UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES Cfarcnbon KINETIC THEORY OF GASES WATSON HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE AMEN CORNER, E.G. MACMILLAN & CO., 66 FIFTH AVENUE A TREATISE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES HENRY WILLIAM WATSON, D.Sc., F.R.S. FORMERLY FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE SECOND EDITION Ojfor* AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1893 Ojcfori PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY <,5 "H> /< '%' : * , <>< n ,;!.*. J *;*i/.' -. I7S" PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION K THE idea of a Kinetic Theory of Gases originated with " J. Bernouilli about the middle of the last century, but the o first establishment of the theory on a scientific basis is due to Professor Clausius. During the last few years the theory has been greatly developed by many physicists, especially by Professor Clerk Maxwell in England and Professor Clausius and Dr. Ludwig Boltzmann on the Continent ; and although still beset by formidable difficulties, it has succeeded in explaining most of the established laws of gases in so ';- remarkable a manner as to render it well worthy of the c attentive consideration of scientific men. My object in the following short treatise is to make the existing state of the theory more widely known by presenting some of the scattered memoirs of the writers I have mentioned in a systematic and continuous form, in the hope that mathematicians may be induced to turn their attention to the theory, and thus assist in removing, if possible, the obstacles which yet remain in the way of its complete establishment. For the most part I have followed the method of treatment adopted by Dr. Ludwig Boltzmann in some very interesting memoirs contributed by him to the t 303160 vi Preface to First Edition. Transactions of the Imperial Academy of Vienna,* but in some cases I have varied this treatment for the sake of greater conciseness or greater generality. Thus, in place of Dr. L. Boltzmann's conception of a molecule as a collection of mutually attracting particles, I have substituted the more general conception of a material system possessing a given number of degrees of freedom, that is to say, a given number of generalised coordinates. Again, in the deduction of the second law of Thermo- dynamics from the results of the Kinetic Theory, I felt some difficulty in following Dr. Boltzmann's reasoning, and I originally proposed to substitute for it a demon- stration of my own, free from what appeared to me to be the obscurities of Dr. Boltzmann's reasoning, but applicable only to the case in which there were no intermolecular actions. My friend Mr. S. H. Burbury, formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, to whom I communicated my difficulties, has invented an unexceptionable proof applicable to all cases, which he published last January in the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, and with his permission I have adopted this proof in the following treatise. To Professor Clerk Maxwell I am indebted for much kind assistance, and especially for access to some of his manuscript notes on this subject, from which I have taken many valuable suggestions. H. W. WATSON. BEKKSWELL RECTOBT, COVENTRY: Sept. 17, 1876. * Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenscbaften Wien, Band 63, 1871, und Band 66, 1872. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION MUCH interest has been manifested by physicists during the last thirty years in the Kinetic Theory of Gases. This interest has been greatly stimulated by the researches of Maxwell in England and Boltzmann in Germany ; but along with a growing conviction of the truth of a Kinetic Theory in its general aspect, the particular conclusions arrived at by these investigators concerning the laws of permanent distribution have been received with great distrust ; they have been subjected to hostile criti- cism from mathematicians of such eminence that the mere weight of their authority must almost be accepted as conclusive, were there not room for the contention that these criticisms are not really directed against the laws themselves, as stated and applied in the Kinetic Theory, but against certain aspects of those laws with which the theory is not concerned. The object of the original edition of this book was, as stated in the preface thereto, to set forth in a more systematic, and in some cases a more simple form, the viii Preface to Second Edition. demonstrations of these laws contained chiefly in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London, the Imperial Academy of Vienna, and sundry papers in the Philosophical Magazine and other scientific journals. Boltzmann's methods, especially, were closely followed, with occasional modifications, the most important of these being the substitution, in the conception of a molecule, of a material system with a determinate number of degrees of freedom, for a determinate number of discrete atoms under the action of mutual forces. In the present edition the ground covered is substantially the same as in the original edition, and is limited, as it was in that case, to the investigation of the laws of permanent distribution, but in much greater detail ; so much so, indeed, as to be liable to the charge of undue prolixity, inasmuch as there is spread over several propositions of increasing generality that which might really have been condensed into the single proposition of Art. 14. This more detailed treat- ment, however, has been deliberately adopted, partly because there is an historical interest in retaining the steps by which the theory has actually been developed, but mainly to avoid the extreme difficulty on the part of the student in following out investigations of the great gener- ality required in the single proposition treatment. Even to the minds of advanced mathematicians the vagueness imparted to the reasoning by the more condensed treat- ment has been suggestive of inconclusiveness, while to the learner it presents almost insuperable obstacles. The more detailed treatment, with its continual repetitions, has the advantage of investing each step of the process with a Preface to Second Edition. ix distinct mechanical meaning, rendering the demonstration easier to follow and more convincing when mastered. The one essential condition is that the statistical treatment should be always kept in view, the slightest attempt to impart direction or control being fatal. The investigations of the following pages appear to point strongly to the conclusion that in a medium con- sisting of sets of a very large number of similar consti- tuents, called molecules, each molecule being a material system with a definite number of degrees of freedom, and all being in irregular and undirected motion, and in a field of fixed central forces only, that is, free from finite distance intermolecular forces, the physical properties of the medium will be in entire accordance with the accepted laws of ideal perfect gases, provided only that either the molecular density of the medium or the minimum irreducible volume of each molecule be so small that the total molecular volume per unit of volume is a small fraction. Should there be appreciable finite distance intermolecular forces, it is obvious that in one respect the agreement in physical properties of the medium and the ideal perfect gas cannot be maintained, because there must be work done in the former by compression or expansion, but even in such a case (see Art. 21) the accordance may remain in the five particulars enumerated in Art. 23. And under any circum- stances it is true that the rarer the medium the more nearly do its properties correspond with those of the ideal gas, exactly as we find to be the case in the gases of ordinary experience. In conclusion, I desire to acknowledge the valuable help x Preface to Second Edition, most kindly afforded me by friends in the preparation of this Edition, among whom I would especially mention Mr. S. H. Burbury, M.A., F.R.S., formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Mr. G. H. Bryan, M.A., Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. H. W. WATSON. BERK SWELL RECTORY, COVENTRY, June, 1893. INTRODUCTION THE Kinetic Theory of Gases is based upon the concep- tion of an infinitely large number of molecules in motion in a given space with velocities of all degrees of intensity and in all conceivable directions. These molecules, as will be explained in the course of the following treatise, may sometimes be regarded as smooth spheres, in which case we shall only have to consider the motion of translation of the centre of mass of each of them, or they may be regarded as bodies of any form capable of any number of internal vibrations. It is clear that the individual molecules in such a system must be continually acting upon each other, either in the way of collision, like the mutual impacts of elastic spheres, or else in the more gradual way of mutual attraction and repulsion ; such actions are called encounters. It is easy to see that if encounters take place among a great number of molecules, their velocities, even if origin- ally equal, will become unequal, for, except under conditions which can be only rarely satisfied, two molecules having equal velocities before their encounter will have unequal velocities after such encounter. Now, as long as we have to deal with only two molecules, and have all the xii Introduction. data of an encounter given us, we can calculate the result of their mutual action ; but when we have to deal with millions of molecules, each of which has millions of encounters in a second, the complexity of the problem seems to shut out all hope of a legitimate solution. We are obliged therefore to abandon the strictly kinetic method and to adopt the statistical method. According to the strict kinetic or historical method as applied to the case before us, we follow the whole course of every individual molecule. We arrange our symbols so as to be able to identify every molecule throughout its motion, and the complete solution of the problem would enable us to determine at any given instant the position and motion of any given molecule from a knowledge of the positions and motions of all the molecules in their initial state. According to the statistical method, the state of the system at any instant is ascertained by distributing the molecules into groups, the definition of each group being founded on some variable property of the molecules. Each individual molecule is sometimes in one of these groups and sometimes in another, but we make no attempt to follow it ; we simply take account of the number of molecules which at a given instant belong to each group. Thus we may consider as a group those molecules which at a given instant lie within a given region of space. Molecules may pass into or out of this region, but we confine our attention to the increase or diminution of the number of molecules within it. Just as the population of a watering-place, considered as a mere number, varies in the same way whether its visitors return to it season after season, or whether the annual gathering consists each year of fresh individuals. Or we may form our group out of Introduction. xiii those molecules which at a given instant have velocities lying within given limits. When a molecule has an encounter and changes its velocity, it passes out of one of these groups and enters another ; but as other molecules are also changing their velocities, the number of molecules in each group varies little from a certain average value. We thus meet with a new kind of regularity, the regularity of averages, a regularity which, when we are dealing with millions of millions of individuals, is so unvarying that we are almost in danger of confounding it with absolute uniformity. Laplace, in his Theory of Probability, has given many examples of this kind of statistical regularity, and has shown how this regularity is consistent with the utmost irregularity among the individual instances which are enumerated in making up the results.* These observations must be borne in mind in interpreting the definitions laid down and the results arrived at in the Kinetic Theory of Gases. Thus, to refer to the illustrations already given, we shall prove that the number of molecules lying within a certain region of space, or the number of molecules having their velocities within certain limits differing by some finite quantity, is in each case a number bearing some finite ratio to the total number of molecules in the mass under con- sideration, and therefore infinitely large. But these results are to be interpreted as average results. We do not assert by them, nor are we capable of proving, that at any given instant there is one single molecule satisfying either of the required conditions, that is, comprised within either of the contemplated groups. * MS. notes by Professor Clerk Maxwell. xiv Introduction. So, again, the density of the region in the neighbour- hood of any point is defined as the limit of the quotient of the number representing the aggregate masses of the molecules within any volume containing the point, to the number representing that volume, when the volume is indefinitely diminished. In interpreting this definition two things must be remembered. In the first place, according to what has been said just now, we do not assert and cannot prove that there is, as a matter of fact, any particular number of molecules within the volume contain- ing the given point, at any given instant ; and in the second place, supposing we could prove that the number of molecules within the volume was thus accurately deter- mined, yet even so there could be no point within the region at which the actual density of the matter had the value determined by our definition ; for if the point were within a molecule the actual density would be much greater, and if it were not within a molecule the density would be zero. KINETIC THEORY OF GASES ART. 1 .] A very great number of smooth elastic spheres, equal in every respect, are in motion within a region of space of given volume, and therefore occasionally impinge upon each other with various degrees of relative velocity and in various directions. The space is so large in proportion to the sum of the volumes of the spheres that the average time during which any one sphere is moving free from contact with any other is infinitely greater than the average time during which it is in collision with some other sphere*. Required to find the law according to which the velocities must be distributed in order that such distribution may be permanent. Let N be the total number of spheres, and let X (u, v, w] du dv dw be the number of spheres whose component velocities parallel to the axes are intermediate between u and u + du, v and v + dv, w and w + dw respectively. * In the mathematical conception of a collision as an absolutely instan- taneous phenomenon the proviso in the text is of course superfluous. An actual physical collision must take some time, however short, and the object of the proviso is to exclude the possibility, or rather to diminish indefinitely the probability, of the occurrence of cases in which the collision of one sphere with a second is not concluded before that with a third commences. B 2 Law of permanent distribution in If we change the variables and make c the resultant velocity, the inclination of c to the axis of z t and < that of the plane of cz to the plane of xz, the expression given above will become X (, v, iv) c 2 sin 6 d 6 d$ dc. Let a spherical surface of radius unity be described round the origin as centre, and let us write d that is ^d-* Ma ^J; where ^ may be determined by the equation A N$ and therefore A = -, that is to say, the number of spheres having velocities between c and c + do is If we multiply this expression by c, integrate the product with regard to c from o to oo and divide by N, we find the mean velocity of all the spheres to be And, similarly, multiplying by c 2 instead of c, we find the mean square of the velocities 'to be and this is greater than the square of the mean velocity, as it ought to be. Diagram of Velocities. 7 2.] Before we proceed further it will be useful to make a formal statement of the method employed in the last Article for denoting- the velocities of particles or material points. Instead of drawing straight lines from each particle indicating- the magnitude and direction of the velocity of that particle, we draw all such straight lines for all particles from any assumed point taken as the origin. This method is very useful when, as in investigations like the present, we wish to compare the simultaneous velocities of different particles as well as the successive velocities of each particle separately. We thus obtain a figure every point of which corre- sponds to one of our particles, the velocity of that particle is represented in magnitude and direction by a line drawn from the origin to the corresponding point, and the relative velocity of any two particles is also represented by the line joining the points corresponding to these two particles. If the system have a common velocity, then we must suppose the position of the new origin of the diagram of velocities with respect to the old origin to be so chosen as to represent this velocity. In studying the motion of the system it is found conve- nient to divide the particles into groups according to their velocities, those particles whose velocities lie within certain limits with respect to magnitude and direction being placed in the same group. In the velocity diagram these particles are indicated at once by the points which correspond to them being in- cluded within a certain small region or elementary volume of the diagram, the boundary of this region corresponding to the given limits of velocity. Thus, in the proposition just now considered, the state E might be described as that in which the velocity points 8 Law of permanent distribution in are situated within the elementary volume dudvdw or c 2 sin0 d9 bdc of the diagram of velocities. We may also conveniently make use of the term velocity-density to indicate the result of dividing the number of particles whose velocities lie within the given limits by the volume of the corresponding region in the diagram of velocities. 3.] Let the .A 7 elastic spheres of the last Article be replaced by two sets, one of ^spheres each having mass m. and the other of N' spheres each having mass m' , and let us find the law of distribution of the velocities of the N and N' spheres respectively. Exactly as in the first Article, it may be proved that the number of the N spheres whose component velocities parallel to the axes are intermediate between u and u + du, v and v + di; w and w+dw respectively must be \l/ (c) du dv dw, where ', 7P= ;', m + m 2m rr . . U'= ' and so on for any other sets which the region may contain. Distribution of relative velocities. 1 1 We also find that the mean velocity of each of the N spheres is JL /^ V*' V ml mh' and similarly for the remaining sets of spheres. Also the mean square of the velocity of each of the N spheres is and the mean kinetic energy 3_ 3 J the last result being the same for each set of spheres. 4.] On the hypothesis of the last Article to find the number of pairs of spheres, one being taken from the N set and the other from the N f set, whose relative velocities lie between given limits, and the number of collisions in unit of time and unit of volume between these sets of spheres. Using the results of the last Article, writing for and j for --- , and supposing the volume of the region considered to be the unit of volume, we find that the number of spheres of the N set which have their component velo- cities parallel to x between the limits u and u +du is N ^e~*du; ...... (A) a v TT and that the number of spheres of the N' set which have their component velocities parallel to x between the limits + U and u + U+ dU is M (u+uy ^=>e~ P dU-, . . . . (B) 12 Distribution of relative velocities. and therefore the number of pairs of spheres fulfilling the above-mentioned conditions is Integrating with respect to it from oc to + oc , we find for the total number of pairs of spheres whose relative velocity parallel to x lies between U and U+dU, the expression x -^-^_ ^ Comparing (C) with (A) we see that the distribution of relative velocities follows a law of the same form as that of absolute velocities, and therefore that the mean relative velocity is the square root of the sum of the squares of the mean absolute velocities in the two systems, and the mean square of the relative velocity is the sum of the mean squares of the absolute velocities. It follows also of course that the number of pairs of spheres, one from each set, whose relative velocities lie between r and r + dr is JW' * . e ~p r 2 dr ; or, restoring to a and ft their values, ^,-A^JYl _^ 5.] We proceed now to find the number of collisions in unit of time and volume between the spheres of the N set and those of the N' set. Suppose a number N of equal spheres at rest to be distributed in any manner throughout a unit of volume, Frequency of collisions, 13 and suppose that another sphere moves among them with the velocity r. If a tubular surface be described having for axis the path of the centre of this moving sphere, and for its radius *, or the sum of the radii of the moving sphere and one of the stationary spheres, the volume of the surface thus generated in a unit of time by the moving sphere will be nrs 2 . Hence the chance of the moving sphere colliding with any one of the fixed spheres in a unit of time must be irr# z , and the number of collisions in unit of time between the moving sphere and stationary spheres must be NirrfP. The same results would hold good if we replaced the stationary spheres by spheres moving with a common velocity and the moving sphere had a velocity r relative to each of them, that is to say, the chance of collision in unit of time between the last-mentioned sphere and any one of the former-mentioned spheres would be -nrtP. Suppose now that there are two sets of N and N' spheres in the unit of volume, and that the number of pairs of spheres (one being taken from each set) whose relative velocities are between r and r + dr is nn', then, if s be the sum of the radii of each pair, it will follow that the chance of a collision between any pair in unit of time is -nrs 2 , and therefore that the total number of collisions in unit of volume and unit of time is nn'nrs 2 . But we have already seen that nn' is equal to r 2 NN' _ 4 . e~ *+& r 2 dr, VV(a 8 + j8)* N and N' being the total number of spheres of each set in unit- volume, and a 2 and /3 2 being written for . and ^ > Wrl M n as before. Hence the number of collisions in unit-time between 14 Frequency of collisions. pairs of spheres whose relative velocity lies between ? and r + dr is Integrating from r = o to r = round an axis perpen- i6 Law of permanent distribution in dicular to the disk. In this case it is clear that any assumed distribution of momenta for the disks of each set will, in the absence of all collisions, remain undisturbed, it is required to investigate the conditions of such permanence when there are collisions between two disks of the same or different sets. Let the expression J\ (u, v, &>) du dv d - PQ,)} &t x/! (, v, co)/ 2 (U, 7, li) du. . .dl. After collision let the several velocity-components be medium of circular disks. No forces. 