 IN 1685, 
 To 1846. 
 LONDON : Printed by W. CLOWES and Sons, Stamford Street, 
 For Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
 1st January, 1836. 
 His MAJESTY has been pleased to com- 
 mand, that, with a view of doing the fullest justice 
 to Regiments, as well as to Individuals who have 
 distinguished themselves by their Bravery in 
 Action with the Enemy, an Account of the Ser- 
 vices of every Regiment in the British Army shall 
 be published under the superintendence and 
 direction of the Adjutant-General ; and that this 
 Account shall contain the following particulars, 
 The Period and Circumstances of the 
 Original Formation of the Regiment ; The Sta- 
 tions at which it has been from time to time em- 
 ployed ; The Battles, Sieges, and other Military 
 Operations, in which it has been engaged, par- 
 ticularly specifying any Achievement it may have 
 performed, and the Colours, Trophies, &c., it 
 may have captured from the Enemy. 
 - The Names of the Officers, and the 
 number of Non-Commissioned Officers and Pri- 
 vates, Killed or Wounded by the Enemy, spe- 
 cifying the Place and Date of the Action. 
 The names of those Officers, who, in con- 
 sideration of their Gallant Services and Meri- 
 torious Conduct in Engagements with the Enemy, 
 have been distinguished with Titles, Medals, or 
 other Marks of His Majesty's gracious favour. 
 - The Names of all such Officers, Non-Com- 
 missioned Officers and Privates as may have 
 specially signalized themselves in Action. 
 The Badges and Devices which the Re- 
 giment may have been permitted to bear, and the 
 Causes on account of which such Badges or De- 
 vices, or any other Marks of Distinction, have 
 been granted. 
 By Command of the Right Honourable 
 Commanding-in- Chief. 
 Adjutant- General.
 THE character and credit of the British Army must 
 chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour by which 
 all who enter into its service are animated, and 
 consequently it is of the highest importance that any 
 measure calculated to excite the spirit of emulation, 
 by which alone great and gallant actions are achieved, 
 should be adopted. 
 Nothing can more fully tend to the accomplishment 
 of this desirable object than a full display of the 
 noble deeds with which the Military History of our 
 country abounds. To hold forth these bright 
 examples to the imitation of the youthful soldier, 
 and thus to incite him to emulate the meritorious 
 conduct of those who have preceded him in their 
 honourable career, are among the motives that have 
 given rise to the present publication. 
 The operations of the British Troops are, indeed, 
 announced in the " London Gazette," from whence 
 they are transferred into the public prints: the 
 achievements of our armies are thus made known at 
 the time of their occurrence, and receive the tribute 
 of praise and admiration to which they are entitled. 
 On extraordinary occasions, the Houses of Parliament 
 have been in the habit of conferring on the Com- 
 manders, and the Officers and Troops acting under 
 their orders, expressions of approbation and of thanks 
 for their skill and bravery; and these testimonials, 
 confirmed by the high honour of their Sovereign's 
 approbation, constitute the reward which the 
 soldier most highly prizes. 
 It has not, however, until late years, been the prac- 
 tice (which appears to have long prevailed in some of 
 the Continental armies) for British Regiments to keep 
 regular records of their services and achievements. 
 Hence some difficulty has been experienced in obtain- 
 ing, particularly from the old Regiments, an au- 
 thentic account of their origin and subsequent services. 
 This defect will now be remedied, in consequence
 of His Majesty having been pleased to command 
 that every Regiment shall in future keep a full and 
 ample record of its services at home and abroad. 
 From the materials thus collected, the country 
 will henceforth derive information as to the difficulties 
 and privations which chequer the career of those who 
 embrace the military profession. In Great Britain, 
 where so large a number of persons are devoted to 
 the active concerns of agriculture, manufactures, 
 and commerce, and where these pursuits have, for so 
 long a period, been undisturbed by the presence of 
 war, which few other countries have escaped, com- 
 paratively little is known of the vicissitudes of active 
 service, and of the casualties of climate, to which, 
 even during peace, the British Troops are exposed in 
 every part of the globe, with little or no interval of 
 In their tranquil enjoyment of the blessings which 
 the country derives from the industry and the enter- 
 prise of the agriculturist and the trader, its happy 
 inhabitants may be supposed not often to reflect on 
 the perilous duties of the soldier and the sailor, on
 their sufferings, and on the sacrifice of valuable 
 life, by which so many national benefits are obtained 
 and preserved. 
 The conduct of the British Troops, their valour, 
 and endurance, have shone conspicuously under great 
 and trying difficulties; and their character has been 
 established in Continental warfare by the irresistible 
 spirit with which they have effected debarkations in 
 spite of the most formidable opposition, and by the 
 gallantry and steadiness with which they have main- 
 tained their advantages against superior numbers. 
 In the official Reports made by the respective Com- 
 manders, ample justice has generally been done to 
 the gallant exertions of the Corps employed; but 
 the details of their services, and of acts of individual 
 bravery, can only be fully given in the Annals of the 
 various Regiments. 
 These Records are now preparing for publication, 
 under His Majesty's special authority, by Mr. 
 RICHARD CANNON, Principal Clerk of the Adjutant- 
 General's Office ; and while the perusal of them can-
 not fail to be useful and interesting to military men 
 of every rank, it is considered that they will also 
 afford entertainment and information to the general 
 reader, particularly to those who may have served in 
 the Army, or who have relatives in the Service. 
 There exists in the breasts of most of those who 
 have served, or are serving, in the Army, an Esprit 
 de Corps an attachment to everything belonging 
 to their Regiment; to such persons a narrative of 
 the services of their own Corps cannot fail to prove 
 interesting. Authentic accounts of the actions of 
 the great, the valiant, the loyal, have always been 
 of paramount interest with a brave and civilized 
 people. Great Britain has produced a race of heroes 
 who, in moments of danger and terror, have stood 
 " firm as the rocks of their native shore ;" and when 
 half the World has been arrayed against them, they 
 have fought the battles of their Country with un- 
 shaken fortitude. It is presumed that a record of 
 achievements in war, victories so complete and sur- 
 prising, gained by our countrymen, our brothers, 
 our fellow-citizens in arms, a record which revives 
 the memory of the brave, and brings their gallant
 deeds before us, will certainly prove acceptable to 
 the public. 
 Biographical memoirs of the Colonels and other 
 distinguished Officers will be introduced in the 
 Records of their respective Regiments, and the 
 Honorary Distinctions which have, from time to 
 time, been conferred upon each Regiment, as testify- 
 ing the value and importance of its services, will be 
 faithfully set forth. 
 As a convenient mode of Publication, the Record 
 of each Regiment will be printed in a distinct num- 
 ber, so that when the whole shall be completed, the 
 Parts may be bound up in numerical succession.
 THE ancient Armies of England were composed 
 of Horse and Foot ; but the feudal troops esta- 
 blished by William the Conqueror in 1086, con- 
 sisted almost entirely of Horse. Under the feudal 
 system, every holder of land amounting to what 
 was termed a "knight's fee," was required to 
 provide a charger, a coat of mail, a helmet, a 
 shield, and a lance, and to serve the Crown a 
 period of forty days in each year at his own 
 expense ; and the great landholders had to pro- 
 vide armed men in proportion to the extent of 
 their estates ; consequently the ranks of the feudal 
 Cavalry were completed with men of property, 
 and the vassals and tenants of the great barons, 
 who led their dependents to the field in person. 
 In the succeeding reigns the Cavalry of the 
 Army was composed of Knights (or men at arms 
 and Hobiliers (or horsemen of inferior degree) ; 
 and the Infantry of spears and battle-axe men, 
 cross-bowmen, and archers. The Knights wore
 armour on every part of the body, and their 
 weapons were a lance, a sword, and a small 
 dagger. The Hobiliers were accoutred and armed 
 for the light and less important services of war, 
 and were not considered qualified for a charge in 
 line. Mounted Archers* were also introduced, 
 and the English nation eventually became pre- 
 eminent in the use of the bow. 
 About the time of Queen Mary the appellation 
 of " Men at Arms" was changed to that of " Spears 
 and Launces;* The introduction of fire-arms ulti- 
 mately occasioned the lance to fall into disuse, 
 and the title of the Horsemen of the first degree 
 was changed to " Cuirassiers" The Cuirassiers 
 were armed cap-a-pie, and their weapons were a 
 sword with a straight narrow blade and sharp 
 point, and a pair of large pistols, called petronels ; 
 and the Hobiliers carried carbines. The Infantry 
 carried pikes, matchlocks, and swords. The 
 introduction of fire-arms occasioned the forma- 
 tion of Regiments armed and equipped as infantry, 
 but mounted on small horses for the sake of 
 expedition of movement, and these were styled 
 " Dragoons ;" a small portion of the military 
 * In the 14th year of the reign of Edward IV. a small force was 
 established in Ireland by Parliament, consisting of 120 Archers on 
 horseback, 40 Horsemen, and 40 Pages.
 force of the kingdom, however, consisted of this 
 description of troops. 
 The formation of the present Army commenced 
 after the Restoration in 1660, with the establish- 
 ment of regular corps of Horse and Foot; the 
 Horsemen were cuirassiers, but only wore armour 
 on the head and body ; and the Foot were pike- 
 men and musketeers. The arms which each 
 description of force carried, are described in the 
 following extract from the " Regulations of King 
 Charles II.," dated 5th May, 1663 : 
 " Each Horseman to have for his defensive 
 " armes, back, breast, and pot ; and for his offen- 
 " sive armes, a sword, and a case of pistolls, the 
 " barrels whereof are not to be und r . foorteen 
 " inches in length ; and each Trooper of Our 
 " Guards to have a carbine besides the aforesaid 
 ' armes. And the Foote to have each souldier a 
 " sword, and each pikeman a pike of 16 foote 
 " long and not und r . ; and each musqueteer a 
 " musquet with a collar of bandaliers, the barrell 
 " of which musquet to be about foor foote long 
 " and to conteine a bullet, foorteen of which shall 
 " weigh a pound weight*." 
 The ranks of the Troops of Horse were at this 
 period composed of men of some property gene- 
 * Military Papers, State Paper Office.
 rally the sons of substantial yeomen : the young 
 men received as recruits provided their own horses, 
 and they were placed on a rate of pay sufficient 
 to give them a respectable station in society. 
 On the breaking out of the war with Holland 
 in the spring of 1672, a Regiment of Dragoons 
 was raised*; the Dragoons were placed on a lower 
 rate of pay than the Horse, and the Regiment 
 was armed similar to the Infantry, excepting that 
 a limited number of the men carried halberds 
 instead of pikes, and the others muskets and bay- 
 onets ; and a few men in each troop had pistols ; 
 as appears by a warrant dated the 2nd of April, 
 1672, of which the following is an extract : 
 " Our will and pleasure is, that a Regi- 
 " ment of Dragoones which we have established 
 " and ordered to be raised, in twelve Troopes of 
 " fourscore in each beside officers, who are to be 
 " under the command of Our most deare and most 
 " intirely beloved Cousin Prince Rupert, shall 
 " be armed out of Our stoares remaining within 
 " Our office of the Ordinance, as followeth ; that 
 " is to say, three corporalls, two Serjeants, the 
 11 gentlemen at armes, and twelve souldiers of 
 * This Regiment was disbanded after the Peace of 1674.
 " each of the said twelve Troopes, are to have and 
 " carry each of them one halbard, and one case 
 " of pistolls with holsters ; and the rest of the 
 " souldiers of the several Troopes aforesaid, are 
 " to have and to carry each of them one match- 
 " locke musquet, with a collar of bandaliers, and 
 " also to have and to carry one bayonet*, or great 
 " knive. That each lieutenant have and carry 
 " one partizan ; and that two drums be delivered 
 " out for each Troope of the said Regimentf ." 
 Several regiments of Horse and Dragoons 
 were raised in the first year of the reign of King 
 James II. ; and the horsemen carried a short car- 
 bine J in addition to the sword and pair of pistols: 
 and in a Regulation dated the 21st of February, 
 1687, the arms of the Dragoons at that period 
 were commanded to be as follows : 
 " The Dragoons to have snaphanse musquets, 
 " strapt, with bright barrels of three foote eight 
 " inches long, cartouch-boxes, bayonetts, granado 
 " pouches, buckets, and hammer-hatchetts." 
 After several years' experience, little advantage 
 * This appears to be the first introduction of bayonets into the 
 English Army. t State Paper Office. 
 J The first issue of carbines to the regular Horse appears to have 
 taken place in 1684 ; the Life Guards, however, carried carbines 
 from their formation in 1660. Vide the ' Historical Record of the 
 Life Guards.'
 was found to accrue from having Cavalry Regi- 
 ments formed almost exclusively for engaging the 
 enemy on foot; and, the Horse having laid aside 
 their armour, the arms and equipment of Horse 
 and Dragoons were so nearly assimilated, that 
 there remained little distinction besides the name 
 and rate of pay. The introduction of improve- 
 ments into the mounting, arming, and equipment 
 of Dragoons rendered them competent to the 
 performance of every description of service re- 
 quired of Cavalry ; and, while the long musket 
 and bayonet were retained, to enable them to act 
 as Infantry, if necessary, they were found to be 
 equally efficient, and of equal value to the nation, 
 as Cavalry, with the Regiments of Horse. 
 In the several augmentations made to the 
 regular Army after the early part of the reign of 
 Queen Anne, no new Regiments of Horse were 
 raised for permanent service ; and in 1746 King 
 George II. reduced three of the old Regiments 
 of Horse to the quality and pay of Dragoons ; at 
 the same time, His Majesty gave them the title of 
 First, Second, and Third Regiments of Dragoon 
 Guards : and in 1788 the same alteration was 
 made in the remaining four Regiments of Horse, 
 which then became the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and 
 Seventh Regiments of Dragoon Guards.
 At present there are only three Regiments 
 which are styled Horse in the British Army, 
 namely, the two Regiments of Life Guards, and 
 the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, to whom 
 cuirasses have recently been restored. The other 
 Cavalry Regiments consist of Dragoon Guards 
 Heavy and Light Dragoons, Hussars, and Lan- 
 cers ; and although the long musket and bayonet 
 have been laid aside by the whole of the Cavalry, 
 and the Regiments are armed and equipped on 
 the principle of the old Horse (excepting the 
 cuirass), they continue to be styled Dragoons. 
 The old Regiments of Horse formed a highly 
 respectable and efficient portion of the Army, 
 and it is found, on perusing the histories of the 
 various campaigns in which they have been en- 
 gaged, that they have, on all occasions, maintain- 
 ed a high character for steadiness and discipline as 
 well as for bravery in action. They were formerly 
 mounted on horses of superior weight and phy- 
 sical power, and few troops could withstand a 
 well-directed charge of the celebrated British 
 Horse. The records of these corps embrace a 
 period of 1 50 years a period eventful in history, 
 and abounding in instances of heroism displayed 
 by the British troops when danger has threatened 
 the nation, a period in which these Regiments
 have numbered in their ranks men of loyalty, 
 valour, arid good conduct, worthy of imitation. 
 Since the Regiments of Horse were formed 
 into Dragoon Guards, additional improvements 
 have been introduced into the constitution of the 
 several corps; and the superior description of 
 horses now bred in the United Kingdom, enables 
 the commanding officers to remount their regi- 
 ments with such excellent horses, that, whilst 
 sufficient weight has been retained for a powerful 
 charge in line,alightness has been acquired, which 
 renders them available for every description of 
 service incident to modern warfare. 
 The orderly conduct of these Regiments in 
 quarters has gained the confidence and esteem of 
 the respectable inhabitants of the various parts of 
 the United Kingdom in which they have been 
 stationed ; their promptitude and alacrity in at- 
 tending to the requisitions of the magistrates in 
 periods of excitement, and the temper, patience, 
 and forbearance which they have evinced when 
 subjected to great provocation, insult, and violence 
 from the misguided populace, prove the value of 
 these troops to the Crown, and to the Government 
 of the country, and justify the reliance which is 
 reposed on them.
 THE records of the military events of the remote 
 ages speak of heavy-armed horsemen being accom- 
 panied by others mounted and equipped for light 
 services. The Barons and Knights, who rode the 
 powerful horses celebrated by historians, and took 
 the field completely cased in steel, had a few 
 light-armed attendants; the feudal horsemen were 
 variously armed ; and the practice of employing 
 Light, as well as Heavy Cavalry, was adopted, to 
 a limited extent, by several commanders of anti- 
 quity. Armour, proof against arrow, lance, and 
 sword, and men and horses of colossal appearance, 
 in whom the greatest amount of weight and phy- 
 sical power, consistent with a moderate share of 
 activity, could be combined, were however held in 
 the highest estimation ; but eventually the great 
 advantage of having a portion of Cavalry in which 
 lightness, activity, and celerity of movement, 
 might form the principal characteristics, was dis- 
 covered. The introduction of fire-arms occasioned
 armour to be gradually laid aside, or limited to a 
 few heavy horsemen ; superiority of weight was 
 no longer thought so necessary; and in the seven- 
 teenth and eighteenth centuries the use of Light 
 Cavalry became more general than formerly. 
 During the seventy years' war between Spain 
 and the United Provinces of the Netherlands, 
 Prince Maurice of Nassau (afterwards Prince of 
 Orange) selected a few English and Dutch heavy- 
 armed Lancers, and constituted them Carabineers, 
 for skirmishing, and other services of a similar 
 character. The Emperor of Germany formed 
 regiments of Hungarian Hussars, who were light 
 men on small horses. The Carabineers were 
 of an intermediate class, being much heavier 
 than the Hussars, and lighter than the English 
 Lancers and Cuirassiers, who rode powerful 
 horses, and wore armour on the head, body, and 
 limbs. The French monarchs adopted the prac- 
 tice of having a few Carabineers in each troop of 
 Horse; and, in 1690, Louis XIV. added a troop 
 of Carabineers to each Regiment of Cavalry. 
 During the campaign of 1691, these troops formed 
 a Carabineer brigade ; but their motley appear- 
 ance, and the defects of the plan, occasioned them 
 to be constituted a regiment of Carabineers, 
 and clothed in blue. In 1693 the French King 
 added a regiment of Hussars to the Cavalry of 
 his army.* 
 In England the same principle was partially 
 * amain de la Milice Franqoise, par le PEEK DANIEL.
 carried out ; the heavy horse laid aside their 
 armour, excepting cuirasses ; they were mounted 
 on horses of less weight than formerly, and they 
 were supplied with carbines by King Charles II. 
 In 1685, King James II. raised several indepen- 
 dent troops of Light Horse, and one of them (Sir 
 Thomas Burton's) was retained in his service until 
 the Revolution in 1688, when it was disbanded. 
 In 1691-2 King William III. constituted the 
 Seventh Regiment of Horse, now Sixth Dragoon 
 Guards, a corps of Carabineers, as an honorary 
 distinction, and for the performance of services for 
 which the other regiments of Horse, being Cuiras- 
 siers, were not well adapted. The object was to 
 combine with strength and .power a greater degree 
 of activity and speed than was to be found in the 
 Cavalry at that period ; and His Majesty appears 
 to have contemplated having several corps of this 
 description in his service, as he designated this 
 the First Regiment of Carabineers ; but no second 
 regiment was formed.* In 1694 a troop of 
 foreign Hussars formed part of the Army com- 
 manded by King William in Flanders, t 
 During the wars of Queen Anne the Regi- 
 ment of Carabineers was again supplied with cui- 
 rasses, and was mounted on the same description 
 of horses as the other regiments ; retaining, how- 
 ever, the title of Carabineers. The activity, size, 
 * National Records. 
 f The equipment of Hussars at this period is described by 
 D'AuvEBGNE, in his History of the Campaign of 1694, pp. 22, 23. 
 weight, and strength of the horses ridden by the 
 British Cuirassiers and Heavy Dragoons, with the 
 bravery and muscular powers of the men, esta- 
 blished their superiority in continental warfare 
 over the Cavalry of other nations ; they acquired 
 great celebrity in the valley of the Danube and 
 on the plains of the Netherlands, in the early part 
 of the eighteenth century, under the renowned 
 John Duke of Marlborough ; and after the peace 
 of Utrecht, in 1713, the reputation of the British 
 Horse and Dragoons was so high that no altera- 
 tion was thought necessary, and many years 
 elapsed without any attempt being made to re- 
 vive the practice of having either Carabineers, or 
 Light Horse, in the British Army. 
 The great utility of the Light Cavalry of the 
 continental armies had, in the mean time, become 
 apparent. Improvements in military tactics, and 
 in the arming and equipment of corps, were 
 taking place in various countries ; and a spirit of 
 emulation extending itself to Great Britain, on 
 the breaking out of the rebellion in 1745, his 
 Grace the Duke of Montague evinced his loyalty 
 and public spirit by raising a Regiment of Cara- 
 bineers for the service of King George II. ; at the 
 same time, his Grace the Duke of Kingston, with 
 equal zeal and generosity, raised, at his own ex- 
 pense, a Regiment of Light Horse. The latter regi- 
 ment approximated, in the lightness of the men, 
 horses, and equipment, to the Hussars of the con- 
 tinental armies ; the Duke of Montague's Cara- 
 bineers were of a heavier description of Cavalry.
 At this period the old Cavalry Regiments rode 
 black horses (excepting the Scots Greys) with 
 docked tails ; but the Duke of Kingston's Regi- 
 ment was mounted on light horses of various 
 colours, with swish or nag tails. The accoutre- 
 ments were as light as possible : the men carried 
 short carbines slung to their sides by a moveable 
 swivel, pistols, and light swords inclined to a curve. 
 The usefulness of the Duke of Kingston's 
 Regiment of Light Horse was proved in Scotland, 
 where it served under His Royal Highness the 
 Duke of Cumberland, and was found qualified 
 for every description of service ; the light horses 
 traversing hilly grounds with facility. It distin- 
 guished itself on several occasions, particularly 
 at the battle of Culloden, on the 16th of April, 
 1746, when it charged the clans with signal gal- 
 lantry, and evinced great spirit and activity in the 
 pursuit of the rebel army upwards of three miles 
 from the field of battle. The Duke of Cumber- 
 land was highly pleased with its behaviour during 
 the period it was under his command; and the 
 conduct of the Light Horse throughout the con- 
 test reflected credit on the noble peer who had 
 raised them. 
 The rebellion being suppressed, the regiment 
 was, in consequence of the conditions on which 
 the men had enlisted, directed to be disbanded ; 
 but the Duke of Cumberland so highly approved 
 of its conduct that he obtained permission to em- 
 body as many of the men as would re-enlist, as 
 his own Regiment of Light Dragoons.
 His Majesty's thanks and particular satisfac- 
 tion were communicated to His Grace the Duke 
 of Kingston, for his zeal and affection for His 
 Majesty's person and Government ; and His 
 Grace was desired to convey to the officers and 
 soldiers His Majesty's high sense of their loyalty, 
 activity, and gallant behaviour, at a period of 
 national danger. The regiment was afterwards 
 disbanded at Nottingham, and nearly every man 
 engaged in the Regiment of Light Dragoons, of 
 which, as a signal mark of honour and distinc- 
 tion, His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumber- 
 land was appointed Colonel. 
 The Duke of Cumberland's Light Dragoons 
 were mounted on active nag-tailed horses, from 
 fourteen and a half to fifteen hands high. The 
 men were from five feet eight to five feet nine 
 inches in height ; and their equipment was upon 
 a new and light plan, but retaining the cocked 
 hat of the Heavy Dragoon pattern. This regi- 
 ment served in the Netherlands, with the Army 
 commanded by His Royal Highness the Duke 
 of Cumberland: its general usefulness was fully 
 established, and it distinguished itself at the 
 battle of Val, in 1747. The treaty of Aix-la- 
 Chapelle having put an end to the war, it re- 
 turned to England, and was disbanded in 1749. 
 From this period the value of light horsemen 
 was more appreciated in England than formerly ; 
 the general utility of this arm, on home and 
 foreign service, had been fully proved; and at 
 the commencement of hostilities with France, in
 1755, King George II. resolved to possess the 
 advantage of a body of Light Cavalry in the 
 approaching contest. His Majesty accordingly 
 commanded a troop of Light Dragoons to be 
 added to the First, Second, and Third Regiments 
 of Dragoon Guards, and First, Second, Third, 
 Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Tenth, and Eleventh 
 Regiments of Dragoons. The First, Second, 
 Third, and Fourth Irish Horse (now Fourth, 
 Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Dragoon Guards), 
 and the Fifth, Eighth, Ninth, Twelfth, Thir- 
 teenth, and Fourteenth Dragoons, being on the 
 Irish establishment, did not receive the same 
 These troops of Light Dragoons were mounted, 
 armed, equipped, and trained, according to specific 
 instructions, calculated to render them available 
 for the services for which they were designed. 
 Several of them were reviewed in Hyde Park by 
 His Majesty ; and their neat appearance, celerity 
 of movement, and the spirited and exact manner 
 in which they performed their evolutions, were 
 much admired. 
 Nine of these troops were formed into a bri- 
 gade in 1758, under the command of one of the 
 King's aides-de-camp. Colonel George Augustus 
 Eliott, of the Horse Grenadier Guards ; and they 
 were employed in the expeditions to the coast of 
 France under Charles Duke of Marlborough and 
 Lieut. -General Bligh. They landed in France 
 twice ; skirmished with the French Cavalry ; and 
 throughout these enterprises they evinced activity,
 spirit, and general usefulness. After their return 
 to England, they were augmented to 125 men 
 per troop. 
 At this period, the war on the Continent had 
 involved most of the European states ; and the 
 extended and active operations which were taking 
 place in Germany rendered it necessary for a 
 British force to join the Allied Army under 
 Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick. This gave rise 
 to a further augmentation of the Army; and the 
 increased estimation in which Light Cavalry was 
 held induced the King to give directions for the 
 raising of entire Regiments of Light Dragoons, 
 in addition to the five Regiments of Horse, 
 three of Dragoon Guards, and fourteen of Dra- 
 goons, already on the British and Irish establish- 
 ments. The following corps were accordingly 
 embodied : 
 Incorporated in 1759. 
 FIFTEENTH, in England, by Colonel George 
 A. Eliott; now the Fifteenth, or the King's 
 SIXTEENTH, in England, by Lieut-Colonel 
 John Burgoyne ; now the Sixteenth, or the 
 Queen's Lancers. 
 SEVENTEENTH, in Scotland, by Captain Lord 
 Aberdour; disbanded in 1763. 
 EIGHTEENTH, in England, by Lieut.-Colonel 
 John Hale ; now the Seventeenth Lancers.
 NINETEENTH, in Ireland, by Lieut.-Colonel 
 Lord Drogheda ; numbered the Eighteenth in 
 1763; constituted Hussars in 1807; and after 
 performing much valuable service at home and 
 abroad, it was disbanded at Newbridge, in Ire- 
 land, in 1821. 
 Incorporated in 1760. 
 TWENTIETH, in Ireland, by Captain Sir James 
 Caldwell ; disbanded in 1763. 
 TWENTY-FIRST, or Royal Foresters, in Eng- 
 land by Lieut. -General the Marquis of Granby, 
 and Colonel Lord Robert Sutton ; disbanded in 
 After the peace of Fontainebleau, three of these 
 corps were disbanded, and the other four con- 
 tinued in the service. The light troops attached 
 to the heavy regiments were also disbanded, but 
 a few men of each troop were afterwards equipped 
 as Light Dragoons. 
 A more perfect knowledge of the efficiency 
 and capabilities of Light Cavalry, acquired during 
 the campaigns in Germany and Portugal, had 
 advanced the estimation in which that arm was 
 held; and, in 1768, the TWELFTH Dragoons (one 
 of the heavy regiments raised by King George I. 
 in 1715), underwent a change of equipment and 
 clothing, and was constituted a corps of Light 
 Dragoons, by General Carpenter, in Ireland. 
 This alteration served as a precedent for sub- 
 sequent changes ; and further experience, during 
 the American war, from 1775 to 1783, con-
 firming the value of Light Cavalry, the SEVENTH, 
 and FOURTEENTH Regiments of Dragoons were 
 changed from heavy to light. The Light Dra- 
 goons attached to the heavy regiments were in- 
 corparated into newly-raised corps, and the fol- 
 lowing regiments of 
 Were embodied in 1779. 
 NINETEENTH, by Major-General Russell Man- 
 ners; disbanded in 1783. 
 TWENTIETH, by Major-General Richard Bur- 
 ton Phillipson; disbanded in 1783. 
 TWENTY-FIRST, by Major-General John Dou- 
 glas ; disbanded in 1783. 
 TWENTY-SECOND, by Lieut.-Colonel John Lord 
 Sheffield ; disbanded in 1783. 
 Embodied in 1781. 
 TWENTY-THIRD, by Lieut.-General Sir John 
 Burgoyne, Baronet, for service in India, and was 
 numbered the NINETEENTH after the peace in 1783. 
 This regiment signalized itself on numerous occa- 
 sions in India, and was rewarded with the honour 
 of bearing on its guidons and appointments the 
 Ekphant, with the words Assay e and Seringapatam. 
 The word Niagara was also added in commemo- 
 ration of the gallantry of two troops, in the year 
 1813, in North America. In 1817 it was consti-
 tuted a corps of LANCERS. It was disbanded in 
 Ireland in 1821. 
 Thus a few years had produced a great change 
 in the British Army. Twenty-five years previ- 
 ously to the termination of the American war 
 there was not a single Light Dragoon Regiment 
 in the Service, and in 1783 there were seventeen; 
 four of them were disbanded at that period, and 
 thirteen retained in the Service. 
 Soon after the termination of the American 
 war, the French monarch having, by aiding the 
 rebellious British provincials, taught his own sub- 
 jects a lesson of insubordination, was deprived of 
 the reins of government ; and the violent conduct 
 of the French revolutionists in the West Indies 
 OF LIGHT DRAGOONS to be raised in 1791 by 
 Colonel Henry F. Gardner, for service in that 
 island. Besides its services in Jamaica, detach- 
 ments of this regiment served at Malta ; Sicily ; 
 at the taking of the Cape of Good Hope, in 1806 ; 
 at the capture of Alexandria, in 1807; at the 
 attack on Monte Video ; in Portugal ; at Genoa ; 
 and on the eastern coast of Spain ; and acquired 
 the honour of bearing the word Peninsula on its 
 guidons and appointments. It was disbanded in 
 Ireland in 1818. 
 War with France commenced in 1793, and was 
 followed by augmentations to the Army. It 
 was not found necessary to add a single Heavy 
 Cavalry Regiment ; but the following Regiments 
 Were incorporated in 1794. 
 TWENTY-FIRST, by Lieut. -Colonel Thomas R. 
 Beaumont. This regiment served at the Cape of 
 Good Hope and in India thirteen years ; a detach- 
 ment was sent to do duty at St. Helena, when 
 Napoleon Buonaparte was removed thither. This 
 regiment was disbanded at Chatham in 1820. 
 TWENTY-SECOND, by Major-General William 
 Viscount Fielding ; served in Great Britain and 
 Ireland ; disbanded in 1802. 
 TWENTY-THIRD, by Colonel William Fuller- 
 ton ; served in Great Britain and Ireland ; dis- 
 banded in 1802. 
 TWENTY-FOURTH, by Colonel William Loftus ; 
 served in Great Britain and Ireland ; dis- 
 banded in 1802. 
 TWENTY-FIFTH, by Major- General Francis 
 Edward Gwyn. This regiment was numbered 
 the TWENTY-SECOND after the Treaty of Amiens 
 in 1802. It served with reputation in India ; was 
 employed at the reduction of Java ; signalized 
 itself on several occasions ; and was rewarded with 
 the royal authority to bear the word Seringapatam 
 on its guidons and appointments. It was dis- 
 banded in England in 1820. 
 Raised in 1795. 
 TWENTY-SIXTH, by Lieut.- General R. Man- 
 ners ; numbered the TWENTY-THIRD in 1803.
