 feet wide at crest, and has an observed head of 2.4 feet. Table 23 shows that for a height (p) of 12 feet and a head (k) of 2.4, the discharge is 12.42 second-feet. Table 24 shows that for a height (/>) of 12 feet, a crest width (c) of 6 feet, and head (h ) of 2 .4 feet the multiplier is o. 797 . Hence, the discharge is 12.42X0.797X10=99.0 second-feet. With two end contractions the discharge would be 9.9 ( 10 j =94.2 . Tables 27 and 28. Tables 27 and 28 give the discharge of standard and suppressed rectangular submerged orifices. Table 2p. Table 29 gives the flow of water in second-feet and the velocity in feet per second in wood stave pipe, computed by the formula proposed by Fred C. Scobey in ' ' The Flow of Water in Wood Stave Pipe, " Bulletin 376, United States Department of Agriculture. This formula is based on a consideration of all recorded tests of flow in wood stave pipes, including many by the author himself. Its application meets (within i per cent) the mean of all velocity observations and the mean capacity of all wood pipes upon which experiments have been made, but being an averaging formula it jjives results which are as likely to be too large as too small, and in -exceptional cases may be in error as much as 15 per cent. The author recommends that "a very conservative factor of safety " [10 or 15 per cent] "should be used where a guaranteed capacity is to be attained." Table 30. Table 30 is taken from Mr. D. C. Kenny's discussion of Mr. Scobey 's paper in the bulletin mentioned above. It gives the values of n in Kutter's formula for various velocities computed HYDKAUL1C AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 13 from the tests recorded in Mr. Scobey 's paper for the use of engineers who may desire to base their designs on the Kutter formula. Table 31. Table 31 gives the flow of water in second-feet and the velocity in feet per second in pipes based on the Hazen and Williams formula -vc r - 63 s M o.ooi" - 04 , using a value of the coefficient c=ioo. (See "Hydraulic Tables" by Williams and Hazen, 2d ed., 1911.) This value of c is recommended by the authors for lo-year- old riveted steel pipe and by the use of the multipliers given below the tables they may be made to cover a considerable range of mate- rials and conditions. Table 32. Table 32 gives weights per foot of cast-iron pipe. Table 33. Table 33 gives theoretical velocities of flow for different heads. Tables 34 to 37. Tables 34 to 37 give the volume of excavation in cubic yards per 100 feet of length for various center depths and side slopes, assuming the ground to be level transversely. The volume required is the difference between two triangular prisms. A FIG. 1. Ideal cauai section. In fig. i is shown the cross-section of a canal that has a bottom width of 18 feet and side slopes of i^ to i. The amount of material in the prism C B F E is equal to the volume of the prism A C E minus the volume of the prism A B F. As A C E has an altitude of 1 6 feet and A B F has an altitude of 6 feet, the volume of each for a length of 100 feet can be obtained from the table. Opposite 16 in Table 35 on page 116 is 1,422, which is the volume in cubic feet of ACE per 100 linear feet; opposite 6 is 200, which is the volume of A B K. As C B F E=A C E-A B F CB F E=I,422 200 = 1,222 14 HYDRAULIC A NT) KXCAVATION TABLES. When working up quantities lor canal excavation it is only sary to subtract the volume below the bed once for each mile or for each 10 miles, thus making the use of the table much more rapid. Tables 38 to 40. Tables 38 to 40 give the volume of excavation in cubic yards per 100 feet of length, where the surface slopes trans- versely, for various center depths and side slopes. They differ from Tables 33 to 36 only in that the earth surface is sloping ground instead of being level transversely. The surface slope is expressed, in per cent, a 10 per cent slope being 10 vertical to 100 horizontal. Tables 41 and 42. Table 41 gives three-halves powers of numbers, from o to 1.499 by thousandths, and Table 42 gives three-halves powers of numbers from 1.50 to 19.99 by hundredths. These tables are designed especially for use in connection with formulas for dis-. charge over weirs. Table 43. Table 43. gives the squares, cubes, square roots,. cube roots, reciprocals, anal area and circumference of circles. Table 44.* Table 44 gives the difference of elevation in feet per' mile for various angles of slope. Table 45. Table 4-5 gives the correction in feet for curvature and refraction. Table 46. Table 46 is designed for use in stadia work and gives the difference in elevation corresponding to specified slant distances for vertical anglesbf o to 20. The horizontal distances correspond- ing to the slant distances are also given for various vertical angles. EXAMPLE: With the instrument at A a vertical angle of 3 io / is observed on a point B which is distant 350 feet by stadia reading; find the difference in elevation of A and B and the horizontal distance AB. Opposite 3 ic/ in the first column of the table, 16.5 is found under a distance of 300 and 22.1 under a distance of 400; and interpolation for a distance of 350 feet gives 19.3 feet for the difference in elevation of 'A and B. Interpolation for 350 between the values in the 300 and the 400 distance columns of the 'horizontal distance lines at 3 and 4 gives, respectively, 349.0 and 348.2;' ;md an additional interpolation gives, for an angle of 3 ic/ and a >Iant distance of 350, a horizontal distance of 348.9 The hori/omal distance of A B is therefore 348.9 feet. liable 47. Table 47 gives values of c in the formula -y=c-vW foi use in computing the mean velocity of the flow of streams. Table 48. Table 48 gives the average, limiting or mean weights 1 per cubic foot for various substances. Table 4Q. Table 49 gives many convenient equivalents arranged under suitable headings. HYDRAULIC TABI.KS. 15 Table* I. Velocity of water in fret per second, based an Kutter's formula, coefficient oj roughness a .OIO. {F - fall in feet per mile ; S = slope.) area et per. A i si r- li ii ii * ^ i wS T-! O *4 O ^> il e>^ 9$ *$ 11 ts 5 h U &.OB fci it !! hi 1! II h* II hx H n has H II* h il II hai H n has H II hw It II fccn 0.2 .28 .44 .56 .67 .76 .84 .92 .99 1.05 i.ii 1.17 0.4 .49 .76 .96 1.13 1.28 1.41 1.53 1.64 1.75 1.85 1.94 0.6 .68 1.02 1.29 1.51 1.70 1.88 2.04 2.19 2.33 2.46 -2.58 O.H .84 1.26 1.58 1.85 2.08 2.29 2.4S 2.06 2.83 2.99! 3.14 1.0 1.00 1.48 1.84 2.15 2.42 2.06 2.88 3.09 3.28 3.4T 3.64 1.2 1.14 1.68 2.09 2.43 2.73 3.00 3.25 3,49 3.70 3.91 ! 4.10 1.4 1.28 1.87 232 2.69 3.03 3.32 3.59 3.8.' 4.09 4.32i 4.53 1.6 1.41 2.05 2.53 2.94 3.30 3.62 3.92 4.20 4.40 4.7(V 4.91 1.8 1.53 2.22 2.74 318 3.56 3.91 4.23 4..->2 4^0 SA)7: 5.32 2.0 1.65 2.38 2.93 3.40 3.81 4.18 4.52 4.84 5.13 5.41 6.68 2.2 1.76 2.53 3.12 3.61 4.05 4.44 4.80 5.13 5.45 5.7 1- 6.03 2.4 1.87 2.68 3.30 3.82 4.27 4.69 5.07 5.42 5.75 fi.OO': 6.36 2.6 1.98 2.82 3.47 4.01 4.49 4.93 5.32 5.09 6.04 .-..37 1 6.68 2.8 2.08 2.96 3.64 4.20 4.70 5.16 5.57 5.90 6.32 O.Otr 6.99 3.0 2.18 3.10 3.80 4.39 4.91 5.38 5.81 .; 3.30 4.59 5.57 6.42 7.16 7.83 8.44 9.02 9.56 10.1 10.0 .5.8 3.38 4.08 5.09 6.55 7.31 7.99 8.62 9.21 9.76 10.3 10.8 .o 3.45 4.78 5.81 6.69 7.45 8.16 8.79 9.39 9.95 10.5 11.0 .2 3.53 4.S8 5.93 6.81 7.60 8.31 8.96 9.57 10.1 10.7 11.2 K.I 3.00 4.97 6.05 t\.',n 7.74 8.47 9.13 9.75 10.3 10.9 11.4 . 3. 07 5.07 6.15 7.07 7.88 8.62 9.29 9.93 10.5 11.1 11,6 .8 3.74 5.16 6.26 7.20 8.02 8.77 9.46 10.1 10.7 11.3 11.8 7.0 3.81 5.25 6.37 7.32 8.16 8.93 9.62 10.3 10.9 11.5 12.0 7.5 3. OR 5.48 6.64 7.62 8.50 9.28 10.0 10.7 11.3 11.9 12.5 S.O 4.15 5.70 O.S9 7.91 8.82 9.64 10.4 11.1 11.8 12.4 13.0 S.5 4.31 5.91 7.14 8.19 9.13 9.98 10.8 11.5 12.2 12.8 13*1 .o ! 40 6.11 7.39 8.47 9.44 10.3 11.1 11.9 12.6, 13.2 13,0 9.5 4.01 6.30 7.63 8.74 9.73 10.6 11.5 12.2 13.0 13.7 145 10.0 4.70 6.50 7.85 9.00 10.0 11.0 11.8 12.6 13.3 14.1 14.7 AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 1. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on formula, coefficient of roughness n =.O1O Continued. 1 i 1 1 || il 51 li II !i 1 ii ii ?! si 1 ii n* n n il II* !l II n if II if II if n if II il n it 1 ha ha ha J.3 1.22 1.28 1.33 1.38 1.42 1.47 1.52 1.56 1.60 1.80 >.* 2.03 2.12 2.20 2.28 2.36 2.44 2.51 2.58 2.G5 2.97 Mi 2.70 2.82 2.92 3.03 3.13 3.23 3.33 3.42 3.51 Ld 3.28 3.42 3.55 3.68 3.80 3.92 4.04 4.15 4.26 4!77 .0 3.81 3.97 4.12 4.27 4.41 4.55 4.68 4.81 4.93 5.53 .2 4.29 4.47 4.64 4.81 4.97 5.12 5.27 5.42 6.56 6.22 .4 4.74 4.93 5.12 5.31 5.48 5.65 5.82 5.98 6.14 6.8? o(> 5.16 5.37 5.58 5.78 5.97 6.15 8.33 6.51 6.68 7.47 ,8 5.56 5.79 6.01 6.22 6.42 6.62 6.82 7.01 7.19 8.04 .0 6.94 6.18 6.41 6.64 6.86 7.07 7.28 7.48 7.68 8.59 .2 6.30 6.56 6.80 7.05 7.28 7.50 7.72 7.93 8.14 9.11 .4 6.64 6.92 7.18 7.43 7.68 7.91 8.14 8.37 8.59 9.60 .0 6.98 7.2G 7.54 7.81 8.06 8.31 8.55 8.79 9.02 10.1 .8 7.30 7.60 7.89 8.17 8.43 8.69 .9S 9.19 9.43 10.5 .0 7.62 7.93 8.22 8.51 8.79 9.00 9.33 9.58 9.83 11.0 .3 7.92 8.24 8.55 8.85 9.14 9.42 9.70 9.96 10.2 11.4 .4 8.21 8.65 8.87 9.18 9.48 9.77 10. 1 10.3 10.6 11.9 .6 8.50 8.84 9.18 9.50 9.81 10.1 10.4 10.7 11.0 12.3 .8 8.77 9.13 9.48 9.81 10.1 10.4 10.7 11.0 11.3 12.7 .0 9.05 9.41 9.77 10.1 10.4 10.8 11.1 11.4 11.7 13.1 .a 9.31 9.69 10.1 10.4 10.8 11.1 11.4 11.7 12.0 13.4 .4 9.57 9.96 10.3 10.7 11.1 11.4 11.7 12.0 12.4 13.S .6 9.83 10.2 10.6 11.0 11.3 11.7 12.0 12.4 12.7 14.2 .8 10.1 10.5 10.9 11.3 11.6 12.0 12.3 12.7 13.0 14.5 .0 10.3 10.7 11.1 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.6 13.0 13.3 14.9 .2 10,6 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.2 12.6 12.9 13.3 13.6 15.2 .4 10.8 11.3 11.7 12.1 12.5 12.8 13.2 13.6 13.9 15.6 .6 11:0 11.6 11.9 12.3 12.7 13.1 13.5 13.9 14.2 15.9 .8 11.3 11.7 12.2 12.6 13.0 13.4 13.8 14.1 14.5 16.2 ,0 11.5 11.9 12.4 12.8 13.2 13.6 14.0 14.4 14.8 16.5 .2 11.7 12.2 12.6 13.1 13.5 13.9 14.3 14.7 15.1 16.S .4 11.9 12.4 12.9 13.3 13.7 14.2 14.6 15.0 15.4 17.2 .6 12.1 12.6 13.1 13.5 14.0 14.4 14.8 15.2 15.6 17.5 .8 12.3 12.8 13.3 13.8 14.2 14.7 15.1 15.5 15.9 17.8 .0 12.5 13.1 13.5 14.0 14.4 14.9 15.3 15.8 16.2 18.1 .5 13.0 13.6 14.1 14.6 .0 13.5 14.1 14.6 15.1 , .5 14.0 14.6 15.1 15.7 .0 14.5 15.1 15.6 16.2 .5 14.9 15.5 16.1 16.7 " .0 15.4 16.0 16.6 17.2 i HYDRAULIC ASD EXCAVATION TAULKS. Table 1.- Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness 'O1O Continued. li 8* H ir N J SI II II fa-/ 8 If h ll II II Jsr/3 S S II II fc'/J t* If II II fett li II 1! fett Si *,1n II II *-/J II II 1! ShSB % 8 i! il fcX 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 1.97 3.26 4.32 5.24 6.06 1 6.82 7.53 8.19 8.81 j 9.41 1 9.98 10.5 11.1 11.6 12.0 12.5 2,U 3.53 4.67 5.66 6.55 7.37 3.13 8.85 9.52 10.2 10.8 11.4 11.9 12.5 13.0 13.5 2.29 3.77 4.99 6.05 7.01 7:88 8.70 9.46 10.2 10.9 11.5 12.2 12.8 13.3 . 13.9 14.5 2.81 4.63 6.13 7.43 8.59 9.67 10.7 11.6 12.5 13.3 14.1 14.9 15.6 16.3 17.0 17.7 3.25 5.36 7.08 8.58 9.93 11.2 12.3 13.4 14.4 15.4 16.3 17.2 18.1 18.9 19.7 20.4 3.64 5.9V) 7.92 9.60 11.1 12.5 13.8 15.0 16.1 17.2 18.2 19.2 20.2 21.1 22.0 22.9 398 657 868 10.5 12.2 13.7 15.1 16.4 17.7 18.8 20.0 21.1 22.1 23.1 24.1 25.0 4.60 7.53 10.0 12.2 14.1 15.8 17.4 10.0 20.4 21.8 23.1 24.3 25.5 26.7 27.8 5.15 8.48 11.2 13.6 15.7 17.7 19.6 21.2 22.8 24.3 25.8 27.2 28.5 29.8 31.1 3.4 13.0 14 150 184 21 2 23 7 26 3.6 13.4 14.5 15.5 19.0 21 9 24.5 26.9 3.8 4.0 13.9 14.3 15.0 15.4 16.0 16.5 19.6 20 2 22.6 23 3 25.3 26 1 27.7 4.2 14.7 15,9 17.0 208 240 26 8 4.4 15.1 16 3 17 5 21 4 24 7 27 6 4.6 15.5 16.8 17.9 21 9 25 3 4:8 15.9 17.2 18.4 22.5 25 9 5.0 16;3 17.6 IS 8 230 26 6 5.2 16.7 18.0 19 2 23 5 5.4 17.0 18.4 19.7 24.1 5,6 17.4 18.8 20.1 .8 17.7 19.2 20.5 6.0 18.1 19.5 6.2 '18.4 19.9 fi.4 i 18.8 20.3 6.8 ' 19.1 20.6 9.8 19.4 21.0 :j 19.8 21.3 . 8202 17 -2 18 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Tal)l 2. Velocity of water in feet per second, baaed on K utter' s formula, coefficient of roughness n=.011. wet per. 21 F=.52S S=. 00010 O iH WO a 5 ro & F 1.056 S=. 00020 F= 1.320 S=.O0025 s 31 ll F- 1.848 S-. 00035 -* iH O r- O w"i U F= 2.376 S=. 00045 P- 2.640 S-.OO050 F=* 2.904 S=. 00055 .2 .24 .39 .49 .59 .67 .74 .81 .87 .93 .97 1.03 .4 .43 .67 .85 1.00 1.13 1.25 1.36 1.46 1.56 1.64 1.73 .({ .60 .91 1.15 1.35 1.52 1.68 1.82 1.95 2.08 2.20 2.31 .8 .75 1.13 1.42 1.66 1.86 2.05 2.23 2.39 2.51 2.68 2.82 .0 .89 1.33 1.66 1.93 2.17 2.39 2.59 2.78 2.95 3.12 3.27 .2 1.03 1.51 1.88 2.19 2.46 2.71 2.93 3.14 3.34 3.52 3.70 .4 1.15 1.68 2.09 2.43 2.73 3.00 3.25 3.48 3.69 3.89 4.09 .6 1.27 1.84 2.29 2.66 2.98 3.27 3.54 3.79 4.03 4.25 4.46 .8 1.38 2.00 2.47 2.87 3.22 3.53 3.82 4.09 4.34 4.58 4.81 .() 1.49 2.15 2.65 3.07 3.45 3.78 4.09 4.38 4.65 4.90 5.14 .2 1.60 2.29 2.82 3.27 3.66 4.02 4.35 4.65 4.93 5.20 5.46 .4 1.70 2.43 2.99 3.46 3.87 4.25 4.59 4.91 5.21 5.49 6.77 .6 1.79 2.56 3.15 3.64 4.08 4.47 4.83 5.17 5.48 5.78 6.06 .8 1.89 2.69 3.30 3.82 4.27 4.68 5.06 5.41 5.74 6.05 6.34 .0 1.98 2.81 3.45 3.99 4.46 4.89 5.28 5.65 5.99 6.31 6.62 .2 2.07 2.93 3.60 4.15 4.64 5.09 5.50 5.88 6.23 6.57 6.89 .4 2 16 3.05 3.74 4.31 4.82 5.28 5.70 6.10 6.47 6.82 7.15 . 2 25 3.17 3.88 4.47 5.00 5.47 5.91 6.32 6.70 7.06 7.40 .8 2 33 3.28 .01 4.62 5.17 5.65 6.11 6.53 6.92 7.29 7.65 .0 2.41 3.39 .14 4.77 5.33 5.83 6.30 6.73 7.14 7.52 7.89 . 2.49 3.50 .27 4.92 5.49 6.01 6.49 6.93 7.35 7.74 8.13 .4 2.57 3.60 .39 5.06 5.65 6.18 6.67 7.13 7.56 7.96 8.35 .0 2.65 3.70 .51 5.20 5.80 6.35 6.86 7.32 7.76 8.18 8.57 .8 2.73 3.80 .63 5.33 5.95 6.52 7.03 7.51 7.96 8.39 8.79 .0 2.80 3.90 .75 5.47 6.10 6.68 7.21 7.70 8.16 8.60 9.01 ,'J 2.88 4.00 .87 5-60 6.25 6.84 7.38 7.88 8.35 8.80 9.22 .4 2.95 4.10 .98 5.73 6.39 7.00 7.55 8.06 8.54 9.00 9.43 . 3.02 4.19 5.09 5.86 6.53 7.15 7.71 8.24 8.73 9.19 9.64 .8 3.09 4.28 5.20 5.98 6.67 7.30 7.87 8.41 8.91 9.38 9.84 ..0 3.16 4.37 5.31 6.11 6.81 7.45 8.03 8.58 9.09 9.57 10.0 5.2 3.23 4.46 5.42 6.23 6.94 7.60 8.19 8.75 9.27 9.76 10.2 ;.4 3.29 4.55 5.52 6.35 7.07 7.74 8.35 8.91 9.44 9.94 10.4 ..(> 3.36 4.64 5.63 6.46 7.20 7.88 8.50 9.07 9.61 10.1 10.6 LM 3.43 4.72 5.73 6.58 7.33 8.02 8.65 9.23 9.78 10.3 10.8 .0 3.49 4.81 5.83 6.69 7.46 8.15 8.80 9.39 9.95 10.5 11.0 .r 3.65 5.01 6.08 6.97 7.77 8.49 9.16 9.77 10.3 10.9 11.4 .0 3.80 5.21 6.32 7.24 8.07 8.82 9.51 10.2 10.7 11.3 11.9 1.5 3.95 5.41 6.55 7.50 8.36 9.13 9.85 10.5 11.1 11.7 12.3 M 4.10 5.60 6.77 7.76 8.64 9.44 10.2 10.9 11.5 12. ! 12.7 >.5 4.24 5.78 6.99 8.01 8.92 9.74 10.5 11.2 11.9 12.5 13.1 .o 4.38 5.96 7.21 8.25 9.19 10.0 10.8 11.5 12.2 12.9 13.6 .0 4.65 6.31 7.62 8.72 9.70 10.6 11.4 12.2 12.9 13.6 14.2 .0 4.91 6.65 8.01 9.17 10.2 11.2 12.0 12.8 13.6 14.3 14.9 .O 6.15 6.97 8.39 9.60 10.7 11.7 12.6 13.4 14.2 14.9 15.6 .0 5.39 7.28 8.76 10.0 11.1 12.2 13.1 14.0 14.8 15.6 16.3 .0 6.63 7.58 9.12 10.4 11.6 12.6 13.6 14.5 15.4 16.2 16.9 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 19 Table 2. Velocity of water infect per second hased on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness 11 =.011 Continued. - i .0 eo : r 4$ ac NO csa g $ 3 a CD O 0*0 ^' O WO wo co 00 f< *H * tf iH O "tO So O co wo t o c* 00 . w ^ *^ 4. "** *c ** l ^ CO i I:. ' -.' !! ii - / *,* &u ii ^J. &x !! II MOD 0.2 1.08 1,18 1.17 1.22 1.26 1.30 1.34 1.38 1.41 1.59 0.4 1.81 1.X9 1.94 2.03 2.10 2.17 2.23 2. 30 2. 36 2.64 0.6 2.41 2. 52 2.62 2.71 2. 80 2.89 2. 97 3.06 3.14 3.52 O.8 2.95 3.07 3.19 3.30 3.41 3. 52 3. 62 3.73 3.82 4.28 1.O 3.42 3. 57 3.70 3.84 3.96 4.09 4.21 4.33 4.44 4.97 1.2 3.86 4.03 4.18 4.33 4.47 4.61 4.75 4.SS 5.01 5.61 1.4 4.27 4.45 4.62 4.79 4.94 5.10 5.25 5.39 5.54 6.19 1.6 4.66 5.04 5.22 5.39 5.56 5.72 5. 8K 6.03 6.75 1.8 5.03 5! 23 5.43 5.63 5.81 5.99 6.17 6.34 6.50 7.27 2.0 5.37 5. 60 5.81 6.01 6.21 6.40 6.59 6.77 6.95 7.77 3.2 5.71 5.94 6.17 6.38 6.59 6. -SO 7.00 7.19 7.38 8.25 2.4 6.03 6.27 6.51 6.74 6.96 7.18 7.39 7.59 7.79 8.71 2.6 6.33 6.59 6.84 7.08 7.31 7.54 7.76 7.97 8.18 9.15 3.8 6.63 6.90 7.16 7.42 7.66 7.89 8.12 8.34 8.56 9.57 3.0 6.92 7.20 7.47 7.74 7.99 8.23 8.47 8.70 8.93 9.98 3.2 7.20 7.49 7.77 8.05 8.31 S.56 8.81 9.05 9.29 10.4 3.4 7.47 7.77 8.07 8.35 8.62 8.88 9.14 9.39 9.64 10.8 3.6 7.73 8.05 8.35 8.64 8.92 9.20 9.46 9.72 9.98 11.2 3.8 7.99 8.31 8.63 8.93 9.22 9.50 9.78 10.0 10.3 11.5 4.0 8.24 8.57 8.90 9.21 9.51 9.80 10.1 10.4 10.6 11.9 4.2 8.48 8.83 9.16 9.48 9.79 10.1 10.4 10.7 10.9 12.2 4.4 8.72 9.08 9.42 9.75 10.1 10.4 10.7 11.0 11.3 12.6 4.6 8.96 9.32 9.67 10.0 10.3 10.7 11.0 11.3 11.6 12.9 4.8 9.19 9.56 9.92 10.3 10.6 10.9 11.2 11.5 11.8 13.2 5.O 9.41 9.80 10.2 10.5 10.9 11.2 11.5 11.8 12.1 13.6 5.2 9.63 10.0 10.4 10.8 11.1 11.5 11.8 12.1 12.4 13.9 5.4 9.85 10.3 10.6 11.0 11.4 11.7 12.0 12.4 12.7 14.2 5.6 10.1 10.5 10.9 11.2 11.6 12.0 12.3 12.6 13.0 14.5 5.8 10.3 10.7 11.1 11.5 11.8 12.2 12.6 12.9 13.2 14.8 6.0 10.5 10.9 11.3 11.7 12.1 12.5 12.8 13.2 13.5 15.1 0.2 10.7 11.1 11.5 11.9 12.3 12.7 13.1 13.4 13.8 15.4 0.4 10.9 11.3 11.8 12.2 12.6 12.9 13.3 13.7 14.0 15.7 0.6 11.1 11.5 12.0 12.4 12.8 13.2 13.6 13.9 14.3 15.9 0.8 11.3 11.7 12.2 12.6 13.0 13.4 13.8 14.2 14.5 16.2 7.0 11.5 11.9 12.4 12.8 13.2 13.6 14.0 14.4 14.8 16.5 7.5 11.9 12.4 12.9 13.3 13.8 14.2 14.6 15.0 15.4 17.2 8.0 12.4 12.9 13.4 13.8 14.3 14.7 15.1 15.5 15.9 17. Sr 8.5 12.8 13.4 13.8 14.3 14.8 15.2 15.7 16.1 16.5 9.O 13.3 13.8 14.3 14.8 15.3 15.7 16.2 16.6 17.1 9.5 13.7 44.2 14.8 15.3 15.8 16.2 16.7 1O.O 14.1 14.6 15.2 15.7 16.2 16.7 17.2 ll.O 14.9 15.5 16.0 16.6 17.1 12.O 15.6 16.2 16.8 13.O 16 3 17.0 14.O 17.0 20 HYDKAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 2. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness n=.011 Continued. wet. per. 4 SI ii F=9.24 S=.OO175 F- 10.56 8= .002 F= 15.84 S-.003 w - 16 8 18 2 19 4 ^ 17 2 18 5 19 8 fj 17 1 18 8 20 1 g 17 8 19 2 20 5 (i 18.1 19 5 20 g g 18.8 20 3 (l JQ R 21 1 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 21 Table 3. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness 11 =.01 2. ll % *! 8! fi ON US O oe i-5 *? II 1! fcao ^5 . II II fax ii z,: si M S *? feOJ 3 "I e*^ ii n tra o* *J^ II II faGQ ii K . fet ft br/> tato &tt fa* 0.2 .22 .34 .44 .52 .CO .66 .72 .77 .83 .87 92 0.4 .39 .60 .75 .90 1.02 1.12 1.22 1.31 1.40 1.48 1.55 0.6 .54 .82 '1.03 1.22 1.37 1.51 1.64 1.76 1.88 1.98 2.C8 0.8 .68 1.02 1.28 1.50 1.69 1.86 2.02 2.16 2.30 2.43 2.55 1.0 .81 1.20 1.50 1.75 1.97 2.17 2.36 2.52 2.68 2.83 2.07 1.2 .93 1.37 1.71 1.99 2.23 2.46 2.66 2.85 3.03 3.20 3.36 1.4 1.05 1.53 1.90 2.21 2.48 2.73 2.95 3.16 3.36 3.5f> 3.72 l.G 1.15 1.68 2.08 2.42 2.71 2.98 3.23 3.46 3.67 3.87 4.06 1.8 1.26 1.82 2.26 2.62 2.94 3.22 3.49 3.73 3.96 4.18 4.3S 2.0 1.36 1.96 1 2.42 2.81 3.15 3.45 3.73 4.00 4.24 4.47 4.69 2.2 1.46 2.09 2.58 2.99 3.35 3.67 3.97 4.25 4.51 4.76 4.99 2.4 1.55 2.22 2.73 3.16 3.54 3.88 4.20 4.49 4.77 5.03 5.27 2.6 1.61 2.34 2.88 3.33 3.73 4.09 4.42 4.73 5.01 5.29 5. "5 2.8 1.73 2.46 3.02 3.49 3.91 4.29 4.63 4.96 5.25 5.54 5.81 3.0 1.82 2.58 3.16 3.65 4.09 4.47 4.84 6.17 5.49 5.78 6.07 3.2 1.90 2.69 3.30 3.81 4.26 4.66 5.04 5.38 5.71 6.02 6-31 3.4 1.98 2.80 3.43 3.96 4.42 4.84 5.23 5.59 5.83 6.25 6.55 3.6 2.06 2.91 3.55 4.10 4.58 5.02 5.42 5.79 6.14 6.47 6.79 3.8 2.14 3.01 3.68 4.24 4.74 5.19 5.60 5.99 6.36 6.69 7.02 i.O 2.22 3.11 3.80 4.37 4.89 5.35 5.78 6.18 6.55 6.91 7.24 4.2 2.29 3.21 3.92 4.52 5.04 5.52 5.96 6.37 6.75 7.11 7.46 4.4 2.37 3.31 4.04 4.65 5.19 5.68 6.13 6.55 6.94 7.32 7.67 4.6 2.44 3.40 4.15 4.78 5.33 5.84 6.20 6.73 7.13 7.52 7.88 4.8 2.51 3.50 4.26 4.91 5.47 5.99 6.46 6.GO 7.32 7.71 8.09 5.0 2.58 3.59 4.37 5.03 5.61 6.14 6.63 7.C8 7.50 7.90 8.29 5.2 2.65 3.68 4.48 5.15 5.75 6.29 6.78 7.25 7.68 8.C9 8.48 5.4 2.72 3.77 4.58 5.27 5.88 6.43 6.94 7.41 7.86 8.28 8.C8 5.6 2.78 3.86 4.69 5.39 6.01 6.58 7.09 7.58 8.03 8.46 S.S7 5.8 2.85 3.94 4.79 5.51 6.14 6.72 7.25 7.74 8.20 8.64 9.06 6.0 2.91 4.03 4.89 5.62 6.27 6.85 7.39 7.SO 8.37 8.81 ft. 24 6.2 2.98 4.11 4.99 5.74 6.39 6.99 7.54 8.06 8.53 8.99 9.42 6.4 3.04 4.20 5.09 5.85 6.52 i 7.12 7.68 8.20 8.69 9.16 9.60 6.6 3.10 4.28 5.19 5.96 6.64 7.26 7.83 8.36 8.85 9.33 6.77 6.8 3.15 4.36 5.28 6.07 6.76 7.39 7.97 8.41 9.01 9.49 9.93 7.0 3.20 4.44 5.38 6.17 6.88 7.51 8.10 8.65 9.17 9.66 10.1 7.5 3.35 4.63 5.60 6.43 7.17 7.83 8.44 9.01 9.55 10.1 10.5 S.O 3.49 4.82 5.83 6.C8 7.44 8.13 8.77 9.36 9.91 10.4 10.9 8.5 3.64 5.00 6.04 6.93 7.72 8.43 9.08 9.70 10.3 10.8 11.3 9.0 3.79 5.17 6.25 7.17 7.98 8.72 9.39 10.0 10.6 11.2 11.7 0.5 3.93 5.35 6.46 7.40 8.24 9.00 9.69 10.3 11.0 11.5 12.1 10 4.06 5.52 6.66 7.63 8.49 9.27 9.99 10.7 11.3 11.9 12.5 41 4.31 5.85 7.04 8.06 8.97 9.79 10.5 11.3 11.9 12.6 13.2 12 4.55 6.16 7.41 8.48 9.43 10.3 11.1 11.8 12.5 13.2 13.8 13 4.78 6.46 7.77 8.89 9.88 10.8 11.6 12.4 13.1 13.8 14: 15 U 5.01 6.75 8.11 9.28 10.3 11.3 12.1 12.9 13.7 14.4 15.1 15 5.23 7.03 8.44 9.65 10.7 1 11.7 12.6 13.4 14.2 15.0 1S.7 22 HYDRAULIC A^T) EXCAVATION TAKLKS. Table 3. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on KuUer's formula, coefficient of roughness il =.O1 2 Continued. i il * si * g o W ii ii ^ . ** . < Si si s . !l !l i ^ II II 11 i! n ii !! II n n II II II II II II II i ; i hsc feu -/ feCfi E*W * / . / f. t. i.'/. fax 9.2 .96 1.01 1.05 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.26 1.42 0.4 1.63 1.70 1.76 1.83 1.89 1.95 2.01 2.07 2.12 2.3S 9.6 2.18 2.27 2.36 2.45 2.53 2.61 2.69 2.76 2.84 3.18 9.8 2.67 2.78 2.89 2.99 3.09 3.19 3.28 3.37 3.46 3.88 1.0 3.11 3.24 3.36 3.48 3.60 3.71 3.82 3.93 4.02 4.51 1.2 3.51 3.66 3.80 3.93 4.07 4.19 4.32 4.44 4.55 5.10 1.4 3.89 4.05 4.21 4.35 4.50 4.64 4.78 4.92 5.04 5.64 1.6 4.25 4.42 4.59 4.75 4.91 5.06 .21 5.36 5.50 6.15 1.8 4.58 4.77 4.96 5.13 5.30 5.46 5.63 5.78 5.93 6.64 8.0 4.90 5.11 5.30 5.49 5.67 5.85 6.02 6.18 6.34 7.10 5.2 5.21 5.43 5.63 5.83 6.03 6.21 6.39 6.57 6.74 7.54 J.4 5.51 5.74 5.95 6.16 6.37 6.56 6.75 6.94 7.12 7.96 J. 5.79 6.03 6.26 6.48 6.69 6.90 7.10 7.30 7.49 8.37 5.8 6.07 6.32 6.56 6.79 7.01 7.23 7.44 7.64 7.84 8.77 1.0 6.34 6.60 6.84 7.08 7.32 7.54 7.76 7.97 8.18 9.15 1.2 6.59 6.86 7.12 7.37 7.P2 7.85 8.08 8.30 8.5 1 9.52 1.4 6.85 7.13 7.39 7.65 7.fO 8.15 8.S8 8.61 8.84 9.88 1.6 7.09 7.38 7.66 7.93 8.19 8.44 8.t'8 8.92 9. 15 10.2 1.8 7.33 7.63 7.91 8.19 8.46 8.72 8.S7 9.22 9.46 10.6 1.0 7.57 7.87 8.17 8.45 8.73 9.00 9.26 9.51 9.75 10.9 1.2 7.79 8.11 8.41 8.71 8.99 9.26 9.53 9.79 10.1 11.2 1.4 8.01 8.34 8.65 8.95 9.25 9.53 9.80 10.1 10.3 11.6 1.6 8.23 8.56 8.89 9.20 9.50 9.79 10.1 10.3 10.6 11.9 1.8 8.44 8.79 9.12 9.43 9.74 10.0 10.3 10.6 10.9 12.2 5.0 8.65 9.00 9.34 9.67 9.98 10.3 10.6 10.9 11.2 12.5 5.2 8.86 9.22 9.56 9.90 10.2 10.5 10.8 11.1 11.4 12.8 .4 9.06 9.43 9.78 10.1 10.5 10.8 11.1 11.4 11.7 13.1 i.G 9.26 9.63 9.99 10.3 10.7 11.0 11.3 11.6 11.9 13.3 5.8 9.45 9.84 10.2 10.6 10.9 11.2 11.6 11.9 12.2 13.6 5.0 9.65 10.0 10.4 10.8 11.1 11.5 11.8 12.1 12.4 13.9 8.2 9.84 10.2 10.6 11.0 11.3 11.7 12.0 12.4 12.7 14.2 6.4 10.0 10.4 10.8 11.2 11.6 11.9 12.3 12.6 12.9 14.4 6.6 10.2 10.6 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.1 12.5 12.8 13.1 14.7 6.8 10.4 10.8 11.2 11.6 12.0 12.3 12.7 13.0 13.4 14.9 7.0 10.6 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.2 12.6 12.9 13.3 13.6 15.2 7.5 11.0 11.4 11.9 12.3 12.7 13.1 13.4 13.8 14.2 ISA 8.0 11.4 11.9 12.3 12.8 13.2 13.6 14.0 14.3 14.7 16.4 8.5 11.8 12.3 12.8 13.2 13.6 14.1 14.5 14.8 15.2 17.0 9.9 12.2 12.7 13.2 13.7 14.1 14.5 14.9 15.3 .15.7 17.6 9.5 12.6 13.1 13.6 14.1 14.5 15.0 15.4 15.8 16.2 9 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.4 15.9 16.3 16.7 1 . *.l [ 13.7 14.3 14.8 15.3 2 14 4 is!o 15.6 16!l | 15 1 16.7 16.3 16^8 * . . . 4 157 16 4 17 i7!e 5 16.4 17.0 17.6 18.3 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 23 Table & Velocity of water in feet per second, based on gutter's formula, coefficient of roughness n =.012 Continued. I 1 3 4-> 1 if A li *g S| R? li If 3 & |l || || II II li It II II* II II u n II II n it h h face h% fa4 1.70 1.84 1.97 2.09 2.21 1.0 .74 1.10 1.37 1.60 1.80 1.98 2.15 2.31 2.45 2.58 1.8 .85 1.25 1.56 1.82 2.05 2.25 2.44 2.61 2.78 2.93 1.4 .96 1.40 1.74 2 Of 2.28 250 2.71 2.90 308 8.25 1.6 1.06 1.54 1.91 2.22 2.49 2.74 296 3.17 337 8.55 1.8 1.16 167 2.07 2.40 2.69 296 3.20 3.43 3.64 3.83 2.0 1.25 1.80 2,23 2.58 2.89 3.18 3.44 3.68 3.90 4.11 3.2 1.34 1.92 2.87 2.75 308 3.38 3.66 3.91 4.15 4.37 2.4 1.43 2.04 2.52 2.91 326 358 3.87 4.14 4.39 463 2.6 1.51 2.16 2.66 3.07 3.44 3.77 4.08 4.36 462 4.87 2.8 1.59 2.27 2.79 322 361 3.96 4.27 4.57 4.85 5.10 3.0 1.67 2.38 2.92 3.S7 3.77 4.13 4.46 4.77 5.06 .34 3.8 1.75 2.48 3.04 3.51 3.93 4.32 4.65 497 527 5:53 3.4 183 258 3,17 3.65 4.09 4.48 4.83 5.16 548 5.77 3.6 190 2.68 S.28 3.79 4'24 4.64 5.01 5.85 5.68 5.98 3.8 1.98 2.78 3.40 3.92 438 4.80 5.18 5.54 5.87 0.13 4.0 2.05 2.88 3.52 4.05 4.f>3 4.96 5.35 5.71 6.06 6*8 4.2 2.12 2.97 3.63 4.18 4.07 f.ll 5.51 589 6.25 0.58 4.4 2.19 3.06 3.74 430 4.80 5.6 5.68 606 0,13 677 4.6 2.26 3.15 3.84 4.42 4.94 5.40 5.83 623 6.00 6.96 4.8 . 2.32 3.24 395 4. ,34 5.07 ,5.55 5.99 6.89 6.78 7.14 5.0 2.39 3.32 4.05 4.66 5.20 5.C.9 6.14 6.56 6.05 7.82 5.2 2.45 3.41 4.15 4.78 5.33 5.83 6.29 6.71 7.12 ,7:0 5.4 2.52 3.49 4.25 4.89 5.46 5.97 6.44 6.87 7.28 7.67 5.6 2.58 3 58 4.35 5.00 5.58 6.10 6.58 7.02 7.44 7.-S4 5.8 2.64 366 4.45 5.10 5.70 6.23 6.72 7.19 7.00 8.01 6.0 2.70 3.74 4.54 5.22 5.82 6.36 6.86 7.82 7.76 8.17 6.2 2.76 3.82 4.63 5.32 I 5.94 6.49 7.00 7.47 7.91 H.33 (J.4 2.82 389 4.72 5.43 6.05 6.02 7.13 7.01 8.07 K-14 6.6 2.88 397 482 553 6.17 0.74 7.26 7 TA 8.22 *.;> 6.8 2.94 4.04 4.90 5.63 6l8 6.86 7.40 7.89 836 8.80 7.0 3.00 4.12 4.99 5.73 6.39 1 6.98 7.52 8.03 8.51 -8,96 7.5 3.17 4.30 5.20 5.98 6.66 I 7.28 7.84 8.30 880 8.O 828 4.48 5.42 621 692 7.56 815 809 9.21 970 8.5 3.40 4.65 5.62 644 7.18 7.84 845 901 9.55 10.0 9.0 8.56 4.81 5.82 6.07 7.43 8.11 8.74 9.32 9.87 104 0.5 8. 66 4.98 6.01 6.89 7.07 8.37 9.02 9.02 10.2 10.7 1O 3.78 5.14 6.20 7.10 7.91 8.63 9.30 9.91 10.5 11.0 11 4.02 5.44 6.56 7.51 8.36 9.12 9.82 10.5 11.1 11.7 18 4.25 5.74 6.91 7.90 880 9.59 10.3 11.0 11.7 123 13 4.47 6.02 7.24 8.28 922 100 108 11.5 12.2 12.8 14 4.68 629 7.57 8.64 9.62 105 113 12.0 128 13.4 15 4.89 6.56 I 7.88 9.00 10.0 10.9 11.7 12.5 13.3 13.9 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 25 Tal>le 4. Velocity of water in f set per second ', based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness. n = .018 Continued. ,1* ~ \ " IP ft F = 2.904 S = .00055 il . n n &3D w^ II II taaa rc "t mi hoo F = 3.960 S = .00075 '<**. II II fc F = 4.488 S = .00085 F = 4.752 S = .OOO90 i 11 II II 6a5 il $% n n fcc/3 0.3 .83 .87 0.90 .94 .98 1.01 1.04 1.07 1.10 1.13 0.4 1.41 1.47 1.54 l.fiO 1.66 1.71 1.77 1.82 187 1:92 O.6 1.89 1.98 2.06 2.14 222 2.30 2.37 2.44 253 2.58 0.8 2.32 2.43 2.53 2.f>3 2.73 2.82 2.91 2.99 308 316 i.O 2.71 2.84 2.96 3.07 3.18 3.29 3.39 3.49 3.59 3.68 1.2 3.08 8.21 335 8.48 3.60 3.73 8.84 8.95 4.06 4.17 1.4 3.41 3.56 3.71 3.86 4.00 4.13 4.26 438 4.50 462 1.6 3.73 3.89 4.06 4.21 4.36 4.51 4.65 478 492 5.05 1.8 403 4.21 4.38 4.55 472 4.87 502 517 531 5.45 3.0 4.82 4.51 4.70 4.87 5.05 5.22 6.38 5.53 5.69 5.84 3.2 4.59 4.80 5.00 5.18 5.37 5.55 5.72 5.88 6.05 6.20 2.4 4.86 5.07 528 5.48 5.68 5.87 6.04 6.22 6.40 6.66 3.6 5.11 5.34 5.56 5.77 5.98 6.18 6.36 6.54 673 690 3.8 5.3G 5.59 5.82 6.04 62(i 647 666 6.86 705 7.24 3.0 5.59 5.84 6.08 6.31 654 6.76 696 7.16 7.36 7.55 3.2 5.82 6.08 6.33 657 6.81 7.03 7.24 7.45 7.66 7.86 3.4 6.05 6.32 0.58 6.82 7.07 7.30 7.52 7.74 7.96 8.16 3.6 0.27 6.55 6.82 7.07 7.32 7.57 7.79 8.02 8.24 8.45 3.8 6.48 6.77 7.05 731 757 7.83 8.06 8.29 852 8.74 4.0 6.69 6.99 7.27 7.55 7.82 8.08 8.31 8.55 8.79 0.02 4.3 6.90 7.20 7.50 7.78 8.05 8.32 8.57 8.82 906 9,29 4.4 7.10 7.41 7.71 8.00 8.28 ! 856 8.81 907 932 9.56 4.6 7.29 7.61 7.92 8.22 8.51 879 9.05 931 9.57 9.82 4.8 7.48 7.81 8.13 8.43 874 9.02 9.29 956 982 10.1 o.O 7.67 8.01 8.34 8.65 8.95 9.25 9.52 9.80 10.1 10.8 5.3 7.86 8.20 8.54 8.85 917 9.47 975 10.0 103 10.6 5.4 8.04 8.39 8.73 9.06 9.38 969 9.97 10.8 105 10.8 5.6 8.21 8.58 8.93 9.26 9.59 990 10.2 105 10.8 11 "' it 8.39 8.76 912 9.46 9.79 10.1 10.4 10.7 110 118 8.56 8.94 9.30 9.65 9.99 10.3 10.6 10.9 11.2 11.5 6.3 .8.73 9.11 ' 9.49 9.84 10.2 10.5 10.8 11.1 11.4 11.7 6.4 8.90 9.29 9.67 10.0 10.4 10.7 11.0 114 11.7 12.0 6.6 9.07 9.46 9.85 10.2 10.6 10.9 11.2 11.6 11.9 12.2 (i.8 9.23 9.33 10.0 10.4 10.8 11.1 11.4 118 12.1 12.4 7.0 9.39 9.80 10.2 10.6 10.9 11.8 11.6 12.0 12.3 12.6 7.5 .9.78 10.2 10.6 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.1 12.5 128 13.1 8.0 10.2 10.6 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.2 12.6 130 13.3 13.6 8.5 10.5 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.3 12.7 13.0 134 138 Ml ..o 109 11.4 118 12.2 12.7 13.1 135 139 142 146 9.5 11.2 11.7 12.2 12.6 131 13.5 13.9 14.3 14,7 151 ID. 11.6 12.1 12.6 13.0 13.5 13.9 14.3 14,7 15.2 15.5 11 122 12.8 13.3 13.8 143 14.7 15.2 15.6 16.0 12 12.9 13.4 140 145 150 15.5 15.9 16.4 16.8 13 135 140 146 15.1 15.7 162 16.7 171 17.6 14 14.0 14.7 15.2 15.8 164 16.9 17.4 17.9 18.4 15 14.6 15.2 158 164 170 176 181 186 19.1 26 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 4. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter*s formula^ coefficient of roughness n= .013 Continued. Hi II " ii !i till h if iiV *a >0 4 5 ii ii EM* !l III! Pa 00 rt * INI fcx 3* ^ w . II !! ha II II* fc $* So II II ha Ii 11.11 frtt occ II II fca 0.3 1.27 1.40 1.51 1.62 200 2.30 2.58 2.83 8.27 3.65 0.4 2.16 2.36 2.56 2.74 3.36 3.89 4.36 4.77 5.51 6.16 O.6 2.89 8.17 3.43 3.67 4.50 5.20 5.83 6.38 7.37 8.24 0.8 3.54 3.88 4.19 4.49 5.51 6.36 7a3 7.81 9.02 10.1 l.O 4.13 4.52 4.89 5.23 6.42 7.41 8.30 9.10 10.5 11.7 1.2 4.67 5.12 5.53 5.92 7.26 8.38 9.38 10.3 11.9 13.2 1.4 5.18 5.67 6.13 6.56 8.04 9.28 10.4 11.4 13.1 14.7 1.6 565 6.19 6.69 7.16 8.77 10.1 113 12.4 14.3 16.0 1.8 610 668 7.22 7.72 947 10.9 12.2 13.4 155 17.3 2.O 6.53 7.16 7.73 8.27 10.1 11.7 13.1 14.8 16.6 18.5 2.2 6.95 7.61 8.22 8.79 10.8 12.4 13.9 15.2 17.6 19.6 2.4 734 804 8.69 9.29 11.4 13.1 1*.7 16.1 186 Mfl 2.6 7.72 8.46 9.14 977 12.0 13.8 Io5 16.9 19.6 21.8 2.8 8.09 8.86 9.57 10.2 12.5 14.5 162 17.7 205 22.9 3.0 8.45 9.25 9.93 10.7 13.1 15.1 16.9 18.5 21.4 23.9 3.2 8.79 9.63 10.4 11.1 13.6 15.7 17.6 19.3 22.2 24.8 3.4 9.13 100 10.8 11.5 14.1 163 18.3 200 23.1 25.8- 3.6 946 103 11.2 11.9 14.6 16.9 1*9 20.7 23.9 26.7 3.8 9.78 10.7 11.6 12.4 15.1 17.5 19.6 21.4 2i.7 27.6 4.0 10.1 11.0 11.9 12.8 15.6 18.0 2C.2 22.1 25.5 28.5 4.2 10.4 11.4 12.3 13.1 161 18.6 21.8 22.8 26.3 29.S 4.4 10.7 11.7 126 13.5 16.5 191 21.4 23.4 270 30.2 4.6 11.0 12.0 13.0 13.8 17.0 19.6 21.9 24.0 277 4.8 11.3 12.3 135 14.2 17.4 20.1 22.5 24.7 28.5 5.O 11.6 12.6 13.6 14.6 17.9 20.6 23.1 25.3 5K.2 5.2 11.8 13.0 14.0 14.9 18.3 21.1 23.6 25.9 29.9 5.4 12.1 13.2 1-1.3 153 18.7 21.6 24.2 26.5 80.5 5.6 12.4 13.5 14.6 15.6 19.1 22.1 24.7 270 "..... 5.8 12.6 13.8 14.9 159 195 22.5 25.2 27.6 6.0 12.9 14.1 15.2 16.3 19.9 23.0 25.7 28.2 .... 6.2 13.1 14.4 15.5 16.6 20.3 23.4 26.2 28.7 ...... 6.4 13.4 146 15.8 169 20.7 23.9 26.7 29.3 6.6 136 14.9 16.1 172 21.1 24.3 27.2 29.8 ..... 6.8 13.9 15.2 164 175 21.4 24.8 27.7 80.3 ..... 7.0 14.1 15.4 16.7 17.8 21.8 25.2 28.2 ...... 7.5 14.7 16.1 174 18.6 22.7 26.2 29.3 8.0 153 167 180 193 236 27.2 30.4 8.5 15.8 173 187 20 24.4 28.2 9.O 163 17.9 19.3 20.6 25.2 29'l 9.5 169 185 199 21 3 260 300 *. 17.4 19.0 205 219 26.8 80.9 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 27 Table 5. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter y s formula^ coefficient of roughness .014. 11 d! i! ll A If ii if if si HQ |1 fj [! Illl Illl* if ii II if inf II if Illl* Hll II if Illl h feoD fcx pMOt hoo hoe ft* fcrc fcaa fc fctt O.2 .18 .28 .36 .43 .48 .54 .59 .63 .67 .71 0.4 .32 .49 .63 .74 .84 .93 1.01 1.08 1.15 1.22 0.6 .46 .68 .86 1.01 1.14 1.26 1.37 1.47 1.56 1.65 0.8 .57 .85 1.07 1.25 1.41 1.66 1.69 1.81 1.92 2.03 l.O .68 1.01 1.20 1.47 1.66 1.82 1.98 2.12 2.25 2.38 1.2 .78 1.15 1.44 1.68 1.89 2.08 2.25 2.40 2.56 2.70 1.4 .88 1.29 1.60 1.87 2.10 2.31 2.50 2.67 2.84 3.00 1.6 .98 1.42 1.76 2.05 2.30 2.53 2.73 2.93 8.11 3.28 1.8 1.07 1.54 1.91 2.23 2.49 2.74 2.96 3.17 336 355 2.0 1.15 1.66 2.06 2.39 2.68 2.94 8.18 8.40 3.61 3.81 2.2 1.24 -1.78 2.20 2.54 2.86 3.13 3.38 3.62 8.84 4.05 2!4 1.32 1.89 2.33 2.70 8.02 8.32 8.58 3.83 4.07 4/29 2.6 1.40 2.00 2.40 2.84 3.19 3.50 8.78 4.04 4.29 4.52 2.8 1.48 2.10 2.59 2.99 3.35 3.67 8.96 4.23 4.49 4.74 3.0 1.55 2.20 2.71 3.13 3.50 8.84 4.14 4.43 4.70 4.95 3.2 1.63 2.30 2.82 3.20 8.65 4.00 4.32 4.61 4.89 5.16 3.4 1.70 2.40 2.94 3.39 3.80 4.16 4.48 4.79 6.09 5.3ti 3.6 1.77 S 2.49 3.05 3.52 3.94 4.31 465 4.97 5.28 5.56 3.8 1.84 2.59 3.16 8.65 4.08 4.46 482 5.14 6.46 5.75 4.0 1.91 I 2.67 3.27 8.77 4.21 4.61 4.97 5.81 6.64 5.94 4.2 1.97 2.76 3.38 3.89 4.35 4.75 5.13 6.48 6.81 6.12 4.4 2.04 2.85 3.48 400 4.47 4.90 5.28 5.64 6.98 6.30 4.6 2.10 2.93 358 4.12 4.60 5.03 5.43 5.79 6.15 648 4.8 2.17 3.02 3.68 4.23 4.73 5.17 5.57 5.95 6.81 6.65 5.0 2.23 8.10 3.77 4.34 4.85 5.30 6.72 6.10 6.47 6.82 5.2 2.29 3.18 3.87 445 4.97 5.43 6.86 6.25 6.63 6.98 5.4 2.35 3.26 896 4.55 5.09 5.56 5.99 6.40 6.78 7.15 5.6 2.41 8.33 4.06 4.66 5.20 5.68 6.13 6.54 6.^4 7.81 5.8 2.47 3.41 4.15 4.76 532 5.81 6.26 668 7.09 7.47 6.0 2.52 3.49 4.23 4.87 5.43 5.93 6.39 6.82 7.24 7.62 6.2 2.58 3.56 4.32 4.96 5.54 6.05 6.52 6.96 7.88 7.77 6.4 2.64 3.63 441 5.06 5.65 6.16 6.65 7.10 7.52 7.92 6.6 2.69 3.69 450 5.16 6.76 6.29 6.78 7.23 7.66 8.07 6.8 2.75 3.77 458 5.25 5.86 6.40 6.90 7.36 7.80 8.22 7.0 2.80 3.85 4.66 5.35 5.97 6.51 7.02 7.49 7.94 8.86 7.5 2.93 4.02 j 487 5.58 6.22 6.79 7.82 7.81 8.28 8.72 8.0 8.06 4.18 | 5.06 580 6.47 7.06 7.61 8.12 8.60 9.06 8.5 8.19 4.35 5.26 6.02 6.71 7.32 7.89 8.41 8.92 9.39 9.0 8.81 4.50 5.44 6.23 6.95 7.58 8.16 870 9.22 9.71 9.5 8.43 4.66 5.62 6.44 7.18 7.82 843 8.99 9.52 10.0 10 8.55 4.81 5.80 6.64 7.40 8.07 8.69 9.27 9.82 10.8 11 8.77 6.10 6.15 7.03 7.83 8.53 9.19 980 10.4 10.9 12 899 538 647 7.40 8.24 8.98 9.67 10.3 10.9 11.5 13 4.20 5.65 679 7.76 8.64 941 10.1 10.8 11.4 12.0 14 440 590 7.10 8.10 902 982 10.6 113 . 11.9 12.6 15 4.60 6.16 7.39 8.44 939 10.2 11.0 11.7 12.4 18.1 28 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Tal>le 5. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness 11 = .O14r Continued. * % t a V F = 3.9O4 S =.00055 F = 3.168 S = .OOO60 NO ill! few o 5? IMI few 5 w? II II few **< It II II few F = 4.488 g == .00085 g| i~C if if few CC5 iH O 3? II I! few il 31 II 11 few 0.3 .75 .79 .82 .85 .88 .92 .95 .98 1.00 1.03 0.4 1.29 1.34 1.40 1.46 1.51 1.56 1.61 1.66 1 71 1.75 0.6 1.74 1.82 1.89 1.96 2.04 2.11 2.18 2.24 230 2.36 0.8 2.14 2.23 2.32 2.42 2.50 2.59 2.67 2-75 2.83 2.90 l.O 2.50 2.61 2.72 2.82 2.93 3.03 8.12 3.22 3.30 3.39 1.2 2.84 2.96 3.09 8.20 3.32 3.43 8.54 3.64 3.74 8.84 1.4 8.15 329 3.43 3.56 3.69 3.81 3.93 4.04 4.16 4.26 1.6 3.45 3 GO 3.75 3.89 4.03 4.17 4.30 4.42 4f>4 4.66 l. 3.73 3.89 4.05 4.21 4.36 4.50 4.65 4.78 491 5.04 3.0 4.00 4.18 4.85 4.51 4.67 4.83 4.98 5.12 5.26 5.40 3.3 4.26 4.44 4-62 4.80 4.97 5.14 5.30 5.45 5.00 5.74 3.4 4.50 4.70 4.89 5.08 5.26 5.44 5.60 5.76 5.92 fi.07 3.6 4.75 4.95 5.15 5.35 5.54 5.72 5.90 6.07 6.24 6.39 3.8 4.97 5.19 5.40 5.61 5.81 6.00 6.19 6.36 6.54 6.70 3.0 5.20 5.43 5.64 5.86 6.07 6.27 6.46 6.65 f, s:i 7.0:) 3.3 5.41 5.65 5.88 6.10 6.32 6.53 6.73 6.92 7 11 7.29 3.4 5.63 5.87 6.11 6.34 6.57 6.78 6.99 7.19 739 7.58 3.6 5.83 6.09 6.33 6.57 6.81 7.03 7.25 7.46 7.f, 7. 85 3.8 6.04 6.30 6.55 6.80 7.04 7.27 7.50 7.72 7.98 8.12 4.O 6.23 6.50 6.76 7.02 7.27 7.51 7.74 7.96 8.18 8.38 4.3 6.42 6.70 6.97 7.23 7.4'.) 7.74 7.98 8.20 8.48 8.64 4.4 6.61 6.90 7.17 7.44 7.71 7.96 8.21 8.44 8.67 8.89 4.6 6.79 7.09 7.37 7.65 792 8.18 8.43 8.68 8.91 9.14 4.8 6.97 7.28 7.57 7.85 8.13 8.40 8.66 890 9.15 9.38 5.0 7.15 7.46 7.76 8.05 8.34 8.61 8.88 9.13 9.38 9.61 5.3 7.83 7.64 7.95 8.25 8.54 8.82 9.09 9.35 9.60 9. 85 5.4 7.50 7.82 8.13 8.44 8.74 9.03 9.30 9.57 9.82 10.1 5.6 7.66 8.00 8.32 8.63 8.94 9.23 9.51 978 10.0 10.3 5.8 7.83 8.17 8.49 8.81 9.13 9.43 9.71 9.99 10.3 10.6 6.0 7.99 8.84 8.67 9.00 9.32 9.62 9.91 10.2 10.5 10.7 6.3 8.15 8.50 8.84 9.17 950 9.81 10.1 104 in. 7 10.9 6.4 8.31 8.67 9.01 9.35 9.68 10.0 108 10.6 10.9 ll.t 6.6 8.46 8.83 9.18 9.52 9.87 10.2 10.5 10.8 11.1 11.4 6.8 8.62 8.99 9.35 9.69 10.0 10.4 10.7 11.0 11.3 11.* 7.0 8.77 9.15 9.51 9.87 10.2 10.6 10.9 U.2 11.5 11.8 7.5 9.14 9.53 9.91 10.8 10.6 11.0 11.8 11:6 12.0 12.3 8.0 9.50 9.91 10.3 10.7 : 11.1 11.4 11.8 12.1 12.4 12.-7 8.5 9.84 10.8 10.7 11.1 ; 11.5 11.8 12.2 12.6 12.9 13.2 9.O 10.2 10.6 11.0 11.4 i 11.8 12.2 12.6 13.0 13.3 18.7 9.5 1.0.6 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.2 12.6 13.0 13.4 13.8 14.1 10 10.8 11.8 11.8 12.2 12.6 18.0 13.4 13.8 14.2 14.5 11 11:6 ' 11.9 12.4 12.9 13.3 13.8 14.2 14.6 15.0 12 120 12.6 13.1 13.5 ; 140 14.5 14.9 153 15.8 13 12.6 : 13.2 13.7 14.2 i 14.7 15.2 15.6 161 16.5 14 13.2 13.7 14.8 148 ! 15.8 15.8 16.3 lfi.8 17.2 . ...... 15 137 ; 14.8 148 15.4 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.4 17.9 ...... HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 29 Tabte 5. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness n= .01 4 Continued. . s J aj d :|1 if 9.24= .OO175 Ii H^ 9* H *1t sl 3* Si 8 w^ 3* 5l So o H 8 , * Illl ii II II II II II Illl II It ll II II II ll ll Illl u fc *rc fc* fccC fc* fcrc Saw few fax fc o.a 1.15 1.27 137 1.47 1.81 2.09 2.34 2.56 2.% 3.32 0.4 1.96 2.15 2.33 250 3.07 3.55 3.97 435 5.03 5.62 0.6 264 2.90 3.14 3.36 4.12 477 5.33 584 6.75 7.55 O.8 3.22 3.54 382 4.10 5.02 5.81 650 7.12 8.22 9.20 1.0 3.77 4.13 4.47 4.78 5.86 6.78 7.58 8.31 9.59 10.7 1.9 4.30 4.71 509 5.45 6.68 7.72 8.64 9.46 10.9 12.2 1.4 4.77 5.23 5.65 6.04 7.41 857 9.58 10.5 12.1 13.6 1.6 5.21 5.71 6.17 6.60 8.10 936 10.5 11.5 13.2 14.8 1.8 5.63 6.17 6.67 7.14 875 10.1 11.3 124 14.3 1G.O 2.0 6.04 6.62 7.16 7.65 9.37 10.8 12.1 13.3 15.3 17.1 2.2 6.42 7.04 7.60 8.13 997 11.5 129 14.1 16.3 18.2 2.4 6.79 7.44 8.04 8.60 10.5 12.2 136 149 17.2 19.3 2.6 7.15 7.84 8.46 905 11.1 128 14.3 15.7 18.1 203 2.8 7.50 8.21 8.87 9.49 11.6 134 15.0 16.4 19.0 21.2 3.0 7.83 8.58 9.26 9.91 12.1 14.0 15.7 17.2 19.8 22.2 3.3 8.16 8.93 9.65 10.3 12.6 14.6 16.3 17.9 20.6 23.1 3.4 8.47 9.28 10.0 10.7 13.1 152 17.0 18.6 21.4 24.0 3.6 8.78 9.62 10.4 11.1 13.6 15.7 17.6 19.2 22.2 24.8 3.8 9.08 995 10.7 11.5 14.1 16.2 18.2 19.9 23.0 25.7 4.0 9.37 10.3 11.1 11.8 14.5 16.8 18.7 20.5 23.7 26.5 4.2 9.66 10.6 11.4 12.2 15.0 17.3 19.3 21.2 24.4 27.3 4.4 9.94 10.9 11.7 126 15.4 17.8 19.9 21.8 25.1 28.1 4.6 10.2 11.2 12.1 12.9 15.8 18.2 20.4 22.4 25.8 28.8 4.8 10.5 11.5 124 13.2 16.2 18.7 21.0 22.9 26.5 29.6 5.0 10.7 11.8 12.7 13,6 16.6 19.2 21.5 23.5 27.1 30.4 5.2 11.0 12.1 13.0 13.9 17.0 19.7 22.0 24.1 27.8 5.4 11.3 123 1&.3 14,2 17.4 20.1 22.5 24.6 28.5 .... 5.6 11.5 126 13.6 14.5 17.8 20.6 23.0 25.2 29.1 .... 5.8 11.8 12.9 13.9 14.9 182 21.0 23.5 25.7 29.7 .... 6.0 12.0 13.1 14.2 15.2 18.6 21.4 24.0 26.2 30.3 ... 6.2 12.2 13.4 14.5 15.4 18.9 21.8 24.4 26.8 6.4 12.5 13.7 14.7 15.8 19.3 22.3 24.9 27.3 6.6 12.7 139 15.0 16.0 19.6 22.7 25.4 27.8 6.8 12.9 142 15.3 163 20.0 23.1 258 28.3 7.0 13.2 14.4 15.5 16.6 20.3 23.5 26.3 28.8 ..... ...... 7.5 12.7 15.0 16.2 17.3 21.2 24.4 27.4 30.0 8.0 14.2 15.6 16.8 18.0 22.0 25.4 28.4 8.5 14.8 16.1 17.4 18.6 22.8 26.3 29.4 ...... 0.0 15.3 16.7 18.0 19 a 236 27.2 30.4 ...... ftjv 16.& 17 2 18.6 19 9 24 3 28 1 *P4jr 10 16.2 17'8 19:2 20.5. 251 28.9 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. it hie O. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coejjicient of roughness n =.O15. g|& *(OJ it cc S 11 tl O n* ii *<^ ll TM *l !! if ** . 1 N 11 It fe% fe< im */. h?Q fa 02 ha II II fajfi 9.2 .16 .26 .33 .39 .44 .49 .54 .58 .61 .65 0.4 .29 .45 .57 .68 .77 .85 .93 1.00 1.06 1.12 0.6 .41 .63 .79 .93 1.05 1.16 1.26 1.35 1.44 1.52 0.8 .52 .79 .99 1.15 1.30 1.43 1.56 1.67 1.78 1.88 t.O .63 .93 1.16 1.36 1.53 1.68 1.83 1.96 2.09 2.20 1.3 .72 1.07 1.33 1.55 1.74 1.92 2.08 2.23 2.37 2.50 1.4 .82 1.20 1.49 1.73 1.94 2.14 2.32 2.48 2.63 2.78 1.6 .91 1.32 1.64 l.fiO 2.13 2.35 2.54 2.72 2.89 3.05 1.8 .99 1.44 1.78 2.06 2.32 2.54 2.75 2.94 3.13 3.30 2.0 1.07 1.55 1.91 2.22 2.49 2.73 2.95 3.16 3.36 3.54 2.3 1.15 1.66 2.04 2.37 2.65 2.91 3.15 3.37 3.58 3.77 2.4 1.23 1.76 2.17 2.51 2.81 3.09 3.34 3.57 3.79 3.99 2.6 1.31 1.86 2.29 2.65 2.97 3.25 3.52 3.76 3.99 4.21 2.8 1.38 1.96 2.41 2.79 3.12 3.42 3.69 3.95 4.19 4.42 3.0 1.45 2.06 2.52 2.92 3.26 3.58 3.86 4.13 4.38 4.62 3.3 1.52 2.15 2.63 3.04 3.40 3.73 4.03 4.30 4.57 4.8T 3.4 1.59 2.24 2.74 3.17 3.54 3.88 4.19 4.47 4.75 5.00 3.6 1.65 2.33 2.85 3.29 3.67 4.02 4.34 4.64 4.92 5.19 3.8 1.72 2.42 2.95 3.41 3.80 4.16 4.50 4.81 5.10 5.37 4.0 1.78 2.50 3.05 3.52 3.93 4.31 4.65 4.96 5.26 6.55 4.3 1.85 2.58 3.15 3.63 4.06 4.44 4.79 5.12 5.43 5.72 4.4 1.91 2.67 3.25 3.74 4.18 4.57 4.93 5.27 6.59 5.89 4.6 1.97 2.75 3.35 3.85 4.30 4.70 5.07 5.42 5.75 6.06 4.8 2.03 2.82 3.44 3.96 4.42 4.83 5.21 5.57 5.90 6.22 5.0 2.09 2.90 3.53 4.06 4.53 4.96 5.35 5.71 6.05 6.38 5.3 2.14 2.98 3.62 4.16 4.64 5.08 5.48 5.85 6.20 6.53 5.4 2.20 3.05 3.71 4.27 4.76 5.20 5.61 5.99 6.35 6.69 5.6 2.26 3.13 3.80 4.36 4.87 5.32 5.74 6.13 6.49 6.84 5.8 2.31 3.20 3.88 4.46 4.97 5.44 5.86 6.26 6.64 6.9U 6.0 2.37 3.27 3.97 4.56 5.08 5.56 5.99 6.40 6.77 7.14 6.3 2.42 3.34 4.05 4.65 5.18 5.67 6.11 6.52 6.91 7.28 6.4 2.47 3.41 4.13 4.75 5.29 5.78 6.23 6.65 7.05 7.42 6.6 2.53 3.48 4.21 4.84 5.39 5.89 6.35 6.78 7.18 7.56 6.8 2.58 3.55 4.29 4.03 5.49 6.00 6.47 6.90 7.31 7.70 7.0 2.64 3.61 4.37 5.02 5.59 6.10 6.58 7.02 7.44 7.84 7.5 2.76 3.77 4.57 5.24 5.83 6.36 6.86 7.32 7.76 8.17 H.O 2.8S 3.93 4.75 5.45 6.06 6.62 7.14 7.62 8.07 8.50 8.5 3.00 4.09 4.93 5.65 6.29 6.87 7.40 7.90 8.37 8.82 9.0 3.11 4.24 5.11 5.85 6.51 7.10 7.66 8.17 8.66 9.13 t.5 3.23 4.39 5.28 6.05 6.73 7.34 7.91 8.44 8.94 9.42 10 3.34 4.53 5.45 6.24 6.94 7.57 8.16 8.71 9.22 9.70 11 3.55 4.81 5.78 6.61 7.35 8.02 8.63 9.22 9.75 10.3 13 3.76 5.07 6.09 6.96 7.74 8.44 9.09 9.70 10.3 10.8 13 3.96 6.32 6.39 7.30 8.11 8.84 9.52 10.2 10.8 11.3 14 4.15 5.57 6.68 7.63 8.47 9.24 9.95 10.6 11.2 11.8 15 4.34 5.81 6.96 7.95 8.82 9.62 10.4 11.0 11.7 12.3 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 31 Table 6. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on KuUer's formula, coefficient of roughness ii = .0 15 Continued. 1* "I ii e*^ y ^ * il w s ? Ii <* 00 ^S |i s o sl D W)v4 f> O I H ii *.-/. &* face fax fax '*/. */. fax faX faX 9.2 .68 .72 .75 .78 .81 .84 .86 .89 .91 .94 0.4 1.18 1.23 1.29 1.34 1.39 1.43 1.48 1.52 1.57 1.61 0.6 1.60 1'.67 1.74 1.81 1.88 1.94 2.00 2.06 2.12 2.18 0.8 1.97 2.06 2.15 2.23 2.31 2.:w 2.46 2.54 2.61 2.68 1.0 2.31 2.41 2.52 2.62 2.71 2.80 2.89 2.97 3.05 3.13 1.2 2.62 2.74 2.86 2.97 3.07 3.18 3.28 3.37 3.47 3.55 1.4 2.92 3.05 3.18 3.30 3.42 3.53 3.64 3.75 3.86 3.95 1.6 3.20 3.34 3.48 3.61 3.74 3.85 3.98 4.10 4.22 4.33 1.8 3.46 3.62 3.77 3.91 4.05 4.18 4.31 4.44 4.56 4.68 9.0 3.71 3.88 4.04 4.20 4.34 4.49 4.63 4.76 4.89 5.02 2.2 3.96 4.13 4.30 4.47 4.63 4.78 4.93 6.07 5.21 5.35 2.4 4.19 4.38 4.56 4.73 4.90 5.06 5.21 5.37 5.51 5.66 2.6 4.41 4.61 4.80 4.99 5.16 5.33 5.49 5.65 5.81 5.96 2.8 4.63 4.84 5.04 5.23 5.41 5.59 5.76 5.93 6.09 6.25 3.0 4.84 5.06 5.27 5.47 5.66 6.84 6.02 6.20 6.37 6.53 3.2 5.05 5.27 5.49 5.70 5.90 6.09 6.28 6.46 6.64 6.81 3.4 5.25 5.48 5.70 5.92 6.13 6.33 6.52 6.71 6.90 7.07 3.6 5.44 5.68 5.92 6.14 6.35 6.56 6.76 6.96 7.15 7.33 3.8 5.63 5.88 6.12 6.35 6.57 6.79 7.00 7.20 7.40 7.59 4.0 5.82 6.07 6.32 6.55 6.79 7.02 7.23 7.43 7.64 7.84 4.2 6.00 6.26 6.52 6.76 7.00 7.23 7.45 7.66 7.87 8.08 4.4 6.18 6.45 6.71 6.96 7.20 7.44 7.67 7.89 8.10 8.31 4.6 6.35 6.63 6.90 7.16 7.41 7.65 7.88 8.11 8.33 8.55 4.8 6.52 6.81 7.08 7.35 7.60 7.85 8.09 8.33 8.55 8.77 .0 6.69 6.98 7.26 7.54 7.80 8.05 8.30 8.54 8.77 9.00 5.2 6.85 7.15 7.44 7.72 7.99 8.25 8.50 8.75 8.98 9.22 5.4 7.01 7.32 7.62 7.90 8.18 8.44 8.70 8.95 9.19 9.43 5.6 7.17 7.49 7.79 8.08 8.36 8.63 8.90 9.15 9.40 961 5.8 7.33 7.65 7.96 8.25 8.54 8.82 9.09 9.35 9.60 9.85 6.0 7.48 7.81 8.12 8.43 8.72 9.00 9.28 9.54 9.80 10.1 6.2 7.63 7.97 8.29 8.60 8.90 9.18 9.47 9.74 10.0 10.3 6.4 7.78 8.12 8.45 8.76 9.07 9.36 9.65 9.93 10.2 10.5 6.6 7.93 8.27 8.61 8.93 9.24 9.54 9.83 10.1 10.4 10.7 6.8 8.07 8.43 8.77 9.09 9.41 9.72 10.0 10.3 10.6 10.9 7.0 8.21 8.57 8.92 9.24 57 9.90 10.2 10.5 10.8 11.1 7.5 8.56 8.94 9.30 9.63 9.98 10.3 10.6 10.9 11.2 11.5 8.0 8.90 9.29 9.66 10.0 10.4 10.7 11.0 11.4 11.7 12.0 8.5 9.23 9.64 10.0 10.4 10.8 11.1 11.4 11.8 12.1 12.4 .o 9.55 9.97 10.4 10.8 11.1 11.5 11.8 12.2 12.5 12.8 9.5 9.86 10.3 10.7 11.1 11.5 11.9 12.2 12.6 12.9 13.2 10 10.2 10.6 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.2 12.6 13.0 13.3 13.6 11 10.8 11.2 11.7 12 1 12 5 12 11.3 11.8 12.3 12.7 13.2 13 11.9 12.4 12.9 13.3 138 14 12.4 12.9 13.4 13.9 14.4 15 12.9 13.4 14.0 14.5 15.0 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 6. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness il =.O15 Continued. si ? Il |[ si II it ?! 1! 11 VH * w 21 Sg 8 8* Sao S So s * h u few Ml feOQ face face fa '-r. 0.2 1.05 1,16 1.25 1.34 1.65 1.91 2.13 2.34 2.70 3.02 0.4 1.80 1.98 2.14 2.29 2.82 3.26 3.64 3.99 4.61 5.10 0.6 2.44 2.(> 4.0 8.76 &60 10.4 11.1 13.6 15.7 17.5 19.2 22.1 24.8 4T.2 9-.03 9.89 10.7 11.4 14.0 16.1 18.0 19.8 22.8 25.5 4.4 9.29 10.2 11.0 11.8 14.4 16.6 18.6 20.3 23.5 26.2 4:6 9.55 10.5 11.3 12.1 14.8 17.1 19.1 20.9 24.1 27.0 4.8 9.81 10.7 11.6 12.4 15.2 17.5 19.6 21.5 24.8 27.7 5.0 10.1 11.0 11.9 12.7 15.6 18.0 20.1 22.0 25.4 28.4 5.'i 10.3 11.3 12.2 13.0 15.9 18.4 20.6 22.5 26.0 29.1 5.4 10.5 11.5 12.5 13^3 16.3 18.8 21.0 23.1 26.6 29.S 5.6 10.8 11.8 12.7 13.6 16.7 19.2 21.5 23.6 27.2 30.4 5.8 11.0 12.1 13.0 13.9 17.0 19.7 22.0 24.1 27.8 31.1 .o 11.2 12.3 13%3 14.2 17.4 20.1 22.4 24.6 28.4 31.7 6.2 11.5 12.6 13.6 14.5 17.7 20.5 22.9 25.1 28.9 32.3 6.4 11.7 12.8 13,8 14.8 18.1 20.9 23.3 25.5 29.5 33.0 6.6 11.9 13.0 14.1 15.0 18.4 21.2 23.7 26.0 30.0 33.0 6.8 12.1 13.3 14.3 15.3 18.7 21.6 24.2 26.5 30.6 34.2 7.0 12.3 13,* 14.6 15.6 19,1 22.0 24.6 26.9 31.1 34,8 VJt 12.9 14.1 15.2 16.3 19.9 & 13-.4 14.6 15.8 16.9 20.6 .5 13.8 15.2 16.4 ! 17.5 ....... .o 14.3 15.7 13.9 18.1 9.5 14.8 1*6.2' 17.5 rs.7' 10.0 15.2. 16.7 18.0 19.2 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 33 'fable 7. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness 11 =.O2O. si Ij l| II si *T *J If it if ^ Ii f4 . ** H O *** O <* | ** . o* H M MB *'/ faX fax fax face II II - /. II II fax II II fax II !l fax 0.3 .11 .17 .22 .27 .30 .33 .36 .39 .42 .44 0.4 .21 .32 .40 .47 .54 .59 .65 .69 .74 .78 0.6 .29 .44 .56 .66 .74 .82 .89 .96 1.02 1.08 0.8 .37 .56 .70 .82 .93 1.03 1.11 1.19 1.27 1.35 1.0 .45 .67 .84 .98 1.10 1.21 1.32 1.41 1.50 1.59 1.2 .52 .77 .96 1.12 1.26 1.39 1.51 1.62 1.72 1.81 1.4 .59 .87 1.08 1.26 1.41 1.56 1.69 1.81 1.92 2.03 1.6 .66 .9<> 1.20 1.39 1.56 1.72 1.86 1.99 2.11 2.23 1.8 .73 1.05 1.30 1.52 1.70 1.87 2.02 2.17 2.30 2.43 2.0 .79 1.14 1.41 1.64 1.84 2.01 2.18 2.33 2.48 2.61 2.2 .85 1.23 1.51 1.75 1.96 2.16 2.33 2.49 2.65 2.79 2.4 .91 1.31 1.61 1.86 2.09 2.29 2.48 2.65 2.81 2.97 2.6 .1*7 J .39 1.70 1.97 2.21 2.42 2.62 2.80 2.97 3.13 2.8 1.03 1 .40 1.80 2.08 2.33 2.55 2.76 2.95 3.12 3.30 3.0 1.09 1.54 1.89 2.18 2.44 2.68 2.89 3.09 3.28 3.45 3.2 1.14 1JB1 1.97 2!28 2.55 2.79 3.02 3.23 3.42 3.61 3.4 1.1!) l.C.S 2.0<> 2.38 2.66 2.91 3.14 3.36 3.56 3.70 3.6 1.25 1.75 2.14 2.47 2.76 3.03 3.27 3.49 3.70 3.90 3.8 1.30 1 .S2 2.23 2.57 2.87 3.14 3.39 3.62 3.84 4.05 4.0 1.35 1.S9 2.31 2.66 2.97 3.25 3.51 3.75 3.97 4.19 4.2 1.40 1 .90 2.38 2.75 3.07 3.36 3.62 3.87 4.10 4.32 4.4 1.45 2.02 2.46 2.83 3.16 3.46 3.73 3.99 4.23 4.46 4.6 1.50 2.08 2.54 2.92 3.26 3.56 3.85 4.11 4.35 4.59 4.8 1.54 2.15 2.61 3.00 3.35 3.66 3.95 4.22 4.48 4.72 5.0 1.59 2.21 2.68 3.09 3.44 3.76 4.06 4.34 4.60 4.84 5,2 1.63 2.27 2.76 3.17 3.53 3.86 4.17 4.45 4.72 4.97 5.4 1.6X 2.33 2.83 3.25 3.62 3.96 4.27 4.56 4.83 5.09 . 