H5^ *^-*^iT- CL-. / ( ^VT VLOGXIE Librr-r t .- >-.ging to Mr. Thomas W.Pield, ' An i;ssa>' (111 liiiljiiii llilfl. 'Jiymthv;'" J:A <■ . '■k l\'(-IXi..iNG AX UNIUV :.LKI» CvOLlLECTrON 0# BOOKS I^IEXj-i^TIlNra- TO TillE mmm iniiians, collections or historical societies, imi AMERK AN HTSTOIIY ANI) BIOGKAPHY to'be sold at auction, 3Ioiiday^ Afternoon, May 24z, 187 *j^ *^ AND FOLLOWING DAtji, By BANGS, MERWIN & CO., AT TIIKIK SAI.KSK(l()^^S, X ( ). ()5() l^r(j;i(Kv;iy, ]S"(>av York, NKAIt JtOND STUKKT. Sah' to <-<>iuiiieiicc at 4 o'cl<)<'k procLsoly. (ieutleiucu unable to be present uiay have purcliases made for tliciu by J. Sabix & Sons, 84 Nassau Street; IL B. Lane, 100 East Hist Street,- ('. Db F. BdUN!*, 137 Mercer Street ; ( +^ior's possession. To determine the selection of work! .xd be included in that category, they have been subjecte\^ tO a few simple rules of classi- fication. " All works which purported in their titles to contain historic, narrative, or literary material, relating to the American Indians. " Books in which any distinct portion, chapter, or appendix claimed by its heading, or table of contents, to be devoted to that subject. " Works containing engravings, illustrative of the manners of of the aborigines, when derived from actual observation. " All treatises, or essays, upon their origin, or the pre-Columbian discovery of America, as affecting the source of its population. " Those works of fiction or poetry founded on Indian life, to which were appended historical notes, incidents of personal experience, or traditions and legends, of the Indians. " All works containing grammatical analyses, or vocabularies of their language, as well as translations, into or from them, would of course form a part of the collection." How far Mr. Field has succeeded in filling out the lines thus indicated, this catalogue will afford evidence. In some departments he has been specially fortunate. It is not too much to say that his collection of public documents is unapproachable»^. The Indian Department at Washington has not succeeded in ^Wcuring many which are to be found in this library. Not the least important are the many pamphlets, some of only a few pages, and apparently of little worth, are of great rarity — and they are rare, partly because of their size, or rather want of size. For in many respects books are like people, the big ones take care of themselves, the little ones get lost, strayed or destroyed. We bespeak for the little ones in this Library that consideration which they undoubtedly deserve. On another page we have given a list of Desiderata including books which have a special individual value. Another and a very important feature of this library is the large collection of the publications of Historical Societies, many of which have not been included in iMr. Field's Essay, because their primary subject was not Indian. They are none the Ics^ valuable on that account, and indeed to the collector in general have per- haps" a greater interest for they iaclude histories of all the States, Kevolutionary History, War of 1812, etc. Mr. Field's " Essay on Indian Bibliography" has formed the basis of the present catalogue. We have added to it the titles of such books as have been purchased since the publication of that work in 1873. To the works thus added the notes appended are sometimes by Mr. Field. Many works of importance, which were in his possession at the time of its publication had accidentally dropped out of his list. Lord Kingsborough's Mexico is a case in point ; and now that we are on the subject of omissions we may remark that by an accident, which it is not worth while to explain, a portion of the copy for this catalogue was also lost. This circumstance has contributed to the necessity of an Addenda. For the same reason " Bry" has been necessarily carried on to De Bry and even then it forms a star lot, a dignity which it deserves, for it is undoubtedly the finest set of books in the sale. The Titles in Mr. Field's Essay have sometimes been abridged, sometimes given in full, his elaborate and eloquent notes have in many instances been shorn of their chief features, but the reader can supply that want by procuring a copy of Mr. Field's Essay.* Where no description of the binding is given it is to be under- stood that the book is in ordinary condition. Many of the books have been bound by W. Mathews, J. M. Bradstreet, & Sons, and are good specimens of their work. Let us hope that the financial result of the sale of the collection will not be a Severe loss to the owner, for it must be admitted that the tolerable certainty of getting your money back is not a bad in- centive to the collector of books, or indeed of any other article of taste or vertu. J. SABIN & SONS. 84 Nassau Street, New York, April 15, 1875. *The reader of the Essay will not fail to notice the strong humanitarian views which are held by Mr. Field. It would be difficult for any one to add to the energetic adjectives which distinguish some of his denunciations of the perpetrators of cruelties on the Indians. DESIDERATA. The following is a list of the most important hooks described in this Catalogue. LOT. 8 Acosta's-West Indies, 1604. 10 Acugna's South America. 55 Arena's Mexican Vocabulary. 88 Barcia, Historiadores de los Indias. 141 Beverly's History of Virginia. 188 Bradford Club Publication. 192-5. Brasseur de Bourbourg's Works. 256. Companuis's New Sweden, 1702. 318 Chalmer's Political Annals. 321 Champlain's Voyages. 419 Conduct of the Paxton Men. 460 Craig's Olden Time. 479 Cutler's Ohio, 1812. 485 Darnell's Journal, original edition. 516 Deny's Description de I'Amerique. 504*De Bry's Grand Collection of Voyages, very ra^. 532 Di^reville's Acadie, 1710, very rare. 543 Doddridge's Indian Wars, 1833. 593 Eastburn's Narrative, 1758. 597 Easton's King Philip's War. . 618 Eliot's Day Breaking, 1647. 620 Eliot's Glorious Progress of the Gospel, 1649. 621 Eliot's Tears of Repentance, 1653. 622 Eliot's Further Progress of the Gospel, 1660. 623 Eliot's Brief Narrative, 1671. 649 Evans's Essays on the Middle Colonies, 1755. 656 Esquemeling's Buccaneers of America 1684, best edition. 669 Farmer and Moore's Collections. 3 vols., 8°. 692 Filson's History of Kentucky. Vll 729 Four Kings of Canada. 733 Foxe's North West Fox, with the map. 4to. 765 Furman's Notes on Brooklyn. 784-9 Garcillaso de la Vega's Works. 822 & 3 Gomara's West Indies. 857 Hakluyt's Navigations, folio 1589. 904-6 Harlot's Virginia. 933-4 Haywood's Tennessee. 2 vols., 8°. 953-6 Hennepin's Travels, various editions. 964-6 Herrera's History of the Indies. 977 Trial of John the Painter. 986 Historical Magazine. 13 vols., 8°. 1015 Hopkins's Historical Memoirs. 1039 Hubbard's Indian Wars. Original edition, 1677. 1041 Do. Do. First English Edition, 1677 1052 Humboldt's Views of the Cordilleras,- folio. 1162 Josselyn's Voyages to New England, 1673. 1163 Josselyn's New England's Rarities. 1167 Joutel's Voyage of La Salle, 1714. 1198 Otto Keyen's New Netherland, 1672. 1208 Lord Kingsborough's Mexico. Colored plates. 1267 Las Casas — A Series of the Original Editions in Spanish. 1268-1288 A Series of Editions of Las Casas. 1299-1302 Lawson's North Carolina. All the edition. 1306 Le Clercq's Relation. Very rare. 1327 Lenoir's Mexican Antiquities. 1335-6 Lescarbot's New France. 1351-1360 Lewis and Clarke's Travels. Various editions. 1369-72 Linschoten's Voyages. Various editions. 1394 Loudon's Indian Narratives. 2 vols., very rare. 1405 Luther's Catechism in the Virginia Language. 1419 McCall's History of Georgia. 2 vols. 1444 McKenney and Hall's Indian Tribes of America. 3 vols., folio. 1459 Mante's Late War in America. 4to. 1677 Martin's North Carolina. 2 vols. 1480 Martyn's Georgia. 1481 to 1483 Peter Martyr's Decades of the New World. Various Editions. VIU 1488 Maryland Historical Society Publications. 1491 Massachusetts Historical Society's Collections. 38 vols. 1495 to 1500 Cotton Mather's Magnalia and other works. 1501 Increase Mather's History of the Indian War. ]512 Prince Maximilian's Travels. 2 vols., and Atlas in folio. 1519 Mayhew's Indian Canton. 1527 Melvert's New Netherland. Very rare, 1705 1542 Mendieta's Ecclesiastical History. 1554 Metcalf 's Indian Warfare. 1575 Bradford's Mohawk Prayer Book. 1576 Brant's Do Do Do 1583 Mohawk Primer, very rare. 1593 Moore's Voyage to Georgia. 1618 Morton's Crania Americana. Folio. 1653 Natural History of the State of New York. 4°. 1660 New England Historical and Genealogical Register. 21 vols. 1661 New England's First Fruits. 4°. 1662 New Hampshire Historical Collections. 8 vols. 1667 New Jersey Historical Collections. 1678 & 9 New York Historical Society Collections. 1730 Vander Aa's Collection of Voyages. 1746 Pagan's Country of the Amazons. 1751 Papoonahoal's Visit to the Quakers. 1772 Patterson's History of the Backwoods. 1778 Penhallow's Indian Wars, original edition. 1788 Perez's Mexican Catechism, 1720. 2068-2085 Schoolcraft's Various Works. 2111-2114 Shea's Jesuit Relations and Linguistics. 2116-2117 Shepard's Clear Sunshine. 2166-2172 Captain John Smith's General History and True Travels. Folio. 2269 Stevens's Collection of Voyages. 2 vols. 2337-2339 Terneaux's Collection of Voyages. 2358 Thorowgood's Jews in America. 2420 Van der Donck's New Netherlands. 2633 Benson's Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre. 2470 Washington's Journal. 2514-2521 Wheelock's Narratives. 2553 Whitfield's Light Appearing and Strength out of Weakness. 2561 Roger Williams's Key to the Languages of America. Catalogue. P 2 'S' 3 h- 4 Abbildung Nordamericanischer Lander and Eingebohrner Wilden, dabey die Erd-Beschreybung und Natur Seltenheiten der dortieen Gegenden, audi die sonderbahren Gebrauche des Landes Einwohner, die Handlung, Policey and Regiments Verfassung... Vellum. Erfurt, nST. A picture of North America and tlie Aboriginal Savages inhabiting it. Folded plate of a battle between two tribes of savages. Abbott (J.). Revolt of the Colonies. 16°. iV". Y. Abbott (J.) American History. 12° cloth. Vol. I. Aboriginal America. New York [I860.] Abbott (J. S. C) History of King Philip, Sovereign Chief of the Wampanoags. Including the early history of the Settlers of New England. With engravings. 12° cloth. N. Y., 1857 Abert (J. W.). Report of the Secretary of War communicating in answer to a resolution of the Senate, a Report and Map of the Examination of New Mexico, made by Lieutenant J. W. Abert. 8°. 3Iup avd 23 plates, cloth uncut. Wa.'^hmgton, 1848. Accounts of visits to the Pueblos or fortified Indian villages of North- ern Mexico, with portraits of the chiefs and their families, form the principal interest of this volume. Account of the Illinois. See [Smith, W.] Accounts of Two Attempts towards tbe Civilization of some In- dian Natives. 8°. London [1806.] AcosTA (J.) losephi | Acosta [ societatis | lesv | de Natvra Novi Orbis I libri duo. | Et j De Proravlgatione | evangelii apud | Bar- baros I sine | de pro-cvranda Indorvm | salute Libri Sex. 12°, hogskiv. | Coloniae Agrippinae, In officiana Birckmannica, Sumptihus Arnoldi 3I^ln, 159G. Natural History of the New World, in two books, and of the Pro- mulgtation of the Gospel among the Savages ; with the method of secur- ing the salvation of the Indians. An entirely distinct work from the Historia Natural printed at Seville 1 /f in 1590, and translated into almost every language of Europe. Books one and two were subsequently enlarged to the Natural History, but at page 99 the title " De Procuranda Salvte Indorum" announces another work which has never been printed in English. All the remainder of the volume is devoted to a description of the methods by which the In- dians of the New World were to be brought into the dominion of the Christian Church. 8 AcoSTA. The | Natvrall and | Morall Historie of the East | and | "West Indies | Intreating of the remarkable things of Heaven ; of the Elements, Mettalls, Plants and Beasts which are pro | per to that Country. Together with the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governments and Warres of j the Indians | Written in Spanish by loseph AcosLa, and translated | into English by E. G. 4°, morocco. Land.., 1604 His work has been justly esteemed for its intrinsic merit, indubitable evidence of which is found in the fact that it has been translated into al- most every language of Europe having a literature. Pp. 327 to 590, are entirely devoted to a relation of the history, customs and warres of the Indians. Although one of the earliest, he was one of the most curious and accurate observers of the customs and peculiarities of the Aborigines. Scarcely a trait which has excited the attention of the historian or the narrator in the three centuries which have elapsed, has escaped his observation and description. Perfect copies of the English edition are quite rare. 9 AcoSTA. Historie Naturael ende ^lorael van de Westerishe Indien. Small 8°, old vellum. Tot Enchuysen, 1598 This Dutch Translation was made by Linschoten, from the Seville Edition of 1591, and forms the basis of the version in De Bry's Col- lection. — See Sabin's Dictionary. 10 AcuGNA (C. d'). Voyages and Discoveries in South America. The First up the River of Amazons to Quito in Peru, and back again to Brazil, perforni'd at the Command of the King of Spain. By Christopher dWevgna. The Second up the River of Plata, and thence by Land to the Mines of Potosi. By Mons. Acarete. The Third from Cayenne into Guiana, in Search of the Lake of Parima, reputed the richest Place in the World. By M. Griilet and Bech;iniel. Done into English from the Originals, being the only Accounts of those Parts hitherto extant.... Illustrated with Notes and Maps. 2 Maps. 8°, calf. London, 1698 Chapters xxvi. to xliii. of Acugna's Relation, and almost all of Griilet and Bechamel are devoted to descriptions of the Indian tribes they encountered. Their naratives possess a greater interest from being made by the first Europeans who traversed tliese regions, and penetrated to the territories of the Indian nations, the Arragoues and Nouragones. 57' 11 Adams (C. F.). The Struggle for Neutrality in America. 8°. N. r, 1871 12 Adams (J.). A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of . the United States... By John Adams. 3 vols., 8°, sheep. Phila., Willuim Cobbett, 1797 //^ ^ %/> ^3 \ r'p 13 Adair (J.)- The History of the American Indians ; particu- larly Those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia. Con- 1 taining An Account of their Origin, Language, Manners, Reli- gious and Civil Customs, Laws, Form of Government, Punishments, Conduct in War and Domestic Life, t! eir Habits, Diet, Agri- culture, Manufactures, Diseases, and Method of Cure, and other Particulars sufficient to render it A Complete Indian System... , By James Adair, ...A Trader with the Indians, and Resident of j their Country for Forty Years. Map. 4°, sheep. London, 1775 Although it cannot be claimed for this author that he ranked first in priority of time, his name is first on our alphabetical register ot a great number of writers whose imaginations have been struck by the aston- ishing coincidenee of many particulars of the customs and religious rites of some of the American Nations with those of the Jews. The relations of an intelligent observer (as this Indian trader seems to have been), for so long a period as forty years, of the peculiarities of the Southern In- dians, among whom he resided for that period, is not without great value ; although we should have reason to hold it in still greater es- teem, had the author cherished no favorite dogma to establish, or detested any which he wished to destroy. o.^ 14 Adams (A.). A Concise, Historical View of the Difficulties, Hardships, and Perils which attended the Planting and pro- gressive Improvements of New-England, with a Particular Ac- count of its Long and Destructive Wars, Expensive Expeditions, &c. By Amos Adams, A. M. Pastor of the First Church of Roxbury. 8°, calf extra, ly W. Pratt. Land. 1770 r'Aj' 15 Adams ( ). Speech of Mr. Adams, of Mississippi, on the ' " Bill to remove the Indians West of the Mississippi. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, April, 1830 8°. Washington, 1830 ^ 16 Adelung (J.C.) & Vater, (J. S.). Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde niit dem Vater unser als Sprachprobe in bei- nahe funfhuudert Sprachen und Mundarten, von Johann Christoph Adelung,... Hofrath und Ober-Bibliothekar. 4 vols. in 5, 8°. ' BerKn, 1806-12 Mithridates, or general Linguistics, with the Lord's Prayer as Proof in nearly 500 Languages and Dialects, by J. C. Adelung. The result of a vast amount of research and learninor. More than one-fourth of the work is devoted to the Aboriginal languages of Ame- rica. The dialects of more than two hundred nations are represented by some fragments of vocabularies. ^0 17 Adventures of Hunters and Travellers and Narratives of Bor- der Warfare. By an Old Hunter. 12°, doth. Phila. 1852 ^ f 18 Affairs at Fort Chartres, 1768, 1781. 4°, pp. 12. Albany, J. Maxell, 1864 , ") ■{ 19 Alasco, an Indian Tale. In Two Cantos, with other Poems. Fhila., 1857 20 Albach (J. R.)' Annals of the West, embracing a Concise ' ■ ' Account of Principal Events which have occurred in the West- ern States and Territories from the Discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty. Compiled from the most authentic sources, and published by James ll. Albach. 8°, pp. 818, sheep. St. Louis, 1852 A collection of details of frontier warfare ; but contains little material that is new, yet it is much esteemed as a history of Western Settlement. 21 Aldama (J. A.). Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, Dispuesto por D. Joseph Augustin de Aldama y Guevara. Presbytero de el Arzobispado de Mexico. 16mo, 84 leaves. Un La Imprenta mucha de la Bihliotlieca Mexicana. Enfrente de el Co7ivento de San Auyustiii. Ano de 1754. This Art of the Mexican Tongue is a volume of much rarity. Priced by Tecliener, at 100 francs, ■^ ^7^ 22 Alden (T.). An Account of Sundry Missions performed among the Senecas and Munsees ; in a Series of Letters. With an Appendix. By Itev. Timothy x\lden. 24°, portrait. N. Y. 1827 Contains many valuable historical and biographical sketches, particu- larly one of Corn planter. From this eminent Chief and Warrior the author derived some very interesting particulars of Indian History, more especially of the Seneca Tribe. />.;t/ 23 Allen (A. J.). Ten Years in Oregon. Travels and Adven- tures of Doctor E. White and Lady, West of the Rocky Mount- ains, with Incidents of Two Sea Voyages ... around Cape Horn. Containing also a brief History of the Missions and Settlement of the Provisional Government, Number and Customs of the Indians.. .12°, cloth. Ithaca, 1850 /5,t/)' 24 Allen (A. J). 'I'hrilling Adventures, Travels and Explora- "^ I tionsof Doctor Elijah White, among the Rocky Mountains and in the Far West. Containing, also, a Brief History of the Missions and Settlement of the Country — Origin of the Provisional Gov- ernments of the Western Territories — Number and Customs of the Indians — Incidents witnessed while Traversing and Resid- ing in the Territories — Description of the Soil, Production, and Climate. Compiled by Miss A. J. Allen. 12°, cloth, pp. 430. New York, J. W. Yale. 1859 The veritable relations of an extraordinary mission, partaking of both a religious and a political character. Dr. White was a Presbyterian Missionary to Oregon, who developed a remarkable aptitude for organ- ization of border communities into regular civic bodies. // 25 Allen (0.). Report on the Stockbridge Indians, to the Legis- lature, by Charles Adams, Attorney General of Massachusetts. [January 18, 1870.] 8°, pp. 23. Boston, Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1870 A statement of the various sales of land made by the Stockbridge tribe of Indians. ^/^ 26 Allen (I.). The Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont, one of the United States of America, to which is added An Appendix, Containing Answers to Sundry Queries addressed to the Author. By Ira Allen, Esquire, Major General of the Militia in the State of Vermont. 8°, hoards. London, 1798 About one inch of the blank paper at the top of the title has been clipped off — otherwise, it is a clean and fine copy of this scarce book. '.:' 27 Allen (E.). Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen's Captivity. Writ- ten by Himself 16°. Burlington, ^^'^'o ^S: 28 Allen. Particulars of the Capture of the Ship Olive Branch, laden with a Cargo of Arms, &c...for supplying the Militia of Vermont. 8°, boards. Phila., Printed for the Author, 1805 \Y^ 29 Allen (L. L.). A Thrilling Sketch of the Life of the distin- / guished Chief Okah Tubbee, alias William Chubbee, son of the Head Chief Mosholeh Tubbee, of the Choctaw Nation of Indians. I By Rev. L. L. Allen. 12°, pp. 43. N. Y., 1848 The first part of a narrative which was intended to be completed in ! several numbers, but which is not known to have survived the first. See Tubbee. 00 Allen (Paul). See Lewis and Clarke. ^0 30 Allen. History of the American Revolution, by Paul Allen, ' Esq. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. Bait. 1822 The real authors were John Neal and Mr. Watkins. >2.^' 31 Allen (W). The History of Chelmsford, from its Origin in I 1653, to the year 1820, together with an Historical Sketch of I the Church and Biographical Notices of the Four First Pastors... I Added A Memoir of the Pawtucket Tribe of Indians... By Wilkes I Allen, A.M. 8°, hoards, uncut. Haverhill, 1820 yj 32 Allen (W.). The History of Norridgewock, Comprising Me- ' morials of the Aboriginal Inhabitants and Jesuit Missionaries, Hardships of the Pioneers, Biographical Notices of the Early Settlers, and Ecclesiastical Sketches. By William Allen. 12°, pp. 252, plate, half levant moroce<>,hy Bradstrcet. Norridgewock, E. J. Peet, 1840 *i{) 33 Alsop (G.). a Character of the Province of Maryland De- scribed in four distinct parts ... Also a small Treatise on the Wilde and Naked Indians (or Susquehauokes) of Mary-land, their S-^c Lti ^ CO /. ^^' £;/ h Customs, Manners, Absurdities, Religion. By George Alsop. With an Introduction and Copious Historical Notes. By John Gilmary Shea. Portrait and Map. 8°, cloth uncut. New York, 1869 A reprint of tlie very rare work printed in London 1666. The notes, liowever, fonn a very important part of its real value as they are the pro- duct of one of our most learned scholars, and bestow upon the reprint a much greater intrinsic value than even the rare original possesses. 34 American Ethnological Society. Transactions. 3 vols., 8°, cloth uncut, very scarce. N. Y., 1845-53 A list of the contents of the valuable journal will be found in Triib- ner's Bibliographical Guide. 35 American Pioneer (1 he). A Monthly Periodical devoted to the Objects of the Logan Historical Society, or to Collecting and Publishing Sketches relative to the Early Settlement and Suc- cessive Improvement of the Country. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. Cincinnati, 0., 1844—43 A judicious collection of documents and material relating to the Bor- der Settlements of the West. Composed chiefly of Journals of Cam- paigns against the Indians, Narratives of Captivity, Incidents of Border Warfare, Biographical Sketches of Frontiersmen, Indian Warriors, and White Scouts. Indeed everything relating to the Aborigines finds in these volumes a place. 36 American Register, or Summary Review of History, Politics and Literature. [Edited by R. Walsh] 2 vols., 8°, hoards. Phila., 1817 37 American State Papers. (Class II. Indian Affairs.) \^Half Title.'] Documents Legislative and Executive of the Congress of the United States, from the First Session of the First to the Third Session of the Thirteenth Congress inclusive, commencing March 3, 1789, and ending March 3, 1815. Selected and edited under the authority of Congress. By Walter Lowrie and Mathew St. Clair Clarke. 2 vols., folio, pp. 864 each, and Index Ixxxiv. Washington, 1832 Vols. 7 and 8 of the State Papers and contain an immense mass of de- tails of the official relations of the U. S. Government with the Indians, and are of great value in their history. 38 American Revolution, and Beauties of American History. 12°. N. F., 1856 39 American, The. [A Weekly.] 3 vols, in one, folio, half sheep. Herkimer, N. Y, 1810-12- Contains details of the War of 1812. 40 Ames (John J.). Report in regard to the Condition of the Mission Indians of California, with Recommendations. 8°. 1873 41 [Anbtjrey Thomas.] Travels through the Interior Parts of America. Maps and Plates. 2 vols., 8°, calf. Lond , 1789 For various opinions concerning this, see Sabin's Dictionary. 5' 42 Anderson (Mr.). The History of the Life and Adventures of Mr. Anderson. Containing his strange Varieties of Fortune in Europe and America. Compiled from his own Papers. 18°, sheep, pp. 243. Berwick, W. Phorson, M,DCC,LXXXII. " The author was kidnapped in London, taken to America, and sold to a planter at Senupexet Inlet, Md., for £, and afterwards joined the Virginia Rangers against the French Indians, &c. See M. K. x. 147." Sabin. '— 43 Andre. Minutes of a Court of Inquiry upon the case of Major John Andre. 4°, cloth. Alb^5' 148 BiGLOW (W.). History of the Town of Natick, Mass. From the days of the Apostolic Eliot, mdcl, to the present time, MDCCCXXX. 8°. Boston, M DCCC XXX This local history contains many notices of the Aborigines, and inci- dents of their life and manners. /.I^S' 149 BiGSBY (J. J.). The Shoe and Canoe, or Pictures of Travel in the Canadas, Illustrative of their Scenery and of Colonial Life with Facts and Opinions on Emigration, State Policy, and other points of Public Interest. 2 vols., post 8°. London, 1850 The second volume contains the narrative of a tour through the wilds of Canada which border on the upper Great Lakes, and afiFords us some accounts of the recent condition of the Aborigines inhabiting them. Some of the plates (which are fine steel engravings) are illus- trative of scenes he witnessed in Indian life. /^^'r 150 Bishop (H. E.). Floral Home; or, First Years of Minne- sota. Early Sketches, Later Settlements, and Further Devel- opments. 12°. New York, 1857 Under this romantic and unpromising title the author has given her personal experiences of aboriginal life. 27 rr 151 Blackbird (A. J.). Education of Indian Youth. Letter of Rev. Samuel Bissel, and Appeal of A. J. Blackbird, a Chip- pewa Chief 16°. pp. 15. Philadelphia, William F. Geddes, printer, 1856 152 [Blake (Alex. V.).] Anecdotes of the American Indians. 16°, pp. 252. Hartford, 1850 /. S^ 153 Blake (W. J.). History of Putnam Co., N. Y., cloth. N. Y., 1849 / ,V0 154 Blatchport) (S.). An Address, delivered to the Oneida In- dians, September 24, 1810. 8°, j9j9. 11. Printed hy Websters and Skinner, Albany, 1810. % f « 155 Bleeker (C. L.). The Order Book of Capt. Leonard Bleeker, Major of Brigade in the early part of the Expedition under James Clinton, against the Indian Settlements of Western New York, in the Campaign of 1779. Edited by Franklin B. Hough. 4°. Mw York, Jos. Sabin, 1865 Ci^^ 156 Bleeker. The Same. Foolscap 4^°, pp. IZ^. New York, Jos. Sabin, 1865 ^ /-I- 157 Blunt (Joseph). Historical Sketch of the Formation of the Confederacy, particularly with reference to the provincial Limits and the Jurisdiction of the General Government over Indian Tribes and public Territory. 8°, pp. 116. New York, 1852. This is a very careful consideration of the tenure by which the United States acquired a title to the lands once occupied or claimed by the Indians. Mr. Blunt analyzes in a most judicious and impartial manner, the complex rights of the savage and the civilized claimants ; more especially of those by which the State of New York assumes pro- prietorship of the lands once held by the Six Nations, and of the States of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, in those of the Creeks, Choctaws, and Cherokees. J^^ 158 BoGART (W. H.). Daniel Boone and the Hunters of Ken- tucky. 12°, pp. 464. New York, 1864 A popular collection of the often repeated stories of frontier life and Indian warfare, veritable enough, but neither better or worse told than in a hundred other forms. ^■?>^ 159 Bollaert. Antiquarian, Ethnological and other Researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru, and Chile, with observations on the Pre-Incarial, Incarial and other Monuments of Peruvian Nations. By William Bollaert; with plates. 8°, pp. 279. London, 1860 Mr. Bollaert is the author of several treatises on ethnological subjects, printed in the Anthropological Transactions of Europe, and brings to the consideration of his subject a rare combination of learning, ability, and zeal. He twice visited and jjersonally examined the monuments 28 of Incarial (jrandeurin Peru, and,, besides the facts obtained during his tours in that country, his book is a cyclopedia of the records of South American Antiquities. Vocabularies of several Indian dialects are given on pp. CI, to 70 and 105 to 111. Most of the plates are illustrations of the ornaments, utensils, buildings, or idols of the natives. , //( 160 BoLLER (Henry A.). Among the Indians. Eight Years in the Far West, 1858-1866. Embracing Sketches of Montana and Salt Lake. 12°, pp. 428. Philadelphia, 1868 J (■''^ 161 Bolton (R.). A History of the County of West Chester. ' ' ' 2 vols., 8°, cloth, scarce. New York, 1868 /, T-c'T 162 BoNNELL (G. W.). Topographical Description of Texas, to which is added an Account of the Indian Tribes. 24°. Austin, 1840 ^•O f^ 163 Bonner (T. D.). The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckworth, Mountaineer, Scout, and Pioneer ; Chief of Crow Nation of Indians, Written from his own dictation. By. T. Bonner. 12°, pp. 357. New Yor7c,l'^hQ /,5 6~ 164 Bonn YCASTLE (R.). Spanish America. ^°, uncut. P/w7., 1819 ,§r^ 165 BoNNYCASTLE (Sir Richard Henry). Newfoundland in 1842. / A Sequel to the Canadas in 1841. By Sir Henry Bonnycastle, Knt. London, 1842 A very interesting account of the fierce tribe of Red Indians, of Newfoundland, their unrelenting hatred of the whites, their merciless persecution by the latter, and the frequent expeditions undertaken to secure peaceful relations with them, as given by the author on pages 153 to 278. ^^^ 166 BoNDUEL (Fl , J.). Tableau comparatif entre la condition morale des Tribus Indiennes de Etat du Wisconsin, consideree sous I'iufluence du paganism, et celle de leur etat actuel envisages sous I'influence du Catholicisme : ou Memoire partiel de I'etat des missions Indiennes du diocese de Milwaukie (etc. 3 lines), par le R. P. FI. J. Bonduel missionnaire, du ex inspector des ecoles Indiennes de la tribu des Mennomonies. 8°, pp. 27. Plate. Tournai, 1855 S %i> 16*^ Bonduel. Souvenir d'une mission Indienne. Nakam et son fils Nigabianong ou I'enfant perdu ; precede d'une notice histo- rique etdedie aux eleves des colleges etdes. de la Belgique. Par le R. P. Fl. J. Bonduel, missionaire du diocese de Milwaukie ex inspector des celles indiennes de la tribu des Mennomonies. Avec le portrait. 8°, pp. 48 -j- Map, four plates. Toui-nai, 1855 I ^i' 168 Book (The). Of American Indians, containing Comprehen- sive Details of Indian Battles, Massacres, Border Warfare, Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Indians, etc. New Edition. 12°, including 40 engravings. Dayton, Ohio, 1854 29 Hunter's narrative of captivity forms the first half of the volume, and anecdotes of Indians the remainder, both reprints of very common books, without addition. *l i V 169 Boon. Life and Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, The /' first white settler of the State of Kentucky. Comprising An Account of his first excursion to Kentucky in 1769, then a wild Wilderness inhabited by no other human beings but Sava- ges, his remove there with his family, in 1773, and of his vari- ous encounters with the Indians, from the years 1769 to 1782. Written by himself. To which is added a narration of the most Important Incidents of his Life. 12°. i?/-oo^/yn, 1824 y-1^ 170 BoRRENSTEiN (D. A.") Mengwe, a Tale of the Frontier. A Poem. 12°, pp. 76. Princeton Pt-ess, printed for D. A. Porrestein, 1S25 Contains Notes of Incidents and historical data relating to the Ame- rican Indians. ^ S'^ 171 Bossu. Nouveaux Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrionale, contenant une collection de lettres ecrites sur les lieux par Fan- teur a son ami, M. Douin, chevalier, capitaine dans les troupes du roi, cidevant son camarade dans le Nouveau Monde. Par M. Bossu, chevalier, etc. 8°. Amsterdam^ 1778 Bossu's account of his first two voyages to Louisiana, was printed in 1768, after which he made a third voyage, the account of which is given in this volume ; which not having been reprinted, or.translated into any other language, is a much scarcer work than the former. ^■co Yi2 Bossu (M.). Noveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales ; Contenant une Relation des differens Peuples qui habitent les environs du grand Fleuve Saint-Louis, appele vulgairement le Mississippi; leur Religion; leur gouvernment ; leurs moeurs ; leurs guerres & leur commerce. Par M. Bossu, Capitaine dans les Troupes de la Marine. 2 vols., 12°. Paris, 1768 ^■S<^ 173 Bossu. Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana ; by Mr. Bossu, Captain in the French Marines. Translated from the French by John Rheinhold Forster. Illus- trated with Notes, relative chiefly to Natural History ; to which is added by the Translator, a Flora Americae. 2 vols., 8°. London, 1771 A translation of the French edition of 1768, entitled Nowoeaiix Voy- ages. The first volume is almost entirely filled with historical and per- sonal sketches of the Southern Indian Tribes of the present United States. /I, CO 174 BoTURiNi Benaduci (F.). Idea de Una Nueva Historia General de la America Septentrional, fundada sobre material copioso de figuras, Symbolos, Caracteres, y Geroglificos, Canta- res. y Manuscritos de Autores Indios, ultimamente descubiertos. Dedicala al Rcy N""" Seitor en su real y supremo couscjo de las Indias el Cavellero Lorenzo Boturini Benaduci, Senor de la 30 Torre, y de Podo. Con licencia. 4°. Catalogo del Museo Historico ladiano del Cavallero Lorenzo Boturini Benaduci ... e Imperias antiques de los Indios ... fundada en Monumentes indisputables de los mismos Indios. En Madrid: En la Imprenta de Juan de Zuniya. Ano mdccxlvi [Plan of a Xew General History of North America, founded upon copious materials, composed of Figures, Symbols, Characters, and Hi- eroglyphics, Songs and MSS. of ancient Indian writers, lately discov- ered. ^ T 175 BoUDiNOT (E.). A Star in the West ; or a humble attempt to discover the long lost tribes of Israel, preparatory to their return to their beloved city, Jerusalem, By Elias Boudinot. 8°, half preeeee^ uncut, pp. 312. Trenton^ N. J., 1816 /, S^' 176 Bougainville (L. de). A Voyage round the World, Translated, &c. 4°, doth. London, 1772 /.^^ 177 Bourne (B. F.). The Captive in Patagonia, *or Life Among the Giants. A Personal Narrative. 12°. Boston, 1858 / D 178 Bourne (E. E.). An Address on the Character of the Colony founded by George Popham, at the Mouth of the Ken- nebec River, August 19th, 1607. By Hon. Edward E. Bourne. 8°, pp. 60. Portland, 1864 Very scarce. Two hundred copies only printed. fj^^ I 179 BouTON (N.). The History of Concord from its first grant in 1725, to the organization of the City government in 1863. With a history of the Ancient Penacooks ; the whole inter- spersed with numerous interesting incidents and anecdotes down to the present period, 1855. Embellished with maps, with por- traits of distinguished Citizens, and views of Ancient and mod- ern residences. By Nathaniel Bouton. 8°. Concord, 1856. /o 180 BouTON (N.). The History of Education in New Hampshire. A Discourse . . . before the New Hampshire Historical Society, June 12, 1833. 8°, pp. 36. Concord, 1833 .xi>~ 1^1 BouTWELL. Address of Governor Boutwell at tie Dedica- tion of the Monument to the Memory of Capt. Wadsworth, at . Sudbury, Mass , November 23, 1852. 8°, pp. 8. 2j ^0 182 BozMAN (J. L.). The History of Maryland, from its first Settlement, in 1633, to the Restoration in 1660, with a copious introduction and notes and illustrations. 2 vols., 8°. Baltimore, 1837 After a resume of the aboriginal history of the State derived from the relations of all the voyagers and travelers from Verrezano to John Smith, the author gives on pages 103 to 181 of Vol. I : "A general Sketch of the tribes of Indians then inhabiting Virginia and Mary- land." The names of the various tribes, and the localities they occu- 31 pied, together with the origin and signification of the Indian names of rivers and places, receive great attention from the author, whose nu- merous and lengthy notes attest the labor he bestowed upon tlie abori- ginal history of his State. %^n 183 Brackenridge (H. M.). Journal of a Voyage up the River / Missouri performed in Eighteen Hundred and Eleven. By H. M. Brackenridge, Esq. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by the Author, 12°. Baltimore, 1816 <^^ 184 Brackenridge (H. M.). Views of Louisiana ; containing Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Notices of that vast important portion of America, By H, M. Brackenridge, Esq. 12°. Baltimore, 1817 ^. ^ iT^ 185 Bradbury (J.). Travels in the Interior of America. 8°, Jialfmor.^ uncut. Liverpool, 1817 , j)^~ 186 Bradden (Louis). The Aztec City of Sumai, and Discovery of America before the Time of Columbus. By Louis Bradaen. 12°, pp. 4S,. New York, Thomas Husted & Co., Nassau St. 1847 j/^'d 187 Bradford (A. W.) American Antiquities and Rearches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. 8°, pp. 435. New York, 1841 ■ ^5~ ^ ^ 188 Bradford Club. A Complete Set of the Publications of The Club, and the Bradford Club. 10 vols., royal 8°. N. Y. [n. d.-\ Consists of Washington's Diary, Melvin's Journal, Paper Currency, Hatfield and Deerfield, The Croakers, Operations of the French Fleet under s eGrasse, Anthology of New Netherland, Narrative of the Career of De Soto in Florida, Northern Invasion, Laurens's Correspond- ence and the Allan Memorial. Complete sets are very rare of the earlier numbers ; 75 copies only were printed. These are all uncut ex- cept Melvin's Journal of which the entire edition was cut. I ^0 189 Bradman (A.). A Narrative of the Extraordinary Suffer- ings of Mr. Robert Forbes, his Wife and five Children, during an unfortunate Journey through the Wilderness from Canada to the Kennebeck River, in the year 1784. In which three of their Children were Starved to Death. Taken partly from their own mouths and partly from an imperfect journal, and pub- lished at their request. By Arthur Bradman. 8°, pp. 16. Philadelphia, 1794 With a Narrative of the Captivity and Escape of Mrs. Francis Scott. ^7 yo 190 Bradstreet (John). An Impartial Account of Lieut Col. Bradstreet's Expedition to Fort Frontenac, to which are added a few Reflections on the Conduct of that Enterprise, and the Advantages resulting from its success. By a Volunteer on the Expedition. 12°, pp. 60. London, 1759 32 /; r 191 Brainerd. The Grospel the only true Reformer. Brain- erd's Remarks on the Work of Grace under ministry amongst the Indians at Crosswick's, N. J. With an introduction. By Talbot W. Chambers. 12°, pp. 24. New York, 1856 / [- '' 192 Brasseur de Bourbourg. Lettre A. M. Leon de Rosny , sur la decouverte de documents relatifs a la haute antiquite Americaine, et sur le dechiffrement et 1' interpretation de V ecri- ture phonetique et figurative de la langue Maya. Par Brasseur de Bourbourg. 8°, pp. 20 and folding plate. Paris, 1869 [Letter to M. Leon de Rosuy on the discovery of documents relative to the ancient period of America, and on the deciphering and transla- tion of the phonetic and figurative writing of the Mayas. By Bras- seur de Bourbourg.] It is very difficult to assign the plact which this extraordinary man will occupy in the annals of science, for his works are to-day nearly as great mysteries as the hieroglyphs his labors have illustrated. His industry in his researches into the history of the Az- tec races is something not less than marvellous. Following his voca- tion as a priest and missionary, his literary appetite could only be allayed by writing a history of Canada, and perhaps the most unfortu- nate event for his fame which could possibly have happened was that it was printed. It did not escape the notice of historical students that the Abbe had accepted so much which was apocryphal, that'his history was little better than a romance. When, therefore, he had, with he- roic sacrifice of all personal ease, accepted the life of self immolation of a missionary to the Indians of Mexico ; had studied for years the relics of Aztec picture-writing ; had learned and systematized in great trea- tises their modern dialects ; the immense works which he then printed upon the history of the pre-Cortesian races, made scarcely a ripple on the quiet of the scientific world. He stands alone in the vast temple of learning which he has restored, if he did not erect. No human be- ing can contest his solution of Aztec pictographs, nor does there exist one who can prove it to be true. His numerous volumes have at least this merit — they have done much to perpetuate the memory of a won- derful race. \l^ 193 Brasseur de Broubotjrg. Histoire du Canada de son eglise et de ses missions depuis la decouverte de I'Amerique jusqu' a nos jours, ecrite sur des documents inedits compulses dans les archives de I'Archeveche et de la ville de Quebec, etc. Par M. L'Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg 2 vols., 8°. pp. 328, 350. Paris, Sagnier et Bray, 1832 [History of Canada, of its church and its mission, from the dis- covery of America to the present day, written from unedited docu- ments.] This was the first historical essay of Mr. Brasseur de Bour- bourg ; and perhaps the most unfortunate for the fame of the learned author. 194 Brasseur DE Bourbourg. Collection de documents dans les langues indigines pour servir a I'etude de Thistoire et de la philologie de I'Amerique ancienne. 4 vols. [Collection of documents upon the native languages, to aid in the study of the history and of the philology of ancient America.] This is the general title of four volumes of which the separate titles are given at length in Field's Essay. lJo% 3,/^ 195 Brasseur, du Bourbourg, (Abbe). Histoirc des Nations Civilisees du Mesique eb da 1' Ameriqiia-Oentrale, durant les siecles Anterieurs a Chrisboplie Colouib, ecrite sur das docu- aieats originaux et entierement inedits puises aux aacienaes Archives des Indigines, par M. L'Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg, anciea aumonier de la legation de France au Mexiquo, et Al- ministrateur ecclesiastique des Indiens de Rabinal (Gruatemala). Gomprenant les temps Heroiques et I'histoire de I'empire des Tolfceques. Paris, Arthur Bertrand editeur Ubraire de la societe de geographie. 1857 History of the Civilized nations of Mexico and Central America, dur- ing the ages prior to Christoplier Columbus ; written from original documents and entirely unedited ; taken from the ancient archives of the Aborigines by the Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg, formerly almoner of the French legation in Mexico, and ecclesiastic Administrator of the Indians of Rabinal Guatemala. Containing records of the heroic period in the history of the Toltec Empire.] 2^^ 196 Bratton Mathew. The Indian Captive. A narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of Mathew Braybon, in his thirty- four years of Captivity among the Indians of North-westera America. 12°, pp. 68. Cleveland 0., 1860 197 Bressary (R. p. F. J.). Relation abreegee de quelque Missions des Peres de la compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle- France par le R. P. F. Bressary, de la meme Compagnie. Traduit de I'ltaliea et augmente d'un avant-propos, de la bio- graphie de I'auteur, et d'un grand nombre de notes et de gra- vures. Par le R. P. F. Martin, de la meme Compagnie. Montreal: des presses a vapeur deJohn Lovell, 1852 '^ 198 Brett (Rev. W. H.). The Indian Tribes of Guiana. 12°. New York, 1852 Oi 233 Burleigh (Walter). Indian Affairs. Speech of Hon. Wal- ter A. Burleigh, of Dakota, delivered in the House of Repre- sentatives, February 9, 1869. 8°, pp. 14. Wash , 1869 1^- ^-^ 234 Burnet (J.). Notes on the Early Settlement of the North- western Territory. 8°, pp. 501. New York, Bradly, 1847 /i^ 235 Buschman (Joh. Carl Ed.). Die Volkerund SprachenNeu- Mexico's und der Westseite der Britischen Nordamerika's Dart- restellt von Joh. Carl Ed. Buschman. Large^°. Berlin, 1858 The People and Languages of New Mexico, and the West Coast of British North America. "^co 236 BusHNELL (Charles J.). Memoir of Eli Bickford, a Soldier of the Revolution. 8°, pp, 15- N'ew York, l^Qb Thirty copies only privately printed. ^, '/S' 237 BusTAMENTE (D. C. C ). El Lazarillo de Ciegos, Caminan- tes desde Buenos Ayres, hasta Lima con f'us Itineraries segun la mas puntual observacion, con algunas noticias utiles a los Neuvos Comerciautesque tratan en Mulas, yotras historias [etc., 7 lines'] por Don Calixto Bustamente Carlos Inca, alias Con- colorcorvo, Natural del Cuzco, que acompafio al referido Com- isionado en dicho Viage, yescribiosus Extractos. Con Licencia. En Giijon, en la Emprenta de la Borada, Ano de 1773 The Blind Man's Guide for Travelers from Buenos Ayres to Lima, with a journal of the tour, from the most accurate observation, with many remarks useful to New Traders in Mules; with some historical notes by Carlos Bustamente, otherwise Concolorcorvo, a native Inca of Cuzo. 38 '^"1^^ 238 Butler (J. W.). Deficiencies in our History. An address before Vermont Historical Society, October 16, 1846. 8°, pp. 3(5, map. Montipelier. 1846 /.'2i' 239 Butler (M.). A History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, from the Exploration and Settlement by the Whites, to 1813. Second edition, llevised and Enlarged by the Author. 12°. Portrait. Louisville, 1834 J 1 5~ 240 BuTTERPlELD (Consul W.). History of Seneca County (Ohio), containing A Detailed Narrative of the principal events that have occurred since, its first settlement down to the present time; A History of the Indians that formerly resided within its limits ; Greographical descriptions, early customs, Biographi- cal sketches, etc. 8°, pp. 251. Sandusky^ 1848 /•3^ 241 BuTTERPlELD (C. W.). Expedition against Sandusky under Col. William Crawford, 1782. 8°, cl, uncut. Cincinnati, 1873 /• /^ 242 BuxLEY (H. W.). What T Saw on the West Coast of Ame- rica. 8®, cloth, uncut. , New York, 1865 .1^ 243 Byam (G). Wanderings in America. Port., 8°, cloth, uncut. London, 1850 /. 2. ^ 244 Byington (Cyrus). Grammar of the Choctaw Language, by the Rev. Cyrus Byington. Edited from the original MSS. in the Library of the American Philosophical Society by D. G. Brinton.... 8°, pp. 56. Philadelphia, 1870 /, 6~ci 245 Byington. The Acts of the Apostles translated into the Choctaw Language. Chisus kilaist im Anupeshi Vhliha Vm- mona kvt nana akauiohmi tok puta isht annoa chata auumpa isht atapho hoke 11°, pp. 165. Boston, 1839 /. It. 246 Byrn (M. La Fayette). Daring Deeds of Woman ; An Au- thentic Account of some of the most Tragical Incidents in History. Woodcuts, pp. 116. 5^0 247 Byron (J.). The Narrative of the Honourable John Byron (Commodore in a Late Expedition round tbe World), contain- ing An Account of the great distress Suii'ered by Himself and his Companions on the coast of Patagonia, from 1740, to 1746. Written by Himself. The Second Edition. 8°, calf. London, 1768 3 .'/.' 248 Cabeqa de Vaca. The Narrative of Alvar Nunez Cabe§a de Vaca. Translated by Buckingham Smith 4°, 8 maps. Washington, 1851 One hundred copies privately printed for Mr. G. W. Riggs, of Wash- ington, entirely for presentation. It is the earliest relation of Florida, and tbe territory from the Atlantic coast across the Mississippi to the Pacific which we possess. 39 ').%*' 249 Cabe§a de Vaca. Relation of Alvar Nunez Cabega de Vaca. Translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. Impl. 8°. New York, 1871 Includes a Memoir of Cabeija de Vaca by T. W. Field, Preface by Hon. H. C. Murphy, and a Memoir of the translator, by Mr. J. G. Shea. ' f''-' 250 Caldwell (C). Autobiography of Charles Caldwell, M.D., with a Preface, Notes and Appendix. By Harriet W. Warner. Post 8°. Philadelphia, 1855 '^5 251 Calhoun (J. C), The Works of. Yo\. 1,S°, cloth. 1853 f o,-^ 252 Callender (James Thomas). Sketches of the History of America. 8°, hoards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1798 •S"*/ 253 Callender. An Historical Discourse on the Civil and Re- ' ligious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island. By John Cal- lender 8°. Boston, 1843 Forms Vol. iv of the Collection of the Rhode Island Historical So- ciety. 254 Callender T.). See Hamilton (A.) • X') 255 Calvert (G-. H.). Arnold and Andre, a Drama. Boston, 1864 256 Campanius (T.). Kort Beskrifning | Om | Provencien | Nya Swerige | uti | America, | Som nu fortjden af the Engelske Kallas I Peosylvania. | Aflarde och trowardige Mans skriften och berattelser ihopaletad och sammanskrefweu, samt med ath- skillige Figurer | utzirad af | Thomas Campanius Holm. | 4°, Engraved and Printed Title, 9 1. pp. 190, Errata, 1 1, 7 Maps, and Plates. Stockholm Trycht uti Kongl. Boktr^ hvs Sal. Wantijfs \ Anfia- med egen hekostnad, af J. H. Werner Abr imdccti " The author was never in America. His work is made up from verbal accounts received from his father, and notes left by his grand- father, to which he has added facts obtained from the manuscripts of Peter Lindstrom, an engineer." — Duponceau. The engraved title reads : " Novae Sueciae, seu Pennsylvania in America descriptio." "A very scarce work relating to the establishment of the Swedes in New Sweden, afterwards Pennsylvania." — Rich. SeeXh.Q " Biog. des Con- temporains " for a notice of this work. 257 Campanius. A Short Description of the Province of New Sweden, now called by the English Pennsylvania in America. Translated from the Swedish, with Notes. By Peter S. du Pon- ceau. 8°, uncut, pp. vi, 5 - 165 -|-2 maps and 8 plans Philadelphia, 1834. The descriptions of the characteristics of the Indians of Pennsyl- vania as given by Campanius, have not a little value, as statements made probably from the narrations of an actual observer. See also Luther (M.). / 40 258 Campbell (A.). The Sequel to Bulkeley and Cummins's Voyage to the South-seas; or, the Adventures of Capt. Cheap the Hon. Mr. Byron, ... of ... the Wager, coutaining A faithful Narrative of the unparalleled Sufferings of these gentlemen ... till they fell into the Hands of the Indians. The whole inter- spersed with descriptions of... the American Indians and Span- iards, and of their Treatment of the Author and His Companions. 8°, calf. London, 1747 Other tracts in the same volume. 1',^/^ 259 Campbell (C). History of the Colony and Ancient Do- minion of Virginia. 8°, cloth.^ uncut. P hiladelphta, 1860 , Lj-O 260 Campbell (J W.). Biographical Sketches and other Lite- rary Remains of the Late John W. Campbell. Portrait, 8°. Columbus, 0., 1838 .Si)' 261 [Campbell (John).] A Concise History of Spanish Ame- rica ... collected chiefly from Spanish Writers. 8°, calf. London, 1741 See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 10,335. X- 2S 262 Campbell (M.) and Clarke (J. F.). Revolutionary Ser- vices, and Civil Life of G-eneral William Hull ; prepared from his Manuscripts, by his daughter, Mrs. Maria Campbell ; to- gether with the History of the Campaign of 1812, and Surren- der of the Post of Detroit, By his grandson, James Freeman Clarke. 8°, cloth. New York, 1848 '6o 263 Campbell (K.). The Memorial of Robert Campbell, ... of Savannah ... to the Senate of [Greorgia] on (the present situa- tion of the Cherokee Indians). 8°, pp. 20. Savannah, January,. 1829 j, X 5 264 Campbell (W. W.). Annals of Tryon County : or, the Border Warfare of New- York, during the Revolution. Map. 8°, half morocco. New York, 1831 % .5 265 Campbell. The Border Warfare of New-York, during the Revolution ; or, The Annals of Tryon County. 12°, cloth. New York, 1849 The same as No. 305, with the addition of an Appendix. ,Z^ 266 Captive Children, The ... 16°, pp. 35. New York Gen. Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union and Church Book Society, [u. d.] Narrates the conduct of some Christian children, captives among the Indians. ^ ^r 267 Carayon (A.). Premiere mission des Jesuites en Canada. Lettres et documents inedits publiees. Par le P. Auguste Ca- rayon de la Compagnie de Jesus. 8°, half mor., pp. xvi -f- 304. Paris, V Ecureux, 1864 41 268 Cardenas y Leon (Cablos Celedoaio Velasquez). Breve prac- tica del confessionario de ladios, en mexicauo y castellano, para instruccion del confessor principiante, habilitacion y exameu del penitente. Sm. 8°, 12 1., pp. 54. Mexico : en la imprenta de la Bibliotheca tnexicana, junto a las RR. MM. Gapnchinas, 1761 269 Cardozo (J. N.). Keminiscences of Charleston. 12°, pp. 144. Charleston^ 1866 270 Carli. Lettres Americaines, dans lesquelles ou examine I'Origine, I'Etat Civil, Politique, Militaire & Religieux, les Arts, rindustrie, les Sciences, les Moeurs, les Usages des anciens Habi- tans de FAmerique ; les grands Epoques de la Nature, I'an- cienne Communication des deux Hemispheres, & la derniere Revolution qui a fait disparoitre I'AtlantiJe : pour servir de suite aux Memoires de D. UUoa. Par M. le Comte J. R. Carli ....Avec des Observations & Additions du Traducteur [Jean Bapt. Lefebure Villebrune]. ... 2 vols., 8°, pp. xxii, (1), 520, Map; Title, pp. 4,536. 2 vols., 8°, half calf . A Boston, et se trouve A Paris, Buisson, M. DCC. LXXXVIII " Une troisieme partie de ces lettres n'a point ete traduite." — Biog. Univ. The author, an Italian nobleman, of extensive reading, but without the personal experience acquired by travel, undertook the de- fence of the true Americans, against the aspersions of De Pauw. The Count meets all of the indictments of De Pauw in detail by comparing the Aborigines, the animals, the natural divisions of land and water, the forests and plants and fruits, with the corresponding Inhabitants and objects of nature of the Eastern hemisphere. While De Pauw charges the Mexicans and Peruvians with ferocity and barbarism of manners, particularly in the human sacrifices of the former, the learned Count, calls his attention to the sanguinary worship of the Greeks and Scythians. He recalls to the memory of the author of Mecherches des PhilosopJiiqtie, the learning and science of the Peruvi- ans and Mexicans as exhibited by their knowledge of Astronomy. When De Pauw recites from Herrera that the caciques of some Indian nations deflowered all the virgins of their tribes before permitting them to marry, the Count reminds him of the primal noctes of the French seignieurs, and the Romans. Where the first charges the Indians with Phallic worship, Carli, recalls the obscene rites of Isis, and Ceres. He finds evidences of the ceremonies of baptism, circumcision and communion of bread and wine ; but he accounts for the prevalence of these customs by reviving the absurd theory of the subsidence of the land once filling the ocean between Africa and America, whose fancied inhabitants were styled the Atlantides. The translation into French was made by M. Lefebure de Villebrune. 271 Carpenter (W. H.). Travels and Adventures in Mexico. 12°, cloth. 272 [Carrington {Mrs. M. J.).] Ab-sa-ra-ka, Home of the Crows ; being the Experience of an Officer's Wife on the Plains. 6 42 ... during the Occupation of the New Route to Virginia City, Montana, 1866-7, and the Indian Hostility thereto. ... 12°, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1868 / 5" 273 [Carrington.] Another copy. 12°, cloth. 1868 X '^ ^ 274 Carroll. Historical Collections of South Carolina ; em- bracing many Rare and Valuable Pamphlets, and other Docu- ments, relating to the History of that State, from its first Discovery to its Independence, in the Year 1776. Compiled, with various Notes, and an Introduction, by B. R. Carroll.... 2 vols., 8°, half calf, pp. Ixxx, 9-533; 576. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1836 /,^o 275 [Carroll.] The same. Vol. i. 8°, cloth. iV Z, 1836 , ^0 276 Cartier. Prima Relatione di Jacques Cartier della Terra Nuova detta nuova Francia, trouata nell' anno M D.xxxilil. Leaves 435 to 440 of Ramusio. Vol. ill. Venetia, 1565 The first relation of Jacques Cartier of the New World called New France, discovered in the year 1533. ^ 25" 277 Cartier (J.). Bref recit et succinte narrative de la naviga- tion faite en MDXXXV et MDXXXVI, par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier aux iles de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres. Reimpression figuree de I'edition origiuale rarissime de MDXLV avec les variantes des manuscrits de la bibliotheque imperiale Precede d'uue breve et succinte introduction histo- rique. Par JM. d'Avezac. 12°, half mor., uncut. Paris, Librairie Tross, 1863 This relation of Cartier's first voyage, was preserved solely by Ea- musio's translation into Italian. No copy of the first edition is known to exist. So rare had it become fifty years later subsequent to its issue, that the French publisher of the second edition, found himself com- pelled to retranslate it from the Italian. The title of this edition was changed to Discours du Voyag'e fait par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier aux terres neuves de Canadas, Noremberque, Hochelage, Labrador, et pays adjacens, dite Nouvelle France, avecparticulieresmoeurs, langapje and ceremonies des habitans d'icelle. Rouen en 1598. Small 8", 64 pp. Of this second edition of the first voyage only copies are known to exist. Of the narrative of Cartier's second voyage, printed in Paris, 1545, but a single copy is known. It is the only relation of Cartier which has come down to us in the original French, and so com- pletely unknown had it remained until recently, that Ternaux Corn- pans declared it urUracerMe, and printed his edition from one of the three MSS. preserved in the Bibliotheque Imperiale. The fragments of his third voyage were only preserved by Hakluyt's transcripts. 'C/^'^r 278 Cartier. Breve et Succincta Narratione Della nauigation fatta por ordine de la Maesta Christianissima all Tsole de Canada, Hochelaga Saguenai & altre, al presehte, dette al nuova Francia con particolari costumi & cerimonie de gli habitanti. Folio, leaves 441 to 453, of Ramusio, Vol. ili. Venetia, 1554 7- 43 A Brief Narrative of the navigation made to the islands of Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay, and others, and particularly of the manners, language, and ceremonies of their inhabitants, by Jacques Cartier. Folio 447 is a folded plan of Hochelaga, with sections of the fortifica- tions and figures of the native Indians. l^"^ 279 Cart WRIGHT (G-.). A Journal of Transactions and Events, during a Residence of nearly Sixteen Years on the Coast of La- brador ; containing many interesting Particulars, both of the Country and its Inhabitants, not hitherto known. Illustrated with proper Charts. 4°, hoards, uncut, (xxiv), 287 ; x. 505 ; x, 248, 15. Port., 5 maps Newark, AUin and Ridge, 1792 Among the great mass of details of a fur-hunter's life, which these quartos afiord us, some particulars of the Aborigines of the Peninsula of Labrador may be gleaned which are not elsewhere attainable. 280 Caruthers (E. N.)- Revolutionary Incidents ; Sketches of Character, chiefly in the " Old North State." Two series. 2 vols., 12°. Philadelphia, 1854-56 ■ " " 281 Caruthers. A Sketch of the Life and Character of the Rev. David Caldwell. ' 8°, sheep. Greenshorough, N. C, 1842 "Contains interesting Revolutionary Incidents respecting North Carolina." Sabin's Dictionary. 5^<^ 282 Carvalho (S. N.). Incidents of Travel and Adventure in the Far West with Col. Fremont's last Expedition across the Rocky Mountains; including Three Months' Residence in Utah ; and a Perilous Trip across the G-reat American Desert to the Pacific. 12°. New York, 1860 The Adventures of Col. Fremont among the Indian tribes of the mountains and the plains, are more minutely narrated in this volume than in either of the many narratives, journals, or reports of the ex- plorer himself. h 283 Carver (Jonathan). Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768. By J. Carver, Esq., Capt. of a Company of Provincial Troops during the late war with France. Illustrated with Copper Plates. The Third Edition. To which is added. Some Account of the Author, and a Copious Index. 8°, half morocco, uncut. London, C. Billy, MDCCLXXXI "jS 284 Carver. Three Years' Travels through the Interior Parts of North America for more than 5,000 Miles ; containing an Account of the Great Lakes, &c. 8°. Philadelphia, Key & Simpson, 1796 Includes travels among the tribes of Indians around the upper great lakes, and An Account of the Origin, Manners, Customs, Religion and Language of the Indians, Vocabulary of the Chippeway language, &c. The opening of the Wisconsin Territory to settlement suggested the following edition : 44 ]^ ^"r 285 Carver Travels in Wisconsin, from the Third London Edi- tion. 8°, pp. 376, 5 Plates, 2 3Iaps, and Portrait. New York, Harjper & Brother^. 1838 000 Casas (B. de Las). See Las Casas (B. de). ■ '' i~ 286 Case (i?ew. W.). Revolutionary Memorials, embracing Poems by the Rev. Wheeler Case ... Edited by the Rev. Ste- phen Dodd ... 12°. New York, 1852 J ,1 287 Cass (L.). A discourse delivered at the first meeting of the Historical Society of Michigan, September 18, 1829. Pub- lished at their request. By Lewis Cass. 8°, pp. 52 and printed cover. Detroit : Printed hy Geo. L. Whitney, 1880 In this essay Gen. Cass gives an historical sketch of the Indian Wars of Michigan, with some local incidents occurring in the neighborhood of Detroit. j^ 5^0 288 Cass (L.). A Discourse pronounced at the Capitol of the U. S. before the American Historical Society, January 30, 1836. 8°, pp. 58. Washington, 1836 2, . 5^0 289 Cass (L.). Life of General Lewis Cass ; comprising an Ac- count of his Military Services in the North-West during the War with Grreat Britain. 12°, uncuty pp. 210. 2 Portraits. Philadelphia, 1848 f o 290 Cass (L.). Speeches of Mr. Cass, of Michigan, on the Con- dition of the Indians, delivered ... January 25 and February 1, 1855. 8°, uncut, pp. 13. Washington, 1855 ^5,0 291 Castelnau (le Comte F. de). Expedition dans les par- ties centrales de I'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro il Lima et de Lima au Para, executee par ordre du gouvernment frangais pendant les annees 1843 4 1847, sous la direction de Francis de Castelnau, etc. Troisieme partie. Antiquites des Incas et autres peuples anciens. 4°, half morocco, 6 parts, pp. 7 ; 60 plates. Paris, P. Bertrand, 1852 This portion of Castlenau's great work is complete by itself ; and contains sixty plates illustrative of almost every form of Incarial anti- quities, wliich have been preserved. The temples, idols, and domestic utensils of this wonderful people, as well as portraits of some of their princesses, preserved by their own art, are excellently portrayed in these engravings. ^•co 292 Catalogue de la Biliotheque de D. J. M. Andrade. 1869. 8°, cloth. Leipzig, 1869 Tliis is the so-called Maximilian Library, very rich in Books relat- ing to Mexico, &c. U:'L -293 Catalogue of the Library of School Districts Nos 16, 17, / 18, 19 and 23. ^° , half morocco. Brooklyn, l^Q 46 294 Catalogue of Library of School Districts 16-19 and 23. 8°. Brooklpi, 1866 295 CATALoauE [Bruce's] of an Extraordinary Collection of Works relating to America. 8°, cloth. Priced. JV. Y, 1868 296 Catalogue of Choice. Books sold 1852, with prices and names. 8°, half mor. 297 Catalogue or Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library. With Supplement. 5 vols., 8°, cloth, tmcut. New York, 1857 - 1866 298 Catalogue of the Library of Congress. Books added, au- thors, &c. 5 vols., 8°, half morocco. 1861 - 69 299 Catalogues of Americana; Deeth, Munsell, Davis, Whit- more, Wiggin. 1 vol., 8°, half morocco, gilt top. lA""^ 300 Catalogues of Americana; Smith, Stiles, Griswold, Shea, Smith and Stiles. 8°, cloth. Priced. /r 301 Catalogues of Books relating to America. Sold by Bangs, ' ^ Brother & Co. 8°, cloth. 1856 - 7 1-17- 302 Catlin (G). Catalogue of Catlin's Indian Gallery of Por- traits, Landscapes, Manners and Customs, Costumes, &c., &c. Collected during seven years' travel amongst thirty-eight differ- ent tribes, speaking different languages. 12°, pp. 40. New York, 1838 The celebrated Indian Museum collected by Catlin, and exhibited for many years in this country and in Europe. /. 25" 303 Catlin (G.). Shut your Mouth. By George Catlin ... with 26 illustrations from drawings by the author. 8°, pp. 92. London, N. Truhner & Co., 1869 A treatise on respiration, with precepts derived from the practice and habits of the Indians. - S^O 304 Catlin. Catalogue Raisonn^ de La Galerie Indienne, de Mr. Catlin, renfermant des Portraits, des paysages, des costumes, etc., et des scenes de IMoeurs et coutumes des Indiens de I'Ame- rique du Nord ... 8°, part 47. \_Puris,'\ Imprimerie de Wittersheim, 1845 / . 2-5" 305 Catlin. Catlin's Notes of Eight Years' Travels and Resi- dence in Europe, with his North American Indian Collection ; with Anecdotes and Incidents of the Travels and Adventures of Three Different Parties of American Indians whom he intro- duced to the Courts of England, France and Belgium. 2 vols., 8°, pp. xvi, 296 ; xii, 336, 24 plates. Neio York, 1848 Xk- 46 / /. S'o 306 Catlin. Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio. Hunt- ing Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prai- ries of America. From Drawings and Notes of the Author, made during Eight Years' travel amongst Forty-eight of the Wildest and most Ptemote Tribes of Savages in North America. Imp. folio, pp. 20, 25 plates. London, George Catlin, 1844 These beautiful views of scenes in Indian life are probably the most truthful ever presented to the public. Their great size (24x30 inches), allows the figures to be distinct and life like ; no one was ever better fitted by experience and facility of power to secure upon the canvas all that would interest us in aboriginal life. ■^^ 307 Catlin. [ ] Fourteen loway Indians. Key to their Various Dajices, Games, Ceremonies, Songs, Religion, Supersti- tions, Costumes, Weapons, etc., etc. By George Catlin. ... 16°. London, 1844 o o 308 Catlin. Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, and Condi- tion of the North American Indians ; in a Series of Letters and Notes written during Eight Years of Travel and Adventure among the Wildest and Most Remarkable Tribes now Existing. With Three Hundred and Sixty Engravings from the Author's Original Paintings. By George Catlin. 2 vols., imp. 8°, 179 colored plates. London, 1866 , ■ r ^ With the etchings colored. They are worth nearly ten times the '^ H' "" price of the plain copies. / (,() 309 Catlin. Last Rambles amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. By George Catlin. 12°, cloth, S plates. ^ew York, 1867 310 Catlin. Letters and Notes of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians, written during Eight Years' travel amongst the Wildest tribes of Indians in North America. By George Catlin. 2 vols., 8°, half calf. Philadelphia, 1857 f,oo 311 Catlin. Life amongst the Indians ; A Book for Youth. By George Catlin, 12°, cloth. New York, 1867 /,f(> 312 [Catlin.] North and South American Indians. Catalogue Descriptive and Instructive of Catlin's Indian Cartoons. Por- traits, Types and Customs. 6 JO paintings in oil, with 20,000 full length figures illustrating their various games, religious ceremonies, and other customs, and 27 canvas paintings of La Salle's Discoveries. 8°, pp. 99. Dfew York, Baker tfc Godwin, Printers, 1871 h yjf 313 Catlin. 0-Kee-Pa : A Religious Ceremony j and other Customs of the Mandans. By George Catlin. Royal 8°, cloth, 13 plates. Philadelphia, 1867 j.k 47 The terrible religious and civil rite, here pictured -with such horrible fidelity, is no longer practiced, as the interesting people who described it are, as a nation, totally extinct. / I'-j 314 Caton (J. D.). The Last of the Illinios, and a Sketch of ' the Pottawatomies. Read before the Chicago Historical Society Dec. 13, 1870, by John Dean Caton, LL.D 8°, pp. 36. Vhicayo, 1870 / "^'^ 315 Certain Inducements To Well Minded People to [settle in] the West Indies [America]. 4°, cloth, uncut. London, 1644, Reprinted, New York, J. Sahin, 1865 'S(J 316 Chabert (X.). An Historical Account of the Manners and Customs of the Savage Inhabitants of Brazil, together with a sketch of the life of the Botecudo Chieftain and family. 8°, pp. 24. Birmingham, 1822 A very meagre account of one of the savage tribes of South America, principally from Maximilian's travels. /.iol- 317 Ceialmers (Gt.). An Introduction to the Histoi-y of the Revolt of the American Colonies ... 2 vols., 8°. Boston, 1845 [r/ '"^ 318 Chalmers. Political Annals | of the | Present United Colo- nies, I from their | Settlement | to the | Peace of 1763 : | Com- piled chiefly from Records, and authorised often by the | Inser- tion of State Papers. | ... j By George Chalmers, Esq. | Book i. I 4°, pp. (9), 695. London : Printed for the Author and Sold hy G. Bov:en. M.DCC.LXXX The second part was never published. " Chalmers was a strenuous supporter of the right of the mother country to tax the colonies, and, throughout his narrative, every fact which would admit of it was stu- diously applied to support this principle. ...Valuable for the distinct- ness of its details, the authenticity of its documents, and the elegant manner in which it is written." So much as relates to Carolina is re- printed in Carroll's Coll., ii. 273 - 345. See also " Mass. Hist. Coll.," Vol. XXXIV ; M. R., LXii. 464 ; Lxiii., 15 ; N. A. R., LX., Smyth's Lec- tures ; Rich, I. 282. -5^ 319 Champlain. Carte de la Nouvelle, France. Folio, paper. This is Tross's facsimile of the very rare map which is fi-equently wanted. ^.bO 320 Champlain. Oeuvres de Champlain publiees sous les patron- age de rUniversitie Laval. Par L'Abbe C. H. Laverdiere. Seconde Edition. 6 vols., 4°, t-loth. Quebec, Tmprimerie au Seminarie par Geo. E. Dcsharata, 1870 This beautiful edition of the Works of Champlain, is worthy of all praise, except for the scant justice done the fine plates of the 370 Claiborne (J. F. H ). Life and Times of Gen. Sam Dale, the Mississippi Partisan. Illustrated by John McLenan. 12°, pp. 223. New York; Harper Brothers, 1860 General Dale was an Indian fighter of great renown on the Southern frontier and in the Creek and Seminole wars. 371 Claiborne (N. H.). Notes on the War in the South, with Biographical Sketches of the lives of Montgomery, Jackson, Sevier, The late Gov. Claiborne, and others. By Nathaniel Herbert Claiborne, of Franklin County, Va., A Member of the Executive of Virginia during the late War. 12°, pp. 112. Richmond ; William Ramsay, 1819 " The Notes were written while the war was going on," is the first sentence of the Preface. The Notes on the war in the South, are almost wholly illustrative of the contests with the Southern tribe of Indians. l-cc 372 Clark (C. G. R.). Col. George Rogers Clark's Sketch of his Campaign in the Illinois, in 1778-9, with an Introduction By Hon. Henry Pirtle, of Louisville, and an Appendix containing The public and Private Instructions to Col. Clark, and Major Bowman's Journal of the Taking of Post St. Vincents. 8°, cfo^/i, wwcM^, pp. 8, 119. Cincinnati; Robert Clark, & Co., 1868 .3 8 373 Clark (J. V. H.). Lights and Lines of Indian Character, and Scenes in Pioneer Life. 12°, cloth, pp. 375. Syracuse, 1854 t:s(^ 374 Clark. Onondaga : or, Reminiscences of Earlier and Later I Times ; being a Series of Historical Sketches relative to Onon- daga J with Notes on the Several Towns in the County, and Oswego. By Joshua V. H. Clark. 2 vols., 8°, cloth, pp. 393, 10 plates and maps. Syracuse, 1849 This valuable work was principally derived from chiefs or pioneers then living, and holds the highest rank among treatises on Aboriginal affairs for original and valuable information. 375 Clark (D.). Proofs of the Corruption of General William- son and of his connexion with Aaron Burr. 8°, boards uncut. 1809 56 S^f ' 376 Clarke (J.). An Impartial and Authentic Narrative of the Battle... on Buuker's Hill. S",doth uncut. 1868. Londoji, 1775 99 copies privately and secretly reprinted. For an account of this rare tract see Sabin's Dictionary, No. 13423. /,_ 5"*- 377 Clarke (W.). Observations On the Late and Present Con- duct of the French, With Regard to their Encroachments upon the British Colonies in North America. Together With Re- marks on the Importance of these Colonies to Great Britain. By William Clarke, M.D., of Boston in New-England. ..8°, 6 1. pp. 54. JBoston, Printed (1755). London, Reprinted, for John Clarke, 1775 Concerning this see Bancroft's U. S., IV, 213, Franklin's Works, II, 311, Sabin's Dictionary, No. 1347. /.>-^ 378 Claviere (E.). Considerations on the Relative Situation of France and the United States... 8°, hoards uncut. London, 1788 Translated from the French of Etienne Claviere and J. P. Brissot de Warville. ^- /r 379 Clavigero (L. S.). The History of Mexico, collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from Manuscripts, and An- cient Paintings of the Indians. Illustrated by Charts and other Copper Plates. To which are added. Critical dissertations on the Land, the Animals and Inhabitants of Mexico. By Abbe D. Francesco Saverio Clavigero. Translated from the original Italian, by Charles Cullen, Esq. 4 vols., 4°, 2 maps and 25 plates. London, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, mdcclxxxvii. Clavigero resided for forty years in the provinces of New Spain, and expended a vast deal of labor in becoming familiar vrith the languages and dialects of the Aborigines of those countries ; in examining their pictographic MSS., their monuments, and their traditions. His " Ac- count of the Authors who have writen upon Mexican History is exceed- ingly important and interesting. f, ^ c 380 Clay (J. C). Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. 18mo. PUl, 1835 "^-4 381 Clay (H.). Speech of the Hon. Henry Clay... on the Semi- nole War. 12°, pp. 30. {Washington, \%\%.'\ ■ <^3 382 Clemens (0.). City of Keokuk, in 1856. ..containing. ..a sketch of the Black Hawk War, and History of the half breed Tract. Historical and Statistical Matter, written by Orion Clemens. 8°, pp. 44. Keokuk, 1856 /. Y 383 Clinton (D. W.). Discourse delivered before the New York Historical Society, 6th December, 1811. By the Honourable De Witt Clinton. 8°, pp. 81 (1). New Turk; James Easthurn, 1812 57 One of the best geographical, political and historical views of the Red Men, who inhabited the State of New York, ever written. 384 Clinton. Introductory Discourse before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York, 1814 8°, hoards, pp. 148. 1815 385 [Clinton]. Letters on the Natural History and Internal Resources of the State of New York. 12mo, hoards. By Hi- bernicus. New York, 1822 386 Clinton. A Memoir on the Antiquities of the Western Parts of the State of New York, read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. By De Witt Clinton.... 8°, pp. 16. Albany, printed hy E. & E. Hosford, 1820 The origin, history, and ethnological traits of the Indians of America, seem to have occupied much of the attention of this statesman and philosopher. See Field No. 330 and Sabin No. 13718. 387 Clinton. Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clin- ton, K.B., relative to his Conduct during part of his Command of the King's Troops in North America ; Particularly to that which respects the unfortunate Issue of the Campaign in 1781. With an Appendix, containing Copies and Extracts of those Parts of his Correspondence with Lord George Germain, Earl Cornwallis, Rear Admiral Graves, <^c. Which are referred to therein. 8°, half morocco, pp. (4), 115. London, J. Dehrett, 1783 388 Clinton. Narrative, etc. [Another Edition]. 'i° , cloth, uncut, pp. (6), 115. Philadelphia, MDCCCLXV 389 Clinton. Observations on Some Parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Cornwallis. By Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, k.b. 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. (8), 35, 115, (1). Philadelphia, MDCCCLXVI 390 CoATES (B. H.). Annual Discourse ... before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, on the 28th day of April, 1884, on the Origin of the Indian Population of America. By B. H. Coates, M.D. 8°, pp. 63, (1). Philadelphia, 1884 391 Coates (D.), and Others. Christianity the Means of Civili- zation : Shown in the Evidence given before a Committee of the House of Commons, on Aborigines, by D Coates Esq., Rev. John Beecham and Rev. William Ellis ... 12°, hoards, pp. viii, 360. London, P. B. Seely and W. Biirnside. MDCCCXXXVII 392 Coats (W.). The Geography of Hudson's Bay; being the Remarks of Captain W. Coats, in Many Voyages to that Lo- cality, between the Years 1727 and 1751. With an Appendix, Containing Extracts from the Log of Capt. Middleton on hia A /(A 58 Voyage for the Discovery of the North-West Passage in H. M. S. " Furnace " in 1741-42. Edited by John Barrow, Esq. 8°. cloth, nncut. London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, M,DCCC,LII Largely composed of curious details of the numerous tribes of Indians that occupied the country a century and a half ago. Y C t" 393 CoCKBURN (J.). A Journey over Land from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South Sea. Performed by John Cock- burn, and Five Other Englishmen, ... Containing Variety of Extraordinary Distresses and Adventures ; ... As also, An Exact Account of the Manners, Customs, and Behaviour of the Seve- ral Indians Inhabiting a Tract of Land of 2400 Miles; Par- ticularly of their Dispositions towards the Spaniards and Eng- lish ... pp. viii, -j- 350. London: G. Rivington. M,DCC,XXX"V Once believed to be fictitious r but in later years received as authentic. His relations of incidents of travel among the Indians of Central Ame- rica, and his descriptions of the peculiarities of their character and customs, are valuable. 394 CocKBURN. The Unfortunate Englishman ; or a Faithful Nar- rative of the Distresses and Adventures of John Cockburn and Five Other Mariners. A New Edition carefully Corrected. Plate. 12°, 4 pp. (2), iv, 126. London, 1794 , Ai 395 CocKRURN. The Unfortunate Englishman.... A New Edi- tion. 16°, pp. 197 Plate. Edinburgh Wangh & Innes, 1831 , /S' 396 CoDDiNGTON, (D. S.). Speeches and Addresses of the Late Hon. David S. Coddington, with a Biographical Sketch. Post 8°, pp. XXXII, 177. JSr. Y., 1866 'J^ 397 CoDMAN (J). A Sermon delivered before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America,... in November 3, 1825.... With the Report of the Select Committee. 8°. Cambridge, 1825 ■ 'Tii' 398 Coffin, C. History of the Battle of Breed's Hill.... 8°, pp. 36. . Portland, 1835 /, CO 399 Coffin (W. F.). 1812: The War, and its" Moral; A Cana- dian Chronicle, by William F. CoflBn, Esquire. 8°, pp. 296. Montreal, 1864 Contains much new matter relating to the conduct of the Indians, and charges the Americans with cruelties only equaled by the aborigines. 400 CoGHLAN (Margaret). Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan ... written by Herself, With an Introduction and Notes 8°, half morocco, gilt top. NY., 1864 The subject of this memoir was the daughter of Major Moncrief, was seduced by Col. Aaron Burr, and afterwards led an abandoned life. h^-15 69 ^ 0^ 401 Cohen (M. M.). Notices of Florida and the Campaigns. By M. M. Coheu (an Officer of the Left Wing). 12°, pp. 240 -j- map. Charleston, S. : Burgess 433 Cooper. A Treatise on the Law of Libel and The Liberty of the Press : ... 8°, half sheep. N. Y., 1830 C). oc 434 COPPIER (G.). Histoire et voyage des Indes Occidentales, et de plusiers autres Regions maritimes & esloignees Diuise eu deux Liures. Par Guillaume Coppier Lyonnois. 8°, pp. (50), 182, (18). A Lyon, Pour lean Huguetan, rue Merciere, au plat d'Estain, 1645 History and Travels in the West Indies, and many other Maritime Re- igions. Relates to the savages of the West Indies their method of navi- gation and warfare ; their ceremonies, dwellings, weapons, food, wine, and hunting. The work affords some particulars of interest concern- ing the now extinct Caribs, recorded at an early day in the history of the country. It contains also some relations of Canada. .^B 435 CopwAY(Gr.). The Life, History, and Travels of Kah-ge-ga- gah-Bowh (George Copway), a Young Indian Chief of the Ojibwa Nation, a Convert to the Christian Faith, and a Mission- ary to his People for Twelve Years ; with a Sketch of the Present State of the Ojibwa Nation ... Written by Himself. 8°, pp. 224. Albany, 1847 ' /O 436 Copway. Organization of a New Indian Territory, East of the Missouri River. Arguments and Reasons Submitted to the ... Senate, and House of Representatives of the ...United States, by the Indian Chief Kah-ge-gah-bowh, or Geo. Copway. 8°, pp. 32. New York : S. W. Benedict, 1850 '/O 437 Copway. The Ojibway Conquest, A Tale of the Northwest. By Kah-ge-ga.gah-bowh, or G. Copway, Chief of the Ojibway Nation. 12°, pp. 91. New York, the Author, 1850 438 Copway. The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation. By G. Copway, Chief. 8°, pp. 266. London, 1850 2.2S 439 Copway. [The Same.] Illustrated by Darley. 2 Plates. 12°, pp. xi, 13-2, 266. Boston : Benjamin B. Mussey, 1851 /, h 3 440 Cornelius (Elias). The Little Osage Captive, an Authen- tic Narrative : To which are added Some Interesting Letters Written by Indians. Plate. 18°. York, 1821 o 441 CoRNWALLis (Charles). An Answer to that part of the Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, ... Which relates to the Conduct of Lieutenant-General Earl Cornwallis, . during the Campaign in North America, in ... 1781. By Earl Cornwallis. 8°, pp. (2) xvi, (6) 260. London, J. Debrett, MDCCLXXXIII j-co ' ■ 442 [Another copy.] 8vo, half calf mdcclxxxiii /V. 'u': 64 443 CoRNWALLis. [Another Edition.] 8vo, cloth^ pp. (12) 260. MDCCCLXVI Of the Philadelphia edition, twenty copies were printed in folio, seventy-five in 4to, and two hundred and fifty in 8vo. " This answer consists of the chain of correspondence between the two commanders during the campaign referred to, for the purpose of proving that ' the conduct and opinions of the author were not the cause of the catastro- phe which terminated the campaign of 1781.'" See, " M. Rev.," Lxvui. 366. 444 Correspondence, Addresses, &c. Connected with the sub- scriptions of various Indian Tribes in Upper Canada, in aid of the funds for the re-constructioa of Brock's Monument, on Queenstown Heights. 8°, pp. 32. Toronto, Printed hy Robert Stanton, 1841 During a short civil war in Canada the monument erected to Gen. Brock had been destroyed by one of the marauding parties. To ex- hibit their loyalty, various Indian tribes of Canada to the number of fifteen sent addresses and contributions. This book contains the speeches and letters of their chiefs. /■5^C 445 Correspondence on the Subject of the Emigration of Indians, between the 30th November, 1631, and 27th December, 1833, with Abstracts of Expenditures by disbursing Agents in the removal and Subsistence of Indians. 8°, pp. (2) 771. Washington, printed hy Duff Green, 1831 The volume is No. 4 of Documents, but the subject of the Indian emigration is complete. /•o'O 446 Correspondence on the Subject of the Removal of Indians, between the 30th November, 1831, and 27th December, 1833, with Abstracts of Expenditures by disbursing Agents in the Removal and Subsisting of Indians, &c. &c. Furnished in answer to a Resolution of the Senate of 27th December, 1833, by the Commissary General of Subsistence. Vol. I, pp. 1179. Vol. II, pp. (2) 972. Washington, printed hy Duff Green, 1834 0~' '^ 447 Cortes (H.). The Despatches of Hernando Cortes, the Con- queror of Mexico, Addressed to the Emperor, Charles V, Written during the Conquest, and containing a Narrative of its events. Now first translated into English from the original Spanish, with an Introduction and notes, by George Folsom. 8°, hoards, uncut, pp. xii, 431. New York, 1843 / ^r 448 Cortes. The Same. Large paper copy. 8°, half rnorocco. New York, 1843 3 ' '3 S 449 Cortes (H.) The Fifth Letter of Hernan Cortes to the Emperor Charles V, containing an Account of his Expedition to Translated from the Original Spanish by Don Pas- cual de Gayangos. ... 8°, cloth. London : printed for the Hakluyt Society, MDCCCLXVIII 65 The first and fifth relations of his conquests by Cortes, were not knosvn to exist until late in the eighteenth century. They were not printed in any language until 1844, when they appeared in the collec- tion of Navarette. The second third and fourth letters had been trans- lated by Ned Folsom and printed i ; 1843. This Relacion in common with all of the Conquiscador's narratives is filled with the incidents of his battle with the Indians, descriptions of their towns and principal chiefs, and the minutest details of their peculiarities, for which he well knew the appetite of the Emperor was insatiable. 