s / :t^. 1 iL ± CUAkir THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES liBRARY- WNS, s, ;reD ./ THOMAS WELlON STANFORD 221 ELIZABETH STREET, SYDNEY. TANNKRY .WKN BKISIlANK lUNDAUKIU; mKKM»A CALIJOI'K CAI«M»I,TtKi; CAKDWKI.r, CHARr.KVri.I.K fHAHTKK.S T(»\VKKS (•LKKMONT CLKVKI-AM) foNliAMINi; COOK TOWN CINNAMI I.I.A cri{i{iwii,i,iNc;iii DAI.IiV DItAVToN GA'rroN OAYNDAH okok(;k town oi.adstonk a. N. ItAII.WAV (;ool)NA (WMtNDUVINKI OVMI'IK INtil-KWool) irswicii .Il.MNA LKVItlHN MAI KAY .MAItl,H01U)l(;H MAIWItOKolCH SIIM.CIIKSTKK MOINT I'KKUV .MIKIMIYS (.'KKKK NANANtio NKI'.o NOKMANTON ONI-: MII.K CltKKK I'IMI'AM A HAVKNSWool) UOfKIIA.MrUtN KO.MA SHII'PIXG <»FF1CE, ItKISHANE SrUINtiSl KK S. \ W. RAILWAY STANTIIOUl'E ST. (;Ko|{(il', ST. I.AWHK.Xt'K SIHAT TA.MIIO TAKOOM TIAKO TOOWOOMBA TOWNSVILLK WARWICK WKSTWOOl) VANDII-LA YKNOAKIE. Aiul Hftr Itranchtl trill be opened t/iroiifflioiit the Coloiiij a.i riijiiiinl. Iti Ixxiltii i.i ikiivniiici\iiii, fniin fm. uiiwiirdi, can be nuulc at any of tlioatmvc UankHiliirinK' ordinary i.lll. .• h.itirH, and on .Satiiriliij er aniunn on tlie renmincler. On deiKihiu i;xow;e obt4iliied on u|i|>lyin|j:, either by letter or in person, at the Troastn\ , UrlabAiic, or at any of the alnivc olflee*. liy Ills E.\cclleney'H ('nhiMiaiiil, Tlie Treiwury. WILLIAM HEMMANT. ({ticcnsl»tiU, loth Fcl ruury, 1870. ADVERTISEMENTS. David Munro & Co., MACHINERY MERCHANTS & IMPORTERS, 154 QUEEN STREET, MELBOURNE, HAVE FOR SALE EVERY DESCRIPTION OF NEW AND SECONDHAND PORTABLE ENGINES. HORIZONTAL ENGINES. VERTICAL ENGINES. CORNISH FLUE BOILERS. MULTITUBULAR BOILERS. SHELL BOILERS. ENGINE & BOILER FITTINGS. QUARTZ CRUSHING BATTERIES. WINDING GEAR. PUMPING GEAR. PUDDLING GEAR. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. PUMP PIPES. PLUNGER WORKINGS. DRAWLIFT WORKINGS. BORING ^L\CHINERV. HOPE'S IMPROVED STONE BREAKERS. WHIMS & WHIM MOUNTINGS. CHILIAN MILLS. SAW MILL GEAR. CIRCULAR SAW BENCHES. VERTICAL SAW FRAMES. CIRCULAR SAW SPINDLES. SAWS: CIRCULAR, PIT, CROSSCUT, AND HAND. BONE MILLS. BARK MILLS AND CUTTERS. PORTABLE AND DERRICK CRANES, FLOUR MILL GEAR. CHAFFCUTTERS. HORSEWORKS. ENGINEER'S TOOLS. scREwcrniNG lathes. STEAM hammers. CRAB WINCHES. RAILWAY CONTRACTOR'S PLANT. ENGLISH LEATHER BELTING. CASTOR OIL. SCREW JACKS. Wo are prepared to Supply and Erect COMPLETE PUMPING. SAWING, MINING, GRINDING, OR OTHER PLANTS, GUARANTEEING THEM TO BE IN PERFECT WORKING ORDER. LIBERAL TERMS OF PAYMENT GIVEN IF REQUIRED. PURCHASERS AND VALUATORS OF MACHINERY, AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS. Illustrated Catalogue sent on applicadon. ADVERTISEMENTS. TAEIEE & COIPAl^fY, ®£ncral^nipcrs if Jmpaiiers, VICTORIA HOUSE, SYDNEY. SILKS. SHAWLS. MANTLES. COSTUMES. MILLINERY. UNDERCLOTHING. BABY LINEN. LADIES' OUTFITS. FANCY DRESSES. PRINTED MUSLINS. PRINTS AND CAMBRICS LIST OF DEPARTMENTS. GENERAL DRAPERY. HOSIERY. GLOVES. RIBBONS. HABERDASHERY. TAILORING. MEN'S MERCERY. READY-MADE CLOTHING. PORTMANTEAUS. HATS AND CAPS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FLANNELS & BLANKETS. FURNISHING DRAPERY. CARPETS AND FLOORCLOTHS. DRESSMAKING. Ladies itlacing orders in this Department can ensure their being exeeutcd in correct taste, either for Promenade, Reception, or EvENiNu Weak. WEDDING TEOUSSEAUX. FAMILY AND COMPLIMENTARY MOURNING. riTT AND GEUKGK STREETS, SYDNEY. ADVERTISEMENTS. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT ^^ TO HIS EXCELLENCY The Governor and Household. M. ^A/" A R D, Chemist and Dentist, WHOLESALE DRUaaiST, OPPOSITE GENERAL POST OFFICE, qxjes£2:n' s t Tt iz :ei T9 BRISBANE. SOLE AGENT FOE ASHTON & PARSON'S HomoeopatMc ledicines, &c, ADVERTISEMENTS. ALfMD SHA¥ & CO, IRONMONGEES, &c., x& X s IB ./i^ »r SOLE AGENTS IN QUEENSLAND FOR- SiNGERs' Sewixg Machines i The Empire Windmill Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs The Champion Excavator SiLBER Light Kerosene Lamps | M'Comas's Waterlifter. "Wright & Edwards' Sheepwashing Jets. Henderson's Reapers and Mowers. Wilding's Woolpresses, Cheese Mills, &c. Hugh Lennon's Celebrated Ploughs. Have on Sale— For Builders— Corrugated Iron, Spouting, Nails, Screws, Locks, Hinges, Window (iLiss, Kegi.ster Grates, Marble Mantelpieces, Tools, Ornamental Verandah ( 'a.stin:,'.s. For Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights, and Coachbuilders— Bar Iron, StcM'i, Axle liliicks, lii>xe.s, Axlts, Springs, Hubs, liims, Shafts, Spokes, Bolts and Nuts. For Eng^ineers and Founders— New and second-hand Engines, Lathes and other 'J'ools, Pig Iron, Hematite, Sliafting, Boiler Plates, Bolt Ends, Belting. For Farmers— Heaping, Mowing, .and Thrashing Machines, Ploughs, Harrows, Spades, Shovels, Forks, I Lay Knives, Reaping Hooks, Chaflfcutters, Cornshellers, Scythes, Sickles, Corncrackers, Cornsacks. For Miners - Second liaud Crushing Batteries, Engines, Pumps, Octagon Steel, I'ou'.l.T, Litlinfiacliur, (.i>uicksilver, Shovels, Picks, Sluice Forks, and every liescriptiiiii of .Mining Machinery. For Painters —Oils, Colours, Paints, Varnishes, Turps, Brushes, Glass, Putty, Guldleaf, I'aperhangings. For Planters -I'higlish and American Sugar ISIachinery, St.ationary and Portable I'higiiits, Hoes, Cane Knives, &c. Per Squatters -Wire, Woolpacks, Sheepslicars, Calvaniscnl Corrug.ated Iron, Wuidniills for I'umping, M't'om.as's Waterlifter, Sheepw.ashing Apparatus, Ci-ntrifugal l'umi)S. For Tinsmiths Tin Plates, I'.lock Tin, Solder, Sheet Zinc, (ialvanised Plain Iron, Perforated Zinc, 'I'insinitiis' Tools, American Tin-working Machinery. For the Family -The Sinvrer, the T/ittle Wanzer, and the Weir Sewing Machines, MiMon and II.iiidiii'M ('aliinet Oi'gans, Cooking,' Stoves, liird C;i;,'es, Scotch KangcH, Door Mat-<. Table ( 'uth-ry. Mangles, Mincing M.acliines, Wasliing Ma- chines, Kiteheti CtensilH, Fenders and Eire Irons, Apple I'aring Macliiues, Lamps (Silber JJght and Comet), Electroplate, Hat Stauda (bronzed), Chums. Melbourne Warehouse ... 13 Little Collins Street. London Offices 72 Gracochurcli Street, E.G. Manufactory Franklin St., Melbourne. BAILLIERE'S QUEENSLAND &AZETTEEE ROAD GUIDE, CONTAINING THE MOST RECENT AND ACCURATE INFORMATION A3 TO EVERY PLACE IN THE COLONY. COMPILED BY ROBT. P. WHITWORTH. WITH MAP. BRISBANE: F. F. BAILLIERE, PUBLISHER. Melbourne: 10-1 Collins Street East. 1876. ADVERTISEMENTS. ELLIOTT BROTHERS & CO., DEU&&ISTS & DEYSALTEES IMPORTERS OF Drugs, Patent Medicines, Druggists' Sundries, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES. &c. GLASS BLOWERS, &c. 110 and 112 PITT ST., SYDNEY; and BRISBANE. Chemical Works and Glass Factory : ELLIOTT'S CHAMPAGNE QUININE WINE. THIS very superioi' Preparation can be strongly recommended where the use of Quinine is indicated, as in the treatment of Intermittent Fevere, Ague, Chronic Diarrh vuUti y. f)f Biaekall, and aljout IHO miles \V. of (Jiermoiit, the nearest townsliips, with which there is communication by lior-^o mail once a week. Aramac is 775 Ara — Aub] The Queensland Gazetteer. 5 miles N.W. of Brisbane, the communication being by coach from llockhampton to Clermont (595 miles), twice a week, and horse or dray thence. There are two hotels and stores in the township, and about 50 inhabitants. The district is entirely pastoral, being taken up with extensive sheep runs. The country consists of a fine undulating plain extending westerly for 300 miles, timber being found only in the watercourses. This township was originally called Ar.amac, the name was then changed to Marathon, but, very much against the wishes of the inhabitants, has been again altered to Aramac. ARAMAC CREEK {Mitchell district) is a stream rising in the lofty table land lying between the Stainburn and Balcardine downs, and flowing W. through the Rodney downs into the Thompson river at Mount Sydney. The country through which it flows is entirely pastoral, and consists of undulating downs fairly grassed, all of which is taken up in sheep and cattle stations. Aramac creek is about 100 miles in length, and runs past the small township of Aramac or Marathon about midway of its course. It is fed by the Pelican, Belltopper, Stainburn or Coorenda and Sardine creeks from the N., and the Politic, Ibis, and Rodney creeks from the S. The geological formation of the district is mesozoic, consisting of shales, sandstones, and limestones. ARANBANGA CREEK {Co. Maclienzie). See Granite Creek. ARCADIA CREEK {Springsure district) is a small stream rising in Pyramid hill, and flowing N. through Arcadia downs into Brown river. Mesozoic, carboniferous. ARCADIA DOWNS [Springsure districi) is a tract of fine elevated pastoral country, lying at the head of the Comet river, and between the Expedition and Carnarvon ranges. Mesozoic, carboniferous. ARCHER, MOUNT {Co. Livingstone), is a lofty peak in the Berserker range. See Rockhampton. ARCHER RIVER [Cook district) is a fine stream flowing out of a richly grassed valley into the Gulf of Carpentaria in about 13" 20' S. lat. ARKOBAY CREEK {Maranoa district) is a tributary of the Bungil creek, which see. ARKWRIGHT POINT [Co. Ca7ining) is the north head of Petrie's creek. Sandstone. ARMSTRONG'S CREEK [B^irke district) is the "W. tributary of the lower Flinders river. ARNOLD ISLAND {Cook district). See Cape Grenville. ARTHUR'S BLUFF (Leichhardt district) is a lofty eminence on the E. part of Toimie's range. Carboniferous. ARTHUR'S CREEK (Co. WicMow) is a head feeder of, and with the Culcraigie creek forms. Small's creek. It rises in the rugged pastoral country lying S. E. of the township of Camboon, and is fed by Cameron's creek. Clay slates and shales. ARTHUR'S PEAK {Kennedy district) is a lofty hill lying about 5 miles E. of the township of Dalrymple. ARTHUR'S SEAT [Co. Flinders) is a lofty mountain forming the central dividing point of the Rodd's bay, Miriam vale, and Taunton runs, and lying about 12 miles inland from Bustard bay. Slates and shales. ATHERTON, MOUNT {Co. Beas Tliomson), is a hill at the head of Keppel bay. Devonian. AUBURN or ST. JOHN'S CREEK {Co. M'icJdo>i-) is a W. tributary of the Burnett river, rising by two heads (the N. and S. branches) in the hilly pastoral ■country to the S.E.of the township of Camboon, and N. E. of Redbank, and flowing E. through a well-watered district into the main stream at Coonambula head- station. It waters that and the Shallow creek, Buingear, and St. John's runs in its course, and has numerous tributaries, the principal of which are the Fiery, Wardeck, Flat, Torgal or Target, Hailstone, I\I-Conkey's, Hungry Hill, Fitz, and Trap- Trap creeks. Clay slates and shales. 6 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Aub — AuL AUBURN RIVER {Cos. Wicklaw and Neivcastle) is an important tributary of the upper part of the Burnett river, which rises in the hilly country about 15 miles 8. of the township of Camboon. It flows through the townships of Redbauk, Hawkwood, and Dykehead. and past the head-stations of Dyngie, Redbauk, Auburn, and Dykehead, watering in its course a vast tract of good pastoral country and falls into the Burnett near the Coonambula head-station, and about 2r> miles, W. of the township of Gayndah. It is fed by the Erricks, Berri-Berri, Dyngie, Byroya, Emu, Chess, Redbank, M'CuUum's, Dognerey's, Paddy's, Pipeclay, Glos- son's, Lighthouse, Fishy,!Impey, Johnson's, Eo-Ko, Bottle Tree, Hooper's or Oaky, Cheltenham, Cadaga. and Boomerang creeks. This river is crossed by the telegraph line and the main road from Dalby, via Camboon and Banana to Rockh.ampton, at Hawkwood, and again at Redbank. Along its banks are found patches of excellent black soil, suitable for agricultural purposes ; but the district through which it flows consists mainly of grassy ridges of granite, sandstone, and schist, timbered with ironbark. AUBIGNY is an electoral district commencing where the Toowoomba and Dalby railway intersects the west boundary of portion 42, parish of Toowoomba, and bounded thence by a line bearing N. to the Gi'eat Dividing range, then by said range easterly and southerly ; then by a line bearing S. to the S.E. corner of Toowoomba selection No. 21G ; then by the S. boundary of that portion, bearing W. ,3 chains .56 links ; then by a line bearing S. to the Ipswich and Toowoomba railway, and by the railway to the summit of the Great Dividing range ; thence by a line bearing E. about 230 chains ; thence by a line bearing S. to the Great Dividing range at a point 90 chains E. from the E. boundary of Etouvale pre- emptive purchase No. 21 ; thence by the Great Dividing range south-easterly ; then by the watershed separ.ating King's creek from Dalrymple creek westerly to the S.E. corner of portion .")45, parish of Clifton ; then by a line bearing W. to the S.W. corner of portion 72, parish of Clifton ; then by the Toowoomba and Warwick railway northerly to its junction with the Dalliy railway, and then by the Too- woomba and Dalby railway westerly to the W. boundary of jwrtion 42, parish of Toowoomba, the point of commencement, exclusive of the electoral district of Toowoomba. The district of Aubigny lias 112(» electors on the roll, its present representative in the Legislative Assembly being Edward Wilmot Pecbey, elected Nov. 11th, 1873. The court for the revision of the electoral roll is held at the court of petty sessions, Dr.ayton. The returning officer is G. W. Elliott, of Toowoomba. AUCKLAND ('UEEK(t'". Dcax 77i(n)ij)S(>H)\s a small creek flowing tlirougli the township of Gladstone into Port Curtis. Vessels bound up the creek will p;iss a red buoy and beaci\ feet alx)ve thu sea. It sliows as a red light from W. by S. AS., until shut in by the liigh land above Settlement point ; a white liglil, from \V. I)y 8.S. to N.iJE.; r(;d, from N.N.E. to N.!']. Off SetlK'nient point, on tlic line of cli.-mge of colour, there is fifteen feet of w.ater at low springs. The Appaient liglit, on tlie Oyster l)aiik, is elevated eighteen feet Jil)ove high water, and is illuminated from a sixth order holopliote i)laced on the sliore immediately alneast the ajiparatus. It shows tm a fixed white liglit between the bearings of S.W. by W..\W. and N.W. by N., and almost continuouHty between tlie bearings N. l)y E. and K. by N.^N.; l)ut when within a distance of n. mile from the Kock, t/ie ri/t: viust he raiurd to the Irrrl of the appnratui to ol)tain tlie full |)ower of tin; light. When kept open on a S.W. Ijy \\'.,)iU'. i)eariMg, the light leads clcamf the rocks :ind buoy oil" Selllcmciit point; and when in lin<; with or t miles N., and Tarootn, 145 miles 8.W. To the former place there is a good road for riding or driving, but to the l;itter the road is b:id. The mails .-ire conveyed on hoisel){\ |>igH. BANANA CRFIEK {Co. /■rrf/nsoii) is a small stream rising on Mount Wiseman, and flowing past the township of I'lanaiia into the Dawson river. It Ban — Bar] The Queensland Gazetteer. 9 occasionally overflows, and supplies the lagoon on which the township is situated with water. It is fed by the Junction and Police creeks. Devonian. BANCO, MOUNT (^Warrego district), is a hill on the W. of the .Paroo river. BANGALL CP^EEK {Mitchell district). See Western PavER, BANHINIA DOWNS (Leiclihardt district) is a tract of elevated pastoral country lying in the angle formed by the junction of Zamia and Conciliation creeks. BARAMBAH {Co. Fitzroi/) is a postal station in the electoral district of the Burnett. It lies near the head of the creek of the same name, 10 miles N.E. of Nanango, the communication being by horse and dray; and with Brisbane, 132 miles S., by rail to Ipswich, and horse or dray thence. The district is purely jiastoral, except that the Cooroomjam, or Currant Jam diggings, lie a little distance to the S. Basalt, basic dolorite. BARAMBAH CREEK (Cos. Mackenzie and Fitzroy) is an important S. tributary of the Burnett river, rising in the Bunya Bunya mountains, near Mount Urocatta, and flows in a generally northern direction for about 1.50 miles, past the township of Nanango, and the Tarong, Barambah. Wroolia, Callone, and Monjuir head-stations into the main stream near Gayndah. It waters a large tract of pastoral country, some of which is poor and barren, and some tolerably well grassed, and is fed by the Sandy, Booyembeh, Boonara, Wannoon, Coon- glaroo and Boogoorootomy creeks. The source of the Barambah creek lies about aO miles N.W. of the township of Dalby in a granite formation, whence it flows through clay slates and shales, with an occasional outcrop of basalt and basic dolorite. BARCOO RIVEK, the Victoria river of Mitchell {Mitchell district), is an important stream rising 18 miles E. of the township of Tambo, on the W. side of the ranges dividing the Barcoo watershed from that of the Warrego. Sandy creek, a tributary joining at Enniskillen station, is supposed by some to be the true head of the Barcoo. This stream rises in the dividing range 35 miles N.E. of Tambo. The district watered by the Barcoo and its tributaries is entirely pastoral, the S.E. side of the river having vast stretches of undulating plains, with a friable chocolate soil, well grassed, and the N.W. being principally composed of sandstone ranges, covered with a scrub called " Dead finish," and interspersed with grassy plains. The Barcoo, after a course of nearly 500 miles, joins into the Thompson river in 25° 10' S. lat., 143° 10' E. long., and is then almost lost, except in -wet seasons in the desert country of the S.W. part of the colony. It stretches out into shallow lagoons and swamps, but has been traced down by several branches until (as is sup- posed) it falls into Cooper's creek in about 27° 40' S. lat. Very little is, however, known of this inhospitable region, which consists of vast sterile plains of sand and stone. At the junction of the Barcoo and Thompson the former river is from 80 to 100 yards wide, with open grassy plains to the N.; but at Isis downs, below the confluence of the Alice river, it is sometimes 3 miles wide. In hot weather, however, vast stretches of the river dry up into swamps and chains of waterholes. A consi- derable portion of the upper part of the river is occupied by squatting runs. The Barcoo is fed by the Sandy or Birkhead, Macfarlaue, Eavensbourne, Douglas Ponds, Gowan or Thornleigh creeks, and the Alice river. It passes through the townships of Tambo, Blackall, and Isis downs, and past the head-stations of llebel, Greendale, Enniskillen, Pentwin, and Levaton (police camp). The geological for- mation of the vast territory through which it flows is generally mesozoic, consisting of shales, sandstones, and limestone, although the lower end, after the junction with the Thompson, is through tertiary desert sandstone, with grits and conglo- merates. BARDOOTHULLA CREEK ( U'arrcrjo district) is a small E. tributary of the Warrego river, watering the Baradeen and Ahmoo runs. Mesozoic shales, sand- stones and limestones. BARGUNYAH CREEK [Ballotine district) is an E. tributary of the Wal- 1am creek, which see. 10 The Queenslaiul Gazetteer. [Bar — Be a BARKOOTHULLA CREEK (Warrego district) is a small W. tributary of the Ward river watering the Tarongella run. and falling into the main stream a few miles above Charleville. Mesozoic shales, sandstones and limestones. BARLEY CREEK {Co. Bon-en) is a small tributary of the lower end of the Cania creek, watering the W. point of the Monal run. Clay slates and shales. BARNA CREEK {Co. JVctrcastle) is the name of one of the head streams of the Broriaia creek. It waters the Weir Weir run. Granite and shale. BARNARD ISLANDS {Kenned;/ district) is a group of small islets lying S. of and near Double point. Granite. BARNEY, MOUNT (Co. M'ard), is a N. spur of the Dividing range, forming one of the heads of the Logan river. Sandstone. BARN ISLAND {Cook district). See ENDEAVOUR Stbait. BARR CREEK {Miicliell district). See Western River. BARRIER REEF is the general name given to the vast extent of reef running along the N.E. coast of Australia, from about 22° 30' S. lat., the N. limit of the continent at Cape York. This reef, which consists mostly of coral reefs and sand banks, with strong tide ripples and high breakers, follows the line of the coast at a distance varying from 15 to 00 miles, the average distance being, perhaps, about 30 miles. Its width is an average of about 40 miles. BARROW CAPE, U° 35' S. lat. {Cook district), is a headland standing out in a small bight between Barrow point and Red point. Barrow point is about 10 miles N. BARTON'S CREEK {Lcichhardt district). See Owen's Creek. BARUMBAH CREEK {Cos. Mackenzie and Fitzroy). See Barambaii Creek. BASALT CREEK {Maranoa district). See Maranoa River. BASALT lilVEIv {Kennedy district) is a tributary of the Durdekin river, which sc'. BATAVIA RIVER {Cool- district)is a fine stream flowing westward into the Gulf of ('aipentaria, about 12" 0' S. lat. It is fed by the Poison and Dalhunty creeks, and flows through scrubby red soil riilges and tea-tree flats, with swamps and abundance of jioison plants. Sandstone. BATH CREEK {Co. Clermont) is a W. tributary of the Sandy creek, rising in the Wolfang ilowns, and flowing S.E. into the main stream at the township of Cler- mont. Schists and nuartz. BATHURST RAY {Cool- district) is an indentation in the S. p.art of the Princess (Charlotte Ijiglit. lying between ('a|>o Melville on the E., and a cluster of rocky islands known as the Flinders group to tlic W., the latter separating it from Princefls ('harlottc bay. BAY MILL {Cook district) is an eminence and landmark lying S. of Bathurst bay, ami S.W. of Cape Melville. It is 1275 feet above sea level. BAYLY POINT {Ihirh- district) is a headland in the S. of the Gulf of Car- pentaria. Tlierc! is a native well, but no other fresh water at this spot. BAYRICK CREEK ( Uarrrffo district) is asm.all W. tributary of the Ward river, watering llie run of the same name. Mcsozoic shales, sandstones, and lime- HtOUCH. BAY ROCK {Kenned;/ district) is a rock in the navigation, by the way of Magnelif island channel to llalif.'ix bay. Granite. BEAGLE, MOKNT {Mnmnoa district), is a small hill lying between the BungcwdiL'nria and i'.nngil creeks, alxjut 15 miles N.W. of Roma. BEAME'S BROOK {Ihirhc district) is a sm.all tributary of the head of the Allicrt nver, watering tlic the ISustard plains 8. of i'urketown. Bea — Bel] The Qiteenslaiul Gazetteer. 11 BEAUFORT (Mitchell district) is a postal centre on the Belyando river, lying in the midst of a vast tract of pastoral country. It is the head-station of the Beaufort run, and lies on the alternative road from Clermont to Springsure, 113 miles S.W. of the former place. BEAUFORT, or BEAUTIFUL MOUNT (3IitcheU district), is a hill at the head of the Native Companion creek. Mesozoic shales and sandstone. BEAUTIFUL, MOUNT {Mitchell district). See Mount Beaufort. BEDFORD, CAPE, 15° 20' S. lat. (Cook district), is a prominent headland standing boldly out into the sea, about 15 miles N. of Cooktovpn. BEDURIE CREEK {Warrcffo district) is a small E. tributary of the Nive river, watering the Mill Mill and Burrandilla runs. Mesozoic shales, sandstones, and limestones. BEE CREEK {Norma7iby district) is a tributary of the head of Funnell creek lying 17 miles S. of the township of Nebo. BEEJOURDING CREEK {Co. Clinton) is a small tributary of the Double creek, flowing in the Calliope goldfields and the Booroou run. Devonian rocks and serpentine, with traces of copper ore. BEENLEIGH, 27° 40' S. lat, 15.3° 10' E. long. {Co. Ward), is an agi'icultural township in the electoral district of Logan, and the parish of Boyd, situated in an angle formed by the junction of the Albert and Logan rivers, on the main road from Brisbane to the Tweed river settlements, and 4 miles N.W. of Mount Stapleton, Beenleigh is in the centre of a purely agricultural district, for which it is eminently fitted by an almost inexhaustible rich scrub soil. The land has borne heavy sugar crops for the last nine years without the aid of manure, and the yields are as good as ever. Great facilities are given to the manufacture of this article by the two navigable rivers, the Albert and the Logan, on the banks of which the sugar manufactories are located, of which manufac- tories or mills there are nine within a distance of 4 miles of the township, capable of turning out about two tons of sugar per diem. Two distilleries have also just been erected. South of Beenleigh, about 2 miles distant, is the township of Yatala; about 4 miles W., is Waterford, on the Logan'; 9 miles S.W., the village of Logan ; 12 miles S. is Pimpam, while adjoining, at tlie junction of the rivers, is the settlement of Alberton. The communication with Yatala is by the Pimpam coach every alternate day, with Waterford by coach daily, with Logan by horse or dray, and with Brisbane, which lies 25 miles N.W. , the means of communication are a four-horse coach daily. Merchandise and heavy goods are conveyed by river steamers and cutters. Beenleigh has an Oddfellows' and a Good Tem^ilars' lodge, and a musical society. The principal hotels are the Royal and the ISeen- leigh. A Church of England has just been erected, and in the neighbourhood are 4 Lutheran, and 2 Congregational churches. There is also a courthouse, with a police barracks, a national school, a music hall, a Good Templars' hall, branches of the Queensland and National banks, and agencies of the Imperial Fire, and Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Companies ; and the township may fairly be ranked amongst the most thriving places in the colony, having a popula- tion of aix)ut 400 persons, with, perhaps, 50 in the outskirts. The surrounding country is undulating, the formation being mainly of sandstone running into schist, and having occasional patches of quartz. BEERBURUM, MOUNT {Co. Canning). See Glasshouses. BEERWAH, MOUNT (To. Canninarish of Archer, then by the north-west lx)undaries of portions 103. 102, and ^3, parish of Archer. S.W. to the Fitzroy river; thon by that river downwards to the point of commencement, exclusive of the tlectoral district of Rockhampton. The electoral district of I'lackall has 733 voters on the roll, and is at present rt'presented in the Legislative Assembly by Peter Fitzallan AlacDonnld, elected November 18th, 1873. The revision court is held at the court of petty sessions, Rockhampton, where the returning-oflicer, E. P. Livermore, is stationed. BLACKALL RANGE (Co.'<. Stanlcij and Canning) is a chain of hills form- ing ])art of the coast range, and running N. and S. between Brisbane and Gympie. Clay slates and shales. BLACK BOY CREEK (Lrichhardt district) is a small S. tribut.ary of Mi- mosa creek, which see. BLACKBOY CREEK (Mitchell district) is a small tributary of the Home creek, into wliicli it falls at the N.W. corner of the Return run. Sandstone and shales. BLACKBUTT R.VNGE (Co. Carendish) is an E. spur of the Bunya niountuins, lunning N.K., and separating the Cooyar and Emu creeks. Clay hlates ami shales. BLACKFELLOWS' (HiEEK ((o. Churchill) is a small tributary of Lock- yer's creek, (lowing tlirough the village of Tent hill. Sandstone and limestone. BLACK GIN CRKKK {Co. Livingstone). Sec FiTZKOY RiVKli. BLACK GIN CPiEKK (Lcichhardt district). See CONCILIATION Cbeek. BLACKMAN'S CUIKEK ((V». Flinders) is a small E. tributary of the Boyne river, w.'iieiing (he Milton run. BLACK MOUNTAIN (( lermont district) is a peak of the Drunimond range, sitn.ated on tlie Glenmorc run, alxjut 30 miles N.W. of the township of Clermont, baudstonc. capped with b.asalt. Bla — Boa] The Queensland Gazetteer. 15 BLACK ROCK {Burke district) is a lofty mountain in the N. part of the Carpentaria downs, lying N. of the Junction diggings. Basalt. BLACK ROCK CREEK {Co. IFrtj-rt!) is a small E. tributary, flowing along the S. boundary of the agricultural settlement on the Teviot brook. Paleozoic, carboniferous. BLACK'S CREEK {Boicen district) is a small tributary of the Pioneer river. See Pioneer Rivek, BLACK SNAKE, 26° 6' S. lat, 152° 28' E. long. {Co. Lennox), is a mining township in the electoral district of Wide bay and mining district of Gympie, and is the postal centre of the Kilkivan goldfields. It is situated on a chain of perma- nent waterholos, within a quarter o fa mile S. of the heads of Drumfin or Copper- mine and Fat Hen creeks, and lies on a table land having an elevation of about 2000 feet above the level of the sea. Mount Coora is distant a mile N., and Mount Mia the same distance, nearly S. Black Snake is entirely a mining district, where gold, silver, and copper abound. The mineral resources of the district were first made known through the discovery of the Black Snake quartz reef, the stone from which yielded an average of 8 oz. to the ton. Kilkivan lies \0\ miles N.W., and the Rise and Shine reef a little more to the \V., Gympie 30 miles E., and Maryborough 65 miles N.E. The communication is by horse or dray, and with Brisbane, 150 miles distant, by land by coach from Gympie, or by steam from Maryborough. Black Snake has a provisional school, a post and money-order office, and a police station. There are two hotels, the Mount Mia and the Exchange. The population, scattered over an area of 2^ miles, numbers 250 persons. The great bulk of the land around the township is purchased under the Mineral Land Act, the only reserve being that made by the Government for the township, the site chosen for which is eminently suitable, as the water supply is permanent, the country elevated, and the climate unsurpassed for salubrity in the colonies. The surrounding district is moun- tainous, and the geological formation Devonian, with porphyritic greenstone, serpentine, and granite. BLACK SNAKE CREEK {Co. Stanley) is a small tributary of the Brisbane river, flowing through the village of Glamorgan vale. Clay slate and shale, with a heavy deposit of rich thick black soil. BLACKWATTLE CREEK {Barren district). See Pioneer River. BLACKWOOD, MOUNT {Bowen district), is a lofty hill 2180 feet high, lying a few miles N. W. of Mackay, on the road from that place to Bowen. Granite. BLAXLAND'S SIDING (Co. Aubigny) is the name of a station on the S. and W. railway, lying 3 miles S. of Dalby and 149 miles W. of Brisbane. BLOOMFIELD RIVULET {Cooh district) is a fine stream falling into Weary bay. BLOOMSBURY (Mackay district) is a telegraph station on the O'Connell •creek, and on the road from Mackay to Bowen, from which latter place it is distant 40 miles S.E. BLUE MOUNTAINS. See Coast Range. BLUNDELL (Co. Stanley), is a small agricultural settlement on M'Gregor's creek, a few miles S. of the township of Caboolture, and on the main road from Bris- bane to Gympie. The population is included in that of Caboolture. Granite and shale. BLUNT, MOUNT ( Warrcgo district), is a hill situated to the N. of Tambo. Sandstone, shales, and limestones. BLYTH'S CREEK {Maranoa district) is a tributary of the Bungil creek, which see, BOAT MOUNTAIN (Co. uVackenzie) is a prominent peak of a W. spur of the main range lying in rugged and heavily timbered pastoral country, about 14 miles W. S.W. of the Kilkivan goldfields, and separating the watersheds of the Bararabah and Boouara creeks. The country is but little known, and is useless except for pas- toral purposes. Granite, with Devonian rocks and micaceous shales. 16 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Bod — Boo BODUMBA CREEK (Co. Marsh) is nu E. tributary of Canning creek, rising near the Canal cieek poUlfield, and flowing S.W. past the Bodumba head station, into the main stream 12 miles N. of Inglewood township. It is fed by the Mosquito creek. Clay, slates, and shales. BOGANDULLA CHEEK {Co. Buln-cr) is a small head tributary of the Tchauniii<: creek, watering the E. Tchanuing run. Clayey sandstone. BOGIL lilVER {Bon-en district) is a fine stream crossing the Port Denison and Cape river goldfields road at the Eton vale junction, and falling into the Bur- dekin river near the Burdekin crossing place. It is fed by the Keruie creek. Granite. BOGTJE'S Cr.EEK( Co JVii'Ho)r) is a small head tributary of the Culcragie creek, tlowiut: through rough pastoral country. Clay slates and shales. BOKHARA EIVEU (Ballonne district) is a branch of tlie lower Ballonne river, lluwiug 8. through pastoral country into New South Wales. Desert sand- stone. BOLDERCOMBE {Co. Livingstone). See Crocodile Creek. BOMBI CliEKK(Co. Lennox). See King Bombi Creek. BONGMILLERER CREEK (Co. Lcnno.r) is a fine S. tributary of the Wide bay creek, rising in ilic rugged counti-y to the E. of the township of Black Snake and the Kilkivaii goldfields. and flowing N. into the main stream near its junc- tion with the ^lary river. Porphyritic greenstone, serpentine, and granite. BONNER'S NOB {Co. Fortesqve). See Taroom. BOOBIIR CREEK {Co. Cavendish). See COOYAR CREEK. BOOLINBLAH VWV.EYi (Warrego district). See Paroo River. BOOBONG, MOUNT (Co. Cooh), is a prominent hill on the S. head of the Burnett river. Sandstone and shales. BOOBY l'!>\.k'^T) (Cook district). See Prince ok Walks Islands. BOOCULGOOPAL, BOOGALGOPAL, or BUCK CREEK {Co. W'iclddir), is a tributary cf ihc Rawlicile crt'ck. rising in tlie Kania and Kroombit goldfields and flowing" through rough pastoral coinitry into the main stream on Goominglah run. It is fed by Lockhardt's creek. Clay slates and shales. BOOGALGOPOL (KKEK {Co. Wicklotr). See Booculooopal Creek. BOOGOOROOTOMY i'WKV.K{Co. Mackenzie) is a small tributary of the r.arainbah creek, rising near the Wigton head-station, about 20 miles K. of Gayn- .iah, :ind flowing S. E. Clay slates and shales. BOOIIARA WATERHOLE {Warrego district) is on tlic I'aroo river. BOOINBAH I'ACiOONS {Co. Macltenzic)\A a name given to a series of sw.-UMiiy waterholes fed by a small creek of the same name, from the W. slope of tliat part of the m.ain range lying W. of the Kilkivan gi.ldfield. These lagoons arc three in n\imber, and lie near the south bank of the Boonara creek, .about 4 miles N. of the P.oonara head-station. Clay slates and shales. BOOLBURRA, -':5' nr/ S. lat., 140" 50' E. long. {Co. Partington), is a poHlal townHhi|p in tlje electoral district of Leichli.ardt. situated on the E. bank of the Dawson river, aUiut CO miles S.W. of Rockhampton, on the main line of road from that jjlacetothe IVak Downs, and on the Q.C.N, railway, which passes through tlie town and has u station there. A range of volcanic hills (tin- Coast range) nboiniding in auriferous (iiiarlz reefs, lie to tlic^ K., through a sjuir of which there is a railway tunnel 120 diains in Icngtli, at a distaiKU! of \\\ miles. On tlie Dawson river in the neigliboiirhood of the township are .several beautiful lagoons, the prin- cipal being thi" Pink Lily, Egan's (so calleil after the pioneer of the Daw.son). Noonan's, Walsh's, and Rio. The creeks are Herbert's, which joins the Dawson at B(» miles distant (Soulli), after having been worked for f)ver two years, and had over 1(K)0 of a population, had to be abandoned in consc- jpience of the scarcity and high ])rice of labour, 'i'here is a small alluvial field known as Happy Valley, employing alwut 100 people, 40 miles S. on the road to Mftckay. The nearest town8hi|)S are IMackay, an agricultural seaport, distant 1 10 miles S. ; Ravensw(K)(l, a mining 1ownshii>, \'.\0 miles W.: and Townsvillc, distant r^O miles N.W., the scajiort of the mining districts of Ravenswood and Charters 'I'owcrs. Tlicn- ari; Imsh roads to all thesis |)hic('s, and a good mail service, but the principal comtnuiiication with iMackay and Townsvillc is l)y sleanu-r along the coast, the navigation Inking easy and safe, TIktc is no communication with Brisbane except by steamer, the di.stancc is (ilO miles. The steamers of the A.S.N. Co. kecj) u]i communication and carry mails twice; a month ; there is also steam communica- tion with Sydney at least twict! every month. The Kennedy hospital and benevo- lent asylum is a well inanagcil ami useful institution; it is supp woodturners, besides the full complement of butchers, bakers, con- f'-ctioncrs, &c. Brisliane is Hui)plied with gas from the gasworks on the N. bank of the river, immediately below the city; and with a plentiful su])ply of excellent water from the Ennoggera reservoir. 'J'his reservoir lies 7 miles W. of Brisbane, in 'I'aylor's rant'c, ami covim's an area of 18('» acres of water, the contents being I.()()0.(M)0,(Mi() gallouH, giving n sufficient qiuintily for the evajioration and for the nij)ply of 10 months liy 12 and 8 in(;h mains, 'i'liere is also an auxiliaiy reservoir ahovc the main one tr) keep the latter full. 'J'luise reservoirs are supplied by the «irainagc of the range, tlx; main stream being (he Ennoggera creek, which is also the waste water outl(!t. The watershed has an area of frimi 8(MH) to l(i,()(iO acres, and the daily ."upply for 2r.,0(»(> persons iH3t;o,000 gallons in 12 hours. An admirable j.lan of keeping the mains free from imi)uritie,s lias been invented by Mr. C. il. Sigley, clerk of works, and accountant to IIk; waterworks' board. It consists of an instrument com|K)He the liowen downs. It lies near the farthest spot reached by Sir T. Mitchell, August 8, 1845, and a few miles distant W. of the Belyaudo river. BULOO.or COOUNI Pauoo Rivkr ( Wan-eyo dixiriet) is a stream flowing S.VV. in the S. W. jtart of the colony, through a tract of pastoral country and past the ]X)8tal station of Nnrley, into the C.arryapundy swamp. It is fed by the Murclla, Uunchill, M'Intyrc, and Graham's creeks. Sandstone, limestone, and slate. BULOO. MOUN'I' ( U'lirrryo di.ifrief), is a lofly hill on the Buloo river, and on the tr;ick <>f Burke and Wills, 1.S61. Dr. Becker, botanist, died here in 1861. BULWER. Sec MoKinoN Island. Bum — Bun] The Queensland Gazetteer. 31 BUM-BUM CREEK {Co. Cavendlith) is a tributary of the Emu creek rising in the Main range, and watering the S.W. part of the Emu creek run. Clay slates and shales. BUNDABERa, 24° 50' S. lat., 152° 25' E. long. {Co. Cook), is a postal town- ship, situated in the electoral district of Mulgrave and police district of Bundaberg, on the south bank of the Burnett river, 10 miles from the sea. The most prominent mountain in the district is the Sloping Hummock, a sandy hill about S.S.E. from the mouth of the river 5 miles, distant from Bundaberg about 4 miles, and about 300 feet high. There are two sugar-mills and one saw-mill, together with a soap manu- factory and saw-mill in the township and district, which is chiefly agricultural, as many as about 400 farms having been taken up, and more or less than 1400 acres being under cultivation. The general features of country are rich grass country with dense scrub interspersed. Bundaberg is distant from Maryborough about 70 miles N.N.W., from Mount Perry 62 miles S.S.E. The means of commu- nication are Bundaberg to Mount Perry by postman's track and Government road, through rich grass country, ending at Mount Perry in high ranges, bearing minerals of various descriptions, chiefly copper. Bundaberg to Maryborough by the A. S. N. Co.'s steamers once a fortnight, also by coasting schooners, and also by postman's track and Government road, which track and road in wet weather is impassable. Bundaberg to Brisbane via A.S.N. Co.'s steamers, calling at Maryborough ; distance 200 miles. Bundaberg has a school of arts and 5 hotels, the Commercial, Adam's, Custom House, Burnett, and West End ; also forwarding agencies to Mount Perry by drays at the various stores. Bundaberg at present has neither borough council nor road board. The surrounding country is generally flat scrub land, with rich grass ridges and undulating jilains. The geological formation of the surface of township is alluvial deposit to a depth of 8 feet, based on conglomerate ; the undisturbed forma- tion is calcareous and carboniferous. The population of the township is about 500. Tbere isnoregularplaceof worship, but lay reading according to the Church of Eng- land form is conducted at the school of arts. The Bank of New South Wales has a branch established in the township. There are grounds allotted for racecourse, botanical garden, cemetery, and recreation grounds. There is also a township formed at the north side of the Burnett river (see Tantitha). About 20 miles from Bunda- berg the coal formation completely covers the older rocks, and its upper beds of sandstone form a poor sandy soil, with a substratum of rock or stiff clay ; and the surface being very level the country presents a very unfavourable appearance, there being no grass, and the roads scarcely passable, and the soil of the poorest descrip- tion, except where the gullies tributary to the Kolan river cut through to the lower soft shales of the coal measures, which form good loam. On the S. side of the Bur- nett river, about 8 miles from Bundaberg, a seam of coal 8 inches thick is visible on the bank of the river. This is covered by about 80 feet of brown sandstone and shales, the top of which forms the level country near Burnett river. Mr. Walker, of Bingera, has had borings made 140 feet below the coal, but though several seams of coal and black shales were penetrated, there was nothing which could be worked for coal. Boring was cai'ried to 170 feet at a spot about half a mile to the S. E., but with similar results. Fossil impressions of plants are abundant, but, with the exception of the bases of leafstalks, and some fragments of the leaves of a plant allied to Zamia or Cycas, none were found in sufficient preservation for the determi- nation of species. As these remains of zamia-like leaves are similar to those found in the coal beds of the Upper Brisbane, near CoUington, where they are associated vvith'Pecopteris, Tceuioptcris, and Otopteris, it maybe inferred that the Burnett and Brisbane river coal-beds are of the same age. liundaherg jJolice district had, in 1875, 816 horses, 15,481 horned cattle, 300 sheep, 1405 pigs. BUNDANBA {Co. Stanley') is an agricultural settlement and station on the S, and W. railway, lying 3 miles E. of Ipswich and 20^ miles W. of Brisbane. It is usually included in the district of Moggill. BUNDANBA Electoral District. — Commencing at the junction of Buudanba creek with the Bremer river and bounded thence by that creek upwards to the S.E. corner of portion 186, parish of Ipswich, then by a road bearing W. to the S.W. corner of portion 202, parish of Purga ; then by the E. boundaries of portions 159 and 160, same parish, bearing southerly ; then by a road forming the S. bounda- ries of portions 160, 48, G^, and 24, parish of Purga, westerly to Warrell creek ; then 32 TVte Queensland Gazetteer. [Bun — Bur by that creek upwards to the northern boundary of portion 105, parish of Flinders ; thence by the north boundaries of portions 105, 106, 101), and 115, easterly ; then by the E. boundaries of portions Hi and 1 13 north to the north boundary of portion 118 ; then by the north boundaries of portions 118, 158, 162, 163, 166, 167, 148, 145, and 179 easterly ; then by the E. boundary of 179 southerly, then by the N. boun- daries of portions 184, 185. 188, 189, 192, 193, and 196, same parish, and by a line bearing E. to Mount Flinders range by that range to Mount Goolman ; then by the eastern -watershed of Woogaroo creek northerly to the main road from Brisbane to Ipswich, and by that road westerly to Woogaroo creek, and by said creek to the Brisbane river, and by that river downwards to the 8. boundary of portion 14, parish of Moggill ; then by a road forming the southern and western boundaries of por- tions 14, 13, 158. 159, IS, 167, 169, 170, and 171 ; then by part of the east boundary of 172, parish of Moggill north, to D'Aguilar's range ; by that range to head of Kholo creed, and by that creek to the Brisbane river, and by that river and the Bremer river to Bundanba creek, the point of commencement. This district has 536 electoi-s on the roll, and is represented in the Legislative Assembly by Simon Eraser, elected November 29th, 1873. The revision court is held at Ispwich; the returning officer is S. P. Welby, of that place. BUNDAROO CREEK (Co. Lennox). See JiMNA. BUNDEE WATERHOLE {Warrego district) is on the Yavale creek. BUNGABAN CREEK {Leichhardt district). See HoRSE Creek. BUNGEWARGORIA CREEK {Mara?ioa district) is a tributary of the Bungil creek (which see). BUNGIL CREEK {Maranoa district) is a fine stream rising in Mount Eumaniunin and flowing 8. S.E. past the township of Roma into the Condaniine or Balloiine river at Surat. It waters, with its tributaries, a vast tract of good pasto- ral country, and is fed by the Arkobay, Onaaada, Bungewai-goria, and Blyth's creeks. 8;ind.stoue and shales. BUNNELL'S CREEK {Co. NacJamzic) is a sm.all S. tributary of the Bur- nett liver, llowing thmugli the Mundubberra run, and falling into the main stream between the tnwnsliips of Mundubberra and Gayndah. Clay slates and shales. BUNYA-BUNYA CREEK (Co. lutzroi/) is a small E. tribut.iry of Stuart'a river, watciing the N. part of the Wooroshin run. Granite, clay slates and shales. BUNYA-BUNYA I\IOUNTAINS {Cos. Fitzroy and Cavrndish N., and J.ijtton (ttid A nhi(jiiij S.), are a jKirtion of the Main Dividing range lying to the N. oi Dalby and Tunvoomba, between 30 and 40 miles distant, so namcMl from their pro- ducing large quantities of a kind of edible fern called JJunya-Bunya, much prized by the natives, who assemble in considerable numbers once in (liree years for the purpose of gathering the fruit. Tlicse mountains are lofty, rugged, and heavily timV)ered, and form the watershed of a large number of important streams, the principal of which, Howiiig to the N., are the Boyne, Stuart's, and M.ary rivers, and the IJarambah, Booyembah, aiul Kandanga creeks; and to the S. the Charley's, Canaga, Jiiigi -lingi, Coor.anga, and Cooyar creeks, and the Brisbane and Stanley rivers. Tlie Burnett and Wide bay district lies to the N., and the Darling downs and Moreton district to the S. of these mountains. Granite, mctamorpliic micaantl hoinl)len., in ,'in almost circular direction i)ast the townsliii) of Dahyniple, through tiie i'.ui'dekin downs and the Ravenswood goldtiehl, after which it t,akes another hwcc|> to the S. 10. annurnctt l)eing extremely uncertain and dangerous. Surveys are in progress for the construction of a liiu- of jailw.ay from I'.undaberp to Mount Perry, although a horse tramway wouUl save half tlic cost of a railway, and as the tiaflic would i)e ciiiefiy minerals, limber and coin, tiiere would b<; no necessity for a liigher sjieed than could l)e cfisily maintained ])y horses. The crossing of the P.urnett, shouhl the railw.'iy or tramway be taken along the S. bank of the river from Bundaberg proper, wcnild be near P.ingcra station, and would ucces- Bur] The Queensland Gazetteer. 35 sitate a bridge of from SCO to GOO feet long:, -ind of considerable height and sub- stantial constructi(jn, as an immense body of water passes in flcjod time. The other route is however from Buudaberg North (Tantitha private towusliip), and although the country is more hilly, the expense of a bridge would be saved. The Burnett is navigable for small steamers or coasting craft to Bundaberg, and the salt water reaches to 30 miles above the sea, or about 3 miles aljove Bingera head-station. The following are the sailing directions for the river : — The Burnett river empties itself into the sea on the west side of Hervey bay, 5 miles N.N.W. of the Sloping Hummock ; the south entrance is somewhat difticult to make out, from the laud in its vicinity being low, but two large white leading beacons erected on the north side of the entrance indicate its position. A temporary light is exhibited from the pilot station at an elevation of 25 feet, showing from seaward between the bearings of S. E. and N.W., and visible in clear weather from a distance of 9 miles. The bar at the mouth of the river has 5 feet on it at low water ordinary springs ; but unless there is a continuance of heavy easterly weather on the coast, it seldom breaks. The narrowest part of the channel is marked by a large black buoy, and is about a cable in width, the water deepening quickly on either side. On arrival of vessels off the mouth of the river, the following signals are exhibited from the flag- staff at the South Head : — Depth of Water. DAT Signals. Depth of Water. Day Signals. Pt. in. Ft. in. 6 Ball north yard-arm. 12 Ball above flag north, ball south yard- 6 6 Ball soath yard-arm. arm. 7 Flag north yard-arm. 12 6 Ball above flag south, ball north yard- 7 6 Flat; south yard-arm. arm. 8 Ball north and south yard-arms. 13 Flag above ball north, ball south yard- 8 G Flag north and south yard-arms. arm. 9 Two balls north yard-arm. 13 6 Flag above ball south, ball north yard- 9 6 Two balls south yard-arm. arm. 10 Ball above flag north yard-arm. 14 Two balls north, flag south yard-arm. 10 6 Ball above flag south yard-arm. 14 6 Two balls south, flag north yard-arm. 11 Flag above ball north yard-arm. and up- 11 6 Flag above ball south j-ard-arm. wards The river from the entrance takes a serpentine course for 10 miles to Harriet island, situated immediately above the township. Navigation ceases here except for very small craft. The average breadth of the river is about 2 cables. The western mouth of the Burnett river is 4 miles W. by N. from the main entrance ; it is fit only for boats, being full of shoals and sandbanks, with not more than 2 feet on them in some places. The sea breaks very heavily here in bad weather. There is a large flat with 4 feet at low water, at a distance of G miles from the entrance ; three saudspits also exist, which cover before high water. They extend nearly across the river in the different reaches, but the channel is generally deep in their vicinity. The first one is 1 mile within the entrance on the south side, and covers at quarter flood; a black beacon has been placed on its north extreme. The second spit is 3 miles further up, also on the south side, and covers at half flood; its northern edge, which extends half way across the reach, is marked by two black beacons. The third spit (a mile beyond the second), is on the west side of the channel, nearly a mile long, and covers at high water neap tides. Its eastern side is marked by a red buoy and a read beacon. The upper flat in the river stretches out from the south part of this spit, and is half a mile wide with only 4 feet over it at low water. A sandbank of small extent, which only uncovers at low water springs, is situated a mile beyond the third spit, the channel being east of it. A red beacon has been placed on its outer edge. BURNETT RANGE {Burnett district) is a part of the Main range, con- sisting of a cliain of lofty hills running from N. to S. from the Dawes range to a little N. of Gayudah. The principal peak is Mount Perry. Slates and shales, and carboniferous sandstone. BURNETT'S CREEK {Co. Ward) is the name given to the W. head of the Logan river. It rises in the ranges dividing Queensland and New South Wales. near Mount Maroon, and flows N. E. through rough pastoral country into the main stream after a course of about 30 miles. Sandstone and schist. d2 36 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Bur — Byr BURXGROVE CREEK (Leichhardt district). See Mackenzie River. BURPENGARY {Co. Stanley) is a small agricultural settlement ia the parish of Burpengarv, and electoral district of E. !Moretou. It is situated on the Burpengary creek, aud forms part of the agricultural district of Caboolture. BURPENGARY CREEK (Co. Stanley) is a small creek flowing through the agricultural settlement of Burpengary into Moreton bay at Deception bay, about a mile S. of the entrance of the Caboolture river. It is navigable for boats only. Palaeozoic carlx)niferous formation. BURRIE CREEK {Co. Tylton). See Charley's Creek. BURRUM RIVER {Co. Cooi) is a fine stream rising by a number of heads to the K. of ^laryborough, aud flowing N. into Hervey bay at Vernon point. Coal beds have been found on this river. The river Burrum falls into Hervcy's bay about 12 miles W. S.W. from the Fairway buoy, from whence a long thickly wooded point, which forms its north head, is just visible. The mouth of the river is easily discernible, by its forming a well defined opening in the coast line. On approaching the bar, which extends for about 2 miles off the entrance, the water shoals gradually from 7 to 2 fathoms. The passage across the bar is marked by a large black beacon, the depth varying from 1 to 3 feet at low water. After crossing the bar, and reaching Five Fathom Hole, the anchorage is perfectly safe in all weathers. From the mouth of the river to the coal mines is about 20 miles. The channel narrows as you ascend, is intricate, and only suitable for vessels drawing 6 or 7 feet water. Between the mines aud the mouth of the river there are 13 small islands. Tides. — It is high water at the mouth of the Burrum at full and change at 'Jb. 30m. Rise and fall, 8 to 9 feet. BURTON DOWNS {Normanby district) is a tract of elevated pastoral country on the E. side of the upper end of the Isaacs river. Limestone, fossil trees. BURWA, MOUNT {Co. Canning). See Beerwah, Mount. BUSHY ISLAND {Cooh district). See Cape Granville. BUSTARD BAY (0». Flinders) is an opening in the main land in about 24° 30' S. iat., lying between Bustard head on the N., and Roimdbill head on the S. On the former is a dioptric white light of the second order, fi.Kcd, varied by flashes. It is 320 feet above sea level. Slates and shales. Bustard bay lies between Bustnrd and Roundhill beads, but it is not of sufticicnt dcjith to afford shelter, except from winds oft" the land. There is, however, shelter for small craft during south-easterly winds between Roundhill head and Kurinibula creek, in from 2J to 3 fathoms at low water sjiring tides. When Roundhill head bears E. by N., JUistard head light N.W.-iW.. and Roundhill S.S. E., a vessel will be in the best anchorage. BUSTARD CREEK {Bon-en district) is a small tributary of the Rioncer river. (Iranitc BUSTARD HEAD {Co. Flinders). Sec BuSTAun Bay. BUSTARD I'LATNS {Ihirhc district) is a tract of grassy country on the Albert livir, watered by Meanie's brook. BifERIiEY'S CREEK {Jivrhe district) is an E. trilmtnry of tiie Gill)ert river flowing tlinuigh good country timbered with nouda trees, f-crew jjalms, and ]ian(l:iniiH spiralis. BYNOE IMVEIt (Hnrhr district). Sec NoKMANTON. BYRGANNO CRKEK {Warrego district) is a small W. tributary of the Ward river watt ring the run of the same name. Mcsozoio shales, sandstones, and liiiiestiitie.s. BYRON'S. CREEK {('v. Cuming). Sec Rekdy Ckkkk. BYROYA CliEEK (Co. Wichhnr) is a small tributaTy of the upper end of the Aiibiiin river, flowing into it on the Dyngie run. Clay slates and shales. Caa — Cad] The Queenslmul Gazetteer, 37 CAAMBOON, or Camboon, 25' I' S. lat., 150° 25' E. loug. (Co. Ferguson), is a postal aud telegraph towuship ia the electoral district of Leichhardt lying on the main road from Brisbane to Kockhamptoii, and at the upper end of the Oxtrack creek, the Kiver Dawson rimuing 20 miles W. ; the Delusion creek (permanent), 4 miles iS.; the Six-mile creek (permanent), N.; and the Ten-mile creek (not per- manent), S. All these creeks have sandy bottoms. There is a surveyed but uninhabited township on the S, side of Oxtrack creek. The nearest townships are Wooltoa 14 miles N., Banana 50 miles N., Rawbelle 80 miles E., Kedbauk 40 miles S., and Taroom !)0 miles W.; the communication being by horse or dray. Brisbane lies 432 miles S.E., the communication being by horse or dray via, Kedbank and Hawkwood to Gayndah 135 miles, thence by coach to Dalby, and thence by train. Caamboon has one hotel, the Telegraph, and a post-office and telegraph station. The district is entirely pastoral, Caamboon being, in fact, the bead-station of the Caamboon run. The surrounding country consists of fine open ironbark ridges, with undulating downs between, but about 5 miles W. of the township it becomes broken and rugged. The population numbers 20 persons; occasionally visited for the purposes of religious worship by clergymen of different denominations. The geological formation of the neighbourhood is granitic. CABBAGE TREE CREEK {Co. Bon-en). See KOLAN River. CABBAGE TREE CREEK (Co. Stanley) is a fine stream flowing in the parishes of Kedron and Mindah. It waters some good agricultural land, and falls into Moreton bay at the suburban township of Sandgate. It is fed at its upper €nd by the Little Cabbage Tree creek. Sandstone. CABBAGE TREE RANGE {Co. Stanley') is a chain of hills lying about ] J miles N.E. of the township of Wivenhoe. Sandstone. CABBLEDON CREEK {Co. Rogers). See Coxdasiine River. CABOOLTURE, 27° 10' S. lat., 152° 55' E. long. {Cos. Canning and Stan- ley), is a postal towuship and telegraph station in the parishes of Canning and Caboolture, and electoral district of E. Moreton, situated on the Caboolture river. Wararba creek, a tributary running north-westerly, joins the Caboolture three- quarters of a mile from Caboolture on the left side. A number of moun- tains rise abruptly from the plain. 12^ miles distant northerly, called the Glass- bouse mountains ; they are principally composed of trap aud whin stone. Cabool- ture has a sugar-mill aud a plantation called Morayfield. The district is an agricultural and pastoral one. The nearest townships are at Pine river, 15 miles S., and Mooloolah, 2()^ miles N. ; Brisbane is 30 miles S. , the communication with all these places being by Cobb's line of Brisbane and Gympie coaches twice a week : small steamers also run weekly from the Caboolture river to Brisbane. There are two hotels in the township, the Caboolture and the Stanley. There is flat country between Caboolture and the coast, 6 miles easterly, and 8 miles westerly, to a range of mountains : trap and whin stone formation. The population numbers about 300, including the surrounding district. There is one place of worship in the settlement — a Primitive Methodist chapel. CABOOLTURE KIVER {Cok. Canning and Stanley) is an important stream rising in the S.E. part of the Buuya-Bunya mountains, part of the Main range, to the N. of Mount Mee, and flowing in an E. direction through good pastoral and agricultural country into Moreton bay, at Deception bay. The whole of the laud along both banks of the lower end of the river is taken up, and much of it is under culivation for sugar-cane, wheat, and other produce. The river is fed by the Wararba, M"Gregor"s and King John's creeks. It has a wide but shallow entrance from Jloreton bay, having a depth of not more than about 2 feet at low water; and being, therefore, unnavigable except for small vessels of light draught. The channel is marked by red beacons to starboard, and black ones to port. 'The township of Caboolture lies about 8 miles up the river. The geological formation of the district through whicli it flows is Devonian, with an outcrop of granite and jialnsozoic carboniferous at its lower end. CADAGA CREEK {Co. Ken-castle) is an important S. tribuaryof the Auburn river, rising in the range of mountains separating the unsettled district of Burnett from that of Darling downs. It has a course of about 45 miles, and receives the 38 Tlie Queensland Gazetteer. [Cad — Cal, waters of the Holly. Roy. Lloyd's, Embo, Shepherd's or Kragra, Monogorilby, Brorinia, Cooranga. Delenbra, and Toondoonganauiugy creeks. It passes by the Cadaga head-station and through the Cadaga, Courka, Brorinia, Cooranga creek, Gingar- Gingar, Delenbra, Toondoongauaningy, Doctor's Corner, and Chessborough runs. Granite, clay slates and shales, with patches of black soil. CADELL CREEK {Mitchell district). See Western River. CAINBABLE CREEK (Co. Ward) is a small tributary of the Albert river rising in the Darlington range, and flowing N. W. through rugged pastoral country into the main stream at Nindooimba station. Sandstone and shales. CAIRNCROSS ISLAND (Cook district). See Cape Grenville. CALLEIDE CREEK (Co. Pelham). See Kroombit Creek. CALIGURE LAGOONS (Co. Rogers) is the name given to a'chain of water- holes, some of them a mile in length and 60 yards wide, lying about 8 miles distant from the township of Condamine. CALLIOPE, 24° S. lat., 150° 10' E. long. (Co. CUtiton), is a postal township, the centre of the Calliope goldfields, in the parish of Stowe, and electoral district of Port Curtis. It is situated on Leixlip creek, a tributary of the Calliope river, and is a township surveyed in a somewhat unsuitable locality, but still unpro- claimed. It lies between the Boyne and Calliope rivers, the former is about S miles S. and the latter about 5 miles N.E.; both are tidal streams emptying into Port Curtis harbour. The general course of both is about N.E. Mount Larcoon stands in sight, 17 miles N.N.W., and is ItiOO feet high, of basaltic trap formation. There are saw-mills (hardwood) on the Calliope river, 10 miles from its mouth ;. three quartz-mills with an aggregate of twenty head of stampers, driven by steam machinery of fifty horse-power aggregate ; one brick-yard, one saw-pit, three lime- kilns, a shoemaker's and a butcher's shop, two dairies, one cheese factory. The district is agricultural, pastoral, and mining (alluvial and quartz). The gold workings extend on the E. S miles, S. (iO miles, iiichuliiig the Kroombit and Cania. The land on and in the vicinity of the goldfield is well adapted for agriculture, consisting of black soil flats, low undulating ridges of trap, slate, and metamorphic rock, interspersed with numerous veins of (juartz and limestone. Many varieties of marble, of beautiful and rare quality, are found intersecting the whole district. The nearest places are Saw-mill township, 10 miles N.E. by road ; Gladstone, 17 miles byroad N.E. The communication is by horse or dray. Weekly overland mails rMii (to and fro) to the interior, and to Gladstone and Rockhami)ton. With Brisbane, 820 miles S., the communication is bystcAnicr from Gladstone. Calliope has a primary school and a cricket club. The former has 81 pui)ils, with au average attendance of 70. Tiie cricket club numbers 20 members. The hotels are the'" Prospect"' and '' Diggers' Arms." The special industry of Calliope is mining. The chief workings are in the Calliope Co. 's quartz-mine at Nuggcty gully, which i.s the chief centre of population. Nuggety gully is charmingly situatetl on Leixlip creek, Hurronnded by I.av well-grassed ridges, lightly tinil)ered on the outskirts with gum and ironbark, homesteads being settled in the vicinity. The climate is most saluljrious, the prevailing winds being S.E. The direct distance from the ocean is alwiit 12 miles. Game and fishing good. The roads only are under a road board. In the immediate vicinity of the township are low undulating ridges, with long flats. A few miles S. the country is rough and mountainous, with igneous rock traversed ))y bands of syenite, diorite, and killas. Indications of copper are prevalent. Tiie jiopulation of Calliope is 8(K). Calliope has a Government savings liank, a racecourse, a cricket ground, a cemetery, not .-ill in tlu; iiKJst suitable sites; but none of these have been reserved. 'J'he Callioiie (including the I'oyne) dig- gings iiinl, in 1M71, M) minei'a rights and .'{ business licenses, with '> leases of KMM) yards of quartz-vein, 2 companies of 22,7.")() shares, a nomin.-d capital of £27,0()f), and a subscribed capital of £12.000, IK) distinct auriferous (luartz-reefs, and KMi square milct of aunferons alluvial and (piartz ground worked upon ; two steam engines of an aggregate of 2*) horse-power, one crushing machine driven other than by Hteam, twenty stamp he;i. During tlie previous year 877 tons of stone were crushed, producing G70 ozs. of gold, an average yield of 1 oz. lo dwttt. 10 grs. Cal — Can] The Queensland Gazetteer. 39 CALLIOPE RANGE {Cos. Deas Thomson and Clinton) is a chain of hill3 lying on tiiu N. of the Calliope river and gold-field. Devonian. CALLIOPE RIVER (Cos. Deas Thomson and Clinton) is an important stream rising in the Calliope range to the N.VV. of Mount Redshirt, and flowing in a generally eastern direction into the sea in Port Curtis. It is navigable for about 12 miles from its mouth by vessels drawing 10 feet of water. The Calliope has a course of about 50 miles, and flows through good pastoral and some agricultural land, especially at its lower end. It also waters a rich mining district known as the Calliope goldfields, and falls into the sea 7 miles N. of the town of Gladstone. It is fed by the Running, Harper's, Maxwellton, Oakey, Two- mile, Catfish, Larcombe, Deep, Double, Gravel, Saltwater, Targinia, Leixlip, and Doubtful creeks. The district through which it runs consists of undulating ranges, with mountains at the upper end, and to the S. igneous rock, with syenite, diorite and killas ; also, patches of Devonian slates and shales. At the upper end schists and copper ore are found. CALVERT PEAK {Springsure district) is a hill in the S.E. part of the Peak downs. CAMBOON (Co. Fcrgxison). See Caamboon. CAMBOOYA, 2V 45' S. lat., 151° 55' E. long. (Co. Auhigny), is a small postal and telegraphic township and station on the railway line from Toowoomba to Warwick, being 24 miles S, of the former place, and 41 miles N. of the latter. It is 124 miles S.W. of Brisbane, the communication being, of course, by rail. It is situated on the Garabooya, or Hodgson's creek, and is sometimes kaown as Eton vale. CAMBRIDGE CREEK {Biirke district). See Stawell River. CAMEL CREEK (Kennedy district) is a tributary of the Burdekin river, which see. CAMPASPE RIVER (Kennedy district) is a fine stream rising by several heads in the lofty granite ranges known as the Peutlaud hills or Escort range, and flowing S.E. through the auriferous country in the neighbourhood of the Cape river goldfield, within 8 miles N.E. of Capeville. It crosses the main road from Bowen to the Cape river diggings, and falls into that river about 30 miles from its confluence with the Belyando. It is fed by the Victoria creek. Granite and metamorphic shales. CAMPBELL'S CAMP {Co. Lytton) is a small township on the Condamine river, about ;{5 miles N.W. of Dalby. It is situated at the confluence of the Con- damiue river and Chinchilla creek. CAMPBELL'S CREEK {Normanhy district) is a fine W. tributary of the Isaacs river, rising in Peak downs and flowing E. It is fed by Spring, Gilbert, Scott's, and Feex's creeks. Carboniferous. CANAL CREEK, 28° 20' S. lat., 151° 35' E. long. (Co. Merivale), is a postal township in the electoral district of Darling downs, and is the central post-office of the Talgai and Canal creek diggings. It is situated on Canal creek, with the M'Intyre brook within 3 miles S. running west, the bed of the brook being of slate formation. The district is essentially a mining (alluvial) one. The names of the diggings are: — Eight-mile, 3 miles from M'Intyre brook; Ten-mile, 1 mile from M-Intyre brook ; and Back creek, 9 miles from M'Intyre brook. The nearest township is Leyburu, distant 22 miles N., with a court of petty sessions, 3 hotels, and 2 stores ; Warwick, distant 40 miles ; and Inglewood, distant 50 miles, with a court of petty sessions, 2 hotels, and 1 store. The communication is by horse or di-ay. That with Brisbane is from Canal creek to Warwick by road, thence to Ipswich by rail, and thence by steamer or coach to Brisbane; distance 155 miles. Canal creek has 2 hotels, the Post-office at the Eight-mile, and the Hit-or-Miss at the 'Ten-mile. The district is under the control of no borough council or road board. Canal creek is in the parish of Leyburn. The surrounding country is ele- vated. The bed rock is slate and shales. The population of Canal creek diggings is fi-om 40 to 50. There are three puddling machines on the Canal creek diggings. 40 The Quemslaml Gazetteer. [Can — Gap CANAL CREEK (Co. Merirale) is aa important stream, rising iu the Dividing range between the E. and \V. Downs, and tiowing N. throu-gh the uarife- rous country known as the Canal creek goldfield, past the Canal creek diggings and township, and the town of Leyburn, into the Condaraine river at Tummaville head-station. It receives the watei-s of the Buck, Sandy, and Middle creeks, all of which are more or less auriferous. Clay slates and shales. CANIA OR THREE MOOX CREEK (Co. Bowcu) is an important stream, tributary to the upper part of the Burnett river. It rises by two heads iu the W. branch of the Dawes range near Mount Dargogo, and flows in a S. direction past Mount Castle and Blount Cania, and with Jlnnhoma and Monal creeks waters the Cania goldfleld, tiowing thence through broken pastoral country, and falling into the Burnett near Dalgangal head-station. It is fed by the Munhoma, Monal, Barley and Gordon creeks. Clay slates, shales, and outcropping auriferous quartz. CANIA GOLDFIELD (Co. Pelham). See Keoojibit. CANIA, MOUNT (Bowen district) is a hill on the Cania diggings. Slates and shales. CANIGERA CREEK or COBURG TXTVEB, (Co. Ward) is a W. tributary of the Albert river rising in the Darlington ranges near Mount Witheren, and flowing N.E. through rough pastoral country into the main stream at the Tamborine station after watering that station for about 10 miles. It forms the boundary between the Tamborine and Tabragalba runs, and is fed by the Biddiddiba creek. Sandstone and shales. CANNINDAH CREEK (Co. Boiven) is a small E. tributary of the Splinter creek, rising iu the Burnett range, and flowing S.W. through rough pastoral country in the E. part of Dangando run until it falls into the main stream neai- Mount Caimindah. Clay slates and shales. CANNING CREEK (Co. March) is a fine W. tributary of the ]\Iacintyre brook, into which it falls at the township of Inglcwood. It rises iu the Main range, dividing the districts of E. and W. downs, and flows through the Stonhenge and Canning downs runs. It is fed by the Bodumba, Bringabilly, and I'ariegaua creeks. Clay slates and shales. CANNON CREEK (Co. ]\'ard) is a considerable stream tributary to Knapp's creek, flowing through the rough pastoral country of Tanirookam run. It rises in a N. spur of the JLain Dividing range near Knapp's creek, and flows E. Palscoziiic, carboniferous, glossopteris, with productus, spirifcr, &c. CANOONA DIGGINGS (Co. LiviiKjstonc). See Rockhampton. CAPALABA (Co. Stanley). See Tingalpa. CAPE DIGGINGS (Knincdy district). See Capevili.e. CAPELLA ('KEEK (Sjiriiiyxiire district) is a small tributary of the Theresa creek. Carlioniferous. CAPE lilVER (A'cnncd// district) is an iinpi>rl:int stream rising in the basaltic monnlainous country about L'O" l<()' S. hit., 114" L'lV E. long., and flowing by two heads from Mount Miller and Mount 'J'hree Heads in a generally S. E. dii'cction abnut !(i() miles into the Bclyando river, which it joins at (lie crossing of the new main nmd from I'dwcu to the Cajjc liver gnldlichl. 'J'liis river waters a va-st territory of pastoral comitry, and runs for n considerable portion of its course Ihrougli the rich auriferous country to which it has given its mime. It is fed by the Red BliifT. Cecilia, (iearys. I'.iirke's, and other unnamed creeks. ,"ind the Cam- pa-spc river. 'J'lie geological formation of the country through which it flows is extremely variable, ))cing basalt !<• at its upper end, then sandstone, grits and con- glomerat(jint of commencement. Carnarvon district has i:{44 electors on the roll, and is at i)rtscnt represented in the Legislative Assembly by J. de I'oix Tyrel. The revision court is hekl at the court of petty sessions, Goondiwindi. CARNEY'S CREEK {Co. M'ard) is the name given to one of the head feeders of the 'J'evjiit br(K)k. It rises Ijy two sources in the Main Dividing iange,aiid flows about 1(» miles tlirough rough jiastoral country. Pahcozoic carboniferous. CAROORA CREEK (Aorvianhij district) is a W. tributary of the Mackenzie river. 'J here is .-i native jMjlice station on this creek. Devonian. CARPENTARIA DOWNS (/iurkc district) is a tract of high-lying ami weli-gra.s.sed lia.Hailie country lying E. of the Errinasleigh river, at an elevation of from 2()(i(» to :!(»()() feet above sen level. CARPENTARIA, (JIJLK OK, is a vast indentation in the N. part of Australia, washing tiie territory of C^ikm iislanii on its E. and S. shores. Tiiis gulf is aljoul 400 miles wide at its nioutli, Ijctwecn Cape Arnliiim, in Soutli Australia, ntul Cu]>e York, the nortii piint uf Cjueensland. and 490 miles deep. But little ih known of this immense sea, and comparatively little Car — Cas] The Queensland Gazetteer. 43 of its shores, further than that they are generally low and sandy. A group of islands, known as the Wellesley islands, lie at the bottom of the gulf, on one of which, Swecr's island, a township, that of Carnarvon, has been formed. On the mainland, in the same neighbourhood, are also the townships of Normanton, Kimberley, Chandos, and Burke town. Small vessels from the E. coast of Australia, bound down to the Gulf of Carpentaria, generally go through Endeavour strait and pass to the southward of Woody Wallis island into the gulf. Of the several passages into Endeavour strait, the best is between Possession and Meddler islands, as there are no mid-channel dangers, the islands on either side being high, and the tides, although strong, setting straight through. A vessel in mid-channel, between Possession and Meddler islands, should steer S.S.W.5W. 82 miles, when she will be about a mile to the westward of Dayman island; and thence 7 miles on a S. W.iS. course, will take her about 3 miles to the westward of Barn island, with Red island open to the southward of it. Be careful to pass to the eastward of the Heroine rock, which may be ensured by keeping Meddler island open to the eastward of Quoin islet. When Red island is open to the southward of Barn island, steer W. by S.^S. for Woody Wallis island, about 14 miles distant, and when near it steer so as to pass about half a mile to the S.W. of the island, which will be a midway course between it and a rock awash at low water, on the one fathom bank to the southward. Then steer about W. by S., keeping on the Woody Wallis side of the channel, for about 3 miles, until that island bears N.E. by E.^E., and Red Wallis N.N.E. ; and thence iS.W., crossing over sundry banks of four fathoms with eight fathoms between, hard sand, until the soft bottom of the gulf is reached; but until then keep a good look out for shoal water, heaving the lead constantly, as unknown knolls of sand may exist, the ground on the W. side of Inskip banks not having been surveyed. Large ships should take the Prince of Wales channel, and round Booby island. In sailing down the gulf, the east coast should be kept on board at all times of the year, except when the north-west monsoon is blowing strongly. In the early part of the year, from March until the middle of September, the trade wind on the east side veers and hauls into land and sea breezes, whilst in the middle of the gulf the trades blow constantly, and with a considerable set to the N.W. At this time of the year it is advisable to follow the E. coast round until well to windward of Sweer's island, on which stands Carnarvon, the township at the port of entry of the gulf, as, just before the full and change of the moon, strong gales from the S.E. blow, with a heavy chopping sea, and a vessel would be driven to leeward, unless under the shelter of the land. After the middle of September, vessels bound down the gulf to Carnarvon, or back to the E. coast rid Torres straits, should still keep near the E. coast of the gulf, say from 20 to 40 miles, as they will find there a moderate or fresh breeze from the northward, inclining to the eastward and westward, as land and sea breezes, but mostly blowing from the westward, whilst in the middle of the gulf the wind will be light and south- easterly. CARROW CREEK {Burke district). See Normanton. CARRY APUNDY SWAMP (Warreffo district) is a swampy lagoon into which the Buloo river empties itself. It lies near Mount Shillinglaw, and is sometimes known as the Koolah waterhole. There is also another smaller water- hole, the Poiria, about 20 miles S. , near the New South Wales border. CASHMERE {Keimedy district) is a telegraph station on the head of the Burdekin river, and on the main road and telegraph line from Cardwell to Nor- manton. CASSIDY'S CREEK {Kennedy district) is a tributary of the Burdekin river, which see. CASTLE HILL [Co. Aberdeen) is a peak of Carnarvon range, which see. CASTLE YilLli {Bowen district). See Townsville. CASTLE HILL (Warrego district) is a peak lying at the junction of Buckley's creek and the Ward river, about 35 miles N. of Charleville, and 30 miles W. of Burenda. Sandstone. 44 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Cas — Ced CASTLE, MOUNT {Bvn-en district), is a bill ou the Cania diggings, blates and shak-s. CATARRH CKEEK (Co. Stanley). See Brisbane River. CATFISH CKEEK (jCo. Clinton) is a small S. tributary of the Calliope river, which it joins at the crossing of the jx)St-road from Gladstone to Banana. There is a roadside inn at this crossing, which is 80 miles W. of Gladstone. De- vonian rocks, with slates and shales. Indications of copper. CATFISH CREEL {Co. Clire). See Inglewood. CATHERINA, MOUNT (Kennedy district), is a hill ou the coast at the S. bead of the HcrKert river. Granite. CATHEDRAL, MOUNT (Mitchell district), is a lofty peak lying in the midst of richly grassed downs on the S. bank of the Diamantina river. Sand- stone. CATHERINE MOUNT {Sprimjsure district) is a peak in Buckland's Table Land, which sec. CATTLE CREEK (Botren district) is a small tributary of the Pioneer river. Granite. See also Bowen KlVER. CATTLE CREEK {Normaniy district). See Nebo. CATTLE CREEK {Co. WicMow). See Bingmans Creek. CAVE CREEK (Burke district) is a tributary of the Robertson river, which see. CAVE, or TOONDARAH CREEK (Cos. Nen-castle and Mackenzie) is a fine stream rising by two heads in the Winginraganga run and passing by the Cave Creek head-station, flows through the Tooudarah run into the Boyne river. A remarkable chasm in the rocks at the upper end of this creek gives it the name it bears. Devonian rocks, clay slate and shales. CAWARRAL, 23° 1.5' S. lat., 150° 4.")' E. long. {Co. Liringstonc), is a postal town.sliip, and the centre of the Cawarral goldiields. in the electoral dis- trict of Normanljy. It lies ou the Cawarral creek, and near the heads of the Limestone and lledlow creeks, Mount Wheeler bearing due N., distant 2 miles, and Mount .Jim Crow i" miles N.W. Cawarral has one steam quartz-crushing machine at work of 12-horsc power, with 10 stampers. The surrounding neigh- bourhood is partly mining, but ciiiefly pastoral. Quartz-reefs are situated in and near the township, those outside being Mount Wheeler, >> miles, and Garibaldi rush, .T miles distant. The nearest townships are Hewittvilie, bearing due El., distant 12 miles, situjited on the sea-shore, a new but favourite watering-place; '\'e|)l)oon, bearing N. K., distant 12 miles; and Ruckhamptdn, 2S miles S.W. The ciimmunicalion is Ijy means of a two-horse mailcoach from Ruekliami>ton rid I'assarral to Hewittvilie once a week. With Brisbane, 418 miles S., the comnnuii- cation is by coach to Rockhampton, and thence by steamei'. Cawarral has a ])riniary school, and one hotel, the Cawarral. The surrounding country is elevated, undu- lating, and somewhat mountainous in parts. The geological formation is serpen- tine. 'J'Ik; pf>|)ul!ition nundjcrs alwut GO persons. CAWARRAL CREEK {Co. J/irivystonr) is an •■uuifcrous creek, rising in the S. jiart of the Cawarral goldtieid. near the township of that name, and flowing S. K. into the sea, in the N. part of Keppel bay. Sandstone and shales. CECILIA CREEK {Kennedy district) is a small S. tril)ntary of the Cape river, rising in the dividing range of tlie Thompson and Bely.'indo rivers, and flow- ing N. tiirnugh liie N.atfil downs run. Tertiary desert siindstoiie, willi grits and coDgloiiieiateH. CECILIA LAKE (Kennedy district) is an exp.ansion of thet'ccilia creek, lying lulwccn the Natal I >(iwns station and Mount llclenn. Jn summer this Ijike iirii'H up into a large swamp. Tertiary s.andstone, with grits and conglomerates. CEDAR CREEK {Co. 1IVj;y/) is an imi>orlant tributary of the Albert river ri«ing in a spur of thcN. extremity of the Darlington range, round the base of which Cem — Cha] Tlie Queensland Gazetteer. 45 range it flows. It waters some rough pastoral country at its upper end, but has good land suitable for agricultural purposes near its jiuiction with the Albert, about 12 miles S.W. of the township of Beenleigh. Sandstone and shales. CEMETERY CREEK {Co. Bent hick). See Sugar Loaf. CENTRAL DOWNS CREEK (Sjjrhiffsitre district). See Cuimean Creek. CERETO, or Kangaroo Creek (Bo/ren district), is a tributary of the Rosella creek. Sandstone. CHAMPION CREEK (Co. Mackenzie) is a small W. tributary of the Nangur or Maugur creek, rising in a thickly-timbered spur of the Main range near Boat mountain, and flowing E. through the W. part of the Boonara run. Basalt. CHANNIN CREEK {Warrego district) is one of the heads of the Warrego river, rising in the basaltic formation of Bucklaud's table-land and flowing S. about 30 miles into the Dooloogarah creek, the two forming the main stream in 26° 10' S. lat., 147" 40' E. long. This creek flows through rugged and sparsely grassed and timbered pastoral country. Basaltic. CHANTREY, MOUNT (Springsure district), is a hill in the ranges S. of the Peak downs district. Mica slate. CHANDOS [Burke district). See Normantox. CHAPPAGINYAH LAGOON [N. Cook district). See Somerset. CHARCOAL CREEK (Burke district). See Dutton River. CHARLEY CREEK [Bon-en district). See Belyando River. CHARLEY'S CREEK {Co. I/ytton) is an important stream rising in the Main range, and flowing S. and W. through good pastoral country into the Condamine river on its N. bank, near Wambo village. It waters good pastoral and some agricultural country, and is fed by the Darr. Burri, Morant, Caranga, Stockyard, Washpool, and some other smaller creeks. Clay slates and shales. CHARLEY VIEW CREEK {Leichhardt district) is a stream crossed by the road from Boolburra to Springsui'e. Devonian. CHARLEVILLE, 26° 30' S. lat., 146° 10' E. long., in the electoral district of Warrego, lies 800 feet above the level of the sea, and is situated on the Warrego river. The Nive river runs into the Warrego, 14 miles N. of Charleville ; the junction of the Ward river and Warrego is 12 miles S. Charleville lies in the midst of a vast pastoral district. The nearest township is Burenda, N.N.E., dis- tance .50 miles, the communication being by dray road. With Brisbane the com- munication is by dray road to Mitchell downs, 125 miles ; thence to Roma, 60 miles; Roma to Dalby by coach, 180 miles; Dalby to Brisbane, by rail and coach — total distance about 475 miles. Charleville has a primary school — established 1st January, 1875 — and 1 hotel, the Warrego. The surrounding country is low and flat, the population numbering about 100. There is a very good racecourse 2 miles N. of Charleville. The geological formation consists of mesozoic shales, sand- stones, and limestones. Charleville jwlice district had, in 1875, 2093 horses, 29,298 horned cattle, 501,017 sheep, and 360 pigs. CHARO CUEEK (^\ Cook district). See Somerset. CHARTERS TOWERS, 20° 10' S. lat., 146° 20' E. long. {Ravenswood dis- trict), is a postal and telegraphic mining township, lying between the Cape river and Ravenswood goldflelds. The principal streams in the neighbourhood are the Burdekin and Broughton rivers, which are distant about 12 and 15 miles N. E. re- spectively. Thacker's range lies 25 miles N. There are 2 quartz-crushing machines and 1 saw-mill in the township. The district is a pastoral and quartz-mining one, the diggings being Rushton. 22 miles ; Dreghorn, 59 miles ; Ca))eville and Speci- men gully, lOO miles distant. The nearest townships are Queentown, 1 mile E., reefing ; Millchester, 3 miles E., quartz-crushing machines and reefs — the petty debts and district courts for the district are established here. Dalrymple is a small town about 25 miles northerly direction from here; it is at the junction of all the roads lead- ing to the various towns further N. — 2 or 3 stations are in that neighbourhood. The 46 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Che — Chr communication is by Cobb's coach. The communication with Brisbane is by Cobb's coaches, \yhich convey mails to Towusville, 80 miles ; thence by steamer or sailing vessel — in all, about 1200 miles. There is 1 hospital for the district, a provincial committee, and a national school in course of erection, one being already established at Millchester. The hotels are Hargreaves' Family, Tierney's, Owen's, Reefer's Arms, Club House, North Australian. West Coast, Dan O'Connell, Eacecourse, Duke of Wellington, and Beehive. Cobb and Co.'s booking office for Townswille is at the Club House hotel. There is a post and telegraph office ; the principal places of business being Williams and Stubley, mining agents ; Roberts and Naughton, coach proprietors, running from Albion hotel to Millchester continuously ; W. A. Ackers, auctioneer ; and A. R. Prince, auctioneer. The surrounding country is elevated and mountainous. The geological formation is granite and quartz. The population, as obtained from the only butchers at present on the field (Messrs. Hubert and Williams), is 2800 at Charters Towers, 200 at Quecntown, and 1000 in and about Millchester — in all, about 4000. Church of England and Roman Catholic places of worship are built in Charters Towers, and the A.J.S. Bank, National, Bank of Queensland, and Bank of New South Wales have agencies there. A good racecourse lies near the township. See also Millchester. Charters Ton-crs and Cape river jfolice district had, in 1875, 1644 horses, 24,911 horned cattle, 17,383 sheep, and 732 pigs. CHELTENHAM CREEK (Co. WicMov) is an important N. tributary of the Auburn river rising in the Rocky Springs run, and flowing S. into the main stream near the township of Dykehead. It flows past the Verilla head-station, waters the Rocky springs, Hillhouse ridge, Sandy creek, and Grcystonelee runs, and is fed by the Hill Head, Menany, and Pollard's creeks. Granite ridges and clay slates and shales, with patches of good black soil. CHEOPS, MOUNT [Springsurc district), is a peak in Buckland's table-land, which see. CHESS CREEK (Co. IVicJdon-) is a fine stream, which forms one of the main heads of the Auburn river. It rises in hilly and broken pastoral country about 12 miles S. E. of Camlx)on, and flows due S. about 28 miles through the Knock- break, Barwood, and Woodbank runs into the Auburn, near the Redbauk head- station. Its upper part flows past the Knockbrcak head-station. Granite and sandstone. CHILLOTT ISLANDS (Kennedi/ district). See IIalii-ax Bay, CHINAMAN CREEK (Co. Stanley). See South Pine River. CHINAMAN PEAK (Sjjrijitjsurc district) is a hill in the r.anges lying S. of Clermont. iMica slate. CHINGHEE CREEK (Co. M'ard) is a small tributary, or rather tlic wes- tern head of Cl)ristnias creek. It rises in a rugged sjmr of the JIain Dividing range, and meets the Widgec creek about lo miles from its source. This creek has an eastern ami western branch. Sandstone and schist. CHIRAIR CREEK (Co. Fitzroy). See Ghirair Creek. CHINE BLUFF (Normanhy district) is a lofty hill, situated about 20 miles W. of .Maillioidugh. ('arboniferous. CHINCHILLA CREEK (Co. Lytton) is a small N. tributary of the Con- damiiic rivi r, iiiici whitli it falls at Campbell's camp. CHRISTMAS CPvEKK {Co. 1 1 a /yZ) is a good stream formed by the junc- tion of the Cliinghie and Widgec creeks. It waters the N. and E. part of the Telcmon run, and falls into the Logan river at its N.W. boundary corner. Sand- stone and H<^hi«l. CHRISTMAS < KKKK (Cook district). See KiNLOCK Ciikkk. CHRISTMAS < I;I;i:K [hnniuly r/Z.^/rJc/) is a tributary of the Burdekin river (whicii mi). CHRISTMAS < IIKKK (Sprinysurc district) isa W. tributary of the Brown river, head of the Comet river. Chr — Cle] The Queensland Gazetteer. 47 CHRISTMAS RANGE {Sprmgmrc district) is a chain of hills lying S. of Albino downs, and on the W. bank of the Comet river and Christmas creek. CLARA CREEK ( Warrego district) is a small tributary of the head of the Angelalla creek, rising in the Bottle Tree range and flowing S. Mesozoic shales, sandstones, and limestones. CLARA, MOUNT {Co. Lennox), is a peak in the rugged country com- prised within the Kilkivan goldfield, lying 5 miles N. of Black Snake township. It has a valuable copper-mine, which forms, with Mount Coorar, the Gympie copper- mines. See Gympie. Porphyritic greenstone, serpentine, and granite. CLARKE'S CREEK {Maranoa district) is a tributary of the Bungewar- goria creek, into which it falls near the township of Hodgson. CLAREMONT ISLES [Cook district) is a group of small islets in the fair- way of vessels navigating between Capes Melville and Sidmoutb. The principal one is Pelican island. CLARE, MOUNT {Clermont district) is the name of a small alluvial gold diggings lying about 30 miles distant from the Clermont township, and forming part of the Peak downs goldfields. Schists and slates. CLARENDON CREEK {Co. Murchiso7i). See St. Laweence. CLARKE RIVER {Kennedy district) is a large W. tributary of the Burde- kin river, rising in the ranges lying N.W. of the Cape river goldfields, and flowing N. E. through broken country into the main stream above the Burdekin downs. It waters pastoral country and is fed by the Broken and Gregory rivers, and Yates, Junction, and Emu or Maryvale creeks. Quartz ranges and basalt table-land. CLAUDE CREEK {Sj}ringsuJ'e disti-ict) is a tributary of the Nogoa river, which see. CLEMATIS CREEK {Springsiire district) is an E. triljutary of Brown river (head of the Comet river), rising in the Expedition range. Mesozoic. CLERMONT {Co. Clermont) is a postal and telegraph copper-mining town- ship in the electoral district of the same name. It lies in 22° 45' S. lat., 147° 40' E. long., and is situated on Sandy creek, which runs E. and W. near the town. The district is known as Peak downs. There is one steam saw-mill in the place. The district is agricultural on a small scale, the farms being from 89 to 160 acres, and growing maize and potatoes chiefly. The pastoral country is very extensive, chiefly sheep. Copper is obtained in large quantities at the Peak Downs Copper Mining company's mine, Copperfield, about 500 men being employed. Gold, chiefly alluvial, is found at Miclare, 30 miles distant. Fiddler's creek. 6 miles. Hurley's, 12 miles, and M'Donald's flat, 4 miles ; about 160 men, including Chinese, being employed on the diggings. Four quartz-reefs have been worked, but owing to bad management have been neglected for more than three years ; there is, however, some talk of the workings being resumed. The nearest township is Copperfield, 4 miles S.W.,the communication being by daily mail and coach three times a day. With Brisbane, 575 miles S.E., the communication is by mail twice a week, per Cobb and Co.'s coaches, 280 miles to Rockhampton, and thence by sea. Clermont has one hospital, and a school of arts has just been erected. The hotels are the Prince of Wales, Commercial, Rose Thistle and Shamrock, Clermont, Live and Let Live, Leo, and Canton (Chinese). The township is under the control of a muni- cipal council, and is in the parish of Clermont. The surrounding country is flat, about 1200 feet above sea level. Quartz and schists abound in the neighbourhood of the town. The Peak downs formation is of trap and basalt, with outcrop of limestone. The Peaks, commencing about 30 miles N. of Clermont and bearing easterly, are sandstone capped with basalt. The Drumraond range, passing 12 miles W. of Clermont, bearing S., is varied, generally sandstone capped with basalt. The population of Clermont is 350 persons, and of Copperfield 1500. The places of worship in Clermont are Catholic, Presbyterian, and Church of England churches. The A. J. S. bank, Clermont, has a branch in the township ; and there is a racecourse 2 miles W. (See also Copperfield.) Clermont and Copperfield police district had, in 1875. 1528 horses, 9829 horned cattle, 798,880 sheep, and 681 pigs. 48 The Queeiisland Gazetteer. [Cle CLERMONT is an electoral district, commencing at the junction of Douglas creek with Sandy creek, and bounded thence by a line bearing S. to the watershed separating Douglas and Sandy creeks from Theresa creek ; then by said watershed westerly, then by the watershed separating Sandy creek from the Belyaudo and Suttor rivers northerly to the head of Gowrie creek ; then by the watershed separating Gowrie creek from Tea-tree creek southerly to the junction of said creeks ; then by Gowrie creek and Wolflang creek downwards to the junction of Apsley creek ; then by a line bearing E. to a point bearing N. from the junction of Douglas creek with Sandy creek : then by a line bearing S. to Sandy creek ; thence by that creek downwards to the junction of Douglas creek, the point of commence- ment. The electors on the roll for this district number 5t)i), Charles James Graham, elected November 7th, 1873. being the present representative in the Legislative Assembly. The returning officer, G. P. M. Murray, is stationed at the township of Clermont, where is also the revision court. CLEVELAND. 27° 30' S. lat., 153° 2.5' E. long. {Co. Stanley), is a postal and tflcL'iapbic township and favourite watering place in the parish of Cleveland, and electoral district of Bulimba. is situated on the W. shore of ]Moreton bay, oppo- site Dunwich. on Stradbroke island, and is the point at which the submarine telegraph cable crossing Moreton bay leaves the mainland. It lies on an indenta- tion of Moreton bay, formed by the running out of a sandy spit called Cleveland point, which indentation is known as Raby bay, about 12 miles S.E. of the mouth of the Brisbane river, the Logan river lying di.stant 1.") miles S., and Hilliard's creek flowing past the W. boundary of the township. Cleveland has two sugar-mills, and is situated in an agricultural district, wheat, maize, and sugarcane being culti- vated in considerable quantities. The nearest towns are Brisbane, 20 miles W. by N., Redland, 8 miles S., and Becnleigh, 15 miles S.W.. the communication being by coach, also frequent communication by water by steamers and sailing craft. The Brisbane coach at present runs twice a week, but is expected shortly to run three times. The hotels .are the Cleveland and Brighton. The surrounding dis- trict is moderatly elevated and well adapted for agricultural purjwscs. The popu- lation of Cleveland numbers about 230. The Church of England has a place of worship, and the Itoman Catholics hold services at Cleveland hotel ; they are about, however, to erect a church. Cleveland has a post and telegraph office, a savings bank, several private boarding houses, and a fine jetty projecting 1000 feet into the bay, which, independent of shipping purposes, is much frequented liy visitors and others as an agreeable promenade. The geological formation is palajozoic, carl)oniforous. CLEVELAND BAY and CAPE. 1!)° 10' S. lat. (^Kennedy district), is the W. head of i'.nw ling-green bay and Ji. head of Clevclancl bay. The latter is the port of Tcjwnsvillc, and is j)artly shut in liy Magnetic ishmd. Granite. Vessels ijound to Cleveland bay from the soutiiward will now find all cause for anxiety removed while passing Cajie Bowling-green, by the erection of the lighthouse on the N.E. extremity of the spit, which, Iwth by day and night, dclinitely points out the extremity of the low land. The light is of the 3rd order holojihotal, revolving at intervals of one minute, standing at an elevation of 75 feet above the sea level, and is visible from the deck of a small craft about 14 miles. Vessels should not approach the northern extremity of sjiit within a mile, a saiulbank, which partially dries at low water, lying olT and fronting the point. Small craft, during strong S. K. winds, will tind excellent shelter under the lee of the spit, in 1 1 or 12 f<>et .at lf)W water, witii the lighthouse bearing E. At times the s.and-spits shift, but gen(;rftlly slicllf^r (•.•in be found there from all winds, the banks forming .a small land-lo(!ked harbour. There is also good shelter for larger vessels under the lee of the point of the long spit, which stretches away some 3 miles to the eastward. In making i'n]>i'. Clevelaml, be careful not to bring it to be.-ir to the northward of W. by S. while witliin a distance of 4 mih'S of the cape, as Salamander reef, some of the rocks of wliicli are a f(!W fc^et above water, lies at nearly that distance from the shore. 'I'herc is a cle.'ir i)assage lictween the I feel rock and another Hmall patch of n>ck which lies close in to the shore abre.'ist. This passage is often uw'ful to small craft, enabling them to take advantage, when Ixjund southwards, of the smoother water to be found in Bowling-green bay. After rounding the Cape, which is tolerably 8tccp-to, steer for Mount Cudlhcringa (Castle hill), a remark- Cli — Coa] TIte Qiiee)idaad Gazetteer. 49 able granite hill that will be seen to the southward of Magnetic island and Capo Pallarenda (Many peaks). As the main land is approached, two low reddish clifTi may be seen, the south-easternmost of whicli is a small rocky island, just to the westward of which lies the entrance to Ross creek, upon which Townsville is situated. CLIFF ISLAND {Cook district) is a small island in the N.E. part of Princess Charlotte bay. CLIFTON {Co. Merlvale) is a small village and railway station on the S. and W. line, 23 miles N. of Warwick, 42 miles H. of Toowoomba, and 142 miles S.W. of Brisbane. It is situated on King's creek, in an agricultural and pastoral district. The nearest jiost-office is on Spring creek, t) miles distant. CLINTON, CAPE {Co. Palmerston). is the S. head of Port Bowen. Meta- morphic. CLOGrNOR CPvEEK [Co. Wlcklow) is a tributary of Bingman's creek tiowing through rough pastoral country in Dry creek run, and falling into the main stream at its upper end. Clay slates and shales. CLONCURRY (Burke district), is the centre of a rich raining district, on tlie Cloncurry river. It lies 300 miles S. of Normanton, and is a quartz and alluvial diggings yielding very rich gold. There is a considerable population of miners in the district, but no township has yet been proclaimed. The communication with Normanton is by monthly mail, and the opportunities of communication witli Brisbane are few and irregular. Sandstone. In 1874, the Cloncurry goldti(3ld had 32 miner's rights and two business licenses, and four auriferous quartz-reefs, with an extent of 12 square miles of alluvial and quartz ground worked upon. CLONCURRY RIVER (JEANNIE of M'Kinley) (Burke district) is one of the heads of the Flindei"s river rising in Selwyu's range in about 21° 25' S. lat., 140° 10' E. long. It flows in a N. direction through a wide (300ft.) bed with plenty of water. About 50 miles from its source is situated the Great Australian copper-mine. The Cloncurry diggings extend for a considerable distance along the banks of this stream. See Cloxcurry. CLOVERNOOK CREEK {Leichhardt district) is a W. tributary of the upper part of Zamia creek. Basalt. CLOYIN CREEK (Burke district). See Neelia Creek. CLUMP POINT {Kennedij district) is a headland on the coast about 20 miles N. of Cardwell. Granite. CLUTHA CREEK {Co. Ward) is a small W. tributary of the Albert river, rising by two heads in the Birnam range, and flowing N.E. into its main stream on the ]\Ioondoolan run. Sandstone and shales. CLYDE CREEK {Co. Clinton) is the name given to a small agricultural settlement lying in the midst of a pastoral district about 5 miles N.E. of tlie township of Calliope. It has a population of about 40 persons, and one hotel, the (^lyde creek. Serpentine and clay slates and shales. COAL CREEK {Co. Cavendish) is a small tributary of the Brisbane river in the Mount Esk run. COAST R.\NGE is the term applied generally to the chain of mountaii:s extending along the E. side of the colony, commencing in Yorke's peninsula, near Princess Charlotte's bay in the N., and terminating N. of Brisbane. This ranee comprises, coming from N. to S., the Cook, Kii'chner, Razorback, "Wyatt, Pioneer, Connor, Dawes, Glasshouse and Blackall ranges. The Coast range makes a dip to the W. as it passes Mackay, and the highest j)oint in it is Mount Dalrymple (42."0 feet), supposed to be the highest mountain in Queensland, excepting the Bellendcn Ker range at Cardwell — this peak is about 40 miles W. of Mackay. Mounts Martin, I51ackwood, and Jukes lie between Mount Dalrymple and the coast, and are about 1800 feet above the sea level. These are all on the N. side of the Pioneer. On the S. are Ben Mohr, about 2500 feet : Mungodulla, a double peak in the Coa.st range, about 2000 feet; Long Hill. 2332 feet, S. of that in Coast range ; and Mount Funnel, a peculiar-looking mount.ain, something like a funnel, 1190 feet, about 1.5 50 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Cob — Com miles S. of Cape Palmerston and near the coast. Over the Coast range and about 50 miles S.W. of ^lackay are the Blue mountains, about 8000 feet, and to the W. of them asrain Balaklava. Mount Spencer, and the White Horse, all smaller hills, about \T>00 feet. All these mountains are covered with scrub and abound with pines. The greolopical formation is genernlly granitic in tho N. part, and upper palaeozoic (carboniferous) in the middle and S., with occasional outcrops of trap rock. COBB'S CA^IP (Co. Canning) is a small agricultur.il settlement on the Main North road from Brisbane to Maryborough, situated atout 11 miles N. of Mooloolah. Cobb's camp has 1 hotel. The communication with Brisbane is by daily mail coach, the distance 66 miles S. COBURG TvIVER (Co. Ward). See Canigera Creek. COCKATOO CREEK (Leichhardt district). See Dawson River. COCKATOO CREEK (Normanhj district) is a small tributary of Roper's creek. Carljoiiiferous. COCKBURN C'KE'F.K (Cook district). See Staaten River. COCKER'S CREEK (Co. Mac?ienzie)is a small S. tribut.aryof Stuart's creek, rising in and watering the Proston run. Granite, clay slates .and sh.ales. COCOA NUT POINT {Co. Livingstone) is a promontory forming the N. head of Kcppel bay. Slate and shale. COLE ISLANDS (CooJi district) is a group of small islets lying nearly in the fairway of vessels navigating N. They lie N. of Murdoch point, .about 2 miles distant. COLEMAN RIVER (Coolt district) is a stream in the E. interior in about 1-1° 4."/ S. l.at. Sandstone and quartz. COLLAROY {Xormanhy district). Sec Newstead. COLLINS CREEK (Co. Ward) is a sm.all W. tributary of the Albert river, rising in the liirnam ranges, and flowing through rugged pastor.al country into the main stream on the Mooudoolan run. Sandstone and shales. COLLIS, :M0UNT {Bitrlc district), is a hill on the Cloncurry river S. of the Great Australian copper-mine. Metamorphic. COLUMBOOLA CREEK (Co. Bvlnrr) is an E. tribnt.ary of the Dogwood creek, flowing S. and W., and separating the Dogwood and Colamba runs. Clayey sandstuno. with veins and nodules of iron. COMALE LAGOON (lialUmnr district) is a small s w. am py lagoon lying in the pastoral country near the junction of the Ballonne and P>okhara rivers. Desert sandstone. COMBOYURA POINT. Sec Moreton Island. COMBUNGEE RIVER (Darlinri downs, Leichhardt di.itrict) is situated on Oaky cicck N. of the Toowomba agricultural reserve. COMELY CREEK (Lcichhart district) is a head tributary of the Zamia creek, rising in the Expedition range, and flowing N. between high broken cliffs. Basalt. COMET RAN(!E (S/}rinffsiirc district) is a chain of hills mnin'ng along the W. l)ank i)f (lie ('(.met river. Clay skates and shales. COMET ]i\\]''A{ (Sj)rinff.>iii7'c district) is an important inland stream rising near Mnunt llojic, in tlie Exjicditinn range, and flowing N.W. and N. into the Nogoii river — tlie two streams forming the Mackenzie river. It waters a vast tract of pnHtoral country, known as the Albino an00 feet, but erroneously so), and is an uumistakable mark for the entrance of the Endeavour river, which lies to the N.W. of it. This river forms the watci-shed dividing the waters of the Endeavour from those of the -Annan and Esk rivers. This mountain is precipitous, and consists of masses of granite and burnt porphyry, with but little soil, and that of poor quality. COOK pastoral district is at the extreme N. of the colony, and covers- an area of ^o.olO square miles, or 16,320,000 acres. This is exclusive of North Cook, which has an area of .S200 square miles. The Mitchell, Endeavour, and other rivers water some portions of it. Somei-set and Cook town are the townships, the latter being the most northern town in the Australian continent. Since the opening up of the Palmer river diggings this district has become much better known, and has attracted a large immigration of the mining population from all the colonies. In 1875, this district had 360 horses, 332 horned cattle, 2028 sheep, and 67 pigs. COOKTOWN (Cook district) is a postal town and the seaport of a vast pastoral and mining district, situated at the mouth of the Endeavour river on its right or southern liank in Jat. 1.^° 20' S., long. 145° 10' E., to the S. of Torres Straits and in the Cape York Peninsula. Mount Cook rises immediately behind the town on the S. E. to a height of 1500ft.. and forms the watei-shed dividing the waters of the Endeavour from those of the Annan and Esk rivers, at a drying station between the mouths of which the b('clie-de-mcr fisheries are carried on. Cotiktown is the centre of an alluvial gold mining district undeveloped except at the Normanby springs 8() miles S.W., and at the Palmer 170 miles S.W. by W., of which tl)e firmer snjiports a mining population of 1000 whites, and the latter a mixed population of 7000. mostly Chinese. A bush-rond, improved by the central government, with four boats at the ero.ssiugs of the Normanby. Laura. Palmer, and Up)>er Palmer rivei-s. connects Cooktown with the Palmer, and half-a-dozen packcre' tracks, impracticable for vehicles, have been made between Cooktown and the Normanby springs. Communication with Hrisbane, distant l.")()0 miles, is main- tained by two steamers running at fixed but irregular intervals. There is a hospital in Cooktown open to iill, cnpable of containing 21 jiatients, and generally tilled with cases of accident, insanity, fever and dysentery. There is akso a national school, wlierc the average daily attendance is 150. The principal hotels are Poole's Sovereign, I'izzey's Royal, Burr's Etheridge, Clyne's Emjnrc, and several others. The township is under the control of the "Towns Police Act." The surrounding country consists of ju'ccipitous mountains of granite and burnt poriiliyry. with flats lietwccn them of sh.-dlow s:nidy soil unfavourable for pastoral or agricidtural pursuits. The pojiuliition of Cooktown is about ."iOOO. It luis one buiUling used as Cliurch of Knglnnd ami i'resbyterian clnnch. and one Catholic chapel nnfinislicil. Comp.'inics — branches of the Bank of New South Wales, Australian Joint Mock and t^ueensland National banks. The first racecoui'se, opened 5 miles out of town on the Annan river, was deserted on accoinit of its distance ; that now in use in two miles out of town on the main road to the Palmer. COOMBADAn {Co. HV/7V/) is a cattle station on the creek of the same name in il,i- |;iiisl] 1 I, :iii(i a little distjince N. of the township of Ncrang. COOMUAUAir CIIKKK (Co. M'ard). See CooMiMNinAli CllKEK. COOMIiAMBA ([IKKK (Co. l]ard). See Coojii-iNJiUH Cheek. COOMERA, 27" 45' S. lat., 153° 25' E. long. (Co. lIV/jvZ) is a postal township ill the palish ot the same iinme, and electoral district of Logan. It is situated on ;iy. Carboniferous. COOTARA CREEK {Warrcgo district). See Paroo River, COOTARIBAH L.^KE {Co. March). See NooSA. COOTHING CREEK (Co. Fitzroy) is a S. tributary of the Booyembah creek, rising in the I\Iain range, near the Yabba run, and flowing N.W. through rough pastoral country. Basalt, basic dolorite. COOYAR CREEK (Co. Cavetidish) is a "W. tributary of the head of the Brisbane river rising in the Bunyah mountains, and flowing N.E. through the Coo- yar and Taromeo runs past the N. end of the Blackbutt ranges into the Mount Stanley run, where it joins the main stream. It is fed by the Back, Boobir, Oaky, Yearman, Taromeo and Paradise creeks. Clay slates and shales. COPPERFIED, 22° 50' S. Lit., Ur 40' E. long. {Co. Clermont), is a postal, telegraphic, and money-order municipal township, situated in the parish of Clermont, and electoral district of Clermont, about 240 miles westerly from Rock- hampton. Douglas creek, a tributary of Theresa creek (which empties into the M.ackenzie river), is about 2 miles from the main township, but does not contain permanent water. The nearest rivers are the Mackenzie, about 100 miles to the eastward, crossed by the road to Rockhampton, the Isaacs aud Connor's, tributaries of the Mackenzie, crossed by the road to St. Lawrence and Broad sound, aud the Belyando, about 70 miles to the W. and by S., crossed by the roads leading to the western jilains on the Thompson and other rivers. The nearest mountains are the Drummond range, which divides the Miickenzie and Belyando waters, and the Peak downs table mountains, about 4U miles to N.E. These hills rise abruptly from the extensive downs, and are almost inaccessible, Wolfaug peak especially being almost a perfect cone, five or six times the height of its width at base. Although situated in the centre of a large pastoral district, Copperrteld is mainly supported by the Peak Downs copper miue, one of the largest in .\ustralia. A large quantity of alluvial gold has also been procured in the district, but only a few diggere are now engaged in that pursuit. The quartz reefs, although numerous and promis- ing, are, at present, undeveloped. Agriculture is gradually gaining ground, but no great area is under cultivation. Clermont is the only township wiiiiin many miles, the distance being 4 miles N.E. It is mainly supported by the i)astoral interest, Ijcing also the head-ciuarters uf the various CJuvcrnmont oflices of the district, and the princijial camping place for teams travelling to and from the coast, there being a large and permanent lagoon :uul good feed within ea.sy distance. The township of Lilyvale is f>() miles distant on the main Rockhampton road. That of Springsure is about ISO miles S., and that of Aramac al>out ISO miles W. A ctmch runs three times a day to and from Clermont, with daily mail. Bi-weekly mail coaches to Lilyvale, and weekly horse mails to Aramac and Springsure. with an alternate mail to Springsure via Beaufort, only useful to the stations on the line. Cobb and Co.'s mail coaches run twice weekly t!=o5'S. Lit., 147° 50' E. loiigr. {Ballonne dhtricf). is a private station only, the property of Macleay, Taylor and Co. There is a customs officer and his subordinate resident in the Government barracks ; tlie station being only 5 miles from the boundary of New South Wales. Until lately there was a police-station, but it has been removed to Boolif;;ar on the Narrau, 24 miles distant. It is situated on the Ballandool creek, one of the four branches of the lower Ballonne river, namely, the Culgoa, Ballandool. Bogara or Bokhhara, and Narran. The branches of the Ballonne near Curriwillinghi are the Culgoa, l.'j miles N.; the Narran, 1.5 miles S. : the Bogara, 1^ miles S. ; all in level country, chiefly black and red soil plains, lightly timbered. There are no mount.ains near, except small stony rises towards the Narrau and pine ridges about. The district is essentially pastoral, the country being only adapted for grazing purposes, owing to the aridity of the climate. St. George, the nearest Queensland township, dis- tant N. E., is about 100 miles by post-road. Walgett is the nearest township in New South Wales, 100 miles S. The communication is by horse-mail once a week, arrival and departure each Tuesday for St. George, and each Saturday to Walgett. With Brisbane, ooO miles N. E., the communication is by horse or vehicle to Dalby, thence by train; distance — Dalby to St. George rid Moonie creek, about 200 miles; St. George to Curriwillinghi, 100 miles ; if by Condamine and Surat to St. George, a few miles longer. There is now telegraphic communication to St. George from Brisbane rid Roma and Surat. There are no hotels in Curri- willinghi, the nearest in Queensland being Pallisier's at Boorimberra, on the Narran, 20 miles distant, and at Booligar, by T. Crothers. 4 miles beyond Boor- imberra, also on the Narran ; the nearest in New South Wales being the Finger- post inn, by T. 'Cross, on the Bogara, 8 miles S.W. The district consists of flat country with black soil plains, partly liable to inundation, chiefly between the Bogara and Culgoa, but with salt-bush plains interspersed ; higher jilains towards the Narran, with a few low mulga ridges. Quartz pebbles and vitrified sandstone; a soft freestone on some ridges. Timber — dwarf box, gidyah, rosewood, leopard wood,, pine, &.C. There are no churches nor chapels at either St. George or Walgett, though steps are being taketi to provide ministers for both places. The nearest bank is that of New South Wales at St. George. There is a good racecourse near St. George, at which there is often good sport and liberal prizes. A jockey-club has been recently formed. CURTIS <'II.\NNEL {Port Curtis district) is the wiilo opening leading to Port Curtis and I'ort Bowon. between Breaksea sjiit and Lady Elliott island, and the mainland aiul the Capricorn group. Var. 10' 0' E. CURTIS ISLAND (Co. Dcas 77(flww?») is a large isl.-md lying off the main- land beiwoen Keppel b.ay on the N. and Port (Untis on the K.. and separated from the mainland by a narn)W nuul aiul mangrove swainji-lined channel called the Narrows, which is in some plac<'s dry at low water. At high water .spring-tides vessels drawing 7 feet of water can go through this passage. The island is taken up for piLstoral purposes, being known as the Monte Christt) run. It is watered on the W. side by the Danger, M(»ntc Christo, Boat, Middle, and Graham's creeks. The island is swampy in the N. and N.W. ])arts. and a low range of hills runs along the E. shore. The N. point is known .as Cape Keppel, and the N.E. one Cape Cap- ricorn. The former is reserved for mission purposes, and at the latter is a light- house. W. of ('a])e Kepi)el is the j)ilot station for Keppel b.-iy, and N. of it lie two small rocks awitsh. 'I'liis island, whose N. extremity is just williin the tropic of Capricorn, ami opposite tlic entrance to the Fitzroy river, is aljout 25 miles long, by 12 miles wide in its bnjadest part. Clay slates and shales. CURTIS, PORT. Sec Pout Cuutis. CUSIINIE CREEK {Co. Fitzroi/) \» a small E. tributary of the Siuarfs river, falling into it nlKtut 2 miles S. of the Cushnie head-station. Granite, clay slates and shalc.x. Cut — Dal] The Queensland Gazetteer. 59 CUTTA.BJJRRA. CREEK (Warrego dixtri at) is au important tributary of the Warrogo river, rising in the open box and gydir country, with raulgoa scrub and small ridges about 5 miles \V. of the township of Cunuaniulhi, and flowing S. into the main stream in the colony of New South Wales. This stream flows from a small drainage swamp, and waters the C'uttaburra and Tiuncnburra blocks of runs. This stream joins the Warrego about 50 miUiS S, of CuuuamuUa. Mesozoic shales, sandstones and limestones. CUTTILLA CREEK (Warrego district) is a name sometimes given to the part of the Warrego river where it crosses the boundary of New South Wales and Queensland. It is fed by the Irura creek. Tertiary desert sandstone, with grits and conglomerates. DACKINEWILLA CREEK (Co. Cook) is a small tributary of the Burrum river, which see. DADAMARINE CHEEK (Co. Mackenzie) is au important N. tributary of the Boonara creek, rising in the Main range S. of the Teebar run, and flowing S. about 75 miles through good pastoral country, with occasional patches of soil suitable for agricultural purposes, into the main stream at Boonbyjan head- station. It receives the waters of two tributaries, the Goongaloom and Lawless creeks. The road from Maryborough to Nanango follows this creek for a pait of its course. Basalt. DAINTREE'S LOOK-OUT {Keimedy district) is a lofty hill lying to the N. of an impenetrable basaltic mass on the Lolworth creek. DAINTREE RIVER (Cook district) is a stream falling into Trinity bay in 16" IS' S. lat. It is navigable, having a bar entrance of 8 feet at low water. Large quantities of excellent timber are being procured from this river. The tide rises from 7 to t) feet. DALBY, 27° 10' S. lat., 161° 15' E. long. {Co. Auiigny), is a postal, telegraph and municipal township, in the parish and electoral district of Dalby. It is situated on the Myall creek, a tributary of the Condamine river, which river passes 5 miles S.W. of the township. The Bunya mountains lie 23 miles E., being a spur of the Main Dividing range of the eastern and western watersheds. The district is almost entirely pastoral, being the sheep-grazing country of the northern downs. The nearest township is Toowoomba, 50 miles S.E., on the main Brisbane road. Condamine lies S() miles W., on the Roma road. The communication is by railway to Toowoomba, and by mail coach to Condamine, thrice a week. Dalby is the present terminus of the N. branch of the S. and W. railway, the communication with Brisbane, 146 miles E., being by rail. Dalby has a school of arts. The hotels are the Royal, Post-office, Tattersall's, Queen's Arms, Golden Fleece, Railway, Woolpack, and Carrier's Arms. The township is under the control of a municipal council. The district is principally flat, bordered on the E. by the Dividing range of the eastern and western watersheds, and has large plains of alluvial deposits. The population numbers about 1500 persons. The Church of England, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, and Congregational denominations have places of worship, and the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney and Queensland National banks^ and the Queen, Royal, and Imperial insurance companies have branches. There is a racecourse 1 mile E. of the township. DALBY is an electoral district, commencing at the confluence of Myall creek with the Condamine river, and bounded thence by that river downwards to the western boundary of portion 227, parish of Myall ; then by the western boundaries of portions 227. 20(i, 183, 182, 181, 15;i, 158, 232, 233, 265, 26t;, 267, and 268 north-easterly and northerly ; then by a line bearing E. ; then by a line bearing N. along the E. boundary of Dalby selection, number 33; then by the watershed separating Myall creek from Jimbour creek north-easterly to the Great Dividing range, and by said range south-easterly ; then by a line bearing S. to Gowrie creek at the west boundary of portion 1, parish of Toowoomba ; then by Gowrie creek down to Oaky creek, by Oaky creek to the Condamine river, and by said river downwards to the point of commencement. Dalby electoral district has 651 electors on the roll, and is at present represented in the Legislative Assembly by Joshua Peter Bell, who was elected 10th November, 1873. The revision court 60 'The Queensland Gazetteer. [Dal is held at the Dalby coui-t of petty sessious, ¥. \V. iloche beiug the present returnine oflBeer. iJaiby police district had, in 1875, 3475 horses, 20,016 horned cattle, 4112,293 sheep, and 043 pigs. DALHUNTY CREE,K (Cook district). 8ee Batavia River. DALRYMPLE, 19° 50' S. lat., 146^ 10' E. long. (Ji'arcnsicood district), is a postal town, situaiL-d on the Burdekiu river, 75 miles W.S.W. from Towusville, ou the main line of road between Towusville, Cape river, Flinders country, George- town. Normantou, and the Burke district. 'I'Le principal creeks near Dalrymple are the Fletchers, known as the big and little Fletcher ; both of these have permanent water in all seasons, and both can be reached within one mile from the town- sliip. These creeks run by and through one of the most remaikable places in Australia, known here as the Wall, it is composed of basaltic lava, and forms an unbroken wall on the N. side of from 75 to 6U miles, impassable for man. On the iS. side it is more broken. The bearing of this wall is nearly due E. and W., and varies ill width from 1 to 10 miles, and is the stronghold of the aboriginals of this district. The interior of this wall, so far as any one has explored it. is very picturestiue and remarkable, in some places high peaks of basalt of irregular shape, from 50 to 150 feet, in other places large lagoons of beautiful clear water, and apparently of great per, and pahcozoic .•'.lid carlxiniferouK at its lower end. DALRYMPLE, Mt)rN'i' {Hoirru district), is a lofty mountain in the < o.'iHt langf, lying at the liea-ict) is a stream crossed by M'Kinlcy in his route to the Gulf in 18(jl. This river flows along the \V. side of the Table Top ranges. DAM CREEK (Co. Wicklow) is a head feeder of Bingman's or Cattle creek, flowing through rough pastoral country in Dry creek run. Clay slate and shales. DAMON, POINT {Co. Cook), is a promontory on the W. side of Hervey bay, opposite Woody island. The surveyed township and telegraph station of Uraugan, where the cable to Woody island leaves the mainland, is situated at this point. Sandstone. DAMSON CREEK ( Warrego district) is an E. tributary of the Ward river watering the Damson run, and falling into the main stream opposite the Bayrick head-station. Mesozoic shales, sandstones, and limestones. DANGARA CREEK. See DoNGARA Creek. DANGER, POINT (Co. Ward), is the S.E. point of division between Queens- land and New South Wales. It lies about 28^ 10' S. lat., l.")3' 28' E. long., and is a prominent and lofty headland forming the N. head of the Tweed river, being the E. extremity of the Cheat Dividing range. Granite. D'AGUILAR'S RANGE or PINE MOUNTAINS (Co. Stanlci/) is a range of rugged hills celebrated for the excellence of their pine timber, forming a branch of the Main range, .and extending from that range at Mount Mee in a S. direction for about 86 miles. It is drained by the N. and S. Pine rivers and the Moggill creek, and its principal peaks are known as jMounts Kobble-Kobble, Samson, Nebo, and Razorback. Clay slate and shale. DARABINGA CREEK (Co. NcivcastU). Sec Deererabungy Creek. DARGOGO, i\IOUNT {Cos. Pelhamand Bowcn), is a lofty peak in the Main range, lying N. of the Cania diggings. Devonian slates and shales. DARI-DARIA CREEK {Co. Newcastle) is a small tributary of the lower end of the Boyue river, watering the Derraderri and Chessborough runs, and falling into the main stream about a mile above its confluence with the Burnett river. Clay slates and shales. DARKIE FLAT (Co. Merirale), an agricultural settlement lying about 1-i miles \V. of the township of AUora. DARLING DOWNS is an electoral district commencing at the Condamine river, at the E. boundary of portion 1, parish of South Toolburra, and bounded thence by a line bearing S. to the S. W. corner of portion 523, parish of Warwick ; then by a line bearing E. to the S.E. corner of portion 39, parish of Warwick; then by a line bearing N. to the junction of Rosenthal creek with the Condamine river, and by said river downwards to the west boundary of Canning downs pre-emptive purchase No. 1, and by said boundary bearing N. to the N.W. corner ; then by the northern boundai-ies of Canning downs pre-emptive jourehases Nos. 1, 2, 5, and G easterly to Swan creek, and by that creek easterly to the Great Dividing range, and by that range southerly and westerly to JMaryland ; then by the watershed separating the Condamine river from the tributaries of the Barwan river north- westerly to the head of Wilkie's creek ; then by the southern and eastern water- shed of said creek eastei'ly and northerly to a tree marked broad-ari'ow over C. R. ; then by the N. boundary of Cecil plains ten years' lease bearing E., crossing the Condamine river ; then by the north-eastern boundary of said lease south-easterly; then by the N. boundary of West Prairie ten years' lease bearing E.. part of the W. boundary of East Prairie ten years' lease bearing N., and the N.E. boundary of same south-easterly to the S. E. corner of Jondaryau ten years' lease ; then by a line bearing N. to Oaky creek, at the N. E. corner of Jondaryau pre-emptive pur- chase No. 39 ; then by Oaky creek upwards to Gowrie creek, and by said creek upwards to the W. boundary of portion 1. parish of Toowoomba ; then by the Dalby and Toowoomba railway easterly to the junction of the Toowoomba and Warwick railway, and by said railway southerly to the intersection of the E. boundary of North Toolburra pre-emptive purchase No. o ; then by said boundary bearing S. to the Condamine river, and by that river downwards to the point of commencement. There are 75-1 registered voters in the district, which is at present represented by 62 TJi.e Queemland Gazetteer, [Dar — Dee "\V. Graham. The revision court for Darling downs is held at the court of petty sessions, Leyburn, W. C. Cardew being the returning officer for the district. DARLING DOWNS pastoral district includes an extensive tract oiE downs on the summit of the Dividing Range, to the west of the Moreton district. It was discovered in 182Z by Allan Cunningham, the botanist. It is the richest p.istoral district in the colony, and also comprises a vast extent of fine agricultural land. Wheat, maize, barley, oats, arrowroot, {X)tatoes, and all kinds of vegetables are cultivated with success. Good coal is also reported to exist over several parts of the downs. The princip.al towns are Condamine, Dalby, Bowenville, Kogan, Leybuin. Goondiwindi, Warwick. Drayton, and Toowoomba. The rivers flowing through it are the Condamine, Weir, and Moouie. It has an area of HOOO square miles, or 3,840,000 acres. DAVENPORT CREEK {Mitchell district) is a stream crossed by M'Kinley in his route to tlie Gulf in IS()1. (Scrubby hills. DAVIS CREEK (Bifrke district) is a W. tributary of the Cloucurry river, into which it falls at Sorghum downs. DARRINGTON RANGE (Co. Ward). See Tambourine. DARR CREEK (Co. Litton). See Charley's Creek. DAWE'S RANGE (Port Curtis and Burnett districts) is a chain of lofty hills dividing the district named and also the counties of Flinders on the N. from Cook on the S., and forming a spur from the main range which runs eastward to the sea. which it strikes a little N. of the Burnett river. Slates and shales. DAWSON RIVER (Leichhardt district) is an important stream rising by four heads known as the lujune. Highland's plains, .ind Mutton's creeks, and the true head of the Dawson, in the Carnarvon range, and flowing flrst in an easterly and then in a northerly direction tlirough a vast pastoral territory into the Mackenzie river, the junction of the two forming the Fitzroy river. The Dawson passes the townships of Taroom. Boolburra. and Gainsford, and is fed by the Robinson river and the Sardine, Batfle, Commissioner's. Hutton's, Kiunoul, Scott's, Oweni, Horse, Cockatoo, Crakow, Princess, Ox-track, Walloon, Lonesome, Gap, Zamia, Kianga, Banana, Granville, and Sharper's creeks. The geological formation is mcsozoic, car- bort town of Bowen. Vessels intending to enter Port Deuison by the N. entrance s-hould, after rounding the N. end of Gloucester island within a mile, steer so as to pass about half a mile to the S.E. of I\Iiddle island; thence, making due allowance for tide, steering S.W. hj W..^W. for North Head, taking care to avoid a reef which runs out three-quarters of a mile to the S.W. of Middle island. The North Head is a small rocky islet of moderate height, situated at the N. entrance to Port Denison. Upon it is erected the lighthouse, the lantern of -which is 87 feet above the level of the sea. The light is dioptric, of the fifth order, fixed, showing red between the bearings of S. by E.^E. and S.:^W. It should be borne in mind that, at springs, there are two feet less water in Port Denison than is shown by the soundings on the chart. A pier, upwards of 2000 feet in length, runs from the township into the harbour, alongside which, at low water, small craft, drawing not more than nine or ten feet, can take in and discharge cargo at low-water. A small red light is placed at its outer extremity. 64 The QueendatyJ Gazetteer. [Deo — Div DEONGWAR, MOUNT (Co. Can-ndish). is a peak in the range separatino^ the L'ressbrook and Eskdale riius. It lies S. of the Eskdale head-station. Clay slates and shales. DESPOND CREEK {Burke district) is a N. tributary of the Upper Flinders river. DEUCHAR'S CROSSING is a railway station on the W. and S.W, Line^ loG miles S.^^'. of Brisbane. DEVERILL CREEK (Normanby district). See Isaacs River. DEVONPORT, MOUNT (Kennedy district), is a remarkable mountain situated about 4 miles distant E.N. E. of the township of Capeville, and forming a portion of the Cape river goldfield. It lies on the E. boundary of the goldfields reserve between the Cape river and the head of the Campaspe creek, and has been stated by geologists who have examined that part of the country to contain some of the richest gold-bearing reefs in Queensland. The road from Bowen to the Cape river pa-;ses under the foot of this mountain. Granite with tnetamorphic mica and hornblende schists. It is timbered with ash, box, acacia, rusty gum and bloodwood. DEWARRA CREEK (Ballotmc district) is a W. tributary of the Mungal- lala crCL'k, which see. DIAMANTINA RIVER {Mifcltell district) is a fine stream found by M'Kinley in 18(;i. It lies in from 'ir 40' to 22' m' S. lat.. and from 141° 20' to 142* 1' ")" E. long., and flows through stony rises and richly grassed downs. It is fed by the Middleton, Warburtou, Rule, and Watt creeks. Sandstone. DIDNOT. See Mount Pekry. DIETZ CREEK {Co. WicUon-) is a small tributary of the upper end of the Rawbellc creek, rising in the ranges to the E. of the township of Camboon, and flowing E. through rough pastoral country in the IMount Fortitude run. Clay slates and shales. DIGLUM CREEK {Co. Clinton). See FuTTEU's Creek. DILLON'S CREEK (liarcnsn-ood district) is a stream flowing in the N. W. (jf the Ravenswood goldfields into the Rurdckin river. Granite. DINGLE BROOK (Co. Bon-cn) is a small E. tributary of the Burnett river, rising in the W. slope of the Mount Perry range, and flowing W. into the main stream at Dalgangal head-station. Clay slates and shales. DIRECTION, CAPE, 12^ r>.y S. lat., 14:?« 30' E. long. {Cool- district), is a prf)niin('!it headlaml on the N. E. coast, forming the S. head of Lloyd's bay. The neighbouring sea is thickly studded with rocky islets and coral reefs. DISASTER INLET {Burhe district) is an opening in the S. of the Gulf of Carpentaria, lying about (JO miles W. of the nioutli of the Norman river. It is marked by a prDUiincnt inlet known as Point Gore. DISMAL CREEK (Mitchrll disrrict) is a largo feeder of the Douglas Ponds creek, rising in Mount Solitary on the I'irkhead run, and flowing about (!0 miles in a semicircle over a stretch of poor country of sandstone hills covered with a shrul) called "Dead finish." It falls into the main stream near the Alice downs he;ul- Btation, about '> miles N. of the township of Blackall. A great portion of this cri'ck (lows along n steep rocky channel, with arid country on both sides. Sand- Htouc and shaii-s. DIVIDING CREEK (Co. Mackenzie) is a small feeder of tbc head of the Boonara cnick, rising in the M.-iin range, and flowing through rough mountainous country. Clay slates and shalos. DI"VIDING RANGE (Cos. Ward. Mrrirnlr and Brnfinrk) is a chain of kiffy and rugt'cd liills coinnicncing at Point I)ang(!r at IIk- S. point of the coast. and running in a generally W. ili reel ion to the head of llii! l)uin.Trcs(i river, W. of Stanlliorpe. The W. portion of tin; range is, however, usually known as M.ac- plier.son's range. This chain of moiuilains forma the E. pari of the division line Dog — Dou] The Queensland Gazetteer. 65 of the colony of Queeasland from that of New South Wales. There are several lofty spurs striking off it in a N. direction, the principal one being the Cuninng- ham's range. The most prominent peaks in the Dividnig range are Mounts Gipps, Lindsay, Barney, Climie and Leslie. The geological formation consits of car- boniferous sandstone, granite, and clay slates and shales. DOGNEREY'S CREEK (Co. WlcMorv) is a small tributary of the Auburn river, watering the Redbank run, and falling into the main stream near the town- ship of Redbank. Granite and sandstone. DOGWOOD CREEK (Co. Bubvcr) is a fine stream rising in the Bottle-tree ranges of the Main Dividing range, and flowing S.W. into the Condaraine river about 40 miles W. of Condamine townshijx This stream flows within 5 miles N, of that township, and past the small townships of I'elhani and Moral)y, and waters a vast track of pastoral country in the Northern downs district. It is fed by the Hell-hole, Wongongera, Bottle-tree, CoUuraboola, Wallan, Drillham, Eagle, Dulacca, and Tchanning creeks. The head of this creek flows through country heavily timbered with dogwood, iroubark, acacia, cypress, and pine, and fairly grassed. Clay, sandstone (fine grained), porous psammite, with veins and nodules of iron. DOME, MOUNT (Co. Flinders), is a hill lying inland between Baffle creek and Bustard bay. Granite. DOMVILLE, MOUNT (Co. March'), is a lofty peak in a N. spur of the ]\Laia Dividing range, lying about 10 miles N.\V. of Leyburn. Basalt. DONGARA CREEK {Co. Mackenzie) is a small E. tributary of Stuart's river, rising in and watering the Proston run, where it joins the main stream near the head-station. Granite, clay slates and shales. DONGINEERIAMAN or SANDY MOUNT (Co. Carendish) is a peak in the range between the Eskdale and Crow's Nest runs. Clay slates and shales. DONNYBROOK, 26° 10' S. lat., 147° 55' E. long. (Maranoa district), is a small postal hamlet consisting of a store, hotel and police barracks on the road from Mitchell downs to Burenda. It forms the centre of a large squatting district, and is situated on the Maranoa river. DON RIVER (Co. Herbert) is a fine freshwater stream rising in the broken mountain ranges to the S. of Bowen, and flowing N. into the sea a few miles N. of that important seaport. It passes to the W. of the township at a distance of 3 miles, and affords a never-failing supply of excellent water to the inhabitants. It is fed by Seliua creek, and crosses the old Port Denison road a few miles from Bowen, there being an inn at the crossing. The river is not navigable. Granite. DON RIVER ( Co. Baglan) is a tributary of the Kroombit creek, into which it falls near the junction of the Dee river. Devonian. DOOLOOGARAH CREEK {Warrrr/o district) is one of the heads of the Warrego river, rising by three heads in Mounts Inglis, Acland and Lindley, and flowing S.W. about 30 miles until it joins the Channin creek, the two forming the main stream in 25° 10' S. lat., 147° 40' E. long. This creek waters the Carnarvon run and flows past the N. part of the Hope table-land, through rough and sparsely grassed and timbered country. Basalt. DOON CREEK {Mitchell district) is a small tributary of the head of the Woolloolah creek, rising in the Warrego ranges and flowing W. through rough pastoral country. Sandstone and shales. DOONGAL or STONEY CREEK (Co. Cook) is a small tributary of the Burrum river, flowing past the township of Elliott, and watering some good agricultural land. Carboniferous sandstone. DOUBLE CREEK (Co. Clinton) is a S. tributary of the Calliope river, rising in and flowing through the Calliope goldflelds and the Booroon run. It is fed by the Beejourding and Badjin creeks. Devonian slates and shales, with syenite, diorite, and killas, and traces of copper ore. 66 The Queenslaiid Gazetteer. [Dou — Dru DOUBLE ISLAND POINT (Co. Marsh) is the N. head of Laguua bay, and the S. head of Wide bay. It is a promontory nmniug out from the mainland, with barren sandy ridges to "the S. and white sandy cliffs to the N. Sandstone. DOUBLE. MOUNT (Co. Palmcrston), is a prominent hill and landmark, about 30 miles inland of Port Bowen. Metamorphic. DOUBLE POINT {Kennedy district) is a headland on the coast, about 30 miles N. uf Cardwell. Granite. DOUBTFUL CREEK {Co. tt/rtfow) is a S. tributary of the river Calliope, watering the Upper Calliope run. Shales and serpentine. Traces of copper ore. DOUGHBOY CREEK (Co. Stanley) is an agricultural district, named from the creek which falls into the Brisbane, 8 miles W. of I^ytton. There are 5 sugar- mills in the district, and sugar-cane and other vegetable products are extensively cultivated. The township of Uytton, .S miles E. of the Doughboy creek post-oflSce, contains a custom-house and telegraph station. There are no public means of com- munication with that place, and Brisbane is reached by coach thence. The hotel is the Royal Mail (Jlrs. Waldock's), at the junction of the Cleveland and Lytton roads. The surrounding country is flat, with small elevations. The geological formation is alluvial deposit over clay slate and shales. The population of the district between Lytton and the Doughboy is about 5U0. There is a Wcsleyan chapel in the neighbourhood. DOUGHBOY CREEK (Co. Stanley) is a small creek and agricultural settle- ment, lying 2.^ miles N.W. of the township of Tiugalpa, and is generally included in. and considered a part of, that place. DOUGLAS CREEK (Co. Clermont) is a tributary of Sandy creek, 'or Theresa creek, tldwiiig through the township of Copperficld. Mica slate. DOUGLAS, ]\IOUNT (Bon-en district), is a lofty hill at the junction of the Rosetta cieck and Belyando river. It is crossed by the old road from Port Denisou to the Bowen downs. Tertiary sandstone. DOUGLAS PONDS CREEK {Mitchell district) is an important tributary of the Barcoo river, rising in the rough sandstone hilly country near Mount Northampton, and flowing in a gcneial W. and S. W. direction through good pastoral country into the Barcoo at Montes run. It passes by Alice downs head- station, and within 2 miles N. of the township of l^lackall, and is fed by the Dismal, Spring, Skeleton, and Norwood creeks. Sandstone and shales. DOWNS CREEK (A'ormanhy district) is a S. tributary of the Isaacs river. Carbon if eroiis. DRAYTON (Co. Auhigny) is a small tcnvnship suburban to Toowoomba, and pcncrally included in that jilace. It lies on Westbrook creek, in the midst of a fine agricultural district. Toowoomba is 4 miles E. and Allora :!() miles S. With Brisbane the communication is by railway from Toowoomba, !)3 miles. The hotels lire the Bull's Head. Criterion, Carrier's Arms, and Down's hotel. It is in the 1 arish of I.)rayton, and was formerly under ;i muiiici]ial council, which has lapsed. '1 he 8urrf)unding country is luidujating. 'I'hc ]iopul:ition numbers between 7(K) and UK). Drayton has 1 Church of England, 1 Roman Catholic, and 1 Congregational church. A godd racecourse lies midway between Drayton and Toowoomba. DREGHORN (Ilarensnood district) is a small mining township forming ] :irt of tlic cliMiK IS Tdwers gnldficld, which sec. (jranile and quartz. DRILLHKM (PEEK {Co. ]luln-rr) is a AV. tributary of the Dogwood creek, w.itcriiig the \Viill:in run, and f:illing into llie main stream about 6 miles N. of Condaniinc lownship. Clay sandstone. DROMEDARY, M()i:NT(rv.. Flinders), is a double-headed hill lying .at the head ol Cystc r « itek, lietwceu Bailie creek and Bustard bay. Ciranite. DRUMFIN CUKKK (Co. Jmno.,-). Sec Coppkumim; Ckkkk. DRUMMER'S CRKEK (Co.Jlonrn) is asinall tril)Utary <>f Siniduy creek, into which It falls, near llic cios.sing of the propuBed railway from Buudaberg to Mount Dru — Dun] The Queensland Gazetteer. 67 Perry, and about 2 miles N. of the latter township. Granite and mica schist or slate. DRUMMOND RANGE {Clermont district) is the name given to a range of sandstone hills, running nearly 2^. and S. and lying to the W. of the Peak downs gold and copper mining district. The loftiest peak of this range is Mount Narrien, which reaches an altitude of 1075 ft. Other prominent peaks are Black Mountain, and Mounts Craven and Hope. Sandstone, capped with basalt. DRYANDER, MOUNT (i?o«rH district), is a lofty mountain, and prominent land-mark from the sea, lying near the coast at the head of Picpulse bay. It attains an altitude of 2985 ft. above sea level. Granite. DRY CREEK [Co. Auhigny^ is an E. tributary of Westbrook creek, watering the agricultural land in the parish of Gowrie near Toowoomba. DRY CREEK [Co. Mackenzie) is a small tributary of the head of the Nangur creek, rising in a spur of the Main range to the S.W. of the Kilkivan goldfield, and watering the S. part of the Boonara run. Basalt. DRY CREEK {Kennedy district) is a tributary of the Burdekin river (which see.) DRYSDALE PONDS {Ballonne district) is a chain of five large lagoons on the E. side of the Maranoa river near Glencoe run. DUCK CREEK (Co. Ward) is a small tributary of the Albert river, rising in the Darlington range, and flowing W. through rugged pastoral country into the main stream on Sarabah run. Sandstone and schists. DUCK PONDS CREEK (Warrego district) is a small tributary of the head of the Angelella creek, watering the Torn Coat and Lost Knife runs. Mesozuic shales, sandstones, and limestones. DUGALD CREEK {Bnrlie district) is a W. tributary of the Cloucurry river. DUGANDAN CREEK {Co. Ward) is a small E. tributary of the Teviot brook, falling into its main stream near the Dugandan station. Palaeozoic, carboni- ferous. DUGONG ISLAND {Cook district) is a small rocky islet lying off the N.E. coast of Cape York, about 30 miles distant. DULACCA CREEK {Co. Bvbver) is a small W. tributary of the Dogwood creek, rising near the Dulacca head-station, and flowing S.E. into the main stream near the township of Moraby. Sandstone. DUMARESQ RIVER {Co. Clive) is fine stream, rising by two heads known as Pike's creek and the Severn river (the latter from the Stanthorpe stanniferous district), and flowing W. into the Macintyre river. It forms part of the divitliug line between the colonies of Queensland and New South Wales, and is fed at its lower end by the Macintyre brook. Carboniferous sandstone. DUNCHILL CREEK (TIa?ve^o district). See Bulloo River. DUNGENESS, 18° 35' S. lat., 146° 20' E. long. (Rave?isn-ood district), is a small seaport and postal township, situated at the mouth of the Herbert rivei-, under the shelter of the mountainous island of Hinchinbrook, and to the westward of its southern extremity. There are 3 receiving stores in the township, which is ])urely a shipping port. The nearest towns are Townsville, 70 miles to the south- ward; Cardwell, 30 miles to the northward; Herbert river township, 17 miles westerly. With these places there is constant communication by steam and sailiug vessels, and with Brisbane irregular communication by steamer, 900 miles distant S.E. The hotels are Bouny's hotel, at Duugeness; and the "Ferry Inn,"' at Herbert township. Dungeness is in the parish of Cardwell ; the district is generally flat, surrounded by forest country. The geological formation consists of alluvial deposit over granite. Population, 25 persons. In the township are two substantial wharves, with every facility for loadnig and discharging cargo, and a shipping office. The l^ort affords safe anchorage and shelter from all winds. DUNK ISLAND {Kennedy district) is a small rocky islet off Tam O'Shanter point. Granite. f2 68 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Dun — Em DUNMORE CREEK (6V>. Derby). See Western Creek. DUNWICH [Stradln-ohe island) is a settlement on the W. side of the island, opposite the township of Cleveland. It is the receiving station of the telegraph cable from Brisbane to Cape Moreton. Dunwich is also the pilot station for the South passage from Moreton bay, and the site of the Brisbane Benevolent Asylum. DURHAM CREEK {Leichhardt district). See Oweni Creek. DURAH is a telegraphic (line repairing) station on the main road and tele- graph liiiu let ween Dalby and Caamboon. BUTTON RIVER {Burke district) is a fine stream rising in Mount James, and llowing thence out of a terrific gorge S.W. into the Upper Flinders river. DUYFHEN POINT. 12^ .35' S. lat. {Cook district) is the N. point of a low maugrove-lined bight in the main land, in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The S. point of this bight is known .is I'era head, and consists of low reddish cliffs. DYNGIE CREEK (Co. WicJdoiv) is a small E. tributary of the Auburn river, rising in the Borania run, and falling into the main stream in the N.E. part of the Dyngie run. Clay slates and shales. EAGLE CREEK (Co. Bulwer) is a small stream, tributary to the Dogwood Creek, and separating the Gnooldoolmally and Biubian downs runs. It is fed by the Branch creek. Sandstone. EAST COAST, Queensland. See Pacific Queensland. EBORJE ISLAND {Cooh district) is a rocky islet, lying N. of Cape York, in Toires straits. ECHO CREEK (Sprinz/xure district) is a tributary of the Nogoa river, which see. EDGECOMBE BAY ( Co. Hcrhrrt) is a fine large opening in the land between Cape Gloucester and Port Deuison. It is about 15 miles across from head to head, and about 10 miles in depth. It is separated from Port Dcnison by a small rocky islet known as Stone islaiul, and protected from N. winds by Middle and Gloucester islands, the latter 1874 feet in height. See PORT Denison. EDGECUMBE, C.VPE (Boivrn district), is the E. head of Port Denison. Granite. EDWARD, MOUNT (Co. Baglan), is a lofty hill on the E. bank of the Dee river. Devonian. EDWARDS, :\rOUNT (Co. Miirchisoii). See St. Lawrence. EDWARDS TOWN (Cook district). See Maytown. EFFRA CREEK (Mitrhcll district) is a small tributary of the Ravensbourne creek, rising near Momit Inneskillcn, and flowing W. through fair pastoral comitry. It is fed by I'orec and Four-mile creeks. All these creeks are crossed by the post- road from Tambo and Isis downs, between the former place and Dulwich head- station. Sandstone and shales. EGAN'S L.\r.OON (Co. Parkinyton). See Pinmv Lily LAdOON. EIGHT-MILE CHEEK (Co. Cook) is a small tributary of the Perry river, jiassing tliioiigh rongli p;istoral country. Devonian slates and mica schists over- lying graiiiti'. EIGHT MILE CRKIIK (Co. Ncircasth). Sec M'Laren\s Crkek, EIGHT-MILE l)li; miles from the reser- voir at Ennogera, out of which it flows to the jimction of Ithica creek. It is fed by Fish creek, and passes through the suburb of Kelvin Grove. See BREAKFAST Crekk. ENNOGERA is an electoral district, commencing at the left bank of the Brisbane river, and boiuidod thence by the S.I-'. boundaries of jiortions 12, 45, .and 4fi. parish of North Brisbane north-easterly: then by the nnith-i\'(stcin boundaries of portions 4(>, 44, 42, 40, ;5S, :U), :U. 75, 7(!, 77. and 2r>'.t, parish of North Brisbane; north-westerly to Ciregoi'y-terr.ace, then by Gregory-terrace south-westerly to Petrie- terracc, and by Pctrie-terrace westerly to the N. corner of portion 'M~i, North P.risbane; then by the W. boundary of that portion bearing S. ; then by a road forming the E. side of the cemetery reserve, and bearing S. to Roma-street; then across that street, and by a roail south-easterly to tlie Brisbane river ;it the mouth of I'loundary creek : then by the Brisbane river ujjwards to 'i'oowong creek, and by that creek to its head ; tlien l>y 'i'aylor's range to the he.ad of Ithica creek, and by that creek to its junction wi'h I'lnnogera creiik, and by said creek to the northern road at the K. Ixmndary of |W)rtion 281, pari.sh of I'liniogera; then by the northern road northerly Xo Krdron brook, at theW. lx)und!uy of portion (>, parisli of Knoggera; then by Kcdron l)rook ilownwni-ds to the K. boundary of jiortion 7, parish of Toombul, and by the K. Ixnnulary of that jHirtion hearing S. to the N.W. corner of portion 17, and then<'C by a line U'aring K. to the iirishane river, and. by that river upwards to the point of commencement. Tlic district has 1015 electors on the roll, and is n'|)n;Hented in the Ijegislativ<' (/'ouiicil by .I.■lm(^s Unbert Oickson, elected 2Sth N^orember, IH7.'J. Tlu; i-evision court for the district is held at Bri.sbanc ; the returning oflicer is J, Fenwick, of (hat place. ERRICK'S CUKKK (Co. Wieklnw) is a small W. head feeder of the Auburn river, watering the Borani;i run. It is fed i]y the Shearing gully creek. Clay slates and sliales. Ero — Eva] The, Queensland Gazetteer. 71 EROOMBAH CUEEK {Leichhardt district). See Oweni Creek. ESCAPE KIVER (Cook district) is a small river entering the sea by a broad estuary at Shadwell point, the S. extremity of Newcastle bay. ESCORT RANGE {Kennedy district) is a chain of granite ranges, 2500 feet high, lying N. of the Cape river goldtield. ESK, MOUNT [Co. Cavemlish), is a high mountain lying E. of the township of Gallanani (sometimes called Mount Esk), between the town and the river. Quartz, and felspathic and granite rock. ESK or SANDY CREEK {Co. Cavendish). See Gallanani, ETHERIDGrE RIVER [Burke district) is a stream rising in the Newcastle range, about 40 miles E. of Georgetown, and liowing past the Georgetown goldtield into the Gilbert river. It is fed by the Delauy river. Granite and quartz. ETHERIDGE and WESTERN CREEK GOLD-FIELD [Burke district) had, at the beginning of 1874, 677 miners' rights and G7 business licenses, 143 dis- tinct auriferous reefs, and 500 miles of auriferous ground worked on, 8 steam engines of an aggregate of 'Jl h.p., and 90 stamp heads, of the total value of £17,500. The quartz crushed amounted to 17,157 tons, producing 29,025 ounces, with an average yield per ton of 1 oz. 18dvvts. 20grs. The gold sent down by escort was 29,973 ozs., of the value of £89,919. Etheridge police district had, in 1875, 391 horses, 4016 horned cattle, 2600 sheep, and 28 pigs. ETON VALE [Co. Anbignij). See Cambooya. EUDDO CREEK [Co. Caiming) is a small tributary of the Maroochy river, which see. EULAH, MOUNT (Burke district), is a mountain on the Carpentaria downs, S. of the Lynd coj^per-miue. EULAM CREEK [Co. March). See NoosA Creek. EULO, -S" 10' S. lat. [Mitchell district), is a postal station, lying 52 miles S.W. of Cuunamulla, with which place there is mail communication once a week. EUMAMURRIN, MOUNT {Maranoa district), is an elevation in the Myall downs. EURELLA CREEK ( Warrego district) is a small S. tributary of the Ham- burgh creek, watering the Eurella run. Mesozoic shales, sandstones and limestones. EURIMBULA CREEK (Co. Flinders) is a creek in Bustard bay. A saw- mill is now established upon this creek, from which a considerable quantity of timber is shipped in small craft. Its entrance lies about 4 miles S.W. by W. of Round-hill head. EURO, MOUNT [Mitchell district), is a solitary hill lying in open flats and grassy plains on the E. side of M'Kinley's route of 1861. EVANS BAY {Cook district) is a small bay lymg near and S. E. of Cape York. It extends from three-quarters of a mile to one mile and three-quarters to the south-eastward from the extremity of Cape York, between Evans and Ida points. The former is a double rock, sloping down from the foot of Mount Bremer ; the latter, which forms the S.E. point of the bay, is also rocky, with a high narrow island of the same name, nearly half a mile long, £. and W., immediately to the eastward of it. A sandy beach forms the shore between these extremes of the bay, the greater portion being backed by scrub and stunted trees. As shoal water extends from the beach to a line from Evans point to Ida island, there is not suffi- cient depth within for any other than small vessels; but the best anchorage for large vessels, in the S.E. moonsoon, is in 6^ fathoms, sand and mud, with Ida point bearing S.JW. and Sextant rock— which lies half-a-mile to the eastward of Evans point — in line with the E. end of Eborae island. In the N.W. monsoon, there is better shelter a little more to the W.N. W., at a quarter of a mile from Sextant rock. Water may be procured in wells dug at the back of the beach in Evans bay, some at a third of a mile inside Ida point, and others three-quarters of a mile further to the north-westward. Even when blowing hard there is seldom so much surf on the 72 The Queensland Gazetteer. [ExE — Fas beach as to prevent boats bringing ofiE water ; the only inconvenience is the strength of the tidal streams, which set X.W. and S.E., the greatest strength being two knots. EXE CKEEK (Bon-ciidistrlct). See BowEX River. EXPEDITION CHEEK (Kennedy district). See Burdekin River. EXPEDITION CREEK {Leichardt district) is a W. tributary of the upier part uf Zaiiii:i c-reek. Basalt. EXPEDITION" KANGE {Sj>ritir/.iure and Lclchhardt district) is a chain of hills nuining lunrly >.'. and 8. between the watersheds of the Comet and Dawson rivers. It forms the dividing line of the two districts, and is situated in good pastoral countiy. Alesozoic sandstone, basalt to the S. E. part. EYRE CREEK (Mitchell district) is a stream lying in tie S.W. corner of the colony. It was found by Sturt in 184."», who followed it up to about 24" 20' S. lat., where he was stopped by impenetrable sand ridges. It lies N.W. of the Great Stony Desert. Tertiary sandstone. PACING ISLAND [Port Curtis district) is an island about nine miles in length, opposite the township of Gladstone and the Calliope entrance in Port Curtis. At the S. end of this island is a promontary known as Gatcombe head, ou which is a fixed dioj)tric light of the fifth order, standing about 66 ft. above sea level. Slates and shales. FAIR (APE (Cook district). See Cape Weymouth. FANNING RIVER {Kennedy district) is a stream rising iu Mount St. Michael, and flowing S. into the Burdekin river near the crossing of the Port Denison and Burdekin downs road. Clay slates and shales. FARADAY, MOUNT ( Warrego district), is a prominent peak lying on the "W. side vi I he upper end of the Warrego river. Sandstone. FARQUHARSON CREEK (Co. ^^e7l^castle) is a small S. tributary of the P>ooudooma creek, watering the N. part of the Boondooma run. Clay slates and shales. FAREWELL CREEK (Co. Pring). Sec Kinkacilla Creek. FARM ( 1:KKK (Co. Merivalc). Sec Warwick. FASSIFERN, 28° S. lat.. 152° H.V E. long. (Co. ClnirchUT), is a small postal tdwii-iiip ill the electoral district of the same nnnu', lying ou the Warrill treck, the Main range being 12 miles distant W. The district is a pastoral one. The nearest townsliips are Warwick, 50 miles S.W., and l]iswicli, H2 miles N., the communicatidii being by horse or dray. With Bii^banc. r>7 miles N.E., tiie com- municaticn is liy road to Ipswich Ii2 miles, and rail to Brisbane 2o miles. There is one hotel in the township — the Bush Inn. The surrounding country is generally moiintiiitioiis. FASSIFERN is an electoral district, commencing on the Little LivoriKiol range, ami IkiimkIi <1 tluiice by a line bearing E., and t'oiiiiing the S. boundaries of |)orliotis 74 and ol, jiarish of Alfred, and i>^^, (IS, and (Jit, jmrish of Ferguson; then Ijy tlic E. Ijoundaries of prirtions (!lt. 6(5, antl (")!» same parish bearing north to the S.W. corner of portion 64 same jiarish ; then by a road bearing E. to the N.E. corner of portiundaries of IIH, 158, 162, 16:t. 166, *167, IIK, 145, and 17'.t easterly : then by the E. boundiiry of 17;» southerly ; then by the northern boundarieK of 184, 185, 188, 1811, 1112, llCJ, and I'JC, same pari.sli, and a line bearing E. to Mount Flinders range; thence by that range northerly to Mount Gofilman, and by the eastern watershed of Woogaroo creek north-easterly; then by a line bearing E. to the Logan river at the S.W. comer of |K)rli miles K. S.E. of the townsliip of I'urga creek. Near this mountain Yli — Fra] The Queensland Gazetteer. 75 are several remarkable caves, and the siuToundiug country is very wild and romantic. Sandstone and limestone. FLINDERS RIVER (Burke district). See NORMANTOX. FLORA, MOUNT [Normanhy district). Copper mine. See Nebo. FOREST HILL [Boweti district) is a mountain lying on the W. bank of the Belyando river, in about 21° 50' S. lat., 146° -10' E. long. Limestone. FORSYTH ISLAND (Bicrhe district). See Wellesley Islands. FORT CREEK {Co. Newcastle) is a small feeder of the Warrana or Western creek, flowing in the W. part of the Coondarra run. Basalt. FORT COOPER, MOUNT (Normanhi/ district). See Nebo. Fort Cooper police district had, in 1874, 471 horses, 11,410 horned cattle, 98,151 sheep, 101 pigs. FORTITUDE VALLEY (Co. Stanley) is a suburb of Brisbane, lying on the slope of a hill in the road to Breakfast creek. It is so named from the fact of a large number of the immigrants by the Fortitude, one of the first immigrant ships to arrive, having settled there. It lies a mile from Brisbane, and there is constant communication by cab and 'bus. There is a R.C. convent in the place, a large stone quarry has just been opened, and there is the usual complement of stores and hotels. Sandstone. FORTITUDE VALLEY is an electoral district commencing on the left bank of the Brisbane river, and bounded thence on the S. by Boundary-street bearing W. to Gregory-terrace, on the N.W. by Gregory terrace north-easterly to the N. corner of portion 269, on the N. E. by the north-eastern boundaries of portions 260, 77, 76, 75, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, and 46, parish of North Brisbane, south-easterly ; on the S. E. by the south-eastern boundaries of portions 46, 45, and 12, parish of North Brisbane, south-westerly to the Brisbane river, and again on the S. by that river upwards to the point of commencement. This district has 1261 electors on the roll, and is represented in the Legislative Assembly by Francis Beattie, elected February 25, 1874. (Mr. Beattie succeeded the Hon. Chas. Lilley, one of the oldest members of the Assembly, who had represented this constituency for very many years, and who has now been made a judge of the Supreme Court.) The revision court for this district is held at Brisbane ; the returning officer is C. J. Trundle, of that place. FORTY-ONE MILE CREEK (Burke district) is a tributary of the head of the Gilbert river (which see). FOSSILBROOK CREEK (Cook district). See Lynd River. FOUR-MILE CREEK (^Oo. Livingstone) is a tributary of the Crocodile or Gavial creek, rising in the ranges to the S.W. of the Boldercombe diggings. Granite. FOUR-MILE CREEK (Co. Mackenzie). See Sandy Creek. FOUR-MILE CREEK {Co. Stanley). See North Pine River. FOUR-MILE CREEK (Mitchell district) is a small tributary of Kffra creek, crossed by the post-road from Tambo to Isis downs, a short distance N.W. of the Dulwich head-station. Granite. FOWLER ISLAND (Burke district) is a small island in the Wellesley group 1^ miles long, N.N.E. and S.S. W., with a clump of trees near the south point, lies S.W. by S. 2 miles from Raft point. It is fronted towards Investigator roads by rocks and shoal water, to clear which, Raft point should not be brought to the eastward of N. ^ E . FRANCIS CREEK (Kennedy district) is a S. tributary of the Herbert river rising in the N. jiart of the setttled district of Townsville, and flowing N.E. into the main stream near Mount Catherine. It is crossed by the telegraph line and main road from Bo wen to Card well. Granite. FRANKLAND ISLANDS (Kennedy district) is a group of small islands lying about 15 miles S.S. E. of Cape Grafton. 76 21ie Queensland Gazetteer. [Fra — Fun FRANKLYN" VALE CHEEK (Co. Ckurchill) is an important tributary of the BrLiuer ri\ lt, passiug ihrough the village of Alfred, and joining the Bremer near Ipswich. FRASER'S CREEK ( Co. Ward) is the name given to one of the head-feeders of the Teviot brook. It rises in a N. spur of the Main Dividing range between Queensland and New South Wales, near Mount Maroon, and flows N.W. about 8 miles, rahcozoic. carboniferous. FREESTONE CHEEK {Co. Merh-ah). from which the district derives its name, is in the parish of Merivale and electoral district of Warwick. Freestone creek bears S.W. from Brisbane, and is about 1800 feet above the sea level. It is in the southern part of the Darling downs. Freestone creek falls into Glengallan creek, it takes its rise in the watershed separating Glengallan downs from Canning ilowus. a spur of the Main range. Mouut Sturt lies about 4 miles distant bearing due E., surrounding it are some verj tine farms. The scrub is very dense and contains an immense number of wallabies, which are a great pest to the farmer. Freestone Creek is situated on the main road between Warwick and Brisbane, a strong bridge spans the creek about G miles from jMerivale station. There are no manufactories in the district, but a number of men are engaged in cutting and sawing timber, by hand, which they sell at about 22s. 6d. per 1()0 feet. The district is an agricultural one, being a {jortion of what is termed the War\vick reserve. Before the laud was selected for agricultural purposes it formed part of Glengallan run, then the property of Marshall and Deuchar. There are several water reserves where the fanners have to drive their cattle for the purpose of watering them. The agriculturists are all overstocked with cattle. Wheat is grown to perfection, average alxjut 85 bushels to the acre. Maize is one of the staple crops. Warwick lies about S., and is distant about 'J miles, a good road all the way. Warwick is prettily situated on the Condamine river; the population in the surrounding district follow the jmrsuit of agriculture and grazing. Allora township lies about N. from here on Dalrymple creek, about 9 miles distant. A weekly mail plies between Warwick and Freestone creek. The farmers carry their produce to Warwick. Large quantities of chaff are forwarded to Brisbane via rail from Warwick station. The mail is carried on horseback. With Brisbane the communication is by railway from Warwick or Allora. Brisbane is distant alx)ut 100 miles via. Cunningham's gap. about 140 Ijy rail. Freestone creek is on the main ro.ad to Ipswich via ]\leriv.ale antl Cuniiingham"s gap. There is a primary school, at which about S.j children attend daily. The population is very scattereii. There is also a post and money-order oflice and a )>rovisional school, situated towards the head of the creek. There is no local government. The roads are under the control of the ro.nd board, and are kept in good order the chief (jftice being in Toowooinba. parish of I\Ierivale. The district is moun- laiiious to the E., but Freestone creek proper is situated in a rich alluvial valley of black soil, (,'oal can easily be had in the bed of the creek, or on its banks, but not in payable fiuantities ; persons excavating a well a few months ago came on a large deposit or layer of s])lendid coal, which sui>i>lied the jilace of wood to a very great extent, in fact supplied the liouse with fuel for several months. The coal was of superior quality. The population numbers about 100 in number in Freestone creek proper. There is one Wesleyan chapel, the ofliciating clergyman being the Ivcv. James Taylor, from Warwick. All the land lit for agricultural or grazing purposes in now (jccuj'itMl. FREESTONE CKKKK (Co. Mrrivti/r) is a .Miiiill lribnl;iry of Ihe Glen- gallan creek, rising in tiie JIain range near Spicer's peak, and liowing in a N.W. direction through a tract of line and thickly-poi)ulated agricultural district. Basaltic at its upper end, and j)alieozoic and carboniferous at its lower. FRENCH'S CREEK (Co. Ward) is a small W. tributary of the Teviot brook, rising in .Mount French, and (lowing E. into its main stream at the agricul- tural settlement thereon. J'aliuoz(jic, carl)oniferous. FRIDAY "1 Gil K.M.EV ISL.XND (Cook dixtvirt). Sec I'lnNCK OF WALKS I.m.AM). FULLERTON CKKKK (Hurhr dintrirt). Sec GllKciOKY lilVKU. FUNNELL CREEK (Aormanhi/ dinfrirf). Sec I'lUNKKU RiVEU. Fun — Gar] The Queensland Gazetteer. 77 FUNNELL, MOUNT {Bowen district), is a lofty hill lying near the coast inland, ami S.W. of Cape Palmerston. It is a prominent land-mark from the sea, and is 1100 ft. high. See Coast Range. Granite. FUTTER'S CREEK (6'o. Mackenzie) is a small tributary of the Bald creek, rising in the Main range to the S.W. of the Kilkivan goldtield, and flowing W. in the 13oonara run. Basalt. FUTTER'S CREEK (Co. Clinton) is a W. tributary of the Boyne river, rising in ]\Iount Fatter's hut, and flowing E. through the Burmundoo run into the main stream near Burmundoo head-station. It is fed by the Diglum creek. FYFE BARNETT. See Mount Perry. GAINSFORD (Co. Parkington) is a postal township in the electoral district of Lcichhardt. It is situated on the Dawson river a few miles S. of the junction of that river with the Mackenzie and Fitzroy rivers. Gainsford was formerly a place of considerable importance, the western traffic from Rockharapton passing through it, but now all the traffic converges at and passes through Bool- burra, the new township at the Dawson bridge. The old township Gainsford is nearly abandoned. GALAA CREEK {Burke district) is a small E. tributary of the Enuesleigh river, which see. GALA CREEK (Co. Botven). See Kolan River. GALBRAITH'S CREEK (Co. Fitzroy) is an E. tributary of Stuart's river, rising in and watering the E. part of the Ballogie run. Granite, clay slates and shales. GALLANANI, or MOUNT ESK (Co. Cavendish), is a small postal township in the electorate of Stanley, situated on Sandy, or Esk creek, which joins the Bris- bane river about five miles E. of the township. Mount Esk, a high mountain, lies E. of the township, between the town and the river. The district is mostly pastoral, there being very little agriculture or cultivation of the soil. Ipswich is 4.") miles off S., and Gatton 30 miles off S.W., the communication being by roads only. There is a fair road to Ipswich, but it crosses the Brisbane river twice, and is often intercepted by flood ; there is also a good road to Gatton not liable to flood. The best means of communication with Brisbane, 90 miles S.E., at all times is by rail from Gatton. There is one hotel, the Glenrock, in the district, which is under the control of the Ipswich road boai'd. The surrounding country is mostly low, nn- dulating sandstone ridges, through which Mount Esk (composed of quartz and felspathic and some granite rock) rises strikingly high. The total population of Mount Esk and neighbourhood is about 200 souls. GALLANANI CREEK (Co. Carendislt) is the name of the upper end of Esk creek. GAP, MOUNT (Co. Fortesque), is a lofty hill on the Dawson river, about 15 miles N.E. of Taroom. Devonian. GAP CREEK (Co. Le^inox) is a tiibutary of the Wide bay creek, rising near the Kilkivan goldfield, and flowing N.E. Porphyritic greenstone, serpentine and granite. GAP CREEK (Co. Mackenzie) is a small tributary of G Wynne's creek, rising in the Main range to the W. of the Kilkivan goldfield, and being crossed near its confluence into its main stream by the Kilkivan and Gayndah road. It is fed bv Rose creek. Clay slates and shales. GAP CREEK (Co. Merivnle) is a small tributary of the Glengallan creek, rising in Cunningham's gap in the Main range, and flowing in a westerly direction. ]>asalt and basic dolorite. GAP CREEK (Leichhardt district). See Dawson River. GARDEN CREEK (Co. Fitzroy). See Alexander Creek. GARIBALDI RUSH (Co. Livingstone) is a portion of the Cawarral gold- field, lying about li miles S.W. of tlie township (see Cawarral;. Slate and shales with serpentine. 78 Tlie Qiieetisland Gazetteer. [Gar — Geo GARNET, ^lOUXT {Cooh district), is a detached bill on the Coleman river, which see. f^andstone and quartz. GATTON, 27' [30' S. lat.. 152° 25' E. long. (Cr;. OiurcJi ill), is a postal, telegraph, ami railwav station township in the electoral district of Stanley. It is situated on the Lockyer creek, the JIaiu range running W. and S.W., distant about 14 miles. The district is- both agricultural and pastoral, the nearest places being lent hill, a suburb of Gattou, i miles; Ipswich, 38 miles; Toowoomba, -i miles. "With the two latter the communication is by the Ipswich and Toowoomba railway. There is no regular conveyance to Tout hill. With Brisbane, Go miles E., the communication is by railway. The Plough inn is the only hotel in Gatton. The surrounding country is elevated, but flat. The population numbers — Gattou, 150; Q'eut hill. 200. The surrounding country is undulating, sandy and poor, with a few patches of good soil, and heavily timbered ridges here and there. In Gatton are Roman Catholic and Congregationalist churches, and in Tent hill a Presbyterian or Church of Scotland. Gatton police district had, in 1875, 2392 horses, 26,412 horned cattle, 19,378 sheep, and 1980 pigs. GAVIAL CHEEK (Co. Livingstone), See Crocodile Ceeek. GAYNDAH. 25° 40' S. lat., lol^ 35'E. long. (Co. Macl-cuzic), is an important postal and telegraphic township in the electoral district of Burnett. It is situated on the Burnett river, which runs parallel with the town for one mile and a half on the northern side. Ilcid's creek joins tlie Burnett innnediately opposite the town. The district is almost exclusively a pastoral one. although small jiatches of land have lately been taken np for agricultural purposes. The nearest places are ]^Iount Perry, 40 miles N. ; Maryborough, 85 miles E. ; Nanango, 100 miles S,E. ; Dalbv. 145 miles S.; Taroom, 150 miles W., and Banana, 150 miles N, There is a coach twice a week to Maryborough ; horse mail once a week to Nanango, twice a week to Mount Perry, weekly to Dalby, weekly to Banana, weekly to Taroom. AVith Brisbane, 180 miles S.E., the communication is by horseback to Dalby, and thence by railway, or by coach to Marylwrongh. and thence by steamer. Gayud.ah has a hospital built t)f wood, and school of arts built of brick. The hotels are the (iayndah. Commercial, Victoria, North Star, and (^leensland, the Maryborough oo.ach office being at the Gayndah hotel. The township is under the control of a municipal councd, consisting of a mayor and five aldermen. The surrounding district consists of ridgy country, principally granite and basalt. 'The population of Gayndah is tlOO persons. 'The Church of England service is held in the courthouse, the Roman Catholics have a brick church. Gayndah has a I'acecourse, a grant from tlie Crown, fenced in. (idijndah jmlirr district had, in 1875, 2404 horses, 50,139 horned entile, 235,(;il sheep, and '.'JCCi ])igs. GEARY'S CHEEK (Kmncd;/ district) is a samll S. tributary of the Cape liver, rising in tlie poor desert sandstone country to the S. of Ca))eville, and flowing E. Tc'itiary sandstone, grits and conglomerates. GEARY lIir/LS (liiirkc district) is a chnin of hills lying in well-grassed downs on tiie main road from Nornnmton to (.Jhaudos and Burketown. Jron- slouc. GEIIAM CREEK ((Jo. Auhigny). Sec lllGHFlELDS, GEMINI (lio)rrn district), a lofty double-headed hill in the Peak downs. I)evonian. GENERA CRI'^KK (^V*. Mnckrvzir) is a small N. tributary of Stuart's river, rising mi .-md watering the N. part of the Prosimi run. Granite, clay slate and shales. GEORGETOWN, IH" lO' S. lat., 1 i:; lo' K. long, (liurkr district), is a ))oHtal, tiU'grapli and mining townsliip, situ.'ilcd (jii tiie Ktheridge river, 178 miles W. of (,'ardwell on tlie m:iin line of road from Town.svilie to .N'oriuanton. The Elhcridgc river is a trilmtary of the GiUicrt, tiikes its rise in Newcjuslle range, 40 niilcrs from Georgetown. Tlii; (iilberl, a large sandy river full of frees and islands, rises in tlie Gilbert ranges, 120 miles S. of Georgetown, and passes within 22 miles; CrER — Gil The Queensland Gazetteer. 79 keeping a northerly course, it empties into the Gulf of Carpentaria from the eastern coast. The Ennesleigh, also a tributary of the Gilbert, is a large, shallow river from three-cpiarters to 1 mile wide, lyuig Va. of Georgetown, 40 miles. There are seven quartz-crushing mills on the goklfield. divided as follows: Georgetown, 1; Charleston, 2; Newtown, 1; Greenwood 1; Mount Turner, 1; Dublin, 1. The district is a gold-mining one, principally quartz; the mines being: Charleston, :i() miles; Newtown, .SO miles; Greenwood, 18 miles; Mount Turner, 6 miles; and Dublin, 10 miles from Georgetown; which is the postal centre. Normauton lies 210 miles W. of the Norman river, and Gilberton 100 miles S. (at present deserted). The communication is postal to Gilberton, and postal and telegraphic to Nor- manton. With Brisbane, 1247 miles S.E., the communication is by a land journey of 220 miles to Cardwell, and thence by steamer. Georgetown has one hospital for the entire district. The hotels are the Welcome inn, Royal, Salutation, Etheridge, and Working Miners'. There are no offices or agents for carrying purposes. Goods and all supplies are obtained from Townsville, .330 miles' journey, or Normanton, 240 miles, by drays. The road to Cardwell is far the shortest, but is impracticable for drays. The surrounding district consists of elevated quartz ridges with high granite peaks thrown up. The population of the township numbers about 500. There is a Catholic chapel in Georgetown (no other place of worship), and the Bank of New South Wales has a bi-anch there. GERMAN BAR ( Cook district). See Mattowx. GERMAN STATION (Co. Stanley) is a small roadside village lying on the Brisbane and Sandgate road, near Kedron brook. It is partly agricultural and partly pastoral. Sandgate, the chief watering-place for Brisbane, lies N. about 7 miles, and Brisbane lies about G miles to the S. ; the communication being by daily coach along the main road leading from Sandgate to Brisbane. There is a primary school and a post-office. The hotels are the Prince of Wales and the Kedron Brook. The Sandgate coaches and carrying-vans supply the requirements of German Station. The district is under the control of a road board. The sur- rounding country is undulating ; the surface consisting generally of a light sandy soil, admirably adapted for the growing of pine-apples ; increased attention is being paid to the cultivation of the grape-vine. The general geological formation seems to be chiefly carboniferous and Devonian (Palseozoic). Much of the land in the neighbourhood is taken up, and the population, chiefly of small settlers, is scattered. The Wesleyan, Lutheran (German), and Baptist denominations have places of worship. GERMANTOWN [Co. Stanley) is a small village suburban to Brisbane, with which place there is communication by coach twice daily. GHIRAIR or CHIRAIR CREEK [Co. Fitzroy) is a S. tributary of the Roo- yembah creek, rising in the Main range at the N. boundary of the Jlount Stanley run, within a short distance N. of the Cooroomjam diggings, and flowing N.W. through rough pastoral country. Basalt, basic dolorite. GIANT TAl'.LE (Mitchell district) is a lofty flat-topped mountain, lying on IM'Kinley's track of 1861, between Middleton creek and the Diamantina river. Sandstone. GILBERT CREEK (Xormanhy district). See Campbell's Creek. GILBERTON (Burke district), 19° 5' S. lat, 143° 20' E. long., is the pos- tal centre of the Gilbert goklfield. It lies on the Gilbert river near its head, and is, at present, nearly deserted. Georgetown is 100 miles N. , and is the nearest township. The communication with Brisbane is by a land journey via Georgetown of 300 miles to Cardwell, and steamer thence. Auriferous slate. On the Gilbert goklfield are 111 miner's rights and 16 business licenses, 2 steam engines of an aggregate of 22 h.p.. and 2.5 stamp-heads, of the total value of £4000. The gold sent down by escort from the field in 1873 was 1574 ozs. of the value of £3935. Gilberton j'olice district had, in 1875, 53 horses, 2443 horned cattle, no sheep and no pigs. GILBERT RANGES (Burke district) is a chain of sandstone and conglom- erate hills, lying at the head of the JEtheridge river, and to the N. of the Gilbert 80 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Gil — Gla golclfield. Copper has been found on the E. slopes of these ranges, and auriferous slate abounds to the W. and S. The principal peak is Mount Manbury. GILBERT EIVER(i?M?'/te district) is an important auriferous stream, rising in the Gilbert ranges, about lit" 30' S. Lit., 1-13'^ 50' E. long., and flows N. andN.W. into the Gulf of Carpentaria. It passes by the township of Gilberton and through the Gilbert goldfield, and is fed by the 50-Mile, 41-Mile, Mica Slate, Tea-tree, llobertson, Perry, Mosquito, Laugdon, Etheridge, Einesleigh, and other small creeks. It is a large sandy river, full of ti'ces and islands, and passes through good auriferous country and within 22 miles W. of Georgetown. Its lower end is known as the Van Diemen river. Sandstone, conglomerate, and auriferous slate. GILBERT'S DOME (SpririffSKrc district) is a lofty hill lying E. of Cler- mont, ami creissed by the old Peak downs road from St. Lawrence. ' Metamorphic. GINDIE CHEEK {Spritiffsure district) is a tributary of the Nogoa river, which see. GIN GIN CPtEEK (Co. Bo7vcn). See Kolan En'ER. GIPPS, :^10UNT ico. Ward). See Dividing Range. GLADSTONE, 23° 50' S. lat., 151° 15' E. long. {Co. Deas Tliomson), is a postal and seaport town in the electoral district of Port Curtis and parish of Clinton. It is situated on Port Curtis bay and Auckland creek. There are two rivers in the neighbourhood — the Boyue, about 10 miles from Ghidstone, and the Calliope, 7. Mount Larcom is the name of a mountain 24 miles distant N.W. There are two saw-mills — one on the Calliope river, 7 miles distant ; the other at the salt- works, 1 mile from the town. The country surrounding Gladstone is a pastoral district principally, the Calliope diggings being the nearest and only township ; it lies about 15 miles distant S.W. Calliope saw-mill is a small village. The com- munication is by horse or dray, and with Brisbane by steamer. The distance from Gladstone to Brisbane is about ."iOO miles. There is a school of arts in the town- ship, a public school, court-house, telegraph office, and post and money-order offices. Tiie hotels are the Metropolitan and Commercial ; at Calliope, the Prospect and Diggers' Arms. Gladstone is under the control of a borough council. The sur- rounding country is elevated and mountainous. The population was 411 last census. There are three places of worship — Presbyterian, Episcdpalian, Roman Catholic. The Joint Stock liank and Government Savings Piank have branches in Gladstone, and there is a racecourse about a mile from the town. Gladxtvne and Kroomhit police district had, in 1875, 2228 horses, 87,620 horned cattle. G1,1(J5 sheep, and 5'.)8 pigs. GLADYS RIVER {Kennedy district) is a sluggish stream with a bar entrance of 2 or 3 feet at low water ; inside it has or 8 feet. The entrance is in 17° 30' S. lat., 146° (!' E. long. The river is navigable for small craft for 10 miles, and the banks consist of rich alluvial soil. GLAMORGAN VALE (Co. Stanley) is a small postal village in the electoral district of W. .Morc'ion. It lies on Black Snake creek, which rises about (5 miles distant in a S.W. direction, and empties itself in the Brisbane river about 3 miles distant in a northerly direction. It is on the direct road from Ijiswich to Tarampa, and lies in tlie ])arislies of North and Walloon, and is alx)ut 12 miles from Ijiswich in a N.W. direction. Cilamorgan v.-ilc is bounded on the W. l)y high inount.ains, broken ridges and deep gullies, and on the E. and N.IC. by bold ridges lightly grassed and heavily limbered, but when cleareil yielding good crojis of cotton, potatoes, corn and other farm produce. It is a most pleasant and lie:ilthy neigh- bourhood. Tlicrc i« one saw-mill in the district, belonging to Jlcssr.s. Hancock and Sons, which is well employed in cutting pine and other timber; they have two ])(jrt:il)l(; steam engines in full work, and employ a large number of men. It is a purely agricultural district, being in a portion of the Rosewood scrub, which is being clean:d in all direclioriH, and promises ere long to be one of the richest agricnllunil ilistricts in W. Monitoii. Coal, cojiper, and ot.her minerals have been found in the district, and there is every n^ason to believe that, if ])roperly jirospected, they would be foinid in large (iiumtilies. Ipswich is 12 miles 74 feet above sea level. Granite. GOGANGO, 23° 40' S. lat., nO° 10' E. long. (Co. Partington), is a postal township in the electoral district of Port Curtis. It is also a station on the Great Northern railway, and is situated on the Gogango creek. The district is pastoral, with small goldfields — Gogango goldfield is 1(5 miles distant, Herbert's creek the same distance. Chinaman's flat 3 miles, Emu creek 3 miles, aud Cox's creek 12 miles. The nearest townships are — Westwood, IS miles E., for a long time ter- minus of Great Northern railway. Itocky creek, 6 miles W., population engaged in construction of railway extension. The communication is by railway, and with Brisbane, by railway to Kockbampton 30 miles, and thence by steamer, about 470 miles in all. The hotels are the Horse and Jockey, Railway, Carriers' Arms, aud Extension. The surrounding country consists of flats aud iron bark ridges, the geological formation being slate and shale. The population of Gogango is 200 persons. There is a good racecourse. The jwpulatiou is settled at present, but when the Northern Extension is opened for traffic to the Dawson, Gogango will probably be a jilace of the past. GOGANGO CREEK {Co. Parkington) is a S, tributary of the Fitzroy river, rising near Weslwood aud flowing W. and N. past the township of Gogango. Slate and shale. GOGrG'S CREEK {Co. Fitzroy) is a small E. tributary of the Boyne river, watering the S. part of the Jua run. Clay slate and shales. GOLDEN GULLY CREEK [Co. Mackenzie) is a small N. tributary of the Wigton or tiraham's creek rising to the S. of Arranbanga run, and flowing S.W. through the N. point of Wigton run into the main stream, near the boundary line of the Pabric run. Clay slates aud shales. GOODE, or PALILUG ISLAND {Cook district). See PRINCE OF Wales Islands. GOODNA, 27-' 40' S. lat., 152° .W E. long. {Co. Stanley), is a township situate on the Brisbane river in the electoral district of Buudamba, on the main road between I'.ri.sltane and Ijiswich, 43 feet above the level of the sea; on the line also of the S. and W. railway, with a station and electric telegraph office, a court of petty sessions, a post office, with money order and savings bank departments, and a primary school. 1'he JJrisbane river and the Woogaroo, Goodna and Six- mile creeks all jun into the Brisbane river, and Jirc all close to the township of Goodna, except the Six-mile, which is about 3 miles away. There are no manu- factories of moment at Go patients. The hotels are the Royal Mail, Prince of Wales and lied- bank Inn. The surroundings of Goodna are princijjally ridges of no particular height. The geological formation is, as far as it is known, sandstone, coal and a white freestone, with sandy ridges and masses of stone outcroj). The pojjulation numbers about 800 persons. The Congregational and Primitive Meth(Klist denomi- nations have churches at Goodna. There is also a Baptist chapel, which has been closed about two years. There is a Roman Catholic chapel and school at Redbank. At Redbank plains there are also Roman Catholic, Weslcyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. There is a Good Templars' hall and an Oddfellows" society in the township; the latter meets at the Prince of Wales hotel. A quarry of good freestone has furnished much of the stone for the public buildings of Brisbane. Goodna jjollce district had, in 1875, 503 horses, 3074 horned cattle, 123 sheep and 353 pigs. GOODNA CREEK (Co. Stanley) is a small S. tributary of the Brisbane river, into which it flows at the township of the same name. Carboniferous, sand- fitoue. GOOLMAN, JIOUNT ( Co. Churchill), is a prominent hill lying about 6 miles E.S.E. of the township of Purja Creek. Sandstone and limestone. GOORANGA CREEK [Co. Lytton) is a N. tributary of the Condamine river rising in the Buuya range, and flowing W. into the main stream at Charley's camp. GOORA-GOORA CREEK (Co. Cavendish). See Emu Creek. GOONDIWINDI, 28° 30' S. lat, 150° 25' E. long. (Co. March), is a postal and telegraphic township in the electoral district of Carnarvon. It is a border town on the M'Intyre river, the S. boundary between Queensland and New South Wales, on the main road from St. George to Toowoomba, via Muugindi and Talwood, Welltown, Winton and Callandoor stations W., Inglewood and Leyburn townships E. The Sovereign creek and M'Intyre brook join about 25 miles E. of Goondiwindi, falling into the M'Intyre river about IG miles E. or above Goondi- windi. There is fish in abundance ; cod up to 80 lbs. weight. The brook flows from Inglewood, the Sovereign from New England, and the M'Intyre from New South Wales. Numerous lagoons, abounding with wild fowl. Ducks (great varieties), black swans and pelicans exist in the neighbourhood. A small well- managed fish-preserving establishment would pay well, fish — especially during the winter season — being very plentiful, averaging about 30 lbs. each, which may be taken with ordinary hooks and lines. The district is pastoral — large sheep and cattle stations lying all round. The surrounding country is well adapted for vine growing, the soil being exceedingly deep and light. The nearest places are — Inglewood, eastward, 60 miles; Mungindi, westward by N., 113 miles; Warialda (New South Wales), southward, 100 miles, Warialda being 380 miles from Sydney; Kunopia (New South Wales), westward by S.,r(« Boobera, distance 50 miles. The communication is by Inglewood "electric telegraph line and weekly mail," via Bengalla (Wm. Lalor) ; by Mungindi, weekly mail, via Callandoon, Winton, Welltown, Tallwood, and Burdekin station; Warialda, bi-weekly mails, via Boggabilla, Merriwah (R. Dines), Yatman, and Coobootai, also via Boggabilla, Tuloona and Yellowrie ; Kunopia, weekly mail. With Brisbane the communica- tion is by electric telegraph, distance, via Warwick, 289 miles ; mail weekly, via Inglewood, Leyburn, and Cambooya (railway station), distance about 138 miles to Cambooya, thence rail to Brisbane ; mail weekly, via Dalby (railway station), dis- tance about 150 miles to Dalby, thence rail to Brisbane. There is a Goondiwindi benevolent fund, for the relief of the sick and destitute of the district. Chairman and hon. secretary, Theo. P. Pugh, P.M. ; treasurer, Francis Davis (savings bank manager). The hotels are the Royal, Queen's Arms, Shamrock, Wyndham Arms (near Winton, about 20 miles westward on the road to St. George, via Mungindi), G 2 84 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Goo — Gow and Boggabilla (New South Wales, 6 miles up the M'Intyre on the road to Yet- man and AVarialda). The local carriers are : — Geo. Lovell. W. G. Lucas, H. Perry, D. M'Donald. D. D'Eath. plying between Goondiwindi and the district to the Cam- boya railway station and Toow'oomba — horse teams. There is a capital bush road, with bridges over the creeks. Goondiwindi has a resident police magistrate and a court of petty sessions. The district is flat, there not being a stony ridge or mountain within 40 miles, although there are in the neighbourhood a few sand ridges of about 20 or 30 feet high. Goondiwindi has a population of about 2.50, that of the police district of Goondiwindi is .")80. The number of dwellings 40. general stores 3, black- smith and wheelwright 1. Religious services are held at the court-house occasion- ally. There is a Government savings bank, money-order office, post-office, and telegraph station, a court-house, police station (sergeant and two men, a race- course, half a mile N. of the township. The M'Intyre river, at the township, has deep water for 10 miles. Boat-racing is held annually on it. There is a Govern- ment punt at the township for the conveyance of stock crossing the border into New South Wales. Goondhcindi police dist7'ict had, in 1875, 1724 horses, 20.678 horned cattle, 122,730 sheep and 148 pigs. GOONDANBAM CREEK {Co. Mackenzie) is an E. tributary of the Dada- mariue creek, rising in .i wooded spur of the Main range, and flowing W, At the upper part of this creek there is soil well adapted to agricultural purposes. Basalt. GOONNERINGERINGHI or M'CONNELL, MOUNT [Co. Canning), is a lofty peak in the Brisbane range. Clay slates and shales. GOOTCHY {Co. March) is a postal township lying 204 miles N.W. of Bris- bane and 27 miles from I\Iary borough, with which place there is daily communica- tion by coaoh. The district is both agricultural and pastoral. Sec also TlARO. GOOTCHY CREEK {Co. March). See TiARO. GORDON BROOK or REILY CREEK {Co. Fifzroy) is an important W. tributary of Stuart's river, rising in the hilly country N." of Mount H.ily. and flowing N. about 2.") nnles through the Taabinga, Boonuennc, and Gordon brook runs. Granite, clay slates and shales. GORDON CREEK {Co. Bon-en) is a small tributary of the Cauia creek, watering the W. part of t)ie Three-moon run. Clay slates and shales, GORDON'S CREEK (MitrhcU didrirt) is astre.im rising in the ranges S.E. of Clernionr, and flowing N.W. ]>ast Mount Narricn and the old Eastern river dig- gings into Bclyando river. Slate and shales, GORE, POINT {Bin-Tie district). See Disaster Inlet, GORE'S RANGER {Cos. Merirale and Brntinch) is a r.angc of rugged hills forming a N.W. spur of tlie Main range seiiarating Queensland from New South Wales, and dividing the watersheds of Ihe Macintyre and the Coudamine rivers. The principal peak is l^Iount Magnus. Granite. GOTHARD, MOUNT {Normanhj district). Copper-mine. GOULD ISLAND {Kenned// district). See ROCKINOIIAM Bay. GOWAN or THORNLEIGH CREEK {Mitchell district) is an E. tribu- tary <>i the Karroo rivi r, rising by three licads in tlie Torrick downs (Warrcgo rang<'), and flowing N.W. and W.througli undulating country and open forest, past the Thornlcigh and (Jow;in liead-stations, into the l!:ircoo near Isis downs, at a spot where tlic river is 3 miles wide. Sandstone, shales and limestone. GOWAN, MOUNT {Bnrkc district) is a hill on Cloucurry river S. of the Great Austrrdian copper-mine. Mctamorphic. GOWRIE CUFCEK {Co. Anhiijny) is an important tributary of the lower end of West brook creek, rising near tin; township of 'J"oowooinl>a. See also Too- wooMBA. TlnTc is a railway slat ion in tlie (Jrcat S. and W. line near the spot where \\\i\ raiUv.ay crosses tliis creek, 1 12 miles \V. of IJrisbane. GOWRIE CRIOKK (Co. Cavendish) is one of the heads of the Emu creek, rising in the Main range. Clay .slates and shales. Gow — Gre] The Queenslaml Gazetteer. 85 GOWRIE CREEK {Co. Clermont) is a tributary of Saudy creek, rising near Huxley's diggings and watering the Apsley creek run. Schists and quartz. GRACEMERE is a postal and telegraph railway station on the N. line, lying 6 miles S. of Kockhampton. GRAFTON, CAPE, 16° 60' S. lat. (fiooli and Kennedy districts), is a in-omiiieut headland standing boldly out from the coast about halfway between Cooktowu and Cardwell. This cape marks the boundary of the two districts. The i'itzroy islands lie near, and to the S.S.E. of it. GRAFTON TERRACE {Maranoa district) is the name given to the ■elevated table-laud lying to the N. of Roma. It is well grassed and lightly limbered, and forms splendid grazing country. GRAHAM'S CREEK [Co. Mackenzie). See Wigton Creek. GRAHAM'S CREEK Co. March) is a small tributary of the Mary river, flowing past the township of Yengarie. Carboniferous. GRAHAM'S CREEK ( Warrcgo district). See BuLOO River. GRAND CHESTER is a postal and telegraphic railway station on the S. ■and W. line, lying 43 miles W. of Brisbane and 20 miles N. W. of Ipswich. GRANITE CREEK (Co. Flinders). See Baffle Creek. GRANITE CREEK {Co. Mackenzie). See Deep Granite Creek. GRANITE CREEK {Kennedy district) is a, small tributary of the Keel- bottom creek. GRANITE GULLY CREEK {Co. Mackenzie) is a small tributary of the Deep Granite creek, watering the Malmaison run. Clay slates and shales, with ■outcropping granite. GRANT'S, or MAIN CREEK (Cb. iVe??;cas!;Ze), is a tributary of Johnson's ■creek, rising in the Main range, separating the unsettled districts of Burnett and Darling downs, and falling into the main stream on the Coondarra run. It is fud by the Spring and Smith's creeks. Granite ridges, with clay slates and shales. GRANVILLE CREEK {Leiclihardt district). See Dawson RiVER. GRASSTREE CREEK {Co. March). See Yandilla. GRASSTREE RANGE {Ravenswood district) is a chain of hills situated E. of Dillon's creek, and crossed by the road from the Cape river goldfield to Bur- ■dekin downs. Granite. GRASSY HILL (Cook district) is the S. head of the inner entrance to the Kndeavotir river. GRASSY HILLS {Co. Deas Thomson) is the name of the jDilot-station on Curtis island. GRATEFUL CREEK {Burke district) is a small tributary of the head of the Norman river. GRAVATT, MOUNT {Co. Stariley), is a lofty and prominent hill in the parish of Yerougpilly. It is a landmark for vessels in Moreton bay crossing the Brisbane river bar. GRAVEL CREEK {Co. Deas 'Jliomson) is a small N. tributary of the Calliope river, rising in and watering the Cawarra run. Devonian slates and shales, with serpentine. Traces of copper ore. GRAY CREEK {Kennedy district) is a tributary of the Burkekiu river, which see. GREAT BARRIER REEF. See Barrier Reef, GREAT SANDY CREEK {Leichhardt district) is a tributary of the Horse creek, which see. GREAT SANDY ISLAND {Wide Bay district) is, as its name imports, ^n immense sandy island lying off the mainland, from which it is separated by a 86 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Grb narrow channel called the Great Sandy island strait, and by Hervey bay, and ex- tending from atout 2.")-3o to 25.50 S. lat., being about 75 miles long from N. to S, and only 12 miles wide in its broadest part. It is situated to the N. of Wide bay, of which its S. point. Hook point, forms the S. head. Its N. point is known as- Sandy cape, and terminates in a long spit called Breaksea spit, and a number of shoals. On this cape is stationed a lighthouse. The cliffs on the N. part of the W. coast resemble chalk. Sandstone. GREAT SANDY ISLAND STRAIT {Co. March) is the name given to the channel lying between the mainland on the W. and the S. part of the Great Sandy island on the E. It has an average width of about 6 miles, and forms the S. entrance to the Mary river and the inner port of JIaryborough, The strait has a bar at the entrance, on which the sea breaks heavily in strong S.E. or E. winds, rendering it unsafe to cross. There are several islands in the fairway, but the navigation is not difficult. The principal of these are Stewart, Moonboom and Walsh islands. GREENHILL ISLAND {Normanhj district). See Broad Sound, GREEN ISLAND ( Co. Stanley) is a small island in the S.W. part of More- ton bay. It is covered with scrub, and lies low. Sandstone and alluvial deposit. GREENMOUNT or EMU CKEEK {Co. Anhiffny)\s. a small postal town- ship lying on the Emu creek. There are no mountains nor lakes worthy of mention in the district, which principally consists of low ridges joining the Great Dividing range. The district is an agricultural one, extending from the Southern and Western railway eastward to the Main range ; much of the land is, however, unsuitable for cultivation. Drayton is 15 miles from Grecnmount, on the main road to Toowoomba, in a northerly direction. Toowoomba is 20 miles distant, on same road and bearing. Little or no business is carried on in Drayton in consequence of the railway going to Toowoomba, where nearly all the business of the Darling downs is carried on. The communication with Toowoomba and Drayton is by horse and dray, and with Brisbane, 138 miles E.. by rail to Cambooya, and thence by con- veyance 10 miles. The surrounding district is elevated, with ridges and very little flat country. The population numbers about 250 in the district. Grecnmount is not, properly speaking, a town, but the name of the post-office. Formerly this place was known as " Emu creek," but now all communication is addressed to Grecnmount. GREEN'S CHEEK {Mitchell district){s a fine stream crossed by Burke and Wills iu ls(;i. It lies S. of the Selwyn range. GRENVILLE, CAPE, ir 58' S. lat., \\T 20' E. long. {Conk district), \ii a promoniuiy riiiiiiing bdldly out into the sea on the N.E. coast, and forming the N. head of Teniph; bay. and the S. head of the immense bight extending from thence N.E. to Shadwell point, a distance of SO miles across the chord. This bight contains Shclburne and Hannibal bays, and Sunday, M'Arthur's, Cairncross, Bushy, and Arnold island.-;. GREGOR'S CHEEK {Co. Canning). See Brisbane River. GREGORY DISTRICT is purely pastoral, and little known ; it lies be- tween tlie Mitclicll an miner's rights, 3.5 business licenses, 45 leases of 8630 yards of quartz vein, i}T> quartz veins proved to be auriferous, 6 square miles of auriferous land worked upon, 11 steam engines of an aggregate of 265 h.p., 105 stamp-heads, 1 buddle. 2 winding machines, and 60 whims, the whole plant being valued at £45,900. During the year 22,483 tons of stone had been crushed, yielding 47,621 oz. of gold, being au avcraee of 2 oz. 2 dwt. 8 gr. per ton. The gold sent down by escort was 42,756 oz., of the^value of £149,646. HACKETT'S CREEK {Cooh (li.ttrict). See Lynd Piver. HAIL CPiEEK {No7'manhy district) is the name given to the E. head of Bee creek. HAILSTONE CREEK {Co. WicJdon-) is a small tributary of the Auburn or St. John's creek, watering the Buiugear run. Clay slates and shales. HAINES' CREEK {Burke district). See Gregory River. HALF-WAY LUMP, or MOUNT COOLUM {Co. Catming) is a pro- minent nmuntain and landmark, lying half-way on the coast between Moretou and Laguna bays. Sandstone. HALIFAX P.AY {Kennedy district), 19" 0' S. lat., is the head of a consider- able bielit in the land, with a low wooded coast, reaching from Cape Cleveland on the S.E. to the S. licad of the Herljcrt river on the N.W. Witliin this bight arc numerous rocky islets, the principal being the Palm, Chilcott, Rocky, B.ay, White, and Magnetic islands. Granite. HALLORAN, POINT {Co. Stanley), a S.W. headland in Morcton b.ay. HALY'S or WOOHANGA CREEK {Co. Fitzroy) is .an E. tributary of Stuart's river, into which it falls at the Taabinga head-station. Granite, clay slates anow(\n to Card well, the latter township lying about 20 miles N. of its iiioiitli. (Jranitc. Tin; Herbert river runs into llinchinbrook chaimel uIkjuI l miles from the P. tSfti nlr >/)ia a small stream rising near Mount Cotton, and linwing ))ast tlu; township of Cleveland into Moi'cton bay, near Wellington point. This stream divides the parishes of Capalaba and Cleveland. Cai'boniferous. HILLSBOROUGH, C.\PE, 20° r>r,' S. lat. (Jioinn dlsfrirt), is a promon- tory standing Ixihly out nito the sea, about 26 miles N. of the mouth of the Pioneer river. (Jiiinite. HINCHINBROOK (h,>uirdi/ district) is a large island lying on the coast between the inoutli of tiic llcrWcrl rivci', and Roiikingliam bay, of which it forms the S. boundary. It is scparalcci from llie mainland by n nai'row chiinnel .about 2.") miles long, used by sm.all HteamcM's •■md H;iiling vcisscls, witli a foul wind outside. At the entrance of the chaiMiel are heavy rollers and breakers. This island can be iliBtinguiHlied from Jiny land in its vicinity to the southwanl, by its height and its HiR — Hop] The Queensland Gazetteer. 9S bolut I'O miles inland of Port Bowen. Mctamorphic. HUMPY P.OXG {Co. Stanley). Sec Redcliffe Point. HUNGRY CKKEK (Co. Lennox) is a small tributary of Ongcllic creek, which it joins iicrir its fall into the Wide bay creek, at the N.AV. boundary of the Kilki- van goldlieid. l'(ir|)tiyrilic- greenstone, serpentine and granite. HUNGRY HILL CRKEK [Co. Wic/dow) is a small tributary of the Auburn or St. .John's creek watering the Buingear run. Clay slates and shales. HUNTLEY CRKKK {Co. Clermont) is a fine E. tributary of the Sandy creek, riHJng in the Anvil mountain, and flowing ])a8t the Huntley downs hcad- Htation, an(l through the Weiia No. '2 run into the main stream about G miles S.E. of Clerrn miles N.W. of tbe township of Cawarral. Slates and shales, JIMNA (Co. Lennox) is a small postal township, or rather the postal centre of a large district in the electoral district of ^\'i(le bay. It is situated between the Jimua and Sunday creeks, there being ■7uimerous creeks in the locality, within 7 miles, named Yabba creek, Sunday creek, Jinnia creek, Sumner creek, Sullivan's creek, Bundaroo creek, &c., all taking tlieir rise in an easterly direction, and which form the beads of tbe Mary river. There are some fair patches of grazing land, but tbe country in tbe vicinity of the creeks is for the most part scrubby. The district is a pastor.'d and mining one. The jjrcscnt working is in alluvial ground. Rich Bpccinicn gold has Item found, ])ut at present no reef. The town is situated on the principal diggings. The nearest townshi[)s arc Black Snake, 4.") miles N. : Gymjiie, T>'> miles N.E.; Kilkivan, (l? N., all being mining townships. The communication is by horse and dray. A dray-track from this place (recently put into good order by Government ro.ad party) leads to the Caboolture, distance 70 miles, thence by rn.'ich or steamer to Hrisbanc. The Yabbcr hotel is the only hotel in the neighbour- hood. Jinina is sitinited on the Dividing range separating the Brisb.anc waters from tliose of tbe Murrjiy liver, jiiid is at a liigh elevation, some 2000 to HOOO feet nl)Ovc tlie level of the sea. 'J'lic geological formation is mostly slate and gr.anite ; Die soil is rich vegctaMc! and lo.ams, suitable for corn, tobacco, gi-a]ies, &c. The ])opulution of Jinnia numbers 1!) persons only. At the time of tbeoi)ening of these diggings there was a popultition of about 1000 ; a courthouse was built and two or three places of worship. 'I'he courthouse remains, and also post and money-order office. A large cattle-station, held i)y Mr. Swanson, .and called Yabbcr, is within ].') miles of here in a N.W. direction. Jim — Jun] llie Queensland Gazetteer. 99 JIMNA CREEK {Co. Lcmnox). 8ce Jimna. JIM'S CREEK {Co. Lennox) is a small tributary of the Oue-Mile creek, into which it falls on the Kilkivun froldfield. Rorphyritic greenstone, serpentine and granite. JIRKING- CREEK {Mitchell district). See Landsborough Creek. JOCKEY'S MOUNT (Co. Cavendish) is a peak in the range between the Eskdalc and Crows' Nest runs. Clay slates and shales. JOCK'S CREEK {Co. Linton) is a small tributary of the Oaky creek rising in and watering the Galloway plains run. Devonian rocks and serpentine, with traces of copper ore. JOCK'S HILL [Co, Cavendish) is a solitary hill on the Cressbrook creek and run. Clay slates and shales. JOHNSON'S CREEK {Co. Fitzroy) is a small W. tributary of the upper end of the Royne river rising in the dense scrub N. of the Bunya-Bunya moun- tains, and watering the Letterfonrie and Chalingan runs. It falls into the main stream near the Burrandowan head-station. Granite and metaraorphic mica and hornblende schists. JOHNSON'S CREEK {Co. Nen-castlc) is a large and important S. tributary of the Auburn river rising in the Dividing range Ijetween the Burnett and Darling downs unsettled districts, and flowing N. E. into the main stream at the Auburn bead-station. This creek and its tributaries water the Auburn and Coondarra runs, and flows through good pastoral country. The creek is fed by the Grant's or Main, Coondarra, Jl'Laren's, and Jarrah creeks. Graiute ridges, with clay slates and shales, and patches of black soil. JOHNSTONE RIVER {Kennedy district). See Gladys River. JOLIMONT CREEK {Bowen district). See Pioneer River. JONDARYAN, 27° 30' S. lat., L5r 40' E. long. {Co. Anhigny), is a posta township and railway station in the parish of Jondaryan and electoral district o Dalby. It is situated on Oaky creek, which takes its rise at Maringadan, and empties itself into the Condamine near St. Ruth station. The entire district is strictly pastoral. The nearest townships are Oakey creek, distant 9 miles E. ; and Dalby, distant 24 miles W., the communication being by railway once a day each way, and with Brisbane, 132 miles E., by the same means. The hotels are the Jon- daryan and the Railway. The country consists generally of large plains and ridgy country, and is of basaltic formation. The population of Jondaryan numbers 90 persons. JORGENSEN RANGE [Burhe district) is a chain of hills lying on the E. side the Einuesleigh river. Basalt. JUA CREEK (Co. Mackeyizie) is a small E. tributary of the Boyne river, rising in the densely scrubbed hills to the N.E. of the Jua run, and flowing into the main stream through the E. part of the Waringa run. Clay slates and shales. JUKES, I\IOUNT. See Coast Range. JULIA CREEK [Burhe district). See NoRMANTOX. JUMMA CREEK {Co. Fitzroy). See Warregai Creek. JUNCTION [Burhe district) is the name of a small digging township, lying about 90 miles W. of Cardwell. and on the main road from that place to Norman- ton. It is situated under Black-rock hill, and on basaltic country, elevated 2000 to 3000 feet above sea level. It is the i)lace of junction of the telegraph lines from Bowen and Cooktowu severally to Normanton. JUNCTION CREEK {Co. Ferguson) is a small N. tributary of the Banana creek, watering a portion of the pastoral country on the E. side of the Upper Daw- son. Devonian. JUNCTION CREEK {Kennedy district) is a tributary of the Clarke river, which sec. 100 The Queensland Gazetteer. [JuR — Kel JURA CREEK (Co. Mackenzie) is a small W. tributary of the Naugnr or Mangur creek, rising near Boat mountain, and flowing E. in the IS. part of the Boou- ara run. It is fed by Mackay's creek. Basalt. KABUNGA CREEK {Co. Lennox) is a tributary of the "Wide bay creek, into which it falls near its source, being in fact one of the heads of that important stream. It rises in the Main range in the resumed half of the Kilkivan run, Devo- uion clay .slates and shales. KANAGAN, MOUXT {Co. March), is a hill on the E. side of the Mary river S. of Gootchy. Paljeozoic, carboniferous. KANDARRA or BUNYA CREEK {Co. Lennox) is a W. tributary of the Mary river, ri.sing in the main Coast range, and flowing E.N. E. into the main stream a few miles 8. of Gympie. Devonian shales. KANGAROO CREEK {Bowen district). See Cereto Creek. KANGAROO CREEK {Co. Canning), a tributary of the Brisbane river on the Colintnn run. KANGAROO CREEK {Lrichhardt district) is an E. tributary of Zamia creek, which see. See also OwEKi Creek. KANGAROO, POINT {linrkc district), is a point of low-lying land lying in the S. of the Gulf of Carpentaria, between the mouths of the Leichhardt and Albert rivers. Fluviate drift. KANGAROO POINT {Co. Stanley) is a residential suburb of Brisb.auc in the parish of Suutli Brisbane. It lies across the river on the S. side from the city, and consists of a narrow tongue of land forming a bend. It has a public scht)ol and a Church of England and Roman Catholic church, and is reached from Brisbane by a punt. KARBOROUGH CREEK [Normanhy district) is a stream rising in the range of Ihi; same name, and flowing E. into Walker's creek. KARBOROUGH RANGE {Normanhy district). See Kerlono Range. KARIBOE CUKEK {Co. Pelhavi). See Kroombit Creek. KARRAKARRA ISLAND {Co. Stanley). See Moreton Bay. KAY, MOUNT {Burke district), is a solitary hill lying in the plains W. of the Gregoiy river. Volcanic. KEDRON BROOK {Co. Stanley) is a small but important stream rising in the N. slope of Taylor's range in tlie parish of Bunya, and flowing E. through the agricultural country in that and tlic parishes of Ki'dron and 'J'oombul into the swampy tract lying to tlic N. of the lower end of the Ikisbane river, antl thence liy Serpentine creek into Moreton l>!iy at Uniacke point. It waters a large extent of hind under cultivation, and crosses tlie Brisbane and Sandgate road at the village of Gi'rmaii station. KEDRON P.ROOK {Co. M'icklon-) is a smnll feeder of Small's creek, flow- ing tliroiiL'h fail- p.istoral country in the Small's creek run. Clay slates and shales. KEELBOTTOM CREEK (Kennedy district) is a small trilnit.ary of the Mackcii/ic nvcr, into which it Hows near the township of Dalrymph". KEELBOTTOM, MOUNT {Kennedy district). Sec DAiJnMPLi:. KEERWEER, CAPE {Cook District), is a headland in the Ciulf of (\irpen- taria, lying in aliout U}" 5;"/ S. I.at. KELMAN CA'\.¥.VA\ (Normanhy district). Sec CONNOR Riveh. KELMAN, MOUNT {Springsnre digtrict), is a peak in Buckland's tal)Ie- land, wliich sec KELVIN CREKK (.Mitchell district) is a small W. tribiilnry of Hope crrck, rising in a N.W. spur of the Warngo ninge, and flowing through fairiy- priHsed pastoral country into tlie main stream on Moorsland run. Sandstone and xhalcH. Kel — Ken] The QuePMsland Gazetteer. 101 KELVIN GROVE (Co. Stanley) is a suburb of Brisbane, in the parish of Eunogera and electoral district of Enuogera, situated on the Ennogera and Ithica creeks. The district is an agricultural one, much of the land being taken up by small settlers, although from the pleasantness of its situation, the salubrity of its climate, and its nearness to town (2^ miles), numbers of gentlemen having business in town have purchased allotments and built upon them. In the neighbourhood are three leather manufactories, two on the N. and one on the S. side of the creek. There is communication with Brisbane by horse or private vehicle only, or by spe- cial cab. There is one hotel, the Enuogera. in the township. The surrounding country is mountainous, the hills being well-timbered, and the valleys containing fertile soil. The population numbers, in and round Kelvin grove, about 1000 per- sons. There are Baptist, Spurgeon-Baptist, Episcopalian, and Bible-Christian places of worship in the neighbourhood. Sandstone. KEMMIS CREEK (Xormanhy district) is a small tributary of Bee creek falling into it near Fort Cooper. KENDALL CREEK {Cook district). See Kinloch Creek. KEPPEL BAY {Co. Deas Thomson), 23° 30' S. lat., is an indentation in the mainland at the emlxiuchure of the Fitzroy river and the Cawarral creek into the sea. It lies between Curtis island on the S.E. and Cocoa-nut point ou the N.W., and is about 15 miles wide between those two places. KEPPEL, CAPE {Co. Deas TJiomson). See Curtis Island. KFPPEL ISLANDS {Co. Livingstone) is the name given to a group of rocky islets off shoal bay. KENNEDY is an electoral district commencing at the mouth of the Bur- dckin river, and bounded thence by that river upwards to the junction of the Boweu river; then by a line bearing W. to the watershed separating the Upper Burdekin river from the Lower Burdekin river, and by said watershed north-westerly ; then by a line bearing S.W. crossing the Burdekin river at the junction of the Fanning river to the northern watershed of the Broughton river, and by said watershed wes- terly to the Great Dividing range ; then by said range which forms the watershed separating the Burdekin river and the Herbert river from the Flinders river, the Gilbert river, and Mitchell river northerly, and by a line bearing N.E. to Cape Grafton, and thence by the sea-coast south-easterly to the mouth of the Burdekin river, the point of commencement, inclusive of the islands adjacent thereto. The number of electors on the roll for this district is 1344, represented in the Legislative Assembly by John Murtagh Macrossan, who was elected November 2.i, 1873. The returning officer, Fitzroy W. H. Somerset, and revision court are at Townsville. KENNEDY GAP {Kennedy district) is a passage in a rocky range near the head of the Herbert river. This range, unnamed, is rocky, and 2000ft. high. The gap was found by Kennedy in 1848. KENNEDY, MOUNT {Maranoa district), is a prominent hill lying a few miles E. of the township of Donny brook. KENNEDY pastoral district, of which the chief port is the town of Boweu, is situated to the north of the Port Curtis district. It is watered by the Burdekin and its tributaries. Other towns are Cardwell. Townsville and Mackay. This is a well-watered district, and is adapted to the growth of sugar, maize and cotton, as well as to the pasture of sheep and cattle. The area is 10,200 square miles, or 6,-528,000 acres. KENNEDY RIVER {Cook district) is a fine stream rising in a sandstone range called Jlount Lougmore, in about 15° 50' S. lat., and flowing N. through forest country into Princess Charlotte's bay. Sandstone. KENNEDY'S CREEK ( BanvY/o rf/..K. and S.W. at a distance of two miles, with black soil, loam, and sand plains and open country of consideralile e.\tent. 'I'he ]K)pulafion in and jihout Laidley tuwnship is about 500 persons. 'J'licro arc three places of worship, lielonging rc- ])' ctively, to the Roman Catholic, i'rcsliyterian and Coiigrcgation:d (lenoininalious. 'J'licrc is a r.acecourse to the E. of the township, distant one mile. 'J'he j)()pulation of the town anil district are all farming. There is one primary school, with 150 on r>ll-l)ook. LAIDLEY CREEK (Co. Churchill) is a snndl S. tributary nf Lockycr's cieek. The township and railway station of Laidley lies on it. Sandy aud loamy jilains with black upper soil. LAKE'S CREEK (Co. Liviiigntvui). Sec ROCKHAMI'TON. Lam — Lei] The Queensland Gazetteer. 105 LAMBING CREEK {Co. Mackenzie) is a small W. tributary of the Nangur or Mangur creek, rising iu a wooded spur of the Main range near Boat mountain, and flowing through the E. part of the Koonara run. Basalt. Also a small E. tributary of the Boyne river, watering the W. part of the Proston run. Clay slates and shales. LANDSBOROUGH CREEK (BurJte district) is a small E. tributary of the Leichhardt river, into which it falls at the surveyed but unoccupied township of Chandos. LANDSBOROUGH CREEK (Mitchell district) is a large river flowing tlirough lightly timbered country with stony ridges in a S. direction into the Thompson river near Bovveu downs. It is fed by Coxen's, Jirking, Breakfast and Cornish creeks and the Western river. Sandstone. LANDSBOROUGH, MOUNT {Xormanhy district). See Nebo. LANGDON CREEK (Burke district) is a tributary of the Gilbert river, which see. LANG, MOUNT (Kenned//, Cook and Burke districts), is a lofty peak lying about 25 miles N.W. of the village of Lagoons, in a basaltic couutiy, rising to a height of from 2000 to 3000 feet above sea level. It forms the point of junction of the three electoral districts named, and is composed of basalt with pegmatite, gneiss and porphyry. This mountain forms a prominent landmark for travellers along the road from Cardwell to Normanton, It is situated about 18" 12' S. lat., 144° 55' E. long. LARCOMBE CREEK {Co. Deas Thomson) is an important N. tributaiy of the Calliope river, rising in Mount Larcombc, and flowing S. through the run of the same name into the main stream near the Catfish hotel. This creek follows for some distance the main and telegraph road from Rockhampton to Gladstone. Devonian rocks and shales, with ser^jentine, and traces of copper ore. LARCOMBE, MOUNT (Co. Deas TJiomson), is a lofty hill 1600 feet high, standing N. of Gladstone, and being a prominent landmark from the sea. Devonian. LASCELEES, MOUNT {Bavensn-ood district), is a hill on the Cape River goldfield, lying on the S. bank of the Campaspe river. Granite. LAURA or HEARN RIVER (Cook district) is a stream flowing N. and S. along the E. side of the Cook range. Clay slate and shale. There is a telegraph station on this creek. See also Palmerville. LAWLESS CREEK ( Co. Mackenzie) is a small E. tributary of the Dada- marine creek, rising in a wooded spur of the Main range and flowing W. Basalt. LAWSON'S BROAD CREEK {Co. Fitzroy) is an E. tributary of the Boyne river, watering the Jua run. It is fed by the Sheriff's, Oakden's and Coverly's creeks. Clay slate and shales. LARCH, MOUNT {Kennedy district), is a chain of hills on the Herbert river. Granite. LEICESTER ISLAND {Co. Palmerston). See Shoalwater Bay. LEICHHARDT is an electoral district commencing at the confluence of Gogango creek with the Fitzroy river, and bounded thence by the watershed separating Gogango creek from the Fitzroy river and Dawson river southerly to Mount Spencer ; then by a line bearing S.E. crossing the Dee river ; then by the watershed separating Kroombit creek from the Dawson river, and by the watershed separating the Dawson river from the Burnett river southerly to the Great Dividing range, and by that range north-westerly ; then by the watershed separating the Upper Dawson river from the Comet river easterly to E.Kpedition range, and by that range northerly ; then by a line bearing N.W. to the junction of the Comet river with the Mackenzie river ; then by the Mackenzie river and the Fitzroy river downwards to the point of commencement. Leichhardt is represented in the Legislative Assembly by C. R. Haly. the electors on the roll numbering 552, The 106 The Quee^island Gazetteer. [Lei — Lii* revision court for the district is held at the court of petty sessions, Taroom ; the returning officer, William Xott, is stationed at Banana. LEICHHARDT pastoral district is a large tract of pastoral country, with an abuutlaut supj)ly of water and grass, lying to the westward of Port Curtis. This- district has large deposits of copper and gold, and both are being worked to great profit. The principal townships are Banana, Plaiuby and Taroom. The principal stream is the JIackenzie river, from which flow numerous creeks in all directions, LEICHHARDT CKEEK {Kennedy district). See Anthill Creek. LEICHHARDT RANGE {Bowen district) is a chain of hills situated on the S.W. side of the P>o\ven river, and is crossed by the old Port Denison road to the Bowen downs. Tertiary sandstone. LEICHHARDT III V Ell {Burke district) is a fine stream rising in a grassy table-land in about 19' '20' 8. lat., and flowing N. through the surveyed township of Chandos into the IS. part of the Gulf of Carpentaria. It is fed by the Landsborough, Borthwick, aud numerous other unnamed creeks. At Chandos it crosses the Clon- curry and Burketown road, there being a picturesque waterfall close by. There are no stations at present occupied on this river, although it is probable that ere long the runs formerly occupied will be re-stocked. LEIXLIP CREEK {Co. Clinton) is a small S. tributary of the Calliope river rising in the N. side of the watershed between that and the Boyne river, and flow- ing N. past the Booron head-station. The township of Calliope, the postal centre of the Calliope goldfield, is situated on the Upper end of this creek about 5 miles S.W. of the Calliope river. Undulating ridges with long flats. Igneous rock, traversed by bands of syenite, diorite and killas. Indications of copper are fre- quent in the neighbourhood, LEURA, JIOUNT {Sjn'ingsure district), is a hill in the ranges S. of the Peak downs. Mica slate. LEYBURN or TALGAI, 28° S. lat., 151° 40' E. long. (Co. Merlvale), is a postal and telegraphic road-board townsliip in the electoral district of Darling downs, situated on Canal creek, the Condaraiue river being 12 miles N., Thane's creek 7 miles N.E,, and Gore's ranges 17 miles S. There is a quartz-crushing machine on Canal creek, about :{ miles S.W. of the township. The district is a pastoral .and mining (quartz) one. The Perseverance reef lies 8.i miles S.S. E. The nearest townships are Cam- booya 25 miles N. E., Warwick ;5G miles E.S. E., and Inglewood 50 miles S. ; the communication being telegraphic, and by horse mails. With Brisbane, 122 miles N.E,, the communication is l)y horse to Camlx)oya 25 miles, thence by train 97 miles. The hotels arc the Royal, Golden Fleece, aud Horse aud Jockey ; and at the Condamine river, 12 miles hence, the Feltou inn. The surrounding country is ridgy ; in the vicinity of the Condamine it is low aud subject to floods. The geo- logical formation is generally granite and (juartz. The population of Leyburn numbers about 100. There is one Church of Eugland (St. Augustine's) in the townshij), a post aud telegraph office, a public school, and a racecourse about a mile S.W. fr(jin town. Lryhurn police district had, in 1875, GOl horses, 7039 horned cattle, 89,.'17I sheep, and 101 pigs. LIGAR, MOUNT {Burke district), is a hill on the Cloncurry river, S. of (he Great Australian copper-mine. Jlelamorphic. LIGHTHOUSE CliKKK (Co. ir/cWo'c) is a small tribut.ary of the AuburQ river, wjitcring the 1"^ part of the Upiier llaugh run. Granite and sandstone. LILY LAGOON (Normanhy district) \s a sheet of water at the crossing of the old Peak downs road over Cainitbell'.s creek. See Isaac's RiVEU. LILY"VALE, r.V 10' S. lat., 148° 25' E. long. (Springsure district), is a postal U)wn8hi|i on tiic Crinam creek, and on the main road from Boolburra to Clermont and C persons, and there is a racecourse near the township. LiM — Log] The Queenslaiul Gazetteer. 107 LIMESTONE (Co. Clmrchill) is the original name given to Ipswich, which see. LIMESTONE CREEK [Co. Llvingstoiui) is a tributary of the Hedlow creek rising in the Cawarral goldfield, and tiowing N, and W. through the E. part of the Burmoya run past Athertou's head-station. It is fed by the Pluiu creek. Slates, shales and limestones. LINDLEY, MOUNT (Tra/-7r-70 district), is a hill in the N. part of the Hope table-laud. ISandstone. LINDSAY, MOUNT (Co. M'ard). See Dividing Range. LITTLE CABBAGE-TREE CREEK {Co. Sandgate). See Cabb age-Tree Ckeek. LITTLE NERANG RIVER {Co. Ward) is a small tributary of the Neraug river rising in a N. spur of the Macpherson range, and falling into the main stream at the aboriginal reserve, about 10 miles IS. of the township of Nerang, Devonian clay slate, shale, and conglomerates. LITTLE TCHANNING CREEK {Co. Buhrer) is a small E. tributary of the Tchanuing creek, flowing through the Lower E. Tchanning run into the main stream near the sheep-station on the Scotland run. Clay, sandstone. LIVERPOOL RANGE {Co. Churchill) is a chain of hills situated about 7 miles W. of the township of Rosewood. LIZARD ISLAND {Cook district) is a rocky islet lying ofE Point Look-otit and about 2U miles distant. LLOYD'S BAY {Cook district) is an indentation in the N.E. coast, lying between Cape Direction on the S., and Cape Weymouth on the N. The shores are covered with Banksia and box forest. LLOYD'S CREEK {Co. Newcastle) is a small head-feeder of the Cadaga creek, rising in the N. slope of the range separating the unsettled districts of Burnett and Darling downs, and falling into the main stream near the Cadaga head-station. Granite ridges, clay slates and shales. LOBSTER CREEK {Warrego district) is, s. sxaaW tributary of the head of the Angellalla creek, watering Black's run. Mesozoic shales, sandstones, and limestones. LOCHABER CREEK (Cogan downs, and (lowing N.W. into the main stream near Avon downs, through open scrub countiy. It is fed by the West Wolfaug creek. LOGAN DOWNS (//fl«r« district) is a postal station about 30 miles N.E. of Clermont, at the hca-l of Logan creek, and on the main road from Mackay to (Clermont. Clay slates and slialcs. LOGAN IlIVEU (Co. Ward) is a large and important navigable stream whicli takes its rise in tlie r.-mgcs dividing tjuecnsland and New South Wales, between Mf)nnlH Lindsay and lilaroon. It runs in a general N.E. direction for about 100 miles, and then, just above its junction with the Albert, turns almost due E., and (lows into the Konthcrn i)!irt of Morel.on bay, op))osile liussvll island and Mounts Ilutton and Scott, jironuMcnt landmarks on Stradbroke island. This river is navigable for small river steamers and cutters for many miles up, although the navigation is intricate on accx)unt of the numerous sandbanks and Log — Low] The Queensland Gazetteer. 109 low sandy islands at its mouth. The townships of Beenleigh, Alljcrton, Waterford, Logan and Maclean are situated on this river. Its upper part is through rugged and hilly pastoral country ; but its lower portion waters an extremely rich and fei-tile agricultural district, celebrated for the heavy crops of sugar-cane it has produced for the past nine or ten years. On the banks of this part of the river are a number of steam sugar-mills, and the entire locality may fairly be classed amongst the most thriving places in the colony. The Logan is fed by the Burnett's, Palen. New Year's, Tamrookam, Telemon, Christmas, Knapp's, Sandy, Spring, Allan's, Teviot, Jimboomba, Flagstone, Shark's, and numerous other small unnamed creeks, and by the Albert river, which joins it at the township of Beenleigh. The geological formation of the district is sandstone and schist, with occasional patches of quartz. LOGAN'S CREEK {Co. Cavendish) is a W. tributary of the Brisbane river, into which it falls at Bellevue, in the parish of Wivenhoe. LOLWORTH CREEK {Kennedy district) is a stream falling into the Burdekin river, N.E. of the Cape river goldfield. It flows between an impene- trable mass of basalt to the N. and granite ranges 2000 feet high on Lhe S. LONESOME CREEK [Leichhardt district). See Dawsox River. LONGMORE, MOUNT [Cooh district). See Kennedy River. LONG HILL. See Coast Range. LONSDALE, MOUNT {Maranoa district), is a peak in the Tyrconnell downs, which sec. LOOKOUT CREEK (Co. March) is a small tributary of Bracker's creek, watering the W. corner of the Warroo run. Clay slate and shale. LOOKOUT POINT {Cook district) is a headland 10 miles N. of Cape Flattery, in the neighbourhood of numerous reefs and coral islands. LOOKOUT POINT, See Stradbroke Island. LOOLOO, MOUNT {Barensn-ood district) is a hill situated at the head of the Victoria creek. Felspar without crystals. LORD'S TABLE-LAND {Xormaiihy district) is an elevated tract of land lying to the E. of Peak downs, Metamorphic. LOTUS CREEK {Normanhy district). See Connor's River, LOUISA, MOUNT {Kennedy district), is a hill in the rugged basaltic country lying N.W. of the Cape river. LOWER CREEK {Co. Wichlon-) is a small stream flowing S. in the Eids- vold run into the Sjiring creek. Clay slates and shales. LOWER HERBERT {Kennedy district),!^" ?,()' S. lat., 146° 5' E. long., is the name given to the postal centre of a rich agricultural district, on the Herbert river, which is navigable for boats 45 miles. The reserves are left for a township, but it has not yet been laid out. The Seymour river runs E.N.E. G miles, and has good land on both banks. It is navigable for 20 miles, and there are numerous inlets with good land on the banks. There are four sugar maiuifac- tories in the neighbourhood, and others in course of erection. The district is agricultural and pastoral, the former pursuit being pretty extensively carried on, especially the growth of sugar-cane, which article is produced in large quantity and of excellent quality. The nearest township is Cardwell, which lies N.N.E. 35 miles, and is a seaport with a splendid harbour. The communication with that place is principally by water, a steamboat plying twice a-week, although there is a fair road in good weather. With Brisbane. '.t.JO miles S. E., the communication is from Cardwell by the A.S.N, Co,'s boat twice a-mouth. The district consists of flat granite country surrounded by lofty ranges in the distance. The population of Lower Herbert is about .">00 persons. LOWER SANDY CREEK {Co. Ward) is a small E. tributary of the Teviot brook, flowing N. into its main stream through fair country. Palaiozoic, carboui- ferous. 110 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Low — Mac LOWER TREE CKEEK (Co. Bidn-er) is a small tributary of tbe Bottle- tree creek, watering the Bottle-tree run. Sandstone and clay slate, with veins and nodules of iron. LUCY" LAKE (^Kennedy district) is a lagoon on the Burdekiu river, near the Valley of Lagoons. Clay slate and shales. LUTWYCHE iCo. Stanley) is a suburb of Brisbane, distant 3 miles, and reached by coach several times daily. LYDLA. CREEK (Co. JVen-castle) is a small ti'ibutary of the Fishy creek watering the run of that name. Granite ridges. LYND COPPER illNE (Burke district) is situated at the junction of the Einnasleigh and Copperfield rivers. LYND RIVER {Cook district) is a fine large stream, so called by Leichhardt. who tracked its entire course in 18-15, rising in the coast ranges at Mount Lang in about 18° 15' S. lat., Hi" 50' E. long., and flowing through broken country N.W. into the Mitchell river in about 16^ 10' S. lat., 143° 10' E. long. It is auriferous in places, and is fed by the Tate river and the Turning, Hacket's, Pint-pot, and Fossil-brook creeks, all of which fall into it at its upper ond. Basalt, pegmatite, gneiss, and porphyry. LYON CREEK (Co. Livingstone). See Eockhampton. LYTTON (Co. Stanley') is an agricultural settlement in the parish of Tingalpa. It lies at the entrance of the Brisbane river, of which it forms the S. head. Much of tbe land is taken up for agricultural purposes. Sandstone. MACALISTER (Co. Avhigny) is a small township lying about 8 miles N. of Dalby, at the junction of the Jimbour creek and the Coudamiue river. Slate and shale. MACARTNEY, MOUNT (Bon-en district), is a high hill lying S.W. of Bloonisbury towiisliip. Granite. MACDONALD'S POINT, the S.W. point of Swcer's island, has rocks and foul grt>uii(l niiiiiint: otl' al about three-quarters of a mile, and extending along the S. side of tlie island lo liocust rock. On the S.W. extreme of this reef the (rorirnor brig was lost. A buoy is moored in 10 feet at low-watei, two cables W.S.W. of the wreck. To keep outside the shoal water, avoid bringing Locust rock to the southward of E. by S., and Raft point (the E. point of Bcntinck island) to the westward of N. by W. MACFARLANE CREEK [Mitchell district) is a S. trihut.iry of the B.arcoo river, rising liy twD ncads in the W'arrego ranges, and flowing N.W. into the main stream near Pentwin station. It flows through well-grassed pa.storal country, with good friable chocfjlate soil. The geological formation is mesozoic, sandstone, ehales, and limestones. MACINTYRE CREEK (Cos. March. Jirntinch, andClive)\^ an import.ant stream, forming one of the heads of the Macintyre river, and flowing from the S. slope of the range, dividing the E. and W. Downs. It rises in the N.E. corner of tiie Glcnelg run, and Hows past and within H miles S. of the mining township of Canal creek, by the township of Inglcwood, the Coiilmiuidra and Whetstone head- stations, and through the (ilenelg, Conlnuindra, Swilhlaiul, Whetstone, and Ren- galla and Wyemo run.i, into the main stream at it,s junction with the Dumaresii river, and about 21 miles E. of (Joondiwindi. It is fed by the Canning and ]5raeker's creeks. Clay slates and shales. MACINTYRE 'tRARWAN \\\YVA\(Cos. March and Carnarro)i)\ii [\i<\Tonm having its ris' E. long. (Machay district), is a postal ami tclegriiphie township in the parish of Howard and electoral district of Bowcu, aud Mac] The Queensland Gazetteer. Ill is situated on the S. bank of the Pioneer river, about 3 miles from its mouth. Vessels of 400 tons burthen can come to the wharf at springtides; the river is navigable for punts of 20 tons for a distance of 8 miles above the town. There arc 18 sugar mills in the district, 10 of which are on the S. or town side of the Pioneer, viz., Meadow- lands, proprietor T. H. Fitzgerald, distant from town 3 miles ; Balmoral, Hyne and Co., opposite Meadowlands; Tc Kowai, T. H. Fitzgerald, 5 miles; Peri, John Fitz- gerald and Co., 6 miles; Alexandra, J. E. Davidson, 7 miles; Lome, Robinson Bros., 8 miles ; Cassada, Donaldson Bros., 9 miles; Branscombc, Marten and Long, 10 miles ; Pleystowe, Hewitt and Co., 12 miles; Barrie, D. Jack and Sons, 22 miles. On the N. side of the Pioneer are 8 mills, viz., River Estate, Long and Co., about 3 miles; Foulden, Amhurst and Co., 4 miles; Pioneer, John Spiller, 6 miles; Dum- bleton, Lloyd and Walker, 7 miles; Nebia, Gaussen and Fitzsimmoiis, 9 miles; these 5 plantations front the river. At the back of these, and in a N.W. direction from town, lie Miclare, Carroll and Avery; Cedars, M. H. Black; Inverness. Mac- donald Brothers; also in the same locality are the plantations of Messrs. M'Bryce and Finlayson, Cummingsand M'Cready, Paget Bros., and several others, who have not their mills erected as yet. The Te Kowai, Alexandra, Pleystowe, and Lome, have rum distilleries attached ; all the above mills are in full work. About 3 miles from town is the Swanston arrowroot and tobacco plantation and factory, proprietor Thomas Pearce ; andRockleigh tobacco plantation, R. Bridgman proprietor. The dis- trict is an agricultural and pastoral one, and the sugar-cane is grown very exten- sively all over the neighbourhood ; arrowroot, tobacco, and other tropical products are also largely cultivated, the soil and climate being eminently adapted for the purpose. On the Nebo or main road to the interior is Walkerston, a rising town- ship, has a Church of England, which is also used as a national school, 2 hotels and several small stores. The town of Nebo is 60 miles S. W. from Mackay, has a court of petty sessions, telegraph and post offices, police station and 2 hotels. St. Law- rence, a seaport town, is 121 miles S. from Mackay, has court of petty sessions, tele- graph and post offices, police station, national school, 2 hotels and 3 stores. Bowen, a seaport town, 131 miles N. from Mackay, has Church of England, Roman Catholic, and Free Church, with resident clergymen, telegraph and post offices, national and convent schools. There is a weekly mail to St. Lawrence via Walkerstown and Nebo; also a fortnightly mail to Bowen by land, and also by mail steamer. With Brisbane the communication is once a fortnight by A. S. N. Co.'s steamer rid Rock- hampton, and by contract mail steamer, calling ofE the port, which is met at Flat Top island by the steam tender Clio, for the purpose of taking mails and passen- gers to and from there. The distance from Brisbane by sea is about 528 miles. There is an hospital, school of arts. Odd Fellows' hall, national and Roman Catholic schools, district court, court of petty sessions, post and money-order office and tele- graph office in the township, also 11 hotels, viz., the Criterion, Wills's, Royal, Tatter- sail's, Ship inn. Commercial, Steam Packet, Union, Golden Fleece, Leichhardt, and Victoria. The Criterion and Wills's and Royal are first-class family hotels. The town- ship of Mackay is under the control of a borough council ; the district under a road board. The S. or town side of the Pioneer river is a rich alluvial plain, extending 16 miles from E. to W., by an average of 4 miles from N. to S. N. side of river is hilly, of volcanic origin and some granite. The population of Mackay is about 2000 ; Walk- erston about 200. The places of public worship are a Church of England, resi- dent clergyman James M-Cleverty ; Roman Catholic, resident clergyman P. Bucas; Presbyterian, resident clergyman Thomas Blain. The Australian Joint Stock Bank and Commercial Banking Company of Sydney have branches, and there is a theatre attached to the Golden Fleece hotel; the Odd Fellows' hall is also used for theatrical purposes. There is a racecourse 3 miles to the S.W. of the township. Macliaij police district had in 1875, 2084 horses, 34,052 horned cattle, 1816 sheej). and G55 pigs. MACKAY'S CREEK {Co. Mackenzie) is a small tributary of the Jura creek, rising in a spur of the Main range to the S.W. of the Kilkivan goldfield, and watering the S. part of the Boonara run. Basalt. MACKENZIE {Normanhij district) is a small hamlet at the crossing of the Mackenzie river on the main road from Boolburra to Clermont and Coppertield. It is 73 miles from Boolburra, and there is an hotel there, the Mackenzie, which aifords good accommodation. 112 TIte Queensland Gazetteer. [Mac — Man MACKENZIE, MOUNT {Xonnanby district), is a lofty hill lying about 20 miles y. W. of iSt. Lawrence. Caiboniferous. MACKENZIE KIVER {Normanby and Leichhardt districts) is an im- IX)rtaut stream, separating the two districts named, and formed by the junction of the Comet and Nogoa rivers. It joins the Dawson river near Gainsford, the two there forming the Fitzroy river. It is fed by the Iloper, Honeycomb, May Downs, and Cooroora creeks. Mesozoic, carboniferous. MACKERY CREEK {Co. Newcastle) is a small N. tributary of the Brorinia creek, flowing S. through the N. part of the run. Granite and shales. MACLEAY or TIM SHEA'S ISLAND {Co. Stanley) is an island about 3 miles in length, lying in the S. part of Moreton bay. MACPHERSON'S RANGE {Co. Ward) is that part of the Main dividing range exteiuliug from Point Danger on the E. to Mount Lindsay on the W. See Dividing Range. MACQUARIE CREEK (Bowen district). See Pioneeb River. MAGNETIC ISLAND {Knmedy district) is a large island lying to the N.W. of Cleveland bay, separated from the mainland by a narrow channel. Granite. MAGrNUS, MOUNT {Go. Merivalc), is a peak of the Gore ranges, rising to a considerable altitude, a few miles N.W. of the township of Stanthorpe, and S.W. of Warwick. Red granite. MAGOG, MOUNT {Co. Liehig). See Marlbobough. MAHEN, JIOUNT {Cos. Fitzroy and Lytton) is a prominent peak and land- mark in the Bunya-Buuya mountains (Main Dividing range). It is situated on the l)Oundary-liue between the counties of Fitzroy and Lytton, at the heads of the Iron-pot and Jingi-Jingi creeks. It lies in rough and heavily-timbered pastoral country, and forms portion of the boundary between the Dunrobin and Jingi-Jingi runs. Granite, raetamorphic mica, and hornblende schists. MAIN CREEK (Co. Nen-castlc). See Grant's Creek. MAIN C\XV.E,Vi {W'arrcgo district) is a small tributary of the MooloothuUa creek, rising near Mount Joy in the Brunei range, and flowing through the Brunei downs N. run. Mesozoic shales, sandstones and limestones. MAIN RANGE is a chain of hills, rising here and there into lofty mount.ains, running generally N. and S. inland of the Coast range, from which it is separated, sometimes by deep valleys and sometimes by high-lying plateaux. Generally speaking this range is somewhat precipitous on the E. side, sloping away on its W. side into elevated table-lands or downs. The principal of these downs are known as the Bowen, High, Mitchell, Peak and Darling downs, and Buckland's table-land. From tlie Main range a number (.if spurs sluiot off inlanil in a W. direction, the more important being known .-is the Expedition, Deuhani. Burnett, I'eak, Diiirnmond and Cuiulamine ranges. The geological fornuitiou of the ranges varies with the districts through which it passes. MAJOR'S CREEK {Kennedy district) is a tributary of Houghton's river. Granite. MALAKOFF, MOUNT {Co. Parkington). See Westwooo. MALLOM (lliV.VAs. {Co. Stanley). See MooLOOLAH. MA-MA CUKKK {Co. Churchill) is a small S. tributary of the Lockycr creek, into which it fails near Tent hill. MANANDILLA CREEK {.Uaranoa district). Sec Maranoa River. MANBURY, .MOUNT {/inrhe district). Sec OiLUEBT Range. MANGROVE I'OINT {Co. Cook) is a headland on the W. side of inner llcrviv l);iy. Sandstone. MANGUR CREEK {Co. Mochnzir). Sec Nan(;ur Creek. Man — Mak] The Queensland Gazetteer. 113 MANIFOLD, C'Al'E (^Co. Palnienton), is a bold headland ou the coast lying atout 10 miles S. of Port Boweu. Metamorphic. MANOA CREEK (Kcnnedi/ district) is a sniiiU tributary of Burke's creek crossing the m;iiu rt);i(l from Boweii to the Cape river goklfielils. Granite. MANTUAN DOWNS {Spritigmre district) is an elevated tract of pastoral country on the njipcr part of the Nogoa river. Sandstone. MANY PEAKS, MOUNT {Kennedy district). 8ec Pallauknda, Mount. MARAMIE CBKEK {Cook district) is a small N. tributary of the Staaten river, into which it falls in about lS. of Marlborough. The mountains are Red Cliff, one mile and a half 8. of to\vn- ship (the name Red Cliff was given on account of the peculiar colour of the soil near the top); Slopeaway, 2 miles from Marlborough, westerly; Pine mountain, about 8 miles W. of N. (this is a fine range, being nearly all covered with beautiful pine trees): i\Iagog, N. about 9 miles. Marlborough lies in a purely pastoral district. It has had many prospectors for gold in its neighlxjurhood, but these, after a few weeks" trial in various parts, have pronounced it non-auriferous. A copper-mine, distant about 5 miles E. of Marlborough, was worked for a few months, and was then deserted as a failure. The nearest towns are St. Lawrence, 50 miles N.. and Yaamba. 42 miles S. . the only means of communication being on horseback or by dray. With Brisbane, distant about 500 miles S., the communi- cation is by horseback to Rockhampton. thence by steamer to Brisbane. The hotels are the Queensland and the Royal. The surrounding district consists of tine open undulating well-grassed country, mountainous at the boundaries. The geological formation is principally granite. The population of Marlborough numbers 35 persons. MARLBOROUGH CREEK {Co. Llehlg) is a sm.all stream flowing in a S. direction through the township of the same name. See Marlborough. MARLOW RIVER [Burke district) is a small stream in the extreme W. f'f the colonv. near the head of the Gulf of Carpentaria. It w.os crossed by Leich- hardt in 1845. MARONGHI CREEK {Co. Carendish) is a tributary of Ivory's creek, fed by the Maria and Middle creeks. Slates and shales. MAROOCHY RIVER [Co. Canning). See Yaxpixa. MARROTT'S CREEK (Co. Wicklorv). See i^Iarvkll's Creek. MARSH, I^IOUNT [Bon-cn district), is a lofty hill on the E. side of Rosetta creek. It is crossed by the old road from Port Denison to the Bowen downs. 'J'ertiary sandstone. MARTIN, MOUNT. See Coast Range. MARVELL'S, or JIARROTT'S CREEK {Co. U'icl-lon-) is a small tributary of the upper part of the Rawbiille, or Nogo creek, rising in the ranges to the E. of the townsliip of Cainl)oon. and Uowing E. through rugged pjistoral country in the Mount Fortitude run. It is fed by the Andrew and Jlontur creeks. Clay fclatcs and shales. MARYBOROUGH, 2.")° .35' S. lat., 152" :^5' E. long. (Co. March) is a postal and telcpraiihic scaixut town in the parish and electoral district of Marybcu'ough, situated on the Mary river, about 25 miles from its mouth. Vessels of 11 feet draught can go as far as Yengaric, 35 miles, and the liead of navigation for vessels miles S.E. of (Ik; junction with that river of Sandy eieek. The district is almost entirely a niiiiing one, the diggings being both alluvial and quartz. There arc hcvcial (piarli'.-reefs alM)iit 4 miles from Jlaytown in an easterly direction, al.so, .•illuvial workings nil over the district. There arc alluvial diggings at Oaky creek. *J() miles S.E. ; at Stony creek, 2C> miles S.E.; and at Sandy creek, •!() miles S, Edwardstown lies lhree-(|uarters of a mile from l\Iaytown west. It lias six licensed jnililic-liouses, two wholesidc; stores (wine and si)iiit.s). six gcnerid store.**, witii one butcher's shop. Cicrman I'lir is 1 miles N.W., having three jiulilic houses and one butdicr's sliop, all ke])t liy Chinese. Revolver I'oint — tive jnililic hou.ses; one butcher's shop, kept liy . I. Edwards and Co.; and 7 miles from Maytown N., fin the left h.'ind branch of the I'almer river. All these places may be generally classified under the head of Maytown, which is the postal centre. The conimunica- lioii is by bush track. I'alnierville, the head-centre f>f the I'almer tligging.s, is :t<> miles distant, and is connected l)y a fortnightly horse mail. With Brislmne, nbou M'Ar — Mea] The Queensland Gazetteer. 117 1210 miles S.E., the communication is by horse, or, in fine weather, dray track tj (Jooktovvn, 235 miles via Lnm'a and Palmer, or 110 miles by Douglas's bridle- track (there are also two other bush tracks not so well known), and thence by steamer once a fortnight. The hotels in Maytovvn are— All Nations, The Queen's, Our Hotel, Caledonian ; in Gorman Bar township — Shanghai, Sin King Nury, ■Canton ; Revolver Point township — Hongkong, George hotel, Lenn Tenu, Jlevolver Point hotel; in Oaky creek — Albion, Koyal, Golden Globe, Victoria, Harp of Erin, Eagle hotel. The country is broken and uneven for miles round ; a con- glomerate of red slate and sandstone, with a few quartz ridges. The population, which. is, however, a shifting one, numbers about 350; Oaky creek, 200; Stony creek, 150; German Bar, 300 Chinese; Revolver Point, left-hand branch Palmer river, 500 Chinese and 40 Europeans. See also Palmerville. M'ARTHUR, MOUNT [Springmrc district) is a hill in the S.E. part of the Peak downs. Basalt. M'ARTHUR'S ISLAND (Cook district). See Cape Grenville. M'CULLUM'S CREEK (Co. WicMon-) is a small N. tributary of the Auburn river, into which it falls at the township of Redbauk. Granite and sandstone. M'CONKEY'S CREEK (Co. WicHom) is a small tributary of the Auburn, or St. John's creek, watering the Buingear run. Clay slates and shales. M'CONNELL, MOUNT (Boiveii district), is a peak lying on the S. side of the Burdekin river, near the junction of the Belyando. White granite with dark syenite. M'CONNELL, MOUNT {Co. Canning). See Goonnekingerringhi, Mount. M'CORD'S RIDDLE CREEK {Co. Bowcn) is a small tributary of the Burnett river, watering the Holywell run. Clay slates and shales. II'COY CREEK {Burkd district) is a tributary of the head of the Robertson river, which see. M'DONALD'S FLAT (Co. Clermont) is the name of a small alluvial gold diggings, lying about 4 miles from the township of Clermont, and forming part of the Peak downs goldfield. Schists and slates. M'HENRY CREEK {Co. Cook). See Jardine River. MCGREGOR'S CREEK {Co. Stanley) is a small S. tributary of the Cabool- ture creek, rising in Mount Sampson and flowing N. in the main stream above the township of Caboolture. There is a small agricultural settlement known as Blundell, on the main road to Gympie, near this creek. Devonian slates and granite. M'GUSTY'S GAP {Co. Murchison) is a defile in the Broad Sound ranges, on the road from St. Lawrence to Clermont, about 15 miles W. of the former place, M'INTYRE CREEK ( Warrego district) is a stream in the S.W. part of the colony, which flows through pastoral country into Lake Boola Walla, a swampy waterhole, and overflows in wet seasons into the Buloo river. Sandstone, lime- stone, and slate. M'KINLAY'S RANGES and CREEK {Burke district) is a chain of hills running N. and S. between 21° C and 22" 0' S. lat., and in 141^ 10' E. long. The M'Kinlay creek flows along the E. face of the range. Metamorphic. M'LAREN'S or EIGHT-MILE CREEK {Co. NeKcastle) is a small ¥.. tri- butary of Johnson's creek, watering the E. part of the Coondarra run. Granite ridges, clay slates and shales. M'LAREN, MOUNT (Bonrn district), is an elevation in the Peak downs. Clay slates and shales. M'LEOD CREEK {Cook district). See Kinloch Creek. MEACURACH CREEK {:Haranoa district) is a small tributary of the head of the Ambv river. 118 The Qiteensland Gazetteer. [Mee — Mii> MEE, MOUNT {Cos.^Cannlng and Stanley), is a prumiueut peak ia the S. part vt the Blackall range. ...Clay slates and shales. MELBOURNE, 5I0UNT (Co. ChvrchiU), is a lofty peak in the water- shed that ilivide> the Kreiuer and Coudaniiiie rivers. It lies about 20 miles S.E. of Toowoomba, and the same distance E. of Cambooya, and is a prominent land- mark from both places. Clay slates and shales. MELVILLE, CAPE, 14" 10' S. lat., 144° 40' E. long. (Cooli district).is abold headland, the most prominent on this part of the coast, which runs out N. from a deep bight containing Bathurst and Princess Charlotte bays. The sea near this cape is stutlded with reefs and small islands, and the navigation is intricate. To the X. E.lie the Pipon islands and reefs, and to the W. the Flinders group. MENANY CPEEK ( Co. Wicklo)!') is a small W. tributary of the Cheltenham creek, watering tlie Hillhouse Ridge run. Granite ridges, clay slates and shales. MERIVALE KIVEPi {Maranoa district), fe^ee Maranoa Kiver. MERLIN, MOUNT (Mitchell district), is a mountain on Burke and Wills'* outwartl route of 18(il. Tertiary sandstone. MEROMO WATERHOLE ( Warrego district) is on the Youvale creek. MERRITT'S CREEK (Co. Avhigny). 8ee Hyghfields. METEOR CREEK {Springsure district). See BOOTIS Ckeek. MEW RIVULET or CHARO CREEK (iV. Cook district). See SOMEBSET. MEYHART CREEK (Co. Iit:rog)]\si a small E. tributary of Stuart's river rising in tlie Kingsliuul run and flowing N.AV. into the main stream near the Prostou head-station. Granite, clay slates and shales. MIA-MI A, MOUNT (Boiven district), is a hill lying near the head of the Pioneer river. Granite. MIA, MOUNT (Co. Lenno.r). is a prominent peak in the range lying S. of the township of Black Snake and the Kilkivau goldfield. It is about 1 mile dis- tant from the former place. Porjihyritic greenstone, serpentine and granite. MICA, MOUNT {Springsnre district), is a hill in the ranges lying S. of Clernmnl. Mica slate. MICA SLATE CREEK (Jhirhe district) is a tributary of the head of the Gillierl river, wliieh sre. MICKETEEBOOMULGRAL, MOl'KT (Co. fanning). Sec Glass ■ HOISKS. MIDDLE CKEEK {Co. Auhigny). .Sec Jimboi'R Ckeek. MIDDLE CREEK (Co. Varmdish). See Mauoncui Cuekk. MIDDLE CREEK (Co. Fitzroy) is a small feeder of the head of the Boync river, into wliieli it falls on the W. side. Granite, metaniorphic mica and horn- blende schi.