17 represented by the same symbols as before collision with dashes affixed, the coordinates remaining 1 unchanged, so that the number of pairs of disks which pass from the state u, u + du, Q,, ii + r/il to the state ', u' + dn'...Q,' t Qf + dQ,' in the time dt will be proportional to {u - U- (p* - Pfl)} / t (u, v, -PL))fi(u,v t w)f tji (U t F, is equal to Also the relative radial velocity of the points of collision before impact must be equal, and of opposite sign, to the same relative velocity after impact. Therefore u - Up a> + P 12 = U'-u'-P&'+p a/, i.e. u' + u-(U' +U)-j) (a/ + a>) + P(&' + il) = o. Also we may prove that the differential products du...da and du'...dQ,' are numerically equal. For if R be the measure of the impulse at the colliding points, we have the equations c i8 Law of permanent distribution in ' ' ' pR PR a> - a) = ^F' *- Q = whence by substitution in the equation we get 2(-PQ.) u-Upu + PQ, R= i_ ^_ -- ^I = " ~V -- .suppose; ~m + M + mtf + MK 2 And the functional determinant giving the ratio between the differential products, du'...dQ! and du...dL, becomes I L_ 5 _^, JL., L* i i p P JTD' MD' MD' MI) p p p 2 pP pP ^ P* MKW MK Z D' MK' 2 D' MK 2 D medium of circular disks. No forces. 19 that is T _J_ _L P* p2 mD Ml) mk*D MK Z D or i 2 or i . So that the condition sought for is reduced to /i(,",)/ a (0; r,ty =f l v',<')f2(U', F',a'), leading, as in the two previous cases, to the result TI being the kinetic energy of the disk of the one set and T 2 that of the disk of the second set, h a constant for both sets of disks, and A l , A 2 special constants for each of the sets, determined in terms of h by the condition err .-* l e where the integrations are in all cases between the limits oo and + oc , and N^ and N 2 represent the number of disks in each of the sets. "With this law of distribution it follows that the state remains permanent so far as collisions between disks of the i and 2 sets alone are concerned. Similarly it may be proved that the permanence of the distribution, with corresponding laws for each separate set of disks, would not be affected by collisions between pairs of disks, one pair at a time, both selected from any one set. Whence a law of distribution ensuring permanence of distribution and unaffected by any collisions whatever, with only two disks in each collision, is, that the number of c 2 20 Law of permanent distribution in disks in any set with velocities between u, u + du, v,v + dv, o>j CD, co + do* should be Ae 2 dudvda, where A I I I e 2 dudv dw is equal to the number of disks in that set. 7.] In Articles 1 and 2 we considered the cases in which the constituents of the medium consisted either of a very great number of smooth elastic spheres, equal to each other in every respect, or of sets of such spheres, the mass and volume of those of one set not being necessarily the same as those of any other set, but the number of spheres in each separate set being very great ; and we proved that there would be a permanent state, unaffected by collisions, provided the number of such constituents whose velocity- components it, v, w were intermediate between u and u + du, v and v + dv, w and w + dw at any instant were given by the expression Ae~ hT dudvdw, T being the Kinetic Energy of the constituent, k a con- stant for all the sets of constituents, and A a constant for each particular set determined by the equation A f f f e- hT dudvdw=N, J 01 ' -01 '-oo N being the total number of constituents in that set. In Art. 6 a slightly varied hypothesis as to the con- stituents led to a similar result, and it was proved that for a medium in which the constituents were sets of smooth perfectly elastic circular disks limited to motion in their own plane, with the centre of figure of each disk not coincident medium of any rigid bodies. No forces. 21 with the centre of inertia, there would be permanence, provided the number of constituents of each set, the velocity- components of whose centre of inertia (u, v) lay between u, u + du\ v, v + dv, while the angular velocity lay between co and o) + d(ti, were given by the expression Ae- hT du dv d a, T being the Kinetic Energy of each disk, h a general constant common to all the sets, and A a special constant for each set determined by the equation J -00 ^-00 J-< where .2V is the number of disks of that particular set. Before we proceed to the establishment of a general proposition, including the particular cases just mentioned, it will be necessary to prove the following theorem. 8.] Let there be any material system whose state is defined by the n generalised coordinates q l . . . q n and the corresponding components of momenta p l ... p n , and let the system move in a field of conservative forces from the state p l . . .p n , q l ...q n to the state p\ . . ,p' n , q\ . . . q' n in the time t, so that each of the 2, n variables p\... q' n is a determinate function of the 2n + i variables p l ...p n , ^...^n an d ^ then if t be constant, the functional determinant d pl'" dq n is numerically equal to unity, or the multiple differentials dp l ...dq n and dp^ ...dq' n are numerically equal to each other. 22 Law of permanent distribution in For if S be the Hamiltonian Principal function of q l . . . \. q' n and t, we have 2 n equations dS dS\ dS = aR'-/-- dS the differential coefficients being partial. Let us in any expression (p'i ... q f ^ dp\. . ,dq r n change the variables from p\ ...p' n q\ ... / to q l ... q n q\ ... /, and we get ...dq' n where A = '."*?<*/.' by the use of the second set of equations (A) (above). Similarly we get d'P\ - d<} n = A'. dq l . . . dq' n J*R where A'= dq' n dq n by the use of the first set of equation (A)*". Whence we get dp l ...dq n numerically equal to dp\...dq' n . * The original Edition of this book contained a supposed demonstration of a proposition analogous to that in the text but the reasoning was fallacious. In the proposition referred to the initial and final coordinates and momenta were supposed to be connected by the condition E (the total energy) constant and not t (the interval of time between the two states) medium of any rigid bodies. No forces. 23 9.] Let there be any number of sets of perfectly smooth elastic rig-id bodies of any form, henceforth called molecules, constant, and the demonstration was in all respects the same as that in the text, with the substitution of the Hamiltonian Characteristic function A for the Principal function 5, so that the result took the form = dpi...dq u (A')' where (A) and (A') were the A and A' in the text with A substituted for 8, and therefore numerically equal to each other ; and so far the demon- stration was correct, but in fact, in this case, A and A' are each separately zero. For the momenta components^ ... p n , with which the system must be started, in order to pass from the initial position ^...Jn to the final position q\...q'n with a given energy E must be the same for all values of q'i...q'n, provided they be consistent with any configuration whatever through which the system passes either before or after reaching the actual final configuration, or where q\, g' 2 , &c. are the time variations of q\, g-' 2 , &c. in the actual motions, with similar equations whenp 2 , p 3 , &c. are substituted for p lf Whence we have dp L dp l dq\ - dq' n : : => dp n dp n or (A') = o, and similarly (A) = o. Whence it follows that if the initial and final st-ites be connected by the condition E constant, we can get no determinate relation between the differential products dp\ ... dq' n and dp t ... dq n , and this conclusion might have been anticipated, because from the equations of motion we get 2 n equations among the 2+i variables p\...p' n q f i ...q' n > Pi---Pn> ?i -.-On and t (the time of transit), and we need an additional relation between them to determine each of the 2 n variables (p'j ... q' n } in terms of But the condition E constant does not supply any such additional relation, so that the problem remains indeterminate. The fallacy just noticed in the original edition was first of all pointed out by Boltzmann in a communi- cation to the Philosophical Magazine in 1882, when I privately suggested to him the substitution of the proposition in the text. In a communication to the same magazine in 1891, Lord Rayleigh independently advanced a similar objection to that of Boltzmann against the original treatment and proposed the same amendment. 34 Law of permanent distribution in in motion in a region inclosed within a perfectly elastic boundary, let, also, the molecules in each set be exactly similar to each other in all respects, while those of different sets may differ in any respect, viz. as to shape, volume, mass, &c., subject, at least, to the condition that the volume of each molecule is infinitely small compared with that of the inclosed region, and that the number of molecules in each set is very large, then the state of the medium so constituted will be permanent and unaffected by collisions between two molecules, either of the same or different sets, provided the law of distribution be such that the number of molecules of any set whose momenta and coordinates are intermediate between p L and A+^pj...^ and q m + dq m be of the form Ae- hT dp l ...dq m) where m is the number of degrees of freedom of the molecule and therefore lying between 3 and 6 inclusive, T is the kinetic energy of the molecule, k a constant the same for all sets, and A a special constant for each set determined by the condition that shall be equal to the number of molecules in the set con- sidered, the integrations having taken over all possible values of the variables. In the first place it is evident that this law of distribu- tion will be permanent, in the absence of collisions, because in such a case T remains constant for all time for each molecule, and so also does the multiple differential dp r ..dq m by the last Article. Neither will the distribution be affected by collisions between any pair of molecules either of the same or medium of any rigid bodies. No forces. 25 different sets. For, according to this law, the number of molecules of any one set with coordinates intermediate between q l and q^ + dq^ ... q m and q m + dq m} and momenta between p 1 and p + dp^ ...p m and p m + dp m , is Ae~ hT dq l ...dq m dp ... flp m . Let us suppose m to have its greatest possible value 6, and let q l , q. 2 , q z be the rectangular coordinates a, y, z of the centre of inertia, and ^ 4 , q 5 , q 6 be the ordinary Eulerian angular coordinates 6, $, \l/, determining the orientation of the molecule about the centre of inertia, then if u, v, w be the translational velocity-components of the centre of inertia and Wj, Pz> Pa are equal to 3fw, JSfv, J/0, respectively, and PiiPsiPs are eacn linear functions of o> 1? co 2 , o> 3 , so that by elimination of p 1 ...p 6 the number of molecules of this set with coordinates between #, x + dx...\f/, \{f + d\l/, and translational and angular velocities between u, u + du . . . co 3 , w 3 + do) 3 , is by the assumed law where T = { u 2 + v 2 + w 2 + k* u* + 2 o> 2 2 + k* u, 3 2 } , ^, k.^ k% being radii of gyration about the principal centre of inertia axes. Integrating for all values of x ... ty we get A^ e~ HT du ... do> 3 for the number of molecules of the set in question with velocities intermediate between u, u + du, ..., o> 3 , o> 3 + da> s , T having the same value as before, and A l being determined by the condition I rrr. where N is the number of molecules in the set in question. 26 Law of permanent distribution in This expression is perfectly general and applies to all forms of the molecules and all numbers of degrees of freedom ; for example, when they are smooth spheres the k 's are all equal and w, 2 + co 2 2 + 3 2 for each sphere is constant, so that the law reduces to the statement that Ae~ hT du dv dw is the number with translational velocities between u, u + du, v, v + dv, w, w + dw, the number of degrees of freedom being 3 as in Arts. 1 and 3. When the molecules are straight bars, one of the 's becomes zero, and the corresponding u> does not affect the state of the molecule, and the number of degrees of freedom is 5, and so on. By our assumed law of distribution for all the sets, the number of pairs of molecules f any two sets, say the A and B sets, which at any instant have their velocities between the limits u, + ^, 3 , o> a +do> 3 for the one, and U, U+dU,... & 3 and % + ^Ii, for the other, is and the rate of collision, per unit time, of these two molecules is v, where v is the relative velocity of approach of the colliding points, in the direction of the common normal at these points, at the instant of collision, so that the number of this particular class of collisions, between the pairs, in the time dt, will be ABe' h (T * +T * } du... dQ, s v dt. After collision let the velocities be denoted by affixing dashes to the symbols which denote the respective velocities before collision, whence it follows that the number of pairs of molecules, given by the last written expression, passes medium of any rigid bodies. No forces. 27 from the state u, tt + du.,.Q 3 , ii 3 + ^i! 3 to the state in time dt, by this particular kind of collision. It follows by reasoning in all respects similar to that employed in the cases already treated that the number of molecule pairs passing from the state u', u' + du', . . . fl'g, il' s + i 2) Or the multiple differentials du...dQ 3 and du'...dL' 3 are numerically equal to each other, and the assumed law of distribution, if once established, is unaffected by collisions between any pair of molecules whatever ; we have seen medium of any rigid bodies. No forces. 29 also that it is maintained in the absence of collisions, and it is therefore permanent. The number of what is here called kinds of collision between any molecule pair is infinitely great ; in the case of spheres these kinds of collisions differ from each other only in the direction of the common normal to the surfaces at the colliding- points, in a sphere and an ellipsoid they will differ, not only in this circumstance, but also in the orientation of the ellipsoid at the instant of collision, and in the case of two ellipsoids they may differ in the orientation of both ellipsoids, but this variety in the kinds of collision does not affect the reasoning in the text. 10.] In the last Article the problem of collision between two molecules has been treated by the assumptions ordinarily employed in rigid dynamical problems of collision between two perfectly elastic solids of any form, and all that is necessary to the validity of the result arrived at, is the fact of the independence of the quantities A 15 X 2 , &c. of the momenta at the instant of collision, without reference to the actual value of these A's. By a slight change however in the language and conceptions employed, the A's may be evaluated and the results arrived at may be extended from rigid molecules with a maximum of 6 degrees of freedom each, to molecules of any form and any number of degrees of freedom, as for example a chain of r links, in which the number of degrees of freedom is 2 r + 3, and other systems. For, by Lagrange's equations, if T be the kinetic energy of any system expressed as a quadratic function of the where t 2 t, = t, since a \-j-\ zero in the limit when /ft v ?' t 2 t^ is infinitely small, because in the general case dT -j- must throughout the integration be intermediate between two finite quantities (see Routh's Rigid Dynamics (Art. 372, Third Edition, Watson and Burbury's Generalised Coordinates (Art. 12), &c.). That is to say, dU *' dU Now collisions, or finite changes of momenta with un- changed coordinates, can only be regarded as occurring when the system arrives at a configuration determined by such a condition as where $ is a function of the q's which cannot change sign, or in other words, the system and forces are such that there is an infinitely great force resisting such change of sign. Now U, the assumed force function of the forces, is a determinate function of the n coordinates and n I quantities chosen arbitrarily as < 15 < 2 ,.. _!, and from the last paragraph it follows that if U be so expressed -3 must be infinitely great when < = o, and medium of any constituents. No forces. fhorp-frrr therefore, when $ = o, > -=- &c. must be proportional to * and therefore we get n equations of the general form . . _C**dU d_ddU P ~ P ~\ 1$ ' dq ~ Tq ' J tl Jtf since is a function of the q's only and independent of the q's. Whence it follows that A a , A 2 are proportional to , -^-, &c., and therefore independent of the pg. By supposing a system made equivalent to 3 -- , we get 32 Law of permanent distribution in Now ^ *+ q = A) and 2 ^ f= (*+) . dq* ^dt } dq* \dt' So that we get the equation '= o, the equivalent to v + v'= o of the last Article. Whence it follows, by reasoning- in all respects the same as that of the last Article, with the substitution of m and" n for 6 and 6 respectively, that the functional determinant expressing the ratio of the multiple differentials dpi dp m+ and dp\ ... dp' m+n - is numerically equal to unity, and since measures the rapidity of entry into the colliding state it will further follow that a law of distribution for each set of molecules thus generalised of the form for the number of that set with momenta and coordinates between p l and jt? 1 + dp l . . ,q m and q m + dq m will be permanent in the absence of collisions, or in spite of collisions between molecules (two at a time), either of the same or different sets. The expression of the law may also be conveniently modified as in the last Article, for since T is an essentially positive quadratic function of the p's with coefficients functions of the #'s, it may, by suitable linear transforma- tions of the p's, be expressed in the form so that the law of distribution assumes the form r, ... dr m dq,... medium of any constituents. Fixed centre forces. 33 And then integrating for all values of the ^'s, the law in question becomes that the number of molecules of this set for which the rs lie between r and r l + dr r ..r m , and r m + dr m s where h is constant for all sets and is equal to the total number of molecules of this particular set* 11.] Let there be any number of sets of perfectly smooth and perfectly elastic molecules, of any form and any number of degrees of freedom, in motion in a region inclosed within a perfectly elastic boundary, as in the last Article, let also the inclosed region be a field of forces towards fixed centres acting on the molecules, then the state of the medium will be permanent in the absence of collisions, and will be unaffected by collisions between any two molecules, whether of the same or different sets, provided the law of distribution be such that the number of molecules in any set with momenta components intermediate between p^ and p l + dp^ Pm an( i Pm+dpm> an( l coordinates intermediate between jj and q l + dfa ... q m and g M + dy m be Ae~ hE d Pl ...dq m , * In the treatment in the text the impulsive collision forces have been regarded as ordinary force function forces which become infinite in the colliding configuration. We may also regard the collision under the aspect of an impact whose generalised components are J x , / 2 , &c., where Ii , I t , &c. are subject to the condition dd> , d , d , whenever -7 dq\ + . do, + - dq n = o. dq L H dq t dq n leading to the same result, or 34 Law of permanent distribution in m being the number of degrees of freedom of the molecule, E its total energy potential and kinetic, h a constant the same for all sets of molecules, and A a constant for each particular set determined by the condition that is equal to the number of the molecules in the set con- sidered, the integrations being taken over all possible values of the p's and q's. For, in the first place, it is clear that the law is permanent in the absence of collisions, inasmuch as the values of E and the multiple differential dp l . . . dq m are separately constant in this case by the law of conservation of mechanical energy, and by Art. 8. In the next place, such permanence will be unaffected by collisions between any two of the molecules, for the reasoning of the last Article is in no respect affected by the substitu- tion of E for T ; whence the proposition is proved. In the previous Articles the position of a molecule did not enter into consideration but only the values of the momenta components, so that the condition of the molecule was fully determined by the limits j 1} Pi + d/^, &c. of these com- ponents, and these limits for each molecule are clearly inde- pendent of those of all the rest. It is otherwise however with the coordinates of position of the centre of inertia of a molecule, for if the molecular volumes be appreciable, these coordinates for any molecule will not be independent of those of the rest, unless the sum of the molecular volumes in a unit of volume be a very small fraction. Since however the disregard of all but binary collisions involves the same condition the reasoning remains the same as before. Again, the condition of interchange of the molecules medium of any constituents. Fixed centre forces. 35 after collision cannot of course be exactly satisfied in this case, and the reasoning- would fail unless the size of the molecules were so small that the potential was sensibly unaltered for a distance comparable with the linear dimen- sions of each molecule, or, at least, unless the variation of the quantity h \ was inappreciable for such distances. In all the cases, however, contemplated in this treatise the Kinetic Energy largely preponderates over the poten- tial, or ^Sx will be absolutely insensible for such variation of x in comparison with h (x + T). In dealing with the so-called rigid elastic molecule with 6 degrees of freedom as a maximum we regard it under the ordinary conventional aspect of a body whose parts are incapable of relative displacement, so that there is no gain or loss of potential energy of mutual forces between these parts, or, as they may be called, interatomic forces ; but in passing to the more general conception of a molecule such interatomic forces, with the corresponding variation of interatomic potential, must be taken into account.* Their presence will not affect the reasoning in the text because for any single molecule Ae~ hE will be constant in the inter- vals between collisions where E is the total Energy of the molecule, and the differential product *). f. = *(?i ' 2> <). where f and F are determinate functions. Interchange the variables q n and t in the multiple differential d Pl ...dg n and it becomes where jo\...q' n are constant in obtaining -^ But -j- so obtained is equal to q n . Cvv And therefore dpi . . . dq n = dpi . . . ^.j q n At. Similarly, expressing q' n in terms of t, we get HTf dp\ ... ^' n = dp\ ... ." ?'n = fzn(P\ > and then introduce the equation / = q n +C, regarding both q n and C as constants, thereby lowering the number of independent variables from a to aw I, and really evaluating the functional determinant dp\ dp\ 13.] So far we have proved that when sets of molecules are in motion in a region, the molecules in each set having any number of degrees of freedom, and all being acted on by forces, fixed-central or interatomic, then the law of distribution for any set of molecules, will be unaffected by collisions regarded as of no sensible duration. We may now prove that this permanence will be un- affected by encounters between molecules, two at a time, whether of the same or of different sets. For if the coordinates of one of two molecules with m degrees of freedom be denoted by q l . . . q m , and those of the other with n degrees of freedom be denoted by then the condition of an encounter between the two mole- 40 Law of permanent distribution cules may be regarded as defined by an equation among the coordinates of the form Let $ be taken for one of the coordinates, say $' JR+H of the two molecules, then by reasoning exactly as in the previous propositions, it will follow that if, in any encounter between such a pair of molecules, jo, q pass to jy', q', the number of pairs of molecules passing from the limits p and q and q + dq to p' and p' + dp', q f and q' + dq' will be in any short time dt, and also that the number passing from the limits p' and (p' + djf), q' and (q' + dq') to p and p + dp, q and q + dq in the same time, will be *-*<*+*> dj i ... <*/+_! q' m+n dt. And these numbers are equal by the last Article, whence the proposition is proved. Hence we conclude from this and the previous Articles that with the most general conceivable construction of our sets of molecules, subject at least to restrictions already noticed as to number and size, the law of distribution, for each set of molecules, will, when once attained, be a permanent law. * The total energy E is of the form x + T> where x is the potential energy of the molecule in the force field, inclusive of interatomic forces, at any instant, with the values which the coordinates of that molecule have at that instant, and is therefore a known function of the q's of that molecule, T is the kinetic energy of the molecule, and therefore is expressible in the form necessary as well as sufficient. 