^lOS ANGELA 53AHJWVER5/A S IOS ANGELA . m DIVERS'/A .v^lOS ANGElfn, & ?L ^AMVW .^lOS-ANC o <5? -? 1 S NARRATIVES OP COLORED AMERICANS. God "hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dnell on all the face of '.he earth." ACTS xvii., 26. PR1KTSD BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE RESIDUARY ESTATE OF LINDLEY MURRAY. NEW YORK: WILLIAM WOOD & CO., 27 GREAT JONES STREET. 1875. 2 LIJTDLET MUBRAY, the Grammarian, and author of sev- eral excellent School and Reading books, in his last Will be- queathed certain funds to Trustees in America, his native country, for several benevolent objects, including the gratui- tous distribution of " books calculated to promote piety and virtue, and the truth of Christianity." The Trustees have had " The Power of Religion on the Mind, in Retirement, Affliction, and at the approach of D:'ath," stereotyped, and several thousand copies printed and distributed. They also publish the following Narratives compiled by A. Motfc, and M. S . Wood, believing they will prove acceptable reading to our Colored Americans. JOHN P. TROW & SON, PRINTERS AND BOOKBINDERS, 205-213 East izt/t St., NEW YORK. CONTENTS. TAGS AFRICAN SERVANT, THE 88 AFRICAN PRINCE, THE 212 AFRICAN SCHOOLS IN NEW YORK 242 AFRICANS, THE INJURED 245 ANCASS 74 A N K< DOTE 101 ANECDOTE 205 AN INCIDENT 62 BANNEKER, BENJAMIN 60 BA v LEY, SOLOMON 133 BELL, LET ME RING THE 53 BKNK/ET, ANTHONY 230 BIBLE, LOVE FOR THE 272 BILLY AND JENNY 182 BOWEN, WILLIAM. 229 BOYD, HENRY 251 Bucc AN, QUAMINO 257 CAREY, LOTT 191 CHRISTIAN, AN AGED 45 CHRISTIAN KINDNESS 48 CLAUINDA, A Pious COLORED WOMAN 143 COFFIN 210 COSTON, EZEKIEL 203 CUFFEE, CAPTAIN PAUL 126 CHRISTMAS HYMN AT ST. HELENA'S ISLAND 213 DADDY DAVY 37 DERHAM, JAMES 211 EMANCIPATION IN NEW YORK 263 FAITH OF A POOR BLIND WOMAN 241 FERGUSON, KATY 69 FOUNDLING, THE COLORED 206 FREEDMEN OF AMERICA 264 GOOD MASTER AND His FAITHFUL SLAVE, THE 200 GRATITUDE IN A LIBERATED SLAVE 225 HAM, FALLACIES RESPECTING THE RACE OF 14 HARDY, GEORGE 186 HOSPITABLE NEGRO WOMAN 222 HYMN SUNG AT ST. HELENA'S ISLAND 272 INDIAN, THE GOOD OLD 238 220&1.1. iv CONTENTS. PAGE KINDNESS, A LITTLE ACT OF 103 LETTERS FROM A LADY IN RICHMOND, VA 270 LIBERTY, EXTRAORDINARY EXERTIONS TO OBTAIN 238 LIE, HE NEVER TOLD A 37 LION, DELIVERANCE FROM 9 LITTLE WA S3 LUCAS, BELINDA 1 1>4 LIBERTY TO THE CAPTIVE. 276 MISSIONARY Box, THE 35 MONTJOY, ZlLPAH 100 MORRIS, AGNES 26 MUNIFICENCE, EXTRAORDINARY 234 NAIMBANNA 150 NEGRO, THE GENEROUS 123 NEGRO, THE GRATEFUL. 20S NO-ACCOUNT JOHNNY 18 NURSE, THE FAITHFUL 2^9 OLD DINAH 16 OLD SUSAN 103 POOR POMPEY 74 POOR SARAH Ill PRAYER, ANSWER TO 12 PRAYER, THE AFRICAN SERVANT'S ICO PROVIDENCE, TRUST IN 23 REPENTANCE AND AMENDMENT IN A COLORED SCHOOL 63 SAAT. 30 SACRIFICE, THE LIVING 27 SLAVE, THE BLIND, IN THE MINES 97 SLAVE, FLIGHT OF A 55 SLAVE, THE PSALM OF THE 34 SLAVE SHOEMAKER, THE 51 SLAVES, GRATITUDE OF 50 STORM AT SEA, A 81 TEACHERS, A HOTTENTOT'S LOVE FOR HER 26 TEMPTATION RESISTED AND HONESTY REWARDED 236 Ti;i TH, SOJOURNER 55 TEMPERANCE MEETING IN AFRICA. 274 UNCLE HARRY 213 UNCLE JACK 46 VASSA, GUSTAVUS 169 WHEATLEY, PHILLIS 5 WIFE, THE. 24 ZACHARY AMD THE Boy . 21 PHILLIS WHEATLEY. IN 1761 John Wheatley's wife went to the slave market in Boston, for a girl whom she might train to wait upon her in her old age. At that time ships were sent from Boston to Africa after cargoes of slaves, which were sold to the people of Massachu- setts. Among a group of more robust and healthy children just imported from Africa, the lady observed one of slender form, suffering from change of climate and the miseries of the voyage. She was inter- ested in the poor little girl, bought her, and took her home. The child, who was named Phillis, was almost naked, her only covering being a strip of dirty carpet ; but in a short time the effects of com- fortable clothing and food were visible in her return- ing health. Phillis at the time of her purchase was between seven and eight years of age, and the intention of her mistress was to train her as a servant ; but the intelli- gence which the young girl soon exhibited, induced her mistress's daughter to teach her to read. Such was the rapidity with which she learned, that in six- teen months from the time of her arriving in the family, the African child had so mastered the English 6 PHILLIS WHEATLEY. language, to which' she was an utter stranger before, that she could read with ease the most difficult parts of the Bible. Her uncommon intellect altered the intentions of the family regarding Phillis, and she was kept about the person of her mistress, whose affection she won by her amiable disposition and pleasing manners. All her knowledge was obtained without any instruction, except what was given her in the family ; and in four years from the time she was fcolen from Africa, and when only twelve years of age, she was capable of writing letters to her friends on various subjects. The young colored girl became an object of veiy general attention and astonishment ; and in a few years she corresponded with several persons in high stations. As she grew up to womanhood, her attain- ments kept pace with the promise of her earlier years ; the literary people of Boston supplied her with books and encouraged her intellectual powers. This was greatly assisted by her mistress, who treated her like a child of the family, admitted her to her own table, and introduced her as an equal to the best society ; but Phillis never departed from the humble and unassuming deportment which distinguished her when she stood a little trembling child for sale in the slave market. She respected the prejudice against her color, and, when invited to the tables of the great or wealthy, she chose a place apart for herself, that none might be offended at a thing so unusual as sit- ting at table with a woman of color. PHILLIS WIIEATLEY. 7 Such was the modest and amiable disposition of Phillis Wheatley. She studied Latin, and her trans- lations show that she made considerable progress in it ; and she wrote poetry. At the age of fourteen she appears to have first attempted literary composi- tion, and by the time she was nineteen the whole of her printed poems appear to have been written. They were published in London in 1773 in a small volume of above 120 pages, containing thirty -nine pieces, which she dedicated to the Countess of Hunt- ington. This work has gone through several editions in England and America. Most of her poetry has a religious or moral bear- ing ; all breathes a soft and sentimental feeling ; many pieces were written on the death of friends. In a poem addressed to a clergyman on the death of his wife, some beautiful lines occur : ' ; come away," her longing spirit cries, ' ' And share with me the rapture of the skies. Our bliss divine to mortals is unknown, Immortal life and glory are our own. Here too may the dear pledges of our love Arrive, and taste with us the joys above ; Attune the harp to more than mortal lays, And join with us the tribute of their praise To Him who died stern justice to atone, And make eternal glory all our own." A poem on the Providence of God contains the following : PHILLIS WHEATLEY. " All-wise, Almighty Providence, we trace In trees, and plants, and all the flowery race, As clear as in the nobler frame of man, All lovely ensigns of the Maker's plan. The power the same that forms a ray of light, That called creation from eternal night." From a beautiful address and prayer to the Deity : "Great God, incomprehensible, unknown To sense, we bow at thine exalted throne. while we crave thine excellence to feel, Thy sacred presence to our hearts reveal, And give us of that mercy to partake, Which Thou hast promised for the Saviour's sake." About the twenty-first year of her age Phi His was liberated ; but she continued in her master's family, where she was much respected. Her health was deli- cate, and her physician having recommended a sea- voyage, it was arranged that she should visit Eng- land. She had not before been parted from her adopted mother, and the separation was painful to both of them. Phillis was received and admired in the first circles of English society, her poems published, and her por- trait engraved. Her countenance appears to have been pleasing, and her head highly intellectual. The health of Mrs. Wheatley declined, and she longed for her beloved companion. On the first notice of her t benefactress's desire to see her, Phillis, whose humility was not shaken by flattery and attention, re-embarked DELIVERANCE OF A HOTTENTOT FROM A LION. 9 for Boston. Within a short time after her return she stood by the dying bed of her mistress, mother, and friend, and Phillis Wheatley found herself alone. Shortly after the death of her friend she mar- ried a respectable man of her own color, named Peters. He was a remarkable person -of good char- acter, a fluent writer, a ready speaker, and altogether an intelligent, educated man. He was a grocer by trade, and, as a lawyer, pleaded the cause of his brethren, the Africans, before the courts. Phillis was twenty-three at the time of her marriage. The connection did not prove a happy one, and she being of a susceptible mind and delicate constitution, fell into a decline, and died in 1780, about the twenty- sixth year of her age. DELIVERANCE OF A HOTTENTOT FROM A LION. A METHODIST missionary named Kay, relates the following occurrence : I visited a poor sick Hottentot in the south of Africa, who recently experienced one of the most re- mai-kable and providential deliverances I ever heard of. I found him in great pain, from the wounds he had received on that occasion. He gave me a de- scription of his escape from the jaws of a lion, which he ascribes wholly to the gracious interposition of the Father of mercies. 1* 10 DELIVERANCE OF A HOTTENTOT FROM A LION. About a month ago he went on a hunting excursion, accompanied by several other natives. On an exten- sive plain they found an abundance of game, and dis- covered a immber of lions, who appeared to be dis- turbed by their approach. A very large male lion began slowly to advance towards the party, many of whom were young and unaccustomed to such formi- dable animals. They all dismounted and prepared to fire, and, according to custom, began to tie their horses together by the bridles, with a view to keep them between themselves and the lion until they were able to take deliberate aim. Before the horses were properly fastened, the mon- ster made a tremendous bound or two, and suddenly pounced upon the hind part of one of the horses, which plunged forward and knocked down the poor Hottentot. His comrades took flight, and ran off with all speed. He rose as quickly as possible to follow them ; but no sooner had he regained his feet than the majestic beast stretched forth his paw, and, strik- ing him behind the neck, brought him to the ground again. He then rolled on his back, and the lion set his foot upon his breast, and lay down upon him. The poor man now became almost breathless, partly from fear, but principally from the pressure of his terrific load. He moved a little to gain air, but, feeling this, the lion seized his left arm, close to the elbow, and amused himself with the limb for some .time, biting it in different places, down to the hand. . All this time the lion did not seem to be angry, DELIVERANCE OF A HOTTENTOT FROM A LION. 11 but merely caught at the arm as a cat sports with a mouse that is not quite dead, so that there was not a single bone broken, as there would have been if the lion had been hungry or irritated. While in great agony, and expecting every moment to be torn limb from limb, the sufferer cried to his companions for assistance, but cried in vain. On raising his head a little, the beast opened his dreadful jaws to receive it, but his hat only was rent, and points of the teeth only grazed his skull. The lion set his foot on the arm from which the blood was freely flowing, his paw was soon covered therewith, and he again and again licked it clean, and, with flaming eyes, appeared half inclined to devour the man. "At this critical moment," said the poor victim, " I recollected having heard that there is a God in heaven who is able to deliver at the last extremity, and I began to pray that He would save me, and not allow the lion to eat my flesh." While the Hotten- tot was thus engaged in calling on God, the animal turned himself completely round. On perceiving this, the man attempted to get from under him, but the lion became aware of his intention, and laid terri- ble hold of his right thigh, which gave excruciating pain. "He again sent up his cry to God for help, nor were his prayers in vain. The huge creature rose from his seat, and walked majestically off about thirty or forty paces, and then lay down on the grass as if to watch his victim, who ventured to sit up, which at- tracted die lion's attention j he made no attack, but 12 ANSWER TO PRAYER. rose, took his departure, and was seen no more. The man soon arose, took up bis gun, and hastened to his terrified companions, who had given him up for dead. He was set upon a horse, and taken to the place where I found him. Dr. Gambier hastened to his relief, and thought the appearance of the wounds so alarming that am- putation of the arm was absolutely necessary. To this, however, the man would not consent, as he had a num- ber of young children, whose subsistence depended on his labor. "As the Almighty has delivered me," said he, " from that horrid death, surely He is able to save my arm also." Astonishing to relate, his wounds are healed, and there is now hope of his ultimate re- covery. ANSWER TO PRAYER. " I WELL remember," said the son of a Christian missionary, " hearing my mother speak in touching terms of the narrow escapes my father had during our sojourn in Jamaica. He endured five attacks of yel- low fever, and on one occasion suffered so much that the medical attendant gave up all hopes of his recov- ery. For some time he lingered in a state of insensi- bility hardly to be described. My mother watched and wept ; friends did the same ; the faithful Chris- tian colored people also wept as they saw life ebbing away. Death seemed just about to seize his prey. ANSWER TO PRAYER. 13 " Prayer-meetings were held, and at last some hun- dreds of negroes were assembled, earnestly beseeching Almighty God with tears to spare the life of their be- loved missionary. Often had he stood up before judges in their defence. Often had he been cast into prison for protecting them from their tyrannical op- pressors ; and now, with a warmth of affection and intensity of feeling unknown amongst Christians in England, they cried mightily to God. Hour after hour passed by ; messengers were passing from the chapel to the mission-house to obtain tidings of the sick man. At length, when his spirit appeared about to depart and to leave all earthly scenes, the pious ne- groes agreed to unite silently in one heartfelt peti- tion to Him ' in whose hand our breath is ; ' and be- lieving that ' man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord,' they thus silently, unitedly prayed. The mul- titude joined in one petition, ascending from their in- most souls ; and at that very hour the shadow of death was removed at the rebuke of the Lord ! " A change took place, signs of health appeared, and he for whom so many supplicants prayed was raised up from his bed of languishing, and that chapel did indeed become filled with songs of joy, praise, and thanksgiving. ' He lives ! he lives ! ' was the joyful exclamation that ran from one to another through that con mre cation." 14 FALLACIES RESPECTING THE RACE OF HAM. FALLACIES RESPECTING THE RACE OF HAM. IT is thought by some that the race of Ham, one of the sons of Noah, had a curse pronounced upon it at the beginning, whereby through all time this particu- lar branch of the human family was to be kept in an inferior and servile condition. This is not correct. No curse stands recorded in the Bible against the race of Ham. The curse in question was pronounced upon Canaan, one of the four sons of Ham, whose descendants settled in the hill country, called after his name, along the east end of the Mediterranean Sea. There they dwelt for several centuries, and built up a corrupt and idolatrous nation, until they were- dispossessed of their inheritance by the invading hosts of the Jews. By this invasion vast numbers of this Canaanitish race perished, and those who sur- vived were brought into an abject, dependant, and servile condition. The perversion of the passage is the more note- worthy from the fact, that while Ham was the offender, on account of whose conduct the curse was pronounced so that the reader is naturally looking for some manifestation towards him personally his name does not appear. The curse, though three times repeated, falls steadily upon Canaan, one of the four sons. When the three sons of Noah came forth with their father out of the ark, the historian simplv savs, FALLACIES RESPECTING THE RACE OF HAM. 15 " And Ham is the father of Canaan." True, so he was, and was also the father of Misraim, and Gush, and Phut. Shern, too, was the father of five sons, and Japheth of seven ; but nothing is said at that time about all these, only, " Ham is the father of Canaan." And so also when Ham's irreverent wickedness is mentioned, it is " Ham the father of Canaan." What is perhaps still more noticeable, when the curse is passed, and the historian in the next chapter takes up the genealogy of the race after the flood, and shows us the first founders of kingdoms aiM nations, the only instance in all that long list, when he stops to give us the boundaries of any people, is in this case of Canaan. It seems as if God took especial pains to set the people who were to be cursed, apart from the rest, that there need be no doubt who they were, and where they lived. But if we take the race of Ham generally, we shall find that for two thousand years after the flood it continued by far the most noticeable and conspicuous of the three branches. For some reason the early developments of civilization were almost entirely in this race. Egypt and Assyria, by far the grandest empires of antiquity, were both of this Hametic order. Misraim, the son of Ham, is the reputed father of the one, and Nimrod, the grandson, of the other. So obvious was this fact, at least as respects Egypt, that it is familiarly called in the Scriptures " the land of Ham." " Israel also came into Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham." And again, " He 16 OLD DINAH. sent Moses His sefvant, and Aaron whom He had chosen. They showed His signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham." OLD DINAH. DINAH was a slave. Her mistress was an Indian woman, into whose dark mind not a single ray of gos- pel light had ever penetrated. She lived among a small tribe on the borders of Tennessee, and although at the age of forty, or a little over, she was called Old Dinah. The Indian mistress and all her servants had been baptized by a Roman priest ; but why, or where- fore, none of them knew. Dinah said, in relating the circumstance, " I allers thought the white folks had something to tell that we did not know about, and I used to think what could it be. When the missiona- ries come here with the Bible, then I know what it is." Her veneration for the " Good Book," as she always called it, was remarkable. Getting on a stool in her little cabin one day, I noticed on a shelf, far above the reach of her little ones, a pile of torn, dingy bits of paper. I said, " What have you here, Dinah ? " " Oh, missus, don't mind them now. I picks 'em up when I come from the meeting. I spose the children throws 'em out of the school-house, but I thinks it may be they are pieces of the Good Book, and when I learns to read I can find 'em out." OLD DINAH. 17 Dinah did learn to read. She had a family to pro- vide for, and Saturday was the only day in the week allotted to her in which to look after her little patch of corn and potatoes, cook their food, and prepare her children for the Sabbath. The morning she gave to her farming in summer, then the washing and mend- ing, and at- night after the children were washed and stowed away for sleep, she would take the youngest on her back, and, tired as she often was, trudgetaway two miles to the mission station ; and favored indeed was the teacher who could get rid of the earnest appeal, " Let me learn just a little more," before the morning dawned. Every Sabbath morning a little time was spent in imparting to her Daniel the lesson of the previous evening his master living in a village some miles distant, so that he could not secure any other instruction ; but Daniel soon outran his teacher, and having a warm Christian heart, learned to expound as well as read the Good Book, much to the edifi- cation of his colored friends. This was also an unfail- ing source of comfort and grateful recollection to Dinah. Once when listening to his fervent appeals, she said to me, while the big tears chased each other joyously down her cheeks, " Oh, missus, look at Dan- iel ! I taught that man his a, - b, c, and now he knows so much, and I can only pick out a little of the Good Book yet." In the preaching of the gospel she took great de- light, and never but once, during our nine or ten months among that people, do I remember her being 18 NO-ACCOUNT JOHNNY. absent from our meetings on the Sabbath. It was in the female prayer-meeting that Dinah was invalu- able. Here all her tenderness of conscience, her de- sire for instruction, her delicacy and tact in eliciting it, not only for herself but for the benefit of others whose spiritual wants she had made her study, and above all, her meek and earnest supplications, render- ed her a helper never to be forgotten, and I loved her for the ifcaage of my Master shining in her face. ^ "NO-ACCOUNT JOHNNY." BY M. E. SANGSTER. " No- ACCOUNT JOHNNY " had had a hard time all his life. He was a poor boy, so homely, and dirty, and ragged, so nearly idiotic, that few people would look at him twice. He lived with a French dyer, who had taught him how to stir the vats at a certain time every day, and who gave him in return enough corn-bread and bacon to keep him alive. A damp, ill-smelling cellar was the place where he spent his days, and his nights were passed in an equally repulsive attic. To dodge a blow, to tell a lie, to eat, to sleep, to be glad in a vague sort of way when the sun shone on him warmly, these were all the accomplishments of poor "No- Account Johnny" Long. Christmas, with its green boughs and its gifts, NO-ACCOUNT JOHNNY. 19 went by, and brought no gift to him. He did wish, as he heard the other boys tooting away on their tin horns, that he had one ; but as he could not get one by wishing, he contented himself with turning somer- saults on the pavement. By an unfortunate miscal- culation, he lay bruised and unconscious at the foot of the cellar-steps. Aunt Lizzie, the washerwoman, at the end of the court, took him home to her poor little house, and took care of him till he was well again, for in the fall he had broken his arm. Her children went to Sun- day-school, and one of them brought his teacher to see Johnny. " "Well, my poor little fellow," said the gentleman, looking with pity on the thin face, clean now, through Aunt Lizzie's care, " I see you are sick ; what's your name ? " " No- Account Johnny ! " "Johnny! well, Johnny, do you know that Jesus loves you ? " 'Never hearn tell of the Mister, I'm no account. Reckon He don't know me ! Missis says I'm no ac- count nohow ! " " But that is a mistake, my boy. You are of great account. You have a soul that can never die. Did you never know that ? " " No," shaking his head ; " I don't un'erstand, Mister." " Was anybody ever good to you, Johnny ? " " Xobody but Aunt Liz. Aunt Liz been good." 20 NO-ACCOUNT JOHNNY. r Christ's sake. 148 CLARINDA. A man who lived in the same village, being much incensed at the undaunted manner in which she stood forth as a minister of the meek and crucified Saviour, swore that he would beat her severely if ever he found an opportunity. One evening, as she was walking home on a solitary road, she saw this person riding towards her. She knew his intentions, and from his character she did not doubt that he would execute them. She trembled from head to foot, escape seemed impracticable, and prayer was her only refuge. As he advanced, she observed that his handkerchief fell and was wafted by the wind to a little distance. She picked it up, he stopped his horse, and she handed it to him in a submissive manner ; he looked at her fiercely for a moment, when his countenance soften- ed ; he took it, saying, " Well, Clarinda," and passed on. She was not able to read a word till her sixty-sixth year, but she was in the practice of getting persons to read the Holy Scriptures to her, much of which she retained in her memory with remarkable accuracy. By dint of application, she was at length able to read them herself ; and those who visited her in advanced life, found her knowledge of the Scriptures, as well as her growth in grace, very surprising. When she was one hundred years old, and very feeble, she would, if able to get out of bed, on the^ Sabbath morning, discharge what she thought to be her duty, by conversing with and exhorting both the CLARINDA. 