450 CoRWiN (E. B.). Catalogue of Mr. E. B. Corwin's Library, By Josepti Sabin. Large Paper, Royal 8°, half morocco. Neio Yoric, 1856 3.6 f^ 451 Cotton (J.). Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick) Indian Language. By Josiah Cotton. 8°, cfo<4, ii;ic-ii<, pp. 112. Cambridge, printed hy E. TF. Metcalf and Company ., 1829 «/ 452 Coulter (J.). Adventures oa the West Coast of South Ame- rica, and the Interior of California ; and other Islands in the Pacific Ocean ; with an account of the natural productions, and the manners and customs, in peace and war, of the various Savage tribes visited. By John Coulter. 2 vols., post 8vo. 5^^ 453 Cowley (C). Memories of the Indians and Pioneers of the Region of Lowell. 8°. Lowell, Stone & House, printers^ \'iQ2 ^•i6 454 Cox (R.). Adventures on the Columbia River; including the Narrative of a Residence of Six Years on the Western Side of the Rocky Mountains, among Various Tribes of Indians hitherto unknown : together with a Journey aci'oss the Ame- rican Continent. By Ross Cox. 2 vols., 8°, half morocco, uncut. London, 1831 A3 5 455 Cox. The Same, half morocco. 8°, xv. 24-335. New York, Harper Brothers, 1832 The personal experience of a fur-trader, full of adventure, history, and character. The narrations of Cox, as well as those of Alexander Ross, and of Franchere, cover the same period, and afford us other views of the events related by Washington Irving in his " Astoria." S'^ 456 Cox (S. C). Recollections of the Early Settlement of the Wabash Valley. 8vo, hoards. La Fayette, 1860 0.0 460 Craig (N. B.). The Olden Time ; A Monthly Publication, devoted to the preservation of Documents and other Authentic Information in relation to the Early Explorations, and the Settle- ment and Improvement of the Country around the head of the Ohio. Edited by Neville B. Craig, Esq. 2 vols., 8° AaZ/ca//. pp. viii, 576; iv, 572-(- naap and plate. Fittsburgh, printed hy Dumas & Co., 1846 This excellent work is often incomplete in the second volume, of which the last signature is frequently wanting, few copies of that sheet hav- ing left the press when it was attached by the sheriff for debts due by its editor or printer. It is filled with materials for Indian history gathered from oiiginal sources. The book, in consequence both of its intrinsic value and the perversity of its fortune while the last sheet was printing, has become exceedingly difficult to procure. '^iS^' 460* Craig. The same. Vol. i. 8°, sheep. Pickering, 1846 For a list of the contents see Field's Essay, No. 381 — see also Stobo (R). ,/rp 461 Craig. The History of Pittsburgh. By Neville B. Craig, Esq. 12°, pp. 312, 2 maps. Pittsburgh, 1851. 1 \L^ 462 Crantz (D.). The History of Greenland ; containing a De- scription of the Country, and its inhabitants ; and particularly, A Relation of the Mission, carried on for above these Thirty Years by the Unitas Fratrum. at New Hernheim and Lichten- fels, in that Country. By David Crantz. Translated from the High- Dutch, and illustrated with Maps and other Copper- plates. 8o, 2 vols., half-calf, 405 pp., 2 maps, 5 plates. London, IMDCCLXVII. The first English edition is vastly superior to that of 1820, which is not only an abridged, but an interpolated edition. The miuute jour- nal of the noble Moravian Brethren, gives us in their own language the phases of Aboriginal life and peculiarites which daily presented themselves. No tribe of American savages has been more closely or intelligently studied. 67 '1^/ 463 Crantz. The History of Grreenland : Including An Account / of the Mission Carried on by the United Brethren in that Country. From the German of David Crantz. With a con- tinuation to the Present Time ; Illustrative Notes; and an Ap- pendix Containing a Sketch of the Mission of the Brethren in Labrador. 2 vols., 8°, 7 maps, and plates, xi, 359; vi, 223. London : Longman^ 1820 See Field's Essay, No. 386 ; Sabin's Dictionary, No. 17417-18. / ^d 464 Crawford (C. ). An Essay on the Propagation of the Gos- ' pel ; in which there are numerous Facts and Arguments Adduced to prove that many of the Indians in America Are descended from the Ten Tribes. The Second Edition. By Cbarles Crawford Esq. 12°, pp. 154, (1). Philadelphia : James Humphreys, 1801 ^0 465 Creeks. Emigrating Indians. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting information of the inadequacy of the fund for defraying the expenses attending the emigration of the Creek Indians. January 7, 1828. ..8°, pp. 11. Washington, 1828 This volume contains six other important documents, illustrating the history of the treatment of the Indians by the government. / ,6 ''' 466 Cremony (J. C). Life among the Apaches. By John C. Cremony, Interpreter to the U. S. Boundary Commission, under the Hon. John R. Bartlett in 1849, '50, and '51, and late Ma- jor of California Volunteer Cavalry, operating in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Western Arkansas. 12°, cloth. San Francisco : A. Roman & Co., 1868 _^'oo ^^>j Crespel (E.). Voyages du R P. Emanuel Crespel, dans le Canada, et son naufrage en revenant en France. Mis au jour par le Sr Louis Crespel son Fr^re. 18°, pp. (iv) 135. A Francfort sur le Meyn, chez Henry Louis Broenner, MDCCLII. The travels of Father Crespel having led him for some time among the Indians, his book aflfbrds a few incidents of his experience with them. .jiS' 468 [Crevecoeur (Hector St. John de)]. Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie et dans I'Etat de New York. Par un Membra adoptif de la Nation Oneida. " Traduit et public par I'auteur des Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain. 3 vols., 8°, uncut, 10 plates and maps. He I' im]i)rim,erie de Crapelet. A Paris, Maradan. An ix [1801.] Tour through Upper Pennsylvania and in the State of New York, by an adopted Member of the Oneida Tribe. Translated and pub- lished by the author of Letters of an American Cultivator. The author was a gentleman of Normandy who passed twenty-four years of his life in North America. His work contains some curious details on the 68 state of tlie aborigines, before the arrival of Europeans in tbat part of North America whicli lie visited. It is announced on the title-page as a simple translation, but it is well known to be the work of Creve- coeur, and is to be regarded probably as a continuation of his Letters. , See Sabin's Dictionary, 17501. ^ (p% 4G9 Crow (W.j. The Indian : A Poem. In Six Cantos. By William Crow. 12°, pp. (i) vii, 94. London, the author, 1806 ^ . ' ' 470 CuMMiNGS (G.). Wild Men and Wild Beasts. 4°, doth. Edinburgh, 1871 / 471 [CuoQ (Rev. A.).] Aiamie TipadjimoSin, Masinaigan ka I Ojitogobanen Kaiat ka NiinaSisi MekateSoknaieSigobanen, ^ ^ ^ i f~L \ kanactageng, 8ak8i enasindibanen, Vl°, half -hound, pp.339. *^« ' ] hi Mag'^ahikickoton John Lovell, Moniag ate Mekate%iko- naie'&ikamikony , Kanactageng. 1859. Stories of Bible History, translated into the language of the Algon- quin Indians, by the Sulpitian Missionary, Mr. Cuoq. I 472 [CuoQ.] Ka Titc Tebeniminang Jezos ondaje aking-Oom mas- V inagan ki ojitogoban ka ojitogabanen. Aianrie tipadjimoSin masinaigan 8ak81 ena8indiganen Monniang. 12°, pp. 396. 1861. \_Montrear\. Ate Mekate^ikonaie^ikomikong kanactageng. The Life of Jesus in the Algonquin language, translated by the Eev. Mr. Cuoq. ^ ■ 'A 473 [Cuoq.] Etudes Philologiques Sur quelques Langues Sauvages de L'Amerique, Par N. 0. Ancien Missionnaire. 8°, half-mo- rocco, pp. 160. Montreal: Daioson Brothers, 1866. Philological Studies of some languages of the savages of America. 8ee Field's Essay, No. 391. ' oO 474 CuRWEN (S.). Journal and Letters of the Late Samuel Curwen, ... an American Refugee in England, ... Portrait. 8°, New York, 1842 ' /() 475 Gushing (Caleb). Speech of Mr. Cushing, of Massachusetts, on the bill making appropriations for the current expenses of the Indian Department Delivered ... February 1st, 1837. 8°, pp. 14. Washington : Printed hy Gales & Seaton, 1837 f ix /- 476 CusiCK (Q.). History of the Six Nations. David Cusick's Sketches. Tuscarora Village, 1825 Concerning this, See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 18142. /,//) 476 CusiCK. David Cusick's Sketches of Ancient History of the Six Nations. 8°, pp. 35, 5 plates. Lockport, N. Y. : Turner & McCollom Priw^ers, 1848 2.' 2-^ 478 CusTis (G. W. P.). Recollections and Private Memoirs of Gen. Washington. By His Adopted Son George Washington Parke Custis, with a Memoir of the Author, ... Notes by Benson J. Lossing. 8°, 3 plates. New York, 1860 69 479 [Cutler ( Jervase).] A Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana, comprehending the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and their principal TributarjStreams; -^ t' ... and a concise Account of the Indian Tribes west of the Missis- fOf sippi. To which is added an Interesting Journal of Mr. Charles Le Raye, while a captive with the Sioux Nation, on the waters of the Missouri river. By a late Officer in the United States Army. 12°, pp. 219. Plates. Boston: Charles Williams, 1S\2 The principal value which attaches to this scarce book, is comprised in the narrative of the captivity of Le Raye. His Journal of personal experience among the fierce Sioux has much more than the usual mo- dicum of real merit, to which such relations are entitled, as it is the result of the observations, regarding the habits of this nomad nation, of a man of some intelligence. Le Raye's Journal was never published in any other form. Plates include the earliest engraving of Cincinnati. / 6^('' 480 Dall (W. H.) Alaska and its Resources. 8°, doth. Boston, 1870 481 Dalton (Wm.). Stories of the Conquest of Mexico and Peru. Illustrated by Godwin. 8°, cloth. London. ^O'-' 482 Dalton (W.). Stories of the Conquest of Mexico and Peru, j with a Sketch of the Early Adventures of the Spaniards in the New World. Re-told for Youth. By William Dalton. With Illustrations by Grodwin. 12°, pp. viii, -)-499. + 8 plates. London : James Blackwood & Co. [n. d.] Although the title conveys the impression that the work is indebted to the author's imagination for its interest, that conception would be unjust. It is a very excellent and faithful narrative of the conquest of the Aztecs and Incas ; a history too full of marvels to need the aid of romance. •X^ "^83 Darby (W.). A Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana ; ... 8°, half roan. Philadelphia, 1816 /./^ 484 Darby. Tour from ... New York to Detroit ... 1818 ... 8°, hoards. Map. New York, 1819 485 Darnell (E.). A | Journal | containing an Accurate & In- teresting Ac I count of the Hardships, Sufferings, Bat | ties. Defeat & Captivity of those he- | roic Kentucky Volunteers & Reg I ulars, commanded by General- | Winchester, in the Year | 1812 - 13. I Also I Two NarrSlives, | by men, that were wounded in the Battles | on the river Raisin, and taken Captive | by the Indians. | By Elias Darnell. | Printed for the Author. | 8°, le- vant morocco, hy Bradstreet, pp. (2), 67. Paris, Kentucki/ : Printed hy Joel R. Lyle, \ 1812 The original edition of Darnell's Journal. So rare that Mr. Sabin announced at the sale of this copy that it was the first which ho had ever seen or heard of. — Field. '/*) 527 Dickenson, (J.)- God's Protecting Providence, Man's ' / Surest Help and Defence in Times of Greatest Difficulty, and most Eminent Danger : evidenced in tLe Remarkable Deliver- ance of Robert Barrow, witb divers other persons, from the De- vouring Waves of the Sea; amongst which they Suffered Shipwreck : And also From the cruel Devouring Jaws of the Inhumane Cannibals of Florida. Faithfully Related by one of the Persons concerned therein; Jonathan Dickenson. ... The Third Edition. 16°, levant, morocco, hy Bradstreet, pp. (10,) 94. Printed at PMladelpliia : Reprinted in London, and Sold hi/ the Assigns of F. Sowle, MDCCXX Very Rare. See Field's Essay No. 426, Sabin's Dictionary, 20014. 528 Dickenson. God's Protecting Providence. The Sixth Edi- tion. 12°, pp. 136. London : James Phillips, mdcclxxxvii ■^/S^ 529 DiCTlONAiRE et Grammaire de la Langue Crise ... Prospectus. 8°, pp. 17. Montreal, 1872 //() O 532 DiEREViLLE (M.). Relation da voyage du Port Royal de w; FAcadie, ou de la Nouvelle-France, dans laquelle on voit un detail des divers mouvemens de la mer ; la Description du Pais, les Occupations des Frangois qui y sont etablis, les manieres des diff'erentes Nations Sauvages, leurs Superstitions & leurs ch asses ; avec une dissertation exacte sur le Castor. Par M. Diereville ... 12°, calf, pp. (18), 236, 7. Plate. Amsterdam, Chez Pierre Humbert, MDCCX A Relation of the Voyage from Port Royal to Acadia or New France. In which may be seen a detail of the various movements, &c. The Description of the Country, the Occupations of the French who are there established ; the manners of the ditferent Nations of Savages, their Superstitions and their hunting, with a dissertation on the Beaver. Also contains a Relation of a combat between the French and the Aca- dians, against the English. See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 20128. 583 Dillon (J. B.). The History of Indiana, from its Earliest Exploration by Europeans, to the Close of the Territorial Go- vernment in 1816. With an Introduction containing Historical Notes of the Discovery and Settlement of the Territory of the United States, North west of the river Ohio. Volume I, sheep [all published], pp. xii, 456'. Indianapolis, la., 1845 Indian missions, wars and treaties, form a large part of the volume 534 Dillon. A History of Indiana, from its Earliest Explora- tion by Europeans to the Close of Territorial Government in 1816 ; Comprehending a History of the Discovery, Settlement, and Civil and Military Affairs of the Territory of the U. S. North west of the River Ohio, and a General View of the Pro- gress of Public Affairs in Indiana, from 1816 to 1856. By /■7^ l^vo ^6- 77 John B. Dillon. 8°, cloth, unmt, pp. xii, 687 -|- 2 maps. 4 plates. Indianapolis, 1859 A new edition of Lot, continued to a later period. Uncut copies are rare. 535 Disbursements to Indians. Letter from the Second Audi- tor of the Treasury, transmitting Accounts of Disbursement of Moneys, Goods, or Effects, for the benefit of Indians, from 1st October, 1837, to 30th September, 1838, &c. 8°, pp. 118. [ Washington,'] 1839 . 2 S' 536 Disbursements to the Indians. Letter from the Second Au- ditor of the Treasury, transmitting Copies of the Accounts of Persons charged with the Disbursement of money, goods, or effects for the Indians, &c. 8°, pp. 171. \_WasMngton,'\\^Vl ZS^ 537 DoANE (Gr. W.). The Goodly Heritage of Jerseymen ; The first Annual Address before the New Jersey Historical Society... January 15, 1846. 8°, pp. 32. Burlington, 1848 ^'(i ^ 538 DoBBS (A.). An Account Of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay, ...in the North-West Part of America ; ...Witlian Abstract of Captain Middleton's Journal ... Containing Vocabu- laries of the Languages of several Indian Nations adjoining to Hudson's Bay ... Uj Arthur Dobbs, Esq. 4°, boards, uncut. Map and pp. 211. London: J. Robinson, mdccxliv See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 20404. /^i 539 DoBRlZHOFFER (M.). Historia de Abiponibus Equestri, Bellicosaque Paraquarie Natione locupletata, Copiosis Barbara- rum Gentium, Urbium, Fluuiiuum, Terarum, Amphibiorum, In- sectorum, Serpentium [sic] praecipuorum, Pisciuni, Avium, Arborum, Plantarum, Aliarunque eiusdem ProvincifB, Proprie- tatum Observationibus, Authore Martiuo Dobrizhoffer Presby- tero, et per Annus Duo de Viginti Paraquariae Missionario. 3 vols., 8°, half calf. Viennse : Tt/jns Joscplii Nob, De Kurzbck ... Anno, 1784 510 DoBRiZHOEFFER. An Account of The Abipones, an Eques- trian People of Paraguay. From the Latin of Martin Dobriz- hoeff'er, eighteen years a Missionary in that Country. 3 vols., 8°, boards, uncut. London, 1822 A translation of the preceding, made by the daughter of Robert Soutbey, tbe poet. Dobrizboeffer, was one of those extraordinary men, who organized in Paraguay a government that has not ceased to excite the wonder and perplex'tbe reason of all who tried to comprehend its strange anomalies. For a century and a half it existed as a pure hierarchy, insulated and intact ; more mysterious than the fabled Ama- zonian Republic, or the equally mythical El Dorado. For a hall' century succeedintj it has remained the only example of a people, professing to be free, existing under a tyranny supported solely by themselves. /^^ 78 'UQ 541 Documents and Proceedings relating to the Formation and Progress of a Board in the City of New York for the Emigra- tion. Preservation, and Improvement of the Aborigines of Amerjca July 22, 1829. 8°, pp. 48. " New York: Vanderpool & Cole Printers, 1829 ', ^ 542 Documents in relation to DiflBculties existing in the Cherokee nation of Indians. 8°, pp. 9. Washinyton, 1846 /O So 543 Doddridge. Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars of the Western Parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania, from the year 1763 until the year 1783, inclusive. Together with a View, Of the state of society and manners of the first settlers of the West- ern Country. By the late Kev. Dr. Joseph Doddridge. 12mo, 5 1, pp. v-316. c. Wellshurgli, Va : Printed at the Office of the Gazette for the Author, 1824 -f- Second Edition. 12mo. Winchester, 1833 Drawn from original sources, mostly of personal observation, or from the actors in the Border Wars he depicts. No one except Withers has approached him in fidelity or exactness, and both have the best attes- tation to the value of their works, in the frequent reproduction of them in Collections and Narratives of Border Warfare. /[ / ^ 544 Doddridge. Logan, the Last of the Race of Shikellemus, A Dramatic Piece, with the Dialogue of the Backwoodsman and the Dandy, 1853, with an Appendix on the Murder of Logan's Family. 4°, paper. Cincinnati, 1868 • //^ 545 Dodge (H.). Report of the Secretary of War,... transmitting a report of the Expedition of the dragoons, under the Command of Colonel Henry Dodge, to the Ilocky mountains, during the summer of 1835, &c 8vo, pp. 38 map. Washington, 1S56 /3^ 546 Dodge (J. R.). Red Men of the Ohio Valley : an Aboriginal History of the Period commencing A. D., 1650, and ending at the treaty of Greenville, A. D., 1795, embracing notable facts and thrilling incidents in the settlement by the Whites of the States of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. By J. R. Dodge. 12°, cloth. Springfield, 0., 1860 l::^ C ^ 547 Domenech (E.). Manuscript pictographique Americain pre- cede d' une notice sur 1' ideographie des Peaux-Rouges, par I' Abbe Em. Domenech missionaire ... Ouvrage public sous les auspices de M. le ministre d'etat et de la maison de I'empereur. 8°, ha f morocco, pp. viii, 119, 228 plates. Paris, Gide, 1860 This unhappy work aflPorded a sensation to the literary world of Europe, not less unusual than universal. From every study, library, and bookseller's rooms arose a shout of laughter, that the soul of Rabe- lais might have envied. No Frenchman, since that ribald wit left the earth, bas excited such a chorus of itnextiuguisbable cachinnation. Unfortunately for the Abbe Domeuecb the jjarallel between himself and Rabelais soon ceases, the world laughs not with him but at him. 79 He lias been tlie victim of an imposture so rank, that we should wonder not less than we admire his self delusion, if he had not dragged so many considerable people into the same net. See Field's Essay and Sabin's Dictionary No. 20550. 2^,^^ 548 DoMENECH. La verite sur le livre des sauvages, par I'Abb^ Em. Domenech... 8°, printed, pp. 54+10, plates. Pans, 1861 An attempt to prove the authenticity of the previous work. See Field's Essay and Sabin's Dictionary, No. 20551. ^ hjf^ 5i9 DoMENicCH. Missionary Adventures in Texas and Mexico : A Personal Narrative of Six Years' Sojourn in those Regions. By the Abbe l)omenech. Translated from the French under the Author's Superintendence. 8°, cloih^ uncut, map. London, 1858 % ^.^ 550 DoMENECH. Seven Years' Residence in the Great Deserts of North America. By the Abb6 Em. Domenech... Illustrated wood-cuts, plates of Indian music, and a Map showing the Actual Situation of the Indian Tribes and the Country De- scribed by the Author. 59 plates, 2 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. London, 1860 % %.5' 551 DoMlNGUEZ (Francisco). Catecismo de la Doctrina Chris- tiana puesto en el Idioma Totonaco de la Cierra [sic'] Baja de Naolingo, distiuto del de la Cierra alta de Papautla, por El Lie. D. Francisco Dominguez, Cura iterino de Xalpan 12°, pp. 38, (i). Reimpresso en Feubla en la imjprenta del Hospital de San Pedro, 1837. / /'Z^ 000 DoNCK (A. v. d.). See Van Der Donck (A). 552 Dorchester. Antiquarian and Historical Society Collec- tions. Memoirs of Roger Clap, 1630. Blake's Annals of Dorchester, 1G30 to 1753. Richard Mather's Journal and Life, 1596-1669. 3 vols, 12°, boards, scarce, [v. d.] I 2 \^f 553 Doublet de Boisthibault. Les Voeux des Hurons et des Abnaquis. a Notre Dame de Chartres, publiees pour la pre- miere fois' d'Apr^s les manuscripts des archives d'Eure-et-Loire. Avec les lettres des missionaires-catholiques au Canada, une introduction et des notes, par M. Doublet de Boisthibault. 12°, pp. 83, plate. Chartres, Noury-Cognard, 1857 The Vows of the Hurons and the Abnaquis to Our Lady of Chartres. Are produced only in Latin and French, although they were written and registered in Abnaquis. ^'CC 554 [Douglas.] Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement upon the Red River in North America j its Destruc- tion in 1815 and 1816 j and the Massacre of Governor Semple 80 and his Party. With Observations upon a Eecent Publication, Entitled " A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries," &c. 8°, pp. viii, 194' C. and map. London : John Murray, 1817 See Sabin's Dictionary, 20704. , fj- 555 Douglas (Thomas). Report of the Proceedings connected with the Disputes between the Earl of Selkirk and the North West Company, at the Assizes, held at York, in Upper Canada, October, 1818. From minutes taken in Court. 8°, pp. xxv, 225, 203, Appendix 48. Montreal : printed, London : reprinted, 1819 This is a report of tlie trial of certain members of the North-west Fur Company, half-breed Indians, and other's, for the murder of Go- vernor Semple and several members of the Hudson's Bay Company. / ^(- '^ 556 Drake (B.). The Life and Adventures of Black Hawk, with Sketches of Keokuk, the Sac and Fox Indians, and the late Black Hawk War. 12°, cloth. Cincinnati, 1838 The subsequent ones only in some of the plates. ^/O 557 Drake (Benj.). The Life of Black Hawk. Seventh Edition, Improved. 18°, cloth. Cincinnati, 1844 0,'oc 558 Drake. Life of Tecumseh, and his Brother the Prophet; with a Historical Sketch of the Shawanoe Indians. 12° cloth. Cincinnati, 1841 ^ ^ -r 559 Drake (S. G.). Indian Biography, containing the Lives of ■ / more than Two Hundred Indian Chiefs; also such others of that Ilace as have rendered their names conspicuous, in the History of North America, from its first being known to Euro- peans, to the Present Period. Giving at large their most cele- brated Speeches, Memorable Sayings, Numerous Anecdotes and a History of their Wars, much of which is taken from Manuscripts never before published. 12°, half calf , pp. 350. Boston, 1832 It is the First Edition of the following work. S^'lS^ 560 Drake. Biography and History of the Indians of North America, from its first Discovery. Eleventh Edition. 8°, cloth, ^plates. Boston, 1857 The last and most complete edition of this very excellent and care- fully compiled collection of the materials of Indian history. It is the result of a lifetime of labor, by one who spared no pains to be at the same time faithful to the completeness and truthfulness of history. ' J^' 501 Drake. Early History of Georgia, Embracing the Embassy of Sir Alexander Cuming to the Country of the Cherokees, In the Year 1730. With a Map... A paper, ...by Samuel G. Drake, A.M. Map. 4°, pp. 20. Boston : Printed hy David Clapp <£■ Son, 1872 81 562 Drake. Catalogue of the Private Library of Samuel Gr. Drake, chiefly rehites to the Antiquities, History, and Bio- graphy of America, and in an especial manner to the Indians. 8°, pp. 80. Boston, Samuel G. Drake, 1842 This had been previously issued with a title slightly dififering as a catalogue of a Library to be sold by auction. 563 DR.A.KB. The History and Antiquities of Boston, the Capital of Massachusetts, and Metropolis of New England, from its Settlement in 1630, to the Year 1770. Also, An Introductory History of the Discovery and Settlement of New England. With Notes, Critical and Illustrative. By Samuel G. Drake, A.M. ... Koyal 8°, cluth, uncut. Boston: Luther Stevens, 1856 561 Drake. Indian Captivities; or, Life in the Wigwam. Being True Narratives of Captives who have been carried away by the Indians, from the Frontier Settlements of the United States, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 8°, cloth. New York, 1856 565 Drake. A Particular History of the Five Years' French and Indian War in New England and Parts Adjacent, from its Declaration by the King of France, March 15, 1744, to the Treaty with the Eastern Indians, Oct. 16, 1749, sometimes called Grovernor Shirley's War. With a Memoir of Major- General Shirley, accompanied by his Portrait and Other En- gravings. 4°, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1870 This very excellent and judicious collection of the principal incidents of the five years of French and Indian war, contains, beside the annals of that period, some personal narratives of much interest. The Appen- dix includes a reprint of ' ' The Redeemed Captive," by the Rev. John Norton. 566 Drake, The Witchcraft Delusion in New England : its Rise, Progress, and Termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, in the Wonders of the Invisible World ; and by Mr. Kobert Calef, in his More Wonders of the Invisible World. With a Preface, Introduction, and Notes, By Samuel G. Drake. ... 3 vols., 4°, xcviii, (4), 247 ; sxix, 212 ; 244. Roxbury, Mass : Printed for W. Elliot Woodward, MDCCCLXVI Forms No. 5-7 of Woodward's Historical Series. 567 Drapeau (S.). De Journal de Quebec et le Tombeau de Champlain par Stainslaus Drapeau. 8°. Quebec, 1867 568 Drapeau (S.). Observations ... Relativement ii la decouverte de Tombeau de Champlain. 8°. Quebec, 1866 569 Draper (Lyman C). l^L1dison, the Capital of Wisconsin ; its Growth, Progress, Condition &c. 8°, pp. 48. Madison, 1857 See also Wisconsin Historical Collections. 11 / ^ r 82 570 Draper (W. G.)- History of the City of Kingston, [C.W.] by W. Geo. Draper ... 8°, pp. 28. Kingston ; James M. Creighton, 1862 ///- y'o 571 Drayton (John). Letters written during a Tour through the Northern and Eastern States of America. 8°, hoards, un- cut. Charleston, S. C, 1794 Plan of bridge over Merrimack river and plate of cannon. The first production of Governor Drayton, now very scarce. /^ C (^ 572 Drayton. A View of South Carolina as respects her Natural and Civil Concerns. Maps and Plate. 8°, half sheep. Scarce. Charleston., 1802 573 Dreuillettes (G.). Recueil de pieces sur la negociation entre la Nouvelle France et la Nouvelle Angleterre ^ annees 1648 et suivantes. 4°, pp, 59. Nouvelle York : de la Presse Gramoisy de Jean-3Lirie Shea, 1866 This Collection of Documents relating to the Negotiation between New France and New England in the year 1648, and subsequently, narrates the story of that extraordinary negotiation between the au- thorities of Canada and the Christian Abnaquis, on the one part, and the colonies of Boston and Plymouth on the other. ' ^ /^ 574 Dring (T.). Recollections of The Jersey Prison Ship from Original Manuscripts. By A. G. Greene, edited by Henry 13. DawsoD. Portrait. Imperial 8°, half morocco. Morrisania, 1865 /^C-S 575 Dudley (T P.). Battle Massacre at Frenchtown, Michigan, January 1813. Dudley, one of the Survivors. 8°. Cleveland, 1870 iC'^Jo 576 DuMONT (M.). Memoires Historiques sur la Louisiane, Con- tenant ee qui y est arrive de plus memorable depuis I'annee 1687, jusqu' h, present; avec retablissement de la Colonic FraD§ois,e dans cette Province de I'Amerique Septentrioiiale sous la direction de la Compagnie des Indes; le ciimat, la na- ture & les productions de ce pays ; I'origine & la Religion des Sauvages qui I'habitent; leurs mceurs & leurs coutunies, &c. Composes sur les Memoires de M. Dumont, par M. L. L. M. 2 vols., 12°, calf. Paris, 1753. These Historic Memoirs of Louisiana ; Containing an account of that which passed the most memorable, from the year 1687 to the present wdth the establishment of the French Colony in the North America, the climate, the nature, and the productions of the country ; the Origin and the Religion of the Savages who inhabit it ; their manners and their customs, etc. The author has treated minutely the subject of the customs and ceremonies of the aborigines of the province, and almost the whole of Vol. II. is devoted to the history of the wars of the French with the various tribes which inhabited the vast territory then known as Louisiana. See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 9605 ; Field, No. 463. 83 577 [Duncan (William)] The Gospel in the Far West Metlah- katlah. Ten Years' Work among the Tsimsheean Indians. Third Edition. 12°, doth, pp. 130+map. Church Missionary House, [^LonJon], 1869. The Tsliimshean Indians occupy a district on the Pacific coast lying between Fi-aser and Simson rivers, north of Queen Cliarlotte's Sound. 578 Dunham (Captain J.). Journal of Voyages, containing an Account of the authors being twice captured by the English and once by the Gibbs the Pirate, his narrow escape when chased by an English War Schooner, as well as his being cast away and residing with Indians * * *. 12°, calf. New York, 1851 579 DuNLAP (Wm.) History of the New Netherlands Province, and State of Ne^v York. Port., 2 vols., 8°. New York, 1839 580 Dunn (J.) History of the Oregon Territory and British North-American Fur Trade ; with An Account of the Habits and Customs of the principal Native tribes on the Northern Continent. By John Dunn, late of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany ; Eight Years a Resident in the Country. 8°, map. London, 1845 581 Dunn (J.). [Another Edition.] 16°, c/o 594 Eastburn. The same. Reprinted in Memoir of Joseph Eastburn. 12°. Philadelphia, 1828 /-f/jL^7 595 Eastman (Mary H.). Chicora and other regions of the Conquerors and the Conquered. By Mrs. Mary H. Eastman. Small folio, cloth, gilt, engravings. Philadelphia, 1854 A beautiful book upon aboriginal manners and history, written by a lady and illustrated by her husband, both of whom were well fitted for the task by long residence among the Indians. 85 ' ^,S 596 Eastman. Dahcotah ; or, Life and Legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling. 13y Mrs. Mary Eastman, with Preface by Mrs. C M. Kirkland. Illustrated from drawings by Captain Eastman. 12°, cloth. New York, 1849 ,in o o 597 Easton (J.). A | Narrative | Of tlje Causes which led to I Philip's Indian War, | of 1675 and 1676. | By John Easton, of Rhode Island, | With other Documents concerning this | Event in the ofl&ce of the Secretary of | State of New York. | Prepared from the originals, with an | Introduction and Notes. | By Frank- lin B. Hough. I 4°, lialf roan, hy Bradstreet. Albany, N. Y. \ J. Munsell, 1858 One hundred copies only printed. Tlie author was a Quaker residing in Ipswich and Hampton, who was driven, by the intolerance of the Puritans, to Rhode Island in 1638. He suffered in person from the in- cursions of the Indians, who burned his house at Newport the next year. Easton is the only early writer upon the wars of the New En- glanders with the Indians who ventures to doubt that the Almighty was on the side of the slaughtering Puritans ; and Satan himself com- manding the savages. ^OS^ 598 Eaton (C). Annals of the Town of Warren ; with the Early History of St. George's Broad Bay, and the Neighboring Settlements on the Waldo Patent. 8°, cloth. ITallowe.ll, 1851 The narrative of the wars with the Eastern Indians, is illustrated with many new incidents and adventures derived from journals and tradition. !Z:oo 599 Eaton (C). History of Thomaston, Rockland and South Thomaston, Maine, from their first Exploration 1605. With family Genealogies, 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. Hallovcell 1865 , 600 Eaton (J. H.). The Life of Andrew Jackson, Major Gene- ^/O- ral in the Service of the United States, comprising a History of the War in the South from the Commencement of the Creek Campaign, to the termination of Hostilities before New Orleans. 8°, hoards, uncut. Philadelphia : Samuel F. Blatchford, 1824 The history of the war with the Creek Indians is given with great minuteness. C^^ 601 EcKLEY (J.). A Discourse before the Society for Propa- gating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, delivered November 7, 1805. 8°, pp.36. Boston, 1806 /CO 602 Eddis (W.). Letters from America, Historical and Descrip- tive. 8°, half calf. Lond., 1792 An interesting personal narrative exhibiting matters as they appeared at about the period of the American Revolution. 000 Eden (R.). See Martyr (Peter). •L 86 A ^c 603 Edward (D. B.). The History of Texas. Map. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1836 ^'/ 604 Edwards (B.). History of the British Colonies in the West Indies. Portrait. 4 vols., 8°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1806 ^-f 605 Edwards. (F. S.) A Campaign in New Mexico with Colonel Doniphan, by Frank S. Edwards, a Volunteer. 12°, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1847 Accounts of the Apaches and Mexican Indians are blended with the narrative. %' ti-t) 606 Edwards F. A Faithful Narrative of Surprising^ Work of God in the Conversion of many Hundred Souls in Northampton and the neighboring Towns and villages of New Hampshire and New England. 12mo, sheep. Elizabeth town, Printed by Shepard KollocJc, 1790 /. f 6 607 Edwards (J.). Life of the Rev. David Brainerd, missionary to American Indians, with an Introductory Essay by Jas. Mont- gomery. 12mo, cloth, uncut portrait. Glasgow, 1839 608 Edwards (J.). Memoirs of the Rev. David Brainerd : Missionary to the Indians, on the Borders of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Chiefly taken from his own Diary ; By Rev. Jonathan Edwards including his Journal, now for the first time incorporated with the rest of his Diary, in regular Chronological Series, by Sereno Edwards Dwight. 8°, pp. 507 New Haven, 1822 /'<'/ 609 Edwards. Thesame with Beatty's Journal. Edinburgh, Vj'd^ S'S^'' ^10 Edwards (J.). Some account of the Life of the Rev. David Brainard, Minister of the Gospel, Missionary to the Indians from the Honorable Society in Scotland, &c., By Jonathan Edwards, A. M. To which are added Extracts from Mr. Brain- erd's Journal, comprising the most material things in that Pub- lication. 8°. Worcester, Mass., 1793 ///^ 611 Edwards (J.). Some Remarkable Narratives of the Success of the Gospel in America. 16°, boards. London, 1791 ^ %^ 612 Edwards (J.). Observations on the Language of the Muhhe- kanecw Indians; in which The extent of that Language in North America is shown ; its Genius is grammattically traced j some of its peculiarities, and some Instances of Analogy between that and the Hebrew are pointed out. By Jonathan Edwards, D.D. 8°. London, 1788 612* Edwards (J.). Some remarkable Narratives of the Success of the Gospel, in America, in the Beginning of this Century. Written by the late Rev. Jonathan Edwards. A.M. To which is added, an account uf the Character of the Rev. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians. 16^, pp. 84. London: J. Brock, 1791 J^^^' 87 613 Edwards (S. E.). The Ohio Hunter : Or a Brief Sketch of the Frontier Life of Samuel E. Edwards, the Great Bear and Deer Hunter of the State of Ohio. 16°, pp. 240. Battle Creeh, Mich., 1868 Contains some relations of incidents of Indian life and warfare, which occurred under the writer's personal observation. ', / % 613* Eelking (M. von). Die Deutschen liilstrappen im Nord- anlerikanischen Befreiungsknega 1776 bis 1783. 2 vols., 8°, [ uncut. Hannover, 1863 Yl^ a o 614 Egede(H.). A Description of Greenland. By Hans Egede, ' ' who was a Missionary in that Country for Twenty-five Years. A New Edition, with an Historical Introduction and a Life of the Author. 8°, half calf. Map. London, 1818 Chapters vii, to xx., pp. 100 to 225, are devoted to descriptions of the occupations, implements, habitations, persons, customs, habits, mourn- ing, pastimes, etc., of the natives of Greenland. In chapter xv, is given a specimen of one of their songs in the Esquimaux language with the parallel passages in English, occupying four pages. Chapter xvi, treats of the principles of thai tongue with a vocabulary and grammatical analysis of twelve pages. Although the quaint relation of the Danish missionary Egede affords us little information regarding the natives of Greenland which has not often been printed, yet his narratives of incidents among them, and descriptions of their charac- teristics at that early day (1721), are valuable as historical records. /.^f^^ 615 Eldredge. Memoirs of Eleanor Eldridge. 2 vols., Square 16°, half morocco, pp. 128 and 128. Providence, B. T. Alhro, ininter, 1841 The subject of this narrative was the granddaughter of a Narragan- set Indian squaw and an African chief, and is interesting ethnologi- cally, as portraying the characteristics of two aboriginal races blended. ,J2' 615* Ellet (Mrs). Summer Eambles in the West. 12°, cloth. New York, 1853 /V 616 Ellet (Mrs.). Pioneer Women of the West. By Mrs. Ellet. ^ 12°, cloth, pp. 434 + Plate. New YorJc : Charles Scrihner, 1852 Of the sixty pioneer women whose biographies appear in this volume, nearly all ob:ained the celebrity which gives them a place in it, on the frontier, in conflict with the Indians. Much the largest portion of the book is therefore occupied with the details of female heroism, or suffer- ings from Indian wars or barbarity. The work owes little to other printed books ; its material bavin been collected by the author from original sources, which were either documents, the personal narrations of actors or their friends. ^fO^ 617 Elliot's Indian Bible. Second Edition. 4°. Loh(7., 1680 Wants beginning and end, and otherwise imperfect. 88 000 Eliot Tracts. The Following together with the Items de- scribed under the name of the respective aulliors coin)30se almost a complete series of tlie various tracts issued by the " Corporation for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Indians," etc., all of them are scarce but some are of extreme rarity. The complete series consists of eleven, and is probably, next to the Jesuit Relations, the most difficult to reassemble in good copies, of any works relating to American History. Some of these Protestant rela- tions of missions among the Indians, bring almost fabulous prices. One hundred and seventy dollars has been paid for that of 1659 (No. 9), and one hundred dollars was paid both by Mr. Menzies and myself for that of 1671, They are doubtless all written by the hand, or from material furnished by the writings of John Eliot. No series of works relating to American history are more sought for ; and the collector who possesses a large part of either the Catholic or Protestant Rela- tions of Missions, while he has something to boast of, has still a long period of expectancy to keep alive his interest, before he will complete either one of them." — Field. ^^ ^^ 618 Eliot (John). The | Day-Breaking | if not | The Sun-Ris- ' ing I of the | Gospel | With the | Indians in New England. | Zach. 4, 10 I [motto 5 lines]. 4°, levant morocco^ by W. Ma- thews, pp. 1, 2, 25. London^ Printed hy Rich. Cotes, for Fulk Clifton, and are to he | sold at his shop under Saint Margarets Church on | New-fish street Hill, 1647. No. 2 of the series reprinted with the following title. / Cr^ 619 Eliot. The Day-Breaking, if not The Sun- Rising of the Gospel With the Indians in New England. 4°, cloth, uncut. New York : Joseph Sahin, 1865 iL^y.f^C 620 Eliot. The | Glorious Progress | of the | Gospel | amongst the | '' "^ Indians in New England.' | Manifested] By three Letters un- der the Hand of that fa- 1 mous Instrument of the Lord, Mr. John Eliot, | And another from Mr. Tliomas Mahew, jun : both Preachers of | the Word as well to the English as Indians in New England \ Wherin | the riches of Gods Grace in the effec- tuall calling of | many of them is cleared up : As also a mani- festation of the hungring | desires of many People in Sundry parts of that Country after the | more full Revelation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to the I exceeding Consolation of every Christian Reader. | Together, | With an Appendix to the foie- going letters hoi- 1 ding forth Conjectures Observations, and Application, j By I. D. Minister of the Gospel. | Published by Edward Winslow... | Small 4°, levant morocco, by Brddstreet. London, printed for Hannah Allen in Popes-head- Alley , 1649 This forms No. iv, of the Series. 89 621 Eliot (J.). Tears of Repentance : | Or, A further | Narra- . ^' ^ tive of the Progress of the Gospel \ Amongst the | Indians | in New-England : | Setting forth, not only their present state | and condition, but sundry Confessions of sin | by diverse of the said Indians wrought upon | by the saving Power of the Gospel ; To- gether with the manifestation of their Faith and Hope | in Jesus Christ, and the Work of Grace upon | their Hearts. | Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mahew, two Faithful Laborers | in that Work of the Lord. | Published by the Corporation for propagating the Gospel there, for the | Satisfaction and Comfort of such as wish well thereunto. 4°, levant morocco hy TF. Mathews, pp. (36), 47. London: Printed hy Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to he Sold at \ his Shop, at the Sign of the Printing- Press in Cornhill | near the Royal Exchang"^ . 1653. 622 Eliot (J.). A Further Account of the progress | of the | Gos- - ^; o pel I Amongst the Indians | In New-England : | Being | A Relation of the Confessions made | by several Indians (in the pre- 1 sence of the Elders and Mem- 1 bers of several Churches) in or- 1 der to their admission into | Church-fellowship. | Sent over to the Corporation for Propagating the Gospel of | Jesus Christ amongst the Indians in New England at Lon- 1 don, by Mr. John Elliot one of the Laborers in the Word | amongst them. | 4°, pp. (10) 76, levant morocco, by W. Mathews. London, \ Printed hy John Macock, 1660 Forms No. x and is one of the rarest of the series. From page 37 to 76 is occupied with the Confessions of Seven Indians, each given at length under his own name. The ratiocination involved in these re- ligious testimonies, as the production of aboriginal intellects, so lately incapable of numbering fifty seems incredible to us. Mr. Pierson, the interpreter, mast have given their stories a very liberal and forced translation. 623 Eliot. A Brief | Narrative | of the | Progress of the Gospel amongst | the Indians in New England, in | the Year 1670. | '• 5^ Given in | By the Reverend Mr. John Elliot, | Minister of the Gospel there, | In a Letter by him directed to | the Right Wor- shipfull the Com- 1 missioners under his Majesties | Great Seal for Propagation of the | Gospel amongst the poor blind Na- 1 tives in these United Colonies. 4to, pp. 11. London | printed for John Allen, formerly living in Little- Britian at \ the Rising- Sun, and now in Wentworth Street, near Bell- 1 Lane, 1671. Forms No. xi of the series and is extremely rare. *12 ■Sf 90 2 I /y 624 Eliot. A Brief Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians of New England. 1670. By Rev. John Eliot. With Introductory Notes. By W. T, R. Marvin. Boston, 1868 / A ^ 625 Ellet (Elizabeth F.). The Women of The Revolution. Portraits. 3 vols., 12°. iV. J., 1848 j/c^ 620 Ellicott (A.). The Journal of Andrew Ellicot, com- "^ ■ missioner for determining the Boundary between the U. S. and Mexico, with occasional remarks on the Situation, Soil, Na- tural productions and diseases of the different countries on the Ohio, Mississippi and Gulf of Mexico, with 6 maps. 4to, sheep. Fhiladelphia, 1803 Orip:inal edition of volume of great interest. 627 Elliott (Com. Jesse D.). Address delivered in Washington Co., Maryland, to His Early Companions, Nov. 24, 1843. pp. 82, with plans. Philadelphia, 1844 /(-T 628 Elliott (Wm.). Carolina Sports, Devil Fishing, etc. U- ^ lustrated. 12°. N. Z, 1859 /^ c--i^ 629 Ellis (E. S.). The Life of Tecumseh the Shawnee Chief, including Biographical Notices of Black Hawk, Corn Planter, Little Turtle, Taohe (the Brave), Captain Logan, Keokuk, and other distinguished Shawnee Chiefs. 12°, half hound. N. Y. 3^ 630 [Ellis (George E.).] Battle of Bunker Hill; Sketches of, with Illustrative documents. 16°. Charlestown, 1844 / -5^ 631 Ellis. An Oration delivered at Charlestown, Mass., 17 June, 1841, in commemoration of the Battle of Bunker-Hill. pp. 72. Boston, 1841 /, £^o 631* Ellis (E. S.). The Life of Ponfeiac the Conspirator, Chief of the Ottawas. Together with a full account of the celebrated siege of Detroit. By Edward S. Ellis. 12°, pp. 102. Beadle and Company London, New York, 1861 J?-5' 632 Eliza, The Chippeway Indian. 8", pp. 8. New York American Tract Society. ^ %6 633 Ellis (G. A.). New Britain. A Narrative of a Journey, by Mr. Ellis, to a Country so called by its Inhabitants, discovered in the vast Plain of the Missouri ; in North America, and in- habited by A People of British Origin. 8°, hoards, uncut. London, 1820 634 Emigrating Indians. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting information of the inadequacy of the lund for de- fraying the expenses attending the emigration of the Creek Indians, January 7, 1828. 8°, pp. 11. Washington : Printed hy "Gales & Seaton. 1828 .^0 91 1 i' 635 Emmons (Rbenezer). The Swamp Lands of North Carolina. 8°, paper. Raleigh, 1860 ^£' 636 Emmons (Col. Wm.). The Battle of Bunker Hill, a Poem. 12°. Boston. /J^' 637 Emory (W. H.). Notes of a Military Reconnoissanee, from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to San Diego, in California, in- cluding parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers. By W. H. Emory. 8°, clotli. Plates and maps. Washin(/ton, 1848 Contains some interesting particulars concerning the Pimo, Apache Navajo, and Maricopa Indians, with engravings of Indian Antiquities, and i^ortraits. .yb 638 Endicott (C. M.). Account of Leslie's Retreat at the North Bridge, on Sunday, Feb. 26, 1775. 8°, pp. 47. Salem, 1856 •^y 639 E[ngel] (E. B. d'). Essai sur cette question ; quand et ' comment I'Amerique a-t-elle ete peuplee, d'hommes et d'ani- maux ? par E. B. d' E[ngel]. 2 vols., 12°, calf. _ Amsterdam, Marc. Michel Rey, M DCC LXVII ip" 640 E[ngel] (E. B. d'). [Another Edition.] 4°, calf. Amsterdam, 1767 [Essay on tins question : When and how has America been peopled with men and animals ?J D'Engel, with great sounding of trumpets, that he is about to propound a theory of the population of America both novel and impregnable, asserts that it was antediluvian in its origin. He berates Grotius, DeLaet, and Hornius in detail, but he groups Acosta, Lescarbot, Brerewood, and Moraes with " plusiers ecri- vains," and dismisses them altogether with contempt. /^ 641 Entick (J.). General History of the Late War. Portraits, plates, &c. 5 vols., 8°, calf, London, 1765 ^ (JO 642 Eres (C. D. R. d'). Memoirs of Charles Denis Rusoe d'Bres, A Native of Canada, Who was with the Scanyawtauragah- rooote Indians eleven yeai*s, with a particular account of his Suf- ferings, &c. Small 12°. Exeter, 1800 If there ever existed a tribe of savages who were recognized by such a title, it was sufficient warrant for their extermination ; and judged by this rule the author himself had but little advantage. He termi- nates his narrative by marriage with a maiden of Spencer in New Hampshire.where he fixed his habitation in 1794. Whether the author Avas ever a captive to any savage tribe is somewhat uncertain ; his narrative is at all events little better than a fiction. It is one of the rarest of books relating to the aborigines. *- 643 EsQUlMUES. Tamedsa Johannesib aglangit, okautsinik tus- sarnertunik JesuseKristusemik Gudim erngninganik. Printed for the Use of the Christian Esquimaux in the Mission-Settle- ments of the United Brethren at Nain, Okkak, and Hopedale, on the Coast of Labrador 12°, half hound, pp. (2) 124. London, 1810 92 / [■''7 644 Esquimaux, piulijipta Testamentetak tame dsa, nalegapta ' Jesusib Kristnsib Apostelingitalo pinniarningit okausingillo. ... For the use of the Christian Esquiraaux in the Mission-Settle- ments of the United Brethren on the Coast of Labrador. 12°, sheep. London, 1840 The New Testament translated into the Esquimaux language. 2 S'^ 645 Essex Institute Historical Collections. 8 vols, in 4. Small 4°, doth. Salem, 1859 - 65 /. 5"r 646 Evans (E.) A Pedestrious Tour, of Four Thousand Miles through the Western States and Territories. 12°, boards, uncut. Concord, iV. H, 1819 Tlie slight value which attaches to this book is entirely in a few pages in which the author describes his visits to some western tribes of Indians. 'S'o 647 Evans (John). Reply of Governor Evans, of the Territory of Colorado. To that part referring to him of " the Report of the Conduct of the War," headed " Massacre of Cheyenne In- dians " 8°, pp. 16, 41, 1. Denver, Colorado Territory, 1865 Although, not in the immediate command of the murdering horde under Colonel Chivington, who perpetrated the frightful atrocities nar- rated under the title of " Condition of the Indian Tribes," yet he organ- ized the force, and is charged with having given the instruction to Colonel Chivington, which has made his name infamous. /< , C - 648 Evans (J.) A Journal of the Life, Travels, and Religious Labours of William Savery, late of Philadelphia, a Minister of the Gospel of Christ, in the Society of Friends, Compiled from his Original Memoranda. By Jonathan Evans. 12°. London, 1844 Savery was associated with John Heckwelder and the agents of the government, in a mission to the Indians of Ohio, on the occasion of the meeting of a grand council at Sandusky. It is a narrative of more than ordinary interest and value, as it adds the observations of an J. intelligent and scrupulous journalist. 4 JZ^ , ~ ^^^ Evans (L.). Geographical, Historical, Political, Philosophi- J ' cal and Mechanical Essays. The First, Containing an Analysis Of a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America ; And of the Country of the Confederate Indians j A Description / of the Face of the Country ; The Boundaries of the Confede- y^ rates ; and the Maritime aud Inland Navigations of the several /Rivers and Lakes contained therein. By Lewis Evans and D. Hall, mdcclv. 4°, pp. iv, 32 -j- map. Printed by B. Franklin. Wight's copy sold for f 40. ^^ ^t) 650 Events in Indian History. Beginning with an Account of the Origin of the American Indians and Early Settlements in North America, and embracing Concise Biographies of the principal Chiefs and head Sachems of the different Indian •A 93 Tribes, with Narratives and Captivities. Including [etc., 9 lines], illustrated with eight fine engravings. 8°, ^liee/p, pp. 633. Lancaster, 1841 651 Events in Indian History. Fhiladel/pMa, 1842 652 Everett (E.). An Address deli^'ered at Bloody Brook, in South Deerfield, September 30, 1835, in Commemoration of the fall of the " Flower of Essex," at that Spot, in King Phillip's War, September 18 (0. S.), 1675. 8°. Boston, 1885 'J.S^ 653 Everett. Speech on the Bill for Removing the Indians from the East to the West Side of the Mississippi, May, 1830. 8°j uncut. Washington, 1830 ,X^ 654 Everett (Mr.). Speech, on the 14th and 21st of February, 1831, on the Execution of tiie Laws and Treaties in favor of the Indian Tribes. 8°. Washington, 1831 655 [Everts (Jeremiah).] Essays on the Present Crisis in the Condition of the American Indians ; first published in the Na- ' tional Intelligencer, under the Signature of William Penn. 8°, half calf, pp. 116. Philadelphia, 1830 y. o o 656 Equemelin (J.). Bucaniers | of | America : | Or, a True | Ac- ' count I of the | Most Remarkable Assaults, | Committed of late Years upon the Coasts of | The West-Indies, | By the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, | Both English and French. | Wherein are contained more especially, | The unparallel'd Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our En- | glish Jamaican Hero, who Sack'd Puerto Velo, burnt Panama &c. | Written originally in Dutch, by John Esquemeling, one of the | Bucaniers, who was present at those Tragedies ; and thence | translated into Spanish by Alonso de Bonne-Maison, Doctor of | Physick and Practitioner at Amsterdam. | Now faithfully rendered into English. | 4°, half morocco, pp. (xii.) 115, 152, 124, xi. nine plates. London, Printed for William Grooke, at the Green Dragon loith I out Temple Bar, 1684. | The first English edition complete in three parts, the text of which is a beautiful specimen of the clear typography of the day, being greatly superior to the following. 'h-'^^ 657 Esquemeling. Bucaniers of America, &c. [>S'ome ^iWe]. The Second Edition, Corrected and Inlarged, with two Additional Relations, viz., the one of Captain Cook, and the other of Cap- tain Sharp. Now faithfully rendred into English. Four por- traits, six plates. London, 1684 This, altliough with the same date, is really a different, somewhat la- ter, and generally inferior edition to tlie first. The only point of superi- ority consists in the addition of the fourth part. The first three books of the second (Mlition are not unfreqiuiiitly found unacconii)anie(l by tlie ^1.^' 1c 94 fourtli, and the imperfect work is believed to be complete on account of tlie finis and the table. The relations of the Buccaneers are full of particulars of the Indians who two centuries since inhabited the islands and the main of the Caribbean Sea. The fierce French and English marauders who so constantly overcame the Spaniards, were as constantly checked or defeated whenever they assailed the Indians of the Isthmus or the adjacent countries. But the most noteworthy his- torical fact elucidated by this volume, is the proof of the retributive fruit of vengeance forever produced from the vile seeds of cruelty. The Spauiacd, who for a century and a half had devastated the coun- tries of the Indians, with cruelties born of hell, was now to become the prey of fiends as ferocious and vindictive but more powerful than himself. 658 " An Explanation of the Map which delineated that part of the Federal Lands, Comprehended between Pennsylvania, West Line, the Rivers Ohio and Sioto, and Lake Erie ; conformed to the United States by Sundry Tribes of Indians, ou the Treaties of 1784: and 1786, and now ready for Settlement. 8°, pp. 24. Salem : Printed hy Dabney and Gushing. MDCCLXXXVII 659 ExPLiCACiON, clara y sucinta de los priucipales misterios de Nuestra Sante Fe, oracion dominical, mandamientos y sacra- mentos en el idioma Mexicana a beneficio de los Indios y eu el Castellano. " Compuesta por un cura del Obispado de la Puebla... Small 8vo. Puehla, Imprenta del Hospital de S. Pedro, 1835 Clear and Succinct Explanation of the principal mysteries of Our Holy Faith. Dominical Discourse. Ordinances and Sacraments in the Mexi- can tongue, for the benefit of the Indians and in Spanish for those who aim at ministering to them. ^ii.r 660 Extracts from the Minutes of the Executive Committee on the Indian Concern of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. 12°, pp. 10. New York, 1870 / r '^ 660* Eyma (X). Les Peaux scenes de la vie des Indiens par Xavier Eyma. Le far west. Civilisation et Barbarie. Carac- teres generaux. Rip Van Winkle. La Chasse i\ Thomme. Epossee d'un jongleser. Le chef blanc. John Smith et Poca- hontas. Pontiac. Le roi Phillippe Le dernier des Mandans. Jjcs Natches. Les Caraibes. Conclusion. 12°, pp. 345. Paris D. Grraud, 1854 661 [Faillon (I'Abbe)]. Histoire de la Colonic Frangaise en Canada. Portrait. 3 vols, royal 8°, Ao^ morocco, mwcw^ Villemarie, 1865 "Concerning this History of the French Colony in Canada. See Field's Essay, No. 550. M\ 661* Fairbanks (Geo. R.). The Early History of Florida. 8°, pp. 32. St. Augustine, 1857 /^^ irj^' 95 ,.£r^ 662 Fairbanks. History and Antiquities of St. Augustine, Florida. Illustrated. 8°. N. F., 1858 r ^0 663 Falconer (R.). The Voyages, Dangerous Adventures And imminent Escapes of Captain Richard Falconer ; Containing The Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Indians in America; his Shipwrecks; his Marrying an Indian Wife; his narrow Escape from the Island of Dominico, &c. Intermixed with the Voyages and Adventures of Thomas Randal, of Cork, Pilot ; with his Shipwreck in the Baltick, being the only Man that escaped : His being taken by the Indians of Virginia, &c; Written by Himself, now alive. 12°. London^ 1720 '. '/ £i' 664 Falconer. [Another edition.] 18°. London ~ 665 Falkner (T.). A Description of Patagonia, and the Adjoin- ing Parts of South America : containing an Account of the Soil, Produce, Animals, Vales, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, &c. of those Countries ; the Religion, Government, Policy, Customs, Dress, Arms and Language of the Indian Inhabitants ; and some Par- ticulars relating to Falkland's Islands. By Thomas Falkner, Who resided near Forty Years in those Parts. Map. 4°, boards, British Settlements in the Bay of Honduras. Map, 8°, cloth, uncut. Hartford, 1774 /. rC 666 Fancourt (C St. J.). The History of Yucatan from its dis- covery to the Close of the Seventeenth Century. By Charles St. John Fancourt, Esq., recently H. M. Superintendent of the British Settlements in the Bay of Honduras. 8°, map, cloth, uncut. . London, 1854 |/^/^ 667 Fanning (Col. David). The Narrative of, giving an account ^ of his Adventures in N^rth Carolina from 1775 to 1783. Royal 8°, half morocco. New York, 1865 l^-^'' 668 Far West (The) or a Tour beyond the Mountains em- I bracing outlines of Western Life and Scenery. Sketches of the Prairies, Rivers, Ancient Mounds, Early Settlements of the French, etc. 2 vols., 12°, cloth. New York, 1838 ^.2^ 669 Far.mer (T.). Collections, Topographical, Historical, and Biographical, relating principally to New Hampshire. Edited by J. Farmer and J. B. Moore. 3 vols., 8°, hoards, uncut. 1822 The first subject announced as the purpose of these volumes in the Preface, is certainly well sustained by their contents, "Historical Sketches of Indian Wars, Battles, and Exploits ; of the adventvires and sufferings of the Captives." The work is in fact a copious cyclopaedia of ludiiin liistory ; narratives of captivities in their orioinal style with- out abridgment ; descriptions of Indian antiquities, with memoirs and anecdotes of Indian chiefs, and border fighters of the whites. 96 ^O 670 Farnham (T. J.). Life and Adventures in California and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean. 8°. New York, 1847 A large part is devoted to a narrative of the Jesuit mission among the Indians of California, and of personal adventures among tliem. /. b t) 671 Farnham (T. J.). Pictorial Edition. Life, Adventures, and Travels in California. By J. T. Farnham, to which are added, Conquest of California and Travels in Oregon. 8°. New York, 1855 / (^^ 672 Farnham. Travels on the Great Western Prairies, the Ana- ' huac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Territory. By Thomas J. Farnham.. 8°, cloth, uncut. London, 1843 The best edition, entirely distinct from his Life in California. Full of interest, and evidently written with fidelity. nul- 673 Farnham (T. J.). Travels. [Another Edition.] 8°. New York, 1843 ,3^ 674 Farnham (T. J.). Travels. [Another Edition.] 12°, cloth, pp. 197. Poughkeepsie, 1841 /'^/ 675 Featherstonhaugh (G. W.). A Canoe Voyage up The Minnay-sotor, with an Account of the Lead and Copper deposits in Wisconsin ; of the Gold Region in the Cherokee Country ; and Sketches of popular Manners; &c., &c., &c. 2 vols., S°, cloth, uncut. London, 1847 The author narrates many particulars of Indian life and manners, obtained by the aid of traditional and documentary evidence, as well as frv;m personal observation. ./y, ^ ^ 676 Federalist, The ; also The Continentalist and Other Papers, by Hamilton. Edited by J. C. Hamilton. 2 vols., imp. 8°, cloth, uncut. Phil, 1865 Large paper ; one hundred copies only printed. , ^> 677 Fellows (John). The Veil Removed. 12°. N. Y, 1843 _^^ 678 Feltman (Lieut. Wm.). Journal of 1781-82. ^°, hoards Philadelphia, 1853 n, ^K 679 Ferland (J. B. A.). Cours d'Histoire du Canada, 1534 - 1759. 2 vols., 8°, paper. $ue6ec, 1861 - 67 I [p^ 680 Ferland. Observations sur un ouvrage intitule. Histoire du Canada. Par M. I'Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg. 8°, uncut. Paris, 1854 97 .r'Q 681 Ferlus (L. D.). Nouvelle Notice sur les Indiens Arrives k Paris le 13 Aout, 1827. Observations curieuses sur Les Moeurs et les Coutaaies de leur Tribu Guirri^re; Par L. D. Ferlus. ... Deuxieme Edition, augmentee de details int^ressans sur le Se- jour des Six Indiens a Paris, et sur leur visite au roi. 12°, pp. 14. Paris, Martinet, 1827 New Notes on the Indians wlio arrived in Paris, August IStli, 1827. Curious Observations on tlie Manners and the Customs of their War- rior Tribe. ^ 682 Ferral (S. A). A Ramble of Six thousand Miles through the United States of America. 8°, half calf . London, 1832 The frontispiece is a fac simile of a portion of the Cherokee Phosnix. (y 5- 683 Fessenden (G. M.). The History of Warren R. 1. from the Earliest Times with particular Notices of Massasoit and his Family. 21°. Providence, 1845 3^ 684 Field (David D.). Centennial Address,... with Historical Sketches of Cronwell, Portland, Middletown,... etc. 12°. lliddletown, Conn., 1853 ^6" 685 [Field (D. D.).] History of the County of Berkshire. 12°, sheep. Pittsfield, 1829 \:l)'i> 686 Field (T. W.). The Battle of Long Island, with connected Preceding Events, and the v^ubsequent American Retreat;... with Authentic Documents. By Thomas W. Field. 8°, uncut. [ Brookli/n, 1869 7"^ 687 Field (The same). Large paper, imperial 8°, cloth. 1869 •2-i 688 Field. An Essay towards an Indian Bibliography. Being a Catalogue of Books, Relating to the History, Antiquities, Languages, Customs, Religion, Wars, Literature, and Origin of the American Indians, in the Library of Thomas W. Field. With Bibliographical and Historical Notes, and Synopses of the Contents of some of the Works least known. 8°, cloth, uncut. New York, 1873 The only work of its kind in existence. It is not a mere catalogue , but an analysis of the books themselves. The present catalogue is to a great extent an abridgment of this essay, with many additional titles. /^ 689 Field. Historic and Antiquarian Scenes in Brooklyn and its vicinity, with Illustrations of some of its Antiquities. Roy. 8°, cloth, uncut. Brooklyn, 1868 One hundred and ten copies only privately printed. S'O 690 Field. Pear Culture. Illustrated. 12°. New York, 1858 13 98 .yi)'' 691 FiLLEY (W.). Life and Adventures of "William Filley, who was stolen from his home in Jackson, Mich., by the Indians, August 3d, 1837, and his safe return from Captivity, October 19, 1866, after an absence of 29 years. 8°. Chicago^ 1867 //-/ c^'^ 692 FiLSON (J.). The Discovery, Settlement And present State of Kentucke : and An Essay towards the Topography, and Natural History of that important Country. To which is added An Appendix, containing, I. The Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, cue of the First Settlers, comprehending every important Occur- rence in the Political History of that Province. li. The Minutes of the Piankashaw Council, held at Post St. Vin- cents, April 15, 1784. ili. An Account of the Indian Nations inhabiting within the Limits of the Thirteen United States, their Manners and Customs, and Reflections on their Origin. IV. The Stages and Distances between Philadelphia and the Falls of the Ohio, from Pittsburg to Pensacola, and several other Places. — The Whole illustrated by a new and accurate Map of Kentucke and the Country adjoining, drawn from ac- tual Surveys. By John Filson. 8°, levant morocco^ pp. 118. Washington, printed hy James Adams, 1784 The work, like all those treating of early Western History, more than a quarter of a century ago, is rare. The author, one of the first narrators of border warfare, was himself killed by the Indians of Ohio. ^ ^ '3 693 Filson (John). Histoire de Kentucke, nouvelle colonic h I'ouest de la Virginie. Traduite de I'Anglois de M. John Fil- son ; Par M. Parraud. 8°, calf, map. Paris: mdcclxxxv. A French Translation of the former work, with some additions, and the only one which contains a map. //. ^-^ ■.-€ 102 729 Four Kings of Canada, The. Being | A Succinct Account of the I Four Indian Princes lately arriv'd | from North America | With I A particular Description of their Country | their strange and remarkable Religion, Feasts, | Marriages, Burials, Remedies fortheir Sick, | Customs, Manners, Constitution, Habits, | Sports, War, Peace, Policy, Hunting, Fish | ing, Utensils belonging to the Savages, with j several other Extraordinary Things worthy | Observation as to the natural or curious [ Productions, Beauty, or Fertility of that | Part of the World, j 12°, levant morocco, by Bradstreet, very rare. London^ John Baker, 1710 These Sachems were induced to accompany Colonel Schuyler to England, for the purpose not only of confirming the attachment of the Five Nations to the British interest as opposed to the French, but also to enlist that of the court in colonial affairs. See Smith's History of New Jersey, p. 366, Sabin's Dictionary, No. 2-5383. //^ 730 FoWLE (W. F.). Catalogue of Choice Collection of Books belonging to Wm. F. Fowle, Esq. Large Paper, half morocco. Cambridge, 1865 One hundred copies only printed. •^6 731 Fox (E.). Adventures of Ebenezer Fox. 18mo. Boston, n. d. I ^0 732 Fox (J.). Seizure of the Ship Industry, by a Conspiracy, and the Consequent Sufferings of Captain James Fox and his Companions; their Captivity among the Esquimaux Indians in North America, and the Miraculous Escape of the Captain. Plate. 12°. ' London, n. d. So.o'^ 733 FoXE (L.). North-VVest Fox, | or, | Fox from the North- west passage. | Beginning | with King Arthvr ,Malga, Oethvr, ) the two Zenis of Iseland, Esloti land, and Dorgia ; | Following with briefe Abstracts of the Voyages of Cabot, | Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gib | bons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge : Together with the j Courses, Distance. Lati- tudes, Longitudes, Variations. | ... M. James Hall's Three Voyages to Groynland, with a | Topographicall Description of the Countries, the Salvages | Lives and Treacheries, how our Men have beene Slayne | by them there, with the Commodities of all those | Parts ; whereby the Marchant may have Trade, and I the Mariner Iraploymeat ... By Captaine Luke Foxe ... 4°, levant morocco, hy Bradatreet. London, \ Printed hy B. Alsop and Thos. Favvce.t dioelUny in Grithstreet, | 1635 The Narratives and .Journals of early voyages to the Arctic territo- ries, of which this work consists, are filled with accounts of the ferocity and viudictiveness of the natives, traits of character for which the pre- sent Esquimaux inhabitants have never been remarkable. It is evi- 103 dent that tlie rp,ce of aborigines whicli alarmed the early navigators by their fierce warfare, has long passed away, and the place of the implacable red Indian been occupied by the mild fair-skinned Esqui- maux. See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 35410. /.^^ 734 Franca, Chrestomathia da Lingua Brazilica. Pelo Dr. Ernesto Ferreira Franga. 12°. Leipzig^ 1859 J C^ 735 Franchere (G.). Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America in the Years 1811, 18l2, 1813, 1814. Or the First American Settlement on the Pacific. Translated and edited by J. V. Huntington. 12°, doth. New York, 1854 The author was one of the party sent out by Mr. Astor, to establish his colony at Astoria. •J^ 7o6 Francis (John W.). New York during the last Half Cen- tury: A Discourse ... Nov. 17, 1857. 8°. N. Z., 1857 ^,'X^ 737 Francis. Old New Y'ork ; or, Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years, with a Memoir of the Author, by H. T. Tucker- man. Portrait. 8°, clolhuncut. JV. Y., 18G5 Large paper copy, of which 100 copies only were printed. 5^ ^ *" 738 Franklin (Benjamin). A Narrative | of the late | Massacres, | in I Lancaster County, | of a | Number of Indians, | Friends of the Province, | By Persons Unknown. | With some Observations on the same. | 8°, pp. 31. Printed in the Year mdcclxiv. | Relates the method in which the cowards of the frontiers revenged upon innocent and helpless old men, and young children, the outrages of Indian warriors whom they dared not meet. The inhuman slaughter of Christian men and women with their babes, by the mob of Scotch and Irish frontier settlers, is the most horrible picture of human phrensy this continent ever saw. The pamphlet is among the rarest of works relating to the history of Pennsylvania See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 25557. ^' c 739 [Franklin.] Two Tracts ; Information to those who would remove to America. And Kemarks concerning the Savages of North America. 8°. London, 1784 See Sabin's Dictionary, Nos. 25578, and 25594. ^, 2 "' 740 Franklin (J.). Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of ' The Polar Sea, in the years 1819,20, 21, and 22. With an Appendix on variou.s Subjects relating to Science and Natural History. Illustrated by numerous I^lates and Maps. 4°, hoards imctU, -|- 4 maps and 30 plates. London, 1823 ^'^0 741 Franklin (J.j. Third Edition. 2 vols., 8°, Aa^/" morocco, uncut. London, 1824 104 ' , 742 Franklin. Narrative of a Second Expedition to tte Shores V' "" of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1825, 1826, and 1827. Includ- ing an Account of the Progress of a Detachment to the Eastward. By John Richardson, Surgeon and Naturalist to the Expedition. Illustrated by Numerous Plates and Maps. 4°, cloth^ uncut. 31 plates, 6 maps. London^ 1828 /, / ^^ 743 Eraser (C). Reminiscences of Charleston. ... 8°. Charleston, 1854 /, t ? 744 Eraser (E.). Narrative of the Capture, Sufferings and Miraculous Escape of Mrs. Eliza Eraser... [from] Savages by whom Captain Eraser and his first mate were barbarously murdered and Mrs. Eraser after having been compelled to take up her abode in a wigwam and to become the adopted wife of the Chiefs, Mrs. E. was providentially rescued from her perilous situation. 8°. Newark, 1837 y^ 745 Erelinghuysen (T.). Speechof Mr. Erelinghuysen, April 6, 1830, on an Exchange of Lands with the Indians ...and for their Removal West of the Mississippi. 8°, pp. 44. Washington, 1830 (SS 746 Eremont (Col. J. C). Oregon and California. The Ex- ploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California.... 12°, cloth. Buffalo, 1849 r i7 747 Eremont. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, in the year 1842, to Oregon and North Cali- fornia in the Years 1843-44. Maps and Plate. 8°. Washington, 1845 7^j 748 Eremont (J. C). Narrative. 12°, sheep. Syracuse, 1846 / ^CC 749 Erench (B. F.). Historical Collections of Louisiana, cm- bracing many rare and valuable documents relating to the Natural, Civil and Political History of that State, compiled with Historical and Biographical Notes, and an Introduction, By B. F. French. Six vols., 8°. New York, 1846-69 This collection is remarkable for the immense amount of material relating to the aborigines of America, being almost wholly composed of memoirs and narratives, in the language of the original explorers. Contains, La Salle's memoir, Joutel's Journal of Mississippi, and Hennepin's account of Mississippi. Marquette and Joliet's voyage, De Soto's exyjedition, and Coxe's " Carolana." La Harpe's establishment of the French in Louisiana, Charlevoix's journal — Account of the Natchez Indians ; massacre of the French by the Natchez. Narratives of the voyages, missions, and travels among the Indians, of Marquette, Joliett, Dablon, Allouez, Le Clercq, La Salle, Hennepin, Membre and Douay, by J. G. Shea. Dumont's memoir of transactions with the Indians of Louisiana. Penicaut's Annals of Louisiana, and account of the manners, customs, and religion of the Indian tribes, Laudonniere's History of Jean Ribault's three voyages to Florida. 105 /. 750 Freneau (P.). Poems relating to the American Revolution. With ... Memoir and Notes By Evert A. Duyckinck. Port. 12°. N. Y., 1865 l^i.^ 751 Frezier (Amedee Francois). A Voyage to the South-Sea, And Along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, in the Y,ears 1712, 1713, and 1714. Particularly describing The Genius and Con- stitution of the Inhabitants, as well Indians as Spaniards : Their Customs and Manners; their Natural History, Mines, Commodities, Traffick with Evrope, &c., with 37 Copper-Cutts. 4°. calf. London, 1717 The relation of M. Frezier has always been highly esteemed from his character as an author of great truthfulness, as well as for the nu- merous exact maps with which it is illustrated. Many curious particu- lars which he observed of the aborigines of the countries in South America that he visited are given. M. Frezier was among the earliest to describe the use of the quipu, or knotted cord diary of the Peruvian Indians. ' C^ 752 Friendly Advice to the Gentlemen Planters of the East and West Indies. By Philotheos Phystologus. 1Q°, calf. Lond.,lQS4: ' ^0 753 Frisbie (L.). A Discourse, Before the Society for Propagat- ing the Gospel among the Indians, and others, in North Ame- rica.... 8°. CAar^estoww, 1804 ^ 754 Frost (J.). The Book of the Indians of North America, illustrating their Manners, Customs, and Present State. 12°, doth. New York, 1845 i S'^ 755 Frost. Border Wars of the West ; And embracing Indi- vidual Adventures among the Indians, and Exploits of Boone, Kenton, Clark, Logan, and other Border Heroes. 8°, cloth. Auburn, 1853 The plates are colored with an outrage of taste aboriginally charac- teristic. |/5_ 756 Frost. Heroic Women of the West ; comprising Thrilling Examples of Courage, Fortitude, Devotedness, and Self-sacrifice among the Pioneer Mothers of the Western Country. 12°, pp. 348. Philadelphia : Hart, 1854 757 Frost. Indian Battles, Captivities and Adventures. 12°, cloth. New York, 1858 ./"Tj 758 [Frost.] Indian Wars of the United States. From the ^ Discovery to the Present Time. With Accounts of the Origin, Manners, Superstitions, etc., of the Aborigines. From the best Authorities. By William V. Moore. 8°, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1858 -This compilation of events in Indian history, although issued under the imputed authorship of Mr. Moore, is really another guise for that Protean character, John Frost, LL.D. 14 ^2 106 'SP "759 Frost. Indian Wars of the United States, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 8°, 52 plates. New Yorh and Auhurn, 1856 / (y^ 760 Frost. Pictorial History of the United States. 4 vols, in 2. 8°, sheep. FUladelpMa, 1846 Xp-v 761 Frothingoam (R.). The Command in the Battle of Bunker Hill ; with a Reply ... to S. Swett. 8°. Boston, 1850 /_^ p_o 762 Frothingham. History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill. Maps and Plates. 8°. Boston, 1849 / ^ ^ 763 Frothingham. Life and Times of Joseph Warren. Portrait. 8°, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865 ^ 0- ^ 764 FuNES (Gregorie). Ensayo de la Histovia Civil del Para- guay, Buenos Ayres y Tucuman Escrita por el Doctor D Gre- gorio Funes, dean de la Santa Iglosia Catedral de Cordova. 4°, 8 vols. Buenos Ayres : Imprenta de M. J. Gauda- rillas y Socias, 1816 Essay towards the civil history of Paraguay, Buenos Ayres and Tucu- man. These three volumes form the most important history of these three provinces, that of Father Charlevoix being more particularly confined to Paraguay. Treating almost wholly of the period, prior to the middle of the eighteenth century ; the work of Funes, is a history of the Indians and their wars with the Spaniards. /r§ C^^ 765 FuRMAN (G.). Notes, Geographical and Historical, relating to the Town of Brooklyn, in King's County. 12°, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut, by W. Matthews. Brooklyn, 1824 Fine copy of the original and rare edition. /. X ^' 766 FuRMAN. The Same. Reprinted for the Faust Club. 4°, uncut. Brooklyn, 1865 ■ cO 111 FuRMAN (6.). Appendix containing "Charters and Otiier Documents relating to the City of Brooklyn, pp. 62. Brooklyn, 1836 S^O c 778 Gage (T.). New Survey of the West Indies Containing A Journal of Three Thousand and Three hundred miles within the mainland of America. Wherein is set forth his Voyage from Spain ( ) to 3Iexico, With a description of that great City as it was in former times and also at this present. Like- wise his Journey from Mexico through the Provinces of Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagua, with his abode Twelve years about Guatemala, and especially in the Indian-towns of Mixco, Pinola, Petapa, Amatitlan. Also 107 A New and exact Discovery of ... fashions, behaviour of Span- iards, priests and friars Blackmores, Mulattos, Mestisos, Indians, and of their Feasts and Solemnities. With a Grrammar, of some Rudiments of the Indian Tongue called Poconchi or Pocoman. By the true and painfull endeavors of Thomas G-age. Folio, calf. London, 1648 First and best edition of this countries work concerning w hich See Rich, Wrangham, Southey's Aramana I, and Sabine's Dictionary No. 26298. 779 GrALE (G.). Upper Mississippi : or, historical Sketches of the Mound-Builders, the Indian Tribes,, and the Progress of Civilizatioti in the North-West, From A. D. 1600 to the Present Time. By George Gale. 12°, pp. 460. Portrait. Chicago: Clarke and Company, 1867 Fourteen chapters of this volume occupying 320 pages are entirely devoted to the history of the aborigines of the West. The chapter titles sufficiently indicate the scope of the work. The Mound-Builders, Pontiac War, Catholic and Protestant Missions. The Illinois Confed- eracy. The Winebago Confederacy. The Sioux Confederacy. The Chippaway Confederacy. The material of this work has been carefully collected, and aflFords very minute and accurate information regarding the western tribes of Indians. ', 6^*^ 780 Galicia (D. F. C). Silibario de Idioma Mexicano, dispuesto por el Lie. Faustino Chimalpopoca Galicia 12°. Mexico, 1859 . S'o 781 [Galloway (Joseph). Letters to a Nobleman on the Con- duct of the War in the Middle Colonies. Second Edition. Map. 8°. London, 1779 Written to demonstrate the shameful misconduct of the English generals in the American War. See Rich, i, 277. / a^ 782 Gabangula, The Ongua-honwa Chief: A Tale of Indian Life, among the Mohawks and Onondagas, Two Hundred Years Ago. 8°, uncut. Milwaukee, 1857 783 Garcia (G.). Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mondo e Indias Occidentales, averiguado con discurso de opiniones por el Padre Presentado Fr. Gregorio Garcia, de la Orden de Pre- dicadores. Tratanse en este Libro varia'S cosas,y puntos curiosas, t^ocantes ti diversas Ciencias, i Facultades, con que se hace varia ■ Historia, de mucho gusto para el Ingenio, i Entendimiento de Hombres agudos, i curiosos. Segunda Impresion. Enmendada, y Anadida de algunos opiniones, 6 cosas notables, en maior prueba do lo que contiene, con Tres Tablas mui puntuales de los Capitulos, de las Materias,y Autorcs, que las tratan Dirigido al Angelico Doct. St. Tomas de Aquino, Con Privilegio Real. Folio,' half calf En Madrid, 1729 Origin of the Indians of the New World, and West Indies, supported by a discourse and opinions by Fray Orcgorio Garcia. In this book %V'' 108 various tilings and curious points are treated of, relating to various Sciences and Professions, together with a varied History much to the taste of the Mind and Understanding of learned and curious men. Second edition. Amended and increased vnth some opinions or nota- ble things, as a farther proof of the contents. With three tables of the Chapters, Materials and Authors which treat of them. The author spent twenty years as a missionary among the Indians of South Ame- rica, and applied himself with the greatest zeal to the study of the antiquities of the country. This work was the result of his researches, prepared for publication after his return to Spain. See Field's Essay and Sabin's Dictionary, No. 26567. /^ C' (^ 784 Garcilaso de la vega. La Florida del Ynca. Historia / ' del Adelantado, Hernando de Soto, Grouernador y Capitan gen- eral del Reyno de la Florida y de otros heroicos Caualleros Es- panoles e Indies escrita per ei Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega, Captain de Su Magestad natural de la gran ciudad del Cozco, Cabega de los Reynos y prouincias del Peru. 4°. En Lishoa, 1605 /^fC 785 Garcilaso de la Vega. Primera parte de los Commen- tarios Reales, que tratan, de el Origen de los Incas Reies, que fueron del Peru, de sv Idolatria, Lues y Govierno, en paz y en Guerra. De svs vidas, y Conquistas, y de todo lo que f'u§ aquel Imperio, y su Republica, antes que los Espanoles pasaran a el, Escritos per el Ynca Garcilaso de la Vega, ... Segunda impres- sion, Eneniendada y anidada la Vida de Inti Cusi Titu Inpan- qui, penultimo Inca; Con dos Tablaa; una; de los Capitulos, y otra, de las Cosas Notables. Folio, vellum. Madrid, 1723 First Part of the Royal Commentaries, treating of the Origin of the Incas or Kings who reigned over Peru. Of their Idolatries, Laws, and Government in peace and in war : of the Reigns and Conquests of the Incas ; and of all that transpired relating to their Empire and Common- wealtli before the discovery of the country by the Spaniards. Written by the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, a native of Cuzco and Captain of his Majesty. Second edition, with corrections and additions. ^"^fb 786 Garcilaso de la Vega. Historia General del Peru, trata el descubrimiento de el y como lo ganaron, los Espanoles : Las Guerras Civiles, quS huvo, entre Pizarros, y Almagros, sobre la partija de la Tierra. Castigo, y levantimiento de tyraanos y otros sucesos particulares, que en la Historia se contienen. Es- crita por el Ynca Garcilaso de la Vega ; ... Segunda Impression enemenda y anidida con dos tablas, una de los Capitulos, y otra de las materias. Ano. 1722. Folio. Vellum. Madrid, 1723 General History of Peru : treating of the discovery of the country, and of the manner in which it was conquered by the Spaniards. Of the Civil Wars between the Pizarrists and the Almagrians, about the division of the land. Of the insurrection of the rebels, and their punish- ment ; with other particulars of succeeding events, contained in the history. Second Edition, with emendations and additions. 109 787 GrARCiLASO DE LA Vega. La Florida del Inea. Historia ^^ del Adelantado, Hernando de Soto, Gouvernador, y Capitan ) general del Reino de la Florida ; y de otros heroicos Caballeros Espanoles e Indies. Escrita por el Inca Garcillaso de la Vega. Van enemendadas en esta impression, rauchas erratas de la Pri- mera : Y anadida Copiosa Tabla de las Cosas Notables. Y el ensaio Cronologico, que contiene las succedas, hasta en el ano de 1722, Folio, vellum. Madrid, 1723 The Florida of the Inca. History of the Adelantado Hernando de Soto, Governor, and Captain General of the Kingdom of Florida ; and of other heroic gentlemen, both Spaniards and Indians. A new and amended edition with many corrections of the first. 788 G-ARCiLASO BE LA Vega. Histoire des Yneas, Rois du Perou, depuis le premier Yuca Manco Capac, fils du soliel, jusqu' a ) o Atahualpa dernier Ynca ; ou Ton voit leur Etablissement, leur Religion, leur Loix, leurs Conquetes ; les marveilles du Temple du Soliel ; & tout I'Etat de ce grand Empire, avaut que les Espagnols s'en rendissent maitres. Traduite de 1' Espagnol de r Ynca Garcillasso de la Vega. On a joint a cette edition 1' Histoire de la Conquette de la Floride, par le meuie Auteur &c, Avec des Figures dessinees par feu B. Picart le Romain. 2 vols., 4°, calf. Amsterdam, 1737 This translation into French contains Qarcilaso de la Vega's two works, Thelncas of Peru, and the Conquest of Florida, and Hennepin's Discovery of a Country greater than Europe. The engravings are from Picart. 789 Garcilaso de la Vega. The Royal Commentaries of Peru f-.^ in Two Parts, The First Part Treating of the Original of their '^ Incas or Kings ; Of their Idolatry ; Of their Laws and Govern- ment both in Peace and War ; Of the Reigns and Conquests of the Incas j The Second Part Describing the manner by which that new World was conquered by the Spaniards. Also the Civil AVars between the Pizarrists and the Almagrians, occa- sioned by Quarrels arising about the Division of that Land ; Of the Rise and Fall of Rebels, and other Particulars contained in that History. Illustrated with Sculptures. Written originally in Spanish by the Inca Garcillasso De La Vega, and rendered into English by Sir Paul Rycaut K'. Folio, ca^. London, IQ'S^ The author was the son of one of the conquerors of Peru, Garcilaso de la Vega, by the daughter of the Inca Huallpa Tupac, and sister of Huayna Capac Inca, the last native monarch of Peru. He was so proud of both paternal and maternal origin, that while he assumed the Spanish name of the first, he was careful to assert his Incarial descent. He was evidently a gentleman of refinement, and possessed of much more learning than was usually acquired by the conquestadors themselves. Tliat one of Indian blood, and a descendant of the proud race of the Incas, slioukl have bcseu the most industrious and careful historian of the evil fortunes of his race, and the chronicler of the vic- tories of their concpii^-ors, may well excite our surprise. / ^ 110 790 Garden (A.). Anecdotesof the Revolutionary War in Ame- -^~' V u rica, with Sketches of Character of Persons the most distin- guished, in the Southern States, for Civil and Military Services, Charleston, 1822 [Also] Anecdotes of the American llevolution, illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes and Patriots, who acted the most conspicuous parts thereon. Second Series. 2 vols., hoards, uncut, scarce. 1822-28 6 ^^-' 791 Garden. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War. 8°, half calf. Charleston, 1822 f^ 792 Garden. Eulogy on Gen. Chs. Cotesworth Pinckney. 8°, / half calf Charleston, 1825 793 Garland (H. A.). The Life of Joiin Randolph of Roanoke. Portrait. 2 vols., 12mo. N. Y., 1851 / , 3 f^ 795 Gardiner (A. F.). A Visit to the Indiaus on the Frontiers of Chili. 8°, 3 plates, 1 map. London, 1841 / ^iT 795 Garrard (L. H.). Wah-te Yah, and the Taos Trail ; or, Prairie Travel and Scalp Dances. Witha look at Los Rancheros, from Mule back and the Rocky Mountain Camp Fire. 12°, cloth. New York, 1850 ^ 0 850 Griffith (Thos W.). Sketches of the Early History of Maryland. 8°, boards. Bolt., 1821 ^"y^' 851 Grotius. Hvgonis Grotii de Origins Gentivm Americanvm Dissertatio. Small 4°. [Paris,'] 1642 Grotius on the Origin of the American people, the first of that long series which provoked such animosity between the learned scholars Grotius, Laet, Horn and others. JjL'c o 852 Guinnard (A.). Three Years' Slavery among the Pata- gonians ; an Account of his Captivity, By A. Guinnard, member of the Geographical Society of France. Post 8°, cloth uncut. London, 1871 /j^^ 853 GuMiLLA. Historia Natural, civil y geografica de las Na- ciones situadas en las Riveras Del Rio Orinoco. Su autor el Padre Joseph Gumilla, Missionero que fue de lasMissiones del Orinoco, Meta y Casanare. Neuva Impression ; Mucho mas correcta que las anteriores, y adornada con oche laminas finas, que manifiestan las costumbres y ritos de aquellos Americanos. Corregido por el P. Ignacio Obregon de los Clerigos Menores. 2 vols., 4°, ccdf. Barcelona, 1791 Natural, civil, and geographical History of the Nations situated on the River Orinoco. New Edition, with many corrections of the first, adorned with eight copperplate engravings illustrative of the customs and religious ceremonies of these Indians. The third Spanish edition. The object of the work is but poorly expressed in the author's own title, as more than three-fourths of it is devoted to a minute description of the government, peculiar customs, religious rites, domestic habits, and ceremonies of the Indians inhabiting the shores of the Orinoco and its tributaries. ^L IIT jr-^ 854 GuMiLLA (P. J.). Histoire Naturelle, Civile et Geographique de L'Orenoque, et des principales Rivieres qui s'y jettent. Dans laquelle ou traite du Govvernuient, des Usages, & des Cou- tumes des ludiens qui 1' habitent ... Par le P. Joseph Gumilla ... Superieur des Missions d I'Orenoque. Traduite de rEspagnol ... 3 vols., 18mo, sheep. Avignon et Marseille, 1758 Natural, Civil, and Geograpliical History of the Orinoco, and of the principal rivers which empty into it. In which is treated, the Govern- ment, the Habits, and Customs, of the Indians which inhabit the Country. •(qO 855 Gunnison (J. W.). The Mormons. 12°. Philadelphia, 1852 . Q.^ 856 Haight (N.). Argument and Appeal in behalf of the Re- mains of the Revolutionary Patriots, who died in the Sugar- House Prison in Liberty Street and Others, Soldiers of the War of 1812, &c. 8°, pp. 31. New York, 1854 857 Hakluyt (R.). The Principal Navigations, Voiages, and Discoueries of the English nation, made by Sea or ouer Land, to the most remote and farthest distant Quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : Deuided into three seuerall parts, according to the positions of the Re- gions whereunto they were directed. ... Including the English valiant attempts in Searching almost all the corners of the vaste and new world of America from 73 degrees of Northerly lati- tude Southward to Meta Incognita, Newfoundland, the Maine of Virginia, the point of Florida, the Baie of Mexico, all the Inland of Nona Hispania, the coast of Terrafirma, Brasill, the riuer of Plate, to the Streight of Magellan : and through it, and from it to the South Sea to Chili, Peru, Xalisco, the Gulfe of California, Noua Albion vpon the backside of Canada, further than euer any Christian hitherto hath pierced. Whereuuto is added the last most renowned English Nauigation round about the whole Globe of the Earth. By Richard Hakluyt ... Folio. (Jalf. Imprinted at London hy George Bishop and Ralph Newherie, 1589 " Contains an invaluable treasure of nautical information, which, even at this day, affix to the name of Hakluyt a brilliancy of reputa- tion, which a series of ages can never eflface or obscure." Zouch's Life of Sir Phili2} Sydney. ^'♦'^ ^ 858 Hakluyt. Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of Ame- rica and the Islands adjacent. Collected and Published by Richard Hakluyt. ... Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by John Winter Jones of the British Musuem. 8°. London : printed/or the Hakluyt Society, M.DCCC L, I p o 859 Hale (S). Annals of the Town of Keeue, from its first Settlement to 1790 ; with Corrections, Additions, and a Con- tinuation from 1790 to 1815. 8°, cloth. Keene, 1851 118 ^',^ 860 Haliburton (T. C.)- Historical and Statistical Account of ''" Nova-Scotia. Plates, 2 vols., 8°, 6oarf7s. Hal!fax,\m'd One of tlie earliest works of the author, who is more widely known as " Sam Slick." / , £'(^ 861 Halkett (J.). Historical Notes respecting tlie Indians of North America; with remarks on the Attempts made to Con- vert and Civilize them. 8°, half mor.^ uncut. London, 1825 • /O 862 Hall (Basil). Travels in North America. 12°. Phil, 1829 / ^^ 863 Hall (C. F.). Arctic Researches and Life among the Es- quimaux, being the Narrative of an Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, in the years 1860, 1861 and 1862, by Charles Francis Ilall. Maps and Illustrations. 8°, chtli, uncut. New York, 1866 % S'C 864 Hall (C. F.). Life with the Esquimaux : The Narrative of Captain Charles Francis Hall, of the Whalinj: bark " George Henry " from the 29th May, 1860, to the 13th September, 1862. With the results of a long Intercourse with the Innuits, and full description of their Mode of Life, the discovery of Actual relics of the Expedition of Martin Frobisher of three centuries ago, and deductions in favor of yet discovering some of the survivors of Sir John Franklin's Expedition. London, 1864 '^{T 865 Hall (Ed. B.). Discourse ... before the Rhode Island His- torical Society, On the Life and Times of John Howland. 8°, pp. 36. Providence, 1855 0-'/^ 866 Hall (F. and A.). Narrative of the Capture and Provi- dential Escape of Misses Francis and Almira Hall, two Young Women (Sisters), of the ages of 16 and 18, who were taken Prisoners by the Savages at a Frontier Settlement, near Indian Creek, in May last, when fifteen of the Inhabitants fell Victims to the Bloody Tomahawk. Plate. 8°, pp. 24. &t. Louis, 1832 p.- CO 867 Hall (H.). The History of Auburn. 12°, cloth. Auburn, Dennis Bros. & Co., 1869 /. fo 868 Hall (James), Legends of the West. 12°, half morocco, uncut, pp. 435. Cincinnati , Applegate and Company, 1857 A collection of tales, having no relation to Indian life. '&0 869 Hall (J.). Sketches of History, Life and Manners in The West. 12°, cloth. Philaddphia, Harrison Hall, 1835 /, /^ 870 Hallett (B. F.). Rights of the Marshpee Indians. Argu- ment of lienjamin F. Hallett, Counsel for the Memorialists of the Marshpee Tribe. 8°, uncut. Boston, J. Howe, printer, 1834 119 %^ 871 History of the United States, The, for 1796 ; including a view of interesting Particulars relative to the Federal Govern- ment previous to that period. Philadelphia, 1797 iSo 872 Hamilton. Observations on Certain Documents Contained in No. V and vi of " The History of the United States for 1796," in which the charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton ... is fully refuted. Written by Himself 8°, uncut. Philadelphia, 1797 Tins is a reply to Callendar's charges against Hamilton in wliicli the latter remarks : " My real crime is an amorous connection with Rey- nold's wife." See page 18. 2^ 873 Hamilton. Observations. [Another Edition.] Philadelphia, 1800 2^ 874 Hamilton. Letter concerning the Conduct of John Adams. Also An Answer to the same. 2 vols., uncut. 1800 So 875 Hamilton. Report on Public Credit. 8°, uncut. 1795 9^" 876 Hamilton. Discourse on the Death of General Hamilton. By Eliphalet Nott. 8°, uncut. Augusta, 1805 877 Hamilton. The Same by John McDonald. 8°, uncut. Albany, 1806 878 Hamilto.n. a Sermon on the Death of Hamilton, by James Abercrombie. 8°. PUl, 1804 879 Hamilton. Oration on the Late Alexander Hamilton. By J. M. Mason. 8°, %incut. N. Y., 1806 2.S' 880 Hamilton. Eulogy on Gen. Alexander Hamilton. By H. G. Otis. 8°, uncut. Boston, 1806 els' 881 Hamilton. Another Edition. S°, uncut. Albani/, ISOQ .'^^'' 882 Hamilton. Another copy. 8°, no title" page. 1806 '^d 883 Hamilton. Letter to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds. By Tom Callender, Esq. S°;uncut. A^ 7., 1802 884 Hamilton. The Hamiltoniad. By Anthony Pasquin, Esq. [John Williams.] 2 parts, 8°, uncut, very rare. 1806 885 Hamilton. Official Reports on Public Credit a National Bnnk, Manufacture and a Mint. 8°, half ccdf. Phila., 1821 886 Hamilton. The Official and other capers of the Late Alex. Hamilton. Vol. 1, 8°. ' N. Y., 1842 887 Hamilton (A.). Works of xMexander Hitmilton Comprising his most important Official Reports ; an Improved Edition of the Federalist, and Pacificus. 3 vols., 8°. N. Y., 1810 4-' . 120 ^■oo 888 Hamilton (Maj. Genl. Alexander). A Collection of Facts and Documents relative to the Death of Hamilton. By the editor of the Evening Post [William Coleman.] 8°, hoards, scarce. A: Y., 1804 /. %6 889 Hamilton. Life and Times of, by Samuel M. Smucker. Portrait. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1859 .^6' 890 Hamilton (James). Memoir of Kichard Williams, Surgeon to the Patagonian Missionary Society in Terra dell Fuego. 12°, cloth. ^ London : James Nishet & Co., mdcccliv /, yS' 891 Hamilton Club Publications, ComprisingLife of Hamilton, by J. Williams ; Observations of Certain Documents ; by Hamilton. The Hamiltoniad by J. Williams; Letters to Hamilton, King of the Feds, [by Tom Callendar]. 4 vols., 8°, uncut. Printed for the Hamilton Cluh [y. tZ.] A complete set, very scarce. ^S '^ 892 Hamor (R.). a Trve Discourse Of the Present Estate Of Virginia, and the successe of the affairs there till the 18 of Tune, 1614. Together with Relation Of The Seuerall Eng- lish Townes and forts, the assured hopes of that countrie, and the peace concluded with the Indians. The Christening of Powhatan's daughter, and her marriage with an English-man. Written by Raphe Hamor the younger late Secretarie in that Colony. Folio, cloth. [^Albany : Reprinted by J. Munsell, 1860 '/^ 893 Hampton (W.). Memorial of the Representation of Wade Ham.pton, For the Confirmation of their Claims and to Land in Louisiana. 8°. Washington, 1837 894 Hanckel (Thos, M.). Oration on the Fifth Anniversary of the S. Carolina Hist. Soc, May 23, 1860. 8°, pp. 34. Charleston, 1860 / ^5 895 Hancock (J.), and Warren (J.). ...Two Orations in Com- memoration of the ... 5th of March, 1770. To which is added, an Account of the Captivity of Mrs. Jemimah Howe, taken by the Indians at Hinsdale, N. H., July 27, 1775. Small 8°. ^Reprint'], 1825 /.3^ 896 Hanna (J. S.) A History of the Life and Services of Cap- tain Samuel Dewees, a native of Pennsylvania, and Soldier of the Revolutionary and Late Wars. Also, Reminiscences of the Revolutionary Struggle (Indian War, Western Expedition, Liberty Insurrection in Northampton County, Pa.) and Late War with Great Britain. In all of which he was Patriotically Engaged. 12°, sheep. Baltimore, 1844. 121 897 Hanson (E.). An Account of the Captivity of Elizabeth Hanson, Nor. or L., Late of Kachecky, in New-England : Who, with four of her Children, and iServant-Maid was takeo Captive by the Indians, and carried into Canada. Setting forth The various remarkable Occurrences, sore Trials, and wonderful De- liverances which befel them after their Departure, to the Time of their Redemption. Taken in Substance from her own Mouth, by Samuel Bownas. The Second Edition. 12°. London^ m.d.cclx. 897* Hanson [The same]. 12°, pp.28. London: James Phillips. 898 Hanson (J. W.). History of the Old Towns Norridgewock and Canaan, comprising Norridgewock, Canaan, Starks, Skow- hegan, and Bloomfield, from their early Settlement to the year 1849; including a Sketch of the Abnakis Indians. 12°. Boston, 1849 899 Hanson History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner, with a Sketch of the Kennebec Indians, and New Plymouth Purchase, comprising Historical Matter from 1602 to 1852; with Genealogical Sketches of many Families, By William Palmer. Engravings. 12°, cloth, pp. 343 (4). Gardiner, 1852 900 Hanson (J. H.). The Lost Prince, or the Identity of Louis XVIII, and the Rev, Eleazer Williams, Missionary among the Indians of North America. 12°, cloth. New York, 1854 901 Harbison (M.). A Narrative of the Sufferings of Massy Harbison, from Indian Barbarity, giving an Account of her Captivity, the Murder of her Two Children, her Escape with an Infant at her breast ; together with some Account of the cruelties of the Indians on the Allegheny River, &c., during the years 1790, '91, '92, '93, '94. Communicated by Herself. 16°, pp. 66, half levant morocco ; (very scarce). Pittsburgh : Printed hy S. Bngles, 1825 902 Hardy (C). Sporting Adventures in The New World ; or Days and Nights of Moose-Hunting in the Pine Forests of Acadia. By Lieut. Campbell Hardy, Royal Artillery. 2 vols., cloth, uncut. London, 1855 The author's intimate associates in his sporting adventures, the Micmac Indians, occupy the largest share of his very interesting nar- rative, and some new particulars regarding the numbers and charac- teristics of the aborigines may be found in his volumes. 903 Hardy. Forest Life in Acadie. Sketches of Sport and Nat- ural History in the Lower Provinces of the Canadian Dominion. By Captain Campbell Hardy ... 12 plates, 8°, pp. viii, 371. Consists of Incidents of personal association with individuals of the Micmac and Milicete tribes of Indians, 16 %^. O 11,^0 122 904 Hariot (T.). Aduiiranda Narratio Fida tamen, de Comnio- dis et Incolarum Ritibus Virginiae, uvper admodvin ab Anglis, qvi a Dn. Ricbardo Greinvile Eqvestris Ordinis Viro .eo ia Coloniam Anno M d.lxxxv dedvcti svnt inventae, Svmtis fa- cieute Dn. Waltero Ralegb Eqvestris Ordinis Viro Fodinaru Stanni praefecto ex Auctoritate Serenissime Reginae Angliae. Anglico Scripta Seruione, a Thoma Hariot, eivsdem Walteri Domestico, in earn Coloniam misso vt Regionis sitvin diligenter observaret Nvnc avtem primvm Latio donata 5, C. C. A,. Folio, calf. Francoforti ad moemim Typis Iannis Wecheli, Sumtibvs vera TJieodori de Bry Anno Clo lOXC The illustrations, from plates engraved by Tlaeodore de Bry, are of extraordinary beauty. They are all representations of savage life, principally of the Indians of Virginia, and although more or less im- aginative, have been reproduced in a score of works, from Montanus to Lafiteau, and of all sizes from folio to duodecimo. The English edi- tion printed in the same year is extremely rare, having brought one thousand dollars in the Stevens sale at Boston in 1870. It has been reproduced in facsimile by the photo-lithographic process by J. Sabin and Sons, with the following title : 906 Hariot. A brief and true report of the new found land of Virginia, of the Connuodities and of the nature and manners of the Natural Inhabitants. Discouered by the English Colony there seated by Sir Richard Greinvile Knight In the Yeere 1585. Which remained Vnder the gouernment of twelve monethes, At the special charge and direction of the Honoura- ble Sir Walter Raleigh Knight lord Warden of the Stanneries, who therein hath beene favored and authorised by her Majestic and her letters patents : This fore book Is made in English by Thomas Hariot. ... Folio. Franckfort, 1590. \_New York : Reprinted hy J. Sabin and Sons, 1871] The original of this edition is among the rarest of books, five or six copies only being known. Stevens's copy sold in Boston for $975. y See Sabin's Dictionary. &'-'■' 907 [Harlow (Lawrence).] The | Conversion | of an | Indian | in a i Letter | to a | Friend. Portrait, signed Lawrence Harlow. London, 1774 908 Harmon (D. W.). A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interiour of North America, ... from Montreal nearly to the Pacific Ocean, a distance of about 5,010 miles. ... To which are added, A concise description of the face of the Country, its In- habitants, their Manners, Customs, Laws, Religions, etc. 8°, half morocco. Andover, 1820 This Journal purports to have been only revised and published by Mr. Daniel Haskell, but he is said to have introduced religious reflec- a^'^ 123 tions not made by the author. Harmon's narration of events among and peculiarities of the Indian tribes is believed by those familiar with him, and the regions he visited, to be correct ; but the life of a fur- trader, dispensing fire water to the Indians, while daily witnessing the murders it produced, was not favorable to religious emotions. Mr. ■ Haskell makes the writer reject the proffer of an Indian concubine by her father, with very proper pious emotions ; but Mr. Schoolcraft inti- mates that the latter were not more consonant with his character than the story of his continence. A copious vocabulary of the Cree or Knistenaw language is given on pp. 385 to 413. The journal of events in his life as an Indian trader, terminates at page 273, and two subdi- visions entitled " Account of the Indians living East of the Rocky Mountains," and "Account of the Indians living West of the Rocky Mountains," are evidently written by another hand, perhaps from Harmon's dictation, ./b 909 Harris (T. M.). The Journal of a Tour into the Territory Northwest of the Alleghany Mountains ; made in the Spring of the Year 1803. With a Geographical and Historical Ac- count of the State of Ohio Illustrated with Origiual Maps Views. 8°, hoards, uncut. Boston : 1805 A portion of the book is devoted to a " Sketch of the Wars and Treaties with the Indians." ^6" 910 Harrison (W. H.). A Discourse on the Aborigines of the Valley of the Ohio. In which the Opinions of the Conquest of that Valley by the Iroquois, or Six Nations, in the Seven- teenth Century, supported by Cadwallader Colden, of New York, Governor Pownall, of Massachusetts, Dr. Franklin, the Hon. De Witt Clinton, of New York, and Judge Haywood, of Ten- nessee, are examined and contested. By William Henry Har- rison.... 12°, pp. 47. Very scarce. Boston : WiUiam D. Ticknor^ 1840 loO-- 911 Harrison. The Life of William Henry Harrison comprising an accurate description of the Council with Tecumseh, as well as the Victories of Tippecanoe, Fort Meigs, and the Thames. 8°, boards. Philadelphia, 1840 ,^^'^ 912 [Harrisse (Henry)]. Bibliotheca Americana Vetustis- sima ... A Description of Works relating to America, published between the years 1492 and 1551. Roy. 8°, cloth, uncut. N. Y., 1866 Notwithstanding same typographical and other inaccuracies, this is the most complete and satisfactory work of its kind. Mr. Stevens has hit the author rather hard on the subject of " Ander Schiffart," but ad- mits the utility of the book. l50 913 Harkisse. Notes pour Servir a I'histoire, a la bibliographie et a la Cartographic de la Nouvlle-Franc et des pays adjacents 1545-1700 ...12°, half morocco. Paris: lihrairie Tross, 1872 Notes upon the history and bibliography and cartography of Canada and adjac(.'nt countries. 124 /Z) 914 Hart (A.M.). Valley of the Mississippi. 8°. St Louis, 1852 !L ,o^ ^ 915 Hartford in the Olden Time. 8°, cloth, uncut. Hartford, 1853 /. e' 3 916 Hartley (B.C.). Life and Adventures of Lewis Wetzel, The Virginia Ranger, to which are added Biographical Sketches of General Simon Kenton, General Benjamin Logan, Captain Samuel Brady, Governor Isaac Shelby and other heroes of the West. 12°, cloth. Philadelphia, 1860 / , C" 917 Hartley. Life and Times of Colonel Daniel Boone, com- prising History of the Early Settlement of Kentucky. ... To which is added Colonel Boone's Autobiography. 12°, cloth. Philadelphia, 1860 /<^^' 918 Harvey (H.). History of the Shawnee Indians, from the year 1681 to 1854, inclusive. By Henry Harvey ; a Member of the Society of Friends. 12°, Portrait, and pp. 316. Cincinnati, Ephraim Morgan & Sons, 1855 One of the most simple and veritable narrations of facts relating to the Indians ever printed. See Field's Essay, No. 663. / .^^ 919 Hastings (L. W.). A New History of Oregon and California : Containing complete descriptions ... with the Oregon Treaty and Correspondence ... By Lansford W. Hastings ... 8°. Cincinnati, George Conclin, 1847 /.^(^ 920 Haswell(A.). Memoirs and Adventures of Captain Mathew Phelps; ... particularly in ... Voyages to the River Mississippi. 12°, sheep, very scarce. Bennington, 1802 Sc--' 921 Hatch (W. S.). A Chapter of the History of the War of 1812 in the Northwest, Embracing the Surrender of the North- western Army and Fort, at Detroit, August 16, 1812 ; with a Biographical Sketch of Tecumseh. By Colonel William Stanley Hatch. 12°. Cincinnati, 1872 ^'^ 922 Haven. Washington and His Army during their march through and return to New Jersey, in December 1776 and Jan. 1777. 8°, pp. 56. ' Trenton, 1856 /.^t' 923 Haven (C. C.)- Thirty Days in New Jersey Ninety Years ago. An Essay revealing New Facts in Connection with Wash- ington and his Army in 1777. Plate and map. 8°, pp. 72. Trenton, 1867 3.17- 924 Haven (S. F.). Archaeology of the United States, or Sketches, Historical and Bibliographical, of the Progress of In- formation and Opinion respecting Vestiges of Antiquity in the United States. 4°, half morocco. New York, 1856 dj% 125 925 Hawes (B.). Tales of the North American Indians and Adventures of the Early Settlers in America. By Barbara Hawes. Foolscap, 8°, cloth^ uncut, pp. xii, 362. London, Longman & Co., 1844 A collection of anecdotes and narratives of Indian life and warfare, some of which are from sources not now easily accessible. y,^^ 926 Hawkins. Sketchof the Creek Country with a Description of the Tribes, Government, and Customs of the Creek Indians by Col. Benj. Hawkins, for Twenty Years Resident Agent of that Nation. Preceded by a Memoir of the Author and a His- tory of the Creek Confederacy. ... 8°, cloth, pp. 88. Savannah, 1848 ?/^"^ 927 Hawkins (C). The Adventuresof Christopher Hawkins, con- taining " Details of his Captivity, a first and second time on the High Seas, in the Revolutionary War, by the British, and his consequent sufferings, and escape from the ' Jersey ' Prison Ship, then lying in the Harbour of New York, by swimming." Now first Printed from the Original Manuscript. Written by Himself. With an Introduction and Notes by Chas. I. Bush- nell. Illustrations. 8vo, pp. 316. New Yoric : Privately Printed, 1864 ^^ 928 Hawkins (R.). The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins Knt in his Voyage into the South Sea in the year 1593, Reprinted from the Edition of 1622, Edited by C. R. Drinkwater, Captain R N. 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. xvi. 246. London: Printed /or the BaMuyt Society, 1847 \'2-^ 929 Hawkins' Picture of Quebec, with Historical Recollections. 12mo. Quebec, 1834 ' '^/ 930 Hawks (Francis L.). The Early History of the Southern States : Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Illustrated by Tales, Sketches, Anecdotes, and Adventures. With necessaryengravings. By Lambert Lilly, Schoolmaster. 8°. Philadelphia : Key, Mickle da Biddle, 1832 931 Hawks. History of North Carolina: with maps and illustra- tions. By Francis L. Hawks. 2 vols., 8°. Fayetteville, N. C. : Published by E. T. Hale & Son, 1859 Dr. Hawks's plan of writing history is ingenious and peculiar enough to have been of his own invention. He first prints some original docu- ment, or reproduces a rare tract, and to it appends his own historical narrative. On pages 100 to 140 he reprints Ralph Lane's Account of Virginia, with the Map of the Indian Towns, and on 190 to 231, The two voyagresof John White with the " Map of Indian Localities. Volume it, pp, 388 to 437, are occupied with the documents relating to the war with the Tuscaroraa, and pacres 507 to 557 with the author's narrative » of the events which caused it, and the incidents occurring during its progress. ^/ 126 - , 932 Haynes (Mr.). Speech of Mr. Haynes, of Georojia, in Reply / to Mr. Everett, of Massachusetts, on the Indian Question. 8°, uncut, pp 13. Washinyton, Frinted hy Duff Green, 1831 ■^0- 933 Haywood. The | Civil and Political | Hi.story | of the | State of Tennessee, | from its! Earliest Settlement | up to | the year 1796 ; I including the | Koundaries of the State | By John Hay- wood I 8°, levant morocco, by Bradstreet, pp. 504. Printed for the Author j by Heiskel and Broivn, | Knoxville Tenn., \ 1823 This work, only less rare than the Aboriginal History contains a large portion of material relating to the border warfare with the In- dians, narrated in the last mentioned work. The speculative and an- tiquarian portions and descriptions of mounds are omitted in this volume, but the story of Indian contlicts and massacres is narrated with greater detail and minuteness, filling much the larger portion of the work. The story of the formation of the State of Franklin, and the civil war which ensued, is a chapter of American history but little known, and scarcely exceeded in interest by any other. ^2 .^^ '' 934 Haywood (John). The | Natural and Aboriginal | History j of I Tennessee, | up to the | First Settlements therein | by the ) White People | in the j year 1768. | By John Haywood | of the County of Davidson, in the State of Tennessee. | 8°, levant mo- rocco, by Bradstreet, pp. viii, 390. Nashville : | Printed by George Wihon, | 1823 In this book, now exceedingly rare and highly prized, the author has brought together a very large number of curious facts, relating to the origin and character of the natives of his State, prior to the settle- ment by the whites. He does not favor the hypothesis of great anti- quity in the Indian nations of America, and believes in their common origin with the Caucasian race. He describes with great minuteness and care the relics of the race which once inhabited the territory, its utensils, skeletons, crania, and fortifications, most of which he appears to have personally inspected. /. S(^ 935 HXZARD (S.). The Register of Pennsylvania devoted to the preservation of Facts and Documents. 16 vols., 8°. boards. Philadelphia, 1828-36 And every other kind of useful information respecting the state of Pennsylvania. /f-:dC 936 Hazart(C.). KerckelyckeHistorievandegheheele \Yereldt... Tnde welcke verhaclt worden de gheleghenthedeo der landen, manieren, ceremooien, ende Religien der inwoonders, muer uaemelijek de verbreydinghe des H. Gheloofs, xMartelaren, ende andere Cloceke Roomsche Catholijcke daeden, inde vier ghewes- teu des wereldts, met over de 40 Copere platen vergiert. Beschreven Door den Ecrw P. Cornelius Hazart Priester der 127 Societeyt Jesu. Het eerste deel. Vervattende de Rijcken eode landen van Jopouien China Morgor Bisnagar, Peru, Mexico, Brasilieu, Florida, Canada, Paraguarien, Maragnan. Folio, calf, pp. X. 484 (36). T' Antwp.rpien : Michael Cnohhaert, m.dc.lxxxii. 3,3 937 Hazart. Kirchen-Geschichte, das ist : Catholisehes Chris- tenthum durch die gantze Welt auszgebreitet, Insonderheit Bey nachst verflossenen, und anjetzo fliessenden Jahrhundert ... 12 vols., fol. 1834 Church History of the whole world principally of the foregoing and present century ; in which is narrated the situation of tlie Countries, the Manners, Ceremonies, and Religion of the Inhabitants but more especially of the Propagation of the Holy Gospel, of the Martyrs, and other acts of the Roman Catholics. The plates are beautifully drawn and engraved, and exhibit the various forms of torture and massacre by which the missionaries and their converts were put to death, with the most vivid and painful fidelity. •^0 938 Hazlitt (W. C). British Columbia aad Vancouver Island. Map. 16°, hoards. London, 1858 ^,0 939 Head (F. B.). Rough Notes taken during Some Rapid Journeys across The Pampas and among the Andes. By Captain F. B. Head. 12°, half calf . Boston, 1827 Besides his descriptions of the rude life of the savage Guachos, and the fearful atrocities of the Salteadores, both of the Creole or Mestizo race, the author gives an account of " The Indians of the Pampas." /,5?' 940 Headlet (J. T.). Washington and His Generals. Portraits. 2 vols., 12mo. New York, 1847 I' ^6 941 Heard (I. V. D.). History of the Sioux War and Massacres of 1862 and 1863. By Isaac V. D. Heard. With Portraits and Illustrations. 12°, half morocco uncut, pp. 354. New York, 1865 ^.cJ 942 Hearne (S.). A Journey from Prince of Wales' Fort in Hudson's Bay, to The Northern Ocean. Undertaken by order of the Hudson's Bay Company, for the Discovery of Copper- Mines, A North West Passage &c., In the Years 1769, 1770, 1771, ^ 1772. By Samuel Hearne. Maps and Plans. 4°, half morocco. London, 1795 ^•^ 943 Hearne. [Another Copy] 4:°, hoards, uncut. London, ITd^ 1 .6'(^ 944 Hearne. [Another Edition]. 9>° , hoards, uncut. Duhlln, 1796 The most satisfactory narration of the life and peculiarities of the northern Indians is by honest old Hearne. Nothing can be more vivid than his de8cripti<3ns of their savage customs, their brutal indifference to their own as well as others' sufferings, and their horrible massacres of rival tribes. 128 JI.C^'^ 945 Heath (William). Memoirs of Major-General Heath. Con- taining Anecdotes, Details of Skirmishes, Battles and other Military Events during the American War. Written by Him- self. 8°, calf. Boston, 1798. /o C> 946 Heckewelder (J.). A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from its Commencement, in the year 1740 to 1808. Compris- ing all the Remarkable Incidents which took placie at their Missionary Stations during that Period. Interspersed with Anecdotes, Historical Facts, Speeches of Indians, and other In- teresting Matter. By John Heckewelder, many years in the service of that Mission. Portrait, 8°, half morocco. PMladelpMa, 1820 The narrative o^ this mission is a history of the noblest labors of the human race. Heckewelder's narrative is a full and undoubtedly faith- ful record of all the details of the Mission, its wonderful success and its appalling destruction. He was able to give a thousand particulars from personal experience, and it is at once an interesting story abound- ing in veritable incidents, and a valuable history, fortified by impreg- nable facts. ^" fci 947 Heckewelder (J.). Histoire Moeurs et Coutumes des Na- tions Indiennes qui habitaient autrefois la Pennsylvanie et les etiits voisins : par le Reverend Jean Heckewelder, Missionnaire Morave, Traduit de I'Anglais par le Chevalier Du Ponceau. 8°, pp. (iv) 5 1, 522. Paris : J. De Bure, 1822 The Preface by the translator, the learned Du Ponceau, whose in- terest in the aboriginal history of America has never been excelled by any scholar of Anglo-Saxon origin. JL'(^ 948 Heckewelder (J.). Names which the Lenni Lennape or Delaware Indians gave to Rivers, Streams, and Localities with- in the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Vir- ginia, with their Significations ; prepared for the transactions of the Moravian Historical Society, from a MS. by John Hecke- welder. By William C. Reichel. 8°, pp. 58. Bethlehem: H. T. Clauder, Printer, 1872 /.^"^ 949 Helps (A.). The Life of Las Casas, "The Apostle of the Indians." By Arthur Helps. Map, post 8°, cloth. Philadelphia, 1868 2.^ 950 Helps. The Spanish Conquest in America, and its relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of the Colonies. By Arthur Helps. 4 vols , 8°. London : Parker, Son, & Bown, 1861 129 ,/^ 950* Helps. [The Same.] 4 vol., 8°. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1857 The whole of this noble work is devoted to a history of the relations of the Indians of America to its Spanish invaders; and the effect of their occupation, and conquest upon the population, religion, and manners of the aborigines. The various narratives and histories, which describe the awful destruction of many Indian nations by the Spaniards, are criticised with true philosophical acumen, and the veracity and capability of their authors fairly examined. •^6 951 Hemenway(A. M.). Vermont Historical Gazetteer, a Maga- zine embracing a History of Each Town, Civil, Ecclesiastical, Biographical and Military, edited by Abby Maria Hemenway. Vols. 1 and 2. 8°, cloth uncut. Burlington, Vt., 1867 3^ 952 Henderson (G.). Account of the British Settlement of Hondu- ras; being a view of its commercial and agricultural Resources, Soil, Climate, Natural History, &c. To which are added, Sketches of the Manners and Customs of the Mosquito Indians, preceded by the Journal of a Voyage to the Mosquito Shore. Illustrated by a Map. Second Edition, enlarged By Capt. Henderson, 41th Regt. 8°, Map and pp. XI.+237. London, R. Baldwin, 1811 953 Hennepin (L.). Description de la Louisiane, nouvellement Ir decouverte au Sud'Ouest de la Nouvelle France, par ordre du |Roy. Avec la Carte du Pays : Les Moeurs & la Maniere de vivre ' des Sauvages. ... Parle R. P. Louis Hennepin, Missionaire Re- collect & Notaire Apostolique. A Paris chez Aniahle Auroy, mdclxxxviii An exact reproduction of the first edition of 1683, in the style and number of pages ; but some slight verbal changes prove that it is a reprint. ^ 1 S^O 954 Hennepin (R.). Nouvelle decouverte d'un tres grand Pays ^jf Situe dans I'Amerique, entre Le Noveau Mexique, et La Mer Glaciale, Avec les Cartes, et les Figures necessaires, et de plus I'histoire Naturelle et Morale, et les grantages, qu'on eu peut tirer par I'etablisement des Colonies. Le tout dedie a Sa Maj- , estie Britanique, Guillaume III. Par le R P. Louis Henne- I pin. A Utrecht Chez Guillaunie Brodelet, MDCXCVII This is the first edition of the first part of Hennepin's larger work, which was the next year translated into English, and published under the title, A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. The work includes the substance of his first book, but more minutely describes the characteristics of the Indian tribes through which he passed. It was very exactly reproduced in English, even to the divisions into chapters and the tables of contents, maps and plates. The preface con- taining a lengthy narration of his embroglio with Mr. La Salle, his own o'rder, and the French government was very greatly abridged. The second part was not published until the following year. 17 ^.-/^' /■v 130 / -/ ^ / -— 955 Hennepin. Nouveau Voyage d'un Pais plus grand que / I'Europe Avec les reflections des entreprises du Sieur de la Salle, sur les Mines de St. Barbe, &c. Enrichi de la Carte, de figures expvessivesjdes njoeurs &manieres devivre des Sauvages du Nord, & du Sud, de la prise de Quebec Ville Capitalle de la Nouvelle France, par les Anglais. & des avantages qu'on peut retirer du cheiuin recourci de la Chine & du Japon, par lemoiea de tant de Vastes Contrees, & de Nouvelle Colonies. Avec approbation & dedie a sa 3]ajestie Guillaume III. Roy de la grande Bretagne. Par le R. P. Louis Hennepin. 12mo. Chez Antolne Schonton, 1698 Father Hennepin very properly terms tliis, bis third volume ; being a relation of subsequent discoveries ; of La Salle's assassination ; and of the customs of tribes of Indians, unnoticed in bis former vporks. The recent acquisition of these three volumes, enables me to correct im- pressions obtained from bibliographical notices of Hennepin's works, which governed me when the note to No. 685 was written. This vol- ume is almost perfectly reproduced in the Second Part of the English version, entitled Contimiation of tlie New Discovery. Even the long, rambling preface, is in this instance presented to us unmutilated. All subsequent top. 184, of the English entitled An Account of Several New Discoveries in N. A., is not to be found in the French editions. This account occujiying 44 pp. purports to be from the hand of Henne- pin ; who perhaps added it at the instance of the English publisher. His first work printed in 1683, and again in 1688 ; has never been pub- lished in English. It formed the basis for the other two, in which^all its material was reproduced. /'^,- 956 Hennepin (L.). A | New Discovery | of a | Vast Country in America, | Extending above Four Thousand Miles, j between j New_ France and Nev? Mexico. | With a | Description of the Great Lakes, Cata | racts, Rivers. Plants, and Animals : Also, the Manners, Customs and Languages of the | several Native Indians; and the Advantage of | Commerce with those different Nations. | With a | Continuation, | Giving an Account of the Attempts of the Sieur De la Salle upon the | Mines of St. Barbe &c. The Taking of | Quebec by the English ; With the Advan- tages I of a Shorter Cut to China and Japan | Both Parts Illus- trated with Maps, and Figures, | and Dedicated to His Majesty K William. | By L. Hennepin, now Resident in Holland. | To which is added, Several New Discoveries in North- | America, now publish'd in the French Edition. | 8°. London : 1698 It has been the fashion until late in this age, to deride the work of Father Hennepin, as smacking of the marvelous. Indeed, some of our savants have endeavored to prove that the very excellent Father Re- collect never saw any of the wonders he narrates. This severe criti- cism proceeds from sources which entitle him to the benefit at least of a doubt of its impartiality. First. Father Charlevoix, who cast the first cloud of suspicion, was a missionary priest of the Jesuits, who were at one time under the ban in New France through the influence 131 of the Recollects, to wliicli order Father Hennepin belonged. Second. The author lost the support of his own brethren of the order of Recol- lects by neglecting or refusing to return to his duties in America as a missionary. Accordingly retired to Utrecht in Holland." Field. ■ %^'> 958 Henry (A.). Travels and Adventures in Cauadi^ and the Indian Territories between the years 1760 and 177(3. In two parts. Portrait, 8°. New York: I. Riley, 1809 His narrative of the details of his long captivity is very interesting, and has been deemed the most authentic we have, relating to the domestic habits of the northern Indians. %'l^ 959 Henry (J. J.). An Accurate and Interesting account of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes, who traversed the Wilderness in the Campaigns against Quebec in 1775. 12°, sheep. Lancaster, 1812 f^^i> 960 Herb-RT (C). a Relic of the Revolution, Containing a Full and particular Account of the Sufferings of the ... Ame- rican Prisoners in England ... Also an Account of Paul Jones. 16°, cloth, Boston, 1847 %pO 961 Heriot (G.). Travels through the Canadas, Containing a Description of the Picturesque Scenery on some of the Rivers and Lakes ; with au account of the Productions, Commerce and Inhabitants of those Provinces. To which is subjoined a Comparative View of the Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations of North and South America. By George Heriot, Esq.... Illustrated with a Map and Numerous Engravings from Drawings made at the several places by the Author. 24 plates. 4°, hoards, pp. xii. 602, London : R. Phillips, 1807 Part Second contains a minute description of the peculiarities of various nations of American aborigines, principally derived from other printed works. The last thirty-one pages are filled with Father Rasle's Vocabulary of the Algonquin language. y"^ 962 Heundon (W. L.),and L Gibbon. Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon made under the Direction of the Navy Depart- ment, by W. Lewis Herndon and Lardner Gibbon. 4 vols., 8°. Washington, 1854 Contain minute, accurate, and very interesting accounts of the abo- rigines of the Andes, and the Amazon and its tributaries. %' c 963 Herran (H.). Historica | Relatio, | de | Apostilicis | Missioni- bus I patrum | Societntis Jesu | apud | Chiquitos, Paraquadriae populos, I primo | Hispano idomate conscripta | a | P. Joan : Pa- tricio Fernandez, | dein ad typura promota | A. P. Hieronyrao Ilcrran, | procuratorc gencrali provincioo Paraguariae, | utroque 132 Societatis Jesu Sacerdote, | Anno m.dccxxvi. | Hodieinlinguam Latiiiam translata 1 ab | alioejusdem Societatis Jesu Sacerdote. | Cum iicentia superiorum. 4°, vellum, uncut. August X Vendrlicornm JSvmptibus Mathise, Wolff., Bihliopolse, M.DCCCXXXIII Historical lelation of the missions of the fathers, of the Society of Jesus, amonor the Chignitos, a people of Paraguay, first written in the Spanish Language. 1'^f 964 Herrera (A. de). Historia General de los Hecli's de los "^ I Castellanos en las Islas i Terra Firme del Mar Oceanos. Escrita per Antonio de Herrera, Coronista Mayor de su m^ de las Indias y sv Coronista de Castilla. En quatro Decadas desde el Ano de 1492, hasta el de [1] 531. 4 vols., folio, vellum. En Madrid en la Imprenta Real de Nicolas Rodriguez franco Ano de 1726 General History of the Proceedings of the Castilians in the Isle and Mainland of the Ocean Sea, written by Antonio de Herrera, First Chronicler of His Majesty for the Indies and his Chronicler for Castille. *}_'/o 965 Herrera. Histoire Generale des Voyages et Conqvestes des Castilians, dans les Ilsles & Terre-feruie des Indes Occidentales. Traduite de rEspagnol d'Antoine d'Herrara, Historiographe de sa Maieste Catholique, tant des Indes, que des Royaumes de Castille. Par N. de la Coste. Ou Ton voit la prise de la grande ville de Mexique, & autres Provinces par Fernand Cortes; Sa Fondation, Les rois qui la gouvernerent ; La Commencement & fin de cet Empire ; Leurs Coutunies & Ceremonies ; Les graudes revokes qui y sont arrivez; Les Contestations qui eurent les Castilliaus & les Portugais sur 1 afiiette de la ligne de partage de leurs conquestes ; l^a decouverte des Isles Philippines par Hernando de Magellan ; Sa mort, & autres choses remarquables. Dedidie a Monseigneur le premier President. ihree vols , 4°, calf. Nicolas & lean de la Coste, M DC.LX-LXX [General History of the Voyages and Conquests of the Spaniards in the Islands and Continent of the West Indies. Translated from the Spanish of Antonio Herrera by N. de la Coste. In which history will be found, The Conquest of the great city of Mexico and other Provinces by Hernando Cortes, with its Foundation ; The Native Kings who governed it ; The Commencement and end of that Empire ; The Cus- toms & Ceremonies of the Natives ; The great insiirrection which oc- curred. The Contests between the Spaniards and Portuguese regarding the boundaries of their respective Conquests, etc.] ^- Q c 966 Herrera (A.). The General History of the vast Continent and Islands of America, Commonly call'd the West-Indies from the fir.st Discovery thereof: With the best Accounts the People could give of their Antiquities. (Collected from the Original Relations sent to the Kings of Spain. liy Antonio de Herrara ... Translated into English by Capt. John Stevens. Illustrated 133 with Cuts and Maps. The Second Edition. 15 plates, maps. 6 vols., 8°, calf. London. Wood & Woodivard, 1740 No one has ever disputed the fidelity of old Herrera, styled the Prince of Historians, to the sources of information then accessible, and no one has ever exceeded him in careful research, and interesting narration of aboriginal history. He sought and obtained many of the original docu- ments, which the industry and spirit of the old missionaries and ex- plorers made so numerous and voluminous. He copied, almost bodily, the MS. History ot the Indies by Las Casas. Mr. Squier notices that he has transferred almost the entire MS. Relacion of Palacio, to his Fourth Decade. His work is a perfect treasure-house of the most valu- ble details, regarding the original state of the religion and manners of the Indians. /-j7 967 [Hewatt (Alexander).] An Historical Account of the Rise 2.''^ and Progress Of the colonies of South Cnrolina and Georgia. 2 vols , 8°. Printed for Alexander Donaldson Load.., M.DCC.LXXIX Dr. Hewatt's work published in the third year of America was evi- dently written sometime prior to the revolutionary period as it is only in the last chapter that he refers to the colonial claims for independence. He gives a full account of the war with the Yamasee Indians and its causes in Chap. V, of the first volume. Chapter X, almost wholly oc- cupied with an account of the war with the Cherokees. A narrative of Sir Alex. Cumming's treaty with that nation, and ofthe embassy of seven of their chiefs to England is found, in chapter seven. / c '> 968 Hewes (Geo. R. T.). Retrospect of The Boston Tea Party. Portrait. 12°. Neio York, 1834 'Hi 970 Hewes (Joseph). A Collection of Occurrences and Facts, known by living Evidences, and also recorded in a public Man- ner, in printed and written Papers, now in Being, and indispu- ' tably true. pp. 46. (^London). 1775 ^•c o 971 [HiLDRETH (James).] Dragoon Campaigns to the Rocky Mountains ; being a History of the Enlistment, Organization and first Campaigns of the Regiment of United States Dragoons, together with Incidents in a Soldier's -life and Sketches of Scenery and Indian Character By a Dragoon. 8°, cal/\ pp. 288. ^ Mew York, Wiley & Long, 1836 1:0-^^ 972 HiLDRETH (R). The History ofthe United States of Ame- rica, from the Discovery ofthe Continent to the organization of Government under the Federal Constitution. 3 vols., 8vo, New York, 1819. Also The History of the United States of xVmerica, from the adoption of the Federal Constitution to the end of the Sixteenth Congress. In all 6 vols., 8°, sheep. New York, 1851 ^,L^^ 973 HiLDRETH (S. P.). Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio with Narratives of Incidents and Occurences in 1775, by S. P. Hildreth. 8° roan, pp. 539. Cincinnati, 1852 " I have never seen a copy of this book with Meigs' Journal, an- nounced in tlie title as ' annexed.' " 134 / -2 f 974 HiLDRETH (SO- Contributions to the Early History of the ' North- West, including the Moravian Missions in Ohio. By Samuel P. Hildreth, M.D. Calf, Vlmo. pp.240. Cincinnati : Poe & Hitchcock^ 1864 The incidents of border warfare and Indian life seem to have been gathered from the personal experience of the author, during fifty years' residence among the actors whose deeds are narrated. ^ /^ 975 Hildreth. Pioneer History : beino; an Account of the first Examinations of the Ohio Valley, and the Early Settlement of The Xorth-west Territory. Chiefly from Original 3Ianuscripts ; Containing the Papers of Col. George Morgan ; those of Judge Barker; The Diaries of Joseph Buell and -John Mathews; The Records of the Ohio Company, &c., &c., &c., by S. P. Hildreth. PI. & Map. 8° sJipep. pp. xiii, 525. Cincinnati and New York, E. W. Derby & Co, 1848 The journals and narratives of Indian scouts and rangers, of Indian agents for forming treaties with the tribes of the West, and of captives among them, are transcribed in this volume in the exact language of the authors. These are all interwoven in the history, with a multitude of incidents of Indian warfare. ■tA 976 Hill (G. C). Benedict x\ruold, a Biography. 16mo. Boston, 1858 I IL c <^ 977 Hill (J.). Trial (at large) of James Hill; otherwise. James Hind ; otherwise, James Actzen : for Feloniously, Willfully, and Maliciously, Setting Fire to the Rope- House, in His Ma- jesty's Dock-Yard at Portsmouth. ... March 6, 1777. pp. 40. Extremely rare. London : G. Kearsly, n. d. j2^^ Also, a Short Account of the Motives which Determined the Man called John the Painter ; and a Justification of his Con- duct Written by Himself, and sent to his Friend, M. A. Tom- kins, with a Request to publish it after his Execution. 2 vols., Folio, haff morocco, gdt top, uncut. Very rare. London: Williams, 1777 Important for the History of the American Revolution. The sub- ject of this trial was better known as John the Painter. ^. ^ 6 978 Hind (H. Y.). Explorations of the Interior of The Labrador Peninsula ; the Country of the Montagnais and Nasquapee In dians. By Henry Youle Hind. ... 12 plates, 2 maps. 2 vols., 8°. London, Longman, 1863 All that Mr. Hind undertakes, is done so thoroughly that little more could be indicated, to complete the exhaustion of his subject. All the peculiarities of the aboriginal races of Labrador, which a stranger would be permitted to observe, he noted. 135 979 Hind. Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857 and of the Assinniboine and Saskatchewan ^^^ Exploring Expedition of 1858. By Htmry Youle Hind ...In charge of the Assinniboine and Saskatchewan Expedition. 20 plates, 11 maps, 2 vols., 8°, clotJi, uncut. London : Longmayis, 1870 During this exploratiou, Mr. Hind lived almost constantly among the Crees and Chippeways, whose habits and jjeculiarities he was most eager to study, and prompt to record. Everything in their life had not only the charm of novelty to him, but as a man of science, he was anxious to observe all the facts which may prove stepping-stones in tracing their origin and their history. » f %h' 980 HiNES (Rev. Gustavns). Life on the Plains of the Pacific. Oregon : its History, Condition, and Prospects : Containing a description of the Geography, Climate, and Productions, with Personal Adventures among the Indians during a residence of the Author on the Plains bordering the Pacific while connected with the Oregon Mission. By Rev. Gutavus Hines. Por- trait, 12°, doth, pp. 437. Buffalo: George H. Derby, 1851 "^0 981 HiNMAN (R. R.). Antiquities of Connecticut. 12°. Hartford, 1836 ^SO 982 HiNMAN. A Historical Collection, from Official Records, Files, &c., of the Part Sustained by Connecticut, during the War of the Revolution ; with an Appendix, containing Impor- tant Letters, Depositions, &c., written during the War. Com- piled by Royal R. Hinmau. 8°, pp. 644. Hartford: E. Gleason, 1842 0r 983 HiNMAN (S. D.). Journal of the Rev. S. D. Hinman, Mis- sionary to the Sautee Sioux Indians, and Taopi. By Bishop Whipple. ... 12°, pp. (xviii) 87. Philadelphia ; McCalla & Stavely, Printers, 1869 /•3o 984 HiNTON (J. H.) The History and Topography of the United States of North America, brought down from the Earliest Pe- riod, comprising Political and ]>iographical History, Geogra- phy, Geology, Mineralogy, ZoiJlogy, and Botany; Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce ; Laws, Manners, Customs, and Religion. 2 vols ,4°, uncut. Boston, 1855 /0<^ 985 HisTORT.'V dos descobrimentos, e conquistas dos Portugueses, no novo nundo. 4 vols., 1G°. Lishod nit officina de Antonio Gomes, mdcclxxxvi History of the discoveries and conquests made in the new world by the Portuguese. o - 136 986 Historical Magazine, and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History and Biography of America. 10 vols. bound in 11, and 2 vols, of New Series in all 13 vols., 4°, cloth, uncut. Bodman New York, 1859-67 Complete sets of this valuable publication are very scarce. ^26" 987 History of Don Francisco De Miranda's Attempt to effect a Kevolution in South America, [By James Briggs.] 12°, sheep. Boston, 1810 - / 988 History, Manners and Customs, The, of the North Ame- rican Indians. 24°, cloth, pp. 245 Fhiladelphia : American Sunday School Union, [n. rZ.] C) C^ 989 History, The, of an Expedition against Fort du Quesne, in 1755 J under Major-General Edward Br^ddock. ... Edited from the Original Manuscripts, by Winthrop Sargent. 8°, pp. 423 Eleven maps, and plates. Philadelphia, 1856 Mr. Sargeant's Introductory Memoir, gives a full, lucid, and con- tinous narrative of the ill fated campaign, commanded, by General Braddock. / /%■ 990 History of the Delaware and Iroquois Indians, Formerly in- habiting the IMiddle States. With Various Anecdotes illus- trating their Manners and Customs. Embellished with a variety of original cuts. 16°, pp. 153. Philadelphia : American Sunday School Union, [n. d."] [1832] cj. ^<^ 991 History of the Late War, or Annual Register of its Rise, Progress and Events in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Il- lustrated with Heads, Plans, Maps and Charts. 8°, calf. Dublin, 1774 /Xo 992 History, The, of the Moravian Missions among the Indians in North-America, from its Commencement to the Present Time. With a Preliminary Account of the Indians. By a Member of the Brethren's Church. 16°^ cloth, pp. vi, 316. London : T. Allman, 1838 / f^ ^ 993 History (The) of the War in America between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commencement. 2 vols., 8°, calf. Dublin, 1779 •/C 994 History of the War... [The same] Vol.2. Dublin. ,Go 995 HocHELAGA Depicta : the Early History and Present State of the City and Island of Montreal. Illustrated. Edited by Newton Bosworth. 12°, cloth, uncut. Montreal, 1839 . / 996 HoDGiNS (J. G.). A School History of Canada. 12°. Montreal, 1865 /^%£ /S^ 'J/ /^B 137 997 Hodgson (A.)- Letters from North America, written during a Tour in the United States and Canada. By Adam Hodgson. 2 vols., 8°, hoards, uncut. London, 1824 The account of his visit to the Creek and Choctaw Indians, and the Appendix, contain interesting particulars relating to the Aborigines and their antiquities. 998 Hodgson. Remarks during a Journey through North Ame- rica in the Years 1819, 1820, and 1821, in a series of letters ; Vfith an Appendix, Containing An account of several of the In- dian Tribes, and the principal Missionary Stations, &c.... By Adam Hodgson, Esq., of Liverpool, Eng. Collected, Arranged and Published by Samuel Whiting. 8°, pp. 335. N. Y., 1823 999 Hoffman. G-reyslaer : A Romance of The Mohawk. By C. F. Hoffman, Es^. 3 vols., post 8°, half calf. London : Richard Bentley., 1842 f.%S' 1000 Hoffman. The Pioneers of New York; an Anniversary Discourse before the St. Nicholas Society of Manhattan Dec. 6, 1847. pp. 55. N. Z, 1848 1001 Hoffman. Wild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie. By C. F. Hoffman, Esq.... 2 vols., post 8°, half calf pp. + 292 ; (4) 284. London : Richard Bentlei/, 1889 The Indian legends and stories narrated in these volumes, though tinged with the graceful romance, in which the imagination of the author's genius clothed his writings, are still truthful to the phases of aboriginal life which the author had witnessed. 1002 [Hoffman.] A Winter in the West. By a New Yorker. 2 vols., 12°. JVeio York : Harper & Brothers, 1835 The numerous incidents of personal intercourse with Indians of various western tribes, the interesting details which the author's ardent curiosity regarding them drew from persons familiar with their life and habits, and the voluminous notes appended to these volumes, ex- tracted from works not easily accessible, entitle them to a high rank in aboriginal literature. .^d 1003 HoGAN (J. S.). Canada. An Essay ; to which was awarded the first prize ... By J. Sheriden Hogan. 8°, pp. 86 (1). Montreal : B. Dawson, 1855 •//-O 1004 HoLDEN (Horace). Narrative of Captivity on Lord North's Island. 18°. Boston, 1836 ^jj' 1005 HoLLiSTER (G. H.). Mount Hope; or Philip, King of the. Wampanoags, an Historical Romance. By Gr. H. Hollister. 12°, pp. 280. New York : Harper and Brothers, 1851 " Fictions, tinged with a little fact." — Field, 18 •f/ 138 L f f* 1006 Holmes (A.). The Annals of America, from the Discovery by Columbus, in the year 1492, to the year 1826. 2d Edition, 2 vols., 8°, cloth. Camhriihje : HiUiard and £roum, 1829 One of the best works of the kind ever published. Everything of importance relating to the History of America is related in a clear and concise manner ; with copious and interesting notes and references to the original authorities : it is out of print and scarce. — Mich. .^^ 1007 Holmes (A.). A Discourse, delivered before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians in North, Ame- rica, at their Anniversary Meeting in Boston, November 3 1808. By Abiel Holmes. ... 8°, pp. 68. Boston : Edmaiuh, Mallory and Co.^ 1808 Includes historical notes of aboriginal affairs. %'%^ 1008 Holmes (A.). The History of Cambridge. By Abiel Holmes, A. M. 8°, halfhoimd, pp. 67. Boston : Printed hy Samuel Hall, 1801 1009 Holmes. A Memoir of the Mohegan Indians, written in the year 1804. 8°, pp. 27. Bodon, 1804 From the works of Mr. Holmes. ^ C <^ 1010 Holmes (J.). Historical Sketches of the Missions of the United Brethren for Propagating tlie Gospel among the Heathen, from their commencement to the year 1817. By the Rev. John Holmes, ... Second Improved Edition. 8°, half morocco, uncut. London, 1827 .J ^^ if 1011 Hooker (T.). A | survey j of the Summe of | Church Disci- pline. I Wherein, | the Way of the Churches of | New England | is warranted out of the Word, | and all Exceptions of weight, which I are made against it, answered : Whereby j also it Will appear to the Judicious Reader, | tliat aometliing more must be said, then | yet hath been, before their prin | ciples can be shaken, or they | should be unsettled in | their practice. 8°, old calf, rare. London : Printed hy A. M.,for John Bellamy, ... MDCXLVIII *^'~l^ 1012 Hooper (William Hulme). Ten Mouths among the Tents of the Tuski, with Incidents of an Arctic Boat Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, as far as the Mackenzie River and Cape Bathurst. By Lieut. W H. Hooper, R. N., with a 3Iap and Illustrations. Map, G Phites. 8°. London : John Hurray, 1853 Contains relations of encounters with the Esquimaux, and particu- lars of their mode of life, personal appearance and character, more par- ticularly valuable and interesting, as the observations of one, wlio had 80 recently and intimately examined those of their congeners on the opposite shore of Behring's Straits. 139 n^" 1013 Hopkins (G. T). A. Mission to the Indians, from the In- dian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, to Fort Wayne, in 1804-. Written at the time, by Gerard T. Hopkins, with an Appendix, Complied in 186-J, by Martha E. Tyson. 18°, pp. 198. Philadelphia : T. Elwood Zdl, 1^62 Never offered for sale, but presented to Friends and others interested in Indian affairs. ^i> 1014 Hopkins (J.). Sketch of the Life of Thomas Singularity, Journeyman Printer. 16°. London^ 1835 1015 Hopkins. An | Abridgment | of | Mr. Hopkins' | Historical ^^v)7 — T'^"^ Memoirs, I relating to the | Housatannuk, or Stockbridge In- dians; I or, I A brief Account of the Methods used, and | Pains taken, for civilizing and propagating the | Gospel among that Heathenish Tribe, | and the Success thereof, under tbe Ministry of I the late Rev. Mr. John Sergeant. | Conrad Weiser's Let- ter, pp. 7. 8°, pp. 40. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold hy B. Franklin and D. Hall, MDOCLVII Mr. Hopkins's Memoir is one of the rarest of works relatinjr to New England, as it is one of the most intrinsically valuable. This abridgment fails in the last quality by reason of its abbreviation, but is nearly as rare. The last six pages is occupied with a letter of Con- rad Weiser, narrating some remarkable incidents of Ms visit to the Onondagas not elsewhere preserved. ' '//-f 1016 Horn. Georgi Horni de Originibus Americanis. Libri quatuor. Societas Illaesa. IQ ', vellum, pp. (20) 282 Ha'/ce C'oniitis, Sumptibus Adriani Vlacq, OIO lo CLII. [1652] This is the celebrated treatise on the Orgin of the Americans, writ- ten in answer to Hugo Qrotius's Be 0?'igine Gentium Americanorum. It provoked an angry rejoinder from the latter, which was answered by a counter-treatise from Laet. All of these essays display a degree of learning and refinement, which we shall look for in vain in later works. ,^<6'' 1017 Horn (Mrs.). A Narrative of the Capitivity of Mrs. Horn, and her two Children, with Mrs. Harris ; by the Camanche In- dians, after they had Murdered their Husbands and travelling Companions; with a brief account of the Manner and Customs of that Nation of Savages, of whom so little is Generally known. 12°, pp. GO. St. Louis, 1839 ^ 1018 Horn. An Authentic and Thrilling Narrative of the Cap- tivity of Mrs. Horn and her two Children, with Mrs. Harris, by the Camanche Indians, and the murder of their husbands and travelling companions. Portrait and plate, 8°, pp. 32. Cincinnati: the Author \_n d.] 140 n_.%^ 1019 HoRSMANDEN (D,). The New York Conspiracy ; OT a His- tory of the Negro Plot, with the Journal of the Proceedings against the Conspirators at New York in the Years 1841, '42. Together with several interesting Tables, &c. ... 8°, half sheep. Somewhat stained. New York, 1810 / 5^ 1020 HosMER (H. L.). Early History of the Maumee Valley. By H. L. Ilosmer. 8°, cover and pp. 9-70. Toledo : Hosmer & Harris, 1858 One of that limited number which disappoints us with its brevity. The very interesting incidents of border warfare at the River Raisin, Fort Meigs, and other terrible tragedies of the West, are apparrently derived from original and authentic sources. ./^O 1021 Hosmer (E.). Catalogue of the Valuable and Choice Li- brary of Zelotes Hosmer Esq. Large paper. Royal 8°, half morocco. Boston, 1861 ^-^(/- 1022 Hough (F. B). The Northern Invasion of October 1780, a Series of papers relating to the expedition from Canada under Sir John Johnson, and others against The Frontiers of New York which were supposed to have connection with Arnold's Treason, prepared from the originals with an introduction and notes by Franklin B. Hough. 8°, plates. New York, MDCCCLXVI The narrative of the invasion of the Mohawk valley by Sir John Johnson, and his corps of Tories and Indians, is accompanied by many illustrative documents. I .%b 1023 HouGU. History of Lewis County. '^°, half morocco. Albany, 1860 ^^(^^ 1024 Hough. History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties. Albany : Little & Co., 1853 /yL- c 1025 Hough (F. B.). Notices of Peter Penet and of His Opera- tions among the Oneida Indians, includiag a plan prepared by him for the Governmentof that Tribe, ... By Franklin B. Hough. Map. 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. 36. Lowville, N. Y., 1866 Fifty copies printed. Penet was a French adventurer, sometime em- ployed as an agent by the Continental Congress, who absconded from Paris without accomplishing anything. ^.^ ' 1026 Hough. Proceedings of the Commissioners, Appointed by Law for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. Published from the Original Manuscript in the Library of the Albany Institute. With an Introduction and Notes by Franklin B. Hough. 2 vols., 4°, half morocco. Albany, Joel Munsell, JIDCCCLXI Form parts is and x of MunselVs Historical Senes, and contain most of the documents, which record the extiuguishment of the title of the Six Nations to a great portion of the State of New York in 1784. All 141 of these tribes except tlie Oneidas, were to be punished for having taken part with the British ag-ainst the colonists, and immediately on the ratification of peace, the Legislature appointed commissif>ners to treat with, or in other words, obtain from the Indians great tracts of fertile lands. •^-6"" 1027 Houston (S.). Nebraska Bill. Indian Tribes. Speech of Hon Sam Houston of Texas delivered ... Feb. 14 and 15, 1854, in favor of maintaining the public faith with the Indian Tribes. 8°, pp. 15. Washington, 1854 ■ ^■^ 1028 Houston (S.). Speeches of Sam Houston, of Texas, on the subject of an increase of the Army, and the Indian Policy of the government, delivered in the Senate ... January 29 and 31,1855. 8°, pp. 20. Washington, 1855 ,0 1029 How. Diary of David How. a Private in Colonel Paul Dudly Sargent's Regiment of the Massachusetts Line, in the Army of the American Revolution, From the Original Manu- script. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author by George Wingate Chase, and Illustrative Notes by Henry B. Dawson. El. 8°, pp. XV, 51. Morrisania, N. Y., 1865 Two hundred and fifty copies printed : forms No. iv of Dawson's Gleanings in the Harvest-field of American History. ^^,/- 1030 How (N.). A Narrative of Nehemiah How, who was taken by the Indians at the Great Meadows' Fort above Fort Dummer, Where he was an inhabitant, October 11th, 1745. Giving an account of what he met with in his travelling to Canada, and while he was in prison there. Together with an account of Mr. How's death at Canada Boston, N. E.: Printed and Sold opposite to the Prison, in Queen Street, 1748 /S'o 1031 Howe. The Great West : containing narratives, of the most important and interesting events in Western History, remark- able individual Adventures, Sketches of Frontier Life, De- scriptions of Natural Curiosities: to which is appended histor- ical and descriptive Sketches of Oregon, New Mexico, Texas, Minnesota, Utah, California, Washington, Nebraska, Kansas, etc., etc., etc. By Henry Howe. Enlarged Edition. 8°, pp. 576. New York : G. F. Tuttle, 1857 This volume is a compilation of material, relating largely to adven- tures among the Indians, derived from seventy-five other printed works. ,%C 1032 Howe (H.) Historical Collections of, relating to ... Vir- ginia. Containing interesting Facts, Traditions ... Over 100 Engravings. 8°, s/teep. Charleston, S. C, 1852 142 ^ A -'"' 1''33 Howe. Historical Collections of Ohio ; containing a collec- tion of the most interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc. Relating to its general and local his- tory : with descriptions of its counties, principal towns and vil- lages. Illustrated by 177 engravings, giving views of the chief towns, public buildings, relics of antiquity, histories, localities, natural scenery, etc. By Henry Howe. 8", pp. 599, sheep. Gincinnati : Bradley (k Anthony^ 1818 Fully one-half of this volume is devoted to descriptions of massacres, by the Indians, tales of captivity among them, and biographical notes of the borderers who fought them. Much of this material was derived from unpublished manuscripts and oral communication with the actors or their families. Vocabularies of the Shawanese and Wyandot lan- guages occupy pages 590 to 594, in double columns. I (> o 1034 Howe (W.). The Narrative of Lieut. Gen. Sir Win. Howe, ...relative to his Conduct during his Late Command of the King's Troops in North America. Also A State of the Expedi- tion from Canada as laid before the House of Commons. By Lieut. Gen. iJurgoyoe. Map 2 vols., 4°. Rare. Loncfon, 1780 0000 Howe (J.). See Hancock (J.). ^i{/~ 1035 Howell (Geo. R.). The Early History of Southampton, L. I., with Genealogies. 12mo, pp 318. N. Z, J. iV: ffallock, 1866 ,^^0 1036 HowsE. Grammar of the Cree Language ; with which is combined An Analysis of the Chippeway Dialect. By Joseph Howse, Esq. 8°, doth. London, 1844 S" ^ ^ 1037 HoYT (E.). Antiquarian Researches ; comprising a History of the Indian Wars in the Country bordering Connecticut River and Parts Adjacent, and other Interesting Events, from the first Landing of the Pilgrims to the Conquest of Canada by the English in 1760 : With Notices of Indian Depredations in the Neighboring Country. ... 8°, pp. xii, xii. 312. Greenfield, Mass., 1824 ^ JTO 1038 Hubbard (N.). Sketches of Border Adventures, in the Life and Times of Major Moses Van Campen, a Surviving Soldier of the Revolution. By his grandson John N. Hubbard, A. B. 8°. ^ i^«?A, iV. Y, 1841, 1842 /n-o f 1039 Hubbard (W.). A | Narrative | of the Troubles with the | Indians | In New-England, from the first planting thereof in year 1607, to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late | Troubles in the two last years, 1675 and 1676. | To which is added a Discourse about the Warre with the | Pequods | In the year 1687. | By W. Hubbard. Minister of Ipswich. | Published by Authority. Map in facsimile. 4°, pp. (^14), 132, (7), 7-12, 8°, hoant morocco. Boston ; \ printed by John Foster, in the year, 1677 148 1040 Hubbard. The Happiuess of a People | In the Wisdome of their Rulers | Directing | And iu the Obedience of their Brethren | Attending | Unto what Israel ought to do : | Recom- mended in a I Sermon | Before the Honourable Governour and Council, and | the Respected Deputies of the Massachusetts Colony I in New-Kngland. | Preached at Boston, May. 3d. 1676. being the day of Election there. | By William Hvbbard, Minister of Ipswich. | 4°, pp. (viii ) 61. Boston, printeil hy John Foster, 1676 Usually found with Hubbard's of which it is believed never to have formed a part, having been printed a year previously. His narrative seems to have excited the envy of the Rev. Increase Mather, who wrote and published two books on the same subject. This work frequently reprinted will always remain a standard autho- rity. This first edition is a volume of the greatest rarity. Mr. Rice's copy sold for |180. See Field's Essay, No. 431. 1041 Hubbard. The | Present State | of | New England | being a I Narrative | of the Troubles with the | Indiana | in | New Eng- land from the first planting i thereof in the yetir 1607 to this present year 1677 : | But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last I years 1675 and 1676 | To which is added a Discourse about the War I with the Pequods in the year 1637. | By W. Hubbard Minister of Ipswich ... Map, 4°, pp. (14), 144, 88. London : \pi-inte(l for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, | near Mercer's Chappd, and at the Bible on London Bridge, 1677. Only second in rarity to the Boston edition. 1042 Hubbard. A General History of New England, from the Discovery to mdclxxx. By the Rev. William Hubbard, Minister of Ipswich, Mass. S°, pp. 676 Cambridge, 1815 1043 Hubbard (Rev. Wm.). A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, from the first Planting thereof in the Year 1607 to the Year 1677 ; containing a Relation of the Occasion, Rise and Progress of the War with the Indians, &c. 12°. Danbury, 1803 1044 Hubbard. The History of the Indian Wars in New Eng- land, from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip in 1677. From the Original Work by Rev. Wm. Hubbard, Carefully revised, and accompanied with an Historical Preface, Life, and Pedigree of the Author, and Ex- tensive Notes. By Samuel G. Drake. 2 vols., impl. 8°, boards, uncut, pp. xxxii -]- 292, pp. 303. Koxbury, 31ass., 1865 Of this beautiful edition 350 copies were printed. Prefixed is a Biblio- graphical Preface by the editor. 144 //T? 1045 Hudson. History of Jemima Wilkinson, a Preacheress of the Eighteenth Century. 12°, bom-ds, uncut, pp. 208. Geneva, Onatarlo Co., N. Y., ,{j\ 1046 Hudson. Memoirs of Jemima Wilkinson, a Preacheress of the Eighteenth century ; containing au Authentic Narrative of her Life and Character. 18mo, slieep. Bath, N. Y., 1844. ti' 1047 Hudson's Bay Company. Report from the select commit- tee on the Hudson's Bay Company ; together with the proceed- ings of the committee, minutes of evidence. Appendix and Index. Communicated from the Commons to the Lords, ordered to be , printed 17 August 1857. Folio xvill + 547 -j- 3 large maps with separate title. " Plans referred to in the lleport from the Select committee on the Hudson's "Bay Company." An eDormous mass of evidence relative to the Hudson's Bay Company ; and largely illustrative of their mode of dealing with the Indians. l/nr 1048 Hudson's Bay Company. Red River Settlement. Folio, pp. 118. London, 1849 The running title of this document, more clearly indicates its scope. " Correspondence relative to complaints of the inhabitants of the Red River Settlement." It is a great mass of testimony relative to the treatment of the Indians of that portion of British America by the im- perial company who controlled them, and impeaches the servants of that company of horrible cruelty. j2-£'<^ 1049 Hughes (J. T.). Doniphan's Expedition; containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico ; General Kearney's Overland Expedition to California; Doniphan's Campaign against the Navajos; his unparalleled march upon Chihuahua and Durango. 12°, cloth. Cincinnati, Ja. & U. P. James, 1848 ^nf' 1050 Hughes. [Another Edition.] Doniphan's Expedition. 12°, cloth, pp. 407. Cincinnati, 1850 Z,'%c> 1051 Hull (W.). Memoirs of the Campaign of the North West- ern Army of the United States A..T). 1812. In a series of letters addressed to the Citizens of the United States With an Appendix Containing a brief Sketch of the Revolutionary Ser- vices of the Author. By William Hull, late Governor of the Territory of Michigan, and Brigadier General in the Service of the United States. 8°, uncut, pp. 229, x. Boston : True & Greene, 1824 U- C ^ '' 1052 Humboldt (A. de). Yues des Cordilleras et monumens des peuples indigenes de I'Amerique. 69 plates. Folio, uncut, pp. 16, 380. Paris, 1810 Every class of Mexican or Aztec, and Peruvian Antiquities, receives in this work the clearest philosophical analysis. Many of the plates are beautifully colored. In this work the Picture-writing of the Mexi- cans first received the attention and the ample treatment which are due to a literature as strange and important in the records of the New World, as that of Egypt in the Old. 145 ■).-^0 1053 Humboldt. Researches, Concerning the Institutions & " Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America, with Des- criptions & Views of some of the most Striking Scenes in the Cordilleras. Written in French by Alexander de Humboldt, & Translated into English by Helen Maria Williams 19 plates. 2 vols., 8°, hoards. London: Lomjman cb Co., 1814 This translation of the text of Humboldt's celebrated Vues de Gor- dilleras, is a valuable adjunct to the great folio of plates, for all stu- dents n )t familiar with the language of the original. ^ o<^ 1054 Humphreys (D.). An Historical Account of the Incorpo- • rated Society for the Propagation of the Grospel in Foreign Parts. Containing their Foundation, Proceedings, and the Suc- cess of their Missionaries in the British Colonies, to the Year 1728. By David Humphreys, D.D., Secretary to the Honour- able Society. 8°. London : Printed hy Joseph Downing, M.DCC.XXX •/S' 1055 Humphrey (H.). Indian Rights and Our Duties. An Address delivered at Amherst, Hartford, etc., December, 1829. By Heman Humphrey. Stereotyped for the Association for dif- fusing information on the Subject of hidian Rij/hts. 12°, pp. 24. INew York'], 1831 The effort of an earnest and learned man, to arouse the people of the United States, to the wrongs perpetrated on the Indians. X o o 1056 Humphreys. An Essay on the Life of the Honourable Major General Israel Putnam. Addressed to the State Society of the Cincinnati, in Connecticut, And first Published by their Order. By Col. David Humplireys. With notes and addi- tions. With an Appendix containing an Historical and Topo- graphical Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle. ByS. Swett. Por- trait. 12°, hdf calf, pp. 270. Boston, Samuel Avery, 1818 ,.5^ 1057 Hunt Life of Edward Livingston. By Charles Haven Hunt. W^ith an Introduction by George Bancroft. 2 portraits. 8°, cloth. New York, 1864 *)_'oo 1058 Hunter (John D.). Manners and Customs of the Several Indian Tribes located West of the Mississippi; including some Account of the Soil, Climate, and Vegetable Productions, ... and the Indian Materia Medica ; To which is prefixed the His- tory of the Author's Life during a Residence of several years among them. The third edition. 8°, pp. xi, 468. London : Longman & Co., 1824 f <5"<5 1059 Hunter (T.). An Historical account of Earthquakes, ex- tracted from the most Authentic Historians. And a Sermon preached at Weaverham, in Cheshire, on Fridiy,the 6th of Feb- ruary last [1756]. By Rev. Thomas Hunter. 8°, pp. (4), 159. Liverpool^ R. Williamson, 1756 19 / 146 1060 HuTCHiNS (T.) A Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North-Carolina. Comprehending r)tC' the Rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Sioto, Cherokee, Wabash, Illinois, '^ Missisippi, etc. The Climate Soil and Produce, whether Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral ; the Mountains, Creeks, Roads, Distances, Latitudes, &c., and of Every Part, laid down in the Annexed Man. Published by Thomas Hutchins, Captain in the 60th Regiment of Foot. With a Plan of the Rapids of the Ohio, a Plan of the Several Villages in the Illinois Country, a Table of the Distances between Fort Pitt and the Mouth of the Ohio, all Engraved upon Copper. x\nd An Appendix, con- taining iMr. Patrick Kennedy's Journal up the Illinois River, and a correct List of the different Nations and Tribes of Indians, with the Number of Fighting Men, &c. 12°, pp. (4) 67, three plans. London : printed for the Author, and sold hy J. Almon M.DCC.LX XVIII. •io^ 1061 Hutchinson (K. M.). A Memoir of Abijah Hutchinson, xVSoldierof the Revolution. By his Grandson K. M. Hutchinson. 12°, pp. 22 Rochester : WUlutm Ailing, Printer, 1843 The narrative of Hutcliinson's captivity among the Indians of Canada forms the principal subject of the memoir. . 57) 1062 [Hutchinson (C. C). h. Colony for an Indian Reserve in Kansas. Climate, Soil, Products, Timber, Water, Kind of Settlers Wanted, &c. 8°, pp. 15, Laicrence, 1863 Narrates the steps by which the Ottawa Indians became citizens, and endeavored to induce the settlement of the remaining portion by in- dustrious whites. / /^ 1063 Hutchinson (F.). An Historical Essay concerning Witch- craft. The Second Edition,... with considerable Additions. 8°, calf, pp. (32) 336. London ; R. Knapton, MDCCXX. Chapter V The Witchcrafts at Salem, Boston and Andover in New England, contains much interesting matter, and developes many cele- brated impostures. In it is a curious chronological table of the number of poor wretches burnt as witches. — Lowndes. I _%^ 1064 Hutchinson. The Letters of Governor Hutchinson, and Lieut. Governor Oliver, &c. Printed at Boston. And remarks thereon. With the Assembly's address, And the proceedings Of the Lords' Committee of Council. Together with The Substance of Mr. Wedderburu's Speech relating to those Letters. And the Report of the Lords' Committee to his Majesty in Council. 8°. London, M DCC LXXIV These letters were procured by Dr. Franklin, and sent to Boston to his friend Dr. Samuel Cooper, with strict injunctions not to allow them, to be published. They were, however, printed in Boston, and made a great noise at the time. The present edition was published, with remarks, iu exculpation of Gov. Hutchinson, by his fiieud Israel Mauduit. q-1' 147 A-^ 1065 HuTTON (Rev. M. S.). Address before N. Y. State Soc. of the Ciacinnati, Weduesday ^eb. 22, 1871. pp. 18. New York ^0 1066 HuYGEilN (S. Douglass). The Noiuades of the West; or Ellen Claytou. 3 vols., post 8°, cloth. Lond. Rich & Bentleij, 1850 1067 Imlay ((t.). a Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America; containing A succinct Account of its Soil, Climate, Natural History, Population, Agriculture, Manners, and Customs. With an ample Description of the Several Divisions into which that Country is partitioned. By Gilbert Imlay. A Captain in the American Army during the War, and Commissioner for laying out Lands in the Back Set- tlements ... The Third Edition, With great additions. 4 Maps. 8°, half morocco^ gilt top. London, 1797 Consists for the greatest part of reprints of works relating to the Kentucky country, now quite rare, including Filgon's Kentuc-ky, Ad- ventures of Ool. Danl. Boone, The Piankasliaw Council, Hutchins's Two Historical Narratives, Patrick Kennedy's Journal, An Account of the Savages inhabiting the Western Territory, and Heart's "Ob- servations on the ancient Mounds." /,Si 1063 In the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas, January Term 1870, Albert Wiley, plaintiff vs. Keokuk, Chief of the Sac and Fox Indians, defendant ss. On Petition in Error. Ar- gument and Brief for the Defendant, By James Christian.' 8°, pp. 41. [n.p.] (1870.) /.oc 1069 Incidents and Sketches connected with the Early History of and Settlement of the West. Plate, 4°, pp. 72. Cincinnati \ii. 1080 Indians removed to West Mississippi from 1789. 8°, pp. 10. Washington, 1839 vi 1081 Indians. Choctaw Citizens of Mississippi. Memorial of the Choctaw Citizens of the State of Mississippi, To the Congress of the United States. December 15, 1841. ... 8°, pp. 5. Washington, 1841 APi/" ^^^^ Indians, The. j Or | Narratives | of 31assacres and Depreda- tions on the frontiers | in Wawasink and its Vicinity j during j The American Revolution | By a descendant of the Huguenots. [ 8°, pp. 79. Rondout, iV Y., 1846 149 / S^^ 1083 Indian Affairs. First Annual Report of the Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs. Adopted at their Meeting Held at Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, 1870. 8°. Philadelphia : Sherman & Co., printers, 1870 ^'/o 1084 Indian Tribes. The First Annual Report of the American Society for promoting the Civilization and general improvement of the Indian Tribes of the United States ... 8°, uncut, pp 74. New Haven, 1824 1085 Ingersoll (C J.). Hist Sketch of the Second War be- tween the United States and Great Britain. Vol. 2, embracing 1814. S°,cal/. Phil, 1849 ■,X^ 1086 Ingersoll (J. R.). Memoir of Samuel Breck, Vice-Pres. of Penn. Hist. Soc, pp. 56. Phil, 1863 /.oo 1087 (Ingersoll"). Inchiquin, the Jesuit's Letters during a late Residence in the U. S. 8°, half calf . N. Y., 1810 /^3 - 1088 [Ingraham, E. D.]. Sketch of The Events which preceded the Capture of Washington by the British on Aug. 24, 1814. Map, Portrait of Author inserted. 8°, hoards. Phil., privately printed, 1849 '2^ 1089 Instructions for treating with the Indians, given to the Commissioners appointed for that Service. By the Hon. Spencer Phipps ... In the Year 1752. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript. 4°, pp. 8. Boston : Samuel G. Drake, 1865 ',25 1090 Iowa : the Home for Immigrants. 8°, paper. Des Moines, 1870 •15 1091 Iowa. The Annals of the State Historical Society of Iowa. 1863-68 Nos. 1 and 2 bound together. Nos. 6 and 12 missing. 17 Nos. •2«7 1092 Biennial Report of Executive Committee of Iowa State Hist. Soc. 1860 / ,<^' o 1093 Irving (J. T.). Indian Sketches, taken during an Expedi- tion to the Pawnee and other Tribes of American Indians. By John T. Irving, Junior. Port. 2 vols., 8°, boards, uncut London : John Murray, MDCCCXXXV yd 1094 Irving (J. T.). Indian Sketches, taken during an Expedition to the Pawnee Tribes. 2vols., 12°, cloth, pp. 4, 9-272 ; 296. Philadelphia, Carey Lea & Blanchard, 1835 /^o o 1095 Irving (T.). The Conquest of Florida, by Hernando do Soto. By Theodore Irving. ... 12°, cloth, pp. 457. New York, 1857 A compilation from Garcilaso de la Vega, and the English transla- tion of the Portuguese work by a gentleman of Elvas. ■ii 150 « 1096 Irving (W.). The Adventures of Captain Bonneville in / the Rocky Mouotains and the Far West. Digested from the ffur Journal of Captain B. L. E. Bonneville of the army of the United States and illustrated from various other Sources, by Washington Irving. 2 vols., 12mo. Nexo York., 1847 Crowded with descriptions of the savage tribes of the unexplored regions bordering the Rocky Mountains, with sketches of their warriors and chiefs, with accounts of skirmishes witli their war parties, and the marvelous adventures of fur trappers among the Indians, whom their own atrocities had made their enemies. .^6 1097 Irving. Astoria; or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Map. 2 vols., 8°, cloth. Philadelphia, 1836 ( ^C 1098 Irving. Astoria; or, Enterprise beyond the Rocky Moun- tains. By Washington [rving. 3 vols., po.-3t 8°, hoards., uncut. La it don, 1836 A narration of one of those attempts to found a viceroyalty, in a distant and unexplored territory, which smacks of the romance and chivalric enterprise of the old Spanish adventurers. 1099 Irving (W.). Book of the Hudson. 12mo. N. Y., 1849 ^^5" 1100 [Irving.] The Crayon Miscellany ... No. 1, Containing A Tour on the Prairies. 12mo, pp 274. Philadelphia ; Carey, Lea, & Blanchard, 1835 'ifo 1101 Irving (W.). The Rocky Mountains: or Scenes, Inci- dents, and Adventures in the Far West. ' 2 vols., 12mo. Philadel2)hia, 1837 'VS 1102 IsL.iND OP Anticosti. Scientific Reports made by A. Re Roche and James Richardson, pp. 92. N. Y., 1865 /- 1103 Ives (J. C). Report on the Colorado River of the West, ^^^ Explored in 1857 and 1858 by Lieutenant Joseph C Ives, Corps and Topographical Engineers, under the direction of the office of explorations and Surveys, A. A. Humphreys, Captain Topographical Engineers, in Charge. 4". Washington, 1861 The wonders explored by this expedition, and for the first time unveiled to the world, have scarcely yet begun to be credited. The Colorado flowing between perpendicular walls a mile and a quarter in altitude, is not the only development of this exploration which excites our interest. Lieut. Ives was the first to give us the results of an intelligent observer of the celebrated yet almost mythical fortified villages of the Moquis Indians. Enclosing by a wall fifteen to twenty feet high, in which there is no gate or entrance way, they were not more secure from their enemies, than they were secluded and mysteri- ous to the outer world. For more than three centuries their very existence liad remained one of the problems of history ; but in this volume the author exposes them to the glare of the light of investiga- tion. Ten large colored plates representing dwellings, physiognomy and habits. ^/ 151 ^ J 1104 Ives. L. Silliman. Introductory Address of the Hist. Soc. of Uni. of N. Carolina June 5, 1844. 8°, pp. 18. Raleigh, 1844 . , P 1105 IxTLlLXOCHiTL (F. de). Histoire des Chichim^ques ou des «. Anciens Rois de Tezcuco, par Don Fernando d' Alva Ixtlilxochitl, ~ / traduite sur le Manuscrit Espagnol inedite. 2 vols., 8°, half ( ■ ' morocco. Paris, Arthur Bertrand, M DCCC XL. This history of the Chichemecas or Ancient Kings of Tezcuco, by Don Fernando d'Alva Ixtlilxochitl ; translated from the unedited Spanish MS., forms part of Teruaux's Voyages. Clavigero, himself an authority of the highest rank, speaks of the author as extremely con- versant with the antiquities of his nation, and as having written the very learned and valuable works which bear his name, at the request of the viceroy of Mexico. '^O HOG Jackson (A.). Correspondence between Gen. Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun, President and Vice-President g& of the U. States, on the Subject of the course of tlie latter, in ^L^ the Deliberations of the Cabinet of Mr. Monroe, on the Occur- ^■t rences in the Seminole War. 8°, pp. 52. ^^: Washinijton : Printed hy Duff Green, 1831 '^^ 1107 Jackson (I. E.) The Life of William Henry Harrison (of Ohio), the People's Candidate for the Presidency. With a History of the Wars with the British and Indians on our North- Western frontier. Fifth edition. 24°, half hound, pp. 222. Philadelphia : Marshall, Williams & Butler, 1840 /^O 1108 Jacob (J.). A Biographical Sketch of the Life of the late Capt. Michael Cresap. By John J. Jacob. 12°. Cumberland, Md. ; Printed for the Author hy J. M. Buchanan, 1826 Original Edition very rare. See Field's Essay No. 7G3. 1109 Jacob [The Same.] 4to, cloth, pp. 158. Cincinnati, Ohio: Reprinted with notes and Appendix for William Dodge, hy Jno. F. Uhlhorn, 1866 ,^) 1110 Jacobs; (R. P.). Journal of the Reverened Peter Jacobs, Indian Wesleyan Missionary, from Rice Lake to the Hudson's Bay Territory, and Returning. Commencing May, 1852, With A Brief Account of his Life, and a Short History of the Wes- leyan Mission in that Country. Portrait. 12°, clotli, pp. 96. New York : the Author, 1857 /^ ;^6 1111 Jacobs (S. S.). Nonantum and Natick. By Sarah S. Jacobs. Written for the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, kand revised by the Committee of Publication. 12°. Boston, 1853 /js A pleasing and truthful historical narrative of the missions of Elliot among the Indians at Natick and Nonantum. The details and inci- 152 dents are evidently derived from authentic sources ; and with the bio- graphical sketches of notable Indian converts, the narratives of their persecutions of Christian Indians by the Puritans, and the table of Indian names and their significations, form a work of no inconsiderable value in Indian history. ^ /^ r- 1112 James (E.). Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to ^"^'' the Rocky Mountains, performed In the Years 1819, 1820. By order of the Hon. J. G. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under the Command of Maj. S. Long, of the U. S. Top. Engineers. Com- piled from the Notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, and other gentlemen of the party. By Edwin James, Botanist and Geolo- gist to the Expedition. ... 2 maps, 6 plates, 3 vols., 8°. London: Longman, 182S In all of Major Long's explorations, the natives of the territories through which he passed received the largest share of his attention. This will be evident from an examination of the table of contents of each volume. pj L^ 1113 Jamks. a Narrative of the Captivity and Adventures of ' John Tanner, (U. S Interpreter at the Saut de Saint Marie), during Thirty Years' Residence among the Indians, in the In- terior of North America. Prepared for the Press by Edwin James, M. D. ... Portrait, 8°, lialf morocco, pp. 426. N. r., G.& C.& E. Carvill, 1830 The editor obtained the material for its construction from the lips of John Tanner, a captive white who had resided among the Indians for thirty years. His relation of his life among the Northern Indians, is probably the most minute if not authentic detail of their habits, modes of living, and social customs, ever printed. C-IA'' 1114 Jameson (Anna). Winter Sketches and Summer Rambles in Canada. By Mrs. Jameson, in 3 vols., post 8°, uncut. London : Saunders & Otley, Conduit street, 1838 Includes Sketches of Indian Life, ])ersonal appearance and Biograph- ical notes of such Indians as she met, and such narrations of their tra- ditions, and religious sentiments, as a woman would be permitted to hear, or -report. ^r/^ 1115 Jarvis (S. F.), a Discourse on the Religion of the Indian Tribes of North America. Delivered before the New York Historical Society, December 20, 1819. By Samuel Farmer Jarvib. ...8°, pp. 111. NeioYork : Printed hj C. Wiley & Co., 1820 /^,'/- 1116 Jefferson (T.). Notes on the State of Virginia. With an ^ Appendix relative to the Murder of Logan's Family. By Thomas Jefferson. 12°, half levant morocco, pp. 363. Trenton : Printed hy "Wilson & Blackwell, Jxdy 12, 1803 The first edition in which the Appendix relating to the murder of Logan's family by Captain Cresap, was announced on the title-page, as an answer to the charge that Jefferson had invented the narrative in the Notes to cover the alleged literary imposture of Logan's speech. 153 1117 Jefferson (T.). [Another Oopy]. 12°, sheep. Trenton, 1803 1118 Jefeerson (T.). An | Appendix | to the | Notes on Vir- ginia I Relative to the Murder of Logan's Family. | By Thomas Jefferson. | 8°. Philadelphia : | Printed hy Samuel H. Smith, | M D.CCC The first form, in which Jefferson produced the great mass of testi- mony, relating to the murder of Logan's family and other peaceable Indians, by Cresap's party of marai^ders. If the evidence of the perpe- tration of these crimes, and of the authenticity of Logan's wonderful speech, are not conclusive, then historical testimony, fortified by cor- roboration from living witnesses ; must be as illusory as fiction. Re- cent as was the publication of this treatise, there are in my experience few rarer works on American history. 1119 Jeffreys (T.). The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America. Griving a particular Account of the Climate, Soil, Minerals, Animals, Vegetables, Manufactures, Trade, Commerce, and Languages to- gether with their Religion, Government, Grenius, Character, Manners and Customs of the Indians, and other Inhabitants. Illustrated by Maps and Plans of the principal Places, Collected from the best Authorities and Engraved by T. Jeffreys Greogra- pher to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Part I. Con- taining A Description of Canada and Louisiana. 18 maps. Folio, ca?/, pp. 163. Part II pp. 246. London, printed for Thomas Jeffreys, 1760 Part II. containing part of the Islands of St. Domingo, Martinez, the islands of St. Guadaloupe, Martinico, La Grenade, and the Island and Colony of Cayenne. 1120 Jewitt (J. R.). A Narrative of the Adventures and Suf- ferings of John R. Jewett only survivor of the crew of the Ship Boston during a Captivity of nearly three years among the Sa- vages of Nootka Sound with an account of the Manners, Mode of Living and Religious Opinions of the Natives. ... 12°, pp. 203, 2 plates. Middletown, printf d hy Loomis & Richards, 1815 Written by Richard Alsop, of Middletown, Conn., and affords us many new and interesting particulars of the life and habits of the most savage of American aborigines. 1121 Jewitt. Narrative [Another Edition]. 12°, sheep, pp. 166. Ithaca, K Y., 1851 1122 Jewiit (L.). Grave-Mounds and their Contents : A Manual of Archaeology as exemplified in the burials of the Celtic, the Romano-British, and the Anglo-Saxon Periods. By Llew- ellyun Jewitt. With nearly five hundred Illustrations. 12°. London ; Groonihridge & Sons, 1870 20 % / 154 ,Qr! 1123 JoGUES. (I.)- Narrativc'of a Captivity among the Mohawk Tn- / dians, and a Description of New Netherland in 1642-3 by- Father Isaac Jogues of the Society of Jesus. With a Memoir of the Holy Missionary. By John Gilmary Shea 8°, pp. 69. New York (Press o/the Historical Society/'), 1856 The most astonisLinij relation of sufferings in the holy cause of reli- gion, and of the persistent cruelties of a savage race, ever written. They afford us the most intimate, as they do the most authentic account of the character of the Mohawks, of which we are now cognizant. 1124 Johns (J.). A Narrative of the Life and Sufferings of Mrs. Jane Johns, who was barbarously Wounded and Scalped by Seminole Indians, in East Florida. 8°. Charleston : 'printed hy Burke & Giles, 1837 /.6~ 1125 Johns (K.). Speech of Kensley Johns Jr., of Delaware on the Indian Bill in the House ... May, 1830. 8°, pp. 19. Washington, 1830 c P 1126 Johnson (Anna C). The Iroquois, or The Bright Side of Indian Character, by Minnie Myrile. 12°, cloth. New York, 1855 A compilation of material relating to the Six Nations, legendary, historical, and biographical. 1127 Johnson (J-). Traditions and Eeminisceuces chiefly of the American Revolution in the South ; including Biographical Sketches, Incidents and Anecdotes, Few of which have been published, Particularly of Residents in the Upper Country. 8°. Maps, etc; cloth, very scarce. Morrell's copy sold for §13. Charleston : S. C. Walker & James, 1851 ^ V ^ 1128 [Johnson, (Lorenzo) D.]. A Boston Merchant of 1745; or Incidents in the Life of James Gibson, a Gentleman Volunteer at the Expedition to Louisburg; with a Journal of that Seige, never beibre published in this Country. By One of his l)e- scendants, pp. 102. 12°, half morocco. Boston : Redding & Company, 1847 /■a ^5^0 fo -^p 1129 Johnson, (S. R.). A Memorial Discourse on the Life, Character and Services of General Jeremiah Johnson of Brooklyn. Portrait. 8°, pp. 34. Brooklyn, 1854 1130 Johnson (Susannah). A Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson Containing An Account of her Sufferings during Four Years with the Indians and French. Published according to Act of Congress. 18°, pp. 144. Printed at Walpole, Newhamj^i^hire, hy David Carlisle Jun., 1796. *^rb %-%^' ,Ch ^3 lic'h /,r^< 156 1131 Johnson. The Captive American, or a Narrative of the Sufferings of Mrs. Johnson during Four Years Captivity with the Indians and French. Written by herself. 18°, pp. 72, Newcastle: 31. Angus, 1907 1132 Johnson. A Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johnson. Containing an account of her sufferings, during Four Years with the Indians and French. Together with an Appendix contain- ing the Sermon preached at her Funeral, &c. Third Edition corrected and con.siderably enlarged. 12°, pp. 178. Windsor, Vt., 1813 1183 Johnson (T. T.). California and Oregon j or, Sights in the Gold Region, and Scenes by the way. By Theodore V. Johnson. With a Map and illusti-ations. Fourth Edition. With an Appendix, containing ... particulars of the march of the regi- ment of U. S, riflemen in 1849, together with the Oregon Land Bill. 12°, doth, pp 348. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1865. The massacre of the Oregon party of white men by Indians, and the horrible revenge taken by the miners upon a tribe, entirely innocent. 1134 Johnson (W.). Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of General Nathanael Greene. Compiled chiefly from original materials. By William Johnson, of Charleston, S. C. Por- trait. 2 vols., 4°, hoards uncut. Charleston, S. C, 1822 1135 Johnston (C.) A Narrative of the Incidents attending the Capture, Detention and Ransom, of Charles Johnston, of Botetourt County, Virginia ; who was made Prisoner by the Indiuns, on the River Ohio, in the year 1790 : Together with an Interesting Account of the Fate of his Companions, Five in number, One of whom suffered at the Stake ... 12°, pp. 264. New York, 1827 1136 Johnston (J). A History of the haunted Caverns of Magde- lama. An Indian Queen of South America, with her likeness, Written by Dr. James Johnston. During a Captivity of three years, being taken up as a Spy by the above queen. Published for the relief of the Author who lost his all by that tremendous fire at Savannah as before stated tn the public papers. Plates. 12°, hoards, uncut, pp. 206, Philadelphia James Sharon, 1821 " If after having been stuck full of light wood splinters, set on fire and dying for several days, and then being burnt out in the tremendous fire at Savannah, the author does not win the sympathy of his reader, I cannot conceive what amount of dying will do it." — Melds. 1137 Johnston. Campaign of Louisbourg 1750-58. By Cheva- lier Johnston, pp. 28. Quehec, 1S67 156 1138 Johnston (J. E.) and others. Eeports of the Secretary of '^.Qi-' War, with Reconnoissances of Routes from San Antonio to El ^ I Paso, by Brevet Lt. Col. J. E. Johnston ; Lieut. W. i. Smith; Lieut. E. T. Bryan; Lieut. N. H. Michler and Capt. S. G. French of Q'rmaster's Dep't. Also, the Report of Capt. R. B. Marcy's Ronte, from Fort Smith to Sante Fe ; and the Report of Lieut. J. H. Simpson, of an Expedition into the Navajo Country; and the Report cf Lieut. H. C Whiting's Reconnois- sances of the Western Frontier of Texas, July 24, 1850. 2 maps and 71 plates. 8°, pp. 250. WasJnngton: Union office, 1850 There is much interesting matter in the reports relating to Indian tribes, then first visited, and the plates are principally illustrative of Indian life, or aboriginal antiquities. ,^iif 1138* Johnston. Manuscripts relating to the Early History of Canada. The Invasion of Canada in 1775. A. Journal by Col. H. Caldwell, pp. 55. Quehec, 1866 ^'fo 1139 Johonnot (J.). The Remarkable Adventures of Jackson ^ Johonnot, of Massachusetts, who Served as a Soldier in the Western Army, in the Expedition under Gen. Harmar and Gen. St. Clair. Containing an Account of his Captivity, Suflferings and Escape from the Kickapo Indians. Written by Himself, and Published at the earnest request and importunity of his friends for the Benefit of Ameiican Youth. 12°, pp. 24. Greenfield^ Mans. : Printed hy Ansel Fhelps, 1816 ^l^f 1140 Jones (A.). The Cymri of '76; or Welshmen and their descendants of the American Revolution. By Alexander Jones, M.D. With a Letter on Eminent Welshmen, by Samuel Jen- kins, and a Sketch of the St. David's Benevolent Society. 8", cloth. New York ; Sheldon, Lamport & Co., 1855 14-,%^ 1141 Jones (C. C). Antiquities of the Southern Indians, parti- cularly of the Georgia Tribes. By Charles C Jones jr. 8°, cloth, uncut. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1873 Almost twenty years of personal explorations of burial and sacrificial mounds find in this volume the record of their results. No volume having the examination of American antiquities for its subject, was ever prepar- ed under such favorable auspices for its perfection. The zeal and learning of its author, impelled him to supplement the theories of others by his own explorations, and discoveries. The plates are from drawings of his own collection and numerous as the objects they illustrate, they represent but a small portion of those which his industry and good fortune have made him the possessor. '5^ 1142 Jones. Ancient Tumuli on the Savannah River. By Charles C. Jones, Jr. Map and 14 pp. (n. p. n. rf.) •(:)%- 1143 Jones. Ancient Tumuli in Georgia ... By Charles Jones. 8°, pp. 29. uncut. Worcester : Printed hy Charles Hamilton^ 1869 157 1144 Jones. Historical Sketch of Tomo-Clii-Chi, Mico of the Yamacraws, by C. C Jones, Jr 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. 133. Albany, N. Y. : Joel Munsell, 1868 Tlie lare'e-minded and heroic Indian chief, who welcomed Ogle- thorpe to the lands of his nation, and fed and protected the infant / .^ o colony during those early years, when disease and the Spaniard threat- /• *ened its existence, well deserved a biography. Mr. Jones has done full justice to his subject, by fortifying the facts of his biography with undoubted authorities. 'rO 1145 Jones. Indian Remains in Southern Georgia. Address delivered before the Georgia Historical Society ... by Charles C. Jones, Jr. 8°, pp. 25. Savannah, 1859 •So 1146 Jones. Monumental Remains of Georgia: by Charles C. Jones, Jr. Part First. Map. 8°, pp. 119. Savannah: John M. Cooper and Company, 1861 The result of a personal examination of the aboriginal monuments of Georgia, aided by such fortuitous circumstances as seldom fall to the lot of the explorer. /%- 1147 Jones (D.). A Journal of two Visits made to some Nations of Indians on the West Side of the River Ohio, in the Years 1772 and 1773. By the Rev. David Jones, Minister of the Gospel at Freehold, in New Jersey. With a Biographical Notice of the Author, by Horatio Gates Jones, A.M., ... 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. xi, 127. New York, Joseph Sabin, 1865 Only fifty copies large paper printed. •^0 1148 Jones (E. F.). Stockbridge, Past and Present; or. Records of An Old Mission Station, By Miss Electa F. Jones. 12°, cloth, pp. 273. Springfield : Samuel Boicles & Company, 1854 Stockbridge, in Massachusetts, was the residence of the Stockbridge Housatonic Muh-he-ka-ne-ok (Mohegan) Indians. They were called by the English, ' Iliver Indians,' a fair translation of their name, which signified " The people of the ever flowing waters." ^■6 1149 Jones (G.). An Original History of Ancient America, Founded upon the Ruins of Antiquity, the Identity of the Abo- rigines with the People of Tyrus and Israel, and the Introduction of Christianity by The Apostle St. Thomas. By George -lones... 8°, cloth, pp. 479. London, Neiq Yorh, Berlin and Paris, 1843 The author was afterwards known as the Count Johannes. It is en- tirely speculative in its character, and might rank well with the seven hundred treatises on the origin of the American Indians, said to have been offered for consideration to a French Society, on the first meeting aftei' the announc(!ment of the subject. The learned Count traces the Tyrian exiles directly to the shores of America, with almost as much definiteness, as he could had he accom])anied them. It only needs an Appendix, tracing the ancestry of the American aborigines through the Tyrians, from tlie phmet Herschel, to complete his scheme, — Field. 158 '///^ 1150 Jones (E.). Memoir of Elizabeth Jones a little [ndiangirl, who lived at the River-Credit Mission, Upper Canada. 18°, doth, pp. 36, plate. Neio York : Carlton & Porter n.d. ^^/^ 1151 Jones (H. G.). " Andrew Bradford, Founder of the News- paper Press in the Middle States of America." An Address 8°, pp. 36. Fhila., 1869 ^ L^' 1152 Jones (H.). The Present State of Vir<2;inia: Giving A particular and Short Account of the Indiau, English and Ne- groe Inhabitants of that Colony !^hewing their Religion, Manners, Government, Trade, Way of Living, &c., with a De- scription of that Country. From whence is inferred a Short View of Maryland and North Carolina. ... By Hugh Jones, A. M 8°, doth, uncut. New York: Reprinted /or Joseph Sabin.lSQb. '^^C' ^''■^ '^ Part I is entirely devoted to a disquisition upon the natives. It also 'contains an account of the Tramontane Order (V. A. R. ), the state of // "■^ the Churcli, &c., and many other valuable particulars of the existing order of aifairs in Virginia, &c. Mr. Jones was professor of mathe- matics at William and Mary College. ^,(> ' 1153 Jones (J. A.). Traditions of the North American Indians; being a second and revised edition of " Tales of an Indian Camp." By James Athearn Jones. 3 vols., post 8°, half mo- rocco, uncut. Vol. I. pp. xxxiii + xxviii.-j- 312 and plate. Vol. II. pp. iv -)- 336 and plate. Vol.111, pp iv.-}-341 and plate. London : Henry Colbum and Richard Benfl y, mdccclix. The copious and numerous notes scattered through the volumes upon Indian history and customs, have an authenticity, which entitle them to respect. See Field's Essay. '/V/ 1154 Jones (J. B.). Wild Western Scenes. 12°, doth, uncut. ^ Philadelphia, 1869 ^^,(^^ 1155 Jones. The Gospel according to St. John. Translated into the Chippeway Tongue by John Jones, and Revised and cor- rected by Peter Jones, Indian Teachers. 12°, &heep pp (280). London, 1831 Alternate English and Chippeway, with the verse in each language opposite English and Indian titles, each one leaf. /. ^0 1156 Jones (J. S.). A DefeiKJe of the Revolutionary History of the State of North Carolina from the Aspersions of Mr Jeffer- son. By Jo. Seawell Jimes, of Shocco, North Carolina. 12°, pp XII, 343. Boston : Charles Bowen, 1834 .SC 1157 Jones (N. W.). Indian Bulletin for 1867, No. 1. Con- taining a brief Account of the North .\merican Indians, and the Interpretation of many Indian Names By Rev. N. W. Jones 8^, pp. 16 Neio Yoric Printed by C. A. Alvord, 1807 iTJi^f 159 1158 Jones. History of the Ojibway Indians ; with especial refer- ^.- ence to their conversion to Christianity. By Rev. Peter /•/ Jones (Kah, ke-wa-quon-a-by) Indian Missionary. With a brief Memoir of the Writer ; and Introductory Notice by the Rev. G Osborn, D.D. ... 12°, dutli, pp. vill, 278, 16 plates. London : A. W. Bennett, 1861 170 have been establislied, and tlie means of increasing them. Highly commended by Boucher de la Eichardiere gives an account of the pro- minent characteristics of the Caribs, the last surviving remnant of whom, on the island of Martinique, he visited in 1694, he found only forty-seven persons alive. Since then the last of the tribe has dis- appeared. ' '^ j ' 1233 [Lacock (Mr.).] Seminole War. Mr. Lacock's Report upon the Execution of. Arbuthnot and Ambrister, with the evidence before the Committee, on the Conduct of the Semi- nole War. 8°, pp. 40. Washington, 1818 / /1a 1234 Lacombe. Alt. Dictionnaire et Grammaire de La Lanojue des bris. 8°, uncut. Montreal, 1874 6.1-^ 1235 La CoNDAMiNE (Charles Marie de). Eelation Abregee d'un ' Voyage fait dans L'lnterieure De I'Amerique Meridionale De- puis la Cote de la Mer du Sud, jusqu' aux Cotes du Bresil & de la Guyane, en descendant La Eiviere des Amazones. Par M De La Condamine, de TAcademie des Sciences. Avec une Carte du Maragnon, ou de la Riviere des Amazones, levee par le meme. Nouvelle Edition. Augmentee de la Relation de 1' Emeute populaire de Cuenga au Perou. et d'une lettre de M. Godin des Odonais, contenant la Relation du Voyage de Madame Godin son epouse &c. Map and plate. 8°, uncut, pp. (4) xvi, 379. A Maestricht, M DCC.LXXVill ■ / O 1236 La Condamine. A Succinct abridgment of a Voyage Made within the Inland Parts of South America ; from the Coasts of the South Sea, to the Coasts of Brazil and Guiana, down the River of Amazons : As it was read in the Public Assembly of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, April 28, 1745. By 31ons. De La Condamine, of that Academy. To which is annexed. A Map of the Maranon, or River of the Amazons, drawn by the Same. Map, 8°. London : E. FTtVAers, MDCCXLVii / ^/J." 1237 La Cobne (S. L. de). Journal du Voyage de M. Saint Luc ' de la Corne, P^cr. dans lanavire I'Auguste, en I'an 1761. Second edition. 8°, pp. 28. Quhec A Cote et Vie, 18ti3 , ^r~1238 Laet. loannis de Laet Antuerpiani Notae ad Dissertationem Hvgonis Grotii Do Origine Gentium Americanorum ; et Obser- vationes Aliquot ad meliorem indaginem difficilliniae illius Quaestionis. Small 8°, pp. 223. Parisus, Apud Viduam Gvdidmi Pele via lacohaca sub Signo Crucis uurea, M DC.XLlll Notes on the Dissertation of Hugo Grotius on the Origin of the Ame- rican Indians and other Observations to facilitate the Understanding of some difficult Questions upon them. 171 1239 Laet. loannis de Laet Antwerpiani. Notae ad Disserta- V^ *■■'- tionem Hugonis Grotii. [Another Edition.] 16°, pp. 223. /^^''^ ^Q i Amstelodavii , Apvd Lvdovicvm Elzivirivm, Clo.ToC.XLlIl Written to refute the arguments of Hugo Grotius, who controverted the theory of their Scythian descent. ^ 1240 Laet. loannis de Laet Antwerpiani Responsioaf^ Desserta- tionem Secundam Hogonis Grotii, de Origine Gentium Ameri- canorum cum Indice ad utrumque libellum. Map. 8°, pp. (4) 116 (8). Amstelrodami, Apud Ludovicum Ulsevirium, Clo lo CXLIV This is a response to the second dissertation of Hugo Grotius on the Origin of the American Races. ^} ^~2; 1241 Laet (J.). L'Histoire | dv | Noveau Monde | ou | description | /y ' ' des Indes | Occidentales, j Contenant dix-huict Liures, | Par le y Sieur lean de Laet, d Anuers ; | Enrichi de nouuelles Tables Geographiques & Figures des | Animaux, Plantes & Fruicts | Folio, ca/f. A Lei/de, \ Chez Bonauenture & Abraham Eheuiers Impri- meiirs ordinaires de I Universite \ 1640 The History of the New World or description of the West Indies. Asher remarks, concerning this work, that he could not find a copy in Holland. It contains many materials not to be found in the original Dutch. Charlevoix says : " This work is full of the most excellent and curious details of the natural history, and the character, manners, and customs of the American aborigines, derived from the reports of the European mission establishments in America. It contains many docu- ments upon American philology, taken for the most part from the col- lection of Ramusio, upon the languages of the natives of Canada, and the relation of Lery of those of Brazil." ^ ^o 1242 Lafitau (J. F.). Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains compa- r^es aux Moeurs des premiers Temps. Par Le P. Lafitau de la Compagnie de Jt%us. Ouvrage enrichi de Figures en taille- douce. 2 vols., 4°, calf. 41 plates. A Paris : Saugraine Vaine MDCCXXIV Manners of the Savages of America compared with those of Ancient Times. Gives very extended and very exact details of the customs, manners, and religion of the savages of America, though principally of the Indians of Canada. Charlevoix says : " We have nothing so exact upon the subject of which he treats. His parallel of ancient nations with the Amei-ican Indians is very ingenious, and exhibits as great familiarity with the nations of antiquity in the Old World, as with the aborigines of the new." C o 1243 La Fiteau. De Zeden der Wilden Van Amerika zynde Een nieuwe uitvoerige en zeer kurieuse Beschryving van der- zelver Oorsprong, Godshieft, mauier van Oorlogen, iluvvelykea, Opvoeding, Oeffeningen, Feesten, Danzeryen, Begravenisteu, en andere zeldzumo gcwooutcn : Tcgeu De Zcdcn dor oud.ste / c 172 Volkeren vergeleken, en met getuigenissen uit deoudste Griek- sche en andere Schryveren getoetest en bevestigt. Door den zeer geleerdea J. F. La Fiteau, Jesuit en Zendeling in Ame- rika in't Fransch beschreven. ... 41 Plates. 2 vols., folio, uncut. In's Gravenhage, hy Gerard Vander Poel, Boekverkoper, 1731 A Dutch translation with fine copperplate engravings. 1244 Lahontan. Dialogues de Monsieur de Baron le Lahontan et d'un Sauvage, dans I'Aiuerique. Contenautune description exact des Moeurs & des Coutumes de ces Peuples Sauvages. Avee les Voyages du meme en Portugal ... Le tout enrichi de Cartes & les Figures. Plate. 18°, calf, pp. (16), 103. A Amsterdam, Chez la Veuve de Boetemen et se vend A Londres, chez David JlJortier, M.DCCIV Dialogue between the Baron La Hontan, and an American Indian. Containing an exact description of the Manners and Customs of the Savage Natives. The dramatical part of the work is probably imagi- nary. The traits of the savages are doftbtle.ss fairly illustrated in its course, but it was used as a medium by the author to proclaim his deistical theories, and is of as much historical consequence as Rogers's Ponteach, or Count Johannes's Tecumseh, a Drama. o 1245 La Hontan. New Voyages to North-America. Contain- ing An Account of the several Nations of that vast Continent; their Customs, Commerce, and Way of Navigation upon the Lakes and Rivers ; the several Attempts of the English and • French to dispossess one another; with the Reasons of the Mis- carriage of the former ; and the various Adventures between the French, and the Iroquese Confederates of England, from 1683 to 1694 ... Also a Dialogue between the Author and a General of the Savages, giving a full View of the Religion and strange Opinions of these People : with an Account of the Au- thor's Retreat to Portugal & Denmark, and his Remarks on those Courts. To which is added, A Dictionary of the Algon- kine Language, which is generally spoke in North- America. Illustrated with twenty-three Mapps and Cutts. Written in French, by the Baron Lahontan, Lord Lieutenant of the French Colony at Placentia in New Foundland, now in England. Done into English, a great part of which never Printed in the Origi- nal. 2 vols., 8vo, lialf calf. London, 1703 The work of La Hontan has not received the amount of credit to which it is really entitled, although written by a man of more than ordinary learning and intelliprence. Had he written no other work than the New Voyages, it is probable that it would have experienced no lack of esteem, but his Kelations even when scrupulously exact, have felt the mahgn influence of the skepticism and infidelity which he infused into his subsequent work. Dialogue between the Author and a Sauvage. This is a translation of his Voyage originally published in French, in 1703. 173 1246 Lamb (R.). An Original and Authentic Journal of Oc- currences during the late American War. 8°, calf. Duhlin, 1809 1246* Lamb. Memoirs of His Own Life. By R. Lamb, formerly a Sergeant in the Royal Welsh Fusileers. 8°, calf. Dublin., 1811 1247 Lancaster (D.). The History of Gihnauton ; including what is now Gilford (N. H.). Map. 8°, boards. Gilmanton, 1845 - S'c^ 1248 Lancaster Massacre. Serious Address, To such of the In- habitants of Pennsylvania, As have connived at, or do approve of, the late Massacre of the Indians at Lancaster, or the Design of killing those who are now in the Barracks at Philadelphia. Re-printed from the First Edition (printed by Mr. Auibrister, and diligently compared and revised with the same. [Price, two old Pennies.] 12°, half calf pp. 8. Philadelphia : printed by Andrew Steuart, at the Bible-in- Heart in Second- i^itreet, 1764 Little more than a sermon, interspersed with historical sketches of the events which led to, and attended the dreadful massacre of the Christian Indians, by the dastardly wretches called Paxton Boys, whose cowardice had made them ferocious. 6 "^ 1249 Land Claims, &c under Choctaw Treaty, pp. 54. (Report, on the location of the Choctaw claims, pp. 20. Choctaw Treaty claiming Babbit Creek, with letters and documents. 8", pp, 179. Washington, 1841 ^'p 1250 Langevin (J.). L'Histoire du Canada en Tableaux ... par M. Jean Langevin. 8"... Quebec, 1860 X^O 1251 Lang (J. D.) and Taylor (S.). Report of a Visit to some of the Tribes of Indians, located West of the Mississippi River, by John I). Lang and Samuel Taylor, Jun. 8°, pp. 34. New York : Press of 31 Day & Co., 1843 1252 Lanqford (J ). Murray's Tourist's Guide to the City of Montreal by John Langford. 16°, pp. 96. Montreal, 1866 1253 Langworthy (Asahel). Authentic Biography of Col. Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky. 12°, pp 94. Boston, 1834 The oft told story of the battle of Tippecanoe, and Col. Johnson's share in it, and whether he killed Tecumseh, and other particulars relating to his participation in Indian wars, are here narrated, ^ %■ 1254 Langworthy (Edward). The Life and Memoirs of Maj. General Charles Lee, Second in Command to General Washing- ton, during the American Revolution. To which are added, his Political and Military Essays. Also, Letters to and from many Distinguished (Characters, both in Europe and America. 12mo, boards, uncut, pp. 3'):^, New York: R. Scott, 1813 Very rare in uncut condition. 174 f / 1255 Lanman, C). Haw-ho-noo; or, Eeeords of a Tourist. By Charles Lanman. 12°, cloth. Philaddphia : Lippincott, Gramho & Co., 1850 Includes Indian legends. [0%^ 1256 Lanman (J. H.). History of Michigan, Civil and Topo- graphical, in a Compendious Form : with a View of the Sur- rounding Lakes. Bv James H. Lanman, with a map. 8°, pp. xvi, 398. ' New Ywk: E. French, \'i?>% Includes a minute narration of the early dealings of the whites with the aborigines of the territory, the Jesuit missions, and border wars. / /^ 1257 Lanson (H.). The Life and Adventures of Henry Lanson the only Son of a Wealthy Planter in the West Indies who when on his Voyage to England was put on Shore on an unin- ^c habited island where on his perambulation up the country he discovers the Ruins of an Ancient Tdmple. 12°, frontispiece. London [n. rf.] 2 'j' 1258 La Perouse (J. F. de). A Voyasre round the World, per- ^/ formed In the Years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788. By the Boussole, and Astrolabe ; Under the Command of J. F. Gr. de la Perouse : published by order of the National Assembly under the Superintendence of L. A. Milet — Mureau. 2 vols. Illus- trated by a variety of Charts and Plates in a separate folio volume. Translated from the French. 2 vols., 4°, half calf , and Atlas in folio. London : G. G. and J. Rohinson, 1799 The narrative of the enterprising but ill-fated Perouse, is full of interest in all portions, but his relations of the peculiarities he observed in the natives of the northwest coast of North America, are especially valuable in portraying their manners at that early day. (3 v)~t> 1259 [La Peybebe (Isaac de)]. Relation | dv | Greenland. | 24°. Chez Avgvstin Covrhe, M DCXL VII Pp. (16) 278 (4) -fa folding map of Greenland and one folding plate. The last is a sheet divided into five comjiartments, exhibiting cuts of the native Esquimaux, their fishing, weapons, etc. This is the original edition of La Peyrere's curious Relation of Greenland, and is considered among the bibliographical rarities. It was afterwards printed in Recueil de Voyages du Nord and a German edition was issued in 1674. The work contains some relations of the Esquimau savages of Green- land, which are of value, as being observations made upon them at that early day. / O^' 1200 [La Peyrere]. Ausftihrliche Beschreibund, des theils bewohnt — theils unbewohnt — so genaunten Gr(3nl;inds durch S. von V [ries.] Plate and map. 4°, pp. (6) 131 ^. Nurnhcj-g, in Verlegung Christof Riegels, 1679 ^ [-i 1261 Lapham (I. A.). The Antiquities of Wisconsin as surveyed and described by I. A. Lapham, Civil Engineer. 4°, pp. 95. New York : G. P. Putnam iih Co., 1855 175 /^ J~ 1262 Lapham. Wisconsin : its Geography and Topography. Map. 12°. Milwaukee, 1846 S'o 1263 La RocHEFAUCAULD-Liancourt (Due de). Voyage daus les Etast Unis d'Amerique, fait en 1795-96. 97. 8 vols., 8°, half roan. Paris, 1798 /^ 3 $ 1164 La Rochefoucault (Liancourt). Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797 ; by the Duke de la Rochefoucault Liancourt. With an authentic ac- count of Lower Canada. Three Maps, severall Tables, &c. Second edition. 4 vols., 8°, calf. London: R. Phillips, 1800 See Field's Essay, No. 930. , h^ 1265 Larimer (S. L.) The Capture and Escape ; Or, Life among the Sioux, by Mrs. Sarah L. Larimer. 5 plates. 12°, pp. 252. Philadelphia, 1870 A vivid, and apparently candid narrative, of the terrible experience of a delicate woman, tlie survivor of the massacre of a train of emi- , grants to Idaho, in her captivity among the savages. C>Uy 1266 Larrainzar (M.). Dictameu poesentado 4 la sociedad de geografia y estadistica de Mexico por el Sr. Lie. D. Manuel Larrainzar, sobra la olrra del Sr. abate E. Carlos Brasseur de Bourbourg, cuyo titulo es el sigiuente : " Si ecsiste el origen de la historia primitive de Mexico...." 4°, pp. 25. Mexico Imp7-enta de Ignacio Compledo, 1865 /poo 1267 Las Cassas (B. de). A Series of the Original Spanish Edition of the Works of Bartholomew de Las Cassas as described at length in T. W. Field's Essay on Indian Biography, consist- ing of 8 parts 4°, morocco extra. Sevilla en casa d^ Sebastian Prugello, 1552 So complete and so fine a series of the works of Las Casas — the first Catholic priest ordained in America, the first advocate of the aboli- tion of American Slavery, the Apostle to the Indians, very rarely occurs for sale deserves from their intrinsic excellence'as well as the excessive rarity of the original editions, an extended bibliographical notice." And they have received it in Mr. Field's Essay, page 215, to which we refer for further particulars. (^ l)~o 1268 Las Casas D. Bartholo | maei de Las Casas, | Episcopi Chiapensis, Viri | in Omni doctriuarum genere | exercitati.ssimi, erudita & elegans explicatio Quaestionis | Vtrum Reges vel Principcs iure aliquo vel titulo, & Salua con | scientia Ciues ac Subditos a Regia Corona alienare, & alterius | Domini particu- laris ditioni Subijcere possint? | Edita cura & Studio Vuolff- gangi Griesstetteri. | Cum gratia & priuilegio Caesareae Maieskitis. j 4°, pp. (8) 67. Francoforti, ad Moenvm, 1571 D. Bartholomew de Las Casas Bishop of Chiapas, a man learned in every class of science ; his wise Examination of the Question whether 1T6 h /3 kings and princes have the right to dispose of their Subjects to other powers. Never before treated at such length, by any learned men. Published by Wolfgang Griesstetter, Frankfort, 1571. This piece of Las Casas' was not included in his Spanish works, first issued in 1551-53, and has never been printed in Spain (Stsvens). It is even more rare than the other pieces of Las Casas which are so seldom reunited. 1269 Las Casas. Istoria, | o Breuissima Relatione | della ' Dis- trvttione | dell' Indie Occidentali | di Monsig. reverendiss. Don Bartolomeo dalle Case, o Casaus, Siuigliane dell' Ordine de' Predicatori ; & Vescouo di Chiapa. | Conforme al sue vero Originale Spagnuolo gia stampato in Siuiglia. | Tradotta in Italiano dell' Excell. Sig Giacomo Castellani, | gia sotto nome di Francesco Bersabita. | Al Molt' 111'-'^ & EcC^" Sig-' Sig' mio Col-'"" II Sig. I Nicolo' Persico. 4°, pp. (8) 150 (2). In Venetia Presso Marco Ginammi, M DC XLlll The Italian translation is printed in double columns, Italian and Spanish. It is the third edition, printed at Venice. 1270 Las Casas. La Liberia | Prestesa | Dal supplice Schiavo Indiano | di Monsignor Reverendiss. | D. Bartolomeo dalle Case, I 6 Casaus Siuigliano, dell' Ordine de' Predicatori & Vescouo | di Chiapa, Citta Regale dell' Indie. | Conforme al suo vero Originale Spagnuolo gia Stampato in Siuiglia. | Tradotto in Italiano per opera di Marco Ginammi. | All' Alteza. 4°, pp. pp. 155 (3). In Venetia, Presso Marco Ginammi, M DC XXXX 1271 Las Casas. II svpplice | schiavo Indiano | di Monsig. Reve" rendiss. | D. Bartolomeo | Dalle Case, 6 Casaus, Siuigliano, dell' Ordine | de' Predicatori, & Vescouo di Chiapa, | Citth. Re- gale deir Indie. | Conforme al suo vero Orignale Spagnuolo gik stampato in Siuiglia. | Tradotto in Italiano per opera di Marco Ginammi. | Al Molto Illustre Sig. Sig. Osseruandiss. il Sig. I Berando Moro. | 4°, pp. 96. In Venetia, Per li Ginamma, | Con Licenza de' Superiori, & Priuilegio, 1657 The third Italian edition (with the Spanish version in parallel columns), Matters relating to the Indians who ham been lield as slaves. 1272 Las Casas. Conqvista | dell' Indie | Occidentali | de Mon- signor I Era Bartolmea dalle Case, | 6 Casaus, Siuigliano Ves- couo di Chiapa. | Tradotta in Italiano per opera di Marco Gin- ammi. I All' III'"" & Ecc-'"» Sig'« Sig™ & mio Padron Col-""" | II Sig"' Pietro Sagredo | Procvratore di S. Marco. 4°, pp. 8, xvii, 30-184. In Venetia, Presso Marco Ginammi, M DC XXXXV The only Italian edition of the Disputa, and the Principia Quidam. 177 1273 Las Casas. Den Vermeerderden | Spieghel j der | Spanen- / i*x sclie tierannije I geschiet in Westindien waerin te | sien is de '■ '" oinuenschelijcke wreede | t'eijtea der Spanjarden met sajcpn | de beschrijvinge der selver lanfc en | Volcken aert en nature | alien Vaderlant lieuende en vrome voerstil | ders ten exempel voor- gestelt. I In Spans beschreven door den E. bischop | don fray bartholme de las Casas | van S. dominicu soorden. 4°. Gedruckt tot Amsterdam by Cornells Lodewijckss, vander Plasse, inde liaUaensche Bijbel, Anno, 1621 The Augmented Looking Glass of the Spanish Oppression happened in the West Indies, wherein is to be seen the inhuman cruel acts of the Spaniards, together with a Description of the Country and the naanners and customs of the People. At the Service of and as an Example for all good and patriotic Men. These are reproductions of De Bry's plates at first issued in the Latin edition of 159, except one. See Sabin's Dictionary, 11260. ^ ^^' 1274 Las Casas. Le Miroir | De la | Tyranoie Espagnole | Perpe- tree aux Indes | Occidentales. | Ou verra icy la Cruaute plus | que inhumaiue, commise par les | Espagnols, as^i la description de I ces terres, peuples, & leur nature. | Mise en lumi^re par un I Evesque Bartholome de las Casas, | de I'Ordre de S. Do- minic, j Nouvellement refaicte, avec les | Figurs en cuyvre. 4°, Engraved title and 68 leaves. tot Amsterdam. | Ghedrucht hy Ian Eoertss | Gloppenburg op't. Water | tegen over de Koor Beurs | in Vergulden Bijbel, \ 1620 [The Mirror of Spanish Tyranny perpetrated in the West Indies. We see in it a Cruelty more than inhuman committed by the Spaniards, also a description of ihe countries, natives, and their nature. Illustrated by the Bishop Bartholomew de las ( 'asas, of the Order of Saint Dominick. Newly recollected, with copperplate Figures.] Seventeen copperplate engravings from De Bry are printed in the text. This work is not the same as the Tyrannies et Gruautesdes Espagnols. It differs materially also fi'om that afterwards reprinted under the title of Histoire des In- dies Occidentales. It is a translation from the Dutch, with the plates engraved by the De Bry's for the edition of 1598, and is the only French edition possessing them. It has been considered as the sequel of a work illustrated by the same Engravers, entitled, Tyrannee Esjjaynole perpetres au Pays Bas, although it is entirely independent in subject and pagination. The Hollanders took every pains to render the cruelty of the Spaniards immortally infamous, and the genius of De Bry was exhausted in illustrating their ingenuity of torture. It contains only a portion of the Brevissima Relacion and Carte, rearranged and distorted with a small fragment of the Gobrapratono. See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 11370. ^:S''1275 Las Casas. Histoire des Indes Occidentales. Or Ton re- connoit la bont6 deces pais, &• de leurs peuples; and les cruautes Tyranniques des iCspaguols. Dierite proiuiereinctit en langue Castillane par Doui IJartlieleniy de las Casas, en Frangois. 12°, A Lyon, Chez lean Cojin & F. Flaiynard, M.DO.XLil 23 178 1276 Las Casas. La decouverte | des | Indies Occideataleg, | par | 1^1 1 1 les Espagnols. | Ecrite par Dom Balthazar de Las- | Casas, Eve- que de Chiapa. | Dedie a Monseigneur le Coaite j de Toulouse. | |12°,title4-pp. (12)382, (2). A Paris, Avec Privilige du Roi Chez Andre Pralard, rue Saint Jacques d T Occasion, M.DC.XCVII This translation of four of Las Caeas's treatises, was reproduced the following year in Amsterdam, with the title as below. The Dutch publisher added the Relation of Montauban. /, .J, c 1277 Las Casas. Kelation | des | Voyages j et des | deeouvertes | Que les Espagnols ont fait dans les | Indes Occidentales ; | Ecrite par Dom B. de Las-Casas Eve- I que de Chiapa. | Avec la Rela- tion curieuse des Voyages du | Sieur de Montauban, Capitaine des I Filibustiers, en Guinee Tan 1695, 12°, Frontispiece + 5 leaves -\- pp. 403 -|- ii. A Amsterdam, \ Chez J. Louis de Lorme Lihraire sur le \ Rockin, a V enseiyne de la Liherte'. \ M.DC.XCVIII V [Relation of the Voyages and Discoveries made by the Spaniards in the West Indies. With the Relation of the Sieur Montauban, Captain of Buccaneers in Guinea, 1695.] This is a translation of five of Las Casas's treatises, entirely diflferent from that of Miggrode. The trea- tises are all much abbreviated, having been printed to arouse the Hol- landers against the Spaniards. The Relation of Montauban has a sepa- rate title. Mr. Rich says the translation was made by the Abbe de Bellegarde, whose politeness (or perhaps fear of the Spanish influence at the French court), induced him to soften some of the cruel parts, lest they should give pain to delicate persons. J.U 1278 Las Casas. CEuvres de don Barthelemi de Las Casas, eveque de Chiapa, Defenseur de la liberie des naturels de 1' Ame- rique ; precedees de sa vie, et accompagn^es de notes histori- ques, additions, devoloppeiuens, etc., etc.; avec Portrait; par J. A. Llorente ... 2 vols., 8°, half mor., uncut. Vol. I, pp. -|- 409 -f (2). Paris, Alexis Emery, 1822 Works of D. Las Casas, Defender of the liberty of the Natives of America, preceded by his biography, and accompanied by historical notes, additions, developments, etc. The only collection of the works of the Apostle of the Indians, which was ever printed in a foreign lan- guage. It is not a faithful translation. 'O O 1279 Las Casas (B.). Umbstandige warhafftige | Beschreibung | der Indianischen — Landern, | so vor diesem von den Spa- | niern eingenommen und j verwiist worden, | Durchgehends mit schbnen | kupiferstiiken und lebhafften | Figuren auszgezieret, | erst in Lateinischer Sprach auszgeben | durch Bartbolomoeum de las Casas, | BischofFen in Hispauieii, | Jetzt aber in das Teutsche iibersetzt, und an I vielen Orten verbessert, indieser 179 neu- 1 und lettern Edition | Anno MDOLXV. 4°, Engraved title, pp. (iv), 119. A German version of tbe French Tyrannies et Gruautez Enpcignols, or the Narratio regionum Indiearum, of 1598. It has the same en- graving surrounding the text of the title, and the seventeen plates two thirds the size of the page printed with the text. See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 11381. 1280 Las Casas. Narratio | regionvm | Indiearum per | Hispanos qvosdam | deuastatarum verrissima : prius quidem | per Episco- pum Bartholomoeum Casaum, | natione Hispanum Hispanic^ conscripta, I & anno 1551. Hispali, Hi- | spaniel, Anno ver5 hoc I 1598. Latine ex- | cusa. Small 4°, pp. (6), 141. Frcmcofihrti^ | Samptihus Theodori de Bry^ & lo- 1 annis Saurii typis. | Anno M.D.CViil | First edition with the plates engraved by De Bry. See Sabin's Dictionary, No. 11283, as to the rarity and value of this edition. 1281 Las Casas (B.). Narratio | regionum | Indiearum per | His- panos qvosdam | devastatarum verrissima : per Episco | pum Bar- tholomaeum Casaum, natione Hi | spanum Hispanice Conscripta, & I Hispali Hispanice, postalibi | Latine excusa : | Jam vero denu6 I Iconibus illustrata edita est | 4°, engraved title, pp. 138. Oppenheimi, ] Suniptibus Johan- Theod. de Bry. | Typis Hier- onymi Galleri \ MDCXIV. | Relation of the Countries in the West Indies devastated by the Spaniards ; translated into Latin by a citizen of Hispalia. Now first published and illustrated with plates. The impression of the plates in this edition are scarcely inferior to those of the first, so highly es- teemed for their beauty of execution. From this period, however, they exhibited strong proofs of the wear and dimming of use and age. 1282 Las Casas. Regionvm | Indicarvm per | Hispanos olim de- vastatarum I accuratissiraa descriptio insertis Fi- | guris aenis ad vivum fabrefactis, Authore, Bartholomseo de las Casas | Episcopo Hispano. | Editio nova Priori longe cor- I reetior. 4°, pp. (6) 112. Heidelhergae, \ Typis Gvillelmi V Valteri Acad. Typogr. A. S., M.UC.LXXIV. Accurate Description of the Indian Countries formerly desolated by the Spaniards. With Wood-cuts taken from life. The plates are illus- trative of the horrible cruelties perpetrated by the Spaniards upon the Indians, natives of the countries they conquered ; which Las Casas' Relations narrate. See Field's Essay page 221 for an expression of opinion on this subject. 1283 Las Casas. The Tears of the Indians : | Being | An His- torical and true Account | Of the Cruel | Massacres and Slaughters | of above Twenty Millions | of innocent People ; | 180 Committed by the Spaniards ] In the Islands of | Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, &c. | As also, in the Continent of | Mexico, Peru, & other Places of the | West-Indies, | To the total destruction of those Countries. | Written in Spanish by Casaus, | an Eye-witness of those things ; | And made English by J. P. Second Edition in English, Plates. Small 8°, pp. (30) 134, levant, morocco. By TF. Mathews. London : Printed hy J. C. for Nath. Brooh, at the Angel \ in Cornhil, 1656 /%/ 1284 Las Casas (B.). A | Relation | Of the First | Voyages and Discoveries | Made by the Spaniards in America i With | An Account of their unparallel'd Cruelties | on the Indians, in the destruction of a | bove Forty Millions of People. | Together with the Propositions offer'd to the | King of Spain, to prevent the further liuin | of the West-Indies. | By Don Bartholomew de las Casas, Bishop of Chiapa ; | who was an Eye-witness of their Cruelties. | Illustrated with Cuts. | To which is added, | The Art of Traveling, shewing how a Man may | dispose his Travels to the best advantage. | " Art of Traveling," 40 pp. 4- 4 and two folded plates. 8°, pp. (8) 248. London : Printed /or Daniel Brown at the Black-Swan and Bible I without Temple-Bar, and Andrew Bell at the Cross Keys and Bible in Cornhill, near Stocks-market, 1699 This professes to be a translation of the French book entitled Tyraiudes et Cruautez des Espangnols. The Relations of Las Casas proved a most formidable weapon for any nation on ill terms with the Spaniards. Ten editions at least with prints portraying the horrible cruelties perpetrated by the Spanish upon the Indians, were printed in Holland, while struo^gling with the murderous banditti of Pliilip II. Three were printed in France, during the prevalence of hostilities with Spain, and four in England under similar animus. It is worthy of note, that the Tears of the Indians places their slaughter at twenty millions, the editor of this Relation doubles the number and calls it forty millions. It is to be hoped that the real number inhumanly tortured and slain has been fictitiously doubled many times, otherwise we should be compelled to believe that the torments of purgatory were too moderate for the Spaniards." — Field. /^ fo — 1285 Las Casas. An | Account | Of the First | Voyages and dis- '^ coveries | Made by the Spaniards in America. | Containing | The most Exact Relation hitherto pub | lisli'd, of their unparallel'd /O tr 1295 Laudonniere (Rene Groulain de.). L'Histoire notable de la Floride sitvee es ludes Occidentales, conteoant les trois voyages faits en icelle par certains Capitaiues & Pilotes Frangois, descrits par le Capitaine Laudouiere, qxiiya commande I'espace d'vn an trois mois ; alaquelleaeste adiousteun quatriesme voyage fait par le Capitaine Guurgues. Mise en lumiere par M. Basanier. ... 16°, pp. xvi, 228. Paris, 1853 History of Florida, containing the three Voyages made to it by cer- tain Captains and Pilots described by Captain Laudonnierre, w^ho com- manded in them for three months. To which is added a fourth voyage made by Captain Gourgues. The narratives of the three voyages of Jean Kibaut, first published in 1586, contain the earliest accounts of the Indians of Florida, except such as are found in the Relacion of Cabeca de Vaca. In one respect, at least, it relieves the ferocity charged upon the Savages by most writers, by its narration of the horrible massacre perpetrated on the French, by the fiend Menendez. "^^' 1296 Lawrence. Memoir of the Hon. Abbott Lawrence.... By Hon. Nathan Appleton. 8vo, pp. 21. Boston, 1856 / /l-O 1297 Laws of the CBerokee Nation : adopted by the Council at various periods. Printed for the benefit of the nation. 12°, pp. 179. Cherokee Advocate office : Tahlequah, C. N., 1852 The laws of a civilized nation of Indians, printed by native hands, in the language of the government to which they acknowledge fealty ; possesses much greater claims to our interest than volumes of even greater pretence. The native habits, both of thought and action, ex- hibit themselves, in the very laws which these cliildren of the forest enacted to limit and restrain them. 1298 Laws of the Colonial and State Governments, relating to Indians and Indian Affairs from 1633 to 1831, inclusive. With An Appendix, containing the Proceedings of the Congress of the Confederation ; and the Laws of Congress, from 1800 to 1830 on the same subject. 8°, pp. xv, 9-250, 72. Washington City, 1832 ^ /T'^ (^ 1299 Lawson (J.). A New | Voyage | to | Carolina ; | Containing ^ the I Exact Description and Natural History | of that | Country : | Together with the Present State thereof | and | A Journal | Of a Thousand Miles Travel'^' thro' several | Nations of Indians. I Giving a particular Account of their Customs, | Manners, &c. | By John Lawson, Gent, Surveyor j -General of North Carolina. I Map and plate, 1°, pp. (6), 258. (1). London, \ printed in tlie Year, 1709 ^l\.l ^■7^- 183 ^^^ 1300 Lawson. The | History | of | Carolina ; \ containing the Exact Description and Natural History | of that | Country ; Together with the Present State thereof. | And | A Journa I Of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd thro' Several | Nations of In- dians. I Giving a particular Account of their Customs, | Man- ners, &c. I By John Lawson, Gent. Surveyor General j of North Carolina. | Map and Plate. 4to, pp. (6) 258 (1). London: Printed /or W. Taylor at the iShip and J. BaJcer at the Black-Boy in Pater noster Row, 1714. | 7A~'o>(^ 1301 Lawson. The | History | of | Carolina; | containing the I Exact Description and Natural History | of that | Country j Together with the Present State thereof. | And | A Journal I Of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd thro' several | Nations of In- dians. I Giving a particular Account of their Customs, | Man- ners, &c. I By John Lawson, Gent. Surveyor General | of North Carolina. | 4°, pp. (6) 258. London: \ printed for T. Warner at the Black Boy in Pater Noster Row, 1718 1302 Lawson. The History of Carolina,^ containing the Exact Description and Natural History of that Country, together with the Present State thereof and a Journal of a Thousand Miles Traveled through Several Nations of Indians, Giving a particu- lar Account of their Customs, Manners, &c. By John Lawson, Gent. Surveyor-General of North Carolina. 12°, pp. 390. London, 1714. Reprinted, Raleigh, 1860 This work, first published in 1709, was issued as a part of Stevens's Collection of Voyages in 1711. . . The relation of a man of acute habits of observation, some intelligence, and doubtless entire veracity regard- ing the Indians of North Carolina, at a very interesting period of their existence. Lawson was a land surveyor in the employment of the government, and was the unhappy cause of the exile ot the Tuscarora tribe to New York, and its consequent incorporation into the Iroquois Confederacy, by wliich its name was changed to the Six .Nations. As the surveyor was tlie precursor of the settler, who seized upon and oc- cupied the lands of the savages, he was always the especial object of their detestation. — Meld. i-f-O 1303 Leake (J. Q.). Memoir of the Life and Times of General John Lamb, an Officer of the Revolution. Portrait. 8°, sheep. Albany, 1850 General Lamb was the commander at West Point at the time of General Arnold's defection. \J O 1304 Le Beau (C). Advantures du S'. C. Le Beau, avocat eu parlement, ou Voyage curieux et nouveau, Parmi les Sauvages de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Dans le quel ou trouvera une Description du Canada, avec une Ptelation tres particuli^re des ancienues Coutumes, Moeurs, & Fa§ons de Vivre des Barbares 184 qui rhabitent''& de la mani^re dont ils se comportent aujourd' hui. Ouvraiie enrichi d' une Carte & des figures necessaries. 6 Plates and 3Iaps. 2 vols., 16°, calf, pp. (14), 370 (6); 2 (430) 6. Amsterdam : Chez Herman Ui/twerf\ 1838 Adventures of tlie Count Le Beau, advocate in Parliament ; Or New and Curious Travels among the Savages of North America. In which will be found a Description of Canada, a very particular Relation of the ancient Customs, Manners, and Habits of Life, of the Barbarians who inhabit that country, and of the manner in which they practice the same at this day. / .^f? 1305 LEcnpoaD (Thos.) Plain Dealings, or News from New England with introduction and Notes. Small 4°, cloth, uncut. Boston : J. E. Trumbull, 1867 285 copies printed. ,J~~(r o 1306 Le Clercq (C). Nouvelle | Relation |de la | Gaspesie | qui contien* | les Moeurs & la Religions des Sau- | vages Gaspesiens Porte-Croix, | adorateurs du Soliel, & d'autres | Peuples de 1' Amerique Septen- | trionale, dite le Canada. | Dediee a Ma- dame la I Princesse d'Epinoy. | Par le Pere Chrestien Le Clercq, | Missionaire Recollet dela Province de | Saint Antonie de Pade en Artois, & | Gardien du Convent de Sens. | 12°, pp. (32) 572. Avec Privilege du Roy. | 24°. A Paris, I Chez Amable Auroy, rue Saint | Jacques, aV Image St. Jerome, attenant \ la Fontaine S. Severin, M. DC. XCI New Relation of Gaspe, containing the Manners, and Religion of the Savage Gaspesiens Cross-Bearers, Adorers of the Sun ; and of other Natives of that part of North America called Canada. Father La Clercq has left a remarkable record of the labors of his brethren the Recollects, in converting the Pagan tribe of Gaspesien Indians. He. not only recorded the results of his own missionary life among the savages inhabiting the shores of the St. Lawrence, but he has left us what has always been considered, an authentic account of their pecu- liar traits of character, religious rites, and mode of life, before these had been modified by contact with civilization. See Field's Essay No. 903. •^{~ 1307 Lee (Arthur). Life of. Title page mutilated. ^°, half calf. %-^C 1308 Lee (D.) and Frost (J. H.). Ten Years in Oregon. By D. Lee and J. H. Frost, late of the Oregon Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 8°, sheep, pp. 344. New York. 1844 A minute and doubtless veracious journal of incidents of an arduous mission among the Northwestern Indians, with vocabularies of their dialect. Ci O O 1309 Lee (Charles). Proceedings of a General Court Martial held at Brunswick, by order of...Genl. Washington for the Trial of Major General Lee. July 4tb, 1778. Major General Lord Sterling, President. 8°, half calf. Cooper stown, N. Y., 1823 185 1310 Lee. Proceedings of a General Court Martial, &c. 8°, cloth, uncut. N. T : privately reprinted, 1864 1311 Lee (Frances). Legends of New England. 16°, cloth. N. Y., 1864 1312 Lee (H.). The Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas with Remarks ... on Johnson's Life of G-reene. To which is added an Appendix of Original Documents ...8°, sheep. Phil., 1824 1313 Lee (Gen. H.). Champe's Adventure. 16°, paper. New York, 1864 1314 Lee (H.). Memoirs of The War in the Southern Depart- ment of the United States. Portrait. 2 vols., 8°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1872 ^ C c 1315 Lee The Same. Another Edition. 8°, boards, uncut. Washington, 1827 //"X 1316 Lee. The same. Another copy. 8°, half roan. Washington, 1827 ^_»y J— 1317 Lee (N.). Three Years among the Camanches, the Narra- ! tive of Nelson Lee, The Texan Ranger. Containing a detailed Account of his Captivity among the Indians, his singular escape Through the Instrumentality of his Watch, and fully illustrating Indian Life as it is on the War Path and in the Camp Portrait. 12°, pp. 224. Albany, 1859 1318 Lee (R. H.). Memoirs of the Life of Richard Henry Lee and his Correspondence. Portrait.. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. Phil, 1825 1319 Lee. Life of Arthur Lee, LL D., with his Political and Literary Correspondence. 2 vols., 8°, boards, uncut. Boston, 1829 1320 Lefroy (J. H.). On the probable Number of the Indian Population of British America. ... By Captain J. H. Lefroy. Toronto : printed by Hugh Scobie '/^ * 1321 Leqgett (Maj. Abraham). The Narrative of, now first printed from the original MS. with notes by C. I. Bushnell. Port, and plates. 8°, cloth uncut. iV. Y: privately p>rinted, 1865 ^/ 1322 LEaOETT (Major Abraham). Narrative. 8°, cloth. New York, 1865 24 186 1323 Le Jeune (P.). Relation | de ce qui c'est pass6 | en la Novvelle France | en I'anne'e 1635. | Envoyee au | K. Pere I p ^ ^ Prouincial | de la Conipagaie de lesvs | eu la Prouiuce de France] Par le P. Paul le leune de la mesrae Compagnie, | Superior de la residence de Kebec. 12°, pp. (4) 246 (2). A Paris : | Chez Sehastie7i Cramoisy, Imprimeur \ ordinaire ihi Roi/, rue Sainct Jacques, | aux (Jicognes. | M.DC.XXXVI I C i 1324 Le Moine (J. M.). Maple Leaves : a Budget of Legendary, , Hist., Critical and Sporting Intelligence. 8°, cloth. Quebec, 1863 / ^ ^ 1325 Le Moine (J. M.). Le Massacre au Fort George. La Me- moire de Montcalm Vengee : Documents Historiques recuillis par J. M. Le Moine, Ecr. 12°, pp. 91. Quebec, J. N. Duguet & C'*., Editeurs, 1864 ' ^ % 1326 Le Moine (J. M.). The Sword of Gen'l Montgomery. A memoir. 12mo, paper, ^?{e6ec, 1870 J-/ . o u 1827 Lenoir (A.). Antiquite.s Mexicaines. Relation des Trois Expeditions du Capitaine Dupaix, Ordonnes en 1805-1806, et 1807; pour la Recherche des Antiquites du pays, notament celles de Mitla et de Paleuque ; Accompagnee des dessins de Castenada et d'une Carte du pays explore. Suivied'un parallels de ces monuments avec ceux de I'Egypte, de I'lndostan, et du reste de I'ancien Monde par M. Alexandre Lenoir. D'une dissertation sur I'origine de I'ancienne population des deux Ameriques, et sur les diversees Antiquites de ce continent, par M. Warden, avec un discours preliniinaire par M. Charles Farcy, et des explicatives et autres documents par MM. Baradire de St. Priest et plusieurs Voyageurs qui ont parcourir I'Ame- rique. 2 vols., folio, half morocco, 224, pp. (4) 164, pp. (3). Paris, 1834 Mexican Antiquities. Relations of three Expeditions of Captain Dupaix, undertaken for the purpose of researches among the Antiqui- ties of Mexico ; more particularly those of Mitla and Palenque. Ac- companied by designs from Casteiiada, and a map of the country ex- plored, followed by a parallel drawn between these monuments, and those of Egypt, and of the rest of the Ancient World. These noble volumes contain a vast amount of information regarding the ruins of Paleuque and Mitla, of which also they present one hundred and sixty- five splendid views. ^f_iOC) 1328 Leon PiNELO (A.). Epitome de la bibliotheca oriental, y ' occidental, nautica y geografica : de Don Antonio de Leon Pinelo, del Consejo de S. M. en la casa de U Contratacion de Sevilla y Coronista mayor de las Indias, Aiiadido y eumendado nuevamente, en que se contienen los Escritores de las Indias 187 Orientales y Oceidentales y Reino3 convecinos, China, Tartaria, Japon, Persia, Armeuia, Etiopia y otras partes. Last Edition, Edited by Barcia. 3 vols in 1, folio, linlf morocco. Madrid, Francisco Martinez, M DCC.XXXVII Priced, 1822, Thorpe, £6. 6s ; 1845, Rodd, £3. The most complete general Bibliography of Geographical Works, Travels, Missionary Re- ports, etc. The second volume contains the works relating to America, and its greatest value consists in the notices it gives of the Spanish manu- scripts on the subjects, most of which are still existing in Spain." — Rich's Bibliotheca Americana Nova. 1 //I 1329 Leon y G-ama (A.). Description historica y cronologica de las dos Piedras que con ocasion del Nuevo Empedrado que se esta formando en la plaza principal de Mexico, se hallaron en ella el ano de 1790. Explicase el sistema de los Caalendarios * * * *. de los Indies. * * * a que se anaden otras curiosas e instructivassobre la Mitologia de los Mexicanos, sobre su Astronomia, y sobre los ritos y ceremonias que acostumbra- ban en tiempo de su Gentilidad. Por Don Antonio de Leon y Gama. Tbree plates. 4°, pp. (6), IIG, (2). Mexico, en la imprenta de don Felipe de, Zunujay Ontiveros, Ano de MDCC.xcii I (J ,-, 1330 Leon y Gama. Dcscripcion historica y cronologica de las i' . dos piedras que con ocasion del Nuevo Emperado que se esta ' formando en la plaza princpal de Mexico, se hallaron en ella el alio de 1790. Explicase el sistema de los Calendarios de los Indios, el metodo que tenian de dividir el tiempo, y la correc- cion que hacian de el para igualar el ano civil, de que usaban, con el ano solar tropico. Noticia muy necessaria para la per- fecta inteligencia de la segunda piedra : a que se anaden otras curiosas e instructivassobre la mitologia de los Mexicanos, sobre su astronomia y sobre los ritos y ceremonias, que acostumbraban en tiempo de su gentilidad. Por Don Antonio de Leon y Gama. Diila a luz. con notas, biografia de su autor y aumentada con la segunda parte que estaba inMita, y bajo la proteccion del Gobierno general de la Union : Carlos Maria de Bustamente. Segunda edicion. Small 4°, pp. (2), viii, 114, Segunda parte, pp. 148 -|-5 plans. Mexico: A. Valdes, 1832 This Historical and Chronological description of the two stones which at the time of the new pavement being laid in the principal Plaza of Mexico were found in it in the year 1799. The calendar sys- tem of the Indians is explained, the method which they had for divid- ing time, and the correction which they made to adjust the civil year, which they made use of, with the solar tropical year. A notice very necessary for the perfect understanding of the second stone ; to which are added others curious «nd instructive on the Mythology of the Mex- icans, on their Astronomy, and on the rites and ceremonies they usually practiced at the period of their heathenism, was published at the ex- j)eu8e of the Mexican Goveruraeut. 3 188 ^ I r) 1331 Le Page du Pratz (M.). Histoire de la Louisiane, Con- "^^ ' tenant la Decouveite de ce vaste Pays ; sa Description geogra- phique J un Voyage dans les Terres; FHistoire Naturelle j les Moeurs, Cotitumes & Religion des Naturels, avec leurs Origines ; deux Voyages dans le Nord du Nouveau Mexique, dont ua jusqu'a la Mer de Sud j ornee de deux Cartes & de 40 Planches en Taille-douce. Par M. Le Page du Pratz. 3 vols., 12°. A Paris, M,DCC,LVIII This is du Pratz's work as it issued from the hands of the author. The author resided in Louisiana tifteen years, and it is from his relation that most of the details of the life of the Natchez and other Missis- sippi tribes have been derived. Later historians have largely availed themselves of his materials. 1332 Le Page du Pratz. The History of Louisiana, or of The Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina : containing A Descrip- tion of the Countries that lye on both Sides of the River Mis- sissippi ; with An Account of the Settlements, Inhabitants, Soil, Climate, and Products. Translated from the French (lately published), by M. Le Page Du Pratz : with Some Notes and observations relating to our Colonies. In Two Volumes. 12°, half calf, Vol. I, 2 maps and pp. 1. +vii, -f 368. Vol. II, prel. pp. (vi), -f-273. London: T. 5ec^e^,... MDCCLXIII 1333 Le Page du Pratz. The History of Louisiana, or of the Western parts of Virginia and Carolina : Containing a Descrip- tion of the Countries that lie on both Sides of the River Missis- sippi : With an Account of the Settlements, Inhabitants, Soil, Climate, and Products. Translated from the French Of M. Le Page Du Pratz ; with some Notes and Observations relating to our Colonies. A New Edition. 2 maps. 8vo, calf. London: T. Becket, MDCCLXXIV ' "r 1334 Lery (J. de). Histoire d'vn Voyage faict en la Terre dv Bresil, avtrement dite Am^rique. Contenant la Navigation & Choses remarquables, veues sur mer par auteur. Le comporte- ment de Villegagnon en ce pays la. Les moeurs & famous de Viure estranges des sauvages Brasiliens ; auec vn colloque de leur langage. Ensemble la description de plusieurs Animaux Herbes & autres choses singulieures & du tout inconnues par- deca : dont on verra les sommaires chapitres au commencement du liure. Avec les figures Reueue, corrigee & bien augumentee de discours notables, en ceste trois^me edition. Le tout recu- eilli sur les lieux par lean de Lery, natif de la Margelle, terre de Sainct Sene au Duch^ de Bourgonne. 8°. Geneve : Pour Antoine Chuppin, MDLXXXV History of a Voyage made to the Land of Brazil, otherwise called America. Containing the Voyage and the noticeable events which I'yj 189 occurred to the author on the Sea. The Conduct of Villej^ajifnon in the Country. The Manners and habits of life most singular of the Brazi- lian Savages. With a dialogue in the language of the Indians. To- gether with a description of many Animals, Trees, Plants and other remarkable things, entirely unknown before. And of all of which a true summary of the chapters will be fouud at the commencement of the book. Third edition. 1335 Lescarbot (M.). Histoire | de la Nouvelle- 1 France, | Con- lA n c^ tenant les navigations, decouvertes, & ha- 1 bitations faites par les Frangoises Indes Occi- 1 dentales & NouvelleFrance, par Commission | de noz Roys Trez-Chretieus, & les diverses | fortu- nes d'iceux en rexecution de ces choses, | depuis cent aus jus- ques a hui. | En quoy est comprise riiistoire Morale, Naturale, & I Geograpbique des provinces cy decrites ; avec | les Tables & Figures necessaires. | Par Marc Lescarbot Advocat en Parle- ment|Temoin oeulaire d' vne partie des choses ici recitees. Troisiesme Edition enriche de plusieurs cbo.scs singulieres, outre la suite d 1' Histoire. 12°, levant morocco, very rare, by W. Pratt. A Paris, I Chez Adrian Perier^ rue saint | Jacques, au Compas d'or. \ M.D.C XVIII. | History of New France, containing the voyages, discoveries and set- tlements, made by the French in the West Indies, and in New France, by Commission of our very Christian Kings ; and the various fortunes of those engaged in them, during one hundred years to the present time. In whicli is comprised, the Moi-al, Natural and Geographic His- tory of the said Provinces, with the necessary Tables and Plates. Les- carbot's history is highly esteemed not only for its great veracity, but as the work of a candid and intelligent writer, and the first history of the French settlements in Canada. Charlevoix's praise of him is fla- vored with a little of his characteristic acidity. " Marc Lescarbot, ad- vocate in the Parliament of Paris, was a man of sense and learning, but a little addicted to the marvelous." The good father, however, subsequently neutralises the sharpness of his ciiticism by saying, " Lescarbot has collected with much care all that had been written be- fore him, relating to the discoveries of the French in America, all that passed in French Florida, etc. — He was siucere, well educated, and impartial." 1336 [Lescarbot]. Nova Francia : | Or the | De.scription | of that part of | New France, | which is one Continent with | Vir- ginia. I Described in the three late Voyages and Plantation made by I jMonaieiir de Monts, Monsieur du Pont-Grauh and | Alonsieur de Poutrinrourt, into the countries | called by the Frenchmen La Cadie, | lying to the Southwest of | Cape l)reton. | Together with an excellent seuerall Treatie of all the commodities | of the said countries, and maners of the naturall | inhabitants of the same. | Translated out of French into English by | P. E | 4°, morocco, by W. Pratt, very rare, pp. 18 -\- 307. Ijoadini\ Lnjiousis Georgii Bishop. \ 1G09. | I/O. 190 6/ -5 1337 Lescarbot. Histoire de la Nouvelle-France par Marc ' . Lescarbot, suivee des Muses de la Nouvelle France Nouvelle Edition publiee par Edwin Tross avec quitre cartes g^ographi- que. o vols, small 8°. Paris: Lihrairie Tross, 1866 . 2 6" 1338 Letter from the Commissioner for Indian Affairs to Colonel Benton. 8°, pp. 15. Washington : Printed at the Union Office, 1855 "24' 1339 Letter of the Solicitor of the Treasury ... in Relation to the Choctaw Claim. November 14, 1872. 8°, pp. 46. Washington, 1872 \j O 1340 Letter to a Member of Congress in relation to Indian Civi- lization. By the Domestic Secretary of the United Foreign Missionary Society. 8°, half calf , pp. 15. New York : Printed by Daniel Fanshaw, 1822 ' . ^ P 1341 LiEBERKUHN (S.). The History of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : comprehending all that the Four Evangelists have recorded concerning him ; all their relations being brought together in one narration, so that no circumstance is omitted, but that inestimable history is continued in one series, in the very words of Scripture. By the Rev. Samuel Lieberkuhn. Translated into the Delaware Indian Language By Rev. David Zeisberger, Missionary of the United Brethren. 12°, cloth, pp. 222. New York : Printed hy Daniel Fanshaw, 1821 . vj ^ 1342 Letters on the Chickasaw and Osage Missions. By the Author of Conversations on the Sandwich Island Missions, &c. , revised by the publication committee. 24°, pp. 161. Boston, 1831 O O 1343 IjEtters to the Ministry from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage and Commodore Hood. 8°, half morocco. Lond., 1769 Eelate to Massachusetts chiefly, see Sabin's Dictionary, No. 4924. Clvi' 1344 Letter of the Solicitor of the Treasury to the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to the Choctaw Claim, November 14, 1872. 8°, pp. 46. Washington, 1872 , sdz'^ 1345 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, ecrites des missions etrangeres. Nouvelle edition, 30 volumes. 12°. A Toidouse : Chez Noel-Etienne iSeus tf-c, 1810 Vols. V. to VIII. are filled with Relations, Narratives and Letters from Jesuit Missionaries, written subsequently to the celebrated and rare Relations of the Jesiut Missionaries of Canada to their superiors. They are undoubtedly among the most authentic sources of information regarding some of the most obscure and mysterious of aboriginal customs, languages, and religious. Of the improvements in Querbeuf 's edition, Feller says : " Les relaticnis des divers pays etaieut placees 7' 7i- 191 confusement. Le P. Querbeuf les devisa par contrees, et mit dans leur ordre les lettres qui avaient rapport a la meme mission et au meme pays. Cet ouvrage a ete devise en quatre parties distinctes, le Levant, I'Amerique, les Indes, la Chine avec les royaumes adjacents; en tete de cliaque partie est une preface. L'edition a ete augmentee de Me- moires inedits, de Lettres nouvelles, et des notes du savant P. Brotier." 1346 Lettres Iroquoises, ou correspoudence politique, historique et critique entre un Iroquois Voyageant en Europe, Les corres- pondans dans I'Amerique septentrionale. 8°, uncut, pp. 70. Loiuhes : Au Berceau de Verit4, 1778 The Lettres Iroquoises were the inediutQ which their author assumed for his political criticisms. 1347 Lewis (A.). The History of Lynn including Nahant, by AloDzo Lewis, the Lynn Bard. Second Edition. Two plates. 8°, doth, pp. 278. ±losto7i, 1844 C c? 1348 Lewis (J. 0.). Aboriginal Portofolio. Two large folios containing each thirty-six lithographed Indian portraits. Each number is prefaced with a page commencing " Ad- vertisement to The First — (and Second) — number of the Aboriginal Portfolio.'' No other text, accompanies the prints, and nothing bearing the remotest relation to a title. No. 1 is dated " P/dl. July 20th, 1835." No. 2, "Phil. June, 1835." The portraits are each entitled with the name and rank of the Indian personage represented. They have the appearance of being authentic, although no voucher, or explanation of the circumstances under which they were executed, accompanies the plates. ^ _2 6' 1349 Lewis (J.). Narrative of the Captivity and Providential Escape of Mrs. Jane Lewis, Wife of James Lewis, Who, with a son and daughter, and an infant babe were made prisoners, within a few miles of Indian Creek, by a party of Indians of the tribes of Sacs and Foxes, commanded by Black Hawk.... Plate. 8°, pp. 24. ' Neio York, 1833 :^'t/ 1350 Lewis (H.). Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Hannah Lewis and her three children, who were taken Prisoners by the Indians, near St. Louis ou the 25th May, 1815. Second Edition. 12°, pp. 24. Boston: Printed hy II. Trumlmll, 'i 8 i7 2 c ^ 1-551 Lewis and Clarke. Message from the President of the United States, communicating Discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clarke, Dr. Sibley and Mr. Dunbar; with a Statistical Account of the Countries adjacent. Read in Congress February 19, 1806. 8°, pp. 176. New York: G. F. Bojykins, 1806 192 / 1352 Lewis and Clarke. Travels in the Interior Parts of Ame- C/lii rica ; communicating; Discoveries made in exploring The Mis- souri, Red River and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clarke, Doctor Sibley and Mr. Dunbar : With A Statistical Account of the Countries adjacent. As laid before the Senate, by the Pre- sident of the United States. In February, 18!J6, and never before published in Great Britain. 8°, pp. 116, table. London : Richard FhiUtps, 1807 Nearly an exact copy of the previous work. ^f^ (^ 1353 Lewis and Clarke. History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clarke, to the Sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed during the years 1804-5-6. By order of the Grovernment of the United States. Prepared for the Press by Paul Allen, Esquire. 2 vols., 8°, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia^ 1814 Commenced by Captain Lewis himself, who was on his route to Philadelphia to engage in its completion, when the derangement seized him, under the influence of which he committed suicide at St. Louis. It was then undertaken by Mr. Nicolas Biddle, who in conjunction with Captain Clarke, arranged the numerous notes, and copious diaries and jpurnals, kept by each of the principal explorers, and enlarged the skeleton of many incidents from the recollections of the survivor. Mr. Samuel G. Drake says that he was informed by Mr. Nicholas Biddle that he was himself the editor who is referred to in the preface, as having nearly completed the work for the press . This is by far the most complete edition of this interesting work whose value to the his- torian, the student, or the reader for amusement, has in no degree been superseded by the numerous relations of expeditions which have suc- ceeded it. L{ V O 1354 Lewis and Clarke. Travels to the Source of the Mis- souri River and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean. Performed by order of the government of the United States, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. By Captains Lewis and Clarke. Published from the official report, and illustrated by a map of the route, and other maps. A new edition. 3 vols., 8°, hoards, uncut. London, Longman, 1815 *Y '1 4"^ 1355 Lewis and Clarke. Travels to the Source of the Mis- / ' / souri River and across the American Continent to the Pacific Ocean. Performed by order of the Government of the United States, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. By Captains Lewis and Clarke. Published from the Official Report, and illustrated by a map of the route and, other maps. 4°, boards, uncut. London : Longman (cfc Co.), 1814 1356 Lewis & Clarke. Journal of Voyages & Travels. 8°. London, 1808 -„/- 193 "^/ 1357 Lewis & Clarke. Journal of Lewis & Clarke. 12®. Pittsburgh, 1807 ^flj 1358 Lewis (M.). The Travels of Capt^ Lewis aad Clarke, from St. Louis, by way of the Missouri and Columbia rivers, to the Pacific Ocean ; performed in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806, by order of the government of the United States, con- taining delineations of the manners, customs, religion, &c., Of the Indians, compiled from Various Authentic Sources, and Original Documents, and a Summary of the Statistical View of the Indian Nations, from the official communication of Meri- wether Lewis. 8°, half calf. London, Longman, 1809 V^ 1359 Lewis and Clark. The Journal of Lewis and Clark to the. mouth of the Columbia river beyond the Rocky Mount- ains. 15 plates, 16°, pp 240. Dayton, 0. : B. F. Ells, 1840 *•/ 'l- 1360 Lewis and Clarke. History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clarke to the Sources of the Missouri, abridged by the omission of unimportant details, with an introduction and notes, by Archibald M'Vicar. Map, 2 vols., pp. 371 and 395. New York, 1868 (^ a 1361 Life and Times, The, of Christopher Carson, the Rocky Mountain Scout and Guide With Reminiscences of Fremont's Exploring Expedition, and Notes of Life in New Mexico. 12°, pp. 94. New York and London [n. (/.] n^j^- 1362 Life Among the Mormons and a March to their Zion : to which is added a chapter on the Indians of the plains and mountains of the West. By an Officer of the U. S. Army. 12°, . New York : Moorhead Simpson, & Bout, 1868 L'o O 1363 Life in California during a residence of several years in that Territory, Comprising a Description of the Country and the Missionary Establishments, witb incidents, observations, etc., etc, illustrated with numerous engravings, by an American; To which is annexed a Historical Account of the Origin, Cus- toms, and Traditions of the Indians of Alta-California. J3y the Reverend Father Friar Greronimo Boscana. Translated from the original Spanish manuscript, 12°, pp. iii, 341, New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1846 n' 1364 Life on the Lakes : being Tales and Sketches collected dur- ing a trip to the Pictured Rocks of Lake Superior. By the author of " Legends of a Log Cabin." 2 vols., 12^. New York : George Dearborn, 1836 25 194 ■^C V^^^ Lincoln (Capt. Barnabas). Narrative of the Capture, Suf- ferings and Escape of him and his crew, taken by a piratical schooner, December, 1821. 8°. ^osto?i, .1822 • [}0 1366 Lincoln (L. B.). An Address delivered at South Deer- field, August 31, 1838, at the Completion of the Bloody Brook Monument, erected in memory of Capt. Lothrop and his asso- ciates, who fell at that spot, September 18 (0. S.), 1675. By Luther B. Lincoln. ... 8°, pp. 16, covers (4). Greenfield : Kneeland & Eastman, 1838 /^4' 1867 [Ltnd John.] An Answer to the Declaration of the Ame- rican Congress. Fifth Edition, 8°, pp. 132. Land., 1776 A very able but somewliat bitter argument. . do 1368 Linn (Mr.). ... Mr. Linn submitted the following report: ... 8°, pp. 22. Washington, 1850 Relative to Micliael Armbrister's title to land purchased from Usse Tobolo, a Creek Indian. 1369 ^[Linschoten (Jean Hugues).] ^ Description | de I'Ame- / rique | & des parties d'icelle, corame de la Nouvelle France, | / Floride, des Antilles, lucaya, Cuba | lamaica, &. j Item de I'es- / tendue & distance des lieux, de la fertilite | & abondance du pays, religion <& coustu- 1 mes des habitans, & autres | particu- laritez. | A vec vne Carte (ieographique de I'Amerique | Australe, qui doit estre inseree en la | page suivaute. || Folio. Engraved title -f pp. 86. ^ A Amsterdam, | Chez lean Evertsz Cloppenhurch, March- and lihraire, demeu- | rant sur le Water d la Bible Doree. Avec Privilege pour 12. Ans. 1619 | 1370 LiNSCHOTEN. Histoire | de la | navigation | de | lean Hvgves | de Linschot Hollaudois, Aus | ludes Orientales. | Contenant di- verses Descriptions des lieux | iusques a present descouverts par les Portu- I gais : Observations des Coustumes & singu- | laritez de delk, & autres declarations. | Avec annotations de B. Palv- danvs, Dpcteur | en Medecine sur la matiere des Plantes & | Es- piceries : Item quelques Cartes Geo- 1 graphiques, & autres Figures. | Deuxiesme edition j augumentee. 32 fine plates. Folio, old calf. ^ A Amsterdam. | Chez lean Evertsz Cloppenhurch, March- and libraire demeu- | rant sur le Water cl la Bible Doree. Avec Privilege pour 12 Ans. 1619 1371 LiNSCiiOTEN. ^ Le grand | rovtier | de mer, ( De | lean Hvgves I de Linschot Hollaadois. | Contenant une instruction des routes | & cours qu'il convient tenir en la Navigation | des Indes Orientales. k au voyage de la cnste | du Bresil, des An- 195 tilles. & du Cap de Lopo OoQsalves. | Avec description des Cos- tes, Havres, Isles, I Vents, & courants d'eaux, & autres particu- la- 1 ritez d'icelle Navigation. | Le tout fidelement recueilli des memoires & obser- 1 vations des Pilotes Espagnols & Portugais. | Et nouvellement traduit de | Flameng en Frang. Folio. ^ A Amsterdam, | Chez lean Evertsz Cloppenhurch, 3Iareh- and libraire, demeu- 1 rani sur le Water a la Bible Doree. Avec Frivilege pour 12. Ans. 1619 | fA: ^,o 1372 LiNSCHOTEN (J. H. van). Semper Eadem | John | Hvighaa /■ van Linschotea. | His Discours of Voyages | into ye Easte & West I Indies. Deuided into Four Bookes. Folio, old calf. Printed at London, by \ John Wolfe, \ [1598] " A treasure of all the learning relative to the East and West In- dies." — F. Mixllar. This English version is very scarce. f ^c 1373 LiVERMORE (A.). The Trial of Alpheus Livermore and Samuel Angier, for the Murder of Nicholas John Crevay, an Indian, committed November 23, 1813. Containing the Evi- dence at large, the Arguments of the Solicitor General, and of the Counsel for the Prisoners, the Charge of the Hon. Judge Sewall to the Traverse Jury, and his address on pronouncing Sentence of Death. (From Minutes taken at the trial.) 8°, uncut, pp. 50. Boston: Watson & Bangs, 1813 Viio 1374 Livermore (S. T.). A Condensed History of Cooperstown, with a Biographical Sketch of J. Feniraore Cooper, by Rev. S. T. Livermore, A. M. 12°, pp. 276. Albany : J. Mansell, 1862 ^ 1375 Livingston (J. H.). A Sermon, delivered before the New York Missionary Society,... By John H. Livingston,... April 3, 1804. To which are added an Appendix, and other papers relating to American Missions. 