41 'M being- the mass, , v, w the component velocities of the centre of inertia of the molecule, and r 4 . , . r m linear functions of the jo's with coefficients functions of the y's. Hence by simple transformations the number of mole- cules of the set under consideration, with variables lying between the limits may be written in the form and integrating for all values of the #'s, the total number of molecules, of the set in question, with the u...r m variables lying between the limits u, and u + du, ..., /,, and r m + dr m becomes -* > ..., - -= is -7-, and that 22, 2, 2k the average value of the total kinetic energy of each molecule is -= ih 14.] In the preceding Articles we have proved that the e~ hE law of distribution is, subject to certain stated limitations, sufficient for the permanence of distribution, we now pro- ceed to prove, by means .of a proposition due to Boltzmann, that this law is not only sufficient but also necessary. 42 Law of permanent distribution Let there be any number of sets of molecules circum- stanced as in the preceding Articles, and let the distribution of the coordinates and momenta of any one of the sets, with m degrees of freedom, be such that the number of the molecules of that set, with momenta and coordinates inter- mediate between PJ and P l + dP 1 ... Q m and Q m + dQ m) is F(P 1 ...Q m )dP 1 ...dQ m . Also let the corresponding distribution for any other set with (n] degrees of freedom be expressed by F and f being any determinate functions. Let also any P' and Q', p' and q' be connected with the corresponding P and Q, p and q by the relation that P, Q, p, q are changed into P', Q', p', q' respectively by an encounter between the two molecules, and for brevity let F(P l . . . Q m ) and F(P f 1 ... Q' m ) be denoted by F, F', with corresponding meanings for / and /'. Then there exists a function H such that the time variation -r- is always negative, unless the condition Ff= F'f be satisfied for every combination, two and two, of the sets of molecules, including pairs of molecules both of the same set, that is, including the case F(P 1 ...Q m ) F( Pl ... q m ) = F(P' 1 ... Q' m ) F(p\ ... /.). In the first place, let us regard the medium as consisting of only two sets of molecules with m and n degrees of free- dom respectively, and with the distribution laws F and f, then the number of encounters per unit of time between pairs of molecules, one from each set, with momenta and coordinates between P and P + dP t Q and Q + dQ, p and p + dj), q and q + dq will be necessary as well as sufficient. 43 provided the coordinate q n be chosen so that q n = o is a condition of the beginning or end of an encounter, and q n be made equal to o wherever it occurs in f(j) 1 ... #). And therefore the expression is the number of pairs of molecules, one from each of these sets passing from the state P, P + dP ... q, q + dq to the state P f t I* + dP / . . . q\ q' + dq f per unit of time, when q n is put equal to o in f. Similarly the number of pairs passing from the state P / ) P' + dP f ...q f , q' + dq* to the state P,P + dP...q, per unit of time, will be when q' n = o. But in such a case, as proved in Art. 12, we have So that the total diminution of the number of the m set of molecules in the P, P + dP... Q, Q + dQ state, per unit time, arising from collisions with the n set, will be dP, ... dQ m fff...(Ff-F'f) d fl ... dq n _, q n , where q n = q' n = o, that is to say, = dP, ... dQ m fr... (F'f'-Ff) d Pl ... dq n _, q n , "If"' ( F ' q n and q' n being each equal to zero. Law of permanent distribution By symmetry ...f log/%... <^ =jfjf . (F'f'-Ff) logfdP 1 ... %_, ,, f where ?tt = / tt = o. Similarly is equal to jfjf ... (J But since the integral ff^j log F dP 1 ... dQ extends over all values of each P and Q, including each P and Q', ^ follows that and similarly necessary as well as sufficient. 45 = //... (F'f'-Ff] log ^dP,... d qn _, 2> Ff where the argument (F'fFf) log -~p is necessarily negative if not zero. '* Now let H be taken to represent f eJ FT and is therefore essentially negative so far as -^r depends upon encounters between molecules of the z and # sets, unless the quantities Ff and -Z' 7 ',/' are equal to each other, k-J. ^ in which case -77- is zero, ol If we had taken If equal to ff...F(P,Q){logF(P i Q)-i}dP l ...dQ m , q) {logF( P)S )-i} d Pl ... dq m) it would have followed by the same reasoning that -77 was negative unless F(P, <2) F(p, q) =. F(P f ) Q') F(p', #'), JJT and therefore that -77- must have been negative unless had been equal to 46 Law of permanent distribution so far as encounters between pairs of molecules each of the m set were concerned, and similarly for the pairs each of the n set. And therefore generally, when there are any number of sets of molecules, if the function H be written 2\ff...F(\ogF-i)dP l ...dQ for all the forms of F and f in the different sets, the time variation -^ will be necessarily negative unless the con- 09 dition ). - (A) for every binary encounter combination be satisfied ; that is to 7 TT say, the quantity -j- tends to a minimum unless every one of these conditions is separately satisfied whenever en- counters take place in the medium, or equation (A) repre- sents a necessary condition of permanence when encounters take place. In the absence of encounters each of the T^s must /JJf separately satisfy the condition -5- = o, because when there are no encounters must be independent of the time for each molecule separately. But the differential product is known to be independent of the time, and therefore "F necessary as well as sufficient. 47 must be so. Hence, for permanence we must have for the determination of each form of F the two conditions ..) ...... (I) independent of the time when no encounters ; F(P l ... Q m )f( Pl ... ?) = F(P\ ... Q' m }f( P \ ... ? ' n )(2) when there are encounters. Now the only form of F which can be conceived as satisfying the first condition is F(E), where E is the total energy of the molecule, so that the second condition is reduced to where E PtQ + E p>q = or F=Ae- hE p.Q, Whence it follows that the e~ hE law is both sufficient and necessary for permanence, provided the system be such that every conceivable arrangement is also an attainable arrangement. If any restraint be introduced, whereby the attainment of any of the conceivable arrangements is rendered impos- sible, the reasoning of course fails, if the e~ hE arrangement should be included in those thus rendered impossible of attainment, otherwise the e~ HE law must still prevail 15.] From the preceding Article we learn that in the case of a medium composed of sets of molecules such as we have been considering, whatever be the assumed laws of distri- bution, among the different sets, at any instant, such laws cannot be permanent, unless certain conditions hold amongst them, and that, unless these conditions be satisfied, a certain function H, dependent upon these assumed laws of distri- bution may be found, which is always, under the action 48 Rate of return to permanent distribution of encounters, tending to a minimum, and this minimum being attained there is no further tendency to change, or the state is permanent. The time variation of ff, for any assumed laws of distri- bution, consists, as we have seen, in an integral or sum of a number of terms of the forms where F and f depend upon the assumed laws of distri- bution for any given pair of sets with, say, m and n degrees of freedom each, q n is what may be called an encounter function for two molecules of that pair, q n is the time varia- tion of , and F' and f are the values of F and f after an encounter. j -fT In thus determining the time variation -^- we have limited the investigation to the changes in H from en- counters only, because we are considering the question of permanence with distribution laws F, f, &c., and it is clear, a priori, that only such distribution laws as make each .Fand f separately independent of the time need be taken into account, for a distribution law which did not give constant would be clearly inadmissible, and we know that dP^ ...dQ m is constant, therefore Fmust be so. Since the ZT-function, as thus found for any assumed distribution laws, tends under the action of encounters to diminish with the time at a rate which may be determined as above shown, until the distribution laws have arrived at the permanent state, we may find the rate at which the medium starting from any assumed distribution laws, differ- ing from those of the permanent state, tends to approach that state. after disturbance. 49 As a simple illustration, let us consider a medium like that of Art. 6, consisting 1 of a number of circular disks equal to each other in all respects, with the centre of inertia of each at the distance (c] from the centre of figure, c being small in comparison with the radius of a disk ; the notation employed will be the same as that of Art. 6, except that the masses and radii of gyration of all the disks will now be denoted by the same letters. In this case we know that the law of distribution in the permanent state is , , dudvdoo, and we will denote this by F (u,v, log F dudvdu. But F=Ae 2 ' = Ae~ M \ suppose. .-. F log F= after disturbance. 51 / / / F log F du dv du = N log A Nh Q T. Therefore N log , because from integration it follows that = N<- -~- + higher powers of (/* i) > 7 Jf" In finding -7- let us, in the first place, confine our atten- dt 7 TT tion to the part of -jj arising from collisions of disks whose lines of centres at the instant of collision are parallel to the axis of x. If s be the diameter of any disk, U and u, V and v, 1 and o>, the respective component translational and rota- tional velocities at the instant of collision, the number of the required kinds of collisions per unit of time is JT7 (U ->* &) 2* (see Art. 5), and therefore the part of -5- arising from such collisions is equal to I (f...(Ff-F'f) where the integrations with regard to U and u are to be taken from u = o to u U, and from U = o to Z7 = oo.. E 2, 52 Rate of return to permanent distribution TIT- Also, since in the general expression for -=- we are con- d/t sidering all the pairs of disks of which the coordinates of one relative to the other are s and any value of 6 from - to + - , and in this restricted case only those pairs for which these relative coordinates are s and any value of from o to dd, it is clear that we must replace N z in this case by N 2 , i.e. we must replace A 2 by Also writing T and t for the total kinetic energies of the disks before collision, and T' and t' for the similar quantities after collision ; p where ii r = li --(^7- -/) + Pli), and P and p are perpendiculars from the Centres of Inertia of the respective disks upon their line of centres, and there- fore are, at least, of the same order of smallness as ( "' = " + -& (U -*l and therefore, remembering that T + t = T' + if\ and neglecting c 2 , FfF'f is, to the same approximation, equal to after disturbance. 53 F'f is, to the same approximati ^ 2 ^ -h T+t+i^l (a*+j) } r _ ^- ^* Ox-i)(pn- P )(tf-Oi -A { r+f+,^7 (H2+" 2 ) } M , N / -n^ ^ 2 e ' (fM-i}(Pa-p^(U- U ). Also log (J7 / -^/) = -^( fl -i)(P Q-p) (U-u). /7 3f Therefore to the same approximation -?- is equal to i.e. to where P 2 is the mean value of P 2 or j) 2 , and therefore is of the same order of smallness as c 2 . The result of the integration is clearly of the form L c2 where L is a numerical quantity whose exact value is of no importance to the present investigation. 7 T7" Therefore the value of this portion of ~ , remembering that A 2 is here equal to (10 54 Rate of return to permanent distribution becomes 7 irr and the total value of -TT becomes at, C being a known numerical quantity. Since K = N j ~ 6 + higher powers of (/* - 1)| , we have, if /u I be small, _ 6CT* c 2 W "^"F*- or K=K Q e~ a ^'\ 6CNs Ns where a = -= , i. e. a ex = A ' V/& That is to say, an initial distribution of this nature, in MX? which the mean value of -- &> 2 differs from the mean ,Mu 2 Mv 2 ... 2 . A ,. values or - or - , will reduce to the permanent dis- tribution at a proportional rate -= If the original distribution had been represented by either of the laws . _(r + j^*?) -,(r +M ^) Ae ^ * ' or Ae ^ 2 /, that is to say, if it had been a distribution in which the mean values of u 2 and v z had been different from a 2 after disturbance. 55 each other, the value of K would have been the same as j -rr before, and the value of -=- would also have been the same c z with the omission of the fraction -.-^ k* Such a distribution then would, if \i I were small, be represented by a disturbance function which, as in the last case, would have diminished proportionally at the rate a per unit of time, and therefore with the diminution of -r the rate of approach to the state of permanence might con- ceivably be infinitely greater with an initial small inequality between the mean values of the translation component portions of the kinetic energy than it is with an inequality between either of these and the rotation component. And whether the initial disturbance function be great or small we always have its rate of change for a difference in the mean values of u 2 and v 2 greater than that for 2 2, a difference in the mean values of M , and either of the 2 c 2 former in a ratio comparable with the ratio -^ Mr. Burbury and Professor Tait have, in the Transactions of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, given similar investigations of the rate of subsidence of disturb- ance in the case of a medium of two sets of elastic spheres, the masses and number of spheres per unit volume of the two sets being M, m and N } n respectively, and the dis- turbance consisting in an initial small difference between the h constants in the two sets. They have arrived by independent treatment at the result VA 56 Pressure at any point in for the proportional rate of subsidence, where j is the Arithmetic mean of the initial values of the -,- constants. h 16.] A number of sets of molecules are moving in a bounded region, taken as unit of volume, as in Art. 13, the masses and number of degrees of freedom of each molecule of any set being denoted by M and m and the number of molecules in the set by N, with suffixes attached to these letters to distinguish different sets ; it is required to deter- mine the action of one portion of the medium upon another, or the pressure per unit of surface at any point. Since the distributions of the molecules of different sets are independent of each other, we will for the present confine our attention to the set denoted by M, m, N t without suffixes. Suppose that there are dN molecules of the set con- sidered, whose component velocities of translation parallel to the axis of x are between u and u + du. The number of these molecules which cross the elementary area dydz in time dt will be the same as the number of the dN molecules whose centres of inertia are situated within the elementary parallelepiped dxdydz in which dx is equal to udt, and this number is dN.u.dydzdt. Each of these molecules carries across with it a mo- mentum parallel to the axis of x equal to Mu ; the total momentum parallel to the axis of x transferred across dydz in the time dt is therefore MdN**dydzdt. If u be positive this is positive momentum transferred from the negative to the positive side of the plane yz, and if u be negative this is negative momentum similarly transferred from the positive to the negative side of the same plane. medium of moving molecules. 57 In either case the result is that by the mere motion of these molecules across the area dydz the positive momentum parallel to the axis of x is diminished by the quantity MdNu*dydz(tt on the negative side of the plane yz, and increased by the same quantity on the positive side of that plane in the time dt. Hence the result is the same as a transference of positive momentum parallel to the axis of x in time dt across the 00 area dydz equal to MdydzdfS u 2 dN, that is equal to GO dydzdtMNu 2 or to dydzdtpv?; ... (a) where p is the density of the N set matter at the point x, y, z, and 2 is the mean square of the velocities parallel to the axis of x. But u 2 is equal to , where v 2 is the mean square of the velocities of the N set of molecules, and is equal, as we have seen, to A. Hence there is a transference of positive momentum from the negative to the positive side of the plane yz across the area dydz in the time dt equal to 7 7 7 ,i; 2 pdydzdt pdydzdt-, or to * y m Each separate molecule (whose component velocities of translation are u, v, and w] carries across the same plane momenta parallel to the axis of y and z equal to Mv and Mw respectively, so that in the time dt there are carried across the elementary area dydz momenta parallel to the axes of y and z equal to 'SMuvdydzdt and ^Muwdydzdt respectively. 58 Pressure at any point in It is clear from the symmetrical distribution of the velocities that 2 Muv and 2 Muw are each equal to zero. Therefore the resultant mutual action of the two portions of the medium across the elementary area dydz in the time _~2 dt is the transference of the momentum pdydzdt parallel to the axis of x across this element from the negative to the positive side. If this mutual action, or as it is generally called this pressure, when referred to unit of surface be denoted by the symbol jo, we get the equation pdydzdt = pdydzdt ; 3 or Since the momenta parallel to y and z remain unaltered, it follows that the mutual action or pressure between por- tions of the medium separated by any plane is entirely normal to that plane. v 2 Since also the expression for p, or p , is independent of the direction of the axis of x, it follows that the pressure at any point of the medium is the same in all directions. If we suppose the contiguous portions of the medium to be separated by a material instead of an ideal plane, it will clearly be necessary for the maintenance of the equilibrium that there should be an action between this plane and the adjacent portion of the medium exactly equivalent to the transference of momenta estimated above. Hence the pressure or force between the plane and medium is normal to the plane, and its value per unit of time and surface is r at any point. And this value remains unaffected by medium of moving molecules. 59 turning the plane of separation in any direction about the point.* When several different sets of molecules are present tog-ether in the region under consideration, if p lt p 2 , &c. be the densities of the matter of the different sets in the neighbourhood of the point x, y, z, and if j^, j 2 , &c. be the pressures at that point, defined as above, of the media composed of these different sets, and if M lt M 2 , &c. be the masses of the individual molecules of each of the sets, and p the total pressure, we shall have 17.] We may prove that the value of p as determined in the last Article satisfies the necessary condition of equilibrium of the medium. For consider the elementary parallelepiped datdydz situated in the neighbourhood of the point x, y, z. The positive momentum of the N set of molecule matter within this element parallel to x is, as we have seen, increased by the quantity pdydzdt in the time dt by trans- ference of matter across the face dydz nearer to the plane of yz> or, as we may call it, the left-hand face, and the x momentum is in the same time diminished by the quantity (p + j- dx\ dydzdt by transference across the right-hand * It is important to distinguish between the velocity of agitation of the molecules treated of in the preceding reasoning and that which we are accustomed to consider as the velocity of the medium itself. This latter velocity has been denned by Professor Clerk Maxwell as follows. If we determine the motion of the centre of gravity of all the molecules within a very small region surrounding a point in a medium, then the velocity of the medium within that region is defined as the velocity of the centre of gravity of all the molecules within that region. Should such a velocity exist in the medium under consideration, we must suppose that our ideal plane of separation moves with the same velocity, and therefore that the number of molecules crossing it in any direction is on the average equal to the number crossing it in the exactly opposite direction. 60 Pressure at any point in face. On the whole, therefore, the positive x momentum within the element is diminished by the quantity ^r dydzdxdt in the time dt. It is necessary therefore for the permanent state of the medium that the impressed force on the N molecule matter within the element should produce a resultant momentum, equal to the last found quantity, in the time dt, that is to say, we should have dp . where X is the mean value of the x force on all the mole- cules whose centres of inertia lie within dxdydz. Now the number of the N set molecules whose m mo- menta and m coordinates lie between fi and p l + dp 1 ... p m and q l and q^ + dq l ... q m and is of the form Let the coordinates be the x, y, z of the centre of inertia and q ... q m , then the whole number whose centre of inertia lie within the parallelepiped dxdydz is A dxdydz fj. . . e~ h <*+ T > dp l . . . dp m d^... dq m , and therefore the density p at the point x, y, z is of the form and Tx medium of moving molecules. 61 Since T is equal to and is therefore independent of x, y and z t where X is the mean value of the x force on the molecules within dxdydz for all values of the momenta and relative coordinates of these molecules. Therefore = = i 18.] In the determination of ^ in Article 17 we have only considered the transference of momentum which would have taken place across the plane of separation owing to the motion of separate molecules ; that is to say, supposing one portion of the medium to be separated from the other by a material boundary, the value of p already found is that arising from the bombardment of the boundary by the separately impinging molecules and assumes that the time any one molecule is in collision with any other during any measurable interval is so small as to be negligible; when this condition is not satisfied, owing either to mole- cular density or the minimum irreducible volume of separate molecules, a correction is required ; to find this we must prove the following propositions due to Clausius. When any number of material particles are in motion within a limited space so that the particles do not move continually further and further from their original positions, and provided also that the velocities of each particle do not continually increase or decrease, such a system of material particles is said to be in stationary motion* 62 Properties of If X, Y, Z be the component forces upon any one of a system of particles in stationary motion, and x, y, and z be the coordinates of such particle referred to any origin and axes, and the quantity Xx+Yy + Zz be found for such particle, then the mean value of the expression % during any period of stationary motion of the system, where 2 represents summation for all the particles, is called the Virial of the system. When a system of material particles is in stationary motion the mean kinetic energy of the system is equal to its virial. If x be any function of t, d 2 , . d , dx\ fdx^- cPx Let x be the coordinate parallel to the axis of x at the time t of that one of the material particles whose mass is M, and let X be the component force on that particle parallel to the same axis, then Hence equation (a) gives us M ( dx_^_ Xx M d* " ~ + ' 2( '' M where I ' I denotes the initial value of 7 , L dt J u dt the Virial 63 Now j i (-17) dt and - \ Xxdt are the mean values of (-T-) and Xx during the time t. If the motion be strictly periodic and t be taken equal to the length of a period or any multiple whatever of that length, then the last term on the right-hand side becomes zero ; and if the motion be not strictly periodic, still from its stationary character as above defined, although -*T the coefficient of in the last term does not necessarily become zero for all values of t however large, yet its value .cannot increase indefinitely, but can only fluctuate within certain limits, and therefore by sufficiently increasing the value of t the last term on the right-hand side becomes inappreciable and may be neglected, so that we obtain, in either case, the equation M ,TxJ j:Gp" and therefore by similar reasoning with respect to y and and therefore for any system of particles, *.