L A SKETCH OF THI REIGN OF GEORGE THE THIRD. FROM I 7 80, TO THE CLOSE OF THE YEAR I79O. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. DE BRETT, OPPOSITE BURLINCTON HOUSE, PICCADILLT. M DCCXCI. >6 ) his political buckler, the points of which were continually broken and turned afidc by his urbanity, his ready and pleafant wit, or his able and ingenious reafonings, when fufficiently flung by the reproaches which were heaped on him, to awaken and to roufe his torpid parts. Inur'd to the habits of parliamentary debate, mailer of all the fcience of minifterial eva- sion or defence: though deftitute of energy and coercion of character, yet eloquent, mild, perfuafive, and blelfed with an al- most infuperable tranquillity of temper, he patiently faw the ftorm exhauft itfelf ; and looked round, ferene and placid, to that powerful phalanx, which, long ac- cuftomed to obey, ilill clofely adhered to him under every circumftance of public diftrefs, and never abandoned him in the hour of neceility. Even the lethargic and foporific qualities of his body, as they frequently prevented him from either hearing or feeling the invectives of oppo- fition, in fome meafure difarmed and blunted their edge; while flumbers, which fo ( <7 ) fo often fly the couch of princes, not un- ufually vifited Lord North amidfr. ail the din and tumult of the Treafury Bench. Near him fat the American Secretary, Lord George Germain ; whofe more irri- table nerves, and more communicative or unguarded character, afforded materials and fcope for continual attack. Cited with extraordinary natural endowments, though little cultivated by polite letters, or adorned by fcience ; aciive, perfevering, deciiive, and capable of conducting the greater!: affairs of ftate, he was yet pur- fued by the fame fatality which had blafted his early profpects of greatnefs. Unfuccefsful in age upon the plains of America, as he had been unfortunate in youth upon thofe of Germany, he vainly invoked an exhausted nation, and a dif- contented Parliament, to continue a war, which, however juft and neceffary in its origin, had become odious and ungrateful, from a long feries of ill fuccefs. Loyal to his Sovereign, pertinacious in his fa- vourite meafure of fubj ceding America, D and ( i8 ) and conceiving his own political fituation infeparably connected with the final fuc- cefs of that attempt, he adhered inflexibly to it, and regarded its profecution as a facred principle, from which no obftacles could induce him to recede. Mr. Ellis, who for near half a century, fince the times of Walpole and Pelham, had occupied a place under Government, continued to retain his ancient corner on the Treafury Bench ; while Mr. Dundas, whofe pliant and verfatile talents have adapted themfelves to almofi every Admi- niftration, and whofe abilities are calcu- lated to ftrengthen and fupport any, was feated nearer to the centre of action, and boldly prefented himfelf at the poft of dan- ger, whenever the enemy attempted to llorm the outworks. His friend and com- panion Mr. Rigby, ftill enjoyed the ample revenue of the Pay Office, without a part- ner j and in the exceiTes of a voluptuous table, of wine and conviviality, drowned the recollection of tirefome debates, and more difgraceful defeats. Th< ( 19 ) The two great luminaries of legal know- ledge, Thurlow and Wedderburne, who had long occupied and adorned their feats on the fame fide of the houfe, had been fuccef- fively raifed to the honours of the peerage ; and their empty places were filled by others far inferior in energy, dignity and capacity. Such was the afpect of miniitry at the period to which I allude. On the other fide of the houfe, Mr Fox led on the bands of oppofition in clofe and well conducted files, while Mr. Burke charged at the head of his irregular fquadrons, and carried terror into the ranks of adminiftration. Dunning, in defiance of nature, deftitute almoft of organs of articulation, monotonous and difgufting in his tones, ungraceful in his figure, poiTefTing no external advantages, and un- adorned by any factitious circumftances of birth and alliance ; yet, under all thefe im- pediments, arretted the judgment, charm- ed the ear, and captivated the imagination, by the ftream of his eloquence ; though it fometimes flowed through the channels of D % law, ( 20 ) law, it was always bright, clear, and lucid. Keppel, Conway, Howe, and Barre occupied their refpe&ive flations in this formidable and augmenting body, and aided the general attack upon the feeble and difmayed adherents of the minifter. Suftain'd by the purity and integrity of his 'Mentions ; repofing on the elleem and affetlions of his people ; and bent on the profecution of a war, which, however unfortunate in its conduct, was founded in the juft rights of his throne, no fymp- tom of change or alarm was to be traced in the fovereign. At no period of his reign were his fortitude and magnanimity put- to fo fevere a teft, and at none were they more unfhaken. Equanimity, fere- nity, and dignity appeared in his features, and pervaded his manners, even in mo- ments of the moft acute perfonal fuffering. That piety, and that reiignation to the dif- penfations of Providence, which has always formed fo diilinguifhing a part of his cha- racter, eminently gilded the gloom of this melancholy portion of his reign, preceded and ( 21 ) and followed by fcenes of profperity and glory. Such was the fublime and affect- ing fpectacle which George the Third exhibited to mankind, amidft the convul- fions of every kind which menaced his domeftic tranquillity, diminifhed his em- pire, and attacked him with augmenting violence. To the limited and erring eye of man, in- capable of pervading futurity , and of remov- ing the darknefs which furrounds it, Louis the Sixteenth thenprefented a very different and a much more enviable figure. Fortunate in having fucceeded to a prince, who was funk in diffolute pleafures, and loft to all public exertion before his reign expired, he afcended the throne of Henry the Fourth, under every flattering circumftance of youth and of profperity. His want of any eminent talents feemed to be amply com- penfated by ceconomy, application, deco- rum of manners, and, above all, by a fe- leclion of wife and able minifters. A fuccefsful war, which eclipied and obli- terated the difgraces and defeats, fuf- tained ( 22 ) tained by France in her laft rupture with England, endeared him to a loyal and affectionate nation, characterifed for ages by its predilection and attachment to its monarchs. A Queen, diftinguimed by endowments of mind, of manners, and of perfon, not lefs than by her high rank and imperial defcent, had formed the bond of connexion between the Houfes of Bourbon and of Auflria, while fhe ren- dered Verfailles the refidence of pieafure, gaiety, and magnificence. France appear- ed to re-afcend in the fcale of Europe, in the fame proportion as Great Britain de- clined ; and flattery, if not reafon, already predicted the revival of the proud age of Lewis the Fourteenth. But, to confound the fpeculations of policy, and to evince the hafly transitions of human greatnefs, it was prccifely at this very juncture that the feeds were fown, which we have fince feen matured; which have already over- turned the very elements of order and go- vernment, ftained the palace of Verfailles with blood, and menace the extinction of property, ( n ) property, perfonal fecurity, and every thing dear to mankind. The troops who were fent as auxiliaries to the rebellious provinces of Great Britain beyond the Atlantic, fpeedily imbibed that fpirit of freedom, which they were commanded to defend ; and did not relinquifh thefe fen- timents fo incompatible with abfolute monarchy, when they returned to their native country. On the other hand, the anticipation of the public revenue, which was neceflarily produced by a war, how- ever glorious and fuccefsful, added to the immoderate expences of a diffipated and luxurious court, foon reduced the King to adopt a meafure, which though difln- terefted and even patriotic, opened the way to make his throne. Louis the Sixteenth was perfuaded to break the royal houfe- hold, to difmifs about four hundred officers holding pofls immediately about his per- fon, and to content himfelf with a lefs expenfive and fplendid eitablifhment. Perhaps no advice more replete with cala- mity, could have been conceived or fol- lowed. ( M ) lowed. The pomp and external para- phernalia of majefty being once with- drawn ; and the numbers of nobility at- tached to the fovereign by interefl, va- nity, or affection, being once difbanded, the throne was left naked, unprotected, and expofed to infult. Experience has evinced its deflructive tendency ; and has fhewn that only a limited monarch, who reigns in the affections of his fubjects, and whofe interefls are intimately blended with thofe of his people, can remain an object of refpect and homage, diverted of the fplendor and protection of a royal court, and numerous houfehold. The Emprefs Queen, Maria Therefa, clofedat this period a reign of forty years, marked by the moll linking viciflitudes of profperous and of ad verfe fortune. During the exiflence of the powerful combination which fhook her throne in the commence- ment of her life, Ihe exhibited the moil undaunted magnanimity, the greatefl re- fources of mind, and a courage fuperior to her fex. Driven from Vienna in 1 741 , while ( =5 ) while Bohemia and Auftria were over-run by the French and Bavarians, Hie found protection and fuecours in the loyalty of her Hungarian fubjedts, who at fight of her beauty, youth, and misfortunes, for- got their hereditary enmity and jealoufy of the Imperial houfe from which fhe fprung. The afternoon and evening of her reign, though frequently difturbed by foreign wars, were pafTed by her in the difcharge of every duty due from a fovereign to her people. Mild, clement, humane, munificent, and ever extending the proofs of her parental tendernefs to her wide ex- tended dominions, fhe was idolized by the Hungarians, beloved by the Flemings, and dear to every order of citizens. That piety and fortitude which had charac- terized her life, accompanied and bright- ened her dying moments. Her crowns defcended to her fon Jofeph ; a Prince who had given premature expectations of genius and capacity, and whofe emulation of the King of PrufTia promifed to render him worthy of fo great an antagonist. But Eu- E rope ( 26 ) fope was foon undeceived in this favorable anticipation of the talents of Jofeph the Second. Agitated with perpetual and varying fchemes of conquefl: : reftlefs, and incapable of repofe : planning innovations in religion, in manners, and in civil life, which were no fooner executed than re- voked : oppreflive and defpotic, without the art either of concealing thefe qualities, or of rendering their effects palatable to his fubjecls : menacing at the fame mo- ment the juff. franchifes of the Netherlands, and the antient liberties of Hungary : dread- ed in the empire, and detefted in his own capital : anxious to enlarge the limits of his dominions, even at the expence of faith and juftice : rapacious of ecclefiaftical property, and profufe only of the blood of his peo- ple ; Jofeph foon alienated the affections of every rank, and clofed a tempeftuous reign, unregretted, and unlamented; leav- ing the Houfe of Auftria in embarrafs- ments, produced by his violence and am- bition, fcarcely inferior to thofe which had fo nearly overturned and extinguished it, ( V ) it, at the death of his grandfather Charles the Sixth. Two illuftrious and extraordinary Prin- ces then filled the thrones of Mufcovy and of Pruffia. A woman was ftill deftined to fway the fceptre of the Czars, and to govern the immenfe regions ex- tending from the Frozen to the Cafpian Sea. Unequalled in magnificence, and unconquerable in war, Catherine the Second had enlarged the limits of her vail domi- nions, covered the Black Sea with Ruffian fleets, and threatened the entire fubverfion of the Ottoman power. Protectrefs of the fciences and liberal arts, (lie cultivated the friendfhip of d'Alembert, courted the correfpondence and the praifes of Vol- taire, and, like Louis XIV., extended her munificence to men of letters throughout every kingdom of Europe. Intoxicated with fuccefs, and elevated to the fummit of human grandeur and felicity, fhe forgot the friendly hand which had aided her arms, and taught them the way to victory ; while dreaded and admired in every quar- E 2 ter ( *« ) ter of the globe, me feemed to have chained the inconstancy of fortune, and to defy the changes and clouds which fo frequently darken the conclufion of a fe- ma.e reign. Frederic, covered with laurels, and re- tired from Berlin to the folitary magni- ficence of Potzdam ; in the bofom of lite- rary repofe, and linking under the preffure of augmenting infirmities, advanced to- wards the termination of his memorable life and reign. Alienated from, or indif- ferent to the misfortunes of England, he regarded with a philofophic and averted eye her prefent unequal conteft againit fo many powers ; and extended no relief, nor made any exertion in favour of his antient ally. Portugal alone, among fo many neutral, or hoflile ilates, ventured at this diitrefs- ful moment, to grive fome affirmative marks of friendship to the crown of Great Britain. While Europe exhibited this afpecl, fo iittle calculated to awaken hope, frefh loffes ( 29 ) lofles and defeats awaited the arms of Eng- land beyond the Atlantic. The capture of the Ifland of St. Euftatius, which, on its firft promulgation, had diffufed a general joy throughout the nation, produced in the event only obl( quy to the captors, and a fufpeniibn the moil untimely and injurious in ^ur naval and military exertions ; while the troops, which mould have adted with vigour againft the enemy, were funk in inactivity, or occupied in plunder. As the year advanced, new lflands were loft, and new difgrai :es incurred j 'till the cli- max of national calamity attained its ulti- mate point by the furrender of an army of feven thoufand men, who laid down their arms before Walhington and Rocham- beau, on the more of the Chefapeake. After fix years of mutual flaughter and alternate fuccefs, the genius ot America triumphed, and this laft unexampled vic- tory for ever confirmed her independence. The intelligence, when it was received in England, lhook the already tottering Ad- ministration, and precipitated its fall. Difmay, ( 30 ) Difmay and terror pervaded the cabinet, and agitated the counfels. The Oppofition, confcious of the augmenting diftrefs and fluctuating irrefolution of the firft minifter, called aloud for an explicit avowal of his renunciation of any further efforts to fubju- gate the revolted colonies. The exprellive filence of Lord North to thefe peremptory demands, left no room to doubt either of his fentiments or his wifhes ; and the Secretary for America, retiring from a lituation no longer tenable, after a rude attack from Lord Carmarthen, was re- ceived into the quiet bofom of the Houfe of Lords. The enemy rufhed into the breach which this difunion had occafioned, and already beheld the prize within their grafp. The Adminiftration, however, ftill lingered, though deftitute of animation or energy ; a feeble and ineffectual effort was even made to prolong their exigence, by the fubffitution of Mr. Ellis in the place of Lord George Germain; but this ftep ferved only to accelerate their dhXolution. Oppofition, eager to feize the prey, and ac- quiring ( 3« ) quiring force as they advanced, pufhed on towards the citadel ; 'till Lord North, on the 20th of March, 1782, exhibited the lingular and humiliating fpectacle of a Firft Minifter diverting himfelf of all theinfignia of office, before a crowded Houfe of Com- mons j and announcing his refignation to an altonifhed audience, who fcarcely credited the fact of which they were wit- nefTes. The novelty and effect of this extraordinary furrender of power, were encreafed by its being equally fudden and unexpected. Neither his friends nor his enemies were aware of the blow; and even his fovereign did not fufpect, 'till almoft the very inftant in which he exe- cuted his purpofe, that any fuch was me- ditated or intended. It is nugatory and unneceffary here to enquire, whether it was principally produced by timidity, fatigue, or difguft. Probably, by a combination of all thefe emotions ; and unqueftionably by a very unforefeen and hafly determina- tion. In this difarmed and unprepared fitua- tion, without either time or ability for framing ( 3* ) framing a new ministry, the King could only furrender at discretion. He did fo; and the royal garrifon, entered by Storm, was plundered by the conquerors. Three garters were found among the fpoils, and which ferved to decorate the principal chieftains. Offices and ports were distri- buted at their arbitrary pleafure ; and a new Administration loon appeared, compofed of motley materials, and evincing in its very formation and component parts, the principles of fpeedy difTolution. The feeble genius of Lord Rockingham pre- sided over it, but could infpire no heat or energy into the heterogeneous mafs. Ill calculated for fo arduous and delicate a ftation, he wanted talents to guide, and animate the complicated machine of which he was only the oStenSible leader. Mr. Fox and the Earl of Shelburne occu- pied the two Secretaryships of State ; while Keppel, raifed to the peerage for his fervices on the 27th of July, 1778, fucceeded to the presidency of the vacant Board of Admiralty. It is not my intention minutely to deli- neate ( 33 ) tieate or depicture the meafures of this tranfitory Administration, juft lliewn to the Britiih, as Marcellus was to the Ro- man people ; and fnatched away by an ex- tinction as hafty, but not as much la- mented. I have ever regarded the ihort period of its duration, as the laftand loweft point of national and royal depreffion. Though illuminated by a victory, which has flied an unexampled lultre over the annals of England, no ray of it reflected upon the Miniftry : they had vilified and persecuted the great naval commander who obtained it, previous to his departure for his Station : they recalled him in the very moment of his conquefts. The annals of that period, circumfcribed within three months, are marked by the humiliating and fruitlefs attempts of the Government to obtain peace from Holland ; though il- lufory promifes and alTurances of fuccefs had been held out to parliament, and to the country, by Mr. Fox, before his entry upon office. The peerage, in the almo(t only inftance where it was conferred, was F extorted ( 34 ) extorted from the fovereign, without even the decencies of refpect, or of requeft ; and the extraordinary fpectacle of a newly-created Peer kifling the King's hand in the Queen's drawing room, in violation of all form or ufage, was re- ferved for the Rockingham Adminiftra- tion to exhibit, in the perfon of Sir Flet- cher Norton. . A bill, which without materially con- ducing to national ceconomy, or public benefit, diminimed on one hand the dig- nity which ufed to wait upon the perfon of the fovereign ; and on the other, dif- armed every fucceeding minifter, by leav- ing him fcarcely any objects with which to ftimulate activity, or reward merit and adherence. A bill, which by compelling every Administration, from want of of- fices, to multiply the peerage, as the only thing left in their power to beftow ; and which, if not redrelfed and repealed, may eventually deflroy the balance of the conftitution. A bill, well known, and as well ( 35 ) well characterized by the name of its elo- quent, but theoretical and vifionary author, was introduced, and rapidly carried through the unrefifting Houfes of Parlia- ment; while the King was compelled to lend his name and aid to the completion of a law, which difbanded his houfhold, and difarmed his authority. This unwife and impolitic attack upon the majefty of the throne, was properly accompanied and fucceeded by fimilar in- vafions of the hereditary franchifes of the people. Under the fpecious allegation of extinguifhing the corrupt influence of the Crown, a great and induftrious body of men, the officers of the cuftoms, were deprived of their juft and unalienable right to vote in elections for their reprefentatives in Parliament ; and the natural reward of merit or fervices was converted by the Legiflature, into an inftrument of punifli- ment and privation. But, happily for the monarch and for the nation, a Miniftry, in which hypocri- tical profeflion was fubftituted for ad ion ; F z whofc ( 36 ) whofe conquefts were limited to St. James's, and whofe trophies were only obtained over clerks of the Green Cloth and houfekeepers, now drew near its ex- tinction. The natural deceafe of the Marquis of Rockingham, which took place upon the ift of July, 1782, can fcarcely be faid to have preceded, or an- ticipated his political difmiffion. He expired in the vicinity of London ; regret- ted only by his immediate friends and ad- herents ; efleemed as a virtuous and a well intentioned, though an inadequate Minif- ter. His elevation to the firft poft. in the Adminiflration was injurious to his cha- racter as a man of talents ; and he was twice deftined in the prefent reign, to fee the political fab rick which he had reared, moulder within a few months, and fink under its own prefTure. Like Galba, •' Major privato vifus, dum