8°. Worcester : Printed by Thomas S. Sturtevant, 1807 / ^ 1376 [Livingston (William.)] A Review of the Military Opera- tions in North America; from The Commencement of the French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Virginia in 1753, to the Surrender of Oswego, on the 14th of August, 1756. Inter- spersed With Various Observations, Characters, and Anecdotes ; necessary to give Light into the Conduct of American Transac- tions in general ; and more especially into the political Manage- ment of Affairs in New York. In a Letter to a Nobleman. To which are added. Colonel Washington's Journal of his Expedi- tion to the Ohio, in 1754, and Several Letters and other Papers of Consequence, found in the Cabinet of Major General Brad- dock, after his Defeat near Fort Du-Quesne ; and since published 196 by the French Court. None of these Papers are contained in the English Edition. 24°, half morocco^ gilt top, fine copy, pp. 275. Duhlin: P. Wilson and J. Exshaw, M DCC LVII Part of the work is a translation of the Memoire contenant le Precis des Faits, printed by the French Court, charging Washington with the assassination of Junionville. ^ j2 <6' 1377 LocHE (J. L.). History of the Town of Camden, Maine. 12°, cloth. Eallowell, 1859 /O o ^ 1378 Logan (J. H.). A History of the Upper Country of South Carolina, from the earliest periods to the close of the War of Independence. By John H. Logan. Vol. 1. 12°. Charleston : Published hy >6. G. Courtenay , D. C, 1859 Only the first volume of this history was printed. The running title of Logan's history throughout the entire volume is History of the Upper Carolina, ancient territory of the Cherokees, and the incidents connected with aboriginal history form the sole subject of its contents. While the author has availed himself of the material to be found in printed books, his book is largely composed of details gathered by him- self from manuscripts and personal reminiscences. J)~^ 5 ^ 1379 Long (J.). Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians ; with an Account of the Posts situated on the river St. Laurence, Lake Ontario, &c. To which is added, A Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language. Names of Furs and Skins, in English and French. A List of Words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawanee, and Esquimeaux Tongues, and a table, showing The Analogy between the Algonquin and Chippe- way Languages. By J. Long. 4°, calf, pp. xi, 295. London : Printed for the Author, MDCCXCI " The author engaged in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company in 1768, and journeyed as a fur trader among the Indians of Canada for nineteen years. His knowledge of the character, customs, and domestic life of Indians was therefore the most thorough and intimate. Hjs relations are characterized by candor and intelligence, tinged a little with the disappointments, which most of the servants of the Company who have written accounts of their experiences, seem to have suffered." — Field. ^ r. 1380 Long. Voyages chez differentes nations Sauvages de I'Ame- *^ rique septentrionale ; renferment des details curieux sur les moeurs, usages, ceremonies religieuses,lesy3teme militaire,&c.... Traduits de I'Anglois, avec des notes & additions interessantes, par J. B. L. J. Billecocq, citoyen Francais. 8°. A Paris, Prault I'aine, Imprimeur. ...11. Annee de I'ere Repuhlicaine. 197 J/^ 1381 Long (K. C). The Ancient Architecture of America, Its / Historical Value and parallelism of development with the Ar- chitecture of the Old World. A Discourse, ... April 3d, 1849. By R. Gary Long, A. M., Architect. Nine plates. 8°, pp.37, Neio York: Bartlett & Welford, 1849 1382 Long (S. H.). Voyage in a Six-oared Skiff to the Falls of Saint Anthony in 1817, by Major Stephen H. Long, topograph- ical engineer U. S. Army. With introductory notes by Edward D. Neill. 8°, pp. 88. Philadelphia, 1860 This voyage was made while he was Superintendent of Indian affairs for the Northwest Territories, and in pursuance of the duties of his office, to visit the Indian tribes of his superintendency. ^5"" 1383 Long Island Historical Society. Certificate of Incorpora- tion, etc. Annual Reports 1 to 5 : Addresses by Brevoort, Johnson & Ward, 9 pamphlets. 7- 1384 Long Island Historical Society Memoirs. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo, doth. BrooJdyn, 1867-69 %S' 1385 Long Island. To the Clergy and Laity of Long Island. 8°, pp. 12. [ftp. 1872] An appeal for Missions to the N. A. Indians. O 1383 Lopez. The Life of Gregory Lopez. A Hermit in America. 8°, pp. 123. N. Y. : John Eyre, 1841 2-. J ^ 1387 Lord (J. K.) The Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. By John Keast Lord, Naturalist to the British North American Boundary Commission. 2 vols., post 8°. London : Richard Bentley, 1866 iL ■t V. 1388 LosKiEL (G. H.). History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America. In Three Farts. By George Henry Loskiel. Translated from the German by Christian Ignatius La Trobe. 8°, pp. xiii, 233 (22). London : Printed for the Brethren's Society for the furtherance of the Gospel, 1794 Among the subjects, is the narrative of the saddest of stories, the massacre of Gnadeuhutten and Salem, — saddest, most atrocious, most damnable record of human infamy and bloody shame. CV 1389 Lossing. The Home of Washington & its Associations, Historical, Biographical and Pictorial. New Edition, revised with additions. By Benson J. Lossing. Illustrated by Numerous Engraving.'^. Imperial 8°, cloth. N. Y., 1865 One hundred copies only printed. 198 f/r 1390 LossiNO B. The Life and Times of Philip Schuyler. By * ' Benson J. Lossiu-. 8°, [Vol. 1] pp. 504. New York; Mason Brothers, 1860 The life of tlie. general in command of the northern and western di- vision of New York, during the border wars of the revolution, could not fail to affin-d a large amount of information, regarding the Savages of the frontiei", and their incursions. The grandfather of General Schuyler, Major Peter Schuyler, commanded in several battles with and expeditions against the French Indians and in 1710 accompanied to England the Four Indian Kings, of whom an account is given in the notes to No. 553 of Indian Bibliography. , //' 1391 LossiNG. The Marriage of Pocahontas. By Benson J. Lossing. Engraving and pp. 8. 8°. ,^7^ ^ 1392 Lossing (B. J.). The Pictorial Field Book of The Revolu- tion. Several hundred engravings, 2 vols., roy. 8°, half roan. New York, 1851 First Edition with brilliant impressions of the plates. / ^ ^ 1393 Lossing. Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six, or the War of Independence. Numerous Engravings. 8°, sheep. New York, 1848 1894 Loudon. A | Selection, | of Some | of the most interesting | /rP 0^ NARRATIVES, | of | Outrages, Committed j by the | INDI- ANS, I in I Their Wars, | with the White People. | Also, j An Account of their Manners, Customs, Traditions, | Religious Sentiments, Mode of Warfare, Military | Tactics, Discipline and Encampments. Treatment | of Prisoners, &c., which are better Explained, and | more Minutely Related, than has been hereto- fore I done, by any other Author on that subject. Many | of the Articles have never before appeared in print. | The whole Compiled from the best xluthorities, | By Archibald Loudon. | Vol. I. I Small 12°, levant morocco, by Bradstreet, Prel. pp. ^a 12 -I- 5 to 355. y Carlise : \from the Press of A Loudon \ ( Whitehall), 1808 (Collation of Vol. I. : Title, reverse copyright ; " Preface," pp. 5 ; " Mr. Archibald Loudon," etc., pp. 3 ' contents " pp. 2 (total prelim, pp. xii.) ; " The Narrative of Dr. Knight," etc., pp. 5 to 355. Page 355 terminates with " End of First volume," and on reverse " Advertisement." There are no pp. 1 to 4. Collation of Vol. II. : Title, reverse copyright ; " Contents," pp. 2 ; " A Selection, etc.," pp. 13 to 369. There are no pp. 1 to 12. The title of the second volumes terminates " | By Archi- bald Loudon. I Vol. II. j Carlisle, | From the Press of Archibald | Lou- don, I 1811." This rarest of books on American Indian history has some bibliographical peculiarities, of which that very rarity has hitherto prevented the recognition. A large corres^jondence with book collectors, and not a little familiarly with the best of public and pri- vate libraries, have brouglit to my notice but three perfect copies of tliis work. The popularity f>i' its subject, wliicli caused its constant perusal at country firesides, combined with the fragility of the soft cotton paper upon which it is printed, insured its rapid destruction. See Field's Essays for a lengthened note. 199 ^^/ /.;. 1395 LouGHRiDGE (R. M.). Narcokv Esyvhiketv. Muskogee Hymns. Collected and revised by Rev. R. M. Loughridge of the Presbyterian Mission, and Rev. David Winslett, Interpreter. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. By Rev. W. S. Rob- ertson. 24°, cloth, pp. 22t. New York, Mission House, 1868 i C C> 1396 Louisiana. The Present State of the Country and Inhabi- tants, Europeans and Indians, of Louisiana ... containing The Garrisons, Forts and Foi'ces,... also an Account of their drunken, lewd Lives, which led them to Excesses of Debauchery and Vil- lainy. To which are added. Letters... on the Trade of the French and English with the Natives ... Annual Presents to the Savages. 8°, half calf pp. 55. London, 1744 1397 [Louisiana.] A Topographical and Statistical Account of the Province of Louisiana, containing a description of its soil (etc. six lines), together with new and interesting particulars relative to the Indian Tribes : (etc.). 12°, pp. 80. Baltimore : From the Franklin Press, 1803 ;2-^ ^ 1398 Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas, in the year 1802, giving a correct picture of those countries. Translated from the French, with notes, &c., by John Davis. 12°, half calf, uncut. New York, 1806 if iT o 1399 LouiSBOURG. Authentic Account of the Reduction of Louisbourg, in June and July, 1758. By a Spectator. 12°, half mor., gilt top, uncut. Matthews. London, 1758 ^'b 1400 [LouvET DE CouDRAY.] Love and Patriotism ! or the ex- traordinary adventures of M. Dupartail, late Major-General in the armies of the United States, interspersed with many sur- prising incidents in the Life of Count Pulauski (sic). 12°, pp. 59. Boston : Printed hy Samuel Etheridge, 1800 (^ 1401 JiOWRiE (J. C). A Manual of the Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Cliurch in the United States of America. By John C. Lowrie. Map. 8°, cloth, pp. 359. New York : William Rankin. Jr., 1868 Includes " Missions among the Indian Tribes." 0000 Lowrie (W.). iSee Lot. y o o 1402 LuDEWia (H. E.). The Literature of American Local His- tory ] a Bibliographical Essay. 8vo, half morocco. Very scarce. New York, Privately 'priuted, 1846 Z. 6 '5 1403 Ludewig (H. E.) The Literature of American Aboriginal Languages. 13y Herman E. Ludewig. With additions and corrections. By 'Professor Wm. W. Turner. Edited by Nicolas Triibner. 8°, cloth, uncut, title, 1 leaf and pp. xxiv. -\- 258. London, " Trubner's Bihliothcca Glottica" 1858 7. i> 200 . ^ K" 1404 Lumpkin (Mr.). Speech of Mr. Lumpkin, of Georgia, on the Indian Territory Bill. Delivered in the Senate of the X United States, April 30, 1838. 8°, uncut, pp. 7. Washington, Glohe Office, 1838 .^/-yC " 1405 LuTHERl I Catechismus I Ofwersatt I pa|American-Virginiste| Spratet. | 24°, pp. (18) 160. Engraved ^i'itle. Stockholm, I Anno MDCXCVI [Luther's Catechism translated into the American-Virginia Language. / This translation of Luther's Catechism into the language of the Vir- / ginia (or more correctly the Delaware) Indians was made by Thomas Campanius, of Stockholm. He was for many years the resident pastor of the colony, and a learned and zealous man, not only in the exercise of his religious functions but in literary pursuits. This book was printed for distribution in America, among the people into whose tongue it was translated, and has become very rare. ■/C 1406 Ltell (C.) Travels in North America. Vol. 1. 12°, New Yor/c, 1856 ■ / O o 1407 Lyman (P. W.). History of Easthampton, 12°, hoards^ uncut. Northampton, 1866 / ./^ 1408 Lynchburg. Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg. By the Oldest Inhabitant. 12°, pp. 363. Richmond: C. H. %H«e,... 1858 / .^^~ 1409 Lyon (G. F.) A Brief Narrative of an unsuccessful attempt ''^ to reach Repulse Bay, through Sir Thomas Rowe's Welcome, in his Majesty's Ship Griper, in the year mdcccxxiv. By Captain G. F. Lyon, R. N. with a chart and engravings. Map and 6 plates. 8°, hoards, uncut. London, ilDCCCXXV Contains some material regarding the author's intercourse with the Esquimaux. /./■^ 1410 Lyon. The Private Journal of Captain G. F. Lyon, of H. M. S. Hecla, during the recent Voyage of Discovery under Cap- tain Parry. With a Map and Plates. A New Edition. Map and 7 plates. 8°, half morocco. London, MDCCCXXV^ Priucipally devoted to the narration of the peculiarities of the Abo- rigines of the Arctic regions. Captain Lyon's curiosity led him to observe with great attention, the habits of life, and traits of character of the different tribes of Esquimaux, which his humanity, and good management attracted to his winter quarters. Uf ^6' 1411 [Lyon (L.), and Haws (L.)] The Military Journals of Two Private Soldiers, 1758-1775, with numerous Illustrative Notes, to which is added, a Supplement containing Official Papers on the Skirmishes at Lexington and Concord. Plate. 8°, c^o^A, pp. 128. Powjhheepsie, 1855 Containing some incidents of the fatal expedition during the French and Indian war against Fort Ticonderoga. There is but little detail in the meagre diary, but the notes by Mr. Lossing add to its material value. 201 V ^ 1412 M. * * * Journal d'un Voyage a la Louisiane fait en 1720. Par M. * * * Capitaine de Vaisseau du Roi. 12°. A La Hai/e,... Muster^ Fils, & Foiornier^ M.DCC.LXVIII '/CO 1413 [M'Apee (Robert B.).] History of the Late War in the. Western Country ; comprising a Full Account of all the Transactions in that Quarter, from the Commencement of Hos- tilities at Tippeccanoe, to the Termination of the Contest at New Orleans on the return of peace. 8°. Lexington : Worsley & Smith, 1816 " The author of this now scarce work, sought aud obtained a large amount of information, regarding the Indian wars of the western frontier, from the actors engaged in them. His narrative, therefore, contains much material, which later histories either do not possess, or only copy from his pages." — Meld. ^5 1414 Macaulay (A.). Rudiments of Political Science, part the first; Containing elementary principles: with an Appendix. By Angus Macaulay. 8°, pp. xxiv, 390 (2). London: Tho. LJgerton, \196. Contains some account of the government of the American Indians. /'T— 1415 MacaiTlbv (J.). The Natural, Statistical and Civil History of the State of New York. By James Macauley. 3 vols., 8°. New York : Gould & Banks, 1829 Nearly half of volume Second, is occupied with historical sketches of the Aborigines of New York. The chapter headings suge:est with sufficient clearness the topical range of this portion of the work. t)o 1416 McBride (J.). Pioneer Biography. Sketches of the Lives of some of the Early Settlers of Butler County, Ohio. By James McBride, of Hamilton. Portrait. 8°. Ciacianati, 1869 '^O 1417 McCall (G. A.). Letters from the Frontiers written during a period of Thirty Years' Service in the Army of the United States. By Major General George A. McCall, late Commander of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. 12°, doth, uncut j\)-p. 539. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & C)., 1868 An exceedingly interesting, aud doubtless truthful narrative of the astonishing endurance of the United States troops, and the fortitude and courage of the Indians, during the Seminole war. oi^ 1418 McCall (H.). The History of Georgia, containing Brief Sketches of the most Remarkable Events, up to the Present Day. By Capt. Hugh McCall. 2 vols., 8°, leva nt vwrocco, hy W. Mathews. Savannah: Seymour & Williams, 1811—16 Largely devoted to the history of the border warfare with the Creeks and Cherokees. Numerous incidents relating to the savages of these nations, and their sanguinary attacks upon the frontiers, with sketches of their chiefs, and of the loyalist refugees who led them, are narrated. These were derived in many instances directly from the lips of some of the survivors of these bloody scenes, from manuscripts, or from printed documents, no longer accessible to the student of history. 26 X 202 2- j k" 1419 McClung (J. A.).' Sketches of Western Adventure : con- taining an Account of the most interesting In cidents connected with the Settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794 : Together with an Appendix. By John A. McClung. 12°, half morocco^ uncut, pp. 360. Philadelphia : Griggs & Elliott, 1832 3 8 1419* McClung. [Another copy.] XT' , half calf . 1832 1420 McClung. [Another Edition.] 12°, pp. 360. Cincinnati, 1851 ,-y. I 2, 1421 McClure (A. K.). Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky Mountains, by A. K. McClure. Portrait. 12°, cloth, uncut. Phil., 1869 / .'XS' 1422 McClure (D.) and Parish (E.). Memoirs of the Rev. Eleazer Wheelock, D.D. Founder and President of Dartmouth College and Moor's Charity School ; with a Summary History of the College and School.' To which are added, copious Ex- tracts from Dr. Wheelock's Correspondence. Portrait. 8°, sheep, pp. 336. Newhuryport : Ed. Little & Co., 1811 / (j'i) 1423 McCoNKEY (H. E.). Dakota War Whoop: or, Indian Massacres and War in Minnesota, of 1862-3. Revised Edi- tion. 12°, cloth, pp. 429. 'St. Paid, 1864 1424 McGoNNEL (J. L.). Western Characters, or Types of Border Life in the Western States. By J. L. McConnel, with illustrations by Darley. 12°. Redfield, Neio York, 1853 • // 6" 1425 McCoRMiCK, R. C. Arizona. 8°, paper. 1865 i/cJ 1426 McCoRMlCK. Indian Affairs in Arizona. Speeches of Hon. Richard McCormick, ... January 30, and April 13, 1872. 8°, pp. 14. Washington, 1872 p -i^-^^u "f ^/ 1427 McCormick. Indians, Friendly and Unfriendly; Remarks of Hon. Richard C. McCormick ... delivered ... February 28, and March 2 and 3, 1870. 8°, pp. 7. Washington, 1870 /J-^ So 1428 M'CoY (I.). The Annual Register of Indian Affairs within the Indian (or Western) Territory. Published by Isaac M'Coy. Shawanoe Baptist Mission House, Indian Territory, May, 1837. 8°, Nos. 1 to 4, each 85 to 91 pp. No. 3, pp. 81. No. 4, pp. 95 (1). Shawanoe Baptist iHission, Ind. Ter., 1835 to 1838 % CO 1429 McCoy. History of Baptist Indian Missions: embracing remarks on the former and present condition of the Aboriginal Tribes; their Settlement within the Indian Territory, and their future prospects. By Isaac McCoy. 8°, sheep. Washington : William M. Morrison, 1840 It composes the work of a liiglilj' intelligent man, who recorded with tlie judgmeut of a historian, while he labored with the zeal of an ecclesiastic ; and the result of his early philosophical observations has been to give us a very valuable record of the characteristic traits of the Indian tribes among whom he lived. 203 (p ^ 1430 McCoy. Periodical Account of Baptist Mission within the Indian Territory, for the year ending December 31, 1836. 8°, pp. 52. [». d\ 3 O 1431 McCoy. Kemarks on the Practicability of Indian Reform embracting their Colonization, by Isaac McCoy. 8°, pp. 47. Boston : Printed hy Lincoln & Edwards, December, 1827 ■^£~ 1432 McCuLLOCH. A concise History of U. S. Map, lacks chap- ter one. 12°, sheep. Philadelphia, 1807 ,^^ 1438 McCuLLOCH (J. H.). Researches on America; being an attempt to settle some points relative to the Aborigines of Ame- rica, &c., By James H. McCuUoch. 8°, half morocco, pp. 220. Baltimore : 1817 .cfCf 1434 McCuLLOCH. Researches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, concerning the original History of America, By J. H. Mc- Culloch. Map. 8°, half morocco, uncut. Baltimore, 1829 ' (^^ 1435 McDonald (A.). A Narrative of some passages in the his- tory of Etenoolooapik, a young Esquimaux, who was brought to Britain in 1839, in the ship Neptune of Aberdeen : an Ac- count of the Discovery of Hogarths Sound : remarks on the Northern Whale Fishery, and suggestions for its improvement, &c. By Alexander McDonald. Portrait, map, 12°, cloth. Edinburgh : Eraser & Co., MDCC.XLI v^^' 1436 McDonald (J.). Biographical Sketches of General Natha- / niel Massie, General Duncan McArthur, Captain William Wells, and General Simon Kenton : who were early settlers in the Western country. By John McDonald, of Poplar Ridge, Ross County, Ohio. 8vo, sheep. Dayton, 0. : 0. Osborn & Son, 1852 First printed in 1838. The author had the advantage of personal communication with the families and neighbors of these Indian fighters, and thus secured many details of their exploits among the savages, which would otherwise have been lost. ^S 1437 Macpie (M.). Vancouver's Island and British Columbia. Their History, Resources, and Prospects. By Mathew Macfie, Five Years resident in Victoria. 9 Maps and Plates. 8°, cloth, uncut. London, 1865 Includes many interesting details of the life and customs of the Northwestern Indians. 2,^" 1438 McGaw (J. F.). Philip Seymour or Pioneer Life in Rich- land County, Ohio. Founded on Facts. By Rev. James F. McGaw. 8°. Mansfield: R. Brinkerhoff, 1858 A skeleton of facts filled out from his own imatriuatiou. 204 / c^ 1439 McGee (T. D.). The Catholic History of North America. Five Disccmrses, to which are added two Discourses on the Eelations of Ireland and America. By Thomas D. McGee. 12°, pp. 239. Boston : P. Donahoe, 1855 //^ 1440 McIntosh (J.). The Origin of the North American In- dians ; with a faithful Description of their Manners and Cus- toms, both Civil and Military; their Religion, Languages, Dress, and Ornaments.... By John Mcintosh. Plates. 8°, cloth, pp. 345. New York, 1853 1441 McKenney (T.). Documents and Proceedings relating to the formation and progress of a Board in the city of New York for the emigration, preservation and improvement of the Abo- rigines of America, July 22d, 1829. 8°, pp. 48. Neio York, 1829 J'V'V 1442 M'Kenney (T. L.). Memoirs, Official and Personal; with Sketches of Travels among the Northern and Southern Indians ; embracing a War Excursion, and descriptions of scenes along the Western Borders. By Thomas L. M'Kenney, late chief of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, author of the History of the In- dians Tribes of North America, etc., etc. Second edition. 12 plates. S°, half morocco. Nexo York: Paine & Burgess, 1846 /C% 1442* M'Kenney. [Another copy.] S°, cloth. 1846 1443 McKenney. Pieports and Proceedings of Col. McKenney, on the Subject of his recent tour among the Southern Indians, as Submitted to Congress with the Message of the President U. S. 8°, pp. 37. Wash. : Printed ly Gales &Seaton 1828 tk cO 1444 M'Kenney. Historyof the Indian Tribes of North America, With Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. Embellished with One Hundred and Twenty Portraits, from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Wash- ington. By Thomas L. M'Kenney, late of the Indian Depart- ment, Washington, and James Hall, Esq. of Cincinnati. Philadelphia : Edward C. Bixldle, 1837 The work is one of the most costly and important ever published on the American Indians. The plates are accurate portraits of celebrated chiefs, or of characteristic individuals of the race ; and are colored with care so as to faithfully represent their features and costumes. 5 ^2 X"" 1445 McKenney. Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of the Char- acter and Customs of the Chippeway Indians, And of Incidents connected with the Treaty of Fond du Lac. By Thomas L. McKenney... Also a Vocabulary of the Algic, or Chippeway Language, formed ... upon the basis of one furnished by the Hon. Albert Gallatin. ... 8°, 29 plates. Baltimore : Fielding Lucas, junr., 1827 205 J ^^ C 1446 Mackentosh (J.). Keceipts for tte cure of most diseases incident to the Human Family. By the celebrated Indian Doc- tor, John Mackentosh, of the Cherokee Nation ; none of which have ever been communicated to the world. 12°, hoards, uncut, pp. 12. N. Y., 1827 ? -^(f 1447 Mackenzie (A.). Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Laurence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; In the years 1789 and 1793. With a preliminary Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Fur Trade of that Country. Illustrated with Maps. By Alexander Mackenzie, Esq. 4°, boards, uncut. London : T. Cadell, 1801 Filled with accounts of the tribes of the Indians, who inhabited the regions traversed by him three quarters of a century ago. No writer upon the subject of Indian customs and peculiarities, has given us a more minute, careful and interesting relation of them, as indeed none were better fitted to do, by long experience among them as a fur trader. His investigations, although pursued at so early a period of Arctic exploration, were remarkable for their accuracy ; Sir John Franklin more than once expressing his surprise at being able to corroborate their correctness in his own explorations. %.'(:% 1448 Mackenzie. [Another Edition ] ^°,lialf mor., uncut. Philadelphia : John Morgan, 1802 '^ t^ o 1449 Mackintosh (J.). The Discovery of America, by Chris- topher Columbus ; and the Origin of the North American In- dians. By J. Mackintosh. 8°, half morocco, pp. 152. Toronto, 1836 / ^'ir 1450 McLean (J.). Notes of a Twenty-five Years' service in the Hudson's Bay Territory. By John McLean. 2 vols., post, 8°, half morocco, uncut, pp. 328. London : Richard Bentley, 1840 / /^ 1451 McLellan. Tbe Fall of the Indian with other Poems. By Isaac McLellan, Jun.8°, hoards, uncut, pp. 99. Bostori, 1830 ^,Z^ 1452 McMasters (Guy H.). History of the Settlement of Steu- ben County, N. Y. Including notices of the old Pioneer Settlers and their Adventures 12°, half hound. Bath : R. L. Underhill & Co., 1853 1453 [Macomb (Greneral).] Pontiac : or the Siege of Detroit. A Drama, in Three Acts. 12°, pp. 60. Boston : 1835 1454 Maoalhanes DE GoNDARO (Pero de). Histoire de la Pro- vince de Sancta-Cruz que nous nommons ordinairement Le Bresil par Pero de Magalhanes de Gondaro. 8°. Lishonne, A. Gonsalvez, 1576. Paris, 1837 History of the Province of Santa Cruz, ordinarily called Brazil, by Pedro de Magalhanes de Gondaro. f- 206 ^ o a 1455 Maine. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. 6 vols., 8°, cloth. Portland, 1831 - 53 A valuable series now scarce, some of tlie volumes having been des- troyed at the great fire at Portland. / ^c> 1^56 Mais (C). The Surprising Case of Rachel Baker, who Prays and Preaches in her Sleep, Answers questions during her Unconscious State. ]iy Charles Mais. 8°, pp. 34. New York, 1814 / 5^0 Lis- 1457 Ma-ka-tai-me SHE-KIA-KIAK, Or Black Hawk, and Scenes in the West, a national poem, in six cantos, embracing an ac- count of the life and exploits of this celebrated chieftain, the Black Hawk War. By a Western Tourist. 12°, doth, pp. 299. - New York, 1848 1458 Manheim (F.). Affecting History of the Dreadful Dis- tresses of Frederick Manheim's Family. To which are added, the Sufferings of John Corbly's Family. An Encolinter be- tween a White Man and Two Savages. Extraordinary Bravery of a Woman. Adventures of Capt. Isaac Stewart. Deposition of Massey Harbeson. Adventures and Sufferings of Peter Wilkinson. Remarkable Adventures and Sufferings of Jack- son Johonnot. Account of the Destruction of the Settlement at Wyoming. 8°, pp. 48. Plate, by Maoerkk. Philadelphia, printed {for Mathew Carey^ ^y D- Humphreys, 1794 ^o o 1459 Mante (T.). The History of the Late War in North Ame- rica, and the Islands of the West Indies, including the Cam- paigns of MDCCLXiii. and MDCCLXiv against His Majesty's Indian Enemies. By Thomas Mante, Assistant Engineer during the Siege of the Havanna, and Major of a Brigade in the Cam- paign of 1764. Maps and plans. 4°, calf, pp. (4) 542, vill. London : W. Strahan ; a7id T. Oadell, MDCCLXXII Mante's association with the frontier war between the American colonists and the Canadian French and Indians, did not commence until 1764, the last year of hostilities with these allies. He seems, however, to have made good use of his opportunities to gain informa- tion. He describes with great detail the campaigns of Washington and Braddock, of Generals Abercrombie and Amherst, and of Colonels Bradstreet and Boquet. The last chapter gives the principal incidents of Pontiac's war. The maps and plans are often missing. ^ t 1460 Marbois (Barbe). The history of Louisiana — particularly of the Cession of that Territory. Translated from the French by Wm. Beach Lawrence, 8°, half hound. Phila., 1830 See Barbe ISIarboix under which head this should have appeared. 207 O /5, 1461 Marcoy (P.). Voyage a Travera L'Am6rique du Sud de rOcean Pacifique a I'Ocean Atlantique par Paul Marcoy illustre de 626 Vues, Types et Paysages par E. Riou et accompagne de 20 Cartes gravees sur les dessins de I'-auteur Tome Premier Islay. Arequipa — Acopia — Cuzco — Echara — Chulituqui — Tunkini — Saraycu Tome Deuxieme Terra Blanca — Nauta — Taratinga — Santa-Maria De Belem de Para 2 vols., 4°, lialf morocco, pp. 701 ; 509. Paris : Hatchette et C*^, 1869 /-•^^' ./^3 /.^h ■k- 1-1,1 1462 Marcoy. Vovage to South America, Translated. 2 vols., 4°, doth, gilt. " ' N. Y., 1874 It is difficult to speak of this splendid work in such terms as its ex- cellence deserves, vnthout seeming to be extravagant in laudation. Tiie author has brouglit the art of photography to aid for the first time, in illustrating a work principally treating of the aborigines of America. Nothing effected by engraving has been published, since the days of the brothers De Bry, so elaborate, so rich, and so perfect in dravs^ing, scenery, costume, and anatomical correctness. 1463 Marcy (R. B ). Exploration of the Red River of Louis- iana, in the Year 1852, by Randolph B. Marcy, ... U. S. Army; assisted by George B. McClellan, ,..U. S. Engineers. With Reports on the Natural History of the Country, and numerous illustrations. 8°, cloth. Washington : A. 0. P. Nicholson, puhlic printer, 1854 Contains authentic information regarding the peculiar customs of the Indians of the southern plains. Their mode of warfare, their inva- riable violation of the chastity of female prisoners, and the construc- tion of their dwellings and villages, are particularly described. 1464 Marcy. Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border. Com- prising descriptions of the Indian Nomads of the Plains ; Ex- plorations of New Territory ; a Trip across the Rocky Mount- ains in the Winter ; Descriptions of the Habits of different Animals found in the West, and the Method of Hunting them ; with Incidents in the life of different frontier men. ... By Colo- nel R. B. Marcy. ... 8°, cloth, uncut. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1866 1465 Marcy (W. L.). A Traditional Account of the Life of Tammany, an Indian Chief, famed for his friendship toward the Whites, and for his Virtues as a man. By William L. Marcy. ... 8°, pp. 20. Providence : Phenix Press, 1810 Written in sucli grave historic strain as to be often taken for verita- ble biography. It is, however, nothing but fiction, and not original at that. 1466 Markiiam (C. R.). Contributions towards a Grammar and Dictionary of Quichua. The Language of the Yncas of Peru. 208 Collected by Clements R. Markham ... Post 8°, cloth^ pp. (4). London : Trubner & Co., 1864 The learned author was secretary to the French Royal Society of Geography, and composed his work during a long residence in Peru. /; ^ /T' 1467 Markham. Cuzco : A Journey to the Ancient Capital of • Peru : with an Account of the History, Language, Literature, and Antiquities of the Incas. And Lima : a Visit to the Capital and Provinces of Modern Peru; with a Sketch of the Viceregal Government, History of the Kepublic, and a Review of the Literature and Society of Peru. With Illustrations and a Map. By Clements R. Markham. ... and Map. Post, 8°, cloth uncut 8 plates. London : Chapman and Ball, 1856 Principally devoted to a study of the physical and mental works of the ancient rulers of Peru, the wonderful race of the Incas. Few persons have, in later years, been better fitted for this task than Mr, Markham. ^ C '-' 1468 Markham. Travels in Peru and India, while superintend- ing the collection of Chinchona Plants and Seeds in South Ame- rica, and their Introduction into India. By Clements R. Mark- ham. With Maps and Illustrations. 8°, cloth uncut. 16 plates. 2 Maps. London, 1862 The wonderful story of Tupac Amaru, the last of the Incas, his in- surrection, defeat, and horrible execution, are here related at length. S~0 1469 Marmontel (M.). Les Incas ou La Destruction De L'Em- pire du Perou, Par M. Marmontel. ... 8°, half calf. Paris, 1777 JL 'S'^ 1470 Marrant (J.), An interesting Narrative, of the life of John Marrant (A man of Color). Containing an account of his Birth, extraordinary Conversion, and remarkable Success among the Cherokee Indians, his arrival in England, and departure as a Missionary to America, Compiled originally By the Rev. J. Aldridge,... A New Edition. 12°. Brighton : T. Sharp, 181S /^ft> 1471 Marshall (C). Passages from the Diary of Christopher Marshall kept in Philadelphia and Lancaster during the American Revolution, Edited by William Duane, 1774-1777. 12°, cloth. Fhil, 1839-'40 ^.liT 1472 Marshall (H.). The History of Kentucky. Exhibiting an account of the modern Discovery; Settlement; progressive Improvement; Civil and Military transactions ; and the Present State of the Country. By Humphrey Marshall. 2 vols , 8°, sheep. Frankfort: Geo. S. Robinson, Printer, 1824 Largely composed of minute relations of the border wars . and the massacres by the Indians. 209 '^o 1473 Marshall (J.). The Life of George Washington, Com- mander in Chief of the American Forces, during the war which established the Independence of his Country, and First President of the United States : compiled under the inspection of the Hon- ourable Bushrod Washington, from Original Papers, bequeathed to him by his deceased Relative. To which is prefixed, An Introducdon, containing a Compendious view of the Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of North America. By John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, &c., &c. 5 vols., 4°, calf. London: Printed for Richard Phillips,... 1804-1807 The only complete edition of this indispensable work, the Colonial History being omitted iu the late American edition. It is a book that contains original information and should be read. It is chiefly com- piled from Washington's correspondence, and a life of Washington is of course a history of the American War. — Prof. Smyth. , f'Q 1474 Marshall. Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, at January term, 1832, delivered by Mr. Chief Justice Marshall, together with the opinion of Mr. Justice McLean, in the Case of Samuel C. Worcester versus The State of Georgia. 8°. Washington, 1832 In this case of the Cherokee Indians against Georgia, the whole his tory of Indian treaties with the United States is reviewed. '^''7" 1475 Marshall (0. H.). The Niagara Frontier : embracing Sketches of its early history, and Indian, French and English Local Names. Read before the Buffalo Historical Club, Feb- ruary 27, 1865, By Orsamus H. Marshall. Printed for private circulation. 8°, pp. 46. \_Bioffalo, 1865.] 'i 3 1476 [Martin (Dom Claude).] La Vie de la Mere Marie de 1' Incarnation, Institutrice & premiere Superieure des Ursulines de la Nouvelle France. 16°, pp. xxx, 412, (iv.) Paris, M.DCC.XXIV yj~ 1477 Martin (Francois Xavier). History of North Carolina from the earliest period. 2 vols., 8°, half sheep. New Orleans, 1829 A copy of the work brought $235, at a sale in the city in 1872. /^ 1478 Martin. A New and Comprehensive Gazetteer of Virginia and the District of Columbia : containing a Copious collection of Geographical, Statistical, Political, Commercial, Religious, Moral and Miscellaneous Information, collected and compiled from the most Respectable, and chiefly from Original Sources. By Joseph Martin. To which is added A History of Virginia from its First Settlement to the year 1794; With an Abstract of the 27 210 Principal Events from that Period to the Independence of Tir- ginia and Written Expressly for the work by a Citizen of Vir- ginia. Map. 8°, calf^ pp. 636. Charlottesville : Joseph Martin, 1835 xfj^^" 1479 [Martin (P. P. E.) et Demontezon (F.)]. Mission du Canada, delations inedites de la Nouvelle-France (1672-1679) pour faire suite aux anciennes relations 1615-l'o72 Avec deux Cartes Geographiques. 2 maps. 2 vols., 12°, uncut, pp. xxviii, 356, 384. Paris : Charles Dowiiel, 1861 Missions in Canada. Unedited Relations of New France in continua- tion of the Early Relations of 1615 to 1672. /j c O 1480 [Martyn (Benjamin)]. An Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia. ^m2i\\'i°, Elegantly hound in half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. pp. 104. London: W. Meadows, M.DCCXLI. "A well written tract, defending the colony from the malignant reports that had been circulated." — Rich. 1481 Martyr (P.). The Decades | of the newe Worlde or | west India, | Conteynyng the nauigations and conquestes | of the Spaniardes, with the particular de | scription of the most ryche and large landes | and Ilandes lately founde in the west Ocean | perteynyng to the inheritaunce of the Kinges | of Spayne. In the which the diligent reader | may not only consyder what commoditie may | hereby chaunce to the hole Christian world in I tyme to come, but also learne many secreates | touchynge the lande, the sea, and the Starres, | very.necessarie to be knowne to al such as shal | attempte any nauigations, or otherwise | haue delite to beholde the strange | and woonderfull woorkes of | God and nature. | Wrytten in the Latine tounge by Peter | Martyr of Anglrsia, | and trans | lated into Englysshe by Richarde Eden. Portrait. 4°, 24 leaves, text 361 leaves -\- Contentes | 13 leaves. Londoni\ In oedibus Gnilhelmi Powell \ Anno, 1555 The first English translation containing the first three Decades. To Richarde Eden Mr. Rich devotes a page of eloquent praise, and quotes the glowing passage in his preface in which he recites the motive which prompted the woi-k. These Decades, first printed in Latin in 1516, contain probably the first systematic and critical narration of the peculiarities of religion and customs of the American Indians. Both this and the subsequent edition of 1577 are considered among the rarities of Bibliography. In catalogues of recent issue in England, the prices at which copies have been oflfered vary from £15 to £21. /-^ o o 1482 Martyr. The | history of Trauayle | in the | West and East ■ Indies and other | countreys lying.eyther way | towardes the fruit full and ryche | IMoluccaes. | As | Moscowia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, -^oJP*) I Ethiopia, Guuiea, China in Cathayo and | Giapan. 211 With a discourse of | tlie Northwest pas | sage.... Gathered in parte and done into Euglyshe by Richarde Eden. Newly set in order, augmented and finished by Richarde VVilles. Small 4°, fine copy, 10 preliminary leaves, text, 466 leaves. Imprinted at London hij \ Richard Lugge Cum PrixhUegio^ 1577 The second English translation of part of the Decades of the New World. Willes added to this edition a translation of a part of the Fourth Decade but without the division into liooks which Eden pre- served. This additional portion is almost wholly descriptive of the pecularities of the aborigines. A compilation from Oviedo and other writers occupies folios 183 to 236. _^^ ^ 1483 Martyk (P.). The | HistorieOf | The West-/rtf? o f^ 1504 Mather. De | Successu Evangelii | Apud | Indios | Occlden- tales, I In NovaAnglia ; | Epistola, | Ad | CI. Virum | D. Johan- nem Leusdenum | Linguae Sanctae in Ultrajectina Acade | mia Professorem, Scripta, | A Cresentio Mathero | Apud Bostonienses V. D. M. nee non Collegii | Harvardini quod est Cantabrigia Nov- An I glorum, Rectore. | Londiui, Typis, J. G. 1688 | Jam recusa et Successu Evangelii apud In | dos Orientales aucta. | 24°, pp. 16. Vltrajecti : apud Wilhelmuni Broedeleth. | Anno^ 1699 Of the Success of the Gospel among the American Indians. U- oo 1505 Mather (Samuel). An Attempt to Shew, That America must be Known to the Ancients ; Made at the Request, and to gratify the Curiosity, of An Inquisitive Gentleman; To which is added An Appendix, Concerning the American Colonies, and Some Modern Managements against them. By an Ameri- can Englishman. Pastor of a Church in Boston, New England, 8°, pp. 35. Boston, New England: Printed hy J. Kneeland, 1773 .%." 1506 [Mathews (Cornelius.)] Behemoth, a Legend of the Mound Builders. 12°, hoards, pp. vi + 192. Neio York, 1843 X'^Y ^^^"^ [Mathews.] The Indian Fairy Book. From the Original / Legends. With Illustrations by J. McLenan, Engraved by V. S. Anthony. 12°, cloth, pp. 338. New Torh : Mason Brothers, 1856 'oh 1508 Manduit, (Israel). A Short View of the History of the New England Colonies, with Respect to their Charter and Constitu- tion. Fourth Edition. 8°. London, 1776 X. /^ 1509 Maun-gwu-daus. An Account of the North American In- ^dians, written for Maun-gwu-daus, A Chief of the Objibway Indians, Who has been traveling in England, France, Belgium, Ireland, and Scotland. 8°, pp. 24. Leicester : Printed hy T. Cook, 1848 o.-^ ^Sb 1510 Maurault (J. A.). Historic des Abenakis depuis 1605 jusqu'a nos jours. Par L'Abbe J. A. Maurault. 8°, pp. , (2) III, X, (1), 631. Imprime a Vatelier typographique de La Gazette de Sorel, 1866 / oO 1511 Maw (H. L.). Journal of a Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, crossing the Andes in the Northern Provinces of Peru, and descending the River Maranon, or Amazon. By Henry Listor Maw. Map. 8°, hoards, uncut. London : John Murray, MDCCCXXIX 217 The author was very assiduous in collecting facts relating to the condition, history and character of the Indians of Peru and Brazil, particularly of the unexplored districts, in the valley of the Maranon. He studied them with the zeal of a scholar, and the analysis of an ethnologist, and although his opportunities were comparatively nar- row, and his tour very rapid, he gleaned with great industry. c'c 1512 Maximillian (Alexander Philip). Travels in the Interior of North America. By Maximillian, Prince of Weid. With numerous engravings on wood, and a large map. Translated from the German, by H. Evans Loyd. To accompany the ori- ginal series of eighty-one elaborately colored plates, size, imperial folio. 4°, half morocco, 10 prel. pp. -f- 520, and 1 vol. folio, of plates. London: Ackerman & Co., MDCCCXLlll ^ n^ Also Reise in das innere Nord- America in den jabren 1832 - ^' 34. 2 vols., 4°. Cobletiz: J. melscher,lS'69-41 The quarto volume is the text of one of the most beautiful and costly of works, having the American Indians for their subject. The wise- acre who gave it an English dress, takes credit to himself in his preface, for omitting the very extensive vocabularies found in the German edi- tion, occupying nearly one quarter of volume second. To cover this defect the German text is added as above. The volume of plates con- tains eighty-one vignettes and full-page colored engravings of the most perfect drawing, and beautiful execution. Forty-nine of these are illustrative of some phase in Indian life and character. Two En- glish editions of these plates have been issued, the last, so much infe- rior to the other as to be unworthy of comparison, was published by Mr. E. Lumley to meet a continued demand for the work. '^f 1513 Maximillian. Travels in Brazil, in the years 1815, 1816, 1817. By Prince Maximillian, of Wied-Neuwied. Illustrated with Plates. Portrait, map, 6 plates. 4°, cloth, uncut. London, 1820 ^^ 1514 Mayer (B.), Mexico, as it Was, and as it Is. 8°, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1847 fo 1515 Mayer (B.). Mexico; Aztec, Spanish and Republican ; A Historical, GrCograpbic;il, Political, Statistical and Social account of that country from the period of the invasion by the Spaniards to the present time ; With a view of the Ancient Aztec Empire and Civilization; A Historical Sketch of the late War: and notices of New Mexico and California. By Brantz Mayer, formerly Secretary of Legation to Mexico. 2 vols., 8°, roan, pp. 399, 433. Hartford: S, Drake and Company, MDCCCLill Probably the most complete and exhaustive history of Mexico. Tlie work is largely devoted to the history, character, and condition of the native races. It is particularly valuable for its statistics obtained from governmental documents, regarding the number and tribes of Indians residing in each state. 28 218 / ^O 1516 Mayer (B.). Observations on Mexican History and Arch- seology, with a special notice of Zapotec Remains, as delineated in Mr. J. Gr. Sawkins's drawings of Mitla, etc. By Brantz Mayer. 4 plates. 4°, half morocco, pp. 33. Washington City: iSmithsonian Institutian, 1S66 % / *! * 1517 Mayer. Tah-gah-jute ; or, Logan and Captain Michael Cresap. A discourse by Brantz Mayer, delivered in Baltimore, before the Maryland Historical Society. On its Sixth Anniver- sary, May 9, 1851. 8°, pp. 86. Baltimore, 1851 1518 Mayer. Tah-gah-jute; or Logan and Cresap, an Historical Essay. By Brantz Mayer. Large paper copy irapl. 8°, half morocco Albany : Joel Munsell, 1867 An amplification of the former work. /_/L c o 1519 Mayhew (E.). Indian Converts: or, some Account of the Lives and Dying Speeches of a considerable Number of the Christianized Indians of Martha's Vineyard, in New England. Viz., I. Of Godly Ministers. II. Of other Good Men. III. Of Religious Women. IV. Of Pious young Persons. By Ex- perience Mayhew, M. A. Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians of that Island. To which is added, Some Account of those English Ministers who have successively presided over the In- dian work in that and the adjacent Islands. By Mr. Prince. 8°, pp. XXIV, 310, 16. London: Printed for Samuel Gerrish, in New England: and. sold by F. Osborn and T. Longman in Paternoster Pow, 1727 - t V 1520 Mayhew. Narratives of the Lives of Pious Indian Children, who lived on Martha\s Vineyard, more than one hundred years since. By Experience Mayhew, A.M. Preacher to the Indians of Martha's Vineyard at that time. Carefully revised from the London Edition, originally printed for Samuel Gerrish, Book- seller in Boston, New England, 1727. 24°, pp. 108. Boston: James Loring, (1829) A reprint of the fourth division of Mayhew's Indian Converts. ^'6^ 1521 Maynarde. Sir Francis Drake his Voyage, 1595. By Thomas Maynarde ; together with the Spanish account of Drake's Attack on Puerto Rico. Edited from the Original Manuscripts, by W. D. Cooley. 8°, cloth uncut, pp. viii, 65. Printed for the Eakluyt Society, M.DCCC.XXIX Forms vol. iv of the Publications of the Hakluyt Society. ^i' 219 75, 1522 Mayne (R. C). Four Years in British Ooluinbia and Van- couver Island. An account of their Forests, Rivers, Coasts, Gold Fields, and Resources for Colonization. By Commander R. C. Mayne. With Map and Illustrations. 8°, half calf. London, 1862 f^^ 1523 Meek (A. B.). The Red Eagle, a Poem of the South. 12°, cloth. New York, 1855 With notes on Indian life. />^. 1524 Meek. Romantic Passages in Southwestern History, includ- ing Orations, Sketches, and Essays. By A. B. Meek. 12°, cloth. New York and Mobile, 1857 Contains a biography of Weatherfo :d, the Creek chief, Massacre of Fort Mimmg, and other sketches of Indian history, bearing marks of personal research. 1525 Meginnes (J. F.). Otzinachson ; or, 4. History of the West- Branch Valley of the Susq[uehanna : embracing a full Account of its Settlement — Trials and Privations endured by the first Pioneers — Full accounts of the Indian Wars, predatory Incur- sions, Abductions, Massacres, &c. ; Together with an Account of the Fair Play System ; and the Trying Scenes of the Bit; Runaway ; interspersed with Biographical Sketches of some ot the leading Settlers, Families, etc., together with pertinent An- ecdotes, Statistics, and much valuable matter entirely new. By J. F. Meginnes. 8°, pp. 518. Philadelphia : Henry B. Ashmead, 1857 152G Meline (J. F.). Two Thousand Miles on Horseback. Santa F§ and Back. A Summer Tour through Kansas, Ne- braska, Colorado, and New Mexico, in the year 1866. By James F. Meline. Map, 12°, pp. x. 317. New York : Hiird and Houghton, 1868 Mr. Meline possessed the zeal of an antiquary with much of the scholar. His letters are principally occupied with relations of Indian History. The author examined with great care a vast mass of docu- ments relating to the early occupation of New Mexico by the Spaniards. Not the least valuable portion of his book is his catalogue of those documents. C 1527 M[elton] (E.). Aenmerkenswaardige en 'ZMT.a.mQ \ PP^EST- INDISCHE I ZEE- en LANDREIZEN, | Door de Caribifche Eylanden, Ni-iiw-NTederland, | Virginien, en de Spaanfche Weft- indien : | BEHELSENDE: \ geit feet naufeuvtge S3efc^n)»{ng ber genoembe Landcn, be^ \ neffen^ berjeber inwoondercn, Gods- dienit, Regecring, 3ebcn cu ©cwoonten, | ijvcembe (SJefc^febcntffm en 2)ooryancn, 9J?{ts?iviber0 be ®routt)cIi)fe 3Sreeb* I I)ebett ber Spanjaardcn aait be Indiancn Cjepleegt in 't ontbcffeU VaU Niciiw r^' 220 Span- 1 jen, CltJ* Ctt 2Sreebt)eplD ber Amerikaanfe Zee-Rovers teQCU^ te •Spcmjciavten.- | Met Koopere Platen Verciert. \ Door een Voor- naam Engels Heer E. M. en andere, Opmerkelijk Befchreven. ] 4°, pp. 96. f Am ierdam, by de Weduwe van Gysbert de Great, Boekver- koopfter op de \ Nieuwe-Dyk op de hoek van d'EngelJche Steeg, in de groote Bybel, 1 705 (Eemarkable and strange West-India Voyages and Travels, tlirough the Caribbee Islands, New Netberland, V^irginia and Spanish America ; Containing a very curious description of the said lands, with their in- habitants, religions, government, manners and customs, strange his- tories and accidents ; together with the horrid cruelty exercised by the Spaniards upon the Indians during the conquest of New Spain ; and the cruelty of the American Buccaneers towards the Spaniards. Orna- mented with copper plates. Described by a noble Englishman, E. M. and several other persons. . All relating to the New Netherlands is taken literally from Vander Donck. The plates in the text of that portion relating to the New Netherlands are copied from De Vries. The manners and customs of the Savages receive much attention from the author, throughout the remainder of his work. This edition is much the rarest and in- deed the only one desirable for a collection of books on American his- tory. Contains all relating to America which has been printed on his travels in the East and West Indies. / c^-C 1528 jMelvin (J.). A Journal of the Expedition to Quebec, in the Year 1775, under the Command of Colonel Benedict Arnold. By James Melvin, A Private in Captain Dearborn's Company. 8°, vloth, uncut, pp. (4) iv., 34. Philadelphia: Printed for the Franklin Club, MDCCCLXIV. "One hundred copies privately printed. //^ 1529 Memoires et Documents relatifs a I'Histoire du Canada; Publics par La Societe Historique de Montreal. 8°, cloth, uncut. Montreal, 1859 ^.^6 1530 Memoires sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu'a 1760, avec- cartes et plans, pp. 207. Quebec, 1838 *^j 1531 MemoriaLi and Remonstrance of the Committees appointed by the yearly meetings of Friends, of Genesee. New-York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, to the President of the United States in relation to the Indians of the State of New York. 8°, pp. 19. New- York : Mercein & Posts' press, 1840 1532 Memorial of a Delegation from the Cherokee Indians- Presented to Congress January 18, 1831. 8°. pp. 8. [?i. c?.] 'S-^ 1533 Memorial of the Chiefs and Delegates of the Wyandot Indians. 8°, pp. 9. ( Washington) 1842 ^/ 221 2^ " 1534 ... Memorial of the Head Men and Warriors Of the Creek Nation of ludians, February 6, 1832 ... 8°, pp. 5. [ Washington^ 1832.] Z^ 1535 Memorial of the Society of Friends in regard to the Indi- ans. 8°, cover and pp. 8. [^Baltimore (1870)] ' J f 1536 Memorials and Affidavits showing outrages perpetrated by the Apache Indians in the Territory of Arizona during the Years 1869 and 1870. San FranciscA, 1871 L 57? 1537 Memoirs of the Long Island Historical Society. Vol. 2, containing The Battle of Long Island, with preceding and sub- sequent events. By T. W. Field. 8°, doth. Brooklyn, 1869 f-o o 1538 Memoirs read before the Anthropological Society of London, 1863-4. 4 plates, 4 folded sheets, 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. 533. London : Truhner & Co., 1860 Contains " Bollaert's Ancient Population of the New World," "An- cient Picture Writing of America," and "Astronomy of the Red Men of the New World." 2c> 1539 Memorial of the Creek nation of Indians. 8°, pp. 8. Washington, 1832 oO 1540 Memorial of a delegation of the Cherokee tribe of Indians. 8°, pp. 5. {Washingto7i),l^^1 1541 Memorial and Affidavits showing Outrages perpetrated by the Apache Indians, in the Territory of Arizona, during the years 1869 and 1870 ... 8°, pp. 32. San Francisco^, l^ll OO 1542 Mendieta (Gr.). Historia Ecclesiastica Indiana obra escrita a fines del siglio xvi, por Fray Geronimo de Mendieta De la Orden de San Francisco. La publica per primera vez Joaquin Garcia Icazbelceta. Royal 8°, cloth, uncut. Mexico, m.dccc.lxx This extraordinary work upon the conversion of the Indians of Mexico to the Catholic faith had slumbered in MS., for 250 years when the eminent Mexican scholar and archaeologist Signor Icazbalceta brought it to the light and universality of the press. Its importance can scarcely be overestimated. Mendieta, for the history of the Aztecs, was sent to Mexico in 1554 and remained there till 1571, having spent much of his time in the study of the Mexican languages. Torque- nada evidently had access to his MS., for he has reproduced a large portion of it without giving any credit to Mendieta. His love for the Indians exhibited itself in the same manner as that of LasCasas, and Palafox, and with almost equal fervor and eloquence, he appealed in his numerous letters to the king_and the council of the Indians in their defence. 1543 [Merrill Rufus]. 150 Stories about Indians. 32°, pp. 192. Concord, N. II. : Rufus JVerrill, 1853 222 '2 ^ 1544 Message, from the President,... transmitting an extract from the Occurrences at Fort Jackson, in August, 1814, during the negotiation of a Treaty with the Indians ; and recommending the ratification of certain Donations of Land, made By the said Indians to Gen. Jackson, Col. B. Hawkins, and others. ... 8°, pp. 11. Washington : Printed hy William A. Davis, 1816 a5cJ 1545 Message from the President ... transmitting informatioD in relation to the War with the Seminoles. ... March 25, 1818. 8°* pp. 29. Wa 1568 Minnesota Annals and Annual Reports. No. 4, 1858, duplicate. 4 Pamphlets. 1867-68 (JO 1569 MiNOT (G-. R.). Contiauation of the History of the Pro- vince of Massachusetts Bay, from the year 1748. With an Introductory sketch of Events ^om its Original Settlement. By George Richards Minot. 2 vols., 8°, hoards, uncut. Boston, 1798-1803 The second volume was published after the author's death ia 1803 it brings the historj^ down to 1765, and was apparently intended as a continuation of Hutchinson's. %{' 15G9* MiNOT . The History of the Insurrection in Massachusetts, In the Year Seventeen Hundred and Eighty-Six, and the Rebellion Consequent thereon. 8°, boards, uncut. Boston, 1870 Usually known as Shays's Rebellion. See Allen's Biographical Dictionary. .%^~ 1570 Missions in Western New York, and Church History of the Diocese of Buffalo, By the Bishop of Buffalo. 12°, cloth. Buffalo : GatlioUc Sentinel Print, 1862 A narration of some of the principal incidents in the lives and suf- ferings of the Jesuits and Franciscan missionaries among the Indians of New York. 2<^~ 1571 Mississippi Legislature. Memorial (etc.) Upon the Subject of the lands acquired by treaty from the Choctaw nation of Indians. 8vo, pp. 7. (^Washington, ^ 1832 f^^ 1572 Mississippi State Historical Society. Constitution and other Documents, pp. 15. Jackson, 1859 '.T'S' 1573 Mitchel (J.). The Missionary Pioneer, or a brief memoir of the life, labours, and death of John Stewart (man of colour), founder under God of the mission among the Wyandotts at Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Published by Joseph Mitchell. 24°, New York : Printed hy J. G. Totten, 1827 2S 1574 Mix (J. B.). The Biter Bit, or the Robert Macaire of Journalism. 8°. Washington, 1870 C 1575 Mohawk. The | Morning and Evening Prayer, | The Litany, I Church Catechism, | Family Prayers, | and Several Chapters of the Old and New Testament, | Translated into the Mahaquo 29 226 Indian Language, | By Lawrence Claesse, Interpreter to William I Andrews, Missionary to the Indians, from the j Honourable and Reverend the Society for the Propagation | of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. ] Small 4°, morocco ... New York : Printed hy William Bradford, 1715 A volume of the greatest rarity, the first attempt to translate any portion of the Prayer Book into the Mohawk language. For the In- dian title, see Field's Essay No. 1703, or Sabin's Dictionury No. 13180. / r ^O 1576 Mohawk. The Book of | Common Prayer, | and Adminis- ^ ' tration of the | Sacrameats, | and other | Kites and Ceremonies | of the I Church, j according to the use of the | Church of Eng- land : I together with | A Collection of Occasional Prayers, and | divers Sentences of | Holy Scripture, j Necessary for Knowledge and Practice. | Formerly collected, and translated into the Mo- hawk Language | under the direction of the Missionaries of the Society for the j Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts to the Mohawk | Indians. | A New Edition : | to which is added ] The Gospel according to St. Mark, j Translated into the Mohawk Language, | By Cap" Joseph Brant, | An Indian of the Mohawk Nation. | 19 plates. 8°, pp. (U) 505. London : \ Printed hy G. Buckton, Great Putney Street, | Golden Square, 1787 / / ^ 1576* MoHAAVK. The Acts of the Apostles, in the Mohawk Language, Translated by H. A. Hill, with Corrections by Wil- liam Hess and John A. Wilkes, Jr. 12°, pp. 121. A^eio York : Young Men's Bible Society, 1835 1577 Mohawk. The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans, in the Mohawk Language, translated by H. A. Hill, with cor- rections by William Hess and John A. Wilkes, Jr. 12°, pp. 56. New York : Young Men's Bible Society, 1835 \' 1%- 1577* Mohawk. The Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, according to St. Matthew, Translated into the Mohawk Language by A. Hill, and Corrected by J. A. Wilkes, Jr. ... 12°, pp. 197. New York, 1836 n (1 O 1578 Mohawk. The Book of Common Prayer, according to the ^ ' use of the Church of England, translated into the Mohawk language, compiled from various translations, revised, corrected, and prepared for the press, under the direction of the Rev. Abraham Nelles, Chief Missionary in the service of the Com- pany for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America. The Collects, the Service of Baptism of such as are of Riper Years, the Order of Confirma- 227 tion, the Visitation of the 'Sick, the Communion of the Sick, Thanksgiving of Women after Child Birth, &c. TransUited by- John Will, Junr., Appear in Mohawk for the first time, in this Edition of the Prayer Book. 8°. Hamilton : Printed at Ruthven's 1842 n^'^ 1579 Mohawk. The Book of Common Prayer, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Translated into the Mohawk or Iroquois Lan- guage. By the Rev. Eleazer Williams, ... Revised edition of his former Translation. 12°, pp. 101. Mw York : II. B. Durand, 1867 1580 Mohawk. Selection of Psalms and Hymns, according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Translated into the Mohawk or Iroquois Lan- guage, ... by the Rev. Eleazer Williams. Revised Edition of his former Translation. 12°, pp. 38. New Yorh : R. B. Durand, 1867 This translation is usually found at the end of the prayers. ' /^ 1581 Ne Kagh-ya-dough-se-ra, neRoyadadokenghdy,ne Isaiah. 18°, cloth, pp. 243. New TorJc : American Bible Society, 1839 The book of Isaiah, translated into the Mohawk dialect. '^.i)" 1582 Mohawk. Nene Karighwiyoston tsinihorighhoten ne Saint John. The Gospel according to Saint John, 16°, sheep, 125 leaves, Mohawk and English. Lond. : Phillips & Pardon [n. d.'\ O C 1583 Mohawk. A | Primer, | for the USE of the | Mohawk Children, | To acquire the Spelling and Reading of their | own, as well as to get acquainted with the | English, Tongue ; which for that Purpose is put | on the opposite Page. | Waerighwagh- sawe I Iksaongoeuwa | ... Plate. 16°, pp. 96. London : | printed hy G. Buchton, | 1786 The frontispiece representing a School of Indian Children, engraved by James Peachey. In Mr. Henry Stevens's catalogue of books sold by Puttick & Simpson, 1861, a copy of this rare little book is announced, as believed to be UNIQUE. 1584 Mohawk Chief, The. By author of " The Fall of the Nau Soung." 3 vols., 8°, cloth. London, 1857 ^ 1585 Molina (J. I.). The Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili. By Abbe Don J. Ignatius Molina. Illustrated by a half-sheet map of the Country. With Notes from the Spanish and French versions, and an Appendix, containing copions extracts from the Araucana of Don Alonzo de Ercilla. Translated from the original Italian, by an American Gentleman. Map. 2 vols ,8°, hoards, uncut. Middlrtown, Conn : L Riley, 1808 '$ ^. 228 n In 1586 Mollhausen (B.). Diary of a Journey from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific with a United States government * expedition. By Baldwin Mollhausen, topographical draughts- man and naturalist to the expedition. With an Introduction by Alexander Von Humboldt. And Illustrations in chromo- lithography. Translated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. 2 vols., 8°, half calf . London : Longman [& Co.], 1858 The narration of the author's personal examination of Indian life, and aboriginal antiquities, occupy almost the whole of these volumes. The plates are principally illustrative of such phases of the one, and remains of the other, as seemed most noteworthy. hi 1587 MoNETTE (J. W.). History of the Discovery and Settle- ' ment of the Valley of the Mississippi, by the Three Great European Powers, Spain, France, and Great Britain, and the subsequent Occupation, Settlement, and Extension of Civil Government by the United States, until the Year 1846. By John W. Monette. 2 vols., 8°, cloth^ pp. xv. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1848 Includes a relation of the French and Spanish discovery of the ter- ritory, and the association of the colonial governments of these nations with the Indians, and their wars with the various tribes inhabiting it. A narration of the Indian wars of the States bordering the Ohio. The work is probably the best of the numerous class of books on the subject of western history. fOKif 1588 MoNTANUS (A.). De Nieuwe en Oubekende | "Weereld : of I beschrijviug | van | America | en | 'tZuid Land, | Vervaetende d'Oorsprong der Americaenen en Zuid- j landers gedenkwaerdige togten derwaerds, — Gelegendheid | Der Vaste Kusten, Eilanden, Steden, Sterkten, Dorpen, Tempels, | Bergen, Fonteinen, Stroo- men, Huisen, de'natuur van Beesten, Boomen, | Plan ten en vreemde Gewasschen, Godsdienst en Zeden, Wonderlijke | Voor- vallen, Vereeuwde en Nieuwe Oorloogen : | Verciert met Af- beeldsels na't leven in America gemaekt, en beschreeven | Door | Arnoldus Montanus. Folio, calf. Large paper copy. Amsterdam | By Jacoh 3Ieurs, Boek-ver-kooper en Plaet- snyder^ op de Kaisars-graft, | schuin over de Wester- markt, in de stad Mcurs. Met Privilegie. Anno. 1671. The new and unknown World, or Description of America and the South Land ; containing the origin of the Americans and the South- landers : remarkable travels thither, situation of the continental coast, islands, &c. Forty-one of the half-page plates printed in the text, are illustrative of the battles, festivals, religious rites, cannibalism, habita- tions, or customs of the aborigines of America. It also contains an early view of New York. 1589 Montgomery (E). Reminisceuges of Wilmington, in Familiar Village Tales, Ancient and New. By Elizabeth Mont- gomery, inscribed to her friends as a memento of Aflfection, 8°, cloth pp. XII, 7-36. Philadelphia : T. K.Collins Jr., 1851 1.^'' 229 /-^ 1590 Montgomery (W.). The Extraordinary Adventures of f William Montgoniery in the Unexplored Regions of Amazonia; An account of his Captivity among the Ororaana Indians, a Description of their Manners, Customs, and Wars; and the Escape of the Captive with the daughter of their Chief. 16°, pp. 30. London: printed hy W. Nicholson^ [n. f/.] ft^ 1591 Moody (J.). Lieut. James Moody's Narrative of the Ex- ertions and Sufferings of in the Cause of Government since the year 1776. 8°, half morocco, very scarce. London, M.DOCLXXXiii ^ c o 1592 Moody [Another Edition] with Introduction and Notes by C. I. Bushnell. Portraits. 8°, half morocco, uncut. jSf. Y. : privately printed, 1865 The author was a Spy, a Ranger and Scout in the service of the British, princii)ally in New Jersey. /(^ c a 1593 Moore. A | Voyage [ to [ Georgia, | Begun in the Year 1735. | Containing, An Account of the Settling the Town of j Erederica, in the Southern Part of the | Province; and a Description of the Soil, I Air, Birds, Beasts, Trees, Rivers, | Islands, &c. | With I the Rules and Orders made by the Honour- | able the Trustees for that Settle- | ment ; including the Allowances of Provisions, I Cloathing, and other Necessaries to the Families | and Servants which went thither | Also | A Description of the Town and County of Savannah, | in the Northern Part of the Province; the Manner of | dividing and granting the Lands, and the im- prove- I ments there : With an Account of the Air, Soil, | Rivers, and Islands in that Part. By Francis Moore.... 8°, hcdf title. London : Jacob Robinson, 1744 The number of the Indian tribes, the location of their territories, and the dealings of the wise and pacific Ogletliorpe with them, form the subject of much of the volume. Many incidents in the life of the o-ood chief Tomo-chi-chi, are given. ')^'X^~' 1594 MooiiE. Diary of the American Revolution, From News- papers and Original Documents. By Frank Moore. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo. Neii:) York, 1863 ^f%^ 1595 Moore (F.). Heroes and Martyrs: Notable Men of the Time, Military and Biographical Sketches of Naval Heroes Statesmen and Orators. Portraits, 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1861 / '">; 1596 Moore (G. H.). " Mr. Moore's Plan, March 29th, 1777." The Treason of Charles Lee Major General ...Port, and Fac- simile. 8°, cloth, uncut. JS'. Y., 1860 //%- 1597 IMooRE. Notes on the History of Slavery in Massachusetts. 8°, cloth. N. Y., MDCCCLXVI r "^scji^^JijUX^ 230 ■^0 1598 Moore, H. N. Livesof Generals Wayne and Marion. 16°, roan. Phil. L\ 1599 Moore (J. B.) Annals of the Town of Concord in the County of Merrimack, and State of New Hampshire, from its first Settlement, in the Year 1726, to the Year 1823. With several Biographical Sketches. To which is Added, a Memoir of the Penacook Indians. By Jacob B. Moore ... 8°, uncut, pp. 112. Concord: Jacob B. Moore, 1824 /^5 1600 Moore. Lives of the Governors of New Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, from the Landing of the Pilgrims in 1620 to 1692. Portrait. 8°, clotli. Boston, 1851 / ^ 1601 Moore. Memoirs of the Life and Character of Rev. John Eliot, apostle of the N. A. Indians. By Martin Moore. ... 24°, shee]), pp. 174. Boston : T. Bedlint/ton, 1822 /./^ 1602 [xMoRDECAi (S.).] Richmond in By Gone Days; being Reminiscences of An Old Citizen. 16mo'. Richmond, Va., 1856 %^ %6 1603 MoRELET (A.). Travels in Central America, including Ac- counts of some Regions unexplored since the Conquest, from the French of the Chevalier Arth«r Morelet, By Mrs. M. F. Squier. Introduction and Notes by E. Geo. Squier. Map and 9 plates. 8°, pp. 430 + London: Truhner & Co., 1871 The Tierra de Ouarra of the time of Las Casas remained for three centuries not only the Land of War, but the land of mystery. A vast tract of territory in Guatemala, inhabited by the fierce Itzas and Lo- candons, whose wars are recorded by Villagnatierre ; was for the first time visited by a peaceful traveler in 1846. The adventurous French- man, whose literary thirst impelled him to explore this mysterious country, recorded his observations in a manner which entitles them to more credence than could be fairly claimed by many of his countryman. His work is largely composed of details of his intercourse with the modern Indians, and of his examinations of the relics of the ancient inhabitants. 1604 Morgan (L. H.). Commuuications from Louis H. Morgan Esq., of Rochester. Ground-plans and dimensions of Several French Enclosures in Western New York, or Fort Hills (so called). 8°, pp. 81, 93 + 5 plates. lAlhani/, 1848] Part of the second annual report of the University of New York. ■^ rf^~ 1605 Morgan. Appendix, Report on the Fabrics, Inventions, '/ Implements, and Utensils of the Iroquois, made to the Regents of the University. Jan. 22, 1851. By Lewis H. Morgan. Il- lustrative of the collection annexed to the State Cabinet of 231 Natural History, With Illustratioos By Richard H. Pease. 20 colored plates. 8°, Title and pp. 69 to 117. Albany, (1851) Part of the Fiftli Report of the Regents of the University of New York. These three essays form such an important body of material relating to the Iroquois, that although not issued as separate works, they are worthy of a place in a bibliography of works upon the Ame- rican Indians. They are the result of the personal observations, of one of the most acute and scrupulous of scholars and the Indian utensils and manufactures they illustrate are the fruits of his own untiring zeal in collecting. The plates are exact portrayals of the beautifully wrought and colored objects of Indian skill. Beside the number, in- dicated in the collection, sixty-eight woodcut illustrations of other and similar objects are distributed in the text. / f y 1606 Morgan (L.). Report to the Regents of the University, upon the articles furnished the (sic.) The Indian Collection : ,v /l-^/' By L. H. Morgan. 17 colored plates, 8°, half title, pp. 67, /. ^^ 97. \_Alhanij,l%m'] Part of the third annual report of the University of New York. ih. /"i 1607 Morgan. The American Beaver and his Works. By Lewis H. Morgan. ... Plates, 8°, do!li, \mcut. Phllathlpliia : J B. Lippincott & Co., 1868 This treatise on the habits and life of the animal, which has been so greatly the innocent cause of the ruin of his fellow aborigines, by pro- voking the greed of the white, and the fatal thirst of the red man, in- cidentally treats of some i>f the phases of the life of the latter. //^ 1608 Morgan. Laws of Descent of the Iroquois. By Lewis H. Morgan. 8°, pp. 16. New York ^'(rsZ 1609 Morgan. League of the Hode-no-saunee or Iroquois. By Lewis H. Morgan. Maps, plates, and plans. 8", doth, pp. 477 -j- 23. Rochester : Sage & Brother, pitblishers, 1851 The work of a writer more than ordinarily fitted for the task. It is indeed rare that taste and learning so well combine with the experience of a lifetime to favor the researches of a historian in examining the scanty records of the American Indians. 1610 Morgan. 8°, pp. 8. Rochester, Monroe Co., N. Y., October 1, 1809 A sheet of eight closely printed pages, designed to be sent to persons having some knowledge of Indian history, and domestic or social cus- toms, in <.rder to elicit information regarding them. It contains an analysis of their tribal divisions, marital relations, and a series of ques- tions regarding the same. •foc 1611 MORUELL (T. H.). Bibliotheca Americana. ... Catalogue of the Private Library of Mr. T. H. Morrell. Comprising Books on ... America. New York, 1866 Also, Catalogue of a Choice Collection belonging to T. H. Morrell [sold in 1869]. 8°, chth, uncut. New York, 1869 232 / ^ ^ 1611* MoRRELL. Anotter copy. 4°, large paper, uncut. New York, 1866 Twelve copies only printed on Large Paper. •^^^ 1612 Morris (A). Prize Essay. Canada and her Resources : An Essay. ... The Second Prize. By Alexander Morris, ... Se- cond Edition. 2 Maps. 8°, pp. 119 (1). Montreal: B. Dawson, 1855 1613 MoRRTS (I.). A Narrative of the Dangers and Distresses Which befel Isaac Morris, and Seven more of the Crew, Be- longing to The Wager Store-Ship, which attended Commodore Anson, In his Voyage to the South Sea, Containing An Ac- count of their Adventures,... till they were Seized by a Party of Indians and carried above a Thousand Miles into the Inland Country, with whom they resided upwards of Sixteen Months ... Interspersed with A Description of the Manners, and Cus- toms of the Indians in that Part of the World, particularly their Manner of taking the Wild Horses in Hunting, as seen by the Author himself [etc., 3 lines]. By I. Morris, late Mid- shipman of the Wager. \2°,calf. ion(7on [1749] ^'~f O '^ 1614 Morris. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. By Captain /■ Thomas Morris. 8°. ^ London, 1791 Under this unpromising title, the author Las printed a journal of an expedition against Pontiac, in which he was made a captive by the Indians. Other jmrticulars of his mission, captivity, and escape, can be found in Parkman's Conspiracy of Pontiac. I »y^"" 1615 Morse (J .). Annals of the American Revolution ; or a Record ' of the Causes and Events which produced, and terminated in the establishment, and independence of the American Republic, [etc., 4 lines] a Summary Account of the first Settlement of the Country, and some of the principal Indian Wars, ...and Biog- raphy of the Principal Military Officex's.... Compiled by Jedediah Morse. Sheep. 50 plates. B°, Hartford, 1824 ^ '^^ 1616 Morse. A Report to the Secretary of War of the United '^ States, on Indian Affairs, comprising a Narrative of a Tour per- formed in the Summer of 1820, under a commission from the President of the United States, for the purpose of ascertaining, for the use of the government, the actual state of the Indian Tribes in our Country. Illustrated by a map... By the Rev. Jedediah Morse, D.D Portrait. 8°, half morocco, uncut, pp. 96, and 400. New Haven : Printed hy S. Converse, 1822 The most complete and exhaustive report of the condition, numbers, names, territory, and general affairs of the Indians, ever made. 233 A j" 1617 Morse (J.). Signs of the Times, A Sermon preached before the Society for Propagating the Grospel among the Indians, and others in North-America, at their Anniversary. Nov. 1, 1810. By Jedediah Morse.. ..8°, pp. 72. Boston : Printed for the benefit of the Society, 1810 K ^^ o 1618 Morton (S. G-.). Crania Americana; or a Comparative View of the Skulls of Various Aboriginal Nations of North and South America : To which is prefixed an Essay on the Varieties of the human Species. Illustrated by Seventy-Eight Plates and a Colored Map. By Samuel George Morton : Philadelphia. 78 folio plates. Folio, uncut, pp. v, 296. London : [i. e. Philadelphia,'] 1839 Highly esteemed by ethnologists, and is certainly the result of a vast amomit of original research, by a learned and zealous investigator. The cranial forms of more than forty Indian nations once inhabiting the two Americas, from Canada to Brazil, are examined and compared. Both in this country and in Europe, wherever learning and science are reverenced, Mr. Morton's work has been recognized, as one of the best contributions to exact knowledge of the history of Man, ever offered as the work of one individual, excepting always the works of Humboldt. ^0 f 1619 Morton. An Inquiry into the Distinctive Characteristics of the Aboriginal Race of America. By Samuel George Mor- ton,... Second Edition. 8°, pp. 48. Philadelphia : John Penington, 1844 ^oo 1620 MouLTON (J. W.). ^ew York One Hundred and Seventy Years ago. 8°, cloth. N. Y., 1863 2.'fo 1621 Moultrie (Wm.). Memoirs of the American Revolution, so far as it related to the States North and South Carolina and Georgia. Compiled from the most Authentic Materials, the Author's Personal Knowledge of the various events, and includ- ing an Epistolary Correspondence on Public Affairs ... Port. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. N. Y., 1802 L'^^ 1622 [MouRT (G.).] The Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in New England, in 1620. Reprinted from the Original Vol- ume. With Historical and Local Illustrations ... By G. B. Cheever, D.D. Second Edition. 12mo, cloth. New YorJc : John Wiley, 1848 ^c"^ 1623 MoWRY (S.). Arizona and Sonora. 12°,half morocco, gilt, top, uncut. iV. Y., 1864 •// 1624 MoWRY (S.). Memoir of the Proposed Territory of Ari- zona, pp. 30. Washington, 1857 /^^ 1625 MuLFORD (J. S.). Civil and Political History of New Jersey. 8°, cloth. Camden, 1848 30 234 '3o 1626 MuLLER '(F.). Catalogue of Books, Maps, Plates on Ame- rica. ... Early Voyages, etc., for sale by Frederick MuUer. ... 8°, uncut. Amsterdam^ 1872 ^ Y^~ 1627 MuLLER. Voyages from Asia to America, for Completing ' / the Discoveries of the North-west Coast of America ; to which is prefixed, a Summary of the Voyages made by the Russians on the Frozen Sea in search of a North-East Passage. 4°, calf. London, 1761 / /^ 1627* MuNoz (J. B.). The History of the New World, by Don Juan Baptista Munoz Translated from the Spanish, with notes by the translator, an engraved portrait of Columbus, and a map of Espanola. Vol. I. 8°, pp. xv, 552. London : G. 0. and J. Hohinson, 1797 After eighteen years of most laborious investigations, this excellent historian persuaded himself, that he was at length justified in printing his work. But, exhausted with the intensity of his application, he had only -sntality enough to aid in the issue of one volume, when his death forever interrupted the completion of his labors. See Field's Essay, 1106. / c c 1628 MuNRO (R.). A Description of the Genesee Country, in the State of New York : in which the Situation, Dimensions, Civil Divisions, Soil, Minerals, Prod uce. Lakes and Rivers, Curiosi- ties, Climate, Navigation, Trade and Manufactures, Popula- tion, ... are impartially described. By Robert Munro. 8°, uncut. pp. 16. N. Y. : Printed for the Author, 1804 / /^ 1629 MuNSELL (J.). Catalogue of Books & Pamphlets issued from the Press of Joel Munsell from 1828 to 1870. 8°, hoards. pp. 191. 1872 / — • c 1630 Munsell. Catalogue of Books belonging to J. Munsell, also Whitmore's Collection [of Americana.] 2 vols., 8°. ^_ ,^f 1631 MuRATORl (Mr.). A Relation of the Missions of Paraguay. Wrote Originally in Italian, by M. Muratori, And now done into English from the French Translation. 12°, pp. xvi, 294 (2). London : J. Ifarmaduke, 1759 Highly esteemed, having been composed in great part from docu- ments written by various Jesuit missionaries and travelers, furnished to Muratori by Father Qaetan Cattanio, a missionary in Paraguay. // 2- iT 1632 Murder, The, of the Christian Indians in North- America, in the year 1782. A Narrative of Facts. 12°, pp. 16. Dublin : Printed hy Bentham & Hardy, 1826 235 A ^^ 1633 MUBPHY (T.). Life and Adventures of Timothy Murphy ^- the benefactor of Schoharie, including his History from the commencement of the revolution — His rencontres with the Indians — The Siege of the three Forts, and the preservation by his unparalleled Courage of all their inmates — his Courtship and Marriage, and Anecdotes of his Adventures with the Indians, &c. 8°, pp. 32. Schoharie G. K, N. Y. : Printed hy Tf. K. Gallup, 1839 This very scarce pamphlet, narrates a few of the adventures and feats of the Indian fighter and scout, of the valley of the Mohawk. 0000 Murphy (Henry C). See Bradford Club, and Vries (P. de) . /J '^ 1634 MuRR (C. G. V.) Reisen einiger Missionarien der Gesell- schaft Jesu in America. Aus ihren eigenen Aussagen heraus- gegeben von Christoph Gottlieb von Murr. Mit einer Landkarte und Kupfern. Map, two plates, 8°, pp. (viii.) 614. Nurnherg^ hey johann Eherhard Zeh^ 1785 Voyages of some Missionaries of the Society of Jesus in America. A large portion of the work is devoted to a grammatical analysis of the Indian language of South America., accompanied by extensive vo- cabularies. The titles of a considerable number of works upon the ■ Indians and their languages are given. "2^' 1635 Murray (Amelia M.). Letters from the United States, Cuba, apd Canada. 12°. New York, 1857 ' ^o 1636 Murray (C. A.). Travels in North America during the Years 1834, 1835, & 1836. Including a Summer Residence with the Pawnee Tribe of Indians, in the remote Prairies of the Missouri, and a Visit to Cuba and the Azore Islands. By the Hon. Charles Augustus Murray. 2 vols., 8°, 2 plates. London, 1839. First and best edition of a most interesting work, by an intelligent observer of the peculiarities of the Pawnees, before they had been modified by contact with the whites. 1637 Murray (C. A.). Travels. ... Third Edition, Revised : with H new Introduction. 2 vols., 8°. London, 1854 ■fio 1638 Murray (H.). Historical Account of Discoveries, and Travels in North America, including the United States, Cana- da, the Shores of the Polar Sea, and the Voyages in Search of a North-West Passage, with Observations on Emigration. Illus- trated by a Map of North America. 2 vols., 8". London, 1829 Contains a vast amount of information regarding the condition of the aborigiiies of America, before it was modified by association with Europeans, and a Bibliography of Voyages and Travels in America. 236 'J^O 1639 Murray (T. B.). Kalli, the Esquimaux Christian. A Memoir. By the Kev. T. B. Murray, ... 16°, pp. 70. New York [«. d.'] ' ^6' 1640 My Kide to the Barbecue. 20 cuts. 12°, paper. New York, 1860 -ef?' 1641 Myers. The Life, Voyages and Travels of Capt. John Myers, detailing his Adventures during four Voyages round the World : his various enterprises on the Coast of South America, and Exhibiting a most instructive Description of the North- West Trade. 8°, pp. 410. London : Longman, 1817 / ,(^C 1642 Names which the Lenni Lennape of Delaware Indians gave to Rivers, Streams and Localities within States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia, with their signatures. 8°, paper. Bethlehem, 1872 /^^y 1643 Narraganset Chief, The ; or, the Adventures of a Wan- derer. Written by Himself 12°, pp. 195. New York: J. K. Porter, 1832 Purports to be a veritable narration of incidents in the life of an Indian. f ^^ 1644 Narrative of a Voyage to the Spanish Main, in the Ship "Two Friends;" the occupation of Amelia Island, by Mc- Gregor &c. Sketches of the Province of East Florida ; and Anecdotes illustrative of the Habits and Manners of the Semi- nole Indians : with an Appendix, containing a detail of the Seminole War, and the execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister. 8°, hoards, uncut. London, John Miller, 1819 Almost the whole of the volume is devoted to the Seminole Indians ; the barbarous character of the war of the Americans with them ; and anecdotes respecting the Seminoles. /.So 1645 Narrative, A, of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America, since the Connexion of the Bight Hon. the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company, and his Attempt to establish a Colony on the Bed Biver ; with a de- tailed account of his Lordship's Military expedition to, and subsequent Proceedings at Fort William, in Upper Canada. 8°, pp. 152, 87. London, 1817 This narrative is the second of that long catalogue of statements, histories, and narratives to which the murder of Governor Semple by the half-breed Inflians, in the service of the Northwest Fur Company, gave existence. The first was by Lord Selkirk. , IS 669 New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings. Vol. I., 2nd Series, No. 2 aad 3, and No. 2 duplicate, 3 vols . 670 New Jersey Historical Collections by Barber & Howe. 120 Engravings. 8°, morocco. Newark^ 1861 671 New JeRkSey Geological Survey. First, Second and Third Annual Reports in one vol. Plates, 8°, cl. 672 New Society, A, for the Benefit of the Indians, organized at the City of Washington. February 1822. 8°, pp. 15 [rep. m. cZ.] 673 New York. Catalogue of N. Y. Mercantile Library. First Supplement. 8°, half turkey. 1856 674 New York. Account of the State Prison or Penitentiary House in the City of N. Y. 8°, half sheep. N. Z., 1801 675 New York Directory for 1788. \Q°, paper. Reprinted 676 New York Common Council Manual, 1860, 61, 62. 3 vols., 12°, doth. 677 New York City during the American Revolution. Being a Collection of Original Papers (now first published) from the Manuscripts in the possession of the Mercantile Library Asso- ciation of New York City. 4°, cloth uncut. 1861 678 New York. Collections of the New York Historical Society. 8 vols., besides reprint of Vol. IV, in all 9 vols., 8°. New York, 1811-26 679 New York Historical Society Collections for 1868-69, 70, 71, 72. 6 vols., 8°, cloth. This is known as the Publisher's final series, sold only to subscribers. 680 New York Historical Society. Proceedings of the New York, Press of the Histortcal Society. 7 vols., 8°. 