CBKCIEY LIPPsARY UNIVfft:- CAI.IFC VJ< \V e ($mia(ion of (tv^6^\vt In 1532. Br THOMAS BENOLTE, Clarencieux King of Arms. fAdd. MS. Brit. Mus. 12,479.) EDITED BY OSWALD BARllON. SUPPLEMENT TO " THE GENEALOGIST. xeter : WILLIAM POLLARD & Co., NORTH STREET. 1898. LOAM STACK I)fi Uistfatiott of fSerksbiw in 1532. By Thomas Benoltb, Clarencieux King of Arms. Prom a Manusci'ipt, in a contemporary hand, now in the British Museum. (Add. MS. 12,479.J Edited by Oswald Barron. King Henry the first iij'* Sonne to w Conquerour and first founder of the Abbaye of Redding ys buryed in the myddest of the high Quyer w'^in the sayde place afore rehercyd On the right hand of him liethe buryed Ranavvd Le fitz parys Before our Lady Chappell lyeth buryed Thomas Wood Knight some- tyme Justice of the Coiriune place In the bodye of the Churche in our Ladye Chappell lyeth buryed Thomas Prowt The booke of vysytacon of Thomas benolt ats Clarencieulx of the xxiij*^ yere of King Henry the viij*'' First at Windesor in the Col ledge of the most Noble Ordre of the Gartier ys buryed in the Southe syde of the Quyer The good and holly King henry the vj**^ of the same name after the conquest In the Northsyde of the same Quyer lyeth the bodye of King Edvvarde the iiij'** victoryous and of right famous memorye In the same northsyde lyeth the bodye of Wyllam lorde hastingf Charaberlayne to the sayde noble King Edward On the sayde syde lyeth also the bodye of S"^ John Doon Knyght [WARDE.] Thomas Warde of baintunf maryed mawde doughter to thomas more of burton in the Count of buckingfim and had yssue by her Rycharde 167 4 THE VISITATION OF BERKSHIRE IN 1532. [fachell.] Thomas Fachell of Colley in the Count of barkshyre maryed Elyzabeth iij** donghter and one of the heyres of w"^ Cokwoorthie of yarnesecum in the Count of Devon and had yssue by her Thomas John and Margaret Thomas Fachell mai-yed Annes doughter of w Justice of Redding in the Count of barkshir and hath yssue by her Thomas Elysabeth Mary briget and Marget [bek.] Thomas bek of whitknigtf in barit maryed Isabell one of the dough ters and heyres of Michell in the Counte of wiltshr and had yssue by her raarmaduke Marmaduke maryed marget doughter to & had issue Thomas Rycharde John Anne Thomas maryed Jone doughter to nycholas Thome in the paryshe of Stmnyng in the Count of bark and had issue Marmeduke Hugh Rycharde Frauncf and Elsabeth [bullock.] Thomas bullock of arvurfilde in the Count of barkshire maried Alys doughter and sole heyre of willm yeding in the Count of Middlesex and had yssue by her Robert Robert maryed Elienor doughter to and by her he had yssue Gilbert Gilbert maryed Margaret doughter to Norris of in the same Count and had yssue by her Thomas xpofer Alys Anne Anis and Elienor Thomas maryed Alys doughter to John Kingsmill one of the Kingf iustycf of the Coiiiune place and hath yssue Rycharde Thomas George John Wiltm Gregory Margaret Dorothie Elienor Margery Alys and Jane Xpofer maried briget doughter to s george puttenam in the Count of hampshire and had yssue by her Thomas and Anis THE VISITATION OF BERKSHIRE IN 1532. 