* i 2 19.] Any number of particles being in motion in a given region, to find the pressure referred to unit of surface at any 64 Pressure at any point in point within the medium, supposing the particles to be acted on by fixed-central forces, and mutual forces between the particles, any functions of the distance between them, and which become infinitely large with the infinite diminu- tion of this distance. Let be the point in question, and about describe a closed surface S of simple continuity, and take for the origin of coordinates. If the mutual action between the adjacent particles within and without S be replaced by a force pdS acting normally at every element dS, the distribution as to momenta and coordinates of the molecules now confined within S will, on the average of any finite time, be the same as in the actual Now by the virial proposition, if M be the mass and v 2 the mean square velocity of any particle within S ; X, Y, Z the components of the moving forces on that particle, and x, y, z its coordinates, the bar denoting mean values. The part of the second term arising from pressure forces on the surface element dS is ^ pdS (x cos a +y cos /3 + z cos y), where a, , y are the angles between the axes and the normal at dS drawn inwards. Therefore if r be the perpendicular from upon the element dS, the portion of the pressure virial contributed by the element dS becomes and the virial equation becomes, therefore, = 2 Mv 2 + 2 (Za+Yy + Zz), medium of moving molecules. 65 or if Fbe the volume included 'within S, and or Rr, with similar results for all other pairs, and the value of p at is therefore given by the equation 66 Pressure at any point in the 22 denoting summation for every pair of particles within V. If the particles be replaced by molecules with irreducible minimum volume, the equation still holds as before, where X, Y, Z are the components of the resultant force on each molecule, and the molecule is replaced by a particle, of equal mass, at its centre of inertia, but the direction of the mutual force between two molecules does not generally lie accurately in the line joining their centres of inertia. Since the dimensions of the mole- cules are very small, this deviation is unimportant for a pair at any measurable distance from each other, but it is otherwise for contiguous or nearly contiguous molecules. Hence the substitution of 22 (Rr) for 2 (Xx + Yy + Zz) for the molecules within the small volume V is inadmissible, except indeed for spherical molecules. We must remember also that in passing from material particles, or Boskovichian atoms, to molecules such as they are generally conceived, namely with an irreducible mini- mum volume however small, the indefinite diminution of the volume of 8 is unattainable without destroying the hypothesis of many mutually acting molecules being com- prised within S. In the case of such molecules, therefore, we may continue to use the equation for the determination of p, although we cannot give an accurate mathematical meaning to the second term in the right-hand side ; 2 (Rr) standing for 2 (Xx + Yy + Zz)* * This is the same difficulty as that alluded to in the introduction as occurring in the definition of density at any point in a medium of molecules with irreducible minimum volume. medium of moving molecules. 67 If, for example, as will always be the case, in any medium to which our reasoning is applicable, the irreducible minimum volume of a molecule be quite inappreciable in comparison with any measurable volume however small, then the expression ~ - may be regarded as the ratio of the Rr products for all pairs of molecules, within a sphere about 0, of extremely small measurable radius, to the volume of that sphere. If our molecules, for instance, were hard elastic spheres, each of mass M and radius *, and if N were the number of these spheres contained within the small sphere about 0, then, remembering that R and r at each encounter are Mu and 2* respectively, where u is the relative velocity in the line of centres, it follows from the reasoning of Art. 5 that, omitting certain finite numerical factors, 22 (Kr) would be > and therefore lt v=Q " would in this case be, with similar omission, 7J NM Ns* #K=O ~j --- y **i - total volume of inclosed spheres or p0 z .# Fs=0 y In such a case, therefore, the second term in the value of p vanishes in comparison with the first term, whenever, owing either to the smallness of the individual molecules or the smallness of the number of such molecules per unit of volume in the neighbourhood of the point 0, the total minimum irreducible volume of the molecules per unit volume near that point is very small, and therefore in either 68 Pressure at any point of medium. of these cases the value of p is sensibly reduced to the first term, or But, on either of the last-mentioned assumptions, the e -ti(x+T) j aw o f distribution has been established for a field of fixed central forces, and therefore by Art. 17 the necessary condition of equilibrium dp -y- = pX dx also holds. When neither one nor the other of the aforesaid assump- tions is satisfied, we get - -It P ~ 3 3 which would not satisfy the condition dp - n j ~T~ == P -*- dx if the e- h law must be regarded as approximate, the more correct statement of it being possibly of the form ,-{+,*(} Law of distribution with intermolecular forces. 69 where E is x + T, $ some function, and /u a small function of x, y> z, whose difference from zero depends upon the extent of the departure from the aforesaid conditions. The evaluation of 2S (Rr] for spherical molecules in the above investigation proceeds on the assumption that the distribution is uniform throughout the volume V when V is very much diminished. Should the law of distribution lead to a very rapid space variation of the density at any point in the medium the reasoning is, so far, precarious. It may be assumed that the results arrived at for hard elastic spherical molecules hold good substantially for mole- cules of any shape and constitution whatever. 20.] Hitherto we have confined our attention to elastic molecules moving in a field of central forces, in which, there- fore, the potential at every point is a determinate function of the coordinates of that point the same for all times. In such a case, viewing the problem under the ordinary conventional aspect, we say that there are no forces in the field except those from fixed centres, and no potential except that of the fixed central forces. But the truer view would be, as already mentioned in Art. 12 above, to regard the molecules as subject to mutual forces, in addition to those from fixed centres, infinitely great during their action, but acting in each case during intervals of time so very small that in any measure- able length of time their average potential is absolutely inappreciable in comparison with that of the fixed centre forces, so that the \ of the above-mentioned law at any point is still the x at that point of the fixed central forces only. The treatment of the problem under this aspect is given above in Art. 12, where the collision is replaced by the encounter, that is to say, an exceptional action of forces between the molecules lasting for a short but not abso- lutely evanescent interval of time, and not inconsistent 70 Law of permanent distribution with changes of the coordinates defining the position, but still subject to the condition that the chance of any mole- cule being in encounter simultaneously with more than one other molecule is infinitely small, and therefore that the average potential of such encounter forces during any finite interval of time is evanescent. Such encounter forces, on the supposition of spherical molecules, must clearly be of some such form as , ^-, where r is the distance between the centres, s the sum of their radii, and v a very large number, and indeed it is W 7? under this aspect that the evaluation of the term ^ in Article 19 has been performed. Now suppose that (the molecules being still for the moment regarded as hard elastic spheres) there were mutual forces between them of the form ^ , ^ , &c., where r 2 r i r is the distance between the centres and the indices of r in the denominators are not infinitely great, then the potential at any point P of the field would not be a determinate function of the position of P, owing to the motion of the molecules, but, if a permanent distribution were attained, the potential at P of molecules remote from P would not be sensibly affected by their motion but would be, like that of the fixed central forces, a function of the distance only, while the potential of the particles near to P would depend upon the shifting positions of these particles and would vary from time to time. In fact, if the /* in the case of each of these forces were very small, a distance b might be conceived ; it may be much greater than the radius a of each sphere, but yet much smaller than any measurable quantity, such that for two spheres whose central distance was greater than 6 the mutual action was with fixed central and intermolecular forces. 7 1 absolutely negligible, and the potential at P of the infinitely great number of spheres lying outside the sphere of radius b described about P would have a value dependent upon the permanent distribution but independent of the time, while that of the spheres lying within the b sphere would vary with the motion of such included spheres ; in point of fact all the spheres lying within the b sphere would be in an encounter with the spheres with centre at P and with one another, in a field of practically fixed centre forces arising from the given fixed centre forces and the sensibly fixed centre forces of the spheres external to the b spheres. If the medium density were so small that the chance of more than two spheres being simultaneously in such encounter was infinitely less than the chance of a binary encounter, it would follow from the reasoning of Art. 12 that the e- h & +T ) law was a necessary and sufficient con- dition of permanent distribution, where x includes the potential of all the given fixed central forces at any point and also the given fixed central forces arising from mole- cules external to the b sphere about that point. If the volume of a sphere of radius - described round 2 each spherical molecule and concentric with it were called the effective volume of that sphere, the condition as above enunciated would obviously be, that the number of spheres in unit volume or the effective volume of each sphere must be so small that the total of the effective volumes per unit of volume was a very small fraction. When this condition is satisfied it may be shown, much V*^ /"> as in the case of the hard elastic spheres, that lty=o ^~ is insensible compared with ^ , provided the additional J condition of the preponderance of kinetic over potential 72 Work done on energy be maintained. The restrictions as to the number and masses of the molecules thus introduced would necessi- tate the part of x, depending upon intermqlecular forces, being very small and indeed absolutely evanescent for values of A greater than 2 or 3. The reasoning may obviously be extended to molecules other than spherical and with any number of degrees of freedom. In this more general case there may be inter- atomic forces whose potential must also be included in the application of the e~ fe (x+ T ) law, but such forces do not enter into the term 22 (Rr), or more correctly '%(Xx+ Yy + Zz}. 21.] If any number of sets of molecules axe inclosed in a region under the circumstances of the preceding Articles, to find the work done by the expansion of the medium, uniformly in all directions, i.e. the increase of every linear dimension bearing the same ratio to the original length of that dimension. Suppose that there is in the first place only one set of molecules N in number, the mass of each being M and its number of degrees of freedom being m, and suppose that the force field is that of given fixed central and inter- molecular forces. If there are no fixed central forces the pressure p, at every point of the bounding surface, is the same, and the required work (dW] is equal therefore to pdV. But in this case, as just now proved, we have supposing each intermolecular force R to be positive when it acts repulsively. Therefore expansion or compression of medium. 73 but since linear expansion is rd of cubical expansion, we have Y = j where r is any linear dimension. Therefore, in this case, dV N where -~ is the mean value of -r^, and to be carefully distinguished from -r^- \.* If, however, there be external forces, and p therefore be not constant over the surface, then we must use the equation 2_pvdS=2 Hv 2 + 2 (Xx+Yy + Zz). If p. be the ratio of the increase of each linear dimension to the original length of that dimension, which is constant dV throughout and equal to ~, our equation becomes = jit 2 Mv 2 + 2 (X .e. ~. as before. * See also' a paper by Mr. S. H. Burbury, F.R.S., published in the Philo- sophical Magazine, January, 1876. '74 Second law The change of potential of interatomic forces is not d\ considered in this investigation, so that -r= refers only to the intermolecular forces. For there is no necessary connection between molecular expansion and contraction and the expansion and contrac- tion of the whole volume, and therefore on the average the loss and gain of interatomic potential may be regarded as balancing each other. 22.] A number of sets of molecules are in a given region of space under the circumstances of previous Articles, the field of force being perfectly unrestricted and including interatomic, fixed-central, and intermolecular forces ; then, if an increase of Energy equal to 8 Q be imparted to the medium, there exists a function $ such that or k 5 Q is a perfect differential provided the e~ hE law hold good. Suppose, in the first place, that the molecules are all of one set, each with m degrees of freedom, and that there are N of them. When any molecule has its momenta and coordinates between /? x and p l + dp l ...q m and q m + dq m , let that mole- cule be said to be in the -A^ state, and for different cor- responding limits of the variables let it be said to be in the A. 2 , A 3 , &c. states respectively. Let the product of the differentials of the m momenta in the A ly A. 2 , &c. states be denoted by ds l , ds 2 , &c., and let the corresponding products for the coordinates be denoted by d~ - ^ 5 7, by last article. Now let u = log ( iff. then Also err JJJ '" e Xi '" ZN fff. . . Pe~ h ^d(rb(dx l ... dz N ] l ... dz N of Thermodynamics. 77 where 8 (dx^ . . . dz N ) is the increase of the differential pro- duct arising from the increase 8 V of V. So that 8 . dx l = =- clx^ , and ?! . . . dz N ) = dx.i . . . dz N 8 dx^ + dx l . . . dz N 8 dx 2 + &c. to 3 N terms = JV =-. where m is the number of 3 degrees of freedom of the molecule ; Next let the volume be allowed to increase so that the pressure remains constant, and let b'Q, be the heat required to raise the unit of mass from r to r + 8r in this case. Since external work is performed equal to pbv we must have in this case *.-*tf +.)*-* But we know that jov = r, and since p remains constant it follows that pftv = , 8r ; 3 82 Comparison of physical properties All that we know of -^ is that it must necessarily be positive, and of m that it must be integral and not less than 3 ; writing therefore e for 3 ~ in the calculated ctt value of the ratio of the specific heats, this becomes m + e + 2 2 i + There is one gas* for which the ratio is i| very approxi- mately, giving us therefore m + e = 3, and thus agreeing with the case of elastic spheres, where there are three degrees of freedom, determined by the coordinates of the centre, so that ^ = 3 and e = o. For the majority of observed gases, however, the ratio is 1-408, giving us = -408, and m + e 4-9. For a few gases the ratio is 1-3, whence we get m + e and m + e 6-6. And for a few other gases the ratio falls as low as 1-26, giving us m + e 8, nearly. * Mercury gas, for which the ratio in question has been determined at 1.67. of medium and perfect gases. 83 One great difficulty in the establishment of the kinetic theory of gases is to conceive a molecule so constituted as to give a suitable positive and integral value for m in the cases we have mentioned, especially for that most general case of all in which m + e = 4-9. There is also a further difficulty arising from the follow- ing considerations. It is known that the light emitted by heated gas, so long as the gas is of no great density, consists of rays of one or more definite kinds of refrangibility, so that when this light is examined by the spectroscope, the spectrum produced consists of one or more bright lines, narrow and distinct, the intervening spaces being dark. As the density of the gas increases, these bright lines become broader and the intervening spaces more luminous, until, as the gas becomes very much condensed, a continuous spectrum is produced. If we conceive our gas to be represented by a number of moving molecules, as in the hypothesis now under con- sideration, the motion of translation or agitation of these molecules is exceedingly irregular, the intervals between successive encounters and the velocities of a molecule during successive free paths not being subject to any law. It will be different however with the internal motions or vibra- tions of each molecule. When there is a long free path very many such vibrations may take place in the interval between successive encounters. At each encounter the whole molecule is roughly shaken. During the free path it vibrates according to its own laws, and these vibrations, as is the case in every connected system, may be resolved into a number of simple vibrations, the law of each of which is that of the simple pendulum. At any instant the G 2 84 Comparison of physical properties number of molecules in collision is negligible in comparison with the whole number of molecules in the region under consideration. And therefore at any instant we have a collection of a very great number of bodies, all of which may be regarded as performing precisely the same set of vibra- tions. If these molecules be capable of communicating their vibrations to the luminiferous ether, the result will be light of one or more definite kinds of refrangibility, pro- vided there be any light at all that is, provided that the vibrations be of such a period as to belong to the luminous part of the spectrum. As the density of this medium is increased, the length of the free path of each molecule is diminished, and since each fresh encounter disturbs the regularity of the series of vibrations, we must no longer regard the whole of the bodies or molecules, but only a large majority of them at any instant, as performing the same sets of vibrations ; the result therefore will be light of one or more definite kinds of refrangibility, with a mixture of fainter light of no definite refrangibility, or, viewed under the spectroscope, bright lines of light, along with a ground of diffused light forming a continuous spectrum.* In estimating the difficulty presented by these consider- ations in the way of the establishment of the Kinetic Theory of Gases, it must be borne in mind that they assume a sensibly instantaneous return to the permanent state after any disturbance of the medium. In that permanent state, as we have shewn, there is an equal partition of the average kinetic energy among the different degrees of freedom, that is to say, the total kinetic energy is -- times the kinetic energy of agitation, whence in the case of a perfect * See Maxwell, ' Theory of Heat,' p. 306. of medium and perfect gases. 85 gas, pbv or dW ' dT, where dT is the total increase m of kinetic energy; and therefore the ratio of the specific , heats, or 7 - , becomes, as we have seen. ell dT dT(i + ^ dT+d x dv where e is written for the small positive quantity y^ or d\ . dv 3 dv 3y% because - = -^- . - dr ' dT m dr But the rate at which the medium tends to the ultimate state varies, or may vary, greatly with the nature of the disturbance. For example, it has been shewn above, Art. 15, that in a medium of plane circular disks, in each of which the centre of inertia is at the distance c from the centre of figure, an inequality between the mean kinetic energy corresponding to the rotation and that correspond- ing to either of the translational velocity components may, if c be small, tend to disappear at an infinitely slower rate than when the disturbance arose from an inequality between the mean kinetic energies correspond- ing to the translational velocity components themselves. Now it is reasonable to believe that the first effect of such a disturbance of the medium as an increase of heat, or energy, would be shewn in the alteration of the agitation energy of the molecules upon which the temperature depends, and these molecules may be so constituted that the time required before the equal partition of the perma- 86 Comparison of physical properties nent state is reached may be finite or even large ; and during 1 such time the external work bW is bearing- to 8 T the whole increase of kinetic energy a larger ratio than ; or in other words, the apparent value of y, the ratio of vn, the specific heat as observed during this interval, would be greater than the value dT+d x which it would have if the permanent state were reached instantaneously. In the case of the problem referred to in Art. 15 Pro- fessor Tait finds that the difference of the average energies of the two systems of spheres will on certain numerical assumptions fall to -01 of its original value in x icr 9 of a second, these assumptions being reasonable on the hypo- thesis of certain gases being represented by a medium com- posed of such spheres. The principles involved are such as would lead to a similar result in the investigation of the rate at which an equality would be arrived at in the average kinetic energies corresponding to the three components of agitation of either set of spheres. Replacing spheres by molecules we may, therefore, con- clude that the equalisation of the components of agitation energy in a medium of moving molecules representing a perfect gas takes place, sensibly at least, instantaneously, and it is on the assumption of such instantaneous equalisa- tion among these components that the velocity of trans- mission of sound waves and other physical properties of the medium is found to agree with experimental results, but it need not necessarily follow that there is this instantaneous of medium and perfect gases. 87 equalisation among the energies corresponding to all the degrees of freedom, so that it is not necessarily a fatal objection to the theory that a difficulty should exist which is based solely upon the assumption of such universal instantaneous equalisation. THE END. Cfarenbon (press ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY . . ". ..." MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE MISCELLANEOUS MODERN LANGUAGES LATIN EDUCATIONAL WORKS . 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