1843-48 681 New York. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the New York Historical Society. 8°, cloth. N. Y., 1859 682 New York Historical SocietyConstitution. Semi-Centennial Celebration 1854, &c. 5 Pamphlets. 683 New York Historical Collections; by John W. Barber. Illustrated. 8°, cloth. New York. 1851 684 New York. Catalogue of the Mercantile Library, New York. 8°, half morocco. New York, 1856 685 [N. Y.,] Communication from the Governor transmitting certain Proceedings of the Seneca Nation of Indians. 8°, uncut, sd., pp. 30. Albany, 1849 241 ,2t> 1686 Newhall. a Lecture oa the Occult Sciences ; embracing some account of the New England Witchcraft, with an attempt to exhibit the Philosophy of Spectre Seeing, Disease Charming, &c. By James R. Newhall. ... 8°, pp. 36. Salem : G. W. & E. Crafts, 1845 ^tj^' 1687 Newhouse (S.)- The Trapper's Gruide. A Manual of In- " ' structions for Capturing all kinds of Fur-bearing Animals, and Curing their Skins ; with Observations on the Fur trade ; Hints on Life in the Woods, and Narratives of Trapping, and Hunting Excursions. By S Newhouse, and other Trappers and Sportsmen. Second Edition, with new Narratives and Il- lustrations. Edited by J. H. Noyes. 8°, doth, pp. 215. Puhlishedhi/ Oneida Community. Printed Wallimjford, Ct., 1867 /^-^ 1668 Newman (John B.). Origin of the Red Men; An Au- thentic History of the peopling of x\merica by the Atlantians and Tyrians; The Origin of the Toltecs ...Portrait of Monte- zuma, ... By John B. Newman. 8°, pp. 48. New York, 1852 if^ 1689 News from New England, Being A True and last Account of the present Bloody Wars carried on betwixt the Infidels, Natives, and the English Christians, and Converted Indians of New England, declaring the many Dreadful Battles Fought be- twixt them : As also the many Towns and Villages burnt by the merciless Heathens. And also the true Number of all the Christians slain since the beginning of that War, as it was sent over by a Factor of New-England to a Merchant in London. 4°, cloth, uncut, pp. 20. London, 1676. Boston, N. E , Reprinted for Samnel G. Drake, 1850 /o6' 1690 NicoLL (Henry). Early History of Sufi"olk County, L. L 8°, pp. 18. Brooklyn, 18C6 ^ 1691 NiLES (J. M.). Life of Oliver Hazard Perry. With an Appendix, Comprising a Biographical Memoir of the Late Captain James Lawrence; with Brief Sketches of the most Prominent Events in the Lives of Commodores Bainbridge, Decatur, Porter, and Macdonough. A View of the Rise, Pre- sent Condition, and Future Prospects of the Navy of the United States. A List of the Officers of the Navy, and Vessels of the United States. To which is added a Biography of General Pike, and a view of the Leading Events in the Life of Greneral Harrison. By John M. Niles, Esq., Second Edition Enlarged and Improved. 12mo, sheej), pp 385. Hartford : Oliver D. Cooke, 1821 31 242 , ^, 1693 Noah (M. M.). Discourse on the Evidences of the Ameri- ' can Indians being the descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel... By M. M. Noah. 8°, pp. 40. lieio York : James Van Nbrden, 1837 ^ ^ j" 1694 Nodal (J. F.). Elementos de Grammatica Quichua 6 idi- oma de los Yncas. Bajo los auspicios de La liedentora, Socie- dad de Filantropos para majorar la sueste de los Aborigines Peruanos. For el Dr. Jose Fernandez Nodal, Abogada de los tribunales de justicia de la Republica del Peru. 8vo. C'uzco : En el depsoito del Auior [n.c?.] 1/^6^ 1695 Norman (B. M.). Rambles in Yucatan, or, notes of travel through the peninsula, including a visit to the remarkable ruins of Chi-chen, Kabah, Zayi, and Uxmal. ^Vith numerous illus- trations. By B. M. Norman (third edition). 25 plates. 8°, cloth^ uncut, pp. 304. New York : J. & H. G. Langley, m.dcc.CXLII ,/ 3 1696 Northrop (N, B.). Pioneer History of Medina County. By N. B. Northrop. 16°, pp. 224. Medina, Ohio : G. Redway, 1861 A very limited edition published. / n li" 1697 Norton. Narrative of the Capture, and Burning of Fort ' Massachusetts by the French and Indians, in the time of the War of 1744 -1749, and the captivity of all those stationed there, to the number of thirty persons. Written at the time by one of the Captives, the Rev. Mr. John Norton, Chaplain of the fort. Now first published with notes by Samuel G. Drake. 4°, pp. 51. Albany : printed for S- G. Drake, of Boston, hy Joel iMunsell, 1870 Mr. Drake has added a biography, and many notes, explanatory of the very minute relations of the captive. / /Lo 1698 Note, sur les Botecudos, accompagnee d' un Vocabulaire de leur langue et de quelqes remarques. pp. 320 (1), 8°, 13. IParis, 1846] Notes on the Botecudos, accompanied by a Vocabulary of their lan- guage, and some remarks. Two young Indians of the Botecudos, a savage tribe inhabiting the forests of Brazil, having arrived in Paris, drew forth all the interest of the savans exhibited in this brochure. '. h 5 1699 Norton (J. N.). Pioneer Missionaries, or the Lives of ' ' ^ Phelps and Nash. By John N. Norton. 16°, pp. 193. New York, 1859 Gives many particulars of the early life of Brant, the Mohawk chief, who was a schoolmate of Phelps. 243 1700 Notices of East Florida, with an account of the Seminole 4 / -i. Nation of Indians. By a recent Traveller in the Province. v,/ J -J20. Charleston: Primed for (he Author, hi/ A. G. Miller, 1822 Gives an account of the Seminole Nation of Indians, and possesses more than common interest. xrj I 1701 NoTT and Gliddon. — Indigenous Races of the Earth j or, New (Chapters of Ethnological Inquiry : including Monographs on Special Departments of Philology, Iconography, Cranioscopy, Palaeontology, Pathology, Archaeology, Comparative Geography, and Natural History, contributed by Alfred Maury, Francis Pulszlcy, and J. Aitken Meigs, M. D. ; presenting Fresh In- vestigations, Documents, and Materials, by J. C. Nott, M.D., and George R. Gliddon. Plates and Maps. 4°, pp. xxii, 656, uncut. Philadelphia, 1857 1702 NouvELLES des Missions d'Amerique, extraites des Lettres p]difiantes et Curieuses. Plate. 12°, pp. (2) 288. Paris: Librarie Martial Ardant Freres. This selection from Lettres Edifiante of relations of the Jesuit Mis- sionaries among the Indians, contains the narrative written by Father Rasles one year before he was massacred. All the letters are minutely descriptive of Missionary- life with the Indians. ^ , 1703 Nova Scotia. A Geographical History of Nova Scotia. "^ Containing an Account of the Situation, Extent, and Limits thereof, [etc., 12 lines.] Together with the Manners and Customs of the Indian Inhabitants. 8°, calf, pp. 110. London. ; Paid Vaillant, 1749 1704 NuTTALL. A Journal of Travels into the Arkansa Territory, ,-- during the year 1819. With occasional observations on the I P^^ manners of the Aborigines. Illustrated by a map and other en- gravings. By Thomas Nuttall. 8°, half morocco, tmcut, 5 en- y^ gravings and map -j- pp xii, -}- 9 to 296. Philadelphia : Thomas H. Palmer, 1821 The naturalist records in almost every chapter some incidents of his personal intercourse with the Chickasaw, Cherokee, and Osage Indians, then inhabiting the territory he explored. 1705 O'Callaghan (E. B.). A Brief and true Narrative of the fy" Hostile Conduct of the Barbarous Natives towards the Dutch Nation. Translated by E. B. O'Callaghan. 8°, uncut, pp. 48. Albany, 1863 1706 0'Callac4IIAN (E. B.). History of New Netherland or New York under the Dutch. Vol. 1 in t^hecp. Vol. 2 in doth. \^ol 2 vols., 8°. N. Y., 1848 ^•/^ 244 6 / \ 1707 O'Callagitan. Jesuit Relations of Discoveries and other ^ ' Occuneuces in Canada and the Northern and Western States of the Union, 1632-1672. By E. B. O'Callaghan, M.I).... 8°, pp. 22. New York : Press of the Historical Society ; M DCCC XLVII ^ ■£^0 1708 OccoM (S.). A Sermon, Preached at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, Who was executed at New-Haven, on the 2d of September, 1772, for the Murder of Mr. Moses Cook, Late of Waterbury. on the 7th of December, 1771* Preached at the Desire of said Paul. By Samson Occom, Minister of the Gospel, and Missionary to the Indians. 8°, pp. 32. Boston : John Boyle, 1773 1709 Occom. A Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian ; Who had been guilty of Murder. Preached at New Haven in America, By Samson Occom, A native Indian, and Missionary to the Indians who was in England in 1766 and 1767, collecting for the Indian Charity Schools, To which is added a Short Account of the Late Spread of the Gospel, among the Indians. Also Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians; communicated to the Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences, By Jonathan Edwards, D.D. 8°, pp. 24, 16 London : Reprinted, 1788 /^ 5 1710 Occom. [Another edition.] A Sermon. 8°, pp. 26. Springfield : Henry Brewer, printer, n. d. ^'^>y 1711 Occom. [Another edition.] A Sermon, 12°, pp. 22. ' Exeter: Printed for Josiuh Richardson, the Lord's Messen- , ger to the People, 1819 Occom was the first Indian pupil, of the celebrated Eleazer Whee- lock, at his school in Lebanon, in 1743, where he remained four years, graduatinpr at the age of twentj' -three. He established a school among the Moutauk Indians on Long Island in 1755, which he continued for . ten years. I{ji . 1712 Ofpicial PiECORd from the War Department, of the Pro- ceedings of the Court Martial which tried, and the Orders' of General Jackson for Shooting the Six Militia Men, together with Official Letters from the War Department, showing that these American Citizens were Inhumanely and Illegally Massa- cred. 8°, pp. 32. Vfash, 1828 fL 1713 Ogden (J. C). An Excursion into Bethlehem & Nazareth, in Pennsylvania, in the Year 1799, With a Succinct History of the Society of United Brethren, commonly called Moravians. By John C. Ogden ... 16°, pp. (2) 167. Philadelphia : Printed by Charles Cist, 1805 Includes a short narration of the massacre of Christian Indians at Salem and Gnadenhutten. 245 1714 Ogilbt (John). America: being the latest, and most accu- rate description of the New World; containing The Original of the Inhabitants, and the Remarkable Voyages thither. The ^ O Conquest of the Vast Empires of Mexico and Peru, and other large Provinces and Territories, with the several European Plantations in those Parts, etc. Adorned with Maps and Sculptures. Engraved Title, and numerous Plates, including the rare Portraits of Columbus, Vespucius, Magellan, etc., folio, calf, fine copy. London, M.DC.LXXI This work also contains the earliest view of " Niew Amsterdam " (New York). It is mostly a reproduction of Moutanus, plates included. Ogilby may be considered the English De Bry. His works are similar in their objects, compilation, and mode of illustration. 1715, Ogle County. Sketches of the History of Ogle County, 111. And the Early Settlement of the Northwest. Written for the Polo Advertiser. 8°, pp. 86. Polo : Illinois, 1859 Contains some particulars of the neighboring tribes of Indians. / ^fc) 1716 Ohio. Transactions of the Historical and Philosophical / -" Society of Ohio. Part Second, Vol. I. 8°. Cinciiinati : Geo. W. Bradbury & Co., 1839 / 'l.S^ 1717 Ojibway. Ojibue Spelling Book. Small 4°, doth, pp. 96. Boston, 1846 / o (^ 1718 Ojibwa Nugumoshang. Ojibwa Hymns. 16°, cloth, pp. 95. American Tract Sociefy, {n. cZ.] . ^^'' 1719 Ojibwa. Iu Otoshki-kikindiuin au Tebeniminung gaiebe- '• majiinung Jesus Christima Objibue inueuining Ghzhitong. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; Translated into the language of the Ojibwa Indians. 12°, sheep, pp. 717. N'ew York : American Bible Society, 1856 5,5"" 1720 Ojibwa. Odizhijigeuiniua igiu Gaanoninjig, Anishinabe ' ' euuet Anikunotabiung au Sherman Hall, gaie au George Copway. Acts of the Apostles in the Ojibwa Language. 12°, pp. 108. Boston, 1838 .^b" 1721 Ojibwa. MinuMJimouin Gainajoinot au St. Luke, Anishi- /• nabe enuet Giizhiauikunotabiung au S. Hall, Mekvdeuikonaie : Gaie au George Copway, Anishinabe Gugikueuinini. 12°. Boston, 1837 Ojibway Translation of St. Luke. 1722 Old England for Ever ; or Spanish Cruelty display'd ; ^ Wherein The Spaniards' Right to America is impartially Ex- ^" amined and found DefecLive; their Pretensions founded iu Blood, Supported by Cruelty, and continued by Oppression.... u 246 Spanish Tyranny, exemplify'd in the Intolerable Oppression and Barbarous Treatment of the poor Indians, which is so severe and inhuman, that they would gladly become subject to the British Crown. Plates. 12°. pp. 320. London, 1740 Frequently attributed to Las Casas who in common with other writers is an authority. 1723 Old Indian Chronicle (The) being a Collection of exceed- ing rare tracts, written and published in tlie time of King Philip's war, by persons residing in the country. To which are now added an Introduction and Notes by Samuel G. Drake. 8°, lialf morocco^ uncut. Map. 4°, pp. xii-[-333. y /- Boston : Samuel G. Druhe, 1867 ^ ■\_^-^ 1724 Ollanta. An ancient Ynca Drama. Translated from the / original Quichua. By Clements R. Markham. 12°, doth\^ pp. / native of Southhold, Long Island, Suffolk County, New York, who was Impressed into the British Service. Interspersed with many Hair Breadth Escapes. Also, Account of his being taken out of his bed by Commodore Hardy, on the night of Aug. 21, 1813, and carried to Halifax, where he suffered im- prisonment nine months. 8°, pp. 60, half morocco^ gilt top^ uncut, hy Bradstreet, scarce. Neio York, 1815 2/' 1786 Pequot (The) of a Hundred Years. An Authentic Narra- tive. 8°, pp. 4. New York: American Tract Society A .o ^ 1787 Perez (F.). Catecismo Otomi. Catecismo de la Doctrina Cristiana en Lengua Otomi, traducia literalmente al Castellano por El Presbytero D. Francisco Perez ... 4°, pp. 46. Mexico : Imprenta Je la Testamentaria de Valdes, a cargo de Jose Maria Gallegos, 1834 Catechism of the Christian Doctrines in the Otomi Language, trans- lated literally into the Spanish by the Rev. Dr. Francisco Perez. i' 1788 Perez (M.). Cathecismo | Romano, | traducido | en Castel- lano, I y Mexicano, | Por el P. F. Manuel | Perez, | del orden de N. P. S. Agustin. ] Hijo de la Santa Provincia del Santissimo | Nombre de Jesus de la Nueva-Espana : | Ex-Visitador de dicta Provincia : Cura-Ministro por Su Majestad, de la Parra | quia de los Naturales de Sau Pablo de Me- 1 xico y Cathedratico de Lingua Mexica | na, veinte y dos anos ha, en la Ileal | Vuiver- sad. j Dedicalo a la di | cha SS.™^ Provincia. | 4°, pp. (xxviii), 248. Con Licencia, en Mexico, por Francesco | de Rivera Calderon, Ano de 1723. | 1789 Periodical Account of Baptist Missions within the Indian Territory, for the year ending December 31, 1836. '^i 1790 Perkins (J. H.). The Memoir and Writings of James H. Perkins, edited by William Henry Chauning. Portrait. 2 vols., 12°, pp. vi, 527, 502, Boston : Wm. Crosby and H. P. Nichols, 1851 Contains many details of frontier life and Indian warfare, presented in an interesting and scholarly manner. I, o ^ 1791 Perkins (J. H.). Annals of the West. Embracing a '^ ' concise account of the Principal Events which have occurred in the Western States and Territories, from the Discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the year 1850. By James H. Perkins. 8°, pp. 808. St. Louis, 1850 257 1792 Perkins (S.). General Jackson's Conduct in the Seminole #,/_ War, Delineated iua history of that period, affording conclusive /i A/ ^ 258 1798 Perrin du Lac. Travels through the Two Louisianas, and among the Savage Nations of the Missouri ; also, in the United States, along the Ohio, and the adjacent Provinces, in 1801, 1802, & 1803, With A Sketch of the Manners, Customs, Char- acter, and the Civil and Religious Ceremonies of the People of those Countries. By M. Perrio Du Lac. Translated from the French. 8°, half calf, pp. 106, (2). London: Richard Philips, 1807 A translation of the preceding work, very much abridged. 1799 Perrot (N.). Memoire sur les moeurs, costumes et religion des Savages de FAmerique septentrionale, par Nicolas Perrot, Public pour la premiere fois par ie R. P. Tailhan de la compagnie de Jesus. 8°, pp. viii, 341, xliii. Leipzig & Paris, lihrairies a Frank, 1864 The work of Perrot here presented to the public for the first time had remained in Manuscript for more than a century and a half ; but not unknown. It had served Charlevoix in the preparation of his great history of New France ; as it had long before its governors La Barre, Denonville, and Frontenac in determining their policy towards the various tribes of Indian allies and foes it describes. Its author was for twenty years a simple fur trader, visiting and residing for long periods from 1661 to 1665 with the savages he had made his friends. For nearly twenty years subsequently he was the official interpreter of the government. " His facility in acquiring the Indian languages, his natural eloquence, the blending of heroism, and hardiness, of coolness and generosity, acquired for him the confidence, and affection of a great number of tribes." His work has therefore a different and in some respects a higher value than the relations of the missionary fathers ; regarding the Indian tribes two centuries ago. jT-r- 1800 Peters (R.). The case of the Cherokee Nation against the -^ '- State of Georgia; argued and determined at the Supreme Court of the United States, January Term 1831. With an Appendix, Containing the Opinion of Chancellor Kenton the Case; the Treaties between the United States and the Cherokee Indians; the Act of Congress of 1802, entitled " An Act to regulate in- tercourse with the Indian tribes, &c." ; affid the Laws or Georgia relative to the country occupied by the Cherokee Indians, within the boundary of that State. By Richard Peters. 8°. Philadelphia, John Grigg, 1831 C ^ 1801 [Peters (G.).] General History of Connecticut. 12°, sheep. Scarce. New Haven, 1829 The only American edition. 1802 Peters (D. W. C). The Life and Adventures of Kit Car- l, son, the Nestor of the Rockv Mountains; from facts narrated by himself. By De Witt G. Peters, M. D. With Original Il- lustrations drawn by Lumley. 8°, half calf , pp. 534. New York, 1859 259 A / ' 1803 PnELPS (N. A.). A History of the Copper Mines, and New- •^^ gate Prison, at Gninby, Conn. A1j5o, of the Captivity of Daniel Hays, Of Grauby, by the Indians, in 1707. 8°, pp. 34. Eartforci, Press of Case, Tiffany & Burnham, 1845 1804 Philadelphia. Awful Riots in Philadelphia. 18°. Philadelphia, 1847 '^^ 1805 Philadelphia. Catalogue of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 8°, bds. 1836 'J7^ 1806 Philo-Jackson, [^pseiiiIo)i]. The Presidential Election, written for the benefit of the people of the U. States, but par- ticularly for those of the State of Kentucky ; relating to the Seminole War, and the Vindication of General Jackson. Third Series. By Philo-Jackson. 8°, pp. 48. Frankfort : the Author, May, 1824. An attempt to vindicate General Jackson from the obloquy which followed his entrance upon the territory of a neutral power, seizing and hanging some of its subjects, without color of law. 1807 Philoponus (H.). Nova Typis | Transacta Na- | vigatio. I £^ ^ Novi Orbis Indiae Oceideutalis. | Admodum Re- | verendisso- morum PP. | ac FF. Reverendissimi ae lUustrissimi Domini, | Dr. Bvellii Catalooi Abbatis montis | Serrati, & in universum Americani, sive Novum | Orbem Sacrae Sedis Apostolicae Ro- manae a Latere | Legati, Vicarii, ac Patriarchae : Soeiorump, Mo I naeh(or)um ex Ordine S. P. N. Benedicti ad supra | dicti Novi Mundi barbaras gentes Christi S. Evan | gelium praedi- candi gratia delegatorum Sacerdo | turn. Dimissi per SDD. Papam Alexandrum | vi. Anno Christi. 1492. | Nunc Primum I Evariis Scriptoribus in unum colle | eta & figuris ornata. | Au- thore I verando Fr Don Honorio Philopono. | 18 Plates. En- graved title-page. Folio, pp. (6) 101. Ordinis S. Benedicti Monacho, 1621. | [n. p.] Mo.st of the large plates have numerous figures of the aborigines, ex- hibited in some stately pageant of homage to the discoverers and evangelists, or in a horrid festival of cannibalism, or in some appalling scene of massacre and torture perpetrated upon them. A curious bib- liographical history attaches to this volume. The real name of the author was Caspar Plautus, who assumed the pseudonym of Philopo- nus, in order to admit of one of tlie most extraordinary devices of egotism, ever contrived. He wrote a most fulsome piece of flattery, and in his character of Philoponus, dedicated it to himself, in his own proper cognomeu. By this device, his work, everywliere it was read, advertised the merit and learning of Caspar Plautus, and the praise seemed vastly more important, as issuing from so learned a person as Philoponvis. Mr. Henry Stevens first called tlie attention of English scholars to this curious cliai)ter in the history of egotism. The woi"k contains the relations of the first Catholic missionaries to the Indians 1 v /^r 260 of America, some of whom accompanied Columbus in his second voy- age, and lias the merit of aflbrding us many incidents of their work among the savages of the first discovered islands. It, is deformed, however, by nearly as many monkish tales of the miracles performed by them, on most whimsical occasions. 1808 Philotheos Physiologus. \jpseudon~\ Friendly Advice, the Gentlemen Planters of the East and West Indies. By Philotheos Physiologus. 8°, old calf. • 1686 1809 PiCART (B.). Ceremonies et Coutumes religieuses des peu- jiles idolatres Bepresentees par les Figures dessinees de la main de Bernard Picart. Avec une Explication Historique, & quel- ques Dissertations curieuses, Tome Premier, Premier partie, Que Contient la Ceremonies Eeligieuses des Peuples des Indies Occidentales. 34 plates, Folio, vellum pp. 211. Amsterdam : J. F. Bernard, 1723 Religious Ceremonies, and Customs of Idolatrous Nations. Repre- sented by Plates, designed by Bernard Picard. With an Historic Ex- planation, and some curious Dissertations. Vol. I, Part first. Which contains the religious ceremonies of the Natives of America. Contains 75 plates mostly copied from those in the celebrated series of DeBry, and are engraved with equal excellence of art. They are indeed so finely executed, both in the drawing and engraving, that there are few plates even at this day which excel them. See Sahin's Die. "Vol. II, No. 4931. [_ ^J 1810 Pickering (J.) An Essay on a Uniform Orthography for '/ the Indian Languages of North America, as published in the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. By John Pickering. S°,hal/botmd, pp. 42. Cambridge : Univ. Press Ililliard & Metcalf, 1820 /-AQ 1811 Pickett (A. J.). History of Alabama, and incidentally of ^ . Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period. By Albert James Pickett, of Montgomery. In Two volumes. Second Edi- tion. 12°. Charleston: Walker and James, \Qb\ It is scarcely possible to express that praise of this work which is their merest due, without seeming extravagance. It is a model of local or state history. But it is the great mass of historic material relating to the aborigines of Alabama, which particularly entitles it to our at- tention. The first volume exhausts that portion of their history which is obtainable from the most authentic of printed authorities, but the second, is filled with accounts derived from unpublished documents, or personal relations made to the author. Few writers have possessed greater facilities for this last mentioned rescource, than Mr. Pickett, having resided among the Creeks and Cherokees with his father, an early Indian trader. All of the thirteen plans with which the work is illustrated, have for their subjects either the features, customs, fortifica- tions, Indian mounds of, or battles with the Indians. / ^'b ' 1813 Pictorial Sketch Book of Pennsylvania. Over 200 En- gravings. 8°. Fhiladelphia, 1853 / r^ ?-7^ 261 1814 PiDGEON (W.). Traditions of De-coo-dah, and Antiquariau Researches : comprising Extensive Explorations, Surveys and Excavations of tlie Wonderful and Mysterious Earthen Remains of the Mound-Builders in America ; The Traditions of the last Prophet of the Elk Nation relative to their Origin and Use ; and the Evidences of an Ancient Population more numerous than the Present Aborigines. By William Pidgeon. Em- bellished with Seventy Engravings descriptive of one hundred and twenty varying relative arrangements, forms of earthen eflBgies, antique sculpture, etc. Folded plate. 8°, cloth^ pp. 334. New York: 1858 The record of personal examination of a great number of ancient mounds and fortifications, and of the traditions regarding them, ob- tained from an aged Sioux chief. 1815 PiEDRAHiTA (L. F.). Historia | general |de las conqvistas | del Nvevo | Reyno de Grenada | A la S. C R. M. | De D. Carlos Segvndo, | Rey de las Espanas, | y de las Indias. | Por el Doctor D. Lvcas Fernandez | Piedrahita. Chantre de la Iglesia Metro- politana | de Santa F6 de Bogat^ Calficador del Santo Oficio | por la Suprema y General Inquisicion, y Obispo | electo de Santa Marta Folio, half morocco^ \_HaIf title :'] Amheres. Por Juan Baptuta Verdu^sen, [1688 ?] Of this G eneral History of the Conquest of New Grenada. Book I is almost entirely devoted to a description of the peculiar rites and ceremonies of the Indians in New Grenada. The remainder of the work is largely occupied with tlie narration of battles with the natives, their work in the mines, their revolts, subjugation, and their conversion. ,^') 1816 Pierce (M. B.). Address on thePresent Condition and pi'ospects of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of North America, with ^ particular reference to the Seneca Nation. By M. B. Pierce, ■' A Chief of the Seneca Nation, and a Member of Dartmouth " College. 8°, uncut, pp. 16. Steele's Press, 1838 2_ ^0 1817 Pike (A.). Prose Sketches and Poems, Written in the Western Country, by Albert Pike. 12°, cloth, pp 200. 1^ Boston : Light & Horton, 1884 Wl " A Narrative of a Journey in the Prairie," occupies eighty pages of » the book. This tour, made in 1831, through the country of the Co- manches, and other Indian tribes, gives some interesting particulars of their life and customs. c 1818 Pike (Corporal). The Scout and Ranger: being the Per- sonal Adventures of Corporal Pike, a Texan Ranger in the Indian Wars, delineating Western Adventure; afterward a Scout and Spy, in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and the Caro- linas, of the Fourth Ohio Cavalry, fully illustrating the Secret Service. 8°, cloth. Cincinnati : Raxolcy, 1866 f7^' 262 1819 Pike (Z. M.). An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and through the Western Parts of Louisiana to the sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jciuu liivers; Performed by Order of the Governmeat of the United States during the Years 1805, 1806, and 1807. And a Tour through tiie Interior Parts of New Spain, when conducted through those Provinces, by order of the Captain-General, in the Year 1807. By Major "Z. M. Pike. Illustratfid with Maps and Charts. 8°, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1810 .577 1820 Pike (Z. JI.). Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Misoissippi &c. 8°, sheep, title page torn. 1808 f(SO^ 1821 Pike. Exploratory Travels through the Western Territories ' ' of North America : comprising a Voyage from St. Louis, on the Mississippi to the Source of that River, and a Journey through the Interior of Louisiana, and the North-Eastern Pro- vinces of New Spain. Performed in the years 1805, 1806 and 1807, by Order of the Government of the United States. By Zebulon Montgomery Pike ; Major 6th Regt. United States In- fiantry. 2 maps, 4°, boards, uncut. London: Lonyman & [Co.], 1811 L ^^ 1822 PiMENTEL (D. F.). Cuadro descriptivo y comparitivo de las Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico. Por D. Francisco Pimentel ...Socio de numero de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadisiica, 2 vols., ^°, ha If morocco, pp. lii, 539, (1), vi, 427, (iii). Mexico, Imprenta de Andrade y Escalente, 1862 The first volume of this work is divided into twelve, and the second volume into twenty sections, each with a bastard title, and devoted to an analysis of one or more aboriginal languages, or dialects. Of these, forty-eight receive some attention, and most of them a critical ezamih- ation. The peculiarities of each in grammatical construction, enun- ciation, and the varied particulars which distinguish them, are dis- cussed with the skill of an intelligent philologist. No work on the Indian languages of America exhibits the tokens of more labor aided by learning than this, yet it is said by excellent authorities to be far from perfect. .2,5" 18-3 PiNTO (F. M.). Die wuuderliche Reisen Ferdinandi Men- dez Pinto; Welche er innerhaib ein und zwanzig Jahren durch Europa, Asia und Africa. Plates. Small 4°, half vellum. Amsterdam, 1671 The extraordinery and amusing adventures related by this traveler have procured for him the reputation of being the Prince of Long- bow-men, and sometimes the name of " Prince of Liars." Modern research has established Pinto's character for veracity. / /^ 1824 Pio.MiNGO. The Savage, by Piomingo, a Headman and Warrior of the Muscogulgee nation. Vl° , half morocco, uncut, 263 pp. 312. Philadelphia : printed for Thomas S. Manning ; and sold by T. Cadell and W. Davies. London \_n. c?.] A series of papers illustrative of American character after the man- ner of the celebrated British essayists. i .S^O 1825 Pioneer Pamphlets; Nos. 1,2,3,4. Hervey's Sketches ,j , f^L, of Presbyterian Churches in Lickinsj Co., Ohio; Smucker's Welch Settlements in Do. ; Clay Lick Celebration of American Independence, 1869; Winter's Sketches of The Disciple Churches in Licking Co. 4 Pamphlets. Newark^ Ohio. .^'> 1826 Piratical Barbarity, or the Female Captive; comprising The particulars of the capture of the English Sloop'Eliza-Ann, and tho horrid massacre of the unfortunate crew by the Pirates, March 12, 1825, and of the unparalleled sufferings of Miss Lucretia Parker, pp. 36. New York^ 1825 ,jip 1827 PlTCHLYNN (Peter P.). Remonstrance, Appeal, and Solemn ' Protest, of the Choctaw Nation, addressed to the Congress of the I United States. 8°, pp. 21. Washington, 1870 1828 [Pitman (John).] A Discourse delivered at Providence, August 5, 1836, in Commemoration of the First Settlements of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, being the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Providence. 8°, ; pp. 72. Providence: B. Cranston & Co., 1836 .9 5" 1829 PiTOU (L. A.). Voyage a Cayenne dans leS deux Ameri- ques et chez les Anthropophages. Ouvrage orn6 de gravures, conteuant le tableau ... les mceurs des Sauvages, des noirs, des Creoles et des quakers. Par Louis Ange Pitou. Deporte a Cayenne pendant trois ans. 2 vols., 8°, half, calf, An. xiii. A Paris, [1805] Voyage to Gniana, in the two Americas, to the home of the cannibals. The work ornamented with engravings, and containing a view of the manners of the savages, the blacks, the Creoles, and the Quakers. 1830 Plain Facts : being An Examination into the Rights of the Indian Nations of America, to their respective Countries; and a vindication of the Grant, from The Six United Nations of Indians, to The Proprietors of Indiana, against the Decision of the Legislature of Virginia; together with Authentic Docu- ments, proving That the Territory, Westward of the Allegany Mountain, never belonged to Virginia, &t3. 8°, pp. 165. Philadelphia : R. Calktn, mdcclxxxi The author of this work is unknown. It has been attributed to Benjamin Franklin, and to Anthony Benezet. Its style is much more scholarly and j udicial than that of either of these writers. It is declared by all to be the ablest treatise on the tenure of the Indian claim to the title of lauds occupied by them, ever written. fr^.oO ■1' 264 ^ ^D 1831 Plummer (C.) Narrative of the Captivity and extreme ^ ' Sufferings of Mrs. Clarissa Plummer, Wife of the late Mr. James Plummer, of Franklin County, State of New York ; who, with Mrs. Caroline Harris, wife of the late Mr. Richard Harris, were, in the Spring of 1835, with their unfortunate families, surprised and taken prisoners by a party of the Camanche Tribe of Indians, while EAgrating from said Franklin County (N.Y.) to Texas ; and after having been nearly two years in captivity, and witnessed the deaths of their husbands, were redeemed from the hands of the savages by an American Fur Trader, a native of Georgia ... Mrs. Plummer was made a Prisoner and held in bondage at the same time with the unfortunate Mrs. Harris, with whose narrative the public have been recently presented. Plate. 8°, pp. 24. New York, 1838 1832 PoLYANTHOS. Vol. 2. 8°, half sheep. Boston, 1814 1833 Pond (S. W.). Wowapi Inonpa. Wowapi wakan etanhaa taku wanjikji oyakapi kin he dee. Wanmdiduta kaga. The Second Dakota Reading Book. Consisting of Bible stories from the Old Testament. By Rev. S. W. Pond. 24°, pp. 54. Boston : Printed ...hy Crocker & Brewster, 1842 q.QC 1834 PoNTiAC, Or the Seige of Detroit. A drama, In three acts. " 12°, half calf , pp. 60. Boston, Samuel Coleman, 1835 . 3 1835 Poor Sarah. [A pious Indian Woman ] 8°, pp. 8. Colophon, \_New York ;] Published bi/ the American Tract Society, 1227 . 2. 5" 1836 Pope (G. J.). Official communications from General Pope, commanding Military department of the Missouri, concerning Indian Affairs. 12°, pp. 30. St. Louis, 1865 1837 POPHAM, Celebration, Memorial Volume j commemorative of the planting of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino Aug. 19, 1607, published under direction of Rev. Ed- ward Ballard. Maps, 8°. Portland, 1863 ,5 6 1838 Porter (E.) .;. A Sermon preached in Boston, November 1, 1827, before the Society for the Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. By Ebenezer Porter, D.D. Published by request of the Society. 8°, pp. 42. Andover: Printed by Flagg & Gould, 1827 S^ 1839 Porter. [The Same]. 8°, pp. 42. Cambridge, 1828 1840 Porter (E.). A Discourse before the Society for Propaga- ting the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. Delivered November 5th, 1807. By Eliphalet Porter, Y).D. ...8°, pp. 24. Boston : Printed by 3Ionroe, Francis & Parker, 1808 j 00 265 •^0 1841 Portfolio, The. A Magazine devoted to Useful Science, the Liberal Arts, Legitimate Criticism and Polite Literature, conducted by Oliver Old School, Esq. Plates and portraits. 5 vols., 4°, and 40 vols., 8°, half calf. rhiladelphi.a Includes many interesting articles on Pennsylvania. Sets like this are extremely rare. It was edited by Joseph Dennie and Charles Biddle. ^5" 1842 Port Folio, The. Selections relative to Indians. 8vo. \%^ 1843 PoRTLOCK (N.). A Voyage Round the World; but more particularly to the North- West Coast of Americ i : performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in The King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock & Dixon. Embellished with Twenty Copper Plates.... By Captain Nathaniel Portlock. 20 maps and plans. 4^^, pp. xii, xl, London : John Stockdale, M,DCC,LXXXIX The accounts of Captain Portlock's traffic with the Indians of the north-west coast of America, and descriptions of their peculiarities, are narrated in Chapters, x, xii, and^xiii. 7 ^5^ 1844 Post (C. F.). The Second Journal of Christian Frederick '' Post, On a Message from the Governor of Pennsylvania to the Indians on the Ohio. 8°, pp. 67. London : J. Wilkie, MDCCLIX ,: y' This is the sequel to Charles Thompson's Enquiry into the causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawnesse Tribe of Indians. It ex- ^(TK"" hibits in a still stronger light the intrepidity and self-devotion of this noble Quaker. See Field's Essay No. 1333. I £'q 1845 PosTON (C. D.). Speech of Hon. Charles D. Poston, of Arizona, on Indian Affairs. Delivered March 2, 1865. 8°, pp. 20. Nexo York: Edmund Jones & Co.^ Printers, 1885 The humane and sagacious policy indicated by this gentleman, for the conduct of Indian affairs, and especially asaffecting the Apaches, contrasts strangely with the sanguinary and atrocious recommendations and practices of most Western statesmen. /j 1846 Pottawatomie. A. N. D. G. Pewani. Ipi Potewatemi Mis- sinoikan, eyowat Catholiques Endjik. 24°, pp. 30. Baltimoinak : John Mur^yhy Okiniissinakisan ote Mis- sinoikan, 1846 A primary book of religious instruction, in the Pottawatomie dialect, with plates ; and translations of the Lord's Prayer, Apostles' Creed, and the Decalogue into that tongue. Yc^ 1847 PoTiER. Catalogue des Livres Rares et precieuses comprising among other rarities Voyages en Amerique ... with Index. 2 vols., large 8°. Furls, 1870 34 1.76" I 'J 266 1848 Potter (C. E.). The History of Manchester, formerly Derryfield, in New Hampshire; Including that of Ancient Amoskeag, or the Middle Merrimack Valley; together with the Address, Poem, and other Proceedings, of the Centennial Cele- bration, of the Incorporation of Derryfield; at Manchester, October 22, 1851. By C. E. Potter. 8°, pp. xii. 3fanchester: O. K Potter, IS56 There is much pains-taking and intelligence manifested in this local history, not common to its class. 1849 Potter (I. E.). Life | and | Remarkable Adventures | of Israel R. Potter, | (a Native of Cranston, Rhode Island,) who was a Soldier in the | American Revolution, | And took a Dis- tinguished part in the Battle of Bunker | Hill (in which he re- ceived three wounds,) after | which he was taken Prisoner by the British, convey- 1 ed to England, where for 30 years he ob- tained a I livelihood for himself and family, by crying " Old | Chairs to Mend," through the Streets of London. 12°, half morocco, extra. Pi evidence: Printed hy Henry Trumbull, 1824 1850 Potter. Life and Remarkable Adventures. Portrait. 12°, half calf . Providence, 1824 I n ^ 1851 Potter. [Another edition] with different portrait. 12°. '5' 1852 [Potter (Woodburn).] The War in Florida; being an Exposition of its Causes, and An Accurate History of the Cam- paigns of Generals Clinch, Gaines and Scott ... By a Late Staff Officer. Map. 12°, pp. viii, 184. Baltimore : Lewis and Coleman, 1836 I hC 1853 PouCHOT (M.). Memoir upon the Late War in North Ame- ' ' ' rica, between the French and English, 1755-60. Followed by Observations upon the Theatre of Actual War, and by New Details concerning the Manners and Customs of the Indians : with Topographical Maps. By M. Pouchot. Translated and Edited by Franklin B. Hough. With additional Notes and Illustrations. 2 vols., imperial 8°, hoards, uncut. Roxhury : 1866 Full of details of Indian warfare, the narratives of their skirmishes, and battles with the English, and of anecdotes and incidents of their association with the French. ■X^ 1854 Power (T.). Impressions of America. 12°. PM., 1836 V 5'^ 1855 Powers (G.). Historical Sketches of the Discovery, Settle- ment, and Progress of Events in the Coos Country and Vicinity, principally included between the Years 1754 and 1785. By Rev. Grant Powers. 12°, cloth, pp. 240. Haverhill, N. H, J. F. C. Hayes, 1841 Personal narrations and reminiscences of the Pioneer settlers. //r' -^T ■/' 267 -If' 1056 Prairie Missionary The. 12°. pp. 180. Philadelphia : American Sunday School Union, [1853] .^^1857 [PREroNTAiNE (M. de).] Dictionnaire Gralibi, presente Sous deux formes; 1° Comraen§ant par le mot Francois; 11° Par le mot Galibi. Precede d'un essai de graramaire, Par M. D. L. S[auvage]. 8°, calf, pp. xvi. -|- 128. A Paris, Chez Bauche, Librah-e, Quai des Augustins, a V Image Genevieve & a Saint lean dans le Desert, MDCC LXIII Dictionary of tlie Galibi languajje, presented under two forms. First, commencing with the Frencli word. Second, commencing with the Gali- bi word preceded by a grammatical essay. Mr. Ludwig informs us that the initials on the title page are those of M. de la Sauvage, but leaves us in doubt whether he was the author of more than the grammar. The dictionary forms part of Prefontaine's Maiaon Bustique, and was com- piled from the works of Boyer, Pelliprat, Biet, Barrere, Labat, and some manuscript relations. 1858 Prefontaine. Dictionaire Galibi. Dictionariura gallice, latiae et gallibi. Digestum e libi'o : Dictionnaire Galibi, pre- sente Sous deux formes, 1° commencant par le mot frangois, 2° par le mot galibi, precede d'un essai de Grammaire, par M. D. L. S. a Paris 17G3. 8° (Siute de la Maison rustique de Cay- enne). Autcum Sermone latino editit Car. Fr. Ph. de Martins. 8°, pp. 48. \ji. d.-\ j 11^ 1859 Prescott (W. H.). History of the Conquest of Mexico ; with a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror Hernando Cortez. By William H. Prescott. ...3 vols, 8°, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1868 f //^ 1860 Prescott History of the Conquest of Peru ; with a Pre- liminary View of the Civilization of the Incas. By William H, Prescott Map, two portraits, ... 2 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. I Philadelphia, 1869 /p 1861 Prieres. Cantiques et Catechisme en langue Montagnaise ou Chipeweyan. 24°, pp. 180. ' Montreal : Imprimerie de Louis Perrault, et Compagnie, 1865 Prayers, Sacred Songs, and Catechism in the Montagnaise or Chipe- weyan language, (printed in characters invented to express phoneti- cally the elementary sounds of the Chipeweyan language. ^0 1862 Prieres. Cantiques, Catechisme etc. en langue Crise. 24°, pp. 324. Montreal : Imprimerie de Louis PerrauU et Compagnie, 1866 Prayers, Sacred Songs, Catechism, etc., in the Cree language. Print- ed in a species of phonetic characters. 268 /no 1863 Prieres. Cantiqueset Catecbisme, en LangueMontagnaise, ou Cliipeweyan. 24°, pp. 144. Montreal: Imprimerie de Louis Perravlt, 1857 Prayers, Sacred Songs, and Catechism, in the Montagnais, or Chip- ewyan language. J £"0 1864 Priest (J.). American Antiquities, and Discoveries in the West: being an exhibition of the Evidence that an Ancient Population of partially civilized Nations, differing entirely from those of the present Indians, peopled Aruerica, many centuries before its Discovery by Columbus. And Inquiries into their Origin, with a copious description Of many of their Stupendous Works, now in ruins. With Conjectures concerning what may have become of them By Joseph Priest. Second Edition. 8°, sheep, pp. 400 -\- plate and map. Albany^ 1838 " Although 22,000 copies of this work were published in thirty months for subscribers, it is now scarce." — Joel Munsell. 'I'XS' 1865 Priest. The Fort Stanuix Captive, or New England Vol- unteer, being the extraordinary Life and Adventures of Isaac Hubbell among the Indians of Canada and the West, in the War of the B.evolution, and the Story of his Marriage with the Indian Puncess ; now first published, from the lips of the Hero himself. By Josiah Priest. 8°, pp. 63. Albany : J. Munsell, 1841 ^O (> 1866 Priest Stories of Early Settlers in the Wilderness : Em- bracing the Life of Mrs. Priest, Late of Otsego County, N. Y., with various and interesting Accounts of Others : The First Baftsmen of the Susquehanna : a Short Account of Brant, the British Indian Chief: and of the massacre of Wyoming. Em- bellished with a large and beautiful engraving. By Josiah Priest. 8° ./uncut, pp. 40. Albany : Printed by J. Munsell, 1837 Contains a large amount of historic material, obtained at some pains from sources more or less authentic. fc'b 1867 Priest. Stories of the Eevolution. With an account of the Lost Child of the Delaware ; Wheaton and the Panther, etc. [Narrative of the Captivity of John and Robert Brice, by Tories and Indians.] 8°. Albany : Printed by Hoffman & White, 1838 t^ ()0 1868 Prindle(0.). Memoir of the Rev. Daniel Mahar Chandler; for Several years Missionary among the Indians] at Ke-Wa-We- non, and Sault de St. Marie, Lake Superior, Compiled from Original Documents. By Eev. Cyrus Prindle, A.M. 12°, cloth, pp 114. Middlebury : printed by Ephraim Maxham, 1842 269 } fif^ 1869 Prisoners' Memoirs, The, or Dartmore Prison ; con- taining a complete and impartial History of the entire Captivity of the Americans in England, From the Commencement of the last war between the United States and Great Britain, Until all Prisoners were released by the Treaty of Ghent. Also a particu- lar detail of all occurrences relative to the Horrid Massacre at Dartmoor, on the fatal evening of the 6th of April 1815. The Whole carefully Compiled by a prisoner in England. 12°, pp. 152, New Yorlc, 1852 C >^ 1870 Pritts (J.). Incidents of Border Life, illustrative of the Times and Condition of the First Settlements in parts of the Middle and Western States ; comprising Narratives of strange and thrilling adventure — Accounts of Battles — Skirmishes and Personal Encounters with the Indians — Descriptions of their Manners, Customs, modes of Warfare, treatment of prisoners, &c. &c., — Also, the History of several remarkable Captivities, and Escapes. To which are added brief Historical Sketches of the War in the North-West, embracing the Expe- ditions under Gens. Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne. With an Appendix and a Review. Compiled from Authentic Sources. 8°, pp. 507. Chamhershurg, Pa., J. Pritts, 1839 The first edition and contains a large amount of material, excluded from that of ten years later. The arrangement is also different, as to render it an entirely distinct, and in some respects a more desirable work. Lf^c 1871 Pritts. Mirror of Olden Time, Border Life ; embracing a History of the Discovery of America, ... also. History of Virginia, ... And a Narrative of the long continued and bloody struggle between the White Settlers and Indians in North- Western Vir- ginia, Kentucky, &c. &c., ... Personal Narratives of Captivities and Escapes — of Strange and thrilling Adventures — Personal Prowess, &c. &c. Together with numerous Sketches of Frontier Men. ... Compiled from Authentic Sources, by J. Pritts, Cham- bersburg, Pa. 8°. half morocco, pp. 700-}-13 plates. Ahington, Va. : S. S. Miles, 1849 ^CC> 1872 Pritts. [Another copy]. 8°, sheep. Abington, Va., 184:9 •IS' 1873 Proceedings of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. 8°. 1874 2.-t^ 1874 Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs ap- pointed by law for the extinizuishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. Published from the original manuscript in the Library of the Albany Institute. With an Introduction and Notes by Franklin B. Hough. Large 4°. Albany, 1861 270 • 7. ^ 1875 Proceedings of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Connt. called for the purpose of laying the Chief Stone of the Monument to Gen. David W coster at Danbuvy April 27, 1854, with the Oration and Addresses delivered. Pp. 32-|-60. New Haven, 1854 'JS' 1876. Proceedings of an Indian Council, held at the Buffalo Creek Reservation, State of New York, Fourth Month, 1842. 8°, pp. 81. Baltimore: Printed by William 'Wooddy, 1842 / S^O 1877 Proceedings of the Joint Committee appointed by the Society of Friends, constituting the yearly meetings of Geuessee, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, for promoting the civilization, and improving the Condition of the Seneca Nation of Indians. 8°, pp. 189. Baltimore : William Wooddy, Printer, 1847 -.35" 1878 Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the American Indian Mission Association, held at Louisville, Ky., Oct. 30, 31, and Nov. 1, 2, 1845. 8°, pp. 52. Louisville, 1845 / ^5" 1879 Proposal. I A. For the better Supplying of | Churches in our I Foreign Plantations, | and for | Converting the Savage Amer | icans to Christianity. | 8°, pp. 22. London : Printed by H. Woodfall, 1724 / 2.5" 1880 Proposal, A,... for converting the Savage Americans to Christianity. By a College to be erected in the Summer Islands, otherwise called the Isles of Bermuda. [Second Edition.] 8°, pp. 24. London : H. Woodfall, 1725 In the hope of carrying out the plan detailed in this tract, Bishop Berkeley went to Bermuda, and it was during his residence there that he wrote his " Minute Philosopher."^ The scheme was not supported by government and ultimately fell to the ground. /\()0 1881 Proud (R.). The History of Pennsylvania in North Ame- rica from the ... Settlement ... in 1681, till after ... 1762. With an Introductory Appendix, &c. 2 vols , 8°, sheep. Phil., 1797 ,XS' 1882 [Prudhomme (Louis)] Voyage a la Guiane et a Cayenne fait en 1789 et annees suivantes. ... Suivi d un Vocabulaire Francais et Galibi des Noms, Verbes et Adjectivs les plus usites dans notre langue, coniparee ti celle dcs Indiens de la Guiane, pour se faire entendre relativement aux objects les plus neces- saires aux besoins, de la vie. Par L . . . M . B . . . . Arma- teur ouvrage orne de cartes de gravures. Maps, 3 plates. 8°, pp. x,400. A Paris : An vi. de la Republique, [1797] Voyage to Guiana and Cayenne, made in 1789, and following years '• accompanied by a Vocabulary of French and Galibi Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives: most commonly used in our language, compared with those of the Indians of Guiana. Mr. Ludewig says this work is not the account of an actual voyage, but a superficial compilation, made by Louis Prudhomme, from other writers. 271 *l^ 1883 PuMPELLY (R.). Across America and Asia, notes of a five Years journey around the World and of Residence in Arizona, Japan and Cliioa. By Rapliael Pumpelly. Third Edition, re- vised. 8°, chtli. Ntw York : Leijpoldt and Eolt, 1870 The first four chapters, are occupied with narrations of the dangers of frontier life, and the horrible massacres perpetrated by the Apache Indians. .^C 1884 PuRViANCE (R.). A Narrative of Events which Occurred in Baltimore Town during the Revolutionary War. 12°, 2 1., pp. 331, cloth. Baltimore, 1849 ^ 5" 1885 PuTTiCK and Simpson's Catalogue of a Collection of Books relating to America. Sold Jany. 1861. 8°. ■ c^'^ 1886 Quebec. An Accurate and Authentic Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1759. By a Gentleman in an Eminent Station on the Spot. 12°, half morocco, gilt toj), uncut, by Matthews. Dublin, 1759 lo'^ 1887 Quebec Literary and Historical Society Transactions. 2 vols., 8°, bds. Very scarce. Quebec, 1829-31 1888 Quebec Literary and Historical Society Transactions. Vol. 3, Part 2, April, 1833 ; Vol. 4, Parts 1, 2, 3, 1843 ; Vol. 5, Part 1, May 18U2, and Vol. 1, New Series, 6 Parts, 1863-67. 11 Pamphlets. 1889 Quebec Literary and Historical Society Transactions. Vol, 4, Part 2, and New Series, Parts 4 and 5. 3 Duplicates. 1890 Quebec. The Campaign of 1760 in Canada. Journal of Chevalier Johnson. No. 2. 1867 So 1891 Quebec. Reminiscences of Quebec, from Reliable Sources; for The Use of Travellers. By an Old Inhabitant. 2 plates. 8°, pp. 28. Quebec : Printed at the Mercury Office, 1858 • ^'7' 1892 Quebec. Reminiscences of Quebec, derved (sic) from reli- able sources; for The use of Travellers. Second Edition, Considerably augmented and improved. Plate and Map. 8°, pp. 43. Quebec : Printed at the Mercury Office, 1859 't-%- 1893 QuiNCY (J.). A Municipal History of the Town and City of Boston during Two Centuries, from Sept. 17, 1630 to Sept. 17, 1830. Illustrated. 8°. Boston, 1852 ,*f{)' 1894 Rae (J.). Narrative of an Expedition to the Shores of the Arctic Sea in 1846 and 1847. By John Rae, Hudsons Bay Service, and Commander of the Expedition. With maps. 8°, cloth. London, 1850 272 "5 r' 1895 Rafinesque (C. S.). The American Nations ; or, Outlines of A General- History, Ancient and Modern : including the whole history of the earth and mankind in the Western Hemi- sphere; the philosophy of American History; the Annals, Tra- ditions, Civilization, Languages, &c. of all the American Nations, Tribes, Empires, and States. ...By C. S. Rafinesque. 2 vols., 12°. . Philadelphia : C. T., Rafinesque, 1837 Largely made up of comparative vocabularies of Indian languages. h (T^ 1896 Rafinesque. Ancient History; or, Annals of Kentucky, with a Survey of the Ancient Monuments of North America, And a Tabular View of the Principal Languages and Primitive Nations of the whole Earth. By C. F. Rafinesque. 8°, pp. iv, 39. Fra7d-fort, 1824 Amidst mucli that borders on the whimsical, the author of this pamphlet has produced a vast collection of facts relating to the history, language, and antiquities of the Aborigines of America. See Field's Essay, 1254. 6^ j1^ 1897 Rafinesque. The x\ncient Moouments of North aud South America. Second edition. Corrected, enlarged, and with some additions. By C. S. Rafinesque. 8°, half mor., pp. 28. Philadelphia : Printed for the Author, 1838 l.-2-i) 1898 Rafinesque (C. S.). A Life of Travels and Researches in North America and South Europe, or Outlines of the Life, Travels and Researches of C. S. Rafinesque, A.M ...Containing His Travels in North America, ... with sketches of his Scientific and Historical Researches. 12°, pp. 148. Philadelphia: Printed for the Author, hy F. Turner, 1836 1899 Rafn (0. C). Americas Arctiske Landes, Gamle Geogra- phic efter De Nordiske Old Skrifter ved Carl Christian Rafn, Saerskilt aftryk af Gronlands Historiske Mindesmaerkcr, ud- givne af det Koagelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. 8°. Kjohenhavn, 1845 Ia1(- ^ 1900 Rafn. Aper§u de I'Ancienne Geographic Des Regions Arctiques de I'Amerique, selon les rapports coutenus dans les Sagas du Nord. Par Charles Christian Rafn, extrait des Me- moires de la Societe Royale, des Antiquaires du Nord. 8°, fac- simile. Copenha'jue, 1847 Sketch of the ancient geography of the Arctic regions of America, taken from the descriptions of them in the Northern Sagas. S^.t'^ 1901 Ralegh (Sir W.). The Discovery of the Large, Rich, and Beautiful Empire of Guiana, with a Relation of the Great and Golden City of Manoa (which the Spaniards call El Dorado)", etc. Performed in the year 1595, by Sir W. Ralegh Kt ... Re- 273 printed from the Edition of 1596, With some Unpublished Documents relative to that Country. Edited with copious Explanatory Notes and a Biographical Memoir, by Sir Robert H. Schomburgh. Map. 8°, doth, uncut introduction pp. Ixxv. London : Printed for the Hakluyt Society^ MDCCCXLViri \,li^ 1902 Rambles in Chili and Life among the Araucanian Indians, in 1836. By " Will the Rover." Royal 8°, pp. 88. Thomaston, Me : D. T. Starrell, 1851 ;^^ 1903 Ramsay (D.). The History of the Revolution of South Carolina from a British Province to an Independent State. Maps, 2 vols., 8°, sheep. Trenton, 1785 Highly commended in the N. A. R. for April. 1858, p. 334. 5 (iir 1904 Ramsay. History of South Carolina from its First Settle- ment in 1670 to ... 1808. LastEdition. Map. 8°. Newberry, S. C, 1858 ,So 1905 Ramsay. History of the American Revolution. A new- Edition. 2 vols., 8°, half calf. London, 1791 /.rf' 1906 Ramsay. The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Armies of United States of America, throughout the War which established their Independence; and first Pre- sident of the United States. By David Ramsay, M.D — Portrait; boards, uncut. New York, 1807 •JS' 1907 Ramsay. [Another Edition]. 8°, sheep. Boston, 1811 VXS' 1908 Ramsey (J. G. M.). The Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century : comprising its Settlement, as the Watauga Association, from 1769 to 1777 : A Part of North Carolina, from 1777 to 1784; The State of Franklin, from 1784 to 1788 ; A part of North Carolina, from 1788 to 1790 ; The Territory of the United States, South of the Ohio, from l790 to 1796 ; The State of Tennessee, from 1796 to 1800. By J. G. M. Ramsey. 8°, cloth, pp. 744. Charleston : John Russel, 1853 Almost the entire volume is filled with minute narratives of the Indian wars with the Colonists. '.$^ 1909 Randolph (Sarah N.). The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson, compiled from Family Letters and Reminiscences. Portrait. 12°. New York, 1871 .•S^o 1910 Ranking (J.). Historical Researches of the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natches, and Talemeco, in the Thirteenth Century by the Mongols, accompanied with Elephants ; and the Local Agreement of History, and Tradition, with the Remains 35 ^^c 274 of Elephants, and Mastodontes, found in the New World... land in Peru; and- in California ... History of Peru and Mexico to the Conquest by Spain — Grandeur of the Incas, and of Montezuma ... On Quadrupeds supposed extinct — Wild Ele- phants in America. ... With two maps and Portraits of all the Incas and of Montezuma. By John Ranking. Two maps, four plates. 8°, boards, uncut, pp. vi, 479. London, 1827 A very considerable amount of valuable historic material has been grouped iu this volume, relative to Mexican antiquities, but as in every treatise written to maintain a fanciful hypothesis, its value is greatly detireorated, from the bias given every fact, to maintain a theory in- capable of either proof or denial. 1911 Rasles (S.). a Dictionary of the Abnaki Language in North America By Fathor Sebastian Rasles With an Ictroduc- tory Memoir and Notes by John Pickering. 4to. Cambridge : Charles Folsom printer, 1833 The manuscript formed part of the plunder of Westbroke's expedition against Norridgewock in 1832. It was the result of thirty-one years of labor. 3-^^ 1912 Rathbun (J.). Narrative of Jonathan Rathbun, with accurate accounts of the capture of Groton Fort, the Massacre that followed, and the Sacking and Burning cf New London, September 6, 1781, by the British Forces, under the command of the Traitor Benedict Arnold. By Rufus Avery and Stephen Hempstead, Eye witnesses of the Same, Together with an In- teresting Appendix ( ). 12°, pp. (2) 80. -^0 1913 Rau (C). a Deposit of Agricultural Flint Implements, found in Southern Illinois. By Charles Rau, 8°, pp. 9. Washington, 1869 ' "J^S 1914 Rau. Drilling in Stone without the use of Metals. By Charles Rau. 8°, pp. 11. Washington, 18*39 - 5, 5" 1915 Rau. Indian Pottery. By Charles Rau. 8°, pp. 9. [ Washington, 1866] , ^C 1916 Receuil de divers Voyages faits en Afrique et I'Amerique qui n'ont esti encore publiez ; Contenant L'Origine Les Moeurs, les Coutumes & les Commerce des Habitans de ces deux Parties ' du Monde. Avec des Traitez curieux touchant la Haute Ethy- opie, le debordment du Nil, la mer Rouge, et le Prete-Jean. Le tout enrichi de Figures & de Cartes Geographiques qui serventa rintelligcnce des choses contennes en ce volume. [Par Louis Bellaine]. 4°, veUuni. Paris, M.DC.LXXiv ■ ^j 1917 Red Brothers (The). Revised by the Committee of Pub- lication, of the American Sunday-School Union. 18°, pp. 23. Philadelphia, {ii. dJ] 275 (oS^ 1918 Reed (W. B.). Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed, Military Secretary of Washington. Portrait. 2 vols., 8°. Philadelphia, 1847 X5^ 1918* Reed. The Same. No portrait. Vol. 1, 8°. 1847 \^0 1919 Reed. A reprint of the Reed and Cadwalader Pamphlets, With an Appendix. 8°, half morocco, (jilt tops. MDCCCLXIII • Z^ 1920 [Reed.] The Life of Esther De Berdt, afterwards Esther Reed of Pennsylvania. Privately printed. 12°, pp. 336. Philadelphia, 1853 fX^ 1921 Reichel (W. C). Editor. Memorials of the Moravian Church. Edited by William C. Reichel. Vol. 1 ...'&°, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1870 ^^0 1922 Reid (S. C). The Scouting Expeditions of McCulloch's Texas Rangers; or, the Summer and Fall Campaigns of the Army of the United States, in Mexico, 1846; including Skir- mishes with the Mexicans, and an accurate detail of the Storm- ing of Monterey : also, the daring Scouts at Buena Vista ; together with Anecdotes, Incidents, Descriptions of country, and Sketches of the lives of the celebrated partizan chiefs, Hays, McCulloch, and Walker. By Samuel C. Reid, Jr., late of the Texas Rangers. 12°, doth, pp. 250 + 11 plates. Philadelphia : G. B. Zeiher & Co., 1847 Although principally a journal of adventure in the Mexican war, i 8om.e incidents of border warfare with the Comanches are given. ' b% 1923 Reigart (J. F.). The Life of Robert Fulton, with Copies of Mr. Fulton's Original Drawings and numerous Plates. 8°, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1856 '^0 1924 Reign of Felicity, The. Being a Plan for Civilizing the Indians of North America; Without infringing on their na- tional, or individual Independence, in a CofFee-House Dialogue, between a Courtier, an Esquire, a Clergyman, and a Farmer. 12°, uncut, pp. 12. London: T. Spence, 1796 A political satire, in which the tenantry of England are alluded to as Indians, — a poor performance, which has lost its interest. '0<^ 1925 Relation, A, of the Invasion and Conquest of Florida, by the Spaniards, Under the Command of Ferdnando de Soto. Written in Portuguese by a Gentleman of the Town of Elvas. Now Englished. To which is Subjoyned Two Journeys of the present Empcrour of China into Tartary in the Years 1682 and 1683. With some Discoveries made by the Spaniards in the 276 island of California, in the year 1683. Small 8°, pp (11) (v.) . 272. London : Printed for John Lawrence, at the Angel in the Poultry over against the Compter 1686. Translated from tlie edition in French, printed in Paris the year be- fore. Mr. Rich saj's the translator seemed to be unaware that Hakluyt printed it in English, nearly eighty years previously, that is, in 1609. It is interesting as being the second printed account of Florida, the Commentaries of Cabeca de Vaca having been printed in 1555. The volume has an additional value in containing the first relation of the settlement of California printed in English, the new descent of the Spaniards on the Island of California ha\'ing taken place in 1683. . r^ 1926 Relations between the Cherokees, and the Government of the United States. 8°, pp. 15. [n. d. n. pJ] jT ^0 1927 Relationes des Jesuites contenant ce qui s'est pass6 de ' plus remarkquble dans les Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle France (ouvrage publie sous les au- spices du Gouvernment Cauadien). 3 vols., ro3'al 8°, half mo- rocco, uncut. Quebec, 1858 Relations of the Jesuits, containing narrations of the most remarkable events which occurred in the Missions of the Fathers of the Society of Jesuits in New France. The Relations of each year are paged separ- ately, and form, therefore, forty-five distinct memoirs, which are re- quired to make the work complete. A table of contents to each volume, divided into years and relations, facilitates the collation. At the end of the third volume will be found a general index to the whole work. See Field's Essay, No. 1277. •^5' 1928 Remonstrance, Appeal, and Solemn Protest of the Choctaw Nation addressed to the Congress of the United States. 8°, pp. 21. n. p. ,35 1929 Removal of Indians, February 24, 1830,... Mr. Bell... made the following Report : ... 8°, pp. 37. [ Wahington, 1830] 1930 Removal of the Indians (The). 1. An article in the North American Review, on the removal of the Indians, for January, 1830. 2. The letters of William Penn, published in the Na- tional Intelligencer. 8°, pp. 72. \ji. d. n. p-l An able review of the two treatises named. See Cass, and (W.) Everts. ^■FiC 1931 Remy (Jules). A Journey to Great-Salt- Lake, City, By Jules Remy, and Julius Brenchley. With a Sketch of the History. Religion, and Customs of the Mormons, and an intro- duction on the religious movement in the United States. By Jules Remy. 2 vols., imperial 8", cloth, uncut, pp. «xxxi. -j- 508, vii. 605. London : W. Jeffs, mdccclxi. 277 \ I OO 1932 Renville (J ). Extracts from Genesis, and the Psalms; I ' with the third Chapter of Proverbs, and the third Chapter of I Daniel, in the Dacota Language. Translated from the French ... By Joseph Renville, Sr. Compared with other Translations, and prepared for the Press, by Thomas S. Williamson, D.D. (Missionary). 18°, pp. 72. Cincinnati, 1839 I C<^ 1933 Renville. The Gospel according to Mark, and extracts from some other Books of the New Testament in the Language of the Dakotas. Translated from the French by Joseph Ren- ville Sr. Written and prepared for the Press by Thomas S. Williamson, M.D. (Missionary). 18°, pp. 96. Cincinnati, 1839 I pc 1934 Renville (J.). Extracts from the Gospels of Matthew, I . Luke, & John, from the Acts of the Apostles, and from the First Epistle of John, in the Language of the Dacota, or Sioux In- I dians. Translated from the French, as published by the Ameri- ' can Bible Society, by Joseph Renville, Sr. Written and prepared for the press, by Thomas S. Williamson, M.D. (Mis- sionary). 18°, pp. 48. Cincinnati, 1839 1935 Report to the Governor and Council, concerning the Indians of the Commonwealth [Massachusetts], under the Act of April 6, 1859. By John Milton Earle, Commissioner. 8°, pp. 147, Ixxxiv. Boston : Wiiliam White, Printer to the State, 1861 /^aO 1936 Report (Fourth Annual) of the Board of Indian Commis- sioners to the President of the United States 1872. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1872 ^ 'So 1937 Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 36 vols., 8°, red cloth. Washington, 1835 - 1870 The reports of the Indian bureau, and of the commissioner for Indian affairs, form a body of material relating to the Indians, almost unri- valed for its minutenss in any department of history. The names, numbers, and condition of the Indian tribes, are g-iven with all the at- tention to details and correctness, which a multitude of agoiits more or less efficient, and sometimes conscientious, could be induced by in- terest and discipline to collect. To no other source can we look for the ]jrowressive steps, by which the savage tribes retreated before the overwhelming charge of the army of civilization. The reports cover the whole history of flie dealings of the government with its Indian wards. They have become exceedingly scarce, for no complete sft is known to exist, even in the library of Congress or in the documents of the Indian Bureau. ^'^x- 1938 Report on the Indians of Upper Canada. By a Sub-Com- mittee of the Aborigines Protection Society. 8°, pp. 52. London, 1839 278 / /^t' 1939 Keport of the Committee for the gradual civilization of the Indian Natives, made to the Yearly Meetings of the Religious Society of Friends, held in Philadelphia, in the fourth month 1838. 8°, pp. 26. Philadelphia: Joseph & William Rite, i^"^^ .''X 1940 Report of the Joint Delegation appointed by the Commit- ' tees in the Indian Concern, of the Yearly Meeting of Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York respectively : To visit the Indians under the care of Friends, in the Northern Superintendency, State of Nebraska, 7tli and 8th Mos., 1869. 12°, pp. 66. Baltimore, 1869 jyc 1941 Report on the Memorials of the Seneca Indians and Others, Accepted November 21, 1840, in the Council of Massachusetts. 8°. Boston : Button and Wentworth State Printers, 1840 Exposes another of those schemes of villany which the agents of the government have been so fertile in producinj;. In this ca.se the story is more revohing than usual. See Field's Essay No. 1285. /.rcnta Imperial de la Corte y del Estado, 1851 7- fP 1-7.^ i^% 1%^ 284 The result of toilsome research, by two learned gentlemen. Their contribution to ethnological and philological science, has been esteemed by the learned -world among the most valuable, after that of Humboldt, of those relating to South America. 1986 PtiVERO. Peruvian Antiquities, by Mariano Edward Ri- vero, and John James Von Tschudi. Translated into English from the original Spanish, by Francis L. Hawks, D.D. LL.D., Plates, 8°, cloth, pp. xxii, 306. New York, 1853 1987 RoBBiNS (A. R.). Journal of the Rev. Ammi R. Robbins, A Chaplin in the American Army, in the Northern Campaign of 1776. 8°, hoards. NewHaven : Printed hy B. L. Hamlin^ 1850 1988 Robbins (A.). A Voyage round the World, under Lord Anson, and Atlas of maps. 2 vols., 4°. Lond., 1766 1989 Roberts (W.). An Account of the First Discovery, and Natural History of Florida. With a particular Detail of the several Expeditions and Descents made on that Coast. Collected from the best Authorities, By William Roberts. Illustrated by a general Map, and some particular Plans, together with a Geographical Description of that Country. By T. Jeffreys. Geographer to His Majesty. 7 maps. 4°, uncut, pp. viii (2), 102. London : T. Jefferys, MDCCLXIII. '^/T 1990 Robertson (Wm.). History of America, Books ix, and x, containing the History of Virginia to 1688 & of New England to 1652. 8°, sheep. Phil, 1799 1991 Robertson. Works &c., containing the Same Matter as above. Vol. 4. Lond., 1808 1992 Robin (Abbe). Nouveau voyage dans I'Am^rique septen- trionale, en I'annee 1781 ; et campagne de I'arm^e de 5l. le Comte de Rochambeau. Par M. I'Abbe Robin. 8°, sheep, pp. ix. 222. A Philadelphia, Et se trouve a Paris : Chez 31ontard, MDCCLXXXII. '^n 1993 Robin. New Travels through North America : In a Series of Letters ; Exhibiting the History of the Victorious Campaign of the Allied Armies, under His Excellency General Washing- ton, and the Count de Rochambeau, in the Year 1781. Inter- spersed with Political and Philosophical Observations upon the genius, temper, and customs of the Americans. Also Narrations of the Capture of General Burgoyne, and Lord Cornwallis with their Armies ; and a variety of interesting particulars which occurred in the course of the War In America. 8°, half blue morocco, gilt top), hy W. Mathews, fine copy, very scarce. Boston : E. Battelle, M,DCCLXXXIV -^/ /i ^6- 285 y 0^ 1994 Robinson. An Account of Discoveries in the West until 1519, and of the Voyao-es to and along the Atlantic Coast of North America, from 1520 to 1573. Prepared for the " Vir- ginia Historical and Philosophical Society." By Conway Rob- inson. 8°, pp. XV, 491. Richmond, 1848 ':25~ 1995 Robinson (Sara T. L. Kansas. 12mo. ^os;!., 1856 / //j^ 1996 Robinson (S.). Me-won-i-toc : A Tale of Frontier Life and Indian Character ; Exhibiting Traditions, Superstitions, and Character of a Race that is passinfz; away. A Romance of the Frontier. By Solon" Robinson. 8°, cloth, pp. 133. New York, 1867 1997 RoBSON (J.). An Account of Six Years Residence in Hudson's Bay, From 1733 to 1736, and 1744-to 1747. By Joseph Robson, Late Surveyor and Supervisor of the Buildings to the Hudson's Bay Company. 3 Maps and plans. 8°, calf, pp. vi, 84. London, m.d.cc.lii ^ i^ 1998 RocHAMBEAU, Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de Memoires Militaires, Historiques et Politiques. S vols., 8°. Paris, 1809 Full of the most valuable materials for the historian relative to the Revolutionary War, but scarce and little known in this country. "x> ^ 1999 [RocHEFORT (Be).] Histoire naturelle et morale des lies Antilles de I'Amerique. Enriche d'un grand nombre de belles Figures en taille douce, des Places and des Raretez les plus con- siderables, qui y sont decrites. Avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. Seconde edition. Reveue & augmentee de plusieurs Descrip- tions, and de quelques eclaircissemens, qu'on desiroit en la pre- cedente, 4°, calf. A Rotterdam Chez Arnout Leers, m.do.lxv The Natural and Moral History of the Antilles Islands, in America. Embellished with a great number of fine copperplate engravings of the most considerable Places and Rarities. With a vocal)ulary of tlie Carib languag:e. Second edition. Revised and augmented with many De- scriptions and some explanations whicii were wanting in the fii'st. ^ y^ " 2000 [Rochefort]. The History of the Caribby-Tslands, viz., ^ Barbados St. Christophers, St. Vincents, Martinico, Dominico, Barbouthos, Monserrat, Mevis, Antego, &c. in all xxviii, In Two Books. The First containing the Natural ; The Second the Moral History of those Islands. Illustrated with Several Pieces of Sculpture representing the most considerable Rarities therein Described. With a Caribbian Vocabulary. Rendered into English, by John Davies of Kidwelly. 4 Plates. Folio, calf pp. 336. London : Rrintcd. by J. M. for llwmas Drury and John Starkey. 1 666 6 286 This book is an example of the most unblushing effrontery. The pseudo author assumes the credit of the performance with but the faintest allusion to its previous existence. It is a nearly faithful trans- lation of Rochefort's Histoire des Antilles. There is, however, a grati- fying retribution in Davies' treatment of Rochefort, for the work of the latter was fictitious in every part which was not purloined from authors whose knowledge furnished him with all in his treatise which was true. 2001 EocHESTER. Early History; 1810 to 1827 with Comparisons of its growth and progress to 1860. Map and 2 woodcuts, pp. 24. 1860 ^. 2002 Rockwell (C). The Catskill Mountains and the Region Around. Their Scenery, Legends, and History ; with Sketches in prose and verse, by Cooper, Irving, Bryant, Cole, and others. By Rev. Charles Rockwell, ... revised edition. Map and plates. 16", cloth, pp. 351. New York : Tainter Brothers & Co., 1869 / 1^ 2003 Rogers. Memoirs of the Rev. Ammi Rogers. 16°, sheep. ' ' Johnstown, N .Y., 1 837 ^^Tt? 2004 Rogers (R.). A Concise Account of North America : Con- taining a Description of the several British Colonies, on that Continent, including the Islands ofNewfoundland, Cape Breton... To which is subjoined. An Account of the Several Nations and Tribes of Indians, residing in those Parts, as to their Customs, Manners, Government, Numbers, &c. Containing many Useful and Entertaining Facts, never before treated of. By Major Robert Rogers. Map. 8°, calf, pp. vii, 264- London : Printed for the Author, MDCCLXV. ^, ^^ 2005 Rogers. Journals of Major Robert Rogers: Containing An Account of the several Excursions he made under the Generals who 'commanded upon the Continent of North Ame- rica, during the late War. From which may by {sic) collected The most material Circumstances of every Campaign upon that Continent, from the Commencement to the Conclusion of the War. 8°, culf pp. viii. 847. X London: Printed for the Author, \l&b (j /- 2006 Romance of Indian History; or Thrilling Incidents in the Early History of America. 12°. New York, Kigc/ins & Kellogg, [?i. d'\ A'O 2007 Roxdthaler(E.). The Life of John Heckewelder. By the Rev. Edward Rondthaler, of Nazareth, Pa. Edited by B. H. Coates, M D. Portrait. 8°, pp. 179. Philadelphia, 1847 . ^ /- ' (A V 2008 Robertson. Francia's Reign of Terror. 2 vols., 12°. Philadelphia, 1839 ^u- HO 287 2009 KoBERTSON (W. S.). Come to Jesus. — Cesvs a oh Vtes. Erkenvkv Hall Coyvte, momen W. S Robertson, John MeKil- lop, Rev. David Winslett, Esyomat Mvskoke Empunvkv Ohtv- lecicet os. 16°, pp. 63. \n. cZ.] A religious tract in the Creek language. 2010 Robertson & Winslett. Nukeoky es Keretv enhvte- ceskv. Muskokee or Creek First Reader. By W. S. Robertson, A.M., and David Winslett. 12°, pp. 48. New York : Mission house, 1856 A child's picture-book, with the names of the objects and animals in Muskogee, with their descriptions in the same language. , 0, ^ 2011 Roorback. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of Ameri- can publications, including reprints and original works, from 1820 to 1848 inclusive. Compiled and arranged by 0. A. Roorback. 8°, pp. ix, (2), 360. Neio York : Orville A. Roorhack, 1849 , y^ 2012 Roorback. Supplement to the Bibliotheca Americana. '/ Comprising a List of Books (reprints and original works), which have been published in the United States within the past (1849) year ; also, omissions and corrections of errors, as far as ascertained, which occurred in the former work. Together with a list of periodicals, compiled and arranged by 0. A. Roor- back, gr. 8°, cloth, pp. vii and 124. • New York, 1850 /."q 2013 RosECRANS. Report of the Secretary of War, communicat- 'ing a copy of Major-Gen eral Rosecranz's Report of the Battle of Murfreesboro', or Stone River, Tennessee. 8°, pp. 577. With Plans. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1863 2014 RosNT (L. de). Archives Paleographiques de POrient, et de I'Amerique, publico avec des notices historiques, et philolo- giques. Par Leon de Rosny, professeur etc. Recueil Trimes- triel, destinee a publier la collection des alphabets de toutes les languages connues, des inscriptions, des medailles, etc. Avec des fac-similes de manuscrits orientaux. Imprimes en noir et en couleur. 8°. Paris, Maisoncuve, 1870 Paleographic Archives of America and tlie East, with historic and philologic notes. ', ^ /^015 Ross (A.) Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon ./ or Columbia River; being a Narrative of the Expedition fitted out by John Jacob Astor, to Establish the " Pacific Fur Com- pany." With an Account of some Indian Tribes on the Coast of the Pacific. By Alexander Ross, One of the Adventurers. Post 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. xvi-|- 352, and map. London : Smith Elder & Co., 1849 ^^^' />^' p^o ^a /^ 288 2016 Ross The Fur Hunters of the Far West; a narrative of adventures in the Oregon and E,ocky Mountains. By Alex- ander Ross. Portrait and map. Post 8°, cloih^ uncut, pp. xv. 33o; viii, 262. London : Smith Elder & Co., 1855 The narrations of an intelligent observer of the peculiarities of sav- age life, always attract an amount of interest, which increases in pro- portion to the truthfulness of his coloring or shading. In all the qual- ities which should attract and hold our attention, it is rare to find the suijerior of Mr. Ross. For fifteen years he traversed the wastes of the Rocky Mountains, and thus became as familiar with every trait of In- dian character and phase of savage life, as a white man may ever ex- pect to be. As an Indian trader pushing his commerce among friendly but treacherous tribes, and even among hostile ones who are to be placated by resistless finery, or the equally omnipotent fire-water, he was often the first white man to burst upon their wild fastnesses. The Appendix, pp. 313 to 333 contains a vocabulary of the jSez Perce lan- guage. 2017 Ross (A.). The Red River Settlement ; its Rise, Progress, and Present State. With some Account of the Native Races, and its general History, to the Present Day. 12°, cloth, uncut. 2018 Ross. A Voyage of Discovery, made under the Orders of the Admiralty, in his Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander, for the purpose of Exploring Baffin's Bay, and enquiring into the Probability of a North- West Passage. By John Ross K. S. Captain Royal Navy. Also, Second Voyage and Appendix, in all 3 vols. 4°. London, 1819 2019 Ross (J.). Letter from John Ross, the principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation to a Gentleman of Philadelphia. 8°, hds, pp. 40. IPhiladelphia, 1837] 2020 Ross. Letter in answer to Inquiries from a Friend, regard- ing the Cherokee Affairs with the United States ; with the Pro- test of the Cherokee Delegation. 8°, pp. 31. ( Washington, 1836) 2021 RowLANDSON (M.). A true | History | of the | Captivity & Restoration | Of | Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, | A Minister's Wife in New England. | Wherein is set forth, The Cruel andlnhumanej Usage she underwent amongst the Heathens, for | Eleven Weeks time : And her Deliverance from them. | Written by her own Hand, for her Private Vse : And now made [ Publick at the earnest Desire of some Friends, for the Benefit | of the Afflicted. | Whereunto is annexed, I A Sermon of the Possibility of God's Forsaking a Peo | pie that have been near and dear to him. j Preached by Mr. Joseph Rowlandson, Husband to the said Mrs. Rowlandson : | It being his Last Sermon. | Small 4°, morocco. Printed First at New England: And Reprinted at London, and sold | hy Joseph Poole, at the Blue Bowl in the Long Walk, hy Christ's \ Church Hospital, 1682 289 2022 [RoYALL (Anne)]. Sketches of History, Life and Manners /J C in the United States. By a Traveller. 12°, hoards, uncut, pp. ^ (6)13-392. New Haven printed: for the Author, WZQ P 2023 RuDo Ensayo. tentativi de una Prevencional Descripcion Geo- graphica de la Provincia de Sonora, sus terminos y confines ; 6 mejor, colleccion de materiales para hacerla quien lo supiere mejor. Compilada asi de Noticias adquiridas por el Colector en sus Viajes por casi toda ella, como subministrados por los Padres Missioneros y Practicos de la Sierra. Dirigida al reme- dio de ella. por un Amigo del bieu comun. 4°, half morocco, pp. X, 208. San Augustinde la Florida : Ano de 1863 [A Rougli Essay, attempt at a Provisional Geographical Description of the Province of Sonora, its limits and boundaries : or rather, collec- tion of materials to make it by any one knowing better. Compiled as well from notices acquired by the collector in his journeys through most all of it, as from statements by the Fathers Missionaries and domiciled in the land, for the purpose of its improvement, by a Friend of the Commonweal.] C(^ 2024 RuNDALL (T.) Memorials of the Empire of Japan in the XVI and XVII centuries. 8°, cloth, uncut. London, 1850 f, 2025 Rupp (I. D.). History of Lancaster County, To which is prefixed a Brief Sketch of the Early History of Pennsylvania. Compiled from Authentic Sources. By I. Daniel Rupp. 5 plates. 8°, pp. 523. Lancaster Penn. : Gilbert Hills, 1844 -j'^^ 2026 Rupp. History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon, and Schuylkill Counties : containing a brief History of the First Settlers. Topography of Townships, Notices of leading Events, Incidents, and Interesting Facts in the Early History of these Counties With an Appendix, containing matters of deep interest. Embellished by several engravings. Compiled from various authentic sources by I. Daniel Rupp. ...4 plates. 8°, pp. xvi 568. Harrishurg : Hichok & Cantine, Printers, 1845 2027 Rupp. History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon. Containing a brief Account of the Indians ... and numerous Murders by them; notices of the first Swedish, Welsh, French, German, Irish, and EngHsh Settlers, giving the names of nearly Five Thousand of them, ... Compiled by I. Daniel Rupp. 12°, pp. 512. Lancaster, Pa. : G. Hills, 1844 ''f^ 2028 Rush (B.). An Oration delivered February 4, 1774, be- fore the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia. Containing an Enquiry into the Natural History of Medicines 37 290 among the Indians in North America, and a Comparative View of their Diseases and Remedies, with those of Civilized Nations. . . With an Appendix, containing Proofs and Illustrations. By Bejamin Rush, M.D. 8°, pp. 118. PJiiladelphia : Printed hy Joseph Cruikshank, [1774] 2029 Rush (Rich.). Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London, 1819—1825. 8°. Phil, 1845 2030 RuTTENBER (E. M.). History of the Indian Tribes of Hudson's River ; their origin, Manners and Customs ; Tribal and Sub-tribal Organizations; Wars, Treaties, etc., etc. By E. M. Ruttenber. 5 plates. 8°, pp. 415. Albany, N. T. : J. Munsell, 1872 '^yd 2031 RuxTON (George Frederick). Life in the Far West. By George Frederick Ruxton.... 12°, pp. 235. New York, 1859 / C^-T? 2032 Ruxton (George R.). Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains By George Ruxton, Esq. 12°, pp. 312. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1860 ^- (: ^ 2033 S. (T. B.). De Enunciando Evangelio. Maxime Apud Aethiopes & Nigritas Africanos Nobes Mancipatos, & Indos Americanos, Colonijs Britannieis saltem couterminos Prolusio Missionario.... Per. T. B. S. Th. P. eundemq : Missionariura. 8°, pp. iv. 192. London: Printed hy W. Roberts, 1728 2034 Saabye (H. E.). Greenland : being Extracts from a Jour- nal kept in that Country In the Years 1770 to 1778. By Hans Egede Saabye, Formerly ordained Minister in the Districts of Claushavn and Christianshaab, now Minister of Udbye, in the Bishopric of Fuhnen ; and grandson of the celebrated Hans Egede. (Now first published.) To which is prefixed an Intro- duction ; containing some Accounts of the Manners of the Greenlanders, and of the Mission in Greenland; with various interesting Information respecting the Geography, &c. of that Country ; and illustrated by a chart of Greenland. By G. Fries. Second Edition. Translated from the German. Map. 8°, half calf, pp. viii, 293. London, 1818 / ^7^-o 2035 Sabbath. Among the Tuscarora Indians. A True Narrative. Second Edition. [By John Morrison Duncan.] Plate. 24°, pp. 69. Glasyow, 1821 / a--o 2036 [Sabin (J.).] Catalogue of the Collection of Books, Tracts, Autographs Manuscripts, &c., of the late E. B. Corwin. Auc- tion Sale by Bangs, Brothers and Company, Nov. 10, 1856. 8°, half mor., uncut, large paper. 291 2037 Sarin (J.). A Dictionary of Books Relating to America, Lr^.^ From its Discovery to tlie Present Time. By Joseph Sabin. 5 vols., and 2 Parts, imp. 8°, doth, uncut, Large paper copy. New York, 1867 - 74 One hundred copies only printed. The purchaser of this lot will have to assume the subscription undertaken by the present owner. It is the most thorough work of the kind ever attempted, and is indis- pensable to the collector of an American Library. ^ 2038 Sabin (J.). A Catalogue of the Books, Autographs, En- gravings, and Miscellaneous Articles, belonging to the Estate of the late John Allan. Large paper, imp. 8°, half mor., gilt top, uncut. New York, 1864 Fine India proof portrait. 100 copies only printed, some of which were destroyed by fire. In the large paper copies the name of the compiler of the Catalogue was omitted because in a note on the last page he was so impertinent as to reflect on the style of that portion of the Catalogue which he did not write. y-0 2039 Sabin. Catalogue of Library of Wm. E. Burton. Portrait. Large paper. Imp. 8°, half mor. New York, 1860 ^^'^ 2040 Sabin. A List of the Printed Editions of the Works of Fray Bartholome de las Casas. 8°. New York, 1870 Fifty copies printed for private circulation only. irv 2041 Sabin. Catalogue of the Entire Library of Andrew Wight. Large paper. Rl. 8°, uncut. New York, 1864 nj,^ 2042 Sabine, (L.). Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution. 