2092. Cape of Good Hope Parliament Legislative Council Select Committee on Petitions from Willowmore as to Parliamentary Representation Report THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF THE ARCHIVES DEPARTMENT, UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, E REPORT OP THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON PETITIONS FEOM WILLOWMORE AS TO Parliamentary Representation. Printed by Order of the Legislative Council. 2sn> AUGUST, 1892. CAPE TOWN: W. A. RICHARDS & SONS, GOVERNMENT PRINTERS. 1892. C. :>._ 92. WILLOWMORE PETITION. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON PETITIONS FROM WILLOWMORE AS TO Parliamentary Representation. Printed by Order of the Legislative Council. 2ND AUGUST, 1892. CAPE TOWN: W. A. RICHARDS & SONS, GOVERNMENT PRINTERS. 1892. 0. o. 92. WILLOWMORE PETITION. CONTENTS. PAGE. Order appoir ting Committee ... ... ... iii Report ... ... ... ... ... ... v Proceedings of Committee... ... ... ... vii Evidence : Mr. J. R. G. Luttig, M.L.A. ... 1 P. J. Weeber, M.L,A 3 .John Mackay, M.L.A. ... ... ... G Hon. P. 8. Bellingan, M.L.C. ... 8 Appendix : A. Petition ... ... ... ... ... i B. Registered Voters in Beaufort West Willowmore, Prince Albert and Aberdeen, &c. ... ... ... ... iii (-. Distribution of Voters as proposed by Petitioners ... ... ... ... iv I). Census Returns of Population ... ... v E. Districts in the Colony voting in different Electoral Divisions. v A5 I Qc% 2. OKDER APPOINTING COMMITTEE. , 1892. ORDERED, That the petitions from the inhabitants of the- District of Willowmore, praying to be joined to the Elec- toral Division of Beaufort West, be referred to a Select Committee, with power to take evidence and call for papers ; the Committee to consist of the SECRETARY FOR NATIVE AFFAIRS, Messrs. DE YILLIERS, WILMOT, WIENAND, BELLINGAN, and BOTHA (the Mover). , 1892. ORDERED, That Mr. Herholdt be substituted for Mr. Bellingan on the Select Committee on the Willowmore Petitions. C. 5. '92. WILLOWMORE PETITION. 1094746 REPORT OP THE SELECT COMMITTEE appointed by order of the Legislative Council on the PETITIONS from the INHAB- ITANTS of WILLOWMORE with reference to their better representation in Parliament ; the Committee consist- ing of the SECRETARY FOR NATIVE AFFAIRS, Messrs. DE VlLLIERS, WlLMOT, WlENAND, HERHOLT, and BOTHA (mover). Your Committee have to report that they have considered the petitions referred to them, and have taken evidence thereon. From the returns submitted it appears that there are in all 1,139 registered Voters in the Fiscal Division of Willowmore ; that 771 of these voters are included in the Electoral Division of Beaufort West ; 342 in the Elec- toral Division of Uitenhage ; 61 in the Electoral Division of Graaff-Reiiiet ; and 15 in the Electoral Division of George. It is clear from these figures, and from the manner in which these Voters are distributed among the four Divisions above mentioned, that the District of Willowmore does not have that influence in the Election of Members for the Legislative Council and the House of Assembly to which it is entitled, and which it would be able to exercise if the whole of the voters belonging to the District were included in the same Electoral Division. Your Committee are therefore of opinion that this is a matter which is entitled to the most careful consideration of the Government. The petitioners suggest as a remedy for the grievance @f which they complain, that the whole of the District of Willowmore be attached to the Electoral Division of Beaufort West, to which Division two-thirds of the electors .already belong. 2B VI Your Committee are of opinion that if it be decided that the whole District should be attached to any one of the several divisions of which it now forms part, the interests of the great majority of the electors appear to be moiv identified with the interests of Beaufort West than with those of any of the other divisions, and that in this respect also the prayer of the petitioners should be referred to the favourable consideration of the Government Vll PROCEEDINGS OF COMMITTEE. SELECT COMMITTEE on the petitions from the INHABITANTS OF WILLOWMORE praying to be joined to the Electoral Division of Beaufort West, consisting of SECRETARY FOU NATIVE AFFAIRS, Messrs. DE