privatus fuit ; ** et omnium confenfu, capax imperii, " ni(j imperaiTet." Releafed by this interposition of for- tune, from a bondage equally fevere and humiliating, ( 37 ) humiliating, the Sovereign made a ielection from among his fervants, more confonant to his own perfonal inclinations, as well as more calculated to advance the public fervice. The Earl of Shelburne affumed the vacant Treafurer's ftaff, which had dropped from the hand of the deceafed Marquis ; while the honeft and virtuous incapacity of the late Chancellor of the Exchequer, was fupplied by equal probity and integrity, but accompanied with thofe fublime and early talents, which Mr. Pitt alone has difplayed and fuftained in the prefent age. Having declined the proffered advances of the late Miniftry, and having refufed to form any inferior part of, or ac- cept any fecondary fituation under that fyftem, he now firft appeared in the front ranks of government ; and evinced to an aflonifhed nation, that in a poll: fo arduous as that of the fuperin tendance of the com- plicated finances of an cxhauhxd and im- poverished country, he could unite the cnerg) and vigour of youth, with the maturity . ( 38 ) maturity and experience of more advanced life. Some fubordinate alterations in other departments of flate completed the new Adminiftration ; which, at its commence- ment was favoured by the advanced period of the year and fefTion, and the proroga- tion of Parliament which naturally fol- lowed. The adherents of Lord Rocking- ham filled the Lower Houfe with loud clamours and pointed infinuations, againfl the fuppofed motives and authors of a change fo inimical, as they afTerted, to the beft interests of the monarchy. Mr. Fox in a manly and magnanimous, Mr. Burke, in a querulous and reluctant man- ner, refpe&ively refigned their fituations. The impamoned exclamations of the latter were only interrupted and extinguifhed by the arrival of the Black Rod, and the fum- mons to attend the Chancellor at the bar of the Houfe of Lords. The feffion clofed ; and oblivion already drew her veil acrofs the departed Adminiftration, while new convulsions, and new fcenes of political confufion ( 39 ) confufion were filently, but rapidly, ge- nerating in the womb of time. Peace, which for fo many years had fled, now prepared to return. Inactivity, and a premature fufpenfion of hoftility be- yond the Atlantic, gradually opened the paffage to univerfal tranquillity in Europe. America, already declared independent by the Legiflature, no longer occupied the arms or efforts of Great Britain. Holland, divided by the Orange and the Republican factions, feebly fuftained her portion of the common attack. France, arretted in the midft of all her conquefls by the arm of Rodney, faw her boafted navy fcattered over the Weftern world ; happy to efcape the purfuit of a victorious fleet, and to (ink undifturbed, in the havens of Marti- nico, or of Bofton. It only remained to humble the arrogance of Spain ; who, in- folent with unaccuftomed fuccefs, and elated with the trophies acquired at Mi- norca, and in Florida, had affembled her forces of every kind round the rock of Gibraltar, and already anticipated the re- union ( 40 ) union of that proud fortrefs to her domi- nions. To indulge at once the gratifica- tion of national vanity, as well as the ac- quifition of glory, a Prince of the Blood Royal of France was invited to quit the effeminate pleafures of Verfailles, and to become a fpectatorof its reduction from the Spanifh camp. Preparations only inferior to thofe of Philip the Second againft Eli- zabeth, were made to accelerate and fe- cure fo favourite an object of the court of Madrid ; while all Europe might be faid, in common with the Count d'Artois, to have fixed their eyes upon this animating fpectacle. I need not relate the event ; in- scribed in characters which muft lafl as long as military fame and valour are re- vered among men. The formidable ar- maments of Charles the Third periflied under the fuperior fire of the garrifon ; and the miferable victims who efcaped from the conflagration, were indebted for their lives to the exertions of that very enemy, for whofe dcflruction they had been afTcmbled. Under ( 4i ) Under this fingular blaze of glory and fuccefs was terminated a war, which had been marked during its progrefs with every circumftance adverfe to England, and which, at many periods, had menaced its very exigence. Negociations, prolonged throughout the autumn, produced a gene- ral pacification at the beginning of 1783 ; the terms of which, however widely dif- ferent they were from thofe which Great Britain dictated at the treaties of Utrecht and of Fontainbleau, feemed neither igno- minious ncr difadvantageous, in the en- feebled ftate of the finances and refources of the country. France reftored almoft all her acquifitions, while Spain retained her conqueftsj and Holland, which had tar- dily and reluctantly been forced from her pacific fyftem, was abandoned by her al- lies, and left to expiate by conceflions, the departure from her ancient policy and connexions. But the waves of party, which had been fo long and fo violently agitated, could not immediately fublide with the G extinction ( 42 ) extinction of hostilities. The two power- ful factions, who had fucceffively poffeff- ed, and been deprived of the government, however adverfe they were to each other, yet united in their common oppofition to the new intruders. The character of the Firft Lord of the Treafury, though dif- tinguiihed by many impofing qualities of mind, by ingratiating and popular man- ners, and by an enlarged acquaintance with the foreign interefts of England ; yet wanted that ftamp of probity and princi- ple, without which a great nation never confers efteem and confidence. Infincerity and duplicity were afcribed to him by his enemies. Accufations and fufpicions were circulated, poffibly originating only in calumny, which arraigned his purity of conduct, as a Minifter, and infinuated his acquifition of perfonal wealth by the abufe of his high Situation, during the- progrefs of the late negociations, to the fordid purpofes of private gain. Doubts of this complexion, however unauthenti- catcd or unjuflthey may be fuppofed, yct t by ( 43 ) by operating on the public, equally indif- pofed them towards the peace, and to- wards its author. To thefe obvious and oftenfible caufes of his difmiflion, may be added the extraordi- nary and almoft inexplicable indifference which marked his conduct, towards pre- ferving a fituation, which it had been the leading and predominant object of his life to acquire. Parliament met, and after long and violent debates, renewed at various times, expreffed its difapprobation of the peace recently concluded, though by a very fmall majority. It is even highly probable that this mark of their diflatisfaction would not have been attended or followed by any fuch affirmative proofs of national refent- ment, as to have compelled a Minifter of firmnefs and rectitude to retire from his public fituation. Whether any con- fcioufnefs of a deficiency in either of thefe qualities, or whether motives more con- cealed and unafcertainable actuated the Earl of Shelburne; it is certain that he did not hefitate to take the warning G % which ( 44 ) which had heen given him, and to lay down his office without delay. But though he had embraced this pufilla- nimous and precipitate part, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, animated by feelings of integrity, loyalty, and duty to his Prince and to his country, generoufly refufed to aban- don them to the refentments and discretion- ary mandates of two factions, who had agreed to a mutual facrifice of principle, and even of decency, in order to gratify their thirft of power. x\fter a manly and mag- nanimous, but ineffectual ftruggle, he was however compelled to yield to fo unequal a force. The Sovereign, who had vainly endeavoured to compofe a new Adminiftra- tion, and who had been befieged in his own palace during fix weeks, found the lines of circumvallation too ftrong to force, and furrendered a fecond time prifoner of war. The two victorious chieftains, who had agreed to bury all paft caufes of re- fentment in oblivion, entered the breach in triumph, bound their captive, polled their centinels, and inverted th^mfelves in ( 45 ) in the fpoils which their conduct had ac~ quired. The larger fhare however of thefe emoluments fell to Mr. Fox ; and the Treafury was transferred from the mild incapacity of Lord Rockingham, whom death had removed, to the laborious, but limited and fubfervient talents of the Duke of Portland. Lord North, who did not feel with Caefar, that " the firit. fituation " in a village out-valued the fecond in an *' empire ", was content with the inferior portion of power and profit, allotted him -by the liberality of his new aiTbciates, and mixed in the cavalcade, which he had fo long conducted. Too happy to obtain an amnefty for the misfortunes of his Adminiftration, and foothed with the un- accuftomed panegyrics of thofe who had fo lately called out for axes and fcaffolds ; he funk without emotion, into a fubordi- nate office, and religned the painful pre- eminence of Itate into hands of greater energy or ambition. A paufe fucceeded to this extraordinary and eventful transfer of power; as the monarcti ( 46 ) monarch and the nation were equally in- capable of inflantly exerting any effort for their emancipation. The " Coalition " impofed their fetters upon both ; and little attentive to acquire the affection, were fatis- fied with the fubmiflion of their prifoners. Relying on their own united ftrength to retain the conquefts which they had made, they only began already to project the means of perpetuating and extending the term of their duration. To atchieve this object, it was indifpenfably neceffary to reconflruct the edifice which their injudi* cious fpirit of reform had lately over- thrown ; and to fubftitute other charges and offices in the place of thofe, which had been annihilated in the houfehold of the Sovereign. Thefe pleafing anticipations and reveries formed a grateful occupation during the recefs of Parliament ; and the fucceeding winter was deftined to fee the chains, which an unprincipled ambition had fabricated, impofed with all the fo- lemnity of legiflation upon an unrefifting people. There ( 47 ) There is however a limit prefcribed to violence, which it has ever been found impracticable to pafs ; and the " Coalition" was deStined to be taught by it's own ex- perience, that no combination of talents, power, or ability can fuStain a Govern- ment, where all opinion of principle, or refpect for character have ceafed to exiSt, on the part of the nation towards its ty- rants. Even the forms of the constitution and the fanctity of law will not prevent a generous and an enlightened country, from difcerning the abufe of that authority, which while it extinguishes prerogative, militates equally againSt freedom. Time alone was requifite to mature thefe re- flections ; and the Administration opened the way to their own destruction, by the very means which they had concerted for placing their greatnefs beyond the reach of accident. Mr. Fox introduced his celebrated V EaSt India Bill," with all that fplendor of parts, and difplay of ability, which has rendered him fo distinguished in the hif- tory ( 48 ) tory of the prefent age. Though India Was not in that department of public bufinefs, over which as Secretary of State, he perfonally prefided, yet the fuperior energy of his character, and the conveni- ent facility of his new colleague, allowed him to afTume this arduous and danger- ous pre-eminence. Mr. Burke's ample and inexhauftible ftock of materials and documents, fupplied any deficiencies of memory or local information ; while the " Inftitutes of Timur," and the wifeft re- gulations of European policy, were new- modelled by this generous legiflator. The oppreffions and calamities under which India had fo long fuffered j the peculations, committed by the fervants of the Company, as well as the wanton and unprincipled wars in which they had engaged, were highly painted, and ftrongly reprobated. The remedy to thefe numerous evils was prefented ; and all palliatives were depre- cated, as unequal to the extermination of a difeafe which had pervaded the whole fy{- tern, which demanded a meafure of more than ( 49 ) than ordinary vigour in the Legiflature. The Houfe of Commons yielded to thefe convincing and minifterial arguments, fo calculated to operate on their paffions as well as their judgments. The ineffectual oppofition which was made to it by Mr. Pitt, and a few perfons who adhered to him, neither retarded nor impeded the rapid progrefs of the bill. It was carried through one Houfe of Parliament by prodigious fuperiority of numbers ; and it was not apprehended that the fubfervient undcr- derftandings of the other Houfe, generally difpofed to fee all meafures of all Adminif- trations with a favourable eye, would re- ject the prefent, or canvafs it with unufual feverity. The " Coalition" appeared al- ready to touch the more, and to be near the accomplifhment of their molt, fanguine projects of grealnefs. The magnanimity and penetration of the Sovereign, awakened and directed by the timely exhortation of thofe who collected round the throne in this critical and dan- gerous conjuncture, matched the country H from ( 5° ) from the impending misfortune. Trie great incorporated bodies in various parts of the kingdom, flowly roufed to a com- prehenfion of the evil, and alarmed at the violation of the chartered rights of the firft commercial company in the nation, ap- peared ready to reclaim and to defend their own threatened immunities, or properties. London led the way in thefe fymptoms of confternation, and was followed by the principal cities and provinces. AddrefTes, remonltrances, and petitions, arrived from every part of Great Britain. Satire and ridicule, fo powerful in their operation upon the minds of men, united with rea- fon and argument to overturn a Minifrry, who had attempted to conftruct their own grandeur, equally on the ruin of the Prero- gative, and the deftruction of the Conftitu- tion. Two caricature drawings, conceived with exquifite humour, and whofe effect can perhaps be compared with nothing in our hiftory, except the fong of «? Lillabullero" under James the Second, were circulated in every company. In one of thefe, the Secretary ( 5' ) . Secretary of State who had introduced the bill, was depictured carrying, like Atlas, the whole Eaft- India Houfe upon his fhoulders ; while the affrighted Directors, looking out of the windows, appeared vain- ly to invoke afliftance agai'nfl the violence. The other reprefented his triumphal entry into Dehli, the capital of his newly con- quered dominions. Mr. Fox was habited in the fplendid Afiatic drefs of Shaw Allum ; while his obedient colleague in office Lord North, degraded to the inferior na- ture of the trained and managed elephant, fupported the victor on his back. Mr. Burke, as a trumpeter, accompanied the proceffion, proclaiming the virtues and trophies of this fucceffor of Tamerlane and Aurungzebe. The ftorm of national indignation, though long and tardy in forming, had now collected, and prepared to burft with the utmoft violence. The Houfe of Peers led the way, by throwing out the Eaft- India Bill ; and on the fubfequent night, at a late hour, his Majefty lent to de- li 7, mand C 52 ) mand the feals of office from the two Se- cretaries of State. An Adminiftration, St the head of which was Mr. Pitt, and of which he may be faid to have formed the vital principle, w T as inilantly compofed. So fecure, however, were the late Miniflers of their afcendancy in the Houfe of Com- mons, and in fuch contempt were thefe efforts of the Crown to liberate itfelf held by them, that when the writ was moved for Appleby, in confequence of the new Firft. Lord of the Treafury having va- cated his feat, it was received with loud, and almoft general laughter. Even thofe whofe judgment and experience in Parlia- mentary matters were moft refpected, ventured to predict that a few weeks would fee the termination of this fugitive Govern- ment, either by a gradual or a violent death. For the firfb time fince the accef- £011 of the houfe of Brunfwick ; perhaps it may be faid fince the exiflence of the monarchy, the fovereign and the people were united in oppofition to the reprefenta- tiyes of the people t The patient and pafTive ( S3 ) pafTive fortitude of Mr. Pitt fultained him, even more than his talents or integrity, during near three months that this liege continued; nordidheadvifehisSovereignto have recourfe to the laft constitutional mea- fureleft him, that of dilfolution, till above a hundred and twenty addreifes, couched in terms of loyalty, and of reprobation againit the attempt to overturn the prerogative, left no room to hefitate on its popularity, or on the general joy with which it would be received. The elections for the new Parliament, which at no period of the pre- fent century were ever fo incorrupt, and fo free from all ministerial interference, evinced beyond difpute, how odious to the nation were the principles and conduct of the late Adminiftration. The Firit Minifter emerged at length, from a flate of the moft painful exertion and depreflion, into political day ; and the reins of Go- vernment, fo long and fo violently retained by the " Coalition,'* fell from their hands. It is from this acra that we may date the flow, but progreflive elevation of the Bri- tifh ( 5+ ) t'ifh empire ; which, fhaken and convulfed, during the calamitous period of the Ameri- can war, had not been lefs agitated by in- ternal ftruggles of faction, fince its ter- mination. But, before we arrive at that exhilerating fcene, it may be a not lefs inflructive, though it is a lefs pleafing talk, to furvey the picture of the empire at the moment when the prefent Minifter commenced his Administration. Exhaufted in her finances , and deprived of vigour from the rapid fucceffion of fo many Governments, debility, languor, and de- cay characterifed every internal depart- ment of the State. The public funds feemed to have funk below the point of depreffion, to which even the misfortunes of the war had reduced them; and the confifcation which had menaced the Eafl India Company while Mr. Fox's bill im- pended over their property, had operated to fink their flock below any former pre- cedent. The revenue was diminifbed and invaded by the bold inroads of contra- band commerce, which loudly called on the ( ss ) the Legiflature for effectual interpofition and redrefs. No foreign alliance, or con- nexion with any of the great powers on the Continent, offered the profpect offup- port in a future war. Holland was com- pletely governed by the Republican fac- tion, who, under Van Berkel in the prefent, as under the De Witts in the kit. century, had entered into the clofefl connexions with the Court of Verfailles ; while the Prince of Orange, retaining little more than the name of Stadtholder, was reduced to a Hate of paffive infignifl- cance. Denmark, whofe fovereigns had been connected by alliances ' of blood and policy with the Crown of England for near half a century ; and whofe natural interests, in oppofition to thofe of Sweden, tended to confirm thefe tyes ; had departed from her ancient principles, and no longer cultivated the friendfhip of a kingdom, incapable of extending protection, or ren- dering itfelf refpectable in the Baltic. From the Court of Stockholm, attached for ages to France, no demonftrations of 3 amity ( 55 ) amity could be expected. The Emperor, occupied in fy items of reformation, or projects of aggrandizement ; planning the exchange of the Netherlands with the Elector Palatine, while he wantonly at- tacked the Republic of Holland, whofe troops, in defiance of the moil facred treaties, he had ejected by force from the barrier towns of Flanders : Jofeph, en- gaged in thefe ambitious enterprizes, and already connected with the Court of Peterf- burgh, might be regarded as inimical rather than friendly to Great Britain. Ruilia continued in a ilate of fullen alienation, and Pruffia betrayed no marks of returning friendihip ; while France, ilill conducted by the fplendid and impoiing counfels of Vergennes, appeared to extend, to cement, and to confirm her greatnefs. The firil years of the prefent Adminis- tration were principally characterifed by thole beneficial regulations of commerce, and by thofe falutary meafures of finance, fo indifpenfably requifite in the fallen and im- poverifhed condition of the country. An "Eail ( 57 ) " Eaft India bill," mild and temperate in its genius, and widely different from the rapacious and arbitrary principles which had rendered the former fo univerfally odious, was introduced, and paffed into a law. The moft vigorous and efficacious meafures were adopted for the fuppreffion of fmuggling. The royal woods and fo- relts, from whence {o great a fupport to the navy ought naturally to be derived, but which had been completely abandon- ed, as an object of national protection, for half a century, did not efcape the vigi- lant attention of a Minifter, anxious to avail himfelf of every public refource. Provifion was made for the flow, but cer- tain diminution of the national debt, by the appropriation of a million iterling an- nually, veiled in the hands of commif- fioners for the