149 white aiid colored people who came to her house, often standing for half an hour at a time. Her zeal was. indeed great, and her faith steadfast. She said she often wished she could write, that she might in this way also express her anxiety for the good of souls. Then she would have described more of the exercises of -her mind upon the depravity of man by nature and by practice, with the unbounded and redeeming love and mercy of God through Jesus Christ. The person who gives the account of Clarinda's death, says, " I was prevented from seeing her often in her last moments ; when I did see her she was always the same her one theme the love of God to poor sin- ners, which was always her style of speaking. One clay, as I sat by her bedside, she said to me, ' Do you think I am a Christian ? ' ' Yes,' I answered, ' I do believe you are a Christian.' ' I have tried to be,' she replied, ' but now that I suffer in my body, when 1 think what an unprofitable servant I have been, I am distressed,' She then wept. ' You know,' I said, * it is not how much we can do, but what we do sin- cerely for the love of Christ, that is acceptable.' She seemed comforted, and talked as usual. " She showed me nmch affection when I left her, saying, ' I shall not live long, my dear ,' and, adding a few other words, blessed me, and bid me pray for her. She had frequently expressed her fears of the bodily sufferings of death, but not accompanied with a dread of eternal death. I asked her, when she 150 NAIMBANNA. was ill, if she now feared to die. She said * No ; this fear was taken, away some time previous to my ill- ness.' " She requested that her people, as she called them, might continue to meet at her house, but this was not allowed. I am told they sometimes meet else- where, and are called " Clarinda's People." When dying, she told those near her to follow her only as she had followed Christ. Her death occurred in 1832. " Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall bring forth fruit in old age." While perusing this remarkable account of " a brand plucked from the burning," let those who from their earliest years have enjoyed the inestimable privi- lege of access to the sacred volume, and various other religious means, seriously consider the blessed Saviour's words : " Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required." NAIMBANNA. WHEN the Sierra Leone Company was first settled, they endeavored to bring over to their friendship all the petty African princes in their neighborhood. Among others, they applied to a chief of the name of Naimbanna, who was remarkable for a good disposi- tion and an acute understanding. lie easily saw KAIMBANNA. 151 that the intention of the company was friendly to Africa, and entered into amity with them. They spoke to him about the slave trade, and gave him reasons for wishing to have it abolished. He was convinced of its wickedness, and declared that not one of his subjects should ever go into slavery again. By degrees, they began to talk to him about religion, but he was rather wary on that head. It seems he had formed some prejudices against Christi- anity. Finding, however, that the Company's factory con- tained a very good sort of people, and that they lived happily among themselves, he began to think more favorably of their religion ; but he was still backward either in receiving it himself, or in making it the religion of his country. He was well convinced of the barbarous state of his own people, on a compari- son with Europeans, and he wished for nothing more than a reformation among them, especially in reli- gion. But as he found there were several kinds (or forms) of religion in the world, he wished to know which was the best before he introduced either of them. To ascertain this point as well as he could, he took the following method : He sent one of his sons into Turkey, among the Mohammedans ; a second into Portugal, among the Papists ; and the third he recom- mended to the Sierra Leone Company, desiring they . would send him to England, to be there instructed in the religion of that country. 152 NAIMBANXA. It appears he meant to be directed by the reports of his sons in the choice of a national religion. Of the two former of these young men, we have no par- ticulars, only that one of them became very vicious. The last mentioned, though I believe the eldest, bore his father's name, Naimbanna. The Sierra Leone Company received the charge of him with great pleasure,' believing that nothing could have a better effect in promoting their benevolent schemes, than making him a good Christian. Young Naimbanna was a perfect African in form, and had the features with which the African face is commonly marked. , While he was with the Com- pany, he seemed a well-disposed tractable youth ; but when opposed, he was impatient, fierce, and subject to violent passion. In the first ship that sailed he was sent to England, where he arrived in the year 1791. We may imagine with what astonishment he sur- veyed every object that came before him : but his curiosity, in prudent hands, became, from the first the medium of useful instruction. During his voyage he acquired some knowledge of the English language ; and although he could not speak it with any degree of fluency, he could understand much of what he heard spoken, which greatly facilitated his learning it, when he applied to it in a more regular way. The difliculty of learning to speak and read being in a great degree subdued, he was put upon the grand point for which he was sent to England that of being NAIMBAIWA. 153 instructed in the Christian religion. The gentlemen to whose care he had been recommended, alternately took him under their protection ; and each gave up his whole time to him, faithfully discharging the trust which he had vohintarily, and without any emolument, undertaken. Naimbanna was first made acquainted with tho value of the Bible ; the most material parts of the Old Testament, as well as the New, were explained to him. The great necessity of a Saviour, for the sinful- ness of man, was pointed out ; the end and design of Christianity, its doctrines, its precepts, and its sanc- tions, were all made intelligible to him. With a clearness of understanding which' astonished those who took the care of instructing him, he made those divine truths familiar to his mind. He received the Gospel with joy, and carried it home to his heart as the means of happiness both in this world and the next. His love for reading the Scriptures, and hearing them read, was such that he never was tired of the exercise. Every other part of learning that he was put upon, as arithmetic, for instance, was heavy work with him, and he soon began to complain of fatigue ; but even when he was most fatigued, if he was asked to read in the Bible, he was always ready, and gener- ally expressed his readiness by some emotions of joy. In short, he considered the Bible as the rule which was to direct his life ; and he made a real use of every piece of instruction which he obtained from it. This ] 54 XAIMBASNA. was evident in all his actions. If his behavior was at any time wroug, and a passage of Scripture was shown to him, which forbade such behavior, whatever it was, he instantly complied with the rule he received. Of this them were many instances. One related to dress. He had a little vanity about him, was fond of finery, admired it in other people, and was always ready to adorn himself. His kind instructors told him these were childish inclinations ; that decency and propriety of dress are pleasing, but that foppery is disgusting. Above all, they told him that the Christian is ordered to be " clothed with humility, and to put on the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit." Such passages, whenever they were suggested to him, checked all the little vanities of his heart>, and made him ashamed of what he had just before so eagerly desired. The irritable passions, where lay his weakest side, were conquered in the same way. His friends once carried him to the House of Commons, to hear a debate on the slave trade, which Colonel Tarlton de- fended with some warmth. When Naimbanna came out of the house, he exclaimed, with great vehemence and indignation, that he would kill that man where- ever he met him ; for he told stories of his country. He told people that his countrymen would not work, and that was a great story. His countrymen would work ; but Englishmen would not buy work ; they would buy only men. His friends told him that he should not be angry NAIMBANNA. 155 with Colonel Tarlton, for perhaps he had been misin formed, and knew no better. Besides, they told him that, at any rate, he had no right to kill him : for the Almighty says, " Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord." This calmed him in a moment ; and he never afterward expressed the least indig- nation toward Colonel Tarlton ; but he would have been ready to show him any friendly office if it had fallen in his way. At another time, when he saw a drayman using his horse ill, he became enraged, and declared he would get a gun and shoot that fellow directly. But his anger was presently assuaged by this or some similar passage of Scripture : " Be ye angry, and sin not ; let not the sun go down upon your wrath." He showed so much tenderness of conscience that he seemed anx- ious about nothing but to know what his religion required him to do. When he could determine the rectitude of an action, he set an example even to Christians, by showing that he thought there was no difficulty in the performance. He said his father had ordered him, when he arrived in England, never to drink more at one time than a single glass of wine ; and he considered his father's injunction as sacred. On this head, therefore, all the instruction which he wanted was to turn his temper- ance into a Christian virtue, by practising it with a sincere desire to please God. In the gay scenes which often presented themselves to his view, he never mixed. His friends were very 156 NAIMBAXXA. ^ solicitous to keep him from all dissipation, which might have corrupted the beautiful simplicity of mind that was so characteristic in him. He was fond of riding on horseback, but when he got upon a horse, it was difficult to govern his desire for rapid motion. After remaining in England a year and a half, and being carefully instructed in the Christian religion, he only waited for an opportunity of returning home, which . did not occur for five or six months after- ward. In the meantime, two great points were the burden of his thoughts, and gave him much distress. The first related to his father, whose death he heard had happened about a year after he left the country. The principal cause of his solicitude was his uncertainty whether his father had died a Christian. He knew that he had been well disposed toward Christianity, but he had never heard whether he had fully em- braced it. His other difficulty regarded himself. He had now attained the end at which he had aimed. He had been instructed in a religion which he was convinced would promote the happiness of his people if it could be established among them. But how was that to be done ? "With regard to himself, he had had wise and learned men to instruct him. But what coTild his abilities do in such a work especially considering the wild and savage manners of his countrymen ? In every light, the greatness of the attempt perplexed him. NAIMBANNA. 157 With a mind distressed by these difficulties, he took an affectionate leave of his kind friends in Eng- land, and embarked for Africa in one of the Com- pany's ships, which was named after him, the Naim- banna. Though he had shown great affection for his own country and relations, yet the kindness which he had received from his friends in England had im- pressed him strongly ; and it was not without a great struggle that he broke away from them at last. The distress he felt was increased by the society he mixed in at sea being very different from that which he had left behind. The profligate manners and licentious language of the ship's company shocked him exceedingly. The purity of his mind could not bear it. He had hoped, that in a Christian country he should always find himself among Christians, but he was greatly disappointed. The company he was in appeared to him as ignor- ant and uninformed as his own countrymen, and much less innocent in their manners. At length, the oaths and abominable conversation which he continu- ally heard, affected him so much that he complained to the captain of the ship, and desired him to put a stop to so indecent language. The captain endeavored to check it, but with little effect, which gave Nairn- banna increased distress. But still the great burden of his mind, was the difficulty which he foresaw in the attempt to intro- duce Christianity among his countrymen. Many were the schemes he thought of ; but insuperable obstacles 158 NAIMBANNA. seemed to arise on every side. All this perplexity, which his active and generous mind underwent, re- coiled upon himself. His thoughts were continually on the stretch, and this, it was supposed, at length occasioned a fevei-, which seized him when his voyage was nearly at an end. His malady increasing, it was attended with delirium, which left him only a few lucid intervals. In these, his mind always shone out full of religious hope and patient resignation to the will of God. In one of these intervals, he told Mr. Graham, a fellow-passenger with whom he was most intimate, that he began to think he should be called away before he had an opportunity to tell his mother of the mercies of God toward him, and of his obligations to the Sierra Leone Company. He then desired him to write his will, which he began in the presence of Captain Wooles and James Cato, a servant that attended ISTaimbauna. When Mr. Graham had written a considerable part, as particularly directed, manifesting the feelings and generosity of his heart, Naimbanna complained of fatigue, and said he would finish it after he had taken a little rest. But his fever came on with increased violence, and his delirium scarcely ever left him after- ward. The night after, the vessel, though close to the African coast, durst not attempt to land, as the wind was contrary, and there was danger of running on the Scarries bauk. Next morning, though, the wind con- NAIMBAXNA. 159 tinned contrary, Mr. Graham went off to the settle- ment in an open boat to procure medical aid. But when the physician came on board, Naimbanna was just alive; and in that state he was carried to the settlement, the next morning, July 17th, 1793, when the ship came to anchor. On the first account of his illness, an express was sent to inform his friends at Robanna ; and soon after he was lauded, his mother, brothers, sisters, and rela- tives came to the settlement. The distracted looks of his mother, and the wildness of his sisters' grief, affected everyone. His cousin Henry, an ingenuous youth, who stood among them, attracted the attention of all by the solemn sorrow of his countenance, which seemed to discover a heart full of tenderness and woe. In the meantime, the dying yoxith appeared every moment drawing nearer the close of life. His voice failing more and more, the little he said was with difficulty understood. Once or twice, those who stood around him caught hold of something like our Saviour's words : " Many are called, but few chosen." About an hour before he died, his voice wholly failed. He was awhile restless and uneasy, till, turning his head on his pillow, he found an easier posture, and lay perfectly quiet. About seven in the evening of the day on which he was brought on shore, he expired without a groan. When his mother and other relatives found his breath was gone, their shrieks and agonizing cries were distr.esbiug beyond measure, lu&tantly, ua a 160 ZILPAH MONTJOY. kind of frantic madness, they snatched up his body, hurried it into a canoe, and went off with it to Robanna. Some of the gentlemen of the factory im- mediately followed in boats, with a coffin. When the corpse was laid decently into it, Mr. Home, the clergyman, read the funeral service over it, amid a number of people, and finished with an extempore prayer. The ceremony was conducted with so much solemnity, and performed in so affecting a manner, that the impression was communicated throughout the whole crowd. They drew closer and closer, as Mr. Home continued to speak ; and though they understood not a syllable of what he said, they listened to him with great attention, and bore wit- ness, with every mark of sorrow, to the powers of sympathy. After the ceremony was over, the gentlemen of the factory retired to their boats, leaving the corpse, as his friend desired, to be buried according to the cus- tom of the country. ZILPAH MONTJOY. IN the year 1821, died, in the city of New York, an aged woman of color, named Zilpah Montjoy ; whose pious circumspect life rendered her an object of peculiar interest to many of her acquaintances ; to some of these, whose friendly notice she had experi- ZILPAH MONTJOY. 161 enced, she more than once related the following cir- cumstance : Being a slave, inured to hard labor, she was brought up in such extreme ignorance as to have no idea that she was an accountable being that there was a future state not even that death was univer- sal, until the sixteenth year of her age, when a girl of her own color dying in the neighborhood, she was permitted to attend the funeral. The minister's text was, " Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble : he cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not ! " by which and subse- quent remarks, she understood that all were to die ; that there was a state of existence after death, a pre- paration for which was necessary while here. She was much affected, and returned home in great agitation. Revolving these things in her mind for several days, she at length asked her mistress whether she had understood right, that all must die. The re- ply was, " Go to your work." She continued thus exercised for a considerable time, earnestly desiring to know what she had to do, but had no one to give her instruction. In this tried state, the Lord was pleased to reveal Himself, and impress on her untaught mind a belief in an omnipotent and omniscient Being, and that His law was written on the heart. Thus, gradually be- coming calm and settled, her confidence was made strong in Him, who, hiding His counsels from the wise 162 ZILPAH MONTJOY. and prudent in their own eyes, " hath revealed them unto babes." And it is believed she was from that time guarded and careful in her conduct. She married, and had two daughters, one of whom was taken at an early age, and placed at so great a distance from hef that she never saw her after. The other died when about grown, and being also be- reaved of her husband, she was very lonely. But un- der these trials she appears to have been sustained, as was David when he could say, " Thy rod and thy stafl" they comfort me." She was a member of the Methodist Church, and a diligent attender of their meetings as long as her strength permitted. When she was (as near as can be ascertained) about sixty-eight years old, the Clark- son Association for teaching colored women to read and write was established. And when she received the information, she offered herself as a scholar, but the teachers endeavored to dissuade her, telling her she was too old to begin, as she did not know a letter, and her sight was so im- paired as to require two pairs of spectacles ; she how- ever urged admittance, stating that her only motive was a desire to be able to read the Bible, and she be- lieved " the Lord would help her," adding, " We are never too old to do good." And being admitted, she was very diligent in her attendance, and by great perseverance became able to read a little in the New Testament ; and one with large print being given her, she prized it very highly, ZILPAH MONT JOY. 163 and would frequently open it and read one of the chapters contained in Christ's sermon on the mount, calling it " the blessed chapter." But notwithstanding her gi-eat desire to learn, she did not allow her studies to interfere with her religious engagements; and the time for meeting with her class being fixed on one of the afternoons that the school was taught, it was inconvenient to her ; but as the school commenced at three o'clock, and the meeting at four, the hour between she generally spent at the school, staying as long as it would do, and then going as quickly as she could, to be punctual to the time. Sometimes she has been seen running, when she heard the clock strike and found herself a little too late. She was industrious and frugal, but liberated late in life, she barely procured a subsistence ; and for the last two or three years, being nearly past labor, she was dependent on the benevolence of others : but at no time, however destitute and tried, did she lose her confidence in the power of Him " who provideth for the raven his food," often saying at such seasons, " The Lord has been my helper, and I trust in Him." And when any favor was conferred on her, she feel- ingly expressed her gratitude, yet mostly with refer- ence to the Great Supreme, for giving her friends so kind. At a certain time, a friend, being unusually thought- ful about her, went to see how she was situated, tak- ing with her a loaf of bread. She found her unable to go out, and without provision ; and querying with 164 BELINDA LUCAS. her, " Zilpah, art thou here alone?" she replied, " No, I am never alone ; rny Master is with me. When I awake in the night season he talks with me. He has promised to take care of me, and He has done it; He has now sent me that loaf of bread." At another time, she said to a person who visited her, " How good the Lord is ; I have always something to eat, for if I take my last morsel, some one comes and brings me more before I want again." Her understanding failed, so that for several weeks before her death she knew very little ; but her con- versation was innocent, sometimes saying, " If it is the Lord's will to take me, I am willing to go, but I must wait His time." And He was pleased to release her, after a short confinement, without any apparent disease but the decline of nature, about the seventy- ninth year of her age. BELINDA LUCAS. A WOMAN of color, living in Chrystie street, New York, is now, 1825, about one hundred years old. She retains her faculties remarkably well, and she re- cently gave the following account of herself: " When I was a small child in Africa, being one day at play in the woods, some people came along ; one of whom catched me, and throwing me over his shoulder, ran away with me. After he had gone some distance, he put me down and whipped me to make me run. " When we came to the water, they put me into the BELINDA LUCAS. 165 ship and carried me to Antigua. Soon after, the cap- tain of a vessel from New York, taking a liking to me, bought me, and brought me here. I was then so little, that I slept sometimes at my mistress's feet. I think there was only one house for worship in the city then ; and I remember very well that up Broad- way there were only a few small houses ; and where the college (in Park Place) stands it was woods. " I was sold several times, married twice, and had one child that died young. I was baptized in St. Paul's church, not long after it was built ; and when I was about forty years old, I bought my freedom for twenty pounds. Not long after I married my last husband, I paid for his freedom, and we went to Charleston. After living there about seven years, he died ; and knowing I had many friends and acquaint- ances in New York, I came back. " I brought a hundred dollars with me, which I put into the church stock. From that I have received seven dollars every year, and with it I buy my winter firewood. By working early and late, besides my day's work, I earned money, and got a life lease of this spot of ground, and built this house ; and in this room" (which is on the first floor) "I have lived many years. " The upper part I rent ; but sometimes the people have been poor, and could not pay me ; then I lost it; but these people pay me very well. I have been asked many times to sell it, but I think it is much better for me to stay quietly here than to be moving 106 BELINDA LUCAS. about : and besides, I let Mr. have fifty dol- lars, and when he failed, I lost it ; and the bad folks have several times taken money out of my chest ; and I was afraid, if I did sell, 1 should lose that also, and then I should be very bad off. " As I have no relation of my own, when I am gone, and don't want these things any more, they are to be divided among my husband's folks." A person present told her she should have a writing drawn, to tell how they should be divided ; saying, " Perhaps they will quarrel about it." She said, " I have told them if they did, them that quarrelled must not have anything." When asked if she could read, she answered, " Yes ; when I was young I learned to spell a little, but I did not know how to put the words together, till I went to the Clarkson school. There I learned to read ; and though I can't read all the hard words in the Bible, I can read Matthew and John very well." A represen- tation of the crucifixion of Christ hanging over the chimney-piece, she pointed to it, and explained it very intelligibly, remarking that, " To Mary, who was kneeling near the cross, it was said, ' Woman, behold thy Son,' and to one of those standing by, ' Behold thy Mother.' " This representation appeared to afford her much interest in contemplating it, though she looked only to the Lord for consolation, and several times, while giving this account, testified of His goodness and mercy to her ; saying, " It is the Lord's will that I BELINDA LUCAS. 