VILLIERS, WILMOT, WIENAND, HERHOLDT, BOTHA (Mover). Wednesday, 20th July, 1892. PRESENT : MR. BOTHA (Chairman). Mr. Wilmot, ,, Herholclt, Mr. De Villiers, Wienand, The Secretary for Native Affairs. Order appointing Committee read. Eesolved, That Mr. Botha be Chairman of this 'Committee. Petitions -from the inhabitants of Willowmore sub- mitted. J. E. G. Luttig, Esq., M.L.A., examined. P. J. Weeber, Esq., M.L.A., examined. Adjourned until Monday, the 25th instant, at 10-30 a.m. Monday, 25th July, 1892. PRESENT : Mr. BOTHA (Chairman). Mr. Wilmot, ,, Wienand, Mr. Herholdt, I)e Villiers. Minutes confirmed. Mr. John Mackay, M.L.A., examined. The Hon. P. S. Bellingan, M.L.C., examined. Committee in deliberation. Kesolved, That the Chairman draft the Report for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee. Adjourned until 10 a.m. on Monday, the 1st August. VI 11 PROCEEDINGS OF Monday, August\st, 1892. PRESENT : Mr. BOTHA. (Chairman). Mr. Wilmot, ,, De Yilliers, Mr. Herholdt, Wienand. Minutes confirmed. The Chairman submitted the following Draft Eeport : Your Committee have to report that they have considered the petition referred to them and have taken evidence thereon. From the returns submitted it appears that there are in all 1,189 Eegistered Voters in the Fiscal Division of Wil- lowmore; that 771 of these Voters are included in the Electoral Division of Beaufort West ; 342 in the Electoral Division of Uitenhage ; 61 in the Electoral Division of Graaff-Reinet ; and 15 in the Electoral Division of George. It is clear from these figures, and from the manner in which these Voters are distributed among the four Divisions above mentioned, that the District of Willowmore does not have that influence in the election of members for the Legislative Council and the House of Assembly to which it is entitled, and which it would be able to exercise if the whole of the voters belonging to the District were included in the same Electoral Division. Your Committee are therefore of opinion that this is a matter which is entitled to the most careful consideration of the Government. The petitioners suggest #s a remedy for the grievance of which they complain, that the whole of the District of Willowmore be attached to the Electoral Division of Beau- fort West, to which Division two-thirds of the elector* already belong. Your Committee are of opinion that if it be decided that the whole district should be attached to any one of the several Divisions of which it now forms part, the interests of the great majority of the electors appear to be more identified with the interests of Beaufort West than with PROCEEDINGS OP COMMITTEE. IX those of any of the other Divisions, and that in this respect also the prayer of the petitioners should be referred to the favourable consideration of the Government. Committee in deliberation. Eeport adopted and Chairman instructed to bring up Report at next meeting of Council. MINUTES OF EVIDENCE. COMMITTEE ON WILLOWMOEE PETITION AS TO PAELIAMENTAEY EEPEESENTATION. WtthJuly, 189'J. PRESENT I Mr. BOTHA. (Chairman). Mr. Wilmot, Herholdt, Mr. de Villiers, Wienand, The Secretary for Native Affairs. Mr. J. R. 6r. Luttig, MIL. A., examined. 1. Chairman^ You are a Member of the House ^ Assembly and represent the Division of Beaufort ? Yes. 2. You reside in the Division of Prince Albert ? Yes. 3. Have you seen the petition from the inhabitants of 7 Willowmore praying that the whole of that district may be attached to the Electoral Division of Beaufort West ? Yes. 4. What is your opinion of the allegations contained in that petition ; do you think.the petitioners have a grievance ? If they have a grievance with respect to this matter, then there are several other districts in the colony which may justly consider that they have a grievance of exactly the same kind. 5. But is it a grievance ? They are in the same position as the people in Prince Albert, part of whom belong to the Electoral Division of Beaufort West and part to Worcester. 6. At present the electors of Willowmore vote in four different Electoral Divisions, part in Beaufort West, part in Uitenhage, part in George, and part in Graaff-Eeinet. Will it not be for the interest of Willowmore that the whole of the electors should be attached to Beaufort West instead of being divided as they are now ? It may be an advantage Z MINUTES OF EVIDENCE TAKEN BEFORE THE ** to Willowmore, Imt T think that if this change is made the ' M.L.A. ''"' Prince Albert voters, who are now attached to Worcester. j i 20" 1892 s ^ould be joined to Beaufort West. 7. Mr. Wilmot.