UC-NRLF 3 MOO 3AM X LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class TABLES LIFE CONTINGENCIES. mum at stationm* mm. TABLES LIFE CONTINGENCIES j I I . N I A I M S < • Till: RATE OP H0RTALIT1 UIONG THE MEMBERS OF THE EQUITABLE SO< II IV The Valines of Life Annuities, Reversions, §-c. ( oMl'l 111" llll.KLl UO.M TOSBTHBB WITH A MORE KXTBBUY1 MALR ok PREM1T MS FOR LIFE ASSURANCES, DEDICEI) HtiiM III) Xortfiampton Bate of i«ortalitp, THAN ANY HITHERTO PUBLISH] D \M> 1 III PROGRESS!! I. \ Ml ES OF LIFE POLICIES im wnOLI < \i;khm.I.v CALCULATED, ARRAMOBD IN a MM* i I.I.I II KAI ED Bl PS \AM1'I.I B, li, GRIFFITH DA VIES, U ii \m r«. Tin QtUBDUN ISSUBANCI COMPANY' Uonoon : KoAicm, Hrovkt, ami Co. I'rxntrrt, AUhuriK ljx»e. 90 mi A0TBOB, PATBRNOSTBB BOW, AMD J. M. B1CHAB1 >.miiii IBS s INTRODUCTION In offering this Tract to the attention of tin- Public, the Author deems it necessary to state, that the Rate of Mortality among the members of the Equitable Society has been deduced from the accounts given l»\ Mr. MORGAN, in his Addresses to the general Courts of that Institution, and in the Notes added l»\ him to the latter editions of Dr. Price's Obser- vations on Reversionary Payments, [nhis Address to the general Court, held on the 24th of April, 1800, Mr. Morgan stated, that the decrements of life among the members of the Equitable, for the pre- ceding 30 years, had been to those expressed by the Northampton Table From the age of 10 to -20 ;is 1 to ■j 20 to 30 as 1 to •j 30 to 40 as 3 to •-> 40 to 50 as 3 to •'> 50 to <;<> us •'» t.. 7 <;<» to ho as 4 to 5 And in the \ot«-> added to Vol. I. of Dr. PbH I - Observations on Heversioiiar\ Paj Clients, ( Edition 7) VI INTRODUCTION. pages 182, 183, and 192, he states, that the same proportion between the decrements of life among the members of the Equitable Society and those expressed by the Northampton Table, had con- tinued up to the year 1810, embracing a period of more than forty years. His Addresses delivered in December 1816, and March 1825, further confirm that the decrements of life had, up to those periods, still continued the same, or to bear the same ratio to those in the Northampton Table as he had pre- viously represented. Granting these statements to be correct, it must therefore be concluded, that the rate of mortality among the members of the Equitable, for a period exceeding half a century, must have continued the same as that represented by Mr. Morgan in the year 1800. These observations being premised, let us conceive two communities formed , the one subject to the law of mortality expressed by the lirst Table in this Tract, the other to that represented by the Northampton Register ; then, if the decrements of life in these two communities bear to each other the proportions already stated, the accuracy of the former Table will be rendered obvious. Hence, supposing the first of these communities to be formed by the admission of 2844 new settlers of the age of 10, at the beginning of each year, for any period not less than 10 years, and none to be iMittmn iki\ mi n-mowd from M except l>> dt-atli, it JSilIIMlifrfef that .ii tin- beginning of an> year there w <»ul(J be living | , | | K) juM.dml.t, | | OOQf) II I «nrvlvor» oJ those id-( 1 1 XO.>.> II , nuited tli<-vt.u beC.rc ] l ' 2822 — I- : ' lU - f**nk0*n \'l — 2810 — 13 :i 12 2798 — l 1 4 1:; •1 i\\:> l.'i 5 1 1 •J77I 10 ii 15 •J7')< tween n» and -20 139 and comparing the Dumber of deaths during the year, with that of the living at the beginning of the year, it appears thai in a community subject to the law of mortafitj represented bj Table I, one would 27882 die annual!} <>nt <»t 200.59. Proceeding in Like manner with the iumbecs Living and decrements m Table \. it will be found thai in a l oinmuiiit \ subjf tin- Northampton Tablet •">!;; psssonaj I * . T \ \ t « 1 1 10 and 20, would die aninialh, out G 111 1 .'.111 1, or on,- out "I . = 100.265. Then comparing these results, it appears that tin mortality in the former community would l»» to thai of the Latter aa 100.265 is to 200.59, si a« I t©2. Vlll INTRODUCTION. By the same mode of reasoning it may be shown, that the decrements of life represented by Table 1, in the succeeding intervals from 20 to 30, 30 to 40, &c, are to those expressed by Table x in the respective proportions already stated. The identity of the rate of mortality expressed by Table i, and that which obtained among- the members of the Equitable, being thus shown, the mode of forming that Table is reserved for a more extensive Work on the subject, which the Author has for some time been conducting through the Press. This Work, which is nearly ready for pub- lication, contains A New Theory of the Doc- trine of Annuities and Assurances, inter- spersed with Practical Observations, and more than double the number of Tables contained in this Tract. In calculating and checking these Tables, the Author has been materially assisted by Mr. Jonas Holbut, Actuary of the Reversionary Interest So- ciety, and Mr. Thomas Parry, of the Hope Assur- ance Office ; also by Samuel Ingall, of the Imperial Life Office, and David Jones, of the Royal Ex- change, both young men of promising talents and indefatigable perseverance. GUARDIAN OFFICE, 11, Lombard Street, 29th December, 1825. c iivattital KxmmUfi ILLl'STKATIVI 01 THE APPLICATION OF THE TABLES. K\ \Ml>LE I. What is the present value of £50 annuity on a life <>t' i'», estimating the interest Of money at t per (tut., mid the average duration of hrnaaii life by the rate <>f mortality among the members of the Equitable ' B\ Table u, opposite the age of 40, in the 4 per Cent, column, the present value of fl annuity on the proposed life i- found to !»<• 14.9390, and this multiplied bj •"*<>, the given annuity, produces I 1.989 50 : 746.95 = t'7 Hi 19s the answer. If the rate of mortality be estimated bj the Northampton Table, the presenl value of the pro- posed annuity, found in 1 ik«- manner f>> Table \iv, is I3.1974> 50 659.87 = £059 17> 5d. This is the value at which Governmenl would estimate Ruch annuity, in the assessment oflegacj duty. I. ILLUSTRATION Example ii. What annuity should be granted for £100 on a life of 70, allowing the purchaser 3^ per Cent, for his money, and estimating the rate of mortality by the experience of the Equitable ? By Table n, opposite the age of 70, in the 3^ per Cent, column, the present value of £l annuity on the proposed life is found to be 7.3894 : hence di- viding the sum to be sunk (100) by the value of £l annuity on the life proposed (7.3894), we have 100-^-7.3894 = 13.533 = £13 10s 8d, the answer. If the annuity be payable half-yearly, the divisor, taken from the Table, ought to be increased by .25 ; if quarterly, by .375 ; or, if continued up to the day of death, by .5. Thus on the life proposed for £100 sunk, the annuity to be granted If payable half-yearly, is _ 3094 , 05 — £^^ 1 10 100 or, if payable quarterly ^ 3894 + 375 = £12 17 7 Example hi. What is the present value of £100 annuity on a life of 40, allowing the purchaser a clear interest of 5 per Cent., beside the premium necessary to secure the repayment of his capital, by a life assurance ef- fected at the rates charged by the Equitable society ? 01 rut i ai'.i.i 5. , \i \\\ TaMr III. 0ppOSfa tli. i_, Ot 1<>. UDSV 1 •") |.< I ( i iit.. tin- required value rn yews 1 purchase •> rouiid to be IU6&6, from vhich it toll<>u>. thai 11. i>">h" x loo produces fi 125 12», Ihe answer; In tlits, cases, if the annuitj be payable yearly, the -urn to !»«• insured mihi exceed the purchase monej by one year's annuity, in order to cover the first year's premium payable in advance, before anj amiiiin becomes din-, ami the las* year's interest remaining unpaid alter the annuity ahaU have ceased. IX \M I'LL 1\ . \\ liat aimuitx should be required for an affefaao of £5000, to the tenant for life of an entailed estate^ allowing the grantee a net interest <>i 5 per Cent., beside 1 1 1 1 - premium oecessarj t<> secure the repay- ment of ihe capital advanced, by a life assurance effected at the rales charged bj the Equitable society, supposing the grantors age to !>«• J" next l.irth da\ ' This, being the converse of the la>t Example, ma\ l)» solved bj dii tding the £5000 l>\ the number taken from Table in, ander 5 per Cent., opposite tli, given age : or, somewhat easier, bj multiply ing Um number standing opposite the proposed under the given rate in Table rv, by the number oi £100 in tin- Bum t" be advanced. Tnos, bj tin tettei mode. 8.884 x. r >(»- 1 14,900 - t'4 J i i-. the answer. I. _> XU ILLUSTRATION On the supposition of the annuity being payable yearly, and ceasing with the last payment becom- ing due prior to the grantor's death, the observation made on the last Example is equally applicable to the present. Example v. What is the present value of £100 annuity de- pendent on the joint lives of two persons aged 40 & 50, (that is, an annuity ceasing with the last pay- ment becoming due prior to the first death) esti- mating the interest of money at 5 per Cent., and the rate of mortality by the experience of the Equitable ? Referring to Table v, and looking for the older age in column first, and for the younger age in the second column, we find under 5 per Cent, that the present value of £l annuity on the proposed lives is 9.6700; hence 9.6700 x 100 = £967, the answer. Referring in like manner to Table xv, we find the value of a similar annuity according to the North- ampton Table, at 4 per Cent., - 8.834 x 100 = £883 8s, on which sum duty would be charged on the annuity proposed, if bequeathed as a legacy. If the ages of two persons be not equal, or do not differ by 5, 10, 15 &c. years, the value of an an- nuity on their Joint Lives cannot be found direct from these Tables ; but such value may be approx- imated by the following OK THE TABU - Mil Rule. — Look for the older age in tin- first column, and from tin- Table, under the given rate, extract the two numbers standing opposite those _ - in the second column between which the of the younger lite happens to fall : then from th< greater <>t these numbers Bubstract, or to the less add. as mans fifths of their difference as are equal t<» the number of years contained between the age opposite that number and the age of the younger life. Thus, let it be required t<» find the present value of £ I annuitj dependent on the joint lives of two persons aged IT & 34, reckoning interest at 4 per Cent., and the rate of mortality l>y the experience of the Equitable ! Referring t<> Table v, and looking for the older . 47. in tin first column, we find the younger age, 34, falling between :>-2 & .'57, and differing 2 years from the former, or :; years from the latter. Then mi rring to the 4 per Cent, column, we find tin present value of t'l annuity on thi joint lives of 17 & :)•> - - ditto on the joint lives of 47 & 37 - - =11.2362 the! | = 11.5235 difference ----- .2873 2-5thsof tln< dill, rence taken from the former, or 3-5thsof it ;\<\i\n\ to the latter, gives 11.4086 for the present value of the annuity proposed ; and if instead of t'l, the annuity given l>e t'<;<>. its present i dm is I 1.4086 60 £684 10s Id. XIV ILLUSTRATION Example vi. What is the present value of £120 annuity, pay- able during the joint lives and the life of the sur- vivor of two persons aged 40 & 50 ; estimating the improvement of money at 5 per Cent., and the rate of mortality by the experience of the Equitable ? The value of £l annuity on this contingency cannot be found direct from these Tables, but such value is correctly obtained by the following Rule. — From the Single Life Table extract the value of £ I annuity on each of the proposed lives taken separately, and from their sum deduct that of a similar annuity on their joint existence, found as directed in the last Example. Thus by Table n, £l annuity on a life") _ ^^ of 40 is, at 5 per Cent., - - - - J ditto on a life of 50 =11.4017 their sum 24.6764 And by Table v, £l annuity on the joint") _ lives of 40 & 50, at the like rate - J difference 15.0064 which represents the present value of £l annuity on the contingency proposed : that of £120 annuity is therefore = 15.0064 x 120= 1800.768 = £1800 15s 4d the answer. OF fHE TABLES \\ Ex kMPLl Vl\ \\ liai consideration should l>c required of a per- Bon aged 25, for a Deferred Annuity of £50, to commence at tin age of 6*0, and t<> he made payable 1»\ balf-yearl) instalments during the remainder of life ; estimating the interest of money at :>[ per ( ent., and the average duration <>f human life according to the rate of mortality among themem- 1)» re of the Equitable ' 1>\ Table vi, opposite the age <>f 25, and in the column headed 00, the present ?alue of t'l annuitj payable as proposed, is found t<> be l.J>79. Hence »x 50 = i»;].j)"i= £93 198, the answer. Example mii. What annual premium should Im- required of a personaged •!■'>, fora Deferred Annuity of t'"><>, to commence at tin- a^e of (jO, and to l>e made payable by Ji;ilt-\< url\ instate nt-. duimg the remainder of lit'.- ; estimaiiagflhe anpraaeaaenJ of mane] si ■>[ per Cut.. ;iiid the average duration of human life l»\ the rate of mortality anions; tlie i i 1 1 • i i i I »« i> of the Equitable; also supposing tin required premium lobe payable at the beginniag of each year, until tli«- annuit] commenoas, psjevided the assigned life SO Inn- sun i\. - ' XVi ILLUSTRATION By Table vn, opposite the age of 25, and in the column headed 60, the premium for £l annuity, payable as proposed, is found to be .1051. Hence 50 x .1051 =5.255= £5 5s Id the answer. The Tables referred to in these two Examples will be found exceedingly useful to societies formed for the purpose of providing annuities for old age, and not less important to persons disposed to join such societies, to enable them to judge as to whether the rates charged be adequate to answer the purpose intended. Example ix. What present payment should be required of a man aged 40, for a Survivorship Annuity of £50 to his wife, aged 35, in the event of her surviving him ; estimating the interest of money at 3^ per Cent, and the rate of mortality by the experience of the Equitable ? Referring to Table viii, and looking for the wife's age (35) in the first column, and that of the husband (40) in the second, we find in the next column, the present value of £l annuity on the pro- posed contingency = 3.9608 ; hence 3.9608 x50 = 198.04 = £l98 0s lOd the answer. If only one, or neither of the given ages can be found in the Table, the value of a survivorship annuity may be approximated by the Rule given in page xiii. Thus, supposing the husband's ag< to i»< 13, ami thai of the \\ it. 35, \\«' have the present ralue <»i fi per annum to a person of 35 after the demise of another aged 15 = 4.7001 — 10 = :}.!h;oj{ differi act — — — .7393 2-5ths of tin- difference taken from the upper num- ber, or 3-5ths of it added to the lower, gives 4.404 1 i<»r the pn -.nt ralue of fi annuity to a person of • i'j. alter the demise of another aged 4:3. The present ralue of £50 annuity on the same contin- gency, ia therefore = 1.4044x50 = 220.22 = £220 4a 5d. A-ain, snppoM- the Im-Uind'a age to be 43, and the w if.- age 37 . H. pe neither of the agea ia found in the Table, but, proce< 'Mil- a- above, the value of t'l annuity to ;i person of ifter the demise of 43 is - - - - 1. 1044 1" — I! ;i.7fi!>!> difference - - .0345 •_' 5the ot" tin- difference taken from the former ralue, or 3-5the ofitadded to the latter, prodm \.\'><»> tor the approximated ralue of fi annuity on tie- contingency proposed. That of 650 annuity i- therefore = 1.1506 50 -jot .53= t'-Jn; 10a 7.1 XV111 ILLUSTRATION Example x. What annual premium, payable at the beginning of each year, should be required for a Survivorship Annuity of £50 on a life of 35, to commence at the extinction of another life now aged 40 ; reckoning interest at 3^ per Cent., and the rate of mortality by the experience of the Equitable ? Referring to Table viii, and looking for 35 in the column designated age of A, and for 40 in that headed age of B, we find the annual premium for £\ annuity on the proposed contingency = .28256. Hence .28256x50 = 14.128 = £14 2s 7d, the answer. If only one, or neither, of the given ages be found in the Table, the annual premium may be approximated by the method explained in the last Example. The value of a Survivorship Annuity for what may remain of an assigned life A, after the extinc- tion of another life B, may also be computed by the following Rule. — Deduct the value of £\ annuity on the joint lives of A & B, from that of a similar annuity on u4's life, and the remainder, multiplied by the given annuity, will be the required value in a single payment. 01 I'M l rABLBfl \l\ Divide the single payment l>> tin present ralue of t'l a ii mi it n on tin- joint 1 i\ » — increased bj unity, and the result will l><- the equivalent annual pre- innini. \]\ IMPLE XI. What is tin* present value of tin- Reversion to 60000, to be received at the end of the yeaf in which an assigned lit*- of 70 ma) happen to tail; estimating the improv e ment of monej al •** per Cent. and the average duration of human lift- by the rate of mortality among the members of the Equitable? T>\ Table i\. oppo-iir the age <»f 7<>, in tin- o per < • nt. column, the presenl value of t*i receivable on the- proposed contingency, is found to be =.69077. That al £6000 is therefore - 6000 ■ j63077 = MM= 63784 ISs Sa\ the answer 1 . Here the Reversion is supposed to be receivable at tin- end of tin- year in which the assigned life may happen to tail, nor can we in practice expect, that on an average of a number of Reversions, the proceeds will become available at a shorter period than that included between tin- death of the part] and the end of the year in which that event ma\ hap- pen. N< rerthel< bs if urn gard a number of p< rsons dying in the same year, some about th<- beginning, some about the middle, and others towards the end, the averagi period of death must be reckoned XX ILLUSTRATION about the middle of the year ; it is therefore mani- fest, that if the Reversion be receivable immediately after the extinction of the life proposed, its present value must exceed the result deduced by Table ix, by about half a year's interest computed thereon. Thus the present value of the Reversion proposed, supposing it receivable immediately after the death of the party, is about 3784.62 x 1.025 = £3879 5s. The present value of the Reversion to £l receiv- able on the extinction of any assigned life, or on the extinction of the joint existence or last survivor of two lives, may also be computed by the following Rule. — Multiply the present value of £l an- nuity on the proposed contingency by the interest of £l for one year, and deduct the result from unity ; then divide the remainder by the amount of £l in one year, if the Reversion be receivable at the end of the year in which the assigned life or lives may fail; or by the amount of £l in half a year, if the Reversion be receivable immediately after the extinction of the life or lives proposed. Thus, suppose two lives aged 40 & 50 were pro- posed, the interest of money reckoned at 5 per Cent., and the rate of mortality estimated by the experience of the Equitable? The present value of £l annuity on their joint existence, found as directed by Example v, is .9.6700 ; hence the value of the Reversion to £l re- 01 THE l IBL1 - \\i ceivable at the end <>f the year in which their joint i Kistence may happen i<> tail is I -.05 x 0;67 = =-, ,. - =.491905. 1 .05 Hut if the Reversion be receivable at the middle of that s«;ir. its present value is 1-05 9.67 1-025 = •503902. Again, the present value of t'l annuity payable- until the extinction of the Last survivor of the lives, foundby Example vi, is 15.0064. The present value of the Reversion to t*i receiv- able at the end <>t" the year in which the la>t sur- \ ivor i>ia\ happen t<» fail, is therefore I -•()-> .< 150064 = •23779 105 ->"•• And if the Reversion be receivable at the middle of that year, it> present value is 1-05 15.0064 — = *24359. 1025 The present value of the Reversion to £l receiv- able either ai the end, or the middle of the year in which an assigned Life or lives ma] fail, being thus determined, that of an) other sum is obtained l>\ multiplying the result bj the amount of Reversion proposed. Thus, estimating the intere I of money, and the rate of mortalit) as above, the present value of £1000 to be received at the end «.t the year in w Inch the first <>f i\\" assigned Lii fed 40 & XX11 ILLUSTRATION may happen to fail, is .4.91905 x 1000 = 491.905 = £491 18s Id. And if the Reversion be receivable immediately after the extinction of such life, its present value may be estimated = .503902 x 1000= £503 18s. Example xii. Suppose a society of 500 persons of the age of 20 years, 700 of the age of 30, 900 of the age of 40, 800 of the age of 50, and 600 of the age of 60 ; it is required to determine the number of deaths which may be expected to happen in the year, according to the Northampton rate of mortality ? Here, multiplying the number living at each age, by the proportion which may be expected to die during the year, as given opposite that age in Table xii, we find the number of Deaths out of 1st class = 500 x .014030 = 7.015 ditto - 2nd — = 700 x .017104 = 11.973 ditto - 3rd — = 900 x .020908 = 18.817 ditto - 4th — = 800 x. 028351 =22.681 ditto - 5th — = 600 x .040235 = 24.141 Total = 84.627 or nearly 84 and 6- tenths for the number required- The fraction, though inapplicable to an indivi- dual, denotes that out of 10 times as many persons living at each age, 846 deaths might be expected to happen within the year. oi mi i Mil i b. xxm Were an Office, calculating its premiums from the Northampton Table, to classify the lives <>n w hi< 1 1 insurances are effected according to their respective dates of birth, the number of deaths provided for in an) year might •><• determined in Like manner. E\ VMI'LF. Mil. \\ hat annual premium should l>e required for the assurance of £700 on a Life of l<>, estimating the improvement ofmonej at .