I LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Ivw GIFT OK Class U. V^ocW / Phcenicia and Israel. % Historical feag. BY AUGUSTUS S. WILKINS, M.A., FELLOW OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON J LATE SCHOLAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE J PROFESSOR OF LATIN IN 7ro?t,vfiepcJg Kal 7ro?\,VTp67vcog. NEW YORK: KELSON & PHILLIPS. CINCINNATI: HITCHCOCK & WALDEN. 1874. 4. TO THE RIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BISHOP OF MANCHESTER THIS ESSAY IS BY PERMISSION DEDICATED ; ONE OF THE LEAST AMONG THE MANY TOKENS OF THE PROFOUND RESPECT AND SINCERE ATTACHMENT WHICH HIS WORDS AND WORK HAVE SECURED FOR HIM AMONG THE NONCONFORMISTS OF HIS DIOCESE. ■\^ This Essay obtained the Burney Prize in the University of Cambridge for the Year 1870. The late Richard Burney, Esq., M.A., of Christ's College, Cambridge, previously to his death on the 30th November, 1845, empow- ered his Cousin, Mr. Archdeacon Burney, to offer, through the Vice-Chancellor, to the Uni- versity of Cambridge, the sum of ^"3,500 Re- duced Three per Cent. Stock, for the purpose of establishing an Annual Prize, to be awarded to the Graduate who should produce the best Essay on a subject to be set by the Vice- Chan cellor. On the day after this offer was communicated to the Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Burney died ; but his sister and executrix, Miss J. Caroline Bur- ney, being desirous of carrying her brother's intentions into effect, generously renewed the offer. The Prize is to be awarded to a Graduate of the University, who is not of more than three years' standing from admission to his first degree when the Essays are sent in, and who viii The Burney Prize. shall produce the best English Essay "on some moral or metaphysical subject, on the Existence, Nature, and Attributes of God, or on the Truth and Evidence of the Christian Religion." The successful Candidate is required to print his Essay ; and after having delivered, or caused to be delivered, a copy of it to the University Library, the Library of Christ's College, the University Libraries of Oxford, Dublin, and Edinburgh, and to each of the Adjudicators of the Prize, he is to receive from the Vice-Chan- cellor the year's interest of the Stock, from which sum the Candidate is to pay the expenses of printing the Essay. The Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Christ's College, and the Norrisian Professor of Divinity, are the Examiners of the Compositions and the Adjudicators of the Prize. In the event of the exercises of two of the Candidates being deemed by the Examiners to possess equal merit, if one of such Candidates be a member of Christ's College, the Prize is to be adjudged to him. The subject proposed by the Vice-Chancellor for the year 1870 was — The Influence of the Phoenicians on the Political, Social, and Religions Relations of the Children of Israel. PREFACE. The following Essay cannot pretend to be a complete discussion of the subject of which it treats. This is so vast, and in many points so obscure, involving as it does many of the most perplexed and disputed questions of ancient history, culture, mythology, and religion, that it might furnish a worthy theme for scholars of the most extensive learning and the greatest intuitive sagacity. And the present volume appears under special disadvantages. Written in the midst of other pressing duties, where no good library of modern theological works was available for reference, and composed very hurriedly under the restrictions as to time im- posed by the conditions of a University compe- tition, it is now printed, in accordance with the University regulations, precisely as it was sub- mitted to the adjudicators, with the exception of verbal corrections and a few additional references. x Pre/ace. But there are two considerations which diminish the reluctance with which I allow this Essay to appear. I believe it is the only work of the kind in English (and as far as I know in French or German) which aims directly at gathering in a focus the scattered rays of light that we have from many quarters upon one of the most power- ful influences that tended to mould the character of the Chosen People. And I think that, though many authorities, which I should have been glad to consult, were inaccessible under the cir- cumstances in which the Essay was written, those that have been employed have been the most complete and trustworthy. M. Renan's " Histoire des Langues Semitiques" appears to leave little to be desired in its own department. And the great work of Movers, without whose constant aid I should never have attempted this subject, is a complete repertory of all that up to the date of its publication (1841 — 1856) had been learnt about Phoenicia. The following pages would not, I hope, be without their value, if they only rendered more accessible to students of history and theology the main results to which his vast erudition and unwearied industry have led him. To supplement his researches, I have had recourse in many places to the works of Professor Rawlinson and M. Lenormant, but not Preface. xi without a certain amount of distrust, felt often when it has not been expressed. It would be of course ridiculous to depreciate the value of the recent attempts to decipher the cuneiform in- scriptions. But those scholars who have under- taken to weave the fragmentary Assyrian records into a consecutive history seem to have lost sight far too often of the golden canon of the historian : — v(t(\)i k ' apuparavra rav (f>ptv In this sketch of the sojourn of Israel in Egypt, needful to show the influences that were moulding the Canaanite tribes, I have followed in the main Dean Milman (whose view does not differ much from those of Bunsen, Brugsch, and other excellent authorities), though not without a careful consideration of the schemes of Lenor- mant, Poole, and Wilkinson. The first of these supposes that Joseph was taken into favour by one of the shepherd kings ; but the reasons already adduced seem sufficient to disprove this. Sir Gardner Wilkinson (with Ewald) makes the Exodus to happen towards the close of the eighteenth dynasty. But it is inconceivable, Introduction. 25 if this were the case, that even in the very fragmentary state of the history given us by the books of Joshua and Judges, we should find no allusions in them to the numerous invasions of Canaan by Seti and Rameses II. Mr. Poole's theory, which places both the arrival of Joseph and the Exodus within the period of the Hyksos kings, seems to present more difficulties than any other. The theory of Lepsius, which places the arrival of Abraham after the accession of the eighteenth dynasty, has not received the ad- hesion of any scholar of note in England, France, or Germany. Canon Cook, in an Essay on the Bearings of Egyptian History upon the Pentateuch (in the " Speaker's Commentary," vol. i., pp. 443 — 475), published since this essay was written, contends that not only the visit of Abraham, but also the migration under Jacob, is to be placed before the invasion of the Hyksos kings, and that the Exodus took place under Thothmes II. (of the eighteenth dynasty). There is very much evidence in favour of this view, but it does not seem to me on the whole preferable to that which has here been adopted. 26 CHAPTER II. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE RELATIONS BETWEEN PHOENICIA AND ISRAEL. Canaan at the time of its Conquest — Extent of the Conquest — Relations with the Phoenician Cities under the Judges — Under the Kings — Histoiy of Tyre up to the Captivity of Judah. " T has been said above, that we find a great **- change had passed over the land of Canaan between the departure of Jacob and the invasion of Joshua. The revolution had no doubt been slow, but its effects were very visible. Like the Hebrews themselves, the Canaanites had been a purely pastoral people, but now they were de- veloping agriculture ; the vine and the olive were already widely cultivated, and fenced cities were common. 1 A similar change was seen in their political relations to each other. The kings with 1 Milman, i., p. 219. Tribes of Canaan. . 2 7 whom Jacob met were still the patriarchal heads of tribes. In the time of Joshua we find either local princes, taking their titles from the cities that were the centres of government, or else, as in the case of Gibeon, an aristocratic republic already established. 1 The art of war had greatly developed, and in the course of the continual wars in which these tribes were engaged, either against the Egyptian invader, or under his ban- ners, against their powerful Khita brethren of the north, abundant experience had been gained. It is difficult to say whether the war-chariot was brought to them from Egypt, or whether it was not rather their original possession, and was communicated to the Egyptians by the shepherd kings. It is certain that the horse is never re- presented on any sculpture of a date prior to the Hyksos dynasty. 2 Be this as it may, their horses and chariots very many seem to have proved at this time their main reliance in war. But the independent spirit of the Semitic race, always averse to organization, and never forgetting that its true centre was the tent and the tribe, 3 kept the various Canaanite nations severed from each 1 Ewald, i., p. 241. 3 Renan, p. 13. 2 Rawlinson's Herodotus, ii. 2 8 Historical Relations. other, each in a defiant isolation, yielding but incompletely even to the terror of a foreign in- vasion. 1 We find the numerous cities of the land, 2 excluding such as were still held by the warlike and savage aborigines, loosely grouped into four main divisions. 3 There are the Amorites, or Highlanders, a fierce people (apparently the farthest removed from the Canaanites proper) " that dwelt in the mountains, 4 from the Scorpion Range, south of the Dead Sea, to the hills of Judah. The Hittites are their neighbours, dwelling in the valleys, lovers of refinement at an early period, and living in well-ordered com- munities possessing national assemblies." 5 The fertile lowlands by the course of the Jordan, and along the coast of the Mediterranean, are held by the Canaanites, 6 who, as possessors of the choicest of the land, and by far the best known to foreigners, often gave their name to the whole of 1 Lenormant, ii., p. 151. 2 The thirty-one cities that are mentioned in Joshua xii. 9, 24, do not include even all that we have mentioned in the course of the book. (Ewald, ii., p. 231, sq.) 3 Ewald, i., pp. 234—237. 4 Joshua x. 6, cp. Deut. i. 44. 5 Ewald, 11. s. 6 On x apa ~ v — terra depressa, from the verb y^, cp. Movers, ii., p. 6. Tribes of Canaan. 29 the population of the country. These also were much more addicted to commerce than to war, in this resembling the fourth main division, the Hivvites (Ewald) of the midland region, whose principal city seems to have been the flourishing, wealthy, but timorous Gibeon. Every hint that we have points to a high state of civilization as already existing \ x but this was accompanied with the grossest moral depravity. A fitter oc- casion will be afterwards found (in the section on the religious influence of Phoenicia) for discussing the causes that led to this condition. It is suf- ficient now to notice that the Biblical narrative always uses the strongest language in speaking of the frightful degradation of the Canaanites, 2 which made the Lord to abhor them ; 3 and which was at once the necessary and the sufficient reason for the merciless destruction that the children of Israel were commanded to bring upon them. 4 One other nation in the land of Canaan seems 1 See especially Bochart's remarks on Kirjath-Sepher, " The City of Books," and Keil on Joshua x. 38. 2 Lev. xviii. 3, xx. 23. 3 Deut. ix. 5, xii. 31, etc., etc. 4 The absolute need for such terrible severity has been often showed by Christian apologists, against the cavils 30 Historical Relations. to have possessed already at least a portion of the district that afterwards bore its name. The uncertainty which, after all that has yet been done by the scholars of Germany, still perplexes our views of the early ethnology of the Land of Promise, is nowhere so great as in the case of the Philistines. But, on the whole, the frag- mentary hints, which are all that we have upon the subject, seem to point to the conclusion that, even at the time of the Exodus, the southern . coast of Palestine bore already the name of Philistia, and even then was not without those fortress cities that afterwards formed the nucleus of the strength of the Philistines. 1 But in these early times they seem to have been but weak, and under the yoke of the alien Canaanites, to whom they were always bitterly hostile. 2 And even after the days of Joshua, though strength- of unbelievers ; but never more forcibly than by Arnold, Sermons, vol. vi., pp. 35 — 37. 1 Ewald, i., p. 245. 2 We shall have occasion to notice afterwards the heavy blows that they inflicted on the power of Sidon. By using the term " alien," I do not mean to imply my assent to the theory of Hitzig ( Urgescliichte und Mytliologie der Philistcier, Leipzig, 1845), who finds in the Philistines an offshoot of the Pelasgi. His arguments do not seem to me at all convincing, and unless M. Stark, — whose Fors- Philistines. 3 1 * ened by numerous immigrants from their earlier home in Crete, they broke their power by dashing fruitlessly against the vastly superior forces of Egypt, then ruled by Rameses III. 1 It was not till the rapid decline of the Egyptian power had left them free from even a nominal supremacy, that, aided again by fresh accessions, they were able to establish themselves securely, and reta- liate in full measure for all the oppression that they had endured. At the time of the invasion of Joshua they probably formed but a small por- tion of the composite population of the southern coast land, the greater part of which was consti- tuted by the peaceful agricultural Avvim, and the numerous but unaggressive and commercial Canaanites. 2 Such was the general distribution of the various earlier inhabitants, when the children of Israel crossed the borders of the Land of Pro- mise. There is no occasion for us to review the several stages of the invasion and conquest. chungen, referred to by M. Lenormant (i., p. 123), I have not been able to consult, — has others of greater force to bring forward, it appears much safer to follow Ewald and Movers in considering them a Semitic people. Le- normant follows Hitzig. 1 Lenormant, i., p. 124. 2 Ewald, i., p. 248. 3 2 Historical Relations. But one point, which has been often overlooked, deserves a passing glance. The strategy of the leader of " the host of the Lord ' (Jahveh) was, consciously or unconsciously, of the highest order. Had the attack been made upon the southern frontier, the invaders would have found before them an ever-increasing mass of enemies, and the successive mountain-ranges of Hebron, of Jerusalem, and of Ephraim. But when the Jordan was crossed near Jericho, that frontier fortress captured, and the passes secured by the ambuscade that destroyed the city of Ai, Joshua was able to drive his army like a wedge into the very heart of the hostile country, and strike his blows right and left at the isolated divisions of the enemy. 1 The battles of Beth-horon and of Merom crushed the two great combinations of the Amorite and the Hittite kings, and the suc- cess of the invasion was secured. But six or seven years of fighting left the work but half accomplished. Many of the strongest posts in the country still remained in the hands of the Canaanites, and, curiously reversing the usual 1 See Stanley, i., p. 237, and M. Chevallier in Lenor- mant, i., p. in. The Conquest of Canaan. 33 Canaanites, and, curiously reversing the usual issue of an irruption of invaders that show themselves the stronger in battle, the plains continued to be held by their earlier occupants. The enthusiasm of the Hebrew people for the land in which their fathers were buried, the lonmnpf of the desert-hardened warriors 1 for o o "the good land, the land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths, that spring out of valleys and hills ; the land of wheat and barley, and vines and fig-trees and pomegranates ; the land of oil olive, and honey ;" their firm belief that the LORD their God was leading them into the possession of this beautiful home, — all these influences tended to make their onset irresistible. The rude weapons and primitive tactics of the children of Israel swept before them the serried and confederate masses that followed the Ca- naanitish kings. But such an invasion could hardly be more at first than a razzia. 2 We have reason, indeed, to suppose that in the panic caused by the first great victories of Joshua, the 1 On the results of the desert training there are words well worth noting in Mr. Baldwin Brown's " Soul's Exodus," pp. 322 — 326. 2 Ewald, ii., p. 241. 34 Historical Relations. Canaanites on all sides gave in their submission ; and it is probable that even Sidon, " the eldest- born of Canaan," did not refuse to pay homage to the conquering invaders. At least we find that afterwards the rightful territory of Israel is assumed to extend over Sidon and its sur- rounding cities. 1 But if there was ever a tem- porary submission, its effects were very transient ; and we find the inhabitants of Phoenicia proper "living quiet and secure," 1 undisturbed by the neighbouring tribes of Israel. 2 They had now been settled for a lon^ time in the cities of the coast. We are able to determine, with tolerable exactness, the date of their arrival there by the help of one of the most curious and valuable documents that have been given to the world in the progress of hieroglyphic interpretation. A hieratic papyrus, translated by M. Chabas, contains the report of an Egyptian officer, sent by Amenembe I., a king of the twelfth dynasty, to examine into the condition of the princi- palities of Edom and Tennu, then dependent on Egypt, and to bring back information upon the neighbouring tribes ; and it admits of proof that none of the nations mentioned in this most 1 Judges i. 31. - Judges xviii. 7. Origin of the Canaanites. 35 interesting document belonged to the Canaanite race. 1 On the other hand, on the arrival, of Abraham in the Land of Promise, we find that " the Canaanite and the Perizzite then dwelt in the land," 2 a form of expression from which we may probably deduce that they had not long been there. Whence they came, is another of the points much disputed by the best authorities. All the native traditions that are preserved to us of course represent them as autochthonous ; but when we find this the case with people like the Greeks, who can be shown most clearly to be immigrants, 3 such statements cannot weigh very much in the balance of the historian. The Greek authorities are unanimous in pointing to the banks of the Erythraean Sea, or Persian Gulf, as the original home of the nation. 4 The close analogy in many respects between the religion and civilization of Phoenicia and of 1 Lenormarut, ii., p. 148. 2 Gen. xiii. 7. 3 On this point the theories of Dr. E. Curtius (see especially i., pp. 62 — 64, of Prof. Ward's translation) de- serve very careful consideration. i Movers, ii., 1, pp. 38 — 48. The Bishop of Ely (on Gen. x. 6) confuses the Erythrseum Mare with the modern Red Sea. 36 Historical Relations. Babylon, each partaking of a very marked Cushite character, is evidence in the same direction. M. Renan's conclusion is that the Phoenician people were the first to issue from the common cradle of the Semitic race, — that is, the mountains of Kurdistan, — and that it was in the fertile plains of the lower Euphrates that they developed a civilization which in its departure from the simpler manners and purer life of their pastoral brethren, made them afterwards the objects of their exe- cration. 1 M. Lenormant contents himself with tracing them to the basin of the Euphrates, and ascribes their expulsion thence to the Aryan invasion of Babylonia, just at the time to which other evidence points as the date of their invasion of Palestine. 2 Movers, on the contrary, accepts the tradition that their earliest settlements were on the coast of the Mediterranean ; but his arguments do not appear convincing, and he is throughout disposed to assign far too much weight to uncertain deductions from an obscure mythology ; and, on the whole, we may agree with Mr. Kenrick that in favour of the statements of Herodotus, Justin, and Strabo, "we have a 1 Renan, p. 186. 2 ii., pp. 23 — 48. Stock of the Canaan i 'tes. 37 body of evidence which it would not be safe to set aside." 1 The stock to which they belonged is another perplexing question, which cannot probably be set at rest until we have arrived at something more like agreement as to the terms to be employed in ethnology. The Biblical ac- count in Genesis x. places them among the de- scendants of Ham, while the language that they spoke is evidently Semitic. The difficulty vanishes if we may suppose, with Mr. Kenrick, .that the classification in Genesis is based upon colour, which would prevent the red Phoenicians from being ranked with the paler Semites. And we can easily understand then how Canaan should be held to be the brother of Mizraim, if we remember how constantly the Egyptian monuments preserve the marked difference of 1 Phoenicia, p. 52 ; cp. the preceding pages. Professor Rawlinson (Herodotus, Book vii., App. iL) accepts the tradition of an immigration of the Phoenicians, but places it as late as the thirteenth century B.C. This must stand or fall with his rejection of the identity of the Phoe- nicians and the Canaanites ; the only authorities for the view that has here been maintained which he discusses are Bochart and Kenrick ; but he has also to deal with Gesenius, Movers, Bunsen, Ewald, Renan, and Lenor- mant, a consensus of authority which is not easily shaken, and which Dr. Dyer (in Diet. Geog.) and Mr. Twisleton are content to follow. 3 8 Historical Relations. tint between the native warriors and their Semitic enemies. Knobel and Hitzig (quoted by Renan, p. 52,) attempt to confirm this view by the ety- mology of the names Shem, Ham, and Japhet, but apparently with little success. It is perhaps better, with M. Renan, to regard the table of nations in Genesis as simply geographical. One of the principal difficulties in ancient ethnology arises from the very lax notions which all our authorities seem to have had upon the principles of classification, and the arbitrary manner in which they conjoin or dissever tribes upon no intelligible grounds. Certainly they were not guided by any comparative study of languages, for it has been reserved for later scholars to dis- cern, under superficial divergences, the essential identity of kindred tongues. But if we regard Japhet, Shem, and Ham as representing the northern, central, and southern zones of popula- tion respectively, 1 we shall not find any difficulty in understanding how a Semitic nation like the Phoenicians, that had dwelt in the midst of Hamite tribes, and probably acquired no small share of their habits and morals, should have been classed among them. The same is probably 1 Renan, p. 50. Cities of Phoenicia. 39 the case with the Cushites, who seem to have been nearly connected with the Phoenicians ; for although they too are placed among the descend- ants of Ham, it is certain that in the countries that bore this name Semitic dialects were spoken from a very high antiquity. 1 At any rate, it is much more easy to conceive of a change of man- ners and beliefs, than it is to imagine a nation changing its language. 2 But be all this as it may, it is certain that the children of Israel on their arrival in the Land of Promise found the coast of Phoenicia studded with thriving commercial cities. " The strong city Tyre " is mentioned first in Joshua xix. 29, but Sidon is known to Jacob at the time of the blessing of his children. And even Sidon, ac- cording to the native tradition, was compelled to yield in antiquity to Byblus and Berytus, the towns of a race distinct from the Sidonian Canaanites, and at this time independent of them. 3 Berytus, the modern Beirut, may indeed 1 Renan, p. 52, note i. ; cp. p. 186. 2 The Bishop of Ely (in the Speaker's Commentary, Gen. x. 6) reverses this statement, and supposes that the Canaanites were of Hamite origin, but adopted a Semitic language from some (purely imaginary) Semitic race, whom they found in possession of Palestine. 3 Movers, ii. ; pp. 105 — 113. 40 Historical Relations. contest with Damascus the honour of being- the oldest city in the world that still continues to prosper. But as far as the Jewish tradition carries us back, Sidon takes its place at the head of the Phoenician cities ; and this is the true interpretation of the figure of speech that makes Sidon "the eldest-born of Canaan." 1 Tyre, though as we have seen it was founded before the invasion of the Israelites, was still in a state of dependence on the mother-state ; and the name of Sidon, as we see from the limits assigned to the tribe of Zebulon, was applied to the whole sea-coast, as far to the south as Carmel. We may therefore figure to ourselves the strip of coast-land covered by the name " Phoe- nicia" 2 tenanted at this time by a people un- questionably allied very closely to the Canaanites of the interior, but distinguished from them by striking differences of manners, and a still more advanced and peaceful civilization. Con- fined to a narrow strip of land by the spurs of 1 Movers, ii., pp. 89 — 92. 