2^ ^5--^ RECORD COURTS OF CHESTER COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA 1681-1697 PUBLISHED BY THE COLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRINTED BY PATTERSON & WHITE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1910 5014785 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA BEGUN Y E 13 th OF SEPTEMBER, 1681 ENDING THE 10 th DAY e OF MARCH 1696-7 The original record being in the office of the Prothon- otary of Chester County, at West Chester, Pa. This follows the Upland Court Record, 1676-1681, now in possession of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. A*i" Maegaeett his wife J J Juro r s Morgan Drewitt Willm: Woodmanson William Hewes James Browne Henry Reynolds Robert Scholey Witnesse Willm Parker The Jury finde for y e Plaint & give him 6 d dam & his Cost of Suite Richard Pitman Lassey Dalboe John Akraman Peter Rambo jun r Henry Hastings William Oxley Haemon Johnson & Maegeett his wife Petee Eeickson Plaint 8 Defend 1 An Accon of Assault '& Batt'. Juro r s Morgan Drewitt Willm: Woodmanson William Hewes James Browne Henry Reynolds Robert Scholey Witnesse Anna Coleman, Rich d Buffing-ton, Ebenezer Taylor. 1 3 Richard Pitman Lassey Dalboe John Akraman Peter Rambo jun r Henry Hastings William Oxley RECORD OF THE COURTS OF The Jury finde for y e Pl u & give them 40 s dam & their Costs of Suite Peter Dalboe Plaint] , . .. _ T t, -rw j-t fAn Accon 01 irespasse John Lustason Def J r Juro r s Kichard Noble Daniell Brenson Richard Ridgeway John Wood ffrancis Stephenson Roger Pederick Lassey Lawson John Champion Samuell Dart Willm : Clayton Jun r Thomas Xossiter Albert Hendrickson Witnesse Lassey Cock The Jury finde for the Def 1 & give him 5 s dam & his Costa of Suite Peter Erickson Plaint] . . . , ^ ■n- n t, M rAn Accon ot the Case Henry Coleman Dei Juro r s Morgan Drewitt Willm : Woodmanson Willm: Hewes James Browne Henry Reynolds Robert Scholey Witnesse W John Test The Jury finde for y e Plaint o r -i-w ^t rA* 1 Accon oi 1 respasse Peter Rambo Sen 1 Del 1 J Juro r s William Hewes Woolley Rawson James Browne Mouns Stockett Tho: Nossiter John Greensell Mich : Izard Mouns Cock Albert Hendrickson Willm : Oxley Willm : Clayton ju r Erick Cock Witnesse Andreas Swanson, John Justason, Neales Lawson, Otto Ern st Cock. The Jury finde for the Plaint & give him 50 s dam & his Cost of Suite Otto Ernst Cock Evidenced y l upon Gov r no r of Yorkes order to take Patents for what Land they held y e Def gott a Patent & included the Plaints Land therein & after y e pi* gott a Patent for y e s d Land in regard hee or P r decessor had it in possession. Andreas Hoeman Plaint] . r „ x tt ^ „ fAn Accon oi Irespasse Israell Helme Dei J Juro r s "William Hewes Woolley Kawson James Browne Mons Stockett Tho: ISTossiter John Greensell Mich: Izard Mons Cock Albert Hendrickson Willm: Oxley Willm : Clayton ju r Erick Cock Witnesse Robert White, James Saundland The Jury finde for the Plain 1 & give him 15 s dam & for y e losse of his one Horse & his Cost of Suite Peter Dalboe Plain 1 ] An Accon for unjustly takeing Andreas Inkhorne Def 1 J & detaining his Land Juro r s Willim Hewes Woolley Kawson James Browne Mons Stockett 10 KECORD OF THE COURTS OF Tho : Xossiter John Greensell Mich : Izard Mons Cock Albert Ilendrickson Willm Oxley Willm : Clayton ju r Erick Cock Witnesse Lassey Cock, Peter Rambo Sen r The Jury finde for the Plain 1 & give him 6 d dam & his Costs of suite. Henry Reynolds Plain' Daniell Linzey Def 1 Withdrawne Action Continued Christian Clause Plain 1 Lassey Anderson Def 1 John Anderson by his sureties (viz 1 ) Woolley Rawson & Mons Cock bound to appeare y e next Co r t, upon y e Cornp 11 of Rich d Noble, Peter Rambo jun r , & Lassey Lawson, And alsoe to his good behavio 1 " till then, And y e Comp Us afores d bound to ^secute y e said Anderson the next Co r t At the Co r t at Upland March 14 th 1681 William Markham Esq r Gov r no r & President M r William Clayton M r Otto Ernest Cock M r Robert Wade M r Andreas Bankson M r Thomas ffairman M r Swan Swanson M r James Saunderland M r Lassey Cock M r William Warner Justices there present M r John Test Sheriffe M r Thomas Revell Clerke Hance Woolson Plaint] An Accon of Trover &c for a John Johnson Def 1 /Sowe Juro r s Richard Noble Mons Peterson alias Stawkitt John Child Woolley Rawson Willm: Clayton ju* John Cock Willm: Oxley Erick Cock John Akraman Xathaniell Evans Albert Ilendrickson Xathaniell Allen CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 11 Witnesse : Henry Reynolds testifyed y e PI* made a demand, but could not averre y* y e sowe when she came first into y e def u possession was bigger then a sucking Pigg Verdict : The Jury finde for y e Def 1 & give him his Cost of Suite Peter Dalboe Plain 1 ] . T „ -r, _ „ fan Action of lrespasse Jn° Eustaseon Der J Juro r s Richard Noble Mons Peterson alias Stawkitt John Child Woolley Rawson W m Clayton ju r John Cock W m Oxley Erick Cock Jn° Akraman Nathaniell Evans Albert Hendrickson Nathaniell Allen Witnesse : Lassey Cock declared that he made over y e Land in Controv r sie to the Plain 1 And further that it was ordered by y° Co r t formerly that y e Plain* & Def' should have the p r misses (in Controversie) betwixt them Woolly Dalboe declared y 4 hee saw the Def 1 Cutt & carry away three stacks of Haye from y e Land in Controversie last yeare : Hance Hopman not examined Lassey Dalboe sent in his Evidence taken before W m Warner ; being y e same with Woolley Dalboe Michaell Baroon an Evidence by M r Molls Testimony taken before him Andreas Inkhorne sent his Evidence by W m Warner (viz 1 ) y l hee lived Ten yeares upon y e p r mises in Controv r sie & in y l tyme none Cut hay there without his Consent Vdict: The Jury find for y e Def & give him 10 3 dam & Cost Suit & y* John y e Def 1 shall pay y e halfe of Quit Rent to y e PI 1 which hee hath p d for y e p r misses, And alsoe y 1 hee y e Def 1 shall pay y e halfe of quit Rent for y e same p r misses for y 9 future Alsoe see their agrcem 1 . . . . other At the Co r t last before menconed, that is to say, the 14 th March 1G81: It was then Agreed by Peter Dalboe And John 12 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Eustason, To chuse two men indifferently betweene them, who shall make a Division of the meadowe in Controv r sie betweene them; And that the Division thereof shall bee brought in by them the next Co r t to bee there Recorded for the prevention of future differences betweene them ^ r T -r,, . . fAn Accon of y e case for not -Michael Izard Plaint . . J ,, -r T t^ j-» i bringing in a mare according John Johnson Def . t (to Agreem Juro's Mons Peterson alias Stawkit Woolley Rawson John Cock Erick Cock ]STathaniell Evans Xathaniell Allen Witnesse John Grubb & John Grice Testifyed y e Agreem 1 by the Def to fetch in y e mare & y 1 y e def said hee had seene y° mare after y e Agreem 1 . Will: Woodmanson. Verdict : The Jury finde for the Plain 1 & give him 20 9 dam & Cost Suite Plain' 1 was Continued to this Co r t Def J day & now withdrawne Plain 1 1 . . _ rt ^Continued Dei J Plain 1 Def Plaint" Def Richard Noble John Child Willm : Clayton ju r Willm: Oxley John Akraman Albert Hendrickson Christian Clause Lassey Anderson M r Jacob ffabrushes Dunck Williams M r otto Ernest Cock Andreas Bowne Mons Stawkitt M r Abraham Mann Andreas Mackleway Xeales Matson William Warner Sen 1 " William Cobb William Oren Lawrence Caroi.i - Withdrawne Withdrawne iwne Plain 1 1 __. . . Plain 1 1 __. . . _ . t ^Withdrawne Def J Plain 1 1 _. . . ^ .. ^Withdrawne Def CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 13 Justa Anderson Plain 1 ,-Withdrawne Lawrence Uarolus Dei Henry Reynolds haveing appeared at this Co r t to Answer for his selling strong Liquors by small measure in his house Contrary, to y e Gov r no r s & Councells order : upon his submission to y e Co r t, was discharged. John Anderson bound by Recognizance to Appeare at this Co r t to Answer o r Sov r aigne Lord y e King upon the Accusation of Richard Noble Peter Rambo jun r & Lawrence Lawrenson, who were bound over to ^secucon this Co r t Proceeded upon Indictm* } To which y e Prison 1 " Pleaded not Guilty : And Put himself e upon y e Tryall &c : of this Jury Juro r s George fforeman Gent Albert Hendrickson John Child Mons Peterson Nathaniell Allen Woolley Rawson Nathaniell Evans John Cock William Oxley Erick Cock John Akraman Peter Yoakham Richard Noble Deposed That hee with severall others found diverse peeces of Burnt Porke or Bacon in y e said Andersons house. And alsoe that hee y e said Richard Noble with others found hidden & unfrequented places in an out house belonging to the said John Anderson, where (as an Indian had before then informed them) the said Anderson used to hide Porke: And further Deposed, That the said Anderson gave out Threatning words against y e officers & others who came to search Peter Rambo jun 1 * & } , T T ^Deposed the same as above Lawrence Lawrenson J Judith Noble Deposed That y e said Anderson gave out Threat- ning words against y e officers & others who came to search. fTrancis Walker Deposed that a ^son who bought a pcece of Porke of y e said Anderson told him y e said Walker y 1 the said Porke had a Bullett in it. 14r RECORD OF THE COURTS OF ffrancis Stephens Deposed, That the said Anderson being asked concerning a Hoggs head (hee y 9 said Anderson haveing then a headlesse hogg) where the head then was, hee y 9 s d Anderson answered he had left the head downe y 9 River, And y e said Andersons Boy said noe the Hoggs head is upon the mill att home John Hollinshead, Gave in his Evidence before Thomas Budd a magistrate at Burlington which was alsoe ^duced under y e hand of y e said Thomas Budd, being of y e same import with y e Deposition of y e afores d ffrancis Stephens. Tho: Wallis Gave in his Evidence before y e said Thomas Budd, & testifyed under y e hand of y e said Thomas Budd, of y e same import with y e afores d Judith Nobles Testimony Another Examinacon of notorious Circumstances, of a stranger who lay at y e s d And r sons, taken by Mahlon Stacy a magistrate at y e ffalls & signifyed under his hand v - j. J The Jury bring in y e Prison 1- not Guilty and thereupon \ by Order of Co r t is discharged Overseers for the High Wayes ]STominated & Elected at the Co r t March 14 th 1681 ffor one yeare next ensueing; for the Repayring the High wayes within their Respective P r cincts, which is to be done before the last day of Maye next ut sequitr Woolley Rawson from Marcus Creeke to !Namans Creeke Robert Wade from ISTamans Creeke to Upland Creeke William Oxley from Upland Creeke to Ammersland Mons Stawkett from Ammersland to Karkus Mill Peter Yokeham from Karkus Mill to Schore Kill ffalls Andreas Rambo from from Schore Kill ffalls to Tawcony Creeke Erick Mulickay from Tawcony Creeke to Poquessink Creeke Clause Johnson from Poquessinck Creeke to Samuell Cliffs John Akraman from Sam 11 Cliffs to Gilbert Wheelers Att the Co r t at Upland June 13 th 1682 M r William Clavton P r sident CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 15 M r James Saundland M r Eobert Wade M r Thomas ffairman M r Lassey Cock M r John Test High Sheriffe M r Otto Ern £t Cock M r Swan Swanson M r Andreas Bankson Justices P r sent M r Thomas Eevell Clerke Jacobus ffabrushes Clerk Dunck Williams pi t Def* Juro r s Thomas Cobourne William Hewes M r Geo : fforeman M r Sylas Crispin M r Jeremiah Collett James Browne The Del 1 appeares not soe y Court finding y e debt just, desired y e pi* to remitt 6 skipps of wheat thereof, which hee freely consented to. The Accon goes by default ag st y e Def 1 for 9 skips wheat & Costs suite & Judgm* awarded ^An Accon of Debt An Accon of the Case William Oxley Peter Yokeham William Shoote Andreas Peterson Mons Peterson Mathias Houlstead 1 y e Accon is confessed: The Cap 1 Edm Cantwell Andreas Nealson William Oxley Peter Yokeham WiUm: Shoote Andreas Peterson Mons Peterson Mathias Houlstead Def 1 ]' Jurors Tho : Cobourne Willm: Hewes M r Geo : fforeman M r Sylas Crispin M r Jeremiah Collett James Browne Witnesse Woolley Rawson proves y e Bill to be signed by y e Def 1 : But saith y e Bill was given to the Plain 1 upon Consid r acon that hec would und r take to cleare y e Def 4 from a difference betwixt y° s d Def 1 & others, which appeares y e Plain 1 did not ^forme; whereupon the Jury bring in their Vdict as above Vdict — The Jury finde for y e Def & give give him Cost of Suite & order y e Bill to be cancelled 16 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Ja Sattnt/land & Lassey Cock pit 3 1 . . . _ . w -~ „ f An Ace on of Debt Walter fforrest Dei J Juro r s Tho: Cobourne William Oxley Willm: Hewes Peter Yokeham M r G-eo: fforeman Willm: Shoote M r Sylas Crispin Andreas Peterson M r Jeremiah Collet t Mons Peterson James Browne Mathias Houlstead Witnesse Henry Grub Vdict. The Jury finde for y e Plain ts & give them their Debt in y e s d Bill & one penny dam The Def 1 acknowledges y e Bill; But saith it was in Con- sid r acon of Land by y e Plain ts sold to y e Def 1 which hee hath not security of, Henry Grub y e Witnesse sayth that y e Plain u said they would warr 1 y e Tytle of y e Land to y* tyme y e bargaine was made to be good : Whereupon it being made appeare to y e Co r t y 1 the Plain ts did make over their Tytle. And thereupon an order was passed & Recorded in y e Records of Co r t formerly held under y e other Gov r nm t for y e said Land to y e Def 1 . The Jury therefore finde for y e Def 1 as above : M r John Test plaint "1 . „ T ~ i^ » t ^An Accon oi y case Lassey Dalboe Del J The Def 1 appeares not, soe that y e Accon is confessed : The Plain 1 alsoe satisfyed y e Co r t with y e Justnesse of y e Debt in y e declaration, And soe y e Accon goes by default Judgm 1 granted ags 1 y e Def 1 for 140 Gilders & Costs Suite Lassey Cock plain 1 ] . . . „ T t. t. e , rAn Accon of y case Lassey Dalboe Deft J The Def 1 appeares not, soe that y e Accon is confessed Peter Yokeham a witnesse declares y 1 the Def 1 had a Gelding of the Plain 1 for y e Debt declared for, And soe the Accon goes by default Witnesse Peter Yokeham Judgm 1 granted ags 1 y e Def 1 for 200 Gild r s & Cost Suite CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 17 Peter Yokeham Plain 1 ] . . * - ^ -r^ t% n rAn Accon 01 y Case Lassey Dalboe Dei J The Def 1 appeares not soe that y e Accon is confessed. Witnesse Tho : ffaircnan, John Test Tho: ffairman & John Test alsoe declared y 1 the Def 1 ac- knowledged y e debt in y e declaration, soe y 1 the Accon goes by default Judgm 1 granted for 56 Gild's & Cost Suit James Saund^and Plain 1 1 . . „ „ _. _ _ _ Pt f An Accon 01 y Case Lassey Dalboe Dei J The Def 1 appeares not soe y 1 y e Accon is confessed And y e bill being proved, Hance Hopman declared y 1 hee did assigne y e Bill in y e declaration menconed & y e sume therein to y* Plain 1 being 70 Gilders : And alsoe the said PI 1 Promised to the Court, That as concerning the Debt due by the Plain 1 upon Accompt amounting to 546 Gilders & also memconed in y e declaration, hee the said Plain 1 will bee ready at any tyme dureing one yeare & a day next ensueing to answer the said Def 1 if within that tyme hee or his Assignes deny y e Justnesse of the said Accompt & be minded to try it: Whereupon y e Accon goes ags 1 y e Def 1 by default for for the whole sume of 616 Gilders in y e declaracon Witnesse Hance Hopman Judgm 1 granted for 616 Gild's & Cost Suite Mathew Houlstead Constable ] Complaynes ags 1 Peter Dalboe/ ffor his abuse offered to the said Mathew in the Execution of his office as Constable : The Co r t ffyne Peter 25 s to be p d into y e Sheriffes hand to y e order of the Co r t. Peters ffyne 25 s Cap 1 Edmund Cantwell Plain 1 ] Declar entered & drawne Jnoh Boulston Def 1 ly e Accon agreed & with- An Accon of y e Case J drawne Cap 1 Edm Cantwell Plain 1 ] declar entered & drawne John Hendrickson Def 1 ^y e Accon agreed & with- An Accon of Deb 1 drawne 18 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Cap 1 Cantwell Neales Marshall An Accon of Deb 1 John Champion William Vandiveere An Accon of y e Case William Ball Christian Claus An Accon of y e Case John Johnson Mortin Peterson An Accon of y e Case Tho : Withers Henry Reynolds An Accon of y e Case ffrancis Stephens Hance Peterson An Accon of y e Case Matthias Vanderhoiden Neales Matson An Accon of y e Case Gilbert Wheeler Richard Buffington An Accon of y e Case Gilbert Wheeler John Grubb An Accon of y e Case James Browne Harmon Johnson An Accon of y e Case Cap 1 Edm 3 Cantwell Charles Johnson An Accon of y e Case Plain 1 ! Def 1 Uvithdrawne pi 1 ] Def 1 kVithdrawne Plaint] Def 1 j-Withdrawne J plain 1 ] Def 1 ^Continued Plain 1 ] Def 1 Lwithdrawne ? y Plain 1 Def 1 -Withdrawne pi 1 ] Def 1 UVithdrawne plain 1 Def 1 Withdrawne plain 1 ' Def 1 j-Withdrawne plain 1 " Def 1 ^Withdrawne pi 1 Def 1 ^Withdrawne J CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 19 Lassey Dalboe plain 1 ] T n ,. a nonsuite Andeeas Inkhoene Dei 1 J The Plain 1 neglecting to sPsecute his Accon : Att y e request of y e Def 1 the Court grants a nonsute Marcus Lawrence preferrs a Petition to the Co r t against Cas^p ffiske who had Administration formerly granted of Eustas Daniells goods & is deferred till next Co r t day The Examination of Reneere Peterson, Annakey his Wife & Andreas Peterson upon theire Oathes severally taken [respec- ing conduct of Lassey Dalboe, for whose apprehension Lassey Cock had granted a warrant and who is not to be found]. The Grant formerly made from Governo 1- Markam to y e Inhabitants of Markus Hooke att their Request fTor the calling y e name of y e said Towne Chichester, which said Grant beares date the Twentieth day of Aprill Anno 1682: And was Read & published in y e Co r t held at Upland June y e Thirteenth Anno 1682, according to order, as a Record thereof At the Co r t at Upland] Sep 1 12 th 1682 J" William Markham Esq 1- Governo 1- & P r sident William Clayton otto Ernest Cock Robert Wade Swan Swanson Tho : ffairman Andreas Bankson Lassey Cock Justices p r sent John Test Sheriffe Tho: Revell Clerke Jacobus ffabeushes Ci/us Plain 1 ] an Accon of defamation Petee Eeickson Def 1 J y e Def* appeares not Juro r s Tho : Coebourne Henry Hastings Nath : Allen Albert Hendrickson Tho: Crosse Mons Cock , Jeremiah Collett John Cock John Otter Mons Peterson als Stawkitt John Harper James Kennerley Witnesse M r John Test M r Sylas Crispin 20 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF M r John Test deposeth y 1 the Def 1 Eriekson came to him & said concerning the Plain 1 Test, Test, this old Rogue will * mee. M r Sylas Crispin deposeth that hee understands not y e language y e defend 1 speakes & therefore can give noe Evidence Vdict The Jury finde for y e Plain 1 & give him his Cost of suite Nathaniel Evans Plaint"] . , „ T -„- p. „ -an Accon of y e Case John Hickman Der J Juro r s Tho : Coebourne Henry Hastings Nath : Allen Albert Hendrickson Tho: Crosse Mons Cock Jeremiah Collett John Cock John Otter JMons Peterson als Stawkit John Harper James Kennerley Witnesse Nathan: Lamplough, Sam 11 Noyes, Katharin Winchcome, Geo: Andreas Nathaniel Lamplough & Samuell Noyes proves y e declara- tion. Katharine Winchcomes Evidence rejected as a sPtye. Geo: Andreas deposeth That hee sawe y e Defd 1 come with y e maid to Upland in order to her deliv r y to y e Plain 1 y e 4 th Aug : last which was within 8 dayes after y e agreem 1 ; But by the witnesse owne Testimony makes himselfe a Ar i t-w i cucon on y e action tryed Sep 1 Peter jMatson ala Dalboe I „. [12 th 1682 x . f Jacobus had Execution J ACOBUS FFABRUSHES against , f _ . - ->■ oranted ags Enckson, in y Peter Erickson John Martin RlCH d Dymon Tryed action tryed Sep 1 12 th 82 Plain 1 1 Def 1 Jury William Rawson James Browne Will m Hewes Walter Martin Nath. Evans Joshua Hastings Witnesse, Joseph Willard, Joseph Willard deposeth that y e Will m Woodmanson Tho: Colbourne Albert Hendrickson Joseph Richards Edw: Carter Tho: Vernon Josh: Hastings Boatswayne belonging to y e said Richard Dymons Ship, did owne they had a Pack of goods & other things of y e said Plain 18 on Board, & y 1 the said Boatswayne said he would deliv r y e Plain 1 (Martin) y e said Pack & goods, & after (this Depon 1 saith) y e Boatswayne said hee had sent y e said Pack & goods on shore; And y e said Depon 1 saith y 1 he believes y e s d Jn° Martin y e Plain 1 never received y e said Pack & Goods & further sayth y* if y e said Plain 1 had CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 25 received them hee should have knowne, being Conversant with him in y e affaire, Joshua Hastings deposeth, that hee heard y e Boatswayne belonging to y e s d Rich d Dymon say y 1 y e s d Martin y e Plain 1 would be undone in his action ; for y 1 he y e said Plain 1 had not a Bill of his goods shipped & further sayth y l y° Boatswayne after looking into his Booke found y e said goods entered therein, and said hee had sent them on shore but being de- manded to whom hee had dehVed them; hee answered hee knew not, Vdict The Jury finde for y e Plain 1 & give him in Consid r of his goods & dam for want thereof 12 lb sterling & Costs of Suite, & Execut taken out Tho: Usher (Sheriffe) by order of Co r t, adminisfs on y e goods &c of Canonwell Brittin deceased Intestate, & is to dis- pose thereof according as y e Co r t shall appoint Lawrence Carolus, called & appeares not & by Ja: Saund r - land Engagem 1 to appeare next Co r t George Strode pi* WiLL m Cloud Def l ^Continued accon case J Henry Reynolds Plain 4 Rob f t Eyres Deft accon case decl & Coppy drawne William Penn Esq r Proprietary & Gov r no r p r sent Att the Co r t held at Chester for y e County of Chester 27 th of y e 4 th Moneth called June 1683. Justices P r sent Jn° Symcock Tho: Brasey Will m Clayton Otto Ems 1 Cock Bob 1 Wade Ralph Withers Tho: Usher Sheriffe Tho. Revell Clerke RECORD OF THE COURTS OF The Grand Inquest James Kennerley Olle Rawson James Saundland George fforeman jSTeales Lawson Jno Cornelius Rich d Buffington Tho: Minshawe Jno Harding Mons Stawkitt Jno Blunstone Michael Blunstone Henry Coleman Henry Hastings James Browne Joshua fferne The Jury George Wood Albert Hendrickson Hermon Johnson iSTathaniel Evans Rob r t Bobinson Will™ Woodmanson Rich d new Tho: Cowbourne Jno Bartlestawe Jno Mynall Tho: Worth Jn° Chyld Joseph Phipps Lawrence Carolus by y e IngagenP of Ja: Saundlands was to appeare at this Co r t But was Called three tymes & appeared not; Geo : Strode Willm Cloud Joseph Richards Tho: Nossiter James SAUND r LANDS Jn° Ward Arnoldg Dela Grange Otto Erns* Cock Jno Day Henry Reynolds Tryed Evidence Rich d Buffington Plain 1 ] Def 1 J Withdrawne Plain 1 ] y e Plain 1 3 tymes called Def 1 J but appeared not PP ] r\ -pt f J e Def 1 appeares not PP Def Referred Plaint] Jury Def 1 I Jn° Blunstone J Alien 11 Blunston Henry Coleman &c as above CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 27 The Decl is for 15 Ib . 17 s : By Bill, which is acknowledged by y e Def 1 The Plain 1 acknowledged y e receipt of 10£: 14 8 : 10 d & more 3 s . in all 10£. 7 s 10 d Bests 4£: 19 8 : 2 d which to be paid in a Cow & Calfe; but as appeares y e Plain 1 was to receive y 9 Cow & calfe y e 20 th of y e 2 d mo last & hath not yet received them Bich d Buffington deposeth y 1 the Def 1 tendered a young Cow & calfe to y e Plain 1 And y 1 the Plain* liked not y e Cowe, where- upon y e Jury bring in y e Vdict above, And Judgm 1 is awarded thereupon. Vdict The Jury find for y e Plain 1 & give him a Cow & calfe y e same to be deliv d within 7 dayes or 4£. 19 s 2 d at y e choyce of y e Plain 1 , or y e value thereof in Porke, Beefe or Corne in y 9 8 mo : next & 40 s dam & Costs of Suite Ordered by y e Co r t that a Tax for defraying Publique Charges be raysed w^in this County : And in order to y e Effect- ing y e same with Justice & apportion, Three of y e magistrates of y e County are to meet weekly. Balph Withers & Henry Keynolds are Admitted to Ad- minister upon y e Goods & Chattells of one John Hazlegrove who deceased Intestate. The Inventory of which Goods &c amounting to 11£: 12 s : 6 d Appraised by, James Browne & Joseph Phipps Taken by Tho: Usher. Jn° Ward for Sundry ffelons, Comitted to y e Custody of y 9 sheriffe; & made his Escape with Irons upon him James Saundlane upon his Complaynt to y 9 Co r t against y 9 s d Jn° Ward, is ordered by the Co r t to Receive his owne Goods which were found in y e possession of him y 9 s d Ward George fforeman alsoe upon his v r ball Complaynt, is alsoe ordered to receive his goods. Whereas Jeremiah Collett hath Treated with Jn° Barnes late of Bristoll in England for y 9 service of a Boy named Rob 1 Williams, And declareth that the bargayne was made for six 28 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF pounds, And y e Boyes M r was to be at y e charge of Cure of his Legg which appeares to amount to 7£: 12": The Co r t thereupon Judg it reasonable y* the sayd Boy shall serve 4 yeares for satisfying y e same ; And y e Boy declareing his willingnesse thereto. The Co r t order him to serve 4 yeares Constables Chosen fror Chichester Liberty Willm: Hewes Chester Liberty Tho : Coubourne Derby Liberty Tho: Worth Ammersland liberty Willm: Cobb Concord Liberty Jn° Mendinhall Ordered That y e Peace makers are to meet y e ffirst fourth day of every moneth. The next Co r t of Session to be this day Eight weekes. Att the Co r t held at Chester for y e County of Chester 22 th of the 6 th moneth called Au- gust 1683 John Symcock P r sident William Clayton John Bezer Justices Thomas Brassie p r sent Otto Ern st Cock J Tho: Usher Sheriffe Tho: Eevell Clerke The Jury Returned & empannelled John Harding Tho : Garrett Tho Vernon Edward Carter Tho: Cowbourne Randolph Vernon Joshua Hastings ffrancis Chelsey Jn° Kinsman Walter Martin Robert Vernon Joseph Richardson Arnoldus Delagrange PI 1 1 Otto Ernest Cock Def l J The Plain 1 sues & declares as Heire to Tynnacu Island & p r misses It is acknowledged by Jn° White (y e Defend 13 Attorney) that y e Plain 18 ffather was Legally possest of Tynnacu Island & p r mises in y e declaracon menconed, by vertue of his purchase from Armgard Prince ; But sayth (in regard ttt -r^ j- n r m an Action oi Debt for wages Ihomas Wither Defend 1 J ° Jury returned and Impanelled Edward Beasar Michael] Blunstone William Cloud Jun r Thomas Worth Thomas Minkshaw George Wood James Browne ffrancis Garnall Thomas Smith John Smith Henry Hastings David Ogden Thomas Usher being Attested declareth y 1 at a monethly meeting att Chichester it was there agreed between Joel Bayly and Thomas Wither that the said Thomas Wither should Pay the Wages due to Joel Bayly and soe discharge him and further saith not Robert Pile being Attested declareth that he being at a monethly meeting at Chichester he did hear Thomas Wither say that he would willingly allow Joel Bayly his wages and so Discharge him. Jeremiah Collett being Attested declareth that Joel Bayly desired him to Arbitrate his Cause upon which he the said Collett did aske Thomas Wither whether he did promise the said Joel his wages att a monethly Court held att Chichester who told him he did and further saith not. 58 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Thomas Rawlenson being Attested declareth that Thomas Wither did borrow a Whipe Whipe Cord and Bed Cord of Joel Bayly and did promise to returne or make satisfaction for y e same The Jury finde for y e Plaintife 4£: 11 s : 8 d and giveth him 6 d damage and Cost of Suite Hereupon Judgment is granted. Joel Bayly PP 1 in an Action of Asault and Thomas Wither Defend 1 ] Battery Jury as above The testimony of Thomas Rawlenson who being Attested declareth that Thomas Wither maid speaking Contemptably of Jeremy Collett Joel Bayly undertooke to Correct y e s d maide in words for Abusing y e reputation of y e s d Jeremy Collett Whereupon y e said Thomas Wither fell violently with Blowes upon y e said Joel and Beate him soe that he fell to y e ground and Bled all that night and afterward att Certaine seasons for a Weeks time Richard Rudman being Attested Declareth y e same Robert Jefferies being Attested declareth the same Margery Willis being Attested declareth y e same Richard Rudman and Robert Jefferis did further declare that Joel Bayly did usually Bled before he had any Difference with Thomas Wither and further saith not. The Jury finde for y e Plaintife and give him 2 d damage and Cost of Suite. Whereupon Judgment is Awarded The Shreife made returne of an Execution granted against John Calvert att y e suite of David Brintnell which he levied upon an Oxe vallued by the Appraisers at 4£ Upon y e Petition of James kenela Crowner it was Ordered that forth with Execution be granted against Henry Renolds for y e Crowners fees Charge of Inquest and taking up y e dead Boy of y e said Renolds maide with all other Charges whatso- ever thereunto belonging. CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 59 Ordered that y e Charges of James Browne (Const aple for Chichester) due upon the abous d Premisses be alsoe levied on the said Eenolds and Included in y e aboues d Execution James Saunderlaine as Attorney to Thomas Rudyard made over a Deed in Open Court unto Andrew Robinson for 5000 Acres of land Dated y e 15 th day of June 1685 Woola Rosen and Ebritta his Wife made over a Certaine deed for a Plantation lying att Chichester to George fforman and his Heires for ever dated y e 21 th day of y e 12 th moneth Called ffebruary 1684 George fToreinan made over y e Counter sp l of a Deede to Wola Ros*en and Ebritta his wife dated y e 21 th day of y e 12 th moneth Called february 1684 Wolla Rosen made over a cjplcell of land lying att Chichester to Robert Moulder and his heires for Ever by a deed dated y e 21 th of y e 12 th Mo th 1685 John Child as Attorney to Michael Issard past a deed to Thomas Baldwine for a ^cell of land in this County dated y 9 2 d day of y e 4 th moneth 1684. Thomas Brasy Passed 4 deeds in Open Court all of one date to these following ^psons (viz) To John Smith one for one hundred Acres of land dated y 9 30 th of y e 6 th mo th 1685 To Thomas Smith one for 100 Acres dated y e above day To William Smith one for 100 Acres dated y e above day To John Bartrome one for 300 Acres dated y e above said day John Symcocks marke a slitt in y e right ear His burnt marke I. S. John ffox Petitioned this Court against his former master Nicholas JSTueland for his bad and Cruel usage butt was Re- jected for want of Proof e John jSTickson was Presented upon Suspition of killing William Mellings Hogg and Carring of it away from the Sweeds Prists house butt upon his Confession and Submission he is ordered to pay three fould John Hurst bound by Recognisence to appear at this Court 60 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF for Abusing and Beating his master ffrancis Stamfield was upon Petition of y e said Stamfield Brought to a hearing. Wit- nesses, Thomas Massey, Isacke Brackshaw, who being Attested butt nothing prooved was upon his Submission to y e Court discharged John Hurst Presents James Stamfield for Abuseing and drawing a knife upon him Witnesses Attested, Thomas Massy, Isacke Brickshaw, George Gleave. They all declare that James Stamfield did draw a knife upon John Hurst and did run at him Joseph Clayton being Attested declareth that y e said James Stamfield did draw a Whittle and made a Passe at John Hurst Upon a Due Examination of the whole matter and upon their Submission each to other and promising y e Court to live peac- ably and quietely the Court discharge them Richard ffue Constaple the last year for y e township of Chester made his returne all Well whereupon John Hodskins was nominated Appointed and Attested Consaple in his roome for y e next Ensuing year Robert Taylor Supervisor for y e High Wayes from Chester Creeke to Croome Creeke made his returne all well Whereupon Bartholomew Coppock was nominated and Appointed Super- visor in his roome for y e next Ensuing year. John Henrickson Supervisor of the High Wayes for Amos land and Calcoone Hooke made his returne all well Whereupon John Bartlesome was nominated and Appointed Supervisor in his roome for y e next Ensuing year Walter ffausett was Appointed and Attested Constaple for y e township and liberty of Providence for the next Ensuing year Henricke Torton Consaple for Amos land and Calcoone Hooke made his returne all well whereup Haunce Vireson was nominated and Appointed Constaple in his roome for y e next Ensuing year Thomas Pearson Constaple for Marple made his returne all well Whereupon Jonathan Hey was Appointed and Attested CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 61 Constaple and Supervisor of y e High Waves in his roome for the next Ensuing year The Court Adjourne till the 1 st 3 d day of y e 1 st Weeke in the 8 th Alo th next Att a Court held att Chester for y e County of Chester the 1 st 3 d day in the 1 st Weeke of y e 8 th moneth being y e 6 th day of y e moneth 1685 Justices John Symcocke Presid 1 John Blunstone Robert Wade George Maris Nicholas iSTewland Robert Pile Thomas Usher Jeremy Collett Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke John Barbery being taken up as a runaway was ordered to give in Security not to depart untill Certificate should be brought from his master that he is a free man and untill such time to have lyberty to worke for himselfe William Johnson made over a deed dated this Instant for fifty Acrees of Land lying on the north side of Chester Creeke to Peter Thomas and his heires for ever he the said Peter Thomas Allowing a Convenient high way through the said land from the house of the said W m Johnson leading to Chester roade Jeremy Collett made returne of an Execution granted y e last Court against Henry Renolds for Crowners fees and Con- staples Charges &c dated y e 4 th 7 th moneth 1685 which he levied on an Oxe Appraised at 4£: 10 s Henry Renolds came into Court and made full Satisfaction for the said Oxe Whereupon the Court Ordered him his Oxe againe Thomas Usher Presented Henry Renolds for keeping an Ordinary Contrary to Law. Ordered that William Hues be vewer of Pipe Staves for this County 62 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF James Saunderlaine as Attorney to Stephen Chambers of- fered to Passe over a Plantation to himselfe as being Attorney to Eichard ffriend Butt was rejected for want of a new letter of Attorney from y e said Eichard ffriend Ordered that for Defraying the Publicise Charges of this County a levie be raised upon Every hundred Acres of Land taken up and Surveyed after the rate of two shillings and six pence for every hundred Acres within this County And lands taken up by nonresidence and soe not Occupied Shall pay after y e rate of three shillings nine pence for Every hundred Acres And that all the male Inhabitance within this County from sixteen to sixty years of Age doe pay after the Eate of two shillings six pence by the Pole Except men servants who shall pay after the Eate of one shilling and three Pence by the Pole and noe more And that Jeremy Collett High Shreife of this County be Ordered to levie y e same within three monethes whoe is to be allowed after the rate of one Shilling for Every pound soe levied It is alsoe further ordered that the Con- staples doe forthwith bring in within fourteen dayes after the date hereof the names and Sir names of all the male Inhabit- ance residing within their severall presincts unto the Cheife Collector who shall Allow fourteen dayes time after Warning given to every Township to bring in their respective Payments to the Towne of Chester The Collector is further ordered to receive good and merchantable Indian Corne after y e rate of 2 s : 6 d : good and merchantable wheate 4 s : 6 d : good and merchantable rye at 3 s : 6 d , By the Bushell Ordered that the Township of Chichester Extend its Bounds as formerly laid out by Charles Ashcome untill further order The Court Adjourne untill y e 3 d day in the 2 d weeke of the 10 th moneth next 1685 ffrancis Chads ear marke a Crope ... on the Inside of the near ear his Brand marke on the near Heipe FC : Phillip Eumins ear marke a Swallows forke in the Tipe of the left ear . . . The tope of y e right year Cutt of . . . with a little notch on v e same ear CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 63 Robert Cloud had a Passe granted him to depart this Province dated y e 26 th day of y e 9 th moneth 1685 his Brother W m Cloud of Concord being his security to safe y e Country Harmlesse Att a Court held att Chester for y e County of Chester the 1 st 3 d day in the 2 d Weeke of the 10 th moneth 1685 John Blunstone Presid 1 John Symcocke George Maris Robert Wade J- Justices Robert Pile Thomas Usher Jeremy Collett Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke Mottns Peters PI 1 1 in an Action of scandall and Haunce Urine Defend 1 ] Defamation The Jury returned and Impanelled John Harding Thomas Clifton William Woodmansee William Browne Edward Beasar Thomas Smith John Kinsman Thomas Garrett frrancis Chads Peter Taylor James Browne Randall Vernon Before the Jury Went out upon the Cause it was Agreed that the Defend 1 should pay the Charges and cost of Suite and so y e Action be withdrawn Thomas Clifton made over a Patent unto James Browne by Assignment Bearing date the 15 th day of the 3 d moneth 1685 for a ^Pcell of land lying and being In the Township of Chi- chester Thomas Garrett Assigned over a Patent bearing Date y e 1 st day of y e 2 d moneth 1685 for a parcell of Land lying and being in the Township of Chichester unto James Browne and his heirs for Ever Ordered that the Collector for the last Publicke Levie doe receive Wheate att 5 s Rye att 4 s and Indian Come att 3 8 pr Bushell 64 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF The Court Adjourne to the 1 st 3 d day in the l 3t weeke of the 1 st moneth next. Att a Court held att Chester for y e County of Chester the 3 d day in the 1 st Weeke of y e l 3t moneth Called March 1685 The Grand Inquest Joseph Richards John Gibbons John Bart ram Michaell Blunstone Thomas Worth Thomas Colborne Justices John Symcocke Presid 1 Robert Wade John Blunstone Thomas Usher Robert Pile Nicholas Newland George Maris Jeremy Collett Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke Randall Vernon Walter Marten Edward Beasar Joseph Bushell Joseph Baker William Brainton Samuell Levis George Maris acknowledged the Assignment of one hundred acres of Land to Anne ffincher bearing date y e 9 th day of y 9 10 th : mo th 1685. ffrancis Yarnall acknowledged a Deed to George Maris Ju r of fifty Acres of Land Bearing date y e 1 st day of y e l 8t moneth 1685 'The Defend 1 appearing and John Bristoll Plaintife saying he had noe declara- Phillip Thlemaixe Defend 1 1 tion given him the Plaintife was nonsuited Edmond Cartlidge Assigned over in Court unto Phillip Yarnall a Patent for one hundred Acres of Land bearing date y e 2 d day of 12 th moneth 1685 Robert Dyer PI 1 Robert Cloud and William Cloud 1 Defend 13 -in an Action of v e Case CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 65 The Jury George Price John Child James Browne John Woorrell John Hulbert Joshua Hastings Nathaniell Lamplue John Mendinghall William Hues Randall Maline Nathaniell Parker Richard Crosby The Declaration was read and William Taylor attested to the account for his Charges in Recovering y e Servant The verdicte of y e Jury is that y e Cloathes shall be returned in as good order as it was and to Double what they were sold att here thats y e sum of 21 s : 6 d 2£ : 13 s : 9 d . And the stockins to be returned with 0:2:6 And y e Knife and Sicers and Aules to be returned w th double y e vallue which is 3:4 The Charges of finding y e servant that the Defend 13 pay with Cost of Suite 4:7:3 James Browne foreman 7 : 6 : 10 Hereupon Judgment is Granted George fforeinan PI 1 John Bristoll Thomas Powell & VDei end ts Thomas Jacobs J Jury as in the foregoing Action where Robert Dyer was PI* and Robert and W m Clouds Defend 13 Anthoney Weaver being Attested declareth that he saw John Bristoll Strugling with Samuell for y e Gunn Thomas Whitehorne being Attested declareth for y e PI' that he heard John Bristoll say that he had nothing to say to Sam 11 Rowland for that he had not done him any harme And y* he saw Samuell Rowland Bloody that Sam 11 Rowland was an abettor Lydia Wade being Attested for y e PI 1 declars y e same Mary Marten being Attested for y e Defend 1 declareth y l shee heard W m Taylor say that he would meete with John in an Action of y e Case J 66 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Bristoll an other time and that he had seen Better men then he come shorter by y e Pocketts and Called him Stoginge "William Clayton being Attested Declars that he heard John Bristoll say that after he had sett up three Posts John Bristoll and his men went towards Alberts mett Taylor who Bid John Bristoll Stand or he would fire att him and snapped the gunn twice att him John Bristoll went towards taylor and then Sam 11 Rowland had y e Gunn in his hand and John Bristoll forced y e Gunn by y e Assistance of a Carpenter from him the Carpenter wringing the said Samuell Rowland by the nose John Symes being Attested declareth that he did see Sam" Rowland Come into Robert Wads with his haire torne and face Bloody and there Samuell Rowland asked John Bristoll why he did stop him and head him The Jury finde. for the Defend 1 with Cost of Suite and one penny Damage James Browne foreman hereupon Judgment is granted Joseph Steedman made over a Bill of Sale to ffrancis Yarnall for twenty five Acres dated y e 1 st day of y e 1 st moneth 1685 Walter Marten delivered to Nathaniell Thornton a Bill of Sale for fifty Acres of Land bearing date y e 7 th day of ffebruary 1684 John Hastings as Attorney to John Marsh of Hay ford past over a Deed to Thomas Marten dated y e 1 st day of y e 1 st moneth 1G85 for 73 Acres of Land lying in the County of Chester near Chester Creeke Nathaniel Evins Past a Deed unto Edward Collier for fifty Acres of Land dated y e 18 th day of y e 12 th moneth 1685 Xathaniol Evins Past a deed unto Andrew Moore for fifty Acres of Land dated y e 18 th day of y e 12 th moneth 1685 Nathaniel! Parker Past over a deed to William Clayton Jun r for 200 Acres of land lying in Concord dated y e 10 th day of y e 12 th moneth 1685 Ordered that the Shreife take into his Custody the Body of David Lewis upon Suspition of Treason as alsoe y e Body of Robert Cloud for Concealing y e same for that he the said CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 67 Robert Cloud being Attested before this Court declared that upon y e 3 d day of the Weeke before Christmas last att the house of George fToreman the said David Lewis did declare in his hearing that he was accused for Being Concernd with the Duke of Monmouth in y e West Country Robert Dyer Became Security