purchafe of flock. The confolidation of the Cuftoms and Excife, a meafure of incredible labour and detail, as well as of infinite advantage to commerce, by facilitating and fimpli- fying the intricacies attendant on mercan- I tile ( 58 ) tile tranfactions, and the payment of du- ties ; a regulation which in itfelf might immortalize any Adminiflration, was fully and permanently effected. It had failed under the inert and feeble efforts of Lord North; and its completion, fo evidently productive of national benefit, drew ap- plaufes even from the enemies and op- pofers of the Minifler. This long lift of enlightened and patriotic meafures was clofed by the accompli fhment of one of the greater!:, but moll delicate and arduous attempts, which have diflinguifhed the prefent century; I mean the " Commer- cial Treaty with France." An enlarged and liberal policy; the greateft incitements to general induftry ; the extenflon of com- merce, and the extinction of thofe mutual jealoufies and antipathies, which have for fo many ages actuated the rival mo- narchies of France and England : thefe were the characterises and principles of a trea- ty, which, notwithflanding the fpacious objections urged againfl it in Parliament, excited univerfal approbation, and extort- ed ( 59 ) cd involuntary eulogiums. The genius of Great Britain, long obfcured and fettered, began to aiTert its antient energy ; and, li- berated from domeftic anarchy, prepared to re-appear on the theatre of Europe, from whence fhe had been banifhed by inter- nal calamities and diftrefs. The fignature of the '* Germanic League/' at Berlin, whofe object was the prefervation of the liberties of the Empire againft the ambi- tion of Jofeph the Second, was the firit, fymptom exhibited of returning attention to the concerns of the Continent ; and though this confederation was only acceded to by his Britannic Majefty in his capacity of Elector of Hanover, yet its effect un- queftionably extended beyond its often- fible object, and recalled the Englifh na- tion again to general view and confi dera- tion. While under a wife, vigorous, and ceconomical Government, we were thus refumingour ancient eminence and dignity among the European States, the clouds of difcontent and civil commotion were ra- I 2 pidly ( 6o ) pidly collecting over the monarchy of France. The finances, involved fince the ceffation of the late war in augmenting embarrafTments and inextricable difficul- ties, might have been found beyond the probity of a Sully, or the capacity of a Colbert, to re-eitablifh : in the hands of Calonne, railed to the fuperintendance, they appeared to prefent a profpect of public infolvency as imminent and una- voidable. Though the Court of Verfailles was much diminifhed in majefty and fplendor by the numerous reforms which had fucceiTively taken place, yet the mi- niftry had not fubftituted any judicious fyftem of frugality, nor adopted any mea- fures of energy and wifdom, either for the alleviation of the national burthens, and liquidation of the enormous debt contract- ed under the late and prefent King; nor (which feemed to be flill more neceffary for their perfonal fafety) to guard againfr. the gathering ftorm of public violence and indignation. J^ouis the Sixteenth had already, in a con- ( 6i ) confiderable degree, furvived the re- ipecl:, though he continued to enjoy the affection of his people. The firfl years of his reign, conducted by Maurepas and Vergennes, had been diftinguifhed by the moft brilliant fuccefs ; which, while it dazzled and flattered the national vanity, had, in a great meafure, concealed from view the ruin which it occafioned in the finances. The King pofTefTed none of thofe qualities, either corporal or mental, cal- culated to fafcinate, and to fupply the place of more folid endowments. His figure was dcftitute of dignity, and his addrefs awkward and embarrafled. He neither knew how to affume the open and winning manners of Henry the Fourth, nor how to adopt the majeftic con- defcenfion of Louis the Fourteenth. At- tached to the Queen from motives rather fenfual than intellectual, and retrained by religious fcruples from forming any con- nexions of gallantry with other women, he never, in any inftance, violated his nuptial fidelity, though furrounded by courtiers anxious to anticipate, and eager to ( 6a ) to adminifter to his defires on the firft intimation. Addicted to the pleafures of the table, and fometimes induced to pafs the limits of temperance and fobricty, he yielded in thofe moments of facility to the demands which the profufion of the Queen, and of his brother the Court d'Ar- tois, made it necefTary for them conti- nually to renew. His own expences were moderate, and his pleafures few. The former were chiefly confined to the con- •ftruction of the Caftle of Compiegne, and the repairs of the palace of Verfailles. The latter confifted principally in the amufe- ment of the chace. Though much ne- glected in his education during the life of Louis the Fifteenth, his mind was not uninformed; and he had attained fince his acceffion to the throne, a very con- fiderable degree of acquaintance with po- lite letters, hiflory, and geography, by his own private application and folitary ftudy, unaflifted by any aid. In the art of reigning, he had unfortunately made little progrefs or proficiency. Unambi- tious ( 63 ) tious and moderate in his character, he formed no views of conquefl. He even difapproved, though only paffrvely, of the alliance with America, into which his minifters had led him in the commence- ment of his reign ; and fuffered himfelf, with fome degree of averfion and reluct- ance, to be made an acceffary to the inde- pendence of the Thirteen Colonies. His parts, however fluggifh, inert, and limited, yet were not inadequate to the comprehenfion and difcharge of the high duties annexed to his ftation. He un- questionably loved his people, and paf- lionately defired, at the price of every perfonal renunciation and facrifice, to render his reign dear to France. Averfe to cruelty, and of a nature acceflible to the impreflions of pity and humanity, he threw open the gates of the caftle of Vincennes, which for ages had been one of the principal prifons of ftate ; and mitigated, in numerous inftances, the rigour of arbitrary power, which his grandfather had ftrengthcned and abufed. His ( 64 ) His behaviour on the night of the 5th of October, 1789, has evinced, notwith- standing the doubts which have been en- tertained upon that point, that he did not want perfonal refolution or fortitude. But the quality in which he has been emi- nently deficient, and to the want of which may be principally afcribed all the late ca- lamities of his life, is Political courage and decifion. In times of tranquillity and re- pofe, this defect might not have been perceived ; or, if difcovered, might have yet been limited in its effects : in tempef- tuous periods, and popular inSurrections, it has convulfed the monarchy, and me- naced the existence of the throne itfelf. The character of the Queen, though ftrongly contrasted with that of Louis the Sixteenth, was perhaps ilill more calcu- lated to alienate the affections and excite the clamours of the nation. Of a figure favoured by nature, and adorned by graci- ous and insinuating manners, fhe was formed to attach mankind. The Short period which elapfed, Sub Sequent to her marriage ( 6 S ) marriage with the Dauphin, in 1770, and previous to her afcending the throne, was marked by the moll: general partiality, and by all the flattering prognostics of poetry and genius, who anticipated the future glories and felicity of her reign*. Her education in the court of Vienna, under the fevere infpection of Maria Therefa, a Princefs * It was during this brilliant and tranfitory portion of her life, that fhe was feen by the author of a production, which has recently made its appearance in this country ; and which, from the celebrity of the writer, as well as from the intereft excited by the fubject itfelf, has been read with univerfal avidity. It is not my intention to criticife, or to appreciate the merits of a performance, which embraces fo many objefts, and ranges over fo vaft a field, as the late Revolu- tion in France opens to a creative imagination. With fome errors and fomeblemifhes, it appears to me to be a moft ex- traordinary exhibition of genius, fancy, and in many parts, of deep, able, and judicious reafoning. Its author is en- titled to fomething more than the mere approbation of every man who refpecls kingly power, or eftablifhed Government ; and who deprecates the violence of popular innovation. Perhaps the portrait of the Dauphinefs may be too highly coloured; but it is the colouring of Titian, and not of a common artift. Indeed, thofe who remember the prefent Queen before the death of Louis the Fifteenth, mull admit that flie was then calculated to excite fentiments of perfonal admiration and delight, in no ordinary degree. K eminent ( 66 ) eminent for chaftity and piety, feemed in fome meafure to guarantee the exiftence of thefe qualities in her daughter. But, Marie Antoinette appears to have inherited fcarce any of the characterise virtues or vices of the Auftrian family, except her attachment to the Houfe from whence fhe fprung. The fond predictions of adula- tion, offered to the Dauphinefs, were not realized by the Queen. Her levity of man- ners ; her expenfive prodigality ; her dif- fipations ; her attachments ; her retire- ments^ perhaps, more than all thefe defects, her fuppofed abufe of the afcendant which fhe had acquired and preferved over her hufband, gradually eftranged every order of the people; and eventually, as the public embarraffments augmented, rendered her generally odious. Her ac- tions were examined with the moil fevere and unjuft fpirit of national enquiry. Her political connections with the Imperial am- baffador were as loudly arraigned on one hand, as her perfonal intimacy with the Comte d'Artois was ftrongly cenfured on the ( 67 ) the other. Imputations the mofl injuri- ous to her fame as a woman and a wife, were fuperadded to accufations of her dif- pofition to facrifice the intereft, and fquan- der the treafures of the kingdom over which fhe reigned, in order to aggrandize her brother the Emperor. She was ac- cufed of miniftering to the weakneffes, and even ftimulating the appetites of the King, with a view to avail herfelf of his fond- nefs, or temporary privation of reflexion. The continual vifits, and long interviews which fhe accorded to Madamoifelle Bertin, excited fentiments of difapprobation in thofe, who thought the leifure of the firfr. Queen in Europe indecently thrown away in difquifitions upon a cap, or confultations upon a handkerchief. Her purchafe of the palace of St. Cloud, in the midft of general pecuniary diflrefs, was taxed with equal i.cp_udence and profufion. Her frequent ^•uirements to Trianon were ftigmatized, as exhibiting fcenes unfit for the public eye. The myfterious and inexplicable ti^nfaction relative to the famous neck- K 2 lace, (68) lace, afTerted to have been purchafed by her; although the Cardinal de Rohan and the Comteffe de la Motte were the victims of it, yet had left imprefTions dis- advantageous to her honour in the minds of a nation, difpofed to fee all her actions through an unfavourable medium. Her predilection for, and attachment to the Duchefs de Polignac, fuffered the moft malignant comments of fatyrical prejudice; and the liberal donations, or high em- ployments, with which that family was diftinguifhed, neceflarily added to the load of public execration. Thefe accumu- lated topics of popular invective and ani- madverfion, were circulated witt} rapidity, and received with equal avidity, by an ig- norant and credulous multitude, who filled the arcades of the " Palais Royal," and who imbibed the moll inveterate de- testation of their Q^ieen, as conceiving her the author of the public diftrefs. They had already, in fome degree, marked her out as a victim to the general indignation ; and anxioufly waited for the favourable occafion, ( 69 ) occafion, which mould liberate the Sove^ reign and the nation from the pretended evils of her influence, and leave Louis the Sixteenth to the impulfe of his natural beneficence and affection for his people. The Count de Provence, the elder!: of the King's two brothers, acted a very inferior and fubordinate part upon this great theatre. Either deftitute of talents to excite public attention, or repreifing them from motives of prudence and frui- tion, he appeared only in the back ground ; and formed a contrail to the impofing qualities which diftinguiihed the Count d'Artois. Of a figure much more grace- ful and elegant than either of his brothers, this Prince was like wife adorned with more dignified, if not more courteous manners. Attached to the Queen from fimilarity of tafte and character, he even exceeded her in profufion, expence, and diffipation. After having pafTed the morn- ing on the ',' Plaine de Sablons," in the drefs and occupations of a jockey, he only retired from thefe fatigues, torepofe in the palace ( 7° ) arms of Madamoifelle Contat. His little palace of " Bagatelle," in the " Bois de Boulogne," was at once the fcene of the moll: refined and voluptuous debauch, and of the mod profligate pleafures which luxury could devife or afTemble. Two fons, already advancing faft towards man- hood, and whofe constitutions feemed to promife a vigorous health, attracted the eyes of the nation, and gave him a mani- fest, fuperiority to the Count de Provence, whofe marriage had not been fruitful. The feeble and debilitated ftate of the Dauphin, whofe infirmities already ap- peared to menace a premature end, left only the Duke de Normandie between him and the eventual fucceffion to the Crown. Though not endowed with any eminent talents, yet, as being of a character more decided and affirmative than either the King or the Count de Provence, he c^me more forward to public view; and by his adherence to the Queen, influenced very confiderably on affairs of ftate. At C 7' 3 At a greater diftance from the throne, but decorated with the title of Firft Prince of the Blood, was feen the Duke of Orleans. PorTefTed of an immenfe revenue, and having in reversion all the domains of his father-in-law, the Duke de Penthievre, he might be efteemed the richer! fubject in Europe. His reputation for generofity and munificence, bore, however, no pro- portion to his ample pofTeffions : on the contrary, though profufe in the gratifica- tion of his appetites, he was accufed by the popular voice of an attention to the arts of ceconomy, unworthy of his high birth and fplendid fortune. Emulous of being thought to refemble Henry the Fourth, and the Regent Duke of Orleans, from both of which Princes he derived his defcent, he had no limilarity to either, except in the foibles which fhaded the character of the former, and in the vices which difgraced the conduct of the latter. The beneficence, the heroic valour, and clemency of mind, which characterifed the King of Navarre, were not to be traced in { .1* ) in his degenerate grandfon. The fublime talents, the military genius, and the vari- ous endowments of a ftatefman and a ge- neral, which combined in the Regent, were as vainly fought in the Duke of Orleans. Abandoned to pleafures of every de- scription, he yet had no elevation nor re- finement in his amufements. His per- fonal courage, which had fuflained fome injury, and excited fome farcaftic com- ments, from his behaviour under d'Or- villiers in 1778, had not been retrieved by his unpropitious attempt to fignalize himfelf, by accompanying Charles and Robert into the air. The malignant re- flexions formerly thrown out upon his in- trepidity as a naval officer, were follow- ed by pafquinades upon his fuppofed ap- prehenfions in the balloon; and he was faid to have been as unfortunate in the park of Meudon, where he alighted from his aerial excurlion, as he had been at an earlier period of his life, in the vicinity of the iflands of UfTiant. Notwithftand- lng ( 73 ) ing thefe afperfions and defects, he yet pofTefTed qualities, which if conducted by judgment, might have redeemed him from the load of obloquy under which he was oppreffed. His talents were certainly above mediocrity; his mind enlarged, his manners condefcending and popular, and his underftanding cultivated by letters, and an extend ve acquaintance with mankind. He was the only Prince of the Houfe of Bourbon who had ever vifited England in perfon ; the Duke d'Alencon, brother to Henry the Third of France, having been the laft, who in the profecution of his defign to marry Elizabeth, had palTed over into thefe kingdoms. The diforders in the finances, and the defperate, or ar- bitrary meafures to which the Court was neceffitated perpetually to have recourfe, in order to raife new loans and obtain fup- plies, had given the Duke of Orleans an occafion, of which he gladly availed him- felf, to regain his long loft popularity. To this public and oftenfible caufe of his alienation from the Court, were added L fome ( 74 ) fome private mifunderftandings, which had their origin in the interference of the Queen to prevent an alliance, which was projected between the eldeft fon of the Count d'Artois, and the daughter of the Duke of Orleans : a marriage which it was more than poffible might eventually elevate the young Princefs to the Throne of France. Animated and Simulated by thefe motives, he feemed to awake from the difTolute pleafures in which he had been plunged, and to affume the more dig- nified and ingratiating character of an oppofer of defpotifm, and a protector of the people. This change of conduct foon produced its full effect ; and he pall- ed with the molt rapid tranlition, from the contempt and reprobation of the inha- bitants of Paris, to the heighth of favour and general attachment* Such was the afpect which the Court of Verfailles prefented at the commencement of the year 1787, andfuch were the principal characters and peifonages of which it was compofed. The fources of dilcontent, and ( 7S ) and even of revolt and infurre&ion, were numerous and augmenting. The ordinary- channels of revenue were either dried up, or had become inadequate to the exigen- cies of the Government. Recourfe was therefore reluctantly had to other modes of obtaining fupplies ; and the convoca- tion of the " Notables" was propofed by Calonne to the King, and adopted im- mediately, as the only remaining expe- dient. In thefe critical circumftances of per- plexity and diftrefs, Vergennes, whofe high reputation and fuperior talents had hitherto diffufed a luftre over the councils of France, and alone fuftained the tottering load of public credit and national grandeur: this celebrated Minifter, the fucceflbr of Maurepas, and who, fince his death, had during eight years held the firft place in the Adminiftration, was removed by death from a fcene, to which all his abi- lities would probably have been found un- equal. Fortunate in his alliances, in his wars, in his negociations, in his acquifi- L 2 tion ( 76 ) tion of fame, in the enjoyment of the royal favour and the popular opinion, he was yet more happy in not furviving thefe frail and uncertain pofTeilions. Unlike to Louvois and to Fleury,he neither forfeited the affection of his Sovereign, nor outlived his own talents and capacity. Admired, regretted, and lamented, his death feemed to be the fignal which unloofed the jarring elements of civil commotion, and which marked the aera of the extinction of tran- quillity and obedience. The difmiffion of Calonne followed in a few r weeks; and the elevation of an ec- clefiaftie, the Archbifhop of Touloufe, to the fupreme controul of the finances, whatever expectations it might at firfl awaken of alleviation and redrefs, only- tended in the event to aggravate the na- tional calamities, and to encreafe the po- pular difcoatent. New fyflems, equally unproductive as the preceding, and only calculated for temporary relief, afforded neither a remedy to the preffing neceffities of the court, nor to the clamorous griev- ances ( 77 ) ances of the people. The " Notables" were found to be equally incompetent and averfe, to adduce any cure for thefe mul- tipled diftempers of the ftate. They were therefore difTolved ; and the nation al- ready began to demand an affembly of the " States General," as the laftand only meafure competent to extricate and re- trieve them from the danger of impending bankruptcy and ruin. But the troubles and internal feuds of the Dutch commonwealth, which had been long nourifhed and fed by the poli- tical liberality of the cabinet of Verfailles : which had grown up under the foftering hand of Vergennes, and which a feries of deep and artful negociations had inflamed and augmented, now approached rapidly to their crilis. Never could they have attained to their maturity at a more in- aufpicious moment for France; and never was the triumph of fortune over the ma- chinations of policy more confpicuouly exemplified. William ( 78 ) William the Fifth, Prince of Orange, pofTefled the Stadtholderate of the United Provinces. Allied by name rather than by blood, to the great Houfe of NafTau, fo fertile in heroes and in legiflators, few traces of the fublime qualities which have rendered that family immortal, were to be diicovered in their fuccefTor. But, in the Princefs his wife, fprung from the union of the houfes of Brandenburgh