*> per Cent., and the rate of mortality l»\ the Northampton Table 1 Bj Table \\n. opposite the given age, and in the column headed Life, the annual premium for £ 100 is found to be £3 7s I Id. That for £700 is therefore, in the same proportion, =(£3 7a lld)x7 = £23 i">- 5d, the answer. Otherwise, b) Table xvi, the annual premium for the assurance «»t' t'l <>n the age proposed is .033875, that for £700 is therefore =700> .033975 =23.7825 = t":2:$ L5e tid, differing 3d from that found above, on account of the premium per Gent, being calculated to tin- Dearest pennj . \_ mi. suppose it were required t<» determine the single present payment, which would be charged for t be Assurance aboi e pr posed ! Bj Table win. opposite the given age, and in the column headed i payment, the premium per Cent, is found to be £53 10b LOd. Sence L*-">:5 10s lOd L'i7(» 17- i<»<| the answer XXIV ILLUSTRATION Example xiv. What annual premium should be required of a person aged 50, for securing- to his survivors £500, in the event of his dying within the next 7 years ; estimating the interest of money at 3 per Cent., and the rate of mortality by the Northampton Table ? By Table xvn, opposite the age of 50, and in the column headed 7 years, the annual premium for £100 is found to be £3 0s 8d. That for £500 is therefore (£3 0s 8d) x5 = £15 3s 4d, the answer. The annual premium for securing a sum payable in the event of an assigned life (at any age from 14 to 62) failing within 1 year, 4, 7 or 10 years, may be found in like manner by the same Table. And if an insurance be proposed for any other term not exceeding 10 years, the premium may be approximated as follows : Thus suppose the insurance were proposed to be effected for 5 years on a life of 45. Opposite the given age we find The premium per Cent, for 7 years = £2 10 10 ditto for 4 years =284 difference for 3 years - - - - 2 6 one-third of which is - - - 10 which being added to the premium for 4 years, gives £2 9s 2d for the approximated premium per Cent, for the assurance proposed. OF THF TABLE*. \'XV Example w. Suppose a person of 40 desirous of securing £1000 to his survivors at bis death, whenever that event maj happen, and not wishing to encumber himself with the payment of an) premium after the ag< of 50; 11 is required to determine what annual premium payable for the next ten y< ars but subject t" cease sooner it' the life drop in the interval) should be required for such insurance; estimating the interest of money at :i per Cent., and the rate of mortality by the Northampton Table? By Table xviii, opposite the given age, and in the column headed 10 payments, the annual pre- mium per Cent, is found t<> be t"o" 14s ih\. The premium for £1000 in the same proportion is there- fore - £6 14s 9d < H) = £67 7s 6d; the answer. El \MI'I.F. XVI. \\ hat annual premium shonld be required for urinir the p;i\ incut <>t' t'ooo on the extinction of the joint li\«--«»t' two persons aged i<» ,\ 60, esti- mating the interest of money at :) per Cent., and the rat.- of mortality by the Northampton Table \ R< i, rring t<» Table \i\, ami tanking tor the older m the tir-t column, ami for the younger age in thesecond, opposite the latter, th( annual premium per Cut. i- found to be t'<; 10s 7v 7.1 ■ B £69 J^ Bd, the answer. d XXVI ILLUSTRATION Otherwise, the annual premium for the assurance of £l on the proposed contingency, found as before, in the fifth column is .06530, from which that for the assurance of £800 is .06530 x 800 = 52.240 = £52 4s 9d, nearly the same as before. The single premium for the same insurance, found in like manner from the fourth column, is .69155 x 800 = 553.240 = £553 4s 9d. If the ages be not equal, or do not differ by 5, 10, 15, &c. years, the premium cannot be found direct from these Tables, but may be approximated by the Rule given in page xiii. Thus, if the ages proposed be 50 & 37, we find the premium per Cent., On the joint lives of 50 & 40 - - = £6 10 7 ditto 50 & 35 - - = £6 5 difference -------- — £o 5 7 2-5ths of this difference being added to the premium for the assurance of £100 on the joint lives of 50 & 35, gives £6 5s Od + 2s Id = £6 7s 2d for the pre- mium per Cent, on the contingency proposed, from which the premium for the assurance of any other sum on the same contingency may be determined. Example xvii. What annual premium should be required for securing the payment of £1000 on the extinction of the last survivor of two persons aged 40 & 50 ; of mi i ami.es. *xvu estimating the improT< menl of monej nt :; per I Sent. and the rah' of mortality l>> the Northampton Taldr? K< ferriog te Table w. and teaking the older agp in tii, him . -mImiuii. a, id tin- younger in the wound, the annual premium |m r ( nil. I. mud m tin iu\t colutDl i- t- ffe .'' fid, the answer. It n j proposed l>< n..t . .ptal. or da not differ b} 5 years, or Bome multiple <>t •">. the pre- iniuui annual nr -ui-lr m:i\ Dti approximated as directed in tin* last K\ampl<-. I \ \ M I'l I X \ III. \^ h;it annual premium should be required for tin- assurance of £2000 payable in the eVenl of an assigned life aged 1<». foiling before another aged .")(»: estimating the improvement of raone} at 8 per Cm., and tli.- rat.- of mortalitj by the Northampton Table ! Referring to Table wi, and looking for tb< of the lii'<- to l»«- insured in the first column; and that of tin- lit.- against which 1 1 • • - assurance is i<» !><• effected in the second, the premium per Cent, w found I.- I»« £2 12a 6cL Heno £2 L2s 0d) x 20 := t'-VJ 10s, thfi an-w. i . If the age against which the insurance is t<» l»<- effected, be ne4 found m the Table, the premium, (annual or -inul' maj !>•• approximated l'\ the Hul. gh en in page xiii. years a£o, on a life then aged 40; it is required to deter- mine the value of the Policy, supposing the renewal premium for the nth year just paid, reckoning interest al •*; per Cent., and estimating the rate of mortality b^ the Northampton Table 1 The value of the Policj ju^t before the payment of tbe renewal premium, found as directed in the last Example is 15.2177, and this being increased 1>\ A. :}!>?•">, the amouril <>f premium just paid, pro- duces 18.6152 = £18 r_'> id, the answer. Example xxi. Suppose l<> years ;ui required t<» determine the value of the Policy? Hi I- the value of the Policy at the he-" ginning of the llth year, found as in >= 18.6152 Example \\. is - - - - - - Ditto at the end of the 1 Ith Near, found ) . . ., . >= lfJ.HI.V2 a^ din cti d in bxample xix, is - - j decrement in 12 months ----- 1.8000 4-l2ths, or l-3d "t this decrement being taken from the former value gives 18.0152 = £18 0s id for the approximated value required t<> be found. XXX ILLUSTRATION From the inspection of Table xxii, and, in fact, from the nature of life assurance, it is manifest, that the value of a Life Policy, at the end of successive years, progressively increases : but from the begin- ning; to the end of the same year, the value gradually diminishes, as the risk of death during that year con- tinually diminishes. Example xxii. Suppose an assurance for £100, effected 10 years ago, on a life then aged 40, and paid for by a single premium ; it is required to determine the present value of the Policy, reckoning interest at 3 per Cent, and estimating the rate of mortality by the North- ampton Table ? The value of the Policy in this case is identical with the single premium which would be charged for the assurance of a like sum on the present age (50), and is therefore found by Table xviii, in the column headed 1 payment, — £60 17s 4d the answer. Otherwise, by Table xvi, the single premium for the assurance of £l on the present age, is found to be .608601; hence .608661x100 = 60.8661 = £60 17s 4d, the same as before. If we suppose 10 years and 5 months elapsed on the insurance, the value of the Policy may be ap- proximated as follows : 01 i II I. TABLES W \i Thus lb* ^niLilf premium for t'l :it ">1 II .616005 ,1m,, - at ."><> •006601 difference ,.007374 O-ISthe «»!" which being added t<> the former, pro- duces .<»l 17.;:; as the approximated Bingle premidm lor the assurance of t'l <>u the present age; hence .<;il7:;:5. ioo = f»i.i7:}:i -_ fill :{> 6d> the answer. \]\ \ m I'll win. Suppose an assurance for £1000) effected 12 ra ago, on a life then •"><». and that tin sum insured has been increased bj t'-J-2<> /to/ms, it is re- quired to determine t h< ■ present value of the Policj ; estimating the rate of mortality h\ the Northampton Table, and the improvement of mepaej at •) per Pent ' Here tile lelle\\;i| pn 111 ill III Iteinu | ll-t dlle, hilt not paid) the value <»i the Policyj exclusive of tin - Bonus, Bound as directed in Example \i\, is 24.0433 x 10 as -24(). 133* \ml tin present \ a J u» - of the Bonus* considered as i Beparate Bum, ret sivable <»n the death of t In • assured, now aged 62, and for which no future pre- mium |v charged, found as in the Laet Bxamplei is ,702752 ■ 220 15 1(»<).">. Thi> >um. being added to the former, produoes. \'>i.<>n:> j i<». i.i;; xjW&Ogf) =: £395 0 to Ikim- I.im-m . licet, d lo years igOi "ii tl»« .M'int U>Cfl of two persons, then aged ;><» and 20, at an annual premium of £40 it- 8d; n ■ required to determine it> present vain,, estimating the intrrr>t of money al :> pell 1'i'iit., and tin- rate of mortality h\ the Northampton Table ! li\ Table \i\. opposite the present ages, 45 & 95, the single premium which would how be re- quired to re-insure the sum proposed is found 1 to be = -';.;ii!i 1000 ii0. And l»> Table \\, tin- [IITffilrt \alu. ot £40 17s id, per annum on the joint lives of 4-"> & 35, with the first payment just due, is, at 3 per Cent., = (1 + 10.0222) x 40.875 =,475.057. Bence 861 .490—4^.057 = 180.433= t'18'i bs 8d, the answer. Example \\\. Suppose a Polic) for t r i * - assnrsas.ce of £3006 to bate be n effected -J<> years s&o, on the last survivor of two lives thru aged 50 & :}"). at in> annual pre- mium of £60 I5S; It I- lrqllllrd to drtrm.mr thr present ralue of the Policy, supposing it enhanced bj PbiMSIu amountrE 1200, and the renewal premium for the 21st year just paid, sis* reckoning interest at :\ per Cent., and the rale 6f mortality l»\ the Northampton Table ' < XXXIV ILLUSTRATION By Table xx, the single premium which would be required to re-insure £3200 on the present ages 70 & 55, is = .60701 x 3200= 1942.432. And the present value of an annuity of £66 1 5s, on the last survivor of 70 & 55, found as directed in Example vi, is, by the Northampton 3 per Cent., = 12.4925x66.75 sa 833.874. Hence 1942.432- 833.874= 1108.558 = £1108 lis 2d, the answer. Again, supposing the elder life to have dropped, the single premium required to insure £3200 on the surviving life of 55 is, by Table xvi = .646115 x 3200 = 2067.568 : and the present value of £66 15s per annum on the same life, found by Table xiv, is 11.1500x66.75 = 744.263. Hence the value of the Policy in such case would be 2067.568-744.263 = 1 323.305 = £1323 6s Id. Example xxvi. Suppose a Policy, for the assurance of £5000, to have been effected 12 years ago, on a life then aged 30, against another life then aged 45, at an annual premium of £102 14s 2d ; it is required to deter- mine the value of the Policy, estimating the interest of money at 3 per Cent., and the rate of mortality by the Northampton Table ? By Table xxi, the single premium required to re-insure £5000 on 42 against 57, is found to be .25033 x 5000= 1251.650. And by Table xv, the present value of £ 102 14s 2d per annum on the joint lives of 42 and 57, with the mi i ii i i \ BLI - \\w first payment just due, is. at :\ per Cent., = (t-ftt.4399 102.708 : 969.401. Hence 1851.600 .969.491=289.159= t^-in-l 3s 2d, the answer. In determining thereserve to be made, at a genera] valuation, for tin- different Policies in force on the whole duration of life, anj extra premium charged should not enter into the calculation. Bui for short period Policies the amount of reserve ma j betaken, without material error, at half tin- year's premiums payable thereon, extra premiums included. Explanation of Table XIII. The number in column I), opposite an) age, is the product obtained by multiplying the number Irving opposite the same age in Table \. I>> the pre- sent value of t'l due as many years hence as are equal t<> that age. Thus, at the age of 'J<>, the number living in Table x is 5132; and the present value of t" i < 1 1 1 • • -Jo years hence is, 1>\ Smart's Tables, = .55367575. The product of these two numbers is .55367575 5132= 2841.463949, or nearly = 2841.464, as given in column D, opposite the age of 20, in Table \m. The numbers in column D being thus found for all ages, from birth to the extremity of life, those in column N ire oh i a XXXVI ILLUSTRATION tained by beginning at the oldest age, and taking the successive suras of the numbers given in column D. Thus by the Northampton 3 per Cent, the number in column N at 95 = .0585 + 0000 = .0585 _ — 94 =.0585 + .24 13 = .2998 _ — 93 = .2998 +.5591 = .8589 _ __ 92 = .8589+ 1.0238=1.8827 and so on, from age to age, to the younger period of life. The numbers in column S, have been found in like manner, by taking the successive sums of those given in column N. The numbers in column M have been deduced by multiplying the decrements given opposite each age in Table x, by the present value of £ 1 due as many years hence as are equal to that age increased by unity ; and then, beginning at the extremity of life, and taking the successive sums of the results, the same as in the formation of column N from D, or S from N. The numbers in column R have likewise been derived by taking the successive sums of those in column M, the same as before. The various columns being thus constructed, conceive a society formed, of as many members of any given age as are represented by the number in column D at that age, then will the number in the same column opposite any higher age, represent the present fund, which, when improved at the rate of interest involved in the construction of the Table, will just provide for the payment of £l to each of oi THE TABLES. \\\wi the members which may survive th;it higher age, supposing the deaths among them to happen in the proportion expressed bj the rate of mortality from \\ hich tin* Table is constructed. On the same supposition, the Dumber in column N, opposite the given age, represents the present fund which will just provide t'l per annum to each member for the remainder of life. The number in column S, opposite the same age, represents the present fund which is just sufficient to provide for each member an increasing annuit} oft'i ;ii the end of the iir>t year, £2 ;it the end of the second year, t'."» at the end of the third year, and so on. The number in column M, represents the present fund, which will just provide for the payment of fl to the representatives of each member, at the end of the year in which that member's Life may happen t<» fail. And the number in column II represents the present fund, which, when improve/das before, will just provide for the payment of fl to the sur- rivors <>f each member that ma) die in the fu>t \ear, t'2 to the >ur\ i\ or> of each pf those that ma\ die in the second year, t':J to the pepre- Bentatives Of those whp mag die in the third year, and so on. A Table thus formed, or even a Table containing only the Irst two column- marked D & N, >.% i 1 1 be found to possess man) important advantages over the common Tables Of Life Annuities. To ppim out some of these advantagi - XXXV111 ILLUSTRATION Let D N M &c. represent the numbers opposite any assigned age, in the respec- tive columns so marked, D / N, M y &c. those opposite an age 1 year younger than that given, 'D 'N 'M &c. those opposite an age t years older than the given age, 'D 'N 'M &c. those opposite an age t—\ years older than that proposed ; v — the present value of £l due 1 year hence and d — l — v — the discount of ditto: then it may be shown from the construction of the Table that The present value of £l annuity on the) JV assigned life is - - - - -J - D That of a temporary annuity of £l for) N-'N the next t years on the same life - j ~~ D That of£l annuity, on the same life, de-)_ 'N ferred for t years - - - -) ~D The annual premium for £l annuity, on) 'N the assigned life, deferred for t years -j JN -'N The amount of £l annuity laid up and^ -^ improved until the extinction of the[= ^ given life - - . - - -■> That of a similar annuity, payable at the) N, beginning of each year - - -) M The present value of £l receivable on|_ 'D the assigned life surviving t years - }~ D The annual premium for £l receivable) 'D on the assigned life surviving t years J — N -'JN / 01 1 in rABLES. \ \\i\ The Bingle premium for t'l annuity,** on the assigned Life, deferred fori 'N + ^/D / years, and then mad. pa] able bj i p in equal instalments in each year ) ... 'N + ">-' -J) Tlic annual pivmiuin lor ditto - - — The single premium for the as-) M , i L768>ta i--j.y Number 1 ■ NiihiIh r i). . i , l.n ID*. meat, Living. nit nt. 41 10 -Ml 11 .,, 17-:. 11 2633 11 55 1711 49 12 19 56 1702 18 13 9810 19 57 1669 U 14 2798 13 58 1615 IS I.". 2785 It .-.!> 1570 46 if; -771 l.-, 80 l :>•_'« 46 17 2756 1.; 61 1 178 40 l- 2740 17 62 1 139 47 111 2723 l- 63 1385 is I'll 2705 18 114 1337 4J> 81 2687 18 *;:. 1988 50 99 2669 18 66 1238 .-.1 93 2650 19 67 1187 59 94 80 68 1135 53 •_•:» 2611 •Jo <;:> 1082 :.l 96 259] 91 70 1028 :.i 97 2570 •j-j 71 974 58 28 •J.". 1- 98 79 919 .».» •_>:> 2525 94 73 804 :,<; 90 2501 •_m 74 808 66 31 2477 95 7:. 752 :.:. •A-2 2452 98 76 697 86 33 2426 98 77 642 :.l 34 2400 96 :- 588 84 :;.-, 2374 87 78 684 :.« 2347 97 80 480 :.( 2320 98 81 496 53 2292 98 89 873 69 :i:> 2264 98 83 :i :.o in 2236 28 84 •-'71 47 n 2208 98 85 994 i:< »_• 2180 98 88 1-1 88 18 2152 •_".» 87 143 89 (1 2123 30 88 111 96 »:. 2093 30 85 96 16 2063 80 !«» »;:, u; >: 2033 81 !<1 18 18 i- 2002 89 99 86 11 18 1970 88 93 •_•:. :• M Il».i7 :{.-, M 16 7 :,i 1902 :•:. :i :. 52 1-.;:, 88 i 8 53 1826 " 97 1 l I'. TABLE II. Showing the Values of Annuities on Single Lives, according to the experience of the Equitable. Age. 2 per Cent. 1\ per Cent. 3 per Cent. 3| per Cent. 4 per Cent. 10 29.0178 26.0611 23.5717 21.4568 19.6465 11 28.7131 25.8164 23.3731 21.2940 19.5118 12 28.4015 25.5649 23.1681 21.1252 19.3714 13 28.0932 ! 25.3159 22.9651 20.9580 19.2323 14 27.7782 25.0601 22.7554 20.7845 19.0874 15 27.4660 24.8065 22.5475 20.6124 18.9435 16 27.1569 24.5552 22.3413 20.4416 18.8008 17 268508 24.3060 22.1368 20.2722 18.6593 18 26.5477 24.0592 21.9340 20.1042 18.5189 19 26.2477 23.8146 21.7331 19.9378 18.3799 20 25.9508 23.5724 21.5340 19.7729 18.2424 21 25.6472 23.3235 21.3286 19.6021 18.0991 22 25.3365 23.0679 21.1167 19.4250 17.9500 23 25.0285 22.8141 20.9061 19.2490 17.8019 24 24.7135 22.5533 20.6889 19.0666 17.6477 25 24.4008 22.2942 20.4727 18.8851 174941 2G 24.0810 22.0280 20.2496 18.6969 17.3344 27 23.6196 21.7632 20.0276 18.5095 17.1750 28 23.4418 21.4998 19.8065 18.3227 17.0163 29 23.1285 21.2382 19.5865 18.1367 16.8581 30 22.8174 20.9779 19.3677 179517 167007 31 22.4993 20.7107 19.1421 177600 16.5370 32 22.1833 20.4449 18.9173 17.5690 16.3739 33 21.8694 20.1807 18.6937 17.3789 16.2113 34 21.5485 19.9093 18.4631 17.1819 16.0424 35 21.2201 19.6305 18.2252 16.9780 15.8668 36 20.8936 19.3527 17.9879 16.7744 15.6914 37 20.5594 19.0674 17-7432 16.5636 15.5089 38 20.2268 18.7829 17.4988 163527 15.3263 39 19.8865 18.4905 17.2466 16.1344 15.1365 40 19.5382 18.1901 16.9865 15.9082 14.9390 41 19.1817 17-8813 16.Z179 15.6737 14.7337 42 18.8166 17-5637 16.4406 15.4307 14.5198 43 18.4427 172371 16.1542 15.1787 14.2971 44 18.0685 16.9094 15.8661 14.9246 14.0721 45 17.6941 16.5805 15.5763 14.6682 13.8447 46 17.3104 16.2422 15.2769 14.4024 13.6078 47 16.9172 15.8939 14.9674 14.1264 13.3610 48 16.5227 15.5435 14.6552 13.8473 13.1106 49 16.1269 15.1909 14.3400 13.5647 12.8566 50 15 7297 14.8359 14.0218 13.2787 12.5986 51 15.3395 14.4865 13.7083 12.9963 12.3436 52 14.9567 14.1434 13.3996 12.7180 12.0921 53 145817 13.8036 13.0964 12.4443 11.8444 TABLE II. Showing iiu- \ alms i>! kuoitioi on Siagie Lives, according to the i \|n i ienoe <>t' the Equitable. Ige. Cut IS 0898 . 1 ( (in 10 16.7390 ii..-.oju 13.77V 11 .:■■ 11 17-9739 19.9379 14-4997 12.791 114148 12 I / S559 16.5368 143658 19.664 114198 19 177388 16.4378 14.2998 19.699 11.958 li 17.9195 16.9337 14-9158 1 J..-. I!» 114118 i.. 17.4959 16.9304 14.1386 19.499 11.188 16 1741748 16 1289 14.9699 19.492 11.198 17 17.2555 16.0968 1341675 194178 11.078 18 17.1378 15.9992 13.9198 194)18 11.091 10 17.9S 15 8998 19.8491 19.968 104)88 99 16.9045 15,7988 137682 19.999 104)48 91 19.7837 15.9999 19.9099 19.151 10.001 19.9571 15.5179 13.6114 19.089 10.858 j'j 16.5316 15.4196 13.5319 19.098 10.898 24 16.4009 15.9989 13.4171 114)68 19.758 •_':, 19.9996 15.1859 139691 11>:i^ 19.798 99 16.1998 15.9983 19.2742 11.899 10. W8 97 15.9999 1 i :>:.io 19.1859 11.761 104)94 m 15 8907 1 1 3341 19.9074 I 1 .698 in .".to m 15.7954 14.7177 19.9907 1 i.cj.i 19487 :n\ 15.5908 14.9019 12.0997 11.658 10.434 31 154509 144806 19.8907 11.487 104)78 88 154)101 1 1.9599 19.7302 11.417 104198 98 15.1796 14.9399 12.8489 1 1 :M7 104988 M 150950 1 1.1199 184(598 1 1 378 104916 14.8731 19.9619 19 r»l 4 ll.l'W 10.147 98 14.7219 19.8489 l •j.:t.-n 18 11.119 10.0S5 89 1 1-5896 19.7199 1949496 11.091 10.01!) 8f 1 14999 19.5799 19.1999 10.048 94W8 91 14.2988 194999 19.9241 104)69 94)88 40 1 » 0968 19.2747 11. !*).-> 1 lt».7'i"' 04)68 41 13-8845 19.1162 11.7798 104)68 9.728 u 19.8057 12.9479 11.6497 in 668 '.i.mj II 134981 12.7722 11.5061 19444 9444 it 13-9984 12.5949 11.9630 194)98 0448 I.-, 13-0969 124192 11.2174 104999 04)68 i<; 19 8841 124&34 11 0634 10.091 04)48 17 19.9929 19.9249 iojoos !l!»i7 0,188 M 19 1878 11.9297 10.7398 94)09 0)018 i:» 1 j I 11.8194 10.5699 04)96 B 888 69 11 !I7»!> 11.4(117 10.9666 94(19 8 77i» r.l 117441 11.1991 10.2128 U.A7-2 8.848 59 11 6198 10.9848 10.0808 0.997 84(28 68 11.2018 10 7896 8804 94)84 3.491 TABLE II. Showing the Values of Annuities on Single Lives, according to the experience of the Equitahle. Age. 2 per Ceut. 2| per Cent. 3 per Cent. 3| per Cent. 4 per Cent. 54 14.2150 13.4769 12.7992 12.1758 11.6010 55 13.8401 13.1385 12.4930 11.8981 11.3487 56 13.4653 12.7994 12.1854 11.6184 11.0940 57 13-0906 12.4593 11.8762 11.3368 10.8367 58 12.7162 12.1188 11.5658 11.0532 10.5773 59 123423 11.7777 11.2542 10.7680 10.3157 60 11.9691 11.4366 10.9417 10.4813 10.0521 61 11.5885 11.0873 10.6208 10.1857 9.7796 62 11.1999 10.7297 10.2908 9.8S09 9.4975 63 10-8116 10.3710 9.9592 9.5738 9.2126 64 10-4238 10.0120 9.6262 9.2646 8.9250 65 10.0367 9.6526 9.2922 8.9536 8.6351 66 9.6509 9.2935 8.9575 8.6413 8.3434 G7 9-2669 8.9351 8.6227 8.3280 8.0499 68 8.8853 8.5781 8.2883 8.0144 7.7554 69 8.5069 8.2233 7-9551 7.7012 7.4607 70 8.1329 7.8716 7-6241 7.3894 7.1667 71 7-7554 7.5157 7.2882 7.0721 6.8666 72 7.3840 7.1647 6.9561 6 7577 6.5686 73 7.0111 6.8113 6.6209 6.4395 6.2662 74 G-6469 6.4654 6.2922 6.1270 5.9685 75 6-2847 6.1206 5.9636 5.8133 5.6695 76 5.9163 5.7687 5.6272 5.4916 5.3616 77 5.5516 5.4194 5.2926 5.1708 5.0537 78 5.1827 5.0651 4.9520 4.8432 4.7386 79 4.8209 4.7167 4.6163 4.5196 4.4264 80 4.4705 4.3785 4.2897 4.2041 4.1214 81 4.1380 4.0568 3.9784 3.9028 3.8296 82 38204 3.7491 3.6801 3.6133 3.5487 83 3.5281 3.4653 3.4046 3.3456 3.2885 84 3.2626 3.2073 3.1537 3.1016 3.0510 85 3.0262 2.9/73 2.9299 2,8837 2.8388 86 2.8200 2.7767 2.7347 2.6937 2.6538 87 2.6407 2-6025 2.5652 2.5288 2.4934 88 2.4700 2 4366 2.4039 2.3719 2.3407 89 2.2901 2.2614 2.2333 2.2058 2.1790 90 2.0547 2.0312 2.0080 1.9855 1.9634 91 1.7801 1.7618 1.7438 1.7260 1.7087 92 1.4714 1.4579 1.4447 1.4315 1.4187 93 1.1612 1.1518 1.1427 1.1336 1.1246 94 0.8507 .8448 .8389 .8333 .8275 95 0.5425 .5394 .5362 .5331 .5301 96 0.2451 .2439 .2427 .2415 .2404 97 TABLE II. Showing the Valuea ol innoitiea on Single Lives, according to the experience <'t' the Bqoitabte. Age. I] pa t'< in ( i i.i. perCi i. 7 |n i Cent. 9 pa Ce :.l 11.0704 10.5794 0.7018 3.948 66 10.8406 10.3606 9.5957 8.794 8.156 1 10.6079 10.1567 0.3466 B.641 0.094 :.7 10.3798 0.0410 0.1640 8.4m; 7.^:»1 10.1347 0.7224 8.9785 B.327 7 7.". 1 69 0.8943 9.5011 8.7900 8.166 7.615 00 0.6616 0.2773 B.5986 8.001 7.479 CI :>.;(!i! id 0.0444 8.3989 7.897 7.391 «;2 0.1384 8.8016 8.1881 7.644 7.161 • 63 8.8737 8.5553 7.9739 71">7 6.997 64 8.6069 8.3058 7.7558 7.968 6.897 <;.-) 8.3363 0.0526 7.5339 7.070 <;.»;.->4 66 8.0622 7.7968 7.3085 <;.s7i <;. 176 67 7.7869 7.5383 7.0799 6.667 6.295 68 7."» Ki2 7.9779 6.8485 6.461 8.110 80 7.2326 7.0161 6.6150 6.951 5.999 7< > <;.!i.v>o 6.7530 6.3809 6.041 5.739 71 6.6710 8.4848 6.1379 5.899 5.533 79 r,:.i^i 6.9165 5.8956 5.609 .-,..•{.•{4 73 6.1008 5.9428 .-,.(14 72 :,..J7<; :,.I27 74 5.8179 5.6794 5.4008 r,.i 18 4.991 7"> .-,..-,.{17 6.3997 5.1519 4.099 4.710 76 5.2368 6.1170 1.8919 4.889 4.480 / 7 1.0413 1.8330 4.i;-2^ 4.4.'i0 4.263 78 1.6378 4.5408 4.3571 4.1-C 4.098 79 U3368 4.2500 4.0855 3.932 3.789 v|| 1.0416 3.9645 3.8179 3.681 3.552 81 8.7588 3.8906 3.5600 8.438 3.323 BO ;{.w;i 3. 196 1 3.3097 .'{.•201 8.008 83 3.2331 3.1793 3.0766 9.980 -J 3.0019 9.9643 9.8899 9.777 2.806 85 9.7963 9.7598 9.8714 9.594 9.591 08 9.6160 9.5772 £5044 9.436 9.369 -: ■i 1688 9.4961 9.3601 9.998 2.230 88 9.8109 22896 ., .,.>■»<) 9.168 2.116 BO 9.1696 9.1269 2.0770 2.029 1.983 «M> L9417 1.9904 1.8791 1.830 1.801 01 icon; 1.6749 1.8499 1.611 1.580 09 1.4061 1.3937 1.8694 1.346 1.323 08 1.1169 1.1079 1.0909 1.074 1.068 04 .8220 .8166 8056 ,796 .786 06 .6271 .5240 .5182 .519 :,07 «k; .2392 2381 .934 .931 | m i TABLE III. Showing Ihe Value of an Annuity on a Single Life, allowing the Purchaser a given rate of interest on the Sum advanced, beside the Premium necessary to secure his Capital by a Life Assurance, according to the Rates charged by the Equitable Age. 5 per Cent. 6 per Cent. 7 per Cent. 21 13.316 11.685 10.408 22 13.229 11.615 10.354 23 13.141 11.547 10.297 24 13.051 11.476 10.239 25 12.958 11.402 10.180 26 12.863 11.328 10.119 27 12.766 11.251 10.057 28 12.667 11.172 9.992 29 12.565 11.091 9.926 30 12.461 11.009 9.859 31 12.354 10.924 9-789 32 12.244 10.836 9.717 33 12.132 10.740 9.644 34 12.016 10.654 9.568 35 11.898 10.558 9.489 36 11.777 10.461 9.409 37 11-652 10.360 9.326 38 11.524 10.256 9.240 39 11.392 10.150 9.152 40 11.256 10.040 9.061 41 11.119 9.929 8-968 42 ] 10.981 9.817 8.875 43 ] 10.842 9.703 8-780 44 ] 10.700 9.587 8.683 45 ] L0.553 9.467 8.582 46 ] L0.403 9343 8.479 47 ] 10.248 9.216 8.372 48 ] [0.090 9.085 8.261 49 9.927 8.950 8.147 50 9.762 8.813 8.032 51 9.599 8.677 7917 52 9.435 8.541 7-800 53 9.267 8.400 7-681 54 9.096 8.257 7-558 55 8.921 8.109 7432 56 8.742 7-958 7-302 57 8.559 7-803 7169 58 8.372 7.644 7-032 59 8.181 7.482 6.891 60 7.986 7-315 6.747 61 7.787 7.145 6.599 62 7.585 6.970 6.447 63 7.375 6.790 6.288 64 7.161 6.603 6.126 65 6.939 6.410 5.956 TABLE IV. Showing ill'- Annniti u> In- required on ;i Singh Lift ton oven t'loo advanced, m ;i> to allow tin- Paroknaei i riven rate <>i ini beo i de tin- Promim necessary to leoarc htt Capital l.\ a Lift Assuraiu'o at ti. Bi barged by the Equitable. A,, ;. pa < < i.i. 1 pa ( .in. T p. i ( . hi. n r.llO 8J88 0467 22 7.568 8.608 0.668 89 7. 'Mo - 861 9.711 M 7.6B8 - 714 0.766 •_'.". 7.717 -770 0.883 M 7 771 '..—_' 87 7.888 01044 28 7.806 s. !»;,] Iiiiiii^ 20 7. :».".:» 0.016 10.071 ■M) ^ 008 OHM 10.143 tl B (>!».') 0.188 1(1.21*; aa 8.169 8.888 10.801 89 8,848 0JO8 10.370 34 - 322 0.389 10.452 85 8.405 0.471 10.538 88 B 102 :>.:,<;o I6v628 89 B.583 vjir.i 10.788 88 8,678 0.7.".' » !,,,•_»•_> 39 .s.779 0.852 10406 in MB4 0.080 11.036 41 8,888 10.872 11.186 18 8.107 10.187 1LS68 88 Bl2B8 10J88 11.380 44 8,346 10.431 11. 7.1 7 1.-. 8.478 10.564 11.67.2 4<; 0.618 10703 11.704 i; :).7-"i- 10.851 11.046 i- 0.011 11.007 12 in:, 49 L0.074 11.171 12 -'7 4 :,•» 10.2 11 11. :U7 12 ri 61 U) 118 1 1 ..V24 12*682 88 10.808 11.7<>!» L2.820 :»:i 10.700 11.004 134)19 54 10.004 IS 112 1 3.23 1 88 11.210 12.388 18480 ;.t; 1L.48B 12.566 18L6B8 57 11.881 18458 i.(.:ii:» 58 LL045 18,082 11.221 :.:» 1 1829 13466 N.-.ii 88 12. VJl 18,671 14421 ci ta -ii 18.886 16.154 a 13.184 1 1.346 17... -.11 i :!.:.:.:» I 1.7:10 I8JB08 64 18181 1.V11I 18 .;:, N us IB 880 16.701 TABLE V. Showing the Values of Annuities on Two Joint Lives, according to the rate of mortality among the members of the Equitable. Age. per Cent. 3 per Cent. per Cent. 4 per Cent. 5 per Cent. 6 per Cent. Older. Younger. 10 10 21.8858 20.0962 18.5409 17.1815 14.9309 13.1567 11 11 21.60/5 19.8602 18.3392 17.0078 14.7994 13.0547 12 12 21.3207 19.6157 18.1293 16.8262 14.6608 12.9460 13 13 21.0407 19.3771 17-9245 16.6490 14.5256 12.8403 14 14 20.7521 19.1300 17.7113 16.4639 14.3829 12.7277 15 10 15 21.1424 20.4700 19.4645 18.8883 17.9999 17.5027 16.7147 ! 14.5759 16.2827 14.2434 12.8796 12.6176 16 11 16 20.8650 20.1943 19.2279 18.6520 17-7967 17.2988 16.5389 16.1055 14.4417 14.1071 12.7746 12.5101 17 12 17 20.5869 19.9251 18.9901 18.4212 17.5920 17.0997 16.3615 15.9325 14.3057 13.9741 12.6679 12.4055 18 13 18 20.3154 19.6624 18.7581 18.1962 17.3923 16.9055 16.1883 15.7639 14.1733 13.8447 12.5641 12.3038 19 14 19 20.0432 19.4064 18.5249 17.9768 17.1911 16.7161 16.0136 15.5998 14.0391 13.7190 12.4586 12.2054 20 10 15 20 20.3797 19.7775 19.1572 18.8180 18.2972 17.7633 17-4479 16.9948 16.5324 16.2401 15.8433 15.4405 14.2179 13.9084 13.5973 12.6027 12.3560 12.1105 21 11 16 21 20.1108 19.5108 18.9001 18.5881 18.0683. 175422 17.2501 16.7570 16.3411 16.0688 14.0872 15.6712 13.7759 15.2739 13.4691 12.5005 12.2517 12.0097 22 12 17 22 19.8335 19.2431 18.6348 18.3500 17.8378 17.3130 17.0444 16.5973 16.1419 15.8899 ' 13.9493 15.4973 13.6415 15.0999 ; 13.3339 12.3920 12.1456 11.9026 23 13 18 23 19.5625 18.9816 18.3755 18.1174 176127 17.0890 16.8433 16.4024 15.9484 15.7151 15.3275 14.9299 13.8149 13.5105 13.2021 12.2862 12.0423 11.7983 24 14 19 24 19.2837 18.7190 18.1079 17.8762 17.3862 16.8568 16.6340 16.2058 15.7447 15.5323 15.1560 14.7521 13.6729 13.3777 13.0631 12.1736 11.9373 11.6875 25 10 15 20 25 19.5424 19.0095 18.4626 17.8458 18.1062 17.6402 17.1650 16.6295 16.8378 16.4292 16.0139 15.5463 15.7141 15.3533 14.9886 14.5779 13.8197 13.5341 13.2484 12.9272 12.2940 12.0636 11.8354 11.5793 26 11 16 19.2640 18.7343 17.8663 17.4021 16.6298 16.2219 15.5328 15.1719 13.6794 13.3928 12.1832 11.9512 TABLE V. Bbowinc tin- Valoea ol Auumitiea on Two loiflfl Lives, according to tin- rate of limit iiii\ ;mic)ii.. tin- member* of the Bquitable. *g< p < . i i •if J ■i: ,, 29 30 :;i 82 33 :;i 81 - 19 87 13 18 S3 88 II l'.i 84 89 in l.-. 80 •_'.-. 11 16 91 96 :nt. Ol.lcr. Yuunjtr. 52 17 10.9592 L0.4S26 liUMOl 9.6284 g 8808 - 2308 52 lit. -J.. 9.8116 9.4183 9.0612 7 3027 53 13 12.2024 11.6235 11.0892 10.1375 9.3178 18 12.6238 12 'Ml 11.4463 109247 9.9950 9.1933 23 12.4255 11 B284 11.2777 10 7688 9 - \Q9 9.0773 28 12.1891 11.6105 11.0763 10.5823 9.6999 8.9371 ;u 1] 9478 11.3895 10.8735 10.3959 9.5412 8.8009 88 11.6510 11.1187 10.6259 10.1689 :» 3495 8.6378 4.{ 11.2320 10.7346 10.2732 9.8445 9.0736 8 1(114 4S 10.6506 10.1985 9.7777 9.3858 86782 B 0583 63 9.9420 9.5422 9.1687 8.8197 6.1863 7.6279 :>\ 14 12 .".111 11.9123 11.3595 H».- 1-:: 9.9356 9 1 I7'» V.t 12.3192 11.7347 11.1947 10.6953 9.8028 9.0310 •24 12.1227 11.5531 11.0267 10.5396 9.6683 8.9140 29 11.8973 11.3449 10.3609 9.5138 8 7793 34 11.6632 11.1306 10.6373 Hi 1798 95594 8.6467 :<:> 11.3677 10.8602 10.3895 9.9524 :» 1667 8 1823 44 10.9381 10.4651 10.0257 9 6117 - 8792 8.2345 4!) 10.3492 9.9203 9.5206 !».i47<; 8 1728 7 3799 54 9.6641 95851 8.9306 B5986 7.W4!> 7.4618 55 in 12.3730 11.7893 115499 10.7506 95574 9.0840 15 12.1870 11.6168 11.0896 10.6013 9.7274 8.9701 20 12.0100 1 1 .4532 105378 10.4603 9.6050 8 863 1 28 11.8153 1 1 2727 10.7705 10.3048 9.4700 8 7451 30 11.6011 11.0747 in .5871 in 1346 !».;(j_'4 8.6161 ;r> 11.8701 10.8626 10.: 9.9546 9.1686 8. 1837 40 11.0751 10.5923 10.1438 9.7265 8.9747 85178 46 10.6396 10.1906 :» 77-7 MI7!'l 8.0618 :.(> 10.0422 9.6363 9.2573 8.9031 3.2607 7.6948 66 9.8770 9.0186 8.6829 B 3686 7.7941 75858 56 11 12.0457 11.4910 lii!)77:J 10.5010 9.6468 85060 16 11.8646 11.3225 10.8204 10.3546 95187 8.7922 _*1 11.6985 11.1689 10.6777 102219 9.4034 8.6912 20 11 5054 10 9893 in 5107 Hi 0662 9.2675 8.5719 31 11.3027 10.8017 io.:t:«;s !».:»im<; 9.1273 8.4492 86 ! 11.0793 10.5964 111.117^ 97303 B.9780 H 10.7797 10.3211 9.8943 9.4966 B.7784 8.1490 16 10.3372 9.9118 9.5150 9.1 146 - 1737 7 8838 ;.i 9.7416 !t.:r,7l 8.9984 B.6622 80613 7. -.11.-. 66 9.0916 8.7588 - 1368 B.1376 74027 7.1080 o7 19 11.7163 11 1806 10.7014 10.2478 !» 1322 B.7217 17 n :.»»:< 11.0296 10.5519 10.1080 9.3095 8.6133 22 1 1 3848 in --17 Hi DIM 95798 9.1978 35152 TABLE V. Showing' tbe Values of Annuities on Two Joint Lives, according to the rate of mortality among the members of the Equitable. Age. n 3 ^5 4 5 6 per Cent. per ^eni. per Cent.i per Cent. per Cent. per Cent. Older. Younger. 57 27 11.1975 107072 10.2517 9.8279 9.0647 8.3979 32 11.0067 10.5305 10.0878 9.6756 8.9323 8.2821 37 10.7862 10.3275 9.9006 9.5026 8.7838 8.1538 42 10.4811 10.0463 9.6409 9.2626 8.5777 7.9757 47 10.0307 9.62S3 9.2524 8.9009 8.2628 7.6999 52 9.4470 9.0841 8.7442 8.4256 7.8451 7.3306 57 8.8082 8.4893 8.1895 7.9074 7.3909 6.9304 58 13 11.3891 10.8901 10.4263 9.9948 9.2171 8.5374 18 11.2263 10.7381 10.2843 9.8618 9.0999 8.4336 23 11.0732 10.5960 10.1519 9.7382 8.9919 8.3386 28 10.8919 10.4267 9.9937 9.5902 8.8616 8.2232 33 10.7134 10.2613 9 8403 9.4476 8.7377 8.1148 38 10.4959 100607 9.6549 9.2760 8.5900 7.9869 43 10.1795 9.7680 9.3836 9.0244 8.3723 7.7976 48 9.7251 9.3451 8.9895 8.6563 8.0503 7.5141 53 9.1593 8.8169 8.4955 8.1936 70424 7.1526 58 8.5271 8.2269 79443 7.6779 7.1891 6.7520 59 14 11.0599 10.5878 10.1482 9.73S4 8.9980 8.3490 19 10.9106 10.4483 10.0177 9.6161 8.8902 8.2533 24 10.7597 10.3078 9.8864 9.4933 8.7822 8.1579 29 10.5889 10.1479 9.7369 9.3531 8.6586 8.0481 34 10.4184 9.9899 9.5901 9.2166 8.5398 7.9441 39 10.2035 9.7913 9.4056 90463 8.3928 7-8165 44 9.8796 9.4907 9.1269 8.7861 8.1664 7.6185 49 9.4205 9.0621 8.7262 8.4111 7.8363 7.3264 54 8.8793 8.5562 8.2526 7.9669 7.4442 6.9782 59 8.2485 7.9476 7.7004 74493 6.9875 6.5732 60 10 10.8772 10.4219 9.9973 9.6010 8.8835 8 2529 15 10.7332 10.2870 9.8709 9.4823 8.7785 8.1596 20 10.5976 10.1603 9.7523 9.3711 8.6804 80725 25 10.4486 10.0213 9.0221 9.2490 8.5724 7-9766 30 10.2885 9.8712 9.4815 9.1171 8.4558 7-8728 35 10.1217 9.7163 93373 8.9827 8.3386 7-7699 40 9.9092 9.5196 9.1550 8.8134 8.1921 7-6425 45 9.5818 9.2149 1 8.8709 8.5483 7.9602 7-4386 50 9.1169 8.7796 8.4628 8.1651 7.6209 7.1367 55 8.5964 8.2924 8.0061 7.7364 7.2416 6-7994 60 7.9728 7.7082 7.4584 7.2220 6.7864 6-3945 61 11 10.5408 10.1116 9 7107 9.3358 8.6554 8.0554 16 10.4011 9.9806 9.5876 9.2199 8.5524 7.9634 21 10.2756 9.8632 9.4775 9.1166 8.4611 7.8823 26 10.1284 9.7253 9.3480 8.9948 8.3529 7.7857 31 9.9793 9.5853 9.2168 8.8715 8.2436 7.6883 36 9.8207 9.4379 9.0795 8.7436 8.1318 7.5901 TABLE V. Showing the Valuta ui AJMinitiM on Two J^int live*, ... rdi llie i ; ilii> uaong the members <•! the Equitable. A| ;i 05 41 M .".I 61 19 17 87 . 4.' 47 52 :.7 oa is 18 28 43 )- 03 68 It Lfl •_'4 29 ;u ii i:> :.» <;i in IS 90 9S ■ :» .71! 10.1948 10.0635 9.6650 !».:.ii».-) B.5085 - 0190 9 7274 9.61 i_> 9.4784 9 . .. 7. lux. I i '. 9.5041 9.28*21 9.1559 :« 9381 B.8917 8.6614 - 3216 7-9173 7 1429 9.1594 8.9518 - 7218 8.0243 Mill 9.7914 9.5561 9.2939 9.1501 B.9475 8.2111 7-7516 7.1650 9.4719 '.».:!:>»;ii 9.2498 i».l •_>•_' 1 9.0037 7.9313 6.8893 9.1497 9 0450 - 9406 - 71'" - 5741 6.6147 - 8.6049 8.1978 7-7551 7.2074 9.4139 9.2976 9.1926 9.0676 8.9462 8.8121 8.6233 8.3278 7.9310 7.4991 9.1170 B.9078 8.6761 8.5452 B.3480 8.0497 . i g 9168 - 7180 - 6190 8.5071 B.4029 8.2751 - 07*26 7.7708 7.4106 • ; U888 6.4258 |.. i ( . Dl 8.5711 7.9171 7.5010 8.8619 8.7340 8.6199 B.4947 B.3185 8.0410 7.6669 7.2603 B.4727 - 2458 8.0612 7.4202 7.0196 8.4104 8.3174 -.Jill - ll.l 7.9934 7.9033 7.5182 71777 6.7793 6.-2460 B.9284 B.6114 - 3129 B.516B - 1-287 B.14O0 • B.0481 7.9495 - 1268 7 9546 ; ; » : 7 1028 7.0338 6.5762 M1M - 3189 B.2 .1 » 8.1262 8.0249 7.9153 7.7613 7.5159 7.1818 o.;o57 B.I764 - 0840 B.0O03 " - - 7.8055 7.6980 7.2858 6.6061 6.1342 7.9316 7.8478 7.7647 7.6691 7.5820 7.4767 7.3084 r,.;\^\ »; :i:»i « 6.9117 7.6106 7 l.v.i 1 6.6150 7 B474 7 <;-i- 74972 7.2655 70471 6 7C«: 6.0096 7 17.- 1 7.3048 7.2100 7. 6.5532 6.2332 ;, 9988 7 1221 73467 7 2721 7 1858 7.1079 7 0149 6.6363 G :;i;in t; 0406 ;..»;< 17:1 7 2049 7 I 75 V, :»-_*•; 6.9067 TABLE V. Showing the Values of Annuities on Two Joint Lives, according to the rate of mortality among the members of the Equitable. Age. n 3 3j 4 5 6 per Cent. per Cent. per Cent. per Cent. per Cent. per Cent. Older. founger. 65 40 8.5792 8.2821 8.0001 7.7374 7.2512 1 6.8153 45 8.3478 8.0647 7-7974 7.544S 7.0799 ! 6.6623 50 8.0049 7.7408 7.4909 7.2547 6.8189 6.4265 55 7.6220 7.3791 7.1489 6.9309 J 6.5278 6.1637 60 7.1582 6.9413 6.7353 6.5396 6.1766 5.8472 65 6.5251 6.3413 6.1663 5.9995 5.6885 5.4046 66 11 8.9189 8.6048 8.3088 8.0295 7.5164 7.0570 16 8.8169 8.5083 8.2172 7.9426 7.4379 6.9857 21 8.7270 8.4233 8.1369 7.8665 7.3696 6.9241 26 8.6198 8.3218 8.0406 7-7752 7.2871' 6.8493 31 8.5132 8.2213 7.9453 7-6847 7.2053 6.7751 36 8.4080 8.1218 7.8516 7.5964 7.1265 6.7044 41 8.2649 7.9876 7-7258 7.4781 7.0218 6.6113 46 8.0315 7.7678 7.5183 7.2823 6.8466 6.4541 51 7.6935 7.4476 7.2147 6.9940 6.5861 6.2176 56 7.3287 7.1025 6.8879 6.6843 6.3070 5.9652 61 6.8711 6-6697 6.4783 6.2961 5.9573 5.6491 66 6.2393 6.0699 5.9081 5.7537 5.4652 5.2011 67 12 8.5718 8.2798 8.0040 7.7434 7.2634 6.8322 17 8.4770 8.1898 7.9185 7.6621 7.1897 6.7651 22 8.3923 8.1098 7.8427 7.5902 7.1250 6.7065 27 8.2903 8.0128 7.7506 7.5026 7.0454 6.6341 32 8.1937 7.9218 7.6 .42 7.4206 6.9711 6.5665 37 8.0930 7.8264 7.5742 7.3356 6.8951 6.4983 42 7.9489 7.6910 7.4468 7.2156 6.7884 6.4030 47 7.7128 7.4677 7.2356 7.0156 6.6085 6.2406 52 7-3879 7.1594 6.9426 6.7368 6.3556 6.0102 57 7.0378 6.8277 6.6289 6.4383 6.0859 5.7657 62 6.5815 6.3952 6.2177 6.0486 5.7335 5.4459 67 5.9567 5.8007 5.6516 5.5091 5.2421 4.9970 68 13 8.2279 7.9570 7.7007 7.4581 7-0101 6.6063 18 8.1401 7-8734 7.6212 7.3823 6.9412 6.5433 23 8.0608 7-7984 7.5500 7.3147 6.8801 6.4879 28 7.9636 7.7058 7.4618 7.2306 6.8034 6.4176 33 7.8775 7.6247 7.3847 7.1574 6.7370 6.3574 38 7.7814 7.5335 7.2986 70761 6.6641 6.2918 43 7.6318 7.3924 7.1655 6.9501 6.5513 6.1905 48 7.3958 7.1687 6.9532 6.7486 6.3692 6.0251 53 7.0886 6.8767 6.6753 6.4838 6.1281 5.8050 58 6.7497 6.5551 6.3698 6.1934 5.8650 5.5658 63 6.2945 6.1226 5.9586 5.8020 5.5096 5.2420 68 5.6779 5.5348 5.3977 5.2664 5.0201 4.7934 69 14 7.8847 7.6340 7.3965 7.1712 6.7543 6.3772 19 7.8069 7.5600 7.3259 7.1040 6.6929 6.3211 TABLE V. Bhowiag th- Values o( Annuitu^ on Two loiol Uvea, accordi i In- 1 ate of in 'it ill i \ ■OHMUJtbe DMnben of the Bankable. Af< :» , >. i « (.. i < . nt |>. I ( t Dl 1 j per O IPUel Hi) Yuu.«.r. 6.2661 Jl 7.4808 7.2662 ! 1 7 6405 7.4016 7.1751 li.'.HJlll ♦;.:,<; 17 6.2011 84 7.V.I7 7.:<-*7 1 7. in};, 6.5008 6.1 ; 7 I70U 7.2402 7.0221 6.8150 r, (308 6.0825 4 1 7.3179 7 - < »i M ^ t <; 6858 6.31 15 5.9773 49 7.0612 6.8712 6.6717 6.4819 t;.i •_•:>•_' ;.i 6.7968 6.6006 6.4138 5.9048 5.6030 59 6.4650 6.2855 6.1139 5.9503 5.6451 :,.. •{<;»;! 04 6.0109 5.8527 5.701 1 :. 2864 5.0380 <;:i 5.4040 -, .,.117.; 5.0268 1.5908 70 ID - 7.8847 7.1619 6.9502 6.5576 0.2015 I.", 7..*)4tio 7.31 17 7.0951 6.8865 «;.4!»!»l 6 1 181 . I'D 7.4785 7.2504 6.4460 0.0992 85 ;.lu.(ii 7. 17 85 »;.•>( ;:.•_» 6.7625 0.0446 80 7.1011 6 3913 6.6918 6.3213 ;..:<- 1* ::, 7.2472 ; 8 8241 5.9316 10 7.1600 6.9475 6.7283 <;..->.-,:<:; 6.1961 5.8711 L5 7.0080 6.6087 6.4234 6.0785 6.7044 6.7696 6.5760 tLli'.i \> 6.2162 :,.s-:il :. 5907 6.5051 6.3240 6.1512 5.9865 5.6791 .-,.:t!is_> GO 6.1860 6.0198 5.8613 ").7lDl ;,.il'7() 5.1078 85 .").7-'.on;7 1.9019 4.7916 4.3910 71 ii 7.2747 . 6.8538 6.2954 5.9660 i.; 7.2047 6.9920 6.7897 6.5972 5.9131 •_. \ .iin. - ol \iiimittt' - on \»<- loial I*1t< iccordini the rat.- ol limn 1 1 1 1 % runoof. ttw m abort <>» the BquHabli • i ■ i *» p i tt ni. 6 pcrCenl y i « . HI ' ■ |i. r ( « ni. 75 \ ; 191 • BJSTfi ::> / 1 > II .. i | 5.3006 .2364 5.0001 1.7885 16 5.5818 5 1479 5.3190 5.1954 1.9687 4.7475 2] .">.."> 156 5 1197 5.9S52 5.1689 1.9385 1.7194 96 5. 1988 5.3676 5.9418 5.1909 4.8934 1.6830 31 5.4521 5.1982 5.0789 4.8640 4.6461 36 5.4127 5.2844 5.1615 1.8811 4.6153 11 5 3648 5.1 178 5.0016 1.7886 1.5796 16 5.2756 5.1531 4.7090 1.5132 51 5.1270 5.0100 1 8974 1.7893 1.5861 1.3958 56 1.9733 1.8619 1.7547 4.6516 4.4669 1.2761 61 1 7890 1.6780 1.5776 1.4811 1.8984 1 1285 66 1.4940 1.4009 1.3097 1.2225 4.0572 3.9030 71 1.1047 1 0244 3.9468 3.8719 :i.7»n 3.5969 76 3 5699 3*5064 3.4455 3.8736 3.1674 7 / 19 5.9858 5.1646 5.0469 4.9344 1.7280 4.5252 17 .. 2453 5.1952 5.0093 1.6880 I 1933 .).» 5.9198 5.0935 4.9789 1.8673 1.6607 1.4678 27 5.1692 5.051 1 4.9381 1 3293 4.6839 1.4332 39 5.1290 5.0196 1.9006 1.7930 1.5898 I 1013 37 4.9780 1.8673 1.7609 1.3732 19 :,vu>7 4.9334 1.8245 4.7198 i. 5219 1.3382 17 1.953 l 1.8475 I 7418 1.6401 1.4479 4.2693 59 1.8187 i 7135 1.6123 1.5148 4.3306 1 1591 57 1.6778 1.5777 1.4812 I 3882 1.8130 1 9486 68 4.4995 4.3901 1.3090 1.2221 1.0574 :<.«m):<7 67 1.2158 4.1319 1.0507 3.9724 79 3.8411 3.7696 3 7004 3.6333 3.5057 77 3.2032 3.1511 3.0515 2.9573 78 1; - 1 9408 i . 70 1.4306 4. •_'.*.! h; / < > 18 1 .'.Hill 1.7974 1 0039 1 594 ■ 4.4059 I 8757 1.7609 1 50 1 1 3815 i 2078 98 I S340 1 7298 1.6285 1.5311 1.3467 1.1751 :;.{ 1 801(1 1.5008 1.3183 i i i-i 1.7605 1.5675 1 I7-'I 1.891 1 I 1232 t:i 1.7814 1.6203 1.5229 1.4291 1.8515 1 0861 18 1 •;... i 1 5358 1.4414 l 3505 I 1781 UU7<; U J 507U 111 in 1.2361 I 9707 :<.:in;i I 3778 l 2883 I 2019 4.1186 .'i.'.MKl/ 3 8132 ilj 1.1982 1.1151 1.0346 3.9569 3.6713 68 3.7873 8.7174 3.5844 3. 1597 7:< 3.5724 3.5091 3.4479 3.8749 . 1680 78 3.0471 _• 3196 9 7870 7!> II 1.6004 1 5039 1 1110 ! 1.3213 l 1515 3J661 I. J TABLE V. Showing the Values of Annuities on Two Joint Lives, according to the rate of mortality among the members of the Equitable. Age. 2-S- per Cent. 3 per Cent. 3 ? per Cent. 4 per Cent. 5 per C* nt. 6 per Cent. Ol.ler. YoiiDecr. 85 15 2.9215 2.8754 2.S306 2.7870 2.7034 2.6241 20 2.9086 2.8628 2.8183 2.7749 2.6919 2.6131 25 2.8936 2.8492 2.8052 2.7622 2.6797 2.6015 30 2.8773 2.8322 2.7884 2.7457 2.0640 2.5864 35 2.8629 2.81S2 2.7746 2.7323 2.6511 2.5741 40 2.8511 2.8066 2.7634 2.7213 2.6406 2.5641 45 2.8287 2.7848 2.7422 2.7006 2.6210 2.5454 50 2.7824 27397 2.69S1 2.6576 2.5799 2.5060 55 2.7296 2.6881 2.6476 2.6082 2.5327 2.4609 60 2.6712 2.6311 2.5919 2.5539 2.4S08 2.4113 65 2.5804 2.5424 2.5054 2.4094 2.4000 2.3341 70 2.4506 2.4156 2.3814 2.3481 2.2842 2.2232 75 2.2639 2.2332 2.2031 2.1738 2.1174 2.0636 80 1.9419 1.9180 1.8945 1.8716 1.8274 1.7850 85 1.5366 1.5196 1.5029 1.4866 1.4550 1.4246 80 16 2.7247 2.6838 2.6439 2.6052 2.5306 2.4598 21 2.7144 2.6737 2.6341 2.5955 2.5214 2.4509 26 2.6989 2.6602 2.6208 2.5826 2.5090 2.4390 31 2.6852 2.6452 2.6062 2.5682 2.4952 2.4258 36 2.6735 2.6337 2.5949 2.5572 2.4846 2.4156 11 2.6625 2.6230 2.5844 2.5470 2.4749 2.4063 46 2.6404 2.6015 2.5634 2.5205 2.4554 2.3877 51 2.5945 2.5565 2.5195 2.4S34 2.4141 2.34S1 56 2.5JS0 2.5110 2.4749 2.4399 2.3723 2.30S0 61 2.4939 2.45S2 2.4233 2.3893 2.3240 2.2617 66 2.4056 2.3717 2.3389 2.3006 2.2447 2.1857 71 2.2809 2.2498 2.2194 2.1808 2.1327 2.0781 76 2.09S4 2.0712 2.0446 2.01S7 1.9686 1.9207 81 1.7756 17547 1.7343 1.7142 1.6756 1.63S4 86 1.4122 1.3972 1.3824 1.3680 1.3399 1.3128 87 17 2.5542 2.5179 2.4825 2.4480 2.3816 2.3182 22 2.5453 2.5092 2.4740 2.4397 2.3735 2.3105 27 2.5301 2.4964 2.4614 2.4274 2.3617 2.2991 32 2.5193 2.4837 2.4490 2.4152 2.3500 2.2878 37 2.5089 2.4735 2.4390 2.4053 2.3405 2.2787 42 2.4983 2.4635 2.4292 2.3958 2.3314 2.2700 47 2.4762 2.4416 2.4078 2.3749 2.3113 2.2508 52 2.4328 2.3991 2.3661 2.3339 2.2720 2.2129 57 2.3914 2.3585 2.3263 2.2950 2.2346 2.1769 62 2.3395 2.3077 2.2766 2.2463 2.1S78 2.1320 67 2.2549 2.2249 2.1955 2.1668 2.1114 2.0585 72 2.1364 2.1086 2.0815 2.0551 2.0040 1.9551 77 1.9556 1.9316 1.9080 1.8850 1.8405 1.7978 S2 1.6309 1.6127 1.5947 1.5773 1.5433 1.5106 87 1.3191 1.3056 1.2923 1.2793 1.2540 1.2295 TABLE V. Showing lln Villi. mi \iiimi1n s <>ii Two foJOl l-i\'>. ■< < •■-i-liiu' i<> 1 1 » • • i . » i < • « • i ■ ■ i > > 1 1 1 1 1 1 v uii'Mi:' tin in' mix i ..I tin Bqoitablc. Ife, - per O i.i , . 1 ( . ni 1 1 I'. 1 ( . dI per O i>i - 1 1. per O nt. n|l«: » o»l>ftr. B8 18 941806 2.3266 2 9991 24*404 9.1849 83 2.3S52 •_'.:;:..•{» 2.3224 .1 .»|.>-i 2.2337 2.177^ H 1 2/3412 2.3103 2.2803 .> •>•>->;{ 2.1668 sa 2.3624 _•.; ;ii 2.3005 2.2706 2.2129 2.1 57* 38 1 •_> ;{-_>-_'-j 2.2915 2.2621 2.2048 •i.U:»s 19 2.3424 2.3115 2.2812 2.2517 J.l '.MS 2.1402 18 2.3205 2.2900 2.2602 2.2312 2.1750 2.1212 :..{ 2.2811 2. 25 1 1 .» .>■>•>■; 2.1939 2.1390 2.0865 58 2.2440 2.21 H 2.1864 2.1587 2.1051 2.0637 ! 89 2.1942 2.1661 2.1386 2. 11 IS 2.0599 2.0102 98 2.1142 2.0876 2.0615 2.0361 1.9669 1 41898 7-< 2.0006 14)762 1.9521 1 .9288 1.8833 1.8396 78 1.8196 1.7985 I.7777 1.7."»7"> 1.7189 1.6806 ss l.:»i »_'.-) 1.4866 1.4709 1.4566 1.4258 141970 as 1 Jill 14319 1.2199 14108] 1 . 1 ssa 1.1631 89 19 2.2225 2 1966 •J. I (NO •2.1419 2.0911 2.0424 24 £2157 2.1884 2.1617 •j.l :{.").". 2.0850 2.0364 99 2.2010 2.1777 2.1511 2.1252 2.0749 2.0267 34 2.1964 2.1694 _M 130 2.1172 2.0672 2,0192 :{'.) 2.1891 2.1622 J.l .'{.v.* 2.1102 J.l ICO.") 2.0127 ii 2.1782 2.1515 2.1254 2.0999 2.0505 2.0031 19 2.1565 2.1302 •J. Ill J.-. 2.0794 2.0307 L9840 :.i 2.1235 2.0978 2.0726 2.0480 J.l 101 K 14.9646 .V.I 2.0896 2.0644 2.0399 2.0158 1.9699 1.9244 91 J. n 1 ■_'.-• 2.0181 1.9944 14)711 1.9259 1.8826 99 1.9685 1.9454 1.9229 14)008 1.8579 1.8167 71 1.8635 1.8423 1.8214 1.8010 1.7614 1.7232 79 1.6819 1.6637 1.6458 1.6283 1.5942 141614 -i 1 .3823 1.3685 1.3549 1.3416 141157 141907 89 L1747 1.1638 1.1532 1 . 1 4 27 1 . 1 2 J J 1.1026 90 90 14967 14)762 14)641 14024 141904 1.8499 _'.". 