7 ^ < M — ^^i^ -n 9 = ^^^, f— — * ■■I -< 9 ~ A PRIMER ANO VOCABULARY OF THE MORO DIALECT BY ■1 1 1 1^ \ R. s. porte:r, 1st Lieut., Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. i • «► i 1 Published by 1 1 • i BUREAU OF INSULAR AFFAIRS, :< WAR department. i October, 1903. 1 ■i WASHINGTON: i government printing okfice. ,1 i 190.3. 1 ^. s A PRIMER ... AETHTO WILIUMS U. S. ARMY. VOCABULARY OF THE MORO DIALECT (MAGINDANAU) i3Y t t \ R. S. PORTER, 1st Lieut., Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. Published by BUREAU OF INSULAR AFFAIRS, WAR department. OCTOBKR, 1903. , i \ WASHINGTON : government printing office. 1903. ! i • • • 2'. : : : ;.WAe:DEP.QitMi!JCr;: ; : • • *• Doftilftfent 209.* • "• • • .1 \ . / P13 aETHUR WILLIAMS, W. S. ARMY. INTRODUCTION. This little pamphlet is intended to be an elementaiy aid to the beginning of the study of the Moro dialect as spoken in the vicinity of Cotabato, Parang Parang, Malabang, and Baras, and with varia- ; tions around the Lake of Lanao. rv It will in time be found to be inaccurate in some minor particulars, :^ but as it is the lirst thing of its kind in the English language no ^apology is ottered. ^ The continental value of the vowels has been used in the spelling on - account of the simplicity and its common sense. It also takes up so much less space than to use our antiquated method. For instance, the ^ expression ''Where are you going T' is simply written "Andau Ka :;; Pagangay?" instead of "Ahndah-ookah pagangeye?" which would be the only way to express it so that no one could mistake it. Most '^. of those who will want a book of this kind will be familiar with the I Spanish language to some extent, and so will have no difliculty with "^ the method. y After one has become somewhat familiar with the dialect I would recommend the purchase of the dictionary of Father Juan Martin, ^ but not before, as its many inaccuracies will only serve to confuse the i5 student and give entirely wrong impressions. 3 486453 A PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. GENERAL. CONSIDERATIONS. One point wliicli is of such prime importance that an ignorance of it would preclude any possi})ilitv of learning- the lanj^uag-e will be spoken of tir.st. This is the almost universal use of the passive voice, which is carried to the extreme. The active voice is used only, or nearly so, in an intransitive sense, as per the following- expressions: "1 gave him a dollar." = " Iningay ku salkanin su isa pilak," the literal translation of which is " Was given b}^ me to him the one dollar." was given =iningay by me =ku to him =salkaniii the one (lollar=su isa pilak Thus the transitive sense is nearly always expressed by the passive voice. As an example of the active intransitive the following is given: "I am sleeping." = "Pud-tulug aku," or literally, "Sleeping am I;" or "1 sleep "="Tumulug aku." These examples are given very briefl}" here, and will be taken up more full}^ in another place. . THE AKTICLE. The articles are three in number, as follows: I 1 Su =The Singular ^2 Sa =To the, or of the, or from the 1 3 Kanu =To the, or of the, or from the rl Su mga = To the Plural < 2 Sa mga =To the, or of the, or from the Ls Kanu mga=To the, or of the, or from the The proper article is one prefixed to a Christian (?) (Moro) name, as the Moro always says "The John," or "To the John," instead of simply saying "John" or "To John." 1 Si =The. 2 Kani=To, of, or from the. Instead of the second form, the word na or ni is sometimes used to express the genitive case, as "The house of John," Su ualay ni, John, or "The hair of the dog," "Su buk na asu." Used in this way it is 5 6 PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. . preferable. The name of God is by custom preceded by the common ; article Su or Kanu. j EXAMPLES. ' Su kalimu na Alatala =The love of God. Andau .su ban-gala ku? =Where is my coat? Inin-gay ku kani John =1 gave it to John. Andau su mga (manga) sundaru?= Where are the soldiers? ACCENT. J General rules. — Words of two syllables, accent first; three syllables, accent second; four syllables, accent third. J 1 THE NOUN. Many nouns are deriv^ed from other words — nouns, verbs, and adjec- tives. A few examples are given. FROM NOUNS. . ; From Kalabaza, squash =Kalabaza-an, a place of squashes. ; From Niug, cocoanut =Niug-an, a place of cocoanuts. ■ From Palau, mountain =Palau-an, a place of mountains. ; From Surat, a letter =Pa-su-surat, a clerk. : From Tugus, a net =Pa-tu-tugus, a fisherman. , FROM ADJECTIVES. ' I From Ma-item, black =Ka-item, blackness. i From Ma-pia, good =Ka-pia, goodness. From Ma-lat, bad =Ka-lat, badness. i From Ma-rangit, mad =Ka-rangit, madness, anger. ', From Ma-puti, white =Ka-puti, whiteness. FROM VERBS. \ I From lug, wish =K(a)-iug, a wish. s From Patay, to be dead =Ka-patay, death. From Tulug, to sleep =Ka-tulug, sleep. -i From Ulug, to fall =Ka-ulug, fall. From N-galabuk, to work=Kan-galabuk, work. From Kan, to eat =Ka-kan, meal. • i From Tau, to know =Ka-tau, knowledge. i Thus it will be seen that noun.s are formed from nouns bv suffixino- I the particle ""an"" to nouns to indicate "a place of," and the prefix \ "pa'' with a repetition of the first sj^llable to indicate an employment; from verbs by prefixing- the particle Ka (see also conjugations); from j adjectives b}^ prefixing the particle "Ka" to the root. \ I ADJECTIVES. I Adjectives are almost always distinguished by their beginning with \ the particle "Ma;" as, for instance: | Ma-tilak = smooth. Ma-tanus = clean. Ma-idu = little. Ma-ugat = heavy. Ma-singit = stingy. Ma-sla = big. PRIMER OK TIIK MORO LANGUAGE. 7 VERBS. On the. followino' paj>os arc given some examples of Moro vei'))s and tlieii- chano-es in the form of conjugations. A few general rules are liiN'cn first. V.VKIOIS IvUMCS. I. The root is used fre({uently foi" tlie imperative. •2. The present partieipU; is used for verl)s in the transitive. 3. The participle ''su" is used before the singular object of a transi- tive verb in the passive. 4. The participle "sa" is used before the singuhir objecit of transi- tive verbs in the active ("kanu" may also be used). 5. The active form of verbs is used when in an intransitive sense. 6. The singular pronouns "aku," "ka," and "sekanin" follow active forms of the verb. 7. The singular pronouns "ku," "nka," " nin " follow passive forms of the verb. 8. The present participle is formed by prefixing the participle "pa," "pe,"" "pini,''' "pid," "ped," and "peg," "pen," "ping" to the root of the present. 9. The infinitive is always formed in the active when purely an infinitive. 10. An infinitive used as a verbal noun is formed by the particle "ka" or "kal)pa-g" when in a past sense, "kina.'' II. The passive is frequently formed by suffixing the particle "an" or "en" after the root; i. e., "lusudan," "embalen." 12. The active by " um," after the first consonant, " lusud-lumusud," " sulat sumulat." 13. The verb to love, in the active voice, can onl}^ be used to express ; love for a number of persons or anything except one particular person. 14. Following the principal form of the gerund, the combination of "ku-salka," or " ngka-salkanin," as "su kailay ku salka makapia su ginaua ku,'' " It makes my heart good to see you." 15. "Maka'' and "naka" express the "power to do." "Makasulat uku,'' 1 can write; "nakasulat aku," I could write. 16. "Paca" or "paka" prefixed to imperative or root expresses an order: "Pa-kaan ka sa kuda," or "Order the horse to eat" or "Feed the horse." The past is " Pina-kambuat ku su manga tau," "lordered the people to get up." 17. Gerunds usually in the passive. IS. "When" is followed by "i" instead of su in sentences like this: "When are you going?" Canu i kaganat ka ? " When the go away you," or "The going away you," used as an abstract noun. 8 PRIMEK OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. 19. In reference to the particle "paka" or "pinaka" note these examples: Pabetay aku nin=To strike ordered am I by him. Pinabetay aku nin=To strike ordered was I by him. In the first case "pa" is used instead of "paka." 20. Ipabetay aku nin=Struck ordered am I by him. ' Inipabetay aku nin= Struck ordered was I by him. In this case the action is reflexive and is a "double passive." 21. "I" prefixed to a root makes it mean "to do with"" whatever it may be; as, for instance: Igamut ku su gamut salka=I cure you with medicine. Iteped ku su patuk sa kayu=I cut with the hatchet the tree. 22. To love each other or to fight each other, etc., is expressed by the suffix "ay " as follows: Pegcalimuay 8ilan=They love each other. Pembunuay silan=They fight each other. The suffix "ay" is always added to the present participle. 23. " Who " at the beginning- of an interrogative sentence is followed by "i." 24. In questions in regard to the time of doing anything use the gerund. "When did j^ou come down?" kanu i kinalusud ngka. 25. Note the following peculiarities: Nakainum aku=I could drink. Di aku makainum=I can not drink. Da aku makainum kagay=I could not drink yesterday. 26. All verbs forming the present with the prefix " ed," as edsagayan aku, form the past with "mid," as midsagayan aku. 27. The same with "ub" present, or with "mib" or "pib" for the past. PROVISIONAL CONJUGATION. 1. English equivalent. To carry. Carry. 2. Moro root. Auid. Carry. i 8. Imperative, simple. Auid. Carry. , 4. Imperative, continuous. Pang-auid. Keep on carrying. \ 5. Imperative, present par- ticiple. Pug-auid, Carrying. I 6. Imperative, past parti- ciple. Na-auid. Carried. i 7. Imperative, present. Ma-auid. Carry — carries. 8. Active voice, past. Mina-auid. Carried. 9. Active voice, future. Ma-auid-bu. Will carry. 