5.6 1.73 2.39 2.90 3.33 3.71 4.05 4.37 4.67 4.95 5.21 5.8 1.77 2.45 2.97 3.41 3.80 4.15 4.47 4.78 5.06 5.33 6.0 1.82 2.51 3.03 3.48 3.88 4.24 4.57 4.88 5.17 5.45 6.2 1.86 2.56 3.10 3.56 3.96 4.33 4.67 4.98 5.28 5.56 6.4 1.90 2.61 3.17 3.63 4.05 4.42 4.77 5.09 5.39 5.68 6.6 1.94 2.67 3.23 3.71 4.13 4.51 4.86 5.19 5.50 5.79 6.8 1.99 2.73 3.30 3.78 4.21 4.60 4.95 5.29 5.60 5.90 7.0 2.03 2.79 3.36 3.86 4.29 4.68 5.05 5.40 5.70 6.01 7.5 2.13 2.92 3.51 4.03 4.48 4.89 5.27 5.63 5.96 6.27 8.0 2.23 3.04 3.66 4.20 4.67 5.10 5.49 5.86 6.21 6.53 8.5 2.33 3.16 3.81 4.36 4.85 5.30 5.70 6.09 6.44 6.78. 9.0 2.42 3.28 3.95 4.52 5.03 5.49 5.91 6.31 6.68 7.03 9.5 2.51 3.40 4.09 4.68 5.20 5.68 6.11 6.52 6.91 7.27 10 2.60 3.52 4.23 4.83 5.37 5.86 6.31 6.73 7.13 7.50 11 2.78 3.74 4.49 5.14 5.70 6.21 6.69 7.14 7.56 7.9f> 12 2.95 3.96 4.75 5.43 6.02 6.56 7.06 7.53 7.97 8.39 13 3.11 4.17 4.99 5.71 6.32 6.90 7.41 7.91 8.36 8.80 14 3.27 4.37 5.23 5.97 6.62 7.22 7.76 8.27 8.75 9.20 15 3.43 4.56 5.46 6.22 G.90 7.52 8.09 ,.62 9.12 M.fiO 6202-I7 3 34 KVDKAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 7. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on flutter's formula, coefficient of roughness 11 = .Ot2O Continued. i|! || l\ Hi ii ii !i !l 1 teal So ii ., ^ II 1* | || H if ii II H if H if II tl H if II if H if A SM i/i fcaa BhGC feat 0.2 .47 .49 .51 .53 .55 .57 .59 .61 .62 .64 0.4 .82 .86 .90 .93 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 0.6 1.13 1.18 1.23 1.28 1.33 1.37 1.41 1.46 1.50 1.54 0.8 1.41 1.47 1.53 1,60 1.65 1.71 1.76 1.82 1.87 1.92 1.0 1.66 1.74 1.81 1.88 1.95 2.02 2.08 2.14 2.20 2.26 1.2 1.90 1.99 2.07 2.15 2.23 2.31 2.38 2.45 2.52 2.58 1.4 2.13 2.23 2.32 2.41 2.49 2.58 2.66 2.74 2.81 2.8S 1.6 2.34 2.45 2.55 2.65 2.74 2.83 2.92 3.01 3.09 3.17 1.8 2.55 2.66 2.77 2.88 2.98 3.08 3.17 3.27 3.36 3.4. r > 2.0 2.74 2.86 2.98 3.10 3.21 3.31 3.42 3.52 3.61 3.71 2.2 2.93 3.06 3.19 3.31 3.43 3.54 3.65 3.76 3.86 3.9r, 2.4 3.11 3.25 3.38 3.51 3.64 3.76 3.87 3.99 4.10 4.20 2.6 3.29 3.43 3.57 3.71 3.84 3.97 4.09 4.21 4.33 4.44 2.8 3.46 3.61 3.76 3.90 4.04 4.17 4.30 4.43 4.55 4.67 3.0 3.62 3.78 3.94 4.09 4.23 4.37 4.50 4.64 4.76 4.89 3.2 3.78 3.95 4.11 4.27 4.42 4.56 4.70 4.84 4.97 5.10 3.4 3.94 4.11 4.28 4.44 4.60 4.75 4.90 5.04 5.18 5.31 3.6 4.09 4.27 4.43 4.62 4.78 4.93 5.09 5.23 5.38 5.52 3.8 4.24 4.43 4.61 4.78 4.95 5.11 5.27 5.42 5.57 5.72 4.0 4.39 4,58 4.77 4.95 5.12 6.29 5.45 5.61 5.76 5.91 4.2 4.53 4.73 4.92 5.11 5.29 5.46 5.6S 5.79 5.95 6,10 4.4 4.67 4.88 5.08 5.27 5.45 5.63 5.80 5.97 6.13 6.25* 4.6 4.81 5.02 5.23 5.42 5.61 5.79 5.97 6.14 6.31 6.47 4.8 4.94 5.16 5.37 5.57 5.77 5.96 6.14 6.31 6.49 6.65 5.0 5.08 5.30 5.52 5.72 5.92 6.12 6.30 6.48 6.66 6.83 5.2 5.21 5.44 5.66 5.87 6.07 6.27 6.46 6.65 6.83 7.00 5.4 5.34 5.57 5.80 6.01 6.22 6.42 6.62 6.81 6.99 7.18 5.6 5.46 5.70 5.93 6.15 6.37 6.57 6.77 6.97 7.16 7.34 5.8 5.59 5.83 6.07 6.29 6.51 6.72 6.93 7.13 7.32 7.51 6.0 5.71 5.95 6.20 6.43 6.65 6.87 7.08 7.28 7.48 7.67 6.2 5,83 6.08 6.33 6.57 6.79 7.01 7.23 7.43 7.64 7.83 6.4 5.95 6.21 6.46 6.70 6.93 7.16 7.37 7.58 7.70 7.9<> 6.6 6.07 6.33 6.58 6.83 7.07 7.30 7.52 7.73 7.94 8.1.") 6.8 6.18 6.45 6.71 6.96 7.20 7.43 7.66 7.88 8.09 8.30 7.0 6,29 6.57 6,83 7.10 7.33 7.57 7.80 8.02 8.24 8.4A 7.5 6,57 6.86 7,14 7.41 7.66 7.91 8.14 8.38 8.61 8.83 9.0 6.84 7.14 7.43 7.71 7.97 8.23 8.48 8.72 8.96 9. in 8.5 7.11 7,42 7.71 8,00 8.28 8.54 8.80 9.05 9.30 0.54 9.0 7.36 7.68 7,99 8.29 8.57 8,85 9.12 9.38 9.63 9.87 fl.5 7.61 7.94 8.26 8.57 8.86 9.15 9.43 9.69 9.96 10.2 10 7.86 8.20 8.53 8.84 9.15 9.44 9.75 10.0 10.3 10.5 8 33 8.69 9.04 9.37 9.69 12 g'yg 9^53 9,88 10,2 9 22 9 59 10.0 10,4 10.7 14 9^64 10.0 10 5 10.8 11,2 15 10^9 11.3 11.7 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 35 7. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kulter's formula, coefficient of roughness n =,O2O Continued. Si- ll ! si A Ii ii II J, - M Ii II 1! II II fax fax AA faX AA AA II II* fax 7 if fax H if fax ii i" fax 0.2 .72 .79 .85 .91 1.12 1.30 1.46 1.60 1.84 2.06 0.4 1.26 1.38 1.50 1.00 1.97 2.27 2.54 2.79 3.22 3.00 0.6 1.73 1.89 2.05 2.19 2.69 3.11 3.48 3.81 4.41 4.93 0.8 2.15 2.35 2.55 2.72 3.34 3.86 4.32 4.74 5.47 6.12 1.0 2.53 2.77 3.00 3.21 3.94 4.55 5.09 5.58 6.45 7.21 1.3 2.89 3.17 3.43 3.67 4.50 5.19 5.81 6.37 7.35 8.22 1.4 3.23 3.54 3.83 4.09 5.02 5.80 6.48 7.10 8.20 9.18 1.6 3.55 3.89 4.21 4.50 5.51 6.37 7.12 7.80 9.01 10.1 1.8 3.86 4.23 4.57 4.88 5.99 6.91 7.73 8.47 9.78 10.9 2.0 4.15 4.55 4.91 5.26 6.44 7.44 8.31 9.11 10.5 11.8 2.3 4.43 4.85 5.24 5.61 6.87 7.94 8.87 9.72 11.2 12.6 2.4 4.70 5.15 5.57 5.95 7.29 8.42 9.41 10.3 11.9 13.3 2.6 4.96 5.44 5.87 6.28 7.70 8.89 9.94 10.9 12.6 14.0 2.8 5.22 5.72 6.17 6.60 8.09 9.35 10.4 11..4 13.2 14.8 3.0 5.46 5.99 6.47 6.91 8.47 9.78 10.9 12.0 13.8 15.5 3.2 5.70 6.25 6.75 7.22 8.84 10.2 11.4 12.5 14.4 16.1 3.4 5.94 6.50 7.03 7.51 9.20 10.6 11.9 13.0 15.0 16.8 3.6 6.17 6.75 7.29 7.80 9.55 11.0 12.3 13.5 15.6 17.4 3.8 6.39 7.00 7.56 8.08 9.89 11.4 12.8 14.0 16.2 18.1 4.0 6.61 7.24 7.82 8.36 10.2 11.8 13.2 14.5 16.7 18.7 4.2 6.82 7.47 8.07 8.62 10.6 12.2 13.6 14.9 17.2 1^.3 4.4 7.03 7.70 8.31 8.89 10.9 12.6 14.1 15.4 17.8 19.8 4.6 7.23 7.92 8.56 9.14 11.2 12.9 14.5 15.8 18.3 4.8 7.44 8.14 8.79 9.40 11.5 13.3 14.9 16.3 18.8 21 5.0 7.63 8.36 9.02 9.65 11.8 13.6 15.2 16.7 19.3 2L5 5.2 7.83 8.57 9.25 9.89 12.1 14.0 15.6 17.1 19.8 22.1 5.4 8.02 8.78 9.48 10.1 12.4 14.3 16.0 17.5 20.2 22.0 5.6 8.21 8.98 9.70 10.4 12.7 14.7 16.4 17.9 20.7 23.2 5.8 8.30 9.19 9.92 10.6 13.6 15.0 16.7 18.3 21.2 23.7 6.0 8.57 9.38 10.1 10.8 13.3 15.3 17.1 18.7 21.6 24.2 6.3 8.75 9.58 10.3 11.1 13.5 15.6 17.5 19.1 22.1 24.7 6.4 8.93 9.77 10.6 11,3 13.8 15.9 17.8 19.5 22.5 25.2 6.6 9.10 9.96 10.8 11.5 14.1 16.2 18.2 19.9 23.0 25.7 6.8 9.27 10.2 11.0 11.7 14.3 16.5 18.5 20.3 23.4 26.1 7.0 9.44 10.4 11.2 11.9 14.6 16.8 18.8 20.6 23.8 26.6 7.5 9.86 10.8 11.7 12.5 15.2 17.6 19.7 21.5 24.8 27.8 8.0 10.3 11.2 12.1 13.0 15.9 18.3 20.5 22.4 25.9 28.9 8.5 10.7 11.7 12.6 13.5 16.5 19.0 21.2 23.2 20.8 30.0 9.0 11.0 12.1 13.0 14.0 17.0 19.7 22.0 24.1 27.8 31.1 9.5 11.4 12.5 13.5 14.4 17.6 20.3 22.7 24.9 28.7 32.1 10.0 11.8 12.9 13.9 14.9 1S.2 21.0 23.4 25.7 29.6 33.1 36 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 8. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness ii =.0225. 1 1 il 3 5? O r si R| 1H . II 8- 3* si %% fi Sao So i gS 1) II n n II II II II ii n n n II II M II It fc fase hoc pM$ '*'J1 $ -V. hoo fcao fctt 0.3 .67 .73 .78 .96 1.11 1.24 1.36 1.58 1.76 0.4 1.19 1.29 1.38 1.70 1.96 2.19 2.41 2.78 3.11 O.G 1.64 1.78 1.90 2.34 2.70 3.02 3.31 3.82 4.28 0.8 2.05 2.22 2.37 2.91 3.37 3.77 4.13 4.77 5.33 1.0 2.43 2.62 2.81 3.44 3.98 4.45 4.88 5.63 6.30 1.3 2.78 3.00 3.21 3.94 4.55 5.09 5.58 6.44 7.21 1.4 3.11 3.36 3.60 4.41 5.09 5.70 6.21 7.21 8.0ft 1.6 3.43 ,".70 3.06 4.85 5.61 0.27 6.87 7.93 8,87 1.8 3.73 4.03 4.31 5.28 6.10 6.G2 7.47 8.63 9.64 2.0 4.01 4.34 4.64 5.68 (j.57 7.34 8.04 9.29 10.4 2.3 4.29 4.64 4.96 "..OS 7.02 7.85 8.60 9.93 11.1 2.4 4.56 4.93 5.27 7.45 8.33 9.13 10. 5 11.8 2.6 4.82 5.21 5.57 7.88 8.C1 9.G5 11.1 12.4 2.8 5.07 5.48 5.80 7.17 1 8.28 9.20 10.2 11.7 13.1 3.0 5.32 5.74 6.14 7.52 8.08 9.71 10.6 12.3 13.7 3.3 5.55 6.00 6.41 7.85 ; 9.07 10.1 11.1 12.8 14.3 3.4 5.78 6.25 6.6S ,S.1S 9.44 10.6 11.6 13.4 14.9 3.6 6.01 6.49 6.94 S.:><) .).S1 11.0 12.0 13.9 15.5. 3.8 6.23 6.73 7.20 8.S1 10.2 11.4 12.5 14.4 16.1 4.0 G.45 6.96 7.44 9.12 10.5 11.8 12.9 14.9 16.6 4.3 6.66 7.19 7.69 9.11 10.9 12.2 13.3 15.4 ! 17.2 4.4 ! G.87 7.42 7.93 9.71 11.2 12.6 13.7 15.9 17.7 4.6 7.07 7.64 8.16 9.99 11.5 12.9 14.1 16.3 18.2 4.8 7.27 7.85 8.39 h).:-5 11.9 13.3 14.5 16.8 ! 18.8 5.0 7.47 8.07 8.62 10.6 12.2 13.6 14.9 17.2 19.2 1 5.2 7.66 8.27 8.84 10.8 12.5 14.0 15.3 17.7 I 19.8 5.4 7.85 8.48 9.06 11.1 12.8 14.3 15.7 1 18.1 20.2 5.6 8.04 8.68 9.28 11.4 13.1 14.7 16.1 1 18.5 j 20.7 5.8 8.22 8.88 9.49 11.6 13.4 15.0 16.4 ! 19.0 1 21.2 6.0 S.40 9.07 9.70 11.9 13.7 15.3 16.8 19.4 21.6 6.2 8.58 9.27 9.90 12.1 14.0 15.6 17.1 19.8 22.1 6.4 G.76 9.4G 10.1 12.4 14.3 10.0 17.5 20.2 22.6 6.6 S."3 9.05 10.3 12.6 14.6 1C.3 17.8 20.6 23.0 6.8 9.11 9.82 10.5 12.9 14.8 i:.c 18.2 21.0 23.4 7.0 9.27 9.99 10.7 13.1 15.1 16.9 18.5 21.4 23.9 7.5 9.68 10.5 11.2 13.7 15.8 17.7 19.3 22.3 24.9 8.0 10.1 10.9 11.6 14.2 16.4 18.4 20.1 23.2 26.0 8.5 10.5 11.3 12.1 14.8 17.1 19.1 20.9 24.1 27.0 r.o 10.9 11.7 12.5 15.3 17.7 19.8 21.7 25.0 27.9 C.5 11.3 12.1 13.0 15.9 18.3 20.5 22.4 25.9 28.9 10.0 11.6 12.5 13.4 16.4 18.9 21.1 23.1 26.7 29.8 HYDBAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 39 '('able 9. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness n =.O25. 1 5j| ii il A 11 T* * 1 ii * **p e^*: 1 **? 5 1 II 1! II II [I || II II II II H '1 II i! II II II II ii I fa 3D &,-/} fa* fatt frjQ face fax face fa* fa ! 0.2 .08 .13 .17 .20 .22 .25 .27 .29 .31 0.4 .16 .24 .30 .36 .41 .45 .49 .53 .56 0.6 .23 .34 .43 .50 .57 .63 .68 .73 .78 0.8 .29 .43 .54 .63 .72 .79 .86 .92 .98 1 1.0 .35 .52 .65 .76 .85 .94 1.02 1.09 1.16 1 1.2 .41 .60 .75 .87 .98 1.08 1.17 1.26 1.34 1 1.4 .47 .68 .84 j .99 1.11 1.22 1.32 1.41 1.51 1 1.6 .52 .76 .94 | 1.09 1.23 1.35 1.46 1.56 1.66 1 1.8 2.0 .57 .62 .83 .90 1.03 1.11 1.19 1.29 1.34 1.45 1.47 1.59 1.59 1.72 1.70 1.84 1.81 1.96 1 2 2.2 .67 .97 1.20 1.39 1.55 1.71 1.84 1.97 2.10 2 2.4 .72 1.04 1.28 J.48 1.66 1.82 1.90 2.10 2.23 2 2.6 .77 1.10 1.36 1.57 1.76 1.93 2.08 2.23 2.36 2 2.8 .82 1.17 1.43 1.66 1.85 2.03 2.19 2.3.', 2.49 2 3.0 .86 1.23 1.51 1.74 1.95 2.13 2.31 2.46 2.61 2 3.2 .91 1.29 1.58 1.82 2.04 2.23 2.41 2.58 2.74 2 3.4 .96 1.35 1.65 1.90 2.13 2.33 2.52 2.69 2.85 3 3.6 1.00 1.41 1.72 1.98 2.22 2.43 2.62 2.80 2.97 3 3.8 1.Q4 1.46 1.79 2.06 2.30 2.52 2.72 2.91 3.08 3 4,0 1.08 1.52 1.85 2.14 2.39 2.61 2.82 3.01 3.19 3 4.2 1.13 1.57 1.92 2.21 2.47 2.70 2.92 3.12 3.30 3 4.4 1.17 1.63 1.99 2.29 2.55 2.79 3.01 3.22 3.41 3 4.6 1.21 1.68 2.05 2.36 2.63 2.88 3.10 3.32 3.51 3 4.8 1.25 1.74 2.11 2.43 2.71 2.96 3.19 3.41 3.62 3 5.0 1.29 1.79 2.17 2.50 2.78 3.04 3.28 3.51 3.72 3 5.2 1.33 1.84 2.23 2.57 2.86 3.13 3.37 3.60 3.82 4 5.4 1.36 1.89 2.29 2.63 2.93 3.21 3.46 3.69. 3.92 4 5.6 1.40 1.94 2.35 2.70 3.01 3.29 3.55 3.79 4.01 4 5.8 1.44 1.99 2.41 2.77 3.08 3.37 3.63 3.88 4.11 4 6.0 1.48 2.03 2.47 2.83 3.J5 3.44 3.71 3.96 4.20 4 6.2 1.51 2.08 2.52 2.89 3.22 3.52 3.80 4.05 4.29 4 6.4 1.55 2.J3 2.58 2.96 3.29 s.eo 3.88 4.14 4.38 4 6.6 1.59 2.18 2.63 3.02 3.36 3.67 3.96 4.22 4.47 4 6.8 1.62 2.22 2.69 3.08 3.43 3.74 4.04 4.31 4.56 4 7.0 1.65 2.27 2.74 3.14 3.50 3.81 4.11 4.39 4.65 4 7.5 1.74 2.38 2.87 3.29 3.66 3.99 4.30 4.59 4.86 5 8.0 1.83 2.49 3.00 8.43 3.82 4.17 4.49 4.79 5.07 5 8.5 1.91 2.59 3.13 8.57 3.98 4.34 4.67 4.98 5.27 5 9.0 1.99 2.70 3.25 3.71 4.13 4.50 4.85 5.16 5.47 5 9.5 2.07 2.80 3.37 3.85 4.28 4.66 5.02 5.35 5.67 5 10 2.15 2.90 3.48 3.98 4.42 4.82 5.19 5.53 5.86 (] 11 2.30 3.09 3.71 4.23 4.70 6.12 5.51 6.88 6.22 6 12 2.44 3.28 3.92 4.48 4.97 5.41 5.82 6.21 6.67 6. 13 2.58 3.45 4.13 4.71 5.23 5.70 6.13 6.63 6.91 7. L4 2.72 3.63 4.34 4.94 5.48 5.97 6.42 6.84 7.24 7. 15 2.86 3.80 4.53 5.16 5.72 6.23 6.70 7.14 7.55 7. 16 2.09 3.90 4.72 5.37 :>.<<.; 648; 6.07 7.43 7.86 8. 40 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 9. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness n =.O25 Continued. g ll || si ll >* o * * ss * X GO oc o *#9 s! r s ll e gj| > *J . *** M . w* w^ W * * . ^ * Wi . a 4 : t fcX li II &.3Q II II fc fcOQ II II fc ; i li ;->-. fc/2 1! II & II il fe A II li i* 0.2 .35 .3e .38 .39 .41 .42 .44 .45 .46 .48 0.4 .62 .65 .68 .71 .73 .76 .78 .80 .88 .85 0.6 .86 .90 .94 .98 1.01 1 .05 1.08 1.11 1.15 1.18 0.8 1.08 1.13 1.18 1.23 1.27 1.U2 1.36 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.0 1.29 1.35 1.40 1.46 1.51 1.57 1.61 1.66 1.71 1.70 1 L* 1.48 1.55 1.61 1.68 1.74 1.80 1.85 1.91 1.96 2.01 1.4 1.66 1.74 1.81 1.88 1.95 2.01 2.07 2.14 2.20 2.2i 1.6 1.84 1.92 2.00 2.08 2.15 2.22 2.29 2.36 2.43 2.49 1.8 2.00 2.10 2.18 2.27 2.^4 2.42 2.50 2.57 2.64 2.71 2.0 2.17 2.26 2.36 2:45 2.53 2.62 2.70 2.78 2.85 2.93 2.2 2.32 2.42 2.52 2.62 2.71 2.80 2.89 2.97 3.06 3. It 2.4 2.47 2.58 2.68 2.79 2.88 2.98 3.07 3.16 3.25 3.34 2.6 2.61 2.73 2.84 2.95 3.05 3.16 3.25 3.35 3.44 3.53 3.8 2.75 2.88 3.00 3.11 3.22 2.32 3.43 3.53 3.62 3.72 3.0 2.89 3.02 3.14 3.26 3.38 3.49 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 3.2 3.02 3.16 3.29 3.41 3.53 3.65 3.76 3.87 3.98 4.08 3.4 3.15 3.30 3.43 3.56 3.68 3.80 3.92 4.04 4.15 4.22 3.6 3.28 3.43 3.57 3.70 3.83 3.96 4.08 4.20 4.31 4.45 3.8 3.41 3.56 3.70 3.84 3.98 4.11 4.23 4.35 4.47 4.59 4.0 3.53 3.68 3.83 3.98 4.12 4.25 4.38 4.51 4.63 4.75 4.2 3.65 3.81 3.96 4.11 4.26 4.40 4.53 4.66 4.79 4.91 4.4 3.77 3.93 4.09 4.24 4.39 4.54 4.67 4.81 4.94 5.07 4.6 3.88 4.05 4.22 4.37 4.53 4.67 4.82 4.96 5.09 5.22 4.8 3.99 4.17 4.34 4.50 4.66 4.81 4.96 5.10 5.24 5.37 o.O 4.11 4.28 4.46 4.63 4.79 4.94 5.09 5.24 5.38 5.52 5.2 4.21 4.40 4.58 4.75 4.91 5.07 5.23 5.38 5.53 5.67 5.4 4.32 4.51 4.69 4.87 5.04 5.20 5.36 5.52 5.67 5.81 5.6 4.43 4.62 4.81 4.99 5.16 5.33 5.49 5.65 5.80 5.95 5.8 4.53 4.73 4.92 5.11 5.28 5.46 5.62 5.78 5.94 6.09 6.0 4.64 4.84 6.03 5.22 5.40 5.58 5.75 5.91 6.07 6.22 6.2 4.74 4.94 5.14 5.34 5.52 5.70 5.87 6.04 6.20 6.36 6.4 4.84 5.05 5.25 5.45 5.64 5.82 6.00 6.17 6.33 6.50 6.6 4.94 5.15 5.36 5.56 5.75 5.94 6.12 6.29 6.46 6.63 6.8 5.03 5.25 5.46 5.67 5.86 6.05 6.24 6.42 6.59 6.76 7.0 5.13 5.35 5.57 5.77 5.97 6.17 6.36 6.54 6.71 6.89 7.5 5.36 5.60 5.82 6.04 6.25 6.45 6.65 6.84 7.02 7.20 8.0 5.59 5.84 6.07 6.30 6.51 6.72 6.93 7.13 7.32 7.51 8.5 5.82 6.07 6.31 6.54 6.77 6.99 7.20 7.41 7.61 7.80 9.0 6.03 6.30 6.55 6.79 7.02 7.25 7.47 7.68 7.89 8.09 9.5 6.25 6.52 6.78 7.03 7.27 7.50 7.73 7.95 8.16 8.37 10 6.45 6.73 7.00 7.26 7.51 7.75 7.98 8.21 8.43 8.65 jj 6 85 7.15 7.44 7.71 7.97 12 7.24 7. 55 7.85 8!l4 8^42 13 7 61 7*94 8.25 8.56 8.85 14 7\97 8.31 8.64 8^96 Q.26 15 8 32 s!fi7 9 02 9 35 9.66 16 8^65 9!02 9^38 9.72 10. 1 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 41 rable 9. Velocity of water in feet per second, based onKutter's formula, coefficient of roughness n =.O25 Continued. i 1 JS .53 .59 .63 .68 .83 .97 1.08 1.18 1.37 1.53 .4 : .95 1.04 1.13 1.21 1.49 1.72 1.92 2.11 2.43 2.72 .6 1.32 1.44 1.57 1.68 2.06 2.38 2.66 2.92 3.37 3.77 .8 ! 1.65 1.81 1.96 2.10 2.57 2.97 3.33 3.65 4.21 4.72 .0 1.96 2.15 2.33 2.49 3.05 3.53 3.95 4.32 4.99 5.59 .1 2.25 2.47 2.67 2.85 3.50 4.05 4.53 4.96 5.73 6.40 .4 2.53 2.77 2.99 3.20 3.92 4.54 5.07 5.56 6.42 7.17 .<> 2.79 3.05 3.30 3.53 4.33 5.00 5.59 6.13 7.08 7.91 Is 3.04 3.33 3.60 3.85 4.71 5.45 6.09 6.67 7.71 8.62 .0 3.28 3.59 3.88 4.15 5.08 5.87 6.57 7.19 8.31 9.29 . 3.51 3.84 4.15 4.44 5.44 6.28 7.03 7.70 8.89 9.94 A 3.73 4.09 4.42 4.72 5.79 6.68 7.47 8.19 9.45 10.6 .(> 3.95 4.32 4.67 5.00 6.12 7.07 7.90 8.66 10.0 11.2 .8 4.16 4.55 4.92 5.26 6.44 7.44 8.32 9.11 10.5 11.8 .5) 4.36 4.78 5.16 5.51 6.76 7.80 8.73 9.56 11.0 12.3 .3 4.56 5.00 5.40 5.77 7.07 8.16 9.12 9.99 11.5 12.9 .1 4.76 5.21 5.63 6.01 7.37 8.50 9.51 10.4 12.0 13.4 . 4.94 5.42 5.85 6.25 7.66 8.84 9.88 10.8 12.5 14.0 .S 5.13 5.62 6.07 6.49 7.94 9.17 10.3 11.2 13.0 14.5 .0 5.31 5.82 6.28 6.71 8.22 9.49 10.6 11.6 13.4 15.0 . 5.49 6.01 6.50 6.94 8.50 9.81 11.0 12.0 13.9 15.5 .4 5.66 6.20 6.70 7.16 8.77 10.1 11.3 12.4 14.3 16.0 .6 5.84 6.39 6.90 7.38 9.03 10.4 11.7 12.8 14.7 16.5 .8 6.00 6.57 7.10 7.59 9.29 10.7 12.0 13.1 15.2 17.0 .0 6.17 6.75 7.29 7.80 9.54 11.0 12.3 13.5 15.6 17.4 .2 6.33 6.93 7.49 8.00 9.79 11.3 12.6 13.8 16.0 17.9 .1 6.49 7.11 7.68 8.20 10.0 11.6 13.0 14.2 16.4 18.3 f 6.65 7.28 7.86 8.40 10.3 11.9 13.3 14.5 16.8 18.8 is 6.81 7.45 8.04 8.60 10.5 12.1 13.6 14.9 17.2 19.2 .0 6.96 7.61 8.22 8.79 10.8 12.4 13.9 15.2 17.6 19.6 .2 7.11 7.78 8.40 8.98 11.0 12.7 14.2 15.5 17.9 20.0 .4 7.26 7.94 8.58 9.17 11.2 13.0 14.5 15.9 18.3 20.5 .0 7.40 8.10 8.75 9.35 11.4 13.2 14.8 16.2 18.7 20.9 .8 7.55 8.26 8.92 9.53 11.7 13.5 15.1 16.5 19.0 21.3 .0 7.69 8.42 9.09 9.71 11.9 13.7 15.3 16.8 19.4 21.7 .5 8.04 8.80 9.50 10.2 12.4 14.3 16.0 17.6 20.3 22.6 .0 8.38 9.17 9.90 10.6 13.0 14.9 16.7 18.3 21.1 23.6 .5 8.71 9.53 10.3 11.0 13.5 15.5 17.4 19.0 21.9 24.5 .0 9.03 9.89 10.7 11.4 14.0 16.1 18.0 19.7 22.7 25.4 .5 9.35 10.2 11.0 11.8 14.4 16.7 18.6 20.4 23.5 26.3 .0 9.66 10.5 11.4 12.2 14.9 17.2 19.2 21.1 24.3 27.2 42 HYDRAULIC AND EX.CAVAT10K TABLES. Tal>f e 1O. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness n = ,03O. sf ii ^| !? if 1 ii If ** 2 ti Ii ^ U N* if if II II II II n n V ii 1! II IL II 1 fl It A faOQ face fa fa33 faac fcOG fa2 0.2 a/ .10 .13 .16 .18 .20 .21 .23 .24 .26 0.4 .13 .19 .24 .29 .32 .36 i9 .42 .44 .47 0.6 .18 .27 .34 .45 .50 .55 .59 .62 6<> 0.8 .23 .35 .44 .57 .63 .69 .74 .79 .83 l.o .28 .42 .53 4f .69 .76 .83 .89 .94 1.00 1.2 .33 .49 .61 .71 .80 .88 .96 1.02 1.09 1.1.5 1,4 .38 .56 .69 .80 .91 .99 }.08 1.15 1.23 1.30 1.6 .43 .62 .77 .89 1.01 1.10 1.20 J.28 1.36 1.44 1.8 .47 J68 .84 .98 .10 1.21 1.31 1.40 1.49 1.57 3.0 .51 .74 .92 1.07 .19 1.31 1.42 1,52 1.61 1.70 3.2 .56 .80 .99 1.15 .28 1.41 1.53 1.63 1.73 1.83 2.4 .60 .86 1J06 1.22 .37 1.51 1.63 1.74 1.85 1.95 2.6 .64 .91 .12 1.30 .46 1.60 1.73 1.85 1.96 2.07 2.8 .68 .97 .19 1.37 .54 1.69 1.82 1.95 2.07 2.18 3.0 .72 1.02 .25 1.45 1.62 1.77 1.92 2.05 2.17 2.29 3.2 .76 1.07 .32 1.52 1.70 1.86 2.01 2.15 2.28 2.40 3.4 .SO 1.12 .38 1.59 1.78 1.95 2.10 2.25 2.38 2.51 3.6 .83 1.17 .44 1.66 1.85 2.03 2.19 2.34 2.48 2.61 3.8 .87 1.22 .50 1.72 1.93 2.11 2.28 2.43 2.58 2.72 4.0. .91 1.27 .55 1.78 2.00 2.18 2.36 2.52 2.67 2.83 4.2 .94 1.32 .61 1.85 2.07 2.26 2.44 2.61 2.77 2.92 4.4 .98 1.37 .67 1.92 2.14 2.34 2.53 2.70 2.86 3.01 4.6 1.01 1.41 .72 1.98 2.21 2.42 2.61 2.78 2.95 3.11 4.8 1.05 1.46 .78 2.04 2.28 2.49 2.69 2.87 3.04 3.20 1J08 1.50 .83 2.10 2.34 2.56 2.76 2.95 3.13 3.29 5.2 1.12 1.55 .88 2.16 2.41 2.63 2.84 3.03 3.21 3.38 5.4 1.15 1.59 .93 2.22 2.47 2.70 2.92 3.11 3.30 3.47 5. 1.18 1453 1.98 2.28 2.54 2.77 2.99 3.19 3.38 3.56 5.8 1.22 1.68 2.03 2.34 2.60 2.84 3.06 3.27 3.46 3.65 6. 1.25 1.72 2.08 2.40 2.66 2.91 3.14 3.35 3.55 3.73 6.2 1,28 1.76 2.13 2.45 2.72 2.98 3.21 3.42 3.63 3.82 6.4 1.31 1.80 2.18 2.51 2.78 3.04 3.28 3.50 3.71 3.90 1.34 1.84 2.23 2.56 2.84 3.11 3.35 3.57 3.78 3.98 Sis 1.37 1.88 2.28 2.61 2.90 3.17 3.42 3.65 3.86 4.06 ?.o 1.40 1.92 2.32 2.66 2.96 3.24 3.48 3.72 3.94 4.14 7.5 1.48 2J02 2.44 2.79 3.11 3.39 3.65 3.90 4.13 4.34 8.0 1.55 2.12 2.55 2.92 3.25 3.54 3.81 4.07 4.31 4.53 8.5 1.63 2.21 2.66 3.04 3.38 3.69 3.97 4.24 4.49 4.72 9.0 1.70 2.30 2.77 3.16 3.51 3.83 4.13 4.40 4.66 4.90 9.5 1.77 2.39 2.87 3.28 3.64 3.97 4.28 4.56 4.83 5.08 10 1.84 2.48 2.97 3.40 3.77 4.11 4.43 4.72 4.99 5.25 11 1.97 2.65 3.17 3.63 4.02 4.38 4.71 5.02 5.31 5.59 12 2.10 2.81 3.36 3.84 4.25 4.63 4.99 5.31 5.62 5.92 13 2.23 2.97 3.55 4.04 4.48 4.88 5.25 5.59 5.92 6.23 14 2.35 3.12 3.73 4.24 4.70 5.12 5.51 5.86 6.21 6.53 15 2.47 3.27 3.90 4.43 4.92 5.35 5.76 6.13 6.49 6.82 16 2.58 3.42 4.07 4.62 5.13 5.57 6.00 6.39 6.76 7.11 MI*: ii y HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 43 Tal)le JO. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on Kulter's formula, coefficient of roughness n = .O3O Continued. c Z N | ,A II II **-Ji if 13, ii . 1! II fatt ii fa *! * . II II face oo cf oe 5 ** 3. p*^ II II fctt M i ** * ;i n fa* sees 1! fa<% |i/ SI ii n fat ' ?! fa/2 ?! fa 0.3 .28 .30 .31 2 .33 .34 .35 .36 .37 .42 .46 0.4 .52 .54 .56 .68 .60 .62 .64 .66 .67 .76 .83 e.6 .72 .76 .79 ii .84 .87 .89 .92 .94 1.06 1.16 0.8 .92 .95 .99 1.03 1.06 1.10 .13 1.16 1.19 1.33 1.46 1.0 1.10 1.14 1.18 1.23 1.27 1.31 .35 1.38 1.42 1.59 1.74 1.2 1.26 1.32 1.37 1.42 1.46 1.51 .55 1.60 1.64 1.83 2.01 1.4 1.42 1.48 1.54 1.59 1.65 1.70 .75 1.80 1.84 2.07 2.20 1.6 1.58 1 .H-i 1.70 1.76 1.82 1.88 .94 1.99 2.04 2.29 2.51 1.8 1.72 1.79 1.86 1.93 1.99 2.06 2.12 2.17 2.23 2.50 2.74 3.0 1.87 1.94 2.02 2.09 2.1(J 2.22 2.29 2.35 2.41 2.70 2.96 8.2 2JOO 2.08 2.16 2.24 2.31 2.39 2.46 2.52 2.59 2.90 3.17 2.4 2.13 2.22 2.31 2.39 2.47 2.54 2.62 2-60 2.76 3.09 3.38 2.6 2.26 2.36 2.45 2.53 2.62 2-70 2.78 2.85 2.93 3.27 3.59 2.8 2.30 2.49 2.58 2.67 2.76 2.85 2.93 3.01 3.09 3.45 3.79 3.0 2.51 2.61 2.72 2.81 2.90 2.99 3.08 3.16 3.25 3.63 3.98 3.2 2.63 2.74 2.84 2.94 3.04 3.13 3.22 3.31 3.40 3.80 4.16 3.4 2.75 2.86 2.97 3.07 3.17 3.27 3.36 3.46 3.55 3.97 4.34 3.6 2.86 2.98 3.09 3.20 3.30 3.41 3.50 3.60 3.69 4.13 4.52 3.8 2.98 3.10 3.21 3.33 3.43 3.54 3.64 3.74 3.84 4.29 4.70 4.0 3.09 3.21 3.33 3.45 3.56 3.67 3.77 3.88 3.98 4.45 4.87 a 3.19 3.30 3.32 3.43 3.45 3.56 3.57 3.69 3.68 3.80 3.80 3.92 3.91 4.04 4.01 4.14 4.12 4.25 4.60 4.75 5.04 5.20 4.6 3.40 3.54 3.67 3.80 3.92 4.04 4.16 4.27 4.38 4.90 5.36 4.8 3.50 3.65 3.78 3.92 4.04 4-16 4.29 4.40 4.51 5.05 5.52 5.0 3.60 3.75 3.89 4.03 4.16 4.28 4.41 4.53 4.64 5.19 5.68 5.2 3.70 3.83 4.00 4.14 4.27 4-40 4.53 4.65 4.77 5.33 5.83 5.4 3.80 3.95 4.10 4.24 4.38 4.52 4.65 4.77 4.89 5.47 5.99 5.6 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.35 4.49 4.63 4.76 4.89 5.02 5.60 6.14 5.8 3.99 4.15 4.31 4.46 4.60 4.74 4-88 5.01 5.14 5.74 6.28 6.0 4.09 4.25 4-.41 4.56 4.71 4.85 4.99 5.13 5.26 5.87 6.43 6.2 4.18 4.34 4.51 4.66 4.81 4-96 5.10 5.24 5.38 6.00 6.57 6.4 4.27 4.44 4.60 4.76 4.92 5.07 5.21 5.35 5.49 6.13 6.71 6.6 4.36 4.53 4.70 4.86 5.02 5.17 5.32 5.47 5.61 6.26 6.85 6.8 4.45 4.63 4.80 4.96 5.13 5.28 5. -13 5.58 5.72 6.39 6.99 7.0 4.53 4.72 4.90 5.06 5.23 6.38 5.54 5.69 5.83 6.51 7.13 7.5 4.74 4.94 5.13 5.30 5.48 5.63 5.80 5.95 6.10 6.81 7.46 8.0 4.95 5.16 5.35 5.53 5.72 5,88 6.05 6.21 6.37 7.11 7.79 8.5 5.16 5.37 5.57 5.76 5.95 6.12 6.30 6.46 6.63 7.40 8.10 9,0 5.36 5.57 5.78 5.98 6.17 6.3i 0.54 6.71 6.88 7.69 8.41 9.5 5.55 5.77 5.99 6.19 6.39 6.58 6.77 6.95 7.13 7.96 8.71 10 5.75 5.97 6.18 6.40 6.60 6.81 7.00 7.19 7.36 8.23 9.00 11 6.11 6.35 6.58 6.81 7.03 7.24 7.44 7.64 7.82 8.75 9.J7 12 6.45 6.72 6.97 7.20 7.43 7.66 7.87 8.08 8.26 9.25 10. 1 13 6.78 7.07 7.33 7.58 7.82 8.06 8.28 8.51 8.69 9.73 10.7 14 7.11 741 7.68 7.94 8.20 8.44 8.08 8.92 9.11 10.2 11.2 15 7.44 7.74 8.02 8.30 8.56 8.82 9.07 9.31 9.53 10.7 11.7 16 7.77 8.06 8.35 8.64 8.92 9.18 9.44 9.70 9.94 11.1 12.2 44 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 1O. Velocity of 'water in feet per second, based on Kutter's formula, coefficient of roughness n =.O3O Continued. si a 1 h ?! fcOQ If fa 00 2 I -/. li II II fcaa s* 8? n n fc ll II II fc 3$ 3* II II fcao So gs II II fe 0.2 .50 .53 .65 .76 .85 .93 1.07 1.20 0.4 .90 .96 1.18 1.37 1.53 1.68 1.94 2.17 0.6 1.26 1.34 1.65 1.91 2.13 2.34 2.70 3.02 O.S 1.58 1.69 2.08 2.40 2.69 2.94 3.40 3.80 1.0 1.89 2.02 2.48 2.86 3.20 3.51 4.05 4.53 1.2 2.17 2.33 2.85 3.30 3.69 4.04 4.67 5.22 1.4 2.45 2.62 3.21 3.71 4.15 4.54 5.25 5.87 1.6 2.71 2.90 3.55 4.10 4.59 5.02 5.80 6.49 1.8 2.96 3.16 3.88 4.48 5.01 5.49 6.34 7.08 2.0 3.20 3.42 4.19 4.84 5.41 5.93 6.85 7.65 2.2 3.43 3.67 4.49 5.19 5.80 6.36 7.34 8.21 2.4 3.65 3.91 4.79 5.53 6.18 6.77 7.82 8.75 2.6 3.87 4.14 5.07 5.86 6.55 7.18 8.29 9.27 2.8 4.08 4.37 5.35 6.18 6.91 7.57 8.74 9.77 3.0 4.29 4.59 5.62 6.49 7.26 7.95 9.18 10.3 3.2 4.50 4.81 5.89 6.80 7.60 8.32 9.61 10.7 3.4 4.70 5.02 6.14 7.09 7.93 8.69 10.0 11.2 3.6 4.89 5.22 6.39 7.38 8.25 9.04 10.4 11.7 3.8 5.08 5.42 6.64 7.67 8.57 9.39 10.8 12.1 4.0 5.26 5.62 6.88 7.95 8.88 9.73 11.2 12.6 4.2 5.44 5.81 7.12 8.22 9.19 10.1 11.6 13.0 4.4 5.62 6.00 7.35 8.49 9.49 104 12.0 13.4 4.6 5.79 6.19 7.58 8.75 9.78 10.7 12.4 13.8 4.8 5.96 6.38 7.80 9.01 10.1 11.0 12.8 14.2 5.9 6.13 6.56 8.02 9.26 10.4 11.3 13.1 14.6 5.2 6.30 6.73 8.24 9.51 10.6 11.7 13.5 15.0 5.4 6.47 6.91 8.46 9.76 10.9 12.0 13.8 15.4 5.6 6.63 7.08 8.67 10.0 11.2 12.3 14.1 15.8 5.8 6.79 7.25 8.87 10.3 11.5 12.5 14.5 16.2 6.0 6.94 7.42 9.08 10.5 11.7 12.8 14.8 16.6 6.2 7.10 7.58 9.28 10.7 12.0 13.1 15.1 16.9 (5.4 7.25 7.75 9.48 11.0 12.2 13.4 15.5 17.3 6.6 7.40 7.91 9.67 11.2 12.5 13.7 15.8 17.6 6.8 7.55 8.08 9.87 11.4 12.7 14.0 16.1 18.0 7.0 7.70 8.24 10.1 11.6 13.0 14.2 16.4 18.3 7.5 8.05 8.62 10.6 12.2 13.6 14.9 17.2 19.2 8.0 8.40 9.00 11.0 12.7 14.2 15.5 17.9 20.3 8.5 8.74 9.38 11.5 13.2 14.8 16.2 18.6 20.8 9.0 9.08 9.74 11.9 13.7 15.3 16.8 19.3 21.6 9.5 9.40 10.1 12.3 14.2 15.9 17.4 20.0 22.4 10 9.72 10.4 12.7 14.7 16.4 17.9 20.7 23.1 11 10.3 11.1 13.5 15.6 17.4 19.1 22.0 24.6 12 10.9 11.7 14.3 16.5 18.4 20.1 23.3 26.0 13 11.5 12.2 15.0 17.3 19.4 21.2 24.5 27.3 14 12.0 12.9 15.7 18.1 20.3 22.2 25.6 28.6 15 12.6 13.5 16.4 18.9 21.2 23.2 26.8 29.9 16 13.1 14.1 17.1 19.7 22.0 24.1 27.8 31.1 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 45 Table 11. Velocity of water in feet per second, based on 1\ utter' s formula, coefficient of roughness n = .035. IJD o ifl 3.2 .65 .92 1.13 1.30 1.45 1.59 1.72 1.84 1.95 2.06 2.16 3.4 .69 .97 1.18 1.36 1.52 1.67 1.80 1.92 2.04 2.15 2.2fi 3.6 .72 1.01 1.23 1.42 .59 1.74 1.88 2.01 2.13 2.24 2.35 3.8 .75 1.05 1.29 1.48 .66 1.81 1.96 2.09 2.22 2.33 2.45 4.0 .78 1.09 1.34 1.54 .72 1.88 2.03 2.17 2.30 2.42 2.54 .4.2 .81 1.14 1.39 1.60 .78 1.95 2.10 2.25 2.38 2.51 2.62 4.4 .84 1.18 1.44 1.65 .84 2.02 2.18 2.33 2.47 2.60 2.72 4.6 .87 1.22 1.48 1.71 .90 2.08 2.25 2.40 2.55 2.C8 2.81 4.8 .90 1 26 1.53 1.77 .96 2.15 2.32 2.47 2.62 2.77 2.90 5.0 .93 1.30 1.58 1.82 2.02 2.21 2.39 2.54 2.70 2.86 2. OS 5.2 .96 1.34 1.63 1.87 2.08 12.28 2.46 2.62 2.78 2.93 3.07 5.4 .99 1.38 1.67 1.92 2.14 2.34 2.52 2.69 2.85 3.01 3.15 5.6 1.02 1.42 1.72 1.97 2.20 2.40 2.59 2.76 2.93 3.08 3.23 5.8 1.05 1.46 1.76 2.02 2.25 2.46 2.65 2.83 3.00 3.16 331 6.0 1.08 1.49 1.81 2.07 2.31 2.52 2.72 2.90 3.07 3.24 3.39 6.2 1.11 1.53 1.85 2.12 2.36 2.58 2.78 2.97 3.15 3.31 3.47 6.4 1.14 1.57 1.89 2.17 2.42 2.64 2.85 3.04 3.22 3.39 3.55 6.6 1.17 1.60 1.94 2.22 2.47 2.70 2.91 3.10 3.29 3.46 3.63 6.8 1.19 1.64 1.98 2.27 2.52 2.76 2.97 3.17 3.36 3.53 3.71 7.0 1.22 1.67 2.02 2.31 2.58 2.82 3.03 3.23 3.42 3.60 3.78 7.5 1.29 1.76 2.12 2.43 2.71 2.97 3.18 3.39 3.59 3.78 3.90 8.0 1.35 1.84 2 12 2.54 2.83 3.10 3.32 3.54 3.75 3.95 4.14 8.5 1.42 1.93 2.32 2.65 2.95 3.22 3.46 3.70 3.91 4.12 4.31 9.0 1.48 2.01 2.42 2.76 3.07 3.35 3.60 3.84 4.07 4.28 4.48 9.5 1.54 2.09 2.51 2.87 3.19 3.47 3.74 3.99 4.22 4.-14 10 1.60 2.17 2.60 2.97 3.30 3.60 3.87 4.13 4.37 4.60 4.81 11 1.73 2.32 2.78 3.17 3.52 3.84 4.13 4.40 4.66 4.90 5.13 12 1.84 2.46 2.95 3.37 3.73 4.07 4.38 4.66 4.93 5.20 5.43 13 1.96 2.61 3.12 3.56 3.94 4.30 4.61 4.92 5.20 5.48 5.73 14 2.07 2.75 3.28 3.74 4.14 4.51 4.85 5.16 5.46 5.75 6.01 15 2.17 2.89 3.44 3.91 4.33 4.72 5.07 5.40 5.71 6.01 6.:.M 16 2.28 3.02 3.59 4.08 4.52 4.92 5.29 5.63 5.96 6.27 6."'V 46 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 11. Velocity of water in feet per second, based onKutter's formula, coefficient of roughness ii = .O;$." Continued. rtl ^ 11 Si If II |1 !l | 1 eg So e 11 sf |. ** II II II if II 11 "," I* II H* II if II II II II* II II II II II II k face face face face face face face face face face 0.3 .23 .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 .32 .34 .37 0.4 .43 .45 .48 .50 .51 .53 .54 .56 .62 .68 0.6 .60 .63 65 .68 .70 .72 .74 .76 .78 .87 .96 0.8 .76 .80 '.83 .86 .89 .91 .94 .97 .99 1.11 1.22 1.0 .92 .96 .99 1.03 1.06 1.10 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.33 1.46 1.3 1.06 1.11 1.15 1.19 1.23 1.27 1.31 1.34 1.38 1.54 1.69 1.4 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.34 1.39 1.43 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.74 1.91 1.6 1.33 1.39 1.44 1.49 1.54 1.59 1.64 1.68 1.73 1.93 2.12 1.8 1.46 1.52 1.58 1.63 1.69 1.74 1.79 1.84 1.89 2.12 2.32 3.0 1.58 1.65 1.71 1.77 1.83 1.89 1.94 2.00 2.05 2.29 2.51 3.3 1.70 1.77 1.84 1.91 1.97 2.03 2.09 2.15 2.20 2.46 2.70 3.4 1.82 1.89 1.97 2.04 2.10 2.17 2.23 2.29 2.35 2.63 2.88 3.0 1.93 2.01 2.09 2.16 2.23 2.30 2.37 2.43 2.50 2.79 3.06 3.8 2.04 2.13 2.21 2.28 2.36 2.43 2.50 2.57 2.64 2.95 3.23 3.0 2.15 2.24 2.32 2.40 2.48 2.50 2.63 2.71 2.78 3.10 3.40 3.3 2.25 2.35 2.44 2.53 2.60 2.68 2.76 2.84 2.91 3.25 3.57 3.4 2.36 2.45 2.55 2.64 2.72 2.80 2.89 2.97 3.04 3.40 3.73 3.6 2.46 2.56 2.65 2.75 2.84 2.92 3.01 3.09 3.17 3.55 3.88 3.8 2.56 2.66 2.76 2.86 2.95 3.04 3.13 3.22 3.30 3.69 4.04 4.0 2.65 2.76 2.87 2.97 3.0d 3.16 3.25 3.34 3.42 3.82 4.19 4.3 2.75 2.86 2.97 3.07 3.17 3.27 3.36 3.45 3.54 3.96 4.34 4.4 2.84 2.96 3.07 3.18 3.28 3.38 3.48 3.57 3.66 4.10 4 4*9 4.6 2.93 3.05 3.17 3.28 3.38 3.49 3.59 3.69 3.78 4.23 4.'63 4.8 3.02 3.15 3.27 3.38 3.49 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.36 4.77 5.0 3.11 3.24 3.36 3.48 3.59 3.70 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.48 4.91 5.3 3.20 3.33 3.46 3.58 3.69 3.80 3.91 4.02 4.12 4.61 5.04 5.4 3.29 3.42 3.55 3.67 3.79 3.91 4.02 4.13 4.23 4.73 5.18 5.6 3.37 3.51 3.64 3.77 3.89 4.01 4.12 4.23 4.34 4.85 6.31 5.8 3.45 3.60 3.73 3.86 3.99 4.11 4.23 4.34 4.45 4.97 5.44 6.0 3.54 3.68 3.82 3.95 4.08 4.20 4.33 4.44 4.56 5.09 6.67 6.3 3.62 3.77 3.91 4.04 4.17 4.30 4.43 4.54 4.66 5.21 5.70 6.4 3.70 3.85 4.00 4.13 4.27 4.40 4.53 4.65 4.77 5.32 5.83 6.6 3.78 3.94 4.08 4.22 4.36 4.49 4.62 4.75 4.87 5.44 5.95 6.8 3.86 4.02 4.17 4.31 4.45 4.59 4.72 4.84 4.97 5.55 6.07 7.0 3.94 4.10 4.25 4.40 4.54 4.68 4.81 4.94 5.07 5.66 6.19 7.5 4.13 4.30 4.48 4.61 4.76 4.90 5.04 5.18 5.31 5.93 6.49 8.0 4.32 4.49 4.66 4.82 4.97 5.12 5.27 5.41 5.55 620 6.78 8.5 4.50 4.68 4.85 5.02 5.18 5.34 5.49 5.64 5.78 6.46 7.06 9.0 4.68 4.86 5.04 5.22 5.38 5.55 5.70 5.86 6.01 6.71 734 9.5 4.85 5.04 5.23 5.41 5.58 5.75 5.92 6.08 6.23 6.96 7.61 10 5.02 5.22 5.41 5.60 5.78 5.95 6.12 6.29 6.45 7.20 7.87 11 5.35 5.56 5.77 5.96 6.16 6.34 6.52 6.70 6.87 7.66 8.38 13 5.67 5.89 6.11 6.32 6.52 6.71 6.91 7.09 7.27 8.11 8.89 13 5.97 6.21 6.44 6.66 6.87 7.08 7.28 7.47 7.66 8.55 9.37 14 6.27 6.52 6.76 6.99 7.21 7.42 7.63 7.84 8.04 8.97 9.82 15 6.56 6.82 7.06 7.30 7.54 7.76 7.98 8.20 8.40 9.37 10.3 16 6.84 7.11 7.36 7.61 7.86 8.09 8.32 8.54 8.76 9.77 10.7 HYDBAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 47 Table \*L .-Velocity of water in feet per second, based onKutter's. formula, coefficient of roughness n =.O35 Continued. g *\\ 21 I 11 if ~i. 3 W s2 ^ . fe/2 N T** ?il . a ?! &.-/. If (* ?Sao II II ton So fe 0.3 .40 .43 .53 .62 .69 .76 .88 .98 0.4 .74 .79 .97 1.13 1.26 1.38 1.60 1.79 0.6 1.04 1.12 1.37 1.58 1.77 1.94 2.24 2.51 0.8 1.32 , 1.41 1.73 2.00 2.24 2.46 2.84 3.17 1.0 1.58 1.69 2.08 2.40 2.68 2.94 3.40 3.80 1.2 1.83 1.96 2.40 2.77 3.10 3.40 3.92 4.39 1.4 2.06 2.21 2.71 3.13 3.50 3.83 4.43 4.95 1.6 2.29 2.45 3.00 3.47 3.88 4.25 4.91 5.49 1.8 2.51 2.68 3.28 3.79 4.24 4.65 5.37 6.00 3.0 2.72 2.90 3.56 4.11 4.60 5.04 5.82 6.50 3.2 2.92 3.12 3.82 4.42 4.94 5.41 6.25 6.98 3.4 3.12 3.33 4.08 4.71 5.27 5.77 6.67 7.45 3.6 3.31 3.53 4.33 5.00 5.59 6.12 7.07 7.91 3.8 3.49 3.73 4.57 5.28 5.91 6.46 7.47 8.35 3.0 3.67 3.93 4.81 5.55 6.21 6.80 7.86 8.78 3.2 3.85 4.12 5.04 5.82 6.51 7.13 8.23 9.21 3.4 4.02 4.30 5.27 6.08 6.80 7.45 8.60 9.62 3.6 4.19 4.48 5.49 6.34 7.09 7.76 8.96 10.0 3.8 4.36 4.66 5.71 6.59 7.37 8.07 9.32 10.4 4.0 4.52 4.84 5.92 6.84 7.64 8.37 9.67 10.8 4.2 4.68 5.01 6.13 7.08 7.91 8.67 10.0 11.2 4.4 4.84 5.18 6.34 7.32 8.18 8.96 10.4 11.6 4.6 5.00 5.34 6.54 7.55 8.44 9.24 10.7 11.9 4.8 5.15 5.50 6.74 7.78 8.70 9.52 11.0 12.3 5.0 5.30 5.66 6.93 8.00 8.95 9.80 11.3 12.6 5.2 5.45 5.82 7.12 8.22 9.19 10.1 11.6 13.0 5.4 5.60 5.98 7.31 8.44 9.44 10.4 11.9 13.3 5.6 5.74 6.13 7.50 8.66 9.68 10.6 12.2 13.7 5.8 5.88 6.28 7.69 8.87 9.92 10.9 12.5 14.0 6.0 6.02 6.43 7.87 9.08 10.2 11.1 12.8 14.4 6.3 6.15 6.58 8.05 9.29 10.4 11.4 13.1 14.7 6.4 6.29 6.72 8.23 9.49 10.6 11.6 13.4 15.0 6.G 6.42 6.86 8.40 9.69 10.8 11.9 13.7 15.3 6.8 6.56 7.00 8.57 9.89 11.1 12.1 14.0 15.6 7.0 6.69 7.15 8.74 10.1 11.3 12.4 14.3 15.9 7.5 7.01 7.49 9.16 10.6 11.8 13.0 15.0 16.7 8.0 7.32 7.82 9.57 11.0 12.3 13.5 15.6 17.4 8.5 7.62 8.15 9.96 11.5 12.9 14.1 16.3 18.2 9.0 7.92 8.47 10.4 12.0 13.4 14.6 16.9 18.9 9.5 8.21 8^.78 10.8 12.4 13.9 15.2 17.5 19.6 10 8.50 9.08 11.1 12.8 14.3 15.7 18.1 20.2 11 9.05 9.67 11.8 13.6 15.2 16.7 19.3 21.5 13 9.58 10.3 12.5 14.4 16.1 17.7 20.4 22.8 13 10.1 10.8 13.2 15.2 17.0 18.6 21.5 24.0 14 10.6 11.3 13.8 15.9 17.8 19.5 22.5 25.2 15 11.1 11.8 14.4 16.7 18.6 20.4 23.5 26.3 16 11.5 12.3 15.1 17.4 19.4 21.2 24.5 27.4 48 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 12, Area, wetted perimeter and hydraulic radius of partially filled horseshoe arid circular conduit sections. O.I77R Horseshoe sections Circular sections depth R area R 2 wet. per. R hyd. rad. R depth R area R2 wet. per. R hyd. rad. R 0.1 0. 0887 1. 2702 0.0066 0.177 0. 1981 1.6962 0.1156 0.1 0. 0587 0.9020 0. 06.01 O.3 0.2340 1. 7462 0.1340 0.3 0.1635 1. 2870 0. 1271 0.3 0.4050 1.9620 0.2064 O.3 0. 2955 1.5908 0. 185N O.4 0. 5828 2. 1736 0. 2681 0.4 0. 4473 1.8546 0. 241:; 0.5 0. 7656 2. 3816 0.3230 0.5 0. 6142 2.0944 0.2930 O.6 0. 9573 2.5869 0.3700 0.6 0.7927 2. 3186 a 34 if* 0.7 1. 1510 2. 7900 0. 4126 0.7 0.9799 2. .5322 0.3X7(1 0.8 1. 3478 2.9916 0.4505 O.8 1.1735 2. 73S9 0. 428r, 0.9 1. 5467 3. 1922 0. 4845 0.9 1. 3711 2.9412 0.4662 1.0 1.7465 3.3923 0.5148 1.0 1. 5708 3. 1416 0. 5000 1.1 1. 9462 3. 5926 0. 5417 1.1 1. 7705 3. 3419 a 5298 1.2 2. 1438 3. 7949 0. .->G49 1.2 1.9081 3.5443 O.&.Vv'. 1.3 2.3374 4. 0017 0.5841 1.3 2. 1617 3. 7510 0. 576:> 1.4 2. 5246 4. 2153 0. 5989 1.4 2. 3489 3.9646 0. 592. r , 1.5 2. 7031 4. 4395 0.6089 1.5 2. 5274 4.1888 0.6034 1.6 2.8700 4. 6793 0. 6134 1.6 2. 6943 4.4286 0.6084 1.7 3. 0218 4.9431 0.6113 1.7 2. 8461 4. 6924 0.606f. 1.8 3.1538 5.2469 0. 6011 1.8 2. 9781 4.9962 0. 59G1 1.9 3.2586 5.6318 0. 5786 1.9 3.0S29 5. 3811 0. 5729 2.0 3.3173 6.5339 0.5077 2.O 3. 1416 6.2832 0.5000 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 49 Tat>lo 13. Area in square feet, A, and hydraulic radius in feet, r. of semicircular flumes for various values of freeboard in feet, F. 1 F-O.O F-O.l F=O.2 F=0.3 F=O.4 Diame- s ter in feet A r A r A r A r A r 24 1.273 0.64 0.32 0.51 0.28 0.39 0.24 0.27 0.20 33 1.592 1.00 0.40 0.84 0.36 0.68 0.32 0.53 0.28 0.38 0.23 36 1.910 1.43 0.48 1.24 0.44 1.05 0.41 0.87 0.36 0.69 0.32 42 2.228 1.95 0.55 1.72 0.53 1.50 0.48 1.29 0.45 1.08 0.40 48 2.546 2:55 0.64 2.29 0.60 2.04 0.57 1.79 0.53 1.54 0.49 60 3.183 3.98 0.80 3.66 0.76 3.34 0.73 3.03 0.69 2.72 0.65 72 3.820 5.73 0.96 5.35 0.92 4.97 0.89 4.59 0.85 4.21 0. 81 84 4.456 7.80 1.11 7.35 1.08 6.91 1.05 6.47 1.01 6.C3 0.9* 96 5.093 10.2 1.27 9.68 1.24 9.17 1.21 8.66 1.17 8.16 1.13 1O8 6. 730 12.9 1.43 12.3 1.40 11.8 1.29 11.2 1.33 10.6 1. 2:1 120 6.366 15.9 1.59 15.3 1.56 14.6 1.53 14.0 ! 1.49 13.4 1.45 132 7.003 19.3 1.75 18.6 1.72 17.9 1.69 17.2 1.65 16.5 1.61 144 7.639 22.9 1.91 22.2 1.88 21.4 1.84 20.6 1.81 19.9 1.77 156 8.276 26.9 2.07 26.1 2.04 25.2 2.00 24.4 1.97 23.6 1.93 168 8.913 31.2 2.23 30.3 2.18 29.4 2.16 28.5 2.13 27.6 2.09 180 9.549 35. 8 2.39 34.9 2.35 33.9 2.32 32.9 2.29 32.0 2. 2.1 193 10. 186 40.7 2.54 39.7 2.51 38.7 2.48 37.7 2.45 36.7 2.42 204 10. 823 46.0 2.70 44.9 2.68 43.8 2.64 42. 8 ! 2. 61 41.7 2.57 216 11. 459 51.6 2.86 50.4 2.81 49.3 2.80 48.1 2.76 47.0 2.73 228 12. 096 57.5 3.02 50.2 2.99 55.0 2.96 53.8 2. 3 52.6 2.89 240 12. 732 63.7 3.18 62.4 3.15 61.1 3.12 59.8 3.08 58. 6 3.05 252 13. 369 70.2 3.34 68.9 3.31 67.5 3.26 66.2 3.24 64.8 3.21 | F-0.5 F=0.6 F=0.7 F-O.8 F=0.0 Diame- s ter in feet A r A r A r A r A i 30 1.592 0.25 0.18 36 1.910 0.52 0.27 42 2.228 0.87 0.36 0.68 6.31 48 2.546 1.31 0.44 1.08 0.39 0.85 0.34 60 3.183 2.41 0.61 2.11 0.56 1. 82 0.51 1.54 0.46 72 3.820 3.84 0.77 3. 48 0.73 3.12 0.68 2.76 0.64 2.42 0.59 84 4.456 5.59 0.93 5.16 0.89 4.73 0.85 4.31 0.80 3.90 0. 76 96 5.093 7.66 1.09 7.16 1.06 6.67 1.01 6.18 0.97 5.70 0.93 108 5.730 10.0 1.26 9.48 1.22 8.92 1.18 8.37 .14 7.82 1.09 120 6.366 12.7 1.42 12.1 1.38 11.5 1.34 10.9 .30 10.3 1.25 132 7.003 15.8 1.58 15.1 1.54 14.4 1.50 13.7 .46 13.0 1.42 144 7.639 19.1 1.74 18.4 1.70 17.6 1.66 16.9 .62 16.1 1.58 156 8.276 22.8 1.90 21.9 1.86 21.1 1.82 20.3 .79 19.5 1.74 168 8.913 26.7 2.06 25.9 2.02 25.0 1.98 24.1 .95 23.2 1.91 180 9.549 31.0 2.22 30.1 2.18 29.1 2.14 28.2 2.11 27.3 2.07 192 10. 186 35.7 2.38 34.6 2.34 33.6 2.31 32.6 2.27 31.6 2.23 204 10.823 40.6 2.54 39.5 2.50 38.4 2.46 37.4 2.43 36.3 2.39 216 11. 459 45.8 2.70 44.7 2.66 43.6 2.62 42.4 2 59 41.3 2.55 228 12.096 51.4 2.86 50.2 2.82 49.0 2.78 47.8 2.75 46.6 2.71 240 12. 732 57.3 3.01 56.0 2.98 54.8 2.94 53.5 2. SI 52.2 2.87 252 13. 369 63.5 3.18 62.2 3.14 60.8 3.10 59.4 3.07 58.2 3.03 G202 17- 50 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Tal)le 13. Area in square feet, A, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, semicircular flumes for "various value* of freeboard in feet, F Con. g Diam- F-1.0 F-1.1 F-1.2 ! F-1.3 r 1.1 F.-1.S tt ter 1 in I i i i feet A r A r A r A f A T A f 72 3 820 9 ns 54 84 4 456 3 49 71 3 16 66 2 71 61 90 6. 093i 5. 22 0.88 4.76 0.83 4.30 6,78 3.85 .1 73 3.41 o.w 108 6.730; 7.28 1.05 6.74 1. 00 6. 22 0.% .170 0.91 5.19 0.86 4.690.81 130 6.366! 9.65 1.21 9.05 1.16 8.46 1.12 7.87 .08 7.29 1.03 6. 72 0. 98 132 7.003! 12.4 1.38 11.7 Las 11.0 1.29 10.4 .24 9.72 1.20 9.07 1.15 144 7.639 15.4 1.54 14.6 1.50 13.9 1.46 13.2 .41 12.5 1.37 11.8 1.32 156 8. 276 18. 7 1.70 17.9 1.66| 17.1 1.62 16.3 . fix 15.5 1.53 14.8 1.49 Ifi8 8. 913! 22. 4 1.87 21.5 1. 821 20. 6 1.78 19.8 .74 18.9 1.70 18.1 1.65 180 9.549 26.3 2.03 25.4 1.98 24.5 1.95 23.5 1.90 22.6 1.86 21.7 1.K2 192 10. 186 30.6 2.19 29.6 2.15 28.6 2.11 27.6 2.07 26.7 2.0? 25.7 1.9* 204 10. 823 35.2 2. 35 34.2 2.31 33.1 2.27 32.1 2.?? 31.0 2.19 30.0 2.14 016 11. 459 40.2 2.51 39.0 2. 47i 37. 9 2.43 36.8 2.39 35.7 2.35 34.6 2.31 828 12.096 45.4 2.67 44.2 2.64 43.0 2.60 41.9 2.56 40.7 2.52 39. 5 2.47 240 12. 732 61.0 2.83 49.7 2.80 48.5 2.76 47.2 2. 721 46. 2.68 44.7 2.63 252 13.369 56.9 2.99 55.5 2.96 84.2 2. 92 52. 9 2. 88J 51. 6 2.84 50.3 X. Table ~L4*-Area in square feet, A, and hydraulic radius in feet, f, of rectangular channels. Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom width width width width width width 4 feet 6 feet 8 feet 10 feet 12 feet 14 feet J B 1, | S, sk i!H g!* s't & A ' A SJl A cS aj A s il A i 1 A 7 s I y K V. V t EL i.o 4 .67 6 .75 8 .80 10 .83 12 .86 14 .88 1.5 6 .86 9 1.00 12 1.09 15 1.15 18 1.20 21 1.24 2.0 g .00 12 1.20 16 1.33 20 1.43 24 1.50 28 1.56 2.5 10 .11 15 1.36 20 1.54 25 1.67 30 1.76 35 1.84 3.0 12 .20 18 1.50 24 1.71 30 1.88 36 2.00 42 2.10 3.5 14 .27 21 1.62 28 1.87 35 2.06 42 2.21 49 2.33 4.0 16 .33 24 1.71 32 2.00 40 2.22 48 2.40 56 2.55 4.5 18 .38 27 1.80 36 2.12 45 2.37 54 2.57 63 2.74 5.0 20 .43 30 1.88 40 2.22 50 2.50 60 2.73 70 2.92 5.5 22 1.47 33 1.94 44 2.32 55 2.62 C6 2.88 77 3.08 6.0 24 1.50 36 2.00 48 2.40 60 2.73 72 3.00 ?4 3.23 6.5 26 1.53 39 2.05 52 2.48 65 2.83 78 3.12 91 3.37 7.0 28 1.56 42 2.10 56 2.55 70 2.92 84 3.23 98 3.50 7.5 30 1.58 45 2.14 60 2.61 75 3.00 90 3.33 105 3.62 8.0 32 1.CO 48 2.18 64 2.67 80 3.08 96 3.43 112 3.73 8.5 34 1.62 51 2.22 68 2.72 85 3.15 102 3.52 119 3.84 9.0 36 1.64 64 2.25 72 2.77 90 3.21 108 3.60 126 3.94 9.5 38 1.65 57 2.28 76 2.82 95 3.28 114 3.68 133 4.03 10.0 40 1.G7 60 2.31 80 2.86 100 3.33 120 3.75 140 4.12 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 51 Table 14. Area in square feet, A, and hydraulic radius in feet , r, of rectangular channels-^Contirmed. Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom width width width width width width 15 16 feet 18 feet 20 feet 25 feet 30 feet 40 feet a A 8 I gjjj ti i g| Vi 1 A 1 K A T 1 A V A 3 % V. A V A C cJ "J 1.0 16 .89 18 .90 20 .91 25 .93 30 .94 40 .95 1.5 24 1.26 27 1.29 30 1.30 38 1.34 45 1.36 60 1.40 2.0 32 1.60 36 1.64 40 1.67 50 1.72 60 1.77 80 1.82 2.5 40 1.90 45 1.95 60 2.00 63 2.08 75 2.14 100 2.22 3,0 48 2.18 54 2.25 60 2.31 75 2.42 90 2.50 120 2.61 3.5 56 2.35 63 2.52 70 2.59 88 2.73 105 2.84 140 2.98 4.0 64 2.67 72 2.77 80 2.86 100 3.03 120 3.16 160 3.33 4.5 5.0 72 80 2.88 3.08 81 90 3.00 3.21 90 100 3.10 3.33 112 125 3.31 3.57 135 150 3.46 3.75 180 200 i 5.5 88 3.26 99 3.42 110 3.55 138 3.82 165 4.03 220 4.3l 6.0 96 3.43 108 3.60 120 3.75 180 4.05 180 4.29 240 4.61 0.5 104 3.59 117 3.78 130 3.94 162 4.27 195 4.54 200 4.9.1 7.0 112 3.73 126 3.94 140 4.12 175 4.48 210 4.77 28Q 5.18 7.5 120 3.87 135 4.09 150 4.29 188 4.69 225 5.00 300 5.46 3.0 128 4.00 144 4.24 160 4.44 200 4.88 240 5.22 320 5.71 8.5 136 4.12 153 4.37 170 4.59 212 5.06 255 5.43 340 5.96 9.0 144 4.24 162 4.50 180 4.74 225 5.23 270 5.63 360 6.21 9.5 152 4.34 171 4.62 190 4.87 238 5.40 285 5.82 380 6.44 10.0 160 4.44 180 4.74 200 5.00 250 5.56 300 6.00 400 6.67 6 Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom width width width width width width 50 feet 60 feet 70 feet 80 feet 90 feet lOO feet A gfc ti g|j 1 8 i rt |fc 1. A 3 t) p n A *% A r A t> A \l A S |{ K t. v. . >v. 1.0 60 .96 60 .97 70 .97 80 .98 90 .98 100 ,98 1.5 75 1.42 90 1.43 105 1.44 120 1.45 136 1.45 150 1.46 2.0 100 1.85 120 1.88 140 1.89 160 1.91 180 1.92 200 1.92 2.5 125 2.27 150 2.31 175 2.33 200 2.35 225 2.37 250 2.38 3.0 150 2.68 180 2.73 210 2.76 240 2.79 270 2.81 300 2.83 3.5 175 3.07 210 3.13 245 3.18 280 3.22 315 3.25 350 3.27 4 200 3.45 240 3.53 280 3.59 320 3.64 360 3.67 400 3.70 4.5 225 3.81 270 3.91 315 3.99 360 4.04 405 4.09 450 4.13 5.0 250 4.17 300 4.29 350 4.38 400 4.44 450 4.50 500 4.55 5.5 275 4.51 330 4.65 385 4.75 440 4.83 495 4.90 650 4.95 6.0 300 4.84 360 5.00 420 5.12 480 5.22 640 5.29 600 5.S6 6.5 325 5.16 390 5.34 455 5.48 520 5.50 585 5.6S 650 5.75 7.0 350 5.47 420 5.68 490 5.83 560 5.96 630 6.06 700 6.14 7.5 375 6.77 450 6.00 525 6.18 600 6.32 676 0.43 750 6.52 8.0 400 6.06 480 6.32 560 G.51 640 6.67 720 6.79 800 6.90 8.5 425 6.34 510 6.02 595 6.84 680 7.01 765 7.15 850 7.26 9.0 450 6.62 540 6.92 630 7.16 720 7.35 810 7.50 900 7.63 9.5 476 6.88 570 7.22 665 7.47 760 7.68 855 7.84 950 7.98 10.0 500 7.14 600 7.50 700 7.78 800 8.00 900 8.18 1000 8.33 52 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 15. Area in square feet. A, top width in feet \ T t and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes K to 1. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 2 feet 3 feet 4 feet 5 feet 1 T A i? 5 * s i T A area wet per. T A area wet per. T A area wet per. K ii V. ii k ii k. O.4 2.4 0.88 .80 8.4 1.28 .33 4.4 1.68 .34 5.4 2.08 .35 0.6 2.6 1.38 .41 3.6 1.98 .46 46 2.58 .48 5.6 318 .50 0.8 2.8 1.92 .51 8.8 2.72 .57 4.8 8.52 .61 6.8 4.32 .64 1.0 8.0 2.50 .59 4.0 3.50 .67 5.0 4.50 .72 6.0 5.50 .76 1.3 82 3.12 .67 4.2 4.32 .76 5.2 5.52 .83 6.2 6.72 .87 1.4 8.4 3.78 .74 4.4 5.18 .85 5.4 6.58 .92 6.4 7.98 .98 1.6 3.6 4.48 .80 4.6 6.08 .92 56 7.68 1.01 6.6 9.28 1.08 1.8 8.8 5.22 .87 4.8 7.02 1.00 5.8 8.82 1.10 6.8 10.62 1.17 8.0 4.0 6.00 .93 5.0 8.00 1.07 60 10.00 1.18 7.0 1200 1.27 2.3 4.2 6.82 .99 6.2 902 1.14 6.2 11.22 1.25 7.2 1342 1.35 3.4 4.4 7.68 104 6.4 10.08 121 6.4 12.48 133 7.4 1488 1.44 3.6 4.6 8.58 1.10 5.6 11.18 1.27 66 13.78 1.41 7.6 1638 1 52 3.8 4.8 9.52 1.15 5.8 12.32 1.33 6.8 15.12 1.47 7.8 17.92 1.59 8.0 5.0 10.50 1.21 6.0 13.50 1.39 7.0 16.50 1.54 80 1950 167 3.3 6.2 11.52 1.26 6.2 1472 1.45 72 1792 1.60 82 2112 1.74 8.4 5.4 12.58 1.31 6.4 1598 1.51 74 1938! 1.67 8.4 22 78 1.81 .3.6 5.6 13.08 136 66 17.28 1.57 76 2088 173 86 2448 1.88 3.8 5.8 14.82 1.41 6.8 18.62 1.62 7.8 22.42 1.79 8.8 26.22 1.94 4.0 6.0 16.00 146 7.0 20.00 1.67 80 24.00 1.85 9.0 2800 201 4.3 6.2 17.22 1.51 7.2 21.42 1.73 82 25.62 1.91 9.2 2982 2.07, 4.4 6.4 1848 156 7.4 2288 178 8.4 27.28 197 9.4 31.68 2.14 4.6 66 19.78 1.61 7.6 2438 1.84 86 28.98 203 9.6 3358 220 4.8 6.8 21.12 1.66 7.8 25.92 1.89 8.8 30.72 2.08 9.8 35.52 2.26 5.0 7.0 22.50 1.71 8.0 27.50 1.94 90 32.50 2.14 100 3750 232 5.3 7.2 2392 1.75 8.2 29.12 199 92 3432 219 102 8952 238 5.4 7.4 2538 180 8.4 30.78 2.04 9.4 3618 225 10.4 4158 2.43 5.6 7.6 2688 185 8.6 3248 2.09 96 3808 2.30 106 43.C8 2.49 5.8 7.8 28.42 1.90 8.8 34.22 2.14 9.8 40.02 2.36 10.8 45.82 2.55 6.0 8.0 30.00 195 9.0 36.00 2.19 100 42.00 2.41 11.0 4800 261 6.3 8.2 31.62 199 9.2 37.82 2.24 102 4402 2.46 11.2 5022 2.66 6.4 8.4 33.28 204 9.4 39.68 229 10.4 4608 2.52 11.4 5248 272 6.6 8.6 34.98 209 9.6 41.58 234 10.6 4818 2.57 11.6 54.78 2.77 6.8 8.8 36.72 2.13 9.8 43.52 2.39 10.8 50.32 2.62 11.8 57.12 2.82 7.O 10.0 45.50 2.44 11.0 52.50 267 12.0 59.50 2.88 7.5 10.5 50.62 2.56 11.5 58.12 2.80 12.5 65.62 3.01 8.O 11.0 56.00 268 12.0 64.00 292 13.0 72.00 3.15 8.5 11.5 61.62 2.80 12.5 70.12 3.05 13.5 78.62 3.27 9.0 12 67.5 2.92 13.0 7650 3.17 140 85.50 3.40 9.5 13.5 83.12 3.29 14.5 92.62 8.53 1O 14 900 341 15 1000 365 11 15 104.5 3.65 16 115.5 3.90 HYDKAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 53 Table 15. Area in square feet ', A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes ^ to 1 Continued. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet ' i > i i - i & T A s I T A 83 I T A | T A S | II II II " ii it 0.4 6.4 2.48 .36 7.4 288 .36 8.4 3.28 .37 9.4 3.68 .87 O.6 66 3.78 .52 7.6 4.38 .53 8.6 4.98 .53 9.6 5.58 .54 0.8 6.8 5.12 .66 7.8 5.92 .67 8.8 6.72 .69 9.8 7.52 .70 1.0 7.0 6.50 .79 8.0 7.50 .81 9.0 8.50 .83 10.0 9.50 .86 1.2 7.2 7.92 .91 8.2 912 .94 9.2 1032 .96 10.2 11.52 .98 1.4 7.4 9.38 1.03 8.4 10.78 1.07 9.4 12.18 1.10 10.4 13.58 1.12 1.6 7.6 10.88 1.14 8.6 12.48 1.18 9.6 14.08' 122 10.6 15.68 1.25 1.8 7.8 12.42 1.24 8.8 ! 14.22 i 1.29 9.8 16.02 1.33 10.8 17.82 2.O 8.0 14.00 1.34 9.0 16 00 1.39 10.0 18.00 144 11.0 20.00 1.48 2.2 8.2 15.62 143 9.2 1782 1.49 10.2 20.02 1.55 11.2 22.22 1.59 2.4 84 1728 1.52 94 1968 159 10.4 22.08 165 11.4 24.48 1.71 2.6 86 18.98 161 96 21 58 169 10.6 24.18 1.75 11.6 26.78 1.81 2.8 8.8 20.72 1.69 9.8 23.52 1.77 10.8 26.32 1.84 11.8 29.12 1.91 3.0 9.0 22.50 1.78 10.0 25.50 1.86 11.0 2850 1.94 120 31.50 2.01 3.2 92 24.32 1.85 102 2752 1.94 11.2 30.72 2.03 12.2 33.92 2.10 3.4 94 26.18 1.93 10.4 29.58 203 11.4 3298 212 12.4 3638 219 3.6 96 28.08 2.00 106 31.68 211 116 35.28 220 126 38.88 2.28 3.8 9.8 30.02 2.07 10.8 33.82 2.18 11.8 37.62 2.28 12.8 41.42 2.37 4.O 100 32.00 214 11.0 36.00 2.26 12.0 40.00 2.36 13.0 44.00 2.45 4.2 10.2 84.02 2.21 11.2 33.22 233 12.2 4242 244 13.2 46.62 253 4.4 104 36.08 228 11.4 4048 241 12.4 44.88 2.52 13.4 49.28 2.62 4.6 106 38.18 2.35 116 42.78 2.48 12.6 4738 259 13.6 51.98 2.70 4.8 10.8 40.32 2.41 11.8 .45.12 254 12.8 49.92 2.66 13.8 54.72 2.77 5.0 11.0 42.50 2.47 12.0 4750 2.61 13.0 52.50 274 14.0 57.50 2.85 5.2 11.2 4172 2.54 12.2 4992 2.68 13,2 5512 281 14.2 60.32 2.92 5.4 11.4 4698 2.60 124 52.38 274 13.4 5778 288 14.4 63.18 3.00 5.6 116 49.28 2.66 126 54.88 2.81 13.6 60.48 295 14.6 66.08 3.07 5.8 11.8 51.62 2.72 12.8 57.42 2.87 13.8 63.22 301 14.8 69.02 3.14 6.0 120 54.00 2.78 13.0 6000 294 14.0 ! 66.00 308 15.0 72.00 3.21 6.2 12 2 56.42 2.84 13.2 62.62 3.00 142 68.82 3.15 15.2 75.02 3.28 6.4 124 58.88 2.90 134 6528 306 14.4 7168 321 15.4 78.08 3.35 6.6 126 61.38 2.96 13.6 67.98 3.12 14.6 74.58 328 15.6 81.18 3.42 6.8 12.8 63.92 3.01 13.8 70.72 3.18 14 S 77.52 3.34 15.8 84.32 3.48 7.O 13.0 66.50 3.07 14.0 7350 3.24 150 80.50 3.40 16.0 87.50 3.56 7.5 13.5 73.12 3.21 14.5 80.62 3.39 15.5 88.12 3.56 16.5 95.62 8.71 8.O 140 80.00 3.35 15 | 88.00 3.53 1G.O 9600 3.71 17.0 104.00 3.87 8.5 14.5 87.12 3.48 15.5 1 95.62 3.68 1G.5 104.12 3.85 17.5 112.62 4.02 9.0 150 94.50 362 100 108.50 3.83 170 11250 399 18.0 121.50 4.17 0.5 15.5 102.12 3.75 16.5 111.62 3.97 17.5 121.12 414 18.5 130.62 4.32 10 16 110 388 17 120 4.10 18 1300 4.28 19 140.0 4.46 11 17 126 5 413 18 1137.5 4.36 19 148.5 4.55 20 159.5 4.76 54 HYDBAULIO AND EXCAVATION TABLED. Table 15. Area in squaw feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feei y r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes % to 1 Continued. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom w-idth 10 feet. 12 feet 14 feet 16 feet 1 T A area wet per. T A i ea wet per. T A If T A area wet per. II II II II w *> V 1.O 11.0 10.50 .86 13.0 12.50 .88 15.0 14.50 .89 17.0 16-50 .% 1.2 11.2 12.72 1.00 132 15.12 1.03 15.2 17.52 1.05 17.2 19. 