~] What would be the result if the whole of Willowmore were to be joined to Beaufort West, and nothing were done with reference to Prince Albert ? It would give Willowmore the majority of votes, and it would always be able to outvote Prince Albert. 8. Will it not be better, keeping the wants of Prince Albert in view, to go on by degrees, granting the prayer of the Willowmore people first? No; if there is to be any change there should be a new arrangement of the whole of the Electoral Division. 9. Mr. Herholdt.~\ If there were to be a reconstruction of the whole Electoral Division, and the Prince Albert voters now attached to Worcester were to be attached to Beaufort West, would you still object to the prayer of the petitioners ? No ; I do not see any objection if the whole be altered in that manner. 10. Chairman.^ "iou consider that if the prayer of the petition be granted, Willowmore will gain in power and influence in your Division ? Yes ; that is what they waiit^ 1J. You object to their gaining greater influence? My objection is to the proposal to alter part of the present arrangement for the benefit of one side, and not to make the same alteration oa the other side, 12. The Secretary for Native Affairs."} This petition is from Willowmore alone ? Yes. 13. You object to the prayer being complied with unless the whole of the District of Prince Albert should also be joined to Beaufort West ? Yes. 14. If the inhabitants of Willowmore had asked to be separated from Beaufort West and to be attached to one of the other three Divisions of which they now form part, would you still object ? No ; I would not. 15. Mr. fferholdt.'] Are the interests of Willowmore so distinct from those of Beaufort West or Prince Albert that they would often conflict ? Yes ; their wants are not our wants, and they wish to have representatives who will support their views. 16. Chairman.'] Then you acknowledge that your SELECT COMMITTEE ON WILLOWMORE PETITION. Q interests are opposed to theirs ? That is what they say iii . . J > ... the petition. M.L.A. 17. Secretary for Native Affair s.~\ Should not the whole Jul2 ~ 1892 of a Fiscal Division vote in the same Electoral Division ? Yes. 18. That is what the petitioners ask ? Yes. 19. Is it the wish of the whole of "Willowniore to be attached to Beaufort West ? I do not know what that part belonging to the Uitenhage Division think about it. 20. Mr. De Villiers.~\ In what respect are the interests of Willowniore and Prince Albert conflicting? The peti- tioners point out that they are in direct conflict with reference to the matter of railway extension. 21. Is that the case? les. 22. The Secretary for Native A/airs.'] There are 1,189 voters in the District of Willowniore, of these 771 are already attached to Beaufort West, 61 to Graaff-Keiuet, 15 to George, and 342 to Uitenhage, so that if the whole District be joined to Beaufort West it will add 418 voters from Willowniore ? Yes. 23. And you think that will swamp Prince Albert? Yes. 24. Willowniore is not the only District which is divided among two or more Electoral Divisions? No, there are several others. 25. You are of opinion that if the prayer of this petition be granted the boundaries of all these Electoral Divisions should be altered ? Yes ; 1 think so. 26. You are not opposed to that ? No, I only wish the matter to be treated as a whole. 27. Chairman."] If this petition should be granted will Willowniore have more votes than Prince Albert ? It will have more votes than Prince Albert, and it will also have more votes than Beaufort West. Mr. P. J. Weeber, M.L.A., examined. 28. Chairman^] You are a member of the House of Mr. Assembly and a colleague of Mr. Luttig in the reprcsenta- tion of Beaufort West ? Yes. 29. You reside near the town of Beaufort West ? Yes. 150. You have seen the petition from the inhabitants of Willowniore ? Yes. 4 MINUTES OF EVIDENCE TAKEN BEFORE THE p j*w bf *^' What is your opinion as to the prayer ? If it be ' M.L.A. ' the wish of the electors now voting with Uitenhage to vote Jni 20" 189 * n thoir owu District, I think it a very reasonable wish. 32. Have you ever been in those parts ? No ; but I have been at a public meeting where many of these electors were present, and they expressed themselves very strongly in favour of voting with Willowmore instead of Uitenhage. 