 This regiment served in Egypt, Portugal, Spain, 
 Flanders, and France ; and its distinguished con- 
 duct was rewarded with the honour of bearing 
 on its guidons and appointments, the Sphinx, 
 with the words Egypt, Peninsula, and Waterloo. 
 In 1816 it was constituted a corps of LANCERS. 
 It was disbanded in England in 1817. 
 TWENTY-SEVENTH, by Major- General Wynter 
 Blathwayte ; numbered the TWENTY-FOURTH in 
 1804. This regiment served in India, distin- 
 guished itself at the battles of Ghur and Delhi, 
 and was permitted to bear the Ekphant, with 
 the word Hindoostan, on its guidons and appoint- 
 ments. It was disbanded in England, on its 
 arrival from Bengal, in 1819. 
 TWENTY-EIGHTH, by Major-General Robert 
 Lawrie; served in Great Britain, Ireland, and 
 at the Cape of Good Hope ; disbanded in Ire- 
 land in 1802. 
 TWENTY-NINTH, by Major- General Francis 
 Augustus Lord Heathfield ; numbered the 
 TWENTY-FIFTH in 1804. This regiment served 
 in India, and was at the reduction of the Isle of 
 France. It was disbanded at Chatham, on its 
 arrival from India, in 1819. 
 Raised in 1794. 
 THIRTIETH, by Lieut. -Colonel J. C. Garden ; 
 disbanded in 1796. 
 THIRTY-FIRST, by Lieut.-Colonel William St. 
 Ledger ; disbanded in 1 796. 

 THIRTY-SECOND, by Lieut.-Colonel H. J. 
 Blake ; disbanded in 1796. 
 THIRTY-THIRD, by Lieut.-Colonel J. Black- 
 wood ; disbanded in 1796. 
 Soon after the re-commencement of hostilities 
 with France in 1803, the SEVENTH, TENTH, FIF- 
 TEENTH, and EIGHTEENTH Light Dragoons were 
 equipped as HUSSARS. Since the termination of 
 the war in 1815, the THIRD and FOURTH Dra- 
 goons have been changed from heavy to light ; the 
 Light Dragoons have been constituted LANCERS ; 
 and the EIGHTH and ELEVENTH Light Dragoons 
 have also been equipped as HUSSARS. 
 At this period (1847), the Cavalry of the Bri- 
 tish Army consists of twenty-six regiments thir- 
 teen Heavy and thirteen Light ; and is composed 
 of three regiments of Cuirassiers, ten of Heavy 
 Dragoons, four of Light Dragoons, five of Hussars, 
 and four of Lancers.
 To commemorate its Gallant Conduct in Spain and France from 1811 to 1814; 
 " CABOOL, 1842," 
 Fur its distinguished Services in Afghanistan in 1842.
 Year Page 
 1685 Formation of the Regiment . . . ' 7 1 
 Styled the Queen Consort's Regiment . / '"". 3 
 Names of Officers . . . . '. . 5 
 Reviewed by King James II. on Hounslow Heath. 
 1688 The Revolution . . . . ...., 6 
 1689 Proceeds to Ireland . . . . . 7 
 Attacks the Enemy's out-posts at Ardee . 8 
 1690 Storming of Bedloe's Castle . . . 9 
 Battle of the Boyne . . .\ . . 11 
 Investment of Waterford . ; . . . 12 
 Surrender of Youghal . . . . 
 Disperses the Rapparees capture of Castle Martir 13 
 Siege of Limerick . . * '*''"', 
 1691 Expedition to Streamstown .... 14 
 Battle of Aghrim . . . . ?*' 
 Siege of Galway . . . . . . 15 
 Surrender of Limerick . . . . 16 
 1692 Arrives in England n 
 1694 Reviewed in Hyde Park by King William III. 
 Embarks for Flanders 
 1695 Augmentation of establishment ... 18 
 Attack on the forts at Kenoque ... 
 Siege of Namur Surrender of Dixmude . 19 
 1696 Reviewed by King William III. ... 20 
 1697 Operations in Brabant .... 21 
 Returns to England ..... 
 1698 Reduction of establishment . .
 Year Page 
 1702 Expedition to Cadiz under the Duke of Ormond 21 
 Attack on Vigo, and Capture of the Spanish fleet. 22 
 1706 Forms part of an expedition under Earl Rivers, 
 and proceeds to Spain 23 
 1707 Battle of Almanza 24 
 1708 Returns to England 25 
 1712 Reduction of establishment . 
 1713 Stationed in Scotland 
 1714 Designated the King's Own Regiment . 
 1715 Battle of Sheriffmuir 26 
 1718 Reduction of establishment .... 28 
 1720 Establishment augmented .... 
 1723 Augmentation of establishment 
 1727 Establishment further augmented ... 
 1729 Reduction of establishment .... 
 1738 Augmentation of establishment ... 
 1 742 Reviewed by King George II. on Blackheath. 29 
 Proceeds to Flanders ..... 
 1743 Battle of Dettingen 31 
 1745 Battle of Fontenoy 35 
 Returns to England ..... 36 
 Proceeds to Scotland 
 Engagement at Clifton Moor ... 37 
 1748 Reduction of establishment .... 39 
 1751 Clothing, Appointments, Guidons, &c. regulated 
 by Royal Warrant 
 1754 Employed on coast duty in the South of England. 41 
 1756 A light troop added 
 1758 The light troop forms part of the force for a 
 descent on the coast of France ... 
 Capture of Cherbourg 43 
 1763 The light troop disbanded .... 44 
 1764 Marches to Scotland 
 1765 Returns to England
 CONTENTS. xxxvii 
 Year Page 
 1766 The Drummers replaced by Trumpeters . . 44 
 1 J n 6 ! ? ) Employed on coast duty in Kent, Sussex, 
 17681 Suffolk, and Essex 
 1770 Proceeds to Scotland ..... 
 1771 Returns to England 45 
 1773 Employed on coast duty in Kent ... 
 1775 Marches to Scotland .'."'. . . 
 1776 Stationed in South Britain .... 
 1778 Employed on coast duty in Sussex 
 An additional trumpeter authorised . . 46 
 1781 Reviewed by King George III. in Hyde Park 47 
 1784 Proceeds to Scotland 
 1785 Stationed in South Britain . . '''V' 
 1789 Reviewed by King George III. at Reading ''"'.' 
 1791 Marches to Scotland 48 
 1793 Augmentation of establishment 
 Four troops detached to Scotland . 
 1797 Reduction of establishment .... 49 
 1798 Alteration in the Arms and Clothing 
 1800 Augmentation of establishment ... 50 
 Proceeds to Scotland 
 1 802 Reduction of establishment .... 
 Embarks for Ireland ..... 
 1805 for England 51 
 1806 Augmentation of establishment . 
 1807 Reviewed at Brighton by the Duke of York . 
 1809 Embarks for Holland 52 
 1810 Reviewed at Guildford by the Duke of Cambridge. 53 
 1811 on Wimbledon Common by the Prince 
 Regent . . . . . . . , 
 - Embarks for the Peninsula .... 54 
 1812 Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo .... 55 
 Affair near La Granja 56
 1812 Action at Llerena .... 
 Attack on the bridge of boats at Almaraz 
 Skirmish near Salamanca .... 
 on the heights of St. Christoval . 
 near Castrillos .... 
 Battle of Salamanca . . . 
 Siege of Burgos 
 Covers the mining party at Palencia. 
 1813 Affair on the heights of Estepar . 
 Battle of Vittoria 69 
 1814 Advance on Bayonne 
 Affair of La Mosquiere . . 
 Battle of Toulouse 72 
 Furnishes horses to mount the royal guard of 
 France ^ 3 
 Returns to England 74 
 , Reviewed on Hounslow Heath by the Duke of 
 York, Commander-in-Chief .... 
 Reduction of establishment .... 75 
 . Authorised to bear the word " SALAMANCA" . 
 1815 Embarks for Ostend 76 
 Reinforces the Army in France 
 Reviewed by the Emperor of Russia, King of 
 Prussia, and the Duke of Wellington 
 1816 Forms part of the Army of Occupation . . 
 Reviewed by the Duke of Kent, and the Duke of 
 Wellington 77 
 1818 Returns to England 
 Reduction of establishment .... 
 Constituted Light Dragoons .... 
 Attends the funeral of Queen Charlotte . 78 
 Proceeds to Ireland 
 1820 Reviewed for the first time as a Light Dragoon 
 Regiment .......
 Year p age 
 1821 Escorts King George IV. on his entry into 
 Dublin 79 
 Reviewed by His Majesty . 
 Furnishes the guard of honour on the embarka- 
 tion of the King for England . 
 Authorised to bear the words "VITTORIA" and 
 " TOULOUSE" ... . . . 80 
 1822 Returns to England ... ; ... . 81 
 1823 Reviewed by the Duke of York ... 
 1824 Again reviewed by his Royal Highness the 
 Commander-in-Chief .... 82 
 1825 Receives testimonials for its conduct in aiding the 
 Civil Power at Sunderland . . . 83 
 1826 Proceeds to Ireland . . ;- . ,. 84 
 1829 Returns to England . ..="". ... 85 
 1830 Establishment of horses augmented . . 87 
 1831 Proceeds to Scotland . . . ; . 
 1833 Returns to England .... 
 1834 Proceeds to Hounslow 
 1835 Embarks for Ireland 
 1837 Returns to England . . . . . 88 
 Embarks for the East Indies 
 1842 Expedition to Affghanistan .... 89 
 Storming of the heights of Jugdulluck . . 90 
 Action at Tezeen 91 
 Arrives at Cabool, and plants the British colours 
 in the Bala Hissar 93 
 Capture of Istalif 94 
 Authorised to bear the word " CABOOL" . 95 
 Returns to India 
 1845 Forms part of the Army of the Sutlej . 
 - Battle of Moodkee . . 96 
 Ferozeshah 98 
 184 6 Aliwal 100 
 Sobraon 101
 Year Page 
 1846 Occupation of Lahore . . . . . 105 
 Returns to India 
 The Conclusion . . 107 
 1685 Duke of Somerset 109 
 1687 Alexander Cannon 110 
 1688 Richard Leveson 
 1694 Thomas Lord Fairfax Ill 
 1695 William Lloyd ., . ' -'V "... 
 1703 George Carpenter * ". ^ .. : .:-i! 112 
 1732 Philip Honeywood ..;.:' . ft* ./, . : .... . 114 
 ] 743 Humphrey Bland . . . . .- >."-. . . 
 1752 James Lord Tyrawley 115 
 1755 Earl of Albemarle . . ' . -..+:. . .'. H6 
 1772 Charles Lord Southampton . . ,-. . 117 
 1797 Francis Lascelles ...... . 
 1799 Sir Charles Grey . ..> , ; ;vi<' . .118 
 1807 William Cartwright 119 
 1821 Viscount Combermere 120 
 1829 Lord George Beresford .... 
 1839 Lord Charles Somerset Manners . . . 121 
 Costume of the Regiment to face 1 
 Battle of Sobraon , 108
 JAMES THE SECOND ascended the throne of 1685 
 England on the 6th of February, 1685, and four 
 months only had elapsed, when his nephew, 
 JAMES DUKE OF MONMOUTH, erected the standard 
 of rebellion on the western coast, and, having 
 been joined by upwards of three thousand men, 
 proclaimed himself king. To oppose MONMOUTH 
 and his rash adherents, the King obtained from 
 Parliament a grant of four hundred thousand 
 pounds, and augmented the strength of his army. 
 Among the loyal yeomen and artisans who 
 arrayed themselves under the banners of their 
 sovereign, a number of young men from Berk- 
 shire, Middlesex, Herts, and Essex, were formed 
 into five independent troops of Dragoons under 
 1685RussEL. These five troops, with an old in- 
 dependent troop of Dragoons, commanded by 
 Colonel Strather, were attached to the Royal 
 Dragoons under JOHN LORD CHURCHILL* (after- 
 wards the great DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH,) whose 
 regiment was thus augmented to nine hundred 
 men, and from these additional troops the corps 
 which now bears the distinguished title of the 
 DRAGOONS," derives its origin. 
 Captain Russel's troop rendezvoused at Chelsea 
 and Knightsbridge, and having been speedily 
 mounted and equipped, it was attached to the 
 three Scots regiments of foot which had arrived 
 from Holland, and ordered to join the army ; but 
 the insurgent bands having been overthrown at 
 Sedgemoor on the 6th of July, it halted at Bag- 
 shot; and proceeding to London on the 13th, was 
 present at the execution of the Duke of Monmouth 
 on the 15th of that month. 
 Although the insurrection was thus speedily 
 suppressed, and the executions which followed 
 were sufficiently numerous to intimidate the dis- 
 affected, and prevent a second appeal to arms of 
 a similar character, yet the King resolved to 
 retain a considerable number of the newly-raised 
 forces in his service. On the 17th of July several 
 troops of Dragoons were formed into a regiment, 
 (now the fourth light dragoons,) under the com- 
 mand of Colonel John Berkeley ; and in the 
 beginning of August, four of the additional troops 
 attached to the royal dragoons, with one troop
 from Berkeley's regiment, were incorporated ; 1685 
 at the same time another troop was ordered to be 
 raised, and the six were constituted a regiment 
 was appointed Colonel, and ALEXANDER CANNON, 
 from a regiment of foot in the Dutch service, 
 Lieutenant-Colonel, by commission dated the 
 2nd of August, 1685. The regiment thus formed 
 is the subject of this memoir; its Colonel being 
 Lord-Lieutenant of Somersetshire, had com- 
 manded the militia of that county during the 
 rebellion, and his regiment was honoured with 
 the title of the " QUEEN CONSORT'S REGIMENT 
 OF DRAGOONS ;" and being composed of troops 
 raised previously to those of Berkeley's regiment, 
 it obtained precedence of the last-mentioned 
 The establishment was fixed by warrant under 1686 
 the sign manual, bearing date the 1st of January, 
 1686, from which the following is an extract. 
 * The Third, ranked as Second Dragoons ; the Fourth as Third ; 
 and the Second as Fourth ; until the peace of Utrecht, when the 
 claim of the Greys to precedence was submitted to a board of general 
 officers and admitted. See the Historical Record of the Scots 
 Lieutenant-Colonel, as Lieut. -Colonel, vij 9 , and ij) n 
 Chirurgeon iv 8 and j horse to carry his chest, ij 9 . . 
 Adjutant iv s , and for his horse j 9 .... 
 Quarter-Master and Marshal in one person iv 9 , hisl 
 Gunsmith iv s and his servant i 
 The Colonel, as Captaine, viii 9 , and iij horses iij" 
 Cornett iij s , and ij horses ij 9 
 Quarter-Master, for himself and horse .... 
 Two Serjeants, each j 9 via, and ij s for horses . . 
 Three Corporals, each j 9 , and iij 9 for horses . . . 
 Two Drummers, each j 9 , and ij 9 for horses . . . 
 Two Hautboys, each i s , and ij 9 for horses .... 
 , 4 
 Fifty Soldiers, each at i 9 vi d for man and horse 
 3 15 
 30 ft 
 PBR ANNUM . . 14,356. 13s. 4rf. 
 Charles, Duke of Somerset,! 
 (Colonel) J 
 Alexr. Cannon, (Lieut.-Col). 
 Gustavus Philpot, (Major) . 
 Richard Leveson .... 
 John Williams . . . 
 Thomas Pownell. 
 Edward Sandys, 
 had no troop. 
 Willm. Stanniford 
 George Clifford 
 William Hussey 
 Francis Tankard 
 Thos. Brewerton 
 John Webb 
 Francis De la Rue 
 Richard Folliott 
 Peter Sutherland 
 Rupert Napier 
 Thomas Hnssey .... 
 Oliver St. George .... 
 Henry Packhurst .... Cha 
 During the summer the regiment was encamp- 
 ed on Hounslow Heath, where it was reviewed 
 by the King ; it was also encamped on the same 
 ground in the summer of 1687 ; and took part 1687 
 in several mock-engagements, which were exhibit- 
 ed by an army of upwards of ten thousand men, 
 in presence of their Majesties, and a numerous 
 concourse of people. 
 The King, having openly declared himself a 
 Roman Catholic, resolved to give public audience 
 to a nuncio from the Pope, Ferdinand d'Adda, 
 who had been consecrated Archbishop of Amasia 
 in the King's Chapel at St. James's, and the 
 DUKE OF SOMERSET, who was Lord of the Bed- 
 chamber in waiting, was directed to attend the 
 legate into His Majesty's presence. This com-
 1687 rnand his Grace refused to obey, with a laudable 
 firmness which astonished the King, alleging 
 the laws of England made such attendance 
 treason ; he was consequently deprived of his 
 regiment and of his post at court. The King con- 
 1688 ferred the Colonelcy on the Lieutenant-Colonel, 
 ALEXANDER CANNON, under whom it was again 
 encamped on Hounslow Heath. 
 While pursuing a course of tyrannical and ill- 
 advised measures against the laws and religion 
 of the country, the King learnt with astonishment 
 and indignation, that the Prince of Orange was 
 embarking an army for England to aid the 
 noblemen and gentlemen who were opposed to 
 papacy and arbitrary government ; the QUEEN'S 
 DRAGOONS, with several other corps, were ordered 
 to Ipswich, under the command of Major-General 
 Sir John Lanier, to endeavour to preserve Land- 
 guard fort, and to oppose the Prince if he should 
 attempt to land there. His Highness, however, 
 landed at Torbay on the 5th of November, 1688, 
 when the regiment was ordered to Salisbury, and 
 from thence to Warrninster, where the advance- 
 post of the King's army was established. 
 While the regiment was stationed at Warmin- 
 ster, the Lieutenant-Colonel, RICHARD LEVESON, 
 Captain St. George, with several other officers 
 and a number of men, being stanch Protestants 
 and zealous advocates for their religion, and for 
 the welfare of their country, quitted their post 
 and joined the Prince of Orange. The remainder 
 of the regiment continued with King James'
 army and retreated towards London. His Majes- 1688 
 ty having quitted England and retired to France, 
 the regiment was re-united at D unstable, and 
 the Prince of Orange conferred the colonelcy on 
 Lieutenant-Colonel LEVESON, in succession to 
 Colonel Cannon, who adhered to the interest, 
 and followed the fortunes of King James. 
 On the accession of King William III. and 1689 
 Queen Mary, the Regiment did not lose its title 
 of "THE QUEEN'S," but that designation was not 
 used, and numerical titles not having been then 
 introduced, it was usually styled LEVESON'S 
 regiment; it was, however, again called "THE 
 QUEEN'S," after its return from Ireland in 1692. 
 Under its new sovereign the regiment was 
 quickly employed in active service. King James 
 proceeded from France to Ireland, and finding an 
 army, levied by Earl Tyrconuel, ready to support 
 the Roman Catholic interest, he soon reduced 
 the greater part of that country to submission to 
 his authority. King William sent the veteran 
 Duke Schomberg with an army to Ireland, to 
 rescue that country from the power of papacy ; 
 and LEVESON'S dragoons embarked at Highlake 
 on the 21st of August, for the same destination. 
 Having landed near Carrickfergus, they joined 
 Duke Schomberg's camp a mile beyond Belfast, 
 on the 30th of August, and were reviewed on 
 the following day. 
 The army quitted Belfast on the 2nd of Sep- 
 tember, and advancing towards Newry on the 
 3rd, found the town in flames, and the enemy
 1689 fled ; LEVESON'S troopers and some Inniskilling 
 horse, rode forward in pursuit, but were unable 
 to overtake the rear of the fugitive army. 
 A camp was afterwards formed at Dundalk, 
 and, on the 13th of September, as a party of the 
 regiment was cutting forage in the fields, a de- 
 tachment of the enemy appeared ; the dragoons 
 instantly threw down their forage and advanced 
 to meet their opponents, who, though superior in 
 numbers, faced about and retired. On the 21st 
 of September the enemy appeared in force, dis- 
 playing their royal standard, but retired without 
 venturing to attack the camp ; when a party of 
 LEVESON' Dragoons galloped forward in pursuit, 
 and overtaking the enemy's rear, killed five 
 men. On the 17th of October, as a detachment 
 of the regiment and some Inniskilling horse, 
 were reconnoitring, they advanced with great 
 audacity to the immediate vicinity of King 
 James' camp, and a party of Irish horse gained a 
 pass in their rear to cut off their retreat ; but the 
 gallant dragoons, by a determined charge forced 
 their way through the defile, killed four oppo- 
 nents, and brought off six prisoners. 
 These instances of bravery gave Duke Schom- 
 berg a high opinion of the regiment, and about 
 midnight on the 27th of October, he sent out 
 two hundred of LEVESON'S troopers with some 
 Inniskilling horse and French protestants, who 
 dashed across the country to the neighbourhood 
 of Ardee, routed the enemy's out-guards, and 
 captured a drove of oxen and some horses, with
 which they returned in triumph to the camp at 1689 
 In November the army went into winter quar- 
 ters in the north of Ireland, and a party of 
 LEVESON'S troopers was stationed at a frontier 
 post at Tandrogee. On the 26th of November, 
 sixty men of the regiment accompanied Colonel 
 Cambron, while making a reconnoisance of the 
 enemy's post at Charlemont; when they discovered 
 a party from the garrison posted in the hedges 
 near the place. The Dragoons, with their cha- 
 racteristic intrepidity, dismounted, drove the 
 enemy from the hedges in gallant style, killed 
 seven men upon the spot, and captured two Irish 
 musketeers, twenty horses, and a number of cattle, 
 with the loss of one man who was killed by a 
 shot from the town, and eight men, whose ardour 
 led them too forward in the pursuit, and who 
 were surrounded and made prisoners. 
 In February, one squadron of the regiment 1690 
 formed part of a reconnoitring party under Ma- 
 jor-General Sir John Lanier ; and on arriving in 
 the vicinity of Dundalk, LEVESON'S dragoons dis- 
 mounted, stormed Bedloe's Castle, killed ten 
 of the garrison, took the remainder prisoners, 
 and burnt the building. The same party cap- 
 tured about fifteen hundred head of cattle, and 
 afterwards returned to Newry, having lost one 
 lieutenant, three dragoons, and four horses, killed, 
 in this expedition. 
 Although no general engagement had occurred, 
 LEVESON'S dragoons, by their spirited conduct
 1690 on all occasions, had become celebrated in the 
 army ; Colonel LEVESON was foremost on every 
 occasion of danger, the men were proud of their 
 commander, and the character of the corps was 
 already established, when King William III. ar- 
 rived in Ireland to command the Army in person. 
 His Majesty landed at Carrickfergus on the 14th 
 of June, and proceeded from thence to Belfast, 
 where he was met by the principal officers of the 
 army. LEVESON'S troopers were, at this time, at 
 Newry, with a division of the army commanded 
 by Major-General Kirke; and on Sunday, the 
 22nd of June, a squadron of the regiment, under 
 the orders of Captain Crow, and a company of 
 Kirke's (now second) foot, commanded by Cap- 
 tain Farlow, were ordered forward to reconnoitre 
 the enemy's camp at Dundalk. 
 This party was on the march at an early hour, 
 and having advanced through a pass, to the 
 grounds where the enemy had erected a fort 
 in the preceding campaign, but had afterwards 
 abandoned it, they were suddenly saluted by a 
 volley from some infantry who had concealed 
 themselves in the fort ; at the same time five 
 hundred of the enemy's horse were seen through 
 the misty dawn advancing to charge them. 
 Never were men in greater danger than that 
 to which this little band was exposed ; LEVESON'S 
 troopers, being in advance, stood their ground 
 boldly, but were driven back by the superior 
 numbers of their antagonists. The enemy's horse- 
 men being checked by the fire of Farlow's mus-
 keteers, the dragoons returned to the charge and 1690 
 used their broad swords with good effect ; the 
 pikemen joined in the charge and the Irish were 
 driven back ; but not knowing the numbers of 
 their opponents, the dragoons and pikemen re- 
 tired through the pass in good order. The loss 
 on this occasion was twenty-two men killed and 
 several wounded, and Captain Farlow, who com- 
 manded the foot, was taken prisoner. The ene- 
 my's loss was greater, and their Commanding 
 Officer was killed by one of LEVESON'S troopers. 
 Another party of the regiment was sent forward 
 on the following morning, and ascertained that 
 the enemy had left the camp at Dundalk, and 
 were retreating towards Ardee. 
 King William advanced through Dundalk to 
 Ardee, which town he entered as the enemy's 
 rear-guard abandoned the place. On the 30th of 
 June he arrived at the river Boyne, and Captain 
 Pownell, of LEVESON'S dragoons, was sent with a 
 squadron to take post near Slane-bridge. King 
 James' army was strongly posted on the opposite 
 bank of the river, with his right near Drogheda 
 and his left extending towards the village of Slane. 
 On the 1st of July the river was crossed at 
 three places, and a general engagement was 
 fought. After a severe struggle the enemy re- 
 treated to the village of Donore, where they 
 made such a determined stand that the Dutch 
 and Danish horse, though headed by the King in 
 person, gave way ; when a squadron of LEVE- 
 SON'S dragoons, commanded by Captain Brewer-
 1690 ton, and a party of Sir Albert Cunningham's 
 dragoons (the sixth Inniskilling) dismounted, 
 and, lining the hedges, and an old house, ' did 
 ' such execution upon the pursuers as soon check- 
 ' ed their ardour.' At the same time Colonel 
 LEVESON, with the remainder of his regiment, 
 galloped forward, and, with admirable bravery, 
 interposed between the enemy's horse, and the 
 village of Duleck. King William's horse having 
 rallied and returned to the charge, the enemy 
 retreated, when they were attacked in the rear by 
 Colonel LEVESON with his dragoons, who made 
 great slaughter. The Irish abandoned the field 
 with precipitation ; but their French and Swiss 
 auxiliaries retreated in good order. 
 King James returned to France, yet the war 
 was continued in Ireland. On the 22nd of July, 
 LEVESON'S dragoons proceeded, with other forces, 
 to Wisterford, and invested the town. The 
 garrison surrendered on the 25th, and was con- 
 ducted to Youghal by a troop of the regiment 
 under Captain Pownell. Having delivered up 
 his charge, the captain, representing to the go- 
 vernor the ruin he would bring upon himself if 
 he held out, induced him to deliver up the place ; 
 and it was taken possession of the same night by 
 the dragoons, who found fourteen pieces of can- 
 non, 350 barrels of oats, and some provisions, in 
 the town. This troop remained in garrison at 
 Youghal, with a company of foot ; and the com- 
 manding officer, having heard that bands of 
 armed Roman Catholic peasantry, called Rappa-
 rees, were committing ravages on the Protestants, 1690 
 marched out with thirty-six dragoons and fifty 
 foot. The dragoons were in advance, and when 
 they arrived near Castle Martir, they encountered 
 three hundred rapparees. Notwithstanding the 
 disparity of numbers, the gallant dragoons dashed 
 forward sword in hand, broke in upon the ene- 
 my, sabred sixty upon the spot, and took seven- 
 teen prisoners. The foot having come up, the 
 castle was summoned, and the troops in the gar- 
 rison delivered it up on condition of being allowed 
 to march unmolested to Cork, without horses 
 and arms. The captain gave the arms to the 
 Protestant inhabitants, and took the horses with 
 him to Youghal. 
 At this time the remainder of the regiment was 
 engaged in the siege of Limerick, which failed, 
 owing to the loss of the battering train. From 
 Limerick the five troops marched with other corps 
 towards Birr, to relieve the castle, which was 
 besieged by the enemy ; and, after performing 
 this service, encamped beyond the town. 
 On the 1 6th of September one troop of the 
 regiment attacked an immense number of rappa- 
 rees who were proceeding from Cork to Lismore, 
 and having routed them and killed forty, took 
 three prisoners. Two days afterwards, as Lieu- 
 tenant Kelly of the regiment was out with a 
 small party reconnoitring, he was surrounded 
 and taken prisoner. 
 The regiment passed a part of the winter at 1691 
 Clonmel, and in February 1691, it was employed
 1691 on an expedition to Streamstown, when the ad- 
 vanced guard highly distinguished itself; and 
 shortly afterwards its colonel, the gallant LEVE- 
 SON, was promoted to the rank of brigadier-gene- 
 ral. In May it was encamped at Mullingar. 
 The Irish being strengthened from France, 
 and the English from Scotland, both armies took 
 the field in the beginning of June, when General 
 De Ginkell, who was left in command by King 
 William, advanced through Mullingar, cap- 
 tured Ballymore, and besieged Athlone, which 
 was gallantly stormed and taken on the 30th of 
 June. The town having been put in a posture 
 of defence, the army advanced to Ballinasloe, 
 and on Sunday, the 12th of July, advanced in 
 four columns against the Irish, who were strong- 
 ly posted near the village of Aghrim ; their right 
 flank and centre being covered by a morass, and 
 the remainder of their front by enclosures, ter- 
 minating at the castle of Aghrim, on which their 
 left rested. LEVESON'S troopers were formed in 
 brigade with the royal Irish dragoons commanded 
 by Brigadier-General Villiers, and posted on the 
 right of the line. The action was well contested 
 on both sides. At length the Blues, Langston's, 
 and Byerley's horse, a squadron of Ruvigny's 
 French Protestants, and LEVESON'S dragoons, 
 forced the pass at the castle of Aghrim, and, by 
 a gallant charge, decided the fate of the day. 
 LEVESON'S gallant troopers rushed forward with 
 their wonted bravery, and overthrew all opposi- 
 tion. In opposing this attack in person, the ene-
 my's general, ST. RUTH, was killed by a cannon 1691 
 ball, and the Irish giving way, were pursued 
 with great slaughter by the cavalry towards 
 Loughrea. The regiment was thanked by the 
 Commander-in-Chief for its excellent conduct. 
 It lost in this action seven men killed, and five 
 LEVESON'S dragoons were afterwards employed 
 in the siege of Galway. On the 2nd of August 
 they were detached, with twenty-four men from 
 each regiment of Horse, under the command of 
 Brigadier-General Leveson, to scour the country 
 and drive in the enemy's parties ; and they ar- 
 rived on the 4th, in the vicinity of Nenagh, 
 where five hundred of the enemy, under Briga- 
 dier-General Carrol (commonly called Tall An- 
 thony) were in garrison in an old castle, on the 
 domain of the Duke of Ormond. Part of the 
 garrison occupied a pass half a mile in front of 
 the castle ; but was driven from that post by the 
 dragoons. The garrison made a precipitate re- 
 treat towards Limerick, but were overtaken at 
 Cariganlis, and routed with the loss of several 
 men, their baggage, and four hundred head of 
 The siege of Limerick commenced on the 25th 
 of August, and the regiment was before the town 
 until the 31st, when it was detached with a party 
 of horse under Brigadier-General LEVESON, and 
 Major Wood of the eighth horse (now sixth dra- 
 goon guards) to reduce the small garrisons in the 
 county of Kerry, where the whole country was
 1691 found in arms, and Lords Merrion's and Bretta's 
 regiments of Irish horse there to assist the rap- 
 parees. LEVESON and WOOD* were both daring 
 aspirants for military fame, and had become 
 celebrated for their zeal and valour, and for their 
 abilities on detached services. Having ascer- 
 tained where the two Irish regiments were en- 
 camped, they marched all the night of the 1st 
 of September ; and about one on the following 
 morning, rushed suddenly upon them with the 
 horse and dragoons. The enemy, surprised and 
 confounded, fled in every direction, pursued by 
 the victorious dragoons, who sabred many men 
 and captured a drove of oxen. A reinforcement 
 of three hundred horse and dragoons and six 
 pieces of cannon was afterwards sent to Brigadier- 
 General LEVESON, and he reduced several garri- 
 sons between Cork and Limerick, and sent num- 
 bers of oxen and sheep to the army. On the 
 22nd of September this gallant officer, with only 
 two hundred and fifty horse and dragoons, at- 
 tacked and dispersed two regiments of Irish dra- 
 goons and a body of rapparees nearly three thou- 
 sand strong ; when he again captured some cattle 
 . and sheep. It appears that the principal part of 
 the provisions for the army encamped before 
 Limerick was supplied by the activity of LEVE- 
 SON'S corps, which continued to act as an inde- 
 pendent force until the surrender of that city on 
 the 3rd of October. In King James's declaration 
 * Major Wood rose to the rank of lieut.-general. See a memoir 
 of this distinguished officer in the record of the third dragoon guards.
 from St. Germains, Brigadier-General LEVESON 1691 
 was especially exempted from the general am- 
 With the fall of Limerick ended the war in 1692 
 Ireland*; and the regiment having embarked for 
 England, landed at Barnstaple on the 18th of 
 March, 1692. Its establishment was six troops, 
 360 men, and its expense 15,999/. 3s. 4.d. per 
 annum. During this and the following year 1693 
 it was stationed in the south and western counties 
 of England. 