1.9926 1.9702 1.9481 14)266 1.8847 1.8444 so 1 9785 14)618 1.9394 14)186 1.8764 1.8363 M 1.9762 1.9540 1 4)323 14)109 1.8695 14B96 JO 14)709 14)488 1.9266 14)058 1.8646 14)249 Ifi 1.9614 14W95 1.9180 1.8969 1.8559 L8164 :>o 1.9398 14)182 1.8970 1 8762 1.7970 :.:. 14)132 1 8920 1.8719 1.8507 141112 1.7736 69 1 B854 1.8616 1 3442 1.8242 1 7854 1.7480 86 144417 l 8217 1.8020 1.7826 1 7456 1.7668 7" l 7771 1.7580 1.7208 1.6851 1.6506 75 1.6002 I 6488 1.6317 1 5986 1.5 ^.i 1.5080 I 1930 1 1782 1.4353 1.4079 I 2416 1 2186 l 2074 I 1 856 1.1614 1 9590 1 mil 1 9322 L.0150 9984 TABLE VI. Showing the Present Value of a Deferred Annuity of £l on a Single Life, according to the rate of mortality among the members of the Equitable, reckoning Interest at 31 per Cent. When the Annuity is to comn.puct at the Age of Present Age. Prcseut Age. 50 55 60 65 70 75 21 3.596 2.448 1.591 .971 542 .265 21 22 3.747 2.551 1.658 1.012 .564 .276 22 23 3.906 2.659 1.728 1.055 .5S8 .288 23 24 4.072 2.772 1.802 1.099 .613 .300 24 25 4.247 2.891 1.879 1.147 .640 .313 25 26 4.430 3.015 1.960 1.196 .667 .326 26 27 4.622 3.146 2.045 1.248 .696 .340 27 28 4.825 3.284 2.135 1.303 .727 .355 28 29 5.039 3.430 2.230 1.361 .759 .371 29 30 5.266 3.585 2.330 1.422 .793 .388 30 31 5.503 3.746 2.435 1.486 .829 .405 31 32 5.754 3.917 2.546 1.553 .867 .424 32 33 6.019 4.097 2.663 1.625 .907 .443 33 34 6.297 4.287 2.786 1.700 .948 .464 34 35 6.589 4.485 2.915 1.779 .992 .485 35 30 6.898 4.695 3.052 1.863 1.039 .508 36 37 7.222 4.916 3.195 1.950 1.088 .532 37 38 7.566 5.151 3.34S 2.043 1.140 .557 38 39 7.928 5.397 3.508 2.141 1.194 .584 39 40 8.308 5.656 3.676 2.243 1.251 .612 40 41 5.928 3.853 2.351 1.312 .641 41 42 6.214 4.039 2 465 1.375 .672 42 43 6.515 4.235 2.584 1.442 .705 43 44 6.835 4.443 2.711 1.512 .739 44 45 7.176 4.664 2.846 1.588 .776 45 46 4.897 2.9S9 1.667 .815 46 47 5.144 3.139 1.751 .856 47 48 5.406 3.299 1.840 .900 48 49 5.686 3.470 1.936 .946 49 50 5.986 3.653 2.038 .996 50 51 3.850 2.148 1.050 51 52 4.064 2.267 1.108 52 53 4.296 2.397 1.172 53 54 4.549 2.537 1.240 54 55 4.819 2.688 1.314 55 56 2.851 1.394 56 57 3.027 1.480 57 58 3.218 1.573 58 59 3.426 1.675 59 60 3.653 1.786 60 61 1.906 61 62 2.036 62 63 2.179 63 64 2.336 64 65 2.510 65 TABLE VII. Shewing tin- Aiuuukl Preaiom, pajabL at the bogii oJ tfa equivalent t>» a Deferred Annuity <>t t'l <>u n Single Ufe, bj th> Bquitanfc Table, reckoning Intend at aj pel Cent. \\ li< a the Annuity il to ruuiunuit at lli< A. ol PmhM A r . I'mml ■ 50 55 fill 65 70 75 21 .'2140 .1160 .0*42 3407 3971 .0130 21 22 .2275 .1440 .0889 .0523 .0285 .0137 22 •J.) .2423 .1526 .0939 .0559 3300 3144 93 94 .-'."-J .1619 .0993 .0582 .0316 .0152 94 25 .2757 .1719 .1051 3615 .0333 .0100 95 98 .2949 .1828 .1114 .0650 .0352 .0168 20 99 .3199 .1946 .1181 ; .00-7 .0371 3177 27 28 .3391 3074 .1253 .0727 .0302 .0187 98 99 .3647 .•2214 .1331 i .0770 .0415 .0108 20 90 .3032 :2'M u .1410 .0817 .0439 .0200 86 31 .4249 2534 .17)07 3866 .04*54 .0221 31 89 .4604 .27 18 .10(17 .((020 .041)2 .0233 32 33 ..'.(Ml.-) .2921 .1719 3079 .0522 .0247 S3 .{4 .:. 159 2144 ,1833 .1040 .0553 .0202 34 91 .5977 2394 .1962 .1108 .0588 .0278 89 36 .6573 3671 .2103 .1182 .0625 .0295 30 97 .7269 3983 .2259 .1202 .000.5 .0313 :<7 .8078 .4:m .2431 .1349 .0708 .0333 89 39 .9049 .4732 .2021 .1444 .0755 .0354 99 •40 1.0996 3187 2833 .1549 3806 .0377 40 u :,711 3070 .iota .0861 .0402 41 19 .6319 3335 .1701 .0022 .0499 12 19 .7035 3636 .1031 .0088 .oj;,s 43 41 7887 3077 .1060 .0490 It II .9919 .4368 .-2201 .1110 .0525 4."> 40 .4819 .2458 .1228 .0563 10 17 3345 .21 170 .1326 .OOOl 47 1- 3965 .2923 1 (35 .0660 19 19 .6705 3209 .1666 0701 r.» 99 .7001 ,1699 .0757 60 :.i .:<:>lo .1846 ,0819 :,i 19 . 1359 3019 .0885 69 :.:< 1883 3216 .0066 63 :>i 3509 .2442 .1053 :,l ."..") 8298 .2702 .1150 55 ;,.; 3 .1261 96 ."•7 3358 57 98 .3778 1 an 68 99 1280 .1604 59 99 1801 1884 00 CI .2107 01 99 99 99 2681 93 94 94 f 361* 9S TABLE VIII. Showing the Premium, Single or Annual, equivalent to a Survivorship Annuity of £\ on an Assigned Life A, after the extinction of another Life B, according to the rate of mortality among the members of the Equitable, reckoning Interest at 'i\ per Cent. Age of Age of Single Annual Age of Age of Single Annual A. B. Premium. Premium A. B. Premium. Premium. 10 10 2.9159 .14922 25 10 2.0474 .11478 15 3.4569 .18194 15 2.4559 .14090 20 4.0089 .21730 20 2.8712 .16875 25 4.6191 .25895 25 3.3388 .20178 30 5.2870 .30793 30 3.8628 .24109 35 6.0082 .36528 35 4.4424 .28767 40 6.8358 .43760 40 5.1297 .34765 45 7.8426 .53664 45 5.9974 .43185 50 9.0150 .67067 50 7-0388 .54792 55 10.2069 .83322 55 8.1146 .68940 60 11.4595 1.0420 GO 9.2030 .87205 65 12.8454 1.3365 65 10.5536 1.1309 70 14.2949 1.7514 70 119199 1.4965 75 15.7831 2.3649 75 13.3383 2.0374 80 17.3289 3.3793 80 14.8299 2.9335 15 10 2.6125 .13750 30 10 1.7819 .10378 15 3.1097 .16806 15 2.1466 .12773 20 3.6176 .20103 20 2.5144 .15297 25 4.1832 .24001 25 2.9294 .18283 30 4.8073 .28606 30 3.3968 .21S37 35 5.4857 .34016 35 3.9175 .26057 40 6.2709 .40875 40 4.5452 .31549 45 7.2354 .50326 45 5.3536 .39370 50 8.3674 .63174 50 6.3381 .50248 55 9.5228 .78768 55 7.3646 .63558 60 107415 .98810 60 8.4702 .80811 65 12.0956 1.2709 65 9.7241 1.0536 70 13.5173 1.6698 70 11.0604 1.4016 75 14.9820 2.2596 75 12.4544 1.9168 80 16 5097 3.2355 80 13.9262 2.77H 20 10 2.3250 .12603 35 10 1.5294 .09298 15 2.7781 .15438 15 1.8513 .11479 20 3.2405 .18483 20 2 1728 .13747 25 3 7590 .22093 25 2.5353 .16417 30 4.3356 .26376 30 2.9438 .19580 35 4.9677 .31430 35 3.4007 .23328 40 5.7073 .37883 40 3.9608 .28256 45 6.6270 .46847 45 4.7001 .35398 50 7.7167 .59103 50 5.61S2 .45455 55 8.8351 .74009 55 65861 .57814 60 10.0206 .93102 60 7-6407 .73914 65 11.3442 1.2031 65 S.8512 .96980 70 12.7391 1.5857 70 10.1539 1.2978 75 14.1818 2.1516 75 11.5231 17852 SO 15.692S 3.0891 SI) 12.9771 2.5949 TABLE VIII. Showing ill. Premium, Single <>■ Annual, equivalent to a Survivorship \ mini t > of t'l "ii an Assign* .i onotbei Life B, according lo the rate of mortalit j among tin members of th« Bquitablo, reckoning Int n si it 8| \>>*t Cent Single Animal \_. 'i \^. .•! Siogli \ ititii.it 1. /;. 1 ,. inium. I'll III unit . I. /■' I'm iuihiii. I'm inium. 10 in i 2872 .08940 55 10 6482 05291 18 1.:.' .10212 18 .00088 90 I 8426 .1 22: 10 90 .0603 .llsilj;, 86 2.1 . 1 1580 •_'.-. 1.1278 .00580 SO 2.80 17 .17366 30 1.3110 .11315 2.8010 .20624 36 1.5062 .13222 10 3.3752 .24940 in 1.7543 .15742 IS 1.0331 .31325 48 2.1 26 1 .19730 :.i) 1.8700 .40454 60 2.6408 .25745 88 ;».7'; it .51727 56 322162 .33205 69 6.7532 .66501 (in ;i.s!»_'o .43215 68 7.9081 .87866 66 1.7492 .58280 70 B.1799 1 . 1 878 70 5.7469 .80363 75 10.1 1.6378 75 6.8688 1.1392 -n n :»:io:i SO 8.1305 1.7988 15 10 1.0640 .07212 60 10 .1-lu .01101 16 1.2012 .08081 16 .6104 .05615 •jo 1..-I 223 .10761 20 .72:111 .1107-11 •j:. 1.7806 .12820 25 .8592 .08089 80 2.0701 .15223 30 .9998 .09539 38 2.3003 .18002 ;;:, 1.1110 .11067 in 2 7:i.'U .21694 ID 123263 .13061 i:. 3.3568 .27265 16 1.6104 .16315 SO 1.0946 .:g:<7!> .-)(! 2.0185 .21331 ."»."> 1.8955 .45443 65 2. 1752 .27483 CA) ;,.7! i7:< .58731 60 3.0229 .35738 86 6.8708 .78100 68 3 7460 .48427 70 8.0595 1.0593 70 4.6200 .67334 7"> 9.3407 1.4766 7.") 6.6372 .90460 BO 10.7337 2.1782 so 6.8242 1.4683 ."><> 10 9969 .08296 65 in 3422 .03860 18 1.0337 .07805 18 .4868 .04590 90 1 .2225 .09363 90 .5240 .05507 •J.-. 1.4324 .11186 28 .0221 .06007 :io 1.6651 .13201 Ml .7260 .07868 88 1 9189 .15525 38 B268 .00050 in 2.2405 .18611 10 .9636 .10594 IB 2.7051 .23373 48 1 1662 .131 13 80 3.3311 .30428 89 1.4627 . 1 7227 88 4.021 1 .30205 .">."> I 9047 .22110 60 1 8159 .50803 69 2.2183 28678 1 1 5 7878 .68166 68 2 7873 70 fi 8860 93170 7" ■ 7"> - U029 1.3083 76 1 3832 78687 80 :» 1258 1 9424 -11 1.2129 I. J TABLE VIII. Showing the Premium, Single or Annual, equivalent to a Survivorship Annuity of £l on an Assigned Life A, after the extinction of another Life B, according to the rate of mortality among the memhers of the Equitable, reckoning Interest at 3£ per Cent. Age of Age of Single Annual A. B. Premium. Premium. 70 10 .2275 .02787 15 .2943 .03636 20 .3556 .04426 25 .4242 .05326 30 .4981 .06312 35 .5653 .07225 40 .6611 .08554 45 .7807 .10261 50 .9976 .13496 55 1.2382 .17314 60 1.5281 .22271 65 1.9421 .30123 70 2.4875 .42148 75 3.1921 .61419 80 4.1141 .96230 75 10 .1396 .02092 15 .1829 .02759 20 .2222 .03371 25 .2665 .04071 30 .3160 .04864 35 .3584 .05552 40 .4034 .06293 45 .4S58 .07678 50 .6275 .10144 55 .7840 .13003 60 .9692 .16584 65 1.2429 .22313 70 1.6160 .31093 75 2.1234 .45276 80 2.8523 .72010 80 10 .0762 .01480 15 .1014 .01987 20 .1240 .02441 25 .1489 .02945 30 • 1786 .03554 35 .2032 .04063 40 .2262 .04544 45 .2696 .05464 50 .3512 .07237 55 .4425 .09293 60 .5470 .11746 65 .7061 .15699 70 .92S8 .21725 75 1.2431 .31384 80 1.7393 .50200 TABLE IX. Showing tin- \\ . i il- \ iIm. ■ i £l to i it ill. end of ti. \ . . ■ in which :m ^siipncd Life maj t ui. MtimaHBf the rate <>t mortalit) bj tl e i uq i ii. nee of the Bqohable. If i i>« r 424 10 90600 .15569 .19811 51686 U868 11 51100 .16014 12605 .45860 .40421 19 .21640 .16491 13084 M .46879 .41435 l.l .22184 .16963 .I.i4,'i7 S3 54474 .17:x><> .42468 It .22741 .17459 .13876 Bel 55472 .48941 .43518 16 .17956 .14310 .->!) .49995 1 1585 16 23843 .18438 .14740 69 •57492 51060 . L5668 W .24387 .18921 .15165 u 58540 52170 .46802 18 24027 .19399 15585 62 59625 53326 17992 19 .25462 .19872 .15999 .24043 .19704 71 69744 .64358 98 .30707 54600 .20203 79 •70890 .65636 .60968 99 .31315 .25154 .20699 78 .72053 .66939 <;_•.;; i 30 .31020 .•J.".7i>.-> .21192 71 •73198 SI .32550 2625? 1 21713 76 .74348 .»;!*."i2.") .65182 .-i-i-sn 7'! •75532 .70871 .66653 27432 .22745 77 76717 .72224 91 .34452 78 77929 .73615 .69677 9fi .35128 .28662 .23860 79 .7."» .71214 36 .29291 .24432 9Q .76360 72729 87 36504 .29950 .25036 81 .81425 .7 7' '><■«."» .74188 37207 .30610 .25641 38 •82505 .78927 :«> 51300 .26279 88 .80009 76925 40 .26052 34 •84419 .>!17<» •78134 a 27663 aa .85235 .82130 79219 u .33581 .28415 98 85947 .82966 lo- 11 165 34419 .29211 37 .86564 ll .42030 56267 88 .87151 -i.. ;■ 81757 J.-. .42005 .36128 30845 n •87773 .86110 M .»:{- it; 57031 .31717 [H\ 17 14765 57981 .32640 :>i 18 15727 .'(-'.Mil .33585 81 . m turn.-, .34655 88 91829 .89966 S8168 90 J7<::»^ 10944 M .92971 .91356 :.i 18679 11942 • 88 .94115 52743 .91 (06 69 .49646 37511 98 54104 ss 13902 96164 94340 TABLE X. Showing the Rate of Mortality, and the Average Duration of Human Life, at the Town of Northampton. j Sum of the j Sum of the Number a living at all Expecta- Number 1 living atoll Expecta- Age. tiring. I higher ages. tion of Age. living. I higher ages. tion of D a N life. D o N life. 299198 _ - - 48 3014 78 55778 19.00 11650 3000 287548 25.18 49 2936 79 52842 18.49 1 8650 1367 278898 32.74 50 2857 81 49985 17-99 2 7283 502 271615 37-79 51 2776 82 47209 17-50 3 6781 335 264834 39.55 52 2694 82 44515 17-02 4 6446 197 258388 40.58 53 2612 82 41903 16.54 5 6249 184 252139 40.84 54 2530 82 39373 16.06 6 6065 140 I 246074 41.07 55 2448 82 36925 15.58 7 5925 110 240149 41.03 56 2366 82 34559 15.10 8 5815 80 234334 40-79 57 2284 82 32275 1463 9 5735 60 228599 40-36 58 2202 82 30073 14.15 10 5675 52 222924 39-78 59 2120 82 27953 13.68 11 5623 50 217301 39-14 60 2038 82 25915 13.21 12 5573 50 211728 38-49 61 1956 82 23959 12.75 13 5523 50 206205 37-83 62 1874 81 22085 12.28 14 5473 50 200732 37-17 63 1793 81 20292 11.81 15 5423 50 195309 3651 64 1712 80 18580 11.35 10 5373 53 189936 35-85 65 1632 80 16948 10.88 17 5320 58 184616 35-20 GO 1552 80 15396 10.42 18 5202 63 179354 34.58 07 1472 80 13924 9.90 19 5199 67 174155 33.99 68 1392 '80 12532 9.50 20 5132 72 169023 33.43 69 1312 80 11220 9.05 21 5060 75 163963 32.90 70 1232 80 9988 8.60 22 49S5 75 158978 32.39 71 1152 80 ' 8836 8.17 23 4910 75 154068 31.88 72 1072 80 7764 774 24 4835 75 149233 31.36 73 992 80 6772 7-33 25 4760 75 144473 30.85 74 912 80 5860 6.92 26 4685 75 139788 30.33 75 832 80 5028 6.54 27 4610 75 135178 29.82 76 752 77 4276 6.18 28 4535 75 130643 29.30 77 675 73 3601 5.83 29 4460 75 126183 28.79 78 602 68 2999 5.48 30 4385 75 121798 28.27 79 534 65 2465 5.11 31 4310 75 117488 27.76 80 469 63 1996 4.75 32 4235 75 113253 27-24 81 406 60 1590 4.41 33 4160 75 109093 26.72 82 346 57 1244 4.09 34 4085 75 105008 26.20 83 289 55 955 3.80 35 4010 75 100998 25.68 84 234 48 721 3.58 36 3935 75 97063 25.16 85 186 41 535 ! 3.37 37 3860 75 93203 24.64 80 145 34 390 3.19 38 3785 75 89418 24.12 87 111 28 279 3.01 39 3710 75 85708 23.60 88 83 21 196 2.86 40 3635 76 82073 23.08 89 62 16 134 2.66 41 3559 77 78514 22.56 90 46 12 88 2.41 42 3482 78 75032 22.04 91 34 10 54 2.09 43 3404 78 71628 21.54 92 24 8 30 1.75 44 3326 78 68302 21.03 93 16 7 14 1.37 45 3248 78 65054 20.52 94 9 5 5 1.05 46 3170 78 61884 20.02 95 4 3 1 0.75 a 3092 78 58792 19.51 96 1 1 0.50 J TABLE XI. Showing the Logarithm of the nnmbei living ;»t each ngc in Ike N < >■ ih.i in) >t< >n Tabic, iini el the proportion of that nuoabci which maj be expected i" lunrive one jt ir. \., Lof *^ 1 i-v IBf. A a. *-' Log. N° living. >,a. 8 i 0863269 [4*708999 1- 3.4791 199 i 9986129 1 3.0370161 .9252942 '!» 3.4677561 4)881541 ■ > 3.8(223103 .9689834 60 3.4559109 4)875093 "{ 3.8312037 .9779966 :.i 3.4434196 4)669781 l :; 800*2903 .9865202 82 3.4303976 4)865756 •"» 3.7058105 .9870203 58 3.4169732 4)861473 Q 3.782 .9898575 :.» 3.4031206 4)956909 7 3.7726883 £918614 .i.) 3.388811 l 4)952033 - 3 7645497 .9939837 86 3.37401 17 4)646814 it 37585334 .9954325 67 3.358696] 4)841212 in 3.7539659 9060022 68 3.3428173 4)935188 11 :s 7499681 .9961209 69 3.3263359 4)828683 12 3.7460890 .9960360 60 3.3092042 4)821647 13 3.7421750 .9960504 «;i 3.2913689 4)81 iimij li 3.7382254 .99601 »- 89 :; 2727696 4)906107 15 3.734 2396 9669772 63 3.2535803 4)799235 i»; 3.7302168 .9956948 84 3.2335038 4)792164 17 3 7259116 .9952392 68 3.2127202 4)781715 19 :t.7-'l ]".<»- 4)047690 4)943668 68 .'{.l!MK!)17 .'.1770 Mil 19 :t 7159198 <;r HACj'jo;^ 4)757314 90 3.7102866 .9938639 68 :i.l 136392 .9742946 •_M 3.7041505 4)935147 69 3.1179338 4)726769 '-2 :; 6976652 .9934163 7<> 3.0906107 4)708418 23 3.6910815 .9933150 71 3.0614525 4)687423 24 3.68 , .9932105 72 30301948 4)663169 •_'.-> 3.6776070 .9931026 73 24)965117 .'.HLv 1 -:; I 98 3.6707096 .9929913 74 2.9599948 4)601288 27 3.6637009 4)928764 7"> 2.9201233 4)660945 29 3.6565773 4)927576 7»; 28762178 4)630860 29 3.6493349 9926347 77 2.8293038 4)502927 SO 3.6419696 .9925077 78 2.7795965 4)470448 81 3.6344773 4»23761 79 2.7275413 4)436315 :fj 3.6268534 .9922399 -ii 2.6711728 89 3.6190933 4)920988 -l 2.6085260 4)305501 :u , 3.6111921 4)919523 99 2.5390761 4)218217 88 3.6031444 4)918003 83 2 1608978 .9063181 88 3.5949447 4)016426 -I 23692159 .9002970 87 ;( 5865873 .991 1780 38 2.2695129 4)918551 30659 4)913080 98 •_' 1613680 9550 13739 9911305 87 2.0453230 ;:.:. 1 JO 3.5605044 .9908 — 1.9190781 13136 J! 3 5513280 4)905008 1.7923917 8703661 1.' U8288 9901608 :h» 1.6627578 4)687211 i:i 3.5310896 9899326 91 14*31 1789 .8487323 II 3.5219222 .:iv- 99 1 802112 HI-, t:> ::.,! 16160 .9894433 93 1 _'i W1200 .7501225 M 3.50IU503 4W91302 :.i 0.9542425 6478175 tr 3 101 . 9889037 0.6020600 1400 TABLE XII. Showing;, out of the number entering; upon any year, the proportion which die within that year, or survive it, according; to the Northampton rate of mortality. Age. Proportion Proportion Reciprocal Age. Proportion Froportiou Reciprocal which die. which survive- of ditto. which die. which survive. of ditto. .257511 .742489 1.34682 48 .025879 .974121 1.02656 I .158035 .841965 1.18770 49 .026908 .973092 1.02765 2 .068928 .931072 1.07402 50 .028351 .971649 1.02918 3 .049403 .950597 1.05197 51 .029539 .970461 1.03044 4 .030562 .969438 1.03152 52 .030438 .969562 1.03139 5 .029445 .970555 1.03034 53 .031394 .968606 1.03241 6 .023084 .976916 1.02363 54 .03241 1 .96/589 1.03350 7 .018565 .981435 1.01891 55 .033497 .966503 1 .03466 8 .013757 .986243 1.01395 56 .034658 .965342 1.03590 9 .010462 .989538 1.01057 57 .035902 .964098 1.03723 10 .009163 .990S37 1.00925 58 .037239 .962761 1.0386S 11 .008892 .991108 1.00897 59 .038679 .961321 1.04024 12 .008972 .991028 1.00905 60 .040235 .959765 1.04192 13 .009053 .990947 1.00914 61 .041922 .958078 1.04375 14 .009136 .990864 1.00921 62 .043223 .956777 1.04518 15 .009220 .990780 1.00930 63 .045176 .954824 1.04731 16 .009864 .990136 1.00996 64 .046729 .953271 1.04902 17 .010902 .989098 1.01102 65 .049020 .950980 1.05155 18 .011972 .988028 1.01212 66 .051546 .948454 1.05434 19 .012887 .987113 1.01305 67 .054348 .945652 1.05747 20 .014030 .985970 1.01423 68 .057471 .942529 1.06097 21 .014822 .985178 1.01505 69 .060975 .939025 1.06493 22 .015045 .984955 1.01527 70 .064935 .935065 1.06944 23 .015275 .9S4725 1.01551 71 .069444 .930556 1.07463 24 .015512 .984488 1.01576 72 .074627 .925373 1.08064 25 .015756 .9S4244 1.01601 73 .080645 .919355 1.08772 26 .016009 .983991 1.01627 74 .0S7719 .9122S1 1.09615 27 .016269 .983731 1.01654 75 .096154 .903846 1.10638 28 .016538 .9S3462 1.01682 76 .102393 .897607 1.11407 29 .016816 .983184 1.01710 77 .108148 .891852 1.12126 30 .017104 .982896 1.01740 78 .112957 .8S7043 1.12734 31 .017401 .982599 1.01771 79 .121723 .878277 1.13859 32 .017710 .982290 1.01803 80 .134328 .865672 1.15517 33 .018029 .981971 1.01836 81 .147783 .S52217 1.17341 34 .018360 .981640 1.01870 82 .164740 .835260 1.19723 35 .018704 .981296 1.01906 83 .190311 .S09689 1.23504 36 .019060 .980940 1.01943 84 .205128 794872 1.25806 37 •019430 .9S0570 1.01981 85 .220430 .779570 1.28276 38 .019815 .980185 1 .02022 86 .234483 .765517 1.30634 39 .020216 .979784 1.02063 87 .252252 •747748 1.33735 40 .020908 .979092 1.02135 88 .253012 .746988 1.33871 41 .021635 .978365 1.02211 89 .258065 .741935 1.34783 42 .022401 .977599 1.02291 90 .260869 .739131 1.35294 43 .022914 .977086 1.02345 91 .294118 .705S82 1.41667 44 .023452 .97654S 1.02401 92 .333333 .666667 1.50000 45 .024015 .975985 1.02401 93 .4375(H) .562500 1.77778 46 .024606 .975394 1.02523 94 .555556 .444444 2.25000 47 .025227 .974773 1.02588 95 .750000 .250000 4.00000 TABLE XIII. i pi i p:u.ii.ir\ Table for determining Um VaJaenof Amnitiei be. on Single Li»< », ace 'iilin.' to the NortlMinptcti rate of iirttlitj) . I per Cent .\-. D N 1 • 1) \ 5360.3419 . . . 131970.4426 18 t.-i«.ri5o 1 1650.0000 120380.4425 -!!> 129.6574 4930.6845 1 8317 118003.1349 :.M 102.0159 1528.6686 • » :.i_ H .» 105269.5920 .".I 375.5944 1153.0742 a 6028.2843 99241.3077 52 350.4804 3802.5938 4 5510.0677 93731.8400 68 326.7429 3475.8506 B 5136.2225 B8595.0175 :.i 304.3128 31715381 8 4793.2576 - 1801.7599 :.:, 883.1246 2888.4135 7 4502.5130 79299.2469 56 983.1162 2625.2973 8 1248.9636 75060.2833 57 244.2281 2381.0692 B 1029.3349 71020.9484 58 226 (038 2154.6654 10 3833.8967 67187.1817 209.5891 1945.0763 11 3662.5935 63634.5282 80 193.7831 1751.3432 19 3480.8794 60053.6488 <;i 178.7866 1572 5566 ia 3316.9707 56736.6781 62 164.7033 1407.8533 14 3160.5211 53576.1570 88 151.5234 1256.3299 U 3011.1994 50664.9676 84 139.1137 1117.2162 ic 2868.6886 47696.2690 66 127.5126 989.7036 17 2731.1458 4 1965. 1 838 88 1 16.5980 873.1056 18 25974711 42367.6521 87 106.3345 766.7711 l!) 2467.6659 39899.9862 68 96.6878 670.0833 80 2342.1779 87557.8083 88 87 6261 582.4572 81 2220.4980 35387.3103 70 79.1183 503.3389 *_'_' 2103.4476 83883.8687 71 71.1353 4322036 - 1992.1163 81241.7464 72 63.6494 368.5543 M 1886 2372 29365.5092 7:i 56.6341 311.9202 •_'.-> 1786.5560 87588 9588 71 50.0642 261.8559 98 1689.8289 86880.1243 7:. 43.9160 217.9399 87 1598 8244 84281 8888 78 38.1667 179.7733 88 1512.3203' 22768 B796 77 32.9410 1 16.8323 88 1430.1053 21338.8743 78 88.2485 1 1 - 5837 80 1351.9773 19986.8970 79 24.0939 94.48981 81 1277.7437 18709.1533 80 20.3472 711 1256 li-2 1207.2204 17501.9329 -1 16.9366 57 20599 88 11 10.2317 16361.7012 38 13.8785 43.32749 84 1076.6104 15285 0008 11.1 163 32.18120 88 1016.1961 14268.8947 -1 8.67791 23.5 . 1 88 958.8363 13310.0684 fi 63253 16.87076 :<7 901 12405.6726 1.97166 11.89910 88 11562.9673 87 3415961 8.23960 88 903 6624 10749.3049 88 8.63114 5.60846 10 757.1306 9992.1743 1 88984 8.71869 11 718.7891 9279 !M> 1.34821 2.87041 88 670 5458 KG08 8394 91 858175 1 11223 630.3125 7ir78 88 .654 .761890 n 1 1821 .411 ..'(i »:. .").".»; 0523 84 I >480 .11. M 521 8259 630H :•:. .096359 »7 189 »<*»7 5819.0569 8163 u.NMHH» TABLE XIII. Being a preparatory Table for determining the Values of Annuities, &c. on Single Lives, according to the Northampton rate of mortality. (3 per Cent.) Age. D N s M R 154597-351 2874184.7 11650.000 142947.351 2719587.3 7147.166 70883.26 1 8398.058 134549.293 2576639.9 4234.544 63736.09 2 6864.926 127684.367 2442090.7 2946.015 59501.55 3 6205.576 121478.791 2314406.3 2486.614 56555.53 4 5727.188 115751.604 2192927.5 2188.971 54068.92 5 5390.442 110361.161 2077175.9 2019.037 51879.95 6 5079.342 105281.819 1966814.7 1864.940 49860.91 7 4817567 100464.252 1861532.9 1751.107 47995.97 8 4590.415 95873.837 1761068.7 1664.272 46244.87 9 4395.400 91478.437 1665194.8 1602.958 44580.59 10 4222.733 87255.705 1573716.4 1558.313 42977.64 11 4062.175 83193.530 1486460.7 1520.747 41419.32 12 3908.790 79284.740 1403267-2 1485.678 39893.58 13 3760.894 75523.846 1323982.4 1451.630 38412.90 14 3618.298 71905.548 1248458.6 1418.574 36961.27 15 3480.817 68424.731 1176553.0 1386.481 35542.69 16 3348.276 65076.455 1108128.3 1355.323 34156.21 17 3218.688 61857.767 1043051.8 1323.257 32800.89 18 3090.870 58766.897 981194.1 1289.188 31477.63 19 2964.917 55801.980 9224272 1253.260 30188.44 20 2841.464 52960.516 866625.2 1216.164 28935.18 21 2719.999 50240.516 813664.7 1177.460 27719.02 22 2601.634 47638.882 763424.2 1138.318 26541.56 23 2487.856 45151.026 715785.3 1100.317 25403.24 24 2378.500 42772.526 670634.3 1063.422 24302.93 25 2273.402 40499.124 627861.7 1027.601 23239.50 26 2172.410 38320.714 587362.6 992.8241 22211.90 27 2075.372 36251.343 549035.9 959.0599 21219.08 28 1982.143 34269.199 512784.5 926.2791 20260.02 29 1892.585 32376.615 478515.3 894.4531 19333.74 30 1806.562 30570.053 446138.7 863.5541 18439.29 31 1723.945 28846.108 415568.7 833.5551 17575.73 32 1644.607 27201.501 386722.6 804.4298 16742.18 33 1568.429 25633.072 359521.1 776.1528 15937.75 34 1495.293 24137.779 333888.0 748.6994 15161.59 35 1425.087 22712.691 309750.2 722.0456 14412.90 36 1357.703 21354.988 287037-5 696.1682 13690.85 37 1293.034 20061.954 265682.5 671.0445 12994.68 38 1230.981 18830.973 245620.6 646.6525 12323.64 39 1171446 17659.528 226789.6 622.9710 11676.98 40 1114.334 16545.194 209130.1 599.9792 11054.01 41 1059.258 15485.936 192584.9 577.3595 10454.03 42 1006.156 14479.780 177099.0 555.1090 9876.67 43 954.968 13524.S11 162619.2 533.2273 9321.57 44 905.908 12618.903 149094.4 511.9823 8788.34 45 858.897 11760.007 136475.5 491.3561 8276.36 46 813.855 10946.152 124715.5 471.3307 7785.00 47 770.708 10175.444 113769.3 451.8885 7313.67 TABLE XIII. Being a preparatory I'.iUr for determining the \ aim a . $*•■ on Single l.i \' s, bo trding lo the Noruamptoa rate of mortality. (3 per Cent.) u D 181 N s M 1126 R 6861 786 9446 1035933 tt -l I 245 :»n 17 90 n r 6428 50 861 I 9104.543 11.56 396 6660 601 1 081 :.l 81 j ; 7489.762 77287.01 7275 5617.415 .