33. Mr. Wilmot.~] Then you consider that it is really the wish of these people to vote with the Midland Province instead of the South Eastern ? So I understand from what I have heard. 34. Do you consider that it would be better to wait for a general redistribution of voters, when the whole may be taken in hand, and the electors of Prince Albert now voting with Worcester may also be added to Beaufort West ; or would you grant the prayer of the petitioners at once ? I think that the case of the petitioners should at once be considered. If the other districts are satisfied to vote as at present, I do not see why they should be forced to join Beaufort West. It may be the case that their interests are more directly connected with Worcester than with Beaufort. On the other hand it is quite true that you will make the Fiscal Division of Willowmore much stronger than either of the other parts of the Electoral Division. However, look- ing simply at the claim of Willowmore, I consider that they have a distinct claim for consideration. 30. Do you agree that the interests of Willowmore are in conflict with those of Prince Albert ? I think it is only so in connection with the railway extension. 36. But in that case their interests are not the same ? No. 37. Mr. DC Villiers.~\ Is it likely that Willowmore will join with Beaufort West in opposing the interests of Prince Albert ? If the prayer of the petition be granted, Willow- more will be able to outvote Prince Albert. But in the last election the three divisions worked together. 38. Chairman.^ Had Willowmore a candidate of its own ? Yes. 39. What became of him ? He fell out. 40. How did that happen? A large number of the Willowmore electors joined to support the Beaufort West candidate. SELECT COMMITTEE ON WILLOWMORE 1'ETITIOX. 4 1 . Mr. Herholdt] Do you not consider that the time t has arrived for the Government to take up the whole ques- ' tion of the boundaries of Electoral Provinces ?~Yes. ocT 1392 42. Mr. Wilmot.~\ You consider that where the petitioners show good cause their prayer should be granted ? Yes ; although [ agree with my colleague that, in doing so, it should be a matter of careful consideration as to what effect the addition of a number of voters from one side will have upon the representation of other parts of the Division. 43. Se\ retary for Native Affairs.'] Are the interests of the District of Willowmore sufficiently well represented in Parliament at present ? It is rather a delicate question for me to answer, because my colleague and I represent that Division. 44. Why were these places attached to different divisions ? They formerly formed part of these Divisions. I believe that when Willowmore was founded its boundaries were fixed for church purposes, and took in the people living in the nearest parts of the neighbouring Divisions ; and that then, when it was created a fiscal division, it was thought convenient to adopt the same limits, but no change was made with reference to the position of these people as forming part of the Electoral Divisions to which they originally belonged. 45. If the prayer be granted the Willowmore electors will be in a better position than they are at present V- -They could then be represented by a local man, or by a man chosen by themselves. 46. Will they be able to return their own man ? They will have a great deal more power than they have now. 47. To what extent do you think it will affect the re- presentation in the Council ? You will add about 360 voters to the Midland Circle, taking away about 340 from, the South Eastern Circle, and a few voters from the other Circles. 48. What will be the effect of this? The Midland Circle is so large that I do not think it will have any material effect upon tho representation of that Circle in the Council. The proposed alteration will only affect the smaller Electoral Divisions. 