2 Movers (ii., p. 15) has collected abundance of evidence to show that both " Canaan " and " Phoenicia " (or more properly Phoenice [Winer, RWB., s. v.]) were used in a wider and a narrower sense. Phoenician Alphabet. 41 Lebanon, which served at the same time to protect them to a great extent from incursions from the east, the Sidonian people devoted themselves at first to the fisheries from which they drew their name. 1 But the numerous harbours with which the coast was furnished, tempted them to venture by degrees on longer voyages than had ever been tried before. Egypt, then under the rule of the kindred Hyksos kings, was naturally the first country with which they established commercial re- lations, and at a very early age these had grown into great importance. Bunsen may possibly have over-estimated the effects of the intimate connection which resulted ; but we cannot doubt that the intercourse of the Phoenicians with the country that was then in the forefront of the civilization of the world, must have had a very powerful influence in developing the arts and sciences amongst them. Whether it was from this quarter that the Phoenician alphabet was derived, is a point on which it is much less easy to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion : adhuc sub iudice lis est. Ewald maintains, more suo undoubtingly, that this inestimable benefit is due 1 Cp. Movers, ii. 3 p. 86, note (8). 4 2 Historical Relations. to the shepherd kings of Avaris, who obtained it by a modification of the Egyptian hieratic writing, 1 and the same view fundamentally is supported by a number of savants, referred to by M. Renan. 2 But that distinguished scholar is himself of the opinion that the alphabet of twenty-two letters had its origin in Babylon, where the earliest specimens of it, he thinks, are found ; 3 and that the Phoenicians, here as in so many other points, were simply the medium through which the discoveries of Babylon passed into the western world. 4 This view does not appear to harmonize with the admitted fact, that the children of Israel were ignorant of the art of writing when they went down into Egypt, and had acquired the knowledge of it by the time of the Exodus. 5 So that we are led to agree with M. Renan that "1'origine de l'ecritufe, chez 1 Ewald, ii., p. 7 (E. T.), cp. i., p. 49. 2 P- 113. 3 p. 72. 4 p. 1 1 5. It is very noteworthy that the names of the letters point to an origin among a pastoral rather than a commercial people. See Diet. Bible, iii. 1790$. 5 This is abundantly proved by Renan, p. 117, and Ewald, i., p. 47. There is not a single reference to writing of any kind in the book of Genesis. It is first distinctly mentioned in Ex. xvii. 14. Phoenicia and Egypt, 43 les Semites comme chez tous les peuples, se cache dans une profonde nuit." At any rate we may be certain, that when the Israelites entered the Holy Land, the Phoenicians were already carrying this priceless treasure where- ever their commerce spread, though it was not till centuries after that the Greeks had made themselves familiar with its value. 1 The nature and effects of this commerce will have to be considered more at length in a subsequent section of this essay. From the accession of the eighteenth dynasty, the Sidonians appear to have been tributaries of the Egyptians, and to have remained content with a nominal dependence, which left them free to pursue their peaceful avocations in un- disturbed security. We do not find the names of any one of their cities recorded in the lists of conquered rebels, which adorn the walls of the temples of Thothmes III., Seti I., and Rameses II. While all the other Canaanitish tribes were fur- nishing constant material for the triumphs of 1 This seems one (we are tempted to write the one) definite conclusion which has resulted from the vast mass of controversial writing, originating in the publication of F. A. Wolf's famous Prolegomena. 44 Historical Relations,, the Egyptian arms, the Sidonians seem to have severed themselves entirely from their brethren of the inland districts, and the frequent men- tion made of them speaks only of the splendour of their arts and the magnitude of their tribute. In another most interesting account of the country, which, like the one already quoted, has been made accessible to us by M. Chabas, we have valuable notices of the various Phoenician cities. The account is thrown into the form of an imaginary journey made through the land by an Egyptian officer towards the end of the reign of Rameses II., and throughout the traveller speaks as if he were on Egyptian soil, " travel- ling with as much freedom and security as if he had been in the Nile valley, and even, by virtue of his functions, exercising some authority." 1 It is evident that the kings of Egypt, like the kings of Persia a thousand years later, felt that they needed the services of the Phoenician marine, and therefore treated these valued vassals with marked lenity and favour, while they in their turn, content with an almost nominal subjection that left them the full en- joyment of their national worship, laws, and i Lenormant, ii., pp. 160, 161. Trade of Phoenicia. 45 customs, showed no desire to throw off the yoke that lay so lightly. One result of this sagacious mercantile policy was the rise of the wealth and influence of Sidon to its culminating point. This was the period when, as Humboldt says, " their flag waved at once in Britain and the Indian Ocean." Free as yet from the com- petition of the bold Ionian mariners, who were soon to drive them and their colonists alike from the western waters of the Mediterranean, they had no rivals in a trade, whose profits were sometimes almost fabulous. 1 Aristotle tells us of one visit to Tartessus, in which for the oil and other products of little value with which they had laden their vessels, they received so much silver that they were unable to carry it, and at last cut off the masses of lead which had served them as anchors, and substituted silver in the place of them. The science of comparative mythology forbids us to follow M. Lenormant in regarding the story of the Golden Fleece as in- tended to symbolize the wealth that they drew from their commerce with the Euxine, but the type is not the less happy because very far # 1 De Mir. Ausc, p. 147 (quoted by Mr. Kenrick, p. 211). 4 6 Historical Relations. from the original meaning of the myth. 1 When, centuries later, the gold of Colchis, the tin of the Caucasus, and the steel of the barbarous Chalybes found their way to the markets of Greece in the ships of Chalcis or Athens, instead of the Sidonian galleys, no image could be more than adequate to express the gain to the people of Hellas. Another, and, for our present purpose, a yet more important result of this contented ac- quiescence in the suzerainty of Egypt on the part of the Phoenicians, was the extent to which it divided their interests from those of the other Canaanitish nations. Even in the great con- federacy headed by Jabin, king of Hazor, we find them taking no part ; and when this was broken at the battle of Merom, the fugitives are pursued to the borders of " great Sidon ' (Josh. xi. 8), but there the pursuit apparently ends. Accustomed as they were to see the armies of Egypt pour into the country of Canaan, year after year, they might well look with comparative indifference on the progress of a new invader. This peaceful relation be- i Cp. Cox's Mythology of the Aryan Nations, ii., pp. 150—153. Land Trade. 47 tween the Israelites and the Phoenicians would be promoted by the position and interests of both the nations. 1 The district of Sidon had apparently been included in the earliest scheme of conquest. But it had not fallen to the lot of either of the two most powerful and warlike tribes, Judah and Ephraim ; it was destined for the feebler and less energetic, Asher, Zebulon, Issachar, and Naphtali. The impetuous rush of the hardy warriors of the desert, thirsting for the blessings of the Promised Land, had spent itself in its early efforts, and the northern tribes were well contented with the marvellous fertility of the plain of Esdraelon, 2 which probably fur- nished abundant supplies for their scantier num- bers. The Phoenicians, on the other hand, would have the strongest inducements to live on terms of amity with their new neighbours. We shall have occasion to notice hereafter how large a portion of their commerce consisted in a carry- ing trade by land. 3 Now at the time when the wave of invasion was rolling towards the borders 1 Movers, ii., pp. 305, 599. 2 See Stanley's Sinai and Palestine, p. 348, sq. 3 This is fully discussed by Movers, vol. ii., part 3, pp. 128 — 147, and 200—313. 48 Historical Relations. of Phoenicia, it had already swept over southern and central Palestine, and if the Canaanites had not yet been extirpated from the land, at least their kingdoms had been broken up, and their power completely crippled. The great lines of traffic with Egypt, Arabia, Babylon, and As- syria were in the hands of the invaders, and any hostilities with them must necessarily have caused a ruinous suspension of commerce. 1 Per- haps we may find a further reason for the policy that was adopted, in the fact that just before the arrival of the Israelites there seems to have been a great extension of the power of the Amorites, 2 so that, in southern Canaan at any rate, it was with these especially that the invaders came into contact. But we have seen already that of all the population of Palestine (excluding the remnants of the barbarous aborigines), the Amorites were those who were furthest removed from the Phoenicians, and those, in consequence, with whom they would have least sympathy. The " fat bread " and " royal dainties " of Asher 3 would have far more attractions for the teeming i Movers, ii., p. 305. 2 Movers, ii., pp. 68, 599. 3 Gen. xlix. 20. Phoenician Colonies.' 49 population of the Sidonian coast than any half- recognized claims of kindred ; and the people whose descendants long after "were nourished by the king's country," 1 would be careful not to close their markets against the grain of Galilee. Still we must not go so far as Mr. Kenrick, and say that the settlement of the Israelites in Canaan "produced no visible effect on the condition of the Phoenician cities." 2 We may be sure that no small number of those who " fled from before the face of the robber Joshua, the son of Nun," would take refuge in the kindred towns on the coast, and so, by increasing the pressure of a population already super- abundant, give rise to colonies, in the strict sense of the term, as distinguished from the trading posts and commercial factories which were all that had previously been established. The dense obscurity which envelops the early history of Greece, and the hopelessness of all attempts to establish a trustworthy system of 1 Acts xn. 20. 2 Phoenicia, p. 63. 3 The genuineness of the celebrated inscription in Mauretania, reported by Procopius to contain these words, has been disproved by recent scholars. See Kenrick, pp. 67, 68 ; Ewald, ii., p. 230. 4 50 Historical Relations. chronology before the date of the first Olympiad,' prevent us from speaking here with any con- fidence ; but it is at least possible that one of these was that which Cadmus is said to have led to Thebes j 1 and the best authorities (Movers and Munk) are willing to assign to this period some of the earliest settlements in Africa, 2 those to which the numerous cities of the Liby- Phcenicians owe their origin. And further, we may gladly accept the theory of Ewald, that "the nobler part of the [Canaanite] nation, unable longer to maintain themselves in the interior, gathered their forces together on the northern sea-coast for a new and more vigorous life, and thus the regenerated remnant of the people gained for themselves an honourable place in the history of the world." 3 There is evidence, however, to show that the superiority of the Israelite arms was soon i Even Mr. Cox (Mythology of the Aryans, ii., 86, note) is willing to admit that the manifest connection of Kadmos with Semitic Kedem, " the East," is strong evidence for such a colonization, and it was enough to satisfy the scepticism of Niebuhr. But the date is a very different thing from the fact. Cp. Grote, ii., p. 48. 2 Lenormant, ii., pp. 169 — 172. 3 Ewald, i., p. 242. The Northern Tribes. 5 1 changed into something very like subjection. Not only did the tribe of Asher fail to "drive out the inhabitants of Accho, of Sidon," 1 and of the other Phoenician cities, but we find that they " dwelt among the Canaanites, the inhabit- ants of the land," a phrase in which Movers 2 (from comparing other instances in which it is used) finds indications of at least a nominal submission. 