that his Servant David Lewis shall Appear att the next Provinciall Court held att Philadel- phia y e 10 th day of y e 2 d moneth 1686 to answer y e Premisses William Cloud Senior became Security for his sonne Robert Cloud that he should appear att the said Court to answer his Concealing the same The Court Adjourne untill y e next morning and mett againe according to Adojurnment Samuell Rowland PI* John Bristoll 1 Thomas Powell KDef end ts in an Action of Assault and Thomas Jacobs J J Battery The Jury Impanelled Joseph Richards Randall Vernon John Gibbons Walter Marten John Bartram Edward Beaser Michael Blunstone Joseph Bushell Thomas Worth Joseph Baker Thomas Colborne W m Brainton Witnesses as in the Case of George fforeman PI 1 John Bristoll Thomas Powell and Tho : Jacobs Defend 18 The Juryes verdickt Wee finde for y e Defend 13 with Cost of Suite and six pence damage Whereupon Judgment is granted Thomas Revill by his "1 Attorney Thomas Usher J PI* r Robert Eyre Clerke Defend 1 J in an Action of y e Case The Jurys names George Pirce Jn° Child James Browne Jn° Worrell 5 68 KECORD OF THE COURTS OF John Hulbert Joshua Hastins Nathaniell Lamplue Ju° Mendinghall William Hues Kand le Malin Nathaniell Parker Kich: Crosby The Jury finde for y e Plaintife y e sum of 1£: 15 3 : 4 d : with Cost of Suite and 3 d Damage and that y e 16 s due from Lacy Cocke to remaine Due to the Plaintife : James Browne foreman ffraneis Smith Junior being Convicted before Thomas Usher by Richard Renolds for breaking Open the Trunke and Box of y e said Richard Renolds and taking thence three Gold Rings and one paire of Silver Buttons sett with Bristoll Stones was by y e said Thomas Usher Bound by Recognisance to answer y e said Complaint att this Court. ffrancis Smith making his Appearance according to Recog- nisance and Rich Renolds being Called to Prosecute his Com- plaint according to law butt not appearing the Prisoner was Cleared by Proclamation. James Saunderlaine was Presented by y e Grand Jury for keeping an Ordinary att Chester without Lysence as alsoe for keeping disorders in his house upon y e 1 st dayes of y e weeke Witnes Randall Vernon To which he made his appearance The Court Dispencis w th his keeping an Ordinary untill y e Provinciall Councell shall sitt and in respect of his disorders upon his Promise it shall be soe noe more it is Remitted Phillip Lemaine Past a receipt to Thomas Usher bearing- Date y e 11 th day of y e 3 d moneth 1685 for y e account of Canan- awell Britton for 4r£ 15 s old England money The Grand Jury Presented a Bill against William Taylor Samuell Rowland and Thomas Butterfield for maliciously and tumultuously Assaulting and Presenting a Gunn against the Body of John Bristoll George fforeman Became Security that his man Samuell Rowland shall Appear att the next Provinciall Court held att Philadelphia there to answer y e Premises CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 69 Ordered that upon y e Complaint of George fforeman an Expresse be forthwith sent to Robert Moulder that he fall noe more timber upon y e Estate of George Andrews nor to Carry any timber of y e said Plantation that is already fallen Jeremy Collett Past a deed dated y e 1 st day of y e 1 st moneth 1685 for a parcell of Land lying on Chichester Creeke Con- teining 63 Acres to John Hulbert his heires and Assignes for ever he y e said Hulbert paying y e usuall quit rent due to y e Govern 1- on said Land Ordered that John Symcocke Robert Wade Thomas Usher James Saunderlaine John Blunstone and Susannah Wood doe receive out of their respective Townships they live in soe much of y e Levies granted for y e Publicke use as shall appear to be due to them on that account Ordered that upon y e returne of y e Grand Jury Albertus Henriekson supervisor of y e High wayes belonging to Chester doe forthwith Erect a Horse Bridge in such place as y e Grand Jury have already layd it out Ordered y 1 upon y e same returne Bartholomew Coppocke Supervisor of y e High wayes for Croome Creeke doe forthwith Erect a Bridge in y e Kings Road over said Croome Creeke The Court Adjourne untill y e 1 st 3 d day in y e weeke of y e 4 th moneth next Att a Court held att Chester John Symcock Presid 1 for the County of Chester the 3 d day in y e 1 st Weeke of y e 4 th moneth 1686 and soe held by Ad- journment untill y e next day Justices John Blunstone Robert Pile ffrancis Harrison George Maris Bartholomew Coppocke Samuell Levis Thomas Usher Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke 70 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Mouns Peterson PP Hauns Urine Defend 1 / Witnesses Snmoned George Wood Jn° Bartlesome Mort Mortenson John Bart rum nonsuite Dennis Kochford PI 1 1 The Plaintifs Petition was John Hickman Defend 1 J read against y e Defendant Continued untill the after noone & then withdrawn. Phillip Roman was Presented and Attested Constaple for y e Township of Chichester William Cloud was Presented and Attested Constaple for y e Township of Concord Richard Bondsall was Presented and Attested Constaple for y e Township of Darby The names of the Grand Inquest Joseph Richards Randall Vernon John Gibbons Walter Marten John Bartrome Edward Beasar Michaell Blunstone Joseph Bushell Thomas Woorth Joseph Baker Thomas Colborne Brands Chadsy Robert Moulder made over a Deed unto Peter Baynton dated y e 1 st of y e 4 th moneth 1686 Thomas Whithorne PI 1 1 . . i Thomas Cooper Defend 1 / to John Blunstone Past a Deed bearing date the 1 st day of the 4 th moneth 1686 to John Hood Robert Cloud made over a Deed dated the 1 st day of the 4 th moneth 1686 unto his Brother William Cloud for a parcell of Land lying and being in y e Township of Chichester William Taylor upon his Submission and acknowledgment of his faults for which y e grand Inquest Presented him the last Court and upon his Promise to doe soe noe more he is Remitted CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 71 The Grand Inquest made returne of a High way from Bethell to Chichester of sixty foote broad as followes (viz) Be- ginning at the Side of Concord towards the River on the street or High way of Concord first through the land of John Gibbons his House on the Right Side then through the land of Robert Southry late Disceased his house on the left Side thence through Robert Piles Land his house on the right hand then through Joseph Bushells land his House on the Left hand thence through ffrancis Smithes Land thence through Thomas Garretts Land his house on y e Right hand thence through ffrancis Harison and Jacob Chandlers Land downe the Point to a small branch of damans Creek thence up y e Hill to y e first Inclosed of ffrancis Harrisons the field on y e left hand Then through James Brownes land thence downe to another Branch of Namans Creeke though Walter Martens land up the Point his House on y 9 right hand thence through Jeremy Colletts land Bearing toward the left hand his house standing on y e left hand from thence to the lands of Chichester beginning att the head of a Small Swamp on the left hand thence downe Crosse the Kings road or High way towards y e foote of y e Hill to a lyne tree marked with 5 notches thence downe to y e Rivers Side the lyne between James Browne and William Clayton Junior Whereunto wee the Present grand Jury of y e County of Chester have sett our Hands Joseph Richards foreman Tho : Worth Joseph Baker Joseph Bushell John Bartrome Jn° Gibbons Edward Beasar Michaell Blunstone W m Brainton Tho Colebome Walter Marten Randall Vernon Sam 11 Levis Richard Crosby mooved the Court for a new Execution ag 3t y e Estate of George Andrews which was granted him John Jones Past over a deed by his Attorney James Saunder- laine to Jn° Jennins by his Atto George fforeman dated y e 4 th day of May 1G8G 72 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF John Hannum and Jn° Palmer Convickted before Robert Pile for Stealing of a Hogg from Nicholas Newland of Concord was bound by Recognisance to answer the Complaint att this Court and by their grand Jury whose names are recorded on the other side of y e Leafe are found guilty of their Bill of Indickm* Whereupon the Prisoners are Called to y e Ban* and Ar- reigned and Pleads not guilty and referrs themselves to God and y e Country The names of their Petty Jury all Accepted by the Prisoners Richard Crosby William Cloud John Mendinghall Thomas Crosse Anthony Weaver Edward Walker John Child Peter Baynton Edward Prichard Moses Mendinghall Caleb Pusie Joseph Lownes Witnesses George Stroud Thomas Moore John Saunger Richard ffarr who being Attested declareth y e same thing that they had formerly done before Robert Pile whose testimony remaines upon y e file The Jury finde them Guilty Whereupon Judgment is granted that they pay unto Nicholas Newland 40 s : as also to receive 12 Strips a peece well laid on upon their bear Backs The Appraisers Continued Robert Eyre and Anne his wife Pl ts ffranxis Smith Senior Defend 1 in an Action of y e Case they Joyne Issue by Con- cent without arrest or sumons The names of y e Jury Richard Crosby William Cloud John Mendinghall Edward Walker Edward Pritchard Peter Baynton Anthoney Weaver Joseph Baker John Child Joseph Richards Caleb Pusey Thomas Colborne CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 73 The declaration was Read wherein the Plaintifes declareth for 239 1 : 12 s : 2-| d due by account for settling the Defendants Plantation att Chichester & the Stocke thereon A letter was read from fTrancis Smith Defend 1 to his Daughter Anne Smith Plaintife bearing date Lammas day 84 : directing her to John Buckly for Advice John Buckley being legally Attested declareth that fTrancis Smith said to him that he had sent men servants by his sonne fTrancis & desired the deponent that when he came over he should Incourage his Sonne Eyre and his sonne fTrancis to goe on with y e Plantation lovingly together And that when he came over he would Indevour to Settle them to their Content and y e first that made the Difference should fare the worse for it when he Came. A Letter was read from the Defend 1 fTrancis Smith to y e other PI 1 Robert Eyre dated July 24 th 84, Importing his good liking of y e Plaintifs Building on his land as also directing him for Advice to the said Bucklin. The Plaintifs account was read over in Court Article after Article amounting to y e aforesaid sum of 239 1 : 12 s : 24 d . another letter was read Directed to John Beasar from y e Defend 1 dated 1 st day of May 84. The Defend 1 by his answer utterly denyeth and disowneth all. the 1 st of y e 4 th moneth 86. The verdickt of y e Jury in the Cause depending between Robert Eyre and Anne his wife Plt s and fTrancis Smith Defend 1 after due Examination of each of their accounts And Papers wee finde for y e Plaintifs one Hundred and fifty pounds and Cost of Suite. All goods Cattle and utensells of Houshold stuffe of y e Plaintifs now in the Defend 18 Custody is to be Properly and Intirely the Defend 13 owne The Judgment of y e Court is they doe approve of y e verdickt of y e Jury and Esteeme it resonable 74 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Vewers of fence for Amos Land Charles Ashcome Henry Toten Vewers of fence for Chester David Ogden W m Colborne Vewers of fence for Chichester James Browne Thomas Vither Vewers of fence for Springfield Joseph Steedman Jn° Steedman Vewers of fence for Providence Edward Pritchard Thomas Vernome Vewers of fence for Concord Nathaniell ISTewland Benj Mendinghall Vewers of fence for Darby Richard Tucker John Bartrome Peter Lester was presented Constaple for y e Township of Springfield John Mendinghall assigned over unto his Brother Benjamine Mendinghall a Patent for a parcell of Land lying and being in the Township of Concord Bearing date y e 6 th day of y e 12 th moneth 1682 James Kennerlay Corner made Returne of an Execution Levied upon John Johnsons Oxen Apraised att nine Pounds and delivered Into the Possession of Thomas Wither the then Shreife John Hannums Ear marke a Crop under Slitt of both eares his Brand marke I H on the near Buttocke The Court Adjourne the 3 d day in the 1 st weeke of y e 7 th moneth next Att a Court held att Chester for y e County of Chester y e 3 d day in the 1 st weeke of y e 7 th moneth 1686 Justices Charles Ashcome PP Jonx Vaxculixi: Defend 1 J John Blunstone Presid 1 George Maris Bartholomew Coppocke Robert Pile Samuell Levis Thomas Usher Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke in an Action of Trespasse CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 75 The names of the Petty Jury Thomas Worth Natha 11 Parker William Hues Jn° Bartrum John Prist ow Tho : King John Sanger Jn° Edge Eichard flarr Jn° Child Michall Blunstone Moses Mendinghall A paper was Read Importing an Agreement to be made up between the Plaintif e and Defend 1 by order from y 9 Governour to John Symcocke & John Blunstone. Charles Whitacre being Attested declareth that he being Desired by the PP to speake to y e Defend* not to cutt downe the Plaintifs tymer his answer was that he would Cutt the Tymber downe in dispite of y e Plaintif es nose and further saith not The Jury finde for y e Plaintife with five pounds Damage and Cost of Suite Hereup Judgment is Granted. The Shreife made returne of an Execution granted y e last Court against the Estate of George Andrews att the Suite of Eichard Crosby for Eighteen pounds and Appraised by y e County Appraisers the 8 th day of y 9 4 th moneth last att sixty Pounds The Grand Jury Whose names are under Written Presented Eichard Crosby for Keeping an unlawful fence to the great damage of John Marten in his swine The names of y e Grand Inquest George fforeman Eichard Barnet James Browne W m Coborne Nathaniell Lamplue Eobert Pennill Thomas Powell John Marten Joseph Cookson Thomas Marten Thomas Vernon George Woodier Eobert Burrows Peter Dickes George Wellard George Stroad Thomas Moore William Collett 76 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Albertus Henrickson Supervisor for y e High Wayes be- tween Chester Creeke and Chichester Creeke presented John Bristow to serve in his roome for y e Ensuing year Haunse Urine former Constaple for Calcoone Hooke and Amos Land Presented all Well Whereupon Mort Mortenson was appointed Constap in his roome for y e ensuing year Walter ffausett Constaple for Chester Presented all Well Whereup Edward Pritchard was Elected Constaple in his room for the Ensuing year Peter Lester was Attested Constaple for the Township of Springfield for y e Ensuing year ffrancis Chadsey was Ordered Supervisor for the High Wayes for y e Township of Chichester for the Ensuing year Thomas Usher Shreifc made Complaint against William Collett in the Behalfe of Thomas Cooper for holding him in his service by an unlawf nil Contract ; upon which it was Ordered that W m Collett doe forthwith sett the said Thomas Cooper att Lyberty and allow him the Custome and Law of the Country in that case Provided for Servants John Hodskins Constaple for Chester made returne all well Where upon Scales Lawson was ordered Constaple in his roome for the Ensuing year Ordered that Xathaniel Parke be Supervisor for the High Wayes of Concord for the Ensuing year Robert Eyre Clerke signed and Sealed a Bond of Perform- ance unto ffrancis Smith Senior for the said Smithes Peacable Injoyment of the House and Plantation of y e said Robert Eyre for two year Comencing from the day of June last upon Con- dition that he the said ffrancis Smith should not cutt or fall five trees more otherwise the Bond to be voyd and of none Efect Thomas Smith of Darby made over a Deed Dated the 7 th day of y e seventh moneth 1686 for fifty Acres of Land in the Township of Darby unto Thomas Coates his heires and As- signes for ever John Palmer and John Hannum by and with the Consent CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 77 of their Wives Mary Palmer and Margery Hannum made over a deed for one hundred Acres of Land lying and being in the Township of Concord to Edward Bennett his heires and As- signes for Ever. The Inhabitance of Bethell and Concord presented a Paper to this Court signifieing their good liking of the Road lately laid out by the Grand Jury to Chichester John Holsone Past Over a Deed unto William Mailen dated the 9 th day of y e 10 th moneth 1685 for one hundred Acres of land John Hardings ear marke a Crop in the Inside of y e farr eare his Brand marke I H on the farr Buttocke Att a Court held att Chester for the County of Chester the 3 d day in the 1 st Weeke of the 10 th moneth 1686 and soe held by Ad- journment the next day John Blunstone Presid* John Smycocke George Maris Bartholomew Coppocke Samuell Levis Robert Wade Robert Pile Justices Thomas Usher Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke The Shreife made returne of an Execution granted unto Charles Ashcome against John Vanculine which was Levied upon two Steers appraised at eight pound Butt was Counter- manded by a warrant from the Councell Edward Hulbert Taylor being Comitted by John Symcocke att the Complaint of William Rawlence for stealing severall goods and merchandize out of the house of Jeremy Collett was bound by Recognisence to Prosecute his Complaint at this Court The names of y e Grand Inquest George fforeman Richard Barnard James Browne Robert Pennill iSTathaniell Lamplue John Marten 78 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Thomas Powell Thomas Marten Joseph Cookson George Woodier Thomas Vernon Peter Dicks Robert Burrows George Stroad Thomas Moore William Collett The Grand Inquest finde the Bill against the Prisoner upon which he was Arreigned and Pleads nott Guilty and refers him- selfe to God and y e Country The names of y e Petty Jury all accepted by y e Prisoner Robert Vernon Randall Mailen Edmond Cartleidge John Edge Edward Carter Walter ffaussett John Taylor Thomas Minshall Nathaniell Evins Caleb Puzy John Child John Mendinghall William Rawlence being Attested declareth that he brought in his goods Into the logg house of Jeremy Collett att y e 11 th hour att night And y* y e Prisoner was up att about the second hour that morning next and that y e Prisoner went out of Doore and after ward said he went to ease himselfe John Collett being Attested declareth that y e Prisoner told him that William Rawlence goods was Come and that his Cousen John Hulbert came before day to receive part of the said goods of this Deponent to y e vallue of three pounds. Samuel Phillips being Attested declareth y l he carried y e goods into y e house and further saith not Robert Way being Attested declareth that he knew y e goods to be brought into the said house and further saith not. Charles Pickering Pleads as Attorney to y e King The Petty Jury returne their Verdickte and finds the Prisoner not guilty of the Indicktment butt guilty of Sus- picious circumstances in relation to the Indicktment upon which by his Securitys Haunce Peters of y e County of Xew Castle and Andrew ffriend of this County he is bound to appear att the next Court CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 79 Jeremy Collett PI* 1 . . . . „ _. kn an Action oi y e Case Henry Renolds Dei end 1 J Jury as in the Case of Edward Hulbert The Declaration was read The answer was read Robert Moulder being Attested declareth that he went downe to Namans Creeke with Henry Renolds in the said Renolds Shallope Where they found a Canow and loaded the Shallope with stones with the same Canow and further saith not James Browne being Attested declareth that he doe Re- member he did see Jeremy Colletts Canow att his Landing and afterward he did see the same Canow hald up att Henry Renolds Landing John Hickman being Attested Declareth that he did hear Jeremy Collett and Richard BufEngton lend the said Canow to Henry Renolds and that he the Deponent did Hale up the Canow at the said Renolds landing Robert Moulder being Attested again in behalfe of y e De- fend 1 declareth that he did see John Hickman hale up the Canow to y e said Renolds landing Isacke Warner being Attested declareth that Henry Renolds Wife did offer to returne the same Canow to Jeremy Collett Edward Hulbert being Attested declareth that he being att worke att Henry Renolds House the Plaintife desired the Defend 1 Henry Renolds to lett him have some Skinns and that there they came to an account 5nd as this Deponent can best remember there was about one hundred and twenty Guilders due upon y e Defend 18 account butt he doe certainly aferme there was not more then one hundred and f ourty due The Jury find for the Defend 1 two pence Damage upon y e account of y e Canow and that he shall pay to y e Plaintife Eighteen Shillings and four Pence upon Ballancing y e accounts and that y e Plaintife shall pay y e Cost of Suite Hereupon Judgment is granted Upon which the PI 1 makes his Appeale to y e next Court of Equity held for this County 80 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Jeremy Collett PI 1 1 in an Action of Scandall and George Stroad Defend 1 J Defamation withdrawn John Bristow made over a Deed unto William Lewis bearing date y e 15 th day of y e 7 th nioneth 1686 for four hundred and ninty acres of land Mouns Peterson PI 1 1 In an Action of y e Case Hauns Urine Defend 1 J They Joyne Issue by Concent The names of the Jury James Browne Thomas Wither Thomas Powell Jeremy Collett Jacob Symcocke Richard Crosby John Bristow ffrancis Chadsey Benja: Mendinghall Caleb Puzie Moses Mendinghall John Halliwell The Declaration was Read Thomas Bowles being Attested for y e Plaintife declareth that Haunce Urine came among his Carpenters and stole his nayles and afterward the said Haunce gave the Carpenters a Pott of Bum not to call him Theife butt coming some time afterward to Tenicome he the Defend 1 did there report that the pP Mouns Peterson had gotten all his Estate by Privatearing and murdering of men and that he the Deponent should have a care of him Robert Brothers being Attested declareth y e same Samuell Weight being Attested declareth as aforesaid and further declares that y e Defend 1 offered him two Piggs to stop his Evidence The Jury finde for y e Plaintife twenty shillings Damage and Cost of Suite Hereupon Judgment is Granted Joshua Hastings PP 1 . . . . „ -^ „ , t mii an Action oi trespasse ffrancis Yarnall Defend J The names of y e Petty Jury Robert Vernon Joseph Richards Edmond Cartleidge John Edge CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 81 Edward Carter Walter rfaussett John Taylor Thomas Minshall Natkaniell Evins Caleb Pusie John Child John Mendinghall The Declaration was read The answer was read Allen Robenett being Attested declareth that he knew the boore of y e PI 1 Joshua Hastings and that to y e best of his knowledge it was y e same boore and further saith not ffrancis Baldwin being Attested declareth that y e boore in possession of ffrancis Yarnall was y e Pl ts boore & that he saw the said Boore att Allen Robenetts Bandall Mailen being Attested declareth that he being att y e House of Allen Robenett he did there as he was told see y e Pl ts boore and that the boore as he was alsoe told by said Robenett was Bitten in the stones by David Ogdens dog he was alsoe told y e same by John Holstone John Hastins being Attested declareth that he did with his owne knife marke y e Pl ts Boore and that s d boore was att home all one Sumer and all the Winter following and that he saw him noe more Butt heard of him and that he never saw him att all untill he saw him att ffra Yarnalls and doe further more declare y* he knew it to be y e Pl ts Boore William Mailen being Attested declareth that he did see a sandy Collow rd Boore butt he knew not whose it was and further saith not Judith Colvert being Attested declareth there was a Boore y* kept Company with their Swine Butt afterward shee did hear y l y e Boore was y e Pl ts Boore and that he went from thence and was away some time and when he came againe he had been Bitten on y e right side of y e stones as shee thinks Butt when ffrancis Yarnall came to their House to see y e Boore he said he did thinke this Boores marke was very much like his and that y e Boore was of a lighter Collour then his and further saith not. George Maris tlio Elder being Attested for y e Defend 1 De- clareth that lie knew ffrancis Yarnall did Brid a Boore of a 82 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Sandy Collour And that he have often Served him with meat and that his marke was y e Defendt 3 marke and after y e De- fend 1 fetching home y e said Boore Called upon this deponent to vew y e said Boore And according to y e best of his Judgment both by y e marke and by y e Stones and in every respect both of grouth and shap it was the Defend ts Boore John Calvert being Attested for y e Defend 1 declareth that y e Boore which ffrancis Yarnall tooke away was about three months att times att his House and afterward about ye 1 st moneth ffran Yarnall y e Defend 1 tooke him away and that y e Boore was Bitten behind on y e right side of y e stones. John fTox being Attested for y e Defend 1 declareth y* he Knew y e Boore and y* he had one stone hanging downe lower then y e other and that he was Bitten by the dogs on y e right side of y e Stones. Jane Calvert being Attested declareth that ffrancis Yarnall came to John Calverts and did there drive a Boore into y e Hog yard and did there say that he thought his Boore was of a lighter Collour and that y e marke was not altogether like his marke and further saith not Margrett Hollingsworth being Attested declareth that y e Boore was a Right Boore Before he was Bitten and that he was supposed to be Joshua Hastings Boore by y e neighbor- hood and that y e Boore was there most part of y e Winter Caleb Puzie being Attested declareth that ffrancis Yarnall did enquire of him whether there was not a Boore about his House with one stone Who told him he had seen a strange Boore there Thomas Bristow being Attested declareth for y e Defend 1 that he did certainly know y e said Boore and y 1 it was y e very Boore of y e Defend 18 ffrancis Yarnall John Maris being Attested for y e Defend 1 declareth that he had knowledge of y e Defend 1 ffrancis Yarnalls Boore and when the said Boore was Brought againe by y e Defend 1 he knew it Certainly to be y e same Boore and further saith not George Maris y e Younger being Attested for y e Defend 1 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 83 declaretli that he had certain knowledge of ffrancis Yarnalls Boore and that it was y e same Boore which ffrancis Yarnall brought to them to vew when he fetcht him home. John Hallawell being Attested for y e Defend 1 declareth y e Boore was att his House & that it was y e same Boore which he saw att y e latter end of y e Sumer and y 1 y e Boore was att Jacob Symcocks and he Believes it was y e Defend 1 fTra: Yarnalls Boore The Jury finde for y e Plaintife twenty five shillings with Cost of Suite Hereupon Judgment is granted Upon which y° Defend 1 makes his Appeale to y e next Court of Equity held for this County 'In an action of Scandall and Mouns Peterson PI 1 Mort Mortenson Defend 1 th Defamation Withdrawne upon Condition that y e Defend 1 Mort Mortenson pay the Cost .of Suite John Symcocke made over a Deed dated the 7 th day of y e 10 moneth 1686 to John Hallawell for a Parcell of Land to the use of y e said Hallewell his heires and Assignes for ever Xathaniell Evins made over a Deed for fifty Acres of Land bearing Date y e 1 st day of y e 4 th moneth 1686 to John Baldwin his heires and Assignes for ever Kobert Pile made over a Deed unto his Brother Nicholas Pile for one hundred Acres of Land lying in Concord dated y e 27 th day of y e 9 th moneth 1686 Benjamine Mendinghall made over a Deed dated y e 27 th day of y e 9 th moneth 1686 to Moses Mendinghall for a parcell of land lying and being in Concord John Mendinghall made over a Deed dated y e 27 th day of y e 9 th moneth 1686 to Thomas Marten his heires and Assignes for Ever for a parcell of Land lying and being in Concord Bobert Wade made over a Deed unto John Bristow his heires and Assignes for ever dated y e 8 th day of y e 10 th moneth 1686 for a parcell of Land lying and being in the Township of Chester 6 84 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF John Blunstoue made over a Deed bearing Date y e 26 th day of y e 9 th moneth 1686 to Robert Smith his heires and Assignes for ever George Wood made over a Deed dated y e 27 th day of y e 9 th moneth 1686 for two parcells of Land unto John Blimstone his heires and Assignes for Ever John Blunstone made over a Deed Bearing Date y e 8 th day of y e 10 th moneth 1686 for a parcell of Land in Darby to George Wood his Heires and Assignes for ever by his Attorney Samuell Levis Thomas Powell made over a Deed unto Charles Whitacre dated y e 27 th day of y e 9 th moneth 1686 for a parcell of Land Conteining two hundred acres lying upon Ridley Creeke Thomas Persons Samuell Baker and William Haukes being presented by y e Grand Jury for being Drunke and Sam 11 Baker and Tho Persons for Swearing the two latter (viz) Samuell Baker and William Haukes was Apprehended and brought to y e Barr ISTicholas Pile being Attested declareth that Samuell Baker did Swear Severall Oathes that John Symcocke was Drunke for which he was fined thirty shillings, Benj amine Mendinghall Attesting y e same William Haukes was fined five shillings for being Drunke and Appearing soe att y e Barr Urine Keene made Complaint against John Vanculine for Deteining his servant Renear Vanculine sonne of y e said John Vanculine from his service upon which it was ordered that John Vanculine doe forthwith send backe the said Renear Vanculine to his service and that he serve the time he have been wanting John Collett Petitioned against y e Shreife for not Executing a Warrant granted against ffrancis Smith y e younger on his behalfe. William Collett being Attested declareth y* he heard ffrancis Smith say he mett with y e Shreife and asked for y e Warrant he had against him CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 85 Richard Crosby being Presented by y e grand Inquest y e last Court for keeping an unlawful fence made his appearance and was att this Court fined thirty shillings Edward Hulbert Petitioned against y e Shreife for his hard usage in the Comon Prison This Court in y e Behalfe of y e County have bargained and sold unto Robert Wade his Heirs and Assignes y e Court house and Prison att Chester upon Consideration Whereof y e said Wade doe Obleidge himselfe his heires Executors and Assignes to Defray all Charges which are already Due from y e first Erecting said Houses Provided that from y e day of y e Date hereof to y e full End and terme of two years and a halfe the said Robert Wade shall have liberty to reimburst what moneyes he have already received of y e Levie raised in this County toward y e Purchasing and Building of said Houses. Upon all Which this Court doth Engage to make y e said Wade a firme and sure Title to said Houses and to give him lawfull and quiete Possession thereof James Saunderlaine for himselfe his heires and Assignes doe Promise this Court a Convenient Peece of Land in y e Towne of Chester where they may Erect a Court house and Prison and to make a firme title of y e same to y e Proper use and Behoofe of this County Andrew flriend was Attested Constaple for y e Township of Chester in the Roome of his ffather Neales Lawson James Saunderlaines ear marke both ears Cropt and slitt his brand marke I. S. George fforemans ear marke a Crop and Slit in y e farr ear his brand marke G F Samuell Levis his ear marke a Swallow fork taken out of y e middle of y e near ear his brand marke S. L Haunce Urine was fined five shillings for being Drunke upon Tenicum Island George Strod made over a Deed dated y e 27 th day of y e 9 th month 1686 for a parcell of Land lying and being in Concord to Goddin Walter his heires and Assignes for ever. 86 KECORD OF THE COURTS OF George Strod made over a Deed Dated y e above day for a parcell of Land in the s d Township of Concord unto Thomas Hale his Heires and Assignes for ever Constaples Chossen ffor Bethell Lyberty Edward Beasar Burmingham John Bennett Chester Andrew ffriend in y e roome of his father Neales Lawson Xorthley Edward Carter Gilead Joseph Baker Providence John Xickson in y e roome of Edward Pritchard Marple ffrancis Stamfield Xewtowne Thomas Xorbury Upper Providence Thomas Powell Ordered that all Constaples y l are not Attested doe forthwith repaire to their next Justice to be Attested according to law Ordered that all Constaples have forthwith Warrants di- rected unto them under y e Clerks hand and County Scale that they forthwith Call a Towne meeting in their severall Precincks in order to make a true returne of all y e male Inhabitance therein as well Servants as free men from sixteen years of age to sixty as alsoe of what Lands they are seized of ; as alsoe what Lands are surveyed to non residence and soe remaining unoccupied unto y e Commissioners Sitting att Walter ffausetts att Ridley Creeke y e 1 st day of y e next moneth 1686 The Court adjourne unto y e 3 d day in y e 1 st Weeke of y e 1 st moneth next and y e next day Sate in Equity Att a Court of Equity held att Chester y e 5 th day in the 1 st Weeke of y e 10 th moneth 1686. Commissioners Present John Blunstone John Simcocke George Maris Bartholomew Coppocke Samuell Levis Robert Wade Robert Pile Robert Eyre Clerke CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 87 ffrancis Yarnall of this County Preferred a Bill to this Court Wherein he required a Remedy against y 9 Verdickt of Jury and Judgment of Court Obteined against him by Joshua Hast- ings of y e same County att the last Court of Comon Pleas held for this County of Chester the 3 d and 4 th days of this Present Weeke Upon which it was Decreed that ffrancis Yarnall should pay 10 s and bear butt halfe the Charges of that Court. Jeremy Collett of this County Preferred a Bill to this Court requiring a Remedy against y e Verdickt of Jury and Judgment of Court in a Case Depending between himselfe & Henry Renolds of y e same County att the last Court of Comon Pies held for this County of Chester the 3 d and 4 th dayes of this Present Weeke. Upon which it was Decreed that Henry Renolds should pay one halfe of the Charges of Court and Cost of Suite. „, ~ , . ,. Ihe Court Adjourne Att a Court held att Chester for y e County of Chester y e 3 d day in the 1 st Weeke of y e 1 st moneth 1686 George Maris President John Synicocke John Blunstone ffrancis Harrison [-Justices Bartholomew Coppocke Robert Pile Thomas Usher Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke James Browne PP Timothy Clement Defend 1 In an action of Debt upon [-Continued Attatchment in y e hands of Thomas Coborne. The Shreife made returne of a Warrant Issued out against Timothy Clement in behalf e of y e King : not to be found. The names of such of y e Grand Inquest that absented them- selves this Court ss RECORD OF THE COURTS OF George fforeman, Richard Barnard, Peter Dicks, William Collett The Presentiments of y e Grand Inquest viz Andrew Nealson Als friend for unlawfully Ranging y e Woods and for Driving Peoples Cattle as Horses and Mares backe into the Woods to y e great Detryment of many of y e Inhabitance. Who being Indickted upon y e same the cause was att his request traversed untill the next Court Thomas Brasy was Presented for Hanging gates upon y e Kings High Way by reason Whereof Cattle Cannot Passe and when a gate lyes open and y e neighbourhoods Cattle Gett into y e said Brasyes Pasture they are many times stopt att night to their Detryment for Want of y e milke of their udder Beasts The Township of Chester was Presented for not finding and making a foote Bridge over y e mill Creeke in y e Kings High way hard by W m Woodmansees John Symcocke made over a Deed for one hundred acres of land unto Charles Whitacre dated this Instant Haunce Peters of New Castle County came into y e Court and delivered up Edw: Hulbert into y e Custody of y e Shreife upon which it was ordered that y e said Haunce Peters bond given y e last Court should be Cancelled. Thomas King made over a Deed to W m Branton for fifty acres of land lying in Concord dated this Instant. Thomas Duckett made over a Patent by Assignment unto Barnabas Wilcox for three hundred acres of land lying in y e County of Chester dated the 9 th day of the 10 th moneth 1686 William Morgan made over a Patent by Assignment to William Brainton for two hundred acres of land in Burming- ham dated y e 5 th day of y e 8 th mo th 1686 Jeremy Collett made over a Deed to John Hannum for 200 acres of land lying in y e 3 d lott in Concord dated this Instant Jeremy Collett of this County and John White Clerke of y e County of new Castle was Attested to a Bond signed and sealed by Richard Bridgman unto Charles Pickering dated y e 10 th day of December 1686. CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 89 Charles Ashcome PI 1 1 . , . , __ ~ r „ TT _. . „ f-m an action oi y Case Ihomas Lsher DeiencrJ Ordered that y e Shreife have a new Execution against John Vaneuline and soe y e matter to be ended Edward Hulbert Appearing according to Recognisence and noe body appearing to Prosecute y e Prisoner is acquitted by Proclamation Samuell Baker upon his acknowledgment and submission to John Symcocke is remitted his fine which was laid on him for abusing y e said Symcocke y e last Court Ordered that Thomas Usher Shreife and Eichard Crosby have Power to sell and Dispose of y e Plantation of George Andrews lying att Chichester Caleb Puzie Petitioned against Thomas Coborne for setting a Water mill above him upon Upland Creeke The Court Con- sidering the Premisses and finding it to bee for y e Comon good Dispenceth therewith Kathaniell Thornton being found upon his Confession before ffrancis Harrison and Robert Pile to be Justly Indebted unto Thomas Hale in y e Sum of Seventeen shillings and tenne pence halfe Penny it was ordered to be entred as y e Judgm* of this Court and upon non payment Execution to follow The names of y e Grand Inquest Attested at this Court Walter ffausett Joshua fferne John Edge Thomas Person Jonathan Hayes Anthony Weaver Randall Maylen George Wood Joshua Hastings Jacob Symcocke Peter Taylor Joseph Edge Caleb Puzie Bartholomew Coppocke George Churchman John Xickson Petitioned against a former order of this Court butt was Rejected Richard Crosby Preferred a Bill to y e late Grand Inquest against David Ogden which was found to be eronious 90 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF ffrancis Harrison and Jacob Chandler acknowledged y e Ex- change of one moity of two hundred and fifty acres of land in the Township of Chichester from y e said ffrancis to y e said Jacob for y e one moity of two hundred and fifty Acres lying on Chester Creeke from y e s d Jacob to y e said ffrancis The Court Adjourne untill y e 3 d day in y e 2 d Weeke of y e 2 d mo th next. Att a Court held att Chester for y e County of Chester y e 3 d day in the 2 d Weeke of y e 2 d mo th 1687 John Blunstone President George Maris John Bristow Sam 11 Levis [-Justices Bartho Coppocke ffrancis Harrison Thomas Usher Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke The Shreife made returne of an Execution granted against John Yanculine att the suite of Charles Ashcome which was Levied upon two Cowes appraised by Joshua Hastings and Caleb Pusie att 9 lb Ordered that y e appraisers doe Discharge the Shreife of said Cowes and doe take them into their Custody and keeping untill further order. Jeremy Collett by his 1 in an action of y e Case wife Jane his Attorney PP kFhe Defend 1 Confesses Edward Hulbert Defend 1 ] Judgment. William Cloud Junior made Complaint in behalfe of his ffather W m Cloud that y e officers of new Castle have Demanded y e Publick levies of his said ffather for that County Where- upon it was ordered that y e Clerke doe forthwith send downe a request under his owne hand desiring them to forbear to Levie any thing upon y e said Cloud till a desision be made of y e Premisses by y e Governour Urine Keine made over a Deed for a %?cell of land lying and being in Chester with all y e Appurtinances and lotts dated y e 18 th day of y e 11 th nioneth 1686 to James Saunderlaine and his heires for ever CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 91 Anne ffinch made over a Deed for a spcell of land Conteining one hundred acres lying between Ridly Creeke and Chester Creeke unto William ffindlow dated y e 11 th day of y e 2 d Month 1687 William ffindlow past over a mortgage for said Land to y 9 said Anne ffince for twenty pounds to be paid y e 2 d day of y e 5 th Moneth 1690 dated y e 12 th day of y e 2 d moneth 1687 John Nickson made over a Deed to Bartholomew Coppocke dated y e 12 th day of y e 2 d moneth in y e 7 th year of y e Pro- prietarys Government for a spcell of Land lying on y e West side of Darby Creeke William Cloud Constaple for Concord returned all well Whereupon Nathaniell ISTewland was ordered Constaple in his roome for y e ensuing year Phillip Roman Constaple of Chichester returned all well whereupon ISTathaniell Lamplue was ordered Constaple in his roome for the ensuing year ffrancis Chadsey Supervisor of y e High wayes between Chi- chester Creeke and damans Creeke returnd all well whereupon Phillip Roman was ordered in his roome for y e ensuing year Ordered that Nathaniell Evins be Supervisor of y e High wayes for y e Township of Chester in y e roome of John Bristow Richard Crosby being Convickted for being Drunke and abusing y e majestracy of this Court and County was fined seven pounds The Court Adjourne untill y e 3 d day in y 9 1 st Weeke of y e 4 th moneth next Att a Court held att Chester for y e County of Chester y 9 7 th day of y 9 4 th moneth 1687 John Bristow Presid 1 John Symcocke John Blunstone Bartholomew Coppocke J- Just ices George Maris ffrancis Harrison Joshua ffirenc Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke 92 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF FFRANCIS STAMFIELD JoHANES FFRIEND James Saunderlaine Richard Rudman Thomas Holmes Charles Ashcome Robert Eyre Henry Wood ffrancis stamfield James Stamfield James Stamfield John Orion PI 1 ] -p. ,. t Swithdrawne PI* 1 the Shreife returnd y e Defend'J Defend 1 not to be found PI 1 I ■~ . , t -returned as above Defend 1 J pi t returned as above withdrawne in an action of Trover and Conversion Defend 1 pr Defend* pl t Defend 1 The names of the Jury Thomas Vernon John Hallawell Thomas Worth Adam Roads Samuell Bradshaw John Mendinghall Richard Tucker John Kinsman Joseph Richards Edmond Cartleidge John Gibbons Thomas Brodshaw The Declaration was read and Haunce Urine being attested declareth y 1 y e mare he sold to y e Plaintife was a Brown Bay mare and was markt in both ears with a Swallow florke and had a small starr in her Sorehead and a long tayle Peter Peterson being Attested declareth That he was with y e Defend 1 John Orion when he took up a Chestnut mare and a Blacke Colt near Harford markt with a Swallow forke on both eares and a long tayle with a small starr in her forehead John Smith being Attested declareth that y e mares marks was as before Attested and that shee had a black fillow Colt and that when he saw them the Colt was branded with F S on y e near Buttocke Thomas Massie being Attested declareth that the mare was marke as before Attested by Per Peterson and that Orion did confesse he had a black Colt markt F S about 2 years old and y* he knew not how he came to be markt with that marke CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 93 Mouns Usta being attested for y e Defend 1 declareth y* y e mare and Colt which y e Defend 1 carried over y e River was y e Defend 18 owne mare and Colt and that he knew for a great While since y e mare did use y e woods near Harford and that he tamed her and saith alsoe that about y e time that James Stamfleld tooke up this mare and Colt that mare and Colt was wanting Usta Usta being attested declareth for y e Defend 1 y 1 he in Company with Peter Peters & Jn° Orion tooke up y e mare near Harford and y 1 to his knowledge it was Orions owne mare Joseph Wood being attested for y e Defend 1 declareth y 1 he knew y e mare to be Orions mare and that about 3 years since Mouns Peters did take her up and that this deponent did ofer to by her Before y e Jury went out upon y e Cause it was agreed that the PI 1 and defend 1 should pay their equal shares of y e Charge and Cost of Suite and soe y e matter to Rest. Andrew Neales alius ffriend was Called to y e Barr upon a former Bill of Indicktment Exhibitted against him att a Court held for this County y e 3 d day in y e l Bt Weeke of y e 1 st moneth last The Petty Jury as in y e Case of Stamfield & Orion Charles Whitacres being atteste declareth that Andrew Neales alius ffriend told him y 1 John Symcocke should never have any good of a mare which y e said Andrew Pretended to have tooke up att Concord Before y e said Jn° Symcocke had her and that he have often sworne y e same in this deponents hearing who further declareth that y e sweeds Prists sonne did offer to sale in y e name of y e said Andrew ffriend 2 Colts of 3 years old and 2 of 2 years old a peece which he said was Blacke mare Colts James Lownes being attested declareth that y e said Andrew Neales alius ffriend did Pretend he had Driven or brought downe y e mare from Concord and that upon John Symcockes taking her up he did both threaten and Swear that y e said mare should doe y e said Symcocke noe good. 94 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Uppon his request the Cause is Suspended untill the next Court Andrew ffriend was ffined five shillings for Swearing. Thomas Mercer made over a Deed for tenne Acres of Land lying in Astone dated y e 9 th day of y e 2 d moneth 1687 unto Peter Tremaine his heires and Assignes for ever Thomas Brasie made over a Deed dated y e 5 th day of ffeb- ruary 1686 to Joseph Needs for a parcell of Land Conteining one hundred acrees lying in Darby George Maris made over a Deed dated y e 7 th day of y e 4 th moneth 1687 to Phillip Yarnall for a parcell of Land Con- teining two hundred Acrees Between Chester Creeke and Iiidly Creeke Jane Jones Servant to George fforeman for Confessing In- continency was ordered y e next morning att y e 9 th hour to receive nine lashes upon her bear Backe well laid on att y 9 Comon Whipping Post The grand Inquest Presented the want of three Convenient horse Bridges on y e Kings Road one over Chester Creeke one over Bidley Creeke and one over Croome Creeke Ordered that forthwith Bridges be Erected over Kidley Creeke and Croome Creeke an a horse Bridge over Chester Creeke near Chester Mill upon y e lower side of y e Dam They alsoe Present Thomas Colborne of this Township of Chester for selling rum to y e Indians Contrary to the lawes of this Province Upon which he was bound by recognisence to answer it the next Court : The names of y e grand Inquest wanting : Anthony Weaver dead — George Churchman absent. John Symcocke by Powers from Elizabeth fframton wife of the late Disceaced William fframton acknowledged and Con- fessed in Oppen Court y e receipt of two hundred and Eight pounds Currant English money which said sum he Confessed to be Satisfied by the payment of the said Calebs Bills for security of which att a Court held for this County y e 3 d day in CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 95 y e 1 st Weeke of y e 4 th moneth 1685, Judgment was then Con- fessed by y e said Caleb upon Chester mill and Premisses John Gibbons Jacob Symcocke and Charles Whitacre was ordered and Attested Appraisers for this County for y e next Ensuing year Ordered that Thomas Hood be Attested Constaple of y° Township of Darby for y e next ensuing year Ordered that Charles Whitacre be supervisor of the high- wayes for y e Township of Ridley for y e next ensuing year Ordered that John Bartrome be supervisor of High wayes for Darby for y e next Ensuing year. Ordered that John Mendinghall be supervisor of the high wayes for Concord for y e next Ensuing year. Thomas King made over a deed for 100 acres of Land in Concord unto Robert Chamberlaine & his heires for ever dated y e 27 th of y e 9 th mo th 1686. Joseph Bushell made over a Deed for one hundred acres of Land lying in Thornbury to W m Brainton and his heires for ever dated y e 7 th of y e 4 th moneth 1687. Samuell Bradshaw made over a Deed for one hundred & eleven acrees of land lying upon Mill Creeke to Thomas Brad- shaw and his heires and Assignes for ever dated y e 7 th day of y e 4 th mo" 1 1687. John Blunstone made over a Deed for one acre of Land in the Township of Darby to build a meeting house thereon to y e use of y e said Township for ever to Exercise the true worship of God therein. George fforeman Complaining to this Court that his Servant maide Jane Jones by her often running away taking up and other charges Depending with loss of time stands Damnified to y e vallue of nine pounds six pence upon his and Samuel Row- lands Proofe thereof shee is ordered for satisfaction to serve her said master or his assignes from y e Termination of her Indenture dated y e 22 d of Aprill 1686 until! y e full end and terme of four years next ensuing. 