9J 1.07 1.4 11.4 14.98 1.14 134 17.78 1.18 15.4 ao.58 1.20 17.4 23.38 1.22 1.6 11.6 17.28 1.27 136 20.48 1.32 15.6 23.68 1.35 17.6 20.88 137 1.8 11.8 19.62 1.40 13.8 23.22 1.45 15.8 26.82 1.49 17.8 30.42 1.52 .o 12.0 '22.00 1.62 14.0 26.00 1.58 16.0 80.00 1.62 18.0 34.00 1.66 2i2 12.2 24.42 1.64 14.2 28.82 1.70 16.2 33.22 1.75 18.2 87.62 1.80 2.4 12.4 26.88 1.75 14.4 31.08 1.82 16.4 86.48 1.88 18.4 41.28 1 9G 2.6 12.6 29.38 1.86 146 34.58 1.04 16.6 39.78 2.01 18.6 44.98 2.06 M 12.8 31.92 1.96 14.8 37.52 2.05 16.8 43.12 2.13 18.8 48.72 2.10 3.O 130 34.50 2.06 15.0 40.50 2.16 17.0 46.50 2.25 19.0 62.50 2.3) 3.2 132 37.12 2.16 15.2 43.52 2.27 17.2 49.92 2.36 19.2 50.32 2.43 3.4 13.4 39.78 2.20 154 4658 2.38 17.4 5338 2.47 19.4 6018 2.55 3.6 13.6 42.48 2.35 15.6 49.08 2 48 17.6 56.88 2.58 19.6 0408 267 3.8 13.8 45.22 2.44 15.8 52.82 2.58 17.8 60.42 2.68 19,8 68.02 2.78 4.0 14.0 48.00 2.53 160 56.00 2.67 18.0 64.00 2.79 20.0 7200 2.89 4.2 14.2 60.82 262 16.2 59.22 2.77 iaa 67.621 2.89 20.2 76.02 29f 4.4 144 5368 2.71 164 62.48 2.86 18.4 71 .2Si 2.99 JO. 4 8008 3.10 4.6 14.6 56.58 2.79 16.0 65.78 2.95 18.6 74.98 3.09 20.6 8418 320 4.8 14.8 59.52 2.87 16.8 69.12 3.04 18.8 78.72 3.18 20.8 88.32 3.J30 5.G 15.0 62.50 2.95 17.0 72.50 3.13 19.0 82.50 3.28 21.0 9250 3.40 5.2 15.2 6552 3.03 17.2 75.92 321 19.2 8632 3.37 21.2 90.72 360 5.* 154 68.58 3.10 17.4 79.38 330 194 90.18 3.46 21.4 100.98 360 5.6 15.6 71.68 3.18 17.6 82.88 338 196 94.08 3.55 21.6 105.28 3.69 6.8 15.8 74.82 3.26 17.8 86.42 3.4d 19.8 98.02 3.63 21.8 109.62 3.78 6.O 16.0 78.00 333 18.0 90.00 3.54 20.0 10200 3.72 22.0 114.00 3.88 16.2 81.22 3.40 18.2 9362 3.62 20.2 106.02 382 22.2 118.42 3.97 &4 16.4 84.48 347 18.4 97.28 3.69 20.4 11008 3.89 22.4 122.88 4.05 6.6 16.6 87.78 3.54 18.6 100.98 3.77 20. i! 114.18 397 22.6 127.38 4.14 6.8 1(5.8 91.12 3.61 18.8 J104.72 3.85 20.8 1118.32 4.05 22.8 131.92 4.23 7.O 17.0 94.50 3.68 19.0 J108.50 3.92 21.0 1122.50 4.13 23.0 136.50 4.31 7.5 17.5 103.12 3.85 19.5 118.12 4.10 21.5 133.12 4.82 23.5 148.12 4.5U 8.0 8.5 18.0 18.5 112.00 121.12 4.01 4.17 20.0 J128.00 20.5 il38.12 4.28 4.45 22.0 14400 22.5 155,12 4.51 4.70 24.0 24.5 160.00 172.12 4.72 4.91 9.0 190 130.50 4.33 21.0 148 50 462 23.0 il66.50 4.88 25.0 184.50 5.09 9.5 19.5 140.12 4.48 21.5 159.12 4.78 23.5 178.12 5.06 25.6 197.12 5.2s 1O.O 20.0 150.00 4.64 22.0 17000 4.95 24.0 190.00 5.23 26.0 210.00 5.47 10.5 20.5 160.12 4.79 22.5 181.12 5.11 24.5 202.12 5.39 20.5 225.12 6. ('' 11 170.50 4.93 23 192.5 5.26 25 '214.5 5.55 27 236.5 5.82 18 m 192.0 5.21 24 216.0 5.5Q 26 240.0 588 28 204.0 6.10 23 214.6 5.49 25 '240.5 5.85 J7 206.5 0.19 29 . G49 HYDRAUIJC AND EXCAVATION TAIM.ttK. 5ft 15. -Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T. u.d hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, .side slopes \* to 1 Continued. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 18 feet 20 feet 22 feet 1 t\i i 8 is f T A B ll r A I, T A ! T 1* i 1 I 1 1.O 19.0 18.50 .91 21.0 20.50 .92 23.0 22.50 .93 25.0 24.50 .93 1.2 19.2 22. 32 1.08 21.2 24.72 1.09 23.2 27.12 1.10 25.2 29.52 1. 11 1.4 19.4 26.18 1.24 21.4 28.08! 1.25 23.4 31.78 1.26 25.4 34.58 1.27 1.6 19.6 30.08 1.39 21.6 33.28 1.41 23.6 36.48 1.43 25.6 39.68 1.44 1.8 19.8 34.02 1.54 21.8 37.62 1.57 23.8 41.22 1.58 25.8 44.82 1.60 2.0 20.0 38.00 1.69 22.0 42.00 1.72 24.0 46. Oo! 1.74 26.0 50.00 1.76 2.2 20.2 42.02 1.83 22.2 46.42 1.86 24.2 50.S2J 1.89 26.2 55.22 1.91 3.4 20.4 46.08 1.97 22.4 50.88 2.01 24.4 55.68 2.03 25.4 60.48 2.06 2.6 20.6 50.18 2.11 22.6 55.38 2.15 24.6 60. 58 2. 18 26.6 65.78 2.2i 20.8 54.32 2.24 22.8 59.92 2.28 24.8 65.52 2.32 26.8 71.12 2.35 3.0 21.0 58.50 2.37 23.0 64.30 2.41 25.0 70.50; 2.46 27.0 76.50 2.49 3.2 21.2 H2.72 2.49 23.2 69.12 2.54 25.2 75.52' 2.59 27.2 81.92 2.63 3.4 21.4 66.98 2.62 23.4 73.78 2.67 25.4 80.58| 2.72 27.4 87.38 2.77 3.6 21.6 71.28 2. 7-1 23.6 78.48 2.80 25.6 85.68| 2.85 27.6 92.88 2.90 3.8 21.8 75.62 2.85 23.8 83.22 2.92 25.8 90.82J 2.97 27.8 98.42 3.03 4.O 22.0 80.00 2.97 24.0 88.00 3.04 26.0 98.00! 3.10 28.0 104.00 3.15 4.2 22.2 84.42 3.08 24.2 92.82 3.16 26.2 101.22i 3.22 28.2 109.62 3.28 4.4 22.4 88.88 3.19 24.4 97.68 3.27 26.4 106.48 8.34 28.4 115. 28 3.41 4.6 22-6 93.381 3.30 24.6 102.58 3.39 26.6 111.78 3.46 28.6 120.98 3.53 4.8 22.8 97.92 3.41 21.8 107.52 3.50 26.8 117.12 3.58 28.8 126.72 3.65 5.0 23.0 102.50 3.51 25.0 112.50 3.61 27. Q 122.50 3.69 29.0 132.50 3. 77 5.2 23.2 107.121 3.62 25.2 117.52 3.72 27.2 127.92 3.80 29.2 138.32 3.&S 5.4 23.4 111.78! 3.72 25.4 122.58 3.82 27.4 133.38 3.91 29.4 144.18 4.00 5.6 23.6 116.48 3.82 25.6 127.68 3.93 27.6 138.88 4.02 29.6 150.08 4.11 5.8 23.8 121.22 3.91 25.8 132. b2 4.03 27.8 144. 42j 4.13 29.8 156.02 4.22 6.0 24.0 126.00 4.01 26.0 138.00 4.13 28.0 150.00 4.23 30.0 162.00 4.33 6.2 24.2 130. 82j 4. 11 26.2 143. 22 4.23 28.2 155.621 4.34 30.2 168.02 4. -it 6.4 24.4 135.681 4.20 26.4 148. 48 4.33 28.4 1161. 28! 4.44 80.4 174.08 4.5i 6.6 24,6 140.58 4.29 26.6 153.78 4.43 28.6 166.98 4.54 30.6 180.18 4.65 6.8 24.8 145.52 4.38 26.3 159.12 4.52 28.8 172. 72J 4.64 30.8 186.32 4.76 7.0 25.0 150.50! 4.47 27.0 164.50 4.61 29.0 178.50' 4.74 81.0 192. 50 4. 86 7.5 25.5 163.12 4.69 27.5 178.12 4.84 29.5 193.121 4.98 31.5 208.12 6.J1 8.0 26.0 176.00 4.90 28.0 192.00 5.07 30.0 208.00 5.21 32.0 224.00 5.35 $^ 26.6 189. 12 5.11 28.5 206.12 5.29 o0.5 ;223.12j 5.44 32.5 240. 12 5.58 9.0 27.0 202.50 5.31 29.0 220.50 5.50 31.0 238.50! 5.66 33.0 256.50 5.81 9.5 27.5 218.12 5.51 29.5 235.12 5.70 31.5 254.12 5.88 33.5 273.12 6.04 10,0 28.0 230.00 5.70 30.0 !250.00 5.90 32.0 270.00 6.09 34.0 290.00 6.2(5 28.5 244.12 5.88 80.5 J265.12 6.09 32.5 286.12 6.29 34.5 307.12 6.47 11 29 258.5 6.08 81 280.5 6.28 83 302.5 6.49 35 324.5 6.68 13 80 288.0 6.42 32 312.0 6. 06 34 336.0 6.88 36 360.0 7.08 13 81 318.6 6.76 33 1344. 5 7.02 35 1370.6 7.26 37 396.5 7.47 56 HYDKAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 15. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes # to 1 Continued. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 26 feet 28 feet 30 feet 32 feet . . ! . J ej ^ rt Q. i oj i oj' 3 fl T A tJ T A S| T A rt "4) T A S ,| J! w !_ 1 t. i t> I l.O 27.0 26.50 .94 29.0 28.50 .95 31.0 30.50 .95 33.0 32.50 .95 1.2 27.2 31.92 1.11 29.2 34.32 1.12 31.2 36.72 1.12 33.2 39.12 1.13 1.4 27.4 37.38 .28 29.4 40.18 1.29 31.4 42.98 1.30 33.4 45.78 1.30 1.6 27.6 42.88 .45 29.6 46.08 1.46 31.6 49.28 1.47 33.6 52.48 1.47 1.8 27.8 48.42 .61 29.8 52.02 1.62 31.8 55.62 1.63 33.8 59.22 1.64 2.0 28.0 54.00 .77 30.0 58.00 1.79 32.0 62.00 1.80 34.0 66.00 1.81 2.2 28.2 59. G2 .93 30.2 64.02 1.94 32.2 68.42 1.96 34.2 72.82 1.97 2.4 28.4 65.28 2.08 30.4 70.08 2.10 32.4 74.88J 2.12 34.4 79.68 2.13 2.6 28.6 70.98 2.23 30.6 76.18! 2.25 32.6 81.38 2.27 34.6 86.58 2.29 2.8 28.8 76.72 2.38 30.8 82.32| 2.40 32.8 87.92 2.42 34.8 93.52 2.44 3.0 29.0 82.50 2.52 31.0 88.50! 2.55 33.0 94.50! 2.57 35.0 100. 50J 2.60 3.2 29.2 88.32 2.67 31.2 94.72 2.69 33.2 101.121 2.72 35.2 107. 52 2.75 3.4 3.6 29.4 29.6 94.18 100.08 2.80 2.96 31.4 31.6 100.98 2.84 107.28 2.98 33.4 107.781 2.87 33.6 114.48 3.01 35.4 35.6 114.58 121.68 2.90 3.04 3.8 29.8 106.02 3.07 31.8 113.62 3.11 33.8 121.22 3.15 35.8 128.82 3.18 4.0 30.0 112.00 3.21 32.0 120.00 3.25 34.0 128.00 3.29 36.0 136.00 3.32 4.2 30.2 118.02 3.34 32.2 1126.42 3.38 34.2 134. 82 3.42 36.2 143.22 3.46 4.4 30.4 124.08 3.46 32.4 i 132. 88 3.51 34.4 141.68 3.56 36.4 150. 48 3.60 4.6 30.6 130. 18 3.59 32.6 1139.38 3.64 34.6 148. 58 3.69 36.6 157.78 3.73 4.8 30.8 136.32 3.71 32.8 1 145. 92 3.77 34.8 155.52 3.82 36.8 165.12 3.86 5.O 31.0 142.50 3.84 33.0 152.50 3.89 35.0 162.50 3.95 37.0 172.50 3.99 5.2 31.2 148.72 3.95 33.2 1159.12 4.01 35.2 169.52 4.07 37.2 179.92 4.12 5.4 31.4 154.98 4.07 33.4 1165.78 4.14 35.4 176.58 4.20 37.4 187.58 4.26 5.6 31.6 161.28 4.19 33.6 |172.48 4.26 35.6 183.68 4.32 37.6 ! 194.85 4.38 5.8 31.8 167.62 4.30 33.8 179.22 4.37 35.8 190.82 4.44 37.8 202.42 4.50 6.0 6.2 32.0 32.2 174.00 180.42 4.41 4.53 34.0 34.2 186.00 192. 82 4.49 4.61 36.0 36.2 198.00 205.22 4.56 4.68 38.0 38.2 210.00 217.62 4.62 4.74 6.4 32.4 186.88! 4.64 34.4 199.68 4.72 38.4 212. 48 4.80 38.4 i 225. 28 4.86 6.6 32.6 193.38i 4.74 34.6 206. 58 4.83 36.6 219. 78 4.91 38.6 232.98 4.98 6.8 32.8 199.92 4.85 34.8 213.52 4.94 36.8 227. 12 5.03 38.8 240.72 5.10 7.O 33.0 206.50 4.96 35.0 220.50 5.05 37.0 234.50 5.14 39.0 248.50 5.22 7.5 33.5 223.12 5.22 35.5 238. 12 5.32 37.5 253.12 5.41 39.5 268.12 5.50 8.O 34.0 240.00 5.47 36.0 256.00 5.58 38.0 272.00 6.68 40.0 288.00 5.77 8.5 34.5 257.12 5.71 36.5 274. 12 5.83 38.5 291.12 5.94 40.5 308. 12 6.04 9.O 35.0 274.50 5.95 37.0 292.50 6.08 39.0 310.50 6.20 41.0 328.50 6.30 9.5 35.5 292.12 6.18 37.5 311.12 6.32 39.5 330. 12 6.44 41.5 349. 12 6.56 1O.O 36.0 310.00 6.41 38.0 330.00 6.55 40.0 350.00 6.68 42.0 370.00 6.81 10.5 36.5 328.12 6.63 38.5 349.12 6.78 40.5 370. 12 6.92 42.5 391. 12 7.05 11 37 346.5 6.85 39 368.5 7.01 41 390.5 7.15 43 412.5 7.29 12 38 384.0 7.27 40 408.0 7.44 42 432.0 7.60 44 456.0 7.75 13 39 422.6 7.67 41 448.5 7.86 43 474.5 8.03 45 500.5 8.20 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 57 Table 15. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet ', r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes ^ to 1 Continued. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 35 feet 40 feet 45 feet 50 feet fc i - 1 2 - T A V" T A s 1 II || S * g ii l.O 1.3 360 362 35.50 42 72 .85 1.18 410 41.2 4050 48.72 .96 1.14 46.0 46.2 45.50 54.72 .96 1.15 51.0 512 50.50 6072 .97 1.15 1.4 364 49.98 1.31 414 56.98 132 464 6398 1.33 514 70.98 134 1.6 36.6 57.28! 1.49 416 65.28 1.50 46.6 7328 1.51 516 8128 1.52 1.8 86.8 64.62 1.66 41.8 73.62 1.67 46.8 82.62 1.68 51.8 91.62 1.70 .O 37.0 72.00 1.82 42.0 82.00 1.84 47.0 9200 1.86 520 102.00 187 8.2 372 7942 199 422 90.42 201 47.2 101.42 2.03 522 112.42 205 s!4 87.4 8688 2.15 424 9888 2.18 474 11088 2.20 524 12288 222 2.6 376 94.38 231 426 10738 234 47.6 12038 2.37 526 13338 2.39 2.8 37.8 101.92 2.47 42.8 115.92 2.51 47.8 129.92 2.53 52.8 143.92 2.56 3.0 380 109.50 2.63 43.0 124.50 2.67 48.0 13950 2.70 530 154.50 272 3.3 382 117.12 278 43.2 133 12 282 48-2 149.12 2.86 532 165.12 289 3.4 384 124.78! 2.93 43.4 141.78 298 48.4 15878 3.02 634 175.78 3.05 3.6 386 132.48] 308 436 150,48 313 48.6 168.48 3.18 536 186.48 321 3.8 38.8 140.22 3.22 43.8 159.22 3.28 48.8 178.22 3.33 53.8 197.22 3.37 4.O 39.0 148.00 337 44.0 168.00 343 490 18800 3.49 54.0 208.00 3.53 4.2 392 155.82 3.51 442 176.82 3.58 49.2 197 82 3.64 54.2 218 82 368 4.4 39.4 163.68 365 44.4 185.68 3.73 494 20768 3.79 54.4 2.9 68 3.84 4.6 39.6 171.58 379 446 154.58 3.87 496 217.58 3.94 54.6 240 58 3.99 4.8 39.8 179.52 3.93 44.8 203.52 4.01 49.8 227.52 4.08 54.8 251.52 4.14 5.O 400 18750 4.06 45.0 212.50 4.15 500 237.50 4.23 55.0 262.50 4.29 5.2 40.2 195.52 4.19 45.2 221.52 429 50.2 247.52 4.37 552 273.52 444 5.4 40.4 203.58 4.32 454 230.58 4.43 504 257.58 4.51 55.4 284.58 4.58 5.6 40.6 211.68! 4.45 456 239.68 4.56 506 267.68 4.65 556 295.68 4.73 5.8 40.8 219.82 4.58 45.8 248.82 4.70 50.8 J277.82 4.79 55.8 306.82 4.87 6.0 41.0 228.00 4.71 460 258.00 483 51.0 288.00 4.93 56.0 318.00 501 6.2 41.2 236.22 484 46.2 267.22 496 51.2 298.22 5.07 56.2 32922 5.16 6.4 41.4 244.48 4% 46.4 276,48 509 51.4 308.48 5.20 56.4 340.48 5.30 6.6 41.6 252.28 508 466 285.78 522 51 6 318.78 5.34 56.6 351.78 5.43 6.8 41.8 261.12 5.20 46.8 295.12 5.35 51.8 329.12 5.47 56.8 363.12 5.57 7.0 42.0 269.50 5.32 47.0 304.50 5.47 52.0 339.50 5.60 57.0 374.50 5.70 7.5 42.5 : 290.62 5.61 47.5 : 328.12 5.78 52.5 365.62 5.92 57.5 403.12 6.04 8.O 43.0 ! 312.00 5.90 480 352.00 6.08 53.0 392.00 6.23 58.0 43200 6.36 8.5 43.5 333.62 6.18 48.5 376.12 6.37 53.5 418.62 6.54 58.5 461.12 6.68 9.0 44.0 355.50 6.45 49.0 400.50 6.66 54.0 445.50 6.84 59.0 490.50 7.00 9.5 44.5 377.62! 6,71 49.5 425.12 6.94 54.5 472.62 7.13 59.5 520.12 7.30 10.O 45.0 400.00 6.97 50.0 450.00 7.22 55.0 50000 7.42 60.0 550.00 7.60 10.5 45.5 422.62 7.22 50.5 475.12 7.49 65.5 527.62 7.70 60.5 580.12 7.89 11 46 445.5 7.47 51 500.5 7.75 56 555.5 7.98 61 610.5 8.18 13 47 492.0 7.96 52 552.0 826 57 612.0 8.52 62 672.0 8.75 13 48 5395 8.42 53 604.5 8.75 58 669.5 9.03 03 734.5 9.29 AND EXCAVATION TABF.KS. Table 16.^r 8.8 11.6 24.64 1.77 12.6 27.44 1.84 18.6 30.24 1.90 14.6 33.04 1 V 8.0 120 27.00 1.86 180 30.00 194 14.0 2.00 150 36.00 2( 3.3 124 128 29441 1.96 31.%! 205 134 138 32.64 203 3V36 213 11.4 148 3584 387ii 210 2.20 15.4 15.8 39.04 42.16 2. 2V S!B 132 34.56) 214 14.2 38.16| 222 15.2 41.76 2.30 162 45.36 2S oo 13.6 37.24 2.23 14.6 41.04 2.31 15.6 44.84 2.40 16.6 48.64 2. i ' 4.O 140 40.00 i 2.31 15.0 44.00 240 16.0 48.00 2.49 170 52.00 4.3 144 42.841 2.40 15.4 47.04 2.49 164 51.24 258 174 5544 4.4 148 45.76 2 4S 158 50.16' 2.58 168 51.56 267 178 58% 2' 4.6 152 4^.76 2.56 16.2 53.36: 2.67 172 57.% 276 182 6256 2 4.8 15.6 51.841 2.65 16.6 56.64 2.76 17.6 i 61.44 2.85 18.6 66.24 '^ 5.0 16.0 55.00 273 17.0 60.00 284 18.0 65.00 2.94 19.0 70.00 3i 6.3 16.4 58.24 2.81 17.4 6344 292 1"*.4 6V64 302 194 73.84 :' 1 16.8 61/6 2.89 17.8 66 %! 3 01 188 723'. 3.11 198 77.76 ;(! 5J(j 17.2 64 9 i! 2.97 18.2 7056 -J09 192 76.16 319 20.2 81.76 95 5.8 17.6 68.44 3.05 18.6 74.24 3.17 19.6 80.U4 328 206 3.84 3! 6.O 180 72.0'i 3.13 19.0 78.^0 3.25 20.0 84.00 386 21.0 90.00 3- 6.3 ISA 7564! 321 194 81.P4! 334 20.4 84.04 345 2L.4 94.24 :> 6.4 18.8 79.36 3.29 198 85.76 3.42 2).8 9216 3.5 J 21.8 98.56 M 6.6 192 83.16 3.37 2 '.2 89.76 3.50 21.2 96 ::6 361 22.2 102.96 :i' 6.8 19.6 87.04 3.45 2X6 93.84 3.58 21.6 100.61 3.70 22.6 107,44 3,1 7.0 20 91.00 3/3 21 98.00 366 22 il05 00 378 23 11200 9i 7.4 21 1U1.25 3.72 22 108.75 3.86 23 116.25 3.98 24 123.75 4. 8.0 22 11200 391 23 120.00 405 2t 1?8.0T 418 25 (136 00 4; 3.5 23 123.2.3 410 24 131.75 4.25 25 jl 10.2,3 4.38 26 J148.7, 4 0.0 24 135.00 4.29 25 144.00 4.44 26 115100 4.57 27 liaa eo 9.5 25 147.25 4.48 26 J156.75 4.63 27 166.2j 4.77 28 il7o.7u .. 1 ir 26 !l6l 00 28_JH7.00 467 27 1170 00 .29 __ 198.00 482 520__ 28 180 00 30_ 2 900 4..96 534_ 29 1190.00 31 _ 220.0 _ R a. 60 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 16. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T t and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes 1 to 1 Continued. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 10 feet. 12 feet 14 feet 16 feet .g i . i i i T A S | T A 1 r A 03 t! T A s 1 II ii II ii ^ w t, ^ 1.0 12.0 ll.Oo! .86 14.0 1300 .88 16.0 15.00 .89 18.0 17.00 .90 1.3 12.4 1344 1.01 144 15.84 l.( 3 164 18.24 1.C5 18.4 2).64 1.06 1.4 128 15% 115 14.8 18.76 l'l8 168 21.56 1.20 188 24 36 1.22 1.6 132 18.56 128 15.2 2176 1.32 172 24.% 135 19.2 2816 1.37 1.8 13.6 21.24 1.41 15.6 24.84 1.46 17.6 28.44 1.49 19.6 32.04 1.52 | 3.O 14.0 24.00 1.53 16.0 28.00 1.59 180 32.00 1.63 20.0 36.00 1.66 3.3 144 26.84 165 16.4 31.24 171 184 35 f 4 1.76 20.4 4.) 04 1.80 3.4 148 2J.76 177 168 3456 1.84 188 39.31 189 208 4416 1.94 3.6 152 8276 189 172 37.% 1.% 192 43.16 2.02 21.2 48 3:'. 2.07 3.8 15.6 35.84 2.00 17.6 41.44 2.08 19.6 47.04 2.15 21.6 52.04 2.20 3.0 16.0 3900 1 2.11 180 45.00 2.20 20.0 51.00 2.27 22.0 57.00 2.3? 3.3 15.4 42.24 2.22 184 48.64 231 2).4 55.04 239 22.4 6144 2.45 3.4 168 4556 2.33 18.8 ! 52.36 2.42 20.8 59.16 2.51 22.8 65% 258 3.6 172 48% 2.43 19 2 56.16 2 53 21.2 6336 262 23.2 7.56 270 3.8 17.6 52.44 2.53 19.6 j 6.J.04 2.64 21.6 67.64 2.73 23.6 75.24 2.82 4.0 18.0 56.00 12.63 20.0 64.00 2.74 22.0 72.00 2.84 24.0 80.00 2.93 4.3 184 59.64 273 23.4 68.04 2.85 22.4 76.44 2.95 24.4 8484 304 4.4 18.8 03 35 2 83 20.8 72.16 295 22.8 83.95 3.06 24.8 897t> 3.16 4.6 19.2 6716 2.92 21.2 76.36 3.<5 232 85.56 3.17 25.2 94.76 327 1.8 19.6 71.04 3.02 21.6 80.64 3.15 23.6 90.24 3.28 25.6 99.84 3.38 5.0 20.0 75.00 3.11 22.0 85.00 3.25 24.0 95.00 3.88 26.0 10500 3.48 5.3 20.4 7i.04 3.20 22.4 89.44 3.35 244 9984 3.48 26.4 110 24 3.59 5.4 208 83.16 329 228 93.% 3.44 24.8 104.7i) 3.58 26.8 115.5T> 3.69 5.6 21.2 87.36 3.38 23.2 98.56 3.54 252 109.7(5 3.68 272 120.% 380 5.8 21.6 91.64 3.47 23.6 103.241 3.13 25.6 114.84 3.78 27.6 126.44 3.90 1 6.0 22.0 %.oo 356 24.0 108.00 3.73 26.0 120.00 3.88 28.0 13200 4.00 6.3 224 1)0.44 3 f'5 244 11284 3.82 20.4 12524 3.97 284 137.64 4.10 6.4 22.8 1 4 96 3.73 248 117.76 3.91 26.8 13).56 407 28.8 11336 4.20 6.6 23.2 ^109.56 3.82 25.2 J122.76 4.00 27.2 135.% 4.16 29.2 114.1.16 4.30 6.8 23.6 114.24 3.91 25.6 J127.84 4.09 27.6 141.44 4.26 29.6 |155.04 4.40 7.O 24.0 119.00 8.99 26.0 133.00 4.18 28.0 147.00 4.35 30.0 161.00 4.50 7.5 25.0 131.25 4.21 27.0 146.25 4.43 29.0 161.25 4.58 31.0 176.25 4.74 H.O 26.0 144.00 4.42 28.0 160.00 4.62 80.0 176.00 4.81 32.0 192.00 4.97 8.5 27.0 157.25 4.62 29.0 174.25 4.84 31.0 191.25 5.03 33.0 208.25 5.20 9.0 28.0 171.00 4.82 30.0 189.00 5.C5 32.0 207.00 5.25 84.0 225.00 543 29.0 185.25 5.02 31.0 204.25 5.21} 33.0 J223.25 5.47 35.0 278.25 5.G5 10.0 30.0 200.00 5.22 3-2.0 220.00 6.45 84.0 240.00 5.68 36.0 260.00 5.87 10.5 31.0 -.45.25 5.42 33.0 236.25 5.G7 &3.0 257.25 5.89 37.0 278.25 6.09 11 82.0 231.00 5.62 34.0 253.00 5.87 86.0 275.00 6.10 38.0 297.00 631 13 84.0 26400 6.01 3>.0 288.00 6.27 38.0 812.00 6.51 40.0 33ii.OO 6.73 13 36.0 699.00 6.39 880 325.00! 6.66 40.0 351.00 6.92 42.0 377.00 _7J5 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 61 Tat)le 16. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T t and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes 1 to 1 Continued. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom \vidth 18 feet 20 feet 22 feet 24 feet 1 r A *J1 T A it r A !t> r A V fi i 'V- I P ^ I I I I 1.0 20.0 ' 19.00 .91 22.0 21.0o! .92 24.0 23.00' .93 28.0 25.00 .93 1.2 20.4 23. Ol 1 .08 22.1 25.44 1.09 24.4 27.84; 1.10 26.4 30.24 1.10 1.4 20.8 27.16 .24 22.8 29. 90 1.25 24.8 32.76J 1.26 26.8 35.56 1.27 1.6 21.2 31.36 .39 23.2 34.56 1.41 25.2 37.76 1.42 27.2 40.96 1.44 1.8 21.6 35.64 .54 23.6 39.24 1.56 25.6 42.84 1.58 27.6 46.44 1.60 2.0 22.0 40.00 .69 2*.0 44.00 1.72 26.0 48.00 i.74 28.0 62.00 1.75 2.2 22.4 4-i. 44 . 83 &L 4 48. 8 i 1.86 26.4 53.24! 1.89 28.4 57.64 1.91 2.4 22.8 48.96 .98 24.8 53.76 2.01 26.8 58.561 2.03 28.8 63.36 2.06 2.8 23.2 53.56 2.11 25.2 58.76 2.15 27.2 63.96 1 2.18 29.2 69.16 2.20 2.8 23,6 58.24 2.25 25.6 63.84 2.29 27.6 69.44 2.32 29.6 75.04 2.35 3.O 24.0 63.00 2.38 26.0 69.00 2.42 28.0 75.00 2.46 30.0 81.00 2.49 3.2 24.4 67.84' 2.51 26.4 74.24 2.56 28.4 80.64! 2.60 30.4 87.04 2.63 3.4 24.8 72.76 2.63 26.8 79.56 2.69 28.8 86.36| 2.73 30.8 93.16 2.77 3.6 25.2 77.76; 2.76 27.2 84.96 2.82 29.2 92.16 2.86 31.2 99.36 2.91 3.8 25.6 82.84 2.88 27.6 90.44 2.95 29.6 98.04 2.99 31.6 105.64 3.04 4.O 26.0 88.00' 3.00 28.0 96.00 3.07 30.0 104.00! 3.12 32.0 112.00 3.17 4.2 26.4 93.24^ 3.12 28.4 101.64 3.19 30.4 110.04 3.25 32.4 118.44 3.30 4.4 26.8 98.56 3.24 28.8 107.36 3.31 30.8 116.16 3.37 32.8 124.96 3.43 4.6 27.2 103.96, 3.35 29.2 113. 16 3.43 31.2 122.36 3.49 33.2 131. 56 3.55 4.8 27.6 109.44 3.47 29.6 119.04 3.55 31.6 128.64 3.62 33.6 138.24 3.68 5.0 28.0 115.001 3.58 30.0 125.00 3.66 32.0 135.00 3.73 34.0 145.00 3.80 5,2 28.4 120.641 3.69 30.4 131.04 3.78 32.4 141.44 3.85 34.4 151.84 3.92 5.4 28.8 126.36 3. SO 30.8 137.16! 3.89 32.8 147.96 3.97 34.8 158.76 4.04 5.0 29.2 132.16] 3.90 31.2 143.36 4.00 33.2 154.56 4.08 35.2 165.76 4.16 5.8 29.6 138.041 4.01 31.6 149.64 4.11 33.6 161.24 4.20 35.6 172.84 4.28 6.0 30.0 144 00 4. 12 32.0 156.00! 4.22 34.0 168.00 4.31 36.0 180.00 4.39 6.2 iJO. 4 150. 04 ! 4.22 32.4 162.44 4.33 34.4 174.84 4.42 36.4 187.24 4.51 6.4 sols 156.16 *.33 32.8 J168.96 4.44 34.8 181.76 4.53 36.8 194. 56 4.62 6.6 31.2 102.36; 4.43 33.2 175.56 4.54 35.2 188.76 4.64 37.2 201.96 4.73 6.8 31.6 168.64! 4.53 33.6 182.24 4.64 35.6 195.84 4.75 37.6 209.44 4.84 7.0 32 175.00 4.63 34 189.00 4.75 36 203.00 4.86 38 217.00 4.95 7.6 33 191.25 4.88 35 J206.25 5.01 37 221.25 5.12 39 236.25 5.23 8.0 34 208.00 5.12 36 1224.00 5.26 38 240.00 5.38 40 256.00 5.49 &5 35 225.25 5.36 37 242.25 5.50 39 259.25 5.64 41 276.25 5.75 9.0 36 243.00 5,59 38 261.00 5.74 40 279.00 5.88 42 297.00 6.01 9.5 37 261.25 5.82 39 280.25 5.98 41 299.25 6.12 43 318.25 6.26 10.0 38 280.00 6.05 40 300.00 6.21 42 320.00 6.36 44 340.00 6.50 1O.5 39 299.25 6.28 41 320.25 6.44 43 341.25 660 45 362.25 6.75 11 40 319 6.50 42 341 6.67 44 363 6.84 46 385 6.99 12 42 360 6 93 44 384 7.12 46 408 7.29 48 432 7.46 13 44 403 7.36 46 429 7.56 48 '455 7.74 50 481 7.91 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 16. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, hydraulic radius in feet, r t of trapezoidal channels, side slopes 1 to 1 Continued. T, and Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width bottom width 26 feet 28 feet 30 feet 32 feet t >!& !i si ti ft T A to 1. Bottom width Bottom, width Bottom width Bottom width 2 feet 3 feet 4 feet 5 feet u 1 T A g i V T A area wet pe T A s I T A area wet pei II II I! V V. 0.4 32 1.04 .30 42 144 .32 5.2 184 .34 6.2 2.24 .35 O.6 38 1.74 .42 48 234 4"> 5.8 294 .48 6.8 3.54 .49 0.8 4.4 2.56 .52 5.4 3.36 .57 6.4 4.16 .60 7.4 4.96 .63 1.0 50 3.50 .62 60 450 .68 70 550 .72 8.0 6.50 .76 1.2 f.6 4.56 .72 66 576 .79 76 696 .84 8.6 8.16 .87 1.4 62 5.74 .81 7.2 714 .89 82 8.54 .94 92 9.94 .99 1.6 68 7.04 .91 78 864 .99 88 10 24 104 9.8 11.84 1.10 1.8 7.4 8.46 1.00 8.4 10.26 1.08 9.4 12.06 1.15 10.4 13.86 1.21 2.O 80 1000 109 90 12.00 1.18 100 1400 1.25 110 1600 1.31 2.2 86 11.66 117 9.6 1386 1.27 106 16.06 1.35 11.6 1826 1.41 2.4 92 13.44 1.26 10.2 1584 1.36 112 1824 144 122 2064 151 2.6 98 1534 135 10.8 1794 1.45 118 20.54 154 12.8 23.14 1.61 2.8 10.4 17.36 1.44 11.4 20.16 1.54 12.4 22.96 1.63 13.4 25.76 1.71 3.0 11.0 1950 1.52 12.0 2250 163 130 25.50 1.72 14.0 28.50 180 3.2 116 2176 l.'l 126 2493 1.72 136 2816 1.81 146 3136 1.90 3.4 122 2414 lf.9 132 2754 180 142 3J94 1.90 152 34.34 1.99 3.6 128 26.64 1.78 138 3D2l| 189 148 3384 1.99 15.8 37.44 2.08 3.8 13.4 29.26 1.83 14.4 33.06 1.98 15.4 36.83 2.08 18.4 40.66 2.17 4.0 14.0 32.00 195 150 36.00 2.07 160 40.00 2.17 17.0 44.00 2.27 t.2 11.6 3186 203 15.6 3906 2.15 166 43.26 226 17.6 47.46 2. 30 4.4 152 7.81 212 162 4224 224 172 46.61 2.35 18.2 51.01 2.45 4.6 4094 2.20 168 4554 232 17.8 5014 241 18.8 54.74 2.54 4.8 16^4 44.10 2.29 17.4 48.96 2,11 18.4 53.76 2.52 19.4 58.56 2.62 5.O 17.0 47.50 2.37 180 52.50 2.50 190 57.50 2.61 20.0 62.50 2.72 5.2 17.6 50.95 2.45 18 i> 5>.16 2.58 !.).(> 61.36 2.<9 20.6 66.56 2.80 5.4 182 54.51 2.54 192 59.94 2.65 20.2 65.34 2.78 21.2 70.74 2.89 5.6 188 58.24 2 2 C.381 275 20.8 69.44 287 '21.8 75.01 2.97 6.8 19.4 62.03 2.70 20.4 67.83 2.83 21.4 73.66 2.95 22.4 79.46 3.06 6.O 20.0 66.00 2.79 210 72.00 2.92 220 78.00 3.01 23.0 84.00 3.15 6.2 20.6 700 287 21.6 76.26 3.00 '226 82.46 312 23.6 88.66 3.23 6.4 212 74.21 295 222 80.64 308 232 87.04 320 21.2 93.44 3.32 6.6 21.8 78.51 303 228 85.14 3.17 23.8 91.74 329 21.8 98.34 3.40 6.8 22.4 82.93 3.12 23.4 89.76 3.25 24.4 96.55 337 25.4 103.38 3.49 24.0 94.50 3.35 25.0 101.50 3.47 2".0 108.50 3.59 7!s 25.5 106^88 3.53 26.5 LI 1.38 3.C& 27J5 vn SK 3.80 8.0 270 1000 3.77 28.0 3.90 13600 4.02 8.5 28.5 [33.38 3.18 29.5 [42.38 4.11 30^5 Tsns 4.23 9.0 30.0 148.50 4.19 31.0 1 57 50 4.32 32.0 16"-.50 4.45 9.5 32 5 173.38 4.53 OO.5 182.88 4.66 1O 31 o 190 00 4.74 35.0 20000 d R7 11 37^0 225.50 5.16 38.0 236.50 5.29 :tt*BiUULJC AND EXCAVATION TABLED. Table 17. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes lj^ to 1 Continued. : Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet | ~ .. 3 8 g g 8 fr. T A * | T A | T A * I T A || II || II If: ^ V *> k O.4 7.2 2.64 .36 8.2 3.04 .36 9.2 3J4 .36 10.2 884 .37 O.6 7.8 4.14 .51 *.S 4.74 .52 9.8 5.34 .08 10.8 5.94 .58 08 8.4 5.76 .65 9.4 6.56 .66 10.4 7.36 .68 11.4 8.16 .69 1.0 9.0 7.50 .78 10.0 8.50 .80 11.0 9.50 .82 12.0 10.50 8$ 1JB 9.6 9.36 .91 10.6 10.56 .93 11.6 11.76 .95 12.6 12.% '.97 1.4 10.2 11.34 1.03 11.2 12.74 1.06 12.2 14.14 1.08 13.2 15.54 l.ll 1.6 10.8 13.44 1.15 11.8 15.04 1.18 12.8 16.64 1.21 13.8 1H.24 1.28 11.4 15.66 1.25 12.4 17.46 1.29 13.4 19.26 1.33 14.4 21.06 1.36 2.O 12.0 18.00 1.36 13.0 20.00 1.41 14.0 22.00 1.45 15.0 24.00 1.48 2.2 12.6 20.46 1.47 13.6 22.66 1.52 14.6 24.86 1.56 15.6 27.06 1.60 2.4 13.2 23.04 1.57 14.2 25.44 1.63 15.2 27.84 1.67 16.2 30.24 1.71 3.6 18.8 25.74) 1.67 14.8 2S.34 1.78 15.8 30*94 1.78 16.8 33.54 1.85 2,8 14.4 28.66 i 1.77 15.4 31.36 1M 16.4 31.16 1.89 17.4 36.96 1.94 3.0 15.0 81. 50 1 1.87 16.0 31.50 1.94 17.0 37.50 1.99 18.0 40.50 2.04 3.2 16.6 34.56: 1.97 16.6 37.76 2.04 17.6 40.96 2.10 18.6 44.16 2.15 3.4 16.2 37.741 2.07 17.2 41.14 2.14 1S.2 44.54 2.20 19.2 47.94 2.25 3.6 16.8 41.04] 2.16 17.8 4464 2.23 18.8 48.24 2.30 19.8 '51.84 236 3.8 17.4 44.46! 2.26 18.4 48.26 2.33 19.4 52.06 2.40 20.4 55.86 2.4& 4.0 18.0 48.00 2.35 19.0 52.00 2.43 20.0 56.00 2.50 21.0 60.00 2.56 1,2 18.6 51.66 2.44 19.6 55.86 2.r>2 20.6 60.06 2.59 21.6 64.26 2.66 4.4 19.2 55.44 2.53 20.2 59.84 2.fi2 21.2 64.24 2.fi9 22.2 68.64 2.76 4.6 19.8 59.34 2.63 20.8 63.94 2.71 21.8 68.54 2.79 22.8 73.14 2.86 4.8 20.4 63.36 2.72 21.4 68.16 2.80 22.4 72.96 2.88 23.4 77.76 2.96 5.0 21.0 67.50 2.81 22.0 72.50 2.90 23.0 77.50 2.98 24.0 82.50 3.05 5J8 21.6 71.76 2.90 22.6 76.96 2.99 236 82.16 3.07 246 8736 3.14 5.4 22.2 76.14 2.99 23.2 81.54 3.08 24.2 86.94 3.16 25.2 9234 324 5.0 22.8 80.64 3.07 23.8 86.24 317 248 91.84 325 258 97.44 333 5.8 23.4 85.26 3.16 24.4 91.06 3.25 25.4 96.86 3.34 26.4 102.66 342 6.0 24.0 90.00 3.26 25.0 96.00 335 260 102.00 3.44 27.0 10800 352 6.2 246 9486 3.3 J 256 (101.06 3.43 266 107.26 3.53 27.6 11346 360 6.4 252 9y.8i 342 262 10624 352 272 112.64 362 28.2 11..04 370 6.6 258 104!94 3.51 26.8 111.54 3.61 278 11814 3.71 28.8 124.74 379 26.4 110.16 3.60 27.4 116.96 3.70 28.4 123.76 3.80 29.4 130.56 3.89 7;0 27.0 115 50 i 3.70 28.0 122.50 380 23.0 120.50 3.90 30.0 136.50 3.99 7.5 28.5 129.38; 3.92 29.5 136.88 4.02 30.5 144.38 4.12 31.5 151.88 4.21 8.0 30.0 144.00 4.13 31.0 152.00 424 32.0 16000 4.34 330 168.00 4.44 8.5 31.6 15J.38 4.35 32.5 167.88 4.46 h3.5 176.38 4.56 34.5 184.88 4.G6 O.O 33.0 175.50 4.56 34.0 184.50 468 35.0 193.50 478 36.0 20250 489 0.5 84.5 192.38 4.78 35.5 201.b8 4.8J 36.5 211.38 5.00 87.5 22088 5.11 1 10 86.0 210.00 4.99 37.0 220.01 5.11 38.0 23000 5.22 39.0 240.00 533 11 89.0 2i7.50 5.42 40.0 258.50 6.54 41.0 26J.50 5.65 42.0 280.50 5.76 0202 17- HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLK8. Talle 17. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, 7", and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes to 1 Continued. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 10 feet. 12 feet 14 feet 16 feet 3 1 r A area wet per. T A J & HI T A area wet per. r A area wet per. ' II !! !! II k k K ^ 1.0 13.0 11.50 .85 15.0 13.50 .87 17.0 15.50 .88 19.0 17.50 .89 1.8 13.6 14.16 .99 15.6 16.56 1.01 17.6 18.% 1.03 19.6 21.36 1.05 1.4 14.2 16.94 1.13 16.2 19.74 1.16 18.2 22.64 1.18 20.2 25.34 1.20 1.6 14.8 19.84 1.26 16.8 23.04 1.30 18.8 26.24 1.33 20.8 29.44 1.35 1.8 15.4 22.86' 1-39 17.4 26.46 1.48. 19.4 30.06 1.47 21.4 83.66 1.50 .O 16.0 26.00 1.51 18.0 80.00 1.56 20.0 34.00 1.60 22.0 88.00 1.64 S. 16.6 29.26, 1.63 18.6 33.66 1.69 20.6 38.06 1.74 22.6 42.46 1.77 2.4 17.2 82.64 1.75 19.2 87.44 1.81 21.2 42.24 1.86 23.2 47.04 1.91 *4.6 17.8 36.14 1.87 19.8 41.34 1.93 21.8 46.54 1.99 23.8 51.74 2.04 3.8 18.4 39.76 1.98 20.4 45.36 2.05 22.4 50.96 2.11 24.4 66.56 2.17 3.O 19.0 43.50 2.09 21.0 49.50 2.17 28:0 55.50 2.24 25.0 61.50 3.29 3.2 19.6 47.36 i 2.20 21.6 53.76 2.28 23.6 60.16 2.36 25.6 66.56 2.42 3.4 20.2 51.34| 2.31 22.2 53.14 2.40 24.2 64 .9i 2,47 26.2 71.74 2.54 3.6 20.8 55.441 2.41 22.8 62.64 2.51 24.8 69.8-1 2.59 26.8 77.04 2.66 3.8 21.4 59.66 2.52 23.4 67.26 2.62 25.4 74.86 2.70 27.4 82.46 2.78 4.O 22.0 64.00 2.62 24.0 72.00 2.73 26.0 80.00 2.81 28.0 88.00 2.89 4.55 22.6 68.46 2.72 24.6 76.86 2.83 28 JJ 85.26 2.92 28.6 93.66 3.01 4.4 23.2 73.04 2.82 25.2 81.84 2.94 27.2 90.64 3.03 29.2 99.44 3.12 4.6 23.8 77.74 2.92 25.8 86.94 3.04 27.8 96.14 3.14 29.8 105.34 3.23 4.8 24.4 82.56 3.02 26.4 92.16 3.14 28.4 101.76 3.25 30.4 111.86 3.34 A.O 25.0 87.50 3.12 27.0 97.50 3.25 29.0 107.50 3.36 31.0 117.50 3.45 5.58 25.6 9-2.56 3.22 27.6 102.96 3.:;5 29.6 113.36 3.46 31.6 123.76 3.56 5.4 26.2 97.74 3.31 28.2 108.54 3.45 30.2 119.34 3.56 32.2 130.14 3.67 5.6 26.8 108.04 3.41 28.8 114.24 3.55 30.8 125.44 3.66 32.8 136.64 3.77 .5.8 27.4 108.46 3.50 29.4 120.06 3.64 31.4 131.66 3.77 33.4 143.26 3.88 O.O 28.0 114.00 3.60 30.0 126.00 3.75 32.0 138.00 3.87 31.0 150.00 3.99 >.3 28.6 119.66 3.69 30.6 132.06 3.84 32.6 144.46 3.97 34.6 156.86! 4.09 . 6.4 29.2 125.44 3.79 31.2 13S.24 3.91 33.2 151.04 4.07 35.2 163.84 4.19 3.97 37.4 166.46 4.05 39.4 178.06 4.15 41.4 189. 66 4.22 6.O 36.0 J162.00 4.09 38.0 174.00 4.18 40.0 186.00 4.26 42.0 198.00 4.34 6.2 36.6 169:28' 4.17 ;;s. 6 181.66 4.27 40.6 194. 06 1 , 4.38 42.6 208.48 4.45 6.4 37.2 il7C.fi4 4.27 35). 2 189.44 4.37 41.2 202. 24i 4. 49 43.2 215.04 4.57 6.6 6.8 37.8 llS4.ll' 4.37 38.4 U91.76 ( 4.47 39.8 40.4 197.34 205.36 4.47 4.57 41.8 42.4 210.54 218.96 4.60 4.71 43.8 44.4 223.74 232.58 4.68 4.79 7.0 39.0 |199.r>0 4.61 41.0 213. 50 4.72 43.0 227.50 4.82 45.0 241.50 4.90 7.5 40.5 J219.38 4. 87 42.5 234.38 4.98 44.5 249.38 5.08 46.5 264.38 5.18 S.O 42.0 i 240. 00 5.12 44.0 256. 00 5.24 46.0 272.00 5.35 48.0 288.00 5.45 8.5 43.5 201.38 5.37 45.5 278.38 5.50 47.5 295.38 5.61 49.5 312. 38j 5.72 9.O 45.0 283.50 5.62 47.0 301.50 5.75 49.0 1319.50 5.87 51.0 337.501 5.98 9.5 46.5 306.38 5.86 48.5 325.38 6.00 50.5 1344.38 6.12 52.5 363.38 6.24 1O.O 48.0 330.00 6.10 50.0 350.00 6.24 52.0 1370.00 6.37 54.0 390.00 6.49 10.5 49.6 354.38 6.34 51.5 375.38 6.49 53.5 396.38 6.62 55.5 417.38 6.75 11 61 379.5 6.58 53 401.5 6.73 55 423.5 6.87 67 445.5 7.00 13 54 432.0 i 7.05 56 1 456.0 7.21 58 480. 7.35 60 504.0 7.49 13 57 487.5 ! 7.61 59 513.5 7.68 61 539. 5 7. So 63 1565.6 7.88 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 17. Area in square feet, A, top -width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes IK to 1 Continued. Bottpm width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 26 feet 28 feet 30 feet 33 feet 1 r A if r A l| T .4 tJ T A i u I I J[ r w l.O 29.0 27.50 .93 31.0 29.50 .93 33.0 31.50 .94 35.0 33.50 .94 1.2 29.6 33.36 1.10 31.6 35.76 .11 33.6 38. 16 1.11 35.6 40.66 1.12 1.4 30.2 39.34 1.27 32.2 42.14 .28 34.2 44.94 1.28 36.2 47.74 1.29 1.6 '30.8 45.44 1.43 32.8 48.64 .44 34.8 61.84 1.45 36.8 65.04 1.46 1.8 31.4 51.66 1.59 33.4 65.26 .60 35.4 68.86 1.61 37.4 62.46 1.62 2.0 32.0 58.00 1.76 34.0 62.00 .76 36.0 66.001 1.77 38.0 70.00 1.78 2.2 .32.6 64.46 1.90 34.5 68.86 .92 36.6 73.26J 1.93 38.6 77.66 1.94 2.4 33.2 71.04 2.05 36.2 75.84! 2.07 37.2 80.64 2.09 39.2 85.44 2.10 2.6 33.8 77.74 2.20 35.8 82.94! 2.22 37.8 8^.14 2.24 39.8 93.34 2.25 2.8 34.4 84.56 2.34 36.4 90.16J 2.37 38.4 95,73! 2.39 40.4 101.36 2.41 3.0 35.0 91.60 2.48 370 97.5(J 2.51 39.0 103.50; 2.54 41.0 109.60 2.66 3.2 35.6 98.56 2.62 37.6 104.96! 2. ft 39.6 111.36 2.68 41.6 117.76 2.70 3.4 36.2 105.74 2.76 38.2 112.64 2.70 40.2 119.34 2.82 42.2 126. 14 2. as 3.6 36.8 113.04 2.90 38.8 120.241 2,93 40.8 127.44 2.97 42.8 134.64 2.D9 3.8 37.4 120.46 3.03 39,4 ,128.06 3.07 41.4 135.66 3.10 43.4 143.26 3.13 4.0 38.0 128.00 3.17 40.0 136.001 3.21 42.0 144.00! 3.24 44.0 162.00 3.27 4.2 38.6 1135.66 3.30 40.6 144.06! 3.34 42.6 152.46J 3.38 44.6 160.86 3.41 4.4 39.2 1143.44 3.43 41.2 152.241 3.47 43.2 lf.i C4. 3.51 45.2 169.84 3.55 4.6 39.8 151.34 3.65 41.8 160. 54 3.60 43.8 169.74' 3.6i 45.8 1178.94 3.6S 4.8 '40.4 159.36 3.68 42.4 168.96 3.73 44.4 178.66, 3.77 46.4 188.16 3.82 5.0 5.2 41.0 41.6 167.60 175.76 3.80 3.93 43.0 43.6 177.50 186. 16 3.86 3.98 45.0 45.6 187.50| 3.90 196. 56 1 4.03 47.0 197.501 3.95 47.0 206.96! 4.08 5.4 42.2 184.14 4.05 44. 2 194.94 4.11 46.2 205.74! 4. lt> 48.2 i 216. 54J, 4.21 5.6 42.8 192.641 4.17 44.8 203.84 4.23 46.8 215.04 4.28 48.8 228.241 4.33 5.8 43.4 201.26 4.29 45.4 212.86 4.35 47.4 224. 46| 4.41 49.4 236.061 4.46 j ( 6.0 6.2 440 44.6 210.00 4.41 2i8.86 4.53 46.0 46.6 222.00 4.47 231.26 4.59 48.0 234.00 4.53 48.6 1243.661 4.65 50.0 246.001 4.59 50.6 256.001 4.71 6.4 45.2 227.84 4.64 47.2 240.64! 4.71 49. 2 253. 44 4. 77 51.2 266.241 4. S3 6.6 45.8 236.94| 4.76 47.8 250. 14 4.83 49.8 (263.34 4.89 61. 8 1276. 54; 4.% 6.8 46.4 246.16! 4.87 4S.4 259.76 4.95 50.4 273.36 6.01 52.4 1286.96] 5.08 7.0 47.0 255. 50J 4.99 49.0 269. 6oi 5.06 51.0 1283. (50 5.13 53.0 297. So! 5.20 7.5 48.5 279.38 5.27 60.5 294.38 5.35 52.5 '309. 38 5.42 54.5 324. 38j 5.49 8.0 50.0 304.00 5.54 62.0 320.00 5.63 54.0 336.00 5.71 56.0 ! 352.00! 6.73 8.5 51.5 329.38 5.81 63.5 346.381 6.91 55.5 363.38 5.99 57.5 380.38 6.07 9.0 53.0 3.55.50 6.08 55.0 373.50 6.18 57.0 391.50 6.27 59.0 409.50 6.35 9.5 54.5 382.38J 6.35 56.5 401.38! 6.45 68.5 420.38 6.55 60.5 439.38 6.63 100 56.0 410.00! 6.61 58.0 430.00 6.71 60.0 450.00 6.82 62.0 470.00 6.91 10.5 67.5 438.38 6.86 59.5 459.38 6.98 61.5 480.38 7.08 63.5 501.38 7,18 11 59 467.5 7.12 61 489. 5 7. 24 63 511.5 I 7.34 65 533.6 7.45 12 62 528.0 7.62 64 552. 7. 75 66 576. 01 7. 86 68 600.0 7.97 13 65 591.5 8.12 67 617.6 1 8.25 69 643.5 1 8.37 71 669.5 8.49 AN1> EXCAVATION TAB!. Table IT. Area in square feet, A, top width in jeet, l\ hydraulu radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes !)$' to 1 Continued. -Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 35 feet 40 feet 45 feet ^! feet A 3 ! i a i t ! 1 A $ 4> II il H j . a "1 II l.O 38.0 mm .% 48.0 41.f;0! .95 48.0 46.50 .96 63.0 61-50 .9$ 1./8 38.6 44.16! 1.12 43.6 50.16 1.18 48.6 55.16 1.11 63.6 62.16! 1.14 1.4 39.2 51.911 130 41.2 58.91 1.31 49.2 65.94 1.32 64.2 72.9 1; 1.6 39.8 59.84 1.47 44.8 67.81! 1.48 49.8 75.84 1.49 64.8 83.81 l!fiO 1.8 40.4 67.86 1.G4 45.4 76.86 1.66 60.4 85.86 1.67 65.4 94^86 1.68 U.O 41.0 76.00 1 80 46.0 86.00 1.82 51.0 96.00 1.84 56.0 106.00 1.85 a. a 41.6 84.26 1.96 16.6 95.26 1.99 51 .6 106.26 2.01 56.6 1117.2ft 2.02 42.2 92.64 2.12 47.2 101. 64 2.15 52.2 116.64 2.17 57.2 128.64, 2.19 3.6 42.8 101.14 2.28 17.8 illl.M! 2.31 528 127.14 2.3 1 57.8 140.H 236 43.4 109.76 2.43 48.4 123.76 2.47 63.4 137.76 2.oO 68.4 151.76 2.58 3.O 44.0 118.50 2.59 49.0 133.50 2.63 64.0 148.50 2.C6 59.0 16350 2.69 3.2 44.6 127.36 2.7 i 49.6 113.36 2.78 54.6 |159.36 2.82 f-9.6 17556 2.86 3.4 45.2 136.34 2.88 50.2 153.34 2.93 55.2 170.34 2.97 602 187.81 8.01 3.6 45.8 145.44 3.03 50.8 168.44 3.09 55.8 181.44 3.13 C0.8 199.44 8.17 3.8 46.4 154.66 3.18 51.4 173.66 3.23 66.4 192.66 3.28 61.4 211.66 852 4.O 470 164.00 3.32 52.0 184.00 3.38 57,0 204.00 8.43 62.0 221.00 8.48 47.6 173.46 3.46 52.6 191.46 3.53 57.6 215.46 3.58 62.6 236.46 8.63 4.4: 482 185.04 3.60 53.2 205.04 3.67 58.2 227.04 3.73 63.2 249.04 8.78 4.6 48.8 192.74 3.74 53.8 215.74 3.81 58.8 238.74 3.88 63.8 261.74 3.93 4.8 49.4 202.56 3.87 54.4 226.56 3.95 59.4 250.56 4.02 64.4 274.66 4.08 5.O 60.0 212.50 4.01 55.0 237.50 4.09 60.0 262.50 4.17 65.0 287.50 4.23 60.6 222.56 4.14 60.6 248.56 4.23 f.o.6 274.56 4.30 65.6 300.56 4.87 5!4 61.2 232.74 4.27 56.2 259.74 4.37 61.2 286.74 4.45 66.2 313.71 4.62 5.6 61.8 243.04 4.40 56.8 271.04 4.50 61.8 299.04 4.58 66.8 327.04 4.66 5.8 62.4 253.46 4.53 57.4 282.46 4.63 62.4 311.46 4.72 67.4 340.46 4.79 6.0 63.0 264.00 4.66 58.0 294.00 4.77 630 324.00 4.86 68.0 364.00 4.94 63.6 271.66 4.77 58.6 J305.66 4.88 63.6 336.66 4.98 686 367.66 6.07 6^ 54.2 285.44 4.89 59.2 317.44 5.01 61.2 319.44 5.11 69.2 381.44 6.20 6.6 54.8 296.31 4.98 59.8 329.34 5.14 64.8 362.34 5.21 69.8 395.34 5.33 6.8 65.4 307.36 5.13 60.4 341.86 5.26 65.4 375.36 557 70.4 409.86 5.46 7.O 66.0 818.50 5.29 61.0 353.50 5.42 66.0 '388.50 5.68 71.0 423.50 5.63 7.5 57.5 346.88 ! 5.69 62.5 38458 5.73 67.5 1421.88 5.86 72.5 459.38 5.96 8.0 59.0 876.00 5.89 61.0 416.00 6.04 69.0 456.00 6.18 74.0 496.00 6.29 8.5 60.5 405.88 6.18 65.6 448.38 8.35 70.5 |490.88 6.49 75.5 533.38 6.ftl 9.0 62.0 436.50 6.17 67.0 481.50 6.65 72.0 526.50 6.80 77.0 571.50 6'.93 63.5 467.88 6.76 68.5 151558 6.94 73.5 562.88 7.10 78.5' 610.38 7.24 10.0 65.0 500.00 7.04 70.0 ! 650.00 7.23 75.0 600.00 7.40 80.0 650.00 7156 1O.5 66.5 632.88 7.32 71.5 585.38 7.52 76.5 637.88 7.70 81.5 690.38 7.86 11 68 666.5 7.59 73 621.5 7.80 78 676.5 7.99 83 731.5 ' Site 71 636.6 j 8.13 76 (696.0 8.36 81 756.0 8.56 86 816.0 ' 8.T& 13 _74_. 708.$ 773.5 8.90 84 83S.5j9.13 89 903.5 \ 9.38_ 70 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 18. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, hydraulic radius tn feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes 2 to 1. and Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 2 feet 3 feet 4 feet 5 feet L 8 S i i- I J S & 1 T A * 1 r A j | T A T A s 1 II 1 it i " |) II' k i ^ * k 0.4 8.6 1.12 .30 4.6 1.62 .82 5.6 1.92 .83 6.6 2.32 .34 0.6 4.4 1.92 .41 5.4 2.52 .44 6.4 8.12 .47 7.4 8.72 .48 0.8 5.2 2.88 .52 6.2 3.68 .56 7.2 4.48 .59 8.2 5.28 ..62 1.0 6.0 4.00 .62 7.0 5.00 .67 8.0 6.00 .71 9.0 7.00 .74 1.8 6.8 6.2j .72 7.8 6.48 .77 8.8 7.68 .82 9.8 8.88 1.4 7.6 6.72 .81 8.6 8.12 .88 9.6 9J2 .93 10.6 10.92 '.97 1.6 8.4 8.32 .91 9.4 9.92 .98 10.4 11.52 1.03 11.4 13.12 1.08 1-8 9.2 10.08 1.00 10.2 11.88 1.08 11.2 13.68 1.14 12.2 15.48 1.19 8.0 10.0 12.00 1.09 11.0 14.00 1.17 12.0 16.00 1.24 13.0 18.00 1.29 8.8 10.8 14.08 1.19 11.8 16.28 1.27 12.8 18.48 1.31 13.8 20.68 1.39 8.4 11.6 16.32 1.28 12.6 18.72 1.36 13.6 21.12 1.43 11.6 23.52 1.49 8.6 12.4 18.72 1.37 13.4 21.82 1.46 14.4 23.92! 1.53 15.4 26.52 1.99 8.8 13.2 21.28 1.47 14.2 24.08 1.55 15.2 26.88 1.63 16.2 29.68 1.69 3.0 14.0 24.00 1.56 15.0 27.00 1.64 16.0 30.00 1.72 170 33.00 1.79 3.8 14.8 1.65 15.8 30.08 1.71 16.8 33.28 1.82 178 36.48 1.89 3.4 15.6 29^92 1.74 16.6 33.32 1.83 17.6 36.72 1.91 186 40.12 1.99 3.6 16.4 83.13 1.83 17.4 36.72 1.92 18.4 40.32 2.01 19.4 43.92 2.08 3.8 17.2 36.48 1.92 18.2 40.28 2.02 19.2 14.08 2.10 20.2 47.88 2.18 4.O 18.0 40.00 2.01 19.0 14.00 2.11 200 48.00 2.19 21.0 52.00 2.27 4.8 18.8 43.68 2 10 19.8 47.88 2.20 20.8 52.08 2.29 21.8 56.28 2.37 4.4 4.6 19.6 20.4 47.52 61.62 2!l9 2.28 20.6 21 .4 5192! 2.29 56.12 2.38 21.6 22.1 56.32 60.72 2.38 2.47 22.6 23.4 60.72 65.32 2.46 2.55 4.8 21.2 65.68 2.37 22.2 60.48 j 2.47 23.2 65.28 2.56 24.2 70.08 2.65 5.0 22.0 60.00 2.46 23.0 65.00! 2.56 24.0 70.00 2.66 25.0 75.00 2.74 5.8 22.8 6448 2.55 23.8 69.68 2.65 248 74.88 2.75 25.8 80.08 2.83 5.4 23.6 69.12 2.64 24.6 74'.52 j 2.74 25.6 79.92 2.84 26.6 85.32 2.93 5.6 24.4 73.92 2.73 25.4 79.52 2.83 26.4 85.12 2.93 27.4 90.72 3.02 5.8 25i2 78.88 2.82 26.2 81.68J 2.93 27.2 90.48 3.02 28.2 96.28 3.11 6.0 26.0 84.00 2.91 27.0 90.00 3.02 28.0 96.00 3.11 29.0 102.00 8.20 6.8 26.8 89.23 ! 8.00 27.8 95.48 3.11 501. OS S.21 29.8 107.88 330 6.4 27.6 94.72 8.09 28.6 01.12 3.20 29.6 i 107.52 330 30.6 113.92 339 6.6 28.4 100.32! 3.18 29.4 106.921 3.29 30.4 1113.52 3.39 31.4 120.12 348 6.8 29.2 106.08 8.27 30.2 112.88 3.38 31.2 119.6S 3.48 32.2 126.48 3.57 1 O 31 19 9 <17 32 126.0 3.57 83 133 8.66 f .u 7.5 .... 33 135 3^69 34 142.5 35 150 8.0 ...... 35 52 3.92 36 160.0 . 4.02 37 . 168 4.12 37 170 4.15 38 178.5 4.2-5 39 187 4.35 0.0 89 189 4.87 40 198.0 4.47 41 207 4.57 9.5 42 218.5 4.70 4o 228 4.80 1O 44 I r>dC\ fl 4.93 IS 5 03 11 ...... i 48_j286 I ?97__ 5.48 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 18. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes 2 to 1 Continued. 71 T, and Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom widt* 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet *L as a fc L I T A t; T A S 1 T A S 1 T A II * II II 1 0.4 7.6 2.72 .35 8.6 3.12 .35 9.6 3.52 .36 106 89-2 .{ O.6 84 4.32 .50 94 4.92 .51 10.4 5.52 .52 11.4 6.12 . O.8 9.2 6.08 .61 10.2 6.88 .65 11.2 7.68 .66 12.2 8.48 .< l.O 10.0 8,.00 .76 11.0 9.00 .78 12.0 10.00 .80 13.0 11.00 .8 1.2 10.8 10.08 .89 118 11.28 .91 128 12.48 .93 13.8 13.68 .(] 1.4 11.6 12.32 1.00 12.6 13.72 1.03 13.6 15.12 1.06 14.6 16.52 l.C 1.6 12.4 14.72 1.12 16.32 1.15 14.4 17.92 1.18 15.4 19.52 1.2 1.8 13.2 17.28 1.23 14.2 19.08 1.27 15.2 20.88 1.30 16.2 22.68 i.a 2.0 14.0 20.00 1.33 15.0 22.00 138 160 24.00 1.41 17.0 26.00 1.4 2.2 14.8 22.88 1.44 15.8 25.08 1.49 168 27.28 1.58 17.8 29.48 1.5 2.4 156 25.92 1.55 16.6 28.32 1.60 17.6 30.72 1.64 18.6 83.12 i< 2.6 ltj.4 29.12 1.65 17.4 31.72 1.70 184 34.32 1.75 19.4 36.92 1.7 17.2 32.48 1.75 18.2 35.28 1.81 19.2 38.08 1.86 20.2 40.88 1.9 3.0 18.0 86.00 1.85 19.0 39.00 1.91 20.0 42.00 1.96 21.0 45.00 2.0 3.2 18.8 39.68 1.95 19.8 4288 2.01 208 46.08 2.07 21.8 49.28 2.1 3.4 196 43.52 2.05 206 46.92 2.11 21.6 50.32 2.17 22.6 53.72 2.2 3.6 20.4 47.o2 2.15 21.4 51.12 2.21 22.4 54.72 227 23.4 58.32 2.X .3.8 21.2 51.68 2.25 22.2 55.48 2.31 23.2 59.28 2.37 24.2 63.08 2.4 4.0 22.0 56.00 2.34 25.0 60.00 2.41 24.0 64.00 2.47 25.0 68.00 2.5 4.2 22.8 60.48 244 23.8 64.68 2.51 248 68. 8S 2.57 25.8 73.08 2.h 4.4 236 65.12 2.54 246 69.52 2.61 25.6 73.92 2.67 26.6 7832 2.7 4.6 244 69.92 2.63 25.4 74.52 2.70 26.4 79.12 2.77 27.4 83.72 2.8 4.8 25.2 74.88 2.73 26.2 79.68 2.80 27.2 84.48 2.87 28.2 89.28 2.9 5.O 260 80.00 2.82 27.0 85.00 2.90 280 90.00 2.96 29.0 95.00 3.0 5.2 268 &5.2S 292 27.8 90.48 2.99 28.8 95.68 3.06 298 100.8 s!i 5.4 27.6 90.72 301 286 96.12 308 296 101.52 316 10692 3.2 5.6 284 96.32 3.10 294 101.92 3.18 30.4 107.52 3.26 3l]4 113.12 3.3 5.8 29.2 102.08 3.20 30.2 107.88 3.28 31.2 113.68 3.33 32.2 119.48 3.4 6.0 80.0 108.00 3.29 31.0 114.00 3.37 32.0 120.00 345 330 126.00 3.5 6.2 308 114.08 338 31.8 120.28 3.46 32.8 126 48 3.M 338 132.68 3.6 6.4 81.6 120.32 3.48 32.6 I2'> 72 3.56 33.6 133.12 364 346 139.52 3.7 6.6 32.4 126.72 3.57 334 13332 3.65 34.4 139.92 373 354 146.52 3.8 6.8 33.2 133.28 3.66 34.2 140.08 3.75 35.2 146.88 3.fc2 36.2 153.68 3.9 7.0 34 1400 3.75 35 147 384 36 1540 392 37 161 4.0 7.5 36 157.5 3.98 37 165 4.07 38 172.5 4.15 39 180 4.2 8.0 88 176.0 4.21 39 184 4.30 40 192.0 4.39 41 200 4.4 8.5 40 195.5 4.44 41 201 4.53 42 212.5 4.62 43 221 4.7 9.0 42 216.0 4.67 48 225 476 44 234.0 4.85 45 243 4.9 9.5 44 237.5 I 4.90 45 247 4.99 46 256.5 5.08 47 266 5.1 10 46 260.0 j 5.13 47 270 5.22 48 2SO.O 531 49 290 r..* 11 60 80K | u->8 51 319 _6.68_ _52 330. A77_ 53 341 M 72 HYDBAULIC EXCAVATION TABLB8. Table 18. Area in square feet. A, top width in feet ', hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels^ side slopes 2 to 1 Continued. Bottom width < Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 10 feet 12 feet 14 feet 16 feet & r 2 * r A 41 r A at i r A -j| I it II SB *. ii k k _. 1.0 14.0 12.00 .81 16.0 14.00 .85 18.0 16.00 .87 20.0 18.00 M 1.2 14.8 14.88 *97 16.8 17.28 1.00 188 1968 1.02 20.8 22.08 1.19 1.4 15.6' 17.92 1.10 17.6 20.72 1.18 19.6 23.52 1.16 21.6 26.32 11* 1.6 16.4 21.12 1.23 18.4 24.32 1.27 20.4 27.52 130 22.4 30.72 1.33 1.8 17.2 21.48 1.36 19.2 28.08 1.40 21.2 31.68 1.44 23.2 83.28 1.47 2.0 18.0 28.00 148 2<).0 32.00 1.52 22.0 36.00 1.57 24.0 40.00 1.60 2.2 18.8 81.68 1.60 20.8 36.08 1.65 22.8 40. is 1.70 24.8 4t'8< 1.74 19.6 35,72 1.71 21.6 40.32 1.77 236 45.12 1.82 256 49.92 !.*7 2J6 20.4 39.52 183 22.4 44.72 1.89 24.4 49.92 1.95 55.12 1.99 2.8 21.2 43.68 1.94 23.2 49.28 2.01 25.2 54.88 2.07 27*!2 60.48 2.12 3.0 22.0 48.00 2 0."> 24.0 54.00 2.12 26.0 60.00 2.19 28.0 66.00 2.24 3.2 22.8 52.48 2.16 248 58.88 2.24 26.8 6528 2.31 288 71.68 2.36 3.4 23.6 57.12 2.27 25.6 63.92 2.35 27.6 70.72! 2.42 29.6 77.52 2.48 3.6 24.4 61.92 2.37 264 69.12 2.46 28.4 76.32 ! 2.54 30.4 . 83 52 2.60 3.8 25.2 6ti.8S 2.48 27.2 74.48 2.57 29.2 82.08 2.65 31.2 89.68 2.72 4.O 26.0 72.00 2.58 28.0 .80.00 2.6* 81.0 88.00 2.75 82.0 96.00 2.88 4.2 26.8 77.28 2.f9 28.8 85.68 278 30.8 9408 2.8T 82.8 102.48 2.0& 4.4 27.6 82.72 2.79 29.6 91.52 289 31 6 100.32 2.98 836 10912 8.06 4.6 28.4 88.32 2.8'.) 3*>.4 97.52 2.9J 32.4 lOti. 72 3.(9 34.4 1159-2 3.17 4.8 29.2 94.08 2.99 31.2 103.68 3.10 113.28 3.19 85.2 122.88 3.2$ 5.O 30.0 100.00 3.09 32.0 110.00 3.20 34.0 120.00 850 360 130.00 8.30 5.2 30.8 106.08 319 32.8 116.48 j 3.30 348 126.8H 3.41 368 137.28 8.50 5.4 31.6 112.32 329 336 12312 3.41 35.6 133.92 851 376 141.72 3;61 4.6 32.4 11S.72 339 34.4 12992 3.51 36.4 141.12 361 38.4 3.71 5.8 83.2 125V28 3.49 35.2 186.88 3.61 37.2 148.48 3.72 39.2 mos 3.82 6.0 34.0 132.00 359 36.0 144.00 3.71 38.0 156.00 3.82 400 1&.00 3.98 6.2 34.S 13888 368 36.8 151.28 381 38.8 163.68 392 40.8 176.08 4.08 6.4 35.6 145 92 3.78 37.6 158.72 891 39.6 171.52i 4.03 416 184 32 4.18 6.6 36.4 153.12 3.88 38.4 166.32 4.01 40.4 179.52 4.13 42.4 192.72 4.24 6.8 37.2 160.48 3.97 39.2 174.08 4.11 41.2 187.68 4.23 48.2 i 201 .28 4.34 7.O 38 168.0 407 40 182.0 4.20 42 196.0 4.33 44 210.0 4.4* 7.5 40 187.5 4.81 42 202.5 4.45 44 217.5 4.58 46 1232.5 . 4,69 . L ''1 ; . - ; 8.0 42 208.0 454 44 224.0 4.69 46 1240.0 4.82 48 256.0 4.94 8.5 44 229.5 4.78 46 246.5 4.93 48 1 263.5 5.07 50 280.5 8.19 9.0 46 252.0 5.01 48 270.0 5.17 50 i 288.0 531 52 306.0 5.44 9.5 48 275.5 5.25 50 294.5 5.41 52 |313.5 5.56 54 332.5 5;6& 10.0 50 300.0 5.48 52 320.0 564 54 J340.0 5.80 56 360.0 5.94 10.5 52 325.5 5.71 54. 346.5 5.88 56 367.5 j 6.04 58 388.5 6.1S 11 54 352 5.95 56 374 6.11 58 [896 6.27 60 418 6.42 12 58 62 408 468 6.41 6.87 60 64 432 494 6.58 7.04 62 456 66 1520 6.74 7.22 64 480 68 if>46 6.8 7.37 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLED. Table 18.- Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T t 'and hydraulic radius infest, r, of trapezoidal channels, side slopes 2 to 1 Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 18 feet 20 feet 22 feet 24fe4t 0I& til ali ** T .4 11 T A T s r A \ *l! T A j $1 11 \ K !l : i . ,. ' : 1.0 22.0 20.00 .89 24.0 22. 00 .90 26.0 24.00 .91 28.0 26.00 .91 1.2 22.8 24.48 .05 24.8 26.88 .06 26.8 ,29.28} 1.07 28.8 31.68! 1.08 1.4 23.6 29. 12 . 20 25.6 31. 92 .22 27.6 34.72 1.23 29.6 37.52 1.24 1.6 24.4 33. 92 . 35 26.4 37.12 .37 28.4 40.32 1.38 30.4 43. 52 1.40 1.8 26.2 38.<88j . 49 27.2 42.48 .51 29.2 46.08} 1.53 31.2 49.68 1.58 2.0 26.0 44.00 .63 28.0 48.00 .66 30. 52.00J 1.68 32.0 56.00 1.70 2.2 2678 40.28 .77 28.8 53.68 .80 30.8 58.081 1.82 32.8 82'. 48 1.85-. 2.4 27.6 54.721 1.90 29.6 59. 52 .94 31.6 64.32 1.96 33.6 69.12 1.99 2.6 28.4 60.32 2.04 30.4 65. 52 2.07 32.4 70.72 2.10 34.4 75.92 2.13 2.8 29.2 66.08 2.17 31.2 71.68 2.20 33.2 77.28 2.24 35.2 S2.-88 2.27 3.0 30.0 72.00 2.29 32.0 78.00 2.34 34.0 84.00 2.37 36.0 90.00 2.41 8.2 30.8 78.08 2.42 32.8 84.48 2.46 34.8 90.88 2.50 36.8 97.28 2.54 3.4 31.6 84.32 i!.o4 33. 6 91.12J 2.59 35.6 97.92 2.63 37.6 104.72 2.67 3.6 32.4 90.72 2.66 34.4 97.92J 2.71 36. 4 105.12 2.76 38.4 112.32 2.80 3.8 33.2 97.28 2.7S 35.2 104.88 2.84 1 37.2 112.48 2.89 39.2 120.08 2.93 4,0 34.0 104.001 2.90 36.0 112.00 2.96 38.0 120.00 3.01 40.0 128.00 ' 8.06 4.2 34.8 110.881 3.02 36.8 119.28 3.08 38.8 127. 68 3.13 40.8 136.08 3.18 4.4 35.6 117.92J 3.13 37.6 i 126. 72! 3.19 39.6 135.52 8.25 41.6 144. .-52 ?.3 4.6 36.4 125.12 3.24 38.4 1134.321 3.31 40.4 143.52 3.37 42.4 152.72 3.43 4.8 37.2 132. 48j 3.36 39.2 142.081 3.43 41.2 151.68 3.49 43.2 161.28 3.55 5.0 38.0 140.00 3.47 40.0 150.00 3-54 42.0 160.00 3.61 44.0 170.00 3.67 5.2 38.8 147.68! 3.58 40.8 j 158. 08! 3.65 42.8 168.48 3.72 44.8 178.88 3.78 5.4 39.6 155.521 3.69 41. 6 H66.32! 3.77 43.6 177.12) 3.84 45. 6 187.92 3.90 5.6 40.4 163.52 3.XO 42. 4 174. 72j 3. 88 44.4 185.92 3.95 46.4- 197. 12 4.02 5.8 41.2 171.68 3.91 43.2 183.28! 3.99 45.2 194.88 4.06 47.2 206.48 4. 13 6.0 42.0 180. 00| 4.02 44.0 192. OOi 4.10 46.0 J204.00 4.18 48.0 216.'00 4.25 6.2 42.8 188. 48 ! 4.12 44.8 260.88 4.21 -46.8 213.28 4.29 48.8 1225:68 4. 36 6.4 43.6 197.121 4.23 45.6 209. 92j 4.32 47.6 J222.72 4.40 49.6 .23T>.'52 ^4.48 6.6 .8 44.4 45.2 205.92 214.88 4. 33 4.43 46.4 1219.121 4.43 47.2 1228.48' 4.53 48.4 '232.32! 4.51 49.2 242: OH 4.62 50.4 245.52 51.2 J255.68 4.59 4.70 7.0 46 224.0 i.54 48 238.0 4.64 50 252.0 | 4.73 52 J266.0 4.81 7.5 48 247.5 4.80 on 262.5 4.90 52 277.5 5.00 54 292. 