-ts. MIDDLE CREEK (Co. Merirah) is an E. tributary of the Canal creek flowiu'.' Ihrciiigh swanipy country in the parish of Ellangowan into the main strcaiOi near tin- 'I'lmiMiaville head-station. Clay slates and shales. MIDDLE CKEKK (Warrego district) ia ft small tributary of Kennedy's creek waiciing the N. part of the Yarrawonga run. Mesozoic shales, sandstones ;iiid linu'.stoneH. MIDDLE ISLAND (Co. Hvrhert) is a small isl.and lying E.ofT the N. head of Port D.nisori, and to the N. of Edgccomlx; bay. Granite. MIDDLE \'i^\':s1 (Jin rhe district). Sec MOUNINO INLET. MIDDLETON ("REEK (Mitchell district) is r fine Htrenm watering benu:ifiil country, liowing S. W. into the Diamantina river in .about 122° XV S. lat., and 1 ir ■>"/ K. long. Sandstone. ! Mil — Mir] The Queemland Gazetteer. 119 MILLAR'S CRKEK {Burke district) is a small E. tributary of the Altert river, falling iuto that stream near Burketowu. MILLAR'S VALE CHEEK (Co. Merivale) is a small tributary of the Glengallou creek, rising in the Main range near Spicer's peak, and flowing ia a westerly direction. Basalt and basic dolorite. MILLCHESTER, 20"^ 12' S. lat., 146° 20' E. long. {Ravenswood district), is a postal and telegraphic township lying between the Cape river and Ilavenswood goldtields, and forming part of tlie Charters Towers diggings (See Charters Towers). There are two rivers, namely — Biirdekiu and Broughton, situated about 12 miles away in a southerly direction. Thacker's range is situated about 15 miles to the S.E. There are no mills or manufactories in the place except two quartz-crushing- machines only, the sole industry being quartz-mining; the Charters Towers dig- gings, 3 miles distant, lUshton, 12 miles, and Dreghorn, 48 miles away, being all quartz-mining diggings also. Charters Towers township lies N.W. about 3 miles distant, and is also a gold-mining township. The communication with this place is by coach, and with Brisbane by Cobb's coaches to Townsville and steamers thence ; about 1200 miles in all. There is one hospital for the district situated at Charters Towers, at which place the principal hotels are situated, and Messrs. Cobb and Company, mail contractors, have an office at Hishons' Club-house hotel for the booking of passengers by coach for Ravenswood and Townsville. Millchester is under the control of a road-board, and is in the newly-formed county of Kennedy. The surrounding country is elevated mountainous, the geological formation being principally granite and quartz. The population of Millchester is 500 and that of Charters Towers 1000. The Church of England and Roman Catholic denominations have churches in the district, and there are branches of the Bank of New South Wales, Australian Joint Stock bank, Queensland National bank, and Government Savings bank ; also a racecourse, courthouse, police-bar- racks, telegraph office, post and money -order offices. MILLER, MOUNT {Raccmwood district), is a peak in the basaltic country, lying N.W. of the Cape river goldfield. MILE STREAM CREEK (Kennedy district) is a small tributary, or rather one of the heads of the Herbert river, rising amongst the basaltic columned ranges S. of Bellendeu Ker mountains, and falling into the main stream near the Kennedy gap. Basalt. MIMHOMA CREEK (Co. Boiven) is a small tributary of Cania creek rising in the Dawes range and flowing S.W. through rugged pastoral country iu the Dugallen run. Clay slates and shales. MI-MI CREEK {Co. Fitzroy) is a small tributary of the head of the Boo- yembah creek, into which it flows near the Manamba head-station through rough pastoral country. Basalt, basic dolorite. MIMMERANBY CREEK (Co. Fitzroi/) is a small E. tributary of Stuart 's river, watering the K. part of the Wooroolin run. Granite, clay slates and shales. MIMOSA CREEK {Ltichhardt district) is a fine tributary of the Zamia creek flowing through the Richmond downs. It is fed by the Black Boy and Perch creeks, MINERVA CREEK {Sprlngsure district) is a W. tributary of the Comet river, into which it falls near the confluence of that river with the Nogoa river. Mesozoic sandstone. MINOTE, MOUNT (Maranoa and Ballonne districts), is an eminence lying between the Cougoon and Maranoa rivers, and ou the boundary line between the two districts. MIRRA PARROO CREEK {Warrecfo district) is an E. tributary of the Parroo river watering the Moongarree, Teengulla, Burrabilla, and Camaroo runs into the main stream at the township reserve of Eulo, on the postal route from CunnamuUa to the S.W. outlying pastoral district. Mesozoic, shales, sandstones and limestones. 120 The Queensland Gcizetteer. [Mis — Moc MISERY, MOUNT {Clermont district), is a prominent hill lying at the N.W. coiner of the Sandy creek run, about 12 miles S, of the township of Copper- tield. Mica slate. MISERY, MOUNT iSj}ringsure distrisf) is a high hill lying S. of Clermont. Metamoriibic. MITCHELL or MITCHELL DOWNS, 26° 30' S. lat., 147° 55' E. long. (Miiranou district), is the name of a postal and telegraphic township in the p.irish of Mitchell, situated on the western side of the JMaranoa river, which runs N. by W. and S. by E., and has a large sandy bed with shifting waterboles. The sur- rounding country is exclusively pastoral, though some of the laud is well adapted for agricultural pursuits. The nearest townships are Eoma, 55 miles E. by S.. St. George, 180 miles S. by E., Charlevillc, 120 miles \V., all progressive townships, and Hodson, 4:3 miles E. by S. There is a mail (horse) twice a week between lioraa and Mitchell, and once a week between St. George and Mitchell. The com- munication with Brisbane, 395 miles E., is by Cobb's coach from Roma to Ualby. and thence by rail. There is also an occasional coach (Hanlon's) from Mitchell U> Koma. The telegraph station was opened at Mitchell in October. 1874. The hotels are the Maranoa or Mitchell Downs (James Elynn) and the Post-office hotel (Samuel Stewart). The district is of a varied nature, from sandy ridges, undulating tlowns, with a background of ranges, to box and mulga country. The geological formation is tertiary sandstone, with grits and conglomerates and occasional out- crops of granite. There are (!5 inhabitants in Mitchell. A beautiful natural racecourse exists near the township, but it is not yet enclosed. There is a post- office, a courthouse, a butcher, saddler, shoemaker, and boarding-house ; also a telegraph office and a good store (the Maranoa). MITCHELL is an electoral district commencing where the southern water- shed of the r>arcoo river intersects the twenty-si.xth p.arallel of S. latitude, and Ixjunded thence by said parallel of latitude bearing true W. to the one hundred and thirty-eighth meridian of K. longitude ; then by said meridian true N. to twenty- first parallel of S. latitude, and by that ]iaraUel true E. to the southern watershed of the Flinders river, and by said waterslied easterly to the Great Dividing range, then by said range south-easterly to the twenty-second parallel of S. latitude, and by said parallel true E. to the eastern watershed of the Belyando river; then by said watershed southerly to the Great Dividing range; then by the southern water- shed of the Barcoo river south-westerly to the iioint of commencement. The electoral district of Jlitchell numbers 411 electors on the roll, and is represented in the Legislative Assembly by Boyd Dunlop ]\Iorehead, who was elected Nov. 4tli, 1873. The returning officer, T. J. Sadlcir. is stationed at the township of Tambo. and the revision court is held at Blackall. MITCHELL pastoral district lies to the westward of the Leichhardt dis- trict. It is waieicd by the Barcoo and Thomson's rivers ; iL is entirely pastor.nl, and of recent occupation. Tambo is the township. MITCHELL FALLS DIGGINGS (Cook diatrirt) is the name given to .an alluvial gold workings lying to the S. of the I'almer river, aiul on the E. water- shed of tlie Mitchell river. It forms i)ait of the I'almer goUlfield, but is now sup- ])osed to be lu arly worked out, although fresh auriferous prosjiccts are being con- tinually discovered in the neighbourhood. Only a few men are regularly at work on these diggings. The gold is generally found at a dei)th of not over 7 feet, anctween Stradbroke and Jloreton islands; and by a boat passage from the S. known as the Broadwater. Both the ship entrances are intricate and difficult of navigation, the S. one especially so, Rous channel being very narrow, and nearly filled up with mud and sandbanks, some of them dry at low water. The N. entrance, although far more easy and navigable, is also studded with banks, the passage, however, allowing vessels of any tonnage to come up to Brisbane roads. 'I'he entrance is lighted by three lighthouses, one at Cape Moreton, marking the outer entrance, and two inside — the Comlxjyuro and ('owan Cowan lights, which direct the steerage through the N. passage. The W., or main co:ist of the b.ay, consists of a number of indentations, known respectively as Deception, Bramble, Waterloo, Raby. and Redland bays. ]*>y far the most important opening, however, is the embouchure of the Brisbane river, which is about 2 miles wide, and which is guarded by a liar, througli whicii a cutting of 1 1 feet at low water springs and \^\ feet at high water springs has been made. The channel ami cutting to the Brisbane river are marked by a series of piles and buoys, and by three lights. There is al.so a iiglit on Cleveland point, alxnit 12 miles S. K. The principal lieadlands in the W. side of the bay are known as Skirmish, Toorbul, Reef, RetlclifTe, Woody, llniacke, Lytton, Wellington, ("leveland, llalloran, and Victoria points. Moreton bay contains numennis islands, viz., Mud, St. Helena, Green, Kishermans, King. I'eel, Innis, M.acleay, Tindapali, Ngudooroo, Karraagarra, and liussell islands. None of these are, liowever, of any special importance except St. Helena, wliere there is a penal settlement. For the headlands on the E. side of the bay .see STKAOnuoKK und Mour.To.N I.slands. Moreton bay is crossed by a telegraph cable, which leaves the mainland at Cleveland, cornea out at Dunwich on Stradbroke isiniid, crosscH Rous cliannel, and lends to Cape Moreton, thus aJTording communication between the liglitliouse .at that place and the city of Brisbane. Mor] The Queensland Gazetteer. 123. MORETON, CAPE, 27° 2' S. lat., 153° 30' E. long. See Moreton Island. MORETON, EAST, is an electoral district commencing at the mouth of the Mooroochydore river, and bounded thence by the northern watershed of that river north-westerly; then by the watershed separating the Mooroochydore river and the Mooloolah river from the Mary river; southerly to D'Aguilar's range, and by that range southerly to the head off Enoggcra creek ; then by the watershed separating Enoggera creek from Moggill creek easterly to the head of Ithaca creek, and by that creek northerly to its junction with Enoggera creek; then by said creek to the E. boundary of portion 281, parish of Enoggera; then by the northern road to Kedron brook at the AV. boundary of portion (>, same parish ; then by Kedron brook downwards to the E. boundary of portion 7, j)arish of Toombul, and by the Vj. boundary of that portion bearing S. to the N.W. corner of portion 17, same parish; and by a line bearing E. to the Brisbane river ; thence by that river to ^Moreton bay, and by the shore of Moreton bay and the sea coast northerly to the point of commencement, inclusive of Bribie island. The district of East Moreton has 8(14 electors on the roll, and is represented in the Legislative Assembly by William Fryar, elected 18th November, 1S7."1. The revision court for tlie district is held at Brisbane ; the returning officer is J. Hardgrave, of that place. MORETON ISLAND {Bnlimha district) is a long, narrow, sandy island, forming the N. boundary of Moreton bay. which is approached from the S. of the island by a narrow channel, difficult of navigation, called Rous channel, but generally known as the South entrance, and from the N. by the wider and safer North entrance. The North entrance is marked by a white stone lighthouse, 7» feet high, with a first order catoptric apparatus, revolving once a minute. The light is at an elevation of 400 feet above sea level, and is visible 27 miles. This light is placed on Cape Moreton, the N.E. point of the island, and is connected with Brisbane by telegraph. On the inside of the island are two other lighthouses for the direction of vessels navigating the river channel, which is somewhat intricate from the number of its sandbanks. They are both fourth-order holophotal lights, one being at Comboyura point, the N.W. point of the island, and the other at Cowan Cowan point. Moreton island is little more than a lofty sandbank, 2.'j miles long by about 6 miles wide at its broadest (N. ) end. Its loftiest point is Mount Tempest, about midway along it. There is a pilot station at the small fishing township or village of Bulwer, about 2 miles S. of Comboyura point. Drift sand. MORETON pastoral district is that portion of Queensland lying in the south-eastern part of the colony, and is bounded on the S. by the colony of New South Wales, and stretches inland to the Dividing range. It has a total area of 4.928,000 acres, of which in 1871 there were 3(!.1H;! acres in cultivation ; of this 12,533 were under cotton, 3874 under sugar, 288 acres under bananas, 120 under pine apples, and 120 under vines. There were in the district 4800 agricultural machines employed on farms and stations, and the produce for that year included '.>08y gallons of wine and 7840 lbs. tobacco. About half the manufactures of the colony were in this district, and 48,480 acres were taken up by land selectors, but only about 40 acres for mining purposes. The agricultural statistics for that year showed that there were in the district 21,728 horses, 178,312 head of cattle, 164",744 sheep, and 14,077 pigs. Moreton pastoral district comprises the land first settled in the colony. It is divided into East and West Moreton. and is drained by the Brisbane and Logan rivers and their tributaries. It contains the metropolis Bris- bane, situated on the river of the same name, and the large town of Ipswich, on the Bremer, a tributary of that river. The district contains many fine coal seams, some of which, on the banks of the Logan and Brisbane rivere, have been worked for many years. Chroma iron ore is also foiuid near Ipswich, iron ore in many places in the samedistrictand gold at Ennogera, Gooroomjam and Kilkoy. Thewealth of More- ton consists, however, in its agricultural produce, and the exhibits at the various agri- cultural shows which t.ake pi.ace annually fully show the excellent quality of the soil. These comprise wheat, barley, oats, hay, native grasses, lucerne, rye, millet, sorghiim, potatoes, leeks, onions, melons, cucumbers, beets, carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, beans, asparagus, tobacco, arrowroot, honey, sugar, cotton, bananas, pine apples, grapes, raspberries, oranges, lemons, nectarines, peaches, figs, apples and l'2i The Queemland Gazetteer. [MoR — Mou peai-s. The district also sLows favourably in regard of fine specimens of stock and }X)ultry, bacon, ham. beeswax, gum, hemp, harness, leather, agricultural imple- ments, drain pipes, tiles, washing paste, marmalade, wines, beer, and dressed skins •of the kangaroo, wallaby, opossum, native bear, and native cat. MORIARTY'S EANGE (Wan-ego dhtrtct) is a chain of hills lying on the K. side of the Faroo river, X. of Eulo. Sandstone and shales. MORILLA CREEK (Sj>ring., JVewcastle) is a head-feeder of Spring creek, whkh waters a jjortion of the Auburn run. 15asalt. MOUNTAIN CREEK {Co. Stanleg). See Endla Creek. MOUNT ESK (Co. Cavendish). See Gallanani. MOUNT PERRY, :.'.■•>' lo'l.at., 1,5= .Sr/ E. long. (Co. 7A>«r«), isa postaltown- ship in the electoral district of ^lulgrave. situated on the Sandy creek, a tributary of the lUirnett river. Reid's creek runs W. of Jlouut I'erry, dis- tant about 5 miles, and Mount Perry rises on the E. of the town- ship to an altitude of loOO feet base 1o summit. There is one saw- mill in the neighlx)urhfKid, belonging to Edward Martin .and Sons. Mount Perry is in an agricultural, pastoral, and mining ' district. Extensive cn]ipcr-mines and small alluvial gold-diggings are situated in and around Mount Perry. Gayndah is distant -10 miles bearing S., Bundaberg (iO miles bearing N.E., and Maryborough 110 miles bearing E.S.E. There is no direct conveyance to Gayndah or Bundaberg. A bi-weekly mail coach runs to Mary- Ijorough, Power and Connolly contr.-ictors. A railway or tramway is however contemplated to run from Mount Perry to Bundaberg, the nearest ])ort. (See BtiN'DAitKiid iind lUiHNKTT RiVKK.) 'J'he communication with I'.risbane, '200 miles S.E., is by coach to MaryUjrougli, thence steamer to Brisbane, or coach via M;iry- borough and Gympie to Brisbane. Mount Perry has a school of arts, an Odd- fellows' lodge, and a miners' benevolent club. The hotels are the IMount Perry. Koyal, Prince of Wales. Shamrock, Live ami Let Live, tJanterbury, and Victoria. The surrounding count ly is mf)untainous, ])rinci])ally of slate formation. The population numl)ers about 1. ".00 persons. The Catholic and Wesleyan denomina- tions have places of worship, Jind the I'.ank of New South Wales has a branch in the township, near which is :i ^^(xjd racecourse. MOUNT PLEASANT (Co. Churchill) is a small agricultural village lying near thr lownshi|) of ilanisvillc, wliicli sec, MOUNT SAMSON CRKEK (Co. Stanley) is n small tributary of the Kobblc creek, rising in Mount Saujson, aM'.■?. Fifzroij and Aiibif/tiy). is a prominent peak and landmark in the 15nnya-Bunya mountain, portion of the Main Dividing range, Vjctween the districts of Burnett and the Darling downs. It runs off to the N.E. in a somewhat lofty spur, and stands at the head of the Flagstone, Alice, and Jimbour creeks. Granite, metamorphic mica, and hornblende schists. MUD C'llEEK [Ltichliardt district) is a small tributary of the great Sandy creek, which sec. MUDGEERABA CREEK (Co. Ward). See Nerang. MUDGE, MOUNT (Sprhifjmre district), is a hill on the W. bank of the Nogoa river, about 40 miles W. of Springsure. Sandstone. MUD ISLAND Co. Stanley) is a low-lying island about the middle of Moreton bay, and opposite the mouth of the Brisbane river. It is nearly circular, and is about a mile and a half in diameter. Sandstone and alluvial deposit. MUDJIMBER ISLAND (Co. Canning) is a small rocky islet lying off the mouth of I'ctric's creek. Sandstone. MUELLER'S CREEK (^Mitchell district) is a stream crossed by M'Kinlay in his route to the Gulf in 1861. This was a fine running stream with open flats. MUELLER'S RANGES (Mitchell district) is a chain of high hills passed by M-Kinlay in 18t)l. Open flats. MULGRAVE is an electoral district commencing at the mouth of the Mary river, and bounded thence by that river upwards to Saltwater creek, and by said creek upwards, then by a line bearing S. passing along the W. boundaries of allot- ments 1 and 2 of section 175 Maryborough to the Gayndah road opposite the bend of the Mary river, then by the Mary river southerly to the N. E. corner of portion 9 parish of Deuison, then by a road bearing W. to Graham's creek, and by that creek upwards to the N.W. corner of portion 180, then by a line bearing W. to the northern watershed of Munna creek, and by that watershed westerly, then by the watershed separating the Mary river and Degilbo creek from the ISurnett river northerly to jMaryborough and Gayndah road, and by said road westerly to the summit of the ridge, about 13 miles from the crossing of Baramba creek, then by a line bearing W. crossing the Burnett river to the western watershed of Reid's creek, then by said watershed and a spur ridge north-westerly to the junction of Three-moon creek with Rawbelle creek, then by the watershed separating Three- moon creek from Rawbelle creek northerly, then by the watershed separating the Burnett river and the Kolan river from Kroombit creek, the Boyne river and Fjafflc creek to the head of Littabella creek, and by said creek easterly to the sea. thence by the sea coa.st south-easterly to the mouth of the Mary river the point of commencement. The district of Mulgrave has 940 electors on the roll, and is represented in the Legislative Assembly by Walter Scott, elected 20th November. 1873. The revision comt is held at the court of petty sessions, Tenningering, where the returning officer, A. W. Compigne, is stationed. MUNGALLALA CREEK (Ballonne district) is a stream rising in the TyrconncU downs, and flowing S. until it is lost in the sandy desert S. of Wild Horse plains. It is fed by Abundouong and Dewarra creeks. MUNGALLA.LA., MOUNT (Maranoa district), is a peak in the Tyr- connell downs, which see. MUNGINDI (Co. Carnarro7i) is a small postal township of about ."SO inhabi- tants, which, although lying on the S. or New South Wales side of the Barwan or ]\Iaciutyre river, serves as the postal centre of an extensive pastoral territory in 126 TJi^ Queenslaml Gazetteer. [Mux — Nan •Queensland. It lies So miles S.E. of the township of St. George, and is reached by horse mail. The surrounding country is low and flat and of tertiary sandstone formation. It has one hotel, the Muugiudi (Walker's), which is the store and post- office for the district. MUNNA or TEEBAIl CHEEK {Co. Lennox) is a W. tributary of the Mary river rising in Walshe's blnlt', and flowing JS.E. past Gingoonioon and Meridian stations, into the main stream about 10 miles !S. of Maryborough. Devonian, clay slate and shale. MUN^ORUE CREEK {Co. FHzroij) is a small head-feeder of the Boync river, rising in the Bunya-Bunya range near Mount Haly, and flowing N. past the ^lunyorue head-station on the ]\lauruen run, which it waters for its entire length. Granite, nietanunphic mica, and hornblende schists. MURCHISON, MOUNT {Co. Pelham). is a hill lying about L^O miles N.E. of Barrana. between the Kroouibit and Calleide creeks. Devonian, slates and shales. MURDERING CBEEK (Co. Mackenzie) is a small S. tributary of the Bur- nett river, flowing through the Aburanga run, and falling into the main stream between the townships of 3Iundubberra and Gayndah. Clay slates and shales. MURDOCH POINT {Cook district) is a headland lying about 35 miles N. of Cape Flattery. MURELLA CREEK ( Won-cf/o district). See BuLOO River. MUYA CREEK {Maranoa district) is a small tributary of the Merivalc TJver. MURILLA CREEK {Ballonne district). See Condamine River. MURPHY'S CREEK, ^T" 30' 8. lat., lo2° 10' E. long. {Co. Churchill), is a postal township and railway station in the parish of Taylor and electorate of Stanley, and is situated on Murphy's creek, the head tributary of the Lockyer creek. There :ire "2 saw-mills, distant about 8 and 40 miles respectively N., and several quarries of freestone of fine quality near the township. 'Ihe district is an agricultural and pastoral one. The small townshij) of Fingal is in the immediate neighbourhood of .Murphy's creek. The connnunication with Ib'isbane, 81 miles E., is by rail. There is one hotel in the township known as the Travellers' Home. The country to the S. consists of undulating ridges. To the W. and N.W. it is mountainous. Coal. with gray sandstone strata accompanying, with here and there waterworn (juart/. pebbles. is found in the neighbuurhood. Tiic population numbers about 200 pei^sons. Murphy's creek has a Presbyterian Church and a Savings Bunk. Mineral water with medicinal jtropertics is found ni the district. MURRAY'S CREEK {Co. Flinders). See Baiile Cuekk. MURRAY LAGOON {Co. Livingston). See Rockiiami'ton. MURRAY, MOUNT {Mitchell district), is a mountain on Burke and Wills's •(jutward route of 18(;i. Tertiary sandstone. MUSQUITO ('!;!■; KK (Hiirle di.'all)y. It is fed by th(; Cumkiile.'ibar and Kosalie Plains creeks. l;:i.salt. NANANGO, 2(i' .")()' S. lat.. ir.^" :/ E. long. {Co. Fitzroij), is a postal townjj .ship in the electoral dibtrict of JSuiuctt, Bituatcd on Sandy creek, a Hmall tributarj Nan — Nat] The Queensland Gazetteer. 127 of the Baramb.ah creek. Handy ci'cek empties into IJarambfili creek atjout i? miles from the town. Barambah creek joins the Burnett river near Gayndali. Nanango is situated on the slopes of a range dividing the K. and W. Moreton electorate from that of the Burnett. There is a large and deep lagoon at Nanango statiun, about 2 miles from the town, which has rather a deficient w-ater supjily. There are no mills or manufactories in Nanango, the district being chiefly pastoral. Tlierc have been alluvial diggings about 7 miles away, at which gold can still be obtained in small quantities; and there is also a quartz-reef now being opened out about \\ miles from the town, which promises well. Toowoombalies about 80 miles S.; Gayndah, 100 miles N.; Ipswich, 110 miles S.E.; and Jondaryon, about (Jo miles IS. The communication is by mail on horseback to Gayndah once a week, by mail via Jon- daryon twice a week from Brisbane, Ispwich, Toowoomba, and Dal by. With Bris- bane, 160 miles S.E., the communication isbyhorseor dray via Rosalieplains, Cooyar, and Jarong, and thence by rail. There are two hotels — the Burnett inn and the >Star hotel. No coaches of any kind run in or to Nanango ; goods are brought up from Jondaryon or Toowoomba by carriers residing in Nanango. The surrounding country, except in one direction, viz., E., is not mountainous, but the general elevation is considerable. The valley of the Barambah creek is rather flat, and the soil is good and well suited for agriculture. Quartz-veins are traceable on the sur- face for considerable distances in all directions round the town. Nanango has a population of about 140. There is one Roman Catholic Chapel in the township, no other place of worship. Nanango has a court of petty sessions and resident police magistrate, and a clerk of petty sessions, who is also postmaster, savings bank oflicer, &c. There is a good primary school, at which the attendance averages about 50, and a racecourse, situated about li miles from the town. Anaango j'oUce dis- trict had, in 1875, 1725 horses, 128,547 horned cattle, 85,355 sheep, and 84 pigs. NANDOWIE NEEDLE {Sj^riiiffsure district) is a peak of the Mantuan downs, on the road from Springsure to Tambo, and about 15 miles H.W. of the former place. Sandstone. NANGUR or MANGUR CREEK (Co. Mackenzie) is an important S. tributary of the Boonara creek, rising by two heads known as the R and L branches in the Main range to the S.W. of the Kilkivan goldfield. It waters the S. part of the Boonara run, flowing past the head-station about 4 miles from its fall into the main stream, and is fed by the Deep, Dry, Jura, Bald, Steir's, Wilson's, One-mile, Trinity, Kinbon, Lambing, Champion and Waterfall creeks. Basalt, basic dolorite. NAROWIE CREEK {Leicliliardt district). See Tualka Creek. NARRAGAN, MOUNT (Co. Newcastle). See Hawkwood. NARRAN RIVER (Ballonne district) is a branch of the Bokhhara or lower Ballonne river flowing through pastoral country into New South Wales. Desert sandstone. NARRIEN, MOUNT (Clermont district), is a prominent peak and land- mark, the highest point of the Drummond range. It obtains an altitude of 1075 feet, and is about 30 miles W. of the township of Clermont. Sandstone capped with basalt. NARROWS (Co. Deas Thomson.) See Curtis Island. NASSAU RIVER (Cook district) is a fine stream flowing through richly grassed country into the Gulf of Carpentaria, in about 15° 55' S. lat. NATAL DOWNS (liavcnsn-ood district) is a tract of elevated pastoral country lying on the S. side of the Cape river. Gr.anite. NATIVE COMPANION CREEK {Mitchell district) is a large creek flowing from Mount Bea^ifort in a N. direction through some pastoral country. It is supposed to cross the Clermont and Bowen downs road, at Turbiton hill, and after flowing through open forest and wild indigo plains, to fall into the Belyando river, at Sir T. L. Mitchell's camp No. 42. NATIVE CREEK {Co. Lennox) is a small tributary of the Kurunda creek, into which it falls to the N.E. of the Kilkivan goldfields. Porphyritic greenstone, serpentine and granite. 128 The Queensland Gazetteer, [Nea — Ner NEABUL CPvEEK {Ballon ne district) is a W. tributary of the Wallam creek, whieh see. NEARA CREEK {Co. Canning'). See Brisbane Eiveb. NEBO, 21° 50' S. lat., 148° 50' E. long. {Xormanhij district), is a postal and tele^rapliic township in the parish of Wixlehouse, .situated ou the Nebo creek, at the junction of the telegraph lines from Mackay to Clermont, and to Rockhampton. Connor's river is 50 miles from Nebo, on the road to St. Lawrence ; the Isaacs river 58 miles from Nebo, on the Clermont road ; Cooper's creek, 8 miles to the S. W. ; Cattle creek. G miles N. W. ; liec creek, 17 miles S.; Denison creek. 12 miles ; Funnel creek, 20 miles, on St. Lawrence road. Fort Cooper mountain, 10 miles W.N.W.. seen from any direction, presents the appearance of an immense fort ; Mount Landstorough, 10 miles N.W. ; Jlount Briton, 20 miles to the W. of N.; there is a cattle-station belonging to J. Walker 8 miles from this mount and named from it. Jlount Flora, 23 miles S.; Mount Orange, 2'J S.S.W.; Mount Walingford, 31 S.S.W.; these three mountains and Kerlong range (30 miles S.S.W.) contain numerous copper and iron lodes ; Jlount Traverse, 17 miles S.W. ; Mount Spencer, IS miles, on the Mackay road: gold has been found there in small quantities. Near Lake Elphinstone, 33 miles W. by N., copper and plumbago have been dis- covered within 8 miles of this lake. The district is pastoral and mining. Copper mines have been well proven, but arc not yet in full work. Copper mines — Mount Flora, 23 miles S. ; I\Iount Orange, 23 miles S.S.W.; Absolon Bros., 31 miles S.S.W.; Brown's, 33 miles S. S.W.; Dalrymple and James, 30 miles S.S.W. ; Mount Gothard mine, near Lake Elphinstone. Numerous coal seams have been discovered but none worked. Lake Elphinstone, a small township, lies 33 miles W. by N., Mackay ()5 miles N.N.E., and Clermont 130 miles W.S.W., the communication being by horse and bullock teams, and postal communication by horse weekly. With Brisbane the communication is by telegraph, or by overland mail, by horse, between Nebo and Rockhampton. 225 miles ; hence to Brisbane by steamer. Daring the diy season this is the best postal route. Init in the wet via Mackay. There is one hotel— the Live and Let Live. Near Nebo there are flat table-lands with alluvial soil. To the E., N.E. and S.E. the country is mountainous, of trap- rock, granite, a limestone, slate and quartz formation. To the westward arc blacksoil plains intersected with mountain terraces and undulating forest lands. The population numbers about KO persons. There are no regular places of worship, but there is a non- vested primary school, and a racecourse near the township. NEBO CREEK {Normanhy district). See Pioneer River. NEBO, MOUNT {Co. Stanley). Sec D'Aguilar's Range. NEELIA VWV.YAk (Burke district) is a stream found by M'Kinlay in 1801. It lies in fair j.astoral coimtry in 21° 5' S. lat., 111° -JO' E. long., and is fed by the Cloyin creek. It watei-s the Minna Mere run. NEILE CREEK [Co. Machrnzic) is a .small S. tributary of the Burnett river, into which it falls, between the townships of I\Iuiulubberra and Gayndah, after watering the run of the former name. Clay slates and shales. NELUMBO CBEKK {Jlurlic district) is a small stream flowing into the Gulf of ('ai|i('iitaria at Point Fitzmaurice in about 17° 10' S. lat. NERANG, 28° 5' S. lat., 153° 20' E. long. (Co. Ward), is a small postal townsliip in the electoral district of Logan, lying on the creek of the same name. 'I'hcre are also several creeks S. of the towiishi)\ between it and the Tweed river in W.S.W. Their nanu's arc the Mmlgceraba, T:dlebudgera, and the Giurumbin. The Tweed river is alwut 25 miles from Nerang creek, and the t^oomera is i) miles N.W. The Talli mountain is about 5 miles S. from the township. There are four sugar-mills in the vicinity, viz., Mairs. ]\liskin, Schneider, ."iiid Philpotts. Nerang is chiffly an ngricnltunil district, the chiif products being niaize, sugar, roiton, &c. Tdbaccn is grown by some of the f.'irniers. hut not to any great extent. The adjacent townshiiw are tliosc of Coomera, lying N.W. about •,» miles, an;nie, and by horse to Tallcbudgcra. There is Neb — New] The Queensland Gazetteer . 129 communication both by lautl and water. By land the distance is 44J miles. Messrs. Cobb and Co.'s coaches run Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. By water it is 100 miles, and a cutter leaves here about once a fortnight. The tri]) is a pleasant one to those who are fond of the sea. There is one hotel in the township, the Royal Mail, which is the booking office for Cobb and Co.'s coach. The surrounding country is mountainous, and is of Devonian formation, consisting of clay slates and shales. There are about 500 persons settled in and about the town- ship. The nearest bank is a branch of the Queensland National Bank at Beenleigh, a distance of 22 miles from Nerang. There is an agent of the Queen Insurance Company here, Mr. T. 8onneberg, storekeeper. There is a racecourse about one mile from town. NERANG RIVER {Co. WarcC) is an important stream rising by several heads in the N. spurs of the Macpherson, or dividing range between Queensland and New South Wales, and flowing in a general N.E. direction into the S. entrance of Moreton bay at the Broadwater boat passage. On this river are situated the townships of Nerang and Benowa, both agricultural settlements, where sugar, cotton, wheat, maize, &c.. are grown in large quantities. It is navigable for small craft to the township of Nerang, and its banks consist of splendid alluvial flats in a high state of cultivation. At the upper end of the river is a large agricultural reserve, and lower down a large block of land is taken up by a company called the Manchester Cotton Company. There are also three sugar-mills on the river. The navigation, especially at the mouth of the river, is very intricate, on account of the numerous shallow spits and low alluvial islands, most of which are, however, taken up. The Nerang is fed by the Little Nerang river, and a number of small unnamed creeks. The geological formation of the country through which it flows is Devonian, consisting of clay slates, shales with lepidodendron and spirifer, and conglomerates in the upper beds, favosHS in the lower (crystalline limestone). NEURUM CREEK {Co. Canning) is a fine stream rising in the W. slope of the Blackall range, and flowing N.W. into the Stanley river through the Dundurur run. It is fed by Delauy's creek. Clay slates and shales, NEUSA RIVER. The entrance to the Neusa river in Laguna bay is about half-way between Moreton island and Wide bay bar, and the distance to the head waters of the river is 82 miles in a N. direction. The river connects five large lakes, the smallest about two miles across, and the largest — Catharaba — is 12 miles long and 8 across — a sandy ridge, a mile in width, dividing it from the sea. After passing the new township of Tevvautin, prettily situated on the river bank, and 3 miles from the bay, is Mr. Grainger Ward's selection. From Ward's to Cooloothin creek (where there are a number of men employed in timber-getting), a distance of y miles, are Messrs. W. Stay, Hennessy Farm, Smith and Sons, Ehvorthy and IMellor, Appleby, Dibley, Galloway, Blakesley, and C. Dun's selections. From Cooloothin creek to Elanda point saw-mills on Lake Catharaba, a distance of o miles, the laud is all taken up for cultivation. Catharaba station and saw-mills are the property of Jlessrs. A. F. Luya and Co., the pioneers of the district. The splendid character of the soil, navigable waters, and total absence of frost, cannot fail to make this river one of the largest sugar-producing areas in the colony. See also NoosA. NEVIN CREEK {Mitchell district) is a small tributary of the Ravensbournc creek, rising in the Warrego range, and flowing through rough pastoral country into the main stream near its head. Sandstone and shales. NEWBERY, MOUNT {Cook district), is a solitary hill in broken country about 14° 14' S. lat. NEWCASTLE BAY {Cook district) is the most N. bay on the N.E. coast, lying between Shadwell point on the S. and Albany island on the N. The town- ship of Somerset is situated at the N. point of the bay. NEWCASTLE RANGE (Burke district) is a range of hills dividing the waters of the Einesleigh and Etheridge rivers, Granite, quartz, and porphyry, NEW COUNTRY CREEK (Co. Canning). See Stanley River. NEW YEAR'S CREEK {Cook district). See Kinloch Ckeek. 130 The Queemlaiul Gazetteer. [New — Nom NEW YEAR'S CREEK {Co. Ward) is a tributary of the upper end of the Logan river, rising by two heads in a spur of the range separating Queensland from New South Wales. It waters land held by Mr. T. L. Prior, and falls into its main stream a few miles above Telemon station. Sandstone and schist. NEWSTEAD, or COLLAKOY (Xormanhy district), is a small roadside village and telegraph station on the main road from Rockhampton to Mackay. It lies alx)ut 15 miles S.S.E. of the township of Nebo, on Funnel creek. NGARRAMOO LAGOON (^V. Cook district). See Somerset. NGUDOOROO ISLAND {Co. Stanley). See Moretox Bay. NICHOLSON, MOUNT {Leichhardt district), is a peak of the Expedition range, oear Aldis peak, which see. NICHOLSON III YE R {Burke district) is a stream flowing E. from the colony of South Australia, and crossing the border about 18^ 0' S. lat. It formed a portion of the line of Gregory's exploring route of 185G. It flows through level open country with fine plains, and is fed by the tiregory river. It passes by the W. of Burketown and falls into the head of the Gulf of Carpentaria, near Pasco's inlet. NINIAN BAY (Cook district) is an indentation in the land lying between Barrow point on the S. and Cape Melville on the N. NIVELLE CREEK {Warrego district) is a small tributary of the head of the Nive river, or is rather one of its main sources, flowing from the rocky hills midway between Springsure and Tambo, and alongside the road between those two townships, into the Nive at the Malta head-station. Basalt, shales, sandstone and limestone. NICHOLSON MOUNT {Burlic district), is a hill on the Cloncurry river, S. of the Great Australian copper-mine. Metamorphic. NINE-MILE LAGOON [Burke district). See NORMANTON. NIVE RIYElv ( Warrego district) is a large and important W. tributary of tlie Warrego river, which rises in the rocky ridges known as Mount Hutton, in the JIantuan downs, on the road from Springsure to TamlK). about 40 miles E. of the latter place. It flows in a generally S. direction, through good pastoral country, fairly grassed and lightly timbered with mulgoa, gydhcr. box, i)iiie, bloodwood and bcefwood, the belts of timber alternating with alluvial flats and sandy plains. In hot sca.sous large stretches of this river dry up, its course being defined by chains of waterholcs and swamps ; in wet seasons its banks are liable to iiuindations, which spread for miles, filling up the numerous shallow lagoons and clay pans of the district. It has a length of alxjut IK) miles through level downs and forest rountiy, with flat plains and )iinc sandhills, and is fed by tlic Nivcllo. Stockade, Cargara, Bcdurie and Parrattonow creeks. Basalt, basic dolorite at its head, changing into mcsozoic formation of shales, sandstones and limestones. NOBLE ISLAND {Cook district). See HowiCK Group. NOGOA ItlVER (Springsure district) is an important stream rising in the S.W. ii.'irt of the Buckland table-land, and flowing N. E. through fine j>astoral (•4)untry into the Comet river, the junction of the two forming the Mackenzie river. It passes within IfO miles W. of the township of Springsure. and is crossed by the roads from that jiiace to Tambo and to Clermont. This river is fed by the Salvator river, and the Buckland, Claude, Balmy, Echo, Yandyke, Yallcy of Lagoojis, Sepa- ratifin. Spring, Stony, G indie, Boriba and Theresa creeks. At its upper end it spreads into a considerable sheet of water known aa Lake Salvator. It flows in its course through basalt, mcsozoic, carlx)njferous, tertiary sandstone, and metamor- phic formations. NO-GO CREEK (Co. Wickloir.) See Rawhelle Creek, NOMUNMULLA CREEK {Warrego district) is n W. tributary of the Wurrego river, watering the ClitMale anurkctown road ; near the crossing is a picturesque waterfall. The Albert river, having as tril)utaries Bcame's brook, the Barclay and Gregory rivers, is 92 miles W. The i)rini'ipal nfllucMts of the Norman river are Sjicar creek, Brown creek, the Canon, and Wills and Walker's creeks. The Nine and Twelve Mile lagoons lie at these distances respectively in a S.E. by S. direction, and arc favourite eamiiing places foi' carriers to (ieorgetown and Cloncuriy. Nurnmnton is in an exclusively pastoral district. The ]irincipnl stations arc — l^Ingoura (M. Iletzer). on the Bynoe; Ifllcy (Scrutlon and Walsh), on Spear creek ; Taldora (SJoane and .leffray) and Millinigera (James Gilison), on the Saxby river; Clifton (S. I'.. Walker) and Con- nobie (H. and E. I'almer), f)n tl)e lower Cloncurry ; Calgonally (D. M'lntyre). on .lulia creek, an aflhient of tlie Cloncurry : Fort Constantine (B. 11. SlieafTc), on the upper Cloncurry ; and Eddington (ti. M'tiillivray) which also tiows into tlie Clf)n. curry. Tlicn; are no stations now on the Leichiiardt or Albert river.s, but it is likely that the rui.s formerly occupied will again be re-stocked in a few year.s. Tlic (.'loncurry diggings, :iOO miles S., ipiartz and alluvial, yield very rich gold. 'J'he iK-ads of the Cloncurry an, the Oakey Creek Tavern. 'I'hc surrounding country is generally Hat, and of basaltic formation, with ba.sic doiorile. The population niinibiirs jibont 200 persons. 'J'here are no churches in the place, hut there is a primary school with an alten- (laiu'c (rfalwut Do. Oak — One] The Queensland Gazetteer. 135 OAKEY CREEK (C*?. Auhlgny) is a N. tributary of the Condamine river risinc; iu the Bimya mountains, aud flowing W, past the townships of Jondaryan and Bowerville into the main stream near Dalby ; it is fed bv the Westbrook creek. Basalt. OAKEY CREEK (Co. Canning.) See Stanley Riveb. OAKEY CREEK (Co. Cavendish.') See COOYAR Creek. OAKEY CREEK {Co. Clinton) is a S. tributary of the Calliope river, rising near Mount Futter's Hut, and flowing N. through Galloway's plains and Upper Calliope runs into the main stream at the Upper Calliope bead-station. It is fed by the Tom's, Rocky, Budgerree, Jack's, and Branch creeks. Devonian, slates and shales vvith igneous rock, syenite, diorite and killas, and traces of copper ore. OAKEY CREEK {Cook district) is an auriferous stream flowing into the Palmer river. On this creek was an important alluvial diggings forming portion of the Palmer gold-field. This diggings was about 20 miles S. of Maytown, and was formerly considered the richest alluvial workings iu the district. It was the centre of the alluvial digging population, but is now worked out, although a few miners still make wages there. There were formerly 6 hotels here, but they are now mostly closed. (See also Maytown.) OAKEY CREEK {Co. Newcastle). See Alice Creek. OAKEY Creek [Xormanhj district) is a small E. tributary of Cooper creek. OAKEY CREEK (Sjyringsure district). See Springsure Creek. OAKEY CREEK (Co. M'ard) is a small tributary of the Coomera river, into wliicli it falls near the township of Coomera. Clay slate and shales. Also a small E. tributary of the Teviot brook flowing in a west direction near the N. boundary of the agricultural settlement on that stream. Palaeozoic, carboniferous. OAKEY CREEK (Co. WicUow). See Hooper's Creek. O'BILL-BILL CREEK (Co. Bon-en). See BiLL-BiLL Creek. OBI OBI CREEK (Co. Lennox), ahead tributary of the Mary river flowing from the Blackall range. Devonian. OBSERVATORY, MOUNT (Mitchell district). See Birkhead Range. O'CONNELL CREEK (Mackay district). See Pioneer River. OCTOBER CREEK (SjJrlngsnre district) is a tributary of Carnarvon creek, which see. OGILBY, MOUNT {Maranoa district), is a hill lying on the E. of the Hope t.ible-land. Basalt. ONANADA CREEK (Maranoa district) is a small tributary of the Bungil creek, which see. ONE-MILE CREEK, 26° 20' S. lat., 152° 25' E. long. {Co. Lnmox), is a small postal township iu the electoral district of Gympie, forming part of the (Jympie goldfield. It is situated on the Deep creek near its junction with the Mary river ; and in consequence of its low situation a great part of it is often submerged by flood. The Mary river is about half a mile from the township, and flows in a N. E. direction. There are 3 quartz-crushing machines in the district, viz. — Gympie Quartz-crushing Co., Victoria Crushing Machine and Enterprise ; the latter one is licit working. The chief support of the inhabitants of the One-Mile is quartz mining. About 2 or 8 miles on the western side of the Mary river a few persons are engaged in agricultural pursuits. Gympie lies 1} miles N. It is built in a valley, the site of the first gold discovery by Nash, in 1867. A great portion of it is submerged by every flood. There are three townships — Gympie and Monkland. the One-Mile forming a connecting link between them. Maryborough is 54 miles N.E.; Imbil (diggings, now deserted), 25 miles S.; and Tewantin (commonly called Neusa), 36 miles S.E. A daily mail is conveyed to Gympie by horse ; a daily mail thence to Maryborough by coach ; and mail two and from Brisbane twice a week. There was a coach started, bi-weekly, to Tewantin, but failed through want of support and uncertainty of arrival of steamer, The communication with Bris- 136 The Queensland Gazetteer. [One — Oxl bane is by coach bi-weekly direct, 120 miles. From One-Mile to Tewantin, S.E. 3(i miles, thence by sea to Brisbane, could undoubtedly be made the shortest route if the road were made tit for trafhc, and the Neusa bar made navigable. There is a miners' institute, which contaius a very good library of 7tK» volumes : it is also supplied with an excellent assortment of newspapers. The Oddfellows and Hibernians each possess a splendid hall. The Hibernians have a library and reading room. Tlie One-Mile also has a post, money -order and savings bank office. The hotels are the New Zealand, Cricketers' Arms, and New Machine. The sur- rounding country is mountainous, basalt with basic dolorite beiug the general formation. The population of the district numbers about 4.")0() persons. The Church of England, Methodist, and Presbyterian persuasions have places of ■worship. ONE-MILE CREEK {Co. Lennox) is a small creek rising in and flowing N. through the Kilkivan goldtield. It falls into the Wide bay creek. Porphyritic greenstone, serpentine and granite. ONE-MILE CPtEEK {Co. March). See Gympie. ONE-MILE CREEK {Co. Machen:\e)\& an E. tributary of the lower end of the Nangur or Mangur creek rising in the W. slope of the Main mountain range to the W. of the Kilkivan goldtield, and flowing through fairly grassed pastoral country into the main creek about a mile N. of the Boouera head-station. Basalt, basic dolorite. Also a small S. tributary of the AVigtou or Graham's creek, into which it falls about 4 miles W. of Wigtou head-station. Cl.iy slates and shales. ONE-TREE HILL {Go. Stanlnj) is a prominent hill at the end of Taylor's range, forming a remarkable laud mark from, and to the W. of, Brisbane. Clay slates and shales. ONGELLIC CREEK (Co. Lenno.r) is a small N. tributary of the Wide bay creek, which stream it joins at the Kilkivan head-station, and at the N.W. boun- dary of the Kilkivan goldfield. It is fed by the Hungry creek. Porphyritic greenstone, serpentine and granite. ORANGE, MOUNT, COPPER MINE (Normanhj dhtrict). See Nebo. ORGAN. MOUNT {Co. Fortexqne), is a lofty hill lying on the E. side of the Horse creek, about 3U miles S. of Taroom. Mesozoic, carboniferous. ORION CREEK {Springsvre district) is a W. tributary of the Comet river, rising in Ihicklaud's table-laud; and passing through the pastoral country of Orion downs. Mesozoic. ORION DOWNS {Sj)r>nffsnrp diiitrict)\s an elevated tract of pastoral country country lying i)ctween the N.E. part of P.uckland's table-land, and the W. bank of tlie Ciuiu-t river. Mesozoic, carboniferous. O'SHANASSY CREEK {Jiiirkc dixtrict) is a stream at the hc.id of the Gregory livci-. fed by the Harris, Thornton and Seymour rivers. Volcanic. O'SHANASSY, MOUNT (Z?MrZrf//.s-/';-;r/), is a hill on the Cloncurry river, iS. of the Cleat Australian copper-mine. Metamorphic. OSNABURG POINT (A'. Cool' district) is a headband lying N.W. of Somerset. OSTERMAN LAGOON ( lIWy?vv/(, district) is a swampy waterhole at the head of tin,' Bulno river. OWANYILLA AND UPPER MARY is a small postal farming settlement on the ni;iin-io;i electors on the roll, and is represented in the Legislative Assembly by Samuel Walker Grifhth, elected Nov. 25th, 1878. The revision court for the district is held at Brisbane ; the returning officer is W. T. Blakeney, of that place. OXLEY CREEK i^Burlie district) is a tributary of the head of the Flinders river. OXLEY CREEK (Co. Stanley) is a S. tributary of the Brisbane river, rising in the hilly ]iart of the Logan district, and flowing ,N. into the main stream a few miles W. of Brisbane. It flows through the township of Oxley, and divides the parishes of Oxley and Yeerongpilly, watering good agricultural land for most of its course. Sandstone. OX, MOUNT (To. Ferguson), is a prominent hill, lying to the W. of Caamboou. Sandstone. OX-TRACK CREEK [Co. Ferguson) is a small E. tributary of the Dawson river, rising in the hilly country near the township of Caamboon, and flowing W. through that place into the main stream 20 miles W. It has a sandy bottom, and flows through granite country with ironbark ridges. OYSTER BANK [Port Curtis district) is an apparent light 18 feet above high water, and illuminated from a sixth order holophote placed on the shore immediately behind the apparatus. OYSTER CREEK (Co. Flinders). See Baffle Creek. OYSTER LAKE {Co. Ward^ is a small shallow lagoon, lying in the swampy country in the parish of Barrow, between the townships of Coomera and Xerang, and about t) miles from each. Clay slates and shales, and lluviatile drift. PACIFIC or P]AST COAST, Queensland, is one of the four grand divisions of the colony, and consists of that vast territory watered by the rivers rising in the Main range, and flowing in an easterly direction to the Pacific Ocean; or, in other words, the eastern watershed of the colony. This part of Queensland comprises all that portion which has, as yet, attracted population, and embraces the districts of 138 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Pad — Pal Moreton, Wide Bay and Burnett, Port Curtis, Leichhardt. Kennedy, and part of Cook. It is the portion best known, and is that to which most attention has been called, not only on account of the facilities it has offered to the squatter, but also on account of the large area of agricultural land it contains, and also of the mineral riches already known to exist within it. This vast territory includes some of the best land in Queensland, and consists for the most part of rolling downs, well watered by the Logan, Brisbane. JIary. Burnett, Calliope, Fitzroy, Pioneer. Burdekin. Herbert and Kennedy rivers, with their tliousands of affluent streams, on the banks of most of which land has been taken up by settlers, and agricultural operations, whether for the growth of farm produce or for the cultivation of sugar- cane, or of cotton, are steadily going on. PADDY'S CBEEK {Co. Dn-hj). See Western Creek. PADDY'S CPiEEK [Co. ir/rA-Zow) is a small tributary of the Auburn river, into which it flows near the township of Redbank. Granite and sandstone. PADDY'S GULLY CREEK {Co. Cavendish). See Brisbane River. PAINTER'S CREEK {Co. Canning) is. a small tributary of the Maroochy river, which see. PALLARENDA or MANY PEAKS, },lO'VlSi'Y {Kennedy district), is a pro- minent hill .and cape lying N. W. of Townsville, and is a landmark for vessels steer- ing into Cleveland bay. Granite. PALMER RIVER {Cook district) is a fine stream veith an auriferous bed flowing through a large tract of gold-producing country in the N. interior. It is supposed to rise in the Coast range, about 15" SC S. lat., 144° 40' E. long., and it flows W. into the JlitchcU river. This river gives the name to the extensive gold- fields on and near it and the Mitchell river. But little is known of this river at present, except of that part immediately connected with the diggings, where it exists in summer more in the form of a chain of reaches or ponds. In the wet season, however, it is a fine wide stream, spreading out in many places for miles on both sides its banks. It contains a v.ast quantity of fish, which are easily caught. It is fed by numerous small tributaries, all of which are more or less auriferous (see Palmerville and Maytown). Slate, sandstone, and quartz ridges. PALMERSTON, CAPE, 21° .SO' S. lat. {Normanhtj r/;.vf; vVO. is a bold head- land iioo feet high standing out into theseaabout SOmilcs S. of Mack.ay,aud SOmiles N. of St. Lawrence. It is by far the most prominent feature on this part of the const, and may be said to form the N. head of the Broad sound bight. Granite. PALMERVILLE {Cook district) is the principal postal centre of the P.almer goldfield. :iii(l lies about 15° 58' S. lat., 148° 10' E. long. It is situ.ated on the I'almer river. Left-hand branch creek being 2^^ miles, and Saiuly creek 15 miles distant. The district is essentially a gdld-mining one, the workings being botli alluvial and quartz. The juincipa] diggings in the neighbourhood are Pine creek, Oiiky creek. Mitchell falls and Maytown (see JiAYToWN), although new finds arc being almost continually made. The nearest places are Cooktown, flic seaport, and Maytown, 30 miles distant, the communication being by horse over bridle tracks. With Brisbane, about 1200 miles distant S.E.. the communication is, to Cooktown 205 miles by the mail track, and 140 miles by Douglas' bridle track, and thence by steamer once .a fortnight. There arc two other foot tracks, which are not so well known. The hotels are the Sydney and Melbourne, Aueki.'iiul, Ethiuidu'e, Sam Lee, Canton, Globe, Ilarji of Eiin. Kiaiidra, liobliie I'lirns. 'I'lie po])ul;ili(iii of I'almerviile ninnb(Ms 100 persons. The Palmer goldlicld lias attracted consider- alile attention for sonn! tinu; psist, and many confiicting accounts have been received rc'spccling it. The large sln|)ments of gold at Cooktown, however, go tojirovc th:it tli(' precious metal aliounds in the district. Notliing of importance has l)een dis- covered in alluvial mining fora considerable time, alliiough very much prosjiecting li.'iH been done in the neighbourhood of the Palmer and Mitchell. There has, .as y<'t, been no dee]) sinking on the Palmer, tlic (lee|)est find being not over 7 f(!el, and the character of gold-getting most generally pursueii has been what is known as " gully Kcraf)ing." 'I'hc gold obtained is coarse in character. A number of reefs have been opened in the vicinity of Maytown, which is alxjut 30 miles up the river. Pal — Pea] The Queensland Gazetteer. 139 These reefs promise well, being from 1 to 2 feet thick, and the gold being generally finely distributed through the stone. Shafts, 70, 80, and 90 feet, have been sunk on various reefs, and the stone seems to increase in richness with the depth. Fresh reefs are being found every day, and there is every reason to suppose from the in- dications that this will turn out a first-class reefing district. A payable reef has been working at Mitchell falls for several months. The wages on the reefs .ire about £i, but very many of the reefers have made good wages for the past two years by hand-crushing the quartz from their reefs, and some have made small rises by the same process. The wet season commences in the latter part of December, and continues until the end of April ; during the remainder of the year the weather is very dry, and the water bad. and dysentery becomes prevalent two or three montlis before the commencement of the rainy season. Meat is plentiful on the diggings, being supplied by Edwards and Co., butchers and drovers ; and rock cod, black bream, and other fish may be caught at any time in the Palmer and Mitchell rivers. Palmer district had, in 1875, 326 horses, 630 horned cattle, and 10 pigs. PALM liiLAt^BS (Kemiedi/ district). See Halifax Bay. PALM-TREE CREEK (Leichhardt district). See Turtle Creek. PANCAKE CREEK (Co. Flinders) is a small creek falling into the sea at the N. of Bustard head, and affording shelter during any wind but N.W. ones. PAN CREEK (Cook district) is a small auriferous tributary of the Palmer river, on which, at a spot about 3.5 miles S. of Maytown, there was an alluvial diggings, forming part of the Palmer goldfield. It is now supposed to be worked out. PANDANUS CREEK (Bavenswood district) is a stream flowing into the Fiurdekin river to the N. W. of the Ravenswood goldfield. White granite with dark syenite. PANNIKIN ISLAND (Co. Stanley). See Moreton Bay. PANORAMA, MOUNT {Springsiire district), is a peak in Buckland's table-land, which see. PARADISE CREEK (Co. Cavendisli) is a W. tributary of the lower end of the Cooyar creek, rising by two heads in the N. part of the Bunya mountains, and flowing S.E. through the S.W. of the Mount Stanley run. Clay slates and shales. PARATTONOW CRE'EK (Warrego district) is a small W. tributary of the Nivc river, watering the run of the same name as itself, and flowing past the head-station of that name. Mesozoic shales, sandstones and limestones. PARIGGANA CREEK (Co.March)isasma\\W. tributary of Canning creek, watering the N. part of Swithlaud run, and falling into the main stream near the township of Inglewood. Clay slates and shales. PARKER, POINT (Biirfje district), is a headland in the S. of the Gulf of Carpentaria. PAROO RIVER (^Warreffo district) is a stream flowing S.S.W. through pastoral country in the S.W. part of the colony. It is fed by the Queelberry, I?oobinblah, Cootara, Mirraparoo, and Yowah creeks, and flows over the border into New South Wales. The postal village of Eulo lies on this creek. Sandstone and shales. PARRIE-POOLAN CREEK (Co. Pring). See Moonie River. PASCOE'S INLET (Burlte district) is a small opening in the S. of the Gulf of Carpentaria, lying about 10 miles W. of the mouth of the Albert river. PATON CREEK (Co. Ward) is a tributary of the head waters of the Logan river, rising in the range dividing Queensland from New South Wales, near Mount Lindsay, and flowing N. through rough pastoral country after a course of about 15 miles. Sandstone and schist. PEAK DOWNS {Boiven and Normanby district) is the name given to a fine tract of pastoral country lying to the N. and N. E. of the township and district of 140 The Qiieeiisland Gazetteer. [Pea — Per Clermont, on an elevated plain 1200 feet above sea level. It has numerous peal^s of sandstone capped with basalt running from W. to E. The Peak downs country is auriferous, quartz and alluvial, and much of it is worked, especially at and about Clermont. (See Clermoxt.) It also contains one of the largest copper mines in Australia. (See Copperfield.) Agriculture is gaining ground, but no great area of land is itnder cultivation. The country is apparently of volcanic origin, with large beds of slate and trap rock. PEAKED ISLAND {Co. Palmerston), a small rocky islet oS Cape Manifold. Jletaniorphic. PEAK ISLAND (Coo/.- 0- See ENDEAVOUR Strait. PEAK MOUNTAIN {Co. Churchill), is a small eminence lying in the ranges to the S.E. of Piirga creek. It is covered with thick pine scritb. Sandstone and limestone. PEAK POINT (Cook dhtrict) is a promontory on the mainland .at the E. end of Kntlcavour strait. PEBBLY CREEK {MUchcll district). See Belyaxdo River. PEDWELL'S CREEK (Co. Fitzroi/) is a small W. tribut.ary of Stuart's river rising' in the Ballogie run, and watering the N. part of that, and the S. part of the King>l;irul run. Granite, clay slate and shales. PEEL ISLAND (Co. Stiinloj) is an island in the 8. part of Moreton bay, lying between Cleveland antl Dunwich. Sandstone. PELHAM {Co. BuJirer) is a small surveyed township on the Dogwood creek near the confluence of the Wongougera creek, and on the direct road from Campbell's creek to Taroom. Clay slates .and shales. PELICAN CREEK {Bon-en district). See Bowen River. PELICAN CREEK {Mitchell district) is a N. tribut.ary of the Aramac creek rising in the Alice tal>le-land, and flowing in a W. direction alongside (U- near the road from Clermont to Aramac, into the main creek at Rule and Lacey's station. It waters a considerable tract of good pastoral country, and is fed by Splitters' creek. Mesozoic, consisting of shales, sandstone and limestone. PELICAN ISLAND {Cook district). See Claeemont Isles. PELICAN LAKES {Kennedy district). See Valley op Lagoons. PELICAN SWAMP {Kormanhy di. miles S.W. of the towuship of Tingalpa, and near the E. bank of the Bulimba creek. It is sparely grassed aud fairly timbered. Sandstone and shale. PETRIE'S CREEK {Co. C'(?««/«;/), a small tributary of the Maroochy river, which see. PHILIP'S CREEK {Normanhij district). See Isaacs River. PHILLIP, MOUNT {Normanhj district) is a peak in the E. part of the Peak downs. Basalt. PHILPOT'S CREEK (Co. Wicklow) is a small N. tributary of the Burnett river flowing throui^h the Mundowrau and Boomerang runs, and falling into the main stream near the towuship of Muudubberra. Clay slates and shales. PIE CREEK (Co. Lennox) is a small N. tributary of the Wide bay creek rising iu a spur of the Main range N. of the Kilkivan goldfield, and flowing S. I'orphyritic greenstone, serpentine and granite. PIERCE'S CREEK {Co. Carcndish) is an E. tributary of the Emu creek rising near Crow's Nest and flowing VV. on the Emu creek run. Slate and shale. PIKE'S CREEK (Co. Bentinck). PINBAREN, MOUNT (Co. March), is a lofty hill and landmark lying iuland of Laguna bay. Palceozoic, carboniferous. PINE CREEK (CooJi district) is an auriferous tributary of the Palmer river. An alluvial diggings on this creek formed a part of the Palmer goldfields ; but it is now worked out. PINE CREEK {Co. Cook) is a small tributary of the lower end of the Burnett river, into which it falls about 15 miles above the township of Bundaberg. At the junction of the two streams three seams of coal are exposed in the face of the bank, which is about 100 feet high. These seams are only six or eight inches thick, and are widely separated by shales and sandstones. In the bed of this creek, a mile and a half from the junction, a seam of coal 1.5 inches thick, and of good quality, is ex- posed, and a shaft has been sunk at a spot 220 yards to the S. of the outcrop. The coal dips (J" to the S., and the mouth of the shaft is .35 feet above, so that it cannot be expected that the shaft will cut it under 110 feet. At present, the shaft has only been sunk 70 feet through hard shales and soft sandstones of fine grain and dark colour. There is another seam of coal about a mile higher up the creek, but it is only two or three inches thick. PINE CREEK (<■>. March). See Yandilla. PINE MOUNTAIN (To. Churchill) is a hamlet, in a direct Hue 4 mile N. of Ipswich, but by the windings of the road is 7 miles from post-office to post- office. It is in the parish of Brassall, aud iu the electorate of West Moreton. The Brisbane is the only river of importance in the locality, and in one of its mauy windings washes the eastern base of the Pine mountain. The only creek is the Sandy, on the W., which is about the boundary of the Pine mountain district. There are no mills or manufactures of any description carried on in this locality, Piue mountain being an agricultural district, with some of the finest scrub laud in Queensland. Much of it has been yielding always one, and often two, crops annually for the last twenty-four years without manure, and now seems as good as ever. There is no mining carried on, though there is every indication of large mineral deposits, iron ore cropping up in mauy places. The corporate town of Ipswich, on the S., is 7 miles distant, and the village of Fern vale, on the W.. is I) miles distant, containing a general store, cotton gin, aud one hotel. There are no public conveyances. The mails are carried by horse, and the road to Feruvale is iu a wretched state, almost impassable, but the road to Ipswich is one of 142 !the Queemtand Gazetteer. [Pin — Pio the best in the colony. Mails carried by horse. The communication with Brisbane from here to Ipswich is by horee or dray, and thence by steamer or rail to Brisbane. The distance by road, 32 miles; but, though there is no well-detined road, by crossing the Brisbane at the N. or S. end of Pine mountain, and going thence by way of Kholo, and Moggil!, Brisbane can be reached in about 17 miles from here. The only hotel is distant two miles from here — the Travellers' Home — on the Brisbane river road, near Sandy creek. There are carriers by dray, carrying corn and cotton in the season, and again carrying timber (pine), to the mills at Ipswich, or to Brisbane for rafting. Pine mountain was formerly under the control of a road lx)ard, but that has been altered, to the great disadvantage of the public. The surrounding country is broken and ridgy, showing a greenstone, occasionally mixed with quartz and copper stone. The population of Pine mountain district is about COO. Church of England, Roman Catholics, and Congregationalists have each neat places of worship, and there is a well attended national school, under the care of a highly respected and efficient teacher. PINE MOUNTAIN (Co. Liehlg). See Marlbokough. PINE. MOUNT [Co. Palmcrston), is a lofty timbered hill in the wooded country between Broad sound and Shoalwater bay. Metamorphic. PINE MOUNTAINS {Co. Stanley). See D'Aguilab's Range. PINE RR^ER {Co. Stanley). See North and South Pine Rivers. PINK LILY, or EGAN'S LAGOON [Co. Parkington) is a fine expanse of water on the Dawson river, near the township of Boolburra. It receives its name from the beautiful lilies which grow in its waters, and is called "Egan"s," after the pioneer settler on this part of the Dawson river. Clay slates and shales. PINNACLE CREEK (Sj>ringsure digtriet). See Springsure Creek. PINNACLE RANGE {Mitchell dixtrict) is a chain of serrated hills lying on the 8. side of the Diamantiua river. PINNOCK CREEK (Co. Son-en). Sec Kholan River. PINT POT CREEK (CooA- district). See Lynd River. PIONEER I'llVER (Mackay dixtrict). upon which is situated the township of Mackay, is not more than GO miles in length, and is formed by a nmnber of creeks running out of the Coast range, of which the iirincipal ones are Black's, Stockyard, Blackwater, Cattle, and Macquario creeks; the furmer Ix^ing the largest is the real head of the river, and heads frum Mount Dalrymple ; the latter joins the river about 2.") miles from its mouth on the N. side, below this point there arc no creeks of any importance running into the river. The tirst 15 miles of the river on cack bank is. •ill agricultural land, and occupied by sugar-planters, by whom the land has been ]nu- chascd; there arc several large sugar-mills on each side of the river, and the land has been fountl eer eud of the Warrego river. Sandstone. PLEASANT MOUNT {Co. Clermont), is a prominent hill lying on the E. bank of the Theresa creek, and about 8 miles S. of the township of Copperfield. Schists and mica slate. PLEASANT, MOUNT (Sprinffsiire di.strict), is a hill in the ranges S. of the Peak downs district. Mica slate. PLUTO CREEK {BDrkc district), a small E. tributary of the Einesleigh river, which see. PLUTO, -AIOUNT ( Warrcfjo district), is a prominent peak lying on the W. side of the ui)[)er cud of the Warrego river. Sandstone. POINTERS {Co. Liringstone) is a prominent double hill situated about '60 miles N. of lioekhanipton. Metamorphic. POIRIA WATERHOLE ( Warrego district). See Carryapundy Swamp. POISON CREEK {Cook district). See Batavia River. POLICE CREEK {Co. Ferguson) is a small N. tributary of the Banana creek risiii<4 in Mount Ramsay, and flowing round the base of that hill through good pastoral country into its main stream a few miles above its confluence with tlie Uawsou river. Devonian. POLITIC CREEK {Mitchell district) is a small S. tributary of the Aramac creek, rising in and watering the E. portion of Rodney downs. Sandstone, shale and linu'stone. POLLARD'S CRKKK {Co. WicMow) is a N. tributnry of the Chcltenhnm creek, rising by two heads in, and flowing S. through, the Sandy creek run. Granite ridges, clay slates and shales. POLO CREEK (iV. Cook district). Sec Somerset. POLSON {Co. Cook) is a surveyed township at Vernon point. POLWORTH, ^\y)VS'\' {Maranoa district). \ii a, peak in the Tyrconnull downs, which .sec. POOP'S CRKEK {Uiirhc district) is an E. tributary of the Cloncurry river. POPPERINA CREEK {Co. Jioircn) is a small tributary of the head of the I'.urncit II vn-, ii>iMg in the Hiiriiett range to the W. of Mount J'erry, and flowing ^\'. iiitii till' iiKiin siieani. Sandstone and shales. PORCUPINE CliEEK {/iiirke district) is a N. tributary of the Upper Flinilcrs liver. I'.asall. PORT CURTIS {Port Curtis district) is an indcnt:ition in the mainliind lying in an average of "-'I ' S. jat.. between the S. jjart of ('iirtis isbmd to the N.\V„ and the E. he.ail of Rod miles distant, till! latter is covered l>y pine scrub. Ne:ir Mount Flinders are several caves, and the country round about is wild and romantic. Near the Warwick road crossing is situated Clark and Hodson's cotton-gininng establishment. The district iu both agricultural and jj.istoral, much land being under cultivation, and cotton- Pur — Que] Tlte Queensland Gazetteer. 147 growing being specially attended to. Ipswich is the nearest town where there is a telegraph and I'ailway station, it lies 8 miles from the post-office at I'urga. The commnnication is along the Warwick road l)y horse, dray, or private conveyance. With lirisbane, H3 miles N. , the communication is from Ipswich by rail. The only hotel is the Teak Mountain hotel, 12 miles S. of Ipswich on the Warwick road. Formerly there was a road board at Purga, but it has been discontinued. To the E. the country is mountainous, with high ridges known as Ivory's ranges, near the top of which are several fine lagoons of water. To the westward the country is more undulating, well-grassed, and lightly-timbered, forming the Ipswich agricul- tural reserve. The geological formation is limestone. The population is small and scattered. The Roman Catholics and Congregatioualists have each places of worship in the neighbourhood. PURGA CHEEK (C(7. Churchill) is a small tributary to the Warrill creek, which see. PYRAMID HILL (Sprinffsnre district) is a peak iu the Carnarvon range, W'hich see. QUART POT CREEK (Co. Jienfinck) is a tributary of the Severn river, rising iu tlie ranges near Tentertield, New South Wales, and flowing through a country rich in tin and other minerals into its main stream, which it joins near the town of Stanthorpe. Granite. QUEELBERRY CREEK {Warreffo district). See Paroo River. QUENCY MOUNTAIN (Co. Ward) is a lofty hill lying in rugged country about 1' miles E. of the village of Logan. Slates and shales. QUEENTOWN {Itavenswood district) is a small mining township lying 1 mile fi. of Charters Towers, and forming part of that goldfield. The sole in- dustry is reefing, and the population, about 200 persons, is usually included in that of Charters Towers. Granite and quartz. QUEENSLAND is that vast portion of the Australian continent lying between 10" 40' and 29" S. lat, and 138° and 153° 30' E. long., and embracing an area of ((78,600 square miles. Queensland, although the youngest of the Australian colonies, having only been erected into an independent colony in December, 18.59, has made such rapid progress, and has developed such immense pastoral, agri- cultural and mineral wealth, that it would be hard to say whether in a very few years she will not outstrip many of her older competitors in the race for supremacy in wealth and prosperity. As it is, she has progressed far more rapidly than any of her sister colonies, if we except, as we must, Victoria, that rose into importance, under exceptional circumstances however, as it were in a single night, thus almost making the fabled city built by the genii of the lamp into a hard prosaic fact. Victoria rose into eminence through the fortuitous circumstance of the dis- covery of teeming goldfields, but Queensland has risen by steady perseverance in the one direction of turning to the best account the natural advantages of soil, climate and mineral treasure with which she was favoured; and although in a work of this nature it might be out of place to refer to the past action of her politi- cal leaders, it is not too much to say that to the steady adherence to the one course of sclf-dei)endence and liberal expenditure in opening up the country of late Governments veiy much of the financial prosperity of the colony is due, while not less to the generous system of education initiated and carried out of late years is due the high moral tone and independent and enterprising spirit which charac- terise her people ; and with both of these happy results no person, not even his political opponents, can object to the name of the Hon. Chas. Lilley, a gentleman to whose statesmanship is due much of the haj)py termination of the great financial crisis of 1866. when the then struggling colony was threatened with total collapse, if not extinction. But although Queensland has made such rapid progress, much still remains to be done before she attains the bright height of prosperity which seems naturally to await her. Not a tithe of the vast territory available for settlement has been taken up. Jlillions on millions of acres of country are, as yet. practically unknown — millions of acres, now wild bush, but wait the plough and the harrow to gladden them with golden grain, and her mineral resources are, as yet, comparatively un- 148 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Que known. But her liberal land laws, by which almost anyone may obtain a holding, and the indiu'cmeut she holds out to prospectors of mineral wealth, silently, yet surely, point upward to the inevitable " must be," when an extended inniiigratiou, comparatively free ports, an enterprising population, and a liberal Government have borne their crop to fruition. Of the earlier history of Queensland, before it was established into a settled district, but little is known, the published records being few and meagre. The earliest mention of this locality is made in the narrative of Cook's voyage round the world, and the prabability is, therefore, that the Endearour was the first ship that entered Jloreton bay, dropping her anchor there about the loth j\Iay, 1770. Cook entered by what is now known as the N. passage, and gave the name to the vast expanse of water which lay before him, bounded by the faintly-seen low-lying shores of the mainland, of Sloretou bay, in honour of the Earl of Moreton, then president of the lloyal Society, to whose endeavours was owing the sending out of an expedition to the South seas, both for the purpose of further discovery, and that correct observations might be taken of the transit of Venus at Otaheite. Although Cook entered and named the bay, it does not appear that he took any pains to explore it. and in his report he states that there was no real ground for supposing that the bottom of the bay entered into a river. The next navigator who entered Moreton bay was Captain Flinders, in 179it, and although he spent some little time there, he too failed to discover the Brisbane river, being deceived in its character by the islands, to which he gave their present name, Fishermen's islands, at its mouth. He says, " However mortifying the conviction might be, it was then an ascertained fact that no river of importance intersects the E. coast between the 24th and 39th degrees of S. latitude." Flinders anchored abreast of the opening between the mainland and Bribio island, which he called Pumice Stone river, imagining it to be the mouth of a stream, and giving it that name on account of the volcanic matter on its shores. lu ISl'i? Mr. Oxley, then surveyor-general of New South Wales, left Sydney for tlie purpose of further exploring the coast N. of Port Macquaric, and after discovering and naming the Tweed river, entered Port Curtis on the (ith November, discovered the Boyne river, and after encountering a severe storm, reached Moreton bay on the 2J)th of the same month, anchored within 150 yards of the shore in Pumice Stone river, and picked up two shijjwrcckcd mariners named Pamphlet and Parsons, who had been living with the blacks, and who told Oxlcy of the existence of a large river at the head of the bay. 'J'his river, the Brisbane, so called after His Excellency Sir Thomas Brisbane, was navigated by Oxley in a whale-boat, for oO miles from its mouth, and he speaks in glowing terms of the beauty of its scenery, of the excellence of its soil, and of the mag- nificence of its ])ines and timber generally. He also discovered and named the Bremer. Mr. Oxley "s recommendations to the Government rosulteil in the formation of a penal settlement at Itedcliff point (Humpy Bong), but that place being found to be ineligible, the .settlement was removed to the banks of the Bris- bane, the camp being fixed near the site of the present custom-house. This settle- ment was governed Ijy a military officer styled the "commandant," whose rule was alisolutely arbitrary and despotic. The "convict period" extended over 18 ycar,«, namely from 1821 to 1812, and during that period there were, 8 commandants, namely. Captains i\lillar, P>ishop, Logan. Cliniie, Kyaiis, iVIajor Cotton, and Lieu- tenants (jravett and Gorm.an. One of these. Captain liOgan, who was somewhat notorious for his severity, w.as murdereil near Limestone (now Ijiswich), it is said by the blacks, although old residents, who were contcmiiorancous witli him, say otherwise, and that it was at the hands of convicts who liad escaped into the bush that he met his death. The prisoners were employed iu various occu- p.'iiions, some in making roads, others in clearing and burning off, others in idiihling, and so on; the discipline was terril)ly strict, and it m.'iy n(jt be gene- rally known that the last (logging acing a decided alteration for tlie worse in tiie original designs of Brisbane and Ii)swi('h townships, and tiu! latter ])laci! experiences the evil to this day, .'iltliough l!risb;ine, from lier natural :idvantagcs, and from the reser- vation of a lovely site for a botanical garden, which affords !i delightful luomenade on the bank of the river, is more fortunate. Although Moreton bay was thrown open as a free settlement in the early part of 1842, it was not until December of that year that tin- first sale of allotments took place. The auction was held in Sydney, and notwithstanding the severe monet.'iry crisis which the district had Kuireretl during the twelve months jjri'vious, the number .and value of the purchases proved th.at tiie public h;id some faith in the new country. In 1843, coal was found to be plentiful on the banks of the Kiver Brisbane, and a scam was opened at Uedbank. Other coal seams of great extent have been found on the Burnett river, alwvc Bundaberg, and in variou.s other places. The number of coal mines is '.», of which I is at Goodnn, 4 at Ipswich, \\ at Mary. i Que] The Queensland Gazetteer. 151 borough, and 1 at Warwick. The quantity raised for the year ending December, 187;S, was ;58,(il3 tons, valued at i;22,U52, and during 1874 1887 tons, valued at £1759, were exported. In 184:5, Moreton bay was first included in a constituency, and allowed to have a voice in the councils of the country, being included in an electorate which extended north of the 30th parallel, and which also comprehended Port JMacijuarie and the Upper Hunter. Mr. Alexander Macleay was the first gentleman on whom fell the honour of having the vutes of the newly franchised district in his favour. he being the successful candidate on the ^lird June. 1843. From this time to 1848, the progress made was steatly and progressive, but, in that yeai-, tlie Ke\-. Dr. Lang first called the attention of the middle classes of Great Britain to Moreton bay as a fit place for settlement, and himself sent out three ships, the Fortitude, Vharlcij, and Lima, with emigrants, having induced them to settle in the new land by a promise of grants of land. It appears, however, that Dr. Lang had no authority to make such a promise, but that he rather took for granted than obtained the sanction of the colonial Government. Notwithstanding that the people who came out by these ships were disappointed in their expectation of becoming freeholders on landing, their coming had great good etfect on the community, and many of them have risen to be men of wealth, standing, and iuliuence. In 1840, the first Moreton bay newspaper, the Courier, was established. In 1851, the district returned her own one member; in 1853, t;wo members; in 1855, the constituencies were increased to four : and by the electoral bill of 1858 the following were the electoral districts formed: — Brisbane, one member; Burnett, one member; Clarence, one member; Darling downs, two members; Ipswich, one member; Leichhardt, one member; East Moreton, one member; ^V■est Moreton, one member. This rapid sketch of the earlier days of what is now the vast and flourishing colony of Queensland, brings us down to the time of separation. The colony of Queensland comprises what may be fairly called the north- east quarter of the Australian continent, having an area, as has been said, of (578, 6UU square miles — of which 81,150 square miles, or 51,936,001) acres, are within the settled districts, and of which 132,421,030 acres have been taken up as squatting runs in the unsettled districts — was formerly a portion, or rather perhaps, an appanage of the colony of New ISouth Wales, known as the district of Moreton bay, until, in deference to the generally expressed desire of the residents of the district, who, in truth, received but scant justice at the hands of the Government in far-away Sydney, it was, by Her Majesty letters patent, bearing date 6th June, 1859, erected into a separate colony under the name of Queensland, by which letters patent Sir George Fergusson Bowen (afterwards Governor of New Zealand, and at present Governor of Victoria) was appointed Governor of the new colony. It was not, however, without a severe struggle with the parent colony, in which Dr. Lang and the late W'illiam Henry Wilkes took a leading part on the side of separation, that this concession was made to the public wish, and even then the new colony cxteniled westward only so far as the 14 1st meridian of E. longitude. .Since then, however, namely, in 1862, the boundary N. of the 26th parallel of latitude was re- moved further inland to the 138th meridian, and thus a vast territory of pastoral country was added. This was brought about by the unremitting exertions of Sir G. ¥. Bowen, who for two years urged on the Imperial authorities the advantage to be derived from the extension, supporting his views by the opinion of Mr. Gregory, the distinguished explorer of Northern Australia, and by those of numerous squatters and explorers, who by private and public expeditions into the unknown country had showu the desirability of this portion of Australia being placed under the jurisdiction uf the colony. This new portion, which is washed on the N. by the head waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria, comprehends a vast area of valuable pastoral laud, much of which is taken up, including the tract known as the Plains of Promise, and forming part of the pastoral districts of Burke and Gregory. The first Governor of Queensland, Sir G. F. Bowen, landed in Brisbane, the capital, on the 10th December, 1859, and the same day a Government Gaziite was issued containing the letters patent, and declaring Ciueenslaud constitutetl a colony. The executive and legislative functions were embodied in a Governor and an Executive Council, a Legislative Council, and a Legislative Assembly. The first Parliament opened on the 29th May, 1860, the Ministry being known as the first 152 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Que Herbert Ministjy, aud consisting of Eobert G. W. Herbert, Colonial Secretary ; llatcliffe I'l-ine, Attorney-General ; Eobert E. Mackenzie, Colonial Treasurer; St. George E. Gore, Secretary for Laud aud Works ; aud Maurice C. O'Connell. John J. Galloway. "William Hobbs, and John Braniston without portfolios. In 18t;2, how- ever, Mr. Mackenzie resigned, and was succeeded by ]Mr. T. De Lacy Moffat as Treasurer, who held the otlice until his death in 18(54. when he was succeedeil by Mr. J. P. Bell. In 18lJ.") Jlr. Fring resigned, aud was succeeded by Mr. J. Brani- ston as Attorney-General, who in his turn was succeeded by Mr. Charles Lilley, in the same year. The first Herbert ^Ministry was succeeded in 1866 by the Macalister ■Miaistry. that during the same year by the second Herbert Ministry, aud then fol- lowed in succession the second Macalister, the JMackenzie, the Lilley, the Palmer, and the third Macalister Ministry, now in office, aud consisting of the Hon. Arthur Macalister. Colonial Secretary ; the Hon. W. Fryar. Secretary for Public I^ands ; AVilliam Heramaut, Colonial Treasurer : Samuel W. Griffiths, Attorney- General; Henry E. King, Secretary for Public Works aud Mines; and George Thom, Postmaster-General. The responsible advisers of the Governor, or Executive Council, are the Jlinisters for the time being, according to the usage of the British Constitution. The Legislative is composed of His Excellency the Governor, as re- presenting the Crown, a Legislative Council, whose members are nominated by the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, and a Legislative Assembly, elected by the people. For electoral purposes the colony was I'cdivided into districts, and a redistri- bution of seats aud additional representation made in August, 1872, as an amend- ment on the Electoral Districts Act of 18()7, and the number of the Legislative Assembly was increased to 42 members, the electoral districts being of the same number, aud each returning one member. These districts, which are described and their boundaries given in their proper alidiabetical order, are as follow: — Brisbane, Wickham, Fortitude valley. Enoggera, South Brisbane. East Moreton, Bulimba, Oxley, J^ogau. Ipswich, Bremer, Bundanba, Stanley, West Moreton, Fassiferu, Toowoomba. Warwick, Aubiguy, Darling downs. Northern downs, Dalby, Carnarvon, Marauoa. Balonne. Warrcgo, Maryborough, Wide bay, Gimpie, Burnett, Mulgrave, Eockh.ami)ton. Blackall, Port Ciu-tis, Normanby, Leichhardt, >pringsure, Clermont, Mitchell, Bowcn. Kennedy, Eavenswood aud Burke. The names of the repicseutatives of these electoral di.stricts are given with the descriptions of the liistricts themselves. The present Legislative Council consists of 28 members, namely: 'J'he lions. Wm. Draper Box. Alfred Hy. Brown. Eyles J. C. Browne. Archibald B. P>uchanan. Hy. B. Filz, James (iibl)on. Fras. 'J'. (iregory. George Hariis, Fredk. H. Hart, .lolri ('. Hcussler, Wm. Hobbs, Ja^uIs Hope. Wm. F. Lambert, Win. H. Long, .lohn Jlnllen, Tlios. L. Murray-Prior, John F. McDougall, Sir JL-iurice C. U"Coiniell (President), Eobert Eamsay, Daniel F. lioberts, Gordon Saudeman, Henry George Simpson, James Taylor, Geo. Thorn, Wra. Thornton. Wm. D. White, AVm. Wilson. an(l Wm. Yaldwyn. The franchise is practically one of universal suffrage, the only restrictions being that a person must be of twenty-one yt;ars of age, anil must possess a freehold of worth ,t'l(H), or pay rent for a house or land of not less than £10 jier ainiiini ; or hold a jiastoral license from the Crown, or l)e in receii)t of £100 jier ainnnn as salary, or pay £10 per annum for board and lodging, or .£10 for lodging alone. Queensland, with a territory e(pial to ten times that of England and Wales, and nearly three times that of France, has a salubrious climate and a fertile soil. Along the sea coast, on the banks of the rivers, jind in vast tracts in many parts of tlie interior, she jiosscsses millions of acres of sjiU'iidid land, some sailed to the growth of cereals. sr)nie of coticpu .-Mid sugar, .'ind neaily all of tropical .and semi- tropical fruits. Again, she has tens of millions of acres of country admirably suited to the depastinage of sheep and cattle, and minerals of many kinds lie scattered beneath the surface from north lo south, from east to west. With all this th^ ]>f)pnlation is a.s yet comparatively sm:ill, although the natural increase, and the contimnil influx by means of immigration, which the Government has been and is wise enough lo foster, is r;ipidly swelling it. .\t the time of separation from N(!W South Wales 11i(! |iopulati'J feet above high-water mark. Above the main reservoir is a smaller auxiliary one, and it is intended, as the demand increases, to construct still further auxiliary reservoirs so as to keep the lower one constantly full. 'Ihe service reservoir is on the side of VVickham-terrace, an elevated part of Brisbane, at the height of l.JO feet. The water is supplied by means of two mains, one of 12 and tiie other of 8 inches in diameter, the ])ipe tract being chiefly trenched, although there are two tunnels, one of 187, and one of 412 yards, near Ithica creek. The entire works, as shown by the engineer's statement of contracts aud amended estimates, cost £51, .573 14s. 7d. exclusive of contingencies. The colony has of late years made rapid strides in the matter of railway com- munication, and the facilities for traffic have been thereby greatly improved, and much valuable country opened up. The railways are on the narrow (3 ft. 6 in.) gauge principle, and have been constructed at considerable cost, the mountainous nature of the countiy over which they pass having rendered it necessary to con- struct heavy embankments and bridges, aud to excavate deep and extensive cut- tings. The highest level of the main line is at an elevation of 1921 feet above sea lo4 The Qneensland Gazetteer. [Que level, aud is near Toowoomba, although other altitudes of 1577 feet, 1530 feet, and 1522 feet are attained at other portions of the line. That line — or rather lines, for it diverges near Toowoomba — extends from the metropolis to that place, where branches run oflE — one in a southerly direction to Warwick, a distance of 165 miles ; and another to the westward, to Dalby, a distance of 152 miles from Brisbane. The terminal station at Brisbane is a handsome building, affording excellent accommo- dation for the comfort and convenience of travellers, and for the loading and un- loading of goods. It is situated in a reserve off Iloma-street, about a mile from the business part of the town in a westerly direction. The up-country stations on these lines are — Milton, Toowong, Indooroopilly, Oxley Point, Oxley, West Oxley, Goodna, Kedhank, Moggill Ferry, Bundanba. Ipswicli. WiUloon. Rosewood. Western Creek, Cirandchester, Victoria Tunnel, Laidley, Gatton, Helidon, Murphy's Creek, High- fields. Summit of Range, Toowoomba, Mahoney's Gate, Gowrie Junction, Oakey Creek, Jondaryau, Bowenville, Blaxlaud's Siding, and Dalby. The fares are at the rate of 3d. per mile first class, and 2d. per mile second class ; return fares are 4^d. first class, and 3d. second class. This tariff of prices applies to all stations. On the line from Toowoomba to Warwick, branching off at Gowrie Junction, the stations are — Mahoney"s Gate, Gowrie Junction, Gowrie, William's Camp, Westbrook Crossing, Cambooya. Emu Creek Siding. King's Creek. Clifton, Simpson's Siding, Heudon (for Allora), Deucliar's Ci'cissing, Lyndhurst Road, and Warwii'k. Ihere is also a railway called the Northern Railway, starting at Rockhamptou, with stations at Gracemere, Stawell, Rosewood, Westwood. Gogaugo, and, at present, a terminal station at Rocky creek, a distance of 44 miles. This railway is also on the narrow or 3 feet (5 inches gauge, and is intended ultimately to be extended to the gold and copper mines of the Peak downs. To the productive capabilities of Queensland there scarcely seems to be a limit. For grazing purposes it is unequalled in the Austi-alasian group, it being a fact that its wools ratik highest in the European markets and bring the best price^. In the settled districts the number of squatters' runs is 224, occupying an area of S, 81 1.423 acres, and in the unsettled districts there are 3072 runs, with an area of 132,421,030 acres. The live stock statistics show the following num- bers : — Horses, 107,507: horned cattle, 1,010,105; sheep, 7,180,75)2; and pigs, 44,517. From these runs are derived the staple exports of wool, tallow, hides and skins. The number of indigenous grasses is hardly credible, and, if wc except an occasional season of drought, there may be said to be an abundance of feed at all times. Next in importance to the grasses rank the timbers of tlie colony, which may be thus enumerated — 'The Moreton bay pine, a sj)lcndid and handsome tree, the wood of which is said to be superior to that grown in the forests of Canada. The bunya- buuya, another species of i)ine, grows i)lentifully in that j)ortion of the northern country lying between the25th and 2(;tli i)arallclsof latitude. It is remarkable for its great height (fre s 3 CO Ars. * r* 1 I Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. 1.S66 2,566 9,930 1,587 2,884 607 19 2U2 1,550 5,088 24,423 1807 6,657 10,598 1,912 8,149 1,995 8 194 1,884 4,162 31,559 18G8 3,783 12,663 2,027 11,4.53 3,396 24 331 13& 333 1,569 3,607 ! 39,321 1869 3,083 16,114 1,814 14,426 0,165 22 334 190 322 1,569 3,990 47.034 1870 3,021 l(i,382 2,627 14,674 6,341 18 339 1/9 414 1,728 6,487 52,210 1871 3,247 20,682 3,121 12,962 9,581 62 389 169 430 2,214 7,112 59,969 1872 3,842 21,377 2,837 12,002 11,757 52 233 97 391 1,852 8,051 : 62,491 1873 3,745 21,414 3,069 9,663 14,495 2(5 275 141 364 1,845 9,181 64,218 1874 3,592 30,998 3,316- 4,149 14,600 iSo ret lu-n. «» 1,928 11,335 70,331 ' rnformation as to tlie area under these crops not collected until 1S68. t Under this heading (Miscellaneous) are included the following crops, viz.:— Barlej', Oats, Rye, Millet, St)rghum, Arrowroot, Sown Grasses, &c. &c. The following return shows the quantity of land purchased under the pre- emptive right, during 1873, together with the amount paid for the same: — VE.\R. A. R. I'. & s. d. 1873 69,120 U 34,560 Lauds Leased for pastoral purposes within the settled districts of the colony on December 31, 1874: — 213 runs, containing 7,725,479 acres; in the unsettled districts, 3544 runs, containing 150,646,710 acres. And the following is a return of gold exported from the colony of Queensland during the years — 1860 1861 1862 1863 1872 1873 1874 ozs. mvT. 4,127 1,077 189 16 3,936 14 186,019 10 194,895 6 375,586 10 1,498,679 12 VALVE. £14,576 3,928 625 14,802 660,396 717,540 1,356,071 Total since 1860 (inclusive) 1,498,679 12 £5,444,237 Physically, Queensland is bounded on the N. by the Gulf of Carpentaria, oa the E. by the Pacific ocean, on the S. by the colony of New South Wales, and ou the W. by the Northern territory of South Australia. Its northern extremity is Cape York, and its southern (on the coast). Point Danger, near the embouchure of the Tweed river. The principal mountains are the Great Northern or Gilbert range in theN., and Expedition range towards the centre, the latter being the watershed of the country. The greatest altitude of the mountains is about 2000 feet. In the extreme N. of the colony is the Bellenden Ker range, some of the highest points of which tower up 5400 feet. The chief rivers of the colony are the Brisbane, the Burnett, the Pioneer, the Fitzroy, and the Burdekin, flowing into the Pacific ; the Flinders, the Albert, the Mitchell, the Gilbert, and the Norman, emptying themselves into the Gulf of Carpentaria ; and flowing S. W., the Victoria river towards Cooper's creek, the Condamine towards the Darling, and E. the Mary emptying itself into Hervey's bay, and the Calliope flowing into Port Curtis. There are numerous streams of lesser magnitude in various parts of the colony. Geologi- cally, the Western, or Coast side of the colony, commencing from the S. may be said to consist of vast beds of Devonian formation, with clay slates, shales with lepidodendron and spirifcr, and conglomerates in the ujiper beds, favosus in lower (crystalline limestone). Along the coast line itself are narrow bands of palajozoic carboniferous, glossopteris with productus, spirifer, &c. Further N. are immense beds of granite. Going inland, the country changes into a heterogeneous mass of 156 llie Queensland Gazetteer. [Kab — Rav niesozoic carboniferous, tajpiopteris with area, trigonia. &c., metamorpbic mica, hornblende and shale, basalt, basic dolorite. mesozoic sandstones and limestones, and desert sandstones of grits and conglomerates. Of the extreme N. but little is known geologically. RABY BAY (Co. Stanley) is a small indentation of horseshoe form on the W. shore of ^loreton bay, lying about 12 miles S.E. of the entrance to the Brisbane river, and formed by a saudspit running out from the mainland and terminating in Cleveland jwiut. The township of Cleveland lies at the head of this small bay. i'ai'boniferou'!. RACECOURSE CREEK {Springmre district) is an E. tributary of the I'pper Comet river, into which it falls at the township of RoUeston or Albino downs. Mesozoic. RAFF CREEK {Mitchell district) is a small occasional tributary of the tipper jiart of Tower Hill creek. Sandstone; shales and limestones. RAFT POINT, the E. point of Bontinck island, is wooded, and easily dis- tinguished. To vessels coming from the southward it appears as the point of land projecting from the W. side of Investigator road. A red buoy is laid otf this point in :.' fathoms low-water springs. RAGLAN ClvEEK (Co. Deas Thomson) is a stream rising in the Calliope range, and Uuwing into Keppel bay. Devonian. RAINWORTH CREEK (Co. Dcni.iid(!. Hope, and Woolloolah creeks. The geological formation is mesozoic, showing slialcs, sandstones, and linieslones. RAVENSWOOD, -'() L'O' S. lat., lie." fi")' E. long, (llarenswood district), is th(! postal (•(•lit IT of the ilavcnswood goldticld. It is situated on the Elphinstone creek near its junction witli the Bwrdekin river, whose nearest point is 7 miles distant. In tlic locality arc four (luartz-crushing machines and lliree pyrites machines, and several otlier ([uartz machines within a few miles of Ravenswood. The district is almost exclusively u (|uartz-mining one, the diggings being the Sandy creek, IJ miles distant: Felix, I miles; Politician, 4 miles; Dregliorn, L'O miles: Old Man. 2 miles; Kirk, 25 miles; and several others. The nearest Ixiwnships are Millehesler and Cliarlers To\V(Ms. ■!() miles distant N.W.: 'i'ownsville (Heaport), S(» miles N.K.: and itowen (seaport). l.'iO miles I']. The means of Cffmmuiiication are by Cobl>'H coach betwetni 'I'ownsville, Millchestcr, and Ravens- wood, {\\\ro a week. ' TIm-ic is no public coach from Rowen. With Rrisbane, 770 niiloH arc from Townsville. by sleanierH coastwise. Ravenswood has an hospital, a 8 miles from the town of Ispwich. Woogaroo creek forms the S.E, boundary f'f lledbank ]ilains : it flows in a nortl-.- easterly direction and enters the Brisbane near the Woogaroo lunatic asylum. Mount Flinders is about 12 miles from Redbank plains, and rises abruptly— in the form of a cone— to a height of about \\ miles above the level of the surrounding 158 The Queensland Gazetteer'. [Red countiy. There is a steam sugar-mill (llice Bros.), aud a cottou-ginning establisb- meiit ("C. Pitt's), also worked bv steam. Both these are iu full work in their re- spective seasons. Bedbank plains is a rich agricultural district ; the soil is black, and the land slightly undulating, thereby affording a natural outlet for the heavy rains, &c. The surrounding districts are composed of sand, with alternating beds of coal to the X.W., and towards Goodna. The nearest towns are Goodna. 5 miles E.. (lu the bank of the Brisbane, and on the main route from Brisbane to Ispwich; and Ipswich, 6 miles W., on the Bremer. Ipswich is a pretty town about 25 miles from Brisbane ; population, about 6000. The steamers ply daily between Ipswich r.ud Brisbane, and the new railway is now open to Brisbane. The communication with Brisbane is by road to Goodna or Ipswich, and from thence by rail or water to the capital city, Brisbane, or by rail from the Eedbauk station. Two mails a week are received and despatched from Kedbauk plains to Ipswich. The distance between Eedbank plains and Brisbane is about 18 miles, aud the means of com- munication are — (1) by road ; (2) by steamer or train from lledbank, Goodna, or Ipswich. The latter may be considered the best means, as passenger trains run several times a day. The only institutions at Redbank plains are a primary school, under the supervsion of the Board of Education, at which 175 children receive in- struction, and the post-office for the receipt and delivery of letters aud newspapers. The nearest telegraph office is at Goodna. There are no hotels at Redbank. In Goodna there are two hotels, the Royal Mail aud the Prince of Wales ; in Ipswich there are twenty-two, the principal of which are the North Australian, the Com- mercial, the Caledonian and the Sportsman's Arms, &c. The surrounding country is broken aud hilly, the only elevation worth speaking of being Mount Flinders. The geological formation is sandstone interspersed with beds of coal. The popula- tion of Redbank plains is about 380, and the number of dwellings about 52. The places of worship are — Roman Catholic, Wcslcyan aud Primitive Methodists. A few individuals have organised race meetings, but no grouud has been set apart for that purpose as yet. RED BLUFF CREKK {Kcnnnhj district) is a small N. tributary of the lower end of the Cape river rising in the Red bluff near Ravenswood, and flowing S. past the Red bluff station. Granite. RED CAP JIOUNT (Maranoa district) is an eminence on the Amby downs, between the Amby and Coogoon rivers. Tertiary saiulstone. RED CLIFF {Co. Lichig). See Marlborough. REDCLIFFE RANGE (Z?rt«r« district) \s a chain of hills lying near the lead of the Jiuwcu river. Sandstone aud granite. REDCLIFFE POINT, or HUMPY BONG (Co. Stanley), is a prominent headland on the W. coiist of Moretou bay, lying N. 18° E. from Saudgate. This sjKit was the i)lace where the first settlement in Moreton l)ay was made by Mr. Oxley. who left Sydney in the bi'ig Aiiiitij in 1824 with a party of rank and lile, and 30 volunteers from the prisoners' barracks in Sydney, for the purpose of establishing a ])enal s(!ttlenient there. The place was, howt-ver, soon found to be unhealthy, and otherwise ineligible, and the camp was re-established at the present site of Brisbane. The abandoned buildings were however left standing, the Governor thinking that they might lead to tiie semi-civilization of the blacks, who, however, exhibited tluur appreciation of the intended kindness, by nicknaming the deserted liuildings " Humpy Ifong " (Dead House), the name l)y which the place is best known to this day. Sandstone. REDLAND (Co. Stmilnj) is a small township in the i)arish of Rcdland. and electoral (list rifl. of Bulinilia. lying on the S. \V. const of iMorcton bay. opposite Russell island aiiay. Sandstone. RED I'KAK {Cook district) is a lofty liill lying iidand of Cape Grafton, and forming a ]irominent landmark from the sea. ll is 2032 ft. liigh. (jranile. Red — Ric] The Queensland Gazetteer. 159 RED POINT {Cook district) is a small headland immediately S. of Cape EaiTow. REDSHIRT, MOUNT (Co. Clinton), is a lofty hill to the N.W. of the Cal- liope goldfield. .Schists and copper ore. RED WALLIS ISLAND (Cook district). See Endeavoue Steait. REEDY CREEK (Co. Cnnning) is au E. tributary of the Stanley river risinir in Mount Mee and flowing VV. into the main stream near Mount Brisbane head-station. It is fed by Byron's creek. REEDY CREEK (Co. Fitzroy). See Gordon Brook. REEDY CREEK (Mitchell district) is one of the heads of Cornish creek falling into it a few miles E. of Bowen downs head-station. Sandstones, shales, and limestones. REEDY CREEK (Co. Wicklow). See Trevathan's Creek. REEDY LAKE (Kennedy district). See Dalrymple. REEF POINT (Co. Stanley) is the S. head of Deception bay, so called from a long reef of rocks running out from the point in a N. E. direction. Sandstone. REID'S CREEK (Co. Boiven) is a fine tributary of the Burnett river rising in the \V. slope of the Burnett range near Mount Perry, and flowing through rough country into the main stream at the township of Gayndah. In its course this creek passes by the Bandon head-station and crosses the main road Ijetween Gayn- dah and Banana about 12 miles N. of the former place, and 8 miles S. of the Black Horse inn. The upper end of this creek flows through granite, with an out- crop of mica slate or Devonian slate with quartz seams; the lower through clay slates and shales. REID'S RIVER (Kennedy district) is a tributary 'of Houghton's river. Granite. REMARKABLE, MOUNT (KenJiedy district), is a lofty hill lying 8 miles S.W. of Capeville in the auriferous country of the Cape river goldfields, and within the reserve. Metamorphic mica and hornblende schists. REPULSE BAY (Bowen district) is a moderately deep indentation into the land formed by the Cape Conway peninsula jutting boldly out in a S. E. direction. Granite. REPULSE CREEK (Leichhardt district) is a stream rising in the E.xpe- dition range and flowing eastward along the lower Rockhamptou and Springsure road into Zamia creek at Barrangan station. RETRO CREEK (Co. Clermont) is a small E. tributary of Sandy creek flowing S. through the Retro, Coliuby and Prairie runs. Schistose. REVOLVER POINT DIGGINGS (Coofc district). See Maytown. RICHMOND DOWNS (Burke district) is a postal station on the Flinders liver, which empties itself into the Gulf of Carpentaria. Charcoal creek, or the Dutton river, junctions with the Flinders immediately at Richmond downs, which station is in latitude about 20° ;?0' S. Cambridge creek, or the Stawell river, also junctions with the Flinders about 20 miles from the Richmond downs, and the average course of these rivers is about N.W. These rivers run through first-class pastoral country, principally undulating downs at their heads, and flat plains as they near the Gulf of Carpentaria. Richmond downs is an inland cattle-station. The nearest diggings is the Cloncurry, on the Cloncurry river, and is alx)ut 200 miles from Richmond downs. The Cloncurry empties into the Flinders 200 miles or more below Richmond downs. The Cloncurry diggings is still in its infancy, and is supposed to be principally quartz-mining with a little alluvial, and several very rich copper-mines in its neighbourhood. The nearest port and township to Rich- mond downs are Cleveland Bay and Towusville, and the distance from this port to Richmond downs is about :?3() miles. The communication is by fortnightly mail by horse rid Dalrymple. With Brisbane, 1200 miles S.E., the communicatiun is •overland from Richmond downs to Townsville, and thence by sea. The surrounding 160 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Ric — Roc country consists principallv of undulating: downs, country sparsely dotted with bastard myall and gidyah timber, with flooded box and gum trees on the rivers' banks. RICHMOND DOWNS (Leiclihardt diatrict) is a tract of pastoral country on the Zamia creek, consisting for the most part of high scrubby ridges, suitable for cattle. RICHARDSON RWER (Cook district) is a stream in the E. side of the interior, abuut 12m(' S. lat.. flowing through poor sandy soil, with heath but no grass. RIDGLAND'S DIGGINGS (Co. Livingstone) See Eockhampton. RIDLER CTiEEK (Co. Clinton) is a small W. tributary of the Boyne river, watering the Milton run. RIGHT CREEK (Co. Bon-en) is a small tributary of the head of the Perry river, rising in Mount Perry, and flowing through rough pastoral and mineral country. Devonian slate and mica schist overlying fine-grained granite, consisting of quartz, felspar, and hornblende. RIO LAGOON (Co. Parhington) is a fine sheet of water, an expanse of the Dawson river, near the township of Boolburra. Clay slates and shales. RIPSTONE or HUGH'S CREEK (Xormanhy district). See Isaacs river. RISE-AND-SHINE CREEK {Co. Lennox) is a rich reef in the raining district of Gympie, lying near the Kilkivan goldfield, and about 12 miles N.W. of the mining township of Black Snake. RISHTON (liavcnsn-ood district) is a small mining township, forming part of the I 'barters Towers goldfield, and being 22 miles distant fi-om the township of Chartei-s Towers. Granite and quartz. ROANS PLAINS {^yarrego district) is a tract of flat sandy country lying on Cooper's creek in the S.W. corner of the colony. Desert sandstone. ROBERTSON RIVER (Bni-Jie district) is a tributary of the head of the Gilbert river, which see. ROBINSON RIVER {Lcichhardt district)\s a large and important stream rising near Rcjpcr's Pa.ss in the S. part of the Expedition range, and flowing E.into the main stream near and N. of the township of Taroom. With its numerous tributaries this river waters a large extent of fine pastoral country. It is fed by the Ruined Castle, Sandstone, and Turtle creeks, and their tributaries. Basalt and mesozoic sandstone. ROBY RANGE (liavcnsn-ood. di.0° 4^' E. long. (Co. Liringstonr), is a postal and telegrapliic town and port in the parish of Rockhamjiton. It is situated on the River Fitzroy, C!rocodile creek being 1 J miles S.E., Lake's creek 3 miles E., Moon's creek on the N.W. outskirts, and Lyon creek 2 miles W. of the township. There aie no lakes, Init a chain of lagoons encircles the southern and western portions of the town, the nearest being about 2 miles distant. Tbey comprise the Serpentine, Yeppeen, Crescent and Murray. The Berserker range, KWMi feet at its highest elevation, bears N. E., 3 miles from the town.ship. A view of Kcppcl bay is (il)tained from Mount Berserker. Rockhampton has two meat- preserving establishment.s, Lake's creek and Laurel bank; the latter only is now ill operation: a soap-boiling eslablishment on the Ujiper Dawson road, a pottery at Lyon creek, a fruit-])reserving e.stablislimcnt at North Rockh:imi)ton, and a tannery on tlie Ui)]'('r Dawson road. The district is principally pastoral, though fiuarlz-mining and crushing is carried on at Cawarral, 18 miles N., at New Zealand gully, 15 miles N. K., and at ('roco miles W.; it has ft j)opulation of alwut oO dairy farmers, and a national school, with hotel, &c.; Roc] The Queensland Gazetteer. 161 and Emu park, a watering-place on the shores of Keppel bay, 30 miles N.E. from town, has one hotel, the Emu Park hotel, and a boardinghouse, the Brighton. In the vicinity of Stanwell the country is moderately well timbered, and the soil well suited for agriculture; around Emu park the hills are sparsely timbered, and much rich soil exists. The communication is by railway daily to Stanwell; and to Emu park weekly by coach tid New Zealand gully diggings and (Jawai-ral post town. With Brisbane, the communication is by steamship, the distance being .'ibout 400 miles direct. Rockhampton has one general hospital, and one lock hospital, benevolent asylum, orphanage, mechanics' institute (including museum), branches of the Union, Australian joint Stock, Queensland National, and Com- mercial banks. The hotels are the Criterion, Leichhardt, Queen's, llailway, and 47 others, and in the country 48, making a total of 9'J licensed by the Rockhampton bench; North Rockhampton, Cremorne, Victoria, and two others; at Stanwell the Retreat hotel. The booking offices are Bead's agency, for Cobb and Co., whose coaches start inland from Rocky creek, with which place Rockhampton communicates by railway, and Hewitt's mail coach to Emu park. Rockhampton is under the control of a municipal council composed of a mayor and eight coun- cillors. The surrounding country is principally undulating ; patches of flat country, however, are numerous, and some high ranges of hills lie to the N. and S. The geological formation is Devonian. The population numbers about 7000, and that of North Rockhampton about 400. The places of worship are Church of England, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Congregational, Baptist and Lutheran, and there are agencies for all the principal insurance companies established in the colony. Rockhampton has a private racecourse 3 miles W. from town (Alexandra park); the Rockhampton public course, 3 miles S.W. One .«mall theatre, the Royal. The Botanical gardens are situated upon the JIurray lagoon, 1^ miles S. from town. Gas is supplied to the town by a public company. There are upwards of three miles of pipes laid down in the principal streets. The corporation waterworks are almost completed. All the pipes for the main streets have been laid ; the water will be taken from the Crescent lagoon, a distance of 2 miles S.W. from the town. The old-established gardens of M. Kozet, botanist and acclimatiser, are situated 2 miles E. from N. Rockhampton. There are two morning newspapers published in Rockhampton, the Bulletin and Northern Argus, and also a weekly paper, the Capricornian. The town is built upon a flat, is well laid out with streets one chain and a half wide ; has an esplanade fronting the river of one chain and a half in width. A pleasant range of hills called Athelstane rises about one mile distant from the rear of the town, and runs from S. to W. Rockhampton is partly in the electoral district of Rockhampton, and partly in Blackall. It is about 40 miles from the rivers mouth. Vessels drawing 14 feet of water have come up to town. A number of rocks in the river near Moore's creek at the N. end of the town obstruct further navigation, except for small craft, which can reach the village of Yaambo, 35 miles from town by water, and 25 by land. The town takes its name from the series of rocks referred to above. In flood times boats can come down from the lilackenzie and Dawson rivers, whicdi empty themselves into the Fitzroy. The town proper is upon the S. W. bank. The wharves and river frontage are corporation property. Shade trees are ])lanted for over half a mile along the river's bank, and in portions of the streets. The trunk line of the Great Northern railway starts from this town, and trains run daily to Rocky creek, a distance of 44 miles W. A further distance of 100 miles to the Mackenzie river is expected to be completed within two and a half years. Rockhampton contains about 1170 dwellings. Estimated area of municipality, 15,072 acres. There are 76 miles of streets, and the annual value of rat;ible property is estimated at over £50,000; the exports for last year were £472,551, and the imports £301,280. A horse mail runs through the old digging hamlets of Morinish, Ridgeland, and Rosewood, 50 miles W. from town, where a copper-mine is being successfully developed by private enterprise. The population of Rosewood is about 50. At Morinish there is a crushing machine, which is not working, as but few miners are now working there. Of the creeks mentioned above, Jloore's creek rises in the Berserker range, runs 4 miles through gardens and paddocks, and enters the Fitzroy at the Rocks, N. Crocodile creek forms in the Crocodile ranges (mining district), about 18 miles S., and empties itself into the Fitzroy at the S. end of the town. This creek is crossed on the Port Curtis road by a bridge 162 The Queeiisland Gazetteer. [Roc of 200 feet span. Lyon creek takes its rise at tlie Nine-mile waterholcs, t;., runs through a number of small pastoral and homestead selections, and falls into the Fitzroy at the N. end of the town. The largest group of selectors in this district arc upon the Agricultural reserve, l-l miles S.W. from town. These selectors are becoming the most wealthy and important clement in the community. There is much good agricultural land at North Rockharapton, a village of about 100 houses, but for want of bridge facilities it is comparatively neglected. A steam punt and two ferry boats are constantly plying upon the river. The watering-place of Emu- park, or Hewittville, is one of the prettiest places in the colony. The half-bald hills and bold scenery of its background, added to its magnificent beaches and picturesque bays, render it unusually attractive as a summer resort, and when a bridge across the Fitzroy shall have removed the chance of detention at the N. side by floods, "the Park" will be extensively visited. Fairy Bower, a reserve for recreation at the rear of Gracemere, is 4 miles W. of Kockhampton. It is a belt of fine scrub through which runs a clear freshwater creek, and is a favourite ]ucnic and fishing ground of the townspeople. The land along the banks of the Fitzroy from its mouth to town is generally flat and alluvial. The Fitzroy Pastoral, Agricultural and Horticultural Society have a grant of land, 5 acres, in the centre of the town. It is now being fenced in and planted round with si.xty Dunya trees. The society's first show will be held at end of Way next. Bpck- Iiamj)ton police district had, in 1875, 705S horses, 107,780 horned cattle, 21,852 sheep, and 2'.>0',) pigs. ROCKHAMPTON is an electoral district commencing on the right bank of the Fitzroy river, and bounded thence on the N.W. by North-street, south- westerly to AVest -street, on the S.W. by West-street, south-easterly to the S. corner of section 117a, on the S.E. by O'Conuell-street, north-easterly to the E. corner of section 122, and thence to the Fitzroy river, and on the N.E. by the Fitzroy river upwards to the point of commencement. The electoral district of Kockhampton has 773 electors on the roll, and is at present represented in the Legislative Assembly by Charles Hardie Buzacott. elected Nov. 2-lth, 1878. The revision court is held at the court of petty sessions, Eockhampton, where the returning officer, 11. Jl. Hunter, is stationed. ROCHE CREEK {Leichhardt district). Sec Horse Creek. ROCKINGHAM BAY (Kennedy district) is the port of Cardvvell, lying between Tarn O'Slianter point on the N., and Hinchinbrook island on the S. ' It contains 2 small islands known as Gould and Brook islands. Granite. ROCKLAND CREEK (Sprinffsiirc district) is a small tributary of the Humboldt creek. Mesozoic. ROCKPOOL CREEK {Bon-en district). Sec Belyando River. ROCKY CREEK {Co. Clinton) is a tributary of the Oaky creek rising in Putter's range, and watering the Galloway plains and run. Devonian rocks and serpentine, with traces of copper ore. ROCKY CREEK (Cook district) is a small stream flowing through Pig-face and Tea-tree plains into the Gulf of Carpentaria, a few miles S. of the Nassau river. Sandstone. ROCKY CRKEK (Co. Lennox) is a small N. tributary of the lower end of the Wide-bay crec'k, rising in a spur of the l\I;iin range to the N.E. of the Kilkivan goldfield. l'(Upliyritic greenstone, serpentine and granite. ROCKY CRKEK (Co. Liringstone)\s a postal and telegraphic railway station on the Great Xortiiern Liiu-, lying -14 miles S. W. of Rockhampton. ROCKY CRKEK (Co. Newcastle) is a small tributary of the I'.rorinia creek, watering the S. E. part (jf the Weir-weir run. Granite ami siiale. ROCKY ISLAND {Ihtrke district). Sec Wklleslky ISLANDS. ROCKY ISLET (Kennedy district). Sec IlALIEAX Bay. ROOKY WATERIIOLES (Co. Stnnln/) is a small postal village on tlie Kocky Waterholcs creek and the Sliil)le Swamp creek, bearing E. to W., and liotli liable to floods. In the neighbourhood arc Grimes's sugar and saw-mills, and Dr. Roc — Rom] The Queensland Gazetteer. 163 Waugh's sugar mill. The district is agricultural, cotton, sugar-cane, maize, oats and other vegetable products being raised in considerable quantities. The nearest township is Ipswich, and there is a good main road from Brisbane to that place passing through Rocky waterholes. With Brisbane there is no regular com- munication, except by horse or dray to Ipswich or Goodna, and thence by train. The hotels are the Crown and the Rocky waterholes. The surrounding country is low but undulating. The geological formation is carboniferous shales overlaid with sandstone. The population numbers about a 100 persons in and about the village. There is one place of worship belonging to the Primitive Methodists. The Rocky waterholes racecourse is near the village. ROCKY WATERHOLES CREEK (To. Stanley) is a small E. tributary of the Brisbane river, into which it falls a little distance to the E. of Ipswich. This creek is liable to floods. Slates and shales. RODD'S BAY {Go. Flinders) is a small opening into the land in the S. part of Port Curtis. Marble veins are found in the neighbourhood. RODNEY CREEK {Mitchell district) is a valuable S. tributary of the Aramac creek, rising by several heads in, and watering the pastoral country of Rodney downs. It flows past the Rodney station, and joins Aramac creek near its confluences with the Thompson river. Mesozoic, consisting of shales, sandstones, and limestones. RODNEY DOWNS {Mitchell district) is a tract of pastoral country lying on the Aramac creek. Sandstone. RODNEY MOUNT {Mitchell district) is an elevation in the Rodney downs. ROLLESTON, 24° 34' S. lat., 148° 40' E. long. {Sprint/sure district), is a postal township in the heart of the vast pastoral district known as the Albinio and Planet downs. It lies on the Comet river, the Planet creek being 10 miles, the Meteor creek 9 miles, and the Expedition range about .30 miles distant. The nearest towns are Springsure 50 miles distant N.W. , Boolburra 120 miles E., and Taroom KiO miles S., the communication being only by horse or dray, and with Brisbane, 440 miles S.E., by horse or dray to Dalby, and rail thence. The hotel is the Planet inn. The surrounding district consists of open downs, forming flne sheep-grazing country. Mesozoic sandstone. The population numbers 40 persons. ROLLESTON, MOUNT {Co. Auhigny), is a prominent peak on the N. bank of Hodgson's creek, about 10 miles W. of Cambooya. Basalt. ROMA, 26° 40' S. lat., 148° 50' E. long. {Maranoa district), is a tolerably large postal and telegraphic township, forming the centre of a vast pastoral country watered by the W. tributaries of the Ballonne river. It is situated on the Bungil creek. The nearest townships are — Surat, 50 miles S. ; Mitchell, 60 miles W. ; Condamine, 100 miles E., and Taroom, 140 N.; the communication being — to Con- damine by coach three times a week, to Surat and Taroom by horse mail once a week, to Mitchell by horse mail twice a week. With Brisbane the communication is by coach (Cobb and Co.) to Dalby, thence by railway, the distance being 308 miles. The hotels are — the Queen's Arms (Cook's), the Bowen (Ahern's), the Vic- toria (Martin's), the Bush Inn (Thompson's), the Shearers' Arms Inn (Seitz's). Tat- tersall's (BatzlofE's), the Royal Oak (Anderson's), and the Travellers' Home (Wernck's). There is a coach office (Cobb and Co.'s) for the coaches plying be- tween Roma and Dalby thrice a week. The township is under the control of a municipal council, in the parish of Roma, county of Waldegrave, and electoral dis- trict of Maranoa. The surrounding country is undulating, thickly grassed and lightly timbered, except near the creek, where patches of fine timber occasionally occur. The population may be estimated at about 1000 persons. There are Church of England, Roman Catholic, and Congregational places of worship in the town ; also a hospital, branches of the Bank of New South Wales and the Queensland Nati(mal Bank, a theatre, a racecourse, and a turf club (the Maranoa). Roma police district had, in 1875, 3980 horses, 43,112 horned cattle, 659,895 sheep, and 559 pigs. ROME CREEK {Go. Fitzroy)\B one of the heads of Stuart's river, rising in Mount Haly, and flowing N.E. on the S. part of the Bonaire run. Granite and schists. M 2 164 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Ror — Rou ROPER'S CREEK [Normuniij district). See Mackenzie River. ROPER'S PASS {Lrichhardt district) is a gorge iu the hills lyiug bctweeu the heads of the Zamia and Robinson's rivers. Basalt. ROSALIE PLAINS CREEK (Co. Auhigny) is a small tributary of the Myall creek, watering the run of the same name. ]3asalt. ROSE CREEK {Co. Macl-enzie) is a small ti-ibutary of Gap creek, rising in the Main range to the W. of the Kilkivau goldfield. Clay slates and shales. ROSELLA CREEK {Bowen district). See BowEN Rivek. ROSETTA CREEK {Bon-en district) is a stream rising in the Leichhardt range, and following the course of the old Port Denison road to Bowen downs, near the crossing of which at Mount Douglas it falls into the Belyando river. Sandstone, and limestone scrubby hills. ROSEMARY ISLAND {Co. Maclienzic) is the name given to a portion of the Eoonara run, formed into an island by an anabranch of the K. bank of the Boonara creek, about 5 miles N. W. of the Boonara head-station. Clay slates and shales. ROSEWOOD [Co. Clivrchill) is a postal and telegraphic township in the parish of Walloon and electoral district of W. Moreton. It is a station on the Southern and Western railway, lying in 27° 40' S. lat. and 152" 85' E. long., and 140 feet above sea level. A small creek, called Western creek, falls into the Bremer river, which iiows eastward, about half a mile S. of the railway station. The Liverpool range of mountains lies about 7 miles to the W. of the township. There arc no mills or manufactories in Rosewood, the district being almost purely agricultural. Rosewood scrub, which lies on the N., and alongside the Southern and Western railway, is an agricultural district containing some of the finest land in the colony ; a rich black soil, thickly covered with brigalow and pine timber. Walloon, the next railway station, lies 4 miles E. of Rosewood, and Ipswich about 12 miles E. Grandchcstcr, the nearest station on the other side, is about 8 miles W. of Rosewood, and the country through which the line passes is a rich, grassy plain along the valley of the Bremer and Western creek. Two passenger trains and one goods train pass down the line to Ipswich and Brisbane daily (Sundays ex- cepted), and two passenger trains and one goods train pass up the line daily to Toowoomba and Warwick, and one train daily to Dalby. The only mode of com- munication is by rail, for though there is a public road running nearly alongside of the railway, it is not kept in repair and is now little used. There is a school capable of accommodating 80 children, and a four-roomed house for teacher's residence, erected close to the railway station in 1874 ; the school is now attended by about 70 children of both sexes. There is one bush hotel or public-house in Rosewood. The country to the N. and W. is hilly and broken, and consists of sandstone ranges. The low flat country through which the railw.ay passes contains coal of superior description at a dejith of probably 00 feet, in close proximity to the railway station and about 3/5 miles from Jirisbanc. The jiopulation is scattered over an area of about 20 Sfiuare miles; it consists almost exclusively of working farmers, and may mimbei' aUmt 20(J0. There arc a Wesleyan chajiel, a rriniitivc Methodist chapel, a Baptist chapel, and a Congregational church in the township. Hosewood is a ]iost town and sends mails twice a day to Ipswich, Brisbane, .fcc., and is situated in the centre of the electoral distiict of W. Moreton. Rosewood is also the name of a railway station on the Great N. railway. ROSS CREEK or RIVER (Bon-cn district). See Townsvillk. ROUGH YARD CKKKK (Co. Fitzroi/) is a. tributary of the head of the Boyne river, rising in the wtxjded heights of the Craig's range of the I?iniya- Bunya mf)nntainH, and watering the Duinobin and Gordonstone runs. It is fed by the Ironpot and Sandy creeks. Granite, metamorphic mica ami hornblende Hchifits. ROUNDBACK, :\101JNT (Ihnvm district), is a hill on the road from Howen to TowiisviMc, iihoul. 20 miles N.W. of the former townshij). Granite. ROUNDHEAD (lion'cn district) is a promontory on the mainland at the S. end of Whitsuntide passage. Granite. Rou — Sal] The Queensland Gazetteer. 165 ROUND HILL {Co. Flinders) is a peak near the coast, lying S. of Bustard bay. Devonian slates and shales. ROUNDHILL CREEK {Co. Flinders) is a shallow inlet to the westward of Roundhill head, full of sand banks, and nearly dry at low water spring tides. The entrance to the creek is about half-a-mile S.W, of Roundhill head; the channel is about 150 feet wide, with two feet of water on the bal- at low spring tides ; the channel is constantly shifting. ROUNDHILL HEAD {Co. Flinders) is a lofty hill and promontory forming the S. head of Bustard bay. Slates and shales. ROUND MOUNTAIN {Co. Stanley) is an elevated peak in the hilly country lying to the N. of the township of Wivenhoe. ROUND, MOUNT [Go. Cavendish), is a solitary hill on the E. side of Emu creek, aud on the Eskdale run. Clay slates and shales. ROUNDSTONE CREEK {Leichhardt district) is a S. tributary of the lower end of Zamia creek. ROY CREEK [Co. Newcastle) is a small head-feeder of the Cadaga creek, rising in the range of mountains separating the unsettled district of Burnett from that of Darling downs, and watering the S. part of the Cadaga run. Granite ridges, sandstone aud shales. RUDD CREEK {Kennedy district) is a small W. tributary of the upper end of the Herbert river, rising near Mount Razorback in the Coast range, and flowing N.E. through the Connawarra run. Granite, with pegmatite, gneiss, and porphyry. RUINED CASTLE CREEK {Leichhardt district) is a head tributary of the Robinson river, which see. RULE CREEK {.Mitchell district). See DiAMANTlNA RiVEE. RUNNING- CREEK (Co. Cook) is a small tributary of St, Agnes creek, watering the Walla run. Clay slates and shales. RUNNING CREEK {Cook district) is a small stream falling into Temple bay. RUNNING CREEK {Cook district). See Kinloch Creek. RUNNING CREEK {Co. Clinton) is a small S. tributary of the Calliope river, watering the Upper Calliope run. Serpentine aud Devonian slates. Schists with copper ore are found in the neighbourhood. RUSH CREEK {Co. Stanley). See North Pine River. RUSSELL ISLAND {Co. Stanley) is a large sandy island in the S. part of Moreton bay, separated from Stradbroke island by a shallow channel. RUSSELL, MOUNT {Co. Anhiytiy), is a peak in the broken country lying W. of Toowoomba, and between that township and the Coudamine river. Basalt. SADDLE-TOP, MOUNT {Co. Merlcale), is an eminence in the hilly country N. of Allora township, and near Spring creek. Basalt. SALT HILL {Co. Murchison). See St. Lawrence. SALTWATER CREEK {Co. Clinton) is a S. tributary of the Calliope river, rising near the township of Calliope, and flowing N. through the Booroou and Targinie runs. Devonian rocks and shales, with serpentine, and traces of copper ore. SALTWATER CREEK {Co. Cool/) is a N. tributary of the Mary river, into which it falls at Maryborough. SALTWATER CREEK (Kennedy district) is a stream flowing into the sea at Halifax bay. Granite. SALTWATER CREEK (Co. Ward) is a tributary, or rather an anabranch of the lower end of the Coomera river. Clay slates and shales. SALTWATER HOLES CREEK (Co. Cavendish), a tributary of the Emu creek on the Eskdale run. Clay slates and shales. 166 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Sal— San SALTWATER RR^ER {Burke district) is a small stream flowing in the extreme W. of the colony, near the S. or head of the Gulf of Carpentaria. SALVATOR 'RlY¥.'R{Springsure district) is a head tributary of the Nogoa river, which see. SANDFORD CREEK {Co. Stanley). See South Pine River. SAMSON, MOUNT (Co. Stanley). See AemLAR's Range. SANDGATE, 27° 20' S. lat., 153° 5' E. long. (Co. Stanley), is a small postal and telegraphic township and watering-place suburban to Brisbane, from which it lies distant 12 miles X.E. It is in the parish of Nundah, and electoral district of E. Moreton, and is prettily situated on a bight of the W. shore of Moreton bay, on the N. bank, and near the mouth of the Cabbage Tree creek, about 5 miles S. E. from the mouth of the Pine river, and about 8 miles N.W. of the estuary of the Brisbane river. Its owes its importance to its being the principal watering-place of Brisbane and the neighbouring districts. It contains about 80 dwelling-houses, which are mostly occupied throughout the year, but especially through the summer months, by persons making it their temporary residence. It is also much fre- quented by excursionists, and this causes a sufficient amount of business to supjiort two stores, one baker, and one butcher. There is, however, beyond this fluctuating population, which may be averaged at about 200 persons, a permanent population of about 100 persons, chiefly holders of small farms and market gardens. The nearest township is German Station, about 6 miles distant S. W. on the Brisbane road, the communication being, as with Brisbane, by daily coaches over a good, although only partially-made, road. The hotels are Deagou's Family and the Osborne, both of which afford excellent accommodation. Sandgate has a Baptist cbapel. It may be remarked that of late several Brisbane merchants and pro- fessional gentlemen have been induced by the salubrity of the climate, and the agreeable character of the prevailing winds, to purchase allotments and build marine residences there, some of which are completed, and others in progress. The shore is bold and prominent, and the beach sandy and shallow, adapting it for bathing and fishing. As yet, however, no enclosed bathing places have been con- structed, and tliere is always therefore danger to be apprehended of the attacks of sharks if bathers should venture into deep water. A fine drive, the Esjilanadc, has been made for some distance along the high land of the beach, but inland of this the land gradually sinks until it becomes swampy and scrubby, a fact which, when the S.W, winds are blowing, makes the place almost intolerable from the swarms of mosquitos they bring. Still, the N.E. — the prevailing summer winds — which come across the bay, carry with them a coolness and freshness which is inexpressibly de- lightful during the fierce summer heats. Tlic surrounding country is undulating, and poor, sandy, and scrubby. There arc, however, a few patches of fair soil, and heavily timbered gravelly ridges here and there. The general geological formation is sandstone and iron stone. Sandgate aifords a splendid view of the bay, shut in to the E. by the low-lying sand hummocks of Moreton island, with its one high peak (Mount Tempest), and to the N. by the bold promontory of Humpybong, tlie taint outline of the still more distant Bribie island. A little to the W. of N. are to be seen the singularly-shaped "Glass-houses," most jirominent of which is Mount Bierwah, distant about :iO miles N.N. W. The geological formation is pahiiozoic carlx)niferous. SANDRINGHAM RIVER {Mavhiy district). See Pioneer Riveu. SANDSTONE CKKKK (Leuhhardt district). See RoBlNSON River. SANDWICII CAPE {Kennedy district). Sec MlNClllNHROOK. SANDY CAPE. Sec Great Sandy Island. SANDY CliEEK (Co. Canning). See STANLEY RiVER. SANDY CHEEK {Co. Cavendish). See EsK Greek. SANDY CREKK (Co. Churchill) is a small tributary of Lockycr's creek, flowing near the village of Tent hill. Sandstone and limestone. SANDY CliEEK {Clcrvmnf district) is n tributary of the Theresa creek rising in the Peak downs, at .Mount .Macfarianc, near Vambic l''lat diggings, and San — Sar] , The Queensland Gazetteer. 167 flowing S. through the township of Clermont, through fair agricultural and pas- toral land. It is fed by the Table, Tea Tree, Gowrie, Apsley, Wolfang, Bath, Douglas, Huntley, and Hetro creeks, and falls into the main stream at the division boundary of the Prairie and Ailsa runs. Basalt, with outcrop of limestone, quartz and schists. SANDY CREEK {Co. Fitzrotj) is a small W. tributary of the Barambah creek, rising in the Main range near and to the S.E. of the township of Manango, through which township it flows and supplies with water, and falling into the main stream about 3 miles below the town. Just before its confluence it spreads into a rather large lagoon or swamp. It waters a pastoral country, although there are occasional patches of laud having good soil suitable for agricultural purposes. Metamorphic mica and hornblende, and clay slates and shales at the upper end. Also, a small vV. tributary of the Uoughyard creek, watering the Gordoustone run. Granite and schists. SANDY CREEK (Co. LieUg). See Fitzroy River. SANDY CREEK [Co. Mackenzie) is a N. tributary of the upper end of the Roonara cerek, rising in a spur of the Main range, and flowing S.E. Basalt. Also, a small N. tributary of the head of the Wigton creek, into which it falls about 2 miles W. of Wigton head-station. Clay slates and shales. SANDY OR FOUR-MILE CREEK [Co. Mackenzie) is a small tributary of the Granite creek, into which it falls about 10 miles S.W. of the township of Gayudah. Clay slates and shales, with outcropping beds of granite. SANDY CREEK {Maranoa district) is a small tributary of the Merivale river. SANDY CREEK {Co. March) is a small tributary of Bracker's creek, water- ing the E. part of Coulmunda run. Clay slates and shales. SANDY CREEK {Co. Merivale) is a small W. tributary of the Canal creek, into which it falls near the Leyburu racecourse reserve. Clay slates and shales. Also see Warwick. SANDY CREEK {Mitchell district) is a small E. tributary of the Alice river flowing through sandy and scrubby country almost devoid of water. Sandstone and shales. See also BiRKHEAD CREEK. SANDY CREEK {Co. Stanley) is a S. tributary of the Brisbane river flowing N, through the parishes of Walloon and Brassall. See also South Pine River. SANDY CREEK {Co. Ward) is an E. tributary of the Albert river rising in a spur of the Darlington range near Mount Tamborine, and flowing N.W. through rugged pastoral country into its main stream on the Tamborine run. There is a picturesque fall in the mountainous country at the head of this stream. Sandstone and schists. Also, a W. tributary of the Logan river, watering the W. part of the land occupied by W. Barker on that river, and flowing into its main stream at the S. boundary of the Bromelton run. Palaeozoic carboniferous, glossopteris with productus, spirifer, k.c. Also, the name given to a smaller tributary of the Logan river, falling into it a few miles further N. Also, an E. tributary of the Teviot brook, rising in a N. spur of the Dividing range between Queensland and Xew South Wales, near Mount Maroon, and flowing N.W. through rough pastoral country for about 12 miles. SANDy CREEK {Co. Wicklow) is a small tributary of the Auburn river, watering the E. part of the Lower Haugh run. Granite ridges. SANDY ISLAND. See Great Sandy Island. SANDY, MOUNT (Co. Cavendish). See Dongineebiaman, SAPBOO CREEK {Co. Mackenzie) is a tributary of the head of the Deep Granite creek watering the Aranbanga run. Clay slates and shales, with occasional outcrops of granite. SARDINE CREEK (Leichhardf district) is a head-tributary of the Dawson river, which see. 168 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Sar — Ser SARDINE CREEK {Mitchell district) is a small N. tributary of tbeAramac creek rising by three beads and tiowiug through the good pastoral country of Staiaburn dowus into its main stream at the Landsborough cattle-station, near the confiueuce of the Araraac and the Thompson. Mesozoic shales, sandstones and limestones. SAWMILL TOWNSHIP (^'''. Clinton) is a small agricultural village lying on the Calliope river 10 miles from its mouth, 7 miles N.W. from Gladstone, and 10 milts N. E. from the township of Calliope. It has a saw-mill and a considerable area of laud under cultivation. The population numbers about 40, generally in- cluded in that of the Calliope goldfields. Igneous rocks traversed by bauds of syenite, diorite, and killas. SAXBY RIVER (Burke district). See Xormantox. SCARTWATER CREEK (Bon-en district). See Belyaxdo River. SCOTT, MOUNT. See Stradbeoke Island. SCOTT'S CREEK (Lcichhurdt district) is a head-tributary of the Dawson river, which see. SCOTT'S CREEK (Mitchell di.strict) is a stream crossed by M-Kinlay in his route to the Gulf in IS61. Swamps and innumerable watercourses. SCOTT'S CREEK (^Normanhj district). See Campbell's Creek. SCRUBBY CREEK (Co. Canning). See Stanley River. SCRUBBY CREEK {Co. Dtrhy). See Western Creek. SCRUBBY CREEK (Co. Lennox) is a small K tributary of the Wide bay creek, rising in a spur of the Main range to the N. of the Kilkivan goldfield. Tor- phyritic greenstone, scrjientine and granite. SCRUBBY CREEK (Co. Livingstone). See Fitzroy River. SEA-VIEW RANGE {Kennedii district) is a lofty chain of hills lying in broken country to the S.W. of Cardwell, on the S. bank of the Herbert river. Granite. SEBASTOPOL, MOUNT (Co. Livingstone), is a k.fty hill on the N. side of the Great Nortiiern Railway line, between Stawell and Wcstwood. Devonian. SELINA CREEK (Co. Uerhert) is a small tributary of the upper end of the Don river, rising in and flowing through the rugged mountainous country lying S. of Bowen. Granite. SELTHEIM RIVER (Bon-en district) is a stream rising in the Leichhardt range, and lluwiiig W. through good pastoral country into the Relyando river near the crossing of the Port Dcnison road to the Cape Goldtield downs. Sandstone and shales. SELWYN RANGE {Mitchell district) is a lofty range of mountains running N. and S. in al.nut L'l° 0' toST 20' S. lat., HO"" 5' E. long. ' It wjis passed by Burke and Wilis in Isdl. Traces of copper have been found in the locality. SEPARATION CREEK {Springsurc district) is a tributary of the Nogoa river, wliich sec. SERPENTINE (JRKEK (Co. Lenno.r) is a S. tributary of the AVide bay creek, rising in the ruggealgangal head-station. It is fed by the Thunder, Crane, Branch, Cainiindah and Tollcbang creeks. Clay slates and shales. SPLITTER'S CHEEK {Co. Canning). Sec Stanlky River. SPLITTER'S CHEEK (Co. Cook) is a small N. tributary of the lower end of the P.uiiictt liver, rising in the Kolan hills, and flowing S. It falls iiilo the Burnett near the township of I'lundalierg. This creek is liable to inundation from the backwater of the Burnett. The proposed railway from Bundaberg to the Spl — Spr] The Queensland Gazetteer. 173 Mount Perry mines crosses this creek, over which it is proposed to throw a large bridge. Alluvial deposit over a calcareous and carboniferous formation. SPLITTER'S CREEK [Mitchell district) is a small tributary of the VcW- can creek, rising in the Stainburn downs, and flowing S. into its main stream near liule and Lacy's station. Sandstone and shale. SPRING CREEK {Co. Merlralc) is a farming district in the parish of Tablutop and electoral district of Aubigny, situated on Spring creek. The Con- damine river is about 10 miles W., and King's creek about 7 miles N.W. Tabletop and Saddletop mountains are in the immediate vicinity. The district is agricultu- ral and pastoral, with coal mines situated on Spring creek, and near to the railway. The nearest town is Allora, 5 miles S. of Spring creek; it is a municipal town, with several stores and a fiour mill. The communication is along a main road, but, there is no particular conveyance. With Brisbane, 1.30 miles N.E., the communication is by the Southern and Western railway from the Clifton station. The hotels are the Clifton Arms, Spring creek ; and the Princess of Wales and the Queen's Arms, Allora. The mail is conveyed by horse to Clifton station every evening except Sunday. The surrounding country consists of rich undulating black soil plains and some stone ridges. The population numbers about 300 persons. SPRING CREEK (Co. Anblgny) is a fine stream rising by several heads in the \V. spur of the Main range, in the parish of Pilton, and flowing W. through fine agricultural laud about 20 miles until it gradually diminishes, and loses itself on the plains near Clifton, on the Toowoomba and Warwick railway. It passes by the township of Allora about G miles N. Carboniferous. Also, an E. tributary of ^Vestbrook creek, rising near Drayton. SPRING CREEK (Co. Cantiing) is an E. tributary of the Brisbane river, on the Colintou run. SPRING CREEK {Go. Cavendish). See Brisbane River. SPRING CREEK {Co. Fltzroy) is a small E. tributary of the Warregal or Jumma creek, rising in the Bunya-Bunya range, near Mount Haly, and flowing N.W. through the Dunrobin run into the main stream at the Warregal head-station. (Jranite, metamorphic mica, and hornblende schists. SPRING CREEK [Lelchhardt district) is a head tributary of the Dawson river, which see. SPRING CREEK {Co. Mackenzie) is a N. tributary of the Boonara creek rising in a wooded spur of the Main range, and flowing S.E. Basalt. SPRING CREEK {Mitchell district) is a small N. tributary of the Douglas Ponds creek, into which it falls near the Alice downs head-station. Sandstone and shales. SPRING CREEK {Co. Keitcastlc) is a tributary of Grant's or Main creek rising in the W. part of the Auburn run, and flowing S.E. through the Coondara run. It is fed by the Warrana or Western and Mountain creeks. Basalt. SPRING CREEK {Normanhy district). See Campbell's Creek. SPRING CREEK {Sprln/j.iure district) is a tributary of the Nogna river, which see. Also a tributary of the Turkey creek. SPRING CREEK {Co.Ward) is an E. tributary of the Logan river rising in the Jembracken range, and flowing N.W. through rugged pastoral country into its main stream near Bromelton station. Sandstone and schist. SPRING CREEK {Co. Wlcklo7i'J is a tributary of the Burnett river dividing tlie Eidesvold from the Flats run. It is fed by the Lower and Mattar creeks. Clay slates and shales. SPRINGSTON (Lclchhardt district) is a small village at the junction of Springsure and Bridgewater creeks, near the Mackenzie river and on the main old road from Rockhampton to the Peak downs. The district is solely a pastoral one, and the population is small and scattered. Clay slates and shales. SPRINGSURE, 24° S. lat., 148° E. long., is a town in the county Denison, parish of Springsure, aud electoral district of Springsure, situated on a running 174 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Spr — Sta creek called ypringsure creek, fed by constant springs ; it is most picturesquely situated, being completely hemmed in by mountains presenting a bold precipitous face to the down. The Comet and Nogoa rivers are each about 30 miles from fc^pringsure. the former is crossed by a low level bridge on the road from Spring- sure to Kockhampton. About 5 miles from the river towards Springsure is a good roadside hotel, the Bridge hotel. The Nogoa is crossed on the road from Spring- sure to Clermont, whether the route be by the direct road or by the Belyando. The Nogoa has also to be crossed on the Barcoo new road from Springsure. about 60 miles from Lalla iiat. The entire district is purely pastoral. Rolleston, the nearest township, is atout 50 miles to the eastward, situated on the Brown river, the prin- cipal head of the Comet. The township consists of a publichouse, store, butcher's shop, and several private residences. The communication is by horse or dray, and that with Brisbane, -i^o miles S.E., by horse or dray to Rocky creek, thence by the G. X. Railway to Rockhampton and steamer thence to Brisbane. 1'hcre is a good hospital built of brirk (made in Springsure) capable of accommo- dating 30 indoor patients, resident surgeon Dr. Joseph Callaglian. There is also a school of arts reading-room with a small but select library ; also, a telegrapli and money-order office. The hotels are the Commercial (W. Ellis), Shearers' arms (Jas. Cassidy), and Springsure (Ah Sam;. The surrounding country consists of lofty basalt downs, with large black soil plains ; there are also some highly picturesque mountains in the district, with evidences of great volcanic action among the rocks. Abounding everywhere is an opaliferous rock ; it is said the opal is of a very excellent quality. The population numbers about 650 persons. One Presbyterian and one Roman Catliolic church supply the religious requirements of the district. There is a good little theatre attached to the Com- mercial hotel, open occasionally. There is also a first-rate racecourse about "2 miles S. of the town. Sj?>-inffsurc police district had, in 1875, 2434 horses, 18,771 horned cattle, 7i:>.273 sheep, and 244 pigs. SPRINGSURE is an electoral district commencing at the junction of the Comet river with the JIackenzie river, and bounded thence by a line bearing K. to the eastern watershed of Crinum creek, then by said watershed northerly to I'eak range, and by that range north-westerly, then by the northern watershed of Wolffaug creek westerly, then by the watershed separating Cowrie creek from Tca- trec creek southerly to their junction, then by the Cowrie creek and Wolffang creek southerly to the junction of Apsley creek, then by a line bearing E. to a point bear- ing N. from the junction of Douglas creek with Sandy creek, then by a line bear- ing S. to Sandy creek and by that creek downwards to Douglas creek, then by a line bearing S. to the watershed separating Douglas creek from Theresa creek, and by said watershed westerly, then by the watershed separating Theresa creek, the Kogoa river and Comet river from the Belyando river. Barcoo river. Warrego river, and ^laranoa river southeily and easterly, then by the watershed separating the Upper Dawson river from the Comet river easterly to Exhil)ition range, and by that range northerly, and by a line bearing N. W. to the junction of the Comet river with the Mackenzie river, the point of commencement. The number of electors on the roll for the district of Springsure is 452, the present representative in the Legislative Assembly being John Scott, elected -Ith NovemV)er. 1873. The revision court is at the township of Springsure, where the returning officer, J. G. Macdonald, is statiiincd. SPRINGSURE CREEK (Sjirinf/si/rr ili.ffrirt) is a W. iribulary of Ihc Comet river llowing past the townshij) of Springsure in an K. direction. It is fed by the Binnacle and Oakey creeks. Mesozoic. SPRINGTON (Lcichhanlt (lintrict) is a small township on the creek of the same name, and on the road rid Crinum from Rockhampton to the Peak downs. Devonian. SPRINGTON CREEK {Lvirhhardt district) is a small S. tributary of the Mackenzie river. It is fed by the Bridgewatcr creek. Devonian. SQUIRREL CREEK (Co. Canning) is an E. bead tributary of tlic Bris- bane river. STAATEN IMVKKor COOKIU'IIN CRKKK (r„o/,' dlnfrirf] is n fine stream flowing W. about 150 milch lliruugli handy tea-liee couiitiy into the gulf of Car* Sta] The Queaislojud Gazetteer. 175 peataria in about 16° 35' S. lat. It enters the sea by two mouths, and is about 500 feet wide at the spot where they diverge. It is fed by the Maramie creek. Saudstoiie. STABLE SWAMP CREEK {Co. Stanley) is a small S. tributary of the Brisbane river, into which it falls at Hocky waterholes. This creek is liable to fluod. Slate and shale. St. AGNES' CREEK (Co. Cook) is a N. tributary of the Burnett river, rising in the Hogback spur of the i\Iount Perry (Burnett) range, and falling into the main stream at the Walla head-station, and at the crossing of the Maryborough and Port Curtis road. The country rises gradually from the mouth of the stream, forming a range of from 800 to 1000 feet above the valleys. It is fed by the Running and Backer's creeks. Devonian slates and fine-grained granite, con- sisting of quartz, feldspar, and hornblende, with little mica. STAINBURN DOWNS (Mitchell distriet) is a tract of elevated pastoral country, lying on the N. side of the Aramac Creek. Sandstone and shales. STAINBURN or COORENDA CREEK {Mitchell district) is a N. tri- liutary of the Aramac creek, rising in and flowing S. through theStainburn downs into its main stream at Raven's station, near the township of Aramac. The country through which it passes is well adapted for pastoral purposes, and is occupied for that purpose. It is fed by Bullock creek. Mesozoic, consisting of shales, sand- stones, and limestones. STANDISH, MOUNT {Mitchell district), is a mountain on Burke and AVills' outward route of 1861. Tertiary sandstone. St. ANDREW'S CREEK (Mitchell district) is a small W. tributary of the Alice river, into which it falls at Balcardine station No. 2. Sandstone and shales. STANLEY is an electoral district commencing on the Brisbane river at the W. boundary of portion 10 parish of Burnett, and bounded thence by that river upwards to the E. boundary of portion 50 same parish, then by a line bearing E. to D'Aguilar's range, then by that range northerly, then by the watershed separating the Brisbane river from the Mary river and Burnett river westerly to the Great Dividing range, then by that range southerly, and by a line bearing S. to the south- east corner of Toowoomba selection 216, then by the S. boundary of that jiortion bearing W, 3 chains 56 links, then by a line bearing S. to the Ipswich and Too- woomba railway, and by the railway to the summit of the Great Dividing range, then by a line bearing E. about 230 chains, then by a line bearing S. to the Great Dividing range at a point 90 chains E. from the E. boundary of Etonvale pre- emptive purchase No. 21, then by the Great Dividing range south-easterly, then by the Little Liverpool range northerly and north-easterly, and by a line N.E. to the Brisbane river at the point of commencement. This district has 739 electors on the roll, its present representative in the Legislative Assembly being John Petti- grew, elected Nov. 18th. 1873. The revision court is held at the court of petty sessions, Ipswich, the returning oflicer being W. Tov.'nley. STANLEY RIVER (Co. Canning) is a fine stream rising in the W. slope of the Blackall range, and flowing S.W. through the Durundur and Mount Brisbane runs into the Brisbane about 3 miles W. of the Mount Brisbane head-station. It is fed by the Commissioner's, Stony, Mary, Smoke's, Scrubby, Neurum, Scrubby, Sandy, Kilcoy, Oaky, New Country, Splitter's, and Reedy Creeks. Clay slates and shales. STANLEY, MOUNT (Co. Gannintj), is a lofty hill on the E. bank of the upper end of the Brisbane river, a little N. of the junction of the Monsildale creek. Clay slates and shales. STANTHORPE, 28° -10' S. lat., 151° 55' E. long. (Co. Uentinck), is an impor- tant postal township, the centre of a rich stanniferous district lying in the electoral district of Carnarvon and on the Quart Pot creek, a tributary of the Severn river, which is distant about 5 miles W. Tin-mining is extensively carried on all over the district, and the Mount Marley and the Stanhope smelling works are being carried on and are at full work. The district is an entirely pastoral and tin-mining one, the latter industry being rapidly developed by the ei)tcrpri?'j of the iuhabi- 176 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Sta — St. Geo tants. The deposits seem almost inexhaustible, and this place and neighbourhood are destined at no long distant date to flourish as the seat of the chief tin mines of Australia. The nearest towns are Sugar Loaf. 9 miles S. E., Maryland (N. S. Wales), 10 miles E., Warwick. 37 miles N., and Tenterfield (N. S. AVales), 40 miles y. These places are all reached by Cobb and Co.'s coaches. With Brisbane the communication is by coach to Warwick, and thence by rail — distance 205 miles. Stanthorpe amongst the public buildings has a good hospital and a school of arts. The hotels are Farley's, the Melbourne, Commercial, Sun Burst, and several less important ones. The carrying offices for goods and passengers are Cobb and Co.'s coach othce, and Marley and Selke. J. H. Duulop and Co., Wade and Co., carriers by drays, principally to and from Warwick. The surrounding country is moun- tainous, and the geological formation granitic. The population at present num- bers about 3000 persons, but is somewhat fluctuating. The Church of England. iJoman Catholic. Presbyterian and Wcsleyan denominations have churches, and the Bank of New South Wales, Australian Joint Stock Bank, and Queensland National Bank and the Australian Mutual Provident Co. have branches iu the town. There is also a Masonic hall, a Good Templars' hall, and a racecourse about a mile and a half from town. Stanthorjie police dhtrlct had, iu 1875. 1610 horses, 20,G1G horned cattle, 106,942 sheep, and 684 pigs. STAWELL (Co. Livingstone). See Eockhamptox. STAPLETON, MOUNT, or THE YELLOW-WOOD (Co. Ward). See Yatala. STAPLYTON, MOUNT {Co. Ward), is a lofty hill and prominent landmark iu the parish of Albert, about 4 miles S.E. of the township of Beenlcigh. It lies in the miilst of a fertile district famed for its production of sugar-cane. Sandstone and schist. STAR PJVER (Kennedy disirict) is a tributary of the Burdekin river flowing through Yallock vale. STATION CREEK (Co. Cook). See Kolan River. STAWELL CWEEK (Burke dii:trict). See Gregory River. STAWELL RIVER (BnrJic district) is a N. tributary of the upper end of the Flinders liver. ST. CATHERINE PEAK (Co. MurcJtison). See St. Lawrence. STEIR'S CREEK (^Co. 3facken:ie) is a tributary of the Kangur or Mnngur creek rising in the Main range to the W. of the Kilkivan goldfield and flowing W. into the main stream near the Boonara head-station. Basalt. STEVEN'S CREEK (^Co. March). See Tiaro. STEWART RIVER (Cook district) is a fine stream falling into Princess Charltitte bay. ST. GEORGE, 28' 5' S. lat., 148° 40' E. long. {Ballonne district), is an im- ]ioitant pdstal lownsliiji furniing the centre of a great pastoral district in the S. jiart nf the colony, and lying an the BallDiine river. The Mruanoa river rnns into the Ballonne idMiut 20 miles N.W. of St. George. The Culgoa runs out of the Bal- loune 40 miles from St. George in a westerly direction ; and the I\Iarran rnns out of the Ballonne 65 miles from St. George in a soiitherly direction. The nearest townships arc Snrat, N.E. 80 miles; Roma, W. l.'iO miles; and Mitchell, N.W. 140 miles. There is commimication by telegrjiph from St. George to l!oma {ria Sural) ami Mitchell ; and mail communication by horse from Ciiriiwillinghi, Mun- gindi iind D.-iliiy <'vcry 'I'lmrsd.'iy, fmrn Snrat :ind Mitchell every Sinidjiy. With Brisbane. 440 miles K.N.K.,the conimnnic.-ition is by telegraph via Snrat and Dalby ; or for travellers, by liorse and dray to Condsimine, thence by coach to Dalby, and thence by rail. The liotels Jire the Royal, Pine Tree inn, St. George, Com- mereial, a?id 'i'atterHaH'H. Tlie snrronnding country is flat, and consists of deseit sandstone, tertiary, with grits and conglomerates. The pojinlation of St. George is about 2.')0. The Piank of New South Wales has a branch, and there is racecourse abf)iit 4 miles from town. St. (irorfji- jiolirc district had, in 1875, ;{810 horses, 69,590 honied cuttle, 179,256 sheep, 5b5 pigs. St. Ceo — St. Law] The Queensland Gazetteer. 177 ST. GEORGE'S CREEK {Boiven district). See Belyando Rivee. ST. HELENA ISLAND (Co. Stanley) is a small rocky islet about \\ miles long from N. to 8. and three-quarters of a mile from E. to W., lying nearly in the middle of Moretou bay, and opposite the mouth of the Brisbane river at a distance of about 4 miles. It was formerly overgrown with timber and scrub, and was a favourite resort for shooting and fishing parties. A dugoug fishery was at one time established on this island, but the enterprise fell through for lack of support. The island is now utilised as a penal settlement, for which purpose it is admirably adapted. Excellent stone has been found there, of which the prison buildings and other works have been constructed and good roads made. The island has been partially cleared and cultivated by prison labour, and good crops of sugar-cane and other produce grown. Sandstone. ST. HELEN'S CREEK {Bowcn district). See Pioneer River. ST. HELEN'S CREEK {Mackaij district). See Pioneer River. STINKING GULLY (Co. Stanley). See Wivenhoe. STINKING GULLY CREEK (Co. Stanley) is a small S. tributary of the Brisbane river in the parish of North. ST. JOHN'S CREEK (Co. WicMorv). Sec Auburn Creek. ST. LAWRENCE, 22° 20' S. lat., 149' 35' E. long. (Co. Murcliison), is a postal and telegraphic township in the parish of St. Lawrence and electoral dis- trict of Normanby. It is situated on the St. Lawrence creek, Broad sound (tidal). At St. Lawrence there is a police magistrate, clerk of petty sessions, telegraph and post-ofEce, money-order office and savings bank, sub-collector of customs, land- agent and registrar of births, deaths and marriages. St. Lawrence creek, with Point St. Lawrence and Pilot station, is about 4 J miles from Fairway buoy. The Government wharf is at Point St. Lawrence, situated about 4 miles from town. The creek goes up to the township, and the tide flows 4 miles above it, but it is not navigable for anything but small craft. Waverley creek is situated 3 miles from the township. The entrance is about 2 miles southward of the St. Lawrence entrance. A new wharf has been built there, but is not yet in use. The Styx river, with Turtle island off its entrance, has an entrance between it and the "Waverley creek, called the Hoogly. Christian's farm is about 12 miles up this creek ; it forms the boundary of St. Lawrence district to the S. North of the St, Lawrence is Clairview creek, rocky at its entrance, and not used for navigation. Clairview station is situated on this. To the northward are some other creeks, including one behind the West Hill island, and another a few miles further north ; both reported navigable for coasters. The northern boundary of the district is Cape Palmerston, a bold headland. Mount Edwards and Salt hill, N. of the St. Lawrence creek, form useful landmarks for vessels coming to Broad sound. St. Catherine's Peak, on Connor's range, is the highest peak in the vicinity ; it bears S.W. from St. Lawrence. Connor's Nob bears about W. from the town. The Connor's range (Main Coast range) averages 15 miles from the coast. The district consists of excellent pastoral country, well watered by creeks. All the farming that has been attempted has been very successful, pro miles long, and 8 wide in iis Inoadest (N.) Str — Sul] The Quecitshiiul GazeMeaf. iTO part. Its N. inner point is known as Amity point, and its N. outer as Point Lookout, near which are several reefs of sunken rocks awash, and round which flows a dan- gerous current. The island is mouutiiinous, aud is covered with scrub and small timber, aud considerable numbers of wild cattle feed on its hill sides. The loftiest peaks are known as Mouuts Scott and Hutton, both of which are prcjmiucnt land- marks to vessels navigating the coasi. On the inner side of the island is Dunwich, a pilot station, and the point of reception for the telegraphic cable which crosses the bay from Cleveland on the mainland. This wire crosses Rous channel, and connects the light-house at Cape Moreton with Brisbane. Carboniferous sandstone. STRATHBOGIE {Bowen district) is a postal station on the Bogie river, about o(t miles E. of the llaveuswood goldfield. STUART'S RIVER {Cos. Macltenzlc and Fitzrni/) is a large and important stream rising by four heads in the Bunya-Bunya range, between Mounts Haly and Mowbullan, and flowing about SO miles in a N. and N.W. direction into tlie Boyne river at the junction of the Prostou, Waringa and Wingineraganga runs. During its course it, with its tributaries, waters the Bonaire, Taabiuga, Boouuenne. Wooroo- lin, Gordon Brook, Cuslniie, Ballogie. Kingsland, and Proston runs, and is fed by the Booyar, Rome, Alice, Flagstone, Haly's, Woohanga, Kingaroy. Gordon Brook (or Reedy), Deep. Jackson's Gully, Mimmerauby, Bunya-Bunya, Home, Hirst, Hol- land, Cushnie. Galbraith's, Fifer's, Pedwell's, Meyhar, Alexander (or Garden), Dangara, Cumbanga, Genera, and Cocker's creeks. The geological formation of the upper end of this river is granite and metainorphic mica and hornblende schists, changing lower down into granite and Devonian rocks, with clay slates and shales. STURGEON, MOUNT (Burke district), is a peak in the basaltic country lying N.W. of the Cape River goldfield. STURT, MOUNT (Co. Merlrale) is a prominent hill surrounded with good farms, and with patches of dense scrub, about 4 miles E. of the villaee of Free- stone Creek, which see. STYX RIVER {Co. Murchlsoii). See St. Lawrence. SUBRANA CREEK, or WILSON RIVER ( Warrego district), is a stream in the S.W. part of the colony, crossed by Burke and Wills in 1861. Desert sand- stone. SUGAR LOAF, 28° 35' 8. lat., 151° 55' E. long. (Co. Bent luck), is a postal township in the electoral district of Carnarvon, and forming part of the Stanthorpc tin-mining district. It is situated on Sugar liOaf creek, about 2 miles from the New South Wales border. A mountain lies about 3 miles to the E.. known as the Sugar Loaf. Thirteen-mile creek, 2 miles W., and Quart-pot creek, 4 miles W., are tributaries of the Severn river. IVIining f(U- stream-tin is carried on throughout the district. The neighbouring mines are at Herding-yard creek, 3 miles ; Cemetery creek, 4 miles ; Whylie creek, Smiles ; Willson's Downfall, 3 miles; and Two-mile creek, 3 miles. Stream-tin mining is earned on at all these places, and are also all situated in New South Wales. The nearest townships are Stantborpe, about S miles N.W., situate on Quart-pot creek ; Tenterfield, 30 miles S.. situate on Ten- terfield creek, New South Wales, aud on the main northern road from New South Wales to Queensland. The communication with these places is by Cobb and Co. "s coach three times per week each way ; aud with Brisbane, by Cobb aud Co. to Warwick, and thence by rail, distance about 215 miles. The hotels are the Com- mercial, Sugar Loaf, Captain Cook, Jliner's Arms, aud Speed's. The surrounding country consists of moderately high ranges of granite formation. The population is from 400 to 500. The Church of England has a neat edifice in the townshiji. There is a racecourse here, and a national school, attended by about 'JO children ; there is also stationed here an officer of the Queensland customs. SUGAR LOAF, MOUNT (Co. Auhlgny), is a peak in the broken country lying W. of Toowoomba, and between that township and the Condamiue river. Basalt. SUGAR LOAF, MOUNT (C<». il/mffl?f). See Warwick. SULLIVAN'S CREEK (Co, Lenno.v). Sec Jimna. K -2 180 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Sum — Swb SUMMER CKEEK (CV. Lennox), bee Jimna. SUNDAY CREEK {Co. Bon-en) is a small tributary of the head of Perry creek or nver, risiug iu the Hogback range and passing through the township of Blount Perry. It is fed by Drummer's creek. Granite and mica schist or slates. SUNDAY CREEK (Co. Lennox). See Jimxa. SUNDAY ISLAND (Cook district). See Cape Grexville. SUNDAY, MOUNT {Sjtringsure district), is a hill on the N. part of Buck- laud's table-land. It consists of open ironbark ridge?. Basalt. SURBITON HILL {Mitchell district) is a peak iu the Belyaado range lying on the .S. side of the Clermont and Bowen downs road, and W. of the Bel- yando river. The Native Companion creek crosses the road at this place. SURAT, 27° 15' S. lat., U9° 5' E. long. {Ballonne district), is an important postal and telegraphic township lying in the centre of a vast pastoral district. It is situated on the left bank of the Ballonne river, on the main route for overlanders to the southern markets ; distant from Talavera station (W. B. Tooth's) 4 miles, and Kooriudoo (Dangar and Bile's) 16 miles. The Buugil creek empties into the Ballonne river about 2 miles below Surat. On this creek Roma is situated, about ij(i miles from Surat. The Dogwood creek empties into the Ballonne 38 miles above Surat, and is a large stream. Surat is essentially a pastoral district, although there are several selectors in the agricultural reserve containing 16,000 acres. Roma is the nearest township to Surat, distance 50 miles. St. George, a township on the Ballonne river, below Surat, distance 78 miles. On the route to St. George are the following stations : — Talavera, the property of W. B. Tooth ; Werribone, the property of Sir John O'Shanassy ; and the Diuga, the property of Jacob and Wm. Low. There is postal communication, and the telegraph line, now open, was opened on the 2nd December, 1874. The means of travelling arc only liy horse or dray. The communication with Brisbane, 800 miles N. E., is as follows : — By riding to Condamine or Roma, Cobb and Co. 's coaches are available to Dalby, and from thence to Brisbane by train, from thence by coach. Condamine is 75 miles from Surat, via Moraby. There is a national school in Surat. The hotels are Tara's Hall, the Royal, and the Surat. The country round Surat is chiefly low, tine open downs country on the Surat side of the river, anti of new red sandstone formation. There are about 150 inhabitants in the township. A Church of Eng- land clergyman visits the township periodically and service is held in the court- house every Sunday evening, conducted by a lay reader. Surat jiolicc district had, in 1875, 1515 horses, 22,148 horned cattle, 120,000 sheep and 306 pigs. SUTAN RIVER (Co. Cook) is a small stream flowing into the estuary of the Mary river, on its N. side at North head. SUTTOR, LAKE {Bon-en district), is a large expansion of the Suttor livcr, lying in open plain country near the crossing of the old Port Deuisou road over the Hclyando river. Sandstone. SUTTOR RIVEi; {Bon-rn district) is a stream rising in the N. part of the Henham range, and llowing \V. along Leichhardt's northward route. 1845, into Lake Suttor, whence it empties into the Belyando river. Sandstone. SWAIN REEFS is the name given to the S. iKjrtion of the Great Barrier reef lying N.E. of Capricorn channel. S'WAN BAY is an inlet on the "\V. side of Stradbroke island, a little S.E. of .Mount Scott. SWAN iKV.V.K{(Ai. Miriialc). See AVauwick. SWEER'S ISLAND (Bvrkc district) is u small rocky island in the Wd- li-sley gmup, on which the township of Carnarvon is situated (src, Caunahvon). 'I'lii.s, the Bontli-eastcrnmost of tlie Weliesicy group, is nc.'irly 5 miles long. N. by V,. and S. by W., and from \ to 1 J miles bro.'id. 'J'lic eastern side of the island is nearly straight, skirted by rocky ridges, with foul ground ;uid patches of rocks ex- tending from I to l.J miles to seaward. The S. and S.W. sides also have shoal water and rocky patches running olT shore about Ilirec-iiMarlers of a mile. Inspcc- Tab — Tam] The Queensland Gazetteer. 181 tion hill, at the S. extreme of the island, although only 104 feet high, is the most elevated land in the island. TABLE CREEK (Co. Clermont) is a small head-feeder of Sandy creek, rising at Mount Macdoiiald, in the Peak downs, and flowing S.W. into the main stream on the Table downs run. Basalt and limestone. TABLETOP CREEK (Borvcn district). See BoWEN River. TABLETOP, MOUNT {Co. Merivale), is one of the principal peaks in the W. spurs, running from the Main range into the Darling downs. It lies about :{ miles N. of the township of Allora, and has an altitude of 2000 feet above the level of the sea, or 500 feet above that of the surrounding country. Basalt. TABLETOP, MOUNT [Springsurc district), is a hill in the ranges S. of the Peak downs district. Mica slate. TABLETOP RANGES (Mitchell district) is a chain of flat-topped hills passed by M'Kinlay in 18G1. Swamps and grassy plains. TABRAGALBA CREEK (^Co. Ward)\s a small tributary of the Albert river, flowing through swampy and rough pastoral country into its main stream at the station of the same name. Sandstone and shales. TAMBO, 24° h:>' S. lat., 146° 25' E. long. (Warrefio district), is an important township lying in the heart of a fine pastoral district, of which it is the centre. It is situated on the Barcoo river, within 18 miles of its source, in the range dividing the Barcoo watershed from that of the Warrego. Sandy creek, Windeyer, and Birkhead creeks, tributaries, joiu the Barcoo at Mount Ennis- killen station, 30 miles below the township westerly. The former is the true head of the Barcoo river, and leaves the Great Dividing range 35 miles N. E. of Tambo; Mount Enniskillen, 38 miles W.; Mount Northampton, .50 miles N.W. , the latter on the range dividing the Barcoo from the Alice river. The Alice river joins the Barcoo about 90 miles below Tambo, and 17 miles below Blackall, also heading from Great Dividing range. The nearest towns are Springsure, 150 miles E.N.E,, on a tributary of the Nogoa river; Charleville, 150 miles S., on the Warrego river; Burenda, 90 miles S. by E., on the Warrego river; and Blackall, 75 miles W. by N., on Barcoo river. The communication (horse or dray) is by_a good bush road, principally over open downs. To Brisbane there are two routes available, one by road to Roma, 270 miles; Cobb's coach to Dalby. 190 miles ; rail and coach to Brisbane, 145 miles ; total. 605 miles. Second, by road to Rocky creek, 305 miles ; rail to Rockhampton, 45 miles ; steamer to Brisbane, 350 miles; total, 700 miles. Tambo has a hospital (called the Mitchell and Warrego hospital) supported by voluntary contributions and an annual Govern- ment grant ; also, a public library, supported by annual subscription. The hotels are the Royal Carrangarra and the Commercial. A large receiving store is kept by Mr. Bilton, postmaster, for the convenience of settlers and carriers. The S.E. side of the Barcoo river has vast stretches of undulating plains with a friable chocolate soil, well grassed. The N.W. side is principally sandstone ranges, and a scrub called " Dead finish," interspersed with well-grassed plains. The popu- lation of Tambo numbers 120 European, 20 Chinese, and 20 floating. There is a primary school (teacher's residence and schoolhouse to contain 70 scholars). .Telegraphic communication is already established via Nebo, and an additional line via Charleville has just been opened. Tavibo police district had, in 1875, 402 horses, 6802 horned cattle, 72,448 sheep, and 132 pigs. TAMBOURINE, 27° 58' S. lat, 153° 5' E. long. (Co. Ward), is a postal township in the parishes of MofFatt and Tambourine, and electoral district of Logan. It is situated on the Albert river, and is divided by that river from Mondoolan station, belonging to Mr. John Collins, and is bounded on the W. by Caningera creek, which divides it from Tabragalba. the property of De Burgh Persse. The district is watered by the Albert river. Caningera creek, and Cedar and Sandy creeks. The two former take their rise in the spurs of the Dividing range, the two latter in the Darlington range. There are no lakes, but very many large swamps. On the N. side of Albert river, at an average distance of 4 miles, runs the Birnam range, dividing the waters of the Albert and Logan. This, as well as the Darlington, is remarkable for its splendid timber. There arc not any 182 The Queensland Gazetteer. [T am— Tar mills in the district, as it is too cold to grow sugar-cane. There is one steam- engine, principally engaged in cutting chafif, at Mr. Henderson's, Kinghorn. There is one tobacco manufactory, situated on Caningera creek, the property of Mr. Mahoney. There is a very large amount of agricultural land in the district, and also it is used as a first-class place for breeding and rearing young horses and stock in general. Cattle fatten very fairly when not overstocked. Beenleigh is distant 15 miles N.E.. where there is a daily coach to and from Brisbane ; there is also a telegraph station. The village of Logan, distant 8 miles N.W.. is the nearest point of navigation to this place and the shipping port for the district. Two horse mails leave Beenleigh for here ; one on Wednesday, returning on Thursday ; one on Saturday, returning on the following Monday ; one mail leaves village of Logan on Saturday, and returns on the following Monday. There are no coaches. The distance from Brisbane is 32 miles. There is no public conveyance from this place nearer than Beenleigh or Logan. There is no hotel in this place, the nearest being Mr. Drynan's, at the village of Logan; and in Beenleigh, Mr. Willetfs and Mr. Meyer's. The Darlington and Birnam ranges run almost parallel with the 1 ivcrs, and send down spurs with rich flats between. Along the river and creeks the country is generally flat. The whole district seems to be of volcanic origin. The population numbers about 400 persons. There is one Roman Catholic churcli (used as a provisional school), and one Wesleyan chapel in Tambourine, which lias only settled these past five years, but has made very rapid progress since, and from the great success attending the growth of wheat, it promises, ere long, to be one of the chief wheat-growing districts in the colony. TAMBOURINE, MOUNT (Co. Ward), is a peak of the Darlington range, lying at the head of Sandy creek. TAM-O'-SHANTER POINT {Kennedy district). See ROCKINGHAM BAY. TAMBOOKAM CREEK (Co. Ward) is a tributary of the upper end of the Logan river, flowing through rough pastoral country at Tamrookam run. Sand- stone and schist. TANKALLAMAN CREEK {Co. Fitzroy) is a S. tributary of the F'lOoyembal) creek, ritiug in the Main range near Yabba run, and flowing N. into the "main stream at the Mauamba head-station. Ba.salt, basic dolorite. TANTITHA, or NORTH BUNDABERG {Co. Cook), is a private township on the N. bank of the Burnett river, about 9 miles from its mouth, and opposite the township of Bundaberg. It is on private land owned by Messrs. J. and S. Stuart, and contains a saw-mill an0 persons. Tantitha is the starting place of the ))roposed railway from Bundaberg to the Mount Berry mines. Alluvial deposit over, and calcareous and carboniferous formation. TALBOT, MOUNT (Co. Canning), is a prominent hill on the W. bank of Kilrny cnek. Clay slates and shales. TALBURPIN POINT (Co. Stanley) is a S.W. headland in i\Ioreton bay. TALGAI (Co. Merivale). See Leyburn. TALKILBERAN CREEK (Co. Bon-en). See Tholan River. TALLEBUGGERA CKEEK, or PERRY RIVER (rv>. Ward), is a small stream flowing tlnough some good agricultural land in the parish of |Talk'buggern, and falling into the sea at Burleigh head, about H miles S.E. of the township of Nerang. ("lay slates and shales. TABLE MOUNTAIN (Co. Ward) is a tolerably lufty hill in the rugged hilly country to the S. fif Nerang. It lies alnjut 5 miles from the township. TARAMPA (Co. Carrndifh). See GLAMORGAN VALE. TARAMPA, MOUNT (Co. Carendish), is a lofty hill on the N. bank of the Lockyer eierk, a lew miles N.E. of Ilelidon. Clay slates and shales. TARARAN CiiEKK (Co. lionrn). See Tmoi.an Kivku. TARGET < I;KKK (Co. W i,l:/,»r). See Tokc.m. (iikkk. Tar — Tee] The Queetisland Gazetteer. 183 TARGINIA CREEK (Co. Dcas Tliompson) is a N. tributary of the Calliope river, into wliicli it falls near its mouth, after flowing through the Targinia ruu. Devonian shitcs and shales, with alluvial flats. TARINGA CREEK (Co. Nen'castlr) is a small stream rising in the Wingi- neragauga ruu, and flowing through the N.E. corner of the Waringa run into the Boyne river. Clay slates and shales. TARINGA CEEEK ( Warrcgo dhtrict) is a small W. tributary of the Ward river, watering the ruu of the same name. Mesozoic shales, sandstones, and lime- stones. TAROMEO CREEK [Co. Cavendish) is an E. tributary of the lower end of the Cooyar creek, rising by two heads in the Blackbutt range, and flowing N.W. past the Taromeo head-station. Clay slates and shales. TAROOM, 25° 40' S. lat, 149° 50' E. long. [Co. Fortescue\ is a postal and telegraphic township in the electoral district of Leichhardt. It is situated on tlie Dawson river, near the junction of the Robinson river, and about 8 miles from tht; Kinoul mountain. The nearest townsliips are — Hawkwood. 60 miles E.; Cam- boon, 60 miles N. E. ; and P.anana. about 150 miles N.N.E. The communication is by horse and dray, and with Brisbane (350 miles S. E.) by horse and dray to Con- damine, thence by coach to Dalby, and thence by rail. The hotels are the Tarooni, Leichhardt, and Dawson. There are several carriers in the township, who have horse teams and carry general goods frc>m Dalby to Taroom. The surrounding country is elevated and mountainous. The geological formation is generally meso- zoic carboniferous. The population of Taroom is about 150 persons. There is a racecourse near the township, with a left-handed course. Taroom was formerly known as Bonner's Nob. Tarooni police district had, in 1S75, 1879 horses, 20,800 iiorned cattle, 297,097 sheep, 72 pigs. TARRANT, POINT (Burhe district), is a headland in the S. of the Gulf of Carpentaria, lying about 20 miles \V. of the mouth of the Albert river. TASWELL'S CREEK {Co. Fifzroy) is a small E. tributary of the head of the Boyne river. Granite and schists. TATALLA CREEK (Balloiine district) is a small N. tributary of the Bal- lonne river, into which it falls about 20 miles above St. George. TATE RIVER {Cook district). See Lynd River, There is a telegraph station on this river. TAURUS GAP (Springsure district) is a gap in the ranges througli which the main road from Gaiusford to Springsure passes. Mesozoic. TAYLOR'S CREEK (Co. Newcastle) is a small tributary of the Deerera- bungy creek, watering the Berone and Deererabungy runs. Clay slates and shales. TAYLOR'S RANGE (Co. Stanley) is a chain of hills running along the N. side of the Brisbane river, and lying at the back of the city of Brisbane. The Ennoggera reservoir is in this range. Sandstone. TCHANNING CREEK (Co. Buln-er) is a fine W. tributary of the Dogwood creek rising in a spur of the Main range by two heads, and flowing through the E. Tchanning, Langslaud, Murra, Scotland, Gideon Lang, Callitris, Goondool and Bibble runs into the main stream about 2 miles S. of the township of Moraby. A considerable portion of the lower end of this stream flows alongside the main road and telegraph line from Condamiue to Roma. It is fed by the Bogandulla and Little Tchaiming creeks. Clay, sandstone (fine-grained psammite), with veins and nodules of iron, TEA-TREE CREEK (Burke district) is a tributary of the head of the Gilbert river, which see, TEA-TREE CREEK (Co. Cavendish). See BRISBANE RiVEB. TEA-TREE CREEK {Co. Clermont) is a tributary of the Sandy creek rising in the Wolfang downs and watering the Apsley creek run and Hurley's dig» gings. Schistose. TEEBRA CR^^K (Lennox district). Sec MuNNA Creek. 184 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Tee — Tew TEELBA CREEK {BaUonne district). See Moonie River. TELEMON (Co. Ward) is a postal station lying 50 miles E. of Logan township. TELEMON, MOUNT (Co. Ward), is a small E. tributary of the Logan river rising in a spur of the Main Dividing range and falling into the Logan at Telemon station. Sandstone and schist. TELERANG. MOUNT (Co. Boiren), is a lofty hill lying S. of the Cania diggings, between the Three Moon and Splinter creeks. Slates and shales. TEMPEST, MOUNT. See Moeeton Island. TEMPLE BAY (Cook district). See Cape Weymouth. TEN-MILE CREEK (Co. Ferguson), a non-permanent tributary of the Dawson river flowing through pastoral country 10 miles N. of Caamboon, and crossing the main road and telegraph line from Brisbane to Rockhampton. Granite. TEN-MILE DIGGINGS (Co. Mcrirale). See Canal Creek. TEN-MILE LAGOON (Normanbij district). See Isaacs River. TENNINGERINGr (Co. Bon-en) is a telegraphic station near Mount Perry, which see. 'Tenningering police district had, in 1875, 1253 horses, 44,401 horned cattle, 59G sheep and 361 pigs. TENNINGERING CREEK (Co. Bon-en) is a small tributary of the Burnett river, rising in the Mount Perry ranges and flowing into the main stream near the Tenningering head-station. Granite and micaceous schist. TENTERPIELD CREEK (Co.Bentinck) is a small S. tributary of the Severn river, rising near Tenterfield in New South Wales, and flowing for the greater part of its course within that colony. It crosses the border near Bonshaw station, and waters a rich stanniferous country. Granite. TENT HILL (Co. Churchill) is a postal village in the parish of Tent hill, and electoral district of Stanley. It lies on the Blackfellow's creek. There are two other creeks, Lockyer and Sandy creeks, in the neighbourhood ; the Lockyer receives Ixith the Blackfellow's and Sandy creeks, the former near Gatton. The district is Ixjth agricultural and pastoral, having a fine rich light clay soil, and much of the land being taken up for farming purposes. The nearest township is Gatton, which lies northerly, 4 miles distant, and to which a good road leads, the communication being by horse and dray only. With Brisbane, 70 miles E., the commuiiioatiDn is by road to Gatton, 4 mile.s, and rail thence. The nearest hotel is at Gatton. The surrounding country is elevated, but flat, interspersed with ridges, and liavii^g in view the Dividing range running from N. E. to S.W. The population of Tent hill is about 100 persons. Tent hill has one English Church, and Gatton one Itonian Catholic and one English Church. Noticeable in this neighbourhood arc the beautiful farms of Messrs. Hooper. Robinson, and Cross, also Grantliam station ; the two former gentlemen have cultivated the grape and orange most successfully. TERROR'S CRKEK (Co. Stanley). See North Pine River. TEVIOT BROOK (Co. Ward) '\s a large and important stream, rising by scvcial heads in the Main Dividing range and its N. sjnirs between Wilson's ])eak and Muniil MaKmn, and flowing N.E. about fiO miles througli a vast tract of pas- toral country which it drains, until it falls into the Logan river at the S. boundary of the jiarish of Maclean. This stream waters the Cochin Cochin, Dugandan, Undidlah, and BnimoUon runs in its course, and is fed by the Carney's, i'rasi'i's, Sandy, Flagstone, I'l.-iek Rock, Wallace's, French's, Oaky, Diig.andan, Lower Sandy, Crow's, WooUamai;, and many other snniller uiniamed creeks. A larg(! I>l(iek (if land at the upper end of this stream has recently been surveyed for agri- cultural settlement, nncl a purtinn of it taken up. 'I'lie geological l'orn)ation of the country through whicii it run.s is generally pahcozoic carboniferous, glossopteris with product us, H])irifcr, &c. TEWANTIN (NOOSA TOWNSHIP) (Co. l^larch) is a small surveyed township iieiir the mouth of the Noosa river, lying 4(> miles E. of Oympic, whence Kmnll vehicles run to meet the steamer plying from the Noosa river to Brisbane. Tex— Tho] The Qmemland Gazetteer. 185 TEXAS, 28' 55' S. lat. 151' 10' E. long. (Co. Clive), is a postal township in the electoral district of Carnarvon, situated on the Dumaresq or Severn river, which is the boundary between Qeensland and New South Wales. The M'Intyre river flows 24 miles S. and Pike's crock 24 miles E. from Texas. There are no mills nor manufactures, the locality being a pastoral district in the unsettled portion of the Darling downs district. There is land suitable for agriculture in the neighbour- hood, but it is not yet opened for selection. Stanthorpe is the nearest Queensland town, it is 64 miles distant E., Goondiwindi is 70 miles \V. of Texas. Leyburn is 80 miles direct, but by the postal route it is 124 miles distant. Teuterfield in New South Wales is 70 miles distant from Texas. Inverell in the same colony is 80 miles, and the village of Bonshaw. also in New South Wales, is 1.^ miles. The commu- nication is by horseback. Texas is within a day's ride of the following sheep and cattle stations : — Glenlyon, Pike's creek, Pikedale, Terribbra, Waroo, Glenelg, Cool- munda, f5undanba, Whitstoue, Mongoola, and Maidenhead, in Queensland, and Gunyan, Bonshaw, Frazer's creek, Egerton, Wallingra, Ingomeu, Yetraan, Tuccha Tuccha, Boual, Merriwah, Beebo. and l?engalla, iu New South Wales. With Brisbane the communication is by horse from Texas to Stanthorpe, coach thence to Warwick, the distance from Texas to Warwick being 104 miles, and the balance 165 miles, or a total of 269 miles. The nearest hotel is at Bonshaw, New South Wales. Texas gets its supplies by drays from Toowoomba. The country to the E. of the township is mountainous and of granite formation, to the W. it is flat. 45 is the population of Texas, which is the residence of the sheep and lands inspector for the Warwick and Goondiwindi districts, who is also an officer of the Border Customs patrol. THACKER'S RANGE (Bavenswood district) is a rugged succession of granite and quartz hills, lying about 18 miles S. of the Charters Towers diggings. THALIA CREEK {Cook district). See Kixloch Creek. THANE'S CREEK {Co. Merirale) is a small S. tributary of the Condamine river, flowing through the Talgai goldfield, and 7 miles N. E. of the township of Leyburn. Slate and shale. THERESA CREEK {Springsurc district) is an important stream rising near Clermont and flowing S. E. into Sandy creek. It is fed by the Tomahawk creek. Mica slate. THISTLE CREEK {Co. Wiclclow) is a fine tributary of the Redbank creek, rising in the N. part of the Calrossie run, and flowing past the head-station of that run into the main stream in the Linnwood run. Granite and sandstone. THIRSTY SOUND {Co. Pulmerston) is a passage between the E. head of Broad sound and Pier Head and Long islands, which lie off it. It is sometimes used by small craft to shorten the distance into Broad sound. Metamorphic. THIRTEEN-MILE CREEK {Co. Bentinck). See Sugar Loaf. THOMAS, MOUNT {Cooh district), is a high hill and prominent landmark lying about 15 miles S. of Cooktown. It is 2518 feet high. THOMBY CREEK {Ballonne district). See MOONIE RiVEE. THOMPSON RIVER (Mitchell and Warrego districts) is a large river formed by the junction of the Landsborough, Cornish, and Aramac creeks, and flowing S^S.W. through extensive level plains and pastoral country until it receives the waters of the Barcoo river, when, entering a depressed barren waste of desert, it becomes lost in the sand. A chain of waterholes. often dry, shows, however, the course it pursues in wet seasons, when it falls into Cooper's creek on the Burke and Wills route of 1861. THOMPSON'S CREEK (Co. Cook) is a small S. tributary of the Burnett river, rising near the Stanton Harcourt head-station, and flowing N. into the main stream at the crossing of the Maryborough and Mount Perry road. Clay slates and shales, with granite at the lower end. THORGOMINDA ( Warrego district) is a postal station in the S.W. part of the colony, and the centre of a large pastoral district. It lies on the Buloo river at a spot where there are good waterholes. Sandstone and slates. 186 The Queenshnd Gazetteer. [Tho— Tin THORNLEIGH CREEK (Mitchell district). See Gowan Cbeek. THORNTON EIVER (BiirJie district). See O'Shanassy Creek. THREE-MILE CREEK (Co. Li ritiffstone) is a small auriferous tributary of the Gavial creek forming part of the Crocodile creek diggings. Ou this creek is situated the plant of the Salamandar Quartz Crushing Company. Granite. THREE-MOON CREEK (Co. Bon-en). See Cania Creek. THREE-PEAKS, MOUNT (Burke district), is a lofty hill lying on the E. side of the Gilbert river, about 20 miles S. of Georgetown. Metamorphic granite and auriferous slate. THREE PIONEERS ( Warre>jo di.^trict) is a group of hills lying on the mail route frc^m Eulo to Xorley, near Lake Trevor. Sandstone and shales. THREE SISTERS (Co. ^ft^ckenzie) is the name given to 3 hills lying in a group about 10 miles S. W. of Gayndah. Slates and shales. THUNDERBOLT CREEK (Mitchell district) is a small feeder on one of the heads of Curnisli creek rising near the Jericho head-station in Boweu downs, and flowing .S.\\'. Sandstone and shale. THUNDER CREEK (Co. Bon-en) is a small tributary of the Splinter creek, rising near the Cania goldfield, and flowing through rough pastoral country. Clay slates and shales. THURSDAY, or WAIBEEN ISLAND (CwJt district) is a small island in the Prince of Wales group. Torres straits, where it is proposed to establish a settle- ment as a harbour of refuge and port of call for vessels trading in these seas, or engaged in the bcche-le-mer and pearl-shell fisheries. THURULGUNNA CREEK (Warre;jo district) is an E. tributary of tho Warrego river, rising in the Thurnlgunna run, near the Magie head-station, and fliiwing past the Rutherford station into the main stream about 25 miles S. of Cun- namulla. Tertiary desert sandstone, with grits and conglomerates. TIARO, 2.")° 50' S. lat.. 152° 3,')' E. long. (Co. March), is a postal and tele- graphic townsliip in the parish of Tiaro and electoral miles N. from Too- woomba ; communication twice a week by coach. There are three primary schools, l^lnrjihy's creek and Hclidon are rising villages situated about 13 miles from Toowoomba by road, and are also reached by railway. There are a very large number of settlers — farmers and cattle-holders — in these districts, and all available land is taken up. The communication with all these places is by railway. Two trains run daily to and from Brisbane, 100 miles E. (Toowoomba is also the junction for Dalby nnd Warwick lines, trains running to the foimer daily and to the latter twice a day), 'i'licre is a hospital and a school of arts in the township. There i\n\ also 30 hotels in Toowoomba and Drayton, and one at llighficlds, the principal of which arc the Royal, Lindenberg's, Conimercml, Governor Blackall, Sovereign, White Horse, and Posl-ollice hotels. The only coach now running from Toowoomba is to Higlifields. A large; number of carrieis load here — hors^e and bullock teams princijially — for I.eyburn and Goondiwindi, from which districts they return with wool. Toowofimba is under the control of a Inirough council, incorjioraled 18(iO. Hie country in and near Toowoomba is geneially and undulating tableland or pinte.'iu, with plains to the westward and N. It is of ironstone foini:ition. bearing evidence of volcanic agency at a remote date. The |)laiiis to the W. (black soil) arc of trap formation. Coal seau's crop out in the gullies of the range, and by sinking have also been discovered in the jjjains at Clifton and elsewhere. The Rev. W. B. Clarke is of (pinion that in the Darling downs district are extensive coal Ixids. Ironstone has also been taken from a seam on Flagstone creek, and yielded, Too — Tow] The Queensland Gazetteer. 189 upon analysis at the school of mines, ol.83 per cent. The creeks of this district, Gowrie creek and King's creek, are prolific of fossil remains, the principal being tijc " Deprotodon Aiistraiis," the '' NototUcrium," the " TLylacoleo" (or pouched lion), "Thylaciuns" (or pouched dog). Some very fine specimens of portions of some uf these have been dug up, and have been tiae means of supplying most important links in the natural history of these animals. The estimated population, in \>il\, was — Toovvoomba, 4035 ; Drayton, i>G(>. There are places of public worship in Toowoomba belonging to the Congregational, Episcopalian, German Lutheran, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, and VVesleyan bodies ; also branches of the Bank of New South Wales, Australian Joint-Stock Bank, Queensland National Bank; and the Queensland Insurance, the Liverpool and London and Globe, Sytlney, Mutual Provident, Mutual Life, and Colonial insurance companies have agencies here. A large music hall has been recently erected, capable of hoUliug lOOO people. Three primary schools and grammar school buildings are now in course of erection ; and there are a gaol, immigration depot, racecours'c and Queen's park. Two newspapers, the Darling downs Gazette and Chronicle, are puljlished bi-weekly. There are two local societies also, which may be mentioned, the Royal Agricultural Society and the Drayton and Toowoomba Agricultural and Horticultural Association, tlie former being chiefly a pastoral society. Toowooinha j/olice district had, in 1875, 7829 horses, 35,220 horned cattle, l,137,3Gi sheep, and 21)75 pigs. TOOWOOMBA is an electoral district commencing at the S.W. corner of portion No. 1 parish of Drayton, and bounded thence by a road bearing N. to the S.W. corner of portion 17, same parish ; then by a road north-westerly to its N.W. corner, then by a road bearing E. to the summit of the Great Dividing range, and by that range southerly ; then by a road bearing W. to the N.W. corner of portion 50, parish of Drayton ; then by a line north-westerly to the S. E. corner of portion No. 1 same parish, and by a road bearing W. to its S. W. corner ; then by a road bearing S. to the S. corner of portion 308, parish of Drayton, and by a line bearing S. ; then by a line bearing W. to the S.W. corner of portion 3'J7, parish of Drayton ; then by a line bearing N. crossing the summit of Mount Peel to the S. E. corner of portion 2!t, parish of Drayton ; then by a line bearing W. to the S.W. corner of portion 507, parish of Drayton ; then by the W. boundai-y of said portion bearing N. to Spring creek ; then by the E. boundaries of portions 118, !()!>, and 127, bear- ing N.; then by a line bearing E. to the S. E. corner of portion 27, and by part of the W. boundary of portion 21, bearing N. ; then by the S. boundaries of jwrtions 22, 17, 205, 204, 263, 202, and 77, parish of Drayton, easterly, and by a line bearing E. to the point of commencement. The district of Toowoomba has 1081 electors on the roll, its present representative in the Legislative Assembly being William Henry Groom, elected November 10th, 1873. The court for the revision of the electoral roll is held at the court of petty sessions, Toowoomba, where the return- ing officer, W. E. Robinson, is stationed, TORARAN CREEK [Co. Bon-en). See KoLAN Creek. TORGAL, or TARGET CREEK (Co. Wicklon-) is a small tributary of the Auburn or St, John's creek, watering the Shallow creek run. Clay slates and shales. TORRES STRAITS is that portion of the Pacific ocean lying between Cape York and Prince of Wales islands, the most northerly part of Australia, and New Guinea. The township of Somerset has been established at Cape York as a place of refuge, and a depository for stores for vessels trading in these seas, or engaged in the beche-le-mer and. pearl-shell fisheries. TOWER HILL Cl\Y.Y.K {Mitchell di.- a.m., and arrives at Veresdale at 5.30 p.m., returning at 7 a.m. on Friday, and arriving at Brisbane at 6 p.m., vicl Jimboomba station, Logan bridge, Brown plains, Cooper plains and Bris- bane, distant 40 miles. The hotels are the Veresdale. in Veresdale, Union, in the township of McLean ; and Norfolk, in Jimboomba; the mail and pa.ssenger coach-office is at the Veresdale store. There is also a horse-team carrier and three bullock-team carriers. Veresdale was lately under a road-trust, which is now done away with. The Government is carrying out all public works under the super- intendence of road overseers. The country is elevated with high mountains, and large fiats between the mountains. Its general formation is granite, quartz, iron-stone, coal, and feldspar; on the flats is fouud rich black loamy soil. The population around Veresdale is alx)ut 200. and in the township of McLean about 100. These is one Wesleyan and one Roman Catholic church in the locality. There is a race-course, a cemetery, a police-paddock, on which there is a court-house and police-station to be erected this year. The district is fast populating. It is one of the best agricultural districts in the colony. There are large areas of land still open for selection. VERNON POINT (Co. Cook) is a level piece of land, bare of trees, pre- senting a rocky cliff to seaward, and forming the N.W. head of the S. or inner part of Hervey bay. The township of Poison is on this point. Sandstone. VICTORIA CREEK [Kennedy district) is a tributary of the Campaspe river rising in Mount Looloo, and falling into the main stream near the road from Bowen to Capevi,lle, a little to the E, of Cape river goldfields. Metamorphic slates and schists. VICTORIA LAKE {Co. Raglan) is a fine expanse of water on the Kroombit creek. VICTORIA POINT (Co. Stanley), a S.W. headland in Moreton bay. VICTORIA RIVER (Mitchell district). See Baecoo River. VILLAGE OF LOGAN, 27° 50' S. lat., \oT 10' E. long., (Co. Ward) a postal township in the parish of Moffatt and electoral district of Logan. It is situated on the Logan river, and is the head of the Logan navigation. Quency creek joins the Logan near, and Quency mountains lie 2 miles E. from the village of Logan. The district is entirely agricultural and pastoral, large quantities of land being taken ud in the neighbourhood for both purposes. The township of Maclean lies 8 miles S.W., Waterford 8 miles N., Beenleigh 10 miles N.E..and a telegraph station and nearest money-order office and Tambourine post-office 10 miles S. The mails are carried by saddle-horse to Waterford, and thence to Been- leigh by Cobb's mail coach, mails by saddle-horse to Maclean, mails by saddle- horse to Tambourine. With Brisbane the communication is by steamboat once a week, and by Cobb"s coach from Waterford,— distance by land 23^ miles ; all heavy goods and produce go by steamer. The hotels are Dryman's in the village of Logan, Union hotel in Maclean, Waterford hotel in Waterford, and in Beenleigh Beitz's and Meyer's hotels. There is large bullock and horse dray traffic S. from the steamer depot. The neighbom-hood consists generally of low flat country. The population numbers 50 persons, and there is one place of worship in the township belonging to the Congregationalists. VINING, MOUNT {Co. Anbiyny) is a peak in the broken countiy lying W. of Toowoomba and between that township and Condamine river. Basalt. WABBILL CREEK {Kennedy district). See Valley of Lagoons. "WALKER, MOUNT {Co. Churchill). See Seven'-Mile Creek. 194 The Quemslaixd Gazetteer. [Wal — Wam WALKER POINT {Cook district) is a headland on the coast, about 10 miles S. of the mouth of the Endeavour river. WALKER'S CREEK (Burke district) is a S. tributary of the Upper Flinders river. .See XORMAXTON. WALKER'S CREEK [Xormanbij district) is a stream flowing out of Lake Elphiustune in a S. direction into Bee creek. WALKERSTON {Mackay district) is a small but tliriving hamlet lying on Baker's creek, about 12 miles W. of the township of Mackay, on the main road to the interior. See Mackay, WALLABY CREEK {Co. Cavendish) is a W. tributary of the Brisbane river, risiuu' in the Blackbutt range, and flowing E. into the main stream near Colinton head-station. Clay slates and shales. WALLABY DOWNS (liitrke district) is a tract of elevated grassy land on the Albert river. Watered by Crooky creek. WALLACE'S CREEK (Co. Ward) is a small E. tributary of the Teviot brook, flowing through the agricultural settlement on that stream. Palaeozoic car- boniferous. WALLAM CREEK (Ballonne district) is a stream rising in the S. part of Mitchell downs, and flowing S. until it becomes lost in the sandy desert to the S. of Wild Horse plains. It is fed by the Bargunyah and Neabul creeks. WALLAN CREEK {Co. Bidiver) is a W. tributary of the Dogwood creek, watering the Wallan run, and flowing past the Wallan head-station. Clayey sand- stone, with veins and nodules of iron. WALLINGFORD, MOUNT (Nonnanhy district). See Nebo. WALLOON (Co. Churchill) is a small postal village and railway station on the Brisbane and Toowoomba line, in the electoral district of \V. Moreton. It is situated on Guilfoyle's creek, the Bremer river being distant from the township about 6 miles E. Near the township of Walloon are two saw-mills, one owned by Mr. C. Smith, about 4 miles, and one by Messrs. Hancock and Sons, about 6 miles, and one sugar-mill, owned by Mr. Pochee. about 2 miles distant from the railway station. It is an agricultural district. Coal is being prospected for, and appears to abound in the Walloon scrub. There are no diggings at present going on in the neighbourhood. Ipswich is distant 8 miles E., and Grandchester 115 miles W., the communication being with both jilaces by rail, as is also that with Brisbane. .SO miles E. The nearest hotels are the Rosewood hotel and Tra\ ellers' Home, which are bush publichouscs, and the Seven-mile Creek hotel. The surrounding countiy is elevated towards the N.W., and flat all around in the other directions. The population numbers about 250 persons, and there is a Lutheran church in the township. WALLOON CREEK (Lcichhardt district). Sec Dawson RlVKB. WALL, THE {Eavenswood district). See Dalrymplk. WALLUMBILLA CREEK (Spriuysurc and Ballonne dislricts) is a N. tribute 'if thi' ('ondaininc river, into which it falls a little distance above the town- ship of Sural. WALSHE'S BLUFF {Co. Lrnnoj) is :i prominent peak of the Main coast range, lying about 2.') miles W. of Maryborough, and 20 miles E. of Gayndah. Devonian slates and shales. WALSH RIVKU {Cook district) is a S. tributary of tlic Mitrhcll river, which it jdiiis in I'l' 21' 41" S. lat. I'orphyry and quartz. There is a telegraph station on this river. WALSH'S LAGOON (Co. Parkingtoti) is a fine sheet of water, an oxpanso of the Dawson river, near the township of Boolburra. Clay slates and shales. WAMBO ("REEK (Co. Bor/ers) is a small S. tributary of the Coudamiuc river, into which it falls at Wanilto village. Wam— War] The Queensland Gazetteer. 195 WAMBO {Cos. Buhver and liogers) is a email village on the Condamine nver, at the junction of Wambo creek, lying about 12 miles E.N.E. of Condamine township, and the same distance W, of Campbell's camp. WANGAR CREEK {Ballomic district). See MOONIE River. WANDOO, MOUNT {Springsure district), is a lofty hill lying E. of the Valley ot Lniroons. Clay slates and shales. WANNOON CREEK (Co. Mackenzie) is a small W. tributary of the Ba- rambah creek, risiuj? near the VVigton head-station, about 20 miles S. of Gayndah, and flowing S.E. Clay slates and shales. WARARBA CREEK (Co. Canning) is small N. tributary of the Caboolture river, into which it flows about three-quarters of a mile W. of the township of Caboolture. Devouiau rocks, with outcropping beds of granite. WARBURTON CREEK (Mitchell district). See Diamantina River. WARDECK CREEK {Co. WicMow) is a small tributary of the head of the Auburn or St. John's creek. It waters the Shallow creek run. Clay slates and shales. WARDONG CREEK (Co. Flinders). See Boyne River. WARD RIVER ( Warrego district) is an important W. tributary of the Warrego river, rising in the hilly pastoral country to the S. of the township of Tambo, and flowing S. about 120 miles through level downs and forest land, with flat country and pine bills into the main stream near the township of Charleville. It receives the waters of the Toolmarree, Taringa, ToUiness, Damson, Bayrick. Byr- ganno, Alarm, Buckley's, Hotzfeldt. and Barkoothulla creeks, and waters a large stretch of fair grazing country, timbered with mulgoa, gydher, box, pine, blood- wood, and beefwood. Mesozoic shales, sandstone, and limestone. WARINGA CREEK {Co. Newcastle) is a small W. tributary of the Boyne river, rising in and watering the Waringa run. Clay slates and shales. WARRANA or WESTERN CREEK (Co. Newcastle) is a W. tributary of Spring Creek, which waters the W. portion of the Coondarra run. It is fed by the Fort creek. Basalt. WARREGAI or JUMNA CREEK (Co. Fitzroy) is a head tributary of the Boyne river, rising in the Bunya Bunya range near Mount Haly, and flowing N. through the Dunrobin run past the Warregai and Jumna head-stations. It is fed by Spring creek. Granite, metamorphic mica and hornblende schists. WARREGO is an electoral district commencing at a point on the watershed between the Warrego river and the Mungallala creek, where it is intersected by the 29th degree of S. latitude, and bountled thence on the E. by that watershed northerly to Mount Elliott, thence by the watershed between the Warrego and Maranoa rivers to the Great Dividing range, on the N. by the watershed separating the Warrego river from the Nogoa and Barcoo rivers, westerly to the Mount Innis- killen range, and thence by the southern watershed of the Barcoo river downwards to the 26th degree of S. latitude, then by said parallel of latitude true W. to the lilst degree of E. longitude, then by said meridian S. to the 20th parallel of S. latitude, and by said parallel true E. to the point of commencement. The district of Warrego has 459 electors on the roll, and is at present represented in the Legis- lative Assembly by William Henry Walsh, elected November 4th, 1S7.3. The re- turning oflBcer, W. E. P. Okeden, is stationed at Charleville, where the revision court for the district is held. WARREGO RANGE (Warrego and Mitchell districts) is a chain of mountains dividing the watersheds of the Warrego and Barcoo rivers. Mount luniskillen is the principal peak. Sandstone, shales, and limestone. WARREGO RIVER (Warrego district) is an important inland stream, which rises in the lofty basaltic elevation of the interior, known as Buckland's table- land, near Mount Faraday, and flows in a generally W.S.W. direction through pas- toral country until it crosses the New South Wales border niid falls into the I>arling 2 196 The Qiieensland Gazetteer. [War river at Toorale, about 40 miles S. of the township of Bourke, N. S.W. During its course in Queensland it receives the waters of numerous streams, the principal of which are theChannin.Dooloogarah, Cuuno, HogouthuUa, Augathella, Yo Yo, Ange- lalla, BardoothuUa, Kennedy's. Nomunmulla, Thuriilgunna. Tuen. CuttiUa, Cutta- burra, Berroo. Irara. and many other unnamed creeks, most of which are dry in summer, and the Nive and Ward rivers. This river waters a vast tract of pastoral country, and flows past the townships of Burenda, Reynella, Charleville, ^langalore and CunuamuUa. Its course extends about 400 miles in Queensland, flowing through level downs and forest country at its upper end, but for the most part through low flat country with pine sand-hills, sparsely grassed and lightly timbered with mulgoa, gydher, box, pine, bloodwood, and beefwood, the belts of timber alternating with alluvial flats and sandy plains. In hot seasons large stretches of this river dry up, its course being defined by chains of waterholes and swamps ; in wet seasons its banks are liable to inundations, which spreads for miles over the flat country, filling the numerous shallow lagoons and olay-paus spread over the district. The river rises in a basaltic country, whence it flows for some distance through tertiary desert sandstone with grits and conglomerates, and then through a mesozoic formation of shales, sandstones and limestones. WARRILL CREEK {Co. Churchill) is a 8. tributary of the Bremer river, into which it falls at Ipswich. This stream rises in the Main range near Huntley peak, and flows N. past the townships of F:\ssifern and Normanby, watering excel- lent pastoral and some good agricultural land in its course. Palajozoic, carbonifer- ous. WARRUNGUNAH WATERHOLE ( Warj-ego'district) is on the Paroo river. WARWICK, 28° 10' S. lat., 152° 5' E. long. (Co. Merivale). is a postal and telegraphic township and railway station (terminus) in the parish and electorate of Warwick. It is situated on the River Condamine. which runs through the town from K. to W. Farm creek runs S.W. about 7 miles E., and Swan creek runs S.W. about fi miles N.E. A piece of water, covering about 10 acres in extent, known as Killarncy lake, is situated about 18 miles E. from Warwick. Mount Sturt and the Sugarloaf mountain are located near Swan creek about 7 miles N.E. The Bald mountain is about 7 miles S., and the Ugly mountain about 12 miles S.W. Sandy creek runs serpentinely about 7 miles W. Glen creek runs W. about 9 miles S. Rosenthal creek runs N. about 1 mile S., and Oaky creek runs E. about S miles S. from Warwick. The whole of the abovenamed creeks empty themselves into the Cond.-imine or tributaries thereof. In and about the township there are two flour- mills known as Forwitz's Warwick steam fiour-mill, now in full work, and the Farmers' co-operative steam flour-mill, which latter is now in course of erection. There arc some tanneries, brickyards, and other industries carried on, but the chief trade of Warwick arises from the fact of its being the centre whence a vast and wealthy farming, pastoral, and mining population is supplied. The district is both an agricultural, pastor.al, and mining one. The Talgai goldfield, chiefly quartz reef, is about 2'> miles N. W. by W. from Warwick. Only one reef at present being worked, being that known as Taylor's reef. Lucky valley goldfiold is situated about 15miles S.E. \ miles, the cf)mmnnication is by railway, trains ruiniing tliricc a day eacli w.ay. Warwick has a hospital, a Bchool of arts, and Frcemawjus', Hibernian, Australian, Odd Fellows', (lood Tem- plani,' St. Patriik'H, Protestant Alliance, and Or.ange societies. The hotels are the Commercial, Cosmopolitan, (!riterion, Iloy.al Exchange, Downs. Einopean, Victoria, M'Nally's, I'loiigh, (Jlobe, Ifose, Aliiion. Prince Alfred, linilw.ay, Australian, Harp of Erin, Queensland, Down's Exchange, Prince of Wales, Carrier's Arms, and Sham- { War — Wat] The Queemland Gazetteer. 197 rock, Cobb and Co.'s Royal Mail line of coaches has an office, as have the follow- ing carriers, Cameron Ross, C. Evans, T. Wade, and several others. The town of Warwick is under the control of a borough council, and the roads under road trusts. The surrounding district to the S. and W. is mountahious, well grassed, and to the N. and E. principally plains and agricultural lands. The population of War- wick and suburbs numbers about .'5000 persons ; Pratten about 200. There are places of worship belonging to the Episcopalian, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, and Lutheran denominations (the latter at present without a pastor), and branches of the Australian Joint Stock Bank, New South Wales Bank, and Govern- ment Savings Bank, and of the Australian Mutual Provident Society, Queensland Insurance Company, London and Liverpool Insurance Company. There is a commo- dious town hall, which is also used generally for public entertainments. An excel- lent racecourse, about 1 J miles W. of town. A pretty cemetery, about 2 miles W, of town. A neatly enclosed square in heart of town. Extensive recreation grounds, facing Coudamine river at N. of town. Warwick is considered to be one of the prettiest, cleanest, healthiest, and generally the most attractive inland town in the colony. War}Dick and Allora police district had, in 1875, 5825 horses, 24,683 horned cattle, 334,855 sheep, 2931 pigs, WARWICK is an electoral district commencing at the S.W. corner of portion 72 parish of Clifton, and bounded thence by the Toowoomba and Warwick railway southerly to the intersection of the E. boundary of X. Toolburra pre-emptive purchase No. 5, then by the E. boundary of said portion bearing S. to the Conda- mine river, then by said river downwards to the H boundary of portion 1 parish of South Toolburra, then by aline bearing S. to the S.W. corner of portion 523 parish of Warwick, then by a line bearing E. to the S.E. corner of portion 39 parish of War- wick, then by a line bearing N. to the junction of Rosenthal creek with the Coudamine river, and by said river downwards to the W. boundary of Canning downs pre-emptive purchase number 1, then by the said boundary bearing N. to the N.W, corner of the portion, then by the northern boundaries of Canning downs pre- emptive purchases numbers 1, 2, 5, and 6 easterly to Swan creek, and by that creek easterly to the Great Dividing range, then by said range north-westerly, then by the watershed separating Dalrymple creek from King's creek westerly to the S.E. corner of portion 545 parish of Clifton, then by a line bearing AV. to the Warwick railway at the S.W. corner of portion 72 parish of Clifton, the point of commence- ment. The district of Warwick has 902 electors on the roll, the present member representing it in the Legislative Assembly being James Morgan, who was elected November 4th, 1873. The revision court is held at the Warwick court of petty sessions; J. M'Keachie, of that place, being the returning othcer. WASHPOOL CREEK (Co. Li/fton). See Charley's Creek, WASHPOOL CREEK [Co. Machcnzic) is a N. tributary of the Boonara creek, rising in a spur of the Main range on the Boonara run. Basalt. WATCH-BOX CREEK {Co. Mackenzie) is a tributary of the Trinity creek, rising in a well-wooded spur of the Main range, N. of Boat mountain, and llowing through the W. part of the Boonara run into the main creek near its fall into the Nangur orMangur creek. Basalt, basic dolorite. WATERFALL CREEK (Co. Mackenzie) is a W. tributary of the Nangur or Mansrur creek, taking its name from a pretty cascade on the Boonara run. It rises in a thickly-timbered spur of the Main range near Boat mountain, and flows E. through good pastoral country. Basalt. WATERFORD (Co. Ward). See Logan Reserve. WATERLOO BAY (Co. Stanley) is an indentation on the W. coast of Moreton bay, S. of the Brisbane river entrance. It is marked at its S. extremity by a narrow peninsula known as Wellington point. The Tingalpa river flows into the bay. WATERLOO CREEK (Co. Fitzroy) is a small W. tributary of the Boyne river, rising in the dense scrub N. of the Bunya-Bunya mountains, and flowing N. through the Chalingan run. Granite, metamorphic mica, and hornblende schists. 198 The Queeiisland Gazetteer. [Wat — Wes WATERPARK CREEK (Co. Palmerston) is a stream running into the sea about 15 miles S. uf L'ape Manifold. Metamorphic. WATER PLATES is a name given to the estuary of the Mitchell river in the Gulf of Carpentaria. "WATERVIEW is a telegraphic station on the road from Towusville to Cardwell, and is the place where the branch line to Herbert diverges- WATLOGIE CREEK {Co. Xen-castle) is a small tributary of the Boon- dooma creek, watering the N. part of the run of that name. Clay slates and shales. WATT CREEK [Mitchell district). See Diamaxtina Rivee. WAVERLEY (Co. Murchlsoii) is a small roadside village to the W. of and suburban to the township of St. Lawrence. It is on the Clermont-road, and has one hotel. WAVERLEY CREEK [Co. Mtu-chlson). See St. Lawrence. Some 3 miles S. by EJE. from the entrance to the St. Lawrence creek is the mouth of the Wa- verley creek. Upon the bar at the entrance there is about 8 feet at low water, and after crossing it there is good anchorage under its shelter in 1.") feet at low water mud bottom. The Governraout wharf, which is now nearly completed, is situated about 9 miles above the bar, and is a mile nearer the township of St. Lawrence than the old port at the basin. Vessels will ground alongside the wharf in about 4 feet at low water in S(jft oozy clay, the bottom being level and not liable to wash away. The rise of tide is about the same, and the strength of the stream more regular and somewhat less than at the b;isin. When the wharf is completed the necessary buoys and beacons wiil be placed to ensure the safe navigation of the creek. WEARY BAY. 15° 55' S. lat. {Ciwh district), is an opening in the coast about 25 miles S. of Cooktown. WEDNESDAY ISLAND (Cooh district). See Prince of Wales Islands. WEIR RIVER (C(W. Derby and Carnarvon) is a fine stream rising near Dunmore station, and flowing S. through the pastoral country of the W. Downs into the Macintyre river near the border of New South Wales. It is fed by the Western, Borrinda, Wyaga-Wyaga, and Commorau creeks. WELLESLEY ISLANDS (Burke district) is the name given to a group of islands (of which Mornington, atxjut 40 miles long and 20 miles broad, is the largest), lying in the S. part of the Gulf of Carpentaria. This group comprises Mornington, Bentinck, Rocky, Forsyth, Bountiful, Horseshoe, Allen, I'isouia, Fowler, and Swcer's islands, the last-named being the site of the township of Carnarvon. Conglomerate rock with a black loamy deposit. WELLINGTON, POINT (Co. Stanley). See Waterloo Bay. WENT WORTH, llO\3yiT (Springsure district), is a. Y'Cix^ol the Mantuan down.«, on the Chiutle river. Sandstone. WERIBONE LAKE (Ballonne district) is a lagoon lying on the E. bank of the Ballonne river, and on the road from ISurat to St. George, about ten miles S. of the former township. WESTBROOK cltKEK (Co. Auhujny) is a small tributary of Oaky creek, flowing past the township cf I>iaylon. Basalt. WEST COAST CHEEK (CW. Lennox) is a small tributary of the Fat ikn creek, rising in and Hawing through the Kilkivan goldtield. Porphyritic green- Ktoue, Kcrpcnlinc. and granite. WEST END {Co. StanUy) is the western suburb of the parish of South Pirisbanc, in the electoral district of South Brisbimc. The IJrisbane river bounds it on the N. It contains one tannery undone wiwrnill, agriculture licing carried on to a small extent in tin; neighlHiurhood. The nearest township is South Brisbane, which almost adjoins it, but there being no regularly establiHhed communication by vehicle the only means are by liorsi! or on fool, 'liurre is one iioiel, namely the Wes] The Queensland Gazetteer. 199 Boundary. The surrounding country is elevated, except a strip on the bank of the bank of the Brisbane river, which is adapted for agricultural pursuits. The popu- lation of West End is about 4uO, and it has one place of worship belonging to the Primitive Methodists. WESTERN CRKEK {Co. Derby) is a postal centre for a large tract of pastoral country in the Western downs. It lies on the creek of the same name, the Condamiue river, at its nearest point, being 12 miles N. The nearest townships are Leyburu, 39 miles S.E. ; Dalby, 4o miles N. ; Cambooya, 49 miles E., the communication being by horse or dray along the main road, and with Brisbane the communication is from Dalby or Cambooya by rail, the entire distance being about 175 miles. The surrounding country is elevated. Miiutitainous on S. side of river. Flat open forest, sandy formation. The population numbers 25 persons. Church of England service at the station occasionally, but there is no church building WESTERN CREEK {Co. Derby) is a fine stream flowing in a W. direction through the pastoral country of the Western downs, and falling into the Weir river at the Junction station. It passes the village of Western creek, and is fed by the Paddy's, iScrubby, Bulls and Dunmore creeks. WESTERN CHEEK {Co. Churchill). See Rosewood. WESTERN CREEK {Co. Neivcastle). See Waeeana Ceeek. WESTERN LAGOONS {Ballonne district) is a chain of good water- holes at the head of Tatalla creek. WESTERN RIVER {Mitchell district) is a stream partly explored by M'Kinlay in 1861, and also by Landsborough, rising in the ranges lying in about 22° 25' S. lat., 142° 10' E. long., and flowing E. through level high downs and immense grassy plains into Landsborough creek, near the Rodney downs. It is fed by the Cadell, Fletcher's, Barr, Bangall, and other creeks, and waters the Prairi.'' and Bangall runs. Tertiary sandstone. WEST HILL ISLAND {Norinanby district). See BROAD Sound. WEST MORETON is an electoral district commencing on the Brisbane river, at the W. boundary of jiortion 10, parish of Burnett, and bounded thence by the Brisbane river upwards to ihe E. boundary of portion 50, same parish, then by a line bearing E. to D'Aguilar's range, then by that range southerly to tlie head of Kholo creek, and by that creek to the Brisbane river; then by that river upwards lo the S. boundary of portion 3G7. parish of Brassall ; then by the S. boundaries of portions 367, 365, 255, and a line bearing W. to the S. E. boundary of portion 254, parish of Brassall; then bv the S. E. boundary of a portion, and a road forming the N.W. boundaries of' portions 118, 117, "ll6, 115, 113, 119, 195, 196. 197, and 198, parish of Walloon, bearing south-westerly; then by the road forming the south-western and western boundaries of portions 198, parish of Walloon, 175A, 105, 164, 163, 160, 159, 11, 382, 359, 360, 362, and 35, parish of Brassall; then by the Bremer river upwards to the W. boundary of portion 75, parish of Jeebropilly ; then by a road forming the western boundaries of portions 75, 74, 183, 184, 185, 187, 190, 194, and 21 ; then by the S. boundary of portion 21, the W. boundary of portion 31, and the S. boundary of same portion easterly to Warrill creek, and by that creek upwards to the S.E. corner of portion 9, parish of Mutdapilly ; then by the S. boundaries of portions 9, 7, 6, 3, and 2, parish of Mutdapilly, bearing W., and by a road bearing W. to the S.W. corner of portion 64, parish of Ferguson ; then by a line bearing S. to the S.E. corner of portion 69, parish of Ferguson ; then by a line bearing W. to the Little Liverpool range, and by the summit of that range northerly and north-easterly, and by a line bearing N.E. to the Brisbane river, opposite the S.W. corner of portion 10. parish of Burnett, the point of commencement. This district has 926 electors on the roll, and is at present represented in the Legislative Assembly by James Foote, elected 18th November, 1873. The revision court is held at the court of petty sessions, Ipswich, the returning officer being R. J. Smith, of that place. WEST WOLFANG CREEK {Bowen district). See LOGAN Ceeek. 200 The Queemland Gazetteer. [Wes— Wic WESTWOOD, 23° 38' S. lat., 150° 8' N. long., {Co. Parldngton), is a postal township in the parish of Westwood and electoral district of Port Curtis. It is also a railway station on the Great Northern railway, and is situated on one of the heads of Gogango creek (a tributary of the Fitzroy river), 45 miles from the sea coast. It has a national school, post and money-order offices, telegraph office, government savings bank, railway station, and about 60 houses. The Fitzroy river at its nearest point to Westwood is within 12 miles. Mount Malakoff is about 5 miles N., and Mount Sebastopool about 2 miles S. The latter mount is very pre- cipitous, and only accessible fi'om the western side. There is an hotel at the foot of this mountain, at which the main roads to Clermont and Banana separate; the road to the Dee copper-mine also turns off here. The district is chiefly a pastoral one. Several alluvial diggings have been worked in the neighbourhood, viz.. Chinaman's diggings, about 5 miles S., Cox's creek, 5 miles S.W., and Emu creek, 8 miles N.W. These diggings are now apparently worked out. A copper-mine, known as the Dee copper-mine, situated on the head of the Dee river, about 12 miles E. of Westwood, is now being worked. This mine is the property of the Scottish and Australian Mining Campauy, and is said to be very rich. Some other copper selections have been taken up in the vicinity of this mine, but are not yet being worked. The nearest towns are Gogango, situated on Gogango creek, about 8 miles S.W. ; Stanwell, 15 miles N., on Archer's creek; Rockhampton, 30 miles northerly ; Boolburra, about 30 miles S. \V., on the Dawson river (over which a line bridge has just been completed). A daily train runs to and from Rockhampton. Stan- well, and Gogango. With Boolburra the communication is by daily train to Rocky creek (the present terminus of the Northern railway), thence by Cobb and Co.'s coach three times a week. Cobb's coaches also run between Rocky creek railway station and Clermont (Peak downs) twice a week. With Brisbane, 470 miles S.E., the communication is by rail to Rockhampton 30 miles, and thence by steamer, the hotels in Westwood are the Railway. Westwood, Terminus, Great Western, Carriers' Arms, and Woolpack Inn. The surrounding country is very billy. Geological formation chiefly granite. Gold, silver, lead, and copper have all been found in the neighbourhood. The population of Westwood is about 2,S0, and of Gogango about 150. There is a Roman Catholic chapel in the township, also a Protestant church common to all denominations. WEYMOUTH CAPE and BAY 12° 35' S. lat., 143° 25' E. long. (Cook dhir'tct), is the N. head of Lloyd's bay, and the S. of Weymouth, which is a shallow indentation, forming in fact the S. portion of a much larger bight known as Temple bay, which is shut in on the N. by Cape Grenville. Both these bays are studiied with reefs and small rocks, and are separated by a small prominence known as Cape Fair. WHEELER, MOUNT (^fl. i/j'/«/7.«/^'rtO- is ^ lofty hill in the Coast range lying about 2 miles N. of the Cawarr.al township. It rises to an elevation of 20(){) feet above the sea level. Mount Wheeler also gives its name to a portit)n of the Cawarral poldfields, which lie about 8 miles to the N. of the township. Slates and shales, with outcropping serpentine. WHITE HORSE, MOUNT. See Coa.st Range. WHITSUNDAY ISLAND {Bowendhtrict)\sA group of islands lyingofTtho land between Capes Gloucester and Conw.ny. The group comprises Wiiilsund;(y. Hook, Pine, Passage, Shaw, Molle, and other smaller islets. Between tlieni and the mainland, a distance of about 4 miles in its narrowest part, is a channel known as the Whitsunday ])aKsage. Granite. WHITSUNDAY PASSAGE. The northern termination of the inner cliaiuii'l just described is Ixanided to tlie e.-istward by Shaw, Passage, W'iiilsiuiday, and Hook islands, and tlie islets between Huok isle ami the ndithernniost of the (himlxTland islan miles of the township of Nerang, iu the parish of Uilston. WOOROOLIN, MOUNT (Co. Fitzroy), is a prominent peak in the N. spur of tlu! .M:uii range forming the watershed between the Stuart river and the I'.aranibah crock, and known as the i\Iuunt Mdwbullan range. It stands on the K. lioundary of Wuoroulin run at tiie head of Jackson's gully creek. Granite, clay slates and .shales. WYAGA-WYAGA CREEK {Co. March). See Weir River. WYEBA LAKE {(o. March) is a lagoon formed by au expansion of the Noosa river near its entrance, and to the S. of Tcwantiu. WYNDYER HILL {Normanhy district) is a peak at the head of Cockatoo creek. (JarboniferouH. YAAMBA, l-'ir r>' S. lat., li'O' I'.V E. long. {Co. Livingstone) is a ))ostal and frlcgraitliic township in llie electoral district of Normanhy. It is situated on the l-'itzroy river, and ucar Alligator creek, a tributary of the Fitzroy, which is about Yab — Yan] Tlie Queemlmd Gazetteer. 205 2 miles E. of Yaamba. Yaamba lies in the midst of a pastoral district, raining operations being, however, carried on to some extent in the neighbourhood. The nearest townships are those of RockhampUjn, 21 miles S.E., and Marlborough, 42 miles W. There is postal communication once a week and telegraphic ; passengers going by horse or dray. Wlicn the creeks or rivers are flooded, both are crossed by leased ferries. With Brisbane the communication is by Kockhampton steamers the distance being about ilOO miles S.E. The hotels are the Koyal Oak, and the Travellers' Kest about one mile on the S. side of the B'itzroy river. The roads are under tlie control of a Government road party. The surrounding country is gene- rally flat, the geological formation being Devonian, consisting of clay slates and shales with outcrops of granite. The population of Yaamba, in a radius of 2 miles, is about 1(50 persons. There is a primary school, telegraph office, police office, public pound, a racecourse 1 mile long in the township. Mr. P. F. Mac- donald's station is about a quarter of a mile distant. YABBA CREEK (Co. Lennox) is a W. tributary of the Mary river watering the Yabba and Imbil runs. It is fed by the Kingham and other small streams. Clay slate and shales. YALEBONE CREEK {Ballonnc and Mamnoa districts) is a N. trilnitaiy of the Ballonne river, rising in Mount Abundance, and falling into the mainstream near and S. of Surat. Tertiary sandstone. YAMBIE FLAT {Co. Clermont) is the name given to the gold-diggings at the head of the Bath creek, about 12 miles N. of the township of Clermont.°and forming part of the Peak downs goldfield. The population is small, and is in- cluded in that of Clermont. Schists and quartz. YANDARAN CREEK {Co. Bowen). See Kolan River. YANDILLA, 27° 50' S. lat.. 151° 25' E.long. {Co. March), is a postal township in the electoral district of the Darling downs, situated on the Grass-Tree creek, which is the principal creek, and has its rise at the Broadwater, which is itself a forma- tion of the Condamiue, from thence it runs about 5 miles in a S.W. direction, then N.W. to the Condamine, li miles below Yandilla head-station; the whole course is about 15 miles. In the vicinity are the Mountain creek. Pine creek Honeysuckle creek, and Speer's creek — all having N. E. course. The entire district is purely a pastoral one. The nearest township is Ley burn, 22 miles 8. E..the communication being by horse or dray, and with Brisbane. 150 miles N. E., by land carriage to Toowoomba, 45 miles, and thence by rail. Yandilla has a post-office money-order office, and Government savings bank. The surrounding district is flat, and the geological formation generally basaltic. The ])opulation numbers about 150 persons. There is a Church of England and a primary school in the township. YANDINA, 26° 3.5' S. lat, 152° 50' E. long. {Co. Caymlng), is a postal town- ship on the main road from Brisbane to Gympie, and in the electoral district of E, Moreton. It is situated on the Maroochy river, which opens out to the Pacific ocean about 30 miles N. of Cape Moreton, and is 75 miles distant to Brisbane, and 45 miles to Gympie goldfield. Petrie's creek and Wilson's creek branch into Maroochy river about 5 miles from the sea. The district is agricultural and pas- toral, but principally a timber-getting district, sending to Brisbane and other places about £8000 worth of timber annually. Yandina is a proclaimed town- ship, lying 18 miles from Tewantin and 45 miles from Gympie townships, the communication being by horse or dray. With Brisbane, it is by steamer from Mooloolah harbour, or by coach along the Gympie road twice a week. The hotels are the Maroochy house and Cobb"s Camp hotel, 8 miles 8. on the Gympie road. The surrounding country is very ridgy to the W. Plenty of coal is to "be had. and there are good indications of copper. The population at and around Yandina numbers about 40 souls, 10 of which are children. The Primitive Methodists have selected gronnd for a chapel, but have not built as yet. There is plenty of gootl scrub land open for selection, and a steamer is being built purposely for traffic from Maroochy to Brisbane and other ports. YARKELL CREEK {Co. March) is a tributaiy of the Wyaga-Wyaga river. 206 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Yat — Yal YATALA, 27° 45' S. lat., 153° 10' E. lontr. {Co. WarcT) is a postal township in the parish of Albert and electoral district of Logan. It lies on the Albert river, which is bordered with rich scrub land, and is navigable from the mouth for 20 miles. In the neighbourhood is Sandy creek, having permanent fresh water, and near is Mount Stapleton, commonly called the Yellowwood. Yatala lias 3 mills for the manufacture of sugar. The district is agricultural and pastoral, the produce being principally sugar-cane. The next townships are Beenleigh. 1^ miles distant, bearing X., Pimpama 8 miles distance, bearing S., the communication being by Cobb and Co.'s mail coach up and down daily. With Brisbane the communication is by Cobb and Co.'s coach overland 24 miles for passengers, a German carrier, and a steamer, once a week, by water 60 miles. The hotels are the Ferry hotel, Yatala, the Beenleigh and Royal Mail hotel, Beeni-ngh, and the Pimpama hotel, Pimpama. There is a wharf for landing and receiving goods for steamer in the township, which is under the control of the Minister for Works. The country lying coast- ward is flat with open forest, and well-grassed, to the W. it is mountainous. Tbe geological formation is upper bed rotten sandstone, lower bed quartz formation. The population numbers about 400 persons. Yatala has a concert hall, and a race- course belonging to the Southern Queensland Turf Club. The scenery about the neighbourhood is very picturesque. There is good sport for an angler in the river, and excellent shooting in the scrubs and swamps. There, are ducks, teal, black swan, pigeons, turkeys, &c. YATES CREEK (Kennedy district) is a tributary of the Clarke river, which see. YELLOWWOOD (Co. Ward). See Yatala. YENGARIE (Co. March) is a small postal township in the electoral district of Wide bay. It is situated on Graham's creek, a tributary of the Mary river. There are several sugar-mills and a saw-mill in the vicinity, which is an agricul- tural district, having a large quantity of laud under cultivation, sugar-cane being extensively grown. The nearest township is Maryborough, 9 miles N.W. by road; when the bridge is finished, by means of a ferry, 4i miles. The communication is by horse post, and there is water communication as well. With Brisbane the com- munication is from Maryborough by coach rid Gympie, or by steamer. Yengarie has a reading-room, a school having 100 scholai-s, post-office, savings bank, and temporary church. The surrounding country is undulating and of coal formation. The population numbers 800 in close proximity to Yengarie. Lay services for three Sundays and one Presbyterian service in each month are held in the township. Savings bank, YEPPEEN LAGOON {Co. Livingstone). See Rockhampton. YEPPOON, or BALD HILL {Co. Lirin/j.itont) is a small newly-surveyed township reserved from the N. ])art of the Cawarral run, lying on the coast of Shoal bay, N. of Wreck Point, 12 miles N.Jl. of the township of Cawarral, and 34 miles N. of Kockhampton. There is no regular communication with these places. The pojtulation is small and scattered. Slates and shales. YERAMAN CREEK (Co. Cavendiih). See Cooyak Ckekk. YORK CAPE, 10° 40' S. lat., 142'';i.r E. long. (Cook ^/.^^r/rO. >s the most northern point of the colony of Queensland and of the Cape York j)cninsu]a. Sec SoMEUSKT and ToiiUEs Straits. YOWAH CKKKK (W'arriijo dintrirt) is a W. tributary of tlu' I'aroo river. It is crossed by the mail route to Norlcy, at the Native Police camp. Sandstone and shales. YO-YO CREEK ( Warrrgo district) is an E. tributary of the Warrcgo river, rising in tlic Long downs and flowing W. into tlic main stream at Rcynella. It waters the Dalgaddy block of runs in its course. Mcsozoic sh.ales, sandstones, and limestones. YULE CREEK (Co. Wirk/otr) is a small head feeder of the Cnlcrngie creek, flowing through rough pastoral country on the Small's Creek run. Clay slates and uhalcH. Yal-^Zam] The Queensland Gazetteer. 207 YULEBA CREEK (Sjyritigsure and Ballonne districts) is a N. tributary of the Condamine river, rising in the Main range, and flowing S. across the (Jondamiue and Roma road. There is a post-office and hotel at the crossing. YUNGUN CREEK (Co. March) is a small creek rising in the Glasshouse mountains, and flowing E. into Pumice Stone channel. Carboniferous. ZAMIA CREEK (Lcichhardt district) is an important W. tril)ut.ary of the Dawson river, rising near the Roper pass in the Expedition range;, and flowing N. and E. through the Richmond Downs into the main stream about 20 miles W. of Banana township. This fine creek, with its tributaries, waters a large extent of ex- cellent pastoral country. It is fed by the Comely, Expedition, Clovernook, Pro- spect, Kangaroo, Conciliation, Mimosa, and Rouudsloue creeks. Basalt. 208 The. Qiteensland Gazetteer. [Runs RUNS IN QUEENSLAND. With the pastoral districts in which they are situated, the iiames of their lessees, and the next post towns. A fuller description is given o^ those runs in the settled districts. Name of Ruu. Lessee. A, No. 1 (Warrego dis.) - - Henry Beit - A, Nos. 2, 3, and 5 (Warrego dis.) F. Jenkins - A, No. 4 (Warrego dis.) - - Gordon and Flood A, No. (5 (Warrego dis.) - - 11. and H. ISkinner Aaron (Gregory S. dis.) - - W. J. O'Donnell - Abbotsfokd E. (Gregory S. dis.) H. Collcss - Abbotsford (Maranoa dis.) Aberdeen (Gregory S. dis.) Aberfeldie (Mitchell dis.) Aberfoyle (Mitchell dis.) W. Jloore G. M'Rae - Patton and Neil Pattou and Neil Aberuthven (MitclicU dis.) - J. Stevenson Abin'GER (Leichhardt dis.) - Wafer and Cook - Abingdon (Kennedy set, dis.) - C. E. Kawson Abor (Leichhardt dis.) - - Towns and Stuart Aburanga (Burnett uns. dis.) - E. Knox Acacia Downs (Mitchell dis.) - The Scot. Aust. Inv. Co. Blackall. Accington (Leichhardt dis.) - IloUinshcad, Hazlerigg and Baker Adapord (Mitchell dis.) - - T. and C. Home - - Blackall. Adder Creek (Leichhardt dis. ) Skelton and Eglington Springsurc Nearest Post Towu. - Charleville. Do. Do. Do. - Charleville or Eulo. Do. do. - Roma or Mitchell Downs. - Charleville or Eulo. - Alice Downs or Blackall. - Tambo, Alice Downs or Blackall. - Alice Downs or Blackall. - Spriugsure. - Kockhamptou. - Clermont. G ayndah. Addeuley (Mitchell dis.) - T. and C. Home - Adelong (Mitchell dis.) - - T. G. Robinson - Adginbong (Warrego dis.) - J. H. Douglas ..Egea (Mar.inoa dis.) - - E. Holmes - Ahmoo Beinbaii (Warrego dis.) C. II. Humphrey AiiMOO (Warrego dis. ) - - Gordon and Flood AlLSA (Leichhardt dis.) - - Towus and Stuart Aitkin's Flat CDarling Downs uns. dis.), liowmau Bros., is situated on the Severn river, the nearest postal township being P.alhmdean, 24 miles N.E. Blackall. Do. Charleville. ]\litchell Downs or Roma. Cliarlcvillc, Do. Clermont. Alba (Gregory S, dis.) J. R. M. W. Collins J. CostcUo and J. G. Charleville. Do. David J. Benjamin T. H. Sherwood - M. M'Kinnon Alba, No. 2 (Gregory S. dis.) Alba Creek, No. 1 (Warrego dis.) .... Alba Creek, No. 2 (Warrego dis.) .... Albany (Jlaranoa dis.) Albeut Downs (lUnke uns. dis.) R.Stewart - Albert Downs (Cuok dis.) - Cranston and Firtli v\LBEUT (Leiclihardt dis.) - • R.Logan Albert (Mitchell (lis.) - - (huimure and Budge AlbkjN (Mitchell dis.) ■ - Kourke and Munro AlcURAII (Maranoa (lis.) - • 1''. I''iiruiiug Aldehoran Creek (Leiclihanlt (lis.) Joint Slock Piank Aldeuton (Darling Downs uns. dis.), J. Fi'rritt, is situated on the Dogwood creek , the uearcst pobLal town being Coudumiue, which lies S. Do. Do. Do. Ivoma. I)ali-ym))lo. Cooklown. Springsurc. Blackall. Do. Roma or St. George, Springsurc. Huns] The Queensland Gazetteer. 209 Name of Run. Alfred Downs (Mitchell clis.) Alfred Downs (Mitchell dis.) Alfred Downs (Mitchell dis.) Algiers (Maranoa dis.) Alicia (Warrego dis.) Alice Downs (Mitchell dis.) • Alliance (Mitchell dis.) Alma (Burke ims. dis.) Alma (Maranoa dis.) Alma (Mitchell dis.) - Alma (Warresfo dis.) - Nearest Tost Town. Blackall. Do. Do. Roma or St. George. Charloville. Blackall. Do. Dalrymple. Roma or St. George. Lessee. Cory, Cory and Taylor H. Cory Jas. Taylor - Buchanan and Mort - Bigge and Co. - M'Lean and Beit - - W. J. Forrester - - M'Gillivary - - Baldwin, Baldwin, and Manchee ■ - The Scottish Australian Investment Company Blackall. - Gordon and Flood - Charleville. Alpha (Darling Downs uns. dis), Crawshay and Smith, is situated on the C dible^un creek, the nearest postal township being Springsure. Alpha, No. 1 (S. Kennedy dis.) Kilgour and Mackay - St. Lawrence, Mackay, or Gladstfjue. M. M'Kinnon E. W. Verner D. M'lntyre- H. Baldwin The Scot. Aus. Inv. Bank of N.S.W. - Co. Roma or St. George. Do. Cardwell. Roma or St. George. Blackall. • Roma. - Springsure. Roma or St. George. Altamount (Maranoa dis.) Annie Vale (Maranoa dis.)^ Alva (Burke uns. dis.) Alygle (Maranoa dis.) Ambo (Mitchell dis.) - Am BY (Maranoa dis.) Anakie Downs (Leichhardtdis.) Joint Stock Bank Ana Ningham ( Maranoa dis. ) - D. F. M'Kay Andyne (Warrego dis.) - - C. C. and A. K. Finlay Charleville Annandale (Mkchell dis.) - T. and C. Rowe - - Blackall Anneyberry (Leichhardt dis.) - Bank of N. S. Wales Annie Joe-Joe (Warrego dis.) - J. Becker Annie Vale (Maranoa dis.) - C. L. Williams - Annie Vale (Maranoa dis.) - E. W. Verner Ann (Gregory S. dis.) - - C. M'Rae - Appin (S.^Kennedy dis.) - - H. C. Tucker Appletree Vale (Maranoa dis.) Hodgson, Ramsay, and Raib Apsley, No. 5, Lower and Upper (Leichhardt dis.), J, Milson. junior, and is situated on the creek of the same name. Clermont. Aranbanga (Burnett uns. dis.) M'Donald and Smith, is situated on the Granite creek, a few miles S. of Gayndah. Arcadia (Warrego dis.) - - Thos. Walker Archie Walker (Warrego dis.) F. Walter Springsure. Charleville. Roma or St. George. Do. Eulo or Charleville. Mackay. - Mitchell Do\vn.<:. W. N. Waller T. O. S. Green ■ J. Hammond M. A. Spencer C. M'Rae - H. B. Hughes ■ M'Lean and Beit Arcoba (Warrego dis.) Argyle (Licbhardt dis.) - Argyle (Gregory S. dis.) - Armadilla (Maranoa dis.) Aros (Gregory S. dis.) Arran (Gregory S. dis.) - Arington (Mitchell dis.) - Arthur's Peak (N. Kennedy dis.) Rourke and Munro Arthur's Plains No. 1 (N. Ken- Scott, Scott and nedy dis.) .... rymple Arthur's Seat (S.Kennedy dis.) A. H. Palmer Arubial (Darling Downs uns. dis.) H. Cardell Arundella (Maranoa dis.) - M. A. Spencer Arundell (South Kennedy dis.) H. Beit AscoG (Gregory S. dis.) - - H. B. Hughes Ashby (Maranoa dis.) - - E. Vickery - AshenhuRST (S. Kennedy dis.)- H. Palmer - Ashfield (Leichhardt dis.) - D. Matherson Dal- - Springsure. Do. - Roma or St. George. - Townsville. - Eulo or Charleville. - Mitchell Downs. - Eulo or Charleville. Do. - Bla?kall. Dalrvmple. Do. - Gladstone. - Condamin(». - Roma or St. George. - Mackay. - Eulo or Charleville. . Roma or St. George. - Mackay. . Banana. 210 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Lessee. Robert Eussell - • F. H. Hann N. Z. aud Aus. Land Co. 1). Lacy E. Holmes - H. Tom C. V. M 'Donald - AuGATHELLA aiul AuGATUELLA JrNcTiox ( WaiTcgo dis. )• lessec Thomas Walker, are situated on the creek of the same name. The next post to■^^^l is Burenda. AuGHKiss (Leichhardt dis.) - Margaret Bell. Authoring A (Warrego dis.), lessees Messrs. (Gordon and Crawford, is situated on the Angel;UIa creek, the next post tovnx being Charlcville. Xame of Run. AsHFORD (Warrego dis.) - AsPA.'=;iA (Burke uns. dis.) - A.SPAXZIA (Leichhardt dis.) AsTOCKTON (Mitchell dis.) Athens (Maranoa dis.) Attica (Warrego dis.) Ai'Bi'RN (_Burnett uns. dis. ) Nearest Post Town. Charleville or Eulo. Dalrymple. Springsure. Blackall. Ivoma or St. George. Charleville or Eulo. Gaj'ndah. Authoringa (Warrego dis.) - (i. Sandeman AcTHORiNOA, No. 2 (Warrego Charleville. - T. 8. ]SIort - D. M'Pherson ■ Cudmore and Budge W. A. Vauneck - TheScot. Aust. Inv. Co E. ^L (ieary J. Stevenson The Scot. Aust. Inv. Co Eraser and Brown M 'Donald and Smith (J onion and Crawford ■ - Charleville. - Springsure. - Blackall. - Cardwcll. iSlackay- Charleville or Eulo. Blackall. Forest Vale. Banama. Charleville. Condamiuc. Townsvillc or Bowen. dis.) Avoc.i (T.,eichhardt dis. ) - AvocA (Mitchell dis.) AvocA (N. Kennedy dis.) Avoc.A (8. Kennedy dis. ) - AvofA (Warrego dis.) Baalbon(; (Mitchell dis.)- Baambaaji (Leichhardt dis.) - Babbillooka (Warrego dis.) - Back Ckeek (Burnett uns. dis.) Back Downs (Warrego dis.) - Backland Dry (Darling Downs uns. dis.) - - - - M. Daisey - Back Plain.s (X. Kennedy dis.) Itourke and Munro Back (Warrego dis.) - - - The Scot. Aust. Inv. Co. Charleville. Back ^VATER ((iregory S. dis.) M. Costello - - Charleville or Eulo, BAixiniouLBA (Darling Downs uns. dis.) lessee J. B. Watt, is situated near Boorofina Creek, the nearest postal township being Western Creek, about 30 miles N.E. Baffle Block (Leichhardt dis. ) T. W. (Jilham - -Gladstone. Baffle Creek and Evlilah (Port Curtis set. dis.), lessees 11. and T. Robin- son, is situated on the BaHle Creek, the nearest postal township being (Jlad- stone, about (iO miles N.W. Baffle Creek, jS'o. 3 (Leichhardt •- dis.) J. Collins - Baffle Creek, No. 2 (Leich- hardt dis.) - - - - J. Collins - Bahia (Leichhardt dis.) - - A. S. ilaydon Bailvannah (Maranoa dis.) - John AradcU Bainhilla (^laran()a dis. ) - A. A. Danger Baker's l*ii>i;F. (Maranoa dis.)- M. M'Kiinion JiAL (Warrc;: ■ ills.) - . - Cox and Dowling Balaclava ( Kennedy set. dis.)- Towns and Stuart BALAcr.AVA (I'ort Curtis set. dis.), lessee R. L. .Jenkins, is situated on the - (iladstonc. - (iladstonc. - Springsure. - St. (Jeorge. - Koma or St. George. - J'voma or St. George. - ( 'liarh'villc or Eulo. - Fiowcn. •Jenkins, is situated on lower eml of the Fitzroy river. The township of Herbert is on this ruiu - Tlie Scot. Aust. Inv. Co. Blackall - .1. I5ignell - - - Cliarlcvilic or l",ulo. - MenzicH, Douglas and Dunsmore - . Do. - Fanning, (Jrilliths & Co. Rocklianiplou. - D. M'Crcgor - - Cliarlcville. - It. and G. Hazard - St. (ieorge. Ballindean (Darling Downs uns. dis.), lessee 1!. R. C. Itobertson, is situated on the Severn river; Stantliorpc, the next post town being about \it miles N.E. of the liead-station. Ballandine (Maranoa dis.) - () T.n iiiian - - - St. George BALAN(i (Mitchell dis. ) Balbon (Warrego dis. ) - Balboona (NVarrego dia.) - Balt) Hills (Leichhanlt dis.) I'.ALLAtii ((iregory S. dis.) liALi.AGSA (.Maranoa dis.) PtUNs] The Queemlaiul Gazetteer. 211 Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Tow-n. Balle (Maranoa dis. ) - - Crawshay and Smith - Roma or St. George. Balleyhew (Burnett uns. dis.) H. Prince - - - C'ondamine. Ballix(jakry (Maranoa dis. ) - D. F. M'Kay - - Roma or 8t. George. Ballingele Roche (Leichhardt dis. ) - ' - - - A. J. and G. Jillet. - Lilyvale. Ballo(;ie (Burnett uns. dis.) - Campbell and Hay - Condaniine. Ballomai ( Maranoa dis. ) - - Crawshay and Smith - Roma or St. George. Ballon (Darling Dowtis uns. dis.), Watt and Gilchrist, is situated on the Darrah and Forest creeks, the nearest postal township being Dalby, about 50 miles S. BALLYBUECHEN(Leielihardtdis. ) Thos. Cadell - - Springsure. Balmain (Warrego dis.) - - John Hay - . - Charleville. Balmoral (Maranoa dis.) - Bank N. S. Wales - Roma or St. Geor"e. Balnagowar (Kennedy set. dis. ) Cook and Ross - - Riirkliampton. Balpanna (Leichhardt dis.) - A. J. and G. Jillet - Lilyvale. Balthazar (Warrego dis.) -U.Becker - - - Ciuulevillc or Eulo. Bampton (Mitchell dis.) - - N. Z. and Aus. Laud Co. Blackall. Banana (Leichhardt dis. ) - Commercial Bank - Banana. Ban Ban (N. Kennedy dis.) - 0. W. D. and E. White JS'anango. Ban Ban (S. Kennedy dis.) - Bank of N. S. AVales - Nanango. Banchory (8. Kennedy dis.) - Thos. Holt - - Clermont. Bandemaraxoo (Maranoa dis.) Wienholt Bros. - - Roma or St. George. Bandowi (Mitchell dis.) - - J. R. Lomax - - Blackall. Bandy (Warrego dis.) - - T. Pain - - - St. George. Bangate (Maranoa dis.) - - Baldwin, Baldwin and Manchee - - Roma or St. George. Banqal (Darling Downs uns. dis. ) - - - - Graham and Williams - C'ondamine. Bangor (Warrego dis.) - - A. B. Buchanan - - Charleville or Eulo. Bangull (Mitchell dis.) - - The Scot. Aust. Inv. Co. Blackall. Bank.sia (Port Curtis set. dis.), Towle, Morse and Co., is situated on the Half- way and Herbert creeks, the nearest postal township being Yaamlja, aljout 3G miles S. Bannia (Burnett uns. dis.) . Hughes and Shand -C'ondamine. Banvil (Mitchell dis.) - - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Blackall. Baramba, Baramba N., Baramba E., and Baramba P>,ange.s, Bank of New South Wales, is situated on the Baramba creek, the nearest postal township being Nanango. Baratria, No. 1 (Mitchell dis.) Scott and Nisbet - Blackall. Baratria, No. 2 (Mitchell dis.) S. Lord - - - Do. Barbara Plains (Warrego dis. ) Bigge, Bigge and Geary Charleville or Eulo. Barcaldine (Mitchell dis. ) - The Mer. Bnk.of Sydney Blackall. Barcoonia (Gregory S. dis.) - H. B. Hughes - - Charleville. Barford (Leichhardt dis. ) - J. B. Watt- Barford OVarrego dis. ) - The Scot. Aust. Inv. Co. Charleville or Eulo. Bargoon (Warrego dis. )- - Bradley and Rutherford Do. Barkoothulla (Warrego dis.) - Joint Stock Bank - Do. Barmarooh Gregory S. dis.) - R. Doyle - . - Do. Barmoy'a (Port Curtis set. dis.), lessee James Atherton, is situated on the Hedlow Creek; the nearest township being Yaamba, 18 miles W. of the head- station. Barmundoo (Port Curtis set. dis.), lessee W. Barker, is situated on the Diglum, Fuller's, and Takilberau creeks; the nearest postal township being Gladstone, about 24 miles N.E. Barnstaple (Mitchell dis.) - N.Z. and Aus. Land Co. Blackall. Barnum (Warrego dis.) - - W. N. Waller - - Charleville or Eulo. BAROONr).\ (Leichhardt dis.) - R. Logan - - - Taroom. Barrabanbel (Maranoa dis.) - Bank of N. S. Wales Roma or St. George. Barrandilla (Warrego dis.) - Anderson and Pettford Charleville or Eulo. Barrandowan (Burnett uns. dis.) Campbell and Hay - Condamine. p2 212 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Name of Run. Lessee. Barret's Vale (Xortli Ken- nedy dis. ) - - - - J. and C. AUingham Baki;igomallah (JIaranoa dis.) C. L. Williams - Barryulah {(iregory S. dis.) - R. Doyle Barwox Park (Leichhardtdis.) P. Ramsay - Barwood (Burnett uns. dis.) - Henry Mort Basalt Creek (Maranoa dis.) - J. D. MLean B.A.snAX (Leichhardtdis.)- - Skelton and Eglington. B.\thixglass (Gregory S. dis.) - J. R. M. W. and J. G. Nearest Post Town. ■ Townsville or Cardwell. - Roma or .St. George. - Charleville. - Marlborough. - Gayndah. - Mitchell Downs. Bathamptox (Leichhardt dis.) ■ Battery (Maranoa dis.) - Battery (Mitchell dis. ) - Bauhixia Vale (Burke uns dis.) . - . - . B.4.\vtry (Mitchell dis.) Bayrick (Warrego dis. ) - BAZ.A.1XE (N. Kennedy dis.) B.a.z.\ixe (Warrego dis.) Collins R. M 'Master E. W. Verner Govett and Thomson - Charleville. - Clermont. - Roma or St. George. - Blackall. - Springsure. - Blackall. - Charleville or Tambo. - Cardwell or Townsville. - Charleville. - Aramac. F. H. Hann - B. D. Morehead - - ^layne and Ward - J. AUingham - H. and N. Wilson Beacox.sfielt) (Mitchell dis. ) - J. Peter and Co. Beaurara (Darling Downs set. dis.), lessee James Tyson, is situated between Okey and Xorth Branch creeks, lo miles W. of Toowomba. Beauchamp (Maranoa dis.) - J. D. M'Lean - - Roma or St. George. Be.a^udesert (Moreton set. dis.), lessee Geo. Robinson, situated on the Logan River ; the nearest postal township l)eing Veresdale, 6 miles N. Beaufort (Maranoa dis.) - Wienholt Bros. - Roma or St. George. Beaulieu E. and W. (Burke uns. dis.) .... M 'Gillivray and Pomlin Dalrymple. Becker (Warrego dis. ) - - J. Becker - - - Roma or St. George. Bedowrie (Mitchell dis.) - J. Peter and Co. - Blackall. Bedford (Burke uns. dis.) - R. (iray. BedhillBedhill (Maranoa dis.) Ebenezer Vickery - Roma or St. George. Beearhow (Leichhardtdis.) - W.O.Gilchrist - Beebo and \Vyemoo (Darling Downs uns. dis.), lessee W. Lalon, is situated on the Macintyre River; the nearest postal township being Inglowood, '24 miles N. of the head-station. Beeciiel (^Varrego dis.) - - J. 0. Lyon - - Cuunamulla. Beera (^LaraIU)a dis.) - - S. Murray - - - Roma or St. George. Beere (Leichhardtdis.) - - The N. iirit. Aust. Co. Beethana (Warrego dis.) - Lyon, Play fair & Lyon Charleville or Eulo. Behool (Warrego dis. ) Beilra (Leichhardt dis.) - P>EINBKR (Warrego dis.) - Bi;l (Warrego (lis.) - l!EL(JoN(i (Leichhardt dis.) Belfast (Warrego dis. ) - Bellarad (.MitcJicll (lis.) - I'.ELLEVUE (Leichhardt dis.) Bki.lila (Gregorys, dis.) Belmoke (Leichhardt dis.) Rei.moue (Warrego dis.) - liELMoNT, Nil. L (l>ciclihardtdia.) W BEi,Mf)NT Block, No. .S (Leich iiardt dis.) .... FJklstead f Warrego difl.) - I'lK.r.Ti'.AM (W.irrego (lis. ) - Belvoik (.Mitchell dis.) - W. Archer - . Do. do. R. Logan. Thomas Ferry T)o. do. W. .J. O'Donuell - Do. do. S. S. Travers Lilyvale. A. 1>. Jiuchanan - "Do. do. \). Lacy Blackall. George l^'airliairn Lilyvale. W. .L O'Donnell - Charleville or Eulo. Williams, l>roadl)ent & Homer Baiian.'i. Co.x and Dowling ( 'liarleville. W. R. Anderson - Itanana. A. G. Hamilton - Do. C. H. J[um])lirey Charleville or Kulo. E. i\L (icary " - Charleville or Kulo. (Jovctt, Thomson, Kus- sell and 'I'homson . Blackall. Bklyannaii (Warrego dis.X Ics.'^ees I'.radley and Rutherford, tlie I'aroo River; the nearest [)o.it tow n is ImiIo. .situated oM Runs] The Queensland Gazetteer. 213 Name of Run. Nearest Post Town. - Charleville or Eulo. - Roma or St. George. - Roma. - Roma or St. George. - Oomlamiiie. Bendar.\ (Warrego dis.) - - Joint Stock Bank Bendee (Maranoa dis.) - - Douglas and Binney Bendemeer (Maranoa dis.) - Watt and Gilchrist Be.tdena (Maranoa dis.) - - J.Holland - Bendidde (Darling Downs iins. dis.) - - - - - C. W. Bailey Bencjalla (Darling Downs uns. dis.), lessee \V. Lalon, is situated on the Macin- tyre River; the neai'est postal township being Goondiwindi, 12 miles W. Benualla North (Darling Downis nns. dis.), lessee C. W. Bailey, is situated near the Macint3're River; the nearest postal township being Goondiwindi. Bextland (Darling Downs) uns. dis.), lessee James Tyson, is situated ou the Condamine River, the nearest postal township being Condamine. - Queensland Nat. Bk. Springsure. - Gibson, Mrs. Scrutton- Dalryniple. Bextley (Leichhardt dis. ) Beppo (Burke uns. dis.) Berbeth (Leichhardt dis.) Berbeth (Leichhardt dis. ) Berella (Gregory S. dis.) Berellem (Gregory S. dis.) Beriedale (Mitchell dis.) Berlix (Warrego dis.) Bermoxdsev (^Varrego dis.) Berri Berri (Warrego dis.) Berrigurra (Leichhardt dis.) Berrixgarrah (Maranoa dis.) Berteel.a. (Warrego dis.) BervieDown.s (S.Kennedy dis.) Thos. Holt Berwick E. and W. (Burke uns. dis. ) • - - - - il 'Gillivray and Paulin Dalrymple. Beta (Darling Downs ims. dis.) J. Farquharson - - Condamine. Betawoxo (Mitchell dis. ) - The Scot. Aust. Inv. Co. Blackall. Bethelethaba (Darling Downs uns. dis.), lessee R. Davis, is situated on the Commoron Creek; the nearest postal township being Goondiwindi, 15 miles S.E. (Darling - G. P. Slade - - Lilj-vale. - S. S. Travers. Do. - C. I\L Nutting - Charleville. - J. Farrar Do. - Jas. Thomson - Blackall. - F. Burne - Charleville or Eulo - F. W. Donkin Do. - W. and J.H. H Dwie Do. - J. F.Mullen. - A. A. Dangar - - Roma or St. Georg€ - Jones, Green & Sullivan Charleville or Eulo. - Chai'leville. Bethcurriba West Downs uns. dis. ) - Bexhill (Mitchell dis.) - Bibble (Maranoa dis. ) Biddexham (Warrego dis.) Bierbaxk E. (Warrego dis.) - BiERBAXK W. (Warrego dis. ) - M. Daisey - - - Condamine. The Mer.Bnk.of Sydney Blackall. D. Rayner - - - l>ocki:mi;i;rv (l^cicldiardt dis.) C. i'arl)ury. BoDLt'.MitA (Darling Downs uns. dis.), lessees M'Doiialdand Smith, is situated on tlie Mosijuito and Hodumlia creeks; tlie nearest postal townsliip being at the Canal Creek goldlieid, al)ont I'J miles Vj. Bo(JANiJiNA Back Block (.NLara- noa (lis ) .... W. Tyrell - - - St. George. B.'. Waller - - CharleviUe or Eulo. BoRERrNDOOER (Maranoa dis.)- Wienholt Bros. - - Koma or St. George. Bosnia (Maranoa dis.) - - J. D. M'Lean - - Do. BosTOX (Burnett uns. dis.) - J. B. Watt - - - Condamine. BoTTLETREE Creek (Darling Downis uns. dis.), lessee Commercial Bank, is situated on the head of the Bottletree Creek; the nearest postal township being Condamine, 36 miles S. Bottletree Ranges (Darling Do-wnis vins. dis.), lessee Commercial Bank, is situated on the Dogwood Creek head; the nearest postal towship being Con- damine, 36 miles S. Bottle Hill (Leichhardt dis.) C. Wade Browne - Springsure. Bottletree (Maranoa dis.) - J. S. Cobb ... Roma. Botheramboo (Leichhardt dis.)- J. F. Mullen - - Lilyvale. Bothwell (Mitchell dis.) - F. J. C.Archer - - Blackall. Boundary E. (Warrego dis.) - Calder, Calder, and Stephenson - - Cunnamulla. BorNPARV West (Warrego dis.) Hood, Torrance & Hood Do. Bot'NDARY (Darling Downs uns. dis.), lessee Bank of Kew South Wales, is situated on the Moonie River; the nearest postal township being Condamine, about 65 miles N., but the communication lieing by Dalbj'. BiiWALLV (Warrego dis.) - - W. N. Waller - - CharleviUe. Bowen Downs (Mitchell dis.) - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Blackall. BowLiN<; (Gregory .S. dis. ) - D. M 'Gregor - - Cliarlcvillc. BowLEE, No. 1 (S. Kennedy dis. ) D. M'(Jregor - - Mackay. BowLEE, No. 2 (S. Kennedy dis. ) (4eo. Irlam - - - Do. BowRABiE (Maranoa dis.) - - H. Baldwin- - - Roma. BowRA W. (Warrego dis.) - Thos. Paine - - CharleviUe. BowRA LowEi; W. (Warrego dis. ) Itutherford & P^obcrtson Do. Bf)XVALE (Leichhardt dis.) - J. W. and W. Collins - Taroom. BoxvALE (Warrego dis.) - - A. F. Surlich - - Springsure. BoxuALE (Mitchell dis. ) - - Travers, Travers and Gibson - - - Blackall. BoxLANi) (^L'lranoa dis.) - - A. S. King - - - lioni.a. Box (Warrego dis. ) - - - Hewitt and Walker - CharleviUe. BoYii's Downs (Maranoa dis.) - •(. Luckniau - - Konia. BoYDAM (Mitchell dis.) - - Tiie Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. P.lackall. liovKoiiL (Warrego dis.) - - F. W. Donkin - - Charlcville. l'>ovNK IsL.ANii (Port Curtis set. dis.), lessees Lilley I'.rotliers, is situated on a small islaml at the mouth of tlie Boyiie river, tlie nearest postal township licing (iladstone, abotit si.x miles N.W. Br:.\EMAit Fonivsr (Darling Downs uns. dis.), lessee (Jeorge 'I'horn, is situated on tlic Braemar creek, tlie nearest j)ostal townsliip being Dall)y, .about 24 miles S. Iv of the liead-station. liKAr.NiNcii (Mitchell (lis.) - X.Z. and Aus. I.'iinl Co. Blackall. P.i;aiiwki,l (;i:ovK (South Ken- nedy dis.) .... Bank of N.S. W. • - CharleviUe. Bi:anr;ANcll and Dvitton - - Aramac. - (i. 1']. Turnbull - - Marlborough. - W'm. King - - - Roma. - Bigge, Bigge and Geary Charleville. - AN'aier and Cook - - Taroom. - J. Ashton ... Do. - Govett, Thomson, Rus- sel and Tliomson - Aramac. Clivk (Ticichhardt (lis.) - - John (Jiahani - - S])ringsure. Clonmki, (Warrego (lis.) - - (i. Sandcman - - Cliarh'ville. Ci.oXMF.i, (liurnett uus. dis.) - W. and .L Itidlcr - - (iayndali. ( 'londai.KIX (liiMclilianIt di.s.) - 1!. IL Temiihtou - Springsure. <'lovkk L.\kf, (Warrego dis. ) - Messrs. Wiliiarns - Cliarleville. ('lovf.K (NV'arrego dis. ) - ^ .Fohn Tuckman - - i >(>. Clovkknook (Leii'hliardt dis.) - C. B. and V. A. i)iittoii Taronni. Cll'NIF. Gregory S. dis.) - - — Hae - - - Cliarleville. ('i.iTHA (Burke uus. dis. ) - - . I. Thompson - - Dalrymple. Ct.VDF. ((Jregory South ills. ) - C. M'Uae - - - Cliarleville. Coii.W (Warrego dis. ) - - .1. il. Douglas - ■ Do. (JoitAR (uia. Cora Down.s (Warrego dis.) (.'oreen Ea.st (Warrego dis.) (^OKEENA (.\Iiti-liell dis.) - Cokeenah (Miteliell dis.) - CoKEi.i.A (HurkeuiiH. ilis. ) COKINIM (Mitchell dis. ) - Cliarleville. Charleville. Do. Aramac. D<.. Dairy mple. CnRiNMiAll (Mitchell dis. )- ('(ini.MJA (I'.iirnclt uns. dis. Cori.N(;a (l-eiihliardt dis.) Cork ((iregory N. dis.) - Cornwall (Maranoa dis.)- Huns] The Queensland Gazetteer. The Scot. Alls. Inv. Co. Blackall. - Itoina. - Aramac. - Alice Downs. - Springsurc. Do. - Charleville. Do. Do. - Springsnre. - (Jayiulah. - lloma. - Dalrymple. - Springsure. - Charleville. - Koina. - Charleville. - Bell ami flyde - II. \V. Stewart - - John Hay - - W. N. \Valler - - J. Eales - M 'Donald - - William I^alor - S. B. Walker - Bank of N. S. Wales - Cox and Dowling - - J. Lamrock - - Walter and Ceary The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Springsure. B. Richaids - Hewitt and Walker J. C. and R. Sanders - lionia. - Charleville. - Dalrymple. - Springsure. - Charleville. Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. Cornwall (Mitchell dis.) Cornelius Toi'.vz (Maranoa dis.) C. L. AVilliams Corona (Mitchell dis.) - - P. C King - C0RRIE.SDALK (N. Kennedy dis.) W. Marsh - CoTTENHAM (Leichhardfc dis.) - Commercial Bank CoTEEDA (Leichhardt dis.) Cotesmore (Gregory S. dis.) CorroN Busii (Warrego dis.) Concha (Warrego dis. ) - Courtney (Leichhardt dis.) Courka (Burnett dis.) - CouTHALLA (Maranoa dis.) Cowan Downs (Burke dis.) CowANGA (Leichhardt dis.) Cowara (Warrego dis.) - CowiGELLA (Maranoa dis. ) Cowley (Warrego dis.) - Cowley (Leichhardt dis.) Cownawah (Maranoa dis.) Cox (Warrego dis.) - Craigie (N. Kennedy dis.) Craig's Creek (Leichhardt dis.) C. R. Haly - Craven (S. Kennedy dis.) - Smith Shepherd Crawcow (Leichhardt dis.) - ^lorehead and Young - Banana. Creg Clare (Gregory N. dis.) - Persse de Burgh - - Alice Downs. Cressbrook (Moreton set. dis), D. M'ConneU, is situated on the Brisbane river, and the Cressbrook and Ivory creeks, N. of Wivenhoe, which is about 12 miles distant. Cres.swell (Warrego dis.) - H. Humphrej' - - Charleville. Creswell (Warrego dis.) - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Do. Cre.swell Grays (Mitchell dis.) Bank of Austi'alasia - Aramac. Grief (Gregory S. dis.) - - Pi. Mailer - - - Charleville. Crinum (Leichhardt dis.) - R. Eamsay - - - Lily vale. Crispin Plains (Leichhardtdis.) D. Milson, jun. - - Clermont. Cromarty' (Gregory S. dis.) - C. M'Eae - - - Charleville. Cropwell (Mitchell dis.) - J. P., J. A. & M. Bell - Blackall. Crossmoor (Mitchell dis.) - The Scot. Aus. In. Com. Tambo. Crossbasket (Leichhardtdis.)- J. D. Macansh - - Springsure. Crowfoot (Warrego dis.) - John Luckman - - Charleville. Crowjian (Leichhardt dis.) - Craig, Simmie & Fraser Springsure. - James Gibson - - Dalrymple. - Gordon and Flood - Charleville. - Lamb and Black - - Springsure. - Cudmore and Budge - Charleville. - W. Tyrrell - - - St. (ieorge. - W. Allen - - - Do. CuLGARRA (Darling Downs uns. dis.), J. Ferritt, situated on the Brigalow creek ; the neai'est postal township being Condamine. CuLLiN-LA-RiNGO (Leichhardt dis.) H. S. Wills - - - Springsure. CuLLODEN (]\Iitchell dis.) - - S. Lord ... Bowen Downs. Culpa (Maranoa dis.) - - Hoskison and Moore - lloma. Cumberland (Mitchell dis.) - T. and C. Rome - - Aramac. - James Taylor - - Charleville. - Williams and Thornton Aramac. - P. and M. Durack - Cliarleville. Cumkillenbar" (Darling Downs set. dis.), is situated on the creek of the same name, E. of and adjoining Jimbour. Cungabulla (Gregory N. dis.) Persse de Burgh - - Alice Downs. CuNNiANA (Maranoa dis.) - D. F. M'Kay - - Roma. CuNNO (Warrego dis.) - - Fraser and Brown - Charleville. Crofell's (Burke uns. dis.) Cryan (Warrego dis.) CuDDESDEN (Leichhardtdis.) Cudmore (Warrego dis.) - Culgoa (Maranoa dis.) - Culgoa (Maranoa dis. ) CuMBERTiNE (Warrego dis.) CUMBI Cumbi (Mitchell dis.) Cumbroo (Gregory S. dis.) R 226 The Queeiisland Gazetteer. [Runs Name of Run. Cttnxo (TN^arrego clis.) CuoYGAH (Marauoa dis.) - CcoYGALL (Maranoa dis.) - CuRRALBE (Gregory S. dis.) Lessee. - Thos. Walker - W. Purvis - - Commercial Bank - H. CoUes - Nearest Post Town. Charle\'ille. Roma. Do. Charleville. Do. Roma. CcRRA^^^LLA (Gregory S. dis.) J. Farrar CuRRAWiLDi (Maranoa dis.) - D. Grover - CuRRAWiXYA (Warrego dis.) - Hood. Torrance & Hood .St. George. CcRRA. No. 15 (Co. March, Wide Bay, and Burnett set. dis.). The Commer- cial Bank. It is situated on the Mary river and the Curra Creek ; the nearest post to-\Tn being Gympie. 10 miles S. Calcareous rock with Devonian fossils. CuRRiXGEN S. (Darling Do-htis uns. dis.) - - - - P. Clynes - Ci'RRiXBY (Darling Downs uns. dis.) - - - . . John Anndell CuRRiE (Maranoa dis.) - - G. Thirk CuRRittiiDE (Buniett uns. dis.) Bank of N.S. Wales CuRRYGOXG (Maranoa dis.) - E. W. Verner CusHNiE (Burnett uns. dis. ) - Campbell and Hay - W. Miles - - James Tyson - Thomas Holt R. M'Micking - R. Lewin - J. M. Colquhoun - The Mercantile Bank - James Tyson - R. H. Blamey D.\Axr)iNE (Darling Downs uns. dis), L. Vickery, is situated on the Wilkie's creek, the nearest postal township being Dalby, about IS miles S.E. of the head-sta- tion. Dag WORTH (Gregory North dis.) J. T. C. Ranken - Dalbeg (North Kennedy dis.) - Gilclirist, Watt & Co. Dalgixal (Burnett uns. dis.) - Vj. Wienliolt Dalgaddy S. (Warrego dis. ) - Thomas Walker - Dalgoxally (Burke uns. dis.) - M'lntyrc Dalkeith (Mitchell dis.) - - Rome Bros. Dallarxil (Burnett uns. dis.) - J. B. Watt - Dalmore (North Kennedy dis.) (iilchrist, Watt & Co. Dalstox (Warrego dis.) - - W. J. Malpas Daltox (Gregory South dis.) - M. Haekett Damsox (Warrego dis.) - - Mayne and Ward Daxdry (Leichhardt dis. ) - - Bank of N.S. Wales. Daxgaxdo No. 2 (Burnett uns. M'Kaj' and Caswell CcsHALTOX (Warrego dis.)- Cuttabcrra (Warrego dis.) Cymro (Leichhardt dis.) - CYPRE.S.S Vale (Maranoa dis. ) Cyprus (Maranoa dis.) Cyprus (Maranoa dis.) D. 4 (Warrego dis.) - D, 4 (Warrego dis.) - D. 5 (Warrego dis.) - Condamine. - Condamine. - Roma. - GaJ^ldah. - Roma. - Gaj-ndah. - Charleville. - Cuniiamulla. - Springsure. - Roma. - Do. - Do. Charleville. Do. Do. - Alice Downs. Do. - Gayndah. - Charleville. - Dalr3mple. - Araniac. - Gayndah. Alice Downs. Charleville. Do. Do. - Springsure. dis.) Daxgarabrinoy (Burnett uns. dis.) AV. O.Gilchrist - Daxgar Sheet (Warrego dis.) - Jas. Tjson - l)ANGAK'sLA(iooN' ( Warrcgo dis.) Cinninorcial Bank DANiiuuE (liurnett niis. dis.) Dakeel (.Maratioa di.s. ) Darkkl East (Maranoa dis.) Dakkwater (.Maranoa dis.) Dartmouth (Mitcliell dis.) Daicnhai.l (.Mitcliell (lis.) Darr, No. 1 (Darling Downs uns. (lis.) - . . - Dari!, No. 2 (Darling Downs UllH. (lis.) . . . . Darkwateu (Mitchell dis.) Campl)i'll and Hay J. S. Cobb - E. Hcrrcnschmidt ('. Tom N. Z. and Aus. T/l. N. Z. and Aus. I^d. - Gayndah. - Gayndah. - Charleville. Do. - Gayndah. - St. (Jeorge. Do. - Roma. Co. Aramac. Co. Do. (Jilchrlst, AN'att and Co. Condamine. Dahhwoou (Cook die.) Murr.ay and Stewart - Do. - Travers, Travcrs, and (Jibson - - - Araniac. • A. Stuart - - - Cooktown. Runs] The Queensland Gazetteer. 227 Nearest Post Town. Aramac. Name of Run. Lessee. Daunton (Mitchell dis.) - - J. Peter and Co. - Davenport Downs (Gregory N. (iia) N. H. M'Donald - - Alice Downs Dawson RiVKR (Leichhardt dis.) C. Parlmry - - - Taroom. Deadlock (Mitchell dis.) - - J. W. A. E. Wienholt Aramac. Deawabodthekoling (Warrego dis.) Fraser. P>rown & Brown CharleviJle. Deeiian Park (Burke uns. dis.) Aniiing and Deehan - Dalryuiple. Joint .Stock Bank - Banana." J. W. A. E. Wienholt - Blackall. J. B. Watt - - - IMaryborough. Deepdale (Leichhardt dis.) Deepw.\ter (Mitchell dis.) Degilbo (Burnett uns. dis.) Delembra Creek (Burnett uns. dis.) Delga (Gregory S. dis.) Delgany (S. Kennedy dis.) - i Delta (Mitchell dis.) - - ^ Delta (Darling DoAvns uns. dis. ), 1 the nearest postal township bein^ Delusion Creek (Leichhardt dis.) Bell and Hyde Demeron (Mitchell dis. ) - - A. B. Buchanan - Denby (Leichhardt dis.) - - A. and F. Wright Denbigh (Burke uns. dis.) - R. Stewart - Denham Park (N. Kennedy dis.) W. A. Vannech - Denibah, No. 1 (Leichhardt dis.)- J. Lorimer - Denny (Maranoa dis.) - - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Rom£u Derby (Leichhardt dis. ) - - John Beattie - - Banana. Derry Downs (Gregory N. dis.) Persse de Burgh - Desert Hills (Mitchell dis.) - Piourke and Munro Desideratum (]\Laranoa dis.) - E. M'Micking Devil's Glen (N. Kennedy dis.) J. and C. Allinghain Devlin Downs (N. Kennedy dis.) F. H. Dangar Devon (Leichhardt dis.) • - S. S. Travers Devon (Burke uns. dis. ) M 'Gillivray - Dewarra (Maranoa dis.) - - W. Allen Dewalla (Warrego dis.) - - Stuart and Cowper Dhurran Dhurran (Cook dis.) G. Henderson DiAMANTiNA (Gregory N. dis.) - Samuel Wilson - Diamond Downs (S. Kennedy dis.) Scottish Aus. Inv. Co. Gayndah. C. M'Eae - - - Charleville. A. H. Palmer - - Do. W. W. Scafe - - Aramac. Pv. C. Beck, is situated on the Condamiue Elver, Condamine. - Caamboon. - Aramac. - Gladstone. - Dalrymple. - Alice Downs. Springsure. - Alice Downs. - Aramac. - Roma. - Alice Downs. Do. - Springsure. - Dalrymjile. - Roma. - Charleville. - Cooktown. - Alice Downs. Diana (Warrego dis. ) DiLALLAii (Warrego dis.) - DiMOON (Leichhardt dis.) - DiNANG (South Kennedy dis. ) Dingwall (Gregory South dis.)- C. M'Kae DiNONG Padlong (Maranoa dis.) C. Picton John Eales - - - Charleville. Jas. Tyson - - - Do. John Matheson - - Do. Cribb and Foot - - Springsure. - Montefiore and Joseph Charleville. - - ^ - - Do. - Roma. Dinwoodie (Maranoa dis. ) - Crawshay and Smith - Do. DiRLETON (Gregory North dis.)- Bloomfield and Nesbit- Alice Downs. DiRRiLL (North Kennedy dis. ) - Campbell and Hay - Do. Disraeli (North Kennedy dis.)- J. Allingham - - Do. Dixey (Burke uns. dis.) - - W. C. Bundock - - Dalrymple. Doctor's Corner (Burnett uns. Scottish Australian In- dis.) vesti-ient Co. - - Gayn'S Creek (, Leichhardt dis.) J. B. Watt - - - Springsure. Dreghorx (N. Kennedy dis. ) - G. E. Forbes - - Alice Downs. Drimre-A. (Leichhardt dis.) - Joint Stock Bank - Springsure. Drina (Burke uns. dis.) - - Gibson, Mrs., &ScruttonDalrymple. Dry Crekk (Burnett uns. dis.) L. M'Bean - - - Gayndah. Dry Creek (Gregory S. dis.) - J. Costello - - - Charleville. Dry'N'och (X. Kemiedy dis.) - Gilchrist, Watt and Co. Alice Downs. Drysuale P0ND.S (Maranoa dis.) Moore and TurnbuU - lUmia. Drysdale Ponds, Nos. 4 and 5 (Maranoa dis.) - - - Caroline Schofield - Do. Drysdale Ponds (Maranoa dis. ) W. and T. Marsh - Do. Duck Ponds (Warrego dis.) - Jones, Green & Sullivan Charleville. Duck Creek (Maranoa dis.) - J. D. and T. Moore -Roma. Dudley Downs ((Gregory N. dis.) Persse de Burgh - - Alice Downs. DuGALLF.N (Burnett uns. dis.) - R. and J. Ridler - - Gapulah. DuLACCA (Darling Downis uns. dis.), J. Ferritt, is situated on the Dulacca creek, the nearest postal township being Condamine. DuLBYDiLLA (Maranoa dis. ) - J. M'Kenzie - -Roma. DuLWicH North (Mitchell dis.) J. Stevenson - -Aramac. DuLWicii South (Mitchell dis.) Bank of Australasia - Do. DuNDAKA (Mnrauna dis.) - - C. Tom - - - Roma. DuNDARRA (Lciclihardt dis.) - M. J. M'Lean - -Springsure. DuNDAU (Burnett uns. dis.) - M 'Donald and Smith - (iayndah. DuxDOO (Warrego dis.) - - Z. Jones - - -Charleville. Dun Doo West (Warrego dis.) - Bradley and Rutherford Do. DuNEDiN (Maranoa di.s.) - - P>ank of N. S. \\'alc.s - Roma. Dunked (Leichhardt dis.) - - A. .). and (i. Jillct - Lilyvale. DuNGAKOON (Warrego dis.) - Jiiggc, Biggc, & Geary- Charlovillc. DuNc.MtKK (I'oi-t Curtis set. di.s.), Robert Bell, is situated on the Don river, and .Maiitnn'H, (Icrald's and Bell's creeks, the nearest township being Gladstone, about to miles E. DuNGA (.Maranoa dis.) - - J. O'Shanassy - - Roma. Dunham ((Jregory South dis.) - V. M.Hammond- - Cliarleville. DuNKKLD (Maranoa (lis.) - - P>aiik of N. S. Wales - lionia. Dt^NMOKK (Darling Downs uns. dis. ) .las. Taylor, is situated on the Weir river and Cattle creek, the nearest postal township being Western creek, about 15 miles S.W. Du.NdoN (Gregory South dis.) - M'CJregor, Mailer & Mailer Charleville. DiTNHOiUN (South Kennedy (lis.) W. Cullen - - - Do. DuNKOiiis (I'.nnitlt uns. (iJH.) - Camiibell and Hay -Condamine. DuNROlsiN (Marani>a din.) - - A. and V. .M'i)on.ild - Kuma. Runs] The Qiieenifland Gazetteer. 229 Name of Run. Lesscx;. DuNSTER (Gregory South clis. ) - J. and T. Wobber - C. H. Humphrey DuNSTAN ( Warrego dis. ) - Nearest Post Town. Charleville. Do. DUNTULLA (Mitchell clis.) - - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Aramac. Dura (Leichhardt dis.) - - P. and F. MDonald - Springsure. DuRAH {Darling Do\ras uns. dis.), (iilchrist, Watt and Co., is situated on the Durah or Durrah creek, and on the main X. road from Dall)y, the nearest jiostal township being Dalby, about GO miles S.S.E. of the head-station, telegraph station. Durah is a DuRDHAM Downs (South Ken- nedy dis. ) - - - - Durham Downs (Gregory South dis.) DurinDurin (Maranoa dis. ) - Durin Durin (Maranoa dis. ) - Durong (Burnett uns. dis. ) DuRRAN Downs (Leichhardt dis.) DuRUNDER (Moreton set. dis.), G. T. C. Lang Mackay. M 'Gregor, Mailer & Mailer Charleville. P. Clynes - - - Iloma. E. F. Seidel - - - Do. W. O. Gilchrist - - Gladstone. A. Scott - - - Taroom. J. M'Connell, is situated on the Stanley river, and the Scrubby, Mary Smoke, and Neurum creeks, to the W. of the Glasshouse mountains, N.W. of Caboolture township, and about 12 miles distant. Dynevor (Warrego dis Dyngie (Burnett uns. dis.) Dykeheab (Burnett uns. dis.) Dylneran (Leichhardt dis. - Jones. Green, and Sul livan - Pu Travis - - Scottish Aus. Inv. Co. - Cribb and Foot - Eaglefield (S. Keiuiedy dis. ) - J. Lorimer Eastbourne (Warrego dis. Eastbrook (Leichhardt dis. ) ■ PjAstern Creek (Maranoa dis.) East Downs (N. Kennedy dis.) Eastfield (Warrego dis. ) - EccLESTONE (Warrego dis.) EcHUCA (Warrego dis.) Eden Downs (Mitchell dis. ) Edington (Burke uns. dis.) Edinburgh (Gregory S. dis.) Thorgomindah. - Banana. - Gaj'ndah. - Springsure. - Xebo. - Charleville. - Banana. - Mitcliell Downs. - Bowen. - Charleville. Do. Do. Aramac. Dalrymiile. George Fairbairn- G. N. and J. Living J. D. M'Lean Campbell and Hay - A. B. Buchanan - - Bigge, Bigge and Geary - Bigge and Co. - T. and C. Rome - - G. M'Gillivray - M 'Gregor, Mailer and Mailer Eena (Darling Do\\-us uns. dis.), P. Dev-ine, is situated on the head of the Commoron creek, the nearest postal township being Inglewood, about 15 miles E. EooLiNE (Warrego dis. ) - - Gordon and Flood EiDSWOLD (Burnett uns. dis. ) - F. J. Ivory - Elcobra (Mitchell dis.) - - Cudmore and Budge - Eleanor Plains ( Warrego dis. ) A. K. Fiiday Elgin Downs (S. Kennedy dis.) J. Muirhead Elgin Downs (Cook dis.) - - G. Henderson Elibanton (Mitchell dis.) - X.Z. and Aus. Land Co. Elii East (Maranoa dis. ) - - Commercial Bank Elizabeth Creek (^Varrego dis.) W. Archer - - - Tambo. Ellangowan (Darling Downs set. dis.), C. B. Fisher, is situated on the Conda- mine river and Thains' creek, 4 miles N. E. of Leyburn. Ellangowan North (Warrego dis.) Thomas Walker - - Charle\-ille. Ell.\ Pl.\ins (Warrego dis.) - Jones, Green & Sullivan Do. Ellendale (Cook dis. ) - - Barker and Sons - - Cooktown. Ellenvale (Warrego dis.) - E. Bradley - - - Cliarleville. Ellen VALE (North Kennedy dis.) Anning and Co. - - Bowen. Ellengaba (Darling Downs uns. dis.), J. T. M. Bell, is situated on the Weir river and Commoron creek, tlie nearest postal township being Goo idi\\-indi, about 24 miles S.E. of Minimie, the head-station. Charleville. - Charleville. - Gayndah. - Aramac. - Charleville. Do. - Cooktowai. Aramac. Eoma. 230 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Kame of Run. Ellen Hills (Gregory S. dis.) Ellerslie (Leichhardt dis. ) Lessee. Xearest Post Town. and J. G. - J. R. M. W Collins - - - Cbarleville. - Homer, Broadbent and Williams - - Taroom. - B. D. Morehead - - Hutten and Dickins - Oscar de Satfre - Aramac. - CharleWlle. - Aramac. - Do. - Lilyvale. - Clermont. - Aramac. Elliesland (Mitchell dis.) Elm (Gregory South dis.) - Eltox (Mitchell dis.) Eltox (Mitchell dis.) - - D. Lacy Emerald DowN.s( Leichhardt dis.) D. MTlierson Emu (Leichhardt dis.) - - J. J. Asliton Emmett Down's (Mitchell dis.) J. F. Barry Emu Creek Block (Leicliliardt dis. ) Shepperd Smith Emu Creek (Moreton set. dis.), F. A. Primrose, is situated on the Emu, Gooj^ar, and Brun Brun creeks, N. of Helidon and x\.W. of Wivenhoe, about 30 miles distant. Emu Downs (Gregory N. dis ) - Persse de Burgh - Emu Grounds (X. Kennedy dis.) Gill and Mitchell Emu Hills (Mitchell dis.) - D. Lacy Emu Hills E.\.st (Mitchell dis.) Oscar de Satge - Emu Plains Block (S. Kennedy dis.) C. Parbury - - - Mackay. Emu Plains (Warrego dis. ) - Jas. Tyson - - - Ciiarleville. Emu Plains (Mitchell dis.) - Scottish Aus. Inv. Co. Aramac. Emu Plains (Leichhardt dis.) - A. and W. Bushy - Clermont. Emu Plains (X. Kennedy dis. ) - W. Tucker - - - Bowen. Emysland (Xorth Kennedy dis.) Piourke and Muuro - Do. Enghein (Soutli Kennedy dis. )- Biindoch and Hays - ^Lackay. - Allan, Mort & Manning Aramac. Clermont. - Alice Downs. - Bowen. - Aramac. - Do. - J. F. M 'Mullen - - W. X. Waller - - Lamb and Black - - J. Xicolson - Enniskillen (Mitchell dis.) Ennismore (Mitchell dis.)- Entally (Warrego dis. ) - Ensham (Leichhardt dis.) - Ephescs (Maranoa dis. ) - Elphinstone (S. Kennedy dis.)- Bank of X'^. S. W. - Ephr.\im (Leichhardt dis.) - Eaton and Boolner Bridge, E.\st and West (Ken- nedy set. dis.) - Ernestina (Mitchell dis.) Erkol (Leicliliardt dis.) - EscoT (Mitchell dis.) Eskdale (Moreton set. dis.), S. - Do. - Thorgomiudah. - Springsure. - Koma. - CharleA^ille. - Springsure. Rourke and Munro - ^Lackay. Robert Patton - - Aramac. J. Kales ... Do. Rourke and Munro - Tambo. Lonl, is situated on the Emu and Crcssbrook creeks, and adjoins the Toowoomba Agricultural Reserve on the N , Toowoomba townshij) lying about 15 miles S. Esk (Gregory Soutli dis.) - - Hutten and Dickens Esmond, E.v.st (Leichhardt dis.) R. Ramsay - E.SMOND, West (Leichhardt dis.) S. S. Travers Essex (Maranoa dis.) - - ^L O'Brien - liroN Vale (Hurke uiis. dis.) - W. Grci^ - - Eton Vale (Darling Down.s set. dis.), Hodgson and Ramsay, is situated on Hodgson's creek, surrounding Cambooya. EuGENK (Maranoa di.s.) - - W. Allen EuLO, Lefi" (Warrego dis.) - William Stephenson EuLO, Right (Warrego dis.) - A. and T. ("alder Et'Lo, Right (Warrego dis. ) - SadlitT and l>rookc Ei'MAitA (Xortli KciiMi'dy dis.)- W. .Mark EuMA.Mi'KKiN (.Maranoa dis. ) - AN'illiam l^alor EuuAitA (Marano.'i (lis. ) - - D. F. M'Kay EiTKARA (Maranoa (lis.) - - ConinicMcial I'.ank Ki'kamha (Leicliliardt dis.) - I'.ank of X.S.W. - Euraink (\Varrogo dis. ) - - l'"rascr and IJrown EUUELLA (Warrego dJH. ) - - ^\■. .M'intyre Cbarleville. Lilyvale. l)o. lUuna. - Dalrj-mplc. - Roma. - Kiilo. - Do. - Do. - Alice Downs. - Homa. - St. (ioorgc. Do. - S])ringsure. - Cbarleville. Do. Huns] The Queensland Gazetteer. 231 Name of Run. EuROKA (Burnett uns. dis. ) Euroka( Darling Downs uns. dis. EuROKA (Leichhardt di.s. ) - Evesham (Mitchell dis. ) - EvE-SHAM (Mitchell dis.) - EvERSLEiOH (Mitchell dis.) EvoRA (Mitchell dis.) ExcES.s (Leichhardt dis.) - Exeter (Gregory S. dis.) - Fairfield (Maninoa dis.) - Fairfield (Leichhardt dis.) Fairlie Plains (Warrego dis.) Fairlie Plain.s S. (Warrego dis.) J. 0. Lyon Lessee, P. M. Oxiles - W. Higgins - - W. O. Gilchrist - - E. K. Cox - - Cox and Bloomfield - Eourkc and Munro - Thomas Henry - - Conimircial Bank - J. and T. Webber - Thomas M'Ewen- - Osborne and Stephen - W. and J. Howie Nearest Post Town. Fairlight (Burke uns. dis.) Fairview (Leichhardt dis.) Fairview (Maranoa dis. ) - Fairymount (Maranoa dis.) Fairyland (Mitchell dis.) Falkland (Leichhardt dis.) Fan Fan (S. Kennedy dis.) Farkar (Gregory S. dis.) - Farnham (Warrego dis. ) - E. Stewart - J. D. Macansh AV. Moore - P. Brennan - W. H. & J. M. J. - Gayndah. - (Jondamine. - Springsure. - Aramac. - Do. - Do. - BlackaU. - Springsure. - Charleville. - Bom a. - Spring-sure. - Cunnamulla. Do. - Dalrymple. - Springsure. - Roma. - Do. Barton Aramac. - Anderson and Timms - Lilyvale. - G. C. Crump - - Mackay. - J. R.M.W.& J. G.Collins Charleville. - J. F. M'AIullen - - Do. Fassifern (Moreton set. dis.), Wienholt Bros., is situated on the Warrill creek, the nearest postal township being Fassifern, which is on the run. The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co - N.Z. & Aust. Laud Co, - Berkelman & Lambert - C. Parbury - - C. M'Rae - - P. M'lntosh- - J. Conrick - Fawley (Warrego dis.) Fernhoist (Mitchell dis.) - Fermony (Warrego dis. ) - Ferny.side (Leichhardt dis.) Fife (Gregory S. dis.) Finis (Mitchell dis.) - Finland (Gregory S. dis.) Finsbury Plains (Warrego dis.) Jas. Tj-son - Fishy Creek (Burnett uns. dis.) C. C. M'Donald - FiTTLEWORTH (Mitchell dis.) - N.Z. & Aus. Land Co. FiTZROY Square (Maranoa dis.) A. B. Buchanan - Flagstone Creek (Burnett uns. dis.) Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. - Gayndah. Flats (Burnett uns. dis. ) - - F. J. Ivory - - Do. Flinton (Warrego dis.) - - Jas. Tyson - - Charle\-ille. Flora (WaiTego dis.) - - N. H. Macdonakl - Do. Flora ville (Burke uns. dis.) - Towns and Stuart - Xormanton. Flodden Valley (Mitchell dis.) Rourke and Munro - Aramac. Floriana (Warrego dis.) - - J. Hollinsworth - - Charleville. Folkstone (Darling Downs uns. dis.), M. H. Marsh, is situated on the Quart Pot creek and the head of the Severn river, adjoining the township of Stauthorpe. Charleville. Aramac. - Charleville. - Si^ringsure. - Charleville. - Aramac. - Charleville. Do. - Gayndah. - Aramac. - Roma. A. S. King Bank of Au.stralasia Commercial Bank Bank of N. S. Wales C. M-Rae - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co Forest V.\le (Maranoa dis.) Forest Hill (Mitchell dis.) Forest (Leichhardt dis.) - F()re.st Grove (Mitchell dis.) - Forfar (Gregory South dis.) - Forrester (Mitchell dis.) Forrester's Retreat (Mitchell dis. ) W. J. Forrester • Fort Constantine (Burke una. dis.) Bank of N. S. AVales Fossil Brook (Cook dis. ) - - Cranston and Firth Foulden (Mitchell dis.) - - R. Christisou Four Mile Creek (Maranoa dis.) W. Smith - FoxoBROUGH (Darling Downs uns. dis.) P. Brennan - Roma. - Tambo. - Springsure. - Isis Downs. - Charleville. Aramac. Do. Dalr3^nple. Cooktowu. Aramac. Roma. Condamiiie, 232 The Queenslaml Gazetteer. [Huns Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. FoxHALL (Mitchell dis.) - - TheMer. Bank of Sj'd. Aramac. Fraxklyx Vale (Moreton set. dis.). H. Mort, is situated on the Laidley and Frauklynvale creeks, the nearest postal township being Graudchester railway station, 10 miles N. of the head-station. Frank Vale (Leichhardt dis.)- C. R. Haly - - - Springsiire. Frederick (Warrego dis.) - Eobt. Russell - - Oharle\"ille. Freitag (Leichhardt dis. ) - - X.Z. & Aus. Land Co. - Spriugsure. Friendly Springs (Mitchell dis.) R. Travers - - Aramac. Frosty Creek (Maranoa dis.) - G. Smith - - - Roma. FuLBOURNE Block (Leichhardt dis.) J. G. Hess - - - Springsure. Fullarton (Mitchell dis.) - J. Peter and Co. - - Roma. Gara (X. Kennedy dis. ) - - R. Stewart - - - Bowen. Galway Downs (Mitchell dis.) P. and J. Durack - Blackall. Galway Downs (Gregory S. dis.) P. and J. Durack - Mackay. Galgathaa (Leichhardt dis.) - Robertson and Want - Springsure. Gallangowan (Burnett uns. (lis.) J. Mortimer - - Gayndah. Galloway Plains (Port Curtis set. dis.), Hugh Neil, is situated on the Oaky, Tom's, and other creeks, the nearest postal township being Gladstone, 25 miles N.E. of the head-station. Galvin (Warrego dis.) - - J. Becker - - - Charleville. Gap (Warrego dis.) - - - J. Becker - - - Do. G.iRAGCLLY (Maranoa dis.) - il'Leay, Little & Beau- mont ... Roma. Garden Ground (Maranoa dis.) Hodgson, Ramsay and Rait - - - - Do. Gartmore (Mitchell dis.) - N.Z. & Aus. Land Co. Aramac. Garvoe (Mitchell dis. ) - - W. Kelnian - - Do. Gayndall (Darling Downs uns. dis.). Graham and Willams, is situated on the Moonie river and the Barawcll creek, the nearest postal townshii) being Conda- mine, 72 miles N. Gelebebe (Mitchell dis.) - - The Scot. Aus. lav. Co. Aramac. Gelle.\t (I3urke uns. dis.) M'Gillivray - - Dalrymple. Gemini (Mitchell dis.) - - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Aramac. Gerar (Maranoa dis.) - - O. F. M'Kay - - Roma. (tERAH (Burke uns. dis.) - - Stone and J effrcy - Dalrymiile. Geral.\r.a. (Maranoa dis.) - W. Allen - - - llonia. Gecmga (Burnett uns. dis.) - A. and F. Ivory - - Dalrymple. ("Jibber Ahmoo (Warrego dis.) - Humphrey & Bullmore Charleville. GinnER Gunvah (Leichhardt dis.) W. Scott - - - Springsure. rjiBi'.KKL.VNi) (Leichhardt dis. ) - Thomas Cadell - - Do. (liBUEUs (Warrego dis.) - - W. N. Waller - - Charleville. Gidi;ee Camp (Warrego dis.) - J. F. T. & (J. Williams - Do. (Ji(i00.MG.\N, No. 1 (Co. Cook, Wide Bay and Burnett set. dis.), Mant and Lyttlc- ton, is situated on the Muuiia, Culgoa, Spring, and Running creeks, 24 miles N. W. of (iym])ie, the nearest pust town. Clay slates and shales. GiLBi'KCOLLV (Maranoa dis.) - A. S. King- - - Roma. Gile.\i> (Leiclihardt (lis.) - - Iv-iton and Hooker. GiNi'.AR (I'.urke uns. dis.) - - Sloanc and .lilliays - Dalrymple. GiNDie (Ijciclihardt dis. ) - - I'. F. -M'Donald - - Si)ringsure. (JiNDiNA ((ircgory S. dis.) - H. B. Hughes - - Alackay. Gin Gin and Klkcira, No. 113 (Co. Cook, Wide Bay and Burnett set. dis.), A. Brown, is situated on tlie lUirnett river and the (Jin (Jin creek, the nearest ])OHt town being Bundal)org 1.5 miles E., and Maryborough 50 miles S.E. (iranite and mica schist. GiNooNDAN (IJurnett uns. di.s.)- B. B. and S. Morton - Dalrymple. GlKRAii (Leicldianlt ili.s. ) - S. and C. Harber. Gladfikld (Darling Downs set. dis.), Wienholt Bros., situated cm Glengallon crock, 12 niilun eu»t of Allora. Runs] The Queensland Gazetteer. 233 Name of Run. Nearest Post Town. Glanmire Ea.st (Warrego (lis. ) Geo. Fairbairn - - Koma. Glaxm[RE (Warrego dis.) - W. Archer - - C'liarleville. Glanworth (Warrego (lis. ) - W.Archer - - - Do. Glasgow (Gregory Soutli dis.) - M'Gregor, Mailer and Mailer - - - Mackay, Glasnevin (Leichhardt dis.) - John Shannon - - Springsure. Glenallin (Mitchell dis.) - S. Lord - - - Araniac. Glenarm (Maranoa dis. ) - W. and T. Marsh - Koma. Glen Avon (Kennedy set. dis.)- Towns and Stuart - Mackay. Glenbar, No. 3G (Co. Cook, Wide Hay, and Burnett set. dis. ), G. H. .Tones, is situated on the Mary river and the Munna and Taiiyalba ci'eeks, 24 miles N. of Gympie, tlie nearest post-town. Clay slates and shales. Glencairn Back (Maranoa dis.) Buchanan and Mort Glencairn (Gregory S. dis.) Glencairn (Leichliardt dis.) - Glencoe (Mitchell dis.) Glendarriwell (Leichhardt dis.) Glendower (Burke uns. dis.) 1!. Mailer F. Fanning - E. Wienholt Warwick. Charleville. Tarooin. Aramac. J. K. Welch - - Clermont. K. Gray - - - Dalrymple. Glenelg (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Towns and Stuart, is situated on the Mac- intyre brook, the nearest postal township being the Canal Creek goldtield, which lies immediately north. - D. M'Gregor - - Charlevills. - D. M'Gregor - - Do. - Crordon and Flood - Do. - Gordon and Flood - Do. Glenfall (Gregory S. dis.) Glengyle (Gregory S. dis.) (iLenelg (Warrego dis.) - Glengarry (Warrego dis.) Glengowie Down.s East & West (Burke uns. dis.) - Glen Haughton (Leichhardt dis.) Glen King (N. Kennedy dis. ) - Glen LYON (Maranoa dis.) Glenlyon (Gregory S. dis.) M'Intyre Dalrymple. C. R. Haly - - - Taroom. Campbell and Hay - Boweu. Buchanan and Mort - Roma. D. M'Gregor - - Charleville. Glexlyon (MaranfJa dis.) - R. M'Micking - - Roma. Glenlyon (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Thos. Walker, is situated on tlic Pike's creek, the nearest postal township being Ballandean, 24 miles east. Glenmore (Port Curtis set. dis.), C. A. and R. Birkbeck, is situated on the Fitz- roy river, the nearest postal township being Kockhanipton, which lies adjacent on the south. Glenmore (S. Kennedy dis.) - A. Small - - - Mackay. Glen North (Maranoa dis.) - A. and P. M 'Donald - Roma. Glen Prairie (Port Curtis set. dis.). Watt and Gilclirist, is situated on the Herbei-t creek and Broad Sound, the nearest post town being Marlborough, 15 miles S.S.W. of the head-station. Glen Patrick (Mitchell dis. ) - Merc. Bank of Sydney Aramac. Glenrock (Cook dis.) - - Smith, Barnes & Smith Cookto\™. Glen (Darling Downs uns. dis.) E. Hohnes - - - Condamine. Glenusk (Mitchell dis. ) - - T. and C. Rome - - Aramac. Glenwiggle (Leichhardt dis.) - Craig, Simmie & Eraser Springsure. Gloucester (N. Kennedy dis.) Gnoolooma (Maranoa dis.) Gnoondoolmallv (Darling Dowais uns. dis.) - Gobongo (Burnett uns. dis.) GODESBERG (Warrego dis. ) Godstone (Leichhardt dis.) GoDSTONE (Warrego dis.) Gogolo (Warrego dis.) F. Hamilton James Withcanbe Bowen. Roma. , Co. J. Ferritt - J. Mortimer J. Becker The Scot. Alls. Inv, AValker and Geary W. A. Bucknall - GooDAR (Darling Downis uns. dis.), R. A. ^LacHe, is situated on the Weir river, the nearest postal township being Goondiwindi, 24 miles S.E. of the head- station. Condamine. (iayndah. Charleville. Springsure. Cbaileville. Do. 234 The Queetisland Gazetteer. [Runs GooxANDADi (Maranoa clis. ) GooN'A (Warrego (lis. ) GooxARO (ilaranoa dis.) - GooNBABiNXA (Gregory S. dis.) GooNERY (Warrego dis.) GooNERA (Warrego dis.) Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. GooDBERRY (Mitchell dis.) - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Aramac. GooGLUM (Gregory X. dis.) - J. T. C. Ranken - - Bowen. GooMALLY (Leichiiardt dis. ) - C. B. Duttoii - • - Boolburra. GooMBURRA (Darling Downs set. dis.), ^I'Lean, Hodgson and Green, situated on the Glengallon creek, 6 miles E. of Allora. GooMERiBOXG (Biimett ims. dis.) D. K. Jones' Executors Ga^nidah. GooMORAH (Warrego dis.) - - Thomas Pain - - Charlcville. GooNABOOKA (Warrego dis.) - Jones, Green and Sul- livan - D. Grover - - James Tyson - Joint Stock Bank R. Doyle - Commercial Bank - H. and N. Wilson GooxDnviXDi (Darling Downs uns. dis.), L. Holmes, is situated on the MacintjTe river. There is a post-office at the head-station of this run. GooxDOOL (Darling Downs uns. dis.) D. Raynor - GooxDAMAH (Mitchell dis.) - T. and C. Rome - GooxYPULLA (Darling Downs uns. dis.) John Ferritt GooxYELLA (Leichiiardt dis.) - A. B. M 'Donald - GooRAROOMAX (Maranoa dis.) - D. F. M'Kay GooRiE GooRiE (Warrego dis. ) - J. Becker GooROOLBALLix (Burnett uns. dis.)B. B. and S. Morton GoRDOXSTOXE (Bumett uns. dis.) Campbell and Hay GoRDOXSTOXE (Leichhardt dis.) - S. S. Travers GORDOXiA (Gregory N. dis.) - J. T. C. Ranken - GoRDOX Street (Warrego dis.)- Jas. Tyson - Gordon Plaixs (N.Kennedy dis.) R. Stewart - Gordon Brook (Burnett uns. dis.) Haley and Kirkhy Do. R oma. Charleville. Roma. Charleville. Do. Do. Condamine. Blackall. GoRDA (Warrego dis.) GoRiM.^X (Maranoa dis.) - GoRlXNA (Maranoa dis.) - Goulbukxe (Gregory S. dis.) GouRXiNYA (Warrego dis.) GowEX (Mitchell dis.) GowRiE (AVarrego dis. ) - Condamine. - J5anana. - St. (xeorge. - Thorgomindah. - Condamine. Do. - Lilj-vale. - Bowen. - Charleville. - Alice Downs. - Kauango. - 'J'horgomindah. - Surat. - Do. - Tlioi'goniiudah. - Charleville. - Cox and Dowling - A. A. Dangar - Moore and Tiirnbull - A. Reid - H. and N. Wilson - J. W. A. E. Wienholt Isis Downs. - Gordon and Flood - Cliarlevillc. GowRiE (Darling Downs set. dis.), is situated on Oaky creek N. of Toowoomlja. Go\Ti{ORXE (Warrego dis. ) - Walter and Geary - Cliarloville. GoY (Warrego dis.) - - - W. J. iMaljias - - Do. otRABBEN GuLLEN (fJrcgory S. dis.) - - - - - J. Scaiilan - - - Do. Gradule (Maranoa dis.) - - S. Bunlckin - - Konia. Gracemere (Port Curtis set. dis.), W. Archer, is situatid on tlu^ Fitzroy river, and the Scrul)l)y creek and its tributaries. 'J'he Nortlicrn railway runs tlirough the resumed and surveyed laud of this run ; the nearest postal townsliii)s are Rockliampton, (Ir.-u'cmere and Sta^\■elI, all of which are on tliis run. (iRAKniN Cotirr (.Maranoa dis. ) \V. Lalor - - - Konia. GHAKroN TEi;i!Ari; (Maranoadis.) A. B. I'.iichanaii - - Do. (iliAIIAM (South Kennedy dis.) - H. I'.eit - - - M.ickny. Grantham (Moreton set. dis.), W. Vanneck, is situate() miles N. W. GuRARDER.A. (Maranoa dis. ) - John ArndeU - - R(mia. GuR.\LD.\ N. (Maranoa dis. ) - P. Clynes ... Do. GuRTA (Gregory S. dis.) - - P. and ^I. Durack - Charleville. GuTCHY (Co. March, Wide Bay and Burnett set. dis.), Hy. Missing, situated on the Mary river and the (iutchy creek, IS miles N. of Gympie, and the same distance S. of Maryborough, the nearest post towns. Devonian rocks and shales. Guy Guy (Maranoa dis. ) - - W. Allen - - - Roma. Gw^AMBAGUiNE (Leichhardt dis.) Scott, Henderson & Co. Taroom. Haddon (Warrego dis.) - - W. and J. H.Howie - Cliarle%'ille. Halliford (Darling Downs uns. dis.), North British Australian Co., is situated on the AVilkie's creek, the nearest postal township being Dalby, about 20 miles N.E. of the head-station. Halton (Warrego dis. ) - - J. Read - - - Charle\-ille. H.uiiLTON Plains (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Henry Thorn, is situated on the head of the Jingi Jiugi creek, the nearest postal township being Jimbour, about 18 miles S.E. Hamilton (N. Kennedy dis.) - J. Allingham - - Bowen. Hamilton (Kennedy set. dis.), Burke, Martin and Martin, is situated on the Upper Pioneer river, the nearest postal town being Mackay, 20 miles E. Hanswortii (Warrego dis.) - The Scot. Aus. luv. Go. Charleville. Haran (Darling Downs uns. dis.) A. and E. Holmes Haran (Maranoa dis. ) Haran (Maranoa dis. ) Harcourt (Leichhardt dis.) Hardeane (Warrego dis.) Harden (Mitchell dis.) Hardwick (N. Kennedy dis.) H.wiLAii (S. Kennedy dis.) Surat, Do. Do. Banana. N. British Aus. Co. R. and G. Hazard AV. F. Walton - F. T. G. & J. Williams Charleville. Rome Bros. - - • Aramac. Rourke and Munro - Bowen. Bank of N. S. W. - Do. S2 236 The. Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. HaPvDLA^t (Warrego dis.) - - Rutherford & Robertson Cliarle\'ille. Harvest Home (X. Kennedy dis.) Campbell and Hay - Bowen. Haughtox Vale (Mitchell dis.) N.Z. & Aus. Land Co. Isis Do-mis. Haugii (Burnett uns. dis.) M'Donald - - Gayndah. Haulk Vale (Leichhardt dis.) - Joint Stock. Bank - Springsure. Havelock (Gregorys, dis.) - C. M'Kae - - - CharleviUe. Havelock (Mitchell dis.) - - Cudmore and Budge - Blackall. Havelock Olaranoa dis.) - A. S. King - - - Roma. Hawardex (Mitchell dis.) - T. and C. Rome - - Aramac. Ha\^"THORXE (Leichhardt dis.) - J. D. Macansh - - Springsure. Hazlemeke (Mitchell dis.) - N.Z. & Aus. Land Co. - Tamljo. Hazlewood (Mitchell dis.) - J. P., J. A., & M. Bell Alice Downs. Head Creek Station (Maranoa dis.) E. W. Verner - - Roma. Head of Duxbar Creek (Bur- nett uns. dis. ) ... M'Donald and Smith - Ciayndah. He^vd of Yarril Creek (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Knyvett and Box, is situated on the YaiTiU creek, the nearest postal township being Western creek, 24 miles N.E. Hebel (Mitchell dis.) - - F. Fanning- - - Tambo. Heexey (Gregory S. dis.) - H. B. Hughes - - ('liarleville. Heidelberg (S. Kennedy dis.)- BankofN.S. Wales - Mackay. Helidox (Moreton set. dis.) A. Macalister, as trustee for late W. Turner, is situ- ated on the Flagstone creek and the Monkey waterholes, adjoining the Helidon railway station, which lies at the X. of the run. Helidox (Warrego dis.) - - Jas. Taylor - - CharleviUe. Helmetburx (Burnett uns. dis.) Bank of N. S. Wales - (iayndah. Hexrv Dowxs (Mitchell dis.) - A. B. ISuchanan - - Taml)o. Hexry Dowx.s (Gregory N. dis.) Persse de Burgh - - Alice Downs. Hexley (Mitchell dis.) - - T. and C. Rome - - Tand)o. Herbert (Gregory South dis.) - H. B. Hughes - - CharleviUe. Herbertshire (Maranoa dis.) - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Roma. Herbert.shire (Mitchell dis.) - B. D. Morehead - - Tambo. Hercule.s (Gregory North dis.)- J. T. C. Rankcn - - Alice Downs. Her.mit.\ge Forest (Leichhardt dis.) - - ■ - - A. B. M'Doiuild - - Rockliampton. Hexilan (MitcheU dis.) - - E. W'icnholt - - Tambo. Highland Plains (Leichhardt dis. ) Craig, Siminic & Fraser Taroom. HiGiiL.^XDS (Darling Dowiis uns. dis), E. Holmes, is situated on tlie Parrie Moo- Ian creek, the nearest postal township being Condamine, about 48 miles N., but tlic communication being by Dalliy. Hikkee (Warrego dis.) - - H. and N. WUson - CharleviUe. iliLL(;KOVE (North Kennedy dis.) R. Stewart - - - Dalrymijle. Hill Hou.se Ridge (Burnett uns. (lis.) J. B. Watt - - - Hawkwood. Hill's Acre (Warrego dis.) - W. B. Bradley - - CliarleviUo. Hii.LsiiOROL'Gii (Maranoa dis.) - W. Marsli - - - Mitchell Downs. HiLLsr.oiiOCGii (N. Kennedydis.) Watt and CunMinghain llowon. Hili.shai.e (Warrego (lis.) - - Commercial Hank - Cliarleville. IIii.LSiKK (.Maranoa di.s.) - - W. Jiusclicl - - - lldiiia. Hill's 1'l.mns (Warrego dis.) - .las. 'J'j'son - ■ - Cliarleville. HiNfiiLEY (Leichhardt dis. ) - C. and E. Royds - - Springsure. Hogantiiulla Downs (Warrego (lis.) J. Ashburn - - Mitchell Downs. HoGANTHfLLA, No. 2 (Warrcgo di.4.) Mary Fraser - - Do. IIr)GANTin'i,LA, No. 3 (Mitchell dis.) E. Snow - - - Do. lloLi'.|-.iN Hiii, (Mitchell diH.) - W. Kdman - - - Tambo. lloLKiMM { Warrcgo (Uh.) - - .lolm Hay - - - Cliarleville. Runs] The Queensland Gazetteer. 237 Name of Run. Lessee. HOMEBOIN (iSIaranoa dis.) - - A. and E. Holmes HoMEBUsn ((Jrcj^'ory South dis.) J. Costello - Nearest Post Town. - Roma. - Charloville. HoMECREEK (Mitchell dis. ) Home Creek, No. 3 (Mitchell dis.) HoMECiiESTER (Leiclihai'dt dis.) - HoNEYMAH (Maraiioa dis.) HoOGARBUNNA (Maraiioa dis.) - HooKiNGAH (Maraiioa dis.) J. T. Allan & Partners Alice D(jwns. H. Garnett - - - Do. Bank of JSf.S.W. - - Springsiire. \V. Allen - - - Roma. Bank of N.S.W. - - Do. H. B. Hughes - - Do. HooKswooD (Darling Downs uiis. dis.), J . Ferritt, is situated on the Dogwood creek, the nearest postal township Ijeiug Condamine, about '2i miles 8. HooLAH (Maranoa dis.) - - J. D. and T. Moore HooMOOLOO (Warrego dis. ) - E. J. Stevens Hope (Leichhardt dis. ) - - Commercial Bank HoRBURY Grove (8. Keimedy dis. ) Thomas Holt Hornet Creek (Leichhardt dis.) Hornet Bank (Leichhardt dis.) - HoR.SE (Gregory S. dis.) - Horsehalt (Mitchell dis.) Hor.se Track Creek (Maranoa dis.) H0.S.SINGTON (Mitchell dis.) Bank of N.S.W. - R. Logan H. B. Hughes - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. D. Ross - Thomson, Thomson Russell and (xovett - ^layne ami Ward - The Scot. Aus. luv. Co - E. Wienholt H. B. Hughes Roma. Charleville. Springsure. Mackay. Taroom. Do. Charleville. Tambo. - Roma. Hoszfeldt (Warrego dis.) - Hukfer (Mitchell dis. ) HuGDEN (Mitchell dis. ) Hughes (Gregory S. dis.) - Hughes Hill (S. Kennedy dis. ) T. 0. S. Green Hughendon (Burke uns. dis. ) - R. and C. Gray HuGHENDON (Mitchell dis. ) Huillagarara (Maranoa dis. ) Humbug (Gregoiy S. dis. ) Humboldt (Maranoa dis.) Humeburn (Warrego dis Tambo. Charleville. Tambo. Do. Charleville Mackay. Dalrymple. N. Z. and Aus. Land Co. Tambo. M'Leaj' and Taylor J. Hammond Tooth and Holt - John Officer - Hungry" Downs (Maranoa dis.) A. F. Surlick Huntley (Warrego dis.) HuNTWORTH (Warrego dis.) Hurra Molo (Warrego dis.) and Hurtle Vale (Warrego dis.) ■ HuTTON Vale (Leichhardt dis. ] Hy'THE (Warrego dis. ) Iba (Maranoa dis. ) - Ida Downs (Mitchell dis. ) Ida (Warrego dis.) - Iffey (Burke uns. dis.) Ilbery' (Gregory South dis.) ■ Ilfracombe (Mitchell dis.) Imbadulla (Warrego dis. ) A. 8. Webster W. N. Waller - Hood, Torrance Hood Henry Beit - Craig, Simmie & Eraser Springsure. Roma. Charleville. Boolburra. Cunnamulla. Roma. Charleville. Do. Do. Do. Robert Russell - - Charleville. J. Nicolson - - - Roma. J. R. Lomax - - Tambo. W. J. Malpas - - Charleville. Scruttou and Walsh - Dalrvniple. H. B. Hughes - - Charleville, N.Z. & Aust. Land Co. Tamljo. E. J. Stevens - - Charleville. Imbil (Co. Lennox," AVide Bay and Burnett set. dis.), C. and 1'. Lawless, is situated on the Mary river and the Yabba creek, 15 miles S. of Gyinpie, and the same distance N.E. of Jiinna, the nearest post town. Clay slates and shales. Inderi (Leichhardt dis.) - - Joint Stock Bank -Springsure. 1ndl\na (Maranoa dis.) - - A. E. Surlick - -Roma. Indrabanyer (Leichhardt dis.) C. Parbury - - - Springsure. Ingarrah (Maranoa dis.)- - H. J. Adams - -Roma. Ingberry (Mitchell dis.) - - Travers and Gibson - Tainbo. Inglebogie (Maranoa dis. ) - Watt and Gilchrist -Roma. Ingle Downs ^Leichhardt dis. ) D. M'Lennan - - Marlborough. 238 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Kame of Ktiii. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. IxGULN' (Warrego dis.) - - Commercial Bank - Cliarleville. Inj.uxulla (Warrego dis.) - E. J. Stevens - - Do. Injcine (Warrego dis.) - -J.Williams- - - Do. Injuxe (Leichhardt dis.) - - Craig, Sinunie & Fraser Taroom. Injurixga (Warrego dis.) - F. Williams - - - Eoraa. I>r\"AXHOE (Gregorj- iSouth dis. )- R. Mailer - - - Charleville. IxKEEMAX I)0A\'>'.s (Kcimedyset. dis. ) Towns and Stuart - Bowen. Inverxess (Mitchell dis.)- - Archer and Gordon - Tambo. Irvln'gdale (Darling Dowtis set. dis.), Kent and Wienholt, situated on the Myall creek, 3 miles E. of Dalby. Basalt. Iroxbark (Maranoa dis. ) - - A.S.King - - - Eoma. Iroxbark (Warrego dis.) - - F. and W. Jenkins - Charleville. IsLA (Leichhardt dis. ) - - The N. British Aus. Co. Banana. ISLAY Plaix.s (S. Kennedy dis.) Thos. Holt - - - jMackay. IsL.\ND (Burnett uns. dis.) - E. Wienholt - - Gaj'ndah. Isis Dowx.s (Mitchell dis. ) - J.Stevenson - - Isis Downs. Isis Downs (Mitchell dis. ) - Govett, Thomson, Rus- sell and Thomson - Do. Iv.\xhoe (Maranoa dis.) - - P. and E. Moore - - Roma. Iveragh (Port Curtis set. dis.), H. R. Buchanan, is situated on the Boyne river aiul Iveragh creek ; the nearest postal toAvnship being Gladstone, about *2-4 miles N. of tlie head-station. Jabir.v (Mitchell dis. ) - - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Tambo. jANESLtVXD (Mitchell dis.) - B. D. Morehead - - Do. Jaxgally AVest (Maranoa dis.) - W. Lamrock - - Roma. Jellixb.\ii (Leichhardt dis. ) - W.Johnson - - Springsure. Jericho (Mitchell dis.) - - J. Desmond - - Bowen Do^ais. Jericho (Mitchell dis.) - - Scottish Aus. Inv. Co.- Do. ■ Jero (Warrego dis.) - - - Bradley and Rutlierford Charleville. ■ JiMROUR (Co. Aubigny, Darling Downs .set. dis), Bell and Sons, situated on the " Cooranga and Jimbour creeks and the Condaminc river, adjoining and to the north of D;Jl)y, from which townshij) the head-station of Jimbour is about 14 miles distant north, liasalt, basic doloritc, carbonaceous shales. Jixci Jixoi (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Murraj^ Stewart, is situated on the Jingi Jingi creek, tlie nearest postal township being Jimbour, about 20 miles south of the head-station, and 14 miles south of Jandowie station. JiXGiDiLi.A (Warrego dis.) - Hnmplirey & Bullmore Charleville. Joebill (Mitchell dis.) - - Travers, Travcrs and (iil)son - - - Tambo. JOHNOBOOX (Burnett uns. dis.) - ]\I 'Donald and Smith - Gayndah. JoHXSTOWN (Burnett uns. dis.) - Bank of N.S.W. - - Do. Jolly (Warrcgtj dis.) - - G. H. Daven])ort - - Charleville. JoNABHAX (Warrego dis.) - Messrs. AN'illiams - Do. JoXDAY (Burnett uns. dis.) - J. J. Cadell - - Gayndah. JoNDAitYAN ( Darling Dowiis set. dis.), Kent and AVicnholt. Tliis run surrounds the Jondaryan townsliip. JuANBU.N(i (NVarrego (lis.) - - W. Ty.son, junior - Cliarleville. JuANDAH (Leicidiardt dis.) - C. and E. iloyds - Springsure. JuAN (Warrego (lis. ) - - Wm. Tyson - - Cliarleville. JuMMA (Warrego dis.) - - Menzies, Douglas and Dunmore - - - Do. .IiMMA Upper (Leichhardt dis.)- Pi. Travers - - - liilyvalc. .lir.M.MA Lower (Loiclihardtdis.) R. Bamsay - - - Do. Ju.N(TiON P.i.ocK (Warrego flis. ) E. M.ell - - - Banana. Huns] The Queensland Gazetteer. 239 Name of Run. Lessee. W. Kelman - Nearest Post Town. Aramac. JuNDAH (Mitchell (lis. ) - JuRVisFiELD East (Kennedy set. dis.) E,. Towns - - - Townsville. Jura (Burnett uns. dis.) - - \V. O. Gilchrist - - (Jayndah. Kahmoomclla (Warrego dis.) - Joint Stock Bank - Charlcville. Kalara (Burke uns. dis.) - - — Mlntyre - - Dalrymple. Kalboora (Gregory S. dis ) - C. Mllae - - - Charleville. Kalonga (Co. Cook, Wide Bay and Burnett set. dis.), W. 0. (iilchrist, is situated on the Kolan liivcr and Takilberan and other small creeks, 20 miles N.W. of Bundaberg, and 70 miles X.\\'. of Maryborough. Basalt and sliale. Kamarooka (Burke uns. dis.) - Kambo (Warrego dis.) Kandoonan (Leichhardt dis. ) Kangaroo (Warrego dis. ) Kangaroo (N. Kennedy dis.) Kangerong (X. Kennedy dis. Karee S. (Maranoa dis. ) - M'Gillivray Commercial Bank - Ikll and Hyde - - Jas. Tj'son - - J. and C. Allingham ) W. J. T. Clarke - - Bank of N. S. W. - Dairy mi)le. - Cliarleville. - Gayndah. - Cliarleville. - Boweu. - Do. - Roma. - H. and N. Wilson - John Matheson - - Buchanan and Mort - - A. H. Palmer - Gordon and Flood - Lyon, Play fair & Tyson - The Scot. Aus. lav. Co. - P. M'lutosh Do. Cliarleville. Do. Ikoma. INIackay. Charlcville. Do. Tambo. Do. Karee S., No. 2 (Maranoa dis. ) Manchee, Baldwin and Baldwin - - - Kareen (Warrego dis.) Kargoolnah (Warrego dis.) Kargurrah (Maranoa dis.) Karlsbad (S. Kemiedy dis.) Karrol (Warrego dis.) Karjie (Warrego dis.) Kateroy (Mitchell dis.) - Kayston (Mitchell dis.) - Kaywanna (Darling Domtis uns. dis.) - . . . . Buchanan and Mort Kebworth (Warrego dis. ) - Walter and Geary Keelrah (Maranoa dis.) - - B. Piiehards Keelbottom (X. Kennedy dis.) Piourke and Munro Keepit (Maranoa dis.) - - P. and E. Moore Keeret (Maranoa dis.) - - G. Kirk Keilambite (Leichhardt dis. ) - Bank of N. S. Wales Keira (Burke uns. dis.) - - Clifford and Courtenay Dalrymple. Kempsey (Warrego dis. ) - - R. Blarney - - Charlcville. Kenilworth (Warrego dis.) - Cudmore and Budge - Do. Kenilworth X. (Co. Lennox, Wide Bay and Burnett set. dis.), Isaac Moore, is situated on the Mary river, 18 miles S. of Gymi^ie, the nearest post town. Clay slates and shales. Kexmack Downs (Burke uns. dis.) W. T. Greig - - Dalr>nnple. Kexmore (Gregory South dis.)- C. M'Rae - - -Charlcville. Kennedy (Warrego dis. ) - - The Scot. Aus Liv. Co. Do. Kensington (Mitchell dis.) - D. (iunn - - - Aramac. Kerambilla Forest (Darling Downis uns. dis.), M. Daisey, is situated on the Com- moron creek, the nearest postal township V»eing Goondiwindi, 12 miles S. \\ . - Condamine. - Cliarleville. - Roma. - Dalrymple. - Roma. - Do. Springsiire. Kerbert Eff (Leichhardt dis.) Rice and Turner Kerella (Gregory South dis.) - J. CosteUo Key (Gregory South dis. ) - - R. Mailer Khamoban (Warrego dis.) - J. H. Douglas Khosh Bulduck (Leichhardt dis.) KiANDRA (Warrego dis.) - Kianga (Leichhardt dis. ) - KiANGA East (Leichhardt dis.) • Spriiigsurc. Cliarleville. Do. Do. Geo. Fairbairn - - Lilx-^'ale. W.X.Waller - -Charlcville. Joint Stock Bank - Banana. Horner, Broadbent and Williams - - Do. W. B. Bradley - - Charlcville. KiLCOY (Moreton set" dis.), Louis Hope, is situated on the Stanley river and Station creek, S. of Jiuina township. Kidnapper (Warrego dis.) 240 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Kame of Riin. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. KiLCUMiilx (South Kenned J' dis.) S. Wilson - - - Bowen. KiLELLAX (WaiTego dis.) - - C. C. and A. K. Finlaj'- Charle^-ille. KiLKiVAN (Co. Lennox, Wide Baj'^ and Burnett set. dis.), Exors. of J. D. M'Tag- gart. is situated on tlie Wide Bay, Boonera, Coppermine, and other creeks, adjoin- inc Black Snake and Kilkivan, and about 20 miles W. of Gympie, the next post towTis. Quartz, clay slates and shales. KiLLARNEY ( Leicliliardt dis.) - J. T. J. Wallace - KiLLBOGiE (Kennedj- set. dis.) - Thos. Holt - " "" - A. J. Hajdock - C. M-Eae - - Bank of X. S. Wales - Spnngsure. - ^lackay. Do. - Charleville. - Springsure. ■ Charleville. - Sjjringsure. Graham and Williams - Condamine. - Bo wen. and KiLLBROOK (8. Kennedy dis.) KiLLix (Gregory South dis. ) KiLLiXEY (Leichhardt dis.) KiLi.ow'EX East (Warrego dis.) Commercial Bank KiLMORE (Leichhardt dis.) - P. F. M'Donald KiXGABiLLA Junction (Darling Do^v^lS uns. dis.) - - . Graham and WUliams - Condamine. KiNtJOWER (Leichhardt dis. ) - D. M'Pherson - - iSpringsure. KiNG-SLAXD (Burnett uns. dis.) - Campbell and Hay - Gayndab. KiXGSTOX (Mitchell dis. ) - - T. and C. Itonie - - Tambo. KiN'KiBELLA (Darling Downs uns. dis.) KiKLOCK, No. 1 (N. Kennedy dis.) H Mjttou - KiNLOCK, No. 2 (N. Kennedy dis.) Cooper, Cooper. Mytton KiSLOCK (Maranoa dis. ) KiNNOUL (Leichhardt dis.)- KiNROSS (Leicldiardt dis.) - KrSROSS (N. Kennedy dis.) KiNYAH (N. Kennedy dis.) KiRKNiE (Kennedy set. dis.) KxotKBREAK (Bumett uns. dis.) B. Travis Knife Watehhole (Warrego dis.) Messrs. WUliams Ko(;.A.x Creek (Darling Downs uns. dis.), George Thorne, is situated on the Kogan creek, the nearest postal townsliip being Dalby. KoLAN (Co. Cook, Wide Bay and Burnett set. dis.), Knox and Stephen, is situated on the Burnett and Kolan rivers and the Gin (iin creek, 8 miles W. of Bunda- berf , and (iO miles N. of Maryborough, the nearest post towns, (iranite and mica schists, with Devonian rocks. KoLi.EY (Warrego dis.) - - James Tyson - - Charleville. KooiNG.\LL (Port Curtis set. dis.), W. It. Anderson, is situated on the Kroombit creek, the nearest postal townsliip being Banana, about 'JO miles W. of the head- station. Bank of N. S. Wales - Springsurc - Bank of N.S.W. - Cribb and Foot - C. and E. Boyds - E. Mj'tton - - K. Stewart - - Thomas Holt Do. Koma. Taroom. Springsure. Bowen. Do. Do. Gayndiili. Charleville. KooKiNGAH (Leichhardt dis. ) KooLBELLcr (Warrego dis.) Kfioi.iArro (Warrego >UGH Isle (Gregory S. dis.) JiOUGH Neigh ((iregory S. dis.) (j. W. Scrivener - liOinsA Plains (Warrego dis.) - A. and P. >Licdonald Lowdon (Mitchell dis.) l,owE.sTf)KK (Leichliardt di«.) LuitUiNA ((Jregory Soutli dis.) l.,LDWl(i (Leicldiardt dis.) JjUGANO, No. 1 (N. Kennedy ilis.) Scott, Scott, ryiiiple TilTMBEY (Mitchell dis. ) - - .1. Stevenson Iajhline (Loichhiirdt dis.) - P. K. M'Doiiald - LvNDK (Cook difl.) - - - IL I"'. .Smith and Co. - Lv.NDUiK.sT (Cook dis.) - - Siiiitli, lianies & Smith M'Lean and Beit- G. N. Living M'Lean and Beit A. S. King - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. A. M' Donald (iordon and Crawford - i'o.x and Adair G. \\ . Scrivener - Mer. I5aiik of Sydney Geo. Fairbairn Driiian ilros. !'. V. .MD.uiald - d Dal. Nearest Post Town. Eoma. ^Marlborough. Charleville. Aramac. Charleville. situated on the Moonie about 50 miles S. E. situated on the Moonie about 4S miles E. Boolburra. Postal station. Mackay. Charleville. Roma. Dalryniple. (xayndah. Tambo. Dalrymple, Gaj'udah. Marlborough. Gayndah. Springsure. (Jayndah. Black all. Charleville. Charleville. Blackall. Springsure. Charleville. Mackay. Blackall. Nebo. Dalrymple. Do. Do. Banana. Aramac. Banana. Aramac. IJoma. Blackall. Mackay. Charleville. St. Lawrence. Cliarleville. Do. Do. Blackall. Lilyvale. ( 'liailcville. Springsure. Bn\\en. iilacUall. Springsure. ( 'ooktown. Dalrymple. Runs] Tlie Queensland Gazetteer. 243 Name of Run. Lynn "Water (Cookdis.) Lyonsley (Mitchell clis.) - Maaland (Leichhardt dis.) Maapoo (Gregory S. dis.) - Macclesfeld (Maranoa dis. ) Macoon (Leichhardt dis.) Macsland (Mitchell dis.) - Maermeddq (Warrego dis.) Magenta (Kennedy set. dis.) - Maggabarroo (Darling Downs uns. dis.) . . . . Maharatta (Mitchell dis.) Lessee. C. and T. Collins - I\. Travers - Chas. Seal - R. Doyle - G. H. Davenport - Bell and Hyde J. R. Ivomax Thomas Walker - R. Towns - Crawshay and Smith J. R. Lomax Nearest Post Town. - Cooktown. - Aramac. - Springsure. - Charleville. - Roma. - iSpringsure. - Aramac. - Charleville. - Mackay. - Condamine. - Aramac. Maidenhead (Darling Do\vns nns. dis.), Bowman Bros., is situated on the Back creek and the Severn river; the nearest postal township being Ballandean, about .SO miles N.E. Maidstone (Warrego dis.) Mailer (Gregory South dis. ) Maindample (Mitchell dis. ) Malakoff (Burke uns. dis.) Malara (Darling Downs uns. dis.) Malingmal (Warrego dis.) Malmai.son (Burnett uns. dis.) - Malmsbury (N. Kennedy dis.) - Malmoe (Burnett uns. dis. ) - Walter and Geary - N. H. M 'Donald - - C. H. H. Parsons - R. H. SheafFe - Charleville. Do. - Blackall. - Dalrymple. H. M. Nelson F. W. Donkin - F. T. Humphrey - W. D. White Knox and Rutledge Malvern Hills (Mitchell dis.) Bank of Australasia Malvern (Mitchell dis. ) - Mamaree (Maranoa dis. ) - Mananianilla (Leichhardt dis.) Manassas (Leichhardt dis.) Maneroo (Mitchell dis. ) - Manfred (Burke uns. dis.) Mangarellah (Maranoa dis.) - Mangolore (Warrego dis. ) Mannueun (Burnett uns. dis.) - Manumbar (Burnett uns. dis.) - Maranoa, Lower (Maranoa dis.) Maranthona (Mitchell dis.) - Marathon E. (Warrego dis.) - Marathon (Burke uns. dis.) Margaret (Mitchell dis.) Margool (Maranoa dis.) - Marilla (Maranoa dis.) - Marilla (Maranoa dis.) - Markland (Leichhardt dis.) Bank of Australasia S. Murray - F. J. W. Beardmore Eaton and Booker J. R. Lomax James Gibson William Moore - F. and W. Jenkins Campbell and Hay J. Mortimer P. and E. Moore - W. H. and J. M. Barton L. Jones Clifford and Courtnay Cudmore and Budge A. A. Dangar Collins and Piper - Condamine. - Charleville. - Gayndah. - Bowen. - Gayndah. - BlackalL - Do. - Roma. - Springsure. Do. - Aramac. - Dalrymple. - Charleville. Do. - Gayndah. - Nanango. - Roma. J. Aramac. Do. Dalrymple. Aramac. Roma. Do. Do. Joint Stock Bank Queensland Nat. Bank Springsure. Marlborottgh (Port Curtis set. dis.), Queensland National Bank, is situated on the Marlborough creek, the head-station, Oudenarde, being Immediately S. of Marlborough. Marlborough (S. Kennedy dis.) Montefiore and Joseph- Mackay. Marlow Bridge (Mitchell dis.) T. and C. Rome - - Aramac. Marmion (Gregory S. dis.) - R. Mailer - - - Charleville. Maroko (Gregory South dis.) - J. Costello - - - Do. Maroochoo (Warrego dis.) - Bradley and Zouch - Thorgomindah. Maroon (Gregory South dis.) - J. Costello - - . Charleville. Maroo (Grregory South dis.) - W. Kenavau - - Do. Maroungle (Maranoa dis.) - G. Kirk - - - Roma. Marra Marra (Darling Downs uns. dis.) .... W. Scraggs - - Condamine. Marranumbla (Gregory S. dis.) R.Doyle - - - Charleville, Mary Downs (Mitchell dis.) - N.Z. &Aust. Land Co. Blackall. t2 244 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Kame of Run. Lessee. Kearest Post Town. Marydale (Leichhardt dis.) - C. and E. Royds - Springsiire. Maryland North (Darling Downs set. dis.), M. H. Marsh, situated on the Dividing range. 20 miles S. of Warwick. Mar\"\-ale (North Kennedy dis.) W. Hann - - - Dalrymple. iNlARYVALE (Port Curtis set. dis.), S. Tucker, is situated on the Stony and Water- park creeks, the nearest postal township being Cawarral, '2-4 miles S. of the head-station. Mary (Warrego dis.) - - N. H. Macdonald - Charlcville. Maxvale (Maranoa dis.) - - J. D. M 'Lean - - Mitchell Downs. May Downs (Mitchell dis.) - K. Christison - - Tambo. Mayo (Gregory South dis.) - C. M'Eae - - - Charleville. May (Warrego dis. ) - - - N. H. Macdonald - Do. Mazeppa (Burke uns. dis. ) - Gibson, Mrs. ,&Scrutton Dalrymple. M'Cauley (North Kennedy dis.) J. Allingham - - Bowen. M'Donald's Plains (Cook dis. ) Barker and Sons - - Cooktown. M'Gregor (Gregory South dis. ) N. H. M 'Donald- - Charleville. M'Tntyre Downs (Gregory North dis.) - - - - N. H. M 'Donald - -Charleville. JI'K.vy's Summer Block (Ma- ranoa dis.) - - - - D. F. M'Kay - -Roma. Meadow Flats (Port Curtis set. dis.), Wm. Archer, is situated on the lower end of the Fitzroy River, the nearest postal township being Rockhampton, about 10 miles N.W. of Nankin, the head-station. Meadowsland (Mitchell dis. ) - J. Peter and Co. - - Aramac. Meadow.s (Gregory South dis.) - H. B. Hughes - - Springsure. AIeadows (Warrego dis.) - - T. S. Mort - - - Charleville. Meekin KoLLEV (Warrego dis.) J as. Tyson - - Do. Media (Maranoa dis.) - - J. M. Cohjuhonn - -Roma. Media (Maranoa dis.) - - A. and P]. Holmes - Do. Melaleuca (Leichhardt dis.) - James Reid - -Springsure. JIelanga (Maranoa dis.) - - R. and (i. Hazard - Do. Melanga (Maranoa dis.) - - D. F. M'Kay - - Do. Melcombe (Moreton set. dis.), T. L. M. Prior, is situated on the Logan river, the nearest postal township being Fassifern, 15 miles N.W. of Maroon, the head- station. Melia (Warrego dis.) - - Sadlier and Brooke - Charleville. Melissus (Maranoa dis.) - - R. Lewin - - - Roma. Melginch (Leichhardt dis.) - North British Aus. Co. Springsure. Melrose East (Gregorys, dis.) H. CoUess - - - Chai-leville. Melton (Mitchell dis.) - - J. P.. .J. A and M. Bell Blackall. Meiiawa (Darling Downs uns dis.), l\. Dines, is situated on the ^Lacintyrc river; tlic nearest postal township being Goondiwindi, (5 miles N.W. of tlie head- station. Mei;(1-uau (Maranoa dis.) - F. Fanning - - -Roma. Mercukam (Maranoa dis.) - S. P. Eraser- - - Do. Mei:im>aii (Darling Downs uns. dis.). W. O. Gilchrist, is situated on the Mcrinda creek; the nearest postal townshij) being Western creek, .SU miles N. E. Merino (North Kennedy dis.) - MitdicU and (iill - Bowen. Mkiuvale (.Mar.-iiioa dis. ) - - M 'Ihvraitli and Smyth Mitchell DoM'na.' MiKKKciiN (Warrego (lis.) - Henry Beit- - -Charleville. .MERiti Mekui (Maranoa dis.) - B. Kiclianls- - - Do. Meriue Meurilla ((;iregory S. (IJH. ) ----- .lolin I'raser - - Mackay. Mkkki (Circgory South dis.) - H. 1?. Hughes - - Do. MKiUiOMliiLi, (Maranoa dis.) - M. O'Hrien - - - Konia. Mekton Vale (Unrko uns. dis.) l'\ II. Ilann- - - Dalrymple. Meteor Cheek (Leiclihardt (lis.) Diiiismi, Hope and lidllcstdn - - - S])ringsure. MkTringsure. • Tambo. - iuiiiia. - 'I'ainlio. - Ivoma. - Charleville. - (iayndah. i''. T. & G. Williams Charleville. MuNUEK (Leieliliardt dis.) MUNGALKLL.\ ( M itclicll (lIs. ) MuNGA I'l.mn (.Maranoa dis.) - Mu.n(;erie (Mitchell dis.) - MuNciiiiNVANGO (.Maranoa dis.) MrNNTE ((Jregory South dis.) Mcngcjre (Burnett uns. dis.) MuNyuiN (Warrego (lis. ) - MiitAGO (Warrego dis.) MiRAii (Warrego (lis. ) .MiR(;().MAM. (.Maranoa dis.) .MiRGoN (I'lirnitt uns. dis.) MuKii.LA (.Maranoa dis. ) - .MiJRKKN (Gregory South (lis.) - Scanlan and Costello MuRNiNCJ ((Jregory S(mth dis.) - J. U.. M. W. & J. G. Collins F. W. Donkin ( Jorilon and i'"lood I). V. .M'Kay r.ank of N.S.W. - - ( 'raw.shay and Smith Do. Do. Hrnna. (iayndah. Conilaminc. Charleville. Do. Runs] The Queensland Gazetteer. 249 Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. MuRRA MuRRA (Warrego clis. ) - Geo. Tate Murray (Warrego clis.) - MuRROCii (Warrego dis.) ■ Muttaburra (Mitoliell clis.) Murri MuTTi (Mitchell clis.) MuTTi MuTTi (Mitchell clis.) Myall Downs (Cook clis. ) - St. George. E. J. Stevens - - Charleville. Henry Beit - - Do. R. A. A. Moreheail - Tanibo. W. Kelman - - Do. Kelman and Nisljct - Do. 1£. F. Smith - - Cardwell. Myall Down.s, No. 2 (Cook dis.) liarnes and Smith - Do. Myall Grove (Darling Downs uns. clis. ), James Tyson, is situated on the Con- damine river, the nearest postal township being Condamine. Myall Plains (Maranoa dis. ) - A. S. King - - Koma. Myall Plains (Warrego dis. ) - G. Sandeman - - Do. Myall Vale (Leichhardt dis.) - Craig, Simmie & Fraser Springsure. Myra (Darling Downs uns. clis. ) H.M.Nelson - - Dalby. Myrtleville ()\Iaranoa dis. ) - M'Hwraith and Smyth Roma. Naas (Leichhardt dis.) - - Bank of N. S. Wales - Springsure. Nacoulah (Gregory South dis. ) M'Nall, M'Cabe and Shearer - Nanango (Burnett uns. dis.) Nandowrie (Leichhardt dis.) Nandun (Warrego dis.) Nangur (Burnett uns. dis.) Nangwarry (Gregory S. dis.) Napoleon (Warrego clis. ) - Nappamerry (Gregory S. dis.) Naramble (Warrego dis. ) Nardoo (Leichharclt dis. ) - N.\RG00N (Warrego dis. ) - Narraburra (Warrego dis.) Narrah (South Kennedy dis.) - Narran (Leichhardt dis. ) Narraport (Warrego dis. ) Narraway (Leichhardt dis.) Narrga (Warrego dis. ) Narrien Plains, No 1 (South Kennedy dis. ) - - - Natal Downs Block Kennedy dis.)- Naunton (Warrego dis.) - Neachley (Mitchell clis.) - Nebinedulla (Maranoa dis.) Neemin (Maranoa clis. ) Neiman (Leichhardt dis.) - Nerang Plains (Mitchell dis.) Ness (Gregory South dis.) - Newang.\ (Burnett uns. dis.) Newark (Mitchell dis. ) Bank of N. S. Wales Busby and Gregson Jas. Tyson - D. M. Jones J. C. Cotton J. Becker J. Conrick - I\Iayne and Ward C. H. Marshall - - Charleville. - Nanango. - Springsure. - Charleville. - Gayndah. - Charleville. Do. Do. Do. Springsure. - Biggie, Biggie & Geary Charleville. A. K. Kinlay G. C. Crump A. Scott J. 0. Tyson - Campbell and Hay Do. - Mackay. - Clermont. - Charleville. - Springsure. The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Charleville. Thos. Holt - (South - C. Parbury - - W. N. Waller - - A. B. Buchanan - - B. South - - C. Picton - Comniercial Bank - Rourke and Munro - C. M'Rae - - G. Clapperton - D. Lacy - Mackay. - Charleville. Do. - Tambo. - Roma. - Do. - Tambo. - Do. - Charleville, - Gayndah. - Tambo. - Bowen. - Springsure. Newburgh (N. Kennedy dis.) - J. and F. Fanning New Caledonia (Leichhardt dis.) F. W. Clapperton New Deep Water (■\Iaranoadis.) The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Roma. Newinga (Maranoa dis.) - - John Anndell - - Goondiwmdi. Newlands (Leichharclt dis.) - Chas. Bell - - - Rockhampton. Newlands (South Kennedy dis.) H. Beit ... JIackay. NiCKA\aLLA (Warrego dis.) - J. Durack . - - Charleville. Nile (Gregory North dis.) - E. Bloomfield - - Bowen. NiLGiE (Maranoa dis.) ■ - - Jas. Whitcombo - Poma. NiLPAROO (Gregory South dis.)- N. H. JI'Donald - - Charleville. N1ND001MB.A.H (Moreton set. dis.), AV. D. White, is situated on the head of the Albert river, the nearest postal township being Tamborine, 1 7 miles N. NiNGALiNG, E.\ST (Warrego dis.) Calder and Calder - Charleville. NiNGALiNG, West (Warrego dis.) Hood, Torrance & Hood Do. 250 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. NiVE Downs W. (Warrego dis.) The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Charleville. NivE Jc>-CTiON (Warrego dis.) - Union Bank NOCKABARRAWARRY (Gregorj' S. dis.) . . - - • Drinan Brothers - XocKATUXGA (Gregory S. dis.) - Drinan Brothers - NocTON (Gregory South dis.) - J. K. M. W.& J. G. Col- NoMBEY (Darling Downs uns. dis.) NooGiLLA (Maranoa dis.) NooNA (Maranoa dis.) lins - Do. Thorgomindah. Do. Charle\-ille. J. T. W, Bell - - Condamine. D. W. Dunstan - - Eoma. Buchanan and Mort - Do. NooxDOOMALLY (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Bank of New South Wales, is situated on the Parrie Moolan creek, the nearest postal township beine Condamine, about 48 miles N., but the communication being by Dalby. NooxDOO (Maranoa dis.) NoORAMA (Warrego dis.) - NoRHAM (Leichhardt dis.) NoRLEY (Warrego dis.) KoRMAS (Maranoa dis.) - XoRTHAMPTON (Mitchell dis.) N0RTH.A.M (Warrego dis. ) D. Grover - - - St. George. • AV. and J. Howie - CunnamuUa. - A. M 'Donald - - Springsure. - W. N. Waller - - Charle\Tlle. - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Eoma. - T. and C. Home - - Blackall. - Bigge, Bigge and Geary Do. North Br.\>'CH (Leichhardt dis.) Commercial Bank - Springsure. North Braxch (Darling Downs set. dis. ), Gore, Baldock and Priaulx, situated on the N. branch of the Condamine river, 24 miles W. of Cambooya. Northcote (Kennedy set. dis.)- Watt and Cunningham Bowen. Northumberland (Maranoadis.) Mylne, Bramston and Lempriere - - Roma. Northwood (Darling Downs uns. dis.). Bank of New South Wales, is situated near the Moonie river, the nearest postal township being Condamine, about 50 miles N., but the communication being by Dalljy. Norwood (Leichhardt dis.) - A. and W. Busby Norwood (Mitchell dis.) - - M'Leau and Beit NouR-NouK (Burnett uns. dis.) - Watt and Gilchrist Norval (S. Kennedy dis.) - G. I\L Hess - Nubia (Maranoa dis.) - • T. B. Cribb - NuMALLA Lake (Warrego dis.) Hood, Torrance & Hood Charleville. NuNDRAMUNDOo (Gregorys, dis.) Hutten and Dickens - Do. NuNDUBBERMERE (Darling Downs uns. dis.). C. B. Fischer, is situated on the Severn river and Monday creek, adjoining the township of Stanthorpe. NuNDUBBERMERE (Leichhardt tlis.) John Beattie NuREDURRY (S. Kennedy dis.) - John Kales - NuK-sEiDOB (N. Kennedy dis.) ■ Kourke and Munro Nyncin (Warrego dis.) - - J. Becker Nyphan (Maranoa dis.) • - C. Picton Oakey Creek (Burnett una. dis.) Bank of N.S.W. - Oakky P1.AIN.S (Maranoa dis.) - D. F. I\l'Kay - N. Z. & Aus. Land Co. Tambo. - Cha.s. Seal - - - Springsure. - F. C. Grilliths - - Do. - Cooj)er,Cooi)er&Mytton Cooktown. • C H. Humphrey - Burenda. - 1). Ross - - - Roma. - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Tambo. - N. II. Macdonald - Charleville. - Clarke and Hodgson - Itmna. • Bell and Hyde - - Springsure. - A. Scott - - - Do. - Jl'Whanncll and .lohn- Htniu! - - - Taml)0, - R. Lewiu • - - Roma. - Springsure. - Tambo. - Cxaj'ndah. - Mackay. - Roma. - Boolburra. - Mackay. • Bowen. - Charleville. Do. - Gayndah. - Roma. OAKii.\Ml*'roN (Mitchell di.s.) Oakham (Leichlianlt dis.) Oaki.anii.s (Lciciihardt dis.) Oak Pakk ((Jook dis.) Oakwood (Warrego dis.) • Oati.ands (Maranoa dis.) - Oatwav (Mitchell dis.) - (JliAN (Warregodia. ) - OiiKitlNEA (Maranoa dis.) - OKANtJAi. (Leichhardt (lis.) (Ji.i» Down (Leicliluardt dis.) Ollkka (Mitchell dia.) OlymI'US (Maranoa dis.) Huns] The Queensland Gazetteer. 251 Name of Run. Lessee. Ombimurrah Back (Maranoa dis.) ..... Molony Brothers - Omega (S. Kennedy dis. ) - - Kilgour and Mackay Omedool (Maranoa dis.) - ■ E. Wienholt Onay Angelalla (.Warrego dis. ) J. Bead Onay (Warrego dis.) - - J. Bead Onepar (Warrego dis. ) - - Jones, Green and Sul- livan OoLANDiLLA (Maranoa dis.) - W. B. M'Manus - OoLOOWOOLOONOO (Warrego dis.) J. Bead OoNDOOROO (Gregory N. dis.) • Bloomfield and Nesbit- OoNUNGOO (Warrego dis. ) • Nearest Post Town. Boma. Mackay. Boma. Charleville. Do. OouNGORRALLA, NoRTH ( Maranoa dis.) Opal Creek (Warrego dis.) Opal (Warrego dis.) - Oppenbill (Burnett uns. dis.) - Orallo, No. 1 (Maranoa dis.) - Orallo, No. 2 (Maranoa dis.) - Orleans (Warrego dis.) - Orion Creek (Leichhardt dis.) - Queensland Nat. Bank- Jones, Green and Sul- livan Wienholt Brothers E. J. Borrowes - J. F. M'Mullen - Bankof N.S.W. - A. B. Buchanan - F. C. Fanning F. Bume Orkney (Gregory S. dis. ) - OsMONDTHROPE (Leichhardt dis.) Otranto (Maranoa dis.) - OuNMARANA (Mitchell dis.) J. Bobertson A. and W. Busby M. M'Kinnon Govett, Thomson, Bus sell and Thomson B. Doyle - C. M'Bae - A. B. Buchanan C. L. Hill - J. Becker A. B. Buchanan Bank of N.S.W. Do. Boma. Charleville. Do. Do. Boma. Charleville. Do. Gayndah. Boma. Do. Charleville. Springsure. Charleville. Springsure. Boma. - Tambo. - Charleville. Do. - Tambo. - Do. - Charleville. Do. • Springsure. OuRVERREE (Gregory S. dis.) Ovens (Gregory S. dis. ) - Overton (Mitchell dis.) - Overreach (Mitchell dis.) Owthorpe (Warrego dis.) - OwTHORPE (Warrego dis.) Ox Downs (Leichhardt dis.) Oxford Downs (Leichhardt dis.) Oxford Downs (Mitchell dis.) Oxford (Warrego dis.) OxTON (Leichhardt dis.) - Oxtrack Creek (Leichhardt dis.) Bell and Hyde Baddy Paddy (Warrego dis.) - John Luckman - Paddy Paddy (Gregorys, dis.)- H.B.Hughes Pall Mall (N. Kennedy dis. ) - Bourke and Munro Paling Creek (Darling Downs uns. dis.), J. Ferritt, is situated on the UnduUa creek, the nearest postal township being Condamine. Palmersleigh (S. Kennedy dis.) A. H. Palmer - - Mackay. Palm Creek (Leichhardt dis.) A. M 'Donald - - Taroom. Palm Creek (Leichhardt dis.) - Scott, Henderson & Co. Do. Campbell and Hay Cudmore and Budge John Hay - W. Grell - Nebo. Tambo. Charleville. Springsure. Do. Charleville. Do. Bowen. Pamajiarro (Gregory S. dis.) - H. B. Hughes - Pamaroo (Leichhardt dis. ) - A. B. Buchanan - Bandanus (North Kennedy dis.) John Lanton Nicoll and Douglas H. and N. Wilson Hutten and Dickens - Scottish Aus. Inv. Co. Gordon and Flood Paradise (Mitchell dis.) Parally (Warrego dis.) • Para (Gregory S. dis.) Parattamow (Warrego dis.) Pardoo (Warrego dis.) Paringa South (Mitchell dis.) - Cudmore and Budge Paris (Warrego dis.) - • F. Bume Parisina (Burke uns. dis.) - Gibson(Mrs.)&Scrutton Dalrymple, Park (Maranoa dis.) ■ - Tooth and Holt - -Boma. v2 Charleville. - Springsure. - Bowen. - Tambo. - Charleville. Do. Do. Do. Tambo. Charleville. 252 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post ToT\-n. Paroo Plains (Warrego dis.) - W. J. Malpas - - Eulo. Paroo (Warrego dis.) - - John Officer - - Do. Pastoral.No. l(Leichliardtdis.) S. S. Travers - - Springsure. Pa-storal, No. 2 (Leichhardt dis.) G. P. Slade - - - Do. Pastoria (Gregory S. dis.) - Driiiau Bros. - - Thorgomindali. Patchimelloi (Warrego dis.) - E. J. Stevens - - Charleville. Peak Downs (Leichhardt dis.) - E. Travers - - -Clermont. Pecurdau (Darling Dowtis uns. dis.). H. Cardell, is situated on the Condamine river, the nearest postal township being Condamine, which adjoins it on the W. The head-station is known as Tiercyboo. Pedro (Warrego dis.) - - Jones, Green & Sullivan Charleville. Peel's Plains, or Felton (Darling Downs set. dis.), Jas. Tyson, situated on Hodgson creek, 10 miles S.W. of Allora. Peeroone (Burnett uns. dis.) - Campbell and Hay - Gayndah. Pelican Creek (Mitchell dis.) - Travers and Gibson - Tambo. Pelican E. (Mitchell dis.) - R. Travers - - - Do. Pelican Station (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Murray Stewart, is situated on the Charley's and Xudley creeks, the nearest postal township being Jimbour, about 36 miles S.E. Penano (Burnett uns. dis.) - Watt and Gilchrist - Jondarj-an. Pendennis (Warrego dis.) - A. E. Bullamore - - Charleville, Pendine (Mitchell dis.) - - E. Wienholt - -Tambo. Peninsula (Mitchell dis.) - T. and C. Pome - - Do. Peninsula (Port Curtis set. dis.), R. Pringle, is situated on the Peninsula, between Shoalwater Bay and Port Bowen, the nearest postal township being Yaamba, 36 miles S.W. Pentlands Downs (Burke uns. dis.) E. Palmer - - - Dairy mple. Pentlands Downs (Burke uns. dis.) Curr and Curr - - Do. Pentavvn (Mitcliell dis.) - - T. and C. Rome - - Tambo. Penycoed Downs (Mitchell dis.) E. Wienholt - - Do. PERANfiiWA (Leichliardt dis.) - H.S.Wills - - S^jringsure. Perch Creek (Leicldiardt dis.) Thos. Tittle - - Do. Perch Head (Leichhardt dis. ) - A. A. and F. W. Wright Do. Peringa (Warrego dis.) - - Cudmore and Budge - Charleville. Pernambuco (Leichhardt dis.) - John Beattic - - Banana. Perrinuunoa (Mitchell dis.) - R. Christison - - Tambo. Pershore (Mitchell dis.) - - Bank of Australasia - Do. Persiiore East (Mitchell dis.) - AVienholt Bros. - - Do. Perth (Gregory South ilis.) - W. Mailer - - - Charleville. Petworth (Mitcliell dis.) - T. and C. Rome - - Tambo. PniLLiR'sCiiEEK (Leidihardtdis.) M'Kellar and Holt - Lilyvale. pHiri'S (Warrego dis. ) - - J. Becker - - - C'liarleville. PiAR (Burnett uns. dis.) - - W. O. (iilchrist - - Gayndah. Pickwick (JosiiKN (Mitc^lielldis.) The Scot. Aust. Inv. Co. Tambo. Pike's Creek (IJarling Downs uns. dis.), (Jilehri.st and Watt, is situated on Pike's creek, Stantliorpe, the nearest post town, being al)out 20 miles ]']. of tlic head- station. Pikkdale (Darling Downs uns. di.s.), Tlios. Walker, is situated on tlic upper end of 1 'ike's creek, Stantliorpe, tlie next post town, being about 20 miles K. of the hea Blukk (N. Kennedy dis.) - W. 1). and E. White - Bowen. JIeius.vnk (\\'arrcg() dis. ) - - W. I'., liradlcy - - Cliailcville. JiKixAi' (Maranoa dis.) - - Tlic Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Ivonia. Reix LIKKK (l/cichharilt dis.) - .Inhii Little- - - Boolburra. Red Dyke (N. Kennedy dis.) - Ituurke and Munro - Bowen. Rkkkord (Maranoa dis.) - - H. Hunter - - - Mitchell Downs. I'edkokI) (Maranoa (lis.) - - ^\'. Miles - - - Mitcliill Downs. Rkiu'ATII (Leichliardt (lis.) - M 'liain and Telford - Springsure. JtKii llocK Valley (S. Kennedy (lis.) J. I{olf(! - - • Mackay. Ueevrs Lake (N. Kennedy dis.) W. Mark - - - Bowen. Bek.dv Si'KINGH (N. Kennedy (lis.) Annin^ and Co. • - Do. Rekdv Spiunos (Burke uns. dis. ) Anning Brothers - - Dalryniide. Runs] TJie Queensland Gazetteer. 