167 should be so comfortably provided for. When I was younger, and worked so steadily, the .people used to say, ' Belinda, what do you work so hard for, and lay up money? you have no children to take it when you are gone.' " I did not know then, but the Lord knew that I was to live a great while, and He put it into my heart to do so, and now I have plenty, and trouble nobody for a living. I am unwell this morning, but by and by, when I feel better, I intend to clean up. I used to live very snug and comfortable ; I can't get any- body now to put up my things for me so well as I can. do it for myself." Her bed had curtains, and appeared to have comfortable covering on it. She had a look- ing-glass, an arm-chair, a carpet on her floor, and other necessary furniture. She further said, " When I was able, I went often to see the sick, and the suffering poor, and do some- thing for them, and 1 sometimes prayed by their bed- side ; " and added, " I believe the Lord heard my prayers." Placing her hands in an attitude of sup- plication, and turning her eyes upward, "I of ten pray now, and I leave it to Him, and He gives me what I pray for. If He thinks it best for me to live longer yet, I am willing to stay ; and if He thinks best to take me away, I am ready to go." On being asked how old she was, she replied, "When Peter Williams was going to Hayti, and he came to see me and bid me farewell, he said, ' Be- linda, I have been calculating your age, as near as I 168 BELINDA LUCAS. can from circumstances, and I believe you are about a hundred years old.' I thought I was older, but I suppose he must be correct. " I used to work for the rich folks, and they seem- ed to love me, and treated me very kindly. Mrs. T , and Mrs. H , and many others, have been to see me a great many times. Mr. Livingston, the lawyer, who died at Washington, you remember with his first wife's father, Mr. Kittletas, I lived, and of him I bought my freedom. And when I went to Mr. Livingston's, he would say, ' Why, Belinda, you have a long life of it here.' I would say, ' Yes, master, the Lord knows, but I don't, why I stay so long ' but, dear man, he is gone ! " On being asked why she lived alone, she said, " If I have somebody with me, they will want other com- pany, and that will make more noise than I like. I love to be still ; then I can think. And when I am sick, the people up stairs are kind to me, and do what little I want done." When speaking of reading, she said, I met with a bad accident lately; I dropped my spectacles in the fire, and it spoiled them : when I can get into the Bowery, to Mr. 's store, I can get another pair ; but nobody can get them for me they would not know how to suit my eyes and then I always pay cash for what I get I have found it the best way. In all my life long, there has never anybody had the scratch of a pen against me. I have been saving too : them plates there " (pointing to her GUSTAVUS VASSA. 169 closet), " I brought them with me from Charleston before Washington's war." In this unpolished narrative, we see the benefit of acquiring steady habits in early life of honest, per- severing industry and frugality in the use of what was so obtained. From the one hundred dollars put into church stock, she has in fifty years received three hundred and fifty dollars ; and in such a way as to be partictilarly useful to her. Her pious care of the sick ; her quiet, decent, and comely way of liv- ing ; and her exertions in learning to read, even at the advanced age of eighty years, are also worthy of particular notice. GUSTAVUS YASSA. TAKEN PROM HIS NARRATIVE, WRITTEN ABOUT THE YEAR 1787. " I OFFER here neither the history of a saint, a hero, nor a tyrant. I believe there are few events in my life, which have not happened to many ; but when I compare my lot with that of many of my countrymen, I acknowledge the mercies of Providence in the occurrences that have taken place. " That part of Africa known by the name of Guinea, to which the trade for slaves is carried on, extends along the coast above 3,400 miles, from Sene- gal to Angola, and includes a variety of kingdoms. 170 GUSTAVUS VASSA. The most considerable of these is Benin, as it respects its extent, wealth, and richness of soil. It is bounded on the sea 170 miles, and its interior seems only ter- minated by the empire of Abyssinia, near 1,500 miles from its first boundaries. " In one of the most remote and fertile provinces of this kingdom I was born, in the year 1745. As our country is one where nature is prodigal of her favors, our wants, which are few, are easily supplied. All our industry is turned to the improvement of those blessings, and we are habituated to labor from our early years ; and by this means we have no beggars. " Our houses never exceed one story, and are built of wood, thatched with reeds, and the floors are gener- ally covered with mats. The dress of both sexes con- sists of a long piece of calico or muslin, wrapped loosely round the body ; our beds are also covered with the same kind of cloth ; this the women make when they are not engaged in labor with the men. Our tillage is in a large common, and all the people resort thither in a body and unite in the labor. " My father being a man of rank, had a numerous family ; his children consisted of one daughter, and a number of sons, of which I was the youngest. As I generally attended my mother, she took great pains in forming my mind, and training me to exercise. In this way, I grew up to about the eleventh year of my age, when an end was pxit to my happiness in the fol- lowing manner : GUSTAVUS VASSA. 171 " One day, when all our people were gone to their work, and only my dear sister and myself were left to watch the house, two men and a woman came, and seizing us both, stopped our mouths that we should not make a noise, and ran off with us into the woods, where they tied our hands, and took us some distance, to a smalfr house, where we stayed that night. " The next morning, after keeping in the woods some distance, we came to an opening, where we saw some people at work, and I began to cry for assist- ance ; but this made them tie us faster, and again stop our mouths ; and they put me into a sack until we had got out of sight of these people. When they offered us food we could not eat. Often bathing each other in tears, our only respite was sleep ; but alas ! even the privilege of weeping together was soon de- nied us. While enclosed in each other's arms we were torn asunder, and I was left in a state of distress not to be described. " After travelling a great distance, suffering many hardships, and being sold several times, one evening my dear sister was brought to the same house. We were both so overcome that we could not speak for some time, but clung to each other and wept. And when the people were told that we were brother and sister, they indulged us with being together ; and one of the men at night lay between us, and allowed xis to hold each other's hand across him. " This comfort, small as it may appear to some, was not so to us : but it was of short duration ; when 172 GUSTAVTTS VASSA. morning came, we were again separated, and I never saw her more. I remember the happiness of our childish sports, the indulgence of maternal affection ; and fear that her lot would be still harder than mine, fixed her image so indelibly on my mind, that neither prosperity nor adversity has ever erased it. " I once attempted to run away ; but when I had got into the woods, and night came on, I became alarmed with the idea of being devoured by wild beasts, and with trembling steps, and a sad heart, I returned to my master's house, and laid down in his fireplace, where I was found in the morning. Being closely reprimanded by my master, he ordered me to be taken care of, and I was soon sold again. I then travelled through a very fertile country, where I saw cocoa-nuts and sugar-cane. " All the people I had hitherto seen, resembled my own ; and having learned a little of several languages, I could understand them pretty well ; but now, after six or seven months had passed away, from the time I was kidnapped, I arrived at the sea-coast, and I beheld that element which before I had no idea of. It also made me acquainted with such cruelties as I can never reflect upon but with horror. The first object that met my sight was a slave ship riding at anchor, waiting for her cargo ! " When I was taken on board, being roughly handled and closely examined by these men, whose, complexion and language differed so much from any I had seen or heard before, I appi-ehended I had got GUSTAVUS VASSA. 173 into a world of bad spirits, which so overcame me tli at I fainted and fell. When I came to, their hor- rible looks and red faces frightened me again exceed- ingly. But I had not time to think much about it, before I was, with many of my poor country people, put under deck in a loathsome and horrible place. In this situation we wished for death, and sometimes refused to eat, and for this we were beaten. " After enduring more hardships than I can relate, we arrived at Barbadoes, in the West Indies. When taken on shore, we were put into a pen like so many beasts, and thence sold and separated Irusbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters, without any distinction. Their cries excited some compassion in the hearts of those who were capable of feeling, but others seemed to feel no remorse, though the scene was so affecting. " I, with some others, was sent to America : when we arrived in Virginia, we were also sold and separat- ed. Not long after, Captain Pascal, coming to my master's, purchased me, and sent me on board his ship, called the Industrious Bee. I had not yet learned much of the English language, so I could not understand their conversation ; and some of them made me believe I was going home to Africa. This pleased me very much, and the kind treatment I re- ceived made me happy ; but when we came in sight of England, I found they had deceived me. It was on board this ship I received the name of Gustavus Vassa. 174 GUSTAVUS VASSA. " Having often seen my master, and a lad named Richard Baker, who was very kind to me, reading in books, I had a desire to do so, that I might find out how all things had a beginning. For that purpose, I often took a book, talked to it, and then placed it to my ear to hear what it would say ; but when I found it remained silent, I was much concerned. " The summer of 1757, I was taken by a press- gang, and carried on board a man-of-war. After passing about a year in this service, on the coast of France and in America, on my return to England, I received much kindness, and was sent to school, where I learnsd to read and write. My master receiving the office of lieiitenant on board one of those ships, took me with him up the Mediterranean. My desire for learning induced some of my shipmates to instruct me, so that I could read the. Bible ; and one of them, a sober man, explained many passages to me. " As I had now served my master faithfully sev- eral years, and his kindness had given me hopes that he would grant my freedom when we arrived in England, I ventured to tell him so ; but he was of- fended, for he had determined on sending me to the West Indies. Accordingly, at the close of the year 1762, finding a vessel bound thither, he took me on board, and gave me in charge of the captain. " I endeavored to expostulate with him, by telling him he had received my wages and all my prize money, but it was to no purpose. Taking my only coat from my back, he went off in his boat. I fol- OUSTAVUS VASSA. 175 lowed tliem with aching eyes, and a heart ready to burst with grief, until they were out of sight. The captain, whose name was Doran, treated me very kindly, but we had a tempestuous voyage. " When we came in sight of Montserrat, remem- bering what I had seen on my first arrival from Africa, it chilled me to the heart, and brought noth- ing to my view but misery, stripes, and chains : and to complete my distress, two of the sailors robbed me of about eight guineas, which I had collected by doing little jobs on board the ships of war, and which I hid when my master took my coat. " Having unladed the ship, and laded her again for sea, the captain sent for me : when, with trem- bling steps and a faltering heart, I came to him. I found him sitting with Robert King, a Quaker, and a merchant: and after telling me the charge he had to get me a good master, he said he had got me one of the best on the island. Mr. King also said he had bought me on account of my good character (to maintain which I found to be of great importance), and that his home was in Philadelphia, where he expected soon to go, and he did not intend to treat me hard. " He asked me what I could do. I answered, I can shave and dress hair pretty well ; and that I have learned to refine wines ; I could write, and under- stood arithmetic as far as the Rule of Three. The character Captain Dorau had given of my master, I found to be correct. He possessed an amiable dispo- sition, and was very charitable and humane. 176 GUSTAVUS VASSA. '* In passing about the island, I had an opportu- nity of seeing the dreadful usage, and wretched situa- tion of the poor slaves ; and it reconciled me to my condition, and made me thankful for being placed with so kind a master. He was several times of- fered a great price for me, but he would not sell me. Having obtained three pence, I began a little trade, and soon gained a dollar, then more ; with this 1 bought me a Bible. " Going in a vessel of my master's to Georgia and Charleston, a small venture I took on my return answered a very good purpose. In 1765, my master prepared for going to Philadelphia. With his credit- ing me for some articles, and the little stock of my own, I laid in considerable, which elated me much ; and I told him I hoped I should soon obtain enough to purchase my freedom, which he promised me I should have when I could pay him what he gave for me. " Between Montserrat and several ports in America we made many Yrips. One circumstance occurred when I was in Georgia that was a serious one to me. Being in a yard with some slaves one evening, their master coming home drunk, and seeing me, a stranger, he, with a stout man to help him, beat me so that I could not go aboard the ship, which gave the captain much anxiety. When he found me, and saw the situ- ation I was in, he wept ; but by his kind attention, and that of a skilful physician, I was in a few weeks able to go on board and attend to my business. GtTSTAVtfS VASSA. 177 " Thus, passing from one port to another, with my kind master's and captain's indulgence, and my own indefatigable industry and economy, I obtained the sum required for my liberty. So, one morning, while they were at breakfast, I ventured to remind my master of what he had promised, and to tell him I had got the money at which he seemed surprised. The captain told him 1 had come honestly by it, and he must now fulfil his promise. " Upon which he told me to get a manumission drawn, and he would sign it. At this intelligence my heart leaped for joy. When the whole was fin- ished, and I was in reality free, I felt like another being 1 my joy was indescribable. My master and Captain Doran entreated me not to leave them, and gratitude induced me to stay, though I longed to see Captain Pascal, and let him know I vrasfree. " I now hired as a sailor, and our next voyage was to Savannah. When we were preparing to return, and were taking some cattle on board, one of them butted the captain in the breast, which affected him so that he was unable to do duty, and he died before we reached our port. This was a heavy stroke to me, for he had been my true friend, and I loved him as a father. " The winter following, I sailed again for Georgia, with a new captain, in the Nancy : but steering a more westerly course than usual, we soon got on the Bahama banks, where our vessel was wrecked, but no lives were lost. Getting ou ono of the islands, with 178 OUSTAVUS VASSA. Borne salt provision we had saved, we remained there many days, and suffered much for want of fresh water. " When we were almost famished with hunger and thirst, we were found and carried to New Providence, where we were kindly treated. Thence we were taken to Savannah, so to Martinico and Montserrat, having been absent about six months, and experienced the delivering hand of Providence more than once, when all human means seemed hopeless. " After relating to Mr. King the loss of the Nancy, and the various hardships we had endured, I again told him my desire to go to England ; and although he wished me to remain in his service, he consented, and gave me the following certificate : ' The bearer hereof, Gustavns Vassa, was my slave upward of three years ; during which time he always behaved himself well, and discharged his duty with honesty and assiduity. R. KING.' " Obtaining this certificate, I soon parted with my kind master, and arrived in England. "When I here received my wages, I had thirty-seven guineas. I soon found my old captain, Pascal, who was surprised to see me, and asked how I came back. I told him, * In a ship.' To which he replied, ' I suppose you did not walk on the water* ; I now set my mind on getting more learning, and attending school diligently. My money not being sufficient, I hired myself to service a while ; but hav- ing a desire to go again to the Mediterranean, I GUSTAVUS VASSA. 179 engaged on board a ship, where the mate taught me navigation. While at Smyrna, I saw many caravans from India. Among other articles, they brought great quantities of locusts, and a kind of pulse resem- bling French beans, though larger ; they are sweet and palatable. " In the spring of 1773, an expedition was fitted out to explore a northwest passage to India. Dr. Irving concluding to go, I accompanied him, and we went on board one of the vessels the 24th of May ; and about the middle of June, by the use of the doctor's apparatus for making salt water fresh, we distilled from twenty-six to forty gallons a day. On the 28th we reached Greenland, where I found the sun did not set. i " We found large fields of ice, and to one of them, about eighty yards thick, we made our vessel fast : but we soon became so surrounded with ice that we could not move, and were in danger of being crushed to pieces. In this perilous situation we remained eleven days, when the weather becoming more mild, and the wind changing, the ice gave way, and in about thirty hours, with hard labor, we got into open water, to our great joy, and ai-rived at Deptford, after an absence of four months, wherein we had experienced imminent dangers. " Rejoicing to be again in England, I entered into service, and remained a considerable time ; during which 1 began to reflect seriously on the many dan- gers I had escaped, particularly in my last voyage, 180 GUSTAVUS VASSA. and it made a serious impression on my mind ; and my reflections were often turned to the awfulness of eternity. " In this state, I took to my Bible, rejoicing that I could read it for myself, and I received encourage- ment. While my mind was thus seriously impressed, I went several voyages to Spain, and being often led to look over the occurrences of my past life, I saw there had been the hand of Providence to guide and protect me, though I knew it not ; and when I con- sidered my obligations to the Lord for His goodness, I wept. " On our return, the last voyage, we picked up eleven Portuguese. Their vessel had sunk, with two of the crew, and they were in a small open boat, with- 1 out victuals, compass, water, or anything else, and must soon have perished. As soon as they got on board our vessel, they fell on their knees and thanked God for their deliverance. Thus I saw verified what was written in the lOTjh Psalm. " From the year 1777 to 1784, I remained more quiet ; but about the latter period I made a trip to New York, and one to Philadelphia. At the latter place, I was very much pleased to see the worthy Quakers easing the burdens of my oppressed country- men. It also rejoiced my heart when one of these people took me to the free school, and I saw the children of my color instructed, and their minds culti- vated to fit them for usefulness. " Not long after my return, I found government GUSTAVtTS VASSA. 181 was preparing to make a settlement of free people of color on the coast of Africa, and that vessels were engaged to carry such as wished to go to Sierra Leone. I engaged as commissary, and we set sail with 426 persons. But the time of our arrival there, the rainy season having commenced, proved unfavor- able, and some of us soon returned to England ; where, since that period, I have been doing what I could for the relief of my much-injured country people. " Having been early taught to look for the hand of God in minute circumstances, they have been of con- sequence to me ; and aiming at simple truth in relat- ing the incidents of my life, I hope some of my read- ers will gather instruction from them." Gregorie, in his Inquiry into the Intellectual and Moral Faculties of the Negroes, states, that after thirty years of a wandering and stormy life, Vassa established himself in London, where he married, and published his memoirs, which have been several times reprinted the last edition in.1794 ; and it is proved by the most respectable testimony that he was the author. In 1789, he presented a petition to parlia- ment for the suppression of the slave trade. He also says, that a son of his, named Sancho, having received a good education, was an assistant librarian to Sir Joseph Banks, and secretary to the committee for vaccination. And he concludes with this remark : " If Vassa still lived, the bill which was lately passed, prohibiting the slave trade, would be consoling to his heart, and to his old age." 182 BILLY AIO) JENTfY. BILLY AND JENNY. ABOUT the year 1738, a man and his wife, named Tom and Catv, who were in bondage to Thomas Bowne, on Long Island, had a little son whom they called Billy. This little boy, when old enough to work, was sold to a farmer in the neighborhood ; who, according to the custom of those days, went with his servants into the field, and allotted to each one his portion of labor. By this means, Billy became acquainted with the different branches of husbandry, and was inured to industry. "With this farmer, he was pretty comfortably, cared for, and kept to his daily labor until the thirty -first year of his age. About the year 1744, the master of one of those ships employed in bringing the poor Africans from their native land, among others brought away a little girl too young, alas ! to tell even by what means, or in what way she was taken. This little girl, after suffering all the hardships attendant on her situation, and a long confinement on shipboard, was lauded in New York, and sold accord- ing to the custom of that time. She was bought by Samuel Underbill, and taken to Long Island to wait on his wife and children and they called her Jenny. As she advanced in age, she became more and more useful in her master's family, and satisfied with her situation. Her mistress being a woman of an uncommonly amiable disposition, having known the subjugation of BILLY AND JENNY. 183 her own will, by the operation of that principle which brings into harmony all the discordant passions, and one of that description also, that " looked well to the ways of her household, and ate not the bread of idle- ness," she was qualified to govern her family with mildness and discretion, and to set them an example of economy, sobriety, cheerfulness, and industry. Jenny, being placed under the tuition of such a mistress, in due time became qualified to fill the sta- tion allotted her with propriety, as an honest, sober, industrious, and useful servant. When she had ar- rived at about the twentieth year of her age, she was visited by the before-mentioned Billy, in the character of a suitor. After mature deliberation, and their affections becoming more strongly fixed, with the ap- probation of those concerned, the marriage ceremony was performed. Thus were they united, not only in the bonds of wedlock, but those of sincere affection, which abun- dantly manifested itself in their conduct toward and respect for each other, during a long and laborious life, and in their care of their numerous offspring, which consisted of nine sons and one daughter. Time passing on with them, they partook of such a share of happiness as their situation in life would permit, until the year 1769, when the master of Jenny, having purchased a farm in Westchester county, was preparing to remove his family thither. This circumstance became a very close trial to this affec- tionate pair, who by this time had several children. 184 BILLY AND JENNY. The thoughtfulness and anxiety felt by them on this occasion being reciprocated by their masters, a proposition was made for an exchange. The wife of one of Billy's fellow-servants being in the family with Jenny, accommodations were soon made, and Billy was admitted a resident in the family with his beloved partner : when they all proceeded to their new settle- ment, where they lived in harmony and concord for many years, and until their master's children were all married'and settled. During this period, Billy and Jenny, with all their children, were liberated by their master, and such of them as were old enough, were placed where they might be brought up to habits of industry, and be prepared to provide for themselves a comfortable sub- sistence ; but Billy and Jenny remained with him. Age and infirmity at length put a period to their kind master's life. And his family, being thus de- prived of his care and exertions, were induced to leave their abode. The mistress, who had long exer- cised an affectionate care over her household, finding herself lonely, i-etired to live with her children. And with her youngest son, she remained to an advanced age, and was then gathered into rest, as a shock of corn in its season. Billy and Jenny having a house provided for them, remained under the care of their former master's descendants, and with their own industry, and the generosity of their friends, they were comfortably situated. But wlicii Billy was so disabled by infirm- BIXLY AND JENNY. 