06 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Allen Robinett made over a Deed for fifty acres of Land with all the houses and Appurtinances knowne by y e name of Xethercutt unto Phillip Denning his heires and Assignes for ever dated y e 7 th day of y e 4 th moneth 1687 Phillip Denning made over a Deed for y e aboves d land and premisses unto William Buckingham his heires Executo™ and assignes for ever dated y e above day. William Buckingham past over a Penall Bond of eighty pounds for y e payment of fourty pounds unto Phillip Denning att severall payments att or before y e Expiration of seven years from y e date hereof being dated y e above day Robert Barber was Attested Constaple for Chester in the roome of Andrew ffriend for y e time said ffriend had to serve. The Court Adjourne untill y e 3 d day in y e 1 st Weeke of y e 7 th mo" 1 next Att a Court held att Chester for y e County of Chester y e 3 d day in y e 1 st Weeke of the 7 th Moneth 1687 and soe held by Adjournment untill y e next day John Bristow Presid 1 John Blunstone John Harding George Maris Bartholomew Coppocke Edward Beasar Justices Joshua fnrne Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke Thomas Colbome Bound over y e last Court for Selling y e Indians Rum made his appearance according to recognisence and was att this Court Indickted To which he Pleads not Guilty The names of y e Petty Jury Thomas Worth Thomas Coates James Browne Nathaniell Evins Thomas Rawlenson Geo Churchman Thomas Smith Randall Vernon Sam 11 Bradshaw John Howell Adam Roades Edward Waters CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 9? Isacke few being Attested declareth that a drunken Indian Coming by him w th an Emtie Bottle he asked him whether he was going the Indian made answer to Thomas Colbornes for rum and the same Indian Coming backe had two Bottles which he saw was full of rum Thomas Lasie being attested declareth y e same as Isacke few. The verdickt of y e jury They finde Thomas Colborne not Guilty according to evi- dence. Upon which he is acquitted by y e Court paying his fees. Samuell Rowland by his Surtie George floreman became bound to ifrancis Harrison to make his appearance att this Court to answer his Beating and abusing Samuell Baker and accordingly made his appearance and was Indickted Thomas Usher was Constituted by the Court attorney to y* king and Cheife Proprietary in this case. The names of the Grand Inquest Richard Parker William Garrett Edmond Cartleige Thomas ffox Thomas Bradshaw Albertus Henrickson John Kinsman William Colborne John Mendinghall Edward Pritchard William Cloud Jun r Walter Marten Richard Thatcher George Willard John Beales the Bill is found Whereupon he is called to y e Ban* and Pleads not Guilty and refers himselfe to God and the Country. The Petty Jury the same as in the Case of Thomas Colborne (all accepted by the Prisoner) onely William Branton in steed of Thomas Rawlenson. Samuel Noys being Attested Declareth that he being about his Business in y e kings High way near George fforemans Where Samuel Baker meeting him on their Occations y e Prisoner Samuell Rowland came forth of George fforeman* with halfe a Boule of Punch in his hand and spying them did Swear by God these be y e Rogues y* did abuse me att new 98 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Castle and thereupon did striek this deponent several Blowes butt he making his Escape y e Prisoner fell upon Samuell Baker and tooke a Paddle out of his hand and did beate him upon y e head Backe and Shoulders and severall other parts of his Body therewith which Caused him to Bleed att y e mouth and nose for twelve or fourteen hours after Richard Buffington being Attested declareth that Samuell Baker lived with him more then two years and in that time lie never knew that he did Bleed. Isacke Warner being Attested declareth that he being sitting upon some Pipe Staves near George fforemans Barne Samuell Baker and Samuell Noyes came together and stood near this deponent and Samuell Rowland spying them asked them what they did there att that time of night Butt he doe not remember that he did hear any Blowes. Edward Jonnings being Attested declareth that he coming out of George fforemans house with Samuell Rowland y e said Samuell spying Samuell Xoyes and Samuell Baker near George fforemans House asked them what they did there at that time of night and told them he would sett them further butt this deponent going his way he did think Samuell Baker Cryed out to Samuell Rowland not to stricke him any more telling him he had broake his head already William White being Attested Declareth that he did see Samuell Baker in y e night near James Brownes and asked him what he did there att that time of night who told him he stayed for y e tyde then he asked y e said Sam" where he lay all night he told him in his CanoAV And Invighting him y e said Sam 11 to lye att his house he answered he would first call his mate this deponent asked him where he was he answered that Samuell Rowland had beat them both and almost killed him. Lidea Wade being Attested declareth that Samuell Noyes Borrowed a Canow of her Husband to Carry a Calfe to Thomas Wither and Sam 11 Baker going with him, When he came back againe Complained that Samuell Rowland had knockt him downe with y e flatt side of y e Paddle and beate him Uppon y e CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 99 Stomacke Butt y e said Sam 11 Baker told this deponent lie knew not what he did to him when he was downe and further this deponent saith that y e said Samuell Baker did often say in her hearing that if he did dye the Blowes he received from Samuell Rowland would be y e Cause of his Death. Robert Stephens being Attested declareth that Samuell Bow- land and Samuell Baker did drink together att John Hodskins where they shooke hands together in way of friendship as he doe suppose And after he did see y e said Samuell Baker Drunke att Philadelphia. William Goforth being Attested declareth y 1 Samuell Row- land came into John Hodskins where meeting with Samuell Baker he was desired to drink to Samuell Rowland and be friends which y e said Baker did some time after The Petty Juries Verdickt Wee finde Samuell "Rowland Guilty of y e Indicktment charged against him likewise y l Samuell Rowland be kept safe untill Samuell Baker be throughly recovered againe likewise y 1 Samuell Rowland shall pay all y e Damage y 1 Samuell Baker shall suffer through his abuse with Cost of Suite Hereupon Judgment is granted and that the Defend 1 finde Security for his good behaviour and appearance att next County Court or goe to Prison George fforeman and James Browne became bound for the Prisoners good behaviour & appearance at y e next Court fupon a former action of Trover James Stamfield PI , « -, -, e A and Conversion Comenced y John Orion Defend , , ~ [last Court Jury as in y e foregoing Case of Samuell Rowland & Samuell Baker Thomas Vernone being Attested declareth that y e mare which James Stamfield had was about six years old and that shee was a brown bay mare Mouns Peters being Attested declareth that he did marke a mare for Haunce Urine when shee was about two years old which was about four years since 7 100 RECOKD OF THE COURTS OF The Testimony of Andrew Swanson taken att Philadelphia : Andrew Swanson of y e County aforesaid being legally At- tested before me Humphry Murry one of y e Justices of y e said County deposeth and saith as follows that is to say That he this Deponent hath formerly Sold unto John Orion two mares one being Chestnutt browne and y e other a blacke one with a White Streak down her forehead of this deponents owne & his fathers Ear marke to witt y e Browne mare has a swallow Tayle in both her ears and y e Blacke mare onely one Swallow Tayle in y e near ear And further deposeth not the marke of Andrew A Swanson Attested by and before me y e 26 th day of y e 5 th moneth 1687 The Testimoney of Andrew Swanson taken by John Goodson att Philadelphia The Deposition of Andrew Swanson sayth that he marketh with a Swallow fforke in y e left ear and noe other ear marke And y e two mares that I sold to John Orion was marked with no other marke no my Posecion butt a Swallow forke in y e left ear which hath been my marke all along and my fathers marke before me. Attested y e third day of y e 7 th moneth 1687. John Goodson The Juryes verdickt Wee finde it for y e Defend 1 with six pence damage & Cost of Suite Hereupon Judgment is Granted Bobert Stephens was Presented by y e Grand Inquest for being Drunke att Chester since y e last Court for which he was fined by y e Court 5 3 . John Chard was Presened by y e Grand Inquest for being Drunke about y e beginning of July last for which he was fined by y e Court 5 s . John Bradshaw Presented a Bill to y e Grand Inquest against JNTathaniell Lamplue Constaple of Chichester for not Prosecut- ing his hue and cry. The Bill is found Upon which Nathaniell Lamplue Petitioned the Court. Continued untill y e morning & afterward referd to arbitration CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 101 John Edge being Convickted before John Blunstone and George Maris for being Drunke was fine by y e Court 5 s . Edward Pritchard was Presented by the Grand Inquest for absenting himselfe from them. Whereupon his is fined by y e Court 10 s Haunce Urine and Mort Mortenson being Convickted before John Blunstone for Beating and abusing Mouns Peters was bound by recognisence to answer y e same att this Court. Upon which they were Indickted. The Bill is found by the Grand Inquest : Upon which they are called to the Barr and Pleads not Guilty and referrs themselves to God and the Country The names of y e Petty Jury all accepted by the Prisoners Joshua Hastings Jacob Simcocke Peter Lester Thomas Norbury Nathaniel Newland Thomas Powell Joseph Baker William Gregory Thomas Coates Thomas Vernon George Gleaves Joseph Richards Peter Peters being Attested declareth he did see Mort Mortson beat and strike his ffather Mouns Peters with a Paddle att Calcoone Hooke Adam Roads being Attested declareth that he being att the house of Mouns Peters he did see that his head was Broaken wounded and Bloody The Jurys verdick 1 Wee finde Mort Mortenson guilty according to fact as he stands Indickted with 3£ 3 s Damage with Cost of Suite and Haunce Urine an abettor. Hereupon Judgment is granted James Saunderlaine was fined 5 s for Suffering Robert Stephens to be Drunke in his House. Neales Quist paid 5 s for Being Drunke att Chester. Andrew ffriend was Called to y e Barr upon his former In- dicktmen 1 butt noe Prosecutor appearing he is Discharged pay- ing his fees. Thomas Boules being summoned to appear att this Court 102 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF to answer y e Complaint of our Sovereign lord y e King and Cheife Proprietary for Suffering the Kings Leidge People to be Drunke att his house was upon the same Indickted. The Grand Inquest find the Bill Whereupon he is called to y e Barr and Pleads not Guilty and referrs himselfe to God & y e Country. The names of y € Petty Jury y e same as in y e foregoing Case of Mort Mortenson and Haunce Urine Except James Swaford in y e roome of William Gregory and accepted by y e Defendant. John Taylor being attested declareth that Thomas Boules told him that he lett Lasie Coleman have soe much rum till he was soe drunke that he was forct to be Carried to his Canow Albertus Henrickson being Attested declareth that he did see Harmon Johnson soe drunke att Thomas Boules house that he lay and * himselfe Thomas Usher being Attested declareth that Samuell Weight did call for tife att Thomas Boules house and he heard Thomas Boules say why might he not have it since he doe pay for it. Andrew ffriend being Attested declareth that Thomas Boules sold him and W m Cob two boules of Punch and att another time he sold y e Trumpeters sonne a Cann of Tife The Jurys Verdickt : know this that we doe finde Thomas Boules Guilty according to y e Indicktment Hereupon Judgm 1 is granted & that he pay 10 s with cost of Suite. Thomas Boules was also Presented by y e Grand Inquest for selling rum by small measure without lysence. Witnes upon Sumons : Robert Brothers Andrew ffriend John Taylor: remitted upon Condition that he doe soe noe more and that he pay his fees In an action of y e Case for Robert Eyre Gierke PI 1 J Clerks fees and other William Tally Defend* Charges due from his Predicessor John Johnson The Plaintife Prooving his account Judgment is thereupon granted for y e sum of 3£ 00 s l(H d CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 103 William Tally PI 1 V in an action of Trover and Andrew ffriexd Defend 1 J Conversion. Continued Kobert Eyre Clerke PP 1 in an action of y e Case for Edward Pritchard Defend 1 J Clerks fees Upon Prooving y e account Judgment is granted for 13 a 4| d Thomas Brown John PI* . . , xxr w -n s At h vltndrawne William White Defend' J Peter Baynton PI* 1 . , , Edward Jonnins Defend 1 J Jonathan Hayes Pl e Andrew ffriend & Xwithdrawne Robert Stephens Defend ts J Richard Crosby being Sumoned to appear att this Court to answer the Complaint of our Sovereigne Lord the king and the Cheife Proprietary for being Drunke and Comitting other misdemeanours was for y e same Indickted. The Grand Inquest finde the Bill. The names of y e m an action oi v e Case William Ially Defend J witnes upon Sum ns : Joel Bayly, Thomas Cooper. The Declaration was read. The Defd* ownes taking y e Canow The names of y e Jury George Greaves Thomas Vernon Robert Vernon Jacob Chandler John Woorrell John Child Joseph Edge George Churchman William Maillon John Edge Peter Taylor Richard ffew Albertus Henrickson being Attested declareth that he knew Morton Cornutes Canow and that a man might make such a Canow for 15 s . John Harding being attested declareth that he did hale a small Canow out of y e Woods belonging to Morten Cornute and that it seemed to be a thicke bottom Strong Canow and very shorte. The verdickt of y e Jury is the finde for y e Plaintife six CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 109 Pence Damage and to have y e Canow restored or 10 s for it with what the law allowes and Cost of Suite 6 th 10 th moneth 1687 Judgment is hereupon awarded Daniell Linsey PI* 1 Thomas Bottles Defend 1 / 111 an acti ° n ° f *" Case The names of y e Jury- Joshua Hastings Randal Mailen Caleb Pusey Jacob Simcocke Joseph Bushell David Ogden Edward Carter John Marten Richard Mason Joseph Richardson Joseph Wood James Swaford The Declaration was read The Defend 1 Pleads Mhill Habitt. Witnesses upon Sumons. Robert Brothers, James Hayes, William West. Robert Brothers being Attested declareth that y e Defend 1 told him that he had bought a Canow of y e Plaintife and that Samuel Weight told this Deponent that y e Defend 1 was to pay 30 s for it and y 1 y e Defend 1 received y e Canow from this Deponent. James Hayes being attested Declareth that he did see the Defend* 8 negros make fast y e Canow and that they did it by y e Defend 18 ord r and that y e Plaintife brought five shillings in Barley to ballance accounts with y e Defend 1 which he refused to receive Saying twas noe Come. William West being attested declareth that y e Plaintife did offer Barley to y e Defend 1 for pay which y e Defend 1 refused Saying twas noe Corne The Jurys Verdickt Wee of y e Petty Jury doe finde for y e Plaintife thirty shill- ings being y e Price of y e Canow & Cost of Suite. Judgment is hereupon granted. George Wood Past over a Deed of Settlement to John Beaven and Joshua ffirne in Trust for a tract of land therein 110 EECORD OF THE COURTS OF mentioned to y e use and Behoofe of John Wood and Jane his wife dated y e last day of y e 9 th moneth 1687. John Simcocke Past over a Deed to John Steedman for sixty acres of Land lying and being in y e Township of Ridley Dated y e 6 th day of y e 7 th moneth 1687. Thomas Worth and Samuell Bradshaw Past over a deed to Joshua ffirne for fifty acres of Land lying in Darby dated y 9 4 th day of y e 8 th moneth 1687 Joshua ffirne Past over a Deed to Thomas Bradshaw for a Parcell of Land Conteining sixty five acres lying in y e Town- ship of Darby dated y e 6 th day of y e 7 th moneth 1687 Thomas Powell Past over a Deed dated y e 27 th day of y e 9 th moneth 1686 unto Charles Whitacres for 200 acres of land lying upon Ridley Creeke fin an action of Debt George Andrews PI 1 A Jury as in the Case ol JMorten Henry Renolds Defend ~ ' , 1Tr . lv ^ „ LCornute and William lally. The Declaration was read Robert Moulder being Attested declareth that he knoweth nothing of y e matter touching y e Plaintifes Attorniship to James Wroth Nathaniell Thornton being Attested declareth y e same as above The Defend 1 Pleads to have y e Plaintifes letter of Attorney to James Wroth Prooved to be y e Plaintifes act and deed which Thomas Usher Attorney to said Wroth not doing y e Plaintife upon y e same Suffered a non Suite Richard ffew Petitioned against his former servant Mar- grett Smith upon which John Buckley was Attested Who declareth that he brought noe Cloth out of England for y e said Margrett _ ,_ __. fin an action of y e Case Robert Moulder PI 1 T . . « £ , r A Jury as m y e Case of Morton William Tally Defend ~ , „,.„. ™ ^^ [Cornute and William lally. The Declaration was read CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 111 James Browne being attested declareth that Margrett John- sons mother enquiring of y e PI 1 where her daughter was he told her he knew not he thought shee knew Best Butt y e next day this deponent saith that he saw y e said Margarett making- Hay in Company of y e Defend 1 And Mary Best being attested Declareth that after Mary Johnson had run away the Plaintife and his wife did often offer her time and oppertunity to vissitt her Perents and that shee have often run away since without any occation given her. Morton Canute being legally Attested Declareth that Mar- grett Johnson told him that shee did looke after her Parrents Cattle and that shee could not live with y e Plaintife by reason of her hard usage by y e Plaintifes wife and Mary Bisse and that shee further told him her father knew nothing of her being att home butt her mother did And y e next day after shee came againe with her Parence Cattle to this Deponents where he shewed her a Paper threatning her that if shee came any more he would send her to her master Moulder. William Hamby being attested Declareth that the Defend 1 and his wife came to the Plaintifes upon a first day of y e weeke y e Defend 13 wife Pretending shee came to looke her Daughter Margretts head upon which y e Plaintifes wife answered shee would make her doe it her selfe the Defend 18 wife replyed she was Better be Damned then meddle with her. William Haukes being Attested for y e Defend 1 Declareth that he heard y e Plaintife say att his owne House that he would be troubled himselfe noe more with her as a servant since George Stroad had given his Judgment that y e Indenture was not good The verdickt of y e Jury is they allow y e Plaintife twenty seven shillings with Cost of Suite and y e Girle to remaine with her mother. Hereupon, Judgment is Granted. The Court adjourne untill y e next morning eighth Houre and mett againe according to adjournment 112 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF John Mayow PP ] Anne Johnson Defend 1 / Witnesses upon Sumons John Neales John Marten. William Tally PP 1. „ _ „ _, _. . „ Hn an action of y e Case Robert Eyre Defend J The names of y e Jury Joshua Hasstings Joseph Richards Walter ffausett James Swaford Joseph Wood Joseph Baker Randall Maylen W m Cloud Junior David Ogden Thomas Cartwrite John Marten Edward Carter Before y e Jury went out upon y e Cause y e PP suffered a nonsuite ffrancis Harrison Past over a Deed unto Jacob Chandler dated y e 6 th day of y e 7 th moneth 1687, for three tracts of land laid out by lott in y e Township of Chichester Conteining one hundred twenty six acres James Saunderlaine was Attested Consaple for y e Town- ship and liberty of Chester or that he see y e office Duely Executed untill another be attested in his Roome which service is upon y e account of his father in Law Urine Keens farme which y e s d James Purchased. William Chambers Past over an Indenture unto Jeremy Collett for four years service from y e date of y e s d Indenture. Elius Keach PP ) . . _ m -rrr t>w <• nt fin an action of y e Case. William White Defend J Witnes upon Sumons, John Child William Tally and his wife : nonsuite John Mayow PP Thomas Cartwright Defend 1 / Jury called as in y e Case of Robert Eyre and William Tally Except Jacob Chandler for Thomas Cartwright : nonsuite A negro man and a White Woman servant being taken up CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 113 by John Bradshaw Nathaniel Lukins Isacke Warner and Samuell Rowland and brought before John Simcocke, Justice in Commission for runaways, Who upon Examination finding they had noe lawfull Passe Comitted them to Prison and this day was delivered by order of Court into y e Custody of Thomas Smith and John Henson with a Black nagg The Shreife made returne of an Execution Levied upon a Horse belonging to William Tally as successor to John Johnson att y e suite of Robert Eyre Clerke which Horse was appraised att 4£ 15 s (viz) ffor Shreifes fees serving Execution. . .00£ 01 3 06 d for Serving y e Sumons 00 02 00 for a Warrant 00 01 06 for Clerks fees 00 08 04$ for Expends 00 02 06 for keeping y e Horse 00 05 03 for Appraisers fees 00 00 06 for y e Prime Debt 3 00 10$ 4 2 06 Jeremy Collett Petitioned to have his fine remitted which was ordered this Court to be levied upon him The Court Considering his Petition and that he putts him- selfe upon y e mercy of y e King and Govern 1- mittigates his former fine and admitts him to a fine of 10/ to be levied upon his goods &c with all manner of Court Charge to Shreife & Clerks &c John Worell Petitioned against y e road laid out by y e Grand Inquest from Edgmond to y e Kings High way in Chester ordered that y e road be made by the Petitioners fence ffrancis Little was fined 5/ and Suspended selling drinke and keeping ordinary for suffering George Stroad to be drunk in his House. George Stroad was finned 5/ for his being Drunke att the s d ffrancis Littles. Ordered that all Warrants for Publicke uses to be levied by 114 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF the Constaples this Court be paid in by the Inhabitance living on y e upper side of Ridley Creeke to John Simcocke and on y e lower Side to John Bristow, Tresurars appointed for y e same. Ordered that Warrants be Directed to y e respective Con- staples of each Township in this County for raising of a Levie to be used toward y e destroying Woolves and other Hurtfull Vermin as followes (viz) for all Lands taken up and Inhabited one shilling for every hundred Acres for all Lands taken up by non residence and soe remaining unoccupied eighteen pence for every hundred acres all free men from sixteen years of adge to sixty one shilling — all Servants soe qualified six Pence Joseph Baker returned John Hoolistone Supervisor of y° High wayes for y e Township of Edgmond for y e next ensuing year Richard Crosby was presented Supervisor of y e High wayes for Middletowne (by John Marten Constaple of y e same) for the next ensuing year Ordered that y e Township of Darby flnde out a Convenient High way from thence to y e Township of Hartford. Ordered also that High wayes be laid out by y e Grand In- quest or any five of them from Newtowne Marple and Spring- field to y e landing att Amos Land. Andrew Carolus was attested Constaple for y e Township of Ridley for y e next ensuing year The Grand Inquest Presented Thomas Boules of y e Island of Tenecum for killing and Converting to his owne use divers Hoggs and Piggs of Thomas Smith with others belonging to y e Leidge People ; Thomas Smith prosecutor. Witnesses Xathaniel Dawson, Mouns Peterson, John Hen- rickson, James Hayes. The Grand Inquested Presented George fforeman for rescu- ing one Cox from Robert Barber, then Constaple of Chester. Butt Before Conviction the said fToreman Protesting inoncency and not willing to Plead with y e King and Govenour putts him- CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 115 selfe upon their mercy and craves to be admitted to a fine upon which he is fined 5/ to y e Governours use to be levied by y e Shreife of this County and that y e said George pay all Court Charges and Shreife and Clerks fees. The Grand Inquest doe also Present Annie Neales Widdow for keeping and Harbouring Doggs that woories and kills her neighbours Hoggs as alsoe for Deteining in her Service one Indian Boy named Chato who with y e said Dogg have been found to woory and kill y e neighbours Hoggs as aforesd. Walter ffausett Prosecutor Witnesses Walter ffausett John Symcocke Jun r The said Anne Neales came into Court and before her ar- reignm* declared that y e said Dogg Belonged to one Peter Cox butt because shee is not willing to Pleade to the said Indickt- ment Putts herselfe upon y e mercy of y e King & Governour and Craves to be admitted to a fine upon which shee is fined tenne shillings and to pay all Court Charges with Shreifes and Clerks fees &c. Andrew ffriend became bound to y e King and Governour in twenty pounds for y e Indian Boyes Catos good abareing towards all y e Kings Leidge People Kobert Moulder being y e last Court Indickted for Suffering Thomas Clifton and Samuell Baker to be Drunke att his house was upon y e same called to y e Barr Butt nothing being Prooved against him he is acquitted paying his fees & ordered to keep an ordinary provided he keep Horse meate and mans meate. Andrew Moore made over a Deed Dated y e 6 th day of y e 10 th moneth 1687 unto John Moore for fifty acrees of land lying in Ashtone October y e 25 day 1687 Laid out a High way from Burmingham to Concord being a thirty foote way by vertue of an order of Court bearing date y e 4 th of October 1687 laid out by us Walter Marten John Mendenhall John Kingsman William Cloud Rich Thatcher being one third part of y e present grand Jury of y e County of Chester as followes (viz) •s 116 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Beginning- att a White Oake Standing on a Small Branch att William Brantons marked with five knotches thence along a lyne of marked trees between Alice Branson and land lat Edward Turner to Concord Corner tree thence downe Concord lyne Between y e said Alice Branson and Phillip Roman to a White Oake marked with five knotches then Crosse y e Corner of said Phillip Romans land then Crosse William Hitchcocks land then Crosse land that was William Biases thence Crosse John Mendenhalls land thence Crosse land that was Peter Lounders then Crosse part of John Symcockes land to y e foote Bridge of Thomas Moore then crosse part of y e said Thomas Moores land to a White Oake marked with five knotches. Laid out by vertue of y e aforesaid Order a fourty foote Road from Concord to y e Kings High way in Chester as fol- loweth by us whose hands are under Written y e 25 th of October 1687. Beginning at a White Oake with five knotches standing att y e Corner of Nathaniell Parks land next Thomas Moors land thence through y e land of y e said Nathaniell thence cross John Hannums land thence Crosse George Stroads land thence crosse John Palmers land thence crosse land late William Oburnes thence Crosse land late John Beasars thence Crosse Dennis Rochfords Land thence Crosse William Clayton Juni r land to y e Hamlett of Bethell. Thence Crosse Edward Beasars land thence Crosse ffrancis Smiths land thence Crosse Robert Eyres land to Chichester, Thence Crosse Walter Martens land thence Crosse land late John Beasars thence Crosse John Kingsmans land thence Crosse Henry Hastings and Richard Bufnngtons land thence Crosse James Browns land thence Thomas Withers land to Chester. Then Crosse part of Robert Wads land to a small blacke Oake marked with 5 knotches standing att the kings High Way. Walter Marten, John Mendenhall, Richard Thatcher, John Kingsman, William Cloud. Likwise by vertue of y e abous d Order of Court being dated y e 4 th of October 1687 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 117 new altered the Kings high Way by us whose hands are under written y e 25 th of Octob r 1687 as followeth in Chester (viz) Beginning att a small blacke marked with five knotches in Eobert Wads land thence through part of y e said Robert Wads land thence Crosse John Mathorks land thence downe to y e Creeke in y e mill land to y e Bridge from thence over by y e mill head round y e side of y e Hill in y e mill land thence streight through Caleb Puesyes land to y e Old Kings High way Walter Marten, John Mendenhall, Rich Thatcher, John Kingsman William Cloud. December y e 11 th 1687 Laid out a High way from Edgmond to y e Kings High way in Chester being a sixty foote road by vertue of an order of Court bearing date y e 4 th of October 1687 laid out by us whose hands are under Written as followeth (viz) Beginning att Joseph Bakers fence of his Cleared land thence through y e land of y e said Joseph Baker thence crosse William Lewis land thence Crosse Howel James land thence Crosse Jacob Simcocks land thence Crosse James Kenerlv thence Crosse a parcell of vacant Land then Crosse Roger Jackson thence Crosse vacant land thence Crosse John Boweter land thence Crosse David Ogdens land thence Crosse John Hodgkins land thence Crosse George Smedleys land thence Crosse W m Edwards land thence Widdow Misgroves land thence Crosse Robert Burrowes land thence Crosse John May- lens land thence Crosse John Bowetters land thence Crosse Joseph Cooksons land thence Crosse Jeremy Carters land thence Crosse Richard Barnards land thence Crosse John Worells land thence Crosse Thomas Taylors land then Crosse Richard Crosbyes land then Crosse John Martens land then Crosse John Hastens land. Walter Marten, John Beales Ed- ward Pritchard, George Willard, W m Coborne. 118 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Att a Court held at Chester for y e County of Chester y e sixth day of y e l £t moneth 1687 Justices John Bristow Presid 1 Bartholomew Coppocke ffrancis Harrison George Maris Edward Beasar Joshua ffirne Shreife Kobert Eyre Clerke John ffriend Mounse Locke and Andrew fTriend was called three times to save their recognisence butt made noe ap- pearance. William Tally being presented the last Court by y e grand Inquest for keeping and deteining a Strayed Calf e was upon y e same Called to y e Barr and upon his submission ordered to pay all Charges of Court Richard Buffington was called to y e Barr to answer his Con- tempt of an order of Petty Sessions held y e 27 th day of y e 10 th moneth last att George fforemans: remitted paying his fees Thomas Boules was Called three times to Safe his recogni- sence butt appeared not. Upon which Joseph Wood being attested declareth that he seemed to him to be sick upon which his tryall is suspended untill y e next Court Nathaniel Evins Supervisor of y e High wayes for Chester Presented Caleb Pusie and John Hodskins for not laying y e Plankes on y e bridge over Chester Creeke. Thomas Marten made over a deed (by assignment) dated y e 1 st day of y e 1 st moneth 1685 unto Caleb Pusie and Thomas Crosse for seventy three acres of land & Premisses lying and being in Middletowne Walter Marten made over a Deed dated y e 22 th day of y e 7 th moneth 1687 for fifty acres of land in y e Township of Chichester unto William Thomas The names of y e Constaples Chosen to serve y e next ensuing vear CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 119 ffor Burnmighani Concord Chichester Ashtone Marple Springfield Darby Middletowne Upper Providence Newtowne Richard Thatcher William Collett Richard Buffington attested in Court John Neales George Williard Joseph Lounes Samuell Sellars Robert Pennell John Calvert Joseph Humphryes attested as above attested as above The names of y e Grand Inquest attested att this Court (viz) William Branton Thomas Crosse George fforeman Woola Rosen Edward Carter John Sharpie James Staznfield Thomas Marten Peter Lester George Gleaves John Edge Jonathan Hayes Peter Peterson Samuell Bradshaw Richard Bondsall William Woodmanson John Baldwin for not appearing to be at- Robert Pennell was finned 5 a tested upon y e grand Inquest John Blunstone Thomas Worth and Samuel Bradshaw past over a deed unto Henry Gibbons for 10 acres of land lying in y e Township of Darby Robert Stephens past over a Deed unto Nathaniel Lokins dated y e 5 th day of y e 1 st moneth 1687 for 250 acres of land lying in Burmingham John Mendenhall and Ben j amine Mendenhall made over a Deed for 100 acres of land lying in Concord dated y* 5 th day of february 1687 unto George Pearce of Thornbury George Pearce made over a Deed of y e same land dated this Instant unto y e said Benjamine Mendenhall George Maris made over a Deed dated this Instant for a Parcell of land Conteining 280 acres unto Phillip Yarnall for severall Considerations therein mentioned 120 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF George Willard made over a deed dated this Instant unto Roger Jackson for a parcell of land lying and being in this County Conteining 220 acres Urine Keen made over a Deed dated y e l Bt day of y e 1 st moneth 1687 unto John Simcocke Thomas Brassy John Bris- tow Caleb Pussey Randall Vernon Thomas Vernon Joshua Hastings Mordecay Maddock Thomas Marten Richard ffew Walter ffausett & Edward Carter for a peece of land Conteing as therein mentioned lying and being in Chester Towne to y e uses therein mentioned The Inhabitance of y e Township of Astone Petitioned for one Road Way to y e Towne of Chester and another to y e Towne of Chichester Upon the 9 th of y e 12 th moneth 1687 By vertue of an order from y e last County Court given to us whose names are hereunto subscribed being of y e Grand Jury for to lay out a road way that should serve for ISTewtowne Marple and Springfield and y e Inhabitance that way to y e landing Place att Amos land did upon y e day above written Begin att a Road way in y e land of George Maris which road goeth from Chester through Marple to !Newtowne soe from that road through Bartholomew Coppocks land near to his house his House being on y e left hand soe on through Robert Taylors land streight on through more of George Maris his land leaving his Plantation on y e right hand soe bearing on a little on y e right hand through George Simcocks land soe on through Jacob Simcocks land leaving his Plantation on y e left hand soe on streight forward through Land joyning to Amos land soe into y e Kings road that comes from Darby marking the trees as wee came soe on to y e landing Place by the maine creeks Side beyond Morten Mortensons House William Garrett Richard Parker Edmond Cartleidge Thomas Bradshaw Thomas ffox A High way laid out by y e grand Jury and other neighbours betwixt Hartfoot and Darby upon y e 7 th day of the twelfe moneth 1687 Beginning at Widow Panthirs and from thence CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 121 on y e head lyne betwixt y e said Widdows land and y e land of John Lewis from thence Crosse y e land of William Howell from thence Crosse y e land of Arthur Bruce from thence crosse y e land of Henry Lewis thence Entring the Township of Darby from thence Crosse y e land of Adam Roads thence crosse ye land of John Kirk then Crosse y e land of Matthew Gratton then Crosse y e land of Joshua ffirne then Crosse y e land of William Garrett then Crosse y e land of Michael Blunstone then Crosse y e land of George Wood then Crosse y e land of Eobert Smith then Crosse y e land of Thomas Worth thence Coming upon the land of Joshua ffirne soe downe y e Towne Street of Darby to y e Kings road and soe to y e Landing this High way to be sixty foote as need requires William Garrett, Richard Parker, Edmond Cartledge, Thomas Bradshaw, Thomas ffox. The Court adjourne unto y e 10 th day of y e 1 st mo 1687 Att an Orphans Court held att Chester y e 6 th day of y e 1 st moneth 1687 Justices Where was Present John Bristow President Bartholomew Coppocke^ ffrancis Harrison George Maris Edward Beasar Joshua ffirne Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke Ordered that Phillip Roman doe forthwith gett out letters of Administration from y e Registry of this County in the be- halfe of his Predisesor William Beasar Diseaced and that he give in Security according to law faithfully to performe his trust according to Enventory Ordered that Jane Sharpies give in Security to this Court faithfully and Truely to discharge her trust as Administratrix to her Diseaced Husband John Sharpies Ordered that William Tally give in Security to this Court faithfully and Truely to Discharge his trust as Administrator in the right of his wife to his Predisesor John Johnson 122 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Ordered that Joseph Wood sonne and heire to William Wood Disceased doe forthwith gett letters of Administration from y e Registry of this County and that he give Security to this Court faithfully to discharge his trust Ordered that ffrancis Little give in Security to this court to pay unto John Simcocke and Thomas Brasie as trustees to AVilliam and Elin Baines for y e sum of twenty Eight shillings The Court adjourne unt y e 3 d day in y e 1 st Weeke of y e 8 th mo next Att a Court held att Chester for y e County of Chester y e 10 th day of y e 1 st moneth 1687 Justices John Bristow President John Blunstone George Maris ffrancis Harrison Bartholomew Coppock Joshua ffirne Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke Thomas Boules was Called three times to save his Traverse butt not appearing his surety John Hodskins was ordered to bring the Body of y e said Thomas into this Court by the after- noone of this day This Court being Informed that Richard Crosby was Drunk on this 6 th Instant last he was upon y e same Called to y e Barr And upon his submission was amerced tenne shillings to the Governours use to be levied upon his goods and Chatties this being the second time. John ffriend Mounse locke and Andrew ffriend was called to the Barr the two former John and Mounse onely appearing was demanded why Judgment should not Passe against them upon y e forfiture of their recognisence the last Court. John Grubb Petitioned for Payment of Boards which he formerly Delivered to y e use of the Court House — granted The Court adjourne till 3 in y e afternoone and mett accord- ing to adjournment Thomas Boules making his Appearance was Called to y e Barr upon a former Traverse att a Court held y 3 d day in the l 3t CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 123 Weeke of the 10 th moneth 1687, To which he Pleads not Guilty and ref errs himself e to God and the Country. Witnesses whose Testimoneys being taken before in Writing remaines upon y e ffile. Mounse Peterson John Henrickson Emanuell Dauson James Hayes The names of y e Petty Jury all accepted by y e Prisoner: Caleb Pusie Thomas Rawlenson John Mendenhall Joseph Edge John Wood Richard flew Joseph Baker Edward Peerson Jeremy Carter John Marten Robert Barber Benjamine Mendenhall John Henrickson being againe attested in Oppen Court saith y 1 y e last fall he was up mill or Darby Creeke where he heard two gunns goe of and when he came to y e place he heard dogs barque & Thomas Boules with his Gunn Presented and did Shoote att his Neighbours Hogs and that James Hayes was with him y e said Boules and further saith that he y e said James s d that Boules was an Old ffoole for shooting twice and missing. Peter Peterson being Attested in Oppen Court declareth that Thomas Boules did say that Tho : Smith might fetch away his sow butt not y e Piggs and y l y e saw was bought of his ffath r Mounse Peterson and delivered at s d Mouns plantation and furth 1 " he saith y* he did see Tho Boules catch a small shoate from John Henricksons sow & give his negro to carry home Mounse Peterson being againe attested in Oppen Court saith y* he heard Tho : Boules say that Tho : Smith might fetch y 9 sow butt y* he would kill y e Piggs markt or unmarkt. Wee of y e Petty Jury doe finde Thomas Boules Guilty of y 8 Indicktment wherein he stands Indickted. Judgment is hereupon granted and that he pay Thomas Smith 32 s and all Court Charges. 