 On the 19th of January, 1694, Brigadier-Gene- 1694 
 ral Leveson was removed to the third horse, now 
 second dragoon guards ; and the colonelcy of the 
 QUEEN'S dragoons was conferred upon THOMAS 
 LORD FAIRFAX, from lieut. -colonel of the second 
 troop (now second regiment) of life guards. 
 At this period King William was engaged in 
 a war with France, and the third horse and 
 QUEEN'S dragoons having been reviewed by His 
 Majesty in Hyde Park, on the 26th of March 
 embarked for foreign service. The QUEEN'S dra- 
 goons landed at Williamstadt, in North Brabant, 
 on the 16th of April 1694, joined the army en- 
 camped at Tirlemont on the 21st of June, and 
 was again reviewed by His Majesty on the fol- 
 lowing day. Its excellent conduct in Ireland 
 * The account of the services of the regiment in Ireland has 
 been taken from the Official Records London Gazettes Accounts 
 published by authority in 1690, and 1691 State of Europe Story's 
 History of the War in Ireland Harris' Life of King William III. 
 and Boyer's Life of King William III. 
 1694 appears to have raised the regiment high in the 
 King's estimation, and it was ordered to encamp 
 beyond the defiles of the village of Roosebeck, to 
 cover His Majesty's quarters*. 
 The regiment served the campaign of this year 
 in brigade with the royals and royal Scots dra- 
 goons, and was employed in manoeuvring and 
 skirmishing in the valleys of Brabant and in the 
 verdant plains of Flanders. No general engage- 
 ment occurred, and in October it went into quar- 
 ters at Ghent. 
 1695 In February, 1695, Lord Fairfax having retired, 
 King William conferred the colonelcy on Colonel 
 William Lloyd : at the same time the establishment 
 was augmented to eight troops of thirty-eight 
 officers, seventy-two non-commissioned officers, 
 and four hundred and eighty privates, the annual 
 expense being increased to 20,6521. 18*. 4d. 
 Having passed the winter in barracks at Ghent 
 and received a remount from England, the QUEEN'S 
 dragoons marched, in April 1695, to Dixmude in 
 West Flanders, and encamped on the plains of the 
 Yperlee. A small detached corps was assembled 
 at this place under Major-General Ellemberg, and 
 in June an attack was made on the forts at 
 Kenoque, to draw the French troops that way, and 
 to facilitate the siege of Namur, which was under- 
 taken immediately afterwards. 
 The QUEEN'S dragoons, with eight battalions of 
 infantry, returned to Dixmude, and the remainder 
 * D'Auvergne's History of the Campaign in Flanders.
 of the division marched to the main army before 1695 
 While the army was besieging Namur, a French 
 force, commanded by General de Montal, invested 
 Dixmude (15th July), and carried on the ap- 
 proaches with great expedition. The governor, 
 Major-General Ellemberg, called a council of war, 
 and suggested the expediency of surrendering. 
 This was opposed by Major Beaumont, who com- 
 manded the QUEEN'S dragoons*, and some other 
 officers, but it was agreed to by the majority, and 
 the garrison was delivered up prisoners of war. 
 Thus, the gallant dragoons, after displaying the 
 greatest valour in former campaigns, were tamely 
 consigned into the hands of the enemy, by a timid, 
 or treacherous, foreign general officer. The sol- 
 diers were enraged at not being permitted to 
 defend the place ; many of the men broke their 
 arms before they delivered them up, and one 
 British regiment tore its colours to pieces. 
 An agreement had previously been made by 
 the contending powers, that all prisoners should 
 be given up on certain conditions. These con- 
 ditions were complied with, and the return of the 
 regiments which had surrendered, was demanded ; 
 but the French court refused to give them up. 
 At length the citadel of Namur capitulated, and 
 the French garrison was permitted to march out 
 without being made prisoners, but as they passed 
 through theallied army, theircommander, Marshal 
 * Colonel Lloyd being sick at Brussels and the Lieutenant- 
 Colonel on leave of absence.
 1695 Boufflers, was arrested and detained until the 
 conditions of the agreement were complied with. 
 The detention of the marshal produced the release 
 of the regiments ; the QUEEN'S dragoons returned 
 to the army, and were ordered into barracks at 
 Ghent. At the same time a general court-martial 
 assembled for the trial of the officers who had 
 delivered the regiments into the power of the 
 enemy. The governor of Dixmude, Major-General 
 Ellemberg, was sentenced to be beheaded, and was 
 executed at Ghent on the 20th of November. 
 Colonels Graham, O'Farrell, Lesly, and Aver, 
 were cashiered ; two others were suspended, and 
 the remainder acquitted. After the army left 
 the field, the QUEEN'S dragoons were quartered in 
 villages near the canal of Slays. 
 1696 The regiment again took the field in May 1 696, 
 and was reviewed by King William on the 29th 
 of that month, when it appeared complete in 
 numbers, and in excellent condition. During the 
 summer it formed part of a detached corps com- 
 manded by Major-General Fagel, and encamped 
 near Nieuport. The enemy made demonstrations 
 of an attack on this part of the country, when 
 entrenchments were thrown up, the sluices were 
 opened, and the grounds in front of the French 
 army were laid under water. A few skirmishes 
 were, however, all that occurred ; and in the early 
 part of October the QUEEN'S dragoons marched 
 into quarters on the frontiers of Dutch Flanders. 
 1697 After leaving its village cantonments in the 
 early part of April 1697, the regiment was en-
 camped at Bois-Seigneur-Isaac ; it was after- 1697 
 wards employed in operations in Brabant, and on 
 the 27th of May it formed part of a detachment 
 of seven squadrons, commanded by Major- 
 Genera] de Bay, sent from the camp at Promelles 
 towards Binche and Herlaymonte-Capelle. When 
 on the march, the advance-guard, consisting of a 
 squadron of the QUEEN'S, commanded by Colonel 
 Lloyd, encountered a squadron of French cara- 
 bineers, whom the dragoons overthrew and put to 
 flight, killing and wounding many men, and 
 taking an officer and seventeen soldiers prisoners. 
 The regiment was subsequently employed in 
 covering Brussels, until the treaty of Ryswick 
 restored peace to Europe; when it left the Ne- 
 therlands and returned to England. In the 1698 
 following year the establishment was reduced to 
 six troops 286 private men. 
 The regiment remained in England until the 1702 
 summer of 1702, when, war having been declared 
 against France and Spain, an expedition, com- 
 manded by the Duke of Ormond, was sent against 
 Cadiz, and a detachment of the QUEEN'S dragoons, 
 consisting of three field-officers, three captains, 
 four lieutenants, five cornets, three staff-officers, 
 five quarter-masters, five Serjeants, fourteen cor- 
 porals, eight drummers, and one hundred and 
 eighty-six private men*, was embarked for this 
 service. A landing was effected on the coast of 
 * The original embarkation return, signed by the Colonel of the 
 regiment, is among the Harleian manuscripts in the British Museum, 
 No. 7025.
 1702 Spain, near Cadiz, on the 15th of August ; on the 
 following day Rota, a town on the north side of 
 the bay seven miles from Cadiz, was taken, and on 
 the 21st, Port St. Mary's, situate at the mouth of 
 the river Guadalete, was captured. The QUEEN'S 
 dragoons, being the only cavalry with the expe- 
 dition, were almost constantly employed on piquet 
 and out-post duty. On the 25th of August the 
 army encamped at Santa Victoria, and in the 
 early part of September the attack of the Ma- 
 tagorda was commenced. ' On the 5th of Sep- 
 * tember a squadron of Spanish horse made bold 
 * to attack a small party of the QUEEN'S dragoons, 
 ' who behaved themselves so gallantly, that they 
 ' put the enemy to flight, having wounded and 
 * taken an officer and two men with their horses, 
 * and on our side we had a cornet and a private 
 ' man killed, and a lieutenant taken, whom the 
 ' Spaniards, against all the laws of nations and 
 ' arms, most barbarously cut in pieces*." 
 Cadiz was found better prepared for a siege 
 than had been expected, and the troops were re- 
 embarked. A successful attack was afterwards 
 made on the fort of Vigo in Galicia, and a rich 
 fleet was captured in the harbour, for which the 
 QUEEN'S dragoons received 187J. 3s. 4d. prize 
 money f. 
 1703 On the 31st of December, 1703, Brigadier- 
 General (afterwards LORD) CARPENTER, was ap- 
 pointed to the colonelcy of the QUEEN'S DRA- 
 Annals of Queen Anne, page 93. f Bibl. Harl. 7025.
 GOONS, by purchase*, in succession to Major- 1703 
 General Lloyd. 
 The regiment remained on home service until 1706 
 1706, when another detachment of about two 
 hundred and forty officers and men embarked on 
 board the fleet of Sir Cloudesley Shovel ; forming 
 part of a force of 10,000 men commanded by the 
 Earl Rivers, and designed to invade the coast of 
 France, on a plan suggested by the Marquis De 
 Guiscard. The descent was, however, rendered 
 impracticable by contrary winds, and the troops 
 were ordered to Lisbon. In the meantime the 
 English forces in Spain had retired from Madrid 
 to Valencia and Catalonia, and the troops under 
 the Earl Rivers were directed to proceed thither. 
 The QUEEN'S dragoons, and other forces, were 1707 
 accordingly re-embarked ; they left Portugal in 
 the early part of January, 1707, and,having landed 
 at Alicant in Valencia on the llth of February, 
 commenced their march to join the forces under 
 the Earl of Galway,the united camp being 
 formed at Caudete, on the 30th of March. The 
 army soon afterwards destroyed several of the 
 enemy's magazines, and besieged Villena in 
 Murcia. Meanwhile the French and Spanish 
 forces, commanded by the Duke of Berwick, ad- 
 vanced to the plains of Almanza, where the allies 
 resolved to attack them on the 25th of April. 
 After a march of fifteen miles through a rugged 
 * In Lodge's Peerage of Ireland it is stated that Brigadier-General 
 Carpenter gave 1800 guineas for the colonelcy of the QUEEN'S 
 ] 707 and mountainous country, the wearied British and 
 Portuguese troops entered an open plain between 
 Caudete and Almanza, where the enemy, superior 
 in numbers and artillery, was formed in order 
 of battle. After a short halt the attack was com- 
 menced, and the detachments of the QUEEN'S and 
 Essex's (now the fourth) dragoons particularly 
 distinguished themselves ; being ordered to charge 
 a battery of guns, so placed on the brow of a hill, 
 that the artillery mules, though concealed from 
 sight, remained close to the guns and could be 
 instantly attached to them. The charge was 
 made with determined gallantry, but the guns 
 being quickly withdrawn, ten squadrons of select 
 Spanish cavalry charged the British dragoons, 
 amounting only to about, two hundred and 
 ninety men, killing Lieutenant-Colonel Lawrence 
 of the QUEEN'S, who led the attack, also Captain 
 Smith and Cornet Petty of the same corps, and 
 nearly annihilating the two squadrons. The 
 greater part of the Portuguese cavalry fled from 
 the field in a panic, when the British infantry 
 were nearly surrounded, but the cavalry, by a 
 desperate charge, in which three generals (Briga- 
 dier-General Carpenter of the QUEEN'S being one) 
 and thirty-four officers fought in the front ranks, 
 succeeded in breaking through the enemy. The 
 Earl of Gal way was wounded, and in danger of 
 being taken prisoner ; but the spirited conduct of 
 the dragoons enabled him to effect his escape * ; 
 * Annals of Queen Anne.
 and he retreated with the remains of the English 1707 
 and Dutch cavalry to Alceira, where he received 
 information that the greater part of the infantry, 
 after retreating to the hills of Caudete, had been 
 surrounded and compelled to surrender prisoners 
 of war. 
 After this disaster, the few troops which re- 
 mained were employed in defensive operations 
 for the preservation of Catalonia. The QUEEN'S 
 dragoons were stationed a short time at Manresa 
 on the river Gardener, to refresh their horses ; and 
 after the fall of Lerida, the army went into winter 
 quarters. The Earl of Galway embarked for 
 Lisbon, and Brigadier-General Carpenter re- 
 mained in command of the troops in Catalonia. 
 The QUEEN'S dragoons had suffered so severely 1708 
 at the battle of Almanza, that the officers were 
 sent to England in March 1708, and the regiment 
 was ordered to be recruited to sixty men per troop. 
 The recruiting was carried on with rapidity, and 
 the difference in the state of the regiment may be 
 seen from two different returns in one year ; in the 
 first its numbers are 150, and in the second 303. 
 In 1709 the regiment mustered 443 men, and 1709 
 it continued at the same number during the two 1710 
 following years; but in October 1712 a reduction 17U 
 of ten men per troop took place. In 1713 it was 
 quartered in North Britain, and mustered 339 men. 
 After the accession of King George I. in 1714 1714 
 there being no Queen Consort on the throne, the 
 regiment was honoured with the distinguished title 
 1715 In the summer of 1715 the regiment marched 
 to Glasgow, in consequence of disturbances in 
 that neighbourhood ; and on the 8th of September 
 it joined the camp at Stirling under Major- 
 General Whetham, which was formed to oppose 
 the Earl of Mar, who had raised the standard of 
 rebellion, and proclaimed the Pretender at Aber- 
 deen, Dundee, and Perth. The Duke of Argyle 
 afterwards reviewed the troops at Stirling, as 
 Commander-in-Chief in Scotland. 
 On the 10th of November His Grace, having 
 intelligence of the design of the rebels to endea- 
 vour to pass the Forth and to penetrate towards 
 England, resolved to prevent them, and imme- 
 diately gave orders to his troops to hold them- 
 selves in readiness. An order of battle was issued, 
 in which this regiment and Kerr's dragoons (the 
 seventh) formed the extreme left; and according 
 to that order, the army marched from Stirling on 
 the 12th, and encamped on a rising ground to the 
 east of Dumblain, between the town and Sheriff- 
 muir. On the 13th the battle of SHERIFFMUIR 
 was fought, when each party had one wing de- 
 feated and one victorious. The KING'S Own 
 dragoons were in the left wing ; about six hundred 
 highlanders surprised the infantry of that wing, 
 in the act of forming, and put it into confusion ; 
 but upon the dragoons charging and defeating 
 the rebel cavalry opposed to them, capturing their 
 standard, the rebel infantry pursued their ad- 
 vantage no further, and Captain Armstrong, who 
 was sent with orders from the Duke of Argyle,
 being killed, the infantry retired in good order. 1715 
 Both sides claimed the victory ; but all the ad- 
 vantage remained with the Duke of Argyle, who 
 captured the royal standard of the rebels, called 
 " The Restoration," also six pieces of cannon, 
 four waggons, and a number of prisoners. On 
 the following day the army returned to Stirling, 
 and awaited the arrival of reinforcements from 
 On the 9th of January, 1716, the Duke called 1716 
 a council of war at Stirling, where an order of battle 
 was issued, in which CARPENTER'S dragoons were 
 again placed on the left of the front line. Owing 
 to the roads being rendered impassable by the 
 snow, no advance was made till Tuesday the 29th, 
 when the whole army advanced to Dumblain, and 
 thence, on the 30th, to Tullibardine. At one in 
 the morning of the 1st of February, the Duke with 
 his cavalry entered Perth, where he was joined in 
 the evening by his infantry ; the next day he 
 advanced to Errol, and on the 5th, with all his 
 cavalry, moved towards Brechin ; General Cado- 
 gan leading the infantry to Aberbrothock. On 
 the 8th Aberdeen was occupied, and it being 
 ascertained that the Pretender had retired to 
 France, and that the rebel force had totally dis- 
 persed, the army went into winter quarters, and 
 the KING'S OWN dragoons were stationed at 
 From this time the KING'S OWN do not appear 
 to have been engaged in any service of importance 
 for a period of more than twenty years. They were
 17 17 usually stationed in the southern and western 
 counties of England ; but occasionally occupied 
 1718 quarters, for short periods, in Scotland. In 1718 
 1719 the establishment was reduced ten men per troop ; 
 1720 in the following year the numbers were only 186 ; 
 1721 an addition of 21 men was made in 1720, and 
 1722 during that and the two succeeding years the 
 regiment mustered 207 men. 
 1723 In 1723 the establishment was augmented to 
 1724 333 men, at which number it remained, with an 
 1725 alteration only of six men, until 1727, when the 
 1726 re gi men t was ordered to hold itself in readiness 
 1727 to embark for Holland, as part of the complement 
 of 10,000 men which England had engaged to 
 furnish the States ; at the same time its establish- 
 ment was augmented to 552 men. No embark - 
 1729ation, however, took place; and in 1729, the 
 numbers of the regiment were reduced to 309. 
 1732 After the decease of General Lord Carpenter 
 in 1732, King George II. conferred the colonelcy 
 on Major-General PHILIP HONEYWOOD, from the 
 eleventh dragoons. 
 1738 An augmentation was made to the establish- 
 j 9 ment in 1738; in 1739, the breaking out of a 
 war with Spain occasioned general orders for 
 recruiting to be issued: the establishment of 
 the KING'S OWN dragoons was raised to 435 men, 
 and in the summer they were encamped on Houn- 
 slow Heath, where they were several times re- 
 viewed by the Duke of Cumberland. 
 1740 During the summer of 1740, the KING'S OWN 
 were encamped in Windsor Forest; and in 1741,
 they were ordered, with several other regiments 1741 
 and a train of artillery, amounting nearly to 
 10,000 men, to prepare for embarkation for 
 foreign service. This force encamped in July, on 
 ground cleared for the purpose, on Lexdon heath, 
 near Colchester : no embarkation, however, took 
 place, and after a few weeks, the troops went 
 into quarters in the various towns in the neigh- 
 In the meantime war was raging on the con- 1742 
 tinent ; the King of France and the Elector of 
 Bavaria had united to deprive the Archduchess 
 Maria Theresa of her hereditary dominions; and in 
 1742, His Britannic Majesty sent sixteen thousand 
 British troops to Flanders to make a diversion in 
 favour of the Austrians. The KING'S OWN Regi- 
 ment of dragoons was one of the corps selected for 
 this service, and having been reviewed on Black- 
 heath by King George II., accompanied by the 
 Duke of Cumberland, it embarked shortly after- 
 wards at Woolwich and Deptford ; their colonel, 
 Lieutenant-General Honeywood, taking the com- 
 mand of the expedition until the arrival of Field 
 Marshal the Earl of Stair. 
 After landing at Ostend the KING'S OWN dra- 
 goons advanced a few leagues up the country, but 
 all active operations were prevented by the tar- 
 diness of the Dutch. 
 Early in 1743, the British troops moved from 1743 
 their cantonments towards the Rhine ; the KING'S 
 OWN, and four companies of the foot guards, 
 forming the advance-guard of the army, were at
 1743 St. Trond, in the province of Limburg, on the 9th 
 of February, and on the 1 1th resumed their march 
 for Germany. In May, the regiment, with the 
 Inniskilling dragoons, and four battalions of the 
 foot guards, formed a detached camp a little below 
 the town of Hochst, in the duchy of Nassau on 
 the Maine, and was afterwards encamped at As- 
 chaffenburg in Franconia, a town situate on a hill 
 on the side of Maine. In the meantime Lieut.- 
 General Honeywood had been removed to the 
 first dragoon guards, and the colonelcy of the 
 KING'S OWN conferred on Brigadier- General 
 HUMPHREY BLAND, from the thirteenth dragoons. 
 His Majesty King George II. having left 
 England towards the end of May, landed at Hel- 
 voetsluys on the 2nd of June, and joined the army 
 on the 9th ; when he found his forces under con- 
 siderable embarrassment, from the French com- 
 mander having succeeded in gaining possession of 
 several important posts on the Maine, by which 
 means he cut off the supplies of provisions and 
 Under these circumstances His Majesty resolved 
 to march to Hanau, where a reinforcement of 
 12,000 Hessians and Hanoverians had arrived ; 
 and at daybreak on the 16th of June, the troops 
 commenced the march along the banks of the 
 Maine : but scarcely had they proceeded three 
 leagues when it was ascertained that the enemy 
 had crossed the river, and was drawn up near 
 DETTINGEN to dispute the march of the army. 
 The allies were immediately formed for action,
 with their left on the river, and their right extend- 1743 
 ing to a wood, in which the baggage was placed. 
 Shortly afterwards the action commenced, when 
 Lieut-General Clayton, who commanded the left 
 wing of infantry, requested some squadrons to 
 cover his flank, and the KING'S OWN dragoons were 
 ordered to this important post, where they suffered 
 severely, being exposed three hours to the fire of 
 the French batteries, as well from their front, as 
 from the other side of the river, which commanded 
 their flank and rear. At length the regiment was 
 led forward, and encountering nine squadrons of 
 household cavalry, the elite of the French army, 
 charged these celebrated horsemen with a degree 
 of gallantry truly astonishing. British valour was 
 most conspicuously displayed ; though over- 
 matched with numbers, and nearly surrounded by 
 enemies, the KING'S OWN dragoons were seen 
 nobly contending for victory, and mingled in close 
 fight with their antagonists, the swift motion of 
 their glittering sabres showed with what vehe- 
 mence the gallant troopers fought for the honour of 
 their King and country. They cut through their 
 renowned opponents three times ; distinguishing 
 themselves in the most signal manner under the 
 eye of their Sovereign, and contributing materially 
 to the victory gained on that occasion. Their 
 loss was however great. Of the three cornets who 
 bore the standards, two were wounded, and the 
 third, Mr. Child, the brother of Lord Castlemaine, 
 had two horses killed under him. The standards 
 were totally destroyed by shot and sabre-cuts, and
 1743 one of them was only preserved from capture by 
 the heroism of a private in the regiment, named 
 THOMAS BROWN, a native of Kirkleatham, in York- 
 shire. This gallant soldier, on the cornet's re- 
 ceiving a wound in the wrist, and dropping the 
 standard, attempted to dismount in order to re- 
 cover it, but in so doing lost two ringers of his 
 bridle-hand by a sabre cut, and his horse ran away 
 with him to the rear of the French lines. Whilst 
 endeavouring to regain his regiment he perceived 
 the standard, which the French had succeeded in 
 capturing by overwhelming numbers, in the cus- 
 tody of a gendarme, who was conveying it to 
 the rear. This man he attacked and killed, caught 
 the standard as it fell, and fixing it between his 
 leg and the saddle, succeeded in cutting his way 
 back through the ranks of the enemy : but re- 
 ceived, in so doing, seven wounds in his head, face, 
 and body, and three balls passed through his hat.* 
 A letter, in the Gazette of July 16th, states, ' that 
 ' in this action Ligonier's horse, (the seventh dra- 
 ' goon guards,) and the THIRD dragoons suffered 
 ' most, and gained great reputation.' The loss of 
 the THIRD was Lieutenant Baily, one Serjeant, two 
 drummers, thirty-eight private men, and one 
 hundred and forty-one horses, killed; MajorHoney- 
 * Two engravings were published of this brave man ; one repre- 
 senting him in the act of preserving the standard, and the other a 
 half figure. He recovered from his wounds in about six weeks, and 
 as a reward for his gallantry he was promoted to the post of a private 
 gentleman in the life guards ; an appointment which, at that time, 
 was usually obtained by purchase.
 wood *, Captain Brown, Lieutenant Robinson, 1743 
 Cornets Dawson, Monteith and O'Carrol, with 
 three quarter-masters, six Serjeants, five drummers, 
 eighty-six private men, and fifty horses woundedt. 
 The victory was most decisive ; the French were 
 completely defeated in their attempt, and were 
 compelled to recross the Maine with precipitation, 
 with the loss of many standards, colours, and four 
 pair of kettle-drums. 
 The KING'S OWN dragoons passed the night 
 near the field of battle, surrounded by their 
 ensanguined trophies, and, having marched to 
 Hanau on the following day, were encamped, for 
 some time, on the banks of the little river Kin- 
 zig, from whence they advanced with the army, 
 in the early part of August, for the Rhine ; and, 
 having crossed that river above Mentz, were em- 
 ployed in operations in West Germany, where 
 the army was joined by the Dutch auxiliaries. 
 The enemy's entrenchments at Germersheim, in 
 the Bavarian circle of the Rhine, were afterwards 
 destroyed, but no general engagement occurred ; 
 and in the middle of October the army repassed 
 the Rhine, and marched back to the Nether- 
 * Major Honey wood received five wounds ; he was thought dead, 
 and stripped, and in that state lay six hours on the field of battle. 
 He was, with Captain Brown, and Lieutenant Robinson, reported 
 dead; but all three recovered. We learn from a private letter from 
 General Bland, published in the Gentleman's Magazine, that all his 
 officers were wounded except two, but they gallantly refused to be 
 reported so, and remained with the regiment. 
 f The loss of the THIRD DRAGOONS was equal to that of the whole 
 of the other cavalry regiments, excepting Ligonier's horse, now 
 seventh dragoon guards. 
 1743 lands in eight divisions*. The royals, greys, 
 and KING'S OWN dragoons, with the Scots high- 
 landers, forming the first division, proceeded 
 through the duchy of Nassau, the provinces of 
 Limburg, Liege, and South Brabant, to Brussels, 
 where they arrived on the 16th of November, 
 and on the following day continued their march 
 for West Flanders, to pass the winter in quarters 
 at Ghent. 
 1744 Notwithstanding its severe loss the regiment 
 remained in Belgium, and being joined by a 
 number of recruits, in the spring of 1744, it took 
 the field, and in June it formed part of the army 
 encamped on the banks of the Scheldt, near 
 Oudenarde, in East Flanders. During the sum- 
 mer it was employed in operations in the province 
 of Hainault, and in levying contributions in 
 the French territory towards Lisle. In Octo- 
 ber it marched into quarters at Ghent : and by 
 the Muster Rolls for this year we find its num- 
 bers were 538. 
 1745 After leaving their winter quarters about the 
 middle of April, 1745, the KING'S OWN were 
 encamped a short time near Brussels, where they 
 were reviewed by his Royal Highness the Duke 
 of Cumberland. They were afterwards assem- 
 bled with the army at Soignies. The French 
 * It is said that when the King reviewed his army, previous to 
 leaving them in 1743, he noticed the deficiency in the ranks of the 
 THIBD, by sharply asking whose regiment it was, and what had be- 
 come of the remainder of it. ' Please your Majesty,' was the re- 
 ply of General Bland, ' it is my regiment, and I believe the remain- 
 ' der of it is at Dettingen.'
 having assembled a numerous army and besieged 1745 
 Tournay, the Duke of Cumberland resolved to 
 attempt the relief of that fortress; the army, 
 accordingly, advanced, and on the 28th of April 
 took post at Leuse. On the following day a 
 squadron of the KING'S OWN was employed, 
 with other troops, in driving back the enemy's 
 advanced-posts, and on the 30th the battle of 
 Fontenoy took place ; when the gallant efforts 
 and brilliant success of the British were rendered 
 unavailing by the failure of the Dutch. After 
 an action of several hours the KING'S OWN dra- 
 goons were ordered forward, and they charged 
 the enemy with their accustomed gallantry ; but 
 under such disadvantageous circumstances that 
 their manly efforts only retarded the fate of the 
 day. The Duke of Cumberland ordered a re- 
 treat, and the army marched to the vicinity 
 of Aeth. The enemy had great advantage in 
 numbers, in artillery, and in the favourable 
 ground they occupied ; the loss was nearly equal 
 on both sides, and the Allies lost no honour, 
 though compelled to retire. The KING'S OWN 
 had nine private men, and twenty-eight horses, 
 killed ; Captain Wade, Quarter- Master Cor- 
 bidge, fourteen private men, and thirty-foue 
 horses wounded; and Cornet Bland, two non- 
 commissioned-officers, fifteen men, and twenty- 
 three horses missing. 
 The regiment was afterwards encamped on the 
 banks of the Dender, near Lessines ; from whence 
 it proceeded with the army on the 30th of June, 
 1745 to Grammont in West Flanders, and was subse- 
 quently encamped before Brussels. 
 In the mean time Charles-Edward, eldest son 
 of the Pretender, had arrived in Scotland, and, 
 being joined by several of the highland clans, he 
 asserted his father's pretensions to the throne. 
 There being few troops in Scotland at this time, 
 the rebellion soon made alarming progress ; when 
 orders were given for the return of several regi- 
 ments from the continent, and the KING'S OWN 
 were among the first troops ordered home. 
 Having embarked at Williamstadt, the regi- 
 ment, after a boisterous passage, arrived in the 
 River Thames on the 25th of October, and 
 immediately landed and proceeded towards the 
 north. On the 10th of November it joined the 
 army of Lieutenant-General Sir John Ligonier, 
 then assembling near Lichfield. On the advance 
 of the rebels towards Derby, the regiment formed 
 part of the army commanded by his Royal High- 
 ness the Duke of Cumberland ; and when the 
 highlanders retreated towards Scotland, it was 
 sent in pursuit. It left Lichfield on this service 
 on the 9th of November ; on the llth, it was at 
 Macclesfield ; on the 13th at Wigan, and on the 
 evening of the 19th after ten hours' march 
 it arrived on Clifton Moor, three miles from 
 Penrith ; at the same time the rear-guard of the 
 rebel army, consisting of two battalions of high- 
 landers and some hussars, occupied the village, 
 and lined the hedges on both sides of the road. 
 The sun had set ; the shades of evening were
 gathering over the little village of Clifton, and 1745 
 distant objects were scarcely discernible, when 
 the KING'S OWN, and a few detachments from 
 other corps, forming the advance-guard of the 
 royal army, having dismounted, proceeded in 
 compact order to attack the rebels. As the 
 troops approached the enclosures, the highlanders 
 opened a sharp fire, which re-echoed along the 
 vale, and was soon answered by volleys of mus- 
 ketry from the dragoons. After several rounds, 
 the KING'S OWN were ordered to retire a few 
 paces ; when the highlanders, mistaking this for 
 a flight, raised a loud shout and rushed forward 
 with sword and pistol ; but they were well re- 
 ceived by the dragoons with their broad-swords, 
 and a fierce combat ensued, hand to hand, both 
 sides displaying great bravery. Some of the 
 highlanders broke their swords on the steel caps 
 of the dragoons, when they drew their daggers, 
 and continued the fight with great obstinacy. 
 Eventually, however, the dragoons proved victo- 
 rious, and the rebels made a precipitate retreat to 
 Penrith. The loss of the King's forces on this 
 occasion was twelve men killed and twenty-five 
 wounded, amongst whom were four officers of 
 the KING'S OWN, viz., Lieutenant-Colonel Honey- 
 wood*, Captain East, and Cornets Owen and 
 * The sword of Lieutenant-Colonel Honeywood, of the King's 
 Own dragoons, who led the attack at the affair of Clifton Moor, 
 (December 19, 1746,) was, on that officer's being cut down, taken 
 possession of by the chief of the Macphersons, which clan formed 
 part of the rear-guard of the rebel army. It is still in existence.
 1745 Hamilton. The rebels had about twenty killed, 
 and Captain Hamilton of the hussars with about 
 seventy men taken prisoners*. 
 The KING'S OWN afterwards marched in pur- 
 suit of the rebels to Carlisle, and were stationed 
 near the town during the siege, which was termi- 
 nated by the surrender of the place on the 30th 
 of December. 