5 ' 5.08 8.O 50 272.0 5.05 52 (288.0 5.16 54 304.0 5.26 56 1320:0 S.35 8.5 52 297.5 5.31 54 J314.5 5.42 56 331.5 6.52 58 348.5 5.62 9.0 5* 324.0 5.56 56 342.0 5.68 5S 360.0 5.7S HO 378.0 5.88 9.5 56 351.5 5.81 58 370.5 5.93 60 389.5 6.04 62 408.5 6. 14 10.0 58 380.0 6.06 60 1400.0 6.18 62 420.0 6.30 64 J440:0. ."<40 10.5 60 409.5 6.30 62 430.5 6.43 64 451.5 6.55 06 J472.5; 6/66 11 62 440 6.54 64 462 6.67 66 484 6.80 68 506 : **1 It 66 504 7.03 68 528 7.16 70 552 7.30 72 ; 576 7/42 13 70 572 7.51 72 598 7.65 74 624 7.79 76.' wLii 'iT.ty 74 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 18. A tea in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, aifti hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, Side slopes 2 to 1 Continued. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 26 feet .'8 feet 30 feet 32 feet i! r A ara wet per. | T A ; t> r ! A area wet. per. ' . : T A -. tl . I I \ 1 . i! 1.0 30.0 28.00 .92 32.0 30.00 .92 34.0 32.00 .93 36.0 34; 00 1.2 30.8 34.08 1.09 32.8 36.48 1.09 34.8 38. 88 1.10 36.8 41.28 1.4 31.6 40.32 1.25 33.6 43. 12 1.26 35.6 45.92J 1.27 37.6 48. 72 1.27 1.6 32.4 46.72 1.41 34.4 49.92 1.42 36.4 53.12 1.43 38.4 56.32 1.41 1.8 33.2 53.28 1.56 35.2 56.88 1.58 37.2 60.48 1.59 39.2 :64.08 LOT- 2.O 34.0 60.00 1.72 36.0 64.00 1.73 38.0 68.00 1.75 40.0 72.00 |.76 2.2 34.8 66.88 1.87 36. 8 71.28 1.88 38.8 75.68 1.90 40.8 80.08 1.91 2.4 35.6 73.92 2.01 37.6 78.72 2.03 39.6 S3. & 2.05 41.6 88.32 .2.07 2.6 36.4 81.12 2.16 38.4 86,32 2.18 40.4 91.52 2.20 42.4 96.72 2. 22 - 2.8 37.2 88.48 2.30 39.2 94.08 2.32 41.2 99.68 2.34 43.2 105.28 2. w 3.0 38.0 96.00 2.44 40.0 102.00 2.46 42.0 108.00 2.48 44.0 114.00 2.5] 3.2 38.8 103.68 2.57 40.8 110.08 2.60 42.8 116.48 2.63 44.8 122.88 2. e;. 3.4 39.6 111.52 2.71 41.6 118.32 2.74 43.6 125. 12 2.77 45.6 131.92 2.79 3.6 40.4 119. 32 2.84 42.4 126.72 2.87 44.4 133. 92 2.90 46.4 141.12 2.93 3.8 41.2 127.68 2.97 43.2 135.28 3.01 45.2 142.88 3.04 47.2 150.48 3-07 4.6 42.0 136.00 3.10 44.0 144.00 3.14 46.0 152.00 3.17 48.0 160.00 a. 21 4.2 42.8 144.48 3.23 44.8 152. 88 3.27 46.8 161,28 3.31 48.8 169.68 3.3,' . 4.4 43.6 153.12 3.35 45.6 161.92 3.40 47.6 170. 72 3.44 49.6 179. 52 8.47 4.6 44.4 161.92 3.47 46.4 171.12! 3.52 48.4 180.32 3.57 50.4 189. 52 3. 6f 4.8 45.2 170.88 3.60 47.2 180. 48i 3.65 49.2 190.08 3.69 51.2 199.68 3.72 5.0 46.0 1,80.00 3.72 48.0 190.00 3.77 50.0 200.00 3.S2 52.0 210.00 5.2 46.8 189. 28 3.84 48.8 199.68 3.90 50.8 210.08 3.95 52.8 220.48 5.4 47.6 198. 72 3.96 49.6 209.52! 4.02 51.6 220. 32 4.07 53.6 231. 12 A. 12 5.6 48.4 208.32 4.08 .50.4 219. 52 4. 14 52.4 230.72 4.19 54.4 241.92 4.24 5.8 49.2 218.08 4.20 51.2 229.681 4.26 53.2 241.28 4.31 55.2 252.88 4.35 6.0 50.0 228,00 4.32 52.0 240.001 4.38 54.0 252.00 4.43 56.0 264.00 4. i" 6.2 50.8 238.08 4.43 52.8 2.50.48 4.49 54.8 1262.88 4.55 56.8 275.28 4. 61 6.4 51.6 248.321 4.55 53.6 261. 12 4.61 55.6 1273.92 4.67 57.6 286.72 4. 7?i 6.6 52.4 258.72' 4.66 54.4 271.92 4.73 56.4 285.12 4.79 58.4 298.32 .i!.S4 6.8 53.2 269.28 4.77 55.2 282.88 4.84 57.2 296.48 4.91 59.2 310.08 4.97 7.0 54 280.0 4.89 56 294.0 4.96 58 308.0 5.02 60 J322.0 5.0? 7.5 56 307.5 5.16 58 322.5 5.24 60 337.5 5.31 62 352.5 6-3* 8.0 58 336.0 5.44 60 352.0 5.52 62 368.0 5.59 64 3S4.0 5.67 8.5 60 365.5 5.71 62 382.5 5.79 64 399.5 5.87 66 416.5 5.9- r > 9.0 62 396.0 5.98 64 414.0 6.07 66 432.0 6.15 68 450.0 6. 2' 9.5 64 427.5 6.24 66 446.5 6.34 68 465.5 6.42 70 484.5 6.51 10.0 66 460.0 6.50 68 480.0 6.60 70 500.0 6.69 72 520.0 6.7S 10.5 68 493.5 6.76 70 514.5 6.86 72 535.5 6.96 74 556.5 .7.0^ 11 70 528 7.02 72 550 7.13 74 572 7.22 76 594 7.32 12 600 7.53 76 |624 7.64 78 648 7.75 80 672 7.&; id 78 . 676 8.03 80 1702 3.15 82 728 8.26 84 754 8.8^ HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 18. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels , side slopes 2 to IContinued. and Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom widtl 35 feet 40 feet 45 feet 50 feet ^ 1 . I : r A I { r A area wetpe T A 8 ! T A 1 ii " II u i N * ^ 1 1.0 39.0 37.00 .94 44.0 42.00 .94 49.0 47.00 .95 64.0 52.00 .< 1.3 39.8 44.88 111 448 5088 1.12 49.8 56.88 1.13 64.8 62.88 1.1 1.4 4).6 5292 1.28 45.6 5992 1.3) 5).6 66.921 1.31 55.6 73.92 l.o 1.6 41.4 C.1.12 1.45 46.4 1 P9.12 1.47 514 77.12 1.48 56.4 86.12 l.< 1.8 42.2 69.48 1.61 47.2 78.48 1.63 52.2 87.48 1.65 57.2 96.48 l.t 2.O 43.0 78.00 1.77 48.0 88.00 1.80 53.0 98.00 1.82 58.0 108.00 l.f 3.3 438 8.5.68 1.93 48.8 97.68 1.98 53.8 108.68 198 588 Ii9.68 2.C 3.4 446 95.52 2.09 49.6 107.52 2.12 546 119.52 2.14 59.6 131.52 2.1 3.6 45.4 104.52 2.24 5).4 117.52 2.28 55.4 13:) 52 2.30 60.4 143.52 2.:- 2.8 46.2 113.68 2.39 51.2 127.68 2.43 56.2 141.68 2.46 61.2 155.68 2.4 3.0 47.0 123.00 2.54 52.0 138.00 2.58 57.0 153.00 262 62.0 168.00 2.( 3.3 47.8 132.48 2.19 528 148.48 2.73 57.8 1(54.481 2.77 62.8 180.48 2..' 3.4 48.6 142.12 2.83 53.6 159.12 2.88 58.6 176.12 2.93 f36 193.12 2.C 3.6 49.4 151.92 2.97 54.4 K.9.92 3.03 59.4 187.92 3.08 64.4 205.92 31 3.8 50.2 161.88 3.11 .55.2 18J.88 8.17 60.2 199.88 3.22 65.2 218.88 3.2 4.0 51.0 172.00 3.25 5(5.0 192.00 332 61.0 212.00 3.37 66.0 232.00 3.4 4.3 51.8 182.28 3.39 568 2o3 28 3.46 61.8 224.28 352 66.8 245.28 3.E 4.4 52.6 192.72 3.52 57.6 214.72 360 62.6 236.72 366 67.6 258.72 3.7 4.6 53.4 2 '3.32 3.66 584 226 32 3.74 63.4 24932 3.80 68.4 272.32 3.8 4.8 54.2 214.08 3.79 59.2 238.08 3.87 64.2 202.08 3.94 69.2 286.08 4.C 5.O 65.0 225.00 3.92 63.0 250.00 4.01 65.0 275.00 4.08 70.0 SOO.fO 4.1 5.3 55.8 J3 '..08 4.05 6J.8 262.( 8 414 65.8 288.18 4.22 70.8 314.( 8 4.2 5.4 56.6 247.32 4.18 61.6 274 32 4.28 66.6 301.32 436 71.6 328 32 4.4 5*6. 57.4 > * ^ --9 4.31 62.4 286.72 441 67.4 314.72 449 724 342.72 4.5 :.;: 58.2 270'.28 4.43 63.2 299.28 4.54 68.2 328.28 4.63 73.2 357.28 4.7 6.O 59.0 252.00 4.56 64.0 312.00 467 69.0 342.00 4.76 74.0 4 fi 59.8 293.88 4.6'J 64.8 324.88 4.8) 69.8 355.88 4.89 748 386.88 4.t! 6l4 60.6 505.92 481 656 337.1 2 492 70.6 1369.92 5.02 75.6 40192 5.1 6.6 614 318.12 4.93 66.4 351.12 5 < 5 71.4 384.12 5.16 76.4 417.12 5.2 6.8 62.2 33J.48 5.06 67.2 364.48 5J8 72.2 398.48 5.28 77.2 432.48 5.8 7.0 63 343 5.17 68 378.0 5.30 73 413 5.41 78 448.0 5.5 7.5 65 375 5.47 70 412.5. 5.61 75 450 5.73 80 487.5 5.8 8.0 67 408 5.76 72 448.0 5.91 77 488 6.04 82 5280 61 8.5 09 442 6.05 74 484.5 6.21 79 627 6.35 84 569.5 6.4 6.0 71 477 - 6.34 76 522.0 6.51 81 567 6.65 86 6120 6.7 9.5 73 6.62 78 1560.5 6.80 83 608 6.95 88 655.5 7.0 IO.O 75 550 6.90 600.0 7.09 8-5 650 7.24 90 700.0 7.4 10.5 77 588 7.18 82 J640.5 7.37 87 693 7i53 92 745.6 7.6 1 11 7V 627 7.45 84 682 765 89 737 7.82 94 792 7.S 13 83 - 708 7.98 88 |78 8.21 93 828 8.89 98 888 8.5 87 8.52 92 1858 8.75 97 923 896 02 988 9.1 HYBRAULIO AND EXCAVATION TABLES. T&blo 19. Area in square feet, A, top -width in feet, 3", T A r A T A *3 1 s I ii II i 0.4 300 1.00 .30 4.00 1.40 .33 6.00 1 80 .34 6.00 220 .35 0.6 3.50 1.65 .42 4.50 2.25 .46 5.50 2.85 .48 6.50 i 3.45 4.00 2.4.3 5.00 3.20 .58 6.00' 4.00 .61 7.00 1 4.80 .'64 1.0 4.50 3.25 .62 5.50 4.25 .68 6.50 5.25 .73 7,50 6i25 :?6 1.9 6.00 4.20 .72 6.00 5.40 .79 7.<0 660J .84 8.00 7^80 .88 1.4 5.50 5.25 .81 6.50 665 .89 7.50 8.0T> .95 8.50 9.45 1-99 1.6 6.03 6.40 .90 7XK) 8.00 .98 8.< 9.60 105 9.00 11.201 1.8 6.50 7.65 .98 7.50 9.45 1.07 8.50 11.25 1.15 9.50 1&05- S.O 7.00 9.00 1.07 8.00 11.00 1.17 9.00 13.00 1.25 10.00 15.00 1.31 2/4 7.50 10.45 115 8.50 1265 1.26 9.50] 14 X. 1.34 10.50 17.-05 1.4.) 8.00 12.00 1.23 9.00 14.40 1.34 10.00 16.80 1.43 11.00 19.20- ia .60 1.96 14.00 3420 2.08 3.8 11.50 25.65 1.80 12.50 29.45 1.93 13.50 X:i.2o 2.05 14.50 37.05 2.15 4.O 12.00 2800 1.88 13.00 82.00 2.02 14.00 36.00 2.13 15.00 40.00 2.24 4.9 12.50 3J.45 1.96 13.50 34.65 2.10 14.60 38.85 2.22 15.50 43.05 2.83 4.4 13.00 35.00 2.04 14.00 37.40 2.18 15.00 41.80 2.30 16.00 46;20 2.41 4.6 13.50 3565 2.12 14.50 4025 2.26 15.50 41. ft) 2.39 16.50 49.4. r 2.50 4.8 14.00 38.40 2.20 15.00 43.20 2.34 16.00 48.00 2.47 17.00 52.80 2.58 5.O H.50 41.25 2.28 15.50 46.25 2.42 16.50 51.25 2.55 17.50 56.25 2.67 5.9 15.00 44.20 2.36 16.00 49.40 2.50 17.00 54.60 2.63 18.00 59.80 2.75 5.4 15.50 47.25 2.44 16.50 52.65 2.58 17.50 58.05 2.71 18.50 63.45 2^3 5.6 16.00 50.40 2.52 17.00 56.00 2.66 18.00 61.60 2.80 19.00 67 .2( 2.92 5.x 16.50 53.65 2.59 17.50 59.46 2.74 18.50 65.25 2.88 19.50 71.05 3.0t> 6.O 17.00 57.00 2.68 1S.OO 63.00 2.83 19.00 69.00 2.96 20.00 75:00 3.09 6.9 17.6J 6X45 2.75 18.50 66.65 2.90 19.50 72.85 3.04 20.50 79.0," 3.17 6.4 18.00 64.00 2.83 19.00 70.40 2.98 20.00 76.80 312 21.00 8320 825 6.6 18.50 6/.#> 2.91 19.50 74.25 3.06 20.50 80.85 3.20 21.50 8745 S'33 .8 iy.oo 71.40 2.99 20.00 78.20 3.14 21.00 85.00 3.28 22.00 91 .8U 3.41 7.O 20.50 82.25 3.22 21.50 8925 337 22.50 96:2? S.59 7.5 21.75 92.81 3.42 22.75 100.31 3.57 23.75 107.&1 3.70 8.O 23.00 1' 4 00 3 62 24 (10 119 rn 377 25.00 120:00 8.99 24^25 115.81 3.82 25^25 J1L4.31 3.97 26.26. 132.-81 4.11 9.0 25.50 128.25 4.01 26.50 187.25 4.17 27.50 146 !2f 431 27.75 150.81 4.36 18.75 160.31 4.&1 8 :::::: 1 ..... 29.00 31.60 165.00 195.25 4.56 30.00 175.00 82.50 2^6, 4.71 ....... HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 77 1O- Area in square feet, /4, top width in feet : , T", and hydraulic radius infect, r, of trapezoidal channels ', oito side slope 1 to 1 and one side slope 1> to 1 Con. I Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet u j : u ' * b a I T * l\ T * || T A ! II r A 1 1 fl i : M 'i O.4 7.00 2.60 ^6 8.00 300 .36 9.00 3.40 .37 10.00 3.80 .37 O.O 7.50 4.05 .51 8.50 4.65 .52 9.50 5.25 .53 10.50 58') M 0.8 ; 8.00 5.60^ .66 9.00 6.40 .67 10.00 7.20 .63 11.10 8.00 t.o 8.50 7.25 .79 9.50 8.25 .81 10.50 9.25 .82 10.25 M 1.3 ' 9.00 9.00 .91 10.00 1020 .91 11.00 11.40 .96 12/0 12.60 .98. , 9.50 10.85 1.03 10.50 12 25 1/6 11.50 13.65 109 12.50 15.05 1.11 1.6 10.00 i 12.80 1.15 1100 1440 1.19 12.00 16.00 1.22 13/0 17.60 134 1.8 10.50 j 14.85 1.26 11.50 16.65 1.30 12.50 18.45 1.34 13.50 20.25 L37 3.O 11.00 17/10 1.37 12.00 19.00 1.41 13.00 21.00 1.4) 14/0 23.00 1 4 3.3 1150 19.25 1.47 12.50 21.45 1 .52 13.50 23.65 157 14.50 25.85 1.61 3.4> 12.00 21.60 1.57 13.00 24.01 1.63 14/0 2640 168 15.00 2<.8) 1.72 3^6 T2.50 21.05 1.67 13.50 26.65 1.73 14.50 2925 179 15.50 3185 3.8 13.00 26.60 1.77 14.00 29.40 1.84 15.00 32.20 1.89 16.00 35.00 l'.94 3.0 13.50 29.25 1.87 1450 32.25 1.94 1550 35.25 ! -2.00 16.50 38.25 205- 3.3 14.00 32.00 1.96 15.00 3520 2.04 16.00 38.401 -2.10 17.00 41. 6J 2.16 3.4 14 50 2.06 15.50 38.25 2.13 1.6.50 fl 60 i 2.20 17.50 45.05 2.26 3.6 1 r dO 37'.80 2.15 16.00 41.40 2.23 17.UO 45.00 2.30 IS 00 236- 3.8 15.50 | 40.8ft 2.24 16.50 44.65 2.32 17.50 2.40 18^50 52.25 2.4f> 4.1> 16.W 44.00 j 2.33 17.00 48.00 2.42 18.00! 52.00 2.49 19.00 5600 2.56 4.8 16.50 47.25 2.42 17.50 51.45 2.51 18.50! 55.65 2.59 19.50 59>'o 2f>6 4.4 17.00 50.60 2.51 18.00 56.00 2.60 19.00 59.40 2.6-S 20.00 63.8) 276 4.6 17. .0 54.05 -J.^j 18.50 5H.65 2.69 19.50 63 25 2.77 20.50 67.85 285 4.8 18.00! 57.60 2.69 19.00 62.10 2.78 20.00 67.20 2.K7 21.00 72.00 2.95= | V...'iO. 61.25 2.77 19.50 66.25 S 2.87 2*0.50 71 .25 2 95 21.50 76.25 304 5,V.: 19.00 i 65.00 2.86 20.00 70.20 2.96 21.00 75.40 8.05 22.00 80.6) 313 5.4 '9 ,"iO 6* <" 2.94 20.50 74.25 3.04 21.50 i 7965 314 22.50 8505 3.22 5.O 20/si ' 7*2.80 3.03 21.00 78.40 3.13 22.00 i 84.00 323 23.00 896) 331 5-S 20,50 ; 76. -<5 21.50 82.65 22.50; 88.45 3.31 23.50 94.25 .3.40 6.0 21.00 ^l.'Xi 320 22.00 87.00 3.31 23.00 : 93.00J 3.41 24.00 99/0 3.W 6.3 2l.50i H5.25 3.28 22.50 91.45 339 23.50 j 97.651 3.49 24.50 l:i3.85 359 6.4 22.00 Mt.tU' 336 23.00 96.00 347 24.00 i 102.40 i 3.58 25.(0 10<.80 8.6^ 6.0 22.50 94/5 3.45 23.00 100/5 3.56 24.50 1107.25 3.67 25.50 11385 376 6,8 l::5.i ;o 98.60 3.58 24.00 105.40 3.6-5 25.00 112.20 3.75 26.00 119.CO 3.85 T.O- '23.. r -Q 103.25 :j ff> 24.50 110.25 3.74 25.50 117.2.5 3.81 26.50 12425 394 7.5 24.7-i 115.31 3^83 25.75 122.81 395 26.75 130.31 4.0J 27.75 137.81 ' 4.16 8.0 :*.oo r.'s.iK. l.tKJ 27.00 1 36.00 1.15 28.00 i 144.00 427 29.00 152/0 4 3 top width in feet \ T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels \ one side slope 1 to 1 and one side slope to 1 Con. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 10 feet. 12 feet 14 feet 16 feet y : s S 1 8 i t i * r .1 : * T A I T A * 1 T \ A " i ; H \ 1 It 1! J* k is 1.0 12.50 11.25 .86 14.50 13.25 .87 16.50 15.25 *9 18.50 17.25 .90 1.3 13.00 13.8 j! 1.00 15.00 16.20 1. J2 17.00 18.60 lio* 19.00 21.00 1.06 1.4 13.50 16.4?! 1-18 15.50 19.25 1.17 17.50 22.05 1.19 19.50 24.85 1.21 1.6 14.00 1920 1.27 16.00 22.40 1. 31 18.00 25.60 1.34 20.00 28.80 1.36 1.8 14.50 22.05 1.40 16.50 25.65 1.44 18.50 29.25 1.48 20.50 82.85 1.51 , i0 15.00 25.00 1.52 17.00 29.00 1.57 19.00 33.00 1.61 21.00 87.00 1.65 ^3 15.50 38.0S 1.64 17.50 32.45 1.70 19.50 36.85 1.75 21.50 41.25 1.79 ^5.4 16.00 31.20 1.76 IB 00 36.00 1. 83 20.00 40.80 1.88 22.00 45.60 1,92 'j!e 16.50 34.451 1.88 1*50 39.65 1. 8 20.50 44.85 2.01 22.50 50.05 2.05 2.8 17.00 37.80 1.99 19.00 43.40 2.07 21.00 49.00 2.13 23,00 54.60 '2.18 .o 17.50 41.25 2.10 19.50 47.25 2.18 21.50 53.25 2.25 23.50 69.25 2.30 3!3 18.00 44.80 2.21 20.00 51.20 2. io 22.00 57.60 2.37 24.00 64.00 2.43 3.4 18.50 48.45 2.31 20.50 55.25 41 22.50 62.05 2.49 24.50 6S.85 '2.56 .19.09 52.20 2.42 21.00 59.40 2*52 23.00 66.60 2.60 25.00 73.80 2.68 *!8 19.50 56.05 2,52 21.50 63.65 2.63 23.50 71.25 2.72 25.50 78.85 2.79 4.O 20.00 60.00 2.62 22.00 63.00 2.73 24.00 76.00 2.83 26.00! 84.00 2.91 20.50 64.05 2.72 22.50 72.45 2. Si 24.50 80.85 2.94 26.50 89.25 3.02 t.4 21.00 64.20 2.82 23.00 77.00 2.94 25.00 85.80 3.05 27.00 94.60 3.14 4.6 21.50 72.45 2.92 2350 81.05 3. or. 25.50 90.85 8.15 27.50 100.05 "3.25 4.8 22.00 76.80 3.02 24.00 86.40 3.15 26.00 96.00 3.26 28.00 105.60 3.36 5.O 22.50 81.25 3.11 24.50 91.25 8.24 26.50 101.25 3.37 28.50 111.25 3.47 5.3 23.00 85.80 3.21 25.00 96.20 3. J4 27.00 106.60 3.47 29.00 117.00 3.57 5.4 23.50 90.45 3.30 25.50 101.25 3.44 27. 50! 112.05 3.57 29.50 122.85 3.68 5.6 24.00 95.20 3.39 26.00 106.40 3. 54 28.00 117.60 3.67 30.00 128.80 3.78 5.8 2<*.50 100.05 3.49 26.50 111.65 3.64 28.50 123.25 3.77 30.50 134.85 3.89 .O 25.00 105.00 3.58 27.00 117.00 3.74 29.00 129.00 3.88 31.00 141.00 3.99 tf*3 25.50 110.05 3.67 27.50 122.45 3.83 29.50 134.85 3.97 31.50 117.25 4.10 6.4 6.6 26.00 26.50 115.20 120.45 3.76 3.85 28.00 128.00 28.50! 133.65 3.92 4.02 30.00 30.50 140.80 146.85 4.07 4.17 32.00 153.CO 32.50 100.05 4.20 430 H.8 27.00 125.80 3.94 29.00 139.40 4. 11 31.00 153.00 4.21 33.00 166.60 4.40 7.O 27.50 131.25 4.04 29,50 145.25 4.21 31.50 159.25 4.36 33.50 173.25 4.49 J.5 28.75 145.31 4.26 30.75 160.31 4.44 32.75 175.81 4.60 34.75 190.31 4,74 8.6 30.00 i 160.00 4.48 32.00 176.00 4. 56 34.00 192.00 4.83 36.00 208.00 4.98 X.5 31.25 17551 4.70 33.25 192.31 1 4.89 35.25 209.31 5.06 37.25 226.31 5.22 u.o 82.50 191.25 491 34.50 209.25 5.11 36.50 227.25 5.29 38.50 245.25 5.46 iiis 33,75 207.81 5.18 35.75 226.81 5. 98 37.75 245.81 5.51 39.75 204.81 5.69 to.o &5.00 225.00 5.34 37.00 245.00 5.55 39.00 265.00 5.74 41.00 285.00 5.92 10.5 36.25 242.81 5.55 35.25 263.81 5.77 40.25 284.81 5.96 42.25 305.81 6.15 11 37.5 261.25 5.76 39.5 283.25 5.98 41.5 305.25 6.18 435 327.26 6.37 13 40.0 8,)0.00 6.17 42.0 324.00 6. 11 44.0 348.00 6.62 -16.0 372.00 6.82.. 13 42.5 341.25 6.59 44.5 367.25 6.82 46.5 393.25 7.05 48.5 419.25 7.25 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table ( 19. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, one side slope 1 to 1 and one side slope IX to 1 Cdn. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width iS feet 20 feet 22 feet 24 feet 1 lt si #i ti v T .-I S|t{ T .1 i- 4^ T A sit T i A ' * S I I* i I i V. 1.0 20.50 19.25 .91 22. 50! 21.25 .92 21.50 23.25 .92 26.50 25.25 .93 1.3 21.00 23.40; 1.07 23.00 25.801 1.08 25.00 28.20 J.09 27.00 30.601 1.10 1.4 21.50 27. 65! 1.23 23.50 80.451 1.21 25.5l 33.25 1.2,5 27. 50 36.05! 1.26 1.6 22.00 32.00! 1.38 24. (X) 35.20 1.40 2C..OO 38.40 1.41 2S. (H) 41.601 1.43 1.8 2.0 22.50 23.00 36.451 1.53 41.00 1.68 24.50 25.00 40.05! 1.55 45.00 1.70 26.50 27.00 43.65 49.00 1.57 1.72 R&60 47.25. 1.59 29.00 53.00!. 1.74 2.2 23.50 45.65 1.82 25. 50 50.05 1.S5 27.50 64.461 1.87 29.50 58.85! 1.89 3.4 24.00 50.40 1.96 26.00 55.20 1.99 28.00 60. (X) 2.02 30.00 64.80; 2.04 2.6 24.50 55.25: 2.10 26.50 60.45 2.13 2s. 50 65.65 2.16 30. 50! 70.85! 2.19 2.8 25.00 60.20' 2.23 i 27.00 65.80 2.27 29.00; 71.40 2.30 31.00 77.001 2.33 3.O 25.50 65.25J 2.36 27.50 71.25 2.40 29. .50 77.25 2.44 31.50' 83.25 2.47 3.2 26.00] 70.40J 2.19 28.00! 76.80 2.54 30.00 83.20 2. > 32.00! 89. 60| 2.61 3.4 26. 50 7"). 6")j 2. 61 28.50 82.45 2. f>6 30.50' 89.25 2.71 32.50' 96.051 2.75 3.6 27. OO! 81.00 2.74 29.00 88.20 2.79 ol.OO 95.40 2.S4 W.(K)'102.60; 2.88 3.8 27.50| 8*i.4.V 2.- 29.50 94. 05 2.92 31.50i 101. 65 2.97 3:3.50109.25! 3.02 4.0 28.00 92.00! 2.98 30.00 100.00 3. 01 32.00108.00 3.10 34.00 116.00 3.15 4.2 28.50 97.65 30.50106.05 3.16 32. 501 114. 45 3.22 34.50122.85 3.28 4.4 4.6 2i).00;10;J.40: 3.22 29.50'l09.25i 3.33 31.00112.20 31.50118.45 3.29 3. .U) 33.00121.00 33. 50 127. 65 3.H5 3.47 35.00; 129. 80 35.50136.85 3.40 3.53 4.8 30.00 115.201 3.44 32.00 124. 80 3. 52 34.00 134.40 3. 59 36.00144.00 3.65 o.O 30.50il21.2. r )' 3.56 32. .50 131.25 3. 64 34. 50 141.25 3.71 36.50 151.25 3.77 5.2 31.00127.40! 3.67 33.00 137. 80 3. 75 :i5. 14S. 20 3. Ni 37.00158.60 3.89 5.4 31. 50 133. 65; 3.7S 33. SO! 144. 45 3.86 35.50 155.25 3. 9-1 37. 50 166. 05 4.01 5.6 32.00140.00; 3.89 34.00 151.20 3. 98 36.00 162. 40 4.06 3S.OO 173. 60 4.13 5.8 32.50146.45 3.99 34.50 158.05 4.06 36.50 169.65 4.17 38.50181.25 4.25 43.O 33.00 153.00 4.10 35.00 165.00 4.20 37.00 177.00 4.29 39.00 189.00 4.37 6.2 33.50159.65, 4.20 36.50172.05 4.31 37. .50 184.45 4.40 30.50196.85 4.48 6.4 34.00166.40. 4.31 36.00 179.20 4.41 3S. 00 192.00 4.51 40.00204.80 4.59 6.6 34.50173.25 4.41 36.5018(3.45 4.52 38.50 199.65 4.62 40.50212.85 4.71 6.8 35.00180.20 4.52 37,00 193.80 4.63 39.00 207.40 4.73 41.00221.00 4.82 I 7.0 35. 50' 187.25! 4.62 37.50201.25 4.73 39.50 215. 25 4.83 41.50229.25 4.93 7.5 36. 75 205.31 4.87 38.75220.31 4.9S 40.75 235.31 5.10 42.75250.31 6.20 8.O 38.00 224.001 5.12 40.00240.00 5.24 42.00 256.00 5.36 44.00 272.00 6.47 8.5 39. 251243. 31 5.37 41.25260.31 5.49 43.25 277.31 5.62 45.25,294.31 6.73 9.O 40.50>263.25 5.61 42.50281.25 5.74 4-1.50 299.25 5.87 46.50317.25 5.99 9.5 41.75283.81 5.S5 43.75,302.81 5.99 45. 75 321.81 6.12 47.75340.81 6.25 1O.O 43. 001305. 00 6.08 45.00 325. 00 6.23 47.00 345.00 6.37 49.00'365.00 6.50 10.5 44.25326.81 6.31 46.25 347.81 6.46 48.25 368. 81 6.61 50.25:189.81 6.75 11 45.5 349.25 6.54 47.5 371.25 6.70 49.5 393.25 6. .85 51.5 415.25 6.99 12 48.0 96.00 7.00 50.0 420.00 7.17 52.0 444.00 7.33 54.0 468.00 7.48 13 50.5 (445.00 7.44 52.5 471.25 7.62 54.5 497. 25 7.79 56.5 52:5.25 7.95 JSYmtAULIC AN0 EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 19; Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, one side slope 1 to 1 and one side slope IX to 1 Con Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 26 feet 28 feet 30 feet 3 2 feet si s !& I; fe T A . jj a t> T A C jj 01 T A KLj a. tJ T A sjt A fs IE i '# I I EL 1 1.0 28.50 27.25 .93 30.50 29.25 .94 32.50 31.25 .94 34.50 33.25 .94 1.2 29.00 33.00 1.10 31.00 35. 40 1.11 33.00 3/.80 1.12 35.00 40.20 1.12 1.4 29.50 38.85 1.27 31.50 41.65 1.28 33.50 44. 45 1.29 35.50 47.25 1.29 1.6 30.00 44.80 1.44 32.00 48.00 1.45 34.00 51.20 1.46 36.00 64.40 1.46 1.8 30.60 60.85 1.60 32.50 64.45 1.61 34.50 68.05 1.62 36.60 61.65 1.63- 2.0 31.00 57.00 1.76 33.00 61.00 1.77 35.00 65.00 1.78 37.00 69.00 1.80 2.2 31.50 63. 25 1.91 33.50 67.65 1.93 35. 5 J 72. ().-> 1.94 37.50 76.45 1.96 2.4 32.00 69.60 2.06 34.00 74.40 2.08 36. OJi 70. 20 2.10 38.00 84.00 2.11 2.6 32.50 76.05 2.21 34. 5f 81.25 2.23 36. 50 86. 45 2.25 38.50 91.65 2.27 ;2.8 33.00 82.60 2.36 35.00 88.20 2.38 37.00 93.80 2.40 39.00 99.40 2.42 3.0 33.50 89.25 2.50 35.60 95.25 2.53 37.50 101.25 2.55 39.50 107.25 8.57 3.2 34.00 96.00 2.64 36.00 102.40 2.68 3S. 00 108. 80 2.70 40.00 115.20 2.72 3.4 34. 60 102. 85 2.78 36.50 109.65 2.82 38.50 116.45 2.84 40.50 123.25 2.87 3.6 35.00109.80 2.92 37.00 117.00 2.96 39.00 124. 20 2.99 41.00 131.40 3.02 3.8 35. 50 116. 85 3.06 37. 5( 124.45 3.09 39.50 132.05 3.13 41.50 139.65 3.16 4.0 36.00124.00 3.19 38.00 132.00 3.23 40.00 140.00 3.27 42.00 148.00 3.30 4.2 36.50131.25 3.32 38.50 139.65 3.36 40.50 148.05 3.40 42.50 156.45 3.44 4.4 37.00138.60 3.45 39. (X 147.40 3.50 41.00 156.20 3. 54 43.00 165.00 3.5* 4.6 37.50146.05 3. 58 39.50 155.25 3.63 41.50 164. 45 3.67 43.50 173.65 3.71 4.8 38.00 153.60 3.71 40.00 163.20 3.76 42.00 172.80 3.80 44.00 182.40 3.M 5.0 38.50 161.25 3.83 40.50 171.25 3.88 42.50 181. 25 3.93 44.50 191.25 3.9H 5.2 39.00169.00 3.95 41.00 179. 40 4.01 43.00 189. 80 4.06 45.00 200.20 4.11 5.4 39.50176.85 4.08 41.50 187.65 4.14 43.50 198.45 4.19 45. 50'|209. 25 4.24 5.6 40.00184.80 4.20 42.00 196.00 4.26 44.00 207. 20 4.31 46. 001218. 40 4.37 5.S 40.50192.85 4.32 42. 5J 204.45 4.38 44.50j216.0o 4. 44 46.50227.65 4.49 6.0 41.00 201.00 4.44 43.00 213. 00 4.50 45.00225.00 4.56 47.00237.00 4.62 6.2 41. &> 209. 25 4.56 43. 5J 1 221. 65 4.62 45.50) 234. 03 4.68 47.5jl246.45 4.74 6.4 42.00217.601 4.67 44.00230.40 4.74 46.00i243.20 4.80 48.00J256.00 ! 4.87 6.6 42.60226.05! 4.79 44.50239.25 4.86 46. 501252.45 4.92 48. 50 265. 65 f 4.99 6.8 ,43.00,234.60 4.90 45.00 248.20 4.98 47.00J261.80 5.04 49.00 275.40 5.H 7.0 43.50'243.25 5.01 45.50 257.25 5.09 47.50271.25 5.16 49.50 285.25 ' 6.23 7.5 44.75,265.31 5.29 46.75 280.3i 5.38 48.75295.31 5.45 50.75 310.31 t 6.53 8.0 46.00 288.00 5.57 48.00 304.00 5.66 so.ooWoo 5.74 52.00 336.00 '. 5.82 8.5 47.25 311.31 5.84 49. 25 328.31 5.93 5i.25j345.31 6.02 53.25 362.31 6.1! 9.0 48,50 335.25 6.10 50.51 353.25 6.20 52.50'371.25 6.30 54.60 389. 25 6.3.) 9.5 49. 7S 359.81 6.36 51. 7 378.81 6.47 53.75397.81 6.57 65.75 416.81 ; 6.66 1O.O 61.00 385.00 6.62 63. Of 405.00 6.73 55.00 1 425. 00 6.84 57.00 445.00 ( 6.93 10.5 52. 2 410.81 6.87 54. 2 431. SJ 6.99 56.25 452.81 7.10 58.25 473.81 , 7.20 11 53.5 437. 25 7. 12 65.5 459. 25 7.25 57.5 4*1. 25 7.36 59.5 503.25 7.47 12 56. 492.00 7.62 68.0 516. OJ 7.75 6J.O 540.00 7.87 62.0 564.00 7.99 13 68.5 549.25 8.10 63.5 575.25 8.24 62.5 601.25 8.37 64.5 627.25 8.50 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLKS. 81 Table 19 ^rar in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, one side slope 1 to 1 and one side slope 1> to 1 Con . Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 35 feet 40 feet 45 feet 50 feet I ; A area wet per. T A if T A LI T A area wet per. ' II II * tf II li y h * 1.0 37.50 36.25 .95 42.50 41.25 .95 47.50 46.25 .96 52.50 51.25 .96 1.8 38.00! 43.80 1.13 43.00 49.80 1.14 48.00 55.80 1.14 ,53.00 61.80 1.15 1.4 88.50 51.45 1.30 43.50 5845 1.31 48.60 66.45 1.82 53.50 75.45 133 1.6 39.00 5920 1.47 44.00 67.20 1.49 49.00 75.20 1.50 64.00 as .20 1 .51 1.8 39.50 67.05 1.64 44.50 76.05 1.66 49.50 85.05 1.67 54.50 94.05 1.69 8.0 40.00 75.00 1.81 45.00 85.00 1.83 50.00 96.00 1.85 55.00 105.00 1.86 8.8 83.0-") 1.97 '45.50 i 94.05 2.00 50.50 105.05 2.02 56.50 116.05 2.03 8.4 41.00 91 20 2.13 46.00 1103 .20 2.16 51.00 115.20 219 66.00 127.2i) 2.20 3.6 41.50 99.45 2.29 46.50 112.45 2.33 51.50 125.45 2.35 66*0 13845 2.37 8.8 42.00 107.80 2.45 47.00 121.80 2.49 52.00 135.801 2.51 57.00 149.80 2.54 3.0 42.50 116.25 2.61 47.50 131.25; 2.65 52.50 146. 25 ' 2.68 57.60 161.25 271 3.8 43.00 124.80 2.76 48.00)140.80 2.80 53.00 156.80 2.84 58.00 172.80 2.87 3.4 43.50 133.45 2.90 48 50 '150.45 295 53.50 167.45 299 58.50 184.45 303 3.6 44.00 142.20 3.05 49.00 160.20 1 3.11 54.00 178.20 3.15 59.00 196.20 319 3.8 44.50 151.05 3.20 49.50 170.05 j 3.26 54.50 189.05 3.30 59.50 208.05 3.34 4.0 45.00 160.00 3.34 50.00 180.00! 3.40 5-5.00 200.00 3.46 60.00 220.00 3.50 4.8 45.50 169.05 3.48 50.50:190.051 3.55 55.50 211.05: 60.50 232(). r ; 3.65 4.4 46.00 178.20 3.62 51.00 200.20; 3.70 56.00 222.20 3.76 61.00 24 1.20 3.81 4.6 46.50 187.45 3.76 51.50 210.45 3.84 56.50 233.45 390 61.60 266.45 3.% 4.8 47.00 196.80 3.90 52.00 220.80! 3.98 57.00 244.80 4.05 62.00 268.80 4.11 5.O 47.50 206.25 4.04 52.50 231.25; 4.13 57.50 256.25 4.20 62.60 281.25 4.26 5.8 48.00 215.80 4.17 53.00 241.80 4.26 58.00 267.80 434 63.00 293.80 4.40 5.4 48.50 225.45 4.30 53.50 252.45 4.40 5850 279.45 4.48 63.50 30645 4.65 5.6 49.00 235.20 443 54.00 263.20 4.53 59.00 291.20 4.62 64.00 319.20 4.69 5.8 49.50 245.05 4.56 54.50 274.05 4.67 59.50 303.05 4.76 64.50 332.06 4.83 6.0 6.8 50.00 255.00 50.50 265.0.', 4.70 4.82 5500 55.50 285.00 296.05 4.81 4.94 (50.00 60.50 315.00 327.05 4.90 5.04 65.00 65.50 345.00 358.05 4.08 5.12 6.4 51.00 275.201 4.95 56.00 307.20 5.07 61.00 339.20 5.17 66.00 371.20 6.2tt 6.6 51.50 285.45 5.07 56.50 318.45 5.20 6150 851 .45 5.30 66.50 384.45 6.40 6.8 52.00 295.80 5.20 57.00 329.80 6.33 62.00 363.80 5.44 67.00 397.80 5.53 7.0 52.50 306.25 5.82 57.50 341.25 5.45 62.50 376.25 5.57 67.50 411 .25 5.67 7.5 58.75 332.81 5.62 58.75 370.31 5.77 63.76 407.81 5.90 68.75 445.31 6.01 8.O 65.00 360.00 592 60.00 400.00 6.08 65.00 440.00 6.22 70.00 480.00 6.84 8.5 56.25 387.81 6.22 61.25 430.31 6.39 66.25 472.81 6.54 71.25 515.31. 6.66 !>.() 57.50 416.25 6.51 62.50 461.25 6.69 67.50 50625 6.85 72.. 50 551.25 6. OR 9.5 58.75 445.31 6.79 63.75 492.81 6.98 68.75 540.31 7.15 73.75 587.81 7.30 1O.O 60.00 475.00 7.07 65.00 525.00 7.27 70.00 575.00 7.45 75.00 625.00 7.61 10.5 61.25 505.81 7.35 66.25 557.81 7.56 71.25 610.31 7.75 76.25 662.81 7.91 1 11 H2.5 536.25 7.62 67.5 591.25 7.84 72.5 646.25 8.04 77.5 701.25 8.21 18 d. r ).0 60'). 00 8.15 70.0 660.00 8.40 75.0 1720.00 8.61 80.0 780.00 8.8) 13 07.6 166625 r,202 17- 8.67 781 .26. 8.94 77.5 J 796.251 9.17 82.5 861 .25 HYDBAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 20. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, one side slope 2 to 1 and one side slope iy 2 to 1. (This table can also be used for both slopes 11:1.) Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 2 feet 3 feet 4 feet 5 feet ... i J * s S I ~ $ T A - 1 T A * 1 T A a | T A oa "u il II ii II " h k Ii 0.4 3.40 1.08 .30 4.40 1.48 .32 5.40 1.88 .33 6.40 2.28 .34 0.6 4.10 1.83 .41 5.10 2.43 .45 6.10 3.03 .47 710 3.G3 .49 0.8 4.80 2.72 .52 5.80 3.52 .56 6.80 4.32 .60 7.80 5.12 .62 1.0 5.50 375 .62 6.50 4.75 .67 7.50 5.75 .72 8.50 6.75 .75 1.9 6.20 4.92 .72 7.20 612 .78 8 20 7.32 .83 9.20 8.52 .87 1.4 6.90 6.23 .81 7.90 7.63 .88 8.90 9.03 .94 9.90 10.43 .98 1.6 7.60 7.68 .91 8.60 9.28 .9S 9.60 10.8S 1.04 10.60 12.48 1.09 1.8 8.30 9.27 1.00 9.30 11.07 1.08 10.30 12.87 1.14 11.30 14.67 1.21 2.O 900 11.00 1.09 10.00 13.00 1.17 11.00 15.00 1.24 12.00 17.00 1.30 2.2 9.70 12.87 118 10.70 15.07 1.27 11.70 17.27 1.34 12.70 19.47 1.40 2.4 10.40 14.88 1.27 11.40 17.28 1.36 12.40 19.68 1.44 13.40 22.08 1.50 2.6 11 1) 17.03 1.36 12.10 19.63 1.45 13.10 22.23 1.53 14.10 24.83 1.60 2.8 11.80 19.32 1.45 12.80 22.12 1.55 13.80 24.92 1.63 14.80 27.72 1.70 3.0 1250 21.75 1.54 13.50 24.75 1.64 14.50 27.75 1.72 15.50 30.75 1.80 3.2 1320 24.32 163 14.20 27.52 1.73 15.20 30.72 1.81 16.20 33.92 189 3.4 1390 27.03 1.72 14.90 30.43 1.82 15.93 33.83 1 91 16.90 37.23 1.99 3.6 11.60 29.88 1.81 15.60 33.48 1.91 I6.o 37.08 2.03 17.60 40.68 208 3.8 15.30 32.87 1.89 16.30 36.67 2.00 17.30 40.47 2.09 18.30 44.27 2.18 4.0 16.00 3" 00 1.98 17.00 40.00 2.09 18.00 44.00 2.18 19.00 48.00 2.27 4.2 16.70 S9.27 2.07 17.70 43.47 2.18 18.70 47.67 2.27 19.70 61.87 236 4.4 17.40 42.6 2.16 18.40 47.08 2.27 19.40 51.48 2.36 20.40 55.88 2.45 4.6 18.10 46.23 225 19.10 50.83 2.36 20.10 55.43 2.45 21.10 60.03 2.54 4.8 18.80 49.92 2.33 19.80 54.72 2.44 20.80 59.52 2.54 21.80 64.32 2.64 5.0 19.50 53.75 2.42 20.50 58.75 2.53 21.50 63.75 263 22.50 68.75 2.73 5.2 2020 57.72 252 21.20 62.92 2.62 22.20 68.12 2.72 23.20 73.32 2.82 5.4 20.90 61. 3 261 21.90 67.23 2.71 22.90 72.63 2.81 2390 78.03 291 5.6 21.60 66.08 2.68 22.60 71.68 2.80 23.60 77.28 290 24.CO 82.88 3.00 5.8 22.30 70.47 2.77 23.30 76.27 2.88 24.30 82.07 2.99 25.30 87.87 3.09 6.O 23.00 75.00 2.86 24.00 81.00 2.97 25.00 87.00 3.08 26.00 93.00 3.18 6.2 23.70 79.47 2.94 24.70 85.67 8.05 25.70 91.87 3.16 26.70 98.07 3. 26 6.4 24.40 84.48 3.03 25.40 90.88 3.15 26.40 97.28 3.26 27.40 103.68 336 6.6 25.10 89.43 3.11 26.10 95.03 3.24 27.10 102.63 3.35 28.10 109.23 3.45 6.8 25.80 94.52 3.20 26.80 101.32 3.32 27.80 108.12 3.44 2S.8Q 114.92 3.54 7.0 26.50 99.75 3.29 27.50 10S.75 341 28.50 113.75 3.52 29.50 120.75 3.<>3 7.5 28.25 113.44 3.51 29.25 120.94 3.63 30.25 128.44 3.74 31.25 135.94 3.85 8.O 30.00 12^.00 3.73 31.09 136.00 3.85 32.00 144.00 397 33.00 152.00 407 8.5 31.75 143.44 3.95 32.75 151.94 4.07 83.75 160.44 4.18 34.75 168.94 4.29 9.O 33.50 15075 4.16 31.59 168.75 4.29 5.50 177.75 4.40 06.50 '186.75 4.52 9.5 35.25 176.94 4.38 36.25 186.44 4.50 37.25 195.94 4.62 38.25 205.44 4.74 to 37.0 195.00 4.60 38.0 205.00 4.72 39.0 215.00 4.S4 40.00 225.00 4.96 It- _40.5_ J233.75; f>.l)4 41.5 244.75 5.16 42.5 ; 255. 75; 5.28^ 43.50 2(56.75 _6.40 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 83 Table 2O. Area in square feet \ A^ top width in feet, 7*, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, one side slope 2 to 1 and one side slope ~L% to 1 Con. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom w dth 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet .4 ^ s & a s I T A 1 1 T A 1 T A s ! T A a 1 II II II || ~ fc K I 0.4 7.40 2.68 .35 8.40 3.08 .36 9.40 3.48 .36 10.40 3.88 .37 0.6 8.10 1 4.23 .50 9.10 4.83 .51 10.10 5.43 .52 11.10 6.03 .53 0.8 8.80 5.92 .64 9.80 6.72 .66 10.80 7.52 .67 11.80 8.32 .68 l.O 9.50 7.75 .77 10.50 8.75 .79 11.50 9.75 .81 12.50 10.75 .82 1.2 10.20 9.72 .90 11.20 10.92 .92 12.20 12.12 .94 13.20 13.32 .96 1.4 10.90 11.83 i 1.02 1190 13.-3 1.04 12.90 14.63 1.07 13.90 16.03 1.09 1.6 11.60 14.08 1.13 12.60 15.6S 1.16 13.60 17 .'2S 1.19 1460 18.88 1.22 1.8 12.30 16.47 1.24 .13.30 18.27 1.28 14.30 20.07 1.31 15.30 21.87 1.34 2.O 13.00 19.00 1.35 14.00 21.00 1.39 15.00 23.00 1.43 16.00 2-5.00 1.46 2.2 13.70 21.67 1.46 14.70 23.87 l.. r )0 15.70 26.07 1.54 16.70 28.27 1.58 2.4 14.40 24.48 1.56 15.40 26.88 1.61 16.40 29.28 1.65 17.40 31.68 1.69 2.6 15.10 27.43 1.66 16.10 30.08 1.71 17.10 32.63 1.76 18.10 35.23 1.80 2.8 15.80 30.52 1.76 16.80 33.32 1.82 17.80 36.12 1.87 18.80 38.92 1.91 3.0 16.50 33.75 1.86 17.50 36.75 1.92 18.50 39.75 1.98 19.50 42.75 2.02 3.2 17.20 37.12 1.96 18.20 4).32 2.02 19.20 43.52 2.08 20.20 46.72 2.13 3.4 17.90 40.63 206 18.90 44.03 2.12 19.90 47.43 2.18 20.90 50.83 2.24 3.6 18.60 44.28 2.15 19.60 47.88 2.22 2060 51.48 2.28 21.60 55.08 2.34 3.8 19.30 48.07 2.25 20.30 51.87 2.32 21.30 55.67 2.38 22.30 59.47 2.44 4.0 20.00 52.00 2.35 21.00 56.00 2.42 22.00 60.00 2.48 23.00 64.00 2.54 4.2 20.70 56.07 2.45 21.70 60.27 2.51 22.70 61 47 2.58 23.70 68.67 2.64 4.4 21.40 60.28 2.54 22.40 64.68 2.61 2340 69.0H 268 24.40 73.48 2.74 4.6 22.10 64.63 2.63 23.10 69.23 2.71 24.10 7383 2.78 25.10 78.43 2.84 4.8 22.80 69.12 2.72 23.80 73.92 2.80 24.80 78.72 2.87 25.80 83.62 2.94 5.O 23.50 73.75 2.81 24.50 7875 289 25.50 83.75 2.97 26.50 88.75 3.04 5.2 24.20 78.52 2.91 25.20 83.72 2.99 26.20 88.92 3.06 27.20 94.12 8.18 5.4 24.90 83.43 8.00 25.90 88.83 3.08 26.90 94.23 3.16 27.90 99.63 3.23 5.6 25.60 88.48 3.09 26.60 94.08 3.17 27.60 99.68 3.25 28.60 105.28 3.33 5.8 26.30 93.67 3.18 27.30 99.47 3.27 28.30 105.27 3.35 29.30 111.07 3.42 6.0 27.00 99.00 3.27 28.00 105.00 3.36 29.00 111.00 3.44 30.00 117.00 3.52 6.2 27.70 104.27 3.36 28.70 110.47 3.45 29.70 116.67 8.53 30.70 122.87 3.61 6.4 28.40 |110.08 3.46 29.40 116.48 3.54 30.40 122.88 363 31.40 129.28 8.71 6.6 29.101115.83 8.55 83.10 122.43 3.64 31.10 129.03 3.72 32.10 135.63 3.80 6.8 29.80 121.72 8.64 30.80 128.52 3.73 31.80 135.32 3.81 32.80 142.12 3.90 7.O 30.50 127.75 3.73 31.50 134.75 3.82 32.50 141.75 3.91 33.50 14S.75 3.99 7.5 32.25 143.44 3.95 33.25 150.94 4.05 34.25 158.44 4.14 35.25 165.94 4.22 8.O 34.00 100.00 4.17 35.00 168.00 4.27 36.00 176.00 4.37 37.00 184.00 4.45 8.5 35.75 177.44 4.40 36.75 185.94 4.50 37.75 194.44 4.59 38.75 202.94 4.68 9.O 37.50 195.75 4.62 38.50 1204.75 4.72 39.50 213.75 4.82 40.50 222.75 491 9.5 ;;9.2o 214.94 4.84 40.25 224.44 4.95 41.25 233.94 5.04 42.25 243.44 5.14 10 41.00 235.00 5.06 42.00! 245.00 5.17 43.00 255.00 5.27 44.00 265.00 5.36 11 44.50 277.7,-) 5.50 45.501288.75 5.61 46.50 299.75 5.71 47.50 310.75 5.82 84 HYDRAULIC AISTD EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 2O. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, one side slope 2 to 1 and one side slope 1)^ to 1 Con. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 10 feet 12 feet 14 feet 16 feet 3 g s \ Elf I T A V T A te 1 II T A c3 "S * T A 41 1! 11 i. 11 V V l.O 13.50 11.75 .84 15.50 13.75 .86 17.50 15.75 -87 19.50 17.7-". .S9 1.8 14 20 14.52 .98 1620 Hi. 92 1.00 18.20 1932 1.02 2020 21.72 1.04 1.4 14.90 1743 1.11 16.90 20.23 1.15 18.90 23.1 3 1.17 20.90 25.83 1.19 1.6 15.60 20.48 1.24 1760 23.68 1.28 1960 26.88 1.31 21.60 30.08 1.34 1.8 16.30 28.67 1.37 18.30 27.27 1.41 20.30 30.87 1.45 22.30 84.47 1.48 8.0 17.00 27.00 1.49 19.00 31.00 1.54 21.00 35.00 1.58 23.00 39.00 1.62 8.8 17.70 3>.47; 1.61 19.70 34.87 1.67 21.70 39.27 1.72 23.70 4:167 1.75 3.4 18.40 34081 1.73 2040 38.88 1.79 22.40 43.68 1.84 24.40 48 48 1.89 3.6 19.10 37.83 1.84 21.10 1 43.' 3 1.91 23.10 48.23 197 25.10 53.43 2.02 8.8 19.80 41.72 1.96 21.80 47.32 2.03 23.80 52.92 2.09 25.80 68.52 2.14 3.0 20.50 45.75 2.07 22.50 51.75 2.15 24.50 57.75 2.21 26.50 63.75 227 3.2 21.20 49.92 2.18 2.4.20 56.32 2.26 25.20 62.72 2.33 27.20 69.12 i 2.39 3.4 21.90 54,23 2.28 23.90 61.03 2.37 25.90 67.83 2.44 2790 74.63! 2.51 3.6 22.60 5868 2.39 24.60 6588 2.48 26.60 73.08 2.56 2860 80.28 2.63 3.8 23.30 63.27 2.50 25.30 70.87 2.59 27.30 78.47 2.67 29.30 86.07 2.74 4.0 24.00 68.00 2.60 26.00 76.00 2.70 28.00 84.00 2.78 30.00 92.00 286 4.3 24.70 7287 2.70 2fi.70 81.27 2.80 28.70 89.67 2.89 30.70 98.07 1 2 97 4.4 25.40 7788 2.0 27.40 86.68 2.91 29.40 95.48 3.00 31.40 104.28J 8.09 4.6 26.10 83.03 290 2810 92.23 3.01 30.10 101 .43 3.11 82.10 110.63 3.20 4.8 26.80 88.32 3.00 28.80 97.92 3.12 30.80 107.52 3.22' 32.80 117.12 3.31 5.0 27.50 93.75 3.10 29.50 103.75 3.22 31.50 118.75 3.33 33.50 123.75 3.42 5.3 28.20 99.32 3.20 30.20 i 109.72 3.33 32.20 120.12 3.43 3420 130.52 8.53 5.4 28.90 105.03 3.30 30.90 115.83 8.43 32.90 126.63 3.54 3490 137.431 3.^3 5.6 29.60 ! 110.88 3.40 31.60 122 .(8 3.53 33.60 133.28 3.64 35.60 14448! 3.74 5.8 30.30 116.87 3.50 32.30 128.47 3.63 34.30 140.07 3.74 36.30 151.67 3.85 6.O 31.00 123.00 3.59 33.00 135.00 3.73 35.00 147.00 3.84 37.00 159.00 3.95 6.3 6.4 6.6 31.70 32.40 33.10 129.27 135.68 142.23 3.69 3.78 3.88 33701141.67 34.40 1148.48 35.10 155.43 383 3.92 4.02 35.70 36.40 37.10 154.07 161.28 168.63 3.95 4.05 4.15 37.70 38.40 39.10 166.47! 4.05 174.08' 4.16 181. 83 ! 4.26 6.8 83.80 148.92 3.97 35.80 162.52 4.12 37.80 176.12 4.25 89.80 189.72 4.36 7.0 34.50 155.75 4.07 36.50 169.75 4.22 38.50 183.75 4.35 40.50 197.75 4.47 7.5 36.25 173.44 4.30 38.25 188.44 4.46 40.25 203.44 4.59 42.25 218.44 4.72 8.O 38.00 192.00 454 40.00 20800 4.69 42.00 224.00 4.84 44.00 240.00 4.97 8.5 39.75 211.44 4.77 41.75 228.44 4.93 43.75 245.44 5.08 45.75 262.44 5.22 9.O 41.50 231.75 5.00 4350 249.75 5.17 45.50 267.75 5.32 47.50 285.75i 5.46 9.5 43.25 252.94 5.23 45.25 271.94 5.40 47.25 290.94 5.56 49.25 3u9.94 5.70 1O.O 45.00 275.00 5.46 47.00 295.00 5.63 49.00 315.00 5.79 51.00 335.00 5.94 10.5 46.75 297.94 5.68 48.75 318.94 5.86 5075 339.94 6.03 52.75 300.94 6.18 I 11 48.50 821.75 591 50.50 313.75 6.09 52.50 365.75 6.26 54.50 387.75 6.42 18 52.00 372.00 636 5-4.0) 396.00 6.55 56.00 420.00 6.72 58.<>0 444.00 689 13 55.50 1425.75 6.81 57.50 451.75 7.00 59.50 477.75 7.19 61 50 503.751 7.35 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 85 Ta/ble 20. Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, ami hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, one side slope 2 to 1 and one side slope \]4 to 1 Con. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width 18 leet 20 feet 22 feet 24 feet I -3 S o< 3 & si 1 T A c ., Oj oj T A rt *"* T A W T A "1 l.O 1.2 21.50 22.20 19.75 24. 12 .90 1.06 23.50 24.20 21.75 26.52 .90 1.07 25.50 26. 20 23. 75 28. 92 .91 1.08 27.50 28.20 25.75 31.32 .92 1.09 1.4 22.93 28.63 .21 24.90 31.43 1.22 26.90; 34.23 1.24 28.90 37. 03 1.25 1.6 23. 63 33.28 .36 25.60 36.48 1.38 27.60 39.68 1.39 29.60 42.88 1.41 1.8 24.30 38.07 .51 26.30 41.67 1.53 28.30 45.27 1.55 30.30 48.87 1.56 2.0 25.00 43.00 .65 27.00 47.00 1.67 29.00 51.00 1.70 31.00 55.00 1.71 2.2 25. 70 48.07 .79 27.70 52.47 1.82 29.70 56.87 1.84 31.70 61.27 1.86 2.4 26.40 53.28 .92 28.40 58.08 1.96 30.40! 62.88 1.98 32.40 67.68 2.01 2.6 27.10 58.63 2.06 29.10 63.83 2.09 31.10; 69.03 2.12 33. 10 74.23 2.15 2.8 27.80 64.12 2.19 29.80 69.72 2.23 31.80i 75.32 2.26 33.80 80.92 2.29 3.0 28.50 69.75 2.31 30.50 75.75 2.36 32.50 81.75 2.40 34.50 87.75 2.43 3.2 29.20 75.52 2.44 31.20 81.92 2.49 33.20 88.32 2.53 35.20 94.72, 2.57 3.4 29.90 81.43 2.57 31.90 88. 23 2.61 33.90 95.03 2.66 35.90 101.83 2.70 3.6 30.60 87.48 2.69 32. 63 94.68 2.74 34.60101.88 2.79 36.60 109. 08 2.83 3.8 31.30 93.67 2.81 33.30 101.27 2.86 35. 30 108. 87 I 2.91 37.30 116.47 2.% 4.0 32.00 100.00 2.93 34.00 108.00 2.99 36.00116.00 3.04 38.00 124.00 3.09 4.2 32.70 106.47 3.04 34.70 114. 87 3.11 36. 70! 123. 27 3.16 38.70 131. 67 3.21 4.4 33.40 113.08 3.16 35.40 121.88 3.23 37.40130.68 3.29 39.40 139. 48 3.34 4.6 34. 10j 119.831 3.28 36.10 129. 03 3.34 38.10138.23 3.41 40.10 147.43 3.46 4.8 34.80126.72 3.39 36.80 136.32 3.46 38.80,145.92 3.53 40.80 155.52 3.58 5.O 35.50133.75 3.50 37.50 143.75 3.58 39.50153.75 3.64 41.50 163. 75 3.70 5.2 36.20140.92! 3.61 38.20 151.32 3.69 40.20161.72 3.76 42.20 172. 12 3.82 5.4 36.90148.23 3.72 38.90 159. 03 3.80 40.90169.83 3.88 42.90 180.63 3.94 5.6 37.60155.68 3.83 39. 60 166.88 3.92 41.60178.08 3.99 43.60 189. 28 4.06 5.8 38.30163.27 3.94 40. 30 174. 87 4.03 42.30J186.47 4.11 44.30 198.07 4.18 6.0 39.0o!l71.00 ! 4.05 41.00 183.00 .14 43.00195.00 4.22 45.00 207.00 4.29 6.2 39.70178.87i 4.15 41.70 191.27 .25 43.70203.67 4.33 45. 701216. 07 4.41 6.4 40.40186.88 4.26 42.40199.68 .35 44.40,212.48, 4.44 46. 40 225. 28 4.52 6.6 41.10195.03 4.37 43. 10 208. 23 .46 45.10;221.43| 4.55 47.10234.63 4.63 6.8 41.80i203.32 4.47 43.80216.92 .57 45.80 230.52 4.66 47. 80 244. 12 4.74 7.0 42.5o'211.75 4.58 44. 50 225. 75 4.68 46.50 239. 75 4.77 48. 50 253. 75 4.85 7.5 44. 251233. 44| 4.83 46.252*8.44 4.94 48.25 263.44 5.04 50.25278.44 5.13 8.0 46.00'256.00 5.09 48.00 272. 00 5.20 50.00 288.00 5.30 52.00304.00 5.40 8.5 47.75,279.44 5.34 49. 75 296.44 5.46 51.75 313.44 5.56 53. 75 330. 44 5.67 9.O 49.50'303.75 5.59 51.50321.75 5.71 53.50 339. 75 5.82 55.50 357. 75 5.93 9.5 51.25,328.94 5.84 53.25 347. 94 5.96 55.25 366.94 6.08 57.25 385.94 6.19 1O.O 53.00'355.00 6.08 55.00375.00 6.21 57.00395.00 6.33 59.00415.00 6.45 10.5 54.75381.94 6.32 56. 75J402. 94 6.45 58. 75 423. 94 6.58 60. 75! 444. 94 6.70 11 56.50 409.75 6.56 58.501431.75 6.70 60.50 453. 75 6.83 62.50J475.75 6.95 12 60.03468.00 7.04 62.00492.00 7.18 64.00516.00 7.32 66.00540.00 7.45 13 63.50529.75 7.51 65.50555.75 7.66 67.505S1.75 7.81 69.50607.75 7.94 86 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 20. Area in square feet, A, top itidth in feel, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, one side slope 2 to 1 and one side slope 1 % to 1 Con. Bottom width 26teet Bottom width 28 feet Bottom width 30 feet Bottom width 32 feet I T A g^ StJ T A area ct per. T A i m rj T A 2j s ' ^ fp il II fc. h. 1 l.O 29.50 27.75 .92 31.50 29.75 .93 33.50 31.75 .93 35.50 33.75 .94 1.3 30.20 33.72 1.09 32.20 36.12 1.10 31.20 38. 52 1.10 36.20 40.92 1.11 1.4 30. 90 39. S3 .26 32. 90 42.63 1.27 34. 90 45.43 1.27 36.90 48. 23 1.28 1.6 31.60 46.08 .42 33.60 49.28 1.43 35. 00 52.48 1.44 37.60 55. 6* 1.45 1.8 32.30 52.47 .58 34.30 56.07 1.59 36.30 59.67 1.60 38.30 63. 27 l.fil 2.0 33.00 59.00 .73 35.00 63.00 1.75 37.00 67.00 1.76 39.00 71.00 1.77 2.2 33.70 65.67 .88 35.70 70.07 1.90 37.70 74.47 1.92 39. 70 78.87 L93 2.4 34.40 72.48 2.03 36.40 77.28 2.05 38.40 82.08 2.07 40.40 8-3. S> 2. OS 2.6 35.10 79.43 2.18 37.10 84.63 2.20 39.10 89.83 2. 22 41.10 95. (M 2.24 2.8 35.80 86.52 2.32 37.80 92.12 2.34 39.80 97.72 2. 36 841. 80 103.32 2.39 3.O 36.50 93.75 2.46 38.50| 99.75 2.49 40.50105.75 2.51 42.50 111.75 2.53 3.2 37.20101.12 2.60 39.201107.52 2.63 41.20113.92 2.65 43. 20 120. 32 2.08 3.4 37. 90 108. 63 2.73 39. 901115. 43 2.77 41.90122.23 2.79 43. 901129. 03 2.82 3.6 38.60116.28 2.87 40.60! 123. 48 2.90 42.60130.68 2.93 44.60:137. Sit 2.96 3.8 39.30124.07 3.00 41.30131.67 3.04 43.30 139. 27 3.07 45. 30 14S. 87 3. 10 4.0 40.00132.00 3.13 42.00140.00 3.17 44.00 148.00 3.21 46.00 ttS.OO 3.21 4.2 40.70140.07 3.26 42.70 148. 47 3.30 44.70156.87 3.34 46. 70 165. 27 3. 38 4.4 41.40148.28 3.39 43. 40 157. 08 3.43 45.40165.88 3.47 47. 411 74. 68 3.51 4.6 42. 10 156. 63 3.51 44.10 165. 83 3.56 46.10175.03 3.60 48.10184.23 3.64 4.8 42.80 165. 12 3.64 44.80 174. 72 3.69 46.80184.32 3.73 48.80193.92 3.77 5.0 43.50 173. 75 3.76 45.50 m 75 3.81 47. 50193. 75 3.86 49.50203.75 8.' 90 5.2 44.20182.52 3.88 46.20 192.92 3.94 48.20203.32 3.98 50. 2 H213. 72 4.03 5.4 44.90191.43 4.00 46. 90 202. 23 4.06 48. 90 213. 03 4.11 60.fcN223.83 4.16 5.6 45.60200.48 4.12 47.60211.68 4.18 49.60222.88 4.23 51.60234.08 4.29 5.8 46.30 209.67 4.24 48.30 221.27 4.30 50.30 232.87 4.36 52. 30 244. 47 4. 41 6.0 47.00 219.00 4.36 49.00 231.00 4.42 51.00 243.00 4.48 53.00255.00 4..v4 6.2 47.70228.47 4.48 49. 70 240. 87 4.54 51.70253.27 4.60 53.70j265.67 6.4 48.40238.08 4.59 50. 40 250. 8S 4.68 52. 4 f > 263. 68 4.72 54.40276.48 4.78 6.6 49. 10 247. 83 4.71 51.10261.03 4.78 53. 10 274. 23 4.84 55.102S/.43 4. PO 6.8 49.80 257. 72 4.82 51.80271.32 4.89 53.80 284. 92 4.98 55.80298.52 5.02 7.O 50.50 267. 75 4.93 52.50281.75 5.01 54.50 295. 75 5.07 56. 50' 309. 75 5.14 7.5 52.25 293.44 5.21 54.25 308.44 5.29 56. 25 323. 44 5.36 58. 25 338. 44 5.43 8.0 54.00 320.00 5.49 56.00 336. 00 5.57 58.00352.00 5.65 60.00 368. 00 5.72 8.5 55.75347.44 5.76 57.75 364.44 5.85 59. 75 381. 44 5.93 61.75398.44 6.01 9.O 57. 50 375. 75 6.03 59. 50 393. 75 6.12 61.50411.75 6.21 ! 03.50429.75 6.29 9.5 59.25 404.94 6.29 6l.25J423.94 6.39 63.25,442.94 6.48 ] 65.25461.94 6.56 1O.O 61.00 435.00 6.55 63. 00! 455. 00 6.65 65. 00 475. 00 6. 75 1 67. 00 495. 00 6.84 10.5 62.75 465. 94 6.81 64. 75486. 94 6.92 66. 75 .507. 94 1 7.01 3 6S. 75 528. 94 7.11 11 64.50 497. 75 7.07 66. 501519. 75 7.18 68.505il.75 7.28 ! 70.50563.75 7.38 12 68. 00 564.001 7.57 70. 00 j 588.00 7.63 72.00612.00 74. Ort 636. 00 7.90 13 71. 50 633. 7ol 8.07 73. 501659. 75 8.20 75. 50 685. 75 8.31 i 77.50711.75 8.42 HYDBAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 87 Table 2iO.Area in square feet, A, top width in feet, T, and hydraulic radius in feet, r, of trapezoidal channels, one side slope 2 to 1 and one side slope 1) to 1 Con. Bottom width Bottom width Bottom width Bottom widtl 35 feet 40 feet 45 feet 50 feet w u i i . 1 T A I r A i T A ' 3 "? T ! A \ Q ? ii I ii K ii k i l.O 3^.50 36.75 .91 43.50 41.75 .95 48.50 40.75 .95 53.6Q 51.75 .< 1.3 39.20 44.52 1.12 44.20 50.52 1.13 49.20 5T..52 1.13 54.20 02.52 1.1 1.4 39.90 52.43 1.29 44.90 j 59.43 1.30 49.90 66.43 . 1 .31 54.90 73.48 1 : 1.6 40.60 6048' 1.46 45.60 68.48 1.47 50.60 70.48 i 1.49 55.60 84.48 1.1 1.8 41.30 68.67, 1.62 46.30 77.67 1.64 51.30 86.67 ' 1 .66 56.30 95.07 l.< 3.O 42.00 77.00 1.79 47.00 87.00 181 52.00 97.00 1.83 57.00 1 107.00 1.J 3.3 42.70 85.47 1.95 47.70 96.47 197 52.70 107.47 1.9) 57.70 118. 17 2( 3.4 43.10 94.08 2.10 48.40 106.08 2.13 53.40 118.08 2.16 5840 130.08 2. 3.6 4410 102.83 2.26 4910 115.83 2.29 .54.10 128.83 2.32 5910 141.83 2.1 3.8 44.80 111.72 2.41 49.80 1125.72 2.45 51.80 139.72 2.48 59.80 153.72 2. 3.0 45.50 120.75 2.f;6 50.50 135.75 2.60 55.50 1.50.75 2.64 60.50 105.75 2.( 3.3 46.20 1-29.92 2.71 51.20 145.92 2.76 56.20 161.92! 2.80 61.20 177. '.VI 2.1 3.4 46.90 '139 .23 2.86 51.90 156.23 2.91 56.93 173.23i 2.95 61.90 190 23 2.' 3.6 47.60 1-1 8. 68 3.00 52.6) 16668 3.06 57.60 184.681 310 62.60 2(>2.t;S 3. 3.8 48.30 158.27 3.14 53.30 177.27 3.20 58.30 196.27 3.25 63.30 215.27 3.' 4.O 49.00 168.00 3.28 54.00 188.00 3.35 59.00 208.00 340 64.00 228.00 3.' 4.3 49 .70 j 177.87 3.42 54.70 198.87 349 59.70 219.87 3.55 04.70 210.K7 3.< 4.4 50.40 j 187 .88 356 55.40 209.P8 3.63 60.40 231.88 3.70 65.40 253.88, 3 ' 4.6 51.101198.03 3.70 56.10 221.03 3.77 61.10 241.03 3.84 60.10 267.03 3.' 4.8 51.80 208.32 3.83 56.80 232.32 3.91 61.80 250.32 j 3.5)8 66.80 280.32 4. 5.0 52.50 218.75 3 o fi 57.50 243.75 4.05 62.50 268.75! 4.12 67.50 293.75 4 5.3 ft 5.20 22^32 4:09 58.20 255.32 4.18 63.20 281 32 j 4.26 68.20 307 32 4. 5.4 53.90 240.03 4.22 58.90 267.03 4.32 63.'JO 1294.18 4.40 68.90 321.03 4. 5.6 .54.60 250.88 4.35 59.60 278.88 4.45 64.60 3)6.88 4.49 69.60 334.88! 4. 5.8 55.30 201.87 4.48 60.30 290.87 4.58 65.30 [319.87 4.67 70.30 348.87 4. 6.0 56,00 273.00 4.61 61.00 303.00 4.72 66.00 333.00 4.81 71.00 303.00 i. 6.3 56.70 ! 284.27 4.74 61.70 31527 4.85 66.70 340.27 4.94 71.70 377.27| 5. 6.4 57.40 2 '5.0H 4.86 62.40 327.68 4.98 67.40 359.68 5.08 72.40 391.68 5. 6.6 58.10 307.231 4.98 63.10 340 23 5.10 68.10 1373.23! 5.21 73.10 406.23 5. 6.8 58.80 318.92 5.10 63.80 352.92 5.23 68.80 386.92 5.34 73.80 420.92 :>. 7.0 59.50 330.75 5.23 64.50 365.75 5.36 69.50 400.75 5.47 74.50 435.75 5. 7.5 61.25 360.94 5.53 66.25 398.44 5.67 71.25 435.94 5.79 76.25 473.44 5. 8.0 P3.00 392.00 5.82 68.00 432.00 5.97 7300 472.00 6.10 78.00 512.00 6 8.5 64.75 423.94 6.11 69.75 466.44 6.28 74.75 508.94 G.41 79.75 551.4-1; 6. 9.0 66,50 456.75 6.40 71.50 501.75 6.57 76.50 546. 75 ' 6.72 81.50 591.75 6. 9.5 68.25 490.44 6.68 73.25 537.94 6.86 78.25 585.44, 7.02 83.25 632.94 7. 10.0 70.00 525.00 6.96 75.00 575.00 7.15 80.00 625.00; 7.32 85.00 675.00 7. 10.5 71.75 560.44! 7.24 76.75 612.94 7.32 81.75 065.44; 7.62 86.75 717.H4 7 11 73.50 596.75 7.51 78.50 051.75 7.72 83.50 '706.75 7.90 88.50 761.75 8. 13 77.00 672.00 8.05 82.00 732.00 8.27 87.00 792.00 8.47 92.00 852.00 8. 13 80.50 750.75 8.58 85.50 815.75. 8.82 -S).75 9.03 95.5!! 94.\75 7 O.OS 0.0i> D 0.0 1.003 1.004 1.006 1.006 1.007 1.007 1.007 li06 1.006 1.00% .1 1.005 l.Ot'3 1.002 1.000 .998 .996 .994 .99-2 .9 9 .*9S7 .3 .985 .982 .980 .977 .975 #72 .970 .967 l|C4 aw .3 .959 .956 .953 .950 .947 .944 .941 .9J8 .935 .9o2 .4 .929 .926 .922 .919 .915 .912 .9 8 .604 .900 .