255 Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. Reflection (Leiclihardt dis.) - Craig, Simmie & Fraser Springsure. Refuge (S. Kennedy dis.)- - M. Miles - - - Mackay. Repulse Creek (Leichhardt dis. ) ..... Fanning, Griffiths & Co. Banana. Retrac (Warrego dis.) - - L. Jones Retreat Valley (N. Kennedy dis.) Retreat (Leichhardt dis.) Retreat, No. 1 (Darling Downs uns. dis.) - - . . Retreat, No. 2 (Darling Downs uns. dis.) .... Retreat (Maranoa dis. ) - Retro (Leichhardt dis.) Return (Mitchell dis.) Reynella (Warrego dis.) R.IALTO (Maranoa dis.) Richmond Downs (Burke uns. dis.) .... Richmond (N. Kennedy dis.) Rider (Mitchell dis.) J. R. and F. Anning Bank of N.S.W. - Charleville. Bowen. Clermont. Gilchrist and Watt - Dalby. Campbell and Hay E. W. Venier Towns and >Stuart Mer. Bank of Sydney S. Brassington J. D. M'Lean Do. Roma. Clermont. Tamho. Charleville. Roma. - Bundoch and Hays - Dalrymple. - Bank of N. S. Wales - Bowen. - Travers, Travers and Gibson - - - Tambo. - A. B. Buchanan - • Rockhampton. . Thos. Cadell - - Do. - Bell and Dutton - - Tambo. - Gibson (Mr.s.)&Scrutton Dalrymple. - W. D. and E. White - Bowen. - Scottish Aus. Inv. Co. - D. R. Walsh Scottish Aus. Inv. Co. R Melrick - Riverston (Port Curtis set. dis.), H. R. Buchanan, is situated on the Boyne river, the nearest postal town being Gladstone, 12 miles S. Robert.son (Maranoa dis.) - Scottish Aus. Inv. Co. Roma. Robin-son's Creek (Leichhardt dis.) R. Logan Rockland (Leichhardt dis.) - J. Li-ving Ridgelands (Leichhardt dis.) R1DGEL.IND (Leichhardt dis.) Ridgelands (Mitchell dis.) Ridge (Burke uns. dis.) - Rimbanda (N. Kennedy dis.) Rio (Mitchell dis.) - Rio (Leichhardt dis.) Riversleigh (Leichhardt dis.) ■ RiVERSLEiGH (Warrego dis.) Rockton (Gregory S. dis.) Rockwell's (Maranoa dis.) RocKYBAR (N. Kennedy dis.) - Rocky Hills (Burke uns. dis.)- RocKY Spring (Burnett uns. dis.) Tambo. Boolburra. Springsure. Charleville. - Taroom. Springsure. .J. R. G. and W. Collins Charleville. D. F. M'Kay - - Roma. W. Mark - - - Bowen. J. Thompson - - Dalrymple. J. B. Watt - ■ - Gayndah. Rocky Vale (Burke uns. dis.) Anning and Co. - - Dahymple. Rood's Bay (Port Curtis set. dis. ), Street and Norton, is situated on the Twelve Mile creek, the Boyne river mouth, and Rodd's bay. Port Curtis. The nearest postal township is Gladstone, about 16 miles N. of the head-station. RoKEWooD (Mitchell dis. Roma (Gregory S. dis.) RoMSEY (Gregory S. dis.) - RoMULA (Mitchell dis.) Romulus (Mitchell dis). - Rongaring (Leichhardt dis.) RoOKWOOD (Kennedy set. dis.) Thos. Russell - - Tambo. J. Costello - - - Charleville. C. M'Rae - - . Do. T. and C. Rome - - Tambo. T. and C. Rome - - Do. H. C. Chase - - Lilyvale. W. J. Dangar - - St. Lawrence. Roper's Creek (Leichhardt dis.) M'Kellar and Holt - Marlborough. Rosalie Plains (Darling Downs set. dis.), Alex. Campbell, is situated on Myall creek, 20 miles E. of Dalby. Basalt, with basic dolorite. Rosedale (Cook dis.) - - Barker and Sons - Cooktown. Rosedale (Port Curtis set. dis.), John Little, is situated on the Murray and Baffle creeks, the nearest postal township being Gladstone, about 05 miles N. of the head-station. 256 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs ^"ame of Run. RosEHALL (Burnett uns. tlis.) Lessee. Nearest Post Towu. Bank of N.S.W. • Gayndah. RosELLA Plains (Cook dis.) - Barker and Sons - Card-well. Rosenthal (Darling Downs set. dis.), Palgrave and Bigge, situated on Rosenthal and Thain's creeks. The head-station is about 2 miles S. of Warwick. Rose (Wiirrego dis.) - - - N. H. Macdouakl - Charleville. Rose (Gregory South dis. ) - R. Mailer - . - Do. Rosevale (Leichhardt dis. ) - Craig. Simmie & Fraser Springsure. Ro-SEVALE (Leichhardt dis.) - Queensland Xatl. Bank Do. Rosewood (Port Curtis set. dis.), Stephen Egan, is situated on the Rosewood and Scrub creeks, the nearest postal township being the Ptosewood railwaj'' station on the Rockhampton railway. Roseylie (Leichhardt dis.) - A. B. M 'Donald - - Springsure. RosLix (Burnett uns. dis.) ■ Thos. Province - - Mt. Perry. Ross (Warrego dis.) - - - C. M'Rae - - - Charleville. RoTHERFiELU No. 1 (Xortli Ken- Scott. Scott, and Dal- nedy dis.) .... rj^mple - - - Bowen. Ro.STREVOR (^litchell dis.) - Thos. Henry - - Tanibo. Rothesay (Gregory South dis.) - H. B. Hughes - - Charleville. Roto (Warrego dis. ) - • - Wm. Tyson, jun. - Do. Round Sandhills (Warrego dis.) J. i\ T. & G. Williams Do. Rudolph (South Kennedy dis.)- Bank of N.S.W. - - Mackay. Ruined Cvstle Creek (Leich- hardt dis.) .... Joint Stock Bank - Taroom. RuNWATER (Leichhardt dis.) - Rice and Turner - Springsure. RusHLEiGH (Leichhardt dis. ) - D. L. Williams - - Do. - J. Stevenson - - Isis Downs. . Towns and Stuart - Springsure, - Bramston & Lempriere Roma. - The Scot.Aust. Inv.Co. Tambo. - liowen. - (jco. Fairbairn - - Charleville. Travers, Travers and (Jibson ... Tambo. E. J. Stevens - - Charleville. Smith, Barnes & Smith Cooktown. - lioweu. RuTHVEN (Mitchell dis. ) - RuTHLAND (Leichhardt dis.) RuTHLAND (Maranoa dis.) RuTiLUS (Mitchell dis.) - Saddincjton (N. Kennedy dis. )- John Langton Sadowa (Warrego dis. ) Sahara (Mitchell dis. ) Salem (Warrego dis. ) Salcey Foke.st (Cook dis. ) Salisbury (North Kennedy dis.) W. A. Vanneck Salisbury Pl.uns (Kennedy set. dis. ) Thomas Holt Sallen (Gregory North dis.) - John Costello Salsetfe (Warrego dis.) - - F. Burne Saltbush Park (Leichhardt dis.) .lohn Sliannon Saltbush Plains (Maranoa dis. ) J. Nicolson Saltbush (Maranoa dis. ) - - A. S. King - Saltbush (\Varrcgo dis.) - - John Hay - Saltbushton (T^eichhardt dis.) - liank of N.S.W. - Salti'ANS (Leichhardt dis.) - C. and E. Royds - Samkord (Morcton set. dis.), R. M'Donnell, is situated on the South Pine river and Samford creek, tiie nearest postal township being North Pino, al)out 10 miles N.E. Samia (.Maranoa dis.) - - Pi. Lewin Sa-Mos (Maranoa dis.) - - I'iper and Collins Sand Downs (S. Kennedy dis.) (i. C. Crumj) Sandlewoou (Cook dis. ) - - C. and T. Collins- Sandon (Leichhardt (lis. ) - - .F. 1). Macaiisli Sandquaak (Warrego dis.) - J. F. M'Muliin - Sandhiikik (.Maranoa (lis.)- - J). Harding, junicu- Sandy Creek, No. 1 (Leiclihardt (lis.) - - - • - .1. P. Watt - - - Lily vale. Sandy Crkek (litichhardt dis.) (.tiiccnsland Nat. I'ank Do. Sandy CiiEEK (iJurnettuiiH. (lis.) J. B. Watt - - - Gayndali. - Do. - Isis Downs. - Charleville. - St. Lawrence. - Roma. - Do. - Charleville. - Banana. - Do. Roma. Do. Mackav. ClM.kt.'.WIl. Spi-jngsure. ( liarieville. Roma. : Runs] The Queensland Gazetteer. 257 Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. Sandyke (Leichhardt (lis.) - J. F. Mullen - - Lily vale. Saraiianna and Aones Vale, No. 115 (Co. Cook, Wide Bay and Burnett set. dis.), Thos. Broom, is situated on the Isis river and Oaky and Agues creeks, the nearest post town being Maryborough, 24 miles S.E. Clay slates and shales. Sardine Cheek (Leichhardt dis.) J. R. and W. Collins - .Springsure. Sardinia (Mitchell dis. ) - - The tScot. Aus. luv. Co. Aramac. Saxby Plains (Burke mis. dis.) Slone and Jeffray - Normanton, Scalby (Maranoa dis.) - - M. A. Spencer - - Roma. ScARiFF (Gregory South dis.) - J. Scanlan - - - Charleville, ScARTWATER (S. Kennedy dis.) D. M'lntyre - - Bowen. Scotland (Darling Downs uns. dis.), J. Ferritt, is situated on the Tchanuing creek, the nearest postal township Ijcing Condamine. Scott Creek (Leichhardt dis.) - M'Kellar and Holt - Taroom. Scrubby Block (Maranoa dis.) - M. A. Spencer - - Roma. Scrubby Creek (Burnett uns. G. H. Jones and Exec. dis.) late D. M. Jones - Gayndah. Scrub Creek (Burnettuns. dis.) H. Prince - - - Do. Scrubby Gully (Darling Downs uns. dis.), W. Higgins, is situated on the Stejihens creek, the nearest postal township being Condamine, about 72 miles N., but the communication being via Dalby. Scrubby Land (Maranoa dis.) - Geo. Tate - - - Roma. Seaford Plains (Mitchell dis.) Thomson, Thomson, Russell and Govett - Tambo. Sedan (Burke uns. dis.) - - D. Campbell - - Dalrymple. Sedan (Mitchell dis.) - - T. and C. Rome - - Isis Downs. Sedan (Warrego dis. ) - - F. Burne - - - Charleville. Sedburgh (Mitchell dis.) - T. and C. Rome - - Tambo. Setbridge (Leichhardt dis. ) - P. F. M 'Donald - - Rockhampton. Serpentine (Warrego dis.) - Robert Russell - - Charleville. Seven Oaks (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Murray and Stewart, is situated on Charley's creek, the nearest postal township being Jimbour, about 36 miles S.E. Seward Downs (Burke uns. , dis.) S. B. Walker - - Dalrymple. Shallow Creek (Burnett uns. dis.) F. J. Ivory . - - Gayndah. Sharper's Creek (Leichhardt dis.) G. and T. Barnard - Boolburra. Sheep Hill (Mitchell dis.) - J. Stevenson - - Tambo. Sherwood (Leichhardt dis. ) - C. M'Plillamy - - Boolburra. Sherley Plains (Maranoa dis.) M'Kay, Baldwin and Manchee - - - Roma. Shetland (Gregory S. dis.) - J. Robertson - - Charleville. SiiiRBURN (Mitchell dis.) - - Wienholt Brothers - Tambo. Shoalwater (Port Curtis set. dis.), James Hutton, is situated on the Louisa and Shoalwater creeks, and on the S.W. side of Shoalwater bay. The head-station, Raspberry creek, lies about 25 miles K.E. of Yaamba. SiiOTOVER (Leichhardt dis.) - J. Living - • - Boolburra. Siberia (Mitchell dis.) - - Travers, Travers and Gibson - - - Tambo. Silver Foliage (Maranoa dis.) E. W. Verner - - Mitchell Dowtis. Slate Hills (Leichhardt dis.) - A. Scott - - - Springsure. Smallberry (Mitchell dis.) - J. Peter and Co. - - Tambo. Sm.vll Creek (Burnett uns. dis.) H. Prince - - - (layndah. Smedley (S. Kennedy dis.) - H. Beit - - - Charleville. Smith's Brook (N. Kennedy dis.) ----- Rourke and Munro - Bowen. Snake Creek (Maranoa dis. ) - D. Ross - - - Roma. Snakes Valley (Cook dis. ) - C. and T. Collins - Cookto\ra. Solferino (S. Kennedy dis.) - 8. Wilson - - - Mackay. Solitary (Leichhardt dis.) - J. Collins - - . Springsure. SoLLOW Hills (Leichhardt dis.)- G. L. Golden - - Do, W 258 The Queenslaiid Gazetteer. [Runs Name of Run. Lessee, SoLLOW Vale (Leichhardt dis. - G. L. Golden • - Springsure. Somerset (Burke uns. dis.) - R. Gray - - - Dalrymple. SouTHEXD (Leichhardt dis. ) - The North Brit. Aus. Co. Springsure. SOCTHERNES.S (Burke uns. dis.)- R. Stewart - - - Dalrymple SouTHLAXD (Maranoa dis.) Nearest Post Town. SouTHWicK (X. Kennedy dis. Sparta (X. Keimedy dis.) Speck (Gregory 8. dis.) - Speelixg (Warrego dis.) - Hodgson, Ramsay, and Beit - - - Roma. - R. Stewart - - - Dalrymple. - R. Stewart - - - Do. - W. P. Kenavan - - Charleville. - J. Hollingsworth - Do. Specclatiox (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Henry Thorn, is situated on the Canaan creek, the nearest postal township being Dalby, about 60 miles S.E. Speculation (X. Kennedy dis.) J. and C. Allingham - Bowen. Splinter Creek (Burnett uns. dis.) E. Wienholt - - Gajnidah. SP0RTS^LANVALE (Leichhardt dis.) C. R. Haly - - - Springsure. Spottswood (Leichhardt dis.) - Joint Stock Bank - Do. Spring Block (Mitchell dis.) - Mer. Bank of Sydney - Tambo. Springbok (Leichhardt dis.) - Craig, Simmie & Fraser Springsure. Springbok (N. Kennedy dis.) - Langton & Williamson Bowen. Spring Creek (Leichhardt dis. ) W. H. Richards & Co. Boolburra. Spring Creek (Leicldiardt dis. ) F. AVilliams - - Do. Spring Down.s (Mitchell dis.) - The Scot. Aus. Inv. Co. Tambo. Springfield (Gregory S. dis.) - J. Scanlan - - - Charleville. Springfield (Kennedy set. dis.) R. To■^^^ls and Co. - Bowen. Spring Grove (X. Kennedy dis.) Mitchell and Gill - Do. Spring Hill (Cook dis.) - - Cooper, Cooper and Mytton - - - Cookto\vn. Spring Lawn (X. Kennedy dis.) J. Allingham - - Bowen. Spring Lawn (S. Kennedy dis.) Thos. Holt - - - Do. Spring Ll:Vwn (Burke uns. dis.) R. Stewart - - - Dalrymple. Spring Lake (X. Kennedy dis.) W. Mark - - - Bowen. Springlands (X. Kennedy dis.) De Salis Bros. - - Do. Spring Mount (Darling Downs uns. dis.) . . - - Spring (Warrego dis.) Springsure (Leichhardt dis.) - Springs (Warrego dis. ) Springvale (Gregory S. dis.) - SpRON.sTON (Warrego dis.) - Stakfa (Warrego dis. ) Stainburn (Mitchell dis. ) STAIR.S (Warrego dis. ) St. Alban's (Mitchell dis.) St. Andrew (Mitchell dis.) Stanley ((Jregory South dis.) - X. H. MacDonald Staniioi'E (Warrego (lis.) - - T. S. Mort - E. 0. Keefe - - Condamine. - F. and W. Jenkins - Charleville. - W. H. Richards & Co. Springsure. - A. K. Finlay - - Charleville. - AV. J. O'DoneU - - Do. - J. Howie - - - l>o. - X. H. Macdonald - Do. - Travcrs, Travcrs and Gibson - - - Blackall. - Bradley & Rutherford Charleville. - Jas. Taylor - - - Clermont. - S. Lord - - - Alice Downs, Charleville. Do. Starvation Ca.mi' (Darling Downs uns. dis.), W. Dockrill, is situated on the ■Moonie river; tlie nearest postal township being Western creek, about 48 miles E. Stanton Hai{ost town being Nanango, about 14 miles S.E. Tancara, East (Warrego dis.) - A. B. Ikielianan - - Charleville. 'I'an.kh'U (IJurnett un.s. dis.) - .1. J. Caddell - - (iayndah. Tantitiia, No. 14'.) (Co. Cook, Wide Bay and Ihirnett .set. dis.), Isaac Moore, is fiituated on the Burnett river and Splitters' crock, adjoining tiio township of Buudaberg. Tai'Illa (Gregory North dis.) - N. H. M 'Donald - - Isis Down.s. Tatley (Maranoa dis.) - - M. M'Kinnon - - Koma. Taramamiara (licicidiardt dis.) JI. Coop(!r • - - Lilyvale. Takami'A (.Moreton set. ills.), K(;iit and Wieidiolt, is situated on tlie l^ockyer creek, N. of tlie l,aidl. (i. Cory - - - 'I'ambo, Runs] The Queensland Gazetteer. 265 Kame of Bun. Nearest Post Town. Vale of Cashmere (N, Ken- Scott, Scott, and Dal- nedydis.) .... rymple - - - Dalrymple. Vale of Herbert (Kennedy set. Scott, Scott, and Dal- dis.) ----- rymple - - - Cardwell. Valletta (Leichhardt dis.) - Queensland Nat. Bank Si^ringsure. VANDYKECREEK(Leichliai'dtdis.) F. Fanning - Vaucluse (Maranoa dis.) Venar (Mitchell dis.) Venture (Gregory South dis. ) Venus (Warrego dis.) Vergemont (Mitchell dis.) Vergemont (Mitchell dis.) Vervain (Leichhardt dis. ) Vermont (Leichhardt dis. ) Vex^ition (Darling Downs uns. Do. Roma. M. M'Kinnon M'WhanneU and John- stone . - . Tambo. W. Barker - - - CharlevUIe. J as. Tyson - - - Do. - Allan, Garnett, Came- ron and Cromby - Tambo. - .Jas. Taylor - - - Do. - ]\I 'Donald and Smith - Springsure. - Watt and Gilchrist - Do. dis.), W. Dockrill, is situated on the Moonie river and Toombilla creek, the nearest postal townshix) being Western creek, about 48 miles E. Vic'TORi.\ Downs (Warrego dis.) W. Miles - - - Mitchell Downs. VicT0RL\. North (Warrego dis.) Thos. Walker - - Do. Victoria (Gregory South dis.) - E. Mailer - - - Charleville. Dight and Yeomans - Gayndah. View Hill (Burnett uns. dis.) Villa Franca (South Kennedy dis.) ViNDEX (Gregory North dis.) - Vindex (Gregory North dis.) Vine Creek (S. Kennedy dis.)- Waagineragunya (Burnett uns. dis.) S. Wilson Scott and Gordon J. F. Barry - D. M'lntyre Mackay. Isis Downs. Do. Bowen. Gayndah. W. 0. Gilchrist - Waar Waar (Darling Downs uns. dis.), P. Clynes, is situated on the Martin's Mistake and Waar Waar creeks, the nearest postal township being A\'estern creek, about 30 miles S.E. of the head-station. Waddy (Warrego dis.) - - Jas. Tyson - - - Charleville. Wagaily (Maranoa dis.) - - G. Kirk - - - St. George. Wagganba (Maranoa dis. ) - S. Murray - - - Do. W.\GGON, No. 3 (Leichhardt dis.) Campbell and Hay - Springsure. Wait-a-While (Mitchell dis.) - Bell and Dutton - - Tambo. Walker's Creek (Warrego dis. ) Humphrey & Bullmore Charleville. Walkerdean (Leichhardt dis. ) W. 0. Gilchrist - - Springsure. Walla, or Mount Alma (Port Curtis set. dis.), Kentish, Skelton and Stirratt, is situated on the Calliope river and Harper's creek, the nearest postal townshij) being Gladstone, 25 miles N.E. from the head-station. Wallabella (Maranoa dis. ) - E. Wienholt - - Pioma. Wallaby (Leichhardt dis. ) - North British Aust. Co. Springsure. Wallaroo (Gregory South dis. ) Fannie Hammond - Charleville. Wallaroo (Leichhardt dis. ) - A. and W. Busby - Springsure. Wallaroo (Warrego dis. ) - Bigge, Bigge and Geary CharleviUe. Wallagy (South Kennedy dis.) INIontefiore and Joseph Mackay. Wallah (Leichhardt dis.) - Jessop, Fox and Adair Springsure. Wall.\l (Warrego dis.) - - John ^Latheson - - Charleville. Wallala (Maranoa dis.) - - Buchanan and Mort - Roma. Wallan Plains West (Maranoa dis.) John Kennedy - - Mitchell DoAvns. Wallann (Darling Do\vns uns. dis. ), Commercial Bank, is situated on the Wallan creek, the next post town being Condamine. Wallambulla (Maranoa dis. ) - A. A. Dangar - - Mitchell Downs. Walla, No. 122 (Wide Bay and Burnett set. dis.. Co. C'ook), Jno. Barker, is situated on the Burnett river and St. Agnes creek, the nearest post towns being Bundaberg, about 30 miles E., or Maryborough, 50 miles S.E. Clay slates and shales. 266 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. Wallar (Maranoa dis. ) - - Crawshay and Smith - Roma. "Wallan'BA (Darling Downs uns. dis.). Bank of Xew South Wales, is situated on the Parrie Moolan creek, the nearest postal towmship being Condamiue, about 60 miles X., Init the communication being by Dalby. Wallbury (Leiehhardt dis.) - J. Dempsey - - Spriugsure. A. A. Dangar - - Eoma. A. B. Buchanan - - Do. C. and E. ilo5'ds - Springsure. G. W. Scrivener - - C'harleville. Jas. Taylor - - - Tambo. "Wallothappir (Warrego dis.) - Jones, (ireen & Sullivan Charleville. Wallstowx ( Warrego dis. ) - Berkelman & Lambert Do. Wallcmbill-A., North (Maranoa Wallburin (Maranoa dis.) Wallhallow (Maranoa dis.) W.A.LLIBIE (Leiehhardt dis.) Wallixdery (Gregory S. dis. W.vLLON' (Mitchell dis. ) dis. ) Tooth and Holt - W.A.LToy (Leiehhardt dis. ) - J. Yaldwyn W.A.LTOX (Mitchell dis.) - - T. and C. Home ■ W.-VLTEPv (Warrego dis. ) - - Robt. Russell "W.A.LW.A.DDLK.ni (Maranoa dis) - D. F. M'Kay Wambrook (Leiehhardt dis. ) - Bank of N.S. XV. - Wanal.\ngo (S. Kennedy dis.) - J. M'Glashan "Waxdebingie (Maranoa dis.) - C. Picton Waxdoo (Leiehhardt dis.) - W. F. Walton • "Waxdoo (Leiehhardt dis. ) - J. Cook W.\XDO.\>r (Leiehhardt dis. ) - C. and E. Royds- Wando Vale (X. Kennedy dis.) E. Mytton - W.\NDS\voiiTH (Mitchell dis.) - T. and C. Rome Waxgaring-V (Burnett uns. dis.) H. Prince - Waxggle (.NLarauoa dis.) - - S. Murray Waxgoo.m (Mitchell dis. ) - Waxgooli.mbax (Puiructt uns. dis.) ■\Var.\tah (Leiehhardt dis.) "Warbkeccax (Mitchell dis.) A\'akbreccax, Upper (Mitchell dis.) - - - - W,vkix(;a (Burnett uns. dis.) Warl-VBY (Gregory South dis.) - "Warmixgtox (Leiehhardt dis. W. Kelman - Dight and Yeomaus G. X". and.l. Living Kelman and Xisbet W. Kelman W. 0. Gilchrist - M'Gregor, Maik ISlailcr J. B. \Vatt - - Surat. - Springsure. - Tambo. - Charleville. - Roma. - Spriugsure. - ^lackay. - Roma. - Springsure. Do. Do. - Bowen. - Tambo. - Gayndah. - Roma. - Tambo. - Gayndah. - Fianana. '- Tambo. - Do. - (Javndah, and - Charleville. - Springsure. WARK.vAMiiOOL ((ircgory S. dis.) G. and W. Ware - - Charleville. Wakxoak (Leiehhardt dis.) - Homer, Broadbent and Williams - - Taroom. Waroo (Darling Downs uns. dis.), F. Bracker, is situated on the Bracker's creek, the nearest postal township being Liglewood, about 15 miles X.NN'. of Bracker's, the head-station. Wakoo ( I'ort Curtis set. dis.), Commercial llank, is situated on tlie Baftle and Scrubby creeks, the nearest i)ostal township being (iladstune, aliout 60 miles N. Wakk.v (Murnett uns. (lis.)- - M 'Donald ami Smith - Gayndali. Wai!K.\, Xo 187 (Co. Cook, Wide Hay and linrnett sot. dis.), .biim Harwood, is situated f)n tlie IJnrrnm river and the Doongal and Hai'wood's creeks, 12 miles N. W. of .NLarylK)rougli, the ne.\t post town, (iranite witli clay slates and slialos. Wahka (Leicliiiardt dis.) - - Thos. Caildell Warha (Warrego dis.) - - Gortlon and Flood Wahr.\ Wakua (Darling Downs uns. (lis.) .... (iuo. Tliorne Warha Warp.a (Darling Downs set. di.s.), (ico. Tl mine river, 'Jl miles N.W. of Dall)y. Wakuamhooi, (Gregory N. (lis).- W. P. Tozcr Wa RICA II W A Kit A II (Warrego (lis.) Jones, Green & Sullivan ( 'liarlevillc. Wakuai.Iunga (iJurke iiiiH. dis.) 1'. I'i. Walsh - - Dalryinjile. Warrana (Warrego di. 4.) - - Biggo, Biggo aii (I'.urke uns. (lis. ) - Wii.Lus I'LAiNS East (Burko uns. dis.) . . . . M'Gillivray Do. Runs] The Queensland Gazetteer. 269 Name of Run. Lessee. Nearest Post Town. WiLPEENA (Leichhardt dis.) - A. J. and G. Jillet - Lily vale. Wilton (Mitchell dis.) - - B. D. IMorehcad - - Tambo. WiNBOURNE (Warrego dis. ) - Cox and Dowliiig - Charleville. WiNUEKPOOT. (Mitchell dis.) - J. \\, J. A. & M. Bell Tamho. WiNDERA (Burnett uns. dis.) - C. Lawless - - - Gayndah. WiNDEYER Creek (Mitchell dis.) John Tweed - - Tambo. WiNDOMAL (Warrego (lis.)- - W. J. Malpas - - Charleville. WiNEARiNG (Burke uns. dis.) - — M'Intyre - - Dalrymple. WiNTON (Darling Downs uns. dis.), London Chartered Bank of Australia, is situated on the Yarrilwanna creek ; the nearest postal township being Gooudi- windi. WiNTERBOURNE (Lsiclihardt dis.) Sheppard Smitli - - Springsure. WiNTERBOURNE (Port Curtis set. dis.), John Mundell, is situated on the head of the Calleide river and its tributaries ; the nearest postal township being Banana, about 40 miles S.W. Wippo (Gregory South dis.) - H. B. Hughes - - Charleville. WiRELLA (Warrego dis.) - - Cox and Dowling - Do. WiRGiNBAH (Maranoa dis.) - Watt and Gilchrist - Roma. WiRRARAH (Warrego dis. )- - Jones, Green & Sullivan Charleville. W1THER.SFIELD, No. 1 (Leich- hardt dis. ) - - - - J. K. Welch - - Springsure. WiVENiiOE (Moreton set. dis.), Campbell and Hay, is situated on the Brisbane river and Logan's creek, at the postal village of W'ivenhoe. WoKOLENA (Warrego dis. ) - Williams and Dreyer - Charleville. WoLFANG DowN.s, No. 1 (Leich- J. Milson, junior- - Clermont. hardt dis. ) - - . . WoLSEY (Warrego dis.) - - A. and P. Macdonald - Charleville. WoMALiLLA, West (Maranoa dis.) Wm. Moore- - - Mitchell Downs. WoMBADULLA (Warrego dis.) - J. Becker - - - Charleville. Wombat (Gregory North dis.) - J. T. C. Ranken - - Isis Downs. WoMBUNDERY (Gregory S. dis. ) A. Reid - - - Charleville. WoMBRUDERY, SoUTH (Gregory South dis. ) - - - - John Fraser - - Do. WoMBix, Ea.st (Warrego dis. ) - A. B. Buchanan - - Charleville. WoMBO Forest (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Bank of Australasia, is situated on the Ewers or Wombo creek, the nearest postal township being Condamine, about 25 miles W. WoMBO (Warrego dis.) - - Gordon and Flood - Charleville. WoxDUL (Darling uns. dis.), Wienholt and Kent, is situated on the Commoran and Bulli creeks, the nearest postal township being Western creek, about 20 miles K.E. WoxGALEE (Burke uns. dis.) - R. C. and M. Gray - Dalrymi^le. WoxGEUR (Kennedy set. dis.) - Campbell and Hay - Bowen. WoNGEL WoNGEL (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Sutherland and Brown, is situated on the Wongle creek, the nearest postal township being Condamine, about 55 miles N.E., but the communication being by Dal by. WoNGONGE.\R (Darling Downs uus. dis.), New Zealand and Australian Land Com- pany, is situated on the Dogwood creek, the nearest postal townshipbeiug Conda- mine, 3() miles S. of Pelham, the head-station. WooDB.\NK (Burnett uns. elis.) - Henry Mort - - Gayndah. WoODDUt'K (Leichhardt dis.) - J. Asliton - - - Springsure. Woodford (Leichhardt dis.) - J. Living - - - Banana. WoODHiLL (Leichhardt dis.) - -Margaret Bell - - Clermont. WooDHOUSE (Kennedy set. dis.) Watts and Cunningham Townsville. Woodlands (Mitchell dis.) - Bell and Dutton - - Tambo. Woodlands (Leicldiardt dis.) - Union Bank - - Lilyvale. Woodlands (N. Kennedy dis.) - De Salis Bros. - - Bowen. WoODjnLLAR (Burnett uns. dis.) M'Donald, Smith & Co. Gayndah. Woodstock (Kennedy set. dis.), R. Towns, is situated on the head of the Hough- ton river, about 30 miles S. of Townsville. 270 The Queensland Gazetteer. [Runs Xame of Eun. Lessee. Nearest Post Towu. Woodstock (Maranoa ilis.) - S. Murray - . - Eoma. WooLAXGAEL (Darling Downs uns. dis.) - - - - D. and J. Benjamin - Condamine. WoOLGA (Warrego dis.) - - A. Tiulay - . - Cliarleville. WooLLAMBA (Marauoa dis. ) - E. Baldwin- - - Koina. WoOLOOMOODOOBE (Maranoadis.) J. and A. Broad - - Do. WooLOXiN" (Maranoa dis.) - A. B. Buchanan - - Do. WooLTHORPE (Leichhardt dis.)- Commercial Bank - Banana. WooMBALBAXK (Maranoa dis.) - E. W. Verner - - Roma. WooXBAH, Xo. 137 (Co. Bowen, Wide Baj' and Burnett set. dis.), Hughes and Shand, is situated on the Gin Gin, Four Mile and Wombah creeks, about 40 miles N. of Gajmdah, the next post town. Granite and schist. WooNBOEXG (Warrego dis.) - Thos. Walker - - Roma. WoOROOLix (Burnett uns. dis.) - C. R. Haly - - - Gayndah. WooTHAKARRA (Lcicliliardt dis.) .Toint Stock Bank - Springsure. WoRKiNGHAM (Gregory N. dis.) Thos. jNl'llwraith - Isis Downs. WoRKiXGHAM '(Gregory N. dis.) James Kisbet - - Do. WoRKiXGHAM, No. 6 (Gregory N. dis. ) Scott and Nesbit - Do. World (Warrego dis.) - - Messrs. Williams - Charleville. WoRLOW (Gregory S. dis.) - P. and ISI. Durack - Do. WoROOX (Burnett uns. dis.) - H. Prince - - - Gayndah. Wrotiiam Park (Cook dis.) - G. Henderson - - Cooktown. "W'uxDA Wuxda (Darling Downs uns. dis.) - - - - P. Clynes - - - Condamine. WuNGER Creek (Maranoadis.) O. Brennan - - - Roma. WuRlXGLE (Mitchell dis.)- - Kelman and Nisbet - Tambo. Wyaga (Darling Downs uns. dis. ), Knyvett and Box, is situated on the Wyaga creek, the nearest postal township being Western Creek, 36 miles iS'.E. of the head-station. Wyaxgarie (Burke uns. dis.) - Bundock and Hays - Dalrymple. ^VYAXDOTTE, No. 1 (N. Kennedy Scott, Scott and Dal- dis. ) rymple - - - Bowen. Wyaxdra (Warrego dis.) - - Bigge, Bigge and Geary Charleville. Wy.\h.\ (Warrego dis.) - - Cox and Dowling - Do. Wyar.\, SouTir (Warrego dis. ) - .Tones, Green & Sullivan Do. Wycombe (Maranoadis.) - - Jolin Beckett - - St. George. Wyxdham (Leichhardt dis. ) - Anderson and Tinnns - Lily vale. Wvxyards (S. Kennedy dis. ) - Smith Shepherd - - Maukay. Wvnyaru, .South (S. 'Kennedy dis.) T. O. S. Green - - Do. WvoMixc, No. 1 (N. Kennedy Scott. Scott and Dal- dis. ) ----- rymple - - - Oalrymple. AVvo.MiNO (Kentiedy set. dis.) - R. 'i'owns - - - 'l\)wnsville. \\''Si)Xitil,i.A (Darling Downs uns. dis.), H. M. Nelson, is situated on tlie Con- damine and Wicanilrilla creeks, the nearest ])ostal townshij) l)cing Condamine. Yai!1!ER, No. 4'2 (Co. Lennox, ^Ville Ray n\u\ V>\\nwtt set. dis.), A. Swanson, is situated on the Yabl)a creek, 20 miles S. W. of Gym]>ie, and 10 miles N. of •iimna, the next ])ost tcjwns. Clay slatiis, shales, and outcropping (juart/.. Yahra (Warrego dis.) - James T.-vy lor - - Charleville. Yacauurn (Darling Downs uns. dis.), R. A. Macfic, is situated on Mu; Uilla Milla t;reek, tli'! nearest jjostal townsliip I)eing (ioondiwindi, 'J4 miles S.IO. ^'AirrvR AHA (Warrego dis.) - .lames 'i'aylor - - Ciuirlcville. N'ai.i'.iiiim-. Downs (Maranoadis.) The S(t()t. .\us. Inv. T'o. Citndamine. ^'AI,^,I!^Nl■•. ( .Maraiiii;i (lis.) - - The Scot. Ans. hiv. Co. Do. N'Ar.i.KRoi (.\ntcliell dis. ) - - John Ashbnrn - - 'I'andm. Yai,i,(i( K Vai.k (N, Kennedy dis.) .... - Rourkc and Mnnro - llowcn. Yai.veky (Warrego dis.) - - .1. (). I/Voii - - - Charleville. Yamani-nda CMaranoa dis.) - A. A. Dan^ar - - Roma. YAMiiUGLK (Maranoa di.s.)- - 1*. J'J. Dcvinc - - Do. Runs] The Queensland Gazetteer. 271 Kame of Run. Lessee. Kearest Post Town. Yambone (Leichhardt dis. ) - G. L. Golden - - Springsure. Yamo (Darling Downs nns. dis.), Bank of Australasia, is situated on the Con- damine river, the nearest postal tovvnsliip being Condamine, about 18 miles W. of Wombo, the head-station. Yancey (Maranoa dis.) - - A. A. Dangar - - Condamine. Yanda (Warrego dis. ) - - llutlierford and Robert- son - - - - Charleville. Yaxdeboo (Maranoa dis.) - - Watt and Gdchrist - Jloma. Yandel.\ (Darling Downs set. dis.), Gore, Baldock and Priaulx, is situated on the Condamine river, 'Mi miles N.W. of Warwick. Yandina (Leichhardt dis.) - C. M'Phillamy - - Springsure. Yandro (Maranoa dis. ) - - F. J. C. Wildash- - Roma. Yanga (Mitchell dis.) - - Williamson & Thornton Tambo. Yangle (Maranoa dis.) - - .Joint Stock Bank - Roma. Yangle North (Maranoa dis.) - D. Grover - - - Do. Yangle East (Maranoa dis. ) - Joint Stock Bank - Do. Yapenalla (Warrego dis.) - W. N. Waller - - Charleville. YanYan GuRT (Leichhardt dis.) Lamb and Black - - Lilyvale. Yan Yan Gurt North (Leich- dardt dis. ) - - - - .Joint Stock Bank - Do. Yan Yan (South Kennedy dis.) Bank of N. S. Wales - Bo wen. Yaramanbar (Warrego dis.) - Bigge, Bigge and Geary Charleville. Yarbing (Mai-anoa dis.) - - A. A. Dangar - - Roma. Yarraboota (Warrego dis. ) - W. N. Waller - - Charleville. Yarrai (Leiclihardt dis. ) - - A. and W. Busby - Springsure. Yarraman (Maranoa dis.) - J. and A. Broad - - Roma. Yarra L.\KE (Maranoa dis.) - R. M'Micking - - Do. Yarra (Maranoa dis. ) - - J. D. M'Lean - - Do. Yarrilw.-vnna (Darling Downs uns. dis.), Buchanan and Mort, is situated on the Weir river; the nearest postal township being ^lungindi. Yarron Vale (Wan-ego (lis.) - John Matheson - - Charleville. Yarrol (Burnett uns. dis.) - R. B. Ridler - - Mount Perry. Yass (Gregory Soiith dis.) - J. Costello - - - Charleville. Yatton (Leichhardt dis.) - - Bank of N. S. Wales - St. Lawrence. Yealbon (Maranoa dis. ) - - J. O'Shanassy - - Roma. Yeates (Mitchell dis.) - - Cudmore and Budge - Tambo. Yeatman (Warrego dis.) - - Playfair and Lyon - Charleville. Yellow Flower (Maranoa dis.) Hodgson,Ramsay&Rait Roma. Yena (Warrego dis. ) - - Robt. Russell - - Do. Yenda (Bui'nett uns. dis. ) - Dight Yeomaus - - Gayndah. Yentoorro (Warrego dis. ) - Hood,Torrance&Hood Charleville. Yering (North Kennedy dis.) - E. Mytton - - - Bowen. Yerna (Burke uns. dis. ) - - James (iibson - - Dahymple. Yes.'IBA (Warrego dis.) - - Jas. Taylor - - - Charle\-ille. Yeulba Back Block (ilaranoa dis.) D. Ross - - - Condamine. Yeulba (Maranoa dis. ) - - W. Campbell - - Do. YiNGERBAY (Maranoa dis.) - Wienholt Bros. - - Roma. YoNGALA (MitchfU dis.) - - Cudmore and Budge - Tambo. YouLAiNGEE ( Warrego dis. ) - Hood, Torrance & Hood Roma. Young Woman (Warrego dis.) YouRANGLE (Maranoa dis.) YoURANGLE (Maranoa dis.) YuLEBAR (Maranoa dis. ) - YuNGER.VH (Warrego dis.) Zetland (Warrego dis.) - - J. Becker - Moore and TurnbuU - C. L. Williams - - W. Campbell - J. Becker - E. M. Geary - Do. - Do. - Do. - Condamino. - CharloviUe. Do. THE END. M'CaiTou, Bird i: Co., riintcrs, o7 Flinders Lauc West, McUwuruc. ADVERTISEMENTS. Eittan IBaith oi Australia. ESTABLISHED 1837. PAID-tP CAPITAL, £1,350,000. RESERVE FUXDS, £400,000. 1 BANK BUILDINGS, LOTHBURY, LONDON. BANKERS. BANK OF EXGLAXD AND Micssus. GLYN, MILLS, CURRIE & Co. COLONIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. Inspector and General J/a ««(/«/■— JOHN F. McMULLEX. Esq. Melbourne Geelong Portland Ballarat VICTORIA. Sandhurst Stawell Clunes Daylesford Rochester Maryborough Smythesdale Alexandra TarnaguUa NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney Wagga Wagga Deniliquin Hay QUEENSLAND. Brisbane Rockhampton SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Adelaide Port Adelaide I TASMANIA Hobart Town Oatlands NEW ZEALA Auckland Grahamstown (Tliauies Gold FieMs) Napier Gisborne (Poverty Bay) Waipukurau Wellington Nelson Hokitika (West Coast) Greymouth Ross Waimea Launceston Latrobe ND. Charleston Christchurch Ashburton Rangiora Southbridge Lyttelton Timaru Waimate Dunedin Oamaru Invercargill The National Provincial Bank of England. The Lonhire Union Bank. Messrs. Bassctt, .'^on &i Harris, KeiriMon Buzzard, d'C. Messrs. Foster ii Co., CainbrUhje, Ac. Messrs. Hound, Green & Co., Colchester. Messrs. (irant, Gillman & Long, J'ortsnioiitli . Me«srn. Mnddison, Atherley &i Co., Southampton. Messrs. Cave, Baillie & Co., ) „ , , , Messrs. Sir William Miles, Bart., & Co., j ■'*"•"'"• The West of ICnglaiid and South Wales District Bank. The CJlauiorganshirc Banking Co., Hiransia, dc. The Gloiia'stershire Banking Company. The County of (iloncester Hank. AGENTS. The Union Bank of Manchester, Lhnited. Messrs. Bolithos, Son & Co., I'imance, d'c. M&ssrs. Tweed\', Williams & Co., Truro, dc. Messrs. J. M. '\Villiams & Co., Redruth, dc. Messrs. Dingley & Co., Launceston, d'C. Messrs. Vivian, Grylls, Kendall & Co., Ilelston. Leeds, dx. Birmingham. Ireland. s Scotland. The Bank of Ireland, The Koyal Bank of Ireland, Dublin, The Northern Banking Company, The National Bank of Scotland. The ('( nimcrcial F.ank of Scotland, The Union Bank of Scotland, The Citv of Clasgow Bank, The Cl.vdesdale Bank, The Alierdcen Town and Coimty Bank, The Bank of British North America. The Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China. The Chartei-ed Bank of India. Australia, and China. The Mauritius Commercial Bank. The Hong Kong & Shanghai Hanking Corporation. The Standard Bank of British South Africa. The New I.ondcm and Brazilian Bank. The Lonilon and Kiver Plate Bank. The London &. San I'r.-co. Bank, ( „ prnnrlsno Me>srs. Hclhnan Brothers & Co. J ^^^ tranClSCO, Messrs. Fredk. Iluth, Gruning i Co., 'Valparaiso. The Bank of llottcrdam, Rotterdam. The Devon and Cornwall Banking Company. The Bank grants LctterH of Credit on demand, or Bills, at three or thirty day.s' sight, ujion its Branches at the customary rates, on the money iM-liig y its Branches, in s\inis of £10, £'20, or CjO, negoliahle hy its correspondent* In the chiif citirs on the Continent of Euro|K', in North and .South America, Ceylon, Mamitins, India, China, Japan, and Afrii-a. Share Registers are kept at Melbourne, Sydney. Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobarton, and Launceston and at Christchurch, New /euland, t<> any (It which English ami Coli.niMl Shares can he tran«f ss"x-i>Bns- SHEPPARD SMITH, General Manager. R, E. A. WILKINSON, Acting Manager. LONDON OFFICE, OLD BROAD STREET, DONALD LARNACH, Esq.. Managing Director. Brandies in New Sontli Wales. T. 0"S. GREEN, Inspector. Parramatta St,, Sydney ; William St., Sydney ; Balmain, Sydney. Adelong Dcniliquin Jcrildcric Sof.ala Albnry Dubbo Liverpool Tam worth Aralucn Forbes Maclean Tarcc Avmidtilc Glen Inncs I\Iaitlaud Teutcrfield ]?athurst Goulburn Moi'uya Tichbornc Bcga Grafton IMudgce Tumut Bomlial.a (ironf.ll Newcastle Uralla I'.iaidwood (illlgOIlg Orange Wagga Wagga liurrowa Giindagai Parramatta Warialda L'.imdcn Hay Penrith Wellington Cooma Hill End Richmond Windsor C< It)! am 11 n (Ira Home Rule Scoue Young. Corn w a Invcrcll Singleton ADVERTISEMENTS. BraiiclK^s in Victoria. F. A. WALSH, Inspector. Ararat Crcswick Linton Richmond Avoca Eaglehawk Maldon Rochester IJallarat Echuca Malmsbury Ruiinymcde Beechvvorth Fitzroy Mansfield St. Arnaud Benalla Flindcrs-st. west Milawa Siuulhurst Castlemaiae Geelong Melbourne Wangaratta Chiltern luglewood Oxley Wodonga. CoUingwood Kyneton Brisbane Bowen Bundaberg Cardwell Charters Towers Cooktown Branches in Queensland. ALEXANDER ARCHER, Impector. Copperfield Georgetown Gympie Ipswich Maryboi'ough Millchester Jlount Perry Raveuswood Rockhampton Roma St. George Stanthorpe Toowoomba Townsville Warwick. Branches in Xew Zealand. JAMES R. HILL, Inspector. Auckland Cromwell Hawera Nelson Blacks Duaedin Hokitika Ross Bulls Dunstan Invercargill AVanganui Carlyle Duustan Creek Lawrence Wfllington Charleston Grahamstown Mount Ida \\\-&1 Port Christchurch Greymouth Napier A ffencies withii a the Colonic S. South Australia IVestei-n Australia Tasmania The Bank of South Australia. The Western Australian Bank. The Commercial Bank of Van Diemen's Laud. Agencies beyond the Colonies. Scotland The Royal Bank of Scotland. Ireland ... ... ... The National Bank of Ireland. Manchester ... The Manchester and Liverpool District Bank, Birmingham The Birmingham Joint Stock Bank. Liverpool ... ... ... The North and South Wales Bank. Bristol and West of England Stuckey's Banking Company, Hamburgh ... ... ... Mc-srs. Merck and Co. JVew York The Bank of British North America. San Francisco ... ... Tlie London and San Francisco Bank. India and China The Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, Loudon, and China. Cape of Good Hope London and South Africa Bank. New Caledonia The Bank of New Caledonia. ADVERTISEMENTS. O? H IE uOMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY Established 1834. Incorporated by Act of Council 1848. CA.PITAL £500,000. RESERVE ETJND £360,000. Directors. RICHARD JONES, Esq., Chairman. WALTER LAMB, Esq., Deputy-Chairman. EDWARD KNOX, Esq. F. H. DANGAR, Esq. G. W. LORD, Esq. T. A. DIBBS, Esq., Manager. Auditors. CHARLES SMITH, Esq. | E. M. STEPHEN, Esq. Manager— T. A. DIBBS. Accountant— Y. N. BURT. ^^//V/A'r.f— Messrs. WANT, JOHNSON, and WANT. HEAD OFFICE, GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY. Branch Inspector— T. li. GADEN. Assistant Jiranch Inspector — G. H. (iREEN. Branches in Sydney. EASTERN P.RAXCII : .South Ilcail Road— CoLiN Brown, Manas;n: SOUTHERN HKANCII : Ilaymarkct, Gct)igc-sl. South— Jas. Antrobus, 7I/» - - NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. » • • COLONIAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. M - - COMMERCIAL BANK OF AUSTRALIA. South Australia - bank of south Australia. » - - NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. - BANK OF ADELAIDE. Tasmania— Hob ART Town Launceston New Zealand Western Australia national bank of Australasia. BANK OF van DIEMEN'S LAND. BANK OF NEW ZEALAND AND BRANCHES. GREAT BRITAIN AND ELSEWHERE. London Liverpool Manchester - Ireland - Scotland - San Francisco Valparaiso New York India, China, Singapore Ceylon - Honolulu Batavia - Mauritius and LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK. LONDON AND COUNTY BANK. LIVERPOOL UNION BANK. MANCHESTER AND SALFORD BANK. BELFAST BANKING COMPANY AND BRANCHES. NALIONAL BANK AND BRANCHES. COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. Messrs. MACONDRAY AND CO. BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. BANCO NACIONAL DE CHILE. Messrs. DREXEL, MORGAN & CO. THE CHARTERED MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LONDON, AND CHINA. THE CHARTERED MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LONDON, AND CHINA. Messrs. BISHOP & CO. THE CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AND CHINA. Messrs. SCOTT AND CO. ADVEBTISEMENTS. C|e Uatioual ^auli at g^iistralasia. (Incoryioratr'd by Acts of the Vktorim, South Australian, and yfeitiin Australian Parliaments.) Capital, £1,000,000, in 200,000 Shares of £5 Each. PAID-UP, £750,000. RESERVE FUND, £250,000. HEAD O FFICE, MELB O U R N E. Jlirtclors : B, MURRAY SMITH, ESQ., M.L.A.. CnAinMAN'. I ANDREW SUTHERLAND, ESQ., J.P. THOMAS SMITH, Esq. | Hon. WILLIAM WILSON, M.L.C. C'/tiff Mana()fr—'P. G. SMITH, Esq. | Inspector of Branches—^ . SALMON, ESQ. Accountant— ¥. K. STEWART, Esq. Auditors— W. H. TUCKETT, Esq.; A. BURNS, ESQ. 5o/ic/to«— MESSUS. MALLESON, ENGLAND i STEWART. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES IN VICTORIA. ELIZABETH ST..\ MKLBOURNE ) BACCHUS MARSH BAIRNSDALE BARRY'S REEF BALLARAT BLACKWOOD BRIDGEWATER BUN IN YON G CASTERTON Hon. ARTHUR HON. WILLIAM ABERDEEN ANGASTON AUBURN CALTOWIE CLARE CRYSTAL BROOK EDITUBLTIGH GAWLER GEORGE TOWN UINDM.MI.'^n WESTERN CLUNES COLAC COLERAINE COLLING WOOD DOOKIE SOUTH EMERALD HILL EUROA FOOTSCRAY GEELONG HAMILTON HORSHAM KOROIT KYNETON LEARMONTH MACARTHUR MAFFRA NORTHCOTE PENSHURST PRAHRAN RICHMOND ROMSEY SALE SANDHURST SANDRIDGE SCARSDALE STRATFORD TARADALE VIOLET TOWN WARRNAMBOOL. BRANCHES IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ITocnl gl'"^*'"^^' BLYTH. M.P. I HENRY KENT HUGHES, ESQ. EVERARD, M.L.C. | HENRY SCOTT, ESQ. Adelaide— J^. G. WILKINSON, ESQ., M.\N.\(!ER. JAMES TOWN KADINA KAPUNDA KOORINGA LAURA MOONTA MOUNT BARKER MOUNT GAMl'.IER NAURACOOUTE NORTH ADELAIDE NORWOOD NURIOOTPA PENOLA PORT ADELAIDE PORT AUCUSTA POKTMACDONNELL Pout riuii: PORT WAKEFIELD RED HILL RIVERTON SADDLEWORTH STANSBURY STRATHALBYN TRURO WALLAROO WEANKR'S FLAT WILLUNGA. AUSTRALIA-PERTH, ALBANY, FREMANTLE. GER.U,DTON. LONDON OFFICE 149 LEADENHALL STREET, E.G. gircclors: J. W. MUTTT.ERURY, ESQ.; THOMAS GRAVES, ESQ.; ABRAHAM SCOTT, E.'SQ. ifanager—T. M. IIAKHINGTON. Esq. .So/ici7o/,j— Mk.ssus. MAUKBY, TARRY & STEWART. Uankers—'rilH BANK OF ENCLANI) AND TUE LONDON JOINT STUCK BANK. NEW SOUTH WALES AND QUEENSLAND.. Tlie Commorcial B.inkinp Company of Sydney; The Au.stnilinn Joint Stuck Uniik; Quocnslanil National Bank, Limited; City Hunk. Tho Coninicrcial Rank of Van Diinicn's Land. The Bank of Now Zeahmd. Porthind, BclfH.'it: Bank of An-straKiin. Scotland: Tho National Bank of Scotland Ireland: The Provinrial Bank of Ireland; 'J'hc National Bank; The UIbUt llankinvj Compiiny. The Chartircd Mercai\tile Bank of India, London, and China; A^ra Bank, LiniiU'd; Chartered Bank of India, AuHtrnlin, and China. F. Huth, Grllnint; and Co. Ilellniann Brothers and Co. KnRliHh Bank of Rio Janeiro. The London nnd South African Bank. Port Eliza- beth, Qrahom's Town, Capo Town, D'Urbnn. TASMANIA .. NEW ZEALAND VICTORIA GREAT BRITAIN INDIA AND CHINA VALPARAISO f*AN FRANCI.SCO RIO JANEIRO CAPE OF GOOD HOPE AND NATAL.. ADVERTISEMENTS. I n 111 Incoiyorated by Royal CJiurter, 1852. PAID-UP CAPITAL: ONE MILLION STERLING. RESERVE FUND : £120,000. LONDON OrriOE : 88 OAMON STREET, CITY, E.G. Charles Georjje Baniett, Esq Riuhard Henry Brown, Esq. Thomas Chapman, Esq. Cliarles Falconer, Esq. R. B. Wade, Es(i. COURT OF DIRECTORS: William Kane De Balis, Esq. Daniel Thomas Evans, Esq. John Ralph Engleihie, Esq. Secretary — William Martin Young'. Assistant Secretary — Charles Guthrie. Auditors— 3 , V. Foster Fitzgerald, Esq.; J. Q. Henriques, Esq. Bankers — The Bank of England ; Messrs. Barnetts, Hoares, Hanburys and Lloyd Inspector and General Manager — Edwin Brett. Assistant Branch Inspector — E. D. Puckle. VICTORIA. Melbourne Brancli. Local Directors— The Hon. Sir James M'Culloch, M. L.A. ; The Hon James Henty, M.L.C, Manager — John R. Ross. Melbourne Sub-Branch— 185 Bourke Street "EduS^.—Sub-Manager-X). MacLeod. Ararat — Manager, James B. Littlejohn. Ballarat West — Manager, G. A. Chalmers. Biillarat East — Sub-Manager, B. J. Nichols. Carlton — Manager, S, AI. Puckle. Clunes — Manager, James Mackenzie. Z)u?io/iy— Manager, W. S. Puckle. Echuca — Manager, P. H. Callan. Oee/on;/— Manager, John Galletly. Gordons — Manager, David Myers. Landshorough — Manager, T. Anketsll. Majorca — Manager, H. W. Hill, Mariiborough — Manager, John Sutherland. Sandhurst — Manager, W. B. Raid. Stawell — Manager, John Sarle Trew. Talbot — Manager, James Fowler. Wtingaratta — Manager, W. Reid. NEVv^ SOUTH WALES. Sydney Brancli : Local Directoi — The Hon. Henry Jloore, M.L.C. Manager — Malcolm C. Macliardj-, Deniliquin Brancli : Manager, W. A. Orr. Newcastle Branch : Manager— Y.. J. Webb. AGENTS. England The National Provincial Bank of England and its Branches, and the Commercial Bank, Liverpool. Scotland The National Bank of Scotland and its Branches. Ireland The National Bank and its Branches. Adelaide The Bank of South Australia. Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta .. .. The Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China. Boston, U.S. .. .. .. .. .. Messrs. Kidder, Peabody & Co. Canada .. Bank of British North America. Cape of Good Jlope and Natal .. .. London and South African Bank. Colombo Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China, and Messrs. A. and R. Crowe and Co. Ilong Kong, Shanghae, and Java . . The Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China. Manila The Chartered Hank of India, Australia, and China. Mauritius The Maurituis Commercial Bank. New Vori and San Francisco .. .. Bank of British North America. New Zealand Bank of New Zealand. Point de Galle .. The Oriental Bank Corporation. Singapore The Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China ; and Messrs. Maclaine. Fraser & Co. Perth (Western Australia) .. .. The Western Australian Bank. Valparaiso Messrs. Huth, Gruning and Co. Yokohama .. .. .. .. .. The Oriental Bank Corporation. Madras .. .. Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China. Sandwich Islands Messrs. Bishop and Co., Honolulu. ADVERTISEMENTS. ustraliiiit Jaint Stath Ijaiik. Incorporated by Act of Council, 1853. PAID-UP CAPITAL ^ - £500,000, "With power to increase to One Million. Directors. EDWARD LORD. EsQ. JEREMIAH BRICE RUNDLE, Esq. WILLIAM B. WALFORD, Esq. JAS. S. MITCHELL, Esq., Chairman. ALEXANDER LEARMONTH. Esq. WILLIAM A. LONG, Esq., M.L.A. Auditors— A. H. J. BAASS, Esq.; G. N. GRIFFITHS, Esq. Solicitors— Messrs. MCCARTHY, ROBERTSON and FISHER. General Manager- VINCENT WANOSTROCHT GIBLIN. XXZ3../^X> OJE"X"XC; X3, S "TSr X> ZO" DB "ST. Francis Adams, Assistant Manager. | Gregory Geo. Blaxland, Accountant. London Office, 18 King William Street, E.G. Directors— Vavl. Frederick ]\Iorgax. Esq. ; William Mort, Esq. Manager — John Christie. Hankers— Thel^ia.tionid Provincial Bank of England. Branches in Ne'w South "Wales. Francis Adams, Branch Inspeclor. | Edward Griffith, Assistant Inspector. A 1 bury Arm id ale I'alranald Batburst Bourke Braidwood Coonabarabran Coonamble Brisbane i P>owcn (Charters Towers Clermont Cowra Hill End Parkes Deniliquin Home Rule Raymond Ter- Forbes Lamb ton race Goulburu Alolong Redfern Grafton ]\Iudt;ce Rylstone Grenfell Naraudra Singleton Gulgong Newcastle Tcuterfield Hay Orange Branches in Queensland. H. P. Abrott, Branch Inspector. Cooktown Coppcrfield Gladstone Gynipie Ipswich Mackay ]\Iaryborongh Millcliester Kavcnswood Rockhampton Stauthorpe Tichborne Wagga Wagga Wallsend Wcntworth West Maitland Wilcannia Yass Toowoomba Townsville Warwick ( The Bank (.f Victoria ; The E. S. and A. Chartered Bank ; The I National Bank of Australasia; The Bank of New Zealand. The Bank of Van Dicmcn's Land. (i Tlie BaTik of South Australia; The National Bank of Aus- ( tralasi.-i. Tlic P.ank of New Zealand; the National l!:ink of New Z(\'dand. Tlie Australian Joint Stock I'ank, IS King William-st., E.C. The Royal Bank of Scotland. The, Provincial Bank of Irelaiul. Jlcvsr.s. l?r()wn Brothers and Co. Agency of tlic Bank of Briti.sh Nortli America. Victoria Tasmania South Australia New Zealand .. London Scotland Ireland New York San Francisco .. 'Ilic IlMiik iliMcdiints IilllH, iiinkc-!) nilviincoR nixm niiiirovcil sfonrity. ncKotlutcs i>ro(1ure IMUb nnd clniMiiiiiMilM, K'niiitK (IriiftK mill crcdlfH upon all lt« Uruiiclirs iiiirt AKi'iits iit ourrcnt riitw, allows liitfi-ost iilwiii llxcil (IciKwIlH, iKV'itiatcH iir rollccts lillls payalilf at any of the alxivo-iiicntioncil plaow or cIhc- whc-nr ; cnllcctH iliviilciiilx on I(k-u1 HUirks for llK (MiHtoiiirrH frtn- of coiiiiiiiK»ion, alw) interest on ilulM-n- tiiri's, anil iiniliTtnki'x the custody of hjiuio; is otH-ii to transact every kind nf banking business, and to uiidortnkc the atfency of other Uuuks itjiou such terms an may bengrectJ ujum. ADVEETISEMENTS. THE BANK OFVICTORIA, (Incorporated by Act of Council.) CAPITAL, £1,000,000, in 20,000 Shares of £50 each. RESERVE FUND - - £226,000. Established October, 1852. Directors. THE HON*. HENRY MILLER, Esq., CflAinMAN. JAMES BLAIR, ESQ., J.T., DEPUTY-Chairman. WILLIAM HOFFMANN, Esq. I WILLIAM LANE, ESQ. J. K. FREYER, E.SQ., J. P. I GERMAIN NICHOLSON, ESQ., J.P. Auditors— H. N. HULL, Esq.; E. P. S, STURT, Esq., P.m. General Manager— JOHN matheson, esq. Solicitors— vaughan, moule & seddon. JOHN MATHE.SON, GENERAL M.4.XAGER. RICHARD SHA.NN, ASSISTANT MANAGER AND ACCOUNTANT. E. G. HARRISON, Inspector oi' Branches and Secretary. A. K. SHEPPARU, ASSISTANT INSPECTOR OF BRANCHES. BRANCHES. London Office — H. L. Taylor, Manager ; E. W. Gardon, Accountant. Ararat Branch— W. Blackburn, Manager; P. C. Crespigny, Acting Accountant. AvENEL Branch — G. P. Taylor, pro Manager ; J. M. Murphy, pro Accountant. Avoca Branch — Pi. H. Andrews, Manager; F. Wilson, pro Accountant. BAIRN.SDALE BRANCH — E. C. Smallman, Manager ; A. Whitehead, Acting Accountant. Ballarat Branch — W. Robertson, Manager ; A. Gray, Accountant. ,, Sebastopol Agency — C. M. Holmes, Acting Agent. Beaufort Branch — W. A. Jennings, Manager ; G. M. M. Campbell, pro Accountant. Beechworth Branch — J. D. Law, ISIanager ; , Accountant. ,, Eldorado Agency — J. L. Low, Agent. Belfast Branch— M. MacLeod, Manager ; T. M. Heron, Acting Accountant. Camperdown Branch — C. W. Woodward, Acting Manager ; A. F. Scott, pro Accountant. Carlton Br.vnch (opened 9th May) — Casterton Branch — A. L. Archer, Acting Manager ; Pt^. A. Cue, pro Accountant. Caistlemaine Branch— T. Young, Manager ; R. V. Footte, Acting Accountant. ,, Guildford Agency — F. K. Shaw, Agent. Charlton E.\st Branch (opened 14th February)— J. J. Login, Acting Manager ; , Accountant. CoLAC Branch— H . A. Whyte, Acting Manager ; A. B. Were, pro Accountant. CoLERAiNE Branch— H. Chambers, Manager ; F. W. King, jn-o Accountant. CoROP Branch— R. Gates, Acting Manager ; G. Govett, pro Accountant. Daylesford Branch— J. Jamieson, Manager ; W. J. M'NicoU, pro Accountant, DuNOLLY Branch— E. Gilliland, Manager ; J. W. Ogilvy, Accountant. ,, 'Po.ssuM Hill Agency— A. Fulton, Acting Agent. Eaglehawk Branch— G. F. Young, Acting Manager ; A. Dorrat, pro Accountant. EcHUCA Branch— J. D. Mills, Manager ; J. Highett, Accountant. ADVERTISEMENTS THE BANK OF VICTOHIA.— continual. BRA'SCUES—couthiueiL Emerald Hill Branch — J. Cabill. Manager ; H. E. C. Aspinall, ^jro Accountant. FiTZROY Braxch — R. Gladstones, Manager ; G. I. George, pro Accountant. FooTscRAY Branch — J. G. Thomson. Manager ; H. A. Fisher, pro Accountant. Foster Branch — W. G. Brown. Acting Manager ; J. H. Falconer, />ro Accountant. Fryerstown Branch — J. Chester. Manager ; G. Foxton, pro Accountant. (iEELONi; Branch— AV. Young, Manager ; V. ^I. Mudie, Accountant. Hamilton Branch — J. Manson, Manager; J. (xrajs Accountant. Harrow Branch — M.McConecliy, Manager; G. W. S. Sutherland, pro Accountant. Heathcote Branch— a. G. W. Scott, Manager ; W. B. Murdoch, Acting Accountant. Hor.sham Branch — J. Mclnnes, Manager; H. M. Hamilton, Accountant. Hotham Branch — C. Thori3e, Manager; J. W. Hyland, ]^''o Accountant. Inolewood Branch Manager; J. J. Wilson, jiro Accountant. Kerang Branch — J. F. Ogilby, Acting Manager; , Accountant. KiLMORE Branch — J. McI). Larnach, Manager; G. B. Sands, Accountant. Kyneton Branch — R. Hyndman, Manager; , Accountant. Maffra Branch (opened 19th April) — F. H. Wallen, Manager; , Accountant. Maldon Branch — J. R. Griffith, Manager; J. White, Accountant. Malmsbury Branch — T. S. Etheredge, Acting Manager; W. A. Kilburn, jiro Accountant. Maryrorough Branch — J. Dunn. ^Manager; J. H. La^vrence, Accountant. ,, Chinajlvn's Flat Agency — C. R. TuUoh, Acting Agent. ,, Carisbrook A(;en'cy — J. Cameron, Agent. Merino Branch — J. A. Adanison, Act. Manager; H. McPherson, pt'o Accountant. Mortlake Branch — H. G. Soilleux, Manager; A. C. Huggins, Acting Accountant. McRCHisoN Branch — C. J. Reid, Acting Manager; J. C. George, 2^''o Accountant. OxLEY Branch — ^^H. AV. Francis, Acting Manager. Pen.shurst Branch — R. Foord, Acting Manager; D. Gibb, pro Accountant. Port Albert Branch — AA'^. H. Parr, Manager; J. S. Disher, pi-o Accountant. Portland Branch — J. L.Archer, Manager; G. G. P. Clai-idge, Accountant. Prahran Branch— G. Clippcrton, Manager; J. Bennie, pro Accountant. Ql'eenscliff Branch — G. B. H. Catlicart, Manager ; AV. L. Baillieu, ;)/o Accountajit. RuNNYMEDE BRANCH (opened 13th March) — A. AA'. Pollock, Acting Manager; C. Gellion. pro Accountant. Ru.shworth Branch — AA'. B. Lucas, Act. Manager; J. Mclntyre, }n-o Accountant. Sale Branch — A. Battersby, Manager; , Accountant. Sandhitr,st Branch — W. ^^endell, Manager; H. Sutherland, Accountant. ,, ErsoM Agency — AV. McMeikan, Acting Agent. ,, IIcNTLY Agenc\' — L. Eraser, Agent. Seymour Branch — F. Merson, Manager; 1). E. Hayes, pro Accountant. St. Arnaud Branch — A. R. Mackenzie, Manager; J. I). Brown, /i;anch— Ij. Ogilliy, Manager; , Accountant. AV^oDONtiA Hranch -J. AVigniore, Manager; M. AVoonsi'oiNT Branch— 1). Mackay, Acting Accountant. Yackandandaii Branch— J. S. Campbell, Accountant. AN'aruig, Manager ; /iro Accountant. R. Macnamara, pro Manager ; A. E. HoUis, pro KkW ."ViI'TII Walrs - TliP An-^triiliiiii.Ioiiit Stock llttiik imilCDiniiiproiiil lliinkint; rompiinyof .Syiliipy. QCKK.SHI.ANO - - 'I'lic Austniliiiii .Ii)iiit Stuck Hank ami Cuniiiitivtul lIaukiiigC."oini)aiiy of Sydney. South Austuama - The Hank of Smilli Australia. Wk.hTKIIN Al'hTIlALIA Till' WcMtcm AiHtl iillaii Itaiik. Tasmania - - - The ConiiiicrclMl Hank of Van DIcnicn'H T.nml and Bank <>r 'i'lk-inwuiia. INIMA A.N'I) CHINA ■ Clnii'tiTcil Mi'rnantilc Itaiik 2 "I s % O 03 MARRTAN'S ALES. EDMOND'S "PIG" STOUT. DUN VI LEE'S \VinSKV. KEILI.ER AND SUN'S CONFEC rioNEKY. TALNSII'S JAMS AND JELLIE.S. Sole Afjents for KEEN'S MUSTARD, SPICES, and P.LUE. 1!K^ ANT & MAY'S VESTAS. NDIU.E'S & nOARE'S VARNISHES. HROWN'S CORNFLOUR. TAYLOR P.Kos.'C()COA& CHICORY CLODE and HAKEK'S PORTS, SHERRIES, .nnd CLAUET. MAGAREV'S ADELAIDE ELOUR. IMPORTERS OF Ales. Stout, Winfts, Spirits, Vinegar, Bluo, Blacking, Confectionery. Cocoa, Cornflour, Mu.star(l, Pickles, Jams, Bottled Fruits. Tinned Fish, Salt, Oil Stores, Vestas, Papers, Sugars, Teas, Earthen and Glass Ware, Boots and Shoos, Paints and Oils, Varnishes, Wool-packs, Canvas, Twine, Sheep-shears, Wire Nails, American Goods, Fencing Wire, Galvanised Iron, Slates, Safes. ADVERTISEMENTS. 13 CIjc Sttlljoumc Stcixmsljtp €a'.B MELBOUENE for SYDNEY - - Every Tuesday and Friday. SYDNEY for MELBOURNE - - „ BRISBANE BRISBANE for SYDNEY SY^DNEY for MARYBOROUGH MARY^BOROUGH for SYDNEY BRISBANE for MARYBOROUGH MARYBOROUGH for BRISBANE The Comiiany does not guarantee this Time Table, but will carry it out as far as practicable. For hours of sailing see daily papers ; and for all particulars ajjply to the Agents. Passengers and Cargo booked to or from any of the above ports. Goods for ship- ment will be received and stored free of charge. Every Alternate Friday. J! )) Saturday. ?J 5) Friday. 5> J) Thursday. >> >> Tuesday. '> J> Thursday. List of Iron Screw Steamers.-BAEEABOOL, 1000 tons; MACEDON, 1000 tons; YOU YANGS, 800 tons; DANDENONG, 800 tons; EDINA, 500 tons. SPRIGHTLY, Steam Tender and Tug. Agents — HOWARD SMITH, Market Square, jMelbourne; Com- mercial Wharf, Brisbane ; Struth's and Commercial Wharf, Sydney; A. A. Co.'s Wharf, Newcastle. J. E. BROWN, Maryborough. CHRIS' NEWTON, BBOR., & CO, WAREHOUSEMEN AND GENERAL IMPORTERS, 118, 120, 122, 124 & 126 PITT STREET, SYDNEY, AND 37 MOORGATE STREET, LONDON, 14 ADVEETISEMENTS. THE AUSTRALASIAN Steam Navigation Company. Incorporated h[i xict of Council. CAPITAL PAID UP - £320,000. Directors. Thomas Cadell, Esq., Cliairman. James Milson, Esq. G. R. DiBBs, Esq. M. Metcalfe, Esq. Thomas Waxker, Esq. J. H. Neale, Esq. Manager — Fredk. H. Trouton. Traffic Manager — H. J. Spier. Secretary — Fredk. Phillips. Superintending Engineer — G. Davidson. HEAD OFFICE, SUSSEX STREET, SYDNEY. Agencies. Melbourne ... Brisbane Maryborough Bundaberg ... Gladstone Rockhampton Mackay Bo-wen W. Siddeley and Co. Henry O'Reilly. Graham and Co. G. Bell. E. McCollin. Wood and Wood. A. Kemmis. J. Palmer and Co. Towiisville Cai'dwell Cooktowii Newcastle Raymond Ter- race S. F. Walker & Co. G. Kuhland. J. C. Baird. W. K. Lockhead. liichardson and Scully. Clarence Town W. Stronach. Morpeth ... T. F. Dye. Auckland John lleid. STEAMERS ARE DESPATCHED Between Brisbane, Maryborough, Gladstone, and Rockhampton OJ^CIB .A. "WEEIC. Special Steamer to BuNDAnKUG ahont every Ten I)ay, T 1(?'C? T> Tl T> "XT f? "V r\ X) JuLJca JtrJcitUJtrJLaJciLjD jrUJt\.VJciixU Jt\,3 NEXT ARTHUR MARTIN'S AUCTION ROOMS. Robinson & Faulkner, (Late with MED HURST d- CO.), €ox)iml im^ Wmqm Jl^amifaclurcrs, ELIZABETH STREET, BRISBANE, Near EDWARD STREET. RAND F. beg to infonn their Friends and the Pubhc, that they have com- • menced business at the above address, and trast by strict attention to business, and supplying the finest articles, to merit public patronage. Brisbane, February, 1876. 16 ADVERTISEMENTS. GILCHEIST, STUBBS & WESTOI, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, VALUATOES AND COI/CI^ISSIOIT AGENTS, 273 GEORQE STREET. SYDNEY. G-., S. & "W. undertake the disposal of Real Property, General Merchandise, Vessels, &c. Advances made on Properties or Merchandise FOK IMMEDIATE SALE. COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS, 273 GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY, orPOSITE HUNTER STREET. E. J. TEBBATT, ]\rANTIFACTURER OF BOOTS, SHOES, EOOT TIPPEES, 8A13DLERY AND IIAKNESS. Importer of— KNCilJSir AND FOIlKiriN J500TS AND SHOES. LEATIIKIl AND (;iUNJ)KKy. SADDLERS' IRONMONGERY & ELASTIC WEBBING OFFICE AND WAREHOUSES: 60 RILEY STREET, Wooloomooloo, SYDNEY, JNKAi; \VILI,I.\.M SIJvKKI'. ADVERTISEMENTS. 1? John Orowther, ACCOUNTANT, lomt, i^antr, ^$Mt, & Cnmmissiait |.gcnt, EXCHANGE ROOM, TOWN HALL, BRISBANE. J. C. having removed to the Town Hall for the greater convenience of his business, undertakes all matters in connection with the following branches : — HOUSE AGENCY, LETTING, SELLING, AND RENT COLLECTING. ESTATES MANAGED FOR ABSENTEES. ACCOUNTANCY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. BOOEIS BA.IL,A.lSrCEr). ACCOUNTS COLI^ECTED. INSOLVENCY TRUSTEESHIP UNDERTAKEN. Commissions of Evei;i} !K)escv;iption r^equir^ing ^fidelity and Bespatch undci|tahen. By Special Appointment to ^SM^^ His Excellency the Governor, SEEDSMAl^ AISTD PLATSiT MERCHANT, aUEEN STREET, BRISBANE. W. & F. SNELLING, QXJEElsT STKEET, BR,ISB-A.1TE. Publishers of the "Brisbane Prices Current and Shipping Circular." Agents for Greville's Australian Telegram Company. Agents for "Ocean Express." Parcels forwarded to all parts of the World. Custom House, Shipping, and General Commission Agents. BY APPOINTMENT TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. MR. D. R. EDEN, SURGEON DENTIST, QUEEN STREET. BRISBANE. G~ D^ H A R R I son" Impvtcx' ot ^oolis, ^talionevu, pusic, unb ||lusic;il Instruments, School of Arts Buildings, Brisbane. Contractor to the Queensland Board of Education. 18 ADVERTISEMEKTS. EC ,X O S Zl X> ^ X< X X9 X> Xa ZS, (LATE KLINGENDER, CHARSLEY Si LIDDLE, MELBOURNE), SOX-iIOITO 'R, SZ> a. Offices : 7 AxVd 8 TOWN HALL, BRISBANE. NORTH AUSTRALIAN HOTEL, NICHOLSON STREET, IPSWICH. cr. HEn:srx)E:RS03iT, :F'K,oF^^IETOR,. EXCELLENT WINES AND SPIRITS. 6'fio<:? Stabling. A Fh-st-class Billiard Table. js. SKT x: X. s ^ "a^. Tinsmith, Galvanised Iron Worker, Plumber, &c., BELL STREET, IPSWICH. STOREKEEPERS AND OTHERS SUPPLIED. Dairy Pans and Tinware made of the best material, and by First-class Workmen. Price Lists on apjilicntion. s I nv: o isr f r, ^^ s e r., (Establish?:© 186;i). Auctioneer and Valuator, Land and Commission A^ent, STOCK, STATION, AND PRODICE BROKER, Estates Managed. Mortgages and Loans Negotiated. FRANK POWELL, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, BRISBANE STREET, IPSWICH. Prescriptions carefully and accurately made up. Powell's Hair Restorer recommended. Country Orders attended to. JOHN M'N A B, C O ^^^ O XZ -EL TJ X.Xji X> 3E3 X&, Near Lauds and Works Office, George Street, Brisbane. Erery description of ('iirriaijr$ Made to Ordir or llrpaircd. Carriages and Buggies of Every Description. Built, Painted, Repaired, Touched Up, Varnished, and Trimmed. I?.EF>-A.II?,S, Sea., ^^T lvIOi:>E3R,A.TE! CH:-A.I?,C3-ES. M \KK TIIK .\IiI)Ki:sS - x;. J". x< X x. X. "S", co^^aii bxjiLjDER., ADELAIDE STRI'.KT, NEAR (iEORCl': STREE'I', BRISBANE. (; V. O R V, E S T R !•: E T, B R I S B A N V.. (I-alc ihc Residence of Kohcrl T.itllc, Ksq.) Private Rooms for Fnmilies, Somple Rooms, &c. JOHN LENNON, Latk of 1 I'sw ti. II, P RO I' K I i: TOR. ADVEKTISEMENTS. 19 CUSTOM HOUSE HOTEL^ MARYBOROUGH This Hotel is the most pleasantly situated in Maryborough, being on the river bank, in close contiguity wiih the wharves, and overlooking the river. At the same time, it occupies one of the most central positions in the town, being within one minute's walk of the Post Office, Telegraph Office, and all the Banks. Visitors will find the Hotel replete with every accommodation that can be required by Families, Visitors, or Commercial Travellers. The Bedrooms are large and well ventilated. The Table is liberally supplied with all the delicacies of the season. The Sample Rooms are conveniently fitted and well lit. CONVEYANCES MEET EVERY STEAMER. CHARGES ARE STRICTLY MODERATE. BATHS. J. T. MURRAY, Proprietor. BUSS & COMPANY, MARYBOROUGH, Receive Monthly direct Shipments of General Drapery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Purcliascd frum tlie best fliTQs in tlie Englisli markets. Our Manufacturing Departments, such as Tailoring, Millinery and Dressmaking, are under the efficient management of competent Assistants. The Order Department is personally attended to by one of the firm. DUNMOEE HOTEL, William Street, EOCKEAMPTON. JAMES MUNDAY, Proprietor. Excellent accommodation for Boarders and Travellers. Best Brands of Wines, Spirits and Beers. Good Stabling and Paddock Accommodation, CHARGES EXCEEDINGLY MODERATE. CRITERION HOTEL, ROCKHAMPTON. (LA.TE C-RA.M:I?'S.) MRS. A. S. LAURIE, Proprietress. Conveyances from the Hotel attend on Steamers & Trains. W. S. M A C K I E, Tui-ner, Colonial Walking Stick Manufacturer, Importer of Tobacco Pipes, &c. ALBERT AND ELIZABETH STREETS, BRISBANE. ALlf.D'.i O.V IIAXD:- C'hair, Table, & Basin Stand Leis Drawer i. Sofa Feet. Sofa Rails Cornice Poles and Rings Kurthenware BILLIARD BALLS RE-TLRKED. Pcf: Tops. Indian Clubs | Glnc. various kinds Colonial Walking Sticks & Canesi Tobacco Pipes (Clay), in boxes Stock Whip, Axe. Adze, Pick, and Wine and other Corks, in boxes Hammer Handles | and bales 20 ADVEBTISEMEKTS. J. & D. M'KELLAR, IHcrcantilc imtr |H:uvufactunng l^tatioucrs, ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS, Engravers, Lithographers, Printers, Machine Paper Rulers, BOOKBINDERS, HERALDIC DESIGNERS, DIE SINKERS, AND EMBOSSERS, Respectfully direct the attention of the BnnkinLr, MtTcantile. and Manufacturin',' community to the ffreatly increased facilities we have for the cxeLUtion of all the alio\c branches of our business. Jlavin"^ recently imported Machiiury with all the latest imi)rovcnicnts and labour-saving appliances, worked by our" /'afe/!/ Atmo.yi/irric G113 /Ciii/tui; enables us to turn out our work in a speedy and efficient manner, and at the lowest possible rates. OVK STOCK OF Account Books, Manufactured Stationery, and Office Sundries, Is entirelj' new, and selected specially for the oi>eni'ijj of our new premises. For Engraving, Lithography, iL-c. d-c, ice fuvnish Designs and Estimates when rci/nircd. For Account Books, Forms, &c., Patterns to select from and Estimates given. CORDIAL MANUFACTURERS' LABELS. We are constantly adding- new designs to our already large and varied stock. Sani]>les and prices sent on application. PRICE LISTS GRATIS. Stationery, Newspapers, and Periodicals, Maps and Charts, School Requisites, Cutlery. BERLIN WOOLS AM) FANCY WORK. PHOTOGRAPHERS' MATERIALS AVILLIAm" HOPKINS, NEAR THE POST OFFICE, EOCKHAMPTOIT. Afjeiit for the Sale of IIOMd'O I'AT IHC M I- 1) IC I XES, prepared by F. y . ( 'ii//iiis, tSi/diicii. Sole District Agent for tiie Singer Sewing Machine Company, and Wilcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine. AGENT FOR THE "LITTLE WANZER," SHAKESPEARE, AND OTHER MACHINES. I'rrr Trial (,'irnt Brforr J'lirrha.ir. ADVERTISEMENTS. 21 W. EDDS & CO., ^USTK^LIA.N CO^Cn FACTORY, ALBERT ST., BRISBANE (Opposite Messrs. Cobb & Oo.'s). Buggies, Waggonnettes, Dog Carts, &c., of every description on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. J^ T^ E L s o nsr, ~ ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCONIST, THE OLD DIVAN, QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE. Real ITAVANNAH ami other Cigars. The Trade supplied with CUT and CAKE TOBACCOES at tlie Lowest Wholesale Prices. MEERSCHAUM and other Pipes. GEORGE HARDEN, ^uftianctv im\ ^tuiluntor, %om(, ^itnrt, and (^^U\U ^Qcut, REAL PROPERTY EXCHANGE, TOWN HALL, QUEEN ST. Estates Managed. Rents Collected. Moneys Invested. Loans Negotiated. Out-door Sales receive special attention. Moderate Charges. €3-. 3EB. 3!Mi:OX.3:.X: &: OO., <^tock^' station ^gcnts,3l)ce}}i^*(!Lattlec^alcsnun,MloolA-|)\:oi)ucc'^r0hev3 Agents for the sale of Fat Stock and Tin Ore. Liberal Advances made on Wool, Stations, Live Stock, Tallow, Hides, Leather, and all other Produce consigned to them fur sale in Brisbane or Svdnev, or for shipment to their London Ajjents. Weekly Sales of Stiition I'roiliiee held at the Wool Stores, C^ueen Street. Brisbane Offices : QUEEN ST. (Opposite Town Hall), Brisbane ; DRAYTON ST., Dalby; _^ And 273 GEORGE STREET, SYDNE Y. PARBURY, LAMB & CO., ELIZABETH STREET, BRISBANE. EXCELSIOR HOTEL, CORNER OF QUEEN AND ANN STREETS, BRISBANE. VISITORS to Brisbane will find SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at this first-cla^s Family Hotel. The building is quite new, and is furnished throughout in a superior manner, and especially arranged with a view to the comfort of Visitors. Situated in the most healthy part of the city, and commanding a splendid view of the river. Elegantly Furnished Suites of Rooms for Families. Plunge and Shower Baths. JOHN MORSE, Proprietor. ^' ^ "^ ESTABLISHED ^Ji^Wz 1859. ARTHUR MARTIN, AUCTIONEEH AND YAIaUATOH, HOUSE, LAND, 8QUATTER8,& GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT City Auction Mart, Queen-street, Brisbane. Note. — A. M. is gazetted Auctioneer for the sale of Crown Lands, Forfeited Run.s, and ail other Auction Busines.^ for tlie Queensland Government. 22 ADVERTISEMENT?. I»- IST- \^ jSl. X« is E3 3E2.5 WOOL, TALLOW, & HIDE BROKER, MAEKET BUILDINGS, 22 VT'XXaXjIA.IiyC STIREET, 3VnEXjBOTj:R,l^:E]. JNO. VICAE'S Colonial Tweed & Cloth Manufactory, STEAM MILLS, SUSSEX STREET, SYDNEY. Every Description of COLONIAL TWEED in Plain and Fancy Weaving. Volunteer Cloth, Flannel, &c., made to order. B. O. HOLTERMANN & CO., Importers and General Commission Agents. Foreign and Coloni.al Agencies undertaken. Agenti to the Proprietors of " Holteksiann's Life Duops'"— the Universal Eeiuedy. BRIDGE STREET, Sl^DNEY, N.S.W. M. L. SALAMOK, Auctioneer and Commission Agent, 281 GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY^ ADVANCES Made on Goods Forwarded for Sale. GEORGE A. LLOYD & CO., MERCHANTS AND SHIP AGENTS, Agents for Cornwall Fire and Marine Insurance Company, 3G2 GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY. Joyce's ^' Queen" Family Hotel, ii00iciiA.:M::PT03^. PRIVATE ROOMS FOR FAMILIES. SAMPLE ROO^LS, &c. &c. Conveyances meet the Steamers and Railway. J. E. NOAKES,{''^'rS'''lA.deIaide Street, Maryborougli, Plbofcsalc ;ini) V\ti:\\i f;nni(n 6roccr ;ihl) Importer, CHINA, c;i,ASS AND C"R(JCKERV MERCHANT. Country and Shipping Orders carefully executed. UNION HOTEL, ROCKHAMPTON. (Ill EA IKE ROYAL CAFE.) Luncheons daily from 12 to 3. Sujipcrs .iftcr Theatre hours. Restaurant. Billiards. Baths. J. CRAMP (. I. ^tc of Criterion Hotel). ADVERTISEMENTS. 23 William Taylor & Co., Wholesale & Export Druggists 219 PITT STREET, SYDNEY. SOLE AGENTS FOR DR. JAYNE'S Patent Medicines. M'COMAS'S P ATENT PRIZE W ATERLIFTER. THIS Apparatus obtained the Prize over every Pump sho^vn at the N.S.W. Inter- colonial Exhibition of 1871 for Irrigation, Sheepwashing, and Stock-watering, and has secured the same "Triple First Prize"' at Sydney, 1872, 1873, and 1874. _ It obtained the " Special Certificate of Merit " at the Victorian Agricultural Exhibition 1871, and the same honour, 1872 and 1873. It was awarded the "Bronze Medal" at the Great International E.xhibition, Melbourne, 1872. The "Triple First Prize" was awarded in Sydnej', a man having lifted, in the presence of the judges, at the rate of 18,000 gallons per hour to 14 feet. M'Comas's "Waterlifter can throw any quantity from any depth, giving nearer the full equivalent of weight of water to power than any other hydraulic contrivance. M'CoMA.s's Waterlifter never lessens its delivery at any height, is not liable to be choked by silt or flock, needs no priming or attention of any kind, works on low power or high power. M'Coraas'S "Waterlifter is indestructible in material, simple in construction, never requires an engineer, is limited in the supjjly yielded only by strain, velocity, or power applied. M'Comas's Waterlifters range from the least to the greatest. Those shown at the Exhiliition deliver from a barrel at 35 feet by one man to 20 gallons to every foot, or at 100 revolutions per minute 20,000 gallons ]jer minute. Five million gallons of water were delivered in the drainage of Albert Park by the hands of three men in 06 hours. For Drainage, Irrigation, Station Work, or Deep Mines, they are literally without competitor. JOHN W. M'COMAS & CO., 49 King St., Melbourne. THOMAS DAVEY & CO., 1 Queen St., Melbourne. F. LASSETTER & CO., Sydney. JOHN W. M'OOMAS, Patentee. 24 ADVERTISEMENTS. Advances on "Wool, Stations, Stock, Sec. R. GOLDSBROUGH & CO. TTOOL BKOKEES, Stocli anb Stution Agents, AEE PREPAKED TO MAKE LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES OX MOST FAVOURABLE TERMS, On the ensuing Clip of Wool, Whether for Sale in the Colony or Shipment to London, AT.SO ON STOCK, STATIONS, & ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SQUATTING SECURITIES. Auction Sales of Wool held twice each week during- the Scjison, and Sales of Tallow, Hides, Sheepskins, and other Produce on Tuesdays, Thursdayti, and Saturdays throughout the year. Station Accounts, and all departments of Financial Business in connection with the Pastoral Interest, promptly attended to. GOLDSlMIOIKlfl'S Wool, WAliElfOUSKS, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA. ADVERTISEMENTS. 25 f abus' College, ^Telbiinu (In connection with the Presbjiierian Church of Victoria). TRUSTEES : Hon, JOHN CUMMING, M.L.C.; ANDREW SCUTT, Esq.; JOHN LORIMER, Esq.; WILLIAM K. THOMSON, Esq.; JOHN MATHESON, Esq. Principal: Rev. GEORGE TAIT, B.A. /lead Master : CHARLES H. PEARSON, M.A. (Late Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, and some time Professor of Modern History in Kinjf's Collcije, London. Lady Superintendent: MISS JARDINE. Mathematics: CHARLES H. BARTON, M.A, (Late Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, and sometime Professor of Mathematics, Koyal College, Sandhurst) ;"i[lSS GPiE,SHAM. English: ANDREW HARPER. B.D., Ems. (Exhibitioner in Classics and English, Melbourne University ; Hamilton Scholar and Cunningham Scholar, New College, Edin.) ; MISS DEAKIN. Latin: MISS BROMBY AND MISS BARTON. French: MISS STEWART .VXD .MADAME BUVELOT. The best Teachers are engaged for the Extra Subjects, such as Music, Drawing, and Dancing, &;c. THE LADIES' COLLEGE is built in one of the healthiest parts of Melbourne, fronting Fitzroy GiirJens, and commanding a new of the Bay. The accommodation for Boarders is extensive and commodious, and has been provided with everj- ap))liance for the efficient carrying out of domestic and sanitary arrangements. The bedrooms, which contain from one to three beds each, are large and thoroughly ventilated. By special arrangement a pupil may have a room for herself. There are two i)aths on every floor. The Principal, the Lady Superintendent, and Assistant Governess reside in the house. The Boarders are assisted in the pieparation of their lessons by the Lady Superintendent and Governess. Courses of Lectures on the English Language and Literature, on English and European History, on Astronomy, on Physics, on Physical and Historical Geography, form part of the progranuue of the Ladies' College. If parents wish it, arrangements can be made for their daughters remaining at the College during the Easter (four days) and the Midsummer (three weeks) holidays. A Quarter's notice or half a Quarter's pa.vment is required before the removal of a Student. A Pupil entering during the Quarter will be charged in proportion. A reduction of 10 per cent, is made in the case of sisters who are Resident Boarders. TERMS. Quarter Days are 8th February, 21st April, 18th July, 9th October. (PAYABLE QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE). Junior Department. Senior Department. (For Girls under 12 years of age.) Day Pupils . . ". . ..£440 Dav Boarders 7 7 Resident Boarders 21 Day Pupils Day Boarders Resident Boarders Fees for Special Instruction. Pianoforte < Singing < ' " Drawing in Perspective Painting in Water Colours Oil Painting German Italian Dancing Gvmnastics ^5 5 8 8 2G 5 £5 5 4 4 2 •> 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 o t> 9 1 1 No separate Fee is charged for French, Latin, Elocution, and Class Singing, as it is considered that they ought to form part of the regular course of instruction. Prospectus forivardcd on apjjUcation to the Princij^al. 26 ADVERTISEMENTS. 8T, PATRICK'S COLLEGE, MELBOURNE. Conducted by Fathers of the Society of Jesus. Students prepared for Matriculation and the Civil Service. TERMS (PAYABLE QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE): Resident Boarders (over 12 years) per Quarter ... 20 Guineas. Resident Boarders (under 12 years) „ ... 16 „ Of the 375 candidates from all parts of the Colony who presented themselves at the Matriculation and Civil Service E.\aminations, December, 1873, fifty per cent, were successful in the former, and fifty-four per cent, in the latter. Of the students of St. Patrick's College who presented themselves on the same occasion, sixty-nine per cent, were successful in the foi-mer, and seventy in the latter. Of all the young gentlemen who were Successful, J. F. Fitzgerald, of St. Patrick's College, obtained the highest marks. In 1872, at a competitive examination for a place in the Mint, 121 candidates presented themselves. The successful candidate was Robert Emmett Dillon, of St. Patrick's College. He was examined in nine subjects, and passed in all. WESLEY COLLEGE, ST. KILDA ROAD, MELBOURNE. President: The Eev. JAMES S. WAUGH. Head Master : H. M. ANDEEW, M.A., Cambridge aud Melbourne. Formerly Scholar and Lecturer of the University of Melbourtie; Scholar, Exhibitioner, ana IVri^ht's Prizeman, St. folnis College. Cambridge; sometime Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, THE Course of Instniction comprises all the branches necessary to fit boys for the Q'w\\ Service anii Matriculation Examinations, and for tlic subsequent work of the University. Instruction in Kxperimontal Science is systeniiitically piven by weekly lectures. Biblical aud Unsectarian Instruction i.-* given by the President in c.-ich Form. In ls7.j and 1H76 all three Exliibitions at Matriculation were gained by Wesley College Ixiys, and during the la. Terms per Quarter: under 12 vcars. over 1? years. Day Pupils 3 Guineas 4 Giiineas. Day Boarders 5 ,, .. 6 Resident Boarders 15 ,, .20 The Riins of Mini.stcrs are received at a reduction of half the oUDI.s'.vnv El)t'( ation KEE. Tlie College is l>enutifully Hitiiated, facing the .'^t. Kilda Koad, and has a large jilaygronnd ond gymnfmiuni attached. Th(! grounds embrace nearly eleven acres, and the neighbourhood is oinm and healthy. I'upils t. Itroniby, D.O.; Tin; Venerable Archdeacon Crawford; llev .John .'Stanley Low; llev. A. Cumerou, D.D.; Ucv. Churles Clark; Hon. J, S. Johnston; John Matheson, Kscj.; Henri J. Hart, Gnq. TEn.MS CrAYAni.K QUAHTFRLY, IN AnVANCE): Day Pupila - - 4 Guineas per Quarter | Boarders - - 20 Ouineas per Quarter, S|iocial arrnngements can be made for Day Hoarders. A Ileduclion of Ten jicr Cent, is made in the case of Urolliel's. ADVERTISEMENTS. 29 THE FAMILY MEDICAL INDEX: OR, WHAT TO DO In Cases of Emergency. WRITTEN EXPRESSLY FOR THE COLONIES BY Owe Vol. 8vo, Cloth, 227 pages, Price Gs. Postage Extra, Victoria, lOd.; Intercolonial, Is. 8d. PUBLISHER, 104 COLLINS STREET EAST, MELBOURNE, AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF MODERN AND STANDARD BOOKS, UPON SURGERY. I MICROSCOPY. I PHYSIOLOGY. ANATOMY. I MEDICINE. | DENTISTRY. MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. ENGINEERING, INCLUDING BRIDGE AND LIGHTHOUSE BUILDING, AND RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION. TECHNOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. MECHANICS. ARCHITECTURE. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. FINE ARTS. MANUFACTURES. ALSO, Surgical Instruments & Appliances, Human Skeletons (Articulated). MICROSCOPES, ASSAY BALANCES, GALVANIC BATTERIES, AND MAGNETIC-ELECTRO MACHINES, ON SALE AT F. F. IB-A^II-Iji I E I^E'S, 104 COLLINS STREET EAST, MELBOURNE. CATALOGUES GRATIS. 30 ADVERTISEMENTS. isr E ^AT" ^v^ o i^ k: s BY JAMES GEORGE BEANEY, F.R.C.S, Senior Surgeon to tJie Melbourne Hospital. CONSTITUTIONAL SYPHILIS : being a Practical Illustration of tlie Disease in its Secondary and Tertiary Phases, illustrated with 20 chromo-lithograph plates, 1 handsome 8vo toL, 470 pages, price 15s. THE GENERATIVE SYSTEM and Its Functions in Health and Disease, 1 vol., 326 pages 8vo, cloth, price 10s. 6d. CHILDREN: Theii- Management in Health and Disease, 1 vol., 253 pages 12mo, price in cloth, 3s. 6d.; price in papei', 2s. 6d. ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS to the Practice of Conservative Surgery, 1 vol. 8vo, price 12s. 6d. SPERMATORRHOEA in Its Physiological, Medical, and Legal Aspects, 1 vol., 112 pages, price 5s. DOCTORS DIFFER : being a Lecture delivered by Mr. J. G. Beaney, at the Melbourne Athenseum, price 6d. LITHOTOMY: ITS SUCCESSES AND ITS DANGERS. Being a full Verbatim Report, from Shorthand Notes, with Com- mentaries thereon, of an Inquest held on Robert Berth, before the City Coroner of Melbourne. Edited by a Practical Surgeon. One Volume, Svo, Cloth, with Coloured Plate, Price 7s. Gd. PUBLISHER: F. F. B ..A^ I L L I E I^ E, 104 COLLINS STREET EAST, M E L n U K N E. ADVERTISEMENTS. 31 ALMA ROAD GEAMMAR SCHOOL, ACCOMMODATION FOR TWELVE BOARDERS. SEA BATHING. SPLENDID SITUATION. EXTENSIVE PLAYGROUNDS. RESIDENT AND VISITING MASTERS. Lansmere, Alma Road, St. Kilda, Victoria. J. B. ELLIS & CO., STOCK, STATION, PLANTATION, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, Trust Funds Invested, Rents Collected, and Estates Managed for Absentees. AT 181 KING STREET, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, By special ajfpointment to H.li.H. the Duke ofEdhihurgli, also to His Excellency Sir G. F. Bon-eii, K.G.M.G. STEVENSON & ELLIOT Invite Inspection of the Largest Stock of CARRIAGEy, BUGGIES, ."t WAGGONS in tho Colonics. Manufactory and Show Rooms, 177, 179, and 181 King-street, MELBOXTRNE, "VICTORI-A.. WATSON, FERGUSON & 0~ (Lnto Watson and Co.) IMPORTERS OP BOOES AND STATIONERT, ENGRAVERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, EMBOSSERS, & ACCOUNT LOOK MANUFACTURERS, QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE (Opposite Supreme Court), The Trade and Storekeepers liberally dealt with. Samples and prices on appUcation. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Accountant. Page Crowther, John 17 Agents. Bright Brothers and Co 12 Holterman, B. O., and Co 22 Lan?, G. F. C H Molie. G. B.. and Co 21 Morehead, B. D.. and Co. . . . . . . 34 Snelling, W. and F 17 Auctioneers. Ellis, J. B., and Co . .. ^ Fraser, Simon 1*> Gilchrist, Stubbs and Weston IS Harden, C^ortre 21 Slartin, Arthur 21 Salamon, M. L 22 Banks. Australian Joint Stock Bank 8 Bank of New South Wales 2 Bank of \'ictnria coloured pages Commercial Banking Company of Sydney .. 4 London Chartered Bank of Australia . . 7 National Bank of Australasia G (Queensland Government Savings Bank . . iii Queensland National Bank .. .. •• _1 Union Bank of Australia 272 Booksellers. Bailliere, F. F 25 Harrison, G. D 17 Watson, Ferguson and Co 24 Bootmakers. Tebbatt, E. J 10 Brokers, Wool. Goldsbrough, R., and Co 24 Walker.P. N 22 Chemists. Powell, Frank 1^ Ward, M vi Coacli Builders. Edds and Co 28 Lillv. E. J - 1*^ M'Nab, J 1*^ Stevenson and Elliott 31 Colleges. Carlton College, Fitzroy 29 Ladies' College, Melbourne 27 Scotch College 30 St. Patrick's College 28 Wesley College 28 Dentists. Eden, R. D 17 Ward.M vi Drapers. Bubs and Co 1^ Fanner anil Co v Druggists, Wholesale. Elliot Bnithcra back of title. Taylor, W., and Co 23 Grocers. nngbod, M. . . • I''' Noakcs, J. i:. .. -.. ; 22 Hotels. Page Criterion, Rockhampton 19 Custom House, Marj'borough . . . . . . 19. - Dunmore, Rockhampton 19 Excelsior, Brisbane 20 Imperial, Brisbane .. .. .. ..18 North Australasian, Brisbane . . .. ..18 Queen, Rockhampton . . . . . . . . 22 Union, Rockhampton . . . . . . . . 22 Importers. Bailliere, F. F ; . . . . 25 Bright Brothers and Co 12 Holterman and Co 22 Neilson, R. D 34 Newton. Broz and Co. . . . . . . . . 13 Parbury, Lamb and Co 21 Insurance Companies. Government Annuity and Insurance Fund . . iii Imperial Fire Insurance Company of London 9 London and Lancashire Fu-e Insurance Com- pany 10 Liverpool and London and Globe . . . . ii Standard Fire and Marine Insurance Com- pany of New ZeiiHmd 10 Ironmongers. Alfred Shaw and Co. (wholesale) .. .. vii Jewellers. Favelle Brothers and Roberts 10 Machinery. Davey, Thomas, and Co. 33 Munro, David, and Co iv Manufacturers. Rol)inson and Faulkner (cordials) . . . . 15 Viiar, J. (cloth and tweed) 22 Wilson, F, W 35 Merchants. Llojd and Co 22 Pliunber and Tinsmith. Welsby, B. 18 Saw Mills. Pcttigrew, W 11 Schools. Grannnar, E. L. Backhouse 31 Kew High, J. H. Thompson 30 I'reparalory, C. A. Ooslctl 30 Seedsman. Rigby, Matthew 17 Solicitor. Liddcll, Joseph .. 18 Stationers. Hopkins, William 20 M'Kcllar, J. anil I) 20 Steamship Companies. Au.stralasian steam Niivi-:itioii Conipany .. 14 Melbourne Steamship CoiMpiiny .. .. 13 Tanners and Curriers. Alderson and Sons i Tobacconist. Elson. J. T 21 Turner. Mackic, W. S 10 WaterUfter. M'Conias 23 ADVEKTISEMENTf*. 33 THOS.DAYET&CO. IMPORTERS, IRON AND MACHINERY MERCHANTS. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY (NEW AXD SECOXDHAKD.) GALVANIZED IRON AND OTHER METALS. 1 C^UEEIT ST., M:EIL.B OXJI^ ISTE. B. D. MOREHEAD & CO., GEITEEAL ICEHCHANTS, STOCK & STATION AGENTS, MARY STREET, BRISBANE. AGENTS FOR— The Scottish Australian Investment Company (Limited.) The New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Limited.) The Pacific Mail Steamship Company (San Francisco, Australia, and New Zealand Line.) Java Sea and Fire Insurance Company. E. D. NEILSO^, ^ EDWARD STREET, BRISBANE, General |mp.ortcr uuii |^rfit)iuc |llcvcbant. Colonial Produce received by every Steamer from Sydney, Tasmania cj* Neic Zealand. FIRST-CLASS BUTTER, BY STEAMER, TWICE A WEEK. WHOLESALE GEOCEE. M.\I/.i; .111(1 .ill kinds of I'loducc purchased for CASH, or sold on COMMISSION. ! R. D. N EI LSO N, EDWARD STREET, BRISBANE. L 006 010 510 3 AUVfiUTliSUMEKTS. r 548 35 F. WJffilLSON & Co., ^ERS lot Bread. DU W6lb A'TTARDED THE ONLY PHIZE MEDAL UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY OltlOll, /, Queensland Biscuits Tea Cakes Lemon Drops Digestive Biscuits Dessert do. Queen Drops Savoys Sutton Rusks Cracknells Macaroons Ratafias Farinaceous Icing Sugar I'ersian S Baking I> Charcc AA 000 950 814 4 Steam Bk M B J m c ^ if i k '■'fJI m Hill wmi