and NafTau, the chara&eriftic energy of both was vifible. Driven out of the Province of Holland by the indignities and intuits with which the republican faction had treated the Pnnce, whom they had com- pelled to retire to Nimeguen, fhe had the courage to fet out for the Hague, and, unattended by any guards, to traverfe a hoftile country.. jn the hope of adjufting by her pre fence, addrefs, and flexibility, the points in difpute between her hufband and the States. In this arduous and de- licate attempt me was fruftrated, and even her perfon laid under an arreft, by the brutality of one of the military officers in ( 79 ) in the fervice of the Republic. Obliged to abandon her project, and to return to Nimeguen, fhe invoked the protection and ailiftance of the King of Pruffia, to re- inflate the exiled Stadtholder in the hereditary dignities and offices, of which he had been fo unjuftly and unconstitu- tionally deprived. It was not to her un- cle that fhe addrefTed thefe entreaties. The great Frederick was no more: he had paid the common tribute to mortality, and had expired at Potzdam under the accumulating weight of age and difeafes. But, though he no longer animated in pcrfon the councils of Berlin, the vigour of his genius furvived : it feemed even to have attained new force in the hands of a Sovereign, whofe more active period of life led him to adopt meafures of decision, and whofe near relationfhip to the Prin- cefs of Orange ftimulated him to warmer exertions in her behalf. The iuncture was favourable to the Pruffian interpofition ; and England, un- der the aufpices of a Minifler prompt to feize ( 8o ) feize tlie occafion of again re-appearing with dignity and effect on the Continent, avowedly joined and aided the attack upon the enemies of the houfe of Orange. An army of about fifteen thoufand men, com- manded by the firft military genius ill Europe, the Duke of Brunfwick, entered the territories of the States General, in September, 1787, and over-ran with the fame rapidity that Louis the Four- teenth had done in laft. century, the pro- vide of Holland. Amfterdam itfelf, the centre of difaffection, and. the laft afylum of the French and republican factions, after a mort and ineffectual ftruggle, capi- tulated, and received the conqueror. A complete, but almoft. bloodlefs revolution was effected ; and the Hague, fo long a prey to difcord and to animofity, faw the Stadtholder return, and occupy his high ftation, with every expreffion of loyalty and attachment. France, embarrafTed, and incapable from her domeftic misfortunes, of interfering either with honour to herfelf, or efficacy to her ( Si ) her friends, though fhe appeared to make a feeble effort in their favour, yet ulti- mately gave way to the ftorm, and con- fented to difarm ; nay more, publicly to deny her having ever intended to fuftain that party, in whofe fupport (he had ex- pended her treafures, and for whom, in more aufpicious aeras, fhe would have in- volved Europe in blood and hoftility. The high reputation which fo fignal a fuc- cefs reflected on the councils of Great Britain, was contrafted and rendered more fplendid, by a comparifon with the fallen ftate of her ancient rival, who, only a few years preceding thefe events, in conjunc- tion with America, had feemsd to give laws in every quarter of the globe. The energy and wife precaution of the Minifter did not, however, remit its vigilance, or content itfelf with having liberated the Dutch Republic, and reinstated the Stadt- holder. Attentive to profit of this fortu- nate and propitious moment, and to avail himfelf of the gratitude with which the aflifUnce extended to Holland had equally M impreffed ( 82 ) impreffed the Government and the people, he cemented thof'e fentiments by immedi- ately framing, and eventually concluding a defenfive treaty with the United Provinces. It was figned in April, 1788, and was evidently built on the model of that, which had been terminated under the aufpices of Vergennes, between France and Holland, towards the clofe of the year 1785. Reciprocal fuccours, naval and military, were ftipulated; and the bands of political union were drawn as clofe, as human wifdom and mutual intereft could devife. This alliance, fo much approved, and fo highly beneficial to England, was fuc- ceeded by a fecond, fimilar in its tenor, nature, and tendency, between the Courts of St. James's and Berlin, which was rati- fied in the month of Auguft of the fame year. They had been preceded by a fufe- iidiary treaty between England and the Landgrave of HefTe, which enabled the former power, on the payment of a cer- tain annual fum, to demand from tne latter, ( 8 3 ) latter, at a very fliort notice, a body of twelve thoufand troops. Thus, in the fpace of only four years which might be faid to have elapfed fince the complete triumph of the Sovereign and the nation over the " Coalition," had Great Britain, under the conduct of aMinif- ter who had not yet attained his thirtieth year, rifen from a ftate of unexampled de- p rem on, to her antient fuperiori ty among the European kingdoms. The financ s had been re-eftablifhed by a fyftem of unre- mitting and fevere ceconomy. Commerce, aided and emancipated by the wife regu- lations of an enlarged policy, opened new fources, and navigated feas hitherto un- known or unexplored, in the profecution of its objects. Public credit atcained a point ot elevation and permanence, un- parelleled line, the commencement of the unfortunate war with America. The councils of England, conducted on prin- ciples, not of a crooked duplicity, but of rectitude and magnanimity, excited re- fpect and approbation in the furrounding M z flates, ( «4 ) jrates, while they diffufed profperity and felcity over every part of the ifland. Political alliances and connections on the Continent, added the profpect of {lability to every meafure which was calculated for internal fecurity or commercial advantage. The calamities of LordNorth'sAdminiftra- tion, and the anarchy which fucceeded that unfortunate period : the defalcation of thir- teen provinces, and of both the Floridas from the empire : the difgraces of Sara- toga, and of the Chefapeake : the tumults, and conflagration of London ; in a word, the varied and accumulated misfortunes, which for a long feries of years qpprerTed, and had almoft overwhelmed the com- mon wealth, were already erafed from the recollection. A mild and happy calm hacj fmoQthed thefe troubled wayes. The Sovereign was defervedly dear to every rank and order of his fubjects, who united in regarding him a* their father and bene- factor. The Government, beloved at home, was refpected abroad ; and the people, happy beyond the example of ^former ( »! ) Former times, looked up with equal affecr tion and veneration towards the fource of thefe multiplied benefits. But in the midft of this flattering afpecl: of affairs, an unexpected and difaftrous change was preparing to manifeft itfelf, which no human prudence could have forefeen, or precautions delayed. We were deftined to experience in its fulleft extent, the mutability of fortune, and the fragility of greatnefs ; to hold out a me- morable leffbn to our own, and to future times, that the fplendor and felicity of man, however folid the foundations on which they may feem to repofe, are in the hands of a fuperior Being, who con- fers, or withdraws them in an inirant. I am arrived at that awful and afTecnnc* period, when the feelings of all thofe who mail perufe thefe meets, will antici- pate my own ; and which, from a variety of motives, I mould wifh to cover under a veil of oblivion, if the publicity of the grrat leading facts, and fti.11 more, if the inftruction conveyed by the narration itfelf, ( 86 ) as one of the moil interefting portions of modem annals, did not fupercede my perfonal inclinations. It is not, however, either in my plan or my intention, to re- late the private hiftory of that extraordi- nary period ; or to drag into daylight facts and anecdotes, which, curious and enter- taining as they mult, appear to pofterity, are, in every fenfe, unfit for the perufal of the prefent age. Sentiments of duty, delicacy, and refpect towards a Prince in- expreflibly dear to his people : towards a Queen, who during near thirty years, and in every relation of domeftic life, has been blamelefs and exemplary : towards thofe illuftrious perfons, on whom the fceptre of George the Third muft, in the ordinary progrefs of even's, at fome future, and as we truft, far diftant period, devolve : even motives of prudence, decorum, and pro- priety, arreft my pen; and prevent me from fhading a picture, the outline only of which it is either wife or necellary to hold up to the public eye, placed as we are fo near the object. The very nature of thefubject is, indeed, fuch ( «7 ) fuch as to add peculiar embarraiTments to thofe general ones, which prefent them- felves in the way of every man who fhall venture to relate the tranfa&ions of the time in which he lives, and of which he forms himfelf, though an imperceptible, yet a real and efficient part. Nor is it even a fufficient juftification or inducement to undertake fuch a tafk, that the mild genius of the century in which we write, or the freedom which enables us to dictate with- out apprehension, appear to liberate us from every reftraint. There are feelings in a generous mind, anterior to all written law, and far fuperior in their operation to thofe regulations which are impofed by Courts of Judicature, or legiflative bodies. It is to thefe reftrictions that I fhall fubject my pen, while the great chain of events may yet be prefented to the Englifh people, and the fidelity of hiftoncal truth be pre- ferved inviolate. *' Ut, non modo cafus, eventufque rerum, qui plerumque fortuiti funt, fed ratio etiam, caufTaequenofcantur." Like the fublime writer whom I have jufl cited, and who flourifhed under the golden reism ( 88 ) feign of Trajan, we too, " rara tempo- mm felicitate, ubi fentire quae velis, et quae fentias dicere licet," may, unawed by power, affix the fcntiment of approba- tion arid of cenfure, in conformity to our own conviction. Such is equally my defign and my determination. But it is only for thofe who can elevate their minds above the little partialities and prejudices of the day, that it belongs to appreciate the performance of this promife ; and to decide how far the prefent work may ven- ture to lay claim to any portion of Roman energy and freedom, or how far the im- mortal writings of antiquity would be fullied and degraded by a comparifon with this production. It is not eafy to imagine or to parallel in the hiitory of the prefent century, a period of more perfect ferenity than that which England prefented in the autumn of 1788. The King, accompanied by the Queen, and furrounded by his family, after having tried the effects of a relaxa- tion from public bufinefs, and of the medi- cinal 3 ( «9 ) cinal waters of Cheltenham, had returned to Windfor; not, indeed, in a ftate of vigorous health, but by no means in any fuch declining ftate of indifpofition, as to excite alarm among his fubjects. The Prince of Wales, as ufual, pafled the fummer at his Marine Pavillion at Bright- helmftone. Mr. Pitt, occupied in the functions of his ftation, was detained in the vicinity of the capital ; while Mr. Fox, whofe faculties of body and mind had been not a little exercifed and ex- haufted, by a toilfome attendance in Covent Garden during the extreme heats of Auguft, which was thought requifite to fecure the election of Lord John Townfend as mem- ber for Weftminfter ; indulged a degree of neceftary repofe, and withdrew for a fhort time from the hurry of political life. He quitted England, and repaired to Swit- zerland and Italy, as a fcene calculated to amufe and entertain, while it reftored and invigorated a conftitution, impaired by conftant exertion. The great leaders of Miniftry and Oppofition. having laid N afide ( 9° ) an* -*e their political animofities, were dif- peried in peaceful inactivity over every part of the kingdom. From this ftate of public recreation and felicity, the nation was rudely and fuddenly awoke, by the reports of his Majefly being attacked with an un- expected and dangerous illnefs. The precife nature of it was for feveral days unascertained and unexplained, even to thofe whofe residence near the court fhould have enabled them to obtain early and au- thentic information. Meanwhile, fame augmented the evil, and the death of the Sovereign was believed to have either already taken place, or to be imminent and inevitable. The grief and diffraction which were manifefted in every part of the ifland, on the publication of this calamitous event, can be only compared with that of the Roman people, on the news of Germanicus being feized with mortal fymptoms at Antioch ; as the diftrefs- ful iituation of the Queen bore fome refemblance to that of Agrippina. " Faflim ( 9i ) ix Paflim filentia et gemitus, nihil compo- fitum in oftentationem ; et quanquam ne- que infignibus lugentium abftinerent, al- tius animis moerebant." Time, however, gradually divulged the truth, and changed the apprehenfions of the nation for the iituation of the King. His diforder was underftood to have fallen upon the brain, and to have produced, as might be ex- pected, a temporary privation of reafon. As the caufe of this alienation of mind was extraneous and violent, it might be hoped that it could only be of fhort dura- tion : but the iflue was uncertain, while the fufpenfion of ail government, and of every function att?ched to the kingly dig- nity, was immediate and indifputable. A fpecies of interregnum in fad: took place ; though unaccompanied by any of thofe circumftances, which ufually characterize and accompany that unfortunate flate. The kingdom, anxious, and with eyes directed towards their Sovereign, betrayed no fymp- tomsof confufion, anarchy, or civil commo- tion, The Firft Minifter continued to exer- N % cife, ( 92 ) cife, byageneralfubmifTionandconfent, the powers delegated to him before the King's indifpofition -, and the political machine, well constructed, and properly organized, fuftained no derangement or injury what- foever from this mock, except thofe infe- parably connected with delay in the trans- actions or negociations pending with foreign courts. Meanwhile, the Heir to the monarchy had quitted Brighthelmftone on the firft information of his father's malady, and re- paired to Windfor, whither he was fol- lowed by the Duke of York. Phyficians were called in, though ineffectually ; and as the nature of the diftemper and of its final termination opened a wide field to conjec- ture, change and alteration, an exprefs was ferrt to overtake Mr. Fox in whatever part of the Continent he might be found ; and to intreat that he would return without delay to England. The two Houfes of Parliament, in con- fequence of the preceding prorogation, met in a few days fubfequent to thefe ex- traordinary ( 93 ) traordinary events. The general agitation and curiofity, even if they had not been aided by other emotions of hope and fear, of ambition, an 1 of public duty, would alone have produced a numerous attend- ance. Mr Pitt opened the fubject of their meeting in a very concife and pathetic manner; lamented the occafion, exprefTed his hope that the caufe would fpeedily be removed, and in purfuance of that idea, advifed an immediate adjournment of a fortnight. The proportion was received in deep filence by the oppofite fide of the Houfe, and affented to in mute acquief- cence. Their leader was not yet arrived; and confequently time was wanted to ad- jufr. and determine on their plan of action, under circumitances fo delicate and unpre- cedented. In the interval which took place, his Majefty was removed to the palace of Kew. The Prince of Wales re- turned to Carlton Houfe ; and Mr. Fox, impatiently expected, after a journey which he performed with incredible ex- pedition from Bologna, in a very infirm and ( 94 ) and difordered ftate of health, arrived in London, and affumed his juft pre-emi- nence in the counfels of his party. Thofe counfels evinced their nature and object, as foon as the late adjournment was at an end; and Mr. Fox, generoufly, though perhaps injudicioufly ftepping for- ward in the fenate, rather laid claim to the vacant fceptre in the name and on the behalf of the Heir Apparent, as belonging and devolving to him of right ; than pre- ferred his pretentions with modefly and fubmiffion, at the bar of the affembled na- tion. Perhaps a ftep more injurious to the great perfonage whom it was intended to ferve, or more pregnant with confequences to be deprecated, of ev^xy kind, could not have been devifed or executed. Perhaps, too, when time ihall have withdrawn that curtain which is ftill ftretched acrofs thefe recent and interefling events, we may dis- cover, that in advancing fo unqualified a demand of the regency, he did not pre- cifely follow the dictates of his own ele- vated mind, and illuminated judgment. It / ( 95 ) It wakened a jealous fpirit of enquiry into the fuppofed origin and foundation of that afTerted right, in the brealis even of the moft liberal and unprejudiced. It compelled Administration to probe that problematical and obfcure part of the Britifh Conftitu- tion. It reminded thofe, to whom the writings of Shakefpear were familiar, of that affecting and pathetic fcene, where Henry the Fourth, under a temporary privation of his faculties, finds on his recovery, that his eldeft fon has carried away the infignia of his royal dignity, which, had he only waited a few hours, would have been his by devolution. The difcernmentof Mr. Pitt faw, andin- flantly enabled him to profit of this error in his antagonift. He demanded thedifcuflion and decifion of fo great and leading a principle, which led to conclusions un- limited and undefined, as well as fubver- five of the tenure on which a King of England had originally received his crown ; previous to any ulterior difpofition and distribution of offices. He was joined by ( 96 ) by the majority of the Houfe in this re- quisition, and thus commenced his refift- ancc under aufpices and circumftances pe- culiarly fortunate. It was in vain that the Prince of Wales, already rendered fenfible of the injury which his caufe had fuftained, equally in Parliament and among the peo- ple, by Mr. Fox's unqualified claim of right, endeavoured to wave and prevent all further difcuffion of fo invidious a fub- jecl. It was in vain that the Duke of York, in his brother's name, and by his authority, renounced any fuch afTumption of power, and made this public declara- tion in the Houfe of Lords. Nor was Mr. Fox's attempt to qualify his firfr. af- iertion, and to give it a more mitigated fenfe, received with better fuccefs in the other Houfe. Parliament, roufed to a fenfe of the neceffity of declaring itfelf folely competent to fill the vacant throne, proceeded to that great act without cir- cumlocution or delay ; and having pro- nounced upon this important preliminary, then decided that the Prince of Wales 3 fhould ( 97 ) fhould be invited and requefted to accept the Re5 ) all fituations incident to humanity, and ena- bled to re-afcend the throne. Sentiments of difapprobation and of general condemnation , affixed to the meafures and conduct of the oppofite party, heightened the emotions of pleafure, by a comparifon with that ftate from which the kingdom had been fo fortunately delivered. No efforts of defpotifm, or mandates of abfolute power could have produced the illuminations, which the capital exhibited in teftimony of its loyalty ; and thefe proofs of attach- ment were renewed, and even augmented, on the occafion of his Majefty's firft ap- pearance in public, and his folemn pro- ceflion to St. Paul's, to return thanks to Heaven for his recovery. Serenity and tranquillity, fo long banimed, refumed their place, and foon effaced the recol- lection of a calamity, not more awful and alarming in its appearance and progrefs, than fpeedily and happily extinguifhed. The attention of Europe, which had been fo powerfully attracted towards England during the continuance of the fevereindifpo- P fition ( io6 ) fition of George the Third, was now to be directed to another object fcarcely lefs pro- ductive of change, and big with the molt important confequences. France, folong inured to fervitude, and only tracing the exigence of her liberties in the page of forgotten hiftorians, or antiquaries : whofe fetters, originally impofed by Richlieu, and itrengthened by Mazarin, had been rivetted by the lapfe of near two centuries ; by the proud tyranny of Louis the Fourteenth, and by the profligate defpotifm of his fuc- cefTor : France, Simulated by the writings of genius and philofophy, which in de- fiance of arbitrary power, have illuminated and dignified the prefent age, afpired to freedom. The weaknefs of the Sovereign ; the incapacity or timidity of his Minutes ; the exhaufted ftate of the treafury and finances ; the unexampled and pertinaci- ous oppofition of the Parliament of Paris to regifter, or fanction the Royal edicts for the impofition of new taxes; the failure of the harveits, and confequent augmentation in the price of bread ; all thefe ( !