% ,5 .892 .888 .884 .8S'0 .875 .871 .866 .861 .856 .851 .6 .46 .841 .836 .. C 30 .824 .818 .813 .806 .800 .794 .7 .787 .780 .773 .766 .758 .7.50 .742 .732 .723 .714 .8 .7( 3 .692 .681 .669 .656 .644 .631 .618 .604 .690 .0 .574 .557 .539 .520 .49S .471 .441 .402 .352 .275 94 HYDKACLJC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 23. Discharge per foot of length over sharp-crested vertical weirs without end contractions. a [Computed from the formula Q=(o.405+' 9S4 ) (l^ (ft=oberved had, in feet; p=heig-ht of weir, in feet; Z=length of crest, in feet; Q=discharge iu second- fee .)] X 3 4 6 8 * 10 20 30 0.1 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.12 9.2 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .3' 0.3 .58 .58 .58 .58 .58 .58 .5* 0.4 .88 .88 .87 .87 .87 .87 .87 0.5 1.23 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.20 1.2C 0.6 1.62 1.59 1.58 1.58 1.57 1.57 1.57 0.7 2.04 1.99 1.98 1.98 1.97 1.97 1.97 0.8 2.50 2.43 2.41 2.41 2.40 2.40 2.4(j 0.9 3.00 2.90 2.88 2.SG 2.86 2.85 2.85 1.0 3.53 3.40 3.36 3.35 3.34 3.33 3.33 1.1 4.10 3.93 3.88 3.86 3.85 3.84 1.3 4.69 4.48 4.42 4.40 4.38 4.36 4.3t 1.3 5.32 5.07 4.99 4.96 4.94 4.92 4.91 1.4 5.99 5.68 5.58 5.55 5.52 5.49 5.4fc 1.5 6.69 6.30 6.20 6.16 6.13 6.08 6.07 1.6 7.40 6.97 6.84 6.78 6.75 6.69 6.68 1.7 8.15 7.66 7.50 7.43 7.39 7.33 7.31 1.8 8.93 8.37 8.18 8.09 8.05 7.98 7.9e 1.9 9.74 9.11 8.89 8.79 8.74 8.65 8.63 2.9 10.58 9.87 9.62 9.51 9.44 9.34 9.32 3.1 11.44 10.65 10.37 10.24 10.17 10.05 10.02 3.2 12.33 11.46 11.14 10.99 10.91 10.78 10.75 3.3 13.25 12.29 11.93 11.77 11.67 11.52 11.48 3.4 14.20 13.15 12.75 12.56 12.45 12.28 12.24 3.5 15.18 14.03 13.59 13.37 13.25 13.06 13.02 3.6 16.17 14.92 14.44 14.20 14.07 13.85 13.80 3.7 17.19 15.84 15.31 15.05 14.90 14.65 14.60 3.8 18.23 16.79 16.21 15.92 15.76 15.48 15.42 3.9 19.29 17.75 17.12 16.81 16.63 16.32 16.25 3.0 20.38 18.74 18.06 17.71 17.52 17.18 17.10 3.1 21.50 19.74 19.01 18.64 18.42 18.05 17.9b 3.3 22.64 20.77 19.98 19.58 19.34 18.93 18.83 3.3 23.80 21.82 20.98 20.54 20.28 19.83 19.72 3.4 24.98 22.89 21.99 21.52 21.24 20.75 20.63 3.5 26.20 23.98 23.01 22.51 22.22 21.69 21.55 3.6 27.42 25.09 24.06 23.52 23.20 22.62 22.48 3.7 28.67 26.23 25.13 24.55 24.21 23.58 23.43 3.8 29.94 27.38 26.22 25.60 25.23 24.56 24.39 3.9 31.23 28.55 27.32 26.66 26.27 25.54 25.37 4.0 32.54 29.74 28.45 27.74 27.32 26.55 26.35 4.1 33.87 30.96 29.59 28.84 28.39 27.56 27.34 4.3 35.22 32.18 30.75 29.96 29.48 28.59 28.35 4.3 36.59 33.43 31.92 31.09 30.58 29.63 29.38 4.4 37.99 34.70 33.12 32.24 31.70 30.68 30.42 a This table should not be used where the weir is submerged, nor unless the overfalling sheet is aerated on the downstream face of the weir. If a vacuum form? under the falling sheet the discharge may be 5 per cent greater than given in this table. This table is not accurate for values of h greater than one-third JL,. HYDEAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 95 Table 23. Discharge per foot of length over sharp-crested vertical weirs without end contractions Continued. X ; 2 4 6 8 10 20 30 4.5 39.40 35.98 34.33 33.40 32.83 31.74 31.47 4.6 40.83 37.29 35.56 34.58 33.98 32.82 32.53 4.7 42.28 38.61 36.80 35.78 35.14 33.92 33.61 4.8 43.75 39.96 38.07 37.00 36.32 35.04 34.70 4.9 45.23 41.32 39.35 38.23 37.52 36.17 35.80 5.0 46.73 42.69 40.65 39.48 38.74 37.21 36.91 5.1 48.25 44.09 41.96 40.73 39.97 38.45 38.03 5.2 49.79 45.50 43.29 42.01 41.20 39.61 39.17 5.3 51.36 46.93 44.64 43.30 42.45 40.78 40.31 5.4 52.94 48.38 46.00 44.60 43.71 41.96 41.47 5.5 54.54 49.85 47.38 45.93 45.00 43.16 42.64 5.6 56.15 51.34 48.79 47.27 46.31 44.38 43.83 5.7 57.78 52.83 50.19 48.62 47.62 45.60 45.02 5.8 59.42 54.34 51.62 49.99 48.94 46.83 46.22 5.9 61.09 55.88 53.07 51.38 50.29 48.08 47.44 6.0 62.77 57.43 54.53 52.78 51.64 49.34 48.67 6.1 64.46 59.00 56.00 64.20 53.02 50.61 49.91 6.2 66.18 ! 60.58 57.50 55.63 54.40 51.90 51.16 6.3 67.91 62.18 59.01 57.07 55.80 53.20 52.42 6.4 69.G5 63.79 60.53 58.53 57.22 54.50 53.70 6.5 71.42 65.42 62.07 60.01 58.65 55.82 54.98 6.6 73.19 67.07 63.63 61.50 60.09 57.16 56.27 6.7 74.99 68.~4 65.20 63.00 61.55 58.50 57.58 6.8 76.80 70.42 66.78 64.53 63.02 59.96 58.90 6.9 78.62 72.11 68.38 66.06 64.50 | 61.23 60.22 7.0 80.46 73.82 70.00 67.60 66.00 62.61 61.56 7.1 82.32 75.55 71.63 6le 26. Multipliers for compound weirs. [=height of weir, in feet; fc=observed head, in feet.] P 4.57 4.56 4.53 5.28 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 Type, fig. 2. J e / g h t j k 1 m h 0.5 .941 .924 .933 962 971 947 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 .842 .866 .888 .906 .927 .945 .965 1.00 .836 .834 .831 .826 .822 .817 .812 .80 .929 .950 .953 .947 .942 .936 .931 .92 .976 .979 .988 1.000 1.016 1.032 1.044 1.05 1.039 1.087 1.109 1.118 1.120 1.127 1.123 1.11 1.11 1.033 1.093 1.133 1.153 1.163 1.169 1.165 1.16 1.15 .988 1.018 1.033 1.045 1.054 1.060 1.060 1.05 1.04 1.045 1.066 1.063 1.020 .997 .994 .991 .98 .98 1.033 1.042 1.035 1.033 1.045 1.04 1.057 1.05 1.04 i.ooa 1.036 1.063 1.085 1.096 1.108 1.110 1.10 1.10 7.0 I 1 10 1.14 1 04 97 1 04 1 09 8.0 9.0 10.0 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.14 1.14 1.13 1.04 1.03 1.03 .97 .97 .97 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.09 1.08 1.08 0202' 17 7 98 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 27. Discharge of standard rectangular submerged orifices in cubic feet per second, computed from the formula A. Head//, feet Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet 0.25 0.5 O.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.O 0.01 0.122 0.245 0.367 0.489 0.611 0.734 0.856 0.978 .02 0.173 0.346 0.518 0.691 0.864 1.037 1.210 1.382 .03 0.212 0.424 0.635 0.847 1.059 1.271 1.483 1.694 .04 0.245 0.489 0.734 0.978 1.223 1.468 1.712 1.957 .05 0.273 0.347 0.820 1.093 1.367 1.640 1.913 2.186 .06 0.300 0.599 0.899 1.198 1.497 1.797 2.097 2.396 .07 0.324 0.647 0.971 1.294 1.617 1.941 2.265 2.588 .08 0.346 0.691 1.037 1.383 1.729 2.074 2. 420 2.766 .09 0. 367 0.734 1.101 1.468 1.835 2.201 2.638 2.935 .10 0.387 0.773 1.160 1.557 1.933 2.320 2.707 3.094 1 .11 0.406 0.811 1.217 1.622 2.027 2.433 2.839 3.244 .12 0.424 0.847 1.271 1.694 2.118 2.542 2.965 3,389 .13 0.441 0.882 1.328 1.764 2.205 2,645 3.086 3.527 .14 0.458 0.915 1.373 1.830 2,287 2.745 3.203 3.660 Id 0.474 0.947 1.421 1.895 2.369 2.842 3.316 3.790 .16 0.489 a 978 1.467 1.956 2.445 2.934 3.423 3.912 .17 0.504 .008 1.512 2.016 2.520 3.024 3.528 4.032 .IS 0. 519 .037 1.556- 2.075 2.593 3.112 3.631 4.150 .19 0.533 .066 1.599 2.132 2.665 3.198 3.731 4.264 .20 0.547 .094 1.641 2.188 2.735 3.282 3.829 4.376 .21 0.561 .120 1.681 2.241 2.801 3-361 3.921 4.482 .22 0.574 .148 1.722 2! 296 2.870 3.464 4.018 4.592 .23 0.587 .172 1.759 2.345 2.931 3.517 4.103 4.690 .24 o.eoo .198 1.797 2.396 2.995 3.599 4.193 4.792 .25 0.612 .223 1.834 2.446 3.057 3.668 4.280 4.891 .26 0.624 .247 1.871 2.494 3.117 3.741 4.365 4.988 .27 0.636 .270 1.906 2.541 3.176 3.811 4.446 5.082 .28 0.646 1.294 1.942 2.589 3.236 3.883 4.530 5.178 .29 0.659 1.319 1.978 2.638 3.297 3.956 4,616 5.276 .30 0.670 1.339 2.009 2.678 3.347 4-017 4.687 5.356 JU 0.681 .363 2.045 2.726 3.407 .089 4.771 5.452 .32 0.692 .382 2.073 2.764 3.455 .146 4.837 5.528 .33 0.708 .405 2.107 2.810 3.513 .215 4.917 5.620 .34 0.713 .426 2.139 2,852 3.565 .278 4.991 5.704 .35 0.724 .446 2. 169 - 2.892 3.615 .338 5.061 5.784 .36 0.734 .467 2.201 2.934 3.667 4.401 5.135 5.868 .37 0.745 .488 2.232 2.976 3.720 4.464 5.208 5.952 .38 0.754 1.508 2.262 3.016 3.770 4.524 5.278 6.032 .39 0.764 1.527 2.291 3. aw 3.818 4.582 5.345 6.109 4.40 0.774 1.547 2.321 3.094 3.867 4.641 5.415 6.188 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 99 Table 27. Discharge of standard rectangular submerged orifices in cubic feet per second, computed from the formula A Continued. Head//, feet Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet 0.25 0.5 ] 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 0.4 1 a 783 .507 2.350 3.133 3.917 4.700 5.483 6.266 .42 0.792 .585 2. 377 3.170 3.962 4,754 5.547 6.339 .43 0.802 .604 2.406 3.208 4.010 4. 812 5.614 6.41f .44 0.811 .622 2.433 3.244 .055 4.866 5.677 6.488 . ; 0.820 .640 2.461 3.281 .101 4.921 5. 741 6.562 .4tt 0.829 .'659 2.489 3.318 .147 4.977 5.807 6.636 .47 0.839 .678 2.517 3.356 .195 5.035 5.874 6.713 .48 0.847 .695 2.542 3.389 .237 5.084 5.931 6.778 .49 asse .712 2.568 3.424 .280 5.136 5.992 6.848 .50 0.865 .729 2. 591 3-458 .323 5.188 8.052 6.917 .51 a 873 .746 2.620 3.493 .366 5.239 6.112 6.986 .52 a 882 .763 2.645 3.527 .409 5.290 6.172 7.054 .53 0.890 .780 2.670 3.560 .451 5.341 6.231 7.121 .54 0.898 .797 2.695 3.593 .491 5.390 6.288- 7.186 .55 a 907 .813 2.719 3.626 .533 5.439 6.345 7.252 .56 0.915 .830 2.745 3.660 .575 5.490 6.405 7.320 .57 0.923 .846 2.769 3.692 .615 5.538 6.461 7.384 .58 0,931 .862 2.794 3.725 .656 5.587 6.518 7.450 .59 0.939 .879 2.818 3-757 .697 5.636 6.575 7.514 .60 0.947 .895 2.842 3.790 4.737 5.684 6.632 7.579 .61 0.955 1.910 2.865 3.820 4.775 5.730 6.685 7.640 .62 0.963 1.925 2.887 3.850 4.812 5.775 6.737 7.700 .63 0.971 1.941 2.911 3.882 4.853 5.823 6.793 7.764 .64 0.978 1.956 2.934 3.912 4.890 5.868 6.846 7.824 .65 0.986 1.972 2.958 3.944 4.930 5.916 6.902 7.888 .86 0.993 1.987 2.980 3.974 4.967 5.960 6.954 7.947 .67 1.001 2.002 3.003 4.004 5.005 6.006 7.007 8.00S .68 1.008 2.016 3.024 4.032 5.040 6.048 7.066 8.064 .69 1.016 2.032 3.048 4.064 5.080 6.096 7.112 8.128 .70 1.023 2.046 3.069 4.092 5.115 6.138 7.161 8.184 .71 1.031 2.062 3.093 4.124 5.155 6.186 7.217 8.248 .72 1.038 2.076 3.114 4.152 5.190 6.228 7.266 8.304 .73 1.045 2.090 3.135 4.180 6.225 6.270 7.315 8.360 .74 1.052 2.104 3.158 4.210 5.260 6.311 7.369 8.421 .75 1.059 2.118 3.178 4.237 5.296 6.355 7.413 8.475 .76 1.066 2.132 3.198 .264 5.330 6.396 7.462 8.528 .77 1.072 2.145 3.217 .290 5.362 6.434 7.507 8.579 .78 1.080 2.160 3.240 .320 5.400 6.480 7.560 8.640 .79 1.087 2.174 3.261 .348 5.435 6.522 7.609 8.696 0.80 1.094 2.188 3.282 .376 5.470 6.564 7.658 8.752 100 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 28. Coefficients C to be applied to a discharge given by Table 27 to give the discharge of the same orifice suppressed, computed front the formula C I + 0.15 r. d height of orifice, in feet. 1 = leng th of o rifice , in feet . r ratio of suppressed perimeter to total perimeter. Size of orifi( I. feet 'C <4, square feet Bottom suppressed Bottom and sides suppressed d. feet r C r C 0.25 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.25 .50 .75 0.40 .44 .46 .06 .07 .07 0.60 .56 .54 .00 .08 .08 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 .33 .37 .40 .42 .43 .05 .06 1.06 1.06 1.06 .67 .63 .60 .58 .57 .10 .09 .09 .09 .09 0.75 1.33 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.67 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 .32 .34 .36 .38 0.39 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 .68 .66 .64 .62 0.61 .10 .10 .10 .09 .09 EXAMPLE: To find the discharge of a standard submerged rectan- gular orifice 0.5 by 2.5 feet with bottom and side suppressions under a head of o. 18 feet. For an area of 1.25 square feet (=0.5X2.5) and a head of 0.18 feet, Table 27 gives a discharge of 2 . 593 second-feet. For a height, d, of 0.5 feet and a length, I, of 2.5 feet, with bottom and sides sup- pressed, Table 28 gives a coefficient of 1.09. Then 2. 593X1. 09 =2. 826 second-feet, the discharge desired. HYDRAULIC A.MV SXCAVATIOX TABLES. 101 29. Flow oj u'ator, ii\. second fect,^and velocity in feet per second in wood, stave pipe in good condition having ordinarily smooth alignment and- profile based on the formula 7.68 V 1 - 8 H==friction head per 1 ,000 feet. ~ d 1.17 V=velocity in feet per second. d=diameter of pipe in inches. H Friction head, in feet per feet length of pipe Diam- eter XM Diam- eter in Area, square 0.2 O.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 in feet feet Q V Q V a V Q V a V 6 0.5OO 0.196 0.08 0.41 0.10 0.51 0.12 0.61 0.14 0.71 0.15 0.76 8 0.667 0.349 0.18 0.52 0.22 0.63 0.26 0.75 0.30 0.86 0.33 0.95 10 0.833 O.545 0.32 0.59 0.40 0.74 0.47 0.86 0.53 0.97 0.59 1.08 12 l.OOO 0.785 0.52 0.66 0.65 0.83 0.76 0.97 0.87 1.11 0.96 1.22 14 1.167 1.069 0.78 0.73 0.98 0.92 1.15 .08 1.30 1.22 1.44 1.35 16 1.333 1.396 1.12 0.80 1.40 1.00 1.64 .17 1.86 .33 2.05 1.47 18 1.500 1.767 1.53 0.87 1.91 1.08 2.24 .27 2.54 .44 2.81 1.59 2O 1.667 2.182 2.02 0.93 2.53 1.16 2.96 .36 3.35 .54 3.71 1.70 22 1.833 2.640 2.60 0.98 3.25 1.23 3.81 .44 4.32 .64 4.78 1.81 24 2.000 3.142 3.27 1.04 4.09 1.30 4.80 .53 5.44 .73 6.02 1.92 2G 2.167 3.687 4.04 1.10 5.06 1.37 5.94 .61 6.72 .82 7.44 2.02 28 2.333 4.276 4.92 1.15 6.16 1.44 7.23 .69 8.18 .91 9.05 2.12 30. 2.500 4.909 5.91 1.20 7.40 1.51 8.68 .77 9.82 2.00 10.9 2.22 32 2.G67 5.585 7.01 1.25 8.78 1.57 10.3 .84 11.7 2.09 12.9 2.31 34 2.833 6.305 8.23 1.30 10.3 1.63 12.1 .92 13.7 2.17 15.1 2.40 36 3.OOO 7.O69 9.57 1.35 12.0 1.70 14.1 .99 15.9 2.25 17.6 2.49 38 3.167 7.876 11.0 1.40 13.8 1.75 16.2 2.06 18.4 2.34 20.3 2.58 4O 3.333 8.727 12.7 1.46 15.9 1.82 18.6 2.13 21.1 2.42 23.3 2.67 42 3.500 9.621 14.4 1.50 18.0 1.87 21.2 2.20 24.0 2.49 26.5 2.75 44 3.667 10.56 16.3 1.54 20.4 1.93 23.9 2.26 27.1 2.57 30.0 2.84 46 3.833 11.54 18.3 1.59 23.0 1.99 26.9 2.33 30.5 2.64 33.7 2.92 48 4.000 12.57 20.5 1.63 25.7 2.05 30.2 2.40 34.1 2.71 37.8 3.01 50 4.167 13.64 22.9 1.68 28.6 2.10 33.6 2.46 38.0 2.79 42.1 3.09 52 4.333 14.75 25.4 1.72 31.8 2.16 37.3 2.53 42.2 2.86 46.8 3.17 54 4.5OO 15.90 28.0 1.76 35.1 2.21 41.2 2.59 46.6 2.93 51.6 3.24 56 4.667 17.10 30.9 1.81 38.7 2.26 45.4 2.65 51.3 3.00 56.8 3.32 58 4.883 18.35 33.9 1.85 42.4 2.31 49.8 2.71 66.3 3.07 62.3 3.40 60 5.000 19.64 37.1 1.89 46.4 2.36 64.5 2.78 61.6 3.14 68.2 3.47 66 5.5 23.76 47.7 2.01 59.8 2.52 70.1 2.95 79.4 3.34 87.8 3.70 72 6.0 28.27 60.1 2.13 75.3 2.66 88.3 3.12 99.9 3.53 111 3.93 78 6.5 33.18 74.3 2.24 93.0 2.80 109 3.29 124 3.74 137 4.13 84 7.0 38.48 90.4 2.35 113 2.94 133 3.46 150 3.90 166 4.31 9O 7.5 44.18 109 2.47 136 3.08 159 3.60 181 4.10 200 4.53 96 8.0 50.26 129 2.57 161 3.20 189 3.76 214 4.26 237 4.71 102 8.5 56.74 151 2.66 189 3.33 222 3.91 252 4.44 278 4.90 108 9.0 63.82 176 2.77 220 3.46 259 4.07 293 4.61 324 5.09 114 9.5 70.88 203 2.86 254 3.58 298 4.21 338 4.77 374 5.28 120 1O.O 78.54 233 2.97 291 3.71 342 4.35 387 4.93 428 5.45 102 HY1>BAT;7J4C AND. EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 29. Slow 'O/.. -water in econd-het, and -velocity in feet per second in wood. Stave pipe in good condition having ordinarily smooth alignment and profile based on the formula rr 7'6& V IA ~ r^ * H=friction head per i,ooofeet. d '- 17 -~~ Lo11 V=velocity in feet per second. d=diameter of pipe in inches. Diaiu Friction head, in feet jxa- 1.000 feet length of pipe eter. in iuches Q.7 O.8 0.9 1.0 1*9 1.4 a V a V Q V a V Q V Q V 6 0.17 0.87 0.18 0.92 0.19 0.97 0.20 1.02 0.22 1.12 0.24 1.22 ,8 0.36 1.03 0.38 1.09 0.41 1.17 0.43 1.23 0.48 1.38 a 52 1.49 10 0.64 1.17 0.69 1.27 0.74 1.36 0.78 1.43 0.87 1.60 a 95 1.74 12 1.04 1.32 1.12 1.43 1.20 1.53 1.27 1.62 1.41 1.79 1.53 1.95 14 1.57 L47 1.69 1.58 1.81 1.69 1.91 1.79 2.12 1.98 2.31 2.16 16 2.24 1.60 2.41 1.73 2.57 1.84 2.73 1.96 3.02 2.16 3.29 2.36 18 3.06 1.73 3.29 1.86 3.51 1.09 3.73 2.11 4.12 2.33 4.49 2.54 20 4.01 L85 4.35 1.99 4.65 2.13 4.93 2.26 5.45 2.50 5.94 2.72 22 5.30 1.97 5.60 2.12 5.9S 2.27 6.34 2.40 7.02 2.66 7.64 2,89 24 6.56 2.08 7.06 2.25 7.53 2.40 7.99 2.54 8.84 2.81 9.63 3.06 26 8.10 2.20 8.72 2.36 9.31 2.53 9.87 2.68 10.9 2.96 11.9 3.23 28 .at 2.31 10.6 2.48 11.3 2.64 12.0 2.81 13.3 3.11 14.5 3.39 30 11.8 2.40 12.7 2.59 13.6 2.77 14.4 2.93 16.0 3.26 17.4 3.54 32 14.0 2.51 15.1 2.70 16.1 2.88 17.1 3.06 18.9 3.38 20.6 3.69 34 16.5 2.62 17.8 2.82 19.0 3.01 20.1 3.19 22.2 i :5.52 24.2 3.84 36 19.2 2.72 20.7 2.93 22.1 3.13 23.4 3.31 25.9 I 3.66 28.2 3.99 38 22.1 2.81 23.9 3.03 25.5 3.24 27.0 3.43 29.9 3.80 32.5 4.13 40 25.4 2.91 27.3 3.18 29.2 3.35 30.9 3.54 34.2 3.92 37.3 4.27 42 28.9 3.00 31.1 3.23 33.2 3.45 35.2 3.66 38.9 4.04 42.4 4.41 44 32.7 3.10 35.2 3.33 37.6 3.56 39.8 3.77 44.0 4.17 48.0 4.55 46 36.7 3.18 39.6 3.43 42.2 3.66 44.8 3.88 49.6 4.30 54.0 4.68 48 41.1 3.27 44.3 3.52 47.3 3.76 50.1 3.99 55.5 4.42 60.4 4.81 50 45.8 3.36 49.4 3.62 52.7 3.87 55.9 4.10 61.8 4.53 67.3 4.94 52 50.9 3.45 54.8 3.72 58.5 3.97 62.0 4.20 68.6 4.65 74.7 5.07 54 36.2 3.53 60.5 3.80 64.6 4.06 68.5 4.31 75.8 4.77 82.6 5.19 56 61.9 3.Q2 66.6 3.89 71.1 4.16 75.4 4.41 83.5 4.88 90.9 5.32 58 67.9 3.70 73.1 3.98 78.1 4.26 82.8 4.51 91.6 4.99 09.8 5.44 74.3 3.78 80.0 4.07 85.4 4. $5 90.6 4.61 100 5.09 109 6.55 66 95.6 4. 02 103 4.34 110 4.63 117 4.92 129 5.43 141 5.93 72 120 4.24 130 4.60 138 4. 88 147 5.20 162 5.73 177 6.26 78 149 4.49 160 4.82 171 5.15 182 5.48 201 6.06 219 6.60 84 1% ' 4.70 195 5.07 208 5.41 221 5.74 244 6.34 266 6.91 90 218 4.93 234 5.30 250 5.66 265 6.00 293 6.63 320 7.24 96 258 5.13 278 5.53 297 5.91 315 6.27 343 6.92 379 7.54 1O2 303 5,34 326 5.75 349 6.15 370 6.52 409 7.21 445 7.84 108 353 5.55 380 5.97 406 6.38 430 6.76 476 7.48 518 8.14 114 407 5.74 438 6.18 468 6.60 496 7.00 549 7.75 598 8.44 120 466 5.93 502 6.39 536 6.82 568 7.23 629 8.01 685 8.72 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 103 Table i29 Flow of u<&ter in second feet and velocity in feet per second in wood Stave pipe in good condition having ordinarily smooth alignment and profile based on the formula 7.68 V . H=friction head per l.ooofeet. #= JUT-- Continued. v ^^hctty in feet per second. d=diameter of pipe in inches. Ittrti on he id in fe et per i,oool etfen ?th of p ipe IJt ( 1> t -M > 8J 1 :,, '' > Q V Q V Q V a V Q V a V 0.2 1.32 0.28 1.43 0.30 1.53 0.34 1.73 0.37 1.88 0.44 2.24 0.56 1.60 0.60 1.72 0.64 1.83 0.72 2.06 0.80 2.29 0.94 2.69 1.02 1.87 1.09 2.00 1.15 2.11 1.31 2.40 1.44 2.64 1.69 3.10 1.65 2.10 1.78 2.24 1.8? 2.38 2.12 2.70 2.34 2.98 2.75 8.50 2.49 2.33 2.65 2.48 2.81 2.63 3.18 2.97 3.52 3.29 4.13 3. ; 3.54 2.54 3.78 2.71 4.01 2.87 4.54 3.25 5.02 3.60 5.89 4. 2:i 4.84 2. 74 5.16 2.92 5.48 3.10 6.20 3.51 6.86 3.88 8.04 4. 55 6.40 2.93 6.83 3.13 7.24 3.32 8.19 3.75 9.07 4.16 10.6 4.8C 8.23 3.12 8.79 3.33 9.32 3.53 10.5 3.98 11.7 4.43 13.7 5.1fc 10.4 8.31 11.1 3.53 11.7 3.72 13.3 4.23 14.7 4.68 17.2 5.47 12.8 3.47 13.7 8.71 14.5 8.93 16.4 4.45 18.2 4.94 21.3 5.78 15.6 3.65 16.7 3.90 17.7 4.14 20.0 4.68 22.1 5.17 25.9 6.06 18.7 3.81 20.0 4.07 21.2 4.32 24.0 4.89 26.5 5.40 31.1 6.34 22.2! 3.98 23.7 4.24 25.2 4.51 28.5 5.10 31.5 5.64 37.0 6.62 26.1 4.14 27.0 4.42 29.5 4.68 33.4 5.30 37.0 6.87 43,4 6.88 30.4 4.30 32.4 4.58 34.4 4.87 38.9 5.50 43.0 6.08 50.5 7.14 35.0 4.44 37.4 4.75 39.7 5.04 44.9 5.70 49.7 6.31 58.3 7.40 40.1 4.60 42.9 4.92 45.4 5.20 51.4 5.89 56.9 6.52 66.8 7.65 45. 7 ' 4.75 48.8 6.07 61.7 5.37 68.5 6.08 64> 6.73 76.0 7.90 51.7 4.90 55.2' 5.23 58.5 5. 54 66.2 6.27 73.3 6.94 85.9 8.13 58.1 5.03 62.1 5.38 65.8 5.70 74.5 6.46 82.4 7.14 96.7 8.38 65.1 5.18 69.5 5.53 73.7 5.86 83,4 6.64 92.2 7.34 108 8.60 72.5 5.32 77.4 5.58 82.1 fi.02 82.9 6.81 103 7.55 121 8.87 80.4 6.46 85.9 5.82 91.1 6.18 103 6.98 114 7.73 134 9.09 88.9 5.59 94.9 5.97 101 8.35 114 7.17 126 7.92 148 9.30 97.9 5.72 105 6.14 111 6.49 125 7.31 139 8.13 163 9.53 107 5.83 115 6.27 122 6.65 138 7.52 152 8.28 179 9.75 118 6.01 125 6,37 133 6.77 151 7.69 167 8.50 195 9.93 151 6.36 162 6.82 171 7.20 194 8.17 215 9.05 252 10.6 191 6.75 203 7.18 216 7.64 244 8.63 270 9.55 317 11.2 236 7.11 252 7.59 267 8.05 302 9.10 334 10.1 392 11. v 287 7.46 306 7.95 325 8.44 367 9.54 406 10.6 477 12.4 344 7.79 368 8.33 390 8.83 441 9.98 488 11.0 408 8,12 436 8.67 462 9.19 523 10.4 579 11.5 . . . . . 480 8.46 512 9.02 543 9.57 14 10.x 80 12.0 558 8.77 5% 9.37 632 9. !)3 715 11.2 644 9,09 688 9.71 729 10.3 825 11.6 738 9.40 788 10.0 835 10.6 945 12.0 104 HYDRAULIC AXD EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 29. Flow of water in second-feet and velocity in feet per second in WOOd stave pip in good condition having ordinarily smooth alignment and profile based on the formula ' *- 8 H=friction head per 1,000 feet. 5 .Continued. H V =velocity in feet per second. d=diameter of pipe in inches. Diam- eter, in inches Friction head, in teet per 1,000 feet length of pipe 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 - Q V Q \ V Q V Q V Q V a V 3.72 4.47 5.17 5.82 6.43 7.01 7.58 8.11 8.64 9.13 9.60 10.1 10.6 11.0 11.4 11.9 12.3 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 48 54 60 66 0.50 1.06 1.92 3.11 4.68 6.66 9.10 12.0 15.5 19.5 24.1 29.4 35.2 41.8 49.1 57.1 65.9 75.6 86.0 122 167 221 285 2.55 3.04 3.52 3.96 4.38 4.77 5.15 5.50 5.87 6.21 6.54 6.88 7.17 7.49 7.79 8.08 8.37 8.66 8.94 9.71 10.5 11.3 12.0 0.55 1.17 2.12 3.44 5.18 7.37 10.1 13.3 17.1 21.6 26.7 32.5 39.0 46.3 54.3 63.2 73.0 83.6 95.1 136 185 245 2.80 3.35 3.89 4.38 4.85 5.28 5.72 6.10 6.48 6.88 7.24 7.60 7.95 8.29 8.61 8.94 9.27 9.58 9.89 10.8 11.6 12.5 0.60 1.28 2.31 3.75 5.64 8.03 11.0 14.5 18.7 23.5 29.1 35.4 42.5 50.4 59.2 68.9 79.5 91.1 104 148 202 3.06 3.67 4.24 4.77 5.28 5.75 6.22 6.65 7.08 7.48 7.89 8.28 8.66 9.02 9.39 9.75 10.1 10.4 10.8 11.8 12.7 0.65 1.38 2.49 4.04 6.07 8.65 11.8 15.6 20.1 25.3 31.3 38.1 45.8 54.3 63.8 74.2 85.6 98.1 112 159 3.26 3.95 4.57 5.14 5.68 6.19 6.68 7.15 7.61 8.05 8.49 8.91 9.33 9.72 10.1 10. 5 10.9 11.2 11.6 12.6 0.69 1.47 2.66 4.31 6.48 9.23 12.6 16.7 21.5 27.0 33.4 40.7 48.8 58.0 68.1 79.2 91.4 105 119 3.51 4.21 4.88 5.49 6.06 6.61 7.13 7.65 8.14 8.59 9.06 9.52 9.94 10.4 10.8 11.2 11.6 12.0 12.4 0.73 1.56 2.82 4.57 6.87 9.79 13.4 17.7 22.8 28.7 3o.4 43.1 51.8 61.4 72.2 84.0 96.9 i Diam- Friction head, in feet per 1,000 feet length of pipe eter, in Inches 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.O 25.O 3O.O a V a V a V Q V Q V Q V 6.82 8.22 9.50 10.7 11.8 12.9 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 0.82 1.77 3.19 5.17 7.78 11.1 15.1 20.0 25.8 32.5 40.1 48.8 58.6 69.5 4.18 5.07 5.85 6.58 7.28 7.95 8.55 9.17 9.77 10.3 10.9 11.4 11.9 12.4 0.91 1.95 3.53 5.72 8.61 12.3 16.8 22.1 28.5 35.9 44.4 54.0 4.63 5.59 6.47 7.28 8.05 8.81 9.51 10.1 10.8 11.4 12.0 12.6 0.99 2.13 3.84 6.23 9.38 13.4 18.2 24.1 31.1 39.1 5.04 6.10 7.04 7.93 8.77 9.60 10.3 11.0 11.8 12.4 1.07 2.29 4.14 6.71 10.1 14.4 19.7 26.0 33.4 5.45 6.56 7.59 8.54 9.45 10.3 11.1 11.9 12.7 1.21 6.16 2.59 ; 7.42 4.69 ! 8.60 7.60 9.68 11.4 10.7 16.3 11.7 22.2 12.6 1.34 2.87 5.18 8.40 12.6 18.0 .. HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 105 Table 30. Values of Kutter's " n" as experimentally determined for existing wood Stave pipe lines under various -velocities of flow. Diam- eter, in inches Kind of pipe* Velocity, in feet per second 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 12 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 18 22 24 24 24 31 31 36 36 40 44.5 48 49 54 56 56 72.5 72.5 78 144 162 JFX JFX JFX JF JFX JF JF JF JF JF JFX JFX JF JF JF JFX CR CF JFX CR JF JF JPX CR CR CFX CFX CF CFX CF CF CR CF CF CF CF CF CF CF CF CF .0114 .0108 .0102 .0105 .0104 .0105 .0101 .0100 .0097 .0102 .0100 .0110 .0116 .0111 .0111 .0107 .0095 .0093 .0090 .0087 .0102 .0115 .0110 .0113 .0112 .6128 .0112 .0108 .0110 .0108 .0106 .0107 I .0107 .0101 .0109 .0109 .0103 .0122 .0108 .0131 .0123 .0127 i .0114 .0103 .0134 ::::"" .0114 .0132 .0128 .6147 .0140 .0118 .0131 .0129 .0104 .0102 .0106 .0113 .0132 .0110 .0113 .0136 .0130 .0139 .0126 .0106 .0110 .0133 .0131 .0122 ".'oils' .0150 ".'oies' .0106 ".'6132' ".'oiie' ".'oiie' ".'6120' .0116 ".'6124' " .6124 *J= jointed; C= continuous; F= Douglas fir; R= redwood; P= white pine; X= practically straight alignment; where not so marked alignment contains considerable percentage of curvature, usually both horizontal and vertical. 106 HYDBAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES, Table 31 Flow of water in second-feet and velocity in feet per second in lo-year-old riveted. Steel pipe based on the Hazen- Williams formula, coefficient C=ioo. - f>:! j c - 54 o.ooi -- 04 Diam- eter, an inches s=.000.1 S-.OOO2 s=J0003 s=.0004 s=.0005 S-.0006 Q V Q V Q V Q i V Q V Q V 6 0.05 0.25 0.07 0.36 0.09 0.46 0.10 0.51 0.12 0.61 0.13 0.60 8 0.10 0.29 0,15 0.43 aid 0.54 0.22 0.63 0.25 0.72 0.27 0.77 10 0.19 0.35 0.27 0.49 as4 0.62 0.39 0.72 0.44 0.81 0.49 0.90 12 0.30 0.38 0.43 0.55 0.54 0.69 0.63 0.80 0.71 0.90 0.79 1.01 14 0.45 0.42 0.65 0.61 0.81 0.76 0.95 0.89 1.07 .00 1.18 1.10 16 0.64 0.46 0.93 ae? 1.15 0.82 1.35 0.97 1.52 .09 1.68 1.20 18 0.87 0.49 1.26 0.71 1.57 0.89 1.84 1.04 2.07 .17 2.29 1.30 20 1.15 0.53 1.67 0.77 2,07 0.95 2.42 1.11 2.73 .25 8.02 1.38 22 1.47 0.56 2.14 0.81 2.67 1.01 3.11 1.18 3. 51 .33 3.88 1.47 24 1.85 0.59 2.69 0.86 3.35 1.07 3.91 1.24 4. 42 . 41 4.87 1. 55 26 2.29 0.62 3.32 0.90 4.14 1.12 4.83 1.31 5.45! -48 6.02 1.6H 28 2.78 0.65 4.04 0.94 5.03 1.18 5.87 1.37 6.62 .55 7.81 1.71 30 3.33 0.68 4.84 0.99 6.03 1.23 7.04 1.43 7.94 .62 8.76 1.78 32 3.95 0.71 5.74 1.03 7.14 1.28 8.34 1.49 9.41 .68 10.4 1.86 34 4.63 0.73 6.73 1.07 8.38 1.33 9.78 1.55 11.0 .74 12.2 1.93 36 5.38 0.76 7.82 1.11 9,73 1.38 11.4 .61 12.8 .81 14.2 2.01 38 6.20 0.79 9.01 1.14 11.2 1.42 13.1 .66 14.8 .88 16.3 2.07 40 7.10 0.81 10.3 1.18 12.8 1.47 15.0 .72 16.9 1.94 18.7 2.14 42 8.07 0.84 11.7 1.22 14.6 1.52 17.1 .78 19.2 2.00 21.2 2.2(1 44 9.12 0.86 13.3 1.26 16.5 1.56 19.3 .83 21.7 2.06 24.0 2.27 46 10.2 0.88 14.9 1.29 18.5 1.60 21.7 .88 24.4 2.11 27.0 2. :; 4 48 11.5 0.91 16.7 1.33 20.7 1.65 24.2 .93 27.3 2.17 30.2 2.40 50 12.8 0.94 18.6 1.36 23.1 1.69 27.0 1.98 30.4 2.23 33. 6 2.46 62 14.1 0.96 20.6 1.40 25.6 1.74 29.9 2.03 33.7 2.29 37.2 2. 52 54 15.6 0.98 22.7 1.43 28.3 1.78 33.0 2.08 37.3 2.34 41.1 2.58 56 17.2 1.01 25.0 1.46 31.1 1.82 36.3 2.12 41.0 2.40 45. 2 2.64 58 18.9 1.03 27.4 1.49 34,1 1.86 39.9 2.17 45.0 2.45 49.6 2.70 60 20.6 1.05 30.0 1.53 37.3 1.90 43.6 2.22 40,1 2.50 54.2 2.76 66 26.5 1.11 38.5 1.62 47.9 2.02 56.0 2.36 63.2 2.66 69.7 2.% 72 33.3 1.18 48.4 1.71 60.3 2.13 70.4 2.49 79.4 2.81 87.6 3. 10 78 41.1 1.24 59.7 1.80 74.4 2.24 86.9 2.62 98.0 2.95 108 3.20 84 49.9 1.30 72.6 1.89 90.4 2.35 106 2.75 119 $.09 131 8.40 90 69.9 1.36 87.0 1.97 108 2.44 127 2.87 143 $.24 158 3.5* 96 70.9 1.41 103 2.05 128 2.55 150 2.98 169 $.36 187 3.72 102 83.2 1.47 121 2.13 151 2.66 176 3.10 198 $.49 219 3.8C 108 96.7 1.52 141 2.22 175 2.75 204 3.21 231 $.63 254 3. $9 114 111 1.57 162 2,29 202 2.85 236 3.33 266 $.75 293 4. L! 120 128 1.68 186 2.37 231 2.94 270 3.44 304 $.87 336 4.2* NOTE. For new cast-iron pipe, straight and smooth, multiply tabular quanttes by 1.30; lor new riveted steel or lo-year-old cast iron,; first-class masonry or concrete conduits, 1.20; vitrified pipe,; brick sewers, i.oo. HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 107 Tal>le 31. Flow of water in second-feet and, velocity in feet per second in lo-year-old riveted. Steel pipe based on ike Hazen- Williams formula, coefficient C=ioo Continued. V=C r - 63 s - 54 0.007 Diam- eter in inches s=.0007 s=.OOO8 S=.OOO9 s-.ooio s .0012 s=.0014 Q V Q V a V a V Q V Q V 6 0.14 0.71 0.15 0.76 0.16 0.81 0.17 0.87 0.18 0.92 0.20 1.02 8 0.29 0.84 0.32 0.92 0.34 0.97 0.36 1.03 0.39 1.12 0.43 1.23 10 0.53 0.97 0.57 1.04 0.61 1.12 0.64 .17 0.71 1.30 0.77 1.41 12 0.86 1.09 0.92 1.17 0.98 1.25 1.04 .32 1.14 1.45 1.24 1.58 14 1.28 1.20 1.38 1.29 1.47 1.37 1.56 .46 1.72 1.61 1.87 1.75 16 1.82 1.30 1.98 1.40 2.09 1.50 2.21 .58 2.44 1.75 2.65 1.90 18 2.48 1.40 2.67 1.51 2.85 1.61 3.01 .70 3.32 1.88 3.61 2.04 2O 3.28 1.50 3.52 1.61 3.75 1.72 3.97 1.82 4.39 2.01 4.77 2.19 22 4.21 1.60 4.53 1.72 4.82 1.88 5.11 1.93 5.63 2.13 6.12 2.32 24 5.29 1.68 5.69 1.81 6.06 1.93 6.42 2.04 7.08 2.25 7.70 2.45 26 6.54 1.77 7.03 1.91 7.49 2.03 7.93 2.15 8.75 2.37 9.50 2.58 28 7.94 1.86 8.54 2.00 9.10 2.13 9.63 2.26 10.6 2.48 11.5 2.69 30 9.52 1.94 10.2 2.08 10.9 2.22 11.5 2.34 12.7 2.59 13.8 2.81 32 11.3 2.02 12.1 2.17 12.9 2.31 13.7 2.45 15.1 2.70 16.4 2 94 34 13.2 2.09 14.2 2.25 15.2 2.41 16.0 2.54 17.7 2.81 19.2 3.05 36 15.4 2.18 16.5 2.33 17.6 2.49 18.6 2.63 20.6 2.91 22.4 3.17 38 17.7 2.25 19.1 2.42 20.3 2.58 21.5 2.73 23.7 3.01 25.8 3.28 40 20.3 2.33 21.8 2.50 23.2 2.66 24.6 2.82 27.1 3.11 29.5 3.38 42 23.1 2.40 24.8 2.58 26.4 2.74 28.0 2.91 30.9 3.21 33.5 3.48 44 26.1 2.47 28.0 2.65 29.9 2.83 31.6 2.99 34.9 3.30 37.9 3.59 46 29.3 2.54 31.5 2.73 33.6 2.91 35.5 3.08 39.2 3.40 42.6 3.69 48 32.8 2.61 35.2 2.80 37.5 2.98 39.7 3.16 43.8 3.49 47.7 3.79 50 36.5 2.68 39.2 2.88 41.8 3.07 44.2 3.24 48.8 3.68 53.1 3.89 52 40.5 2.75 43.5 2.95 46.3 3.14 49.0 3.32 54.1 3.67 58.8 3.99 54 44.7 2.81 48.0 3.02 51.2 3.22 54.2 3.41 59.8 3.76 65.0 4.09 56 49.2 2.88 52.8 3.09 56.3 3.29 59.6 3.48 65.8 3.85 71.5 4.18 58 53.9 2.94 57.9 3.16 61.8 3.37 65.4 3.56 72.1 3.93 78.4 4.27 6O 58.9 3.00 63.3 3.22 67.5 3.44 71.5 3.64 78.9 4.02 85.7 4.37 66 75.7 3.19 81.4 3.43 86.7 3.65 91.8 3.86 101 4.25 110 4.63 72 95.2 3.37 102 3.61 109 3.86 115 4.07 127 4.49 138 4.88 78 118 3.56 126 3.80 135 4.07 142 4.28 157 4.73 171 5.15 84 143 3.71 153 3.98 164 4.26 178 4.50 191 4.96 208 5.40 9O 171 3.87 184 4.17 1M 4.44 208 4.71 229 5.18 249 5.64 96 203 4.04 218 4.34 232 4.62 246 4.89 271 5.39 295 5.87 1O2 238 4.19 256 4.51 273 4.81 289 5.09 318 5.60 346 6.10 108 277 4.35 297 4.67 317 4.98 335 5.27 370 5.82 402 6.32 114 319 4.50 343 4.84 365 5.15 387 5.46 427 6.02 464 6.55 120 365 4.65 392 4.99 418 5.32 442 5.63 488 6.21 631 I 6.76 NOTE. For new cast-iron pipe, straight and smooth, multiply tabular quantities by 1.30; for new riveted steel or lo-year-old cast-iron,; first-class masonry or concrete conduits, 1.20; vitrified pipe, i.zo; brick sewers, i.oo. 108 HYDKAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 31. Flow of -water in second-feet and velocity in feet per second in ten-year-old riveted steel pipe based on the Hazen- Williams formula, coefficient C=ioo Continued. V=C r - 63 s - 54 o.ooi -- 04 Diam- eter, in inches s = .001G s=.0018 s=.OO2O s=.OO25 s=.0030 s=.OO4O a V Q V ft V Q V Q V Q V 6 0.22 1.12 0.23 1.17 0.24 1.22 0.27 1.38 0.30 1.53 0.35 1.78 8 0.46 1.32 0.49 1.40 0.52 1.49 0.59 1.69 0.65 1.86 0.75 2.15 10 0.83 1.52 0.88 1.61 0.93 1.71 1.05 1.93 1.16 2.13 1.36 2.49 12 1.34 1.71 1.42 1.81 1.51 1.92 1.70 2.16 1.88 2.39 2.19 2.79 14 2.00 1.87 2.14 2.00 2.26 2.11 2.55 2.39 2.82 2.64 3.29 3. OX 16 2.85 2.04 3.03 2.17 3.21 2.30 3.62 2.59 4.00 2.86 4.67 3. :i r 18 3.88 2.20 4.14 2.34 4.38 2.48 4.94 2.80 5.45 3.08 6.37 3.60 2O 5.12 2.35 5.46 2.50 5.78 2.65 6.52 2.99 7.19 3.30 8.40 3.85 22 6.58 2.49 7.01 2.66 7.42 2.81 8.38 3.17 9.24 3.50 10.8 4.09 24 8.27 2.63 8.82 2.81 9.33 2.97 10.5 3.34 11.6 3.69 13.6 4.33 26 10.2 2.77 10.9 2.96 11.5 3.12 13.0 3.53 14.3 3.88 16.8 4.56 28 12.4 2.90 13.2 3.09 14.0 3.27 15.8 3.69 17.4 4.07 20.4 4.77 30 14.9 3.03 15.9 3.24 16.8 3.42 18.9 3.85 20.9 4.26 24.4 4.97 32 17.6 3.15 18.8 3.37 19.9 3.56 .22.4 4.01 24.8 4.44 28.9 5.17 34 20.7 3.28 22.0 3.49 33.3 3.70 26.3 4.17 29.0 4.60 33.9 5.38 36 24.0 3.40 25.6 3.62 27.1 3.83 30.6 4.33 33.7 4.77 39.4 5.58 38 27.7 3.52 29.5 3.75 31.3 3.97 35.3 4.48 38.9 4.94 45.4 5.76 40 31.7 3.63 33.8 3.87 35.8 4.iO 40.4 4.63 44.5 5.10 52.0 5.96 42 36.1 3.75 38.4 a. 99 40.7 4.23 45.9 4.77 50.6 5.26 59.1 6.14 44 40.7 3.85 43.4 4.11 46.0 4.36 51.8 4.91 57.2 5.42 66.8 6.33 46 45.8 3.97 48.8 4.23 61.7 4.48 58.3 5.05 64.3 6.57 75.1 6.51 48 51.2 4.07 54.6 4.34 57.8 4.60 65.2 5.19 71.9 5.79, 84.0 6.68 5O 57.0 4.18 60.8 4.46 64.3 4.72 72.6 5.32 80.1 6.8V 93.5 6.86 52 63.2 4.29 67.4 4.57 v 1. ., 4.84 80.4 5.45 88.8 6.02 104 7.05 54 69.8 4.39 74.4 4.68 78.8 4.9o 88.8 5.58 98.0 6.16 115 7.23 56 76.8 4.49 81.9 4.79 86. / 5.07 97.8 6.72 108 6.31 126 7.37 58 84.3 4.59 89.8 4.89 95. u 5.18 107 5.83 118 6.43 138 7.52 60 92.1 4.69 98.2 5.00 104 5.30 117 5.96 129 6.57 151 7.69 66 118 4.97 126 6.30 134 5.64 151 6.35 16G 6.L9 194 8.17 72 149 5.27 159 6.62 168 5.94 189 6.69 209 7.39 244 8.63 78 184 5.54 196 5.91 207 6.24 234 7.05 258 7.77 301 9.07 84 223 6.80 238 6.18 252 6.55 284 7.38 313 8.13 366 9.51 90 268 6.07 285 6.45 302 6.83 340 7.70 376 8.51 439 9.94 96 317 6.31 338 6.72 358 7.12 403 8.02 445 8.85 520 10.3 102 372 6.56 396 6.98 419 7.38 473 8.34 522 9.20 610 10.7 108 432 6.79 461 7.25 488 7.67 550 8.64 607 9.54 709 11.1 114 498 7.03 531 7.491 5b2 7.93 634 8.94 700 9.88 817 11.5 120 570 7.26 608 7.745 643 8.19 726 9.24 801 10.2 935 11.9 NOTE. For new cast-iron pipe, straight and smooth, multiply tabular quantities by 1.30; for new riveted steel or lo-year-old cast iron,; first-class masonry or concrete conduits, 1,20; vitrified pipe,; brick sewers, i.oo. HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 109 31. Flow of water in second-feet and velocity in feet per second in lO-year-old riveted Steel pipe, based on the Hazen- Williams formula, coefficient C=ioo Continued. V=C r 0.63 ^.54 0.007-0.04 Diam- eter, s-.OOo S=.OO6 -s=.007 S-.OO8 s .OO9 s= .010 in 1 inches Q V Q V Q V Q V Q \ V Q V 6 0.40 2.04 0.44 2.24 0.49 2.44 0.51 2.60 0.55' 2.80 0.58 2.95 8 0.85 2.44 0.94 2.69 1.02 2.92 1.10 3.15 1.17 3.35 1.24 3.55 10 1.53 2.81 1.69 3.10 1.84 3.37 1.97 3.61 2.10 3.85 2.23 4.09 12 2.47 3.15 2.73 3.48 2.97 3.78 3.19 4.06 3.40 4.33 3.60 4.58 14 3.71 3.47 4.09 3.83 4.45 4.16 4.78 4.47 5.10 4.77 5.39 5.04 16 5.27 3.77 5.81 4.16 6.32 4. .53 6.79 4.86 7.23 5.18 7.66 5.49 18 7.18 4.06 7.93 4.49 8.62 4.88 9.26 5.24 9.87 5.58 10.4 5.89 'JO 9.48 4.34 10.5 4.81 11.4 5.23 12.2 5.59 13.0 5.96 13.8 6.33 22 12.2 4.62 18.3 5.08 14.6 5.53 15.7 5.95 16.7 6.33 17.7 6.71 24 15.3 4.87 16.9 5.38 18.4 5.86 19.7 6.27 21.0 6.69 22.3 7.10 26 18.9 5.13 20.9 5.67 22.7 6.16 24.4 6.62 26.0 7.05 27.5 7.46 28 23.0 6.38 25.3 5.92 27.5 6.43 29.6 6.92 31.5 7.37 33.4 7.81 30 27.5 5.60 30.4 6.19 33.0 6.72 35.5 7.23 37.8 7.70 40.0 8.15 32 32.6 5.84 36.0 6.45 39.1 7.00 42.0 7.52 44.8 8.02 47.4 8.49 34 38.3 6.07 42.2 6.69 45.9 7.28 49.3 7.82 52.6 8.34 55.6 8.82 36 44.5 6.30 49.1 6.95 53.3 7.54 57.3 8.11 61.1 8.64 64.7 9.15 38 51.3 6.51 56.6 7.19 61.5 7.81 66.1 8.39 70.4 8.94 74.5 9.46 4O 58.7 6.73 64.7 7.41 70.4 8.07 75.6 8.66 80.6 9.24 85.3 9.77 42 66.7 6.93 73.6 7.65 80.0 8.32 86.0 8.94 91.6 9.52 97.0 10.1 44 75.4 7.14 83.2 7.88 90.4 8.56 97.2 9.20 104 9.85 110 10.4 46 84.7 7.34 93.5 8.10 102 8.84 109 9.45 116 10.1 123 10.7 48 94.8 7.54 105 8.36 114 9.07 122 9.71 130 10.3 138 11.0 50 106 7.77 116 8.51 127 9.31 136 9.97 145 10.6 153 11.2 52 117 7.93 129 8.75 140 9.49 151 10.2 161 10.9 170 11.5 54 129 8.11 143 8.99 155 9.75 166 10.4 177 11.1 188 11. S 56 142 8.30 157 9.18 170 9.94 183 10. 7 195 11.4 207 12.1 58 156 8.50 172 9.37 187 10.2 201 11.0 214 11.7 227 12.4 60 170 8.66 188 9.58 204 10.4 220 11.2 234 11.9 248 12.6 66 219 9.22 242 10.2 263 11.1 282 11.9 301 12.7 ITS 13.4 72 275 9.73 304 10.7 330 11.7 3.55 12. 6 378 13.4 400 14.2 78 340 10.2 375 11.3 407 12. 3 438 13.2 467 14.1 494 14.9 84 413 10.7 456 11.8 495 12.9 532 13.8 567 14.7 600 15.6 9O 495 11.2 546 112.4 594 13.4 638 14.4 680 15.4 720 16.3 96 587 11.7 -647 12:9" 704 14.0 756 15.0 806 16.0 853 17.0 102 688 12.1 759 13.4 825 14.5 887 15.6 945 16.7 1000 17.6 108 800 12.6 882 13.9 959 15.1 1031 16.2 1098 17.3 1163 18.3 114 922 13.0 1017 14.3 1105 15.6 1188 16.8 1266 17.9 1340 18.9 12O 1055 13.4 1164 14.8 1265 16.1 1360 17.3 11449 18.4 1534 19.5 NOTE. For new cast-iron pipe, straight and smooth, multiply tabular quantities by 1.30; for new riveted steel or loyear old cast-iron,; first-class masonry or con- crete conduits, 1.20; vitrified pipe,; brick sewers, i.oo. Values below horizontal lines should be used with caution, as experimental data are almost entirely lacking for high velocities in pipes of this size. 110 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Tal>le 31. Flo-w of -water in second-feet and velocity in feet per second in lO-year-old riveted Steel pipe, based on the Hazen- Williams formula, coefficient C=loo Continued. V= Diam- eter, M-.0135 s= .015 s- .01 75 9=J020 s=j025 s- X>3O in indies Q V Q V Q V Q V Q V Q V 6 8 10 13 14 16 18 2O a 24 6 8 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 SO 53 54 56 58 60 66 73 78 84 90 96 100 108 0.66 1.49 2.51 4.06 6.08 8.64 11.8 15.5 20.0 25.1 31.0 37.7 45.2 33.5 6X8 72.9 84.1 96.2 109 124 139 155 MBMBV^MM 173 192 212 233 256 280 35 451 557 677 812 962 1128 1311 3.36 4.01 4,60 5,17 5.69 6,19 6.68 7.11 7.58 7.99 8.41 8.82 9.21 9.58 9.98 10.3 10.7 11.0 11.3 11.7 12.0 12.3 ^ . 12,7 13.0 13.3 13.6 13.9 14.3 15.1 16.0 16.8 17.6 18.4 19. 1 19.9 20.6 0.72 1.5* 2.77 4.48 6.71 9.53 13.0 17.2 22.0 27.7 34.2 41.6 49.8 59.0 69.3 80.5 92.8 106 121 3.67 4.41 5.08 5.70 6.28 6.83 7.36 7.88 8.33 8.82 9.28 9.73 10.1 10.6 11.0 11.4 11.8 12.2 12.6 0.79 1.67 3.01 4.86 7.30 10.4 14.1 18.6 24.0 30.1 37.2 45.2 54.2 64.2 75.3 87.5 TOT- 115 131 148 17 186 208 230 254 280 307 335 431 541 66S 4.02 4.79 5.52 6.19 6.83 7.45 7.98 8.53 9.09 9.58 10.1 10.6 11.0 11.5 11.9 12.4 1278" 13.2 13.6 14.0 14.5 14.8 15.2 15.6 16.0 16.4 16.7 17.1 18.1 19.1 20.1 0.84 1.80 3.24 5.23 7.84 11.1 15.2 20.0 25.7 32.4 40.0 48.5 58.2 69.0 4.28 5.16 5.94 6.66 7.33 7.95 8.60 9.17 9.74 10.3 10.8 0.95 2.03 3.65 5.90 8.85 12.6 17.1 22.6 29.0 36.5 45.1 4.84 5.82 6.69 7.51 8.28 9.03 9.68 10,4 11.0 11.6 12.2 1.05 2.24 4.03 6.51 9.76 13.9 18.9 24.9 32.0 40.3 nrr 60.4 72.4 85.8 101 117 135 154 176 198 223 249 278 5.35 6.42 7.39 8.29 9.13 9.96 10.7 11.4 12.1 12.8 TO- 14.1 14.7 15.4 16.0 16.6 17.1 17.7 18.3 18.8 19.3 19.8 20.4 11.3 11.9 12.4 54.8 65.7 77.8 91.2 106 122 140 159 180 202 226 252 279 308 339 372 406 12.8 13.4 13.9 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 18.9 19.4 19.8 20.3 20.7 80. 9 94.0 108 124 141 159 179 200 223 247 273 300 330 360 463 582 12.8 13.3 13.7 M.2 14.7 15.1 15.5 15.9 16.4 16.8 17.2 17.5 18.0 18.3 19.5 20.6 136 153 172 191 212 234 257 282 308 396 498 615 747 896 i2.9 13-3 13.7 14,0 14.4 14.7 15.0 15.4 15.7 16.7 17.6 18.5 19.4 20.3 NotE. For aew cast-iron pipe, straight and smooth, multiply tabular qoantities by 1.30; for new riveted steel or lo-year-old cast iron,; first-class masonry or concrete conduits, 1.20; vitrified pipe,; brick sewers, i.oo. Values below horizontal lines should be used with caution, as experimental data are almost entirely lacking for high velocities in pipes of this size. HYDBAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Ill Table 32. Weight of cast-iron pipe in pounds per running foot. {The weight of cast iron is assumed to be 450 pounds per cubic foot, or 0.2604 pound per cubic inch. For spigot and faucet joints add to the weight of each section of pipe of any size the weight of 8 inches in length of the plain pipe as given in the table. For lead pipe multiply by 1.6; copper, multiply by 1.2; brass, add one-seventh; wrought iron, add one-fifteenth.) Inner diame- ter of bo re in inches^ Thickness of iron in inches M >a % H V* 1 ft 1* I** tt 1 5.07 7.38 9.99 12.9 16.2 19.7 23.5 27.7 32.1 36.9 V4 6.00' 8.61 11.5 14.8 18.3 22.2 26.3 30.8 35.5 40.6 1H 6.92 9.84 13.1 16.6 20.5 24.6 29.1 33.8 38.9 44.3 l^| 7.84 11.1 14.6 18.5 22.6 27.1 31.8 36.9 42.3 48.0 2 8.76 12.3 16.2 20.3 24.8 29.5 34.6 40.0 45.7 51.7 2^ 9.69 13.5 17.7 22.2 26.9 32.0 37.4 43.1 49.0 55.4 t 10.6 14.8 19.2 24.0 29.1 34.5 40.1 46.1 52.4 59.1 2% 11.5 16.0 20.8 25.9 31.2 36.9 42.9 49.2 55.8 62.7 3 12.5 17.2 22.3 27.7 33.4 39.4 45.7 52.3 59.2 66.4 H 14.3 19.7 25.4 31.4 37.7 44.3 51.2 58.4 65.9 73.8 4 16.1 22.2 28.5 35.1 42.0 49.2 56.7 64.6 72.7 81.2 *tf 18.0 24.6 31.5 38.8 46.3 54.1 62.3 70.7 79.5 88.6 5 19.8 27.1 34.6 42.5 50.6 59.1 67.8 76.9 87.2 96.0 5M 21.7 29.5 37.7 46.1 54.9 64.0 73.3 83.0 94.0 103 6 25.4 32.0 40,8 49.8 59.2 68.9 78.9 89 2 99,8 111 7 27.3 36.9 46.9 57.2 67.8 78.7 89.4 102 113 126 9 30.9 41.8 53.1 64.6 76.4 88.6 101 114 127 140 9 34.6 46.8 59.2 72.0 85.1 98.4 112 126 140 155 10 38.3 51.7 65.3 79.4 93.6 108 123 138 154 170 11 42.0 56.6 71.5 86.7 102 118 134 151 168 185 12 45.7 61.5 77.7 94.1 111 128 145 163 181 199 13 49.4 66.4 83.8 102 120 138 156 175 195 214 14 53.1 71.4 89.4 109 128 148 168 188 208 229 15 56.7 76.3 96.1 116 137 158 179 200 222. 244 16 60.4 81Ji 102 124 145 167 190 212 235 258 17 64.1 86.1 108 131 154 177 201 225 249 273 18 67.8 91.0 115 139 163 187 212 237 262 288 19 71.5 96.0 121 146 171 197 223 249 276. 303 26 75.2 101 127 153 180 207 234 261 289. 317 21 78.9 100 133 161 188 217 245 274 303 332 22 82.6 111 139 168 196 227 256 286 316 347 23 86.3 116 145 175 206 236 267 298 330 362 24 89.9 121 152 183 214 246 278 311 343 375 25 93.6 126 158 190 223 256 289 323 357 391 26 97.3 131 164 198 231 266 300 335 370 406 27 101 135 170 205 240 276 311 348 384 421 28 105 140 176 212 249 286 323 360 397 436 29 109 145 182 220 257 295 334 372 411 450 30 112 150 188 227 266 305 345 384 424 465 31 116 155 195 234 275 315 356 397 438 480 32 120 160 201 242 283 325 367 409 451 495 33 123 165 207 249 292 335 378 421 465 509 34 127 170 213 257 300 345 389 434 479 524 34 131 175 219 264 309 354 400 446 492 539 36 134 180 225 271 318 364 411 458 506 554 42 156 210 262 313 370 423 478 532 588. 644 48 178 239 298 359 422 482 544 605 669 733 54 199 267 335 403 472 541 610 679 750 817 60 222 297 372 447 522 599 675 752 828 906 112 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. ; Tal)l 33. Theoretical velocity of water in feet per second for various heads. Head, in feet 0.000 0.001 O.OO2 O.OO3 O.OO4 O.OO5 0.006 0.007 0.008 O.OOJ 0.00 0.254 0.358 0.439 0.507 0.567 0.621 0.671 0.717 0.761 .01 "6.' 802 0.841 0.878 0.914 0.949 0.982 1.014 1.046 1.076 1.105 .03 1.134 .162 1.190 1.216 1.242 1.268 1.293 1.318 1.342 1.36U .03 1.388 .412 1.435 1.457 1.479 1.500 1.522 1.543 1.563 1.584 ; - 4 1.604 .624 1.644 1.663 1.682 1.701 1.720 1.739 1.757 1.775 .05 1.793 .811 1.829 1.846 1.864 1.881 1.898 1.915 1.931 1.94S .06 1.964 .981 1.997 2.013 2.028 2.045 2.070 2.076 2.091 2.107 .07 2.122 2.137 2.152 2.167 2.182 2.196 2.211 2.225 2.240 2.254 .08 2.268 2.283 2.297 2.310 2.324 2.338 2.352 2.366 2.379 2.39:1 .09 t 2.406 2.419 2.433 2.446 2.459 2.472 2.485 2.498 2.511 2. 523 ! .10 2.536 2.549 2.561 2.574 2.586 2.599 2.611 2.623 2.636 2. 64s .11 2.660 2.672 2.684 2.696 2.708 2.720 2.732 2.743 2.755 2. 767 .13 2.778 2.790 2.801 2.813 2.824 2.835 2.847 2.858 2.869 2.880 ; .13 2.892 2.903 2.914 2.925 2.936 2.947 2.958 2.968 2.979 2.99U \ " 3.001 3.011 3.022 3.033 3.043 3.054 3.064 3.075 3.085 3.096 .15 3.106 3.116 3.127 3.137 3.147 3.157 3.168 3.178 3.188 3.198 .16 3.208 3.218 3.228 3.238 3.248 3.258 3.267 3.277 3.287 3.297 .17 3.307 3.316 3.326 3.336 3.345 3.355 3.365 3.374 3.384 3. 3ft< .18 3.402 3.412 3.421 3.431 3.440 3.450 3.459 3.468 3.477 3.4St> .19 3.496 3.505 3.514 3.523 3.532 3.541 3.551 3.560 3.569 3.578 Head in feet 0.00 O.O1 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 O.09 0.3 3.586 3.675 3.762 3.846 3.929 4.010 4.089 4.167 4.244 4.319 0.3 4.393 4.465 4.536 4.628 4.676 4.745 4.812 4.878 4.944 5. 00* 0.4 5.072 5.135 5.197 5.259 5.320 5.380 5.439 5.498 5.556 6.61-1 0.5 5.671 5.727 5.783 5.838 5.893 5.947 6.001 6.054 6.107 6.160 0.6 6.212 6.263 6.315 6.365 6.416 6.465 6.525 6.564 6.613 ti.662 0.7 6.710 6.757 6.805 6.852 6.899 6.946 6.992 7.038 7.083 7. 12s 0.8 7. 173 7.218 7.262 7.306 7.350 7.394 7.438 7.481 7.523 7.561. 0.9 7.608 7.650 7.692 7.734 7.776 7.817 7.858 7.898 7.939 7. 979 1.0 8.020 8.060 8.099 8.139 8.179 8.218 8.257 8.296 8.335 8.373 1.1 8.412 8.450 8.487 8.525 8.563 8.600 8.638 8.675 8.712 8. 749 1.2 8.785 8.822 8.858 8.894 8.930 8.967 9.002 9.038 9.073 9. ION 1.3 9.144 9.179 9.214 9.249 9.284 9.318 9.353 9.387 9.421 9. 45/V 1.4 9.489 9.523 9.557 9.590 9.624 9.657 9.690 9.724 9.757 9. 790 1.5 9.822 9.855 9.888 9.920 9.953 9.985 10.017 10.049 10.081 10. 113 1.6 10.145 10. 176 10. 208 10.239 10. 271 10.302 10.333 10.364 10.395 10. 42 r> 1.7 10.457 10.487 10.518 10.549 10.579 10. 611 10.640 10.670 10.712 10.730 1.8 10.760 10.790 10. 820 10.849 10.879 10.908 10. 938 10. 967 10.996 1 1.020 1.9 11.055 11.084 11.113 11.142 11.171 11.199 11.228 11.257 11.285 11. 31 1 2.O 11.342 11.370 11.399 11.427 11.455 11.483 11.511 11.539 11.567 11.594 3.1 11.622 11.650 11. 677 11.705] 11.732 11.750 11. 787 11. 814 11.841 11. 80S 2.3 11. 896 11.923 11.949 11.9761 12.003 12.030 12.057 12.083 12. 110 12.137 2.3 12.163 12.189 12. 216 12.242 12.268 12. 294 12. 321 12. 347 12. 373 12.399 2.4 12.424 12.450 12. 476 12.502 12.528 12. 553 12. 579 12.604 12.630 12.6->) 2.5 12.681 12.Y06] 12.731 12.757; 12.782 12. 807 12.832 12.857 12.882 12.907 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 113 Table 33. Theoretical velocity of ivater in feet per second for various heads Continued . g=32.16. Head in feet 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.0 2.5 3.6 4.4 5.1 5.7 6.2 6.7 7.2 7.6 1 8.0 8.4 8.8 9.1 9.5 9.8 10.1 10.5 10.8 11.1 i 11.3 11.6 11.9 12.2 12.4 12.7 12.9 13.2 13.4 13.7 3 13.9 14.1 14.3 14.6 14.8 15.0 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 4 16.0 16.2 16.4 16.6 16.8 17.0 17.2 17.4 17.6 17.8 5 17.9 18.1 18.3 18.5 18.6 18.8 19.0 19.2 19.3 19.5 6 19.6 19.8 20.0 20.1 20.3 20.5 20.6 20.8 20.9 21.1 7 21.2 21.4 21.5 21.7 21.8 22.0 22.1 22.3 22.4 22.5 8 22.7 22.8 23.0 23.1 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.7 23.8 23.9 9 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.8 25.0 25.1 25.2 10 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.9 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.4 26.5 11 26.6 26.7 26.8 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.7 12 27.8 27.9 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 28.8 13 28.9 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.8 29.9 14 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.9 31.0 15 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 31.7 31.8 31.9 32.0 16 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 32.6 32.7 32.8 32.9 33.0 17 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.5 33.6 33.7 33.8 33.9 18 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 34.6 34.7 34.8 34.9 19 35.0 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 20 35.9 36.0 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 21 36.8 36.8 36.9 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.4 37.5 22 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9 38.0 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 38.4 23 38.5 38.5 38.6 38.7 38.8 38.9 39.0 39.0 39.1 39.2 24 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 39.9 39.9 40.0 25 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.3 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.7 40.7 40.8 26 40.9 41.0 41.1 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.4 41.5 41.6 27 41.7 41.8 41.8 41.9 42.0 42.1 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 28 42.4 42.5 42.6 42.7 42.7 42.8 42.9 43.0 43.1 43.2 29 43.2 43.3 43.3 43.4 43.5 43.6 43.6 43.7 43.8 43.9 30 43.9 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.4 44.5 44.6 31 44.7 .44.7 44.8 44.9 44.9 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.2 45.3 32 45.4 45.4 45.5 45.6 45.6 45.7 45.8 45.9 45.9 46.0 33 46.1 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.3 46.4 46.5 46.6 46.6 46.7 34 46.8 46.8 46.9 47.0 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.2 47.3 47.4 35 47.4 47.5 47.6 47.6 47.7 47.8 47.9 47.9 48.0 48.1 36 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.3 48.4 48.5 48.5 48.6 48.6 48.7 37 48.8 48.8 48.9 49.0 49.1 49.1 49.2 49.2 49.3 49.4 38 49.4 49.5 49.6 49.6 49.7 49.8 49.8 49.9 50.0 50.0 39 50.1 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.3 50.4 50.5 50.5 50.6 50.7 40 50.7 50.8 50.8 50.9 51.0 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.2 51.3 41 51.4 51.4 51.5 51.5 51.6 51.7 51.7 51.8 51.9 51.9 42 52.0 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.2 52.3 52.3 52.4 52.5 52.5 43 52.6 52.7 52.7 52.8 52.8 52.9 53.0 53.0 53.1 53.1 44 53.2 53.3 53.3 53.4 53.4 53.5 53.6 53.6 63.7 53.7 45 53.8 53.9 53.9 54.0 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.2 54.3 54..? 46 54.4 54.5 54.5 54.6 54.6 54.7 54.7 54.8 54.9 54.9 47 55.0 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.2 55.3 55.3 55.4 55.5 O.5..J- 48 55.6 55.6 55.7 55.7 55.8 55.9 55.9 56.0 56.0 56.1 49 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.3 56.4 56.4 56.5 56.5 56.6 50. 1 6202 17 114 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 34. Amount of material in cubic yards per 100 linear feet of level cut, aide slopes 1 to 1. Depth let-cut' * .1 .3 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 in feet ! fo.o 3.7 0.0 4.5 0.1 5.3 0.3 6.3 0.6 7.3 0.9 8.3 1.3 9.5 1.8 10.7 2.4 3.0 12.0 13.4 t 15 16 18 20 21 23 25 27 29 31 '- i 33 36 38 40 43 45 48 51 54 56 4 69 62 65 68 72 75 78 82 85 89 i 93 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 125 129 133 138 142 147 152 156 161 166 171 176 7 181 187 192 197 203 208 214 220 225 231 8 237 243 249 255 261 268 274 280 287 293 t 300 307 313 320 327 334 341 349 356 363 10 370 378 385 393 401 408 416 424 432 440 11 448 456 465 473 481 490 498 507 516 524 18 533 542 551 560 569 579 588 597 607 616 18 626 636 645 655 665 675 685 695 705 716 14 726 736 747 757 768 779. 