124 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Richard Mason was Attested Supervisor of the High wayes for the Township of Astone John ffriend and Mouns locke Petitioned y e Court to have their neglect of appearance to their Recognisence taken of Ordered that it be remitted paying all Court Charges The Township of Astone Petitioned to have two High Roads laid out one leading from thence to Chester y e other to Chi- chester. Ordered that George fToreman with any other six of y e Grand Inquest doe lay out a Sufficient Cart Road from Astone to Chester as alsoe another Sufficient Cart Road from s d Astone to Chichester Ord r ed alsoe that neither Edward Carter nor William Woodmansee be of y e number of y e six John Edge was Attested Supervisor of the High wayes for y e Township of Lower Providence. The Testimony of Harmon Johnson in the aforegoing Case of Thomas Boules and Ought there to be Entred Who being lawfully Attested Declareth that he did see a graw Sow the last fall upon Tenicome Island with a White face and four Piggs by her side and that he knew y e sow had been Mouns Petersons. The Court adjourne unto y e 3 d day of y e 2 d Weeke of y e 7 th moneth next Att a Court held att Chester" for y e County of Chester the 3 d day in y e l Et Weeke of y e 4 th mo th 1688 John Symcocke Presid 1 John Bristow 1 V. iv/T • Justices George Maris > Bartholomew Coppocke Joshua ffirne Shreife Robert Eyre Clerke Nathaniel Thornton PI* ] in an action of y e Case John Prew Defend 1 / Withdrawne William Haukes PI 1 1 . tt -o _ .. lt fin an action of Debt Henry Renolds Defend'J CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 125 The names of y e Petty Jury Nathaniel Thornton John Child James Swaford Eichard fTarr Joseph Eichards Caleb Pusie John Worrell Thomas Eobinson Eandall Vernon Eichard Woodworth John Beales William Browne James Saunderlaine being Attested declareth that about y e latter end of March last the Plaintife meeting with this De- ponent y e PI 1 told him he had a Bill given by one vines to y e Defend 1 and assigned by y e Defend 1 to y e PI 1 Who att y e Same time made over said Bill to this Deponent Who earring y e same downe into this Bay Demanded payment for y e same of y e said Vines Who denyed payment Saying he had paid y e greatest part to one Plumer by a former assignment (by one Streatcher) Upon which for further Information this deponent went to said Streatcher Butt meeting with his Book-keeper he afirmed that his master Streatcher had paid y e greatest part of said Bil^ already to said Plumer and that he was ready to attest y e same. Edward Jonnins Being attested Saith When y e PI* came to an account with y e Defend 1 y e Defend 1 was Indebted unto y e PI 1 in y e sum of two shillings and three pence which with 58 s y e Defend 1 received of James Browne made up 3£ 00 s 3 d for w ch odd 3 d y e PI* had of y e Defend* one Pott of Peach Drinke upon which Henry Eenolds Produced Vines bill for 3£ with a former assignment in favour of Thomas Plumer which y e PP denyed to take untill y e Defend 1 affirmed that said Bill was never sent downe for paym* nor received by said Plumer uppon which y e PI 1 tooke y e Bill Joseph Eichards rToreman y e 5 th of y e 4 th moneth 1688 The verdickt is They ffinde for y e Plaintife that y e Defend 1 doe pay y e Plaintife the Sum of three pounds with Cost of Suite and 2 d Damage. Hereupon judgment is granted Henry Jones PI* 1 in an action of y e Case and James Browne Defend 4 /declares for 152£ I s 4 d 126 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Jury as in y e aforegoing Case of W m Haukes and Henry Renolds Except Phillip Roman and fTrancis Chadsey for John Beales and W m Browne. The Defend 1 in his answer Setts forth y e Declaration to be falce untrue and vexatious The names of those Witnesses taken in Writting which re- mains upon the file Cornelius Emson, Isacke Warner, Thomas Green, for y e Defend 1 . Joseph Jones being attested declareth y e account to be true and Just and that James Browne did acknowledge y e same. Zacary Patricke being attested in Oppen Court for y e De- fend 1 declareth that Henry Jones did order James Browne to give him one gallon of Bum to make hast with y e Pipe Staves and did aske him when he Came over y e River whether he could hew Tymber as even as a Dye Katherne Davis being attested in Oppen Court declareth for y e Defend 1 that shee did hear Henry Jones give order to James Browne to give Zacary Patricke one gallon of rum to make hast with y e Pipe Staves and y e Tymber att Rackcoone Creeke. Joseph Jones being againe attested in Oppen Court for y e PP declareth that his father Henry Jones ordered him to make Bills for y e Ballance of y e Defend 13 account upon which y e Defend 1 desired the PI 1 to know in what Produce who an- swered in Indian Come and Wheate upon which y e Defend 1 replyed he would goe downe and sell two Plantations and in 14 dayes would come againe and pay it in money. The 5 th of y e 4 th moneth Joseph Richards fforeinan 1688 The verdickte of y e Jury is y l y e Defend 1 doe pay to y e PI* thirty pounds in Tymber at 4-| d

■ Andrew ffriend Defend 1 in an action|of ye Case J in an action of ye Case William Haukes PP John Hickman Defend 1 y* j. ~ drawne in an action of ye Case J withdrawne CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 161 John Maddocke of the Township of Ridley being Convickted before John Simcocke and John Bristow for speaking and uttering Scandelous and Dishonourable words against ye life ^Pson and government of ye Cheife Proprietary W m Penn Esq r as alsoe against ye life and • i • -il Attornies for Thomas Holmes Pl l f Charles Pickering and Patrick Robinson f to _ _„ J Charles Ashcomb Df l In action of Tresspass on the Case Continued until next Court Charles Pickering and) Attornies for Thomas Holmes pl l f Patrick Robinson J Charles Ashcomb Defdt In an action of Tresspass on the Case Continewed untill next Court Thomas Cross in Oppen Court past A deed bearing deat the 4 th day of the 1 st Mont 1689 to Thomas Martine Josias Jones being Convicted for Swaring was finde five Shillings William Buckinham in oppen Court past a deed bearing deat the 8 th day of y e 5 mo 1689 To ffrances Baldwin. Richard Buffinton pi* f Peter Taylor Samuell Baker DfdN Thomas Powell In an action on the Case (Joshu Hastings Thomas Cartwright John Baldwin Philip Roman William Tally James Browne Thomas Cross Thomas Moore George Woodard Randel Varnam *Juro" CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 187 County Court of Chester Declaration The plaintife Declareth that the Def d hath Long time ben indepted unto the plaintife in the full and Just Sum of three pounds Ten Shillings Corrant Money of this Province as by a bill Apeareth Bearing date the 25 th of the 9 th month 1686 and likewise the Defd 1 is indepted unto the plaintife in the Sume of One pound four Shillings and nine pence for diat money lent and goods and the pltf : hath often tymes required the Def dt to pay him but the Def d taking noe Corse to doe it Although he hath a long time and often promised him payment yett still neglecting it the plaintife brings his Action against the Def d Craives Judgement of the Court with Reasonable Damage Richard Boffinton being Attested Decleares that his acco 1 is Trew Joseph Hickman being- Attested Decleares the Def dt worked w th him 5 dayes and halfe att att Grubing and Clear- ing the Land Zachary Patrick being Attested Decleares that he did worke att Nathaniell Lamplues att Saw- ,th T)f dt ing; w 'John Eldrige being Attested Decleares the best of his knowledg saith that about three yeares agoe that ffrances Harrison p d Richard Boffin- ton 10 shillings for Sam 11 Beake Jeremy Collett being Attested Decleares that he and Thomas Withers was to end a Diferance that was Betwixt the pl l f and Defd 1 w ch they did and found the said Samuell Beker to be Indebted to the Richard Boffinton the Sume of £3 : 10 s or w ch accordingly the said Samuell Beker gaive his Bill the 5 of the 1 st Month 16ff Heare upon Judg- ment was granted according to verd 1 188 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF The virdit of the Jury doe find for the p u f : ] with Cost of Sut and Six pence Damage : And upon Ball a of accounts the Defendent to be indebted to the plantife One pounds four Shillings and six pence George Willarde in Oppen Court past a Deed bearing deat the 2 day 10 mo 1689 To Ralph Dracott Robert Turner Pl'f Caleb Pusey Def dt l In an action of Tresspass on the Case &c Decleration Robert Torner of the town and County of Philadelphia in the s d province in America Merch 1 Complains against Caleb Pusey of Chester County in said province yeoman in an action of Tresspass on the Casse for that Whereas upon the Twentieth and first day of the fourth mo th 1688 the said Defend 1 did draw three Bills of Exch a all of the same date tener and Contents upon Daniell Whearley and Comp. Merch ts in London for the Sume of One hundred Eighty Seven pounds Sterling Money of England peyable to the p ltf or his Ord r att Fourtye dayes Sight and that for the value received of the sd p lt£ here And w ch Three bills of Exch a the p Uf did Indorse thus viz 1 pay the Contents of the within Bill to George Watt or ord r jts myne Robert Torner: As two of the said Originall Bills of Exch a here w th in Court to be produced and duly indorsed as a above will Testifie As also for that wheras William Scorey Notary and Tabellion Publick by Royall Authority admitted and Sworn Dwelling in London w th in the Kingdom of England did on the 15 th day of Octob r anno 1688 att the Request of m r John Watt of London Merch 1 Exhibit the s d Originall Bill of Exch a indorsed as is aforesaid unto the said M r Daniell Whearley to whom and Comp. the Same was Directed Re- questing him to accept the same where upon he Answered that he would not accept the said bill for that the others Concerned in the Same wold not allow their proportionable CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 189 Shares, and w ch Answere lie the said Notary publick having heard, did (att the request of the said M r John Watt) Solemnly protest as well against the said Caleb Pusey defd* drawer of the said bills as against all others whom it should or might Concern of Exch a and Rexch a and of all Costs dammages and interests Suffered and to be Suffered for want of acceptance of the Said Bills of Exch a And on the Twentieth and Eight day of Novemb r 1688 the s d Notary Publick did att the request aforesaid Exhibit the said Originall Bill of Exch a to to the said Daniell Whearley demanding of him payment of its Contents Whereupon hee Answered that hee would not pay the same for that the other Concerned would not allow their proportionable Shares And which answer hee the said Notary publick having heard did (att the request afore said) Solemnly protest as we a ll against the said Caleb Pusey defd* drawer of the said Bills of Exchange as also against all others whom it should or might Concern, of Exchange and reExchange and of all Costs damages and Interests Suffered and to be Suffered for want of payment of the said Bills as the said Two protests, the one for non-acceptance, and the other for Non. payment, under the signe and Subscription Manual of the said William Scarey herew th also in Court to be produced will Testify. And the said pl l f hath often requested and desired the said Caleb Pusey to have made paym* to him not only of the said sum of One hundred eighty seven pounds Lawfull Money of Eng- land Being in Current Sillver Mony of Pensilvania Two hun- dred thirty three pounds fifteen Shillings as the Contents of the said bills of Exchange, but also the sum of thirty Seven pounds eight Shillings Lawfull money of England being in Current Silver Money of the said Province ffourty six pounds Six Shillings and Six pence as the proportionable part of Twenty & Cent Advance for the said protest Together with Twelve Shillings Lawfull Money of England being being in Current Money of Pensilvania flifteen Shillings, Together w th the Lawfull interest of the said Sume of Two hundred thirty three pounds ffifteen Shillings Lawfull money of the said 190 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF province from the eighteenth day of June 1689, att w cb tyme the protested Bills arryved here to the eighteenth day of february 16f 9 being eight Months att eight =P Cent is Twelve pounds Thirteen Shillings and Ten pence, Amounting in the whole the said four sumes to the Sum of Two hundred Xinty three pounds ten Shillings and fouer pence in Courront Sillver Money of the Said Province of Pennsilvania Saving- Just accompt rekonin of of all the said Sums Never the Less the said Def dt Still Refuses and Delayes to doe the same, Whereupon the said Pl'f brings this Suit and Craves Judgment of this Court for the said sum of Two hundred Ninty three pounds Ten Shillings and fouer pence Lawfull Curront Silver Money of the said province The plaintiffe allowing that the Def dt hath paid thereof the Sume of Three pounds thirteen Shillings and nine pence And so the Judgment Craved is for the Remaining Two hundred Eighty nyne pounds Sixteen Shillings and Seven pence Lawfull Money of the Said province w th Costs of Suite n ... _, , _ ,. t . , . _ fAnd accordingly- Calibe Pusey the Del Appeared m Oppen _ , t „. -• /* ,» -i-i-it in iJudgem was Court and Conlesed Judgenr to the Same ~ , John Neeld pl l f John Madox Defd* I m an action of the Case for Breach of Articles Decleration John jSTeelde of the Town of Aston in the said County yeaman Complains against John Madox of Ridly Joyner in an action on the Case for that whereas the said Def dt was to Build for the said pl l f Severall Buildings as by Two Articles of agreem 1 under the hand and Seale of Boath partyes will make it appeare In the first agreem 1 the said Def dt was to Build for the pl l f Two peeses of Building one to be fifteen foote Long and Twelve foot wide w th in and Ten foote and half high of the Wall and the other to be Eighteen foot Long and fifteen foot Wide w th in Ten foot and a half of the Wall and to make One Doore and a Doore plase in Each of them CHESTER COUNi'Y, PENNSYLVANIA 191 Windowed att the End to hich in att and to Lay barens over One End for a threshing place and to Lay a flore of plankes but the s d pl*f was to Cleave the plankes and to Sett on Two Locks, And all the Worke was to be Compleated and Don by the 24 th day of the 4 th month And the pl*f was to pay Said Def dt Two Steares and fouer bushalls Indian Corne when the Worke was ffinished. And in the Second agreem 1 the said Def dt was to build for the Said pl t£ A Dwelling house Twenty four foot in Lengh and Eighteen foot in Width and Ten foot in hight Betwen Sell and Wale plate Two pertictons below and a Closett and One pertion above and a Closett And to face the Roof w th Clapboards in the Inside and to make the Botom fflore w th Sufecient plank and the first Loft w th sufecient inch board and to Cover the house Sufeciently w th Shingles and to doe all the Timber Worke about the making of one Chimley, and to make ffouer Windowes two below and two above and a porch to the ffront of the house and little windowes to the afore Said Closetts, and one peare of Staires and to face all the whole house in the Inside and the said Def dt doth promise to make the house Suffecient to live in att or before the 25 th of the Tenth Month next ensuing the Date of the said agreem* and in Nine months after to ffinish the whole worke belonging to the house. And the said pl l f is to pay unto the said Def dt Sixteen pounds Ten Shillings as ffol. in Three Cattle that is Two Cowes and a bullock Twelve pounds in Bacon Twenty Shillings att Six pence the pound a paire of Boots and spurs att Twenty Shillings and some other Goods to the value of nifty Shillings. Now the said Def dt hath not ^formed his part in Eith of the Two Articles of agreem* And Delayes soe to doe although the pPf. on his part hath allways Supplyed the Def dt w th pay and is Redy to make him paym 1 w th the Remainder Soe that the said Def dt had finished the said Build- ings But he Neglects soe to doe soe that the pl'f is Damnifyed In the full sume of five pounds Lawfull money of this Province whereupon the plf brings this sute and Craves Judgment of this Court against the said def dt w th Cost of Sute 192 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Jury Peter Taylor James Browne Joshua Hestings Thomas Cross Thomas Cartwrite Thomas Moore John Baldwin fTrances Baldwin Philip Roman George Wooder William Talley Randell Varnam Wittnesse Thomas Cartwrit Jeane Cart writ Thomas Browne Margeret Carter Peter Tremaine The virdit of the Jury wee of the petty Jury find for the pl tf w th Cost of Sute and Two pence Damage & allso the defendant shall finish the Barens which was the first Bargen and to be Clear of the Dweling house the Df dt losing what he have don att it and retorning all the pay he have rec d att the Rates he Tooke them att heareupon Judgm 1 was granted according to Virdit The Grand Inquest Presentments The Jurors present Isaac Brickshaw for Defaming John Simcockes one of the Propte rs Representatives in Counsell in these words that he was Drunk att Last Court att Chester the 5 th of Decemb Whereupon he is Called to the Barr where he makes his appearance and putts himself upon the mercy of the King and Govern* - Judgem* is granted that he is to be bound to his good Be- haver and to Sett up a paper of what is Crime was And Like- wise Henry Barnes was Ordred to find Surityes for his good behavor and to putt up his paper Caleb Pusey Attorney To ffrances Cooke Delivred a patten w th a Deed upon it bearing deat the 19 th day of the 9 mo 1687 To Thomas Cross Robert Woodward being Called to the Barre for Speaking abusifely against the Majestretes espetialy against John Sim- cockes Soe he Submitted himselfe Ordred that he should finde Two Surityes for his Good behavor CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 193 William Hawekes in Oppen Court passt bearing deat the 5 th day of the first Month 1689 to Nicolas Piles The Grand Inquest presentm 18 Pensilvania Wee The Jurors for the Governor and County of Chester by the King and Queens Authority Upon the Genarall Com- plaint of the people of this Comity about the Sevall taxes that have bin paid formerly to the building of the Court house and prison which yet the County ar not Satisfyed because there hath not as yet bin given any parfect Acco 1 . and Likwise the Last Composir of Taxes together wherin your Warrents you Charge the County to be 312£: 15 s : 4 d Indebted for the Court house and prison the Counsell Men and the Asembly mens wages the poore and other publick uses according as you Charge it in yo r Warrants And Likewise the tax for the Woules heads no account as yet have bin given for it We the Grand Inquest for the County of Chester doe desire an account in the behalfe of the County w ch way our Debts arise in Gennarall and perticular and Likwise what moneys that have bin raised by way of publick taxes for to defray publick charge of the County and have bin paid by the County already we desire the account in every perticular as fol. l.st The Charge of the Cort house and prison what the charge of the building of them com to w th the matteralls by the Severall receipts of the Workmen that built them or make it apeare by the perticulers receipts upon the Records 2. Likwise we desire an account of the Tax that was formarly gathered for the paiment of Charg of building the Co r thouse and prison which was 2 s 6 d P hundred Accars and 2 3 : 6 d p head for freemen and I s : 3 d ^ head for Bond Servants and for Land non resident not settled on half more then resi- dent we desire the perticular Duplicats or Returns of every Township w th their Severall rats or make the perticular recepts of every Township plainly apear by the Records. 3. Likewise the Severall Consell men and Assembly mens wages what is allowed to each person. 104 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF 4. Likewise what money is paid to the releefe of the poor and what persons that receives Releefe. 5. Likwise what is the other publicke Charge the County is Charged w" 1 as it is in y r Warrants." 6. Likwise we desire an account of this Last Composier of taxes together viz 1 , for the Court house and prison Counsell men and Assembly mens wages and the Releefe of the poor and other publiek uses as it is in your Warrents. 7. Likwise an account of the Tax for the Woules heads w ch was I s : ^p hundred Accars & I s : ^p head for freem and 6 d . sp head for Servants and Land nonresident on halfe more then resident. Likewise what Woules heads have bin paid for or to pay for that they may be paid if any be out of purse or wether any Money remaine in hand. Wee the Grand Inquest present this in the behalf of the County whereunto we have Subscribed our hands the 4 th of the first Month 1689/90 Joseph Richards floreman Tho Bradshaw Lau: Routh Richard Parker Tho: Worth William Cloud John Sharpies John Bennett Petter Peterson W m Collett W" : Marten David Lawrance Wa: faccit Edward Carter John Kinsman John Beals The Jurors present Robert Eyre for Exstortion on his flees on his bill to l^athaniell Evins in Casse of his Maid Servant Mary Turberfield. They Likewise present Robert Eyre for Exstortion on his bill of flees to Henry Barnes. They Likewise present Robert Eyre for Exstortion on his bill of flees to John ffox. Wee Likewise present as a Generall Grevance of this County for want of a Standerd to try both dry mesure and Liquid CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 195 Mesur for ther is great Diversity in Mesures Som are to bige and others are Somthing to Little we desire that all Mesurs be Made by the Winchester Measure. Wee Likewise present William Coborin being Surveior of the Highways for not Ordring the Inhabitants of Chester to Mend the way by the River Syde between Chichester & Chester. Wee Likwise present the s d William Coborin for want of a bridge over the Creek att William Woodmanseys Wee the Grand Jury do desire that a Table of flees may be hung up in the Court house according to the Law in that Case provided, We the Grand Jury present it as a Generall Greav- ance of the County Josepn Richards f oreman . James Hayes Petitioned to have Eight done against His Master Jeremy Collett. Reade And Considred Ordred that the Article in the Acco 1 Charge to Grand Jurey being 17 men in N° : amo to £2 : 03 : 3 d be raised out of the acco\ The Names of the Constaples Chosen to Searve the Next ensuing yeare ffor Springfield Bartholomew Coppick Sen r . Chester John Child Aston Thomas Cartwright Burmingham John Bennett in behalf of John Jones Middel Towne Joseph Cookson Edgment William Gregory Thornbury George Pearss Concord John Hannam Darby John Wood Upper Providence Peter Taylor Marple John Howell Lower Providence John Sharpies James Sandilands pl tf ] William White Defd 1 -w th drawne in an Action of Debt J 13 106 BE< OBD OF THE COURTS Of Irawne w th drawne James Browxe pi" William White Def dt in an action of Debt James Standfield PI" George Philips Def dt in an Action of Scandel and Defamation Whereas upon the Complaint of Thomas Rawlins against George Chandler of a Debt of 34 s 8^ d w ch appred att. this Court Ordered that the Said George Chandler by his Owne Consent doe Sell him self a servant ffor Two yeares and five Months w th Edward Beazer he the said Edward Beazer paying to the said Rawlins the said Sume of 3-i s 8-| d and the Remainder w oh would make up the Sume of Ten pounds w ch was £8 : 5 s : 3£ d to be paid to his ffather in Law William Hawkes. Att an Orphans Court Held att Chester the first Third Day of the 1 st Week in the 1 st Month 16ff Justices John Bristow presid 1 John Blonston Nicolas Newland ffrances Harrison Samuell Levis James Sandilands Joshua fferne George ffornian Sheriff Joseph Wood being Called gaive Satisfaction to this Court Philip Roman Being Called meade his Apperance and gaive Satisfaction to this Court Relating to the former William Hawkes being Called Meade his Apperance Was Ordred to give in Security to this Court w ch accordingly he did. Mary Obarin One of the Orphans of William Obarin being Called gaive Satisfaction to this Court that She was off Eage and that she had received her full part of the Said William Obarin Estate of the Trustes thereunto appointed by this Court. Anne Beazer Widdow to Edward Beazer Decesed being Called she appered not. Soe it was Ordred that her Sonne CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 197 Edward Should Bring in a Trew Inventory to Morrow Morning and to give in Security to this Court to performe Trust ac- cording to Law. Thomas Powell and ] Calibe Pewsey J Trustes of Joseph Powell being Called to make good their Complaint against Hester Gleves the Widdow of y e Said Joseph Powell the Said Widdow was Ordred to bring in a Trew Enventory of the Estate of George Gleves w th an acco 1 : of his Debts how paid and if She Should alter her Condition that She Should apply her Selfe to John Bristow James Sandilands and Samuell Levis to Take farther Care and Order in the matter and Soe She was Desmist this Court Edward Beazer Brought in the Enventory of the Estate of his Decesed ffather Edward Beazer and it was Ordred that Two Sufficient Securityes to be given the next Court. The True appraisment of the Goods and Lands of Edward Bezer of Bethell Late Decesed the 28 th of the 12 month 1688 4 Cows and Calfs £ 15 : 00 3 hafers £ 8: 00 3 2 yearlins Steers £ 6 : 00 2 youak of Oxen £ 18 : 00 2 yearlin Calves £ 2 : 05 1 Gray Gelding £ 5: 10 1 Black Mare & Colt if they are found £ 8: 00 1 Cart and pear of Wheels one pear and Irons £ 1 set of hors harnes £ 1 Old Cart Line £ 90 ,b of Irone plow geare att 7 d y e £. .£ 40 Ib of puwt att 14 d p £. ., £ 00 00 00 00 24 lb of bel bras att ll d y e £. 4 10: 1: 00: 03: 2 12: 2 13: 1 02: 00 74: 16: 198 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Brought from below £ 74 128 lb of Bras att 2 s y e £ £ 12 1 warming pann £ 1 fouling peese £ 1 The best bed and beding with Cortins £ 6 4 old bedes and beding £ 15 Edward Wareing Clothes £ 5 6 Table napkins 2 Old Table Cloaths £ 132 ,b of Irone att 6 d a pound £ 3 3 Thume Laches and One p* of Stereps £ 5 old Reep hookes £ Mason and Carpenters Tooles £ 6 Carrie To y e Other Syde 125 Sev r all brought from y e Other Syde being y e Inventory of Edward Beazer £125 3 Cow Bells £ 2 fforks 2 Old Irone Speeads 2 Old Sweif [?] £ 1 Beame and Skeals £ Waits and Musterd Boull £ 1 Bible £ 1 frriing pan and Chest Locke £ 1 Steel box Clancq and Other things £ 1 Old Sadie One Old pade Old Saks.£ 2 Speening Wheels £ 1 flan and Household Lomber goods £ 3 19 Sowes and hogs £ 12 Gees and ffoulls £ 200 Ackers Land Lying in Concord. £ 13 The Housing and Plantation Con- taining 500 ackers £150 debts dew £ 4 16 16 10 04 12: 6: 07: 04: 15 15 8 08 08 10 09 15 05 05 09 10 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 199 1 Grind Stone £ : 10 : 2 Thousand of pipe Staves £ 1 : 05 : £311: 10 lochias Nulen Robert Piles Att a Court Held att Chester for the County of Chester the 1 st 3 d day in the 1 st Weeke of the 1 th Month 1690 John Bristow president Nic°. Newland ffrancis Harrison Justices Samuell Levis [-there James Sandilands presant Joshua ffearne George fforman High Sherif The King and Queens Justices Being Called John Blonston and John Bevins appered Not. The Grand Inquest Being Called Wollo Rawson not appered. The Names of the Grand Inquest Attested att this Court. John Worrell Randel Mallin Thomas Worrollo Joseph Beaker Nathaniell Evence Thomas Smith John Mendenall Jacob Chandler Nic°. Piles James Standfeild Thomas Moore Randel Varnam Robert Nailer Adam Roades Thomas Martin Robert Borros Albert Hendrickson Josiah Taylor Joshua Heastings being Sumonsed to Searve upon the Grand Inquest being Called appered not. But afterwards Apered And Gaive Satisfaction to this Court. John Baldwin being Sumonsed to Searve upon the Grand Inquest bein Called appered not. Robert Woodward Being Called to Seave his Recognience w ch accordingly he appered Ordered he Should be Discharged paying his Charges Henry Barnes Being Called to Seave his Recognience \v ch accordingly he Appered Ordered he Should be Discharged paying his Charges. Isaac B rickshaw Being Called to Seave his Recognience w ch 200 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF accordingly he Appered. Ordered he Should be Discharged paying his Charges. John White being Appointed the Kings Attorney By the Court Accordingly he accepted of it. Charles Pickerin and Patrick Robinson attorneys for Thomas Holmes PI" ]In an Action of") _. . , ..,, m . Contmewed till against f-Irespass on the f- _ Charles Ashcomb Def d l J Case J Charles Pickerin and Patrick Robinson Attorneys for Thomas Holmes PI" lln an Action of ) _. ,. , ,.,, m Ll _ \ Contmewed till against rlrespass on the >■ Charles Ashcomb Def dt JCase J John Martin Attorney To Richard Crosbe PPf against James Standfeild Def dt In an Action on y e Case w th drawne Nathaniell Loakince pl'f 1 against [in an Action on the Case The petty Jury being Inpannieled Boath partyes Left it to the Bench Thomas Hollinsworth pl'f 1 against rw th drawne John Calvert Def dt J We ye Grand Jurey present Ralp Dracot for Swaring in the house of Walter ffausett Joseph Richards forman Ordred to pay 2 s 6 d into the hands of George fforman Davide LLoyde Petitioned to have a Roade or Street Layde Out from His plantation to Chester Creek to the publik Land- ing place Ordred that the Grand Inquest make inquirey into the Con- veniency and Accordingly make Report thereof to this Court CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 201 And allsoe to Inspect into a Conveniant way or Roade through the March of Robert Wads Down to Chichester Chester this 4 th of the 4 th m° 1690 Wee of the grand Inquest doe Lay out a Street 30 foot Wide the One halfe of this publike Street to be on One Syde the line deviding betwixt David Loyds Land and the Green L. C. one halfe on David Loyds Land the other halfe on the Greens Side: Note that this Street begins att the publike Landing place att Chester Creek and ending att the further Side of Joseph Richards his Lott neere David Loyds House note also that if any part of the 15 foot on David Loyd his side w ch is Laid out for the Street it must so remaine Andros Bone Appered in Oppen Court and Delivered a Deed for 36 Ackers Land to Monce Peterson Monce Peterson Appered in Oppen Court and Delivred a Deed for 36 Acker Land to Andros Bone Roger Jackson Delivred a Deed for 70 Ackers of Land to William Swafford John Kingsman Delivred a Deed for 50 Ackers of Land to Humphry Scarlett Joshua fferne Attorney to Joseph Wood Delivred a Deed for 500 Ackes of Land to John Wood George Simcakes appred in Open Court and Delivred a Deed for 43 Ackers of Land to John Wood being Appointed At- torney for Robert Scothorne to receive Said Deed. Robert Smith Delivred a Deed for 16 Ackers ^ Land to John Wood being appointed Attorney Robert Scotherine Robert Smith Delivred A Deed for 00 Ackers Land to Joseph Need. Robert Smith Attorney to Philip England Delivred a deed in Oppen Court for 100 Ackers of Land to Jenkin Griffen George Simcock Delivred A Deed for 100 ackers Land to John Wood John Hoskince Attorney to Robert Robinson Delivred A Deed for 150 Ackers to Mary Jones and now y e wife of David Maridieth 202 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Ralph Dracot being Presented and Indited By the Grand Inquest for Wickedly lustfully unlawfully and incestuously Defile the Body of Susannah Willard his Daughter in Law and w th her had Carnall Copulation and Did Comit Adultry whereby the Said Susannah Did conceive and was Delivred of a Bastard man Child Upon w ch he is Called to the Barre and pleades not Gilty and putt himself e upon God And the Country And being Called the Second Tyme he pleaded Gilty to the Inditment Judgem 1 past that the said Ralph Dracot Shall forfit One halfe of his Estate and Suffer Imprisonment One whole yeare And that he Take Care in brining up of the Child And pay all Charges Boath for his Daughter in Law as well as his Owne Ordred that a Warret be granted to the County praisers to Praise the Estate and make Retorne thereof To James Sandi- Iands and John Bristow The Court Appoints Thomas Varnaml Joshua Hestings ^Appraisers Robert Borrows J And for the Said Ralph Dracot Breaking of Prison Ordred that he Appeares att the next Court and to finde Two Surityes Chester County SS The Grand Inquest of the Body of the County of Chester by the King and Queens Authority for the IIon ble W m Penn Propriatary and Governor of the Province of Pennsilvania and Territory's att a Session held for the County of Chester this 3 d of the Fourth Month 1690 doe present and Indict Susannah Willard of the County aforesaid that she not haveing the fTeare of God before her Eyes did Wickedly Lustfully and unlawfully and incestuously Commit ffornication w th Ralph Dracot her ffather in Law wdiereby she the said Susannah did Conceive and was delivered of a Bastard man Childe on or about the 6 th day of the 1 st month Last past in the Township of Marple in the County aforesaid to the High dishoner of CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 203 God and Great Scandall of the Goverment against y e peace of our Soveraign Lord and Lady the lung and Queen and to the Dishonour of our Propriatary and his Dominion and Gove mi 1 and Expresly against the Statute in that Case Expresly made and Provided. Upon which y e Said Susannah Willard is Called to the Barre and pleades Gilty to this Indictm 1 Judgem 1 Past that the s d Susannah Willard One halfe of her estate to the Governer and if none found she be Inprisined One whole yeare and Kept att hard Labar to be for the use of the Publick. John Martin being presented by the Grand Inquest That the Said John Martin of Chichester Weavor for that he the said John Martin having not the feare of God Before his Eyes did on the One and Twentieth day of the first Month Last past felonishly take Steal and Carry Away out of the Dweling house of Thomas Browne John in Chichester fourteen Drest Deer skins att the vallew of Thirty Shillings in Contempt of the King and Queen and their Lawes and the Propriatary and Governer William Penn his Dominion and Go verm* Upon w ch the said John Martin was Called to the Barre and pleaded not Gilty and putt himself upon God and the Country ISTames of y e Jurey Inpanneled Thomas Rawlins Joshua Heastings Nathaniel Lamplugh Thomas Varnam Caleb Pewsey Philip Roman John Thomas Joseph Richards Sen 1 ' John Neelde George Pearce William Hawkes Thomas Cross Thomas Browne John being f That John Martin himself attested Decleareath [tould him that lie Stole the Skines and that he did Intend to goe in 3 dayes Tyme And the print of his foot nailes and Clamps was like the print that 204 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF was upon the earth and that Two Nailes was towards the end of his Shoue fTrances Chadesl Decleareth That he Mended John Martins being attested J Shoues with two nailes and Two pleates Towards y e Toues of his shoues. James Browne] Being Attested] Decleareth Willia Clayton"! being Attested J Decleareth That Morning the Skins was Stolen the Corrier was Boning by our house and Martin Seamed to have a great Coller in his face and he prest Sev r all tymes upon him to tell him wether he had stoled them and S d Browne to Martin thou art Gilty of Stealing y e s d Skines then he Seamed to have gilt in his face and then Said Martin if I should Confess then I should bring my Self to publick Shame that when Tho : Brow Jno and he was dicoring s d I will not Confess befor 2 Evidece Soe we went to Thomas Browne John's house and there we saw the print a shoue and we ffollowed it and we perceived it to be print w th nailes and a pleat w th nailes and we ffollowed it to the Swamp and There in a hollow Tree we found the Skins and after wards we took the Mesure and CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 205 went to James Brownes and Compeared it w th John Martins and it Seemed to be the very -, „ -> Same, (ieorge riorman I being Attested J Decleareth That ye same Morning that the Skines was missing Thomas Browne John Came to my house and made his Complaint and said that he had Lost Six- teen drest Skines and that his house was Broken oppen and w th all desired me to writte him a Warran to Make Search through the naughboroughood w ch accordingly I did but after- ward he made a Search but could find none Soe I bid him goe to his house and wether ther was no Tracking of any body soe he imediatly went and retorned to my house that there was a print of a foot then I went to his house my Selfe and there I saw the Window oppen and upon the Ground there was a print of a Shoue w th nailes and Clampes of Iron soe we ffollowed the Trecking down the syde of the ffence and then along the Swamp untill we Came upon W m Clayto new Cleared feild and there in the Swamp in a hollow Tree we found four- teen drest Skines then we went to James Brownes house and 20 G RECORD OF THE COURTS OF toke along w th us The Mesure of the print of the shoue and mesured John Martins and it Seemed to us to be the very Same and s d Martin seemed to be startled att my taking his shoue of Andros ffreind* Being attested Charles Jestice Being; attested The Jurey ffind him Gilty of the InditmS John Martin being Called to the Barr and Judgment Awarded That he be Sould into a nother province to make good all Dam- ages of the parson agree vied and his Masters Charge w th all Lawfull Charges and Three fould according to Law and Re- ceive 39 Lashes well Laide One on his Bare back att y e Carts Tayl Ordred that John Martin be Sould for Eight yeares Service to Make Satisfaction Three ffould To Thomas Browne John for Stealing 14 deare Skines and the Charges of Court being 6 lb 12 s 2^ d due ye Sheriff Clarkes Wittness and Kings At- torny and 17 lb 07 : 9-J d due before to his Master James Browne for service due on Indenture and Moneys paid to Ellizabeth Looke to make Satisfaction for Goods Stollen by John Martin from her James Hayes petitioned this Court to have his Toles from Jeremy Collett w ch according was Ordred that the Said Toles was to be delivred Imediatly into the hands of James Sandi- lands for the Use of the Said Hayes The said Hayes paying to Jeremy Collett what he Justly Owes him The said James Hayes Promised Here in Open Court to searve James Sandi- lands his Heirs Ex r s Adm rs or Assignes the Residue of the Tyme of his Indenture Excepting Two Monthes and fifteen day w ch James Sandilands gaive him. James Standfeild Petitioned this Court for Tyme allowed for his servant Richard Bestrazer Riming away accordingly Reade. Ordred one vears Service. (HESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 207 pi" Isaac Warner against Henry Reynolds Def dt in an action on the Case Declaration Isaac Warner of the County of Chester Complains against Henry Reynolds of the said County Taylor in an Action on the Case ffor that whereas the said Def dt for Worke and Severall Delivered him became Indebted unto the said Pl'f in the full and Just Sume of ffifteen pounds Eighteen Shillings