185 ity, that he could not work as a day-laborer, he culti- vated a little garden, and did some light jobs for his neighbors. Their children being out, while Jenny's health and strength remained, she went out to washing and house- cleaning. Billy generally waited on her to the place of destination, and then, returning to his habitation, nursed his garden and poultry until toward evening, when he would go to accompany her home. More genuine politeness and unremitting attention, be- tween a man and his wife, are rarely to be found, in city or country, than were manifested by this sable pair. Thus they lived several years ; but Jenny at length became enfeebled by age, and her sight failed, so that she was no longer capable of laboring abroad, or using her spinning-wheel at home, as heretofore, which made it necessary for them to be placed in a different situation. One winter, while they remained at house- keeping, there came a very severe snow-storm, with high wind, so that passing from one place to another was rendered vei-y difficult for several days. As soon as practicable, their friend, who had the care of them, and supplied their wants, went to see how they fared ; when Jenny, meeting him at the door, and being asked how they were, etc., said, " Oh, Master Richard, I am wonderful glad to see thee if the storm had lasted much longer, I believe we should have froze " to death ; our wood was 'most gone, and Billy is one of the honestest niggers in the 186 GEORGE HARDY. world ; for he had rather freeze to death than steal a rail from the fence." This circumstance is recorded as one specimen of their honest simplicity. In the spring of 1815, they were removed to the habitation of one of their sons, where they were boarded ; and there they remained, until death, the destroyer of all earthly comforts, put a period to Jenny's life, after a few days' severe illness, about the seventy-eighth year of her age. The same affectionate attachment that pervaded her mind in youth and in health, remained unshaken to the last. Her sight, as before remarked, being almost gone, when lying on her bed, she frequently inquired for Billy ; but when she was told he was lying behind her, or sitting by her, she was satisfied. Thus she closed a long and laborious life, beloved and respected for her many good qualities, and her consistent conduct. Billy died at Scarsdale, West- Chester county, New York, on the 4th of Third month, 1826, after a few days' illness, aged about eighty-seven years, and was decently interred by the side of Jenny, on the 6th of the same month. GEORGE HARDY. DURING the winter of 1832, the writer of the narra- tive of which this account is an abridgment, became acquainted with Hannah Hardy, an interesting old GEOKGE HARDY. 187 colored woman, and her son George. They were the suffering tenants of a miserable garret, lighted only by a few panes of glass, and ill-secured from the in- clemencies of the weather. Hannah had been an industrious woman, who sup- ported herself comfortably for many years, until her sight, which had long been declining, so nearly left her as to disqualify her for all kinds of work. George, who was her youngest son, disclosed in. his earliest years great quickness of discernment and readiness of apprehension. He could read the Bible when only four years old ; and he continued to be remarkable for docility, and for preferring his books and other profitable employments to the idle sports of children. When about eleven years old, he was placed from home, where he remained until four years since, when he became so much diseased with scrofula as to make it necessary for him to return to his mother. From that time, she became his constant and only nurse, and evinced, through numberless privations and diffi- culties, the most unwearied attention and patient en- durance. When he was able to sit up and use his arms, he made rope-mats ; by which, with casual help from his friends, he supported his mother and paid her rent. He always mended his own and her clothes, and allowed no time to pass away in idleness, which he was able to employ ; and so cheerful, so thankful, and so happy did this interesting couple appear, that it afforded a lesson of instruction to be with them. 188 GEORGE HARDY. Hannah, who could only distinguish the glare of noon from the gloom of darkness, had lived so long in the foiioi-n tenement they then inhabited, and knew so well all the turnings of its steep and danger- ous stairs, that she could not bear to bear the pro- posal from some of her friends to provide one more comfortable. Through the latter part of the winter, and the commencement of the spring, George's suffer- ings greatly increased ; he was wholly confined to his bed, and so emaciated with pain and disease, that although he was seventeen years of age, his arms were not thicker than an infant's. He had been a diligent reader of the Holy Scrip- tures ; and though he told me they had been to him a sealed book, until he was brought to that bed of suffering, yet it was evident that his mind had long been enabled to appropriate to his own necessities many of their precious precepts. Though he labored under the combined effects of scrofula and dropsy, in their highest degrees of virulence, yet I never heard him repine ; and often, while suffering extreme bodily anguish, he would speak of the relief it afforded the poor afflicted body, to have the mind composed and tranquil, and would say, " O, I feel like a poor worm in the fire ; yet all I desire is, to be favored with patience to bear all my pain, and with a willing mind to wait the Master's will to take me away." For many days and nights together he was able to obtain but little sleep ; yet he showed no marks of restlessness or discontent. Once, calling me to his GEORGE HARDY. 189 bedside, he said, " I am afraid I am not patient enough ; but I often feel very weary, and I fear I shall wear my poor mother out. I am more con- cerned for her than for myself what should I do for a care-taker if she were gone ? She is very kind to me, and I have many kind friends. I am afraid I am not grateful enough for all my favors. To some, this garret would look like a dull place, but it never looks gloomy to me ; I have had more pleasure in it than I could have had in the nicest parlor." Having called one day after he had passed a sleep- less and languishing night, I found him, with the Bible fixed before him, reading. He looked animated, and said, " I always loved to read the Bible, but I never understood it until very lately ; now 1 under- stand it, and I find that religion and pleasure are in no way inconsistent. I feel now that I shall never recover. I am willing to die, and I shall be happy when I am gone from earth but the Lord is very merciful, and can make me happy as long as He chooses that I should stay. I have trusted in Him through pain and through want, and I believe He will never forsake me. My Fifth has sometimes been closely tried, but I never let go my confidence." His disease now rapidly increased, and with it his suffering. On the 23d of FiftJi month, he conversed a long time with the doctor, and seemed more com- fortable than usual ; but he passed a sleepless and distressing night. The next day, he was able to take but little nourishment, owin^ to the great soreness of 190 GEORGE HAKDY. his mouth and throat, but he could converse intel- ligibly, and seemed anxious to do so. About two o'clock this day, I found him in great pain, but quite tranquil in mind. On my going to him, he said, " My sufferings are now nearly over ; I shall not live many days not more than two. The Lord's time has nearly come, and then He will take me where I shall never suffer any more. O, how marvellous His mercy is, to look down upon such a polluted sinner as I am ! ' 1 the worst of sinners am, But Jesus came to save me. ' Yes, He will save me I know it. I have a hope a pretty certain hope O, it is a very certain hope it is a very sure hope." He then in a low and indis- tinct voice, supplicated for many minutes ; after which he said, " I have been talking to my Saviour." Not expecting him to hear, I asked his mother if he had always been a serious boy ; but before she could reply, George said, " No ! I was always bad, always wicked ; but since I was brought to this bed of sickness, I have sought for repentance, and I have found it : my sins were as scarlet, but now they are washed as white as snow. But it is all mercy, pure mercy ; we have no righteousness of our own to depend upon no works, no merit of our own will avail us at such a time as this. If these were all we had to look to, we should never be saved. But this LOTT CAREY. 191 is what Jesus came into the world for to save us poor sinners ; and salvation belongs to Him alone." After this, he desired me to read to him in the Bible said he would like to hear me read in the Psalms, where David deplored his sins. I did so, and he afterward composed himself and slept a few minutes ; but the pain soon awoke him, and he said, " I hope my patience will hold out I must not get impatient so near the end." On the 25th, his sufferings greatly increased, and on the afternoon of the 26th, he was unable longer to speak, but he appeared to be sensible of what was passing, and to know those about him. He several times embraced his mother very tenderly and wept. The impress which the pain and anguish of the pre- ceding day had left upon his countenance, now yielded to a placid and heavenly serenity ; and his breath continued to shorten, until he ceased to breathe. LOTT CAREY. PRINCIPALLY FROM GURLEY's LIFE OF ASHMUX. THIS interesting individual was born a slave, on the estate of William A. Christian, in Charles City county, about thirty miles below Richmond. In 1804, he was sent to that city, and hired out by the year as a common laborer at the Shockoe warehouse. 192 LOTT CABEY. At that time, and for two or three years after, he was excessively profane, and much addicted to intoxi- cation. But God, who is rich in mercy, was pleased to awaken him to a sense of his lost estate ; and in the year 1807, he made open profession of his faith in the Saviour. A sermon which he heard about that time, founded on our Lord's interview with Nicodemus, awakened in him so strong a desire to be able to read and write, that he obtained a Testament, and com- menced learning his letters, by trying to read the chapter in which that interview is recorded. He was occasionally instructed by young gentlemen at the warehouse, though he never attended a regular school. In a little time, he was able to read and write, so as to make dray tickets, and superintend the shipping of tobacco. In this business, and in overseeing the labor of the other hands in the ware- house, he was particularly useful ; so much so, that he received 800 dollars salary in 1820, the last year he remained there ; and he could have received a larger sum, if he would have continued. In the year 1813, he bought himself and his two little children (his wife being dead) for 850 dollars, and thus became free. The manner in which he ob- tained this sum of money to purchase himself and his children, reflects much credit on his character. It will be seen from the salary he received after he was free, and which he relinquished for the sake of doing good in Africa, that his services at the warehouse were LOTT CAREY. 193 highly estimated ; but of their real value, no one ex- cept a dealer in tobacco can form an idea. Notwith- standing the hundreds of hogsheads that were com- mitted to his charge, he could produce any one the instant it was called for ; and the shipments were made with a promptness and correctness, such as no person has equalled in the same situation. For this correctness and fidelity, he was highly esteemed, and frequently rewarded by the merchant with a five-dol- lar note. He was allowed also to sell for his benefit many small parcels of waste tobacco. It was by sav- ing the little sums obtained in this way, with the aid of a subscription by the merchants to whose interests he had been attentive, that he procured these 850 dollars which he paid for the freedom of himself and children. When the colonists were fitted out for Africa, he defrayed a considerable part of his own expense. With a design to improve his condition, he emigrated to Africa among the first settlers of Liberia, where he was the means of doing much good to both colonists and natives. In reply to one of his friends, who desired to know what inducement he had for going to Africa, when he was ah'eady so comfortably situated, he said, " I am an African; and in this country, however meritorious my conduct and respectable my character, I cannot receive the credit due to either. I wish to go to a country where I shall be estimated by my merits, not by my complexion. And I likewise feel bound to labor for my suffering race." 194 LOTT CAKEY. Soon after he made a profession of religion he com- menced holding meetings and exhorting among the colored people ; and, though he had scarcely any knowledge of books, and but little acquaintance with mankind, he would frequently exhibit a boldness of thought, and a strength of native intellect, which no acquirement could ever have given him. At the close of his farewell sermon, on his depart- ure for Africa, he remai-ked in substance as follows : " I am about to leave you ; and I expect to see your faces no more. I long to preach to the poor Africans the way of life and salvation. I don't know what may befall me whether I may find a grave in the ocean, or among the savage men, or more savage wild beasts, on the coast of Africa : nor am I anxious what may become of me ; I feel it my duty to go. " I very much fear that many of those who preach the gospel in this country will blush when the Saviour calls them to give an account of their labors in His cause, and tells them, ' I commanded you to go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.' " And with the most forcible emphasis he exclaimed, " The Saviour may ask, ' Where have you been? What have you been doing? Have you endeavored to the utmost of your ability to fulfil the commands I gave you ? or have you sought your own gratification and your own ease, regardless of my com- mands ? ' " In his new home, his intellectual ability, firmness of purpose, unbending integrity, correct judgment, LOTT CAREY. 195 and disinterested benevolence, caused him to be beloved and respected, and gave him great influence : and he soon rose to honorable distinction. The inter- ests of the colony, and the cause of his countrymen, in both Africa and America, were very near to his heart. For them he was willing to toil, and to make almost any sacrifice ; arid he frequently declared that no possessions in America could induce him to re- turn. He possessed a constitution peculiarly fitted for toil and exposure, and he felt the effects of the climate perhaps less than any other individual in the colony. During the sickly season of the year, he was usually wholly employed in attending the sick ; and for more than a year, they had no other physician among them. The little medical information he had obtained from Dr. Ay res and others on the coast, together with several years' experience, enabled him successfully to contend with the peculiar fevers of the climate. Under date of March 12th, 1824, shortly after the arrival of the Cyrus with 105 emigrants, he wrote: " The fever began about the 24th ult., and on the 28th we had thirty-eight cases ; and by the 2d inst. we had sixty -six under the operation of medicine ; and at present, I have about a hundred cases of fever to contend with ; but we have been very much favor- ed, for they all appear to be on the recovery, and we have lost none, saving three children. I have very little time to write to you, myself being the only man 196 LOTT CAREY. that will venture to act in the capacity of a physi- cian." The managers of the American Colonization So- ciety, in 1825, invited Carey to visit the United States, in the expectation that his intelligent and candid statements, concerning the condition and pros- pects of the colony and the moral wants of Africa, would exert a beneficial influence on the opinions of the people of color, and recommend the cause of the society to the public regard. In the month of April, 1826, he made arrangements to embark in the Indian Chief, on her return from taking a large number of emigrants to the colony, and received from Ashmun testimonials of his worth and services. The following is an extract from a let- ter from Ashmun to the managers of the Colonization Society : " The Rev. Lott Carey has, in my opinion, some claims on the justice of the society, or the government of the United States, or both, which merit considera- tion. These claims arise out of a long and faithful course of medical services rendered to this colony. More than one-half of his time has been given up to the care of the sick, from the day I landed in Africa to the very moment of stating the fact. He has per- sonally aided, in every way that fidelity and benevo- lence could dictate, in all the attentions which our sick have in so long a period received. " Several times have these disinterested labors re- duced him to the very verge of the grave. He has LOTT CAREY. 197 hitherto received no compensation, either from the society or the government, for these services. I need not add, that it has not been in his power to support himself and family, by any use he could make of the remnants of the time left him, after discharging the amount of duties devolving upon him. In addition, he has the care of the liberated Africans." Until near the time of the Indian Chief's departure, he cherished the hope of embarking in her for Amer- ica. But as there was no other physician in the colony, it was finally thought best for him to postpone his departure until another opportunity. Notwithstanding he on one occasion manifested a disposition for insubordination, yet, like a wise man and a Christian, he soon saw his error, and acknow- ledged it with humility and submission. He was elected in September, 1826, to the vice-agency of the colony, and discharged the duties of that important office until his death. In his good sense, moral worth, public spirit, cour- age, resolution, and decision, the colonial agent had perfect confidence. He knew that in times of diffi- culty or of danger, full reliance might be placed upon the energy and efficiency of Carey. .When compelled, in the early part of 1828, to leave the colony, Ashmun committed the administra- tion of the colonial affairs into the hands of the vice- agent, in the full belief that no interest would be be- trayed, but that his efforts would be constantly and anxiously directed to the promotion of the public good. 198 .LOTT CAREY. Soon after Carey wrote thus : " Feeling very sen- sibly my incompetency to enter upon the duties of iny office, without first making all the officers of tho colony well acquainted with the principal objects which should engage our attention, I invited them to meet at the Agency House on the 27th, at nine o'clock, which was punctually attended to, and I then read all the instructions left by Mr. Ashman, without reserve, and requested their co-operation. To get the new settlers located on their lands, was a very important item in niy instructions ; and I trust, through the blessing of the great Ruler of events, we shall be able to realize all the expectations of Mr. Ashmun." He soon purchased a large tract of land for the Colonization Society of the native kings ; and further said, " Captain Russell will be able to give something like a fair account of the state of our improvements, as he went with x me to visit the settlements, and seemed pleased with the prospect at Millsburg, Cald- well, and the Halfway Farms." For about six months after the departure of Ash- mun from the colony, Carey stood at its head, and conducted himself with such energy and wisdom as to do honor to his previous reputation, and fix the seal upon his enviable fame. But, alas ! he was suddenly and unexpectedly, and in a distressing manner, forced from life, in all its vigor, by the explosion of gun- powder, on the 8th of November, in which eight per- sons lost their lives. LOTT CAREY. 199 Carey was thrice married, and tluice he was left a widower. His first wife died, as before related, pre- vious to his becoming free. His second wife died at Foura Bay, near Sierra Leone, shortly after arriving in Africa. Of her triumphant death, he has given a most affecting account in his journal of that date. His third wife died at Cape Montserado. She was the daughter of Richard Sampson, from Petersburg. It has been very well said of Carey, that he was one of nature's noblemen. Had he possessed the ad- vantages of education, few men of his age would have excelled him in knowledge or genius. To found a Christian colony which might prove a blessed asylum to his degraded brethren in America, and enlighten and regenerate Africa, was, in his view, an object with which no temporal good, not even life, could be compared. The strongest sympathies of his nature were ex- cited in behalf of his unfortunate people, and the divine promise cheered and encouraged him in his labors for their improvement and salvation. A main pillar in the society and church of Liberia has fallen ! But we will not despond. The memorial of his worth shall never perish. It shall stand in a clearer light, when every chain is broken, and Christianity shall have assumed her sway over the millions of Africa. 200 THE GOOD MASTER AND HIS FAITHFUL SLAVE. THE GOOD MASTER AND HIS FAITHFUL SLAVE. Translated from the French. WARNER MIFFLIN, for his candor, affability, and knowledge, was ranked among those who are an honor to their country and their age. He had received from his father thirty-seven negroes, old and young. The day that he had fixed upon for their emancipation being come, he called one after another into his cham- ber, and this was the conversation that passed with one of them : " Well, my friend James, how old art thou ? " "I am twenty-nine and a half years old, master." " Thou shouldst have been free, as thy white brethren are, at twenty-one. Religion and humanity enjoin me this day to give thee thy liberty, and justice requires me to pay thee for eight and a half years' service, at the rate of twenty-one pounds and five shillings per annum, including in it thy food and raiment, making alto- gether a sum of ninety-five pounds, twelve shillings, and sixpence owing to thee ; but as thou art young and healthy, thou hadst better work for thy living : my intention is to give thee a bond for it, bearing in- terest at the rate of seven per cent. " Thou hast now no master but God and the laws. Go into the next room ; thou wilt find there thy late mistress and my nephew ; they are engaged in writing thy manumission. May God bless thee, James ! Be THE GOOD MASTER AND HIS FAITHFUL SLAVE. 201 wise and industrious ; in all thy trials, thou wilt find a friend in thy old master." James, surprised at a scene so new and affecting, shed many tears ; astonishment, gratitude, and a va- riety of feelings, shook his frame. He shed a flood of tears, and could scarcely articulate these words : " Ah, my master ! why do you give me my liberty ? I have always had what I wanted : we have worked to- gether in the fields, and 1 have worked as much for myself as for you. " I have eaten of the same food, and been clothed like you and we have gone together on foot to meet- ing. We have the Sabbath to ourselves : we don't lack any thing. When we are sick, our good and tender mistress comes to our bedside, always saying something consolatory to us. Ah, my dear master ! when I am free, where shall I go ? and when I am sick" " Thon shalt be as the whites ; thou shalt hire with those who will give thee generous wages : in a few years, thou shalt purchase a piece of land, marry a wife, wise and industrious as thyself, and rear up children, as I have reared thee, in the fear of the Lord and love of labor. After having lived free and happy, thou shalt die in peace. " " Thou must accept liberty, James ; it is a great while since it was due to thee. Would to God, the Father of all men, that the whites had never thought of trading in thy African brethren ; may He inspire all men with the desire of following our elample. 9* 202 THE GOOD MASTER AND HIS FAITHFUL SLAVE. We, who regard liberty as the first of blessings, why should we refuse it to those who live among us ? " "Ah, my master ! you are so good is the reason I wish not to leave you I have never been a slave. You have never spoken to me but as you speak to white men ; I have lacked nothing, either in sickness or in health ; I have never worked more than your neigh- bors, who have worked for themselves. " I have been richer than many whites to some of whom I have lent money. And my good and tender mistress never commands us to do anything, but makes us do everything by only saying, ' Please to do it.' How shall 1 leave you ? give me by the year what you will, in the name of a freeman or a slave, it is of little consequence to me I shall never be happy but with you I will never leave you." " Well, James, I consent to what thou desirest ; after thy manumission shall have passed through the necessary forms, I will hire thee by the year ; but take at least one of relaxation ; it is a great epoch of thy life ; celebrate it with joy, and rest by doing whatso- ever thou wilt." " No master ! it is seed time I will take my pleas- ure another time one day only shall be a holiday in my family. 'Then, .since you will have it so, I will accept my liberty ; and my first action, as a free man, is to take your hand, my master, press it between mine, and lay it on my heart, where the attachment and gratitude of James will nob cease until that ceases to beat ; and until that moment be assured EZEKIEL COSTON. 203 that no laborer in the county of Kent will be more industrious than he who henceforth shall be called FAITHFUL JAMES." EZEKIEL COSTON, AGED upwards of eighty-three years, related to Samuel Canby, of Wilmington, Delaware, in 1825, the following circumstances of his freedom from his master, the late Warner Mifflin, a Quaker : and it may be observed, that he always supported an unblem- ished character : That he was born a slave in the family of Daniel Mifflin, of Accomack county, Virginia, with whom he lived until aboxit twenty years of age ; about which, period Warner Mifflin (son of Daniel) married a daughter of John Kensey's, of West River, Marj r - land, and settled near Camden, in the State of Dela- ware. Ezekiel, and five other, slaves, were given him by his father ; there were also a number of slaves be- longing to his wife brought into the family. He lived with Warner Mifflin about eighteen months, when he put him on a plantation of his to work it, about six miles from his residence, where he con- tinued about four years a slave. At this period Eze- kiel was informed by his master that he had concluded to set his slaves free; and very soon after his master came to his residence, and calling him from the field 204 EZEKIEL COSTON. where he was ploughing, they sat down together, when he told Ezekiel his mind had long been uneasy with holding slaves, and that he must let him go. Ezekiel was so well satisfied with his present situa- tion, that he told his master he could not leave him. Their conversation on the stibject produced such feel- ings of tenderness that they botJi wept much. Finally, as an inducement to comply, his master told him he might remain on the farm, and they entered into a mutual engagement, which was carried into effect, and Ezekiel continued to live on the farm fourteen years, when his master gave him a piece of land, upon which he built a house, where he remained until he came into the neighborhood of Wilmington, where and ill that town he has resided until the present time. After relating the foregoing narrative, he was in- quired of respecting the account entitled " The Good Master and his Faithful Slave " a circumstance which took place about the time of his being liber- ated, and in the same family to which he bore the following testimony, shedding many tears while the reader was pursuing the theme, saying, " It is just so, poor Jem and I lived together with master, and worked together in harmony. How well I remember when Jem told me that Master Miiflin had done the same by him as he had done for me. " It is all true mistress brought a number of slaves with her into the family, after master married her one of them was my wife all the rest of us, making, I suppose about thirty, were given by old AN ANECDOTE. 205 master to Master Warner, who is now an angel in heaven. Oh, how it comforts me to believe that, after suffering a few more pains, I shall live with him for ever in communion sweet ! We were brought up children together, slept together, eat at the same table, and never quarrelled." The dear old man seems indeed like one waiting with Christian resignation for an entrance into the heavenly kingdom. I have no doubt of the correct- ness of his testimony. He appears to have as perfect a recollection of the days of his childhood as though they had just passed. AN ANECDOTE, Communicated to a Friend on the way from Charleston to Savannah by a Fellow-Passenger. A SLAVE belonging to his grandmother was carried off when a boy by the British, in the time of the revo- lutionary war, to Nova Scotia, where he lived several years; but he did not forget his old home and friends, and he returned to his mistress, giving himself up as a slave. But she, not having employment for him, talked of selling him. He told her if she did, he was determined to destroy himself, for that it was nothing but his attachment to the family that brought him back. Pie was then suffered to work out, paying a certain part of his wages to his owner. 206 THE COLORED FOUNDLING. The family soon after became embarrassed ; and one of the grandsons was sent to the West Indies to a rela- tion. Just as he was embarking, the faithful black put into his hand a purse containing all his little earnings, and insisted upon his young master's taking it, saying he had no use for the money himself, and his master might want it in a strange country, away from his friends. The slave, still living in Charleston, was suffered to work for himself. He has had repeated offers of his liberty, but he prefers living in the family that brought him up. THE COLORED FOUNDLING. A POOR, but honest and respectable old man, whose name was Hector, resided in Philadelphia. He and his wife lived on the scanty earnings of their own hands, in a very small cottage. One evening, at a late hoxir, a woman of their own color, with an infant, stopped at their dwelling and asked for a night's lodg- ing, to which his wife answered, " We can't lodge you, we got but one bed." " Oh," said the old man, seeing her a stranger and in difficulty, "let her tag [stay], she sleep in de bed with you, I go make a bed on de floor must not turn her out o' doors." The woman accordingly stayed ; and in the night, Hector was awakened by the cries of the child. He arose to ascertain the cause of it, and found the mother was gono ; on which he aroused his wife, saying, THE COLORED FOUNDLING. 207 " Well, Sukey, you see de woman has gone off and lef de child for you." "Oh," said his wife, "what shall we do now ? She never come again." " Well," returned Hector, " then you must take care of him : who knows God Almighty send him here for some- thing may be to take care of us in our old age must not turn him out o' doors." So they fed and nourished it with milk from the market the old man going regularly to procxire it. No one appearing, the child became their adopted. When he had attained the age of eight or nine years, proving an active lad, they put him to a chimney sweeper, as the most likely way for him to become early useful, and he soon contributed a little to his guai-clian's subsistence. They at length grew quite infirm, and the wife died. After which, the neighbors, thinking it too much for the lad to have the whole care of the 'old man, pre- vailed on him to go to the Bettering House. When there the boy did not forsake but freqiiently visited him, and continued to add to his support until he died ; a few days after which the lad died also, having grown up beloved and respected. 208 THE GRATEFUL NEGRO. THE GRATEFUL NEGRO. SOME years since, a gentleman, who was the pos- sessor of considerable property, from various causes became embarrassed in his circumstances and was arrested by his creditors, and confined in the king's bench prison ; whence there was no probability of his being liberated, unless some law proceedings (upon his succeeding in which the recovery of a great part of his property depended) were decided in his favor. Thus situated, he called a colored man who had for many years served him with the greatest faithfulness, and said, " Robert, you have lived with me many years, but I am now unable to maintain you any longer; you must leave me, and endeavor to find another master." The poor man, well remembering his master's kind- ness, replied, " No, massa, me no leave you ; you maintain me many years, me now try what I can do for you." Robex-t then went and procured employ- ment as a day laborer, and regularly brought his earn- ings to his master; on which, though small, they managed to subsist for some time, until the law-suit was decided in the master's favor, and he thereby re- gained possession of a very considerable property. Mindful of his faithful servant, one of his first acts was to settle an annuity upon him for the remainder of his life, sufficient to secure to the poor fellow the enjoyment of those comforts he had so weJJ deserved. THE FAITHFUL NURSE. 209 This little anecdote may afford instruction both to the nominal and professing Christian : let the former inquire, Should I have acted thus, if in a similar situation ? THE FAITHFUL NURSE. FROM THE LADIES' MONTHLY MUSEUM. IN the dreadful earthquake which made such ravages in the island of St. Domingo, in the year 1770, a colored nurse found herself alone in the house of her master and mistress, with the youngest child, which she nursed. The house shook to its foundation. Every one had taken flight; she alone could not escape, without leaving her infant charge in danger. She flew to the chamber, where it lay in the most profound sleep. At the moment the walls of the house fell in, anxious only for the safety of her foster child, she threw herself over it, and serving as a sort of arch, saved it from destruction. The child was indeed saved ; but the unfortunate nurse died soon after, the victim of her fidelity. 2 10 COFFIN. COFFIN. FROM DR. MOYES'S LECTURES. DURING the late war a gentleman and his wife were going from the East Indies to England. His wife died on the passage, and left two infants, the charge of which fell to a colored boy about seventeen years of age. The gentleman, for some reason which I do not recollect, went on board the vessel of the commo- dore of the fleet in which they sailed. There came on a violent storm, and the vessel which the children were on board of was on the point of being lost. They despatched a boat from the commodore's vessel, to save as many as they could. They had almost filled the boat, and there was room enough for the infants, or the negro boy. What did he do ? He did not hesitate a moment, but put the children into the boat, and said, " Tell my master that Coffin has done his duty ; " and that instant he was received into the bosom of the ocean, never more to return. The queen requested the celebrated poetess, Hannah Moore, to write an epic poem on it, but she wisely declined it, saying that no art could embellish so noble a sentiment. JAMES DERHAM. 211 JAMES DERHAM, ORIGINALLY a slave in Philadelphia, -was sold by his master to a physician, who employed him in his shop as assistant in the preparation of drugs. During the war between America and England he was sold to a surgeon, and by that surgeon to Dr. Robert Dove, of New Orleans. He learned the English, French, and Spanish languages, so as to speak them with ease. He was received a member of the English church ; and in the year 1 788, when he was about twenty-one years of age, he became one of the most distinguished physicians in New Orleans. " 1 conversed with him on medicine," says Dr. Rush, and " found him very learned. I thought 1 could give him information concerning the treatment of diseases, but I learned more from him than he could expect from me." The Pennsylvania Society, established in favor of the people of color, thought it their duty, in 1789, to publish these facts, which are also related by Dick- son, page 184. In the Domestic Medicine of Buchan, and in a work of Duplaint, we find accounts of a cure for the bite of the rattlesnake. I know not whether Derham was its discoverer, but it is a well-known fact that one of his color did make such a discovery, for which he received, from the General Assembly of Carolina, his freedom and an annuity of a hundred pounds sterling. THE AFRICAN PRINCE. THE AFRICAN PRINCE. IN the most flourishing period of the reign of Louis XIV. two African youths, the sons of a prince, being brought to the court of Fiance, the king appointed a Jesuit to instruct them in letters and in the Christian religion ; and gave to each of them a commission in his guards. The elder, who was remarkable for can- dor and ingenuousness, made great improvement, more particularly in the doctrines of religion. A brutal officer, upon some dispute, insulted him with a blow. The gallant youth never so much as offered to resent it. A person who was his friend took an opportunity to talk with him that evening alone upon his behavior, which he told him was too tame, especially in a soldier. " Is there then," said the young African, " one revelation for soldiers, and another for merchants and gownsmen ? The good father to whom I owe all my knowledge, has earnestly inculcated in me forgiveness of injuries ; assuring me that a Christian was by no means to retaliate abuses of any kind." " The good father," replied his friend, " may fit you for a monastery, by his lessons, but never for the army and the rules of a court. In a word," continued he, " if you do not call the colonel to an account, you will be branded with the infamy of cowardice, and have your commission taken from you." " I would fain," said the young man, " act consistently in every UNCLE HAEKY. 213 thing ; but since you press me with that regard to my honor which you have always shown, I will wipe off so foul a stain ; though I must own I gloried in it be- fore." Immediately upon this, he desired his friend to go from him and appoint the aggressor to meet him early in the morning. Accordingly, they met and fought, and the brave African youth disarmed his adversary, and forced him to ask his pardon publicly. This done, the next day he threw up his commission, and desired the king's leave to return to his father. At parting, he embraced his brother and his friends, with tears in his eyes, saying that he had not imagined Christians to be so \maccountable a people ; that he could not apprehend their faith could be of any use to them, if it did not influence their practice ; and that, in his country, they thought it no dishonor to act ac- cording to the principles of their religion. UNCLE HARRY. FROM THE LITERARY AND EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE, 1824. LATE in the last autumn it was my privilege (says the author) to spend a few hours in the hospitable mansion of the Rev. S. B. "VV., of F. I arrived at his house very early in the morning, just before the family assembled to perform their customary devo- 214 UNCLE HARRY. tions. On the signal being given, the children and domestics came into the room where we were sitting. Among the latter, there was a veiy aged colored man, whom every one called Uncle Harry. As soon as he entered, I observed that Mr. \V. and his lady treated him with marked attention and kindness. The morning was sharp and frosty, and Uncle Harry had a chair in the corner, close to the fire. The portion of Scripture selected for the service was the second chapter of Luke. I observed that the attention of Harry was deeply fixed, and he soon be- gan to manifest strong emotions. The old man's eye kindled as the reader went on, and when he came to the tenth verse, Harry appeared as though his heart was tuned to the angelic song, and he could hardly help uttering a shout of triumph. There was not, however, the smallest ostentation of feeling, or endeavor to attract attention. He only, in a gentle manner, turned his face upward, strongly clasping his hands as they lay on his lap, and express- ing by his countenance the joy of his heart. By this time he had interested me so highly that I could not keep my eyes from him. I watched the varying expressions of his counte- nance, and saw that every word seemed to strike on his heart, and produce a corresponding emotion. I thought I would give the world, if I could read the Bible just as Harry heard it. While I was thinking, and looking on with intense interest, the reader came to the passage where old Simeon saw the infant UNCLE HARRY. 215 Saviour, took him in his arms, blessed God, and said . " Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation." Harry's emotion had become stronger and stronger, until the words just quoted were read, when he was completely overpowered. Suddenly turning on his seat, to hide as much as possible his feelings, he bent forward and burst into a flood of tears ; but they were tears of joy. He anticipated his speedy peace- ful departure and his final rest. This state of feeling continued during the remainder of the service, and when we rose from our knees, Uncle Harry's face seemed literally to have been bathed in tears. As soon as we had risen, the old man came toward me with a countenance beaming with joy. " This," said Mr. "W., addressing me, " is Uncle Harry" He reached out his hand and said : " Oh, why did my God bring me here to-day, to hear what I have heard, and see this salvation ? " I asked : " Are you as ready to depart, Uncle Harry, as good old Simeon was, of whom we read in this chapter ? " I shall never forget his look of humble, joyful submission, when he replied, "Just when it shall please my bless- ed Lord and Master." " You hope to go to heaven? " " Through divine mercy, I do." " What is the foun- dation of that hope ? " " The righteousness of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." On perceiving that I wished to converse with the old man, Mr. W. said, with a kindness which showed that he recognized Harry as a Christian brother, and 216 UNCLE HAKRY. respected his age : " Come, take your seat again, Uncle Harry, and sit up near the fire." He accepted the invitation, and I entered into conversation, which afforded me higher pleasure than I ever enjoyed in the circles of fashion, beauty, wit and learning. I here send you some of the most interesting particu- lars. " How old are you, Uncle Harry ? " " Why, as nigh as I can tell, I am eighty-nine or thereabout." " Where were you born ? " " At Port Tobacco, in Maryland." " And who had you to preach the gospel to you there ? " " Ah, we had no preacher of the gospel there at that time." " Then it was after you left Port Tobacco that you embraced religion, was it?" "No, sir, it was while I lived there, and I will tell you how it was : A great many years ago there was one Dr. Whitefield, that travelled all through this country, preaching the gospel every- where ; I dare say you have heard of Dr. Whitefield, he was a most powerful preacher. " Well, as I was saying, he went through Mary- land, but his place of preaching was so far off that I did not hear of it until he was gone. But not long afterwards I met a man, an acquaintance of mine, who did hear him. He told me about the sermon ; and what I heard opened my eyes to see that I was a poor lost sinner ; and ever since that time I have been de- termined to seek Jesus as my Saviour, and to spend my life in His service." Happy Whitefield ! thought I, and greatly honored UNCLE HARRY. 217 of thy Master, who has used thee as His instrument in saving so many souls. " But," said I, " how old were you then ? " " Why, as nigh as I can guess, I was somewhere about sixteen or seventeen years old." " And have you never repented of this resolution? " " No, indeed, master ; I have never repented of any thing, but that I have served my blessed Saviour so poorly." " But have you not met many trials and difficulties by the way ? " " Yes, indeed, master ; but out of them all the Lord has delivered me ; and having ob- tained help of God, I continue to this day : blessed be His name ; He never will leave me or forsake me ; I have good hope of that." *' Well, how did you obtain religious instruction where you lived, as you say there was no preacher of the gospel in the neighborhood ? " " Why, by the mercy of my God, I learned to read the Bible ; and that showed me the way to Jesus. But now I think of it, when the Roman Catholics heard that I was concerned about my soul, they sent for me, and tried hard to get me to join them. "There was a priest at Port Tobacco, whose name was Mr. O'Neal ; he talked to me a great deal. I remember he said to me one day, ' Harry, now you are concerned about your soul, you must come and join the Catholic church.' ' What for,' said I, ' Mr. O'Neal ? ' ' Because,' said he, ' it is the true church.' ' Then,' said I, ' if the Catholic church will lead me to Jesus, I will join it with all my heart, for that is all 10 218 UNCLE HAKRY. I want;' and Mr. O'Neal said, 'If you will join the church, I will warrant that you shall go to heaven.' * How can you do that, Mr. O'Neal ? ' said I. " Then he told me that a great many years ago our Saviour came into the world, and He chose twelve apostles, and made St. Peter their head ; and the Pope succeeded St. Peter ; and so all that join the Pope belong to the true church. ' Then,' said I, ' why, how do you know that, Mr. O'Neal ? ' ' Be- cause,' said he, ' our Saviour told Peter, I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatso- ever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.' " And I said, ' The Lord knows how it is, Mr. O'Neal ; I am a poor ignorant creature, but it always did seem to me that Peter was nothing but a man, like the other apostles ; ' but Mr. O'Neal said, ' No, he was the head and chief of the apostles ; for our Savioiir said again, Thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build My church ; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.' And I asked him, ' Now, do you think Peter was that rock, Mr. O'Neal ? ' He answered, ' To be sure he was ; ' and I said again, ' The Lord knows how it is ; but it never did seem so to me. ' Now I think it was jxist so when Peter said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God, our Saviour told him, Thou art Peter?" (while the old man repeated the words, Thou art Peter, he pointed his finger at me, and looked me directly in the face, UNCLE HARRY. 219 but as soon as he began the following part of the quotation he brought his hand briskly down to his knee, saying with emphasis, as he looked at himself), " ' and upon this rock will I build My church ; and that rock was Christ ; for it is written in another place, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner-stone, elect, precious ; and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded ; and that corner-stone is Christ.' "Then Mr. O'Neal said to me, 'Why, Harry, where did you learn that ? ' I said, ' From my Bible.' ' Oh ! ' said he, ' you have no business with the Bible ; it will confuse and frustrate you.' But I said, ' It tells me of my Saviour.' Then a gentleman, who was sitting by, said, ' Oh ! you might as well let him alone, Mr. O'Neal ; you cannot make anything of him ; ' and from that time I never had any desire to join the Roman Catholics." The narrative, of the truth of which I could not entertain a moment's doubt, showed a promptness of reply and an acquaintance with the Scriptures which truly surprised me, and I remarked, " I suppose, Uncle Harry, you take great pleasure in reading the Bible ? " " Ah, master ! when I could read, it was the pleasure of my life. But I am old now ; and my book is so rubbed that the print is dim, and I can scarcely make out to read a word." On this, Mr. W. said, Well, Uncle Harry, you shall have a new Bible. Do you call on Mr. , when you go down town, and he will give you a new one from the Bible Society." Harry bowed, and ex- 220 UNCLE HARRY. pressed gratitude for the kindness, but did not mani- fest as much pleasure as I expected, considering how highly he professed to value the Bible. While I was wondering, and rather sorrowing on the account, I observed the old man to be feeling, with an air of embarrassment, in his pocket. At length he pulled out an old tattered case, which appeared to have been long in use, and observed, " This new Bible will not be of much use to me, because my spectacles are so bad that they help me very little in reading." With that he opened his case, and showed a pair of spectacles of the cheapest sort, of which one glass was broken, and the other so scratched, that it was wonderful that he could see through it at all. Mr. W. no sooner observed this than he said, " Well, Uncle Harry, you must have a new pair ; do call at Mr. 's store, and tell him to let you have a pair suited to your age, and I will settle with him about it." On hearing this, Harry's eyes gleamed with joy, and he exclaimed, " Thank God ! God bless you, master ! Now I shall have comfort again in reading the Bible." And I never saw a happier, or a more grateful countenance. Presently, he said the wagon would soon call for him to take him home, and he nnist go down town, and be getting ready : on which he again thanked his friend, and invoked a blessing on him and his family.. He then affectionately and respectfully took me by the hand, and said, " I never saw you before, and I UNCLE HARRY. 