 1746 The regiment continued to advance into Scot- 
 land, and is mentioned in the list of the Duke of 
 Cumberland's army in the spring of 1746. On 
 the 14th of February it was detached to Dundee, 
 and after the suppression of the rebellion, returned 
 * ' Lord George Murray, who always commanded the rear-guard 
 4 of the rebels, took possession of a village called Clifton, two miles 
 4 short of Penrith, and ordered Colonels John Stuart and Clunie 
 4 Macpherson, with their regiments, supported by the Macdonalds 
 4 of Keppock, to take post at the bottom of the moor, where they 
 4 were covered by the hedges and ditches. There were also some 
 4 hussars in the village, who had just come from Lowther Hall. 
 4 About an hour after sunset the King's troops appeared upon the 
 4 moor, and three hundred of Colonel Honeywood's dragoons dis- 
 4 mounted and marched forward to attack the rebels, who fired from 
 1 behind the hedges. After a few volleys the dragoons were ordered 
 4 to retire a few paces, when the highlanders, mistaking this for a 
 4 flight, rushed forward with sword and pistol ; but were well 
 4 received by the dragoons, who had drawn their swords. Now the 
 'shouts began, the clashing of swords is heard, the pistols are fired, 
 4 and the event seems doubtful. Some of the rebel's swords broke 
 ' upon the steel caps of the dragoons, whereupon they draw their 
 ' daggers and fight with great obstinacy. 
 4 Thus they continued for about an hour, when the rebels, observing 
 ' the resolution of the dragoons, retired across the ditch with pre- 
 'cipitation, and carried consternation to Penrith. Such was the 
 ' skirmish at Clifton, in which twelve of the dragoons were slain and 
 4 twenty-four wounded. On the side of the rebels were slain twenty, 
 'and seventy taken prisoners.' History of the Rebellion.
 to England, where it was employed in guarding 1746 
 the rebel prisoners at York. The establishment 
 continued the same in this year, as it did in the 1747 
 following, but after the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 
 in 1748, the numbers were reduced to 285, the 1748 
 regiment being then quartered at Bury St. 
 A regulation was issued on the 1st July, 1751, 1751 
 relative to the clothing and standards of the 
 several regiments ; from which the following 
 particulars have been extracted relative to the 
 KING'S OWN dragoons. 
 COATS - scarlet ; double breasted ; without lap- 
 pels ; lined with light blue ; slit sleeves turned 
 up with light blue ; the button-holes worked with 
 narrow yellow lace ; the buttons of yellow metal, 
 set on three and three ; a long slash pocket in 
 each skirt, and a yellow worsted aiguillette on the 
 right shoulder. 
 WAISTCOATS and BREECHES light blue. 
 HATS bound with gold lace, and ornamented 
 with a yellow metal loop, and a black cockade. 
 BOOTS of jacked leather. 
 CLOAKS of scarlet cloth, with a light blue 
 collar, and lined with light blue shalloon ; the 
 buttons set on three and three upon yellow frogs 
 or loops, with a light blue stripe down the 
 HORSE FURNITURE of light blue cloth ; the 
 holster- caps and housings having a border of 
 royal lace, with a red stripe down the centre ; the 
 white horse within the garter, embroidered on
 1751 each corner of the housing ; and on the holster- 
 caps, the King's cipher and crown, with III.D 
 OFFICERS distinguished by gold lace ; their 
 coats and waistcoats bound with gold embroidery ; 
 the button-holes worked with gold ; and a crimson 
 silk sash worn across the left shoulder. 
 QUARTER-MASTERS to wear a crimson sash 
 round the waist. 
 SERJEANTS to have narrow gold lace on the 
 cuffs, pockets and shoulder-straps ; gold shoulder- 
 knots or aiguillettes, and yellow and light blue 
 worsted sashes tied round the waist. 
 DRUMMERS and HAUTBOYS clothed in scarlet 
 coats lined with light blue, and ornamented with 
 royal lace with a blue stripe down the centre; 
 their waistcoats and breeches of blue cloth. 
 GUIDONS The first or King's guidon to be of 
 crimson silk, embroidered and fringed with gold 
 and silver ; in the centre the rose and thistle con- 
 joined, and crown over them, with the motto Dieu 
 et man Droit underneath : the white horse in a 
 compartment in the first and fourth corners, and 
 III.D in gold characters on a light blue ground 
 in a compartment in the second and third corners. 
 The second and third guidons to be of light blue 
 silk, in the centre the white horse within the 
 garter on a crimson ground, and motto Necaspera 
 terrent : the white horse on a scarlet ground in 
 the first and fourth compartments, and III.D 
 within a wreath of roses and thistles upon a scarlet 
 ground in the second and third compartments.
 In 1752 Lieut- General Bland was removed to 1752 
 the King's dragoon guards, and His Majesty con- 
 ferred the colonelcy of His OWN DRAGOONS on 
 James Lord Tyrawley from the fourteenth dra- 
 In 1753 the KING'S OWN lay at Colchester, 1753 
 and in 1754 at Croydon. In December of this 1754 
 year it was broken up into half troops, and em- 
 ployed on coast duty : being scattered along the 
 sea coast, from Shoreham to the Isle of Wight. 
 In April, 1755, Lord Tyrawley was removed to 1755 
 the second foot guards, and King George II. con- 
 ferred the colonelcy of His OWN DRAGOONS on 
 GEORGE EARL OF ALBEMARLE, from the twentieth 
 In June, of the same year, the whole regiment 
 assembled at Lewes, where it remained till July, 
 1756. At this time the KING'S OWN, in common 1756 
 with the other regiments of dragoons, received the 
 addition, novel to the British service, of a light 
 troop. In July it marched to Reading, and in 
 December of the same year, to Northampton. 
 The regiment marched to Henley, Amersham, 1757 
 and High Wycombe in June, 1757; and war 
 having been declared against France in May, 
 1758, the light troop, then commanded by Captain 1758 
 St. Leger, was ordered into camp on South Sea 
 Common, for the purpose of forming, with the 
 light troops of eight other regiments, part of the 
 force intended for a descent on the coast of France, 
 the whole forming a brigade, under Colonel Eliott, 
 afterwards Lord Heathfield. The troops embarked
 1758 May 19th, sailed June the 1st, and arrived on the 
 French coast so as to land in Cancalle Bay on the 
 5th. On the 7th the army moved on St. Maloes, 
 the light troops forming the advance guard, and 
 encamping about a mile from the town. 
 As soon as night fell, the piquets and light 
 dragoons were detached against the harbour and 
 the suburbs of St. Servan, being ordered, if pos- 
 sible, to destroy the stores. This object they 
 effected with equal judgment and determination, 
 setting fire to the storehouses and vessels in the 
 harbour, together with the magazines of tar, pitch, 
 rope, &c., so completely performing their work, 
 as totally to ruin the whole of the marine stores, 
 and to destroy one man-of-war of 50 guns, one of 
 36, and all the privateers, some of 30 guns each ; 
 the vessels destroyed amounting to upwards of 100 
 sail, and the fire continuing to rage all night. 
 The light dragoons afterwards advanced to the 
 town of Dol, where, in several slight affairs, they 
 showed great zeal and activity. On the llth, 
 they re-embarked, and the fleet sailed on the 16th, 
 remaining, however, some time longer on the 
 coast of France, and watching another oppor- 
 tunity to land. This being rendered impracti- 
 cable by the weather, the fleet returned, and 
 arrived at .Spithead on the first of July. The 
 light troops remained at Portsmouth for some 
 time, and many experiments were made with 
 boats of different constructions, in order to ascer- 
 tain the practicability of landing men and horses 
 in rough weather.
 In August the brigade of light dragoons pro- 1758 
 ceeded on a second expedition, and a landing 
 having been effected in the Bay des Marees, 
 Cherbourg was taken, and the fortifications, and 
 vessels in the harbour were destroyed. A descent 
 was afterwards effected in the Bay of St. Lunar, 
 and an incursion made into the adjacent country ; 
 but on re-embarking, the rear guard was attacked, 
 and it sustained some loss. In December, the 
 light troops landed and went into quarters, the 
 light troop of the King's Own being quartered at 
 Maidenhead. So completely had these troops 
 answered the expectations entertained of them, 
 that, in the next year, the first English regiment of 
 light dragoons (the present fifteenth hussars) was 
 raised under Brigadier-General Eliott ; and in June, 
 1759, each light troop received an augmentation 1759 
 of one lieutenant, one serjeant, and twenty-nine 
 privates. On the 7th of November, the KING'S 
 OWN marched to Hounslow and Brentford, re- 
 lieving the royals, who proceeded to Essex. 
 On the 21st of June, 1760*, the regiment re- 1760 
 ceived orders to prepare for embarkation for 
 Germany, to join the army of Prince Ferdinand. 
 These orders were, however, countermanded, and 1761 
 in 1761 and 1762 the regiment was successively 1762 
 quartered at Romford, Colchester, Uxbridge, and 
 * In April, 1760, Lieut-Colonel Dalrymple, of the KING'S Owir 
 DRAGOONS, published an essay dedicated to His Royal Highness the 
 Prince of Wales (afterwards George III.) on the raising, arming, 
 clothing, and disciplining of the British cavalry and infantry, in which 
 the re-introduction of cuirassiers and lancers was recommended.
 1763 Peace having been restored by the treaty of 
 Fontainbleau ; in April, 1763, the light troop was 
 disbanded at Putney ; but a few men of each 
 troop were afterwards equipped as light dragoons. 
 In June the KING'S OWN lay at York, and re- 
 1764mained there till the spring of 1764, when they 
 marched to Scotland, and occupied Dalkeith, 
 Leith, Haddington, Musselburgh, and Liulith- 
 gow; and orders were received for remounting 
 with long-tailed horses *. 
 1765 In 1765, the regiment lay at Coventry and 
 1766 Warwick, and in the next year passed the summer 
 at Reading, where it was reviewed on the 10th of 
 May, afterwards taking up winter quarters at 
 Dorchester, Blandford, and Sherbourne. At the 
 same time the drummers on the establishment 
 were ordered to be replaced by trumpeters. 
 1767 The KING'S OWN were employed on coast duty 
 1768 i* 1 1767 and 1768; in the first year in Kent and 
 Sussex, head quarters at Lewes ; and the second 
 in Suffolk and Essex, head quarters at Ipswich. 
 1769 Five troops lay at York and one at Hull in 1769, 
 17 - andinthe next year the regiment marched to 
 Scotland, head quarters, with three troops, being 
 stationed at Hamilton, and detachments at Lin- 
 lithgow, Irvine, and Kilmarnock. 
 177] In the year 1771, the KING'S OWN lay at 
 Preston, Blackburn, Wigan, and Warrington ; and 
 * The regiment was originally mounted on long-tailed horses ; the 
 fashion of the short dock was introduced a few years after the 
 Revolution in 1688, but the practice did not become general until 
 about 1709.
 in 1772 at Worcester, Pershore, and Bromsgrove. 1772 
 In October of this year the colonelcy was con- 
 ferred on the Honourable Charles Fitzroy (after- 
 wards Lord Southampton)*, from the fourteenth 
 dragoons, in succession to the Earl of Albemarle, 
 In June, 1773, we find the regiment employed 
 in aid of the revenue service on the coast of Kent, 
 with its head -quarters at Canterbury. The year 
 1774 was spent at Northampton, and in April, 1774 
 1775, the regiment was again marched to Scotland, 1775 
 being at East Retford in August, and in the 
 autumn taking up quarters at Haddington, Dal- 
 keith, and Musselburgh. In December of the same 
 year, one troop was detached as far as Wakefield, 
 and in the spring of 1776, the whole regiment 1776 
 followed to the south, and was quartered at 
 Coventry, Lichfield, and Birmingham. 
 In 1777, the KING'S OWN were reviewed at 1777 
 Newbury, and thence took up winter quarters at 
 Blandford, Dorchester and Sherbourne. Early 
 in 1778 they were ordered to Salisbury, there to 
 be reviewed, and thence proceeded to Suffolk, and 
 were encamped on Culford Heath, under the 
 command of Lieutenant-General Warde, finally 
 going into winter quarters in Sussex, and being 
 employed there on coast duty during the remainder 
 of the year. The regiment had, for many years, 
 been in possession of a pair of KETTLE DRUMS, in 
 consequence of having taken them from the enemy, 
 * On his appointment his Lady presented to the regiment a silver 
 collar engraved with military devices to be worn by the kettle 
 drummer. This ornament is still preserved.
 1778 and on the 25th of December, 1778, an additional 
 man and horse was placed upon the establishment, 
 which gave the regiment its complement of Trum- 
 peters besides the kettle drummer ; being granted 
 by His Majesty in compliance with a memorial 
 from the Colonel*. 
 1779 In the spring of 1 779, the men of the regiment 
 equipped as light dragoons, were incorporated, 
 with detachments from other corps, into a regi- 
 ment, which was numbered the twenty-first light 
 In consequence of the alarming riots in London 
 1780 in 1780, the regiment was ordered thither, and 
 was quartered about Islington, furnishing the 
 piquets in Portman Square during the trial of 
 Lord George Gordon, and having a party stationed 
 in Apsley House, then the property of Lord 
 Chancellor Bathurst. 
 ' To the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Barrington His 
 Majesty's Secretary at War, &c. &c. &c. 
 * The memorial of Lieut-General Charles 
 Fitzroy, Colonel of the Third, King's Own, 
 ' Regiment of Dragoons. 
 ' That the sixth trumpeter, being a kettle drummer, is a great in- 
 conveniency, one troop always remaining without a trumpeter : 
 the kettle drums being a mark of distinction allowed by royal 
 favour, as it is reported, for having taken them from the enemy at the 
 battle of Aghrim ; your memorialist humbly prays that you will 
 represent it to His Majesty, that an additional trumpeter may be 
 allowed, as in the Royal Irish Regiment of Dragoons, and other 
 regiments having kettle drums.' 
 N.B. Notwithstanding this document, there is every reason for 
 believing that the kettle drums were taken at Dettingen, and not 
 at Aghrim. Every endeavour has been made to discover positive 
 information on the subject, without success. It appears from official 
 documents that four pair of kettle drums were captured at Dettingen : 
 but there is no mention of any kettle drum sat Aghrim taken.
 In 1781, having been reviewed by His Majesty 1781 
 in Hyde Park, the KING'S OWN marched into 
 Suffolk ; and in 1782, were quartered at Derby, 1782 
 Leicester, and Nottingham, thence proceeding to 
 Manchester in the autumn. In 1783, after the 1783 
 spring review they marched to Newcastle-on- 
 Tyne and Durham, assembled at the latter place 
 for inspection in September, and then returned 
 to their old quarters for the winter. 
 The KING'S OWN, for the third time in fourteen 1784 
 years, entered Scotland in 1784, and took up 
 their old quarters at Dalkeith, Leith, and Had- 
 dington. Here they were inspected by Major- 
 General Mackay, and soon after detached a 
 troop to Dumfries. In July, 1785, the six troops 1785 
 were at Manchester, and thence, in 1786, pro- 1786 
 ceeded to Worcester, then a general place of 
 inspection for cavalry. At this station they were 
 inspected by Major-General Philipson, and, after 
 a stay of about six weeks, went into winter quar- 
 ters at Hereford, Ludlow, and Leominster. 
 In May, 1787, the regiment assembled at Here- 1787 
 ford to be reviewed by Major-General Douglas. It 
 was ordered, on the rumour of a Russian arma- 
 ment, to hold itself in readiness to join any force 
 that might be assembled; but, nothing taking 
 place, it went into winter quarters at Dorchester, 
 Blandford, and Poole. In 1788, it moved to 1788 
 Salisbury, was there reviewed, and then quartered 
 at Winchester. 
 Early in 1789, the regiment marched to Read- 1739 
 ing. It was there reviewed by His Majesty,
 1789 George III., on Ashford Common, and marched 
 1790 to Ipswich, where it remained until 1790, and, 
 being then reviewed at Stamford, took up winter 
 quarters at York and Lincoln. 
 1791 At York all the troops assembled for inspection 
 in the spring of 1791, and, for the fourth time 
 1792 marched to Scotland and were for two years 
 quartered at Dumfries, being in that period 
 twice inspected by Major-General Leslie. 
 1793 In the spring of 1793, the KING'S OWN re- 
 ceived an order to augment three troops, and, 
 after a short halt at Manchester, proceeded to 
 Birmingham. From this place, four troops, under 
 the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Waller, were 
 detached back to Scotland, in consequence of 
 1794 serious riots in that part of the kingdom. In 1794 
 the regiment was ordered to furnish one hundred 
 men, towards forming a regiment of cavalry for 
 service in the West Indies ; the newly-formed 
 regiment was numbered the twenty-sixth light 
 dragoons, and afterwards, on a reduction of regi- 
 ments taking place, the twenty-third. In the 
 same year a squadron from the troops in England, 
 and one troop from those in Scotland, were ordered 
 to embark to join the troops on the continent. 
 The troop in Scotland marched a day or two, 
 and was then recalled in consequence of the dis- 
 turbed state of the country ; and the squadron 
 embarked at Blackwall, and was actually at sea, 
 when it was recalled by a king's cutter, landed, 
 and sent to Watford. 
 1795 In 1795, the troops returned from Scotland,
 having had most harassing duty for two winters ; 1795 
 and in the spring of 1796, the whole regiment as- 1796 
 sembled at Salisbury under Lord Cathcart, thence 
 proceeding to the camp at Weymouth, and finally 
 taking up winter quarters in Exeter. 
 The colonelcy of the KING'S OWN DRAGOONS 1797 
 was conferred in March 1797 on Major-General 
 Francis Lascelles from the eighth dragoons, in 
 succession to Lord Southampton, deceased. 
 During the summer, the KING'S OWN were 
 again encamped at Weymouth ; and on the break- 
 ing up of the camp, marched to Northampton, 
 where the ninth troop was reduced. 
 In May, 1798, the regiment marched to Not- 1798 
 tingham, where an entire change took place in 
 the arms and clothing; the long skirt was 
 abolished, and instead of the musket and brace 
 of large pistols before used, the men received 
 the carbine and single pistol. 
 On the 10th of June, 1799, the regiment 1799 
 marched to form part of the cavalry camp on 
 Swinley Downs, near Windsor, at which place 
 it received orders to join the armament under 
 Lieut. -General Sir Ralph Abercromby, then about 
 to proceed to the Helder. These orders, however, 
 were countermanded ; and, at the breaking up 
 of the camp, the regiment marched to Reading. 
 During the time of encampment, Lt.-Colonel 
 Callow* being appointed deputy governor of 
 Quebec, was succeeded by Lt.-Colonel Waller, and 
 * This officer entered the service July 26th, 1768. 
 1 799 on the 4th of September, General Sir Charles 
 Grey from the eighth dragoons succeeded General 
 Lascelles as colonel. At this period the tails of 
 the horses were again shortened, having been 
 worn of the natural length since 1764. 
 1800 In February, 1800, the KING'S OWN marched 
 to Trowbridge, but only remained there a few 
 weeks, and then proceeded to Chester to be 
 reviewed. At this place an augmentation of two 
 troops took place, making a total of ten ; and 
 on the 22nd of September, the whole regiment 
 marched to Lancashire, thence to Carlisle, and, 
 in December, to Scotland, the head-quarters 
 being established at Hamilton ; three troops, under 
 the command of Major Wade, being detached to 
 1801 Carlisle and Penrith. At Hamilton, the regi- 
 ment was reviewed by Major-Generals Erskine 
 and Vyse, and the present system of casting 
 horses annually first introduced ; and as it was 
 considered the peculiar privilege of the regiment 
 to have black horses exclusively, those that had 
 the slightest shade of brown, were sent to the 
 fourth dragoon guards, none but black horses 
 being retained, with the exception of one white 
 for the kettle-drums. 
 1802 After the peace of Amiens in 1802, two troops 
 were reduced ; the number of men in the others 
 being also reduced from 100 to 64 ; and, on the 
 llth of August, the KING'S OWN embarked at 
 Port-Patrick for Ireland, proceeded to Dundalk, 
 1803 and in the spring of 1803 marched to Belturbet. 
 Here they were reviewed by Major-General Sir
 James Afleck, and were actively employed in 1803 
 patrolling the country during the excitement 
 caused by the disturbances in Dublin, to which 
 place they proceeded in March, 1804, and were 1804 
 quartered in the royal barracks.* 
 On the 5th of April, 1805, the first division, 1805 
 immediately followed by the others, embarked 
 for Liverpool, and marched to Nottingham, where 
 the regiment remained for two years ; the second 1806 
 year's halt being at the express request of the 
 magistrates of Nottingham and Louth. The war 
 having been resumed, two additional troops were 
 added to the establishment. 
 The regiment marched to Chichester in May 1807 
 1807, and being there reviewed by Major-General 
 Hugonin, proceeded to Brighton, and was en- 
 camped on the hills above the present barracks, 
 for the purpose of being reviewed, in conjunction 
 with the first dragoon guards, by His Royal 
 Highness the Duke of York. On the breaking 
 * Lieut.-Colonel (now General) Godfrey Basil Mundy, who had 
 been promoted in 1795, to a lieutenancy in the Third Dragoons, 
 was advanced to the lieutenant-colonelcy of the regiment on the 2nd 
 July, 1803, and continued in the command of it until the 2nd July, 
 1812, when ill-health obliged him to relinquish the cavalry service, 
 and to exchange to the infantry. In the year 1804 a collection of 
 standing orders for the Third King's Own Dragoons was compiled 
 and issued by Lieutenant Colonel Mundy, in which the duties of 
 every rank of officer, and non-commissioned officer, as well as private 
 soldier, in all situations of service, whether at home or abroad, are 
 ably and minutely defined, and in which the officers and soldiers are 
 urgently recommended to devote their hours of leisure to the study of 
 the duties of their profession. This code of discipline was uniformly 
 acted upon until the departure of the regiment for India in the year 
 1 837, and is probably maintained in this gallant corps at the present 
 1807 up of the camp, the THIRD marched to Chichester, 
 but were shortly ordered to Canterbury, where a 
 brigade was formed, consisting of the second 
 dragoon guards, and third and fourth dragoons. 
 1809 In January, 1809, the regiment received orders 
 to embark at Portsmouth, for the purpose of 
 joining the army in Spain, under Lieut-General 
 Sir John Moore, and had advanced some days' 
 march, when it was recalled, on the arrival of the 
 news of the retreat of the British troops to Corunna. 
 On the 20th of July, the regiment received 
 orders to march to Ramsgate, and was imme- 
 diately embarked for Holland under the com- 
 mand of Lieut.-Colonel Mundy, forming part of 
 an expedition designed to effect the destruction of 
 the French shipping and arsenal on the Scheldt. 
 After remaining in the Downs for six days, the 
 fleet sailed, and arrived off Walcheren on the 29th, 
 remaining there upwards of a fortnight ; and 
 after the capture of Flushing, proceeded up the 
 Scheldt as far as Fort-Batz. The enemy's ship- 
 ping had, in the meantime, been removed higher 
 up the river, and an immense force assembled to 
 oppose the British armament ; at the same time 
 an epidemic disease broke out among the English 
 soldiers. The fleet consequently retired down the 
 river, and sailed for England ; the KING'S OWN 
 disembarked at Ramsgate in September following, 
 and proceeded to occupy Canterbury, as before the 
 1810 In April, 1810, in consequence of the riots in 
 London, occasioned by the House of Commons
 having ordered Sir Francis Burdett to be lodged 1810 
 in custody in the Tower, the regiment was hastily 
 ordered thither, marching all night, and arriving 
 in South wark at 7 A.M. The men were billeted 
 on the south side of the Thames ; an hotel near 
 Westminster Bridge being the head quarters, and 
 the Obelisk the alarm post. After the suppression 
 of the riots, the regiment was ordered to Guildford, 
 where it was reviewed by his Royal Highness the 
 Duke of Cambridge, who was pleased to express 
 his entire approbation of its appearance and dis- 
 cipline. On the release of Sir Francis Burdett 
 from the Tower, the regiment was again sent to 
 London, but remained there a few nights only, 
 and then returned to Guildford. 
 Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1811 
 having conquered Portugal, had placed his 
 brother Joseph on the throne of Spain, supported 
 by a French army. The efforts of the Spaniards 
 and Portuguese to regain their liberty, which 
 commenced in 1808, were continued to be aided 
 by the British government, and a force, amounting 
 at this time to nearly sixty thousand men, had 
 been assembled in Portugal under the command 
 of Lieutenant-General the Viscount Wellington. 
 In June, 1811, the KING'S OWN DRAGOONS, 
 having been reviewed on Wimbledon Common 
 by His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, were, 
 on their return to Guildford, completed to the field 
 establishment by a draft of a hundred horses* from 
 * This is the first instance in which the King's Own took horses 
 of any colour, but black or brown ; even the brown horses had been 
 1811 the second dragoon guards, and ordered forthwith 
 to proceed to the Peninsula. On the 25th and 27th 
 of July the regiment embarked at Portsmouth, 
 landed in the following month at Lisbon, under 
 the command of Lieut.-Colonel Mundy, and 
 having met with favourable weather during the 
 voyage, the Lieutenant-Colonel commanding was 
 enabled to cause particular attention to be paid to 
 the horses in regard to cleanliness, exercise, &c. 
 The mode adopted for this purpose was as follows : 
 three or four horses were backed into the hold, 
 where they were walked round for a quarter of 
 an hour ; their feet washed, and hand -rubbed ; 
 and they were shod, if necessary; by these means 
 their state of health and efficiency, on their dis- 
 embarkation at Lisbon, were such, that upon 
 landing they were capable of undertaking imme- 
 diate service. 
 The regiment was reviewed at Belem by Major- 
 General Le Marchant, and mustered as follows : 
 1 Lieutenant-Colonel, 1 Major, 6 Captains, 
 9 Lieutenants, 1 Cornet, 1 Surgeon, 1 Assistant 
 Surgeon, 5 Troop Quarter-Masters, 1 Regimental 
 Serjeant- Major, 1 Paymaster Serjeant, 1 Troop 
 Serjeant-Major, 24 Serjeants, 24 Corporals, 6 
 Trumpeters, 6 Farriers, 480 Privates, and 518 
 Troop Horses. 
 The KING'S OWN left Belem on the 19th of 
 September, under the command of Major Clowes, 
 (the Lieutenant Colonel having been compelled 
 by sickness to remain at Lisbon,) and marching 
 through Villa Franea and Santarem, arrived at
 Abrantes in Portuguese Estremadura on the 27th. 1811 
 Here they remained until the 15th October, and 
 then advanced through Niza and Villa Velha to 
 Castello Branco in the province of Beira, where 
 they were reviewed on the 7th of December, by 
 Lieutenant-General Sir Stapleton Cotton, who ex- 
 pressed his satisfaction at the very effective state 
 of the men and horses. 
 In consequence of the extreme difficulty of pro- 
 curing forage, the centre squadron moved, on the 
 21st of December, to Idanha a Nova on the frontiers 
 of Spain, and in these quarters the regiment re- 
 mained till the beginning of 1812, when it was 1812 
 ordered to the front to form part of the army 
 covering the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, being quar- 
 tered at Aldea de Ponte and Fundao, and expe- 
 riencing great inconvenience from the scarcity of 
 In February, Lord Wellington having resolved 
 on the siege of Badajoz, the capital of Spanish 
 Estremadura, the KING'S OWN marched south 
 with their brigade (the fifth dragoon guards, and 
 fourth dragoons,) and arrived at Borba in the 
 Alemtejo on the 5th of March. On the 16th, a 
 pontoon bridge was thrown over the Guadiana, and 
 Badajoz was invested ; the day previous to which 
 the brigade moved from Borba, and crossing the 
 bridge, formed the advance guard of the covering 
 army, which continued to advance till it arrived 
 at the foot of an extensive chain of mountains 
 called the Sierra Morena. On the 26th, the KING'S 
 OWN marched at sunset from Medina to Campo,
 1812 and at midnight joined a force under Lieut.- Ge- 
 neral Sir Thomas Graham, destined to surprise 
 three battalions of French infantry and two regi- 
 ments of cavalry lying in Llerena. Owing to a 
 mistake on the part of the Chasseurs Britanniques 
 (who formed the advance of the infantry column), 
 the projected surprise failed, and the French re- 
 tired into the mountains during the night, and 
 took post at Azuaga, a town nine miles to the south 
 of Llerena. On the 29th of March, after a sharp 
 affair, the French were driven from Azuaga, and 
 the head quarters of the BRIGADE were established 
 there. The authorities of this town gave a superb 
 entertainment to SirStapleton Cotton. 
 On the night of the 31st of March, a man de- 
 serted, who, it is supposed, gave information of 
 the situation and strength of the British outpost ; 
 and on the 1st of April, a strong French force was 
 detached to cut off the piquets at La Granja. A 
 patrol, commanded by Cornet Ratcliffe of the 
 THIRD, having met with the enemy's advance 
 guard, was driven in, and the two British squa- 
 drons were attacked by seven squadrons of French 
 cavalry, supported by infantry. After a severe 
 struggle, the enemy, perceiving their surprise 
 had failed, retired, and the piquets resumed their 
 station.* In this affair the KING'S OWN lost thir- 
 teen men and twelve horses. 
 On the 2nd of April, Marshal Soult's army 
 * The attack was made under the direction of Marshal Soult in 
 person, who himself endeavoured to gain information from the 
 having advanced from Seville, with a view to raise 1812 
 the siege of Badajoz, the covering army began to 
 retire before the^ superior numbers of the French. 
 This retreat was continued through Usagre, Villa 
 Franca, and Almandralejo, upon Albuhera, where, 
 being supported by the besieging force, the army 
 went into position on the 9th, and preparations 
 were made for a general action. Soult, however, 
 having heard of the fall of Badajoz, commenced a 
 retrograde movement towards the frontiers of 
 Andalusia on the 10th ; on which day Major 
 General Le Marchant's brigade, (the fifth dragoon 
 guards, THIRD and fourth dragoons) forming the 
 advance of the British, proceeded to Los Santos, 
 and again in the night to Bienvenida, with the 
 view of gaining the flank of the cavalry of a 
 French corps (General Drouet's) encamped bet ween 
 Usagre and Villa Garcia ; but the enemy retreated. 
 The BRIGADE, however, defiled under cover of 
 some heights, and by a flank movement came up 
 with the French on the llth in front of Llerena, 
 charging and driving them into that town with 
 the loss of one hundred and fifty prisoners, inclu- 
 ding several officers. 
 Intelligence was received of the advance of Mar- 
 shal Marmont, on the north of Portugal. This 
 general, leaving Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida, on 
 his rear, had pushed on as far as Castello Branco, 
 thus threatening to destroy the communications of 
 the British, by cutting the bridge of boats at 
 Villa Velha. It therefore became necessary to 
 reinforce the few troops left on that frontier, and
 1812 Major General Le Merchant's brigade was one of 
 those ordered for this service. It marched through 
 Elvas, Estremos, Crato, Niza, and Villa Velha to 
 Castello Branco, and finally took up its quarters at 
 Val-de-rosa; but Marmont having retired into 
 Spain on the approach of the British, the brigade 
 returned to the Alemtejo, and was, on the 12th of 
 April, stationed at Cabeca de Vide, Crato, and 
 Fronteira, the KING'S OWN being at the former 
 place. On the 29th they received a sudden order 
 to join a brigade of light cavalry, for the purpose 
 of covering Lieut-General Hill in his attack 
 upon the tete-de-pont and bridge of boats at 
 Almaraz, which brilliant exploit having been 
 effected, the regiment returned to Cabeca de Vide 
 on the 27th of May. 
 On the 1st of June the whole army, with the 
 exception of Lieut. -General Hill's corps, moved 
 to the north. On the llth, Major-General Le 
 Marchant's brigade arrived at Ciudad Rodrigo, 
 and on the 12th was reviewed by Lord Welling- 
 ton. On the 13th, the brigade moved forward 
 and continued to advance till the 16th, when it 
 found the enemy posted near Salamanca, and a 
 skirmish took place which lasted till night-fall. 
 On the 17th, the brigade crossed the Tormes, and 
 was quartered near the village of Cabrerizos, and 
 on the advance of the French, on the 20th, the 
 whole army went into position on the heights 
 of St. Christoval, with its right on the Tormes, 
 and its left near Villares de la Reyna. On this 
 day the brigade, being in front, sustained a can-
 nonade of about an hour, and the KING'S OWN 1812 
 lost twenty horses : the regiment afterwards took 
 post on the summit of the mountain. 
 On the night of the 23rd the French army 
 retired, and was followed at day-break by the 
 first and seventh divisions, and Le Merchant's 
 brigade of cavalry, which crossed the river by the 
 fords of Santa Marta ; when Marshal Marmont, 
 after a short delay, returned to his former position, 
 and manoeuvred for some days on the Tormes, 
 but after the reduction of the forts at Salamanca, 
 which took place on the 27th, he crossed the 
 Douro at Tordesillas, closely followed by Lord 
 Wellington, who, however, did not cross the river, 
 but took up a position between Polios and La 
 Seca ; Major-GeneralLeMarchant's brigade being 
 stationed at Polios and Naval del Key to watch 
 the ford. 
 Marshal Marmont being strengthened by a 
 division from the Asturias, pushed a column 
 across the river on the 16th of July, in conse- 
 quence of which the troops in Polios fell back 
 upon Fuente la Pena. On the 18th, it was 
 understood that the enemy's army had passed 
 the Douro at Tordesillas, by which manoeuvre 
 the safety of two divisions, and a brigade of 
 cavalry, on the Trebancos, was much endangered, 
 and Major-General Le Marchant's, with two other 
 brigades of cavalry, were quickly moved up to 
 cover their retreat, which was effected with tri- 
 fling loss. The brigade had entered its bivouac 
 near Canizal, when an order was received for a
 1812 squadron of the KING'S OWN to proceed to the 
 support of two guns, intended to be placed on 
 the hill above Castrillos. This order was soon 
 increased to the whole regiment, which, on its 
 march, discovered that the enemy was advancing 
 in force, and pressing Major-Gen eral Alten's 
 brigade very closely. Major Clowes immedi- 
 ately solicited, and received permission to go to 
 their support, and the regiment accordingly ad- 
 vanced, and though checked by the fire of some 
 French infantry, assisted in driving back the 
 enemy's cavalry; the French infantry continu- 
 ing to advance were repulsed by Lieut.-General 
 Cole's division, and pursued with great loss. In 
 this affair the regiment sustained the following 
 loss ; one serjeant-major, six privates, and four 
 horses killed ; lieutenant Branfell, and two pri- 
 vates wounded.* 
 On the 19th, the BRIGADE retired to the table 
 land above the villages of Vallesa and El Olmo, 
 and on the 20th, the hostile armies manoeuvred 
 within cannon shot of each other, the French 
 moving to their left, and the British to their 
 right. On the 21st the British went into their 
 old position on the heights of St. Christoval, 
 and the French crossed the Tonnes at the fords 
 of Alba and Huerta, marching to their left. To 
 * Lieut.-Colonel G. B. Mundy was removed to the Second 
 Regiment of Foot on the 7th July, 1812, and was succeeded in the 
 Third Dragoons by Lieutenant-Colonel Lord Charles Manners from 
 the Twenty-third Light Dragoons: Lieut.-Colonel Lord Charles 
 Manners immediately assumed the command of the Regiment in 
 oppose this manoeuvre, the British crossed the 1812 
 river at Salamanca. In the course of this day's 
 manoauvres, Major-General Le Marchant's bri- 
 gade crossed the river at the ford of Santa Marta 
 three times, and took up its bivouac on the south 
 bank opposite the town. In the course of this 
 night so dreadful a thunder-storm burst upon 
 the British lines, that the horses broke loose; 
 many were lost by running into the French lines, 
 and the remainder could not be secured till day- 
 break. The KING'S OWN had to send to the rear 
 an officer and sixteen men, severely injured by 
 the horses, which were all linked together, run- 
 ning over them. 
 The morning of the 22nd of July, found the 
 hostile armies opposed to each other. The Bri- 
 tish line was formed with its left on the Tormes, 
 and its right on the rocky hills called the 
 Arapiles ; Major-General Le Marchant's brigade, 
 quitting its bivouac ground, formed line in the 
 centre of the position, to check the advance of 
 the enemy's cavalry. The French marshal ma- 
 noeuvred to gain the road to Ciudad Rodrigo ; 
 his dragoons, after some skirmishing, were com- 
 pelled to retire, and the KING'S OWN again took 
 ground to their right, passing the village of 
 Arapiles, and forming in support of the fourth 
 and fifth divisions. Lord Wellington, taking 
 advantage of an injudicious movement made by 
 his opponent, ordered his divisions forward, and 
 the battle commenced. The French, attacked 
 while making a complicated evolution, were in-
 1812stantly broken. A favourable opportunity fora 
 charge of the British heavy cavalry occurring, 
 the fifth dragoon guards, KING'S OWN, and fourth 
 dragoons, advanced, and a most animated scene 
 presented itself. The din of conflict was heard on 
 every side ; clouds of dust and rising columns of 
 smoke darkened the air, and enveloped the British 
 squadrons as they rushed to battle. In front, 
 the glittering bayonets and waving plumes of the 
 French infantry were dimly seen through the 
 thickened atmosphere; against these formidable 
 ranks, the English horsemen dashed with terrific 
 violence, the weight and fury of their charge 
 broke the opposing lines, and in an instant the 
 French musketeers were overthrown and trampled 
 down with a terrible clamour and disturbance. 
 ' Bewildered and blinded, they cast away their 
 ' arms and ran through the openings of the Bri- 
 ' tish squadrons, stooping and demanding quarter, 
 ' while the dragoons, big men, and on big horses, 
 ' rode onward, smiting with their long glittering 
 * swords in uncontrollable power, and the third 
 ' division followed at speed, shouting as the French 
 ' masses fell in succession before this dreadful 
 ' charge.' 
 ' Nor were these valiant swordsmen yet ex- 
 ' hausted. Their own general, Le Marchant, 
 * and many officers had fallen, but Cotton and 
 ' all his staff were at their head, and with ranks 
 ' confused, and blended together in one mass, 
 ' still galloping forward they sustained from a 
 * fresh column an irregular stream of fire which
 ' emptied a hundred saddles ; yet with fine cou- 1812 
 ' rage, and downright force, the survivors broke 
 ' through this the third and strongest body of men 
 ' that had encountered them, and Lord Edward So- 
 ' merset, continuing his course at the head of one 
 ' squadron, with a happy perseverance, captured 
 ' five guns. The French left was entirely broken, 
 ' more than two thousand prisoners were taken, 
 ' the French light horsemen abandoned that part 
 * of the field, and Thomiere's division no longer 
 1 existed as a military body. Anson's cavalry, 
 ' which had passed quite over the hill, and had 
 ' suffered little in the charge, was now joined by 
 ' D'Urban's troopers, and took the place of Le 
 ' Marchant's exhausted men ; the heavy German 
 ' dragoons followed in reserve, and with the third 
 * and fifth divisions and the guns formed one 
 ' formidable line two miles in advance of where 
 ' Pakenham first attacked, and that impetuous 
 ' officer, with unmitigated strength, still pressed 
 ' forward, spreading terror and disorder on the 
 ' enemy's left*.' 
 In this attack Major- General Le Marchant 
 received a ball through the body, which termi- 
 nated the career of that brave and talented officer. 
 Lieutenant Selby, of the King's Own, was like- 
 wise killed by a musket-shot through the left 
 breast. f The result of this day was the entire 
 * Colonel Napier's History of the Peninsular War. 
 f ' The cavalry, under Sir Stapleton Cotton, made a most gallant 
 ' and successful charge upon a body of French infantry, which they 
 ' overthrew and cut to pieces. In this charge Major-General Le
 1812 overthrow of the French, 7,000 prisoners, eleven 
 guns and two eagles remaining in the hands of 
 the victors. The KING'S OWN earned, on this 
 occasion, the royal permission to bear the word 
 ' SALAMANCA,' on their guidons. They sustained 
 the following loss: Killed, Lieutenant Selby, 
 one serjeant, nine privates, and two officers' 
 horses, and 13 troop horses. Wounded, one 
 serjeant, eight privates, and fifteen horses. 
 After the action the French retreated upon 
 Alba, where they crossed the Tormes, and thence 
 through Arevalo, upon Valladolid, sustaining in 
 their march a severe loss from the German caval- 
 ry, which, having been uninjured in the battle, 
 was despatched in pursuit of, and overtook their 
 rear-guard three leagues beyond Alba, defeating 
 it, and taking nine hundred prisoners. 
 The British army advanced on the route of 
 the French, and entered Valladolid on the 30th 
 of July; on the following day Cuellar was occu- 
 pied, and on the 6th of August, the army moved 
 on Segovia, crossed the Guadarama mountains 
 on the 10th, and entered Madrid on the 12th ; 
 the brigade, now commanded by Colonel Pon- 
 sonby, forming the personal escort of Lord Wel- 
 After halting seven days at Madrid, the bri- 
 gade moved to St. Ildefonso, where it was can- 
 toned for a few days. Intelligence was received 
 ' Marchant was unfortunately killed at the head of his brigade, and 
 ' I have to regret the loss of a most able officer.' Lord Wellington's 
 that the army of General Clausel, who had sue- 1812 
 ceeded Marmont, was advancing on Valladolid, 
 and the British in consequence assembled at 
 Olivares and its vicinity. An immediate attack 
 was intended ; but the artillery of the fifth division 
 not arriving in time, the enemy retired on the 7th 
 of September, having destroyed the bridge at 
 Valladolid. They continued retreating rapidly 
 till the 17th, when the immediate vicinity of 
 Burgos induced Clausel to make a stand, and 
 Colonel Ponsonby's brigade was ordered to the 
 front ; but, before the army could be formed for 
 attack, the enemy again retired to Breviesca, 
 leaving a strong garrison in the castle of Burgos. 
 The castle was invested, and the covering army 
 took up a position on the heights of Quintana 
 Palla, the KING'S OWN being at Villa Yerna. 
 On the 19th of October, the French General 
 Souham, who now commanded in the place of 
 Clausel, being greatly reinforced, resolved to at- 
 tempt the relief of Burgos. About four p. M. the 
 French attacked and carried the village of Quin- 
 tanapalla, but were repulsed in every attempt to 
 penetrate farther, and abandoned the village on 
 the approach of a force destined to retake it, con- 
 sisting of the left wing of infantry, and Ponsonby's 
 brigade of cavalry. 
 It being ascertained that Marshal Soult and 
 Joseph Bonaparte were moving on the Tagus, 
 and that Sir Rowland Hill, menaced by such 
 powerful forces, could not maintain his position 
 1812 on that river, at the same time his retreat would 
 leave the army before Burgos, already in a critical 
 situation, quite insulated, the Marquis of Welling- 
 ton resolved to retire so far as was necessary to 
 form a junction with Sir Rowland Hill ; and at 
 dusk on the 21st, the army withdrew with such 
 celerity and silence that the French were not 
 aware of the retreat till the British had reached 
 Hormillas, and did not show in any force till the 
 evening of the 22nd of October. On the next 
 morning the retrograde movement was continued 
 in two columns, Ponsonby's brigade covering the 
 column from Hormillas, and being threatened 
 during theday by an immense body of cavalry. 
 Such was the steadiness of the troops, that the 
 overwhelming, force of the French could make 
 no impression and the column went into bivouac 
 for the night on the hills above Cordovilla, with 
 little or no loss. 
 An hour before daylight on the 24th, the 
 column, covered by Ponsonby's brigade, filed 
 over the bridge of Cordovilla, and in the course 
 of the day, the army crossed the Carrion, the 
 head-quarters being established at Duenas. Early 
 on the morning of the 25th, two squadrons of the 
 fifth dragoon guards and THIRD dragoons were 
 sent to the bridges of Palencia, to cover the party 
 employed in mining them for destruction, but 
 the French, advancing in force, gained possession 
 of the bridges in an unbroken state. At this 
 place the KING'S OWN lost a man and horse by
 a round shot, and the party returned in the evening 1812 
 to Duenas ; the army having in the meantime 
 destroyed the bridges at that place, and at Villa 
 Muriel, and the enemy having been defeated in 
 an attempt to cross by the fords. 
 The army retired four leagues on the 26th of 
 October, and crossed the Pisuerga at Cabezon, in 
 which town, and its vicinity, it remained till the 
 29th, when it retired early, and crossed the Douro 
 at Tudela and Puente del Douro, the bridges at 
 which places were blown up, as were those at 
 Toro and Zamora; but the French having possessed 
 themselves of the bridge at Tordesillas, the British 
 on the following morning took up a position in 
 front of it. In this position they remained till 
 the 6th of November, when, the enemy having 
 repaired the bridge of Toro, it became necessary 
 to retire to Torrecilla de la Orden, and thence, on 
 the 7th and 8th, to Salamanca. On the 14th, 
 the French crossed the Tormes, and the British 
 recommenced their retreat on the following 
 morning, and entered Ciudad Rodrigo on the 
 18th ; they afterwards went into winter quarters 
 on the frontiers of Portugal, the enemy not ad- 
 vancing beyond the Yeltes. On the 20th, Pon- 
 sonby's brigade was at Albergaria, where it halted 
 eight days, after which the KING'S OWN proceeded 
 by the route of Guarda, Celerico, and Penhancos, 
 to Saixho. Here the regiment was quartered 
 until the 28th of December, then at Arganil till 
 February llth, 1813, and afterwards at Soure, J813 
 1813 near the mouth of the Mondego, until the 19th 
 of April. 
 On the above day the KING'S OWN moved 
 towards the north of Portugal, and rejoined the 
 brigade at Braganza, on the 2 1 st of May. On the 
 24th the brigade was at Tabara, and on the 26th 
 it crossed the Esla at Pozuela. The enemy made 
 no resistance at the passage of the river, and was 
 compelled to abandon the line of the Douro, by 
 Lord Wellington's advance along their rear. The 
 column to which Ponsonby's brigade was attached, 
 was directed on Valencia, and passing through 
 that town, advanced on Burgos. On the 12th of 
 June, the brigade overtook the enemy's rear-guard 
 on the heights of Estepar, when the KING'S OWN 
 were detached to cut off part of the enemy's force, 
 in which the regiment completely succeeded, 
 making its way to the high road from Madrid, 
 throwing the enemy into confusion on Burgos; 
 a squadron of the fourteenth, with a detach- 
 ment of the KING'S OWN, charging the enemy's 
 rear, captured a gun : the regiment had captain 
 Sitwell and one private wounded, and five horses 
 killed and three wounded. 
 During the night of the 12th, the French blew 
 up the castle of Burgos and retired behind the 
 Ebro, which river the brigade, after marching 
 through a wild and difficult region of deep narrow 
 valleys and rugged defiles, crossed at Puente de 
 Arenas on the 15th. Both armies were con- 
 centrated, the British on the river Bayas, and the
 French on the undulating grounds in the valley 1813 
 of Vittoria, where, on the 21st of June, they were 
 attacked by the allied army. The result of this 
 attack was a most decisive victory, the French only 
 carrying from the field two guns ; the whole of 
 their immense equipment fell into the hands 
 of the British. Owing to the nature of the field 
 of battle the cavalry could scarcely act,* and that 
 arme was principally employed in supporting the 
 infantry, and in the pursuit, which was continued 
 until the enemy had passed Pampeluna. The 
 gallant bearing of the KING'S OWN was rewarded 
 in 1821, with the royal permission to bear the 
 word " VITTORIA" on their guidons. 
 At this period, General Clausel with fifteen 
 thousand men was at Logrono, and of course, was 
 not engaged in the battle ; nor was he aware that 
 an engagement had taken place, till he arrived 
 near Vittoria, and found the town in the pos- 
 session of the British : he then returned to 
 Logrono, and marched upon Tudela, hoping to 
 reach Pampeluna before the British. On the 27th 
 his scheme was discovered, and the Marquis of 
 Wellington detached the cavalry with two divisions 
 of infantry to intercept him. This detached force 
 arrived on the same night at Tafalla and Olieta, 
 and on the next morning advanced upon Tudela, 
 when it was discovered that Clausel, upon re- 
 ceiving intelligence of the force sent against him, 
 * The loss of the King's Own was small ; 1 horse killed, 1 private 
 and 2 horses wounded.
 1813 had retreated to Saragossa, whence he returned 
 to France by the pass of Jaca, his artillery falling 
 into the hands of the Spanish troops. 
 On the 30th of June the infantry returned to 
 Pampeluna, and Major-General Ponsonby's bri- 
 gade remained at Tafalla for eleven days, when 
 forage becoming scarce, it moved to Laraga, and 
 halted there a fortnight. 
 The cavalry received an order to move to the 
 north on the 27th of July, in consequence of the 
 troops having been forced from the passes of 
 Roncesvalles and Maya in the Pyrenees. The 
 army took up a position at Huarte and Villarba, 
 and the town of Pampeluna was illuminated at 
 the prospect of relief. On the 28th, Soult at- 
 tacked the British position, but was repulsed with 
 loss; Count D'Erlon's division was compelled to 
 fall back upon Maya, and the British recovered 
 their lost ground. On the 8th of August, the 
 KING'S OWN fell back upon Allo and Dicastello, 
 and on the 27th of December, removed for the 
 convenience of forage to the neighbourhood of 
 Vittoria, occupying the villages of Alegria, 
 Aranjuez, and Troconiz, and remained there until 
 the 24th of February following. 
 1814 An advance took place, Ponsonby's brigade 
 marched through the Pyrenean mountains by 
 Salinas Bergara, Villa Franca and Tolosa, to St. 
 Jean de Luz in France, halted there two days, and 
 then advanced through Bidart to the Adour, 
 crossing the river on a bridge of boats, and con-
 tinued to follow the route of the French, who 1814 
 were retreating on Bayonne. The advance was 
 continued through Peyrehorade to Castlenau, 
 and on the 19th of March, 1814, Marshal Soult 
 was discovered in position, with his left at Tarbes, 
 and his right at Rabastens. This right flank was 
 ordered to be turned by a division of infantry, 
 and Ponsonby's brigade of cavalry, and being 
 thus threatened, Soult retired through a strong- 
 country by St. Gaudens, upon Toulouse. The 
 British, being obliged to wait for stores, did 
 not advance rapidly, and on the 25th, the KING'S 
 OWN lay at Fontenelle. On the next day the 
 regiment advanced to La Mosquiere, and there 
 came up with a regiment of French Chasseurs 
 a cheval, which it charged and drove beyond 
 Cuneva, taking several prisoners and horses, and 
 seizing a large quantity of bread prepared by the 
 French for their own use. Lieut. Burns' horse 
 was killed, Lieut. Jebb's wounded, and two troop 
 horses killed, but the regiment sustained no fur- 
 ther loss. 
 The army arrived before Toulouse on the 27th 
 of March, and on the 31st, a pontoon bridge being 
 laid at St. Roques, the brigade crossed the 
 Garonne, and seized the bridge on the Arriege, 
 at Cintagabelle. The roads were found so bad 
 in this direction that no further attempt was 
 made, and the troops being recalled, the pontoon 
 bridge was removed to Grenade, a town below 
 Bayonne, and there laid down on the 4th of 
 April. On this day Ponsonby's, with two other
 18 14 brigades of cavalry, and three divisions of infan- 
 try, crossed the river, the brigade being quartered 
 at Grissolles, and having a strong piquet on the 
 road to Montauban. In the course of the night 
 the river rose so considerably, that the bridge 
 was obliged to be removed, and the communica- 
 tion was cut off; Soult, however, made no attack, 
 but employed himself in strengthening his 
 position, which covered Toulouse. 
 On the 8th of April the current subsided, and 
 the pontoons were again laid down. On the 
 9th the troops were passing the river, and on 
 Easter Sunday (the 10th), Soult was attacked 
 in his position. In this attack the brigade, then 
 commanded by Colonel Lord Charles Manners, 
 was at different periods employed in supporting 
 the Spanish forces, the hussar brigade, and General 
 Clinton's division. It was not a cavalry action, 
 and the only casualties were Captain Burn, one 
 trumpeter, four privates, wounded : two horses 
 killed. The enemy abandoned his entrenchments 
 before dusk, and took post behind the canal. 
 The KING'S OWN were rewarded for their con- 
 duct on this occasion with the royal permission, 
 dated 20th September, 1821, to bear the word 
 " TOULOUSE" on their guidons. 
 Marshal Soult retired down the canal on the 
 12th towards Carcasonne, and on the 13th, hos- 
 tilities were terminated by the arrival of the news 
 of the abdication of Napoleon, and of the accession 
 of Louis XVIII. to the throne of France ; Mar- 
 shals Soult and Suchet, after a short delay, gave
 their assent to the new order of affairs, and a line 1814 
 of demarcation between the armies was agreed 
 upon. The KING'S OWN went into quarters at 
 Lanta and Caraman, and remained there until 
 the end of May. 
 On the 10th of June, the brigade, having em- 
 barked its dismounted men at Bourdeaux, com- 
 menced its march to the north by the following 
 route : 
 une 1, Toulouse, 
 le 22, Salbris, 
 2, Grissoles, 
 23, Lafecte, 
 3, Montauban, 
 24, Orleans, 
 4, Caussade, 
 26, Artenay, 
 5, Cahors, 
 27, Angerville, 
 7, Frechisse, 
 28, Etampes, 
 8, Souillac, 
 30, St. Aumal, 
 9, Brives, 
 y 1, Montfort, 
 11, Uzorches, 
 2, Mantes, 
 12, Pierre Buffiere, 
 4, Gisors, 
 13, Limoges, 
 5, Gournay, 
 15, Bessines, 
 6, Neufchatel, 
 16, St. Burnot, 
 7, Blangy, 
 17, Argenton, 
 8, Abbeville, 
 18, Chateauroux, 
 10, Rue, 
 20, Vatan, 
 11, Montreuil, 
 21, Vierzon, 
 12, Boulogne. 
 At Boulogne Major-General Sir Henry Fane 
 inspected the three regiments, and expressed his 
 satisfaction at the efficiency of the brigade after 
 so long a march. He congratulated the com- 
 manding officers on the excellent condition of their 
 horses, and selected a number, of which the 
 KING'S OWN furnished fifteen, to be given up to 
 the French government for the purpose of mount- 
 ing the royal guard. On the 19th of July, the
 1814 brigade, having received the highest praise from 
 Major-General the Hon. W. Ponsonby,* em- 
 barked at Boulogne and arrived at Dover on the 
 following day, the KING'S OWN having been 
 absent three years, from the time of their embar- 
 kation on the 25th of the same month, 1811. 
 From Dover the KING'S OWN marched through 
 Maidstone to Brentford, and, on the 28th of July, 
 were reviewed on Hounslow Heath by His Royal 
 Highness the Commander-in-Chief, immediately 
 afterwards commencing their march to North- 
 * Extract of a brigade order issued by General Ponsonby. 
 ' Boulogne, July 19th, 1814. 
 ' Major-General Ponsonby takes this opportunity of expressing to 
 ' the brigade the high sense he entertains of their uniformly ex- 
 ' cellent conduct, both in quarters and in the field. It is a circum- 
 ' stance as gratifying to him, as it is creditable to themselves, that, 
 ' during the whole period of their service, they have, in no one 
 ' instance, collectively or individually, incurred animadversion in 
 ' general orders, and that no individual of the brigade has been 
 ' brought to a general court-martial. With equal truth the major- 
 ' general can assert, that upon every occasion which has presented 
 ' itself of acting against the enemy, either regimentally, or in brigade, 
 ' they have nobly sustained the superiority of the British cavalry, and 
 ' fully justified the high opinion repeatedly expressed of them by 
 ' His Grace the Duke of Wellington. The three regiments* will 
 ' ever have to congratulate themselves on its having fallen to their lot 
 ' to be in the brigade employed on the 22nd of July, 1812 (battle 
 ' of Salamanca), in that glorious and effectual charge which con- 
 ' tributed in so eminent a degree to decide the fate of the day, and 
 ' to secure the signal and complete defeat of the French army.' 
 ' The major-general concludes by stating, that he has applied to 
 ' His Royal Highness the Prince Regent for permission for the three 
 ' regiments to bear the word "SALAMANCA" on their standards 
 ' and appointments, and to be styled " Salamanca Regiments." 
 * The brigade consisted of the Fifth Dragoon Guards, the Third, 
 and Fourth Dragoons.
 ampton and joining the depot (which had 1814 
 marched thither from Canterbury) on the 3rd of 
 August. On the 13th two troops were reduced, 
 and on the 16th, the regiment marched for New- 
 castle-on-Tyne, arriving there on the 1st of Sep- 
 tember ; two troops were detached to Carlisle, 
 and one to Durham. 
 On the 26th of September, the head-quarters 
 marched into York barracks,* troops being left 
 at Newcastle, Morpeth, Carlisle, and Workington. 
 In these quarters the Regiment was reviewed by 
 Lieutenant-General Wynyard in the summer of 
 1815, and afterwards marched for St. Albans. 
 In the meantime Napoleon Bonaparte had re- 1815 
 turned to France ; a British army had assembled in 
 Belgium under the command of the Duke of Wel- 
 lington ; the battle of Waterloo had been won, and 
 the KING'S OWN were ordered to form ten troops, 
 four of which marched to Coventry, and the re- 
 * At York the regiment received the distinction before alluded to 
 in the following letter : 
 ' Horse Guards, Nov. 16th, 1814. 
 ' My Lord, I have the honour to acquaint you, that His Royal 
 ' Highness the Prince Regent, in the name, and on the behalf of 
 ' His Majesty, has been pleased to approve of the Third, or King's 
 ' Own Dragoons being permitted to bear on their standards and ap- 
 ' pointments (in addition to any other badges or devices which have 
 ' heretofore been permitted to be borne by that regiment) the word 
 ' " SALAMANCA," in commemoration of the distinguished gal- 
 ' lantry displayed by that regiment in the battle fought on the 
 ' plains of Salamanca on the 22nd of July, 1812. I have the honour 
 ' to be, &c. 
 ' HENRY CALVEET, Adjt.-General. 
 To Lieut.-Col. Lord Charles Manners, ) 
 Commanding the Third (King's Own) Dragoons.' )
 1815 maining six, consistingof thirty-two officers, thirty- 
 four Serjeants, six trumpeters, three hundred and 
 seventy-one rank and file, and three hundred and 
 eighty -two horses, proceeded to Dover and Rams- 
 gate, where they immediately embarked for 
 Ostend to reinforce the British army in France. 
 The KING'S OWN disembarked at Ostend on 
 the 24th of July, and moving up the country into 
 France, were, on their arrival in the vicinity of 
 Paris, placed in cantonments at Chaton, near 
 Malmaison. On the 2nd of September, theEm- 
 peror of Russia reviewed the first and eighth bri- 
 gades of cavalry, consisting of the first and second 
 life guards, royal horse guards, first, second, and 
 third dragoon guards, and THIRD dragoons. On 
 the 22nd of the same month, the allied army was 
 reviewed by the Duke of Wellington on the plain 
 of St. Denis, and on the 1 1th of October, the whole 
 of the British, Hanoverian, Danish, and Saxon 
 contingents, were reviewed between Paris and St. 
 Denis, by the Duke of Wellington, the Emperor 
 of Russia, and the King of Prussia; after the 
 review the KING'S OWN marched to Nantes, where 
 they remained several months. 
 1816 On the 25th of January, 1816, the KING'S OWN 
 forming part of the Army of Occupation left in 
 France after the restoration of Louis XVIII. left 
 Nantes, and after successively making short halts 
 at Bonnieres, Ligny, and Bailleul, took up quar- 
 ters at Steenvoorde, on the 1st of June. Here the 
 regiment remained till the 1st of August, and 
 then marched to Theronenne, where it was twice
 reviewed; on the 12th of October by the Duke 1816 
 of Wellington, and on the 22nd by His Royal 
 Highness the Duke of Kent, and the Duke of 
 Wellington. At this last review the whole of the 
 British army was assembled on the plains of 
 Denain. After the review the regiment marched 
 to Audricq, and remained there all the following 
 year ; occasionally, however, moving to different 
 towns, as Bouberg, Louches, and the vicinity of 
 St. Omer, for the purpose of reviews and inspec- 
 tions, or to make room for troops marching to the 
 coast for embarkation. 
 In the year 1818 the reviews went on in the 1818 
 same way and on the same ground, until October 
 18th, on which day the KING'S OWN, being 
 ordered to return to England, embarked at Calais 
 for Dover, landed there on the following day, and 
 marched to Canterbury. On the 24th, a consider- 
 able reduction took place in the regiment, two 
 troops being disbanded, and the remaining eight 
 ordered to consist of one serjeant-major, two 
 Serjeants, three corporals,one trumpeter, one farrier, 
 forty-two privates, and thirty-four horses each. 
 In October, 1818, His Royal Highness the 
 Prince Regent, in the name and on the behalf of 
 His Majesty, was pleased to direct, that the THIRD 
 and FOURTH Regiments of Dragoons should be 
 mounted, clothed, and equipped as Light Dra- 
 goon Regiments ; the alteration of title, &c., to 
 take effect from the 25th December, 1818. 
 On the 26th October, two squadrons, under the 
 command of Major Davenport, marched to Salt
 1818 Hill, to attend the funeral of Her Majesty Queen 
 Charlotte, and on the 7th of December, the re- 
 maining troops marched for Bristol, on their route 
 to Ireland, disembarked at Waterford, and detach- 
 ing one squadron to Tullamore, marched into 
 1819 Newbridge barracks on the 7th of February, 1819. 
 In these stations the regiment was reviewed by 
 Lieutenant-General Sir Edward Paget, who was 
 pleased to express his approbation of its appear- 
 ance and discipline. 
 1820 In January, 1820, in consequence of the dis- 
 turbed state of the province of Connaught, two 
 squadrons of the regiment were hastily ordered 
 to march thither ; one troop was quartered at 
 Ballinasloe, one at Tuam, and the other two at 
 Ballinrobe. In March, Generals Sir Edward 
 Paget and Sir John Elley arrived with all the 
 disposable force, and from their exertions the 
 country assumed some appearance of tranquillity. 
 The KING'S OWN returned to Newbridge, and 
 was there, on the 22nd of May, inspected by Major- 
 General Sir Colquhoun Grant, who was pleased to 
 give them the highest praise. 
 On the 18th of June, the KING'S OWN marched 
 to Dublin, and on the next day was reviewed, for 
 the first time, as a " LIGHT REGIMENT ;" other 
 reviews took place on the 21st and 30th, before 
 Lieut. -General Sir David Baird, and the regiment 
 returned to Newbridge. 
 On the 16th of August, the KING'S OWN 
 marched into Dublin, relieving the royal dragoons, 
 who sailed for England, and in October, the regi-
 ment was inspected by Major-General Sir Col- 1820 
 quhoun Grant, who issued the following order : 
 ' October 14th, 1820. 
 ' The half-yearly inspection of the KING'S OWN 
 ' LIGHT DRAGOONS affords Major-General Sir C. 
 ' Grant an opportunity of again expressing his ap- 
 ' probation of that corps. The interior arrange- 
 ' ments, field movements, attention of the officers, 
 ' and steadiness of the men, all enable him to 
 1 make the most satisfactory report to the Com- 
 ' mander of the Forces.' 
 The regiment remained in Dublin during the 1821 
 winter, and in January, 1821, the colonelcy was 
 conferred on Lieut.-General Stapleton Cotton, 
 Viscount Combermere, K.C.B., G.C.H., in succes- 
 sion to General Cartwright, who was removed to 
 the first dragoon guards. 
 On the 17th of August the regiment had the 
 honour of forming the personal escort of His 
 Majesty King George the Fourth, on his public 
 entry into Dublin. On the 18th, His Majesty 
 reviewed the garrison, then consisting of the 
 THIRD and sixth dragoons, seventh hussars, twelfth 
 and nineteenth lancers, of the twenty-third, thirty- 
 third, forty-third, fifty-second, and seventy-eighth 
 regiments of infantry. The King remained in 
 Dublin until the 2nd of September, on which day, 
 having been escorted to Powerscourt by a detach- 
 ment of His OWN regiment of dragoons, His 
 Majesty embarked at Dunleary, the remainder 
 of the regiment forming a guard of honour at the 
 1821 On the 4th and 5th of September, the KING'S 
 OWN marched out of Dublin, and took up quar- 
 ters in the counties of Waterford and Wexford, at 
 Cahir, New Ross, and Fethard.* Here, however, 
 they remained only a short time, being ordered to 
 Newcastle and Limerick, in consequence of the 
 disturbances which agitated that part of Ireland, 
 particularly the county of Limerick. 
 In these quarters the regiment was inspected on 
 the 22nd of October, by Major General Sir John 
 1822 Elley, and in January, 1822, the head-quarters 
 marched to Limerick, troops and detachments 
 being stationed at nine different places in the 
 south of Ireland. The regiment was, in June, 
 again inspected by Sir John Elley, and being 
 ordered to embark for England, had the honour of 
 receiving an order from Major-General Sir John 
 Lambert, commanding the district, in which the 
 major-general was pleased to state that * he could 
 * In this year, the regiment received the following letter : 
 ' Sir, Horse Guards, 20th September, 1821. 
 ' I have the honour to acquaint you, by direction of 
 ' the Commander-in-Chief, that His Majesty has been pleased to 
 ' approve of the Third (or King's Own) regiment of Light Dra- 
 ' goons, bearing on its standards and appointments, in addition to any 
 ' badges or devices which may have heretofore been granted to the 
 ' regiment, the words " VITTORIA" and " TOULOUSE," in commemo- 
 ' ration of the conduct of the regiment at the battle of Vittoria, on 
 ' the 21st of June, 1813, and in the attack of the position, covering 
 ' Toulouse, on the 10th of April, 1814. 
 ' I have the honour, &c. 
 ' Officer Commanding the \ 
 3rd King's Own Light Dragoons.' )
 * not allow the regiment to leave the district with- 18*22 
 * out expressing his entire satisfaction at the mau- 
 * ner in which most harassing duties had been per- 
 * formed by the head-quarters and detachments in 
 ' the disturbed part of the country.' 
 On the 19th and 22rid of June, the regiment 
 embarked at Waterford, and landing at Bristol, 
 proceeded to Brighton, and on the 28th of October, 
 having marched to Chichester, was reviewed by 
 Major- General Lord Edward Somerset, one troop 
 being detached to Hastings. On the 7th of No- 
 vember, the regiment marched to Romford, where 
 it remained till June, 1823, and hence proceeded 1823 
 to Hampton Court and its vicinity. Here, on 
 the 15th of July, a grand cavalry review took 
 place. The brigades were a cuirassier brigade, 
 first and second life guards, and royal horse 
 guards, commanded by Colonel Sir Robert Hill ; 
 a light brigade, KING'S OWN light dragoons, 
 seventh and fifteenth hussars, commanded by 
 Colonel Lord Charles Manners ; and a brigade 
 of horse artillery, commanded by Colonel Sir 
 Augustus Frazer. These troops, being com- 
 manded by Major-General Lord E. Somerset, 
 were reviewed by His Royal Highness the Duke 
 of York, Commander-in-Chief, and on the 22nd, 
 an order was issued highly flattering to the whole 
 of the regiments present. 
 The KING'S OWN remained at Hounslow for 
 some months, in the course of which, on leaving 
 the station of Hampton Court, the troops received 
 a most honourable testimonial of their character
 1824 and conduct from His Royal Highness the Duke 
 of Clarence.* 
 On the 7th of July, 1824, the same brigades 
 under the same officers, were again reviewed by 
 His Royal Highness the Commander-in-Chief, 
 and on the 12th the head-quarters of the KING'S 
 OWN marched for Coventry, troops being detached 
 to Birmingham, Hinckley, and Abergavenny. 
 1825 In May, 1825, the regiment having been in- 
 spected by Major-General Lord Edward Somerset, 
 the head-quarters moved to Newcastle-on-Tyne, a 
 squadron being detached to Carlisle. On the 
 22nd of July, a party was detached to Sunderland, 
 in consequence of the riots there, in which the 
 associated keelmen had gained such power as to 
 prevent any vessels putting to sea. On the 3rd 
 of August, these disturbances grew to such a 
 height that it became necessary for the military, 
 under the direction of the magistrates, to make use 
 of their arms, when seven lives were unfortunately 
 lost ; but of so good effect was thissalutary severity, 
 that from that time order was restored, and the 
 troops returned to Newcastle, receiving from 
 Major-General Harris, commanding the district, 
 from the Horse-guards, and from the magistrates 
 * March 31, 1824. 
 ' The 3rd Light Dragoons, being about to leave their present 
 4 quarters at Hampton Court, His Royal Highness the Duke of 
 ' Clarence takes this opportunity of expressing to Major Stisted his 
 ' approbation of the uniform and steady good conduct of the regiment, 
 ' since it has been in these quarters, and of assuring the King's Own, 
 4 that they will ever possess His Royal Highness's best and sincerest 
 4 wishes for their honour and welfare.'
 and inhabitants of Sunderland, the highest praise 1825 
 for their coolness and forbearance, under very 
 trying circumstances.* 
 On the 27th of May, 1825, Colonel Lord Charles 
 S. Manners was promoted to the rank of Major- 
 General, and was succeeded in the Lieutenant- 
 colonelcy of the THIRD, KING'S OWN, LIGHT DRA- 
 * Extract of a letter, dated 
 ' My Lord, < Pontefract, Aug. 14, 1825. 
 ' I am directed by Major-General the Honourable 
 ' W. G. Harris to announce to your Lordship, that H. R. H. the 
 1 Commander-in-Chief, and the Secretary of State for the Home 
 ' Department, have expressed their approbation of the conduct of 
 ' Lieutenant Jebb, and the men composing the party under his com- 
 ' mand, when employed in aid of the civil power at Sunderland, on 
 ' the 3rd instant. 
 ' I have the honour, &c. 
 1 P. HAY, A.D.C. 
 ' Colonel Lord R. Manners.' 
 Extract from a letter dated 
 ' Sunderland, Aug. 26, 1825. 
 ' I beg to have the honour of expressing my unqualified 
 approbation and thanks to the officers and men of the party, for 
 their essential services in the late riotous and melancholy events, 
 and I derive great consolation from having received the perfect 
 concurrence of Government, in the conduct of the military and 
 magistrates, and particularly on the 3rd of August, when it became 
 necessary to fire on the mob, by which some lives were lost. 
 ' I have the honour, &c. 
 A most handsome letter was likewise received from the Ship- 
 owner's Society, which, after particularizing the cool and steady 
 conduct of the embarked party, proceeds to state that " they are 
 confident that every other individual of the regiment would have 
 acted in a similar manner." The thanks of the town are also offered 
 to the non-eommissioned officers and privates for their exemplary 
 conduct during the time of their stay.
 1825 GOONS by Colonel Lord Robert Manners, from the 
 half-pay of the Tenth Royal Hussars. 
 1826 On the 3rd of March, 1826, the KING'S OWN 
 commenced their march for Portpatrick, em- 
 barked there for Ireland, and took up their quar- 
 ters at Dundalk, Belturbet, and Longford, the 
 squadron from which latter place afterwards 
 marched to Belfast. On the 23rd of September, 
 the regiment assembled at Dundalk, and was 
 there inspected by Major-General Sir Colquhouri 
 Grant, the detached squadrons immediately re- 
 turning to their former quarters, and the whole 
 1827 marching into Dublin, in June 1827, and oc- 
 cupying Portobello barracks. The regiment re- 
 mained at Dublin nine months, and then marched 
 into Connaught, receiving the highest praise from 
 Lieutenaut-General Sir George Murray. It was 
 then quartered as follows : one troop and head- 
 quarters at Ballinrobe, two troops at Athlone, two 
 troops at Gort, and one at Loughrea. 
 The five detached troops received orders on 
 the 30th of June to proceed to Ennis, to assist in 
 preserving the peace during the Clare election. 
 Two troops were quartered in a ruined distillery, 
 two in the yards of the infirmary, and one at 
 Clare Castle, where Major-General Sir Charles 
 Doyle, who had arrived from Limerick, established 
 his head-quarters. The troops remained at Ennis 
 ten days, and then returned to their former sta- 
 tions, the regiment being stationed in Connaught 
 for fifteen months, and receiving on three several 
 occasions the highest character from Major-General
 Taylor, and Major-General Sir Thomas Arbuth- 182S 
 not, K.C.B., the inspecting general officers ; the 
 latter of whom was pleased to express ' his regret 
 ' at losing from his district a regiment which had 
 ' done itself such credit by its excellent conduct, 
 * while under his command.' This order is dated 
 30th April, 1829; and in the beginning of the next 1829 
 month, the regiment embarked at Dublin for Eng- 
 land, being ordered to proceed to Exeter ; but on 
 landing at Liverpool, it was detained in the north, 
 in consequence of some disturbances there, and 
 ordered to march on the evening of debarkation 
 to Prescot, one squadron being directed upon Man- 
 chester, and troops to Bury, Bolton, Blackburn, 
 and Haslingden. On the 15th of June, the head- 
 quarters moved to Sheffield, the troops from 
 Bolton occupying Rochdale ; and on the 5th of 
 July, in consequence of riots in the town of 
 Barnsley, a troop was sent thither, and remained 
 there till the following spring. 
 In September General Viscount Combermere 
 was removed to the first life guards; and the 
 colonelcy of the KIN G'S OWN was conferred on Lieut.- 
 General Lord George Thomas Beresford, G.C.H. 
 In the course of this year a squadron was de- 
 tached to Doncaster, in consequence of riots at 
 the races there ; and the regiment was inspected 
 by Major- General Sir H. Vivian, when Colonel 
 Lord Robert Manners received the directions 
 of the Major-General to express his approbation of 
 the state of the regiment, and in addition to the 
 flattering terms in which the General expressed 
 his opinion of the officers and men on the parade,
 1829 he directed the commanding officer to issue an 
 order, entirely approving of all he had seen, 
 which order he desired might not only be entered 
 in the regimental order book, but likewise inserted 
 in the regimental records. 
 1830 On the 6th of April, 1830, the KING'S OWN 
 marched into York, detaching one troop to New- 
 castle-on-Tyne : and on the 21st of May, they 
 were reviewed by Major-General Sir H. Bouverie, 
 commanding the northern district.* On the 25th 
 of November, the regiment left York en route to 
 Nottingham, being ordered there to replace troops 
 employed in quelling disturbances in the south of 
 England. On the 6th of December, one troop 
 was detached to Loughborough, in consequence 
 of riots there, and returned on the 17th, receiving 
 a vote of thanks from the magistrates of Leices- 
 tershire for their readiness and promptitude. On 
 the 22nd, the regiment was ordered to complete 
 its establishment to the full numbers, and accord- 
 ingly detached parties to Loughborough and 
 Derby ; and on the 29th, the first division, imme- 
 diately followed by the others, left Nottingham 
 * Extract of an order, dated York, May 21st, 1830 : 
 ' Major-General Sir H. Bouverie desires Major Stisted will ex- 
 ' press to the officers his unqualified approbation of the regiment in 
 ' every respect. The appearance of the men, the high condition of 
 ' the horses, and the field movements, performed with so much pre- 
 ' cision and celerity, reflect the highest credit on every individual. 
 ' The regiment having scarcely had an opportunity of assembling for 
 ' the last three years, and never having had any good drill-ground, 
 ' the Major-General desires Major Stisted to say, that the regiment 
 ' performed the manoeuvres this day as steady, as correct, and as near 
 ' perfection as cavalry can be brought, notwithstanding all the disad- 
 ' vantages it has laboured under for such a length of time.'
 and returned to York. At York an increase in 1830 
 the number of horses took place, the number per 
 troop being fixed at forty-five. 
 In consequence of a sudden order received on 1831 
 the night of the 2nd of March, 1831, for the 
 regiment to march on the following morning, 
 one squadron moved to Leeds, and the second to 
 Burnley ; but on the 4th of April, the latter 
 squadron returned to Leeds to succeed the first, 
 which had marched to Newcastle. On the 25th 
 of the same month, a troop marched to Chester- 
 le-Street, near Durham ; and on the 5th and 6th 
 of May, the remaining part of the regiment left 
 Leeds for Newcastle. In this quarter the regiment 
 was employed in the suppression of riots among 
 the colliers, and was inspected by Major-General 
 On the 23rd of September, the KING'S OWN 
 marched in three divisions to Edinburgh, where 
 they remained for eight months ; and in April, 
 1832, proceeded to Glasgow and Hamilton. 1832 
 Returning to England in the spring of 1833, the 1833 
 regiment was stationed at Ipswich and Norwich ; 
 in the summer of 1834 it was removed to Houns- 1834 
 low and took the King's duty ; and in the summer 
 of 1835 it embarked for Ireland, and occupied 1335 
 quarters at Cork, Ballincollig, and Limerick. 
 In June, 1836, the KING'S OWN were stationed 1836 
 atCahir and Clonmel; and returning to England 
 in the spring of 1837, they proceeded to Canter- 1837 
 bury. On the 19th May, 1837, Colonel Joseph 
 Thackwell, late of the 15th Hussars, exchanged 
 from the half-pay with Lieutenant Colonel Stisted.
 The regiment, having been selected to proceed 
 1837 to the East Indies, embarked in July, 1837, for 
 Bengal, and landed at Calcutta on the 13th of 
 November following, under the command of 
 Colonel Thackwell. 
 1838 The regiment was encamped in January, 1838, 
 at Calcutta ; in February at Burkee ; in March 
 at Kusseah ; in April at Cawnpore, where it con- 
 tinued until the end of the year.* 
 1839 In February, 1839, the regiment was encamped 
 at, Chibbermold ; in March at Meerut, at v, hich 
 station it remained until December, when it re- 
 turned to Cawnpore. 
 The decease of Lieutenant-General Lord George 
 Thomas Beresford, G.C.H., having taken place on 
 the 26th October, 1839, Her Majesty was pleased 
 to confer the colonelcy of the THIRD, OR KING'S 
 OWN LIGHT DRAGOONS, on Lieutenant General 
 Lord Charles Somerset Manners, K.C.B., on the 
 8th November, 1839 : Lord Charles Manners had 
 commanded the regiment as Lieutenant-Colonel 
 from 1812 to 1825, when he was promoted to 
 the rank of Major-General. 
 On the 13th December, 1839, Lieut.-Colonel 
 Michael White was promoted by purchase in 
 successiqn to Lieut.-Colonel G. G. Tuite. 
 * On the "Army of the Indus" being assembled in 1838, for the 
 purpose of reinstating Shah Shooja-ool-Moolk in the sovereignty of 
 Cabool, Colonel Thackwell, K.H. (Lieutenant- Colonel of the THIRD 
 light dragoons), was selected to command the cavalry division, with 
 the local rank of Major-General, and Cornet Edmund Roche, of that 
 regiment, was appointed his aide-de-camp. Both served the arduous 
 Affghanistan campaign, and were present at the capture of the strong 
 and important fortress of Ghuznee, on the 23rd July, 1839.
 The regiment remained at Cawnpore until 1840 
 October, 1840, when it proceeded to Kurnaul. It 
 marched from thence on 28th January, 1842, en 1842 
 route for Ferozepore, having been selected to 
 form part of the force which had been ordered to 
 proceed under Major- General Pollock to relieve 
 the troops under Colonel Sir Robert Sale, who 
 had gallantly defended Jellalabad ; and also for 
 the purpose of inflicting retribution upon the 
 Affghans, whose treachery had caused the loss of 
 so many brave officers and soldiers. 
 The THIRD LIGHT DRAGOONS continued their 
 advance on Pesha\vur, and a squadron of the 
 regiment, under Lieutenant Unett, protected the 
 column of attack under the command of Lieute- 
 nant-Colonel Taylor, of Her Majesty's Ninth 
 Regiment of Foot, which captured the heights on 
 the right entrance to the Khyber Pass, on the 
 5th April, 1842. Major-General Pollock, in his 
 despatch announcing the successful advance of 
 the troops into the Khyber Pass, states : * there 
 ' were some of the enemy's horse in the vicinity 
 ' of AH Musjid, but I regret they did not wait for 
 ' Brigadier White (Lieutenant-Colonel of the 
 ' KING'S OWN) and his brigade to make an 
 ' example of them.' 
 The regiment arrived at Jellalabad in April, 
 1-42, where it remained until the 14th August 
 following, when it proceeded to Futteabad, de- 
 taching one squadron to Mammoo Khail on the 
 23rd of that month. The THIRD LIGHT DRA- 
 GOONS left Futteabad on the 2nd September, and
 1 842 on arriving at Jugdulluck, the summits of the hills, 
 which command the road through the pass, were 
 perceived to be occupied by a considerable number 
 of the enemy, who were assembled in bodies under 
 different chieftains, each having a distinguishing 
 standard ; their position was one of singular 
 strength and difficulty of approach. The heights 
 occupied by the Ghilzies formed an amphithe- 
 atre, inclining towards the left of the road, on 
 which the troops were halted, while the guns 
 opened ; and the enemy were thus enabled, on this 
 point, to fire into the column, a deep ravine pre- 
 venting the troops coming in contact with them. 
 The British troops, however, on attacking one 
 of their hill-forts, gave an animated and enthu- 
 siastic cheer, which so dismayed the enemy, that, 
 they fled down the heights without waiting the 
 collision, and were thus enabled to escape chas- 
 tisement by the nature of the ground, which was 
 so well calculated to favour their retreat. At 
 this moment, Major Lockwood with the THIRD, 
 KING'S OWN LIGHT DRAGOONS, galloped up, and 
 nearly succeeded in overtaking the enemy's ca- 
 valry, who effected their safety by flight.* 
 The loss of the regiment at the storming of the 
 heights of Jugdulluck on the 8th of September, 
 1842, was limited to two men wounded. 
 Major-General Pollock, in his despatch, speaks 
 of the conduct of the troops employed in the fol- 
 lowing terms : 
 * Major-General Pollock's Despatch.
 ' It gratifies me to be enabled to state, that we 1842 
 ' have thus signally defeated, with one division of 
 ' the troops, the most powerful tribes, and the 
 4 most inveterate of our enemies, the original and 
 ' principal actors in those disturbances which 
 ' entailed such disasters on our troops last winter.' 
 The regiment was also engaged with the enemy 
 in the Tezeen valley, which is completely encircled 
 by lofty hills ; the pass of Tezeen affords great 
 advantages to an enemy occupying the heights, 
 and Mahomed Akbar-Khan neglected nothing to 
 render its natural difficulties as formidable as 
 possible ; accordingly on the morning of the 13th 
 September, the Affghans appeared in great force 
 on every height which had not been occupied by 
 the British army. Two squadrons of the THIRD 
 LIGHT DRAGOONS, a party of the first light cavalry, 
 and of the third irregular cavalry, with two guns, 
 were left to guard the mouth of the Tezeen pass. 
 The enemy's horse appeared in the valley with 
 the intention of falling upon the baggage ; but 
 the Light Dragoons and native cavalry made a 
 most brilliant charge, and completely routed the 
 whole body of the enemy's force, cutting down 
 a great number of them. The fight continued 
 during the greater part of the day, the Affghans 
 appearing resolved to prevent our ascending the 
 Huft Kotul ; one spirit, however, pervaded all, 
 and the determination to conquer overcame the 
 obstinate resistance of the foe, who were at length 
 forced from their numerous arid strong positions, 
 and the British troops mounted the Huft Kotul,
 1842 giving three clieers on reaching the summit. 
 Here Lieutenant Cunningham, with a party of 
 sappers, pressed the enemy so hard, that they 
 left in their precipitation a twenty-four pounder 
 howitzer and limber, carrying off the draught 
 bullocks. Information being received that another 
 gun had been seen, a squadron of cavalry under 
 Captain Tritton, of the THIRD LIGHT DRAGOONS, 
 and two horse artillery guns, under Major Dela- 
 fosse, were detached in pursuit ; the gun (a twelve- 
 pounder howitzer) and bullocks sufficient for the 
 two guns, were soon captured. The Light Dra- 
 goons again got among the enemy, and succeeded 
 in destroying many of them. Captain Broadfoot, 
 with the sappers, advanced, and with the dragoons 
 happened to fall in with another party of Affghans, 
 of whom upwards of twenty were killed. It was 
 ascertained, that the enemy numbered sixteen 
 thousand, a considerable portion being cavalry ; 
 and that Mahomed Akbar-Khan, with several 
 other powerful chiefs, was present*. 
 The British thus gained a complete victory, 
 and the enemy must have suffered severely, 
 several hundreds of them having been killed, and 
 their guns, and three standards, captured from 
 them. A detachment of the THIRD LIGHT DRA- 
 GOONS formed part of the rear-guard of the army 
 under the command of Lieut-Colonel Richmond, 
 of the 33rd Native Infantry, and it being resolved 
 to anticipate the evident intention of the Affghans, 
 * Major-General Pollock's Despatch.
 by attacking them in the valley of Tezeen, on the 1842 
 13th September, the guns were moved forward 
 within range of the enemy, supported by the 
 front squadron of the THIRD LIGHT DRAGOONS 
 under Captain Unett, with other corps, in order 
 to charge the foe if the ground proved favourable, 
 and an opportunity offered ; this soon occurred, 
 the guns having made good impression, and the 
 other squadron of cavalry, under Major Lock wood, 
 was hurried forward as a support, thus ensuring 
 the success achieved by the spirited and gallant 
 charge of their comrades in front, which com- 
 pletely dispersed the enemy, who left about fifty 
 men on the field.* 
 Major-General Pollock, in his despatch of the 
 action at Tezeen, expresses his satisfaction with 
 the exertions of Lt.-Colonel White of the THIRD 
 LIGHT DRAGOONS, commanding the cavalry bri- 
 gade, and also of Major Lock wood, who com- 
 manded the regiment. The THIRD LIGHT DRA- 
 GOONS sustained but trifling loss in the Tezeen 
 valley, and on the Huft Kotul, on the 12th and 
 13th September, having only one serjeant and 
 four rank and file wounded ; two horses killed, 
 and eleven wounded. 
 After these successes, the army moved on with- 
 out opposition, and arrived at CABOOL on the 15th 
 September, where they encamped on the race 
 course. The THIRD LIGHT DRAGOONS, under 
 Major Lockwood, proceeded with other corps to 
 * Lt.-Colonel Richmond's Despatch.
 1842 plant the British colours in the Bala Hissar, on 
 the spot most conspicuous from the city. On the 
 colours being hoisted, the band of Her Majesty's 
 Ninth Regiment of Foot struck up ' God save the 
 Queen,' and a royal salute was fired from the guns 
 of the horse artillery, the whole of the troops 
 present giving three cheers. The colours in the 
 Bala Hissar were hoisted daily as long as the army 
 remained at Cabool. 
 The head-quarters and two squadrons of the 
 regiment, under Major Lock wood, formed part 
 of the force which was detached under Major- 
 General McCaskill (Lieutenant.-Colonel of the 
 Ninth Foot), for 'the purpose of dispersing the 
 enemy collected in the vicinity of Charekar, and 
 took part in the operations against the strong 
 and populous town of Istalif, which was considered 
 by the Affghans as totally inaccessible, but which 
 was captured on the 29th September 1842; the 
 numerous levies collected for its defence were 
 totally defeated, and property of every description 
 (much of it plundered from the army in 1841) 
 was recovered ; two brass field-pieces were cap- 
 tured, one of which was seized with such prompti- 
 tude, that its captor, Lieutenant Elmhirst, of Her 
 Majesty's Ninth Foot, turned its fire upon the 
 fugitives with some effect*. 
 Among the gratifying results of these successes 
 was the release of several ladies and officers who 
 had been detained prisoners by Akbar-Khan. 
 * Despatch of Major-General McCaskill.
 The regiment, having been present during the 
 whole of the operations west of the Indus, leading 
 to the occupation of Cabool, has received the 
 Royal permission to bear on its appointments the 
 word Cabool 1842.' 
 The regiment left Cabool on the 12th October, 
 1842, and arrived at Ferozepore on the 18th 
 December, from whence it marched to Kurnaul, 
 where it arrived on the 27th January 1843 ; it 1843 
 remained at Kurnaul until November, when it 
 marched for Umballa, and continued at that station 
 during the year 1844, and until the end of the 1844 
 following year. 
 On the 1 1th December, 1845, the regiment, con- 1845 
 sistingof 518 men, under the command of Lieut. - 
 Colonel Michael White, marched from cantonments 
 at Umballa, and formed a part of the leading 
 division of the Army of the Sutlej, hastily as- 
 sembled, under the personal command of General 
 Sir Hugh Gough, G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief 
 in India, for the purpose of repelling an invasion 
 by the Sikhs.* 
 On arriving at the village ofMoodkee, adistance 
 * In narrating the services of the regiments which composed the 
 Army of the Sutlej in the years 1845 and 1846, it may be desirable 
 that a brief account be given of the country of the Punjaub, par- 
 ticularly of the SIKHS, the most powerful of the population. The 
 important results of the sanguinary and eventful conflicts in the 
 Punjaub in 1846, following so rapidly on each other, excited the 
 wannest interest throughout a great part of the world ; and the 
 heroic deeds of the several regiments employed, added another page 
 to the records of the glorious achievements of the British Army. 
 The Punjaub, (Punj, five ; aub, water,) deriving its name from 
 the five rivers which intersect it, is an extensive country to the north- 
 west of India. The chief of these rivers are the Indus and the Sutlej,
 1845 of one hundred and fifty miles, on the 18th 
 December, the army had just taken up its en- 
 campments, when intelligence was received, that 
 the enemy's forces, consisting of twenty thousand 
 cavalry, and about the same number of infantry 
 and artillery, were close at hand, and intended to 
 surprise the British camps. The cavalry were im- 
 mediately turned out, and advanced to cover the 
 by which and by the lofty Himalayas, the whole of this fine territory 
 is bounded. At the period of the invasion of India by Alexander 
 the Great, the Punjaub is stated to have been a wealthy and populous 
 country, governed by numerous princes, whose subjects were cha- 
 racterised as brave and warlike. The Sikhs, originally a religious 
 sect, were founded by Nanac, or Nanai'c, Shah, about four centuries 
 ago ; but, in after years, in order probably to defend their doctrines, 
 they were induced by Govind, one of their high priests, to unite the 
 warrior with the priestly character, thus forming a military as well 
 as religious association, not dissimilar to the Templar Knights of the 
 times of the Crusades. They, however, for a time almost disappeared ; 
 but profiting by the calamities of the Mogul empire during the last 
 century, the Sikhs threw off the yoke of Mussulman despotism, their 
 Sirdars or Chieftains spreading themselves over the country, ruling 
 by might rather than right, and each acting independently of the 
 other, until the death of Maha Singh in 1792. His son and successor 
 Runjeet Singh contrived, however, to make several of the Sirdars 
 acknowledge him as their leader, and by skilful management, in the 
 course of a short period, obtained possession of Lahore, the principal 
 city of the Punjaub, and eventually of Cashmere, Mooltan, and 
 Peshawur. In the end all the chiefs submitted to him ; thus bringing 
 the whole country, from the Indus to the Sutlej, under his rule. He 
 was greatly aided in his views of aggrandisement by the assistance of 
 a few Italian and French officers, who trained his army upon the 
 European model, and by their instructions it attained a high degree 
 of discipline, proving one of the strongest enemies the British had 
 ever contended with in India. Since the death of Runjeet in 1839, 
 anarchy and confusion have prevailed ; hatred of the English, which 
 his influence checked, manifested itself, finally inducing the Sikh 
 forces to invade the British territories, by crossing the Sutlej in 
 great numbers in December, 1845, actuated as much by the hope of 
 plunder, as by the desire of conquest.
 formation of the infantry, and the distinguished 1845 
 part which the Third, or King's Own Regiment of 
 Light Dragoons, took in the sanguinary and 
 memorable battle of the evening of that day may 
 be best judged from the words of His Excellency 
 the Commander-in-Chief in his despatch of the 
 19th December 1845 : ' I directed the cavalry, 
 * under Brigadiers White and Gough (of the 
 4 KING'S OWN), to make a flank movement on 
 ' the enemy's left, with a view of threatening and 
 * turning that flank, if possible. 
 ' With praiseworthy gallantry, the THIRD 
 ' LIGHT DRAGOONS, and the second brigade of 
 ' cavalry, consisting of the body-guard and Fifth 
 1 Light cavalry, with a portion of the Fourth 
 ' Lancers, turned the left of the Sikh army, and 
 4 sweeping along the whole rear of its infantry and 
 * guns, silenced for a time the latter, and put their 
 ' numerous cavalry to flight.' 
 In this action the regiment suffered severely, 
 owing to the nature of the ground, and the im- 
 mense body of cavalry opposed to it. The loss, 
 out of four hundred and ninety-four men, on this 
 occasion, was as follows : killed, 3 officers, 58 
 men; 5 officers' chargers, and 100 troop horses; 
 wounded, 3 officers, 34 men ; 2 officers' chargers, 
 and 21 troop horses. 
 Brevet Major W. R. Herries, Captain G. New- 
 ton, and Cornet E. Worley, were killed. 
 Lieutenant S. Fisher (Acting Major of Brigade), 
 E. G. Swinton, and E. B. Cureton, were severely 
 1845 On the 21st December, the army again ad- 
 vanced ; the Third Light Dragoons had about 
 four hundred men ; and came up with the enemy, 
 said to consist of 70,000 men, who were strongly 
 posted in and around the village of " FEROZESHAH" 
 their camp intrenched, and defended by a nume- 
 rous and powerful artillery. 
 At about four o'clock in the afternoon the 
 action became general. The Third Light Dragoons 
 were ordered to attack the enemy's position at a 
 point defended by some of the heaviest batteries, 
 most of the guns being of battering calibre : as 
 the regiment advanced, it was assailed with round 
 shot and shell from several batteries. On ar- 
 riving within about two hundred and fifty yards 
 of the guns, the regiment moved on at top speed, 
 under a most destructive fire of grape and mus- 
 ketry, whilst their infantry held the trenches at 
 the point of the bayonet. Nothing dismayed, 
 but determined on victory, the regiment pressed 
 forward, and never for a moment was checked in its 
 career until it finally entered the enemy's camp, and 
 captured the whole of the batteries opposed to it ; 
 many of the Sikh artillerymen remaining to be cut 
 down at their guns. Night having fallen, while 
 the conflict was everywhere raging, and several 
 mines having been sprung, together with the ex- 
 ploding of their field magazines, by which several 
 men and horses were destroyed, the regiment was 
 withdrawn a short distance from the burning camp, 
 where it bivouacked for the night. 
 The enemy having held a portion of his position,
 and being strongly reinforced in the night, the 1845 
 battle was renewed the next morning, and the 
 Third Light Dragoons at daybreak joined the 
 remainder of the cavalry, and participated in the 
 action of the 22nd of December, when about 
 three o'clock, P. M., the Third Light Dragoons 
 were again ordered to charge the enemy, which he 
 did not wait to receive, and he was finally driven 
 from the field, and the army bivouacked on the 
 ground they had won. The men and horses of 
 the Third Light Dragoons were upwards of forty 
 hours without food or water, nearly the whole of 
 the time exposed to, and in conflict with, a power- 
 ful enemy; the days were hot and the nights 
 intensely cold. 
 In this great battle the regiment lost as fol- 
 lows : killed, 2 officers and 53 men ; wounded, 
 7 officers and 86 men ; total, 9 officers and 139 
 men : killed, 9 officers' chargers and 98 troop 
 horses : wounded, 60 troop horses ; total killed and 
 wounded, 9 officers' chargers and 158 troop horses. 
 The officers killed, were Captain J. E. Codd and 
 Cornet H. Ellis ; wounded, Colonel M. White, 
 slightly: Major C. W. M. Balders, slightly: 
 Lieutenants, H. C. Morgan, severely ; J. G. A. 
 Beeston, slightly : Cornets, W. H. Orme, severely ; 
 J. D. White and J. Rathwell, slightly. 
 The Commander-in-Chief, in his despatch of 
 the 22nd December, 1845, observes as follows: 
 ' Although I brought up Major-General Sir Harry 
 ' Smith's division, and he captured and long re- 
 ' tained another point of the position, and Her 
 H 2
 1845' Majesty's Third Light Dragoons charged and 
 ' took some of the most formidable batteries, yet 
 ' the enemy remained in possession of a con- 
 ' siderable portion of the great quadrangle, whilst 
 ' our troops, intermingled with theirs, kept pos- 
 ' session of the remainder, and finally bivouacked 
 ' upon it, exhausted by their gallant efforts, great- 
 * ly reduced in numbers, and suffering extremely 
 ' from thirst, yet animated by an indomitable 
 ' spirit. In this state of things, the long night 
 ' wore away !' 
 The Right Honourable the Governor-General, 
 (Lord Hardinge), who personally witnessed the 
 prowess of the regiment on the battle-field, makes 
 honorable mention thereof in his Orders, dated 
 30th December, 18^5. 
 * The Governor-General offers his thanks more 
 ' especially to Her Majesty's Third Light Dra- 
 ' goons, who, on all these occasions, sought op- 
 ' portunities of useful conflict with the enemy, 
 * and fought with that superiority over their op- 
 ' ponents which skill and discipline impart to brave 
 ' and determined men.' 
 The regiment was detached from the army at 
 Sultan-Khan-Wallah, and sent to Ferozepore, 
 where it arrived on the 31st December 1845. 
 1846 It remained at Ferozepore until the 18th Ja- 
 nuary, 1846, and again proceeded to, and joined, 
 the head quarters of the army at Jelli wallah, on 
 the 20th of January. 
 The glorious action at Aliwal took place on the 
 28th of January, ' when the enemy's camp was
 ' carried by storm ; the whole of his cannon and 1846 
 ' munitions of war were captured, and his army 
 * driven headlong across the Sutlej ; even on the 
 ' right bank of which he found no refuge from 
 * the fire of our artillery.' 
 The Third Light Dragoons were assembled on 
 parade on the morning of the 29th of January to 
 celebrate the victory of Aliwal, when the Right 
 Honourable the Governor-General, in the pre- 
 sence of the whole army, was pleased to make 
 use of the following words, most gratifying to 
 the feelings of every soldier : ' Colonel White, 
 ' your regiment is an honour to the British army ; 
 ' and I wish you to make known these my senti- 
 ' ments, as head of this Government, to your 
 ' officers and men/ 
 On the 10th of February, 1846, the regiment 
 had the proud satisfaction of sharing and taking 
 a conspicuous part in that glorious and mighty 
 combat, the Battle of Sobraon, when the Sikhs 
 were driven from their stronghold, and precipi- 
 tated in masses into the Sutlej, and those proud 
 invaders were expelled the soil of British India. 
 The Right Honourable the Governor-General, 
 in his Order of Thanks to the Army, was pleased 
 to pass the following high encomium on the con- 
 duct of the regiment in this fight : 
 ' Her' Majesty's Third Light Dragoons, as usual, 
 * were in the foremost ranks, and distinguished 
 ' themselves under their commanding officer, 
 ' Lieut-Colonel White.' 
 His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, in
 1846 his despatch, dated 13th February, 1846, thus 
 expresses his unqualified approbation of the con- 
 duct of the regiment on this occasion : * The 
 ' Sikhs, even when at particular points their in- 
 1 trenchments were mastered by the bayonet, strove 
 ' to regain them by the fiercest conflict sword in 
 ' hand ; nor was it until the cavalry of the left, 
 ' under the command of Major-General Sir Jo- 
 ' seph Thackwell,* had moved forward and ridden 
 ' through the openings in the intrenchments 
 ' made by our Sappers, in single files, and re- 
 ' formed as they passed them, and the Third 
 ' Light Dragoons, whom no obstacle usually held 
 * formidable by horse, appears to check, had on 
 ' this day, as at Ferozeshah, galloped over, and 
 * cut down the obstinate defenders of batteries 
 ' and field-works, and until the full weight of 
 t three divisions of infantry with every field ar- 
 ' tillery gun which could be sent to their aid, had 
 ' been cast into the scale, that victory finally de- 
 ' clared for the British. f 
 * Lieutenant Francis, of the ninth lancers, acted as aide-de-camp 
 to Major-General Sir 'Joseph Thackwell, commanding the cavalry 
 division, in succession to Lieutenant Roche, of the TBTBD light 
 dragoons, who was appointed to act as Assistant Quarter-Master- 
 General : Lieutenants Francis and Roche had their horses wounded 
 at the battle of Sobraon. 
 f In the active movements performed in these severely contested 
 battles, it was found that the men of the Third Light Dragoons 
 afforded an additional proof of their usefulness and bravery, by bringing 
 up, and assisting in working, the Field-Artillery, in positions where 
 the guns could be effectively used against the enemy ; thus evincing, 
 that the instruction they had previously received under the system 
 introduced at the Cavalry Depot at Maidstone, by Major-General 
 Brotherton, in 1832, may be successfully applied on field service.
 ' The fire of the Sikhs first slackened, and 1846 
 ' then nearly ceased ; and the victors then pressing 
 ' them on every side, precipitated them in masses 
 * over their bridge, and into the Sutlej, which a 
 4 sudden rise of seven inches had rendered hardly 
 ' fordable. In their efforts to reach the right 
 ' bank through the deepened water, they suffered 
 ' from our horse-artillery a terrible carnage : 
 * hundreds fell under this cannonade ; hundreds 
 * upon hundreds were drowned in attempting the 
 ' perilous passage. Their awful slaughter, con- 
 * fusion, and dismay, were such as would have 
 ' excited compassion in the hearts of their generous 
 ' conquerors, if the Khalsa troops had not, in the 
 ' earlier part of the action, sullied their gallantry 
 ' by slaughtering and barbarously mangling every 
 ' wounded soldier, whom, in the vicissitudes of 
 ' attack, the fortune of war left at their mercy. 
 ' I must pause in this narrative to notice, es- 
 * pecially, the determined hardihood and bravery 
 * with which our two battalions of Ghoorkhas, 
 ' the Sirmoor and Nusseeree, met the Sikhs, 
 ' wherever they were opposed to them : soldiers, 
 * of small stature but indomitable spirit, they 
 ' vied in ardent courage in the charge with the 
 * grenadiers of our own nation ; and armed with 
 1 the short weapon of their mountains, were a 
 ' terror to the Sikhs throughout this great 
 ' combat. 
 ' Sixty-seven pieces of cannon, upwards of two 
 * hundred camel-swivels (zumboorucks), nume- 
 4 rous standards, and vast munitions of war, cap-
 1846 ' tured by our troops, are the pledges and 
 ' trophies of our victory. 
 ' The battle was over by eleven in the morn- 
 ' ing ; and in the forenoon I caused our engineers 
 ' to burn a part, and to sink a part, of the vaunted 
 ' bridge of the Khalsa army, across which they 
 ' had boastfully come once more to defy us, and to 
 ' threaten India with ruin and devastation. 
 ' The consequences of this great action have 
 ' yet to be fully developed. It has at least, in 
 * God's providence, once more expelled the Sikhs 
 ' from our territory, and planted our standards 
 ' on the soil of the Punjaub. After occupying 
 ' their entrenched position for nearly a month, the 
 ' Khalsa army had perhaps mistaken the caution, 
 ' which had induced us to wait for the necessary 
 ' materiel, for timidity : but they must now deeply 
 ' feel, that the blow, which has fallen on them 
 ' from the British arm, has only been the heavier 
 ' for being long delayed.' 
 The following are the losses sustained by the 
 Third Light Dragoons in the action of Sobraon: 
 killed, 5 men, 1 troop horse ; wounded, 4 officers 
 and 22 men, 2 officers' chargers and 13 troop 
 The officers wounded were, Lieutenant-Colonel 
 J. B. Gough (Acting Quarter-Master General), 
 very severely ; Lieutenant J. B. Hawkes, slightly ; 
 Cornet Kauntze, severely; and Quarter-Master 
 A. Crabtree, slightly. 
 The Third Light Dragoons crossed the Sutlej 
 on the 13th February, 1846, and marched on
 Lahore, where the British army arrived on the 1846 
 20th, and encamped on that soil held sacred by 
 the Khalsa troops, the ' Plains of Myan Meer,' 
 where it remained until the 24th March. The 
 object for which the army was assembled having 
 been attained, the Third Light Dragoons returned 
 to their former quarters at Umballa on the 7th 
 April, having, in less than four months, marched 
 upwards of six hundred miles, and taken a con- 
 spicuous part in three of the greatest actions 
 recorded in the annals of British India. 
 On the 22nd of February, 1846, the Eight 
 Honourable the Governor-General made the fol- 
 lowing announcement in General Orders : 
 ' The British Army has this day occupied the 
 ' gateway of the Citadel of Lahore, the Badshahee 
 ' Mosque, and the Huzzooree Bagh. 
 ' The Army of the Sutlej has now brought its 
 ' operations in the field to a close, by the dispersion 
 ' of the Sikh army, and the military occupation 
 ' of Lahore, preceded by a series of the most 
 ' triumphant successes ever recorded in the mili- 
 ' tary history of India. 
 ' The British government, trusting to the faith 
 ' of treaties, and to the long subsisting friendship 
 ' between the two states, had limited military 
 ' preparations to the defence of its own frontier. 
 ' Compelled suddenly to assume the offensive, 
 ' by the unprovoked invasion of its territories, 
 ' the British Army, under the command of its 
 * distinguished leader, has, in sixty days, defeated 
 ' the Sikh forces in four general actions ; has cap-
 1846 ' tured two hundred and twenty pieces of field artil- 
 * lery ; and is now at the Capital dictating to the 
 ' Lahore Durbar the terms of a treaty, the con- 
 ' ditions of which will tend to secure the British 
 ' Provinces from the repetition of a similar outrage.' 
 On the 4th March, 1846, the Governor- General 
 made the following further announcement : 
 ' Early on the morning of the 22nd February, 
 ' a brigade of British troops took formal possession 
 * of the Citadel of Lahore, the Badshahee Musjed, 
 ' and the Huzzooree Bagh. 
 ' I considered the occupation of Lahore, and the 
 ' close of active operations in the field, a proper 
 * opportunity for marking, by substantial reward, 
 ' the gratitude of the British Government to its 
 ' faithful and brave army, which had fought so 
 ' gloriously, and so successfully ; and I was glad 
 * at being able thus to bring into prominent con- 
 ' trast, the just reward of discipline and obedience, 
 ' with the certain penalty of insubordination and 
 ' violence, as exemplified in the fate of the two 
 ' armies, which had been so long the objects of 
 ' mutual observation ; the one, victorious in the 
 ' field, and honoured and bountifully rewarded 
 ' by its Government ; the other, in spite of its 
 * exceeding numbers and advantageous positions, 
 ' vanquished in every battle, abandoned by a 
 * government it had coerced, and, with its shat- 
 ' tered remains, left, but for the intercession of 
 * its conquerors, to disperse with no provision of 
 ' any kind, and to seek a precarious subsistence by 
 * rapine and crime.'
 The following Regular Regiments formed part 1846 
 of the Anglo-Indian Army engaged in the Pun- 
 jaub in 1845 and 1846: 
 Actions at which each Regiment wag 
 18th Dec. 
 21st & 22nd 
 28th Jan. 
 10th Feb. 
 Dec. 1845. 
 3rd Light Dragoons 
 9th Lancers 
 B ^ 
 f t 
 ^ ^ 
 16th , , 
 9th Foot 
 , , 
 . . 
 . . 
 . . 
 . . 
 % . 
 GOONS, from the period of its formation in 1685, 
 to the present time, has performed upwards of 
 one hundred and sixty years' faithful and me- 
 ritorious service in the reign of nine successive 
 monarchs. It was employed in the several wars 
 on the continent of Europe during the reigns of 
 King William III., of Queen Anne, and of 
 King George II. It was again employed in Por- 
 tugal, Spain, and France, from 1811 to 1818. It 
 has been since engaged in most arduous duties 
 in Afghanistan, and on the banks of the Sutlej, 
 where it has acquired additional honours by its 
 bravery ; it continues to be employed in guarding
 1846 the possessions of the British Crown in the distant 
 clime of India. 
 Whether confronting a foreign enemy in the 
 field, or performing duties of a painful character 
 at home, its conduct has, on all occasions, been 
 such as to procure the acknowledgments of the 
 Civil Authorities by whom its assistance was 
 required ; the commendations of the General 
 Officers under whose immediate command it has 
 served ; the thanks of Parliament ; and the ap- 
 probation of its Sovereign. 
 The compiler of the Records of the Army feels it his duty 
 to acknowledge, that his labours have been greatly assisted by a 
 memoir of the services of the Third, or the King's Own, Light 
 Dragoons, which was printed, in 1833, by Lieutenant Colonel 
 Charles Stisted, then lieutenant-colonel of the regiment. King 
 William IV. expressed himself much satisfied with the man- 
 ner in which the Colonel had executed a task, to which His 
 Majesty attached great importance, and gave him credit for 
 the zeal and industry with which he had undertaken and pro- 
 secuted it ; a notification to the above effect was made to 
 Lieutenant-Colonel Stisted by Lieutenant-General Sir Herbert 
 Taylor, G.C.H. Lieutenant Colonel Stisted entered the 
 Army in May, 1794, as an ensign in the 39th Regiment. 
 He was appointed to a lieutenancy in the 13th Light Dragoons 
 in January, 1 803, and was promoted to be captain of a troop 
 in February, 1 804 : he exchanged to the Third Light Dragoons 
 on the 7th of February, 1811 ; and was promoted to a ma- 
 jority on the 14th of October, 1819, and to the Lieutenant- 
 Colonelcy of the Regiment on the 22nd of July, 1830 : he 
 continued in command of the Regiment until the 19th of 
 May, 1837, when he exchanged to the half-pay: he was re- 
 appointed to the full pay in September, 1841, and retired 
 from the service by the sale of his commission ; he died at 
 Torquay on the 24th of July, 1842.
 Appointed 2nd August, 1685. 
 THIS nobleman succeeded to the title of DUKE of OMERSET 
 on the decease of his brother, who was murdered at Lerice, in 
 Italy, on the 20th of April, 1678. He was elected a Knight 
 of the Garter in April, 1684, and was one of the privy coun- 
 cillors who signed the proclamation of the accession of King 
 James II., on the 6th of February following. Being Lord- 
 Lieutenant of Somersetshire at the time of the rebellion of 
 the Duke of Monmouth, he called out the militia of the 
 county, and was rewarded for his fidelity to the Crown with 
 the colonelcy of the QUEEN CONSORT'S Regiment of Dra- 
 goons, and the appointment of lord of the bed-chamber to His 
 Majesty ; but was removed from his regiment and court ap- 
 pointment for refusing to attend a nuncio from Pope Innocent 
 XL into the King's presence. At the Revolution in 1688, 
 his grace joined the Prince of Orange, afterwards William III., 
 during part of whose reign he presided at the council, 
 and was one of the lords of the regency when His Majesty 
 made his last visit to the Continent. The Duke of Somerset 
 was also a privy councillor, and master of the horse during part 
 of the reign of Queen Anne ; and, after Her Majesty's demise, 
 he was one of the guardians of the realm until the arrival of 
 George I. from Hanover. He died on the 2nd of Dec., 1748,
 and was buried in Salisbury Cathedral : a fine marble monu- 
 ment of his grace was afterwards placed in the senate-house 
 of the University of Cambridge. 
 Appointed 2nd August, 1687. 
 ALEXANDER CANNON entered the service of the United Pro- 
 vinces of the Netherlands, and held a commission in one of 
 the English regiments in Holland, with which he served under 
 the Prince of Orange (afterwards King William III.), and 
 was promoted to the colonelcy of the corps. Having arrived 
 in England with his regiment in the summer of 1685, to assist 
 in suppressing the rebellion of the Duke of Monmouth, he 
 quitted the Dutch service, and was appointed, by King 
 James II., Lieutenant-Colonel of the QUEEN'S Dragoons. 
 He was a stanch adherent to the Court, and was rewarded 
 with the colonelcy of the regiment in 1687 ; but refusing to 
 take the oath to the Prince of Orange, at the Revolution in 
 1688, he was removed from his command. 
 Colonel Cannon proceeded to Ireland in 1689, where he 
 was promoted by King James to the rank of brigadier-gene- 
 ral ; he was sent with a small body of men to Scotland, to 
 assist the Highlanders in their opposition to the government 
 of King William III. He was second in command at 
 the Battle of Killicrankie, and after the fall of Viscount 
 Dundee, he commanded the Highlanders and Irish. He was 
 reinforced by another body of troops from Ireland under Bri- 
 gadier-General Buchan, and remained in Scotland two years ; 
 but being harassed by the King's forces, and defeated in 
 several skirmishes, the highlanders tendered their submis- 
 sion to King William, and their commanders followed King 
 James to France. 
 Appointed 31st December, 1688. 
 IN the reign of King Charles II. RICHARD LEVESON served 
 as a volunteer against the Moors at Tangier, in Africa ; and
 on the breaking out of the rebellion of the Duke of Monmouth 
 in June, 1 685, he raised a troop of dragoons in the county of 
 Middlesex, which troop was eventually incorporated in the 
 QUEEN'S regiment, now THIRD, or KING'S OWN. In the 
 summer of 1687, he was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy, 
 and having joined the standard of the Prince of Orange, in 
 November, 1688, he was advanced, on the 31st of December 
 following, to the colonelcy of the regiment. He served at 
 the head of the QUEEN'S Dragoons in Ireland ; evinced great 
 personal bravery at the Battle of the Boyne, and on other 
 occasions, as detailed in the record of the THIRD Light Dra- 
 goons ; and acquired celebrity for his ability, activity, and 
 gallantry on detached services. After the decease of Brigadier- 
 General Villiers, King William rewarded the brave LEVESON 
 with the command of a corps of cuirassiers, now second dragoon 
 guards. He served under His Majesty in the Netherlands, 
 and was promoted to the rank of major-general on the llth 
 of January, 1696. His decease occurred on the 3rd of 
 March, 1699. 
 Appointed 30th January, 1694. 
 LORD FAIRFAX having joined the Prince of Orange at the 
 Revolution in 1688, was appointed lieutenant and lieutenant- 
 colonel in the third troop of life guards, which gave him the 
 privilege of taking the court duty of silver stick ; he after- 
 wards exchanged to the second troop (now second regiment) 
 of life guards, from which he was promoted to the colonelcy 
 of the QUEEN'S dragoons. He retired in the following year, 
 and was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general in 1702. 
 He died in January, 1710. 
 Appointed 2 1st February, 1695. 
 THIS OFFICER served with distinction under King Wil- 
 liam III. in Ireland and the Netherlands, and was promoted
 to the colonelcy of the QUEEN'S Dragoons by purchase, in 
 1695. He served with his regiment in Flanders until the 
 peace of Ryswick ; was promoted to the rank of brigadier- 
 general in the spring of 1702 ; and, commanding a brigade of 
 infantry under the Duke of Ormond, in the expedition to 
 Spain, was engaged in the storming of the forts of Vigo. 
 He was subsequently advanced to the rank of major-general ; 
 but obtained permission to dispose of the colonelcy of his 
 regiment in 1703, to Colonel Carpenter. 
 Appointed 31st December, 1703. 
 GEORGE CARPENTER was born in February, 1657, and when 
 fourteen years of age he was page to the Duke of Montague 
 in his grace's embassy to France. In 1672, he entered the 
 army as a private gentleman in the Duke of York's troop of 
 life guards, which corps was, at that period, as a school where 
 young gentlemen were qualified for commissions. In 1685 
 he was appointed troop quarter-master in a newly-raised corps 
 of cuirassiers, now second dragoon guards ; in which regiment 
 he rose to the rank of cornet in 1687, and afterwards to that 
 of lieutenant, captain, and lieutenant-colonel. He served 
 with his regiment in Ireland, and in Flanders and Brabant, 
 and was promoted to the rank of colonel in the army in 1702. 
 In the following year he purchased the colonelcy of the 
 QUEEN'S Dragoons and was promoted to the rank of brigadier- 
 general on the 25th of December, 1705. He proceeded to 
 Spain in 1706, and serving with the allied army, signalized 
 himself at the unfortunate battle of Almanza in J707, where 
 he repeatedly charged at the head of the British cavalry, and, 
 commanding one of the last squadrons which left the field, 
 saved the Earl of Galway, many wounded men, and much of 
 the baggage from falling into the hands of the enemy. He 
 continued with the army in Spain, acquiring additional honour 
 by his excellent conduct on all occasions, was promoted to 
 the rank of major-general in September, 1708, and to that of 
 lieutenant-general in January, 1710. In the brilliant cavalry
 action on the plains of Almanara, on the 27th of July, 1710, 
 he highly distinguished himself, and was wounded : his spi- 
 rited conduct on this occasion, procured him the thanks of 
 King Charles III. of Spain, afterwards Emperor of the 
 Romans, who was with the army. He acquired fresh laurels 
 at Saragossa and wrote an interesting account of that battle, 
 which was published at the time. After advancing to Madrid, 
 the army retreated to Valencia and Catalonia, and Lieutenant- 
 General Carpenter was with the division under General Stan- 
 hope, which halted at the little walled town of Brihuega, in 
 the mountains of Castile, and was there surrounded and made 
 prisoners by the French army. On this occasion he was 
 wounded by a musket-ball, which, having broken part of his 
 jaw, lodged itself under the root of his tongue, where it re- 
 mained several months before it could be extracted, during 
 which time his life was in danger, and he suffered great pain. 
 In the spring of 1715, he was appointed envoy extraordinary 
 and plenipotentiary to the court of Vienna. During the 
 rebellion of the Earl of Mar, he commanded a detached corps, 
 prevented the insurgents obtaining possession of Newcastle- 
 on-Tyne, and afterwards, joining Major- General Wills, took 
 a division of the rebel army prisoners, at Preston, in Lanca- 
 shire. He was rewarded with the appointment of governor 
 of Minorca and Port Mahon, and commander of the forces in 
 Scotland ; and in May, 1719, he was advanced to the peerage 
 of Ireland by the title of BARON CARPENTER of Killaghy in 
 the county of Kilkenny. 
 LORD CARPENTER was many years a member of Parlia- 
 ment, first for Whitchurch in Hampshire, and afterwards for 
 the city of Westminster. He published a highly useful work 
 entitled ' A Dissertation on the Manoeuvres of Cavalry.' 
 After serving the Crown a period of nearly sixty years, in 
 the reign of six successive sovereigns, he died, on the 10th of 
 February, 1732, in the seventy-fifth year of his age, and was 
 buried at Ouselburg in Hampshire, where a monument was 
 erected to his memory. He was ancestor of the Earls of 
 ' Appointed 29th May, 1732. 
 PHILIP HONEYWOOD entered the array in 1694, and served 
 under King William III. ; he subsequently served Her Ma- 
 jesty Queen Anne, and became an efficient officer under the 
 celebrated JOHN, DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. Having at- 
 tained the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the thirty-third foot, 
 on the 27th of May, 1709, he was promoted to the colonelcy 
 of the 92nd regiment, which was disbanded in 1712. In 
 1715 he was commissioned to raise, form, and discipline a 
 regiment of dragoons, (now the eleventh light dragoons), 
 which he executed with ability, and was afterwards instru- 
 mental in the suppression of the rebellion of the Earl of Mar. 
 In 1719 he commanded a brigade under Lord Cobham at the 
 capture of Vigo and Rondondella in Spain. On the 29th of 
 May, 1732, he was removed to the command of the THIRD 
 dragoons, which he retained until promoted to the King's 
 Own regiment of horse in 1743. In 1742 a British force 
 was sent to Flanders, under General Honey wood, who held 
 the chief command of the troops, until the arrival of the Earl 
 of Stair. At the battle of Dettingen one division of the army 
 was commanded by this distinguished officer, and he led the 
 royal horse guards and the King's horse to the charge with 
 great gallantry. He served in the subsequent campaigns on 
 the continent with distinction, and with the approbation of 
 his sovereign, by whom he was advanced to the dignity of a 
 Knight of the honourable order of the Bath. He died in 
 1752, and was interred with military honours at Portsmouth, 
 of which place he was governor at the time of his decease. 
 Appointed 18th April, 1743. 
 HUMPHREY BLAND served several campaigns on the continent 
 under the celebrated JOHN, DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. He 
 afterwards served as lieut.-colonel in Spain, and in 1710 was 
 wounded at the battle of Almanara. In 1715 he was ap-
 pointed lieut.-colonel to the eleventh dragoons, and was after- 
 wards lieut.-colonel of the second horse, now first dragoon 
 guards. In 1737 he was promoted to the colonelcy of the 
 thirty -sixth foot, from which he was removed in 1741, to the 
 thirteenth dragoons, and two years afterwards to the KING'S 
 OWN dragoons. He had his horse shot under him at Det- 
 tingen ; displayed great gallantry at Fontenoy, and highly 
 distinguished himself at the battle of Culloden. In 1752 he 
 was removed to the first dragoon guards ; and died in the 
 following year. 
 Appointed 8th July, 1752. 
 THE HON. JAMES O'HARA was appointed lieutenant in the 
 royal regiment of fusiliers, commanded by his father, on the 
 15th of March, 1703, and in 1706 he proceeded with his regi- 
 ment to the relief of Barcelona. In the following year he 
 was aide-de-camp to the Earl of Gal way, whose life he is re- 
 ported to have saved at the unfortunate battle of Almanza, by 
 interposing between his lordship and a dragoon, whom he 
 shot with his pistol, but was, himself, wounded by the dra- 
 goon. He served several years at Minorca, and in 1713 
 obtained the colonelcy of the royal fusiliers, in succession to 
 his father, at whose decease, in 1733, he succeeded to the 
 dignity of BARON TYRAWLEY. The rank of brigadier- 
 general was conferred on his lordship on the 23rd of Novem- 
 ber, 1735 ; that of major-general on the 2nd of July, 1739; 
 and in August, of the latter year, he was removed from the 
 royal fusiliers to the fifth horse, now fourth dragoon guards. 
 In March, 1743, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant- 
 general, and in the following month obtained the colonelcy 
 of the second troop of horse grenadier guards, from which 
 he was removed in 1745 to the third troop of life guards, 
 which gave him the privilege of taking the court duty of gold 
 stick. In 1746, when King George II. had resolved to dis- 
 band the third and fourth troops of life guards, his lordship 
 was removed to the tenth foot : he was again removed, in 1749,
 to the fourteenth dragoons ; in 1752, to the THIRD or KING'S 
 OWN regiment of dragoons; and in 1755, to the second, or 
 Coldstream regiment of foot guards. He was appointed go- 
 vernor of Portsmouth on the 1st of May, 1759, and was pro- 
 moted to the rank of general on the 7th of March, 1761. He 
 held the appointment of governor of Minorca for several 
 years ; was employed as envoy and ambassador to the courts 
 of Portugal and Russia ; and died at Twickenham on the 
 13th of July, 1773. 
 Appointed 8th April, 1755. 
 VISCOUNT BDRY commenced his military service as ensign 
 in the second foot guards in 1738; in 1741 he was captain- 
 lieutenant in the royal dragoons ; in 1743 he held the same 
 rank in his former regiment ; and on the 27th of May, 1745, 
 he obtained the commission of captain and lieut.- colonel in 
 the same corps. He was aide-de-camp to the Duke of Cum- 
 berland at the battle of Fontenoy ; also attended His Royal 
 Highness at the battle of Culloden, was sent with the news 
 of that victory to London, and was immediately afterwards 
 appointed aide-de-camp to the King with the rank of colonel. 
 The colonelcy of the twentieth foot was conferred on his lord- 
 ship on the 1st of November, 1749. In 1754 he succeeded to 
 the title of EARJL OF ALBEMARLE ; and obtained the colonelcy 
 of the KING'S OWN dragoons in the succeeding year. The 
 rank of major-general was conferred on his lordship in 1756, 
 and that of lieut. -general in 1759. In 1761 he was a member 
 of the privy council and governor of the island of Jersey ; and 
 in 1762, he commanded the land forces employed in the re- 
 duction of the Havannah ; in the performance of which service 
 he acquired great reputation, and his conduct called forth the 
 approbation of his sovereign and of the British nation. He was 
 elected a Knight of the Garter in 1766 ; and died in 1772.
 Appointed 20tk October, 1772. 
 LORD CHARLES FITZROY, brother of Augustus-Henry, Duke 
 of Grafton, choosing a military life, obtained the commission 
 of ensign in the first foot guards on the 16th of March, 1752. 
 In 1756 he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and in 
 1758 obtained the command of a company with the rank of 
 lieut.-colonel. In 1762 he was promoted to the colonelcy of 
 the 119th, or Prince's Own, regiment of foot, which was dis- 
 banded after the peace of Fontainbleau. The colonelcy of 
 the fourteenth dragoons was conferred on his lordship on the 
 llth of September, 1765, and in 1772 he was promoted to the 
 rank of major-general and removed to the KING'S OWN dra- 
 goons. He was further promoted to the rank of lieut.-general 
 in 1777 ; advanced to the peerage by the title of LORD 
 SOUTHAMPTON in 1780 ; and promoted to the rank of general 
 in 1793. He died on the 21st of Marh, 1797. 
 Appointed 23rd March, 1797. 
 THIS OFFICER was appointed on the 13th of December, 1761, 
 captain in the seventeenth light dragoons, then commanded by 
 captain-commandant Lord Aberdour. In June, 1764, he was 
 appointed major of the eighth dragoons, and in May, 1 768, 
 obtained the lieut. -colonelcy of the regiment, from which he 
 was removed on the 8th of May, 1780, to the lieut.-colonelcy 
 of the KING'S OWN dragoons. He was appointed major- 
 general in 1782; colonel of the eighth dragoons in 1789; 
 and lieut.-general on the 12th of October, 1793. After the 
 decease of Lord Southampton the colonelcy of the KING'S 
 OWN dragoons was conferred on Lieut.-General Lascelles, who 
 was also groom of the bed-chamber to King George III. ; and 
 was advanced to the rank of general in 1798. He was highly 
 respected by the officers of the regiment, and was distinguished 
 fur easy dignity, manliness, and good sense. He died in 
 Appointed 4th September, 1799. 
 CHARLES GREY, fourth son of Sir Henry Grey, Baronet, 
 entered the army in the reign of King George II., and was 
 promoted to the command of a company in the twentieth foot 
 on the 31st of May, 1755. In 1758 his regiment proceeded 
 to Germany, and he was appointed aide-de-camp to the Duke 
 of Brunswick, in which capacity he served in 1759 at the 
 glorious battle of Minden, where he was wounded. In 1761, 
 he was appointed lieut. -colonel commandant of the ninety- 
 eighth regiment, which was then newly-raised, and was dis- 
 banded after the peace of Fontainbleau, when he was placed 
 on half-pay. In 1772 he was promoted to the rank of colonel, 
 and appointed aide-de-camp to King George III., who con- 
 ferred on him the colonelcy of the twenty-eighth foot in March, 
 1777, and promoted him to the rank of major-general in 
 August following. In 1782 he obtained the dignity of a 
 knight of the Bath ; was promoted to the rank of lieut.-general, 
 and appointed commander-in-chief in America ; but the war 
 was terminated before he had an opportunity of proceeding 
 thither. In 1787 he was removed to the eighth dragoons ; 
 and in 1789 he obtained the colonelcy of the seventh or Prin- 
 cess Royal's dragoon guards. 