10. Active voice, present ability. Maka-auid. Can carry. 1 11. Active voice, past ability. Naka-auid. Coidd carry. i 12. Active voice, present participle. Pug-auid-an. Being carried. 1 PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE, 13. Active voice, payt par- ticiple. 14. Paasive voice, present. 15. PaHwivo voice, past. 16. Passive voice, future. 17. Passive voice, present ability (No. 1). 18. Passive voice, present ability (No. 2). 19. Passive voice, i)ast abil- ity. 20. Verbal noun, i)resent. 21. Verljal noun, present participle. 22. Verbal noun, past. 23. Verbal noun, past con- tinuous action. 24. Double imperative, sim- ple. 25. Double imperative, pres- ent speaker active. 26. Double imperative, past speaker active. 27. Double imperative, pres- ent speaker passive. 28. Double imperative, past speaker passive. Na-auid-an. Aui(l-an. In-aui(l-an. Aui(l-an-bu. Ma-auid. Ka-auid. Na-auid. Ka-auid. Kabpug-auid. Kina-auid. Kina-pug-auid. Pa-auid. Pa-auid-an. Pina-auid. I-pa-auid. I-ni-pa-auid. Was carried. Is carried ( by) . Waii carried (hy). Will he carried {hy). Can he carried {by). Can be carried (by). Could be carried {by). The to carry. The carrying. The carried. The was carried or carrying. Order to carry. Am or are ordered to carry. Was ordered to carry. Am or are ordered carried by. Was ordered carried by. 3. Auid ka su kahaua. 4. Pang auid ka su kaliana. 5. Pugauid aku sa kahaua. 6. Su kahaua nauid. 7. Mauid aku sa kahaua. 8. Minauid aku sa kahaua. 9. Mauid aku bu sa kahaua. 10. Makaauid aku sa kahaua. 11. Nakaauid aku sa kahaua. 12. Pugauidan ku su kahaua. 13. Nauidan su kahaua. 14. Auidan ku su kahaua. 15. Inauidan ku su kahaua. 16. Auidan ku bu su kahaua. 17. Mauid ku su kahaua. 18. Kauidan ku su kahaua. 19. Nauid ku su kahaua. 20. Malat i kauid in canu kahaua. 21. Malat i kapugauid in canu kahaua. 22. Malat i kinaauid in canu kahaua. 23. Malat i kinapugauid in canu kahaua. 24. Paauid ka sekanin sa kahaua. 25. Paauidan aku nin sa kahaua. 26. Pinaauid aku nin sa kahaua. 27. Ipaauid aku nin. 28. Inipaauid aku nin. Carry you the coffee. Keep on carrying the coffee. Carrying am I of the coffee. The coffee is carried. Carry I of tJie coffee. Carried I of the coffee. Carry I will of the coffee. Can carry I of the coffee. Could carry I of the coffee. Being carried hy me the coffee. Carried ivas the coffee. Is carried by me the coffee. Was carried by me the coffee. Will be carried by me the coffee. Can be carried hy me tlie coffee. Can be carried by me the coffee. Could have been earned by ine the coffee. Bad the carry hy him of the coffee. Bad tlie carrying by him of tJie coffee. Bad the carried by him of the coffee. Bad the carrying by him of the coffee. Order to carry you him of the coffee. Ordered to carry am I by him of the coffee. Ordered to carry was I by him of the coffee. Am oriiered carried I by him. Was ordered carried I by him. 10 PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. 1. To ivrite or m-it on. Sulat.« .' To sleep or sleep on. To buy. To sell. 2, Tulug. Pamasa. Bpasa. 3. Sulat. Tulug. Pamasa. Bpasa. 4. Paii-ulat. Pamu-tulug. Pa-mamasa. Pam-bpsa. 5. Pud-sulat. Pudtulug. Pamasa. Pu-l)pasa. 6. Na-sulat. Na-pamasa. Na-bj^asa. 7. Suni-ulat. Tum-ulug. Mamasa. Bpasa. 8. S-in-um-ulat. T-in-uin-uhig. M-in-amasa. Nabpasa. 9. S-um-ulat-bu. Tum-ulug-lju. Mamasa-l)u. Bpasa-bu. 10. Maka-ulat. Maka-tulug. Maka-pamasa. Maka-bpasa. 11. Naka-ulat. Pud-tulug-an. Naka-pamasa. Naka-bpasa. 12. Pud-sulat-an. Na-tulng-an. Pamasa-an. Pu-bpasa-an. 13. Sulat-an. Na-pamasa. Na-bpasa. 14. Na-9ulat-an. Tulug-an. Pamasa-an. Bpasa-an. 15. S-in-ulat-an. T-iii-ulng-an. P-in-amasa. Pi-bpasa. IG. Sulat-an-bu. Tulug-aii-bu. Pamasa-an-bu. Bpasaan-l)u. 17. Masulat. Ma-pamasa. Mabjjasa. 18. Ka-sulat-an. Ka-tulug-an. Ka-pamasa. Kabpasa. 19. Nasulat. Na-tulug-an. Na-pamasa. Nabpasa. 20. Ka-sulat. Ka-tuhig. Ka-pamasa. Kabpasa. 21. Ka-pud-sulat. Ka-pud-tulug. Kabpamasa. Ka-pu-bpasa. 22. Kina-sulat. Kina-tulug. Kina-pamasa. K-ina-bpasa. 23. Kina-sulat. Kina-tulug. Kina-pamasa. K-ina-bpasa. 24. Pa-sulat. Pa-tulug. Pa-pamasa. Pabpasa. 25. Pa-suiat-an. Pa-tulug-un. Pa-pamasa-an. Pa-bpasa-an. 26. Pi na-sulat. Pina-tulug. P-in-apamasa. P-ina-bpasa. 27. Ip-a-sulat. I-pa-pamasa. I-palipasa. 28. I-ni-pa-sulat. I-ni-pa-pamasa. I-iii-pa-bpasa. 1. To eat. To cure. To speal- or talk transitive) . '' (in- To tell {something), c 2. Kaii.'^ Gamut. Dtalu.^ Dtalu. 3. Kan. Gamut-i. Dtalu. Dtalu. 4. Pamug-kan. Pamum-gamut-i. Pam-dtalu. Pam-dtalu. 5. Pug-kan. Pung-gamut. Pu-dtalu. 6. Na-kan. Na-gamut-an. Dtalu. 7. K-um-an. G-um-amut. Dtalu. 8. K-in-um-an. G-in-um-amut. Mi-dtalu. (Active, see to speak. ) 9. K-um-an-bu. G-um-amut-bu. Dtalu-bu. 10. Maka-kan. Maka-gamut. Maka-dtalu. 11. Naka-kan. Naka-gamut. Naka-dtalu. 12. Pug-kiin. Pung-gamut-an. Pu-dtalu-un. 13. Na-kan. Na-gamut-an. Na-dtaln. 14. Ktin. Gamut-an. Dtalu-un. «Sulat i ka su kalats or sulat ka sa-kalatas, which is to say "write on the paper." 1. Sumulat aku (sa kalats) endu (sa) ipait (or ipapait) sa pagali ku, is to say, "I write to my friend," or "I write on the paper to send to my friend." Note. — Bparas, "to improve," same style. ''The ac'tive voice of this verb is entirely intransitive, also the forms 24 and 25 in passive. ''F.xample, j)i-dtaluu ku kan-ilan su benal (was spoken by me). Wlio spoke to yon, tingin i midtalu salka. Wlio told you, tingin i pidtalu salka. '' May be pronounced udtalu. PUIMKll OK THE MORO LANGUAGE. 11 15. K-in-aii. (J-in-aimil-an. (Passive, see to tell.) l'ilunu. f 27. I-pa-mbitiara. I-pa ng gay. I-pa-bunu. 28. I-ni-pa-mbitiara I-ni-pa ng gay. I-ni-pa-bunu. « Active voice partially intransitive, " munggay aku sa pilak cani Tapidi." Passive voice, "inggay ku su pilak cani Tapidi." 6 "Nggan ku seka sa pilak," are given to by me you of the money. ''Active voice to converse something, as "the truth." <^ Passive voice to converse with someone, as "you." « "Pa-inggay ka sekanin su pilak cani Tapidi," order to give you him the money to Tapidi. "I-pa-nggay nka salkanin su pilak cani Datto AUi," be ordered to be given by you to him the money to Datto Alii. .?' Intransitive active voice also intransitive; can take a collective noun, as people ( tau) : ' ' mamunu aku sa tau. ' ' 12 PRIMEK OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. 1. To fight (ivith a knife). To receive. To smell. « To see or to look. 2. Timbas. Talima. Bau. Hay. 3. Timbas. Talima. Bau. Hay. 4. Paniinbaf'. Panalima. Pamau. Pugilay. 5. Pudtiiiibas. ^ Pudtalima. Pumbau. Pugilay. 6. Natimbas. Natalima. Nabau. Nailay. 7. Tumimbas. Tumaliina. B-umau. Mailay. 8. Tinumimbas. Tiuumalima. B-in-mnau. M-inilay. 9. Tumimbas-bu. Tumalima-bu. B-umau-bu. Milay-bu. 10. Makatiinljas. Makatalima. Makabau. Makailay. 11. Nakatimbas. Nakatalima. Nakabau. Nakailay. 12. Pudtiinbasiiin. Pudtalimaan. Pumbau-nn. Pugilayn. 13. Natimbas. Natalima. Nabau. Nailay. 14. Timbasun. Talimaan. Bau-un. Ilayn. 15. Tinimbas. Tinalima. B-inaa. Ilay-n-bu. 16. Timbasun-bu. Talimaan-bu. Baun-un-bu. Inilay. 17. Matimbas. Matalima. Mabau. Mailay. 18. Katimbas. Katalima. Kabau. Kailay. 19. Natimbas. Natalima. Nabau. Nailay. 20. Katimbas. Katalima. Kabau. Nailay. 21. Kapudtimbas. Kapudtalima. Kapumbau. Kapugilay. 22. Kinatimbas. Kinatalima. K-in-abau. Kinailay. 23. Kinatimbas. ^ Kinatalima. K-in-abau. Kinailay. 24. Patiinbas. Patalima. Pabau. Pailay. 25. Patimbasun. Patalimaan. Pabau-un. Pailayn. 26. Pinatimbas. Pinatalima. P-in-abau. P-in-a-ilay. 27. Ipatiml)as. Ipatalima. I pabau. Ipailay. 28. Inipatimbas. Inipatalima. I-ni-pabau. Inipailay. 1. To dresxj' To .^rt fire,'' to light. To uinfrom.f To get. 2. Nditar. Tutud. Taban. Kua. 3. Nditar. Tutudi. Taban-i. Kua. 4. Pamanditar. Pami-tudi. Panaban-i. Pangua. 5. Penditar. Panntud. Pud taban. Pugkua. 6. Nanditar. Xatutudan. Na taban. Nakua. 7. Nditar. Tumutud. Tumaban. Kumua. 8. Minditar. Timimutud. T-inumaban. Kinumua. 9. Nditar-bu. Tumutud-bu. T-umaban-bu. Kumua-bu 10. Makanditar. ]\Iakatutud. Makataban. Makakua. 11. Nakanditar. Nakatutud. Nakatabari. Nakakua. « Eegular; no exception. *> Active voice intransitive; also 24, 25, 26. <■ Kinatimbas or kinapanimbas. Itimbas, to fight with, as " Ttimbas ku su karapi- lan salka " is, fight with I the kampilan at you. <' Active voice entirely intransitive. « Or Bidsul, to set houses on fire. .f 1 won from you, tina banan ku salka. You won from me, tina banan aku nka. Order him to win, pataban ka sekanin. Order him to win, ipa taban nka salkanin. In the last two examples the verb means to win something and not to win from, as order him to win the money of the Chinaman, ipa taban nka salkanin su pilak a lanung, or pataban ka salkanin su pilak a lanung, or pataban ka sekanin sa pilak a lanung. Intransitive all of active voice. PKlMKli OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. 12. renditar-aii. Paiiiitndan.« Pndta))aii-an. I'ugkiiaaii. 13. NakaiHlitiinui. Na(utu Surely we will have a hurricane. Calo-calo sumambul bu su bagiu. ; The stars are coming out. Pedsebang su mga bituun. Look and see if you think it uM rain. Ilai ka u pagulan. The moon is very clear. Malinauag su ulan-ulan. It is getting dark. Magabi den. T/ie sun v;ill soon rise. Magan pamutian su senang. When the sun goes down return here. Amaika suinedup su senang mbalingan ka sia. lam very much afraid of the thunder. Magiluk aku sa dalundug. A ray of lightening fell on the house of John. Naulug su isa parti sa ualay ni Juan. Nasugat a parti su ualay ni John. How high is the sun? Ngin i kapulu na senang? It is noon. Mapuru su senang. Mautu su senang. Hotv old are you? Nakapilu ragun i kinaauget ngka sia sa dunia? Eating and drinking. lam hungry. Magutum aku or kagutuin aku. Do you ivish to eat? Miug ka kuman? What do you wish to eat? Ngin i kiugan ngka kuman? Anything. Pagisupan. / am not hungry. Di aku magutum. Lei us eat. Kuman tanu. I have already eaten. Saki kinuman aku dun. I'KIMKK OK 'I'lIK .MoKo LANGUAGE. 