5 Alys maryed w"* spencer of the same Count & hath issue gilbert thorns w George Anne maryed Olyu oglaunder of the Isle of whete & hath yssue George and Edwarde Anis maryed xpofer belingam and sithens maryed Robert vemty in the Count of Buckingham Elienor marryed Richard Garret in the Count of Barkshire and had yssue [iNGELFIBLDB.] S'' Thomas Ingelfielde of inggilfelde in baric maryed Dame Margery oldest doughter to Rychard Dauf and had issue by her S*" thomas Margaret Elyenor S*" thomas the yonger maried Elsabeth doughter to s Robert Throgmorton in the Counte of Warwick and hath yssue by her had thorns that dyed s yssv} Frauncf Margery Anne & Suisan Margaret maried John Lingam of the Counte of hornerd in walys and hath yssue by her John Wilim Thomas Rycharde Rycharde Rafe and Elyenor Elienor maried Thomas trapnell in the Counte of Wiltsh^ and had yssue by her Thomas Anne Elsabeth Elyeno'^ Margery syster to Sir franc^ maryed George Carew sonne and heyre to John Carewe of Suff and hath yssue Thomas [STAFFORDB.] W StafForde seconde sonne to vmfrey StafForde maried Anne doughter and heire to s John Langforde Knight of brodfilde in the Count of Barkshir and hath yssue by her Thomas John George Vmphrey Elysabeth Margery and Marye StafForde Hastangf Burdett Alesbury Praye ' la another haud. 6 THE VISITATION OF BERKSHIRE IN 1532. [foster.] Vmfrey Foster esquier of harpden in the Count of Oxf maried Alls one of the doughters of Thomas Stonor esquier of the same Counte and had yssue by her Vmfrey Vmfrey maryed Alys one of the iiij doughters and one of the heyres of s Stevyn of popham by whom he had inheritance these maners or Lordeshipps following Ferrington Popham in Hampshir Stipe Langforde and Weste grunstede in the Counte of Wiltshir Pedell barstone in Dorcetshir and Le in Somsetsh'^ w<^ Vmphrey had yssue by her George Knight S' George maryed Elsabeth sole doughter and heyr of John de Lamere Sonne and heyre of thomas de Lamere Knight by whome he had by inherytaunce these manors or Lordshipps following that is to say Aldermanston Silemstede banester sparsole Chalow Estumton lyeng all in the count of baric w*' certeyne Landf lyeng or beyng in new fyshestrete in the Citie of London w S'^ George and Elsabeth had issue Vmfrey w" maryed Elsabeth eldest doughter to s wilim Sandz Lord Sandz Chambreleyne to King henry the viij*'' and Knight of the Gartier w*' Vmphrey and Elsabethe had yssue wilim John Elsabeth and Marget [brigges.] Thomas brigges Esquier of cubberlye in the Count of gloucestr maryed Florence Master harry brigges referreth the tyme for the knowlege of his auncestres till his commyng to London [ESSEX.] Wilim Essex vnderthresorer of Englande maryed one of the doughters of Marrowe and had issue Thomas Anne and Elsabeth Thomas maryed P^lsabeth doughter and heyre of Wyllm Babthorpe esquirer of ellston in the Count of Leic and had issue by her Wilim Essex and Katheryne w*= was maryed to John Hulcot of bercot in the Count of barK and had issue Wilim Thomas Elsabeth Margery Marget and marye THE VISITATION OF BERKSHIRE IN 1532. 7 S'" Wilim Essex maryed Dame Elsabeth doughter & sole heyre of Thomas Rogers of bena in the barR [sic] esquyer and also heyre to John Shortesbroke of Beckoot in the saide Count of baric esquier and the sayde 1 wiltm had yssue by the same Dame Elsabeth Thomas Thomas maried the ij'^ doughter to I Wilim Lord Sandz chamberlayne to King henry the viij*^ and had issue by her Wilim Thomas Edmonde Elsabethe Alys Mary Anne and Margery [hunton.] Heugh hunton of hunton hall in the Count of Lanceshir maryed and had yssue harry Thoiris & hugh Hugh maryed Anne doughter and heyre vnto W Fety place of excheccarf in the paryshe of Stokin Churche in the Count of Oxef and had yssue by her Thomas and Elysabethe Thomas maried Elysabeth doughter and heyr to w" yong of Est hanne Gentleman in the Count of barkshir and had yssue by her Alexander Thomas Edythe and Anne Alexander maryed Marie one of the doughters and heyres of the lorde barnes Edithe maryed I John Russell of Strenshm in the Count of worcestr Knight and hath yssue by her Thomas Anne maryed John Vampage of wilisill in the Count of worcestr [fbteplacb.] Peter