789 800 811 822 15 833 844 856 867 878 890 901 913 925 936 if 948 960 972 984 996 1,008 1,021 1,033 1,045 1.058 17 1,070 1.083 1,096 1,108 1,121 1,134 1,147 1,160 1,173 11,187 18 1,200 1.213 1,227 1,240 1.254 1,268 1.281 1,295 1,309 1,323 1 1,337 1,351 1,365 1,380 1,394 1,408 1,423 1,437 1,452 1,467 20 1,481 1,498 1,511 1,526 1,541 1,556 1,572 1,587 1,602 1.618 31 1.633 1,649 1,665 1.680 1,696 1,712 1,728 1.744 1,760 1.776 23 1,793 1,809 1,825 1,842 1,858 1,875 1,892 1,908 1,925 1,942 33 1,959 1,976 1,993 2,011 2,028 2,045 2,063 2,080 2.098 2,116 24 2,133 2,151 2,169 2,187 2,205 2,223 2,241 2,260 2^278 2,296 25 2,315 2,333 2,352 2,371 2,389 2,408 2.427 2.446 2,465 2,484 35 2,504 2,523 2,543 2,563 2,581 2.601 2,621 2,640 2,660 2,680 37 2,700 2.720 2,740 2,760 2,781 2.801 2.821 2.842 2.862 2,883 38 2,904 2,924 2,945 2,966 2,987 3.008 3,029 3.051 3.072 3,093 29 3,115 3,136 3,153 3,180 3,201 3,223 3,245 3,267 3,289 3,311 30 3,333 3,356 3,378 3,400 3.423 3.445 3.468 3,491 3,513 3,536 31 3,559 3.582 3,605 3,628 3.652 3.675 3.698 3,722 3,745 '3.769 32 3,793 3.816 3.840 3,864 3.888 3.912 3.936 3,960 [3.985 14,009 33 4,033 4,058 4.082 4,107 4,132 4,156 4,181 4,206 4,231 14.256 34 4,281 4,307 4,332 4,357 4,383 4,408 4,434 4,460 4,485 4,511 35 4,537 4.563 4,589 4.615 4,641 4.668 4.694 4,720 4,747 4.773 36 ! 4.800 4.827 4,853 4.880 4,907 4,934 4,961 4,988 5,016 5,043 37 ! 5,070 5,098 5,125 5,153 5,181 5,208 5,236 5,264 5.292 15,320 38 5,348 5,376 5,405 5.433 5.461 5,490 5,518 5.547 5.5"6 15,604 39 5,633 5,662 5,691 5,720 5,749 5,779 5,808 5,837 5,867 5,896 40 5,926 5.956 5,985 6.015 6,045 6.075 6.105 6,135 6,165 6.196 41 6,226 6,256 6,287 6.317 6,348 6,379 6,409 6.440 6,471 6,502 43 ! 6,533 6.564 6,596 6.627 6,658 6,690 6.721 6.763 6,785 6,816 43 16,848 6,880 6,912 6,944 6,976 7,008 7.041 7,073 7,105 7,138 44 !7,170 7,203 7,236 7,268 7,301 7,334 7,367 7,400 7,433 7,467 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 115 Table 34. Amount of material in cubic yards per 100 linear feet of level cut, side .slopes 1 to 1 Continued. Depth of cen- ter cut .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 in feet 45 7,500 7,533 7,567 7,600 7,634 7,668 7.701 7,735 7,769 7,803 46 7,837 7,871 7.905 7,940 7,974 8.008 8,043 8,077 8,112 8,147 47 8,181 8,216 8,251 8,286 8,321 8,356 8,392 8,427 8,462 8,498 48 8,533 8,569 8,605 8,640 8.676 8,712 8,748 8,784 8,820 8,856 49 8,893 8,929 8,965 9,002 9,038 9,075 9,112 9,148 9,185 9,222 50 9,259 9,296 9,333 0,371 9,408 9,445 9,483 9,520 9,558 9,596 51 9,633 9,671 9.709 9,747 9,785 9,823 9,861 9,900 9,938 9,976 62 10,015 10.053 10,092 10,131 10,169 10,208 10,247 10,286 10.325 10,364 53 10,404 10,443 10,482 10,522 10,561 10,601 10,641 10.680 10,720 10.760 54 10,800 10,840 10,880 10,920 10,961 11,001 11,041 11,082 11,122 11,163 55 11,204 11.244 11,285 11,326 11,367 11,408 11,449 11,491 11,532 11,573 56 11,615 11,656 11.698 11,740 11.781 11,823 11.865 11.907 11,949 11,991 57 12.033 12.076 12,118 12,160 12,203 12,245 12,288 12,331 12,373 12,416 58 12,459 12.502 12.545 12,588 12,632 12,675 12,718 12.762 12.805 12,849 59 12.893 12,936 12,980 13,024 13,068 13,112 13,156 13,200 13,245 13.289 60 13,333 Table 35. Amount of material in cubic yards per 10O linear feet of level cut, side slopes 1% to 1. Depth of center cut in .0 .1 J .* .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 feet 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.9 1.4 2.0 2.7 3.6 4.5 1 5.6 6.7 8.0 9.4 10.9 12.5 14.2 16.1 18.0 20.1 2 22 24 27 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 3 50 53 57 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 4 89 93 98 103 108 112 118 123 128 133 5 139 144 150 156 162 168 174 180 187 193 6 200 207 214 222 228 235 242 249 257 264 7 272 280 288 296 304 312 321 329 338 347 8 356 364 374 383 392 401 411 420 43O 440 9 450 460 470 480 491 501 512 522 533 544 10 556 567 577 589 601 612 624 636 648 660 11 672 684 697 709 722 735 748 760 774 787 12 800 813 827 840 854 868 882 896 910 924 13 939 953 968 983 998 1,012 1,028 1.043 1,058 1,073 14 1,089 1,104 1,120 1,136 1,152 1,168 1,184 1,200 1,217 1,233 116 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 35. Amount of material in cubic yards per 100 linear feet of level cut, side slopes \ l / 2 to 1 Continued. Depth of cen- ter cut in feet .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 15 1,250 1,267 1,284 1,300 1,318 1,335 1,352 1,369 1,387 1,404 16 1,422 1,440 1,458 1,476 1,494 1,512 1,531 1,549 1,568 1.5 87 17 1,606 1,624 1,644 1,663 1,682 1,701 1,721 1,740 1,760 1,780 18 1,800 1,820 1,840 1,860 1,881 1,901 1,922 1,943 1,964 1,984 19 2,006 2,027 2,048 2,069 2,091 2,112 2,134 2,156 2,178 2,200 20 2,222 2,244 2,267 2,289 2,311 2,335 2,358 2,380 2,404 2,427 21 2,450 2,473 2,497 2,520 2,544 2,568 2,592 2,616 2,640 2,064 22 2,689 2.713 2,738 2,763 2,788 2,812 2.838 2,863 2,888 2.913 23 2,939 2,964 2,990 3,016 3,042 3,068 3,094 3,120 3,147 3,173 24 3,200 3,227 3,254 3,280 3,308 3,335 3,362 3,389 3,417 3,4-14 25 3,472 3,500 3,528 3,556 3,584 3,612 3,641 3,669 3,698 3,727 26 3,756 3,784 3,814 3,843 3,872 3,901 3,931 3,960 3,990 4,020 27 4,050 4,080 4,110 4,140 4,171 4,201 4,232 4,263 4,294 4,324 28 4,356 4,387 4,418 4,449 4,481 4,512 4,544 4,576 4,608 4,640 29 4,672 4,704 4,737 4,769 4,802 4,835 4,868 4,900 4,934 4,967 30 5,000 5,033 5,067 5,100 5,134 5,168 5,202 5,236 5,270 5,304 31 5,339 5,373 5,408 5,443 5,478 5,512 5,548 5,583 5,618 5,653 32 5,689 5,724 5,760 5,796 5,832 5,868 5,904 5,940 5,977 6,013 33 6,050 6,087 6,124 6,160 6,198 6,235 6,272 6,309 6,347 6,?S4 34 6,422 6,460 6,498 6,536 6,574 6,612 6,651 6,689 6,728 6,767 35 6,806 6,844 6,884 6,923 6,962 7,001 7,041 7,080 7,120 7.160 36 7,200 7,240 7,280 7,320 7,361 7,401 7,442 7,483 7,524 7,564 37 7,606 7,647 7,688 7,729 7,771 7,812 7,854 7,896 7,938 7,980 38 8,022 8,064 8,107 8,149 8,192 8,235 8,278 8,320 8,364 8,107 39 8,450 8,493 8,537 8,580 8,624 8,668 8,712 8,756 8,800 8,844 40 8.889 8,933 8,978 9,023 9,068 9,112 9,158 9,203 9,248 9,293 41 9339 9384 9.430 9,476 9,522 9,568 9,614 9,660 9,707 9,753 42 9.800 98*7 9894 9.940 9.988 10.035 10,082 10,129 10,177 10,224 43 10,272 10320 10368 10.416 10.464 10,512 10.561 10,609 10,658 10,707 44 10,756 10,804 10,854 10,903 10,952 11,001 11,051 11,100 11,150 11,200 45 11,250 11,300 11.350 11,400 11,451 11,501 11,552 11,603 11,654 11,704 46 11,756 11,807 11,858 11909 11.961 12,012 12,064 12,116 12,168 12,220 47 12.272 12,324 12.377 12.429 12,482 12,535 12,588 12,640 12,694 12,747 48 12,800 12.853 12,907 12960 13,014 13,068 13,122 13,176 13,230 13,284 49 13,339 13,393 13,448 13,503 13,558 13,612 13,668 13,723 13,778 13,833 50 13,889 13.944 14.000 14,056 14,112 14,168 14,224 14,280 14,337 14,392 51 14,450 14.507 14564 14.620 14,678 14,735 14,792 14,849 14,987 14,964 52 15,022 15,080 15 138 15.196 15,254 15,312 15,371 15,430 15,489 15,548 53 15,606 15,664 15724 15.783 15,842 15,901 15,961 16,020 16,080 16,140 54 16,200 16,260 16,320 16,380 16,441 16,501 16,562 16,623 16,684 16,744 55 16.806 16,867 16,928 16.989 17,051 17,112 17,174 17,236 17,298 17,360 56 17.422 17,484 17,547 17,609 17,672 17,735 17,798 17,860 17.024. 17,987 57 18.050 18,113 18,177 18,240 18,304 18,368 18,432 18,496 18,560 18.624 58 18.689 18.753 18,818 18,883 18,948 19,012 19,078 19,143 19,208 19,273 59 19,339 19,404 19,470 19,536 19,602 19,668 19,734 19,800 i 19,867 19.933 60 20,000 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 117 Table 36. Amount of material in cubic yards per 100 linear feet of level cut, side slopes 2 to 1. Depth of cen- ter cut in feet .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.7 1.2 1.9 2.7 3.6 4.7 6.0 1 7.4 9.0 10.7 12.5 14.5 16.7 19.0 21.4 24.0 26.7 2 30 33 36 39 43 46 50 54 58 62 3 67 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 107 113 4 119 125 131 137 143 150 157 164 171 178 5 185 193 200 208 216 224 232 241 249 258 6 267 276 285 294 303 313 323 333 343 353 7 363 373 384 395 406 417 428 439 451 462 8 474 486 498 510 523 535 548 561 574 587 9 600 613 627 641 655 669 683 697 711 726 10 741 756 771 786 801 817 832 848 864 880 11 896 913 929 946 963 980 997 1,014 1,031 1,049 12 1,067 1,084 1,103 1,121 1,139 1,157 1,176 1,195 1,214 1,233 13 1,252 1,271 1,291 1,310 1,330 1,350 1,370 1,390 1,411 1,431 14 1,452 1,473 1,494 1,515 1,536 1,557 1,579 1,601 1,623 1,645 15 1,667 1,689 1,711 1,734 1,757 1.780 1,803 1,826 1,849 1,873 16 1,896 1,920 1,944 1,968 1,992 2,017 2,041 2,066 2,091 2,116 17 2,141 2,166 2,191 2,217 2,243 2,269 2,295 2,321 2,347 2,373 18 2,400 2,427 2,454 2,481 2,508 2,535 2,563 2,590 2.618 2,646 19 2,674 2,702 2,731 2,759 2,788 2,817 2,846 2,875 2,904 2,938 20 2,963 2,993 3,023 3,053 3,083 3,113 3,143 3,174 3,205 3,236 21 3,267 3,298 3,329 3,361 3,392 3,424 3,456 3,488 3,520 3,553 22 3,585 3,618 3,651 3,684 3,717 3,750 3,783 3,817 3,851 3,885 23 3,919 3,953 3,987 4,021 4,056 4,091 4,126 4,161 4,106 4,231 3* 4,267 4,302 4,338 4,374 4,410 4,446 4,483 4,519 4,556 4,593 25 4,630 4,667 4,704 4,741 4,779 4,817 4,855 4,893 4,931 4,969 26 5,007 5,046 5,085 5,124 5,163 5,202 5,241 5,281 5,320 5,360 27 5,400 5,440 5.480 5,521 5,561 5,602 5,643 5,684 5.725 5,766 28 5,807 5,849 5.891 5,933 5,975 6,017 6,059 6,101 6,144 6,187 29 6,230 6,273 6,316 6,359 6,403 6,446 6,490 6,534 6,578 6,622 30 6,667 6,711 6,756 6,801 6,846 6,891 6,936 6.981 7,027 7,073 31 7,119 7.165 7,211 7,257 7,303 7,350 7,397 7,444 7,491 7,538 33 7.585 7.633 7.680 7,728 7,776 7,824 7,872 7,921 7,969 8,018 33 8,067 8,116 8,165 8,214 8,263 8,313 8,363 8,413 8,463 8,513 34 8,563 8,613 8,664 8,715 8,766 8,817 8,868 8,919 8,971 9,022 35 9,074 9,126 9,178 9,230 9,283 9,335 9,388 9,441 9,494 9,547 36 9,600 9,653 9.707 9,761 9,815 9,869 9,923 9,977 10031 10086 37 10,141 10.196 10.251 10.306 10,361 10,417 10,472 10,528 10.584 10.640 38 10,696 10,753 10.809 10,866 10,923 10,980 11,037 11,094 11,151 ill,209 39 11,267 11,325 11,383 11,441 11,499 11,557 11,616 11,675 11,734 11,793 40 11,852 11,911 11,971 12,030 12,090 12,150 12,210 12.270 12.331 12,391 41 12,452 12,513 12,574 12,635 12,696 12,757 12,819 12881 12.943 13,005 42 13,067 13,129 13.191 13,254 13,317 13,380 13,443 113,506 13,569 ; 13,633 43 13,696 13,760 13,824 13,888 13,952 14,017 14,081 14,146 14,211 i 14,276 44 14,341 14,406 14,471 14,537 14,603 14,669 14,735 114,801 14,867 '14,933 118 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 36. Amount of material in cubic yards per 100 linear feet of level cut, side slopes 2 to 1 Continued. Depth of cen- ter cut in feet .0 .1 .3 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 45 15,000 15,067 15,134 15,201 15,268 15,335 15,403 15,470 15.538 15,606 46 15,674 15,742 15,811 15,879 15,918 16,017 16,086 16,155 16,224 16,293 47 16,363 16,433 16,503 16,573 16,643 16,713 16.783 16,854 16,925 16,996 48 17,067 17,138 17,209 17,281 17,352 17,424 17,496 17,568 17,640 17,713 49 17,785 17,858 17,931 18,004 18,077 18,150 18,223 18,297 18,371 18,445 50 18,519 18,593 18,667 18,741 18.816 18,891 18,966 19,041 1 40 17,778 17,867 17,956 18,045 18,135 18,225 18,315 18,405 18.496 18,587 41 18,678 18,769 18,860 18,952 19,044 19,136 19,228 19,321 19.414 19,507 42 19,600 19,693 19,787 19,881 19.975 20,069 20,164 20,259 ! 20,354 20,44!) 43 20,544 20,640 20,736 20,832 20,928 21,025 21,122 21,219 i21,316 21,413 44 21,511 21,609 21,707 21,805 21,904 22,003 22,102 22,201 22,300 22,400 45 22.500 22,600 22,700 22,801 22,902 23,003 23,104 23,205 23,307 23,409 46 23,511 23.613 23,716 23,819 23,922 24,025 24,128 24,232 24,336 24,440 47 24,544 24.649 24,754 24,859 24,964 25,069 25,175 2.5,281 25,387 25,49;; 43 25,600 25,707 25,814 25,921 26,029 26,136 26,244 26,352 26,460 26,569 49 26,678 26,787 26,896 27,005 27,115 27,226 27,335 27,445 27,556 27,667 50 27,778 27,889 28,000 28,112 28,224 28,336 28,448 28,561 28,674 28,787 51 28,900 29,013 29,127 29.241 29,355 29,469 29,584 29,699 29,814 29,92*) 52 30,044 ,30,160 30,276 30. 92 30,508 30.625 30,742 30,859 30,976 31,003 53 31,211 >31,329 31,447 31,5 31,684 31,803 31,922 32,041 '32,160 32,280 54 32,400 32,520 32,640 32,761 32,882 33,003 33,124 33,245 ,33,367 33,48!) 55 33,611 33,733 33,856 33,979 34,102 34,225 34,348 34,472 '34,596 34,720 5% 34,844 34,969 35,094 35,219 35,344 35,459 35,595 35,721 35,847 36,973 7 36,100 36,227 36,354 36,481 36,608 36,736 36,864 36.P92 37,120 37,249 53 37,378 37,507 37,636 37,765 37,896 38,025 38,155 38,285 138.416 38,547 59 38,678 38,809 38,940 39,072 39,204 39,336 39,468 39,601 39,734 39,867 69 40,000 1 120 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 38. Amount of material in cubic yards per 100 linear feet of cut on sloping ground^ side slopes 1 to 1. Depth Surface elope of ground in per cent f of cen- ter cut I in feet 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 1 A l.U 1.5 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 ( 13 2.0 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 2.5 23 24 24 25 25 27 27 29 31 33 3fi 3.0 33 33 34 35 36 38 39 42 44 47 52 3.5 46 46 47 48 49 51 54 57 60 65 7C 4.0 59 60 61 63 65 67 70 74 79 85 92 4.5 76 77 78 80 83 85 89 94 100 107 117 5.0 94 95 97 99 102 106 111 117 124 133 14. 1 ] 5.5 113 114 117 120 123 128 133 141 149 161 n L 6.0 134 136 139 142 146 152 158 167 177 191 208 6.5 157 160 163 166 172 178 186 196 208 224 244 7.0 183 185 189 193 199 206 215 227 242 260 283 7.5 210 212 217 222 229 237 248 261 278 299 32 8.0 239 242 247 253 261 270 282 297 316 340 37C 8.5 270 274 279 286 295 305 319 336 357 384 41S 9.0 303 307 312 320 330 342 357 376 400 430 46? 9.5 338 342 348 356 367 381 398 419 446 479 522 10.0 374 378 385 395 406 422 441 464 494 531 57* 10.5 412 417 425 436 448 465 486 512 545 585 637 11.0 453 458 467 478 492 510 533 562 598 642 70C 11.5 495 501 510 523 538 558 583 615 653 702 76 13.0 539 545 555 569 586 607 634 669 711 764 833 12.5 585 592 603 618 637 659 689 726 772 830 904 13.0 632 640 652 668 689 713 745 785 835 897 97S 13.5 681 691 703 720 743 769 803 847 900 967 1,054 14.0 733 743 756 774 799 827 864 911 968 1,040 1,134 14.5 787 797 811 831 857 887 927 977 1,039 1,116 l,21f 15.0 841 852 868 888 916 949 994 1,045 1,111 1,194 1,301 15.5 898 910 927 949 978 1,014 1,059 1,116 1,187 1,276 1.39C 16.0 957 970 987 1,011 1,042 1,080 1.128 1,189 1,264 1,359 1.48C 16.5 1,018 1,031 1,050 1.075 1,108 1,148 1,199 1,265 1,344 1,445 1,573 17.0 1,080 1,095 1,115 1.141 1,176 1,219 1.273 1,343 1.427 1,534 1,66 17.5 1,145 1,160 1,182 1,209 1,246 1,292 1.349 1,423 1,512 1,626 1.77C 18.0 1,212 1,227 1,250 1,280 1,319 1,368 1,428 1,506 1,600 1.720 1,874 18.5 1,281 1,297 1.321 1,353 1,394 1,445 1,509 1,591 1,691 1,817 l,9Sf 19.0 1,351 1,368 1,393 1,426 1,470 1,523 1,591 1,678 1,783 1,916 2,088 19.5 1,422 1,440 1,467 1,502 1,548 1.604 i.e^e 1,767 1,878 2,018 2,199 20.0 1,496 1,515 1,542 1,580 1,628 1,687 1,763 1,859 1,975 2,123 2,313 20.5 1,572 1,592 1,620 1,660 1,710 1,773 1,852 1,953 2,075 2,230 2,430 21.0 1,649 1,670 1,701 1,742 1,795 1,861 1,943 2,049 2,178 2,340 2,550 21.5 1,729 1,751 1,783 1,826 1,882 1,951 2,037 2,148 2,283 2,453 2,673 22.0 1,811 1,834 1,868 1,913 1.971 2,043 2,134 2,250 2,391 2.569 2,800 2?.5 1,894 1,918 1.953 2,001 2,061 2,136 2,231 2,353 2,501 2,687 2,928 23.0 1,979 2,004 2,041 2,090 2.153 2,232 2,331 2,458 ,2,613 2,808 3,059 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 121 Table 38. Amount of material in cubic yards per 100 linear feet of cut on sloping ground, side slopes 1 to 1 Continued. Depth of cen- ter cut in feet Surface elope of ground in per cent 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 23.5 2,065 2,091 2,130 2,181 2,247 2,330 2,434 2,566 2,728 2.931 3,194 34.0 2.154 2,181 2,221 2,275 2,344 2,430 2,539 2,677 2,845 3,057 3,331 24.5 2,245 2,274 2,315 2,371 2,443 2,533 2,646 2,790 2,965 3,186 3,472 25.0 2,338 2,368 2,411 2,469 2,545 2,637 2,755 2,905 3,088 3,318 3,615 25.5 2,432 2,463 2,508 2,568 2,647 2,743 2,866 3,022 3,212 3,451 3,761 26.0 2,529 2,561 2,608 2,670 2,752 2,852 2,980 3,142 3,340 3,588 3,910 26.5 2,627 2,661 2,709 2,774 2,859 2,963 3,095 3,264 3,469 3727 4,062 27.0 2,727 2,762 2,813 2,880 2,968 3,076 3,212 3,388 3,601 3,869 4,217 27.5 2,829 2,865 2,918 2,988 3,079 3,191 3,332 3,515 3,736 4,014 4,374 28.0 2,932 2,970 3,024 3,097 3,191 3,308 3,454 3,643 3,872 4,161 4,534 28.5 3,038 3,077 3,133 3.208 3,306 3,427 3,579 3,775 4,012 4,311 4,698 29.0 3,146 3,187 3,245 3,322 3,423 3,548 3,706 3,909 4,154 4,464 4,864 ?9.5 3,255 3,297 3,357 3,438 3,542 3,671 3,835 4,045 4,298 4,619 5,033 30.0 3,367 3,409 3,471 3,555 3,663 3,797 3,967 4,183 4,445 4,777 5,205 30.5 3,480 3,524 3,588 3,675 3,786 3,924 4,100 4,323 4,595 4,937 5,380 31.0 3,595 3,641 3,707 3,796 3,911 4,054 4,236 4,466 4,747 5,100 5,558 31.5 3,712 3,759 3,828 3,920 4,039 4,187 4,374 4,612 4,901 5,266 5,739 33.0 3,831 3,880 3,951 4,046 4,169 4,322 4,514 4,760 5,058 5,435 5,923 i.5 3,952 4,002 4,075 4,173 4,300 4,457 4,656 4,909 5,217 5,606 6,109 33.0 4,074 4,126 4,201 4,302 4,433 4,595 4,800 5,061 5,379 5,780 6,298 33.5 4,198 4,252 4,329 4,433 4,568 4.735 4,946 5,215 5,543 5,956 6,491 34.0 4,324 4,379 4,459 4,566 4,705 4,877 5,095 5,372 5,710 6,135 6,686 34.5 4,452 4,509 4,592 4,702 4,845 5,022 5,246 5,531 5,879 6,317 6,884 35.0 4,583 4,641 4,726 4,839 4,987 5,169 5,399 5,693 6,051 6,502 7,085 35.5 4,714 4,774 4,861 4,978 5,130 5,317 5,555 5,856 6,225 6,689 7,288 ?6.0 4,848 4,910 5,000 5,120 5,276 5,469 5,712 6,023 6,402 6,879 7,496 36.5 4,984 5,048 5,140 5,263 5.423 5,621 5,872 6,191 6,581 7,071 7,705 37.0 5,122 5,187 5,282 5,408 5,573 5,776 6,034 6,362 6,762 7,266 7,918 37.5 5,261 5,328 5,426 5,555 5,725 5,933 6,198 6,535 6,946 7,464 8,132 33.0 5,402 5,471 5,571 5,705 5,879 6,093 6,365 6,711 7,133 7,665 8,353 3S.5 5,545 5,615 5,718 5,855 6,033 6,254 6,532 6,888 7,321 7,867 8,572 39.0 5,690 5,763 5,868 6,008 6,191 6,418 6,703 7,069 7,513 8,073 8,797 39.5 5,837 5,912 6,020 6,164 6,351 6,584 6.877 7,252 7,707 8,282 9,024 40.0 5,986 6,062 6,173 6,321 6,513 6,752 7,052 7,436 7,903 8,493 9,254 40.5 6,137 6,215 6,328 6,480 6,677 6,921 7,230 7,623 8,102 8,706 9,487 41.0 6,289 6,369 6,485 6,641 6,843 7,093 7,410 7,813 8,304 8,922 9,722 41.5 6,442 6,524 6,644 6,803 7,011 7,266 7,591 8,004 8,507 9,140 9,961 12.0 6,599 6,683 6,806 6,969 7,181 7,443 7,775 8.1C8 8,713 9,362 10,203 42.5 6,758 6,844 6,969 7,136 7,353 7,622 7,962 8,395 8,922 9,587 10,447 43.0 6,917 7,006 7,134 7,305 7,527 7,802 8,150 8,593 9,133 9,814 10,694 43.5 7,079 7.170 7,300 7,476 7,703 7,984 8,341 8,794 9,347 10,043 10,944 44.0 7,243 7,335 7,469 7,648 7,880 8,169 8,533 8,997 9,563 10,175 11,197 122 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 39. Amount of material in 'cubic yards per 10O linear feet of cut on sloping ground, side slopes \y% to 1. Depth Surface slope of ground in per cent of cen- ter cut in feet 10 15 30 3ft 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 6 1.0 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 11 13 18 29 1.5 12 13 13 14 15 17 19 22 28 39 | 65 3.0 23 23 24 26 28 31 34 41 51 70 i 117 3.5 36 37 38 41 44 48 55 64 80 109 183 3.0 51 53 55 58 63 69 78 92 114 157 263 3.5 70 72 75 79 85 94 106 125 155 213 357 4.0 91 94 98 104 112 123 139 163 203 278 467 4.5 113 118 124 132 141 155 176 206 257 352 590 5.0 142 146 153 162 174 192 217 255 318 435 730 5.5 172 177 185 195 211 232 262 309 384 626 882 6.0 205 211 220 233 251 276 312 368 457 624 1,051 6.5 240 248 258 273 295 324 367 431 537 735 1,233 7.0 278 287 299 317 341 375 425 500 622 852 1,430 7.5 319 329 343 363 391 430 483 674 714 978 1,641 8.0 364 375 391 414 446 491 556 654 813 1,113 1,870 8.5 411 423 441 467 503 555 627 738 918 1.257 2,107 9.0 460 474 495 524 564 622 703 827 1,029 1,409 2,364 9.5 513 528 552 583 628 691 783 922 1,146 1.569 2.633 10.0 569 685 611 647 697 765 868 1,021 1,271 1,740 2,919 lft.5 627 645 673 712 768 844 956 1,125 1,401 1,918 3.217 11.0 687 708 739 781 843 927 1,049 1,235 1,537 2,104 3,531 11.5 752 774 808 855 922 1,013 1,149 1,350 1.680 2.301 3,860 1?.0 819 843 879 931 1,003 1,103 1.250 1,470 1,829 2.504 4,203 13.5 888 914 954 1,010 1,089 1,197 1,356 1,595 1,985 2,717 4,560 13.0 961 989 1,032 1,093 1,178 1,295 1,467 1,725 2,147 2.939 4,933 13.5 1,036 1,066 1,112 1,178 1,269 1,396 1,581 1,860 2,316 3.170 5,318 14.0 1,114 1,147 1,196 1,267 1,365 1,502 1,701 2,001 2,489 3,410 5,721 14.5 1,195 1.230 1,284 1.359 1,465 1,612 1,825 2,146 2,669 3,657 6.136 15.0 1,279 1,316 1,374 1,454 1,568 1,724 1,952 2,297 2,857 3,914 6,567 15.5 1,366 1,406 1,467 1,553 1.674 1,841 2,085 2,453 3,051 4,179 7.012 16.0 1.455 1.498 1,563 1,654 1,784 1,961 2,221 2,613 3,250 4,453 7,472 1G.5 1,547 1,593 1,662 1,759 1,897 2,085 2,362 2,779 3,456 4,735 7,945 17.0 1,643 1,691 1,765 1,868 2,014 2,214 2,507 2,951 3,670 5,027 8,43o 17.5 1,741 1,792 1,870 1,979 2,134 2,346 2,656 3,126 3,889 5,326 8,937 18.0 1.841 1,896 1,979 2,094 2,258 2,482 2,809 3,308 4,114 5,636 9,456 18.5 1,945 2,002 2,090 2,212 2,385 2,622 2.967 3,494 4,346 5,953 9.98K 19.0 2,051 2,111 2,205 2,334 2,516 2,766 3,130 3,686 4,585 6.279 10.53;-, 19.5 2,1 GO 2,225 2,322 2,458 2,650 2,913 3,299 3.881 4,828 6,614 11.097 30.0 2,272 2,341 2,442 2,586 2,787 3,064 3,472 4,083 5,079 6,957 11,67::! 30.5 2,387 2,460 2.566 2,717 2,929 3,220 3,648 4,289 5,337 7,310 12,26o- 31.0 2,500 2,581 2,692 2,851 3,073 3,379 3,828 4. 502 5,600 7,670 12,871 21.5 2,627 2,705 2,822 2,988 3,221 3,541 4,013 4,719 J5.870 8,040 13,491 32.0 2.751 2.832 2.955 3,129 3.373 3,708 4,201 4,941 ,6,147 8,417 14,127 22.5 \2',877 \2,962 i3,090 3,272 3,527 3,878 4,394 5,168 16,429 ,8,804 14,775- HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 123 Table 39. Amount of material in cubic yards per 100 linear feel of cut on sloping ground, side slopes !*/ to 1. Continued. il Surface slope of ground in per cent s.s 5 f 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Q 1 230 3,007 3,096 3,229 3,420 3,686 4,053 4,592 5.400 6,718 9.201 15,440 33*? 3 139 3,232 3,372 3,570 3,848 4,231 4.794 5,638 7,013 606 16.118 34.0 3,274 3,371 3,517 3,724 4,014 4,413 5.000 5,881 7,314 10,019 16.812 34.5 3,412 3,513 3,665 3,881 4,183 4,599 5.211 6,129 7,622 10,441 17,519 35.0 3,552 3,657 3,816 4,040 4,355 4,788 5,425 6,382 7,936 10,871 18,242 25.5 3,695 3,804 3,970 4,203 4,531 4,981 5.644 6,639 8,256 11,310 18,978 36.0 3,842 3,954 4,128 4,370 4,711 5,178 5,868 6.902 8,584 11,758 19,731 36.5 3,991 4,109 4,288 4,539 4,892 5,380 6.095 7,169 8,917 12,215 20.497 37.0 4,144 4,266 4,451 4,712 5,080 5,585 6,328 7,443 9,257 12.680 21.277 37.5 4,298 4,425 4,617 4,888 5,270 5,793 6,564 7,721 9,603 13,15322,072 28.0 4,456 4,588 4,786 5,068 5,464 6,006 6.805 8,005 9,956 13,637 22,881 38.5 4,616 4,753 4,958 5,250 5,661 6,223 7,050 8,292 10,314 14,128 23,706 39.0 4,779 4,921 5,134 5.436 5,860 6,443 7,300 8,586 10,680 14,627 24,546 39.5 4,946 5,093 5,313 5.626 6,064 6,667 7,555 8,885 11,052 15,136 25,399 30.0 5,115 5,267 5,495 5,818 6,272 6,895 7,813 9,189 11,429 15,654 26,268 30.5 5.287 5,444 5.680 6,014 6,482 7,127 8,076 9,497 11,813 16,181 27,150 31.0 5.462 5,624 5,868 6,213 6,697 7,363 8,342 9.811 12,203 16,715;28,047 31.5 5,639 5,806 6,058 6,414 6,914 7,602 8,613 10.130 12,600 17,259 28,958 33.0 5,820 5.992 6,252 6,619 7.136 7,845 8,889 10,455 13.004 17,811 29,885 32.5 6,003 6,180 6,449 6,828 7,360 8,092 9,169 10,784 13,413 18,372 30,826 33.0 6,189 6.372 6,649 7,040 7.589 8,343 9,453 11.119 13,829 18,941 31.782 33.5 6,378 6.567 6,852 7,255 7,821 8,598 9.742 11.458 14,251 19,520 32,753 34.0 6.570 6,764 7,057 7.472 8,055 8,856 10,034 ill, 802 14.680 20,105 33,738 34.5 6.764 6,964 7,266 7,693 8,294 9,118 10.331 12.151 15.115 20.701 34,738 35.0 6,962 7,168 7,479 7,919 8,537 9,385 10,634 12,506 15,557 21,307 35,754 35.5 7,162 7.374 7,694 8.147 8,783 9.655 10,940:12,865 16.004 21.921 36.782 36.0 7,366 7,584 7,913 8,378 9,032 9,929 11,250 13.230 16,458 22,542 37,826 36.5 7,572 7,796 8,134 8,612 9.284 10,206 11,565 13,601 16,919 23,172 38.884 37.0 7,780 8,011 8.359 8,850 9,540 10,482 11,88313,977 17.386 23,812 39,958 37.5 7,991 8,229 8,585 9,090 9,799 10,773 12,206 14,356 17,857 24,461 41,045 38.0 8,206 8,450 8,816 9,334 10,062 11,062 12.535 14,742 18,337 25,116 42,148 38.5 8,424 8,6741 9,050 9,582 10,329 11,356 12,867! 15,133 18.823 25,781 43.266 39.0 8,644 8,900 9,286 9,832 10.599 11,652 13,203 15,528 19,315 26,455 44,398 39.5 8,867 9,130 9,526 10,086 10,873 11,952 13,544 15,929 19,814 27.137 45.545 40.0 9,093 9,363 9,769 10,343 11,150 12,258 13,889 16,335,20,319 27,829,46,699 I 40.5 9,322 9,598 10.014 10,603 11,430 12.567 14,236 16,745'20,829 28.529 47,873 41.0 9,554 9,836 10,263 10,867 11,714 12,879 14,590 17.163 21,346 29.238 49,062 41.5 9,788 10,078 10,515 11.133 12,002 13,195 14,950,17,584 21,870 29,955 50,265 43.0 10.025 10,322 10,770 11,403 12.293 13,515 15.313 18.010 22,401 30.682 51.483 42.5 ^0,266 10,569,11,028 11,677 12.587 13,838 15.679 18,441 22,937 31,417 52,716 43.0 'lO,509 10,819 11,289 11,953 12,885 14.166 16,049 18.877 23.480 32.160 53.963 43.5 10,754 11,072 11,553 12,233 13,186 14,497 1 16.425) 19,319 24,029 32J912 55.225 44.0 11,00311,329:11,821 12,516' 13.492 14,8331 16,805' 19,766 24,586,33.674 56.506 124 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLKfc. Table 40. Amount of material in cubic yards per 100 linear feet of cut on sloping ground, side slopes 2 to 1. + Depth of center cut in feet Surface slope of ground in per cent 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0.5 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 10 1.0 7 8 8 9 11. 14 20 38 1.5 18 19 20 23 26 33 47 87 2.0 31 33 36 40 47 58 83 156 2.5 48 51 55 61 72 90 128 244 3.0 70 74 80 89 104 131 186 352 3.5 95 100 109 121 142 178 252 479 4.0 124 131 142 158 186 233 330 623 4.5 157 165 179 200 235 294 417 788 5.0 193 203 221 247 289 363 514 972 5.5 233 246 267 299 350 439 622 1,176 6.0 278 293 318 356 417 523 741 1,400 6.5 326 344 373 417 489 614 869 1,643 7.0 378 399 432 484 568 712 1,008 1,906 7.5 434 458 496 556 652 817 1,158 2,189 8.0 493 521 564 632 741 929 1,317 2,491 8.5 557 588 637 713 837 1,049 1,486 2,819 9.0 625 659 715 800 938 1,176 1,667 3,160 9.5 697 735 797 892 ,046 1,312 1,857 3,521 10.0 772 814 883 988 ,159 1,453 2,058 3,903 10.5 851 897 973 1,089 ,278 1,601 2,269 4,304 11.0 933 984 1,067 1,095 ,401 1,754 2,489 4,722 11.5 1,020 1,076 1,167 ,307 ,532 1,920 2,721 5,162 12.0 1,111 1,172 1,270 ,423 ,668 2,091 2,963 5,621 12.5 1,205 1,271 1,377 ,543 1,810 2,268 3,215 6,099 13.0 1,304 1,375 ,490 ,669 1,959 2,453 3,478 6,597 13.5 1,406 1,483 ,507 ,800 2,112 2,644 3,750 7,113 14.0 1,513 1,595 ,729 ,936 2,271 2,846 4,033 7.649 14.5 1,622 1.711 ,854 2,076 2,436 3,053 4,325 8.203 15.0 1,736 1,832 ,985 2,223 2,608 3,268 4,630 8,779 15.5 1,854 1,956 2,119 2,374 2,784 3,489 4,944 9,378 16.0 1,975 2,084 2,257 2,529 2,966 3,718 5,268 8,986 16.5 2,101 2,217 2,401 2,690 3,155 3,954 5,603 10,625 17.0 2,230 2,353 2,549 2,856 3,349 4,197 5,946 11,282 17.5 2,364 2,493 2,701 3,027 3,549 4,448 6,302 11,954 18.0 2,500 2,637 2,857 3,202 3,754 4,706 6,667 12,645 18.5 2,641 2,785 3.018 3,382 3,965 4,971 7,043 13,358 19.0 2,785 2,938 3,183 3,568 4,183 5,243 7,429 14,091 19.5 2,934 3,095 3,353 3,759 4,406 5,621 7,825 14,842 20.0 3,087 3,255 3,527 3,953 4,634 5,809 8,231 15,613 20.5 3,243 3,420 3,706 4,151 4,869 6,103 8,648 16,403 21.0 3,403 3,589 3,889 4,356 5,109 6,405 9,075 17,213 21.5 3,567 3,762 4,076 4,565 5,355 6,713 9,512 18,042 22.0 3,734 3.939 4,268 4,780 5,608 7,029 9,959 18,891 22.5 3,906 4,120 4,464 5,000 5,866 7,352 10,417 19,760 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 125 Table 4=0. Amount of material in cubic yards per 100 linear feet of cut on sloping ground, side slopes 2 to 1 Continued. Depth Surface slope of ground in per cent of center cut 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 in feet 23.0 4,082 4,306 4,665 5.225 6,130 7,683 10,886 20,648 23.5 4,262 4,495 4.879 5.454 6,399 8,021 11,364 21.555 34.0 4,445 4,688 5,080 5.689 6,675 8,365 11.853 22,482 24.5 4,631 4,885 5,293 5,928 6,955 8,715 12.352 23,428 25.0 4,823 5,087 5,512 6,174 7,242 9,075 12,861 24,395 25.5 5,018 5,292 5,734 6,424 7,533 9,442 13,380 25,381 26.0 5,216 5,500 5,960 6,678 7,830 9,817 13,909 26,385 26.5 5,419 5,714 6,192 6,938 8,135 10,199 14.450 27,410 27.0 5,625 5,932 6,428 7,202 8,445 10,587 15,000 28.454 27.5 5,835 6,154 6,669 7,471 8,762 10,983 15,561 29,518 28.0 6,049 6,380 6,813 7,746 9,083 11,386 16,132 30,600 28.5 6,268 6,611 7,163 8,027 9,411 11,798 16,714 31,704 29.0 6,490 6,845 7,417 8,311 9.744 12,215 17,305 32,826 29.5 6,715 7,083 7,674 8,598 10,082 12,638 17,906 33,967 30.0 6,945 7,328 7,937 8,891 10,428 13,071 18,519 35,129 30.5 7.178 7,572 8,204 9,188 10,779 13,510 19,141 36,309 31.0 7,415 7,821 8,475 9,491 11,135 13,954 19,773 37,509 31.5 7,657 8,075 8,750 9,801 11,497 14,410 20,417 38,729 32.0 7,902 8,333 9,030 10,115 11,865 14.871 21,071 39,968 32.5 8,150 8,596 9,314 10,434 12,238 15,339 21,735 41,227 33.0 8,403 8,863 9,603 10,758 12,617 15,815 22,409 42,50(1 33.5 8,660 9,133 9,896 11,086 13,002 16,298 23,093 43,803 34.0 8,920 9,408 10,194 11,419 13,393 16,788 23,787 45,120 34.5 9,184 9,687 10,496 11,757 13,791 17,286 24,492 46,457 35.0 9,452 9,970 10,802 12,100 14,194 17,791 25,207 47,813 35.5 9,724 10,257 11,113 12,447 14,602 18,302 25,932 49,189 36.0 10,000 10,548 11,429 12.800 15,016 18,820 26,668 50,585 36.5 10,280 10,843 11,749 13,158 15,436 19,346 27,414 52,000 37.0 10,563 11,142 12,073 13,522 15,861 19,880 28,170 53,434 37.5 10,850 11,445 12,401 13,891 16,293 20,422 28,937 54,888 38.0 11,142 11,752 12,733 14,264 16,730 20,971 29,713 56,361 38.5 11,437 12,063 13,071 14,642 17,174 21,527 30,500 57,855 39.0 11,737 12,378 13,413 15,025 17.623 22,190 31,297 59,368 39.5 12,039 12,697 13,759 15,413 18,078 22660 32,104 60,906 40.0 12,346 13,021 14,110 15,805 18,539 23,237 32,923 62,451 40.5 12,656 13.349 14,465 16,202 19,006 23,821 33,752 64,021 41.0 12,971 13,681 14,824 16,605 19,479 24,414 34,590 65,611 41.5 13,290 14.017 15,187 17,013 19,957 25,012 35,438 67,221 42.0 13,612 14,357 15,556 17,425 20,441 25,619 36,298 68,851 42.5 13,938 14,701 15,929 17,842 20,930 26,231 37,168 70.501 43.0 14,267 15,049 16,306 18,264 21,424 26,852 38,047 72,170 43.5 14.601 1 0.401 16,687 18,691 21,925 27,481 38,937 73,858 44.0 14.939 15,757 17,073 19,124 22.432 28.116 39,837 75,565 126 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 4=1. Three-halves powers of numbers, 0.000 to 1.199. Number .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .OOf .007 .008 .009 0.00 .0000 .0001 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0005 .0006 .0007 .ooos .ooou .01 .0010 .0012 .0014 .0015 .0017 .0019 .0021 .0022 .0024 .002(1 .03 .0028 .0030 .0033 .0035 .0038 .0040 .0042 .0045 .0047 .005(1 .03 .0052 .0055 .0058 .0060 .0063 .0066 .0069 .0072 .0074 .0077 .01 .0080 .0083 .0086 .0090 .0093 .0096 .0099 .0102 .0106 .0109 .05 .0112 .0116 .0119 .0122 .0126 .0130 .0133 .0136 .0140 .0144 .06 .0147 .0151 .0155 .0158 .0162 .0166 .0170 .0174 .0177 .0181 .07 .0185 .0189 .0193 .0197 .0201 .0206 .0210 .0214 .0218 .0222 .OS .0226 .0230 .0235 .0239 .0244 .0248 .0252 .0257 .02(51 .02(U) .09 .0270 .0275 .0279 .0284 .0288 .0293 .0298 .0302 .0307 .0311 .10 .0316 .0321 .0326 .0331 .0336 .0340 .0345 .0350 .0355 .0360 .11 .0365 .0370 .0375 .0380 .0385 .0390 .0396 .0401 .0406 .0411 A* .0416 .0421 .0427 .0432 .0437 .0442 .0448 .0453 .0458 .0464 .13 .0469 .0474 .0480 .0486 .0491 .0496 .0502 .0508 .0513 .0518 .14 .0524 .0530 .0535 .0541 .0547 .0552 .0558 .0564 .0570 .0575 .1$ .0581 .0587 .0593 .0599 .0605 .0610 .0616 .0622 .0628 .0634 .16 .0640 .0645 .0652 .0658 .0664 .0670 .0677 .0683 .0689 .O69. r , .17 .0701 .0707 .0714 .0720 .0726 .0732 .0739 .0745 .0751 .075S .18 .0764 .0770 .0777 .0783 .0700 .0796 .0802 .0809 .0815 .0822 .19 .0828 .0835 .0841 .0848 .C854 .0861 .0868 .0874 .0881 .0887 .20 .0894 .0901 .0908 .0914 .0921 .0928 .0935 .0942 .0948 .0955 .21 .0962 .0969 .0976 .0983 .0990 .0997 .1004 .1011 .1018 .1025 .22 .1032 .1039 .1046 .1053 .1060 .1068 .1075 .1082 .1089 .1096 .23 .1103 .1110 .1118 .1125 .1132 .1140 .1147 .1154 .1161 .1169 .24 .1176 .1183 .1191 .1198 .1251 .1213 .1220 .1228 .1235 .1243 .2$ .1250 .1258 .1265 .1273 .1280 .1288 .1296 .1303 .1311 .1318 .26 .1326 .1334 .1341 .1349 .1357 .1364 .1372 .1380 .1388 .1395 .27 .1403 .1411 .1419 .1427 .1435 .1442 .1450 .1458 .14(6 .1474 .28 .1482 .1490 .1498 .1506 .1514 .1522 .1530 .1538 .1546 .1554 .29 .1562 .1570 .1578 .1586 .1594 .1602 .1611 .1619 .1627 .1635 .38 .1643 .1651 .1660 .1668 .1676 .1684 .1693 .1701 .1709 .1718 .31 .1726 .1734 .1743 .1751 .1760 .1768 .1776 .1785 .17P3 .1802 .32 .1810 .1819 .1827 .1836 .1844 .1853 ,1863 .1870 .1879 .1887 .33 .1896 .1905 .1913 .1922 .1931 .1940 .1948 .1957 .1SG6 .1974 .34 .1983 .1992 .2001 .2009 .2018 .2027 .2036 .2045 .2053 .2062 .35 .2071 .2080 .2089 .2098 .2107 .2116 .2124 .2133 .2142 .2151 .36 .2160 .2169 .2178 .2187 .2196 .2206 .2215 .2224 .2233 .2242 .37 .2251 .2260 .2269 .2278 .2287 .2296 .23C6 .2315 .2324 .2333 .38 i .2342 .2351 .2361 .2370 .2380 .2389 .2398 .2408 .2417 .2427 .39 .2436 .2445 .2455 .2464 .2474 .2483 .2492 .2502 .2511 .2521 .40 .2530 .2540 .2549 .2558 .2568 .2578 .2587 .2596 .2606 .2616 .41 .2625 .2635 .2644 .2654 .2664 .2674 .2683 .2693 .2703 .2712 .42 .2722 .2732 .2742 .2751 .2761 .2771 .2781 .2791 .2800 .2810 .43 .2820 .2830 .2840 .2850 .2860 .2870 .2879 .2889 .28P9 .2909 .44 .2919 .2929 .2939 .2949 .2959 .2969 .2979 .2989 .2999 .3009 .45 .3019 .3029 .3039 .3049 .3059 .3070 .3080 .3090 .3100 .3110 .46 .3120 .3130 .3140 .3151 .3161 .3171 .3181 .3191 .32C2 .3212 .47 .3222 .3232 .3243 .3253 .3263 .3274 .3284 .3294 .3304 .3315 .4S .3325 .3336 .3346 .3356 .3367 .3378 .3388 .3398 .3409 .3420 .49 .3430 .3441 .3451 .3462 .3472 .3483 .3494 ! .3504 .3515 .3525 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 41. Three-halves powers of numbers, 0.000 to 1.499. Continued. 127 Number .090 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 0.50 .3536 .3 v47 .3557 .3568 .3578 .3589 .3600 .3610 .3621 .3631 .51 .3642 .3 >53 .3664 .3674 .3685 .3696 .3707 .3718 .3723 .3739 .53 .3750 .3761 .3772 .3782 .3793 .3804 .3815 .3826 .3836 .3847 .53 .3858 .3869 .3880 .3891 .3902 .3913 .3924 .3935 .3946 .3957 .54 .3968 .3979 .3990 .4001 .4012 .4024 .4035 .4046 .4057 .4008 .55 .4079 .4090 .4101 .4113 .4124 .4135 .4146 .4157 .4169 .4180 .56 .4191 j .4202 .4213 .4225 .4236 .4247 .4258 .4269 .4281 .4292 .57 .4303 1 .4314 .4326 .4337 .4349 .4360 .4371 .4383 .4394 .4406 .59 .4417 .4428 .4440 .4452 .4463 .4474 .4486 .4498 .4509 .4520 .59 .4532 .4544 .4555 .4567 .4578 .4590 .4*>02 .4613 .4625 .4636 .60 .4648 .4660 .4671 .4683 .4694 .4706 .4718 .4729 .4741 .4752 .61 .4764 .4776 .4788 .4799 .4811 .4823 .4835 .4847 .4858 .4870 .6? .4882 .4S94 .4906 .4917 .4929 .4941 .4953 .4965 .4976 .4988 .63 .5000 .5012 .5024 .5036 .5048 .5060 .5072 .5084 .5096 .5108 .64 .5120 .5132 .5144 .5156 .5108 .5180 .5192 .5204 .5216 .5228 ,G5 .5240 .5252 .5264 .5277 .5289 .5301 .5313 .5325 .5338 .5350 .66 .5302 .5374 .5386 .5399 .5411 .5423 .5435 .5447 .5460 .5472 .67 .5484 .5496 .5509 .5521 .5533 .5546 .5558 .5570 .5582 .5595 .63 .5607 .5620 .5632 .5644 .5657 .5670 .5682 .5694 .5707 .5720 .69 .5732 .5744 .5757 .5770 .5782 .5794 .5807 .5820 .5832 .5844 .70 .5857 .5870 .5882 .5895 .5907 .5920 .5933 .5945 .5958 .5970 .71 .5983 .5996 .6008 .6021 .6033 .6046 .6059 .6071 .6084 .6096 .7* .6109 .6122 .6135 .6147 .6160 .6173 .6186 .6199 .6211 .6224 .73 .6237 .6250 .6203 .6276 .6289 .6302 .6314 .6327 .6340 .6353 .74 .6366 .6379 .6392 .6405 .6418 .6430 .6443 .6456 .6469 .6482 .75 .6495 .6508 .6521 .6534 .6547 .6560 .6574 .6587 .6600 .6613 .76 .6626 .6639 .6652 .6665 .6678 .6692 .6705 .6718 .6731 .6744 ,77 .6757 .6770 .6783 .6797 .6810 .6823 .6836 .6849 .6863 .6876 .78 .6889 .6902 .6916 .6929 .6942 .6956 .6969 .6982 .6995 .7009 .79 .7022 .7035 .7049 .7062 .7075 .7088 .7102 .7115 .7128 .7142 .80 .7155 .7168 .7182 .7196 .7209 .7222 .7236 .7250 .7263 .7276 .81 .7290 .7304 .7317 .7330 .7344 .7358 .7371 .7384 .7398 .7412 .8? .7425 .7439 .7452 .7466 .7480 .7494 .7507 .7521 .7535 .7548 .83 .7562 .7576 .7589 .7603 .7617 .7630 .7644 .7658 .7672 .7685 .81 .7699 .7713 .7727 .7740 .7754 .7768 .7782 .7796 .7809 .7823 .85 .7837 .7851 .7865 .7878 .7892 .7906 .7920 .7934 .7947 .7961 .83 .7975 .7989 .8003 .8017 .8031 .8345 .8059 .8073 .8087 .8101 .87 .8115 .8129 .8143 .8157 .8171 .8185 .8199 .8213 .8227 .8241 .89 .8255 .8269 .8283 .8297 .8311 .8326 .8340 .8354 .8368 .8382 .89 .8396 .8410 .8424 .8439 .8453 .8467 .8481 .8495 .8510 .8524 .90 .8538 .8552 .8567 .8581 .8595 .8610 '.8624 .8638 .8652 .8667 .91 .8681 .8695 .8710 .8724 .8738 .8752 .8767 .8781 .8795 .8810 .9? .8824 .8838 .8853 .8868 .8882 .8896 .8911 .8926 .8940 .8954 .93 .8969 .8984 .8998 .9012 .9027 .9042 .9056 .9070 .9085 .9100 .91 .9114 .9128 .9143 .9158 .0172 .9186 .9201 .9216 .9230 .9244 .95 .9259 .9274 .9288 .9302 .9317 .9332 .9347 .9362 .9377 .9391 .93 .9*06 .9421 .9435 .9450 .9465 .9480 .9494 .9509 .9524 .9538 .97 .9553 .9568 .9583 .9598 .9613 .9628 .9642 .9657 .9672 .9687 .98 .9702 .9717 .9732 .9746 .9761 .9776 .9791 .9806 .9820 .9835 .99 .9850 .9865 .9880 .9895 .9910 .9925 .9940 .9955 .9970 .908.-> 128 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLKS. Table 41. Three-halves powers of numbers, 0.000 to 1.499. Continued. Num- ber .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009 1.00 1.0000 1.0015 1.0030 1.0045 10060 1.0075 1.0090 1.0105 1.0120 1 1.013f> 1.01 1.0150 1.0165 1.0180 1.0196 1.0211 1.0226 1.0241 1.0256 1.0272 1.0287 1.02 1.0302 1.0317 1.0332 1.0347 1.0362 1.0378 1.0393 1.0408; 1.0428 1.043K 1.03 1.0453 1.0468 1.0484 1.0499 1.0514 1.0530 1.0545 1.0560; 1.0575 1.0591 1.04 1.0606 1.0621 1.0637 1.0652 1.0667 1.0682 1.0698 1.0713J 1.0728 1.0744 1.05 1.0759 1.0774 1.0790 1.0805 1.0821 1.0836 1.0851 1.0867 1.0882 1.089* 1.06 1.0913 1.0928 1.0944 1.0960 1.0975 1.0990 1.1006 .1022; 1.1037 1.10.52 1.07 1.1068 '1.1084 1.1099 1.1115 1.1130 1.1146 1.1162 .1177 1.1193 1.120s 1.08 1.1224 1.1240 1.1255 1.1271 1.1286 1.1302 1.1318 .1333! 1.1349 1.1364 1.09 1.1380 1.1396 111411 1.1427 1.1443 1.1458 1.1474 .1490; 1.1506 1.1521 1.10 1.1537 1.1553 1.1569 1.1584 1.1600 1.1616 1.1632 .1648 1.1663 1.167'.*- 1.11 1.1695 1.1711 1.1727 1.1742 1.1758 1.1774 1.1790 .1806 1.1821 1.1837 1.13 1.1853 1.1869 1.1885 1.1901 1.1917 1.1932 1.1948 .1964 1.1980 1.199U 1.13 1.2012 1.2028 1.2044 1.2060 1.2076 1.2092 1.2108 1.21241 1.2140 1.21SIV 1.14 1.2172 1.2188 1.2204 1.2220 1.2236 1.2252 1.2268 1.2284 1.2300 1.231U 1.15 1.2332 1.2348 1.2364 1.2381 1.2397 1.2413 1.2429 1.2445 1.2462 1.247S 1.16 1.2494 1.2510 1.2526 1.2543 1.2559 1.2575 1.2591 1.2607 1.2624 1.2641. 1.17 1.2656 1.2672 1.2688 1.2705 1.2721 1.2737 1.2753 1.2769i 1.2786 1.2802 1.18 1.2818 1.2834 1.2851 1.2867 1.2883 1.2900 1.2916 1.2932 1.2948 1.296--, 1.19 1.2981 1.2997 1.3014 1.3030 1.3047 1.3063 1.3079 1.3096 1.3112 1.312< 1.20 1.3145 1.3162 1.3178 1.3194 1.3211 1.3228 1.3244 1.3260| 1.3277 1.3294 1.21 1.3310 1.3326 1.3343 1.3360 1.3376 1.3392 1.3409 1.34261 1.3442 1.345X 1.22 1.3475 1.3492 1.3508 1.3525 1.3541 1.3558 1.3575 1.3591J 1.3608 1.362) 1.23 1.3641 1.3658 1.3674 1.3691 1.3768 1.3724 1.3741 1.37581 1.3775 1.3791 1.24 1.3808 1.3825 1.3841 1.3858 1.3875 1.3892 1.3908 1.3925 1.3942 1.3S5S 1.25 1.3975 1.3992 1.4009 1.4026 1.4043 1.4060 1.4076 1.4093 1.4110 1.4127 1.26 1.4144 1.4161 1.4178 1.4194 1.4211 1.4228 1.4245 1.4262 1.4278 1.429f> 1.27 1.4312 1.4329 1.4346 1.4363 1.4380 1.4397 1.4414 1.4431: 1.4448 1.4405 1.28 1.4482 1.4499 1.4516 1.4533 1.4550 1.4567 1.4584 1.4601! 1.4618] 1.4035 1.29 1.4652 1.4669 1.4686 1.4703 1.4720 1.4737 1.4754 1.4771! 1.4788 1.480.', 1.30 1.4822 1.4839 1.4856 1.4874 1.4891 1.4908 1.4925 1.4942 1.49601 1.4977 1.31 1.4994 1.5011 1.5028 1.5046 1.5063 1.5080 1.5097 1.51141 1.5132, 1.514t> 1.32 1.5166 1.5183 1.5200 1.5218 1.5235 1.5252 1.5269 1.5286 1.5304 1.5321 1.33 1.5338 1.5355 1.5373 1.5390 1.5408 1.5425 1.5442 1.5460 1.5477 1.54\K> 1.34 1.5512 1.5529 1.5547 1.5564 1.5582 1.5599 1.5616 1.5634 1.5651 1.66UU 1.35 1.5686 ! 1.5703 1.5721 1.5738 1.5756 1.5773 1.5790 1.5808 1.5825 1.684?. 1.36 1.5860 1.5878 1.5895 1.5912 1.5930 1.5948 1.5965 1.5982 1.6000 1.6018 1.37 1.6035 1.6053 1.6070 1.6088 1.6105 1.6123 1.6141 1.6158 1.6176 1.6193 1.38 1.6211 1.6229 1.6246 1.6264 1.6282 1.6300 1.6317 1.6335 1.6353 1.6370 1.39 1.6388 1.6406 1.6423 1.6441 1.6459 1.6476 1.6494 1.6512 1.6530 1.6547 1.40 1.6565 1.6583 1.6601 1.6618 1.6636 1.6654 1.6672 1.6690 1.6708 1.672.1 1.41 1.6743 1.6761 1.6779 1.6796 1.6814 1.6832 1.6850 1.6868 1.6885 1.690:; 1.42 1.6921 1.6939 1.6957 1.6975 1.6993 1.7010 1.7028 1.7046 1.7064 1.70&! 1.43 1.7100 1.7118 1.7136 1.7154 1.7172 1.7190 1.7208 1.7226 1.7244 1.7262 1.44 1.7280 1.7298 1.7316 1.7334 1.7352 1.7370 1.7388 1.7406 1.7424 1.7442 1.45 1.7460 1.7478 1.7496 1.7514 1.7532 1.7550 1.7569 1.7587 1.7605 1.762:i 1.46 1.7641' 1.7659 1.7677 1,7696 1.7714 1.7732 1.7750 1.7768 1.7787 1.780.-, 1.47 1.7823 1.7S41 1.7859 1.7878 1.7896 1.7914 1.7932 1.7950 1.7969 1.79S', 1.48 1.8005 1.8023 1.8042 1.8060 1.8078 1.8096 1.8115 1.8133 1.8151 1.8170 1.49 1.8188 1.8206 1.8225 1.8243 1.8261 1.8280 1.8298 1.8316 1.8334 1.835.'; HYDBAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 129 Table 42. Three-halves powers of numbers, 1.50 to 19.99. Num- ber .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .OS .09 1.5 1.838 1.856 1.874 1.892 1.911 1.930 1.948 1.967 1.986 2.005 1.6 2.024 2.043 2.062 2.081 2.100 2.120 2.139 2.158 2.178 2.197 1.7 2.216 2.236 2.256 2.276 2.295 2.315 2.335 2.355 2.375 2.395 1.8 2.415 2.435 2.455 2.476 2.496 2.516 2.537 2.557 2.578 2.598 1.9 2.619 '2.640 2.660 2.681 2.702 2.723 2.744 2.765 2.786 2.807 2.0 2.828 2.850 2.871 2.892 2.914 2.935 2.957 2.978 3.000 3.022 2.1 3.043 3.065 3.087 3.109 3.131 3.152 3.174 3.197 3.219 3.241 2.2 3.263 3.285 3.308 3.330 3.352 3.375 3.398 3.420 3.443 3.465 2.3 3.488 3.511 3.534 3.557 3.580 3.602 3.626 3.649 3.672 3.695 2.4 3.718 3.741 3.765 3.788 3.811 3.835 3.858 3.882 3.906 3.929 2.5 3.953 3.977 4.000 4.024 4.048 4.072 4.096 4.120 4.144 4.168 2.6 4.192 4.217 4.241 4.265 4.290 4.314 4.338 4.363 4.387 4.412 2.7 4.437 4.461 4.486 4.511 4.536 4.560 4.585 4.610 4.635 4.660 2.8 4.685 4.710 4.736 4.761 4.786 4.811 4.837 4.862 4.888 4.913 2.9 4.938 4.964 4.990 5.015 6.041 5.067 5.093 5.118 5.144 5.170 3.0 5.196 5.222 5.248 5.274 5.300 5.327 5.353 5.379 5.405 5.432 3.1 5.458 5.484 5.511 5.538 5.564 5.591 5.617 5.644 5.671 5.698 3.2 5.724 5.751 5.778 5.805 5.832 5.859 5.886 5.913 5.940 5.968 3.3 5.995 6.022 6.049 6.077 6.104 6.132 6.159 6.186 6.214 6.242 3.4 6.269 6.297 6.325 6.352 6.380 6.408 6.436 6.464 6.492 6.520 3.5 6.548 6.576 6.604 6.632 6.660 6.689 6.717 6.745 6.774 6.802 3.6 6.830 6.859 6.888 6.916 6.945 6.973 7.002 7.031 7.060 7.088 3.7 7.117 7.146 7.175 7.204 7.233 7.262 7.291 7.320 7.349 7.378 3.8 7.408 7.437 7.466 7.496 7.525 7.554 7.584 7.613 7.643 7.672 3.9 7.702 7.732 7.770 7.791 7.821 7.850 7.880 7.910 7.940 7.970 4.0 8.000 8.030 8.060 8.090 8.120 8.150 8.181 8.211 8.241 8.27^ 4.1 8.302 8.332 8.363 8.393 8.424 8.454 8.485 8.515 8.546 8.577 4.2 8.607 8.638 8.669 8.700 8.731 8.762 8.792 8.824 8.854 8.886 4.3 8.917 8.948 8.979 9.010 9.041 9.073 9.104 9.135 9.167 9.198 4.4 9.230 9.261 9.292 9.324 9.356 9.387 9.419 9.451 9.482 9.514 4.5 9.546 9.578 9.610 9.642 9.674 9.706 9.738 9.770 9.802 9.834 4.6 9.866 9.898 9.930 9.963 9.995 10.03 10.06 10.09 10.12 10.16 4.7 10.19 10.22 10.25 10.29 10.32 10.35 10.39 10.42 10.45 10.48 4.8 10.52 10.55 10.58 10.62 10.65 10.68 10.71 10.75 10.78 10.81 4.9 10.85 10.88 10.91 10.95 10.98 11.01 11.05 11.08 11.11 11.15 5.0 11.18 11.21 11.25 11.28 11.31 11.35 11.38 11.42 11.45 11.48 5.1 11.52 11.55 11.59 11.62 11.65 11.69 11.72 11.76 11.79 11.82 5.2 11.86 11.89 11.93 11.96 11.99 12.03 12.06 12.10 12.13 12.17 5.3 1?.20 12.24 12.27 12.31 12.34 12.37 12.41 12.44 12.48 12.51 5.4 12.55 12.58 12.62 12.65 12.69 12.72 12.76 12.79 12.83 12.86 5.5 12.90 12.93 12.97 13.00 13.04 13.07 13.11 13.15 13.18 13.22 5.6 13.25 13.29 13.32 13.36 13.39 13.43 13.47 13.50 13.54 13.57 5.7 13.61 13.64 13.68 13.72 13.75 13.79 13.82 13.86 13.90 13.93 5.8 13.97 14.00 14.04 14.08 14.11 14.15 14.19 14.22 14.26 14.29 5.9 14.33 14.37 14.40 14.44 14.48 14.51 14.55 14.59 14.62 14.66 6.0 14.70 14.73 14.77 14.81 14.84 14.88 14.92 14.95 14.99 15. OS 6202 17- 130 HYDRAULIC AND KXCAVATIOX TABLES. Table 42. --Three-halves powers of numbers, 1.50 to 19.99 Continued. Number .09 .01 .03 .03 .04 .or* .06 .07 .08 .Of 6.1 15.07 15.10 15.14 15.18 15.21 15.25 15.29 15.33 15.36 15.40 6.3 15.44 15.48 15.51 15.55 15.59 15.62 15.66 15.70 15.74 15.78 6.3 15.81 15. X5 15.89 15.93 15.96 16.00 16.04 16.08 16.12 16.15 6.4 16.19 16.23 16.27 16.30 16.34 10.38 16.42 16.46 16.50 16.53 6.5 16.57 16.61 16.65 16.69 16.72 16.76 16.80 16.84 16.88 16.92 6.6 16.96 16.99 17.03 17.07 17.11 17.15 17.19 17.22 17.26 17.30 6.7 17.34 17.38 17.42 17.46 17.50 17.54 17.58 17.62 17.65 17.69 6.8 17.73 17.77 17.81 17.85 17.89 17.93 17.97 18.01 18.05 18.00 6.9 18.12 18.16 18.20 18.24 18.28 18.32 18.36 18.40 18.44 13.48 7.0 18.52 18.56 18.60 18.64 18,68 18.72 18.76 18.80 18.84 18.88 7.1 18.92 18.96 19.00 19.04 19.08 19.12 19.16 19.20 19.24 19.28 7.3 19.32 19.36 19.40 19.44 19.48 19.52 19.56 19.60 1964 19.68 7.3 19.72 19.76 19.80 19.85 19.89 19.93 19.97 2001 20.05 20.09 7.4 20.13 20.17 20.21 20.25 20.29 20.33 2038 20.42 20.46 20.50 7.5 20.54 20.58 20.62 20.66 20.70 20.75 20.79 20.83 20.87 20.91 7.6 20.95 20.99 21.03 21.08 21.12 21.16 21.20 21.24 21.28 21.32 7.7 21.37 21.41 21.45 21.49 21.53 21.58 21.62 21.66 21.70 21.74 7.8 21.78 21.83 21.87 21.91 21.95 21.99 22.04 22.08 22.12 22.16 7.9 22.20 22.25 22.29 22.33 22.37 22.42 22.46 22.50 22.54 22.58 8.0 22.63 22.67 22.71 22.75 22.80 22.84 22.88 22.93 22.97 23.01 8.1 23.05 23.10 23.14 23.18 23.22 23.27 23.31 23.35 23.40 23.44 8.2 23.48 23.52 23.57 23.61 23.65 23.70 23.74 23.78 23.83 23.87 8.3 23.91 23.96 24.00 24.04 24.09 24.13 24.17 24.22 24.26 24.30 8.4 24.35 24.39 24.43 24.48 24.52 24.56 24.61 24.65 24.69 24.74 8.5 24.78 24.83 24.87 24.91 24.96 25.00 25.04 25.09 25.13 25.18 8.6 25.22 25.26 25.31 25.35 25.40 25.44 25.48 25.53 25.57 25.62 8.7 25.66 25.71 25.75 25.79 25.84 25.88 25.93 25.97 26.02 26.06 8.8 26.10 26.15 26.19 26.24 26.28 26.33 26.37 26.42 26.46 26.51 8.9 26.55 26.60 26.64 26.69 26.73 26.78 26.82 26.87 26.91 26.96 9.0 27.00 27.04 27.09 27.14 27.18 27.23 27.27 27.32 27.36 27.41 9.1 27.45 27.50 27.54 27.59 27.63 27.68 27.72 27.77 27.81 27.86 9.3 27.90 27.95 28.00 28.04 28.09 28.13 28.18 28.22 28.27 28.32 9.3 28.36 28.41 28.45 28.50 28.54 28.59 28.64 28.68 28.73 28.77 9.4 28.82 28.87 28.91 28.96 29.00 29.05 29.10 29.14 29.19 29.23 9.5 29.28 29.33 29.37 29.42 29.47 29.51 29.56 29.61 29.65 29.70 9.6 29.74 29.79 29.84 29.88 29.93 29.98 30.02 30.07 30.12 30.16 9.7 30.21 30.26 30.30 30.35 30.40 30.44 30.49 30.54 30.58 30. G3 9.8 30.68 30.73 30.77 30.82 30.87 30.91 30.96 31.01 31.06 31.10 9.9 31.15 31.20 31.24 31.29 31.34 31.38 31.43 31.48 31.53 31.58 10.0 31.62 31.67 31.72 31.77 31.81 31.86 31.91 31.96 32.00 32.05 10.1 32.10 32.15 32.19 32.24 32.29 32.34 32.38 32.43 32.48 32.53 10.3 32.58 32.62 32.67 32.72 32.77 32.82 32.86 32.91 32.96 33.01 10.3 33.06 33.10 33.15 33.20 33.25 33.30 33.35 33.39 33.44 33.49 10.4 33.54 33.59 33.64 33.68 33.73 33.78 33.83 33.88 33.93 33.98 10.5 34.02 34.07 34.12 34.17 34.22 34.27 34.32 34.36 34.41 34.4H 10.6 34.51 34.56 34.61 34.66 34.71 84.76 34.80 34.85 34.90 34.95 HYDKAUL1C AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 42. Three-halves powers of numbers, 1.50 to 19.99 Continued. 