-•_' J u 1 3 1 7 69797 25 361 6305 :;»:i \>7M 1877 591 ."•I SI 2 . 5852 56521.47 327.3600 612 • 181 50668 97 311.2251 1206.252 151 4 : » 1 — "■*_':» 8.15 5601 027 57 818 211 5 1 2 3599.467 58 1.514 409S ill 265.5855 3319.116 029 3728 35.41 251 2498 . 530 916 3382.152 7.34 237.3317 2802.281 - i 28 305! 24675.19 ._ 9196 2564.949 -.'1 2760 2161537 210.1 2341.130 278 2481 i5.36 198.1180 2130.430 1 i 179 317 161 73.87 IV, 1932312 946 1984.371 1415035 171 1746.409 615 1763.756 12166.18 162.8177 1572.220 • ; 7 1 l:i 1560 10402 i-' 151.7770 1 109. 102 186312 1374.095 9841.81 1 11 1257 170.673 122 7.72 130.6610 1116367 79 1 65 1047 626430 120.5472 965.916 71 141 _ 906.5667 .vjic.ir 110.7377 965369 72 127.619 77-'.M7:» ■ l :d 101.2139 754.631 71 111 »k;i . 913675 653.417 ;» 102.339 5613540 28 16.67 92 9904 561.450 71 ■ 125 471. •HI."' i 71 74.2748 178.460 71 ►405 391.7710 16 66.8130 104.186 77 89.3167 322.4543 1 141.63 57 ! 338.372 78 80.0196 262.4347 1119.18 50.6277 280 188 79 51 6893 210.7454 <,<; ; i it I 229 - 90 14 n7;,i 166.6703 646.00 37 9370 l-:..7:'-'t -1 17 9434 I29.6209 17938 32.1889 147.866 -J •0.6496 98 9774 849. ;o •_•';. 87 hi 115.687 81 14 9547 74.1227 •_•:." 79 213718 - 798 M 19 :.i 6843 176.66 17 tu; 821 15 0781 .•{'.i 5062 122.01 13 ; 19. i »•_• M 11 112] •_*-. nu J 1 -J 51 10.261 I :{.-». 968 -7 - 1817 19.6124 :,i H 7.66 ii •j:, i 98 8 1574 13 ; 1> 029 » 1655 i.O/ 12 142 :xi 3.2166 5.7729 12 36 236484 PI ■_'.. 3.4846 e ;,-i 2 1 1015 :. Ill :'_' 1 6819 l 9827 ;< iimi 1.48101 1 l Oi l 217 .'.h;:mi;,:i 1 793 94 5591 .2998 4150 :.:. .2413 0585 . (MM) 051 }• a TABLE XIV. Showing the Values of Annuities on Single Lives, according to the Northampton rate of mortality. Age. 3 per Cent. 4 per Ceut. Age. 3 per Cent. 4 per Ceut. 12.2702 10.3279 48 12.9508 11.6866 1 16.0215 13.4663 49 12.6937 11.4758 2 18.5995 15.6336 50 12.4360 11.2649 3 19.5758 16.4626 51 12.1828 11.0586 4 20.2109 17.0109 52 11.9303 10.8497 5 20.4735 17.2500 53 11.6740 10.6379 G 20.7275 17.4832 54 11.4138 10.4220 7 20.8537 176122 55 11.1500 10.2011 8 20.8857 17.6632 56 10.8826 9.9777 9 20.8123 17.6260 57 10.6115 9.7494 10 20.6633 175248 58 10.3369 9.5169 11 20.4800 173944 59 10.0588 9.2804 12 20.2838 172524 60 9.7774 9.0400 13 20.0814 17.1050 61 9.4929 8.7957 14 19.8728 16.9517 62 9.2055 8.5478 15 19.6577 16.7923 63 8.9100 8.2913 16 19.4358 16.6265 64 8.6115 8.0310 17 19.2183 16.463S 65 8.3047 7.7616 18 19.0131 16.3111 66 7.9948 7.4882 19 18.8208 16.1091 67 7.6821 7.2109 20 18.6385 16.0354 68 7.3673 6.9301 21 18.4708 15.9141 69 7.0510 6.6473 22 18.3112 15.7997 70 6.7342 6.3619 23 18.1486 15.6827 71 6.4179 6.0758 24 17.9830 15.5630 72 6.1037 5.7904 25 17.8144 15.4405 73 5.7939 5.5076 26 17.6425 15.3152 74 5.4912 5.2304 27 17.4674 15.1870 75 5.1997 4.9626 28 17.2890 15.0557 76 4.9254 4.7102 29 17.1070 14.9212 77 4.6520 4.4574 30 16.9217 14.7835 78 4.3725 4.1979 31 16.7326 14.6423 79 4.0772 3.921/ 32 16.5398 14.49/7 80 3.7815 3.6439 33 16.3432 14.3494 81 3.4994 3.3777 34 16.1425 14.1953 82 3.2294 3.1219 35 15.9378 14.0415 83 2.9823 2.8874 36 15.7288 13.8815 84 2.7938 2.7084 37 15.5154 13.7172 85 2.6202 2.5436 38 15.2976 13.5486 86 2.4619 2.3934 39 15.0750 13.3754 87 2.3124 2.2516 40 14.8476 13.1974 88 2.1852 2.1316 41 14.6196 13.0184 89 2.0131 1.9677 42 14.3912 12.8385 90 1.7948 1.7582 43 14.1626 12.6580 91 1.5010 1.4739 44 13.9296 12.4691 92 1.1903 1.1715 45 13.6920 12.2835 93 .8390 .8276 46 13.4498 12.0892 94 .5362 .5301 47 13.2028 11.8899 95 .2427 .2404 TABLE XV. Showing the \ ;iluc H ..t' Vnnuiti M OB T«" -I <*> i» t Lfo • Aug to the Northampton rate of mortality. 1 ;f p. i ( ■4 pet ( < "I \- <'. ut. 1 |" i Cent. Oldrr. Younjrr. l>ldtr. VouD C .r. 5.6150 i 964 17 I' 7 13.6991 15.4906 114)61 184(09 1 1 9.4906 19 1541 13.480 2 •_> 19.7897 11.107 17 14.7878 13.019 3 3 14.1960 124*96 18 3 8 144969 15.4363 18581 134MB 1 4 15.1819 13.188 13 15.0869 184)03 5 :».., 8.138 18 144(164 19.841 5 15.6381 L3.501 1!) 4 1 1.6569 12.876 6 1 1941489 10.741 15.3165 13.482 ti 16.0993 14.005 14 1!) 14.8708 1 141164 13.130 12.679 7 9 14.4f.12 124(81 7 164*732 144*84 •Jo 8.8927 7.780 8 a l :...{( m a 184*19 10 14.77".:* 15.1510 1 94)03 134)65 8 164(106 14. 399 15 I4.«r.:»:i 124NU «) 4 164)096 13.77:. 90 14.1385 124(88 9 lu\4s;; 14.:<:»<; 21 1 11.4132 16.653 10 (i 94(331 8405 G 14.9040 13.121 ."> 154)748 18.933 11 14.9739 134117 10 164091 144*77 16 14.4.-.71 12.799 1 1 1 124(468 10.789 91 13.9747 12.409 6 16.1100 l4.o»;> 22 i 18.1799 11.606 11 16.1490 14.189 7 1 14)503 13.178 19 14.7956 18.678 12 9 144*397 I&488 17 144)654 124)46 7 16.1378 14.111 •>.) 184)303 124)99 19 1541869 134NM 13 8 I 14*853 18.619 23 1 13.7944 1 14)997 12.161 13.168 8 16.0897 li 989 13 I ) 619 1 184)84 ., 157691 18.789 18 140822 124(00 11 4 l.V>70 18494 93 I34K 19.179 14 15.9671 15.4700 184)89 134*94 24 4 14.1784 144i 194(11 18.112 15 9.1889 8.o<;- 14 it ; 12.784 5 1541917 I&479 10 184)089 184)61 10 15.7627 13. Ml •.'1 ;i.:. 12.0 15 13.1'-.".'.' 13411 25 it - MOB 7 589 Hi 1 114*848 10.468 :. 1 1 8015 12.638 »; 15 1864 184(78 10 1 1.6838 184)88 n 15.5382 134*64 15 li - 12.686 v; 11 4*794 13. 21 J 90 18.7411 19.92° TABLE XV. Showing the Values of Annuities on Two Joint Lives, according to the Northampton rate of mortality. Age. Age. 3 per Cent 4 per Cent. 3 per Cent. 4 nor Cent Older. v Older. Younger. 25 25 13.3837 11.944 32 17 13.3209 11.911 26 1 6 11 11.0378 14.4204 14.5086 9.770 12.754 12.861 22 27 32 12.9609 12.6411 12.2526 11.615 11.359 11.042 16 14.0299 12.470 33 3 12.7431 11.355 21 13.5845 12.105 8 13.8206 12.323 26 13.2301 11.822 13 13.5699 12.125 27 2 7 12 17 12.7225 14.4514 14.3232 13.8322 11.264 12.798 12.715 12.311 18 23 28 33 13.1218 12.7980 12.4743 12.0793 11.750 11.485 11.225 10.902 22 13.4336 11.987 34 4 13.0610 11.651 27 13.0740 11.699 9 13.6988 12.234 28 3 13.3070 11.790 14 19 13.3636 12.9304 11.959 11.595 8 13 18 23 14.4173 14.1327 13.6424 13.2803 12.786 12.564 12.158 11.866 24 29 34 12.6322 12.3044 11.9028 11.352 11.088 10.759 28 12.9153 11.573 35 7.8547 7.039 2!) 4 13.6610 12.116 5 10 13.1365 13.5256 11.732 12.098 9 14 19 24 14.3102 13.9366 13.4611 13.1245 12.710 12.408 12.013 11.743 15 20 25 30 13.1513 12.7445 12.4634 12.1314 11.787 11.445 11.217 10.948 29 12.7540 11.445 35 11.7227 10.612 30 5 8.2225 13.7627 7.325 12.220 36 1 6 10.1039 13.2068 9.047 11.812 10 14.1501 12.586 11 13.3282 J 1.941 15 13.7349 12.246 16 12.9324 11.609 20 25 30 13.2862 12.9661 12.5898 11.873 11.618 11.313 21 26 31 12.5674 12.2914 11.9551 11.302 11.078 10.805 31 1 10.6050 9.438 36 11.5391 10.462 6 11 13.8598 13.9653 12.322 12.441 37 2 7 11.6006 13.1950 10.392 11.819 16 13.5270 12.078 12 13.1203 11.773 21 13.1210 11.742 17 12.7145 11.430 26 12.8050 11.489 22 12.3945 11.163 31 12.4227 11.179 27 12.1160 10.936 32 2 12.2031 10.865 32 11.7753 10.659 7 13.8717 12.350 37 11.3516 10.307 12 13.7704 12.286 TABLE XV. Bbowiag the Values of Annuities on i\s,> j..int Urea, toeordiag to the Northampton rate M Mortality. tl S pei < .hi. ( . ui Afft. 1 p. i ( . ni J |.»r (int. OMer. Younger. Vi>»n|tl. 38 :{ 19.6676 M B38 i:; 8 UJ496 10.348 B 13.1883 11.779 - 13.8859 11.130 18 18.9068 11.600 l.i 13.1449 104)68 18 134087 11.857 18 11.7657 111077 184181 11.080 88 114403 10.470 88 11.9373 10.791 88 1 1 4093 104178 :{.{ 11.5919 10408 :<:! 11.0076 10.087 11. 1601 10.140 38 10.6349 8.716 39 4 194619 11.097 4A 10.1753 9436 !> 134)616 1 1 .666 11 4 1 1 6786 10.468 M 18.6863 11.430 9 13.1789 11.018 18 18.8973 11.089 11 114)188 10.799 •_' » 18.0388 10474 1!> 114745 10409 •_".» 11.7549 16.648 84 11.8640 10417 84 11.4047 104154 89 11.1147 10.117 :c.t 104)644 9488 :<4 10 9168 '.i.^'U Ki 7-4_»71 12.4051 6.700 11.150 89 ii 10.4375 9.9779 9466 9.166 10 18.7919 11413 15 ii 6.9667 6491 i:> 13.4596 1 1 434 :. 11 5973 10400 80 13.0963 104)84 10 11.9760 10.851 •_•:, 11 .8 10.786 15 1 1 .687 1 10.607 : 114109 1 1 443 85 40 10 10.6222 In 2359 9.77 9.706 9.381 880 16 133893 11.044 10 l - B879 8 "71 •_'l 114)063 in re- 8 11.6106 10498 86 11.6706 nt. -.71 11 11.7557 in 697 :n 11 . 10.386 16 11.4487 in lu- 86 11 0813 10.087 81 11.1673 lu 168 11 104666 9.68 1 86 1 10 l * — 1 94B1 87 111 lu 183 7 11 10.491 89 11.1949 10.188 12 ll ■ In i-l 10.8284 9 877 17 II 2100 In 18 Id 9.491 in :»<;:-.( lu 001 TABLE XV. Showing the Values of Annuities on Two Joint Lives, according; to the Northampton rate of mortality. Age. 3 per Cent. 4 per Cent. Age. 4 per Cent. 3 per Cent. Older. Younger. Older. Younger- 47 27 10.7733 9.836 51 36 9.7078 8.937 32 105300 9.631 41 9.3832 8.658 37 10.2212 9.370 46 8.9973 8.326 42 9.8290 9.037 51 8.5075 7.900 47 9.3626 8.637 52 2 9.2999 8.520 48 3 10.5158 9.566 7 10.5858 9.690 8 11.4354 10.404 12 10.5827 9.698 13 11.2884 10.284 17 10.3129 9.461 18 10.9757 10.011 22 10.1110 9.284 23 10.7684 9.833 27 9.9527 9.148 28 10.5719 9.667 32 9.7559 8.980 33 10.3272 9.461 37 9.5036 8.763 38 10.0143 9.195 42 9.1791 8.483 43 9.6239 8.862 47 8.7902 8.147 48 9.1491 8.453 52 8 3043 7.723 49 4 10.6968 9.744 53 3 9.6110 8.815 9 11.2601 10.263 8 10.4584 9.591 14 11.0450 10.080 13 10.3441 9.497 19 10.7459 9.818 18 10.0765 9.260 24 10.5628 9.661 23 9.9053 9.111 29 10.3663 9.495 28 9.7479 8.975 34 10.1201 9.286 33 9.5509 8.806 39 9.8028 9.015 38 9.2961 8.586 44 9.4146 8.683 43 8.9747 8.308 49 8.9309 8.266 48 8.5798 7-965 50 6.4235 5.882 53 8.0989 7.544 5 10.6793 9.742 54 4 97513 8.957 10 11.0446 10.085 9 10.2764 9.442 15 10.7987 9.872 14 10.1003 9.290 20 10.5229 9.630 19 9.8450 9.063 25 10.3566 9.488 24 9.6965 8.934 30 10.1602 9.321 29 9.5401 8.799 35 9.9123 9.110 34 9.3427 8.629 40 9.5902 8.834 39 9.0851 8.406 45 92045 8.503 44 8.7674 8.130 50 8.7146 8.081 49 8.3660 7.780 51 1 8.1708 7.479 54 7.8913 7.362 6 10.6641 9.745 55 5.8608 5.412 11 10.8161 9.894 5 9.7075 8.931 16 10.5538 9.665 10 10.0549 9.256 21 10.3135 9.454 15 9.8509 9.077 26 10.1543 9.318 20 9.6168 8.869 31 9.9578 9.151 25 9.4846 8.754 TABLE XV. Showing tlif V. iiins of Annuities on Two Joint Lives, Mootding to the Northampton rate of mortality. Age. 55 56 57 ">» 59 Younger. 80 88 40 4.") 66 l 8 n it; 81 86 81 86 tl 46 61 66 o 7 18 17 •_>•> 87 :*2 87 48 47 68 •"'7 8 8 13 18 88 88 88 88 4.1 »- 68 68 J 8 9 i" i (.mi. i p , ( , ,,l 8.8881 8.1314 8.8707 - 5570 8.1518 7.6817 7.4120 9.6691 9.8146 9.5968 9.3945 9.9895 8.1150 8.9168 8.6553 83436 7.9410 7-17"] B3928 9.5496 9.5669 93405 9.1745 9.0513 8.8978 B.6989 8.4393 8.1270 7.7307 73666 9.3964 9.3123 !» 0889 6.951 1 8.8299 B.6774 - 1776 7.9072 7.5185 7.0413 B 7198 9.1917 B.619 8.448 B.221 7.948 7.593 ; 179 6.843 8.902 9.052 8.858 8.(579 8.570 - 136 8.264 8 035 7.763 7.409 6.993 7.756 K.si; B.839 8.639 8.491 - 383 8.250 8.076 7.848 7.574 7.225 6.805 7.986 8.691 B.622 B.422 8 299 B.193 8.060 7.884 7.660 7.038 6.61 1 8 078 8.519 Age. .; pa O Dt l |" i Ccut. OM.r Yoaagrr. 59 14 9.0687 - 880 19 8.8415 B.907 84 8.725 1 8.1(»4 88 8.6055 7.999 34 8.4539 7.866 39 83531 7.689 44 8.0083 7.469 49 7.6849 7.186 54 73043 6360 50 6.8246 0.421 60 5.2384 4.881 5 8.8996 B.011 10 83628 8.314 16 8.70UD 8.170 90 £69 7.996 86 - 1867 7.906 ;iu - 8780 7.809 86 - 2272 7.688 40 8.0251 7.490 46 77810 7274 50 7.4607 6386 ;.:. 7.0882 6.659 60 63062 6.896 61 1 fl -.715 6.198 (5 83481 7.944 11 - 6966 - 699 16 - 5210 7.'.>:i.~> 21 1573 7.787 96 83634 7.704 :.i 8 .1175 7.601 88 7.9976 7.468 41 7.7963 7.290 46 7.5550 7.076 51 7.9406 6.796 66 6 8706 6. 188 61 63886 6.080 62 •_' 73908 894 7 8 1008 19 - i 7.863 17 - 2520 7 706 82 8.1198 7386 87 831 7 109 88 7.9143 7 397 :f7 7 7680 7 968 TABLE XV. Showing the Values of Annuities on Two Joint Lives, according to the Northampton rate of mortality. Age. 3 per Cent. 4 per Cent. Age. 3 per Cent. 4 per Cent. 1 Older. , Younger. Older. Younger. 62 42 7.5669 7.088 65 65 5.4713 5.201 47 52 57 62 7.3280 7.0209 6.6515 6.1668 6.875 6.600 6.270 5.831 66 1 6 11 16 5.6333 7.2904 7.4372 7.3047 5.295 6.846 6.987 6.866 63 3 7.5456 7.048 21 7.1771 6.749 8 8.2143 7.669 26 7.1104 6.689 13 8.1609 7.625 31 7.0287 6.615 18 7.9814 7.462 36 6.9224 6.520 23 7.8748 7.365 41 6.77GG 6.388 28 7.7856 7.286 46 6.6025 6.230 33 7.6735 7.186 51 6.3696 6.019 38 7.5249 7.053 56 6.0987 5.774 43 7.3327 6.881 61 5.7374 '5.447 48 7.0930 6.667 66 5.2314 4.982 53 58 63 6.7955 6.4273 5.9387 6.399 6.070 5.626 67 2 7 12 6.2659 7.1043 7.1491 5.896 6.684 6.730 64 4 7.5627 7.076 17 7.0118 6.604 9 7.9846 7.470 22 6.9115 6.512 14 7.8838 7.381 27 6.8474 6.454 19 77141 7.226 32 6.7682 6.382 24 7.6265 7.147 37 6.6637 6.288 29 7.5398 7-069 42 6.5220 6.159 34 7.4297 6.971 47 6.3511 6.004 39 7.2815 6.838 52 6.1278 5.801 44 7.0955 6.671 57 5.8608 5.559 49 6.8548 6.454 62 5.5033 5.285 54 6.5682 6.196 67 4.9899 4.760 59 64 6.2015 5.7093 5.867 5.417 68 3 8 6.3301 6.8843 5.965 6.490 65 4.5473 4.274 13 6.8572 6.468 5 7.4290 6.963 18 6.7214 6.343 10 7.7185 7.236 23 6.6429 6.271 15 7.5969 7.127 28 6.5815 6.215 20 7.4439 6.986 33 6.504S 6.146 25 7.3702 6.920 38 6.4019 6.052 30 7.2860 6.844 43 6.2665 5.929 35 7.1778 6.747 48 6.0966 5.774 40 ! 7.0299 6.614 53 5.8839 5.580 45 6.8507 6.453 58 5.6213 5.341 50 6.6113 6.236 63 5.2650 5.017 55 6 3346 5.986 68 4.7473 4.537 60 5.9702 5.658 TABLE XV. Showing tlic Values of tanoitiea on Two J"mt Utm, Recording to iln- Northampton r.u< oi mortality. kfl 1 4 per ( i ill l* 3 pa O m. i pa i .Hi. OUtr. YoK»f*r. Older Vo»»ffr. 89 4 8L8770 6 894 1 5.0618 l 814 B 6 6288 B 868 7 5.7188 5.418 li 8J69J 6.809 18 5. 7< I 178 18 6 1848 6.084 17 B 6676 B 888 •_'< 6.3780 6.097 28 5.5866 5.321 SB 6.3133 5 B7S 87 B 5538 S3BS 34 6 .■■ 5.808 38 5.6028 6.936 88 6.1874 6.813 37 6 1368 5.174 44 6.0087 5.686 48 5.3413 5.087 4!» 5 B384 5.541 17 5.9984 4463 :>i S 6383 5.36 7 58 .-i 0773 1.846 :>;> 5.3806 5.191 57 i 8993 i 679 84 54)858 i 788 69 1.6682 i 168 88 L5049 4.319 67 4.9884 4.194 70 (i 3.7881 &509 78 7817 8.688 ."» 8 1098 73 8 B 0619 4.811 10 6.3472 6.008 8 5.4803 B 804 l:. 6.2642 6.888 13 5.4733 :, 819 80 6.1497 5.896 18 5.3778 5.198 .'.-. 6.01 6.780 83 5.3234 5.079 .-in 6.0433 5.79B 28 5 2840 5.036 85 5.9714 5.668 33 B 2364 4.991 10 :..-;i>:» .V.--7I 38 6.1686 i 830 IS 5 7481 6.460 13 6.0814 1 h48 .-.(» 5.6839 5.306 48 4.9701 4.746 .">."> 6.38 17 5.139 53 i 3288 1.614 80 6.1383 i BOO 58 i 6563 4.4:.:. 93 4.7888 k573 68 i 1208 i 886 70 I.L'MI 1.087 68 i 0594 3.801 m 78 34488 8.491 i 1 l 4.6110 i 880 r, 5.8867 6.616 71 4 I B6S9 i 796 n 6.0668 6.744 !> ."• 2266 i B6B i»; 6 8644 6.680 II B 1881 I 850 81 5.8706 5.573 18 5.0881 i - 88 5.8863 6439 94 5.0666 i S97 81 6.7787 B If 90 B 0196 » 799 M 6 7081 6.418 84 i 8738 i 749 11 5.6051 B 898 » BOSS i 680 16 6 1886 B 899 H i 9S i 613 :,l 5 8884 5 "71 1.7163 1.511 80 6.1460 i BOB 54 I 5G l ..-:» 81 1 -'.Ki 1 679 58 i 1184 1 234 M i 6401 i 848 64 I 1G I 019 :] I 8801 3*988 68 MBJ G 2 TABLE XV. Showing the Values of Annuities on Two Joint Lives, according to the Northampton rate of mortality. Age. 3 per Cent. 4 per Cent. Age. 3 per Cent. 4 per Cent. Older. Younger. Older. Youngtr* 74 74 3.3246 3.211 77 72 3.1760 3.070 75 5 4.7686 4.557 77 2.7417 2.656 10 4.9622 4.725 78 8 4.1802 4.016 15 4.9116 4.695 13 4.1856 4.022 20 4.8311 4.619 18 4.1236 3.964 25 4.7990 4.589 23 4.0877 3.930 30 4.7642 4.557 28 4.0640 3.908 35 4.7199 4.516 33 4.0353 3.881 40 4.6566 4.457 38 3.9963 3.844 45 4.5802 4.386 43 3.9428 3.794 50 4.4720 4.285 48 3.8754 3.731 55 4.3504 4.171 53 3.7876 3.648 60 4.1893 4.021 58 3.6821 3.549 65 3.9585 3.806 63 3.5385 3.414 70 3.5993 3.471 68 3.3100 3.199 75 3.1146 3.015 73 2.9637 2.869 76 6 4.5991 4.403 78 2.5503 2.470 11 4.7071 4.487 7.9 9 3.9215 3.775 16 4.6492 4.452 14 3.9045 3.759 21 4.5838 4.391 19 3.8462 3.704 26 4.5564 4.365 . 24 3.8201 3.679 31 4.5236 4.335 29 3.7984 3.659 36 4.4812 4.295 34 3.7716 3.633 41 4.4199 4.238 39 3.7341 3.598 46 4.3479 4.171 44 3.6856 3.552 51 4.2449 4.074 49 3.6195 3.490 56 4.1294 3.966 54 3.5406 3.416 61 3.9742 3.821 59 3.4409 3.322 66 3.7435 3.606 64 3.3031 3.192 71 3.3865 3.270 69 3.0778 2.979 76 2.9269 2.833 74 2.7432 2.659 77 7 4.4021 4.222 79 2.3385 2.271 12 4.4498 4.268 80 10 3.6476 3.517 17 4.3881 4.210 15 3.6213 3.492 22 4.3390 4.164 20 3.5695 3.443 27 4.3135 4.140 25 3.5506 3.425 32 4.2827 4.111 30 3.5307 3.406 37 4.2421 4.073 35 3.5059 3.383 42 4.1839 4.019 40 3.4696 3.349 47 4.1150 3.954 45 3.4260 3.308 52 4.0193 3.864 50 3.3622 3.247 57 3.9086 3.761 55 3.2913 3.180 62 3.7599 3.621 60 3.1977 3.092 67 3.5291 3.405 65 3.0636 2.965 TABLE XV. Showing tin- Valoet ol Annuities on rwo loin! Lii • oordisg la the Northampton rat' of iii.italitN ■ Age. :; |.. i 1 1 i nt 4 |»cr < i nt. c ,• Voun(tr OU.r Youpr. :;(» 7" 8 M38 8.787 B3 88 2<4087 8588 78 365 a 148 78 8.U 3.141 80 8.1286 8.068 78 1.9476 1.899 81 11 B09 8564 83 15 1 1510 16 85488 •asa:> 8 1 It •-'7 1 888 |] 85076 8.186 1!> 2.6688 8588 96 85992 8.181 34 . B535 8574 $1 85740 8.164 38 2.6417 8588 :<•_ 8.142 :{j 2 6275 8 548 41 85164 3.109 88 2.6074 8530 4»; 8.1767 8.079 44 35810 8.506 51 8. 1 1 72 .-{.til:. 4:t 2.5440 a 170 ;.-; ;<.(•:, is 8.953 :,i 25009 8 838 11 8.8642 8 B70 59 2.4400 8576 ■6 85331 8.746 84 2.3714 8506 71 8.6186 3542 88 25442 8.183 76 252 74 2.0437 1 991 -i 15173 1 868 78 1.7928 1.761 83 ia 8.1230 8,020 84 1.4184 i 887 17 8.0877 ■2.US7 85 16 85380 8.469 22 85677 a 808 ■2n •_'.:»( m 2.431 87 8.0437 3546 86 3.4986 2.421 • -' 8271 8 838 80 •J.1H7 3. 4 1 1 17 ."{.ihi;,.-, 9.809 .T. •_' i»;-i 2588 4J 25733 8.878 40 8 4486 8579 47 2 8362 8 848 16 3.4348 8586 :.j a 8821 3.789 so 888 •J 539 17 35208 8.783 66 8.3482 2 284 69 a 7393 3.656 80 8 3870 9584 17 85102 a 538 86 a 8386 8.168 73 2.4011 8 384 70 8.0988 S 048 77 a 1817 3.077 7"> 15088 1.856 82 IJ191 1.681 80 15461 1.668 ;;:> 18 2.8s j 7 8.794 85 L3D90 1 588 18 8 M86 8.760 J »'» i»; 986 8516 J.< 8.740 31 85547 •J _ H .«> 28 a 3156 88 35481 pa 85002 8.718 81 35880 n 1 77'.": 8.684 80 2.260 4.1 87506 a w, 41 35041 2.241 18 27145 8588 i»; 2 ■-*•_' 1 H 851 :.i 35483 2 188 18 85080 I 880 :,<; 15114 2 158 88 85306 1 187 n a k a loo TABLE XV. Showing the Values of Annuities on Two Joint Lives, according to the Northampton rate of mortality. Age. 3 per Cent. 4 per Cent. Age. 3 per Cent. 4 per Cent. Older Younger. Older. 89 Younger. 86 66 2.0892 2.035 64 1.7900 1.751 71 1.9628 1.914 69 1.7218 1.685 76 1.7816 1.739 74 1.6038 1.570 81 1.5109 1.478 79 1.4565 1.427 86 1.2185 1.195 84 1.1879 1.164 87 17 2.2349 2.177 89 1.0361 1.015 22 2.2159 2.158 90 20 1 .7397 1.704 27 2.2080 2.151 25 1.7343 1.699 32 2.1988 2.142 30 1.7291 1.694 37 2.1871 2.130 35 1.7230 1.688 42 2.1687 2.113 40 1.7137 1.679 47 2.1486 2.093 45 1.7026 1.668 52 2.1172 2.063 50 1.6853 1.651 57 2.0823 2.030 55 1.6663 1.633 62 2.0365 1.985 60 1.6409 1.608 67 1.9638 1.915 65 1.6067 1.575 72 1.8381 1.794 70 1.5455 1.515 77 1.6706 1.633 75 1.4406 1.413 82 1.3854 1.356 80 1.3023 1.278 87 1.1416 1.124 85 1.0748 1.054 88 18 2.1124 2.061 90 .9386 .922 23 2.0989 2.048 91 21 1.4589 1.432 28 2.0918 2.041 26 1.4555 1.429 33 2.0834 2.033 31 1.4516 1.425 38 2.0723 2.022 I 36 1.4468 1.420 43 2.0558 2.006 41 1.4391 1.413 48 2.0362 1.987 46 1.4310 1.405 53 2.0079 1.960 51 1.4170 1.391 58 1.9751 1.928 56 1.4025 1.377 63 1.9320 1.886 61 1.3826 1.358 68 1.8605 1.817 66 1.3544 1.330 73 1.7361 1.697 71 1.3032 1.280 78 1.5803 1.546 76 1.2212 1.200 83 1.2848 1.259 81 1.0964 1.078 88 1.1030 1.030 86 .9212 .902 89 19 1.9481 1.904 91 .7697 .756 24 1.9390 1.895 92 22 1.1608 1.142 29 1.9328 1.889 27 1.1584 1.140 34 1.9254 1.882 32 1.1556 1.137 39 1.9153 1.872 37 1.1522 1.134 44 1.9011 1.859 42 1.1464 1.128 49 1.8822 1 1.840 47 1.1407 1.122 54 1.8583 1.817 52 1.1306 1.113 59 1.8288 1.788 1 57 1.1199 1.102 TABLE XVI. Showing Mir Single, nr Annual, Preinieni for the Asenranee of i'l on a Single Life, according to the Northampton rate »;t mortality, reckoning fnteraol at ;t pet Cent Age. Bhu .Annual Age B1m \111111al I'll llllUlll. Premium, I'm iiuuui. Pn inium. 8 468554 .016668 53 430867 S4S778 1 464680 .016719 |4 438432 .051 129 ie 489989 .017035 :.:. .646115 .663178 11 474868 .017429 B6 453906 .665031 IS .880066 .017858 17 .661891 .056996 18 .385980 .iil>:u>!i B8 488801 959088 u .392066 .018788 :,:» 477901 .061300 1.1 .896320 .0] 928 _' 88 .686096 .063661 M 404782 .019808 61 .694382 .666176 17 411116 .020334 62 .702752 .068866 18 .417o:i.i 420841 63 .711359 .11717--' 18 .422696 .021326 84 .720052 074916 so 488006 421794 65 .738990 .07- 81 .4:i_- .022233 66 .738017 .088050 88 .437540 .028657 87 747183 .066053 88 448275 483097 »w .756392 .090387 J4 .447<»:»7 .083553 SB ,765504 .096081 85 .452010 ,034025 7«. .774783 .100170 86 467016 .034515 71 .783946 .105684 87 .462115 .035033 72 .793096 .111645 89 467312 .035552 73 .802121 .1 18066 SB 472609 .026101 71 410938 .134930 SO 478909 .086672 7.1 .819486 .138178 81 483516 .687267 7-; .837415 .139638 S3 489132 .037887 77 381 .147806 33 494860 .088538 78 .843.-1 1 !> .157007 ■M .500704 .039208 7:» 458181 .167834 85 1067 ,039914 80 .860738 .180013 86 412754 .030651 i 81 488961 .198138 37 518969 481 133 88 476815 407317 SB VJl.il 1 .032233 83 .884912 431987 SB 431786 .083088 84 - 39503 434467 40 438419 .083975 85 .894559 447107 41 445060 .084898 96 499170 459; a 451713 .065846 -7 .903523 473778 48 458371 8888 88 .907227 484834 44 448158 7855 99 418239 408754 IB 473077 .088938 SB .918599 438687 Ifl 479133 .040079 91 437154 470708 »7 4863-.N .041883 SB 438806 127439 B :.:• .043555 SB 844 41 • 4!> 401156 .048900 84 .965355 421817 .10 408861 .045301 !»:• .77 .11 .616035 046730 479674 974 68 . 991 048818 TABLE XVII. Showing the Annual Premium for the Assurance of £100 on a Single Life for 1, 4, 7 or 10 years, or for the whole period of Life, according to the Northampton rate of mortality, at 3 per Cent. Age. 1 Year- 4 Years. 7 Ye«rs. 10 Years. Life. Age. £. *. d. £. s. d. £. *. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 14 17 9 18 11 1 1 4 13 5 1 17 7 14 15 17 11 1 3 1 2 11 1 4 7 1 18 7 15 16 19 2 12 1 1 4 6 1 6 1 19 7 16 17 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 6 11 2 8 17 18 1 3 3 1 6 1 7 5 1 8 4 2 1 8 18 19 1 5 1 7 6 18 6 1 9 3 2 2 8 19 20 1 7 3 1 8 8 1 9 5 1 10 1 2 3 7 20 21 1 8 9 1 9 5 1 10 1 1 10 9 2 4 6 21 22 1 9 3 1 9 10 1 10 6 1 11 3 2 5 4 22 23 1 9 8 1 10 4 1 11 1 11 9 2 6 2 23 24 1 10 2 1 10 10 1 11 6' 1 12 3 2 7 1 24 25 1 10 7 1 11 4 1 12 1 1 12 9 2 8 1 25 26 1 11 1 1 11 10 1 12 7 1 13 4 2 9 26 27 1 11 7 1 12 4 1 13 2 1 13 11 2 10 1 27 28 1 12 1 1 12 11 1 13 9 1 14 7 2 11 1 28 29 1 12 8 1 13 6 1 14 4 1 15 2 2 12 3 29 30 1 13 3 1 14 1 1 14 11 1 15 10 2 13 4 30 31 1 13 9 1 14 8 1 15 7 1 16 6 2 14 6 31 32 1 14 5 1 15 4 1 16 3 1 17 4 2 15 9 32 33 1 15 1 15 11 1 16 11 1 18 2 2 17 1 33 34 1 15 8 1 16 8 1 17 8 1 19 1 2 18 5 34 35 1 16 4 1 17 4 1 18 7 2 1 2 19 10 35 36 1 17 1 18 1 1 19 7 2 1 1 3 1 4 36 37 1 17 9 1 18 11 2 8 2 2 1 3 2 10 37 38 1 18 6 2 2 1 9 2 3 2 3 4 6 38 39 1 19 3 2 13 2 2 11 2 4 4 3 6 2 39 40 2 7 2 2 7 2 4 1 2 5 8 3 7 11 40 41 2 2 2 3 10 2 5 4 2 7 1 3 9 10 41 42 2 3 6 2 5 2 6 6 2 8 6 3 11 8 42 43 2 4 6 2 6 2 7 9 2 10 3 13 8 43 44 2 5 6 2 7 2 2 9 2 2 11 7 3 15 9 44 45 2 6 8 2 8 4 2 10 10 2 13 3 3 17 11 45 46 2 7 9 2 9 9 2 12 6 2 15 4 2 46 47 2 9 2 11 6 2 14 4 2 16 11 4 2 7 47 48 2 10 3 2 13 7 2 16 4 2 18 11 4 5 1 48 49 2 12 3 2 15 9 2 18 6 3 1 1 4 7 10 49 50 2 15 1 2 18 3 8 3 3 5 4 10 7 50 51 2 17 4 2 19 11 3 2 8 3 5 7 4 13 6 51 52 2 19 1 3 1 10 3 4 9 3 7 11 4 16 5 52 53 3 1 3 3 11 3 7 3 10 3 4 19 7 53 54 3 2 11 3 6 1 3 9 5 3 12 10 5 2 10 54 55 3 5 1 3 8 5 3 12 3 15 6 5 6 4 55 56 3 7 3 3 10 11 3 14 8 3 18 5 5 10 1 56 57 3 9 9 3 13 7 3 17 6 4 1 6 5 14 57 58 3 12 4 3 16 6 4 6 4 4 10 5 18 2 58 59 3 15 1 3 19 5 4 3 8 4 8 6 6 2 7 59 60 3 18 2 4 2 6 4 7 1 4 12 6 6 7 4 60 61 4 1 5 4 5 8 4 10 10 4 16 11 6 12 4 61 62 U 3 11 4 9 1 4 15 5 1 8 6 17 9 62 TABLE XVIII. Showing ttu- Premiu n required, fot a given ranbei ol Pavnieuts, to _ loo at I of a Single 1 1 *«• 1 I'umtut. | P., M t. ■ t. r ■■.,-«.!.. ■KM, C. «. ,/. T.rt«M. f. <■ d. m.nlu £. s. d. C. ... d. f. s. d. It .'Ill 4 l B !» ■ > 8 :> a 4 13 :. A B in •J 10 ID IS 39 16 B B 19 • > 8 - ii i i:. a a in a •• I- II 16 W n ; - 16 A 6 Id :, 4 17 1 8 1] 7 •_> in a 17 ii a - 18 6 6 19 16 I 1- 11 A U D 8 D 1- 11 14 •< !l 1 1 6 11 l ;. o 8 1 a u .-, A 1 8 19 12 5 r> 9 4 1 s 17 a :» •_» a a i.-, a A 2 ID 20 12 16 o a 8 s 6 n» a :, a in a n; id 3 a :i 21 49 :. !» !l :» ii 7 I :. :, •_» a 17 o 3 4 8 22 13 15 I B n I 7 a a ."> 8 6 a i- in 3 ;. o 23 n i 7 :» ia 8 ; i a :. 7 8 8 19 10 3 o :, J » llll •> ;» 18 ii 7 :» id ."> 9 ii 4 D Hi a 7 a .'.". 15 1 i) ii 17 ,s 7 7 7 :■ Id a 4 1 10 a - _• 26 45 11 ID ii II 7 11 4 :.ll 8 4 2 11 a 9 1 27 !•; I 3 ID •_> 1 7 11 1 :» 13 ii 1 4 3 10 1 28 16 11 9 10 4 - 7 13 it' :. 1 1 :, 1 :, 1 a 11 n 17 :. 3 ID 7 2 7 14 ID 8 16 11 1 a A 19 l 17 16 ID :» 8 7 18 B :. 17 4 1 7 •-■ A 13 1 31 l- 7 n ID 19 a 1 18 8 :> 18 11 1 8 8 a 11 :i _ 1- N a ID ii !» 8 D - 6 D :. 4 [, 11 a 1.-. 1 38 49 9 «» ID 17 .". 8 _' 3 t, a i» 111 •_' 3 |6 o 34 ;,i) 1 ." 11 D _< - 1 :» G 3 11 4 12 <; A 17 li 35 50 13 i 11 •J In 8 a id .; :, i 1 \A 11 A 111 D "• 1 :. 6 11 ."» 9 - i; i «; 7 •-' 1 I.". 1 4 D 4 ■ - .". 1 17 11 11 - ii 8 11 8 8 B 11 1 16 In 4 1 - J 10 B 11 11 - 8 13 !♦ c in id 4 1- 1 4 3 1 - ; 3 7 11 1 1 it - ia a 6 1-* ii 4 1U 11 4 J 7 10 53 16 ID II 18 ii - i- in • ; ii :» :. 1 8 4 i; a n :>i id •_) 18 1 8 11 1 4 8 16 in :. 3 i 4 7 a 12 :.:, 3 ."> 12 4 7 ii a 16 <; l- in :. r. i 1 :i i 13 ;.:. 16 9 12 7 it :i 8 i 7 11 :. o M 1 ii (i 41 56 H> 1 12 11 1 :» S 11 7 a d :. - - 4 19 i> »". 57 I ■) 19 11 ."> 1» 11 7 7 :» 8 :. M 4 11 16 57 18 a 12 17 16 ii 1 1 :. 7 7 o :. 19 o 1 16 :. 17 58 12 a 13 1 1 u 17 i 7 :♦ 11 :. 14 7 4 l- :. ' 7 i 13 ."> A M d a 7 19 <; :. 16 a .'i ii «; 4:1 60 •-' i 13 !> a in a o 7 18 1 .■• i:» i :» a :< 50 60 17 4 13 13 •_> 10 8 - 7 17 li i; l :. •"' .-. .1 :.l 6] 12 1 13 17 i in :» 11 8 ii :. o a '.' :. 7 l 52 62 6 !> l » D 16 in ia d - 8 I a o -j 5 :> - .-.:< H l B 1 ' ' 1 16 in i»; •_' 8 :» :» s 7 ."> 19 a :.i as 16 ID 14 B 7 in 19 l - - ;. 11 1 5 II !• 55 64 Ii A 11 19 11 11 9 11 - 11 »; o 13 11 ."> 17 - 56 88 7 ID 14 17 8 n 7 »; - 11 7 8 16 i» <; ,i » "»7 6 1 8 7 18 1 - 11 M o - 17 :• »; i »; :t id 58 66 19 / 16 6 1 ii ia m 11 1 D 7 a 1 1 8 7 l 59 67 15 16 18 ID H 11 17 1' :» l 8 7 <; i ll ii 60 »;> 12 •_» 18 18 .-. 19 1 7 :i -. .1 7 l' n >• it ll 61 !t \r, D a I 19 :. 7 :i ll !■ 7 U li 8 62 70 .". 8 16 ."» •j ' 12 ID D :• 1 7 1- I 3 in 11 TABLE XIX. Assurances on Two Joint Lives. Showing the Premium required for securing a Sum payable on the extinction of the first of Two Assigned Lives, according to the. Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age. A nnual Single Annual Premium Age. A Pi nuua i Single Premium Annual Ol.ler. Younger. per Cent. for £\ . for £\. Older. «-»" P e r Ce. •• for £1. for £1. £. s. d. £. S. d. 14 14 3 3 2 .52030 .03159 27 22 27 4 4 3 4 10 .57961 .59008 .04015 .04193 15 10 3 1 1 .51177 .03053 15 3 5 .52731 .03249 28 13 3 13 11 .55925 .03696 16 11 3 2 8 .51831 .03134 18 23 3 4 18 1 4 10 .57353 .58407 .03917 .04090 16 3 6 11 .53458 .03345 28 4 5 6 .59470 .04274 17 12 3 4 5 .52499 .03219 29 14 3 15 8 .56496 .03782 17 3 8 10 .54162 .03442 19 -1 1 .57881 .04003 18 13 3 6 1 .53147 .03304 24 4 3 4 .58861 .04167 18 3 10 8 .54807 .03532 29 4 7 2 .59940 .04358 19 14 3 7 9 .53775 .03388 30 10 3 13 9 .55874 .03688 19 3 12 4 .55389 .03616 15 3 17 6 .57083 .03874 20 4 1 9 .58390 .04087 20 10 3 5 7 .52959 .03279 25 4 4 11 .59322 .04248 15 3 9 6 .54389 .03473 j 30 4 8 11 .60419 .04446 20 3 13 11 .55922 .03695 31 11 3 15 5 .56412 .03770 21 11 3 6 11 .53475 .03348 16 3 19 5 .57689 .03971 16 3 11 2 .54980 .03557 21 4 3 5 .58871 .04169 21 3 15 4 .56385 .03765 26 4 6 7 .59792 .04331 22 12 3 8 4 .53994 .03418 31 4 10 !» .60905 .04537 17 3 12 9 .55538 .03638 32 12 3 17 2 .56980 .03858 22 3 16 7 .56805 .03830 17 4 1 5 .58289 .04070 23 13 3 9 10 .54528 .03493 22 4 5 .59338 .04250 18 3 14 4 .56072 .03718 27 4 8 4 .60269 .04418 23 3 18 .57232 .03898 32 4 12 8 .61401 .04633 24 14 3 11 5 .55077 .03571 33 13 3 19 .57564 .03951 19 3 15 11 .56579 .03795 18 4 3 4 .58869 .04169 24 3 1! .57666 .03967 23 4 6 8 .59812 .04335 28 4 10 2 .60755 .04509 25 io 3 9 3 .54319 .03463 33 4 14 8 .61905 .04733 15 3 13 1 .55642 .03654 20 3 17 5 .57065 .03871 34 14 4 1 .58165 .04050 25 4 10 .5S106 .04040 19 24 4 4 5 8 1 6 .59427 .60295 .04266 .04423 26 3 10 9 .54830 .03536 29 4 12 1 .61250 .04604 16 3 14 10 .56224 .03741 34 4 16 <) .62420 .04838 21 3 IS 11 .57521 .03944 26 4 2 4 .58553 .04115 35 10 15 3 4 19 3 5 1 .57693 .58783 .03972 .04154 27 12 17 3 3 12 3 16 7 .55370 .56800 .03614 .03830 20 -1 7 3 .59968 .04363 TABLE XIX. I ices on 1 ! riug ilu- Prcuiium required i"i lecuriog a Sum payable «'n the extinction of the first "i Two Assigned L • i ili<- Nui ibamptoa I ible, ..i '■'• \>> i I A— < il Aona.l Aaaaal 1'rcBiiiui I'nuia Ab*««. Olarr 1 nmi-ui | Prrauuia Pll niiuui lor t\. v— e 1*1 xi. f. «. d £. I. 8 .64481 .05288 96 i 12 a .61288 .04611 5 lo 16 .05542 31 4 16 2 .04806 12 :. 17 1 3 .63479 ' 1 " 13 4 18 11 .61716 .04696 37 13 i a s .58873 •' 18 J 18 • > 17 i 7 ; 5 1 3 .63475 .05062 ■ < i n i .04553 6 4 1 .64168 .65216 27 in a .04712 33 5 B i .65027 .05415 i i- i .04915 .-> ia .66112 .0 • .( 5184 13 6 8 .67451 .0 38 13 1 :. 7 3 11 14 4 If, 7 16 4 B in 19 5 16 .05040 . . .61501 .04653 24 ;, :< - .64018 .05182 28 4 16 1 I .04817 •-".I ."i i ; 10 .64715 .05342 :. 7 .05029 5 M o s 6 a .64583 .06311 80 .". 18 7 05$ 1 Mi 11 4 7 11 i M 6 a 11 .68026 .(m;i:i7 19 » is a .61271 15 16 I 16 11 62206 .04794 24 4 15 2 .04757 15 » 19 B 29 I 18 7 .62850 .04928 •_'M .-, a <; .05173 34 ."» 3 .638/1 .05149 .-» a ■> .64571 80 11 .65153 .05446 86 :, B •; .05474 10 10 15 i D 1 10 1 1517 :, 18 :. 19 7 10 4 .661 18 .67274 20 c .( 25 1 17 1 .62560 1 NJ 11 i 19 8848 30 5 nil 16 :. i B .63742 05120 86 :. B 6 64427 21 :. 8 •_> 10 5 11 .05588 10 .65135 .u., ill 81 :. 19 8 .0561 1 11 11 1 B .60445 .(Ml". 1 86 "• i<; 10 i r, - i | 16 l IS 11 .61469 .04646 II • ; 9 o <;;-'.. 06151 JI 1 16 9 .62400 , li 10 11 > 26 1 10 7 U :il :, a : 17 19 ■ i l 84967 17 ."> ."» 7 II 2 TABLE XIX. Assurances on Two Joint Lives. Showing the Premium required for securing a Sum payable on the extinction of the first of Two Assigned Lives, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age. Annu al Single Annual Age. Annual Single Annual Older. Younger I'm hi i u in per Cent. Premium IbrjsBl. Premium for jtl. 1 Older. Younger Premium per Cent. Premium for <£1. Premium for £1. £. s. d. | £. s. d. 1 47 22 5 8 10 .65137 .05442 52 17 5 18 7 .67050 .05927 27 5 11 7 .65709 .05581 22 6 19 .67638 .06088 32 5 15 2 .66418 .05760 27 6 4 4 .68099 .06218 37 6 .67317 .05999 32 6 7 8 .68672 .06385 42 6 6 5 .68459 .06322 37 6 12 2 .69407 1 .06608 47 6 14 9 .69818 .06738 42 6 18 3 .70352 .06911 48 13 18 5 4 5 8 6 9 .64209 .65120 .05225 .05438 47 52 7 6 1 7 16 8 •714S5 .72901 .07302 .07835 23 5 11 8 .65723 .05585 53 13 5 IS 1 .66959 .05903 28 5 14 7 .66296 .05729 18 6 2 4 .67739 .06116 33 5 18 4 .67008 .05916 23 6 5 2 .68237 .06257 38 6 3 4 .67920 .06167 28 6 7 10 .68696 .06392 43 6 10 .69057 .06500 33 6 11 4 .69270 .06565 48 6 18 10 .70440 .06941 38 6 16 .70012 .06800 49 14 19 24 5 7 10 5 12 5 14 9 .64918 .65789 .66323 .05390 .05601 .05736 43 48 53 7 2 3 7 10 6 8 1 7 .70948 .72098 •73499 .07113 .07526 .08078 29 5 17 8 .66894 .05885 54 14 6 1 11 .67669 .06096 34 6 1 7 .67612 .06080 19 6 6 2 .68413 .06308 39 6 6 11 .68536 .06344 24 6 8 9 .68845 .06436 44 6 13 9 .69667 .06689 29 6 11 6 .69301 .06575 49 7 3 2 •71075 .07157 34 6 15 1 .69876 .06756 50 10 15 20 25 5 7 10 5 11 3 5 15 4 5 17 10 .64919 .65635 .66439 .66923 .05390 .05563 .05766 .05893 39 44 49 54 7 1 7 6 6 7 15 3 8 6 8 .70626 .07003 .7)552 .07326 .72721 ! .07764 .74103 .0S334 30 6 11 .67495 .06048 55 10 6 2 8 .67802 .06133 35 6 5 .68217 .06251 15 6 6 1 .68396 .06303 40 6 10 7 .69155 .06530 20 6 10 2 .69078 .06506 45 6 17 9 .70279 .06887 25 6 12 6 .69463 .06625 50 7 7 7 .71705 .07381 30 35 6 15 5 6 19 2 .69915 .70491 .06769 .06958 51 11 5 11 .65584 .05550 40 7 4 4 .71251 .07218 16 21 5 14 5 18 10 6 .66349 .67048 .05743 .05926 45 50 7 11 8 3 .72164 .73344 .07551 .08014 26 31 6 1 6 4 1 3 .67512 .68084 .06053 .06213 55 8 12 1 •74714 .08606 36 6 8 6 .68813 .06426 56 11 6 6 8 .68502 .06334 41 6 14 4 .69758 .06718 16 6 10 6 .69139 .06525 46 7 1 10 .70882 .07090 21 6 14 2 .69725 .06708 51 7 12 1 .72309 .0/605 26 6 16 6 .70089 .06825 52 12 5 14 5 .66264 .05721 31 6 19 6 j.705391 .06974 TABLE XIX. 1 tfuf ft 1 DO J"iitt /./(.. >. Shoving tin- Premium required tor Mcorimj •< Bum payable on n.- extinction ol the / u rt >'i rwo Auigned Lives, KocordLng i" the \. rthamj Ion 1 able, at :i pa tent. A,.. \ - Aaau.l *P' A.D-. Sid. It rrcanvm A....I l't»l 36 7 3 :. .71117 .07171 <;" i" b ;t 1 7.(711 08168 il 7 - 11 71878 07111 '■"• • :» 74424 .08476 40 7 I.'- lu .72786 .07796 56 - 18 •2 .,..;!.., .08907 :.i :. .73959 .08272 : ' B 11 76442 56 - 17 11 .75 .68884 M 4 - 77846 .16886 57 12 8 11 o .68226 .66552 <>1 H 7 - .717."'^ .67466 17 G 15 •J .69882 .06758 10 7 11 In 72269 .ii7.">0l '_'■_' 6 l- 4 .70366 .06916 21 7 15 72746 ' 17771 27 7 " .70725 .07036 26 7 17 8 73020 .07883 32 7 :i M 7117-' 07191 ;u a 11 ;» 73357 .08019 32 7 7 1 1 .7I7."-1 07398 .•(0 - 1 73794 .08202 12 7 13 7 .72507 07681 11 - :• 1 74380 .08456 17 9 II .7.1417 08044 46 - 1". 75080 .08775 52 - in in .74571 .08541 Til 4 75999 09223 57 9 4 n .75852 .09199 .-.0 !l i:> 01 10 12 in .77H70 .09793 78485 .10625 5ti 1.1 6 15 - 418864 .06785 l- 7 ii .76615 .06999 02 r_> 7 18 72525 .1170— •_'.•( 7 -' !» .71616 07136 17 7 17 11 .73053 .07896 28 7 :. • > .71370-07260 22 - 1 1 73438 .08053 83 7 - ."> 71-1 » .07421 27 ."{ 73704 .n-ioi 7 12 U .72306 07039 32 - 1 74037 .08305 l.i 7 18 7 .73138 .07930 .•(7 - :< 11 71171 .08496 i- - o 8 .74057 08314 »_• - i:. :i .7.">i'i- .08760 ;,.'{ h 16 o 75189 .08827 17 :> l 11 75744 .09095 58 '.> 10 u 76579 .09523 52 11 57 in ."! 1 76638 .09555 -' 7771 1 .10157 •",.' » 11 7 8 8 ,1171- .07034 62 11 i» in .78126 .11041 Hi 7 B 71336 .07248 •_'l 7 7 :. 71675 .67370 63 18 s 1 .73818 .08003 2S 7 1" .72023 .07498 l- - 1 :;i 7 18 4 72465 .07665 Si - 7 1 74152 .08355 88 7 17 11 .73050 .07895 28 - '•' :, 71111 .08470 n - 8 1 1 .7:(777 .08194 88 - 18 .7473a - 12 1 74706 08603 8 10 4 75171 08818 54 :t 2 7 .75813 .09130 1 •: :» 1 ;i 757;J0 09088 58 '.» 17 i .77211 09HJ* u :» - 11 76428 "'.Mil 53 :> 18 1 77295 09915 80 7 -' - .71012 07135 :.- In 11 11 7836H In."..'. 1 IB 7 6 1 .71486 .07302 63 11 in 78781 .11488 •jn 7 in •> .72648 .07507 28 7 12 1 ;.: .07610 U 1 11 8 6 11 711-'.". ' 7 1". ii J2686 .07751 19 - 11 .■ i:i .08503 7 I- 8 .73125 07925 84 - 18 7 74874 1 TABLE XIX. Assurances on Two Joint Lives. Showing the Premium required for securing a Sum payahle on Uie extinction of the fiist of Two Assigned Lives, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age. Annual Single Annual Age. A nuua Single Annual Premium Premium Premium Pi Premium Older. tiL«* per Cent. for £\. for ,*1. Older. Younger P« r Ceu t. for £1. foriil. £. s. d. e. S. d. 64 29 8 15 11 .75127 .08797 67 57 ii 13 3 .80017 .11663 34 8 19 .75448 .08950 62 12 9 3 .81059 .12464 39 9 3 3 .75880 .09163 67 13 15 8 .82554 -.13782 44 49 54 59 64 9 8 10 9 16 5 10 6 10 19 6 11 19 10 .76421 .77122 .77957 .79025 .80458 .09440 .09819 .10301 .10974 .11992 68 13 18 23 28 33 9 10 10 10 10 16 3 5 8 4 it 5 <; 3 .77115 •77511 .77739 .77918 .78142 .09815 .10038 .10171 .10277 10412 65 10 8 11 2 .74606 .08557 3S 10 11 I] .78441 .10598 15 8 14 5 .74961 .08720 43 10 17 .78836 .10849 20 8 18 7 .75407 .08930 48 11 3 7 .79331 .11179 25 9 8 .75621 1 .09035 53 11 12 3 .79950 .11614 30 9 3 2 .75S66 ! .09156 58 12 3 10 .S0715 .12190 35 9 6 4 .76181 .09316 » 63 13 1 .81753 .13050 40 9 10 10 .76G12 .09541 68 U 9 9 .83260 .14487 45 50 55 60 65 9 16 6 10 4 6 10 14 5 11 8 S 12 10 10 .77134 .77831 .78637 .79699 .81152 .09825 .10226 .10722 .11434 .12540 69 14 19 24 29 34 10 10 10 10 li) 6 10 13 15 18 3 9 1 3 .77975 .78347 .78528 .78699 .78916 .10311 .10539 .10652 .10761 .10902 66 11 8 18 10 .75426 .08940 39 11 2 .79211 .11098 16 9 2 7 .75812 .09129 44 11 7 1 .79587 .11356 21 9 6 4 .76183 .09317 49 11 14 2 .80080 .11709 26 9 8 4 .76378 .09417 54 12 3 .80665 .12152 31 9 10 10 .76616 .09543 59 12 15 2 .81416 .12760 36 9 14 2 .76925 .09710 64 13 13 8 .82449 .13683 41 9 18 11 .77350 .09946 69 15 5 1 .83968 .15255 46 51 56 61 66 10 4 10 10 13 2 11 3 6 11 18 7 13 2 8 .77857 .78535 .79325 .80377 .81851 .10241 .10657 .11175 .11930 .13135 70 10 15 20 25 30 10 10 11 11 11 14 17 1 3 5 ? 6 6 .78601 .78842 .79176 .79322 .79486 .10698 .10854 .11074 .11173 .11285 67 12 9 7 2 .76265 09359 35 11 8 8 .79695 .11432 17 9 11 5 .76665 09569 40 11 12 10 .79988 .11642 22 9 14 6 .76957 09727 45 11 18 1 .80343 .11904 27 9 16 7 .77144 •09831 50 12 5 7 .80829 .12280 32 9 19 3 .77374 •09960 55 12 14 8 .81384 .12733 37 10 2 9 .77679 .10136 60 13 7 6 .82119 .13376 42 10 7 8 .78092 .10382 65 14 7 7 .83157 .14380 47 10 13 10 .78589 .10691 70 16 1 11 .84676 .16094 52 11 2 4 .79240 .11117 TABLE XX. I iSk I N > ring tin- Premium roqui • ; a Sum pa] iblc on tlic extinotion of the last Surf ii I Lssignod [ires, aooordii the Northampton Table, at •"> pei Cent. A«c. A • D«U Aaaaal Af. AUD..1 Praaiaa Pnaiaa f.rJM. Auul v «"f"- 1'rrmi' par C«»i. rr.mium • (—Ml. Ot*K. \*mf ■ : t . e. >. d. £. *. d. 1 1 ii U 10 .26381 .01043 ■27 22 1 7 05 .01371 I.", Ill 1 II ii .25558 01000 27 1 9 ;t .33415 .01 161 i;. i 1 G .26933 .0107 13 1 I .'{ .29404 .01213 18 I 8 :t .31088 .01313 16 n i 6 .20084 .01027 23 l - 1 52552 .in 105 16 1 • > 1 57498 .01104 28 l 10 192 .01500 17 12 1 17 1 1 •> g 56621 .01056 .28061 .01136 -•' 14 19 1 1 I 7 11 .29971 .01246 ii .31650 .01348 18 13 1 1 :i .27161 .01086 24 1 8 1110 .01441 18 i 8 4 58612 .01167 28 1 10 ;i .::r -_■ .01539 1!> 11 i •_> 4 .27700 .01116 30 10 1 :{ 7 56 .nll-ii l:» i i .29150 .01198 16 1 5 ; 155 1 .01281 20 10 15 20 i i i l i 3 11 7 56745 .0 .•>_' H .01146 59679 .01229 20 26 1 7 1 !) 1 11 7 .:w 961 .01091 .28787 01177 .30193 .01259 31 11 i<; 21 26 1 4 1 8 l - 1 in 8 .29378 4 ..'{ll 11 5 52770 1261 .01211 .01316 .01419 .01517 22 12 i • > ."i i .01119 31 I 12 6 .36798 I" 22 i i ! .i 10 507< - •'- - .01149 12 17 i i 1 7 II .29942 l .31736 .01244 ■i:\ 13 i 9 ... 1 !» 1 .3 .01456 18 4 10 • -. .01240 27 1 11 •_» .34856 .0155H 23 i 8 i .31223 01 1 13 425 .01668 •J 1 Ii i : 1180 •;■; l.i 1 B r 19 i r> ."» 50400 .01 18 1 7 01391 24 i 7 i .3175.1 .01 1 9 10 .33!)t>2 ."1 11*3 25 li) 15 : i a .27785 .01120 .2931)1 .01212 28 83 l 12 1 11 162 » .01600 .01716 20 i 8 i .30937 01304 :; | 11 l Q i 31111 .01315 •j:. i 7 o .32296 01 19 i a 7 3291 : .111 l.*.! 20 11 i :{ o g 01150 _M i in I 12 14485 11 300S1 .01644 If. 21 i i l 8 • 1)124.1 9 .31 170 1 16 3 .37721 .01764 28 i * 01424 :;.", 10 15 1 i in . 1 51716 01241 .01352 11 12 i a --,ii .nil-! I :• .01 167 17 i .-. ; 3 i5-j i TABLE XX. Assurances on Last Survivors. Showing the Premium required for securing a Sum payable on the extinction of the Last Survivor of Two Assigned Lives, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age. Annual Single Annual Age. Annu 1 Single Annual Fremirj Premium Premium | Premii Premium Premium Older, Younger. per Cei t. for £\. foril. Older, Younger.! per Ce ut. for M\. forj£l. £. *. d. £. s. d 35 25 1 11 6 .35081 .01573 41 41 2 3 5 .42698 .02170 30 35 1 13 1 16 9 4 .36715 .01689 .38389 1.01815 42 12 17 1 7 1 10 6 1 .32102 3 .34155 .01376 .01511 36 11 1 5 6 .30444 .01275 22 1 12 9 .35983 .01636 16 1 7 11) .32334,-01391 27 1 15 4 .37751 .01766 21 1 10 2 .34080 .01506 32 1 18 2 .39604 .01910 26 1 12 4 .35689 .01616 37 1 2 1 4 .41519 .02068 31 1 14 9 .37360 .01737 42 2 4 9 .43457 .02238 36 1 17 4 .39072 .01867 43 13 | 1 8 4! .32719 .01416 37 12 1 6 3 .31033 .01310 18 ! 1 11 1 .34787 .01553 17 1 8 7 .32954 .01431 23 1 13 7 .36590 .01680 22 1 10 11 .34664 .01545 28 1 16 4 .38400 .01815 27 1 13 2 .36310 .01660 33 1 19 4 .40296 .01966 32 1 15 9 .38019 .01786 38 2 2 7 .42257 .02131 37 1 18 5 .39769 .01922 43 2 6 •_» .44223 .02309 38 13 1 6 11 .31633 .01347 44 14 1 9 •2 .33348 .01457 18 1 9 5 .33569 .01471 19 1 11 11 .35409 .01596 23 1 11 9 .35258 01586 24 1 14 6 .37208 .01726 28 1 14 2! .36944 .01706 29 1 17 4 .39062 .01866 33 1 16 9 38692 .01837 34 2 6 .41004 .02024 38 1 19 7 .40480 .01981 39 2 4 .43008 .02198 39 14 1 7 9 .32248 .01386 44 2 7 9 .45006 .02386 19 1 10 3 .34178 .01512! 45 10 1 7 3 .31905 .01364 24 1 12 7\ .35864 •01628 15 1 10 .33992 .01500 29 1 15 1 .37591 .017541 20 1 12 10! .36029 .01640 34 1 17 10! .39379 .01891 ! 25 1 15 5 .37838 .01772 39 2 10 .41206 .02041 30 1 18 5! .39737 .01920 40 10 15 20 1 6 1 8 1 11 1 .30913 6 .32876 l 1 .34787 .01303 .01426 .01553 35 40 45 2 1 2 5 2 9 8 .41725 4 .43776 3 .45803 .02085 .02267 .02461 25 1 13 6 .36483 .016731 46 11 1 8 l 1 .32502 .01402 30 1 16 1 1.38250 •01304 16 1 10 11 .34650 .01544 35 1 19 .40082 .01948 21 1 13 8 .36640 .01684 40 2 2 1 .41948 .02104 26 1 16 5 .38480 .01821 41 11 16 21 26 1 6 1 9 1 11 1 14 9 .31498 4 .33515 11| .35386 4 .37112 .01339 .01468 .01595 .01718 31 36 41 46 1 19 2 3 2 6 2 10 6 .40426 .42462 10; .44554 10 .46618 .01976 .02149 .02340 .02543 31 1 17 2 .38922 .01856 47 12 1 8 10 .33122 .01442 36 2 2 .40794 .02006 17 1 11 91 .35307 .01589 TABLE XX. / S i Sltowins: th<. I'nmium reqMI I | ■ .' Mt M tin- extinction of tin- last Survivoi of Two Assigned Uvcs, according to tin- Northamptoa Fable, it 3 |>rr OflMt A,,. Ann.. S>.»l. Aanail A n . Ano«. . Aa»«l • I'rmjium f*r Unl. Pmnium PtntM ■to 41. ou» . . I'mamm I'naian (Mil. l.r4l. & •». ,l. & *. ./. 47 22 i ii 7 .37250 91728 52 17 1 13 4 .38401 01888 87 1 17 :, .39135 .01872 22 1 10 .■> 3m:.:. .01819 32 B - .41188 02034 27 1 IS 7 .40452 .01978 37 2 4 j 13213 .02216 38 2 3 - .42580 .02160 42 1 - 4 .1 .02416 37 1 7 ■ .44829 .02306 47 2 12 7 47448 .08638 a 2 12 " 47158 .02588 48 13 18 1 B 1 12 - .83756 - 15056 .01484 .01635 47 89 2 17 3 2 I 7 48487 .02853 .".1777 .03127 89 1 15 o .37-71 iH77.-» .-,:; 13 1 11 .3172.". .01580 88 1 18 6 .39802 .01925 1- 1 14 1 .37066 .01715 2 1 11 .41845 .02096 23 1 17 1 - I :, 9 .1 88 1 n - 41121 .(12(131 13 1 !l 11 10U7 .02495 33 2 4 .43302 .02224 18 1 n :. .48204 .02720 2 - 10 .45605 .02441 49 18 84 l in 1 13 1 10 7 7 6 34403 .36596 .38602 .01827 .01681 .01823 IS 18 ■ 2 13 2 1!) 3 1 :» 1 in 47975 .02686 .02954 .V_'072 .03241 8B 1 18 7 .40483 .01881 •)l 14 1 11 11 .353841 .01584 31 1 8 8 -42574 .02159 IB 1 I.'. 3 .37700 .111702 SB 1 7 ■ > .44759 .02359 84 1 1- 4 .38708 .01918 41 8 11 7 .46064 .n_':>7!» 88 I 1 10 1 l-i 13 .02092 IB I 10 1 48156 ,02815 84 2 ;. 10 ll"..- .02292 .">() 10 15 20 as 1 8 1 11 1 It 1 17 ."> 7 .35063 .37228 .39144 .01 125 .01572 .01727 .01873 1 ii IS 54 •J M I I.", 3 1 3 7 .1 •j a .46397 02521 .02776 51238 ■ 1 233583 30 2 .1 9 41172 .02038 ■') ■') 10 1 :» 7 31711 in i-l SB 1 1 o .43316 02225 15 1 12 16 .36048 .01641 M 1 - B . 15553 1 10 • > : 01810 18 a 13 4 .477!>:> .02666 l IS 8 .40356 01969 88 1 18 4 50027 .02816 1 3 1 02152 51 11 10 21 96 31 1 9 1 12 1 5 1 1- ■_> a 13486 :, .35733 o .37845 ii .41871 .01464 .01619 11177.: .01825 .02098 18 4:> 1 7 2 12 2 17 3 3 . > • 3 1 8 :. In 14787 02362 02004 02872 .52134 .03172 .54509 30 i t 11 .44066 ,02294 56 11 l IS :. 01522 41 8 18 1 40352 02516 10 1 13 in ■ 01682 JO B 18 •> 02757 21 1 17 ■ • .-..". 1 «s .".I I M ."> ..->n-:<- .03018 88 I ii 8 41003 52 12 i 1 If 1 .3111-1 01608 . . i I » i ■ TABLE XX. Assurafices on Last Survivors. Showing the Premium required for securing a Sum payable on the extinction of the last Survivor of Two Assigned Lives, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age. Annual Single Annual Age. Annua i Single Annual ,, Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Older. Younger. per Cent- for £}. for £l. Older. Younger. per Cei t. for^l. (or £\. £. s. d. £. s. d. 56 36 2 8 9 .45549 .02436 60 40 2 15 5 .48738 .02769 41 2 13 10 .48019 .02690 45 3 1 7 .51393 .03079 46 2 19 6 .50518 .02973 50 3 8 8 .54119 .03435 51 3 5 9 .53035 .03289 55 3 16 (J .56779 .03826 56 3 12 6 .55451 .03625 60 4 5 1 .59373 .04256 57 12 1 11 4 .34963 .01565 61 11 1 11 6 .35117 .01576 17 1 14 10 .37410 .01740 16 1 15 2 .37647 .01758 22 1 18 1 .39568 .01906 21 1 18 9 .39981 .01939 27 2 1 7 .41667 .02080 26 2 2 5 .42120 .02119 32 2 5 7 .43921 .02281 31 2 6 7 .44433 .02329 37 2 10 3 .46326 .02514 36 2 11 6 .46920 .02574 42 2 15 7 .48844 .02781 41 2 17 3| .49564 .02862 47 3 I 7 .51396 .03079 46 3 3 10 .52272 .03190 52 3 8 3 .53948 .03412 51 3 11 4i .55043 .03566 57 3 15 5 .56408 .03769 56 61 3 19 4 8 7 10 .57753 .60391 .03981 .04441 58 13 1 12 3 .35614 .01611 18 1 15 10 .3S075 .01790 62 12 1 12 5 .35759 .01621 23 1 19 1 .40192 .01956 17 1 16 2 .38334 .01810 28 2 2 9 .42341 .02139 22 1 19 9 .40591 .01989 33 2 7 .44652 .02349 27 2 3 6 .42783 .02177 38 2 11 11 .47116 .02594 32 2 7 11 .45151 .02397 43 2 17 6 .49679 .02875 37 2 13 1 .47701 .02656 48 3 3 10 .52290 .03191 42 2 J9 2 .50399 .02959 53 3 10 10 .54877 .03542 47 3 6 1 .53164 .03306 58 3 18 5 .57381 .03921 52 3 14 1 .55976 .03703 59 14 19 1 13 2 1 16 10 .36278 .38724 .01658 .01840 57 62 4 2 4 12 11 9 .58741 .61424 .04146 .04637 24 2 2 .40825 .02009 63 1 13 4 .36416 .01668 29 2 4 1 .43028 .02202 18 1 17 3 j. 39004 .01862 34 2 8 5 .45396 .02421 23 2 10 .41211 .02041 39 2 13 7 .47920 .02679 28 2 4 9 .43456 .02238 44 2 19 6 .50529 .02974 33 2 9 5 .45884 .02469 49 3 6 2 .53200 .03310 38 2 14 10 .48496 .02742 54 3 13 7 .55820 .03680 43 3 1 3 .51243 .03061 59 4 1 8 .58369 .04083 48 53 3 8 3 17 71.54075 1 . 