49. Mr. Herholdt.'] ]f the whole of Willowmore were to 6 MINUTES OF EVIDENCE TAKEN BEFORE THE be attached to Beaufort West it would have 1,189 voters M.L.A. ' in that Division; Beaufort West would, I believe, have 20" iso'' ^^ ' anf ^ ^ nco Albert, 647; so that Willowmoiv would have more voters than either of the other divisions, and about 262 less than the two taken together ? Yes ; I think it would be about that. 50. Chairman.^ As the Census returns show that the population of the rest of the Division is greater than that of Willowinore, how do you account for this difference in the number of registered voters ? I cannot explain it. 51. Is it not because the "Willowmore people have been more energetic and have taken greater pains in having their names placed on the register ? They are a very active lot at Willowmore. 52. Mr. Herholdt.~] If the wishes of the Willowmore petitioners should be acceded to, would you have anything to fear ? Xot personally, Willowmore voted for me at the last election. 53. I mean with reference to Beaufort West could not Willowmore put in both members ? Yes, if the other districts did not vote together. Monday, 25th July, 1892. PRESENT : Mr. BOTHA (Chairman). Mr. Wilmot, ,, Wienand, Mr. Herholdt, De Villiers. Mr. John Mackay, M.L.A., examined. 54. Chairman.^ You are a member of the House of Assembly and represent the Division of Uitenhage ? Yes. 55. Have you seen the petition from the inhabitants of ! ' Willowmore which has been referred to this Committee ? Yes. 56. Arc you acquainted with the part of the country in which the petitioners reside ? No, not personally. 57. What do you think of the prayer of the petition ? I cannot say that I think the change is desirable until th^re ?s a genernl redistribution of seats. SELECT COMMITTEE ON WILLOWMORE PETITION. 7 58. Do you think that it will be for the interest of the Mr petitioners that their prayer should be granted ? They desire to be able to elect their own representative, and in ., , ., .,, -IT . that respect it will be an advantage to them. 59. But they desire to be attached to Beaufort West ? At present 771 vote with Beaufort West and 342 vote with Uitenhage, so that their power is not so great as it would be if they had the whole of their number voting in one constituency. 60. l ow do you think it will affect the interests of Beaufort West ? It is difficult to say, as it will depend so much upon whom they will elect to represent them. Beaufort West is the oldest division, and has the greatest claim for consideration when discussing in what manner the members representing the interests of the whole divi- sion should be chosen. I do not think the interests of Willowmore suffer under the present arrangement. 61. Mr. De. Villicrs.~] How will the withdrawal of 342 voters affect Uiteuhage ? Not very much. It will affect the Council election more than that of the Assembly. 62. Are the interests of Willowmore and Uitenhage the same, or are they opposed in any Avay ? The interests are pretty much the same. The commercial interests of Willowmore are more directly connected with Port Elizabeth. 63. Mr. Herholdt.~] Are you aware that other districts are in the same position as Willowmore with reference to representation? Yes, I believe there are several. 64. Do you consider that a re arrangement of boundaries is necessary in each case ? I think so. Humansdorp, for instance, has a greater number of voters than Willowmore, and yet it is attached to Uitenhage for elec- toral purposes. 65. You consider that should be altered ? Yes. 66. But liuinant-dorp is not exactly in the same posi- tion as AY illowmore, for the whole division votes with Uitenhage, the voters are not distributed among several divisions? 'J hat is the case. But the whole question of redistribution will have to be taken in hand. (<7. Chairmtw ,~\ Can you make any suggestion by which the petitioners may have their full influence at elections ? 8 MIXITKS 01' KV1I)K\( K TAKKN KKFOItE THK Mr. If tilings should remain in stutu //tin until a general redis- Jf.iJt. tribution of scats and boundaries takes place, 1 do not think Jui 25~ 1892 the interests of Willowmore will suffer. My own opinion ' is that as things now are the district is better served than if the whole of it were joined to Beaufort West ; because not only have the electors a claim upon the services of the members for Beaufort West at present, but with the large number voting in Uitenhage they have the representatives of that division also to look after their interests; and so also with Graaff-Keinet and George, of which constituencies they also form part ; so that in reality they have eight members to present the district in the Assembly. 68. Mr. Wilmnt.~] Do not the roads from Willowinore pass through the South Eastern Province ? Yes. 69. So that their interests are closely connected with the Eastern Province ? Yes. The HotiUe. P. S. Beliingan, Jf.L.C., examined. The Hon. 70. Chairman.^ You are a member of the Legislative C ounc il and one of the members for the South Eastern ' Province ? Yes. 71. You reside in the Division of Uitenhage? Yes. 72. Is your residence at any distance from that part of Willowinore from which these petitions have been received ? About nine hours on horseback. 73. Are you well acquainted with that part of the country ? Yes. 74. You have seen the petitions ? Yes. 75. What is your opinion as to the pi-ay or of the petitioners ? I think it a very difficult matter to carry out. If the prayer should be granted it will not only affect Willowmore, but by withdrawing so large a number of voters from that side of Uitenhage, it will affect that division also. Then Beaufort West and Prince Albert are also to be considered. 76. How will it effect Uitenhage ? For instance, in the elections for the Council, it will take more than 300 voters from the South Eastern Province, and all from the Division of Uitenhage, so that Uitenhage will become much weaker. 77. You consider it might seriously affect the position of parties in the election of members of Council for that division ? Yes, it would. SELECT COMMITTEE ON WILLOWMORE PETITION. 9 78. Apart from this objection, do you not think it would p be for the advantage of the petitioners if they were able '"'M .i,.c. to vote together in one constituency ? Yes, for some of Jul ~ Igp2 them. 79. Do you think it is not for the advantage of all ? I think some are well off under the present arrangement. 80. What then is their motive for sending in these petitions ? My opinion is that they have been urged on to sign these petitions by some one in Willowmore, who wishes to be a candidate for a seat in the Legislature, and who thinks he can get in by these means. 81. Have you ever met the inhabitants of these districts ? Yes. 82. Was this question ever raised in your presence ? No. It has been pointed out to me that there are certain inequalities in the representation of different divisions. They have said that some divisions with 600 voters arc represented by two members, and other divisions with five times that number are also only represented by two members. And I have been asked whether I was in favour of a redistribution of seats to remedy this inequality ; but I have never been asked as to the matters contained in the petitions. 83. Have you visited that part of the country lately ? About February last year, during the elections. 84. Was there no discussion then as to separating that part of Willowmore from Uitenhage and joining it on to Beaufort West ?No. 85. Was there no reference at all made to the subject ? -With only one exception it was never mentioned. On one occasion I was asked at a meeting whether, in case a general redistribution and re- arrangement of boundaries was proposed, I would vote for it. That is all I ever heard on this subject on the spot ; but not a word was said about being joined to Beaufort West. The subject was never mentioned in my presence until I arrived in Cape Town to attend the present Session of Parliament, when I received a letter from Willowmore, asking me to support the prayer of the petitioners. 86. Mr. HerholdiJ] You know the place well and can toll us whether you think it best that matters should, for the present at least, remain just as they are ? I think so. C. 5 '92. WILLOWMORE PETITION. C 10 MTNTTES OF EVIDENCE TAKEN BEFORE THE n,.. Hon. 37, You have said that YOU heard no expressions of a /'. \. ItclioH/HH, . , ., . . f TTr ^f.f 1 .c. wish to be joined to Beaufort West, but were there n> Jlllv .,y 1892 expressions of dissatisfaction \vith the present state of affairs? No; the matter has turned up since I was there. 