3 "The dainties of the king" as- cribed to the same tribe in the blessing of Jacob, he regards as a tribute paid to the court of Sidon, and finds traces in the after-history of the tribe of the contempt which this subservience awakened. 4 In the language used of Issachar in the same grand poem, we seem to have a reference to the position of a tribe bordering on a commercial nation, and acting as the trans- porters of their wares. Zebulon and Naphtali, in the same way, are brought into a close connection, probably one of partial dependence, with Phoenicia; and on the whole the northern Israelites during this obscure period appear as a kind of Metceci, with the possession of the land secured to them, but also with certain burdens 1 Judges i. 31. 3 Gen. xlix. 19. 2 ii., 1, p. 307, sq. 4 1 Kings ix. 13. 5 2 Historical Relations. laid upon them. From what we know of the policy of the Phoenician colonies in similar cases, we can readily conceive that these bur- dens were sometimes made to press very heavily ; and it causes us no surprise when we find the Sidonians mentioned among the oppressors of Israel, in the touching record of the faithlessness of the chosen people, and the tender compassion of the Lord, when " His soul was grieved for the misery of Israel." l The charge of Amos (i. 9) that Tyre "had not remembered the covenant of brethren, but delivered up the whole captivity to Edom," 2 may even point to a condition of vassalage, modified by the stipulation that none of the children of Israel should be carried away out of their own boundaries. Movers has gleaned one hint upon the con- dition of these vassals from a very unexpected quarter. Aristophanes (Aves, 505 — 507) has these lines : — Ueiad. x&Trod' 6 kokkvs dirot, k6kkv, t6t Slv oi QofriKes dTravres TQVS TTVpOVS &V Kal TCLS KpldaS kv TOLS TTeSlOlS edepL^OV. Eue\7r. tovt dp' enhv ,J fjU tovttos aXrjduis. kSkkv, \pu\ol, Trediovde. The scholiasts here inform us that in Phce- 1 Judges x. 12, 16. 2 Cp. Joel iii. 6, 8. Vassalage of the Northern Tribes. 53 nicia the cuckoo appears at the time of harvest, while in Greece the harvest is of course later, 1 so that the proverb is of Phoenician origin. But ^//wXoi is here evidently a term of reproach, and in this sense would not have been applied by the Phoenicians to themselves. Besides which, the practice of circumcision seems to have been confined to a part of Phoenicia, and not to have been universal even there. 2 Hence the phrase was probably applied to serfs, com- pelled to labour in the fields, to whom the epithet would be appropriate ; and we know of none such but the Hebrews. This interpretation is strongly confirmed by the explanation given in Suidas (s. v. OvpaZe) of the similar proverbial phrase Ovpa^s Kapzg, ovket 'AvOtcrrtpia. 3 What- ever may be the value of this argument — and it is certainly greatly diminished by the fact that we have not the faintest indication of the period at which it originated — there seems to be evidence enough to show that, while Phoenicia 1 Cp. Hesiod, Op. 457. 2 On this point Movers refers to his article on the Phoenicians in Ersch and Gruber, p. 421. Herod., ii., 104, is not sufficient to disprove this view. 3 M overs has overlooked this, but it is quoted in Kock's note, ad loc. 54 Historical Relations. remained at peace with the nation of Israel, some portions at least of the weaker northern tribes were brought, originally perhaps by their own action, into a state of dependence ap- proaching to vassalage. 1 The curtain now falls upon Phoenicia, at least so far as the Jewish annals are concerned, and we get no further glimpses of the cities of the coast, except in one passing reference to their " quiet and secure life," until the establishment of the monarchy. This is undoubtedly due in a measure to the very fragmentary condition of the records of the time preserved to us. The composer of the Book of Judges was much more careful to recount the striking instances of the punishment that had fallen upon the people for their sins, and the wonderful deliverances granted to them, when they turned again in penitence to Jahveh, than he was to draw up a complete chronological history. And if the opinion of Ewald be correct, that the " Book of Covenants," on which the Book of Judges as we have it now was based, was written by an author belonging to the tribe of Judah, 2 we can the 1 Mainly from Movers, ii., i, 302 — 315. 2 Cp. i., p. 72^ and 140^ Egyptian Invasions. 55 more readily understand the paucity of our information upon all but the most striking events connected with Northern Palestine. But all indications point to a peaceful alliance between the Phoenician cities and the tribes that bordered upon them. 1 Heeren (Historical Researches, ii., p. 117) has well brought out the importance of the corn supplies of Galilee to the wealthy mercantile towns of the coast, and we may believe that the absence of any men- tion of conflicts between the two nations is not solely due to the incompleteness of our chronicles of the period. We are not left, however, without information from other sources to throw light on this period of darkness, and profane historians help us to understand the change that has taken place in the internal condition of Phoenicia when we find it next coming into prominence in the Hebrew annals. We learn from hieroglyphic inscriptions the immense importance attached by the Egyptian kings to a secure possession of the littoral region of Canaan, as forming the military road by which their armies advanced to the ever- recurring wars with the Khitas and 1 Cp. Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 363. 56 Historical Relations. the other nations of Northern Syria. 1 It may indeed well be that the fear of a direct collision with the power of Egypt was one of the prin- cipal causes that led the children of Israel to abstain from any direct attack upon the cities of the coast. For as long as the road to the un- subdued people of the North was still left open, the Pharaohs were probably contented with a merely nominal supremacy over the hilly inland country, a supremacy which is not indeed mentioned in the Biblical narrative, but to which the circumstances of the case very de- cidedly point. 2 It is at all events certain that no mention is made of the conquests of Rameses III. in the books of Joshua and of Judges, though M. Biot has assigned them, on indubitable astronomical evidence, 3 to the close of the four- teenth century B.C., a period certainly included in the time with which those books are con- cerned ; and, on the other hand, the very full monumental record of these conquests in the temple of Medinet Abou, contains no reference to the children of Israel. But the tablets of 1 Lenormant, i., p. 264, et scrpius. 2 lb., p. 263. 3 lb., p. 268, note. . The Philistines. 57 this temple depict many scenes from a war which was indirectly of great importance to the history both of Israel and of Phoenicia. Next to the never-ending struggle with the Khitas, the most important conflict that occupied the arms of Rameses was that with the Philistines. We have already had occasion to adduce reasons for accepting the view of Ewald, that a portion of this nation, though as yet in insignificant numbers, had settled in the district, where their presence afterwards was such a thorn in the side of Israel. But now, apparently in alliance with the Khitas, a much more numerous body had arrived by sea, probably from the island of Crete, and thrown themselves in the rear of the army of Rameses. It was a national immi- gration rather than an invasion, — the sculptors represent them as followed by numerous rude waggons, drawn by oxen, containing their wives and children, — and the veterans of the Pharaoh gained an easy victory. Others who followed them shared their fate. But Rameses, em- barrassed with a nation on his hands, contented himself with assi^ninG: to them the land round Gaza, Ashdod, and Ascalon, in imme- diate proximity to strong Egyptian garrisons. 5 8 Historical Relations. But after the reign of Rameses III. the power of Egypt rapidly declined ; her Asiatic do- minions threw off even her nominal supremacy, and the Philistines soon developed into a warlike and powerful people. 1 Augmented probably by constant accessions from their earlier home, 2 in the course of about a hundred years they suc- ceeded in bringing the whole of Southern Palestine under their power, and for half a century ruled the Israelites of that region with a rod of iron. 3 But they did not confine their activity to the continent. They had never forgotten the maritime skill that had brought them into Canaan, and they seem to have devoted themselves largely to piracy. This it was, apparently, which brought them into con- flict with the Phoenicians ; and a valuable notice in Justin 4 tells us of the Sidonians that " post multos deinde annos a rege Ascaloniorum 1 In the monuments this nation is called Khairetana^ which Mr. Poole indentifies with the people of Crete, and consequently, according to the best authorities, with the Philistines. Cp. Rawlinson's Herodotus, ii., p. 298, with Lenormant, i., p. 266, Diet. Bible, art. Pliilistines and Cherethites, and Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 256. 2 Hitzig, Philistaer, § 100. 3 Cp. Ewald, ii., 338. 4 xviii. 3, S '} in Movers, ii. 1, p. 150. Fall of Sidon. 5 9 expugnati, navibus appulsi Tyron urbem ante annum Troianse cladis condiderunt." Justin's date for the capture of Troy is probably B.C. 1208, 1 so that we are able to fix with pre- cision the time of the transfer of the hegemony of Phoenicia from Sidon to Tyre. At the same time we must notice that the words of Justin need some qualification. Tyre, as we have seen already, was known in the time of Joshua, and the priests of the temple of Melkarth there informed Herodotus/ that the city had been founded 2,300 years before his time, a claim which Movers is disposed to allow : 3 Sidon, again, if ever destroyed, was soon rebuilt, and though it never regained its position as first of the Phoenician cities, still it had a long career of great prosperity. But henceforth it is Tyre, which is the capital of the cities of the coast, and Tyre whose kings are brought into imme- diate relation with Israel. Again the curtain fails. The sacred narrative makes no mention of Phoenicia till the days of 1 Cp. Kenrick, p. 342, Movers, ii., 1, p. 150 — 166. I cannot discover the authority on which Prof. Rawlinson (Manual, p. 39) adopts as the date B.C. 1050. 2 ii-, P- 44. 3 ii- ? h PP. 134—137. 60 Histcfical Relations. David ; * and all that we can gather from other sources is a string of names that are mythical. Phcenix, father of Cadmus and Europa, is a personification of the country, or, according to comparative mythologists, a still more shadowy form, the lord of the purple region of the dawn. 2 Belus is of course the god Baal ; and Agenor, like Phaidimos, the Sidonian of Homer, 3 is the Greek translation of the epithet of some deity, probably Melkarth. 4 But we are able to watch the operation of the causes which were soon to bring the kingdoms of Tyre and of Israel into close connection with each other. First among them we must place the growth of the power of the Philistines. It does not appear that after the campaign which resulted in the de- 1 i Kings v. I, vii. 14. 2 Cox, Aryan Mythology, i., p. 438. 3 Od. iv. 617. The curious fact that Homer, though seve- ral times referring to Phoenicia and to the Sidonians, never once mentions Tyre, may perhaps be best explained by the hypothesis that he knew by tradition of a period when Sidon was the leading city, and Tyre insignificant, and that he uses the name of the former from a wish to give an archaic colouring to his poem. But there are not many scholars who will see in this fact, with Mr. Glad- stone (Juventus Mundi, p. 144), satisfactory evidence that Homer wrote before the fall of Sidon. 4 Kenrick, p. 347. Philistines and Phoenicians. 6 1 struction of Sidon they made any serious attack upon Phoenicia. The narrow and barren strip of coast that lay between the Philis- tian and Phoenician cities, the district round Dor and Joppa, could have offered to a pastoral and agricultural people like the Philistines no attractions comparable to those of the fertile land of Judah j 1 and it was to this accordingly that their arms were constantly directed. Still we must consider their relations with the neigh- bours on the north to have been those of sus- picion, if not of positive hostility. We have indeed several passages from the later prophets in which they are apparently spoken of as allies. 