UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE benj. Ide Wheeler, President BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Thomas Forsyth Hunt. Dean and Director CIRCULAR No. 88. ADVANTAGES TO THE BREEDER IN TESTING HIS PURE- BRED COWS FOR THE REGISTER OF MERIT. By Cora J. Hill. 1. It shows him beyond a doubt the amount of milk and butter his cows will produce ; giving him records that will not be ques- tioned, and officially stamps the good producers with vastly greater values. 2. It furnishes him with an intelligent and reliable breeding guide for greater improvement in conformity of production. It enables him, by means of the official records, to select his best producers. What a cow will produce at freshening time is no indication of what her milk and butter yield will be for the year. We have the statement, of one breeder of pure-bred cattle in California, that "the real value of some of his world famous cows would never have been known had it not been for the official test." Every pos- sible means should be used by the breeder of dairy cattle to increase the average yearly production of his cows. 3. Sires of Advanced Registry daughters are thereby rendered vastly more valuable. 4. It at once places good values on all the calves and young stock from cows with Advanced Registry records, transferring them from the butcher's block, with a profit of but a few dollars, to the breeder or dairyman's herd at prices many times beyond the original figures. 5. It is the means of creating an interest, in the owner and hired help, in the individual merits of the herd and leads to more intelli- gent, careful handling and feeding; rendering possible additional and better records, with correspondingly better returns. 6. It is one of the best possible means of advertising. Advanced Registry records are published by the cattle clubs and widely distrib- uted. This attracts buyers from abroad as well as at home. Breeders who are doing the most official testing admit that there is a grow- ing demand for officially tested stock and their offspring, and they urge all breeders to take up the test in order to supply this demand and establish a reputation for California as a breeding center. 7. The Agricultural Experiment Station, University of California, Berkeley, supervises the work of testing cows for the Advanced Register and the Register of Merit. No dairyman with a pure-bred (1) — 2 — herd can afford to neglect the opportunity of securing official tests of his cows, which the Experiment Station is offering him. Inquiries regarding the particulars of tests are solicited. Note. — The Advanced Register and the Register of Merit are systems of books, published by the various dairy cattle clubs and associations, in which are recorded the names and official records of production of registered pure-bred dairy cattle. Animals eligible for entry in such Registers must conform to certain rules of the breed associations and clubs and produce, within a given time, a certain amount of milk and butter, varying according to the age of the cows under test.