131 .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 ! .06 .07 .08 .09 35.00 35.05 35.10 35.15 35.20 35.25 35.30 35.34 35.39 .'55.44 35.49 35.54 35.59 35.64 35.69 35.74 35.79 35.84 35.89 35.94 35.99 36.04 36.09 36.14 36.18 36.23 26.28 3f,.33 :;; 36.43 36.48 36.53 36.58 36.63 36.68 36.73 36.78 3C..S3 36.88 36.93 36.98 37.03 37.08 37.13 37.18 37.23 37.28 37. 33 37.38 37.43 37.48 37.53 37.58 37.63 37.68 37.73 37.78 37.83 37.88 37.94 37.99 38.04 38.09 38.14 38.19 38.24 38.29 38.34 38.39 38.44 38.49 38.54 38.59 38.64 38.69 38.74 3880 38.85 38.90 38.95 39.00 39.05 39.10 39.15 39.20 39.25 3930 39.36 39.41 39.46 39.51 39.56 39.61 39.66 39.71 39.76 39.82 39.87 39.92 39.97 40.02 40.07 40.12 40.17 40.23 40.28 40.33 40.38 40.43 40.48 40.53 40.59 40.64 40.69 40.74 40.79 40.84 40.90 40.95 41.00 41.05 41.10 41.15 41.21 41.26 41.31 41.36 41.41 41.47 41.52 41.57 51.62 41.67 41.72 41.78 41.83 41.88 41.93 41.99 42.04 42.09 42.14 42.19 42.25 42.30 42.35 42.40 42.45 42.51 42.56 42.61 42.66 42.72 42.77 42.82 42.87 42.93 42.98 43.03 43.09 43.14 43.19 43.24 43.30 43.35 43.40 43.45 43.51 43.56 43.61 43.66 43.72 43.77 43.82 43.88 43.93 43.98 44.04 44.09 44.14 44.19 44,25 44.30 44.35 44.41 44.46 44.51 ! 44.56 44.62 44.67 44.73 44.78 44.83 44.89 44.94 44.99 45.05 45.10 45.15 45.21 45.26 45.31 45.37 45.42 45.47 45.53 45.58 45.63 45.69 45.74 45.79 45.85 45.90 45.96 46.01 46.06 46.12 46.17 46.22 46.28 46.33 46.39 46.44 46.49 46.55 46.60 46.66 46.71 46.76 46.82 46.87 46.93 46.98 47.03 47.09 47.14 47.20 47.25 47.31 47.36 47.41 47.47 47.52 47.58 47.63 47.69 47.74 47.79 47.85 47.90 47.96 48.01 48.07 48.12 48.18 48.23 48.28 48.34 48.39 48.45 48.50 48.56 48.61 48.67 48.72 48.78 48.83 48.89 48.94 49.00 49.05 49.11 49.16 49.22 49.27 49.33 49.38 49.44 49.49 49.55 49.60 49.66 49.71 49.77 49.82 49.88 49.93 49.99 50.04 50.10 50.15 50.21 50.26 50.32 50.37 50.43 50.48 50.54 50.59 50.05 50.71 50.76 50.82 50.87 50.93 50.99 51.04 51.10 61.15 51.21 51.26 51.32 51.38 51.43 51.49 51.54 51.60 51.66 51.71 51.77 51.82 51.88 51.93 51.99 52.05 52.10 52.16 52.21 52.27 52.33 52.38 52.44 52.50 52.55 52.61 52.66 52.72 52.78 52.83 52.89 52.95 53.00 53.06 53.11 53.17 53.23 53.28 53.34 53.40 63.45 53.51 53.57 53.62 53.68 53.74 53.79 53.85 53.91 43.96 54.02 54.08 54.13 54.19 54.25 54.30 54.36 54.42 54.47 54.53 54.59 54.64 54.70 54.76 54.81 54.87 54.93 54.98 55.04 55.10 55.16 55.21 55.27 55.33 55.39 55.44 55.50 55.56 55.61 55.67 55.73 55.79 55.84 55.90 55.96 56.02 56.07 56.13 56.19 66.25 56.30 56.36- 56.42 56.48 56.53 56.59 56.63 56.71 56.76 56.82 56.88 56.94 56.99 57.05 57.11 57.17 57.23 57.28 57.34 57.40 57. -16 57.51 57.57 57.63 57.69 57.75 57.80 57.86 57.92 57.98 58.04 58.09 58.15 58.21 58.27 58.33 58.38 58.44 58.50 58.56 58.62 58.68 58.73 58.79 68.85 58.91 58.97 59.03 59.09 69.14 59.20 59.26 59.32 59.38 59.44 59.49 59.55 59.61 59.67 , 59.73 59.79 132 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Tal)le 4:2, Three-halves powers of numbers, 1.50 to 19.99 Continued. Number .00 .01 .03 .03 .04 .05 .0, .07 : .08 .09 15.3 59.85 59.90 59.96 60.02 60.08 60.14 60.20 60.26 60.32 00.::.% 15.4 60.43 60.49 60.55 60.61 60.67 60.73 60.79 GO. 8 5 60.91 (iO .(- 15.5 61.02 61.08 61.14 61.20 61.26 61.32 61.38 (51.44 61.50 61. :"'I5 15.6 61.62 61.67 61.73 61.79 61.85 61.91 61.97 62.03 62.09 62.1." 15.7 62.21 62.27 62.33 62.39 62.45 62.51 62.57 62.62 62.68 62,7 V 15.8 62.80 62.86 62.92 62.98 63.04 63.10 63.16 63.22 63.28 63. '4 15.9 63.40 63.46 63.52 63.58 63.64 63.70 63.76 63.82 63. 88 63.01 16.0 64.00 64.06 64.12 64.18 64.24 64.30 64.36 64.42 64.48 64. '-I 16.1 64.60 64.66 64.72 64.78 64.84 64.90 64.96 65.02 65.08 65.14 16.3 65.20 65.26 65.32 65.38 65.45 65.51 65.57 65.63 65.69 65.7f 16.3 65.81 65.87 65.93 65.99 66.05 66.11 66.17 66.23 66.29 6(i.3:> 16.4 66.41 66.48 66.54 66.60 66.66 66.72 66.78 66.84 66.90 66. or, 16.5 67.02 67.08 67.15 67.21 67.27 67.33 67.39 67.45 67.51 67.57 16.6 67.63 67.69 67.76 67.82 67.88 67.94 68.00 68.06 68.12 G8.1* 16.7 68.25 68.31 68.37 68.43 68.49 68.55 68.61 68.67 68.74 68.80 16.8 68.86 68.92 68.98 69.04 69.11 69.17 69.23 69.29 69.35 69.43 16.9 69.48 69.54 69.60 69.66 69.72 69.78 69.85 69.91 69.97 70.0:; 17.0 70.09 70.15 70.22 70.28 70.34 70.40 70.46 70.53 70.59 70.(-r. 17.1 70.71 70.77 70.84 70.90 70.96 71.02 71.08 71.15 71.21 71.27 17.2 71.33 71.40 71.46 71.52 71.58 71.64 71.71 71.77 71.83 71.89 17.3 71.96 72.02 72.08 72.14 72.21 72.27 72.33 72.39 72.46 72.52 17.4 72.58 72.64 72.71 72.77 72.83 72.89 72.96 73.02 73.08 73.14 17.5 73.21 73.27 73.33 73.40 73.46 73.52 73.58 73.65 73.71 73.77 17.6 73.84 73.90 73.96 74.03 74.09 74.15 74.21 74.28 74.34 74.40 17.7 74.47 74.53 74.59 74.66 74.72 74.78 74.85 74.91 74.97 75.04 17.8 75.10 75.16 75.22 75.29 75.35 75.41 75.48 75.54 75.80 75.67 17.9 75.73 75.80 75.86 75.92 75.99 76.05 76.11 76.18 76.24 76.30 18.0 76.37 76.43 76.49 76.56 76.62 76.69 76.75 76.81 76.88 76.94 18.1 77.00 77.07 77.13 77.20 77.26 77.32 77.39 77.45 77.52 77.58 18.2 77.64 77.71 77.77 77.84 77.90 77.96 78.03 78.09 78.16 78.22 18.3 78.28 78.35 78.41 78.48 78.54 78.61 78.67 78.73 78.80 78.8G 18.4 78.93 78.99 79.06 79.12 79.18 79.25 79.31 79.38 79.44 79.51 18.5 79.57 79.64 79.70 79.77 79.83 79.89 79.96 80.02 80.09 80.15 18.6 80.22 80.28 80.35 80.41 80.48 80.54 80.61 80.67 80.74 80.80 18.7 80.87 80.93 81.00 81.06 81.13 81.19 81.26 81.32 81.39 81.45 18.8 81.51 81.58 81.64 81.71 81.78 81.84 81.91 81.97 82.04 82.10 18.9 82.17 82.23 82.30 82.36 82.43 82.49 82.56 82.62 82.69 82.75 19.0 82.82 82.88 82.95 83.02 83.08 83.15 83.21 83.28 83.34 83.41 19.1 83.47 83.54 83.61 83.67 83.74 83.80 83.87 83.93 84.00 84.06 19.2 84.13 84.20 84.26 84.33 84.39 84.46 84.52 84.59 84.66 84.72 . 19.3 84.79 84.85 84.92 84.98 85.05 85.12 85.18 85.25 85.32 85.38 19.4 85.45 85.51 85.58 85.65 85.71 85.78 85.84 8o.91 85.98 86.04 19.5 86.11 86.18 86.24 86.31 86.37 86.44 86.51 80.57 86.64 86.71 19.6 86.77 86.84 86.91 86.97 87.04 87.11 87.17 87.24 87.31 87.37 - 19.7 87.44 87.50 87.57 87.64 87.70 87.77 87.84 87.90 87.97 88.04 19.8 88.10 88.17 88.24 88.30 88.37 88.44 88.51 88.57 88.64 88.71 19.9 88.77 88.84 88.91 88.97 89.04 89.11 89.17 89.24 89.31 89.38 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TAliLKS. 133 Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, reciprocals, and area and circumference of circles of radius N. N 2 N s N l H 1 N TN 2 2 irN l 1 1.0000 1.0000 1.000000 3.142 6.283 4 8 1.4142 1.2599 .5000 12.566 12.5G6 9 27 1.7321 1.4422 .333333 28.274 18850 16 64 2.0000 1.5874 .250000 50.265 25.133 2$ 125 2.2361 1.7100 .200000 78.540 31.416 36 216 2.4495 1.8171 .166667 113.097 37.699 49 343 2.64o8 1.9129 .142857 153.938 43.982 64 512 2.8284 2.0000 .125000 201.062 50.265 81 729 3.0010 2.0801 .111111 254.469 56.549 100 1,000 3.1623 2.1544 .100000 314.159 62.832 121 1,331 3.3166 2.2240 .090999 380.133 69.115 144 1,728 8.4641 2.2894 .083333 452.389 75.398 169 2,197 3.6 56 23513 .076923 530929 81.681 196 2,744 3.7417 2.41)1 .071429 615.752 87.965 225 3,375 3.8730 2.4662 .066667 706.858 94.248 256 4,096 4.0000 2.5198 .062500 804.248 100.531 289 4,913 4.12:51 2.5713 .058824 907.920 106.814 " 324 5,832 4.2426 2.6207 .055556 1,017.876 1x3.097 361 6,859 4.3589 2.6684 .052632 1,134.115 1 19.381 400 8,000 4.4721 2.7144 .050000 1,256.637 125.664 441 9,261 4.5826 2.7589 .047619 1,385.442 131.947 484 10,648 4.6904 2.8020 .O4.i455 1,520.531 138.230 529 12,167 4.7958 2.8439 .043478 1,661.9 3 144.513 576 13,824 4.8990 2.8845 .041667 1,809 557 1.00.796 625 15,625 5.0000 2.9240 .040000 1,963.495 157.080 676 17.576 5.0990 2.9625 .0384r,2 2,123.717 163.363 729 19.683 51962 3.0000 .037037 2,290.221 ! 169.646 784 21.952 5.2915 3.0366 .035714 2,403 009 r5.i)29 841 24.389 5.3852 3.0723 .034483 2.642 079 182.212 900 27,000 5.4772 3.1072 .033333 2,827.433 188.496 961 29,791 5.5678 3.1414 .032258 3.019.071 194.779 1,024 32.768 5.6569 3.1748 .031250 3,216 991 201.062 1,089 35,937 5.7146 3.2075 .030303 3,421.194 207.345 1,156 39,304 5.8310 3.2396 .02J412 3,631.681 213628 1,225 42,875 5.9161 3.2711 .028571 3,848 451 219.911 1,296 46,656 6.0000 3.3019 .027778 4,071.504 226.195 1,369 50,653 6.0^28 3.33.2 .027027 4,300.840 232.478 1,414 54.872 6.1644 33620 .026.516 4,536 4 238.761 1,521 59.319 6.2450 33912 .025641 4,778 362 245044 1,600 64,000 6.3246 3.4200 .025000 5,026.548 251.327 1,681 68,921 6.4031 3.4482 .024390 5.281 017 257.611 1,764 74,088 6.48 )7 3.4760 .023810 5, "-41. 770 263.894 1.849 79,507 6.5574 3.5034 .023256 5,808.8 5 270.177 1,936 85,184 6.6332 3.5303 .022727 6.082 123 276.460 2,025 91,125 6.7082 3.5569 .022222 6.361.725 282.743 2,116 97,3?>6 6.723 3.5830 .021739 6.617.610 289.027 2209 103,823 6 8557 3.6088 .OJ1277 6.93 (.778 295310 2,304 110,592 6.9282 3.6342 .02:833 7,23^.230 301.593 2,401 117,619 7.0000 3.6593 .020408 7.542.9 4 307.876 2,500 125,000 7.0711 3.6840 .020000 7,853 982 314.159 134 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 43. Squares , cubes, square roots, cube roots, reciprocals, and area and circumference of circles of radius N. Continued. N N 2 N 3 N* N* 1 N irN 2 27T> 51 2,601 132,651 7.1414 3.7084 .019607 8,171.283 320. 52 2,704 140,608 7.2111 3.7325 .019231 8,494.867 326. 53 2,809 148.877 7.2801 3.7563 .018868 8,824.734 333. 54 2.916 157,464 7.3485 8.7798 .018519 9,160.884 339. 55 3,025 166,375 7.4162 3.8030 .018182 9,503.318 345. 56 3,136 175.616 7.4833 3.8259 .017857 9,a52.035 351. 57 3,249 185,193 7.5498 3.8485 .017544 10,207.035 358. 58 3,364 195.112 7.6158 3.8709 .017241 10.56S.318 364. 59 3,481 205,379 7.6811 3.8930 .016919 10,935 884 370. 60 3,600 216,000 7.7460 3.9149 .016667 11,309.734 376. 61 3.721 226,981 7.8102 3.9365 .016393 ll,689.8r,6 383. 62 3,844 238,328 7.8740 3.9579 .016129 12,076.282 389. 63 3,969 250,047 7.9373 3.9791 .015873 12.4C8.!'8l 395. 64 4.096 262,144 8.0000 4.0000 .015C25 12,867.964 402. 65 4,225 274,625 8.0623 4.0207 .015385 13,273.229 408. 66 4,356 287.496 8.1240 4.0412 .015156 13,684.778 414. 67 4,489 30),763 8.1854 4.0615 .014925 14,102.610- 420. 68 4,624 314432 8.2462 4.0817 .011706 14,526.725 427. 69 4,761 328,509 8.30R6 4.1016 .014493 14,957.123 433. 70 4,900 343,000 8.3666 4.1213 .014286 15,393.804 439. 71 5.041 357.911 8.4261 4.1408 .014085 15,836.769 446. 72 5,184 873,248 8.4853 4.1602 .01:. 889 16,2^6.017 452. 73 5,329 38';),017 8.5440 41793 .013R99 16,741.547 458. 74 5,476 40o 2'4 8.6023 4.1983 .013514 17,203.362 464. 75 5,625 421,875 8.6603 4.2172 .013333 17,671.459 471. 76 5,776 438,976 8.7178 4.2358 .013158 18,145.839 477. 77 5,929 456.533 8.7750 4.2543 .012987 18,626.503 483. 78 6,084 474,552 8.8318 4.2727 .01-821 19.113.450 490. 79 6.241 493,039 88882 42908 .012^58 19,606.680 486. 80 6,400 512.000 8.9443 4.3089 .012500 20,106.193 502. 81 6.561 531,441 9.0000 4.3267 .012346 20,611.990 508. 82 6,724 551,368 9.0554 43145 .012195 21.124.CC9 515.' 83 6,889 571,787 9.1104 4. 3 '21 .012048 21,612.432 521. 84 . 7.056 592,704 9.1652 4.3795 .011905 22.167.078 527. 85 7,225 614,125 9.2195 4.3968 .011765 22,698.007 534.1 86 7,396 636,056 9.2736 4.4140 .011628 23,235.220 540. 87 7,5(9 658,5' i3 9.3274 4.4310 .011494 23.7,8715 516. 88 7J44 681.472 9.3808 4.4 '80 .011364 24.328 49t 552 89 7,921 704,969 9.4340 4.4647 .011236 24.884 556 559 '. 90 8,100 729,000 9.4868 4.4814 .011111 25,446.901 MB: 91 8,281 753.571 9.5394 4.4979 .010989 26,015.529 571.' 92 8,464 778.688 9.5917 4.5144 .010870 26.590.441 578.( 93 8,649 804.357 9.6437 45307 .010753 27,171.635 584.J 94 8,836 830,54 9.6954 45468 .010638 27,759.113 590.< 95 9,025 857,375 9.7468 4.5629 .010526 28,352.874 696.' 96 9,216 884,736 9.7980 4.5789 .010417 28,952.918 60S. 1 97 9,409 912,673 9.8489 4.5947 .010309 29,559.246 i 609.' 98 9,604 941,192 98995 4.6104 .010204 30,171.856 615.' 99 9,801 970,299 9.9499 4.6261 .010101 30,790.750 1 622.( too 10,000 1,000.000 10.0000 4.6416 .010000 31.415927 ! 628.J HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 135 Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots and recip- rocals. Continued. N N 2 N 3 N* *l 1 N 101 10.201 1,030,301 10.0498756 4.6570095 .009900990 102 10,404 1,061,208 10.099oW9 4.6723287 .00980S922 103 10,609 1,092,727 10.1488916 4.6875482 .009708738 104 10,816 . 1,124,864 10.1980390 4.7026694 .009615385 105 11,025 1,157,625 10.2469508 4.7176940 .009523810 106 11,236 1,191,016 10.2956301 4.7326235 .0094a3962 107 11,449 1,225,043 10.3440804 4.7474- 94 .Ot'9.,45;94 108 11,664 1,259,712 10.3923048 4.76221 32 .009259259 109 11,881 1,295,029 10.4403065 4.77G8562 .009174:412 110 12,100 1,331.000 10.4880885 4.7914199 .009090909 111 12,321 1.367,fi31 10.5356538 4.8058955 .009009009 113 12,544 1,404,928 10.5830052 4.8202845 .008928571 113 12,769 1.442.S97 10.6301458 4.8345881 .008849558 114 12,996 1,481,544 10.6770783 4.84880"6 .008771930 115 13,225 1,520,875 10.7238053 4.8629442 .008695652 116 13,456 1,560,896 10.7703296 4.8769990 .008620690 117 13,689 1,601,613 108166538 4.8909732 .008547009 118 13,924 1,643,032 108627805 4.9048681 .008474576 119 14,161 1,685.159 10.9087121 4.91*6847 .008403361 12O 14,400 1,728,000 10.9544512 4.9324242 .008333333 121 14,641 1,771,561 11 .0000000 4.9160874 .008264463 122 14,884 1,815,848 11.0453610 4.95y6757 .008196721 123 15,129 1,860,867 11.0905365 4.9731898 .008130081 124 15,376 1,906,624 ll.ia','5287 4.9866310 .008064516 125 15,625 1,953,125 11.1803399 5.0000000 .008000000 126 15,876 2.000,376 11.2249722 5.0132979 .007936508 127 16,129 2.048.&-3 ll. 2694277 5.0265257 .007874016 128 16,384 2,097,152 11.3137085 5.0396842 .007812500 129 16,641 2,146,689 11.3578167 5.0527743 .007751938 130 16,900 2,197,000 11.4017543 5.0657970 .007692308 131 17,161 2,248.091 11.4455231 5.0787531 .007633588 132 17,424 2,299,968 11.4891253 6.0916434 .007575758 133 17,689 2,352,637 11.5325626 5.1044687 .007518797 134 17,9-56 2,406,104 11.5758369 5.1172299 .007462687 135 18,225 2,460,375 11.6189500 5.1299278 .007407407 136 18,496 2,515,456 11.6619038 5.1425632 .007352941 137 18,769 2,571.353 11.7046999 5.1551367 .007299270 138 19,044 2,628,072 11.7473401 5.1676493 .007246377 139 19.321 2,685,619 11.7898261 5.1801015 .007194245 14O 19,600 2,744,000 11.8321596 5.1924941 .007142857 141 19,881 2,803,221 11.8743421 5.2048279 .007092199 142 20.164 2,863,288 11 .9163753 5.2171034 .007042254 143 20,449 2,924,207 119582607 5.229o215 .006993007 144 20,736 2,985.984 12.0000000 5.241 4.28 .006944444 145 21,025 8,048,625 12.0415946 5.2535879 .006896552 146 21,316 3,112,136 12.0830460 5.2656374 .006849315 147 21,609 3,176,523 12.1243557 5.2776321 <0068u2721 148 21,904 8,241,792 12.1655251 5.2895725 .006756757 149 22,201 3,307,949 12.2065556 5.3014592 .006711409 150 22,500 :j.:J7r>,(K)0 12.247-1487 6.8132928 .006666667 136 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLKS. Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roofs, cube roots, and recip- rocals Continued. .'N/V .' N 2 N 3 N i K* 1 N" 151 22,801 3,442,951 12.2882057 5.3250740 .006622517 153 23,104 3,511,808 12.3288280 5.3368033 .006.578947 153 23,409 3,581.577 12.3693769 5.3484812 .006535948 154 23,716 3,652,264 12.4096736 5.3601084 .006-193506 155 24,025 3,723.875 12.4498 ( j9G 5.3716854 .006-151613 156 24.336 3,796,416 12.4899960 5.3832126 .006410256 157 24,649 3.869 893 12.5299641 5.3946907 .00i3li9427 158 24,964 3,944,312 12 5698051 5.4001202 .000329114 159 25,281 4,019.079 12.6095202 5.4175015 .006289308 16O 25,600 4,090.(M.O 12.6491106 5.4288352 .006250000 161 25,921 4,173.281 12.6885775 5.4401218 i .006211180 162 26,244 4,251.528 12.7279221 5.4513618 |. .006172840 163 26,569 4,330,747 12.7671453 5.4625556 1 .006134%9 164 26,896 4,410.944 12.8062485 5.47371 i37 ' .006097561 165 27,225 4,492,125 12.8452326 5.4848066 .006060606 166 27,556 4.574,2% 12.8840987 5.4958647 .0060240% 167 27,889 4,657,463 12.9228480 5.5068784 .005988024 168 28,224 4,741,632 12.%14814 5.5178i84 .005952381 169 28,561 4,826,809 13.0000000 5.5287 7 48 .005917160 170 28,900 4,913,000 13.0384048 5.5396583 .005882353 171 29,241 5,000,211 13.0766968 5.5504991 .005847953 173 29,584 5,088,448 13.1148770 5.5612978 .005813953 173 29.929 5,177,717 13.1529464 5.5720546 .005780347 174 30.276 5,268,024 13.1909060 5.5827702 .005747126 175 30,625 5,359,375 13.2287566 5.5934447 .005714286 176 30.976 5,451,776 13.2664992 5.6040787 .005681818 177 31,329 5,545,233 13.3041347 6.6146724 .005049718 178 31.684 5.C39.752 13.3416641 5.6252263 .005617978 179 32,041 5,735.339 13.3790882 5.6357408 .005586592 180 32,400 5,832,000 13.4164079 5.6462162 .005555556 ill 32.761 33,124 5.929,741 6,028.568 13.4536240 13.49J7376 5.6566528 5.6670511 .005524862 .005494505 183 33.489 6,128,487 13.5277493 5.6774114 .005464481 184 33,8.56 6,229,504 13.5646600 5.6S77340 .005434783 185 34,225 6,331,625 13.6014705 5.698U192 .005405405 186 31,5% 6,434.856 13.6381817 5.7082675 .005376344 187 34.969 6,539,203 13.6747943 5.7184791 .005347594 188 35,344 6,644,672 13.7113092 5.7286543 .005319149 189 35.721 6.751,269 13.7477271 5.7387936 .005291005 190 36,100 6.859,000 13.7840488 5.7488971 .005263158 191 86,481 6,%7,871 13.8202750 5.7589652 .005235602 192 86,864 7,077,888 138564065 5.7689982 .005208333 193 37,249 7,189,057 13.8924440 5.7789966 .005181347 194 37,636 7,301,384 139283883 5.7889604 .005154639 195 38,025 7,414,875 13.9642400 5.7968900 .005128205 196 38,416 7,529,536 14.0000000 5.8087*57 .005102041 197 38,809 7,645,373 14.0856688 5.8186479 .005076142 198 39,204 7,762,392 14.0712473 5.8284767 .005050505 199 39,610 7,880,599 14.1067360 5.83^2725 .005025126 300 40,000 8,000,000 14.1421356 5.8480355 .005000000 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 137 Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, rocals. Continued. cube roots, and recip- N N 2 N 3 N* N* 1 N 301 303 203 204 305 40,401 40,804 41,209 41,616 42,025 8.120.601 8,242,408 8,365.427 8.489.664 8,615,125 14.1774469 14.2126704 14.2478068 14.2828569 14.3178211 5.8577660 5.8674643 5.8771307 5.88676*3 6.8963685 .004975124 .004950495 .004926108 .001901%! .004878049 300 307 308 309 21O 42,436 42,849 43,264 43,681 44,100 8,741,816 8,869,743 8,998,912 9.129,329 9,261,000 14.3527001 14.3874946 14.4222051 14.4568323 14.4913767 5.9059406 5.9154817 5.9249921 5.9344721 5.9439220 .004854369 .004830918 .004807692 .004784K89 .004761905 311 313 313 314 315 44,521 44,944 45,369 45,7% 46,225 9,393,931 9.528,128 9.663,597 9,00,344 9,938.375 14.5258390 14.56021i>8 14.5945195 14.6287388 14.6628783 5.9533418 5.9627320 5.9720926 5.9814240 5.9907264 .004739336 .004716981 : .004694836 ; .004672897 J .004651163 ! 316 317 318 319 33O 46,656 47,089 47.524 47,961 48,400 10.077.696 10.218.313 10,360,232 10,503,459 10,648,000 14.6969385 14.731)9199 14.7648231 14.7986486 14.8323970 6.0000000 6.0092450 6.0184617 6.0276502 6.0368107 .004629630 .004608295 .004587156 .004566210 .004545455 331 333 333 334 335 48,841 49,284 49,729 50,176 50,625 * 10.793,861 10.941,048 11.089.567 11,239,424 11,390,625 14.86f.0687 14 8996644 14 9331845 14.9666295 15.0000000 6.0459435 6.0550489 6.0641270 6.0731779 6.0822020 .004524887 .004504505 .004484305 .004464286 .004444444 336 337 338 339 330 51,076 51,529 51,984 52.441 52,900 11,543,176 11.697.083 11,852.352 12.008.989 12,167,000 15.03329R4 15.0665192 15.0996689 15.1327460 15.1657509 6.0911994 6.10017U2 61091147 6.1180332 6.1269257 .004424779 .004405286 .004385965 .004860812 .004347826 331 333 333 334 335 53.361 53.824 54,289 54.756 55,225 12,326.391 12.487.168 12.649.337 12,812,9^4 12,977,875 15.1986842 15.2315462 15.26433 7 5 15.2970585 15.3297097 6.1357924 6.144(^337 6.1534495 6.1622401 6.1710058 .004329004 .004310345 .004291845 .004273504 .004255319 336 337 338 239 24O 55.696 56,169 56,644 57,121 57,600 13,144,256 13,312,053 13.481.272 13,651 .919 13,824,000 15.3622915 15.394K043 15.4272486 15.4596248 15.4919J34 6.1797466 6.18*4628 61971544 6.2058218 6.2144650 .004237288 .004219409 .004201681 .004184100 .004166667 341 342 343 344 345 58,081 58.564 59,049 59,536 60,025 13.997,521 14,172.488 14.348,907 14.526,784 14,706,125 15.5241747 15.5563492 15.5884573 15.6204994 15.6524758 6.2230813 6.2316797 6.2402515 6.2487998 6.2573248 .004149378 .004132231 .004115226 .004098361 .004081633 346 347 348 249 350 60,516 61,009 61,504 62,001 62.500 14,886,936 15,069,223 15.252,992 15,438,249 15,625,000 15.6843871 15.7162336 15.7480157 15.7797338 15.8113883 6.2658266 6.2743054 6.2827613 6.2911946 6.2996053 .004065041 .004048583 .004032258 .004016064 .004000000 138 HYDKAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals. Continued. N N 2 N 3 N* N* 1 N 251 63.001 15,813,251 15.8429795 6.3079935 .003P84061 252 63,504 16,003,008 15.874.0,9 6.3163 ,96 .003968254 253 64,009 16,194,277 15.9059737 6.3247U35 .003952569 854 64,516 16,387,OT>4 15.9373775 6.3330256 .003937008 255 65,025 16,581,375 15.9687194 6.3413257 .003921569 256 65.536 16,777,216 16.0000000 6.3496042 .003906250 257 66,049 16,974,593 16.0312195 6.3578611 .003891051 258 66,564 17,173.512 16.0623784 6.3660968 .003875969 259 67,081 17.373,979 16.0934769 6.3743111 .003861004 26O 67,600 17,576,000 16.1245155 6.382,5043 .003846154 261 68,121 17,779.581 16.1554944 6.3906765 .003831418 262 68,644 17.984.72S 16.1864141 6.3'.;88279 .003816794 263 69,169 18.191,447 16.2172747 6.40695S5 .0 3802281 264 69,696 18,399,744 16.2480768 6.4150687 .003787879 265 70,225 18.609,625 16.2788206 6.4231583 .003773585 266 70,756 18.821,096 16.3095064 6.4312276 .00375939* 267 71,289 19,034.163 16.34ul346 6.4392767 .003745318 268 71,824 19,248,832 16.3707055 6.4473057 .003731313 269 72,361 19.465,109 16.4012195 6.4553148 .003717472 270 72,900 19,683,000 16.4316767 6.4633041 .003703704 271 73,441 19,902,511 16.4620776 6.4712736 .003690037 272 73,984 20,123,648 16.4924225 6.4792236 .003676471 273 74.529 20,346,417 16.5227116 6.4871541 .003663004 274 75.076 20,570.824 16.5529454 6.4950653 .003649635 275 75,625 20,796,875 16.5831240 6.5029572 .003636364 276 76,176 21,024,576 16.6132477 6.5108300 .003623188 277 76,729 21,253,933 16.6433170 6.5186839 .003610108 278 77,284 21,484,952 16.6733320 6 52651^9 .003597122 279 77,841 21 717,639 16.7032931 6.5313351 .00a584229 280 78,400 21,952,000 16.7332005 6.5421326 .003571429 281 78,961 22,18 .041 16,7630546 6.5499116 .003558719 282 79,524 22,425,768 16.7928556 6.5576722 .003546099 283 80,089 22,665,187 16.8226038 6.565414 t .003533569 284 80,656 22,906,304 168522995 6.5731385 .003521127 285 81,225 23,149,125 16.8819430 6.5808443 .003508772 286 81,796 23,393,656 16.9115345 6.5885323 .003496503 287 82,369 23,639,903 16.9410743 6.5962023 .003484321 288 82.944 23,887,872 16.9705627 6.6038515 .003472222 289 83,521 24,137,569 17.0000000 6.6114890 .003460208 29O 84,100 24,389,000 17.0293864 6.6191060 .003148276 291 84,681 24,642.171 17.0587221 6.62670-54 .003136426 292 85,264 24,897,088 17.0880075 6.6342874 .00342465H 293 85,849 25,153,757 17.1172428 6.6418522 .0034129* 294 86,436 25,412,1*4 17.1464282 6.649399S .031(1361 295 87,025 25,672,375 17.1755640 6.6569302 .003389831 296 87,616 25.934,336 17.2016505 6.6644437 .003378378 297 88,209 26.193,073 17.2336879 6.6719403 .003367003 498 88,804 26.463,592 17.2626765 6.6791200 .003355705 299 89,401 26,730,899 17.2916165 6.68S< C 831 .003344432 3OO 90,000 27.000,000 17.3205081 6.6913295 .003333333 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 139 Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals Continued. N N 2 N 3 iD N l 1 N 301 303 303 304 305 90,601 91.204 91,809 92,416 93,025 27,270.901 27,543,608 27,818,127 28,094,464 28,372,625 17.3493516 17.3781472 17.4068952 17.4355958 17.4642492 6.7017593 6.7091729 6.7165700 6.7239508 6.7313155 .003322259 .003311258 .003300330 .003289474 .003278689 306 307 308 309 310 93,636 94,249 94,864 95,481 96,100 28,652,616 28,934.443 29,218,112 29,503,629 29,791,000 17.4928557 17.5214155 17.5499288 17.5783958 17.6068169 6.7386641 6.7459967 6.7533134 (5.7606143 6.7678995 .003267974 .003257329 .003246753 .003236246 .003225806 311 313 313 314 315 96,721 97,344 97,969 98,596 99,225 30,080,231 30,371,328 30,664.297 30,959,144 31,255,875 17.6351921 17.6635217 17.6918060 17.7200451 17.7482393 6.7751690 6.7824229 6.7896613 6.7968844 6.8040921 .003215434 .003205128 .003194888 .003184713 .003174603 316 317 318 319 320 99,856 100,489 101,124 101,761 102,400 31,554,4% 31,855.013 32,157,432 32,461,759 32,768,000 17.7763888 17.8044938 17.8325545 17.8605711 17.8885438 6.8112847 6.8184620 6.8256242 6.8327714 6.8399037 .003164557 .00315-1574 .003144654 .00313479(5 .003125000 321 323 333 334 335 103,041 103,684 104,329 104,976 105,625 33,076,161 33,386,248 33,698,267 34,012,224 34,328,125 17.9164729 17.9443584 17.9722008 18.0000000 18.0277564 6.8470213 6.8541240 6.8612120 6.8682855 6.8753443 .003115265 .003105590 .00o095975 .003086420 .003076923 326 337 338 339 33O 106,276 106,929 107,584 108,241 108,900 34,645,976 34,965,783 35,287,552 35.611,289 35,937,000 18.0554701 18.0831413 18.1107703 18.1383571 18.1659021 6.8823888 6 8S94188 6.8964345 6.9034359 6.9104232 .003067485 .0030C8104 .003048780 .003039514 .003030303 331 333 333 334 335 109,561 110.224 110,8^9 111,556 112,225 36,264,691 36.594,368 36,926.037 37,259.704 37,595,375 18.1934054 18.2208672 18.2482876 18.275C669 18.3030052 6.9173964 6.9243556 6.9318008 69382321 6.9451496 .003021148 .003012048 .003003003 .002994012 .002985075 336 337 338 339 340 112,896 113,509 114.244 114.921 115,600 37,933,056 38,272,753 38,614,472 38,958,219 39,304,000 18.3303028 18.3575598 18.3847763 18.4119526 18.4390889 6.9520533 6.9589434 6.9658198 6.9726826 6.9795321 .002976190 .002967359 .002958r)80 .002949853 .002941176 341 343 343 344 345 116.281 116.91H 117,649 118,336 119.025 39,651,821 40,001,688 40,353,607 40,707,584 41,063,625 18.4661853 18.4932420 18.5202592 18.5472370 18.5741756 6.986H681 69931906 7.0000000 7.0067962 7.0ia3791 .002932551 .002923977 .002915452 .002906977 .002898551 346 347 348 349 350 119,716 120,409 121,104 121,801 122.500 41,421,736 41,781,923 42,144,192 42,508,549 42.875.000 18.6010752 18.6279360 18.6547581 18.6*15417 18.70828C9 7.0203490 7.0271058 7.0338497 7.0405806 7.0472987 .002890173 .002881844 .002873563 .002865330 .002857143 140 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals. Continued. N N 2 N 3 N* N i 1 N 351 352 353 354 355 123,201 123,904 124,609 125,316 126,025 43,243,551 43,614,21.8 43,986,977 44.361,864 44,738,875 18.7:549940 18.7616630 18.78-2942 18.814^877 18.8414437 7.0540041 7.0606967 7.0673767 7.0740440 7.0806988 .002849003 .002840909 .0028:52861 .002824859 .002816901 356 357 358 359 360 126,736 127,449 128,164 128,881 129,600 45,118,016 45,499,293 45.8S2.712 46,268,279 46,656,000 18.8679623 18.894 1436 18.9208879 18.9472953 18.9736660 7.0873411 7.0939709 7.1005885 7.1071937 7.1137866 .002808989 .002801120 .002793296 .002785515 .002777778 361 362 363 364 365 130,321 131.044 131,769 132,496 133,225 47,045,881 47,437,1-28 47,832,147 48,228,544 48,627,125 19.0000000 19.0262976 19.0525589 19.0787840 19.1049732 7.1203674 7.1269360 7.1334925 7.1400370 7.1465695 .002770083 .002702431 .002754821 .002747253 .002739726 366 367 368 369 370 133,956 134,689 135,424 136,161 136,900 49,027,896 49,430,863 49,836,032 50,243,409 50,653,000 19.1311265 19.1572441 19.1833261 19.2093727 19.2353841 7.1530901 7.1595988 7.1660957 7.1725809 7.1790544 .002732240 .0027247% .002717391 .002710027 .002702703 371 372 373 374 375 137,641 138,384 139,129 139,876 140,625 51,064,811 51,478,848 51,895,117 52.313,624 52,734,375 19.2613603 19.2873015 19.3132079 19.3390796 19.3649167 7.1855162 7.1919663 7.19<1050 7.2048322 7.2112479 .002695418 .002688172 .00268' IJ65 .002673797 .002666667 376 377 378 379 380 141,376 142,129 142,884 143.641 144,400 53,157.376 53,582,633 54.010,152 54,439.9;i9 54,872,000 19.3907194 19.4164878 19.4422221 19.4679223 19.4935887 7.2176522 7.2240450 7.2304L68 7.2367972 7.2431565 .002659574 .002652520 .002645503 .00263P522 .002631579 381 382 383 384 385 145,161 145,924 146,689 147,456 148,225 55,306,341 55,742,968 56,181,887 56.623,104 57,066,625 19.5192213 19.54482C3 19.5703858 19.5959179 19.6214169 7.2495045 7 2558415 7.2621675 7.2684824 7.2747864 .002624672 .002617801 .0(12610966 ,002f04167 .002597403 386 387 388 389 390 148,996 149.769 150,544 151,321 152,100 57,512,456 57,960,603 58,411,072 5S.863.869 59.319,000 19.6468827 19.6723156 19.6977156 19.723(i829 19.7484177 7.2810794 7.2873617 7.2936330 7.2998936 7.3061436 .002590674 .002583979 .002577320 .002570694 .002564103 391 392 393 394 395 152,881 153,664 154,449 155,236 156,025 59,776.471 60,236,288 60.698,457 61,162.984 61,629,875 19.7737199 19.798.. 899 19.8242276 19.8494332 19.8746069 7.3123*28 7.3186114 7.3248295 7.3310369 7.3372339 .002557545 .002551020 .002544529 .002538071 .OU2531646 396 397 398 399 400 156,816 157.609 158,404 159,201 160,000 1 62,099,136 62,570,773 63,044.792 63,521,199 64,000,000 19.8992487 19.9248588 19.9499373 19.974944 20.0000000 7.3434205 7.3495966 7.3557624 7.3619178 7.3680630 .002E2S253 .C02518892 .002512563 .002506260 .002500000 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 141 Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals Continued. N N 2 N 3 N* M* * N' y 401 160,801 64,481,201 20.0249844 7.3741979 .002493706 403 161,604 64,964.808 20.0499377 7.3803227 .002487.-J 407 165,649 67,419,143 20.1742410 7.4107950 .Ott.Mf.7ro:' 408 166,464 67,917,312 20.1990099 ! 7.4168595 .002*509*!.. 409 167,281 68.417,929 20.2237484 7.4229142 .0>244-it'ss 410 . 168,100 68,921.000 20.2484567 7.4289589 .00243902 t 411 168,921 69,426.531 20.2731349 7.4349938 .0024831 !M> 413 169,744 69,934,528 20.2977831 7.4410189 .0024271S! 413 170,569 70,444.9i>7 20.3224014 7.4470342 .0024-2 l:;->s 414 171,396 70,957,944 20.3469899 7.4530399 .00241517) 415 172,225 71,473,375 20.3715488 7.4590359 002409639 416 173,056 71,991,296 20.3960781 7.4650223 .00240381'; 417 173,889 72,511,713 20.4205779 7.4709991 i .0023980W 418 174,724 73,034 632 20.4450483 7.4769664 .00239234J 419 175,561 73,560,059 20.4694^95 7.4829242 .002386635 430 176,400 74,088,000 20.4939015 7.4888724 .002880952 421 177,241 74,618,461 20.5182845 7.494S113 .002375297 433 178,084 75,151,448 20.542(5386 7.5007406 .00236966K 433 178,929 75,686.967 20.5669638 7.5066607 .002364066 434 179,776 76,225,024 20.5912603 7.5125715 .002358491 435 180,625 76,765,625 20.6155281 7.5184730 .002352941 436 181,476 77,308,776 20.6397674 7.5243652 .00284741.* 437 1S2.329 77,854,483 20.6639783 7.5302482 .002341920 438 183,184 78.402,752 20.6881609 7.5361221 .00233644;* 439 184,041 78,953,589 20.7123152 7.5419867 .00233100-J 430 184,900 79,507,000 20.7364414 7.5478423 .002325581 431 185,761 80,062,991 20 7605395 7.55368S8 .00232018C, 433 186,624 80,621,568 20.7846097 7.5595263 .002314815 433 187,489 81,182,737 20.8086520 7.5653548 .002309469 434 188,356 81,746,504 20.8326667 7.5711743 .002304147 435 189,225 82,312,875 20.8566536 7.5769849 .002298851 436 190,096 82,881,856 20.8806130 7.5827865 .002293578 437 190,969 83,453.453 20.9045450 7.5885793 .002288330 438 191,844 84,027,672 20.9284495 7.5943633 .002283105 439 192,721 84,604,519 20.9523268 7.6001385 .002277904 440 193,600 85.184,000 20.9761770 7.6059049 .002272727 441 194.481 85,766,121 21.0000000 7.6116626 .002267574 443 195,364 86,350,888 21.0237960 7.6174116 .002262443 443 196,249 86,938,307 21.0475652 7.6231519 .002257*36 444 197,136 87,528,384 21.0713075 7.6288837 .002252252 445 198,025 88,121,125 21.0950231 7.6346067 .002247191 446 198,916 88,716,536 21.1187121 7.6403213 .002242152 447 199,809 89,314,623 21.1423745 7.6460272 .00223713;. 448 200,704 89.915,392 21.1600105 7.6517247 .00223214:', 449 201,601 90,518.849 21.1893201 7.6574138 .002227171 450 202,500 91,125,000 21.3982084 7.6630943 .00222222-J HYDKAUL1C AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 4:3. Squares, cubes, square roots, rocals Continued . cube roots, and rccip- N N 2 N 3 N* N i 1 N 451 203,401 91,733,851 21.2367606 7.H687665 .002217295 452 204,304 92,345,408 21.2602916 7.6744303 .002212389 453 205,209 92,959,677 21.2837967 7.68U0857 .002207606 454 206,116 93,576,664 21.3072758 7.6857328 .00220264:3 455 207,025 94,1%,375 21.3307290 7.6913717 .002197802 456 207,936 94,818,816 21.3541565 7.6970023 .002192982 457 20S.849 95,443,993 21.3775583 7.7026246 .002188184 458 209,764 93,071,912 21.4009346 7.708238H .0021834I*; 459 210,681 96,702,579 21.4242853 7.713811S .002178649 460 211,600 97,336,000 21.4476106 7.7194420 .00217391:3 461 212,521 97,972,181 21.4709106 7.7250325 .002169197 462 213,444 98,611,128 21.4941853 7.7306141 .002164502 463 214,369 99,252,847 21.5174348 7.7361877 . .002159827 464 215,2% 99.897,344 21 .5406592 7.7417532 .002155172 465 216,225 100,544,625 21.5638587 7.7473109 .002150538 466 217,156 101,194,696 21 .5870:331 7.7528606 .002145923 467 218.089 101,847,563 21.6101828 7.7584023 .00214132* 468 219,024 102,50:3,232 21.6333077 7.7639361 .002136752 469 219 961 103,161,709 2165IV4078 7.7694620 .002132196 470 220,900 103,823,000 21.6794834 7.7749801 .002127660 471 221,841 104,487,111 21.7025344 7.7804904 .002123142 472 222,784 105,154,048 21.7255610 7.7859928 .002118644 473 223,729 10-5.823,817 21.7485632 7.7914875 .002114165 474 224,676 106,496,424 21.7715411 7.7969745 .00210970.5 475 225,625 107,171,875 21.7944947 7.8024538 .002105263 476 226,576 107,850,176 21.8174242 7.8079254 .002100840 477 227,529 108,531,833 21.8403-297 7.8133892 .002096436 478 228,484 109,215,a52 21.8632111 7.818845T. .002092050 479 229,441 109,902,2:}9 21.8860686 7.8242942 .002087683 480 230,400 110,592,000 21.9089023 7.8297353 .002083333 481 231,861 111,284,641 21.9317122 7.8351688 .002079002 482 232,324 111.980,168 21.9544984 7.8405949 .002074689 483 233,289 112,678,587 21.9772610 7.8460134 .00207039:: 484 234,256 113,379,904 22.0000000 7.8514244 .002066116 485 235,225 114,084,125 22.0227155 7.8568281 .00206185C. 486 236,196 114,791,256 22.0454077 7.8622242 .00205761:5 487 237,169 115,501,303 22.0680765 7.8676130 .002053388 488 238,144 116,214,272 22.0907220 7.8729944 .002049180 489 239,121 116,930,169 22.1133444 7.8783684 .002044990 490 240,100 117,649,000 22.1359436 7.8837352 .002040816 491 241,081 118 370,771 22.1585198 7.8890946 .002036660 492 242,064 119,095,488 22.1810730 7.8944468 .002032520 493 243.049 119,823,157 22.2036033 7.8997917 .002028398 494 244,036 120,553,784 22.2261108 7.9051294 .00202429! 495 245,025 121,287,375 22.2485955 7.9104599 .002020202 496 246,016 122,023.936 22.2710575 7.9157832 .002016129 497 247,009 122,763,473 22.2934968 7.9210994 .002012072 498 248,004 123,505,992 22.3159136 7.9264085 .002IJ08032 499 249.001 124,251,499 22.3383079 7.9317104 .002004008 600 250.000 125,000.000 22.3606798 7.9370053 .002000000 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 143 Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals Continued . N N 2 N 3 N* N i 1 ~N 501 503 5C3 504 505 251.001 252.L04 253,009 254,016 255,025 125,751,501 126,506,008 127,263.527 128,024,064 128,787,625 22.3^30293 22.4053565 22.4276615 22.4499413 22.4722051 7.9422931 7.9175739 7.9528477 7.9581144 7.9633743 .001996008 .001992032 .001988072 .001984127 .001980198 5O6 507 508 509 510 256,036 257,049 258,064 259,081 260,100 129,554,216 130,323,843 131,096.512 131,872,21:9 132,651,000 22.4944438 22.516f.605 22.53885n3 22.5610283 22.5831796 7.9686271 7.9738731 7.0791122 7.9843444 7.9895697 .001976285 .001972387 .001968504 .001964637 .001960784 511 513 513 514 515 261,121 262,144 263.169 264,196 265,225 133,432.831 134,217,7:8 135,005,697 135,796,714 136,590,875 22.6053091 22.6274170 22 6 1950b3 22.6715681 22.6936114 7.9947883 8.0000000 8.0052049 8.0104032 8.0155946 .001956947 .001953125 .001919318 .001945525 .001941748 516 517 518 519 53O 266,256 267,2^9 268,324 269,361 270,400 137,aS8,096 138,188,413 13^.991,832 139.798,359 140,608,000 22.7156334 22.7&W310 22.7596134 22.7815715 22.8035085 8.0207794 8.0259574 80311287 8(362935 8.0414515 .001937984 .001934236 .001930502 .001926782 .001923077 531 523 533 634 535 271,411 272,44 273,529 274,576 275,625 141,420,761 142,236,618 143.055,667 143,877,824 144,703,125 22.8251244 22 8473193 22.8691933 22.8910463 22.91287&5 8.0166030 8 0517479 8.1-568862 8.0620180 8.0671432 .001919386 .001915709 .001912046 .001908397 .001904762 536 537 538 539 53O 276,676 277,729 278,784 279,841 280,900 145,531.576 146,363,183 147,197.952 148,035,880 148,877,000 22.9346899 22.9561806 22.97825C6 23.000'*00 23.0217289 8.0722620 8.0773743 8.0824800 8.0875 94 8.0926723 .001901141 .001897533 .001893939 .001890359 .001886792 531 533 533 534 535 281,961 283,024 284,089 285,156 286,225 149,721,291 150,568,768 151,419.437 152,273,3^4 153,130,375 23 0434372 23.< 651252 23.0867928 23.1084400 23.1300670 8.0977589 8.1028390 8.1079128 8.1129* 3 8.1180414 .001883239 .001879699 .001876173 .001872659 .001869159 536 537 538 539 540 287,296 288,369 289,444 290,521 291,600 153,990,656 l-i4.854.153 155.720,872 156,590,819 157,464,000 23.1516738 23.1732C05 23.1948270 23.2163735 23.2379001 8.1230962 8.1281417 8.1331870 8.1382230 8.1432529 .001865672 .001862197 .001858736 .001855288 .001851852 541 543 543 544 545 292,6^1 293,764 294,849 295,9.56 297,025 158,340,421 159,220,088 160,103.007 160,989,184 161,878,625 23.2504067 23.2808935 23 .3023004 23.32aS076 23.3452351 8.1482765 8.1532939 8.1583051 8.1633102 8.1683092 .001848429 .001845018 .001841621 .001838235 .001834862 546 547 548 549 550 298,116 299,209 300,304 301,401 302,500 162,771,336 163,667,323 164,566,592 165,469,149 166,375,000 23.3666429 23.3880311 23.40939J8 23.4307490 23 4520788 8.1733020 8.1782 88 8.132695 8.1 Q 8244l 8.1932127 .001^31502 .OOr 28151 .00182418 .001821494 .001818182 144 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals Continued. N N 2 N 3 ft* rf 1 N 551 303,601 167,284,151 23.4733892 8.1981753 .001814882 553 304,704 168,196.608 18.4946802 8.2031319 .001811594 553 305,809 169,112,377 23.5159.V20 8.2080825 .001808318 554 306,916 170,031,464 23.5372046 8.2130271 .001805054 555 308,025 170,953,875 23.5584380 8.2179657 .001801802 556 309,136 171,879,616 23.5796- r <22 8.2228985 .001798561 557 310,249 172,808,693 23.600*174 8.2278254 .O0179. r ;332 558 311,361 173,741,112 23.6220236 8.2327463 .001792115 559 312,481 174.676,879 23.0431808 8.2376614 .001788909 560 313,600 175,016,000 23.8643191 8.2425706 .001785714 561 314,721 176,558,481 23.6854386 8.2474740 .001782531 562 315,844 177,504,328 23.706r.392 8.252;>715 .001779359 563 316,969 178,453. 5-17 23 7276210 8.2572633 .001776199 564 318,0% 179,406,144 23.7486842 8.2621492 .0017731150 565 319,225 180,362,125 23.7697286 8.2670294 .001769912 566 320,356 181 321 .496 23.7907545 8.2719039 .001766784 567 321,489 182,284.263 23.8117618 8.2767726 .001763668 568 322,624 183,250,432 23.8327506 8.28163.55 .001760563 569 323,761 184,220,009 23.8537209 8.2864928 .001757469 570 324,900 185,193,000 23.8746728 8.2913444 .001754386 571 326,041 186,169,411 23.8956063 8.2961903 .001751313 573 327,184 187,149.248 239165215 8.3010304 .001748252 573 328,329 188,132,517 23.9^74184 8 3J58651 .001745201 574 329,476 189,119,224 23.9582971 8.3106941 .001742160 575 330,625 190,109,375 23.9791576 8.3155173 .001739130 576 331,776 191,102,976 24.0000000 S.3203353 .001736111 577 332,929 192,100,033 24.0208243 8.3251475 .0: .1733102 578 334,084 193.100.o52 24.0416306 8.3299542 .001730104 579 335,241 19-1,104,539 24.0624183 8.3347553 .001727116 580 336,400 195,112,000 24.0,831891 8.3395509 .001724138 581 337,561 196,122,941 24.1039416 8.34-13410 .001721170 583 338,724 197,137,368 24.1246762 8.3491256 .001718213 583 339,889 198.155,287 24.1453929 8.3539047 .0017152U; 584 341,056 199,176,704 24.1661,919 8.3586784 .00171232!* 585 342,225 200,201,625 24.1867732 8.3634466 .001709402 586 343,396 201,230,056 24.2074369 8.3682095 .001706485 587 344,569 202,262,003 24.228: .829 8.3729668 .001703578 588 345,744 203,297,472 24.2487113 8.3777188 .001700680 . 589 346,921 204,336,469 24.2693222 8.3824653 .001697793 590 348,100 205,379,000 24.2899156 8.3872065 .001694915 591 349,281 206,425,071 24.3104916 8.3919423 .001692047 593 350,464 207,474,688 24.3310501 8.3966729 .001689189 ; 593 351,649 208,527,857 24.3515913 8.4013981 .001G86341 f 594 352,836 209,584,584 24.3721152 8.4061180 .00168 .502 595 854,025 210,644,875 24.3926218 8.4108326 .001680672 596 855,216 211,708,736 24.4131112 8.4155119 .001677852 597 356,409 212.776,173 24.4335834 8.4202460 .001675042 598 357,604 213,847,192 24.4540385 8.4249448 .001672241 599 358,801 214.921,799 24.4744765 8.4296383 .001669449 600 360,000 216,000,000 24.4948974 8.4343267 .001666667 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 14,1 Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals. Continued . N N 2 N 3 *4 N* 1 ~N~ 601 361,201 217,081,801 24.515J3013 8.4390098 .001663894 602 362,41)4 218,167,208 24.5356883 8.4436877 .(Xli 61130 60.", 303,609 219.256,227 24.55605^3 8.4483605 .001 6583 75 604 364,816 22 ),348,864 24.5764115 845.0281 .OHG&-629 005 366,025 221,445,125 24.5b67478 8.4576906 .001652893 6O6 367,236 222,545,016 24.6170673 8.4623479 .001650165 607 368,449 223,648,543 2I.6..73/00 8.4670001 .001647446 6O8 36<>,664 224,755,712 24 6776560 8.4716471 .001644737 609 370.881 225,866,529 246779254 8.476'2892 .00164-^036 610 372,100 226,981,000 24.6981781 8.4809-61 .00163s;&14 611 373.321 228,099,ir,l 24.7184142 8.4855579 .0016.^6661 612 374,544 229.220.9J8 24.73SC.33S 8.4901818 .001633987 613 375,7. 9 230.346.: 97 24.7588368 8.4948 65 .001631321 614 376.; 9i 231.475541 24.779 2*4 8.4994233 .001628C64 615 378,225 232,608.375 24.799.935 8.5040350 .001626016 616 379,466 233,744,896 21.8193473 8.5086417 .001623*77 617 380,(i89 234,8*3,113 24.8.59-1847 8.513243o .001620746 618 381924 236,029,032 24.8596058 8.5178403 .001618123 619 383.161 237.176,1 59 24.8797106 8.52243-^1 .001615509 620 384,400 238,328,000 21.89 J 992 8.527^189 .001612iX)3 621 385,641 23^,483,OT)1 24.9198716 8.53160^9 .001610306 622 386,884 24),6lV4S 21.9399278 8.5361780 .001607717 623 388,129 241.8 4.367 24.9599679 8.5407501 .001605136 624 38D.376 242.970.624 24.9799920 8.5153173 .001f,025G4 625 390,625 244,140,625 25.0000000 8.54987*7 .001600000 626 811.R76 245,314,376 25.0199920 8.5544372 .001597444 627 S93.I-9 246,491.8 3 25 (.'399681 8.5589899 .001594896 628 891.384 247.673,1^2 25.1599282 8.5635377 .001592357 629 3.i5 641 248,858,189 25/798724 8.56 08 '7 .001589825 630 3;i6,900 250,047,1,00 25.099o008 8.5726189 .001587302 631 398,161 251,219/91 25 1197124 8.5771523 .001584786 632 399,424 2o2.435 968 25.1396102 8.5816809 .001582278 633 400,689 2' 3.6o6,137 25.lot.i491 3 8.5862047 .001579779 634 401,956 254840.104 25 17 3566 8 59f)72: 8 .001577287 635 403,225 256,047,875 25.1992,63 8.5952380 .001574803 636 404.496 257,259,456 25.2190404 8.5907476 .001572327 637 405,769 258.474,8'3 2o.2388r.89 8 6042525 .001569859 638 1 7044 259.694,1,72 25.2586619 8 6087526 .001569898 639 4 8321 26).917.119 25.27844'. 3 8 6132480 .001561945 640 409,600 262.144,000 25.2982213 8.6177o88 .0015G2500 641 410,81 263,374,721 25.3179778 8.622!?248 .0015T.0062 642 412. 14 264,609,288 25 3377189 8 6267( 63 .0)1557632 643 413.449 265.847,707 25 35-4447 86 11830 .00155V210 644 411,736 267,089.984 25 37715;! 8.63 6 51 .001^52795 645 416,025 208,336,125 25.39685.2 8.C401'^26 .001550388 646 417.316 269,586,136 25.4F5S01 86445855 .001547988 647 41 *.COJ 270.840,023 25.4361947 864904;? .001545595 648 419904 272,097,792 25.4558441 8 653 974 .(01- "43210 649 421.201 273,359.4'9 25.4754784 8 6579465 .001540832 650 422 J 03 274,625.' Or) 254950976 866.39.1 .00153-462 6202 17 10 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals. Continued. N N* N 3 N * N* _i_ 651 428,801 275,894,451 25.5147016 8.6668310 .001536098 653 425,104 277,167,808 25.5342907 8.6712665 .001533742 653 426,409 278,445,077 25.5538647 8.6756974 .001531394 654 427,716 279,726,264 25.5734237 8.6801237 .001529052 655 429,025 281,011,375 25.5929678 8.6845456 .001526718 656 430,336 282,300,416 25.6124969 8.6889630 .001524390 657 431,649 283.593,893 25.6320112 8.6933759 .001522070 658 432,964 284,890,312 23.6515107 8.6977843 .001519757 659 434,281 2-'6,191,179 25.6709953 8.7021882 .001517451 660 435,600 287,496,000 25.6904652 8.7065877 .001515152 661 436,921 28.804,781 25.7099203 8.7109827 .001512859 663 438,244 290.117,528 25.7293607 8.7153734 .001510574 663 439,569 291,434,247 25.7487864 8.71975% .001508296 664 440,896 292.754,944 25.7681975 8.7241414 .001506024 665 442,225 294,079,625 25.7875939 8.7285187 .001503759 666 443,556 295,408,296 25.8069758 8.7328918 .001501502 667 444.889 296,740,963 25.8263431 8.7372604 .001499250 668 446,224 298,077,632 25.8456960 8.7416246 .001497006 669 447,561 299.418.309 25.8650343 s 8.7459846 .001494768 67O 448,900 300,763,000 25.8.343582 8.7503401 .001492537 671 450,241 802,111,711 25.9036677 8.7546913 .001490313 673 451,584 303,464,448 25.9229628 8.7590383 .001488095 673 452,929 301,821,217 25.9422435 8.7633*09 .001485884 674 454,276 306.182,024 25.9615100 8.7677192 .03143680 675 455,625 307,546,875 25.9807621 8.7720532 .001481481 676 456,976 308,915,776 260000000 8.7763830 .001479290 677 458,329 810,288,733 26.0192237 8.7807084 .001477105 678 459,684 311,665,752 260384331 8.7850296 .001474926 679 461,041 813,046.839 26.0576284 8.7893466 .001472754 680 462,400 314,432,000 26.0768096 8.7936593 .001470588 681 463,761 315.821,241 26.0959767 8.7979679 .001468429 683 465,124 317.214.568 26.1151297 8.8022721 .0014R6276 683 466,489 318,611,987 26.1342687 8.P065722 .001464129 684 467.856 320,013,504 26.1533937 8.8108681 .001461988 685 469,225 321,419,125 26.1725047 8.8151598 .001459854 (J86 47ft.ft9fi 322,828,856 26.1916017 8.8194474 .001457726 687 688 471,969 473,344 324,242,703 325.660.672 26.2106848 26.2297541 8.8237307 8.8'.'8n099 .001455604 .001453488 689 474.721 327.0S2.769 26.2488095 8.8322850 .001-151379 690 476,100 328,509,000 26.2678511 8.8365559 .001449275 691 693 693 694 477,481 478.864 480,249 481,636 829.939,371 331,373,888 332,812,557 334.255.384 26.2868789 26.3058929 26.3248932 26.3438797 8.8408227 8.8450854 8.8493440 8.85359So .001447178 .001415087 .001443001 .001440922 695 483,025 335,702,375 26.3623527 8.8578489 .001438849 696 697 698 699 700 484,416 485,809 487,204 488,601 490,000 837,153.536 338,608.873 340,068,392 841.532,099 348.000.000 26.3818119 26.4007576 26.4196898 26.4386081 26.'.*.- : 8.8620952 8.8663875 8.8705757 8 874*099 0400 .001436782 .001434720 .001432665 .001430615 .001428571 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TAMU-.S. 147 Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals Continued . N N 2 N 8 N* N J 1 N 701 491.401 344,472,101 26.4764(146 8.8S32661 .001426534 702 492.804 345,948,408 26.1952826 8.8874882 .001424501 703 494/209 347,428,927 20.5141472 8.8917063 .001422475 704 495,616 348,913.664 26.6829988 8.8959204 .001420455 705 497,025 850,402,625 26.5518361 8.9001301 .001418440 706 498.436 351,895,816 26.5706605 8.9043366 .001416431 7O7 499.8 '.9 353,393,243 26.5894716 8.9*6887 .001414427 708 501,264 354,894,912 26.6082694 8.9127369 .001412429 709 502,681 356.400.s-29 26.6270T39 8.9169.311 .001410437 710 1 50i,l(,0 a57,911,OCO 26.6458252 8.9211214 .001408451 711 505.5-21 859.425.-13l 26.6645833 8.925307S .001406470 713 536.944 360,914,128 26.6833281 8.9294902 .001404494 713 508,369 862,4<>7.