and five pence Current Money of this Province as by acco 1 in Court to be prodused will make it ap- peare And the said Def dt hath neglected to make paym* unto the said PI": the sume of ffifteen pounds Eighteen Shillings and five pence although offten requested thereunto Whereby action Doth Accrew to the said PI" notw th standing whereof the said Def dt delayes to make payment of the aforesaid sume w th Resonable Damage Therefor the PI" brings this Sute and Craves Judgment of this Court against the Said Def dt for the said Sume of ffifteen pounds Eighteen Shillings and ffive pence \v th Cost of Sute Thomas Rawlins iSTathaniel Lamplugh Jonathan Hayes John Thomas John Neeld William Hawkes Jurors Joshua Hestings Thomas Varnam Philip Roman ffrances Chades George Pearce James Browne ^Jurors Walter Martin JDecleareth that he was upon an Arbitration being Attested [Saith that Henry Reynolds acknowledge that he Owed Isaac Wardner 8£ and Isaac Warner to give him 6 dayes Worke y e s d Reynolds giveing him 14 dayes warning and tocke hands upon it and Isaac Warner Gaive him Tyme upon the paym 1 of the money till the first month and s d Henry Reynolds to discharge y e s d Warner from all Dewes Debts and Demands 208 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF -Decleareth y e Same John Hulbert 1 being Attested J Edward Beaser (Decleareth that Henry Reynolds was to pay being Attested [Isaac Warner 8£ in the first month and to Cleare S d Isaac Wardner of all Charges w th the Sheriff and Clarkes w th George fforman and s d Warner give him 6 day's worke att 14 days Warning The Names of the Wittness Taken in New Castell County befor William Stockdone prodused in writting John Grabb (The Verdit of the Jurey John Buckley [the 4 day of the 4 Month 1690 Wee the Jurey find for the^ Plaintife that the Defend 1 pay to the plantif Eight pounds the first of March next Insuing upon wh ch Judgm' is and Cost of Court w th Two j-awarded ac- pence Damage and the plan- cording to tife pay to the Def dt Six dayes Virdit Woorke att fourteen dayes Warning „ „, „„ Joshua Hestings foreman County Chester SS The Grand Inquest for ye Body of the County of Chester in the Province of Pennsilvania att a Court of Quarter Sessions held by the Justices of S d County by the Kings and Queens Authority and in the name of William Penn Propriatary and Governer of the Province of Pennsilvania & Territorys on the 4 th day of the 4 th month 1690 att the Towne of Chester in the County afores d doe present and Indict Phillip Conway late of the County of Bucks in the Province afores d Labourer that he the said Phillip Conway not having the ffear of God befor his eyes nor any regard to his duty notwithstanding he the Said Phillip Conway was att a Court Lately held in the County of Buckes in the Province afores d indicted arrained and Con- victed of ffelonious Stealing a mare upon w ch conviction it being a Third offence commited by the Said Phillip Conway he the CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 209 S d Phillip Received Judgment of Corporall punishment & Judgment allso of Banishment w ch Should have Obliged the Said Phillip dureing his Stay in this Governm* to have Com- ported himself peacably and honestly but he the Said Phillip being a person of ill Same and life did on or near the 25 th of the 3 d month Last past Aid abett and Counsell one Patrick Conway Suspected of ffelonious Stealing a Certain bay horse upon the Suspicon whereof the said Patrick was Committed to the County Goale and hath Since made his escap and thereby Confest the ffelony and he the S d Phillip att the Tyme and place aforesaid did produce a Certain Key belonging to the Setters w th w ch the Said Stolen horse was ffettered and he is guilty of Remaining in this Governm* contrary to the Late Order of banishment, and of being an abettor of ffelons in Billa Vera Jacob Chandler foreman The Jurey Impanneled Thomas Rawlins Nathaniel Lamplugh Calibe Pewsey John Thomas William Hawkes John Xeelde Jurors Joshua Hestings Thomas Varnam fTrances Chades Joseph Richards George Pearce Thomas Cross Jur r William Beakes High Sheriff his Evidence Taken in Writ- ting befor Justice James Sandilands. Joseph Richards Being attested Declareth that when John Child the Con- staple went to inquire for the Setters he Serched up and downe the house att the Last William YVoodmasell put his hand in a Caske and Said heare is the ffetters and y e s d Partrick Conway being asked where the Key was he s d he knew not where it was but att the Last his wife s d her husband had it and accordingly it was found in his pockett 210 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF John Buckcnham] Decleareth that y e Prisoner Owned Par- being Attested J trick Conway to be his Brother and S d Patrick asked him what Shall I say about the Horse Say it was Thomas Kerseyes but what sh I say about the fTetters Say you Bought them John Childe j Decleareth that lie being att Mortons being Attested J house asked Morton wether ther was not a horse but the man that was by would not redyly answere but afterward Par- trick Conway seamed to be faint-harted and asked Phillip Conway what he Should doe y e S d Phillip Said thou art the faint harted man that lives (and in discorse said that Partrick had bin Cheated of a boat and they Intend to Cheat him of a horse). And ye Deponent asked where was the Key of the Setters they was very loath to bring him out, but after- wards Patrick brought forth the Key but Partrick Could not open the Locke but Philip tooke the Key and oppened the Locke redely And Owened the S d Par- trick Conway to be his Brother and S d it was Thomas Kerseyes horse and s d Phillip Conway polled the Key out of his pockett Mordecay Maddock] Decleareth that Partrick Conway came being Attested J to him when he was att plow S d he was a minde to Exch a the Horse if he Could gett a Mare and Money to Boote and did Say the Horse was is Three yeares and that he was a Tanner by Trade and he Ground Barke w th the Horse CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 211 Robert Moulder 1 Decleareth that be Coming to Mortons being Attested J along w th John Cbilde and That Partrick Conway tooke the Key ont of his pockett and S d that Philip and partrick said that the Horse was had from Kersey and if Philip and Partrick could have Liberty That they would bring Kersey the Owner of the Horse ffrances Littell } Decleareth S d that Philip Stode much in being attested J the behalfe of his Brother and Said he would goe and fetch the man that would Cleare his Brother And that the Lock was Phillips Randall Varnam) Decleareth that Phillip Conway Vindi- being attested J cated Partrack Conway to be an honest man and put in prison unlawfully The Jurey finde him Gilty |Phillip Conway Being Called to of the Inditment J the Barre and J u d g e m e n t Awarded That thou Phillip Conaway shall goe w th all Convaniet Speed w th all that is thy Owen and to De- part this Province and not to Retorne againe and to pay all Lawfull Charges and to have Liberty for 14 dayes to settel his Concernes and to make sale sale of his Goods to make Satis- faction. Thomas Person and Peter Worrall appointed to be fence vewera for the Towneship of Marple John Chambers presented his pettion for his Liberty from Jeremy Collett Ex e to Joseph Shaw Decesed reade and ac- cordingly Considered 14 w th Drawne w th Drawne 212 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF And Jeremy Collett meade it Appeare that he had a Law- full Titell or Claime to y e Said John Chambers. Ordred that the Said John Chambers Shall Searve Jeremy Collett or his Order from the Tyme of his Decesed M r Joseph Shaw w ch is 9 weeke and after untill his Tyme be Expired and s d Collett shall pay y e Lawfull Charges. Samuell Adams PI" against Henry Reynolds Def dt in an action on y e Case James Sandilands Pltf } against John Smith Def dt in an action on y e Case James Sandilands Pl tf Jonathan Hayes Def dt Vw th Drawne in an Action On y e Case J Jeremy Collete Petitioned this Court for a Convaniant Roade to Brandy Wyne Reade and Considered. Chester the 4 th of the 4 th Month 1690 Wee of the Grand Inquest doe Lay out A foot way of six foot Wid att the Lest begining att Chester Creek over against the Comon Landing place from thence upon a Strait Line over the Swamp of Robert "Wades to the Corner of Robert Wades pales and So a long by the Said pales and fence to a popeler and White Wallnot Standing by the Said Robert Wades fence and so to Remaine a Longe the Syde way accordingly as it is already Marked and Cutt out unto Chichester Creeke. The 3 d 4 th Mo 1G90 Wee of the Grand Inquest present Bethell Hamlett for not repaireing the Bridge in the said hamlett All so we present Chichester Towneship for not repaireing a Mirey place betwixt John Kinsmans and y e Kings Roade Also we present Chester Towneship for not repareing a Miry Place in the Same Road from Concord to Calebs Mill CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 213 Also we present Chester for not rcpareing the foot Road betwixt Robert Wades and Chichester through there respective Towne Ships Also we present John Thomas of Marple for Keeping of imlawftill fences and Disturbeing his Neighbours Catle. Upon w ch s d Presentm* John Thomas was Called and Promised a mendm* Ordred that notice be given to the Supervisors of the Re- spective Towne Ships for the mendm 1 of the High waves. Ordred that George fforman High Sheriff be appointed Re- seiver Generall for all the Remainder of those Three Levies that was the 2 s 6 d p hundred and 12 d ^ hundred and 3 s ^ hundred that is unpaid and that a full power be Granted to s d George fforman for to Compell them to Make paym 4 And Like- wise that a Warrant be Sent to the Respective Constaples of Each Towne Ship to be Ayding and assisting unto the Said George fforman in Collecting the Same Att a Court held at Chester^ for the County of Chester ye 1 th 3 d day in y e first weeke in y e 7 th month 1690' John Bristow president Nicolas Newland 1 T _ n ,., Justices -James Sandilanes^ Samuell Levis J George forman Sherif Joshua ffearne Clerk The Grand Inquest being Called James Stanfield appeared not David Loyd Plaintiff] refered untill y e after noon & James Sandilanes deft J soe also untill ye next morning this action being Called againe ye plaint appeared by his at- torney John White and aledged that y e Jury was not Lawfully Sumoned soe would not Com to tryall whereupon ye def d Craved a none sute and being refered to y e Court y e Court granted y e same 214 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Charles Pickring i . attornys to Iho: liolmes plamt Patrick Robinson J John White . • i -r> i • ^ Jacob Chandler foreman .rat rick Robinson Charles pickering in action of trespas on ye Case John White] attorneys to Charles Ashcom Caleb puseyj defendant with drawne Ordered that Robert penall be supervizer for Midle towne y e yeare in suing Ordered that david Morris be supervizer for Marple y e yeare in suing Ordered that henry bastings be supervizer for Chichester y e year insuing Ordered that Tho peerson & petter worrell be ye vewers of fences y e yeare insuing for Marple Anne vanculin was Called & examoned Concerning her Giving out evell words against some magistrate but upon her submission was discharged paying y e fees. Jacobus hendrickson was Called upon y e susspition of hogg stealing but none prosecuting he was discharged paying his fees A deed of Effeofment delivered in Open Court by George foreman attorney to petter Banton for a parcell of Land Lying in Chichester to Samuell Rowlland dated y e 5 th day of y* 4 th month 1690 A deed of Efeofment delivered in Oppen Court by Robert Pile attorney to James Browne unto John Kingsman attorney to Amey harding & for y e use of y e s d Amy harding for A cer- taine parcell of Land Lying in Chichester towneship with all y e building upon y e same bearing date y e 5 th day of y e 4 th month 1690 A deed of Efeafment delivered in Oppen Court by John Kingsman attorny to Amy harding unto Robert pile in y e behalf and for y e use of Amy James for A Certaine parcell of land Lying in Chichester towneship w th all y e building upon y° 218 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF same bearing date the twenty forth of y e fourth month 1690 A deed of Efeofment delivered in Oppen Court by thomas powell unto petter Taylor and Kandle Malin in y e behalf of severall others for A parcell of Land Lying in uper providence for y e use of A burying place bearing date the second day of the seventh month 1690 Charles Whitticor delivered a deed of Efeofment in Oppen Court unto Randle vernon for A parcell of Land Containing tow hundred acers bearing date the third day of the seventh month 1690 The Court Adjournes untill y e 1 th 3 d day in y e 1 th weeke in y e 8 th Mo 1690 Att A Orphans Courtt held at Chester y e 1 th 3 d day in y e 1 th weeke in y e 8 th Mo 1690 Justice- Present John Blunston Presid 1 John Simcocke John Bristow Xicolas XewLine Samuell Levis James Sandilanes Geo. foreman Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke hester Gleaves being Called appeared & brought in an In- ventory of y e Goods and Catties of George GLeave Late of Springfield deceased taken by us whose names are here under written the 12 th of y e 11 th month 1688 ; ' * a for 3 Cowes one heafer one bull , 18 for 4 shotes & 2 Sowes 03 for plowing & seed for eleven acers Corn 07 for 3 mares 2 Colts one horse at home 14 fore one mare & a 2 years old Colt & one horse hassartable in ye woods 07 00 00 for one whip saw one Cross Cut Saw 2 hand sawes 01 for Corne in y e Stack 00 for Corne in y e house 00 for 2 Sucks (?) & 2 Coulters 01 00 00 05 00 03 00 00 00 02 00 12 00 04 06 00 00 10 00 14 00 10 00 14 00 15 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 10 00 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 219 for 4 paire of hames & 4 paire of Cheains & 2 horse Collers 01 for Sithes & Sickles 00 for nailes 01 for 2 Casments & 2 other panes of Glass 00 for flax undresed 00 for one bed & beding & bed stids in ye uper rome 04 00 00 for one bed & beding Curtains & bed- stead in the parlor 05 for table Linnin 01 for 5 paire of Sheets 03 for 2 warming panes 01 for black silke 00 for 5 speckled hand Cherifs 00 for 2 paire of Linin stockins & 1 paire shoes 00 09 00 for 5 yards of broad Cloath and foure yards of Collered fnstion 02 16 08 for a pound of whalbone & 1 piece of Uper Leathers 00 for one Looking Glass 00 for one Match Coate 00 for Edge tooles 01 i 2 Chests one trunke & boxes in y e parllor 01 for 8 augers 3 wedges 1 square 1 dung forke with some other Loose Iron. . . 01 for one mathack one Iron Crow 00 for 5 pound of Steele 00 for a peece of Leather 00 for y e Loume & Metterials to it 01 for Linin yarne in y e Loume 00 for Sadie & pillion 01 for 44 pound of wooll 02 for 2 pound of Corned Jarsey 00 for 2 pound of Spun Jersey 00 04 00 05 00 08 00 0G 00 3 d 05 00 04 00 10 00 03 08 02 06 00 00 14 00 04 00 07 04 05 00 10 00 220 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF for a gun barrell and Lock 00 05 00 for a Cnberd & table & 4 Cheirs and dishboard 02 00 00 for 2 plowes 00 05 00 for 2 brass pots one brass pann one cettle & one skellitt 02 15 00 for 3 Iron pots 01 10 00 for pewtter & alkemy Spoons 01 10 00 for foure pound of tallow 00 02 00 for 6 flitches of bacon & braken meat . . 02 05 00 for treane ware 00 15 00 for tow Cushons 00 02 00 for 3 frying pans one baking pan a paire of Iron Goberts 2 paire of tongs w th other Irons in y e Chimney 01 00 00 for 2 Spining wheils 00 08 00 for 2 Shovels & other ode Lumber. . . 00 08 00 for George wearing apparrel 05 00 00 Apraysed by Bartholomew Coppock Robert Taylor y e Sum is 105 18 8 An account of what was owing Geo 6 GLeaves when he dyed 1 s d petter Leaster depter 03 15 00 James Stanfield depter 00 15 00 Barthollomew Coppock y e elder depter. 01 00 00 John ffox depter 00 19 00 Thomas Cross depter 05 11 00 The sum of all is 12" 00 00 An account of y e depts of Geo 6 GLeaves deceased that are already paid by y 6 widdow £ s a To James Stanfield 03 17 00 To Joseph Lownes & George 00 07 08 To William dillion 01 04 00 To Griffith Owin 00 06 00 To Philip England 00 06 00 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 221 To Edward Peerson 00 04 06 To John Madocks 00 12 06 To Mordicai Madocks 02 14 09 To Robert Woodward 00 15 00 To John Edge 00 01 05 To Walter ffossitt 01 01 06 To Richard Cross 00 07 00 To John Cross 00 08 00 To Petter Leaster 00 11 00 To Henry Barnes 02 12 00 To John Simcock 02 17 00 To Thomas Brasey 01 10 00 To Henry Cadman 00 01 00 To John Hodkinson 00 01 02 To hendrick Totten 00 13 00 To Matthew Mortton 00 02 06 To James SandiLanes 04 04 08 To Jacob Simcock 00 05 10^ To John Peerson 00 07 00 To Eliz : Penall 01 15 02 To Robert Taylor 05 16 08 To Bartholomew Coppock eld r 00 03 00 To Thomas Peerson 00 02 00 To A Coffin 00 05 00 To A Levey 00 04 06 y e sum of all is . 35 13 08| An Inventory of y e Goos belonging to W m Taylor deceased taken y e 9 th day of y e 1 th Mo 1683 n> . d Imp 8 10 doz & 10 Knives Cost 00 10 00 2 doz : & 2 Combs Cost 00 01 03 2 doz : & eight paire of Sisers Cost 00 02 00 1 doz : & 3 paire of Shoe buckles Cost . . 00 01 03 16 grosse & -} of buttons Cost 00 13 00 8 paire of Shooes Cost 01 03 04 for a parcell of old Iron 00 13 00 for 100 waight of nails 01 12 09 222 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF for Edge tooles & frying pan pitch forks one square one paire of Compases 02 05 00 A mare & Colt 04 12 00 for part of tow Cowes 04 00 00 for houshold Linin beding & Cloathes. 08 09 00 for brass & peutter 03 12 00 A sadle bridle & wearing apparrell. ... 05 00 00 for Lumber 00 10 00 y e sum of all is 33 11 05 Apraysers Randle Mallin Robertt Vernon Thomas Menshaw was Caled & appeared & brought in y e inventory above men- tioned with y e will of y e s d William Taylor & an account of dep tr & Crdt r as followeth To finerall Expences &: taking up mare * 3 d And proving the will & taking up a mare 01 12 00 To Petter Taylor for bringing up tow of y e Children &c 21 06 03 To my selfe for bringing up y e other child 10 13 1£ To one of y e s d Children as by recept Appeareth 05 00 00 To Mary Taylor one of y e s d Children. . 04 04 06 To 6 days & a halfe to gett a letter of Attorney with other expences 00 16 03 To taking up y e mare & Colt & 2 days About dissposing of y e Estate 00 07 06 The sum of all is 43 19 74 Errors & omissions excepted y e 6 th of y e 7 th mo 1690 Contra Cr c dt To recived being y e whole Esstato of J B d William Taylor deceased y e sum of. . .33 11 05 To received more for a Citty Lott 09 17 00 To Ballance due to Thomas Menshaw 00 1 ll 3 024 d 43 19 074 43 08 05 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 223 Memorandom there is l 1 & 5 d due to me w ch I paid Mary Taylor more than her wages V shee Lived w th mee w ch by agreement y e s d Mary was to pay mee againe and to give mee a Discharg The Pittisson of Mary Taylor exhibited to y e Court shee being one of y e orphans of William Taylor deceased Concerning her Cloaths being detained & Kept from her by Tho: Men- shaw whereupon Thomas Menshaw was ordered by y e Court to pay 12 s 6 d & to deliver y e Cloaths to y e s d Mary and to deliver as many planks as was taken of y e Childrens house upon which y e said Thomas Menshaw is fully discharged by this Court ; y e Court adjourns untill y e 4 th hour in y e afternoon And mett again according to adjournment. The Court ordered that y e widdow Gleaves Give Security to y e next orphans Court to make Good y e Estate of Joseph Powell deceased unto y e Children Joseph Wood exhibited a pittission to y e Court & upon y e reading thereof an Inventory was produced of y e Goods and Catties of William Wood deceased y e Court finding things not well amongst y e orphans of y e deceased ordered John Blunston Samuell Leuis And Joshua fTearne to Inspectt into them and indeavor to Composs matters amongst the orphans of y e deceased and alsoe orders John Bartram to Appeare for him that Cannot speake for him selfe and make return to y e next orphans Court. The Court orders Robert pile Jacob Chandler and Joseph Bushell bee trustees for y e orphans of Edward Beazer deceased according to inventory and make return to the next orphans Court The Court Adjourns untill y e 1 th 3 d day in ye 1 th weeke in y e 1 th month next This orphans Court Adjorns untill ye 23 th day in ye 2 th weeke in y e 1 mo next 224 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Att A Court held at Chester the 1 th 3 d day in y e 1 th weeke in the 8 th month 1G90 John anderson Andrew Boone pin John Blunston Presid 1 John Shncocke John Bristow nic° newline Samuell Levis James Sandilands Geo : foreman Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke Justices present dft Mvithdrawne in an action of y e case J James Sandilands PI 1 ] David Loyd Df l ^Continued in an action of y e CaseJ Matiiew homan Larrons homan PP William homan Hance Urin Df l withdrawne in an action of y e Case Edward Beazer and William Collitt was Caled to answer to a presentment of y e Grand inquest and upon examination y e s d Edward Beazar was Cleared And William Collitt was ordered to find surtys to appoint at y e next County Court and the Court ordered that y e s a Beazer and Collitt doo pay this Court Charges equally between them. the Jury Impaneled Jury waiter fossitt Joseph Richards elder Edward Cartter William Browne Joseph Richards yonger tbomas miushaw monce Petterson PP Petter Petterson Anne frriend DefT dt John ffriend Sarah ffriend in an action of Scandall and defamation Witneses Edward pritchitt Ringneare petterson and his wife Andrew hendrickson Jacob Johnson Tatton hendrickson Sam: Sellers Robert Vernon John Kingsman John Mart tin Thomas powell James swafford CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 225 The Jury finds for y e Del* 1 w th two pence damage and Cost of Sute Judgment awarded according to verdite The Court Adjourns until y e 2 d 3 d day in y e 2 d weeke in y e 10 th month. Joseph Wood acknowledged and Pased over a deed unto George Simcocke and Susanah his wife for 500 acers of Land in tow parcels Lying in new towne: bearing date y e 1 st day of the 7 th month September 1690 Hendrick Jacobson Pased over a deed unto Ringneare Petter- son for fifty Acers of Land Lying upon Crum Creek bearing date the third day of the first month 1690 Att A Court att Chester" The 9 th day of y e 10 th Mo 1690 the Kings Justices being Caled John Beavon Appeared not Justices p r sentt John Bristow President John Simcock John Blunston McoLas NewLine Samuell Levis James SandiLands George fforman Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke The Grand Inquest was Caled over and John Mendinghall appeared not but upon good reasons given he was excused for this Courtt Thomas Cowborn was Called and gave satisfaction to the Court and was discharged James Standfield was Called and gave satisfaction to the Court and was discharged William Cowborn superveisser of the towneship of Chester made his Complaint to the Court that the inhabittants thereof would not Come to mend the highways upon which Complaint the Court ordered that those That have made neglectt of the same shall make satisffaction either in worke or pay tow shill- ings p r day for every Days Neglectt Jeremiah Collitt Pl tf ] ffrancis Little D fdt y y e Jury Impanieled in an action of y e Case J 226 KECORD OF THE COURTS OF Walter ffositt William Talley Robertt Cartter Caleb pusey James Swaford John Wood Richard Buffington Mordica Madock William hauks Joseph Richards yonger ffrancis Cadsey Thomas Rollinson The Jury finds for the plaintiff with tow pounds thirttene shillings six pence with tow pence damage and Cost of Sute Judgment Awarded according to y e verdite aTicah Thomas Pl tf 1 m . T Thomas Kikck Def* T ^ . . ~ Attested as before m an action of y Case J The Jury finds for y e plaintiff Six pound y e Cost of Sute and damage being therein included. Judgni 1 awarded according to verdite „ _ •, „ f in an action of y e Case Ralph Dracott Pl tf „, T f , T _, ^J lhe Jury attested J AMES feTAXDFIELD Dl Q , - [ as before The Jury finds for the plaint fourteene shillings with Cost of Sute and tow pence Damage Judgment Awarded according to v e verdite James Sandilands Plaint^ David Loyd Def dt in like action y e Court before Continued -now withdrawne Joseph Knight Plaint 1 Evan Prodera Def dt Uvithdrawne in an action of y e Case J Jeremiah Collitt Plaint] Xathaniell Thornton Def dt ^Continued in an action of y e Case J John Wickham Plaint! John Holston Def dt [-withdrawne in an action of dept J CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 227 The Court Adjoined for an hour and a halfe and mett againe according to adjornm 1 . Alexsander Deverix exhibited a pitishon but y e Court gave noe answer to it Jsack few superviser for Chester for y e yeare insuing y e Grand Inquest p'sentment Wee the Jurors doe p r sent Johanas fTriend for Killing a horse of John Simcocks by shooting of him Wee alsoe p r sent Susannah freind for takeing a false Test to the p r vertting of Justice In the Case Above Said Wee alsoe pr e sent Johanas fTreind for felloniously cilling and bearing away a sow of John vanculines Contrary to the Law in that Cas made and provided Jacob Chandler foreman We of the Grand Inquest p r sent John hoskins for Encroch- ing upon the Countys Land Belonging to the prison house in Chester, Jacob Chandler foreman James Sanderlands being Called and Examined aboute the abovesaid Land Declareth that he did give all that Land on which the Prison now standeth btweene the streett and the Creek att the first begining of this Government for to build A Prison upon Johannas fTreind being Caled to answer to tow p r sentments the Court Granted him Liberty untill the next Court and then to make his appearance Susannah fTreind being Called to answer to A p r sentment the Court Granted her Liberty untill the next Court and then to make her appearance. John Vanculin Called to Prosecute his Complaint Against Johanas freind and save his Recognances who appeared not : upon which the Court ordered that a proses be Issued out to bring in the s d vanculin to the next Court y e Court adjornes to John hoskins Chamber William Collitt being Called appeared not, Joseph Cowborn was Called cv; appeared not William Woodmeson Delivered a Deed in oppen Court unto Jeremy Cartter for twenty Acers of Land be the same more or Less bearing date the 9 th , day of the Tenth month 1GD0 15 228 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Nicolass Piles Delivered a Deed in Oppen Court unto Thomas Hope for one Hundred Acers of Land Lying in Thornbery bearing date the bearing date the Thirthtyeth day of the ninth month one Thousand six hundred and ninty George Willerd Delivered a Deed of Ef eof ment in open Court unto Ralph Dracott for tow hundred acers of Land Lying in Marple bearing date the 5 th of y e 10 th month 1690 Ralph Dracott Delivered a Deed of Morgage in open Court unto George Willerd for one Hundred acers and Premises Lying in Marple bearing date the fifth of y e 10 th month 1690 John Blunston Delivered a Deed of Efeof ment in open Court being the attorney of Edward Peerson, unto William Gregory for one hundred acers of Land or there aboutes Lying in Darby bearing date the twenty Second of y e ninth month 1690 John Blunston Delivered a Deed of Conveance unto Joshua ffearne for y e use of Henry Gibins in open Court for nine acers of Land Lying in Darby y e s d Joshua being attorney for y e s d Gibins bearing date y e 4 th day of y e 10 th month 1690 Adam Roads being attorney to Thomas W r orth Delivered a Deed in open Court unto Joshua ffearne for y e use of Henry Gibins for three acers of Land Lying in Darby y e s d Joshua being attorney to y e s d Gibins it bearing date y e fourth of y e 10 th month 1690 John Wood DeLivered A Deed of Efeofment in open Court unto Joshua ffearne for y e use of John Ellott for one Hundred Acers of Land Lying in Darby y e s d Joshua being attorney to y e s d Ellott bearing date y e 1 th of December 1690 Ordered that John Neeles be supervisor for Aston the yeare insuing The Court Adjornes untill the second Third day in y e 2 th month next Att an Orphans Courtt held] John Simcock president att Chester for the County of Chester the the first third day in the first month 1690/1 John Bristow John Blunston Justices Nicolas NewLinc - present Samuell Levis Geo: fforman sheriff Joshua ffearne Gierke CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 229 Joseph Taylor Exhibited a petition to the Court and the Court Considered the same but the trusstee having given in his accounts the Last Courtt and the Co r t being satisied therewith will not medle any further. Except any new matter shall appeare before them ; and then hee shall bee heard Robert pile and Jacob Chandler appeared according to the Last Co r ts order and brought an account of the sum of the inventory and of debts and an accountt of the devistion of the Estate belonging to the Orphans and alsoe a bond for the payment of forty pounds nine shillings and two pence under the hand and seale of Edward Beazer lb s d The inventory amounts to the sum of . . 314 10 8 William Clayton debtor to the Esstate. 017 8 The Steel mill 003 5 Edward Browne debtor to the esstate. . 004 2 9 339 5 9 The debts amounts to 096 7 1 remaines 242 8 8 The widdows thirds amounts to . . . . 080 16 2 remains due among the orphans 162 12 5 To be divided in eight parts each part amounting to . . . . ,..,.. 020 4 1 Edward Beazer exhibited a petition to the Co r t and the Co r t Considered the same and upon a full hearing of the matter it was ordered that the said Edward Beazer be fully Discharged and he is hereby discharged of the Estate of Edward Beazer deceased belonging to his Brothers and Sisters as may appeare by a bond brought in by Robert pile and Jacob Chandler amounting to y e sum of forty pounds nine shillings and two pence John Blunston Samuell Lewis and Joshua ffearne made re- turn to this Co r t according to the Last Co r ts order Concerning the Orphans of William Wood Deceased (vizt) that the have Indevored to Compose the matter Amongst the said Orphans 230 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF and hath brought them to an agreement which said agreement was produced in Co r t under the hands of the said Orphans; the being Contented therewith ; whose shares and parts of the said William Woods Estate amounteth to one hundred and Twenty nine pounds five shillings a peece being three of them (vit) John Johnathan and Susanah Justices present John Blunston President John Simcock John Bristow Nicolas Newlin James Sandelands Samuell Levis Geo: fforman sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke The Court being Called did AJorne untill the afternoone and mett againe according to AdJomnient The Grand Inquest Called and Impaniled Att a Court held att Chester for y e County of Chester y e second third day in y e first month 1691 and held by adJornment tow davs aftter Caleb Pusey Evan prodera Samuell Miles Humphrey Ellis Walter ffossitt John Gibins Joseph Cuckson Edward Cartter Thomas Peerson Joshua Hastins Charles Whitecor William Smith Joseph Wood Samuell Sellers William Woodmansee John Bayles John Neild Philip rumon y e Courtt AdJorned untill the eight hour the next morning The Orphans Co r t was Called and noe business appearing was AdJorned untill the first Third day in the eight month next William Clayton Jeremiah Collitt in an accon of trespas and Ej cement Nathan i kll Thornton Thomas Browne John in an accon of debt pi tr Def dt defered pl tf Def dt 1-withdrawne CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 231 James Sandilands John Smith in an accon of debt James Sandilands Thomas Sidbottom in an accon of Debt John !Nixon John Madock James Sandilands PI" Def dt Uvithdrawne Pltf 1 Defd 1 Uvithdrawne PI* Def d withdrawne PltfTl Edward and Ann Beazer Def dt Uvithdrawne in an accon of debt George forman George Andros upon attachment pi tf Defd 1 ^Continued Geo : fforman Ralph DraCott in an accon of Debt PI" ] Def dt -withdrawne Thomas Rollinson NaTHANIELL LlJKINS in an accon of Debt PI" 1 Def dt -Continued John Hendrickson James Standfield in an accon of Debt Pltf] Def dt J -withdrawne John Worrell Thomas Rollinson pi t« Deff dt Uvithdrawne Thomas Browne John Pltf 1 ffrancts Smith Defd'Uv^drawne in an action of y e Case J The Sheriff made Return of an Execution against Thomas kirke : not to be found. Johanas fTriend was Called and did not appeare Susanah ffriend Called did not apear 232 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Jeremiah Collitt Pl tf fthe PPff and Def dt both ap- Nathaxiell Thornton Def*N peared and the P^ff produced in an accon of Debt [ a bond under y e Def dts owne hand and seale and a bill of Three pounds; all which the Def dt owned. The Declaration was read and y e Def dt put in his plea in writing ye Jury Impaneled John hood Thomas Bradshaw William Garett John Holston William Hauks Thomas Rollinson Juryos Robert vernan John Balwin Thomas vernan Robert Barber James Browne James Standfield we the Juriors finds for y e Pltff the sum of five pounds tenn shillings nine pence due from Interest for the same and tow pence damage with Cost of suite Judgment according to verdite John hood foreman The Court adJorned for two hours and mett againe accord- ing to adJornment Caleb pusey attorney to "] the same Jury as as above Except- Charles ashcom Pl tft John vanculin Def dt in an accon of trespass on y e Case ing Tho : Cross instead of William - hauks the declaration was read but y e Def dt denyeth the declaration and saith that the Land is his owne Thomas Powell attested to y e declaration An order from the Proprietary and Governour under the hand of Philip Leihmaine was read A paper under the hand of Otto Ernescock and Isarell helme was read Otter ernestcock being attested declareth that before this Government Vanculin had a grant of one hundred acres of Land and Ephrim barman was spoaken to for to record it The Jurv finds for the Def dt with Cost of Suite and two CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 233 pence Damage whereupon the Plfl Craved an Apeale to the next Provintiall Court in Law to be held att Chester and it was Granted presentment We present Andrew freind Mordecai Madock & Joseph Wood for taking and bearing away the Indians goods out of there traps to the indangering of the peace and wellfare of y e King and Queons subjects in this province, Jacob Chandler foreman Joseph Wood Mordecai Madock and Andrew fTreind was Called to answer to a presentment of the Grand inquest and was put to there Choice whether y e would Come to try all or travis it ; whereupon the submited themselves to the Court and upon there submission having made satisfaction to the Indians was discharged The names of the constables for the yeare insuing George Churchman for Chester Micaell Blunston for Darby Tho: Jones for Uper providence Richard Bernard for Midle towne ffrancis Yarnall for Springfield Tho : Menshaw for Neither providence Daniell Willimson for Marple Tho: Boweter for Edgment Tho : King for Concord Nicolas pile for Beathell John Baldwin for Aston John Jerman for Radnor Daniell Humphrey for haverford the Court adJorned untill y e seventh houre y e next morning and meet againe A presentment of y e Grand inquest wee of y e Grand inquest doe present the supervisor of y e Towneship of Chester for not mending that mirey place that is next to y e Kings road in y 6 way that Leads to Concord this being y e 3 d time, we alsoe present y e Towneship of Ridley for not Clearing trees and 2'')4 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Loggs that Lyes in y e Kings roade betwixt amors Land and Cruin Creeke Jacob Chandler forman ffrancis Baldingi Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Court unto John Madock for fifty aceres of Land with all the housing and Improvements upon y e same and all its appurtenancis Lying in uper providence bearing date y e Tenth day of y e first month 1600 John Kingsman acknowledged a deed in oppen Court unto Ayre for one hundred aceres of Land and appurtenances Lying in Chichester bearing date y e 10 th Day of ye 1 st month 1601 George fforman attorney to John Wickham acknowledged a deed unto Thomas King for one hundred aceres of Land Lying in Concord bearing date y e 1 st Day of y e 10 th mo 1601 Thomas Vernan Handle vernan and Walter fositt acknowl- edged a deed in oppen Court unto Caleb Pusey for two hundred and fifty aceres of Land Lying in Chester County beareing date The Tenth day of the first month 1601. John Simcock John Bristow and Randle Vernon executors to Thomas Brasie acknowledged a deed in open Court unto Charles Brooks for three parcels of Land Containing Three hundred and Thirty aceres in aston bearing date y e 10 th day of y e first month 1601 John Simcock John Bristow and Randle vernan Executors to Thomas Brasie acknowledged a deed in open Court unto Thomas England for one hundred aceres of Land Lying in y" fork of Chester Creek bearing date the 10 th day of y e first month 1601 William Clayton assigned over a deed in open Court unto William Rowe for one hundred and fifty aceres of Land Lying in Concord bearing date y e 10 th Day of y e 12 th mo 1681 Joseph Richards y e elder acknowledged a deed in open Court unto Nathaniell Richards for one hundred aceres of Land Lying in Chester County bearing date y e 10 th day of y e 1 st mo 1601 John Wood Acknowledged A deed in open Court unto Howell James for five hundred aceres of Land Lying att the uper end of newtowne bearing date y e 10 th day of the first month one Thousand six hundred ninety and one. CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 235 Howell James Acknowledged a deed in open Court unto John Wood for two hundred and fifty aceres of Land Lying" in Edg- ment bearing date y e 10 th day of y e first month 1691 Caleb pusey acknowledged a deed in open Court unto Eliza- beth Eedmeale for Thirty aceres of Land Lying in Midletowne bearing date y e 10 th day of y e first mo 1691 Whereas Complaint hath been made by severall persons of This County for want of an account of tho Levies what hath been paid and who hath paid and who hath received and what the have received upon which the Court hath Called for an account to all the receivers and the was produced and the Countys Charges made up in open Courtt and the severall papers presented to the Grand Inquest to perruse that if pos- sible the may give satisfaction to there neighbors. The Court ordered that the Grand inquest have on Order to Lay out a Convenient Road from Radnor to Chester The Court ordered that the sheriff have an Order for the Gathering of the County Levies that are yet unpaid and that destress bee made of those that refuse to pay after notice given The Court AdJornes until the second Third day in the fourth Month next. A p r sentment of y e Grand Inquest We of the Grand Jury present the want of the mending the bridge on the kings Road over y e trench near the mill alsoe we present the want of mending the bridge over the mill trench by William Woodmanseys. We also p r sent the want of a Convenient Road between the Towne of Radnor and Chester, we alsoe present the want of the road over and on both sides y e run between William Wood- manseys and Larrons roothes to be made Convenientt for a Cartt to pass, we present the want of LeLather searchers in this County according to Law we present the want of fence vewers in the Towne of Aston we present Edward Cartter for absent- ing himselfe from the service of this Grand Jury; wee present George Stoude of Concord for swearing by the name of God on the Third day of this Instant Contrary to the Law of this 236 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Province we present the want of the booke of Laws in this County for the publick service thereof Caleb pusey foreman y e Court AdJoms untill y e second Third day in y e fourth month next Att a Co r t held at Chester for y e County of Chester the 9 th day of y e 4 th mo 1691 After silence was comanded The Comission of y e yeare was read John Simcocke p r sident John Brisstow 1 _ „ „ T . Justices Samuel! Levis > t c j-i a present James SandilandeJ George ffonnan Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke The Grand Inquest was Called and apeared except Joseph Wood who was Excused. William Claytox PPff Jeremia Collitt Def dt in an accon of a Trespas and Ejectment defered the Last Co r t now Called againe was this Co r t offered by John Bristow and John Simcocke to come to Try all by y e Country but Rob 1 Ewre did aledge that There was not A Corrum of Justices to which John Bristow reployed that care should be Taken that Justices should be provided by the Afternoon but Robert Ewre said he was unprovided and desired that the cause might bee bee defered untill y e next Co r t to which the parttys concerned did Agree then to come to Tryall. John Worall prff Edward prithitt Def dt in an accon of Debt The Declaration was read and the bill under the Def dts hand CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 237 for four pounds was read and owned but Defd ls play was that y e p^ff gave him further time than y e bill mentioned Jury John Jerman William Tally Joseph Need Tho: vernon John Hallowell Rob 1 Barber Joseph Richards elder Tho Baldwin Albertt Hendrickson Rob 1 Carter Jacob Hendrickson Jeremiah Collitt y e Jury finds for y e pl'ff five pounds w th Cost of Sute & one peny Damage Judgment according to verditt Cornelious Empson p^ff (The PPfT and Def dt hath Apeared Jeremiah Collitt Def dl J and the Def dt made it Apeare In an accon of Debt [that The prossess was not ex- hibited in time according to Law Therefore the Co r t granted y e Def dl A none suite George fformax pPfT George Andross Def dt upon attachment Continued y e Last Co% Joseph Richards y e Elder Entered A Cavett against his sonn Concerning a parcell of Land The Co r t AdJorned for one houre and a halfe and mett againe according to AdJornment now Called and Continued This Co r t - Continued again Tho Rollinson pPff Nathaniel Lukins Def dt Continued y e Last Cortt and now withdrawne Andrew Lock and Isarell Holme was called and apeared The Charge Against them was killing . of geese to which Isarell Holme did confess that hee did kill one Goose but upon his submission promising never to doe such acts any more was discharged paying there fees Mortton Morttonson exhibited A pittion to y e Co r t and y e Co r t Considered y e same and ordered that it might be returned to y e Grand Inquest that the matter may be accomodated. 