17 Sit on my right. A van ka sa kauanan ku. This meal is vrrij .w////. Nia ken inatiimis a taiitu. /((;/( reri/ thirxty. I'akaiiiuiii aku. (tire me the water. Iii-fjay aku na ig. In-gay ngka salaki su ig. TJiat i.s" enough. Siigat dun. I am gorged. Nausug aku. FMt a little more. Kan ka isa paidu pan. Do i/on h/.s7( tiread or rice.'' Ming ka sa bam bang ataua mai? JSerre the Data. Panalagad ka !?a datu. Drink a little. Inuni ka sa paidu. Om' glass of water. Isaka sakadu a ig. Ih-iiig here a clean plate. It ka sia su kanan a ginagasan. Clean the spoon. Unas i ka su salidut. You eat only a little. Paidu i kakan ngka. A little mure. Paidu pan. .1 moutJiful more. Sa sungit pan. Fill the glass with water. Taguy ka su vasu sa ig. 1 uill eat of the roast chicken. Kuman aku bu sa manuk a pina giau. Stay here in order that you may eat. Palitagak ka sia ndu ka makakan. T am starving. Pelunusan aku. Sleeping and waking. Let us sleep. Tumulng ta. I a7n not sleejnj. Di aku ])akatulug. Wake up, sleepy head. Gedam ka patutulug. Wake up, John. Pukaua ka si, Juan. Get up and be quick. Mbuat ka magan ka. You look as if you had just arisen. Su paras ngka rnana bagu nakagedam. I am awake. Nakagedam aku. ITe is still sleeping. Pudturug sekanin pan. ]\lien did you lie down? Kanu i kaiga ngka? You sleep a great deal. Madakal i kapudtulug ngka. Do not go to sleep. Di ka pudtulug. When do you want to sleep? Kanu i kiugan ngka tumulug? I am sleepy. Pakatulug aku. You told me to call you very early. Pidtalu ngka salaki na mapita-pita pukaun ku seka. The sun is rising. Sumebang den su senang. Traveling. Shall we go by water or by land? Andau mapia mageda tanu ataua lumalag? The road is bad; we can go by sea, but it will be better to go by the river. Marat su lalan sa ragat mapakay mukit na labi mapia su lauas a ig. Listen, boatman; come here. Pakinug ka bankiro, sia ka. Hoiv much do you want to take me to the other side? Pila i kiugan ngka ibedtas ka saki? Sit down in the middle and do not move. Ayan ka sa luk n-gu di ka n-galabuk. When will v:e arrive? Canu i kauma tanu? Late, for the current is contrary. Maugut tanu ka casunsung su ragus. The price is very high. Malagun su araga. It is according to our agreement. Natankaan den inia ea nalayaman. Fi77d grass for the horse, chickens, eggs, milk, and anything else. Pangilay ka sa utan a ken a kuda, manuk, leman, gatas, n-gu mbias-bias a salakau. 5879—03 2 18 PRIMEK OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. ! Of clothing. I i Do you wish that 1 should bring clean clothing? Miug ka a kumua aku sa anditaran ■ a niapia? ] No; bring me first a towel, because Twill bathe. Di, kua ka muna sa isa ka panidsing i ka paigu aku. ; Bring me some clean clothing. It ka sia su anditaran a mapia. Cut my hair. Gunting aku. Do you ivant it very short f Miug ka sa mababa a tantu? ; No; a little long. Di, malendu sa paidu. I How much do I owe you? Pila isukay ku salka? | Whatever you wish. Seka bu i matau. ] The water is already in the bath. Su ig natagu den sa paiguau. | Take the dirt off of my clothing. laua ngka su budsung sa anditaran ku. VOCABULARY. Abandon, to. Tucjak, Tuin:iguk, itagak. Tnit;igak ku sekanin In sa palau, T a>)an- (loiied liini there in the mountains. Ihuiing, to set adrift. Able to be. The prefix maka or naka' to the root in the active, and ma, ka, or na in the passive sense. Can, mapakay. Can not, di mapakaj'. Abscess. Lfibae, mauaga. Abuse, to. Rasai, lumasai, rasaiii. To abuse with, inisai. "Irasai ku su butay sa kuda." I abuse the horse with the whip. Accept, to {see conjugations). Tahn'ia, tunialiiha, taUmaan. "I receive a dollar every day," Uman gay tumalima aku sa isa pilak. Accompany, to, unut, muniit iinutan. Miinut sakn salka. I accompany you. Accomplish, to. pa''sad piimasad, pasadan. I will finish the house to-morrow, pasadiin ku bu su nalay amag. Accounts, l)ilang sa langun taman a pibpasa ataua i^inamasa. Accuse, to, sundit, sumundit, sunditan, or isundit. "I accuse you of (stealing) the carabau;" isundit ku salka su kalabau, accused with by me you the carabau; or sunditan ku siika sa kalabau, accused by me you the carabau, or of the carabau. Accustomed, parangay, parangay nin, he is accustomed to . Ache, sakit. My head aches, masakit su ulu ku. Acknowledge, to, biina^r, buna^ran. "I acknowledge the truth of what you say," bunarun ku su pidtalu' ngka sala^ki a Mnar. Acquire, to, ni^mud, mani^mud, imnimu^dan. Act, to, n-gulu^la, n-gulu'la, n-gulula^n. It was a bad act, marat i kina-n-gulu''la nin. Active, maga^lau. Add, to, u'nian, mu^man, uma^nan, to add to ; i-uman, to add. ' ' I add to your money, ' ' uma^nan ku su pi'lak ngka. 1 add the money to yours, i-u^man ku su pilak sa pilak ngka. Adjourn, to, let us adjourn (return), mu^li ta'nu. Admire, to, kaba^bay, mababa^ya, kababa^yan. Adopt, to, mbaba^ta, mbaba'ta, mbata^n. "His adopted child is dead," minatay su pimbaba^tan nin. Adrift, to turn, bu^ang, ibu^ang. He turned the canoe adrift, inibu^ang nin su auang. Adultery, ])angingi'ug su kaluina na pud, to covet thy neighbor's wife. Advantage, kalaua^nan, kalabi^an. Adversity, marat i u^kul or ba^gi. Advice, kapangi^ndau. Affair, a^tag. Afraid. (6'«' To fear.) Aft of a ship, uli^nan. After, amai^ka majia^sad, when finished; or napasad. After birth, inayau^ang, pu^sud. Again, pah'i'man, come again, sia ka palu''man. Age, iVmiil. Age, formerly, paga^nay, many years ago, nakapi''la ragvi^n dun. 19 20 PEIMER OF THE MURO LANGUAGE. ! Agent, sali^gan, kasali''gan. Agree to, aguna, magu^na, agu^nan. Agu^nan ku siika^, I agree with you. Ma^yun ! aku, I agree; magayuna^y ta, let us agree. ! Ague, malin^gau, maya'u. j Ahead, to go, a^liis, mana^lus. I go ahead in the road, mana'lus akii^ sa la^lan. | Aid, to. {See Assist.) | Aim at, to, tin'du, tumin^du, tindua^n; to aim with, i-tin^dii. ; Air, sa^mbiil. ' Alarmed. (*§('- ka^dtag, small i red; p. mari'gaor kuli^ga, small red ant, bites; p. i^tung, very small ant. bites; p. i ma''kut, very small. j Anthill, u'alay na pila. j Anvil, randa^san. i Anxiety, kali'du. Any, pagisu^pan. Apart, masi^bay, let us go apart, siimi^bay ta. Appear to, giima'u, the deer appeared under the tree, nakaguma^u su saladtt^'ng sa j)U^dit a ka^yii. i Appearance, kagama^u. ^ Apply to (anything to anything), duk^iit, diimu^kut, idu^kut. Appraise to, "to put the value" or to name the value; name the value of that horse, bu^dtu i ka sii ara'ga na kii'da ntu''. : Approach to, si^kiin, sumi^kiin, sikuna^n, di ka pudsi^kGn kanu ma^ma ntu^, don't go ; near that man. j Arabia, lii^pa a Arab. 1 1 Arm, bariikan, fore arm, ngla^y. j Arm (weapon), giima^n, mata^lam. \ Armpit, i'riik. j PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. 21 Army, hu nigu .sundu^ffi. Arrive, to, ii^nui, inafi'iiKi, rima'n. When did you arrive? ka'iiu i kina-u^ina ngka? Arrow, itu or anliiki ka su pitii. I know that you will lose if you bet on the seven, katauan ku a tabanan ka ii mantuk ka sa pitu. Beetle nut. The Moro chewing materials are the leaf of a vine "namat;" the nut of the maman tree or bon-go palm "maman;" the lime colored with azafran or kalauag or bon-go root is called "apug;" the tobacco soaked in lime juice is called "lagiit." Better, labi a mapia. Between, pagalata'n. His house is between my house and yours, su ualay nin sa pagalatan a ualay ku n-gu su ngka. Beyond, maumag. Bible, kuran mirika^nu. Bid, to, ayag, inayag, ayagan. He offered me fifty dollars for my horse, inayagan nin salaki sii kiida kix sa sa lima pulii a pilak (to bid for). Bier, lantang. Big, mask, mala, mahal. Bind, to, baliid, bumalud, baliidan. He tied up the mats very tight, magagtit i kinabalud in sa mga ikam. Bind, to, (people or animals), ikut, mikiit, ikutun. He tied the prisoners to the tree, inikut, (n)in su mga binilan-gu sa kayu. Bird, papanuk. Birdsnest, salag. Birth, ka-imbata, kina-imbata. Bite, to, but, mabut, butun; active present participle mangabut or pang-pangabut. When he entered the house the dog bit him, su kina-lusud in sa ualav nabut a asu sekanin. Bitter, mapait. Black, maitem. Blacksmith, panday sa putau. Blade, galangan. Blame, to, rendered by the verb accuse. Your's the sin because you burnt the house, suka or luka i sala ka tinutungan nka su rialay. Blanket, kayab, tagub. Blessing, pudi. Bless, pudi, mapudi pudiin. We are blessed by God, napiidi kami nu Alatala. God blesses the good but condemns the bad to hell, pubpiidi nu Alatala sii mapia a tan, na su marat, iuliig nin silan sa naraka''. Blind, buta. 24 PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. Block, of a pulley, guguruku. Blossom, to, magurak. The coffee plant will bloom in about a month, mga isa ulan magfirak su kahaua. Blow, to, iup, maiup, iupiin. Blow the match off the table, iiip ka su gugit sa lame- san. Blue, bilu. Blunt, blunt, madupung. Boar, babuy a mama. Board, papan. Boat, steamer, kapal apuy; small canoe, auang; large sailing boat with outriggers and sharp bow, kinalaung; with square bow, palasi; without outriggers and with a keel, kumpit, Jolo or Zamboango vinta, salisipan; canoe with very high stern and bow, tundan. Body, lauas. Boil, didi, dumidi, padidiin; imperative padidi. We will boil the rice, padidiin (n)ami sii bugas. The rice boils, dumidi su bugas. The rice is boiling, pendidi su bugas. Bold, maualau. Bolt, pasak. Bone, tiilan. Book, siilat; a religious book, kitab. Bore, to, pesu, pesua^n. I bore a hole in the board, pesuan ku svi kayu or papan; or mbal aku sa pesii a papan. Bother, to. {See Annoy. ) Bottle, biitul. Bound, naiktitan, nabaludtx''n. Boundary, kapusan, tudtab. Bow, to, same as respect, pagadat, magadat, pagadatan. Bowels, tinay. Box, a trunk, panshu; ordinary box, kaun; coffin, kaba^n a minatay; brass box for chewing materials, patakia, if small, kugkunian. Borrow, to, sumbay, sumumbay, sumbayan. There is something that I want to bor- row of you, Aden piidsumbayan ku salka. If you lend me your rifle I will lend you my horse. -Pr - ^ 1 fsaki sa sinapang 1 v , , - fsiika sa kuda. U sumbayan ngka.^ , , . . . , J'Sumbayan k\\{ ,, - , - i , - \salaki su smapang ngkaj \salka su kufla ku. This is best translated as follows, If loaned by you — rme a rifle 1, , , r you a horse. ix xu -a Uoaned by me-^;;^ ,, , ito me the rifle yours/ \to you the horse mine. He loaned me his knife yesterday, siniimbayan nin salaki su glat (n) in kagay or siniimbayan aku nin sa glat kagay. Bother, to. {See Annoy.) Brains, titiik. Branch, of a tree or stream, sa^pak. Break, to, wood, tiipud, tiimupiid, tupudun; glass, pusa^, piimusa'', pusaa^n; rope or string, gutas, giimfitas, giitasan; riidut, rumudiit, riidiitiin. I will break the pencil so that he can not write, tupudun ku su pansum ndu di sekanin makasu- lat. When he broke the bottle the wine was spilt, su kina-pusa nin sa Itutiil, naiidud sii arak. The horse can not break the rope, su kuda di makagutas sa tali. Breast, siisii, the nipple, piindu. Breathe, to, ginaua, guminaua. . Breeches, salaual, very short trunks, binugis. Breed ( family) , bangsa. PRIMER OF THK MORO LANGUAGE. 25 Breeding or manners, parangay. Breeze, iidfi. Bribe, to, iimpit, inagaiiipit, aiiipituii. lie lirihcd tlu; servant to kill his inaHtur, inampit (n) in su panalagad sa Wuiiri iiiii sii kadiian iiin. Brick, l)ata. Bride, l)al)ay a bagu iiangaluma. Bridegroom, niana a hagn a nangahinia. Bridge, titayan. Do not allow anyone to cross the bridge, di ka jiakatitaya su manga tau . Bridle, kakang. Bright, inutinang. Bridge of the nose, tiilan a ngilung. Bring, to, it, nianan-git, itfin. They will bring the horse to-morrow, ituii lulan Ini su kuda aniag. Broad, niaulad. Broil, to, pagiaii, piimagiau, pagiaiin. He burnt his finger while broiling the fish, su kina-pagiau nin sa suda natutung sii lina nin. Broken, nalapud, napusa, nagutas. Broom, payiipas. Brother, lusiid sa tian; elder brother, kakal. Brother-in-law, bati. Brow, bunting. , Bruise, dugiim. Bucket, timba. Buckle, kandit. Bud of a flower, piieu. Buffalo, kalabau. Bug, malanalanap, iilud. Build, to, mbal, mbal, mbalun. To build a house, balay, mbalay, mbalayn. When will you build your house? kanii i kambalay ngka sa ualay ngka? Bull, tudu. Bullet, piingalii. Bunch of fruit, sapi a sagin. Means a small bunch of bananas, usually ten on the large bunch, which is known as the "ulig a sagin." Bundle, baliidan. Burial place, tampat a minatay. Burn, to, tutung, tiimutung, tutiingan. Burn up those papers, tiitiing ka su mga kalatas an an. Bury, to, liibung, lumiibung, ilu^bung. The datto was buried with great ceremony, Pibpian su kinalubting kanu datto. Bush, kayii a pababa. Business, piing-galabukan. But, na. Butterfly, parii-paru. Button, tambiikii, patungan. Buy, to, mamasa, mamasa, pamasau. How much did you buy, pila i kinapamasa ngka. By and by, amay-amay. Cable, if of wire, kauat; if of rope, tali. Cage, riigenan. Cake, Bambang. Calculate, to, pagitfing, maiyung, itiingan or pagitungan. Calculate the value of those karabaos, pagitung ka su araga na kalabau or mga kalabau ntu. Calf, maidu a sapi; calf of the leg, pamusiian. Calico, saka bias a ginis. 26 PKIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. i ! Call, to, tauajr, tumauag, tauagan. They will call us early to-morrow, taiiagan kami ■ iiilan auiag inapita. i Calm, malanat. Calumny, kalibak, from the verb libak, malibak, libakan, to calumniate. I Can, tin can, tatiing; the form of ability, mapakay. j Canal, kakal, pantakan. Cancel, to, bariiba, bumariiba, barubaan. He canceled his agreement, binarubaan nin su talad (n)in. Candle, lansiik. Candlestick, salangan. Cane (walking stick), bastun, balala; cane meaning bamboo — the largest is called apus, next is tamlang, kring, rbuk, bakayauan. Cannon, liitang; see Gun (lantaka). Canoe, auang; see Boat. Canopy, liliuangan na ginis. Canvas, ginis a makapal. Capon, inabatan a manuk; to castrate, abat, mabat, abatan. Capsicum, luya; maluya, a hot taste. Captain of a ship, nakuda. Captive (a captive man), nabiag a mama; from the verl) to capture, biag mabiag, biagan. Carcass, bangkay. Cards (playing cards), sugal; to play cards, siigal, sfimugal, sugalan. Care of, to take, ingat, mingat, ingatan. Take care of the house till I come back, ingat i ka .'^ii ualay taman su kambalingau ku. This may also be rendered as follows: pipia ka su ualay, etc. To beware is also rendered by the same verb, beware! ingat ka! or pipia ka! Careless, di pasasagijai. Cargo, ruran, lulan. Carpenter, panday sa kayu; not panday a kayu. Carpet, ikam a ginis a makapal. Carriage, kadusa. Carry, to, auid, nauid, auidan; under the arm, sipit, sumipit, sipitan; on the back, baua, buinaua, bauan; in the hand, palad paladan; by ttie fingers, bibit, bumi- bit, bibitan; in the belt, tagkip, tumagkip, tagkipan; on a stretcher or on a pole, balanting, bumalanting, balantingan. Carve, to (wood), iikil, mukil, ukilan. Carve the wood, ukil i ka su kayu. Cascade, kaudsul a ig. Cash, pilak. Casting net, biala. Cat, budung, sika. Catch, to (anything thrown; see Get) , to catch an animal or a man, sigkum, siimigkum, sigkumiin. The horse bit him when he caught him, su kina-sigkum (n) in kanu kuda inibut sekanin. Caterpillar, sagiap. Cause, sabap. What was the cause of his going? ngin i sabap a kina-aua nin. Cave, takub. Celebrated, mabantug. Centipede, layiipan. Center, luk; in the center, sa luk. Certain, bunal. Certainly, liunal ba, uay ba. Certify, to, biinal, bumunal, bunalan. Chaff, ukap. PRIMER OK THE MORO LANGUAGE. '27 Chain, liinta-laiitay. Chair, kiirHi. Clock, waktu. Close, to, a (Imir, pintu, ])ununtu, pintuaii; a grave, tani]inl, tfiiuaiiijiu, taiii jifilan; to close tlie eyes, pintu, etc. Cloth, an, masigit'. Cinder, ml)i, firing. Circumcise, to, islam, magislam, islaman. City, ingiid a masla. Civil, majiia parangay (good behaviour). Clasp, to (hands), gkulii. We shook hands yesterday, migkiilii ta kagay. Claw, kumiir. Clay, lupa a pandiungan. Clean, matanus. Clear, malingafi a ig, clear water; a clear field, malinaiiag a datar. Climb, to, a tree, amusug, mamusug, pamusiigan; to climb a mountain, takatlug, tumakadiig, takadugan. Confuse, to, sasau, masasaii, sasaun. Confused, nasasau, nalimpang. Confusion, kasasaii, kalimpang. Conquer, to, talau, tumalau, talaiian. The Americans conquered the Spaniards, tinalau na mirikanu su kasila. Who won, tingin i tuminalau ur tuminaban. Consent, to, sunut, masuniit; I consent, niasuniit su ginaiia kii; did he consent? nasunut sekanin? he did not consent, di nasunut sekanin. PRIMER OF THE MORO LANG U AGE. 29 Consider, to, I will con.sider it, ilain ku pan. Contagious, tan\\ ka pfibpalaua saki. Convalescent, j^'ilulunag a mania or babay. Convenient, mulabfid. Convert, to, (afilial, tumaubat, taubatan. Convulsion, Ijfinug. Cook, to, ugai)uy, magapuy, pagapuyTi. Cook, the, pagapfiy, pamagapuy, i)Utnah"igan. Cool, matengau sa paidu. Copper, tiimbaga mariga. Copy, salin. Copy, to, isalin, t^fimalin, salinun. I will send yon a copy of his letter, ij)ait ku salka su salin a sulat (n) in. Coral, karang, bakia. Cord, tali; if very small, taniir. Cork, sai)iing. Corner, pidiuru. Corpse, bangkay. Cost, araga. Cot, kantil. Cotton, gapas. Counterfeit, di kna pilak. A counterfeit letter of Datto Baki, di kna sfdat i uatamama. Country, dalapa. Couple, dua, diiatiman. Course, direction. Which way did he go? andaii i sinangiilan nin? uiinangul sinangalan. Court, ualay sa bitiara. Council, bitiara. Cousin, tiingud; first cousin, tungiid minsan. Cough, mbatiik. Cough, to, batiik, rabatuk; the passive means to cough on, mbatuka^n. Count, to, bilang, biimilang, l)ilangan. Count first and then sign the receipt, bilang ka miina ntu pan siilat ka su sCilat a talima. Cover, sapung. Cover, to, sapung, siimapiing, sapungan; imperative, sapung i. I covered the box so that the rat could not escape, sinapungan ku su kaban ndu di makalaguy sii ddmpau. To cover anything with paper or cloth by pasting over, tapid, tumapid, tapidan. I covered the box with cloth, tinapidan kii sii kaban sa ginis. Covetous, masigi. Covet, to, sigi, masigi. Do not covet your neighbor's goods, di ka pildsigi su taimik na pud nungka (ngka, nka). Covey, lumpuk. Cow, sapi a babay. Cowardly, matalau. A coward, matalau a mama. Crab, layagan. Crack, pusu^. Crack, to. {See Break. ) Cradle, diiian, puyutan. 