221 never shall see you \again in this world ; but I love you as a minister of my blessed Lord and Master, and I hope that I shall meet you in the house above. Remember and pray for poor old Harry." I squeezed his hand, and assured him of my affec- tionate remembrance, and requested that he would pray for me, and for the preachers of the Gospel gener- ally. " Oh ! " said he, " may God Almighty bless all the dear ministers of Christ, and enable them to call many poor sinners to the dear Saviour ! Oh ! I do love to hear of souls coming to Christ ; and it is my daily prayer Thy kingdom come, and Thy will be done on earth, as it is done in heaven ! " With that the old man took leave. I confess that I have often since wished to see him and hold communion with him. There was about him a spirit of piety and benevolence, of humble zeal and fervent hope, of meekness and submission, which I have rarely seen equalled. At the same time, there was a degree of intelligence, an extent of religious knowledge, which, in his condition, really surprised and delighted me. I saw here one of the triumphs of divine grace. I was made to appreciate the value and the excellence of that religion which could take a poor slave, and so transform him, that he was well nigh fitted to be a companion of saints in light, and of just men made perfect. And since I saw him, I have often prayed that after the days of my wandering shall be over, and all the sufferings of my life shall be endured, I 222 THE HOSPITABLE NEGRO WOMAN: may obtain a share in the rest, and a lot in the inheritance, which I have no doubt are prepared for Uncle Harry. THE HOSPITABLE NEGRO WOMAN. THE enterprising traveller, Miingo Park, was em- ployed by the African Association to explore the interior regions of Africa. In this hazardous under- taking, he encountered many dangers and difficulties. His wants were often supplied, and his distress allevi- ated, by the kindness and compassion of negroes. He gives the following lively and interesting account of the hospitable treatment he received from a poor negro woman : " Being arrived at Sego, the capital of the kingdom of Bambarra, situated on the banks of the Niger, I wished to pass over to that part of the town in which the king resides ; but from the number of persons eager to obtain a passage, I was under the necessity of waiting two hours. During this time the people who had crossed the river carried information to Mansong, the king, that a white man was waiting for a passage, and was coming over to see him. " He immediately sent over one of his chief men, who informed me that the king could not possibly see me until he knew what had brought me into this country, and that I must not presume to cross the river without the king's permission. He therefore THE HOSPITABLE NEGRO WOMAN". 223 advised me to lodge, for that night, in a distant vil- lage, to which he pointed, and said that in the morn- ing he would give me further instruction how to con- duct myself. This was very discouraging. However, as there was no remedy, I set off for the village ; where I found, to my great mortification, that no person would admit me into his house. " From prejudices infused into their minds, I was regarded with astonishment and fear ; and I was obliged to sit the whole day without victuals, in the shade of a tree. The night threatened to be very uncomfortable ; the wind rose, and there was great appearance of a heavy rain. The wild beasts too were so numerous in the neighborhood, that I should have been under the necessity of climbing up a tree, and resting among the branches. " About sunset, however, as I was preparing to pass the night in this manner, and had turned my horse loose, that he might graze at liberty, a negro woman, returning from the labors of the field, stopped to observe me ; and perceiving that I was weary and dejected, she inquired into my situation. I briefly explained it to her ; after which, with looks of great compassion, she took up my saddle and bridle, and told me to follow her. Having conducted me into her hut, she lighted a lamp, spread a mat on the floor, and told me I might remain there for the night. " Finding I was very hungry, she went out to pro- ; cure me something to eat ; and returned in a short time with a very fine fish, which, having caused it to 224 THE HOSPITABLE NEGRO WOMAN. be half broiled upon some embers, she gave me for supper. The rites of hospitality being thus performed toward a stranger in distress, my worthy benefactress (pointing to the mat, and telling me I might sleep there without apprehension), called to the female part of her family, who had stood gazing on me all the while in fixed astonishment, to resume their task of spinning cotton ; in which they continued to employ themselves a great part of the night. " They lightened their labor by songs, one of which was composed extempore ; for I was myself the sub- ject of it. It was sung by one of the young women, the rest joining in a sort of .chorus. The air was sweet and plaintive, and the words, literally trans- lated, were these : ' The winds roared, and the rain fell. The poor white man, faint and weary, came and sat under our tree. He has no mother to bring him milk, no wife to grind his corn.' Chorus : ' Let us pity the white man ; no mother has be to bring him milk, no wife to grind his corn.' * " Trifling as these events may appear to the reader, they were to me affecting in the highest degree. I * These simple and affecting sentiments have been very b3antifully versified. 1. The loud wind roar'd, the rain fell fast, The white man yielded to the blast. He sat him down beneath the tree, For weary, sad, and faint was he : And ah ! no wife's or mother's care, For him the milk or corn prepare. GRATITUDE IN A LIBERATED SLAVE. 225 was oppressed by such unexpected kindness, and sleep fled from my eyes. In the morning, I presented to my compassionate landlady two of the four brass buttons which remained on my waistcoat ; the only recompense it was in my power to make her." GRATITUDE IN A LIBERATED SLAVE. SOME time in the year 1790 a member of the Man- umission Society, residing on Golden Hill (now called John Street) in Kew York, observed, for a consider- able time, his front porch to be scrubbed and sanded, every Seventh-day morning before the family were up. CHORUS. The white man shall our pity share Alas ! no wife's or mother's care For him the milk or corn prepare. 2. The storm is o'er, the tempest past, And Mercy's voice has hush'd the blast ; The wind is heard in whispers low, The white man far away must go j But ever in his heart will bear Remembrance of the negro's care. CHORUS. Go, while man, go ; but with thee bear The negro's wish, the negro's prayer, Remembrance of the negro's care. 10* 226 AGNES MORRIS. He ordered a servant to watch, and ascertain to whom he was indebted for this singular mark of kindness. At an early hour in the morning a colored woman was observed with her pail, bi-ush, cloth, soap and sand, carefully performing her accustomed task. The domestic who had been on the watch followed her home, and requested to know her inducements for performing this service. Her reply was, " Massa got me free, and I can do no less than scrub off the stoop." A gratitude so genuine and xmtainted is rarely found among the most polished and refined minds. AGNES MORRIS. ANOTHER narrative, respecting a dying woman, dis- plays a faith so strong, a hope so full of immortality, as may lead the. Christian reader to exclaim, " Let my last hours be like those of this poor slave." Agnes Morris, a poor negro woman, sent a pressing request to Mrs. Thwaites, a lady residing in Antigua, to visit her : she was in the last stage of dropsy. This poor creature ranked among the lowest class of slaves. Her all consisted of a little wattled* hut and a few clothes. Mrs. Thwaites, finding her at the commencement of her illness in a very destitute con- dition, mentioned her case to a friend, who gave her a coat. When she paid her last visit, on her entering the door, Agnes exclaimed, " Missis ! you come ! * Plaited twigs. AGNES MORRIS. 227 This tongue can't tell what Jesus do for me ! Me call my Saviour day and night ; and He come " lay- ing her hand on her breast " He comfort me here." On being asked if she was sure of going to heaven when she died, she answered, "Yes, me sure. Me see de way clear, and shine before me " looking and pointing upward with a smiling face. " If di dis minute, Jesus will take me home, me ready." Some hymns being sung, she was in a rapture of joy; and in reference to the words of one of them, exclaimed, "For me-^-for me poor sinner!" lifting up her swelled hands " what a glory ! what a glory ! " Seeing her only daughter weeping, she said, " What you cry for? No cry follow Jesus He will take care of you." And turning to Mrs. Thwaites, she said, '* Missis, show um de path : " meaning the path to heaven. Many other expressions fell from her of a similar nature, to the astonishment of those who heard her. It was understood she continued praying and praising God to her latest breath. This poor creature was destitute of all earthly com- forts. Her bed was a board, with a few plantain leaves over it. How many of these outcasts will be translated from outward wretchedness to realms of glory, there to mingle with the blessed, and sing praises to Hun who lives for ever ! 228 EXTRAORDINARY EXERTIONS TO OBTAIN LIBERTY. EXTRAORDINARY EXERTIONS TO OBTAIN LIBERTY. THAT human being who would run the gauntlet for freedom so desperately as the poor African ap- pears to have done, whose story is given below, surely should never again be brought under the lash of a taskmaster. The captain of a vessel from North Car- olina called upon the police for advisement respect- ing a slave he had unconsciously brought away in his vessel, under the following curious circumstances : Three or four days after he had got to sea he be- gan to be haunted every hour with tones of distress seemingly proceeding from a human voice in the very lowest part of the vessel. A particular scrutiny was finally instituted, and it was concluded that the crea- ture, whatever or whoever it might be, must be con- fined down in the run under the cabin floor ; and on boring a hole with an auger, and demanding, ' Who's there ? ' a feeble voice responded, ' Poor negro, mas- sa ! ' It was clear enough then that some runaway negro had hid himself there before they sailed, trust- ing to Providence for his ultimate escape. Having discovered him, however, it was impossible to give him relief, for the captain had stowed even the cabin so completely full of cotton as but just to leave room for a small table for himself and the mate to eat on ; and as for unloading at sea, that was pretty much out of the question. Accordingly, there he had WILLIAM BOWEtf. 229 to lie, stretched at full length, for the tedious interval of thirteen days, till the vessel arrived in port and un- loaded, receiving his food and drink through the auger hole. The fellow's story is, now he is released, that, being determined to get away from slavery, he supplied himself with eggs, and biscuit, and some jugs of water, which latter he was just on the point of depositing in his lurking-place, when he discovered the captain at a distance coining on board, and had to hurry down as fast as possible and leave them ; that he lived on nothing but his eggs and biscuit till discovered by the captain, not even getting a drop of water, except what he had the good fortune to catch in his hand one day, when a vessel of water in the cabin was overset, during a squall, and some of it ran down through the cracks of the floor over him. WILLIAM BOWEK DIED, near Mount Holly, New Jersey, 12th of sixth month, 1824, in the 90th year of his age, Wil- liam Bowen, a man of color. The deceased was one of those who have demonstrated the truth of that por- tion of Scripture that, "in every nation, he that fear- eth God and worketh righteousness is accepted with Him." He was concerned in early life to do justly, love 230 ANTHONY BKNEZET. mercy, and walk humbly with his God ; and by closely attending to the light of Christ, and faithfully abiding under the operation of that blessed spirit of Divine Grace in his soul, he was enabled not only to bear many precious testimonies, through his life, but to bring forth those fruits of the Spirit which redound to the glory of God and to the salvation of the soul. He was an exemplary member of the religious So- cietv of Friends. As he lived so he died, a rare pat- tern of a self-denying follower of Jesus Christ. He had no apparent disease either of body or mind ; and as he expressed himself, but a short time before his death, " he felt nothing but weakness," which con- tinued to increase until he gently breathed his last, and no doubt entered into his Heavenly Father's rest. " Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." ANTHONY BENEZET. DIED, on the 3d of fifth month, 1784, Anthony Benezet, aged 71 years, a member of the Society of Friends. It was a day of sorrow. The afflicted widow, the unprotected orphan, and the poor of all descriptions, had lost the sympathetic mind of Bene- zet. Society lamented the extinguishment of the bril- liant light of his philanthropy. The wandering tribes in the American wilderness, ANTHONY BENEZET. 231 and the oppressed Africans, were indeed bereft ; for ' his willing pen and tongvie had ceased forever to por- tray the history of their injuries, or plead for the es- tablishment of their rights, before the sons of men. At the interment of his remains, in Friends' burial ground in Philadelphia, was the greatest concourse of people that had ever been witnessed on such an occa- sion ; being a collection of all ranks and professions among the inhabitants ; thus manifesting the uni- versal esteem in which he was held. Among others who paid that last tribute of respect were many hundred colored people, testifying, by their attendance and by their tears, the grateful sense they entertained of his pious efforts in their behalf. Hav- ing no children, by his will he bequeathed his estate to his wife during her natural life. At her decease, he directed several small sums to be paid to poor and obscure persons. The residue he devised in trust to the overseers of the public school, " to hire and employ a religious- minded person or persons to teach a number of negro, mulatto or Indian children to read, write, arithmetic, plain accounts, needle-work, etc. And it is my par- ticular desire, founded on the experience I have had in that service, that, in the choice of such tutor, special care may be taken to prefer an industrious, careful person, of true piety, who may be or become suitably qualified, who would undertake the service from a principle of charity, to one more highly learn- ed not equally disposed." 232 ' ANTHONY BENEZET. He also bequeathed, as a special legacy, the sum of fifty pounds to the Society in Pennsylvania for the promotion of the abolition of slavery. Thus closed the life of this great and good man. Dispensing his blessings with his own hand, he was too liberal to be a man of wealth. He was a native of France ; and in the ancient records of his family are exhibited evi- dences of religious character in his predecessors. Connected with the demise of his gi'audfather, the event is said to be, " to the great affliction of his chil- dren, and the universal regret of his relatives and friends, for he was a model of virtue and purity, and lived in the constant fear of God." Attached to the birth-note of his grandson Anthony, are these expres- sions : "May God bless him, in making him a par- taker of his mercies." Though virtue is not heredi- tary, it must be admitted that example is powerful. Among the productions of Anthony Benezet's pen, was, " An historical account of Guinea, its situation, produce, and the general disposition of its inhabi- tants ; with an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade, its nature, and calamitous effects." Note from the Memoirs of A. J^enezet. The influence of this work, in giving an impulse to the mind of the indefatigable and benevolent Thomas Clarkson, whose exertions contributed so much toward bringing about the abolition of the slave trade by the British Parliament, is certainly remarkable. In the ANTHONY BEXEZET. 233 year 1785, Dr. Packard, vice-chancellor of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, proposed to the senior Bachel- ors of Arts, of whom Clarkson was one, the following question for a Latin dissertation : viz. (in English), " Is it right to make slaves of others against their will ? " Having in the former year gained a prize for the best Latin dissertation, he resolved to maintain the classical reputation he had acquired by applying him- self to the subject ; but it was one with which he was by no means familiar, and he was at a loss what authors to consult respecting it ; " when going by accident," he says, " into a friend's house, I took up a newspaper then lying on the table. " One of the articles which attracted my notice, was an advertisement of Anthony Beuezet's historical account of Guinea. I soon left my friend and his paper, and, to lose no time, hastened to London to buy it. In this precious book I found almost all I wanted." The information furnished by Benezet's book encouraged him to complete his essay, which was rewarded with the first prize ; and from that mo- ment, Clarkson's mind became interested with the great subject of the abolition. 234 EXTRAORDINARY MUNIFICENCE. EXTRAORDINARY MUNIFICENCE. FROM THE GENIUS OF UNIVERSAL EMANCIPATION 1825. A PARAGRAPH has lately gone the round of the papers announcing that a gentleman of Virginia had emancipated upwards of eighty slaves, and chartered a vessel to send them at his own expense to Hayti, but without giving the name of the author of so dis- tinguished an act of munificence. " We think it due to justice," says the Norfolk Herald, " to supply this deficiency, and to add the following facts, which have been communicated to us by gentlemen familiar with them, as well as by Cap- tain Russell, one of the owners of the brig Hannah and Elizabeth, of Baltimore, the vessel chartered. " The gentleman who has thus distinguished him- self, is David Mirige, of Charles City county, living near Sandy Point, on James River. Captain Russell informs us that there were put on board the Hannah and Elizabeth eighty-seven colored people of different ages, from three months to forty years, being all the slaves Mr. Minge owned, except two old men, whom he had likewise manumitted, but who, being past ser- vice, he retains and supports them. " The value of these negroes, at the prices now going, might be estimated at about twenty-six thou- sand dollars ! and Mr. Minge expended, previous to their embarkation, about twelve hundred dollars in EXTRAORDINARY MUNIFICENCE. 235 purchasing ploughs, hoes, iron, and other articles of husbandry for them ; besides providing them with several suits of clothes to each, provisions, groceries, cooking utensils, and everything which he supposed they might require for their comfort during the passage, and for their use after their arrival out. He also paid sixteen hundred dollars for the charter of the vessel. " But Mr. Minge's munificence does not end here. On the bank of the river, as they were about to go on board, he had a peck of dollars brought down, and calling them around him, under a tree, he distributed the hoard among them, in such sums, and under such regulations, that each individual did, or would, receive seven dollars. "By this provision, Mr. Minge thought his emi- grants would be enabled to commence the cultivation of the soil immediately after their arrival, without being dependent on President Boyer for any favor whatever, unless the permission to improve the gov- ernment lands be so considered. " Mr. Minge is about twenty-four or twenty-five years of age, unmarried, and unencumbered in every respect ; possesses an ample fortune, and received the benefits of a collegiate education at Harvard Uni- versity. " We have heard of splendid sacrifices at the shrine of philanthropy; aged men, on quitting the stage of mortal existence, have bequeathed large endowments to public charities, and princely legacies to religious 236 TEMPTATION RESISTED AND HONESTY REWARDED. and moral institutions. But where shall we find an instance of the kind attributable to a man of Mr. Minge's age ? The case, we believe, is without a parallel." TEMPTATION RESISTED AND HONESTY REWARDED. *. FROM DILLWYN'S ANECDOTES. A POOR chimney sweeper's boy was employed at the house of a lady of rank to sweep the chimney of the room in which she usually dressed. When finding himself on the hearth of a richly-furnished dressing- room, and perceiving no one there, he waited a few moments to take a view of the beautiful things in the apartment. A gold watch, richly set with diamonds, particularly caught his attention, and he could not forbear taking it in. his hand. Immediately the wish rose in his mind, " Ah ! if you had such a one ! " After a pause, he said to himself, " But if I take it I shall be a thief ; and yet," continued he, " nobody would know it; nobody sees me nobody! Does not God see me, who is present everywhere ? " Overcome by these thoughts, a cold shivering seized him. " No," said he, putting down the watch, "I would much rather be poor, and keep my good conscience, than rich and become a rascal." At these words he hastened back into the chimney. TEMPTATION RESISTED AND HONESTY BEWARDED. 237 The lady, who was in the room adjoining, having overheard the conversation with himself, sent for him the next morning, and thus accosted him : " My little friend, why did you not take the watch yesterday ? " The boy fell on his knees, speechless and astonished. " I heard every thing you said," continued her lady- ship ; " thank God for enabling you to resist this temptation, and be watchful over yourself for the future : from this moment you shall be in my service : I will both maintain and clothe you : nay, more, pro- cure you good instruction, which will assist to guard you from the danger of similar temptations." The boy burst into tears ; he was anxious to express his gratitude, but could not. The lady strictly kept her promise, and had the pleasure of seeing this poor chimney-sweeper grow up a good, pious and intelligent man. An Indian, being among his white neighbors, asked for a little tobacco to smoke, and one of them, having some loose in his pocket, gave him a handful. The day following the Indian came back, inquiring for the donor, saying he had found a quarter of a dollar among the tobacco. Being told that as it was given him he might as well keep it, he answered, pointing to his breast, " I got a good man, and a bad man here, and the good man say, ' It ain't yours ; you must return it to its owner : ' the bad man say, ' Why, he gave it to you, and it is your own now : ' the good man say, c That's not right ; the tobacco is yours, not the 238 THE GOOD OLD INDIAN. money : ' the bad man say, ' Never mind, you got it, go buy some dram : ' the good man say, ' No, you must not do so : ' so I don't know what to do, and I think I go to sleep ; but the good man and the bad keep talking all night, and trouble me ; and now I bring the money back I feel good. 1 ' Another Indian related, that, having got some money, he was, on his way home, tempted to stop at a tavern and buy some rum ; " But, " said he, point- ing to his breast, " I have a good boy and a bad boy here ; and the good boy say, ' John, don't you stop there : the bad one say, f Poh, John, never mind, you love a good dram : ' the good boy say, l No, John, you know what a fool you made yourself when you got drunk there before, don't do so again.' When I come to the tavern, the bad boy say, ' Come, John, take one dram ; it won't hurt you : ' the good one say, ' No, John, if you take one dram, then you take another : ' then I don't know what to do, and the good boy say, ' Run, John, hard as you can ' so I run away, and then, be sure, I feel very glad." THE GOOD OLD INDIAN. CAPTAIN JAMES SMITH relates, that he was taken prisoner by the Indians in the year 1755, and lived several years among them. At one time, he lived with THE GOOD OLD INDIAN. 239 an old man named Tecaughretanego, and his little son, Nunganny ; they were quite alone, and there were not any inhabitants for many miles around. The old imn was too lame to go out hunting ; it was winter ; they had no victuals ; the snow was on the ground, arid so frozen as to make a great noise when walked on, which frightened away the deer, and the captain could not shoot anything for some time. He says : " After I had hunted two days without eating anything, and had very short allowance for some days before, I returned late in the evening, faint and weary. When I came into our hut, the old man asked what success. I told him not any. He asked me if I was not very hungry. I replied that the keen appetite seemed in some measure abated, but I was both faint and weary. " He commanded his little son to bring me some- thing to eat ; and he brought me a kettle with some bones and broth. After eating a few rnouthfuls my appetite violently returned, and I thought the vic- tuals had a most agreeable relish, though it was only fox and wildcat bones, which lay about the ground, which the ravens and turkey -buzzards had picked ; these Nunganny had collected, and boiled until the sinews that remained on them would strip off. I speedily finished my allowance, and when I had ended my sweet repast the old man asked me how I felt. I told him I was much refreshed. " He then handed me his pipe and pouch, and told me to take a good smoke. I did so. He then s'aid 240 THE GOOD OLD IJfDIAN. he had something of importance to tell me, if I was now composed and ready to hear it. I told him I was ready to hear him. He said, ' The reason why I deferred my speech till now is because few men are in a right humor to hear good talk when they are very hungry, as they are then generally fretful and discomposed ; but as you now appear to enjoy calm- ness and serenity of mind, I will communicate to you the thoughts of my heart, and those things I know to be true. " ' Brother, as you have lived with the white peo- ple, you have not had the same advantage of knowing that the great Being above feeds His people, and gives them their meat in due season, as we Indians have, who are freqtiently out of provisions, and yet are wonderfully supplied, and that so frequently that it is evidently the hand of the Great Spirit that does this ; whereas, the white people have commonly large stocks of tame cattle, that they can kill when they please ; and they also have barns and cribs, filled with grain, and therefore have not the same opportunity of seeing that they are supported by the Ruler of heaven and earth. " ' Brother, I know you are now afraid that we will all perish with hunger, but you have no just reason to fear this. I have been young, but I am now gld. I have been frequently under the like circumstances that we now are, and some time or another in almost every year of my life ; yet I have hitherto been sup- ported, and my wants supplied in time of need. FAITH OF A POOR BLIND WOMAN. 