88. Are the interests of the electors belonging to that portion of Willowmore which is attached to your province the same as the rest of Uitenhage V Yes ; in business and in ("very other respect. The only exception is that they vote for, and are represented by, the Divisional Council which sits at Willowmore. This is the only interest separate from Uitenhage. 89. Chairman.^ You think that any chauge at present is unnecessary? If there is to be a general re-arrangement of boundaries throughout the country, then I think that will be the proper time for taking up this matter, and I should be in favour of the change if the electors desired it, and it could be managed without injury to other divisions. APPENDIX. Petition from Willowmore praying to be joined to the Electoral Division of Beaufort West. HUMBLY HHEWETH, 1. That the Electoral -Division of Beaufort West is com- prised of the Fiscal Division of Beaufort West, the Fiscal Division of Prince Albert, and two Field-cornetcies of the Fiscal Division of Willowmore. 2. That the Fiscal Division of Willowmore is divided into four parts for electoral purposes, consequently the electors of this large and important Division are compelled to record their votes at an election under four different Electoral Divisions, namely : Beaufort West, Graaff-Reinet, George, and Uitenhage, and are thus unable to concentrate their votes at an election for Members of Parliament, in support of such candidate as may be considered most fit f o represent the interest of this Division, and by reason of such division of their votes your Petitioners are virtually disfranchised. 3. That while the votes of your Petitioners remain divided, as at present, so long will the interest of this Fiscal Division be neglected, by reason of your Petitioners being unable to bring a tangible number of votes to influence the election of Members for Parliament against the over- whelming number of votes possessed by the other Fiscal Divisions within the Electoral Division of Beaufort West. 4. That by reason of the aforesaid division of the voting power of this Division, the most important and vital interests of this Fiscal Division are neglected, or do not receive the attention due to them ; solely on account of the interests of some of the other Fiscal Divisions being in direct opposition to those of Willowmore. For instance : while it is of the greatest importance to the Division of Willowmore, both commercially and agriculturally, that the Oudtshoorn-Klipplaat Line of Railway should be constructs i, yet the construction of the same would be in direct conflict with the interest of the Fiscal Division of Prince Albert. c2 IT APPENDIX, Electoral Provinces returning members to the Legislative Council : Midland 8,776 South Eastern 13,472 Southwestern 11,101 NorthWestern 9,331 [6-] Redistribution of Voters in the Electoral Division of Beaufort West as proposed by Petitioners from Willow- more. At present 804 Beaufort West, Proposed 804 ,, ,, 647 Prince Albert, ,, 647 771 Willowmore, 1,189 ,, ,, 36 Aberdeen, 36 Total 2,258 Total 2,676 Redistribution of Voters in the Midland Province as pro- posed by Petitioners. At present 2,138 Graaff-Reinet Proposed 2,077 1,713 Richmond 1,713 2,258 Beaufort West 2,676 2,667 Victoria West 2,667 Redistribution of Voters in South-Eastern Electoral Division as proposed by Petitioners. At present 5,101 Port Elizabeth Proposed 5,101 4,01 Uitenhage 4,159 1,654 Graham's Town 1,654 1,474 Albany .. 1,474 742 Victoria East 74 ' Redistribution of Voters in the Kleetoral Provinces as proposed by Petitioners. At present 8,776 Midland, Proposed 9,133 13,472 South' Eastern, 13,130 11,101 Southwestern,,, 11,086 APfENMX. [D.] CENSUS RETURNS. Total population Beaufort West. Prince Albert Willowmore 9,239 7,046 9,036 [E.] Portions of Fiscal Divisions voting in different Electoral Divisions. Albany Aberdeen Barkly East Cape Catlicart Hanover Komgha Middelburg Prince Albert . Philip's Town . Robertson Steynsburg Albany, Graham's Town. Beaufort /Vest, Graaff-Reinet. Aliwal North, Wodehouse. Cape Division, Cape Town. King William's Town, Queen's Town. Colesberg, Richmond. East London, King William's Town. Cradock, Colesberg, Graaff-Reinet. Beaufort West, Worcester. Colesberg, Richmond. Swellendam, Worcester. Albert, Colesberg, Cradock. VI Al'PENDIX. SClumvilliam, Victoria West, Worcester. Tirk-i I Cradock, J.