°7 ) thefe concurring circumftances contributed to produce and accelerate a revolution. The various Parliaments of the kingdom, in terms of energy and rlrmnefs to which they had been long difufed, clamoroufly demanded the immediate convocation of the " States General," as the only confti- tutional, or adequate remedy to thediftem- pers of the llate. They adhered to this requifition, not only in defiance of the difpleafure of the Crown, which was manifefted by the banifhment of the Par- liament of Paris to Troyes in Champagne; but in oppofition to their own effential in- terefts, and even eventual existence. The nobility, attached by {o many ties to the Sovereign, and the natural fupporters of his prerogative ; irritated at the attempt made by Calonne, and perfifted in by the Archbifhop of Touloufe, to deprive them of their exemption from the projected land tax, or ' ■ impot territorial, "joined the courts of judicature in their refufal to regifter the meafures propofed, and forfook their hereditary maxims of policy, to adopt P 2 the ( io8 ) the popular party. The irrefolute conduct of the Firft Minifter under thefe delicate and trying circurnftances, invigorated and emboldened the enemies of Government ; and the fpirit of remonftrance, complaint, and menace, deffeminated with induftry, became daily more general and alarming. The Archbifhop, after many inefficient or unfuccefsful plans for the re-eftablifh- ment of the finances, and fome ill-con- ceived exertions of feverity and power againft his opponents, felt himfelf une- qual to combat the gathering ftorm of national indignation ; and retiring from a fituation of danger and eminence, aban- doned his matter to the mercy of events. He even quitted France, and palled the Alps into Italy ; as Calonne, under fimi- kr exprefljons of general refentment, had done in the preceding year ; when finding the Royal protection withdrawn, and al- ready impeached by the Parliament of Paris, he retreated firft into Holland, and from thence crofled the fea to England. In this perplexed fituation, Louis the Six- teenth ( io 9 ) teenth, compelled to difmifs one Minifter, and forfaken by another ; furrounded with embarrafTments, and having only a choice of evils ,♦ confciousthat the very foundations of the throneand monarchy were crumbling under his feet ; endowed with no talents or great qualities which might enable him to fuftain his own dignity, coerce his fubjects, or reftore order and energy in the public affairs : alarmed and terrified at the demon- strations of difcontent which appeared in the capital, and the provinces : under the preffure of thefe various considerations and apprehenfions, he embraced the refolu- tion of meeting the vvifhes of the nation ; and if driven to the laft neceflity, of lay- ing the diltreMes of the Crown before the reprefentatives of the people. Neckar, who had conducted the finances during the profecution of the late war with England, and who had attained a very unmerited degree of popularity fince his difmhTion from office, was reinftated in his employment of Comptroller General. The avowed enemy of Calonne, whom he C no ) he accufed of peculation and malverfation, he had appealed to the public by various controverfial writings, defamatory of that Minifter, and tending to criminate him as a defaulter in the eyes of France and of all Europe. The famous " Compte rendu au Roi" in 178 j, in which he laid open to his own Sovereign, and to all man- kind, the expenditure, revenue, and re- fources of his country, maybe regarded not only as an unprecedented difclofure of the hitherto facred and unrevealed arcana of the French monarchy; but as having operated much beyond the immediate and oftenfible pretext of his own juftification, by awakening, and directing the reflexions of every clafs of men towards the profufe diflribution of the public treafure. Sim- ple in his exterior, and decent in his man- ners, Neckar attained the fame ofdifin- tereftednefs and probity. Equally repub- lican in birth and in principles, he flattered by thefe circumftances, the prevailing fpirit and genius of the times. Avowedly odious to the party of the Queen, and of ( 1" ) of the Count d'Artois, he could hardly be fuppofed to pofTefs the real confidence or attachment of the King, who had only- been driven by his own diftrefs, and the current of popular favor, to have recourfc to his aflilt.ance and fervices. Deficient in all the etfential qualities of a great Minifter, and ignorant of thofe enlarged principles of taxation and revenue, which were alone competent to the extrication of fo vaft a monarchy as France, he fupplied thefe de- fects by little arts and narrow projects, adapted to the exigencies of the day. In the Canton of Bern his talents might have en- titled him to refpedt, and they would have been in their proper fphere. An able arith- metician, but a feeble ftatefman, he only appeared in the firft ftation of finance, to evince how inadequate were his abilities to that dangerous elevation ; and after vainly attempting to fuflain an ill-founded repu- tation, he has now retired to oblivion, un- lamented, and almoft unnoticed by that nation, among whom he was fo lately idolized. Although ( H2 ) Although the recall and nomination of Neckar appeared to give general fatisfac- tion, and awakened the hopes of his nu- merous and fanguine admirers, yet thefe fymptoms of approbation gradually fub- fided. The temporary effect of his name in railing the public credit, produced no permanent or beneficial confequence. Languor and debility characterized every operation of finance ; and Government became lefs competent to refill the en- croachments of the people, in proportion as its embarrafTment multiplied. Paris, rendered clamorous by the high price of grain, and attributing this fcarcity more to the arts of monopoly, and even to the indirect interference of the Court in per- mitting the exportation of corn, than to any deficiency in the productions of the earth, proceeded to acts of violence, bor- dering on infurrection. The introduction of a body of military forces into the capital, quelled, not without a confiderable ef- fufion of blood, thefe firft fymptoms of revolt, and reflored a degree of tranquillity 3 and ( "3 ) and fubmiffion. Notwithstanding this ap- parent check to the fpirit of popular inno- vation, every circumftance tended to evince, that the numerous fubjects of complaint on the fide of the People could not be extin- guished, by any expedient fliort of uncon- ditional fubmiffion on the part of the Crown i or of an appeal to the fword, if the former meafure lhould be thought too degrading for a Prince born in the purple, and accuftomed to regard his power as un- limited and irrefiftible. The naked and unprotected Majefty of the throne, no longer environed, as under Louis the Four- teenth, by a fplendid houfehold and the pomp of royalty, formed a very inefficient barrier againft a nation, enthufiaftic in their demands of aconftitution ; and who feemed to be determined to feize the favourable moment, for curtailing the odious preroga- tive of ifliiing " Le'tres de Cachet," and raifing fupplies by arbitrary mandate. The levities and profufion of the Queen; the haughty tone which was allumcd by the Count d'Artois on feveral occafions ; and Q^. the ( "4 ) the fuppofed fubfervience of the King to his wife and brother, encreafed the frenzy for reformation, and added to the general effervefcence. Yielding with ungracious reluctance to thefe manifeftations of the approaching ftorm, the King confented to adopt the humiliating and unwelcome ad- vice offered by his Minifter, of convoking the States General at Verfailles : but, at the fame time, Simulated to refinance by his own feelings, as well as by the exhortations of thofe who were con- tinually near his perfon, he began to pre- pare for extremities, and to affemble forces. The Duke of Orleans, who, at an early period of the prefent troubles, had been ordered to retire to his feat at Reinfy, on account of the active part which he had taken in opposition to the Government, had obtained, from the lenity or indulgence of the Court, permiffion to reviflt Paris. Lefs fenfible to this mark of favour, than irritated by the act of feverity which pre- ceded it, he determined on revenge, and embraced with ardor the popular caufe. His high quality and near alliance to the ( "3 ) the Sovereign ; his immenfe revenues ; his central fltuation at the " Palais Royal," in the heart of the metropolis ; his numer- ous connexions, and extenfive influence: this combination of circumftances enabled him to become a very dangerous and for- midable opponent to the Crown, in its prefent fallen and debilitated ftate. He probably did not apprehend the extremi- ties to which his own intrigues might con- duct a tumultuous afTembly ; or he might conceive that he iliould always be able to direct its operations, and to fuperintend its movements. It is even pofiible, as his enemies afTert, that the flattering profpect of the Regency, which already opened it- felf to his ambition as neither a remote nor improbable event, conduced to determine his line of action, and to prevent him from feeing the precipices with which fueh a purfuit was furrounded. He was elected a member of the States General for Crepy in Valois, and took his feat in the AfTembly. This extraordinary convocation of all the orders of the kingdom, which had 0^2 n«t ( n6 ) not been fummoned fince the Regency of Mary of Medicis, and whofe very ex- igence feemed to have been annihilated by three long reigns of arbitrary power, was opened with the utmoft folemnity by Louis the Sixteenth, aflifted by the Princes of the Blood, and accompanied with all the external fplendor becoming fo auguft a ceremony. Many fources of internal dif- cord and confufion, almoil inevitable from the competition and oppofite pretentions or intereft of the Nobility, Clergy, and Third Eilate ; the facility of introducing corrup- tion among {o vaft and mixed a body of men; above all, the loyalty and adheience naturally to be expected from the two firft claffes of the fiates : thefe inherent vices in their formation infpired the Court with a confidence, that no unanimity or exertion of vigour would ever characterize fo hetero- geneous a mafs. The firft proceedings of the AfTembly juftified thefe expectations. Much time elapfed in difputes arifing from the incompatibility of the refpective demands of the different orders : and though thefe ( 'i7 ) thefe were at laft happily terminated by the Nobility and Clergy renouncing, orac- quiefcing in the claims of the delegates of the people; yet the Sovereign ftill pofTefTed great refources, and various means of pro- tracting or averting any act militating vitally againft his prerogatives. Had Louis the Sixteenth been left to the impulfe and direction of his own cha- racter, it is probable that he would have continued to yield to the encroachments of the democratical fpirit, which had already produced fo many involuntary conceffions on the part of the Crown; and which, en- creaiingin vigour as it proceeded, avowedly aimed at giving birth to a free conftitution, and a limited monarchy. He wanted all that energy, elevation, and courage requi- fite to fuftain him in a ftruggle againft his people, and to enable him to reprefs their attempts at emancipation. But in the Queen and the Count d'Artois, refentment at the inroads of a nation whom they had long regarded only as formed for fervitude; andthehabitualexercife of arbitrary power, 2 warmly ( "8 ) warmly impelled to every exertion for its prefervation ; while it dictated the moil decided meafures for repreffing and chaf- tizing a mutinous and discontented capital. They united their efforts to fuftain the irrefolution of the King, and fucceeded. It was determined in the cabinet of Ver- failles, to adopt the moil vigorous princi- ples; to diflblve the National Affembly ; to difmifs the Comptroller-General ; and to punifh the infolence of the metropolis. Prudence and addrefs were, however, re- quifite to mature thefe counfels, and to facilitate their execution, A great body of forces, principally confirming of the Swifs and German regiments in the fervice of France, was gradually collected from different provinces. The Marechal de Broglio, an officer of high military repu- tation, and of known attachment to the Crown, was named to the fupreme com- mand. Every necefTary preparation lor maintaining the Royal authority, if necef- fary, bv the moil fpirited and fevere acts of punifhment, was made, without even the ■ ( "9 ) affectation of difguife or concealment. The capital, incapable of refiflance, and unconfcious even of its own capacities of defence; deflitute of leaders, of arms, and of troops, waited patiently the chaf- tizement which impended. Paris, involved in circumflances more diflrefsful even than thole in which it flood, when inverted by Henry the Third in 1589, and under an equal neceflity of fubmitting to the conditions which an incenfed monarch might have dictated, was fnatched from pillage by a revolution not lefs fudden and unexpected, than that which, two centuries preceding, had de- prived Henry the Third of his life. The frantic and fanguinary zeal of a Monk af- fected this deliverance in one in fiance : in the other, the Parifians were indebted to the timidity, delays, and want of decifion in the Court. During the firfl days of July, the metropolis, though turbulent and riotous, made no exertions to oppofe the army by which it was encircled and fur- rounded. The partizans and fupporters of the Royal power were numerous, and ready ( 120 ) ready to evince their zeal and loyalty. The " Prevot des Marchands," who is the firft municipal magistrate, was in the interefts of the Crown. The Baftile awed one part of the capital, as the " Ho- tel des Invalides" did the other. Paris, taken in the toils of arbitrary power, might have been difarmed, and deprived of the means to excite future commotion. The imprudence, pulillanimity, and impatience of the Court rendered thefe advantages of no avail, and precipitated the unfortunate Prince upon meafures which terminated in irremediable difgrace and ruin. Miftaking, or neglecting the moil ob- vious principles of policy and wife precau- tion, which dictated to commence the plan of operations by fubjecting Paris, from whence alone any danger was to be appre- hended j the King was induced to difmifs Neckar with expreflions of indignation, which were accompanied by menaces and infult on the part of his brother, the Count d'Artois. This ftep, which evinced a total change of refolutions, and which, from ( '21 ) from the popularity of the Minifter, was likely to produce a violent fermentation in every order of men, was followed by others equally injudicious. The States Ge- neral were driven into the " Salle des Etats" where they held their meetings, by detachments of the Guards ; who furround- ed them, and who waited only the orders of the Court, to proceed to greater extre- mities againfr. the obnoxious reprefenta- tives of the nation. Had thefe man ifeftat ions of vigour been only fuftained by inftantly attacking and entering Paris, it is not to be doubted that, unprepared as it ftill was, and unwilling to expofe to the licence of an incenfed fol- diery the lives and properties of its citi- zens, the capital would have been without difficulty reduced to obedience. But, an ill-timed and fatal delay, equally injurious with the preceding precipitation, gave the inhabitants time to recover from their firft emotions of furprize and apprehenfion. They faw the timidity and imbecility of the Government, who having founded the R charge, ( 122 ) charge, dared not advance to the attack. They profited by this want of exertion ; and pafling from one extreme rapidly to ano- ther, they almoftunanimoufly took up arms againft their rulers and oppreflbrs. Joined by the French Guards, who, from a long re- fidence in the capital, had been peculiarly expofed to feduction, and who at this deci- five moment abandoned their Sovereign, the Parifians broke through every obftacle by which they had hitherto been reftrained. The fupplies of arms and ammunition which had been provided for their fubju- gation, were turned againfl the Crown; and the ** Hotel des Invalides," the great repofitory of military ftores, after a faint refiftance, furrendered. The Prince de Lambefc, who alone, of all the officers commandingthe Royal troops in the vicinity of Paris, attempted to carry into execution the plan for difarming the capi- tal, was repulfed in a premature and inju- dicious attack, which he made at the head of his dragoons, near the entrance of the garden of the Tuilleries. Already the et Prevot ( *«3 ) " Prevot des Marchands," Monfieur dc Fleffelles, convicted of entertaining a cor- refpondence with the Court, and detected in fending private intelligence to Monfieur de Launay, Governor of the Baftile, had been feized by the people, and fallen the firft victim to the general indignation. His head, borne on a lance, exhibited an alarming example of the danger to which adherence to the Sovereign mutt expofe, in a time of anarchy and infurrection. The Baftile alone remained ; and while it continued in the power of the Crown, Paris could not be regarded as free, or even as fecure from the fevereft chaftifement. It was inftantly inverted by a mixed mul- titude, compofed of citizens and foldiers who had joined the popular banner. De Launay, who commanded in the caftle, by an act of perfidy unjuftifiable under any circumftanccs, and which rendered his fate lefs regretted, rather accelerated, than delayed the capture of this important fortrefs. He difplayed a flag of truce, and demanded a parley ; but abufing the con- R 2 fidence ( 124 ) dence which thefe fignals infpired, he difcharged a heavy fire from the cannon and mufquetry of the place upon the befiegers, and made a con fiderable carnage. Far from intimidating, he only augmented, by fo treacherous a breach of faith, the rage of an incenfed populace. They renewed their exertions with a valour raifed to frenzy, and were crowned with fuccefs. The Baftile, that awful engine of def- potifm, whofe name alone diffufed terror, and which for many ages had been facred to filence and defpair, was entered by the victorious affailants. De Launay, feized and dragged to the f Place de Greve," was inflantly difpatched, and his head car- ried in triumph through theftreets of Paris. Few captives, either of inferior or of eminent rank, were found in the apartments of the Baiiile. The Count de Lorges, at a very advanced period of life, difcovered in one of the dungeons of the ** Tour de la Bertaudiere," was liberated, and exhibited to the public curiofity in the c< Palais Royal." His fqualid appearance, his ( i25 ) his beard which defcended to his waift, and above all, his imbecility, refulting probably from the effecl: of an imprifon- ment of thirty-two years, were objects highly calculated to operate upon the fenfes and paflions of every beholder. It is indeed impoflible, however we may lament or condemn the ferocious fpirit which has characterized and ifgraced the French revolution, not to participate in the exultation, which a capital and a country fo highly illuminated, and fo long opprefTed, muff have experienced, at the extinction of this deteftable and juftly dreaded prifon of ftate. Nor does the rapidity with which it was captured ex- cite lefs admiration, when its powers of refiftance are considered, and the fpeedy relief which might have been afforded to it by the numerous bodies of regular forces, with which Paris was furrounded pn every fide. With the Baftile, expired the royal authority and consideration. The defpot- jfm of the French Princes, which long prefcription, ( '»6 ) prefcription, fubmiffion, and military ftrength feemed to render equally facred and unavailable : which neither the cala- mities of the clofe of Louis the Fourteenth's reign, the profligacy and enormities of the fucceeding Regency, nor the ftate of de- gradation into which the monarchy funk under Louis the Fifteenth, had ever fhaken : that power, which appeared to derive its fupport almoft as much from the loyalty and veneration, as from the dread and terrors of the fubjecT:, fell prof- trate in the duft, and never betrayed any fymptom of returning life. Paris, liberated from all reftraint, or even wholefome police, appeared to riot in the intoxication of freedom; and ftained its acquisition by fcenes of violence and blood, unworthy the firfr. capital in Europe. Every trace of obedience difap- peared; and even the promoters of the late infurrection were not fecure from the capricious fury of a frantic and favage popu- lace, who filled the "Place de Greve" with clamours, and frequently tore the victim whom ( 127 ) whom their indignation had felected, from the hands of juftice. But, at Verfailles, confirmation and alarm filled the court on the arrival of this extraordinary intelligence. Yielding at once to the united impulie of his terrors and his natural inclinations, the King, without even preferving the forms of Majefty however fallen, repaired to the National AfTembly, rather as a fuppliant than a monarch. Difordered in his drefs, and unaccompanied by his guards or ufual at- tendants, he betrayed his agitation in the fpeech which he addreiTed to the States. Only two days preceding this melancholy exhibition of degraded dignity, he had replied to a remonftrance which they pre- fented to him, in terms of determination mixed with menace. He now adopted the language of diftrefs, invoked their af- fiftance, difowned his intention to employ force for the fubjection of the capital, aflured them that he had already fent orders to withdraw the troops which had inverted Paris and Verfailles ; and pro- feiTed 2 ( "8 ) fefled his defire to give the mod: unequi- vocal proofs of his deference to the wifhes of his fubjects. He concluded by implor- ing them to make known thefe his paternal difpofltions, to the inhabitants of the dif- tracted metropolis. <* The AiTembly, which trembled a few hours before for its own fafety, and had expected to be offered up as victims to the vengeance of an irritated Sovereign, re- plied with expreffions of loyalty and af- fection to thefe gracious declarations, al- though evidently extorted by fear. It was however far otherwife at Paris, where the populace, deeming their tri- umph incomplete while the King remained apparently tranquil in his palace; not only exacted his perlbnal and immediate prefence among them, to fanction their outrages on his authority; but accom- panied this demand with menaces, if refufed, of fetting fire to Verfailles, and at once extinguifhing the obnoxious Princes of the Houfe of Bourbon in the flames. Perhaps a monarch endowed with quali- ties ( I2 9 ) ties fuch as Louis the Fourteenth poffeiTed, would perhaps have refufed compliance Xvith this humiliating requifition; and while his army was yet entire, and the royal dig- nity not totally degraded, have embraced the generous refolution of meeting the ftorm, of trying the fortune of war, and at leafl devolving to his fuccefTor the pre- rogatives, which at his acceffion he had received and exercifed. But Louis the Sixteenth pofTefTed no abilities competent to fo magnanimous and unequal a ftruggle. He had already abandoned his attempts to maintain the Royal power in its original vigour ; and he had now fcarcely any op- tion between the lofs of his throne, and a complete fubmiflion to the arbitrary plea- fure of a populace, thirfting for blood, inflamed by fuccefs, and daily offering up victims to its revenge. Under thefe melancholy circumftances, He did not hefitate to yield obedience to the mandate, which it was no longer fafe to refufc. After fuch a night as Charles S the ( ^o ) the Firft may be fuppofed to have paffed, previous to his afcending the fcaffbld ; but unattended with that ferenity and fortitude, which eminently diftinguifhed the Englifh Monarch in the laft act of life, he fet out for Paris. Confcious however, of the peril attendant on his ap- pearance in the metropolis of his domi- nions, and doubtful of efcaping from the rage of the multitude to whom he was to be prcfented, he prepared for death, as at leail, a porlible event. He received the facrament, made fomeprivate difpofitions of affairs, and gave various orders in confe- quence. Though defirous to fee and em- brace his fon and daughter before his de- parture, he yet had flrmnefs fufficient to refufe himfelf this indulgence, as fearing that it might too deeply affect, and dif- qualify him for the part which he was to perform. " J'en aurai plus de plaifir," laid he, " fi je reviens." A gentleman who was near his perfon on this occafion, encouraging him, and venturing to anfwer for ( «3' ) for his fafety, the King replied, " Henry Quatre valoit mieux que moi ; et cepen- dant on Pa affaffine." Though he quitted Verfailles at an early hour, it was late before he entered Paris, from the immenfe multitudes whoaffembled to fee himpafs, and who teftifled no fenti- ments of loyalty in their acclamations. When arrived at the " Place de Greve," and conducted to the " Hotel de Ville," the new Mayor, Monfieur Bailli, who had been elected to fupply the late unfortu- nate firit magiftrate , in fultedthe fallenPrince by a mock furrender of the keys of his capi- tal -, which he accompanied with a farcaf- tic and infolent reflexion on the different fituation in which Henry the Fourth flood, when he received a fimilar teifimony of its fubmiflion and allegiance. The cries of the people, who infifted that the King fhould fhew himfelf on the balcony, compelled him to give this laft proof of hisdetcrence to their wifhes ; and to add to the conde- fcenfion, he accepted from the hands of t,he Mayor, the National cockade, which S a he ( *33 ) he firft carried to his lips, and then placed in his hat. After having been detained and exhibited as a captive to his own fubjects during the greater part of the day, without fuftenance or refreshment of any kind, he was at length permitted to return to Verfailles, and to conceal his emotions in the privacy of his own apartments. While this humiliating fcene was act- ing before the eyes of all France, which were turned towards fo unufual and at- tractive a light, the adherents to the late meafures, terrified at the menaces thrown out againft them, and dreading the moft fatal confequences of popular fury, pro- fited of the King's abfence and vifit to his capital, to effect their own efcape. The Count d'Artois, regarding himfelf as peculiarly marked out for profcription and impeachment, and apprehenfive that even his proximity of blood to the Sovereign might prove an inefficient protection to his life, fled among the firft, carrying with him his fons, the Dukes d'An- gouleme ( *23 ) gouleme and de Berri > two youths who were fucceffively prefumptive heirs to the Crown, in cafe of the demife of the Dauphin. In the hurry of a pre- cipitate retreat, it was found extremely difficult to furnifh a few hundred louis d'ors to a Prince, for whofe expenfive gratifica- tions, only fome days before, the treafures of the monarchy were infufficient. He took the road to Flanders ; and was already far advancedtowards the frontiers, before his departure was known or fufpec'ted at Paris. When fo diftinguifhed a perfonage, and one fo nearly allied to the throne, deemed him- felf no longer fafe even in the Royal refi- dence, it caiviot excite wonder that thofe of a lefs elevated condition, and who were equally obnoxious to an enraged populace, fhou)d confult their fafety by inftant flight. The principal roads were covered with il- lustrious fugitives, under every pofiible difguife and concealment. The Prince of Conde quitted Chantilly, followed by his fon and grandfon, the Dukes of Bourbon and Enghien. The Prince of Conti, the lait ( *34 ) Iaft in fucceflion of the Blood Royal* after undergoing many extremities of hunger and fatigue, arrived at Luxem- bourg ; to which place likewife the Mare- chal de Broglio, abandoning his army, repaired without delay. The Duchefs of Polignac, fo long un- rivaled in the affections of the Queen, and round whom ail the pleafures of the Court of Verfailles were ufed to affemble ; tearing herfelf from this fcene of diiiipa- tion, attain'd with difficulty the city of Bale in Switzerland j after having en- countered numerous dangers, and been preferved from the laft. degree of vio- lence as me pafled through Sens, by the happy prefence of mind which diftin- guifhed an Abbe, by whom me was ac- companied. At Bale, by one of thofe fingular accidents which evince the power of fortune, fhe found in the inn at which {he alighted, the late Minifter, Neckar; who having palled through Swabia after his difmiffion, on his way to Geneva, here firfl received from his enemies, the intel- t 135 3 intelligence of the revolution. The Baron de Breteuil, purfued by the mDil marked deteftation of his countrymen, evaded, as well as the Prince de Lambefc, the fnares prepared to intercept them: the former reaching Bern in fafety, as the latter did Turin. Monfieur de Befenval, lefs fortunate, was feized at Brie Comte Robert ; and even the folicitations of Neckar himfelf, who endeavoured to in- terpofe in his behalf, were infufficient to obtain his enlargement. In this general confirmation, the Queen, abandoned by all her deareft connexions, remained with her two children, friendlefs, and almofl alone, in the palace of Verfailles. No Prince of the Royal Family ventured to abide the ftorm, except the Count de Provence; who during the continuance of all thefe diforders, had enjoyed a dif- tinguifhed fhare, at leaft of negative ap- probation ; and whofe conduct through- out the critical circumftances which pre- ceded the fedition of Paris, had been fuch as ( 136 ) as to conciliate, in fome degree, r the popu- lar favour. The Duke of Orleans, to whofe in- trigues, or oppolition to the Crown, may- be greatly afcribed the rapid progrefs of the general difcontent, and the excefles of the people; viewed from the *' Palais Royal" with fecret pleafure, the effects of his machinations, and enjoyed his triumph over the vanquifhed court. The military- command of the National troops, and of the capital, were conferred by almoft una- nimous delegation on the Marquis de la Fayette ; as the fupreme civil and muni- cipal jurifdi&ion devolved on Bailli, Mayor of Paris. The union of both thefe powers, was however frequently found unequal to impofing proper re- ftraints upon the ungoverned paffions and favage violence of a populace, new to freedom, and who ftained its acquifi- tion by daily acts of vengeance and cruelty. The heads of Foulon and Berthier, one of whom had occupied a high fituation in the late ( i37 ) late miniftry, and the other had been in- tendant of Paris, were carried through the itreets ; and the circumflances with which the death of thefe eminent perfons were accompanied, are only to be compared in horror and atrocity with thofe attendant on the manacre of St. Bartholomew, or the anamination of the Marechal d'Ancre under Louis the Thirteenth. Meanwhile, at the inftigation and re- queft of the National AiTembly, Neckar was recalled, and invited by letters of the moll: nattering, and even penitential tenor, from the King himfelf, to refume the fuperintendance of the finances. He yielded, though with apparent reluctance, to thefe entreaties ; and repaired to Court, loaded with expreflions of general attach- ment and veneration in every place through which he paiTed : while the credulous and deluded multitude expected from his pre- fence, a fpeedy redrefs of all their griev- ances, the revival of public credit, and a remedy to the fcarcity of grain, which had excited the clamours of the capital and T the ( i3« ) the kingdom. To the admiration and aftonifhment of mankind, in an abfolute monarchy fo ftrongly cemented as that of France appeared to have been, and in which loyalty was antientlyefteemed to be charac- terise of every clafs of citizens, no efforts were made to fupport the Royal power. An cnthufiaftic paflion for liberty pervaded all the provinces ; and the revolution, com- menced on the banks of the Seine, fpread with equal rapidity and unanimity, to the foot of the Alps and Pyrenees ; to the Rhine and the Mediterranean. No permanent calm fucceeded to this ftorm of popular indignation. Elated with the pof- feffion of freedom, and exercifing in many inflances, a tyranny more oppreflive and fevere than that from which they had juft efcaped, the people meditated new and greater invafions on the dignity, as well as the prerogatives of the Crown. The prefs, freed even from that wholefome and necef- fary reftriction, which Governments the moil relaxed impofe upon the publication of opinions, compenfated for the fetters which it ( J 39 ) it had fo long worn,bygivingbirth to every fpecies of licentious production and infolent attack upon perfons of the higheft rank. The Queen was peculiarly the object of thefelibellous invectives; and every accufa- tion private or political, which malignity could invent, to alienate the affections and irritate the pafhons of mankind againft. her, was circulated, and publicly expofedtofale. Although all the pomp and majefly, which inbetter times had furrounded and concealed the Sovereign, was now entirely withdrawn: though only guarded by the burgelTes of Veifailles, and destitute of any militarypro- tection againft. infult and outrage, Louis the Sixteenth flood expofed to every enterprize which a mutinous capital might undertake or execute ; yet fome veftiges of perfonal liberty he flill retained. He was free to enjoy the diverfion of the chace ; and the National AfTembly, convoked at Verfailles, continued to hold its meetings there, under his immediate fuperintendance and infpec- tion. It was even thought decent and neceffary, on the part of the new tribunes T 2 of ( 14° ) of the people, to march fome regiments, in the month of September, on whofe adherr ence they conceived that they could fafely rely, to perform the ordinary functions of ftate ; at the fame time that they prevented any efcape, if fuch was intended by the King. But, where fo many inflammable mate- rials were collected, it was not poffiblc that any confiderable time could elapfe before they burfr. into a conflagration. After one or two attempts, which the vigi- lance and activity of La Fayette prevented from being carried into full execution, the populace of Paris, excited by various arts, and i ncenfed at the Queen for having brought the Dauphin, and prefented him to the officers of the regular troops after a public entertainment, rofe as by univerfal con- fent, and determined to march to Ver- failles. By what motives, or with what intentions, the conductors of this armed mob were actuated, it is perhaps impof- fible at prefent pofitively to aflert. The deepeft and blackeft defigns have, by popular malignity, been attributed to the Duke ( Hi ) Duke of Orleans; no lefs than the at- tainment of the Regency, at whatever price, and by every mode, however trea- fonable or flagitious. Many of the cir- cumstances which diflinguifhed that ex- traordinary fcene, unquestionably evince a plan not more artful than nefarious ; and which feemed calculated, by operating on the fears of the Sovereign, to induce him to abandon the throne, and feek his fafety in flight ; while the Queen, who was more an object of national obloquy and aversion, might be instantly offered up as a victim to the frantic multitude. It is difficult to do juftice to the hor- rors of a night, similar only to thole which are furnifhed by the annals of Charles the Ninth, and which reminds us of the times of Catherine of Medicis. Pos- terity will fcarcely credit, that at the con- clusion of the eighteenth century, and in a country eminently diftinguifhed by all the fofter virtues of humanity, acts of blood and ferocity more favage than the Janiza- ries of Constantinople ufually excrcifc against. ( 14* ) againft their defpots, were performed with impunity. The Angularity and incredibility of the recital will be augmented by recollect- ing, that many of the moft violent among thefe ruffians, were women ; or, at leaf! habited in a female drefs. Armed with every deftructive weapon, they alTaulted the guards who were ftationed at the door of the Queen's apartments, burfl into them, mur- dered thofe who oppofed their progrefs, and penetrated to the chamber in which fhe flept. The efforts which were made to re- tard their fury, and the cries of f Sauvez la Reine, " which echoed through the palace, gave heran inftant in which to efcape. The flrft. Queen in Europe was faved from a death the moft ignominious, by the inter- val of almoft a fingle moment. UndrerTed, and nearly naked, lire gained a private ftaircafe, which conveyed her to the King, who received her in his arms, where ilie fell fenfelefs with terror. The materials of the bed from which fhe had juit rifen, after undergoing the ftri&eft fearch, in hopes of discovering the unhappy object of their pur- fuit, ( H3 ) fuit, were {battered over the room, as fome gratification to their difappointedvengeance. Louis the Sixteenth himfelf, appearing on the balcony of his apartment, in the language and attitude of fupplication, vainly implored the populace to fpare his guards, whom he faw maffacred at his feet, without the power of extending to them any relief. He as vainly befought the Queen to yield to the necefiity of the time, and to retire to Rambouillet, where her perfon would at leafr. be fecure. Ex- erting a courage fuperior to her fex, and elevated above a fenfe of the danger to which fhe was fo confpicuoufly expofed, fhe firmly perfifted in her refufal to fly ; and declared her determination to accom- pany the King, and at leafr. to expire as fhe had lived, a Queen of France. Yet, confcious of the probability of her falling a facrifice to the popular rage, fhe armed herfelf with a poniard, as a laft refource againft the degradation of plebeian vio- lence and brutality. It isimpoflible, how much foe ver we may- condemn ( 144 5 condemn certain parts of her conduct and character, not to admire the heroifm and magnanimity of this deportment, in which we feem to recognize the blood of fo many Emperors from whom me defcended. The weaknefsof the woman was notwithstand- ing, mingled with the fortitude of the Sovereign ; and when me entered the coach which was to convey herfelf and the cap- tive King from Verfailles to Paris, terri- fied at the cries of a furious multitude who feemed to demand her forfeit life, flie threw herfelf into the arms of La Fayette, who offered her his hand at the door of the carriage ; and whofe protection me invoked to preferve her from outrage and death. Placing the Dauphin in her lap, and feated by her hufband, the cavalcade moved flowly towards the capital ; while the heads of the murdered " Gardes du Corps," borne on poles, and held op to her view, pre- fented a melancholy profpect of her own probable deftiny. They at length reached the palace of the Thuilleries, thus accompanied, and took pofTeflion of that ( '45 ) that part of it deftined for their reception and refidence: while cannon, mounted at the principal avenues, under pretence of fafety and defence, fecured them from refcue, and rendered efcape impracticable. Perhaps no day fo ignominious to the Royal dignity had been beheld, fince the elevation of the Capetian Princes to the throne of France. The capture and impri- fonment of Louis the Ninth at Damietta, of Kin?- John at Poictiers, and of Francis the Firit at the battle of Pavia, however unfortunate and humiliating, yet were at lair, foftened by many confiderations. Thofe Monarchs were all taken in arms, after exerting the moil: heroic acts of valour againft their conquerors, and owed their misfortunes only to the chance of war. Even Henry the Third, when he fled from his capital, purfued by the Guifes, yet retained his perfonal independence, and foon returned to befiege and to chaf- tife his rebellious fubjects. Louis the Sixteenth, funk below eiteem orcommifer- ation, and not having exerted cither abi- U lity ( i 4 6 ) Iity or courage in the defence of his in- vaded prerogatives, only held a precarious life at the mercy of a feditious and info- lent populace, who having already impri- foned, might in any moment of refentment, terminate the reign of their fallen and de- graded King. The palace in which he was confined, having been in a great mea- fure neglected for more than a century, during which time Paris had rarely feen any Sovereign refident in the metropolis, was totally unfit for the reception of a Court; and even the apartments which were occupied by the King himlelf, were in fo ruinous or decayed a condition, as not altogether to exclude the inclemency of the weather. To this {ituation was a Monarch reduced, who only a few months before, might be regarded as at the fum- mit of human greatnefs ; and the founda- tions of whofe throne, ftrengthened by long poiTeffion and by habits of obedience, feemed to bid defiance to all the ordinary convul- fions which overturn empires , and deftroy the firmefl fabrics of human powerand wifdom. While ( H7 ) While thefe fcenes of outrage and vio- lence were exhibiting in France, it is dif- ficult to imagine a picture of more com- plete ferenity than England prefented ; and this internal repofe was accompanied with every circumftance of external profperity, and augmenting national consideration. The year which immediately fucceeded the malady of George the Third, may be ranked among the happieft of his reign, whether it be conlidered as perfonally affect- ing himfelf, or as productive of felicity to his people. The recent danger from which he had efcaped, rendered his health and fafety peculiarly precious to his fubjects ; as the animated expreffions of their at- tachment and loyalty muft have deeply touched the heart of a Prince, infinitely fenfibleto thefe genuine marks of affection. The character of the Sovereign was not more formed to produce, than that of his Adminiftration was to perpetuate the gene- ral tranquillity. The conduct of Mr. Pitt during the whole progrefs of the late commotions in France, may be held up U 2 as ( MS ) as a model of political honor and rectitude i perhaps, equally fo of wifdom. Unlike to Richlieu, who fomented the caufes of difcord between Charles the Firft, and his Parliament : unlike to Vergennes, who ftimulated the iVmericans to refiftance ; and after a feries of indirect and infidious arts, violated the moft folemn treaties in order to afTure their final independence ; the Englifh Minifter fteadily and fyftemati- cally adhered to the moll; exact neutrality. The native elevation of his mind, and the magnanimity which has ever characteri fed his meafures, rendered him incapable of defcending to the little artifices of crooked and vulgar ftatefmen. The probity of his private life pervaded and marked his pub- lic line of action ; nor did fo uncommon and dignified a mode of proceeding, under circumftances which might feem tojuftify and authorize a more relaxed conduct, fail to produce its full effect on the two nations who were peculiarly affected by it, as well as on the other ftates of Europe. Some ap- probation, if not admiration, is indeed due ( i49 ) due to a Government, who have been able to unite vigour, energy, and protection, with the moil religious adherence to the na- tional faith, and to every principle of found and generous policy. The period which is comprifed between the months of May 1 789 and 1 790, like the reign of Antoninus Pius, affords few mate- rials for hiftory, drawn from the interior events of the time. England, at peace with all the world, in the bofom of repofe, faw her commerce and manufactures expand, her credit augment, and her name excite refpect among the moll diftant nations ; while many of the great furrounding Euro- pean kingdoms were either involved in fo- reign war, ordefolatedby domeftic troubles. This tranquillity was not however allied to an ignominious and enervate floth ; but, on the contrary, was fecured by vigilance, acti- vity, and exertion. In conjunction with Pruflia and Holland, Great Britain indi- rectly extended her attention and fuccour to Guftavus the Third, finking under an gnequal conteft with the vait empire of Ruflia. ( '50 ) Ruflia. She reftrained and arretted Denmark , even after that power, as an auxiliary of the Court of Peterfburgh, had already taken up arms, and committed hoftilities againft Swe- den. She fignified to Leopold, who had re- cently fucceeded to the thrones of Hungary and Bohemia, her defire that he would re- call his troops from the Banks of the Danube ; and flie fuftained by her negocia- tions the firmnefs of the Ottoman counfels, ■while fhe filently, but not lefs decidedly, impofed limits on the ambition of their great enemy Catherine the Second, by prohibiting her fleet from prefuming fo quit the Baltic, and to complete the de- ftrudion of the Turks in the Archipelago. In this exalted fituation, to which per- haps no parallel in our annals can be ad- duced, fince the termination of the fhort, but fplendid protectorate of Cromwell, a ft,orm unexpectedly and fuddenly arofe from a quarter, where it would feem, that no forefight or precautions could have anti- cipated the danger. Among the new and unexplored paths of commerce, which the fpirit ( 151 ) fpirit of a difcerning and adventurous peo- ple had attempted to open fince the peace of 1783, were particularly two, which appeared to promife the molt beneficial returns. The firit. was a whale fiihery, llmilar to that which had been carried on for ages near the coafts of Greenland; but transferred to the Southern hemi- fphere, near the extremity of Patagonia, and in the ftormy feas which furround Cape Horn ; as well as in the Pacific Ocean. In the courfe of a few years, this branch of trade had augmented rapidly, and was found on trial to afford very im- portant advantages j nor had it received any impediment from the vague pretentions of the Spanifh Crown to the fovereignty of the mores warned by that ocean, which was the fcene of their exertions. The fecond of thefe enterprizes , original in its own nature, able in its conception, bold in its execution, and having no precedent for its guidance, was directed to countries and to objects almoft as much unknown to geographical, as to commercial know- ledge ( '52 ) ledge or experience. It demanded many qualities rarely and difficultly combined : a confiderable capital ; minifterial appro- bation ; faithful and capable conductors ; dextrous navigators ; and above all, much time and perfeverance to ripen, and ulti- mately recompenfe the perfons engaging in fo eccentric and expenfive an expedi- tion. This extraordinary union of talents and circumftances was, however, found in men of no fuperior defcription among the mercantile inhabitants of London ; and it will remain a ftriking monument to future ages, of the energy, capacity, and nauti- cal ability, which diftinguifh the prefent century and the Britifh nation, above the moft enlightened periods of any antient or modern people. The North Well: coaft of America, the part of the earth to which this embarka- tion was deftined, was not only fo remote, but fo undefined, if I may be allowed the expreffion, that its very exiflence remained unknown or doubtful, before the difco- « veries of the reign of George the Third. In 2 ( T 53 ) At the commencement of the prefent cen- tury, it was thought to be almoft as much beyond the ordinary bounds of navigation, as the iflands of the Hefperides appeared to the Greeks; and Swift himfelf, only eighty years ago, when he compofed the entertaining voyages of Lemuel Gul- liver, efteeming it the proper region of fable and romance, felected it for the polition of his imaginary Brobdignag. The immenfe tract of land, extending northward from California and New Ad- bion to the Frozen Sea, had, indeed, in a more recent period, been partly explored, and faintly traced by Cook ; though much remained for future enterprize and induftry to aecomplifh, before this difcovery could be converted to any purpofe of public utility. He had, however, afcertained the exig- ence of the continent ; and he had received from the barbarous natives, with whom he eftablifhed a fpecies of barter, fome valuable fpecimens of furs, in exchange for European commodities of a far infe- rior nature. X The ( 154 ) The hope of procuring a confiderable number of thefe rare and coftly (kins, for the fale of which a very advantageous market prefented itfelf at Canton in China, was the leading inducement to the adventurers, who engaged in the expedition. But, in the purfuit of private emolument, objects of general and national confequence were necefTarily implicated and interwoven. Behind this coaft, to the eaftward, lay the vail: continent of America ; opening a field to commercial activity and refearch, in which the imagination itfelf was loft. The difcovery of a communication through this unexplored country, and which may ultimately connect it, to a certain degree, with our fettlements in Hudfon's Bay, appears from their account, not to be totally vifionary, though it was regarded as fuch by Cook himfelf. Conceptions and enterprizes more cal- culated to enlarge the fphere of induf- try ; to connect the molt remote parts of the planet of the earth by the bands of amity and commerce ; to extend the limits of ( 155 ) of the human mind ; and to immortalize, while they enriched the nation which ori- ginated them, have perhaps fcarcely ever been imagined or executed. They were not inferior to the moft fublime and daring expeditions of antient Greece, and feemed to partake of the fpirit of Co- lumbus : though the prefent age, fami- liarized to naval (kill and enterprize, no longer fees with the fame admiration, or confers the fame eulogiums on modern candidates for fame ; who are feldom regarded through any other medium than that of utility, or pecuniary advan- tage. Animated by thefe views, and having received the moft affirmative marks of the protection of Government previous to their departure, five mips were fitted out from London in 1785, and the two fucceeding years. Four of thefe veffels, after doubling Cape Horn, arrived fafely on the North Weft coaft of America. The fanguine expectations which had been entertained, of effecting a lucrative X 2 exchange ( i5« ) exchange of commodities with the natives, were fully and fpeedily realized. Cargoes of the fineft furs were procured, and fold to the Chinefe, even under great commercial difcouragements and pecuniary impofitions, at fo high a price, as amply to reimburfe and enrich the adventurers. Other attempts, of a fimilar nature, were made from Bengal ; and two veffels were fucceflively difpatched from the Ganges to the fame coaft, in the year 1 786. A factory was eftablifhed at Nootka Sound, a port fituated in the fiftieth degree of northern lati- tude, on the more of America. PofTeffion of it was folemnly taken in the name of the Sovereign and Crown of England: amicable treaties were concluded with the chiefs of the neighbouring difrricts ; and a tract of land was purchafed from one of them, on which the new proprietors proceeded to form a fettlement, and to conflrucT: ftorehoufes. Every thing bore the ap- pearance of a rifing colony, and each year opened new fources of commerce and advantage. Although ( i57 ) Although individuals, occupied in ex- ertions of this private nature, could not be expected to extend their views or efforts to objects of public utility, yet fome further information was collaterally and incidentally acquired, refpecting :he confine t of America, in the courfe of their voyages. It is even pretended that a floop, named the " Washington," navigated for fome hundred miles along a vafr. number of iflands, fcattered in a fea, which interfects that continent in a north-eaft direction ; and though the accounts hitherto received or tranfmitted, of this extraordinary and interefting fact, are not either fo minute, or fo accurate, as by any means to entitle them to be impli- citly received, yet they appear to be not to- tally destitute of foundation, or probability. Every profpect, either of national advan- tage, or of private emolument, which the commerce of thefe coafts feemed to promife to Great Britain, was, however, deftined to experience a fudden and unex- pected fufpenfion. On ( i5» ) On the 6th of May, 1789, two Spanifh fhips of war entered Nootka Sound ; the commanding officer of which, after making every profeffion of ami ty during feveral days , feizedon the Englifh vefTels, in the name of his Sovereign, as they fucceffively arrived from various parts of the coaft, im- prifoned the crews, confifcated or plun- dered the cargoes, and ultimately carried them as lawful prizes to St. Bias, in Mexico. Violations fo unprovoked, not only of the peace fubfifting between the two Monarchies, but of all the laws eftablifhed between civilized nations, were accompanied and aggravated by every cir- cumftanceof duplicity, infolence, and cru- elty; while they were contrafted with the moft friendly affiftance and attentions , fhe wn to the captains of two American mips, the " Wafhington" and the " Columbia," who had been brought by the fame commercial inducements to the port of Nootka. Thefe testimonies of protection and regard were even carried fo far by the Spaniards, as to compel the crew of one of the captured Englifh ( 159 ) Englifh vefTels to aflift in navigating the V Columbia" to Canton; through which channel, the firft regular and authentic account of thefe acts of hoftility, was officially tranfmitted to theEnglimAdminif- tration, though they had been preceded by fome vague and indiftinct intimations of the fame nature, made by the Spanifh embafTador at the Court of London. The conduct of the Firft Minifter on receiving this intelligence, evinced no lefs the magnanimity than the decifion of his character. Without defcending to the te- dious and humiliating forms of requeit with the Court of Spain, which might elude and protract, if not ultimately refufe, according to its ufual policy, any reparation for thefe outrages ; he, in the firft inftance, by a mef- fage from the King, informed the two Houfes of Parliament of the whole feries of tranf- actions. He clearly evinced the nullity and inj uftice of any general pretentions on the part of the Spanifh Crown, to a territory, difco- vered, planted , and occupied by the Englifh ; but in particular, to the Port of Nootka, lltuated 2 ( i6o ) fituated at a diftance from any known fettlement belonging to that nation. He profeffed his anxious deiire to terminate by amicable explanation and treaty, the prefent caufe of difpute. He at the fame time declared his determined intention, not only to exact from the Court of Madrid an adequate fatisfaction and compenfation for the injuries recently fuftained j but to compel Spain to renounce decidedly and formally, any indefinite claim which fhe might have fet up, either to the exclufive navigation of the Pacific ocean, or to the fovereignty of the whole North Weft coaft of America. He called on the loyalty, dignity, and honour of the Houfe of Commons for fupport, in maintaining thefe invaded rights by force of arms, if Spain mould be infenfible to the language of reafon. The approbation which fo manly an appeal to the nation excited, was general and animated. The leaders of Oppofition joined in that fentiment, and exprefled their conviction of the wifdom as well as neceiTity ( i6i ) neceflity of fuftaining by every military and naval exertion, the effect of nego- tiation. The celerity with which thefe refolutions were followed, in the equip- ment of a powerful armament, was cal- culated to augment the high reputation of the Miniftry throughout Europe, while it called into action all the refources of the kingdom. A dilTolution of Parliament, un- queftionably judicious under the circum- ftance of a probably impending war, fol- lowed thefe demonftrations of refentment, and demands of reparation. If we compare the energy and decision of fo vigorous a line of conduct, with that which was adopted by Sir Robert Walpole or Lord North, in fimilar fituations, the contrail muft be highly flattering to the prefent Adminiftration. The fluggifh and reluctant difinclination of the former, to perceive or to relent the depredations committed by the Spa- niards upon theEngliiTi trade, during along feries of years ; while it emboldened the Y enemy, ( i6a ) enemy, deprefled the genius of England : until Parliament, roufed by fuch a conti- nuation of infults and indignities, at length vindicated the national honour, and drove the Minifter from the fuperintendance of affairs. The temporiiing and pufillanimous counfels of Lord North, in the difpute refpecting the Falkland iflands ; and the ultimate termination of it, which left the right undecided, and even atTerted by the Court of Madrid, at the fame moment that from motives of political convenience, Spain thought proper to cede the contefted territory to England : thefe humiliating meafures, expofed and reprobated by the pen of Junius, ftand in need of no comment, and are fufficiently appreciated by a j Lift and difcerning people. Spain was no longer governed by Charles the Third, at the time when thefe interefting events took place. That Prince, after a reign of above twenty years as Sovereign of Naples, had ( i6 3 ) had afcended the Spanifh throne on the death of his brother Ferdinand the Sixth, in 1759; and expired at a very advanced period of life, in December, 1788. His uncon- cealed diflike of the Englifh nation, from whom in his youth he had received fome fignal benefits, as well as fome painful and perfonal humiliations, had probably induced him, even more than the ties of blood, or connexions of policy with the Court of France, to join that kingdom in two fuc- ceffive wars which fhe carried on againffc Great Britain. To the counfels of his reign, and pro- bably to a fyftematic plan in concert with the Cabinet of Versailles, for attacking the commerce, and fetting limits to the enterprizes of England on the North Wefl coaft of America, we may without injuftice attribute the acts of violence, committed by Don Martinez in the Port of Nootka. The fhort period, cDmprifing fcarcely five months, which elapfed between the death of Charles the Third, and thofe infractions of the peace previoufly fubiifting between Y 2 the ( 164 ) the two Crowns, leave no room to doubt that the original orders were iflued during the life of the late Sovereign. Charles the Fourth fucceeded to theSpan- iili monarchy under thefe circumftances. Though of a mature age, his character was little known or underflood beyond the limits of his own dominions. In the early part of his life he had appeared to evince fentiments more Caftilian, than any of the defendants of Philip the Fifth had hitherto difcovered ; and to promifea reign, in which the feelings of a common ori- gin and defcent would influence lefs on affairs of ftate, than a wife confideration of the true policy and interelts, becoming a genuine King of Spain. It may how- ever be questioned, whether this anticipa- tion of his maxims and fuppofed line of conduct, will be confirmed by experience; and whether he will emancipate himfelf from the partialities, naturally connected with his near affinity to Louis the Six- teenth. The fame Miniflers feem to govern, and the fame principles to ani- mate ( i6 S ) mate the Court of Madrid, which have uniformly characterized it fince the ex- tinction cf the Spanifh branch of the Houfe of Auftria : and the time is probably ftill diffant, when the pernicious effects of the treaty of Utrecht in uniting two monarchies, which for ages anterior to that event had never acted in conjunction againft Great Britain, will have finally ceafed to operate. Meanwhile, the efforts oftheFirft Minif- ter to terminate the prefentdifpute by nego- tiation, kept equal pace with the exertions made to equip a formidable naval force. At the fame time that a fleet, the command of which was deftined to Lord Howe, affembled at Portfmouth, Mr. Fitzherbert was difpatched as ambaflador to Madrid, in order to try the effect of remonftrance and expoftulation. The Englifh people, unanimous in their approbation of the mea- fures purfued, and in their demand of repa- ration for the injuries fuftained, loudly called for inftant war, or for the moft un- equivocal and fatisfactory conceffions. The ( i«6 ) The convulfions and embarrafTed flate of the French monarchy, together with the perfonal Situation of the King of France, appeared to render an adherence to, or completion of the family compact imprac- ticable, however well inclined the Court of Verfailles might be fuppofed, to affift and fupport her ally. Spain doubtlefs felt and regretted this incapacity, which compelled her to commence a war againfl England, unaf- fifted by any European power; and the event of which, in the prefent circumftances, might be fatal to her grandeur or commerce in every- part of the world. She feemed to yield to thefe obvious considerations; and the Spanifh Ministry towards the clofe of July, agreed to make a compenfation for the loSTes, fuStauied by the Englifh adven- turers plundered at Nootka, as a balls or preliminary to a final and amicable arrange- ment. Notwithstanding, however, this ap- parent defire of adjufting the points in dif- pute, and of avoiding the ultimate appeal to the fword, every exertion was not only made in ( >6 7 ) in the ports of Cadiz and Ferrol, to fit out a numerous fquadron ; but the Spanifh am- bafTador at the Court of France, expended the treafures of his mafter, in endeavours to induce the National AfTembly to adopt the quarrels of Charles the Fourth, and to fulfil in its whole extent the obligations of the family compact. His labours, though not equally fuccefsful, as, under more propitious circumftances they might have proved, yet produced a vote favourable to the views and wifhes of the Crown of Spain. A general profeffion on the part of the National AfTembly, of adherence to the ftipulations formed between the two nations ; and a refolution inftantly to arm a confiderable naval force at Brett, were pro- cured and published. The hopes of a fpeedy and permanent accommodation be- tween the Courts of London and Madrid, which the firft conceilion on the part of the latter power had excited, gradually grew more uncertain and problematical. Autumn advanced, without any certainty or decifion on this great point ; and though the ( '68 ) the fleet of England, which had cruized in the Bay of Bifcay during near fix weeks, returned again to Spithead, without hav- ing feen an enemy, yet the expectation of an eventual rupture was rather augmented than diminilhed. While thefe negociations and armaments detained the Weft of Europe in fufpenfe, the moft important and unexpected events had taken place among the Princes of the Germanic empire, in confequence of the death of the late Emperor Jofeph the Second. That reftlefsand turbulent Prince, exhausted in body, and agitated in mind, expired at Vienna in the commencement of the prefent year. His vaft, but divided and revolted provinces, devolved to his bro- ther Leopold, Great Duke of Tufcany. Few Sovereigns have ever acceded to a throne under more critical and alarming circumftances. Though Laudohn had clofed his brilliant career of military glory, and even ihed a luftre over the laft ijours of Jofeph, by the capture of Bel- grade : though the Turks had been driven 3 ' beyond ( 169 ) beyond the Danube, and the Imperial troops had at length penetrated into Servia and Moldavia; yet thefe advantages, bought with three campaigns, and pre- ceded by defeats and difafters, offered a very inadequate compenfation for the calamities, which menaced or afflicted every other part of the dominions of the Houfe of Auftria. Hungary, fo renowned for its enthufiaftic loyalty and attachment to Maria Therefa, when that Princefs was involved in the deepefl diftrefs, had been alienated by her fucceflbr ; who inlultcd their moft facred prejudices, while he in- vaded their mofl valuable immunities. Pofterity will fcarcely believe that this in- judicious and infatuated Prince, foon after his acceffion, from refentment to the Hun- garians/ not only removed the crown and regalia of that monarchy from Buda, the antient capital, to Vienna : but, as a mark of fcorn and contempt, caufed thefe ve- nerable inflgnia of the kingly dignity, in- expreilibly precious in the eftimation of the people, to be conveyed from one capi- Z ta! ( l 7° } tal to the other, in the common itage waggon. The King of Pruffia hung over Bohemia, with a prodigious army, ready to enter that kingdom. The German Princes were almoft univerfally difaffected to the late Emperor, and had reprobated his in- fidious projects for an exchange of territory with the Elector Palatine. The Netherlands, irritated by a long feries of oppreflion, eonfifcation, and violation of all their antient liberties, had renounced any allegiance to a Prince, whom they regarded not as a protector, but a tyrant. Philip the Second, when he recalled the fanguinary Duke of Alva, was fcarcely more detefted, and had not more completely loft the low countries, than Jofeph the Second had done. Dalton, though at the head of a regular and formi- dable body of forces, had been compelled precipitately to evacuate BrufTels, and to feek his fafety in a diforderly and ignomi- niousretreat. Luxembourg alone remained, ef all the ten provinces, when Leopold fucceeded ( '7i ) Succeeded to his brother ; and Flanders no longer even liftened to the proportions of accommodation, which Jofeph in his dying moments offered to his revolted fubjects. In this fituation, furrounded with dif- ficulties occafloned by the ambition and defpotifm of his predecefTor, the new King of Hungary, after fome months of delay and irrefolution, wifely yielded to the neceffity, impofed on him by the dif- fracted condition of his affairs. The Courts of Berlin and of London, acting in concert, and fuftained by a Pruffian army, gave law to the Houfe of Auftria. Leopold confented to abandon the alliance of the Emprefs of Ruffia ; to reftore to Turkey the territories lately acquired ; and to receive his Flemiih fubjects into favour, after conceding and confirming, in the mofl extended degree, all their liberties and privileges. This vigorous and fuccefsful interpofition was inftantly followed by a peremptory requifition, on the part of the fame Powers to Catherine the Second, by which that haughty and enterprizing Z z Princefs ( *7? 