2 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1864 '^c> 2043 Sappell (W. T. R.). Records of the Revolutionary war. Containing the Military and Financial Correspondence of Dis- tinguished Officers : General orders of Washington, Lee, and Grreen at G-ermanton and Valley Forge ; with a list of Distin- guished Prisoners of War, the Time of their Capture and Ex- change. 12°, cloth. New York, 1858 //^ 2044 Sappord (Wm. H.) The Life of Harman Blennerhassett, comprising an authentic narrative of the Burr Expedition, and containing many additional Facts not heretofore published. 12°, pp. 239. Chilltcothe Ohio, 1850 0--O 2045 Sagard (G-.). Dictionaire | de la langve | Hvronne, | Ne- cessaire a ceux qui n'ont intelligence d'icelle, | & ont a traiter auec les Sauuages du pays. | Par Fr. Gabriel Sagard, Recol- let de I S. Francois, de la Prouince de S. Denys. | Royal 8°. A Paris, I Chez Denys Moreav, rue S. Jacques, a la \ Sala- mandre d' Argent. \ M.D.CXXXII I Dictionary of the Huron Language, necessary to those who have no knowledge of it, and have to treat with the Savages of tho country. 292 //>^ 2046 Sagard. Le grand voyage du pays des Hurons Sitae en FAm^rique vers la Mer douce, ^s derniers confins de la Nouvelle France dite Canada Avec un diction aire de la langue Huronne par F. Gabriel Sagard Theodat, Eecollect.... 8°. Paris: Tross, 1865 -^ ^T) 2047 Sagard. Histoire du Canada et Voyages que les Freres ^ ■ Miueurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la conuersion des infidelles. Divisez en quatre liures. Ou est amplement traicte des choses principales arriuees dans le pays, depu-is I'an 1615 iusques a la prise qui en a este faicte par les Anglois 4 vols., 12°. uncut. Paris: Lihraire Tross, 1864, 1865 ■^O 2048 [Sage (Eufus B.).] Scenes in the Rocky Mountains, and in Oregon, California, New-Mexico, Texas, and the Grand Prairies ; or. Notes by the way, during an Excursion of Three Years. With a Description of the Countries passed through, including their Geography, Geology, Resources, Present Condi- tion, and the different Nations Inhabiting them. By a New Englander. 12°, pp. -303. Philadelphia : direy and Hart, 1846 /. ^O 2049 Sage. Rocky Mountain Life : or Startling Scenes and Perilous Adventures in the Far West, during an Expedition of Three Years. By Rufus B. Sage. 12°, cloth, pp. 363. Boston : Wentioorth & Co., 1857 An enlarged edition of Scenes in ike Rocky Mountains. , '^ 2050 Sahagun (B. de). Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espana, que en doce libros y dos volumenes escribid el R. P. Fr, Bernardino de Sahagun, de la observancia de Sau Francisco, y uno de los primeros predicadores del Santo Evangelio en aquellos regiones, Dala a luz con notas y supplementos Carlos Maria de Bustanieute, diputado por el estado de Oaxaca eii el Congreso general de la federacion Mexicana ; y la dedica a nuestro Santissimo Padre Pio VIII, 3 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. (6), XX, 350 (vii) ; (vi), 397. Mexico : Imprenta del Ciudadano Alejandro Valdis, 1829-30 General History of the affairs of New Spain, which was written in twelve books, and two volumes, by Fatlier Bernardino de Sahagun, of the order of St. Francis, and one of the first preachers of the Gospel, in these countries. Edited with the addition of notes, and a supplement, by Carlos Maria de Bustamente, a deputy from the State of Oaxaca, to the General Congress of the Mexican Republic. This vponderf ul work, to which the entire life of Father Sahagun was devoted, is beyond question the most important, as it is the most authentic history of events, transpiring in the New World, before its discovery by Columbus. All that relates to the religion, customs, government, and wars of the Aztecs, was examined in a manner so critical, so patient and thorough that no history was ever conceived, or brought forth with more labor. i/t^^ 293 2051 St. Clair (Arthur). A Narrative of the Manner in which the CarapaigD against the Indians, in the Year oue thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, was conducted, under the Com- mand of Major General St. Clair, together with his Observations on the Statements of the Secretary of War and the Quartermaster General, relative thereto, and the Reports of the Committees ap- pointed to enquire into the causes of the failure thereof Taken from the files of the House of Representatives in Coni»:ress. 8°. Fhiladelphia, 1812 A narrative of the terrible defeat and slaughter, of eight hundred soldiers by the Ohio Indians. St. Clair's voluminous defense is rendered nugatory and futile by the passionate ejaculations of Washington, when Major Denny called him from a dinner-party, to announce the defeat. Overcome with surprise and indignation, Washington cursed the beaten general with exceeding fervor, adding, " Did not my last words warn him against a surprise." /h^^ 2052 Salem Witchcraft: Comprising More Wonders of the In- visible World, collected by Robert Calef, and Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather; together with Notes and Explanations, by Samuel P. Fowler. 4°, pp. 450. Salem, 1861 C ^ 2053 Sampson. The Female Review. The Life of Deborah Sampson, The Female Soldier in the War of the Revolution. With an Introduction and Notes by John Adams Vinton. Small 4°, cloth, xuicut. Boston, 1866 2054 San Salvador and Honduras in Jahre 1576. Nutlicher Bericht des Licenciaten Dr. Diego Garcia de Palacio an den Kbnig von Spanien uber die central amerikanischen Provin- zien San Salvador and Honduras in Jahr 1576. Aus dem Spanischen ... von Dr. A. von Frantzius ... Map. 8°, pp. xv, 70. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1873 ^ '? 2055 [Sanders (Daniel Clark)]. A | History | of the | Indian Wars | with the I first settlers of the Uni | ted States, | particularly | in New England. | Written in Vermont. | 16°, levant, morocco, pp. 319. Monfjielier : Vt., \ Wright & Sihley,\ 1812 | The mystery which surrounded the authorship, history, and origin of this very rare volume, has been slowly dispelled by successive frag- ments of information. So few copies have survived the holocaust to which it was devoted, that its very existence was unknown to the most zealous collectors of Indian and Vermont history. Published anony- mously, without preface, it was known to but few that the author was the Rev. Daniel Clark Sanders, President of the University of Vermont. Immediately after its appearance, some person, evidently a personal enemy of the author, published an acrimonious critique upon tlie book, in the Liberal and Philosophical Rei)ository. The animus of the critic was evidenced, not only by the bitterness of his language, but by his ignorance of the subject of Indian wars, being more profound than that of the author of the book he scored. Such was the effect of the article 3^- 294 upon either Mr. Sanders, or the puhlishers.that the work was suppressed. But very few copies could have escaped the hands that were now as zealous to destroy, as they had lately been to create. In fact, so nearly complete was the destruction of the book, that it was forgotten by those who professed to know most of its author, his biographers. Neither Thompson, Williams, or Hemmenway, who jjublished memoirs of San- ders, mention his authorship of this book. / {?-^ 2056 Sanderson (J). Biography of the Signers to the Declara- tion of Independence. Portraits. 9 vols., 8°, sheep. . Philadelphia, 1820 / ,Y'S^ 2057 Sanford (E.). A History of the United States before the Revolution ; with some account of The Aborigines. By Eze- kiel Sanford. 8°, sheep, pp. cxcii, 342. Philadelphia : Anthony Fenley, 1819 ^1^5" 2058 Sanford (J. W. A.). Creeks Correspondence. General J. W. A. Sanford (relating to Supplies to Creek Indians). 8°, pp. 22. Washington, 1839 / C^^ 2059 Sanford (L. G.). The History of Erie County, Pennsyl- vania. By Laura G. Sanford. Map. 12°, cloth, pp. 348. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1862 ^/^ 2060 Sargent (W.). The Life and Career of Major John Andre. By Wiuthrop Sargent. Portrait. 12mo. Boston, 1861 '^t^" 2061 Sarmurito (D. F.). North and South America. A Dis- course before B. [. Hist. Soc, Dec. 27, 1865. pp. 44. Prov., 1866 2062 Sarytsohew (G.). Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the North-East of Siberia, the Frozen Ocean, and the North- East Sea. By Gawrila Sarytschew, Russian imperial Major- General to the Expedition. Translated from the Russian. 8°. 2 vols. London : Richard Philips, 1807 Gives us the first account of the Russian exploration of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. ' Sc? 2063 Savage (T.). The Amazonian Republic, recently discovered in the interior of Peru. By Ex-Midshipman Timothy Savage, B. C. New York : Samnel Colman, 1842 / ,^ 6" 2064 Scenes in the Indian Country. ... 24°, pp. 283. Philadelphia, [1859] y (S^ 2065 Schefferi (Joannis). Argentoratensis de re Vehiculari "/ Veterum Libri Duo, accedit Pyrrhi Ligorir v. c. De Vehiculis fragmentum murquam ante publicatum. Ex. Bib. Reg. Chris- tinae. 4°, vellum. Francofurti, 1571 295 2^1- 2066 ScHERZER (C). Sprachen der Indianer Central- Amerika's. Wahrend seinen mehrjahiigen reisen in den verschiedenea Staaten Mittel Amerika's aufgezeichnet und zusammengestellt von Dr. Karl Scherzer. 8°, pp. 11. [ IFteJi, 1855] f^^r^ 2067 ScHMiDEL (U.). Vera Histovia | Admirandse cuius- | dam Navigationis, quam Hul | dericus Schmidel, Straubigensis, ab Anno 1534, | usque ad Annum 1554, in Americam vel nouum Mundum, iuxta Brasiliam & Rio della Plata, confecit. Quid per hosce annos 19. sustinuerit, quam varias & mirandas | re giones ac homines viderit. Ab ipso Schmidelio Germanice, descripta : Nunc vero, emendatis & correctis Vrbium, Regio num & Fluminum nominibus, Adiecta etiamtabula | Geographica, figuris & aliis notationi | bus quibusdam in banc for | mam re- ducta. 2 Maps. Small 4°, pp. (2) 101. Norihergae, \ Impensis Levini Huhii, 1599 Sixteen plates in pairs, facing each other. Seven of tlie elaborate very vivid representations are views of battles with the Indians, or as- saults on their fortifications ; five are representations of their dwellings, persons, or mode of life ; one is a portrait of Schmidel, two are scenes of shipwreck and earthquake, and one a view of some bloody slaughter. This early relation of a traveler is very rare. (^ p 2068 Schoolcraft (H. R.). An Address delivered before the Was-ah Ho-de-no-son-ne or New Confederacy of the Iroquois, by Henry R. Schoolcraft, a member, at its third Annual Council, August 14, 1840. Also Genundewah, a Poem, by W. H. C. Hosmer, a member ; pronounced on the same occasion. Pub- lished by the Confederacy. 8°, pp. 48. Rochester : Printed hy Jerome & Brother^ 1846 %^^^ 2069 Schoolcraft. Algic Researches, comprisinij Inquiries re- specting the Mental Characteristics of the North American In- dians. First Series. Indian Tales and Legends ... By Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. 12°, doth, pp. 248; 244. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1839 ^cri/ 2070 [Schoolcraft]. A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books, Translations of the Scriptures, and other publications in the Indian Tongues of the United States, with brief critical notices. 8°, pp. 28. Washington : C. Alexander Printer, 1849 /f.% 2071 Schoolcraft. Constitution of the Algic Society, instituted • March 28, 1832, for encouraging Missionary eflFort in Evangel- izing the North Western Tribes, and promoting education, agriculture, industry, peace, & temperance, among them. To which is annexed an abstract of its proceedings, together with an Introductory Address By Henry R. Schoolcraft, Esq., Presi- dent of the Society. 8°, pp. 28. Detroit ; Cleland & Saivi/er, 1833 296 / oy 2072 Schoolcraft. Cyclopedia Tndianensis : Or a General De- ' scription of the Indian Tribes of North and South America. Comprising ... The whole Alphabetically Arranged. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. 4°, pp. 16, cover (4). New York, 1842 Issued as the prospectus of a contemplated work in two volumes, of seven hundred pages each, of which this is the only portion printed. 2-<^~A 2073 Schoolcraft (H.). A Discourse delivered on the Anni- versary of the Historical Society of Michigan, June 4, 1830. 8°, pp. 44. Detroit, 1830 ^(tO 2074 Schoolcraft. The Indian in his Wigwam, or Characteris- tics of the Red Race of America, from original notes and manu- scripts. By Henry R. Schoolcraft ... 8°, cloth, pp. 416. Buffalo : Derby & Ilewson, 1848 This is Oneota dished up afresh. /ll^LrD 2075 Schoolcraft. Information respecting the History, Condi- tion and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Collected and Prepared under the Direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, per Act of Congress March 8d, 1847. By Henry R. Schoolcraft, LL.D. Illustrated by S. Eastman, Capt. U.S.A. Published by authority of Congress. 6 vols., 4°, Aa{/* morocco, gilt top. Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo, & Co., 1853 It has performed a very important service for Indian history, in col- lecting and preserving an immense amount of historic data. Vocabu- laries of Indian languages, grammatical analysis, legends of various tribes, biographies of chiefs and warriors, narratives of captivities, his- tories qf Indian wars, emigrations, and theories of their origin, are all related and blended in an extraordinary and perplexing manner. A .very large number of beautiful steel engravings, representative of some phase of Indian life and customs, are contained in the work, but the most valuable of its illustrations are the drawings of weapons, domestic utensils, instruments, on gunning and amusement, sorcery, and medicine, objects of worship, their sculptures, paintings, and forti- fications, pictograph writing, dwellings, and every form of antiquities, ■which have been discovered. The six volumes contain 336 plates, representing thousands of the scenes and objects named. 2076 Schoolcraft. The Myth of Hiawatha, and other Oral Legends, Mythologic and Allegoric, of the North American Indians. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. 12°, cloth, xmcut, pp. 343. ' Philadelphia, 1856 2077 Schoolcraft. Narrative Journal of Travels from Detroit North West through the Great Chain of American Lakes to the Sources of the Mississippi River, in the year 1820. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. Map. 8°, half mor., uncut, pp. 419 (4). Albany: E. & E. Hosford, 1821 H6 SL V 297 2078 Schoolcraft, Narrative of an Expedition through the '^^"^ Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual source of this river; embracing an Exploratory Trip through the St. Croix and Burntwood (or Broule) Rivers : in 1832. Under the di- rection of Henry R. Schoolcraft. 2 Maps. 8°, half mor.^ pp. 307. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1834 Most of this narrative is occupied with interesting incidents of In- dian life and character, extracts from manuscript journals of the fur- traders, and traditions of the aborigines. /^ 2079 Schoolcraft. Notes on the Iroquois; or Contributions to American History, Antiquities and General Ethnology. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. 8°, cloth. Albany : Erastus H. Pease & Co., 1847 _^rV 2080 Schoolcraft. On^ota, or Characteristics of the Red Race of America. From original Notes and Manuscripts. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. 8°, cloth. Neio York & London, 1845 t/9^ 2081 Schoolcraft. Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes, on the American Frontiers : with brief Notices of passing Events, Facts, and Opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. 703. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Gramho & (7o., 1851 "p-t? 2082 Schoolcraft. Report of Mr. Schoolcraft, to the Secretary of State, transmitting the Census Returns in relation to the In- dians. Census of the Iroquois. Tall 8°, halfmor., uncut, pp. 285, vii. . (Albany), 1845 The most valuable of Mr. Schoolcraft's works, having been executed after personal examination in an official capacity of all the tribes in- habiting New York. /r^ 2083 Schoolcraft. Report of the Aboriginal Names and Geo- graphical Terminology of the State of New York. Part I. — Valley of the Hudson. Made to the New York Historical Society, etc. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. Published from the Society's Proceedings for 1844. 8°, pp. 43. JVew York : the author, 1845 ^i' 2084 Schoolcraft. Travels in the Central portions of the Mississippi Valley : comprising Observations on its Mineral Geography, Internal Resources, and Aboriginal Population. [Performed under the Sanction of Government, in the Year 1821.] By Henry R. Schoolcraft.... 8°, boards, uncut, pp. iv, 459. Neio York : Collins and Hannay, 1825 38 298 2085 Schoolcraft and Allen. Expedition to the North-west In- dians. Letter from The vSecretary of War transmitting a Map and Report of Lieut. Allen and H. Schoolcraft's Visit to the North-west Indians in 1832. [Congressional Document.] 8°, pp. 68. [ Washington, 1834] 2086 ScHWEiNiTZ (E. de). The Life and Times of David Zeis- berger, the Western Pioneer and Apostle of the Indians. By Edmund de Schweintz. 8°, pp. 747. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1870 The wonderful man whose life is memorialized in this volume, though less celebrated than the Indian apostle, John Eliot, was not less saintly in his character, possessed equal accomplishments and learn- ing and peformed far more labor as a missionary and a philologist. /y S^ 2087. ScoRESBY (W.). Northern Whale Fishery. 8°, uncut. ' Edinburgh, 1873 /^^ /f. //^ 2088 Scott. Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry in the Case of Major General Scott, and Major General Gaines in 1837. 8°, pp. 734. ( Washington, 1837) Relates to the Seminole War. -3^ 2089 ScRiBNER (B. F.). A Campaign in Mexico by " One who was thar." Map. 8°, paper. Phil., 1850 /v, 2090 Scudding (Dr.). Early Notice of Toronto. By the Rev. ' Dr. Scudding. 8°, pp. 26. Toronto : W. C. Chewett & Co., 1865 ^5^ 2091 Seaver (J. E.). A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, who was taken by the Indians, in the year 1755, When only about twelve years of age, and has continued to reside amongst them to the present time. Containing an ac- count of the Murder of her lather and his family ; her Suffer- ings ; her Marriage to two Indians ; her Troubles with her Children ; Barbarities of the Indians in the French and Revo- lutionary Wars ; the Life of her last Husband ; And many Historical Facts never before published. Carefully taken from her own Words, Nov. 29, 1823. To which is added An Ap- pendix, Containing an Account of the Tragedy at the Devil's Hole, in 1763, and of Sullivan's Expedition ; the Traditions, Manners, Customs, &c.,of the Indians, as believed and practised at the present day, and since Mrs. Jemison's Captivity; together with some Anecdotes, and other entertaining Matter. By James E. Seaver. 24°, pp, 180. Howden,.., 1826 299 2092 Seaver. The Life of Mary Jernison, Deh-he-wa-mis. By I f^ James E. Seaver. Fourth Edition, With Geographical and '' Explanatory Notes. 4 plates. 12°, cloth^ pp. 312. New York and Auburn : Miller, Orton & Mulligayi, 1856 This well written narrative, purporting to be only the biography of a captive among the Senecas, is really the best resume we have of in- cidents in the history and common life of the Seneca Indians. 0000 Selkirk (Earl of). See [Douglas Thomas]. n/y 2093 Seminoles. Documents in relation to the claim of the Ex- ecutor of John J. Bulow, Jr., To be indemnified for the loss of property destroyed by the hostile Seminole Indians. Decem- ber 21, 1837. 8°, pp. 12. IWashmgton, 1837] /,^iy 2094 Seminole Indians. A Collection of Reports and Documents relative to the Seminoles. 8 in all. 8°. [n.d.'\ /o 5^ 2095 [Seminole War.] Debate,in the House of Representatives of the United States, on the Seminole War, in January and February, 1819. 12°, pp. 591. Washington, 1819 /^"c? 2096 Seminoles. Negroes &c., captured from Indians in Florida, &c. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting The infor- mation required (etc.), respecting the disposition of Negroes and other Property captured from hostile Indians during the present war in Florida, &c. 8°, pp. 126. Washington, 1839 So 2097 Senegas. The Case of the Seneca Indians in the State of New York. Illustrated by Facts. Printed for the Information of the Society of Friends, ... 8°. Philadelphia : Merrihew & Thompson, 1840 2098 Seneca Nation of Indians, Constitution of the. 12°, pp. 14. Baltimore : Printed hy William Wooddy & Son, 1848 ; and Letter from William Medill to Senecas, 8 pp. ) and To the Seneca Nation of Indians, 8 pp. / /lA^ 2099 [Senegas.] Documents and Official Reports, illustrating the causes which led to the Revolution in the Grovernment of the Seneca Indians, in the Year 1848, and to the recognition of their representative republican Constitution, by the authorities of the United States, and of the State of New York. 8°, pp. 92. Baltimore: Printed hy Wm. Wooddy & Son, 1857 ' X^ 2100 Senega Indians (Annuities). Letter from the Secretary of War (etc.), respecting the payment of annuities to the Seneca Indians, in the years 1837 and 1838. 8°, pp. 38. Washing/on, 1831) I l-%b- ■k ■ff 300 2101 Senegas. Documents relative to Indian Affairs. To the Great Council of the Thirteen Fires. The Speech of Corn Plant, Half Town, and Big Tree, Chief and Counsellor of the Seneca Nation. 8°, pp. 28. INew York, 1794] 2102 Seneca. Further Proceedings of the Joint Committee, Ap- pointed by the Society of Friends, constituting the yearly meet- ings of Genesee, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, for promoting the Civilization and improving the Condition of the Seneca Nation of Indians, From the year 1847 to the year 1850. 8°, pp. 119. Baltimore : William Wooddy and So7i,printers,lSbO 2103 Seneca. A Short Vocabulary of the Language of the Seneca Indians, and in English. London : Printed hy W. & S. Graves, 1818 2104 Seneca Language. Druhsawahgwah Gay4doshah Gd- wahds goyadoh Sgaoyadih dowanandenyo. 12°, pp. 42. \_Boston'], Neh Nadiyehjih sholioh dodisdoagoh ; Wastok tadinageh. 1836 Elementary Reading Book in the Seneca language. '3^ 2105 Seven Brothers of Wyoming, The ; or, the Brigands of the / ♦ Revolution. 8°, hoards. New York, n. d. ^JS~ 2106 Sewall (R. K.). Sketches of St. Augustine. Plates. 12°. New York, 1848 \)0 2107 Seymour (R. A.). Pioneering in the Pampas or the first four years of a Settler's experience in the La Plata Camps. By Richard Arthur Seymour. With a 31ap. 8°, cloth, pp. 180. London : Longman & Co., 1869 ■ ^^' 2108 Shallus (F.). Chronological Tables for every Day in the Year. Compiled from the most authentic Documents. By Francis Shallus. 2 vols., 12mo, half calf, scarce, pp. 348, 596. Philadelphia, 1817 7x^T? 2109 Sharan (J."). The Adventures of James Sharan compiled from the Journal, written during his Voyages and Travels in the Four Quarters of the Globe. 12mo. Baltimore, 1808 Sharan was at New Orleans in 1787, and traveled thence up the valley of the Mississippi, through the North Western Territory. - 2110 Shaw (S.). The Journals of Major Samuel Shaw.. ..With a Life of the Author by J. Quiucy. Port. 8°, Bost., 1847 Describes almost every event in the War oi'tlie American Revolution. Ji / 301 2111 Shea (J. G.)- Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi ^__, Valley ; with the Original Narratives of Marquette, Allouez, J .-^ (P Membre, Hennepin, and Anastase Douay. By John Gihnary Shea, with a Fac-Simile of the newly discovered map of Mar- quette. Map. 8°, pp. Ixxx, 268. Redfidd, Neio York, 1853 Beside tlie valuable relations, wliicli afford us the first accounts of the Indian tribes which inhabited the vast tract of territory, from the St. Lawrence to the Mississippi, Mr. Shea has added notes, biographical sketches, and bibliographical accounts of works upon aboriginal history, which are scarcely to be overestimated. ^-c? 2112 ShjKA (J. G.). Early Voyages up and down the Mississippi, by (Javelier St. Cosme, Le Suer, Gravier, and Guignas With au Introduction, Notes and an Index. By John Gihnary Shea. 4°. Albany: Joelllunsell, 1861 Filled with the most interesting details of the peculiarities of these savages before civilization had corrupted, as it has since destroyed them. One hundred copies only printed. J, '2.^'" 2112* Shea. History of the Catholic Missions among the Indian Tribes of the United States, 1529-1854. By John Gilmary Shea. 5 portraits. 12°, doth, pp. 508. JYeiu York: E. Dunigan & Bro., 1855 %/^T_ 2113 Shea. Library of American Linguistics consists of the fol- lowing works : I. Dictionnaire Franyais Onontague — A French Onondaga Dictionary. 2. Mengarini, Grammatica Selica — Flathead Grammar. 3. A Grammar of the Heve Language. 4. Arroyo, Gramatica de la Lengua Mutsun. 5. Gramatica de la Lengua Nevome (Pima). 6. Pandosy, Grammar of the Yakama Language. 7. Vocabulario de la lengua de la Mission de San Antonio. 8. Arroyo, Vocabulario de la lengua Mutsun. 9. Gibbs, Vocabulary of the Chinook Language. 10. Bruyas, Radical Words of the Mohawk Language. II. Gibbs, Vocabulary of the Clallam and Lummi Lmguages. 12. Gibbs, Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon. 13. Maillard, Grammaire de la Lengua Micmaque. For these titles at length see Field's Essay. cn> 2114 Shea. Jesuit Relations. 24 vols., small 4°. We .owe to the zeal of the editor of these volumes many valuable contributions to the history of America, but had he produced nothing more tlum this series, he would be entitled to something more than ordinary gratitude. The various works of which they consist are re- corded at length in Field's Essay under the names of the respective authors. a- 302 Y*^ A^ 2115 Sheldon (E. M.). The Early History of Michigan, from the first Settlement to 1815. By E. M. Sheldon. 8°, cloth, pp. 409. New York: A. S. Barnes & Cq., 1856 The wliole of tliia volume is devoted to details of the Jesuit missions among the Indians, and the association of the French with them, de- rived largely from unpublished manuscripts. <• /^ 6'^^ 2116 Shepard (T.). The I Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel] Breaking Forth | upon the | Indians | in | New-England. | or, | An Historicall Narration of God's | WonderfuU Workings upon sundry of the | Indians, | both chief Governors and Common- people, I in bringing them to a willing and desired submission to I the Ordinances of the Gospel ; | and framing their j hearts to an earnest inquirie after the knowledge of | God the Father, and of Jesus Christ | the Saviour of the World. | By Mr. Thomas Shepard, Minister of the Gospel of | Jesus Christ at Cambridge in New England. | ... 4°, pp. (14), 38. London : Printed by R. Cotes for John Bellamy at the three golden I Lions in Cornhill near the Royall Exchange, 1648 I This is the third in the order of publication of the series relating to the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. The following is a reprint : ^ 2117 Shepard. The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel breaking Forth upon the Indians in New England. By Thomas Shepard. 4°, cloth, pp. (22), 56. Large paper. Neio York: Reprinted for Joseph Sahin, 1865 Fifty copies printed. Forms No. x of Sabin"s Reprints, 4° Series. / o-c 2118 Sheppard (J. H.). A Memoir of Samuel G.Drake, A.M., author of the Book of the Indians, History of Boston, etc., etc. By John H. Sheppard. Portrait. 4°, cloth, uncut, pp. 36. Albany : Printed for private distribution, by J. Munsell, 1863 ^^ ^ 2119 Sherburne (A.). Memoirs of Andrew Sherburne: A Pensioner of the Navy of the Revolution. Written by himself. Second Edition Enlarged and Improved. 12°, sheep, pp. 312. Providence: H. H. Broton,\Q'i\ Sherburne was one of the prisoners on the Old Jersey Prison ship. / ^A" 2120 Sherburne (J. H.). Life and Character of John Paul Jones, Captain in the United States Navy during the Revolu- tionary War. 2 vols., 8°, cloth. New York, 1851 2121 Sherrard (R. H.). A Narrative of the Wonderful Escape and Dreadful Sufferings of Colonel James Paul, after the Defeat of Colonel Crawford. 8°, uncut, pp. 22. J. Drake : Cincinnati, 1869 /; 303 2122 Shirley. The Conduct of Major-Gen. Shirley late General and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in North e^C ^ America Briefly stated. 8vo, pp. viii, 130 (1). London : R. and J. Dodsley^ 1758 Written by Shirley or Lord Sterling and full of curious information respecting the war on the New York frontier, attack on Niagara, etc. 2123 Shirley. A Letter from William Shirley, Esq., Governor l^ C^^ of Massachusetts Bay, To his Grace the Duke of Newcastle; With a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg, and other Opera- tions of the Forces, during the Expedition against the French Settlements on Cape Breton ; drawn up at the Desire of the Council and House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay ) approved and attested by Sir William Pep- perell, and the other Principal Officers who commanded in the said Expedition. Published by authority. 8°, pp. 32, half 'morocco^ gilt top. London: E. Owje?!, 1746 2124 Short Narrative A, of the Horrid Massacre in Boston in March, 1770, To which is added, An Appendix. 8°, pp. 122. New York, 1849 2125 Shultz (T.). The Acts of the Apostles, translated into The Arrawack Tongue. By the Rev. Theodore Shultz. 16°, pp. 119. New York : The American Bible Society, 1850 The Arrawak is a savage Indian tribe of Guiana. / CO 2126 [SiGOURNEY (Lydia H.).] Sketch of Connecticut Forty Years Since. 12°, hoards, uncui, pp. 278. Hartford, 1824 With accounts of Narraganset Indians and sketch of Samson Occum Indian Preacher. /^^ 2127 [SiGOURNEY.] Traits of the Aborigines of America. A Poem. 12°, half morocco, uncut, pp. 284. Camhridye, 1822 Includes historical notes, illustrative of the habits of the American Aborigines. •J^ 2128 SiLLERY (N, B. de). Etudes et Recherches Biographiques sur le Chevalier Noel Brulart De Sillery, Pr^tre commandeur, etc. ... fondateur de la Mission de Saint- Joseph, k Sillery, pr^s Quebec, etc. [By Rev. L. E. Bois.] 8°, uncut, pp. 28. Quebec, 1855 ^nnD 2129 SiMCOE (J. G.). A Journal of the Operations of the Queen's Rangers, from the P]nd of the Year 1777, to the Conclusion of the late American War. By Lieutenant-Colonel Simcoe, Com- Imauder of that Corps. Ten large maps and plans of military operations. ^°,calf Exeter : Printed for the Author, \yi%1^ 304 A fine copy of the excessively rare original edition. And is in all respects as good as when issued. " This book was first printed soon after the termination of the War of Independence, but apparently not published, and was almost unknown to exist, until a few years ago, when a copy turned up in a sale (I believe of Mr. Chalmers' Library) and from that copy the edition (of 1844, New fork) was printed." — Rich. '^3^ 2130 Simcoe's Military Journal. A History of the Operations of ' a Partisan Corps called the Queen's Rangers, Commanded by Lieut. Col. J. G. Simcoe, during the War of the American llevolution. 8°, half calf , pp. xvi, 11-328. New York : Bartlett & Welford, 1844 Illustrated by Ten Engraved Plans of Actions, &c. Now First Pub- lished, with a Memoir of the author and other additions. The opera- tions detailed occurred in the vicinity of New York in West Chester county. Long Island, Staten Island, etc. /d^ 2131 SIMMS (J. R.). The American Spy, or Freedom's Early Sacrifice. A Tale of the llevolution, founded upon Fact. Large paper : only 28 copies printed. 8°, uncut. Albany: J. Munsell, 1857 /,^^-r- 2132 SiMMS. History of Schoharie County, and Border Wars of ]:iiew York; containing also a Sketch" of the Causes which led to the American Revolution ; and interesting Memoranda of the Mohawk Valley ; together with much other Historical and mis- cellaneous matter, never before published. Illustrated with more than Thirty Engravings By Jeptha R. Simms. Frontis- piece. 8°, sheep, pp. 672. Albany : Munsell & Tanner^ Printers, 1845 / C~0 2133 Simms. Trappers of New York, or a Biography of Nicholas ■ Stoner & Nathaniel Foster; together with Anecdotes of other celebrated Hunters, and some Account of Sir William Johnson, and his style of Living. By Jeptha R. Simms. 4 plates. 12°, cloth, pp. 287. Albany : J. Munsell, 1860 The murderous hate between the scouts of the Revolution and their Indian foes, survived the war, and furnishes the principal incidents which fill this book. Yj" 2134 Simms (W. G.). The History of South Carolina from its First European Discovery to its erection into a Republic, with a supplementary book, bringing the narrative down to the present time. By William Gilmore Simms. New and Revised Edition. 12°, pp. viii, 437. Redfield, New York, 1860 y /./O^ 2135 SIMMS (W. G.). The Life of Captain John Smith. The Founder of Virginia. By W. Gilmore Simms. 12°, cloth, pp. 379. New York, [1848] 305 2136 SiMMs. The Life of Francis Marion. By "W. Gilmore Simms. Illustrated. 12°. N. Y., [n. d.'] .n^^ 2137 [Simms.] Osceola; or Fact and Fiction; a Tale of the Seminole War. By a Southerner. Portrait. 12°, hoards, pp. (2), 50. New York : Printed hy Harper & Brothers, 1838 An amalgamation of history and romance, which, like all hybrids, is a monstrosity. f^^ 2138 Simon (B, A.). The Hope of Israel ; presumptive Evidence that the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere are descended from the ten Missing Tribes of Israel. By Barbara Anne Simon. 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. 328. London, 1829 ^fQ 2139 Simon. The Ten Tribes of Israel Historically Identified with the Aborigines in the Western Hemisphere. By Mrs. Simon. Plate. 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. xl, 370. London, 1836 /%i^ 2140 Simon (E. P.). The Expedition of Pedro de Ursua & Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado and Omagua in 1560-1. Translated from Fray Pedro Simon's " Sixth Historical Notice of the conquest of Tierra Firme." By William Bollaert... With an Introduction by Clements R. Markham ... Map. 8°. London : Printed for the HaMuyt Society, MDCCCLXI Affords us many relations of the character, condition, and customs of the Indians, inhabiting the territories drained by the northern tributa- ries of the Amazon, three centuries ago. *U.n^'^ 2141 Simpson. The Life and Travels of Thomas Simpson, the / Arctic Discoverer. By his Brother, Alexander Simpson. Por- trait and map. 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. viii, 424. London : Richard Bentley, 1845 i/ '-^ 2142 Simpson (J. H.). Journal of a Military Reconnaisance, from Sante Fe, New Mexico, to the Navajo Country, made with the Troops under command of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel John M. Washington, Chief of ninth Military Department, and Go- vernor of New Mexico, in 1849. By James H. Simpson. 8°, cloth. Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grainho, & (Jo., 1852 With seventy-four colored plates, representative of Indian life, and one of the most accurate and complete of all the narratives of explora- tion of the country of the Zuni and the Pueblos Indians. y? /n 2143 Simpson (T.). Narrative of the Discoveries on the North ^ Coast of America ; effected by the OflScers of the Hudson's Bay Company, during the Years 1836-39. By Thomas Simp- son, Esq. 2 maps. 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. xix. 419. London : Richard Bentley, 1843 Largely composed of relations of the peculiarities of the Indian tribes inhabiting British America, and of incidents of personal inter- course with them. 39 306 />, /^ 2144 Simpson (W. S.). Keport at large of the Trial of Charles /./-J De Reinhard, for Murder, (committed in the Indian Terri- tories), ... at Quebec, May, 1818. To which is annexed, a Summary of Archibald M'Lellan's, indicted as an Accessary. By William S. Simpson. ... 8°. Montreal : Printed hy James Lane, 1819 A continuation of the trials of some Indian half-breeds, for the mur- der of Governor Sample, the first part of which will be found under [Douglas, Thomas] Proceedings, etc. 2145 SiTGREAVES (L.). Report of an Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers. By Captain L. Sitgreaves. Accom- panied by Maps, Sketches, Views, and Illustrations. 77 plates. 8°, cloth, pp. 198. Washington : Beverley Tucker, Printer, 1854 ■^ O 2146 SiTTEN UND Meinungen der Wilden in America. Mit Kupfern. 44 plates. 4 vols., 12°. FranTi-furth am Mayn : hey Johann Gottlieb Garhe, 1777-81 An account of the manners and customs of the American Indians, of both continents, including notices of the nations of some of the South Sea Islands. ^■j ^ A- 2147 Six Nations. Documents Relative to Indian Affairs. 8°, ^ pp.28. INew York,\lU-] Minutes of a Council of Six Nations, and of a treaty with the United States. * ^ (y 2148 Sketch of St. Anthony and Minneapolis, Minn. Territory. Illustrated. 12°, pp. 32. St. Anthony, 1857 .^0 2149 Sketch of the Olden Time, A; or General Lee's Farewell Dinner, at New York. Founded on Fact: being the first of a Series of Revolutionary Tales : By an Antiquary. Pp. 44. New York, 1829 j_ ^^ 2150 Sketch of the Seminole War. And Sketches during a Campaign. By a Lieutenant of the Left wing. 12°, boards, pp. iv (1) -f-311. Charleston: Dan. J. Bowling, 1836 , Vx- 2151 Sketches of Mission Life among the Indians of Oregon. / 5 plates. 16°, cloth, uncut, pp. 220. New York : Carlton & Porter, 1854 /~''26~ 2152 Sketches of the War between the United States and the British Isles, intended as a Faithful History of all the Material Events from the Time of Declaration in 1812, to and including the Treaty of Peace in 1815. Interspersed with Geographical Descriptions of Places, and Biographical Notices of distinguished Military and Naval Commanders 8°, sliee^), pp. IV 496. Rutland, Vt., 1815 /Pi 307 2153 Sketches of the West, or the Home of the Badgers : com- prising aa Early History of Wisconsin, with a Series of familiar Letters and Remarks on Territorial Character and Chai-acteris- tics, etc. Map. 8°, pp. 48. Milwaukee : J. A. Hop7cins, 1847 [)'y 1254 Slade (W.). Vermont State Papers ; being a Collection of Records and Docurncnts connected with the Assumption and Establishment of Grovernment by the People of Vermont. To- gether with the first Constitution and the Laws from 1779, to 1786. Compiled by Wm. Slade, Jan. 8°, sheep. Middlehury, 1823 r) /) ^;f 2155 Slight (B.). Indian Researches ; or, Facts concerning the ^ ,'^ North American Indians; including Notices of their present state of Improvement, in their Social, Civil, and Religious Condition; with Hints for their future Advancement. By Benjamin Slight. 12°, cloth, pp. 179. 3Iontreal, the author, 1844 This unpretending little work is the expression of the personal ex- perience of a candid and thoughtful man, on the structure of the Indian languages. /yb 2156 Smet (P, J. de). The Indian Missions in the United States of America, under the care of the Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus. 12°, pp. 34. Philadelphia : King & Baird, Printers, 1841 "Lrrv 2157 Smet. Letters and Sketches with a Narrative of a Year's Residence among the Indian Tribes of the Rocky Mountains. By P. J. De Smet, S. J. Plate, 12°, cloth, pp. 252. Philadelphia : M. Fithian, 1843 ;> /I ^^ 2158 Smet. Missions de I'Oregon et voyages dans les Mantagnes "^/^ Rocheusesen 1845, et 1846, par le P6re P. J. De Smet, de la Societe de Jesus. Ouvrage traduit de 1' Anglais, Par M. Bourlez. 12°, plates, 12°, half hound, pp. 408. Paris: Poussiel gue-Rusaud, 1848 y /) 2159 Smet. Oregon Missions and Travels over the Rocky ^ Mountains, in 1845-46. By Father P.J. De Smet, of the Sjciety of Jesus. 12°, cloth, pp. 412. New York : Edward Dunigan, MDCCCXLVII. y^^-' 2160 Smet. New Indian Sketches By Rev. J. De Smet, S. J. • ' 12mo, cloth, pp. 175. New York : D & J. JSadler, & Co., 1865 o ^/-i 2161 Smet. Western Missions and Missionaries: A Series of ^- / Letters, by Rev. P. J. De Smet ... Portrait. 12mo, c-fo^/t, pp. ' 582. New York: James B. K{rker,\^m 308 ^ y^ ,- 2162 Smethurst (Gamaliel). A | Narrative | of an | Extraor- /■'^^ dinary Escape | out of the | Hands of the Indians, | in the] Gulph of St. Lawrence ; | interspersed | With a Description of the Coast, and Remarks on the Customs and Manners j of the Savages there : | Also, | A Providential Escape after a Shipwreck, in coming from | the Island St. John, in said Gulph ; with an Account of the Fisheries | round that Island. | Likewise, | A Plan for reconciling the Differences hetween Great Britain and her I Colonies. | By Gamaliel Smethurst. Large 4°, pp. 48. | London : Printed for the author ; | And Sold hy J. Bew, MDCCLXXIV ^ c^-T> 2163 Smith (Buckingham). Apalachian and Timuquean Docu- ments. Seven Sheets in the ancient languages of Florida, and in Spanish. Folio. 1860 /. ^ 6^ 2164 Smith (E. R.). The Araucanians ; or, Notes of a Tour among the Indian Tribes of Southern Chili. By Edmund Eeuel Smith, of the U. S. N. Astronomical Expedition in Chili. Plates. 12°, doth, uncut. New York, 1855 /.^5~ 2165 Smith (E.). View of the Hebrews; or the Tribes of Israel in America. ... By Ethan Smith, ... Second Edition, Improved and Enlarged. 12°, sAee;;, pp. 285. Poultney {Vt.'), 1825 He insists most strenuously upon the similarity of certain Hebrew words to synonymous terms in Indian languages. * P4-C\o o 2166 Smith (J.). An Account | of the | Remarkable Occur- rences I in the Life and Travels of | Col. James Smith, ] (Now a Citizen of Bourbon County, Kentucky),] during his Captivity with the Indians, | in the years 1755, '56, '57, '58, & '59, | In which the Customs, Manners, Traditions, Theological Sen j ti- ments, Mode of Warfare, Military Tactics, Discipline and | En- campments, Treatment of Prisoners, &c., are better ex | plained and more minutely narrated, than has been heretofore | done by any author on that subject. Together with a De | scription of the Soil, Timber and Waters, where he travel | led with the In- dians, during his captivity. | To which is added, | A Brief Ac- count of some Very Uncommon Occurrences, which | transpired after his return from captivity ; as well as of the | Different Campaigns carried on against the Indians to the | Westward of Fort Pitt, since the year 1755, to the present | date. Written by Himself | 8°, pp. 88. Lexington : I Printed hi/ John Bradford, on Main Street, | 1779 I Original edition of one of the rarest works of western history. In- deed, in tlie quality of rarity, it is only exceeded by Loudon's Narra- tive. Colonel Smith was himself the type of the chivalric, brave, and 309 generous frontiersman, of whicli class Daniel Boone and Simon Kenton were famous examples. He possessed the advantage of an intellect, cultivated in the rude border schools, it is true, yet not ill cultivated in such places as heroes were not seldom bred. 2167 Smith. A Treatise on the Mode and Manner of Indian War, their Tactics, Discipline and Encampment, the various Methods they Practise, in order to obtain the Advantage, by Ambush, Surprise, Surrounding, &c. Ways and Means pro- posed to Prevent the Indians from obtaining the Advantage. A Chart, or Plan of Marching, and Encamping, laid down, whereby we may undoubtedly Surround them, if we have Men sufficient. Also — A Brief Account of Twenty-three Cam- paigns, carried on against the Indians with the Events since the year 1755 ; Gov. Harrison's included. By Col. James Smith. Likewise — Some Abstracts selected from bis Journal, while in Captivity with the Indians, relative to the Wars : which was published many years ago, but few of them now to be found. 12°, pp. 29. Paris: Printed hy Joel R. Lyle, 1812 The Narrative of Colonel Smith's Captivity had ah'eady become scarce, when the patriotic veteran, on the breaking out of the war with Great Britian, fully comprehending the danger of underrating the savage foe, whom that government would make its allies, issued this treatise of military instruction. The work has become even rarer than the previous lot. ^ 2168 Smith. An Account of the Remarkable Occurrences in the ^^' Life and Travels of Col. James Smith, during his Captivity with the Indians, in the years 1755, 56, 57, 58, & 59. With An Appendix of Illustrative Notes. By Wm. M. Darlington, of Pittsburgh. Royal 8°, pp. xil, 190. Cincinnati, Robert Clarke & Co., 1870 Is greatly enriched by the notes of Mr. Darlington, a gentleman whose knowledge of western history and the localities of its historic scenes, is more intimate and accurate than that of any person now living. I 2169 Smith (J.). The | General Historie | of | Virginia, New- _, England, and the Summer | Isles : with the names of the Ad- ^^ venturers, | Planters, and the Govcrnours from their | first beginning An° : | 1584. to this | present 1624. | With the Pro- ceedings of those Severall .Colonies | and the Accidents that be- fell them in all their | Journyes and Discoveries. | Also the Maps and Descriptions of all those | Countryes, their Commo- dities, people, I Government, Customes, and Religion | yet knowne. | Divided into sixe Bookes. | By Captnine Tohn Smith somotymes Govcrnour | in those Countryes &; Admirall | of ///-: :^ 310 New-England. | 4 maps. Folio, pp. (14) 248. Fine copy, levant morocco, by Vv'. Mathews. London : \ Printed hy I. D. and j 7. H. for Michael \ SjKirkes, I 1624 The greater part of tlie value of tliis work, consists in the perfection and identity of the maps. The first edition is the most desirable when it possesses the maps properly belonging to it. In the subsequent editions, the maps underwent such alterations as distinguish each of them from the others- It is so commonly the case, as almost to form the rule, that even the best copies of Smith's book have been made up by the substitution of later editions of some of the maps. This uncer- tainty extends even to the portraits. That of the Dachesse of Rich- mond, is generally supposed to have been reengraved, and collectors have been somewhat puzzled to ascertain if their copies were originals I have copies both of the original impression, and the so called replica, and the distinction between the original impressions and the subse- quent ones, consists in the cross hatchings which were made after the impressions were taken for Smith's history. 2170 Smith. The | Trve Travels, | Adventvres, | and | Observa- tions I Of I Captaine lohn Smith, | In Europe. x\sia, Affrica, , and America, from Anno | Domini j 1583 to 1629. | His Acci- ' dents and Sea-fights in the Straights.liis Service |... After how he was taken prisoner by the Turks, Sold for a Slave, sent into | Tartaria,...| Together with a continuation of his general History of Virginia, i Sammer-lsles, New fitigiand, and their proceed- ings since 1624, to this | present 1629 ; as also of the new Plan- tations of the great | Hiver of the Amazons, the Isles of St. Christopher, Mevis, | and Barbados in the West Indies. | All written by actuall Authours, whose names | you shall finde along the History.] Plate. Folio, Tp]^ {12) Gi),leva7it morocco, by Bradstreet. London : Printed hy J. H. for Thomas Slater, and are to bee I sold at the Blew Bible in Greene Arbour, 1630. | (r> ^iT 2171 Smith. The Trve Travel.-^, Adventvres, and Observations "/ of Captaine lohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke. and America : beginning about the yeere 1593, and continuing to this present 1629. 2 vols., 8°, half morocco, (jilt top, uncut. From the Loudon edition of 1629. Richmond, 1819 " The typographical and cartographical execution of these volumes is much more deserving of praise than their literary qualities. The maps are beautifully reproduced in fac-simile, and the text as admirably printed, but the various works of Captain John Smith, adventurer, poet, and historian, are blended in an exceedingly puzzling way, for ascer- taining when the history of Virginia begins and the true travels end." Field. flf 1^ 2172 Smith A True Relation of Virginia by Captain John Smith, With an Introduction and Notes by Charles Deanc. 4°. cloth, pp. xvii. -f (vi.) -f 88. Boston: Wiggin & Lnnt, MDCCCLXVI. 311 ^(f 2173 Smith (J.). A Description of New England : 1616. 8°, clotli. Reprinted n. d. J (T '^ 2174 Smith (J.). Narrative of the Shipwreck and Sufferings of the Crew and Passengers of the English brig Neptune [...]. By John Smith, A Native of New York, ... Of seventeen Souls on |h;' board but six succeeded in reaching the shore [...], were fortu- K nately discovered and conducted to an English Settlement by P a friendly Indian. 12°, pp. 36. New York : J. Smith, 1830 ^{1 2175 Smith (John Russell). Catalogue of Twenty-Five Thousand Volumes of Choice, Useful and Curious Books. 8°, cloth. London, 1860 /o^ 2176 Smith. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of ... Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Maps, Engravings, and ... Portraits, illustrating the History and Geography of ... America, and the West Indies,... for sale. ... By John Russell Smith. 8°, cloth. pp. (8) 308. London, mdccclxv /^f 2177 Smith Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of ... Books, illustrating the History and Geography of... America and the West Indies. Collected by John Russel Smith. On Sale ... by Alfred Russel Smith. 8°, cloth, pp. vii, 234. London, mdccclxxi /c^v 2178 Smith (J. R). Bibliotheca Americana, a Catalogue of... Books ... illustrating the History and Geography of... America and the West Indies. 8°. Lond., 1874 /.Vf 2179 Smith (J. H.). Record of the Trial of Joshua Hett Smith ' Esq., for alleged complicity in treason of Benedict Arnold. 8°, cloth. Morrisania. 1866 ; 50 copies printed. I^,^^" 2180 Smith (J. T.) The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century: By Joshua Toulmin Smith. Map. Post ^°, cloth, uncut. London: Charles Tiit,'\9>'^2 All the arguments in favor of the author's hypothesis, are derived from the ancient sagas, Indian traditions, and inscriptions on the rocks. nry r-2'\Sl Smith (M.). An affecting Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Mary Smith, Who with her Husband and three daughters, were taken Prisoners by the Indians, in August last (1814) and after enduring the most cruel Hardships and Torture of mind for Sixty Days (in which time she witnessed the tragical death of her Husband and helpless Children) was fortunately Rescued from the merciless hands of the Savages by a detached party from the army of the brave General Jackson, now commanding at New Orleans. Plate. 12°, pp. 24. Providence (^R. J.) : Printed hy L. Scott, [1817] 312 2182 Smith [Title as above with the addition of:] S^^ As the preceding pages will be found to con | tain a particular account of the engagement j between the handful of Jackson's brave boys, I and the party of Savages above alluded to | the reader may judge of what materials j the hardy sons of Tennessee & Ohio I are composed. | 12°, pp. 24. Frovidence {R. I.) : Printed for L. Scott (1818) ^.>^^'' 2183 Smith (M.). ... Concise History of the War in Canada. / 18°. Baltimore : P. Maura, 12,14: 2184 Smith (M.). "A Complete History of the Late American War," etc. 18°, pp. 287 (1). Lexington, Ky., 1816 Contains some interesstiug particulars of the Indian allies of Great Britain and has a curious bibliographical history. See Field's Essay, No. 1454. /. ^O- 2185 Smith (0. H.). Early Indiana Trials and Sketches. Kemi- niscences by Hon. 0. H. Smith. 8°, cloth. Cincinnati, 1858 '3^" 2186 Smith (S). The Thrilling and Romantic story of Sarah Smith and the Hessian, an original tale of the American Revolution, to which is added Female heroism Exemplified. Together with Mr. Keith's Captivity among the American Indians. 8°, pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1844 9/ ,^^ 2187 Smith (S.). Powhatan a Metrical Romance in Seven Cantos. By Seba Smith. 12°. 1 New York : Harper & Brothers, 1841 IICJ.^ (With notes on Indian history). / ' / /- 2188 Smith (S.). The History of the Colony of Nova-Cacsaria, pAo^i or New-Jersey; Containing, an Account of its First Settlement, ' ^o , Progressive Improvements, the Original and Present Constitu- »^Vv2-' /p . cJi- tion, and other Events, to the Year 1721. With some Particulars / /rl^ *x since, and a short View of its Perfect State. 8', ca^/*, fine large t//^^ , /QO'^ . copy, scarce. ^Vi ^ ' Bwlington, in New Jersey : James Parker, MDCCLXV. The author was a native of the Colony the History of which he writes, and his work is much esteemed. Kich (in his Bib. Am. 1846) describes it as having become " very scarce and difficult to be met with." , ,— 2189 Smith (T. M.). Legends of the War of Independence, and ^ {) of the earlier Settlements in the west. 8°, cloth. Louisville, Ky. : J. F. Brennan, 1855 Considerable portion is devoted to biographical sketches of Indian fighters and their rencontres with the savages. Jirlf^ /. 313 / 2190 Smith. Journals of the Rev. Thomas Smith, and the Rev. ,()'}' Samuel Deane, Pastors of the fiist Church in Portland, with Notes and Biographical Notices ; and a Summary History of Portland. By VVm. Willis. Wants Title. Portrait. 8°, pp. 483 (1). Portland, Joseph S. Bailey, 1849 /^^^2191 Smith (W.). History Of the Province of New- York, from / ' the first Discovery to the year M.DCC.xxxil. To which is an- nexed a Description of the Country, with a Short Account of the Inhabitants, their Trade, Religion and Political State, and the Constitution of the Courts of Justice in that Colony. By William Smith, A.M. 4°, half mor., gilt top. London: T. Wilcox, MDCCLVII Original and best edition, with plate of Oswego. f S^o 2192 Smith (Hon. Wm.). The History of the late Province of New York. Vol. 1. 8°, cloth, uncut. New York, 1829 2193 [Smith (William).] An A,ccount of the Proceedings of the Illinois and Oubache Land Companies, In pursuance of their Purchases made of the Independent Natives, July 5th, 1773, and 18th October, 1775. 8°, half levant mar., pp. (16), 55. Philadelphia: Printed by William Young, 17 9Q 2194 [Smith.] A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, in which the Conduct of their Assemblies for several Years past is impartially examined, and the true Cause of the Con- tinual Encroachments of the French displayed, more especially the secret Design of their late unwarrantable Invasion and Set- tlement upon the River Ohio. To which is annexed. An easy Plan for restoring Quiet in the public Measures of that Pro- vince, and defeating the ambitious Views of the French in time to come. In a Letter from a Gentleman who has resided many Years in Pennsylvania to his Friend in London. The Third Edition. 8°, half morocco extra, pp. 47, L. C. P. London: R. Griffiths, 1756 A well written party tract in the Penn interest. Dr. Franklin is suijposed to have had a hand in it. ^ 2195 Smith. Brief State of Pennsylvania. lmY).'^°,clbth, uncut. Neio York : Joseph Sahin, 1865 ^^Q 2196 [Smith.] A | Brief View | Of the Conduct of | Pennsylva- nia, I For the Year 1755 ; | So far as it alfected the General Ser- vice of the I British Colonies, particularly the Expedition | under the late General Braddock, | With an Account of the shocking Inhumanities, | committed by Incursions of the Indians upon the I Province in October and November, ... Interspersed with 40 •A A' 314 several interesting Anecdotes and Original | Papers, relating to the Politics and Principles of | the People called Quakers : Being a Sequel to | a late well known Pamphlet, | intitled, | A Brief State of Pennsylvania. | In a Second Letter to a Friend in London, j 8°, half levant morocco^ uncut, pp. 88. London : \ 1756 , ^6 2197 Smith. A Discourse Concerning the Conversion of the Heathen Americans, and the final Propagation of Christianity and the Sciences to the Ends of the Earth, in Two Parts... By William Smith, D.D. ... 8°, pp. (2), iii, (i), 53. Philadelphia : Printed hy ^Y. Dunlap, MDCCCLX /<^^7T7 2198 [Smith.] An Historical Account | of the Expedition | against the Ohio Indians, | in the Year mdcclxiv. | Under the com- mand of I Henry Bouquet, Esq. | Colonel of Foot, and now Brigadier General in America. | Including his Transactions with the Indians, | Relative to the Delivery of their Prisoners, | And the Preliminaries of Peace. | With an Introductory Account of the Preceding Campaign, j and Battle at Bushy-Run. | To which are annexed | Military Papers, | Containing Reflections on the War with the Savages; a Method of forming Frontier | Settle- ments; some Account of the Indian Country ; with a List of I Nations, Fighting Men, Towns, Distances, and different Routs. j The whole illustrated with a Map and Copper- Plates | Published from authentic Documents, by a Lover of his Country. | Map, plan, 2 plates. 4°, pp. xiii, 71. Philadelphia printed : \ London : Reprinted for T. , Jeffries, ... M.DCC.LXVI.| /y^'^0 2199 [Smith.] The same. First edition. 4°, calf. ^ ^ Philadelphia : William Bradford, MDCCLXV. Narrates the details of the first victory, plained over Indian forces by English troops, after the savages had been taught the use of fire- arms. Nearly twenty years elapsed before the whites gained another, X Q during which period they suffered such dreadful defeats in thirteen A / , battles at the hands of the Indians, that the blood thickens with horror >i' ' at their narration. Colonel Bouquet by his j udicious arrangements first laid down the plan, in following which General Wayne secured the same result. .L/6fi X-^o 2200 Smith (W.). Historical Account of Bouquet's Expedition. Against the Ohio Indians, in 1764. With Preface, by Francis Parkman, and a Translation of Dumas' Biographical Sketch of General Bouquet. Imperial 8°, cloth, uncut. Cincinnati, O. : Robert Clarke & Co., 1868 /(^' 315 2201 [Smith.] Relation Historique de I'Expedition, contre Les Indiens de I'Ohio en mdcclxiv. Commandee parle Chevalier ri Henry Bouquet, Colonel d Infanterie, & ensuite Brigadier- General en Amerique ; contenant ses Transactions avec les In- diens, relativement h, la deliverance des Prisonniers & aux Pre- limenaires de la Paix ; avec un Beeit introductoire de la Cam- pagne prec^dente de Van 17ii3. & de la Bataille de Bushy-Bun. Ou y a joint des Memoires Militaires contenant des Beflections sur la guerre avec les Sauvages : une Method de former des etablissemens sur la Frontiers : quelques details concernant la contree des Indiens ; avec une liste de nations, combattons, villes, distances, & diverses routes. Le tout enrichi des Cartes & Taille-douces. Traduit de TAnglois, Par C. G. F. Dumas. 6 plates. 8°, calf. A Amsterdam : Chez Marc-Micliael Rey, M.DCC.LXIX The Preface is a sketch of the life of Colonel Bouquet, written by the French translator, Mons. Dumas, and adds some very desirable I information to our previous knowledge of the skillful officer and wise ■ net^oiiator, whose last peaceful campaign was not excelled in military sagacity by his former bloody one. , f^ 2202 Smith. An Oration in Memory of General Montgomery, and of the Officers and Soldiers, who Fell with Him, December ,ss 31, 1775, before Quebec; drawn up (and delivered February K 19th, 1776) At the Desire of the Honorable Continental Cong- K ress : By William Smith, D.D. ... 4°, pp. 44. B PMladelpliia : Printed hy John Dimlap, M,DCC,LXXVI / b^ 2203 Smith (W. H). Canada ; Past, Present and Future, being a I^istorical, Geographical, Geological and Statistical Account of Canada West. With maps. 2 vols., 8°. Toronto, 1851 <, 2204 Smith (W. B.). Observations on the Wisconsin Territory, chiefly on that part called the " Wisconsin Land District," with a Map, exhibiting the settled parts of the Territory, as laid off in counties by Act of Legislature in 1837. 12°, pp. 184. Philadelphia, 1888 t^ 2205 Smith (Wm. B.). History of Wisconsin. Part 1, Historical, Vol. 1. Part 2, Documentary, Vol. 3. 2 vols., 8°. Madison, 1854 2206 Smithsonian Institution. Annual Bcport of the Board of Begents of the the Smithsonian Institution showing the Opera- tions, Expenditures and Condition of the Institution for the Year. 25 vols., 8°, cloth and jmper. Washington, 1847-1871 Contains a large amount of material relating to the history, char- acter, and antiquities of the American Indians, as well as treatises on the structure of tlieir langnnges, all of which were prepared by the most intelligent and thoroughly proi)ared writers. //. /, 316 . f^"^ 2207 [Smollett (Tobias).]. An Account of the Expedition to Carfhagena, with Explanatory Notes and Observations. The Second Edition. 8°, pp. 58. London : 31. Cooper^ mdccxliii 2208 Smyth (J. F. D.). A Tour in the United States of America : Containing An Account of the Present Situation of that Country : The Population, Agriculture, Customs, and Manners of the In- habitants ; Anecdotes of Several Members of the Congress, and General Officers in the American Army ; and Many other very singular and interesting Occurrences. With a Description of the Indian Nations ... By J. F. D. Smyth. 2 vols., 8°, calf. London : G. Robinson, mdcclxxxiv The Tory scout and spy, who was the author of these volumes, nar- rowly escaped hanging by the Whigs on more than one occasion, but lived to record many interesting particulars of the first days of the Revolution, and some incidents and statistics, regarding the Indians, of no great consequence. /^XS^ 2209 Smyth (TV.), and Lowe (F.), Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para, across the Andes and down the Amazon; un- dertaken with a view of ascertaining the practicability of a Navigable Communication with the Atlantic, by the Rivers Pachitea, Ucayali, and Amazon. By Lieutenant W. Smyth, and Mr. F. Lowe. 13 plates and maps. 8°, cloth uncut, pp. 305. London: John 3Jurra^, UDCCCXXXVI Chapter s., xi., and xii., are devoted to a minute description of several Indian tribes, not hitherto noticed. /,%S' 2210 Snelling (L.). Kabaosa; or, the Warriors of the West. A Tale of the last war. By Mrs. Anna L. Snelling. 12°, cloth. New York, 1842 % (o'^ 2211 [Snelling (W. J.).] Tales of the Northwest ; or, fetches of Indian Life and Character. By a Resident beyond the Frontier. 12°, half morocco, uncut, pp. viii. 288. Boston ; Billiard, Gray, Little, & Wilkins, MDCCCXXX • ,^ 2212 Snow (C. H.). A Geography of Boston, County of SuflFolk, etc. Maps and plates, 16°, boards. 1830 ff 2213 [Snowden.] History of the American Revolution in Script- ure Style. Port, of Washington. 12°, sheep. Frederick County, 3Id., 1823 ^'q-c 2214 Snowdon (J. R.). The Cornplanter Memorial. An His- torical Sketch of Gy-ant wa-chia — The Cornplanter, and of the Six Nations of Indians. By James Ross Snowdon, and the Report of Samuel P. Johnson, on the Erection of the Monu- ment at Jennesadaga, to the Memory of Cornplanter. 8°, pp. 115. Earrisburg, Pa. : 1867 The testimony of the descendants of the whites who murdered his countrymen, to the virtues and talents of an Indian chief. 317 ^ ^^-^ 2215 SoBOLEWSKi (S.). Catalogue de la Collection precieuse de livres ancieunes et modernes formaut la bibliotheque de feu M. Serge Sobolewski (de Moscow). 8°. Leipzig, 1873 Includes a fine collection of Americana, a rare series of De Biy, &c. 2216 Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. Repoi'ts of the Select Committee. 8°, pp. 28. Cambridge, 1819. Do. 8°, pp. 24. Cambridge, 1824 %l'l^ 2217 SOLIS (A. de). The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Done into English from the Original Spanish of Don Antoino de Solis, Secretary and Historiographer to His Majesty. By Thomas Townsend. Five books, paged separately, and seven plates and maps. Folio, half bound. London, MDCCXXIV y ^^ 2218 Solis. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, Translated into English from the Original Spanish of Don Antonio de Solis, Secretary and Historiographer To His Catholick Majesty, By Thomas Townshend, Esq. ; ... The whole Translation Revised and Corrected By Nathaniel Hooke, Esq.... 8 plates and maps. 2 vols., 8°, calf. pp. (vi), x, 479 ; xii, 475. London : John Osborn, M.DCC.XXXVIII o ^ 2219 Some Account of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends towards the Indian Tribes in the Settlement of the Colonies of East and West Jersey and Pennsylvania : with a Brief Narrative of their Labours for the Civilization and Christ- ian Instruction of the Indians, from the time of their settlement in America to the year 1843. Map. 8°, pp. (4), 247. London : Edward Marsh, 1844 Publications relative to the Aborigines, No. 9. ^ So 2220 Some Reasons Why the Pending Cherokee Treaty Should be Ratified. We ask to be heard. 8°, cover 2 1. & pp. 20. Washington : Joseph L. Pearson, printer, 1870 / %^ 2221 South Carolina Historical Society Collections. 3 vols , 8°. Charleston, 1857-59 .;2^j- 2221* The Same. Vol. 1. 1857 .^y 2222 Spafford (H. G.). Gazetteer of New York. Map and rare view of Lake George. 8°, sheep. Albany, 1813 1^^ 2223 Sparks. The Life of Gouverneur Morris, with Selections from His Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers 3 Detailing Events in the American Revolution. Portrait. 3 vols., 8°, boards. 1832 318 '.So 2224 Sparks (J.). Catalogue of the Library of Jared Sparks with a List of the Historical Manuscripts collected by him ... 8°. Cambridge, 1871 S'Z6~ 2225 Spaulding (M. J.). Sketches of the Early Catholic Mis- sions of Kentucky : from their Commencement in 1787, to the Jubilee of 1826-7 : embracing a summary of the early History of the State ; the Adventures of the first Catholic Emigrants ; Biographical Notices of the Early Missionaries; ... compiled from authentic Sources, with the Assistance of the very Rev. Stephen Theodore Badin, the first priest Ordained in the United States. By M. J. Spaulding, D.D. 12°, clrjth, pp. 308. Louisville : B. J. Webb & Brother, [ii d.'\ /,0 6 2226 Speeches, delivered by several Indian Chiefs. Also an ex- tract of a letter from an Indian Chief. 12°, pp. 23. New York : printed by Samuel Wood. Reprinted at Ipswich by J. Bush, 1812 / ^O 2227 Speeches on the Passage of the Bill for the Removal of the Indians, made in the Congress of the United States, April and May, 1830. 8°, half morocco, pp. 304. Boston : 1830 ^'7 2228 Spencer (0. M.). Narrative of Oliver M. Spencer ; com- / prising An Account of his Captivity among the Mohawk Indians, in North America. Second Edition. Revised from the Ori- ginal Papers ... 12°, cloth. London : John 31ason, 1842 /,/y~ 2229 Spencer. Indian Captivity : A True Narrative of the Cap- ture of Rev. 0. M. Spencer, by the Indians, in the neighborhood of Cincinnati. Written by hi m.self. Plates. 16°, pp. 160. New York, Carlton & Lanahun, [1854] Jf-O 2230 Spedon (A. L.). Rambles among the Blue-Noses. 12°. Montreal, 1863 ■ 36~ 2231 Spix (J. B. V.) and Martinus (C. F ). Travels in Brazil, in the Years 1817-1820. Undertaken by Command of His Majesty the King of Bavaria. By Dr. Job. Bapt. ^'on Spix, and Dr. C. F. Phil. Von Martins. 2 vols., 8°, boards uncut. y London : Longman & Co., 1824 --"). /^ 2232 Spizelius (T.). Theophili Spizelii elevatio RehUionis Monteziuianae de Repertis in America 1'ribubus Israeliticis ; et Discussio Argumeutorum Pro Origine Gentium Americanarum Israelitica a Menasse Ben Israel ... 8°. Basileae : Joannem Konig, 1661 Sti'ictures of Tlieo. Spizelius on tlie account of Montesinos, concern- ing the Israelitish tribes found in America ; and discussion of the ar- guments for the Israelitish origin of the American people, by Manasse Ben Israel, in the hope of the triumph of Israel. ^ys' 319 ,^() 2233 Sprague (Mr.). Speech of Mr. Sprague, of Maine, de- livered in the Senate of the United States, IGth April, 1830, in reply to Messrs. White, McKinley, and Forsyth, upon the sub- ject of the Removal of the Indians. 8°, pp. 36. Washington, 1830 2234 Sprague (J. T.). The Origin, Progress, and Conclusion of the Florida War ; to which is appended a record of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Musicians, and Privates of tlie U. S. Army and Marine corps, who were Killed in Battle, or died of Disease. ... By John T. Sprague. 10 plates. 8°, clofh. New York, 1848 • J^ 2235 Sprengel (M. C.) Geschichte der Eevolution von Nord- America. Colored Map. 12°, hoards. Frankenthal, 1788 / c>^x> 2236 Spring (S.). A Sermon, delivered before the Massachu- setts Missionary Society, at their anuual meeting May 25, 1802. By Samuel Spring, A. M. ... The Annual Eeport also of the Trustees, and several interesting matters relative to Missions. 8°, pp. 76. Newhuryport : Printed hy C. M. Blunt, 1802 / '^^'^ 2237 Sproat (G. M.). Scenes and Studies of Savage Life. By Gilbert Malcolm Sproat. 1 Plate, 12°, doth, uncut. London : Smith, Elder, & Co., 1868 2238 Squier (E. G.). Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York. Comprising the results of original Surveys and Explorations j with an illustrative appendix, by E. G. Squier, A.M. ... Accepted for publication by the Smithsonian Institu^ tion, October 20th, 1849. 4°, half morocco. Washington \_n. d.~\ 2239 Squier (E. G.). American Archselogical Researches, No. 1, The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the reciprocal principles of Nature in America. By E. G. Squier. 8°, cloth. New York, 1851 / ^^ 2240 Squier (Ephraim George). American Ethnology: Being a summary of some of the Results which have followed the Investigation of this Subject. Ey E. G. Squier. pp. 14. \n- p., n. J.] 2241 Squier. Central America, Honduras, and St. Salvador, their Geography, Topography, Climate, Population, Resources, Productions, etc. 8°. New York, 1855 ^v-c? 2242 Squier. Collections of Rare and Original Documents and Relations, concerning The Discovery and Conquest of America. Chiefly from the Spanish Archives, No. 1. Published in the Original, with Translations, Illustrative Notes, Maps, and Bio- graphical Sketches, By E. G. Squier. 4°, uncut. New York, 1860 ^/. h/i' 320 The first volume of an intended series, which has so far been followed by no other. The second title announces the subject of the work : Being a Description of the Ancient Provinces of Guazapan, Izalco, Cuscatlan, and Chiquimula, in the Audencia of Guatemala : With An Account of the Languages, Customs and Religion of their Aboriginal Inliabitants and a Description of the Huins of Copan. /^ y t> 2243 Squier. Historical and Mythological Traditions of the Algonquins ; With a Translation of the " "Walum-Olum," or Bark Record of the Lenni Lenape. By E. G. Squier. 8°, pp. 23. \j^'P-t *i- '^•j /.y^'^ 2244 Squier (E. Gr.) New Mexico and California. The Ancient Monuments, and the Aboriginal, Semi-Civilized Nations of New Mexico and California. By E. Gr. Squier, A.M. 8°, pp. 26. New York, 1848 jZ-^o 2245 Squier. Nicaragua; its People, Scenery, Monuments, and the proposed Interoceanic Canal. With numerous Illustrations and original Maps. By E. C. Squier. 2 vols., 8°, cloth. Mew York, MDCCCLVI Mr. Squier's explorations form a fitting sequel to those of Mr. Ste phens, extending as they did over an adjacent territory, equally rich in the relics of the ingenious and civilized race of aborigines which once peopled it. Almost every article of their manufacture, which was not readily perishable, is represented in the excellent engravings. f^ %^ 2246 Squier, Observations on the Aboriginal Monuments of the Mississippi Valley ; the character of the Ancient Earth-Works, and the Structure, Contents, and Purposes of the Mounds : with Notices of the minor Eemains of Ancient Art. With Illustrations. By E. G. Squier. Plans. 8°, hoards, pp. 2. New York : Bartlett & Welford, 1847 / 3 V 2247 Squier. Observations on the Uses of the Mounds of the / West, with an attempt at their Classification, By E. G. Squier, Chillicothe, Ohio. 8°, pp. 14. New Haven, 1847 ^7 2248 [Squire.] Waikna ; or Adventures on the Musquito Shore, By Samuel A. Bard. 12°, cloth, pp. 365. New York, 1855 ^O O 2249 Squier and Davis. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley : comprising the Results of Extensive Original Surveys and Explorations. By E. G. Squier, A.M., and E. H. Davis, M.D. x\ccepted for publication by the Smithsonian Institution, June, 1847. 48 Plates. 4°, cloth. \_Washingt07i, 184S.'] Forms Vol. i of the Smithsonian Contribution to Knowledge, and is now very scarce. • ^i^' 2250 Stamford, Conn. Historical Address, Stamford, Ct, At the Celebration of Second Centennial ...of the First Settlement of the Town. By Rev. J. W. Alvord. pp. 40. A^. Y, 1842 321 , ^^ 2251 Stanley (J. M.). Portraits of North American Indians, with Sketches of Scenery, etc. Painted by J. M. Stanley. Deposited with the Smithsonian Institute. 8°, pp. 7G. Washington : Smithsonian Institution^ 1852 ■^% 2252 Stansbury (H.). Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Grreat Salt Lake of Utah, including a Reconnoissance of a New Route through the Rocky Mountains. By Howard Stans- bury, Captain Corps Topographical Engineers, U. S. Army, 8°, cloth. Philadelphia : Lippincott, Gramho & Co., 1852 2253 Stansbury (P.). Pedestrian Tour in North America, with Views, in one vol. 12°, half calf. Also " Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas ... Translated from the French [of Berquin, Duvallon], by John Davis. New York, 1806. • ^.j' 2254 Staples (Wm. R.). The Documentary History of the De- struction of the Gaspee: ... compiled for the Providence Jour- nal. Royal 8°, pp. 66. Providence, 1845 J- /O^ 2255 Stark (Caleb). Memoir and Official Correspondence of Gen. John Stark, with notices of several other Officers of the Revolution. Also, a Biography of Capt. Phineas Stevens, and of Col. Robert Rogers, with an Account of his Services in Ame- rica during the " Seven Years' War." By Caleb Stark. Port- rait. Med. 8°. pp. 495. Concord, 1860 '^ W 2256 Statement, A, of the Indian Relations : with a reply to the / article in the sixty-sixth number of the North American Re- view, on the Removal of the Indians. 8°, pp. 21. New York: Clayton arid Van Norden printers, 1830 (7 2257 Stedman (C). History of the Origin, Progress, and Ter- mination of the American War. By C. Stedman, who served under Sir W. Howe, Sir H. Clinton, and the Marquis Corn- wallis ... 2 vols., 4°, calf. London, 1794 % ao 2258 Stedman (J. G.). Narrative, of a Five Years' Expedition, against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America ; from the year 1772 to 1777 : eluci- dating the History of that Country, and describing its Produc- tions, viz , Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Trees, Shrubs, Fruits, & Roots. With an Account of the Indians of Guiana, & Negroes of Guinea. By Capt" J. G. Stedman. Illustrated with 80 elegant Engravings, from drawings made by the Au- thor. 2 vols., 4°, half morocco. London: J. Johnson, 1796 41 >^ p 2259 Steele (Z.). The Indian Captive ; or a Narrative of the ^- Captivity and Sufferings of Zadoc Steele. Related by Himself. To which is prefixed an Account of the Burning of iloyalton. 18°, pp. 142. 3Iontpelier, Vt. : the Author, 1818 ,^^6' f fTo 2260 Stephens (J. L.). Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. By John L. Stephens. ... Illustrated by Numerous Engravings. Twelfth Edition. 2 vols., 8°, half raorocco, uncut. New York : Harper & Brothers, 18t>7 It ia difficult to believe that two individuals were capable of such an astouishing amount of labor, as is evidenced in these volumes. The wonderful structures of the race of Indians which once inhabited the peninsula of Central America, are here described by pen and pencil, with great clearness and minuteness The temples, sculptures, idols, utensils, buildings and architecture, of that active, intelligent, and almost mythical people, are illustrated by more than seventy engrav- ings, from drawings by Mr. C.atherwood. 2261 Stephens. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. By John L. Stephens. Illustrated by 120 Engravings. 2 vols., 8°, cloth. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1858 One year after the termination of his first explorations, the author set out upon the one, the incidents of which are here narrated. So far from exhausting the antiquities of the peninsula in his first two vol- umes, these add to our astonishment by portraying the gigantic ruins of still more imposing structures, erected by the vanished race of pen- insular aborigines. S^2'i 2262 Stevens (E. T.). Flint Chips; a (luide to Prehistoric / Archaeology, as illustrated by the collection in the Blackmore Museum, Salisbury; by Edward T. Stevens, Hon. Curator of the Blackmore Museum. 8°, cloth^ uncut. London, 1870 This extraordinary collection of material, representing the labor of aboriginal man in Europe and America, is the result of the munificence and taste of Mr. William Blackmore, who not only provided the very large sum needed for the establishment of the institution, but has made several voyages to America to complete its series. Much the largest portion of the volume is devoted to the description of the uten- sils, weapons, and ornaments manufactured by the American Indians. Their habitations, mounds, fortifications, and antiquities are described at great length, and with much evident research. The text is accom- panied by a large number of wood-cuts, illustrative of the various ob- jects forming the collection We may add that having seen Mr. Blackmore's Museum at Salisbury, England, we can safely commend its study to any American Archaeologist, who may be visiting that city. ^ 26 2263 [Stephen (James)]. War in Disguise; or. The Frauds of the Neutral Flags. 8°, hds, uncut. New York, 1806 ^ So 2264 [Stevens (Henry).] Bibliotheca Americana, Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Literature of America. Sold by Auction, with prices. Imperial 8°, pp. vi, 273. London, 1861 / 323 2265 Stevens (H.). Bibliotlieca Historica or a Catalogue of (^ 5000 volumes of books and manuscripts relating chiefly to the literature of North and South America.... Sold ... Boston,... 1870. 8°, uncut, pp. XV (1), 234 (1). Boston, 1870 ,^^ 2266 Stevens (H.). Bibliotheca Geographica. A sale catalogue of Books largely relating to America. London, 1872 s:f. '^2267 Stevens. Historical Nuggets, Bibliotheca Americana, or a Descriptive Account of my collection of Rare Books relating to America. Henry Stevens, Gr. M. B. F. S. A. 2 vols., foolscap, 8°, cloth. London : Printed hi/ Wliittingham & Wilkins, Took's Court Chancery Lane, MDCCCLXII. This work, printed in the best style of the Chiswick Press, comprises 3000 Titles (alphabetically arranged) of rare books relating to America, most carefully given in full, with the collation and price of each work. It ia intended, as far as it goes, to be a Manual for Collectors of this expensive class of books. 'J/r 2268 Stevens (I. I.). Speech of Hon. Isaac I. Stevens, of Washington Territory, on the Indian war expenses of Wash- ington and Oregon. Delivered February 21, 1859. 8°, pp. 16. Washington: Printed hi/ Lemuel Tower, 1859 2269 [Stevens, John.] A New Collection of Voyages and Travels, 6]^^ Into Several Parts of the World, none of them ever before Printed in English. Containing, 1. The Description etc., of the Molucca and Philipine Islands, by I. de Argensola. 2. A new Account of Carolina by Mr. Lawson. 3. The Travels of P. de Cieza in Peru... Illustrated with several maps, and cuts, 2 vols, 4°. London: Printed for J. Knapton, Andrew Bell, D. Mid- winter, Will. Taylor, A. Collins, and T. Baker, 1711 This collection of Voyages published at different periods from 1708 to 1711, was first issued as a monthly serial. It is complete with seven narratives of Voyages announced on the serial title page of 708 as never before printed in English. This would indicate that Lawsou's Account of Carolina was printed from the MSS. of the author, being first printed as a portion of this collection. \ I j^J 2270 Stevens (W. B.). The History of Georgia, from its dis- ' I covery by Europeans to the adoption of the present constitution in MDCCXCVii, by Rev. William Bacon Stevens. 2 vols., 8°, cloth. New York, MDCCCXLVII The portions of tliese volumes which are devoted to Indian history, although very considerable, contain but little that is new . '.^^ /;?r 324 2271 Steward (J.). History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of our Forefathers at Plymouth, and of their most remarkable Engagements with the Indians in New England, from their first Landing in 1620, until the final Subjugation of the Natives, in 1668. To which is annexed the Defeat of Gene- rals Braddock, Harmer, and St. Clair by the Indians, at the Westward, &c. By the Rev. James Steward, D.D. 8°, pp. ' 176. Brooklyn, {L. L), [n. c?.] 2272 Stickney (C. E.). A History of the Minisink Region : which includes the present towns of Minisink, Deerpark, Mount Hope, Greenville and Wawayanda, in Orange County, New York, from their Organization and First Settlement to the Pre- sent Time : also, Including A general History of the first Settle- ment of the County. By Charles E, Stickney. 12°, cloth, uncut. Middletown, N. T. :■ Coe, Finch & L. F. Guiwits, 1867 2273 Stiles (E.). History of three of the Judges of King Charles I, Major General Whalley, Major General Gofi'e T- and Colonel Dixwell, who ... Fled to America. ... By President Stiles. Portrait and plates, 12°, half calf, scarce. Hartford, 1794 274 Stiles (H. R.). Account of the Interment of the Remains • of American Patriots, who perished on Board the British Pi-ison K,dL M^ ^ t ' M" Ships During the American Revolution, with Notes and an []PT ^ ^ /- - J.1^°Appendix, by Henry R. Stiles, ]\LD. 8°, pp. 246. JVeio York, Privately Printed, 1865 il f Eighty copies only printed. ^ 2275 Stiles. Letters from the Prison-Ships of the Revolution, ^--'^ With Notes. 8°, half morocco, uncut. Neio York, Privately Printed, 1865 Edition 80 copies,' 35 of which are on large paper. 'j Cf^ 2276 Stiles. A History of the City of Brooklyn. Including the Old Town and Village of Brooklyn, the Town of Bushwick, and the Village and City of Williamsburg. By Henry R. Stiles. 3 vols., 8°. Brooklyn : The Author, 1867-70 / {To 2277 Stiles (H.). A Supplement to the History and Genealo- gies of Ancient Windsor, Conn., containing Corrections and Additions, which have accrued since the Publication of that Work. 8°, cloth. Albany : J. Munsell, 1863 ^Q o 2278 Stith. The | History | of the | First Discovery | and j Settle- """^ ' ment | of | Virginia : | Being | An Essay towards a General | His- tory of this Colony. [ By William Stith, A.M., | Rector of Henrico Parish, and one of the Governors of | William and Mary College. | ... 8°, calf. Original edition, rare. Williamsburg : Printed by William Parks, M,DCC,XL"Vll II. 325 2279 Stith, History of the First Discovery and Settlement of ^^'^ Virginia. Williamsburg, 1747. 8°, large paper, cloth, uncut. New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sahin, 1865 Containa a bibliographical preface by the publisher. 50 copies printed. 'JlS^ 2280 Stobo (R,). Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo of the Virgi- nia Regiment. [Edited by Neville B. Craig.] Map. 16°, pp. 92. Pittsburgh, 1854 » ^ 2281 Stockton (Mr.). Remarks of Mr. Stockton, of New Jer.sey, on the Indian appropriation bill; and on the resolution of Mr. Merriwether, of Kentucky. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, August 11 & 14, 1852, 8°, pp. 16. Washington: Printed hyJno. T. Towers, 1852 9^ 2282 Stockton. A Sketch of the Life of Com. Robert F. Stock- ton, with His Correspondence respecting His Conquest of Cali- fornia. 8°. New York, 1856 I ^0 2283 Stoddard (A). Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, of Louisiana. By Major Amos Stoddard. 8°, pp. 488. Philadelphia : Mathew Carey, 1812 •^^ 2284 Stone (Ed. M.). Life and Recollections of John Howland, late President of Rhode Island Historical Society. Port. 12°. Providence, 1857 / Ov 2285 Stone (E. M.). The Invasion of Canada in 1775, including the Journal of Capt. Simeon Thayer, With Notes and Appendijf . Port. 8°, cloth, uncut. . Providence, 1867 U^^n 2286 Stone (W. L.). Border Wars of the American Revolution. ' / By William L. Stone. Two volumes. 16°, half morocco, gilt top. Vol. II. New York, 1864 ^^y-'2287 Stone. The Life and Times of Red-Jacket, or Sa-go-ye- ' wat-ha : being the Sequel to the History of the Six Nations. By William L. Stone. 8°, cloth. New York and London, 1841 Beside the voluminous life of the pacific Indian orator, the work con- tains a biography of Farmer's Brother, and Cornplanter two celebrated chiefs of the Senecas. /^Y 2288 Stone. Life of Joseph Brant, (Thayendanegea), including 2346 Thatcher. Indian Traits: being Sketches of the Man- fners. Customs, and Character of the North American Natives. 2 vols., 24°, half morocco. New York, 1865 j5o 2347 [Thevenot]. Relations de divers Voyages Cvrievx. Folio, old calf. Paris, M.DC.LXIII •^.o^ 2348 Thevet (A.). Historia | dell' India America | detta altra- mente I Francia Antartica, | di M. Andrea Tevet; | Tradotta di Francese in | Lingua Ituliana, da | M. Gviseppe Horologgi. | Con privilegio. 12°. Very rare. In Vinezia oppresso Gabriel | Giolito de' Ferrai. \ mdlxi History of the American Indies, otherwise called France Antarctic. Translated from the French into the Italian language. ^.^^" 334 >r-. ,-. 2349 Thomas (D.). Travels through the Western Country in the Summer of 1816, including notices of the natural history, Topography, Commerce, Antiquities, Agriculture and Manu- factures ; With a map of the Wabash Country, now settling. By David Thomas. 12°, sheep, pp. 320 (4), & errata. Auburn (^N. i •) •" Printet^hy David Rumsey, 1819 The author was one of the first to draw attention to the aboriginal monuments of central New York. , (j ^'' 2350 Thomas (E. S.). Reminiscences of the Last Sixty-Five Years, Commencing with the Battle of Lexington. Also Sketches of his own Life and Times. By E. S. Thomas. 