241 " ' Brother, the Good Spirit sometimes suffers us to be in want, in order to teach us our dependence on Him, and to let us know that we are to love and serve Him ; likewise to know the Avorth of the favors that we receive, and also to make us thankful. " ' Brother, be assured that you will be supplied with food, and that just in the right time : but you must continue diligent in the use of means : go to sleep, and rise early in the morning, and go a hunt- ing be strong, and exert yourself, like a man, and the Great Spirit will direct your way.' v The captain was thus encouraged to try again the next morning, though much disheartened and ex- tremely hungry. He went a great distance before he could shoot anything ; but at length he shot a buffalo cow ; thus finding, as the good old Indian had said, that the Great Spirit had enabled him to provide for them just at the time of their distress. FAITH OF A POOR BLIND WOMAN. A PERSON going to see a very aged woman of color, found a respectable-looking white girl sitting by her, reading the Bible for her. On inquiring of the old woman whether she could ever read, the visitor was answered, " Oh, yes, mistress, and I used to read a great deal in that book (pointing to a Bible very much worn that lay on the table), but now I am most 11 242 AFBICAK SCHOOLS IN NEW YORK. blind, and the good girls read for me ; but by and by, when I get on Zion's hill, I shall then see as well as anybody." The poor of this world are often found rich in faith, and their confidence in the wisdom and goodness of a bountiful Creator, strong. How frequently, on visit ing the abodes of the aged and the infirm, do we find this verified : one saying, when something is handed her, " The Lord has sent me this ; " another, " The Lord put it into my heart to be industrious, and lay up something for old age," etc. AFRICAN SCHOOLS IN NEW YORK. THE Clarkson Association, for instructing adult females of color, commenced in the spring of 1811, and was conducted ten or twelve years by a number of young ladies of the Society of Friends. This was the first institution that came under the appellation of Sabbath-school in this city, where there are now so many. It was taught on that day, because those people had generally more leisure to attend than on other days of the week ; but these benevolent ladies soon appropriated also one afternoon in the middle of the week, for such as were at liberty to attend. There were a considerable number of aged women, as well as those in the piime of life, who learned to read, and AFRICAN SCHOOLS IN NEW YORK. 243 rejoiced greatly in the acquisition. There were also schools kept by young men, for adults of color of the other sex. " There is one remarkable fact connected with the effects of this excellent school upon the moral con- dition of the colored people. At every term of the Court of Sessions in this city, there are many colored persons convicted of crimes, and sent to the State pi'ison or penitentiary. This school has now been in. operation a number of years, and several thousands of scholars have received the benefits of a good thorough English education, and but three persons who have been educated here have been convicted in our criminal courts." Several girls, who have received their education at this school, have gone with their parents to Hayti, whe.re they will be capable of teaching schools, and may be of singular benefit. Two interesting letters, written in a very fair intelligible hand, by one of these girls about fourteen years old, have been re- ceived by E. J. Cox ; extracts from which are here subjoined. " REPUBLIC OF HAYTI, ) "CITY OF ST. DOMINGO, Sept. 29, 1824. i " DEAR TEACHER : With pleasure I hasten to in- form you of our safe arrival in St. Domingo, after a passage of twenty-one days. Mother and myself were very much afflicted with sea-sickness for about nine or ten days, but after that we enjoyed a little of the pleasures of our voyage. 244 AFRICAN SCHOOLS IN NEW YORK. " On our arrival, we were conducted by the captain of the port to the governor's house, where we were received by him with all the friendship that he could have received us with had we been intimately ac- quainted for years. After informing him of our intention of residing on the island, we were conducted to the residence of the second general in command, where we had our names registered. " From thence we went to see the principal chapel in the city ; to give a description of which, it requires a far abler pen than mine ; " (she, howerer, mentions many particulars ;) " but you cannot form an idea of it, unless you could see for yourself. After we had viewed the church throughout, we were conducted to our lodging, at which place we are at present. Since we have been here, my sampler and bench-cover have been seen by a number of ladies and gentlemen, and have been very much admired by all who have seen them. " Dear teacher, notwithstanding we are hundreds of miles from each other, I hope you will not think that I shall forget you, or those kind friends (I mean the trustees), who have been so kind to me : for had it not been for them and yourself, perhaps I never should have known one half what I do, as respects my education ; for which, for them and you, to God I shall offer up my humble pra} 7 ers for your welfare, both in this life and that which is to come. " I am, with respect, yours, " SERENA M. BALDWIN." THE INJURED AFRICANS. 245 THE INJURED AFRICANS. FROM THE NEW YORK OBSERVER 1826. IN our paper of the 21st of January we inserted a communication from a correspondent giving an ac- c#unt of an. aged colored woman who emigrated with her husband from New Orleans to this city last sum- mer, bringing with her another colored woman whom ske had rescued from slavery at the expense of her little all. The object of these poor people in coming to New York was simply to enjoy the privileges of the gospel without interruption. A benevolent gentleman of our acquaintance whose feelings were much interested in the account which we published, and who has since repeatedly visited this interesting family, has put into our hands the following particulars of their history for publication. The name of the husband is Iteuben, that of his wife, Betsey, and that of their companion, Fanny. Reuben Madison, the husband, was bom in Vir- ginia, near Port Royal, about the year 1781. His parents, and all his connections in this country, were slaves. His father died when he was about seven years old. His mother is now living in Kentucky, enjoying freedom in her old age, through the filial re- gard of Reuben, who purchased her liberty for seventy dollars. She is seriously disposed, but not a professor of religion. 246 THE INJURED AFRICANS. He has now eight brothers and sisters living in Frankfort, Franklin county, Kentucky, all slaves, and all, excepting one, members of a Baptist church in that place. About a year after his conversion Reu- ben was married to a slave, who had been kidnapped in Maryland and sold to a planter in his neighbor- hood. She was also hopefully pious. While they lived together she became the mother of two children ; but about four years after their mar- riage she and one of the children, aged eight months, were sold without his knowledge, and transported to a distant Spanish territory, and with so much secrecy that he had no opportunity even to bid her a last fare- well. " This," said he, " was the severest trial of my life, a sense of sin only excepted. I mourned and cried, and would not be comforted. " After several months, however, the hope of meet- ing her and my children again in the kingdom of God, when we should never be separated, together with a promise from my master that I should at some future time go to see her, in some measure allayed my grief, and permitted me to enjoy the consolations of religion." The other child is now a slave in Kentucky, though the father has often endeavored in vain to purchase his freedom. About six years since, having hired his time of his master for five years previous, at 120 dollars a year, Reuben succeeded, by trafficking in rags, and in other ways, in collecting a siim sufficient for the purchase of his own freedom, for which he paid 700 dollars, and THE INJURED AFRICANS. 247 not only so, but he was enabled, with his surplus earn- ings, to build a brick house, and to provide it with convenient accommodations. By the dishonesty of his former master, however, all was taken from hiii). Thus stripped of his property, he left Kentucky and went to New Orleans, that he might learn something from his wife, and, if possible, find and redeem her ; but he only succeeded in gaining the painful intelli- gence that she was dead. He there formed an ac- quaintance with his present wife, whose former name was Betsey Bond, and they were soon married. The circumstances of her life were briefly these : Betsey was born a slave, near Hobb's Hole, Essex county, Virginia, about 1763, and was married to a slave at about the age of twenty years. By him she had three children, one of which, together with her husband, died a few years after their marriage. Soon after their death, she was led to reflect on her lost state as a sinner, and after about seven months of deep anxiety was enabled, as she trusts, to resign her- self into the hands of her Saviour, and experience those consolations which He deigns to grant to the broken-hearted penitent. She gained the confidence and attachment of her mistress, who treated her with much kindness, and she was married to a pious servant of the family, where she remained about nine years. At the close of this period a planter from the vicinity of Natchez, coming to Alexandria in Virginia, where she then lived, for 248 THE INJURED AFRICANS. slaves, she was sold, and carried, with eight others, to his plantation, leaving her husband behind. Her new master treated her with great severity, and she was compelled to labor almost incessantly every day of the week, Sabbath not excepted. With this man she lived nineteen years. He then died, and left his slaves, by will, to another planter, who also dying soon after, she was again sold and transported to New Orleans, where she arrived about the year 1812. At the end of two years this master also died ; and when his slaves were about to be sold, Betsey succeeded with some difficulty in hiring her time, and in a little more than a year, by washing and other labor, she acquired sufficient property to purchase her freedom, for which she paid 250 dollars. Her young- est son and his wife being also slaves in New Orleans, she hoped to obtain, by her industry and economy, money sufficient to purchase them also; but their master refused to part with them. Several years after a large number of slaves were brought to New Orleans from Virginia, and were aboxit to be offered for sale, and Fanny was among tho number. Having accidentally become acquainted with her, previous to the sale, and finding her a sister in Christ, Betsey's feelings were deeply interested, and she resolved to purchase her, and to treat her not as a slave, but as a child and companion. This determination she communicated to Fanny, and with the aid of a gentleman she succeeded in accom- THE INJURED AFRICANS. 249 plishing her object. The price was 250 dollars. She paid 200, her all, and obtained a short credit for the remainder. Soon after this her present husband, com- ing to New Orleans, as before stated, they were mar- ried, and the payment for Fanny was then com- pleted. By their united industry they were soon able to build a comfortable house, in which they set apart a room for religious purposes. Here they assembled with others ev-ery Sabbath, for the worship of God. But being constantly exposed to disturbance in their worship, they felt a great desire to go to a free State, where they might enjoy religious privileges un- molested ; where they could unite with Christian friends in social prayer and conversation, without. a soldier with a drawn sword stationed at their door. They fixed upon New York as the desired asylum ; and having arranged their concerns, rented their house, and collected their effects, they engaged and paid their passage, which was seventy dollars, and sailed from New Orleans about the 12th of July, 1825, with pleas- ing anticipations, for a land of freedom and religious privileges. They suffered much on the voyage, through the cru- elty of the captain ; being exposed without shelter, during the whole of the passage, either on deck or in the longboat. In consequence of this exposure, both of the women were taken sick ; and in this condition they arrived at New York, and were landed on the 11* 250 THE INJURED AFRICANS. wharf in a land of strangers, their money almost ex- pended, and none to commiserate their sufferings. After a few days, however, Reuben succeeded in obtaining a miserable cellar in Chapel Street, at sixty dollars annual rent, where he remained for some time, supporting the family in their sickness, by his labor as a shoemaker, and by the sale of some of his effects. On his arrival at this port his first act was to grant entire freedom to Fanny, giving her liberty to live with him, or to go where she pleased. She chose to remain with him ; and she assisted in the support of the family by washing and other labor, and nursed her mistress, who was evidently declining with the consumption, occasioned doubtless by the severity of her treatment on the passage from New Orleans. Not being able to pay their rent in advance, owing to their sickness and other expenses, their landlord compelled them to quit their residence ; and they have since been obliged to put up with still more miserable accommodations in a cellar in Elm Street. They appeared to put their trust and confidence in God, and expressed their entire belief that all their trials were designed for their good. They seemed to be one in sentiment and feeling, and to manifest a spirituality of mind rarely to be found. Every little attention was most gratefully received, and the best of blessings were implored on him who bestowed it. With some assistance from the benevolent, and with what they may receive from New Orleans for rent, it is believed they may be provided with a comfortable HENRY BO YD. 251 house, and be introduced to those privileges which they so ardently desire. No one of the family can read, though they are all desirous to learn, and from a little attention which their friends have given them it ap- pears that they may be taught without difficulty. It is an affecting thought, that the wrongs of this poor woman, which commenced at her birth, and were inflicted without interruption during the long years of slavery, still followed her on her passage to the land of freedom, and have been finally consummated in this city, the city of her hopes, her fancied asylum from the oppressor. HENEY BOYD. FROM THE ANTI-SLAVERY RECORD. HENRY BOYD was born a slave in Kentucky. Of imposing stature, well-knit muscles, and the counte- nance of one of nature's noblemen. At the age of eighteen he had so far won the confidence of his master, that he not only consented to sell him the right and title to his freedom, but gave him his own time to earn the money. With a general pass from his master, Henry made his way to the Kenhawa salt works, celebrated as the place where Senator Ewing, of Ohio, chopped out his education with his axe ! And there, too, with his axe, did Henry Boyd chop out his liberty. By performing 252 HENRY BOYD. double labor, he got double wages. In the daytime he swung his axe upon the wood, and for half the night he tended the boiling salt-kettles, sleeping the other half by their side. After having accumulated a sufficient sum, he re- turned to his master and paid it over for his freedom. He next applied himself to learn the trade of a car- penter and joiner. Such was his readiness to acquire the use of tools, that he soon qualified himself to re- ceive the wages of a journeyman. In Kentucky pre- judice does not forbid master mechanics to teach col- ored men their trades. He now resolved to quit the dominions of slavery and try his fortunes in a free State, and accordingly directed his steps to the city of Cincinnati. The journey reduced his purse to the last quarter of a dol- lar / but, with his tools on his back and the con- sciousness of his ability to use them, he entered the city with a light heart. Little did he dream of the reception he was to meet. There was work enough to be done in his line, but no master workman would employ a colored man. Day after day did Henry Boyd offer his services from shop to shop, but as often was he repelled, gen- erally with insult, and once with a kick. At last, he found the shop of an Englishman, too recently arrived to understand the grand peculiarity of American feel- ing. This man put a plane into his hand, and asked him to make proof of his skill. "This is in bad or- der," said Boyd, and with that he gave the instru- HENRY BOYD. 253 ment certain nice professional knocks with the ham- mer, till he brought it to suit his practised eye. " Enough," said the Englishman ; " I see you can use tools." Boyd, however, proceeded to dress a board in a very able and workmanlike manner, while the jour- neymen from a long line of benches gathered around with looks that bespoke a deep personal interest in the matter. " You may go to work," said the master of the shop, right glad to employ so < good a workman. The words had no sooner left his mouth than his American journeymen, unbuttoning their aprons, called, as one man, for the settlement of tlieir wages. " What ! what ! " said the amazed Englishman, " what does this mean ? " " It means that we will not work with a nigger" replied the journeymen. " But he is a first-rate workman." " But we won't stay in the same shop with a nigger / we are not in the habit of working with niggers" " Then I will build a shanty outside, and he shall woi'k in that." " No, no ; we won't work for a boss who employs nig- gers. Pay us up, and we'll be off." The poor master of the shop turned with a despairing look to Boyd " You see how it is, my friend ; my workmen will all leave me. I am sorry for it, but I can't hire you." Even at this repulse our adventurer did not de- spair. There might still be mechanics in the outskirts of the city who had too few journeymen to be bound by their prejudices. His quarter of a dollar had long since disappeared, but, by carrying a traveller's trunk 254 HENRY BOYD. or turning his hand to any chance job, he contrived to exist till he had made application to every carpen- ter and joiner in the city and its suburbs. Not one would employ him. By this time, the iron of preju- dice, more galling than anything he had ever known of slavery, had entered his soul. He walked down to the river's bank below the city, and throwing himself upon the ground, gave way to an agony of despair. He had found himself the object of universal contempt ; his plans were all frustrated, his hopes dashed, and his dear-bought freedom, made of ho effect ! By such trials, weak minds are pros- trated in abject and slavish servility, and stronger ones are made the enemies and depredators of society ; it is only the highest class of moral heroes that come off like gold from the furnace. Of this class, however, was Henry Boyd. Recover- ing from his dejection, he surveyed the brawny mus- cles that strung his Herculean frame. A new design rushed into his mind, and new resolution filled his heart. He sprang upon his feet and walked firmly and rapidly towards the city, doubtless with aspira- tions that might have suited the words of the poet : " Thy spirit, Independence, let me share, Lord of the lion heart and eagle eye." The first object which attracted his " eagle eye," on reaching the city, was one of the huge river boats laden with pig iron, drawn up to the landing. The captain of this craft was just inquiring of the merchant HENRY BO YD. 255 who owned its contents for a hand to assist in unload- ing it. " I am the very fellow for you," said Boyd, stripping off his coat, rolling up his sleeves, and laying hold of the work. " Yes, sure enough, that is the very fellow for you," said the merchant. The resolution and alacrity of Boyd interested him exceedingly, and during the four or five days in which a flotilla of boats were discharging their cargoes of pig iron with unaccustomed despatch, he became familiar with his history, with the exception of all that per- tained to his trade, which Boyd thought proper to keep to himself. In consequence, our adventurer next found himself promoted to the portership of the merchant's store, a post which he filled to great satis- faction. He had a hand and a head for everything, and an occasion was not long wanting to prove it. A joiner was engaged to erect a counter, but failing, by a drunk- en frolic, the merchant was disappointed and vexed. .Rather in passion than in earnest, he turned to his faithful porter : " Here, Henry, you can do almost anything, why can't you do this job ? " " Perhaps I could, sir, if I had my tools and the stuff," was the reply. " Your tools ! " exclaimed the merchant in surprise, for till now he knew nothing of his trade. Boyd explained that he had learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner, and had no objection to try the job. The merchant handed him the money, and told him to make as good a counter as he could. The work was done with such promptitude, judgment and finish 256 HEXRY BO YD. that his employer broke off a contract for the erection of a large frame warehouse, which he was about clos- ing with the same mechanic who had disappointed him in the matter of the counter, and gave the job to Henry. The money was furnished, and Boyd was left to procure the materials and boss the job at his own dis- cretion. This he found no difficulty in doing, and what is remarkable, among the numerous journeymen whom he employed, were some of the very men who took off their aprons at his appearance in the English- man's shop ! The merchant was so much pleased with his new warehouse, that he proceeded to set up the in- telligent builder in the exercise of his trade in the city. Thus Henry Boyd found himself raised at once al- most beyond the reach of the prejudice which had well-nigh crushed him. He built houses and accu- mulated property. White journeymen and appren- tices were glad to be in his employment, and to sit at his table. He is now a wealthy mechanic, living in his own house in Cincinnati ; and his enemies who have tried to supplant him have as good reason as his friends to know that he is a man of sound judgment and a most vigorous intellect. Without having received a day's schooling in his life, Henry Boyd is well read in history, has an exten- sive and accurate knowledge of geography, is an excel- lent arithmetician, and is remarkable for his moral- ity, generosity, and all those traits which mark a no- ble character. QUAMINO BUCCAN. 