5 Princcfs was required to follow the ex ample exhibited by the King of Hungary ; and to grant an equitable peace to the Ottoman Porte, as well as to conclude the war which flic carried on againft Sweden. From fo humiliating a neceflity, the Em- prefs extricated herfelf by one of the moil: rapid, unforefeen, and perhaps mafterly ftrokes o c policy, which is to be found in the annals of the pre fent century. She made a peace with that King of Sweden, againll: whom me had not fcrupled, a few years fmce, to excite his own foldiers and fub- jects to revolt : who had fcarcely efcaped from captivity at Wybourg, by forcing a paffage through the Ruffian fleet, with which he was furrounded : and who had not only committed hoftilities and waged war upon her empire ; but was fup- pofed to have drawn his pen againll: her reputation, and to have accufed her to Europe, and to future times, as an ufurper, infatiable in her thirft of power, and deftitute of faith or honour. Only a few davs intervened between the moft rancorous ( *73 ) rancorous difplay of perfonal enmity, and the folemn exchange of the ratifications of peace : while Catherine, liberated by this fuccefsful exertion from an enemy who detained her fleet in the Baltic, and who might prefent himfelf at the very gates of her capital, aflumed new vigour, difdained to fubmit to the mandates of Pruflia, and continued her military opera- tions againft. the Turks. She did not flop here; but, irritated by the attempt to fetter her arms and limit her conquefts, me preffed Guftavus the Third to enter into a confederacy againft thofe powers, with whom he had been fo lately in ftrict alliance ; and to whofe timely interference or good offices, he had been in a great meafure indebted for his prefervation . She negociated anew with the Prince Regent and Cabinet of Denmark, whom the interpofition of England had hitherto reluctantly retained in neutrality. She corrupted, or perfuaded the Polifh Diet to exprefs fentiments hof- tile to Pruffia ; and encouraged Spain to 3 refufe ( '74 ) refufe compliance with the demands of the Britilh Government. Under thefe circumstances and appear- ances, hoftile or inaufpicious to the repofc of Europe, the month of October com- menced. During its progrefs, the hopes and fears of the nation were painfully fuf- pended, by the uncertainty of the final event. The impatience and anxiety, natural to, and infeparable from fucha fituation, were infinitely augmented by the fecrecy and filence, which furrounded and con- cealed the operations of the cabinet. The powers and energies of Government, con- centered round the Firft Minifter, and veiled in his perfon, exhibited to the Englifh nation, all the vigor, celerity, and decifion of a defpotifm, unaccompanied with its characteristic and concomitant evils. Though thefineftandmoft numerous fleet which Great Britain had ever equipped, lay at Spithead, ready to fland out into the Atlantic upon the fhorteft notice; though Admiral Cornifh, at the head of eight fliips of the line, had already fet fail ; ( '75 ) fail j and, favored by an eafterly wind, was clear of the Channel : though a de- tachment of the Guards, to the number of above two thoufand men, were under orders to march to Portfmouth ; and every preparation was made to facilitate their prompt embarkation : though the blow which impended over the Spanifh monarchy, hung by a fingle thread, and might every inflant fall ; yet, not a whifper tranfpired, to gratify the curiofity of an eager capital, and an expecting country. Univerfal ignorance, or fanciful con- jecture prevailed, refpecting the deftina- tion of thefe powerful naval and military armaments; while the magnitude and fcattered pofition of the Spanifh domi- nions, from the mouth of the Miffimppi to that of the river Plate, left an ample field for the imagination, and afforded fcope for unbounded affertion. To thofe who recollected the delays, the publicity, and the timidity which degraded the counfels, and fruftrated the meafures or ( '76 ) Or exertions of England, during the Ad- miniftration which conducted the Ame- rican war, the prefent contraft was matter of equal wonder and admiration. The nation, confcious that its honour and its interefts were committed to a a depositary of tranfcendent integrity and firmnefs, patiently waited the winding up of the cataftrophe, with eyes fixed on its con- ductor. Opinion fluctuated rapidly and capricioufly from war to peace, as the moft trifling events appeared to indicate the one or the other ; and October expired as it had begun, in uncertainty and fuf- pence. During the three firit days of the fuc- ceeding month, as every hour might be iuppofed to decide on this momentous queftion, expectation feemed to have at- tained its higheft point ; while the rapid approach of that period, when Parliament was fummoned to meet for the difpatch of public buflnefs, and the advanced fea- fon of the year, fuperadded to the length of time which had already elapfed fince , the ( l 77 ) the commencement of the negotiation, ap- peared to preclude the poftibility of any further delay. It was not till the fourth of November, a day already rendered memorable and aufpicious in the annals of Great Britain, that the meflenger fo long expected, arrived with pacific intel- ligence. Spain, after a refinance pro- portioned to the magnitude and import- ance of the objects contefled, and after peremptory and reiterated refufals to con- cede upon points, equally affecting her pride and her intereils ; relaxed at once from this tone, complied with the de- mands of England, and figned a " -Con- vention," which terminated every paft or prefent caufe of difpute between the two Crowns. To the wifdom and moderation of the Spanifh Firtt Minifter, the Count de Florida Blanca, this timely and temperate refolution, which arretted the fword al- ready unfheathed, was attributed, by an opinion, not only general, but unquef- tionably fuftamed on high authority and A a evidence. C '78 ) evidence. If the hiftorian was permitted to fpeculate upon the events of futurity ; or if, from afcertained and exifting fads or circumftances, we might be allowed to predict refpecting thofe which would have taken place > it is more than merely- probable, that Spain muft have fuftained very deep and lafting injury from that war, which was thus unexpectedly and fuddenly averted. The naval power of England, which at no period of paft time, had ever been fo expeditioufly or vigoroufly called into ac- tion : thefpiritand unanimity which pre- vailed throughout the kingdom : the ac- knowledged energy and capacity of the Ad- miniftration : the very nature of the war in which we were ready to engage, which muft have been not only offenfive, but directed to parts of the globe peculiarly calculated to inflame the ardor of the alTailants", by profpects of wealth and plunder : the de- fencelefs and unprotected ftate of many of the Spanifh colonies in both hemifpheres : the anarchy, and confequent incapacity of ( i79 ) of France, to extend any prompt and ef- fectual fupport to the Crown of Spain : even the lefs important, but diftrefsful and perplexing embarraffments, refulting from the earthquake which demolifhed the fortrefs of Oran upon the coalt. of Africa, almoft precifely at the fame time when the Emperor of Morocco commenced hoftilities againft the Catholic King : this combination of caufes or events, in which there appears to be no exaggeration, may perhaps, without the imputation of na- tional partiality, juftify an opinion, that the Spanifh monarchy was matched by the wife and yielding policy of its Minifter, from evils and calamities of no common defcription. While, however, I anticipate thefe advantages, which might probably have refulted from war, under the circumftances already enumerated ; it is unqueftionable, that to a country fo deeply involved in debt, no feries of conquefts which the wildeft imagination can fuppofe, had they even been realized, could have compen- A a 2 fated ( i So ) fated for the misfortunes infeparably connected with hoftilities. Peace, even though only obtained upon the moft moderate, and barely equitable terms, muil:, to every reflecting mind, have been far preferable to the acquisition of all the provinces, which Cortez ever conquered, or Pizarro fubdued. But the " Conven- tion" recently figned, while on one hand it made ample reparation and reftitution to the injured Crown, and plundered fubjects of Great Britain ; on the other, opened new and unexplored fources of wealth and commerce. After having been fubmitted to the infpection and in- vestigation of the people of England, during many weeks : after having received the moft authentic attenuations of public gratitude and fatisfaction, in addreffes to the Throne, from the great corporate bodies of London, Edinburgh, and Brif- tol ; neceflarily compofed of perfons highly fenfible to, and highly enlightened upon, the commercial interefls of the country : after having been finally dif- cuffed ( !«• ) cuffed with all the feverity of political criticifm, in the two Houfes of Parliament, and attained the fanction of decided ap- probation in both : having undergone thefe rigorous difquiritions upon its merits, the " Convention " may be examined, like any other fact in the Engl if h annals, with the candour, impartiality, and temper of hiftory. That Great Britain has obtained by it points and objects, hitherto referved or refufed by the Court of Madrid, in every treaty fince the termination of the reign of Philip the Fourth, is inconteflible. Time alone can completely afcertain the value and intrinfic worth of thefe con- ceffions, which are, in a great degree, de- pendant on the induftry and enterprize exerted, in converting them to national advantage. That jealous and tenacious power, which originally difcovercd and conquered the New World, over which me has always endeavoured to draw the deepeft veil, while me excluded every Eu- ropean flate from any participation in her vail ( i8* ) vafr. acquisitions ; has, for the firir. time, receded from her high and exclufive pre- tentions. The pretended donation of the See of Rome, and all the antiquated claims which long prefcription had ren- dered venerable, have been for ever relin- quished and abandoned by the prefent Con- vention. The navigation of the Pacific Ocean is, in effect, declared to be as free as that of the Atlantic. The right, claimed by England, ofpurfuing thefifhery on thofe parts of the coafl: of South America, un- occupied and uncolonized by Spain, is not onlv avowed : but a vaft. tract of the Ma- gellanic regions, on either fide of Cape Horn, comprizing the whole coafl below the rnoft fouthern fettlement already made by the Spaniards, is declared to be free to both countries, for every purpofe of temporary accommodation ; while the two Crowns are equally interdicted and re- trained, from forming future permanent eftabliihments on that inhofpitable fhore. In return for this liberal and ample con- cefTion, England fubmits to the equita- ble ( i8 3 ) ble demand, of not permitting her vefTels to approach within ten leagues of thecoafts and countries, actually occupied by Spain upon the Pacific Ocean. On the North Weft Coaft of America, the original difcovery, occupancy, and fovereignty of which, appear to furnifh, matter of infinite doubt and difcuffion, frill greater advantages are fecured by the Convention. Without recapitulating thepri- mary ground of difpute, upon which clear and immediate fatisfaction is itipulated: the whole continent, north of the fettlements already pofTefTed by Spain, is left open to both nations ; with only a reciprocal right of entry for purpofes of trade, into the ports or places which either may occupy. The fame general and equal principle is laid down as the bafis of accommodation, in the fouthern and northern hemifphere, and forms the predominant feature of the treaty. It was not denied by the Mi- nifter, and it was juftly afTerted by his op- ponents, when the Convention was agi- tated in the Houfe of Commons, that to render 2 ( 184 ) render it perfect, and exempt from future poflible mifinterpretation, a precife limit fhould have been drawn, both on the coaft of North and South America. But the evils infeparable from a prolongation of the dif- pute, mull have fo greatly outweighed the benefit to be derived from any line of demar- cation which could have been inftantly fet- tled , that no poflible cenfure can be affixed on that account; fince its expediency was not more obvious, than its immediate execu- tion was difficult and impracticable. Nor can it be reafonably doubted, that where fo clear a principle is by mutual confent eftablifhed, no effential obftacle can arife, in the courfe of future negotiations be- tween the two Courts, for the final fettle- ment of their refpectlve boundaries. To complete this great act of public benefit and national glory, it only remained to meet the expence occafioned by it, with promptitude and alacrity. The Minifter, fo far from avoiding or protracting that neceflary, but painful and arduous talk, followed the Convention, with the imme- diate ( i8 5 ) diatc production of the accounts refpect- ing the naval and military armaments, and the pecuniary impofitions which he meant to propofe for their fpeedy liqui- dation. Not more diftjnguifhed by the magnitude and energy of his preparations to humble the monarchy of Spain., when war appeared inevitable ; than characta- rifed by the moft falutary and fevere ceco- nomy, when that neceffity no longer ex- ifled ; his enlarged and active mind over- came the difficulties, by which common ftatefmen are impeded. He propofed to raife, not merely the intereft of the debt recently incurred ; but to extinguifh the principal itfelf, in the fpace of four years, though amounting to above three millions flerling. The effect of fo judicious and provident a meafure, which muft equally evince the magnanimity of the Minifter from whom it originated, and the refources of the country which adopted it, will be felt through every kingdom of Europe. It is not exceeded by any of the acts of wifdom, found in the annals of Eliza- B b beth, ( 1 86 ) beth, when the counfels of England were directed by the forefight and policy of a Burleigh. It is without precedent flnce the beginning of the prefent century, and is cal- culated to excite the admiration and in- credulity of future times. The ^iay, upon which Mr. Pitt fubmit- ted to Parliament a fyflem, fo calcu- lated for general advantage, was diftin- guifhed by another act, which might have rendered illuftrious a perfon, lefs confpicu- oufly eminent above his fellow citizens. The garter, which was conferred by the Sovereign upon Lord Chatham, evinced the indifference or fuperiority of the Minifter to the higher!: external decoration and dis- tinction ; as powerfully, as his renuncia- tion of a lucrative office in favour of Colonel Barre, at a much earlier period of his administration, had proved his diiintereft- cdnefs and contempt of emolument. As it feems hardly pofTible to have made greater facrifices, fo perhaps, it is difficult to felect any example in modern times, of fo early an acquisition of that [ «8 7 ] glory, which isthe jufl: reward of rectitude and talents. Whether the names of Cla- rendon, of Godolphin, or of Pelham, can be placed in any degree of com- parifon or competition with that of Pitt, it may be left to pofteri ty to deter- mine. But it is competent to the hif- torian of the prefent age, to affert and to prove, that at no period fince the refto- ration of monarchy in the perfon of Charles the Second, has this country permanently attained to fo high a point of folid greatnefs and importance, as fhc enjoys at the prefent moment. We mould fearch in vain for any traces of national confideration or honor, in the profligate annals of that diffolute and dependent Prince, whom 1 have jufl named ; or in the bigotted and tranfitory reign of his lefs criminal, but more unfortunate fuc- ceffor. Shall we difcovcr greater fubject for pride and exultation, even under the temperate and elective government of William the Third ? Whatever obligations we may owe to the Prince of Orange, as our deliverer Bb 2 from ( i88 ) from civil and fpiritual tyranny, his arms were conftantly retrained by the Generals, as his meafures were uni- formly defeated by the policy and power, of Louis the Fourteenth. After a perpetual and unequal ftrug- gle, in which her commerce was al- moft annihilated, and in which the foli- tary laurels of the Boyne and of La Hogue, were contrafted with the annual defeats received on the Continent, and in the Channel, Great Britain nearly funk under the exertion. Though the peace of Ryfwick produced a fhort and de- lufive calm, yet the Crown of Spain, in violation of the molt folemn renunciations, was quietly transferred, in the year 1700, on the extinction of the Spanifh branch of the Houfe of Auitria, to a Prince of France : while the laft hours of William were occupied by ineffectual efforts, to prevent the fatal confequences of an act, inconteftably injurious to, or fubverfive of the fecurity, interefts, and greatnefs of England. It mult be admitted, that the female reign ( i8 9 ) reign which fucceeded, fo long as it was conducted by the counfels of Godolphin, and the genius of Marlborough, prefents a ftriking picture of military glory, and fuc- ceflive triumphs. The Court of Verfailles, accuftomed to confer, condefcendcd to folicit for peace ; and Torcy, at Gertruydenburg, in 1 709, exhibited thehumiliatingiight of a Minifter of Louis the Fourteenth, prof- trate before England and Holland. But the imprudence or prefumption of an Ad- min iftrat ion, intoxicated with profperity, and unmindful of the changes of human affairs, allowed the moment to elapfe, in which the fafety and interefts of their country might have been forever fecured, on the moft durable foundations. The horizon foon became darkened, and the profpect obfcured by clouds. Villars refcued France from her ftate of clanger and diftrefs, while Oxford and Bolingbroke difgraced the government, and accelerated the death of their feeble miftrefs, by meafures of pufillanimity, and breaches of national faith. The trophies ( 190 ) trophies of Blenheim and of Malplaquet were obliterated by the defeat of Denain, and the peace of Utrecht : the Houfe of Auftria was betrayed in that difhonourable treaty ; and the evening of a reign, fo diftin- guifhed and fo fplendid, clofed in weak- nefs, and is only recollected with regret. If the annals of the lafl Princefs of the Stuart line afford fo little matter for his- toric praife, it is not in the labyrinth of Continental Politics and alliances, which characterifed and compofed thofe of George the Firft, that we can look for topics of eulogium, or fubjects for admiration. The naval victory, obtained by Byng in 1718, over the Spanifh fleet in the Faro of Medina, however brilliant and decifive ; fo far from being productive of any advantage to the nation, counter- acted every principle of wife and judicious policy. It itands contrafted with the fatal bankruptcy of the South Sea year; with the melancholy facrifice of Hofier's devoted fquadron, under the walls of Porto Bello ; with a dereliction of the in- terefts ( '9' ) terefts and honour of the Crown of En