238 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Afterwards Isarell Holme was ordered to give securyty to the Sheriff for his apearance the next Co r t to Answer to a Complaint made against him Concerning hogg stalling into whose Custody he was Committed y e return of Radnor Road to Chester The Grand inquest made return of A Roade Laid out from Radnor to Chester Towne the 20 th of y e 2 d mo 1G91 wee of the grand inquest for y e County of Chester in persuance of an order of Co r t bearing date the third of the first mo 1691 having Laid out a Road for y e Township of Radnor begining at a marked black oak standing by the great road from Chester to Marple y e s d oak standing in y e s d Marple Township near John Howells house thence north Easterly Through y e s d Howels Land to Daniell Williamsons Land then Through the s d Williamsons Land near his house to a run near Josias Taylors house then through the s d Taylors Land to William Howells Land then Through the s d Howells Land to the widdow Elis Land, then Through the s d Elis Land to David Morris Land Then Through the s d Morris Land to a black oak with Ten knoches standing thereon then downe the s d Land through a valley Called the dry holew to Darby Creeke then over the s d Creek and through morris lewelins hollow to Evan proderos Land then along y e said Evans land to Thomas Joanes Land then thorrow y e s d Joanes Land to James James Land to a white oak marked with Ten knoches in y e s d James Land then through the said James Land to Richard Miles Land then Through the s d Miles Land to Elis Joans Land then through y e s d Joans to James Moors Land then Through the s d Moors Land to Evan Ollivers Land then through the s d Ollivers Land to William Davis Land in Radnor township then through the s d Davis Land to the high road it being the Corner Stake of the s d Davis and Richard Cooks Land from thence Along the s d road northerly to a black oak marked on foure sides with five knoches a peece standing in the Center CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 239 of y e s d Kadnor township the s d road having trees marked from one End to the other Calleb pusey foreman David Lloyd offered in the behalfe of the Welsh that the was willing to pay according to there proporcons from the time the have been Leagally of this County And after some debate it was agreed and acknowledged by David Lloyd that the Welsh who are reputed to bee within the bounds of Chester County shall Contribute towards paying of the tax, the same being assesed and Levied upon them as upon the upon the Inhabittants of Chester County according to due proporcon and priority of residence and settlement. The Inhabitants of the County of Chester Indemnifying them y e said Welsh from paying in Philadelphia County and be at the Charge of alter- ing the pattents and Deeds which mencon Philadelphia Instead of Chester County provided that such thoro Contrebuton to the said tax shall not bee prejediciall or made use of to debar them of any priveledges that the proprietor is or shall be willing and Capable to grant or Confirme unto them. According to the order of the Governor the Co r t ordered waiter fositt and philip Ruraon for Leather Searchers for this County and Sealers of the Same with the Seale C for Chester The Grand Jury presented the want of a supervisor in Ridley whereupon the ,Co r t ordered John Sharpies to bee supervisor for the year in suing Thomas Coeborne Acknowledged a deed in open Co r t unto ffrancis Balding for one hundred acres of Land Lying in Chester township with y e mesuage and appurtenances, bearing- date the ninth day of y e 4 th month 1691 Thomas Coeborne acknowledged a deed in open Co r t unto his son William Coeborne for one hundred and five acres more or Less with y e housing and plantacon and appurtenances bearing date y e 9 th day of y e 4 th month 1691 Thomas Coeborne acknowledged a Deed in open Co r t unto Joseph Coeborne for one hundred acres of Land more or less with the mill and hous and appurtenances Lying in Chester towneship bearing date y e ninth day of the fourth month 1G91 240 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Thomas Worilaw acknowledged a Deed of setlement in open Co r t unto John Worilaw and Ann his wife for two hundred and fifty Acres of Land with halfe the housing and Improv- ments upon the same Lying in Edgmont bearing date the first day of the seventh month 1691 Joshua Hastings acknowledged a deed in open Co r t unto John Sharpies for fourty acres of Land Lying in neither providence bearing date the 10 th day of y e 4 th mo 1691 George Simcock by his Attorney John hallawell acknowl- edged a Deed in open Court unto John Clewes for fifty acres of Land Lying in Darby bearing date the Eight day of the fourth month 1691 The Sheriff made return of an Execution against Andros ffreind and Johanas nreind att the suite of Petter Dalboe This Execution is satisfied onely nineteen shillings and two pence which was made up by John Bristow and James Sandilands which was ordered to be paid by Andros friend The Sheriff made return of an executon against nathaniell Thornton at the suite of Jeremiah Collitt That the third day of the six month 1691 did Levie the same upon the house and plantacon of the said Thornton which was apraysed by Twelve men of the neibourhood to the sum of Eighteen pounds, the said Thornton having the Corn now growing upon the ground. y e Co r t AdJorned untill y e second Third day in y e seventh month next Hance petters pl'ff Edward Eglinton Def dt i^Withdrawne in an accon of debt Edward Eglinton pPff Hance petterson Def dt J-withdrawne in an accon on ye Case Albert Hendrickson pFff 1 Ann ffriend Def dt rwithdrawne In an accon of Debt CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 241 Att A for y e y e 6 th Co r t held att Chester County of Chester day of y e 8 th mo 1691 John Simcocke p r sident John Blunston John Bristow W m Jenkins Justices Geo: Maris p r sent James Sandilands Samuell Levis George fforman Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke The Co r t was called and Silence was Commanded and y° Grand Jury was called Over. The accon of George fforman prrr and George Andross Def dt which have been depending these Three Co r ts was now called and y e Declaracon was read wherein y e pPff declareth for Eleven pounds Ten Shillings and Three pence upon balance of accts as by accots in Co r t pro- duced doth appear And y e pPff was attested to his accots and then Craved Judgment against y e Def dt And y e Co r t Granted y e same John Nixson prrr* J the accon was called y e pl l ff and Def dt John Madock Def dt \ Appeared and Def dt Aledged that he had noe declaracon and Therefore Craved a none Suite, and ye Court Granted the Same Joseph Richards pPff J The accon was called y e pFff and Kichard Crossbey Def dt \ Def dt Appeared and the Def dt aledged that he had noe declara- tion and Therefore craved a none suite and y e Co r t Granted it. The accon was called y e pPffs ap- peared y e Def dt did not appear y 9 declaration was read and a bill of „ Two pounds thirteen shillings pro- duced upon which y e Co r t Granted Judgment upon y e whole paying y e Co r t Charges Edward Joneings & James Chiffors pl l ff Joseph Hickman Def dt upon attachment 242 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF This Co r t AdJorncd until] y e fourth hour in y e after noone and mett againe according to AJornment The Orphans Co r t was called and adJorned untill y e next day Tho Bright pl'tr Richard Bufixgton Def dt pvith Drawn a Replevey J William Clayton pl'ff This accon being called y e pl l f Jeremiah Collitt Def dt appeared by his attorneys Charles in an accon of Trespas Pickering and John White and and Ejectment defered y e Def dt s appeared. David Lloyd y e Last Co r t in y e behalfe of y e Governour and alsoe y e executor of Tho Brasie and it was defered untill y e next morning. The next morning y e afores d accon was called againe and y e declaracon was read And y e matter being Largely debated concerning y e way of Ejectment and the Courtt questoning the safty of proseeding in that way and maner Therefore the Court by y e majority of voyses doe put by this accon desireing y e ptys concerned to come to tryall according to y e Constitucon of this Government and the shall bee fairly heard y e Co r t AdJorned untill y e 8 th hour y e next morning and mett againe according to adJornment Philip Lambert was Bound over to Co r t upon ye susspition of stealling goods from James Browne and William Clayton but nothing being fully proved against him he was discharged by y e Co r t paying his fees David Lloyd prff ) The accon was called y e Def dt James Saxdilaxds Def d, J aledged that y e pl*ff hath not paid y e fees of y e former Courtt and it was refered to y e Co r t by both ptys to deside y e difference which Co r t ordered That David Lloyd shall pay y e officers fees of y e former Co r t and if any Charges was Created by witneses or any other wayes y e l)ef dt shall pay them liimselfe Therefore y e proseed in order CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 243 to tryall; y e Declaracon was read the Def dt Aledged that he had no sivmons ; the prrT answered that there was a declaration in time and noe need of a snmons because y e person is A Magistrate; y e Def dt Acknowledged to y e Declaracon but being not sumoned Craved a none suite ; and after y e matter Largely debated y e Co r t Granted the same. John Mxson attended y e Co r t for to pass a deed to John Parker but y e s d parker appeared not to receive y e same David Lloyd being Bound for y e appearance of Edward Eglinton att this Co r t accordingly brought y e s d Eglinton into open Co r t and there delivered him into Cusstidoy of y e Corronor Micha thomas pl'ff 1 The Def dt Confesst Judgment for George forman Def dt J y e debt and Cost of suite George fforman prrT } T run«;j ^ -r, ^ i , x- t V Petty Jury was Called Edward Eglinton 1 Del 1 - J { J / ,_ > and attested and John Madockej J Juriors Randle Mallin Robert Burrow Tho : Minshaw Bartho Coppocke The declareacon was read wherein y Thirty pounds and y e Defd 1 plea is that y e have satisfied y e debt. Evidences "y e Jury finds for y e Def dt with Cost of suite and T w o pound damage John Wood fore- man y e Grand Jury p'sentm* we of y e Grand Jury p r sent Joseph Wood for that he on y* 1G Robert Taylor Tho : vernon Randle vernon Robert vernon John Hood Tho: Hood W m Garrett John Smith prrr" declaress for John Child Charles pickering Joseph Richards Roger Jackson David Lloyd William Tally The pl*ff Craved an appeall to ye next provincsiall Co r t in Law and the Co r t Granted y e same 244 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF 20 th of y e 2 d mo Last did absent liimselfe forom y e service of y e Grand Jury we also p r sent Humphrey Ellis for absenting himself from the service of y e Grand Jury this Co r t we alsoe p r sent Thomas Garrett for absenting liimselfe from the service of y e Grand Jury this Co r t we alsoe p r sent Joseph Cuxson for absenting liimselfe from the service of y e Grand Jury on y e 20 th of y e 2 d month Last we also psent William Smith for absenting liimselfe from y 9 service of y e Grand Jury on y e 20 th of y e 2 d month Last we also psent Henry Barnes Joyner of this County for that about midnight Last he did sweare severall oaths Contrary to y e good and wholsome Laws of this province in that case made and provided Caleb pusey foreman we of y e Grand Jury psent Kichard parker Caleb pusey Robertt Molder George fforman James Sandilands John Hoskins Roger Jackson for selling of beare &c without Licence Contrary to Law we alsoe psent Edward Eglinton for Breaking of y e stocks in the Towne of Chester and unlawfully Leting out a prissoner against y e peace of the King and Queen &c Caleb pusey foreman Whereas y e Supervisor of y e Township of Chester made psentment of severall persons that have neglected their ser- vice at high ways and that some oppossed y e mending of y e Bridge over y e Trench that Carrys the watter to the Mill and y e Co r t Considering y e same ordered that y e owners of y e s d mill shall repaire and uphold y e bridg at y e Mill over y e Trench and that y e Township shall Repaire and uphold y e Bridg that is over y e Trench that Leads to William Wood- mansies. William Hauks appointed Supervissor for y e Towneship of Chichester for y e year insuing The want of a prisson having been psented by y e Grand Jury it was this Co r t debated Concerning y e Building of a new prisson and worke house for fellons and it was Agreed CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 245 by y e Co r t that one should be builded Eighteene foot and Twenty six foot all Builded of stone and John Brisstow and James Sandilands are intrusted and Impowered by y e Co r t as near as y e can to compute y e Charges and make return of y e same at y e next County Co r t Whereas There was Complaint made to y e Co r t Concerning a way to y e Landing at Calinhooke y e Inhabittants there being at diferance about it; to end y e diferance and to accomadate y e Countrys Convenience The Co r t ordered the Grand Jury to Lay out A Road and make return of y e Same att y e next County Co r t The Orphans Co r t was Called againe : and John Child made complaint concerning the Orphans of John Brunsdone ; where- upon y e Co r t Ordered that his widdow shall bring in to y e next Co r t an Inventory of y e Goods and Chatties of her deceased husband for as much as as y e Estate of Georg Gleaves being insuf- ficient for y e bringing up of his Children and That it doth appear to this Co r t that it was his desire that these p r sons hereafter menconed should have y e bringing up of them & being uncapable to mentaine themselves; Therefore y e afores d Co r t as father of the poore in this Case have placed and put forth John Gleaves unto Bartholomew Copocke y e Elder to serve until he be of y e age of twenty two years; And pheby Gleaves unt Bartholomew Coppocke y e yonger for y e Terme afores d Hester Gleaves brought an appraysment of her Estate ap- praysed by Handle vernon Robt vernon Randle Matin being shee intendeth to marry againe: And y e Co r t Ordered John Blunston George Maris and Samuell Levis; and Caleb pusey to bee assistant unto them in y e deviding of y e afores d estate w ch was y e Estate of Joseph Powell deceased according to y e will of y e deceased; And whereas y e Estate of y e deceased is made y e worss by a Latter husband Geo: Gleaves by debts and other ways The Co r t doth Order that y e Land shall remaine 240 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF to the Widdow and Children and not to be dissposed of but by y e advoyce of y e Orphans Co r t This CVt doth Adjorn untill y e l Et 3 d day in y e l Et mo next Woley Rawson acknowledged a Deed in oppen Co r t to Nathaniel Lamplue for a parcell of swamppey Land Lying- in Chichester bearing date y e 6 th of y e 1 st month 1688 Thomas Merscor Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Co r t to Joseph Cowbume for halfe an acre of Land Lying in Aston bearing date y e 7 th day of y e Eight month 1691 John Wood by his Attorney John Blunston acknowledged a deed in oppen Co r t unto Robert penall for Two hundred and fifty acres of Land and p r mises Lying in Edgment bearing date y e second day of y e Third month 1691 Ann Bunting Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Co r t unto Samuell sellers for seventy five acres and a halfe Lying in y e Township of Darby bearing date the first day of y e Seventh month 1691. petter Thomas acknowledged a Deed in oppen Co r t unto John Parker for fifty Acres of Land and p r mises Lying in Spring towne bearing date y e 6 th day of the Eight month 1691 Joseph Richards y e yonger Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Co r t unto Edward Cartter for Two hundred & fifty Acres of Land one hundred and fifty Lying in aston the s d Land being for years bearing date y e 9 th day of y e 4 th month 1691 Ann freind Andrew fTreind and John ffreind acknowledged a Deed in oppen Co r t unto David Lloyd for one hundred and Eighty Three Acres of Land Lying in Upland w th all y e housing and Improvements upon y e same bearing date the 27 th day of y e Third month 1689 John Simcocke John Bristow and Randle vernan Executo r s to Thomas Brasie Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Co r t unto David Lloyd for a parcell of over-plus Land Lying in Ches tr bearing Date y e 6 th day of y e 6 th month 1691 Isaac Whelden by his Attorney Joseph Xeed Acknowledged a Deed unto Samuell Levis for one hundred Acres of Land CHESTER COUNTY, PENXSYLVANIA 24:7 Lying in y e Township of Darby bearing date y e Eighteenth day of y e first month 1691 Harman Johnson Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Co r t unto Joseph Wood for fifty Acres of Land Lying in y e Township of Darby bearing date y e 6 th day of y e 8 th month 1691 Joseph Wood Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Co r t unto Otter Ernest Cocke for y e aboves d fifty Acres of Land bearing date y e 7 th day of the Eight month 1691 Joseph Wood Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Co r t unto Andrew Bone for seventy Acres of Land Lying in Darby bearing date y e first Day of June 1691 Otter Earnest Cocke Acknowledged a deed in Open Court unto Joseph Wood for sixty Acres of Land Lying in Darby bearing date y e Seventh Day of October 1691 Andrew Bone Acknowledged a deed in open Co r t unto Joseph Wood for fifty acres of Land Lying in Darby bearing date y e 6 th day of October 1691 Att A Co r t held att Chester for y e County of Chester y e 8 th and 9 th Dayes of y e 10 Mo 1691 Justices p r sent John Bristow p r sident John Simcocke John Blunston George Maris William Jenkin James Sandilands Geo: fforman Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke the Justices was called over Samuell Levis did not appear The Grand Jury was called over severall did not appeare but afterwards appeared Except Evan prodra & Joseph Wood The Constables was called over severall did not appeare which afterwards did appeare p r sentmt the Constable of Darby presents that he found a bad peece of Eight in y e hand of Thomas fox who being Examined said he had it of Charles Whitticor 248 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF John Nixson pPfT John M addock Def dt in an accon of debt on award John Child appeared as attorney to y e prff the Def dt appeared in his owne person Refered untill y e next morning Abraham Inloe pl'tYs! in an accon of Debt after some Cornelious Derickson >■ debate defered untill y e next Anthony Nelson D" J morning David Lloyd pl*ff 1 y e pl 4 ff and Def dt was called James Sandilands Def dt J and both appeared The Corronors Jury was called and the declaracon was read the Def dt Denyes y e declaration and puts the prff upon y e proofe of it The Jury Impanelled and attested Edmond Cartlidge Robert Taylor John Smith Bartho: Coppock Eld r Tho : Coates Isaac Taylor Tho: Worth John Hallawell Rich : Parker John Hood fTrancis Yarnall francis Chadsey The p^ff produced a pattent which was read bearing date in 1669 and severall other papers was read, y e Def dt produced four pattents and three paper Evidences and y e old draught of Upland. Anthony Nelson being attested s d as to y e bounds of y e Land of Neals Lawsons westerly came to the side of the backstow and forther saith not William Woodmansie being attested saith he tooke y e Land that James Sandilands now claimeth of Isarell Helme and coming to see the bounds of the Land the said that y e run parted the Land in question and soe Long as he Lived upon it there was never noe alteracon of noe fences but ISTeales Law- sons Lads took away some of the fencing but soone brought the same againe John Bailes being attested saith he plowed the Land four- teene years agoe as to the fence it is in the same place it was CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 249 then and that Neiles Lawson told him severall times that att the Cherry tree at the side of the backstow was the bounds of his Land and the fence then seemed to be an old fence and further saith not, The Jury finds for the Def dt with Cost of Suite and two pence Damage Judgment was given according to verdite upon which y e pl'ff Craved an apeale to the next provintiall Co r t in Law which was granted paying all Cost and Charges ac- cording to Law if againe Cast. Mary Boules plfT Alexander deverick Def d l in an accon of trespas on y e Case Johnathan Kay Albert hendrickson Eobert Barber Handle vernan petter Taylor Tho: powell the pl l ff and Defd 1 both apeared y e dec- laration was red the Def 1 put in his plea in writing Jury attested John Worell William Cloud Samuell Holt Will: Talley Joseph Richardsson peetter peeterson The Jury finds for y e plaintiff with Cost of suite and two pence Damage Judgment given according to verdite p r sented Greetto y e wife of Harman Johnson was bound over to this Co r t for inticeing the !N"egeros Belonging to James Sandilands to Conveay good from there Master and shee Received them but shee promising to bee of better behaviour the said James Sandilands did forgive hir ; and upon her submision and solomn promiss to the Co r t to doe soe noe more shee was discharged paying hir fees. John Nixson pl*ff ] was called againe y e pl'ff apeared by John Madock Def d l J his attorney John Child and Excepted of by the Co r t and y e s d Child doth oblidge himselfe to stand and abide to the Judgment of the S d Co r t 250 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF The Dcclaracon was read and the Defd t3 Answer was that he owed nothing to the pl'ff The bond and Award was read And y e same Jury attested as in The afores d accon The Jury finds for y e pPff w tt Cost of Suite and one peny Damage The Co r t Granted Judgment according to y e verdite The Co r t adJorned untill y e seventh hour y e next morning and mett againe ordered by this Co r t that the sheriff Repaire to Radnor and Haverford with some Assistance to Colectt y e Levies according to y e time of Comencement forthwith to the End that y e accounts may be made up to y e satisfaction of the County in Generall and to make a true Returne thereof at the next County Co r t A petition Exhibited to this Co r t by severall of y e In- habittants in and about Thomebery for a Cart way to Chester and y e Co r t Considering of y e same; Ordered The Clerke to send an order to y e Grand Inquest to Lay out a Convenient Road from y e Towne of Thornbery to Chester Called again and pPffs and Defd 1 Abraham Ixloe Cornelius Dericksox pl'ffs -* Axthony ^Nelson Def d both apeared The same Jury as before Except ffrancis Chadsey Jnstead of William Cloud The Declaraeon was read; the Defd t3 answer was that he had Dealing with Epharim barman and if this be a debt to him he doth not deny it ; The Jury finds for y e pltffs Three hundred and nine Gilders & two stivers with Cost of suite and two pence damage The Co r t gave Judgment according to verdite Chester y e 9 th of y e 10 th mo 1691 y e Grand Jury 3 p r sentm t3 We the Grand Jury p r sent Margeritt Alias Gretto Johnson wife of Harman Johnson husbandman Late of Chester for that y e s d Greeto Johnson did since Chester faire Last fellonv- ously Receive of Tobey Negro of James Sandilands one Bushell of wheat meale and alsoe two Bushels of wheate and some Candles it being y e proper goods of James Sandilands Contrary CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 251 to y e good and wholsom Laws of this province in that case made and provided. Caleb pusey foreman Wee of the Grand Jury doe find great Cause to present y 9 matter to This Co r t as a great greivance to y e County and a great discoriagement to those that have been or may bee aettive for y e future in Catching of woulfes Caleb pusey foreman Chester 8 th of y e 10 th mo 1691 We of y e Grand Jury present Charles Whitecor husband- man of the Towneship of Ridley for that he about Chester faire Last as alsoe about as alsoe about y e begining of y e seventh Month Last did disperse and pay away ffrauddulently base false and Counter Coyne in this province to y e great nusanee thereof Caleb pusey foreman Wee of y e Grand Jury doe present Richard Thomson of Havorford for That about fifteene monthes since hee did Con- fess That hee made of one peece of Eight a dozen bites and passed them away and alsoe made Stamps for others ; Contrary to Law in that Case made and provided Caleb pusey ff ore man Wee of y e Grand Jury for y e County of Chester in persuance to an order of Co r t bearing date y e 14 th of f 8 th month 1601 ; for to Lay out a Convenient Road from y e kings Road in Darby Towneship to y e Landing place at Calin hook in y* Comity afores d and to End y e difference about some peare trees soposed to bee in y e road now wee having been at y e s d place and carefully and deliberatly considered y e s d matter have unanimously Agreed as followeth (viz) The s d Road to begin at a corner stone near to an ash tree by y e Creek side at y 9 bottom of Mortton Morttonsons Orchard; then on a stright Line four perches to another comer stone being at y e Lower corner of s d Morttons Orchard then continuing a stright Line Eleven perches and seven foot to a corner stone near y e uper End of y e s d . orchard which s d stone standeth in y e outtermost straight Line Menconed in Mounce pettersons. Deed from Andrew Swanson Bono ; Then continuing a Line at Thirty two 252 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF foot distance The end of y e s d Mortons house being Built be- fore y e s d road was agreed upon Standing about six foot in y e s d Eoad Excepted from y e s d mounce pettersons fence to y° end thereof; Then still continuing y e s d Line about six foot w th in y e s d Morttons Land to y e end of his fence still continuing y e s d Line through y e woods to a tree with notches by y e road Agreed on among themselves to Darby : Then along y e severall corses of y e s d road to y e kings road at y e Eastennost corner of Thomas foxes fence; Then turning westerly at Thirty two foot distance from The afores d Line back againe on y e s d severall Courses still continuing Thirty Two foot distance y e s d Morttons house End Excepted ; as af ores d ; to y e cross way near y e s d Morttons house; then upon a streight Line cross y e s d way to a corner Stone standing at y e corner of y e s d Mounce pettersons fence being alsoe y e comer of y e s d cross road ; from thence downe in a streight Line Eleven perches and 10 foot to another Corner stone standing by y e s d mounce pettersons fence side making here y e road 32 foot from y e afores d stone -at y e Lower corner of y e s d morttons orchard then down y e s d Mounce pettersons fence 5 perches & 2 foot to a corner stone standing by y e Criple side & near y e corner of y e s d Mounces fence from which s d stone to y e first mentioned stone it is six perches & two foot broad Caleb pusey fioreman A Deed pased from William Cloud y e Elder to Robert Mackee for one Hundred Acres of Land Lying on a Branch of ISTamans Creek with y e buildings and improvements upon y e same bearing date y e seventh day of y e Tenth month 1691 John Simcocke Acknowledged a Deed in open Court to Thomas Browne for forty Eight acres of Land Lying in Ridley Towneship bearing date y e 8 th of y e 10 th month 1691 This Court AdJorned untill y e second Third day in y e first month next CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 253 Att a Court held at Chester y e 8 th day of y e first month 1691/2 •Justices p r sent John Bristow p r sident John Simcocke John Blunston George Maris Samuell Levis George fforman Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke After proclaimation was made and silence Comanded the Justices of y e peace was Called over James Sandilands and William Jenkin did not appeare The old Constables was called and appeared & gave in theire presentments that all was well and was discharged and others Chosen in their Roome as followeth (viz) y e names of y e Constables for y e year Insuing ffrancis Litle for Chester John Bartram for Darby William Malin for uper providence George Smedley for Midletowne Joseph Kent for Springfield Bobertt vernan for neither providence Josiah Taylor for Marple John Holston for Edgmont William Rowe for Concord Nathaniell Richards for Aston Henry Lewis for harford Isaac Taylor for Thornbery Walter Martin for Chichester Ringnear petterson for Ridley Samuel Scott for Burmingham Robert Ewre & Elizabeth his wife PPffs Against John Simcock John Bristow and Randle vernon Defd 1 in an accon of y e Case The Accon was called and the Pltffs did not appear & was refered untill y e after noone 254 RECORD OF THE COURTS Or A new Grand Jury Impanilled Tho: Coeborne Thomas vernan Bartholomew Coppock Jun r Handle vernan Petter Taylor Richard Amies David Ogdon Tho: Minshaw David Evans John Kingsman Will : Swaf ord George Peeree Geo Woodyer Rich: Bernerd John Lewis John Sharpies Rich: Woodward being- sumoned to serve of John kirke James swaford y e Grand jury did not ap- John Marshall John Howell pear and was fined 10 s p r Tho : Coats man excepting John Lewis of whom satisfacon was given to y e Co r t and he was Excused The Accon of Robertt Ewer was called againe in y e after noone And John White and Charles Pickering appeared as At- torneys for Robert Ewer And Patrick Robinson and David Lloyd as Attorneys for y e Governo 1- and y e Executo r s of Thomas Brasie John Simcoeke John Britsow and Randle vernan The declaracon was read and y e Defd t3 Answer was y° Declaracon was not Leagall nor substantiall nor sufishent in Law to be Answered unto And after a great debate Concern- ing y e Leagallness and unLeagallness of y e Declaracon it was Refered to y e Court and y e Defd 1 Craved a none suite and y e Court Considering y e same being but Just a Corrum y e Ma- jority of which granted a none suite for that the Declaracon was Insofitient Thomas Browne Supervisor for y e Township of Ridley for y e year Insuing William Brinton Acknowledged a Deed in open Court to John Davis for fifty Acres of Land Lying in Burmingham bearing date y e 10 th day of the first month 1690 y e Grand Jury p r sentment y e 8 th of y e 1 st mo 109 1/2 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 255 we of y e Grand Inquest present Charles Pickering and James Standfield for that since y e Last Co r t the did hunt take up and detaine for about Twenty four hours the swine of Daniell Humphreys and Humphrey Ellis to y e number about seven or eight : against y e Laws of this province in that case made and provided Caleb pusey forman William Cloud Acknowledged a Deed in open Co r t unto Joseph Cloud and John Cloud for Two hundred Acres of Land Lying in Chester County with all y e Buildings and Im- provements on y e same bearing Date y e 8 th day of the 10 th month 1691 An Assignment of y e same Deed from John Cloud to Joseph Cloud was Acknowledged in open Co r t bearing date y e 7 th day of y e l gt month 1691/2 John Blunston Acknowledged a Deed in Open Court unto John Roads for fifty Acres of Land Lying in Darby bearing date y e 2 d day of y e 1 st mo 1691/2 John Mendinghall Acknowledged a Deed in Open Court unto George Maris for all his Land Lying in Concord with all y e Buildings and Improvements upon y e same at his decease bearing date y e 8 th day of y e 1 st mo 1691/2 John ffox & Thomas England acknowledged a Deed in Open Court unto Robert Langum for Seventy Acres of Land Lying- in Midletowne bearing date y e Eight day of y e first month 1691/2 frrancis Cooke by Michaell Blunston his Attorney Assigned over an assignment of a Deed unto John Blunston for one hundred Acres of Land Lying in Darby near to y e Landing y e Deed bearing date y e Last of November 1681 and y e assign- ment to francis Cooke bearing date y e 8 th of June 1683 and this assignment bearing date y e 29 th of y e 11 th mo 1691 Thomas Hood Acknowledged a Deed in Open Co r t by his Attorney John Blunston unto John Hood for fifty Acres of Land Lying in y e Towneship of Darby on the west side of Darby Creek bearing date y e Eight day of y e first month 1692 256 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF The Sheriff made return of an Execucon against Alexander Deue ricks not to be found James Browne Assigned a Deed over in open Co r t unto Robert Jef reis for for sixty Acres of Land Lying in Chichester bearing date y e 8 th day of march 1691 John Roads Acknowledged a Deed in open Courtt by John Blunston his Attorney unto Lewis David for one hundred Acres of Land Lying in y e Towneship of Darby bearing date y e second day of y e first month 1691/2 Richard Tucker Acknowledged a Deed in open Courtt by John Smith his Attorney unto Thomas Smith for one hundred Acres of Land Ly in y e Towneship of Darby bearing date y e fifteenth of y e second month 1691/2 Elizabeth Musgrove Acknowledged a Deed in open Court unto John fox for one hundred acres of Land Lying in Midle- towne bearing date y e Eight day of y e first month 1691/2 The sheriff made return of an Execucon against John Mad- dock not to be found y e Co r t Adjorned untill y e 2 d 3 d day in y e 4 th month next The orphans Court was called and an Inventory of y e goods & Chattels of Thomas Brasie deceased presented to this Court to bee Entered & Recorded as f olio wet h — An Inventory of y 9 goods and Chatles rights & Credits of Thomas Brasie deceased taken and Appraysed by Caleb pusey & Thomas vernan y e 29 th of y e 7 th mo 1690 lb s d Imprimis his wearing apparell 6 00 00 to plate butons 1 00 00 to a silver wach 3 10 00 to 1 paire of Iron racks 1 00 00 to a Steel Mil 08 00 to 1 Iron morter & pestill 10 00 to a Baking plate 12 00 to one drawing knife 1 falling axe. ... 04 00 to one grubing axe 1 paire of Chisils & 1 gouge 04 03 to one Inch borer 1 Lesser 1 Gimblitt. 02 06 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 257 04 00 02 09 06 06 06 06 07 10 04 06 14 00 to 1 bull & 1 heafer 4 to 1 sadle & bridle to 1 old cortaine to 1 feather bed & boulster 3 to 1 feather bed & boulster & pillow. . 2 to 1 red rug 1 green 1 yellow 1 ash Collered rug 1 to 3 flaxen sheets & 2 pillow bears. ... 2 09 10 18 00 to one Iron Spindle 1 Coopers ads. to one fro 1 bill hook 1 hamer. . . . to one paire of Iron trouses 1 truoll to 1 Copsa boult & 1 ads. . . . to 23 p Iron 1 Litle frying pan. . . to 1 other frying pan & brandiron. to 1 Iron driping pan 1 Thort saw. to 1 Iron bar 1 Spitt 1 forke 1 paire of tongs 1 Litle pan 1 paire Taylors sheers to 1 warming pan 2 Iron weges more Iron ware 3 stuyrips to 1 Iron pott & hooks 1 brass pot one brass pan & som old brass 1 to 15 d of old pewter 2 to 1 Litle Coper pott 1 Large gun 2 others . . 2 to 1 paire of Iron hanges 2 meale sives . £ to hempen Traises 1 dozen of trenchers one plater & one old bowle to 5 pound of harow tines 1 hour glass to 1 bible in 2 volums to 1 flock bed & boulster & 1 green rug 1 00 00 to 2 paire of boots 1 suit of green Cortaine and valones 1 Case of botles & Lumber .. 1 08 00 to 1 Leather belt 1 cane 1 half e bushell 1 Earthen botle 1 paire of bellows one paile 1 plow share I pick prong. 16 06 10 00 10 00 4 00 s d 07 00 03 06 08 00 09 06 10 00 11 00 03 00 12 00 13 00 05 00 06 00 258 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF to 2 table Cloathes . -ii r • Justices George Maris >■ William Jenkin * Att a Court of quarter Sessions" held at Chester for y e County of Chester y e 13 th day of y e 10 th mo and held by Adjrnment the next day 1692 Caleb Pusey Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke The Grand Jury was called & Thomas Coeborn & Petter Taylor & Richard Bernnard did not appeare but afterwards satisfaction being given to the Court Concerning theire neglectt the was Excused The Constables was called & appeared & gave in their p r sentments all well Except Nathaniell Richards Henry Lewis Sam 11 Scott & Nicholas Pile who was fined five shillings ^p man nicolas Pile and nathaniell Richards afterwards Appeared & gave satisfaction to the Court & was remitted their fines Robertt Turner Adminisf of y e Estate Christipher Taylor Deceased Pltff CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 271 Ag l Ealph & Dorathy ffrettwell & y e heires of Ralph ffret- well Deceased Defd 1 Continued y e Last Court & now called againe the p^ff ap- peared by his attorney The Defendants did not appear; this accon Continued till y e next Courtt y e Co r t Adjorned for two hours & mett againe Thomas withers pl*ff "j This accon Cast out for that the Robert Makee Def d* >■ plaintiff Tooke out his prosess be- upon attachment J fore the money was due According to the date of the Bond John jSTeald Exhibited a petition to this Co r t Concerning a Road Laid out by y e Grand Jury Petter worrall y e yonger was called to y e Bar to Answer to a p r sentment of the Grand Jury y e Last Court the P r sentment was read he pleaded not Gilty & put himselfe upon Tryall y e Jury was Impanielled & Attested Robert vernan John Child Will : Browne John worrell Randle Mealin John Wood ^Tathaniell newlin Michaell Blunston Andrew Jobe Robert Cartter John Bailes Isaac few The Jury finds petter worrell the yonger Gilty of the p r sentm t Con- cerning y e mare Judg- ment Awarded that he pay all Court Charges & be Bound to his good behaviour to all the Kings Leige people for one year y e Court adjorned untill eight y e next morning Joseph Richards James Lownes Roger Jackson Robertt Barber George Simcock Exhibited a petition to this Courtt for a Road in Chester & the Court Considering the same ordered that the Grand Jury forthwith Lay out a road from the Dayall Post straight way to the Road for y e Convenience both of Towne and Countrey amake return thereof this Court The 14 th of y e 10 th mo 1692 272 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF y e Grand Jurys Return of the Road in Chester wee of the Grand Inquest by vertue of the within precept or order vewed the Convenience for the Laying out the Road within menconed doe make our return as followeth as the same road or streett was Layd out by us Begining at the Dyall Post and so runing South Twenty Two degrees west to Low watter marke Then Begining againe at the Dyall Post affores d Thence runing north Twenty two degrees East up to the Kings Road which said road or streett is to Containe Thirtye foot in Breadth and the affores d Dyall Post is to be the western Bounds thereof y e Grand Jurys p r sentment The 14 th of the 10 th mo 1692 wee of the Grand Inquest for the County of Chester doe p r sent petter Worrall the Elder of Marple in y e County aboves d That he about the Seventh month Last did feloniously take away Taned Leather from Owin Magdaniell of the same County Contrary to the Law in That Case made and provided Thomas vernan foreman fThe plaintiff & Defendant was called The pl'ff called Three times and did not Ap- Mathias vanderheden Pl'ff ag Thomas Butterfield Defd 1 in an accon on y e Case [ pear and the Defd 1 appeared and Craved a nonsuite And the Court granted the same Robertt Barber was called to answer to the order of the Last County Courtt for his severall Abuses and appeared and upon his Examination he still persisting in Contempt to the Courtt. The Court fined him Twenty shillings And to be still Bound to his good behaviour to all the Kings Leige people for one year and a day Petter Worrall Elder was called to the Barr to Answer to a p r sentment of the Grand Inquest the p r sentment was read to which he pleaded not Gilty and put him selfe upon Tryall by the Countrey the same Jury Attested as in the Case of Petter Worrall the yonger CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 273 y e 14th of y e 10 th mo 1692 wee of the petty Jury find Petter Worrall the Elder Guilty of stealing Taned Leather John Child fforeman Judgment According to verdite whereupon the said petter Worrall finding himself e Agrived with the verdite of the Jury Craved an appeale to the next provintiall Court in Law And the Court Granted the same paying all Cost and Damage if he bee againe Cast. Charles Pickering Came into Court and Acknowledged himself firmly Bound unto the King & Cheife propriat 1 " in the sum of forty pounds That he the said Petter worrall shall prosecute the said appeale at the next provintiall Courtt and pay all Cost and Damage if he again be cast according to Law Joseph Knight pl l ff ag l rwithdrawne Robert Makee Def d l J Robert Ewer & Elizabeth his wife pPff ag l John Simcock John Bristow & Randle vernon Execute of y e Testament of Thomas Brasie Deceased Def d*s noe body Appeared & soe the Accon fell Y e Grand Jurys Return of y e Road to Thornbury wee of the Grand Inquest the 7 th day of y e 8 th month 1692 by vertue of an order of Courtt have Layed out a Road as followeth Begining at a marked tree by Edward Cartters which was marked by a formmer Grand Jury And so along a Line of marked trees to John Baldwins fence and then by Johns Consent through a Cornner of his feild and so along to a black oak being the Cornner of John Neilds Land and from thence downe to John Neilds feild and by his Consent over a Comer thereof and so through the Creek and up the hill by Gilbertt Williams Barn Thomas vernan foreman wee of the Grand Inquest y e 13 th of y e 10 th Mo 1692 do p r sent Chester & Ridley for want of a bridge in the Kings road near waiter fossits this being the Third time. Thomas vernon, foreman. John Neild Exhibited a petition to the Court Concerning the above said Road 274 RECORD OF THE COUETS OF Thomas Butterfeild Exhibited a petition to this Court his affores d accon George fforman Attorney to nathaniell Lukins Acknowl- edged a Deed in Oppen Conrtt unto John Willis for two hundred & fifty Acres of Land Lying in Burmingham bearing date the 30 th day of y e 7 th month September 1692 ffrancis Litle Acknowledged a Deed of Morgage unto Richard Crossby for one mesuage in the towne of Chester with ap- purtenances bearing date the 10 th day of the 10 th month 1692 Caleb pusey Attorney to Clear Smith William Smith & Mary Smith heirs of William Smith Deceased Acknowledged a Deed of feofment unto Anthony Morgan of Darby for five hundred Acres of Land Lying in y e Township of Darby bearing: date y e 15 th day of y e 8 th month 1692 Anthony Morgan Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Courtt of Efeofment unto Joshua ffearne of Darby for nifty acres of Land Lying in the Township of Darby being part of the aboves d five hundred acres bearing date the 7 th day of y e 10 th month 1692 Anthony Morgan Acknowledged of Efeofment in oppen Court unto Josias Hibard for one hundred Acres of Land Lying in the Township of Darby being part of the aboves d Smiths Land bearing date the 7 th day of y e 10 th month 1692 Anthony Morgan Acknowledged a Deed of Efeofment in Oppen Court unto John Marshall for one hundred & nifty Acres of Land Lying in the Township of Darby be the same more or Less being part of the aboves d Smiths Land bearing date the 7 th day of y e 10 th month 1692 Anthony Morgan Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Court unto Bobcrt Scothorne for nifty Acres of Land Lying in the township of Darby Bearing date