2 1 " The most striking and characteristic feature of Philistia is its immense plain of cornfields, stretching from the edge of the sandy tract right up to the very wall of the hills of Judah, which look down its whole length from north to south. These rich fields must have been the great source at once of the power and of the value of Philistia ; the cause of its frequent aggressions on Israel, and of the ceaseless efforts of Israel to master the territory." — Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 258. 2 Jer. xlvii. 4 : " The day cometh to spoil all the Philis- tines, and to cut off from Tyrus and Zidon every helper that remaineth." Joel iii. 4 : " What have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine." Zech. ix. 3 — -5 : " Tyrus did build herself a strong hold, and heaped up silver and gold. . . . Behold, the Lord will cast her out, and He will smite her power in the 62 Historical Relations. But Movers 1 can hardly be right in assuming from these that the friendly connection dates from the period which we are now considering. It is much more likely that it dates from the time when the power of the Philistines had not yet recovered from the heavy blows inflicted upon it by David ; and the friendship with Judah, if not with the northern kingdom, had been broken off by the expulsion of the dynasty of Hiram ; but at this earlier period an attitude of jealousy is much more intelligible than one of close alliance. 2 Another fact of the time which contributed to bring together Phoenicia and Israel, was the decline of the two great empires that had hitherto overshadowed them both from opposite sides. We have already referred to the decline of the Egyptian power under the twentieth and twenty-first dynasties ; but a similar loss of strength seems to have befallen the empire sea; and she shall be devoured with fire. Ashkelon shall see it, and fear ; Gaza also, and be very sorrowful, and Ekron," etc. 1 ii., I, p. 316. 2 We find them positively at war with each other at the commencement of the reign of David. See Lenormant, i.-, p. 137- Empire of David. 63 of Assyria, so that all her possessions west of the Euphrates were taken from her by the con- quering Khitas. 1 We can readily believe that the way was thus made clear for the establish- ment of a strong, compact, and independent monarchy in Palestine, and nothing would more contribute to this than a good understanding with the powerful league of maritime cities. They in their turn would be ready enough to accept a position of secure amity. " It must have been with no common interest that the surrounding nations looked out to see on what prey the Lion of Judah, now about to issue from his native lair, would make his first spring." 2 And when, after crushing, for the time at least, the power of the Philistines, the strength of the new military organization of Israel was turned upon the nations of the east and south; when Edom, as a submissive slave, held the sandal, which had been drawn off that the monarch might wash his feet in Moab, as in a basin destined for the vilest uses ; 3 when the king 1 Lenormant, i., p. 376. On these Khitas or Khatti, cp. Rawlinson's Herodotus, i., p. 379. 2 Stanley, Jewish Church, ii., p. 79. 3 Psalm cviii. 9 ; cp. Herod., ii., p. 172. 64 Historical Relations. of Hamath, on the distant Orontes, became an ally of the victorious David, we do not wonder at finding Tyre contributing stores of cedar- wood 1 to build him a house in the new capital of the new and mighty empire. 2 The friendly relations, then if not previously established, lasted without interruption to the close of the reign of Solomon. The honours which the young King Hiram (only twenty-eight years of age at the death of David) 3 had gladly paid to the aged poet-king would be granted not less willingly to his youthful successor, for whom he seems to have entertained a strong personal affection. And the similarity between the positions of the two princes would have tended further to cement this alliance. Hiram, like David, had just established his throne securely upon the ruins of the rule of the 1 2 Sam. v. ii. 2 Eupolemus asserts that David conquered Hiram, and made Phoenicia tributary, but in the silence of the Bibli- cal narrative, which gives us such full details of the other wars of David, this assertion cannot be accepted. Cp. Movers, ii., i, p. 332. 3 Movers, ii., 1, p. 328. I do not know on what authority Dean Stanley speaks of the "relation between the old Phoenician and the young Israelite." Solomon cannot well have been ten years younger than Hiram. Revolution in Tyre. 65 Shophetim, or judges, and raised his country to a position of power and independence which it had not previously enjoyed. And if his capital was not, like Jerusalem, a new acquisition, the extent to which he enlarged, strengthened, and beautified it made it practically a new creation. 1 The influence of this close connection will have to be considered afterwards ; in this rapid his- torical survey it only claims a mention. Within twenty years of the death of Hiram his dynasty had fallen. His grandson, 2 Abdas- tertus, had been murdered s by the sons of his nurse, and the eldest of these had placed himself upon the throne. Movers identifies this revolu- tion with one which Justin, with his usual disre- gard of chronology, puts much later, just before the capture of the city by Alexander. Accord- ing to his view, this was an uprising of the mer- cenaries, aided by the numerous slaves and the poverty-stricken commons, against the rule of the patrician houses, resembling in its causes, and probably also in the horrors with which it 1 Cp. Kenrick's Phoenicia, pp. 348 — 354; Movers, ii., 1, P- 329. 2 Lenormant writes the name Abdastoreth ; I do not know on what authority. 5 66 Historical Relations.. was accompanied, the terrible insurrections of the mercenaries and the Liby-Phcenicians against ' the tyranny of the Carthaginian plutocracy. The reign of disorder appears to have lasted twelve years, and to have had for its natural results the expulsion of many noble families, who probably fled to the colonies already existing, or founded new ones, and constant wars with the neighbour- ing cities that still retained their aristocratic constitutions. 1 It is an ingenious and probable conjecture of M. Lenormant that Shishak, king of Egypt, who had contributed to the great re- bellion in Israel by the encouragement which he gave to Jeroboam, and who was at the time meditating an invasion of Palestine, may have been the author of the downfall of the dynasty of Hiram. After the restitution of the royal house in the person of Astartus, another grand- son of Hiram, the numerous irregularities in the succession show how severely the period of anarchy had strained the Tyrian constitution ; and during the time of disorder in the northern kingdom marked by the murders of Nadab, Elah, Zimri, and Tibni, hardly less disorder i Movers, ii., i, p. 342. Jezebel. 6 7 seems to have reigned in Tyre. 1 In thirty-three years we find five rulers, not one of whom was succeeded by his natural heir. The establish- ment of a lasting dynasty by Omri was nearly contemporaneous with the accession of Ithobaal to the throne of Tyre. It is probable that the latter was the rightful representative of the race of Hiram ; at least, we know that he held the priesthood of Astarte, which was confined to the royal family, and the security of his possession of the throne seems some evidence of the legality of his claim to it. 2 The marriage of his daughter Jezebel (more correctly Isebel) to the son of Omri, Ahab, was only a mark of the close con- nection which would naturally be renewed as soon as the two neighbouring nations found themselves again under settled government. To the important commercial relations, of which we have already spoken, was now added 1 For the period between the accession of Hiram and the flight of Elissa (980 — 826 according to Movers), we have unusually trustworthy authorities in the numerous fragments of the native historians, Dius and Menander, quoted by Josephus, Antiq, viii. 5, 3, and in Apion. i., 17, 18. Cp. Movers, ii., i, pp. 190, 191, where they are ex- tracted. 2 Movers, ii., 1, p. 345, but cp. against this Ewald, iii., P- 170. _ . ^ . 68 Historical Relations. the need of a defensive alliance against the growing and aggressive power of the kingdom of Syria, whose capital was Damascus. And we shall not be wrong, I think, in seeing with Movers, 1 in this marriage an instance of the policy, pursued with so much success by the Phoenicians of Carthage, who again and again bound the native princes to them by links of affinity and by the powerful influence of their brilliant and beautiful women. Certainly the force of character, cunning, boldness, and regal pride even in the hour of death, shown by Jezebel, cannot but remind us of many stories told us of Dido, of Sophonisba, of the wife of Hasdrubal in the final siege of Carthage. It is curious that we find no trace of any attempt on the part of the king of Tyre, Mattan, 2 the grandson of Ethbaal, to attempt to revenge upon Jehu the murder of his aunt Jezebel, and the massacre of the worshippers of Baal in the temple of Samaria. This may be partly due to the peaceful policy of Phoenicia. 1 ii., i, p. 347- 2 On the various forms of this name, identical with the Muttines of Livy (xxv. 40, 41, ed, Weissenborn), see Movers, ii., 1, p. 353, note 64, and Mommsen, ii., p. 149. Dido. 69 But it is at least a singular coincidence, if nothing more, that we find in the very year in which Jehu ascended the throne, an expedition of Shalmaneser, which resulted in the payment of tribute by Tyre, Sidon, and Jebal, and also the record l of a valuable present made by Jehu to the Assyrian monarch. It is probable that Shalmaneser would not readily allow an attack to be made on a valued tributary. But, again, it is all but certain that the internal dis- sensions must have already begun which finally led to the expulsion of Elessar, 2 and so to the foundation of Carthage. Movers has collected much evidence to show that this movement, of such interest not only to Phoenician but also to universal history, originated in a rising of the commons against the ruling aristocratic houses. 3 Mattan had left the royal power to be shared by his son Pygmalion (or Piimeliun, according to Lenormant), and a daughter, Elessar, several 1 On the black obelisk in the British Museum. The name is read there as Jahua son of Khumri, i.e., Jehu son of Omri ; on which see Dr. Hincks's note in Rawlinson's Herodotus, i., pp. 378 — 380, and cp. Lenormant, ii.,p. 185. 2 So in Etym. Magn., s. v. Dido, quoted by Movers ; cp. pp. 362—391. 3 ii-, 1, PP. 350—364. 70 Historical Relations. years his senior. But a popular emente, for which the disorders of many preceding years had paved the way, deprived the princess of all share in the government, and surrounded the young king with democratic councillors. Probably in order to strengthen her position by the support of the priestly party, Elessar married Sicharbaal, 1 the high-priest of Melkarth, brother of the late king, and chief functionary of the national religion. His position not only brought him in much revenue, but also gave him rank next to the king, and made him, during the minority of the latter, his legal re- presentative. 2 To rid himself of so formidable a rival, Pygmalion, as soon as he had grown to manhood, caused him to be assassinated. His widow, burning for revenge, formed a conspiracy among the nobles to dethrone her brother, and restore the aristocratic constitution ; and -the failure of this led to the flight of Elessar, ac- companied by numerous nobles and their ad- herents. It seems to have been only after her arrival in Libya that she received the name of Dido, "the fugitive." The confusion that sprang 1 Cp. Movers, note 67. 2 See Movers, ii., 1, pp. 543 — 545. Athaiiah. 7 1 up afterwards between the queen so denoted by reason of her exile, and the moon-goddess Astarte, who bore the epithet, as the wanderer in the heavens, 1 is very curious as affording an instance of one of the most fertile sources of mythology, but does not bear directly upon our present subject. What is of importance for us to notice is that Tyre must have been so weakened by this long period of disorder, followed by the loss of many of its wealthiest citizens, as to have little wish or power to in- terfere in the concerns of its neighbours. Its influence during this period was mainly felt in the extension of the worship of Baal by Athaiiah, the wicked daughter of a wicked Tyrian mother, Jezebel ; and the dangers which threatened the northern kingdom came from the east, not from the west, from the kingdoms of Damascus and Nineveh, bitterly hostile to each 1 Compare the lines of Shelley — Art thou pale for weariness Of climbing heaven, and gazing on the earth, Wandering companionless Among the stars that have a different birth ? The Ety'm. Magn., s. v. Dido, explains At5w by ir\avTjTts, and Movers identifies X*TH with KTH3 " die Umherir- rende," p. 363, note 92. See also Kurts' Mythologie, p. 62. 7 2 Historical Relations. other, but each alternately laying a heavy hand of oppression on the kingdoms of Israel. The only references that we have to Phoenicia during this period are found in one of the two great prophets of the northern kingdom, Amos. He threatens that " the Lord will send a fire into the wall of Tyre, and it shall devour her palaces, for three transgressions and for four, because they delivered up an entire captivity unto Edom, and remembered not the covenant of brethren." 1 This seems to refer to the raids of small bodies of slave-hunters, rather than to any collective action on the part of the nation. The yet earlier prophet of the southern king- dom, Joel, represents these bands as penetrating even into the land of Judah, and selling " the sons of Judah and the sons of Jerusalem to the sons of Javan, that they might be removed far from their own border." 2 And Homer gives us some vivid pictures of their treachery and cunning in kidnapping the children of the Greek chieftains, 8 and carrying them beyond the sea for sale. The Edomites, like the 1 i., p. 9. 2 Hi., p. 6. 3 Odyss., xiv. 287, 298; xv. 415 — 429. "While pro- fessedly describing an uncertified past, his combinations Invasion of Sargon. 73 Midianites of the days of Joseph, were the carriers of the desert, and "the children of Javan," or Grecians, as the authorized version rightly calls them, had by this time established most extensive commercial dealings with the Phoenicians. We are surprised to find how quickly Tyre recovered from the loss inflicted upon her by the flight of the founders of Carthage. As in all the Greek tyrannies, which sprang up for the most part shortly after the period now under consideration, we find that the attempt of the Tyrian commons to shake off the rule of the few, only resulted in establishing the despotic rule of one. 1 But, as in Athens under the Peisistratids, Corinth under the Cypselids, Sicyon under Cleisthenes, Argos under Pheidon, this despotism was far from checking the prosperity of the state. The only direct effect of it which we can trace with clearness is the disaffection that it seems to have produced in the other cities of the Phoenician league. We find that in the great trouble that was soon to come upon are involuntarily borrowed from the surrounding present." — Grote, i., p. 454. 1 Lenormant, ii., p. 187. 74 Historical Relations. Tyre, few if any of its subject towns stood by it, but all hastened to make submission to the invader. This was S argon, the father of Sennacherib. There is reason to believe that he was a usurper, and the founder of a new and vigorous dynasty. 1 On his inscriptions he claims the honour of the capture of Samaria, and the completion of the captivity of Israel. From other sources we learn that he made a determined attack upon Phoenicia, which was indeed the natural result of his possession of Damascus. During the earlier years of the Assyrian empire, its monarchs had been con- tented in the main with conducting their commerce with the west through the agency of the desert tribes, who served as carriers for the Phoenicians. But the absorption of the Chaldaeans had given a more purely military and aggressive character to the king- dom of Nineveh. 2 The kingdom of Damascus, which, itself a dangerous neighbour to the maritime states, had still served as their ad- vanced guard against the Assyrians, had been greatly weakened by the victories of Joash and 1 Rawlinson's Herodotus, i., p. 385. 2 Cp. Kenrick, p. 372, and Movers, ii., 1, p. 376, sqq. Capture of Samaria. 75 Jeroboam II. ; and finally fell an easy prey to "the Tiger Lord of Asshur " (Tiglath- Pileser), who captured Damascus, and slew the last of its monarchs, Rezin. A firm alliance between Syria, the two Jewish kingdoms, and Phoenicia, might possibly have interposed an effectual barrier to the growth of Assyria, 1 but divided by mutual jealousies, they were power- less to resist the conqueror's march. 2 The trans-Jordanic tribes were swept into captivity; the successor of the Tiger-king again attacked the land of Israel, 3 and either he or the monarch who seems to have supplanted him completed the ruin of the northern kingdom. The narra- tive in the Book of Kings leaves us with 1 Movers has shown reason for believing that within the kingdom of Israel there was a strong party in favour of Assyria (ii., I, p. 378), which the monarchs of that country fostered in accordance with their policy at that time. 2 We find only one instance of any attempt to form such a league. Towards the close of the reign of Tiglath- Pileser, Mutton, king of Tyre, made an alliance with Pekah, and they both refused to pay tribute to Assyria. But an army was sent to enforce obedience. Hoshea formed a conspiracy, slew Pekah, and then made terms himself with Assyria, and Mutton finding himself de- serted, was obliged to follow his example. — See Lenormant, i., 391 (cp. p. 172, where there is a more doubtful instance of the same kind). 3 Lenormant, i., p. 392. Cp. p. 1 75. 76 Historical Relations. the impression that it was Shalmaneser who captured the city of Samaria ; but this is not directly asserted, and his successor, Sargon, claims the exploit for himself in one of the Khorsabad inscriptions. It seems most probable that the latter was Tartan, or commander-in- chief of the Assyrian army ; and that the block- ade of Samaria was commenced by Shalmaneser; but that on his death, either after he had returned to Assyria, or else in the land of Israel, or perhaps even in consequence of a rebellion at home occasioned by the long absence of the monarch from the capital, 1 Sargon succeeded in establishing himself on the throne. It is certainly to him that we must ascribe the important campaigns that followed. The inscription already referred to recounts, probably with truth, numerous other conquests which followed that of Samaria, all marked by the same extensive deportations of the con- quered nations. 2 But in one case the monu- mental record is incomplete, or rather false. After describing the battle of Raphia, in which Rawlinson's Herodotus; i., p. 387. 2 For the objects of this policy see Ewald's good re- marks, iii., pp. 302, 303. Siege of Tyre. 77 the king of Gaza, and SJiebek? king of Egypt, were routed, and compelled to promise " tribute of gold, spices, horses, and camels," Sargon goes on to say : " Master of battles I crossed the sea of Jamnia in ships, like a fish. I annexed Kui and Tyre." The annals of Tyre, preserved by Josephus (Ant. IX., 14, 2), give a very different and probably truer story. 2 " Elulseus, to whom they gave the name Pya, ruled for thirty-six years. Upon the revolt of the Kittians, 3 he sailed against them, and reduced them to submission. Shalmaneser, having sent an army against these people, overran the whole of Phoenicia, and then, having made peace with all, returned home. But Sidon, and Ake, and Palae-Tyrus, and many other cities, revolted from the Tyrians, and gave themselves up to the king of Assyria. Then, as the Tyrians had not submitted to him, the king marched against them again, and the Phoenicians con- tributed a fleet of sixty ships and eight hundred row-boats (liriKWTrovg). But the Tyrians sailing 1 So, according to the Masoretic pointing in 2 Kings xvii. 4, but cp. Ewald, iii., 316, note 1. (First German edition.) 2 Cp. Movers, ii., 1, pp. 383 — 385. 8 Chittim, of Cyprus. 7 8 Historical Relations. against these with twelve ships, scattered the enemy's fleet, and took about five hundred prisoners, and all in Tyre won much honour by this. So the king- of Assyria returned home, after posting guards at the river [apparently the copious spring of Ras-el-Ain, praised so by Nonnus, xl. 360] * and the aqueducts, to pre- vent the Tyrians from drawing water. But the Tyrians held out for five years, and got their water from wells that they dug." 2 Here, as per- haps in the Jewish annals, Shalmaneser is con- fused with Sargon ; but this furnishes no ground for speaking of the account as " probably unhis- torical." 3 Movers has well pointed out the im- portance of Cyprus (probably an old possession of the Assyrians in their earlier palmy days), 4 not only from its great productiveness, but also as the only station for a fleet, intended to operate against Phoenicia and Egypt, which would be accessible to the Assyrian monarchs. It is pro- bable, therefore, that the revolt of Cyprus against 1 Kenrick, p. 346. 2 Translated from the original, cp. Movers, /. c. The version by Lenormant is not very correct (i., p. 396). Cp. Cheyae's Isaiah, p. 91. 3 Rawlinson, u. s., p. 386, note 4. 4 See Movers, ii., 1, p. 292. Result of the Siege. 79 the Tyrian rule was the work of Assyrian policy, and was supported by Assyrian arms. The appeal to the monarchy of Nineveh at this time has a parallel in the appeal to the king of Persia afterwards when the island seemed in the way to become a powerful Greek kingdom under Evagoras. 1 The connection of this campaign with the battle of Raphia will readily be under- stood if we remember that to Egypt the Israel- ites, the Phoenicians, and the Philistines all were looking as their ally against the threatening domination of Assyria. It was the discovery of a conspiracy of Hoshea with Seveh, or Shebek, king of Egypt, that led to the complete captivity of the northern kingdom ; and the prophets of the period have constant references to the con- nection of interests and (intermittingly) of action between the various objects of the ambition of Assyria. The earlier Zechariah, in words already quoted, speaks of the alarm that should fall upon Askelon and Ashdod at hearing of the fate of Tyre ; and Isaiah in several passages speaks of Egypt as the hope of Phoenicia, though he does not fail to point out how untrustworthy this hope was. 2 1 Grote, vii., pp. 17 — 20 (8 vol. ed.) 2 Is. xx. 5, 6,xxiii. 5. Cp. Ewald, iii., p. 316; Movers, ii., 1, p. 394, sq. 80 Historical Relations. The result of this blockade of the island-city of Tyre is not stated definitely by any authority, for the Khorsabad inscription may refer only to Palae-Tyrus. But Movers 1 supplies some very strong arguments for believing that the reduction of the city was at last effected, not the least forcible of which is the very suspicious silence of the fragment of Menander (ap. Josephum 2 ) as to the final issue. The capture of some five hun- dred prisoners would hardly have been dwelt upon so much if it had been cast into the shade by a five years' successful defiance of the whole power of Assyria. It is only one of the sadly numerous instances in which M. Lenormant turns unsupported conjectures into unqualified asser- tions, 3 if he writes, "the siege lasted five years ; and at labt the lieutenants of Sargon, tired of their useless efforts, and seeing no probable end i ii., i, p. 397—400. 2 Antiq., ix., 14, 2. Mr. Cheyne draws just the opposite conclusion from the language of Menander (Isaiah, p. 56); but this is alike less natural in itself, and opposed to the many other indications of the result. Sargon, in one of his inscriptions now in the British Museum, distinctly says that he "has destroyed the city of Tyre." Cp. Cheyne's Isaiah, p. 239. 3 Cp. Edinburgh Review for July, 1870. Tyre and Assyria. 8 1 to their undertaking, decided on raising the siege." 1 And again: "At the end of this long and fruitless siege, the Assyrians were compelled to retreat." a There seems, however, reason for believing that the terms conceded were honour- able, and that Tyre was left in a condition of wealth and prosperity. 3 Now we have again a long period of darkness, all authorities failing us, with the exception of the cuneiform inscriptions, which here and there shed some gleams of light upon the position of the Phoenician cities in relation to Assyria. Movers, writing before any of these records were deciphered, represents the century which elapsed between the siege of Tyre by Sargon's generals, and its capture by Nebuchadnezzar, as one of peaceful submission on their part to the Ninevite empire. 4 The evident desire of the Assyrian monarchs to bind together the various provinces that owned their sway by the ties of commerce and friendly intercourse, and to weld them into a compact and united kingdom, leads us to imagine that they would have furnished every 1 ii., p. 190. 3 Kenrick, p. 380. 2 i., p. 396. 4 ii., I, pp. 400—402. 6 82 Historical Relations. protection to the lucrative trade of Tyre. And that this was the case in the main is evident from the great prosperity which the city enjoyed during this period. We have a vivid picture of this in the words of the contemporary prophet Isaiah (xxiii. 7) : Who hath decreed this against Tyre, The city that dispensed crowns, Whose merchants were princes, Whose traffickers the honoured of the land ? And a magnificent description of the same city, under the emblem of a ship, its wealth, strength, and luxury being symbolized by the beauty and firm structure of one of its own state galleys, is furnished to us by the somewhat later prophet Ezekiel. 1 But in spite of the great material advantages resulting from a close connection with Assyria (counterbalanced, however, to a certain extent by losses arising from the inter- ruption of trade with countries at war with Assyria, and from the establishment of Assyrian colonies), 2 the attractions of the old alliance with Egypt, and the impatience of foreign rule, break- 1 Chap, xxvii., of which an excellent translation is given by Kenrick, pp. 192 — 195. 2 Movers, ii., 1, pp. 409 — 412. Revolts against Assyria. 83 ing out occasionally with unexpected fierceness in the Phoenician race, sometimes shook their fidelity. We find, for instance, that upon the death of Sargon, Elulaeus, the king of Tyre mentioned before, profited by the temporary confusion that ensued to extend his rule over the other Phoenician cities, and to throw off the yoke of Assyria. The first campaign of Sen- nacherib was directed against the rebel monarch, and seems to have resulted in his expulsion, after the capture of his capital. 1 The next instance of resistance was offered by Sidon, 2 during the dis- turbances which followed the assassination of Sennacherib ; but his successor, Esarhaddon, marched in person into Phoenicia, and quelled the revolt. He says himself of Sidon, in an in- scription : " I have put all its grandees to death ; I destroyed its walls and its houses ; I threw them into the sea ; I destroyed the sites of its temples." 3 Not twenty years after this, 4 we find the Phoe- nicians again in revolt, this time supported by the Ethiopian king of Egypt, who succeeded Tirhakah ; but the Assyrian monarch, Asshur- 1 Lenormant, ii., p. 191. 3 Lenormant, ii., p. 192. 2 Rawlinson, i., p. 390. 4 Rawlinson, i., p. 395. 84 Historical Relations. banipal, after a successful campaign in Egypt, reduced them again to submission. The great Scythic invasion of B.C. 620 (circ.) seems to have had but little permanent effect upon any of the nations over which it swept like a whirlwind. But the revival of Egyptian power under Psammetichus, and the capture and de- struction of Nineveh by the Medes and Baby- lonians, were far more fruitful of results. 1 When Necho, the son of Psammetichus, advanced into Syria to share the spoils of the Ninevite empire, the Phoenician cities seem to have welcomed him with alacrity, and aided him with their fleet in his probably successful attempt to circum- navigate Africa. Josiah, faithful to his Babylo- nian allies, in vain endeavoured to stop the course of the invader at Megiddo, and was slain in battle there ; but the Egyptian army suffered a complete defeat at Carchemish, at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar. Syria was utterly lost to the Pharaohs, and when afterwards the kings of Egypt attempted to protect their frontier by securing the alliance of the kings of Judah, they only brought ruin on their allies. At the time of the capture of Jerusalem, in the reign of 1 Ewald, iii., p. 424, sq. Siege of Tyre. 85 Jehoiakim, 1 and again when it suffered the same fate under Jehoiachin, Nebuchadnezzar seems to have had no leisure to turn his arms against Phoenicia, and its citizens began to feel them- selves secure. 2 But Ezekiel warned them in words of eloquent denunciation of the desola- tion that should soon come upon them : " Because that Tyrus hath said against Jerusalem, Aha, she is broken that was the gates of the nations : I shall be replenished, now she is laid waste : there- fore thus saith the Lord God, Behold I am against thee, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up. And they shall destroy the walls of Tyrus, and break down her towers." The prophecy was soon, at least in spirit, to be fulfilled. It was probably after the capture of Jerusalem that Nebuchadnezzar 1 See, however, Stanley, " Jewish Church,'' ii., p. 539. 2 There seems even to have been at this time some alliance between Phoenicia and the Chaldeans. At least Apries (Pharaoh Hophra) is said to have taken Sidon by storm, and fought a naval battle with the Tyrians (Herod., ii., p. i6t). Perhaps they changed sides after the battle of Carchemish, or at least were neutral. Lenormant how- ever places this invasion of Uahprahet (as he calls him) after the capture of Tyre. But see Sir J. G. Wilkinson's note in Rawlinson's Herodotus, /. c. 86 Historical Relations. marched against the Phoenician cities, which seem (willingly or by compulsion) to have joined the coalition of Zedekiah and Pharaoh Hophra, with the Moabites, the Ammonites, and the Edomites, against the Babylonian conqueror. 1 Tyre was the only one which offered any lasting resistance, and against this the full force of Nebuchadnezzar was directed. The thirteen years' siege that ensued was one of the most famous in history ; but, as in the case of the leaguer of Sargon, we are quite unable to speak with confidence as to its termination. It has usually been supposed that Tyre was taken and destroyed ; but this supposition rests upon the assumption that the prophecies of Ezekiel must have had a complete and exact fulfilment. The instance of Jonah at Nineveh shows us that this need not have been so, and other words of the prophet, spoken sixteen years after his first de- nunciations, seem to imply that the fate which he had threatened did not actually fall upon Tyre. i See last note on the preceding page ; cp. Movers, ii.. I, pp. 426 and 450 — 458. 2 Ezek. xxix. 1 7. Cp. Kenrick, pp. 388 — 390, and Diet. Bible, s.v. Tyre. Hitzig on Ezek. xxvi. denies that the prophecy was ever fulfilled. Fairbairn naturally takes the opposite view. PJiocnicia subject to Babylon. 87 Movers has discussed the question with his usual exhaustive completeness (ii. I. 427 — 449), and comes to the conclusion that the city finally submitted, but on honourable conditions, and that at any rate the island-city was never cap- tured by force. Be this as it may, the long duration of the sie°;e must have inflicted a serious blow upon the prosperity of Tyre ; and though we find a series of kings filling the throne down to the days of Alexander, they were little more than satraps of the kings of Babylon, and afterwards of Persia. The inde- pendent national life of the Phoenician cities terminated with their absorption into the empire of Nebuchadnezzar. The same limit may be assigned for the purposes of the present essay to the national life of the children of Israel ; and here we may close this rapid survey of the exterior history of the mutual relations of the two great peoples of Palestine. The following chapters will contain a consideration of the re- sults, political, social, and religious, of these relations. 88 CHAPTER III. THE INFLUENCE OF PHOENICIA UPON ISRAEL, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL. Common Race Characteristics — For the most part lost — Canaanite and Phoenician Influence tending in the same direction — Counteracting Influences — Vows — Civic Leagues — Literature — Manufactures — Phoenician carrying Trade — Direct ♦Commerce. " ' I V HE earliest period of antiquity was an age t*- when nations were not crowded together in large loose masses, but lived one beside the other, like so many families, each retaining its own sharply defined character and distinct cul- ture ; and when even the smallest tribe shut itself up in its own individuality, and relied solely on its own resources to attain whatever appeared to be its highest good. . . . Just as Athens and Rome, with the smallest possible territory, could gain a place in the history of the world, so also could a nation of Palestine. Now two nations of Palestine, we know, above all others that met Common Semitic Characteristics. 89 there, bore away this palm, — two nations so dif- ferent that it is hard to imagine a stronger con- trast, and even acting upon each other in virtue of this very contrast to intensify their divergence, yet both of them so constituted that the result of their endeavours became permanent, and among* the most conspicuous fruits of the world's history." 1 Before we attempt to determine the nature and results of their action on each other, two stumbling-blocks must be removed that present themselves at the very commencement of our path. The Israelites, as we have already seen, probably belonged to the same great stock, if not to the same division of it, as the Phoenicians; and for centuries they had within their borders the remnants of conquered tribes that had the closest affinity to the population of the maritime cities. If then we find any points of resemblance to the latter in the political, social, and religious conditions of the former, we shall have to attempt the preliminary inquiry how far these are due to the inherent tendencies of the Semitic stock, and how far they may be ascribed to the internal action of the Canaanite tribes ; and it is only 1 Ewald, i., pp. 223, 234. 90 Political and Social Influence. that which still remains unaccounted for by the action of these constant, and, so to speak, primary influences, that can fairlv be traced to the con- scious or unconscious agency of the Phoenicians. The first of these questions admits the more readily of at least partial solution, but in both we shall probably have to content ourselves with an approximation to the truth. The evidence of language, here apparently incontestable, proves that the Phoenicians be- longed to the Semitic stock, 1 but the historian is fairly puzzled to find the prevalent Semitic cha- racteristics entirely wanting among the Phoeni- cians. " The proper characteristic of the Semites is to have no industry, no political spirit, no municipal organization ; navigation and coloni- zation seem distasteful to them ; their action confined itself to the East, and entered into the current of the affairs of Europe only indirectly. In Phoenicia, on the contrary, we find an in- dustrial civilization, political revolutions, the most active commerce that was known to an- tiquity, a nation incessantly penetrating in all directions into the outer world, and mingled in all the destinies of the Mediterranean nations. 1 See above, p. 10. Phoenician Characteristics. 91 In religion there is the same contrast : instead of the severe monotheism, the lofty conception of the Deity, the pure ritual which characterizes the Semitic nations, we find among the Phoe- nicians a coarse mythology, base and ignoble gods, voluptuousness raised to an act of religion. The most sensual myths of antiquity, the phallic rites, the trade in prostitutes, the infa- mous institutions of the Galli and the ItpoSovXoi come in great measure from Phoenicia. Perhaps if we had to point out among all the nations of antiquity those whose physiognomy contrasted most with that of the Semites, we should be tempted to name the Phoenicians. And yet this is the nation which linguistic facts prove to have been in the closest fraternity with the Hebrews." 1 The only solution of this enigma is to suppose that the Phoenicians, separating early from the general stock, and rapidly de- veloping a luxurious commercial life, abandoned their primitive character, but not their language, and so became soon very distinct from and almost the opposite of their nomadic brethren. 2 1 Renan, "Histoire des Langues Semitiques." pp. 183, 184. 2 This is of course directly opposed to the theory of 92 Political and Social Influence. M. Renan reminds us of the marvellous change which, with all its narrow and exclusive patriot- ism, has passed over the Jewish nation ; and tells us that the baseness and the degrada- tion of the Arab who pursues commerce and handicrafts in the towns of Barbary furnishes a striking" contrast to the natural pride of the true Arab, the Arab of the desert. 2 Benedict Spinoza, Moses Mendelssohn, and Heinrich Heine are alone enough to show how little race charac- teristics can be regarded as immutable. We may therefore assume with confidence that all or nearly all the points of resemblance between the Phoenicians and Israelites in their primeval home had become obliterated in the course of the centuries which had witnessed them living such diverse lives. It is much less easy to determine the effect that the Canaanitish kinsmen of the Phoeni- cians had in producing after the arrival of the Prof. Rawlinson, that the Phoenicians did not come into the land about Tyre and Sidon till long after the entrance of the children of Israel on the Promised Land ; but we have seen already that this view is supported by no com- petent authorities, and very few noteworthy arguments. 