30 PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. Cramp, buniid. Crawl, to, ananap, mananap, panapan. The baby is crawling on the floor, panapan sii liata sa lantay. Cream, kalambuan a gatas. Create, to. {See Make. ) Creep, to. {See Crawl. ) Crevice, piisu. Crew, tau sa auang. Crocodile, buaya. Crooked, bug-kug^. Cross, kriis. Cross water, to, biidtas, miidtas, budtasan. We will cross the river at Tamantaka (Daubab), Budtas tanu sa Pulangi sa Daubab. Crossed, abalaiiag; with many lines crossing, nakambalaiiagay. Cross road, nabalaiiag a lalan. Crow, kakaiiak or kuak. Crown of the head, sa piiru a ulii. Cruel, (laruaka, maitam, or raatigas i atay. Crush, to, pusiil, puinusul, piisulun. Cry, to (weep), virian, mCirian; sugad, siimiigad. Cucumber, labii. Cultivate, to, angangaii^id, niaugangaii'id, pangangauida^n. Cunning, masaranga. Cup, tankil. Cure, to, gamut, gumamiit; to cure with, igamiit; just to cure, gamutan; bulling, buniulung, ibuliing, buliingan. Curly ( hair) , kiirut. Current, liigus. Curry a horse, to, sidsing, sumidsing, sidsingan. Curse, daura. Curse, to, ndaiira, ndaura, ndaiiran. Curtain, ginis a pintu. Cushion, iilunan, tilam. Custom, parangay. Cut, to, tiipiid, tumiipud, tiipudan; patan, pumatan, pataan; timbas, tumimbas, timbasan; tiabpas, to cut grass; liimpuk, to cut grass short; papuk, to cut grass very short. Dagger, guruk. Daily, uman gay (every day). Damaged, lal)iug. Damask, rantak, luma. Damp, mauraniag. Dance, to, sagayan, passive, to dance on, sagayanan. Dancer, pasasagayan. Dandruff, karkad. Danger, siikar. The road is dangerous for you, kasiika'ran ka sa lalan. There is no danger for me in the road, da sukar ku sa lalan. Is the road dangerous, adiin sukar sa lalan. I am in danger here, kasiika^ran aku sia. I was in danger here, nasukaran aku sia. "What is the danger in the road? ngin i makasukar sa lalan? Dare, to, taiiakar, tauakar, tauakaran. I did not dare to go out for they would have killed me, da ku tauakar mangay .sa giimau ka buniin aku nilan. Dark, malibiitiing. Darn, to, i)amanay, mamanay, pamanayn. I'RIMER OK THP: MORO LANGUAGE. 31 Dash against something, to, intii|i;ik, rriiiiriiiii>iik, rumicikan. Date. (See Day.) Daughter, uata ii l)a))ay; (laufj:litcr-iii-la\v, pakiuatan a l)abay. Dawn, katibfiat^. Day, gay, to-day, saguna. Dead, luinatay. Deaf, \mn. Dear (high priced), inaltigiin, iiiapuru 1 araga. Death, kapatay. Debt, bayaduii. Debtor, taga))aya(hui. Decayed, luinhik. Deceive, to, akal, niagakal, agakalan, or pagakalan. He deceived you, inakalan ka nin. They will try to deceive U8, tapfingan nilan sekanu magakal, or tapungan kami nilan niagakal. Decree, sugii, katau. Decision, kataii. Deed, kaii-gulfi''lan. Deep, niadalam; depth, kadalani. Defeat, to, [See Conquer. ) Defile, to (the hands), bud.su ng, biimudsung, budsungun. The Moro would not touch a pig because he thiiikH that it would defile his hands, su islam di makaka''mal sa babuy ka budsungan su lima nin. Degree (rank), glarl. Deity, Alatala, Alahu^taala. Delay, to, kaapa, or if in the past sense, kina-apa. Let us delay till to-morrow, mapa or magai)ay ta sa amag. Do not wait, di ka pagapa. We will not await his coming, di ta apan siikanin. Delegate, to, sarig, sumarig, sarigan, or isarig. I delegate you to take charge till my return, isarig kii salka su kapantag kii taman su kambilang an ku; or literally, trusted by me is the authority mine with you till my return. Deliver up. (jSeeGive. ) Demand, to, tiigul, tumiigul tugtilun. Demon, saltan, biisaii. Dent, to, piisu, pumiisu, pusuun; liuiii, lumumi, lumiin. Dented, naliimi. Deny, to, ipalau, palau or mapalau, ipalau. He denied the truth of my statement, inipalau nin sii biinal na kinadtalu ku. Depart, to, aiia, mafia, afian. He ordered me to depart, pina-aua aku nin. Deposit, to. {See 'Put.) Depth, kadalam. Descend, to, a river, ladas, lumadas, ladasan ; a stairway, anfig, maniig, panugan or panik, manik, i^anikan; a mountain, dvirus, dfimiirus, durusan; or takadag {see Climb) ; a tree, dfirfis, etc. Despise, to, angandam, mangandam, pangandaman. Devil, saltan. Dew, namfig. Diagonal, nabalauag. Diamond, intan. Diarrhea, pagudfi. Die, to, matay. He died yesterday, minatay sekanin kagay. Miniili sekanin kanu isa, he returned to the beginning (of the world). Miniili sekanin kanii andang in, he returned to his ancestors. 32 PKIMEE OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. Differ, to. {See Deny, Agree, or Believe.) Difference, it makes no difference, i da niin, or da i kambida. What is the difference between a cow and a carabao? ngin i pimbida kanii sapi ngu kalabau? Different, nibida. Difficult, malagun. Dig, to, kah'it, kumah'it, kalutan. Dim, malibi'itung. Dip water, to, sakadu, siimakadu, sakaduiin. Direct, mapantuk, matidtfi. Dirt, lupa. Disappear, to, madadag. Disappearing, pugkadadag. Discard, to (to throw out), iaua mafia, iaua. Disciple, j)amaganad. Discharge a rifle, to, nibtvi, imperative, pambtu. Discover, to. (*8'eeFind.) Disease, sakit. Disembark, to, tiipad, tiimupad, tupadan (to unload anything). Disgraceful, balikayan. Disguise, to, I disguised myself as a Moro, iniiring ku su ginaua kii mana sii islam. Iring, iiring, miring. The verb to imitate is, iringan. I imitate the ]Moro, iringan ku su islam. Dish, kanan. Disloyal, da ailat in, he has no loyalty. Dismiss, to, pakaiia, pakaiian; dismiss him, pakaiia ka sekanin. Disorder, natayak, nakiimu, naparak. Distant, mauatan; distance, kaiiatan. Dissolve, to, tiinag, tumiinag, tiinagiin; tunagan is to dissolve in a receptacle of some kind as follows: Tiinagun ku sii giila pasil sa vasii, I dissolve the sugar in the glass. Tiinagan kii su vasii sa giila pasil, I dissolve in the glass the giila jiasil or of the giila pasil. Distill, to, mbal sa arak. Distinct, malinauag or maliuanag. Distress, kalidii na ginaiia. District, dalapa. Ditch, kakal. Dive, to, sumiib, sumiimub, sumuban to make anything dive. Divide, to, mbadbad, mbadbad, mbadbadun; pagumun, magumun, pagumunun. They divided the money, mimbadbad or pinagamunun nilan sa or su pilak. Divine, makaatag sa Alatala. Divorce, to, They were divorced, midchuay silan. Do not separate, di kanu pud- chuay. We wish to separate, miug kami dchuay. Dizzy, kabiiliig, kalangiit. Do, to, giiliila, giilulan. What are you doing? ngin i ptin-gulula niingka? Who did this? tingin i migkudi? Doctor, tabip, pagagamiitan. Dog, asil. Dollar, Tau sa layu call it, pilak, (i) sa pilak, diia pilak, etc. Magindanaii, hiring or pilak. Malanau, lad, (i) sa lad diia lad, etc. Done, napasad. Door, pintii. Doubt (I doubt it), I do not know whether it is true or not, di kii kataiian ii bnal ii di bnal. PKIMER OF THK MOKO LANGUAGE. 33 Doubtful, (li biial. Dove, iiiaruputi. Drag, to, guyud, gumuyud, guyudau. The active form takes only inanimate objects for its object. Dragon fly, talangas. Drain, kukal. Drink, to, iuilm, minimi, inumiln. Do not drink the water of tlie Pulangi, fur it is l)ad, di ka paginilm su ig a Piilangi ka nialat. Drive away, to. {See "T<1 make go away.") Aiia, paaua ka silan, order them to go (Hit. Dream, to, taginfip, taginup; taginfipun, to dream about anything. Did you dream last night? midtaginiip ka kagina magabi? Yes, I dreamt about my father, uay ])idtaginup ku si ama ku. Dress, to, nditar, nditar, nditaran. Drop (of fluid), dtak (a ig). . Drop, to, to drop anything, ulug, mulug, ulugiin; to drop oneself, bpatiiiliig, bpatifi- lug; he dropped to the floor, mibpatiulug sekauin sa lantay. Drop your kris or I will shoot you, iilug ka su siindang nka ii timbakan kti seka. Drought, mayau a musim, da filan. Drown anything, to, alud, maliid, ludun. I am drowning, piigkalud aku. They are drowning me, piigkaliidan akii nilan. I will drown if I go in the water, malud akii u mangay aku sa ig. Drum, tambiir, gandingan. Drunk, malangat. Dry, namala^n, maga^ngu. Dry, to, pakagangaii, pakamalan, pakamala, makamal, pakamalan. Duck, itik; wild duck, tanipur. Dumb, man. Dung, tai. Dust, puttad, puput. Duty, pun-gululan, sukay. Dwarf, kuluntiid a mama. Dwell, to, gkalabun, gkalabiin. Where do you live? andau ka pilgkalabixn? I live in Jlasau, gkalabun aku sa Masau. Dye, to, tina, tiimina, tinaan. He dyed his coat black, tininaan nin sii bun-gala nin sa maitem. Dysentery, pagudu sa Kigu. Each, n-gaga isa each one. Ear, tangila. Earring, pamalang. Early, mapita. Earth, lupa; the world, dunia. Earthenware, kanan a lupa. Earthworm, linati. East, sebangan. Easy, malamu. Eat, to, kan, kiiman, kun. {See conjugation.) Ebb, pagilat. Ebony, bantulinay. Eclipse, garana. Edge, of a knife, galangan; of anything else, ligid. Educate, to, iiru, maniirii, panuruan; to show anything, ipanurii. The Moro children are taught by the panditas, sii manga uata sa Islam panuriiau na manga pandita. 5879—03 3 34 PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. | I Eel, kasili. , Egg, ui'ak, liman. j Eggplant, tagutung. j Elbow, iriku. 1 Elder brother, kakal a mama. i Eldest child, kaka nata. i Elephant, gadia. i Embankment, tambag a lupa. j Embark, to, paguda, maguda, pagiidaan; to embark the cargo, etc., ipaguda. They ' loaded the boxes yesterday, inipaguda or miluran nilan su manga a kauu kagay. j Embrace, to, gakiis, gumakiis, gakasiin. ! Embroider, to, bidang, bumidang, bidangan. ; Emerald, intan a gadung. ; Emissary, sugii. • Empty, da daliim (n) in; it has no contents. • Employment, pun-galabnka''n. I Enclosed, didalam. End, kapusan. Endeavor, to. (>S'et'Try. ) Endure, to, tigul, tiimigul, tigula^n; imiierative, tigiil i ka. Enemy, hth'i. Enmity, Udi. Are you at enmity? maUdu i kanii? They were formerly enemies, at enmity, lidu silan kagay. Enough, sugat. Enigma, antiika. What flies against the storm and does not get its beak wet? panun- siing sa barat na di malumas i tuka. Answer: Sulay naualay (a brace put up against the leeward side of the house in a storm, to keep it from falling down; its point (tiika) is inside the apex of the thatch and does not get wet). Enquire, to, idsa, midsa, idsaan; imperative, idsa, i ka. Entangled, napukut. Enter, to, lusud, lumusiid, liisudan. Entertain, to, pagana, magana, jiaganaan. Entrails, tinay. Envelop, to. {See To wrap up. ) Envelope of a letter, pfitus a sulat; piibpiitiisan a sulat. Envy, to, kasigi, kasigi, kasigian. Epilepsy, babiiy-babiiy, sakit a mama. Equal, in Magindanati it is magidsan or nialagid; Malanau it is idsagid. Equip, to, liyag, mauyag, uyagan. (?) Erase, to, sidsing, siimidsing, sidsingan. Escape, to, palagiiy; passive, to escape from, palaguyan; active, malaguy. Guard the prisoners well, so that they do not escape, mbantay ka mapia sii mga binilan-gu ndu di silan makapalaguy. Escort, to. {See Accompany. ) Establish, to. {See To make, or Begin.) Esteem, to. {See Love, or Like.) Estuary, kakal. Eternity, da diin taman, no more, finish, or end; or da taman in. Even numbers, ganap; uneven, gansal. Elephant, gadia. Even (although), pidsan, apia. Evening, aniaika, kagabi. Ever (forever), da dun taman. PKIMKK OK THE MOKO LANQUAOK. 85 Evidence, kadtulu lui saay. Exalt, to, ipuru, ipnru. Examine, ilai, milai, ilaiii. He examined the rifle carefully, inilai nin ,su ninapang pia-pia. Example, for example, iipania. Exceed, to; it in more or it exceeds one hundred, la])i Ha gatus. Except, liu. Kill all except him, ])unu ka langun liu sekanin. Excess, surplus, sauad, nasama. Exchange, to, sauibi, sambi, sambi. Let us exchange our hatn, sand)i ta sa sapiu. To change, sambi, sumamlii, sambian. Let us change our hats, .sumandn ta su sapiu. Take this money to the Chinaman for change, sambi ka nia pilak sa lanung. Change your clothing, sambi ka su nditaran ngka. Expect, to. {Sec Presume, Guess, "Wait for. ) Expensive, malagiin i araga. Extend, to, to make longer, pakalendii, pakalndun; to extend tlie hand, butur, biimutur, buturiin; also. They are extending the telegraph to Katatanan, piim- biitiirun nilan su kauat sa Katatanan. Extensive, masla, nafilad. Extinguish, to. {See Kill.) Eye, mata; eyebi'ow, kilay; eyelash, pipiluk; eyelid, takiilab a mata; white of the eye, kaputian a mata; cornea, kaitaman a mata; pupil, tau-tau a mata (little person in the eye). Fable, tiidtul. Face, bias. Fade, to, katas, kumatas. Will this fade if washed? kumatas nia u pijnan? Faint, to. (»S'ee To be sick. ) Fair, mapia i kataii. Fall, to (to fall on anything), ulug, mailing; to cause to fall, the imperative, palipa- tiulug (ka sekanin); to drop, iulug; also the verb iidtang, miidtang, udtangan, used as follows: He felled the tree, inudtangan nin su kayii. False, btidtudan, tagakalan, akal, di bnal; to be false or treacherous with a i)erson, akal, makal, akalan; also magakal. Famed, mabantiig, bantiig; bangsa if of high rank. Family, kabinabata^n, lineage bangsa. Famine, giitum. Fan, apil, buyang. ^ Fan, to (anything), apil, mapil, apilan; to fan with, iapil. Far, mauatan. Farewell, kapagatau. Farm, pamiilan. Fast, magan. Fasten, iikiit, mikiit, iikut, this means to fasten anything to anything, as, I tie the horse to the tree, iikiit ku su kayu sa kuda; to tie anything up, ikiit, mikut, ikiitun; to tie with, the same as the first. Fat, mazabiid; the fat, kasbiida^n or kasbiid; to fatten, pakazabiid. Fate, bagi, ukul; I do not know what my fate will be, di ku katauan ngin i bagi ku. Father, ama, bapa sometimes used ; father-in-law and stepfather, bapa. Fathom, lapa^, ten lapa', isa laniit. Fatigued, malugat, naliigat. 36 PEIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. Fault, sala. Favour, to. Do me the favor to hand me the book, kahmii akii ngka iiU'ial hu Hulat f^alaki. Fear, to, kagi^h^ik, kagiluka^n, ikagi^hlk; the Fihpinos are afraid of the Moros, ikagi^- h1k nil manga vaisanos su manga Islam. Feast, masla gay. Feather, l>umbul. Features, paras, bias. Fee, sukay. Feeble, uk. Heap, to, tambak, tumambak, itambak. Hear, to, kinug makinug. I can not hear it, di kii kakinug. Heart, pusimg or ginaua. Heat, kayaii. Heaven, surga. Heavy, maiigat. Hedge, alad a kayo bibiag. Heel, palo a ay, paled a ay. Heir, jiiniisakan. Hell, naraka. Helm, siiil. Help, to. {See Assist.) Hem, to. (/S'eeSew. ) Hen, ina na manuk, mother of a chicken. PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. 41 Here, Mia, sin. | Heritage, i)usakii. Hiccough, pscdfi, iiiaHcdri. Hide, to, i)Ufiina, ipajjina, tabon, itabon. He liialay, tangalad. Infidel, kapir, kristianii. Infirm, rupuk. Inform, to, pasabutan; imperative form of the verb to know. T inform you, pasabu- tan ku seka. Informer, pasasabiit, papasabut. Inhabit, to, dalapa, madalapa, dalapaan (active also, dumalapa); ngkalabun, mag- ngkalabung, ngkalabungan. Where do you live? andau ka pug-nkalabun? or, andau ka piindalapa? or, andaii ka pagfili? Inhabitants, mga taii, niga penda; apa. Inheritance, i)usaka. Inhuman, marat i atay. Injure, to. (>S'eeHurt. ) Ink daiiat. rRlMKK OF THE MOKO LANGUAGE. 43 Inkstand, tiimpat :i (lauat. Inland, sa ilalaui. Inquire, to. ((SV'cAhIv. ) Insect, ulud, lanaii-lanap, Uarfi-karu, aiiKkup-aii^kii]). Insignia, tainla iia iu-uaii;i; lo he left. (6'ee Abandon.) Leg, lisung; calf of the leg, kalamhuan a lisnng; shin, kiidiil. Lend, to (money), utang, mutang, utangan; (other arliclen), sumliay, sumumbay, .sumbayan. To exprenn Uie word "lend" the verl) "borrow" mu.>Jt Inr iist-d in the passive (see Borrow) . I lend money, pagutangan kfi. I am lending money, pri))pagutangnn kn; the word "money" is understood. He loaned me five dol- lars, pinagutangun aku nin su lima pilak. Length, kalendu. Lengthwise, natag or kalendu. Leprosy, pamfiti. Less, kulang. Let, to. (»SV*' Allow.) Letter, surat. Level, pantar, datar, mapantar, madatar. Liar, tagakalan, tabiidtudan. Liberal, mapadi. Liberate, to, puis, mapiiis, piiisen, or puis. Lick, to, siisiip, sumiisup, siisupiin. Lid, sapung, (eye), takulab a mata. Lie, kambutiid (falsehood). Lie, to, mbiitiid mbutiid mbiitudan; do not lie, di ka pambutud. Lie down, to, iga miga igan. Life, kauyag. . Life, to, sapiiat sumapuat isapuat. Light, malinaiiag, matinang. Light, to. {See Ignite.) Lightning, kilat; ray of, parti. Like, mana. Like, to. {See 'Love.) Limb, lisung. Lime, apug. Lime (lemon), miintay. Line (string), tali; (row), katiindug a matidtu. Lineage, bangsa. Lip, l)il)il. Lining, susun, lapis. Liquid, natunag. Listen. {See Hear.) Litter, mga iiata. Little, maidii, paidu, padidu. Little finger, king-king. Liver, atay limpa. Lizard, tagatak, or tukatilk. Load, lulan. Load, to, usan, maixsan, iisanan. Lobster, tarapan, udang. Lock, gunsi, kalud. Locust, tapudi. Lodge, to. {See Live, or Sleep.) Loft, sa puru. Log, kayo. Lovely, da tau nin. 46 PEIMEE OF THE MURO LANGUAGE. 1 Long, malandii. ] Look, ilay mailay ilain. 1 can not see it,
  • Muslin, saput. Must, patiit. • Mutiny. Matu sa kitab, to fight against the law. i Mystery, kakikat, barakat, balikmata. ^ Nail, tutuk. 1 Naked, nitalkas, talekas. Name, ngalan; what is his name, ngin ngalau uin or antain i ngalan nin. The native i runs this together so that it sounds like this ' ' nting alan in? " j PKIMKK <)K THE MOliU LANGUAGE. 49 Nape, tenalu- baiiaii; toHuspcnd on a cord, sayat, sumayat, wayatan, or isayat; to put opposite, j)antag, niapantag, pai)antagan; to put wood on the fire, lah'ig, lunialug, lahigun; to plai-e a lever, alid, nuiiid, alidan; to put one foot over another, dainpu, driniani})u, danipuan; to croHs the legs, papesulagida sa ay; to cross the arms, liipa, lumfipa, lupan. (Martin.) Putrid, nakadu, nardag. Puzzle, tsikut, ungun, kangan. Quality, bias^, paras, barang, kapia. Quantity, kadakal. Quarrel, ka|)agukag. Quarrel, to, fd^ag, niagukag. Quarter, ika jiat a bagi. Queen, hadi a babay. Question, kaidsa. Quick, niagan, mangagan. Quicksilver, rasa. Quid, sakabiin, siipa. Quiet, da n-galabugan, da kaiini. Quit, to. {See Abandon.) Race of people, magingud, bangsa. Radish, labano. Raft, balsa, ginakit. Rafter, pasagi a kayu. Rag, jianidsing, trapa. Rain, idan. Rain, to, ulan, mulan. Rainbow, biilutu. Raise, to, purii, ipiiru. Raisins, ubas a nagangau. Rake, ij^amujifit. Rank, glarl. Rancid, nausang, nakadu. Ransom, puis, mapuis, piiisun. Rape, to, (rugul) tugul, tiimiigul, tiiguliin. Rapid, magan. Rapids, muliigiis. Rare, niadalag. Rat, dumpaii. Rattan, rautan. Rave, to, dapap, naudapap. Raw, mailaii. Ray, sinar, sinag, saliig, lagindab. Razor, glat a iginumpa. Reach, to, saut nasaiit isaut; it will not reach, di masaiit daiiag idauag. Read, to, adi; mangadi. Ready, nakasag, nakaingat. Really, biinal. Reap, to, gangi, nagagangi. Rear, sa iilian. Reason, daua (sabap, cause). Rebellious, daruaka, pangatu, katilaka. Rebuke, to, lipungiit, malipiingut. 56 PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. Receive, to, talima tumalima taliman. Receive, to, guest, alau, ma-alau alauan. Reckon, to, bilang mabilang bilangan. Recline, to, iga miga igaan. Recollect. (;Siee Remember. ) Recover, to, pia mapia pia-an. Red, mariga. Redeem. {See Ransom.) Red lead, siadalingam. Reduce, to, kulang, kulmulang, kulangan. Eight reduced by four leaves four, ualii kulangiiu na i)at nasama pat. Reed, tamlang a padidu. Reef, kabinasa lakungan sa lagat. Reef. {See Tie.) Reflect. (>S'ee Thiuk.) Reflection, pandapat. Refuse, to, enda m-enda endan. Refuse (rubl)ish), piiput. Regalia, tanda na glarl na adi. Region, tampat, lupa, darpa. Regret, kalidu, na ginaua. Reign, to, ndatu; he reigned, mindatu sekanin. Rein, tali kakang. Reject, aua, maiia. Rejoice, to. I rejoice, mapia i ginafia ku; my heart is good. Relapse, kambaling na sakit. Relate, to, tudtul, tumudtul, tiidtuliin. Relations, mga siilud. Release, to (see To free or), puis, mapiiis, piiisiin. Religion, agama. Reluctant, mataliimbung, marsik, segan. Remain, to, diigka, diimiigka. Remainder, sama. Remedy, gamut, bidung. Remember, to, tadam, tumadum, taduman. Remove, to. {See Reject.) Rent. {See Hire.) Repair. (/S'ce Improve.) Repeat, to, luinan maliiman liimanan. Repent, to, to accuse oneself, sumandit sa ginaua ku; to accuse myself. Repent, to, taubat tumaubat. Replace, to. (.SV^ Return.) Reply, to. {See Answer.) Report, to. {See Inform.) Report (rumors), tudtrd. Reprimand, to, lipungut, inalipiingut, malipiingut. Reprobate, andang a marat. Repudiate, same as Divorce. Request. {See Beg or Ask.) Resemble, inana. Reside, to. {See Live.) Resin, lita. Resist, atu m-atu. Respect, to, adat, magadat adat-an. PRIMER OF TIIK MORO LANGUAGE. 