the first day of the ninth month 1692 Rees Rotherrow Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Court unto Thomas Rees for one hundred & Twenty acres of Land Lying in the Township of havorford be the same more or Less bearing date y e 12 th day of y e 10 th month 1692 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 275 Thomas Rees by his Attorney Joshua ffearne Acknowledged assignment of the affores d Deed unto William Lewis of haver- ford bearing date the Thirteenth day of y e 10 tb month 1692 Richard Crossby Acknowledged one obligation unto ffrancis Litle for the performance of of y e aboves d morgage bearing date y e 14 th day of y e 10 th Mo 1692 Nathaniell Thornton Acknowledged assignment upon Deed to Roger Smith for ffifty acers of Land Lying in Chichester bearing date the 24 th day of y e 8 th mo 1692 Joshua ffearne Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Court unto his Brother Josias ffearne for one hundred acres of Land Lying in the township of Darby bearing date the Twelfth of the Tenth month 1692 Isaac Warner pl l ff 1 th John Prue Def d*j y e Court adjorned to y e 2 d 3 d day in Eleventh mo next Att a Co r t held at Chester^ for y e County of Chester The 10 th day of y e 11 th Mo 1692 John Bristow "] John Simcock J- Justices p r sent Sam" Leuis J Caleb Pusey Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerk John Hugg of west Jarsey came with a Complaint before Justices Bristow Against William Howard Laborer for goods stolne away from y e s d Hugg of which The s d Justices made Return to this Co r t And the said Howard upon Examination did Confess That the Last Sumer he did Take & Carry away from y e s d John Hugg all the goods which he is now Charged with which Amounteth to the Sum of Eight pounds Seventeene shillings And the Co r t Considering the same ordered That the s d Howard doe pay Thirty five pounds one shilling to y e party wronged And for satisfaction & payment of y e s d sum accord- ing to y e Judgment The said William Howard hath in y e p r sence of the s d Co r t bound himself a Covenant Sarvant unto y e s d John Hugg for y e Term of four years 18 276 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF At a Co r t held at Chester for y e County of Chester The 17 th 18 th & 19 th days of the 11 th month 1692 Justices p'sent John Bristow' John Simcock Sam 11 Levis George Maris. Caleb Pusey Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke William Hawks Exhibited a petition to this Co r t against Robert Makee for a debt due to him for worke done being made Appear before Justices Bristow By suffitient Evidence And y e same Returned to this Co r t with the acco 1 which Amounteth to the sum of 1 — 12 — 6 which s d Acco 1 The Co r t did allow of Chester Court y e 19 th of y e 11 th month 1692 Wee y e Grand Inquest by y e Kings Authority in y e name of y e Propritery doe ^)Sent Elinor Anne of Springfeild for being with Child & having noe husband Thomag veman foreman Chester Court y e 19 th day of y e 11 th month 1692 Wee the Grand Inquest by y e Kings Authority in y e name of y e Pro- priatery doe %?sent Thomas Poe and Sarah Buller for Comitting fornication Thomas vernan Whereas the Grand Jury have Taken into theire Considera- con y e necessity of a prison And of the defraying of y e Charge of y e County have unanimously Agreed to Lay a Levie for y 9 defraying y e s d Charges as followeth viz upon every male white & Black from 16 years to 60; 3 s : Every hundred Acres belonging to p r sons Resident : 3 s : And upon Every hundred Acres belonging to p r sons none Resident 4 s — 6 d And y e Co r t Considering of it Agreed to the same And doth order That forthwith warrants be Isued out to Levie The same in Every Township by the Respective Constables one moity to be paid at or before y e next County Court & y e other moity at or before y e 1 st day of the ninth month following And that the Con- stables shall a townes meeting to make assesment for y e Levie- ing y e same And when an account is taken of males & Lands to return a dublicate of y e same to Chester or Darby where CHESTEE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 277 will be at both places for y e Ease of y e County Justices mett to receive y e same upon y e 13 th day of y e 12 th mo next John Maddock Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Courtt for fifty Acres of Land and housing planttacon & Improvements upon y e same Lying in Neither providence called by y e name of neither cutt bearing date y e 10 th day of y e 11 th mo 1692 At a Courtt held at Chester the 14 th 15 th & 16 th days of the first month 1693 Justices p r sent William Jenkin p r sident John Simcocke John Bristow George Maris John Blunston ^Sam 11 Levis Caleb Pusey Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke After Proclaimation made & silence Comanded by the King and queens Authority & in y e Propriatarys name the Grand Jury was Called over & Appeared, and gave in their present- ment & was discharged And a new Grand Jury Returned by y e sheriff was Impanelled Robert Penall David Larance John Wood William Browne Robertt Cartter Andrew Job Thomas Pow Exhibited a petition to this Courtt The said Thomas pow & Sarah his wife was called to the bar to Answer to a presentment of y e Grand Jury for Counting fornication who submited themselves to the Court And the Court gave Judgment That the said Thomas & Sarah doe stand at the Comon whiping post and for the officer to declare theire offence to the People. And also fines them Twenty shillings and pay y e Courts Charges John Woralow George Peerce Isaac few William Malin John Worrall Thomas Marttin Robert Chamberlin John Turner nathaniell Richards 278 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Robertt Turner Administ' of the Estate Christopher Taylor Deceased a'g Ralph & Dorathy ffretwell & the heires of Ralph ffretwell, Deceased Mathias vanderheyden PPff Thomas Butterfield in an accon on ye Case Defd* The Plaintiff D e- clared for six hun- dred pounds by his Attorney Patrick Robinson the De- fendants not Appear- ing this accon or- dered to be Con- tinued untill the next Court The Plaintiff Declared for forty pounds upon a penall Bond The Defendants an- swer was that he Owed prff Defd ts [nothing to the plaintiff But the Court Considering The same gave Judgment the Defendant shall pay to the Plaintiff seven pounds Twelve shillings but if the s d Defendant shall make good payment of five pounds two shillings the plaintifs Attorney is willing to abate the rest the Defendant paying all Court Charges this Court and the former Court also The Courtt Adjorned for two hours and mett againe accord- ing to Adjornment Richard Bufington PltT Robert Makee Def d' upon attachment William Hawkes Prff ag l Robert Makee Def d l Continued these two Courts Richard Crossby PPfT ag 1 Joseph Richards yonger Def d l . Continued -withdrawne CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 279 Thomas Withers PPff ag 1 Robert Makee Defd 1 [-Continued upon attachment nether PPtT nor defd 1 appeared The Court Adjorned untill eight in y e morning and mett againe Robert Ewre & Elizabeth PI 1 !! his wife John Simcock John Bristow Defd 1 & Randle vernon Execufs of y e Testament of Thomas Brasie Deceased The Accon was called and the Declaration was read Patrick Robinson appeared Attorney for y 9 Defendants And after some debate Concerning y e Declaracon the Defd u Attorney Aledged that the Declaracon was uncertaine as to the day month & yeare of the Deceison therefore Craved an Abatement where upon it was Left to the Court to determin the matter and the Court Considering the same Ordered that the cause shall be brought on to Tryall The Defd l s Attorney desired a Coppy of the Deed of Gift & a Coppy of Govern 1- Penns Letter and hee would com to Tryall & it was granted The Defd's put in their plea in writing The Petty Jury Impanelled and Attested Nathaniell Parks Petter Dix Thomas Minshall ffrancis Chadsey John Mendinghall John Bailes The Plaintiff Craved an Appeal to the next Provintiall Court in Equety which was Granted by the Courtt he paying all Cost and Charges as the Law derects Philip Rumon William Browne Randle Malin Robertt vernon Benjamin Mendinghall Joseph Baker The Jury find for the Defendant with Cost of Suite and two pence Damage. Judgment Accord- in"; to the verdite 280 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF Robert Ewer and Thomas fairman cloth Recognize them- selves Joynty & severally to the Cheeife Proprietory his heires or assignes in the sum of five hundred pounds to prosecute this Appeal at the next provintiall Court to be held at Chester and to pay all Cost & Charges if againe Cast. The Co r t Adjorned to y e morow morning Alexander Devericks Pl^ " a*g Edward & Elizabeth Prichett Defd ts in an accon of Scandell & Defamation The accon was called both PrfT and Defd* Appeared; the Declaration was read wherein the PrfT declareth for fifty pounds Damage The Defd's Answ T er was that the Declaration is a pack of Lyes The petty Jury Impanelled & Attested but after some de- bate Concerning the matter the Defd ts wife could not be there and he wanting his Evidences therefore both partys agreed to Continue this accon untill the next Courtt John Clewes and Elinor Anne now his wife was called to the Bar to Answ y er to a p r sentment of the Grand Jury for Count- ing fornacation; who pleaded Guilty and submited themselves to the Court whereupon the Court gave Judgment that the p r tys shall pay a fine of fifty shillings downe or give good security to the Sheriff to pay it within six months ; and that the s d Elinor shall stand at the Comon whiping post for one quarter of an hour with a paper upon her Breast thus I heare stand for an Example to all others for Comiting the most wicked & notorious sin of ffornacation Whereas the Grand Inquest hath at severall times p r sented the want of a bridge over Ridley Creeke and the same being dangerous and detrementall to the Countrey doe fine the super- voiser of Chester and the supervoisor of Ridly five pounds apeece Ralph Lewis supervoiser for Havorford for y e year Insuing CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 281 The Court Adjorned for two houres Wee of the Grand Inquest for y e County of Chester present Sam 11 Koyes for being drunk and behaveing himselfe disorderly to the breach of the peace on y e 12 th of this Instant being the first day of the weeke in time of worship George Pearce foreman Sam" noyes was called to the Bar to answer to the above sd presentment and being found Guilty the Court fined him Twenty shillings and to pay all Charges and to be bound to his good behaviour untill the next Courtt Andrew Robinson Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Courtt by his Attorney Patrick Robinson unto Daniell Williamson for five hundred Acres of Land Lying in new towne bearing date the 24 th of the 9 th mo 1692 Daniell Williamson Acknowledged a Deed of Morgage unto Patrick Robinson Attorney for Andrew Robinson for y e aboves d p r mises bearing date the 14 th of y e first month 1692/3 the 15 th of y e 1 st mo Robertt Turner by his Attorney Patrick Robinson Acknowl- edged a Deed in oppen Courtt unto George fforeman Attorney for Sam" Carpinter for the two mils at Chester and Imple- ments bearing date the 14 th day of the 7 th month 1692 Sam 11 Carpinter by his Attorney George fforman Acknowl- edged a Deed of Morgage unto Patrick Robinson Attorney for Robertt Turner for the aboves d p r mises bearing date the 15 th day of the first month 1692/3 George Simcock and his wife Susanah Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Court unto Mathew Clemonson for five hundred Acres of Land Lying in Chester County near new towne bear- ing date the 7 th day of y e 12 th month 1692 William weaver Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Courtt unto Humphrey Scarllitt for one hundred & twenty five Acres of Land Lying in Chester County bearing date the Last day of the Twelfth month 1692 William Simson Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Courtt 282 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF unto William Swafford for fifty Acres of Land Lying in nether providence bearing date the 14 th day of y e first mo 1692/3 Humphrey Scarlett Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Courtt unto nathaniell Richards for seventy five Acres of Land Lying in Chester County bearing date the second day of the first month 1692 Joshua Hastings Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Courtt unto John Turner for two hundred & seventy Acres of Land Lying in Chester County bearing date the second day of the first month 1692 Joshua Hastings Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Courtt unto John Musgrove for two hundred Acres of Land Lying in Chester County bearing date the second day of y e first month 1692 Charles Brookes Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Courtt unto Tho : England for one hundred Acres of Land Lying in Chester County bearing date the second day of the first month 1692. Thomas Hood Acknowledged a Deed in oppen Courtt unto George Thomas for one hundred Acres of Land Lying in Newtowne bearing date the Thirteenth day of the first month 1692 William Trotter by his Attorney Sam 11 Levis Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Court unto Christopher Spray for fifty Acres of Land Lying in Darby bearing date the 12 th day of y e 10 th mo 1692 Thomas Pow Exhibited a Petition to this Courtt to which the gave noe answer. John Hanam & John Palmer Exhibited a Petition to this Court a*g Robert Eyrs formerly Clerke of this Court for demanding fees of them sayin there is none due; And the Courtt Considering the same found that there was fees due and ordered that Execution shall goe forth against them if the will not pay without There being a high way Layd out by y e Grand Jury Leading to thornbery and a Return made thereof and entered the Last Courtt but severall of the neighbourhood being dissatisfied CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 283 therewith did petition this Court that the might have it Layd out more Conveniently unto which the Court gave way where- upon the make return to this Court that it shall goe through John Neilds feild by the Creeke And soe by a straight Line up the land of the orphans of John Dut ton as it was marked as wee went along to the uper side of John Baldwins feild And hee to take downe two or three pannels of his fence and a slant to the Lyne and Along Baldwins Lyne about 20 perches and then as its marked to the old road. This maketh voyd the former Entrey by order of this Court. John Parker supervoisor for Ridley for the year Insuing Richard Bernent supervoisor for Midletowne for the year Insuing Thomas Masey supervoissor for Marple for y e year Insuing Joseph Richards supervoisor for Aston for the year Insuing Edmond Cartlidge & Richard Bonsall supervoisors for Darby for y e year Insuing Wee of the Grand Inquest for the County of Chester held the 14 th day of the first month 1692 doe present James Lownes and Susanah for f ornacation Thomas Cowborn foreman The orphans Court having been called and Adjorned to this time was called againe Ad Caleb pusey in the behalfe of the widdow Routh desired of the s d Courtt that she might sell fifty Acres of Land for the bringing up of her Children And the Court Considering y e same thought it Reasonable that it should be soe And Advoysed that she .Apply her selfe to the Governo 1 " and Counsell for their Approbation in the Case. The orphans of James Sandilands made Choyse of their Gardians Christian Sandilands came into Court and there oppenly made Choise of George fforman & Jasper yeates her Brothers in Law to be her Gardians and next frreinds the performing what the Law in that Case Requires Mary Sandilands Came into Courtt and there oppenly made Choise of George forman to bee her Gardian and next ffreind hee performing what the Law in that Case Requires 284 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF James Sandilands son of James Sandilands Deceased Came into Co r t And Oppenly made Choise of George fforman & Jasper Yeates his Brothers in Law to bee his Gardians and next ffriend the performing what the Law Requires in that Case The overseress of the Estate of James Sandilands Deceased came into Court and desired in the behalfe of Jonass and Lidia orphans of the Deceased That According as the Law Requires the Execut rs of the Deceased shall give sufitient se- curity for the Estate of the s d Orphans; and Petter Bainton being sucksesor of the Deceased who denyed to give security; But the Court upon Consideration thought Convenient to defer the matter untill the next Court at which time further care will be taken Concerning them And that the s d Petter Bainton be sumoned in to the next Court this orphans Court adjorned to y e 18 th day of y e 2 d mo next William Edwards Constable of Midle towne Thomas Menshall Constable of nether providence John Bartram Constable of Darby Petter Worrell Constable of Marple Richard Hayes Constable of Havarford Thomas Worrelow Constable of Edgmont Thomas Garratt Constable of Beathell Joseph Coeburn Constable of Chester Randle Malin Constable of upper providence William Browne Constable of Aston Benjamin Mendinghall Constable of Concord Evan Prodra Constable of Radnor The County Court Adjorned to y e 18 th day of y e 2 d month next William Jenkins Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Courtt unto John Ball for Three hundred Acres of Land Lying in the township of havorford bearing date the first day of the first month 1692/3 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 28! Att a Courtt held at Chester for y e County of Chester y e 18 th day of y e second mo 1693 Justices p r sent George Maris president John Simcock John Bristow John Blunston William Jenkins. Caleb Pusey Sheriff Joshua ffearne Clerke After proclaimation made & silence Commanded by y e King & queens Athority & in y e name of y e Propriatary ; the Grand Jury was called over & Appeared Alexander Devericks plfp Edward & Elizabeth pritchett Defd ts in an accon of slander and formation The plaintiff was called Three times and did not Appear; the Defendant Appeared And Craved a nonsuite; And the Court Granted it him Thomas Withers p^ff a% Robert Makee Def d l upon attachment Con- tinued this 2 d Court Richard Buffington plaintiff a*g ► Robert Makee Defendant upon attachment Con- tinued this 2 d Court William Hawkes pl^f ["The Grand Jury presents the want a*g of a road from the township of Robert Makee Def dt 1 Edgmont to the Limestone And Continued this 3 d Court [from uper providence to the Lime- stone And ffrom newtowne to Ilavorford mill. The Court Considering of the s d presentment, thought it nesesary; And so ordered that the Clerke give them an order to Lay out the same And to make Return thereof at the next Countv Courtt. 286 RECORD OF TIIE COURTS OF George Maris the Elder Acknowledged a Deed in Oppen Courtt unto his son George Maris the yonger for one hundred Acres of Land Lying in Springfeild bearing Date the seven- teenth day of y e second mo 1693 y e Grand Jury return of a road to y e Limestone According to an order of Courtt to us directed wee of the Grand Inquest for the County of Chester do make return of y e roads Laid out by us as followeth Begining at Chester road in Edgment at a marked Black Oak near Joseph Bakers Thence up y e ridge between Chester and Ridley Creek to a marked oake upon the Branch of Ridley Creek Thence over the barrons to a marked white oake on the Limestone hill The Jurys return of a road from new towne to Havorford mill Also begining in new towne at a marked white oake in Richard Bonsalls Land Thence to a marked white Oake in the Line between new towne and Radnor thence to a marked black oake in y e Meddow of Tho: Jones near Darby Creek Thence to a marked white oake near the fence of Evan Prodra thence near Ralph Lewis fence to a marked white oake at the Corner of David Larence fence thence to Havorford mill Geo Pearce foreman this Court Adjorned to the second Third day in y e 4 th mo next Att a Court held Att Chester ffor the County off Chester the 13 th Day of the 4 th month June 1693 M r George fforman on of the counsell M r Peter Bavnt on president Justises present Jeremiah Collett Thomas Weithers Jonathan Hayes _ Thomas Smyth M r Joseph Wood sherif John Childe Clark After proclimation made the Justises Comision being Red they tooke theyr places on the Bench the Clarks comision being Red the Court was Called and AJorned tell the 22 d day of this Instant June 1693 CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 287 1693 County Sesions Att a Court held att Chester" ffor the County of Chester the 22 of this instant June according to A Jornment and a Court of Common Pleas held the 22 and and and part of the 23 Day of the same by AdJornment The laws being Red M r George fforman of the Counsell M r PetterBaynton Jeremiah Collett Thomas Weithers Jonathan Hayes Thomas Smyth president Justices present M r Joseph Wood sherife John Childe Clarke After Proclimation made & silence commanded In theyr Majesties names The Constables was Called and Attested John Hodgkings Constable of the Towne of Chester Joseph Couborn Constable of the same Township Thomas Garratt Constable of Beathell Benjamen Mendinghall of Concord John Hurlbert Constable of Chichester Samuell Scott Constable of Burmingham William Edwards Constable of Middelltowne David Morris Constable of Marple Thomas minshall Constable of neither Providence Richard Hayes Constable of havorford Thomas Worriloe Constable of Edgment Randell Mallin Constable of upper Providence Evan Prodaro Constable of Radner Joseph Stedman Constable of Springfield Richard Woodworth Constable of Thornbury William Browne Constable of Aston Jenkin Griffith Constable of newtowne John Radley Constable of westowne Thomas Bradshaw Constable of Darbye The onld Grand Juery was Called and appeared and brought in theyer presentmen which is the 22 th of the 4 th month 1693. 288 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF wee of the Grand Inquest for the County of Chester Doe Present John Powell of Chester for being Drunke the 13 th of this Instant and ffor swereing of oaths Allso ffor Attempt- ing to Ride over severall Indian women and being with held Drew his knife thretned to rip them up: George Pearce ffore- man where Apon the bench Dismised the Juery with thanks for theyr Care Aboute it whereupon the fforsaid John Powell being before summoned by the sherife by virtue of a summons Dated the 13 of this above s d Instant Appeared before the bench and submiting himselfe wholey to the bench order was that he should be fined to pay 5 s ffor swering and 5 s for being Drunke and pay all Charges and to bring two sufncent men to be bound ffor his good behavior till the next County Court which two persons were Albert Hendrickson and John Beales whoe Did binde theyr selfs Joyntly and severly by theyr Recognicencs In the sum of fourty pounds to this Court for his good behavior towards All the Kings ledge Peopell till the next County Court James Lowns and his now wife shusanah who was formerly present 6 * 1 by the Grand Inquest ffor commiting fornication who was sumoned to Appear to this Court he and his now wife shusana Appear ed and submitted them selves to the bench order was that they pay 10 shillings for A fine and pay the Charges and be Dismised The Grand Inquest that was summoned to Appeare Att this Court weare Called whose names are as folloeth Thomas Couborn Thomas ffox John Hood Richard Bonsall Thomas Powell John Colvert William Hawkes Albert Hendrickson Thomas Worth Edward Beazer Walter Martin Charles Whitaker Isacke Taylor: thornebury George Thomas William Coborne William Collett Isack Taylor John Mendinffhall CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 289 Benjamin Mendinghall Exhibeted A petticion to this Court for a Roade way for the Inhabitants of the upper end of Concord and the Inhabitants of thomburg and thereabouts for a Cart Road to Chester towne the order of Court is that the Grand Inquest shall view the way from Gilbert Wollams land and If they see conveniant to lay it oute to Concord and thornbury and for the Rest of the Inhabitants there away Thomas Couborn Exhibited A petition to the Court for a Roade way by Isack ffews and George Churchmans to com to Chester mill being theyr mark ett for Corn, ordered by the bench that the Grand Juery shall view it and see if it be conveniani they lay it oute. Ree sent of newTowne ordered to be supevisor for this yeare for that Township John Childe Past A Deed of 300 Acres of land lying In westowne to William Cole Bearing date the same Day with the Sesions Phillip Yaenell Plantif Moses Musgeove Defendant in an Acction of scandell and defamation the Plantive and Defendant weare called & both Appearing they Joyne Issue the Petty Juery being Called and Appeared the names of the Petty Juery Impaneled Richard Parker : William mower Thomas Coates: Rogger Smyth Robert Scothern: Thomas Garrett Thomas Collier : Nickolas Pille Richard Buffington : Thomas Baldwin Robert Woodworth: Thomas Brown The Decleration was Red And the Defendants Evidences was Called & Attested: Elizebeth Woodyard being Attested Deposeth that the plantive Philip yarnell came to her ffathers house to the best of her 290 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF knowledge and Asked whether she was a woman and she an- swered she was all one as other women she thought and he said y l he would feele and she said that he should not and he said how should he know whether she was all on as other women If that he did not feele, since she was she that was to be his wife, and then he took her hand being stronger than shee and put Into his Codpise and would have her to feele his members how they went limber or stifer and the Deponant further saith that a nother night he y s d Plantife came to her fathers house and then he Asked her sister Mary for to keepe her up and she said that she would doe what she could to do it and when she the Deponant did see him com in she ran oute into a nother Roome and Cacht hoult on the bed post and he followed her and Cacht hoult of her and lift her on the bed and they lay downe on the bed and she being Awake 3 nights before was very sleepy & she fell asleep and thought she might sleepe neare an hour or there abouts and as she was sleeping shee thought she felt her cloaths to goe up and her feete to move and she Awakeing Asked him how he could be soe wickedly and come from such a good meetting and then she Cryed bitterly And Att last he wept and Asked her for forgivenes and that he would kneele Downe on his beare knees to Aske her forgivenes and she said that she did not Desier any such thinge nor would never have any thinge to Doe with him more and saith further that when she Did Awake she Did happen with her arme to strike him and with her hand unawares she felt his members which Did a fright her very much ■ Jonathan IleyesJ Joseph Wood sherif John Childe Clarke There was A petticion Brought To this Court of the or- phants of William Smyth Against Anthony Morgan The Pettion was Eed: and the Court Considering of the same Requested Joseph Wood to Appeare And speaks To It In behalfe of the said orphants the next orphants Court. This orphants Court orders Henry Hollingsworth To Take Care of and To place oute the orphant of Thomas Longshaw as he see Conveniant Jeremiah Collett Delivered the Estate of the orphants of Joseph Powell that he had In his hands To Caleb Pusye And Alsoe there was fiveteen shillings Allowed To the sheriff and six shillings to the Clarke of thet Esteate of the orhpants. A Jorned to y 6 Court of quarter sessions to be held in y e 7 month next Att A Court held Att Chester! ffor The County of Chester the nineth and 10 th Dayes of March Anno Domi: 1696/7 26 John Simcocke President John Blunstone -Jonathan 1 1 eves Jasper Yeates Joseph Wood sheriff John Childe Clarke Justices Present 404 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF After proclimation made and silence In his Majesties name : The Constables were Calld And Returnd All well and: And new ones Chosen. Joseph Edge Constable of Chester John Ditton for Aishtowne Robert Jeffers for Chichester Richard fTarr for Concord. Peter Dix for Brumingham : Abraham Beakes for Edgmond. James Sharplies for neither Providence John Hendrixson for II . . . The Remainder of the Con- stabls : John Hood Senior ffor Darbye : Henery Hames for Marpoole George lowns for Springfield John Steven for Rad- nor Richard bond for upper Providence Daniell Williamson for new towne David lawrance for haverfoord John Boyater for Middletowne in Roome of Thomas Martin Isaac Taylor for Thornbury: Richard Crosby was Called To Answer to the presentment of the grand Jury the last Court : he Appeared : the present- ment being Red: the Petty Jury were Called and Attested whose names are as followeth Walter Martin John Beales: Henery Hollingsworth : Peter Wood : John Hurlbatt : ABra- ham Beaks : David Lewis : Samuell Milles : Peter Lester : William Huntly Thomas Massey Barthollomew Coppocke Senior The Evidences were Called And Attested: Benjamin Clift Declereth that he hard the fore named Richard Crosby Call John Blunstone one of his Maiesties Justices of the peace of this County Rouge Att the house of James Coopers In Darby And Call the said Coopers kinswoman whore And said that shee had Drunke herselfe Blind & was a Drunken whore : And Alsoe that he Called the said Coopers wife whore and that he Did not Care for such a Sallaways whore Christopher Spray Being Attestd Deposeth that he hard the said Richard Crosby as was presented Call the said Cooper 3 kinswoman whore and Calld the said Coopers wife sallaways whore And that he Called the said John Blunstone A Pittyful sorrowfull ffellow and that he had sold us and now was goeing to Redeeme us Agon : The Jury Brought virdit wee of Travis Jury Doe ffind Richard Crosby Guilty In manner And forme as he Is Inditted: the 9 th of the first month 1696/7: CHESTER COUXTY, PENNSYLVANIA 405 Walter Marten fforeman: Richard Crosby Appeard And submited himselfe To the bench and the Court ordered that he shall pay All the Charges thats Due and be Discharged for this time. Thomas Sidebottom being bound over to this Court Ap- peared And the Court ordered that he pay five shillings for A fine and All the Charges thats Due and be for this time Discharged : Jonathan Taylor: was Called and Apperd and the Court orderd him to pay five shillings for A fine and be Discharged for this Time : Jacob Taylor and his sister Martha Taylor for some mis- demeniours was Brought to this Court and they Acknowledge- ing themselfs In fault and submitting themselves to the mercy of the bench the Court orderd them to pay all Charges thats Due and behave themselves well for the future (and five pound fine the Girle Martha to pay) and he for this time Discharged The Court orders this Present Grand Jury To lay oute A Roade way for A Cart from Walter ffauscetts to Darby Bridge : forthwith The Court orders Ellis Ellis supervisor for the Township of havorfoord to Cutt and Cleare the Roade way that leads to the limestone hill from Darby Township : Throw harfoord that he Cause the Inhabitants forthwith to Doe it. David Loyd Attorney for Samuell Robbinson Past A Deed unto William Lewis for seventy Accres of land lying in Xew Towne the Deed beareing Date the 4 th day of the 12 moneth 1696/7 David Prise Acknowledged A Deed unto Harry Reese for Three hundred Accres of land lying in Radnor the deed beare- ing Date the sixth day of the ffirst moneth 1696/7 Joseph Wood High sheriff Attorney for his Brother John Wood Past A Deed unto Bartholomew Coppock senior At- torney for Petter Britten for A plantation being Eighty nine Accres of land lying between Darby and Springfield the Deed beareing Date the 27 th Day of the 12 th moneth 1696/7 406 RECORD OF THE COURTS OF The Grand Jury Brought in theyr presentment : viz Chester the 10 th of the first moneth 1696/7 we of the grand Inquest for the County of Chester: Doe Present Richard Tomson of marple Blacke Smith and Josiah Taylor of the same Towne- ship for Assaulting and violently Beateing the body of Ed- werd Beck labourer one the third of this Instant to the breach of the Peace and Dishonour of the kings Crowne & Dignity being in the night season Andrew Jobe {foreman: The Court orders that they be summond to Appear Att the next County Court to Answer to y e s d presentment : Chester y e 9 th of the first mo th 1696/7 wee of the grand Inquest for the County of Chester Present Richard Crosby of Middle Towne In the s d County of Chester for saying Att the house of Joseph Wood in Darby A boute three weeks sence : that the Grand Jury weare All perjured Rouges and that he would prove it Alsoe he the said Richard Crosby useing thretining words saying that If Either shcrif or Clarke Came to Gather the County levie of him he would be the Death of him Andrew Jobe fToreman : the Court ordered that Richard Crosby be sumond to answer to the said presentment the next Court : Thomas Smyth of Darby Acknowledged A Deed To his Brother John Smyth for fifty acres of land lying in Darby the Deed beareing Date the nineth of the first moneth 1696/7 Robert Neilor Attorney for Daniell Ilibbett Acknowledged A Deed To Richard Parker for fifty Acres of land lying in Darby the Deed beareing Date the first Day of y e first month : 1696/7 Robert Neilor Attorney for Daniell Ilibbett Acknowledged A Deed to William Bartrain for fifty Acres of land lying in Darby the Deed beareing Date the first Day of the first month 1696/7 Robert Scothorne Attorney for George Wood Past a Deed To John Wood for four hundred and thirty five acres of land lying in Darby: Dated the seventh moneth 1696 John hood Attorney for John Bartram Past A Deed to John CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 407 Bartrani the yonger for one hundred and ten Acres of land lying In Darby the Deed beareing Date the nineth of the first moneth 1696/7 Ealph Lewis Acknowledged A Deed To Ellis Ellis for thirty Acres of land lying in harfoord the Deed Beareing Date fifth Day of March 1696/7 David Lloyd Acknowledged A Deed To John Sharply for A lott In Chester Greene being fourty foote flront towards the Eiver the Deed bearing Date y e 10 th of y e first month 1696/7 Randell Mallin Acknowledged A Deed To .Richard bond for Two Acres of land lying in upper Providence the Deed beareing Date the 22 Day of December 1696 William Woodmansee Acknowledged A Deed To Jeremiah Carter for A Roade way A Cross the said William Woodman- sees land To A nother Tract of the said Jeremiah Carters land the Deed beareing Date the nineth Day of y e 1 moneth 1696/7 There being vakentcy See In the yeare 1688 In this book for some Deeds that was Acknowledged Att the Court held for the County the 9 th & 10 th Dayes of the first moneth in the yeare 1696/7 INDEX Owing to the varied nationalities of the Swedish, Dutch, English and Welsh settlers in Pennsylvania, together with the general illiteracy of the time, much diversity in the spelling of names will be found in the early court records. Aside from the fact that with some the father's first name became the surname of the children we find that Orion became Archer, and the descendants of Neales Lawson took the name of Friend. Few would recognize the name of Mendenhall in Mynar or Minall. Some at- tempt has been made to represent the later accepted forms in this index. Only one reference is given to a name on the same page. ERRATA Page 57 : For Garnall read Yarnall. Page 65: For Foreinam read Foreman. Page 119: For Starnfield read Stanfield. Page 239: For thoro, line 15, read there. Adams, Samuel, 212. Akraman, John, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Aldrets, Evert, 46, 47. Allen, Nathaniel, 10, 12, 13, 19, 20, 22. Anderson, John, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 159, 224. Justa (Justice), 13, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 53, 54, 132. Lassey, 10, 12. Andrews, Elizabeth, 350. George, 20, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 69, 71, 75, 89, 110, 231, 237, 241, 297, 300, 302, 303, 315, 327, 333, 372, 376, 377, 378, 386. Archer (Orion), Garthright (Gertrude), 316. John, 372. Armes, Elinor, 276, 280. Richard, 174, 254, 322. Ashcom, Charles, 38, 40, 62, 74, 77, 89, 90, 92, 186, 200, 214, 232. Ashton, John, 33. Aston, George, 34. Atkinson, Timothy, 296. Baily, Daniel, 350. Joel, 57, 58, 108, 330, 339, 343, 345, 350. Baines, Elinor, 122, 138, 145, 168. William, 122, 138, 145, 168. Baker, Joseph, 64, 67, 70, 71, 72, 86, 101, 112, 114, 117, 123, 127, 143. 183, 199, 279, 286, 339, 387, 390. Samuel, 84, 89, 97, 98, 99, 105, 115, 186. Baldwin, Francis, 81, 153, 192, 234, 239, 301, 346, 355, 356, 357, 375, 391. John, 55, 83, 119, 174, 186, 192, 199, 232, 233, 273, 283, 332, 333, 338, 400. Thomas, 59, 147, 237, 266, 270, 289, 321, 346, 356. Ball, John, 284, 340, 342, 343. William, 18. Bankson, Andreas, 3, 10, 15, 19. Hendrias, 8. 408 INDEX 409 Barber, Robert, 96, 104, 114, 123, 129, 136, 151, 156, 157, 160, 165, 185, 216, 232, 237, 249, 269, 270, 271, 272, 309, 319, 339, 343, 346, 350, 360, 362, 370, 383, 385. Barbery, John, 61. Barker, Thomas, 390. Barnard, Richard. 75, 77, 78, 117, 233, 254, 270, 283, 318, 339, 350. Barnes, Henry, 162, 175, 178, 192, 194, 199, 221, 244, 317, 318, 348, 357, 382. John, 27. Barra, Robert, 295. Baroon, Michael, 11. Bartleson, John, 26, 60, 70, 315. Lawrence, 316. Bartram, John, 41, 59, 64, 67, 70, 71, 74, 75, 95, 151, 173, 214, 215, 216, 223, 253, 284, 297, 306, 313, 406. William, 406. Baylis, James, 163, 164, 174, 259, 267, 269, 297, 323, 356, 3G0, 395. Jeane, 360. Mary, 163, 166. Baynton, Ann, 300, 302, 315, 327, 341, 360, 372. Peter, 70, 72, 103, 217, 263, 268, 284, 286, 287, 293, 299, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 306, 315, 327, 341. Beakes, Abraham, 154, 319, 334, 395, 404. Samuel (?), 187. William, 209. Beals, John, 46, 52, 97, 117, 125, 126, 142, 151, 164, 194, 214, 215, 216, 230, 248, 271, 279, 288, 296, 303, 310, 311, 313, 324, 329, 331, 332, 333, 336, 339, 404. Bealiffe, James, 259. Beck, Edward, 324, 399, 406. Belch, Jonathan, 368. Bennett, Edward, 77, 154, 155. John, 86, 164, 183, 194, 195, 349, 383, 394, 399. Best, Mary, 111, 162, 164. Bestrasor, Richard, 178, 206. Bethel, John, 342, 351, 391, 401. Bevan, John, 109, 350, 381. Stephen, 381. Bezer, Anne, 169, 196, 231. Edward, 34, 38, 41, 46, 57, 63, 64, 67, 70, 71, 86, 96, 103, 105, 107, 108, 116, 118, 121, 128, 146, 151, 152, 169, 180, 196, 197, 208, 216, 223, 224, 229, 231, 288, 324, 334, 351, 362, 363, 375, 387, 388, 401. Frances, 352. John, 23, 28, 32, 34, 73, 116, 179, 180, 352, 376. William, 121, 169. Biase, William, 116. Biles, William, 3, 6, 8, 353. Bishop, Samuel, 362, 365, 367. Bisse, Mary, 111. Blackwell. Gov. John, 154, 161. Blake, Edward, 146, 156. Judith, 373. Blendee, Isaac, 380. Blunston, John, 20, 32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 51, 52, 55. 56, 57, 61, 63, 64, 69, 70, 74, 75, 77, 84, 86, 87, 90, 91, 95, 96, 101, 105, 107. 108, 119, 122, 127, 128, 133, 138, 140, 145, 146, 149, 152, 155, 173, 179. 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 196, 218, 223. 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 241, 245, 246, 247, 253, 255, 256, 259, 261, 277. 285, 291, 299, 316, 319, 342, 346, 351, 354, 359, 366, 369, 379, 385, 393, 397, 398, 401, 403, 404. Michael, 26, 37, 38, 57, 64, 70, 71, 75, 121, 151, 233, 255, 271, 313, 322. 410 INDEX Boles, John, 5, 7. Bolton, Edward, 156. Bond, Richard, 404. 407. Bondson (Bonsall?), Richard, 37. Bonsall, Obadiah, 394. Richard, 70, 119, 128, 214, 215, 216, 283, 286, 288, 294, 306, 313. Boone, Andreas (Andrew), 7, 12, 200, 224, 247. Andrew Swanson, 251, 342. Swan, 322. Boulston, John, 17. Bound, John, 140. Bowater, John, 117, 143, 149, 150, 263, 265, 339. 404. Thomas, 151, 233, 303, 375. Bowles, Marv, 162, 175, 249, 262. Thomas, 80, 101, 102, 108, 109, 114, 118, 122, 123, 124, 128. Bowne, James, 196. John, 140. 261, 385. Samuel, 385. Bradford, Thomas, 146. Bradshaw, John, 100, 105, 106, 113, 148. Samuel, 38, 55, 92. 95, 96, 110, 119, 261. Thomas, 92, 95, 97, 110, 120, 121, 149, 164, 194, 232, 2S7. Brassey, Thomas, 22, 23, 25, 28, 32, 59, 88, 94, 120, 122, 127, 129, 132, 138. 167, 179, 182, 190 221 234, 242, 246, 254, 256, 261, 273, 279, 296, 350. Brealy, Isaac, 178. Brenson, Daniel, 4, 6. Brickshaw, Isaac, 60, 192, 199. Bridgman, Richard, 88. Brientnall, David, 55, 56, 58. Brigham, Charles, 6. ' Bright, Thomas, 242, 268, 313, 314, 346. Brinkloe, John, 353. Brinton, William, 64, 67, 71, 88, 95, 97, 116, 119, 141, 254, 349, 360, 370, 374. Bristoll (Bristow?), John, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68. Bristow, John, 75, 76. 80, 83, 90, 91, 96, 103, 105, 107, 108, 114, 118, 120, 121, 122, 124, 127, 128, 130. 132, 133, 136. 138, 145, 146, 150, 151, 155, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 168, 173, 176, 179, 184, 185, 196, 197, 199. 202, 213, 218, 224, 225, 228, 230, 234, 236, 240, 241, 245, 246, 247, 253, 254, 259, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 268, 269, 270, 273. 275, 276, 277, 279, 285, 302, 310, 312, 313, 314, 319, 320, 324, 325, 374. Thomas, 82. Britton, Canawell, 25, 36, 68, 140. Peter, 405. Brooks, Charles, 234, 282, 296, 303, 310, 330, 350. Brookshaw, Isaac, 60, 192, 199. Broom, Daniel, 333, 339, 359. Brothers, Robert, 80, 102, 109, 162, 175. Browne, James. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 23, 24, 26, 27, 32, 36, 37, 42. -13, 54, 57, 59, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 87, 96, 98, 99, 106, 111, 116, 125, 126, 129, 133, 139, 140, 142, 148, 150, 151, 153, 162, 167, 168, 192, 204, 205, 206, 207, 217, 232, 242, 256, 266, 297, 334, 340, 363, 386, 396. Robert, 260. Thomas, 138, 192, 252, 254, 260, 264, 266, 289, 320, 331. William, 36, 46, 50, 63, 105, 125, 126, 135, 137 224, 271, 277, 279, 284, 287, 310, 322, 327, 332, 333, 338, 363, 384. Brown- John?, Thomas, 103. (See John.) Bruce, Arthur, 121. William, 393. ODEX 411 Brunsden, Alice, 11G. John, 245, 268. Buckingham, John, 210. William, 96, 129, 146, 153, 186. Buckley, John, 73, 110, 154, 208. Budd, Thomas, 14, 136, 149. Buffington, Anne, 157, 158, 363, 371. Richard, 3, 5, 7, 18, 26, 27, 34, 35, 46, 48, 56, 79, 98, 105, 110 118, 119, 129, 136, 148, 156, 157, 158, 181, 185, 186, 187, 226, 242, 278, 285, 289, 292, 297, 300, 371. Bullen, Thomas, 384. Buller, Judith, 363, 371, 382. Sarah, 276. Bunting, Ann, 246. Burrows, Robert, 75, 78, 117, 146, 199, 202, 243. Bushell, Joseph, 52, 64, 67, 70, 71, 95, 109, 139, 182, 223, 400, 401. Butcher, Edmund, 311, 384. Butler, John, 175. Butterfield, Thomas, 68, 272, 274, 278. Buzby, John, 341, 345, 352, 353, 357, 365. Cadman, Henry, 161, 221. Calvert, Jane," 82. John, 45, 49, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58, 82, 119, 127, 136, 137, 200, 259, 264, 288, 313. Judith, 81. Ruth, 328. Canide, John, 393. Cantwell, Edmund, 6, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 47, 48. Canute, Morton, 111. (See Knewtson.) Carolus, Andrew, 114. Lawrence, 12, 13, 23, 25, 26, 32, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48. Carpenter, Samuel, 281, 309, 330, 337, 353, 382, 401. Carr, Richard, 357. Carre, Andrew, 29. Priscilla, 29. Carter, Edward, 23, 24, 28, 30, 38, 78, 81, 86, 109, 112, 119, 120, 123 124 164, 181, 194, 214, 224, 230, 235, 246, 263, 273, 332. Jeremiah, 117, 135, 152, 227, 330, 407. Lydia, 330. Margaret, 192. . Mary, 166. Robert, 183, 226, 237, 271, 277, 307, 309, 331, 339, 363, 384, 391. William, 394. Cartlidge, Edmund, 35, 41, 55, 64, 78, 80, 92, 97, 120, 121, 143, 248, 283, 297, 306, 323. Cartwright, Jean, 192. Thomas, 112, 163, 186, 192, 195, 339, 345, 358, 361, 366, 387, 390. Chads, Francis, 28, 46, 55, 62, 63, 70, 76, 80, 91, 105, 126, 147, 149, 150, 159, 107, 204, 207, 209, 226, 248, 250, 263, 279, 329, 332, 333, 336, 341, 374, 388, 394. Chamberlin, Robert, 95, 129, 277, 296, 303. Chambers, John, 211, 212. Margaret, 384. Stephen, 35, 37, 41, 45, 02. William, 112. Champion, John, 4, 5, 18, 22, 24. Chandler, George, 138, 145, L96, 294, 297, 325, 358. 