2 Renan has well brought out the effects of a nomadic life, p. 498- Influence of Canaanitcs. 93 Israelites some degree of assimilation. These Canaanites were very far from being a bar- barous nation ; on the contrary, we have many indications that they had already attained to a high but terribly corrupt civilization, — " a sort of over-ripeness in their beautiful land, which may probably have been largely due to their never- ceasing divisions, through which every petty town could manufacture its own laws, — the worse, the better." 1 The fresh energy of the in- vading hosts, their consciousness of a divine guid- ance, and, we need not fear to add, the direct assistance of Jahveh (vouchsafed to the chosen people), carried the Israelites victorious through the first great battles of the war. But though they established themselves firmly in the strong- holds of the hill country, il walking," as their poets loved to express it, " on the high places of the land," 2 the fertile valleys remained to a large extent in the hands of the Canaanites, and the settlements of the Israelites were often " like islands shaken by a stormy ocean." 3 As soon as the firm controlling hand of Joshua was removed, 1 Ewald, i., p. 241. 2 See references in Ewald, ii., p. 264. 3 Ewald, ibid. 94 Political and Social Influence. the invaders became at once disorganized and disunited, and to the isolated communities the neighbourhood of the luxurious and cultured Canaanites must have furnished constant sources of attraction and temptation. The story of the sin of Achan gives us just a glimpse into the wealth which, even thus early, traffic with the East must have brought into the land ; and there are not wanting indications of manufac- turing industry. The " prey of diverse colours," which the mother of Sisera is represented as anticipating, may well have been the product of the looms of the conquered Canaanites. We must certainly ascribe to their influence, and not to that of the Phoenicians, during this early period at any rate, the constant lapses from the worship of Jahveh into the foul and idolatrous cult of Baal and Ashtaroth. The simple words of the Book of Judges bring this forcibly before us : " And the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites, Hittites, and Amorites, and Perizzites, and Hivites, and Jebusites : and they took their daughters to be their wives, and gave their daughters to their sons, and served their gods. And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and forgat the Lord their Counteracting Influences. 95 God, and served Baalim and the groves" (Ash- taroth). 1 Yet, in the midst of all the effeminate vice that is implied in these words, the character of the Jewish nation seems to have retained much of its primitive simplicity. We must never forget that the dangerous attractions of the Canaanites were counterbalanced to a certain extent by the bitter hostility that must have lain beneath tem- porary alliances and connexions, and that there were rarely wanting some faithful adherents of Jahveh to call the people back to their alle- giance to the God of their fathers. 2 A victory like that of Deborah and Barak must have swept away the results of years of treacherously peaceful intercourse. And on the whole the impression that we derive from the chronicle of this period is that of primitive simplicity rather than luxurious civilization. " The disorders of the time breathe always the air rather of the desert than of the city." 3 Many little phrases still in use remind us of the nomadic life of the desert; 4 and the story of Ruth, as "she stood 1 Judges iii. 5 — 7. 2 Compare the story of the overthrow of the altar of Baal in Ophrah, by Gideon. 3 Stanley, "Jewish Church," i., p. 294. 4 Cp. Stanley, //. s., p. 295. 96 Political and Social Influence. in tears amid the alien corn," is full of a delicious pastoral freshness. 1 The whole constitution of Joshua was directed to the establishment and maintenance of the bulk of the nation in the condition of small yeomen farmers ; 2 and any one who has studied with care the internal his- tory of the Roman Republic 3 will understand the vital importance of his salutary regulations as to the tenure of land to the strength and stability of the nation. In spite of the many temptations from the Canaanites, it was possible to preserve, at least in the parts of the country furthest removed from the corrupting atmo- sphere of the larger towns, a national life funda- mentally pure and wholesome. This might have been attained in a far higher degree if the Divine commands had been faithfully exe- cuted, the Canaanites rooted out, and each free citizen placed in possession of his share of the fertile territory. Even as it was, this period had its gleams of light breaking through the dark- 1 Cp. Ewald, i., p. 154 ; ii., p. 320. 2 Cp. especially Milman, " History of the Jews," i., pp. 161 and 230 — 233. 3 The land-question at Rome is admirably discussed by Ihne, " Romische Geschichte," vol. i., book ii., cc. 7 and 17 ; book hi., c. 3. General Simplicity of Life. 97 ness, or perhaps we should rather say that if we could penetrate the veil that too much hides it from us, we should find that what is covered is far less gloomy than we might have imagined. We need not follow Ewald in his somewhat arbitrary and dogmatic assignment of the Biblical narrative to various authors, whose dates and tendencies he fixes with so much con- fidence. 1 But we may be willing to admit that the main object of the compiler of the Book of Judges was to point out the evils that resulted from anarchy, and from a desertion of the one true God, and that he passed over all that would not tend to impress this the more deeply on the minds of his readers. 2 The veil is lifted for us once ; and though the view that we get then shows us the life of Northern Israel at a somewhat later time than that which we are now considering, we may well 1 Cp. i., pp. 159—163. 2 It is hard to see the force of Ewald's arguments for assigning the work to two early authorities and a later redacteur. There is nothing unnatural, it seems to me, in supposing that the same writer, living in the reign of one of the good kings, wished to exalt both the advan- tages of monarchy, and the blessings that accompanied fidelity to Jahveh. 7 9 8 Political and Social Influence. believe that for our present purpose it may be taken as a faithful representation of the condi- tion of things at an earlier period. The beau- tiful " Song of Solomon" is probably but little later than the days of the great monarch whose name it bears, for this idyllic drama must have been composed before Tirzah had ceased to be a capital city almost rivalling Jerusalem. 1 It breathes throughout a spirit of reaction against the splendour of the court of Solomon, and the polygamy that threatened to corrupt the simple domestic life of the people. While on the one hand it points to a condition of no small literary development, on the other hand it is fragrant with the freshness and innocence of rustic life, contrasted sharply with the luxury and effemi- nacy of the city and the palace. We cannot believe that the picture of the fairest among women that went her way forth by the foot- steps of the flock, and fed her kids beside the shepherds' tents, is drawn entirely from the fancy of the poet. In all the temptations to vice that abounded in the groves of Ashtaroth, there must have been many a fresh and simple heart, 1 See Ewald, iii., pp. 173 — 175. Renan assigns it to the lifetime of Solomon. See the Preface to his translation. Position of Women. 99 that murmured to itself, " My dove, my unde- fined is one, she the one of her mother, she the choice of her that bare her." x The surest test of the moral elevation of an age we find in reverence for women, 2 and if we find them, even in the more corrupt and dis- organized tribes of Northern Canaan, distributing the spoil in the rejoicings after victory, 3 and in general enjoying unusual freedom and respect, we cannot believe that the heart of the nation can have been deeply tainted. We find indeed outbursts of licentious passion, resulting in horrible outrage, but the words with which such deeds were spoken of, "such folly should not be wrought in Israel," point to a national life still sound and morally awake. 4 Two points dwelt upon by Dean Stanley as instances of Phoenician influence would seem to be more justly ascribed to the intercourse with 1 Cant. vi. 9. 2 We cannot fail to remember how Tacitus loves to bring this out in his contrast of the fresh Teutonic tribes with his own fast-sinking country. Compare, too, the Penelope and Nausicaa of Homer with Pericles' idea ol woman, and the wife of Xenophon's (Economicus. 3 Judges v. 11 ; Ps. lxviii. 11. sq. ; Is. ix. 5 (from Ewald, ii-, P- 355)- 4 Cp. Ewald, ii., p. 351. with references in note 2. I CO Political and Social Influence. the Canaanites. The first is the tendency to the frequent use of vows. " The impulse from his early oath, which nerved the courage and patriotism of Hannibal from childhood to age in his warfare against Rome, may fitly be taken as an illustration of the feeling which, in its highest and noblest forms, led to the consecra- tion of Samson and Samuel, and in its unautho- rized excesses to the rash vows of the whole nation against the tribe of Benjamin, of Jeph- thah against his daughter, of Saul against Jonathan. These spasmodic efforts after self- restraint are precisely what we should expect in an age which had no other mode of steadying its purposes amidst the general anarchy in which it was enveloped, and accordingly in that age they first appear, and within its limits expire." 1 But it must 'not escape our notice that all the instances here adduced are drawn from the very tribes that must have been exposed the least to purely Phoenician influences. It is going far from the most immediate and potent cause to trace such influence in the case of the trans- Jordanic Jephthah. The striking parallel of Hannibal's oath only tends to confirm our 1 Jewish Church, i., p. 294. Oaths and Vows. 101 belief in the fundamental identity of the Canaan- ites and the Phoenicians, and not to induce us to ascribe to the latter what may well be traced to the former. Similar reasoning seems to hold good as regards Dean Stanley's second instance. Ewald rightly lays much stress upon the change from a purely tribal constitution to a confederate civic life, such as that displayed by the league that placed itself under the protection of Baal- Berith, the ''Covenant God." 1 But when he says that the example of such civic life and civic leagues was obviously given to the northern regions by their Phoenician neighbours, and by the ancient Canaanite customs, we may fairly ask what need there is to assume the agency of the former, when the influence of the latter was of itself adequate to produce the results. Indeed there are indications in the account of the league of Baal-Berith, of which Shechem was the cen- tre, to show that it was at least semi-Canaanite in its composition. On the other hand, we may fairly ascribe to more direct Phoenician influence the develop- ment of art and of literature among the Israel- 1 Ewald, ii., pp. 341 — 344. Cp. Judges viii. 33, and Stanley, i., pp. 293 and 352. 102 Political and Social Influence. i'tes of the time of the Judges. The origin of writing, and the date of its first employment, are subjects which have been much debated, and the paucity of evidence makes it probable that we shall never be able to arrive at any posi- tive conclusion. " L'ignorance ou nous sommes des vrais rapports des Hebreux d'une part avec ies Hyksos, et de l'autre avec les Pheniciens" d'une epoque reculee, est ici, comme sur une foule de points, la source de grandes perplexites." 1 But the opinion of the best authorities appears to be that writing was unknown to the Israelites before their descent into the land of Egypt ; that from some source (probably wholly un- connected with hieroglyphics) they acquired it there, but that it did not come into general use till after they had settled in the land of Canaan. 2 At any rate it is certain that a vigorous popular literature was developed during the time of the Judges. There are not only many historical fragments which the most unsparing criticism is compelled to ascribe to this era, but we also find lyrics which unite the greatest boldness and animation with a finished artistic structure. To i R