<;97 26.702C598 8.93366S7 .001402525 714 509,796 3<>3,994..">44 26.72)7784 8.9378433 .C01400560 715 511,225 365,525,875 26.7394839 8.9420140 .001398601 716 512,656 367.061,696 26.7581763 8.9461809 .001396648 717 614,089 3 8,601.813 26.7768557 8.9503438 .001394700 718 515,524 370,14(i,232 26.7955220 8.9545029 .001392758 719 516,%1 371,694,959 26.8141754 8.9586581 .001393821 720 518,400 373,248,000 26.8328157 8.9628095 .001388S89 721 519,841 374,805,361 26.8514432 8.9669570 .001386963 732 521/284 376,377.048 26.8700577 8.9711007 .001385042 733 522,729 377,933.? 67 26.8SP6598 8.9752406 .0013a3126 734 524,176 379,503,424 26.9072481 8.97937G6 .001381215 725 525,625 381,078,125 26.9258240 8.9835089 j .001379310 720 527,076 382,657,176 26.9443872 8.9876373 .001377410 737 528.529 384,240/83 26.9629^75 8.9317620 .OOL-V75516 738 529,984 38~>,828,352 26.9814751 8.9958829 .001373626 739 531,441 387.420,489 27.000COOO 9.0000000 .001371742 730 532,900 389.017.0U) 27.0185122 9.0041134 .001369863 731 .534,361 390,617,891 27.0370117 9.C082229 .001367989 733 535,824 392,223.168 27.0554985 9.0123288 .001366120 733 537,289 393,832,837 27.0739727 9.0164::!09 .001364256 734 538.756 3.)5,446,9:)4 27.0924314 9.0205293 .031362398 735 540,225 397,065,375 27.1108834 9.0246239 .001360544 736 541,6% 898.68S.256 27.1293199 9.0287149 .0013586% 737 54J.1C9 400,315.553 27.1477439 9.0328021 .001356852 738 544,641 401,947,272 27.1661554 9.C368857 .0013-;5014 739 546.121 403,583.419 27.1845544 9.0409355 .0013'.3180 740 547,600 405.224.0CO 27.2029410 9.0450417 .001351351 741 549,081 406.869,021 27.2213152 9.0491142 .001349528 743 5,50,564 408,518,488 27.2396769 9.0531831 .001347709 743 552,049 410,172,407 27.2580263 9.0572482 .001345895 744 553,536 411,830,784 27.2763634 9.0613G98 .001:!44086 745 555,025 413,493,625 27.2946881 9.0653677 .001342282 746 556.516 415,160,936 27.8130006 9.0694220 .001340483 747 558,009 416.832,723 27.3313007 9.0734726 .001338688 748 559,504 418,508,992 27.3195887 9.0775197 .001336898 749 561,001 420,189,749 27.3678"44 9.0815631 .001335113 750 5P,2,500 421.875,000 27.3861279 9.0856030 .001333331 148 HYDKAULIG AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 4:3. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals Continued. N N a N 3 N* M* 1 N 761 564,001 423,564,751 27.4013792 9.0896392 .001381558 753 565,504 425,259.008 27.42^6184 9.0936,19 .001329787 753 567.009 42G.y57,777 27.4408455 9.0977010 .C01 328021 754 568,. r ;16 428,661. Ofi4 27. 4.19-1604 9 1017265 .0 1326260 755 570,025 430,868,875 27.4772G33 9.10J7485 .001324503 756 571,536 432,081,216 27.4954542 9.1097C69 .001322751 757 573,049 433,798,193 27.51 3Gb3) 9.11:5-818 .001:521004 758 574,504 455,519,512 27.531799* 9.1177931 .001319261 759 576.081 437,245,479 27.5499.546 9.1218 10 .0013175'. '3 760 577,600 438,976,000 27 .5680.,75 9.1258053 .001315789 761 579,121 440,711,081 27.5862?84 9.1298061 .001314060 763 580,644 442,450,728 27.6)43475 9.1338034 .001312336 763 682,1 f 9 444,194,1)47 27.6J24.-46 9.1377:71 .001310616 764 683,693 445,943.744 27. 640' 499 9.1417874 .01)1308901 766 585,225 447,697,125 27.658,;334 9.1457742 .001307190 766 686,756 449.455,096 27 6767050 9.1497576 .001305483 767 588,289 4->l,217,6r3 27.<;y47648 9. 153 -375 .001303781 768 539,824 452,984,832 27.71-8129, 9.15771 9 .001302083 769 591.361 454.75C..609 27.7.508492 9.16K8 9 .001300393 770 692,900 456,533,000 27.7488739 9.1656565 .001298701 771 594,441 458,311.011 27.7668868 9.1698225 .001297017 773 595,984 460,199,648 27.7848P80 9.17358 2 .0. (1295337 773 597,529 4 > 1, 889,917 27.8028775 9.177:4 15 .001293661 774 699.076 4-3.684,824 27.8208555 9.1815003 .001291990 775 600,625 465,484,375 27.8388218 9.1854527 .001290323 776 602,176 467,2R8.r>76 27.85677*6 9.1894018 .001288"60 777 603,729 469,097 ,433 27.8747197 9.1933174 .001287031 778 60\284 47 t.910,952 27.8926514 9.1972897 .0012<5347 779 606.*4l 472,729,139 27.9105715 9.2012/86 .001283697 780 608,400 474,552,000 27.9284801 9.2051641 .001282051 781 609,961 476,379,541 27.9463772 9.2090962 .001280410 783 611,524 478,211 ,76S 27.'.-642629 9.2130250 .O01'_ ) 78772 783 613 '89 48 ),048,687 27.9821372 9.21G9o05 .001277 39 784 611.656 4^1,891,304 28.000 000 9.2208726 .001-J75510 785 616,225 483,736,625 28.0178515 9.2247914 .001273885 786 617,796 485,587,656 2^.0356915 9.2287068 .001272265 787 619,369 4 7,443,40 } 28.053521 '3 9.23.618.) .001-70 48 788 620,944 489,3' )3,872 28 0713377 9.23G5-277 .00126.K 36 789 622.521 4 1,169,069 28.0891438 9.2101333 .001267427 790 624,1^0 493,039,000 28.1069386 9.2143355 .001265823 791 625,681 494 913,671 28.1247222 92482314 .001264223 793 627,2 4 4 f>,7;,3,088 28.1124946 9.2521300 .OU1262626 793 628,819 498,077,257 2U<502. r 57 9.2500224 .001'- 61 34 794 630,436 500,566.184 J?8.178)QT6 92599114 .0012 94! 6 795 632,025 502,459,875 28.11)57444 9.26J7973 J00125"/8J2 796 633,616 504.8W.836 28.2134720 9.2676798 .0012562R1 797 63\209 506,261,573 25.2311884 9.2715592 .0012547C5 798 636,804 508,169,592 2 V248S938 9.2754352 .001253133 799 63S.401 510.082,31'9 28.2665881 9.2793081 .OQ1251f;64 800 640,000 512.000,000 28.2842712 9.2831777 .0012 r vOfx^ HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 149 Table 43. Squares, cubes, square roofs, cube roots, and recip- rocals Continued. N N a N 8 Ml N i 1 N 801 803 803 804 805 41.601 f 43, 204 641,809 G4G.416 648,025 513,922,401 515,849,608 517,781,627 519,718,464 521,660.125 28.8019434 28.3196 45 28 3372546 28.: 1518938 23.3725219 9.2S70440 9299072 9.2947G71 9.2986239 9.3024775 .0 1248439 .0,12 .6883 .('012 330 .00124.781 .OJ1242236 80G 807 808 80',) 810 649,636 651,249 C52.864 054,481 1 656,100 523,606,616 525,557,943 527,514,112 f 29,475,129 5J1, 441,000 28.3901391 28.4077454 28.4253408 2^.4429253 28.4604989 9.3~63278 9 3101750 9 31 10190 93178599 9.3216975 .001240695 .001239157 .001237624 .001236C94 .004234568 811 813 813 814 815 657,721 659,344 6*0.969 662,6'.:6 664.225 533.411,731 5,j5.387,o28 537.367,7i>7 539.35H.144 o41,343,375 2^.4780617 28.49561:57 28.5131549 2^.5305852 28.5482048 9.3255320 9.3.93634 9.3331916 9.1370167 9.3408386 .001233046 .001231527 .001230012 .001228501 .001226994 816 817 818 819 880 6"'5,S5G 667.489 6:,9,124 670,761 672,400 543,338,496 54-),338,513 517,343,4:;2 549,353.259 551368,0.0 28.5657137 28.58: J211 9 28.6006993 28.6181760 28.6356421 93446575 9.3484731 9 3522*57 9.3560952 9.3599016 .001225490 .00122. ;5501 .001161144 .001162791 861 869 863 864 865 741,321 743,044 744,769 746,496 748,225 638,277,381 640,503,928 642.735,647 644.972.544 647.214,625 29.3428015 29.3593365 29.3768616 29.3938769 29.4108823 9.5133699 9.5170515 9.5207,:03 9.5244063 9.5280794 .001161449 .001160093 .001158749 .001157407 .001156069 866 867 868 869 870 749,956 751.689 753,424 755.161 756,900 649,461,806 651.714,363 653 972,032 656.234,909 658,503,000 29.4278779 29.4448637 29.4618397 29.4788059 29.4957624 9.5317497 9.5354172 9.5390818 9.5427437 9.5464027 .001154734 .001153403 .001152074 .001150748 .001149425 871 879 873 874 875 758,641 760,384 762,129 763,876 765,625 660,776,311 653,054,848 665.338,617 667,627.624 669,921,875 29.5127091 29.5296461 29.5465734 29.5634910 29.5803989 9.5500589 9.5537123 9.5573630 9.5610108 9.5616559 .001148106 .001146789 .OJ1145475 .0)1144165 .001142857 876 877 878 879 880 767,376 769,129 770,884 772,641 774,400 672,221,376 674.520,133 676,836.152 679,151,439 681,472,000 29.5972972 29.6141858 29.6310648 29.6479342 29.6647939 9.5682982 9.5719377 9.5755745 9.5792085 9.5828397 .001141553 .001140251 .001138952 .001137656 .001136364 881 889 883 884 885 776.161 777,924 779.C89 781,456 783,225 683,797,841 6S6.128.968 688,465,387 690,807.104 693.154,125 29.6816442 29.6984848 29.7153159 29.7321375 29.7489496 9.5864682 9.5901.9S9 9.5937169 9.5973373 9.6009C48 .001135074 .001133787 .001132503 .001131222 .001129944 886 887 888 889 890 78 1.9% 786,769 788,544 790,321 792,100 695.506,456 697,864,103 700,227,072 702.595.369 704,969,000 29.7657521 29.7825452 29.7993289 29.8161030 29.8328678 9.6045696 9G081817 9.6117911 9.6153977 9.6190017 .001128608 .001127396 .001126120 .001121F59 .001123596 891 899 893 894 895 793,881 795.f6t 797.449 799.236 801,025 707,847,971 709,732,288 712,121,957 714.516,984 716,917,375 29.8496231 29.8T.63..90 29.8831056 29.8998323 29.9165506 9.6226030 9.6262016 9.6297975 9.63*^907 9.6369812 .001122334 .001121076 .001119821 .00111*568 .001117318 896 897 898 899 ' 900 802,816 804,609 806.404 808,201 810,000 719,323.136 721,734,273 724.150.792 726,572,6'. -9 729,000.000 29.9332591 29.9499i83 29.9666481 29.98J3287 30.0000000 9.6405690 9 6441542 9.6477367 9 6513166 9.65489J8 .ooiiiron .C011 14827 .001113586 .00111-2317 .001111111 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 151 Tafote 43. Squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and recip- rocals Continued . N N 3 N 3 N* N* 1 .001109878 .001108647 .001107420 .001106195 .001104972 901 903 903 904 905 811.801 813,601 815,409 817,216 819,025 731,432,701 733,870,808 736,311,327 7:13,763.264 741,217,625 30.0166620 30.0333148 30.04995at 30.0665928 80.0882179 9.6584684 9.6620403 9.6656086 9.6691762 9.6727403 906 907 908 909 91O 820,836 822,649 824,464 826,281 1 828,100 743,677,416 7 16,142,643 718,613.312 751,089, 42'J 753,571,000 30.0998339 30.1164407 30.1330383 80.1496269 30.1662063 9.6763017 9.6798601 9.6834166 9.6869701 9.6905211 .001103753 .001102536 .001101322 .001100110 .0010989:)! 911 913 913 914 915 829,921 831,744 833,569 835,3% 837,225 756,OW,031 758,f>50,528 761,048.497 763.5ol.9i4 766,060,875 30.1827765 3 ). 1993377 30.2158%9 30.2324329 80.2489ue9 9.6940691 9.6976151 9.7011583 9.7046989 9.7082369 .001097.^95 .001096491 .001095290 .OJ1091092 .0010928% 916 917 918 919 92O 839,056 840.889 842,724 84-1,561 846,400 768,575,2% 771,095,213 773,620,632 776,151,559 778,688,000 30.2654919 30.2820079 30.2985148 30.3150128 80.3315018 9.7117723 9.7153051 9.7188354 9.7223631 9.7258883 .001091703 .001090513 .0010893-25 .001088139 .001086957 921 923 923 924 925 848,241 850,084 851,929 853.776 855,625 781,229.961 783,777,448 786,330,467 788,889,024 791.453,126 30.3479818 80.3644529 30.3809151 30.3973683 30.4138127 9.7294109 9.73293(9 9.7364484 9.739%34 9.7434758 .001085776 .001084599 .001083424 .0010*2251 .001081081 926 927 928 929 93O 857,476 859,329 861,184 863,041 864,900 794,022,776 7%,597,2,016 994.009 9% 001 998,( 01 1.000.000 988,047.935 991,026.9/3 994,011.992 997.002,999 1.000,000,100 31.5594677 31 575306 S 31.5911380 31.6069613 31.6227766 99866I8S 9.9899900 9.9933289 9.996C.6 6 lO.lOOOCQO .001004016 .001003009 .001002004 .001001001 .001000COO ;; l . !K.U .L10 AND EXGAVATJON i A r. !.}>-. 153 Table 44. Difference of elevation in feet per mile for various angles of slope. An- gle .- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 00 10 t 92.2 184.4 276.7 369.2 461.9 555.0 648.3 742.1 836.3 931.0 1 "1.5 93.7 185.9 273.3 370.8 463.5 556.5 649.9 743.6 837.8 932.6 * 3.1 95.2 187.5 279.8 372.3 465.0 558.1 651.4 745.2 839.4 934.2 4.6 90.8 189.0 281.3 373.8 466.6 559.6 653.0 746.8 841.0 935.8 * 6.1 98.3 190.5 282.9 375.4 468.1 561.2 654.5 748.3 842.6 937.4 6 7.7 99.8 192.1 284.4 376.9 469.7 562.7 656.1 749.9 844.2 938.9 i 9.2 101.4 193.6 286.0 378.5 471.2 564.3 657.7 751.5 845.7 940.5 7 10.8 102.9 195.1 287.5 380.0 472.8 565.8 659.2 753.0 847.3 942.1 8 12.3 104,4 196.7 289.0 381.6 474.3 567.4 660.8 754.6 848.9 943.7 9 13.8 106.0 198.2 290.6 383.1 475.9 568.9 662.4 746.2 850.5 945.3 10 15.4 107.5 199.8 292.1 384.7 477.4 570.5 663.9 757.7 852.0 946.9 11 16.9 109.1 201.3 293.7 386.2 479.0 572.0 665.5 759.3 853.6 948.5 12 18.4 110.6 202.8 295.2 387.7 480.5 573.6 667.0 760.9 855.2 950.0 13 20.0 112.1 204.4 ! 296.7 389.3 482.1 575.2 668.6 762.4 856.8 961.6 14 21.5 113.7 205.9 298.3 390.8 483.6 576.7 670.2 764.0 858.3 953.2 15 23.0 115.2 207.5 299.8 392.4 485.2 578.3 671.7 765.6 859.9 954.8 16 24.6 116.7 209.0 301.4 393.9 486.7 579.8 673.3 767.1 861.5 956.4 17 26.1 118.3 210.5 302.9 395.5 488.3 581.4 674.8 768.7 863.1 958.0 18 27.6 119.8 212.1 304.4 397.0 489.8 582.9 676.4 770.3 864.7 959.6 19 29.2 121.4 213.6 306.0 398.6 491.3 584.5 678.0 771.8 866.2 961.1 30 30.7 122.9 215.1 307.5 400.1 492.9 586.0 679.5 773.4 867.8 962.7 91 32.3 124.4 216.7 309.1 401.6 494.5 587.6 681.1 775.0 869.4 964.3 33 33.8 126.0 218.2 310.6 403.2 496.0 589.1 682.6 776.6 871.0 965.9 33 35.3 127.5 219.8 312.1 404.7 497.6 590.7 684.2 778.1 872.5 967.5 24 36.9 129.0 221.3 313.7 406.3 499.1 592.2 685.8 779.7 864.1 969.1 35 38.4 130.6 222.8 315.2 407.8 500.7 593.8 687.3 781.3 875.7 970.7 26 39.9 132.1 224.4 316.8 ' 409.4 502.2 595.4 688.9 782.8 877.3 972.2 27 41.5 133.6 225.9 318.3 410.9 503.8 596.9 690.5 784.4 878.8 973.8 28 43.0 135.2 227.5 319.9 412.5 505.3 598.5 692.0 786.0 880.4 975.4 29 44.5 136.7 229.0 321.4 414.0 506.9 600.0 693.6 787.6 882.0 977.0 30 46.1 138.3 230.5 322.9 415.5 508.4 601.6 695.1 789.1 883.6 978.0 SI 47.6 139.8 232.1 324.5 417.1 510.0 603.1 696.7 790.7 885.2 980.2 33 49.2 141.3 233.6 326.0 418.6 511.5 604.7 698.3 792.2 886.7 981.8 33 50.7 142.9 235.1 327.6 420.2 513.0 006. 3 699.8 793.8 888.3 983.4 34 52.2 144.4 236.7 329.1 421.7 514.6 607.8 701.4 795.4 889.9 985.0 35 53.8 146.0 238.2 330.6 423.3 616.2 609.4 702.9 796.9 891.5 986.5 36 55.3 147.5 239.8 332.2 424.8 517.7 610.9 704.5 798.5 893.1 988.1 37 66.8 149.0 241.3 333.7 426.4 519.3 612.5 706.1 800.1 894.6 989.7 K 58.4 150.6 242.8 335.3 427.9 520.8 614.0 707.6 801.7 896.2 991.3 39 59.9 152.1 244.4 336.8 429.5 522.4 615.5 709.2 803.2 897.8 992.9 40 61.4 153.6 245.9 338.4 431.0 523.9 617.2 710.8 804.8 899.4 944.5 41 63.0 155.2 247.5 339.9 432.5 525.5 618.7 712.3 806.4 901.0 996.1 42 64.5 156.7 249.0 341.4 434.1 527.0 620.3 713.9 808.0 902.5 997.7 43 66.0 158.2 250.5 343.0 435.6 528.6 621.8 715.5 809.5 904.1 999.3 44 G7.6 : 159.8 252.1 344.5 437.2 630.1 623.4 717.0 811.1 905.7 000.9 154 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABJVRS. 44. Difference of elevation in feet per mile for various angles of slope Continued. An- r t 8 V 5 6 7 8 9 10 gle ! * I 45 69.1 161.3 253.6 346.1 438.7 531.7 624.9 i 718.6 812.7 907.3 1,002.8 46 70.6 162.9 255.2 347.6 440.3 533.2 626.5 1 720.2 814.2 908.9 1.004.C 47 72.2 164.4 256.7 349.2 441.8 534.8 628.0 721.7 815.8 910.5 1,005.6 48 49 73.7 75.3 165.9 167.5 258.2 259.8 350.7 352.2 443.4 444.9 536.3 537.9 629.6 631.2 723.3 724.8 817.4 819.0 912.0 913.6 1,007.2 1,008.8 50 76.8 169.0 261.3 353.8 446.5 539.4 632.7 726.4 820.5 915.2 1,010.4 51 78.3 170.8 282.9 355.3 448.0 1 541.0 634.3 728.0 822.1 916.8 1,012.0 52 79.9 172.1 264.4 356.9 449.6 542.5 635.8 729.5 823.7 918.4 1,013.6 53 81.4 173.6 265.9 358.4 451.1 544.1 637.4 731.1 825.3 919.9 1,015.2 54 82.9 175.2 267.5 360.0 452.7 ' 545.6 638.9 1 732.7 826.8 921.5 1,016.8 55 84.5 176.7 269.0 361.5 454.2 547.2 640.5 734.2 828.4 923.1 1,018.4 56 86.0 178.2 270.6 363.0 455.8 548.7 642.1 i 735.8 830.0 924.7 1,020.0 57 87.5 179.8 272.1 364.6 457.3 550.3 643.6 737.4 831.5 926.3 1,021.5 58 89.1 181.3 273.6 366.1 458.8 551.8 645.2 738.9 833.1 927.8 1,023.1 59 90.6 182.8 275.2 367.7 460.4 553.4 646.7 740.5 834.7 929.4 1,024.7 I ^ . . Angle 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1,026.3 ,122 1,219 1,316 1,415 ,514 1,614 1,716 1,818 1,922 1 1,027.9 ,124 1,221 1,318 1,416 ,516 ,616 1,717 1,820 1,924 2 1,029.5 ,126 1,222 1,320 1,418 ,517 ,618 1,719 1.822 1,925 3 1,031.1 ,127 1,224 1,321 1,420 ,519 ,619 1,721 1,823 1,927 4 1,032.7 ,129 1,225 1,323 1,421 ,521 1,621 1,723 1,825 1,929 5 1,034.3 ,130 1,227 1,325 1,423 ,522 1,623 1,724 1,827 1,931 6 1,035.9 ,132 1,229 1,326 1.425 ,524 ,624 1,726 1,828 1,932 7 1,037.5 ,134 1,233 1,328 1.426 ,525 ,626 1,728 1,830 1,934 8 1,039.1 ,135 1,232 1,330 1.428 ,527 .628 1,729 1,832 1,936 9 1,040.7 ,137 1,234 1,331 1,430 ,529 1,629 1,731 1,834 1,937 10 1,042.3 ,138 1,235 1,333 1.431 ,531 .631 1,733 1,835 1,939 11 1,043.8 ,140 1,237 1,334 1,433 ,532 ,633 1,734 1,837 1,941 1,045.4 ,142 1,238 1,336 1,435 ,534 ,634 1,736 1,839 1,943 13 1,047.0 ,143 1,240 1,338 1,436 ,535 ,636 1,738 1.840 1,944 14 1,048.6 ,145 1,242 1,339 1,438 .537 ,638 1,739 1,842 1,946 HYDRAULIC ANI KXC'AVATION TABLKS. H . Difference of elevation in feet per mile for various angles of slope Continued. Angle 11 ; 1? 13 14 15 16 J7 18 19 20 ! 15 1,050.2 1,146 1.2-13 1,341 1.440 1,539 1,639 1,741 1,844 1,948 10 1,051.8 1,148 1,245 1,343 1,411 1,541 1,641 1.743 1,846 1,950 17 1,053.4 1,150 1.247 1.344 1,443 1,542 1,643 1,744 1,847 1,951 18 1.055.0 1.151 1,248 1,346 1,444 1,544 1,644 1,746 1,849 1,953 10 1,056.6 1,153 1,250 1,348 1,446 1,546 1,646 1,748 1,851 1,955 20 1.058.2 1,154 1,251 1,349 1,448 1,547 1,648 1,750 1,853 1,957 21 1,059.8 1,156 1.253 1,351 1,449 1,549 1.649 1,751 1,854 1,958 22 1,001.4 1.158 1,255 1,352 1,451 1,551 1,651 1,753 1,856 1,960 23 1,063.0 1,159 1,256 1,354 1,453 1,552 1,653 1,755 1,858 1,962 24 1,064.6 1,161 1,258 1,356 1,454 1,554 1.655 1,756 1,860 1,964 25 1.066.2 1,163 1,260 1,357 1,4.56 1,556 1,656 1,758 1,861 1,965 26 1.067.8 1,164 1,261 1,359 1,458 1,557 1.658 1,760 1,863 1,967 27 1.069.4 1,166 1.263 1,361 1,459 1,559 1.660 1,762 1,865 1,969 28 1,071.0 1,167 1,264 1,362 1,461 1,561 1,661 1,763 1,866 1,971 29 1,072.6 1,169 1,266 1,364 1,463 1,562 1,663 1,765 1,868 1,972 30 1,074.2 1,171 1,268 1,366 1,464 1,564 1,665 1,767 1,870 1,974 31 1.075.8 1,172 1,269 1,367 1,466 1,566 1,666 1,768 1,871 1,976 32 1.077.4 1,174 1.271 1,369 1,468 1,567 1,668 1,770 1,873 1,978 33 1.079.0 1,175 1,273 1,370 1,469 1,569 1,670 1,772 1,875 1,979 34 1,080.6 1,177 1,274 1,372 1,471 1,571 1,672 1,773 1,877 1,981 35 1.082.2 1,179 1,276 1,374 1,473 1.572 1,673 1,775 1,878 1.983 36 1.083.8 1.180 1,277 1,375 1,474 1,574 1,675 1,777 1,880 1,985 37 1,085.4 1.182 1,279 1,377 1,476 1,576 1,677 1,779 1,882 1,986 38 1.087.0 1,183 1,281 1,379 1,478 1,577 1,678 1,780 1,884 1,988 39 1,088.6 1,185 1,282 1,380 1,479 1,579 1,680 1,782 1,885 1,990 40 1,090.2 1,187 1,284 1,382 1,481 1,581 1,682 1,784 1,887 1,992 41 1,091.8 1,188 1,286 1,384 1,483 1,582 1,683 1,786 1.889 1,993 42 1.093.4 1,190 1,287 1,385 1,484 1,084 1,685 1,787 1,891 1.995 43 1.095.0 1,192 1,289 1,387 1,486 1,086 I,b87 1,789 1,892 1,997 44 1,096.6 1,193 1,290 1,388 1,487 1,087 1,68 1,791 1,894 1,999 45 1,098.2 1.195 1,292 1,390 1,489 1,589 1,690 1,792 1,896 2,000 46 1,099.8 1,196 1,294 1,392 1,491 1,591 1,692 1,794 1,898 2,002 47 1,101.5 1,198 1,295 1,393 1,492 1,592 1,694 1,796 1,899 2,004 48 1.103.1 1,200 1,297 1,395 1,494 1,594 1,695 1,798 1.901 2,006 49 1,104.7 1,201 1,299 1,397 1,496 1,596 1,697 1,799 1,903 2,007 50 1,106.3 1,203 1,300 1,398 1,497 1,597 1,699 1,801 1,904 2,009 51 1.107.9 1,204 1,302 1,400 1,499 1,599 1,700 1,803 1.906 2,011 52 1,109.5 1,206 1,303 1,402 1,501 1,601 1,702 1,804 1,908 2.013 53 1,111.1 1,208 1,305 1.403 1,502 1,602 1,704 1,806 1,910 2.014 54 1,1127 1,209 1,307 1,405 1,504 1,604 1,705 1,808 1,911 2,016 55 1,114.3 1,211 1,308 1,407 1,506 1.606 1.707 1,809 1,913 2,018 56 1,115.9 1,213 1,310 1,408 1,507 1,607 1,709 1,811 1,915 2,020 57 1,117.5 1,214 1,312 1,410 1,509 1,609 1,711 1,813 1,917 2,021 53 1,119.1 1,210 1,313 1,411 1,511 1,611 1.712 1,815 1,918 2.023 59 1,120.7 1,217 1,315 1,413 1,512 1,612 1,714 1,816 1,920 2,025 ;!YiHAi 33.3 38.1 42.9 46 4.82 9.6 14.5 19.3 24.1 28.9 33.8 38.6 43.4 48 4.88 9.8 14.6 19.5 24.4 29.3 34.2 39.0 43.9 50 4.94 9.9 14.8 19.8 24.7 29.6 34.6 39.5 44.4 52 5.00 10.6 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 54 5.05 10.1 15.2 20.2 25.3 30.3 35.4 40.4 45.5 56 5.11 10.2 15.3 20.4 25.6 30.7 35.8 40.9 46.0 58 5.17 10.3 15.5 20.7 25.8 31.0 36.2 41.4 46.5 60 5.23 10.5 15.7 20.9 26.1 31.4 36.6 41.8 47.1 Horizontal dist. 99-7 I99-S 2Q9.2 398.9 498.7 598.4 698.1 797-8 897.5 30 2' 5.28 10.6 15.9 21.1 26.4 31.7 37.0 42.3 47.6 4 5.34 10.7 16.0 21.4 26.7 32.1 37.4 42.7 48.1 6 5.40 10.8 16.2 21.6 27.0 32.4 37.8 43.2 48.6 8 5.46 10.9 16.4 21.8 27.3 32.7 38.2 43.7 49.1 10 5.52 11.0 16.5 22.1 27.6 33.1 38.6 44.1 49.6 12 5.57 11.1 16.7 22.3 27.9 33.4 39.0 44.6 50.2 14 5.63 11.3 16.9 22.5 28.2 33.8 39.4 45.0 50.7 16 5.69 11.4 17.1 22.8 28.4 34.1 39.8 45.5 51.2 18 5.75 11.5 17.2 23.0 28 .7 34.5 40.2 46.0 51.7 20 5.80 11.6 17.4 23.2 29.0 34.8 40.6 46.4 52.2 22 5.86 11.7 17.6 23.4 29.3 35.1 41.0 46.9 52.8 24 5.92 11.8 17.8 23.7 29.6 35.5 41.4 47.4 53.3 26 5.98 12.0 17.9 23.9 29.9 35.9 41.8 47.8 53.8 28 6.04 12.1 18.1 24.1 30.2 36.2 42.2 48.3 54.3 30 6.09 12.2 18.3 24.4 30.5 36.6 42.6 48.7 54.8 32 6.15 12.3 18.4 24.6 30.8 36.9 43.0 49.2 55.4 34 6.21 12.4 1S.6 24.8 31.0 37.3 43.5 49.7 55.9 36 6.27 12.5 1S.8 25.1 31.3 37.6 43.9 50.1 56.4 38 6.32 12.6 19.0 25.3 31.6 37.9 44.3 50.6 56.9 40 6.38 12.8 19.1 25.5 31.9 38.3 44.7 51.1 57.4 42 6.44 12.9 19.3 25.8 32.2 38.6 45.1 51.5 58.0 44 6.50 13.0 19.5 26.0 32.5 39.0 45.5 52.0 58.5 46 6.55 13.1 19.7 26.2 32.8 39.3 45.9 52.4 59.0 48 6.61 13.2 19.8 26.4 33.1 39.7 46.3 52.9 59.5 50 6.67 13.3 20.0 26.7 33.4 40.0 46.7 53.4 60.0 52 6.73 13.5 20.2 26.9 33.6 40.4 47.1 53.8 60.6 54 6.78 13.6 20.4 27.1 33.9 40.7 47.5 54.3 61.1 56 6.84 13.7 20.5 27.4 34.2 41.1 47.9 54.7 61.6 58 6.90 13.8 20.7 27.6 34.5 41.4 48.3 55.2 62.1 60 6.96 13.9 20.9 27.8 34.8 41.7 48.7 65.7 62.6 Horizontal dist. 99-5 100.0 3 QX-5 jytf.o 4Q7-6 597-1 696.6 796.1 895.8 HYDRAULIC AXD EXCAVATION TABLES. Tiible 4.6. Stadia Table Continued. 159 Slant distance ICO 200 300 400 500 600 700 SCO 00 40 2' 7.02 14.0 21.0 28.1 35.1 42.1 49.1 56.1 63.1 4 7.07 14.1 21.2 28.3 35.4 42.4 49.5 50.6 63.7 6 7.13 14.3 21.4 28.5 35.7 42.8 49.9 57.0 64.2 8 7.1'.} 14.4 21.6 2S.8 35.9 43.1 50.3 57.5 64.7 10 7.25 14.5 21.7 29.0 36.2 43.5 50.7 58.0 65.2 12 7.30 14.6 21.9 29.2 36.5 43.8 51.1 58.4 65.7 14 7.36 14.7 22.1 29.4 36.8 44.2 51.5 5S.9 C6.2 16 7.42 14.8 22.3 29.7 37.1 44.5 51.9 59.3 C6.8 18 7.4S 15.0 22.4 29.9 37.4 44.9 52.3 59.8 67.3 20 7.53 15.1 22.6 30.2 37.7 45.2 52.7 60.3 67.8 22 7.59 15.2 22.8 30.4 38.0 45.5 53.1 60.7 68.3 24 7.65 15.3 22.9 30.6 38.2 45.9 53.5 61.2 68 .8 26 7.71 15.4 23.1 30.8 38.5 46.2 53.9 61 . 69. 3 28 7.76 15.5 23.3 31.1 38.8 46.6 54.3 62.1 69.9 30 7.82 15.6 23.5 31.3 39.1 46.9 54.7 62.6 70.4 32 7.88 15.8 23.6 31.5 39.4 47.3 55.1 63.0 70.9 34 7.94 15.9 23.8 31.7 39.7 47.6 55.5 63.5 71.4 36 7.99 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 48.0 56.0 63.9 71.9 38 8.05 16.1 24.2 32.2 40.C 48.3 56.4 64.4 72.5 40 8.11 16.2 24.3 32.4 40.5 48.6 56.8 64.9 73.0 42 8.17 16.3 24.5 32.7 40.8 49.0 57.2 65.3 73.5 44 8.22 16.4 24.7 32.9 41.1 49.3 57.6 65.8 74.0 46 8.28 16.6 24.8 33.1 41.4 49.7 58.0 66.2 74.5 48 8.34 16.7 25.0 33.4 41.7 50.0 58.4 66.7 75.0 50 8.40 16.8 25.2 33.6 42.0 50.4 58.8 67.2 75.6 52 8.45 16.9 25.4 33.8 42.3 50.7 59.2 67.6 76.1 54 8.51. 17.0 25.5 34.0 42.6 51.1 59.6 68.1 76.6 56 8.57 17.1 25.7 34.3 42.8 51.4 60.0 68.5 77.1 58 8.63 17.3 25.9 34.5 43.1 51.8 60.4 69.0 77.6 GO 8.68 17.4 26.0 34.7 43.4 52.1 60.8 69.5 78.1 Horizontal dist. 99-2 198.3 2Q7-7 397-0 496.2 595-4 694-7 793-9 893.0 50 2' 8.74 17.5 26.2 35.0 43.7 52.4 G1.2 69.9 78.7 4 8.80 17.6 26.4 35.2 44.0 52.8 61.6 70.4 79.2 6 8.85 17.7 26.6 35.4 44.3 53.1 62.0 70.8 79.7 8 8.91 17.8 26.7 35.6 44.6 53.5 62.4 71.3 80.2 10 8.97 17.9 26.9 35.9 44.8 53.8 62.8 71.7 80.7 12 9.03 18.1 27.1 36.1 45.1 54.2 63.2 72.2 81.2 14 9.08 18.2 27.2 3G.3 45.4 54.5 63.6 72.7 81.7 16 9.14 18.3 27.4 36.6 45.7 54.8 64.0 73.1 82.3 18 9.20 18.4 27.6 36.8 46.0 55.2 64.4 73.6 82.8 20 9.25 18.5 27.8 37.0 46.3 55.5 64.8 74.0 83.3 22 9.31 18.6 27.9 37.2 46.6 55.9 65.2 74.5 83.8 24 9.37 18.7 28.1 37.5 46.8 56.2 65.6 74.9 84.3 26 9.43 18.9 28.3 37.7 47.1 56.6 66.0 75.4 84.8 28 9.48 19.0 28.4 37.9 47.4 56.9 66.4 75.9 85.3 30 9.54 19.1 28.6 38.2 47.7 57.2 66.8 76.3 85.9 32 9.60 19.2 28.8 38.4 48.0 57.6 67.2 76.8 86.4 34 9.65 19.3 29.0 38.6 48.3 57.9 67.6 77.2 86.9 36 9.71 19.4 29.1 38.8 48.6 58.3 68.0 77.7 87.4 38 9.77 19.5 29.3 39.1 48.8 58.6 68.4 78.1 87.9 40 9.83 19.7 29.5 39.3 49.1 59.0 68.8 78.6 88.4 42 9.88 19.8 29.6 39.5 49.4 59.3 69.2 79.0 88.9 44 9.94 19.9 29.8 39.8 49.7 59.6 . 69.6 79.5 89.4 46 10.00 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 48 10.05 20.1 30.2 40.2 50.3 60.3 70.4 80.4 90.5 50 10.11 20.2 30.3 40.4 50.5 60.7 70.8 80.9 91.0 52 10.17 20.3 30.5 40.7 50.8 61.0 71.2 81.3 91.5 54 10.22 20.4 30.7 40.9 51.1 61.3 71.6 81.8 92.0 56 10.28 20.6 30.8 41.1 51.4 61.7 72.0 82.2 92.5 58 10.33 20.7 31.0 41.4 51.7 62.0 72.4 82.7 93.0 60 10.40 20.8 31.2 41.6 52.0 62.4 72.8 83.2 93.6 Horizontal dist. 08.0 JQ7.8 296.7 395-6 494-5 593-5 692.4 79L3 890.2 160 i i V l.i KA LJ J .1.0 A NO EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 4&. Stadia Table Continued. Slant distance 100 2CO 300 400 500 600 70ft 800 60 2' 10.45 20.9 31.4 41.8 52.3 62.7 73.2 83.6 i 10.61 21.0 31.5 42.0 52.5 63.1 73.6 84.1 6 10.57 21.1 31.7 42.3 52.8 63.4 74.0 84.5 8 10.62 21.2 31.9 42.5 53.1 63.7 74.4 85.0 13 10.63 21.4 32.0 42.7 53.4 64.0 74.8 85.4 if 10.74 21.5 32.2 42.9 53.7 64.4 75.2 85.9 i4 10.79 21.6 32.4 43.2 54.0 64.8 75.5 86.3 10 10.85 21.7 32.5 43.4 54.2 65.1 75.9 86.8 13 10.91 21.8 32.7 43.6 54.5 65.4 76.3 87.2 20 10.96 21.9 32.9 43.8 54.8 65.8 76.7 87.7 23 11.02 22.0 33.1 44.1 55.1 66.1 77.1 88.2 24 11.08 22.2 33.2 44.3 55.4 66.5 77.5 88.6 20 11.13 22.3 33.4 44.5 55.6 66.8 77.9 89.1 23 11.19 22.4 33.6 44.8 55.9 67.1 78.3 89.5 33 11.25 22.5 33.7 45.0 56.2 67.5 78.7 90.0 ?2 11.30 22.6 33.9 45.2 56.5 67.8 79.1 90.4 34 11.36 22.7 34.1 45.4 56.8 C8.2 79.5 90.9 JO 11.42 22.8 34.2 45.7 57.1 68.5 79.9 91.3 38 11.47 22.9 34.4 45.9 57.4 68.8 80.3 91.8 It 11.53 23.1 34.6 46.1 57.6 69.2 80.7 92.2 11 11.59 23.2 34.8 46.3 57.9 69.5 81.1 92.7 44 11.64 23.3 34.9 46.6 58.2 G9.9 81.5 93.1 It 11.70 23.4 35.1 46.8 58.5 70.2 81.9 93.0 18 11.76 23.5 35.3 47.0 58.8 70.5 82.3 94.0 3 11.81 23.6 35.4 47.2 59.1 70.9 82.7 94.5 12 11.87 23.7 35.6 47.5 59.3 71.2 83.1 95.0 4 11.93 23.9 35.8 47.7 59.6 71.6 83.5 95.4 50 11.98 24.0 35.9 47.9 59.9 71.9 83.9 95.9 8 12.04 24.1 36.1 48.2 60.2 72.2 84.3 96.3 CO 12.10 24.2 36.3 48.4 60.5 72.6 84.7 96.3 Horieontal cist. 98^5 197.0 2Q5-5 394-0 492.6 59I-* 689.6 788.1 70 2' 12.15 24.3 36.5 48.6 60.8 72.9 85.1 97.2 4 12.21 24.4 36.6 48.8 61.0 73.2 85.5 97.7 12.26 24.5 36.8 49.1 61.3 73.6 85.8 98.1 8 12.32 24.6 37.0 49.3 61,6 73.9 86.2 98.G 10 12.38 24.8 37.1 49.5 61.9 74.3 86.6 99.0 12 12.43 24.9 37.3 49.7 G2.2 74.6 87.0 99.5 14 12.49 25.0 37.5 50.0 C2.4 74.9 87.4 99.9 10 12.55 25.1 37.6 50.2 G2.7 75.3 87.8 100.4 18 12.60 25.2 ?7.8 50.4 63.0 75.6 88.2 100.8 20 12.66 25.3 38.0 50.6 63.3 75.9 88.6 101.3 23 12.71 25!4 38.1 50.9 63.6 76.3 89.0 101.7 24 12.77 25.5 38.3 51.1 63.8 76.6 89.4 102.2 20 12.83 25.7 38.5 51.3 64.1 77.0 89.8 102.6 ?8 12.88 25.8 38.6 51.5 64.4 77.3 80.2 103.1 SO 12.94 25.9 38.8 51.8 64.7 77.6 90.6 103.5 J3 13.CO 26.0 39.0 52.0 65.0 78.0 91.0 104.0 4 13.05 26.1 39.2 52.2 65.3 78.3 91.4 104.4 ?0 13.11 26.2 39.3 52.4 65.5 78.6 91.7 104.9 S3 13.16 26.3 39.5 52.7 65.8 79.0 92.1 105.3 40 13.22 26.4 39.7 52.9 66.1 79.3 92.5 105.8 42 13.28 26.6 39.8 53.1 66. 4 79.7 92.9 106.2 44 13.23 26.7 40.0 53.3 GO. 7 80.0 93.2 106.7 40 13.c9 26.8 40.2 53.6 66.9 80.3 93.7 107.1 48 13.44 26.9 40.3 53.8 67.2 80.7 94.1 107.6 53 13.50 27.0 40.5 54.0 67.5 81.0 94.5 108.0 52 13.56 27.1 40.7 54.2 67.8 81.3 94.9 108.5 M 13.61 27.2 40.8 54.5 68.1 81.7 95.3 108.9 fO 13.'G7 27.3 41.0 54.7 68.3 82.0 95.7 109.4 58 13.73 27.5 41.2 54.9 6S.6 82.3 96.1 109.8 CO 13.73 27.6 41.3 55.1 68.9 82.7 96. 4 110.3 Horizontal dist. cS.i 106.1 294.2 392.2 490.3 388.4 686.4 784 -3 lM .1C A NO EXCAVATION TABLES. Table 4i\ -Stadia Table Continued. 161 ' Slant distance 103 231) 300 400 500 600 700 800 80 5' 13.92 I 27. S 41.S 55.7 69.6 83.5 97.4 111.4 10 H. (',:.> 2S.1 42.2 56.2 70.3 84.4 98.4 112.5 15 14.20 2S.J 42.6 56.8 71.0 85.2 99.4 113.6 20 14.34 1 2S.7 43.0 57.4 71.7 86.0 100.4 114.7 25 14.48 29.0 43.4 57.9 72.4 86.9 101.4 115.8 30 14.02 29.2 43.9 58.5 73.1 87.7 102.3 116.9 35 14.76 29.5 44.2 59.0 73.7 88.4 103.1 117.8 40 14.90 29.8 44.7 59.6 74.5 89.4 104.3 119.2 45 15.04 30.1 45.1 60.1 75.2 90.2 105.2 120.3 50 15.17 30.3 45.5 60.7 75.9 91.0 106.2 121.4 5 15.31 30.6 45.9 61.2 76.6 91.9 107.2 122.5 60 15.45 30.9 46.4 61.8 77.3 92.7 108.2 123.6 Horizontal dint. 07.5 195.1 292.7 390.2 487.8 585.3 682.9 780.4 90 5' 15.59 31.3 46.8 62.4 77.9 93.5 109.1 124.7 to 15.73 31.5 47.2 62.9 78.6 94.5 110.2 125.9 y 15.86 31.7 47.6 63.5 79.3 95.2 111.1 126.9 20 16.00 32.0 48.0 64.0 80.0 96.0 112.0 128.0 25 16.14 32.3 48.4 64.6 80.7 96.8 113.0 129.0 20 16.28 32.6 48.8 65.1 81.4 97.7 113.9 130.2 25 16.42 32.8 49.2 65.7 82.1 98.5 114.9 131.3 40 16.55 33.1 49.7 66.2 82.8 99.3 115.9 132.4 45 16.69 33.4 50.1 66.8 83.5 100.1 116.8 133.5 $0 16.83 33.7 50.5 67.3 84.4 101.0 117.8 134.6 55 16.96 33.9 50.9 67.9 84.8 101.8 118.7 135.7 60 17.10 34.2 51.3 68.4 85.5 102.6 119.7 136.8 Borizontal dist. 97.0 104.0 291.0 3*7-9 484.9 581.9 678.9 775.9 -g r\o .5' I U 10 17.24 17.37 34.5 34.7 51.. 7 52.1 68.9 69.5 86.2 86.9 103.4 104.2 120.7 121.6 137.9 139.0 ^-^ t/i 17.51 35.0 52.5 70.0 87.6 105.1 122.6 140.1 30 17.85 35.3 52.9 70.6 88.2 105.9 123.5 141.2 25 17.78 35.6 53.3 71.1 88.9 106.7 124.5 142.3 30 17,92 35.8 53.8 71.7 89.6 107.5 125.4 143.3 35 18.05 36.1 54.2 72.2 90.3 108.3 126.4 144.4 40 18.19 36.4 54.6 72.7 90.9 109.1 127.3 145.5 45 18.37 36.6 55.0 73.4 91.8 110.1 128.5 146.9 50 18.46 36.9 55.4 73.8 92.3 110.8 129.2 147.7 65 18.60 37.2 55.8 74.4 93.0 111.6 130.2 148.8 60 18.73 37.5 56.2 74.9 93.7 112.4 131.1 149.8 "tTorizontal dist. 96.4 193.7 289.1 385-4 481.8 578.2 674-5 770.9 4 o 5' 20.47 40.9 01.4 81.9 102.3 122.8 143.3 163.8 184.2 2r 10 20. GO 41.2 61.8 82.4 103.0 123.6 144.2 164.8 185.4 *?* 15 20.73 41.5 62.2 82.9 103.7 124.4 145.1 165.9 186.6 20 20.87 41.7 62.6 83.5 104.3 125.2 145.1 166.9 187.8 25 XJ1.00 42.0 63.0 84.0 105.0 126.0 147.0 168.0 189.0 30 21.13 42.3 63.4 84.5 105.7 126.8 147.9 169.0 190.2 35 21.26 42.5 63.8 85.1 106.3 127.6 148.8 170.1 191.4 40 21.39 42.8 64.2 85.6 107.0 128.4 149.8 171.2 192.5 45 21.52 43.1 64.6 86.1 107.6 129.2 150.7 172.2 193.7 50 21.66 43.3 65.0 86.6 108.3 129.9 151.6 173.2 194.9 55 21.79 43.6 65.4 87.2 108.9 130.7 152.5 174.3 196.1 60 21.92 43. S 05.7 87.7 109.6 131.5 153.4 175.3 197.3 Horizontal disl. 94.9 189.9 284.8 379-8 474.7 569.6 664.6 759-5 854.5 4 /-to 5' 22.05 44.1 66.1 88.2 110.2 132.3 154.3 176.3 198.4 1 /> 10 22.18 44.4 66.5 88.7 110.9 133.1 155.3 177.4 199.6 A% ^ 15 22.31 44.6 66.9 89.2 111.6 133.9 156.2 178.5 200.8 20 22.44 44.9 67.3 89.8 112.2 134.6 157.1 179.5 202.0 25 22.57 45.1 67.7 90.3 112.8 135.4 158.0 180.6 203.1 30 22.70 45.4 68.1 90.8 113.5 136.2 158.9 181.6 204.3 35 22.83 45.7 68.5 91.3 114.1 137.0 159.8 182.6 205.0- 40 22.96 45.9 68.9 91.8 137.7 160.7 183.7 206.6 45 23.09 46.2 69.3 92.4 115^4 138.5 161.6 184.7 207.8 50 23.22 46.4 69.6 92.9 116.1 139.3 162.5 185.7 208.9 6d 23.35 46.7 70.0 93.4 116.7 140.1 163.4 186.8 210.1 40 23-47 46.9 70.4 93.9 117.4 140.8 164.3 187.8 211.3 Horizontal dist. 94.2 188.3 282.4 376.6 470.7 564.9 659.0 753.2 847.3 14 A ^ r 15 23.60 23.73 23.S6 47.2 47.5 47.7 70.8 71.2 71.6 94.4 94.9 95.4 118.0 118.6 119.3 141.6 142.4 143.2 165.2 166.1 167.0 188.8 189.8 190.9 212.4 213.6 214.7 20 23.99 48.0 72.0 95.9 119.9 143.9 167.9 191.8 215.9 25 24.11 48.2 72.3 96.5 120.6 144.7 168.8 192.9 217.0 30 24.24 48.5 72.7 97.0 121.2 145.4 169.7 193.9 218.2 35 24.37 48.7 73.1 97.5 121.8 146.2 170.6 194.9 219.3 40 24.49 49.0 73.5 98.0 122.5 147.0 171.5 136.0 220.4 45 24.62 49.2 73.9 98.5 123.1 147.7 172.3 197.0 221.6 50 24.75 49.5 74.2 99.0 123.7 148.5 173.2 198.0 222.7 55 24.87 49.7 74.6 99.5 124.4 149.2 174.1 199.0 223.9 60 25.00 50.0 75.0 100.0 125.0 150.0 175.0 200.0 225.0 Horizontal dist. 93.3 186.6" 279.9 373.2 466.5 559.8 68 3.1 786.4 839.7 . 25.13 50.3 75.4 100.5 125.6 150.8 175.9 201.0 226.1 I ^% 10 25.25 50.5 75.8 101.0 126.3 151.5 176.8 202.0 227.3 **J 15 25.38 50.8 76.1 101.5 126.9 152.3 177.6 203.0 228.4 20 25.50 51.0 76.5 102.0 127.5 153.0 178.5 204.0 229.5 25 25.63 51.3 76.9 102.5 128.1 153.8 179.4 205.0 230.6 30 25.75 51.5 77.3 103.0 128.8 154.5 180.3 206.0 231.8 35 25.88 51.8 77.6 103.5 129.4 155.3 181.1 207.0 232.9 40 26.00 52.0 78.0 104.0 130.0 156.0 182.0 208.0 234.0 45 26.13 52.2 78.4 104.5 130.6 156.7 182.9 209.0 235.1 50 26.25 52 5 78.7 105.0 131.2 157.5 183.7 210.0 236.2 55 26 37 52.7 79.1 105.5 131.9 158.2 184.6 211.0 237.4 60 26.50 53.0 79.5 106.0 132.5 159.0 185.5 212.0 238.5 Horizontal dist. 92.4 184.8 277.2 369-6 462.0 .1*4.4 646.8 739-2 831.6 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 163 Table 4.6. Stadia Table Continued. Slant distance 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 ^0 5' 26.62 53.2 79.9 106.5 133.1 159.7 186.3 213.0 239.6 1 O 10 26.74 53.5 80.2 107.0 133.7 160.5 187.2 213.9 240.7 * ^ 15 26.86 53.7 80.6 107.5 134.3 161.2 188.0 214.9 241.8 20 26.99 54.0 81.0 108.0 134.9 161.9 188.9 215.9 242.9 25 27.11 54.2 81.3 108.4 135.6 162.7 189.8 216.9 244.0 30 27.23 54.5 81.7 108.9 136.2 163.4 190.6 217.9 245.1 35 27.35 54.7 82.1 109.4 136.8 164.1 191.5 218.8 246.2 40 27.48 55.0 82.4 109.9 137.4 164.9 192.4 219.8 247.3 45 27.60 55.2 82.8 110.4 138.0 165.6 193.2 220.8 248.4 50 27.72 55.4 83.2 110.9 138.6 166.3 194.0 221.7 249.5 55 27.84 55.7 83.5 111.4 139.2 167.0 194.9 222.7 250.6 60 27.96 55.9 83.9 111.8 139.8 167.8 195.7 223.7 251.6 Horizontal dist. 91.4 183 274 J55 40 &P 640 732 823 -g ^70 5' 1 / ** 28.08 28.20 56.2 56.4 84.2 84.6 112.3 112.8 140.4 141.0 168.5 169.2 196.6 197.4 224.6 225.6 252.7 253.8 * * 15 28.32 56.6 85.0 113.3 14T.6 169.9 198.2 226.6 254.9 20 28.44 56.9 85.3 113.8 142.2 170.6 199.1 227.5 256.0 25 28.56 57.1 85.7 114.2 142.8 171.4 199.9 228.5 257.0 30 28.68 57.4 86.0 114.7 143.4 172.1 200.8 229.4 258.1 35 28.80 57.6 86.4 115.2 144.0 172.8 201.6 230.4 259.2 40 28.92 57.8 86.7 115.7 144.6 173.5 202.4 231.3 260.2 45 29.04 58.1 87.1 116.1 145.2 174.2 203.2 232.3 261.3 50 29.15 58.3 87.5 116.6 145.8 174.9 204.1 233.2 262.4 55 29.27 58.5 87.8 117.1 146.4 175.6 204.9 234.2 263.4 60 29.39 58.8 88.2 117.6 146.9 176.3 205.7 235.1 264.5 Horizontal dist. 90.4 181 271 362 <3* 543 633 724 814 18 i 29.51 29.62 29.74 59.0 59.2 59.5 88.5 88.9 89.2 118.0 118.5 119.0 147.5 148.1 148.7 177.0 177.7 178.4 206.5 207.4 208.2 236.1 237.0 237.9 265.6 266.6 267,7 23 29.86 59.7 89.6 119.4 149.3 179.1 209.0 238.9 268.7 25 29.97 59.9 89.9 119.9 149.9 179.8 209.8 239.8 269.8 30 30.09 60.2 90.3 120.4 150.5 180.5 210.6 240.7 270.8 35 30.21 60.4 90.6 120.8 151.0 181.2 211.4 241.7 271.9 40 30.32 60.6 91.0 121.3 151.6 181.9 212.3 242.6 272.9 45 30.44 60.9 91.3 121.8 152.2 182.6 213.1 243.5 273.9 50 30.55 61.1 91.7 122.2 152.8 183.3 213.9 244.4 275.0 55 30.67 61.3 92.0 122.7 153.3 184.0 214.7 245.4 276.0 60 3G.78 61.6 92.3 123.1 153.9 184.7 215.5 246.3 277.0 Horizontal dist. 89.4 179 268 j 4-7 336 (,'6 715 805 30.90 61.8 92.7 123.6 154.5 185.4 216.3 247.2 278.1 \ ^^ 13 31.01 62.0 93.0 124.0 155.1 186.1 217.1 248.1 279.1 * -^ 13 31.12 62.3 93.4 124.5 155.6 186.8 217.9 249.0 280.1 23 31.24 62.5 93.7 125.0 156.2 187.4 218.7 249.9 281.2 25 31.35 62.7 94.1 125.4 156.8 188.1 219.5 250.8 282.2 39 31.47 62.9 94.4 125.9 157.3 188.8 220.3 251.7 283.2 35 31.58 63.2 94.7 126.3 157.9 189.5 221.1 252.6 284.2 40 31.69 63.4 95.1 126.8 158.5 190.1 221.8 253.5 285.2 45 31.80 63.6 95.4 127.2 159.0 190.8 222.6 254.4 286.2 50 31.92 63.8 95.7 127.7 159.6 191.5 223.4 255.3 287.2 5$ 32.03 64.1 96.1 128.1 160.1 192.2 224.2 256.2 288.3 60 32.14 64.3 96.4 128.6 160.7 192.8 225.0 257.1 289.3 Horizontal dist. 88.3 177 265 353 442 530 6iS 706 793 1G4 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. Tablo 47 Values of c for use in the Cliezy formula \ r\ 000 .010 .011 .013 .013 .014 '.015 I .017 .030 .0335 .025 .030 .035 .040 Slope s = .00005 = 1 iu 20,000 = 0.264 feet per mile. .1 7S 67 59 52 47 43 39 33 26 22 20 16 13' 11 .53 100 87 77 68 62 56 51 44 3-> 30 26 21 H 16 .->, 111 99 83 79 71 65 59 50 41 36 31 25 21 18 ft 124 109 97 88 79 72 C6 57 46 40 85 2S 24 20 .6 139 122 10.) 9i 90 82 7i 6") 53 46 41 83 28 24 .8 150 138 11.) 107 93 90 F3 71 59 52 46 87 31 27 1.O 140 l-'G 114 104 % 89 77 64 56 49 40 31 29 1.5 154 1-9 126 116 107 99 87 72 61 57 47 40 34 3 184 164 i4* 13") 124 107 94 79 70 f2 51 44 38 3 198 J78 161 14 S 136 127 US 101 88 79 71 59 50 44 *3.38 2 <1 181 l"l 151 139 129 121 ItW 91 81 72 60 52 46 4 207 187 170 156 145 136 126 111 95 85 77 61 56 49 6 220 199 182 168 156 116 137 122 10') 94 8-> 72 3 56 1O 234 212 195 181 169 158 119 134 116 105 96 82 72 64 2O - 250 2_8- 1.-H 1JJ6 1^-4 174 165 149 131 120 110 96 86 77 50 215 228 213 201 1 181 lf,5 148 136 127 112 101 98 100 275 254 237 222 21J 20J 190 175 158 146 137 123 112 104 Slope 5 = .0001 = 1 in 10,000 = 0.528 feet per mile. .1 901 78 68 C0| 54 49 44 37 30 25 22 17 14 12 .8 112 98 8> 76 69 63 57 48 39 33 29 23 1J 16 .3 125 109 97 87 78 72 65 56 45 39 34 27 22 19 .4 135 119 106 B6 86 79 72 62 50 43 88 31 25 22 .6 149 131 118 105 CG 88 1 70 57 50 44 85 30 25 ,8 158 140 126 IU 103 95 88 76 63 55 48 39 33 28 l.O 166 147 132 120 109 101 93 81 67 59 52 42 35 31 1.5 178 159 144 130 120 111 103 89 75 66 59 4> 41 85 2 187 168 151 138 127 118 109 s 96 81 71 64 53 45 39 3 198 178 162 149 137 127 119 104 89 79 71 59 51 45 4 206 ]86 1G9 155 143 134 125 111 94 84 76 64 55 49 6 215 195 178 1G4 152 142 134 119 102 92 84 71 61 54 O 226 i!05 188 174 162 152 143 128 111 100 92 78 69 62 3O 237 216 2 185 173 163 154 189 122 111 102 89 79 71 5O 249 227 211 107 185 175 106 151 131 123 ll'l 100 91 83 JOO 255 234 218 204 191 181 172 15S 1O 130 121 108 98 91 Slope s = .0002 = 1 ill 5,000 = 1.056 feet per mile. .1 991 85 74 65 59 53 48 41 32 27 24 18 15 12 .8 121 ! 105 i)3 83 74 67 61 2 42 30 SI 25 21 17 .3 133 116 103 92 83 76 CO 59 48 42 36 29 24 20 A 143 125 112 100 91 83 76 65 53 46 40 32 27 23 .6 155 138 122 111 ICO 92 85 73 GO 52 46 37 31 2G .8 164 145 181 118 107 99 91 79 65 57 50 41 S4 29 1.O 170 151 13G 123 113 104 96 83 69 60 54 44 37 32 1.5 181 162 146 j 133 122 113 105 91 77 67 60 49 42' 86 ft 138 170 154 140 129 119 111 97 82 72 G4 54 45 40 3 200 179 163 14!) 137 128 119 105 89 79 72 59 51 45 4 205 185 16$ 155 143 131 125 111 94 84 7G 63 55 48 6 213 193 176 162 150 140 132 117 i li.O 90 82 69 60 53 16 222 201 185 170 158 148 HO 12o 10S 98 89 76 67 60 3O 231 210 194 180 168 158 149 134 117 If6 98 85 76 68 5O 210 220 203 189 177 K.7 158 1-13 126 116 108 94 85 78 100 245 224 2(.8 194 132 172 163 148 131 121 113 99 j ; ) i 83 * Values of c are the same for all slopes when" >=3.28 feet. HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 165 Table 4=7* Values of c for use in the Chezy formula Continued. .000 .0101.011 .01% .013 .014 t.015.O17|.O3O, .0335.025 .030 .035 .040 Slope * = .0004= 1 in 2.500 =2.112 feet per mile. .1 104 89 78 69 62 56 50 43 84 2J 25 Ifl 16 13 .3 126 110 97 87 ?s 71 65 54 44 37 32 25 21 M .3 138 T20 107 9 87 79 73 62 50 43 37 30 24 21 .4 148 129 115 104 94 86 79 68 55 47 42 33 27 23 .6 In? 140 12:> 113 103 95 87 75 62 54 47 38 SI 27 .8 166 14 * 133 121 110 101 93 81 67 58 51 42 5 33 1.0 172 154 138 125 115 1C3 98 85 70 62 55 45 S7 32 1.5 183 164 148 185 124 114 106 93 78 68 61 50 42 37 9 190 17) 154 141 130 120 112 98 83 73 65 54 45 40 3 1U9 a 79 162 149 138 128 119 105 89 79 71 59 51 45 4 204 184 168 1^4 142 133 124 110 94 84 76 63 55 48 6 211 191 175 161 149 139 ISO 116 99 89 81 69 60 53 1O 219 199 183 irs 157 146 138 123 107 96 88 75 66 59 80 227 207 19) 176 164 154 146 131 115 104 96 83 73 66 5O 235 215 198 184 173 162 154 139 123 112 101 91 82 75 100 239 219 203 189 177 167 15H 143 127 116 108 96 87 80 Slope s = .001 = 1 in 1,000 = 5.28 feet per mile. .1 110 94 83 73 65 59 54 45 36 30 27 21 17 14 .3 129 113 99 89 81 73 66 57 45 39 34 27 22 18 .3 141 124 109 93 89 81 74 63 51 44 39 30 25 21 .4 150 151 117 105 96 88 80 69 56 48 43 34 28 24 .6 161 112 127 115 101 % 83 76 63 55 48 159 32 27 .8 103 150 131 122 111 102 94 82 68 50 52 42 35 30 1.0 175 155 1S9 127 116 107 99 86 71 62 56 45 38 33: 1.5 184 165 149 136 124 115 10S 93 78 69 62 50 43 37 < 2 191 171 155 M2 180 121 112 98 83 73 66 54 46 40 3 190 179 103 149 138 128 119 105 80 79 71 59 51 45 4 201 1S4 168 154 142 133 121 no 93 83 75 63 54 48 6 211 190 174 160 149 139 130 116 99 89 81 68 59 12 10 218 197 1S1 167 155 145 ICQ 122 105 95 87 74 65 58 30 225 2)5 188 175 188 153 144 129 113 102 91 81 72 05 5O 232 2V2 196 182 J70 ll'O 151 137 120 110 101 89 79 , 72 10O 236 216 200 ISO 174 164 155 141 124 114 10") 94 85 ' 77 Slope s = .01 = 1 in 100 = 52 .G feet per mile. .1 110 95 83 74 6<> 60 64 40 36 31 27 21 17 14 .3 13J 114 100 90 81 74 67 57 46 39 34 27 22 19 .3 113 125 111 100 90 83 70 64 52 45 39 31 25 22 .4 151 133 119 107 98 89 82 70 57 49 44 35 29 24 .6 162 113 129 116 106 98 .90 77 64 55 49 39 33 28 .8 170 151 135 123 112 103 95 ?2 68 60 53 43 3-3 , 31 1.0 175 156 141 128 117 ins 99 87 72 63 56 45 88 ' 33 1.5 185 165 149 130 125 116 107 94 79 69 62 51 43 37 2 191 171 In5 142 130 121 112 99 83 74 66 55 46 40 3 199 179 162 149 138 128 119 105 89 79 71 59 51 45 4 204 1*4 167 154 142 132 123 109 9;? 83 76 63 55 48 :? 210 190 173 160 148 138 129 115 99 88 81 68 59 52 10 217 196 180 1G6 r>4 145 t36 121 10) 94 86 74 65 58 30 225 204 187 ! 173 161 152 143 128 112 101 93 80 71 64 50 231 210 191 181 168 158 150 135 119 108 100 87 78 71 OO 235 214 197 184 172 162 153' 130 122 112 104 91 82 75 NOTE. For slopes greater than .01, c remains nearly constant. 166 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. ' Table 48, Average weight, in pounds per cubic foot, of various substances. SUBSTANCE WEIGHT SUBSTANCE WEIGHT Clay, earth and mud Clay 122-162 Masonry and its materials (Continued) Earth, dry and loose ' shaken. . . . 72-80 82-92 Sand, wet, voids full of water 118-128 4 moderately rammed Earth, slightly moist, loose 90-100 70-76 Stone ' quarried.loosely piled ' broken, loose. . . 135-195 80-110 77-112 " more moist, loose. . . shaken . moder- ately rammed 66-68 75-90 90-100 " " rammed Metals and alloys Brass (copper and zinc) . . 79-121 487-524 Earth, aa soft flowing mud ' mud well pressed into a box 104-112 110-120 Bronze (copper and tin) . . Copper, cast rolled . . 524-537 537-548 48-562 Mud, dry, close 80-110 Iron and steel, cast 438-483 " wet, ' moderately pressed 110-130 Average .... " " " wrought .... 450 475-494 Mud wet fluid 104-120 Average 481 Masonry and its materials Spelter or zinc Tin cast 425-450 450-470 Brick, best pressed common hard 150 125 100 Woods, seasoned and dry. . . . Ash 40-53 Brickwork pressed brick, Hemlock 25 fine joints 140 Hickory 37-58 Brickwork medium quality 125 Oak, white . . . 37-56 coarse, inferior '* red, black, etc 32-45 soft bricks 100 Pine whit** . . 22-31 Cement, pulverized, loose. " pressed 72-105 115 ' yellow, northern " " southern 30-39 40-50 44 set 168-187 Poplar 22-31 Concrete 1:3:6 140 Spruce 25 Gravel, loose 82-125 Woods weigh one-fifth to one- " rammed 90-145 half more green than dry Masonry of granite or stone of like weight Well dressed 165 and ordinary building tim- ber, tolerably seasoned, weighs about one-sixth more Well-scabbled nibble, 20% mortar 154 than dry timber. Roughly-scabbled rubble 25% to 35% mortar. . Well-scabbled dry rubble Roughly-scabbled dry 150 138 125 Masonry of sandstone or stone of like weight weighs about seven- eighths of the above. 90-115 Sand, pare quartz, dry, loose . ... 87-106 Sand, pure quartz, dry, slightly shaken . Sand, pure quartz, dry, nmmed 92-110 100-120 Sand, natural, dry, loose. " shaken 80-110 85-125 . HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLES. 167 Table 49. Convenient equivalents. 1 inch= T 1 ,foot=.027778 yard --=.000015783 mile=2.54 centimeter*. 1 foot=12 inches=.j yard = .000 18939 mile=.3048 meter. 1 yard = 36 inches=3 feet=. 0005681 8 mile=.9144 meter. 1 mile=63360 inches=5280 feet=1760 yards=1.60935 kilometers. 1 meter=100 centimeters=.001 kilometer =39.37 inches =3. 2808 feet=1.0936 yards=. 00062137 mile. SURFACE 1 square inch=.006944 square foot=.0007716 square yard = .0000001594 acre- .0000000002491 square mile= 6.45163 square centimeters. 1 square foot=144 square inches=| square yard =.000022957 acre= .000000- 03537 square mila = . 092993 square meters. 1 square yard = 1296 square inches=9 square feet=.00020C6 acre = .0000003228 square mile=. 83613 square meter. 1 acre =6272640 square inches =43560 square feet=4840 square yards= .0015625 square mile=208.71 feet square=. 404687 hectare. 1 square mile=40144S9600 square inches =27878400 square feet=3097600 square yards=640 acres=259 hectares. 1 square meter =10000 square centimeters =.0001 hectare=.OQ0001 square kilo- meter = 1550.00 square inches= 10.7639 square feet=l. 19598 square yards= .0002471 acre=. 0000003861 square mile. VOLUME 1 cubic inch=. 004329 U. S. gallon =.0005787 cubic foot= 16.3872 cubic centi- meters. 1 U. S. gallon=231 cubic inches=. 13368 cubic foot =.00000307 acre-foot= 3.78543 liters. 1 cubic foot =1728 cubic inches=7.4805 U. S. gallons =.037037 cubic yard= .000022957 acre-foot=28.317 liters. 1 cubic yard = 46656 cubic inches=27 cubic feet=. 00061983 acre-foot= .76456 cubic meter. 1 acre-foot=325851 U. S. gallons =43560 cubic feet=1613} cubic yards=1233.49 cubic meters. 1 cubic meter, stere or kiloliter= 1000000 cubic centimeters=1000 liters=61023.4 cubic inches=264.17 U. S. gallons= 35.3145 cubic feet= 1.30794 cubic yards- .000810708 acre-foot. HYDRAULICS 1 U. S. gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds avoirdupois. 1 cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 pounds avoirdupois. 1 second-foot=448.8 U. S. gallons per minute =26929.9 U. S. gallons per hour 646317 U. S. gallons per day. =60 cubic feet per minute=3600 cubic feet per hour=86400 cubic feet per day=31536000 cubic leet per year=. 000214 cubic miles per year. -.9917 acre-inch per hour= 1.0835 acre-feet per day=723.CCC9 acre- feet per year. =50 miner's inches in Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, and South Dakota =40 miner's inches in Arizona, Cali- fornia, Montana, and Oregon=38.4 miner's inches in Colorado. = .028317 cubic meters per second = 1.699 cubic meters per minute** 101.941 cubic meters per hour=2446.58 cubic meters per day. I cubic meter per minute=.58S6 second -feet=4. 403 U.S. gallons per second = 1.1674 acre-feet per day. 1 million gallons per day=1.55 second-feet=3.07 acre-feet per day=2.629 cubic meters per minute. 1 second-foot falling 8.81 feet=l horsepower. 1 second-foot falling 10 feet= 1.135 horsepower. 1 second-foot falling 11 feet=l horsepower, 80 per cent efficiency. 1 second-foot for 1 year will cover 1 square mile 1.131 feet or 13.572 inches deep. 1 inch deep on 1 square nu'le=2323200 cubic feet=.0737 second-feet for 1 year. J 168 HYDRAULIC AND EXCAVATION TABLKS . Tat>l 49. Convenient equivalents Continued. MISCELLANEOUS 1 foot per Becond=.68 mile per hour= 1.097 kilometers per hour. 1 avoirdupois pound = 7000 grains = .4536 kilogram. 1 kilogram=1000 grams=.001 tonne= 15432 grains=2.2046 pounds avoJ.rdup.ois. i 15 pounds per square inch. 1 atmosphere = about < 1 ton per square foot. ' 1 kilogram per square centimeter. Acceleration of gravity, f/,=32.16 feet per second. I mil =.001 inch, Jl circular mil= ~ (.001) * or .CCC0007854 square inch. 1 square inch= 1273240 circular mils. No. 10 Birmingham gage wire has a diameter of 134 mils and a cross-sectiona' area of 17956 circular mils. 1 horsepower =5694 120 foot-gallons per day550 foot-pounda per second oPOOf, foot-pounds per minute=198CCCO foot-pounds per hour=2545 E. 1 . F, pv; hotir^76 kilogram meters per second-=1.27 kilogramn.etera per minute-746 watts. 1 horsepower, boiler rating, requires the evaporation of 34H pounds per hour of water at 212 degrees Fahrenheit to dry steam at the saire temperature; or ^Jjhe expenditure of 33317 B.T.U.; and m practice is developed by burning SUhto 4M pounds per hour of coal under 10 to 12 square feet of heating surface. 1 B.T.U.=778 foot-pounds. 1 pound of bituminous coal contains about 14100 B.T.U. or 11000000 foot-pounds of energy. O b33!8 370323 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY