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All rights reserved.
THIS little work is not written to teach any thing
new to those who know how to sail boats well and
safely, but only for the purpose of enabling any per-
son, after a perusal of its pages, to feel confident of
handling a boat so as to be perfectly safe, and to have
some knowledge of the rules which should govern its
movements under ail conditions that might naturally
arise. This sport is far less dangerous than is sup-
posed ; and it may even be asserted that no kind of
amusement is safer during the summer months in
these latitudes, many not as safe. Some one has
truly said " that the boat is always under the perfect
control, and subject to the will, of its master; whilst
in driving, for instance, one is dependent for life and
limb upon the forbearance, good-temper, and training
of a brute whose strength is greater than one's own,
and whose over-vaunted intelligence is often exceeded
by his obstinacy."
It is simply wonderful what stress of wind and sea
a small boat will sustain with perfect safety when
properly managed.
4 Preface.
It is hoped that the following pages will be suffi-
cient to post all tyros in the technique of the science,
and enable them to execute all the manoeuvres that
are needful, and to know the names and uses of all
the important ropes, sails, &c. ; so tJiat they will not
have to ask anybody any questions, and be able to
"paddle their own canoe."
If the author has succeeded in making himself
understood, so that the student will feel competent
to take charge of his own boat or yacht with confi-
dence, he will be amply repaid.
There is no doubt but what there may be a differ-
ence of opinion amongst yachtsmen and boatmen as
to the best manner of executing many sea-evolutions.
The author has chosen those which have stood the
test of time, and are comparatively simple, and easy
of execution, fitted for small craft, and perfectly safe.
Several useful hints have been gathered by an
inspection of Bowditch's " Epitome " and Brady's
" Kedge- Anchor."
MOTHER GOOSE (slightly altered).
" Three wise men of Gotham
Went to sea in a bowl :
If their wits had been stronger,
My song had been longer."
The Model, Rig, and Names of the Sails and Ropes in Com-
mon Use 7
Ballast. Useful Knots. To anchor in a Gale of Wind.
Getting the Anchor, and Casting. Anchoring for Fish-
ing. Grounding and Floating. Warping by Means of
an Anchor. To make a Running Moor . . . .17
The Helm and Rudder. Sheets. The Topping-Lift.
Springing a Leak and the Use of the Pump. Sailing
"close-hauled," "by the wind," or "full and by." To
know when a Yacht is as near the Wind as she will lie.
Running free. Before the Wind, or Scudding. To ex-
ecute a Pilot's Luff 35
Tacking. Beating to Windward. A Long and a Short
Leg. How to put a Yacht about. How to distinguish
the Starboard Tack from the Port Tack. Jibing, or Wear-
ing. Dropping the Peak. To beat to Windward in a
Tide- Way. To take in a Jib, and furl it. To take in a
Mainsail, and furl it. To reef a Jib, or take off a Bonnet.
To clap one Reef in a Mainsail. To cast out a Reef . 50
6 Contents.
Signal-Lights. The United-States Regulations for Steering
and Sailing, and the Rules of the Road. Fog-Signals.
Salutes. Dipping Colors. Coming alongside. Quar-
ter-deck Etiquette. Useful Articles of Cabin Furniture.
Anchor Watch. Method and System versus Disorder . 64
Cross-Bearings. Two Examples. Table of Proportional
Distances. Table for Determining the Distance that an
Object at Sea can be seen in Statute Miles. Determining
Distance by the Flash of a Gun. To find the Difference
between the True and Apparent Direction of the Wind.
To find the Distance of an Object on Shore from the
Yacht, by two Bearings of the Compass. Use of the
Charts. Soundings. Lead Line. Eight Bells, and
Watch and Watch. Boxing the Compass. Velocity of
the Wind. The Log Reel and Half-minute Glass.
Buoys Man Overboard 76
Practical Hints on Boat-Sailing 101
A Short Cruise with a Sloop- Yacht, illustrating the Common
Sea-Manoeuvres 108
Vocabulary of Sea-Terms commonly in Use . . . .124
IT would be beyond the province or scope of
this work to enumerate all the different models and
peculiarities of the numerous crafts and rigs that
are used to navigate the waters, both in civilized
and uncivilized countries ; and we must content
ourselves by taking into consideration a few of the
most pronounced types that are now in vogue, and
explaining their principles as briefly as possible.
Local prejudices rule strong in all parts of the
world ; and the rig, size, and model of a boat,
are almost always defined by the " custom " of
the waters in which it is to be sailed : still it is
perhaps well to give a few general rules for the
selection of a boat. For bays, sounds, harbors,
and inland tidal waters connected with the sea, the
8 Practical Boat-Sailing.
boat or small yacht should be of a shoal model,
and what is termed the centre-board principle, and
usually the sloop or cat-boat rig.
For ponds, and small lakes of fresh water, the
boat should always be of good beam, light draught,
and small sail, on account of the frequency of puffs
of winds from unexpected quarters from the neigh-
boring hillsides. In fact, if there is any danger in
sailing, it is upon these land-locked ponds or lakes,
where more seamanship is often needed than on
the larger bays and sounds of the ocean itself.
For outside work, or in places where the tidal
currents are strong, or the wind may sweep across
the water for miles, " kicking up a sea," the deep
keel model, with schooner or cutter rig, will be the
better boat ; this class being considered superior
in working to windward in a heavy sea to the
shoaler craft. But, even on this question, there are
disagreements ; and you shall hear of those who
maintain that the shoal-water centre-board craft is
the better boat in a heavy sea-way ; and some
lovers of a craft called a " sharpie " tell startling
tales of its endurance in heavy weather, although it
is the shoalest of all shoal boats. The advantage
of the centre-board boat over the keel boat for
harbor and sound sailing, or wherever the tide rises
and falls to any great extent, is obvious. With the
latter, one is liable to be brought up upon an
unknown sand-bank or ledge, and compelled to
Mode/, Rig, anil Names of Sai/s a/it/ Ropes. 9
remain, sometimes for hours, till floated off; whilst
with the centre-board, upon touching any clanger
or shoal, the board is hauled up, and the boat that
a moment before drew, perhaps, six feet of water,
now draws but one foot, allowing one to " go
about," or steer to one side, and avoid the obstacle,
and get home in time for supper. In short, in the
opinion of the writer, it is only for outside use, and
for a larger class of vessels than this book will treat
of, that the keel boat is needed.
To avoid repetition, and to condense as much as
possible, so as to be useful to all for practicable
purposes, what is termed the sloop-rig one quite
as frequently used as any other for small boats is
presented in the accompanying diagram. This will
be described as briefly as possible consistent with
a thorough explanation of the sails, ropes, &c., and
their different names and uses; it being, of course,
understood that the management of a sloop in a
seamanlike manner carries with it the knowledge of
managing a yacht of any rig, the principle applying
equally to all ; and to describe the "staying," "wear-
ing," and absolute management of each sail and rope
of each separate rig, would be unnecessary, and
extend this little work to a greater length than is
desirable. The best that can be done is to take
a type, and, having made that familiar, the whole
science of boat-sailing will have been acquired.
The sloop-rig consists of the following-named
spars :
Practical Boat-Sailing.
The mainmast (c c), which is usually placed
at about two-thirds of the 'boat's length from the
stern. This spar serves to sustain the mainsail ( i )
by a series of hoops which encircle it.
The main topmast (d d), which is fitted to the
head of the mainmast, and terminates at its upper
end in a small ball, called the truck, through the
sides of which are fitted little sheaves (i.e., wheels),
by means of which, and the use of a small-sized
rope, called signal-halliards, the flag, or private
signal of the boat, is hoisted to the topmasfs head,
and displayed.
This spar also serves to sustain the gaff-topsail
Model, Rig, and Names of Sails and Ropes. \ i
(3), which is hoisted and lowered along its length
by a series of hoops encircling the spar. This sail,
as a rule, is set and furled from the top.
The bowsprit (h), which projects from the bow
of the boat, and serves to support the mainmast by
means of a stay (g g) leading from its outer end
to the mainmast head, and another stay, called
the bob stay (f), to the prow of the boat. The jib-
stay (g g) serves to hoist and set they/$ (2) upon,
the most important sail, after the mainsail.
The jib-boom (i), which extends out beyond
the bowsprit, its heel being made fast to the latter,
and, by means of stays, supports the mainmast and
maintopmast ; and upon the inner one of these is
hoisted and set the outer or flying jib (4), the
other (k) supporting the maintopmast, and called
the maintopmast stay.
The main-gaff (e e), which sustains and stretches
the head of the mainsail, which is securely lashed
to it by means of small seizings, or lashings.
The main-boom (bb), which receives and
stretches the foot of the mainsail, to which it is
securely lashed.
The above constitute the main spars and sails of
a boat of the sloop rig.
To enable one to understand all that follows, it
will be necessary to acquire a little more informa-
tion concerning these spars and sails, and the names
and uses of the principal ropes, sheets, &c.
12 Practical Boat-Sailing,
As the reader faces the cut, and glances at the
mainsail (i), he should remember that the head
of the sail is that part fastened to the gaff; and the
foot, that part of the sail fastened to the boom. The
outer-leach, or after-leach, that part of the sail
which extends from the end of the gaff to the end
of the boom farthest removed from the mainmast.
The inner-leach, or luff, is that part of the sail
which extends from the gaff to the boom, and is
confined to the mainmast by hoops that embrace
it, and allow of the sail being hoisted and lowered
at will.
The clews of a sail are those parts which a " land-
lubber " might call corners ; i.e., the clews of the
mainsail are four, and are situated at the junction
of the ///^"and head of the sail, the outer- leach and
head of the sail, the outer-leach and foot of the
sail, and the luff and foot of the sail ; the latter
being also called the tack.
The mainsail, as will be observed, has also a
series of regular lines crossing its surface. These
are called reef-points, and consist of short, dangling
pieces of small rope, sewed into the sail, and hang-
ing down on either side, long enough, when the
sail is lowered, to be fastened around the main-
boom, and thus tie down the sail, making it smaller
for rough weather, which is called " reefing." On
the outer-leach, at the end of these rows of reef-
points, are placed little iron rings, or cringles, as
Model, Rig, and Names of Sails and Ropes. 13
they are called, which are used to pass a rope
through, called a reef-pennant, to haul the sail well
out on to the boom when being reefed. The rope
(a a) represents what is called the topping-lift, and
is used to lower or hoist the .main-boom, so as to
make the sail set well in certain circumstances ; or
when the main-boom is out over the water on one
side of the boat, when running before the wind, to
" top it up" so as to keep it out of the water when
the boat rolls. It is set up by means of a small
pulley, the end of the rope coming inboard through
a sheave in the boom, or one fastened to its side.
The jib has its luff, head, foot, and after-leach,
the same as the mainsail, but, of course, has only
three clews, being a triangular sail.
And what is defined about these sails will apply
to all fore and aft sails.
The most important ropes, to which the attention
of the reader is called, are the following :
The main sheet (1) is a long rope fastened to
the main-boom, and controlling the action of the
mainsail. According to the size of the boat, this
sheet will be single, or rove through a series of
blocks, to enable the helmsman to handle the sail.
Upon the management of this sheet depends, in a
great measure, the safety of all boat-sailing. Its
perfect handling and adjustment call for the nicest
skill ; for its slightest movement changes the whole
face of the canvas spread in the mainsail.
14 Practical Boat-Sailing.
The jib-sheets (m) are fastened to the after-r/7#
of the jib at the foot of the sail, and are led aft on
both sides of the deck, so as to be within reach of
the helmsman, or those sitting in the after-part
of the boat. Like the mainshcet, they are used to
confine and trim down the///>, each being used on
the side on which it is desired to trim down the
The outer-jib is controlled in the same manner,
by two sheets, one being led aft on either side of
the deck.
The mainsail is hoisted by means of two sets of
ropes, called throat and peak halliards (n).
These are fastened at the foot of the mast to
cleats when the sail is hoisted ; the throat-hall-
iards, usually on the port-side of the mast, and
the peak-halliards, on the starboard side of the
N.B. The term starboard is applied to any thing ap-
pertaining to the right-hand side of a boat, with the observer
looking towards the bow. The term port (formerly, and
sometimes now, called larboard) is applied to any thing
appertaining to the left-hand side, and, thus once defined,
never changes.
Although the observer may go forward and look aft, the
starboard side is still the starboard side, although now on
his left hand. Hence sailors talk of the starboard anchor,
the port shrouds ; " Ease off the port jib-sheet ! " " Let go
the starboard flying-jib-sheet ! " " Put your helm over to
port!" "Hoist those colors from the starboard side!"
" Let the boom go over to port ! " " Get up that anchor
Model, /fig, and Names of Sails and Ropes. 15
which you will find below in the forecastle, on the starboard
side ! " " Go about on the fort tack ! " &c.
The//# (2) is hoisted by means of a rope, which
is called the jib-halliards, which is made fast to
the upper clew of the sail, and led through a block
at the mainmast head, and thence to the deck,
being "belayed" (i.e., made fast) to the mainmast
near the deck. This sail also has a small but use-
ful rope attached to it, called the down-haul, which
is fastened to the upper clew, and led down to a
small block at the bowsprit end, and thence in on
deck ; and serves to haul the sail down after the
halliards have been cast off. The flying-jib (4) is
fitted with halliards and down-haul in the same
The gaff- topsail (3) is set by hauling out the after-
leach 3iV\<\foot to the end of the main-gaff, which
part of the gaff is called the peak, by means of a
rope, which is named the gaff topsail-sheet, which
reefs through a sheave in the gaff end, and hence
under the^o^to the throat, and thence through a
block to the deck. The other clew, formed by the
///^"and foot, is. stretched by means of a rope lead-
ing to the deck, called the tack; and the sail is
hoisted by means of halliards, that reve through a
block fastened at the topmast head, and thence
leading to the deck.
When the boat is under way, and pressed over by
the wind, the terms " starboard " and " port " are
1 6 Practical Boat-Sailing.
often exchanged for "leeward " and "windward,"
and, in fact, are the more commonly used in many
instances ; although an old sailor would apply the
word "starboard" to certain things that he would
not apply the word " leeward " or " windward " to :
but these exceptions it would be hard to point out,
and they would be of little material use. Let it
suffice to say, that as a rule, when a boat is at
anchor or upright, the terms " starboard " and
" port " are used ; whilst, when under way, the
terms " lee " or " leeward," " weather " or " wind-
ward," are more commonly used ; for instance,
" Let go the weather jib-sheet ! " " Haul aft the lee
x flying jib-sheet ! " " Haul that coil of rope over to
the weather-side (or to windward) ! " "Throw that
hot water to leeward ! " " Does she carry a weather-
helm?" &c.
Ballast. 1 7
Ballast. Useful Knots. To anchor in a Gale of Wind. Get-
ting the Anchor, and Casting. Anchoring for Fishing.
Grounding and Floating. Warping by Means of an Anchor.
To make a Running Moor.
HAVING learned the names of all the important
spars, sails, and ropes, and their uses, it becomes
necessary to study the other appurtenances of a
boat to acquire a thorough knowledge of boat-sail-
ing ; and for that purpose we will pass briefly in
review the following.
Nearly all yachts are made of such a model as to
need some heavy material placed within them to
enable them to carry sail, and stand up against sud-
den squalls and flaws of wind. This material is
called ballast, and, as a self-evident rule, yachts that
are shallow, and of great breadth of beam, need
less than those of a deep and narrow model.
Many articles may be used for ballast, and a
yacht ballasted in many different ways ; but the
1 8 Practical Boat-Sailing.
following named are those that are most commonly
used. Pig-iron, in pieces that can be handled, is a
favorite kind of ballast : sometimes each piece is
painted, so as to preserve it from rusting, and dis
coloring the inside of the boat. Iron in the form
of fifty-six-pound weights is also used ; whilst a
cheaper and very common ballast is found in the
small clean pebbles of the seashore. Water con-
tained in movable tanks has been at times, with
some, a well-praised ballast ; and in yachts where it
can be used, and that are fitted for it, it is of great
practical value, as, like no other, it can be dis-
charged and renewed by means of a pump, accord-
ing to the will and weather.
The slag from smelted copper and iron is exten-
sively used, as are also broken pieces of iron-casting.
But perhaps the ballast as commonly in use as any
other in medium-sized yachts and small boats, or,
at least, a part of the ballast, consists of common
sea-sand enclosed in canvas sacks of a not too
unwieldy size, that are movable about the bottom
of the boat by means of canvas handles, and can,
in emergency, be dumped bodily over into the sea,
thus relieving the yacht of so much dead weight.
Nearly all yachts that are ballasted, when filled
with water, will sink ; and there have been many
ingenious ways devised to prevent this, so that,
in case a yacht should be swamped, i.e., com-
pletely filled with water, she would yet float, and
Ballast. 1 9
make a sort of life-preserver to the occupants, and
not go to the bottom, and leave them struggling on
the surface.
A very ingenious and yet cheap way of obtaining
this result is to have built into the wings of the
yacht, under the floorings, and in every conceivable
place that is out of the way, empty tin or iron six-
pound powder-canisters, that seal hermetically, suf-
ficient in number to overcome, by the air they con-
tain and the natural buoyancy of the wood com-
posing the yacht, the weight of the ballast, or the
tendency of the same to sink the yacht when filled
with water. It will not take a great number of
these canisters in quite a large yacht of medium
model ; for, although the yacht will sink without
them, it does not take very much of this confined
air to turn the scale, and make it float.
Some yachts are ballasted with lead ; and this,
if it were not for its cost, is a prime ballast, taking
up less space than any other. And some care not
for the first cost ; for, as is truly said, it is a market-
able article, which does not vary much in price :
and, even if it should cost quite a sum to ballast
one's yacht with lead, it is so much cash on hand,
and can always be taken out and sold at a moment's
notice. Besides the different kinds of ballast that
have been enumerated, there is also the living bal-
last, that is to say, human beings, whom one can
place in different parts of the yacht to trim her
20 Practical Boat-Sailing.
in different situations. But this kind of ballast is
mostly used in racing, and even then is sometimes
apt to "get out of order," and not " work well ; "
and the writer would advise one to stick to iron,
lead, gravel, or sand as superior.
Perhaps for bay and harbor sailing and short
cruises from port to port, there is nothing better
than the canvas bags of sand, which can be emp-
tied, if necessary, when one gets aground, or in any
other case of emergency, and filled again at the
very next shore upon which one lands in the little
As a rule, sailing-boats and small yachts are
" trimmed by the stern ; " that is, the bow is
slightly elevated from the water, the boat being
pressed, by the position of its ballast, deeper into
the water at the stern than at the bow. But every
yacht is a law to itself; and no rule will do for all.
The position of the ballast has also much to do with
the steering qualities, as well as affecting speed : if
it be placed too far forward, the yacht will " yaw,"
and at times, before the wind, be almost unmanage-
able. In "going about," also, if the ballast be too
far forward, the boat will often " miss stays ; " that
is, fail to perform the evolution of getting upon the
other tack.
Misplaced ballast will also cause the yacht to
carry the helm in a bad position, stopping her
speed. Bringing a yacht "by the head" with too
Ballast. 2 1
much ballast is a serious, nay, at times, a dangerous
fault. Bringing her too much by the stern, by means
of ballast, is not so grave a matter : the yacht may
lose in speed, and not be in her best trim ; but she
is not as dangerous or unmanageable. It is always
better to have too much ballast than too little. It
is very easy to ballast a boat with sand or pebbles
before one starts ; but they cannot be obtained after
having once gotten under way ; and from this sim-
ple cause have arisen so many disasters that need
never have occurred ! One's natural pride, and the
desire to sail fast, prevent often the taking on
board of the necessary amount ; and then, when it
suddenly comes on to blow, the yacht is found to
be crank, perhaps dangerously so. How much
better would it be to have a little too much ballast,
which, when homeward bound, if there is need
of haste, and the weather be settled, can be dis-
charged over the side, increasing her speed !
It is only by careful study that one can ascertain
just the amount of ballast that is needed ; but, once
found, do not change it for light or heavy weather,
but keep it intact, and you and your boat will soon
understand each other much better than will be
the case if it be continually changed. A happy
medium is what must be sought for in the question
of ballast ; for, of course, in different weathers dif-
ferent amounts would be in order. But be advised,
and be on the safe side : have plenty of ballast, if
22 Practical Boat-Sailing.
the speed is not the very fastest that the boat is
capable of making.
Professional boatmen, lobstermen, and fishermen
are never eternally shifting and changing their bal-
last : having found the " happy medium," they let
it alone for the season. It is only the amateur that
is continually sailing his yacht upon her " beam-
ends," or watching with the utmost anxiety the fast
approaching squall, for which the professional cares
We cannot get along on board of a yacht without
knowing how to make a few useful knots.
The great beauty of a knot, in a sailor's estima-
tion, is not only to hold well, but to be easily untiea
or cast off after having been subjected to a great
strain. Of all knots the bowline is, perhaps, the
king, because it can be submitted to a strain that
will part the rope, before slipping or giving in the
least (and this holds true of the largest hawser, as
well as the smallest line) ; and, after this strain is re-
moved, it can be untied as easily as a knot in one's
summer neck-tie. It can be very quickly made, and
is useful in more situations than any other, and
can be used to replace many others. It is used
to fasten a rope in a hurry to the ring of an anchor,
or to make fast the painter of a tender through a
ring-bolt securely for towing, and yet so as to be
easily cast off; fastening sinkers upon fish-lines, or
Knots. 23
the end of any rope in a position where it will bear
strain. Flags may be bent on with this knot, al-
though sailors have a signal-halliard knot, as they
also have a peculiar bent for fastening a hawser to
an anchor ; but no knot can be used in an emer-
gency, in place of all these, like the bowline ; and,
if one can have knowledge of but a few, let the
bowline be the first acquired. It will be useful also
on shore, and throughout one's life, making as a
matter of past record, to be eternally sunk in obli-
vion, those awful knots that never would come un-
done again. Next to the bowline in importance is,
perhaps, the bend called two half-hitches, or the
clove hitch, by means of which one can secure
with the end of a rope almost any thing. This
hitch is called two half-hitches when it is made
upon its own standing part, and a clove hitch when
made around any other thing, such as a spar ; but
both are the same in principle.
The third knot that must be acquired is what is
called the square knot, or reef knot, and is used in
reefing the sails. The reef-points being tied in
square knots can be easily untied when needed :
if improperly tied in a. granny knot, they either jam
or fly open in the height of the gale, when one
desires them most to hold on.
With these three knots one can get along nicely,
and it is advisable to obtain a knowledge of how to
make them without delay.
Practical Boat-Sailing.
Take the end of the rope in your right hand, and
the standing part in your left ; lay the end over the
standing part ; then with your left
hand turn the bight of the stand "
ing part from you, and over the
end part, by a peculiar turn of the
wrists, which comes only by prac-
tice, forming what is called a goose-
neck on the standing part ; then
lead the end, which is already en-
closed in the goose-neck, under and
around the standing part, and down
through the same goose-neck ; and haul the parts
Pass the end of the rope around the standing
part, and up through
the bight (this is one
half-hitch) ; pass the
end again around the
standing part, and up
through its own bight,
which makes the sec-
ond half -hitch, and
completes the knot.
(See diagram.) Then,
if this knot is used to bend on a hawser to an
To make a Square or Reef Knot. 25
anchor, it is customary to stop the end of the rope
down upon the standing part by means of a rope-
yarn, so as to prevent all chance of its coming
apart whilst chafing about at the bottom of the sea.
A clore hitch is this same knot made around a
spar or other article, instead of on its own standing
part. (See diagram.)
First make a common overhand knot around a
spar, or any thing that may suit ; then make exactly
the same knot again, taking care to cross the ends
so that they will each come out on the same side
of the bight as they did in the first
knot. Jf on either side of what may
be called the right or left side of the
knot, as seen in the cut, the ends do
not come out in the same relative Xeef
place as in the first knot, it is called a "granny
knot," and will not hold. And one who makes a
" granny " becomes the laughing-stock of all on
board, and is at once pronounced a "land-lubber,"
if he cannot make this simple and useful knot cor-
rectly. So be advised, and learn it at once.
Nothing on board the yacht, after the sails and
ropes, should receive such attention as the " ground
tackle," as it is called. On the anchor and its ap-
Practical Boat-Sailing.
purtenances rests the safety, often, of all on board ,
and yet there is nothing so often neglected, or left
carelessly out of order, or the cable in a snarl, as
the anchoring gear in a small yacht.
Every yacht over twenty-five feet in length should
be fitted with three anchors, or, at the very least,
two. If three in
number, two of
them should be
nearly of the same
size, and one quite
small and handy,
which is called the
" ke d g e-a n c h o r."
We will suppose
that the yacht is
fitted with three,
and, if so, their
uses will be as here-
inafter described.
In the olden
times hemp cables
were wholly used,
even for vessels of
large size and men-
of-war ; but in these
latter days they have been replaced by iron cables
in large ships, and by manila hawsers in small
yachts. To be sure there are some advantages
The Anchor and Gear. 27
in favor of a chain-cable for even small yachts :
but as a rule the pliable, soft but strong manila
rope is the favorite. Small iron cables are, for some
reason or other, distrusted ; and they are also heavy
to get back again, even if of small size, when the
yacht is anchored in many fathoms of water. They
are useful when the yacht is likely to lie at an-
chor in a sea-way for a long time, for then they
would not chafe ; whilst a manila cable might be-
come seriously injured. Some use a few fathoms
of iron chain, and then manila above that, so as
to keep the end near the anchor from fraying on
rocky bottoms. It is to be remembered, then, in a
long piece of chain cable, that the one imperfect
link, or one that is weak in any way, determines the
utmost strength of the cable. In other words, the
strain necessary to part the weakest link makes the
stronger ones useless. Perhaps it is the fear of this
weakness lurking in some unknown link that deters
yachtsmen, as a class, from using chain-cables, and
makes them prefer the clean, handsome manila rope,
that they know is just as strong at one part as another
throughout its entire length.
U'ire cables have commenced to be talked of,
made in the same shape as wire rigging, only more
pliable ; and these, perhaps, will, in time, come into
use, as they are of uniform strength, and take up
less room than the cumbersome manila rope cables.
If the anchors are stowed below deck, always get
28 Practical Boat-Sailing.
them up, and bent on to their respective cables,
long before the time when it becomes necessary to
use them. One never knows, near a coast-line,
when an anchor may be needed.
Always have good long cables, and not nasty
little pieces of short rope : on this depends often
the safety of all concerned. Every thing else being
equal, the length of the cables is what will deter-
mine, in a gale of wind, whether the yacht goes on
shore a wreck, or gallantly and safely weathers the
If caught in a gale of wind on a lee-shore, and
with no chance of escape, the sea being too
heavy to "claw off" to windward, and no harbor
to leeward, the only safety is to anchor ; and
always do this before it is too late, and before the
yacht has been driven too near the shore or break-
ers to lie quietly. Procrastination at such a time
is often highly dangerous ; and a yacht may go
ashore because she is anchored in a line of heavy
breakers, when just outside she would lie almost
with ease.
It will be found, also, that it always takes longer
to get an anchor down than was estimated, and
whilst it is being done the yacht sets heavily in
towards the shore with each sea : therefore anchor
early. When every thing is ready, bring the yacht
to the wind, and let the sails shake in the wind's
To Anchor in a Gale of Wind. 29
eye ; and, so soon as she gets stem-way, let
go the best bower anchor, taking care not to snub
her too quickly, but to let considerable of the cable
run out before checking her ; then take a turn or
two around the knight-heads, long before there is
any strain, and be ready to give her cable gradually
he needs it. One must be very careful to get
this 'turn around the knight-heads long before
there is any strain ; for the strength of the yacht
drifting before the gale will be under-estimated,
except by a sailor; and if one has neglected to
take the necessary turn in time, and a strain once
commences upon the cable, it will then be too late,
and the mortification will be experienced of seeing
the whole cable go overboard, unless the yacht be
brought up by its being fastened below ; and even
then the chances are, that it will be snapped
asunder by the momentum that the drifting yacht
has acquired.
Just so soon as the first anchor bites, and the
yacht seems to come head to wind, and hold, let go
the second anchor, and pay out plenty of cable on
both, keeping the strain as nearly equal on each as
possible. In grave circumstances like these of
anchoring in a gale of wind on a lee-shore, it is
always well to put down both anchors. Too often
one anchor is used, because the weather does
not look very bad, and, as it increases, the cable is
paid out upon ; and when, at last, it is ascertained
30 Practical Boat-Sailing.
that the gale has increased, and another anchor is
needed, it is found, after it is cast, that the cable
cannot be paid out upon it, because the end of
the cable of the first anchor is close at hand, and
has been nearly all paid out, making the second
anchor useless. Always let go both anchors, one
shortly after the other ; and if the weather be very
bad indeed, then, when about half the cable is paid
out on the second anchor, lash to the cable the
small kedge-anchor, by fastening it by small ropes,
passed around the shank and through the ring, to
the cable of the large anchor, and cast it over the
bows. This is called "backing an anchor" (see
diagram), and strengthens the hold of the first
anchor in a marked degree, especially if the hold-
ing-ground be poor. It is supposed, of course,
that, as the yacht comes head to wind, the jib is
hauled down ; and now the next thing is to down
To Anchor in a Gale of Wind. 31
mainsail, and furl every thing snug. If the yacht
holds well, keep part of the cables still on board,
to pay out, if necessary ; and, to be sure that she is
not dragging, cast a hand-lead over the side, and
let it rest on the bottom. Make it fast, leaving
enough slack so that the yacht may sheer without
moving it. By trying this once in a while, it will
be instantly seen, from its relative position between
the yacht and the bottom, whether the vessel has
dragged. For instance, if the lead-line should be
left up and down, and the next time it was tested
should be found resting on the bottom, toward the
bow of the yacht, she would have dragged just that
distance, and needs more cable at once. It is well
always to give a good scope in such emergencies,
and allow the anchors to become embedded at a
good angle, and not be played with by just holding,
and then dragging a little, and then paying out a
little : that is dangerous sport. After all is furled
snug, nothing else can be done for safety, except
in case of extreme emergency, when, as a last re-
course, the mainmast may be cut away if the yacht
is dragging on shore. But with two good anchors
down in, say, six fathoms of water, and one of
those backed, and forty or fifty fathoms of cable
out, it will take a terrific sea and wind to make a
yacht budge an inch.
32 Practical Boat-Sailing.
Hoist the mainsail, and take the gaskets off the
jib, and see that the downhaul is cast off, and is
clear for hoisting ; then heave away on the cable,
either by hand, or by windlass, if the yacht be large
enough to need one, till the an-
Ichor is almost broken out of the
ground, or what sailors call, the cable,
" up and down ; " then, by means
of the rudder, if in a tide-way, cast
the head of the yacht in the direc-
tion you wish to proceed upon ;
trip the anchor ; and run up the jib
as soon as it will draw. If there is
no tide-way to act upon the rudder,
then, before breaking out the an-
chor, hoist the jib; and, if it is
desired to cast the boat upon the
port-tack, trim down the jib-sheet to
port, and shove the main-boom well
' out over the starboard quarter, and,
when the boat has -a good sheer, trip the anchor;
and, when she has paid off enough, let go the port
jib-sheet, and trim down on the starboard-sheet,
and haul aft the main-boom, and proceed on your
Anchoring for Fishing. 33
It is often needful to drop an anchor so as just
to hold the yacht stationary for a short time in
some known place, for the purpose of fishing ; and
these places are almost always ledges of rock, which
foul and entangle the anchor, and it is often diffi-
cult to weigh it again. To avoid this (if there is
not too much wind, and the yacht will lie easily),
instead of making the cable fast to the ring of the
anchor, make it fast with a clove hitch around both
arms at the crown, and lead it along the shank of
the anchor to the, ring, to which attach it by means
of a small piece of spun yarn or twine that will
hold some strain, but which can be broken in case
of necessity. Then, when it is desired to get under
way again, and the anchor is found to be fouled,
bring enough strain, by means of the windlass or
otherwise, upon the cable to part the twine at the
ring ; when the strain will come directly upon the
crown and flukes, and the anchor will almost
always be cleared. If it should not be, pay out
plenty of cable, and sail around or beyond it, and
all at once it will be found that it is cleared, and
can be weighed. In anchoring in this manner, it
is not, in light weather, necessary to lower the
mainsail, but simply to trim down the main-sheet
flat, or place the boom in a crotch made for that
purpose. The jib can be lowered ; and hoisted
again when under way.
34 Practical Boat-Sailing.
If the yacht takes the ground on any shoal, and
is left by the tide, it is always proper to get out an
anchor in the direction of the wind, before the tide
returns ; then, when the water begins to make, the
yacht will not be blown higher and higher upon the
shoal as she commences to float, but will be held
by her anchor, and soon ride head to wind or tide.
There are times when it is desirable to get a
yacht into a certain position, and there is no wind.
To do this, run out a light anchor to the spot you
desire to reach, by means of a small tender ; cast it
overboard ; and warp the yacht up to it : repeat this
till the desired position is reached.
Is sometimes made by casting an anchor, with
plenty of scope of cable, whilst a yacht is running
free, or before the wind, and bringing her with a
long sweep, up to and heading the wind, when an-
other anchor is let go also, and part of the cable
of the first anchor hauled in so that she will lie to
one anchor on the flood-tide, and the other on the
The Helm and Rudder. 35
The Helm and Rudder. Sheets. The Topping-Lift. Spring-
ing a Leak and the Use of the Pump. Sailing " close-hauled,"
"by the wind," or "full and by." To know when a Yacht is
as near the Wind as she will lie. Running free. Before tht.
Wind, or Scudding. To execute a Pilot's Luff.
Control the movement of the yacht through the
water, and serve to direct her course.
The rudder may be described as pieces of boards
or planks, in a line with the keel, hung upon pivots
at the stern of a vessel, in an
upright position, and extend-
ing from the keel to the rail,
and having an attachment,
called a tiller or wheel, to
move it in either direction,
7tu.) On the starboard side a green light, so constructed as
to throw a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the
horizon of ten points of the compass ; so fixed as to throw
the light from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on
the starboard side ; and of such a character as to be visible
on a dark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at
least two miles.
2 bells. [ First Dog-
1 " ( Watch.
4 "
5 " 1
Eight Bells, and ll'atch and W'atch. 93
8.30 o'clock,
i bell. ,
2 bells.
9-30 "
3 "
4 "
5 "
. Nifht-
11.00 "
6 "
7 "
12.00 "
midnight . .
8 "
12.30 "
i bell. ^
I.OO "
2 bells.
" . . . .
3 "
2.00 "
" . . . .
4 "
2.30 "
5 "
' Watck.
3.00 "
6 "
7 "
4.00 "
" . . . .
8 " J
4-30 "
i bell. ^
5.00 "
" . . . .
2 bells.
" . . . .
3 "
" . . . .
4 "
5 "
7.00 "
" . . . .
6- "
7-30 "
7 "
" . . . .
8 " J
8.30 "
i bell. >>
9.00 "
2 bells.
3 "
10.00 "
" . . . .
4 "
10.30 "
5 "
' Watch.
1I.OO "
6 "
7 "
I2.OO "
noon . . .
8 " J
94 Practical Boat-Sailing.
In cases of emergency, usually to take in sail,
whether by night or day, " All hands on deck to
take in sail, ahoy ! " " Heave up my hearties ! " is
bellowed into the forecastle, and comes to the ears
of the unwilling sleepers of the watch below.
Is the term used for repeating the thirty-two points
of the compass-card by memory from the right
hand to the left, (and then back again,) commencing
at north, and proceeding to north by east, north,
north-east, &c. It is necessary that the amateur
and young salt should acquire this, if he desires to
ever be able to make use of the most simple prob-
lems in boat-sailing, the use of the charts, the find-
ing of the position of the yacht by cross-bearings,
&c. In fact, it is indispensable ; and the task should
be commenced at once. It should not be gotten
by rote, without rhyme or reason ; but, in repeating
the names of the points, the compass-card, or a
printed imitation of it, should always be kept before
tJie eye. 1
After acquiring the regular thirty-two points, the
subdivision of quarter and half points are to be gone
into. The smallest division used in navigation is a
quarter of a point ; thus your course may be N. by
E. E., or N. by E. E., or N. by E. f E. but
no smaller subdivision is ever made between two
courses than one-quarter of a point. This is as near
1 See frontispiece.
Boxing //if' Compass. 95
as the yacht can be kept to her course, and is as
near as the eye can line a course in an observation
for cross-bearings. If, however, one desires more
minuteness, it may be well to state that each point
of the compass contains 11 15', or 360 for the
whole thirty-two points. The names of the points
of the compass, commencing at north, and going
towards east, are as follows. The principal points,
as they are called, which are marked larger than the
others on the compass-card, are here designated by
2. North by east N. by E.
3. North, north-east N.N.E.
4. North-east by north N.E. by N.
6. North-east by east N.E. by E.
7. East, north-east E.N.E.
8. East by north E. by N.
9. EAST E.
10. East by south E. by S.
11. East, south-east E.S.E.
12. South-east by east S.E. by E.
14. South-east by south .- S.E. by S.
15. South, south-east S.S.E.
1 6. South by east S. by E.
17. SOUTH S.
18. South by west S. by W.
if;. South, south-west S.S.NV.
20. South-west by south .... S.W. by S.
21. SOUTH-WEST . . , S.W.
96 Piactical Boat-Sailing.
22. South-west by west S.W. by W.
23. West, south-west W.S.W.
24. West by south W. by S.
25. WEST W.
26. West by north W. by N.
27. West, north-west W.N.W.
28. North-west by west N.W. by W.
30. North-west by north .... N.W. by N.
31. North, north-west N.N.W.
32. North by west N. by W.
If any one desires to be very salt, he will pro-
nounce these points as follows :
Nor', nor'-west N. N.W.
Noothe by east . . . .- . . N. by E.
Sou' by west . . . . . . . S. by W.
Sou', sou'-west S. S.W.
And, in fact, the above is the way that they are
pronounced by all sailors.
It should be remembered that the compass does
not move ; that is to say, the yacht moves, which
seemingly makes the card in the compass-box re-
volve. It is absolutely an optical illusion to " land-
lubbers ; " and except by the jar of the yacht,
or by pitching about in a heavy sea, the compass-
card does not revolve, but is stationary, and it is
the change of the course of the yacht which seems
to give it motion.
To Place a Compass to Steer by. 97
The periphery of the circular casing in which
the card revolves should be marked plainly with
a perpendicular black line ; and this black line
should, by moving the compass-box, be brought to
bear in a direct line with the keel of the yacht, and
the box secured in that position. One has then
only to move the helm to bring each and every
point on the compass-card opposite to this black
mark on the compass-box, and, having once brought
the point needed to this position, keep it there by
moving the helm when necessary ; and this act of
keeping it there is called " keeping the vessel on
her course."
For instance : if the wind allows, suppose by the
chart it is desired to steer N.E., to reach a cer-
tain place. Go on deck, and, by moving the helm,
bring the N.E. point of the compass-card oppo-
site to the black perpendicular mark on the com-
pass-casing, and keep on your way, after having
trimmed your sails so as to hold the wind properly.
The yacht will not keep on N.E. exactly, but will
yaw to and fro, wJiich will seem as if tlic compass-
card was moving; and this will occur more or less
according to the roughness of the water. And, if
one looks too much to the compass, the yacht will
be off the course before the compass shows it :
it is therefore well, if possible, lo get some bearing,
98 Practical Boat Sailing.
miles ahead, that cuts the weather-shrouds or jib-
stay, when the yacht is on her course ; then, by look-
ing at that, one can easily see when she is off her
course, casting an eye to the compass once in a
while. In the night-time very fine steering can be
done by picking out a star, and steering by it, after
getting it to range on some part of the yacht. Steer-
ing by a compass is a great accomplishment : few
amateurs do it well. It used to be said at sea, that
the best helmsmen looked at the head of the vessel
oftener than the compass, and were thus enabled to
check with the helm any disposition of the vessel
to leave the true course, long before the departure
was shown by the compass-card.
Generally speaking, a wind that blows sixteen
miles an hour is called a fresh breeze. One that
blows eighteen miles an hour calls for a single reef;
and twenty miles, a close reef. Twenty-four miles
an hour is a gale ; whilst thirty miles an hour is a
fresh gale.
This method of ascertaining how fast the yacht
is moving through the water, and hence to calculate
her position, has been almost done away with by
the use of what is termed the "patent log," which is
now almost universally used, and which consists of
The Log, Reel, and Half-Minute Glass. 99
a small propeller of brass, which is towed astern,
and records its own revolutions on dials. But, to
enable one to use the common log-line and glass,
the following description is written : The half-
minute glass is of the same form as an hour-glass,
and contains such a quantity of sand as will run
through its neck in twenty-eight seconds of time ;
or a watch with a second-hand may be used, if the
glass is not handy. The log is a piece of thin
board of a quadrantal form, about the size and
shape of a quarter-section of the bottom of a com-
mon water-pail, loaded on the circular side with
enough lead to make it swim upright in the water.
To this is fastened a line, about one hundred and
fifty fathoms in length, called the log-line, which is
divided into intervals called knots, and is wound on
a reel which turns very easily.
To ascertain the velocity at which the yacht is
sailing is called heaving the log, and is performed
as follows : one person holds the reel, and another
the half- minute glass, whilst a third throws the log
over the stern on the lee side ; and, when he ob-
serves that the stray line has run off (which is
about ten fathoms), and the first mark (which is
generally a red rag) has passed the stern, he sings
out, Turn : the glass-holder answers, Turn, and,
watching the glass, the moment it has run out, sings
out, Stop. The reel being immediately stopped, the
last mark run off shows the number of knots that
ioo Practical Boat-Sailing.
the yacht has sailed during the last hour, if the
wind has been constant.
The log-line is marked as follows : allow ten
fathoms for stray line, and then insert a red rag, and
at every 47.6 feet mark the line as follows : at one,
one leather ; at two, two knots ; at three, three
knots ; and also have a small mark at each half-
knot, and so on to ten and twelve knots.
The principle of the log-line is, that a knot is
the same part of a sea-mile that half a minute is of
an hour : therefore the length of a knot should be
one hundred and twentieth the length of a sea-
mile, or fifty-one feet ; but, as it is more convenient
to have the knot divided into eight parts of six feet
each, the proportional reduction is necessary in the
half-minute glass.
In entering harbors, the red buoys are to be left
upon the starboard hand, and the black buoys upon
the port hand.
Throw overboard at once any light object that
will float, such as a stool, oar, boat-hook, or life-
preserver, for him to grasp ; then bring the yacht
at once to the wind and heave her to, and pick up
the man with the tender, or by going about and
standing for him. Don't look out astern for the
man where he disappeared, but out on the beam,
which will be his position when the yacht is brought
to the wind.
Practical Hints on Boat-Sailing. 101
REMEMBER, in the first place, that no small boat
fit to be called a sail-boat can capsize, unless the
sail is confined by the sheet being made fast.
If the sail is loose, and the boom, or lower leach
of the sail, as the case may be, can move in a
direction parallel to the wind, or in the " wind's
eye " as sailors would say, the boat cannot be upset
by an ordinary gust of wind.
In other words, in all fore-and-aft sails, such as
are used almost the world over for small sail-boats,
the sheet, or rope that confines the after-part of the
sail to the stern part of the boat, is the key to the
whole science of boat-sailing.
If one knows how to use the sheet properly,
one knows how to sail a boat with comparative
safety. Of course it is supposed that he should
also understand flaws of wind and their effects.
It is the flaws of wind caught by the sail more
than it can bear that capsize a boat ; and, if the
IO2 Practical Boat-Sailing.
wind that has force enough to do this could be
" spilled " out of the sail, the boat would be imme-
diately relieved.
Therefore to insure safety, the person steering a
boat should never belay the sheet, but keep it in
hand, so as to be able to slack it off gradually, or
cast it off entirely at a moment's notice. To do
this, only one turn should be taken round the cleat ;
so that the sheet will slip under the force of a gust
of wind, when the hand retaining it in place slack-
ens it in the slightest degree.
If the whole sail points towards the wind's eye,
it no longer has any effect upon the boat. The
sail then shakes in the wind exactly as a flag does
from the top of a flag-staff, the wind passing by on
both sides. Should the sheet be hauled aft, the
sail would be filled with wind upon one side, and, if
the wind had strength to overcome the gravity of
the boat, capsize her.
Or, if the boat is so heavy ballasted that its gravi-
ty cannot be readily overcome, the mast or sail are
liable to be carried away, and danger incurred on
account of the towing mast and sail. These would
most likely draw the boat into the trough of the
sea, where she would be swamped almost instantly.
Jt does not follow, because the slacking of the
sheet is a safe thing to do, that it should always be
done. With boatmen who are thoroughly prac-
tised, it seldom is done ; for they can obtain the
Practical Hints on Boat-Sailing. 103
same result with the rudder by bringing the boat
into the wind until the sail shakes, with the sheet
still fast. This gives more control of the boat than
would be the case if the boom were out to leeward,
perhaps dragging in the water, on account of the
pressure of the wind upon the hull and mast.
The very best thing to do in a sudden squall is to
use a modification of both these methods ; i.e., slack
off the sheet for a foot or two, so that the sail, before
it can fill with wind, will be at such an angle with
the hull, that the shock upon the latter cannot be
great. This gives one more command of the boat,
and insures quicker movement of the hull, and
hence quicker obedience to the helm, should a
sudden change occur. This slacking of the sheet
also prevents the boat from going about on the
other tack, should she be brought too suddenly to
the wind.
With an experienced hand at the helm, unless
the squall is very severe, there is no need of luffing
so as to shake the sail to any great degree. The
slightest movement of the tiller will keep the sail
just quivering in the wind, the boat still advancing,
so that she will not lose steerage-way ; thus enabling
one to at once luff up nearer to the wind, or
change the boat's position rapidly, should the wind,
which is often the case, shift its direction suddenly.
Nothing is of more importance than to keep
steerage-way on the boat, as it is only in the ut-
IO4 Practical Boat-Sailing.
most emergency that the sheet should be slacked
wholly off, and the headway lost.
If the boat is well under command when the
squall is seen advancing, then the method of steer-
ing into the wind's eye may be safely adopted,
anil is, in fact, the better and more seamanlike
In small sail-boats on ponds, or arms of the sea,
when a thunder-shower is coming up, which can
always be seen in time, it is, as a rule, much the
safest plan to take the boat as quickly as possible
towards the nearest harbor or land, unless rocky,
inaccessible, or dangerous ; in which case, furl all
sail and let go an anchor, paying out such a scope
of cable that the boat will ride easily. Then wait
for the coming blast.
However severe it may be, the thunder-gust can
then do no harm. With an oar you can head the
boat towards the coming blast, so that she will feel
but little of its force, and prevent the dragging of
the anchor.
Thunder-showers are particularly dangerous, how-
ever, from the fact that they almost always make
their way directly against the prevailing wind.
When the two winds meet, and one finds one's self
in the vortex between them, it is very difficult to
command a boat. Each wind, fighting for the
supremacy, will fill the sails with gusts, for which
one does not more than have time to prepare before
Practical Hints on Boat-Sailing. 105
a counter-gust will throw them aback, or violently
to the opposite side of the boat. Often, in fact,
the wind, blowing a gale all the time, will in less
than five minutes have visited every point of the
compass. An anchor down and a furled sail are the
best for all small, open, or half-decked boats or
yachts in such an emergency.
Boats are often capsized by persons on board
suddenly scrambling to the windward, or upper
side, when a squall buries the lee gunwale in the
water. Should the boat at this moment be taken
aback by a counter squall or flaw, she will almost
surely capsize, for in one moment the windward
side becomes the leeward side ; and the mass of
weight hanging to what was, a moment before, the
weather-side, will carry the boat over. It is too
late to try and struggle back again : the bodies are
all in the wrong position to be able to turn around
inboard towards the centre of the boat. In their
helpless postures they face the waves that are ready
to devour them.
The safest position in an open boat, when pre-
paring for an approaching squall, is, for all except
the helmsman, to sit down in the bottom of the
boat, as near the centre as possible, thus being safe
from any blows from the boom of the sail, and in-
creasing the steadiness of the boat in a marked
degree. Here they act as ballast, and do much
good in keeping the boat upright.
io6 Practical Boat-Sailing.
To the above knowledge should be added also
the science of reefing the sails of a boat quickly
and neatly, so that she will stand up under a great
pressure of wind.
The mistake most frequently made is to neglect
to reef till it is too late. Landsmen scarcely ever
calculate how quickly wind moves, and how sud-
denly a change in the weather takes place. It is
easy to reef while there is time, but sometimes
almost impossible if too long delayed. Reefing
saves one from much anxiety. The boat that with
her whole sail would be cranky and dangerous
plunges along buoyantly through the summer gale
when her sails are properly reefed.
With a thorough knowledge of the sheet and
rudder, and how to reef a sail, there ought to be
no accidents, even in very small boats ; but the
trouble is, that too many tyros are allowed to invite
unsuspecting ladies and young girls into their boats,
they not understanding the first rudiments of a real
nautical knowledge, of how to manage a craft in
times of danger.
A boat is like a good horse, it will always do
the best it can. It will not capsize if it can help
it ; but, if mismanaged in time of emergency, it is
a dangerous plaything. Properly handled, it is
amazing, almost incredible, what can be done with
a small open boat, with a common lug-sail, and
what weather it will live through.
Practical Hints on Boat-Sailing, 107
But without knowledge, and knowing just what
to do in dangerous times, this pleasant summer sail
is a treacherous pastime.
io8 Practical Boat-Sailing.
" WELL, uncle Charley, when are you going to
give me a sail in your yacht? You know, that,
although I have sailed a little, I look forward with
the greatest impatience to a trip with you ; so that
I may become posted in all respects, and finally
turn out a first-class sailor."
" Your ambition is a worthy one, Tom ; and I am
willing to gratify it. But it is yet very early in the
season ; and I am afraid that we shall encounter
some dirty weather, should we attempt now to make
a trip."
"Well, that is the very thing that I want to
encounter," said Tom. " Besides, you have quite
a large yacht, and every thing in apple-pie order ;
whilst I only have a little bit of an open boat at my
home, and really know but little of the science of
boat-sailing, and nothing of the technical language
or discipline of a well-appointed vessel."
A Short Cruise with a Sloop -Yacht. 109
Thus spoke Tom Coffin, a young man of some
seventeen years, who was on a visit to his uncle,
Capt. Charles Coffin, a middle-aged retired sea-
captain, who knew a vessel from her stem to her
stern, and who retained his youthful passion for the
water, and enjoyed himself thoroughly during the
summer months in his beautiful yacht " Nancy
" By the way, uncle Charley, you have not told
me any thing yet about your yacht ; and you know
I have never seen her. How large is she ? "
" She is about thirty feet over all," said his uncle.
" How is she rigged ? Tell me all about her,
uncle, won't you?
" Well, the ' Nancy Lee ' was built two years ago,
and is what is called a ' centre-board sloop ; ' that
is, she is shallow, and broad of beam, and is rigged
as a sloop. She has a good comfortable cabin, and
sound spars, and strong and durable canvas, and
good ground-tackle, and I think she will compare
favorably with any of her class. She is not so fast
as some, being, as I said, of good beam, and her
spars and sails are not too large for rough weather ;
but I consider her a first-class boat for outside
work, safe, strong, and easily managed."
" How many crew do you carry, uncle Charley ? "
" Well, as a general rule, I have only Bob Stevens
with me, who made, if you remember, many voy-
ages to sea with me, and is a true, able seaman
no Practical Boat-Sailing.
in every sense of the word. He usually keeps the
' Nancy ' in order for me, and acts as ' cook and all
hands ; ' although, when I am going on a cruise of
a week or two, I usually take with me also Widow
Tompkins's son, who is smart and active, and who,
if he will only take a voyage round the Horn, will,
I prophesy, yet turn out a good sailor. But you
shall take his place."
" Is the yacht all ready now? "
" Oh, yes ! " replied uncle Charley. " She has
been at her moorings the last two weeks. But I
thought I would give you a day or two to get over
your journey before speaking about a cruise ; but I
see that young blood will not be restrained."
" And have you every thing on board ready for a
cruise?" asked Tom.
" Yes, every thing," replied his uncle ; " for,
being an oLl sailor, I like to have every thing pre-
pared. Now, on board the ' Nancy Lee ' you will
find, I will be bound, every thing that is needful for
a craft of her size ; such as compass, charts, signal-
lights, barometer, lead -line, log, and all that is need-
ful to handle her in a seamanlike manner in all
"Well, uncle, when will you start? Have you
provisions on board ? "
" Every thing is on board ; and, as you have in-
oculated me, I suppose we might as well get under
way to-morrow morning on the young ebb : so take
A Short Cruise with a Sloop -Yacht, in
yourself up aloft, young man, and 'turn in,' and be
prepared to turn out at about one bell in the morn-
ing watch ; and I will go down to the landing, and
see that Bob has every thing in ship-shape."
" Come, rouse out, youngster ! it is past one
bell," sang out the cheery voice of uncle Charley
at Tom's door the next morning ; and hurrying on
his clothes, and taking a small valise filled with a
change or two fit for sea-use, he was soon by his
uncle's side.
" Well, it is going to be a lovely morning, if it is
only the loth of May," said Capt. Coffin.
" Why, how do you know, uncle Charley? It is
as dark as pitch yet."
" Well, my boy, when you are as old as I am,
you will know how, by many signs, to forecast the
weather, even in the night-time. But let us hurry
along, and get on board, as I want to take advantage
of this ebb to get outside before the flood makes."
Arriving at the landing, the following conversa-
tion took place :
" ' Nancy,' ahoy ! "
" Ay, ay, sir ! "
"Is that you, Bob?"
" Yes, captain."
" Come ashore in the tender, and set us on
board !"
" Ay, ay, sir ! "
112 Practical Boat-Sailing.
The small boat soon reached the landing ; and
our friends were soon alongside the " Nancy Lee,"
and quickly on board.
" Now, Bob," said Capt. Coffin, " have you got
hot coffee and biscuit ready? "
" Yes, captain, all ready, and humming hot on the
" Well, then, we will go below, Bob, and you can
serve it in the cabin ; for it is well to get something
hot down before facing this damp morning air."
After each had drunk a good hot mug of strong
coffee without milk, and eaten a good large sea-
biscuit, Capt. Coffin and Tom appeared again on
deck, and preparations were made to get under
" Have you got the stops off of the mainsail,
" Yes, captain : they are all off."
" Then go forward, you two," said Capt. Coffin,
" and hoist away the mainsail. You take the peak-
halliards, Tom ; and you the throat, Bob. That's
the way ! Up she goes ! [Cheerily.] Avast,
there, Tom ! you are hoisting too fast on the peak,
and have jammed the hoops round the mast, so that
Bob can't get an inch on the throat-halliards. Slack
away a little ! Handsomely : there, that will do !
Now hoist away. Belay the peak-halliards ! Now
go over and take in the slack, whilst Bob swigs
off on the throat-halliards : that will do. Belay !
A Short Cruise with a Sloop -Yacht. 113
Now over to the peak, and stand by to peak it up,
whilst I let go the main-sheet, and lift up the main-
boom. So ! That will do. Belay ! Now coil the
halliards down snug, and lay aft here, Tom, and
tend the jib-sheet. Are the gaskets off the jib,
"Ay, ay, sir! All off I"
" Then let go your downhaul, and run her up !
" Now, Tom, I want to cast to starboard ; and, as
the yacht is now lying head to wind, when Bob has
the jib up, I want you to trim down flat on the port
jib-sheet, and hold on till I tell you to let go. Now,
Bob, is that jib chock up?"
" Yes, captain."
" All right, then ; slip your moorings, and let her
slide ! Haul aft the port jib-sheet, Tom ; and lay
aft here. Bob, and help shove this boom out to star-
board, whilst I put the helm to port. There, she
pays off all right ! Down with the centre-board,
Bob ! Let go the jib-sheet, and trim down to star-
board, Tom ! That will do. Belay !
" There ! Don't she move through the water
well? Just a nice working-breeze. And see the
glimmer of the breaking day over there to the east-
ward ! I wonder if we can fetch by Rouse's Point
without going about. I fear not ; but we shall see
long before we get there. There is plenty of time.
" Now, Tom, do you see that little light on shore,
just forward of the weather fore-rigging? Come
and stand just where I am, and see if you see it."
1 14 Practical Boat-Sailing.
"Yes, uncle, I see it all right."
" Well, take the helm, and keep her just as she
goes, with that light cutting the weather-rigging, as
a course. She steers like a pilot-boat, and you will
have no trouble. Bob, keep a good lookout there
forward, whilst I go below to have a look at the
" Ay, ay, sir ! "
" Now, Tom, I have looked carefully at the chart,
and I know this harbor well ; but the wind is so
scant, that I am afraid that we shall not be able to
lie by Rouse's Point without going about ; and I had
rather do it now than when we get farther down,
and nearer to the point, for there are some bad
rocks make off: so I think that we will go about
to make all sure.
" Ready about !
" Come aft, Bob, and tend the lee jib-sheet ! And
you look out for the weather one, Tom ! All ready !
Hard a-lee ! Let go the jib-sheet ! Avast haul-
ing, Tom : you are too quick ! Trim down, Bob !
Now let draw, and trim down flat, Tom, and
belay ! There, she begins to trot again ! We can't
stand very far in this direction ; for we are crossing
the channel at about right angles, and it is not more
than a mile and a half wide hereabouts ; and I
don't want to be picked up by any of these flats on
an ebb tide, and don't mean to ; and yet I want to
stand over just as far as I can, so as to clear Rouse's
A Short Cruise until a Sloop -Yacht. 115
Point on the next tack. There comes the daylight
at last ! Is it not a beautiful sight, Tom? Come,
l!ob, jump below, and get up the hand lead, and
give us a few casts from the weather-rigging.
"Are you all ready?"
" Ay, ay, sir ! "
" Then cast."
BOB. And a quarter less five.
" That is plenty of water ; isn't it, Tom ? But then
you can't be too careful, and there is nothing like
the lead. We only draw eight feet and a half with
the centre-board down, and only three and a half
with it up : so we have little to fear yet. Keep cast-
ing, Rob ! "
Hi >i;. By the deep, four !
"There, you see Tom, we have already com-
menced to shoal our water.".
Bon. And a quarter less three !
" Still shoaling, and pretty fast too."
Bon. And by the mark, two !
" We are getting well over, Tom ; but we will
have a cast or two more from Bob."
Bon. And a quarter less two !
Bon. And a half one !
" Ready about !
" Hard a-lee !
"There, Tom, you did better with your jib-sheet
that time, and did not try to haul it over too quick,
and before Bob had trimmed it down again to make
her pay off.
n 6 Practical Boat-Sailing.
" See, Tom, the day is breaking fast, and there is
Rouse's Point well on our lee. If the wind holds,
we shall not have the slightest difficulty in passing
it on this tack. And now, as we are going to make
a long leg, we will let Bob go below and get break-
fast ready. Do you think you can eat any thing,
Tom ? "
" Yes, uncle, I think I can ; but this is just splen-
did. But tell, me, why do you trim down the jib
again on the same side, after letting it go ? Would
not the yacht come about without it?"
" Yes, she would," replied Capt. Coffin, " easily ;
but I wanted you to see how a craft should be put
about in a seamanlike manner, and how she would
have to be put about in heavy weather. It is well
to know how to do a thing well, and what will be
necessary in times of emergency."
" Thank you, uncle : I shall remember. Is it not
a lovely morning, and how nicely we are slipping
along ! I think I could eat a piece of whale's
blubber, I am so hungry."
"Are you, Tom? Well, so am I. But here
comes Bob up the companion-way, to say that
breakfast is ready.
" Now, Bob, keep her full and by ; and, if she
breaks off any, call me at once, for we shall have to
go about again.
" Let's get below, Tom, and get our breakfast ;
for I must not be long below till we get well out-
A Short Cruise with a Sloop - Yacht. \ i 7
"Is this not a snug little cabin? and haven't I
got things hand}- around me? I like to have things
where I can put my hand upon them quickly.
" If you have finished, we will go on deck again.
" Well, Bob, has she held her course ? "
" I don't believe she has changed it a pint,
Opt. Coffin."
" Well, go below and get your breakfast, ancl
clear things up. We will look out for her. In an
hour or two we shall be out in the sound all clear."
" See, uncle, how we have gained upon that fish-
ing-schooner ! Are we not going to pass too near
him? He evidently is beating out as well as we."
"You are right, Tom. If we should keep on,
there would be a collision ; but as we are on the
port-tack, and the fishing-schooner on the starboard-
tack, and both of us close-hauled, he has the right
of way ; and it is therefore for that reason that I
gracefully ease off the main-sheet, as you see, and
keep her off, so as to pass under his stern, whilst he
passes saucily on his course and to windward. But
it is his right, and we must not hesitate. When we
are on the starboard-tack, we will demand our rights
just as strongly."
" I am afraid after all, uncle Charley, that it is
going to be rough; is it not? The day is not as
pleasant as it was an hour ago, and it seems kind
of overcast and cloudy to windward."
" Yes, Tom : the weather does look a little dirty
n8 Practical Boat-Sailing.
to windward, but nothing to speak of; but, as you
started to see some fun, I hope that you will see it."
" How far do you call us now from the land ? "
"Well, I should say that we were a good ten
miles from the southern light. I can tell you
exactly by cross-bearings, if you really want to
know very much."
" No, uncle, I do not care enough to give you
that trouble ; and, besides, I only wanted to know
about how far off you estimated it. We must be
going through the water pretty fast, as she is well
heeled over."
"Yes, she is jumping along now, and the wind
and sea are both getting up fast. I think that I
shall take in a reef.
" Never be ashamed, Tom, of reefing early : it is
a simple matter if undertaken in time ; but, if neg-
lected too long, is a difficult, and at times a dan-
gerous job.
" In the first place, you and Bob get hold of that
tender, and draw her up on the lee-side, and get
her aboard forward, where she belongs, and lash
her down. Don't get overboard !
" Be careful of the rail, Bob : don't chafe it.
Now lash her down snug, and, as soon as you are
ready, man the jib-halliards and downhaul. All
" Ay, ay, sir ! "
"Then let go the jib halliards. Down with it,
A Short Cruise with a Sloop -Yacht. 119
Bob ! Lend a hand on the downhaul, Tom !
There, that will do ! Make fast !
" Stand by the throat and peak halliards ! lower
away ! That will do. Well of all. Belay ! Come,
lay aft here, and bowse out on this reef-pennant !
That will do ! Lay out on the boom, Bob, and pass
this earing ! All fast?"
" All fast, sir."
" Then come in and get another earing for the
luff, Bob, and hurry up !
" That's the talk ; make fast ! Now tackle the
reef-points, and knot as fast as you can. Now lay
forward, and off with the bonnet, off the jib ! And
sing out when you are ready.
" Now lay aft, and hoist up the mainsail ! That
will do. Belay ! Now up with the jib !
" There, off we go upon our course again. Do you
see how much better she stands up to it, Tom ? and
how much better weather we are making? I don't
like the looks of things to windward, however ; and
I guess that we will square away for a harbor that
I know on the other side of the sound, unless you
would like to heave to out here, and ride it out.
But we should make nothing by that, and we may
as well get in smoother water as to jump about
here ; for it is coming on to blow fresh, if I know
any thing about weather. My barometer is falling
too, which is also a warning sign.
" Here comes an extra puff, rather more than we
I2O Practical Boat-Sailing.
can stand even with this reef in ; but you see, by
shaking her up into the wind, I have allowed all its
force to pass us without damage.
" Well, I think that we have had enough of this :
it is cold, and the water that we are taking on
board will soon chill us more. Here goes for
squaring away before it !
" Stand by the main-sheet and jib-halliards !
" Ease away on the main-sheet, Tom ! hand-
somely ! Keep a good turn ! Don't let it get
away with you. That will do ! Ease off the jib-
sheet, Bob ! Make fast ! "
" All fast, sir ! "
" Why, uncle Charley, what a change ! I should
think there was scarcely any wind at all."
" Yes, that is a most common impression when
a craft is kept off before the wind after pounding
into it ; but you should not be deceived. Now is
the time that you must pay great attention to the
helm ; for the waves lift the stern so far out of the
water, that the rudder acts, as you see, in an irreg-
ular and unequal manner, causing me to meet her
as she yaws with a quick movement of the helm.
I don't like the looks of the weather at all.
" Look out ! Hold on, everybody ! There,
that sea has pooped us, and we are all afloat ! This
will never do.
" Stand by to haul aft the main-sheet ! We
must shake out this reef, Bob, if it is blowing fresh,
A Short Cruise with a Sloop -Yacht. 121
so as to go faster before the wind, and not get
pooped again."
[The reef is shaken out, and the yacht again
kept away.]
" There, Tom ! see how she runs away from
those large seas, now ! No more danger of their
coming on board again.
" You see, the tide was against us, and the wind
astern ; and the ' Nancy ' moved too slowly forward
to escape those big fellows. This is one of the
times that it is good seamanship to clap on more
sail, although the sea is getting up. If we should
haul on a wind now, we should need two reefs in ;
but, running before it, she is doing very well.
" There is the headland that we shall have to
leave on the port-side. Do you see it, Tom ? We
shall have to jibe before we can run in, and that is
a manoeuvre that must be nicely executed in such a
sea-way as this. But we shall execute it all right,
as you shall see.
" Lay aft here, Bob, and stand by the peak-hall-
iards ! Let go ! That will do. Belay ! Now
clap on this main-sheet, and get it aft, steadily.
Round it in !
" Keep a good turn at the cleat ! Don't let the
boom get away with you ! Now slack the lee jib-
sheet off, so that the jib can work itself. Now
look out for the jerk when the boom goes over,
and stand by to slack the sheet at once. Hand-
122 Practical Boat-Sailing.
somely done ! Slack away the main-sheet ! Be-
lay ! There, that is a good job ! Up with the
peak ! Belay !
" Go forward, Bob, and stock the second anchor ;
and bend on the cable, and have it all ready for
anchoring ; for we shall not find very much lee in
this harbor till the wind shifts. But there is good
holding-ground, and we shall be all right.
" As soon as we pass that lighthouse, Tom, and
get in the bight of the bay you see ahead on the
starboard-side, I shall round her to, and let go the
anchors. There are two fishermen at anchor there
now. Do you see them ? "
" Yes, uncle, I see them ; and they seem to be
laboring pretty heavy."
" Yes. That is because they are loaded deep ;
but we shall ride like a bird.
" Haul down the jib, and stow it ! Lend Bob a
hand, Tom. Now come aft here !
" Stand by the anchor, Bob ! "
" Ay, ay, sir ! "
" Now you see, Tom, how I round her up under
the stern of this fisherman, and bring her head to
" Let go the anchor ! "
" All gone."
" Don't check her too quick, Bob ! Pay out !
pay out ! Now snub her, but not too sharp. Does
she hold?^
" Yes, sir. She has brought up."
A Short Cruise with a Sloop -Yacht. 123
" Then let go the second anchor, and pay out
on both. Give your cables plenty of scope.
That will do. Make every thing fast.
" I can see by the land that she does not drag.
But jump below, Bob, and hand me up the hand
lead, that I may throw it over the side, and see
that she is holding all right.
" There, Tom ! don't she ride easily ?
" Now down mainsail, and stow it, before it is
slatted to pieces by the wind, and lash the helm
amidships. \Ve shall ride here like a Mother
Carey's chicken.
" Now let's sound the pumps, and then we will
go below, and take things easy till this wind moder-
ates ; have a good, nice dinner ; and then we
will proceed upon our cruise. Well, Tom, do you
think you have smelt salt water, boy?"
" Yes, uncle ; but I like it, though, and the way
you manage, in spite of the elements. We have
not started a rope-yarn, and are lying here as snug
as a bug in a rug."
And thus we will leave them, wishing them good
weather, and a pleasant ending to their cruise.
124 Practical Boat Sailing.
ABACK. A sail is said to be taken aback, when
its forward surface is acted upon by the wind.
ABAFT. The position, towards the stern, or
hinder part of the yacht, from any stated point ; as,
"abaft the forecastle," "abaft the mainmast,"
" abaft the cabin."
ABEAM. Any object is said to be abeam that
bears at right angles to the line of the keel ; and an
imaginary line drawn at right angles across the keel,
equidistant from the bow and stern, divides the
yacht into two parts. Any thing bearing forward of
this line is said to be " forward of the beam," and
any thing bearing behind this line is said to be
" abaft the beam."
ABOARD. In the yacht ; as, " Get the anchor
aboard ! " " Come aboard ! "
ABOUT. A yacht is said to "go about" when
tacking, the order to prepare for which is, " Ready
about ! "
Vocabulary of Sea -Terms. 125
ABREAST. Opposite to, as relates to the sides
of a yacht ; as, abreast of a lighthouse, when the
side of the yacht is at right angles to it, or nearly so.
ADRII-T. Broken loose from moorings; or any
thing rolling about the decks loose in a sea-way is
said to have broken adrift.
AFLOAT. Clear of the bottom, sustained by
the water.
AFORE That part of the yacht nearest to the
stem, or head.
AFT. Behind; as, ' Stand further aft," "Haul
aft the main sheet ! " i.e , bring the boom nearer the
line of the keel
AFTER. Hinder, as after sails, such as the main-
sail, in contra distinction to forward-sails, such as
the jib.
AGROUND -Not having water enough for the
yacht, which rests on the ground.
AHEAD. Before the yacht; any thing in ad-
vance of where the yacht is being directed.
A-LEE. The helm is a-lee when the tiller is put
to the lee-side ; " hard a lee," when it is put over
as far as it will go."
AM. ix THE WIXD. When the sails receive a
portion of the wind on both surfaces, and shake or
wave like a flag.
ALL HANDS, AHOY. A summons used to call
all the crew on deck in an emergency.
ALOFT. Up above, at the masthead.
126 Practical Boat- Sailing.
ALONGSIDE. Close to the side of the yacht.
AMIDSHIPS. Any thing in a line with the keel ;
viz., " Put the helm amidships ! "
To ANCHOR. To let the anchor fall overboard
that it may hold the yacht ; the order for which is
" Let go the anchor ! "
ANCHORAGE. Ground fit to anchor on.
To WEIGH THE ANCHOR. To heave it up from
the bottom to the bow of the yacht.
ASHORE. On land, aground.
ASTERN. Behind the yacht.
ATHWART. Across.
ATHWART-SHIPS. Any thing lying at right angles
to the line of the keel, or nearly so.
AVAST. To cease pulling, to stop.
A-WEATHER The helm is said to be a-weather
when the tiller is put over to the windward side of
the yacht ; and " hard a-weather," when it is put
over as far as it will go.
AWNING. A canvas covering stretched overhead,
to give protection from the heat of the sun.
BACK-STAYS. Ropes fixed at the topmasthead,
and fastened to the sides of the yacht to sustain
the topmast.
BALLAST. A quantity of heavy material placed
in the hold of the yacht to give her proper stability.
BANDS. Pieces of canvas sewn across a sail to
strengthen it to sustain the reef-points, and called
Vocabulary of Sea-Terms. 127
BAR. A shoal, usually found at the mouths of
rivers and harbors that are subject to much current.
BARE POLES. Having no sail up, on account
of the severity of the wind : hence " scudding
under bare poles," that is, running before the wind
with no sail set.
BEAMS. Pieces of timber across the yacht under
the decks, bound to the sides by knees. A yacht
is said to be on her " beam-ends " when she is hove
down by any force, so that the ends of the beams
point towards the ground.
FORWARD OF THE BEAM. When the object or
wind is at some position between abeam and ahead.
BEFORE THE BEAM. When the wind or object
bears on some point forward of the beam, but with-
in the right angle formed by the keel and a line
across the middle of the yacht.
ABAFT THE BEAM. The opposite to Before the
BEARINGS. The direction of any object by ob-
servation of the compass ; also to any object, as
the lighthouse bears abaft the beam.
BEATING TO WINDWARD. Advancing in the di-
rection from which the wind proceeds by a series
of manoeuvres called " tacking."
BECALMED. Having no wind to fill the sails.
One sail is also said to becalm another when the
wind is aft.
BELAY. To make fast a rope around a cleat or
128 Practical Boat-Sailing.
To BEND. To fasten-; as to bend the sails, bend
on the cable to the anchor, bend on the colors,
BIGHT. Any slack part of a rope between the
BILGE. The flat part of a yacht's bottom, where
the water that she ships, or which leaks in, remains,
and is called " bilge-water."
BINNACLE. A box, fitted with lights, which
contains the steering- compass.
BERTH. An anchorage ; a bunk or wooden shelf
used for sleeping in.
Birrs. Large, upright pieces of timber, with a
cross-piece, to which hawsers or large ropes are
belayed ; also called " knight-heads."
BLOCKS. Instruments, with sheaves or pulleys,
used to increase the power of ropes.
BLOCK AND BLOCK (also called commonly " chock-
a-block "). When the two blocks of a tackle have
been brought as near together as possible.
To MAKE A BOARD. To tack.
To MAKE A STERN-BOARD. To move through
the water stern foremost.
BOB-STAYS. Ropes from the cut-water, or stem,
to the bowsprit end, to sustain and strengthen it.
BOLT- ROPES. Ropes sewn round the edges of
the sails, to keep them from splitting.
BOOMS. Round pieces of timber on which the
foot of sails are lashed.
Vocabulary of Sea-Terms. 129
Bows. The round part of the yacht forward,
ending in the cut-water, or stem.
To BOUSE. To haul upon.
BOWSPRIT. A spar nearly parallel with the deck,
extending out over the stem.
To BRING UP. To take the bottom suddenly,
as brought up by a shoal ; to come to an anchor.
To BRING To. To make the yacht nearly sta-
tionary by stopping her headway by means of the
sails set in different positions, so as to counterpoise
each other in connection with the helm.
BUTT END. The end of a plank in a yacht's
side ; to start a butt, i.e., to leak.
BY THE BOARD. A mast is said to go by the
board when carried away just above the deck.
BY THE HEAD. When a yacht is deeper in
the water forward than aft.
BY THE STERN. The reverse of " by the head."
BY THE WIND. When a yacht is as near the
wind as she can be sailed without the sails shaking ;
also called " full and by."
CABLE. The rope by which the yacht is secured
to the anchor.
To PAY OUT THE CABLE. To allow more of it
to pass outboard, so that the yacht lies farther from
the anchor.
CABOOSE. Place where the food is cooked ; also
called the " cook's galley."
CALL. A silver whistle used by the boatswain
to have certain orders obeyed.
130 Practical Boat-Sailing.
CAPSIZE. To turn over.
To CARRY AWAY. A spar is said to be carried
away when it is broken by the wind.
To CAST OFF. To untie, to allow to go free ;
viz., " Cast off the main-sheet ! " " Cast off that
boat's painter ! "
CASTING. To pay a yacht off on the desired
tack when weighing the anchor, by arranging the
sails so as to be taken aback.
CAT BOAT- RIG. A yacht rigged with one mast
placed chock forward in the eyes, and without stays
or bowsprit, and fitted with one fore-and-aft sail.
CAT'S-PAW. A light breeze or puff of air seen
upon the water.
To CALK. To drive oakum or cotton into the
seams to prevent leaking, and to " pay " the same
with pitch or tar.
CENTRE-BOARD. A movable keel that can be
lowered or hoisted at pleasure.
To CLAW OFF. To beat to windward from off
a lee-shore.
CLEAT. A piece of wood with two horns, fast-
ened to the side of the yacht or to the mast, upon
which ropes are made fast.
CLEWS. The corners of sails.
CLOSE-HAULED. To sail as near the wind as
COILING. To gather up a rope into a circular
form ready for running out again at a moment's
Vocabulary of Sea-Terms. 131
notice ; such as, " Coil up the peak-halliards, and
have them ready for running ! "
COURSE. The point of the compass on which
the yacht sails.
CROSS - BEARINGS. The finding of the exact
position of the yacht upon the chart by taking the
bearings by compass of two objects on shore.
CROTCH. Two crossed pieces of wood in which
the main boom is lashed, when the yacht is at an-
chor or the sail furled, to confine it in place.
To CUN. To direct the helmsman how to steer.
Cur- WATER. The timber forming the entrance
of the yacht.
BOAT- DAVITS. Pieces of strong, bent iron stand-
ing out over the side to hoist boats up to, and secure
DOWXHAUL. A rope used to pull down the jib,
DRAUGHT. Depth of water. Thus it is said of
a yacht that her draught is three feet; i.e., she
draws three feet of water.
DRIFT. To drive to leeward ; to lose steer-
age way for want of wind.
EARINGS. Small ropes used for lashings.
EASE OFF. To slacken.
EASE OFF HANDSOMELY. To slacken very care-
END FOR END. To change a rope that has
been worn, and use one part where the other u as
formerly used.
132 Practical Boat-Sailing.
END ON. To advance bow or stern on, or to
have another vessel approach in a similar manner.
ENSIGN. The national flag, carried always at
the gaff-end.
FAG-END. The end of a rope which is frayed.
FALLING OFF. When a yacht moves from the
wind farther than she ought.
FATHOM. A measurement six feet in length.
FID. A tapered piece of wood used to splice
ropes with, and, when made of iron, called a " mar-
To FILL. To have the wind strike the inner or
after surfaces of the sails.
FLAKE. One circle of a coil of rope.
FLUKES. The broad spade-like parts of an
FORE. That part of the yacht nearest to the
FORE AND AFT. In the direction of the keel ;
also vessels without square yards. Hence a schoon-
er is often called a " fore-and-after ; " and a ship, a
FOUL HAWSE. When the cables are twisted.
To FOUL. To entangle a rope; as, "The jib-
halliards are foul. To run foul of a yacht is to
come in collision with another.
To FOUNDER. To sink.
FURLING. Making the sails fast to the booms
and spars, and stowing them, by means of gaskets.
Vocabulary of Sea-Terms. 133
GAFF. The spar that supports the head of a
fore-and-aft sail.
GANGWAY. The place where persons come on
GASKET. A piece of rope or narrow canvas
used to tie up sails with, or lash any thing.
To Go ABOUT. To tack.
GORING. Cutting a sail obliquely.
GRANNY-KNOT. A foul knot, one not tied in
a proper manner.
GRIPING. When a yacht carries too great a
weather- helm.
HALLIARDS. Ropes or pulleys to hoist up sails.
HANDS. The crew; i.e., "Send a hand aft
here ! " " All hands," all the crew. To " hand a
sail," to furl it. " Bear a hand," hurry up to help.
Hand lead, instrument used for sounding.
HANDSOMELY. Carefully.
HANKS. Oval rings, fitted to work upon stays,
to which the sail is lashed to be hoisted or lowered.
HATCHWAY. A square hole in the deck that
communicates with the hold.
To HAUL. To pull.
To HAIL. To call out to another ship ; such
as " What ship is that? "
To HEEL. To incline to one side; i.e., she
heels over too much on account of a want of bal-
HKLM. A tiller or wheel which controls the
134 Practical Boat-Sailing.
To HAUL HOME. To pull the clew of any sail
as far as it will go.
Too HIGH. The warning given to the helms-
man when the yacht is too near the wind.
To HITCH. To make fast.
THE HOLD. The space under deck.
HULL. The body of a yacht.
" IN IRONS." A yacht is said to be " in irons "
when she has lost steerage way from any cause, and
will not obey the helm.
JACK-STAY. A small bar of iron, or slat of wood,
fastened to a spar, and to which the sail is bent.
To JAM. A knot is said to be jammed when it
cannot be untied.
JUNK. Old pieces of rope, canvas, &c.
JURY-MASTS. Temporary masts used when
others are carried away.
JIBING. The act of passing the main boom
from one side of the yacht to the other, whilst run-
ning before the wind.
KEEL. That part of the yacht lowest in the
water, and upon which all her superstructure is
KINK. A twist or turn in the rope.
To LABOR. A yacht is said to labor when she
pitches and rolls heavily in a sea-way.
LAND- FALL. Discovering the land.
LARBOARD. The left side of the yacht, facing
forward, now almost obsolete, port having almost
Vocabulary of Sea-Terms. 135
wholly taken its place ; larboard having been
found in practice to be too near in sound to its
opposite starboard.
LAY AFT. The command to come aft. "Lay
aloft," to go up the rigging. " Lay out," to go out,
on the bowsprit, for instance. " Lay in," to come
LEACH. The perpendicular border of a fore-
and-aft sail.
LEE- LURCH. When the yacht rolls heavily and
suddenly to leeward.
LEE-SHORE. The coast-line to leeward of the
yacht, on which the wind is blowing.
LEEWARD. The direction towards which the
wind is blowing.
LONG LEG. A term used when the wind is not
dead ahead, but so as to cause the yacht to make a
long tack and a short one. Hence, to make " a long
leg," and a short leg.
LOG. The record of the yacht's performance
each day of twenty-four hours, as concerns weather,
courses, &c., kept in a log-book. " Heaving the
log," to ascertain the speed by means of a log-
LOOMING. The appearance of a distant object,
such as another vessel, or the land, especially in
foggy or misty weather, when it is said to loom, i.e.,
look larger, and appear nearer, than it really is.
LUBBER. A person who is not a sailor, a
136 Practical Boat-Sailing.
LUFF. An order to have the helmsman put the
helm to leeward ; the forward part of a fore-and-aft
sail attached to the mast by hoops.
LYING To. Bringing the yacht to the wind
under small sail, and lashing the helm a-lee, so that
she may lie safely, and ride out the storm.
To MOOR. To secure the yacht by more than
one anchor.
MOORINGS. The place where the yacht is gen-
erally kept when in harbor, and denoted by a buoy,
which watches over them.
NEAP-TIDES. Those tides which occur when
the moon is in her quarters ; spring-tides being
much higher, and occurring at the full and change.
Too NEAR. A warning to the helmsman that
the sails are not quite full, and that he is steering a
little too near the wind.
MAIN CHAINS. Place on the yacht's side where
the shrouds and backstays are fastened.
MISS-STAYS. The act of failing to "go about"
on the other tack.
MODEL. The shape and form of the hull.
OFF AND ON. Approaching the land on one
tack, and leaving it on the other.
OFFING. Out to sea, clear of all dangers, yet
near the land ; sea-room.
OVERBOARD. Out of the yacht ; in the water.
OVERHAULING. To haul a rope through a block ;
to examine any thing thoroughly ; to gain upon a
vessel or object ahead.
Vocabulary of Sea-Terms. 137
PAINTER. A short rope in the bows of a boat
by which she is secured.
To TART. To tear asunder ; i.e., the cable has
parted ; the main-sheet has parted.
To PASS A LASHING. To wind a rope round a
spar or sail.
PAY. To rub on pitch or tar with a large brush.
To PAY OFF. To make a yacht's head recede
from the wind by hauling the jib to windward, and
easing off the main-boom to leeward.
To PEAK UP. To elevate the outer or after end
of a gaff, so that the sail may set better.
PLYING. Turning to windward.
POOPING. A yacht is said to be pooped when
she is struck by a sea that comes on board over
the stern or quarter.
PORT. See larboard.
I'KI.VKNTER. Any thing to secure cr take off the
strain, as preventer jib-sheet.
PENNANT. A long narrow flag.
QUARTER. That part of the yacht's side con-
tained between the beam and stern.
RAKE. The sheer of masts from the perpendic-
RANGE OF CABLE. A sufficient length over-
hauled and ready so as to allow the anchor to reach
the bottom without fouling.
To RI.KI. To reduce a sail by fastening it down
to a boom or jack-stay by means of reef-points.
138 Practical Boat-Sailing.
To REEVE. To pass a rope through a block.
To RIDE. To be held at anchor.
To RIGHT. A yacht is said to right when she
rises to an upright position again, after having been
thrown on her beam-ends by a sudden squall.
To RIGHT THE HELM. To put it amidships, so
that the rudder will be in a line with the keel.
To RUN DOWN. When one yacht sinks another
by running over her.
SCANT. The wind is said to be scant when a
yacht will barely lay her course.
SCOPE. To pay out more of the cable when at
To SCUD. To run before the wind in a storm.
To SCUTTLE. To make holes in a yacht's bot-
tom to sink her.
To SERVE. To wind any thing round a rope so
as to save it from chafing.
To SEIZE. To make fast or bind.
To SHEER. To vary to the right and left from
a direct course.
To SHIP. To place or receive any thing on
board ; as, to ship a sea, to ship a crew.
To SHIVER. To make the sails shake in the
wind's eye.
SHOAL. The land beneath the water that ap-
proaches near the surface, or is left bare at low
THE SLACK OF A ROPE. The part that hangs
Vocabulary of Sea-Terms. 139
To SLIP A CABLE. To let it run out overboard,
and release the yacht from the anchor, being first
generally buoyed so as to be recovered.
To SLUE. To turn any thing about.
SNUB. Used in reference to the cables, in
checking the yacht, after they have been paid
To SOUND. To ascertain the depth of water by
means of a lead-line.
To TAKE A SPELL. To relieve any one at any
duty ; as, to take a spell at the wheel.
To SPILL. To take the wind out of a sail by
easing off the sheets or otherwise, so as to remove
the pressure of the wind.
To SPLICE. To join two ropes together by in-
terweaving the strands.
To SPRING A MAST. To crack or split it.
A SPRING. A rope made fast to the cable, and
taken on board aft, in order to haul the yacht's side
in any direction.
SPRING-TIDES. The highest tides, which occur
at the full and change of the moon.
To STAND ON. To keep on in one's course.
To STAND BY. To be ready.
STARBOARD. The right side of a yacht, the ob-
server looking from aft forward.
To STEER. To control the yacht with the rud-
der and tiller.
STRANDED. A yacht is said to be stranded when
she is so far on shore that she cannot be floated.
140 Practical Boat- Sailing.
To STRIKE. To beat against the bottom; to
hit suddenly any object below the surface of the
SWIG OFF. To take a turn with a rope at a cleat,
and then pull upon it laterally, so as to gather in all
the slack.
To TACK. To advance by a series of angles
toward the direction from which the wind pro-
TAUT. Tight.
TAUNT. Long, lofty.
TENDER. A small boat or wherry used to pass
from the yacht to the shore.
To Tow. To drag any thing astern behind the
yacht ; as,- to tow the tender.
TRUCK. The small ball at the topmasthead,
through which the signal-halliards reeve.
TROUGH OF THE SEA. The level of the water
between two waves.
UNBEND. To cast off, to release ; as, " Unbend
the anchor from the cable ! " " Unbend the main-
sail ! " roll it up and put it below.
To UNSHIP. To take any thing from the place
where it was fixed ; as, to " unship the rudder."
WAKE. The track, or furrow, left by the yacht
on the water she has passed over.
To WEAR. To turn a yacht round from the
wind, the direct opposite of tacking.
Vocabulary of Sea-Terms. 141
To WARP. - - To move a yacht by hawsers.
WATCH. A division of the crew into starboard
and larboard watch, who take turns in taking care
of the yacht.
WATER-LOGGED. The condition of a yacht
when she is so full of water as to be almost unman-
ageable, and nearly submerged.
WAY. Progress through the water : " she has
good way on." To a boat's crew, to cease pulling,
the command is given, " Way enough."
To WEATHER A YACHT. To get to the wind-
ward side by faster speed, or lying nearer the
WEATHER BEATEN. Worn by the weather and
WI.I.L OF ALL. A command used when the
several ropes of a sail have all been hauled upon at
the same time, and it is perfectly set, and means to
To WEIGH. To lift an anchor from the bot-
WIND'S EYE. The exact direction from which
the wind proceeds.
To WINDWARD. Towards that point from which
the wind blows.
To WORK TO WINDWARD. To tack so as to
make progress in the direction from which the wind
142 Practical Boat-Sailing.
YACHT. A vessel used for pleasure only, and
not for commerce or trade ; built for speed and
To YAW. To swerve suddenly and violently
from the true course, in spite of the action of the
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