Feteplace of Northe denscheworthe in BarK esquier maryed Margarete doughter to and had yssue John Jane Anne Annis Florence John maryed margarete doughter and one of the heyres of John denforde of Lamborne in baric and had yssue by her Phillipp Jane maried Robert Manfelde of Anidenasche in Buck and had yssue by her Thomas Wiltm Robert & Jane Annis was maried to Walter Fetiplace of Buklande in bark and had yssue John and Annys Phillipp feteplace maryed Jane fyrst daughter to John yate of chernat in the same Count and hath yssue by her Anthony Wiltm Jamys Thorns Elsabethe Anne Jane Dorothie and Marye 8 . THE VISITATION OF BERKSHIRE IN 1532. Anthony maried brigett doughter to Robert Skerne of London fyshemonger Elysabeth maryed wilim Feteplace of Maydencote in the same Counte and had yssue Nichs phillipp Jane Frauncf [braibrookb.] Jamys Braibrooke of the Connte of Suff maryed margery doughter to woodenkok of Shinfield in the Counte of buckshire and hath yssue by her Thomas Elysabethe Thomas maryed Katheryne doughter to wilim barker and hath yssue by her Wiltm Elysabeth maryed harry brunker of the Counte of wiltshir These Armes were gyven by Roger Machado als Richemond King of Armes Clarencieulx / R, -7. z. bering date at London the vij*^ daye of the f a jp monethe of Marche the yeare of our Lorde God -^ ^' a thousande fyue hundrethe and foure and the XX*' yere of the Reigne of our Souueraign Lord King h y vij*'^ VIZ This Monastery of Abyngdon was fyrst founded by King Edgar as at this tyme of vysytacon the Reuerend Father in God Thomas pentecoste was Abbot of the same place whose Armes be here depicte In the high Quyer lieth Gilbard Talbot Knight Lorde of Waddell In the bodye of the Churche on the northe syde lyeth buryed Thomas Feteplace Knight in decembr a m v*= xxiij*' In 8' John baptist Chappell lyeth buryed the bodye of lorde John Graye vyscounte lysle w decesed a" m v" iiij [fbtiplacb.] Edmond Fetiplace shall bring w* him the next terme to london the descent from his auncestres THE VISITATION OF BERKSHIRE IN 1532. 9 [norrts.] John Norrys of yattenden in the Counte of barft esquyer maryed doughter and heyre to and had yssue by her S*" Wiltm Norrys Knight John Norrys Esquier and iij donghters One maryed to John harecourt of Stannton in the Counte of Oxef The ij'^^ maryed to bnllstiodde of Bucks The iij**^ maryed to Ramsey of the same Counte The sayd I wiltm had to his first wief one of the dovghte" and heyre to the lorde Marcus Montagu by whome he had no yssue The sayde wyltm maryed syster to the Lorde John veere Erie of Oxef and had yssue by her S'' Edwarde Norrys Knight and Margaret John Norrys maryed and had yssue by her S"^ Edwarde Norrys aforesayde maryed Frysw*'^ sister and one of the heyres to 1 Frauncf Lorde Louell and had issue by her John Harry Anne and Margarete John maryed sister to s Edmunde Braye Knight lorde Braye of the Count of Sotherey &c* sT exit Harry maryed Marie doughter to marye [sic] Feins lorde Dacres of the Southe and hath yssue by her and Marye Anne maryed John Tirrell of warley Knight in the Count of Essex esquyer [sic] and hath yssue by her Margarett maryed John barrett of bell hows in the Counte of Essex [CHBYNY.] Roger Cheyny maryed Anne the second e doughter to Richarde Stanley of pype in the Counte of Lancastr and had yssue John and Julyan John maryed Jane the iij*^ daughter to s w Norrys knight and had yssue by her John Vmphrey Edwarde John Margaret Elysabeth Jane and Katheryne the same John Cheyny had to his seconde wief Jane the first doughter to John Carrew of haycome and hath issue by her Frauncf a doughter John Cheyny maryed Dorothe doughter to