390. Jacob, 71, 90, 105. 108, 112, 128, 139. 162, 169, 199 209 21G 217 223 227, 229, 233, 234, 336. 412 INDEX Chandler, Jane, 140. John, 134, 140, 141, 149, 153, 162. Chard, John, 100. Chevers, James, 157, 241. Child, John, 10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 33, 34, 35, 37, 45, 48, 55, 59, 65, 67, 72, 75, 78, 81, 108, 112, 125, 129, 151, 154, 156, 158, 162, 173, 195, 209, 210, 211, 243, 245, 248, 249, 271, 273, 286, 287, 2S9, 293, 299, 301, 306, 307, 310, 315, 317, 319, 320, 321, 323, 327, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334, 336, 339, 341, 344, 346, 352, 354, 359, 369, 376, 379, 388, 393, 397. 398, 402, 403. Churchman, George, 89, 94, 96, 104, 108, 139, 159, 184, 233, 289, 296, 374. John, 374. Clark, John, 129. William, 162, 353. Clause, Christian, 10, 12, 18, 21. Margaretta, 21. Clayton, Joseph, 60, 156, 161. Prudence, 52, 54. William, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28, 36, 46, 52, 66, 71, 116, 135, 136, 139, 149, 164, 179, 181, 184, 204, 229, 230, 234, 236, 242, 263, 265, 297, 334, 383, 394. Clemen son, Mathew, 281. Clement, Timothy, 87. Clewes, Elinor, 276, 280. John, 103, 240, 261, 280, 295, 296. Richard, 134, 165, 175, 177, 215. Clift, Benjamin, 404. Samuel, 14. Clifton, Robert, 353. Thomas, 46, 63, 105, 115. Cloud, John, 255, 326. Joseph, 255, 325, 326, 333, 334. Robert, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70. Cloud, William, 25, 26, 31, 32, 36, 43, 49, 52, 57, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 72, 90, 91, 97, 112, 115, 116, 117, 164, 194, 249, 250, 252, 255, 391. Coates, Thomas, 76, 96, 101, 248, 254, 289, 375. Corb, William, 5, 7, 12, 28, 36, 40, 102. Cobourne, Joseph, 131, 133, 153, 216, 227, 239, 246, 284, 2S7, 313. 355. 356, 359, 363, 370, 373, 375, 385, 386, 391, 396. Thomas, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24. 26, 28, 33, 49, 64. 67, 70, 71, 72, 87, 89, 94, 96, 97, 129, 132, 133, 181, 183, 216, 225, 239, 254, 264, 270. 283, 288, 289, 295, 296, 302, 312, 313, 322, 358, 375. William, 74, 75, 97, 104, 117, 132, 174, 195, 216, 225, 239, 2S8, 311. 313, 367, 375, 395. Cock, Cox, Erick, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. John, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 31, 294, 295, 302, 303, 311, 324, 326, 363, 367, 379, 380, 391, 396. Lassey (Lawrence), 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 31, 68. Mouns, 8, 9, 10. 19, 20. Otto Ernest, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, 25, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33, 232, 247. Peter, 5, 115. Cole, Sabean, 390. William, 289. Coleman, Anna, 3. Henry, 4, 7, 26, 380, 391. Lassey, 102, 130. Collett, Jane, 90. Jeremiah, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 31, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 40, 49, 51, 52, 55, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 69, 71, 77, 78, 79, 80, INDEX 413 87, 88, 90, 107, 108, 112, 113, 130, 136, 139, 142, 147. 148, 151, 159, 1G0, 162, 187, 195, 206, 211, 212, 225, 226, 230, 232, 236. 237, 240, 242, 259, 286, 287, 293, 294, 297, 299, 300, 301, 304, 306, 307, 310, 315, 317, 319, 320, 321, 323, 327, 329, 331, 332, 334, 336, 338, 339, 341, 354, 359, 364, 369, 372, 374, 376, 395, 403. John, 78, 84. William, 75, 76, 78, 84, 88, 119, 141, 148, 149, 155. 162. 164, 175, 194, 216, 224, 227, 288, 300, 303, 304, 313, 324, 325, 333, 372, 374. Collier, Edward, 66. Thomas, 139, 149, 289. Cooper, James, 391, 398, 399, 404. Sarah, 398. Thomas, 70, 76, 108. Compton, Jonathan, 138. Conway, Patrick, 209, 210, 211. Philip, 208, 210. Coppock, Bartholomew, 69, 74, 77, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 96, 105, 107, 108, 118, 120, 121, 122, 124, 128, 137, 138, 145, 146, 155, 168, 173, 175, 179, 180, 182, 184, 195, 220, 221, 243, 245, 248, 254, 320, 333, 336, 404, 405. Ellen, 148. Margaret, 148. Cook, Arthur, 150. Francis, 192, 255. Richard, 238, 335. Cookson, Joseph, 44, 75, 78, 117, 195, 230, 244, 333. Cope, Oliver, 361. Cornelius, John, 5, 26. Cornell, William, 53. Cornute, Morton, 54, 108, 110. Cox, 114. (See Cock.) Doctor, 376. Craft, James, 343. Cregar, Alexander, 341. Crispin, Silas, 15, 16, 19, 20. Crosby, Richard, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 56, 65, 68, 71, 72, 75, 80, 85, 89, 91, 103, 104, 114, 117, 122, 127, 132, 160, 200, 241, 259, 274, 275, 278, 297, 298, 300, 302, 303, 315, 327, 372, 375, 376, 377, 378, 386, 387, 396, 398, 399, 404, 405, 406. Cross, John, 221. Richard, 221. Thomas, 19, 20, 22, 72, 118, 119, 139, 186, 192, 203, 209, 220. 232. Croxen, Randolph, 403. Cunningham, John, 374. Curtis, William, 294. Dalboe, Lawrence, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 16, 17, 19, 22, 50. Peter, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17, 20, 24, 216, 240. William, 11, 51, 216. Daniell, Eusta, 8, 19, 23. Danger, Edward, 358. Dart, Samuel, 4, 6. David, Davis, John, 254, 394. Katherine, 126. Lewis, 256, 342, 402. Philip, 381. Thomas, 335. William, 238, 335, 394. Dawson, Emanuel, 123. Nathaniel, 114. Day, John, 20. 414 INDEX Delagrange, Arnoldus, 26, 28, 30, 33, 40. Margaretta, 29. Denning, Philip, 9G, 103. Derrickson, Cornelius. 248, 250. Devereux, Alexander, 227, 249, 250, 202, 280, 285, 304. Dicks, Peter, 75, 78, 88, 279, 298, 404. Dillion, William, 220. Dobie, Lydias, 374. Donaldson, John, 341, 353, 361, 371. Downing, Edward, 348, 356. Dracott, Ralph, 148, 188, 200, 202, 226, 228, 231, 333, 336, 350, 356. Drewitt, Morgan, 3, 4, 5. Driver, James, 300, 303. Duckett, Thomas, 88. Durborow, Hugh, 104, 105, 183. Dutton, Edward. 338. John, 283. 317, 338, 404. Thomas, 338. Dyer, Robert, 64, 65, 67. Dymond, Richard, 21, 23, 24, 25. Eavenson, Thomas, 127, 128, 140, 146, 370. Eayr, John, 234, 334. Edge, John, 75, 78, 80, 89, 101, 108, 119, 124, 152, 221, 319. Joseph, 89, 108, 123, 261, 338, 339, 351, 404. Edwards, Alexander, 339. Joseph, 318, 346. John, 328. Peter, 381. William, 117, 284, 287, 303, 328. Effingall, Abraham, 56. Eglinton, Edward, 32, 34, 240, 243, 244. Elder, Thomas, 31, 32. Eldridge, John, 147, 157, 166, 173, 184, 187, 265, 269. Elfreth, Josiah, 156. Elliott, John, 228, 351, 352, 373. Ellis, Ellis, 263, 405, 407. Humphrey, 230, 244, 255, 341, 360. Rachel, 381. Widow, 238. Ely, Joshua, 49, 50. Empson, Cornelius, 126, 237. England. Philip. 201, 220. Thomas, 234, 255, 282, 326, 330, 387, 401. Enoch, Harmon, 20, 24. Erickson, Peter. 3, 4, 5, 19, 21, 23, 24, 184. Eustason, Eusta, 93, 372. John, 4, 11. Mouns, 6, 7, 51, 93. Evans, David, 254. 326, 335, 394. John, 350. Man-, 156. Nathaniel, 10. 11, 12, 13. 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 32, 52, 66, 78, 81, 83, 91, 96, 106, 118, 166, 167, 194, 199. Thomas John, 394. Everts, Brantie, 46. Ewer, Elizabeth. 253, 273, 279. Robert, 236. 253, 254. 273. 279, 280. Eyre. Anne. 72. 73. 104, 162, 163. John, 234. 334. INDEX 415 Eyre, Robert, 25, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43. 44. 45. 49, 51. 52. 55, 57, 61, 03, 04, 07, 09, 72, 73, 74, 70, 77, 80, 87, 90. 91, 92, 90, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 112, 113, 110, 118, 121, 122, 124, 128, 129, 133, 138, 145, 140, 155, 101, 102, 103, 104, 108, 173, 174, 194, 282, 297, 370, 379. Fabrushes, Jacobus, 12, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24. Fairman, Thomas, 8, 10, 15, 17, 19, 22, 29, 280. Farmer, John, 353. Farr, Richard, 72, 75, 125, 404. Fausett, Walter, 50, 56, 60, 76, 78. 81, 86, 89, 112, 115, 120, 127, 128, 147, 104, 182, 194, 200, 221, 224, 226, 230, 234, 239, 2G2, 299, 330, 337, 380, 394, 405. Fearne, Joshua, 20, 32, 36, 37, 89, 91, 96, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 118, 121, 122, 124, 128, 133, 138, 140, 144, 145, 146, 155, 169, 180, 182, 185, 190, 199, 201, 213, 218, 223, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 230, 241, 247, 253, 259, 201, 262, 268, 269, 270, 274, 275, 270, 277, 285. Josiah, 275, 339. Fenwick, Major, 29. Ferill, Lewis, 305. Few, Isaac, 97, 159, 227, 271, 277, 289, 296, 311, 321, 356, 367, 373, 391. Richard, 20, 22, 20, 33, 38, 00, 104, 107, 108, 110, 120, 123, 170. Susana, 107. Finch, Anne, 91, 319. Fincher, Anne, 64. Findlow, William, 91. Finloe, Alexander, 296. Fisher, John, 57. William, 350. Fiske, Casper, 8, 19, 23. Flatt, Robert, 355. Flower, William, 289, 297, 339. Ford, Edward, 325. Reuben, 312, 326. Foreman, George, 13, 15, 16, 26, 27, 56, 59. 65, 07, 08, 69, 71, 75, 77. 85, 88, 94, 95, 97 98, 99, 105, 107, 114, 118, 119, 124, 130, 131, 130, 139, 147, 148, 160, 101, 108, 173, 179, 181, 182, 196, 199, 200, 208, 213. 217, 218, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 234, 230, 237, 241, 243; 244, 247, 253, 202, 208, 274, 281, 283, 284, 280, 287, 294, 297, 299, 305, 300, 307, 310, 315, 319, 320, 321, 323, 320, 327, 329, 331, 332, 333, 334, 330, 338, 339, 340, 341, 343, 340, 354, 359, 301, 309, 376, 377, 379, 386. Forrest, Walter, 16. Foulk, Owen, 268. Sabrant, 31. Fox, John, 59, 82, 156, 178, 194, 220, 255. 250. 323, 330, 375. Thomas. 97, 120, 121, 139, 247, 252, 288, 313. Framptox, Elizabeth, 94. William, 50, 94. Frazer, Andrew, 355. Frederick, Michael, 21. Freeman, Edward, 304. Sarah, 382. William, 349, 302, 371, 385, 396. Fretweix, Dorothy, 262, 271, 278, 29S, 305, 344. Ralph, 262, 271, 278, 298, 305, 344. Friend, Andrew, 78, 85, 86, 88, 93, 94, 90, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 115, 118, 122, 134, 100, 173, 174, 182, 185, 200, 215, 233, 240, 246, 295, 297, 299. Anne, 150, 100, 174, 181, 185, 224, 240, 240. •ilG INDEX Friend, Barbara, 379. Johannes (John), 92, 103, 104, 118, 122, 124, 1G0, 174, 215, 224, 227, 231, 240. 246, 380, 391. Richard, 41, 62. Sarah, 224. Susanna, 227, 231. Gabitas, William, 146, 163, 342, 343. Gamble, Francis, 150. Gideon, 156. Gardiner, Thomas, 216. Garrett, John. 37, 294, 297, 362, 365. Thomas, 28, 49, 50, 52, 63, 71, 128. 244, 284, 287, 289, 297, 323. William, 97, 120, 121, 149, 232, 243, 313, 314, 315, 316. 322, 364, 384. Gibbons, Hcnrv, 119, 228, 294. John, 46, 51, 64, 67, 70, 71, 92, 95, 147, 154, 159, 230, 311, 312. Gibbs, Edward, 127. Gleave, George, 60, 101, 108, 119, 197, 218, 220, 245. Hester, 197, 218, 223, 245. John, 245. Phebe, 245. Goforth, William, 99, 103. Golding, John, 154, 291, 370, 385, 387. Goodson, John, 100. Gordon, Jeane, 384. Gratton, Matthew, 121, 261. Graves, Alexander, 362, 364, 365. Grayborne, William, 50. Green, John, 311, 330, 331, 338, 381. Richard, 162. Thomas, 105, 126, 167, 263, 330, 331, 339, 345, 355, 369. William, 48. Greensell, John, 8, 9, 10. Gregory, William, 101, 102, 195, 228, 292. Griffith, Edward, 335. Jenkin, 152, 201, 287. Grist, George, 334, 351, 387, 388. Grice, John. 12. Growdon, Joseph, 353. Grubb, Henrv, 16. John, 7,* 12, 18, 48, 122, 181, 208. Hale, Thomas, 89. Hall, Thomas. 86, 89. Halliwell, Piichard, 340, 353. Hallowell. John, 41, 80, 83, 92, 128, 143, 152, 237, 240, 248, 297, 306, 319. Hamby, William, 111. Hamms, Henry, 136. 165, 297, 323, 356, 395, 397, 401, 402, 404. Hancock, Richard, 7. Hanke, Luke, 149. Hannum, John, 72. 74, 76, 88, 116, 127, 132, 150, 195, 282, 384, 401. Margery, 77, 150. Hanson. Mouns, 8. Harding, John, 26. 28, 30, 33, 37, 39, 44, 45, 49, 51, 52, 63, 77, 96, 106, 108, 179, 180 377. Harper, John. 19, 20, 22. Harrison. Francis. 69, 71, 87, 89. 90. 91, 97, 103, 104. 107, 108, 112, 118, 121, 122, 128, 140, 145, 146, 150, 155, 161, 168, 173, 182. 184, 185, 1ST. 196. 199. Samuel, 130. 366, 367, 368. INDEX 417 Harry, Daniel, 322, 346, 347. Hugh, 152, 34!). Hart, John, 22. Hastings, Elizabeth, 166. Henry, 3, 4, 5, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 32, 34, 41, 52, 57, 110, 217, 209, 297, 328, 346, 358, 363, 366, 390. John, 20. 33, 39, 66, 81, 117, 179, 377. Joshua, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 34, 39, 65, 68, 80, 81, 82, 87, 89, 101, 105, 109, 112, 120, 134, 146, 179, 180, 183, 186, 192, 199, 202, 203, 207, 208, 209, 230, 240, 282, 351, 383. Hawkes, Jane, 138, 166. William, 53, 54, 84, 105, 111, 124, 126, 134, 138, 140, 145, 149. 160, 162, 167, 169, 193, 196, 203, 207, 209, 214, 215, 216, 226, 232, 244, 276, 278, 285, 288, 292, 297. Hayes, James, 109, 114, 123, 195, 206. Jonathan, 38, 55, 60, 89, 103, 119, 127, 128, 129, 141, 154, 159, 207, 212, 214, 249, 264, 265, 286, 287, 293, 299, 301, 302, 306, 307, 310, 315, 319, 320, 321, 323, 327, 329, 332, 334, 336, 337, 338, 339, 341, 344, 346, 350, 354, 359, 366, 369, 379, 388, 393, 397, 399, 401, 402, 403. Richard, 284, 337, 343, 385. Hazell, John, 6, 7, 22, 24. Hazlegrove, John, 27. Headings, Lawrence, 6, 30, 31, 156. Helme, Israel, 6, 9, 29, 30, 33, 232, 237, 238, 248. Hendrickson, Albert, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 32, 34, 41, 49, 55, 69, 76, 97, 102, 106, 108, 137, 151, 156, 157, 158, 162, 173, 199, 237, 240, 249, 263, 265, 267, 288, 311, 313, 323. Andrew, 224. Frances, 376, 379. Hendridc, 216. . Jacob, 217, 237, 347. James, 297, 333, 356. John, 17, 33, 38, 60, 114, 123, 231, 259, 297, 338, 354. 367, 376, 379, 380, 391, 404. Maudlin, 391. Tatton, 224. Henson, John, 113. Hent, Rees, 267. 289, 311, 327, 355, 382. Hercules, James, 300. Herman, Ephraim, 232, 250. Hewes, William, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 15, 16, 23, 24, 28, 35, 36, 45, 56, 61, 65, 68, 75, 334. 352, 387. Hibberd, Daniel, 292, 406. Josiah, 274. Hickman, Elizabeth, 318. John, 20, 51, 52, 70, 79, 160, 364. Joseph, 187, 241. Mary, 35, 309. Hill, William, 268. Hinson, John, 361, 365 Hitchcock, William, 116, 295. Hoeman, Andreas, 7, 9. (Sec Homan.) Hoskins, John, 60, 76, 99, 117, 118, 122, 132, 136, 140, 153, 160, 174, 181, 201, 221, 227, 244, 266, 287, 306, 319, 323, 324, 326, 337, 338, 358, 366, 367, 390. Mary, 166, 266. Hollinshead, John, 14. HoLLiNGSWORTir, Henrv, 296, 311, 313, 318, 321. 340, 343, 346. 348, 351, 356, 359, 368, 369, 385, 395, 396, 397, 400, 402, 403, 464. 41 S INDEX Hollingswobtii, Margaret, 82. Thomas, 200. Holmes, Jonas, 104. Thomas, 21, 92, 186, 200, 214, 215, 217, 317, 326. Tryal, 214. Holston, John, 77, 81, 114, 152, 226, 232, 253, 356, 357, 391. Holt, Samuel, 249. Homan, Andreas, 7, 9. Lawrence, 156, 224, 323. Matthew, 224. William, 224. Hood, John, 70, 232. 243, 248, 255. 262, 288, 291, 306, 313, 404, 406. Thomas, 146, 243, 255, 282, 297, 306, 319, 323. Hooper, Abraham, 162, 175. Hope, John, 355, 356. Thomas, 228, 301, 311, 313, 374, 397. Hopman, Hans, 7, 11, 17. Houlstead, Matthias, 15, 16. Mathew, 17. Howard, William, 275. Howell, Alse, 393. John, 96, 195, 238, 254, 399. Sarah, 348. Thomas, 323, 348, 349, 360, 393. William, 121, 155, 168, 173, 184, 238, 385, 402. Hudson, William, 167. Hugg, John, 275. Hulbert, Edward, 77, 79, 85, 88, 89, 90, 323, 326. John, 65, 68, 69, 78, 142, 146, 208, 287, 358, 366, 390, 404. Humphrey, Daniel, 233, 255, 322, 341, 350, 360. Joseph, 49, 119, 128, 169, 299, 305, 307. Hunloke, Edward, 338. Hunter, Saundy, 384. Huntley, William, 301, 322, 398, 404. Hurst, John, 59, 60. Hutchinson, Mathew, 50. Robert, 268, 326. Immanuel, Florence, 347. Indian, Chato, 115. Ingelo, Richard, 48. Inkhorne, Andreas, 5, 9, 11, 19. Inloe, Abraham, 248, 250. Ireland, Nicholas, 156, 322. Izard, Michael, 8, 9, 10, 12, 24, 33, 34, 55, 59, 129, 132, 321. Jackson, Ephraim, 329, 334, 397. Roger, 117, 120, 144, 201, 243, 244, 271, 296, 334, 360, 396. Jacobs, Thomas, 65, 67. Jacobson, Hendrick, 225. James, Amy, 217. David, 348, 360. George, 351, 395. Howell, 117, 183, 234, 235, 326, 394. James, 238, 330, 350. Philip, 342. William, 394. Jefferis, Robert, 58, 256, 297, 362, 365, 404. Jegou, Peter, 48. Jenkin, William, 156, 157, 183, 241, 247, 253, 259, 261, 252, 268, 269, 270, 277, 284, 285, 348, 360, 402. INDEX 419 Jennings, Edward, 98, 103, 125, 241, 324, 400, 401. John, 71. Jeeman, John, 153, 167, 174, 185, 233, 237, 322. Jerrome, Samuel, 395. Jervis, Joseph, 350. Job, Andrew, 165, 215, 261, 271, 277, 363, 391, 398, 399, 402, 406. Jobson, Samuel, 390. John, Thomas-Browne, 103, 203, 206, 230, 231. Johnson, Andros, 351. Anne, 112, 132. Charles, 18, 33, Clause, 14. Fop, 30. Greeta, 249, 250. Gurstow, 131. Harmon, 3, 18, 26, 102, 124, 247, 249, 250. Humphrey, 307, 309, 310, 313, 332, 336, 344, 358, 366, 390. Jacob, 131, 224. James, 355. John, 5, 10, 12, 18, 24, 33, 35, 37, 43, 44, 74, 102, 106, 113, 121, 344. Margaret, 3, 111, 250. Ringnea, 131. William, 34, 50, 61. Johnstown, William, 383. Jolliefe, John, 43. Jones, Ellis, 238. Griffith, 341, 353, 389. Henry, 125, 126, 133, 260. Jane, 94, 95. John, 71, 195, 290, 301, 322, 394. Joseph, 126. Joshua, 263, 266. Josias, 186. Marv, 201. Richard, 370, 371, 372, 385, 386, 396. Thomas, 233, 238, 286, 327, 338, 382, 394. Justason, John, 9. Justice, Charles, 206. Justison, Cornelius, 297. Kay, Jonathan, 249. Keach, Elias, 104, 112. Keen, Urin, 84, 90, 112, 120. Villamchy, 21. Kelly, Patrick, 348, 363, 371, 382, 392. William, 341. Kennedy, James, 300. John, 393. Kennerley, James, 19, 20, 22, 26, 33, 36, 44, 58, 74, 106, 117. Kent, Joseph, 253, 295, 320, 395. Kersey, Thomas, 210, 211. King, Thomas, 38, 75, 88, 95, 146, 163, 233, 234, 326. Kingsman, John, 28, 36, 41, 42, 46, 52, 63, 92, 97, 115, 116, 117, 139, 164, 194, 201, 212, 217, 224, 234, 254, 259, 295, 313, 317, 318, 322, 355, 370. Kinnison, Edward, 149, 159, 176, 181. Kirk, John, 121, 139, 254, 292. Thomas, 226, 231. Knewtson, Morton, 21. (See Canute.) Knight, Joseph, 226, 273. 27 420 INDEX Lacy, 315. George, 300. Lambert, Philip, 242. Lamplugh, Nathaniel, 20. 52. 56, G5, 08, 75, 77, 91, 100. 100, 147, 182, 187, 203, 207, 209, 214, 246. Langham, Robert, 255, 299, 301, 303. LAsrE (Lawrence?), Thomas, 97, 131, 176, 185. Lawrence, David, 164, 177, 183, 185, 194, 277, 28G, 360, 404. Marcus, 1 9. Lawson, La wren son, Laurence, 13. Annakey, 7. Anne, 104, 115. ' Lassey, 4, 6, 8, 10. Neales, 7, 8, 9, 26, 33, 41, 76, 85, 86, 104, 248, 249. Lehmaine, Philip Th., 36. 64, 68, 140, 232. Lester, Peter, 74, 76. 101, 119, 220, 221, 346, 347, 395, 404. Letort, James, 322, 346, 347. Levis, Samuel, 64, 69, 71, 74, 77, 84, 85, 86, 90, 139, 169, 180, 182, 183, 185, 186, 196, 197, 199, 213, 218, 223, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 236, 241, 245, 246, 247, 253, 259, 262, 268, 269, 275, 276, 277, 282, 299, 303, 304, 307, 318, 338, 346, 359, 364, 379, 384, 388, 397, 402. Lewellyn, Morris, 174, 238, 322, 339, 360, 381. Lewis, David, 66, 67, 326, 330, 404. Henrv, 121, 253, 270, 342, 343, 360. John,' 121, 167, 174, 254, 342. Ralph, 261, 280, 286, 343, 407. William, 34, 80. 117, 127, 275, 311, 384, 405. Linsey, Daniel, 7, 10, 109. 337, 344. Little, Francis, 108, 113, 122, 132, 138, 145, 147, 149, 157. 168, 174, 175, 211, 225, 253, 266. 268, 269, 274, 275, 294, 304, 305, 318. Mary, 166. Lloyd, David, 134. 200, 201, 213, 224, 226, 239, 242. 243, 246, 248, 254, 315, 317, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 343, 353, 356, 360, 362, 372, 385, 394, 396, 405, 407. John, 335. Locke, Andrew, 173, 174, 175, 185, 237. Elizabeth, 151, 152. Mouns, 118, 122, 124, 174, 175, 216. Longshaw, Thomas, 363. 385, 395, 396, 397, 398, 400, 403. Longshore, Margaret, 372. Robert, 215, 317. Thomas, 298. Longworthy, John, 335. Lounder, Peter, 116. Lownes, George, 220, 358, 366, 404. James, 93, 271, 283, 288, 296, 367. Joseph, 72, 119, 220. Susanna, 283, 288. Lucas, Robert, 3, 0, 8. Lucker, Annakey, 21. Lukens, Nathaniel, 113, 119, 147, 200, 231, 237, 274. Lynch, Dennis, 357. Mackdaniell (McDonald). Daniel, 300. Owen, 178, 179, 261, 263, 264, 266, 272, 301, 328, 336, 355, 356, 361, 393, 395. Sarah, 399. Mackelfray, John, 335. Mackleway, Andreas, 12, 21. Mecany, Alexander, 300. INDEX 421 Mackeenis, Alexander, 329. Magdalion, Owen, 261. Maddock, Henry, 143, 375. John, 117, 161, 190, 221, 231, 234, 241, 243, 248, 249, 256, 262, 263, 264, 266, 277, 296, 320, 332. Mordecai, 120, 210, 215, 216, 221, 226, 233. Makee, Robert, 252, 271, 273, 276, 278, 279, 285, 292, 296, 334. Maun, John, 117. Randal, 45, 65, 68, 78, 81, 89, 109, 112, 139, 151, 162, 199, 218, 222, 243, 245, 265, 271, 279, 284, 318, 337, 338, 339, 363, 373, 391, 407. William, 59, 77, 81, 108, 152, 253, 277, 313, 319, 339. Mann, Abraham, 12, 21, 29. Maris, George, 35, 36, 37, 40, 42, 44, 45, 49, 51, 52, 55, 57, 61, 63, 64, 69, 74, 77, 81, 82, 86, 87, 90, 91, 94, 96, 101, 105, 107, 108, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 128, 132, 133, 138, 143, 145, 146, 155, 161, 168, 173, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 241, 245, 247, 253, 255, 259, 262, 268, 269, 270, 276, 277, 285, 286, 299, 346, 353. John, 82, 318, 323. Markham, Gov. William, 8, 10, 19, 155, 179, 296, 347. Marle, Thomas, 186. Marsh, John, 66. Marshall, John, 254, 274. Neales, 18, 148. Marten, Walter, 23, 24, 28, 34, 37, 43, 46, 52, 55, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 97, 115, 116, 117, 118, 142, 156, 157, 159, 164, 178, 182, 194, 207, 214, 215, 216, 253, 262, 288, 313, 318, 336, 358, 363, 364, 365, 366, 370, 371, 376, 379, 381, 382, 383, 389, 390, 404, 405. Martin, John, 21, 23, 24, 46, 50, 55, 75, 77, 104, 109, 112, 114, 117, 123, 150, 151, 167, 168, 183, 200, 203, 204, 205, 206, 224, 391, 394. Mary, 65, 301, 311, 313. Thomas, 66, 75, 78, 83, 118, 119, 120, 134, 140, 167, 183, 186, 199, 216, 217, 263, 265, 277, 404. Mason, Richard, 106, 109, 124, 147. Massey, Thomas, 60, 92, 265, 283, 302, 311, 314, 336, 337, 359, 373, 401, 404. Mathork, John, 117. Mayo, John, 132. Mayow, John, 112. Matson, Neales, 12, 18. Peter, 20, 24, Mendenhall, Benjamin, 74, 80, 83, 84, 119, 123, 129, 134, 146, 279, 284, 287, 289, 295, 318, 336, 383. John, 26, 28, 35, 37, 38, 41, 51, 55, 65, 68, 72, 74, 78, 81, 83, 92, 95, 97, 106, 115. 116, 117, 119, 123, 129, 156, 157, 183, 199, 225, 255, 279, 288, 313, 373, 401. Moses, 72, 75, 80, 83. Mercer, Thomas, 94, 246, 327. Meredith, David, 201, 263, 338, 360, 381. Mary, 201, 338. Miles, Griffith, 335. Richard, 238, 335. Samuel, 230, 335, 404. Minshall, Thomas, 26, 32, 33, 45, 49, 57, 78, 81, 128, 222, 223, 224, 233, 243, 254, 279, 284, 287, 336, 339, 373. Mody, Moody, Charles, 49, 50. Moll, John, 11, 22. Moore, Andrew, 66, 105, 115. George, 48. James, 238. Jane, 335. 422 INDEX Moore, John, 115, 342, 356, 362, 395. Mary, 296, 369, 390. Richard, 326, 330, 331, 354, 369. Thomas, 72, 75, 78, 116, 132, 142, 152, 186, 192, 199, 343, 390. More, Nicholas, 29. Morgan, Anthony, 274, 311, 321, 355, 403. Evan, 360. John, 311, 335, 360. Joshua, 359, 399. William, 88. Morrey, Humphrey, 100. Morris, Anthony, 353. David, 214, 217, 238, 287, 322, 350, 382. Morton, Catharine, 316. Mathias, 221, 297, 358, 366, 373, 390. Mortonson, Morton, 5, 70, 76, 83, 101, 102, 120, 237, 251, 348, 351, 358, 366, 390. Moulder, Jane, 166. Robert, 42, 52, 54, 59, 69, 70, 79, 105,. 110, 111, 115, 127, 185, 211, 244. Mulickay, Erick, 14. Musgrove, Widow, 117. Elizabeth, 166, 256. John, 282. Moses, 289, 291, 293, 357. Naylor, Robert, 135, 199, 320, 332, 370, 406. Nealson, Nelson, Andreas, 4, 15, 36, 88, 93. 215. Anthony, 33, 34, 248, 250. Annie, 115. Carey, 5. John, 112. Mary, 5. Michael, 29. Need, Joseph, 94, 128, 201, 237, 246, 297, 303, 304, 306, 358, 366, 390. Negro, Tobey, 250. Newlin, Nathaniel, 74, 91, 101, 128, 183, 271, 293, 295, 298, 358, 359, 379, 380, 381, 384, 390. Nicholas, 35, 38, 55, 57, 59, 61, 64, 72, 106, 149, 154, 155, 161, 168, 169, 173, 181, 183, 184, 185, 196, 199, 213, 218. 224, 225, 228. 230. Nields, John, 112, 119. 139, 190, 203, 207, 209, 215, 228, 230, 271, 273, 283, 297, 302, 317, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 336, 338, 339, 341, 343, 345. Mary, 338, 339, 343. Nicholson, John, 132, 149. Nickols, Henry, 355. Nixon, John, 45, 50, 59, 86, 89, 91, 185, 231, 241, 243, 248, 249. 261, 262, 296. Noble, Judith, 13, 14. Richard, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. Norbury, Thomas, 49, 86, 101, 182. Nossiter, Ann, 330. Thomas, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 26, 32, 33, 35, 39, 44, 49, 50, 330. Noyes, Samuel, 20, 97, 98, 105, 107, 281, 357, 364, 382. Oborn, Mary, 169, 196. William, 38, 40, 116, 169, 196. Ogden, David, 57, 74, 81, 89, 109, 112, 117, 146, 149, 150, 254, 302. 311. Oldfield, George, 21, 22, 357, 402. Oliver, Evan, 238, 335. Orion (Archer), Garthright (Gertrude), 316. John, 92, 93, 99, 100, 315, 316, 351, 367, 372, 373. William, 12. INDEX 423 Ormes, Richard, 174, 183, 254, 322. Otter, John, 19, 20, 22. Owen, Griffith, 220. Oxley, William, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 33, 35, 37, 41, 45. Painter, George, 381. Widow, 120. Palmer, John, 72, 76, 116, 132, 150, 282, 370. Mary, 77, 150. Parke, Nathaniel, 65, 66, 68, 75, 76, 116, 132, 142, 156, 157, 279. Parker, John, 135, 243, 246, 261, 283, 309, 310. Lawrence, 373. Richard, 97, 120, 121, 139, 164, 194, 244, 248, 289, 291, 306, 367, 406. William, 3. Parry, Thomas, 370. Parsons, John, 296. Paschall, Thomas, 294. Patrick, Zachariah, 126, 148, 187. Peacock, George, 325, 357, 400, 402. Pearce, George, 65, 67, 105, 119, 128, 141, 183, 195, 203, 207, 209, 254, 263, 265, 277, 281, 286, 288, 346, 350, 373. Nicholas, 342. Pearson, Edward, 123, 127, 214, 221, 228, 342. John, 139, 221. Margaret, 45, 49, 50. Margery, 148. Thomas, 38, 45, 50, 53, 60, 84, 89, 127, 128, 182, 185, 211. 217, 221, 230, 260, 346. Pedrick, Roger, 4, 6. Peirce, Anne, 6. Pemberton, Phineas, 353. Thomas, 353. Penn, William, 25, 161, 202, 203, 208, 214, 350. Pennell, Elizabeth, 221. John, 326. Robert, 75, 77, 119, 128, 214, 215, 216, 217, 246, 277, 318, 333, 391. Pennock, Edward, 375, 387. John, 339, 387. Peterson, Annakey, 19. Andreas, 15, 16, 19, 23. Hance, 18, 78, 88, 240. Morton, 18. Mouns, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 40, 63, 70, 80, 83, 93. 99, 101, 114, 123, 124, 201, 224, 251, 252, 259, 343. Peter, 92, 93, 101, 119, 123, 135, 164, 194, 224, 249, 322, 343. 380, 391. Reynear, 19, 23, 224, 225, 253, 394. Phillips, David, 311, 327, 349, 370. George, 164, 165, 196. Samuel, 78. Piiipps, Joseph, 26, 27. 149, 179, 180, 374. Pickering, Charles, 78, 88, 132, 134, 186, 200, 214, 215, 217, 242, 243, 254, 255, 342, 382. Pitman, Richard, 3, 4, 5. Plummer, 125. Pollen, John, 355. Popinjay, Armgard, 30. Potter, Joseph, 143, 152, 319. Pow, Sarah, 277, Thomas, 276, 277. 424 INDEX Powell, David, 153. Hannah, 3G9. Hester, 320. John, 154, 288, 295, 296, 310, 370. Joseph, 55, 197, 223, 245, 299, 307, 319, 331, 332, 3G9, 398, 403. Mary, 369. Samuel, 296. Thomas, 45, 65, 67, 75, 78, 80, 84, 86, 101, 110, 183, 186, 197, 214, 218, 224, 232, 249, 288, 299, 307, 310, 313, 317, 320, 398, 403. Pbew, John, 44, 124, 269, 275. Price, David, 405. George, 65. Priestner, Elizabeth, 156. Prince, Armgard, 28, 29. Pritchett, Edward, 37, 38, 42, 43, 72, 74, 76, 86, 97, 101, 103, 117, 131, 216, 224, 236, 280, 285, 370. Elizabeth, 280, 285. Prothero, Evan, 226, 230, 238, 247, 284, 286. Pumphrey, Walter, 4, 6. Pcsey, Caleb, 37. 46, 56, 72, 78, 80, 81, 82, 89, 90, 94, 95, 105, 109, 117, 118, 120, 123, 125, 129, 130, 146, 149, 151, 157, 164, 180, 181, 182. 188. 189, 190, 192, 197, 203, 209, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 226, 230, 232, 234, 235, 236, 239, 244, 245, 251, 252, 255, 256, 258, 259, 260, 262, 264, 267, 270, 274, 275, 276, 277, 283, 285, 296, 299, 300, 301, 307, 309, 317, 321, 328, 337, 338, 353, 358, 359, 369, 380, 384, 398, 403. Frances, 337. John, 337. Ptle, Nicholas, 83, 84, 150, 154, 162, 1-99, 228, 233, 270, 289, 300, 322. Robert, 34, 38, 41, 46, 52, 55, 57, 61, 63, 64, 71, 72, 74, 77, 83, 86, 87, 89, 132, 154, 169, 181, 182, 193, 199, 217, 223, 229, 324, 361, 363, 401. Quist, Neales, 101. Radley, John, 155, 183, 287, 311, 350, 370, 380, 391. Rambo, Andreas, 14. Brita, 21. John, 216. Peter, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 52. Rawlings, Rawlinson, Hester, 166. Thomas, 58, 96, 97, 123, 129, 132, 147, 185, 196, 203, 207, 209, 226, 231, 232, 237. William, 77, 78, 148. Rosen, Rawson, Ebritta, 59, 135. Wolle (William), 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 26, 31, 33, 42, 43, 45, 50, 53, 59, 119, 134, 135, 164, 173, 246. Redman, John, 353. Redmeal, Elizabeth, 235. John, 370. Rees, Harry, 405. Thomas, 274, 275, 328, 381. Reign, Dennis, 372. Rettew, William, 155, 175, 176, 293, 304. Revell, Thomas, 3, 8, 10, 15, 19, 23, 25. 28, 33, 67. Reynolds, Henry, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 18, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 43, 45, 46, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 61, 79 1 , 87, 110, 124, 125, 126, 127, 152, 159, 160, 184, 207, 208, 212, 265, 300, 303, 352. Richard. 68, 156. Rhoads, Adams, 92, 96, 101, 121, 156, 157, 199, 228, 391. John, 140, 255, 256, 261, 291. Richards, John, 370. INDEX 425 Richards, Jone, 158. Joseph, 22, 23, 24, 26, 34, 37, 41, 45, 64, 67, 70, 71, 72, 80, 92, 101, 105, 112, 125, 126, 129, 134, 140, 142, 147, 158, 164, 176, 177, 178, 183, 194, 195, 200, 201, 203, 209, 224, 226, 234, 237, 241, 243, 246, 270, 271, 278, 283, 296, 312, 324, 329, 332, 333, 370. Nathaniel, 158, 234, 253, 270, 277, 282, 318, 322, 323, 336, 343, 356. Richardson, John, 373. Joseph, 28, 34, 35, 109, 142, 249. Samuel, 353. Ridgway, Richard, 4, 6, 129, 130. Riley, Daniel, 260, 261, 263. Roberts, David, 336, 355, 356, 362, 365. John, 335. Oliver, 349. William, 355. Robinett, Allen, 81, 96, 176. Samuel, 370. Robins, Thomas, 130. Robinson, Andrew, 59, 281, 299, 303. George, 383, 399. John, 361. Patrick, 186, 200, 214, 217, 254, 262, 263, 265, 268, 278, 279, 281, 353, 376. Robert, 26, 33, 201. Samuel, 405. Thomas, 125, 384. Rochford, Dennis, 51, 52, 70, 116, 167, 179, 180, 263. Roman, Philip, 49, 62, 70, 91, 116, 121, 126, 138, 139, 145, 149. 153, 169, 186, 192, 196, 203, 207, 214, 215, 216, 230, 239, 259, 263, 265, 266, 279, 309, 322, 328, 334, 335, 340, 352, 354, 358, 388, 401. Robert, 363, 371. Ross, Alexander, 300. Routh, Francis, 309, Lawrence, 150, 164, 194, 235, 307, 308, 309, 332. Rachel, 309. Thomas, 309. Widow, 283, 303. Rowe, William, 234, 253, 262, 337, 343. Roweix, Martha, 357. Rowland, Samuel, 65, 66, 67, 68, 95, 97, 105, 106, 113, 130, 134, 135, 175, 217, 333, 385, 396. Rotiierrow, Rhyddttbah, Ruthero, Rees, 274, 360, 381. Rudman, Richard, 58, 92. Rudyard, Thomas, 59. Rutter, Elizabeth, 356, 357. Salter, Hannah, 7. Samuel, Hugh, 153. Sandilands, Anneka. 5, 54, 103, 166, 263. Christian, 283. James, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27, 33, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41. 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 59, 62, 68, 69, 71, 85, 90, 92, 101, 112, 125, 127, 132, 147, 149, 159, 160, 168, 173, 179, 181, 182, 183, 185, 195, 196. 197, 199, 202, 206, 209, 212, 213, 218, 221, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230, 231, 236, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 247, 248. 249, 250, 253, 26S, 283, 284, 294, 305, 309, 328, 341, 372, 376, 377. Jonas, 284. Lydia, 284. Alary, 283. Sanger, John, 72, 75, 132, 149, 159, 176. 426 INDEX Sary, Thomas, 22. Scarlet, Humphrey, 201, 281, 282, 329, 370. Scholey, Robert, 3, 4, 5. Scoole, Samuel, 295, 301. Scorey, William, 188, 189. Scothorn, Robert, 201, 274, 289, 292, 339, 391, 406. Scott, James, 33, 34. Samuel, 253, 2G2, 270, 287. Seary, Thomas, 22. Sellers, Samuel, 119, 224, 230, 240, 294. Shard, John, 107, 391. Shardlow, William, 261. Sharples, James, 404. Jane, 121, 138, 384. John, 45, 119, 121, 138, 164, 194, 195, 239, 240, 254, 351, 392, 395, 407. Joseph, 384. Shaw, John, 264, 302, 314. Joseph, 211, 212. Short, Miriam, 23. SnLTE, William, 15, 16. Sidebottom, Thomas. 231, 337, 372, 402, 405. Simcock, George, 120, 152, 167, 201, 225, 240, 266, 270, 271, 281, 304. John, 22, 23, 25, 28, 32, 34, 51, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 69, 75, 77, 83, 84. 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 103, 105, 107, 108, 110, 113, 114, 115, 116, 120, 122, 124, 128, 138, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 149, 150, 155, 158, 161, 168, 173, 179, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 192, 218, 221, 224, 225, 227, 228, 230, 234, 236, 241, 246, 247, 252, 253, 254, 259, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 270, 273, 275, 276, 277, 279, 285, 312, 313, 317, 354, 359, 360, 369, 375, 379, 381, 388, 392, 394, 396, 397, 402, 403. Jacob, 80, 83, 89, 95, 101, 105, 109, 117, 120, 135, 138, 143, 173, 221, 265, 267, 360. Susanna, 225, 266, 281. Simonson, Magnis, 300. Simpson, William, 2S1, 320, 332. Smedley, George, 117, 253. Sarah, 291. Smith, Anne, 73, 104, 175. Benjamin, 386, 396. Clare, 274. Elizabeth. 355. Francis, 68, 71, 72, 73, 76, 84, 104, 116, 138, 163, 164, 168, 174, 175, 185, 231. John, 57, 59, 92, 128, 134, 165, 212, 214, 215, 216, 231, 243, 248, 256, 306, 313, 323, 330, 333, 358, 366, 390, 406. Margaret, 107, 110. Mary, 274, 355. Robert, 84, 121, 152, 156, 201, 261, 292. Roger, 275, 289, 297, 344. Thomas, 57, 59, 63, 76, 96, 113, 114, 123, 156, 157, 199, 256, 286, 287, 293, 299, 301, 304, 306, 307, 310, 315, 319, 320, 321, 323, 327, 329, 331, 332, 334, 336, 338, 339, 341, 354, 375, 406. William, 59, 230, 244, 274, 297, 322, 355, 372, 403. South, Humphrey, 390. Southry, Robert, 71. Sumtion, John, 52, 53. Spencer, Thomas, 340. Spray, Christopher, 282, 404. Stacy, Mahlon, 14. INDEX 427 Stanfteld, Francis, 60, 86, 92, 180. Grace, 148. James, 38, 60, 92, 93, 99, 119, 134, 141, 146, 152, 156, 160, 164 165 175, 178, 179, 182, 185, 196, 199, 200, 206, 213, 215, 216, 22o! 225,' 226, 231, 232, 255, 338, 397, 399, 401. Mary, 165. Stanford, Anne, 6. William, 6. Stanyard, William, 156. Steedman, Elizabeth, 127. John, 74, 110, 346, 363. Joseph, 45, 55, 66, 74, 156. Stephens, Francis, 14, 18, 21. John, 404. Robert, 99, 100, 101, 103, 119. Stephenson, Francis, 4, 6. Steward, Peter, 135, 137, 147. Stockdale, William, 208. Stockett, Stawkett, Stalker, Mons, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 19 20 26 St 36, 37, 315, 316. ' ' ' ' ' Peter, 315, 316. Streatcher, 125. Strode, George, 25, 26, 32, 35, 54, 55, 72, 75, 78, 80, 85, 86, 111, 113 116 127, 132, 134, 177, 178, 185, 235, 291, 305, 311, 330, 331, 343,' 354' Stubbs, Joseph, 7. Swaffer, James, 102, 105, 109, 112, 125, 152, 156, 157, 162, 215 216 224 226, 254, 304, 323, 336, 339, 346, 356, 357, 360, 365, 380,' 392." 393,' 395. William, 201, 254, 282, 337, 346, 398. Swanson, Andreas, 9, 100. Jacob, 30. Swan, 3, 8, 10, 15, 19. Swift, Henry, 134, 320, 332, 394, 395. Symes, John, 66. Symonds, Daniel, 31. Talley, William, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 110, 112, 113, 118, 121, 138 153 186, 192, 226, 237, 243, 249, 297, 323, 337, 344, 346, 356. ' ' Taton, Henry, 316. Walbera, 316. Taylor, Ebenezer, 3, 5, 6, 7. Christopher, 35, 40, 48, 49, 262, 270, 278, 298, 305, 326. Hannah, 128. Isaac, 174, 248, 253, 262, 265, 268, 313, 404. Israel, 341, 343, 345, 352, 353, 357, 361, 365, 367. Jacob, 405. John, 78, 81, 102. Jonathan, 405. Joseph, 229, 341, 345, 346, 352, 353, 357, 365. Josiah, 174, 199, 238, 253, 301, 313, 328, 329, 336, 337, 339. 340, 395, 406. Martha, 405. Mary, 222, 223. Peter, 48, 63, 89, 108, 128, 153, 183, 186, 192, 195. 214, 218 222 249 254, 270. 391. Richard, 324. "aWt 2 3 4 3 3, 3 2 7 48? 4 302 5 ' ^ 6 °' "* ^ "* 137 ' Ml ' ^ lU ' Thomas, 117, 370, 395. 403. William, 34, 41, 42, 65, 68, 70, 221, 222, 223. 28 428 INDEX Test. John. 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 156, 366, 367, 368, 369. Thomas, 362. Thatcher, Richard, 97, 115, 116, 117, 119, 139, 162, 183, 399. Thomas, Charles, 303, 323, 330. George, 282, 288, 313, 319. John, 203, 207, 209, 213, 362. Micah, 226, 243. Peter, 61, 127, 246, 311, 395. Reece, 381. Richard ap, 394. William, 118, 184, 318, 322, 335, 358, 366, 384, 394. Widow, 335. Thomson, George, 23, 31, 32. Miriam, 49. Richard, 251, 263, 264, 266, 314, 359, 406. Thomas, 350. Thornton, Nathaniel, 53, 66, 89, 110, 124, 125, 139, 150, 151, 226, 230, 232, 240, 259, 275. Thrumball, Samuel, 21. Tobton, Henry, 38, 60, 74. Hendrick, 221. Trego, Peter, 338. Tremaine, Alice, 310. Peter, 94, 192. Trent, Maurice, 300, 355, 361. Tress, Margaret, 395. Trotter, William, 149, 282. Tucker, Richard, 74, 92, 151, 256, 343. Nathaniel, 336. Turberfield, Mary, 165, 167, 173, 184, 194. Turner, John, 178, 179, 277. Robert, 40, 130, 188, 260, 262, 263, 265, 267, 270, 278, 281, 298, 305, 326, 342, 344, 352, 382. Urine, Haunce, 60, 63, 70, 76, 80, 85, 92, 99, 101, 102, 177, 184, 224, 316, 336, 348, 354. Usher, Sarah, 166, 168. Thomas, 25, 27, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45. 46, 49, 51, 52, 55, 57, 61, 63. 64, 67, 68, 69, 74, 76, 77, 87, 89, 90, 97, 102. 106, 108, 110, 140, 150, 168, 180, 352, 377. Vanculin, Anne, 217. Jacobus, 380, 391. John, 74, 77, 84, 89, 90, 131, 227, 232. Renear, 84. Vanderheyden, Mathias, 18, 30, 31, 33, 272, 278. Vandever, William, 18, 138. Vernon, Randal, 28, 36, 40, 41, 45, 49, 56, 63. 64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 96, 120, 125, 128, 147, 157, 165, 180, 183, 186, 192, 199, 211, 218, 243, 245, 246, 249, 253, 254, 259. 264, 273, 279, 307, 309, 311, 337, 373. Robert, 28, 48, 78, 80, 108, 162, 222, 224, 232, 243, 245, 253, 271, 279, 328, 338, 339, 344, 383, 396. Thomas, 24, 28, 45, 74, 75, 78, 92. 99, 101, 108, 120, 129, 136, 139, 162, 202, 203, 207, 209, 232, 234, 237, 243, 254, 256, 258, 272, 273, 276, 328, 337, 338, 339, 340. 342, 344, 396. Vestal, William, 268, 339, 343. Vines, 125. Wade, Lydia, 65, 98, 166, 330, 351. Robert, 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 19, 22, 23, 25, 32, 34, 35. 37, 40. 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 55, 57, 61, 63, 64, 66, 69, 77, 83, 85, 86. 104. 106, 116, 117, 175. 181, 182, 183, 185, 201, 212, 213, 318, 330. 351, 353, 395, 400. INDEX 429 Waldron, Roger, 129, 132, 133, 325. Walker, Edward, 72. Francis, 13. Walliam, James, 48. Wallis, Thomas, 14. Walter, Edward, 96 (?), 147, 163. Godwin, 85, 311, 336, 401. Ward, John, 26, 27. Warner, Isaac, 79, 98, 105, 113, 126, 207, 208, 265, 266, 269, 275. William, 3, 10, 11, 12. Warren, Abraham, 361. Waters, Edward, 96. Watmore, Nathaniel, 298. Watt, George, 188. John, 188, 189. Watts, John, 396, 400. Way, Robert, 78, 259. Weaver, Anne, 146, 158. Anthony, 65, 72, 89, 94. William, 158, 281. Weight, Samuel, 80, 102, 109. West, William, 109. Wharley, Daniel, 56, 130, 188, 189. Wheeler, Gilbert, 14, 18. James, 337, 344. Whelden, Isaac, 246. Whitacre, Charles, 75, 84, 88, 93, 95, 110, 143, 218, 230, 247, 251, 288, 306, 313, 391. Whitaker, James, 216, 391, 402. Whitby, Thomas, 143. White, John, 28, 88, 200, 213, 214, 217, 242, 254. Nicholas, 184. Robert, 9, 361, 371, 380, 391. William, 98, 103, 112, 195, 196. Whitehorne, Thomas, 65, 70. Wickham, John, 127, 135, 136, 137, 141, 147, 148, 152, 226, 234. Willard, George, 55, 75, 97, 117, 119, 120, 141, 188, 215, 228, 267, 356, 358, 366, 384, 390. Joseph, 24. Susannah, 141, 148, 202, 203. Willcox, Barnabas, 88. Joseph, 342, 382. Williams, Gilbert, 45, 52, 56, 273, 289, 296. Dunck, 12, 15, Henry, 48. James, 48. John, 46, 353. Robert, 27. Williamson, Daniel, 128, 233, 238, 281, 302, 313, 314, 328, 329, 336, 403, 404. . Mary, 339, 340. Willis, Hester, 360. John, 274, 311, 360, 363. Margery, 58. Thomas, 140. Wilsherie, Sarah, 42. Wilson, Richard, 353. Winchcome, Katharin, 20. Winter, William, 165. 430 INDEX Withers, Ralph, 25, 27. Thomas, 18, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 57, 58, 74. 80, 106, 116, 187, 268, 269. 271, 279, 285, 286, 287, 292, 293, 296, 299, 300, 301, 305, 306, 307. 310, 315, 319, 320, 373, 376, 402. Wood, Anthony, 402. George, 26, 33, 37, 57, 70, 84, 89, 109, 121, 179, 180, 406. Jane, 110, 294. Henry, 92. John, 4, 6, 110, 123, 128, 156, 157, 167, 182, 195, 201, 226, 228, 230. 234, 235, 243, 246, 271, 277, 292, 294, 304, 306, 405, 406. Jonathan, 230. Joseph, 93, 109, 112, 118, 122, 129, 138, 139, 145, 168, 196, 201, 215, 216, 223, 225, 230, 233, 236, 243, 247, 286, 287, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 299, 301, 304, 306, 307, 310, 315, 318, 319, 321, 323, 326, 327, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 336, 338, 339, 341, 343, 346, 34!>, 351, 352, 354, 358, 362, 372, 379, 386, 388, 391, 393, 394, 402, 403. 405, 406. Peter, 346. 363, 367, 404. Susanna. 69, 230. William. 35. 40, 44. 55, 57, 122, 223, 229. Woodmans, Thomas, 130. Woodmansee. William. 3, 4. 5, 12, 22, 23, 24, 26, 37, 41, 45, 49, 52. 63. 88, 119, 124, 129, 141, 142, 153, 160, 174, 195, 209, 227, 230, 235, 244, 248, 393, 407. Woodyard, Woodward, George, 75, 78, 152, 186, 192, 254, 290, 304, 374, 391. Elizabeth, 127, 289, 291, 293. Mary, 290, 291, 293. Richard, 125, 128, 129, 140, 167, 217, 254, 287, 311. 319, 373, 375, 392. Robert, 129, 134, 154, 192, 199, 221, 289, 380, 392, 393. Woolson, Hance, 10. Worley, Francis, 266, 320, 350, 358, 366. Henry, 384. Worrall. John, 45, 50, 56, 65, 67, 108, 113, 117, 125, 129, 134, 139, 143, 152, 199, 231, 236, 249, 263, 265, 271, 277, 318, 343, 363, 373, 374. 375, 395. Peter, 146. 211, 217, 264, 266, 271, 272, 273, 284, 337, 370. Richard, 22. Worrilow, Ann, 240. John. 240, 263, 265, 277, 291, 313, 336. 339, 356, 367. 373. Thomas, 127. 147, 183, 199, 240, 284, 303, 322, 358, 360, 375, 385, 390. Worth. Thomas, 26, 28, 32, 36, 37, 57, 64, 67, 70, 71, 75, 92, 96, 110. 119, 121, 151, 164, 194, 228, 248, 261, 262, 288, 294, 306, 313. Wroth, James, 110. Yarnall, Francis, 57, 64, 66, 80, 81, 82, 83, 87, 146, 182, 214, 233, 248, 263, 291, 318, 346. Philip, 64, 94, 119, 289, 291, 293, 311, 356, 375, 391, 397. Yeates, Jasper, 283, 284, 294, 305, 327, 334. 339, 341, 342, 346, 354, 359, 361, 366, 369, 371, 374, 379, 381, 388, 396, 397, 400, 402, 403. Yokeham, Peter. 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 362, 372. \M QniiTu CD ^ r li Versity of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. TR - int. LOAN Jm 1 *88 «^ D sep i k 'as m