B ^ 5DD 430 GIFT OF Tl^ll >ci64e Fa(;ade of Fine Arts Palace I Being a Souvenir of the Eleventh Annual Convention of the National Associa- tion of Stationers 5? Manufacturers held at the Fairmont Hotel San Francisco^ Cali- fornia ^ September 27-30 ' 1915 •' • •'. .' ■ ■ 68i BY WAY 0/ WELCOME JLn ever has paper borne a more sin' cere message than that on which this foreword is printed in welcome to the delegates to the Eleventh Annual Con' vention of Stationers and Manufac turers in this month of September of the year nineteen hundred and fifteen. You are welcome as delegates; you are doubly welcome as friends. California, San Francisco, and the "Jewel City" of the Exposition are yours during your visit, which, could the subscribers have their way, would be no visit, but rather the establishment of a permanent home. For this week, at least, let us beKeve that you are at home here, and as mem' bers of one big, harmonious family, let us enjoy ourselves without constraint and without one thought of parting. MENU /FAIRMONT HOTEL September the Twenty-ninth, Ninetcen-Fifteen CaKfornia Oyster Cocktail Olives Almonds Consomme Imperial California "Fjesling Santa Cruz Salmon, American Sauce Napa Potatoes Larded Filet of Beef, Sacramento Valley Stuffed California Tomatoes California Zinfandel Punch Far West Los Angeles Squab Chicken, Canape San Diego Lettuce, Fines Herbes Bomb Eureka Gourmandises Nob Hill Demi Tasse ^^^k ■■^H j^QK* ^^Pj^j^l I^ £ Colonnade of Fine Arts Palace u. _' PON the banks of this lagoon we knew In days of old that oft we wovild renew, A wondrous Palace has been reared where Art In all the glory of its soul and heart Reigns in a dazzling splendor such as we But Httle hoped upon this earth to see. And as we wonder, what reflections rise From out the bosom of the lakelet's skies, To double this great miracle of Art And of the dreams of beauty make a part. EJwarJ R. Taylor I T cannot be that we deserve to look Upon the pages of such marvelous book, But here we are and here we'll dare to sate Our senses on this day of prosperous fate; And so this Palace radiant to the core Like some earthly thing we ponder o'er. It breathes of beauty in its every Hne, In form incomparable and divine, And to this lakelet wedded it assumes An architecture of unnumbered blooms. Edward R. Taylor The Fine Arts Palace and Lagoon at Night The Half Dome and Court of the Four Seasons JLhe noisy Day is folded on the breast Of staT'bespangled Night, and brooding rest Fills all our being with its gentle power That bids us consecrate this golden hour. Here in the Court of Ages let us sit. And taste once more the wonderment of it, Till sense is sated and the eyes grow dim With all the beauties that around us swim. This is the Expositions very soul, Not made so consciously, but by control- Beyond the Cunning and the wit of man A providential, heaven'bestowing plan. Edward R. Taylor JDehold this most amasiing city, where But yesterday the swamp for ages reigned: Today, as in a dream of loveliest thiags. We see this monumental mass so great In all its templed beauty, we despair That architecture could the farther go. Edwud R. Taylor Danish Building and Corner of Fine Arts Palace A sea of domes rolls through the air, While towers begemmed rise to the very sky As though to bear some message to the heavens; One with such jewels on its towering crest, It fronts the astonished earth with living light; Edward R. Taylor 1 ^^^HBitij^i^^^^^^i ^^^^VPffP^MJ^S nuH ^^^^^^^wa >i|^^^^^^li~ ^M )^H^I I^^Hb ^HBn B" ''9H ^^^A, '^Sal^Tii Jk^^«*r^|^' ...jpMI HHIMb ^^^^^^Rk J ^^■ill 1 h\ii wK f r Tower in the ^^^^P^^^I^^^^Bi'i^!f^i*f'^'Hf'frJ8^B^^^^B ^ Court of K^^^^^I^^HHHHH^H^^^H Abundance Ihe graceful tower lies close in beauty s arms. Encrusted deeply with a thousand charms In monumental traceries of form That everywhere by Art s creation swarm. EJwarJ R. Taylor The Marina and the Column of Progress H, .E Stands erect upon a columned stone That proudly rears its head against the skies, And in his deep, aspiring heart defies All obstacles against his pathway blown. His arrow from the bow has whi2i2;ing flown That fast he follows with consuming eyes. In hope to see some gloryhaunted prize Struct by his shaft and made his very own. Companioned by his brother on the quest. He'll find some solace in that quiet breast In words that soothe the surging of his blood; While from the woman crouching at his knee Will come the faith that with its precious flood Shall nobly bear him on to vidtory. EJtvard R. Taylor L o, Palaces, and Domes, and Towers uprear Their coiontless beauties to the wondering sky. Until amazement holds us and we cry The Architect has soared his highest here. All Past and Present that we hold most dear Art has arisen anew to glorify. While deep Imaginings with soul'lit eye Have walked the dizziest heights without a fear. And Natxire here assumes her floral sway. While sparkling fountains leap in giant play. And trees and grasses flaunt their verdurous shows. O Wondrous spot recovered from the Bay, Of all thy kind the one completest Rose- Ah, pitying thought thou canst not last alway. EJward R. Taylor The Court of the Universe Fountain of Energy and Festival Hall VJreat statues breathing meanings for mankind; With Carven women whose deep beauty might Rouse frozen veins to sudden ecstasy; Broad walls that throb with paintings which depict. While sparkling fountains leaping in the light Make music gently falling on the ear. Edwal J R. Taylor T„ . HE time will come when Ruin's rage will lay Its heartless hand upon these piles that soar, And they in all their rich'abounding lore Will, like the dream they are, then pass away. These avenues that swarm with life so gay Will swell with rapture's paeans never more; And all these palaces' eye'rapturing store Will move along Oblivion's cypress way. But Memory's bounteous wealth will then remain And here the far'reverberative strain Of happy life will bless the willing ear; Again these palaces will woo the air, These breathing statues all our praises hear. These blooms and fountains never know despair. EJward R. Taylor The Horticultural Palace HJLS CM THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LA ,T^ STAMPED EElX'^^^'= AN INITIAL FlNV~nv oe ^"-L BE ASSESSE^l^^ ^^ ^^ CENTS TH.S BOOK ON TH° oTr:^"-''''^ ^O RETURN DAY AND TO ai 0(f „ ^^' °N THE FOURTW OVERDUE. " °° °'^ THE SEVENTH oly ^D 0315 ys'-rr'W^Fr 3768IG UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY :