WI LLIAM THOMPSON SEDGWICK The Massachusetts Institute of Technology UCSB LIBRARY X- ON THE HEALTHY MANUFACTURE OF BREAD. ir on tfje Astern of 3Dc. HDaug;li0f), BY BENJAMIN WARD RICHARDSON, M.D., F.R.S. ILonBon : BAILLIERE, TINDALL, & COX, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND. 1884. [A II rights reset ved. ] Printed by Hazetl, Watson, and I'iney, Limited, London and Aylcslmry CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PREFATORY . CHAPTER II. DAUGLISH'S EXPOSITION OF THE RADICAL CHANGE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF BREAD BY HIS METHOD ........ 6 CHAPTER III. MANUFACTURE OF BREAD BY FERMENTATION. . I"] CHAPTER IV. THE COURSE OF DISCOVERY TOWARDS THE MANU- FACTURE OF AERATED BREAD . 25 CHAPTER V. THE ORIGINAL DAUGLISH PROCESS . CHAPTER VI. THE MODERN AERATED PROCESS 3 2 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. WHEAT BREAD AND FLOURS . . 49 CHAPTER VIII. FERMENTATION AND AERATION A CONTRAST. . 58- CHAPTER IX. ECONOMIC AND SANITARY ADVANTAGES TO THE WORKMEN BY THE AERATED SYSTEM OF BREAD MANUFACTURE 68 CHAPTER X. PUBLIC ADVANTAGES OF AERATED BREAD, IN RELATION TO HEALTH 8 1 APPENDIX. A BRIEF PERSONAL OUTLINE OF THE LIFE OF DR. DAUGLISH . . . . . -97 CHAPTER I. PREFATORY. a time when the public mind has become most attentive to all subjects having reference to do- mestic sanitation, I have thought it would be opportune to publish a short work on the labours of the late Dr. Daug- lish, and on his system of bread manufacture. What claim I have to speak upon this subject rests on the following facts : In 1862, while conducting The Social Science Review, I wrote an article in that paper on modern bread making. Dauglish, as ingenious and earnest a sanitarian, as well as social reformer, I ever remember to have met, called upon me thereupon to explain his method of bread making, then in its first PREFATORY. days. He entirely gained my attention to it, and awakened an interest which has never abated. Actuated by what he told me, I was tempted to institute inquiries on a subject of which I previously knew very little, and was led to contribute further articles on bread manufacture, and on the grievances to which the bakers of the metropolis were subjected. A lecture in the old Hanover Square Rooms, on March lyth, 1864, over which lecture Lord Ebury presided, drew my mind still closer to the study of bread manufacture. The lecturer was a master baker, and with excellent skill, backed by practical knowledge of many years' acquirement, he placed before us, in terms not easily to be forgotten, the fact that in London at that time twelve thousand men were compelled to labour night and day, apparently for no other reason than the precedent of an unnatural and absurd custom. He showed that with their families these men formed a community in London of over twenty-five thousand people, and he described the work and the mode of work in a manner which startled many of us by its revelations of bad sanitation, bad alike for workers and consumers. PREFATORY. Later on, when I had examined for myself, and had come to know a considerable num- ber of facts relating to the condition of the workers in the baking trade, I began to study the processes of manufacture simply as such, and so reverted to the system Dr. Dauglish had explained to me, comparing and contrast- ing it with the other methods in common use. By degrees I was led to a still closer connection with and study of the Dauglish method, and since the lamented death of the inventor I have for several years taken* a special part in it as a director and scientific adviser of the company which he founded. If only out of respect to the memory of Dr. Dauglish, and to place his, as yet, little appreciated work again before the world, I should be content to write this brief memoir. But there are other reasons which add to the desire. I am convinced, from careful and prolonged observation, that the Dauglish method of bread manufacture is on the whole the best that has been discovered. Accord- ing to my appreciation of it, it is the cleanliest of all the processes known and followed ; it calls for less drudgery, and, it is not unjust to say, less objectionable labour, from the employed PREFATORY. in bread manufacture ; it inflicts less arduous toil, and so lessens the rapid wearing out of the body, which is an unfortunate fate of many of those who are engaged in the manu- facture of the staff of life ; it supplies a purer article to those who depend, largely, upon the staff of life for their daily aliment. Lastly, it supplies, I think, a better article, one which gives to the public the fullest food value that can be got out of the corn from which the food is made, and which enables the manu- facture of all kinds of flour or meal, white meal, mixed meal, whole meal, to be most completely and most easily produced. For these reasons, apart from any in which mere kindly sentiment for the inventor is concerned, it occurs to me that the task of writing the coming pages is well deserving the labour that may be bestowed upon it. The Dauglish system, as it stands at the present moment, may be considered as prac- tically perfected. The inventor left a few details, which, though important, did not affect the general principle he had in view, and which he brought into practice. Those details have been one by one introduced, and the whole system has been brought to such PREFATORY. excellent working that any demand for bread made by it can be met. How far an extremely large demand has been met, how steadily, and how increasingly, is open now to the public observation in London every day. The practical working and completion of the Dauglish method is another and final reason for the present exposition of it as a part of the social history of this great city at the present period of its development. In carrying out the duty conveyed by the nature of the task I shall, as far as possible, in referring to the process which Dauglish introduced, and to the difficulties in the manufacture of bread which he endeavoured to rectify, allow him, through what he has left behind him, to speak for his invention in his own words and mode of expression. These were always clear, concise, and sufficient. CHAPTER II. DAUGLISH'S EXPOSITION OF THE RADICAL CHANGE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF BREAD BY HIS METHOD. JR. DAUGLISH, in one of his earliest attempts to make his pro- cess known, explained that a lecture delivered by Professor Odling be- fore the Society of Arts and Manufactures conveyed to him unmistakably that nearly, if not quite, all the evils complained of in the old system of bread manufacture viz., the spoil- ing of the flour, the necessity for using alum, the long hours of labour, and the consequent unhealthiness of the trade of the baker arise out of the employment of fermentation for the raising of bread. He next, in explanation of his design, DAUGLISITS EXPOSITION. described that bread-making essentially con- sists in completely incorporating flour, water, salt, and carbonic acid with each other in such a manner as that they shall form a tenacious, elastic, and bulky mass, in which the aeriform constituent bears to the solid a proportion of about three or four to one, and which on being placed in the oven and thoroughly baked shall swell to about double this proportion. After setting forth these simple proposi- tions, Dauglish proceeded to show that while the mechanical difficulties that lie in the way of improvement in manufacture are overcome with moderate facility, there was up to his time another series of difficulties which were not so easily managed. These he called the chemical difficulties, and he explained them briefly in such terms as follow : " The mechanical part of bread-making is very easy of accomplishment, and its results, like all other mechanical processes, can always be relied on with certainty. It is the chemi- cal part out of which all the difficulties and uncertainties arise, and which has presented the only obstacle in the way of bread manufacture participating in that marvellous DAUGLISH'S EXPOSITION. progress of the industrial arts which is the most distinguishing feature of the present age." What the nature of the chemical difficulties is he defines in a further exposition. "The chemical changes within the sub- stance of the dough, which it is the object of the baker to effect, are those which shall result in the alcoholic fermentation' of trans- formed starch or glucose, whereby these bodies are broken up into alcohol and car- bonic acid, which latter the carbonic acid- is the only product desired, but which cannot be obtained without the previous transforma- tion or degradation, more or less, of the constituents of the flour. In the first operation of bread making the preparation of the sponge the baker mixes up together into a soup-like paste flour, warm water, and yeast or leaven ; this he allows to stand for some hours, during which active fermentation is set up, and bubbles of carbonic acid are rapidly formed and rise to the surface. The prolonged action, of warmth and moisture, combined with that of the yeast or leaven, change the whole body of paste into a ferment sufficient to DAUGLISH'S EXPOSITION. affect a large quantity of flour when incorpo- rated with it. In forming a sponge the necessity of using a large quantity of yeast is avoided on the one hand, while the length of time that would otherwise be required for putting the whole of the flour into a state of active fermentation is considerably shortened, and the deterioration of the flour, which is caused by the prolonged action of warmth and moisture, is proportionately lessened." Dr. Dauglish observed, in relation to the above account of the common process all but exclusively in use in his day, that when sound flour is employed the true alcoholic fermenta- tion is only the later stage of what is termed the panary fermentation. It is in that stage that the yeast acts upon the glucose or grape sugar so as to break it up into alcohol and carbonic acid. But as in sound flour there is very little, not more than a trace of, sugar, and as in it the gluten is wholly or almost wholly unaltered, certain portions of the starch of the flour and of the gluten must have passed through the necessary changes for the alcoholic fermentation to act. This is done in the sponge, when the gluten, by its own spontaneous tendency to change under io DAUGLISH'S EXPOSITION. these conditions, assisted by the yeast, be- comes metamorphic, and immediately acts upon the starch, changing the starch into dextrine and grape sugar, with propagation of the yeast plant at .the expense of a small portion of the gluten. The sponge, there- fore, yields, when the flour is sound, all the materials, the dextrine and glucose, the diastase and the yeast, in a state ready to pass into active alcoholic fermentation, and to give up the necessary bubbles of carbonic acid immediately their complete incorporation with the flour is secured. If all flour that is employed for the manu- facture of bread were sound, the rule of decomposition defined above would be very definite. But when the flour is unsound a very different state of things is presented. Unsound flour, Dr. Dauglish pointed out, is flour in which some of the changes on which panary fermentation depends have taken place to a greater or smaller extent, and which are somewhat analogous to malt- ing. " The gluten has already become metamorphic, and the starch partly or wholly changed into dextrine or glucose. The gluten has lost more or less of its elasticity, DAUGLISITS EXPOSITION. and is ready, immediately on the application of warmth and moisture, not only to pass rapidly into a state of solution, but to act with the greatest energy on the partially changed starch, completing its alteration into glucose, so that a running sticky mass results from the attempt at fermentation. It is seen from these facts that when the ordinary method of fermentation, by means of yeast, is carried out with an inferior class of flour, the results of the fermentation are most uncertain, and may be most objection- able in so far as the quality of the product, the bread, is concerned. Nor does such a statement of fact include all that has to be told, for Dauglish detected that the same state of things may be, and indeed often is, brought about when even sound flour has been used either by inexperienced persons, who do not understand the management of fermentation, and the' length of time or temperature necessary, or by peculiar states of and changes in the atmosphere, by which the fermentative operations are so rapidly hastened in the earlier stages as to become almost or quite unmanageable. Between perfectly sound flour and that 12 DAUGLISH'S EXPOSITION. which runs, in the manner described, on the application of a ferment, Dauglish showed that there are indefinite shades of varieties. In these varieties of change he traced out the derangements and irregularities which are met with in establishments where attempts are made to produce bread on a large scale by division of labour, and to turn it out ready for use at regular times; and when he had fully exhibited all the drawbacks connected with the then existing systems he proceeded to explain the new system which he had invented, and which was founded on the radical improvement of doing away with the process of fermentation altogether in the manufacture of bread. In introducing this radical modification he did, in fact, more than he seems to have been fully aware of at the time. It turned out afterwards that in the manufacture of whole meal bread, and of the'bread commonly known as brown bread, the old or fermentation method was not directly applicable ; that the flour out of which such bread had to be made must be added to other and finer flour in a state of fermentation before a loaf could be produced ; and that in consequence two DAUGLISH'S EXPOSITION. 13 distinct processes had to be carried out in order to produce one result. It turned out also that, by the new process, one action alone was called for, and that through every step of manufacture of the whole meal, or brown, or coarse bread, the result was as successful as if fine or white flour had been manipulated. Why this should be so will be shown further on, but it deserves to be mentioned thus early in order to indicate how excellent the new process was, and how good it was from the moment of its inception. It has been brought forward as an advan- tage of the Dauglish process that it would enable' manufacturers, if it were generally adopted, to bring into daily consumption more nutritious kinds of flour in place of the expensive fine wheaten flour which is still in common use. It was the inventor's pure and simple-minded pride that he had dis- covered a means by which this desirable end, tending towards national thrift and economy, could be realized. For although, as he stated, it is quite true that some of the coarser flours, owing to the existence in them of unstable albuminoid compounds, have often commenced to undergo a process of panary fermentation i 4 DAUGLISITS EXPOSITION. which renders the after or baker's process un- certain, it is not to be understood that such flours are therefore valueless, and to be cast aside as food that cannot be applied for the wants of the people. On the contrary, such flours can be so utilized by the new process as to be transformed into bread as light and edible as any other, and to many persons preferable to all other. I for one prefer a bread which is not made of the whitest wheaten flour, in which the starchy material and the gluten form the only constituent parts of much nutrient value, and I agree in this particular with many more. We have, indeed, in these last few years, largely owing to the indefatigable exertions of Miss Yates, become very familiar with what is.now known as "whole meal bread." The fact that such bread contains all the essential food elements supplied by the grain of wheat is now well recognized, and under the improvements which have been intro- duced for decortication of the grain, so as to retain the useful and remove the hurtful parts, we have obtained on a large scale a whole-meal flour which is fast coming into general use. The greatest obstacle to the DAUGLISH'S EXPOSITION. 15 general use of whole-meal flour has arisen from the difficulty of converting it by the fermentation process, and by one single and continuous act, into bread. This difficulty and the reason for it will be explained more fully in a future page, as dependent on the interference of a fermenting substance in the outer coating of the wheat grain, called cerealine. It is sufficient for me to say, in this place, that when instead of the slow and indirect process of fermentation for the pro- duction of whole-meal bread, the aerated method is adopted, all the difficulties dis- appear, and the loaf from whole-meal is as easily and quickly manufactured as that from any other flour, including the so-called finest kind of wheaten flour. Hence, for the manufacture of whole-meal bread for public institutions the system has been employed on the largest scale and with the most complete success, while since the whole- meal has become popular in the community generally the same plan has been continued with an equal advantage and readiness, no modification of machinery or procedure being demanded or introduced. In summary, the Dauglish process answers 1 6 DAUGLISH'S EXPOSITION. as well for the finest wheat flour as for the coarser kinds, while it gives to the coarser kinds advantages of manufacture which no other process does. It enables whole-meal to be made into good bread by one step, an advantage exclusively its own ; and should the day ever unfortunately come when, in this country, the finer kinds of flour were not generally obtainable, that is to say, if the people had ever to depend for the staff of life on coarser flours than the white flours now usually sold, the Dauglish system would be soon recognized as the only one fitted to meet the emergency with effective- ness and economy. CHAPTER III. MANUFACTURE OF BREAD BY FERMENTATION. fOR the sake of making the reader fully acquainted with the distinc- tive character of the Dauglish process for the manufacture of bread, it will be well to give, in a short chapter, the method by fermentation which it is intended to supersede. One of the tersest and best descriptions of the fermentation process with which I am acquainted, is that supplied by Mr. John Bennett, who was for many years the secre- tary of the London Co-operative Bakers' Association, in the Report to the Secretary of State relative to the grievances complained . of by journeymen bakers, published in 1862. Bennett worked as an operative baker for 2 i8 upwards of thirty years, and I prefer to follow his description, with the exception of a few details, to any that I could furnish from my own observation, although I have been a witness to the procedure many times, and have before me many notes upon it, taken at the time of observation. STEP THE FIRST. The first process, Bennett tells us, for making bread on the large scale, as for con- sumption in London, consists in producing the "ferment," which is usually done from eleven to twelve o'clock in the day. It takes about ten minutes to do it. The mixture, or ferment, is made as follows : Potatoes in the proportion of one pound and a half to the bushel of flour, or nine pounds to a sack of flour, the sack holding six bushels, weighing altogether two hundred and eighty pounds are first boiled and then mashed in a tub. Two quarts of hot water are added, and the mash is well stirred. When the mixture of water and of potatoes is complete, cold water is added, until the whole is cooled down to 80 Fahr. After BREAD BY FERMENTATION. 19 this, yeast one quart of brewer's yeast is the usual quantity is mixed up with the mash in the tub, and about two pounds of flour are added (that is to feed the yeast), and the whole covered over and allowed to stand from six to seven hours. If what jis called " patent yeast " is used, the water that is added to the mash is left at from 90 to 100 Fr., instead of 80. The mixture is called the ferment. It ferments to a "head," and then falls once, and sometimes twice. It is ready for use when the fermentation has ceased. STEP THE SECOND. At about five or six in the evening the "' ferment" is ready to be mixed with one- fourth part of the flour which is to be made into the bread. This is commonly called " setting the sponge." The admixture is usually made with the arms of the workman, water being added in sufficient quantity, from seven to eight gallons to make " the sponge." If one sack of flour (200 Ibs.) is used, it will take one man from a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes to complete the admixture. Two men would do two sacks in about half 20 MANUFACTURE OF an hour, or three sacks in about three- quarters of an hour. " It is very hard work." The " sponge " remains from five or six in the evening until about midnight, in order to undergo the process of fermentation. It rises the first time in about four hours, then it falls. It rises a second time in about three- quarters of an hour to an hour afterwards. Between these hours of setting the sponge and completing the fermentation the working baker gets most 'of his night's sleep. STEP THE THIRD. So soon as the sponge is ready the remain- ing three-fourths of the flour which is to be made into bread is added, and the w T orkman proceeds to mix the added flour with the sponge, with more water, and with about three pounds of common salt. The water now added is about eight gallons, the whole quantity of water required for every stage of the process of making bread from the finest flour being sixteen gallons to the sack of two hundred and eighty pounds' weight. The term used in the trade, according to Bennett, is not " kneading," as is commonly BREAD BY FERMENTATION. 21 supposed, but " making the dough," although it is really a kneading process. It takes one man about three-quarters of an hour to make a sack of five bushels into dough. This is the hardest work which the journeyman has to do. The sack of flour weighing two hundred and eighty pounds turns out a yield of ninety-one loaves, of four pounds each, after standing twenty-four hours. " After the dough is made it stands, according to the kind of yeast used, or whether the weather be hot or cold, from half an hour to two hours ; " shorter if the yeast used be of best quality and the weather be warm, and viee versa. During this interval, Mr. Bennett states, the journeymen first take some refreshment, which they call their breakfast, and then lie down in their clothes upon the boards. They spread a sack or two upon the boards, and put a tin under their heads for a pillow, some- times with a sack folded upon it, sometimes without. These " boards " are the boards on which the dough is weighed out, and then moulded into the form of the loaf before it is placed in the oven. The tin is the baking tin for the " tinned bread." 22 MANUFACTURE OF STEP THE FOURTH. The journeymen, when they get up from the boards, about two in the morning, proceed to weigh off the pieces of dough, which are put aside as they are weighed. When all the dough is weighed off, the process of moulding the loaves commences, and the loaves are put into the oven as fast as they are moulded. The boards on which the bread is weighed and moulded are scraped and brushed every time they are used, and many masters have them washed once a week ; but the moisture left from washing has a tendency, in the opinion of some masters, to make the bread sour. STEP THE FIFTH. From two to three in the morning until five the bread remains in the oven, where it is exposed to a temperature of 400. There it passes through the process of complete cooking, with the formation of crust. The bread is withdrawn, and the process of its manufacture is completed. It is set aside to cool, and after a short time it is ready for delivery. BREAD BY FERMENTATION. 23 COMMENT ON THE FERMENTATION PROCESS. The fermentation process of bread manu- facture is, as will be seen from the above, a slow and elaborate chemical procedure, requiring much manual labour, care, and en- durance. It can scarcely be called a cleanly process, because by necessity it brings the workmen more closely than is pleasant into personal contact with the materials which they are transforming into food. Be the workmen ever so cleanly, they are still performing a part which it would be well to relieve them from if the relief were possible, an idea which the least fastidious persons would speedily realize if they could only see how, in the various steps of its manufacture, the bread .which comes to their tables, after the fer- mented process, is turned out from stage to stage. It might be expected that Mr. Bennett's description, good as a history of what was going on in the baking trade twenty-two years ago, was altogether out of date in these days, when sanitation has made such striking headway, and when the word health is as common in every one's mouth as I myself or 24 MANUFACTURE OF BREAD. any other health reformer could wish it to be. I regret, however, to be obliged to state that this expectation is not realized. There is, I believe, no occupation in which so few improvements of a sanitary kind have been generally introduced. In the large majority of bakeries the ancient errors still prevail, as a quite recent investigation has most clearly shown, nor is it likely that many of the more serious errors can be reformed while yeast is employed as the generator of the carbonic acid by fermentation, and while a sponge must be set for every batch of bread that has to be produced. Beyond these faults, there are others which can scarcely be avoided. In order to meet the irregularities of fermentation, which are incident to varying qualities of flours, alum or other substances have to be employed to regulate the fermenting process. This will be more fully indicated in a future chapter. CHAPTER IV. THE COURSE OF DISCOVERY TOWARDS THE MANUFACTURE OF AERATED BREAD. E are led now to the modification in the method of making bread which was introduced in a practical form by Dr. Dauglish, and to which the name of the aerated process has been given, and to the product of which the term " aerated bread " has been applied. The distinguishing term very aptly defines what is meant. The bread turned out by the aerated process is not subjected to any method by which carbonic acid gas is pro- duced from the action of a ferment. The , necessary impregnation with gas is effected by forcing carbonic acid, made by a pure chemical procedure, into the mixture of flour 26 THE COURSE OF DISCOVERY and water without any intermediate ferment- ing stage. It is not claimed for Dauglish that he conceived originally the idea of making' bread by this direct method. In order to get at the root of the process we must go back to the labours of the illus- trious Joseph Priestley, who in the last century, in his famous researches with fixed air, since called carbonic acid gas, found that this gas could be held by water, and from that circum- stance invented the plan of impregnating water with the gas and producing aerated waters. This curious and valuable discovery had the most important influences in various ways. Indirectly it led to the compression of gases. Directly it led to the commercial introduction of aerated drinks and of aerated bread. It has yet to lead to other discoveries, perhaps still more remarkable. Dauglish himself, in his valuable evidence before Mr. Tremenhere, refers to those au- thorities who, previously to him, had thought of the same subject, namely, to Professor John- . ston, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Durham, who published a paper on the sub- TOWARDS AERATED BREAD. 27 ject in 1847 5 to an anonymous physician, who wrote a pamphlet in the year 1846, entitled " Instructions for Making Unfermented Bread"; and tc the great chemist, Professor Thomas Thomson, formerly Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow, who in 1 8 1 6 showed that the only purpose secured by fermentation in bread-making is the gene- ration of the carbonic acid required to raise the dough, an end that could be attained by the use of carbonate of soda and muriatic acid, by which the waste consequent on fermentation would be largely saved. The claim that has to be made for Daug- lish is that he practically discovered the mode by which carbonic acid could, under pressure, be introduced in water to the flour, and so act on the flour as to make it become a light dough, as if it had been leavened. Even here we cannot say that he had not been to some extent anticipated in conception, al- though he did not know the fact at the time of his invention. There was an inventor by the name of Luke Hebert, who in 1836 brought out a patent for manufacturing bread by machinery, in which aerated water, charged with car- 28 THE COURSE OF DISCOVERY bonic acid, was the agent used for raising the dough. Hebert, like Dr. Dauglish, was an enthusiast on the subject of aerated bread ; and he set forth the value of his invention in language rarely met with in the terms and specifications of a patent. The manu- facture of bread, he says, surpasses all others in extent, but hitherto it has not been treated as a manufacture ; the homely and unscien- tific practices of past ages remain in all their pristine impurity and wastefulness. To please the eye, the most nutritive and agreeable properties of the wheat are partially destroyed or deteriorated. To economize and purify the "staff of life" appears to have been an object either unworthy of the attention or degrading to the study of philosophers or mechanics, while that of a candlewick and numerous other " trifles light as air " have been the objects of much elaborate investi- gation and of public patronage. He then declares, as a fact capable of demonstration, that the present system of supplying the public with bread is equivalent to an un- necessary tax upon the people of these kingdoms of fifteen millions annually, the whole of that enormous sum being swallowed TO WA RDS A ERA TED BREA D. 29 up in wasteful processes and needless com- mercial operations. In Hebert's process the whole of the rendering of corn into bread was performed in one place, and at one time. He essayed to be miller and baker in combination in one manufactory. The grain was delivered into the receiving room of the manufactory, where it was examined and weighed. This done, it was hoisted through a shaft, charged with warm air, into a room at the top of the build- ing, and delivered on a creeper to any part of the several garners. When the wheat was required it was allowed to run down into the clearing and drying room for the purpose of being sifted, screened, and prepared. Then it was made to descend into the cooling and grinding garners. After the grain was ground and dressed, the flour it had yielded was raised into the flour garners, the offal being distributed into sacks to be carried away. For converting the flour into bread, it was first mixed with the requisite quantity of finely-ground salt, and then put into hoppers which served the twofold purpose of measur- ing the quantity and of conducting the flour 3 o THE COURSE OF DISCOVERY into the mixing and kneading apparatus. This department of mixing and kneading was not conducted in the ordinary wasteful manner, by fermentation, but was entirely superseded by the immediate and direct application to the flour of water highly impregnated with carbonic acid gas and atmospheric air. The impregnation and kneading being quickly completed, the dough was made to descend an inclined plane on to a " making up table " situated on the charging and discharging apparatus of the ovens. As fast as the loaves were made up they were placed upon a heated cast-iron pan, which gradually advanced into the oven until the pan became filled and the oven completely charged. It may be stated, in general terms, that in the above description, from Hebert's patent the leading principle in the manufacture of aerated bread is supplied. It does not seem that the plan was a successful one in Hebert's hands, and it very soon died out. In fact while the principle was, in the main, correct, the mode of operation was so deficient in detail it could never have been made a success as it originally stood. The one suggestion of TOWARDS AERATED BREAD. 31 casting the dough, after it had been made, down a shaft to a " making up table" was alone sufficient to ruin it as a working scheme. In that act the whole of the preliminary work of making a good loaf was missed. So soon as the dough was liberated from the mixing and kneading reservoir, and splashed down upon the mixing table, the gas with which the dough had been impregnated would be set at liberty, and the mass left become a heavy paste which, in the oven, could not rise to make a bread that was likely to be popular. Perhaps if Hebert's invention, in which he tells us he had the assistance of some foreigner living abroad, had been brought into practice on a large scale, the faults in it would have been detected and amended. As it was, the system remained to be accom- plished by the inventive skill of Dauglish. CHAPTER V. THE ORIGINAL DAUGLISH PROCESS. |R. DAUGLISH, in an original paper read before the Society of Arts in 1860, described with great perspi- cuity the principles carried out in his process. It had long been known to chemists, he observed, that water will absorb its own bulk of carbonic acid, whatever the density, with great readiness, when agitated with it. Thus, if a bottle be half filled with pure water and half with pure gas, and if at a tempera- ture of 62 Fahr. the bottle be closed and the water and gas be freely agitated together, so much absorption of gas will take place that the barometric pressure within the bottle will have fallen from the natural atmospheric pressure of thirty inches of mercury to fifteen THE ORIGINAL DA UGLISH PROCESS. 33 inches. The gas will be immediately diffused through or absorbed by the water, until there is an exact balance between the quantity of gas held in solution by one cubic foot of water and that contained in each cubic foot of space within the bottle not occupied by the water ; and as this law of absorption is per- sistent at all pressures, by increasing the density of the gas the quantity absorbed by the water will be increased in an equal ratio ; and so long as the water is retained under the pressure due to the density, so long will it hold the gas in solution, but whenever it is released from the pressure the gas will escape from it with effervescence. This simple rule explained, Dauglish proceeds to illustrate that if water, holding in solution the necessary quantity of carbonic acid gas, could be used to incorporate with flour in the preparation of dough, without any of the gas being allowed to escape from it until the dough is fully formed, but then be allowed to escape, it would cause the formation of the necessary minute bubbles of gas, which would distend the dough into a perfect sponge, even more perfect than that which is obtained by fermentation, since 3 34 THE ORIGINAL DA UGLISH PROCESS. every atom of water would yield its atom of gas, not only between the particles of starch and their gluten coat, but also within the substance of the coat itself, rendering that porous. By taking advantage of these facts, Daug- lish proceeded successfully. He made an arrangement by which he brought together, in a closed apparatus, the flour, out of which the dough was to be made, and water super- saturated with the carbonic acid gas. He incorporated the flour with the water and gas under pressure, and when the incorporation was complete, the mixture was drawn off, when it expanded into a spongy mass, and produced a dough perfect in character, and ready for the oven. By this simple method, he, so to speak, "set the sponge" without any of the cumbrous processes connected with fermentation to which reference has been made in a former chapter. This, he adds, is the new process of bread- making. It will be felt, as the above description is read, that there is no material difference between this mode of manufacture and that THE ORIGINAL DA UGLISH PROCESS. 35 proposed by Mr. Luke Hebert. Without doubt, the general principle was the same, but the details were so different that Daug- lish's plan was as successful as Hebert' s was unsuccessful. In the first place, Dauglish's method of mixing was much superior ; but the greatest improvement consisted in the mode in which the dough was made into loaves ready for the oven. It will be remembered that Hebert, by his method, let the dough pass direct from the mixer on to a slab or table where it was made by hand into a loaf, or transferred into a tin, much to the loss of the carbonic acid and to the spoiling of the dough. Dauglish by his plan caught the dough as it was leaving the mixer ready for the oven. By the pressure in the mixer the dough was forced through a nozzle or mouth, and as it expanded or rose in^the act of leaving the nozzle it was ready to be baked. The grand secret of success was included in this simple and practical contrivance. The brief description of the apparatus, as it left his hands, is given by its inventor in his own words, in the orginal paper read- 36 THE ORIGINAL DAUGLISH PROCESS. before the Society of Arts. It runs as follows : The apparatus essentially consists of a gasholder, and a generator, similar in con- struction and principle to, but larger in size than, what are used by the makers of aerated waters ; of pumps suitable for pumping elastic fluids ; and of a mixing vessel, and a water vessel in connection, both made so that they can be tightly closed to sustain an internal pressure of from one hundred to two hundred pounds on the square inch. The mixing vessel is supplied with flour through a shoot which passes from the floor above. The water-vessel is supplied with water through a pipe which comes from a large cistern at the top of the building. The mixer is capable of being closed per- fectly tight, and is opened by means of a proper mechanical contrivance, with the greatest facility. One,, man in a few seconds can both close and open. The order of working, and the time re- quired for making a sack of flour of two hundred and eighty pounds into dough, are as follows. The time is rather over than under stated. THE ORIGINAL DAUGLISH PROCESS. 37 Opening lid of mixer and fitting within the neck the end of flour-shoot and turning water-cock to fill water-vessel . . i minute. Passing from top of machine to floor above and shooting down a sack of flour . . 3 minutes. Returning, closing water-cock, removing end of shoot, and closing mixer . . 2 Withdrawing atmospheric air from mixer Pumping gas through water into mixers Mixing ...... Total . 3 10 7 26 At the end of this time the dough is ready to be drawn into loaves from a nozzle or mouth, through which it is forced by the pressure within the mixer ; and as it expands or rises in the act of leaving the mouth it is ready to be baked immediately. One boy is capable of drawing the dough from one sack of flour into loaves in fifteen minutes, as fast as they can be weighed and placed in the oven. Thus, in the short space of twenty-six minutes, which is subject to no variation, the baker can always rely upon having his dough ready for the oven, and this with a certainty, when the labour is well organised, which is 38 THE ORIGINAL DA UGLISH PROCESS. nearly mathematical. To these facts he added in a subsequent essay the following : A bakery capable of converting two sacks of flour per hour into bread, would, by work- ing ten hours continuously out of twenty- four, convert twenty sacks per day, or one hundred and twenty sacks per week, or allowing for contingencies say one hundred sacks per week, or working with two sets of workmen for twenty hours out of twenty- four, double that quantity, say two hun- dred sacks per week. Such a bakery could be built and fitted with plant and machinery ready for work for from ,1,500 to ; 1,700. Land and patent licence would be extra. A bakery with half the manufacturing capacity of the above would cost between ^"800 and ^900. A small bakery, fitted with machinery and plant for converting half a sack of flour at a time, and suitable for a baker doing about twenty sacks per week, could be fitted, exclusive of building and ovens, for about ,250. The process was originally described by another and independent observer in the subsequent account. THE ORIGINAL DA UGL1SH PROCESS. 39 The principle involved, like that in most good mechanical contrivances, is extremely simple. Taking advantage of the well-known capacity of water for absorbing carbonic acid, whatever its destiny, in quantities equal to its own bulk, Dr. Dauglish first prepares the water which is to be used in forming the dough, by placing it within a strong vessel, and forcing carbonic acid gas into it by the aid of a pump put in motion by a small steam- engine. The gas is formed by the action of pure sulphuric acid upon chalk, placed within the vessel. The gas is subsequently washed by passing it through water, and ascends into a gasometer, from which it is pumped, as occasion requires, into vessels, within which it is combined, under a pressure of about 100 Ibs. on the square inch, with the water, which absorbs it without any appreciable in- crease in bulk, and, of course, retains the gas so long as it is kept under pressure, and not one moment longer. The flour, and salt in the form of brine, are conveyed by a shoot and a tube into a hemispherical vessel. As soon as the necessary quantity has been introduced, the valve is closed through which 40 THE ORIGINAL DA UGLISH PROCESS. the flour entered. A cock is turned, and a measured quantity of aerated water admitted, or rather forced, by high pressure, into the hemispherical vessel. A system of knives rotating within, effectually kneads the mass. After a little time, a dough-tap, as it is called, is opened, and the contents of the vessel expelled in a continuous stream by the pres- sure within. Here it is that the remarkable part of the process occurs. The closed vessels, the gasometers, and the pump, have only been means to one end. As the mass leaves the tap it expands, by virtue of the escape of the gas imprisoned in the water the instant before, into dough, which is cut off by an attendant, weighed, and transmitted to the oven without coming in contact with the human hand for even a second. CHAPTER VI. THE MODERN AERATED PROCESS. |N the quarter of a century during which the Dauglish process of bread manufacture has now been in practi- cal operation, many improvements in details have been introduced. The present chairman of the Aerated Bread Company has paid much attention to improvements in details, both before and since Dr. Dauglish's death, and to his scientific skill and perse- verance we are indebted for several practical advancements. I propose in the present chapter to explain the latest developments of the Dauglish design. For this purpose I shall proceed in the most elementary manner, step by step, so that every reader may follow me. 42 THE MODERN AERATED PROCESS. STEP I. In the factory they begin, practically, with the manufacture of the carbonic dioxide, com- monly known as carbonic acid gas. As this last name, carbonic acid, is that with which the public is most familiar, I shall, in spite of its being rather antiquated, keep to it. Five cubic feet of carbonic acid are required to charge thirty-five gallons of water, for every two sacks, or five hundred and sixty poundSj of flour. This is sufficient for four hundred portions of two pounds and a quarter each of dough, and for four hundred two- pound loaves of aerated bread. There is nothing that calls for special notice in regard to the production of the carbonic acid gas. The gas is made in the usual way, as it is made for the manufacture of the artificial aerated waters, is collected, thoroughly well washed, and stored for use. The utmost care is bestowed in washing the gas, so that it may be freed from every source of impurity ; and a special apparatus has been constructed for this purpose. The receiver in which the gas is evolved is called the generator ; the apparatus in which it is THE MODERN AERA TED PROCESS. 43 washed is called the washer, and the re- ceptacle in which it is stored is called the reservoir. The gas passes from the generator into the washer, a series of vessels in which it is thoroughly cleansed by water purification. From the washer it passes into the reservoir, or reservoirs, which hold it ready for use. Originally the reservoirs were constructed after the old fashion of a series of large gas- holders. These having been found incon- venient, and expensive to keep in order, have been superseded by a set of large strong impermeable bags, as reservoirs, which are suspended from the ceiling, and which, as the gas is drawn from them, collapse. In these convenient reservoirs a plentiful supply of gas is always kept on hand. The gas drawn from the reservoirs is pumped by a steam pump into the water column or cylinder, in which it is condensed. Each water column, or cylinder, is filled with forty-one gallons of water at ordinary temper- ature, and the gas is condensed in it under a pressure of twenty-six pounds to the square inch. The water so charged is now ready to be applied for raising the dough. 44 THE MODERN AERATED PROCESS. STEP II. In the original process the flour that had to be made into bread was submitted to the action of the super-aerated water by direct transference into what will by-and-bye be described as the "mixer." It was found > however, in practice, that much difficulty occurred in making the gas admix readily with the flour and water. Great pressure was required, and the mixer, with all the tubes and taps connected with it, was ex- posed each time to considerable strain. To lessen these difficulties a plan has been in- troduced, called the wine-whey modification. In observing the behaviour of water and carbonic acid on flour, it was observed that if a weak wine-whey were added to the flour with the aerated water, the paste, or dough, which resulted was more easily aerated than if water alone were used. The water diluted with the wine-whey held more carbonic acid in solution, and the gluten of the flour, softened by the mixture, allowed a more equable and effective distention of the dough by the gas. Thus much pressure was saved in the process of aeration. THE MODERN AERATED PROCESS. 45 One hundred pounds pressure on the square inch was reduced to twenty-six pounds. In order to carry out the wine-whey diluting process, a vat placed in the upper story of the factory is charged with a portion of malt and flour, and these are mashed and allowed to ferment until a weak and very slightly acid thin wine is produced. This fluid is cooled by passing over a series of cooling surfaces, and then is stored for use until it becomes transformed into a vinous- whey. From the store holding the whey a tube descends, which can be made to com- municate with the water cylinder in which the process of "aeration is carried out. Each cylinder holds, as we have seen, forty- one gallons of fluid, and into it, when it is about to be charged, eight gallons of the whey are introduced to twenty-nine of water. When the admixture is complete the gas is let in, and the mixture is ready for aeration. To aerate the mixture of wine-whey and water, the gas from the reservoirs is pumped by the steam pump from the elastic reser- voirs into the cylinder, at a pressure of twenty-six pounds to the square inch, as indicated by the pressure-gauge. Charged 46 THE MODERN AERATED PROCESS. completely at the pressure named, the fluid is ready for use, and the second step is completed. STEP III. We come now to the process to which the two steps immediately preceding are pre- liminary. We have to understand how the flour is converted into dough by aeration. Let us suppose that two sacks, or five hundred and sixty pounds, of flour, sufficient to make four hundred loaves of bread of two pounds weight each, have to be produced. In the factory there are, projecting from the first floor, a series of pear-shaped iron chambers, called mixers. The mixers are strongly girded so as to be able to bear the pressure from within. They are formed in three pieces, and they are lined over their interior surface with a very pure white hard enamel, which can be cleansed like porcelain. The upper portion of the mixer, or upper neck, projects a little through the floor to which it is suspended, into the story above. Here it is armed with a cover, which can be removed, replaced, and screwed down. The lower and narrower portion of the mixer, the part which corresponds to the THE MODERN AERATED PROCESS. 47 stem part of the pear, to which the mixer has been likened in respect to shape, ends in a neck, to which is connected a valve opening, which is capable of being closed and opened by a long lever, the arms of which extend on each side the neck of the mixer. Within the mixer are arms which rotate on an axis passing through the upper part, and are worked by an engine after the neck of the mixer has been hermetically closed. The arms by their motion cause admixture within the mixer. By a small tube the mixer is connected with the cylinder of aerated fluid. All being ready for work, the two sacks of flour are brought along the floor of the chamber in which the upper mouth of the mixer is situated, the mixer is opened there, the flour is poured in, the opening is closed, the tap leading from the cylinder of aerated fluid is turned on so as to allow the aerated fluid to enter, and by the action of the arms v/ithin the mixer the flour and the fluid are completely incorporated. When the incorporation is complete the valve in the lower or pear-shaped neck of the mixer is opened by a sharp movement of the lever, and the precise quantity of dough 48 THE MODERN AERA TED PROCESS. for a single loaf of bread is forced out under the pressure of the gas. By a reverse move- ment of the lever the dough is cut off, and falls into a baking tin which passes under- neath on a sliding platform. The dough is then conveyed to the oven, where it is converted into bread. The rapidity with which this process is carried out is one of the most striking of its many advantages. A few weeks since, I minuted the time that was, leisurely, taken for converting two sacks of flour into portions of dough for four hundred two-pound loaves. From the time when the aeration of the water was commenced to the time that all the dough was tinned and in the oven, a period of forty minutes, only, was required. In the preparation of the dough by the fermentation method, a period of about ten hours would have been required. And, throughout, everything was effected by perfectly pure machinery, and with the precision of the most perfectly-acting machine. CHAPTER VII. WHEAT BREAD AND FLOURS. E are brought to a point where we may study the changes which take place in the various steps of the processes described in the two last chapters. If we take a grain of wheat and divide it into two halves from top to bottom, and look at the section with a magnifying glass, we see three distinct forms of structure. All round the outside we see five layers of flat cells, which look like coverings or skins. Within them there is a layer of square cells which, when the grain is moist, are filled with a glutinous fluid. Within these again, and filling up the body of the grain, are large numbers of many-sided cells containing starchy material. 4 50 WHEAT BREAD AND FLOURS. In this section of a wheat grain, we see all that is necessary for the support of animal life, except the proper quantity of water. In the dried wheat there is per cent. Of food for building up the) Flesh-forming 13-6 tissues of the body . . /Mineral . 17 I5-3 Of heat-producing, for ani-] Starch . . . 69*0 mating, life-giving force jFat ... 1-2 70*2 Of water 14*5 lOO'O The various kinds of food here named are laid up in the grain of wheat in the following manner. The mineral food combined with the dry part or husk, and with a little albuminous or tissue-forming food, cerealine, lies in the outer layers of the grain. The chief part of the tissue-forming food, in the form of gluten, sometimes called " crude " gluten, is laid up in the square cells of the grain. The heat-producing food is laid up in the many-sided cells in the body of the grain, and consists of the basis of all the heat-giving foods, starch with a small quan- tity of fat. WHEA T BREA D A ND FLOURS. 51 The water is enclosed or rather diffused in the grain, chiefly in combination with the flesh or tissue-forming substance. The whole of the requirements of food are here presented in wheat grain, in so far as quality is concerned, but not in correct relation to quantity. The proportions are not such as would enable life to be healthily supported as it would be on milk. In milk the propor- tions per cent, are : Food for building up the ] ; Flesh-forming 4-92 tissues of the body . . j Mineral . 070 - 5-62 Heat-producing food, for] animating, life-giving force} ^'5 Water ............ 86-88 - 86-88 lOO'OO If then we strike a comparison between the two foods we shall find that in comparison with milk as a standard food, wheat is at fault in the following proportions. Wheat. Milk. Flesh foods .... 13-6 4-92 Mineral foods ... 17 0-70 Heat foods .... 69-0 7-50 Water 14-5 86 -88 52 WHEA T BREAD AND FL O URS. Wheat therefore is a standard food as re- gards qualities, but not as regards quantities. When, however, wheat has been ground into flour and made into bread it is capable, if all of it be used, of supplying, with the addition of water as drink, what is sufficient to sup- port life under circumstances favourable to existence. In other words, a person can manage to live on bread and water, if the bread contain all the food principles of the grain. I have spoken here about wheat in its entire form as wheat, that is to say, contain- ing all the natural constituents. But before wheat is turned into bread, it is subjected to the process of grinding into flour, and in that process the different parts of the wheat are considerably modified according to the method that is followed. ON THE VALUES OF WHEATEN FLOURS USED FOR BREAD. I have several times spoken of flours used for bread manufacture, and I ought, before I proceed further, to define them more dis- tinctly than has yet been done. It is usual in ordinary conversation to WHEA T BREA D AND FLO URS. 53 speak of " firsts," " seconds," and " thirds " in relation to flours, as if it were possible to go to a baker's or a miller's and order, dis- tinctively, flours of three known values firsts, as better and dearer than seconds ; seconds, as better and dearer than thirds. In such a notion there is considerable error, in this day at all events, whatever may have been the case in an earlier time. At present we have in 'the food market, practically, the following classes. I have specimens of each variety before me as I write, supplied to me by a well-known miller, and I will explain from them what is in the market as flour food. Whites Flour. There is a form of flour which most people would call firsts, but which in the mill is called " whites" This flour when it is made from English wheat is derived from the best and whitest kind of wheat. * In this flour the wheat has been reduced to the finest powder, and the outer portion of the wheat grain has been carefully sifted away. The flour con- sists of the dried gluten, not the whole of it, but a considerable portion, and of the interior or starchy part in full complement. 54 WHEA T BREA D A ND FL URS. This constitutes No. i, white flour. From this flour the finest white bread is made. It is against the general use of this flour, that the Bread Reform League has protested. Fine Middlings. There is another form of flour called, com- monly, fine middlings ftotir, or sometimes seconds flour. This flour is usually produced from English wheat. It is derived from what is technically known as red wheat ; or it is pro- duced from a rather inferior class of English wheat ; or, again, it is produced from imper- fect foreign wheats. It differs from " whites" or "firsts" in matter of colour. It is of darker colour, and it produces a darker and often a softer or more doughy bread, but it does not differ from the whiter flour by having in it the external part of the wheat grain. It is, like the whiter flour, composed of the gluten and starch chiefly ; but some- times it contains more soluble albuminous substance than the finer variety, and for that reason it does not yield so firm and elastic a sponge, or so firm and crisp a bread. Coarse Middlings. There is a third kind of flour which is WHEA T BREA D AND FL O URS. 55 called "coarse middlings," or "sharps" and which consists of a coarse flour or meal. It is sometimes called also "coarse" or "bran" flour, because it has a coarse, dark appear- ance, with evidences of bran, finely ground, dispersed through it. In this flour there remains a great part of the external layers of the wheat grain. Whole Meal. There is a fourth variety of wheat, to which the name of "whole meal" has been applied, and about which a great deal has been spoken and written during these last two years, and towards the value of which, as an article of food, Miss Yates has rendered such excellent service. The whole meal flour contains everything belonging to the wheat grain except the most outer parts of the grain, the hard woody portions, which, being indigestible and irritating, do not admit of being taken as food. Gramilar Decorticated Flour. An improvement on the ordinary whole meal flour has been recently introduced in the decorticated or granulated flour, which Dr. Morfit has done much to perfect. In 56 WHEA T BREA D AND FLO URS. the decorticated whole meal, the extreme outer coating of the wheat grain is removed, in the first instance, by a special process of abrading, and then the whole of the grain is reduced to flour. The decorticated whole meal flour contains the entire edible food of the wheat the mineral food, the soluble albuminoids, the fibrin, the starch, and all the derivatives from the starchy base. It is not so white a flour as the " whites," not, perhaps, so white as the household flour or the seconds ; but it is claimed for it that it is the perfect flour, containing in itself all the nourishment which wheat can supply, and yielding, there- fore, a perfect bread for life-sustaining purposes. Another kind of flour derived from wheat and I have nothing to do in this work with any other grain than wheat is called " high ground flour." The flour thus defined is not ground between stones, but crushed. It contains all the constituents of the wheat grain except the bran, and in many respects resembles the decorticated or granulated wheat flour. In estimating the value of these different WHEA T BREAD AND FL O URS. 57 flours, we must consider what it is we want to recommend in the way of bread for the bread consumer before we give an opinion. If we want a white loaf, if we wish to supply a loaf in which the process of yeast fermen- tation has been carried out in its production on the steadiest principle of working, we must commend the flour called "whites" or firsts. If we want a loaf of a similar kind, but less white and of cheaper quality, then we must commend the " household flour " or " seconds." If we want a loaf which has in it all the nutrient material for bone, muscle, brain, as well as for working power, then we must insist on whole meal. CHAPTER VIII. FERMENTATION AND AERATION. A CONTRAST. CHANGES DURING FERMENTATION. HE flours above named, when sub- jected to the fermentation process in order to be turned into bread, are somewhat differently acted upon according to their quality or character. To understand the changes properly, it is best to begin with the fine wheat flour from which the bran has been removed, because, for reasons which will become plain as the description progresses, in this flour the fermentation is steadiest and most reliable. CHANGES DURING THE FIRST STEP. The object of mixing together potatoes, yeast, and flour in the first step (see page 1 8) is to produce a fermenting basis. In boiling FERMENTA TIGN A ND A ERA TION 59 the potatoes, which are rich in starch, the starch granules are broken through, and the yeast is allowed to reach the starch enclosed in the walls of the cells. If the starch cells were not broken, the yeast would not produce its effect of transforming the starch into a sub- stance, which is necessary before a second required change takes place. The warm water is added to make an efficient mixture of the ingredients. The flour is added, ac- cording to the common saying, to feed the yeast. The part which the flour plays is that it assists the fermentation. In the flour there exists, as already indicated, a portion of flesh- forming substance called crude gluten, and some other soluble albuminous substance. Under the action of the yeast, aided by the soluble albuminous substance, the broken-up starch is attacked, and is partly converted into dextrin and maltose and glucose sugars, with formation of some carbonic acid, under the influence of which " the rising or coming to a head " is followed by the fall of the dough. CHANGES DURING THE SECOND AND THIRD STEPS. During the second step, when the ferment 60 FERMEKTA T2ON A ND AERA TION. is added to and mixed with the flour to form the sponge (see pages 19-21), the fermenta- tion is continued, more carbonic acid is pro- duced by the fermentation, and the mass rises and falls twice, as we have seen. Then when the remaining flour, the salt, and the water are added, the dough is formed, and in it, as pro- ducts of fermentation, alcohol and carbonic acid are diffused. By the action of the carbonic acid the dough is raised or lightened. The mode in which the dough is raised under the action of the gas is very interesting. The gas, it might be supposed, when thrown off so freely, would simply force out its way and escape, leaving a heavy or pasty sub- stance behind. This is not the case. The escape of the gas is interrupted by the gluten, which, being thick and tenacious, entangles it and is distended by it much as a sponge is distended with water, from which analogy the term " the sponge " is probably taken. The origin of the carbonic acid which causes the rising of the dough is now well understood. It comes from the primary and secondary action of the ferment on the starchy parts of the flour. In the primary A CONTRAST. 61 steps, owing to the action of the heat and of the ferments, the starch is converted into dex- trin and sugars, maltose and glucose : next under the influence of the yeast-ferment part of these are converted into alcohol and car- bonic acid. The dough, which has by this time been formed, consists then of gluten distended with carbonic acid gas, like a sponge ; of starch, changed into the soluble form by the action of heat and the albuminous and yeast fer- ments; of the salt that has been added during the admixture ; of some saccharine princi- ples ; of water and of a certain measure of alcohol diffused through the water and through the dough by the water. The carbonic acid and the alcohol have been developed out of the materials that have been used, that is, out of the flour. Some of the albuminoid parts of the flour have been broken up in forwarding the process of fermentation; and some of the starchy or amylaceous parts of the flour have been broken up under the effect of the yeast-ferment, in order to furnish the carbonic acid, and the necessary accompaniment of that acid, alcohol. 62 FERMENT A TION A ND AERA TION. CHANGES IN THE FOURTH AND FIFTH FERMENTATIVE STEPS. In the fourth step (see page 22) nothing occurs beyond the mechanical changes of shape in the manufacture of the loaf, and the continuance, in some degree, of fermentation. In the fifth stage (see pages 22, 23), when the loaf is exposed to the high temperature in the oven, a new series of changes occurs. The carbonic acid and the alcohol are driven off from the dough ; a large quantity of water is given off; an external crust is formed, and the solid condition which specia- lizes bread from dough is brought about. The cellular structure seen in bread is the indication of the distention to which the structure has been subjected by the gas during the fermentative ebullition. THE AERATED PROCESS. By the aerated process of making bread all the destructive influence of fermentation is prevented. There is no chemical decom- position of the flour whatever, and therefore no loss of material, while the rising of the dough is just as effectively carried out. The aerated bread contains, therefore, all the glu- A CONTRAST. 63 ten and all the albuminous food of the wheat, out of which the living tissues are constructed, as well as the food which ministers to the animal warmth and vital activity. It is sometimes said by those who do not understand the subject that the fermentative is a mechanical, the aerated a chemical process. The reverse is the fact. The manufacture of bread by fermentation is a chemical process in the strictest sense of the word. During the act of fermentation the dough is a true laboratory, in which carbonic acid and alcohol are made on an extensive scale. The alcohol is finally dissipated, but the carbonic acid is used for the same intention as when it is diffused by Dauglish's method from the reservoir. The aerated process, except in so far as the prelimi- narygenerationof carbonic acid is concerned, is entirely a mechanical procedure, in and during which the dough is, chemically, unaffected. Owing to the circumstance that no chemical change is produced by the aerated process, the whole proceeding is rendered peculiarly steady, efficient, and direct, without the inter- vention of hand labour. Everything is carried on with measured accuracy, the quality of the flours used having no important bearing upon 64 FERMENTA TION A ND A ERA TION. the process. This is a matter of very great moment in respect both to the economy of the manufacture and the quality of the product. When the baker is producing bread by the fermenting process, he is exposed to the risk of exciting changes beyond what he desires. The presence of a little excess of the soluble albuminous ferments in his flour obliges him to take measures for checking an excess of fermentation. He therefore resorts to different measures which experi- ence has taught him are most effective. At one time, in order to neutralise the deteriora- tion which the gluten of flour undergoes by keeping, and thereby to prevent rapidity of fermentative changes, sulphate of copper was sometimes added to the flour. The late Baron Liebig, in 1855, suggested the addition of lime in a state of solution without heat. After having kneaded the flour with water and lime-water, the baker, following Liebig's pro- cess, added the yeast, and left the dough to itself, supplying a remaining portion of flour to the fermented dough at the proper time. This, it was said, yielded an excellent elastic, spongy bread, free from acid and of agree- able taste. The proportions of flour and A CONTRAST. 65 lime-water employed were in the ratio of 19 to 5 ; and as the quantity of liquid in lime-water was not sufficient for converting the flour into dough, a sufficiency of ordinary water was added. The quantity of lime con- tained in this bread was small, 160 ounces of lime requiring more than 300 quarts of water for solution, while the yield of bread was thought to be improved. Nineteen pounds of flour kneaded without lime-water gave twenty-four and a-half pounds of bread ; the same quantity of flour kneaded with five quarts of added lime-water produced twenty- six pounds six ounces of bread. I name Liebig's process because it shows that even great chemists had to devote their attention to the losses entailed through fer- mentation ; and this plan by the great German chemist was probably the best of its kind, but it did not at any time become very popular. The agent chiefly used in the bakeries has been alum. The people think that alum is employed to produce whiteness of bread. That result, if obtained by it, is indirect. The great advantage of alum is to check too rapid fermentation, and it is added, practically, 5 66 PER MEN! A TION A ND A ERA TION. in proportion as it is required for that intent. Hence the inferior breads are more likely to be charged with alum than those made from the finer sorts of wheaten flour. By the aerated process not one of these chemical measures is ever demanded. Alum would interfere seriously with the working of the process, and render the production of a good loaf, by aeration, impossible. The contrast between the two processes, fermentation and aeration, stands out prac- tically best in the manufacture of whole meal bread. The flour from which whole meal bread is made contains an albuminous sub- stance called cerealine. This albuminous substance sets up, by the ordinary method of manufacture, such rapid primary fer- mentation that the secondary part of the fermenting process, the production of the sponge, is rendered nearly impossible. The bread has, consequently, to be produced by two processes of fermentation. A sponge has first to be made out of white wheaten flour, and the whole meal has next to be added, the result being a loaf, which is really not of whole meal, but a mixture of whole meal and white meal. A CONTRAST. 67 By the aerated process no such complicate proceeding is at all required. The whole meal is put at once, like the finest flour, into the mixer ; it is there directly brought into combination with the carbonic acid con- densed in the water, and, by the one act, the dough is transformed into a condition fit for the oven. There are thus secured three economies, one of labour, a second of time, a third of material. CHAPTER IX. ECONOMIC AND SANITARY ADVANTAGES TO THE WORKMEN BY THE AERATED SYSTEM OF BREAD MANUFACTURE. was of opinion that the advantages of his system of bread manufacture might be summed up under the following heads : 1. It does away entirely with fermentation and with all those chemical changes which, in the constituents of the flour, are con- sequent upon it. 2. It avoids the loss consequent upon the decomposition of the portion of starch or glucose consumed in the process of fer- mentation, a loss of from 3 to 6 per cent., which he estimated as of about the value of ,5,000,000 in the total quantity of bread made, annually, in the United Kingdom. ECONOMIC AND SANITARY ADVANTAGES. 6<; 3. It reduces the time required to prepare a batch of dough from a period of from eight to ten hours to less than thirty minutes. 4. Its results are absolutely certain and uniform. 5. It does away with the necessity for the use of alum with poor flour, and the tempta- tion to use alum with every kind of flour. 6. It has the recommendation of absolute and entire cleanliness, the human hand not touching the dough nor the bread from the beginning of the process to the end. Even in weighing the dough, if a piece must be added to turn the scale, it' is added by the use of a knife and fork. 7. The journeymen are relieved from a circumstance most destructive to their health, that of inhaling the flour dust in the process of kneading. Their places of work, always above ground, can easily be well ventilated ; their hours of work need never be more than the usual hours in ordinary occupations, with the recognised hours for meals ; where a busi- ness may be so large as to necessitate night work, there may be separate sets of hands for day and for night work, and each set of hands may be able to change from night to 70 THE AERATED SYSTEM. day-work in alternate weeks, as is done in some other trades and occupations. 8. Its tendency is to produce a healthier condition of the baking trade, and thereby to diminish to a great extent the induce- ments which lead to the extensive system of fraud now practised upon the public by the production of adulterated and inferior bread. 9. It effects an immense saving in the material from another source, namely, by preventing the sacrifice of the nutritive por- tion of the grain, hitherto lost as human food, by the method of grinding and dressing necessary in the preparation of flour for making white bread by fermentation. 10. Together with the preservation of a large proportion of the entire quantity of wheat converted into flour, there is also the important result of the proportion preserved (the cerealine), being a most powerful agent in promoting the easy and healthy digestion of food. This agent is retained uninjured by the aerated bread process, but is destroyed by the process of panary fermentation. Respecting these different advantages, we may accept the statement of them as remain- ECONOMIC A ND SA NIT A RY ADVA NTA GES. 7 1 ing as truthful as they were at the date when they were originally described. The economical advantages of the aerated system put forth by the inventor of the system, are certainly still deserving of a prominent place. At a time such as the present, when we are depending upon other countries for our supplies of grain to the extent of nearly two-thirds of those supplies, it is of the utmost importance to secure for the nation a system of bread manufacture that shall save to the nation all that can be saved. It may be said with perfect truthful- ness of the aerated system, that it saves all that can be saved ; in other words, it sacrifices nothing that is fit for consumption as food, while it utilizes every wholesome and nutri- tious part that can be obtained from the grain. At the same time, in the bread made by this system there is nothing retained that is not useful, pleasant, and beneficial. All the old objections which were originally made to aerated bread, if there was ever ground for them, certainly do not exist in the slight- est degree now. The general expression of opinion is that the bread is extremely plea- sant to taste, and so much is it approved of 72 THE AERATED SYSTEM. that large numbers of persons take it with them out of town, because they prefer the flavour of it to that possessed by any other form of bread, and because it does not produce acidity. I may leave the above-named objection to what is commonly called the " taste " of bread consumers. A more important point is the healthiness and cleanliness of the aerated pro- cess. Here there can be no doubt that the process offers immeasurable advantages, first to the workmen who make the bread, and next to the public for whom they make it. ADVANTAGES TO THE WORKMEN. Of all the evils that have arisen with the practice of bread manufacture, one of the greatest of them appears to be the long hours of night and day work to which the men are subjected. This fact has long been recog- nized. A statute of Elizabeth expressly states the hours to be from five a.m. to be- tween seven and eight p.m. between March and September, with two and a half hours for meals, and from " spring of day " until " the night of the same day " between Sep- tember and March. Day-work only was ECONOMIC A ND SA NIT A RY ADVA NT A GES. 73 then permitted, and the item for candles is supposed to have been for those used for examining the state of the bread in the ovens, as we now use gas. Later on, however, night-work was introduced, the introduction being largely due to the origin of a class of men called "factors." These were a sort of middlemen between the millers and the bakers. The bakers having no interest in keeping down the price, the millers were enabled to realize large profits, and the coun- try millers, by allowing these factors a pre- mium on the sale of their flour, disposed of considerable quantities. The country millers also became proprietors of bakers' shops, in which they put a journeyman, and allowed him from five to seven shillings a sack for his labour and charge. These men were in the habit of availing themselves of the assistance of their friends after working hours. This system of helping their friends gradually grew into a custom, and was at last enforced as a right by those, in commission, when they became proprietors of the shops they were put in to superintend. Hence the origin of night-work among bakers, an origin which has now become part of a fixed system of 74 THE AERATED SYSTEM. work, owing to the necessities of the time and the urgent demand that there is in all our large cities for the early morning loaf. The grievances which have been enforced by this practice have been and are extreme. They have often formed matter for parlia- mentary consideration. This was the case in 1848, when various details of the most painful kind were disclosed, and were con- sidered as beyond dispute. This was again the case in 1862, at which period Parliament was so impressed, by what it was forced to listen to, that the Secretary of State for the Home Department thought it right to order a searching and minute investigation not only into the grievances complained of, but also into the methods of bread-making, the places in which it was made, and the age and health of the men occupied in making it, with a view to remedy and, if possible, improve the existing conditions. The inquiry thus instituted was entrusted to Mr. Hugh Seymour Tremenhere, and the result of Mr. Tremenhere's inquiries on this subject was embodied in a letter addressed to Sir George Grey, Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State for the Home ECONOMIC AND SANITARY ADVANTAGES. 75 t . Department, in which the propositions recom- mended for legislative consideration are the following : 1. That no youth under eighteen be allowed to work in a bakehouse later than nine p.m., or earlier than five a.m. 2. That bakehouses be placed under in- spection, and subjected to certain regulations in regard to ventilation, cleanliness, etc. ; and : 3. That it would be desirable that the pro- visions of the Act " for Preventing the Adul- teration of Articles of Food " should be made more effectual. These were the only measures Mr. Tre- menhere felt justified in submitting to the judgment of Parliament ; but there was an important subject to which he considered it desirable to direct the attention of the journeymen bakers, their employers, and the public at large, as not only involving great prospective benefits to the journeymen, but certain economical and other advantages to the community, which would be considered of no small value when the conditions of the places in which the bread is not unfrequently made were more generally known. This sub- 76 THE AERATED SYSTEM. ject was the introduction of machinery in the process of bread-making, in the discussion of which Dr. Dauglish's system of making what is called aerated bread was commented upon and commended. In the report here referred to it was shown' that, as a general rule, the work of a London journeyman baker begins at about eleven o'clock at night, at which time " he makes the dough." This is a laborious process, and lasts from half an hour to three-quarters of an hour, according to the size of the batch or the labour required. He then lies down upon the kneading board, which is also the cover- ing of the trough in which the dough is " made," and with one sack under him, and another rolled up under his head for a pillow, he sleeps for about two hours. He is then engaged, continuously, for about five hours, " throwing out the dough," " scaling it off,'* moulding it, putting it into the oven, taking it out of the oven and carrying it to the shop. When the bread and roll making is ended, the distribution of it begins, and a consider- able proportion of the men thus employed during the night are also upon their legs for many hours in the day, carrying baskets or ECONOMIC AND SANITARY ADVANTAGES. 77 wheeling hand carts, or being in the bake- house at work again. Some of these men leave off work at various hours, between one and six p.m., according to the season of the year or the amount of their master's business, while others are engaged again in the bake- house " bringing out " more batches, until late in the afternoon. The temperature of a bakehouse ranges from about 75 to upwards of 90 Fahr., and in the smaller bakehouses approximates usually to the higher rather than to the lower degree of heat. It is self-evident that the loss of the usual hours of sleep, and the hard and continuous work for many hours in such a temperature as that of bakehouses in general, must have a great effect in undermining the constitutions of the youths employed, and in laying the foundation of that liability to various diseases by which the average life of a baker is reduced to the age of forty-two. Mr. Tremenhere proposed that bakehouses should be placed under inspection, and in support of this proposition stated, from evi- dence taken, the following facts : The locality in which the bread of London is made is what in houses in general is the coal- 78 THE AERATED SYSTEM. hole and the front kitchen, the back kitchen being used to store away the flour with the other things in daily use. The ovens are usually under the street, but in some cases the arrangements are reversed and the ovens are at the back of the house, and the front space is used partly for the flour and partly for the manual portions of the work. Mr. John Bennett stated in his evidence that " many bakehouses in London were in a shockingly filthy state, arising from imperfect sewerage and bad ventilation and neglect ; that the bread, therefore, during the process of fermentation, became impregnated with the noxious gases surrounding it ; and that many journeymen bakers in London slept under the pavement in the bakehouses." Another witness said, that "the places where he had worked had almost always been arches under the ground, with no means of ventilation except through the doors. These were, generally, fearfully hot, and many of them infested with vermin. The bakehouses were also often so close to the drains that they smelt very bad. It was a common practice to lock the bakehouses at night, while the men were at work ; consequently, there being ECONOMIC AND SANITARY AD VANTA GES. 79 no ventilation except through the doors, it was very stifling, and apt to injure the men's health." Over twenty years have passed since the above-named facts were written, and I regret to say that no broad satisfactory im- provement has been made for the health of the men who are engaged in the manu- facture of bread by the fermentation process. While this treatise, indeed, has been in hand there has been a great public clamour once again on the subject of bakers and their grievances, so that parliamentary enquiry may very soon be expected once more to take place. Dauglish, by his labour, proposed a simple method, which, if carried out universally, as it might be most easily and practically, and as it is by the company which he founded, would render the process of bread manufac- ture as healthy for the working community as any other industrial pursuit, and indeed healthier than any other which is carried on during the night. Further, I do not conceal my own personal opinion that if the system were generally known and practised, the necessity for night work itself would, as Dr. 80 THE AERATED SYSTEM. Dauglish expected, cease to exist, since nothing but the very bad habit of wishing for newly-made fermented bread keeps up the injurious competition for which night work is demanded. CHAPTER X. PUBLIC ADVANTAGES OF AERATED BREAD, IN j RELATION TO HEALTH. |P to the present point of the inquiry into the Dauglish process of bread manufacture I have dealt almost exclusively with the manufacturing details of the process, and with the compari- sons that are obvious as between it and the method in which fermentation is resorted to as a means for rendering wheaten dough light and fitted for bread. There have, at the same time, been adduced, incidentally, certain facts which bear upon the public advantages of the Dauglish system. I may now summarise these advantages : i. The whole value of the edible part of 82 PUBLIC AD VANTA GES the grain employed is utilized. There is no waste whatever. 2. Every class of edible flour of wheaten kind, which is that commonly used, can be directly made into bread by the process. 3. No chemical agencies or agents are brought into contact with the flour, except the necessary carbonic acid, and that in a purely mechanical way. 4. No foreign agents, such as salts of copper, alum, or lime, are required for any purpose. They, indeed, would only interrupt and spoil the process. 5. The utmost cleanliness attends every step of the proceeding. The flour is un- touched by the hand; the dough is untouched either by hand or foot ; the dough is never exposed to the fumes of the bakehouse, nor to the emanations escaping from the breath and the skin of the workmen ; so soon as ever the dough escapes from the mixer it falls into the baking tin, and is instantly conveyed to the oven. 6. The workmen are saved many hours of exhaustive labour, and enjoy freedom from the injuries arising from the inhalation of dust and exposure to impure air. To what OF AERATED BREAD. 83 extent they are saved danger in their work, compared with those who are engaged in the fermentation process, can only be believed by persons who have made special inquiries into the subject. Dr. Guy, in his admirable and painstaking research on this subject, discovered amongst one hundred and eleven journeymen bakers one hundred and twenty- five diseases, or more than one disease for each man engaged in the fermenting process. It is impossible to gainsay the many and great advantages of the aerated system. But is there anything that may be gainsaid ? If there be, it must be something connected with habit or custom, not with the aerated bread itself as an article of food. In the household nothing but good can be told in regard to the appearance of the bread, the cleanliness of it, the purity of it. It is made in the same shapes as other bread, in tinned loaves, in loaves of Paris shape, in rolls, in loaves of different sizes. It is made from flours of best qualities, from white flour and from whole meal. It is so cleanly that it is all but impossible, even by accident, for any foreign substance to get into it. Hairs, remnants of nails, P US LIC ADVA NT A GES debris from tubs, troughs, and boards, in form of splinters of wood and fragments of flannel or cloth, are impossible impurities in it. It does not undergo the sour or acid change which is sometimes met with in fermented breads. It never contains agents, like alum, used for the purpose of giving it whiteness, or for stopping secondary fermentation. At one time it was said to become more quickly dry than the fermented bread. This was because it held less water in combination with it, and was therefore a more condensed food. Goodness or badness on this point was matter of opinion, and as opinion seemed to favour the possession of a bread which retained its moisture, the public wish was responded to by the modification of detail of manufacture called the wine-whey process, of which a description has already beep supplied, The aerated bread now is as free from dry- ness as any bread that is made. It does not dry up, but retains the right quantity of water, free from every acidified change, and free from mouldiness or other indication of decomposition, longer than other bread, so that it can be used in the family up to the OF AERA TED BREA D. 85 last if the most moderate care be taken in preserving it. It was at one time objected to the bread that it was deficient in flavour, or that it wanted the flavours common to some kinds of fermented bread. For my own part, I have no recollection of this ever having been the case ; but if it were, the objection could only have been reasonable at some very early stage in the development of the aerated method. At present, and for a long period past, the flavour of the bread has been all that could be desired by the most delicate critic ; and, indeed, many choose the bread because of its excellent flavour and taste, and miss it very much if, from any cause, they are temporarily unable to obtain it. This which is very distinctly my own experience, is so largely shared by others, that many, as before stated, carry the bread out of town rather than be deprived the advantages of it as food. It has yet to be asked whether, as an article of food, aerated bread is as digestible and as nutritive as the bread made by the fermenta- tion process. The first-named quality, that of digesti- 86 P UBLIC AD VANTA GES bility, comes first in respect to value, because if the bread be not easily digestible, its mere value as a food, determined from the point of view of its chemical value, were of secondary consequence. It is most important therefore to inquire into its true position as a digestible food. On this question I venture to speak with such authority, and no more, as comes from studied observation daily carried out for the past ten years, at least. From this experience I derive the following conclusions, which will, I feel sure, be confirmed by every unpre- judiced physician who will take the same trouble and labour to arrive at the facts as I have done. i. The aerated bread never produces acidity in the stomach. Even if it be taken after it has been cut for some hours and exposed to the air, it does not cause either acid eructation, or the burning and the heart- burn which are often induced by bread that has been incompletely made by the fermenta- tion process. The reason for this is that it does not undergo any acidifying change by exposure to air, does not carry free acid into the stomach, and does not carry any sub- OF A ERA TED BREA D. stance into the stomach that can sustain fer- mentative changes within that organ. 2. The bread, being free from any and every astringent substance, like alum, does not cause irritation of the stomach, nor dis- tention, nor sense of constriction. It does not constipate. 3. The bread carries with it no foreign hard mechanical particles which are apt to lead to mechanical irritation, and to make the stomach indifferent to the digestion of other foods or drinks which may be taken along with it. 4. The bread is digested quickly and easily. This is the common experience of all who become accustomed to it. It causes no de- pression after being taken, nor feeling of weight, nor palpitation, nor irregular circula- tion, symptoms which are often observed after the use of imperfectly fermented breads. 5. The bread mixes excellently with other foods. It is, if I may so say, essentially soluble. It goes well with water, and well with milk. These indications of the action of aerated bread are proofs of its worth as a digestible food, and render it of much value in the cases P UBLIC A D VA NTA GES of children and of those who are advanced in life. I do not adduce this in any dis- paragement of it for adults and for persons of middle life, because, in fact, it is good at every age. I name it in particular reference to the ages I have specially noticed. Dauglish made a singularly happy series of observations on the matter of the digesti- bility of the bread manufactured on his plan as compared with some effects of fermented breads. He argued that the injurious effects often resulting from the use of fermented bread are attributable first to the acetic acid or vinegar, which is produced in large quan- tities in such bread, in hot weather, by the oxidation, from atmospheric contact, of the alcohol generated in the process of fermen- tation ; and, secondly, to the yeast plant which is rapidly propagated during the act of fer- mentation, the life of the yeast plant being frequently not destroyed by the baking when that is ineffectively carried out. Bread so modified from the required condition is, he says, most indigestible when the functions of digestion are naturally weak : from the development of the yeast plant in the stomach, and the consequent setting up of OF AERATED BREAD. 89 the alcoholic fermentation to derange the whole process of digestion and assimilation. Again, he adds, there is the alum when that is used, the very purpose of which is to prevent the solution of gluten at a time when it is most desirable, and the very effect of which is to cause the bread to enter the stomach with a portion of gluten undissolved, and unfit to afford proper nourishment. The inventor of the aerated system was not less happy in his observations upon the practice of those primitive nations who sub- sist almost exclusively on cereal and particu- larly on bread foods. " The millions," he says, " of India who feed chiefly on rice, take rice, for the most part, simply boiled, while that large portion of the human race who feed on maize prepare it in many ways, but never ferment it." The same is true of the potato eater of Ireland and the oatmeal eater of Scotland. Nor is wheat always subjected to fermentation. In the less civilized states it is first roasted and then ground. On the borders of the Mediterranean it is prepared in the form of maccaroni and vermicelli. In the East it is made into hard cakes, or into thick and dense masses of baked flour and 90 PUBLIC AD VANTA GES water. Even in our own nurseries wheaten flour is baked before it is prepared, with milk, for infants' food. The necessity of subjecting wheaten grain to these manipulations arises, Dauglish insists, from its richness in gluten. If a little flour be taken in the mouth, the starchy matter is easily dissolved by the saliva and swallowed, but the gluten remains, a thick, tenacious pellet, which, if swallowed,- is extremely in- digestible, because it cannot be penetrated by the digestive solvents, which in that state can only act on its small external surface ; hence the necessity to prepare food from wheat in such a manner as shall counteract the tendency to cohere and form tenacious masses. This is the object of baking the flour, of making it into maccaroni, or of rais- ing it into soft spongy bread. By all these means an enormous surface is secured for the action of the digestive juices, and this, he believes, is the sole object to be sought for in the preparation of bread from wheaten flour. I am myself of opinion that in the above observations Dr. Dauglish has supplied the most rational of all explanations bearing OF AERATED BREAD. 91 on the advantages of treating flour in the manufacture of bread. The secret of success lies in the distribution of the gluten over an enormous surface, so that it may be readily acted upon by the digestive fluids. A great number of physiological chemical changes (probably fermentation itself) are due to this matter of distribution of surface. The aeration of the blood in the lungs is brought about by such distribution. The changes which take place in the minute blood-vessels of the extreme parts of the body are pro- duced in a similar manner. The best bread, therefore, and the most easily digested, is that in which there is the completest distribution of gluten, combined with the fullest amount of that substance, and uncontaminated by the presence of any foreign substance, either introduced or produced by the method of manufacture. In the aerated bread we have a food in which these conditions are fulfilled in the most complete manner. The starch of the bread is well cooked, and is ready for assimi- lation and for becoming the fuel of the animal furnace. The gluten, prepared in the most elaborate form for subjection to the digestive 92 PUBLIC A D VANTA GES juices and for being made soluble by them, is preserved in full quantity to fulfil its purposes in the economy for the construction of the vital tissues. The aerated bread undergoes ready solu- tion in the stomach. It does not produce acidity ; it does not give rise to distension nor flatulency ; it does not impair appetite by causing indigestion. The only serious objection I have ever heard raised to the use of aerated bread is that it may be too rich in nitrogenous food to suit those who are constitutionally disposed to such affec- tions as gout and chronic rheumatism. The idea is entirely hypothetical, and is altogether contradicted by the results of experience. Persons who are of rheumatic and gouty dis- position are often extremely disposed to acidity, and require, more than others, foods which are not liable to undergo fermentation during the digestive process. To such per- sons I find bread which has simply been aerated the best of all cereal foods. It may be given to them freely by merely withdraw- ing a little animal food, if that be necessary, and I have many times seen all the symptoms of rheumatic and gouty indigestion disappear OF AERATED BREAD. 93 by the one act of substituting aerated for fermented bread. To those who require a rich nitrogenous diet; to children who are muscularly feeble; to persons who are suffering from diseases attended with much muscular prostration; to those who being in health are exposed to great physical labour; to those who are in declining years, the aerated bread is the best, I think, that can be supplied, apart altogether from its perfect cleanliness in manufacture and its economy in production. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. A BRIEF PERSONAL OUTLINE OF THE LIFE OF DR. DAUGLISH. |T will interest many readers to have at command the succeeding brief outline of the life of the inventor of the aerated system of bread manufacture. The facts came into my possession too late to be included in the body of this work. John Dauglish was born in the parish of Bethnal Green, London, in the year 1824. He was the son of William and Caroline Dauglish, and on his mother's side was descended from Sir Richard Baker, the well-known chronicler of London. His father held a confidential position in one of those large East Indian houses which were swept away in the panic of 1847. The boy, who manifested peculiarities at a very early age, was educated at Dr. Alexander Allen's school at APPENDIX. Hackney, but could never learn in class. He always had to study alone. Having no verbal memory, he yet retained facts with great facility; and while he could scarcely learn a piece of poetry or remember the conjugations of a Latin verb, he enjoyed mathematical studies and de- lighted in drawing. He had no gift for languages ; it was an impossibility to master them, and even in later life he could not overcome that difficulty ; but he evinced mechanical talents at a very early age, and constructed a steam engine, making all the parts which most lads would have found it necessary to buy, and with few tools and appli- ances. He also while a boy invented a paddle- wheel on new principles ; but when his model was completed, he, to his intense mortification, found that another mind had conceived the same idea and had carried it into effect. His regret was counterbalanced in some degree by the per- fect working of the paddles, which were in every respect like his own. After leaving school, two or three different paths in life opened out to him, but he was not happy in any; and although he worked for a time under his father, he was so evidently in his wrong place, that his spirits were depressed and his health seriously affected. During this period his mind passed through successive stages of inquiry and speculation. The philosophy of the German school and of Carlyle were studied. He lived very much apart, sought few acquaintances, and during his most uncongenial occupation, spent a dreary LIFE OF DAUGLISH. 99 and saddened life. As he advanced in years his views were much influenced by the teaching of Maurice and Kingsley. In 1848 Dr. Dauglish married the second daughter of William Consett Wright, of Upper Clapton. About this time he was much engaged in literary pursuits. ,He contributed an article to the British Quarterly on the Labour Question, which was well thought of. It was now suggested, by one who knew the bent of his mind, that he should go to Edinburgh to study for the medical profession. He took his family there in February 1852, and for nearly four years he devoted his energies to the necessary studies. Here the early difficulties of his boyish days were a source of great trouble. He had much difficulty in mastering technicalities. He was a good dissector, and obtained great praise from Professor Goodsir, who always discerned true industry and skill. He became assistant to Professor Hughes Bennett, took the charge of an extra microscopic class, and was also employed by Professor Henderson. For all these gentlemen he felt very deep esteem and gratitude. In chemistry he studied under Professor Gregory, whose kindly manners and friendliness caused his classes to be very popular. During his residence in Edinburgh, Dauglish made but few acquaintances. His fellow students thought him reserved and quiet, and, in student fashion, bestowed upon him the cognomen of " Shakespeare " ; from a fancied resemblance to ioo APPENDIX. the great dramatist. He passed his examinations well, but there was nothing particularly brilliant in this part of his career. His thesis was considered worthy of being bracketed with one other for the gold medal. He took the M.D. degree. In November 1855 he came home from college, with a new idea about making bread, namely, that it would be possible to enclose flour in an air-tight receptacle, and to force into it aerated water, so as to render yeast unnecessary. He had suffered so much from the dry insipid bread of Edinburgh, that he had had bread made at home ; and the uncertain nature of each batch, with the difficulty of procuring good yeast, had led him to make a series of experiments which were the beginnings of his inventions. At the conclusion of his medical studies he went to Malvern to study hydropathy, and was nearly a year there. During this period he was steadily working out his inventions. Afterwards moving to Brighton, he tried his first experi- ments. He found a working mechanic, who made a little model machine from his drawings. The skill he possessed in mechanical drawing was one of the chief factors in the success afterwards obtained. No verbal explanation could have conveyed the idea which the inventor was able to demonstrate with perfect clearness on paper, and he always supplied every working drawing himself. The model was complete; the various mixtures LIFE OF DA UGLISH. 101 for the production of carbonic acid gas were intro- duced into it, the flour and the water. The experi- menter watched the result with the usual anxiety. An explosion or success, which would it be ? His theory proved to be right, and he was convinced that with perseverance it could be developed. In 1856 Dr. Dauglish took out his first patent, entitling it " An Invention of an improved Method of Making Bread " ; and he wrote to Messrs. Carr, of Carlisle, to ask their co-operation. In their factory the model machine was erected, and the " aerated bread " first made. The experiments were perfectly successful, and here the name of " aerated bread " was first suggested. It now remained to bring the invention before the public, to make it a successful monetary speculation. But many troubles arose. Different large houses took up the invention ; but from its novelty, from the elementary construction of the machinery, and from the difficulty of inducing workmen to lay aside preconceived ideas of baking after fer- menting, there were continual failures. The prin- cipals were disgusted, and there was so much worry and trouble that the inventor gave up the struggle in despair, and taking up medical practice, which he had laid for the time entirely aside, met with sufficient success to warrant the belief that he would become a successful physician. In spite of this, his project could not be relinquished, and again he determined to devote all his attention to it, and to try once more whether it could not be made successful. APPENDIX. The earnestness he displayed in his renewed efforts led different friends to rally round him, and at last a model bakery was erected at Islington. Dr. Dauglish superintended every detail, and the attempt proved to be a great success. Most of the leading physicians of the day gave their decided and unequivocal approval. The aerated bread was introduced into various hospitals, and with scarcely a dissentient voice the invention was declared to be one of the most important and useful of the day. For a lecture delivered by Dr. Dauglish before the Society of Arts, he gained the silver medal of that Society. To the Press he was under great obligations. Nearly every paper and magazine followed the example of the Times in giving publicity to a scheme so novel and practical. Unhappily Dr. Dauglish quickly began to feel how seriously these labours and anxieties had affected his health. Although his object was in part effected, he. could not rest. He was advised to go abroad, and after many delays he took his wife and children to Veytaux, on the Lake of Geneva. He spent the winter of 1864 on this spot. At first the' change of scene, the extreme dryness of the atmosphere, and the elasticity of the air, seemed to do him real good. His mind, however, could not be diverted. He was always planning new improvements, and was distressed by the accounts of failures and losses which came from England ; he got nervous and feeble, and began to feel that he could only walk on level ground. LIFE OF DAUGLISH. 103 In the spring he was hastily summoned home by important business, and left Switzerland with a feeling of disappointment and distress. The winter of i 864 was a season of deep anxiety. He re- mained in London long enough to set matters straight, but never himself recovered from the effects of all this trouble. He sought health in different places, and in August 1865 went to Paris, intending to go southward, but the anxieties of the past winter had proved too much for him to bear. He became seriously ill in Paris, and although the opinion of the physicians there was not such as to cause great alarm, he desired most anxiously to return to England, a desire which was accomplished with difficulty. On his return to London he consulted one of our most eminent men, who gave the first unfavourable opinion, and then went to Malvern, where, often before, he had gained strength and health. Here, while his serious illness much increased, he manifested the utmost patience, his mind remaining clear, active, and collected to the end. Dr. Dauglish was in the midst of his family to the very last evening of his life, taking interest in their concerns, and going to bed more com- fortably and hopefully than he had done for many nights past. He sank from effusion of water in the pericardium, and died painlessly on Sunday, 1 4th January, 1866, in the forty-second year of his age. B. W. R. UGSB LIBRARY A 000 607 462 9