257 QTJAMINO BUCCAN, A PIOUS METHODIST. QUAMINO was born in the vicinity of New Bruns- wick, New Jersey, in 1762, and was a slave. In his ninth year he was hired for a term of years to a per- son named Schenk, who employed him as a house- servant, and who soon after removing to Poughkeep- sie, New York, took the lad with him. The unsettled state of the country during the Revolutionary War, prevented communication with his old master, and Quamino had no hope of seeing his former friends ; but in his eightieth year he was informed that his master had sent for him. On his return to New Jersey his old associates had so grown that he felt like a stranger in his old home. When nearing the age of manhood he was steady in attending religious meetings, walking several miles through all kinds of weather. His own account of his motive in going was that he " liked to have the name of being a good boy." But whatever his motive in going, the meetings were a blessing to him. One Sabbath evening on reaching home he went to the barn, where, after earnest exercise in prayer, he slept upon the straw. Yery early in the morning he went into the field to work, first kneeling by the fence. Being in great distress, the gracious words of the Saviour deeply impressed him : " Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in Me." 258 QUAMINO BUCCAN. Yielding his whole heart and all his powers to Him who was calling for the sacrifice, he felt that he re- ceived the unspeakable gift. He went to -his work ; " and oh," said he, " every- thing was glorious around me everything seemed to be praising God." The change which had come over the boy was con- spicuous to all around him ; he was quiet and diligent in attention to all his duties. From this time Quamino iinderstood the nature of that peace " which passeth all understanding." On the Sabbath he would get the carriage ready, and when his master had started he would walk several miles across the fields to the Methodist meeting, but always left before the conclusion of the services, as, if not at home in time to take the horses when the family arrived, he was sure to be found fault with, if not punished. At the age of twenty-six he married Sarah, a slave on a neighboring place. She was soon sold to a dis- tance of five miles, and for some years they only met once a week. One Sabbath morning he went to see her, and found that she and her infant had been sold, leaving her little son, a boy nearly four years old. She now had a hard master; but, through the efforts of her husband, she was purchased by a neighbor, and, at length, by the removal of this purchaser, Quamino induced his second master (to whom he had been sold when about thirty years old) to buy her. Afterwards Dr. Griffith bought Quamino for $250, and Sarah for $150. QUAMIXO BUCCAN. 259 At the death of Dr. Griffith his goods and chattels (including his slaves) were advertised to be sold at public auction. The sale commenced, and Quamino and Sarah became objects of much attention; but a letter was received from Wm. Griffith, the son and executor of the late master, directing that everything should be sold to the highest bidder except the car- riage and horse, and that with these Quamino should bring Sarah to Burlington. " Oh, my dear friend," said he in narrating it, " you do not know how I felt." Wm. Griffith was not only an eminent lawyer but bore a part in originating the New Jersey Abolition Society. For this excellent man, whose " record is on high," Quamino worked to the best of his ability. One day, as he was at work in the garden, he heard his name called, and seeing his master beside him, he modestly said, " Sir ! " We will describe what took place in the good old man's words. Says he : " Would you like to be free ? " and I said, " I don't know, sir." He stood in silence a little while, and I went on working the same as before. At last he said, ( I've made up my mind to give you free ; ' and says I, ' you give me free, master ? ' Oh, it all came on me so unexpected ! And then he up and told me all how he would do : ' When I call you, you must take your wife by the hand and come into my office.' One day he called me to bring niy wife. I went in the kitchen, and said, ' Mother, Mr. Griffith says you must come along with me to the office.' She stroked 260 QUAMINO BUCCAN. her apron, and we went, and found the office full of gentlemen, and there we stood as if we were just mar- ried." After answering some qxiestions they went back to their work, and their certificate of freedom was recorded in the clerk's office in Burlington. They were then hired at ten dollars a month. Quamino was then forty-four years old. When asked by some of his old friends, if he was happier since he received his freedom, he said, " I don't know much about freedom, but I would'nt be a slave again if you'd give me the best farm in the Jarsies." In the year 1 842, when he was eighty years old, his wife died suddenly. As the remains of Sarah were borne from their humble home, he stood at the door, supported by his crutches, the teal's streaming down his cheeks. " Farewell," said he, " I shall see her no more, till we meet within the Pearl Gates." Sarah was not inferior to her husband, to whom she was a helper in spiritual and temporal things. He felt this bereavement keenly, his situation without her was forlorn. Living alone in his house, too feeble to dress himself, his son, who was out at service, would put him to bed at night, and come in the morning to dress him. Arrangements were made by several families to furnish him with dinner, each taking a particular day ; and this plan was pursued for eight years. His landlord supplied his morning and even- ing meal, until Quamiuo's sight entirely failed, when a faithful care-taker was provided for him. Charles Taber, a Friend and a Minister, from Canada, QUAMINO BUCCAK. 2G1 visited him one morning, and was fervently engaged in prayer. When he rose from his knees Quamino exclaimed, " Now I know that my prayer was heard. Pis morning, after blessing and praising de Master for taking care of me through de night, I asked Him to please to send me something to comfort me through the day, and now He sent you to me, oh, my dear friend ! " Speaking of the evidence of evil around us, he said, " God is His own interpreter and my comforter, and He will make all things plain." Referring to his pains, he said, " The Lord is the physician He has a balm for every wound. It seems, as I sit here, I have a view over Jordan. We must pass Jordan's swelling flood, and then we'll be in the promised land." In reference to his blindness, he said, that with his natural sight and comprehension he had never been able to conceive the half of the glory which should be revealed, or to form a conception of the " good things " held in store even for so poor a crea- ture as he felt himself to be. " How long I have to remain in this state," he exclaimed, "the Lord knows. I resign myself in His hands, and to His wisdom. Oh, the Lord moves with me so beautiful ! I trust the Lord has enabled me to seek and to find His face and favor." Being inquired of concerning his health, he replied, "That he could not wish to be better that he was so composed in mind, so calm and peaceable. Oh, 262 QUAMINO BUCCAN. the glorious prospect I have in view I can't see anything of this world, but there seems to be a hov- ering around me. If the heart is composed to His will, what can trouble us ? Blessed Master, please to give me an insight into Thy will." He spoke of the comfort and strength which is afforded him to hear the Holy Scriptures read. " Oh," said he, " if I could only find words to ex- press the feelings I have when I am alone and yet I do not feel that I am alone either. He cares for us and provides for us ; but He is all in ail, and over all ; He leads us by His spirit ; He don't compel us, but enables us. Oh, my blessed Saviour, teach me, oh, teach me the measure of my days, that I may turn my thoughts more to it. But I trust in the Lord that He will prepare me and keep me to the end." Wm. J. Allinson called on him one morning. He found the old man, who was 108 yeai-s of age, sitting in his chair ; he gave his visitor an earnest welcome, and his tongue was eloquent with rejoicing praises of Him who had made him meet for an inheritance with the saints in light. " Glory be to my blessed Master," he cried again and again, clasping his hands like an artless and overjoyed child. On this occasion, and indeed in almost every interview, he devoutly ex- pressed his thankfulness that, although deprived of sight, his reason and memory were spared him ; and this was remarkably the case to the last moment of existence. " My dear friend has been to visit me once more," EMANCIPATION IN NEW YORK. 263 he exclaimed repeatedly after this parting. This was his last conversation with any one, except a few words to his son and his attendant. In the night he called his son, and with his mental powers apparently clear to the last, and conscious that his end had arrived, his. purified and enfranchised spirit deserted the clay tenement ; and who can doubt his welcome into the joy of the Lord? A few weeks afterwards a sermon relating to Qua- mino was preached by the pastor of the Methodist congregation to which this aged Christian belonged. The text was, " This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and delivered him out of all his troubles." Psalm xxxiv. 6. " See thy Saviour bending o'er thee, Even to old age the same, Set life's one chief end before thee, Still to glorify its name ; While on Himself is fixed thy sight, At evening-time there shall be light." EMANCIPATION IN NEW YORK. THE period fixed by law for the termination of slavery in the State of New York was the 4th of July, 1827. According to the census of 1820, there were 20,279 free persons of color, and 10,092 slaves in the State ; making in all 30,371. 264 THE FREEDMEN OF AMERICA. THE FREEDMEN OF AMERICA. DURING the four years' war commencing 1861 the colored people fled from bondage, and gathered in large numbers around Washington, and in those parts of Virginia which were in possession of the United States Government. Sometimes one thousand refu- gees came to the freedmen's settlement in a week, and most of them had travelled on foot for several days, with scant food and clothing. They rejoiced greatly when they arrived at a place of refuge, and be- came free men and women. The able-bodied men were employed by the Government, but the sick and aged, the women and children, were cared for by dif- ferent benevolent associations of the churches at the North and West. The Religious Society of Friends always cherished a deep feeling for the enslaved peo- ple of color, and after sending agents to ascertain the condition of the freedmen in the camps and quarters assigned to them by the Government, they earnestly labored to feed, clothe and teach those for whom they had long solicited the boon of freedom. Believing some incidents and anecdotes from letters received from the agents of Friends will be interest- ing to many, the following extracts are presented : " It is difficult to make a connected account of our visit among the freedmen at Washington and else- where. We went into .their cabins, the tents, and the hospitals, looking into the condition of the poor peo- THE FREEDMEN OF AMERICA. 265 pie congregated there. Their stories may be consider- ed almost trifling in themselves, and yet summed up as a whole a people's history they tell the oft-repeated tale of sorrow, degradation, and oppression in slavery ; of hunger and cold, of sickness and suffering, patient- ly and uncomplainingly borne, in their great struggle for freedom. Every sacrifice, every privation seems insignificant compared to the blessed boon of liberty, to them and to their children. ' The good Lord Jesus has at last heard our prayers and sent Uncle Abram to set us free.' " They come to the Union as little children would to a parent, with perfect confidence that they will be helped. The younger women mostly had their chil- dren with them, but the older ones had all come off ' wid 'lations and friends.' In a severe snow-storm one thousand arrived, with only the clothes on their backs. Their utter poverty is terrible. During this storm we had not clothes for the children, who were crying to get out of bed. Nine hundred came yester- day all ragged ; their masters had not given them clothes, some for a year, others for two years. All beg for Bibles." " The rope-walk is a very long building divided into cabins j it is where the refugees come at first. In each cabin live four or five families. It is the most interesting place to visit. There are over five hundred people there, fresh from slave-life, and re- 266 THE FREEDMEN OF AJ1ERICA. joicing over their freedom. Not being able to read, they often burst out as we are reading to them with, ' Well, I never heard that before.' " The beautiful doctrine of the golden rule seems almost new to them. It is true the religious element is very strong in them, but their manner of receiving it is very different from our ideas. Although they may be what they call converted, they need plain words of moral truth for every-day life. They have plenty of faith and thankfulness, but not Christ's law of love in their hearts to govern every action. " We stopped at a church and witnessed one of their religious excitements women all rocking their bodies and singing weird choruses ; then some one get- ting excited above the others, and throwing herself about, jumping and screaming. We stayed \miil they were out, and all down the aisles they sang aud shouted real fine, full voices, and the words more strange than all. All the women had that swaying motion so peculiar to them. "The boxes were handed over to me on the 19th of January. From that date to the 7th of May, I have given out twenty-six hundred and twenty gar- ments, large and small. For the last ten days we have been very busy. During the last engagement on the battle-field, hundreds have come, more than, can possibly find shelter here. I have witnessed some of the arrivals at the depot. At the sound of the whistle, many anxious hearts and longing eyes are seeking their friends. Here mothers find their long- THE FREEDMEN OF AMERICA. 207 lost children. Husbands and wives, brothers and sis- ters, meet after long separation. One good old mother here found six of her children in one group. One poor mother, with seven children, was inquiring for her husband : the answer was, ' he is dead ! ' The small -pox left that record for this poor mother. " We saw one noble-looking man, not far from seven feet high, in mere rags and bare feet. Our No. 12's looked like baby-shoes beside them; but I heard of a pair of No. 19 at the Commissary, which they were very glad to exchange. The old man had had a hard master, and had been driven off ' without food enough to cover a pin.' But I never saw such a flash of joy as when I said, ( But, uncle, you have such a good, kind master now, and such a beautiful home up in heaven.' ' Oh, missis, it's that, it's jest that, that's 'stained me all along.' They all seemed so grateful, and we had a happy day indeed." " They learn surprisingly fast ; they were very anxious to learn to reckon. I said I would repeat the multiplication table if they would try to remem- ber it. I repeated the 2's once, and they said it after me in concert. I then questioned them, and though they had never heard it before, quite a number re- membered the whole. " One little fellow in the school being asked if he knew his letters, said, promptly, ' Yes, ma'am.' 268 THE FKEEDMEN OF AMEHICA. " Well, what else do you know ? " Drawing himself up to his full height, which might be about four feet, he replied, ' I know a 'heap.' " " Freedraan's Village, near Arlington, is really an attractive-looking place ; comfortable houses, nicely white-washed ; a school-house, capable of accommo- dating two or three hundred children, and a ' Home ' for the aged and infirm. Fervor and earnestness per- vade the sermons and prayers of the colored people here. One gave thanks for ' the glorious privilege that we ain't all dead and shut up in hell.' " Some of us might not have realized before that ifc was a glorious privilege to be still left on earth, either as faithful servants, to do the Master's bidding, or to become reconciled to Him before we were snatched away with no alternative but to be ' shut up in hell.' " You would have been touched to witness their grief at the death of our beloved President. Every tenanted hut was decked with some badge of mourn- ing. Thousands went to look at their emancipator, as he lay in state in the White House. Aunt Cicily, who bore the yoke of slavery one hundred and ten years, looked on Mr. Lincoln with a reverential feel- ing, beautiful to behold in one so aged ' for the privilege,' she says, ' that he gave me to die free.' " THE FREEDMEN OF AMERICA. 269 " Some old men who had learned to read while in slavery, said, ' We toted massa's children to school, stayed all day, and then toted them back. We learned to read, and massa didn't know it; and now we can read de blessed Book ourselves. De good people of de North have been bery good, bery good to us. Jesus tell dein to help de poor slave : by-and-by we can help ourselves. We tank you all bery much ! ' Mother, child, and grandchild sometimes go hand-in- hand to the school-room. The stimulating motive with most of the adults is a fervent desire to read the Bible." " The marriage record kept among the Freedmen, shows that a large part of the marriages, especially at first, wei'e of those who had lived together as husband and wife, perhaps many years, without an opportuni- ty to be legally united. One old man, of almost three-score and ten, was thus joined in lawful mar- riage to his venerable wife. At the conclusion of the ceremony, when the pastor extended his hand with the nuptial benediction, and dismissed them with a short prayer, they dropped on their knees together, their eyes streaming with tears of thankfulness, and still kneeling, the old man reached out both arms and hugged her to his heart, saying aloud, ' My dear old woman, I bless God that I can now, for the first time, kiss my own lawful wife.' " 270 IETTERS FROM A LADY. An agent, under date 5th month, 1863, writes: " When I first wrote to thee, the supply of excel- lent clothing, furnished by New York Friends, and other quarters, seemed so ample that, to my eyes, the subject of further need, did not suggest itself. I thought the time must come when such wants must be satisfied. But that time dawns not yet. The hos- pitals for colored people are a heavy drain on the clothing. Now, that the army advances, there are daily arrivals of freedmen ; they come with only the clothing they have on, and must have a change to pre- serve health. LETTERS FROM A LADY AGENT IN RICH- MOND, 1866. " IN my jaunt to Deep Creek, and to the poor cabins in Dismal Swamp, I helped mend six bridges before our horse could cross, borrowing rails from the fence. It was a very hard trip no chance for a single din- ner while gone but it paid. The same night I mended bridges, I found work of a different kind. Going on business to the Bute Street Church, I found a love-feast under full headway : about two hundred were present ; the excitement terrible among the young converts, who, in their frantic leaps, broke lamps and windows, and filled the house with perfect uproar. I found the new pastor dared not risk his popularity by checking it. Courage was given me to LETTERS FROM A LADY. 271 make my way to the pulpit, when I at once had permission to speak. All was still as need be, while I appealed to their judgment, and the teachings of the Bible. I saw I had the sympathy of most, and when at last, 1 said, ' wait till the wind, and the earthquake, and the fire have all passed by, and then go to your homes and listen to the still small voice by which God himself will teach you; and oh, re- member, my young sisters, that the proof of your growth in grace is not the feelings you have here to- night, but the life you will lead to-morrow. ' There was svich an earnest ' amen,' all over the house, as gave me hope again that they will rise above this great delusion. Many came to thank me. ' It was just what we needed, and they will hear it from you.' " " Deeply impressed with the moral wants of these poor creatures, especially the women, and their need of friendly counsel in their new position, I have opened Mother's meetings now held weekly, in earch of our three-school districts where they are invited to come with their work and their babies. I talk familiarly with them about their household matters, the cheapest and most wholesome food, the best \vaya of cooking it, and the right care of their children, and their duties to their husbands often being greatly helped out in my own stock of knowledge by the practical experience of some nice old aunty, who tells how she manages, till the whole group is at ease and can confide their troubles and trials. Then I read, teach, or talk to them. Finally, all lay aside their 272 LOVE FOR THE BIBLE. work, and the babies are hushed up, while they listen to a chapter from the Bible; and the devotional pause at the close is solemn and impressive. Those who cannot spare two or three hours, hurry in at the last, and I hear them saying '1'se just goin' over to prayers, 'paars like it gives me such a lift.' " LOVE FOR THE BIBLE. AT a great fire in the city of New York a hundred houses had been burned. Dr. Ely overtook a colored woman who was carrying under one arm a bundle of wood, and under the other a large Bible. " Poor woman," said he, " have you been burnt out too ? " " Yes, sir," said she, " but blessed be God, I'm alive." " You are very old to be turned out of house and home." " I'm well stricken in years, but God does it." " Have you saved nothing but the Bible ? " " Nothing," said she, " but one trunk of things ; but this blessed Book is worth more than all the.rest ; it makes me feel better than all the rest. So long as I keep this, I am content." HYMN. 273 HYMN. SUNG AT CHRISTMAS BY THE SCHOLABS AT ST. HELENA'S ISLAND, S. C. O NONE in all the world before Were ever glad as we ! We're free on Carolina's shore, We're all at home and free. Thou Friend and Helper of the poor, Who suffered for our sake, To open every prison door, And every yoke to break, Bend low Thy pitying face and mild, And help us sing and pray ; The hand that blessed the little child, Upon our foreheads lay. We hear no more the driver's horn, No more the whip we fear ; This holy day that saw Thee born, Was never half so dear. The very oaks are greener clad, The waters brighter smile ; O never shone a day so glad On sweet St. Helen's isle. We praise Thee in our songs to-day, To Thee in prayer we call ; Make swift the feet and straight the way, Of freedom unto all. 274 A TEMPERANCE MEETING IN AFRICA. Come once again, blessed Lord ! Come walking on the sea ! And let the main-lands hear the word That sets the islands free. J. G. WHITTIER. A TEMPERANCE MEETING IN AFRICA. JAMES BACKHOUSE, an English Friend and a minis- ter, published a journal of his mission in Africa, in which he says, under date of December 1st, 1838 This is the memorable day in which slavery ceased in Cape Colony, South Africa. We arrived at Han- key in time to join a considerable congregation of those who had been in bondage natives of Mada- gascar and Mozambique, as well as home-born slaves ; they had come from the surrounding country to unite with those on the mission station in praising God for their deliverance from bondage. In the evening a meeting was held, when several Hottentots (natives of South Africa) and freedmen addressed the congrega- tion. The next day was " a Sabbath day," and truly " a high day." About five hundred freed slaves and Hottentots assembled early in the morning ; they held a prayer-meeting, in which the language of thanksgiv- ing was held forth by one lately in slavery, and appro- priate hymns were sung. I exhorted the liberated to seek, through Jesus Christ, deliverance from that A TEMPERANCE MEETING IN AFRICA. 275 worst of bondage slavery to sin. In the evening of the third day a temperance tea-meeting was held in the chapel. A suspended wheel-tire was struck for a bell, to call them to assemble. The men sat at the tables on one side of the chapel, and the women at the other side ; tea and cakes were dealt out by some of the women. All were remarkably clean, and con- ducted themselves with sober cheerfulness and looks full of interest. After the Missionary had returned thanks and made a brief address, it was my privilege to follow him in recommending total abstinence from intoxicating liquors. Several Hottentots and freed slaves then addressed the meeting, which afterwards adjourned for a short interval at milking time. On re-assembling, George W.Walker spoke at some length, and several others. At half-past ten the Missionary suggested that it would be unseasonable to continue the meeting longer ; he therefore opened a book of signatures to the total- abstinence pledge, and one hundred and sixty new names were received. As neither my companion, G. W. Walker, nor 1 had hitherto signed such a pledge, we also added our names. A sweet sense of the love of God overshadowed this meeting. Some attention had been paid to temperance from the early institution of this settlement. The children have so little idea of what drunkenness is, that in 1842, when an Englishman appeared in a state of in- toxication, some of them ran away, thinking he was mad ; others thought he must be ill becaxise he stag- 276 LIBERTY TO THE CAPTIVE. gered, but others feared lie was blind, and offered to lead him. At the expiration of a year from this period, only one of the persons who signed the pledge on this day, was known to have broken it, and that only to the amount of taking a single glass of wine. LIBERTY TO THE CAPTIVE. WRITTEN ON THE ANNIVERSARY OP BRITISH EMANCI- PATION. OH, Holy Father ! just and true Are all thy works, and words, and ways ; And unto Thee alone are due Thanksgiving and eternal praise ! As children of Thy gracious care, We veil the eye we bend the knee ; With broken words of praise and prayer, Father and God, we come to Thee. For Thou hast heard, O God of Right ! The sighing of the island slave, And stretched for him the arm of might, Not shortened that it could not save. The laborer sits beneath his vine, The shackled soul and hand are free Thanksgiving ! for the work is Thine ! Praise ! for the blessing is of Thee ! WHITTIER. \zns . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. % fe. APR02 fc*\! -y ft 4 WK DEC 16 1999 RECOVWL 315 OT V 1 ^ *J **L . I * uaJ_ 3 1158 00238 3114 .4 s vHvai E-UNIN