 In 1793 Sir Charles Grey was appointed to the command 
 of an expedition to the West Indies ; but while the armament 
 was preparing the Duke of York raised the siege of Dunkirk, 
 and the French menaced Ostend and Nieuport. The troops 
 sailed for Flanders, and by his timely arrival Sir Charles Grey 
 preserved the two fortresses from the power of the enemy. He 
 subsequently proceeded to the West Indies, and the islands of 
 Martinico, St. Lucia, and Guadaloupe were captured : and his 
 services were recompensed with the government of Dumbarton, 
 and the colonelcy of the twentieth, or Jamaica, regiment of 
 light dragoons, by commission dated the 4th of November, 
 1795. After his return to England he was promoted to the 
 rank of general, sworn of the privy-council, reappointed 
 colonel of the eighth dragoons, and placed in command of the
 troops stationed in the southern district, to repel the projected 
 French invasion. In 1799 he was appointed colonel of the 
 THIRD, or KING'S OWN dragoons. At length, being worn 
 out with age and active service, he retired to his country seat 
 to pass the remainder of his days in the bosom of his family. 
 His services were not forgotten by his sovereign, who created 
 him BARON GREY DEHowicK in 1801 ; and advanced him, in 
 1806, to the dignity of Viscount Howick and EARL GREY : he 
 held also the government of the island of Guernsey. His 
 decease occurred on the 14th of November, 1807, at his seat 
 called Fallowden, near Alnwick, in Northumberland. 
 Appointed 28th November, 1807. 
 THIS OFFICER was appointed cornet in the tenth dragoons on 
 the 22nd of February, 1769, lieutenant in 1775, captain- 
 lieutenant in the THIRD dragoons in 1778, and exchanged in 
 1779 to the tenth dragoons, of which corps he was appointed 
 major in 1786, and lieut.-colonel in 1793. The high con- 
 dition of the tenth was a proof of his care and attention to all 
 the duties of commanding officer; and in 1796 he was ap- 
 pointed colonel in the army, and aide-de-camp to King George 
 III. Having been promoted to the rank of major-general in 
 April, 1802, he was employed on the staff of South Britain 
 during the succeeding six years, first in the inspection of 
 cavalry regiments in the western district, afterwards in the 
 command of the cavalry on the coast of Kent, in the command 
 of the cavalry in the home district, and subsequently in the 
 command of a brigade of cavalry in Kent, designed for foreign 
 service. In 1804 he was promoted from the lieut.-colonelcy 
 of the tenth, to the colonelcy of the twenty-third dragoons, and 
 in 1807 he obtained the colonelcy of the KING'S OWN dra- 
 goons. He was advanced to the rank of lieut. -general in 1 808, 
 to that of general in 1819, and in 1821 he was removed to 
 the colonelcy of the King's dragoon guards. He was a member 
 of the consolidated board of general officers : his decease oc- 
 curred in February, 1827.
 G.C.B., and G.C.H. 
 Appointed 25th January, 1821. 
 STAPLETON COTTON entered the army in 1790 as second 
 lieutenant in the royal Welsh fusiliers. His services, in com- 
 mand of a troop of the sixth dragoon guards under the Duke 
 of York in Flanders, under General Harris in the East Indies, 
 at the Cape of Good Hope, under the Duke of Wellington in 
 command of a brigade of cavalry at Talavera, in command of 
 the British cavalry at Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Orthes, 
 Toulouse, &c. &c. &c., were rewarded with the dignity of 
 VISCOUNT COMBERMERE, grand cross of the military order 
 of the Bath, and grand cross of the royal Hanoverian Guelphic 
 order. He was appointed to the colonelcy of the twentieth 
 dragoons in 1813, to that of the KING'S OWN dragoons in 1821, 
 and was removed in 1829, to the first regiment of life guards, 
 of which corps he has retained the command to the present 
 Appointed 16th September, 1829. 
 LORD GEORGE BERESFORD entered the service as cornet of 
 the 14th light dragoons in April, 1794 ; he was shortly after- 
 wards promoted, and, after serving in the grades of lieutenant 
 and captain in the infantry, he obtained, in December, 1800, a 
 majority in the 6th dragoon guards. In the following three 
 years he was employed with that regiment in Ireland, and in 
 attending Parliament as a member of the House of Commons 
 for the county of Waterford, of which he was Gustos 
 Rotulorum. He was promoted to the rank of lieut. -colonel 
 in Dillon's regiment in 1803, and when a second battalion was 
 added to the 71st regiment, under the Additional Force Act, 
 in the year 1804, Lieutenant-Colonel Lord George Beresford 
 was selected for the command of it. In July, 1807, Lord 
 George Beresford reverted to the cavalry branch of the service, 
 and was appointed to the command of the 2nd, or Queen's 
 Dragoon Guards, which he retained until his promotion to
 the rank of major-general on the 4th June, 1814. On the 16th 
 September, 1829, his Lordship was appointed to the colonelcy 
 of the THIRD, KING'S OWN, Light Dragoons, and attained the 
 rank of lieut.-general in the army on the 22nd July, 1 830. His 
 Lordship was brother to the late, and uncle to the present, 
 Marquess of Waterford, and he died at the Palace at Armagh, 
 the residence of his elder brother, the Lord Primate of Ire- 
 land, on the 26th October, 1839. 
 Appointed 8th November, 1839.
 THE following is a list of the Officers of the Third, or 
 the King's Own, Light Dragoons, showing those who were 
 engaged in the campaign on the Sutlej in the years 1845 
 and 1846. 
 Copies of Brigadier White's Reports, dated 19th and 25th 
 December, 1845, are annexed, respecting the conduct of ."the 
 Officers and Men at the memorable battles of Moodkee and 
 These testimonials are equally honourable to the Officers and 
 Men, and to their Commander, Brigadier-General White, by 
 whose talents, bravery and example, the excellent qualities of 
 the regiment were drawn forth, which are attested in the 
 strongest terms of commendation, by the Governor-General 
 and by the Commander-in-Chief, in India, as detailed in the 
 Historical Record of the services of the Regiment. 
 To these reports are added copies of the Votes of Thanks of 
 the House of Lords, and of the House of Commons ; Marks of 
 Honour, which are conferred only for great and glorious 
 actions, and for special public services. 
 Names and Distribution of the Officers of the Third, "King's Own" Light 
 Dragoons, during the campaign on the Sutlej, in 1845 and 1846. 
 Lieutenant . 
 Colonel Sir Joseph 
 Thackwell, K.C.B. 
 and K.H. 
 Col. Michael White. 
 Lieut.-Colonel G. H. 
 Lieut.-Col. C. W. M. 
 J. Tritton . . . 
 J. W. Yerbury . . 
 J. R. B. Hale 
 Lieut.-Colonel J. B. 
 Major W. R. Herries 
 J. E. Dyer . . . 
 G.Forbes . . . 
 W. E.F.Barnes. 
 J.E. Codd . 
 Commanding the Cawnpore Sta- 
 tion as Major-General ; was pre- 
 sent at Sobraon, where he com- 
 manded the Cavalry Division. 
 Brigadier commanding the Ca- 
 valry Division at Moodkee and 
 1st Cavalry Brigade at Feroze- 
 shah, where he was wounded 
 Promoted Aid-de-Camp to the 
 Queen, with the rank of Colonel, 
 on the 3rd April, 1846. 
 Absent on leave. Promoted on 9th 
 November, 1846. Rejoined on 
 13th January, 1847. 
 Commanded the regiment at 
 Moodkee and Ferozeshah until 
 wounded on the evening of 21st 
 Assistant Adjutant-General of the 
 Cavalry Division. Promoted in 
 10th Royal Hussars on 3rd April, 
 Absent on leave. Promoted on 9th 
 November, 1846. Rejoined 5th 
 April, 1847. 
 Commanded the regiment on the 
 night of the 21st December, and 
 during the action of the 22nd, 
 vice Major Balders ; wounded. 
 Promoted to the rank of Major 
 on the 3rd April. 1846. 
 Commanding 2nd Cavalry Bri- 
 gade ; severely wounded at 
 In charge of Depot Troop at Maid- 
 stone. Rejoined the regiment 
 4th June, 1846. 
 Aide-de-Camp to the Governor. 
 General. Killed at Moodkee. 
 Absent on leave. Exchanged to 
 the 68th Regiment, on 3rd April, 
 In charge of Detachments en route. 
 Joined the regiment in January, 
 1846, and was present at 
 Present with the regiment. 
 Promoted Captain on 19th Decem- 
 ber, 1845, vice Herries. Killed 
 in action at Ferozeshah.
 Lieutenant . 
 Cornet . 
 S. Fisher . 
 W. H. Hadfield 
 G. Newton . 
 J. Martin . 
 E. G. Swinton 
 J. D. Codwell 
 J. Sullivan, 
 H. Wood. 
 E. Roche. 
 G. Cookes . 
 C. Bowles , 
 J. H. Travers 
 R. Casement. 
 E. B. Cureton . . 
 J. B. Hawkes . . 
 T. Penton . . . 
 H.C.Morgan . . 
 F. G. Archer Burton 
 E. Worley . . . 
 H.Ellis . . . . 
 H. W. White 
 J. D. White . 
 Major of Brigade of 1st Cavalry 
 Brigade ; severely wounded at 
 Moodkee. Promoted Captain on 
 22nd December, vice Codd. 
 In charge of Depot Service Troops 
 atUmballa. Promoted 3rd April, 
 Killed in action at Moodkee. 
 At Cavalry Depot, Maidstone. 
 Promoted on 9th November, 1846. 
 Severely wounded at Moodkee. 
 Present with the regiment. 
 Appointed Officiating Major of 
 Brigade of 1st Cavalry Brigade 
 on 19th December, vice Fisher ; 
 On leave of absence. Rejoined the 
 regiment on 28th June, 1846. 
 Aide-de-Camp to Major-General 
 Sir J. Thackwell ; afterwards 
 Acting Assistant Quarter-Master- 
 General. Present at Sobraon. 
 Appointed Acting Adjutant to the 
 regiment, on 19th December, vice 
 Sullivan, Acting Brigade Major. 
 On duty with Invalids. Joined the 
 regiment in January, 1846, and 
 was present at Sobraon. Ex- 
 changed to 7th Hussars on 27th 
 August, 1846. 
 At Cavalry Depot, Maidstone. 
 Rejoined the regiment on 1st 
 July, 1846. 
 On leave of absence. Rejoined the 
 regiment on the 17th September, 
 Severely wounded at Moodkee. 
 Present ; wounded at Sobraon. 
 Severely wounded at Ferozeshah. 
 Present with the regiment ; re- 
 ceived a contusion at Ferozeshah. 
 Killed at Moodkee. 
 Killed at Forezeshah. 
 Present. Wounded at Sobraon. 
 Promoted on 19th December, 
 1845, vice Lieut. Codd. 
 Present. Received a contusion at 
 Ferozeshah. Promoted on 19th 
 December, 1845, vice Lieut. 
 K. 2
 Cornet . . 
 George Wyndham 
 Exchanged to 16th Lancers, with 
 Knight Bruce. 
 Cornet Hodgson, on 31st Oc- 
 tober, and continued on service 
 with the 3rd Light Dragoons. 
 Killed at Ferozeshah on the 21st 
 December, 1845. 
 J. Rathwell, 
 Present. Received a contusion at 
 Biding- Master. 
 Ferozeshah. Promoted on 22nd 
 December, 1845, vice Lieut. 
 W. H. Orme. . . 
 Severely wounded at Ferozeshah. 
 Promoted on 3rd April, 1846. 
 ? } 
 C.R.Colt . . . 
 En route with Detachment ; joined 
 the regiment in February, 1846, 
 and was present at Sobraon. 
 Promoted on 9th November, 
 R.Hodgson . . . 
 Exchanged from the 16th Lancers 
 on 31st October, 1845, with Cor- 
 net Bruce. Joined the 3rd 
 Light Dragoons in January, 
 1846, and was present at Sobraon. 
 ? t 
 G. E. F. Kauntze . 
 Present. Severely wounded at 
 Paymaster . 
 Adjutant . . 
 E. Cormick . . 
 Lieut. J. Sullivan 
 Present with the Regiment. 
 A. Crabtree . . 
 Present. Wounded at Sobraon. 
 Surgeon . . 
 J. Henderson (M.D) 
 On duty with Invalids. 
 Assis. Surgeon 
 H. Franklin . . 
 Vet. Surgeon 
 F. Laing(M.D). 
 G. Edlin . . . 
 It is worthy of being recorded, that many of the Non-Com- 
 missioned Officers and Men, who were wounded in the different 
 engagements, concealed the fact, that they might have an 
 opportunity of sharing in any further Actions in which the 
 regiment might be engaged. Amongst others, Troop Serjeant- 
 major WALTER ELDRIDGE, who received a bayonet wound 
 through the calf of his leg, in charging over the enemy's 
 entrenched infantry on the evening of the 21st December, 
 never reported the circumstance, until from lameness, caused 
 by inflammation of the leg, the brave fellow could no longer 
 conceal it. He was immediately conveyed to the Hospital, 
 where he died in a few days afterwards.
 Copy of a Despatch of Brigadier M. White, CM?., Com- 
 manding the Cavalry Division on the 18th December, 1845, 
 to the Adjutant- General of the Army in India. 
 Camp, Moodkee, 19th December, 1845. 
 Ix forwarding the accompanying return of the casualties which 
 occurred in the Cavalry Division under my command in the 
 Action of yesterday, I have the honour to state, for the infor- 
 mation of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, that the 
 whole of the regiments engaged performed their duty to my 
 entire satisfaction ; but, consequent on the nature of the ground 
 and the numerous bodies of both Cavalry and Infantry that 
 were opposed to them, I regret to say the loss has been very 
 heavy, more particularly in Her Majesty's 3rd Light Dragoons, 
 who bore the brunt of the Action. 
 I further beg to bring to the notice of His Excellency, that 
 Captain Tritton of Her Majesty's 3rd Light Dragoons, my 
 Assistant Adjutant-General, captured one of the enemy's 
 Standards with his own hands, which he has delivered over to 
 me as Commanding the Cavalry Division. 
 It has also been reported to me by Lieutenant and Adjutant 
 Sullivan of Her Majesty's 3rd Light Dragoons, that Serjeant 
 Hinds, and a party of six or seven men of the regiment, 
 succeeded in capturing two of the enemy's Guns, after cutting 
 down the whole of the armed party who were with them 
 The Guns were marked by order of Lieutenant Sullivan, who 
 can identify them. 
 I have in conclusion to add, that the undermentioned 
 Officers afforded me every assistance, and conducted themselves 
 throughout the Action to my entire satisfaction, and I beg to 
 bring them to His Excellency's favourable notice : 
 Brigadier Gough, C.B., Her Majesty's 3rd Light 
 Brigadier Mactier, 4th Native Cavalry (Lancers). 
 Major Balders, Commanding 3rd Light Dragoons.
 Captain Dawkins, Commanding Governor-General's 
 Major Alexander, Commanding 5th Light Cavalry. 
 Captain Nash, Commanding 4th Light Cavalry. 
 Captain Christie, Commanding 4th Irregular Cavalry. 
 Captain Tritton, Assistant Adjutant-General of Cavalry. 
 Captain Quin, DeputyQnarter Master- General of Cavalry. 
 Lieutenant Fisher, Brigade-Major. 
 Captain Harrington, Brigade Major. 
 Captain Wyld, Brigade Major. 
 I trust I may also be permitted to name Lieutenant and 
 Adjutant Sullivan, Her Majesty's 3rd Light Dragoons, who 
 rendered me most essential service, independent of his regi- 
 mental duties, throughout the action. 
 I have, &c., 
 Lieut-Col. 3rd Light Dragoons, 
 Brigadier Commanding Cavalry Division, 
 Army of the Sutlej. 
 Copy of a Despatch from Brigadier M. White, C.J3., Com- 
 manding the Cavalry Division, to the Adjutant- General 
 of the Army in India. 
 Camp, Ferozeshah, 25th December, 1845. 
 IN compliance with instructions contained in the General 
 Order by His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of yester- 
 day's date, I have the honour to report on the operations of 
 the Cavalry Division under my command during the Actions 
 of the 21st and 22nd instant, as far as came under my personal 
 observation, and have the gratification to state, for His 
 Excellency's information, that every Individual of Her 
 Majesty's 3rd Light Dragoons, both Officers and Men, per- 
 formed their duty with the highest credit to themselves and 
 their country. This I had an opportunity of witnessing, having 
 charged at the head of the regiment myself through a battery
 of the enemy's guns which met us with a most galling fire 
 of grape, and over their infantry entrenched in front of their 
 camp. This charge was a most gallant and successful one, 
 as we succeeded in completely driving the enemy from their 
 guns, though, I regret to say, our loss on this occasion has 
 been very severe, both in Officers and Men, as will be seen by 
 the Casualty Return of the Corps. 
 I beg to bring to his Excellency's favourable notice the 
 merits of the following Officers who gallantly led the regi- 
 ment into action : Major Balders, Commanding ; Captain 
 Tritton, Assistant Adjutant-General; Lieutenant Sullivan, 
 Officiating Major of Brigade ; Captain Havelock, and Brigade 
 Major Wyld of the 4th Lancers; the two latter Officers 
 were at the time acting under my orders, and charged with the 
 I beg to add, that Major Balders having been wounded in 
 the charge, the command devolved on Captain Hale, who 
 brought the regiment out of Action. 
 During the 22nd, the brigade immediately under my com- 
 mand was engaged manoeuvring during the whole of the day, 
 sometimes for the protection of our own Artillery, and at others, 
 with a view of cutting off the enemy's retreat, and capturing 
 their few remaining guns; in the latter we were not success- 
 ful, as, with the exception of about a squadron of Her Majesty's 
 3rd Light Dragoons and the 4th Regiment of Lancers, the 
 whole of the Cavalry had been withdrawn off the field. On this 
 day our loss was comparatively small, having lost a few Non- 
 Commissioned Officers and Men, and having two Officers' 
 chargers killed by round shot, one of which was Lieutenant 
 Sullivan's, my officiating Major of Brigade, being the third 
 horse shot under him during the Actions of the 18th, 21st, and 
 22nd December. 
 I have, &c., 
 Lieut.- Col. 3rd Light Dragoons, 
 Brigadier Commanding Cavalry Division, 
 Army of the Sutlej.
 Extracts from Minutes of Proceedings of the House of 
 Lords. 2nd March, 1846. 
 "Order of the day read, Moved to resolve, That the 
 Thanks of this House be given to the Right Honourable Lieu- 
 tenant-General Sir Henry Hardinge, Governor-General of 
 India, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, for the 
 energy and ability with which he directed the military means 
 at his disposal, to the repelling of the unprovoked invasion 
 by the Sikh Army, of the dominions of the British Govern- 
 ment, and of the Protected States upon the left bank of the 
 Sutlej ; and also for the firmness and gallantry with which he 
 directed the operations of that portion of the Army under his 
 immediate command, in the afternoon and night of December 
 21st, 1845, and on the morning of the 22nd, upon which occa- 
 sion the enemy's defences were carried by storm, the greater 
 part of their Artillery captured, and their subsequent attempts 
 to regain what they had lost repeatedly defeated. 
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 " Then it was moved to resolve, That the Thanks of this 
 House be given to General Sir Hugh Gough, Baronet, Knight 
 Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, Commander-in-Chief 
 of the Forces in the East Indies, for the distinguished valour 
 with which he directed and led the several attacks upon the 
 enemy, and for the eminent services rendered by him in the 
 Battles of the 18th, 2 1st, and 22nd of December, 1845 ; dis- 
 playing, as he did, in conjunction with the Governor-General, a 
 brilliant example to the Troops of perseverance and courage 
 in critical circumstances, and of irresistible ardour in the 
 several attacks made upon the enemy. 
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 " Then it was moved to resolve, That the Thanks of this 
 House be given to Major-General Sir Henry George Smith, 
 Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath, to Major-Gene-
 ral Walter Ealeigh Gilbert, and to Major-General Sir John 
 Hunter Littler, Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath, 
 and to the several Officers, European and Native, under their 
 command, for the eminent services rendered by them in the 
 recent arduous and successful operations. 
 " On Question, Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 " Then it was moved to resolve, That the Thanks of this 
 House be given to the Non-Commissioned Officers and Private 
 Soldiers, European and Native, for the perseverance and for- 
 titude maintained by them at Moodkee, on the 18th December, 
 1845, and for the daring valour with which they forced the 
 enemy's entrenchments at Ferozeshah on the 21st and 22nd of 
 December, captured most of his guns, and finally compelled 
 the Sikh Army, of greatly superior numbers, to retire within 
 their own frontier ; and that this Eesolution be signified to 
 them by the Commanders of the several Corps. 
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 " Then it was moved, That the said Resolutions be trans- 
 mitted by the Lord Chancellor to the Governor-General of 
 India, and that he be requested to communicate the same to 
 the several Officers referred to therein. 
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative." 
 Extracts from Minutes of Proceedings of the House of 
 Lords. 2nd April, 1846. 
 " Order of the Day read, moved to resolve, That the 
 Thanks of this House be given to Major-General Sir Henry 
 George Smith, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable 
 Military Order of the Bath, for his skilful and meritorious 
 conduct, when in command of the British Troops employed 
 against a large portion of the Sikh Army, of greatly superior 
 numbers ; and for the signal valour and judgment displayed
 by him in the battle of the 28th of January, 1846, when the 
 enemy's force was totally defeated, and a new lustre added to 
 the reputation of the British Arms. 
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 " Then it was moved to resolve, That the Thanks of this 
 House be given to the several Officers, European and Native, 
 under the command of Sir Henry Smith, for the distinguished 
 services rendered by them at the battle of Aliwal. 
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 " Then it was moved to resolve, That this House doth 
 highly approve of and commend the intrepidity and exemplary 
 discipline displayed by the Non-Commissioned Officers and 
 Private Soldiers, European and Native, on the 28th of January 
 1846, in their attack on the enemy's position, by which the 
 Sikhs were completely routed and driven in confusion across 
 the Sutlej, with the loss of all their Artillery and Millitary 
 Equipment ; and that the same be signified to thenr by the 
 Commanders of the several Corps, who are desired to thank 
 them for their gallant behaviour. 
 " On question Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 " Then it was moved to resolve, That in requesting the 
 Governor-General of India to communicate these Resolutions 
 to the several Officers referred to therein, this House desires 
 to acknowledge the zeal and judgment evinced by the Right 
 Honourable Lieut-General Sir Henry Hardinge, Knight 
 Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, Governor-General of 
 India, and also by General Sir Hugh Gough, Baronet, Knight 
 Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, Commander-in- Chief 
 of the Forces in India, in supplying Major-General Sir Henry 
 Smith with such reinforcements and military means as enabled 
 him, under Divine Providence, to overcome all the obstacles 
 thrown in his way by a brave and determined enemy.
 l< On question, Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 " Then it was moved to resolve, That the Thanks of this 
 House be given to the Right Honourable Lieut.- General Sir 
 Henry Hardinge, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable 
 Military Order of the Bath, Governor-General of India, for 
 the judgment, energy, and ability with which the resources 
 of the British Empire in India have been applied in repelling 
 the unjust and unprovoked invasion of the British Territory 
 by the Sikh Nation ; and for the valour and indefatigable 
 exertions which he displayed on the 10th of February, 1846, 
 at the battle of Sobraon, when, by the blessing of Almighty 
 God, which we desire most humbly to acknowledge, this 
 hostile and treacherous invasion was successfully defeated. 
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 " Then it was moved to resolve, That the thanks of this 
 House be given to General Sir Hugh Gough, Baronet, Knight 
 Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Military Order of the 
 Bath, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in India, for the signal 
 ability and valour with which, upon the 10th of February, 
 1846, he directed and led ( the attack, when the enemy's en- 
 trenchments were stormed, their Artillery captured, their Army 
 defeated and scattered, and the Punjaub laid open to the 
 advance of our victorious troops. 
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 "Then it was moved to resolve, That the Thanks of this 
 House be given to Major-General Sir Henry George Smith, 
 Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Military Order 
 of the Bath ; Major-General Walter Raleigh Gilbert ; and 
 Major-General Sir Joseph Thackwell, Knight Commander of 
 the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath ; and to the 
 other Officers, European and Native, for the distinguished ser- 
 vices rendered by them in the eminently successful opera- 
 tions at the Battle of Sobraon.
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine dissen- 
 " Then it was moved to resolve, That this House doth 
 highly approve of and commend the invincible intrepidity, 
 perseverance, and steady discipline displayed by the Non- 
 Commissioned Officers and Private Soldiers, European and 
 Native, on the 10th of February, 1846, by which the glory 
 of the British Arms has been successfully maintained against 
 a determined and greatly superior force : and that the same 
 be signified to them by the Commanders of the several Corps, 
 who are desired to thank them for their gallant behaviour. 
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative" 
 " Then it was moved, That the said Resolutions be trans- 
 mitted by the Lord Chancellor to the Governor- General of 
 India, and that he be requested to communicate the same to 
 the several Officers referred to therein. 
 " On question, Resolved in the Affirmative." 
 Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the House of 
 Commons. 2nd March, 1846. 
 " Resolved, Nemine contradicente,T\iSit the Thanks of 
 this House be given to the Right Honourable Lieutenant- 
 General Sir Henry Hardinge, Governor-General of India, 
 Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, for the energy 
 and ability with which he directed the military means at his 
 disposal, to the repelling of the unprovoked invasion by the 
 Sikh Army of the dominions of the British Government, and 
 of the Protected States upon the left bank of the Sutlej ; and 
 also for the firmness and gallantry with which he directed the 
 operations of that portion of the army under his immediate 
 command, in the afternoon and night of 2 1st December, 1845, 
 and on the morning of the 22nd, upon which occasion the 
 enemy's defences were carried by storm, the greater part of
 their artillery captured, and their subsequent attempts to 
 regain what they had lost, repeatedly defeated." 
 " Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That the Thanks of 
 this House be given to General Sir Hugh Gough, Baronet, 
 Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, Commander-in- 
 Chief of the Forces in the East Indies, for the distinguished 
 valour with which he directed and led the several attacks 
 upon the enemy, and for the eminent services rendered by 
 him in the battles of the 18th, 21st, and 22nd of December, 
 1845, displaying, as he did, in conjunction with the Governor- 
 General, a brilliant example to the Troops of perseverance 
 and courage in critical circumstances, and of irresistible 
 ardour in the several attacks made upon the enemy." 
 " Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That the Thanks of 
 this House be given to Major- General Sir Henry George 
 Smith, Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath, to 
 Major-General Walter Raleigh Gilbert, and to Major-General 
 Sir John Hunter Littler, Knight Commander of the Order of 
 the Bath, and to the several Officers, European and Native, 
 under their command, for the eminent services rendered by 
 them in the recent arduous and successful operations." 
 "Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That the Thanks of 
 this House be given to the Non-Commissioned Officers and 
 Private Soldiers, European and Native, for the perseverance 
 and fortitude maintained by them at Moodkee, on the 18th of 
 December, 1845, and for the daring valour with which they 
 forced the enemy's entrenchments at Ferozeshah on the 21st 
 and 22nd of December, captured most of his guns, and finally 
 compelled the Sikh Army, of greatly superior numbers, to 
 retire within their own frontier." 
 " Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That this Resolution be 
 signified to them by the Commanders of the several Corps." 
 " Ordered, That the said Resolutions be transmitted by 
 Mr. Speaker to the Governor-General of India, and that he 
 be requested to communicate the same to the several Officers 
 referred to therein."
 Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the House of 
 Commons. 2nd April, 1846. 
 " Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That the Thanks of 
 this House be given to Major-General Sir Henry George 
 Smith, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Military 
 Order of the Bath, for his skilful and meritorious conduct 
 when in command of the British Troops employed against a 
 large portion of the Sikh Army, of greatly superior numbers ; 
 and for the signal valour and judgment displayed by him in 
 the battle of Aliwal, on the 28th of January, 1846, when the 
 enemy's force was totally defeated, and new lustre added to 
 the reputation of the British Arms." 
 "Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That the Thanks of 
 this House be given to the several Officers, European and 
 Native, under the command of Sir Henry Smith, for the dis- 
 tinguished services rendered by them at the battle of Aliwal." 
 " Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That this House doth 
 highly approve of, and commend, the intrepidity and exem- 
 plary discipline displayed by the Non-commissioned Officers 
 and Private Soldiers, European and Native, in the battle of 
 Aliwal, on the 28th of January, 1846, in their attack on the 
 enemy's position, by which the Sikhs were completely routed, 
 and driven in confusion across the Sutlej ; with the loss of all 
 their Artillery, and Military Equipment ; and that the same 
 be signified to them by the Commanders of the several Corps, 
 who are desired to thank them for their gallant behaviour." 
 "Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That, in requesting 
 the Governor -General of India to communicate these Resolu- 
 tions to the several Officers referred to therein, this House 
 desires to acknowledge the zeal and judgment evinced by the 
 Right Honourable Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Hardinge
 Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Military Order 
 of the Bath, Governor-General of India ; and also by General 
 Sir Hugh Gough, Baronet, Knight Grand Cross of the Most 
 Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Commander-in-Chief 
 of the Forces in India, in supplying Major-General Sir Henry 
 Smith with such reinforcements and military means as 
 enabled him, under Divine Providence, to overcome all the 
 obstacles thrown in his way by a brave and determined 
 " Ordered, That the said Resolutions be transmitted by 
 Mr. Speaker to the Governor-General of India, and that he 
 be requested to communicate the same to the several Officers 
 referred to therein." (Sir Robert Peel.) 
 " Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That the Thanks of 
 this House be given to the Right Honourable Lieutenant- 
 General Sir Henry Hardinge, Knight Grand Cross of the 
 Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Governor- 
 General of India, for the judgment, energy, and ability, with 
 which the resources of the British Empire in India have been 
 applied, in repelling the unjust and unprovoked invasion of 
 the British Territory by the Sikh Nation ; and for the valour 
 and indefatigable exertions which he displayed on the 10th of 
 February, 1846, at the battle of Sobraon, when, by the blessing 
 of Almighty God, which we desire most humbly to acknow- 
 ledge, this hostile and treacherous invasion was successfully 
 " Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That the Thanks of 
 this House be given to General Sir Hugh Gough, Baronet, 
 Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Military Order of 
 the Bath, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in India, for the 
 signal ability and valour with which, in the battle of Sobraon, 
 upon the 10th of February, 1846, he directed and led the
 attack, when the enemy's entrenchments were stormed, their 
 artillery captured, their army defeated and scattered, and the 
 Punjaub laid open to the advance of our victorious Troops." 
 " Resolved, Nemine contradicente, That the Thanks of 
 this House be given to Major-General Sir Henry George 
 Smith, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Military 
 Order of the Bath, Major-General Walter Raleigh Gilbert, 
 and Major-General Sir Joseph Thackwell, Knight Com- 
 mander of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath ; 
 and to the other Officers, European and Native, for the dis- 
 tinguished services rendered by them in the eminently suc- 
 cessful operations at the battle of Sobraon." 
 " Sesolved, Nemine contradicente, That this House doth 
 highly approve of, and commend, the invincible intrepidity, 
 perseverance, and steady discipline displayed by the Non- 
 Commissioned Officers and Private Soldiers, European and 
 Native, in the battle of Sobraon, on the 10th of February, 
 1846, by which the glory of the British Arms has been suc- 
 cessfully maintained against a determined and greatly superior 
 force; and that the same be signified to them by the Com- 
 manders of the several Corps, who are desired to thank them 
 for their gallant behaviour." 
 " Ordered, That the said Resolutions be transmitted by 
 Mr. Speaker to the Governor-General of India, and that he 
 be requested to communicate the same to the several Officers 
 referred to therein." (Sir Robert Peel) 
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