2 vols., 12°. Hartford: Case, Tiffany and Burnham, 1840 2351 Thomas (Gr). An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Peosilvania and of West-New Jersey in America With a map of both Countries. By . Gabriel Thomas, who resided there about Fifteen Years. 12°. London ... 1698, liew York : II. A. Brady, 1848 8352 Thomas (J. P.). Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, edited by J. P. Thomas. Post 8°. . Columbia, 1857 2353 Thompson (W.). Recollection of Mexico. By Waddy Thompson, Esq., late Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary of the United States at Mexico. J\^ew York : Wiley and Putnam, 1846* 2353* Thompson (W.). Recollections of Mexico. 8°, pp. x. 305. New York, 1846 Y^(^ 2354 [Thomson (Charles).] An Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Deleware and Shawauese Indians from the British Interest, And into the Measures taken for recovering their Friendship. Extracted from the Public Treaties, and other Authentic Papers relating to the Transactions of the Government of Pensilvania and .the said Indians, for near Forty Years ; and explained by a Map of the Country. Together with the remarkable Journal of Christian Frederick Post, by whose Negotiations, among the Indians on the Ohio, they were withdrawn from the Interest of the French, who thereupon aban- doned the Fort and Country. With Notes by the Editor explaining sundry Indian Customs, &c. Written in Pennsyl- vania. Map. 8°. London : J. Wilkie, MDCCLIX Concerning this work, see Field's Essay, No. 1546. 2355 Thomson (J. Lewis). History of the Wars of the United States. Numerous Illustrations. 2 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. Phil, 18G0 'X6- .i,'.r^ 335 .>> j" 2356 Thornbury (Geo. W.). Monarchs of the Main ; or Adven- tures of the Buccaneers. 3 Yoh., 8°, doth. iojifZ., 1855 y y'/'"2357 Thornton (J. Q.). Oregon and California in 1848: By '^ J Quinn Thornton, late Judge of the Supreme Court of Oregon. With an Appendix, including Hecent and Authentic Informa- tion on the Subject of the Gold Mines of California, and other valuable matters of interest to the Emigrant, etc. With Illus- trations and a Map. 5 plates and map. 2 vols., 12°, cloth, uncut, pp. 393, 379 -j- plates. New York, 1864 2358 Thorovvgood (T.). lews in America, | or, | Probabilities I That the Americans are of | that Race. | With the Removall of some I contrary reasoning , and earnest de- | sires for eflfectuall endeavours to | make them Christian. | Proposed by Tho : Tho- rovvgood, B. D. one of the | Assembly of Divines. | ... 4°, levant morocco, pp. (40 186 (8). [do, 3 lines] London: Printed by W. H.for Tho. Slater and are to he sold | at his shop at the signe of the Angel in Duck Lane, 1650 The first dissertation in English, on that fertile subject of contro- versy and hypothesis, the origin of the American Indians. The Puri- tans of New England awoke to it with a zeal, untempered by the knowledge that keener intellects and higher scholarshii), had been stimulated by its attractive mystery a century before. 2359 Thoughts on the State of the American Indians. By a 'Citizen of the United States. 12°, pp. 36. N. Y. : Printed by T. and T. Sivords, 1794 '/f^O 2360 Thurston (David). A Brief History of Winthrop from 1764 to Oct. 1855. 12°. Portland, 1855 / ^jlp 2361 Timberlake (H.). The Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timber- ' lake, (Who accompanied the Tliree Cherokee Indians to Eng- land in the Year 1762) containing Whatever he observed re- markable, or worthy of public Notice, during his Travels to and from that Nation ; wherein the Country, Government, Genius, and Customs of the Inhabitants, are authentically described. Also the Principal Occurrences during their Residence in London. Illustrated with An Accurate Map of their Over-hill Settlement, and a curious Secret Journal, taken by the Indians out of the Pocket of a Frenchman they had killed. 12°. London : the Author, 1765 The party met with an inhospitable reception in England. y^; 2362 Tipton (J.). Speech of the Hon. John Tipton, of Indiana, on the bill for tlie Protection of the Aborigines. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 18, 1838. 8°, tmcut, pp. 15. Washington : Printed at the Globe Office, 1838 336 .^/' 2363 To tte Members of the Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others iu North America. Incorporated by an Act of this Commonwealth, 4°, p (1). Boston, 1789 h C ^ 2864 Tobacco. The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virgi- nia, as represented by themselves ; signed by the President of the Council and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. To which is added, a vindication of the said Representation, half morocco extra^ gilt tops. London, 1733 .^3 2365 Todd (J.). The Lost Sister of Wyoming. An Authentic Narrative. By Rev. John Todd. 18°, pp. 160. Northampton, 1842 2366 Tomes (Robert). Battles of America by Sea and Land, consisting of the Colonial and Revolutionary Battles, the War of 1812 and the Mexican Campaigns. With Biographies of Naval and Military Commanders, and Illustrative Anecdotes. Illustrated by a series of Steel Engravings of Naval and Mili- tary Incidents and Battle Scenes, chiefly from Original Designs ■by Darley, Chappell and Others. 3 vols., 4°, cloth, uncut. JSlew York, 1863 .^() 2367 ToMLiNSON (W. P.). Kansas in Eighteen Fifty-eight; being chiefly a History of the Recent Troubles in the Territory. By William P. Tomlinson. 12°. New York: H. Dayton, 1859 J^ qO 2368 ToRQUEMADA (J. de.). Primera [Secunda, Tercera] Parte de los Veinte i vne libros Rituales i Monarchia Indiana, con el Origen y guerras de los Indios Occidentales de sus Poblaciones, Descubrimiento, Conquista, Conuersion, y otras cosas marauil- losas de la mesma tierra distribuydos en tres tomos. Compuesto por F. Juan de Torquemada. 3 vols., folio, vellum, uncut. En Madrid en la ojfficena y acosta de Nicolas Rodriguez Franco. Ano de, 1723 First, second and tliird part, of the twenty-one books of ceremonies, and the Indian monarchy, with the origin and wars of the West Indies, of their peoples, discovery, conquest, conversion and other marvelous matters of the same land. Juan de Torquemada, whom Alainan calls the " Livy of New Spain," studied in Mexico, where he took the habit of St. Francis, and became the Provincial of the order for that country. He wrote his Indian Monarchy, after having collected everything which he could find that related to the history of the country, and the customs, manners, laws, &c., of its aboriginal inhabitants. This work forms a collection, indispensable to all who desire to know much of the ancient history of Mexico, and its inhabitants, as well as to all those wrriters who expect to borrow their material from the stores of others. The edition of 1733 is the most complete, having been edited by the indefatigable Barcia, and is preferred by scholars to the first edition, printed iu three volumes at Madrid iu 1613. /b> 337 2369 TowNSEND (J. K.). Narrative of a Journey across the Rocky Mountains, to the Columbia River, and a visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, etc. With a scientific appendix. By John K. Townsend. 8°, doth, pp. 352. Philadelphia : Henry Perkins, 1839 2370 Tracts Relative to the Aborigines. Published by Direc- / .^ i" tion of the Meeting for Sufferings. From 1838 to 1842. 8°, '^"^ cloth. London, 1843 /M 2371 Tracy (W.). Notices of Men and Events connected with the Early History of Oneida County. Two Lectures, By William Tracy. 8°, pp 45. Utica, 1838 2372 Traits of American-Indian Life and Character. By a Fur / '^ Trader. Post 8°, doth, uncut, pp. xv. 218. London : Smith, Elder <& Co., 1853 /p,S'r^ 2373 Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society, Held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge. Portrait. 8°, half morocco, un- cut, pp. iv. 465. Philadelphia, 1819 a Contents : Report on the general character and forms of the lan- B guages of the American Indians, by Peter S. Duponceau. Catalogue K of manuscript woi-ks, on the Indians and their languages, presented to ■ the American Philosophical Society, or deposited in their library. An |r Account of the History, etc., of Indian Nations, by Heckewelder, pp. 348. No. II. A Correspondence between the Rev. John Heckewelder of Bethlehem, and Peter S. Duponceau respecting the Languages of the American Indians. Words, Phrases, and Short Dialogues, in the Language of the Leuui Lenape, or Delaware Indians, by John Hecke- welder. A vocabulary prepared by Heckewelder, very full, and un- doubtedly very accurate. 2374 Travels of the Jesuits, into Various Parts of the World ... "^ 1% Translated from the celebrated Lettres Edifiantes ... By Mr. Lackman. 2 vols., 8°, calf. London : David Steel, m.dcclxvii 2375 Treaties between the United States of America and the ^ several Indian Tribes, from 1778 to 1887 : with a copious table y Gales & Seaton, 1826 The letters and documents forming this report give a very full detail of the steps which led to a second Seminole war. / '\, 2380 Trial of Jacob Barker, Thomas Vermilya, and M. L. Davis for alleged conspiracy, reported by H. Maxwell. 8°, calf. ' New York, 1827 ^ fTc 2381 Trial, The, of the British Soldiers, of the 29th Regiment of Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell and Patrick Carr, on Monday Evening, the 5th of March, 1770, at the Superior Court, held at Boston, the 27th day of November, 1770, etc. 8°, uncut, pp. 120. Boston : Belcher and Armstrong, 1807 ^ Cq 2382 The whole proceedings on the Trial of Indictment against ' Thomas Walker, S. Jackson, James Cheetham, Obin Pearsall, Benjamin Booth and J. Collier for conspiracy to overthrow the Constitution and government, and to aid and assist the French. Tried April 2, 1794, before Justice Heath. Taken in short hand by Joseph Gurney. 8°, boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1794 -.^^ 2388 Troy City Common Council Manual for 1867-8. 8°, cloth. '' _C 2384 Trueba y Cosio. History of the Conquest of Peru, by the ^ Spaniards. By Don Telesfero de Trueba y Cosio.... 12°, pp. 218. Philadelphia : Carey & Hart, 1846 A very excellent resume of that melancholy narrative ; the conquest of the Incas. ^0'' 339 2385 Trumbull (H.). History of the Discovery of America ; of the landing of our forefathers, at Plymouth, and of their most remarkable engagements with the Indians, in New-Eng- land, from their first landing in 1620, until the final subjuga- tion of the Natives in 1679. To which is annexed, the par- ticulars of almost every important engagement with the savages at the westward to the present day. Including the Defeat of Generals Braddock, Harmar and St. Clair, by the Indians at the Westward; The Creek and Seminole War, etc. By Henry Trumbull.' Pkte, pp. 256., 8°, boards, uncut. Boston, 1828 2386 Trumbull. History of the Indian Wars : to which is pre- '-'-^ fixed a short account of the Discovery of America by Columbus and of the Landing of our forefathers at Plymouth, with their most remarkable engagements with the Indians in New England, from their first landing in 1620, until the death of King Philip, in 1679. By Henry Trumbull. 3 plates. 8°, cloth, pp. 320. Boston : Phillips & Sampson, 1846 2387 Trumbull (J.). Autobiography, Reminiscences and Letters of John Trumbull, from 1756 to 1841. Portrait. 8°. ^' Mio York, 1841 The author was an aide-de-camp and friend of Washington. 2388 Trumbull. Poetical Works. Containing McFingal, a // ■C' ■ Modern Epic Poem, revised and corrected, with copious Bxpla- natory Notes, etc., and a collection of Poems on various sub- jects written before and during the Revolutionary War. Por- trait and plates. 2 vols., 8°, boards, uncut. Hartford, 1820 y— 2389 Trumbull (J. H.). On some mistaken notions of Algonkia ^OO grammar, and on mistranslations of words from Eliot's Bible, &c. By J. Hammond Trumbull. 8°, pp. 19. 1871 ^a" 2390 Trumbull. ...On the best method of studying the Ame- rican languages. By J. Hammond Trumbull. 8°, pp. 25. 1871 35" 2391 TscHOOP, the Converted Indian Chief. 18°, pp. 36. Philadelphia \n. cZ.J 2392 TscHUDi (J. J. v.). Travels in Peru, during the years \) 1%^ 1838-1842, on the coast, in the Sierra, across the Cordilleras I ' and the Andes, into the primeval forests. By Dr. J. J. Von Tschudi. Translated from the German by Thomasina Ross. Plate. Large 8°, cloth, uncut, pp. 506. London : David Bogue, mdcccxlvii J^r 2393 TsciiUDi. Travels in Peru. 12°, pp. 354. JV. Y., 1865 340 2394 Tub BEE (L. C. M. E.)- A Sketch of the Life of Okah Ij C Tubbee. alias, William Chubbee, Son of the Head Chief, Mo- sholeh Tubbee. of the Choctaw Nation of Indians. By Laah Ceil, Manatoi Elaah Tubbee, his wife. 12°, Cover 2 1., pp. 84. SpringJieU]^ Mass. : Printed for Okah Tubbee, by H. S. Taylor, 1848 /}•( \1i 2395 Turner (G.). Traits of Indian Character; as generally applicable to the aborigines of North America. Drawn from various sources ; partly from personal observation /)f the author. By G-. Turner. 2 vols., 12°, half morocco, pp. 207, 196. Philadelphia: Key & Bid die, 1836 2396 Turner (0.). History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, and Morris's Reserve ; embracing the Counties of Monroe, Ontario, Livingston, Yates, Steuben, Most of Wayne and Allegany, and parts of Orleans, Genesee and Wyom- ing. To which is added a supplement, or extension of the Pioneer History of Monroe County. The whole preceded by some account of French and English dominion border wars of tlie Revolution, Indian Councils and land cessions the progress of Settlement westward from the Valley of the Mohawk — early diflSculties with the Indians — our immediate predecessors, the Senecas — with a " Glance at the Iroquois." By 0. Turner. S°, cloth. Rochester: William Ailing, IS^57 More than half of this volume is occupied with personal reminiscences by the early settlers ; of their association or conflict with the Indians, and other unpublished material relating to them. 2397 Turner (0.). Pioneer History of the Holland Purchase of Western New York : embracing some account of the Ancient Remains ; a brief history of our immediate predecessors, the Confederated Iroquois, their system of Government, wars, etc., — a synopsis of Colonial History : some notices of the Border Wars of the Revolution : and a History of Pioneer Settlement under the auspices of the Holland company ; including remin- iscences of the War of 1812 ; the origin, progress and completion of the Erie Canal, etc., etc., etc. By O. Turner. 8°, sheep. Buffalo: Geo. H. Derby & Co., 1850 Although largely a resume of well known histories of the Indians of Western New York, yet it is interspersed with no inconsiderable inform- ation regarding the aborigines gleaned by the author from his own personal experience, and unprinted documents. Beside amply redeem- ing the promise of his title page, his narratives of Indian captives, and biographies of Indian chiefs and border warriors, give additional value not vaunted in it. •y C 2398 TusTiN (3. P.). A Discourse, at the Dedication of the New Church Edifice ... Warren, R. I. Providence, 1865 ik J,^^ 341 2399 Tylor (E. B.). Anahuac : or Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern. By Edward B. Tylor. Map, 4 plates. /J- /% 8°, doth, uncut, Tp^. x\, MA. London: Longman, \8&\ Beside the interesting personal narration of intercourse with the Indians of Mexico, this work treats, in a pleasant, unscientific manner, of the ancient history of the Mexicans. Such of the antiquities as fell in his way he describes, and of some he gives illustrative engravings. 'J^ 2400 Tyson (J. R.). Discourses on the Surviving Eemnant of "the Indian Race in the United States.... By Job R. Tyson.. 8°, pp. 38. PhilaJelphia : printed hy A. Waldie, 1836 ^ J^" 2401 Tyson (Job R. . Discourse before Penn. Hist. Soc. Feb. 21, 1842, on the Colonial History of the Eastern and Some of the Southern States. Pp. 64. Philadelphia, 1842 2402 Tytler (P. F.). The Northern Coasts of America, and the Hudson's Bay Territories. By Patrick Eraser Tytler. With Continuation, by R. N. Ballantyne. 12°, cloth, pp. 409. London : T. Nelson & Sons, 1854 An excellent resume of the most remarkable incidents of Indian life and habits, narrated by the Arctic explorers and Northwest voyageurs. Q 2403 Ulloa (A.). Memoires Philosophiques, Historiques, Phy- ' siques, Concernant la decouverte de I'Amerique, ses anciens Habitans, leurs moeurs, leurs usages, leur connexion avec les nouveaux Habitans, leur religion ancienne & moderne, les pro- duits des trois regnes de la Nature, & en particulier les mines, leur exploitation, leur immense produit ignore jusquici ; Par Don Ulloa, Lieut. General ... Avec des Observations & Additions sur toutes les matiers dont il est parle dans I'ouvrage. Traduit par M. ... 2 vols., 8°. A Paris : Buis&on, 1787 Philosophic and Historic Memoirs, Concerning the discovery of America. Its ancient Inhabitants, their manners, their habits, and their connexion with the Europeans and their-descendants. The ancient and modern religion of the Natives. The products of the three king- doms of Nature, & in particular the mines, their examination, and their immense product hitherto unknown. With Observations & Additions on all matters spoken of in the work. Translated by Lefebre. 2404 Ulloa. Noticias Americanas : entreteniuientos fisico his- P Q toricos, sobre la America Meridional, y la Septentrional Oriental. .Comparacion general De los Territorios, Climas, y Produciones en las tres especies, Vegetales, Aniniales, y Minerales : Con re- lacion particular De las Petrifaciones de Cuerpos Marines de los Indios naturales de aquellos Paises, sus costumbres y uses : De las Antiquedades : Discurso sobre la Lengua, y sobre el modo en (|ue pMsaron los priraeros Pobladores. Su Autor Don An- tonio de Ulloa, Comendador de Ocana, etc. Original Edition, rare. 4°, catf. En Madrid: En la Imprenta de Don Erancisco Manuel de Mena, M.DCC.LXXII 342 _. 2405 Ulloa. Noticias Americanas: entretenimientos Fisico- ,^() Histdricos sobre La America Meridional, y la Septentrional Oriental ; comparacion general de los territorios, cliuias y pro- duciones en las tres especies, vegetal, animal y mineral; con una relacion particular de los Indios de aquellos paises, sus cos- . tumbres y uses, de las petrifaciones de cuerpos Marinos, y de las Antiquedades. Cou un discurso sobre el idioma, y con- jeturas sobre el mode, con que pasiiron los primeros pobladores. Su Autor El Exc. Sr. Don Antonio de Ulloa. ... Title damaged. 4°. Madrid : en la Imprenta Real. Ano 1792 American Notices. Historical and physical conversations upon the Southern part of North America and the Eastern portions of South America. A general view of its Territories, Climates, and the three Classes of Productions, Vegetable, Animal, and Mineral. With a Particular Relation of the Petrifactions of some marine bodies ; of the Indians, natives of these countries ; of their customs, habits, and of their antiquities. With a Discourse upon their Language and upon the manner in which the country was first peopled. U- 2406 Ulster Historical Society Collections. Parts 1 to 4 in one vol. 8°,- cloth, uncut. Kingston, 1860 2407 UMFREViLLfi (E.). Present State of Hudson's Bay. 8°, half calf. London, 1790 2408 Underhill (I.). Nevves from America; or, A New and Experimental! Discoverie of New England ; Containing, A True Relation of their War-like proceedings there two yeares last past, with a Figure of the Indian Fort, or Palizado By Captaine lohn Underhill, a Commander in the Warres there. 8°, pp. 43. London: Printed hy J. D.,for Peter Cole,... 1838 \_Reprinted Boston, n. d.'\ • Ipo 2409 Underwood (F. H.). A Hand Book of P]nglish Literature. 12°. Boston, 1873 2410 United States. Mecha Chahta 3Iicha Chekasha Aiena Treaty Auumpa ai itim Apesa tok. 4°, paper. ,^^ 2411 Upham (G. W.). Lectures on Witchcraft, Comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem, in 1692. 16°, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1881 rjg: 2412 Upham. Life, Explorations, and Public Services of John Charles Fremont. By Charles Wentworth Upham. With Illustrations. 12 plates. 12°, cloth, pp. 365. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1856 2413 Upham. Salem Witchcraft, with an Account of Salem Village, and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Subjects. 2 vols., large paper, royal 8°, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1867 Fifty copies only printed in this size. /,5'o 1.0 sr 343 2414 Uricochea (E). Memoria sobre las Antiquedades Neo- '^0 Granadinas por Ezequiel Uricochea. 4°, doth^ pp. viii. Berlin: Lihrei-ia de F. Schneider & C^ , 185 i Memoir upon the Antiquities of New Granada. 2415 Utah Expedition (The) ; containing a General Account / / ^ of the Mormon Campaign, With Incidents of Travel ou the ' " Plains; Account of Indian Tribes, &c., From its Commencement to Present Time. By a Wagon Master of the Expedition. 8°, pp. 48. Cincinnati, 1858 _,2416 Vail (E. A.). Notice sur les Indiens de I'Amerique du / %i) Nord, ornee de quatre portraits colories, desines d'apres nature, et d' une carte, par Eugene A. Vail. 8°. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1840 Notice of the Indians of North America, illustrated with four por- traits drawn from life, and a map. ^'00 2417 Valentine (D. T.). History of the City of New York. ^ Illustrated. 8°. iV". Y., 1855 , ^^ 2418 Valley of Wyoming (The) : the romance of its history and its poetry. Also, specimens of Indian eloquence. Compiled by a native of the valley. 12°, pp. 153. JVew York: Roht. H. Johnston & Co., 1866 2419 Vancouver (G.). A Voyage of Discovery to the North -- ^ Pacific Ocean, and round the World ; in which the Coast of • North-West America has been carefully Examined and accu- rately Surveyed. Undertaken by his Majesty's Command, principally with a view to ascertain the existence of any Navi- gable Communication between the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans; and performed in the years 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795, in the Discovery Sloop of War, and Armed Tender Chatham, under the command of Captain George Vancouver. 3 vols., 4°, calf. London : G. G. and J. Robinson, 1798 2420 Van der Donck (A.). Beschryvinge | Van | Nieuw-Ne- derlant, | (Gelijek bet tegenwoordigh in Staet is) Begrijpende ^ de Nature, Aert, gelegentheyt en vruchtbaerheyt | van het selve Landt; mitsgaders de proffijtelijcke ende gewenste toeval- len, die | aldaer tot onderhoudt der Menschen, (soo uyt haer selven als van buyten inge | bracht) gevondcn worden. Als mede de maniere en ongemeyne Eygenschap- | pen vande Wilden oste Naturellen vandcn Lande. Ende een byfonder verhael | vanden wouderlijcken Aert ende het Weesen der Bevers. | Daer noch by-gevoeght is j Eon Discours over de geleutheyt van Nieuw-Nederlandt, I tusschen een Nederlandts Patriot, ende een u. 344 Nieuw-Nederlander. | Beschreven door | Adriaen Vander Donck,| Beyder Bechten Doctoor, die tegenwoordigh | noch in Niew- Nederlandt is. | En bier achter ly gevoeght | Het voordeeligh Begleruent vande Ed : Hoog. Achtbare | Heeren de Heerea Burgermeesteren deser Stede, | betressende de saken van Nieuw Nederlandt. | Den tweeden Druck. | Met een pertinent Kaertje van' tzelve Laudt verciert. | en vanveel druck-fouten gesuyvert. | [Coat of arms.] t' Aemsteldam, | . Bi/ Evert Niewwenhof^ BoechverkGoper looonende ojy \ t' Ruslandt in t' Schrijf-boeck, Anno 1656. | Met PrivUiyie voor 15 Jaren. Description of New Netherland, (sucli as it now is), including the Nature, Character, Situation and Fruitfulness of that land, together with the profitable and happy accidents there found, for the support of man (whether natives or foreigners). As also the manners and uncom- mon qualities of the savages, or aborigines of the country, and a par- ticular account of the wonderful nature and habits of the Beaver. To which is also added, a discourse on the situation of New Netherland, between a Netherland Patriot, and a New Netherlander. Described by Adrian Van der Donck, Doctor of Laws, who is still in New Neth- erland. And to this is appended : The advantageous regulations, of the Most Worshipful, the Burgomasters of this City, regarding the . affairs of New Netherland. The second edition, ornamented with a pertinent map of that land, and cleared of many printing faults. , jTa 2421 Van Heuvel (J. A.). El Dorado; being a Narrative of the Circumstances which gave rise to reports, in the sixteenth century, of the existence of a Bich and Splendid City in South America, to which that name was given, and which led to many enterprises in search of it ; including a Defence of Sir Walter Baleigh, in regard to the relations made by him respecting it, and a nation of female Warriors, in the vicinity of the Ama- zon, in the narrative of his expedition to the Oronoke in 1595. With a Map. By J. A. Van Heuvel. Map. 8°, pp.viii, 166. New York : J. Winchester. [1844] / C0 2422 Vanleason (J.). A Narrative of a voyage, taken by Capt. ' ' James Vanleason, from Amsterdam to China : and from there to the Western Continent of North-America; Where he found a Vast number of Indians, and one of the largest Rivers in the World, lying in the lat. of 5od 30™ north. 12° Ballston la^tpa : Printed for the purchaser, 1816 2423 Van Tramp (J. C). Prairie and Bocky Mountain Adven- /i- V tures, or, Life in the West. To which will be added a view of the states and territorial regions of our Western Empire : em- bracing history, statistics and geography, and descriptions of the chief cities of the West. By John C. Van Tramp. 8°, roan, pp. 049. Columbus : Gilmore & Segner, 1806 ■h I 345 2424 Velasquez (P.). Memoir of an Eventful Expedition in Central America ; resulting in the discovery of the Idolatrous City of Iximaya, In an unexplored region, and the possession of two Remarkable Aztec Children, Descendants and Specimens of the Sacerdotal Caste (now nearly extinct), of the Ancient Aztec Founders of the Ruined Temples of that Country, de- scribed by John L. Stevens Esq., and other Travellers. Trans- lated from the Spanish of Pedro Velasquez, of San Salvador. 8°, pp. 35. New York : E. F. Applegate, Printer, 1850 This purports to be transcripts of the journal of "Velasquez describing the adventures of tlie writer and two young Americans in an expedi- tion among the Indians of the Maya race, which resulted fatally to the latter adventurers. It is the most circumstantial fiction which the brain of an advertising agent ever conceived. The so called Aztec children were the descendants of an Irish woman living in Central America. 2425 Van Rensselaer (C). An Historical Discourse on the ^ Occasion of the Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Lake , SS" George, 1755. ... at Caldwell ... N Y., September 8, 1855, by Cortlandt Van Rensselaer. With Notes and a Map. 8°. Ph iladeJpMa, 1856 A very valuable compend of the materials of history relative to the battle between the Colonists and the French and Indians under Dieskau. IP 2426 Van Schaack (H. C). Henry Cruger; the Colleague of '^ Edmund Burke in Parliament, a paper read before the N, Y, Hist. Soc, Jan. 4, 1859, pp. 67. New York, 1859 2427 Vargas (J.). Les aventures de Don Juan de Vargas ra- contees par lui-meme. Traduites de I'espagnol sur le manuscrit / ^' ^ inedit par Charles Navarin. i%° , half calf. Paris: P. Jannet The adventures of Don Juan Vargas, narrated by himself. Trans- lated from the unedited Spanish manuscript, by Charles Navarin The author accompanied Alvarado in his conquest of Guatemala and was an active participator in the dangers of several Campaigns against the Indian natives of Mexico. The greater part of his narrative is accordingly taken up with the narrative of his adventures among the aborigines. His narrative is here printed for the first time having re- mained for three centuries hidden in one of the libaries of Andalusia. 2428 Venegas. Noticia de la California, Y de su conquista tem- poral, y espiritual, hasta el tiempo presente, Sacada de la Plis- toria Manvscrita, Formada en Mexico anode 1739, por el Padre Miguel Venegas, delaCompania de Jesus; y de otras Noticias, y Relaciones antiguas, y modernas : Anadida de algunas mapas particulares, y uno de la America Septentrional, Asia Oriental, y Mar del Sur intermedio, formados sobre las Memorias mas recientes, y exactas, que so publican juntamente : Dedicada Al 44 346 Rey N"^° Senor por la Provincia de Nueva-Espana de la Com- pania de Jesus. Con licencia. Map. 3 vols., 4°, vellum. Madrid, m.d.CCLVII Notices of California ; of its conquest, temporal and spiritual, from that time to the present. From the Manuscript History of that pro- vince, composed in Mexico, in the year 1739, by Father Venejjas, of the order of Jesuits, with other Sketches and Relations, both Ancient and Modern. d ^ C' 2429 Venegas. A Natural and Civil History of California. Con- "-^ ' taining an accurate Description of that Country, ... The Cus- toms of the Inhabitants, Their Religion, Government, and Manner of Living, before their Conversion to the Christian Reli- gion by the missionary Jesuits. ... Illustrated with 4 Copper Plates, and an accurate Map of the Country and the adjacent Seas. Translated from the original Spanish of Michael Vene- gas, a Mexican Jesuit. ... In two volumes. 8°, calf. London ; James Rivlngton, 1759 / ^ C 2430 Vermont. Collections of the Vermont Historical Society, ''^ Vol.11. 8°. Montpelier, 1S71 , ^Jf 2431 Vermont Historical Society. Proceedings, etc. Addresses by J. D. Butler ; P. H. White ; J. Barrett ; Addresses in Repre- sentatives Hall, Oct. 16, 1866. Watson's Life of Hon Richard Skinner. De Peyster on Secession, etc , etc. 17 Pamphlets. 2432 A Very Surprising Narrative of a Toung Woman, discovered in a Rocky Cave, after having been taken by the Savage Indians of the Wilderness, In the year 1777. And seeing no human being for the space of nine years. In a Letter from a Gentle- man to his Friend. 16°, pp. 12. Brookfield, December, 1800 2433 Vetromile (E.). The Abnakis and their History ; or, Historical Notices of the Aborigines of Acadia. By Rev. Eugene Vetromile, Missionary of the Etchemins. ... 12°, cloth, pp. 171. A^ero Yo7-k : James B. Kirker, 1866 f 5^ 2434 Vetromile. Indian Good Book, made by Eugene Vetro- tuile, S. J., Indian Patriarch, for the benefit of the Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, St. John's, Micraac, and other tribes of the Abnaki Indians. This year, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Seven. Old-Town Indian Village, and Bangor. Second Edition. 12°, cloth. New Yorh,l^fil U-'L^ 2435 Victor (F. F.). The River of the West. Life and Ad- venture in the Rocky Mountains and Oregon ; Embracing events in the lifetime of a Mountain-Man and Pioneer : With the Early History of the North- Western Slope, including an Account of the Fur Traders, The Indian Tribes, the Overland Immigration, the Oregon Missions, and the Tragic Fate of Rev. I. J 5 IM 347 Dr. Whitman and family. Also, a description of the Country, its Condition, prospects, and Resources j its Soil, Climate, and Scenery; its Mountains, Rivers, Valleys, Deserts and Plains; its inland Waters, and natural Wonders.... By Mrs. Frances Fuller Victor. Published by Subscription only. 13 plates. ^°, cloth, pp. G02. Hartford, Conn. ; R. W. Bliss & Company, 1870 .^ J 2436 Vide (V. V.). American Tableaux. No. 1. Sketches of Aboriginal Life. By V. V. Vide. 12°, cloth, pp. 250. New York : Buckland & Sumner, 1846 iL (OP 2437 View of the Evidence, A, relative to the Conduct of the ^' American War under Sir William Howe, Lord Viscount Howe, and General Burgoyne ; as given before a committee of the House of Commons,... and Fugitive Pieces. Half levant morocco, gilt top, by Matthews. London, 1779 f?'^ 2438 ViGNOLES (C). Observations upon the Floridas. By Charles Vignoles, Civil and Topographical Engineer. 8°, pp. 197. New York, 1828 2439 ViLLAUVTiERRE (J.). Historia. | de la Conquista | de la , ^ provincia de el Itza, | redvccion,y progressos | de lade el Lacan- /,^->(^ don, I y otras naciones de Indios barbaros, | de la mediacion de la reyno de Guatimala, | 4 las- provincias de Yucatan, | en la America | Septentrional. | Primera Parte. | Escrivela | Don Juan de Villagvtierre | Soto- Mayor. | Abogado, y relator, qve ha sido | de la Real Chancelleria de Valladolid : | y aora relator | en el real, y | supremo cousejo de las Indias. | Y la dedica a el mismo real, y supremo consejo. Folio, calf. Madrid, mdoci. History of the Conquest of the Province of Itza, the reduction and growth of that of the Lacandons, and other savage Indians, of the annexa- tion of the kingdom of Guatemala to the provinces of Yucatan, in North America. Villagutierre's relation of the wars, by which the Spaniards conquered the Indians of Yucatan and Guatemala, has from its extreme rarity remained almost unknown. Like most of the Spanish histories of affairs in America, it is more largely devoted to the spiritual than ■ the military conquest of the Indians ; yet it is a valuable repertory of facts, relating to the Savages of the peninsula. Only this Primera Parte was ever printed. 2440 ViMONT (B.). Relation | de ce qvi s'est passe | en la | Nov- velle France | en I'annee 1642 & 1643. | Envoyee auR. P. lean I . , qO Fillear, | Prouincial de la Campaignie de lesus, | en la Prouince de France. | Par le R. P. Barthelemy Vimont, de | la mcsme Compagnie, Superior de | toute la Mission. | 8°. A Paris, I Chez Sehastien Cramoisy, Im,primeur Ordinaire du Roy, et Gabriel Cramoisy, \ Auec Priailcje du Roy, \ M.DC.XLIV 348 Relation of occurrences in New France in the years 1642 and 1643. Sent to the Rev. Father Jean Fillean, Provincial of the society of Jesus in the province of France by the Rev. Father Barthelemy Vi- mont, of the same company, Superior of all the Mission. f^ p C 2441 ViMONT (B.). Relation I de* ce qvi*s'est passe | en la | e's / ' Anne es 1643 & 1644. | EBvoyee au, R. P. lean Fillear, | Pro- uincial de la Compagnie de lesvs, | en la Prouince de France. Par le R. P. Barthelemy Vimont, de | toute la Mission. 12°. A Paris, I Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Imprimeur du Roy & de la Reyne, et Gabriel Cramoisy, Auec Priuilege du Roy, MDC.XLV Relation of what occurred in New France in the years 1643 & 1644. Sent to the R. P. Jean Fillear Provincial of the Company of Jesus in the province of France. This relation of tbe Jesuit Mission among the Indians of Canada, covers two years and consists of two distinct parts. The first. Title one leaf -\- pre. pp. 6 + 256. The second part entitled. Relation of events which passed in the country of the Hurons in New France. Title 1 leaf + Dedication 1 leaf + pp. 1 to 174. ^. CC 2442 Vincent (P.). A [ True Relation of | the Late Battell .^^ ' fought I in New England, between | the English, and the Pe- quet I Salvages : | In which was slaine and taken pri | soners about 700 of the Salvages ; | and those who escaped, had their | heads cut off by the Mohocks : | With the present state of j things there. 4°, levant morocco. London, | Printed by M. P. for Nathaniel Butter, I and John Bellamie, 1638 The authorship of this exceedingly rare pamphlet, has been attri- buted to the personage, whose name is signed to the poem addressed to the reader with no authority, I think, beyond that of conjecture. The publishiug committee of the Massachusetts Historical Society thus ascribed it, in their note to the reprint of the relation, in the third volume of their collections. It is a narrative of the battle with the Pequods, fought by Captains Mason and Underbill, an account of which was written by the last doughty commander, and printed in 1638, under the title of iV^ews fro7n America. Vincent's relation is of even greater rarity than Underhill's. f^ ,0 2443 Vindication of the Capture of Major Andr§ [By Egbert Benson.] 12°, morocco extra, by W. Mathews. New York, 1817 This is the very rare original edition. Fisher's copy unbound sold for $42. ' ^.i 2444 Vinton (Francis). Louis XVII, and Eleazer Williams. Were they the same Person ? By Francis Vinton, ... Re- printed from Putnam's Magazine for the Long Island Histori- cal Society. Two photographs. 8°, uncut. 1868 1^0^ 2445 Virginia Historical Register (The), and Literary Adver- tiser. Edited by William JMaxwell. 6 vols., 8°, half levant morocco, (jilt top, by Bradstreet. Richmond, 1848 to 1853 I.H 349 The work was issued as a serial, published quarterly, and complete in 24 Nos. " The Narrative of the Destruction and Captivity of James Moore's Family," occupies pp. 90 to 98, and 147 to 156 of Vol. IV. " The Expedition against the Shawnee Indians," pp. 20 to 24, and 61 to 76, of Vol. V. " Braddock's Defeat," pp. 121 to 141, Vol. V. " The Battle of Point Pleasant, and Capt. Stobo's Narrative of Captivity," pp. 181 to 207, same volume. / (^o 2446 Virginia Hist. Society Collections, Vol. 1, 1833. The Virginia Hist. Reporter, conducted by Va. Hist. Soc. Vol. 1 Parts 2 & 3, & Vol. 2 Part 1, &c. 7 Pamphlets. ^ /^ 2447 ViEGiNlA. Collections of the Virginia Historical and Phil- '^^ "^ osophical Society, ...8°, half morocco, pp. ^1 . Richmond, 1833 The only form in which Col. John Stuart's narrative of the Battle of Point Pleasant ever appeared. 2448 VoLNEY (C. F.). _ View of the Climate and Soil of the United States of America : to which are annexed some Accounts of Florida, the French Colony on the Scioto, certain Canadian Colonies, and the Savages or natives. Translated from the French of C. F. Volney, ... With maps and plates. 2 maps, two plates. 8°, tmcut. London : J. Johnson, 1804 ^j^ 2449 Volney. A view of the Soil and Climate of the United '^'^ States of America : with supplementary remarks upon Florida ; on the French Colonies on the Mississippi and Ohio, and in Canada ; and on the Aboriginal Tribes of America, by C. F. Volney. Translated with Occasional Remarks, by C. B. Brown. With Maps and Plates. Two maps, two plates. 8°, uncut. Philadelphia, 1804 The author's interest was particularly excited as a savant, by coming in contact with an aboriginal race in America. Accordingly, his work teems with the most interesting particulars, which he observed or learned, regarding the Indians. 2450 Vries (D. p.). Korte historiael, | ende | Journaels aenteyck- euinge, | vom ers&heyden voyagiens in de vier | deelen des Wereldts — Ronde, als Europa, | Africa, Asia, ende Amerika gedaen, | Door D. | David Pietersz. | de Vries, Artillerij-Meester Vande Ed : M : | Heeren Gecommitteerde Raden van Staten van West- | Vrieslandt ende't Noorder-quartier | Waerin ver- haelt werd wat Batailjes by te Water | gedaenheeft : yder Landt- schap zijn Gedierte, Gevogelt, | wat soort van Vissen ende wat wilde Menschen uaer't leven | geconterfaeyt, ende vande Bos- schen ende Ravieren | met haer Vruchten, | t' Hoorn, | Voor David Pietersz. de Vries, Artillerij-Meester van't Noorder-j quartier. Tot Alckmaer, by Symon (Jornelisz. Levant morocco ^ by Mathews. Brekegeest, Anno, 1655 | The last twelve plates arc illustrative of some of the peculiarities of form, habits, or life, of the natives of New Netherlands. f^O'^ 10£ ■^0 350 2451 Vries. Voyages from Holland to America, A. D. 1632 to 1644. By David Petersen de Vries. Translated from the Dutch, by Henry C. Murphy. 4", pp. 199 and portrait. New York, 1853 This translation of that portion of De Vries's Journal relating to America, was performed at the suggestion, and printed at the cost, of Mr. James Lenox. Mr. Murphy has also furnished us with a bio- graphical sketch of De Vrie», in the Introduction. 2452 Vries (S. de). Curieuse Aenmerckingen Der bysonderste Oost en West Indische. 4 vols., 4to, vellum. 1684 2453 Wafer (L.). A New | Voyage | and | Description | of .the | Isthmusof America, | Giving an Accountof the | Author's Abode there, j The Eorm and Make of the Country, | ... The Indian Inhabitants, their Features, | Complexion, &c. their Manners, Cu- 1 stoms. Employments, Marriages, Feasts, | Hunting, Compu- tation, Language, &c. | With Remarkable Occurrences in the South I Sea, and elsewhere. | By Lionel Wafer. | Illustrated with Several Copper Plates. Map, 3 plates. Small 8°, pp. (viii), 224 (14). London : Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown | in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1699. | Wafer was surgeon to Dampier's expedition. It is a most valuable book. 2454 Walcot (J.). The | New Pilgrim's Progress j | or, the | Pious Indian Convert. | Containing | A faithful Account of Hattain Gelash | min, a Heathen, who was baptis'd into | the Christian Faith by the Name of | George James, and by that means | brought from the Darkness of Paganism, | to the Light of the Gospel, of which he | afterwards became an able and worthy | Minister. | Together with | A Narrative of his laborious and dangerous | Travels among the Savage Indians for their | Conversion ; his many Sufferings and miracu | lous Deliverances, and the Wonderful Things | which he Saw in a Vision. | Pub- lished for the Instruction of Mankind in general, | but more particularly for the Impenitent and Un | reformed. | By James Walcot, A, M ... 16°, pp. 316. London : MDCCXLVill 'j'O 2455 Waldron (W. W.). Huguenots of Westche.ster. 16". New York, 1864 / jr^ /J'^"" 2456 Walker (A.). A Journal of two Campaigns of the fourth regiment of U. S. Infantry, in the Michigan and Indiana Territories, under the Command of Col. John P. Boyd, and Lt. Col. James Miller during the years 1811 & 12. By Adam .^, 1,1^ 351 Walker, | late a Soldier of the 4th regiment. | 8°, levant morocco^ hy Bradstreet, extremely rare, pp. 143. Keene, N. H. : Printed at the Sentinel Pi-ess, By tTie Author, 1816 This Journal of a campaign against the Indians and their British allies, although of comparatively late publication, is much rarer than many of the New England imprints of a century and a half earlier. 2457 Walker (C. I.). The North West during the Revolution.... Bj Hon. Charles I. Walker of Detroit. 8°, pp. 46.... Madison, Wis., 1871 " Contains much new matter relative to the British and Indian forays having their origin at Detroit, the headquarters of British influence." L. V. iDraper. 2458 Walker (C. M.). History of Athens County, Ohio, and Incidentally of the Ohio Land Company and the First Settle- ment of the State at Marietta. 2 vols., imperial 8°, cloth, uncut. Cincinnati., 1869 2459 Walker (H.). A journal ; or Full Account of the Late /^ Expedition to Canada; with an Appendix containing Com- missions, Orders, Instructions, Letters, Memorials, Courts- Martial, Councils of War, &c., relating thereto. 8°, calf. London, 1720 Concerning this scarce work, See Bich, vol. i, 27, also Nichols Li- terary Anecdotes, vol. i, 178. 2460 Wallace (A. R.). A Narrative of Travels on the Amazon / , ,-' and Rio Negro, With an account of the Native Tribes, and v.J-^ observations on the Climate, Geology, and Natural History of the Amazon Valley. By Alfred R. Wallace. With a Map and Illustrations. Map, 7 plates and plans. 8°, cloth, uncut. London : Peeve & Co., 1853 Beside many incidental notices of personal intercourse with the Native Tribes of the Amazon, the author has given a very complete account of their life and customs. ,^^ 2461 Walton (Wm.). Sketch of the United States, at the com- mencement of the Ninetenth Century. From the French of Le Chevalier Felix De Beaujour. Map. 8°, half roan. London, 1814 '(i^O 2462 Wa-o-wa-wa-na-onk. Speech of Wa-o-wa-wa-na-onk, an Indian Chief 12°, pp. 12. n. d. n. p. This is the " Speech of Peter Wilson, an educated Indian Chief, to the committee of Friends on Indian Concerns at Baltimore, 10th month 26, 1848." 'J/' 2463 [Warburton (Eliot).] The Conquest of Canada, by the author of " Hochelaga." 2 vols., 12°, uncut. N. Y., 1864 ,^f 2464 [Another copy.] 2 vols. 1850 352 ^ 'fp 2465 Ward (H. G.)- Mexico in 1827. 2 vols., 8°, hoards, un- " cut. Scarce. London, 1828 '^() 2466 Warden (D. B.). A Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United States ... Map. 3 vols., 8°, half mor. Udmburyh, 1819 Includes a Catalogue of Books relative to each State. J . f%- 2467 Warren (G. K.). Explorations in the Dakota Country, in the Year 1855. By Lieut. C. K. Warren, Topographical Engineer of the " Sioux Expedition." 8°, half mor. Washington : A. 0. P. Nicholson, printer, 1856 « 2^5" 2468 Warren (J. E.). Para ; or. Scenes and Adventures on the Banks of the Amazon. By John Esaias Warren. 12°. New York : G. P. Putnam, 1851 / -^S^ 2469 Washburne (C). Reminiscences of the Indians. By the Eev. Cephas Washburne, A.M.; many years Superintendent of the Dwight Mission among the Cherokees of the Arkansas. With a Biography of the Author. By Rev. J. W. Moore of Arkan- sas. And an Introduction by Rev. J. L. Wilson. ... 12°. Richmond [1869] The narration of this devoted missionary to the Indians, reminds us in its details of the kindred relations of the early Jesuits in America. / 2470 Washington. The | Journal | of | Major Greorge Washing- ^0 .^ ^ ton, I Sent by the | Hon. Robert Dinwiddle, Esq ; | His Ma- jesty's Lieutenant Governor, and | Commander in Chief of Virginia, | To the | Commandant of the French Forces | on Ohio. I To which are added, the | Governors Letter : | and a Translation of the French Officer's Answer. | With | A New Map of the Country as far as the | Mississippi. |Map. 8°, levant morocco, -\- pp. 32. Williarhshurgh : Printed, | London, RejJrinted for T. Jeffreys, the corner | of St. Martins Lane, \ mdccliv Curious as being the first of .Washington's official actions recorded in print. It is principally occupied with a relation of his councils with the Indians, west of the AUeghanies. '^// 2471 Washington. The Journal of Major George Washington, J sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddle to the commandant of the French forces on Ohio. With a map. Large 8°, cloth, uncut, pp.46. New York: Reprinted for Joseph Sahin, 1868 '2'% 5' 2472 Washington. The Writings of George Washington, being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages and Other Papers ... with a Life . , . Notes and Illustrations by Jared Sparks. 12 vols., 8°, calf large paper. Boston, 1837 Three hundred copies only printed, now scarce. 353 ').0Q 2473 Washington. Correspoudeace of The Ameriean Revolu- tion, being Letters of Eminent Men to George Washington ... Edited by Jared Sparks. 4 vols., royal 8°. Bost., 1853 f^tii)- 2473* Washington. The same. Vols. 2, 3, and 4, cZo^A, .^ff 2474 Washington. Life of, by Aaron Bancroft. Port. 2 vols., 16°, hoards, uncut. Bost., 1826 /,a o 2475 Washingtoniana : or Memorials of the Death of George Washington. With a List of Tracts and Volumes printed upon the Occasion. By F. B. Hough. Port. 2 vols., royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Roxhury, Mass., 1865 t^*^ 2476 Washington. Diary of George Washington from 1789 to ^ 1791 ... With his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio ... Edited by B. J. Lossing. 8°. [ Richmond: Press of the Historical Society, 1861 /.So 2477 [Washington (John)]. Esquimaux and English Vocabu- lary, for the use of the Arctic Expeditions. Published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Oblong 12°, roan. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1850 ^XS' 2478 Washington Sketch Book, by Viator. 12°, cloth. New York, 1864 f,/^ 2479 [Waterhouse (Benjamin)]. A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, late a Surgeon on board an American Priva- teer, who was captured at Sea by the British, in May, Eighteen hundred and thirteen, and was confined first at Melville Island, Halifax, then at Chatham in England, and last at Dartmoor Prison. Interspersed with Observations, Anecdotes and Re- marks, tending to illustrate the moral and political characters , of three Nations. To which is added a correct engraving of ^ Dartmoor Prison, representing the massacre of American Pri- M: soners Written by Himself The Second Edition with con- B siderable additions and improvements. Plate. 12°, pp. 240. ■ Boston, 1816 ■^0 2481 [Waterhouse (B.)]. Another copy, lacking map. 1816. 2482 Watson (Elkanah). Men and Times of the Revolution ; or. Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, including Journals of Travels. 8°. New York, 1856 'S'J 2483 Watson (Henry C). Camp Fires of the Revolution. Illustrated. 8°. New York, 1865 45 354 /, fh/ 2484 Watson (H. C). Nights in a Block-House ; or, Sketches of Border Life : embracing Adventures among the Indians, Feats of the Wild Hunters, and Exploits of Boone, Brady, Kenton, Whetzel, Flechart, and other bprder heroes of the West. By Henry C. Watson. With One Hundred Engrav- ings. 8°, pp. 448. Philadelphia : Lippincott, Gramho & Co., 1853 OJ^ 1% 2485 Watson (John F.). Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsyl- vania, in the Olden Time ; being a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes and Incidents of the City and its Inhabitants. Illus- trated. 2 vols., 8°, cloth. Philadelphia, 1845 1 !^i^ 2486 Watson (J. F.). Historic Tales of Olden Time of New York. Title page torn and plates out. 12°. 1832 'So 2487 Watson (W. C). Pioneer History of the Champlain Val- ley. Royal 8°, hds., uncut. Albany, 1868 ^ X5^ 2488 Wayne (J. M.). Speech of James M. Wayne, of Georgia, on the Bill to provide for the Removal of the Indians West of the Mississippi. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, May 24, 1830. 8°, pp. 16. Washincjton : Duff Green, printer, 1830 ' L O 2489 Wayne (A.). Lives of Anthony Wayne and Sir H. Vane. 12°, cloth. New York, 1860 0~ C ^ 2490 Webb (J. W.). Altowanj or Incidents of Life and Adven- ture in the Rocky Mountains. By An Amateur Traveler. Edited by J. Watson Webb. 2 vols., 12°, cloth. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1846 An English officer, who subsequently became a lord, fell, on his ar- rival in this country, into the hands of that eminent tuft-hunter, James Watson Webb. Indian life, character, and legends form the staple of the work. / /^ 2491 Webber (C. W.). Historical and Revolutionary Incidents of the Early Settlers of the United States. Plate. 12°. Philadelphia, 1861 j ^i^% 2492 Webber (C W.). The Hunter-Naturalist. Romance of Sporting ; or. Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters. By C. W. Web- ber ...8°. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1856 \)0 2493 Webster (Daniel). An Address before the New York His- torical Society, February 23, 1852. 8°, pp. 57. New York, 1852 '//- 2499 Weiser (C). Narrative of a Journey, made in the year 1737, by Conrad Weiser, Indian Agent and Provincial Inter- preter, from Tulpehocken in the Province of Pennsylvania to Onondago, the head quarters of the allied Six Nations, in the province of New York. Translated from the German by Hiester H. Muhlenberg, M. D., of Reading, Pa. 8°. Philad., 1853 Form pp. 6-30 of number i of the Collections of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. ' '^ r 2500 Weld (Isaac). Travels through the States of North Ame- rica, and the Province of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795, ... 1797. 2 vols., 8°, calf. London, 1799 b/'i. 2501 Weld. [Another Edition]. Plates. 4°, half calf. London, 1799 .„'?^ 2502 Welsh (W.) Report of a Visit to the Sioux and Pauka Indians, on the Missouri River, made by William Welsh, July, 1872. 8°, pp. 36. Washington, 1872 / 0^ 2503 West (J.). The Substance of A Journal during a Resi- dence at the Red River Colony, British North America ; and frequent Excursions among the North-West American Indians, Ik in the years 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823. By John West, M.A., I late Chaplain to the Hon. the Hudson's Bay Company. 8°, I hoards, uncut. London : L. B. Seeley and Son, MDOCCXXIV ^^./^ 2504 West. The Substance of a Journal during a Residence at the Red River Colony British North America : and frequent Excursions among the north west American Indians, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823. Second Edition Enlarged with ta Journal of a Mission to the Indians of New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, and the Mohawks on the Ouse or Grand River, Upper Canada, 1825, 1826. By John West, late Chaplain to the Hon. the Hudson's Bay Company. 8°, uncut. London : L. B. Scclcj/ and Son, MDCOCXXVir 356 ' ^-^ 2505 Westcott (T.). Names of Persons who took the Oath of Allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania between the years 1777 and 1789. With a History of the •' Test Laws " of Pennsyl- vania. 8°, cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1865 250 copies printed. 2- L'h 2506 Westover Manuscripts : Containing the History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina ; a Jour- ney to the land of Eden, A. W., 1733, &c. By William Byrd. S°, paper, uncut. Petershurg, 1841 /,%6^ 2507 Western Reserve Historical and Archaslogical Tracts. Four in one vol. Small 4to, hoards. ^■C o 2508 Western Scenes and Eeminiscences : together with thrill- insr Leo;ends and Traditions of the Red-Men of the Forest. To . . IT which is added several narratives of Adventures among the In- dians. 6 plates. 8°, pp. 495. Auburn : Derby & Miller, 1853 / , / ^ 2509 Wetmore (A.). Gazetteer of the State of Missouri. With a Map of the State from the oflGlce of the Surveyor-general, in- cluding the latest Additions and surveys : To which is added An Appendix, containing Frontier Sketches, and Illustrations of Indian Character. Compiled by Alphonso Wetmore, of Mis- souri. Plate. 8°, pp. 382. St. Louis : C. Keemle, 1837 The appendix is a collection of incidents of border life and Indian biography. ' ^6 2510 What the G-overnment and Churches are doing for the In- dians. 8°, pp. 24. Washington, 1874 't3 2511 [Wheaton and Others.] Lives of William Pinkney, Wil- liam Ellery, and Cotton Mather. Royal, 8°, cloth uncut. New TorJc, 1860 /./'2- 2512 Wheeler (J. H.). Historical Sketches of North Carolina from 1584 to 1851. 8°, vol. 1. J. Clute : Philadelphia, 1851 2513 Wheeler (T.). An Historical Discourse, delivered at West Brookfield, Mass., Nov. 27, 1828, By Joseph I. Foot. With Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Narrative, now annexed, and additional notices of occurrences in the town, since the first publication of the discourse. 8°. West Brookfield, 1843 The New York second edition of Captain Wheeler's narrative. First published in 167.5, which has become so rare that a copy sold for $175. ^ ()1^ 2514 Wheelock (E.). A | plain and faithful | Narrative | of the | Original Design, Rise, Progress | and present State | of the | In- dian Charity School | At Lebanon, in Connecticut. | By Eleazer Wheelock, A. M. | Pastor of a Church in Lebanon. | 8°, pp. 55. Boston : Printed by Richard and Samuel Draper, M.DCC.LXill \W^ H 357 2515 Wheelock. A | Continuation | of the | Narrative | Of the State, &c. of the I Indian Charity-School, | At Lebanon, Con- necticut; | From Nov. 27th, 1762, to Sept. 3d, 1765. | By Eleazer Wheelock, A. M. | Pastor of a Church in Lebanon. | 8°, pp. 23. Boston : Printed hy Richard and Samuel Draper, 1765 % 2516 Wheelock. A | Brief] Narrative | of the | Indian Charity- School, I In Lebanon in Connecticut, New England. | Founded and Carried on by | That faithful Servant of God | The Rev. Mr. Eleazer Wheelock. | 8°, pp. 64. London : Printed hy J. and W. Oliver, M.DCC.LXVI ^ [t1^ 2517 Wheelock (E.). A Brief] Narrative | of the | Indian Cha^ rity School | In Lebanon in Connecticut, New England : Founded and Carried on by | That Faithful Servant of God The Hev. Mr. Eleazer Wheelock. | The Second Edition | With an Appendix. | [By Rev. N. Whitaker.] 8°, pp. 63. London: Printed hy J . and W. Oliver, M.DCC.LXVII ^ (p^ 2518 Wheelock. A Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity-School begun in Lebanon, in Connecticut, now incor- porated with Dartmouth College in Hanover in the Province of New Hampshire, (from May 6, 1771 to Sept. 1772). 8°, un- cut, pp. 40. [w.p.] 1773 ^ Ip 1- 2519 Wheelock. A | Continuation | of the | Narrative | of the Indian Charity-School, j begun in | Lebanon, | in | Connecticut;! now incorporated with | Dartmouth-College, | in the Province of | New Hampshire, j By Eleazar Wheelock, D.D. | President of Dartmouth College. | 8", uncut, pp. 68. Hartford : Printed in the year, 1773 v> ^ 7. 2520 Wheelock. A | Continuation | of the | Narrative | of the | Indian Charity-School, | in | Lebanon, | in | Connecticut; j From the Year 1768, to the Incorporation of it with | Dartmouth-Col- lege, I And Removal and Settlement of it in | Hanover, | In the Province of | New-Hampshire, 1771. | By Eleazer Wheelock, D.D, I President of Dartmouth College. | 8°, uncut, pp. 61. Printed in the year, 1771 .^j L>^ 2521 Wheelock. A | Continuation | of the | Narrative | of the Indian Charity-School, | begun in | Lebanon, in Connecticut; | now incorporated with | Dartmouth-College, In Hanover, in the Province of | New-Hampshire. | With a Dedication to the | Honorable Trust in London. | To which is added | An Account of Missions the last Year, in an I Abstract from the Journal of 358 the Rev'd Mr. Frisbie,] Missionary. |By Eleazer Wheelock, D.D.| President of Dartmouth-College. | 4:°, uncut, pp. 31. Hartford : | Printed hy Ebenezer Watson., near the Great Bridge, M,DCC,LXXV The niutli, and last, of the Reports of the Indian Charity School es- tablislied by Mr. Wheelock. It was originally termed the Moors Charity School, commencing in 1754, at Lebanon, and in 1771 trans- ferred to Hanover, where it formed the germ of the institution, known as Dartmoutlx College. Among the first pupils came young Brant, the Mohawk warrior, who afterwards desolated the Wyoming Valley, and sat beside the Mohegan Indian, Samson Occum, who preached the gospel of peace to the same bloody savages. The fruits of the noble * and disinterested labors of Mr. Wheelock, were visible among the aborigines for many years after the date of tliis report. At one time * twenty-five Indians were receiving instruction in his school. Honored be the name of Eleazer Wheelock during all time, as one of the wisest and noblest friends of the red man. f) ,hC 2522 Wheelock. A Sermon Preached before the Second Society in Lebanon, June 30, 1763. At the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Charles Jeffrey Smith, With a View to his going as a Mis- sionary to the remote Tribes of the Indians in this Land. By Eleazer Wheelock, D.D. ...To which is added A Sermon Preached by Nathaniel Whitaker, D.D., after the said Ordina- tion ; it being a Day of Solemn Fasting and Prayer upon that Occasion. 8°, pp. 45. London : Printed for E. and C. JDilli/, M,DCC,LXVII / .^S' 2523 Whipple (A. W.). Report upon The Indian Tribes, by Lieut. A. W. Whipple, Thomas Ewbank, Esq. and Prof. Wm. W. Turner. 4°, half morocco, pp. 127. Washington, D C, 1855 11^ 2524 White (E). A Concise View of Oregon Territory, its Colonial, and Indian Relations, compiled from official letters and reports, together with the Organic Laws of the Colony. By Elijah White, late Sub-Indian agent of Oregon [with minute accounts of Indian affairs] 8°, printed cover and pp. 72. Washington : T. Barnard, Printer, 1846 A record of the first establishment of organized society in Oregon. 2 ^'J'S' 2525 White (G-.). Historical Collections of Georgia : containing the most interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities, from its first Settlement to the present time. Compiled from Original Records and Official Documents. By the Rev. George White. Map. 8°, + pp. 688 -f 12. New York, 1855 / ,'J^ 2526 White (H.). The Early History of New England, illus- trated by numerous Interesting Incidents. By Rev. Henry White. 1 2°, sheep, pp. 428. Concord, N. H. : I. S- Boyd, 1845 ik 369 A collection of incidents of Indian warfare, captivities of tlie early colonists, and anecdotes and incidents of their association in peace and war with the aborigines. It was subsequently issued with additional matter under the following title. 2527 White. Indian Battles : with Incidents of the Early History of New England. By Kev. Henry White. Containing Thrilling and Stirring Narratives of Battles, Captivities, Escapes, Ambus- cades, Assaults, Massacres, and Depredations of the Indians. The Habits, Customs, and Traits of Character peculiar to the Indian Race. The Life and Exploits of Capt. Miles Standish. The History of King Philip's War, and Personal and Historical Incidents of the Revolutionary War, 12°, doth^ pp. 412. New York : D. W. Evans & Co., (1859) , J j' 2528 White (P. H.). The life & Services of Matthew Lyon, pp. 26. The Marbles of Vermont, by A. D. Hager, pp. 16. Two Addresses in one pamphlet. Burlington, 1858 %-S^Q 2529 White (S.). History of the American Troops, during the Late war, under the command of Cols. Fenton and Campbell... The Taking of Fort Erie, the Battle of Chippewa, the im- prisonment of Col. Bull, Major Gallowary and the Author (then a Captain) and their Treatment : together with an Historical account of the Canadas. By Samuel White. 12°, pp. 107. Baltimore : The author, 1829 /,(% 2530 Whitefield (G.). A Continuation of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's Journal, from his Arrival at Savannah to his Return to London. 8°, pp. 38. London, 1739 f^ (^ Q 2531 Whitfield (H.). The Light appearing more and more 7' to, I wards the perfect Day. | Or | A farther Discovery of the present State | of the Indians | In | New-England, [ Concerning the Progresse of the Gospel | amongst them | Manifested by Letters from such as preacht | to them there. | Published by Henry Whitfield, late Pastor to the | Chuch (sic) of | Christ at Gilford in New-England, | who came late thence. 4°, levant morocco, by W. Mathew, pp. (8) 46, London : Printed by T. R. & E. M. for John Bartlet, and are to he | sold at the Gilt Cup, neer St. Austins gate in Pauls | Church-yard, 1651 The fifth in order of publication of the Eliot Tracts, and contains five letters from Eliot and one from Mayhow in continuation of the glorious Progress of the Gospel." ^O 2532 Whitfield. A farther discovery of the Present State of the Indians in New England, concerning the Progress of the Gospel among them, manifested by Letters from such as preached to them then. By Henry Whitfied. 4°, cloth, uncut, pp. (xii) 46. New York: Printed for J. Sahin, 1865 Reprint of the previous work with an abbreviated preliminary title page. 360 2533 Whitfield. Strength | out of | Weaknesse ; | Or a Glorious | Manifestation | Of the further Progresse of | the Gospel among /jrpO t'i6 Indians | in New-England. | Held forth in Sundry Letters | ' * • from divers Ministers and others to the | Corporation established by Parliament for | promoting the Gospel among the Hea | then in New-England ; and to particular | Members thereof since the last Trea | tise to that effect, formerly set | forth by Mr. Henry Whitfield I late Pastor of Gilford in | New England. | Pub- lished by the aforesaid Corporation. [.. .]Small 4°, levant morocco. pp. (16) 40. London : | Printed hy M. Simmons for John Blague and \ Samuel Hoioes^ and are to he sold at their \ Shop in Popes-Head- Alley, 1652 | The title of the copy given, now in my possession', indicates that there was a fourth edition, as the Dedication is signed John Owen and 11 others, and W. Gouge and 13 others, published by the aforesaid Corporation. It is the sixth of the Eliot tracts, or Reports of Missions among the Indians. .>C7) 2534 Whitfield. Strength out of Weakness; Or a Glorious Manifestation of the further Progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England. By Henry Whitfield. Small 4°, cloth, uncut. New York, 1865 A Reprint of the above, with a bibliographical notice of the various editions by Joseph Sabin. I J ^y 2535 Whittlesey (C). A Discourse relating to the Expedition of Lord Dunmore, of Virginia, against the Indian Towns upon the Scioto in 1774. By Charles Whittlesey, of Cleveland. 8°, pp. 33. Cleveland : Printed hy Sanford & Co., 1842 f o 2536 Whittlesey (Chs.). Early history of Cleveland, Ohio, in- cluding original Papers and other matter relating to the adja- cent Country. With Biographical Notices of the Pioneers and Surveyors. By Col. Chas. Whittlesey. Cleveland 0., 1867 % ^S 2537 Whittlesey. Fugitive Essays, upon Interesting and Use- ful Subjects, relating to the Early History of Ohio, its Geology and Agriculture, with a Biography of the first successful con- structor of Steamboats ; a Dissertation upon the Antiquity of the material universe, and other articles, being a reprint from various periodicals of the day. By Charles Whittlesey. 12°, cloth, pp. 397. Hudson, Ohio: Sawyer, Ingersoll, & Co., 1852 %'5'o 2538 Whittlesey. ... Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior. By Charles Whittlesey. Map. 4°, half morocco, pp. 29. Washington City. New Yorh : D. Appleton & Co. r-^f 861 2539 Whymper (F.). Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, formerly Russian America, now ceded to the United States, and in various other parts of the North Pacific. By Frederick Whymper. With map and illustrations. Map and 37 plates. 8°, dotli^ uncut. London : John Murray, 1868 .^ i)" 2540 W^iLDE (Mr.). Speech of Mr. Wilde, of Georgia, on the bill for removing the Indians from the East to the West side of the Mississippi. Delivered in the House of Representatives, on the 20 of May, 1830. 8°, pp. 64. Washington: Printed hy Gales & Seaton, 1830 ,^ 2541 WiLKiE (F. B.). Davenport Past and Present; including the early History, and Personal and Anecdotal Reminiscences of Davenport ; together with Biographies, likenesses of its prominent men, compendious articles upon the physical, indus- trial, social and political Characteristics of the City ; full Sta- tistics of every Department of note or interest. By Franc B, Wilkie. 8°, doth, pp. 333, Davenport, 1858 'So 2542 Wilkinson (Eliza), Letters of, relative to Charleston. 12°. New York, 1839 . ^y 2543 Wilkinson (J.). Memoirs of My Own Times. By Gen- ^ eral James Wilkinson. 3 vols. 8°, bds., uncut. Philadelphia, 1816 2544 [Wilkinson]. Burr's Conspiracy Exposed; and General Wilkinson Vindicated, Against the Slanders of his Enemies on that Important Occasion. 8°, bds., uncut. 1811 ;^^ 2545 Willett (A. Marinus). Address before the N. Y. State Society of the Cincinnati, Monday, February 23, 1874. 8°, pp. 43. Mew York. 2546 Willett (W. M ). A Narrative of the Military Actions of f- ^'' Colonel Marinus Willett, taken chiefly from his own Manuscript. Prepared by his Son, William M. Willett. Portrait. 8°, half morocco, gilt top. New York : G. & C. & H. Gar v ill, 1831 Willett was an eminent partisan officer during the Revolution, serv- ing principally on the frontiers of New York, in campaigns against the Six Nations. The narrative is principally composed of incidents connected with Indian warfare. 2547 Willett (W.). Scenes in the Wilderness : an Authentic / f-//-^ Narrative of the Labours and Sufferings of the Moravian Mis- sionaries among the North American Indians. By Rev. WiU Ham Willett. 16°, cloth, pp. 208. New York : G. Lane & P. P. San/or d, 1842 46 362 ,^ 2548 WiLLEY (B. G.)- Incidents in White Mountain History: containing Facts relating to the Discovery and Settlement of the Mountains, Indian History and Traditions, ... together with Numerous Anecdotes Illustrating Life in the Back Woods. By Rev. Benjamin G. Willey. ... 8 plates, 12°, cloth., pp. 332. Boston : Nathaniel Noyes, 1856 1 ,1)^ 2549 Williams (E.). Good News to the Iroquois Nation, A Tract, on Man's primitive Rectitude, His fall, and His Recov- ery through Jesus Christ. By Eleazer Williams. ... 12°, pp. 12. Burlington ^Vt. : Printed bi/ Samuel Mills, January. 181S This tract is in the Mohawk language. 'So 2550 Williams (E). Life of Te-ho-ra-gua-ne-gen, alias Thomas Williams, a Chief of the Caughnawaga tribe of Indians, in Canada. By the Rev. Eleazer Williams, Reputed son of Thomas Williams. 8°, cloth, xmcut, pp. 91. Albany : J. Munsell, 1859 r, 2551 Williams (J.). The Redeemed Captive returning to Zion : or, a Faithful History of Remarkable Occurrences in the Cap- tivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, Minister of the Gospel in Deerfield ; who, in the Desolation which befell that Plantation, by an Incursion of French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his family and his Neighborhood, into 'Canada. Drawn up by himself Annexed to which, is a Sermon, preached by him upon his return. Also, an Appendix, By the Rev. Mr. Williams, of Springfield. Likewise, an appendix, By the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Deerfield. With a conclusion to the whole, By the Rev. Mr. Prince, of Boston. The Sixth Edition. 12°, pp. 132. Boston : Printed by Samuel Hall, 1795 * 2552 Williams (J.). The Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. ^,Q t John Williams, pastor of the Church in Deerfield, and Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. of Lancaster, who were taken, together with their families and neighbors, by the French and Indians, and carried into Canada. Written by Themselves. 12°. Broohjield : Printed by Hori Brown. 1811 2553 Williams (J.). The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion : , or, a Faithful history of remarkable occurrences in the Captivity /, 37 and Deliverence of Mr. John Williams, Minister of the Gospel in Deerfield, who in the desolation which befell that Planta- tion by an incursion of the French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his family and his neighborhood, into Canada, drawn up by himself. To which is added, a biographical me- moir of the reverend author, with an Appendix and Notes, by Stephen W. Williams... 12°, pp. 192. Northampton : Hopkins^ Brid{iman and Company, 1853 mA 1^ 363 2554 Williams (J ). Aa Eoquiry into the Truth of the Tradi- tion, coacerniag the Discovery of America. By Prince Madog 2^^ ab Owea Grwyaedd, about the year, 1170. By Joha Wil- liams.,.. 8°, pp. viii, 82. London : Printed by J. Brown, M.DCC.XCI 2555 Williams. Farther Observations on the Discovery of America, by Prince Madog ab Ovren Gw^ynedd, about the year 1170. Containing the account given by General Bov/les, the Creek or Cherokee Indian, lately in London, and by several others, of a Welsh Tribe or Tribes of Indians, now living in the Western parts of North America. By John Williams. 8°, pp. ix, 52. London: printed by J Brown, M.DCC.XCII The propositions of the learned author in favor of the existence of a tribe of Welsh Indians, are so well sustained by veritable evidence, and yet so positively known to be untrue, that it makes us doubt the value of all ratiocination. 2556 Williams (J. L.). The Territory of Florida : or Sketches {^n of the Topography, Civil and Natural History, of the Country, the Climate, and the Indian Tribes, from the first Discovery to the Present Time, with a Map, Views, &c. By John Lee Wil- liams. Map and 3 plates. 8°, half bound, pp. 300. JVew York : A. T. Goodrich, 1837 'l^Q 2557 Williams (John S.). History of the Invasion and Capture of Washington. Map. 12°. iV. F., 1857 m,-^ 2558 Williams (Mrs.). Biography of Revolutionary Heroes. 12°, cloth. Prov., 1839 j2^" 2559 Williams (J. Fletcher). The Early History of St. Paul, Minnesota, pp. 12, with plates. St. Paul, 1867 2560 Williams (R.). A Key into the | Language | of | America : %'i'Cf^ I or, I An help to the Language of the Natives | in that part of -/ J Q America, called | New England. | Together, with briefe observa- tions of the Cu |stomes. Manners and Worships, &c. of the | aforesaid Natives, j in Peace and Warre, | in Life and Death, j On all which are added Spiritual Observations, | General and Particular by the Author, of | chiefe and Speciall use (upon all occasions) to | all the English Inhabiting those parts ; | yet pleasant and profitable to | the view of all men : j By lioger Wil- liams I of Providence in New England. 16°, levant morocco, by Bradstreet. London: | Printed by Gregory Dexter, 1643 This very rare work by the celebrated founder of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, is not only the first book printed relating to ^^ the Indians of New England, but it is the first of a philological cha- racter, on the Aboriginal languages north of Mexico except that of Father Sagard. This copy has a note written on a fly leaf : " I had this book from Benjamin Franklin of Philadelphia, minister from the I'uitcd ytatt's of America a)<, the court of Versailles — E. Poor." f- 364 ' ^O 2561. Williams (Koger). Experiments of Spiritual Life and Health. 4°, hoards. Loud., 1652. Reprinted, 1863. Providence, 1863 ,C^ O 2562 Williams. A Key into the Languages of America, Edited by J. Hammond Trumbull. 4°, Providence, R. I. : Publications of the Narraganset Club, 1866 'J-S^ 2563 Williams (S.). The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Map. 8°, pp. 416. WalpoJe, mdccx / ./^ 2564 Williams. [The same.] Second Edition, corrected and enlarged. Map. 2 vols., 8°, sheep. Burlington, 1809 U-/^ 2563 Williams (S.). A Sermon Preached at Mansfield, Aug. 4, 1741. At a time set apart for Prayer for the Revival of Religion ; and on the Behalf of Mrs. Eunice, the Daughter of the Reverend Mr. John Williams (formerly Pastor of Deerfield) who was then on a Visit there, from Canada; where she had been in a long Captivity. By Solomon Williams, A. M. ... 18°. Boston : Printed by S. Kneeland and S. Green, 1742 Mrs. Eunice the infant daughter of the puritan clergyman remained a Captive after the recovery of the other members of bis family ; was educated in the Catholic faith, married an Indian chief, and became the ancestors of Eleazer Williams, a licentiate of the Episcopal church, and putative Bourbon prince. Mrs. Eunice returned for a brief period to her family, who having mourned her as dead, were overwhelmed with additional grief at discovering her alive and a Catholic. ^(dO 2566 Williams (W.). A Biographical Memoir of the Rev. John Williams, first minister of Deerfield, Massachusetts, With a slight sketch of ancient Deerfield, and an account of the Indian Wars in that place and vicinity. With an Appendix, contain- ing the journal of the Rev. Doctor Stephen Williams, of Long- meadow, during his Captivity, and other papers relating to the early Indian Wars in Deerfield. By Stephen W. Williams. ... 12°, pp. 127. Greenfield, Mass. : C. J. J. Ingersoll, 1837 '^^ 2567 Williams (Wm. R.). Sermon before Baptist Home Mis- sion Society, May 29, 1862. 12°. New York, 1862 ^ f^ 2568 Williamson (Hugh). The History of North Carolina. 2 vols., 8°, shee;p. Philadelphia, 1812 ^2 oo 2569 Williamson (H.). Observations on the Climate in Differ- ' ent Parts of America, compared with the Climate in Corres- ponding parts of the other continent. To which are added remarks on the difi"erent Complexions of the Human Race ; with some account of the Aborigines of America. Being an Introductory Discourse to the History of North Carolina. By Hugh Williamson. ... 8°, pp. viii, 199. New York: T. & I. Swords, 1811 365 2570 Williamson (P.). French & Indian Cruelty ; Exemplified J, ^-^ in the Life and various Vicissitudes of Fortune of Peter Wil- A^''^ liamson ; Who was carried off from Aberdeen in his Infancy, and Sold as a Slave in Pennsylvania. Containing The History of the Author's Adventures in N. America; his Captivity among the Indians, and manner of his escape ; the customs, dress, &c. of the Savages ; military operations in that quarter j with a description of the British Settlements, «&c. &c. ... The Fifth Edition with large Improvements. 12°. Edinburgh : Printed for the Author, MDCCLXII / ^^ 2570 Williamson. [Another Edition.] Portrait. 12°, pp. vi, 150. Edinburgh, 1787 ^ 2571 Williamson (Wm. D.). History of the State of Maine, from its Discovery, A. D. 1602 to The Separation, A. D. 1820, inclusive. 2 vols., 8°, calf. Hallowell, 1832 tih^ 2573 WiLMER (L. A.). The Life, Travels and Adventures of ^ Ferdinand de Soto, Discoverer of the Mississippi. By Lambert A. Wilmer. Steel engravings. 8°, pp. 532. Philadelphia: J. T. Loyd, 1850 Thia well printed and beautifully illustrated book is written in a style worthy of its subject. The story of DeSoto's life is told with a vigor and nervous energy, characteristic of his restless and ambitious career. I ^./^ 2574 Wilson (D.). The Life of Jane McCrea, with an Account of Burgoyne's Expedition in 1777. By D. Wilson. 12°, pp. 155. New York : Baher, Godwin & Co , Printers, 1853 Contains the traditional and historical versions of the massacres of the Allen family, and of Miss McCrea, with some new evidence. 2575 Wilson, (Daniel). Pre-historic Man, Researches into the Origin of Civilization in the Old and the New World. Many plates. 8°, cloth, uncut. London, 1865 2576 Wilson (M). American History : Comprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes ; a description of .American An- ^ I *~i^ tiquities, with an Inquiry into their Origin, and the Origin of the Indian Tribes: History of the United States, with append- ices showing its connection with European History; History of Mexico and History of Texas, brought down to the time of its admission into the Americaa Union. By Marcius Wilson. 8°, cloth, pp. 672. New York, 1847 Page 18 to 94 are devoted to American antiquities and the Indian tribes. IJ> 366 2577 Wilson (R. A.)- A New History of the Conquest of Mex- ico, in which Las Casas's Denunciations of the Popular Histor- ians of that War are fully Vindicated. By Robert Anderson Wilson. Frontispiece. 8°, clotli^ uncxit^ pp. 538. London, 1859 This work, written with a zeal which often degenerates into vehem- ence, is an arraignment of the Spanish historians, from whom all the current notions of the Spanish invaders have been acquired. With much show of reason, he maintains the un worthiness of their accounts. The author was a resident of Rochester, N. Y., and the work was really published by Harper & Brothers of New York. 2578 [Wilson (Thomas)]. The Knowledge and Practice of Christianity made Easy to the meanest capacities or an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians. ... The Fifth Edition. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man. 18°, sheep, pp. 270. London, 1743 Written for the Indians of Georgia, and frequently reprinted. 2579 Wilson. The same title. Eighteenth Edition. 18°, pp. (viii) xxiv, 280. London: Printed for F. and C Rivinyton, 1806 2580 Winnebago Indians. From Document No. 229 of the House of Representatives, ... containing Allegations of Fraud "in relation to the Settlement of the Claims of the Half-Breed relatives of the Winnebago Indians," in which case the Com- mission of General Simon Cameron was set aside. 8°, pp. 38. .> Harrishurg, Pa., 1839 A record of the evidence of the conversion of the funds, appropriated for the sustenance of an Indian tribe, by a present Senator of the United States. 2581 WiNTHROP (John)." The History of New England from 1630 to 1049. With Notes by James Savage. Portrait. 2 vols., 8°. Boston, 1853 }^Q 2582 WiNTHROP. Life and Letters of John Winthrop, Governor of Massachusetts Bay Company at their Emigration, to New England, 1630. Edited by Robert C. Winthrop. 8°, boards. Boston, 1864 V9<9 2583 Winthrop (R. C). Addresses before the Maine Hist. Soc. at Bowdoiu College. Sept. 5. 1849. Pp. 68. Boston 2584 Winthrop (T.). The Canoe and the Saddle, Adventures among the Northwestern Rivers and Forests; and Isthmiana. By Theodore Winthrop. 12°, pp. 302. Boston : Ticknor & Fields, 1863 Contains many interesting details of personal observations of Indian life and manners. '3o 'M L^o /,S1) i,h 367 l,yi 2585 WiNTON (H. C). Glen Sketches, at Havana, N. Y. 12°. < Itliaca, 1868 ._ 2586 Wisconsin. Collections of the State Historical Society of %• r> Wisconsin. 5 vols., 8°, [annual reports]. Madison, 1854 One of the noblest collections ever made by any historical society. It is a vast mass of original material, written mostly by border warriors, pioneers, voyageurs, and others who saw the events of which they wrote. By tar the largest portion relates to the Aborigines who once occupied the territory. It is to the intelligence and zeal of the learned antiquary, Lyman C. Draper, that the public are indebted lor this model of historical collections. X6' 2587 Wisconsin Historical Society : Report and Collections, Vol. 5, Parts 1, 2, 3, 1868. Trans, of Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 1870-72. Addresses by M. Strong ; C. J. Walker, P. A. Chadbourue , C. D. Eobinson, H. S. Ortou, A. Van Wyck, etc. 11 Pamphlets. <7) 2588 Wisconsin Historical Society. Report and Collections for 1869-70-71 and 72. Vol. 6, 8°, cloth. Madison, 1872 L{) 2589 Wisconsin. Catalogue of the Library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Prepared by Daniel S. Durrie, Librarian, and Isabel Durrie, Assistant. 2 vols., 8°, cloth. Madison : Published hy order of the State, M.DCCC.LXXIII The catalogue will be very useful to the Collector of Local Histories, Genealogies, etc., as the library is very rich in these departments and the books are catalogued both under the names of the authors and the subjects. S7 2590 WiSNER (13. B.). ... A Sermon delivered before the Society for Propa,<:;ating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, November 5, 1829. By Benjamin B. Wisner. 8° pp. 44. Boston : Putnam & Runt, 1829 M^ 2591 Witchcraft Delusion in New England : its Rise, Progress, and Termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, and by Mr. Robert Calef. Preface, Introduction and Notes by S G. Drake. 3 vols., royal 8°, hoards, uncut. Roxbury, Mass., 1866 70 copies in this style. 2592 Withers (A. S.). Chronicles of Border Warfare, or A History of the settlement by the Whites, of North-western Vir- td^SC ginia : and of the Indian Wars and Massacres, In that section fO'x^O of the State ; with Reflections, Anecdotes, &c. By Alexander S. Withers. 12°, half morocco extra, by Bradstrect, pp. iv, 319 +(1). Glarkshurg, Va : Joseph Israel, 1831 368 Of this scarce book, very few copies are comfilete or in good condition. Having been issued in a remote corner of Northwestern Virginia, and designed principally for a local circulation, almost every copy was read by a country fijse-side until scarcely legible. Most of the copies lack the table of contents. The author took much pains to be authentic, and his chronicles are considered by Western antiquarians, to form the best collection of frontier life and Indian warfare, that has been printed. • jO 2593 Wood (Geo. B.). History of the University of Pennsylvania. ^ . frora its origin to the year 1827. 8°, uncut, pp. 112. Philadelphia, 1834 ,S~0 "^5^4 Wood (George W.). Report of Mr. Wood's Visit to the Cbo'ctaw and. Cherokee Missions, 1855. 12° pp. 24- • Boston; : Fress of J". ^. MarvtJi, 1855 /O, 5'0 2595 Wood (John). The History of the Administration, of John Adams, Esq., late President of the United States. 8°, boards, uncut. New York, Printed, 1802 Rigidly suppressed by Aaron Burr, being so full of scandal. X'S'O ' 2596 [Wood.] A View of the Political Conduct of Aaron Burr, Esq. 8°, very scarce. N. 7., 1802 , ^, 2597 Wood (J. G.). The Natural History of Man ; beins: an Ac- '^^ count of the Manners and Customs of the Uncivilized Races of Men. By the Rev. J. G. Wood. Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, America, Asia, and Ancient Europe. Imperial 8°, pp. 864. London : George Routledge & Soiis, 1870 The aiidior of this voluminous treatise upon the customs of Aborigi- nal Nations lias made a copious and generally a judicious selection from works treating upon the peculiar rites, ma,..ners, and modes of life of the American Indians. Of the eight hundred and sixty-four pages which comprise the volume, two hundred and thirty-seven pages (513 to 750) are devoted to descriptions and illustrations of the savages of the Western continents and islands. One hundred and twelve engrav- ings of their ceremonies, warfare weapons, utensils, and-'lflwdilings accompany the text. /CO 2598 [Wood (Silas).] Thoughts on the state of the American Indians By a Citizen of the United States. 16'', pp. 36. New York, 1794 2599 Wood. A Sketch of the First Settlement of the Several Towns on Long-Island; with their Political Condition, to the .end of the American Revolution. By Silas Wood. A New "Edition. 8°. Brooklyn, N Y. : Printed by Alden Spooner, 1828 Tliis very excellent treatise contains almost tfH we know of the Indians of Long Island, The careful and intelligent author expended much time in collecting the data, and incidents relating t« the various tribes of aborigines once inhabiting the island. Pages 61 to 80 are occupied solely with the informatidn he collected, of which not the least reliable is the vocabulary on page 69. ^^~, Lf^" I r%. .Muu^, ^^-v Cfic-y^yvod't'cY/ J^lc^ ^ /,} cxicrdo^ci^ O^^UiJ, (/oirfLiit<,f- le^c-^^^ I .%5 Ui^ ((a. fi,t t^ ^ /Ktt'iy a^e^^i^^A. oyfy/C^Ci. ct^^a c/^^, ^ci^^^^u I ??t<4-*J-^ C'/^^C/t-U yOf-cfK -^^t-OV^i- h> r<^^ ylyi^-^ a-fO-lyV-^^^ s U.bOO^ row/- ^^C^'td^ HnJ: -^i^^^CL-^t^ iy .^-.^ un /So City /(-£y yC^^ J''t^ci4^^J ^{.£^-^-J irc^fi'^ inrvn,Ac a^ HlL^, : . 3.00 'J/d^j /jdJl- CM.A. hi^>. / /• So -yc-{ I iic^cc^ /h\o H?^^ (hioAAydJ (fcij^uAA, '^ffcii^^jf.L' JhU c-^W-i^^uy , /if%^. 0. • — I ^^ —hi- 7 — ' Jsz ■30 /fQo, -^/ - ^ /^ - Gy^ ^ r: 6~ -rJj, r ^^ iff/. fV c/^^t.xe-. •^J- ^'^^^ 7' X^^t^f /yi^'iy, ^i/.'f. /tff^. ^^n^'a^A-u-i.^uei^-y'v^ -^ ■^/■r^. '■-^fr^^-^ ^^3 ! ^ i 2'(f (f I i . . . rcu^il^a-l^A.^ -^■^-ci^-%.eA^ yn..^£^cott^ a ir^v -Yti^ ^^ /^cO,