57 i Respect, kadat. | Respectful, taliadat. Responsible, iiiasarig; a rcHpouaible jjcrwjii, kaHarifa-uyag). | Reward, tendan. j Reward, to, tendan. , Rheumatism, sakit a tiilan; sakit a pangfilbau. j Rhinoceros, badak. ] Rib, gusuk. j Ribbon, gigis sa siitla a malandu. Rice, bagas, in the husk, ilaii or palay; roasted, piidsundagun; half shucked, linupi- j san; green, pinipi, inaliil; cooked, may, Ifitu. j Rice field, lowland, basak; upland, binubul. ! Rich, kaiiasa. '. Riches, tamiik, kasankapan. • Riddle, antiika; to solve, antuk man tuk antukan; to raffle, antiik magantuk; a raffle, 1 kantuk. - ' ; Ride, kiida, magkiida. . ; Ridge, of mountains, palavian l)ubiinan; of house, dampiil, bumbong. Ridicule, to, siidi, masiidi, sudi-n. i Right (hand), kaiianan. Rigid, matigas. : Rim, bibil takilidan. ; Rind, iipis. Ring, sising, sikam. i Ripe, matua. I Rise, to, mbiiat, mbiiat. \ River, lauas a ig. Rivulet, kakal. | Road, lalan, kaiikitan. ', Roadstead, labiian. ! Roam, to, pelakaii-lakau. , Roar, to. {See Hark.) \ Roast, to, giau, magiau, giau-an. i Rob. (*SV'e Steal.) I Robe, malung, ditar a malendu. Rock, vatii, uatu, kavang. ' Rock, to (transitive), kiikung, kiimukung, ki'ikungan; (intransitive) .see To work. ! Roe, liman na seda. ; Roll up, to, iilun maiilim iilunun. i Rolling, pug-giling. 58 PRIMEE OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. ] Roll, to, to roll grain between atones (flour), giling gumiling, gilingun. ; Roof, iitfip, sa purii; of mouth, langit a ngali. i Room, bilik. ] Roost, to. {See Sleep. ) | Root, (lalig. I Rope, tali. ] Rose, mamut a ulak a kayo, mawar. i Rose-water, ig a mamut. i Rot, mardag. > Rotten, vegetables, mardag; animal, madii. : Rough, makrang. \ Round, matibiiriing. , j Roundabout, di matidtu. j Rouse, to. (>S'<;e Rise, Call. ) • Row, a, lantalun. | Row, to, niula, mamula. j Rub, to, kuskus, kumiiskus, kiiskiisun; kiis, kumus, kustin. j Rubbish, puput. .! Ruby, muntia mariga, dalima. i Rudder, siiil, kamudi. Rude, di kuna niapasad a mapia. ■ Ruin, kabinasa. Ruin, to, binasa, mabinasa, binasan; karat, makarat, karatan. Rule, to. {See Govern. ) [ Rump, bubim. i Run, to, lagiiy, malalaguy. j Run against, to, siimbak, masumbak, siimbakan. | Rush at, to. (S(e To sell, pasan. ) I Saliva, diida. ! Salt, timiis. Salty, matimus. r I Saltpeter, sandaua a maputi. j Salutation, ka-alau. . Same, magidsa^n. ' Sand, piitad; gravel, matiualu; very fine, manaud. Sand bank, kaputadan, putad. j Sandalwood, chandana. j Sap, ig a kayu, lita. Sash, angkiil, pamikis, kambiit, sabitan. PRIMEK OF THE MOKO LANGUAGE. 59 Satisfied, iiafiHUf^ iiialiliiii, iiaipfis i li:iyairing. Savage, daruaka, tan ha i)alau. | Save, to (money), itfmg, maitfiiig, itfiDguii; to Have life, puis, mamiiis, puisfin. Savory, maleiubu, uiapia i nanaiii. Saw, to, giit, guiiiiit, inagtit, gfitfin, garugadi, giimarugadi. Saw, a, garugadi na kayu. Say, to. {Sn- Conjugations. ) Scald, to, lupak, lunu'ipak, lupakan, ludaH, iiialudas, ludaaan. Scale of a fish, iiigil. , Scales, tind)angan. Scar, balung, taiida na pali. j Scarce, niadala'g. Scarf, angkul. Scarlet, mariga. Scatter, to, palak, i)unialak, ipalak. Scent, ban. I Scheme, pagilingan. < Scholar, miirid. School, skuela (Sp. ). j Science, ilniu. i Scissors, guntiug. Scold, to, lipungut, malipiingttt, lipiingutan. | Score, dua pulu. ■ Scrape, to, ikis, niangikis, pangikisin. Scratch, to, kukiit, kumiikut, kukiitan. Scream, to, giiraiik, giimiirauk, guraukan, lalis, malalis. : Screen, linding a sapiit. Screen, to. {See Protect.) Screw, piput, pakii piilas. Scum, didi. Scurf, pono, biikuii. Sea, lagat, dagat higli sea, kaludan. Seal, tiap. Sealing wax, palkat, lak. i Seam, palas a pinamanay, pamanay. I Seashore, ligid a lagat, dedchan. Seasick, malangit sa lagat. ] Season, rausin. | Search, to, ilay, niangilay, pangilayan. i Seat, kursi. ' Seaweed, unga sa lagat. Secret, kapagnia, katabiin, rahusia. Secrete, to. (>S'f(^ To hide.) See, to. {See Conjugation, ilay.) j Seed, n'lbang, bingi. Seed plot, riibangan. Seek. {See Senrch.) Seize, to. (*%e Grasp. ) Seldom, niadala''g. Select, to, iiiili, mamili, pamilin. < Self, guinaua; myself, su guinaua ku. Sell, to. (/See Conjugation, pasan.) 60 PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. ' Send, to, order, to; carry. {See Carry, conjugation, auid. ) ij Sense, akal (meaning) atag. Senses (the five), su mga barang a laiias. ] Sentence, to, atiir, magatiir, atiiran, or hiikum, mahukuni, hukixman. ; Sentence, kahukiim, kaatiir. Sentence, kadtalu. ,| Sentry, bantay. ' Separate, to, sibay, masibay, isibay. ; Serious, a serious expression, mariming a paras; grave, maiigat, masla. ' Serpent, nipay. ■ Servant, inamanalagad, patatabang. Serve, to, lagad, n:ianalagad. . Service, kapanalagad. i Serviceable, adun giina nin. I Set, to. (See To put. ) " Settle, to, mataii; I will decide (settle it) it, saki mataii bu. Several, mga tlii pat. \ Severe, masla, matigiil, mapasang. ! Sew. to, manay, mamanay, or pamanay (no passive). Shade, sa matengati, alung-aliing, tedo, naung. Shadow, bayang-bayang. ' Shady, maten-gau. j Shaft. (&? Handle.) ^ Shake, to, kaiig, makaug, kaugun, sikfui, siimikiin. isiktin. ^ Shallow, mababa a ig. ■ q Sham, kagakal, dalina, kasabap. j Shame, kaya; modest, main. ■ Shape, paras. Share, bad, bagi. Shark, bagisan sinsutuan. ■ Sharp, maglan. j Sharpen, to. (>S'ee Grind.) " Shatter, to. (*See Break.) Shave, to, sumpa, manumpa. Sheath, taguban, tiipilan. i Shed, barung-bariing. j Sheep, bili-ljili. j Sheet, mailing. j Shell, iil)al), upar; artillery, ])riuk apiiy, batubak. \ Shepherd, pagunung. i Show, to. {See To see; Order to see.) i Shield, tambing (round), kliing (long). j Shin, kudul. ' Shine, to, order to Ijc Ijriglit, ])akatinang; to polish, unas, maiinas, iinasun. : Ship, kapal, praii. (SVi^' To drown. ) Snail, small, banisil; medium size, lambiiay; large, bagungun. Snake, nipay. , Snare, pules, litag; to snare, liimitag, litagan. j Snarl, to. (.S'«' Scold.) i Snatch, to, agau, mangagau, agauan. ; Sneer, to, casemu, macasemii, icasemii. Sneeze, to, mban, memban, ' Snore, to, lung-iik, liimung-iik. So, so that, ndvi, asal; and then, na. Soak, to, fiasan, maiiasan, iiiasan. j Soap, sabun. ! Soar, to. [See Fly.) Sob, to. {See Cry.) i Society, langiin a tau. Soft, malamuk, di matigas. I Solder, to. (>SVe Mend. ) | Soldier, siindaru. ' I Sole of the foot, palad a ay. Sometimes, sa isa gay; lit., some days. i Son, uata (a mama). ; Song, bayiig, kadsiingal. ■ Soon, amay, amay amaj', sa magan. ; Soot, biiring. \ Sore, bakugang, pali. , Sorrow, kalidii, kalat a ginaiia. Sorry, 1 am sorry, malidu i ginaua kii, or atay kii. ] Sort. ()SVe Separate. ) Sonl, alwak, nyawa. 1 Sound, uni, kauni. Sour, miidsum. South, selatan. Southeast, tangara. j Southwest, barat-daya. Sow, to. {See To plant. ) ' Space, kaulad, darpa, liipa. , Spade, sankul, racttt; to dig, sankul, siimankul, sankulan. Span, langau. j Sparing, parsimonious, masingit. Speak, to. (>S'ee Conjugation, dtalu, etc. ) Spear, dililk, bankau. i Speck, sa paidii. Spectacles, talumpang, tilamin. Spell, to put a spell on, saltan, .saitanan. Spend, to. {See Buy.) 1 Spice, palapa; to spice, pamalapa, palapaan. I Spider, lalaua. | Spider web, ualay na lalaua. j Spill, to, udud, maudiid, udiidan. ' rillMEK OF THE MOKO LANGUAGE. G3 Spin, to, subid, sunmbid, Hubidaii. Spinach, kaiuu. Spinster, [nidsubid ;i hultiiy. Spirit. (-SW'S(Hil.) Spirits (ardent), arak. Spit, to, duda, duiiiuda, dudaii. Spite, sakit a atay, kahit a giuaua. Spleen, liiiipa kt'cliil. Splinter, sa tfd)i, sa bad. Split, to, afii>ak, maupak, aupakan; or, kumi, inakeiui, kiiiuiji. Spoil, to, biiiasa, inaljinasa, l)inasaii. Spoon, galidut. Sponge, fiiiga iia karang. Spotted, nabiidsungaii. Spout, to. {See Spit.) Spread, to, kayat, kiimayat, kayatan. Spring, ])ualan. Spring, to. (See Jninii.) Sprinkle, to, inirik, mamirik, pamirikan. Spur, of a rooster, biituk; for a rider, pakagilik. Spy, pai)anfdiniau. Spy, to, nulima, luanulima, panulimaaii. Squander, to, karat, makarat, karatan (sa tainuk or sii tamuk). Square, pat a pidjiiru (four corners), pasagi. Squat, to, lukiing, luniukung, lukungan. Squeeze, to, lusiik, luinusuk, lusukan; to squeeze with, ilusiik; liipit, lumiipit, lupi- tan, to crush under the foot; selen, sumelen, selenun, to squeeze a tumor. Squint, to, biluk, mbiltik. Squinting, mabilik. Stab, to, guruk, gumiiruk, guriikan. Stable, ualay na kuda. Stagger, to, kiikiing, kumiikiing, langvit, malangut. Stagnant, madii a ig; matiinang. Stairs, tuak, panikan. Stake (post), pulaus. Stake, to. {See To het) Stale, naiisang, nakadii. Stalk, lauas. Stammer, to, iliig, mangiliig; kudiil, kiimudul. Stamp, to, lupit, lumiipit, h'lpitan, sipa, siimipa, sipan. Stand, to, tindiig, tiimindiig; to stand on, tindiigan. Star, bitun. Starve, to, matay sa vmiis. Station, glarl, bangsa, kapiirii. Stay, to, apa, mapa, apan (to stay or wait for). Steady, matigul, matigas, mabagal. Steady, to, order it to be steady, pakatigal ka sa pulaus. Steal, to, gkau, manugkaii; to be stolen, tigkau. Steam, sepiit, hawap. Steel, uagia, kara, baga. Steep (a preciiiice), landiing. Steer, to, suil, siimiiil, siiiliin; steersman, pangilin. Step, kaukit, kadsagad, mamakalung (stride). Stepfather, paniiganga. 64 PRIMEE OF THE MOKO LikNGUAGE. ' I Stern (of a vessel) , iilinau. ! Stew, to. (.S'«' To cook. ) Stick (rane), balala, tanigit. | Stick, to, ubay, niagiibay. Stiff, niatigas. ' Sting, to, tubuk, tumubuk, tubiVkan. ; Stingy, inasingit, mizkin. Stink, ka(b"i. \ Stir, to, gurak, gumurak, giiraka. {See To poke or to shake with.) ■ Stitch. (>StrTosew. ) \ Stockade, ki'ita. Stocking, medias, >i\^. ■ Stocks, or fetters, patiing; to put in the stocks, patiing, mapatimg, patungan. i Stomach, kaslaan. ] Stone, uatu, batu. \ Stool, bangkii, Sp. 1 Stoop, to, pukii, mapukii, piikun; or to bend. Stop, to, tana; tumana, to halt or to cease; apa, mapa, apan, to wait; lun, liimun, lunun, to obstruct; sapung, masapung, sapuugan, to plug. Stopper, sapung. ] Store, tinda (Sp. ), dangangan. Stork, bangau. Storm, subii-subu. Story, dalimgun, tudtul. i Straight, matidtu. ] Strain, to, sisig, siimisig, sisigun. j Strange, l)agu a paras. i Stranger, tan a salakau a dalapa. i Strangle, to, gut, gumut, gutun. ■' Stream, lauas a ig; a creek, kakal. i Street, lalan, kaukitan. i Strength, kabagal, kuasa, kapakaj. ' Strengthen, to, bagiil, mabagal, bagulun. i Stretch, to, kayat, kumayat, kayatan. Strict, matidtu a parangay, mabiing. Strike, to, butay, butayn, mabtttay. j String, tali. ; Strip, to, lakas, lumakas, lakasan, iaua su ditaran. ■ Stripped (naked), natalkas, nalakas, da ditaran nin. 1 Stroke, kabiitay. Strong, mabagal. j Stubborn, matigas i ulii. I Studious, maturdu. Stiidy, to. {See Learn. ) Stumble, to. (*SVeSlip. ) Stump, tud a kayo. Stupid, mababal, da akal in. Stupefied, nabangan, da calundum in. Subject, (vassal) bila, (matter, purport) atag, (citizen) taii. Submit, to, to be conquered. {See Conquer. ) Substitute, to. (.S'ee Change. ) Substitute (n.), sambi. Subtract, to, kfdang, kumiilang, kulangan. Succeed, to, iikit, miikit, (in command) baliuau. PRIMER OF THE M()K(> LANCUTAGE 65 Succession (inheritiince)i pu^iika. Suck, to, sfisfip, sfiiurisui), fjusfipun. Sudden, sa niay;aii. Suet, kasaliud a inati^as. Suffer, to, rasay, inarasay. To canst- to suffer. (Sit Al)iisi'.) SuiIIcient, sug^it. Sugar, ^^"i la, inaniis; cake of sugar, sangkakaii: su.uar candy, gu la uato; sugarcane, tubu. Suicide. "lU' couniiittcd suicide," "Biiifinu iiin sj giuauu niu." Suit (cau.se), hitiara, daua, atag, kapam'itfd. Suitable, uia{)atut. Sulky, marat i gail). Sulphur, saudauu ))inaning, sandaua. Summit, kapusaii, titik, tilka, i)urri a ]ialau, tudilk. Summon, to. (aSV'c C'all. ) Sun, sinang, niata hari; eye of the day, alungan. Sunrise, su si bang. Sunset, su ])udsudup. Sundry, udjias-bias. Supercargo, su pagipat kanu hingun a Ifdan a auang a masla. Superintend, to, tiilik, tumiilik, tvilikan. Supple, niagalau, masiigud. Support, to. {See To lean.) To support a family. {See Feed.) Sure, bunal, matigul, di naapalin, da i sukar. Surety, niangakii. Surfeited, nausfig. Surpass, to, lauan, luniaiian, lauanan. Surplus, saiua, sauad. Surprise, to, tikau, matikau, tikauan. Surrender, to. {See To be con(|uered. ) Surround, to, libud, lumibud, ilibud or libvidun. Suspect, to, antap, antapan. Suspicion, kaantap. Swallow, to, linun, luminun, linunuu. Swamp, pauas. Swear, to, dsapa, dsumapa, dsapan. Swear, to (curse), muras, maniiiras, murasan. Sweat, to, gating, niagating. Sweep, to, payupas, mamayupas, payupa^san. Sweet, niamis. Sweetheart, babay a magan pangaluman. Sweet potatoes, ubi, of various classes: u. nuunpay, very large; u. longkong, reil and round; u. talun, large and coarse; u. kasila, long and thin; also, u. kanpas, kuli- kut, kiiisay, talingi. Swell, to, liibag, nialubag. Swift, niagan, nialagut. Swim, to, languy, liimanguy. Sword, sLindang (kris, Sp. ), short; if wavy, it is called lantik; if straight, nmtidtu; kampilan, long weajion, broader at the end than at the handle; tabas, large, curved weapon, used as an executioner's blade. Table, lamesan, dulang. Tail, ikug. Tailor, painanianay. 5879—03 5 66 PRIMER OF THE MORO LANGUAGE, J Take, to, kua, kumua or makiia, kuaan; to take up water with a bucket, sag'ib, sum- ; agub, saguban; to take the pot from the lire, aiinun su kudun; to take earth from a hole with a ragged piece oi cane, salusang; to take the sword from the | sheath, bindasun; to take fire from the flint or dry wood, titik, tumitik, titikiin; j to take a thorn from the flesh, siiat, sumuat, siiatian; to take the dirt from the | ears, mangayungfd. Tale, tudtnl. . Talk, to. (.SVe Conjugation. ) j Tall, malam1)uk, mapurii. I Tame, malayam, layam. " Tangled, nakasimbur. . Target, blangko (Sp. ). • ^ Taste, to. {Set' Try.) Taste, taam. i Tax, buis. ; Tea, cha (Chinese), ti (Sp. ). : Teach, to, turn, tumuru, ituru, uru, manfirfi, ipanuru. 1 Teak, kayii diati (Malay). " Tear, to, riidut, riimudut, rudutan; bisay, mabisay, bisayan. \ Tears, ig a mata, lu. ; Tease, to. (»SVe Annoy. ) \ Teeth, ngipiin. Telescope, talumpung. Tell, to. {See Conjugation. ) j Temper, kabutad, parangay. I Temper, to, tanka, tiimanka, tankaan. . , Temples, buniing. i Tendon, iigat. i Terrible, magiruk-giriik. I Test, to. {See To try.) | Thatch, atap. Then, ntii pan. He hit me, then I got up; nabiitay akii nin ntii pan nakambuat aku. j There, lu, u, san. ' Therefore, sul)ap ntu. Thick, makapal, masla. *" Thief, tegkafi. : Thigh, ])vibun. j Thimble, suj) a lima, didal (Sp. ). i Thin, manipis, magasa. ' Thing, tanu'ik, kuana. J Think, to, jjikir, pumikir, pikirun, paudapat, pandapatan. I Thirst, kauaii. Thirsty, kauau aku, miiig aku minuni. i Thorn, tuiu'ik, sai)indig, duri. j Though, pidsan, apia. '. Thought, pikiran. Thrash, to, see Whip. To thresli grain, .sw Thresh. j Thread, tanur. ; Threaten, to. (»SVr To make afraid, i. e., jjakagiluk.) ' Thrifty, matiirdu. I Throat, lig. j Throw, to, itug, mitug, iitug. Thumb, ama na lima. Thunder, dalandug. J Thunderbolt, parti, lati. ' PRIMEK OF TJIK .M(>K<» LANOITAGE. f)7 Tickle, to, iiiafj;ijj;iruk, fj^ijiirukaii. | Tide, rising, i):i<,n"iiri^; fallin^r, pajiilat. j Tie, to, ikut, luikut, ikut. Tiger, ariiiiau. Tight, niafiajiut. Timber, kayu; planks, papan. Time, waktu, kotika. '; Timid, iiiatalufi. Tin, luandal, nKifidal. I Tinder, fiiiiiit. i Tinsel, pi-rada, ad. Trench, kakal. i 68 PEIMEK OF THE MORO LANGUAGE. Tribe, ingud, magingud. Trick, to, akal, niagakal, akalan. Trick, kagakal, katipu. Trickle, to, titik, tiimitik, titikan. Trim, to (arrange), pakapia. Troop, niadakal a ^findalfi. Trouble, kasikut, kalat, kasasau. Trough, salaual; if very sliort, binugis. Trough, j)along. True, Ijiinal, banal bun. Trunk, of a tree, lauas a kayii. Trunk, kavan, bafd (Sp. ). Trust, to, f-alig, siinalig, saligan, or i^alig. Try, to, tapung, tumapung, tapiingan; to try the tante, taani, nuitaam, taanian. Tub, mantaya, tong. Tune, kaginiip. Turban, tu1)au. Turn, to, klid, niaklid. (>S('e Return. ) Turn over, to, balig, magbalig, baligan. Turtle. {See Tortoise. ) Tusk, panaj'au, zungay. Twig, maidii a sapak a kayu. Twilight, morning, karamigan a gay; evening, magarip, niakilala niagari. Twin, carping, kambar. Twine, tali. Twist, to, Miilapit, sumiilapit, isulapit, or sidajMtan. Tyrannical, matigal a parangay, marat i gaib, zalim. Ugly, inarat i paras, marat i bias, da biintal. Tllcer, bakfigang, pali, piiru. Umbrella, payong. Uncertain, di kataiian, di banal. Uncle, bapa. Uncover, to, fdca, nraka, likan. Under, .«a l)aba. Understand, to, saljut, niasal)ut, sabutan; I can not imderstand it, di ku kasabiitan. Underwood, kalasan. Undress, to, lukas, lumiikas, lukasan. Unfortunate, marat i bagi. Unhappy, malidu i ginaua. Unite, to, tajii, tuiuapi, tapin; to congregate, timu, matinu'i, tinu'u'm; to unite cloth, sali.'iip, masalisip, salisipan. Universe, dunia. Unless, u di; I will come if I am not sick, sumia aku bfi u Useless, dii CiiA «.iV^ Tsa ts Ul^ ^ >»iu vsIa Gim g ^ s;i» « e Ha h z ^ -^s c Ha h t • '^ e Dal d .i j> -^ j>. Zal z # 2> 3 3 lia r 7 ? / / Zay z • « ; • / I'KIMKR OK TIIK MOliO LANGUAGE. 73 TJie Al l>h(ih<'t—K^A'>\\\\\\\\i'(\. Mon iMll Sin' Sad Lad Ta La Ain Gain Pa Kap Kap' Knplish equivalent. Isohilcd letter. At hoRiniiinfir (if word. At middle of word. At end f)f word. S O^ ^.A.'v^. ^•^.^^ i_/-^ s (w^' \^ • • L>^ s v..^ y>0 -Ol v^>^ 1 v^ /O ^ O^ t Jo Js J^ -^ 1 Jo _b Ja. ^0 a ( -C ^ ^ g- * • Jl. s P s « J " Jl " ^ « k • • s • • JL k <> 6 ^r^ e Nun n U-/ O A^ *^ Uau wa J ^ ^ > Ha h ^ jt> -& rr^ Nga ng • • .'. 5" Nia nia • • *•* Tia tia TI • ^ PKIMEK OF THE MOKO LANGUAGE. 75 VOWELS. Vowels are placed a))ove or below the consonant they follow. The vowels are: ^ na = LlX 'x f / naka = cJ OW, ^ a as in na L^ i as in ni Cl^ N u as in nu J <^-^ u as in nu 3> an as in nan in us in nin Ci/ un as in nun un as in nun O* All the vowels are above the consonant except the ''i,'' and it is placed below. It" no vowel follows the consonant a little circle is placed al)ove, as^ 76 PRIMEK OF THE MOKO LANGUAGE. EXAMPLE OF A MORO LETTER." C/":^)! O'r-^^'^-M i-v J>-oJ5j( A_,x^. ^^^;^x_i>»[ 3 ^ i /I ' *> ^ y / "-* ■'Jo, ^ o ^' y r e I / ' oJ , , /J ay , / o ' / / / / y "-* ' ' - ^ , ~ ^, c^^ a_J _i tl>i/^j;^ t_X:>0 0«J-^ tp V/W./^:-^!^ (_/-^^ C^ ^A>U^ o y y 9 O y y 9 y c J ^ »'\ ^/ / e J / * / yj o y y t / y J / / o y_> o y y y t ^ y J y o ^ s y/ y ClV'^J> (V/:\^ / SJy I ^_^ >rW l.l.y\-^^-^^ (^J^yJ^ y a Read from right to left. ''." * u , t ' , , I " J J ay o J y y 3 ' ^ y e 9 / o y y / y / y *■-* -^ ' -' «»••-> JMilMKK OK TlIK MoiiO LANdl'ACK. 77 TRANSLITKItATKiN. Bisiiiillahi ar-raliniani raliccm Ahhainduli-lalii raliil-alaiiiiii arrahniaii raheein idanaseeb ua iiifistakim. Niiii siirat-a pa^zari ii^^ka Sfilfitaii Harudin pa Ganagi Int.«a Alatalaniakafiina «i pa.^'ari kfi aiian a iiicdikfi pauraiiay na Malalianjr, salanidfi aku 8a pagari kfi anaii mediku, Sapfdu Halaiuat kagia iiuakariina h;"i surat ka, iiiapia su jiinaua na pajrari ii'xka sfdutaii sa Ganasi ka da iigka ngalipati binar su kadtaru. Ainaika niapia s"i ginaua nirka angay ka ranau ka niapia lalakau saguna, a ya salakau yaii laiigun a datfi san iiiirinfit sa liitara na pa^ University Re search Library 70 64f r M (Tj 'J ft s ~3< dj -J - Jj -J