s John yecte and hath yssue Thomas and Mary Elysabeth maryed to waiter sonne and heyre to s Anthony willeby and hath yssue by her Robert and wilkin [harecourte.] Sir Richai'd harecourte of Stanton harecourte in the Counte of Oxf maryed Edythe p* inherytor to s Phillipp Seintclere in the Counte of Sussex and had yssue by her xpofer wiltm Edwarde and Alys 10 THE VISITATION OF BERKSHIRE IN 1532. Chropher maryed Jane ij'' doughter and pte inheryto'' to 1 miles Stapleton of the Count of Sussex and had yssue by her miles w'= dyed w*out yssue & Symon harcourte Knight &c* Wilhn maryed doughter to Brewf of the count of Suff and had yssue Fraunce and Rycharde Alys maried wiltm besillf of the Count of barK & had issue S"" Symon harcourte Knight aforesayde maryed Dame Annys doughter to Thomas Darell of Scoteney in Sussex Esquye'^ and had yssue by her John and Florens John maried margaret doughter to S*" W"" barantyne of hasle in the Count of Oxf and hath yssue by her Symon Robert Michell Annys Marye and Margarete Florens maryed to John Cottismore of bretwell in the cont of Oxf hath yssue by him Thomas John Wiltm Annes & Anne [This pedigree evidently belongs to the Visitation of Oxfordshire.'] [CHOCKB.] Richard Chocke knight of Long Astun in the in Sonishir [sic\ one of the Justice of the Commen place maryed doughter to pavys of bristowe and had issue by her John Richarde Elsabethe and Jane John maryed the doughter to John wrowton and had issue by her John and Alexander Richard the younger maryed Alice doughter and hole heyre to Robert Couentre of Auynton and Reedley and had issue by her John and Avys John maryed Annys doughter to Thorns Newbroche and had yssue by her Frauncf Harry John Edmonde and Wilim Anne and Anne Frauncf maryed Katherine the yongest doughter to s Edwarde Darrell in the Count of Wiltshir Anne the yonger maryed to John Stancyall of westbery in the same Count and hath yssue by her wilim M** at my commyng to bristow to Resorte to long Astun and to veue the place where s Richard Chocke ys buryed and to take a note of his Armys and Creste 11 INDEX. Alesbury, 5 Babthorpe, 6 Barantine, 10 Barker, 8 Barnes (Berners), 7 Barrett, 9 Bek, 4 Belingam, 5 Besilles, 10 Braibrooke, 8 Braye, 9 Brewes, 10 Brigges, 6 Brunker, 8 Bullock. 4 Bullstrodde, 9 Burdett, 5 Carew, 5, 9 Cheyny, 9 Chocke, 10 Cokwoorthie, 4 Cottismore, 10 Couentre, 10 Dacre (Lord), 9 Darell, 10 Davera, 5 De Lamere, 6 Denforde, 7 Doon, 3 Edwatd IV, 3 Edgar (King), 8 Essex, 6, 7 Fachell, 4 Feins (Fiennes), 9 Feti place, 7, 8 Fitz Parys, 3 Foster, 6 Garret, 5 Graye, 8 Harcourt, 9, 10 Hastings, 3, 5 Henry I, 3 Henry VI, 3 Hulcot, 6 Huuton ^Unton), 7 Ingelfielde, 5 Justice, 4 Kingsmill, 4 Lamere, de 6 Laugforde, 5 Lingam, 5 Lisle, 8 Louell, 9 Machado, 8 Manfelde, 7 Marrow, 6 Mere, de la 6 Michell, 4 Montagu (Marquess of), 9 More, 1 Nevill {vide Montague), 9 Newbroche, 10 Norrys, 4, 9 Oglaunder, 5 Oxford (Earl of), 9 Parys, Fitz 3 Pavys, 10 Pentecoste, 8 Popham, 6 Praye, 5 Pro'wt, 3 Puttenam, 4 Ramsey, 9 Rogers. 7 Russell, 7 Sandys, 6, 7 Seintclere, 9 Sliortesbroke, 7 Skerne. 8 Spencer, 5 Stafford, 5 Staucyall. 10 Stanley, 9 Stapleton, 10 Stonor, 6 Talbot, 8 Thorne, 4 Throgtnorton, 5 Tirrell, 9 Trapuell, 5 Unton, see Huntou Vampage, 7 Veere, 9 Vernty, 5 Warde, 3 Willeby, 9 William I, 3 U ood, 3 Woodenkok, 8 VVrowton, 10 Yate, 7 Yecte, 9 Yeding, 4 Yonge, 7 / 14 DAY TT^P ^ TO DBSK n^OM W,?,^ boRROWBD LOAN DEPT. Th 1^,"''*;*" """-"l- NO. 64M405 J^!!!!!l^^^^^subjea to iSSdkte recall. t-^timo^ji ^- ==*-^ ^^=^-J^-9 ,Ji^2lA-60w-3,*70 (N6382sl0)476^A-32 . General Library Unjvenity of California Berkeley JC BtRKtLEV LIBRARItS CD317Dfc3ia3