56927 .03429 .03849 60 10 1 10 8 .34501 .01533 58 4 6 6 ! .59748 .04323 15 1 14 21.36956 .01707 63 4 17 .62481 .04850 20 1 17 10 1 .39362 .01890 25 2 13 .41468 .02063 64 14 1 10 4J.37086 .01516 30 2 5 3 .43725 .02263 19 1 18 3 ;. 39656 .01913 35 2 9 11 .46151 .02496 24 2 1 11 .41841 .02095 TABLE XX. Assurances on Last Survivors. Showing tlic Premium required t"i Mooring i Sum payable on the extinction of iii<- last Sorrhrof "i Pwo taaigni >l Lir< ■, according to the Northampton Table, at .'• pei Cent * ■ Aaaaal - i— i ■ Aaaaal Siaclo Aaaatl ..k~ Premium par Ccol. I'r« uiura | u r xl. I'rvDiium • i. .• for Ml. I'rrtniura e. $. ./. f. .. ,/. 64 99 _* 8 .44139 .69801 <>7 57 4 10 7 80875 .04581 .-« 9 lo ii .46629 .09544 89 ."> 8 :< .63929 .05162 89 2 16 B .49305 .02832 07 B 17 7 .66871 05879 44 18 8 8 8 11 4 • > 52100 .549119 - - . . ■- .03168 .03560 00 13 is 1 1 14 4 1- 7 ..(7 11-' .39929 .01718 .01928 5 i J t ID .-» 1 1 .53 £91 .ii 1004 .04512 .05078 as •_> 9 6 .42118 .02119 58 64 .'{ .iiii77" .63559 98 a 8 7 11112 .02330 7 38 •j 11 7 . 16973 .02590 65 10 1 11 7 .35186 .01581 38 2 17 7 .48720 .02980 15 1 15 4 .37770 .01767 43 a l B .52630 .03236 80 l 19 1 .40293 hi :><;:. 48 a 13 9 ..">."> 1 rti."i .u;{<;.->7 .';, a a ii .49479 .02151 58 4 a ii ..w;."> .04150 90 -' 7 1 .44834 .02367 58 4 11 7 .61894 .04731 _' 12 6 .47385 .02623 ; 6 b a .65012 .05412 10 2 18 7 .50129 .02927 68 6 a a .06188 IB 50 8 r, 8 18 ,'. .52973 .5593 1 .03280 .03696 \l 1 1 IB l 1!' 7 87781 . 10473 01768 .01980 53 00 89 » a i u B 6 5 ;; .58874 .61810 .64646 .04169 .04714 .06396 94 2!> •_> a a a 7 11 18 -J .42732 .47.1 12 .47705 .02173 .02394 .02657 66 11 1 19 8 , 5813 .01695 89 • > 19 8 .50519 .02973 16 1 16 5 38468 .01881 ii 3 7 '» .53479 81 a o i .40908 .02016 18 8 15 11 ."ii ;.".-'; .03796 98 2 4 •> .43195 .02208 54 4 8 ."I .59729 04320 81 a - B . 15537 .02435 ;.:» 1 1- In 04943 86 a ii l .48152 .02705 64 ."> 18 7 .66107 05681 11 :< o 8 .50958 .03026 69 6 16 8 .68133 .06523 16 ;.l 56 a to i <; ii in 53858 .56870 .59867 .03399 .03840 .04345 7n M i:» 90 . i •> i a b n; ;. .35775 11098 .01699 01820 61 i l- , .62*63 .04930 95 ■_> : 7 1 66 :> n 10 .65752 .o:> :>:)•_' SO •> :» a 15789 <>7 19 1 13 ."» 36456 .01671 :..-> • » u a .49445 .02737 i; 1 17 <; .39159 .01874 m a l :. .51327 ."71 _>-_> 2 1 4 .41509 .02067 18 a !» 1 .54339 87 9 5 4 02269 50 8 1- In .57510 89 2 In 1 16252 02506 ."p.'i i in 80701 04499 87 a is 10 .49930 .02790 60 .' :, :. 1 05170 19 8 9 7 51799 .03129 6 19 :. 67215 05971 i; 8 lo 8 .54756 .03524 8 17 - 7, ij,-, i .m;--. 59 8 19 10 .57811 03901 I 9 TABLE XXI. Survivorship Assurances., Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of A, provided he dies before B, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. r— * ■■- — ■ Age of Annual Single Annual Age of Annual Single Annual A. B. per Cent. for M\. for £\. A. B. per Cent. £. s. d. Premium for £1. Premium for £1. £. s. d. 14 14 1 11 7 .26016 .015S0 17 12 1 15 .28563 .01751 19 1 11 .24582 .01549 17 1 14 5 .27082 .01721 24 1 10 4 .23418 .01518 22 1 13 10 .25794 .01690 29 19 9 .22191 .01486 27 1 13 2 .24577 .01657 34 19 .20843 .01451 32 1 12 5 .23231 .01622 39 18 4 .19361 .01415 37 1 11 9 .21749 .01586 44 1 7 7 .17783 .01377 42 1 11 .20130 .01548 49 1 6 9 .16097 .01336 47 1 10 2 .18430 .01509 54 I 5 11 .14369 .01295 52 19 5 .16625 .01470 59 1 5 .12566 .01250 57 1 8 7 .14772 .01429 64 1 3 11 .10635 •01197 62 1 7 8 .12812 .01385 69 12 9 .08591 .01136 67 1 6 9 .10701 .01336 74 I 1 4 .06595 .01066 72 1 5 7 .08528 .01279 79 19 8 .04824 .00984 77 1*4.3 .06540 .01214 84 18 .03325 .00898 82 1 2 7 .04618 .01130 15 10 1 13 1 .27738 .01655 18 13 1 15 11 .28906 .01797 15 1 12 6 .26366 .01625 18 1 15 4 .27404 .01766 20 1 11 11 .24959 .01594 23 1 14 8 .26162 .01735 25 1 11 3 .23796 .01563 28 1 14 .24905 .01701 30 1 10 7 .22531 .01529 33 1 13 4 .23516 .01665 35 1 9 11 .21141 .01494 38 1 12 7 .21984 .01628 40 1 9 2 .19609 .01457 43 1 11 10 .20328 .01590 45 18 4 17995 .01418 48 1 11 .18572 .01551 50 1 7 7 .16261 .01378 53 1 10 3 .16738 .01511 55 1 6 9 .14500 .01336 58 1 9 5 .14833 .01470 60 1 5 10 .12637 .01291 63 1 8 7 .12817 .01427 65 1 4 9 .10652 .01239 68 1 7 7 .10650 .01379 70 13 7 .08559 .01178 73 1 6 6 .08449 .01325 75 12 2 .06548 .01108 78 1 5 3 .06467 .01262 80 10 5 .04724 .01022 83 1 3 7 .04546 .01181 16 11 1 14 1 .28166 .01703 19 14 1 16 9 .29193 .01839 16 1 13 6 .26729 .01673 19 1 16 2 .27695 .01808 21 1 12 10 .25379 .01642 24 1 15 6 .26474 .01776 26 1 12 2 .24197 .01610 29 1 14 10 .25177 .01741 31 1 11 6 .22893 .01576 34 1 14 1 .23742 .01704 36 1 10 10 .21457 .01540 39 1 13 4 .22157 .01666 41 1 10 1 .19880 .01503 44 1 12 7 .20463 .01627 46 19 3 .18226 .01464 49 1 11 9 .18648 .01588 51 1 8 6 .16454 .01424 54 1 11 16783 .01548 56 17 8 .14650 .01383 59 1 10 2 .14826 .01507 61 1 6 9 .12737 .01338 64 1 9 3 .12753 ! .01464 66 1 5 9 .10690 .01287 69 1 8 4 .1053l| .01417 71 1 4 7 .08552 .01228 74 1 7 3 .08316 .01364 76 1 3 2 .06552 .01160 79 1 6 1 .06311 .01302 81 116 .04670 •01074| 84 14 6 .04490 .01226 TABLE XXI. Bkowiog Ui' 1 l*i « iiiiuiu iMHtrcd t" secure a Sum payable ou the • li-a'.li (it I. provided lie dies Intun />'. . | Iffdiag tu DM Nmlliaiuptuii Tabic, at :: pel CflOt *,. o. Annul Sb> ( U A nnn. 1 A,, of Anni.l >IHlU Ac... 1 A. B. Pnnwn for jtl. I'rvmlum A. ! />• wr Cent. lor «l l«ll. ! £ *. d. & /. ,i. •Jo 10 11- 9 .30838 01 23 13 9 o 4 .31470 .02010 u 1 17 7 .29430 .018/U 18 1 19 8 .29910 .01983 ao 1 17 ii .27902 .01*48 23 1 19 .28617 .01949 SS5 i io a .26743 .01814 28 1 Is 3 .27288 .01911 30 1 l:. 7 .•_'.". im .01778 1 17 5 .25801 .01870 30 1 11 in .23920 .ol7»o 38 1 16 7 .24147 .01827 k» 1110 .22277 01701 4.< I 15 8 .22354 .01783 16 1 13 3 .20643 .01001 48 1 14 9 .20446 .01737 50 l 19 ;, .18672 .01020 53 1 13 10 .1*450 .01692 .">."> 1 11 7 .10770 .01580 58 1 19 11 .10377 .01046 60 1 10 8 .14701 .01538 63 1 11 11 .14107 .01596 66 1 :• 11 .12623 .0141)5 88 1 11 .11843 (H550 70 1 9 .10364 .01448 1 111 .09165 .01497 73 1 7 11 .n-1 it .01397 78 i - :• .07323 .01 139 80 l o 8 .0010-' .01336 83 1 7 4 .01800 •Jl 11 1 IS 11 .31084 .01846 2 1 1 i 2 1 1 .81069 10 1 IS 4 .29601 .01915 19 2 5 .,'{01 05 .011(19 Jl 1 17 6 .28193 .01883 24 1 19 8 .01984 BO 1 17 (» .20951 .01848 98 1 1- 11 .27458 .01944 :;l l it; -2 ,2566a .01810 34 1 18 . 259 io .01901 l l 5 5 .24026 .01771 88 1 17 1 .24202 .01860 41 1 M 7 .22331 .01730 ii I 10 9 .22361 .01810 10 1 10 .2064A .01089 49 1 16 8 .20383 ,01703 :,1 1 19 11 .01047 54 111 I 01715 60 1 19 1 .10079 .01005 l 18 4 .10211 .01067 oi i ii a .14014 .01509 04 1 19 4 .01618 80 1 10 4 .19400 .01517 09 1 11 4 .11644 .01660 71 1 9 5 .10096 .01409 74 1 10 3 .09150 .01511 70 1 8 4 .07914 .01417 78 1 9 .01449 81 1 7 1 .01354 84 1 7 .00094 0137D •22 12 1 19 7 81278 .Ol'.MI M 10 •J 2 .33293 .09123 17 l 19 .29744 .01949 u 2 1 10 .31840 02091 89 1 IS 4 .28403 .01916 98 2 1 2 27 1 17 7 .27119 .01879 L'5 | 5 .29064 .02020 89 l io 10 .•_':.<;-_' .01840 1 l!i 7 .27631 .01978 :<7 l M ii .24090 .01799 ;<5 1 1- - .20031 .01934 »-' l L| I 22342 .01756 40 1 17 '.» .24250 .01887 17 in a .20602 .01713 45 1 10 !» 69 1 1.1 6 . 1 85 1 l .01009 50 1 i:. :» 01789 .-.7 l 19 .10639 .01025 68 ill :> 18237 .01738 09 1 11 7 14410 .01580 80 1 11 B .01689 87 1 lo 8 .12130 .01633 68 1 19 '•• .13701 .01637 79 1 9 G 09782 .01483 i 70 111 B .11235 01583 77 1 8 7 07627 .01429 ' l L| »; -J 1 7 8 05518 .01300 H i i» 1 - in 168 TABLE XXI. Survivorship Assurarices. Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable at the death of A , provided he dies before B, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age of Annua i Single Aunual Age of Annua Single Annoal A. B. Premium per Ceut. Premium Premium for=ei. for ill. A. B. per Cent. for£l. for jBI. £. s. d 1 £. s. d. 26 11 2 3 3 .33558 '.02164 29 14 2 5 11 .34304 .02296 16 2 2 7 .320281.02131 19 2 5 3 .32704 .02262 21 2 1 11 .30571 ! 02096 24 2 4 6 .31403 .02223 26 2 1 2 .292771-02057 29 2 3 7 .29970 .02179 31 2 3 .278031.02014 34 2 2 7 .28329 .02129 36 1 19 4 .26145 ' .01967 39 2 1 6 .26473 .02076 41 1 18 4 .24302 .01918 44 2 5 .24467 .02020 46 1 17 4 .22366 .01868 49 1 19 3 .22300 .01962 51 1 16 4 .20258 .01816 54 1 18 1 .20061 .01903 56 1 15 3 .18117 .01764 59 1 16 10 .17706 .01843 61 1 14 3 .15851 .01711 64 1 15 8 .15214 .01782 66 1 13 2 .13435 .01657 69 1 14 4 .12563 .01718 71 1 12 .10917 .01599 74 1 13 b .09939 .01651 76 1 10 9 .08551 .01539 79 1 11 7 .07579 .01580 81 I 9 4 .06297 .01467 84 1 9 11 .05446 .01496 27 12 2 4 1 .33807 .02206 30 10 2 7 7 .36038 .023/9 17 2 3 6 .32223 .02173 15 2 6 11 .34552 .02345 22 2 2 9 .30842 -02137 20 2 6 2 .32987 .02309 27 2 1 11 .29505 .02096 25 2 5 5 .31692 .02269 32 2 1 .27977 .02051 30 2 4 (1 .30210 .02223 37 2 1 .26256 .02002 35 2 3 5 .28506 .02171 42 1 19 .24356 .01951 40 2 2 4 .26578 .02115 47 1 17 10 .22287 .01893 45 2 1 1 .24516 .02056 52 1 16 11 .20200 .01844 50 1 19 11 .22274 .01996 57 1 15 10 .17989 .01790 55 1 18 8 .19982 .01935 62 1 14 8 .15655 .01734 60 1 17 5 .17550 .01871 67 1 13 7 .13156 .01677 65 1 16 1 .14968 .01806 72 1 12 4 .10593 .01616 70 1 14 9 .12250 .01739 77 1 11 1 .08252 .01553 75 1 13 5 .09620 .01669 82 1 9 6 .05967 .01476 80 1 11 10 .07212 .01592 28 13 2 5 .34057 .02251 SI 11 2 8 7 .36366 .02430 18 2 4 4 .32448 .02216 16 2 7 11 .34796 .02395 23 2 3 7 .31119 .02179 21 2 7 2 .33307 .02359 28 2 2 9 .29736 .02137 26 2 6 4 .31988 .02317 33 2 1 9 .28152 .02089 31 2 5 5 .30452 .02269 38 2 9 .26366 .02038 36 2 4 3 .28685 .02214 43 1 19 8 .24413 .01984 41 2 3 1 .26688 .02155 48 1 18 7 .22327 .01929 46 2 1 11 .24561 .02094 53 1 17 6 .20134 .01873 51 2 7 .22256 .02031 58 1 16 4 .17852 .01816 56 1 19 4 .19894 .01967 63 1 15 2 .15441 .01758 61 1 18 .17386 .01901 68 1 13 11 .12862 .01697 66 1 16 8 .14709 .01832 73 1 12 8 .10265 .01634 71 1 15 3 .11928 .01761 78 1 11 41.07934 .01567 76 1 13 9 .09321 .01688 83 1 9 8|.05663 .01484 81 1 12 1 .06854 .01604 TABLE XXI. Sutvivortkip Aumrancet. Showing tin- Premion required to leouic i Baa payable <>u the death <>f I. proridk >l be dii 1 i" (ore J>. aooordiag to the Northampton Fable, at 3 i" i Cent A,cl Anna. MbjU A.inu.l J a,. »r Anon.l Anneal .4. B. I'ita.,un> p«r i"«nl. I'f t miuai it Ml. i A. B. £ . ,/. e. <. d. 32 12 _• B 8 .02484 35 10 2 13 11 .30157 17 9 9 .3 .02448 15 2 13 2 .37643 .02660 aa a 8 3 ..'{.' 1655 .02411 20 2 12 6 •'<*'<' » 1- .02623 27 -' ; 4 .32293 .02367 85 2 11 B .34755 .02582 32 •_* r, 1 .30701 .02317 30 2 lo s .:{.{•_' is .112:,: t2 37 a s 2 .28865 .02259 35 2 :» *; .31472 .02474 42 2 4 <> .26803 .02198 40 2 s •_• .29411 .02408 47 a •-■ s .24603 .02134 47. 2 6 :' .27169 .02338 52 2 1 4 .22243 .02068 :,n 2 :. w .2170.-, .02264 57 2 1) .19801 .02001 55 2 :< :» .22172 .02189 82 1 18 7 17212 .01931 68 2 2 :i .19474 .02111 «7 1 17 2 I 1437 .01859 65 2 7 .16594 .02029 73 1 15 B .11599 .<»17-l 70 1 1- 11 .13556 .01945 77 1 14 1 09013 .i»17i»<; 7"» 1 17 2 .10622 .111 -:.7 aa 1 12 1 .01616 •Ml l l;, ;< 4)1761 .33 la 2 10 10 .37001 .02540 36 n 2 la a .39565 .02761 l- a i<» 1 .35353 .02503 i.; 2 11 8 .37963 .02725 aa a :> 1 .34011 .02465 21 2 13 .36457 .02687 as % - .1 .32603 .02420 20 9 12 11 .35142 .02644 aa 9 7 4 .30953 .02367 31 2 11 10 .33582 - 2 8 •_> .29046 .02307 2 16 7 .31740 .02531 i3 a 4 in .26926 .02242 41 2 :» ;i .29604 .02463 |fl a :< 6 .24639 .02175 9 7 sa a a 1 .22221 .02106 :,1 2 o a .24754 02312 66 2 9 19698 .02036 68 2 1 - .22111 .02233 83 l 19 3 .17i»2i> .01962 01 2 a o .19351 .02151 88 1 17 .14154 .01886 88 2 1 4 .16361 .02065 73 1 16 2 .11268 .01807 71 1 lo .13244 .01976 78 1 ii 6 .08685 .01725 78 I 17 - .10328 .01884 1 12 7 08188 .01628 Bl I 1". 7 .07689 01781 34 14 i ij ii .37822 ,02598 :',7 12 2 18 7 19 2 11 8 .35685 .02562 17 2 I.". 10 02793 24 2 10 ."> .34379 nj:,jj aa 2 i:, i :iimi> 02755 99 2 8 6 .32921 (ij 17 J -7 2 11 •_' .35543 02710 .{i 1 - r> .31210 .02419 39 2 13 1 . 02*156 88 2 7 1 2*f228 .02356 87 2 11 lo 32013 02592 41 2 :, 9 /27047 12 2 16 :> 48 2 t ."> .24670 .02219 17 2 - in 271 n> 02443 :.l 2 2 11 .22201 .02147 2 7 :« 24811 1 2 1 I .19589 2 :, 7 .22106 I 64 1 10 ll .16817 .01995 2 :i in »;:» 1 18 i .13860 .01915 07 I | ! 16118 .02103 74 l 16 7 .10939 .01831 79 1 1 1 7 ' J l u in 08317 .01743 77 ii- a 10028 .01913 M i 19 ,964 1 01644 l 16 : TABLE XXI. Survivorship Assurances. Showing; the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of y4, provided he dies before B , according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age of Annn i Single Annual Age of i nnual Single Animal Preroiu Premium Premium p emiu m Premium > Premium A. B. per Cent. for mu for £1. A. B. per Cent. for^el. | for^El. £. s. d. £. S. d. 1 38 13 2 18 1 .40369 .02903 41 11 3 3 8 .43208 .03182 18 2 17 4 .38689 .02865 16 3 2 11 .41589 .03144 23 2 16 .37354 .02826 21 3 2 1 .40079 .03105 28 2 15 7 .35953 .02779 26 3 1 3 .38794 .03062 33 2 14 5 .34279 .02722 31 3 2 .37248 .03008 38 2 13 1 .32291 .02656 36 2 18 10 .35383 .02943 43 2 11 7 .30022 .02580 41 2 17 4 .33157 .02867 48 2 10 .27529 .02499 46 2 15 7 .30680 .02781 53 2 8 4 .24867 .02415 51 o 13 9 .27908 .02688 58 2 6 7 .22066 .0232S 56 2 11 10 .25018 .02591 63 2 4 9 .19077 .02238 61 2 9 10 .21912 .02491 68 2 2 10 .15864 .02143 m 2 7 9 .18560 .02387 73 2 11 .12615 .02045 71 2 5 7 .15047 .02278 78 I 18 11) .09708 .01943 76 2 3 4 .11742 .02167 83 1 16 6 .06896 .01824 8] 2 11 .08619 .02044 39 14 2 19 7 •40777 .02979 42 12 3 5 4 .43676 .03268 19 2 18 10 .39113 .02942 17 3 4 7 .41998 .03230 24 2 18 .37823 .02901 22 3 3 10 .40600 .03191 29 2 17 1 .36378 .02852 27 3 2 11 .39276 .03146 34 2 15 10 .34643 .02793 32 3 1 1(1 .37678 .03090 39 2 14 .32578 .02723 37 3 5 .35741 .03022 44 2 12 11 .30243 .02644 42 2 18 10 .33444 .02942 49 2 11 2 .27649 .02559 47 2 17 .30875 .02851 54 2 9 5 .24923 .02471 52 2 15 1 .28030 .02754 59 2 7 7 .22024 .02380 57 2 13 1 .25033 .02652 64 2 5 8 .18926 .02285 62 2 10 11 .21817 .02547 69 2 3 9 .15604 .02186 67 2 6 9 .18330 .02437 74 2 1 8 .12309 .02083 72 2 6 (5 .14729 .02323 79 1 19 6 .09351 .01975 77 2 4 1 .11435 .02206 84 1 17 1 .06690 .01855 82 2 1 .08244 .02075 40 10 3 1 11 .42717 .03097 43 13 3 7 2 .44131 .03357 15 3 1 •2 .41189 .03060 18 3 6 5 .42433 .03319 20 3 .-> .39579 .03022 23 3 5 7 .41121 .03279 25 2 19 7 .38310 .02980 28 3 4 8 .39756 .03232 30 2 18 7 .36815 .02929 33 3 3 <; .38101 .03173 35 2 17 4 .35016 .02867 38 3 2 i .36090 .03102 40 2 15 11 .32868 .02794 43 3 4 .33726 .03018 45 2 14 3 .30470 .02712 48 2 IS 6 .31050 .02923 50 2 12 .27777 .02623 53 2 If) 5 .28132 .02820 55 2 10 7 .24981 .02531 58 2 14 3 .25023 .02713 60 2 8 S .21980 .02435 63 2 12 1 .21682 .02602 65 2 6 9 .18758 .02336 68 2 9 9 .18065 .02486 70 2 4 8 .15338 .02232 73 2 7 4 .14386 .02366 75 2 2 6 .12021 .02125 78 2 4 10 .11078 .02241 80 2 3 .08986 .02011 83 2 2 1 .07882 .02102 TABLE XXI. N/// rirm Ju/i Assunm Shownii: the Premium required to lecurc .1 Sum pay a bit un tl e doatli "i I. provided ti,- ill, s u< :• /• • ■ >i . 1 ; nu i" ill-- Northampton Table, ;it :j per Cent At. .1 Au.u.l p«r t rat Aaaaal Prr.- ,-,,„ lor 41. A«. ol . a....: 1 />- A. /;. l*r*a.iw«w '"rata* . d. f. /. 14 U 3 9 1 .44590 .03459 47 19 a i»; 2 19 3 8 3 .49913 .63413 17 1 15 4 - 94 8 7 :. .41657 .03372 22 3 14 7 -I 1 -".» 3 r, ;, .46248 .03322 27 -i 13 :i .43423 34 :i ;, a - .03261 39 a 19 7 41815 i a a :< 36445 i 37 3 11 1 .38907 .03556 u :t a i» .34013 03088 !» 7585 49 a (i .31225 02888 : 47 3 7 .03369 54 -* 17 10 .u_'-. ii 52 a ."» 1 .31845 .63253 59 a 15 7 .25008 .62778 57 3 • » 7 64 1 13 9 .21537 .02660 62 9 19 11 81 i 16 :i .17787 67 - 17 2 .21001 .02857 7 1 J .1 1048 .ii_' 111 72 •_' 14 4 .16008 79 -' :. 7 .16671 .02277 77 8 11 4 .13137 .02568 -4 I J II .07659 .69139 39 ■_' - u .09401 IS 16 8 n in .03590 i,, 1.; . 19 7 1 .03927 u a ii o .45053 .03551 17 :i . 96 8 lo 3 .43435 .03512 16 n 16277 •J.-, A B 5 .42208 .03470 16 H .43860 ;{o :i - i .46755 03418 1 1 in .423/0 .03741 7 l -,i .63354 13 i .40381 in 8 S 8 36805 .03276 11 7 .3800/ 18 s a - .34306 .03183 9 ."> 03470 :..» :i i 7 .31416 53 3 7 n .32077 :.:» J ; 4 » -- - 68 2 16 11 .2414S8 .02840 63 3 1 6 •_■ _' 1 1 :. . . 12722 - 18 - J08O4 76 -' 11 in .17500 .02593 73 •- 15 7.". -* 9 -' 13794 02460 78 - 12 7 -l - _' 8 1 .16247 :i 1 99114 46 II 3 13 11 17IN 11 4 l 1 18821 16 -i 13 1 .45516 19 i ii 3 .47141 21 3 1_' J .4401 1 J 4 8 1:» 26 3 11 8 a 19 6 1 ■ 31 8 in 3 .41278 .03519 .44 17 1 8 !» 1 152 ■ 8 13 !i Ml n a , it 13 in :.- 16 8 .". ii .346U5 8 II , .-.i 8 a a 54 a .i 3 i» in 50 I 61 9 18 i 64 8 8 j 15 g :i 1 • 71 9 13 1 17- 71 • > 17 76 ■-' 16 3 79 > 13 -1 -' 7 1 -i in TABLE XXI. Survivorship Assurances. Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of A, provided he dies before B, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age of A nntia Single Annual Age of f unnal Single Annual A. \B. Premium per Cent. Premium fur £1. Premium for £ I . A. B. per Cent. for.*!!. for MX £. S. d. £. S. d. 50 10 4 4 6 .50891 .04225 53 13 4 12 11 .52703 .04646 15 4 3 9 .49374 .04185 18 4 12 1 .51001 .04604 20 4 2 11 .47767 1 .04145 23 4 11 4 .49788 .04565 25 4 2 1 .4«605 .04104 28 4 10 4 .48562 .04.118 30 4 1 1 .45221 .04052 33 4 9 2 .47045 .04459 35 3 19 9 .435 12 .03987 38 4 7 8 .45145 .04385 40 3 18 2 .41378 i .03907 j 43 4 5 10 •42816 .04292 45 3 16 2 .38868 i .03809 48 4 3 7 .40021 .04178 50 3 13 10 .35853 1 .03691 4 9 .36749 .04039 55 3 11 1 .32541 1 .03556 58 3 17 7 .33030 .03878 60 3 8 1 .28791 1 .03403 63 3 14 .28843 .03700 65 3 5 1 .24758 .03253 i 68 3 10 3 .24189 .03514 70 3 1 11 .20367 .03094 73 3 6 7 .19389 .03327 75 2 18 8 .16054 .02934 78 3 2 10 .15032 .03140 80 2 15 3 .12054 .02763 83 2 18 7 .10745 .02931 51 11 4 7 2 .51514 .04360 54 14 4 16 1 .53300 .04802 16 4 6 5 .49895 .04319 19 4 15 3 .51630 .04761 21 4 5 7 .48417 .04280 24 4 14 5 .50498 .04721 26 4 4 9 .47254 .04236 29 4 13 5 .49240 .04672 31 4 3 8 .45828 .04182 34 4 12 2 .47675 .04610 36 4 2 4 .44058 .04115 i 39 4 10 8 .45703 .04532 41 4 7 .41850 .04031 44 4 8 8 .43318 .04435 46 3 18 7 .39263 .03927 49 4 6 3 .40404 .04314 51 3 16 1 .36154 .03803 54 4 3 4 .37052 .04167 56 3 13 2 .32722 .03660 59 3 19 11 .33179 .03995 61 3 10 1 .28867 .03503 64 3 16 1 .28804 .03806 66 3 6 9 .24605 .03339 69 3 12 2 .23951 .03608 71 3 3 51.20070 .03172 74 3 8 2 .19043 .03410 76 3 1;. 157561. 03004 79 I 3 4 2 .14569 .03209 81 2 16 5 .11617'. 02822 84 2 19 11 .10490 .02996 52 12 4 10 .52108 i .04499 55 10 5 3 .55391 .05011 17 4 9 2 .50425 1 .04457 ! 15 4 19 4 .53896 .04967 22 4 8 5 .490941.04419 20 4 18 7 .52307 .04927 27 4 7 6 .47900 .04373 25 4 17 9 .51226 .04886 32 4 6 4 .46429 .04317 30 4 16 8 .49934 .04834 37 4 4 111.44597 .04246 35 4 15 5 .48319 .04769 42 4 3 2; .42322 .04158 40 4 13 9 .46270 .04688 47 4 1 .39641 .04049 45 4 11 9 .43830 .04586 52 3 18 4 .36450 .03918 50 4 9 2 .40804 .04459 57 3 15 4 .32878 .03766 55 4 6 1 .37357 .04303 62 3 12 .28868 .03599 60 4 2 5 .33323 .04120 67 3 8 6 .24407 .03424 65 3 18 4 .28734 .03918 72 3 4 11 .19734 .03247 70 3 14 2 .23693 .03707 77 3 1 5 .15412 .03071 75 3 9 11 .18710 .03497 82 2 17 6| .11160 .02875 80 3 5 7 .14077 .03280 TABLE XXI. Survivorship iisurtm Showing the Premium required t" -<•■ are i Boa payable on the dealt of i. provided he 7 6 .56807 .05376 17 ."> t; 7 .55110 .05330 82 ."> r> In .53834 .05291 87 :. 4 11 .05247 82 ."> 3 10 .:.l.t71 .05190 37 B • > .". .05119 12 :» ii 7 17171 17 i 1- » .44879 .04917 B2 « 15 6 .41693 .04775 B7 i 12 ii .37976 .04 100 *;j i / In .33596 .04391 87 4 Ii •> .28537 .04159 72 S 18 6 .23126 .03920 77 8 18 B .18090 .03685 B2 8 - - .13119 .03434 58 13 5 11 8 .57472 18 B 10 — .55782 .05529 23 B !» 10 .54639 .05491 28 ."■ - 1 I .53518 .05444 83 .'» 7 B .52115 .05385 88 ."» 6 .) .50330 ,05310 1 . B 4 i i-ll 5 .05217 18 B • < ii 15418 .05099 83 i 19 .42159 .04049 B8 i IS 3 .:i-.'ill .04762 63 i 10 !• .33707 .04538 i B 10 .28400 73 i - 2. 1 .04035 7- 3 l:. - .17723 . 3 In i 12689 1 1: ;.", 1 ; ft 60 fil per t cal. c. 11 .-. 19 5 •_' 1 5 29 5 34 6 39 S U B 1:1 6 s i ;> :»:> 84 88 71 I 4 1 4 7:i 3 -1 :; *. d IB - 14 in 14 1 l.i 1 11 In 10 4 B 1 B In •_' - I- - I . II - 7 a 2 17 9 12 3 in 8 1 1 , 1 ; B I 'i 25 SB 1 ' 15 BO 55 65 7" :, 18 :. 17 B Id B 11 :. 12 B 10 5 6 6 2 I 17 l II I B -11 8 19 in II 8 6 1 16 B l •Jl 8 1 9 26 8 8 ."> 81 8 9 B 96 8 I 11 B 19 1 16 B 17 - B I 9 14 B 96 B I" 10 81 B fl 9 66 B '•' 71 1117 76 1 - B -1 19 " Aaaaal r>i»i.« I'f.raiaai .58152 .05784 .05742 .55464 .64317 .05655 .62876 .05593 .51026 .05515 .48770 .05417 . 15958 .05292 .42634 .05134 .38605 .04934 .33808 .04695 .28260 .04429 .22523 .04157 .1725/ .12449 .03611 .06050 .58849 .0601 1 .57287 .50308 .05930 .55136 .05879 .05814 .51734 .05732 1 r436 .05630 05504 .43120 .05331 .38923 .05117 .28091 .045/6 .16791 .61107 .50532 .58132 .57169 .559/1 54443 .501 16 17132 .4361 I .39243 • .27903 211*811 16249 .06253 06172 .06119 TABLE XXI. Survivorship Assurances. Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of A, provided he dies before B, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age of Annual Single Annual Age of Annual Single Annual A. B. Premium per Ceut. Premium for £\. Premium for ,561. A. B. Premium per Cent. Premium for £1. Premium fur £\. e. *. d. - e. *. d. 62 12 6 11 3 .61889 .06561 65 10 7 10 8 .65695 .07535 17 6 10 3 .60241 .06511 15 7 9 7 .64308 .07480 22 6 9 5.50028 .06472 20 7 8 8 .62784 .07435 27 6 8 7.58050 .06430 25 7 8 .61920 .07398 32 6 7 6.56825 .00375 30 7 7 .60899 .07350 37 6 6 li. 55249 .08303 i 35 7 5 9 .59587 .07286 42 6 4 3 .53231 .06214 40 7 4 1 .57855 .07205 47 6 2 0.50806 .06101 j 45 7 2 1 .55766 .07103 52 5 19 lj. 47770 .05956 50 6 19 6 .53073 .069/3 57 5 15 4| .44118 .05766 i 55 6 16 1 .49904 .06804 62 5 10 5 .39563 .05520 i 60 6 1 6 .45822 .06574 67 5 4 6 .33964 .05223 65 6 5 5 .40576 .06270 72 4 17 11 .27697 .04894 70 5 18 .34127 .05901 77 4 11 3 .21708 .04561 j 75 5 10 .27259 .05498 82 4 4 2 .15743 .04210 t 80 5 15 .20600 .05070 63 13 6 16 10 .62630 .Ofj'843 66 11 7 18 .66634 .07898 18 6 15 11 .61023 .06794 1 16 7 16 10 .65122 .07S42 23 6 15 2 .59985 .06759 ! 21 7 16 •63777 .07800 28 6 14 3 .58971 .06712 26 7 15 3 .62943 .07761 33 6 13 1 .57718 .06654 ' 31 7 14 3 .61906 .07711 38 6 11 7 .56094 .06580 36 7 12 11 .60564 .07645 43 6 9 9 54048 .064S6 41 7 11 2 .58791 .07560 48 6 7 4 .51534 .06368 46 7 9 1 .56666 .07454 53 6 4 4 .48452 .06215 51 7 6 4 .53931 .07318 58 6 3 .44661 .06013 56 7 2 9 .50680 .07139 63 5 15 .39895 .05750 | 61 6 17 11 .46447 .06894 68 5 8 7 .34017 .05430 66 6 11 4 .40926 .06568 73 5 1 7 .27521 .05078 71 6 3 6 .34196 .06173 78 4 14 4 .21411 .04718 76 5 14 10 .27236 .05742 83 |4 6 10 .15327 .04341 81 5 5 6 .20220 .05275 64 14 ! 7 2 11 .63490 .07147 67 12 8 5 10 .67552 .08290 19 7 2 .61866 .07100 17 ,848 .65964 .08233 24 7 1 3 .60920 .07062 22 8 3 11 .64827 .08194 29 ;7 4 .59913 .07016 : ri 8 3 1 .63988 .08154 34 |6 19 1 .58631 .06955 32 i 8 2 1 .6293/ ;08102 39 i 6 17 7 .56953 .06877 37 ,8 8 .61561 .08033 44 6 15 7 .54884 .06780 42 7 18 11 .59762 .07945 49 6 13 1 .52274 .06655 47 7 14 8 .57588 .07734 54 j6 9 11 .49153 .06495 52 7 13 10 .54833 .07693 59 6 5 7 .45217 j .06279 , 57 7 10 1 .51481 .07504 64 5 19 11 .40229 i .05990 62 7 4 10 .47095 .07242 69 5 13 1 .34058 .05652 i 67 6 17 10 .41277 .06891 74 5 5 6 .27353 .05274 72 6 9 4 j .34271 .06468 79 4 17 8 .21006 .04882 77 6 2 .27208 .06007 84 4 9 9 .15133 .04489 82 5 10 C .19861 ! .05501 TABLE XXI. i oivoraftip AssurarKes. Showing tlw Premium required i" leeara .1 Sum payable on the death ,i i, provided be dies b B, according lb the Northampton I ible, a< 3 i ■• i i- nt. Arawl Prr»>iB t -• kfot Annajl rnaiHB 1. tar 41. i i. /;. . l«l 1 ,. ,/. . - I | 1 68471 .0871-1 71 11 in :. 7 72.". 11 1 1- 8 13 2 .66801 .08059 16 10 ! 1 71163 10218 8 12 5 .03HU7 ' 21 lo ;i t ! .1017:1 28 s ii 7 .65050 .ii~:.- 1 26 lo -j | 69201 .10187 33 8 lo i; .63988 31 lo i || 16 .10091 8 :» l .62577 in Q 7 1 , .10030 B 7 3 .60771 41 :» 19 1 .65715 18 8 4 11 .58526 .08247 it; 9 17 ' S3 8 2 o .55761 .08100 :.i 9 14 1 .61498 .09718 58 7 18 ii .52306 .07900 56 9 11 i Hi 09550 63 ; 1- :. .47736 .07620 6] 8 t; i M918 09311 68 7 4 lo .41630 .0?243 66 8 in :•■< 6 15 10 .34359 .06791 71 - In 1 78 6 ;. n .27132 7<; 7 19 ■- 10 .07959 ."> 15 1 .21708 .05754 -1 7 8 I 69 11 U 3 99176 11 12 lo 17 : 19 B •_' 5 .67816 17 lo 16 1 .72052 .1 24 9 1 9 .66985 .09086 22 LO 18 -i .71008 .10766 2<.» i» (I 10 .66137 09043 27 1" l ' jo.ll'.i .10729 :j» 8 19 '.) .65056 .08987 :i2 in l.i 8 .69461 .10682 :io s ]- :\ .63608 .08912 :i7 1" 12 J .68328 .10618 ii B It; i .61900 .08818 12 1" In 8 .66802 .10534 IS B 13 11 .59478 .08697 17 1" - - 1 '12- :.i s in 11 .5671 1 .08544 52 1" :.l •;". .10295 .-.7 1" •-' • 2 lolly 64 8 ii 7.1- f,j 9 17 • 1 .55821 .09864 »;:» 7 12 7 41984 07628 67 9 '.» 10 .50297 .o ;j 7 •-' 11 .344/6 .07145 72 :» o i 17 .H'.HHhl 79 6 12 2 26940 06607 77 - - 161 08420 84 6 on .21411 .00047 82 7 1 » .' » l .07783 70 in 9 11 8 71527 73 is ii io 1 74408 11. '.11 » 15 '•> 13 *; 7"2-l 1- 11 Bill 72975 .11442 20 :» 12 6 68822 23 M B 1 .72117 111"'. 9 11 lo .68087 .09591 -- ll 7 1 71 183 11867 80 ;> in 1 1 .<•: . 83 ll t; ;i il.fl- 85 9 y !» .66139 .09487 : i B 1 .69416 .11251 III '.» 8 2 .64650 i. ll 8 1 .11165 »:. :» «; :t <: . »- U 1 198 .1 1065 60 8 fl ':"i' ; ' « * i * 1 — • 53 l" 1- .".."i '.» (i ii 57091 .0902*5 58 In 11 - B 16 o .54027 .08800 .. In ;i 10459 8 9 7 .49029 .08478 ■ ;- In l 10062 n - ii 11 I B In 75 7 in .07533 - l- ,1-11 2 .. - J6I TABLE XXII. Showing the Value of £100 Policy on a Single Life, at the end of any number of years (not exceeding 48) from the date of the Insurance, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age when 1 Year. 4 Years. 5 Years. 6 Years. Age 2 Years. 3 Years. when Assured. 1 Assured. 14 1.0305 2.0934 3.1353 4.1187 5.0400 5.9134 14 15 1.0739 2.1267 3.1204 4.0513 4.9337 5.7454 15 16 1.0642 2.0687 3.0094 3.9017 4.7222 5.5034 16 17 1.0153 1.9664 2.8680 3.6973 4.4870 5.2911 17 18 .9609 1.8718 2.7096 3.5073 4.3196 5.1470 18 19 .9197 1.7657 2.5711 3.3913 4.2267 5.0777 19 20 .8538 1.6667 2.4946 3.3377 4.1966 5.0717 20 21 .8200 1.6549 2.5053 3.3716 4.2542 5.1533 21 22 .8418 1.6993 2.5727 3.4625 4.3692 5.2923 22 23 .8647 1.7455 2.6429 3.5573 4.4891 5.4389 23 24 .8885 1.7937 2.7161 3.6560 4.6141 5.5909 24 25 .9133 1.8440 2.7923 3.7590 4.7445 5.7494 25 26 .9392 1.8963 2.8719 3.8665 4.8806 5.9148 26 27 .9662 1.9511 2.9551 3.9788 5.0228 6.0877 27 28 .9945 2.0083 3.0420 4.0962 5.1715 6.2686 28 29 1.0240 2.0681 3.1329 4.2190 5.3271 6.4579 29 30 1.0549 2.1307 3.2280 4.3476 5.4901 6.6562 30 31 1.0873 2.1963 3.3278 4.4825 5.6610 6.8642 31 32 1.1212 2.2652 3.4325 4.6240 5.8404 7.0826 32 33 1.1569 2.3375 3.5425 4.7727 6.0290 7.3122 33 34 1.1944 2.4135 3.6581 4.9291 6.2273 7-5537 34 35 1.2339 2.4935 3.7798 5.0937 6.4362 7.7823 35 36 1.2754 2.5778 3.9081 5.2673 6.6303 7-9957 36 37 1.3192 2.6667 4.0435 5.4240 6-8071 8.1912 37 38 1.3655 2.7607 4.1597 5.5613 6.9640 8.3938 38 39 1.4145 2.8329 4.2538 5.6760 7-1250 8.6034 39 40 1.4387 2.8801 4.3226 5.7930 7-2920 8-8206 40 41 1.4624 2.9260 4.4178 5.9388 7-4896 9.0712 41 42 1.4853 2.9993 4.5428 6.1166 7-7217 9.3590 42 43 1.5368 3.1036 4.7011 6.3304 7-9924 9-6880 43 44 1.5912 3.2137 4.8684 6.5563 8.2784 10.0042 44 45 1.6487 3.3302 5.0454 6.7953 8.5490 10.2722 45 46 1.7096 3.4536 5.2328 7-0160 8-7680 10.5160 46 47 1.7743 3.5844 5.3986 7.1811 8-9595 10.7642 47 48 1.8429 3.6898 5.5046 7.3150 9.1524 11.0166 48 49 1.8816 3.7305 5.5749 7.4467 9.3460 11.2723 49 50 1.8843 3.7641 5.6718 7.6074 9.5707 11.5615 50 51 1.9159 3.8603 5.8331 7.8341 9.8631 11.9195 51 52 1.9824 3.9937 6.0338 8.1024 10.1990 12.3230 52 53 2.0520 4.1334 6.2438 8.3828 10.5497 12.7439 53 54 2.1250 4.2796 6.4634 8.6758 10.9158 13.1825 54 55 2.2014 4.4326 6.6930 8.9817 11.2976 13.6391 55 56 2.2815 4.5927 6.9330 9.3009 11.6951 14.1136 56 57 2.3653 4.7601 7-1833 9.6335 12.1084 14.6533 57 58 2.4529 4.9348 7.4443 9.9792 12.5857 15.2186 58 59 2.5444 5.1169 7-7155 10.3876 13.0867 15.8615 59 60 2.6397 5.3062 8.0480 10.8176 13.6647 16.5406 60 61 2.7387 5.5549 8.3996 11.3240 14.2778 17-2573 61 62 2.8955 5.8203 8.8270 11.8640 14.9273 18.0118 62 TABLE XXII. Bft»frimj tbC \ alur of t'liMl Polioi OH • BlSgfa lifi , tl Ihc nul ..1 ;ui\ nuini.ti ■>!" rean (not exceeding 18 IroMtM 'lit- of the Ims onling lo the NertlnUiptoo Table, .u :i pec Ceot •kill i B 1 1 ar-. li r«M AM.rc.l. 6.7167 II II 7 1816 9.0537 I.". 6.6182 7.3052 8.1068 9.7552 15 i<; 7.1092 ; 9344 8.7755 9.6322 10.5053 it; 17 6.1100 6.9443 7-7943 8.6601 9 5427 16 lu- 17 l- 5.9698 6 8485 7.7233 8.6140 9.5236 10.4501 18 1!) 5.9448 7.7283 8.6458 ;*.;.M.i 10.5351 19 80 ;».!)(;:; 1 6.8717 B.7420 9.7046 10.6864 20 •_M . 7.9561 8.9271 9.9173 10.9273 21 9Q 7.1951 B.1741 9.1726 10.1910 11.2300 _'•' i"i 6.4072 7.3945 8.401 1 9 1286 10.4763 1 1 .."> J.V. 83 •_»< » ; . ."v ^ ♦ ; -> 7.6025 B.6384 9.6954 10.7740 11.8749 24 •_>:. 6.7741 7.8194 B.8859 9.9741 11.0849 1 •_».•_' 189 •_'.-. 86 8.0460 14.144.1 10.2654 11.4098 12.5785 :.'»; 87 71 71-' 8.2829 l».414t; 10.5699 11.7497 12.9548 an -i •_•- 9.697^ L0.8887 18.1055 13.3488 88 7.6120 8.7904 9.9936 11.2227 12.4784 13.7376 9.0624 10.3042 11.6729 12.8451 14.1197 .«» :n 9.3479 10.6302 LI .9160 L 3.2041 14.49 ■ 31 aa - 351 I 10.9477 L2.2500 13.5534 14.8816 aa 83 8.6232 9.9379 11.2550 L25731 13.9167 15.2865 34 10.2162 11.5498 12.9091 1 1.2949 15.7080 34 88 9.1300 10.4806 11.8564 13.2589 1 1.6890 16.1 175 86 :• 3622 10.7552 12.1753 13.6233 15.1000 16 6064 80 87 0.6023 L 1.0407 12.5074 14.0032 l 5.5291 i 17.0857 87 :<- 11.3378 12.8536 1 1.3998 15.9773 17.5583 88 10.1103 11.6471 13.2147 1 ) g] 16 16.4166 17 :>:»l^ 89 4<» 10.3791 11.9695 13.5918 15.2177 16.8152 1- (090 10 41 10.6845 12.3305 13.9801 15 6009 17-2180 41 12 11.0294 12.7035 1 I 3484 15.9894 17.6548 19 3445 18 4:* 11.3873 13.0570 I » 7228 16.4133 18.1285 ».f 44 11.7IHM) 13.3917 15.1086 18.6175 20 1091 it Ifi 11.9914 13.7360 15 .""''.I 17.:i"Ut; 19.1221 i:. i»; 12 2899 1 1.0897 15.9153 17.7663 19.6424 21 ."-» .1 Ifl 17 12.5954 14.4527 16.3359 1- 2447 20.1784 17 18 12.9075 1 » 8247 16 :>■:■■> 18 7366 20.72914 £2 746* M i.' 17 2109 19.2416 21 2964 i.' 10 13.5792 15 6232 19.7871 21 9045 24 "i ... r.ii :»i 1 I 0028 16.1122 18.2466 20 1047 22.5846 Jl 8261 :,i :>■_* 1 i 1736 16 6497 1- 84914 21 0724 23.3577 88 :».i 1 » 9840 17-2087 21 8077 24 1628 26 5.840 88 :.i 15 1743 17 7892 20.1695 225740 25 0459 :.i 1i;.imh:i 18 i 164 28 U'JUi :,.; 16.6004 19.1124 21.6948 ;.<; .-.; 17.2239 87 88 17.9253 20.65142 23.4168 26 19 31 7785 ;,:» i- »;•;»_' 21.4912 24 3377 27 1977 :«».ihl«» :»;• .•„, 19 1114 - .71 31.1719 ..1 M-.|- 80 •;i 20.2573 23.2715 26 291 » 214 3058 81 aa 21.1109 J 4 2158 27.3151 30.3934 68 TABLE XXII. Showing the Value of £100 Policy on a Single Life, at the end of any number of years (not exceeding 48) from the date of the Insurance, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age when Assured. 13 Years. 14 Years. 15 Years. 16 Years. 17 Years. 1 8 Years. ■ Age when Assured 14 11.5239 12.3788 13.2501 14.1384 15.0442 15.9679 14 15 11.4664 12.3468 13.2444 14.1596 15.0929 16.0449 15 1(5 11.3953 12.3026 13.2277 14.1712 15.1335 16.1153 16 17 11.3593 12.2944 13.2480 14.2207 15.2131 16.2258 17 18 11.3948 12.3582 13.3408 14.3434 15.3665 16.4107 18 19 11.5079 12.5001 13.5123 14.5454 15.5997 16.6762 19 20 11.6878 12.7095 13.7522 14.8163 15.9028 17.0122 20 21 11.9578 13 0094 14.0827 15.1786 16.2975 17.4405 21 22 12.2902 13.3724 14.4773 15.6055 16.7579 17.9354 22 23 12.6369 13.7512 14.8890 16.0512 17.2386 18.4294 23 24 12.9989 14.1466 15.3190 16.5168 17-7179 18.9212 24 25 13.3770 14.5598 15.7684 16.9802 18.1943 19.4094 25 26 13.7723 14.9920 16.2150 17.4403 18.6665 19.9165 26 27 14.1860 15.4206 16.6575 17.8954 19.1572 20.4436 27 28 14.5955 15.8444 17-0944 18.3685 19.6674 20.9919 28 29 14.9991 16.2616 17-5485 18.8605 20.1983 21.5626 29 30 15.3953 16.6955 18.0210 19.3727 20.7511 22.1572 30 31 15.8074 17.1471 18.5131 19.9062 21.3273 22.7772 31 32 16.2363 17.6173 19.0258 20.4625 21.9283 23.3973 32 33 16.6832 18.1076 19.5606 21.0430 22.5287 23.9884 33 34 17.1491 18.6191 20.1188 21.6219 23.0987 24.5721 34 35 17-6353 19.1532 20.6744 22.1691 23.6603 25.1736 35 36 18.1432 19.6835 21.1968 22.7066 24.2389 25.7935 36 37 18.6459 20.1788 21.7081 23.2601 24.8349 26.4321 37 38 19.1117 20.6614 22.2342 23.8300 25.4486 27.0898 38 39 19.5631 21.1576 22.7755 24.4165 26.0804 27.7668 39 40 20.0264 21.6675 23.3320 25.0198 26.7304 28.4634 40 41 20.5240 22.2128 23.9253 25.6609 27.4192 29.1995 41 42 21.0584 22.7963 24.5576 26.3420 28.1487 29.9769 42 43 21.6322 23.4202 25.2315 270654 28.9212 30.7975 43 44 22.2249 24.0645 25.9271 27-8118 29.7173 31.6422 44 45 22.8366 24.7293 26.6445 28.5809 30.53(!9 32.5483 45 46 23.4675 25.4148 27-3836 29.3724 31.4174 33.4831 46 47 24.1175 26.1206 28.1440 30.2245 32.3261 34.4867 47 48 24.7861 26.8460 28.9642 31.1037 33.3033 35.5250 48 49 25.4725 27.6305 29.8102 32.0511 34.3145 36.5975 49 50 26.2426 28.4642 30.7480 33.0548 35.3816 37.7245 50 51 27.0904 29.4181 31.7691 34.1407 36.5286 38.9277 51 52 28.0394 30.4364 32.8542 35.2887 37.7348 40.1854 52 53 29.0295 31.4962 33.9800 36.4755 38.9757 41.4713 53 54 30.0610 32.5969 35.1446 37.6972 40.2452 42.7758 54 55 31.1335 33.7366 36.3446 38.9478 41.5334 44.0839 55 56 32.2450 34.9117 37-5736 40.2173 42.8253 45.3727 56 57 33.3921 36.1161 38.8216 41.4904 44.0973 46.6072 57 58 34.5685 37-3395 40.0730 42.7431 45.3138 47.7329 54 59 35.7639 38.5661 41.3033 43.9386 46.4186 48.8920 59 60 36.9622 39.7709 42.4750 45.0197 47.5576 50.1502 60 61 38.1379 40.9153 43.5291 46.1358 48.7987 51.6132 61 62 39.2516 41.9389 44.6190 47.3569 50.2507 53.1478 62 TABLE XXII. Sfcpriag ilir \ .iluc ol CltMl Policj no .1 Siqgk) Life, it tl»< , i,,| ,,| an) DUluhcr dI' \ I nut . \. . . .In a I- Ii.hii the date "I td, [qsqi i according i<> the NFortJianiptoo tabic, *l .'i pej Cent A,. >%b*n 11 15 hi i; 18 l:» ■_'.» J I m .'* m m :u> M .{•_' m m Ml .«; BJ •i- 40 n -»•-' §8 44 i:, t»; »; i- :>•_' 63 :.i ;.<; ..; ..- :,:» 00 til 12 » Vmrii. 2 I \ . ... ^. 22 Yean 23 Yean. hi :>|•_< a 26.5093 24 27.2170 28 u'7.!i_ , -J 96 28.6158 -'. 29.3004 28 30.0058 29 30.7328 90 31.4819 :u 32 :u 34 7094 36 35.5758 90 36.4661 37.3800 88 38.3513 39.3503 in in 1295 ii 11.5592 a a ■ ii 15.2012 15 16 17-7715 17 IO.0SOU IS : | 51 6885 80 52 971 1 51 54 1738 59 55.4051 :,.. 56.?217 -.1 58 2127 59 "603 61 2509 81 66 ir7«i TABLE XXII. Showing the Value of £100 Policy on a Single Life, at the end of any number of years (not exceeding 48) from the date of the Insurance, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Age when Assured. 25 Years. 26 Years. 27 Years. 28 Years. 29 Years. 30 Years A*« when Assured. 14 22.9858 24.0751 25.1675 26.2618 27.3571 28.4735 14 15 23.2846 24.3883 25.4941 j 26.6007 27.7287 28.8787 15 16 23.5674 24.6852 25.8039 1 26.9441 28.1066 29.2919 16 17 23.8750 25.0057 26.1582 27.3333 28.5313 29.7532 17 18 24.2360 25.4009 26.5880 27.7983 29.0327 30.2919 18 19 24.6772 25.8757 27.0978 28.3442 29.6155 30.9127 19 20 25.1876 26.4211 27.6790 28.9622 30.2714 31.5834 20 21 25.7875 27.0563 ; 28.3505 29.6709 30.9943 32.2945 21 22 26.4532 27.7581 29.0895 30.4237 31.7347 33.0426 22 23 27.1448 28.4874 29.8330 31.1551 32.4742 33.8128 23 24 27.8637 29.2210 30.5507 j 31.8852 33.2355 34.6055 24 25 28.5865 29.9321 31.2745 J 32.6369 34.0192 35.4213 25 26 29.2863 30.6411 32.0160 33.4111 34.8261 36.2608 26 27 29.9835 31.3715 32.7797 34.2081 35.6565 37.1244 27 28 30.7019 32.1239 33.5663 35.0287 36.5110 38.0127 28 29 31.4421 i 32.8989 34.3761 35.8733 37.3901 38.9258 29 30 32.2047 ! 33.6972 35.2098 36.7423 38.2939 39.8640 30 31 32.9903 1 34.5191 36.0679 37.6361 39.2228 40.8272 31 32 33.7993 35.3651 36.9505 ; 38.5547 40.1767 41.8152 32 33 34.6322 36.2356 37.8580 ! 39.4984 41.1554 42.8592 33 34 35.4892 37.1306 38.7902 40.4666 42.1904 43.9316 34 35 36.3707 38.0503 39.7470 41.4915 43.2538 45.0655 35 36 37.2764 38.9942 40.7606 42.5449 44.3792 46.2320 36 37 38.2061 39.9953 41.8027 43.6607 45.5374 47.4303 37 38 39.1932 41.0246 42.9075 44.8093 46.7275 48.6590 38 39 40.2082 42.1171 44.0452 45.9900 47.9483 49.9158 39 40 41.2866 43.2423 45.2151 47.2014 49.1972 51.1967 40 41 42.4138 44.4153 46.4307 48.4556 50.4843 52.5093 41 42 43.5904 45.6357 47.6906 49.7494 51.8045 53.8456 42 43 44.8160 46.9019 48.9918 51.0778 53.1497 55.1934 43 44 46.0732 48.1956 50.3142 52.4184 54.4941 56.5217 44 45 47-3580 49.5108 51.6491 53.7583 55.8186 57.8023 45 46 48.6643 50.8385 52.9831 55.0780 57.0949 58.9929 46 47 49.9834 52.1653 54.2966 56.3486 58.2796 ! 60.2054 47 48 51.3013 53.4711 55.5601 57.5260 59.4866 61.4895 48 49 52.5975 54.7258 56.7286 58.7260 60.7665 62.9230 49 50 53.8575 55.8987 57.9345 60.0141 62.2121 64.4126 50 51 55.0518 57.1260 59.2462 61.4864 63.7292 65.8696 51 52 58.2891 58.4501 60.7341 63.0207 65.2029 67-2910 52 53 57.609S 59.9399 62.2728 64.4992 66.6295 68.5790 53 54 59.1007 61.4824 63.7554 65.9304 67.9207 69.4395 54 55 60:0462 62.9085 65.1907 67.2243 68.7760 70.2048 55 56 62.1350 64.4071 66.4805 68.0732 69.5342 70.8664 56 57 63.5761 65.7040 67.3278 68.8229 70.1862 71.4733 57 58 64.8732 66.5363 68.0676 69.4640 70.7823 71.9038 58 59 65.6948 67.2646 68.6961 70.0476 711973 72.7534 59 60 60.4100 67.8788 69.2656 70.4454 72.0421 74.0684 60 61 67.0079 68.4328 69.6440 71.2841 73.3653 76.1644 61 62 67.5434 68.7893 70.4755 72.6153 75.4933 78.5384 62 TABLE XXII. shmnu- the \ alii.- ( >i £108 Pobcj "ii ■ Single Life, »i the end i I number ol years not exeeediai 48 from tbi date ol x I . • foaim aoot i .iiiiu i" the Northampton Fable, at ■'* p ■ Cent. 1* ■fMa 111 . i - n ^' ■"- | 33 Veara.1 S4Y< i -. .'•< 1 ■• M Vt»r». »b.n 1 J 31.9557 A.iurrd J:»»;il6 721 33.1630 34.349/ 11 Ifl ; ,ii.n.-i 13 31.2472 32 1670 33.711*; 34.9589 36.1844 k; 30.5006 31.7339 •'•- 34.2528 35 1916 36.7270 i«; 17 32.2712 33.5456 34.7977 36.0470 37.314/ 17 18 .> 1 5 7 ' '• ■ 32.8640 34.1290 35.3910 36.6718 37.9713 i- Ifl 32.2126 33.4899 34.7642 36.0574 37.3695 38.7004 £j n 34.1586 33 36.7882 38.1314 39.4934 91 33.5917 34.9081 36.2438 37.5986 - 9723 10.3646 ji aa 34.3700 35.7167 37.0827 38.4678 39.8716 11.2938 22 - 35.1709 36.5485 37.9454 39.3611 ■ ! 42.2476 23 24 35.9061 37.4ml ••- 10.2790 41.7438 1 ■ -- ' U H 38.2838 39.7436 41.2216 12.7171 14.2292 23 - 377130 ... 1882 W.6798 12.1891 43.7152 (5.2567 26 87 38.61 16 10.1174 41.6410 43.1815 44.7377 46.3377 87 88 39.5332 41.0717 12.6272 14.1985 15.8142 47.4463 28 81 10 1798 42.0509 43.6380 45.2699 16.9184 18.6131 88 4 1. 47. 14 43.0549 14.7037 46.3692 18.0813 19.8109 ;u 42.4478 44.1142 47.5279 49.2758 51.0388 88 43.4999 45.2016 it;.:/.-, ii 18.7182 50.5006 52.2953 32 88 14.5803 48.1366 49.9393 51J544 53.5780 :<3 34 15.7*216 47.5297 19.3533 51.1897 53.0347 "' : 34 35 18.7411 50.5996 52.4669 54.3377 56.2051 38 88 IvllMI^ 49.9825 :.l 8731 53.7673 55.6580 57-5359 88 37 49.3363 51.2514 53.1700 55 0852 56 :>-7l 58.8637 87 8B " 52.5440 ."■4 4-47 56.4123 58.3138 60.1711 - 8| 51.8870 53 8546 :,:. 8089 .">7.73i>7 59.6197 61.4327 in 53.1925 55. 17 1- 57.1303 59.0404 60.8793 62 in 41 51 5204 .'it;. .- ( ti4.-, 58 u::< (;<».:,. 62.0641 63.8153 41 4 i 57-8257 59.7192 61.5011 63.2781 65.0937 [■: 4.1 67-1898 59.1119 60.9207 62.7246 64.5673 66.5151 O 11 58 17 .7 60.3 [07 62 1 128 64 mil 125 67.9729 u II 59.6690 61.5307 63.4325 65 1426 67.4550 69.3756 g Ifl 60.8858 62.8195 64 66.9094 M 47 62.1728 64.2521 68.3206 70.2216 71.9612 17 1- <\:i.f,< 65 7258 67-7483 69.6837 71 1548 72.8063 18 88 i;:>. ii 822 57 i 128 88.11 15 70 9188 1 ' 1 18 88 66.5127 '- 70 3612 71 7644 ■ 1 74.2347 M :.i 67-9177 69.7919 71 2222 72.5390 73.7399 7 1 :,1 Ifl 60 2019 7U »u,(Hi . ! . .VJ H , J] Pil 72.6S54 - 17 :.» 70.8380 72.1132 73.3171 74.3414 :,i ;.:> 71 5078 72J378 73 7843 . -" 79.4154 88 72.1242 73.1942 : 5674 87 72.5684 71 0504 81.1371 B4 1620 88 73.4218 - 83 77- :.:. 74.7282 il 8U 1943 -3 3710 m lov fl8 ; 7'.'.«;77-J - tW 161»2 90 7213 81 79.1262 1742 -"• 1 B0 V 81 88 - -i 9470 :*> 201 1 88 I. 2 TABLE XXII. Showing the Value of £100 Policy on a Single Life, at the end of any number of years (not exceeding 48) from the date of the Insurance, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. Ape when Assured. 37 Years. 38 Years. 39 Years. 40 Years. 1 41 Years 42 Years Age when Assured. 14 36.8421 38.0521 39.2802 40.5261 ! 41.7399 43.0714 14 15 37.4071 38.6479 39.9069 41.1838 42.4786 43.7909 15 16 37.9819 39.2545 40.5453 41.8542 43.1807 44.5246 16 17 38.6011 39.9057 41.2287 42.5695 , 43.9279 45.3033 17 18 39.2S94 40.6259 41.9805 43.3528 ' 44.7423 46.1482 18 19 40.0499 41.41/6 42.8032 44.2062 45.6258 47.0611 19 20 40.8738 42.2723 43.6883 45.1210 46.5697 ! 48.0330 20 21 41.7752 43.2033 44.6485 46.1096 47.5855 49.1032 21 22 42.7338 44.1908 45.6641 47.1522 48.0824 50.2281 22 23 43.7170 45.2027 46.7035 48.2467 49.8055 51.4080 23 24 44.7248 46.2386 47.7953 49.3677 50.9842 S 52.6169 24 25 45.7567 47.3273 48.9138 50.5447 52.1921 53.8538 25 26 46.8418 48.4429 50.0889 .51.7514 53.4284 55.1170 26 27 47.9541 49.6157 51.2940 52.9869 54.6914 56.4041 27 28 49.1214 50.8188 52.5282 54.2494 55.9787 57 7113 28 29 50.3248 52.0513 53.7898 55.5366 1 57.28(36 59.0334 29 30 51.5553 53.3118 55.0765 56.8446 58.6095 60.3624 30 31 52.8U0 54.5976 56.3845 58.1682 59.9398 61.6874 31 32 54.0985 55.9051 57-7084 59.4995 61.2662 62.9921 32 33 55.4051 57.2288 59.0402 60.8270 j 62.5724 64.2528 33 34 56.7282 58.560S 60.3685 62.1343 | 63.8344 65.4343 34 35 58.0599 59.8894 61.6766 63.3972 65.0164 66.6313 35 36 59.3884 61.1978 62.9400 04.5794 06.2144 67.8847 36 37 60.6966 62.4612 64.1218 65.7779 67.4698 69.2580 37 38 61.9594 63.6422 6.1.3204 67.0349 68.8470 70.6612 38 39 63.1388 64.8403 66.5785 68.4157 70.2550 72.0103 39 40 64.3359 66.0990 67.9625 69.8282 71.6087 j 73.3124 40 41 65.6041 67.4949 69.3878 71.1943 72.9228 74.5047 41 42 67.0124 68.9335 70.7668 72.5210 74.1263 75.3513 42 43 68.4651 70.3260 72.1067 73.7362 74.9797 76.1246 43 44 69.8629 71.6713 73.3263 74.5892 75.7519 76.8123 44 45 71.2132 72.8950 74.1783 75.3599 76.4374 77.4546 45 46 72.4406 73.7454 74.9468 76.0424 77.0767 , 77.9566 46 47 73.2887 74.5110 75.6257 76.6779 77.5732 78.7848 47 48 74 0506 75.1854 76.2567 77.1681 78.4016 79.9670 48 49 74.7195 75.8109 76.7394 77.9961 79.5909 81.7358 49 50 75.3470 76.2934 77.5742 79.1995 81.3855 83.6985 50 51 75.8381 77.1435 78.8000 81.0280 83.3854 86.0503 51 52 76.6970 78.3859 80.6574 83.0609 85.7778 88.1191 52 53 77.948S 80.2662 82.7183 , 85.4902 87.8788 90.1947 53 54 79.8528 82.3562 85.1862 87.6248 89.9893 91.9445 54 55 81.9732 84.8646 87.3562 89.7719 91.7696 55 56 84.5239 87.0715 89.5417 | 91.5843 56 57 86.7697 89.2975 91.3878 I 57 58 89.0382 91.1792 | 58 59 90.9574 59 TABLE XXII. Ohowing ii>> Value "i t"liH> Policj "ii .1 Single Life, ii the ead of ■■] uuiniiri ii yean pot exceeding 18 from the date of the Ihhmn, aeoordlog t" ill- Northampton Table, .it 8 pa Coal A*. • km . K.. - It 41. .171 1_* 15 45.1204 16 »."» .885 4 17 16.6050 18 IT 5698 is 18JH in •JO 1 1 ^ . u 1 1 ^ i .ii -. . 88 88 M J.". M 87 88 31 3-.' S3 34 8f 96 87 38 SB 40 4T IS 43 44 18 41; 47 u 4:» M :,i . 68 88 50.636: ;. i . s i 7 1 53.0266 54.2638 ;>."i.. "»_•»;:( 56.8135 58.1 198 58 1408 60.7683 62.0015 63.3044 64.6536 65.8342 670298 68.2809 69.6500 71.0488 72.3925 73.6899 74.3715 75.7118 78 1798 77.1687 77.8134 78.3201 79.1 175 80.3224 84 0O62 86.3131 88.3467 90.3891 92.1098 17 2623 18.1020 49.0057 50 0018 51.0576 52.2122 53.4821 5 » 6592 55.9220 572079 58 5133 9.8326 81.1585 62.4797 83.7806 65.0379 66.2173 67.4113 68.6598 70.0245 71.4176 72.7567 74 0492 75.2269 76.0612 76.8232 77 6078 78 1543 78 6650 79.4913 BO 6588 82.3904 84*3000 86 5707 88 5662 90 5732 17.0188 17.8287 1- (1544 19.5234 50 1822 51.5078 52.6202 53.8040 55.0409 56.3032 57.5888 58 8922 60.8099 61.5337 62.8529 64.1515 65.4067 66.5846 87-7767 69.0224 70.3825 71-7701 73.1042 74.3915 7"' ."> I !.")_' 76.3998 77.1666 78 1788 79.8177 -«| 9777 B2.6916 -I 5785 86 3182 88 781 i :mi 7508 92.41 u 18.3663 49.2058 50.0606 50 9850 51.9737 53 0559 64.1884 55.4096 66.6711 57.9549 59.8574 60.5733 61.8860 63.8118 65.7610 66.9371 68.1270 69.3697 70.7252 72.1073 73.4360 74.7181 7o.8S7ti 76 7221 77.4798 78.1556 78.7935 79.3048 80.1878 81.2804 82.9769 -1 8422 87.0520 90 9248 1 7 ^ . «r». 4H Yoiri. 50.5970 51.5066 68.4613 53.5070 64.6196 65.7903 57.0263 59.6097 68.9236 62.2430 i>3. ~>~>J'.i 64.8509 66.1015 67 2756 68.4632 69.7029 71.0534 72.4300 73.7533 75.0301 76.1951 770292 77 7873 78.4646 79 0986 79.6076 B0.4230 81.5681 83.2477 85.0921 87-2734 89.1835 81.0921 51.1081 52.0274 52.9672 55.0557 56.1968 58.6507 59 9497 61.2615 62.5785 63.8901 »;:> 1810 66.4290 67.6011 <;-.7-<;i 70.0223 71-3682 72.7391 74.0570 75.3283 76 1888 77 3222 78.0803 78.7586 79.3943 79.9010 -ii 7093 81.8418 83.5052 85.3293 87.4832 91 -'."'Hi 92 8319 14 16 1'! 17 18 1!» 88 _'l 88 83 ■24 •_'.'. 86 87 88 88 .■(it 81 88 38 .■{1 86 38 87 38 38 40 41 18 18 44 IS M 17 18 60 si POSTSCRIPT. The premiums charged for Survivorship Assurances, by most of the Offices which ground their calculations upon the Northampton rate of mortality, have been deduced by means of an approximating Formula, which in some cases produces results widely different from the correct premiums given by Table xxi. The Law Life Assurance has, however, adopted the correct premiums, and it is no credit to any Office now to adhere to a method of computation which could only be tolerated in the infancy of the science, or when the want of Tables rendered it necessary to employ such loose approximations. ERRATA. Page xxi. line 8, for last survivor of the joint lives, read last survivor of the given lives, Page xxxi. line 4, for former read latter. uimvcivoii. i yjr K^ryt^ir^jr^sixx i^j.uivri.xv 1 This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Fin« ■100m-12,'46 (A2012sl6)4120